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The Evening Record, December 12, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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THE E^^®#S[&
PAOS8 1 TO 8
wEirr tix Miun
kfoue omic
•OMt mtm WAS MASS.
IS. WALTER ^STEELEV WAS Great Activity InVie Vatiean Today
Over Cenditien of Reman Catholic
ABaira In Franca.
or caaraarera tosaj aasaanead the re-
learteE Wareer*a pin-
By Wire to the BrealBE Rsevd.
Rome. Dec. 12 —There U great ac>
clrRy today la the valicaB over the
FOR Roman
Calbotic mEalra in Prance.
Ccmm«rcial Club WHI AM th« Iuv8» reUry of aUte. O. H. Preecott, lf4,- itrela Cut Her Threat and Then FintItaiHn at Katamam Whara it la
lahed Hie Bleodr Weric by She
OadaiW OfScaa Hava Satti
Saw the Crime.
Br WIra to iba BtmO&c RoeorS.
Ifraomloao, Dac. lt~Aftar drawing
Ita dart maaUr alx mJlaa to a al
tlM borw or M. B. MacadaeB ata
at QaSMoa. wborw tt waa dlaeararad
tbat tba drivar araa daad.
asada a fmtaM la a Norwar mine and
bad Jnal boagkt a tana.
Found TrouL
Saalt Sta. JiaHa. Doe. lS-Tb«
asiM wardoa.Nwad S.OOO pouada oT
troot la a bare uador a pDo of core
•talba. Tbor wore caagbt at Bearer!
talaad darlag tbo doaed aeaaoa. Proo'
OwoOBo. Doc. lz.->Dick Hooter, a
rooag fanner llrli^ a half nile froia
the acanw of the
murder, waa
robbed and beaten lato tniieaBlbtlitx
laat atebt while retarelag from Cbe>
aaalag. He bad •» oa bit poraon.
Kaaee Under Sei
lE-A OomiLrolal
reprmaUUre bua*
laat night.
The dnb It pledged to aupport the
council la the tnretUgaUona now
under way and It eodoraed the noo
paitlaaa moreSi«it. Mayor Tbomp
dared that ofScee bad been bongbU
ee anc
Badly injured HlmeeK.
• For“twenty-five ye » Captain Lane
had been In rhnrg© o the light here
at Old Millaidon and he• waa known and
beloved by everyone. Poaaeaeed of a
remly wU. bb livened1 any gathering
and he aU ya lopked on the bright THREATENED THE LIVES
aide of life. Hla atore of
LB almoat llmttleaa and he
to«>k great picture In telling theae.
MIcb.. & ^*."*9.^*2?* Wh'en'h
boy be felt the call of the aea and
______ oly IJ yeara old ahlppod on a
whaler and made a voyage of three
yrera. After apondlng aome time on
paltwater be came back to Monroe
and became a aaUor on the great
lakea. finally riaing to liecome the
raptals of a Urge iteamer that ran
from Buffalo to Dulu
After aalUag aome j
poalUon of llghtbom
station near Detroit
there until the Michigan Central waa
bum tbrougb Monroe when be took
ebarge of the ^a that were docked
In company with bU wife, a quarter
«f a eentniy ago be came to Old Mta•loo and took charge of the light here.
The llgbtbouae and gvtraada were
' marrela of neataeaa and bU Jore for
the beautiful waa shown tniSla Sower
tieda which be carafutly taaSed.
CapUln Lane waa a typleal sailor of
the oldeo time. Bluff aad hearty be
made a friend of every pereoe with
Wfhom he came Into contact. W. A.
Maraball of Old Mlaaioo and be were
hoys tocetber at Monroe and the aged
ca^n enjoyed meetlag bis rtmm of
Old days and tclUnr remlnUeeocet of
tbo past.
. Captain Laneh wife surriTca him
and Mra. Rtiahmofe. abe being the
An la former yeara no agala this
aaaaon we wtU give holders of our
Son tkkms brentifnl doUs free of
charge. A ticket with every SOc puf-
St nil
mond left the stand R
and Frank Hnellmantel. both of the
People'a SavInKa liank, wf-r«t v«ntTu.
aa waa Henry Brodhagen and several
olhi-rH. Mr.-Brodbagen fivore that he
had never mentioned the matter of
the note to Jacobaon until the latter
came to him after the matter bad
bc*en settleil.
called and It
tlon of the prosecution to try and
nd Mr. Andereon bad
show that he and
uble to that of Ja
had almUar trouble
(CooUnuedI on fifth Page.)
The'seventh dlalrici annual conventiou opened at tie Church of
CbrUt with n aUrring service last
its aeme im.
■noOM thkt k» Mnetive and nMookUo in
See -TOYLAND” Sore.
Hannah ^ & Lay Co
Msy « sSSw‘^n7**‘**
ICMtowoSc A__ Moya.
P"«*VJrTion ana.
CbrisiixiAS it the alippcr fioauoo. Were nmdy for thonmli.
There’s noibioK in Men’s. Women’s. Boji* or Miaeee’ CliriaU
mas Slippera that onr etock will not offer jron at mohey-aa\nxig
priofs. Wippersintanandb!m.k kid. imilAtion alUgalor, vulTet emlKMMxl Nullifioni and Romeos.
PriooeMcp60c,7Sc» $i,taSS,LS0 and 1.75.
Complete Housekeepinsr
I New Piano
I Kimball Organ
1 Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap
Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.
Telephones. Office, Citizens 32; Bell 1G9.
Evenings, Citizens. 290
taken in the work.
The addresa of welcome was given
by W. M. Gordon of this city and the
Rev. Mr. Brink respoi^ed In fitting
la. A slight change in the pro
gram made made neoesWry and L. O.
Drew, evnagellat for ] the district,
preached the evening's sermon, tak
ing as bis text. **Qod‘a Wltneaaea.**
Wc can save yon some
money on these—bought
about fwenty dozen sam.
pies in wldition to onr
large line regular goodsall samples' go at onefoorth off.
Nd belter valnes in the
city—six or eight styles
fine wool goods $1 per
garmeDt — pnrticnlarly
! good valnec finer goods
atSlJS. $1.50. $1.75 end
$S per gnrmenL OomlM>atian«ndetwtornt$l
out to Charier ManfflU's tarw a
two mat ovt of ths cHr on the c
ty Una road, whore they were trratod
How Many Dollars Ara YouColnc|o Spond
No natter tow mapy or how few. we hate ionjethliiK to intareat yon. We know of nothinK tl>»t would make your KonUa-nan fnen^ any more happy tlmn n gift from onr store, toetrfylhing 18 new. snappy and up-to-date. We are exheat Ofans^ trade we ever ha.1, because we hate
the bestliaw to wW from. If yon inhnd to freshen up your
own wnidrobo.Mr.Mnn.orare tbiukiag of getting n euit or
overcoat fore^fnend, do not get the idi« that becanee we
am not M Fiont street yon oannot get fitt«I out hen-. Wo have
the P>pds and the prices. Can yon ask for raoie?
The finest line of Christmas fnnisbings to to-fonnd in the
oity are here, fcver^ing in the way of Hasptoders. N«-kwear. MnWora, Hntokerchiefa Hhiits, Gloves, Jiittens. Osps.
district snd macU Interest Is being
FINB uermon; today. Text, Buy
Tour Perfhmerlea nt MOler'a Phnr- QUICK. THB TAILOK, mate
due Sdl duBiM^ an Rust Front ulrssC.
It fi made from carefully selected Grand Traverse wheat, in a good
mill by a good miller. Every
sack guaranteed.
benp eome old metpl cans nt Oaxto-
‘■8est” Flour
umlghL Christ baa mgny
aad ns I Ulk pertinpa‘ witness will
Chief of Police Ashton waa called come to your mind tbht do not to
I the home of Sam \nnt un North
lue.Cedar street eariy this momlag to
He then spoke of the rast nmount
Uke care of the old fellow who was
threatening the Uvea of some small et aaterUI in the Bible sod that at
(CoDUnoed on Third Pn«e-)
caliber Flobett Hfle.
U-ben Mr. Aabtoa arrtvwd on the
«ne the man was storming about
a bouae and
been throwing
Improved and May Be Taken
two of U
New Yerk to Hia Homo
block away when be hbol at them.
in a Few Ouyn. ^
» said that be waa sbooUag at a
•toerU boy bof nelUier of the lads
whom be shot bears the name. The
chief piaied up the gun with the Im
tendon of drawing the charge aad Oahu.
this Infuriated Vint to such a degree while on a visit to this city yesterday.
U much improved today. He wiU
probUbly ho taken to hlsihome In Ger
man. Pn.. In n few daya.!
In n thousand mllet of Europe a
cnrethl obuerrer saw hut one rubhlah
In the accomplishments of our
rrangemenU Are Being Made to
Fjece Him In the Asylum—
CUlmed to Officer That Beya
Threw Stones at Him.
**The*^enU nervke wDl be held at
the borne of bU daughter* tomorrow
an ax but did no
tDoroiBg at 10 o'clock and the remains
will be Uken to Monroe for burial.
The man's mlad te evidently affect
Ralph Andermm of Trmverue aty ed aad urrangemenu are being made
being ta charge.
for plactfig him in the asylum. This
Captain Lane waa a tbl^----------^ is not the first time be has cauaed
t and also a Knight TernNOT MOVED hut am sUil leuBb
the Wilhelm Week.
A. O. TyY»A
word of testimony for
^ case nf lhi» PiHJple va.
la held ou the
forgT’r>'. w*mt to the Jurj* at
Ws hare this year an unui naV
ly fiac Une of perfumes Id p^kages. We have picked the odora
very carefully.
The average fine package of
perfume contalna a cheap odor.
TbU U Just the thing we have
avoided this time. Wc aelorted
not only nice packages but
equally delicate and lasting
Come and make a selection
early. We hare duplicate* of
all the package odors In bulk
so that you can know Just What
ta losMe the package
IN SESSION There is No Magifh
the TtcUm of an aocident which re
sulted In a badly broken note.
He was conferring with railroad
people regarding the shipment of
slabs aad when walking through the
freight yards after dark stepped In a
bole, allpped aad fell fac forward.
Hla note struck .full upop a rail and
was smaahel badly. His suffering waa TODAY*E SERV
great and. although tbu lajary waa
dreeeed in Manistee, it was pot until
Special to the Brenlair Record.
morning that it waa net by a local
Old Mlaalon; Mich.. Dec. If.-Tapt. physician.
The member is still fright
John Lane paaaed away laat night at fully awollta^_____________
midnight, bis death beliiK due to pneu
monla. The end came nl the home of
hia daughter, Mra, William Ruabmore.
Where he had Ikm-u taken that he
might be given etf^y attenUon and
Made a FNand ef tveryane He Came
In Cenlaot With
Looked on the Wright Side ef
Thinge-Sellor far Yearn.
Aenjoawe MwdorfalmeclikaickI t<7e
Faif and warmer tenlSM^tThureday retn-T enew and oolderj north
porthm; hrtak aontharty wllla to-.
nISht beo»mia« nartherly. |
OUT AT 3:50
Defense Did Not Believe That There
Wee Evidence
•t tbk City Book Store >«,
ThaHoUrt Oo.,ino»
NO teshmony for defense
nmWad «• <IM iMBliv ilMw4
MM Mck ^ kr a. K WM.
By Wife to the Brenlag Record.
Webb City. Mo.. Dec. If.—Walter
Steeley of Brertoa. Mo., killed bU
vUe. aied tS. by eatOnc her throat
Bf Wire to the BraalaE Record.
iBd then kHled bimaelf by abooUng.
Batemriile. Ariu Dec. 1I.~FVm
He bad baan la the comity JaU for
people were Injured, three aeri
baatlSE hh wtfa and eaaa borne laat
when a trala on the Iron Mountain
TYo aSMU ehadrea were la
U* -o«»r d... wUh
I oae Of the cblldrea la her armt.
No mistake when yon get a coat, from n»—it flto awl
staysfik Onr line is partioiiiarty strong at from $12 to
$ia Fiiiw goods at $20 to $22-form fitting. fnUbaefc,
.long or short, yon me the jwlge.
Sherman & Hunter
We have just that many beautifol dolls
that we are going to sell for about ONEHALF their worth. They are all kid
body, fointed eyes that open and shut,
and real hair, either light or dark.'
Compare these with any dolls you may
find anywhere at one dollar.
• price wkUelhcy last Is
50 cents
■ T'!
I IKCoiiOk TMAVcme errv. aiiCHMAM. wesNcaeAv, DEcutseii n. n«.
• ^:r;;
I aHMUr Imr Tknrmt Oir. 1i
1?^' aea5sr=:
»7 oU«r vtailsr iKtory la tbe vcwld.
n fzaclioily any pone
CM} for a smdl pane.
tfKit foe a Inter one. Voo
cin add tioas « waited.
Ont •imite oredit »ytUm mdkM
it OB Msjr matter for jon to rk
meidbm jtmr (rtenda with a fwetol bolid«7 gift. Oor.atock
waa iiwpr in btetor ooDditon than at the |ireaent Umo. AU
that nmaina to be doM is that yon get here early and make
yo«wa4eotiooa early; we will hold it for you.
Sets oT AolE; ad Sorts
to match, at
tmimg tmcOrnm hmrm bmm larfair ta
cTMaad Had Ito arodact a aav om for
m tkk aactlna of tbc ouu. ThU Ij
try promiBM to ba Mdi laran' di
tba eonijic roar. Tb« oataMUtuiiopt
of tbe soar lock toctory U anoOi^r
atep la adranco and tbe
$15 t6 $35'per set.
at $2.50. $}.$3J0
for tbe fiitiire.
Christinas Gifts
Easy Payments
Fur Coats
piMMnt ocMDpaay daring tbc year baa
in Near Seal, fAatrai^
plMd tbat tednatry oo a Erm fooinda.
tloa aad already iu atockboldera are
Special at $25. $85. $45 to $$65.
reerteteg dhrldiaids on tbeir lnv«t
naota. wfiUe tbe boabiMB la largely Alao out famish on short notioc costs of OtU-r, Beaver, Mink, Seal, at
OUP.O. building.
rtoBi an InduatrUl atandpolnt w<
believe Traverae dty baa made grea
Any of the above will make Rood Xiaaa
progrena during the paat year and we
■ aow-we will Uy aside until waotod.
believe that every cltixao ahonld
hiK ahoulder to the srbeel to help
en^nrage In tbe development of tbe
Goo.1 Inm Bed. all aiaea aad afi colon. a\good wonm wiie
Md iMMif de aa at aaaa. The
The figures compiled by tbe Even
apring and a good cotton top ftettieia,
aatMat laara baaiitIM far fra
ing Record are antheotle and have
gained from authorilUtlve
lhaa thaaa ftfia. Thiy ara Hali and been
iiataral la aalaHa» baaatlTid la da- Bourcea. They are aa correct aa c
Ullt^e this
alfa aad faa alaillaa af ma arlflaal be obtain^ and where estlasatea have
Local theater goera will be interestwith graUall palatlafi.' Calf at tlia flaaard af- bm neeeaaary. the flgurea have beep
ed In the appearance in this city of
• j
And all higher gradea will be aoU aoooMlngly.
•oa adiHa aalaallaaa ara feed «ad plok under ratl^r than, over actual valim. ficatlon by tbe <
the Grand opera
•at arhai jraa wadt
Great oare baa been taken In making
ft is the loveliest
We have on oventook of thaae gooda and we have got u
INCREASED POSTOFFICE REof ull plays and ls*i i dramatlxatlon of
tbe recordjlbr tbe year one which may
make room for a oarioad of goote wbiob we have ooming.
Bertha M. Clay’s n rmt famous novel.
be relied fupoo, and one which may
One of the moat potc-nt Indications It Is in four acts and app<-alB to every
be referred to In the future a* auclass of pjay go<»rs. It deals with
find a big cut on the other gooda aaVoU, for
of bualneas growth la found In the In story that teems with hean Inter*
(inaranb^ every pati.‘nt at thi*
ut hs^ tho room.
crease of the pSaiofflee receipts dur from beginning to end. Nc play of 1
0000 fiHDWINO OF THE BANKS. Ing the past year. ; Jn another column kind poaM‘8ses a stronger plot, or office. Il‘8 this Onteful Tre^it.
ly Mara thay ara aU faaab
Tbe modt Important and authentic we give comparmtiTe figurt-a for each
nient which ivniovcs nil enuae of
ingled with comi-dy.foT
------------- mingled
Index to the volume of buslnei* In month of 19u5 and 1»0C. showing an Ing a combination that never falls
dread thet many timid |x‘ople have
THf EVtNINO RECORD** >HOLI- any coromimlty U furnished by the Increane of $r.5ii2. -over the year 1906. touch a responsive chord In the bea
TiVith iice<l Cleimin^,
various banks. Traverse City Is for. ThU Is a large Increase und conclu
unato In having three strong bank sively ahows that there has >-en an to be an excellent one and In the. way
*riil» Dumber of the Ifvealnc Record
of costumes and scenery are very int;, Crown or Brid$ro Work.
Ing Inatltutlons. whoae eaplul Is Increase In the httiUness of the city elttborate.
It the bMt production of a dally paper
If your tavth art* iu luul condi
ample and whoae hualneaa Is con over 1905. The past ymr has not
nrer pobllabed In Tnirerae City, and
stantly growing. Tbe flgurc-s given iM^en regarded as one of exceptional
FOR the sake of justice to the nf- tion totlny, ttc<‘ept, our . Can-ful
lb© firat and only newepaper ©rdr
here jin thla Issue speak very
llvlty. but the figures all ulong the fllrte<l and for the good <if humanity,
printed bara In which three color*
my right and duty to recommentf
loquenlly ifor Traverse City’s flnanll^ whow conatant dcvelopmenl and
here been run In one prooeu. The 1
clal and t
il development. The thby must be accepted miTaii evidence} Holllstera fUx^y Mountain Tea.
eonienu of thti Iwia from a meehanv
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
gains abown by the banka are remarkClory progress.
owe our eountn- and our fellowmen a
leal sUndpolnt demonstrate* the ex
Tea or Tablet*. 35 cents. John
oellfooe of the facllltle* of the Her
son Dnig Co.
Qlalty ao. The figure* «how an toaid aad Record company for prlnitnn
M. in aavlnga deposits of $134,000.
an ti(Mo4late newapaper. and we do
IDEAL blended flour for general
the yebr 1906; 199.000 Increase Iti
127 S. South Union Street
not healtate io ©ay that ft eomparea
Boy of the Congraoatlenal Bunds family use la superior to any other
vwrtlflcaie* of deposit and $17,000 In
State Bank Bun ting
.farombly with the newnpapera printed creast* Ip commercial deposlta. tVhlle
School Met and Oepanlxed Aaaoon the mark^. Makes fine bread and
elation La^Evenlno.
In color* In l^e Jarier cUlaa, There
dec 8 If
are twenty four pacaa. flllA with
ha* not been great, this Is accounteil
Several of tbe bol's <if the different
Intereaiinc fact* and fl«ure*. aa well for by the fact that a large amount of
DEC. 14. 190G, K. O. T. M.. No. 871.
classes of the Congregational Sunday give* a celebration to the sir kiUghts
a* adreiilaementa of the pr<iare**lve money which w ould ordinarily *Tia\
ach(»ol met in the parlor* • <if the and l.Ady Mnecabees o r Traverse City,
merchanta of tbe city, abowing the ex gone Into commercial deposits, has
dec ir-3t
church last evening [and organ lied the Supper 2Bc per ctiuple.
tent of the holiday irmd* at the dla- been withdrawn for Improvements and
C. M. n. club (Conglegallonal Messen
poaal of the people of the
other Investmenta.
The eyelids of the avoraire man open
ger Boys.I This club will work In
There ar< more advt-rtli
aiHcaks more Impn^sslvely Conn(«etlon with the ipoatal department and shut four million times during the
What aiHMks
local mt . •liiinla and biiHt
than aaythljng ielae. however. Is the of the Sunday schotii and when any of yea:.
the scholars are ahseni will deliver
In this is
issue than any prertoua Issue
TheofflcHjrs are aa fullowa:
*ever printed In Traverse «ly. which
clin»^l> ilmniirfiraie# the proitre*«lvo workltig pi*oj)le of Traverse City
Secrets r>-I resMire^,
aphli «>t
hiulntfts men, and their
ability to liandUMhe best that the money for a rainy day. We give in
PItoa toured In ^ to 14- Days
11141 Ket anorda and at prices as low as this connection the total deposits. In
prevail anywhere. An examination of
ittw of
together with
Ibe advertUlna columns will reveal
the amount In each department, i
indication of Traverse City's proj
BUY the heht
Wc aril Genuine Hand Mada
the people of lh«* city to do their buy in this direcUoii.
make the chMdren ».|c*k. Get them at
Norweplan SkMS. Finest Work
The figures are romplle«l from the
Ing at honie among the local business
manship. Mad© of th© Beat 8©men and do It early. There are finer published Blatementa of the ttrst Na
lact©d Material.
All alaea.
atocka In the'btores today than
Price S2.2S and up. The Best
liank and People’* Savings bank,
Xmaa Gift for Your Boy or Girt.
ever been abown here before
A lot of very handsome silk dreaa
every taaie and neceaaliy can he aalU- sued Nov. «i. 19t)6. and No. IS. 190€.
“*Tohn Dough anti
It might be well to add here that pattern*. Ix>ok here. Mister, why
BandiMim Crow.”
• . Ohemb.?
447 E. Front.
We believe that this Issue of the should the figures have been Qomptled d^ghtUr ^few'djllars^wm'd^^the
one of six naw juvenile
One Of the moetj interestEvening Record Is valuable and we on this date, the amounts here given rick. BtolnUrg Br<^.
I books with oolored
^ illotmild
Increased.ing books for .yfwng peobelleva that the matter It contains
trations. Sell (or
relative to the growth of the city will
oscl.. Nothing better
DOT’S LETTER (Contimied.)
be of benefit to the oommiinlty.
In another jMwtkm of the Record are
Grandma wants a Hankechof and
is a boy or girl. | Sells for
shown the pictures of the rartou*
“Peter Babbit,"
$1 25.
sum warm stocklna mnd towls and
TRAVERSE CITY’S SUBSTANTIAL churches of.;the city together with
another fine book for tbe
hare pin*, back comb~Wltb pnrty
wrttemps of toe varioua societies and
-Adventaies of Mr. UtUe onea. with colored
We preaent In other porUona of thla organlaatlona which will prok*e of
cets in it. and a nice cap. and sawWogglebiut"
pictniea, and s<-Us for 25c.
laaue. many very lotereatlng figures
aer. a plcksur. apones. brooch, pin
interest This la toe first time
is the newest hook after
an^ facta reloUve to the dcvelopiurnt that complete figures and facia rela
tra. merer and perfum. anTgiwnd
the style of . tbe famous
of Travbrae Hljr In me. and- we be- tive to the Church membership and
pa nedea a nu aupeoders. mittens,
“Os” books. Told in
lirve It will tk generally conceded the wrork -of the variant oocletle* ha*
aox. pipe and ’Uoto aiftltd bfineo
Frank Bsnm’s Iiest manJoe” are alwayi good.
that thla year hsa been a moat proa been given In detail. ThI* deparjroent
Jar lu put his 'bacco In, in4 T)eer
' ner. Sells for 30i-.
SeU for 35c each.
' peroiia one. and one of very subatanSanty put any otjier thing* yu
tlabprugreaa. The total Improvements vast number of church pMpV enp^
think a Grandpa vranta cause he Is
of all kihda for the .j^r amount \o in rellglou* Iwork in thi* cify‘arid
auful good tu me and 1 want him
‘A Rock in the Baltic." Robert Barr.
S3SS.SSS. Theae flgurea are not as much credit {mu*t be given for tbe
tu git lou ov nice presenla..
"The Lady Evelyn," Max Pemberton.
great aa waa abown last year, owing
P. a—Don’t furget that lllel
to the fact that there were 00 Urge by the people geaeraUy of tlO* ooaiatereacope fur me Santy deer.
"The Man Between.” Amelia E. Barr. ,
butldlnga erected and the public im montty. Tbejehurohea are a erMI|t to
tContlnnad loaBorrow.)
“Doc Gordon," Mary E. W, Freeman.
provementa were not as great as a the etty, and toe various aooletlea con
year ago. Bealdea this, there were nected with them have accompliahed
"Daniel Sweetland," Eden Philpottt.
not ao masy raajdeneea erected, al much good work during the past year.
"The House of Defense." E. F. Benson.
tho^b tboa© which wwre built were In tbe artlclfa referred to tofiro^i^
"Retenov,” Gertrude Atherton.
all €f a bigb ejaaa and modem character..jmd
snd there haa b<wn mile of a apec' pUUVe natura
^ loveatment.
-Sweet Giri Oradnatea,”
T^lng tbeee facta Into cowaldera
floia we bellve the city baa cauae for
jost the .thing fora aencoa^tulatioo. A very noticeable ele«or
girl Place for a
»ei^ of Improvement, and one which
'When thir
oompleto leoord <d all the
«iaap more to Traverve City than
Preients that a ch
•ayilag Mae. U the development and
J|ier, pretty shade, pocket flasher and
happmungafor the
he entire
An Iw Sdi w a, MnHig tern
iBcifsao of tbe aumnfactBring facUI■snior year,
Ueapf tbe vailouB ladoetrtea. Tbe ad“On Ihe Line" a
J.W.JMktem A.W.J«hmw
era, motto, ysfl,
fiUMMa to tbe toclorioa during tbe
loothaU atoty. II
etente, gndaatiofk,
Xtoii rmeb Boarly S10S.OSO. and tbe
‘inake the very'^t kind of a present. We have all
addud oMtoMt Btwriy ti0.0SS. ThU
etc. Be snre aad
Come in
la fa Important matter for oonaMora“iVith tbeMikJi." a< tbrillSens
for flAO.
instfanrofJSL. «1AS.
,ikMi. and demanatratoa ofeariy tbat
Trmvefae^ty la'^rc^reaalag ta a aattalMory maumr to tSB mgard and
Discard Your Wood Beds
$150 to 1^.
You Get the. Benefit
Here Is a Chance for You
E. Wilhelm, - Front Street 'Am;i;
Your Credit Is Good
One Dollar Down, One Dollar a Week
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
The Hannahlfi Lay IWerGantile Co
^ f
"THE BIC STORE" Uealers in Eveiyiliing
Christmas Books
plylslott has the
books for everyone.
of latest
I we have
Irice^rmick. of bourse
tbe exclusive sale of at
50c each
Don’t Forget
Portable Table Lamps
J.B. Paige Electric Co.
stvss. ovsnr smlto for^tbe.futara.
Ws bSTt sot addsd s fr«at M to
snuE. po^ cuos|
•wur» MB MAMa FUUBBr
w if 4#i«i BHii,
fjSnibrt*. «ir. TMr
'75. «STKi.,lSr"
90ttm *f« to lav CkM fm cmM ft»'
Makp kifli % PMt d •
bof^cTUltaWptaf. V«i7
M Up t« C. A. •••*
ase.sae uia ti.
tap at Bm wa*. «n« alort ap4 «p«it
Tvmi iKm teita* ttatiop imM.
TUt taqrs ted teea ateva tte tarda
- . tai^ aad aate jboatet
fi« ,te« of Mil MtOal for «d», Md
tkoM M« ione dic4»tod faugyMMMagtbi lot
Ihil it iill pif Toi to look ofM.oitlMr §ot •
rttodMcoorlor m Iwtoktotot. Ytoi «u todM
•OMtotokO.JMdiOM of tlMM «m bo toU «
foqr 0M7 tonotb OoU Md too w far fricio
K oiEMna m
» flir Mlet Of-
Which la Unigim
coiiarai M sBsm
Mac aad aboat a i
faaad, Oa tteir
to tte oTBear to appaar btaora Jadga one time
Uailor Ula soialag ttep varr re- Hum tte
laaaad Irtaa tte atatloa tepaa. Tter
repeat it
this bad
Boyd mooMO. d»o-i«o« ooltofo. M ft. lot
AiotoM oo BoW iMioe. oio-rooM ooltoif, 80 fUot
1ft>. MS VM l^lh Bboot oeMi-iooMbMM. 88 ft. fat
Ko tiW Bm« PMit olMot iine-reoto bow*. 80 ft] lot
Mo. 881 Wobtoir otMo*. 0U.MMI boMo. 88 ft. lot
No 748 Wohotor otMOt rfsbt-fooM boMO, ywd. faori,a6
k Sovooth otiCFt, good homo, 66 fl. lot.
Mo. 81V WiM1 iHuowtli olMet, m-ioo« boMO 88 ft. lot
No. IKKSoMbIWotiwt
Urirk booM Boot BbifoMb otimt
bar. 74^c
■ nm Fata.)
te ted a great dealre to
Wbla ao well that te <
backward aad aald that tf
baM dona te would bare
Mr. Drew apabe ci tte old teat
Grange ball wtera tte tiut aenricea
of tte cborcb ware b^ at a wU
for Cbrlat. Tba llraa of tba people
amf the Bible wpiw mcptloned aad of
the Utter be aaM. *Tte world baa
triad to Unpaacb tbia witacua bat ttey
caanot viA aprar wlU be able to do
ao. It la tte graadeat 'book to aU tte
world aad . tba moBU U ta rand the
attoaper it appeara. Read your Blblea
TSEt!SS^J«K-.- 7;'
Twoat7l*eoen*oDeaBdoM.bilfmiko«oot .ftmU boiVl.
ii«.o|iiig fiaitoidiaiiond. Aborgoli^
E. W. HM8IHIS & $W
Tba Important tblaca to tbe life of
CbrUt ware takap up and abowa to be
hla wltaaaaae aad thla waa followed by
aiany otbera aad te eloaad hU aermou
with an invluitoa for the unaared to
(OoaUaaad rroBi nfU P^)
aoa*a bat tte court ruled tha taatl^
iDoraiBc vaa apeot to arpvlikc
altar vhlcb Judfa Marna apfat tarty
Bitoutaa to ebarptof the juo. The
pfDaecutkm elactad tbit the charpa be
attertog a foipad toatm»aat. | Tte dafatee thtoka that there la not eooitgb
avtdeace tar coorlctlon.
Ifijuiwttofi Waa OlaaalvW.
Tte toiaaptlon granted to reatraln
the city fron toiprovtag the toouth of
Boardmaa rtoar waa dtaaolYed by
Judge Mayae tbU teormtog. tba dia-
Shoe Stoi^
jalABBidaKs^*"? •
YOU need n tonic that will put the
sap of life tow.ronr gy^an and for
tify you from all dlaeaaea. HollUter’a
aenred after tte meettog.
Rocky MomUato. Ten U reoognUed as
Grace Bplmpal choir rehearaal at the greateat atrengtSener kted&. Tea
the fhurch thU.evening at 7 o'clock.
Kvery member of tte choir U eameat or Tablet. 35 l^nia Jobnaoo Drug
ly reqneeted to be pieeent.
The Home Guarda wUl meei with
S^’EET CREAM, la^ or ■
Mra, Somera to tte Wuniburg, block
at 4 o'clock nbarp. qnantlttos. deUvered to any part Of
te there aa there city. Quoen CUy Dairy Oo. Ctu.
o te traaaacted.
pbont «76.
nov JO-tf
Spadal aaeetlng* of Trmverae City
ebapter. No. 147. of tbe Order ol Eaat
OPEN ENYCNINGS until Chrlsim**
eiw Star, will be heldI tomorrow
dec 12-Ct
The Fsmous.
lag at S o cldck. Bvery
urged to be present. Special bnPtoeaa.
By order of worthy matron.
HANDKERCHIEFS. Ic each and npBaH AngelU who to
wards, floe embroidered onm 10c to
n bank, waa to
J5c each. The Economy Store.
Bdgar DeVol of Old
dec 1041
BICHANT & aBac.Fr«MSt.
***!llri CViigbt gnd daughter] Neva
have returned from a visit to Chicago
on and aon Frank idroee Miller's pharmacy.
8878 yds. DressCtoodsi
AT GRAND opem bouae FHday
night. Dec 14. C. 8. Sullivan offers tbe
brighteei of all ptoya. -Dora Tbemn *
t atory ever written.
^ Worth 25c
Jor 15c
oameny. rmces
ov. «». ««
Seat aale opens Thursday momtog
IF PUZZUBD what to buy “ter
bUn * for Xmaa. take a waU tbfM
Blntaberg Broa.* eatnbitobment. B
gntaa tagger and better tbaa ever.
at Jackaoa'a: good ion
This is a lot of <lrot»-.jBOods that by.,
takias all the hooae had we could sell’
them for th’s price. They are ol a‘,
handsome crepe Veave. half] wool. 86)
inches wide, will wash, nnd come in al
th4 desirable colors Abo*
bUck aad white.
RodmS. Firm National B
(Over MllUken's Stone.
hot CHOCOLATE. to«ato SOW
hMT tM. Sak «o*M ^th too* owa
^U>4^Metbods and Modem apBAL IB
to be 1
erraol'..ThiaiaaaexecpIiaBal olierr
PaaatwaU tooloae.
Sofr la
etaI gta
get them at Btatebecg Broa. .
I doewiooa cootwntas ifa Hh>'.
Ik Fhec. UobW oBd IWt ebaorfully answered peroonglly or by mnff
I nommgnnlea by n self ndffmoate
-l.i '
an nliui —ao mmmmmim
*>ao pko9pkmti€ acdi.>
JPKK rfBONOrWu'tldfa.fa;"
4«e 1*.^
I garden w
tse of a wedding At R<
aw royalty but it wai
at be received a salute f
that country also he o
sslon of a hair, from
The nuBoofc' •
U lawmen halL VedBM^
aooB U4 erniuic. Sapper fron t io
». Zt c«att.
APTBR irrlBC \ • null aoek at
tEAl. lNK|vheM ISour jroa «UI viM
a Zl IkL. Milb. or IM lb. ncA
dw »-if
BRUSHES for tbe botr. th* l««tb.
4he coiqpleiUNi Mpeelallr for Chrt«thl Mllter'i pharBMCz.
Uepartment-Lodlea- aoreltr coal*,
wont ZAW, t7.5«. tt M> OMI tlAW M
»S IK> Aoo^er lot worth tlX.SD. MAW
•Oil |l*.oo at IT.iO. SielnbeiE Brta.
OPEN B\-|?Ni\oe until ChriUH^
*«• I24t
The PhWMw^
aprons] fancy white pm* ftwl
ZSc K. »Sr. «»a,h«n opitou from lOe
McmrhJ The Bcohomr Store
Oak beams over t
aid were last year
Blue BeU Inn. at B
by • local manufacturer.
OET a hire ooureolr for ytMr frleoA.
We hare a line of haiHlwW IWIhe
Itootl.. ]ua( the thins for XBhi.
Uec l|.ct
Jorkaoo a IN Pniot. i
TnYcne Clly’s LoiMy
Ciiilstiins is at Hud
A Pretty Hat.
A Pretty Gift
Choice materiaU; prices
positively the lowest.
•Call and Investigate.
118 E.lront st.
A PraeUcal CSrlstau ^
Alirl one that will U- hlsUv spprMtnted t> • iM.< of flne haroeM.' elthtw
riooble or phiElP a* your fancy aaay
Biilli of the tineat o«k
tanned leather, made and monoted ta
the very b|e.u alyle. We carry alao O
romplete She of wbip.. pluah robw.
blanket, auid crerythlns In the way of
bora., sand, and atable anppltea.
188 E. Front 8t.
Cit.ph«»e7M .BeUphciwin
Bamum & Earl’s
Diamonds from $10
to $300
wcU as a aicc prcecat.
We bAT* the Hamiltoo. lUliiofa Book,
ford. Elgin sad Waltlias^ ssdcuW
far the wme. ftom nicUe to hdUd cold,
all At th* vwy lowest prioA At which
they CAn b* sold. V
Inimtl to *24.
Hand and Arm Mnamgn Bleetric.
Vlbio nnd Water Itamagw. Scalp
Tvwntment. Blectrolyato.
“ “**
Mr. Lockhart told of bow dlTAeoh
It was to enter an EagUabman'i bonne
tl being** llteraQy bto naatia. to . an
amnatog maanar te told bow te pur
ebaaed ctotten tbe aame as tbe tlUad
young Bngitobmen and Anally seenred
aa interrlew with n UUed genUeman
who politely turned bUn down. This
wa* to Wtodior where 4he royalty
and other memhem of tte artstocracy
dwell Then he took anotbar took aad
Anally met with mipcaaa. aecurlng
aupointment with one and letters
Tte speaker stated that be bad
been Informed that the people of Eng
land had worked out their class ays
ody and
very appropriate to the prog
that th*y
they believed
It to
Mkr«d it
W be
bi tb “
Addle Solea was accompantoi
He also stated that this count
The Rev. Mr. Lockhart was then
tending toward aristocracy, an srtothat be 8
te suied thi
tocracy absolutely unique as it was an
when be w«
aristocracy of commercialism.
The storv was well told and
I aelllag aa article which
priced for tbe trade, so
i neceasary tar him to see to last.
people of means. This brought about were very apt and hi* points well
some very amusing adventures and tsk(Mi.
He was followed by U U 8
Anally brought him Into contact with
people and into homes that he could the club president, who
contrast by telling of life to tbe great
not otberwtae have entered
east side of lAindoo.
FIm wUtc. perfect stmite
Beauty Parlors.
tt* utOMOlo
gsotiy who bave
men nnd honffbt an aniate of aoma
bankrupt noMe. tban tte ImAgbt.
wbicb title dtoa with lU owner, tbe
•o bnrt.. wboaa iftle ten betmaamHtad
to poatataty. tben lord, vhmmt, anrt.
duke and tba royal taaMly. Tbaaa dlvtolona am permaaaat aad flxed.
Mr. LockbaA toM bow tte aautes
ware aanaiatad from tbe ontaida
world by Wne walla aoam iwanty-ive
feet blgb and a fool and a toot and a
balf thkte tbelop atndded with brads
aad bfokan glass flxad ta tte mortar.
Tbe spaakfv atated that tte iden was
at flrwt flhowebt amy. but after be bad
baan tbam alx montba. te lonad that
actuaUy traveled with him.
Tte mnaknl program last erenlng
was alao excellent. Tbe program
opened wUh a vocnl aolo by B. Vereey
Lngg. -The CapUln- and -Rente
*1 Stream- and he was given a
recall to which he reeponded with a
Mias Helen
oen gave the next aumbee. a vkv
line solo -Bercenee.- from Jocelyn
Miss Hannan's solo made such an ex
cellent impression that ate was called
back and played 'Annie Laurie " Tte
^ muaknl number sms a vocal aolo
The city waa
to—to Bod 0 good otook of
>at tte
ttog of tbe Men's clnb of Grant
rb laat evening aad tte meettoi
very latereetiar The speakei
Rev. O. B Lo
arch and to ai
toatructlve manner, te told of
to taiwland and at
momiog by PraaldaBt
and a
Thla aerrlce waa i
to tte
local church laj
or the hour
up tl
and tr
Th. Ckrtotteh EBdMYor mmIod wm
iBtrpdiwM hr ■ brt.f «od (iiccmHt*
addreea by F. P. m’right of this city.
Dtocaaakm followed oo the topic of
tbe C. E. buatoess. meettog. the apeak
reeing that the C. S baatoeas toto“Jo
be wtoely divided between tte
executive committee and the brief bus
iness session once per month to coo>;
necUoQ with thesregular meettog
**Tte implied Pledge ‘ was tbe next
topic. Tbe convention regarded tte
ffvst elauae of tte ptodge aa tbe pi^
ciple of tte whole C. E. moveme^
of botb4partlaa.
eatad by H. C.
ay ap^ truth*. F. M Go
work, which was
A decree waa granted to th^ 8aun mary of tte
dera dlvorcw cape and a portloa of the
iHdcuoe to tte Ktaaey caae waa
Sunday gghool Work.
nkeo laat eveatog.
This afternoon was given to Sunday
The caae of the People ra. John school work, Many helpful things
loollhan tor the Tlolatlon of the were brought out. respecUng Sunday
MUttor Inw waa taken np thla after achool grading, the teachera' meettog:
and needs of the Sunday achook It
waa one of the moat helpful and Id
tereaUng aeealons. The Sunday school
Is an Immense Interest to church life,
will irlve a according to this eeaslon.
The Rev F P. Arthur of Grand
erentng. All K. P,U and
Rapids apenks tonight on the subject.
their rnmillea are Inrlted
reqneatad to attend the Tbe Irrepressible Conflict.-
to Bod Aobo* itooo.trhm
Shop Store.
Wievne That Tters la an AHatacmey
vatttaap tUfli rroai acroaa tte fCratC
oarda te ted aoM ttea aad
. OM th* VtlMtoeOL
mb£s'5.572& ““
Sterling Silver Knives. F<{^. Spooio.
Berry Spoons. Cold Meat Forks, Butter tSpreaders.
Fruit Knives.
Gravy Ladles, Sugar
Butter Kntves.
Berry Forks.
• and various other
SUver and Ebony Brnsbes.
TraveUng Sets, Me.
trom *4 to $12 each.
Ws handle the PIcliaM Hai
ditau. the> Bnest that is made.
this, or of the Hawks CM «
Eiiigs.Biooches.Biaoeleis.'8osif Pins. Keek
Chaiiis aad Loekelsi Ohains, ChAraa,
Onff BnttoaA.
FoimtaiaPeas, I Open Gkaaes.
Field 0)aasss, !8|iseta«ias
and SArioos other artUas^ Any one of wUeh wot
This store will be open evenings aatil alter Christmas.
Bamuin'& Earl«»
PI&T niT EM ijlS Kll
HEii oooofym to hbr ratiHPt
WAS OMS or CWluiM.
Who Had it?
Ky OH.
Bt. PMl*t BteltfT.
Sty Wirt,
dm^ 7. iioc
To tbf Mdltor ol the Mrfolnt Rmx
ON: Kro Uili ftoelM yoO tiM tU
Otvt vUl be ktowB lo yoor rtoKort of
cKloyod tbot
■ Vcsl *
Mt thoosbtful
frOM Timv
r 'i:H"'ih
^tbto trtat
w t—fcSnSo™ U»t »«» «o eOBTTT
Of to Ui€ trmlo for Port .Tampa «o
worn wN btoto ,u
wbOt w« wero dHreo away
meyhai^ the heat
way* five
ee sc* I
•ttmtd as irmly ttoabUalitd
bnt wboa abe was attoclitd
tUad tht fot tbat at last daiosN bar.
A tatofram tnMn tba boCel at Tampa
apprM ot of bar
critical cooaitlon, two Bor« —IJM
•boat T p. m. —« »t i »;
Mrt. Btoi
iMated at 2071 front SL
See oer
inr« M was 1
tlM day to
•tajr to
V In the Carver BroS«
to ber. cam* t^aad intolll.
tbat oor frtond »**4ad earthly
from earth a noble and gea*rous tool.
Thoae who taw but the taiter Hfe of
Mr*. Morgaa
tbat made her to dearly lored by ber
Miy OneiUTheseStoves
W.h.T*.n*Urt«k«< JMri HmSm. todoMoiit,udU
yo« wMt to bay . iMtw U.S w faMiw tbu tEw
.towi ^
«uttolnjrH«he.|wtiiuyoaoMi)>.7..toF. at Merior mak.,
Thw STet Uw fuDOM Jewel nake-thera aia none better
nede. Borae either wood or ooel, and barn* tbaai welL Savee
your tael and beau a large emoiint ot epeoe.
^^yoo thawetoveeat the beginning of wlnteratTeiy
*****^wSe^ bare a ttore oa yoor miuriet me abow yon tbena.
r price $21.00. sow.
Oomlnii^ Jewel Heater, i
Oombinatlon Jwwd Heatar. forawr prion tl»-60. mw.
Oombinatioa Jnwal Heater, former price »16.00, now. ..siaM
oat of Traeem City owe year afo.
Mr. Bcbttoaw was an iailn*<r oa tbe
aped and bit dNtb ts altoged to baT*
bean caaaad by tbe netUgemw of tb«
iMa to the Ctty
Hmr* Had He Very ierieae
' Two of tbe local tictortci MUlad
bn«o kmc* br are dariat »*•
OM. Oeoko Bro.’ brae* foMdiT. locat
ed at tbe eed ot Wayne Mieet. belac
practically entirely wiped out. Tb*
total loeees were to the nelfbbarbood
of fd.TiO.
tbe brats foundry ire started Just
at noon and bad sucb a sUrt that In
apito of tbe efforts of the ire depart
iMbt all but a tooaldtof abed was de*
Iravad. moat of tbe maebiaery Udap
damapN paat'repalr. Tbe lom was
about ISiOO. Tbe factory bagaa roo. wllh ire men emptoyN, about
tbe last of May and tbe ire occurred
leb Mtb of Aaptember. an tbat tbe to
George earns
pouads. wheu I beffuii uhtoi
kiat s New Dtoeorurr for Con
uS. Obuffht uud Colds. Now.
tuktoff tl boltles. I hsirw more
doubled to my weight and am
plotelT cured.- Only sure Cough and
Cold cure. Ooaranieed by Bugbee
Trial bottle fiee.
In porohaeing Fire loen
THREE important farlon
taken into («naidei*tiaa.
tbera ve
eboaU be
It frequently Happens
Tbe Sen Fianeieoif Conflagration teaobta M
that-Seawlly abnaW be the Ftrst-
„ »s;«s;*2t.rc?r-otwn.
SMOne-lhclIorm of Policy Coatnwt
Hdr«-1hc Prewim ttstc.
M^men and women when fortune
S5S. with money. Mtmey to hl*r bad
w-^rUolutc torcUT to her fr^-d..
ifw- "c^c^r^S
ooc could not full to be
the beut intercuti were of •olleltudc
be«u«r mloMlootO
Bane yoar faith on tbeie conaideratione, then;
: j
We pay three per cent interest on
her Ule-
Trareree City wm* deem
SSLwf^ «ua s«^^^ of theM warm
montrir- when -rth’. Iiule
Uf. «• doe. und we «UT upon
laieoaa) and aeenra a
poBqy with HEOUBlTr aneiralM. «b*
<>rf>PSMlUU.aiid with an exparianoaofO
yearainInantanoe,yoo«iUaat afiyolateaato
tka onleegw tf flia abaoid riaU oal detMoy
yasrprararty which po-ibiy baatakanyaara
foe yo* to aoetwhia.
i -
NWW Cere for CpUepnr.
A Testimonial
A BeamUal
. ■
Write. piHBae eir ^
Tnvarsa Ci«. Mich.
For Women
Warm Juliettes are at
much appreciated as
anything td be had. She
spends nearly all her
time in the house and
the gift that adds to
her comfort is most^ppreciated.
New York
CitIwMplwMiin. B.u:«
C. B. UYLOR coil CO.
i!^ here were the frten^ that seemed
life In thue. thy life In toe.
or tokfiboM
Buabels, bushels of them and t
some. Pric«s range from Ic. 4c.
Hto lie, IBc to 11.50.
wUi Place OB sale 100 i
sUk Initial haadkerchle
ore for 60c. Steinberg
s coal that gave him the saUsfactlon
that Hoddng ralley doe*. Tbe nwxl
mum amount of heat with the minimnm amount of coal consumed. That'#
the reason.
If* the aoft coal you should use.
Phoae us about IL
that people who make individual
loans are bothered in the collectlonpof interest; that they often
have difficulty in getting back
the principal, and sometimes lose
it altogether. Those who deposit
their money in this bank are not
thus annoyed, for here they get
their interest promptly every six
months. And, better still, they
have the satisfaction of feeing
that their money is at all times
safe, and that the bank is pre*
pared40 pay back the principal
when needed.
Whoknb Md BoteU.
W. eat* Ordw teking •
Tbe fouadry will not be rebuilt.
Tbe other ire wss that wbScb de*^
troyed the sawmill at the Trsreree
City MIg. Oo*a. plant. Tbat ire start
ed Id the alpht and the damape wst
about $S.»0. Durtnp the rebulldlap of
tlm min. #ertc Aaa kept up la a
pormry mill erected ‘on the
troanda but It was only a abort time
before tbe old mill was apmin ready
There'S u Hill *t Bowie. Tex., Ihufa
M tost mr. Thlswpuder
ibte us blf
1, W. UH.U,whofm.^wel^^ofU Hll
pOUBdS bus CrtMtO
tujrt: “1 euffered with * terrible
ns E. Froat St
312 So. UniORSt.
We have a smaU slock ol Boro* Bloskots
that- we «vsat to clooc *m at very Umc
sriccs. U you arc latcrcstee let am five
i •,
L. IX OwtiA)
Near TWt CHy* \
KMMd tvty U S:4S t. m. yMterday.
Was He iBsured?
fBBcm blrector
MkM. Itoc. lK-«att
a:«s:t,"£^ss.!w^ ConpIcIcPrescr
MAUN torr
ittMuiMafti H#r Km
Ahi^ It
LL Hushes
A Txacv Lav, Preaideat..
R. Floyd Cumcm, Vice-President, i
Samuel Garland, Cgahi^.
Wall Poek^
This is
wd leatberotto waU poek
et in tbe natnnl oolor ot
leatboraiidis soiDeUiiiig not
only narfol. bnt nomething
We hnve always had
thing of this kind ntObriat.
mnt, bnt thU in tbe fliiest wo
evw bad.
These vill be giveo awaj
— day only,
iritb n 2Se poRdiaae cr aor
ia addition to our fegnb
Die Besi Fait of it is
Don't Cost Much
{ Good one. lor
Genuine Beaver
all colors. $1.00
warm lin^
fur trimmed, $1 50
All felt slippers. 60 to 75c
Onr aiiortroen
large that to spe if
dedde tbe ‘ «)
"What shall 1 get
IpSt^Slippeia, 60c to 76c
Leather suppers, aeveral
AM waiii|*» u»
WM*rur rnmuti
Sfiwoioiiiiiiu^ 1^
Timn* Otr
Nodtobbii. Doc. tl-Tho dbo»
pioo tftottog Mfw. swot! Morlo, tin.
IcKloooy. pofuboood by Ooa if.
Wobb for R T. Btotoobory. of toB
ThM Tb*y H««* CiMh Ov*r
olty. lo BOW qooitorod ot tbo Wtoo^
4«u m hunm tiMi yta of
4or It tOoMRoo loot wloltf. but woo
Mt OlfOOt OMilgh to 0COO4 tOo ^
4f0d lo mo opMgOOBO—0 of oleOwRw,
lo too ohotoot Coot oorfolo ooo 4o
a foot or mof Oottor tOop w Mar
1008 koowo 00 o oOof r*tM to#fOo
woot. Ho to ooi 00 *004 oo »n Ooo,
loot Mr*o f>0o»»*oo. Out oUU «oo4
oooaiO tor oil joooia oot Ooro. loo
CuKlt. loot oot wf too OooiOtol. '
Ooloi told OF WHO A booM M M*.
kbiy wot Jto orMl, to oOopo to tooo
lOo MoOl boll tor 000004 or tbird
flaoo lo too Mtla. Ooly Orokoto U
oM aooiwolMMtottoi^ ttoooBo.
•ptdor Ooo, tOo look U4 from toot
Hr. looRo to tOo Mtchlfoadorf llko i
ooro $m to tbo holf 004 nlto. Ho
profod loot wlotor that bo It otroOf
lowM ia dP Oa» todoon at a Coat
^F. A Md MO to. bock OF Co*
#0MM. Mo Oto tflpFOd too half to
J;«t ladoora. la tbe tollo tbo Spldor
wm bo ooHMOFOiitod aod probably
Oord poabod by ftoaia Rowo aod BUI
Bobby tooto. jlkt Oarrola. aod Rod
' tm. It oHflblo by graoo of loot wookb
oouforoiico mllof. Ho it toad to tbo
blibt lutop. Otbom who atop on
too bar vioooruUy arr Oo* aod Doddt
,At to miUoor track, an oron artiM
oooadooco prwtalU boro that Mlcblgao
win maiaph oo tbo otodor fiotb OBd
BHd tbao Ob too iBnaatoiB Bior
oad track. Out In too cpoo Ctofftot
wtn giro BtoVto aotoa graat rgoa to
tbo burdUw. Ko ooo la to algbt who
can touch fitowart la tbo daaboa atooo
Momllino groduatod. Tboy aguro It
boro that Obtoaga Blgbl aa wtdl eoiMt
«p tbo hamioor UwDw aod polt ^
aid lot MIebIgoa toko too root Tbo
WolroHoo c«»a4mo to idipod.
•oly to Oarrtlt. Bodgwi, lloatb. Blow,
art Ckw ood Bowt. but to o boat o(
Mo «odo tbo Btotoobory oUblo to
I to to# ibow rteg tbroogboot tbo
to bor BOW Quorton loot wotk.
Ml wbot tbo fotoro kOi to ftore 1
mot booo told out doAoHoly. Vbootbr
toOfw woi kootood dowo to WtotL to
Row Tortt tor |14M. H wko gitppoood
tM bo wto oettoc oo oo ogMit tor
Kotbortoo RMr of Qon,^u
wltb Wobb. Aftor tbo Mo. bowtror.
Wobb ototod tboi Bwoot Morto would
I FbllodoiFbto. ood too woi ship,
pod. It woo Booorouy rtponod. boworor. thot Mtoi WJIko woo ood oUlI to
MO to €wm tbo Ooliromto trottor
ood tbot ofTOrtoroo bod booo tobUt
itooo tbo ooto to buy M frop Btotoo.
Wrobb otoo ototod oi tbo tltoo
of tbo oolo tool Bwoot Mofto mlsht bo
«d to Boitoiid oloof with to#
oibor Btotoobuir obow borooo. which
will bo oMbItod to tbo loiomoiloBol
• Mw. If ooo 1» bold noit yoor
by too BOW loiwntotloo which woo
foiWMd to How York duriog too Noloool Horoo Show.
It It ropoftod tbot Btotoobury hot bU
oyo oo tbo ipldoo cboUoofo cop which
It roood for to tbo totocdiy mooilngt
oBd tbBt Bwoot Morto would bo polot*
od tor toot trophy pool poor. Bkookl ood tboy pro too tfnm wbo oro omhw
too moro trohi oooBd Boot yoor bo obo
bob to too pool tooiw MMO UUlc
doubt but that too gold COP win bo
fooBd to too obow COM oloBg wltb too
ibor nUttoMo tiwpbtoo woo by too
totoobury bovooo.
aipplng too locol trock rooofdt
igbt to bo ot ooiy ot ootlog m pork
of oou for Bwoot Mode.
now » thd uaa tar hdolnihaat
dtana. U yoa vraal tha haBwhaat
jkdr aad d aloa mbt ataN «a nBAL
IL L. Nvo.
to my otper^
A rkpid ounrey of.the ciblblt. of, differentlol and tbe clutch platee, and
tbo Mobto aoouol abow of tbe Auto do BM ruB lo boartogo.
mobile €9ub of America tend, to
to tbo brood toudoucle. of coiulnjc
tioo to ouch parttoclar. na the urn of
anttoifctlon beo^gi^ the adoption
of blgbvgrade ateeU tor Important
paru oobiod to atrooa. the um of
dooblo IgBliton. toe popnlartty of oe
AoeUro operalkm of tbe Mldliif gear*,
a number of amaller detail. In
imoUoo a. well. Regarding the
uao of ipoctol oteolp oueb a. nickel
ebroOM alclna atewto. It may ai
be said that todr adoption by
nore Important manutodurcra ba»
toraod toolr adoption by the amaller
thing for tboM who mm afford It. ei*
cept fi>r .mall car.. Tboro to. bowevor. no prenont ooooeo.uo of optalowa.
flbould be. One of tbom. ot couroe.
1. alwayg a battery, end a high tenalon
coil, but Ibo otoer may be another
battery, a lowtooalon magneto, or a
hlxb-ten.lon magneto, and It may de^Iror current to a nepamte oot of
apork-plogt. If kigb-tmmton. or to toe
oame .park plug, toat am fed by tbe
batieqr. <Ono caonM help tolnking
Tbe same, with eren more force, toot t
oooy bo oold of toe uoe of ball beartogi
wbtob today ts oo nearty nnlrcraal
ao to moke* tbe rMenUoo of plain
Logo oo BMIecpble oa olnmot to
loo. Thl. I. not to
any toot the latter may nM toe rory
rnoDiUr uoad. One concern In
pa^cular may be mentioned which
urn. coot Iron boablnga of liberal dlikmoond wbleb Ml. tbe boai
by lodltAdual Me food., and ba. bod
dm ood ftiwd o buUot oo toot U
to to omr. aumy
would bciuk tbo door*. obouMor. A*
moBofOMaima wbo fdhnorty bom cara
dlfforopt oUlag i
too buck *«0M to It. kooto MoU
to a towoed toe ooo of pnniitor M moderate power onli aiw BOW bdOdId off ood tbo hunter cot .
ball-boPH jgo mode by one or two leod lag lorgw con to oupplwpoot or roIhroot. Moldoo roedTod oo tajory.
jdoco tbMr fwmor prodaet. onA.tbooo
the BtOBdard Roller Booting Go.. moMtaotonoo gonbcolly eMng to too
bkb wa. tittle beord of a year ago.
fa found to many of toe leading
"WPifm no fboM®^*
mncbiBoa noo can. JH iWibolooo, too tow otmoerno
poufto ood
oM to ottfor Btod
or boll boortago to tbo geareom. tkot baoo olwoya oood toe tddo eboln
R wotglu tblrtj«M OBd TtmkOB iMtorbooitogs to tbo rear
M ood tom BOBoywolgbu. Ro nzio OBd wboola. Tbo fnbWt of i
worth to eomputod mt noo.«R I
oMBtoto tooo 100 yomrooBoondfor od boU4kPitag to to ppocttooUy
«r lo Mt to too Towor of Loo^ toato tboeo ■■Pibfito fnm tbo obbuoI
mpolr bill, oo too tmportpoae of toolr too alao oad gowor of too oor. i
nao to Much groator toao too Otmplo , The dlmlntoblag rogon of too plooWbot Adorn oto. not wbot bo drook.
gain to offiolincy would Indleoto to
Woo bo from Rdou o gmrdoo dHrmi.
toe motor car owner.
OaMMAlMimm tboro now wool
RM In pMtorty fcopww oa tbe
If km bod toM motor MouoUlm Tm.
MMQoDmff Oo.
fM biOiiUoo, ot Jaokiuo% W 1
plaleafiMn too Hoc axle abafU. wbleb
^ ^
oeoooo who
s:. ~ “jj" ••>»“•■ — -
health ha. booB affecuto torougb play
M the game. 1 totok that tbe 'ten
der* ago to iwoNo oTtathlrteoB year.
BBd tM too bey. Obcmld bo kept out
«f n. but IMer. wtmu they reucb toe
ororago age of a High ocbool piayur.
1 totok toefw to ao barm to the
for toon. jHWvldod that tboy are nat*
orally otroug.Oe. A M. Wllhoim.
*n think High aobool football to aU
too boy. are playliig
that game they are not doing otbor
tolBga whlcb tend to hare 111 offoet.
on tboAr boottb. Tbe rough ood
lomblo of footbaU doe. them pmd
OBd bolpa drrolop tbo body and too
gome to BM wwoo to may moped than
is wioflillog. wbleb aliM orory^tb
lotio club mombor todulget Ip**
«a hava a uaa M I
aaoda. latt tha thtaiB tar Xmas.
dac n-dt
laekaoa'a IM PioaC
a^ A. V. PH.arW^
Uoblo to booomo lojurod.
tha saaai aa aaa atarM ta
*1 tbiok tbo
. U too pmot OMOOB one out of toe
emiTlod too M*
toouooBds wbo pUyod tooMBO to tbe oor High oeboM to contod
ptoto of Mtoblgoa mM dooto. One Mr. Priodileb totoko tomi tko gmmo lo
on right If ployed modorOtoly but tool
out of too boBdfnl of
It doumeu toe ottoptloo from tot
ocbool worlL **1 Muld bM woai my
loro tooupeo OOP to ploy OB o ocbool or ootM
tool ore I
Or. I. Aa. TbMPy.
Of coo
Lboro mrw High ocbool
TK eoum they cam otoad Itl W
optor tbo gmmo to on biuok toMr Bocko If they 4Mmt pbr.**
unfit eopdltkm. but tbU procUco to •old Dr. Thlrtby. wboo goeMbmod fw
rmpidly bocumlpg obontood. apd tt to mm bto vtowm ou tko arnttor. He
certmto toot to yoor. to come, toe Ototod tbot bo hod omrer ootp o ^Igb
Itot of latorad nod dood wm bo tom beolto bod Mb
dueod too mtotoWBi,
BOdermtood by too
to Mger to dotormiBo tbo generml
Prof. A. H.
fooling to Timyorob. City regarding
Prof. DoYto woo rery reUcent ibMit
tbe ptoylog of High uObool footbmlU
too OMUter but flnmlly Admitted tbot
b^ bod neror ooeo toy 111 effeefi. of
wltb It !
the gome cm o boy’s booHb osSde horn
tbMr opk
oocMoolo. Ho oloo sold toot bo did
Win R Moldoo. too 8t. r»ul poet,
bo woot to Nortoern Wtocontin of
tot opool&i of too bunting ooooob to
try bio luck oo tbo cbolo lokoo coon
try. bod tbo tortlllng oxptHooco of
botog coffAod tomgh the forcoi oo
the onlloro of o big Mk.whlcb ottockod him. He. with Ohorleo Wnxoy. cioae
opoou optondld opociroon ood oeporot•d to oloAE toe O&Ml end Wliey fired
wtmadtog IL Moldoo wot oboot to fire
wboo be fen toto o mormot ood found
blmooir with nothlBg but o knife. Tbe
buck COfDO ot bllB OBd Moldoo*.
00 ooroBod btei. In moklog o
Iblrtla fiikt oloog.
OM toruot Molden dropped toe
The mom ollowod too Bmddoood
coot, cougbt OBO of the prong, of tbe
bom. to bU hunting .hlrt. MoMob
leit biBMOlf lifted ood lying erootwloe
MMI KpifC* H. tw*.
oo too door'o omlor.. Tbo onimol
.unod oo o ntto through tbo foroot.
M. Dm. ll.-ThM*
Molden feorod to drop off loot tbe ool>
MiMi ao tfoubl » the Bind, of the
mol turn mod gore blm. Fteolly too
ItarrMd ktoMlU ttat PreeMeot UM
Mko toto o doortog. ood octom
k MehlBf to hare Barrard ahaodoa
latoRxdlectote athMIot. Uto ptaA4«K of the ertattoa
•ouBMd toMhan for aaranU yaara aad
Tbo moo ollowed tbot moddonod
tea aaad bto aUDoat loBaaoce to have
bmt to pom him ood oo lU poco
tha ■■
(oBod bo wm. oblo to toko o euro-
ita( maeh astoulaa here.
■Maid ha oartr the alair vary tarll
la aaaarad that the crlaiaoB alaasl
MB toha ay the aaatler. Aa yat PfatUaat Biot has rafasad to state
,«hathar or aat ha haHarai the foal*han caiaa to ho hollar or «otaa aadar
dkla taoMM^eodt.
PtaaUaat BM axpraaaad tha a«tatai that Harvard voald tara laft ad
taaU aad lawld ha la last aa aavlahla
•Dsttlaa U n dM dot paitMpdla la
utod to dlotoOfOBo too opoit UP
Btooofi tool too oooiM RM
peboed boy boo BM too ouoofftb of ooooUtotloo to mitoottod too oxtremoly
trouoouo wretot.
Tbo fbUowlog to on extiwet from m
moot ortteto wbtob oppoorod to tbo
**lt to odomtod by oU oxporu toM
foMboll U o omoki gome. OBd tool
It la oxtropmly porlkmo wbmi engmgod
to by moro boyp Pnmtlcolly oil tbe
lo BBd oorfcM totortoo toll yopr
bore boon omoog oeboM ployoro. Tbo
gome to oole only when pUyed by
CBiwfuny trmlBod toomi compoood of
ood ptoyon. The groot coUego
o Ofw WBtebod PTor with too otttro ood po OP# to ollowod to
ploy wbo lo not known to u fit
ooror tt to dbown toot o mOB lo
BM fit ko to UkOB oot MonlfeoUr
efiro eoBBM be oxoretood to tbo
oooe of tbo oehool ployerm.**
to odmlttod by oil follower, of
tbo oport tbot football to o gmm^ for
mod bodlo. oply. A wookltog connot
ploy tbo gome to ooy extant without
impomig bl. boolUi. Neither con o
ebUd. but tbe prefoge High ocbool MudoBt. ^o boy gotemeen or elgbtoon
yopro. ton of lire OBd rigor mutt find
oomo woy lo work off bto ourplua eoec
gy mod tbo gome of footboll. properly
coBdoeted, to prorlag to be one of the
mMbod. bno^n. A greoi mwiy
Ipiurloo ore ooMoloed. tt to true, but
te foil M mooy young men take
port to toe opoK to too UBttod BuioeT
Ttm nmoboro would. toocb toomonoo
lOftiMio mid tboy be obUloed.
MOBy of toooe oro portoBo wbo toko
w< (Mr
4oor trMk
vlti CktoOfo thU
M«M. tW# WolYM'iMo fool ouro
tlMT «« bo oWo to
boiJi of
tbo toRoor iHUi 004 Om 01
CblOMO otiiRooio olM fot4 won to.
vftH ofOMUBM^ ^ oUJoCle roUIIOM MM Ibo t«o Moilt.
M M dM Ibo Mooftoot win
htm ftliMt. too WOtOfOO. «0M
AroOlo IMo oom OM Oy OMTO
m foot Mooft. Ho win bo booki
Or too fOMopftort. Bowoioa. Bi
•vmm ■wrmmmmiok
Tho Rtv. R. N. N**«Pl*- I
“Yn. 1 think they con *Und j the
gome. * .old Mr. Hoinple. when <|ueotioued, **toere ore Injurle. to be sure,
but I bore oerer known of a tound
High ocbool boy wbo wa. weakened by
Ike game.**
The foregoing expreaalon. .bow; tot
geoeral aeoUment
Mayor Pried
rlciij argument regarding toe.Beglect
of Btudle. to true to a certain ektoot
in many acBoolg but In tbe IntenicboUurtlc aerlea. the »tudy requlremenU
are more .trlct than many olber.4 All
of them admit that toe gam. to rdugb
and toot the chance-of bMQg InJ^ired
to grtot but aUll think the pbyMcol
of boya In tbdr toeno to ^ble
U> otOBd toe exerclyc.
Mama of light oara. a littlo forger
rvBabouU and a imie naaUer
touring earn, to not quite aa nniverfolly
equipped with planoury gears 4i It
was a year ago. .Tbo toodoocy u|dtoard building thoao odjb o
little largtcc and o ttttlo botter, j/uia
equipping them with sliding Mra.
toe puirhaaing public Iba.
Apparently the
made up lla mind toat the differoooo
the different In coat. . Of courm tbo
tbe dlflorence In cort. Of couno the
incrcaalng use and lower coat of highgrade apecUl at«nU for the sliding
gear, has greatly faiNlltated this ^
ceao of elimination, since the princ^l
trouble with allding gears heretofore
baa been their tondency to stHp In fanskillful bands; and with toe uoe; of
tougher aleola and lighter clutcbea,
tola tendency has been matortblly
* Tbe multiple disk clutch aplioni to
be bedding Its own. but it is not swM
ing toe field before It quite op I It
throatmed lo'a yem* ago. Tbeee elulehea demand a much greater nicety of
oooe clutch, and on account of the
limited rnngo of movement pormtoalble betwen tbe free mad eOgM^ng
poMtlona. It frequently happono
toe dlaki when free are aeparttod by
I UwdiidB IBM Ml Oat
111 I nil KlasaMia INK
Thaa TMa Vaae.
h-4»d R
Pito <lii-
obo win bove alltbo work toot obo OBB
boodl. to prodoeo 00 ilovno copoblo
of boMtig too two otiwfapmt IRMO
FtTtPATfltCIC HOiiC PROM TMff too fOeod toto oeoaon. Tbot polr. df -^
oooni^ lo VoBfotoUt and FHUoyhraolo. boto of wblto wUl COM lo am
Tatata watanaa. oirm i. AhaM s*
n tooy boV taken oa
taaar «hiaa MlAUU Maa-a
PwlmlBg Pool.
men. licveoe. iac
loft ewd. and Lowmwio.
quarter, will be mtoatag next foU. Of
coorae. Unrono to a qUr. while LowAbb Arbor. MIcb. Dec. IS-Keeno
roono wao fonod juot yln Umo to gK
ntxpotrtcb boi reUTBod to Abb A
tbe team to Uim for ixw big gomoa. ,
After o rtaU In toe ooM to tbo gya
Uig of tbto pair Is bM oerioito.
trmolo. Tale ood OolomMo.
Id addition to BcorieU. end; Ooiton
toot MiebIgOB la bettor
ood Draper, totoloo: Oollogbor ood
m ooUm rtolted ex*
Slofflor. gMwdo; Mpar. . nootor;
oept PrtBoeton. wbleb. be ooym.
Green aod FWwell. balvoa. and Molloih
toe beet and moot modem gymaoi
bock. full, thn following men will bo
to the cpuotry. It woi completed
eligible for tbe team: La very, who
to 1003 OBd coot about 1300.000. The
played part of toe Mkblgaa game at
swimmtog pool to probmbljr the largeit
rtgbt tackle: Dyer, tbo aub-balf-boek.
to tbe eoM'oBd was dMtyd by ma
wbo proved a eery atroBg offonMve
ployor; Umgwoll. too foUbook. wbo
mloo bms m largo tank mad
was bun in too Indton game; KolBOlk.
too quailerbaek CBBtUdol^ of wfaun
ore glren looooBi ood bovw to
nothing to known: TownsoDd. tub end
keep at U until they coo owlm.
aod half; BIckbam. oob CMitor; BhoHarvard alao baa a ewimming 1
ble. sab end aad quarirr: RogMa, anb
but like Yale'a. to only tair-alxedo
end: Bbarley. mb quarter-back. and
penn.yirmnlat gyamaalum rei
Oribble, sub guard.
blea Waterman, except that there I.
This year's freobman team woo tbe
Bo indoor ninnlog track.
gym to
boot OBd moot oBOeooefol In the blotory
00 Franklin field Itaelf anrihere Is 0
running track under tl
ntxpatHck nya:
"None of toe enatern
for RsiAn to gU Imwrence'a pUeo 00
ime up to oura. idlcklgan baa a
tbe 'varsity next ocoumb. PauxtU. who
great many moro lockem than any
played right end toto asoooq. played
where else and we have a larger
quarterlmcl^ before coming to Ponnayb
mthly attendance.
vanto. But be has shown that be is
About a awimmlog tank, we all
'voralty mfoerial aa 00 and and would
hope that aomethlag will be done
fit la Levenes poaltom very nlcply.
There are two IPOiKinDd tookloa 00
muscles Into aclbm tbna anythe *10 leaiu and other good talent
tolng else.
MeOuflln toaoo BM Ona.
’The regeoto are favorable to
Dan McGugln comet borne without
swimming poM idea but too water
n Is tbo thing wbleb boldo ua toe altkbloai cause for worry about
year. Only one man wbo play
bock. A year ago a well was sunk
tbe power house lo tbe depth of ed at Ann Arbor wlU be mtoolng irom
1.C00 feet wltooaA striking waU*C. it the Nashville llnup next oenoon. In
will take a lavgo fluantlty of water to toe Boutbern InterooUegiato five yaara
run a lank, for the water of play to ailowe<1. nnd Captain Dan
E changed once a week and Blake has ha«1 all of his. The other
there should U* a constant flow all the ten. two; Pritchard, one; Blone, two;
ime. 1 alncerrly hope that something Nmalnlng. nro: Hobe Blake, two
Will turn up wo we may have a swim yc-ars. Maoler. two; Craig, two; Oostank, as It would be a gnwt ten. twa: Pritchard, one; Btcioe. awo;
benefit and aiidltloo to toe unlvonilty.*' Chorn, three; Mcl^wn, three; E. NoH.
four, and Vaughn Blake, four.
This to oot all tho material toat McGugin will have to work with. It to
learned that two otoer firmer stare of
tbe squad, who were ahlient from tho
lineup this year, wilt return next fall.
These are Bd. Hamilton; toe great end
m man who baviv sprang tho sug - of 1P65. and Bob Pateiron. wbo form
geMloo that four downs be allowed for erly played at center for the Commo
tbe ten yard .gain oaght to know whai dores, Hamilton has Ikwo a teacher
y are ulktog abouC ot least, sucL at the Columbus Military Institute
a os Alamo Btagg should, but the tbto fall and Patterson baa flllod a sim
ull of ouch a move to evident. Four ilar poaltlon at tbe Gordon Military In
down tor o ten yard gain would put stitute In Georgia. Both am sUll in
good amateur standing.
the game back to Ks old line an
Then there Is Oscar Noel, a promlstug stylo. Btagg has said toat bn was
(fed with tbe new game and likes lag man for the barkfleld. to say
nothing of several prep team players
It better than tbe old and what 1
on he boo for wonting to give eoacbe. arijo win enter Vanderbilt next fall..
Tlie thing moot of Intereot Just now
every odvonUge for getting back lo
tho old form l/ not given. Anoth at Vanderbilt to the 1007 schedule. It
er beauUful Md-rooewnd ntle-greea^ to practically decided that toe Commothought to toe auggeMloo toat them doreo will play Mldilgan next Novem
ber at Ann Arbor. Ymt U ooxloos to
be two forward passes allowed lu
scrimmage. There Is already one play Chicago. Princeton and Carlisle.
Tbo rule passed by tho conference ale called banket ball. The
tackeUng rule causing a foul if the lowtng the teams to play seven gameo
win doobUess cause Coach BUgg to
bands are thrown around a ninne
low bis knoea will do away with many give VsBderhllt a game with the MaInJufioo.
CarUale Is willing to mtuni to NaahHorwmnto Choiieoa.
Dtopalcbea from toe west are full vUle aod It seems probable that too In
Of Herman s name. Whem to Oans? diana will be back to try and win back
PrtnoMon will -not
Ob. be to quietly training lo preparefor what his followers think will
8b n clncb. Before the negro geU and for this aeoM m meeting between
to tbe weight be will have let some of tbe teams may be deferred for oome
bU wonderful endurance loose upon years.
tbe atmoopbom. Tbo UtUe fellow.
cm toe Mber band, wlll be In bis glory
oag If emo of kto pwMbeo can be land
Od oofty OBoogb to toe gome—U» to.
Youb. Otto Pwt gI««M Awoy
Joe. 23 Ifoyou!
ood Thon Oovo Him Anothor
Cbmmo-^ RooulC ^
Dope Pipes
er hand, to entirely free when rMooood
and this fact baa led a number of
botidors to prefer to retain too odoe
clutch and mlUgate tbe nbnRptnono|of
lU action by the use of cork Inae^a
and Bat springs preastng against foe
Imitber to produce grodnol flkgafieWbotoor fairly or itefaliiy.
toe impfwofllaa woo gained tbot t|ie
makers wbo ime toe multiple
ehitcb did ao moro because tboy
oldered It a talking point that bocauke
they were eonrioced of Its oaporlori^y.
WlUle 00 tbto nnbject of troBMBisaAono.,mootkm moot bo made ot toe
tkreo frlodoo drive com ooon at toe
«66bo of item
tbo Blmpllclty.
bodloo Idofo lodkadlr dlffotofo r4b
Daytoo boa coptwmd mom oxblbltkooo prMooed to cMiMetkiD wttk
an Samoa for next April than any
tom tronsniMalno hptfoeforA tbofb' otbor Mob IB tbo Oeotrol looguo. Tbo
■Mt ffiiUBelhro footwrw boteff tot loom wtU ploy tbo Cbicogo Natomalt.
lone oloo M toe
DotiMt. ClevMood. Waoblogtoii. Mloooapolio aod Cbtoofo AoMrtcooo. Tbo
to uoe hoovy preosum botwpoo U|e Bpriogfiold Mob boo ooemd oovwral
drlvlBffoBffoeon la oom of too toioe gooMo wito tbo Chlcogo Amorkoao.
NOW Toffo Doc IMooBg Otto A
formlobod tbe boM port of too Outers
of too Long
Acm Athletic Club, when be bad tbe
e ooporfMoa of . putUng tbe
man oot twloq In ooe algbt He
look oa Jack BIbbM for a torooMmnd
boat and pot him neaUy owoy with a
rtgbt to toe chin la tbo ooecmd rowd.
BIboM felt that tola woo o mtrtoko
aod otood for osotoor trioL Otto woo
fog OBd tboy bod oBotoor doRghttttUy fast roMd. BiBiM'a W wao
did toofHMAtm flWBbon foob i
under o cloudJor loot os too boU
A efob M too ogaln
to end booUlttfoa Otto a right
MMbod wotor. OBd toom
. to bo ^Od MI
tmvolod toitmgh too olr. ood BfooM
liocOTOmd blmoolf to o doood oonditlOB Ml tbo ioog.
IT TOU pmfor oprtag wboot R
of too dovloto mfoor ^
Dr broad you Mold wot lORAll
oro oMOotoi oM Pt toM nodi to too
i .i: ,4-ite.o.
Loois Hw
1 Sports |
tom FW ijg
MMM Mi fta
am mtfctri m mmK
19 Hr
<f a iv «■!
ar Mfcirt MMii it M H MiMi
rrmnt otf ft.
to Ulto Bim to ot taibto Of «. T.
ttaiitoury ot WM* ^toa Itoor
MiM m kMf aiOiM UilMi
TkM TM TH#y Havt OMi Omt
Juuk Altar. Dm li-lDehliMi
AMIS M talllta tta liM af 4m lator tftak toU vltA CItoio tlito
MMOil. Tta WolVMiMt tol
tHr Vfli ta ato tk> tarui* taU of
tta Mmt Mtato Mi ttai ai
CItota SttttoU 4lM fMi Mil toVEfi araMtotai of tililatki i
tlMs taMM to Ma ttoala.
A^ toa aatar tata H mm 1
a focA Moora. Ho vtB ta bato
ta tta Tonaftoa. tamam. Bii
aai CM. tor«M M M
provaaMaaiaUrtaOi. Havatai
to U tilt toto teat vlatar. but vat
aoi atfoat aMugh to ataai to lpia<
ifti te to apto tacaaat of Mato
la to totot Oapt Oair^ cm io
a foot« Ma tauar tbaa aajr c
tot bao^ M a tot pattar larto
vaat /toliaotafsood a. Bin
teat paar*a cbaanto tat aMtl toi
aaoagb to all atoa oat bora, to
CartU. tot oat^ to taopllal. aiiar
btto laid ap aiili a batoa to l
ably wUl ba aroaad la abapa to tot
to BMdal ball to taeoad or third
pteaa la to Moata. OcCy Qrahatt U
alao pDoi ta toatofib^ atato
Bpto Cm to iaak ted froai tottte. tato to to lllebigaatoa Ito a
aara^ ta to half aad aillt. Ht
prorai teat vtatar tot bt It atioac
aMMtota M tatofi at a fait
fitp. A bM teM.to badk up Cot to
Waldto «ta baa tftppbd tbt haM to
t:OS ladoort. la tbt milt tbt Bptdar
arm ba aceamiaato Md piobably
baii paabta H Boala nova aad BUI
Bobby Lato Ito Oarrali, aad IMto to oUilbla by grata of test araak^
Motaraaea nillag. Ha 4a good la to
blgbt Jamp. Olkars arho atap ovar
to bar gracarttlly ai« Om aad Dadda.
At to outdoor track, an traa irmer
touBdtnca praralla btra that IHchlgan
am trtumph on to cladar path aad
tetld than oa tba gyniaaataa tor
aad track. Out la to opM Cterrato
arm girt BtaSta aoto paat raaa In
tha hurilaa. >lb oaa to In sight who
can touch Btcwatt la to daabaa ateea
Uaamtoo graduatad. Tbay figura It
ibara tot Gbleaaa aalgbi as wall oauat
ttee. U.-Tta<
ploa tiwitteg main. Bwoac Marta, f rOS.
by MeXtonty. pirrtbaoad by Oao. M.
Wobb for H T. iitoCoMMiry. of this
dtp. la BOW quafUrad at to Wlaa#> raoent aitSele whkk appearad to to
buw^ CbaatMt m. along with to Nows:
**lt to admitted by all experts that
toT nM to itolaatary atoMa to- football to a man's game, aad that
I to to show rtog tbrtMgtowt to It la estramefy porlkms wbun engaged
la by amre boyiL PmcUcaUy aU
toths aad aerlim tnjiuto tpia yem
bnta baen among eehooli^at*. Thu
gama is aafe tmly wbuA lOayed by
eaiatotty tratood teams ^poeod
not baao laid out datnltaly. Wtao to maturod players. The mreat eoltegu
teams are watched over blth to uU
Naw Turtt tor |14to. H wu tuppouad most mra aad ao one to allowed to
play who U not known to ba it
Mlaa Kotocto Wflba. of Oalt Ont.. Wbanerer It to town tbht a maa Is
not it bu Is taken oot i ManifeeUy
wltb Wabb. Aftar to ante, boworac. mwb ears eannot be eieritoud to to
Wabb ototad that Bwaot bCarta wooti ease of 4bu etool ptoydfs.”
la ta Pbltedolphti aad aba was ablp> It Is admitted by all followers of
pad. It waa BiotoUr toortad. bos the tort tot fobthsli U s game for
arar. that Mlaa WUlka was aad at|ll 1 eonnd bodlas only. A weakling caanot
unalooa to owa Ua Oalifomla troiti play the game to any extent without
rrturaa had baeo mad tapartog his health. Neither can a
aad that orari
r to to bar fropi I
ohUd. but the aremge High echool alutinea to
bnry. Wobb ateo^atotod
ateoSatoto at thi
tha tima dMt. a boy geTenteen or eighteen
of tba aala toiOMat Marta might ba yem. Tull of life and ?Igor moat find
ahlppad to BtotoPd atoag with tba oorne way to work off his dl|irplns
--------- which ty aad to game of foottoil.
, properly
U prorMc to bo ooo of lb»
wttl ba aataliiad ^
pm toMudi kao*^ A root BUT
Horaa Bto* m# U bald nail
Injarle^ are suslaloud. it U true, but
hr to naw aaaato
formed In Naw Totk during to Na- ta the fell bo« Mmy young men Uke
part to the sport to the Valted States?
tlonal Horau BboW.
numbers would rea^ U^Moeoee
ft It ropoftad tha^ BtotaMmry has bli
•ya on to |pldao diaUaoga cup which proportions conld they be obtolned.
tor to to latarolty meatlngi Many of tbeoe ore pareena who take
aad that Bwaet Marta woald ba poiat- ao care wtatorer of their oondHten
ad tor that imphy boat paar. Bbaold aad they are the oaee whd are more
the mara train aemnd nnt yaar aa aba
has to the past toro aaama UUle
but that It
to toahow
otimr taluabla trophlea woo by the
oat' of to kaadfal of prtaeAgktora
who ealored to rtog to tkls Male Is
daad. A terganamber of buaturs wars
aboc Tkeue tkrsu aports are to ones
Or, B. L. Thirtky.
or coorue there are High sebool XK ooorse thty cm atand It, W
players who eater the game to an tamto toir nncka IT they dtaat M,'
unfit condition, but this pracUce Is said Or. Thirthy. mtan quearteasd te
rapidly boeomtng abnMshed. and H la
the maltar. He
tot ta yeara to
stated tot be bad newer m
UK or MtMd aod 4KK «01 bo nFree. A. H. Oorta.
prof. Davis eras very reticent aboot
to playtag of High odko
to nmiter tat finally admitted that
a Martmr of men otaadly
with n bare been taterrtewed and hA had never aoen any ill effects of
the gaam on a boy's health aside from
aoeldenta. He also said that he did
. ^
not hnow of a man oo the looal Hldb
FHanIpgl ft L. Nye.
NPto of the past ssaaoa who
-I hare never known ta
lenee. of a High acboM player whose I was not able to stand to gnme as
health has taen affeetAd throngk pUy played here.
The Btv. ft. N. Holtapls.
tog to gama. 1 thtak that to 'tenand then to hoys tonM be kept cot
of It. but laser, wtaa they rea^h to
I think tberp ta ao harm to the game
for tom. provided that they are aainrally atrong.**
Dr. J. M. WlltatoL
T think High achool football ta all
light WlUta to hoys are playing
tot game they aie not doing other
thlaga whleh food to have iU effaeU
oo their henkh. The rongh nod
tumble of footbaU does them good
and helps develop the body and the
game is net woiee ta any veepect than
Ja vremilag. whleh almopt every wthleQo olnh memher todulgea to."
looal track i
ought to ba aa eaay aa eattog i
of oato for Bweet Marla.
BteyorAoV.FHsdrteh. ,
**1 think to gaam as now played
onr High achool ta curried too thr.*
Mr, rrtadrtck thiaha that to game ta
all right If played modmntoly bat
It detrucU to attaoUoa from
achoal work. **I ^hould not warn my
son to play on a achool or oolM
M* M VB.RK»m «NI M 'W . '
Mb* Hbhk Ctawiw >• 1M»
WWB HMr tint
wU-to CK KM .
MtaU CUB «KA Okl-
bntlu th, tw> iutBcut bum
Kw teud Uk MUOB. Tut pair, at
noniM te YaaAsrWU and Penaaylvn- ' ^
ate. bou of which WlU come to Ana.
At Penaiglvnnte tlmy have takea aa
I BudJfolil Niod n
MSMat of aleck, aad tad tot to two
msB. levenc^ left endp aad inwrenee,
quarter. wlH te mteslag a«t tall. CN
Uwene ts a star, white LfierAnn Arbor. Mich., Dec. 12—Keone coarse.
rente was found just In tline to get
Plupatrick has returned to Ann Aikor the
l«nm la trim for Its big gaiaes. .
after a visit In to east 4o to gys
of what Is l«iy to pass
tarns at Itanrard. Pvtaeatan. Bsaaayl- ing of this pair
Is not
vaala. Tale and Columtata. lie f
that Michigan Is batler pmvldad for aad Draper, tackles: Oaltegto aad
than any oastom coUege visited
oept PrteeetoB. whkh. he says, has
Oreea aad Fbiwetl. balvcn. aad lloUeato beat and moot modem gymaa
beck. foil, to foilowtag men
in the eonatry. It was oomi^
for to tenm: Lsvery. who
ta 1B03 and coat about $200,000. The eligible
pert of the Michigan game at
imlng pool ta probably the largest played
right tackle: Dyer, the sub half back,
ta to east and was dunsted by
who proved a very strong ogenslve
alto has a ]
thorn swimming ta <
men are
leaaons and hsvu to
Mep at It until they can swim.
Harvard also has a otrtmmliij
hut like Yale's, ta only talrwlao4
Penniylvanta'a gymnasUim i
hlea Waterman, except tot there Is
Indoor running track. The gym U
on Franklin ficM itself and there Is
running track under 4
Fitzpatrick sayi:
Sotu* of the eastern 'gyms' can
ue up to oars. Mkkigsa baa a
great many more lockers than anywbare else and wo hava^a larger
oolhly auendance.
-About a swimming tank, we all
hope that somethlnlt will be done
iw'lmmlDg as an exercise brings
more muscles Into action than any
thing else.
"The regenu am favocahle to
awiraming pool Idea but the water
lion is the thing which holds «s
back. A year ago a i
hear to power house to the depth of
UOO feet wUhom striking w
wUl take a larps qusiiUty of water lu
class of light cars, a little fotger than pn>l»eriy run a tank, fw the water
Id he changed once a week and
ninsbouta sad a little samtier thn
touring cars, is not quite ss untveraaliy there should be a constant flow all the
time. I sincerely hope tot sonu thing
equipped with planetary gears as It
Win turn up ao we may haw a swim
was a year ago. The tendency is dtamtag tank, aa it would Ik> a grtwt
Unctly umard holldiag theae o
benefit aad addition to the unlvarsUy.
Uttle Urgw^ and a little bettor,
equipping them with sliding I
Apparently to purchasing public has
made up its mtad that Che difersnou
the different In ooat. Of oontoo to
the difference Ip cost. Of conrae the
increasing use and lower cost of highgrade special suvls for the sliding
Urn men who have sprung the sug-‘
gears has greatly farllitaled this pro
getakm tot four downs Ik* allowed for
cess of etlminatlon. since the principal
the ten yard gain ought to know what
trouble with slldlag. gears
they am talking abouC at least, such
has been their tendency to strip In namen as AUnso Btagg should, but
skillful hands; mod with to nse of
reault of sneh a move ta evident. Four
tougher ateeU and lighter clutefaes.
1 for n ten yard gain would put
this tendency has been materially
the game back to Its old line amaababated.
teg style. Btagg has said that bn was
' The mulUple dUk clutch apidars to •attafied with the new game and likes
be holding Its own. but It is not swUeptter than to old and what rent
Ihg the field before It quit* qp
on he has for wanting to gire coaches
threntenod to a year ago. Tbeau clul
every advantage for gelUng back to
es denumd a much greater nicety of the old form [f not given. Ai
oonstmctkio than the lestoH
beauUful iold-roeewnd nllt-gre« n
cone clutch, and oa account of to liKKigfat ta to BtiggeaUoo tot there
Umlted range of movement permls'^ be two forward ^nasea allowed In one
table betwen to free and
image. There Is already one
poaiUons. It frequently happens that
* called baaket bfll. The new
the disks when free are separated by tackellag ruin causing a foul if the
nothing more than films of oil. which hands are. thrown around a runner be
fill the spaeea botwaan to
low bis knees will do away with many
ta thair vtacoclty cause to dtahs to Injuriea.
drag percepUbly when the cluU* ta relaaaad. Tha ooae clutch, on to othDIspatchea from to west am foil
ar hand, ta enUrely free when xMaed bf Hermnn's name. Tlliem Is Osns?
aad this fact has led
Oh, he ta quteUy tnUnlng ta prepsrabulUtar. to pmder to P
1 for what hta foUowers think wUl
clutch and mitigate to abroptaaaa of
Bh a cinch. Before the negro geU
lU acOoo by the use of cork Inserts
to to weight he wlU have lei son
and fiat springs preaslng against the
tanther to prodnoa ffmdnta
The Uttle fellow,
^ent. Whetor fairly or
on the other hand, will be in his glory
*nres. I think they can stand the
tame." said Mr, Hotaaple. when quet^
tiooed. "there are injuries io be auxe.
but I have nerer known of a n
High sebool boy wbo was weakened by
the game."
The foregoing expreealons ahow to
general snnUmeot.
Mayor Fried
rich'* argument regarding the neglect
of studies Is trou to a oerUto extent
to many scBooU tart to the Inter
lastlc aerie*, the study requlremenU
are more strict ton many othera. All
of them admit that the game ta rough
and that the chance joX being Injured
Is grest but sUlI think the physical
condition of boys to their teens ta able
to atand the excrclae.
Dop« Pi|>es
iunrEMir GAMES .
iT^ ^
IM MHtaflqd Mr At ttafodidi to to
UK fkU. II vmmn HkKr itat. .
U,*U ku,Kith,KOCkttetKw«U
UUto to pRidu, u Wwu IU*W» ■
Will B. Malden, ^e 8t. Paul port,
annoal show of* the Auto^
bo wont to Noitbem Wlaconaln at mobile Club of Amerioa teisds to con
o opaateg «f to'bunting aeaaou to Brm to itonmalon of a yto ago as stmciloB ta rapidly omroomtog to
try hte luck on to chain lakca conn to to hroad teodeoeles of construc pivjttdlce cauaud. perhaps, by to aptry. had to tbrllUng eapertence of tion to atich partiuctora aa to use of pareat clumsiaeaa of the targe hubs.
botog oaifiad tooggh the foreat on aaildrtodon hsartngs. the adoption Double IgaitloB seems to be the
the antlera of a big buck.which attack of hlta’dradu utaeta lor Important thing for tb«we wbo can afford It. ex
ed him. He. with OBarleu WMxey. came paru Mhjeet to *treas. the n»e of cept for small cars. There Is. howev
npon a aptertdM mportmen aad aepamt doublu Igaltlon. to popularity of seodtoaUlCtoantaaland WUey Bred lucUvu operaUoQ of to alKllng gears, •hoold be. Oqe of t
of course
aad let MlcblgM takd tha lawt. Tbt
It. Malden wat about to ire
Wolrtrlnt tongiMoa la pteto aoi when he fell Into a moraaa nnd found and a number of smaller details to U alwuys a battery, andw high I
to'atheY'may be s
ooly to Otrralt. Hodgaa. Heath. 8taw. hlmaclf with nothing but a kotfe. The
, Cot and Roara. but to a bom of bock came at him and Maiden s
nnd chramu nickel sieuta. It may al high tension magneto, and jt ssay de
mte cupabto oC
Bd him. In making a moot bu ante that their adoption by liver curreat to a separate aet of
I yInto Tight aloag.
St Maiden drtrpped to thu moru Important manufarturera ha*
if blgh4enston. or to Che
knlfn ;
same spark plugs tot are fed by to
The man anowed the maddened
battery. One caanot help thinking
ooaL oangbt OM pf the pronga of to Thu same, with even more force, Chat to employment of to uamu
Btlal la Ballavai la Ba Trying to boma In hte hunting ablrt. Malden
spark plagi for a hlghMtaa mar
•Oufar* FutoaU-^^tottog la
folt bImneU Bflud nbd IPto croaawteu may ba said of the nse of hail-beartogs SMto that ate tamUlarly ueed^lh to
Idaal BpoH.** Ha Bapa.
ou to duer^ nntlera. The antoml which today ta so nisarty univeraal
M, Dec. U-There
beuita^ so BotkMhle as almost to
wtlata ao doubt la the minds of the Maiden feared to drop off lest the ani itemuad uxplaiiatlon. This Is not to
Marram stodaBta that President BUot mal turn and pore film. Finally the say that the lattur may not he vary
into a cleariag. aad aotoe
(HbK, th..«nT«K
la ataklttg to bare Harram abandoo
ray Malden miv anotor MKMUsfuUr nsud. Xhm concern to from to
ttmlmm eKt mtf*
tataroolIcBlata athtedcau Tha piaaihnnirtr aad yeltod to attract bSa altun- pnrtfoular may b« meatloapd whkk taU to hnrtery. The aume apark
tot ^ to erlmaoo odMuga baa ia- tloa.
uses caul Iran boshlpgs of liberal dl
pkma raoeive eorvent from either to
Bouaoad Itatban for amrocal pM»
file man allowed tbet muddenad
msgavto «r Ue battery,
taa imad bto utmoal laButaca to 1
topaaahlm and aa Its pace wna ta tadivlAnal pipe leads, aad has had
to sama dlsooMM. ISlot B1
med he was able to take a care- noiahta aucoeas aad fsaadam ftam ta a oartata asnaa the pupnlartty or
tema to baakatMl also and axprauaaa
cutttog with this arrangummL Other
B dlillktog for taoboy. Tha collage
eoaoftms use bionse bushtogs with
te to amr.
praaMi daAaMjoaitac as tatog to wonid break the deer's
. but to
dtfferuat olliag
to taspmaaSan was gataod that to
to tacib oamu tolu
If OM flf hta poncMe eeo be land
ta ak toward to nae of annular
maken whb nse to molCIplu disk M enrty nnoogh ta to game-^ta. ts.
leaped off and the t hunter cut
made by one or two lead
Joe. 22 far yon!________
aam to ftot up tU toterooUaBH^ta re^
oldvrad tt a uiktag point tot baoanse
laUoaa la oauatog much agitation hare,
The Btaadard Boiler Beaifog Oo..
1 of itt apKtgrttr
•boold ba cany tha aBalr rary tor
wfalirt irmajmtekMrdof apearapo. shaft drive ta ipita of thu 1
ynat <m tw.
la aaaorad that tha ertmaon alumal The state crofvn of 1
la fonad la many of to Itatttog cars
Kmu. KMtka BUM b, a.1* of the
I Bfimmimnefit Qef Busy nnd
wtn taha up tba amtter. At y^ Praasdlhai^.‘ BOH other maoblauansu
tkra, Metioo drtT, nn M« M tbe
lieat Blot baa rafuaad to state
Plato or hall buartais ta to jguareaae, tkui have ulwnjru need to add# dmln tow—to Lnmbert. to Cartarear and
Bhator or not ha tallar« to B
aad Ttaton roltartaaitngs ta to rear drtvu Shaw we sM of ahaMoMqr kL the Simplicity. K6oe of them emban Bitooto ha tato or WOTMM
axle aad wheeta. The suaMt ui nStog
hodtaa toaa ntoaHy diffemnt fmm Dnyto to cnptnred mem exbfblwortbtemMpntudailtMtae. It wba
to aaym^ ooda
nse to oar ta to bu put ta. uM M thoae prttaoand ta connection with frlc- so games tor next April than nay
sM MM tbaa IBOlyeara ago and tor ud bnUtoartog ta to piwetlcally eUmdtor fto ta thnoentrsl leosnn. The
Lonto that Hareaid woold tom tot
toate thiaa mMen from to annual trarily fmm a SMtu esneldurution of
tol and would bo to tot as aoeteble
repair bUl. ao to tmportaacw of thalr to stau gad power of Ckocor.
tato MO of to
Detroit, toveUad. Washiagten, Mfo
BDuItto If It .did not paitklpato to
Bue Is Mck gmatar than tile rtmple The dimtaiaktag vognu «T tko ptaaWhat Adam at*, not what be drSST gala ta sifiutaBcr wwnld laiteatu to
Waa bu from Bden'a garden drirea. the motor oar ofWBur.
QBT a atea aomnlr tor jPMr to
Btart Is iMiTly known ns the
M aa IfUsnw Hante has a gaam
«a baea a Ito bf haniOMta tealtor
toy ooold mndUy be pmteetad from
Btoa. tot to Utog tor Xmaa.
H k« M takm Boekr Moatate
mod and apiaahed water, mad tore
Me lldt
tockaon'a Ita fre
JoteMo Dn«Oa.
was ao opportanlty to test to
of the makers regardtag to eti
BAND rAJKtWD pm»T bB*M. pm MtataMd am drtuM tkmqgh obswh
platea Imrn thu live axle shafts. wM
tktmU mt inCAd.
Ai-..-.-. .'..
player: Umgwell. to fuUback. who
was hurt lu to Indian game; Ketaath.
nothing Is known; Towns«nd. sub end
snd half; Btckham. sub cenier; Bheble. sub end snd qunrtct; Rogers, snb
end; Sharley. mb quarterteek. nad p
Qribble. sub guacd.
This year's freshman team was to
heft and most eneceesful In the history
Ivanla. Regan at quarter
back.,was a find and looks to bo a
second Blevefteon. The conches look
fill Lawreace'e place oa
tbo ‘varsity next seaaob. PauxUs. who
played right end this eeneon. played
quarterbec<before coming to Peansylvanla. But be has shown that he ta
vanUty mnforUl as an end and would
fit ta Levene's positICn very nicely.
There are two IBO^pound tackles on
n. '10 team and other good Islent
McQupln Lenee But One.
Dan McOugln come* home without
to Birkhteai cause for worry about
year. Only one man who play
ed at Ann Arbor will be mtastag Irom
the Nashville llaup ne^t esneon. la
InterooUegteU flvn yeqre
of Plsy ta allowed, aad Oaptata Dan
Blake bss hsd all of hta. The other
ten. two; Pritchard, one; Blooe. two;
Ing. are: Bobe Blake, two
Manler, two; Crslg. two; Cos
i; Prilrhard. one; Btooe. awo;
Cbom. three: Mcl>^. three; E. Noel,
four, and Vaughn Blake, four.
This is not all the material tot Mc>
Cugta will have to wie-k with. It ta
learned that two other former stars of
the squad, who were abeenl from the
lineup this year, will reUim next fall.
These are Bd. Hamilton, the great end
of 11MJ5. and Hob IHiteiron, wbo form
erly played at center for the C\>mmoea. Hamilton has been a teacher
the Columbus Military InstlUile
this fall and PatterSon has filled a sim
ilar poalUon at the Gordon MURary InsUtttte ta Georgia. Both are sUU la
Kid amateur standing.
Then there Is Oscar Noel, a promlsiag man for the backfleld. to say
nothing of several prep team pUyera
wtio will enter Vanderbilt next fall. /
The thing most of Interest just now
at Vanderbilt Is Ibe 1B07 schedule. It
is practically decided that the Comme.
dores will play Michigan pext Novem
ber at Ann Arbor. Yuet/is anxious to
play Chicago. I>riDcetQn ted Carltale.
Tbo rule pussed by the comerenbe nltowing ibe learns to play seven games
will doubUess cause Coach Btagg to
give Vaaderhllt a game with the MaK*s. to be played oo Marshall field.
Carltale Is willing io return to Nsshvnie and U seems probable tot to Indlans win be back to try nad wtn hack
lost laurels.
Princeton . win not
VenderblltY expenses east
and for this sesMn a meeUng between
the teama may be deferred for some '
years. »
Yotef Otte Firt Biaimi Army Of
and Than Oavu Him AaMmr
NM York. Dee. U-Toung Otto
foxtfehte to beat part of to antar■cak at to ahow ef to Lang
Acre AthtetieClah. when be had to
m aapatfimea af futtlag to
» maa out twice te eae might- He
OB Jack Btaadt for a tkreereaad
aad pot him neatly away with a
viglit to to ohta ta to eaepnd imntaL
felt tot this waa a mtefaka
nad atod for aaotor trtaL Otto was
oMIglac nad thay had aaotor Aertihl.
fully fast rooBd. Btaaot a W Mt
uader a aondfor font aa to M
dteaoMMd htamelf te a dasad ao^ X
^ ..d
A. J. wn^SELM
iitafIflC «
at la «aa «kw tc
Union SL
, wdC a-'lhetW sawrarntj appto WUek is laSs-
tlBM tas'orOer U fSTssat4 m« the the sftnry egeeSL to wo ' heseBr
»»<... the
the SeM bnke to toSesmdeat.
ne ca Ures. T
la eae car. the Oonto. the emen
telaed hr lU 1
i.w# mante
fmewt or
r «r oxtoTMa siKM opermtod ly This esrr hlsh ratio of power
ht to ottataMS hr the oee cf
oet poiol oQMct am tkm btmko
iSWeeto pmettoonr thnosto
droBto os Uto r«ir whooto. wMo
the cor. aoS hr s reSseeoent tt
as mhoM
tbMo dniBs
The prettiest coOection of Haodkerchiefi ^ ^ each
in the city cao be found at this store. W« hare
aW line from Sc to $l.(ip each..
mil Silks to Waists al rsc aid $l.M.
Dress Gtob at an prices, 25c, 35c, SOic, bSc. 75c,
$1. S1J5. $lJe,$l.75,$2,
Otf line sr Black Goads Istke best shevn.
hM br Uto
leror. In
mermi e»ra 9oea oiih UiU nrr
, aeithw or ihm brake* rH
Boat ererr car examinod. evoept
to ibf amalloto miztm. had oa« or an
other srateai of »echanlcal lu
for the engtne. There are many
different forato oT mechanical
a. bat In neaHy all oT tholn the
aror U made, in ono way or an. to orcreoma the dlfffcalU«
In the earlier forma of InbricrntOffa. to
failure of the check ralvea to dome or
to leakage of the peeking aroond the
pump plungeri. In »omo of theae
Qoaks, aoaks,! Qoaks
Ham is wham wa are right, style and mica
At MMa wa
Oue bud Children’s Coats,, suaa 4 to It years.
110 each; to close oot 'at
Bold np to
eery quick pmnpInR ntroke to eent tb**
Lo check rahre and
Ive tmporUnce of
the pnekinr In ihew
u klch the Itodse and the HUl Prm^
km oilera are ekamplca. the plunger
U operated by a anap
In theae lubrlcatora. howeTer. chick
Bu mre not employed
porta nre covered i
chnnicaJly by the movement of
pert conUlning the pump barrel
other Jubrtoalora. the valves are open
ed and cloaed mechanically by a separate device. In atlll othera. of which
the Lunkenhelmer and McCord are ex
ample*, two -pompe are provided for
each braring. the second a lilUe larger
than the first and the adjoatment UrnHed to the first pump, ao that the aecond la sucking againat a vacuum dur
ing n portion of iu stroke, A sl^ht
Wlaas Is Interposed between the pump*
and the paction to the second pump
tnaorw* that* the glass will never b€come flltod with oil. A feature is the
number of Ugbl roadsters of between
20 and 30 borsepower for two or three
peraona These cars, of which the
Mora roadster, the Amertcan roadster,
and the Wayne are good example*,
are of light construction and for the
most part appear Intended for light
touring, tor which they are very well
adapted. Ope car. however, the B. L.
Special Sale for December
850 Cbildran’s Suits, sr«<s 3 to 16, Koifolks. Donble Breasted
Baits or Goat. PanU and Vest mads
Olay Worsteds. Also
Usn^s goods, the warm
60 stdts'm^^^m^ ceiefatmtad MeMiUaa's
sal, baariast, best wearing all wool aoita ip the city. Prieca aa
followaforthei^of Daoanber:
Sniu st..,
Salts at...
Salts at..
Salts at..
Suits at...
Salts at..
Salts at............ .$4.60
hoy a
Onr Moa’t Bnita, Yooth’s Suits, Oyeroonts. Shirts, Lndarwear. Boapaiideia. Nacktiea, Capa, Glares, the boat wo emr
bad. nt the bwaat prioas. Also a nice lind ol Fur CuaU,
A. J. wiumM
: I
F«r H«e
Who^ Family
Our Store is now a veritable Gift Land—complete witb^fts that delight the
young folks and the oldei ones as well for this store is the one real Santa Claus
of the north. Wc invite you to look at the goods whether ready to purchase or not.
Nothing has been left out that could possibly be added to our display as a
suitable or appropriate present for Christmas Day.
Match Safe.................. .«e
Sharing Seto.........!.«• to**
Collar and Cnff Boxen
............................... SOeto**
Art Good.............. lOetoSS
. ^
A ;
to It
Intereoting Books.. 15c to $1A0
Fountaia Pens .. .25c to $2.50
Necktie and Collar Boxes
............................ 25ctS$2J00
Pocket Books of dl Kinds
Sharing Bets—nt twrioos {wioes
tfaeAiftrianu Boy..........$IA0
For me OM Folks
Books at aU Price*.
V Dolls-Rubber-Bisque
and the new Dreamland
Rag Dolls 5 cents to $2 50
Rattle^ Trumpets and
Fuiey Goode
Siso which SBSXWU the laoer rsther
hu the tourtns cor. TheltoeeoMhe
bodr I» tect ere the Mow ot e mtatoto^. althoash It to ctolmed that
the ariaaseowat of the eeote and the
fpotboerd to each that the poiomsers
ate fallr as coorfortable as Uer wUl
be U eoau of the orJIaaty trpe. A
spew] or U aUff aa hoar to ctotoeed
for the car, aad the rapid aoeeteratloa
and hlfh scneral efSclcacr aad neaUnrss of the car U clslmet
Tcrr suitable for inaneurerlna to trafSc aad for awktos epecd on tororabic
OosmiaandWoinboweaay we sra making Piano ownat.
ahip. AampririypyMdlaawantwindo to start. Ton gat
Tirialmas Em if yon nmlml ,4han
I month antil tha prim k pail :
tinmattancaof aeleetiag eow Piano
st thrirbmtandwaam aUa to gH»
yon amry attention. Drdimriee asndp aa deeiiad.
latOctroit. iraveniatyStore;lYtolaiMCMSSta.
for the first hour and one doBar for
each additional boor and for frncs
tkwal boor* at the mte of one dolUr per hour, and tor ench nddltkmnl
twenty-five cenU per hour;
for the use per day of such convey
It at top speed uadcr all eoodl
ance. five dollar*.
Section 2. Every carriage, hack,
cab. hackney coach, omnibus, wsgoaor other public conveyance, for
6 Of Twenty-rive and
ln« loiwatvrE. HcenwA oaOw
is In a Good Financial Conditio*
provUioiu of the ordlaaacea of
Several Young People StudythU city, shkll Bt bU tk
tog Habemw.
coospicuoua plBCe. in tho tomjde there
of. Bnd where the BBine niBy be reedlly
The number of membort enrolled la seen Bnd rend by nny peruon or pnsthe Hebrew cxAtgregnttoii In this city senger sitting therein, n card coniBlnIs twenty-five, the officer* of which tag. In targe printed Bngliah letter*,
are as follow*:
the owner# nnme nnd the rale# of
President—R. Schfltnbefger.
Urp prescribed nnd ertBblished In thU
Vice Prealdfwt—H. Rusaky.
Treaaurer-ll. CoplBn,
Section 3. When * public oonveySecretaiT—Bd Herron.
Bnoe Is used between the hours of
Tnisteea—J. Shalen nod N. Alper.
twelve o'clock midnight nnd five
There ha* ben much Improvemei
oclock B, m.. It shBll be Uwful to deIn the church property both within BkBnd Bnd receive, for the BBine scrand urlthout during the past year, vice*. one-hBlf more ifasn the rate*
among theae. city water, cement walks preBcribed nbove.
and the Improvement of the town
Section 4. Every vlotattoa of or
about the premlstoh
The Sn*
failure to ccimply with the provUkms
condlUon of the organlsatloo U the
of this ordinance, aball be
best in ywara. tor Which the officers
by a fine not exceeding twenty-five
deserve credit. There has been no
r* and the coot of prosecution,
Increase In the membership during
in the Imposition of such fines
the part year.: Owing to the small
and costs, the court may make a fur
number <rf children there U no regular
ther sentence-that the
Sunday school; however, the Rev. A,
failure to pay such line and coat*,
Zuaaman is instructing a number cj
ahull be Imprtaoond in the city prtaon
young people in the Hehiww language.
or In the county jail erf Grand Trav-*
erse county until such fine and
shall be paid, not exceeding the pertod
of thirty day*.
Section B. Thl* ordinance shall
take effect in thirty day# after It*
and one that should always
hskeptathand for Inunedl'ate ose is Chaiaherlain's
t:oarh Remedy.
An Ordinance Relative to Carriagee.
Hacka. Caba. Hackney Coachea. Omnlbua^ and Wagonettes, or Other
Vehicles Which Cairy Fatoaf
for Hire.
Be It Ordained by the Council of Trav
erse aiy:
Section 1. Owners, drivers or con
ductor* of any vehicle kept and 11
censed for the carriage or transporta
tlon of passenger*, with or without
baggtge. 4rlthln the limit* of thl* city.
Shan be entitled to charge the follow
ing rate* or price* of fare, and no
more, to-wlt:
For earning each paamger to or
from pny railroad rtation. hotel
<iock. to or from any point In the <
except the Northern Michigan A«y
for the Insane, nq^exceedlng twentyfive fents.
For carrying paaaengers to or from
the Northern Michigan Asylum for the
Insane to or from any point within
the limit* of said city as follow*:
Fifty cent* for one pas*^ger. fifty |
cents for one additional passenger, one
dollar for three paasengeru. one dollar
for four passengers, and twenty-five
cent*/or each additional passenger
over four paaaenger*.
For carrying each passenger one
and one-half miles or under, and not
to or from any raUroad station. hotcU,
dock or the Northern Michigan Asy
lum tor the Insane, not exceeding
twenty-five cent*; for carrying each
paaaenger over the diwance aforesaid,
and not to or from any railroad suUon. hotel, dock or Northern Michigan
Asylum tor the Insane, not eRceedlng
fifty cents; children under five years
of sge. in charge of any other person,
shall be carried free; chadrm aged
between five and twelve years shall he
carried for half price.
lees than one bmidrod poqnfli. twentyfive cents, nnd for cniryteg any
heavier piece of bsggnge. ten eenta
for each additional hundred poonda or
part thereof.
Hand boxes, satchel*, bags. Taliaes,
tamdlea nnd grlpsin chFTge of psaaeogers being conveyed. ahaU be oarrted
the nun of two
of such
dollari and fifty cents.
Fbr sttendtag a fnseral aad convey'
anoe by the hour, lor not mop than
fonr persona, and wUh tbe prtvOege
of going firoB pin. to staoe and rtofh
PHrfng as often as i
BECAUSE we mm mikioK a batter product ibaa auY
jou have been aUe to get on the market before mad
we are going to Ulk vi ALm all tbe time until arery §u.
hourt^e in TraTerrt' City and vicinity has umd the
ii»EAL floor and producta,
. - f ^
THEKB it DO queiUon aa to tbe merito, Tbe ouly^
queation ia. Are you using them r
KEMEMBERihat ifyour gWr does not handle
our ppodnrts that we are ready to tend yop anything
Jl’ST now i*n good time to on]<>r n nook of iiikax
Bnekwboat Flour. It mnkon'tbo enk^ that bn* tbo
bnokwbent taate.
^ V,
WestftoBt Street
We do hereby certify thst the fore
going ordinance wa* passed by the
common coundJ of the aty of Trav
erne City on Monday. December 3rd.
T. H. CILUB. Clerk.
Notice to the Taxpayers of the City of
Traverse City:
The tax polli for the collection of
the state and county taxes for the
year 1$0€ and for tbe delinquent
school and city taxes nnd sportal naseasments for said year have been
placed in my bands for collection.
I will be in my office to receive said
taxes from now unUl Feb. 1, 1M7. on
each week day from 8 o'clock to 11:30
o:clock In the forenoon and from 1
o clock to 4 o clock In the afternoon.
On all state and county taxes paid
before January 10. the regutar fee of
one per cent for collection will be
charged and on all taxes paid on or
after January 10. there will be
charged a fee of four per cent for col
lection. Penalty on delinquent city
and school taxes and special assess
ments. 4 cents on each dollar of the
amount of said tax.
Office In room 202 State Bank
Dated. Dec. i; 1906.
dec 4 to fcb-28
City Treasurer.
I BELIEt'B that MlUers Is the beet
place to boy perfumery for most
everybody goes there.
dec 8-tf
Arc Your CoUcettons Slow
Hm jm acMfBtt Oat
Tod Ha?c GItcd Up?
U m luTc. let OK collect
OkineoaiiBtopa«pttr nUMidtri.
tonndlenamnka manejtofjtn
A. Pohoral
Tr«fuis<aiy. Mich.. Sept. lA lififi.
I have plaoed a anmher €C nensnsis
with A. FobomTs ngsnex tor eoDseb
ion. mBRj of OtoRiJy oiynwn^ M
MtatnenU to ttm uM prsupt
Dr. BrU Adkton. 1
} Should Receive Bic
of Every OHzcn
■ ■
__ j_J
# * Oeaeral Repair Work u
. •
I Mcoag^ jrMvcwc ciT>% I
irrisz^Niimw the aoprasH
Tohn K. Santo
Tnmm Otj
wa Slrai«i lanslBr
Fm the ntnte
mm Hm Unim
Nm H M SteitiL -
they cxmctuded that ka nost^kc under
sates torture of aotne kind.
-Canskt te o k^r trap - aald Mr.
Ofikan. aa ka aada a atap forward.
“Hold Oi. I
tktek It.- aald M<or fopvlakai for tbr
^Ir ai kU
foot. Mr Ofllim alcMiop tvo of tkr Ooagk.- I kOOera H*s a tunatlc. BetbooB ud pot tbcB ^ lUa pocKft,
Ikey dodsod fron tree
osplalptas to Mr. Me^oo^k. wltk a
■kmri aaetla. tkat tktf Blgkt t«mr« to trea tkroiisb tka kaaylast ahadowt
as crMaaeo lator oa ; If Mnrraro and workad tkalr way wftkin tan rods,
bHrs kad aajr dlfflcaliy la ectUa^ a when tkay ware aklc to make out a few
MttJMDoat from the life Insurance words that reached them In dU)olntad
frmsmenu, whfck become more clouaPleklaK thotr aray om Ides and ly connected as bur heroes leseened the
ihnwgk t»msh. they eoBOatiad In quest distance between tkemaelses mad the
of t|Mi atransa walllat aa4 •crapin* airanser; and a queer suaplckm crept
aouid tkat im bnwckt tken Into tke Into tkelr ateda. wkkk waa folly con
cakk. TMrprocfoaai^tbekaak firmed when they sot cloae to Ike an
>r an alawat tbor of tke nolae. He waa poelns aa
blat out faced tke plctoraaquely aa aay Spanlah Caraller
atieam. vkaia tke snick dtrerged at and ataflns -Whan ika Moekins Wrda
rtskt ansles Into a aahWar doile. Are Calllns. Maudle Dear.- wkBe ke
Here tke waUlns and accaplns baea»e acraped out an nccompanlment on n
I. O. Burns
'Tud and offioe Nortbeni
Both pbooet 8&
Horses and Cows
For Sale ‘
1 good, IM0T7. MVDd «otk
b^. good oorlition, tmj
1 lSO01b.9yM sUmre
1 beantilal' abuidard tmd
brood marot icrd bmd
and in
T. W. W.
1 atylUh^itedfikddle borofa
S ooodoova; be fierii eariy
taktaafriog; will tell wy
"j. W. SUT0R.
Why sit in a cold room
when a little money spent
will keep it put?
Storm sash arc jjuaranteed to pay for them*
selves in two years in
savinjj of fuel.
Get our prices.
deer wblek atartod up and boardci
away to the dMton ke ini c«moi
He wimffH tnm kla covertng wltk fram; tbB he haare n ptalnttve daaor
klant and that
an. When ke re*
!sa In a few minare ovardrmwteg the fhlag.- Bid Mr.
bat nevertbeleas
M hBMkt la Ma tka car.
Order your
tokavf MliagMkatteam, ■vb i
nock mors dUtInct. Tkey exattiaed
their rtflea carerully and glided w«U>
ataaltk of IndUna to“Hadnt we better wait nnUI be rrta
Mr. Gilbert
ward tkaamrea of the kwnd. Proa
driftwood and knak. U^ay snMnally
”Ko. we beuer make a nolae or
wonnod tkelr way oot of tke gorfe to
replied Mcklskar
la a foraat of noble plnea
M »<mtl orpet or tallc* neeata* aad 'ni make • ooIm Ilka an ladlan
eoaaa. Tlia Ineraaatacj
baa.’’ aaid OllbMt: "Botch Norotar
alns dlaUoctatai
of the walllns told thaU that tbay told me bow to do It: Who-wb<KH>!
on the Hicht tracks and tkalr
The' ainger tnmad toward them—
curtoaity fnm more Intense when the
distant flicker of a fire fixed their at- -Maudle. of coorae. yon galloota. Get
up from behind that log and come Into
camp. Be aocUble. I’U promise oot
Voiea of Apeiw.
to sing any more.Tkarn coold be no aUtakias the
It waa Beg Heigea who apoke.
sound »ow-lt was a kuWn yolee In with the cooincaa of a real Raffles
asoqy; and as they huitled forward caught In the act of Inning off sUver
they soon causht sight of a human pUte.
flsnre silhouetted nsnlnti the fire
-Hey! BUI. get up; got company.”
light. All tke blood and thunder narHe punched kls sleeping partner In
ratlrec read in their ytmth—of capthe ribs wltk bis boot.
tlvea burned at the aUki of robbers’
Bill got up. rubbikff kla eyaa. and
and mtllionairea held for
anUy came te tke minds helped to do the heooruoftbe camp.
of our keroee. They took Ika piecau While the vUltors related tke atrange
tkat had brought them.
tton to tranifer their bUI-bookm and
purses to their hunting nocks, took Bin made many queer facea and heavy
ihHr temperatures, and. wUb brarado gulps and walked clear acroaa the
ao well aasumed as to completely de camp to spit Into the darkness with a
sound like a heavy-bore popgun, and
ceive each other, crowded forward.
Approaching to within a distance of at the end of their narrmtlra. eoocludtwenty rods of the place, they stopped ed bia performance by covering him
to slae up the figure by Ihr flr^lght. self with a blanket which abook and
It was a man. sure enough. His back quivered and jerked nnUl the guests
waa^lbward tbem^and b^ atood atlll leared that he had convulsion^
• Wbafa the matter with Bill?" en
save for a hand held upward, as If
In supplication.
As It Jaaa evident quired McGougb.
that be was the author of the atrange • -Oh. nothing much; Bill has awful
walling that atlll pierced their eara.^ good manners.- replied bis partner.
-Wen. we waat to know what you
Wart this a leaa treckfal aarretlve.
tke ambdr woald endeavor to oolor It
little and have tbe monster tokan
M gulp. Ida Adam’s capUve with a great show of guns.
But be feela tbe neceaalty of oonilelag blmaeir to tbe facta: Wben tbe
ears wabkl^ Iwi be never arniled.
. -What are tkeyr demanded Mr. Mc^ A amnU tuft of dark grey hair was
found on a lagged piece of glaaa where
panel bad been wrenched and chew
’nkem’a tke gambrel jolat of oM li
ed out between two windows, throogh
Pete’s band mnle\tkat got anowr
wkkk be aumt bare escaped.
down there and froxe to dentk
of the great disoorerwinter.”
lea of sdance and valuable cooiribotkma to history have been due tn
Went Back to Camp.
as only by the merest
With some dlfflcuHy tke two ad
venturers wended tkelr way back to
tkelr own camp to find all tkelr com- the world aa nocarate picture of tkU
tar. ’TU a trite saying
ito from tke aimrek. and alio
that tke camera tells no Uea. Mr. McOougb aould be graciously excused for
neglectlag to look at the strange anthoagh udeece and xooiagy
kcamp. It waa decided to march were to be cheated of a rare addition
such BUgloel. But It s.ws ibal hU
toward tke siding where tke PItUburg
which dangled by a
a private car was standing bi
prosecute a 'vigorous aearck along the strep from bla sboulder and knocked
kla back as bq raa. took upon
way. Rnanora were amt with mesato other camps, and notices post Itself to Bupi^ what lu owner, ow
ing to the et^gandea of Ike occaaloo
ed warming other hunters of
was not able to secure. Wben Mr.
McOough waa developlag bla photo
to looks out for Murray
graphic plates a few days after bU re
Wk^ the party got
from tke woods he waa nonpluss
miles of tke raUroadJ. H
and nmased nt the Image that atood
them to BMke a detour to a
ly pretty spot that he wiaked to get out loldly on one of Aem-cf which
pbotographs of with kla Rodak. prom be pictore below U an evac: rej.roising to be on bund at dinner lime. uctlon..
‘The rest of tke compaiiy having
artistic ambitkma to gratify, mo
on In gloomy aHance.
When they came near the
range sight met their eyte. The two
negro porters were pacing the top of
and shooting to them franil
rally to -stay back-aomethtng
They did not heed the warolnv
but advanced with ready guns
The car locked aa though a
had struck It. Maay of the windows
abattered.whlch waa explained
by the Bbouta of the coons.
-We shut him In there! .Keep
H e j[ 11 n g I
^ -■ 1
W< KNOW we are equipped : to give you the
most satisfactory service it is |>ossible to give.
In plumbing there b as much difference In the
way the work is done as there jis in the fixtures.
Our work is right—we have biuilt up our splen
did trade by doing it just that ^ay.
We are satbfied we have the Iwt Heating Sys
tem there is to be found anywhere.
If you are thinking of putting in Steam, Hot
Air or Hot Water Heat, let us figure whE >-ou
before you necide what, to hatje.
If you want the best (not necettarily the highest
priced) system and want the Work done right at
satisfactory prices, we know we can get your
We are pushing the Forde liightingS jbtemecause we believe it is what you ought to have.
We know, and tbe ones who arc using it know,
it saves them ihoney.
. Come in and let us tell you
us and we will call.
bout it, or phone
u iVr deminiefl .he propr«.
Photooraph of the Morderoaa fiklpit know—big •animal—kangaroo
percen AocWently taken by J. H.
BrV’ INK whOU. cnimb frays ami
brushes, crumb frays and scrapers,
--cr glraft—er grtrxly bear—er
card trays, paper knives, pocket maid,
Gilng like that ”
The artUt wan almast frlxhlr!ied
safes, postage stamp boxes, etc.. In tbr
-Big aa a horse ” corrobCrated tbe
at flwf, sod InvolunUril.v aurtwl to
beautifni antimony ware at The Emn
other—-Big claws—idng gray hair—
run. iJitcr he took the pbotograph omy Store.
dec lO .’lt
walks like
and contulted Prof. I. B. *7IlbH ii. mho
The hunters closed In around the
mrell knomn authority on xriolopi
car and held tbelr guns ready.
FOR KANCV work baskets, waste
cal apoclmena
up. boys.” aald Mr. Graf
“BTiy. man,” exclaimed the profes. paper iBkeis, lunch Ujxes. etc., try
n from the top of the car. where he
dec 10-3t
80^ •you don't nira*. to tcl. im- th»t The Bcpnomy Store.
had climbed to ger a better view of
you mere chased by that monster here
the scenery.
in Michigan. That is the xUM skip
Bam Ilea mounted the platform
H»n-«ever U^fore beard of outside
one end, and F. C. Desmond at
Asia Minor and almost extinct
other, to investigate; but saw noth
there. It la a bl-fogel crtlncreaecmia
but each other’s faces.
Lihr the great Stomach,
-In thej
r. FrhmtI.OO.
P/vB $f.Ci
Kidney find Liver Regulator.
Prltx Belt
menUoned by Pliny as the Kanmukcrept stealthily
■Tffteaa't •^n mfUhr immediate cure for Crampa, Whoop
eroufi GeombUrlcuss. It has been crand got bold of the knob on the door
ing Oough« DeafneM and Rhenmatiam, 50 Baft.
purgated from the modern dictionary
and called for the key. which tbe por
since P. T. Baimun died, as the ocien.Witfmun^M
£aap for Ecaema, Dandrnff, Shaving
ter threw down. After the door was
tlflc men could not agree cm lU real
and Shampooing, f# Baft pB aa*a.
securely locked, the compnar fcH that
?. some contending that It waa of
they could afford to take time to fijeure
the genus Sklppus Renikus and others
out a method of punishment for the
that It was Renlkus-Sklppus. But It's
monster comroensurate with the de
hopper, by any name.”
vaaution he had wrought in the car
giata, Tiaverte City.
Bverytbing was Inreed xiimipf down
and chewed ni|a clawed, and
would require f.lO railroad cars,
the stove knocked over by the animal
eaeh carrying ttventy-four tons, to haul
in his efforts to enenpe after tke por
the freight stowed away in the bold
ter had closed the door nnd shut him
Sfiufifige Mfikfira
of one of tbe trans-allantic linera.
in. All tke prorlalona were
^THC TRADITIONAL ■OAR’fi HEAD and the hunters were engaged In fig
At a rallmray sUtlon in Belglam Is
uring out the moniter’a exact proporclock which only require* winding
; wtf can replace with a tender. Juicy Uods. bnaed on the amount of provls) once in five years, it was placed
nnd Bweei as a nut a turkey, chicken, lotti oonaumed after be devoured Mur there by tbe Belgian government in
ray. when the Ust named ^Oeman IWl. and-keeps capital Ume.
goose, duck, that will make your Yulesaetf . before them and
tide fenat one to remember. We have
.American condensed milk and evap
secured every delicacy In tbe.line of
-Maybe Jcnsi^ waa In the wknle’s orated cream find a ready mariiet la
menu, poultry, game and canned Stomach, bat I wasn’t In tkat animal’s China, and there la a growing demand
American cheeae.
goods for tbe holiday sbsoo that
makes our market tempting to tbe
Tbe only Urge sheet of freak srater
Then be explained: At the tragic
worthy of roent
coacloalon of hU beauUful automobile
^lanoo. This Kaa keen aupplaivientad by highest nworB find
BIwa. mhlcb Is thirty-six
etC ud FfmnUin.
Botbpb<me«. dream be tried to dodge Dick
eye’s orangoutang and fell over back twelve mUcs wide, and 200 feet deep
Bat tha true touroe of greal
ward behind the log into n hollow at lU greatest depth-
All kindu of lumber and
interior finish.
South side ^
Lumber Co.
Joseph Slsdir & Sons
Kimball Pianos
Kimball Piano ia in itaaW-in Ito i
k Taste of These is Sure
PlCKLE8-8<nir. Swwt, Dm, Mixed ud
right twMv-per lb............................. 1 8o
SAUER KRAUT-Mede fieiB UtUe c«bbege in the old^Mhioacd my, per qt-. .6c
Walter M. Paige
California Crapa*-Jeet mei««d e chip,
ment ol lbs bsst tlut grewt^-perIK..20c
FOOTE’S Of rourse
among tke break, where be lay |
funy aleeplng unto tbe company bad
At this Janctnre a wild and diaaktv
tied specimen who once went by the
name of Joe MeOougk rushed Into tbe
car and threw ktmaMf upon the protaction of tbe company, gaaplai
aaetber Aapter of tke kSdeoot adven
ture:Whne latmit on gectlag ■
tkalarly deMreblo pictafu. and
kma to evarytklag claa. be wai
daaly overabadowB by •oma.nK
form that seemed to be falling
him. and tke same demoniac cry tkat
had beea heard the algkt 1
alnmat troB the blood la bla velna.
Re made a laage. be raa. Tbe tkbpg
canto bounding and tkompteg bokind
him. break nnd timber creaked In un
der lu bsfi ftnpnct; be atreteed
ery nerve and fibre In bla body.
Cm • Com la Om toy
Cm Gi^ 1b Two keys
' than My athar maka In tha worM. Thia la a atrane Watawawt M
I aalwtaly trva, bama otit by tha annul aalaa at Kimball Kianaa.
I M aar flaana.
Wa hava
Oar amall V^i^M PlM Mahia Klaaa Baying Kaay.
M. a HARNBB, Ptoih
I have!* atunberof Rood
farm*.alltb«way inwiMto
MOaac>. faraale. ar if yoa
have any voedfMeperty. I will
take h in exdanoc sod make
ym easy terms. 1 can tell you
a good (am for leas money
thas yoo can boy it of any
body ebe. 1 have I
which are located from foyr
to KO mile* from Travmrse
City, all good Impfoved land.
fpm BALR-im-ll ocros two islloi
At Itt WA
rtrMt. lfr«. WUIOfit.
dMt IM
LOfT OR •TMYtO-.Wi. bUck A®
IPfm cAt mUk
Batvni to MnL r. CL' Darfec, IIM
worlA of CANDY wiU be ociM
to til® Uoltod AUUo this fmr.
ftoaio !l«Atorf tollJ of flAHoo
oHI noro tAmti oiAm, bnt there
It 0 r«A«oo for iWt. *
• YA# Aboploto PURITY of tho
iomoair Rtoro Candlea eooablA^
rd wUb tAe uBusual low iirice cf
If you orOAto tire yoor chUdiwo
too pnroit oo2 U*tl condlet ole
taloobto ot ihr price yoo tbooto
buy ihera at <he Ksoiwjmy Store.
Sunday oobwat and oil cAwt*
ooctotiM win find jt to toelr to^
iMMMiy Store
J. N. Martinek
Yair Wife
WmiM like no0.in^> ladtor for **b»r** i:ift ibon a
for W faliln; for IbatV oim
lUat otia
i»ratify h« r
Lcok ovtr hc rtupply
.«im1 too what mho ia
lackiuKt ibeii come in
(iihUwo will Ulk it
ovor. Wetro married.
UK). Andean giro you
which la composed of MHlott R. Dunnlng. Bryant Walker and W. B. Bar 000. Eight loeaeo. for A toUl of only
$360. hare beeh wuataioed.
rows. llceaaea have been lasae<
tome btdpfol togget.
tor moA and toama can be fumtobed.
To apply, nto eltoer B«U or Oto.
pboae to Cbenknl Worim at Gar
wbOA ho oonio to WoAbtaitoA froto
Iron too plaioo or Tesao ooAM iCtoSA
I Ota It wAMin lOAt. boweeer.
beCoro Bailey feU to lint and erderod
bf^ oo P. M. R. R. oe phono to
F. C. DeamocHL Traverse Oty. Mlcb.
dec KKf
i or Lon!totod to
toe Ualtod
toe PtttobAi
tbe roenltn were oent at oaeo to toe
Smklyo BAvy yard. Sir Hbary. wbo
bao A paper ohpwtnc that bo was a
eoaot ID too Boor war. bad been
mtttaiico amn.- hot lalolr tbo reaneea failed to come frooi YigtoBd
UtoAod with oQppor mlAoml. the
fiottor. The coo
product of the Calumet A HooU
mtoet. the Btramer Platt l« eorouto pon4od At nnd bno
inlot IS or its 1
to the lower Uket with one of lbi
ftoheot earfoeo erer shipped from
Aortbem MkAlion. lU raloe 1* orer
aptaint tart me and yaarSlAt for
a ooldlorA life to
A lory In toe came of Will Dooalgmn. toe iwaaoa aoaignod by Fetor Qolalla.
Oily or Mimketiia lor
charged with murdering Joe CWwMy.
nightwatch In a ecreen door factory, from toe Twelfth Infantry,
relumed a rerdlct of guilty of murder at Ftort Niagara. N. T. He aakod for
lodging! at the police aUtton Sunday
to toe trot dogree.
Bub Slear. captain of toe Tecumaeh night and Mon
team of the Sjwiihem Michigan league, got the atory of hla
A novel point boaotowi In 4Ao
waa Bkating on Red Mill pond when
aro or Qiiimn. TAo
hla eye coogbl toe dioappoartog t
or n 12 >f^r-old boy a euartor of a mile aUowa only HO exptoke
oStowa retoratog>itooaa
away. Running to thr apol be dired
nxpenae ol toe trip to Fort Mtogora
Into the ky water. F6ur tiroea be
cAme to the aurface for breath and .the would Awood toAL ao Qntalto may
after all got bU liberty.
fifth deacent found the boy tm the bot
Vtmmutkrm of toe
tom of the pond and brought him up.
;tioA and Attomoy geneml a deForty girla employed by the Barrett
Porter company picking beona at parUDeot have wturAed from an toOwoaao atmek Monday morning be- eeatltatlon Into coodlttOAs reported to
range they had been rut from 3H exia^ to achool dtoUka Na 2. Elk
eenta a pound for waate to 3 eenU. towniklp, and Ko. 3. Dorer townahlp.
company refuaea to take back any Lake county. In the former they, re
quired the former achool directors to
of too lirjkera.
Otto Paul Knopf repaired to the give a note for $117. reported to have
bathroom of hla rtwldence at Delml been found to have been unlawfully
to varloua ways. In toe Utter
and half an hour Inter hh mother
ionnd him dead, hit l»ody doubled orer duFrict a dtrecior had woeeeeded to
liig bia father aodofdior nnd bto
the aide of the- bathtub and hla face
aitbmerged 'in the tub. It la thought wife ireaaurer. with the rwault that he
had hla own cUlma allowed for every
> waa orercome by dlwineaa.
coaeeireble service. One of these wai
In Cirmll court at Flint the will of
•For hiring teacher. $4.the late Maria Sttiekdale waa alb
cretary !?. x.Holden of Umalng.
aner over a rear of llUgntlon. The
eatale ia worth about $300,000 and'wtll hoa prepared the reports of the Pal^
be divided belwi«^ the legaltea and ftmt* Mutual Fire and the tornado and
wind-atorm loauTanoe compaalea to be
eral charitable *1 nat it utlnna.
The nan-game hlnl llcenae comrola- presented at the annual neettaga held
in connection with the meeting of tbe
alon haa aubmittod Ua first report
Gov. Warner. Thla commlaaion la a Staid itfwnge to Bvwnd E^plda this
week. Both companies have bad mbnem one to the public generallj
waa created liy act 2r.7 of the lawa of atantial growth. In the Are compoitr
1»05. and oonalata of three roembera. 1.601 policies have been wrHt« to
pdlclea or
whoao duty ia to toane permlta to dtl- the year, making
aena of Michigan to yto birda- neaU $$A41.n$ ^ Inaurance to force. There
That la to any. the colnmiaalon ia em have been 76 loeaoa. amounting to
powered to laaue ikenaea to ciUaeoa about IlC.ooe. In toe wlnd^etorm aom
to take neats In the Intereat of science. pony, toaomnoe to the amount of $4*0.670 waa wrltteai during toe year, and
During the life of the comml
ATO too two pilnclpor rMunoo
ilAf toAr wHA# torso aomtAMAt of
Ijmdm S004II. vhk*
tiM oory or
Ato ftolOir^AOOOCtoto; to COAfTA*..
A AAAlvoroArr of tAo
AirCA of lAAgfaltow
t7 A04 wSl bo nrttbwtoi ot OoAArlito. tbo poot*o Aoam.
All to#
ocbooto of the €dt|T wUI toko port AOd
|| Pewset jBfelMdmi
iH per pond
to o frUtoU *Wbon 1 toft
lifo old man llortn
l« AbOAt tbo PAAAtoA cma
Jet DavlB^too aow aooAlor from
ArkAAooa. la o ohlntoc ODdonigbC jot
be Ana never Worn a awallowtan wont
WANTtO-IO toAma to bAAl cord
Ao mwi be aemr wiU. Sonntor
«Mt* tm cMd; m>oi
loe Bnltoy bod too oome pn$odk»
dec 104f
Valley 8L
WAN'TRD-Three or four 1 leoma to
draw h>cw OolnahU TninMer.
dec ll-St
WAMTRD-At nnre: young man to
laaa the lafMry uade. U M. Baadoe ll-4t
tary eoort, Oonorml Uade. was la hla
Travaroe City Mfc. Ca
dent Unde toteadod to baeoABo m
gbiecr and eaterod toe wortcaAop of WANTH>-HoB»k«T>,r.
a toftanltA to recoHe oomo pme
H. RMoM ctBr,.
tmlntog. But too moebaakAl
was little to tbe young man's
sad be rffuroed to oebool. to 1M« be
took oerTtoe to on orllllery regimeet
at Riodaborg and advanced rapidly
Uotn 1PM Ao woo dIvialoB eommandei
at Bramborg and baa otaeo boen eorpa
commaoder at GoooM.
Senator CnUom waa about to otop
Into bU oAitlASO At tbo oipltol too
oiAtr day wten bo stoppod aad took
ed at toe horse trltksolly. “John.- be
said to the coachmaa. “We have got
to do eomethtog for these horsM. They
ere too ^hln. They are out of coodltlon. Why. 1 waa noticing SecreUry
Tofi'a homes toe other day, and they
aneote and Idg nnd floety and fat-"
“Deed, boss." broke to the conohman.
looking at tiMutotn figure of Senator
Cullom. -we don't need no such hoeeea
to haul ua oa Mr. Taft dooi. nohow.**
Vice Prealdeat Fairbanks la oxchanging eompnmenu wUh'toe a
of Kanaaa City. Mo., and other r
ciUiena auending the deep water
ways convenilon. He moved nervous
ly from one loot to the other and mpruwently was In a burry to get away.
"Yea, drop to any time." he aald. “rm
a little busy tola morning, but oome to
auQT umc; always glad to see
Tbe delegatloi^ bowed Itoelf out and
the door had scarcely clooed when the
vice president shouted tar hla uh
ger. John, scoot for home and get me
my old shoes." he said. It'o wonderful
how a new pair pinches."
Itake dty
sixty 1
ciiy; seventy ocrea Improved
houae. bam. windmill: all U
Price $4600. Wade Bma., $17
street. CIU. phooe lllk.
z?^r- *• *:■
with powor. maehmery bas IaAM:
all UghtAd by oloetrteity: good tm
protoetkm. In a too placo fif IMP;
torso mllraodo and a ivoaI opoAtog
for A fOAArml tapAlr kuMmii Ba
OPPOAIUQAS wm ton tor Ittoto A
MAP tor Aomo oao; bimor to poor
hoAlto. Addmm J. J. Rortok. Oitord. Miau
Aov T-tf
FOR tAtR-14$4-riiunooa
NO tkANOHR ot typhoid It you nso
aMtRlBCd ■Hfc <June« City Dairy
XMum'. CWt. trt. «n.
Nafional 1
nmied Steles
Nov. 6. •06......
Dec. Il.:*06..........
. ■ . : 82jUOe.OO
82 58.1P0U>0
WANTEO-DIntog room girl at emoo
at toe P. M. Kettof House.
FOR fiALR-l^a^Plne
of poyd and Pront: li
houae: easy tirma; ]
Wade Bros.. $17 Union
phone 121$.
FOR SALE—A oombtoatton wood or
hot blast coal stove to first daaa
coodmop: worth I2fi; $10 cash Ukea
It Geo Othom. 344 State ft Clt.
phone $23.^
dec 4^t«
WAtfTCD-Tour oolled gnrmmiti to
dona and make Hko Rtw. LoAoR
work a opodalty. TfjMm Byo
Worts. 312 B. Tnmt BL OoH Mf
CItx. phone and wo will do too mot
olreet. ClU. phooe 121$.
FOR RALR-Btoro and lot oomor
rraut aad Opk otmoto; qploAdld
buMnoio loeotkm; AM upMalra;
would rout to right pnrto. Bnqnlni
Shormaa ft Huntor.
oct IP4f
FOR RALR—Btohty ocro’ tom two
mUeo went KorriavUlo;;fottr H^eo
post office Traverse bty: tixty
Am Imprwood: six oo(m onlUMe
FOR «ALR-im-Oood Bo#
mm bouoo. tth stmohi claoo to
wehooL mortiot and Chttreb; oooy
terms. Prtoo
FOR «ALE-14$2-Bla room hopM.
Boyd avenue, close to Boee alreet.
prie.- $660. Wade Bros, $17 Unloo
Mret t. Citx. pbooe lllf.
otreet near Twoltth otmet.
WANTED—100 men and hoys to loom
plumbing, bricklaying nnd plaotor
tog by oetual praetlee In three
montha Poeltlona secured. ’Write
for free catalogue. Coyno Bros. Co,
SS8-SH K Aabl
tt.» etta.
WANTED—Poallion as derk to groeery or clochlng store.' four years'
experience. Address ju. C.. cure
dec 7-U
one 16M.
FOR SALE-1476-Ftoe i
SSriito atreeu.; will take $1,000
to good value, free aad dear cf en
■Uwt. ctu. phooe
lot: new
Hotel and Bar Furniture dock
trade at Lake Ann. large Souring
rolll at Oopemlsh. one of the Urgeet
and beat boteU. all f
Nortbeni Michigan:
■lu a (UW Choloo hwukwi !• ^
We h»». (Old wd ettyor mimm to
Colorado. Ia fMt. «• hue pcopwrty for nlo uIboM aaywher* you
waat ft. But w. h«»e uothlu wx
cu oMr you that
««aaf Ito
Orwad Tavaraa lUdiBa tor Ml*.
il7 DbIou BtraM. Tra»«» CUy.
Mich.. Ott. ptaou in*. <M1 M o
Urcp lot. bouM wrB flAWted. ca
P3.P00. Wa
atreet. CItx.
IP. for toy rmma. your gmxr 4o<*
aol fuml.h you with IDBAL. producU.
call up the nlU. we will w» that you
gM It. Both pboOM.
dec *-tf
HAND PAINTBD candy boxM. perf«t hahuUca. at Jackaou'a. IM Frout
■ V
FOR SALC-Oood top bittSy OAd
pDrtlahd cutter, loqulio U &.Trlmble. ^
to. CoMi prtuo IlMA. Wade
Brno.. tl7 UMon otrAOt. Oto. phono
fANTED-OIrt for general houtework
to emnU family. Mm U. McDonald.
62$ WaMilagton St.
_______ _
rOB »AL*-OBa puir
^ j
tHE YEAR 19«6
BHck Paving, UnlOB and CBBS
streets, 3,000 feet ...
Four miles of Cement "WtiSk •
Second Ward Sewer . . . .
Asylum C^ek BHdge. .
. . 1400
SUMMARY OF THE IMPROVEMENTS 2,000 feefl Water Mains . . . loSOO
WAS S58,700
I • ‘Totid
. 58,7*0
SO NewRiRddences. . . .
FMITORT tDOmORS UD EOUIPHEltT m Asylum Diiprovements . .
REtCH IBOUT 3I50.000
Fonrteentli Street M. E. Churcli 4,^ (J
Oak Park School Addition .
. 6400 '
County Jail Imj^vement . £
Total . J . .
Th« «dUorUl staff of Th« ISvtoIok
. Bmm baa bM extr^mriy bbay dui^
Sac tba paat a^b conplltug atailatica vf ike tBif[^T«inf«ti la TraTsma
CStr. tb» balUltak operatloDt. aa4
ttfurta alundac Ibe
KOff^Mt or tbe dUr.
BttUdtag ocwratlons In Traverse City
dffrinc ibe pad year baresw>t been as
ntunsfss as ta tba peerteus twii years,
but tbe stroctures that have beea
built am of a mibatanttal character
Tbbaa taro lleroi 1 are ImporUnt as
showing a very matarlal development
ta our local ladiistrk^s. demonatratlng
output and growing butl
. The number of raaldei
tblrty^te. aa agalast ataety^lgbt teat
year. ThU Is not a poor abowlng. as
many of tboaa built last year were
bum for inveatmeat wbUe duHng tbU
year aMOi of them have been erected
for private paritei.. Taking It all to
getber, th*i ibowteg tor tba .gtar la
very graUfylng. The flgarea slvaa by
both imbllo and prirata, baa bam a
nattar of eonaitlbnibla cara. dmi «maarraitaaa baa baaa obawr«4 la aaeor*
lag farta and ligma from raUabla
aatfrcaA anvt isaca b«| ba*n warc4aad ta bates Mfli and it baa baco
Iba rate of tha ftacM to mttmMte a
lUtle undar rat bar than ^Twr tba ada ahow that tbaaa Indnstrlea have bejn
a) cuadmana.T^areaalt cgniMl batb# more buiy tbaa doriag tba year pregratifying to tba pf>opte of the dty vkniB. tba tmalnaBi of Um year in tbe
gaaaralU’. la tba y«ar \W» wa« com dly.so far as city trade U ooacamed.
maacod ibo^amioal atatlaUcal report has b^n good, but the country trade
of the Ueydopment of Trarerao Cltyjjn the city baa fallen behind laat year.
and the corapaiutlve flgvrea wQI proVe^ This la due to the fact that the farm
. of conalderable Interest. Tbe total Im- ers this yeor bare not had aa prosper
proYcrocnt* In tbe year ippd. aggrt^ ous yeet as tba yaar IMS. The price
gated 43».SCO as aglDst tW8,7R2. for [of potatoes haa baen very low during
|Wi. While this showing Is not So
fall and the farmers are hold
ns last year, still U Is vfry snb- Ing ibelr prodacu for higher prices
Aantlal under the cTrcumstances and ThU fact
displays a ih i manent and steady devclopmcnt. Next year It Is quite pro
bable that the toul win be much
greater than U hba been this year but ual. Isist year was an exceptionally
It Is not a discredit to the dty that good year for the farmer and It U nof
he figures for 1P0€ are nut as great as always Ibsl two years successU-ely
Atone of 1W05. the ffitnres compiled show high prtobs In farm products.
Mhowtng expenditures of no grant mng
The Record In this Uaoe preacBts
nltude taken siiigly. In former years, s careful comfOailon of all the tadnsmany Urge strnrtnren and axpenalve triea and IntemsU .In the city and It
bultdlnga added to the total very mn Is believed tbnt tba lignina given are
/terUlly. Ibirlng the past year no very as nearly aeinbato |aa can
\ W****^^' Imlldlngs have been erected and will torm a valoaWa reooed.
, ^ the pnbnc ImprovemMits have not
been as large as In ihe.two years preCOMPARISONS OF WEYffN
The most MCable factory improve
ment tbU year Is that of the Oval
Wood Wsh ^Ctopany. the cximpany
1902 ....
having built a Urge addition and large
ly Increased tbdr output. The total
amount expended for all factory addi
tions was $M.tOO wbDo the amoanU
- I brick STRIjCniRfS
A. W.Bartak«ock . . .. . , 20,000 -f
Farmers* Supply Co. Building , 6,500
Total ....
AdditionsItoFactories. . . . 044t^
Additfonai Factory Equipment 48,760
New Frame Store Buildings .
Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Store, Remodeled. . . . 20,000
Addittbns J. M. McCormick and
. . S. C Darrow & Sqn*s Stor^ 1475
Remodeled DweDtngs '... 11,450 ^ ^
Bulldingsof a Permanent €3iaiv
acter ijiot Included ahqve . 10,m
Total . . .
Grand TOW.
expended fn Improved equipment for
the factories smounted to I4S.7CO.
paring thU year
In preference to Uniag It to contract
ors and it Is estimated that eiknxt 94.•46T tXTffNBiyt, BUT OF PERM A 000 was saved thereby, with the qual
ity of woch not U the least lowered.
Tbo sewer extenskm ^ the year was
ta the Beeoad wmto and cost $425.
j only-m eompariUrely abort
Brick Pavlap arid Cmnafit Walks Be- tag UU.
- Of eemcot walks tbare were four
teg the Principal iten
mlUa. Iteenl. laid, addtag com
New Wtenr Malm.
pbly to fbe leagtb of cement walks ta
the dty. Tbw oost was $7,490.
Cass street.^ nouth, and Thirtern
Altbomb tba amount of city Isa- wltbout dty stm taemites bat tbe
^tervsd tbUysar.
provemenu malic during thb year X90C
^ not coma up to tbpae ofjaat yior.
there was atlll a neat sum, $34.826.n
expended upoa pneteg. cemrot walks,
water mstat and newer*.
Jhm paving was doaa oa Union and
streets, from Booth Ubioa street
hrUUpe to TMftb street and on Cass
a east of I1.SOOL
creek, on Wsd| Front street, was petttag te had »ta|te. ao H was reptaead
last sammer with n sunng eon
cahrert. The cnlvsK 4s of the
styU as the otbevs built over that
creek at otberWu ta tbe dty «»d
aitset from Bute atreet aontb to tbs tbe rxpenee wms H450.
. v‘
m sun™
• * «p «m mn
SKfilloS Mu TnlrHlSc Cm ^rTc ImrS
IMS ....
$ ft AM
new addition to tba Oak Park acboo|hooae. $4460. aad tbe new bara ait tba
jail. $690. Total $7400.
Ostalda tba city Ibelr wjprk has basa
at Manton. a aeven^oom brick aehooibouie. ilxHO feet and iwo atortes la
height. coallBC $7,000; A Gaylord, a
preaaad brick and ataoe bank bolldtag.
two rariea la baigbt nad 41x22 faet.
with n 12x62 faatatoraboUdiagadjotaIng. tbe cost batag $9,000.
A. R. Mannaferri.
Bast Elghtb stbeet. for
Mr. Hannaford did teas bnlldlag tbU
yaar than nasal, devoting moat of hU
Caaa atreet for Mr. Fer
Wbat walk ba did do wia aa follow*:
Flftasatb stmat for L.
ResUtoncs oa Webstar atraet, add.
As usual. Floyd U Smith, or. rather.
U auceesaora. tbe Smith Realty Co.,
leads ta tbe number of buildlagi erectad ta tbe dty. tbe lUt being aa follows:
DweUtag on Casa stmat for M. G.
mu. $1$60.
I>wemiic on Caaa street for M. O.
Fbor dwellings oa Gass stmat. tor
wailing or
m, 11.475.
walling oi
fer BL Happy. $1456.
DweUtag on fBaat Twaifth straattfer
BL & Lnadte. $U25.
■niui, *!.«*.
Dwailteg oa Ltocoln atmat tor Mr*.
Babsrta. $1409.
on Unooln stmat fer Mr.
. $1490.
Two dwelltags on Lincoln stmat. for
ssla. $1,600. ;
DwfUteg oa Caaa stmat for Daan
Tba work dona by Cowtracter *.
Vogal. $1466.^
Boaae> tha paat year baa baan aatlmBtom buOdtes on Roaa stmat tor
ly that of mmodarnng aad rapairtng
bnOdnsB. be barlag put up no aaw
Addition to MeOormiek** atera oa
oaaa. HU two asoat Importaal jtoa
teat Rtebtb slmaC $625.
hmm basn thoaa of mmodallteg tha
realdaaeao of A: Bobartaoa, <m Wahstar street, at a eoat of ahaat 9666, and
AUo a dpallteg for D U Mgn. of C. F. Raid, on Sixth atmat Tho
coat of the worfc,oa tha Utter hoaaa
wm pmhably amount to at laasl $666
ri^r wockia^tboAlty the firm of
Lathar A Irwto hna dM bat liltla.
been built tbU yaar than tor two or
three years previous. U no ladicntion
of a backward moremeat. On tba
contrary, white a few years ago them
was an warHiupply of reaidancaa. today there are very few vacant bouajss
ta Traveraa City that am dsnlfaMe
ratbar fnr i
fur worUng people and baataaas men.
My two b
Tbo ImprovameoU to tba asytnm dar
tini chnmal
lag tba pnst ysnr. Tba prtndpal one ing tba paat ysar have baan trifltag.
nr tbaaa U tba bandnoma brtok store Tba ai^t apent ta rcmodM bond
OB Front ntraet now tmtiig oampMad ing 16 BiPii tergo 66 ht wmk yinrs.
for.'A. W. BsHak at a eoat of $$0,000. but up to tb6 ItMgW TbM naw
Tha Phrmar'a Bnpply Company have store buildings aalda from tba brtek
aompletad a vary subsUntlal building balhStags mentioned abova nm taelddOB State street for their Urge bustaes* ed In tbe list of 1
One or tbe I
: a eoat d $<$60.
There tove ibaan vary few public meats during tbo year, to the mmodel
bttlldlBgs amctad dvrtef tba past ysar. tag of the Hannah A laiy Mamaatfto
tba only strodbrss of that kind batag Company a Urge More bnlldlag. Tbto
le 14tb atmat Mefbmllst church and win eoat in tba aaAgbbotbood of ftO.IdlUoB to tbb Onk Park achool 000 aad when ootnptecad win amke
one of tbe baadaomaat and moat mod
Tba nsmber of raaidanc^ buUt dur- em departmant atom la Mlcblgaa.
tag tba yaar agffregatea tbirty-alx. tbe The coo tractors wwlng to tba raaaoBS
coat batag I5S.700. Whan It U stated above, have not bean cxtvsasaly
stated that tba<a reeldaoces are msta- busy on local work, bnt ooaslderabte
ly put up by ptyvata paittea for bumes has been done ootalde. abowlng that
and not for apdonUtita psrpoaas. It u local conlractora am In demand ta
aurrcMindlng towaa and that Traverse
tadlcatton |of
a fsci
fact that i few
fc yaais ago. seqrea City Is regarded aa tbe mater for ooaof bouses warn buUt to sell, causad a stmctlve eaterprlsat
teflon ta tbU cUm of building Ft>Itowing la a lUt of the boUdlag
itSons dui^ tba past year, and operations and tba work ef tba eowtractors duitng^tba yaar:
ntea That ta tha dty noaMatefiaf tba
Plain « woM
data their gpoAi the cnmpaay
tmn «*
tav M
iMVwtan talk* yar
•m aongato
Marble WerB. ef A. W. ftkkerd:
breu a busier place la the elty.
iveTBBe ef U hsBda fa
the mmstat paid tham la
durlBg the Bear has baeaflAMA The F. iL. A.M. A L OBd M. A IL C. It IL-a
la regard to the anmhrr of
By haa ha« Hsr jreare owe of the
e^amota iBtaottata
the three railaad ttatatputU both Bi
i renaiag
runatag mio
fata iBeciiyareaaBathe city are aa tmaaalvw Impmtmmmig
portsBt factor amoag
among the city .s fadBiare Ih^ltagreos aadtheotaptataaew pertata
imiEisE^MinaiF Emins
OoBoMerlBg the averagt
Traverse CAy Brick Ca.
year K haa beta k.renaaqr ta haep
The Traverse City Brick Co., amau^
a force or Mii^ ta work coBtaaBtly
ta fin the ordere for mcmnmmrta aad facturers of the welVkaowa Keyrtoae
marble and gyniita work. The letter- brick, employes 42 a»eii all the year
lag taoia aBd chlaala are nm by cota aad the amaager, D. J. Dyer, reports
raaF^iaat doafag to have been aa
preaaed tar aad the work la therefore
Beat oae for the ciompoay. The
of theBoatataaMbtaC
brtta amkiag season tarts eight
are wtAl paid
Ihs aad daring thta tlsM 44ta.eP0
Tk#r» k»n bw* m pornlnr imptmm- $€JfiO ta wage.. During the red of the payroU for the year
t were Btade. Three' mUlloa of
k» doriof tl« 9«M
MBtlM tliftt the ymk an arerega of nine men are
Tr*w«f City v.» Aot liMpiNr f*e* employdd at cutdag and hauling wood,
V. Fotartyi*# Waftai V
potaU and the other mU
wtu. the tiM tB Oi# w«y oC todwtrtal thdr whgeu amouatlttg to $SAM. ma
la Abe aamm^ the far
to on hand for spring delivery.
tag a tnul of tldjBOd year.
During the four tnootbs the employees
Trmmret CHy dsvSea Factory.
tmeu Md Ua*m Snm MtbortUw
Tha Ogar Boa factory. C P. KrolL wagon and ale^ work, of Victor are not brick making they are employ
.mHXTvm pm» tb0 widitto— to tb€
cootwy to the asMrtkNU ando. U Ui proprtafor. ha. baan aery hu^ the pad Ptaertyl ha. beta kept busy during an ed cotUng wood aad for the year’s
triM Uol iBo post ytor ha. not b«* year aid an araraga of aU peraoni the year auppljing the demand for the work they receive $12.0P0.
o iNtn OM n. nwd. th« mctloo <rf hare baen amployad oonttaually. Mol veblclea turned out by that, factory. CaMwail A Louefon’s Wagon Works.
irtry is a local one.
BOV rooldoBOto and pobUeo bulUSlno. only work for tha local dgar manu The huge biicklbuildlag U abun from
supplied by Caldweli A
^nt la all oOmt roapaeu our Indoatrtal fiuanrefu U done but atao for Bpglaaw, morning to night and the egoita of 30
Flint and other Bautharm Michigan men are regolt^ to aupply the de Loudon t wagon and sleigh works Is
pfO*r«M hna tm ooBfUnt and
potaU. More than UMM boiaa bare mand. rwetve montbs In the ^ear not by any means confined ta tbU city
aUBtUl. Tbo faeiortoa havo i
hoar B»oat of tho tlBHv fully aa mncli lieea turned out and about $2,000 they are hnay ^ they drew very or vicinity, tor the prodoct of the plant
has ben sent as far away as.Calioomto
an aa la fonaor yaarm. Of eo
nearly $10,000 la wages la 1»0€.
potato and there are no better goods
thafu at« cOftala portloaa of tha y«*r
Sound A Son*a Foundry.
Mlehigmi Btareh Co.
whan iom» of tha taetortaa do not
AUhoogb the Mulor member of tha
The Btarcb lictory ran full force of the kind turned out than those
by thU firm. Twenty hands are
mu. for Inaunca tha baakat factory, firm of Bound A Son paaaad away dur only about foor!montba thla year iut
vbtch oparatra only about aisht or ing tba pad year, the Srti nam
during the remainder of the Ume re employed and the annual payroll ag
alaa moatha dorin* iha year, and tha mala, the tame, la addttiaa to tha pairs have beei la pragrpa* all over gregates $11,700,
O. Alley's Marble Works. *
aav^lU nay ba Indodcd In the aame foaodry work, tha machiBa abop (
the pUat and ^ wm be renamed
Among the industries of the dty to
data. AU tha oOmt factorlaa bow erly nia by Blmamdoff A Aid
M soon as the iepalri are completad.
•Tilir. hSTo laeriaaad raibar thaa do ha. haeo taken orer by the flrm aBd Ffleen Jnea havi beoB kept hnay. coa H. p. Aley s marble works, oo Ftoui
eraaaad thair prDdaetloiia. Tha PoU>
Unually at the tapalr work and their street, and altbough not many area are
to Implanaat Company haa baan ro dapartmenta. baring all the work tada wages, togrtberj with those of the $0 employed, conaidereble work of a hlgb
that they can handle, and dra
mm employed a part of the time ag order to turned out ta the course of a
$2,340 a year In wagea.
gregate $17/MM).!
I r«wrw City Iron Works.
The Tiwreru© City Iron Works U • When the cahdy making firm
Company U a nav roocam which haa one of the
he bualeat
bualei planU la the city Straub Bros. A Xmlotte last year i
not yet baaun operatlooa. but vl
the year ed into their fine new three story and
and 30 !man are employed
»o In a raw waeka Thl. promlae. to ba anMmd.j The payroO amount, to tlB.
on the Island.
baaement factory, there
a aubataatlal Indnatry. The Datvallar 000 annually. The conpany ba. dor
Capt. Webb
of t
manrelllng at the rapid
Tofrtfarator plant will probably ha Ing the pa.1 year pu.hed one of their
that Indurtrj which
but thought that a pavilion oo the smallei
aaUbUahad hare within a few months products more than every before, the
of the two Islands ta the bay. where
a few year, ago with only a few
the people might go for rest oo Sun
.prfiahy being an automatic .udlon ployee.. but during the pata year
tty. NagotUUoaa are no
day and for dances or banqueU on
ga. pn^ucer system and now there buaioeM has still cotalmied ta
for lba autabllahinaot of a paper mill
weekday evenings, would be a good
eraaae until there are employed
and It *ay ba csonfldantly axpacti^
thing, and last spring he had erected
present 70 persons. To tb<me wb
that a laiv* plant of thla kind will be
neat nnd roomy stroctnre BOxlOC
riot know, the ^temeot of the num
aaUbltabad at no dlataal data.
ber of tan. of sweet goods tnrned out feet In sise and a dock at the edge ol
The following Item, of Intareat hare
The Votniba Harnere Co., employes would seem almota Incredible but the the Island, the dock being 250
bean gathered from the offlcaa of the
factory U «quip|>ed with the latent length. .
Yarfooa manufwitartng InMUuUon.
The pavlUoD Is two stories In height
candy making machinery, driven by
gr^ate. nearly $2.4on. The bosli
and they will ahow conclu.lraly that
with a diningroom and kitchen betas
deals ahBOd entirely with the wholes elertric motor, and everything
our tndnatrial health 1. atrong and rigaala tirndi. though some retail work U everybody about the place I.~ln a con and a dance floor above. The cost wa«
done aid the abop U kept bu.y 12 tlnu.1 hustle. During Ih© past year about $2,506.
jHanaah A Lay Flour Mill*
The small island on which the pavll
there ha. been ipaid In wagei
mouth. In the year.
loo Is located to connected with the
The Hannah A Lay griat mill, altoatemployees morel thaa $20,000.
Wm. Jackaa«i*a MmNm Shop.
larger. Mlsrlon Island, by a foot bridge
ed arer the South Unkm atraat bridge,
The machine shop of Wm. Jackaon
J. C. Morgan A Son.
it one of the land tnarka of the r^ou 1. a busy place and a great deal ol
Moat everyone llkta cider and dur and during the summer at least 4.00C
engers were tranaported to and
' and promlare U> remain one of the work f. Itorned out by the three em ing its Mason there is plenty of It
dly*a Indnatrle. for yaart to coma. ployee*. i The specialty of the shop Is be had at the cold storage warehouM
I thejsland. pvortng that such a
Nina miliars are . mployed. ^Ith wagaa i gas engine which meets with much of J. C. Morgan A Son. at the foot of place for rest and entertainment Is ap
amounting annually to ITAOO. the plant favor and l>esides the manufacture of Bay street. Tbcmtandc
liaing bu.y arery momh 4n the year. ihU engine a great deal of
Oak Paik School BuUdirg.
apple, are uMdl there every fall and
The fame of the nilii. productr I. s*ork Is done. The wages ^paid an- thousand, of gal)^ of Cider are made.
\ increase In the school accom
widiM^iread and tbouitanda of good r.UBlly are $2,400.
The huge building is used during all raodatloua of the Bast Side was Imper
houaewivaa tattify to tha axcellenca
Travarae City Canning Factory.
the year for cold, storage, too. and for Btive this year and during the sum
of tha “Bear and t»UHT brand, of
The factory of the Traverse City the storage of houMhold raids and mer a big addition whs built on thf
flour made at thl. mill.
Canning Co., bad a big ytwr*. run In four men are [employed, drawing Oak Park building, increasing the seat
Kdley Lumber and Shllglt Co.
1$0€. neatly threenjoarter. of a mil- age. aggregating $2,000 per year.
ing capacity of the buUdlng nearly 60
Allbough located at Eaat Bay. the
liof fruit and vegetable, being
per cent.
South Side Lumber Co.
Baat Bay mill of tha Kelley Lumbar put up. 6f .tring beans. 3S0.000 can.
The contract priceior the work was
One of the most hurtling Indurtrte.
and Shingle Co., .hould be rated a. a
put iup; of core. 200.000 cans; of of the city 1. the South Side Lumber $6,500 and the new part Is 47x54 feet,
TraTurM* City induatry. for many of apples. 120.000 gallon cans and SO.OOO
During 1905 jnearly 1.300 cars of two stories, containing four rooms and
ihe.BB . niployae. are local men and
Her cans; of blackberries. 5.000 boui^nlshlng and buUding materials a ball, with a full basement. The maroo.1 of the I20.Q00 paid them in
and of plums. 5.000 cans. This were shipped anji a hundred
terials used were brick and concrete.
wagiw for tha 10 month, work each was the grst year that any blackberare employed the year around, The floors are of hardwood and the
year I# .pent In this city.
1 at all were bandied and the drst the payroll amounting to $42,000. The
ow arq^ngemen^ such that plen
TrsvcfM City Mfg. Co.
I that any |ieavy run was made onwp- manufacture of boxes is an imp<
ly of ^t is admitted to the rooms.
lb.nthing with ahlch to build can,p^(.,^
bushel. Udng handl part of the work and this year and ad
New Bam for the Jail.
be iKH'iirx'.l of the Traverse City Mfg.j^
The work of the sheriff Is such that
dition to the part of the factory in
Co., and the plant noConly transform, j jbe product of thU factory U
he must take many trips Into the
which that work Is carried on
lumW'r into sashes, doore.
^ ing with a very active and miUsfactory nearly doufafod
count iy and Sheri If ,Jobn son purchased
liuludi'a a wiwmni for making the demand aid every can put up tM.
driving team for that purpose. He
lumbi*r from the log. brcmgbt In by will have been dlspoaed of and ship
had no bam at the iaU* however, and
In ,the ;ist of ^
the farnMrs or .hipped In vl. railroads. ped before the close of take aavlgatioo
In this city. bsrnM and horse irap- the supervisor* therefore ordered the
Fifteen thouamnd doUaia 1. divided In The string bean pack wa« reduced
plngs and outfltuigs must not be left erection of a bam at the roar of the
the employees and Che I pearly on^half by the dry weather
The J. D. beadle Harness Co.. jaH building.
ninl. IS
b. in the year.
} The eomphny i. cootemptating a .Ull
The slmcture is of brick. 26x30 feet
i almost enUrely with the whol^
AmtiiMii Butt.r Dtah Ce.
heavleb rub on all good, neat year and sale trade aad the business of the firm
Id one and one-balf stories high, with
Of the Industrie, which bare begun It is possible that ea^eoslve lmprovecement door and the cost wai WO.
great enough to keep eight
buMneaa during the year, one of the nienl. win be made before neat yrer’s
employed all the time. The senior The stalls and carriage room are conmet important 1. the Americmt But canning siaaon begin..
Tlently arranged and there Is plentj*
partner of the firm started n
ter Dish Oo.. located on Bay .ireet
Durin^^eboan and
om ta the upper part for the star
harness by hand, in , this city.
near the docks. The company was from 350 IP 400 hi
s ago and the firm Is well known age of feed, the whde^maklng a neat
organised about the .flrat of the year and durini the apple aeamm an aver
throughout a large stretch of territory.
and the intertor of the building In age of lOO banda The company paid U*
The wages paid the emidoyeet
which the work !, carried on was re- employee, about $13,000 in wage, and $5A00 In 190€,
oundhooao of the Pere Mar
BKtaelled. a new brick boiler bouw alre paid to the farmers of the region
quette railroad, located at Boardman
W. B. WIlUama Cm
and other ImhrovemenU were made fully $ro.bi»0 for Their products, dur
Maple flooring is the spetaalty of JonctloQ. has received a remodeBtag
at a large eapenae apd work vaa com- Ing the fire month, run.
(he W. K. Wrniamk Oo. and the oul- and ImprovemeBta which will aggre
menced on the manufacture of wireThe Batata Factwy.
pto during the pant year reached the gate $2,000 in cos(.
end wooden butter dlsbea about April
The Well*. Hlgman Co.*e plant, or. enormous amount of over 7.600,000
The increased freight tmfle of this
1. Many order, vrere received and a. it U btater kaevn. the Bi
fe^ ThU factory has done
division has gradually demanded the
now 50 employed are kept busy and factory, aa uraaL tnrned out a |
inany years in thU city and ta present use of larger locomotives to handle It
the Industry promise, to be one of the amount of jwork during the montlis ft
there are €5 men oo the payroll, the nnd the roundhouse has not been laife
city, moat anb.tanlUl one*.
wa. ninnlig and the company pAW’ amount paid them for the 12 mootbs enough to allow the abutting of the
Potato Implemoot Co.
out $C0,000 for labor during the :
work being the cOtat sum of $35,000. doors when the larger engtaea were
The Potato Implement Co., vaa re- Tim niiiita'of ctasdoyra ranged frbm
A portloo of the product of tbw plant boosed, ao that they were not fully
Arganlied during the paat oeaaon. new 350 to 900 and from 400 to 500 cars of
Unused locally but jtbe greater part la protected from the weather. Within
netabera being added ta the company baakeu of ^ variou. kinds were .hlp^ “Upped to many polnti,
the tost few weeks the rear wall has
and addlUonal capital being furbished ped from tjbe factory beside, a grret
Vreveret ^ Wagon Werkm
been moved back a^t eight feet, al
for poablng the manufacture and tale number of jfnrnl.hed the farmer, and
The year Ba. beU a busy one for lowing the accommodatJoa of the largof the various Implement, tunied out fruit growers of this rlcinlty.
ih^ Treverae aty Wagon Works and eot eaglaes on this divtoioiL A aew
' at the lOant. The bnrineaa done haa
Traeeree Chy Milling Co.
the 12 employees Wve had bo idle boiler, a new cinder pit aad q new deThe first of the year started the tlm^ during the yeW but earned the
treck are also incloded ta the
yeay. and there are now 50 men em Hist regular work of the Trarerae 'cny
$$.M0 paid them In wages. Although
ments and the building has
ployed; drawing about $32,000 for 11 Milling Co.^ a company oompojed en
1^ taetacy turned put iu usual uum been thoroughly equipped with elect
montbs work In the year.
tirely of UM buataeaa men. wbc her* of wagons, the jim oo sleighs has ric lights.
J. W. Markham*. Brickyard.
thought aaedita grita mm in thl. city
conalderebly beavler than Ikst
' Queen CHy Dairy Ce'k DegoL
Nrerly 2.OOO.OO0 brick were manu- would be a paying Indnatry and the year. An Improvement in the motive
The Queen City Dairy Co., hat just
factared this year at Markham'a brick remilta hare proven thuir Jndgemefit
begun the use of their aew Billk depot
yard, jmrt of them batag jiaad ta this ta hare been oorrecL Under the able
and electric motor having on Boheoda street, utar Btaventh
.Hty and part gf \hem at CadBlac and Dhaagnmenit of J. M. Itgrig
been inrtalled ta take the ptaoe of the street, (he depot hsvlag hot recmitly
other potaU. The hridk making aeahenMore oMt.
i and daring that
J,t Or.llkk
---------- .
Ume SS ta^ are >iHployf< drawing viveaof the regk>n i
Thet»ctonr o»th» J.B.Or«Bie*oS;»to «>d om aM OMtelt alarim ta
of each worklagmaa. aiT fogr. thta
Bumher of peraoaa derivtag their
support from the rellroads. ta thta
city. U very neuriy .1.000. or over eight
rr cunt of the popoletkm.
This city U ladlrectly Ott the
line of the Pure Margoette road aad
Is aa Uaptatnat atattaa. ao the hu
of eaqdoyeoa who rreide here to i
kretaer than on the other two roads.
Two hundred and ten mm reside here
who are employed by that road ta the
various branches of the busteess aad
The G. R. A I. read has but a bi
running here and consequently does
local men that the P. M. road does.
Tbea. too. spme of the men who run
in here are rertdents of other ptocos,
brlnglBg the number of IocaI en
down to 22. drawing annually
The M. A K. E. road ii but a short
line, though It is conttaually expanding
and a greut deal of traffic is handled.
and the number of local men employed
Is 17. whose wsget total annually
The total number of mm on the
|hree roads Is 240 and the total wages
aggregat. over $12,000 each n
In the year.
Tbe'Bveatag Record, a careful compil
ation of the nnmlMT of employe* ta
the various manafactaring Instltotlona, the asylum and raUroads. has
been made for the purpose of fonaiag
a eompariaoa with' last year. The
showing to moch better thaa was ex
pected. The State Factory laapectar
la bU tort report retotlvw ta Traverse
aty. states that the taereaae la vrorkIng people ta the foctorlea la Traverae
City during the paat year, was SO per
cent over the year 1006.' The Record’s
figures takea very carefully from of
ficial sources show* on increase of 123
working people in the same list as
printed tort year, and the increase In
wagea ta be $S$.$64. the total number
of employes In If06 belag 2522. aad
wage* paid them $$$4,660 Thto to
positive evidence of the steady and
■kbelanUal growth of Traverse City’s
r^ufoctuiiag iadortrlea.
! It to weil to state In this eoniiectlon.
that the figures here given, are for the
actual number of employe* and the
wages paid them during tbe year, and
ao« huad ama th* aaataar o< i
ta tbe Tartoaa (aetortM at ihl* ttaw.
there being more fSetarte* ranntag
today, than there were several moatha
ago aad more area employed. We
figures from the
keu theai
s of tim
properir be Bumbered la
of thto kii^ The figures are very graUfyteit
aerve to refute often repeated statemenu during tbe part few moottis
that our factories were emptaylag
a matter of fact, maay of tbe factaries
have aot been able to get aufflcieot
number of skUled men when badly
needed. Tbe namlg»r of Idle men la
Traverae €(tiy to a mUrtmum, piObably
leaa thaa ^er before, and autlrtlca
show that' all are drakrtag
wagla, and almost tu
No. Employees. Mos. i
Basket FacU^ry
The grrenbooae plant of Fmnk $f
Paine haa lost raegived extensive ad
'dltlona which wUl fully double the
present capoclly of the estabitobment
A new hot house, one of the moat mod
era buUt. hss been erected beside the
one which hss been ta use for
yesr*. the new one being 30x33 feet In
size. The roof material.'aside
the glasa. is of southern cypress and
the bouse is fitted with iron supports
and gutters throughout, while
most Improved ventllstur cootrolling
apparatus is Inrtalled. The bouse will
be ready for the growing of plants
within a very abort Ume.
The workhouse hss also been re
modelled. now being two slorte. In
height, while an addlttao 12x16 feet
also gives additional room. The cost
of the Improvementa will be $1,000.
. J. M. Olllett'a Bam.
One of the neatest and best barns
erected this year Is that l>eloDglng to
Aid. J. M. Glllett. at the rear of hU
lesldence on Elmwood Avenue. It is
one and one-half stories In belgbt and
cost about $500. The tower story Is
12 -
Traverse City Brick Co......................
A. J. Petertyl. T. C. Wagon Work. .
250 ar.
8 av
12 ..
17 av.
Total............. ...
One of the most notable bustaeas Imprmements In Traverse City during
the past year is that which is
progress upon the building of the Han
nah A Lay Mercantile Company. This
company decided some Ume ago to re
model thdr big store buUdIng to bring
It up to more modem requlrem
This decision inaugurated an improve
ment. which will make this rtore one
of the very finest In the state in every
particular. The Interior has been re
modeled with arches cut through be
tween each department, so tkat every
belgbt. while there to a wagon abed
addition 12x26 feet in slse. The en
gine room is 10x12 feet ta Stoe and the
pasteuriser Is run by steampower. The
building rests on a atone foundation
and has cement floors, while light is
furnished by electricity. The company
will shortly ere<;| an Ice house and the
cost of the new work will be fully $1
Hannah A
Dspartment Did Good Work. Respond
ing to as Calls, But No Very
Tbe fire departineot bad cone
able work to do durtag 1$06. There
were 81 calls sent In and reaponded ta.
16 of tbe calls being tnraed ta from
boxes an<fS sent in by phone.
Tbe department travelled 113 i
apd whlcb permit* of a mqgh «»ore
in the discharge of tta duties a^ at
aaUsfactory display of the tinea
tbe fires the firemen working a total of
7$ hours, rtretahtag 23,400 feet of
The eSIeleocy of tbe wor
pracUcally all plate glass, which will
permit of a magnificent display the Chief Thos. Murray and hto men i*
shown by tbe fact that although there
entire length of the building.
Insurance to tbe amount of $226.
ThU Improvement is being conduct
ed under the supervision of Contractor 073.$5 on tbe buildings and cooienU
A. W. Walt, and Architect P. E. Moore, of tbe buildings where calls were re
who prepared the spedfleatkma. While sponded to. the. toes was but $18A4$.the Interior to practically completed, ♦6. tbe amount of taaoraiiee over loss
the store frooU wW not be eoUrely being $SS7W-4$.
In tbe depnrtnsent nt present nre
flntohed untU after the first of the
year. The coat fif thto* Improvemeat
trolled tbe chief nnd five foR paid,
wUl be aboat $20,000.00. ‘
Bremen, while there are about 40 vd
Bra4helooglag to the several hose
Btandard Oil Co.
The business of, the Btandard Oil
Co, at this* point, has Increased ao
that II was naceaaary to establish aa
J. Ctfimr doditfully rubbed hto
Bgsacy here with a aum to attaad sole: between forefinger and thumb naA
ly ta that huaiiMM. taatead of havtag inaed;
aa agmit a local maa who could give
-Wham t do about accepting that
hot a portloa 6f his time ta the oU third offer of a crown? I’d like to
"Wbnt BoeaevHt would advise.
bortaeea. OoaaeqoeatLy an ageat was
seat hart, last aamiaer. aad a. aew Just aa a polater.**
Tbe aolile Itoman ronrinded fo
ofiee waa builL the ban was ualaiged
■ad the whole emahUahmeat was wlrI did not Ure to regret tt^
, > ^
Edward Payson Manufacturing Compsny Will ,Soon B*
BduM PaypoD Manufacturing
Comfrtny, i^nufSciurers of door lock*
and hardware apecialUes. Is Traverse
Cltyh newest industry. It to under tbe
management of Edward Payson. form
erly of Chicago, aad engaged for many
yeark In tbe manufacture of hardware
apec^alUes. The oopipany Is now In
proejees of vatabllshlng a complete
eqal^ment ta the Markham buUdi^
on West Fropt street. The machin
ery to being placed and It Is expected
that the manufacture of lock, aad
ocher apectolUe. will commence before tbe end of ibis month. The oompany has large orders already mi
hand, sufficient to keep tbe plant In
operation for at least a year with a
force of about twenty-five people,
many of them skilled workmen.
Tbe company waa organlxed by Mr.
Paysoo. and aside from bimaeir. all of
tbe stockholders are local boalaem
men who heUeve that thto ladnstry
will pay good dlvidentto aad bemmm
<»a of the important mnnufariartag
................. of < Traverse Oty.
k L. Jeyo*»e
joyoa BoC$ltag Wertm.
J^'s soft drinks are weU nad
ravormbly kaown Ummghaat a tnrga
part of the state and aa nlmoat tanumerable nomber of boUles of pop,
root beer, birch beer, etc., haa been
seat oot from the works daring the
year. A force of seven employeoa Is
«'■ 'Pl,- JWP
7W OMA iMpoftMit «b4 thm
Mdf of »n tlM fcwml MOMIw o
tlMM a thm Twmr «tf M# liaf*
tlMlo tte Otsl Waod WM iMtory
vkWk wfll am ttaa doiAl# Ua wfr*
aul AM maitT of Ur f«<rtorT. Hm
Mtoa ibr
of iJa
hM Mm jwt maul M ttat of lu blr
wmA «oap«4ftor IB fM wirr
IMr M wbm *M im port M
Iipaaim H will Mr# aoro l
4mM# IM out pot of Bar «tMr i
liimrr. TM lapforoamt win
Most m.iw.
Tht Now ^lait.
Tbopow port, wblci f» B maai
Haittoika la Itaotf. lo 10x110 foH.
ili«. looc«Mt dlrocUon HHsf out u4
vmt. II U a rm* buUdlBf Bad M
raoBO €rf lark of land wan built wHb
aaarir half of U roottof oa a p«#
fouMatka oror Boardau Uko. rmchlac out to tho old booa. A pood
oharoof th# land oa whitji tba factor
IM otaad aad of which tho luabor
raMa ooDolot la oiad# toad, the lah#
fonaotlr r^chlat ap to th# railroad
track which rana hotwoea tho old aad
amr porta.
la the a#w part th# first floor arrmapuimi U u follows. beplanlaK at
tho wool oldo of tho bolldlnx: aa
chhio shop aad carpajfor shop, with
rrorTthlBK la tho to^ llao aocuaarr
for aO hlado of work about iho laodtu
tioa: Borih of th# ahops. <«
md. onclao rooa; fans aad MaUap
coila: driers, or tialu. which roewir#
th# dUh«s from the machinos aad dries
th#a while bHag ukeo to Iho packlag
room for packlag; the packing room
at the east Ade. oooth. log^uttlng
room at the out end. north. On th#
oaooBd floor the wire end room oc
cuplaa aboai half th# spao# la th#
wool and oouCh parts while th# remaindor la deroied to th# peoUng. or
reatier inaklag room.
In the entire new factory Iher# la
hut one piece of machinery which la
not DOW. that oo# being the Wheelock
oaglu of add aormal horsepower. The
■mehiury trill bo diirea by ataaai
fropi tho old plhot conroyed to tho
eagtao la Mo new cm#. The mala
drtiro lo of what U called the BhglUh
ayatoo. While tho ooooadory drtres are
of th# Amerlcaa system. Th# trmaamlasloa rope for the drtir# U lb# boot
made, belag laid In plumbago so that
ft will stand the twisting and straining
with as mile damage to Itself as posaIhle,
The main shaft Is ala’lnchea in dia
imMer and seW<illlng l>o*es are used
throughout, doing away with the necswalty of an oiler, the oiling derices
neodlng lefllllng but once in about
three months There will also be abaolutAy no danger to the workmen,
from being catight by set screws on
Iho ohafllng and pulleys, as often hap
pens, tor the ^wlleya are all of Iron,
split atyle. and the collars of the ahaH
log huge# are a#t.Inside the boxes
with ho peed of outAde set screws.
, The heaters are of a different type,
; allghtly. than those in the old plant.
bAng of the *^iH*n” type, and there
are thr**«» <if them, each of which coptains a full mile of Iron pipe. There
are sU driers and there are a fan and
- a heater for each two ' driers. The
. driera are imllt of metal Instead of
i wood, as In the old plant, and the six
driera necessUate the using of S.SOO
fed of Steel rollor chain. The driers
aiw also airanged so that they have a
.run of 80 feet oach longer than in the
old part. They arr'nin by a wrorm and
gear drive aad the gearing Is arranged
oo os to secure the best results with
the leort expenditure of power.
After th# logs are cut Into the six
foot lengths necessary for the peelers.
1 they are put Into the ataamlng vats
and the new Vatt. of which there are
! two of five accUoiu oach. are bntttiof
rmnent. In th# old plant th# vala are
l»r w ood aad it haa been nccdaaary to
■ rsoew them every few years, but U Is
I hoped that with the use^ cement
i traU DO renewals will be aecesaaiy
i The logs win be cut Into the piopet
loflgths by a httgh clrcuUr swing cut
off uw and the lAgs will In* cut for
tioth planu hr the one ervw of men.
Ihoa# for the old plant being conveyed
• there from th# dH
•f'w boing
rut up. thus saving the expeoa# of a
crew fbr each plant.
In the wire end department there
ate V machines ranged In two rows,
with one mote to be InstAled. white
the old plant has 80 machUies. making
a total of 48 machlnoa. These are of
^ same type aa thoa# In the old part
had SO of thorn wore manufactured by
tho Travers# City IroB Worka the
others being of lb# 8araiiae style
Twenty of the new machlaos will he
started when the factory U suited
and ibe remainder will bo ran when-
an. the pfodact of the Lhor four jurhtaoa caa h# aoeommojteted by a Iktie rrowdlog. being divided aamg tho
Ax drtm.
On th# Ade toward th# old factory
tho flu risk hu hooa Wd# as aamtl
u pooAM# by th# uae' of utomatlc
ventilator window. aA jd atoA eaalaga.
Thou au mads ao that.jlf they aboAd
h# open for euullatlon |at tho ti
flu occuu. a thalblo plug will be moll
•d by th# boat and the windows wW
cloa# aatomaUcAly. so that tho man■ gam rat hopaa that evaa though fir#
AMuld doatroy tho oM factory the
To prapau eoaoer for tho wlu ood
machiuea. thou au thus hugs
#u ta th# powUag room. wAghiag 81^
006 pounds such. Thuontako log
feet la lonrh. Aring a cutting our^
face for lb# thru of 18 foot, while la
the Ad factory the four peelers Uke
but fourfoot logs, th# fbur haAng
catting aurfiu of but 18 feet. A^lnf
the thru new odu an advantage of
two foot over the four old ooaa.
•fin- tw Mm
■Me haa a new
arm and apaAA nmghinery ^ the
enginn. from the Tnvnrae Oty Inn
Works; the elanm AAM and flCUnga
a. A a cuA A f1 J06; buOdtegaa
from the Crnne Co, A Ch^Ba; addmoa to the t^kn reaidcnce on
ad Aroef. coM $506: and haring
pe A the carpentering on
ft HaMHI ft Ckloiao: NMlTtnc t
lera Supply Co *s new huildlag.
and heaters from Aurorm BAler
Thn work In the city. exAealve A the
A Aurora. Ill
UttA >oh. amonated to I8JOO. while
incittdtag the remodeUlng A the home
A F. B. Moore. JoA outaide the Aty
M teat anmmm-. the capacity being Hmlto. total $4,700.
doubled by the adding A seven new
A, K. Wlteaa.
A. B. Wilson did but one Important
A new blower outfit was Aso put in job la the Agr. amA A hlg time this
aa the Ad one wae am A gnat nnongh year having been apent A Reed aty.
eapaAty to handte the ahavtngm whlAi
a he pA up three atore holidlngs
will eome from the dvpartmead aa a
a bank buUdlag. totaling about
OtLOOO. Hta Job In the Aty was the
A the A. W. Banak building
WIM Kinpley Hntly flOO Haoda.
Ph# turn factory wlU give employ on rroni Areet. mhUA win coA $86.ment to fAly 106 bands, making! total
A. W. Wait.
D employed by the Oral Wood
Mr. W’alfa work this yror included
the ereAion A L. F. PerkAfs reeldployed daring the 10^ naontb s rjia A enoe. the Oraad Bapids Brewing 0). s
loot, and the payroll for the year COM atoragt. and other Jobs totaling
$16,000. bealdea auperrlAng a pari of
mted to 1188.000.
the work A remodAUng the Hannah
A Lay MercantUe Co.*a bkaek,
C. M. Farkerta RtaMaoaa.
One A the flneA rfuldenoea built
in the city thla year Is that belonging
to. and occupied by. C. M. Parker, oo
Pfanklln streA. Frank SUsby bad
the cootrmA and the eoA. complAe
with heeling and plumbing, was about
The main part Is 32x83 feA and ta
Tnverae City haa aevenl flrstclaaa plumbing flrma. and their work full two stories high, with a Urge attic.
Is BA only don# kwally but they also At the rear Is a kitchen and smAler
do a gml deal A work in the towns rooms, that part being 12x26 feA. The
here and even half a hundred whole bonse 1s finely finished and heat
is furnished by h hA water system,
miles away.
The Hannah ff Lay Mercantile Co.*s while bAb gas apd electricity furnish
plumbing department's work for the artificial light.
year was mainly repair work, though
Or. C. B. Minor's RaaMtnet.
heating and plumbing systems
A fitting addition to the fine row of
were placed In the resldencea A Mrs. residences m Sixth street Is that A
W. H. Foster and J. O. Crotaer.
Dr. K. a Minor, which was finished
ms h CAe did considerable this last summer at, a cost of about
work outsWe the Aty. besides which I3AOO. The dimenilooa are 40x83 feet
the yror brought them Increased bual- and two full stories and AUc in height,
in the city, many new heaUng with an excelkmt coocrAe haaement.
The Interior of the bmiae ta finished
by them and Aao conalderable repair In oak. birch and ash and beat Is sup
plied by steam. At the rear iof the
R. J. Mcrccr tCo. also did much house ta a barn 24x32 feet and of one
out A town work, sending thelcmen and one-half atortes. which coat |r»00.
Elk Rapids. Sul tons Bay and sever
RMldenct For Oto. Fayn.
al Aher pAnta In th# surrounding
There has been commenced, on the
connlles. They have Aso done much former site A the ‘old Payne home*
work In th# city, on# A the most Im- stead" on Washington street, a fine
porunt jobs being the Installing A new dwelling for George Payne, which
oew heating plant for the brick will not be finished until next summer.
tdock on Front street osmed by Dr. The residence will be of a pattern un
J. D. Monaon. occupied by the City like any now In the city and will be a
Drug Store.
handaome stnictnre. coating $4,000.
Barnes 4k Joynt. the newest plamb- The dlmenAona wlU be 88 feA 3 Inches
ing firm In the city, have bad a very
by SO feet and lo height wiU be two
busy season. Tbet Ann have Installed full sloriea and an atllc. The Interior
n heut with Ideal boilers and
finishing will be In birch, ash aad fine
rlcan radiators In the following
hemlock. The cement basement, which
Is now completed. Is very large and
Dr. B. B. Minor. Sixth Areet,
C. A. Cressy.dffeat 11th tereet.
Two large porches wll be aotohle
W. J. Irwin. Randolph iireeL
features A the structure and one A
F. F. wniiama. West Ninth at reel.
them, adjoining the dining rA^. will
Vic C. Palmer. Stole atreetbe large enougl^ ao lhat thcTdlnlng
Pelw Zimmerman. Oarfleld town
table may be mofed onto it with plenty
A room for the family meals In the
Ira Adama. hotel at BellAre.
open Ar In the summer time. Steam
W. J. Robinson and Dr. Putt. r#a beating apparatus will be Inatalled and
Idoncea at Beltatre.
Ixith gas and eleAricIty will be naCd
Also hA wmer heating plant for for lighting.
E. J. SoAt. Omens.*
J. O. Crotaar Dwelling.
TAal coat of basting plants nAed.
One A the moat Important realdence
18,060. HA air syatems have been In- remodelling jobs A the year ta that
atolted in a few rualdencro in the
now in progreaa A the "Ad Crawford
Aiy. The Arm haa InAAled plumbing place" oo Waahlnlton street, which
In the fAlowIng residences outside A
will be occupied by J. O. Crotaer and
family, formerly A Kingsley. The en
Irm Adams. W. J. Phelps. Bellalre.
tire bouse Is being gone over and will
D. L Ensign. Kingsley.
be two full stories aad attic In belght.
W. T. Fsrwell. Snttons Bay.
and much larger than before, —The
L. H. Wheeler. Omens. .
moat dptodate bentlng and plomAng
V. Hines. BImwood..
ta lastolled and the com will probably
New plumMng has been InAalled In
exceed $4,000.
rt rcuidencca In the city, the cost of
Mrs. W. H. FoAerta Hem^
h aggrogntaa flSJteO.
Mrs. W. H. Foater'a borne onjWashIngtoa auwA ta now a very napt and
J. M. licCormlck’. Oractry.
roomy dwAHag. the result A remodAlOne A the store holidlngs to receive ing and ao additloa oostlag $4,060. The
realdence ta now 36x82 feet ahd has
an Increase In Ate during the year
that of J. M. McCormick, on East seven rooms and a bathroom both upth atheet. The adAtloo la 28x80 stalra and downstairs. A oew bA
heating system has been InaUllfeet In aixe and one Aory hl«h It
haa a AeeJ ceiling and the foundaUon ed and there are Al modern oonveolenla A oancrote. The new part U used oea. laclodlng gas and AeArtcUy.
thaniiiiilMl A the varsi
uflioa vlth eteAric Itehta.
I evneted by hte man, drug atorw tor Oeo. Qnieman. wte
RBFfilBCRATOB FLANT WILL LOLake aad Ab#r partsIhM ta hnrinem ac th# corner A
In tho city hla work dolpk atrs« nnd Bmwood avenue. —
A the rornoflamag A new hulldtag occupies th# Au A the
older one. the tetter having been mov te Am urns ovUAed early thteft^L^te
hulMteg ta two Aorlea la height ^
ed to the roar A th# tot. The
the O. -K. Carier
I oorrwiated Iron. 1^
store la 84x4# toet aad two atortea m
A fh* Oa# Mfg. OoL. A BaMoevme. O.; the ttoo ahAttag. haMa,
ItTiw eta^ caan from the Hfll Ctotck
On. A CMveMnd. O.; fane an^
tor drying apamtae from the B«
Itorge Oo., A Buffalo: tho win ond
peeler, from which the slaU for mak
ing boxm au made, hate to be fed
to the saw and a hand fed machlj
naed. hut In the new a swing saw and
a power fed hudlng machine mr
Whoa the now factory was p|a
It was hoped that work could be begun
by the middle of November but It will
he at leuA January lA. hefou opera
tions can be begun, the delay bAng
caused by deUy in getting the new
machines and materiAs. The plant
will be warmfd by the Mat which Is
used for drying the dUbes.
Improvements In the Old Foctocy.
BxtenAre Improvements have been
made In the old factory i thU yuar.
which will effect consldeuhl# oaAng
In expense In oeverA llflea. One of
Is a shaAng bln wltk a cajssclar
of IflJlOO cubic feet. HoratofOu it has
been necessary to feed Uio furnucu
on Sundays and during Urn «»• hour.
bo aamu.aa whUt n>n
nlng hours and the coat aggregated
severA thousands of dAlars durtm
yur. With the bln. however, the
waste and shavings wUl he stored for
used on Snndays'and' noon hours and
Is ealculAed that by that means a
big saAng will be effected. Through
out both the Ad agd new planU theu
are severA conveyors, aggiwgating
severs: hundred feet In length, which
Uke the waste fiom the various ma
and convey It lo tho bln. mnt
there be more than the bln can
accommodate another conveyor will
Uke the excess 'to the hiigh waste
Another featuu by which a saving
Is expected to bo effected la that the
hwaters In the new A«nt t^lll be heat
ed wlth4lAe exhaust Aoam from the
engines.* while In the old plant they
are healed with live steam. A
vacuum pump haa beefl Installed by
which th# exhaust steam, after having
hf^ted the beatera. will bo brought
back to the hAlers and made ui
The eciAn^ room of the Ad plant
haa been grwaUy enUrged to ac
modal# the new machinery put In and
one of the machines Is a iHple pump.
A two parts ao that one part will al
ways be In reoerve. and hicAdes this
there Is an older Duplex pump. The
water for th# hollers Is ftinilshed by
these pumps and the capacity ta groat
enough ao that they also afford great
fliw protocllon. It Is InljHuled thA
next summer a aprinkllng syAem will
be put In the new plant for greater
proteciloi from Are.
The steam la gener^ In six 1
tng boilers set In batteries A two each
and of 400 horsepower eM with
prMure eaiiaclty A 188 ptfuhds. They
an fitted with Al the lat^t ArAcei
and five will be run A oa# time. I«av
lag one dead Al the Urn# f^ Aeaalag.
The use A the exhaust stoam for the
new beaters will make U much eaAer
on the boilers than as thongh Uv#
steam were used.
Th# lighting capacity has been great
ly increased by th# Installation A ■
new dynamo A 1.600 lights capMlty
as a meat markA and la It ta a fine
In plaOh A the Ad on# A 566 IlghU
piece or markA fanUahlng. It la a
Th# dynamo wM purchased
e and
and insulled by jUi# J. B.
1a the only one In town. The case It
unpany. that flmlatao BAng
about 7x48 feA and eonatato A three
out. the aMddte one being a auall
When th# hUchlncry Came From.
refrigerator and the end ones gteas
It Is a matter A credit to the city
display cnaea. the whAe being used at
chat it has an iron works and mai
the counter. The case Alows the
shop which can turn out work A the
dtaplaytag A aaaangea nnd Aher meau
■cope Which Tnrers# City
which Aharwlae cnnnA umU be dtaWorks do^ and Ar. Hull Avea
played at warm seeanas A Urn year.
gnatcfwdtt. The Iron W<Mta boilt 80
The addition Is eonventanUy oonA the new win end mwehinee
nectoi with the grocery depnrtmAit by
two doorways, one tor cuAomers and
the other, farther to the luar for
The Anns for thf'IrnprovAimnt’A
tho driers are butU to care for the
UDduc of four machlaes each. 84 In the bAler room were the product A
and the upper one 12 teA to hitoM.
The store A 8. C. Darrow A non
wan remodelled this fall and ao addi
tion nearly aa targe aa the original
bonding wma built, making praAienlly
a new more, the coat being aboat
$760. The preoeat dlmenaSona A the
tmUdlag ere 40x74 feA. one p- rt belag
two atortea la hAgkL The new part ta
need tor atorage Aatocknndtoedaad
baaAlng A the vartomi feoda./ In the
ronr there ta e cemot ntanm mom
ror vegAablex aad ateo a mnallW
:cmArt room for tekter. etc. Two new
Boeraer Al tnnka have beoiiwt ta and
both a^ollBs plant and electrte
light, tomtah light
for Uvtag rooms. The IMertor A tba
handing ta ntaAy flntahed and
venlenUy arranged and ta wired ter
elertrtc tights. The coat was $2jOM.
fftnatay 4k Tirrwer.
AnAher new Aore on the weA sMe
ta that A Stoaley A Tamer, deal
ta general merchandise. It ta a fro
banding 84x64 fern and one story
heighL There are two rooms, a aa]
room and a atorage room. whUe the
Ad loeatkm neA door la ateo oae
Aorage. The firm has thAr owt
plant ter farotahteg light The build
ing coA neariy $1A00.
J. C. Boudreau Btera.
The BsA Bod has a new store, bum
this year A a coat A 11.180. the bond
ing being occupied aa a grocery and
coAoAionery. with Mrs, J. C. 1
reau aa propriAreas. The More ta l$x
30 feA and the upper story ta ooeuAed
by the famUy aa living rooms,
t. F. Fericett Raaldenoa.
AhAher fine rroidence A this year*,
bonding list 1s thA A L. F. PerkAl. oo
East Eighth atreA. The mAn part ta
S2Vkx34H feet two Aorta, and
attic In height, and the wing ta 16x80
feA. The arrangement A the rooms
Is moA oonvAUent and the finishing
downstairs ta la gKlden oak. with red
beA'h floor.. whUe opstArs the floors
are A maple and the finishing A white
enamel over basswood. Low pm
steasa heating apparatus fumtahea
beat and both gas and elAtrtclty are
used for lighting. The coal of the
home was $5,000.
A. W. BarUk Block.
The moA coAly holldlng ereAed In
the clyt this year 1s the A. W. Bi
brick block on Bast Front AreA. the
cost of which, when complAed. will
reach $80,000.
It is a fine building, three stories In
bright and 34x180 feA. while the baaeroem. which U nine feA In height, ta
the full wlAh A the building and 177
feA jn length, extending about 12 feet
under the sIdewAk In front and to the
alley line In the rear. The front A the
building Is A pressed brick, sfhile the
sides of the front are A Lake Sup
raindrop cut atone, a kind bAh pretty
and expeoaive and never before uaad
In this city. The lower story will have
a full plate glaaa front and rear. The
floors tbroughoui the building will be
of hardwood and the interior will be
finely finished.
A stolrway at the west Ade of the
building leads directly to the upper
stories, while there will also be an
electric elevator Installed. The lower
i.tor>- will be occupied by Bartok A
as a grocery store, while the second
story will be devoted to office room,
and the third story to offices m
large hall.
More steel has been nsed In the conAructlon than In any other bull
In the city, ex^pting the new State
Bank block, and It will be as nearly
llreproA as any structure except those
espAMlly designed for fireproof oniw,
asboAos plAter being used to da
crease the risk A damage from fire.
Steam heating appanuus will be In
stalled and artificlA light will be furo
Ished by both gas and electricity.
Farmtrs Supply Co.
The Farmers Supply Co., completed
moving Into Its new brick bnlldlag but
a few weeks ago and It now has one
A the finest Implamenl sAe and atore
houses in Northern Michigan. It ip of
brick, two Aortas In height, and the
main part ta 50x67 feet in Axe. while
in the rear 1s a one-story addition 44x
33 feet
Inches. In the middle of the
building 1a an eleralor capaWe A trans
ferring boggles, wagons and sleighs to
the seoofMl Aorv. which ta used as a
Aoreroon. while the lower floor Is the
mte plant by aa etetMed paaropemy and the cuA A the varohouaa sroa
bent $700.
ter On.% plant coA about $6,000 and a refrigerslhr plant to
the capaAty A the box
Mr. DotwAter who ta to
ted te d^loago. has teveated the ;
aMerobly to the erarehooae room. The
ilatlon refiigerator which ciwatea aa
part is 30x80 feet, part
menae mtiteg te the coat A tea ta
A It bring two atortes in haltht. The
au riaaaea W raMiarmtoro. It ta a
wetk te m
nA quite coaspteted hut ]
very unique dmrtoe and aonateU A a
ahlyvrlSlIhe by the firm A the year
aeries of radiating pipes teatead A the
AmarteBn Buttar Dteh Co.
ordinary refrigerator box. The loe ta
The romodAltag A the Amerio
te is small compartment al
utter DIah teetory aad the addltlou
A the new pari was aa axtanAve Job the top. and! as H meka. tha wAer ta
I through tbe radiation tnbna nnd
aad lavArofl aa oa Uy A oome thm
kept perfeAly ooA. the Ar A tha food
la tbe mate part
was necoosary to build aa enUre dry compartmenla bring perfectly dry. te
as It does not oome In oantart
ing apparatos tor the dishes, tbe dishes
also being transported to tbe packers with the ice aa te other^toMbMoisl
G. R. Mohr A Chicago haq heen>^
by the name apparatus. A new brick
the city some Ume. intereatteg loenl
well as steam boxes etpecially for people te the project and haa practlcAly compteted arrangements with
Vern 'Wood for the purchase A th#
D. E. Carter factory property juA wpat
M. B.
•son and has built a few very snb- A the city. It ta deaignad to aanuIgerAors 1a thU
aattal reridencea In the city beaidaa considerable work out A the plant on a amAl scale A the stort,
ring the emptoyteent A 88 to 66
city. In addition to remodeling work
ia finding greA
aggregating a thousand dollara, be
favor on the mrkei beoaust A Its
has erected the following:
One resMenoe on West Front aereet, greA aavlng te ice over other refriger^
very attractive structure, two story ■tors and ta attracting consldmble atentlon amoag the larger
xA basement for himaelf. $1$00.
One resMoaoe for thoa. W. Stonton which handle refrigerators. There ar#
on Spruce Aroeet, nrorly complAed oevOrA larpe concerns who have al
ready asked for a Urge portloa A the
coat about $2,000.
One residence for Isaac Hatch on output of the fariory. Juat gt tha
start, bowfeer. the ooaeeni wlH*AaiW'ebster AreeA. $1400. .
One residence for aearge Sachleben, Aacture rffrigeratora to oiBar.'Re
frigerators I which . axe deAgnad for
wool A the city. $1800.
A purpoatei and apadlA ateex,
Addition lo 8. C. Darrow A 8on*s
such as thooe used in hotels, yeotea.
More. 8800.
Addition to the residence of Mrs. rants, grocery stores, and
Mr. Mohr has already oeedred
Babcock. Ninth sereet. 8750.
several ortrrs te Traverse City to heAn on.and'when these are cOmplaChd:
the capltolists A the city will be'n^ed to takelstock ta the eOterprtae.
F. t Moors.
Vern Wood Will aasoeUte AmaeU
F. E. Moore, the architect, has been
with Mr. Mohr and. others at a
very busy with work during the year.
L bold|eP.
The potolblllttaa A
Urge portion A which, however,
this plant are groat and Mr. Mohr
s for buildings In surrounding
stales that within a year. If sufflcleA
towns. He did considerable work for
capital Is put Into the business to
Cadillac^ Including the new wholesale
Ifscture the refrigerstOTS on s
grocery atore for the Musoelman Orotarge scale, the plant will employ 800
5ompan>: some work for Manton.
ore van st good wages.' If those
Rapid City nnd other towns. He has
plsBs matdrtolire. and It Is eoufldrotJy
furnished the specifications for the
expected that they will, this induririr
ivement of the Hannah A Lay
may grow to be one of the Urgent te
Mercantile Company store In this city,
this sertlo^ A the state.
also for A. W. Bartsk's brick building
Front streal. In addition lo several
Smaller jobs. The total A the build
ings erected In Mr. Moore s specificsttons will amount to about 8180,000.
has considerable work'ready for
Impoclng Mruettir, to ft, KrNM
next year.
A..H. Hall.
Noxt Spring by C. fi. F. B.
Mr. Hall doalgned some very neat
buUdlngs lo tbe rity this year though
Next spring, aa early as poaAble.
the greater part of hit work was tor
out of town building. The buildings there win [be commenced the erection
In tbe city for which he drew plans A what wQI be one A the finest build
Include Dr. E. B. Minors residence. ings built exclusively for lodge pur
Geo. Payne's residence, which Is only poses. In the state. It will be a brick
begun as yri. and the remodelling A structure for the C. 8. P. 8. lodge A
C. F. Reid's residence oo Sixth streA. this city alnd wilt ooat $17,000.
The building will be 80x100 feet
Jetis C. Fotarwen.
Mr. Petersen made plans for some and one Aory and a basement te
buUdlngs te the rity, this year. bA his heighL this flrot story bring 60 feet
ally is mall order buateeea and from flooi^ to roA and^the haaement
In that he haa kept himself and hta nine feet.j The auditorium wUl have
office force busy, having sent out plana the largest clear spa^ in floor-room.
to tbe number of over 300. some A A any building te the cky. 67x77 feet,
them going even to ^ih America and ■nd with the gallery wilt seat IJOO
Porto Rico.
Tbe material used te eonriroction
will be bilek. atone and atoel und
there will' be entraacea 00 three aides.
It wni be located at the northeaat corcoonectioo with the asylum, but there
A Front and Oak Areria and
hare tyeen aome ImprovemAito worthy be one
the moA beaAUA bAldA nAlce. among them: '
Ings In the city.
11600.00 was spent for eleriric wlr
On the {flrA floor will be the audlrium. for lodge purpoeaa and tor
|l$0p.00 for additional fire prAec- dancing, etc. with a stage 14x60
feet at one end. On the flrA floor will
8180<D>0 for artesian wells.
Aso be a ladies* parlor 80 feet 6 teebet
82$60.60 for addlUon to nurse.*
1U15H feri,
la the base
All thoM moutea were probeted by ment wUllbe a cnmmodloua kUchen
the teat tagtateturo. As ahown te the
a banket room 40x75 feeL The
teat report there were employed ta
I portlm A tAa will be a gmrA
thu teAUBCkm. 884 persons, and the
net rvmm .white a smaller poitioa
toul amount A wagea paid for Che
be pattltloned off for the gaatto-.
mr ending JunefiO. *06. was $81810.00 aaea who wish to amoke as well ay eaL
Tbe bAlding will be bcAed by
The number A paUmito under treat- steam aad both gas and electricity will
tent. Dec. €. 1606. was men $64. he nsed in lighting.
omen, 613. total 1807.
buIMtegi are la
iDAit which ex
tends under the whole strocture. On
the first floor 1s a conveolent office
room 16x17^ feet and Aso a hat
shop 17x30 feet, power for which it
supplied by an eleArtc motor. The
front of the building ta A red pre
brick, with large plate glass windows.'
Artlflcal light 1s fumtahed by etectrlcity. while the heating ta done by
Aeam.*Tbe erection A the atnictiiie
was done by day labor and the coA
was $6.80$.
Bagifiaur BoA Co.*a ABAtleci.
A refrigerator holding 880 tons A
lee U a huge one. hot that ta the capa
city of the one buUt for the Saginaw
Beef Co., thla aammA. adjolalag the
eompaay'a oince on Lake aveana. The
ooM Aorage building ta 75x180 feA
bring A two AO
Lhe other A two M
and .boat 80 fCA In height. TbevalM
Tw» old trlaadt oe tb»
k)Aare bAH with Ar chamhAt and a liv uu. ttntm itamtT alMC. <»•- for J. A. and Herbert M
pataat laaotetor was alro naad. One
wtn earry bo a hardware and groomr
mm a^ tha oM Nofftham hniffware
fliUag A lea la cakolatod to laA
Luglng famOr aoUritndee for amra year aad the eoA A the bonding
was nearly $4/100.
"Did yen any that your fcBiteir
Ce.*t War#.
as Audylng B panMir tetulMd
: ^
"lUirled her jeAentey.** said tha vtaltor A iMrr. Geldsurha.
Another big rArigarmtor ta the one
**Tea," ffpltad Mrs. OrtIdrwW. **an41
JoA b^m for the Grand Rapids Blow
*«Bnrlf4 ber? Dear me! Anar me! la she ta Britteg Aeug bruuUMr/ V jP v
ing |Da. on Bast Front atcA. and
"Wbe ta her trochOrr *
A ^
the need eM lady Ateir
ceaUag$8AO0. U ta 88x40 f«A and A
-Teat thars WI7 we Imrtai her."
"Oh,she Aa'tgrinateachw.^Bhi^
two atmtei. tho lover ono eight lOA ■asdthemnimh '
siAug muAty from cigar
i mmoomo,
CM(L rAcromct paio t»
WA4C» THtt VtAiL
r. fL A4mm wMa at tba b
ton MBpbpyn
Miteato and tW
itoafk rwaapartaftWyaarbyP. U
OF jl^D
CvIpHl AmUM M««rfy
iiaa Praaa la aaatowd by bla aaa
• of tba waada, wldla Oao. Haaar
a aloM aad foltod Ujm dortag
c Tft
hcnu>t>4th^ »!«•
ftil r«<
>ft»i «bw H IH. Iter to wliJrli t)u(
««x;M l>» a«p0M mor«k »4tiifiiAC««vt»lr tnr« of H«afa ta tba dto •
h. ago. batiaf two wmkmm. ton
th>i« }« rtK^
kW UAfc U»^
rwcvatly worad la PaitHay, wbare
m4 tiM #
ba win araet a abop tonlldtog. BM
iMHIt #lirf«kT. Thm
It wblla barn aegrapatad t7.M9.
k rwitaeb la aH!I laabiag ditara
H tilir pmdBrt mi4
Iiy iboagb wrar TS ywra aM. Ha wart*
. **wbaaaaar ba Ma llha K* aad
^ U,
•»» tbia year follad lUMatcdgwa. '
Two arw abopa bar# baaa ataitad
of » ivml UMt««ry
tha paat tow waaka. tW
f*t|!»tintklnjE l> »n
ntcb barlag bagaa baaiaaaa wttb oar
Iii4«*ff1»l MW. tolf
1uMidrv.i r^iiOe liftet
IB thU aaalntaab wbtla Patar Horwalb will
yAr orottuO, »nd dorlBt tb# pgf aatoa aaw brmada m Iba aurkai.
|ia<»i j^r ili<T4» wmt» iiPBTty
«f«ars oandc In ibU Her.
tor o«>i1jr tto* 4 iirt flcBr**. Th* pro^
tba raaldaaeaa wbtob bar®
duM Ui itmHirpBi^rd In qiinlitjr hj UuU
fttaaaira iwawdaUlag la that
mxwhrif Bitd Bli iJi»UJt ran br of Joba Sporra. oa BUU atraaC Aboat
l>> ibf many l.r»nd« pnt oot,
ipoa lu a aaw
i * TIh^ riBJir tnakr rn »rf« »V10Hl work* foundailoD batof pot wadar It'aad Iba
fOf^t Bbd m titHw fnral oar.^. ibr »f*
part bring mlargad and added to
»r. rair payfuM far ibr >rar bring otor no that the whole U now two atorlcn
fr-.ltHi, rtdudvr of ibp MirnlBg* of to bright and of n neat roomy appearIhM iafHiilM»r» nbo work Al U®
bwb. fbc montlily wngra paid b®lng
John Hopktoi thin api;M>f iatobad a
alriMiM iT.iw.
Brat S-Toom oottaga oe Bartow tomrt.
Thr lar^t Bhop In nin by A. W.
foondatioa aad U oar
^ dahniuK. wbo rmptuyit IS hBipSt mod aad onr-balf ntortm In height, tb# fsoaf
. pur*. <1111 In
llio « tooBtb, Mr.
rtag 11.000. Mr. Hopkinn built the
Jahn^ttfc' bramU Bfo frill known
MM for blmnrlf and renu IL
ilTttiyrhniii « lariw* IwHory »nd hi*
On Kaat Praat aUart Wm. Hopkins
aiillMjl fiJi the* ytnr will msrrgnlo haa rreetad a atoa dwelllag for Mwuelf.
Thr balldliig la ractaagalar la abapa
rrunk Hbiili r einployn’ »i*v<» nmnd* and thr nine roomn arr of good sUa
atui ilwy lorn oui Hgaiw of a qonllty and oooveoIrnUy arranged. The coat
Wtilrk f Ui jtlmia* Iha waul UiliiHoui ran about fl.SOO.
[ mnvk^^r. ib.im- of Ihr rwi'b'IiW »r®
^ renldance of Tboe, Ounton. on
i:rxiHTi«t HI thojWiiiU and . I hey codim*- nrih ntreat. undarwmt axtaonlTe Iw4
fitly diww very go<^ «nc®«* the proveroent and t
Mt tbis toll.
Itooi.thly imynUI bring nlicnit I4S0. Tbp dwelling Is now nearly iwtoa Its
Whll.; lyifvjii f lgnn* were inanufnc- forinrr aUr. with a ftna twarinmt to
tnr.Hl Iliiriun H»r ymrwhich will br'lnntillrd an uptodatr
11.^ II Wi-Avrr # emnloy* 1 « ifoniAr heating plant. The cost of thr Imj^lv in 'numUr and ihry iurniNL<>«l proramanta will aggregate fKOO.
^xi.lMfp ’ fiDuLvti'* and drew alnnK |3,<
hi wfRtw, Sir. W»avrr niakm
-Junt fanrj WegtoiM, Tra forgot,
. «tn;e qvrrllrol linmd» »nd bU pro- ten my cord case.**
d«ri flndn a ready ral«.
**NevaU mind, dw hoy; I’ll lend
Iliri-c- le nmofi wrre employiHl la thr
■i ab<M> «r ow» u A l*lcm\ now aticcordrd ^‘^nm^^tUe'^a wonld ba dlftofwnt.
you know.to the firm i.f Ow. ii A IMrdaall. and
-Bal JoM, no It would.
What A
ft.) tunn-1 iril In linffi abonl &n.ooo
tirad you hare. Algy.”
^K-iTK w.iiUlng ►lui r Murrh.
Mgap Mid BiM aad OMr W
Crall Taraag Oat By Laei!
batt. tm.
r. P. BUMP, twa^yirb M ball.
One 1$ ft. t bp touneb tor Ctes
» «C tba pistodBea Wbtla U baa
On# U ft dM7 wttb a i 1-2 bpL <
WtmafMItopraiMto tost Iba
i of tm dbsw g PWy gl^ifytag
IM baa bam pmrem^ taint.
E. E. Cbniidtor, Latoai. Are row-,
mta. fin.
tbai tba vtte? ^TtoMaas baa baya
rlPBL Tba
i riMMHti mempto arw il tolr tndag to
Cbtaaga party, tvawtytfpa fsot bPB.
Martto U Bogart. Bycamore.
algbtMw foot sailboat. ftS.
portomcE Kmn
tba eotamr af bustoess and tbr recetpta of 1$0< ahaw a very grailfytag
inereaer of tl ^ZJSS over iba
af l»aA and wbea 4t Is abowa that tba
iBcraan af IW oatr liN waa $IM.1$.
mm. B
P. P. BoagBay. osm row baat. fSf.
oOp. b«te«« 1. l»M B.
Tba boat baOiiag baatoeaa to TrarGrand Rapids party, awe rmf boat. me memuAMM, shown m thr
Uy ba very gratifying.
ataa GBy M praHlaany a aaw ladaatfT
Tba following are the <
ltbaiagoalyabwntwoyaar agB. tbat
PiMrlib. two row boats. ISA
tba baUdlag of bowa to aar astaat
omact. «ga BkUr. tic
lag ta montbs
waa attawptad la tbIs laealitj. Ayaar ^ rraak Bbomrtry. oaa akIE. $14.
The Year IfOf. Bhewe a Osin af fg,.
ago. bwwarar tba Trarama City Motor
Blagbam part;aB. two aklRa. ffS.
2SA22 Over the ymr tfOb. tba
Boat Ooaipaay was acvwtoad aad
A. J. Hibbard, one row boat. fSS.
Toul Raliit Paid Tbia Year,
baagbt Iba baaiaaaa of Tboatoi
R. W. Uradtog. SS foot boat.
ta Damdst BK^nJOi
Staatoa already eatabUahed. • Tbia
H. K. liMrtnai. Kstbaaba. amaU
. .$20,773 50
eawpaay baa bad awwi eicallaat aacaaab.
eoaa tor a naw ooacem and alnca tbr
Bayaral otbar boats for psxtlaa to
One Of the eaiy beat iadleationa ^
irat of last Marek ap to tbr cloaa of this aad otbar clM.
brndama prageaaa. la the record of re
tba pceMt aaaaoa. tba owapaay tanapBaals In Stack.
tocurad aboat forty crafts of rartoas
Oaa twanty-flva toot boat complete.
blads. largalj motor boau aad laaaebas,
Oaa twaatyflre foot hull. $175.
Irrtog C, Monmy aoeceedrd to tbr
Tbree tweoty-two foot bolls. fSSS.
tot btoldtag bastaaas of Victor MonOne tweaty-oaa foot hull. fIBf.
gaa aad tost aaaaoa balU arraral
Three twenty toot huHt. $400.
Two aigbtaaa toot hulls, fSSi.
McMsBon A Ptorti sra engaged In
On# stttaaa toot bull. im.
boat balldlnf sad bar* coaatraetad
Baven new row boatn. $94&.
Repairs and cuntom work. $<00.
Into our new stare, the tlnest. most up to^ts .store devoted to ogr line in
hire the regularty eetabllnhad
Irving Murray. Boat Builder.
this part of tho county. 7wc floors with plenty of light and plenty of
building ooncemn bare baaa rery
Ivlag Murray, to tbr boat building
Making caceptlonally fine show rooms, and W* Havt the Oooda to
basy duiW tba year and prodaoad a uatoaas In Victor Montague's former
to^ge nniabar of. bodU Pf rartoas aeatloa. has been very busy tba past
kinds, tbarr bsvr bM a great nuuiy aeanou and ha* turned out some line
boats built by private partita from craft.
Mr. Murray rmployea one
prepared pattaton and daalgna.
This, together with the fact that .we arc making prices that
aaalntant and during the year ha* Bn
will move the goods, alwa>^ giving something new to
Tbo followtog toformaUoo relative Uhad tbi following:
.---------.----------------------...----------------------One It ft. S hp. tounch for Rmpld
to this industry will be of oonnlderdisplay,
makes it important that
you sec ourbefore
City party.
able tolarwit.
buying.-We want YOU to see our line of SLKlGHS.i
NorthCUTTERS. ROBES and Bl.ANKETS. We know that
port party
vou will agree with u« that =we have the best display
to be
Jerry 8umrai, Cedar, thlrty-ona fool
One U ft. S hp. launch for A. 8.
found anywhere. Wec handle only the best makes and sell
launch, three cyUndar. IS
them at prices that might be charged for cheaper goods.
>rna power engine. fl.OM.
One 20 ft. ahp. launch for Mr. Rood
Come in and let us tell you why they
C. B. IJnebaner. Chicago. tZ fool,
or NeahUwanta.
arc better. We’ll gladly compare
borne power. S31S.
Rebuilt one 22 ft« launch for F. W
A. J. Hibbard, twenty foot launch.
prices with
he other fdhiw's.
Tbree atock touocbes now on hand
M. B. Hungerford, tweuty
for aale.
Isancb. complete, cunhiona and trtmthraa several rowboata hara
IbA tnd.
bam bum for various partle* and the
W. I). Ball, Grand Rapids, twenty
ctoablUhmeot wlU be run the year
five foot speed hull. |t75.
W. H. Nnitsl. Manistee, eighteen
McManus A Finch/ Bast Builders.
fool. 2 home power. ISM.
McManua A Finch alaO built several
, J. W. Hmnneo. twenty two foot. S
boats the past season, three of them
home power anglnr. $W0.
W. R Bmeon. Kalkaska. Hgbtaan
being row boaia. The power boat*
foot huW. $M.
U U Btevooson. twenty-two foot were.
One 21 ft.
hp. tounch for Mr.
hull. M.
Harry Hines, one twenty two foot I Wilcox of Cadillac.,
We are as wdl ruslPP^4 wdUi Good Clo«a*»fl *nd Furnlslitalu Good’s valves as any store In fh^ clly>~Overcoals and SnHs nataraUy
comprise the grealcr part of such a stock. and on these two Unm we show values from Seven Filly to Twenly-Two Dollars that seldom fall
lo make a buyer ol « prospecUve customer.
Next In order of Unporlsnec prehsps Is the Hal and Cap stock—Our stock Is comprised largely ol Stetson & PnmmeU Hals, and to any
one who H*s worn ellher make, this Is a snfticleni guarantee ol style and qnaUty. Jnst now we are having a big sale of Sample Caps—
Fourth Ott.
booghl about twenty do*^ this winter’s shapes, no two alike—SeU them to yon at
ii 1
& Hunter
Wllboni a good Une oi Underwear no
two-piece and conddnallsa sMb. Onr On
For HoUdays onr^Une al
For Every Day and HoUdays
Goods Stock is complete—In the Une Uncs we show WUson Brothers’ Goods In
a garment wool goods, aU colors, have given nsja Mg business this faH.
Coals. Far and Seal Caps. For Collars. Fur and iOr lined Gloves and Mittens. Fancy Hosiery. SfUc and
HI Cases. Fancy SnspdMera. Fancy Vc^ NighI Bobes. aad Neckwear wIU he j
very complete and
i’' ”:'-
We Want Your Busings.
v';-- ^1.
r •
sun. TiuvEmc 'CrrY,'
ibff fdseed la taT
bank. Ybt bate baan a ^ ncca—bi
I. for tbe Meat paa ffrmw^ out ffHk
to iV«id thmi ou the ffMs at Iba Mipery fbaal«iL at
Island er at ^cn» abaoCb«.*
Tbeiu art about 1» beya
tbe borne BlBC*
at one ttaa. Only tbeae are Mffid LaTMMtk*
that bare no bernes oC tbelr own.
ko«r for th*
•»r~« tktj
ffamlae. bowerer. Is boxlar Tboae wba
don tbe dsTss have to carry out
SaaMT corttat tn rulsa. as tbs/idea al
J dmr la itwrt la fgi^ wgl
Ivcn «l smif Mi« Skliigic
mm f
MHMrtKtarcrs of Ike Itavcnc aty
SMlIoa Gao Proteecr, In siscs of from is to
tit Homc Power—WIU Glvlde yotv tad MU
Itavcroc aiy
cannot daes^
ipsa, but tbcae were net taa
-walmm. bwt.tN«'ibaaa:^wba~bni
Odilers, Steam Engines, Gaseline Engines, Belting, Saws,
Emery Wheels, Pipe Fittings,
New and Secnnd Machinery.
Icfwsn. but be prolta'bvasar^fli
would not have beeo « fou flodcod
Mwur Oibtrwue. not Hi New York, at
any cate, and tbat was where bo oold
-iwpaa.- Soioe iieofdo who cot tbalr
start .Telllnjf -Uxtryr do not want the
reUted that iiarflekl ^
of barinc drlren uiu
Mark Twain merer n______ _________
telUnc that -be bad
a printers
deril end mb ptioL It is not related
that Hol»hk» Boms ever denlad harlac
been a plowman, that A«»p erer tried
to crawl oat of haiiiy: been a slave or
that the Man of Naaareth ever nooebt
to refute the stocT that be was bom la
a mamrer. If so. why should anybody
bhtah at baHnir sold parsers? lfis|iaclally so when exmTience proves tbat
then' are few Imtter schools for de*
veh»pins kec-iinc-HS. Indeyk-ndcrn'e and
nuiidhiess. l^mk at the next Uttlo chap
from whom you hny a |uip«r. for ba
may 1«? presidtMil ioiue day.
New Yt»rk has over *J.5iiO newsies.
They an» of an nstlonsmies. sizes and
decrees of dltUnosa. Some of them
have no nationality or size to speak
In ol- of. !.«t Ujey an* aP -tirty. That Is on^
rC3oiP)rlaht IfOC by J. A. Edaerlon.1
e:iK you ovar a
uewsiwy? Well,
don't irctolTona.
*yl. Hundreds
of other ;:.H)d
people have
lnM‘U. niuonc
them covenjors,
lnerrhaul«, law
yers. bankers
and r\‘cn tulul.^
ters, Geuersl
rhil S<Uerldan
.was once a
newsboy and
urO»etne«prfTlJtierof boyhood. ^
tot or tbs deeper sbadm of dbt
barn faded off tbe bands andifscea of
tta lada in tbe NVwaboya' buma attu*
atad near Newapaper row in New
YoriL Iba samlBs wbo lod^ there
are reouired to waMi occaakaaOly and
bath that teeooeUea
u. Abd then
they bare a ebanea t
aeaacb other
and do athletic atu
Tbe laremce
buy baa DO objectloo to wateriai each
prorlded be can get his whole body In
IL He will eten run. off and take the
chance of a llckblg to go swteimlng.
It is tbe application of water to his
bands and face tbat gam his proud
Tb«e ace rarioos newsboys* bomee
In tbe Urger dries of tbe country, but
It Is believed that the Npw York im
sritnUon Is tbe parent one. jit has
been In existence eomethlng ojer half
a cantnry. It has cecUlmcd numberleas waifW. retnmad nmsway lads to
borne for regimenU of boys that bad
no oCberiAielter Meala. and of a good,
anbstanrial sort at that may V bad
for 5 cents, while beds range all tbe
way from S to 15 cmiti. The fifteen
etnt cots are In a room to tbetaadrea
that tbe bora enU -the WaldotT.** It
is a proud day when an urchin gradm
ttee Into Ihia exclurive bunch.
Tbe newmboya* lodclng boose has an
m earing! bank Into whicti tbo occopanU can drop tbelr pennlco. jit coodsta of a nomber of numbered and
loetod boxes with silts In the top.
ind here tbe Uds depodt theU smaU
pomincs. They rw-elve Inter^ as
these deposIU, auJ If tlie amount
prows Kufliciently lar.:e It Is tsl8en_out
would ba Imagined Ibfd^
omgb Bfbtlng an thTS^
without reaortiac to prtae dgbta>but
tbelr life Is such a strunte tbat It d»>
Hi# event of the year
owersr. is tbe
boys themsetvM
feast, la leisure boon they pars poCa ayes to aaa It tt Is doubtful If skT
toes, turnips, onions and what not, help
St tbe o(b« vegeublaa ready and of both tba gmtaaque and patl^
generally make tbamaohraa aaeruL
They regard It as tbalr affalrwnd tbam
fare taka a^pey la performing whnt
r Into tbeaa dutloa srfib tba
same apIcU that they would diyilay at
I on Washington's birthday.
Tba fianta Pa has
tree, on Its land to Jton Diego county,
■uucbora OMIfomto. Tba tract la H.«0
norea to astant and Is known as the
Banebo 8an DIegtto. It to near M
Mar. It wUl be converted Into a on.
enlyptos grove. About tOQL acres a
year win ba planted far a lamm ot
jiura. The wood wlU be need for tMd ;
andpUeu F. P. Hoep. wbo baa charga
of this ciasa of work, eetlmatas tbat
18,000 worth of timber for tloa can be
raised on one sera Tba rad gum wUl
ba planted, as this as waU as the ai«ar
and iron bark varierias of oooalyptaa
tbe borne each Christmas, and It Is aafil
to aay that no feast In the land to mors
enjoyed. Table etiquette may not ba
highly daraloped. knlvea. furka and
ipoons may not be used in Just the
frofier ways, fingers being more freQoently employed, and It Is barely pun
albie that the boys •'swipe- what they
cannot eat but at any cats they are
anthnstoklc. They may reatii for ee>
aiytblng in sight, sat tba pla first, grub
Jatata of turkey In both bands. Ibraw
bones at tbe smaU diners acrooa tba
room and use tbelr well deralopod
longs In a manner that sUrta the boUa
In the steel framework of tbe building, Auatralia to laat more than twentybut aJl them Uttie Bdloayncraalee only firs years undargroond. wblto tbe blue
gum will net tost mace than tbraa
of tbelr Uvea,
years nndatgrDUtid.\ Tba aeadlug will
occasion a tai
pie was ba done dnilng
during tbe twinter, and tbe
placed before ea<*h gamla and that Injaeadltogs
for tbe first yaar'a
year's planting
IS tor
about two minutes most of
w to preparation. About S.0U0
had disappeared. Wljen a •'cop ' praeit email aeodUogt aca raqnUad.
ent made a strenuous talk about pastry,
tbe pies were pufled out from under
tattered coats, where they had been
eoclea. Ibe
It an comes anmnd to ono of twu
hard life of the street
( not tend to
thtogi. With aU married cuoplea wbu*
bring oat a very fine erase ef **meum
diffar to habit to taste, to opinion, to
et tuum" and the dlvlnb right of prop
tooda of Uto, if there to to be any I
erty. In-fact It moat be admitted tbat
many of the boys wiU sisal on occa9 Is a
Mon. bat cooaldertog tbe Ufa they lead,
way to as good as
wbo can wonder? Thera to no objecbar. It to I
rion to the tods flUtog their not too
art not of aaj Importps
clean pockets with tbe remains of tbe
inonlythlnrt they are notfeast, however, and ther religiously
We want the trade of the Men
who think $ 15.00 is enough to
pay for a suit of Clothes.
WILL BUY a Kood Suit of
Clothes if you get it at the
- right place.
We haven’t any high
flowa ideas about making a man buy a better Suit than he wants. $15.00 will buy a
good suit, of clothes and we want the trade
of men who think they ought to get a good
one at that figure.
We Iktve them in quantities at that price,
and we have them still higher, but our $15
suits arc unexcelled in fit and Workmanship
andsn1l|give you your money’s jsrordi for
It is easy to make claims, but we wish to
impress upon you the fact that these are
through and through'worsteds, for which
you would be asked from’ $2.00 to $3.00
more at any store in town.
-You can see them in Our Disi»lay Win
dow.” If you are a-$15.00 mah,|come and
see us. We will be (Had to hkve your
trade, and ^er you have once tr|ed one qf.
“OUR GOOD SUITS" you .wiU never be
aatlsfied with any other kind.
“WIU Soon Be Here.’**
'rime yon wore •eli'ctint! that praamt, while the
asaortixiont is jjood.
Wo mention a few of lb© tbingg we have oapecially for you to select from for this time.
It Pays to buy
A Good Overcoat
One good Overcoat will give you good
service for about three years, and if it is
one of "Our Good Overcoats’’ it will still
have shape and stay when you are through
‘with it.
y: .
Any man svoDld bcCprood
to wear one ol these.
It Is Eitrangance to Buy Cheu> ShoddY
Yooleos. TIioy Don't tost
Silk HaDidkerdtiieis
Plain odoia, abo solid ©enters and
fancy borders.
We don’t mean that you must pay a bii?
price, but you should pay enough to get a
dependable garment. Let us sugg^t a
NoUdsa finer anywhere.
Suspenders one »P « «h>x
Silk with silnirbneklM
and fancy enda.
One of thoae wouU be anre topic
F*OR .toiS
Plain and fancy oolort, one in
• FaMy Vests,
Dress Shirts. Swealei
Suits aiM
Any of these make nice presents and
are sure to please if selected • .
■from onrline.
' ysiyiafijg
We have a still better one if you wish it,
or at any price you may decide upon.
We will guarantee the cloth, the fit and
the workmanship, and return your money
or exchange the garment.
If you are in doubt we are going to rec
ommend one of “Our Good $15.00 Gar
ments,’’ for we knpw that it will give you
$00.00 worth of srear and satisfaction.
. .GadSuit Headquaitersi. i e.wiiheuis i Gaad OvratHadquaitaia
' -^is* i-F
, .
YJ-A/i TOJ'Hh A/:A7
Christmas is cUnlno.'and wlfh It aU the |oys and pleasures altendina the
hoUday season. Chlel among these is the pleasure ol gift giving, a custom that
has been handed down gcneraUtm after gcneraUon. In selecting your gUt
It is not so mndi what yon like as what the recipient would eafoy that
should be taken Into consideration. Something useful-something that would
be a constant comfort-something Oiat the recipient actuaUy desires Is the kind
of present that is sure to be amireclated.
Haml 8U*a.
ChltfliH Couch, Ko^ slxe.
Doll Cabs............
I3t)ll OcX'arfa...,
Came Bourdti....
Wheel lUiTow..
Kxi.n'.R Wupin.
Toy rati* .....
Toy Stovcii
Toy DUhei..........
Tool lloxes..........
il.Mk and'LTddiM
HlKh Chair...........
Chi Ida rocker..;.
Nuriiory fChalr...
Chllda Beda...f
I-^awela.............. ..
nrafj Sert^
nrti ScretMi ....
H.nll Trees ....
Shaviny: C^htiel
Wall PocJvela .,
Jardiniere SAanda......
Foot Stool........... ;...........
Uupm. 2T -In. Bniiirla..
Kitchen Caldneti
Library Taldiw, 24x32.......
...B2.70 Conih. neekH. oak...........
S»<-tional DoisKs. each:......
l-:;dle.H IVsks.
lbs.k Unrks v...... ..........
Roll Top ivsHs..;’......... ..
DinliiK Table. Cft....
Ifitiing Chair*, six...
8id»lKjurds. solid cutk
Bii!r**t. qiiarten-d lol,.
IHslu's. loo pitxM* set.
Table Cloth, large...,.
Table Napkin*. *U....
Water Set.................... ..
Cla*R Tnmhler*. *U
Office Chair*, revolviris...:.
Berry Set.......... .........
Waste P.Tper Brtkrt........
.$6.50 Night Ijimp*
Dretiser*. odd...........'....
.$2.25 Parlor l.:»mps
Commodt**! odd..'............
llljsj liavenport. adjustable.
lUtlrooni Suite, 3 piece*........
$1.40 Arm Rock
Iron Beds’ full'*Ire..........
..80c Be^Hl Hock
Comforters, pootl one*........ .
48c MlsbUm R«>cker. heavy..
Blanket*, double........ .............
8<»wlng Hooker....
Pillow*, each......... ..
Sheet*, each.
Reception Chair*.
Pillow Caaea. 'per i»air.,.....
. .$1.25 Arm Chair*, large.
rb.ml.er Sc-....................
, Chairs..........
WMh Machlnt-R........ ..
..$1.90 ^Parlor .Stand*......
Tub Wrlnuer*-----.
Bench Wringer*................. .. .$3.25 Parlor Caldiiels....
....20c Music Hacks.......
rioiht^* 'Baskets.............. ..
Iron Board*.......:........... ........65c Hu;nan CTialr*-------........45c .Sofa Pillow*.........,
nal Top D.ivkH....V>....;.
.....10c Type Writer De^ks..........
. .$2.75
. .$2.75
.Si wliil Machinr*................ .■ ...$12.50 Portiere* ...........
...$1.05 C:irpet 8wc*eper» BlBsells... ....$2.50 Portiere*. roi>e.,
Lace Curtain*. i»er pair,
...$4.75 Splco Oibluil.................
■ Ma -
A :pA I y,A
,':r - ■
la RccoMt TKAveme arv. sncHioAN. wcoNnDAV. oeccMacK IS. 1M.
_ ___ _
vy .
.aw----- -yw-
> •—--r
' i
■■■■ ■ : '
m aaj matkadDr WiUroantucetaecrnalim.
^acting « tbe principle that tba
Imeriemn prapU Uke to be bumUiiged.{
Tk.M 1.,^'u ?hw!TiM ••ilW
N0 me CM aknir jM kcMcr •••«•
»*Iw.KS()^Ui.pri«»l*ri«lit Ml y* wii kao» tt..
tD),«bMyDaMetlie g»l«.
Oi' I4fgi« M jriori #jM>ra'7>0 will tibi\
Wj %ri
flat ela/^
cla/^ liits
iiiw tiiXnii2?Mk>
i«t Ibi «aUlm piMibit* prtiti.
wsif, uiiia.fHit
T >^c«a bi7 7>ir Xn»f gfUo'K«3&V9»r Iiaf4, katv.tg
foar IrMds sra g» tin|f the oe Vittt aid beat er^kt^oat
K/df/Uitn^ io tb9 faroiftitag lion ia o«v aai c^m
. Kor Coin
Ubr**. »!•> 6o!> Kil
-ffimpd-aaldlr. WlUy.
• -It Un*t wbUky at alt- aid Dr. Wl-|
ley. -If. tbe atnff that uWn «mud
WbUky. By tbe
of wbat U known |
ns ^Mttog oir tbe grrait-t portion of |
tta atnff Ubeled •foorC^rar-old'
WbUky* U mada to Uaa t^n fourtemi!
totou irL W-lt
«Mi aflMUi wile YM waff. *
fa I
^ St
mince tbe bumbuggery very «P-.
Pr«cUbly by Insisting upon the proper
»^«»rltog of aU products, ao that if one
)»r ao Ubelta «®d If ta prefers moto
boof be may gu annind looking for a
»«bel to indicate tbe aabnaL
D sbooid be lememberrd that Ibo
uw «Ul« not only' to food, but
^ Udnors and nadldaca. so that there
must be govenunent inspec-tfcm of .
Cliaaipioa of Pure Food
Side UgMs on Dr. Hervey W. Wiley and His
Tireless Cmsade
•f m
li ttaawil il 8 »—firt. Who
laaiuii HiYf Ibt Wftt teoto Mi OtC flwjUiilM
H TMr fMs — IlM RMiM His HoMy IW*
TWartjr VfOT, N8I ti OMCfc, tat to
8tavLMit8f lilt
Snapshot of LlavK. Robert E. Peary, the Arctic Explorer, taken on hU fwturn
from his trip fartheet north.
«r til tta com
8b<t UKlcr
andar tta lietilfa
lufluenre af
pare food law the peapto
8f tta I'nltod HUte. may eat and
4rtok and be mecry. firing no tboofbt
to the borrihle prol«bHlty of batriuf
Uhni into tbidr aysteas rarkNaa pob
aoaooa aobatancea lu tbelr food and
drink, tbe one man cbieny to in- thank
ed for that delightful cousummatlou Is
Dr. Harrey Washington Wiley. OA
daily Dr. Wiley Is eblrf of tbe buiwaa
of cbemlstry In tbe departmeut of ag
rtculture; anoacially be may l>e calle<)
commander la cblK of tbe allied and
.amatganiated armlea of the pore food
fbr ttoeoty yeara I»r. WUey has bad
8 bobta 8tMl riddeo It bard. At tlmee
tbU fbvdaas of hU bas leaped orer ap
palltof praciplcea of buman prejudice
arily through marshes
iditig. but t
faderal Uw of tbe use of i>oh
Vnd dJtokf'tJTt U
Dr. Wiuya bdbby. By tbe paaaage of
tbe mmrnm known as tbe pore food
Uw Ust Jana congrees finally approt*ed
tbe efforts of l>r. Wlh*y aud tbe thouaanda of other rarueei workers to the
cause of preaerrliig tbe human .atom-
health of 8aiKW.O00
people. It Is p’rovocatlvc of joy to suc-
, typhoid aud oth«T IIU Uk> niimeroaa to. mention. Among bis intiiiinte
frlcHuU the good Dr. Wiicy Is known
as s^Hhlag of a humorist, ami this
quality ikiiuctimw dUiUaya Itatdr u)ion
inihllc c»,v..K,uns when be dlscnissra hU
lw>bh> . Oiicc Dr. Wiley was dispens
ing his ilumicat witMlom before tbe
romiulUiH- ou ugrlculiure of the bouse
of repreuenutives when a rural congrrasman acornfully asked the dlstlnfnlabed rhemUl to deune a • soicutifle
agrlcnlturlsL-A sdcntlflc agriinilturtst.- replied
tbe dm tor. 'is a petulemnn In the em
ploy of the corerumcnt who csi> make
^ Dr. U a^BootbrlW ot TVmaMK
Tbe Uteet
descent Umpa Is a Ump which may
truly be aal
said to furnish
mUh -sunlight
Up,- Tbe
U mode of such
rare earth, a. yttrium, tboriom. aSrroniam. cerium and magnealiim. wrhlck
will iiHtber fuse n*ir bqm wbon e*.
ptwevl to Hlr. They Ivecome heated to a
high tcmiM-rature, howcTer. and throw
out a light which Is really while, like
sunlight. Owing to tbe combtoadoo of
earth, peed, all of tbe oeraa primary
taro nm the gantlK of tta |oko mikcn dorlnc the four
of lile t»I*08
•Qotd- boordlof bdtoe to Wartiltirtt*
and coma forth fat and joily. his uaofuloesa anlmpalrtd:; If ha had tiaaa
oDi* of tboae aolamn and aarlous aa-
lCop>TlaM. ISK. by C. N. Lorte.l
Co. halt
If your daaJer hasnT
good Dr. Wiley loaf ere this nmst
bar# anccnxubed to nerrous nroatra
tton. Aa It waa, be iacrmed toiooufbD to eoioj the ymtA made at the eX
lienae of bla lalqiU
perlment. tboagh bd nerer permit
bis sense of humor to Interfere with
his atrlet adeatlllc ctaerratlon of tbe
of a certato abautlty of ‘dopidC,^
or dHnk by a certain inetnlref^ bla
WUeya la no looger regarded as •
Joke, even by tbe most bo|ie)eesly Jik
Ur peraon. By yeaia of patient, tire
Iras oheactatlon the deroUnl chemist
bas prorad wbat be |aet out to pruvetkat tbe ara of sc^wtancee such os
boradc add. aalhyUc add ami
maldehyde aa pn^si^hatiriHi for fmd
or drink are poaldvciy InjnrloQs to the
human system. By feeding bis class
of young 8M*n various kinds of food
ar colorrHl with tta drugs
hr oanufactunrs he dcdoc
eiT sc lciiUflc facts whidi. emlKxllixl In
bis official rcp»>rtiC had much weight
to aetnirinf the pure food Uw
since I>r. Wllcr first made hiinaclf
a popular national figure l.y
Ing the actual resuhs of flic rating
of drugged fm>d aud boiling those reBulU down to a Sitletitlfic certainty
many events of importaiKe lu the mat
ter of fomi refonii have taken place
to tbe rnlted Ktntra. Quite rrHVutly
we have bad-Vptnn Blnclalr’a exiv>se
of packing bouse horr«>rs lu * The Jnu
fie.- followed by the jmssage of tbe
meat inapetiloo Uw. which ret)ulres
» manufacturers
I and other packInc booM pradui'ts on their l,ibeto
must call a spade a spade and not decel^ the public by aeadlng out canoed
Teel or pork with a picture of a spring
chicken oo the Ubel.
Dr. Wllay’a work taa dissipated aer
ersl mUcooceptlona. For Inaiance. be
bas shown that it Is not necaasarily tbt
food adulteranta. but tbe preeerrativea
and colorings, which do tbe damage to
tiie bnman atomacb. The fact that fre
quently sre buy and eat aometblng aold
under a certain name which Is really
something else In wboU or to iwrt beemnra that something aUe U cheaper
for the manufacturer than tbe thing »
preieoda to ncll is dlagusttog. to be
rUbt there Is where the wUy manufac
tnrer geto to bU deviiuh swk. He
colors It with anlUnc or coal tar djo*
Jo make It look Uke tbe traal thing, and
that coftortttg matter dota the damage.
For a like purpose of deceptloo certain
drugs called preservatives are used.
Tbsoe aerre to imprasa tbe inaooout
imrchaaer with tbe noOoo that be U
DU. Il.UiVKV W. W11.KY.
adtliK-txl tlie fart | gullet providod that
lieptemUT. Dr. WlJcy addiK
It! is sold from
B1II.V l.e wm.kc
llwhile yon I state
that hams mii.v
tate to state and tbereby comes unthe head of Interblat^
wait One wltm-M Ict-tUlcd that bis j diT Ihe
Louse used a n»»trut 0jn.ikcr I
UHI.M Fata Uw.
^ r.ii . w« IH.I.
Ing smokt-d hams. This 1-1#
for this^
hole kegs.a
paint with which the ham
having; unilorm food Uw as many eatlmabkv'
tsw.lily to grow.
giving it tbe aHH-uruii.v
smok.-i cIcrK>iucn
working for a uniform '
** UagKta: -ffa. ka. Ka! How my
been cured lu the dear
lufn are wor
mUtress wHI seoM
grandmother; divorce law. As a m.atter «f fact, the I
used to do U.
nation regarding food H prett.v much
When this Utile pig goes to asarksi
rdini: dlvonn-. j
r»-auU of Dr. Wilry'ai the sai^ a« that
Diri'ctlyy as a rv*uU
very listoimdlng
list.omaing' l^Jiivb blatc Has Us o i hiusR-lailug to! ^
tiomi some vorv*
it ata ae by toe
facts regarding the truc idcirtiiy of ihd^ food und to dlvoixv Jberv are forty-1 pVT wokoiy
stuff we put into our Klmutichs frmu'
sUttMv and furtv-slx varUt
day to day have iK'cn brought to light | diVi»r.t» pos-'iUnlilics. VntJltuc paRs.igt-1 The miscKtevous <
Just one Item WiU suffitv In^e. Your of the fv-dcni! fi»-j8 Uw tlie luaunf.ic-j
with iU mate.
<i» muy Ih- too winik; to stand; tunn-a of some food prwlucts were, While Saola CUvi. drove with all apaad
The |»allcnt and long^ snffcraigi TomiH-llrd to plutT a different label on
toraagbtoe naki
mule that pulU tlie garbage’cart |*aM j their goods for every state to which
oor U more iinporinui^ than he ‘ shliuneut was made. t\’hcu the naIH> not scHirn him. .Ne^t year be. lioual Uw gels into uctlve vvoiking orma.v be silent, alas, in death, and you 1 der one l.tN-1 will sen e for cncli stale,
may Ik» eating his hiMfs melfmorph^n* | and that laliel. If the government intab-stuiH-mious clinnee! -Into-luirc u|*-| si*cctora do their duty. wiU tell exscllr
pie JelUv- or “i»ure in ach marmalade.- what the package rontalmv
But the fact that yoa are rating the; Tin* fight for a pure fooil law In con
boots of the defunct mule li» not the grtws InstiHl nearly twenty years. l>r.
jvart of tbe pr^i>osnion.; Wih y savw the vxmsnoK-rs staro-d It.
Uled !*y the grangers. Then some ol
be homwt manul
»ro«luct is the se-! and finally s^mie
rious thing. That U wbat boes the urged a f<xleral Uw. Of. cotirao the
pr«>|'0!*ed legislation was bitterly op-
to axpand —swell and puff up
against tha haart. This crowds
tha haait and interferes with
ks actioa causing shortness of
breath, palpitaboo of tba heart.
Dyspepsia Cure
takaa tbe strain off tba baart.
emtalmtHl foods. doi^Kl mcdlcinvw
and prv-matupely aged whijikiea. but the
•*awakt*oed cv»ntnHenee- of tlie po«|»le
along various lines at last brought
.nbont the enactment of the present law.
I which gives rxri'llent pnvrulse of fyod
! icfonn after it goaa Into cflr«-t Jan. 1.
J I»r. Wiley, who Is a name of In‘di.ma. In bU sixty jsHMnd^rar. 1ms
j never roand jOmc to get married. His
life alDce rarly manhood has been de
voted undlvliievlly to chemistry. As a
bachelor bis remarks coniTmlng i-ooks
may be of Interest to marrtrd peo|vle.
Says Dr. WUey:‘ -Wc have the most
nbumUnt and l^est f.xxls of the worW.
but we llwe more poorlv than anr oth
to iUI ap the Slocking, for children's
er clriUtod nation. We hare the woiwt
<sx»ks and know lesat bow to get tbe
most out of our foods. < 'ooklng Is look And nt midnilhl -tbe clocks were |rat
ed down upon here. It sboald la* <*oaon tbe atrake •
alderod one of the fine arts, and a cook
Cwme tbe fwiskhil old friend nf tbe
abould command a high aaUry. I know
ftimilies Ip Waabtogton who live at the
Tate of 15.000 or fin.noo
flO.noo a year and | ||E lootad at toe
who nererthel^ win get some Ig- ’ H
.ever wHl do.
spoil tbrir jvictuaU. i
^ wi.. «n.
They Will spend ^oosands of dolUr.
on ttair Ublea and waste It all by
•kimptog on tbe cook.HOBBRTTS IX)TE
It U i»ropowd to drain the erergUdra of Florida. Governor Broward,
cd with broackUl or rulmonary dU- tboae who
oaara and to create otrength.drink akTkbollc llqdora.
to Waahlngtoo be was
party of frienda. who began to dUewsa
omttUkma, U becanaa it U a real ood their farorlte teauds of whisky. .Scotch
wbUky seamed to bo the moat
ic Imt tbe real
two or three of the
ores of the plan. Tbere are TJ<X>.000
acrea of swamp lands to be freed of
w*ater. In tbe midst of this dreary
wsKte Ikw T^ke Okeerliobee. ItUpmlaxed to cot canaU and drain off part
of tbe watenr of this lake, so a» to
reduce the surface four feet, to pre
vent tbe overfiowlng. which now fiooda
1,100.000 aerra of tka aammndtog
country. Tbe work «aIU far 500 mlUa
when as a matter of fact tbe atnff
would be putrid but for tta -embalmcod Ihrcir off preparatloa Vtoot. Ha togfiald-ltconuina. |
oaya. “1 bava uaed VInol in my tomWUAy S Fhi Immh.
-Do yoQ drink orer barer aakod tta
doctor, and tbaj aald ttagr dUL
Tta® yon MTor drink Seotcb wktolyktnlL NatnU
and these unite to form ray. whlck
contain nil of the clemenU that cotoo
from the .on.
ata. tawsrifaSStoLtaarwarya#
« c tatatoff cta CMaanw u s. ^
HANNAH a UYSctici^
of canate ten feet taep and rarytoc to
n-: CORDIAU.V invite you to
call ami v« e u» in ouy new
store. We have opened our
• doors to the public with Va
complete, up-to-date stock of
fieneral Hardware
WE shall carry only Kood, worthy mer
chandise and sell it at a fair price.
REMEMBER that we have a reputation
to make and mi sr sell you good goods at
right prices or we cannot hope to merit,
your patronage.
IF,good goods, right pi^cfes and
ifp-todate methods will secure vouk trade we
are going to have it.
| '
COME and see ns any time. You
are always'welcome, and jwe arc rudy to
show you our line whether you are ready
to buy or not.
Johnson & Turner
First door west of Stetatbenrs.
Msn<ke. 15 year
of a Wh4^qra.<8. D.> farmer, bat
loml of whrat daily to market and
to lu dUtsJsal.
-5^ U
\ T^e .flie Hurry
' ^i>!
=^oul of
iChristinas I Stioppii^
Special Offer
e Atlrichan Fur Jackets.
341b. Ions, storm ctillsr. Skinnrr's
fUtiB UBBd. MUr .Kiuinmti^ud. 92^
for ............................................. .921.50
7 ABifMlian Fur Jackets.
24 U. Umt, XXX Quality. Skinner s
Hatki Hoed, cioat ami lltUng waraion. 923
ranted to
coat for..
Style as above, made of iho XXXX
quality, finest selected t^klns and
fully guaranteed. 92&. for... .929JiO
S AsIraoHan or Caracal Jackets.
TU© vary best that money enn buy.
Our.949 quality for.............9M.50
aiofulsd Muskrat Coats.
If V© wished to deceive you we
might esil them brook or rhx>r
mink. Ifs all the same fur. and a
fur thst will give saiUfaclory wear
and a very prt»tly garnunl; 9'»t'
euat. special fur...................94230
Illusion StarJackets.
This is a commerrlal name fur
muskrat treated In this way. First
“they select best prime skins and
pluck all the long hair, which
leaves only the heavy U*<1 of fur
nett to the akin. This Is siwl dyed,
black and dreaaed. and very cloself
rt'semblea a seal akln and It is
tainly a beauUful cxuit and we
stand badC“Of them; . $125, special
sale price...................................9l0a00
Jap Mink Blouoe Jackets.
This la a beautiful garment and
very swell for young ladles—
prici ..........................................918930
Gray Squirrel Blouse Jackets.
One of the very iwimlar costs for
pnclal ......................................... 9100.00
Blended Squirrel Box Coats.
2C ln. long, fancy silk lining, a very ||
swagger coat fur young or old. %\Z3
‘value. Very special price.. .9100.00
Fur Lined Coat
&2ln. long, lined with plucky
‘ muskrat, natural color, sable squlrr»d colUr. 9523d value. 6i»eclal
Prtce ..................................... ...94430
Tan Coat. Fur Lined.
5;in. long. IlniHl with blendetl
plucked muskrat. blendtHl squirrel
shawl collar. 950 coat for... .939.50
Pants and Veat nt.-.a^^uM^IIAO ^9
Km ra large aUea a apeclalty.
Such well knoirin llaea na the
Yimllaatl. the Ment^ and Havard
.Mill, mskea, and wUh the IDlllkon
you can buy with pairfect BBamBM
that you get your mbney^ worth.
' Then, loo, you are probably uoing tb boy the nseful gift this year>»some>
thing that the recipient can either use or wear. Those are the things that are
anwedaled. Buy tor as many as yon Tike~.each something different—and we
can snppty your needs for them alL Look over ttie list below and if there are
not enough practical ^ts to supply aU your friends, and yon want something
. . .
. else, youTl find It, for ITs here.................
50 silk Pfltlcoats, black and color*.
on 4p*'clal sale at..j................. 9639
If you have any idea of getting M
silk skin Iblh fall. Ihla lot will
suivl) pliasc- you. lYou have paid
|7..V> fi>r uo belter iirta.
as In
n^re are vonu* Hiai ming: bb a;
whitf^ mull apniRi^. somci hUig juur
lady frieudi; will apprwc
have alwuyt: *^>^1 many ul llifs*'at
this linu' and ibis year the.Hue i>
the im»sl iHiinpb’ie we ever had.,
I he ideas are all out of ttk ordi
nary. 25c, 50c. 65c, $1.00.
Fost Card Albums.
Save y»».ir. potti c.odN,. you wHl
have quite aa asw.rtmen
asw.rtmeni bo
50c and 75c.
Driving or slre< t r.loves. silk lined,
at 11 1HI jind |l.r.o. niickhkiii, Amo
or Driving t;auutl« ! (;iov«i. ai.91.50'
Swell Kill DUiws !ur tliTs.sv Wf*ar
at 11.
92 amt 92.75.' 1//»ng
Kill Cloven at.............. $235 to 9414.50
Fur Linefi WiK-ha Xliitens f«u emu
fort at l.t 50. Other Mocha Miltens at :.oc. 75c up i.» $1.50. ITn110**11 Street or Driving <;iov.-?;
•at ...................................................91.00
<»f .....................................79c the yard
• 'v
We know of nothing that one can
buy that is any ajore aacfylahh?
luRiiy of tliezn. You can make U a
5c one or as high as you wish an<l
as'many t»f them as you see fit.
We know of no better place to
make these .seleciions than here,
tur the a^)rtment 1* m compleu*
that It's only u question of the
price you want to pay and we can
show you enough to satisfy your
mu^r exacting taste. We have
everything from $5c to $2. Initial
luindkenr'hiefs in a pretty Hirh-ttiia*; box. 2 In Ik»x. a dainty gift for
children. IKT \H)X 15c.
15 doz. Ladies* Fancy Collars, some
unu»fuull>: gocvl things, for 25c.
Leather Writing Case for use when
tiaveling. Dually packed In trunk or
valise, baa rompartmcBU fur aUtl..«ery. non spllling Ink Uutle. pins,
pc-ncila. answervd and unanswercvi
a 1907 calender and blotter,
If yyvou h;ive M friend that does any
tnivellng thU wIM make an Ideal
gift ...................i..................... 1 ..9230
H* re Is a gift to go with the above;
a leather dressing case, everything
complete, including a complete roantcuro Bet.........j...........................9S30
There are so Vnany dtarmlng gifts
here that an- Jtjex|H-nsive and yet
pnictlral that to eiuiuierate them
would require more space- than wo
have at our disposal, but remember
that our lime is your» and the earlier
you do your buyTilg the easier to
make your iK-leclions.
In Your Thoughts of Gifts Don’t Overlook the Carpet Department
Tapestry Portieres
•8c lor Bopc PorMercs
Conch Covers
A discount of 20 per cent
on anything in the line.
All Door Panels at ^
per cent dlsconnL
$14*00 for .0x12 Bruwela
Bugs. Worfii $17.
Some very Special Reduc
tions made on nearly njery
. ______
For 27x.‘>4 Axitiinsior
K\ig«, the kind that
at'lls everywlu-ro' ,*vt
$2.25 ni»a $2 -10. ^
$1.^ >
For 27x411 inch lieavy
velvet mi:«. Well
worth $1.75.
Fur Lined CoaL
92 in. long, gray squirrel lined,
black lynx coHar. a beautiful garmeoL 950 coat. Spetdal price 94230
Bvery coat adveriiaed If not as
repreeented to eeery way we give
yoa your money back. . You take
no chances here.
At 91030
Yoa may take your pkk of fifty
<MSI> tbat iMve bera ticsb to fU.
Too Mjr toko jroor pick ot forty
C0M> tlwl k*TC be* »» •«.
ijidlos* Onbla style Ugk* Suita.
the 90c quality. for.U.............. 89c
loulU-s* ntHwtHl l^ia mad Vests.
Bixe 4 only, the 25c lciod..17c Bach
PantaBiul Vesta, the
i:tkm make, at 39c the garment.
Regular value 50C.
Obt regular IIbm arw the Aamt to
be found BBywbere. Union gidtt
ripHE DAYS fifoin now tiiitU Ctiristnias will be crowded
1^ fun with Chrisimas buying. The sooner yoii do
u YOURS the better you will feel and the moi^
sa^action you wiU have in making yonr selections.
T«bl» Llnent.
ftrown Coney Jackets.
241n. long, aailn Uaad. a pretty
ecial. but we do not recommend It
for wear, 9U30 for..................919 75
$10Ji5fora\12 heavy Bmaat-la
and Velvet Hugs. Worth $21.
fl.SM worHi of Lnec
Curtains wUl be closed
oat at deeply enl prices.
This tnclndes every.
$$1^0 for 9.tl2 Axminsteror
$2-> kind.
$23 for extra heavy Ax minster
and Body Brnisels Rugs, the
$27.50 kind.
$35 for Royal Wilton Velvet
Rugs. Fine pitiemt
We sell more Big Rugs
ihan all the oO>er stores
combined. Remember,
these are alt oew Fall pat
tern*. Watch them go.
Silk FntleoBta, 96.
Made of SkinnePa Taffeta Silk,
guaranu-ed not to cut or split or
new one If
do........................ 99. 910, 912. 91330
Money-Bak 9ilk PettlcoaU.
We also handle the famotts Moneybak silk skirls. Xiotx would' not
niin.l paying 99 to 913.M U you
knew your skirt wxmld not cut or •
spill. Money back If they do.
Satina FattloenCa.
Himllred. u, |dck from at 75c, 9130,
913a up to 94.oa
Another Bargain in fiilki.
Wc have btva running a aerlea of
silk salca that hate been appreci
ated by our custoim-rs. Now we
have only one more to offer you.
Conalsia of alioul 20 pieces of fancy
stripe*, checks and figured effect*,
h pieces of chameleon laffeU», nod
lot of odd piece* of different aorU.
mi M44 ai II and
d II.: gu
Dob'c b« too Ut« as ran were before. Come before the piece you
Tnbla Oilcloth*.
A few piece* dark icolor*. no while,
at 19c the yard. Not (he be*l grade
OrwBB Oeotfa Bala.
Have you attended oor dreaa gooda
sale? If not. you are BUalag aome
of tbe bMt K'kaL baraahia ercr
onored ImfaU clty.i SimA and cob
orod dress (oods tkat sold at tl,
*1.1* and
lor^...7»e tha yard
Ureas cooda that ^ u 7*e and
You win know a^en yoa aee the
good* that tkia I* a great dreaa
good* aale. REMNANTS og drem
good* at HALF PRICE.
50 doeae
Blnakeu at 69c.
$139. ap tai
92.oa Wool Btealvta,
the*Batthlo Blankaja, at
a 95. 9639
Taka care of
and 96. up to fiai Ta
hw txl2 Uapestry Brgspatterns.
Worth' $17.
For any 125 Rug
our • tofo. All
11x12 aiie. All DOW,
tf $ra have to reWWia Tama for Chlklrea. the 69e
kind, a lot to clone out for lie. Tbo
prettlaat lot of cape, hood* aad
tarn* we have -ever hhowa. At 60e
up te 91.78b
Fifty Piece* Ught aaji dark dattag
flaaaak 27 In. widaj at 6c tha yC
ta the flaeat we have ever almwm.
.l*L*P A .
TMvciMC arr, i
r fr'-
-tehur.- ■ - v-v-.^ —-V-1
The Qiurdieis of
UM wntm mutmB 9mA hopm
IT ft Iftfvsr rooftk
lift w^rH ct llM charrh te oo« of
gTs41UKl« for lisip pftst ftftd pnr^
Ufti tlm M^ptv Sttjr ftse os for Urger
sftrries ift 4Mfw i» 9cm^,
Tim cknrdi kss ft smbenhlg of
TmslMs: U H. Bftniftm. Fruik
Hsftilltoii. 8. E. Wftli: Trsftsnrer. Cnrloit Hsle; Cterk, 8. B. Wsll.
Wr•ctors: C. V, Wrtfbt, I. B. Gilbert,
M. C. OviftU. WilUnm Hnnk. N. a
tMdMM is vny ncalar. Msy «f tk€
clitMrtft ftoC ksTls^ tiMft aM
slode SniidST in seTersl ycftrs.
srssioa begin shnip st twohro o*
siul ns the Usl stroke of Uis doelc 41as
swftjr. witW s vord from tks i
inteft4ent Um room U pmteUr
ftftd ibe ehOdien in rvrsriftt spirtt
rsftiy to sini dmir UttI# pfftiss m
“nitlM^r «e thsak Tbse.*’
Tb6««h the prognun nlvsys
brsces rerersnoe. oMIeftee. p
pngrer. scrlplHPc niul giving Us form
varies every Sunday to avoid n
Chapin. C. A. lUmtnond. ChorUlcr.
G«o. E. Hoyt, Collectors: C. A. Ilainond. E W. Keith. Mrs W. N. Kelley.
Sonior Sofidsy School Department.
urer. Miss Krances lluUwr: Seertdary.
Miss MUinie Walt: Ubrarian. M B.
Holley; Superintendent Home Departnienl, C. J. Ebner.
. Total Sunday school membersbip.
The Intermediats Sunday School De
Mrs. R U Bdwards. Superintendent,
has an enivdlment of about lid, divid
ed Into ten classes.
They meet In lb© church nudltorium
with the Senior dep^tinent. marching
out to the inspiriting music of orgsn
and orrhvstra. Into the ikariors for
CQftTenience in class work. Pro-
Many of the classes are too large to
give the best resulU from the work
fltber In the ach^ol or in the homes.
s are all people of aSkaU
lelsurvt. Herons in other departmenu
there is a great »ced of more teachs.
It is a moat interesting sight, this
tmpany of b9ys and girls gathered
around the teachdrs for the study of
Ood*s word and Impreaaes one deeply
with a sense of tbe teacher's privilege
as well as
We wl^ tbe parenU would come in
ony. Once a month the day U devoted
to missions and with happy faces ihn
chlldreh bring ihelr special otertng
which at the end of the year is
where most needed. Last year
ten dollars was'given for mlsaknu by
this dtimriment. At Christmas time
a generous offering of provii
money and toys^was also given and
this year the same was dom
Thanksgiving time. But the best part
of it was. not what lbe> gave hut how.
for It scetnoil there was not a child,
bowek'vr yodng but gave freely from
the fullTM‘Ss of Ihelr heart for Jesus
Ladies* Aid Society.
Officers: PreaW^ Mrs. 8. C, Deepres; Vice Prwsldenk Mrs. D. R Wyn
koop: Secivtary, Mrs. J. A. Montague;
Treasurer, Mrs. a V. Wright,
Bridge Builders.*
Officers: President, Mrs. J.
Patchin; \Hco Bresident, Mrs. Joa.
i; Secretary, Miss Ruth Rui
aey; Treasurer. Mrs. R U Bdwards.
Cmigregational Poet Oflicc.
One of the unique features of the
Sunday school U a full Hedged Post
Offfee. which as far as known is the
only one or
kind in the country
Por sevenU yMrw It has bpea goitp «
serious question how to'^ake care ol
the vftriour papers and iwhlloftUaiu
rough the hands of the
teachers and the pUpils. Finally the
Superintendent J. W. MilUken and t
Ubrarian hi. B. HoUey, hit upon
rovel idea, and the hnilding of,the
new post office made It possible for
them to put It Into acUve operation at
for they bonght the old post
office lirtuTet entire, and a good share
of it U set np la what used to be the
kitchen riglit off the parlor of the oM
church. ThU Is a room 14 by 22 and
contains the library.
There are MO call boxes set up and
Lhere are three deUvery windows, with
everything carried out as it is in the
nieir Membership, '
Workers, andfiie
Good Work They (
Accomplish • • • • •
and the iukd pass
Bseh BMBQy haa a box assigaed to
some aMSher who calls for the eontsou aAer the achool has hemi dumhmed. Ualag up aoonrdlng to the
thif with to call1 fruia, and Uree Ihuadrei people can gel Ihelr mku la
All thU has to he In a most syi
Stic manner and the Post Master. M.
B, Holley Is a very busy person for an
hour mad a half each Sunday, with hU
two good aaststaata.
Tlmre are eevernl Important feataree that am carHml out la thU way.
There is a family list with the a
nnmher of boa and etreet auinlfer. thU
U sulHilvIded iaio the list ed papers.
The Young People s Weekly. The
Boy's World, and the Olrl's Caapaa
ion. tho Soaday School Timea. and
the Teacher's Aid. A pahUoation of
thews are hong in the Intermediate
Departmwt where people can
what their box nnmlier is before goleg to get their mail.
Here is an example of hew papers
am saved. In muy fSmIllee'there are
several boys who attend and In the old
way, each hoy receives s boy's World
and there was dls^Usfsct^on i
that taasily after Sunday school, and
the same where there was two or
three girls ia the aame famUy. Now
it U so changed that in the family of
boys, they each receive a dllh
paper, and the papers saved are given
out to the girta, who like the alorlmi
as well as their own. The aaine namher of papers are ordemd, hut each
^ly ia IhU way geu tteee times
the amount of reading.
If the teachers wish to send let
to tbe parenU they make use of the
post office, and annouooemenU of
Sunday School Conventlok
were a number of good
out. and then the
found their way In the
Into the families where they
do the moat good.
After the papers are given out each
Sunday the Post Master goes over ihboxes and sees who has not (called for
their mall for four weeks, tbm names
and the nutohers am reed i the next
Sunday In open school, and If no .kes
ponse U made to that, then k messen
ger service haa been organized and
lengers pro given these handles
of papers, with a little priated card,
with several questions for the parenU
Why have your children been ab
sent; sick: moved out of tc|wn; gone
to other churches; any private reaTbe messenger waits for the
answer, which is put in an envelope
and sealed and brought to tHher the
linteadent or the postmaster,
makes the entry, and notes It In
his list ^Tkem the persons have 6een
all ; tends to
show tbe parents that the Sunday
school U looking after lu members
and wishes to keep in touch' with the
family. It aMo saves the teaser from
being Intermptml In the Imson. for
in the old way. Just as socm as the
papers were passed arc^ away
for-each one want
ed their own paper, mud wem most
restless until they had It, and then
tbe rustling of lesves as they
opened to
*'Just see this litUe
to -just
picture- which was very aaiiqyiag to
the Older
ISP Now 4h ijupll
Bveryth^ In the way of Sunday stays anUI they
propertjr dlsmissJ am property
ed. Much iatemst baa alr^
The Sunday School Ubrary. U lu
the room with the posusnee and now
wmtalus nc weU seleHsd' hooks, tbe
kind that each Suadpy school ahonld
ksvn. These am in charge of M. &
Holley, who has been Um Ubrartaa
many books am drawn each Sunday.
More auentlon should be given to this
branch of the Sunday school work for
in many cases theM sre the only
books that come Into the faaOly and
theff am the monUers of the thoughu
for U^t week. New books are added
as fast as the means wlU allofr.
lary. LoU ScoAeld; Tmasumr. Mrs.C. Kelley; Organist. Angie Anderson.
Yoong Ladiss Society omoem
President. Mias Anna Johaaon; Vice
Pmaident. Mlm Zelma Ames; Seerstary. Mias Christina MeKR]^
urer. Miss SteUa Browa.
The Woman's MlnSoftary Soetoly
President. Mrs. U a Bissell; First
Vke President, Mrs. H. R Steward;
Second \1ce President. Mrs. H. a
Gamer; SocreLary. Mrs. W. P. Crotser;
Treasurer. Mrs. T. F. Chilton.
Ladtoa Aid Society Offlqom.
PmsMenl. Mra^A. L. Havllaad: Vim
Proaident, Mrs. Bk. MUkw; BeemUry.
Mrs. Adrian Oole; Trmiurer. Mrs. IL /v '
B. Gamer.
The church is in har^lons working condition and Is Incmaaing In
internal ia varied forms of activity.
The Sunday School haa taken up tbe
pUn of monthly socials, and is pur4chasing a piano for its use. The
Young Ladles Society U developlnt
larger plans along social lines and
cbarUablt* work. AltogeUiof the out
look Is most hopefuL
The First Presbyierian church was
organised In January im. and now
has a membership of SK. Twenty-two
wore received into the church during
the past year. The church contributed
ISGO to fifteen causes of benevolence
and raised a total </l2CK. The Sub
day school received twelve accessions
and has an enrollment of fO. It torntributed $19 to benevolence and raised
a total of f». The C. B. Society took
in aeven acUvo members, contributed
120 for missions and raised a total uf
$42. The Young Ladles SoclKy num
bora 25. had 0 accessions, wnd raised
$€2. The Woman's Missionary Society
ha^ 2$ members and raised I12L The
Ladles Aid raised $272.
Omosrs ef Ihs Church.
Pastor. Rev. U B. Ulssell; Elders.
nmmh »oml»n.l.lp. «. BpcreUry.
Robt Gamer. Abram Smith, H. B
Gamt-r and T. F, Cblltcm. Trustees.
IL'fl. Gamer. President; P. M. Paine, 4«;
SocreUnr; 4At*in Ool«, Tnuwn
LUIn' AW toelety.
Tic. C Miner. H. Unanelinnn. W. P.
Oan. Andenoo; SnC™wfer. U W. TlnkliuB. MnWe On.. ...ur,. M«. Bncntitn; Tr.«o«r.
----- M. H. MnnnWBna, BoW. Onmer.
Annnnt Hcdlund.
iBt; Mm.
Kc* Sooth Wntoo W Jont t»o tad A
. .MStataod. bnu iloMt Ite oU^ the Biitlih Wan.
not: Mm. W. H. Conrtnde. SccreUrr- QumsUnd tneonnl to three tlatan thn
mnelBMi. Oemnn emidra nnd Brlfloai pM to-
Armi« attendiuioe. 300.
ATertc« ftttcodMice of tMon, 9.
OftVO to f\»rol<n MImIoob, I2&.00.
Gove to Ilomo MImIodb, |S.OO
Homo Oop^rlmMit of tiinday School.
Soporimondent. Mm. W. N. Blur
man: Aaatstant SupedtaU-ndent. Mm.
Q. r. Martin. Mombcmbip ISO.
The borne department U one year
^d. Many have gone into the main
aebool dniing the year. It i«j|elf aui>*
porting. Some have come Into the
church through lu work.
The workem ejpect to hare i
help and to ayatematlre the work
more fully the coming year.
Cradio Roll of Sunday School
Bupertntendent, Mm. Cora Bur
AaaUUnu. Mm. Cnltabeth Flaher, Mm.
Q. F. MarUn. Mm. Roy Farka.
ale Hooker: I TroaKurer. Fern Fox:
Deacona. Morrl* Finn. Harry Burnt:
Uahem. Howard Wllaon. Lc^yd .Wilson.
Membcmhlp. 25.
Averago a^endance. 15.
SptHdal Mimlon work la the support
or a boy lo: the orphanai^ In P
Rico. 115 nilacnl for thU purpose.
Christian wj>man*a Board of Miaaiona
President. Mrs. Hattie Strong: Vice
Preeldent. Mm. Jennie Augustlne:'8e^
Crelary. .Mrs. Cora Burns; Tredsurer,
Mrs. Minnie Dawson; Organist. Mrs.
WilUr Gordon: IKvollona! Leader
Mr«. A. K. Wilwm.
MemlMTship. ,3n.
Gain dutlug year. 10.
NuinU r of meetings held. 13.
Money relat'd for home and foreign
missions. I34.5S.
This money has all been mined by
the male of useful Krtlcles made by
mombem aad by voluntary contribu
Identl l.«na Cxney; Secretary. Helen
Dion: Treasurer.
BylvU Holmea.
Membemhlp 53.
Meetings second Sunday of every
Number of families.'' :5n.
Ladies Altar Society.
Pastor aasl8t(-d by 5 tniMivs In the
Mr*. Djer: Pirat Vice,
temporal management of the churcb.
President. Mrs. Meries; Seooiid Vice
Young M-n*s Society aid
President. Mm. Perkeit; BacreUry.
aa usher of the church.
Mrs. Reilly; Treasurer. Mrs. Schulgen.
St. Francis aebool atteridance. 1W>:
Reilly: Treasurer. Mrs. ^ulgen.
Qder 7 teachers.
Membership 81.
An extra teacher this year for the
Mi>eUugs first Sunday In the month.
High school to teach Latin. German
C. M. B. A.
and French. One music teacher assist
Chancelor. Mr. U
ed by two extra teacbera give music
dent. M. J. Holmoa; FImt Vice Prealat the coovt-nt lo a class of
dent. A. P. Huellmantel; Second Vice
70 pupils. In each room religious In
Prefcldenl. Thomas Dyer; Raoordlng
stroctlon Is given every day tor about
St'crtdar), T. J. Verreau; Aksittant
20 mlnuu«. which Is one rewn why
Secretary. John Verreau; Financial
the Catholic school opens at 8:30 a. m. Secreurj'. J. M. Huellmantel; Treas
Yotino Men’s Society of 8. A.
urer. Joseph Verreau; Marshal. James
Pr<*«idenl. Gi-o. Send. Vive Preutd-* •rovencher; Guard. Charles Curtis
tary. (Miror. Trusti-es. J. M. Huellmantel. M
Emil NeiHun:
CamiKau. Treasurer. John Verreau; |
William Brown..Thomaa Dyer
Mamhal. Arthur .Send.
and JoMfph Verreau. Jdembemhip 76.
Regular mi-ciing on the third Sun
M»'«*tings every alternate Wed
day of each mon^h. hlcmbershlp 35.
day evening.
Young Bcyf Society of 8. A.
L. C. B. A.
President Frank Nelson; Vive Pres
ident. Jacob Vogl; Tn-asurer. Wm. dent, Mrs. Slater;
Shields: Socretary. Walter Grove.
Mi>. Hormuth; Second Vic© President
Minting, on IL.> third Sjmd.y of | Mni. Marj SchalgVnRecortlng’ se^
each ponth. M..ml«-r.hlp
|cr«.ry. Mr*. Jolla Schulgon: AaaM
Notwithstanding a change of pastors
there has been no halt In the forward
movement of this work. Never before
In Its history did the future stH'm
more bright and boj^ful iban at this
Christmas season, i
B\ery department |ls doing Its best
work. All Indebtedness due has been
met promptly, and alt expenses have
»en met by the Lord’s offorlng*.
Our future succes^ depouils upon First Vico
our faith in pmyer.
At Rlpon It Is customary for grocere
to prwent their caatoniem with a
pound and a half of currants to make
Christmas pudding.
Sisier Mary
ry Lat
Laurontla. The foun<
year for the support of a little Mexi
Hon of the> church and school was 1
can girt.
gun by the lat© Father Emperor and
Ladioo Aid SocJtly.
the remarkable aocceaa la due to the
The Ladles Aid Society has a mem- seal and ernest efforU of the Rev. tership of 23 with the foUowlng offlJohn J. Sheehan, the prasent'pastor,
d by a gfiuerous congregation.
President. Mrs. Manam Cox; Bacretar?. Mary Ludlum; Treaaurer. Mim
John Tremaine.
The efforts of this society has been ■
along the lines of aiding In the flnanrlal support of the church, home mlssionaiy work and charitable work.
A dc-rJded effort Is to be pul forth
MEREDITH. Pastors.
the «jming year to raising funds for
Improvemi-nt of the baaemant of tb©
church, ptsclug It In condlUon to bn
Mrs. T. Huellmanlrt; Mamba] Mm.
Vico President.!
Guard. Mrs.
Nellie Send: Assistant S«H'rt»tury. M
Ih»udn-;ui end Mm. ShreaUe. Member oldest pastor of the Friends !><*noni-i
Anna Campeaii; Treasurer...Miss Ethel ship 74.
inatlon while- Mn.. Mcrodl.h h.. l^-aj Th* Mi«lon.rr Soclr.y I. ro»po«-d
Slater: Consnltom. Miss Kate Dock
I. cr,np,-llw| ^ 3,
Meetings every alternate Tuesday «oeptl^lly
ery. Miss Albina Dion.
tic work.
ehurch or those Interested In ’
The church membcmhlp Is ISl with 1 this work are received as members. '
s gain of. 18 for the post year. Thej Prvwldent. Mm. J. M. Thomas; Vic©
/V'-1 •.
I fet;
M«alimU|i. K6.
Oradualad M IMo bcclnam clan
«t tlii 8vd<U)t
ThU 1» U» lusnt cradle roll Id
the tUUe. allhomth II ha* b«n> orcanlicd bat one rror.
At a mecUnc held Jolr JS. ncarljr
100 members were gatberad together
at the ebnreb. aad amoog them were
foor pain ortwlaa
Tbt'obdro cnroUmcBt at tbo tbi«*
FMtal. FVank P. Wright: Vice
Preoidant. Ctande Clifford; Becood
Vl» Prealdooi, Bddle Pratt; Bcero
Ury. MSaa Btbol Hnnter; TmAaarwr.
Ray Plabor; Oi«aaiat Min Loa Craw-
Wright; CorrMpood
One box of clothing sent to Umn
school In Alabana.
Work Iasi year, study of all the diff
erent Mission auiloos.
wm study indlM thU year.
All money hOsed by this aodoty is
by lystomatk oontrlboUoo fran the
mombem and Toloaiary cootribnUoa
from^em tjt C. W. B. M. day la De-
NM« Wright: Boon of
Trerie*., Ch»». JeSriM. E. C. Vea\t.
IfiB. Mary Vadlnm; OreraMra. Mr*.
ChoA JeSriaA Mra. C. J. Halm. Mn.
J. M. XhooMA Joha TrOBahM; B4«a,
Mn. W«. Wright. Mn. JOMph Moror.
Ban JetaMg. Mn. K 8taai«y. Mn.
The heaUMM of the diarah ti eonMtag at MeUegs held aMethly. efl
■atteis belag decided by the aten-
Aim. 100 sabacrlpUona fbr Mission
ary Tidings tor IfOd.
Dorcaa Aid Society.
Presideot. Mrs, HatUe Cornell; Vice
President. Mm. Meicber; BoOMid Ttoa
ProsWeat. Mrs. Mary Smltb: Becrotary. Mm. L. a J. Wright; Oorreopcmdlak Seer^. Mm. C. C. Man.
President. Mra. Chai. Jeffrins; Bncretary. Mrs. Wm. Alexander;. Transnrer.
Mm. Thos. Bhugart.
An average of $50.00 a year hat
boen raised by this society which
goes to the support of missiooery
worknra lo Mexico. Cuba and Africa.
A^ number of publle meetings are beli
eecb peer end lltermture la pieced hi
the Pnbllc Ubrnry. This eoctoty nlnn
mnlstalae n meahnrihip In the Otty
Twine the holly berrlM bright.
And wrenthe the aUtleto%
Put the eendlm where their tight
Stir the ftfo end evw net
--a'.* > *. J-
The Saaday achool hae *.aember
ahlg af iw eat tadadtag the CnUDe
■on aed the BaM Ole« DepartMat.
■Mag aa added aiemberah^ at 4^ to
The eteemtof kettle hr:
But watch yon Ihtt yon dent torBil
bed la tta year tor g ijiddMc.!
irs^rsrt^ FiRST-BnHODisr
aav^ortat a tkadae vidrar ta I
k alao oeraittataa to lira frark ra M
paa. Ckiaa. Africa aadlMk Araartra
Tito Tlaltod Btody of MliMrai"
^irae bat beet paraaed by tbe todtoy
atooe iu bralaaias. Tbe Mxtb toat
Traatara-^ J.
H. E HaH. book fa tbe iraarra. Clirittat Redaran
VM. LoadaE a E lUdra; a W. Lar- tor. aa oaiJtoe atady of tbe Uiaad
^ .
voHd or MtoJMBe badari«« bora
an fW dto vdak or tbeaoratof
Oraca Cfcarok saOd rraiirtira aa
eawvKle avrabetaldii of tadira or tbe
ckaroh. vbora iMoru la Tarkma brae.
aalraraa iraed bera eery aBaeChra b^r•
JaoM Miff
mr. M.
«MIm CkMic
B. r. P. U. mmmim at mam^
warm— lb.
Ladur Aid
Mm OOlto BroUMfH
H. teeraaaa IL :
OfflMfa «r tht aiM.
.f "
C3i^. Mr*. E. Bfoadfooi; Trau
C. A. Biifftor.
•oard af Otacaat.
T. J. Oamatl. <l»10>; E W. Hastlm0L
H. W. MlUar. U»07).
9mr4 at TfMlaaA
F. E Brava. E WBbalm. (IfM): E
Ejaaar. Wa. Oraai.
HaaUaia, Oaorsa Paja, <l*0€).
Maale Cammittaa.
Mra. Btoaa BraadfooC. Era. Sqalraa.
Mra. E Wllbalm. Mr, E U HaffH^
Mlaa CalWWL
Orgaatai. Mra. E BroadfooC
CWaf Dakar. C, A. Bofbaa.
iaaitor. Mr. PUMaiar.
L Wtikalai: Aaatal.
. Oao. H. Croat;
Praaidaat, Mlaa Loulaa Brooke: 8a>
eracary. Mira Maud MoMIckaal: Treat,
war. Mira Baalea Roaaar; Pli
Mira Lola Latraaa.
i. D. Bdalraa; Flral
Vlea Piaaldaet. Mia. A. W. Jahraoa;
Saeoad Vice Praaldeiil. Mra. C. E.
Malar: , iMraUry. Mra. Frank Card*
aar; Traararar. Mra. B. Tklrlby.
Waaran*a Miaalafiary Baalaty.
PraaMant. Mra. E U Huffbat; First
VIca Praaldant. Mra. J. 01111a: Saoocid
VIca Praaldeot. Mra, Olle Nelaon; Be*
cretary aad Trcaaurtr, Mrp. H. W.
Yoiiriff Wolfian'a Mlralaiury Beclaty.
I’raaldaal. Mira Loalae Brooke: Vice
Mra. U M. WbMtoararo; ^Traaaarar.
Mra a E\Tliiu: Ubrartaa. Mra. J.
W. Miller.
»ar atety aad la i
Boeralary. Mra. W.
CM». mambrnn U, locf«M it.
Yammg Wonnaa’s Hom «ad ForM
MMm Clrrte. Maber* 31. imcrmm
d; aad daring that i
tbe prawrat oaa. <
lu growth baa ban
a fra to tbal of a
Mra. P, F. Wllara: Flral
r. mi E U Nya. baa- Vka Praaldrat. Mra M. A, Morrow: MA.
Tbe OraRb waa hmib to part i
M F. WOaoe, WIBlaik M. KoUoffff. A.
Vico Praaldrat. Mra M. E
Bnr. Kngb Kennedy rad toadly
i. Maynard. Walter Lyra.
try, Ural Thoa. Oaat
arer. Mra. T. W. TWrfbp.
t4 Mra^ Clal
nuVKIlM «fTY.
The fftoieral pai^mae of this to<^
it to care tor tocal craw crarad rad
MdatoaB. 8ftd to ooBtribete to draco
new work, ac^t of 4be Sootb. aod
Raacue Hoatoa In rariout parts Of tbe
try. Tbe amount of money col
)ected and disbursed durtoff the paat
year wat $110. and elothUiff aad oCber
tuppllet to tJto raloe oC $M. Peraoai
hartiiff caat«E ckAhl^ or atqtottw of
any ktod wItt find a ready channel of
dittrfbntkm In tbit aoclety. lu offi
cer* are:
President. Mr* Eate Caalkett; Tloo
Prraldrat. Mra^ Merab Soatora: Se
cond Vice Protident. Mrs. Julia Harner: Recording SeerKary. Mr*. Maude
Allen: Correapondlng Secretary. Mr*.
Bertha Jobaaoo; Treaanfer, Mr*. Lot-
of ihirtyalx.
Tbe eoagragaiSaa of tbe FraytaaaUi
Straat M.I E ebareb IWt tbe aaad af
Tito offtoera of tbe dhurb, Saadaj a torgar i|ad beuer bafldlag tbia jraar
Sfboal aad rariow
rad aa a jroaaeqiiraw It aaw haa caa
of tbe awtent atractaraa «T tta daw
laUto nMF.
Tbe bonding H of eeawat brick aad
Traaa the mala pan U ITxSO feet In atm»
haTta; tohr gablm. tbe seating capa
city of iiU aadltortiua la S7E pteaoaa
but by tlie aw of the Saaday aeboal
room era jean be aecwaodaiad. Tbara
la a batoUeat aadtsr tbe eaUre paditurlua aqd a bot air farnaae hga bara
taauJltd. Tbe audltoclam U RaUbad .
In oak. V iile tbe pewa ara at a darkar
oak ftnuii. Blectrtc ligbu ara aato
and ibe Interior U very acut. Tba *
cost of the new building waa about
14.000 and it was dedieated Jnly U
witii imprsai
: M. E Charab.
L. B. Carpenter. I
TbU aiiclety was organised tonr
year* ag^ last September with twelve
charier members.
UTien the present pastor canto, a
year ago; last September, he toaad a
r fifty. Tbeebatfliatthatt!
atkms contiaulng to: la-
About the middle of March of the
prraeat year the soriety coachtded to
The Bpworth Ix^gue baa for Its ob
baild. and oa the fifieenlb of Jaly waa
ject, a* ita aral Indicate*, to ‘'Look up
dedicated to God. the beaatlftd lUUa
■ad Uft up.- Its work U prtmatfly
brick cl^urcb, which U ahown hera
with the >‘oung.* The Sunday Bight
with a adwting rapacity of about three
meeUngt of this aotiety are of deep
htindredj ThcWhurch now ha* a memInlereat. the leaders of theee meetings
bershlp' pf seventy-two rad four pr^>f
being carefully selected, and compet
bat loners.
ent. To tbe meeting* of this aoclety
The tryistoes are E W. Baatall. Sol
all young people not nmilated with
omon By«-bert. Darias FWL A. M.
other churrhet are cordially Invited.
Eldred apd Mra. BenJ. Bongbey.
The present offlcera are:
Blcwa^s, C. H. Johnson. Mra
Prrtldenl. FYed Btfley; Flrat Vice
Clyde. Miss Viola P^lt.
President. U M. Whlttemore; Second
The Meo’a Club of Grace church
We are worklnff for. praytnff for. and Vice President. Pn»f Henry Horobeck; Scptenilx-r. they having wnred lhcm| Stewards. J.
i. G.
Tbe Sunday School numbers about
tMBpriaea -a memberablp of 7S and Ita etpectloff a revival on rellfflon amonx Third Vice Prealdent. Mis* Pearl Wal moat accepUbly for seven years; but WVihcy. Wsllace' WllUam*. W.
eighty, with R. W. RasUll ms Superinofflcera are at jfoUowa:
nt. A food motto for tbe coming >*««r ker; Fourth Vico President. ^Ut be p€'»pl« have received their nc* Fligbt. J. B Barney, O. M Mor»e. L. j tendent. the other offlcera betag.
Prealdenl. 4 L. Stercnara
wotjld be. -Work at Ifieverythlnff de luiuretta FeJTUsonr SecreUry. Omar Pastor. Rev. W. H. Irwin and family A. Avery, 1. 1>. Ilohlis, J. J. Rhlcr and < Amlstnnt Ruperinleodaot. Solomon
pended upon u*. and pray at If every- Roo»a; Tnwaun-r. Mist BstelU Bailey - nto their homes and hearts, and they W. H. Scoit.
i Buacberj; Serrt-tary Menno Buacbert;
F. TUua:
n return have so loyally taken bolil
thing deiK*nded upon GW.**
Trust.s* Addison Gray. Rolx rt Bar- I Trrasurtr. Badle Bougbey; Ubnriaa.
Choritier. U M. Whtiiemore.
9f the work, that already the outlook ncy. Floyd Smith. Ja>:. Margin snd E. Lulu F«^t; Organist. EaooiS Backer;
Tbit orfftalaatlra hat
The Sunday ^hoot.
The Ladies Aid Society.
lor the coming year It bright and full H Allyn.
The Sunday tcbool Is'the ffreat feedneat benefit to lu mcaala
t fi„|K rintendeni «f Primary DepartTbit society has a two-fold work,
' promise.
rr of tbe church. Here it tauffbl a social and financial. By Its frequent
Ladies Aid.
. incnt. Mrs. A. M. Eldred.
Qb)ecta.. w|»lch! la
or cunjent aobjecta of Import- kxmviedffe of tbe Bible that few par- meeting* at tha homes of membera
Of Ijolh s Aid «cK W-i> T Mra 01n< y. | The Bpwurth Ixwgue has a member- Recently tbe audltorinm was great
aaoe. larsaly reUUnr to TrareraeX^ity. enta. alat. take the time or trouble to and In tbe church patrlori It bring* the
improved by the re^tmingemenl I'rtwidt-al; Mrs. Shi fft-r. Urst Vice, ship of 53 with Jsme* A. Reid as Its
developomt. and itea- teach. The acbool it Uklnff on new women of the chunk into cloaer aoeUl tod eolargcmetit of thf pulpit, the ad- 'President; Mrs. Hughe*. Second Vice I Pre*
oral proffrett. baa broojcht toffeiberaU life under the tuperxltion of L M. relation* that would not otherwise lltlon of a choir loft and n-arrange- Pn-i-ldent: Mr*. Hollister. 8«Trelary;
nr*l Vlri- Pr,v.Ident Spiritual defrequent Interralt.' many of Trmverae WhllteroonB. Superintendent, and hU exist.' Its contributions to the varioos ment a( the seals.
Clty'a proffreaalve younp men and genial corpt of offlcerH and teacher* repair and cdrrent expense* of tbe
At lU last niM-tiug the official board,
who And nuch of inter- from the Cradle Roll tojlbe Home De church are always large. It has a having
fur Mime limepast felt
eat aad profit In ihe‘BM«tUiffa of the partment It a long tpah. Something way of emptying Us treasury for press that more rooni^ was need«Hl. au
of the. enlerpritc of tl|e Cradle Roll ing need*, only to tom with strenuous Iborixod the purchare uf
department may hv Judged from the and patient effort to fill it again. Uh seal* to finish Mating tbe entire
fact that a few days agp when a new recidpt? Isst year were about |300.0h. church. BO that by
baby arrived in a certain east tide The Aid Society offlcera are;
wat aecured by an enPresident. Mrs. Charles
terprltln* agenl of that department jtnxMl: First Vice Presldeoi. Mr*. J.|m*klngoneofih€‘mottpleasant.lnvItat about the tenth hour of It* age. W. Simms; Si‘c6nd Vice President | tog ami commodious place* of worahlp
The father remarked that his little *on Mrs. I. C.
reury. Mr*. Ella j in ibe city, to which all are welcome.
waa certainly getUng an early start HlntdUl: Treasurer. Mrs. George j The Ladles Aid play no unimportin church work. Tbe memborthip of Lackey.
f ant part In the material succ«-ss of the
the tcbool U 2i^r and the averaffe at—i— -■ ■
I church. They already having plans
ndance 150.
! and ;
• of the funds 1
old Irish superstition that
sold «d,ou.d «o( bd p.!d .w.r L\^
Superintendent. L. lii Whlttemore:
J down a new carpet *oon after the bollChristmas dsy nor allver lent.
AMlatant Superlnteodeni. Prof. Henry
__________ ___
j day;:.
Superintendent of Primary
Mrs. D. P. Wilaon: Aatlrt.ho h«. b«n .uperintondent
ant Superintendent Primary Depart nothin* to do with Chri«o«*. « U «i j
W. T. Roxbarffb; Superin old Sc»d,n«vl.« word. tdenlfrlhR the],„
tendent Home Department, Mrs. Mary
Secretarr. Mlto NeUie Lardie; Treasurer, Mr. L.
Un. Mitt Stella Bailey
The Woman’! Foreign Mlaaionary
•oelety. ,
1 The Woman s Foreign Mlttlontry
1‘Socleie had a memberablp of 55 the
}pa*T year. Twelve rcgtilar meeting*
,. ...*,1
The rfles for the closing of shops
on Supday In Germany are relaxed
three week* before Christmas, to give
those who are occupied on week day*
an opportunity of a^decthig their
Christmas (jurebaaes.
regular aUendancc. perhaps, one of the
Urgest in the city having an enroll
ment of 25«. The acbool Is in a very
flourishing condition. Two of the
most Important feature* of the Ronday
school are The Primary Department,
under the skilful management of Miss
Martha Barney; and tbe Beglniiers
Department, but recently organised.
tait, Mra. Irma Reynolds; Tressun-r.
Miss Oarm Kelson.
Young Man's Unity League.
PrraSdeat. Rev. O. E Lockhart; Vice
ProMdrat. Mr. Ned Kehbe; SecreUry.
.Mr. Hanly Wilhelm; . Treasurer. Mr.
Ralph Hunter.
Soya' Junior Social Club.
Superlnteadant. Rev. G. E Lockhart ; PraaWeot. Cham. Sleder; Beerotarr.vjxMito Hudron; Treawrer, Carl
Hews;* Secretary. Cyrie Ai^tage.
Junior UnUm and Souring Circlo,
Snpcrfntcadant. Mra C. C. Cooper.
Oraee dbuteh. aituated on the coi>
aer of Boordman avenue and Washing
ton atreaC opposite tbe court houw
grounds, kaa a memberablp of 2«$.
aad la In a lloortaliiag ooadition. Rev.
C, T. StraL wko vaa reoenUy calledt o
Florida, kaa praat^ed over the church
at racior tor aavaa years rad no new
pastor haa baaa aecraed.
E L.
Spragaa aeeaplaa Uie po^t aeeratoa
ally, aa lay iradar.
Tito reatry eoaaiau of Uia follow
lag: Seaior wmrdan. E U Spragne;
Junior Warden. C E Weller. Secre^
Ury. M. W. Dadarwood; TTaasarer.
In aoue aid pUte* iqr ^ogaito a
roolahop la adi^ertlaed by a brad of J
John the BaptiM, and to anotlier plate *
tbe Iknrfier’s sign is not only a co *
pok^. but also a; hand drawing a
from « patlent'ai brad, wIkn ji^gtog to
the expression ^ hit face, acem* to be
anfferlng exquisite pain. Beneath tblf
grimacing rlsaire la the InscripGon:
•‘Shaving. bWAng. and tc ih drawn
vrlth a touch.- j
A sign commio to oil shops
-The good woman." vlx. a fe
without a bead.! The cynical m«
bare is plain, i
Ncm^aya along the cosat oyster or
fishing rera'b hrblch wish to make
known tbe fsrt; iliat they are selling
their haul* l»olst a broon. to the masthead. This si^.<il 1* known to
An amuslug sini wa>% that of tbe
-Three lx»g*erb«ul*.- n;at Is. two
krotWMiw wociden heads with the
kCWid; -Ilrro w-ee loggrrt-rads tl
be," tbe rrad -r ttinVlnc tbe third,
raw It Ww Deae.
"Oh." r—tWt Ih. Sm fei hm
••Toa aaiprtat ma,- asclalawd tot
otoer. "I thought toe borae ha rada
wasn't Docb of a Junper.**
-Tto, the borae^ktat take toe hedge!
did R hlcae."-rbflidal"
At Culdaff. la Jralaad, toe game <ff '
kamman. a sort 4>C hockay. M pMyid
oa Christmas da^.
Mr*. 1. D. Hobbs, Treasurer.
httnday School.
I. D. Hobbs. Superintendent; J. W
Phillips. AsaiaUnt Superintendent;
Lol* Lane. Seciwttry; Edgar Baxter
Ubrartan. Edith Pybua. Asslstanl
Librarian: Bffle Mor«e. Treasurer;
Ulllra Wells. Organist; Ina Kenney
Aaslaunt OrganUrt.
Department: F-dna
Assistant Superintendent
Primary Department; Mr*. I
Hobbs, Snperlnlendent Beginner* De-
partmint. A. M. Eldred: Second Vice
Presld^t. Worldwide Brangeliam,
Mr*, iicon ayde; Third Vice Prraldrat, ^ercy rad Help. Mra L. E CarFourth Vice Praridentl Social
Miss Sadie Donghey; SecreurV. Mias Ruby Vradam; Traaaurer. ^s Lulu
Lnl FdL
The W. P. M. E. numbers twentythree imembera with Mrs. A. M. Eldred
aa Piraident and tbe L. A. 8^ about
twenty members with Mra Darios .
A ^ble Study clam fa bald at tb«
parm4age every Tuesday evaotag con
ducted by Jamea A. Reid, aad the
Mand HunOngton. PreaMcnt; Oai elaaa-ioeecing is held at 9:4$ every
ence Sboffer. Flr«l Vico President SuDdJy morning led to the ctaaa.
Ella Haggard. Seoced \*ico Prraideat ItBdeiL Mra. Andraw Young.
Edna Kellogg. Third Vice Praaldrat
Aa jfor Chriatlra work the ckurch
Belle Miller. PUiinb lice PraMdrat beilevpa In being -all at IL and always
Irma Lane. SecreUry ; Willard OetchM. at lt.T
Treasurer; las Kenney. Organise
Prt^t-glriag on Christmas day M .
J. B. Barney. Superintendent Junior
a Thank CMreiing larvlce have
and under the able aupervUkm of Mra. Leagne.
graer^ throughout the worid.
been hrid daring' the Wr. These tom U the -blaastag of the river/
I. D. Hobbs.
meetings hafve not only toen profluble aerrloe to held on tbe bask of tbe
The Epworih Lragtto, wUh MMa
Edna MeWetbey. Praaldrat. Minnie
for gaining miaaloaary j Intelligence Danube, rad a siaall wooden <
Maode Hratlngtoa aa PrraMeat. U do Ijiycock. nrat Vice PreaSdrat. Oert ra oysters are eoosumed to LoBfiOB.
but have been very pleaabnt social oc- thrown in through a hole in the kw. ing pood work, Bat racaatly the Mer rude Den. Second Vice PraaSdrat;
Christina^ waa first celebrated aa a
caalons. having been beldlto the homes A frantic acrambla toDowa to laedvar cy aad Help Departmaat gavea social. Gertrude Scott, Seeratary Etama Pyfeast of the chrisUra eharch about toe
of tbe mambera. tbe program being | tbe relic.
raMag aa^ W4M which wiu ba judl- boa; Traamwar.
tollowed to a aociaJ boto- Far toej
----dmmXy abed fa aa raort to hriag aoaThe paat yaar waa ope ad proapority yaar 190 A. D
past thrra yaan tha aod Bty----------haa nto
A Asaf-dtom
aad btaaidag to tba sAto aad aad progrraa akmg nil llara rad the
ed all Ra money by tbe tifae-wffl offar- is prraenrad in Torkshlro as a i
plaa. Tbe total
'WW>iia rwkvnm on% tNOMwui
------------------- .
«M» tk* KTEXniQ 1
»«( UM MrrtMl
tW hcvir otoetod oClem tor th*
tototorhuErrorw.; Prill It. Ml*.
Lmto Uadler: Vtw Pt*ilto*t. Ml*.
Uto ikm tow bM ao ptontmi.
UIT. Mra. HL A. Haaaoa; Beew
SoemaiT. lleHe Kaaaa; Mlaato^
Baeretary. Mlaa Cbriade fbial: TW
mrer. F. U. Tbomaa; Orgaalst.
UlMe rroeiaicb:^ CbofMar. Mem. B.
K. Belkaap: Uiber. Ml» Qtaee b
tbtaia^ Y. F. A.
ThU oodetf baa bcaa orgafOaad
ncarty two yeara aad la a BooHablag
oTpuHaatkai. Tbey meet evofy 8aa
day afieraooD for dorottaaal oar
tac baa baaa 4oa^ «bUb baa beea tad Blue Btady. Tbair Baaew
W4 tbaaa aaaea l^va beea glr«8i tbeir
trlbatkma aaaalty are glrea to
Bifn Mlaahma. Mra. Sarmb Wlahaa beea tbe Soperioteiida&t of
wnmtk tm tbe wmr cT mew tmewh
bers r4M t« th« VrvagellcRl cksrcb
iB the pMt mr. j«t tbe eteit^ t3hbw%
(64 larrawaMiU «b4 siret rridI or o ootliCteionr UPocroM. Blx
^•v acoibpri have be«i a4ded duriii*
thlM ytmr vMh »or« to be received
to tbe near faturt. Tbore ba* act
beea a Material hkrrwmm la polst
TJ.I. «loi. r wf are
| yw^Qqyik
JlX. H A j jWlBy
urtlctr. It 1. .11 niMi. I. T.M«rw 0*r.
L Klitmmm. Nm> V«k »
PhilMtelphi. ud It U and. tlgh^lma^ttMidte itat to a|MM.to. ortoi»M vd rff«(l». M.l)di»ld «XljlMmY AWO NOWCV OOMPOUNO U wid
... the MONEY BACK ptom.
- -.va . ‘
nJ '*t
«aaart WAla
Tba Preacb.** aald die aaUor. *1meo
whip craekar coaijieUtfciaa. A Vrm^
eabUy or tracker U aa proud of hif
wwp crackln- ability aa a yoitiif maa i.
of hia dfluklii-r itojwera
i^owera Ibero alo’t
a^drlrM' ItTltt* wbat can <crack a whip
FtotcbaiaA* Walkin’ i
a of Fkrla la like walkin
“Mia. O Mulllpin.’ aaya Morrla
Ilnsh of the I^yera’ co««iaay. waa
lyliiR 'nr *i*h In twd. with the
bera of her fnmny atandlnf aiound.
Ukiny at. luviatoty of the fbmltnre
and looklnf mfomfnl. “Mike." a^hl
l!*e old lady, “dbn’t fantet'to give that
dmiwr to Bn<&.**
•Til ioinenil.fr.- agld the old
“Bore, wbat a niemory abe bii*.“
biff. BD Ibe wUpa. The thinc makea
TOO mad. It acatoa yon. It’a aa If a
««a waa cooUafUlly bein’ abot aff
“Bare. I win.: Whpt • BMmori
aloniakle of yotir car. But at the compcdtlons It ain’t only tbe loud cracka
that count They ha\w artlau ibem- *“*And th» Moif
mea wbat can play a toon oo n whip
tneinbrta e^-ert thing."
Tea air. a toon. I’rc beaid ’em. I*ra
“And. Mike.” tunned tbe old Udy.
baam tbe -Marolaya’ and
•Vemeirber CDorKtrait. the jerocerycracka, aad played aa deUcato
awaet and lovely aa ttie ear coald with
hfT“* relied tbe^ntlre family.
tobaar.”-Loa Aaceka Timet.
•TSbe** rartng! 8he’» ravlng.-
I meBavaoMor Tima.
Tbe HangaMan dmtet
cbilma to have dlacot^ a llqnM
tain ktnda of matter |p^
the eff#Ht. of time, Hf taaert*
aaaert. that
doublet the denutty of nwirly every
kind of atone pnd reodera It water
proof. It Imiutna to0 all metaWi qual*
Itba which defy oxy
oxygeajaDd mat. The
prolbaaor aaya that whiie tr
ve yearv ago he
rAUIlto W«UICAI tod-IlT toUlAVtU lO W
yeara old waa aa hanS.lfriwh and tona<tooa aa If Jt bad lK*ch ma.le only a
year. He aeon red a pll<*e of mortar.
covered the aecrrt. Ilia dlacorery. be
rUlma. win At the Icakt dooUe tbe
life of metal exposed to the air. m»ch
aa In bridgea. raUraadi veaaels apd
tonka,-Dally Conaolar Rf^xt.
Tharw are jtwo aocMaa cnaaactad
■WONT ralaat tr th* «Nf»hlil «■
to *Mtr Oh lb* CM knM
toltar pto«> Ihcr kMo maia to tho
T. P. A. Mhhloc at MOtow. Thon
church anti refusal lo do Christian thU department
hut Mlsa Mary
work have forfeited ihelr church fel- Strohm is the newly elected 8upe/lulowahip and their mcmherahlp ba» i tendiint. There are aUwt 30 of toe
been dlacontlnned. So that tbe real [ Junlore.
working force of toe church haa been |
The Ladka’ Aid Society. '
Increaaed and strengthened
even j Perhaps no t.ther wleiy In the
though It may not ^ im notlcable on i church rt‘celves as little notice for
tbe church roll. A aeries of rev ival; the amount of w<.ik It does aa The
meetings laaUng foar, weeks haa Just , I^dleH* Aid ftK-lety. Tho Lodles
closed which were moat hilpful lo tho imt i regulaily every two weeks with
church and coram unity. Su iKHjple frequently a special nietting and do
openly accepted and cuufl'aaeil Christ all kinds c»f w<»rk. such aa qulliJng.
aa a Savior and a I large nunilH-r of 84‘Wing carprt nigs, making garments.
others renewed fh»4r covenant with «-tc. A large |».irt of ihelr money la
Him. Tbe total membership la 9C. ^P<*m In making Improvementa and re
r. M. Thomas, the class leader.
pairs on the church and helping off
Tha Siindav School.
tbe varloua tnasurcia of the church
Tbe Sunday School has shown a when they are in need. They have just
good healthy growth during toe yc»ar. n*eenily coverv^ tbe church floor with
Tbe aucces of this department Is due a nice. cartH't at a cost of $«7.0u.
largely to the uullr|ng efforts of Mr. There an' alsjul 20 m
OMmi* to Charp*.
Tba local corpa waa otgaa
Tba Aoeal oCficm arc: R.
aergaaat major: Mra. JT. a Klag
(lately promotod to gtotrl. treaaurer:
Mrs. A. Kaaaa aaemtanr. Mra. Row.
thlrty<me rvcmJia or |
arc* CO
UatHito with aaaaeiatton.-* cotopoaad
of tba cilaaa ataMa of tba iwBiiaf
igmooL AIM
to tba pabHc, aad autboriaad Utora.
tara concerning Chriadaa Selanot may
there be read, or pnrcbaaad If daotiwd.
There are lU mt^mbne wbo am attandaau at thk roqm. altaraatalj obo
Tba WiratoM THapboaa.
of Newark a yoaag fnveator haa de^
Tiaed aad perfected a wlreiaaa (alapboae which U aa remarkable la lU
way aa the wlndma teiegraph. Seven
feau bava abown tbal tbe InveatorY
syatom of wlreiaaa telcgboBy wUI iraea./
mlt tbe boama voice tbrpagb aaiib
aad air wltbont the oaa of wires.
The name of tbe young man wbo
haa given to the world this Utaat of
practical wireleaa Inventlona Ig 8. X.
Granger, an electrioal engiaaer Uvtag-^
Wataesming. N. J. Already aevaral
xmimemt electrical compaalaa bava
offered him a bandaonm price for Me
Invention, but be baa refoaad to aril.
Tbe wifrieaa telephone toveatad by
Hr. Oranger U not nallke tha ordinary
triapbema In appaaraaca. It baa tbe
usual tranamllter and receiver, spark.
or floih coll, magnet, etc, Tbe secret
of toe inventloo la contained la a glaaa
lube; this tobe. which la bnlb ahaped,
a certain solution, tha IngredleoU of
which only Mr. Granger knows There
so a aeries Qf.baUcrtaA Tba only
wires used are Uis applied immadlatoly to toe bauariee^obe Iridpbone
apparatns. the tube, trmniadtow. aad
tecHver and antenna, A highly magnelUed reetdvor. affectiNl by the nu'rcuiT
(be. plays an Important part also.
The niechanlam I. «> drilrately conn»ct.*d that If a revolver were fired
-the Ladles
Front street
Wc strive to malnuin an aggresa
Iva rwvival spirit: tola has been
fcatod during toe last year. U6 pep
■ona coming to tb« penitents form
making a public profession of Salvw
Relief Work~5*TT ganaeata. »I
pafra of aboa;i. m pairs of mitten^
and stocklnga were dUtribuled
tha poor bcalde fomliurc. carpet^
sfovec ^c.. whlk work waa found fof
•u veral paopla.
Indaatrial Store^Tbe relief work
has taken on anefa proportions during
the past year that It be<we neces
aary to open up a permanent place,
this U located at 32« Sooth^ Hnloh
street and Is called tbe “Salvation
Army Industrial Store- requiring the
consunt employment of two men with
a borae and wagon. On an arcragi* of
sixty caaea have been aaslated weekly
•ioce the opening.
Chrtalmaa 124 bushel liaakets of food
were given out and on K«»w Year's day
some 300 poor children received
free* treat. Just now the army B
working hard 4o provide . very wHMly
xt the awltrbUiard would Immedlfamily with a baakc-t of ChriMma^ alHy ring and wcmld md cease until
nairurteut In the nwm had been
Pul.llcatlons~lC9 copkw of army shut off. The results of Mr Granger’s
puldif'atlona are disposed of weekly.
oKp«;rin»nU ro far have leen hM^
sat isfacton*. ConveraalIona oveTthe
Invention b.ive been heard a dUUaer
i miles as‘cl.‘arly ua U poaalbla
an ordinary Inalniment cooaacted
by wires.
Tbe disunci? a message can be sent
Is controlled by the amount of “powerin toe tniMv Tills “fiower,- which Is
toe secril of the Invitiflon. has to be J
“ isiiUMl m.Md acriiratHy. Too much
loo little throws tbe Instrameot
Tl«‘ regular servtres of this Borb-l| out of order wlu n messages are (o be
ore held in the M. \V. A. hall. Maiuiulc
long dTstanrea. An Inalrumeat.
block, every Sunday at lu:3n a. ra
however, that Is adjusted for a ndJoa
Th.'se aervlc-K are conducted li^r of r,n m1k*s can \m used aalisfartorily
The Bay Packing Company
oteL One menilag an offlefYb
borae atarted to bolt with tbe OAli
dartag pamde. and mad# at breakneck I
ipeed twprard a praebdeo. Tbe oflleer
liled to atop the borne, tried to turn
ttabaad am nae. On dai^bed the fraatie aalmal atraight HP tbe^abyea.
“We all held oar breath. la another
taaiam wx expected tn aee borne and
rkler go oreT' the cliff.
Mot tbe ofttetr. when wUhla fifty feet of tbe
edfa. drew bla aword. and tduagad It
twice deep into tbe beme. The borae
diewed and keeled over, dying.
“Tbe man had aacrifteed tbe anlmaTa
Ufe to aare bla owa.“
C^ti Market
Uire ns yonr CbristniM oMws, we will ssfe
yon noDey and will npiitfeciste yonr patronafL.
413 South Union StiWt
- J
, .1-
Who aland bohind a bank
na its character,
O^r dirac
wall known. Thay hava invettad
tlirir owe
raotora’ maatinga. pasa upon every loan, exantine and
prava books and aacuritiaa. dacida upon the couraa to
be purauad and bring to the managamant of th# bank
•. Hull, PfMiamt Oval Waed Oiah C«, SraaMtmL
A. V. Friadich. aiMaa; C»u^ Wilhalm. WUhalm. Bartak
: i •' ..ip;’.
« Co, Vica PraridMitm
X M.
QaldwaM 4 Lawdan. FiaaMant Boardman Rlvar Electric
Mfht em4 Rawer Ca.; J. O. Crataar, Case 4 Crotaar.
•Uagaiey; Staphtn Lawtnar.
G. W. Lardia.
Wholesale Rfadweg: R. C. Ptomand. Rraaidawt Dam
mead Cbamlcal Co.; BanJ. ThlrlRya Travarat CRy Iran
Warim; Or. M. B. Oarwar.
a E. Belknap the' efficient auporlnThe OfTicars,
two Renders, one reading from
wlthln that circle, bat not M yond that.
tendant and toe viery able corps of
Presidt-nl. Mrs. Lowiie; Vice Pr^l Bible, the other eorrelatlve pass
Tho tuning of the Inslruim-nl also
teachers. Tho meinberehlp of the dent and Treasurer. Mrs. Hanson; Se^ from tbe Christian Science Text I
prevents any but the persons ormcemV school ,1s aomethlni? over a hundred
rretar.r. Mrs. R. N. HobJsple.
Science and Health, mifh key to the od henring the conversation.
and Is beldg oontlnr^lly Increased by
scriptures hy Msrr Baker G. Eddy.
The Alleluia Chorus Choir.
the ai^val of now scholars. The
. The Alleluia Chorus was organlted Snndsy school for children 11:45 a, m.
Cradle Roll Is in charge of Mrs. R. N. nearly three years ago and Is at pres
A Testimonial ro<-ellng is also held
HoUapIc and contains fLhc names of ent the only regular organised cboms there every Wedm-sday evening
An expertfr.eot In the way of llting
25 babies. Tho primary department of its kind In toe state, with the possl- 7:30. At this meeting expc*iiences in (he slmtilc life was tried by a gruup
la cared for by Mrs. Sarah Winters
«f O^oan aiUbors. pninters and pUlU
Mu exception of a ehonis recently'or- Christian Science and tesUmonlals of
and Is growing so rapidly tjmt M In ganlsvHl in this city In the ChrlsUan hesdlng are given. A cordial Invita osophivs on/tbf Island of Kabakon.
becoming a pmblem how to care for Rcienee church which works along tion Is extended lo all lo attend aB to the nis^amt archipelago. One of
the jibllosoj^K^ was kUled hy tbe naan tbe children.
lines similar to the Alleluia Chorus. these senices.
tlves, and Hie otbers were aeaily
Tbe Home Depahmem Is In charge There are 2.5 children In tbe chorus
Membership. Iweniy-seven. Increase
siorvrd to denth and exbanstad by
of tbe paator aad succeeds in reaching betwerti tbe ages of S and 16 years, past year, three.
a mtmfaev of those who cannot alimid jand they sing (n the church servlcea . The officers consist of PractiUoneni tbrir rnluous UIkmw in trying to keep
toe aaaslons of the school. Tbeciames every two weeks *oo Sunday morning. and Teachers. First and Second Read alive. The surrlvorii hsv« retnnied to
Berlin and civilisation and well bene
of tbe officers follows:
I The one principal object In the work ers. Mnslcsl Director. President, aerie. after live happily and folly coovlnesd
Saperinteadant. *B. E. Beloap:
of the chorus Is lo give the children Trensurer. and a Board of Directors,
slsiant Supertateafiaat. Mm, H. A. a part and place In the services and conslsttog of 5 members. Ushers. Com that the neljtbborliood of a bc«> boost
Secretary, .^race Mahn; worship of toe church. Only the vary mittee on Lecturers. Flower Commit a^ drikwti-sscn estabilsliment is not
such a bad thing as aome dresiMrs try
Treaaarer. Mrs. Winters; Librarian,
Iwst songs and moale are used and tee and Corresj^dence Committee.
Merle Kaaggs; OTgaDlst. Ulllc Froeb- the element of worship enters Into all
Tbe Correspondence Ctonmlttee U
Ibe work of the rt,«rir. They are uader In close eommnnleatlon with the Bute
The Young Raopla*s Alllpnea.
Ued at De(be instmctioo of the paator and have
Omrermitlaa ornhemrd on a trmiB
Tbe motto eSr tola society Is; ’ For a record W leaving an enUrely new
Monte Carlow
the Glory of Ood and tbe Good oi •ong to tbeai. In four minutes In the
“On your way to Monte Oaria,
The CommRtao on I
Man.” and the work that the yoong presence of a large congregation, a
delHtotfoi and esdasive iMBi farl
are doing ladicataa that they lecord that can lie equaled by few. If
are living wspoaeata of tbrir motto
laetod aad dtotrltortoi large qaantltlea ‘
is exactly wbmw I aa bo-|
Mias Laura LHnBey baa been the
oC mantase tbrowgbovt the reading
pky fast a Rttla. I
prealdcBt of tbe aoriety for tbe pait
room, and by wall pockeU provided for
half a year and baa proved a very able Norway with fish aa food for poultry. (Ms purpose U the depou and leadlog
I “l|to»otldacelMv Mr.ttMBvW'
nr. One of tbe finest concerts U succeaafn] a new aad praitable In
given In Traverse Oty was given
last aummer by (be Northweslem Col
The Frenrii Acadeny of Srienot of
lege Glee Oub under tbe aaaplcea of fers a prise of $20,000 to tbe
aebSol la
lacreaoe past
toU society. Tbe pfmoda Pom ibL wbo discovers a method
tod of oomtottl- roar. tea. Qraduated from school, two.
Offleers of Busday acbool consist of
cation between tbe planets.
kyaMMla tor toe ebareh. Tbe amdety
Bupertntendent. Secretary and Treaswfll obaenre tbe Week of Fnrm aa a
crer and three teachers.
^FAY. )1
t Bwwr br aor ckueo
. “lo tb«t MW pnamat yam
FOB wm «.
phiD ramr ‘ayttm-«» wt-
:- y
*iiD Abe i^TEi^
Doll HospitaLl
V tn^yntw m, ^ XA. rnt^mim t
iMTHB vmM to M «r teioitiOi. Ml to* tomHU toochtartf
rrr. Bar -mwo*
aZ «4r
AtaM fMM «i don
tort It* rrrt to oat «r
rBx aOB COffB
iroae. poatoa mod cM-haaka aod aeto>
aarr of MOJ ahapto aod ataa. aod eraa
am ontoBtoc ■■artajaal rt ftoor eye*
oC rartaoi crtor* ana atoao. TW cyao,
whtoh apao and aM ntth a wrtiM
are itoeatf to portUoT toiairth the open.
Hwdramtwm• Y«k«>«i•>*
' -f:
to UMMB.UM.su by htaBMien'k*
, n • WMM amr TUt MUr Mk» M Mk M* BitllABr* IB
Ab* Bmr ted TteBteeHB* w • CteteamMMM.
, M> iKito'toBT* inwiti M ««a m
Mm toOor^ IMS. r»0«r Mr* *•.
Aa‘ ir te km ■ dolkr
wm mt. t. m* teck two
■ A»* olwtr. Mk .doiBltei «r tte Mtar who wt
Tte bM «Mte UMd to tak or 1*B tekte tte fli« tt
MmT «wdl BPM M. dMlkk IB • teOM Mtoter
•nw4^adiMaMdta Block kbB wteB te cteBcod tc
. An* tW. to but a Movk o# te. tMM. tter uMd to «rt^:
«M ttd mm Omr mmptnatm mi
Mi. IMU M Mtotot to CfMw
•a« MlMag ikM. iwtom Marti
1M, 1^ frttoi Mp €■ thtm. nr
• to > M W|in^
„ lit Mart
rtttor flqpirtrt oor. l>at mtwtrj
kwsen* a rrtoMT. lb* poor flito«i
O* art htr* to uk* wdlriiir. Uftty
*o Chat a phar<
i to art laqaM to doll rt«s
to aparrtkrti T* aJl smileoL
Brt tor an that th* doO doctora aia «otlltod to
M. li. rtlar their oaiaaa.
IL D. rtaadtat tor artadar rt dolto.
It to «rtto a srmotoa rtfht to ibo
**Old Aba Prtora of V»
Old Aba Frtm lto town
of —nay. b«
of It parforma mn
ban that to.the
ml donr* hand off with a finhoapltato. It
oboraL MU another aauUI nlaa of menban yrow an where nan* bod been
MB Ita marreloaa ]
aereo had kS»ad the oOee off Ut- bafara. and bafoia
httable Jaaa-^dolto imaUr hart tana
naoa eqparor aod vaa aaecsttof aaena
of hto aatdarta. |art to k>«p to practlcr.
Ha triad ta lanra hb abaaty. but be fbund It aU
Ml d«r ba giww mor* mbtnsado with Ida ftoddar
Smm aaido **Lat*a did out Frtarto**
an* aona anld. -No; Jat him
Ttey w*Md o*«r tte bu
tte wate wu on tte
Mon or oouto or to.
lb wtetth
. .
lUmiDer wa* njaktoy a few pnrcbaaee
at the ntwreii, and whUe lietny aerred
aaw a aiUwr dollar l.rlnr on the floor,
gulrednff with exciteimnt, and ftanc
aoo that no one waa.
hlnjL qnlto iMvkbwUlly drapped ona
ret on top of the coin and
and we'll lake the
chances of your com
ing again.
-Ab* Petm hnt wasUhad from Lonatoma Us
Aba Patar* wUf narar coma back adtlo.
Juit whara ha la quaitarad wc do sot know.
But It'a aafe to reckon ha*a found no anow—
picked lip thoflf>re=-but not tile com. _ '
Which atm remained on the floor. Jort Inkwlrer - What be^e of that
at be waa to the act, however, an aaaiataat approached and hUndly aald:
-Good evenlnc. air. Wiii yon allow got a compUlnt now thafa plrlng me
ae to abow yon a t>otUe of out ceto> a n«at deal of trooNe! Inkwirer-lndeed! TOat !• It? Hr. I'rlrc-Why. a
comnUlnt alKint Itic nmonnt of niy t>in.
not linunicr bad i
MMM-U Kiue-.
wouldn't it be eaner
and quicker to come
here and get one of
our Famous IS cent
Dinner Lunches?
This is just the thing
for you Mr. Business
ManorOerk! Dur. ingthe holiday rush
you can hardly spare
the time to'go hoime
and the cold dinner
is far from satis
Ate Mm MW *«m cornin' from hb butm window pmi
If. MW *«B diwin' floMly tteoudb tte aitohiy drift, of «m>w.
HI. tem waniMd fbr a momcaii ttea It turned to ice ewtn.
He Mowicd with MllUta 111.11c. OD the worker, down bolew.
And did te P.M 'em coffhcT Did he eOkr ChrbtniM cheer
An' thank 'cn Ibr tteir tober. whldu ala., wm U1 in vatef
Ha waned 'em Item hb dooryvd in a mUner mom tmrm
. An' sued 'em all fcr tiMpaM when he got around awla.
! !
How Far
Are Yon
Work ? ? ?
‘ This is the most
‘ poulpar meal in the
city, and well it
should be. for it’s
good and you'll find
the quality sufficient
to satisfy you, no
matter how 'hungry
you may be.
, ns* It borted
•*Old Ate PMcrt. unbuekto your doldi
Old Ate Petm. wc*T« diT on* eoldi
. Cldw or eaCBw or cnekM on* boo-
The Whole
Pancakes that |
•Tan Out*’
to the liking of- the whole household arc
Vhatched out" from our Buckwheat flour.
Ask your grocer, his customen and your
neighbors, about the “raising" qualities of
FU>UR . . .
Our Queen City brand of Whole Wheat
-/I’lour. Sweet, healthy and untritious. Made
from selected Grand Traverse wheat. l*ut
up in 10-pound sacks and branded
Bapiah A Lay Co.’s
ihnhv Cake
'■ ^'
'HrtADQ'uAto-rento;^ fWOM
-or '
' ii
piour, F
IVIosI, Srsn
o«<J, Moal,
IVlidcliines, Os'ts *r>d Corn
Made Iron oar YEIliOW
”Takes the Cake!*
Hannah & Lay Col
It is tweet and wholetome and makes
mind, muscle aoid money for those
who eat it.
Traverse CUty^ MiciL
:: ^
Our White Wheal
OAY.DttCMMR « ««.-
Practical ■ Help
w-?V>rr.> M .M
for ChristinasLBiiyei^
TnIke People:
We have aold Itolldajr Goods for Bsajr jear*^W> biTc fjven the mailer careful stafly-We hare «•
dcarored each year to ao select oar stuck as to air.>r.l b^Hh sailsfacltoa sad sana« to our customers and ourselrea—la this wo are anlformly snomirut and toVaiiaUIy aeil oat cican—Kverythlnc vent last year—
ConseamUy our vtoc\ u new, clean and hrUbt—Ev» r>tklny me offer U
and snlnhaBtlaly made and
wtll stand tiack of anythin* we aeU and absoJuteJy ruaranter it.
For months we hare been
We bare socceeded in assembl In* os floe a line of iToilet s*‘ls. Jap Roods. Leather Roods. Perfames. Mirim. bmahes. «4<u. ns you can And anymbere. It Is nseKms iryln* to *lre an lntelll«mit Idea If its scope
^ We wish you tr> f*4l that this U a direct and personal Invitation to you to
<Jome early and »if!es—No trouble to show Roods.
ll will be to your a<!vantajr> to mak»' your judi-ctloos before the final rush and srhib the asamt^t Is
suit complete. If desired Roods on which pan payment is made will be set aside for
We wlU parts'
and ship anythin* you buy of us. for out oMosm friendr. Wc will deliver the poods anywhere la the rtiy U
you desirt* In fset we wish U* W of pracUcal servitc in €*vrry way we can.
ToUet Sets
Japanese Goods
ThU i. OS. of th*. «Uh«»rJ sift ■rtlrlo. that rtouW n,«r bo
overPii*ked-~we Udleve w« have the finest line we ever o|m-D4m]. every
solid back with full bmsUif
the products of the Umi ,»enrh, Oerman and Amertcan niukers In
llne-New Ktench 8ls* and 8lf rlln* Silver sets seem to be the fsvt»r.
Item. The 8ta« this y«ar l« decidedly handw.mer than ever before.
It ts llRhler In color and in various new dlstlnrtlvu shafies. Tim
fltnrtln* and Sllverine sdU are on handsome royal purple stain lined
nays and In the new I^opIV. Wickford and hllirord patterns.
New sue C«»blD«»0B TWM ao<l Manicuw SrU...........$6«totli00
NV, 8i»K Uruah. (Vob aoil Ulrnw
.............. *U» to tS-W
.....75c to A4.00
We have Ax unast ally complete line of aB kinds of brashes, hair
hrtisht-s. ck>lh brushes.
balh truKh.-*. ^i.ylnE bro'-^hw^,.’.Tb"^ nmko tor «||1 u« ^
Fine Perfumes
Bealdes our usual fine line of Pi'rfunies,me have this year stocked
the latest numbei> -i»f fancy packages fivim Wh well known makers
Woodworth. Kloks«H'10‘r and Laeell. in buyiDR fanrk
T>uTk—consequently we are In ptisltlon to puarantee any
of our^HolP
day tVrtumes—Money lack If they are not as Rood asa the hulk exerfuuu's from us.
tn^s. This makes U in iliwtly safe ti» buy JUdlday I'erfume*
fine Perfumes in fancy botih's and l»oxcs..f...................... 10c to UJ30
Film IN^umes In Japunt^^ or llohemlan ot ent Rtaas Ix.itl.-s and
Halln lim-d cases.......... .............................................................. fit.50 to %AJ00
nne IVrfume in cut Rlass Imtlles In OrraoHi pdd Jewvl casket*....
................................ .........................................r..................$3.00 to$5d»
Leather Goods
A UM.k at our eleKanllllne of t,adle* Hand Tla*s. Card Cases.
ClRSt JIuldcrs. and Pock»*tbooks mill wnslncn* anyone that me have
an assiirinmut wnlch. while stdid. Is built to wear ts jslUl irtrtctly down
ttvdate. Blackr. and dark brawn* run tImwiRh the line, the shorn y collo
uiwsl *ow. Real 84UiI Matt S4*al. M
^ Grain seem to IH^ thefararlK*
laullm Card t^se*.
ladlea Hockot
Gents Pursew i
tbmts Card Cases.......... . .
(JtmU Bill or Letter Hooka
tlenu Cl*nr Cases..
Gents Tratellln* Set
Gents IN»c».et Nessecarltw...... .............
Gents l*ocktH. Ci>mbs (Ls*ather Casey.
In black and cidon^l laqm r or mood, with hand painted *1H or landncaiK‘ decoralk^s-rmllU luck and key-Suit aide for trinkets, hand.kerchiefs, m^knles. stationery. Rime* or Jewelry .boxes-all
Price* to suit ^iiy isHKwlKK.V.... ........................................ 15c to $1i)0
. «
Gilt and silver flnUhtxl m.-tal with ruined plctnro centers and floral
hstantla! and showy little prewnts-^rnnke pood mauh
pin. or utility lrays..«.
imlnted or
Vases. Host Beals. Cups. etc., all band imlntet
M» «if vs
ts <of
bwst efforts
ta. Avatl. Mori|m.
'4-:. ’
^erllm: silver Manicure Sets l»i»pp
Ancy Iiecorated China Tpllel utTn
New Wamy Ttdiet 84‘ts-^>ench pray
Coeobolo anfi KUmold 8e(^.....,...
arc ver> jwpuUr ihcwe days, nnd any thin* ‘•Jappv” has a Isrcc sale
In the rltU^. 'Phere ts somethin* artUlic about all Jap stuff that
make* ti very atlraetlv.-^sp slnff is nearly all hand inadi*. hand
flnlsbad and hand dtcomled- NVvertess it I* offered at v.-rr low
prices as» UU.r! Is veiy cheap In the Flowery Klnicdmn. We have put
prictHl Jap Sluir-sloo t mUs luokln*
of medium and 1
in a fine line
It over.
.1..............»e to *4.oo
Nakara Ware
Thl* warv\ bcsutlful hand decoratt^l China
*old washed trimmliiRs U made by
t'^n..Rad is the smv» s«»r of thr Kelra and Wave Crest
lar to them In ai
that these are beautiful.
Cdidh Brush.*s
Hut Bru
We hav4' s< me
tinted, othiui ui
«f‘ibiii'ta^'iatvWtol Mlto WbVij
Metal iewel Cases
We have a Lmall line of glass and metal top Jewel cases, for
elry. trinkebi. etc.. Impcvted ware In Ormolu pold and Fiv'nch
iv Silver—The gold nm-s are platifl with 21 k\ Jfold and hand finished. linedI wiflh dainty China silk in pink and light Uuc—Also a fine
ss pin. pomaiie. enamel and puff jar* of decorated
line of Rlass
itatloo cut Rlass mith handsome decorated gtdd and silver was
rohtal tops
Ormolu Gold Jt
y>ench Gray SI ver ji^caiii;;;;
Gilt top. glass H*made Jars........ ......
Silver top. glas
Silver and gilt Hair .Mo
Have }x>u «oi»idere<l the
Ko.Uk to o HoUday Gift
There is nothing better for
boy or girl, old or young. The
pleasure derived from a Ko
dak is in every s.toon—itis
a gift useful at
time of
year—ao aimple thut a child
cm take picture*. They load
and unload anywhere and in
to reach thl* hut. or Igloo, of an Wfim
famlij. .
fcaklmn tbllkwn: tmw04vr. are by no
mean* facklug in merrlim*©!. Tbey
hare their gnuics. -quite different from
T^W VY im umU-r the rtn lie circle ' cxi..’\s*a ska ml:!, h tnut-i.* nluety liv*
ewin ‘•f' «
b.u-n.. Slo-vth™
\ rcliKb--r lul» .\L*ka7nnd lltcy hava
I ttulliidiod rapidly
They «ra nom >ery rcnerally employaSd I
l7esrr>mg ilk*- utsll. In the tr:,nsfuim. Ju«t
of suppUesuppUe* auU
and in
la carry
portatiem uf
be rldra In an arvtjo slt^ai drawn by
passenger* beimeeu the vailou* minswift llttk* relnd*i-r,
Sanu Clan* I.aiHl Ni very tmllkc our*
•US in «Maji:n*r uoi
It lia* no preity
gret-u fields 4U* fort'sti. On the
It N alwoy* blt<ui «T«1 barThe wlutem are >vry long nod
very eoKl. In fin* n *rtherum‘J*t i«»ru
the *uu I* ar-ldom asm in wUU* r. Hie
ight U-io* nearly six m<jutUit Ion*.
The pt*oplc tBvell In but* built of b-e
and snow during the winter and In
tent* insde of the dried sklpf* of seal*
and relndtvr 4lurln* the summer. Tu^
r NUpplbrn tlieui with their oiUy
____ of -rapid tra»>*«U” ilurlTtg the
Ion* art-lie night m heji the Gclge dogs
grow sullen and drumKv
the daiknem a* well as m unyngui
and Rives rich u»Hk. whi.ii m*r l*e
made Into butter br^ che«m. AITira
to tU* marmer and
of alt tls* world
and leave*
rf.ufcbt.ml llH- rHn.l«r-. o«.t 1. «t
cn. and hi* hide is made- lu*.o clMhlng
for the Eskimo* or strctclxsl ovt-r pokt
and dried for use In making trau.
All the i^etiple of Santa t U.u* Lrtndmra, women and . hiMreo-pn- v\ Al^
In reindeer akin* <.r sealskins. In
sumnH'r tbev wear one suit uml la win
ter two *ult‘«. Ali m ear Id* IkvkII. call
ed larka*, of fur. and In lhc-*e liuod.
the motlHTS *ometln»rs carry their lia
ble*. In certain |»art* of the frazen
region* the lablea.utv carrlied on their
motbcTi’ back*, next lo the xkln. for
warmth, while elsewhere tt i* the costurn to carry th- iuf tnt sliout In one
of the big dt-cnkli! vr scaUkln boots of
the mother.
Ileludcer. sure f '.M o,jj «cc». arv
the inoli\e ih^xv.t i - iV.ght and pasaenger trains in tlM* graf t white north.
They can travel fr.iu . loluw mUes a
llalr fnvtu^iU* same* la
fouUall. ihougli tta-y pby It tii a manm-r qmte dlff<-reut frtJin ibc .kiucricmm
*^dk-g- wrtlHa Tb.- chiMrei, *rt A,
big oU *lovo or Uiot. »lnff ll with
maaie fur or hlU of ain. m-w up tb.
| o,s-«lng a..l kick a«al raff
hall about o\er tie* fn>*eti «mw idy
*reat glee. Kahn** t1itMr<-nB aMo IndulRe la ctafciliig. Tbt-y use no llttM
*Uds. Ivtv^ever. but sJiuHy irtUh' down
the »tei*p «ix>w Ittiiik* tui tis'ir kueea,
wlH.-h aie well imsPt led by the thick
ibs-rsklu Itr.s-tiket mom by all. 8omot1n.* s th»-y lunildf ioit *sx) go d>wn
b(-{idri>remu*t. but flien- Is aeklom any
\ *tei» ootM-re maMf
...... l--low *4-r.> Bixl eop»y a wraoI til tig niatfh, mdjii-h k«“|»«4 them warm
eieumb. l»* dtml)!. lusUl.- ll** httt ths
men aisl womeii nrjual around the fire,
telling t.sb-* hatuied dooTi fraui anrtcot
or «lnnn* quaint *on*s of folktoreThe E*kiior» cblldrvn. eieept at ooo
or two polnl* in Alaska, ro to no
■cbool. But from Ibelr Infancy they
are wlmolcd In tlx* vat^ou* items of
daily Ulx>r whkh It is oecrassry bjr all
of them to kmtw. They kwrn bow to
*af?icr and dry mo**, to rati-b the scant
driftwood ihst c-oioe* their way and to
extract blubber. Tl.es*- tbn-e ib!n*a
are their only fuel Ihe boy* learn
' bow to A*h and hunt and Uh- Rirto, In
; a crude way, bow to cook, fme of tbe
chief dulh-* at the won* n la to lend
the afkapatme bmii**. which lath light
a food and clothing supply,
10 lo.v
late ......................
yean* th- *'bri»tma*
been lDtrvrtu.v.1 .lum.e
of tl*
«b.T. t.». fbri.O.o r.Woo
U tsught by laisaumirh .
------------ ^
It very handy for 8anta i lau-. who
rt“tLe trae
mile, oa a reUKleer sled ‘
$14)0 and $24)0
$54)0 and $9.00
Cstalosuto' cheerfully lurnUhed npoa mpoHcmlon.
Traverse Cily’s Leadikig Drag Store
Record Want Ads. Pay
I .^^3^
rorliur <
. ^
K‘1»nra t^cSjSred skins of certain e
................. ... Si...
S.E.is. W.WAIT
cornerBront and| Union Sts.
live. Tbeae moat be well fed with
' f
in Mirror* we have been careful to select those that are of use
ful shape and wen made. A mirror U a fine present for lady or
IcnGemen—Triple Mlrrtws.«. hand M
Mlmus pud Bonneti Mirrv>rs for
iUw; sluivloR MirrorsI for the *entlemen.
l^dlcm Triple Mirror*, various ahaiw^ and mcKxl*.
..$2.00 to $5i»
I Bonnet Mirar*. In !
r. Crt«obola or Vermll B..$1.50to $3.00
: to $1.50
item with the ladhm—AU are sidendldly lined In delicate tinted satins.
Nakara Jewel Trays............................ ............. i..................... .75c to $1.75
Nakaia Jewel Tray*...........................................I..................... $1.50 to $4.25
HRE f10HT1H6 lOOWiC, |
Iron arid
A tar
mtw fiattr IwriMhg te
wmy, wr Ubtitr •twtt.
wnm itunf oc tts an
Siif evplojed
r<>r ttie Cr»t
t|tn# la riB.r
IbicjTK'raperi of
tbe ordlonrj
typo are a
Our class of work along this line is
of the Best and our Crowing Trade proves
Gas Engine Cas^gs;
Before you get any work dine in our
line see us and let us figure wlt^ you, we
will do your work right and jsave you
Repair Work Of AU Kinils.
Round & Sou
Local and Long Distant Pltohes.
Boardman Ave. and Coyrt SL
bj a laoaf In^Itw arranjrem.eni of
ateel rod*. They wlU ilif tbn« and ,
a half locbea In diaiaeter and da .
am>d 4 IT nearly fifty feat Into tlir con- Crete arWeb fonna the c^u. roatins i
on anild rock el«bty*llve Ifret below the j
Tb*ar rods, a blrh are bolted toffcthar
are In Icnstba of from tlx to ten feel
rath, and the devUv* are put lu be
fore the cement U pbn^l In the caia
““ loricdt rod lata on the «»I
it amhor plate, to which ft
of It a creat
and oo the ^ther end are
bolted the two roda of the acs.'ood aerUon. The third acetloo baa three alert
roda bolted alicmatrty to iha«» of the
aection below and connected with foor
roda above. The four lyd* are made
to converge ao that they ^ay l*e «arrlel
throtudi tbo STillaw brah» at the top
of the caiaaon and the irbn tia*e of the
colomn. . They are then run m» Into
held horlaoouny by chaloa nmalac
frucu the tu(i of the tower to the ewd
of each. The eollrv* framework can be
feet and bolted Into poaltion. The col
ce<«=rul opiTritHia at the lUiiwy
nnin which la thu* Med ^ built up to
1tmdd«¥*k W4»rk»‘. Tlir Invention uwk«*a
the very top of the aUTicture. The the W. J. lUluey i^.orapany of Penna/b ll |K»«4vU»lr fttr four tnetJ l'» «*b.ir;:e, wa
atremth of tbeae roda la ample to coun vanla ha* i4*rfe< ted a inadiln!* th;;t la ler. draw and cavey to tie- e .r* ilie
in l-y **oke innimfanur.^* a* «*ake from 1i«i
im oi«.rutlon
teract the effect of the moat aevore looketl uipon
the l»c*:lnnlai: of a rvvuluMou in the wblrh by tie- old wjiy rfvpr!rr.s from
coUny ImslneML The new uuirhUm. i
wbl|fh will do the work of forty five
-------- ---------------men at leas exivenso. has Toea In rueRECORD WANT ADS. PAY,-
.i '' V:;
* platfona
U laovldcd arltli a saatara>' rjorhli*
to tbe anadoera. Tbe bA«ed plitfanaa
can lie let down coUactlroIr br a «h».
Only First Oass Work.
When the tower la eleratad a ajateiB
of tel«ri.o|»lc roda attached to. the
framework la om^ to Bleady the ap^
paraUiB«tbe roda! having tbelr Mb
mdlng oi*dh tbe ground and acting a«
•trula or brace*. Tbe tower U raleed
and lowered by a ayateiD of wlndl
and idialna. which can be ettber me
chanically or manually operated. Tb*
frock nay l-c drawn by horae* In tba
conventional manner, or. If preferred,
tbe tower can be mounted oo a i
A fJerinan cigar inanufariurer ha* In- wagon of a oonairoctioB enlted to thi
reot«.»l a i*ro-*e«* by which tbr tolarr^ apparatna.__ ______________
)« gUen n IwatuiciU whlih extract* a
mnee part of the nicotine. The i.xir.nc.
A irlobc of colored water In a dru|
tiun I* n .1 nitln*. f -r aU.ut 1 imt -.cut etnrr window at Vallejo. TaL. concen
htni remain*. The flavor of the cigar trnted the ray* of the ton and cauec^
1* said to lie ij.ilrupalrel. The Hga« a fire the other day.
are laindod “free of nicotine.**
Holidays^ Not Far Away
Fur Gloves
Can anything be more
for a gift than a pair of
The greatest line we have
shown. Prices:
$1.50, 2.50, 4, 5, 6.b0
Better seUct a pair now and have them pnt
atide for you. Aak to see them.
Fur Caps $3 to $15
Wc Have
twenty-five Children’s Suits for ages 11 to
6, handsome, fiirst class goods, have sold
from $5 to $6. not a suit worth less, jone
of a kind only. V\^e will close them ot t at
HIGH GRADE UNDERWE.AkA few smalt lots to close at cost.
Ufa aiTtv ap-
«r Badao-Badaa. Oetaaajiw^
BBihterri a amirr tmr aad a
npe far pBfMri traipid ta a boratvMdIaa. Ttepriaciideairttetaar/
«oaa« baa baaa med la tbe cjtfirM
thm of aa axtHulvr lowar anBoatad
poa a trafb.
la tWri drrlte ^ portab> tHraaople
ttnrar. ImiU tpoa a arar«a or traek. la
pr>rkM wdh «tr.HlaWr idatfona^
akldi caa be art at dtfhmt polatvac^
cotdiac to tbr bHabt of tbe 0onra la
ikt bortuiai boivilar tn» wbicb tbaj
profrie arte f» !).• rrwc-aid.
LamiKV torinrr l« provtOsTj alUi a
<kmb> arraoertaent of Udders .aad
arlth the aetywgy aainbcr o: tbr rail*
•d rxtrodaMr br.dxo U aaable tba
dt-inr I. br atUlaed at aeseral differ.
mslt . T!r idat: tbr laattkma of
Christmas Bells Will Soon Be Ringing!
There is no dittlculty in buying a
good Overcoat for
Our Men’s Suits at
$25 or $30. Thcrfe
arc plenty of good
coats at
prices, but when a
man does not care
to invest so much
money in an Ovccr
co5t and' waffis a
handsome, .stylish
garment at say
$10, $12,
or $18
.. The Situation Is
We are showing
the finest Over
coats at
prices that
have ever offered
Fora moderate
. price and a satis
factory Overcoat
Are designed for
men who want and
can invest that much
money in a suit, but
it doesn't follow that
a man cannot get a
good wearing, stylish
suit that will give
him good satisfac
tion for $12. $15 or
We aim to stand
with the people by
meeting their wants,
gi\dng them
best values we can
for the money they
invest in our line of
25 Men’s Overcoals
* *A .
One of a kindi 20 per cent less than regular
prices. SEE THEM!
•i- -■
Wc shall show the finest lot of Neck
wear ever introduced by us. Brilliant
colors, latest novelties.
Why not come early and select what
yyu need. COAT SCARFS besides the
staple goods we shall have a superior
line of delicate colorings. ;
It matters not how many Christmas gift* •
man may nsx.ive he will always be expecting
something in the way of a ChriRmas Tie.
Have One Pnl Aside For Yon!
House Jackets
.Every man appreciates a House
Coat. They make an icfeal Christmas
How About a
Bam Robe?
, Used for lounging slnd a garment
every man irould like.
H: •
: Ji
The Haniiall & l^y Merc.^o^ j
'mmm hb&gSi
sfrlt «Mi Ui»
Msny women when planning gifts
for fstber. brother ^or friend are at a
loss what to give.
Here arc some
A One Clpth Cap4.5a $2-00, $140.
timely suggestions from our clothing $1.00. 76c. 50c.
$140, $240, $240,
This Is Traverse CHy^Slooleal Christmas Store,
aail evd^y dlvlsloa is hrimlal ol hanSsome and
praelied flitls. tram the adSiplest to the iM
ateideas. Ibegreatauirtcclshave heea carefully
schrehed with Om resaltOI the greatest display ever
to OSS pari of the stale ander one rooL No
■ck to leave the stare aaUl yoa have made your
pairdiaacsior aUyaar relatives and Meads. You
MO haVc ttme IraOble In sclecling snllabfe gtfts
Iran at least name of Av aiany secthms.
n Is advisable to
early and Urns avoid the
great nM otiOie last lew days of Christmas shopIng. '"'"n
Mom of
fTbmm. Me.
bnlM SwMUaad. >«4ob Pl^pou.
Tte V^Ur. Umrr €mkrnM%M.
Menty Book aad Alcrr Book* for
The Pm, a a whHc. tija
Bob HMmwum td Ptaw. Rm4a:i
Hotoa Mook Bcrlaa of boat readtoc
l*mrrtsii, f 1JS.
for Urta. Me.
aT»l*pertBf Bmltb. F. H. fipbrnaa
Umd mmd board covmd books tor
tbb mtlMM 4t tOc lie. Me, Me. $$a.
Moon Fbre. Jack Umdo®. fIJS.
balaiy idft books to bsaoUfbl oooors
Jam* CaUle. G, a.IfcCotohM. $146.
Stap by Bt«p. lira. Down., $146.
Poeias by OMOt popoUr aiitbors to
CbaM, Robm Cham padOH Isolbrr btofUnga at Me, $140
Thr PHaooen. Mary (Jhalmondeley. and $140.
Fine line of Birthday Books at 60c.
Christmas Booklau. lOo. 16e. and
Boek to tb^Uku Bbbt Barr. 60c. '^Dalnty hand palatnd nottosa. 28e
Lady Kralyn. Max Pwnberton. 80c.
or Caste Paitoot mottoes.
The Man Betw««i. Afliella a Barr.
}l^as Gifts for "Him”
Xmas Shopping
Oor«oB. Mary M F. WBktoa.
A nice Conluroy Shirt. $240. $240.
A Silk ITrobrella. $640. $740. $7.00. $140.
$64a $640. $440. $4.00. $140. $1.00.
A pair of nice I'nlinetl Gloves. $2.sa
$24a $2.00.
$240. $140. $140.
A p.tlr of nlre Lineal QUireapnM
$2.00, $1.75. !$140, $140. 76c,
- j
$2,001 $140. $140, 75c, 50c.
A nice Necktie, either F^r in Uand.
Aacdt or English 8quare4240. *240,
$14a $140, 75c. 60c.
A nice Hat. $540. $140. $240. $240.;
A pair fiT nice SUk Uui*d Glove.i.
$240. $240, $140, $1.00.
A pair oif n!ct» Fur Uped Glovet.
$10.00. $7,50. $€4a $5.00. $14a
A pair of Gobi Cuff nutton;;. $7.50.
$640. $54a $340. $240. $2.00, $140.
$14a 75c.
A pair of Silk Hdlf Hose. $140. $240.
$140, $1.00.
Pietnre Frames
No flner 1106 to tMdect Christ*
mss gifts from.
Moquettc Rngs. $146. $1-6$.
Keetroi. $240.11.76. $4.76. $640.
All the newdat'ghApes. the
crep6 paper at 10c. the oOk at
16c ofid 60c. the new ttylea with
bead|rrtofe at S6e and 60c. the
iDore>Uborate ones at $140.
Twitted ^dleo. oU
leros. $1.$6. $2.76. $140.
The long bdll rngs. th^w
ra, the sin*
ys and In f.rant of pianos or
Chritlmis Tr<^ Candle*.
24 and 3C to box. at I5c the bo*.i
ell C^co-Bearing CarTbe Biasel
T to Ihe ideal Chrtotpet Sweeper
mas glfL Makfs no notoe. re
quire* no oUinji has reversible
boll springs, will not accumu
late hair, dust or ravellngs. has
dost proof avle ^ubc. The ‘ Oold
Medal" sella it $5.00. The
•^lasell." with nickle trtmmlnga. at $2,501 The -Stondmni. • 12.25. Be4 the great dlsplay in the hardjsTire division,
As heretofore we make spe
cial arrangements with Bundny
schools, churches and young
P<*op»e’s societies for furnishing
Christmas candles.
Ktock to select from at 8c. lOc,
12c and 16c a pound. Then the
finer creams and chocolates at
20c. 26c. SOc. 15c. 40c 60c and
makes a splendid gift. Wc have
all the latest Styles of mould
Nearly t ro hundred sam
ples to select from and an expert workman | doing nothing
but make frami*. Bring In your
orders at oner and have them
done on Ume.
«igh Christ mas postals.
in package, for 10c.
oa gummed laUds fur
addressing packages. lOc a pack
age. Christmas tags In pack
ages of C for .JOc. Christmas
seals for sealing packages In
stead of using riblMNis. put up In
100 in neat holly ‘box for lUc a
box. three dlflerenl designs:
o%er twenty million sold last
year. Buy early this year and
have tlit>tn ready 1
“Hiawatha*- moccasin*, the
mw<**t nmeJty In fisitwear.
Chlb1rt«n*s slexs. $1.00; mlwws’.
$1.25; women*. $1.60; men**.
$2.00; women** fell slipper*, fur
top. |1.(K». $1.25. 11.50. $1.75.
"Womens boudoir slipper, all
dainty colors of ribbons. Priced
nt 1140.
Women's fancy i»alent leather
party shoes. $1.50. $2.00. $2 50.
Men's Itolent l>*alher Sln>cs.
|.1.Da $4.00. IG.O0.
Dry Goods Novelties
Beautiful Chrtsfmais Gifts
- Tha ^nUeet noerttlep out this year
1 or to Many art gloas to all the ex
quisite irrideacent colortog. Cup* *»d
Saucer*. Boo Boa Dlshe*. Foocy
Vases and Odd Novelties. $146, $140.
$2.00, $2.60. $345 and $3.50.
No flner dlspUy has ever been
made of the most exquisite cuUlngs—
many entirely new.. Ideas. Olives
Ikshea. Sugar and Cirnm Seta. Vase*,
Water oBtilfo. Tumblera. Comfnrta.
Berry Dlsbe*.;todlvldaal Salt*. Tbeae
$8. 50. IIU.OO, H2.U0. $1500. $20.00.
i GcmtlneTenkwood
Japes Hammered Brass
Exquisite Japanese hand carving*,
with inlaid marble topa. First ohown
.here. $12.50. $23.60 and $25.00.
Flral of the kind dlspUred here.
tolnty Vaa
litrks. 12.5
es. 11.75, 12.50. Jardinieres $84$ and
Pore flint Glnss
jSoiU surer Knlrw. Fiortui. Spoon,,
la »eti or sold *togly. Souvenir
Spoona, Oyater Fork*. Berry Spoons,
Bread Tray*. Condfiabraa an^Novel-
Something new In pure, clear gtoM.
Vosoi. Ban Hon Dlahea mad noveltkw.
76r.1l5c. II .w. $1.26. $140 and $1.76.
Leather and
Ebony Novelties
Fancy Rfttens
The ifineet we have ever shown.
Breed ^nd Butter Plate*. $1.00. $1.60
and J2LO0 each. Chop Ptolea. $240.
$340 okd $5.00. Olive and Bon Bon
Dleheaj $1.00. $1.50 and $2.00. Sugar
and Cream Set*. $2.60. $3.00. $3.76 and
$440. I Chocolate Pot* and Fancy
Pitcher*. $1.60. $240. $3.76. Cups and
Saucer*. $1.50. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00.
The newest for neck nearfs In pink and
blue dots and the beautiful ahaded
grays. *ell at t5c tbe yard and the
newest floral effecU at 86c.
In endless variety In both solid color*
and stripes for neck rlbl>on*. sashes,
hand bags, companions and hundreds
of beautiful Christmas glHs that are
to easily made sell to different widths
at 26c. 35c. 40c. 50c and 75c yard.
Shopping Baks. as large a line ms
you will find to the city, and make
most acceptable gifts: Priced frtira
60c to $5.00.
Bufltto. SM, SM. S2S, sia IE
MahM^ Partor Bolta, 4330, fHAO.
$67a66, 67C
Twiklah Rtakara frwii $S to «64.
, Mama Challa. eok wHh valour cMh(wa. «M wHh gamiiBa hair $M0 to
PwkM airrottk lOo. ESe.
80 cents
: PMMt OrtPkluB COPK «e. Ski. .
IhmM Mlnw*, SOb, TBc. stsi,
SfOMl"0 »»«•
*’^***' wn
sr $
Plaid Sliks
For shirt waist* mud »ultl tell at 75c.
$1.00. $1.25 and $140.
A great line of fancy afika for hand
baga. dome rtdla and the host of fancy
articlea that con be mode for gifu,
sell at $1.00 and $1.50 the yard.
A wonderful lln
collars at 25c. 50c,
HOGANY SELL KROa ♦*.« to $844ia
Ltaea Collars
Imported Austrian SUtuary. genu
ine Ca^ Marble, ebautifol Decorated
Inche* high, genuine Bronse
Slatuai^. Fancy Jardinieres. Japan-wirda. 0 - ■ ----------------------artlxilc
Uk|».Uap«neM NoTeltle,. Dro Furitahlnirt. StelB, *Bd Growler*, newel
« TetM e«tl. W.7S.
In newest designs at 25c each. The
dainty bow Ues to match at 26c.
I Brlc-ia-Brac
Newest Novelliea
111 tide and back comb*, gift* any
woman would prize, sell at 25c. 50c.
76c, $l.$o.
Handkerehlefa .
NrvcT had so large an aasortmenl.
beginning nt 1c. 2c. 3c and 6c.
The colonfl l»orders at 6c, lOc, 15c.
Beautirua Initials, unlaundried. at
^^he same style laundered,' at 25c.
Tbe fancy lx>rdcred. each In a box.
at 5(»c. 75c and $1.00.
PnMtlest designs ever made. N«
lietii-r gifts can be made.
Smoking Jackets
aro arllclcii most acceptable, different
colored collars and linings. 14.00, $540.
IC.OO. I7.5Q.J IS.OO. $10.00, 112.00, $15.00.
Bath Robes
_____ embroiderer
at 75c. $1.00. $145
Fancy black Bilk Hose gt fl.oo and
$5.00. IC.OO. $740. $8.00. $1040. $12.00
II.00. 1140.
**Tt3 nMan atyla Marrla Chain hi
the Ibmod eok with leat^ cashlono,
■ •!
Writing Deeke. Miiole Cabtotto. ftofl
Top DtMcs. FHonogroph CobineU $nd
Fumed Oak Davenpm^ with leath
er ypholatery. $20. $24. 630. 646$ 667.
China Cleoats and Bric-taBrM Cobl-
Iron BeJTMoe^Mto
Rockers end cKaIre, Odd Preeeer*.
Chiffonier* and commodee.
'"*^y Oak Rocktf* from 6440 to
,1*^. v'^r.
t Hill ■ hiMMIfe I
.■sa-trsir'ss.ni.t j.T,rjrrw“5,"rs,,,
ition 1M>0
and the i
try frtrni $6 te $26.
Fancy SMpa fram Be to 75e a eaka.
Oiristanas Dinner
Neces^^ s s
11' I#
, Loothar jcoucheo, 124$ $aa 642$ m
W.00, $4.00. $5.00.
li.eo. f».oo,>
.» ToariMtoXoMe. $346. $340. $24$,
Fancy Silk Crepes
Christmas Furniture
Thiwe giwat ohow easM full of th*
nevraot thing* In Leather end Ebony
Toilet and Manicure Sett. $64a $$40.
■y Th
Hmid Painted China
priced from 60e to
If when going through cmr More yod
geo arildoe yog do not wIMi to purehoao at that tim*. plonoo notify tha
edmre yog do yoof
antht will buy It for y«Ni
-■ ■ ft ig, , :.*«
THE E^^®#S[&
PAOS8 1 TO 8
wEirr tix Miun
kfoue omic
•OMt mtm WAS MASS.
IS. WALTER ^STEELEV WAS Great Activity InVie Vatiean Today
Over Cenditien of Reman Catholic
ABaira In Franca.
or caaraarera tosaj aasaanead the re-
learteE Wareer*a pin-
By Wire to the BrealBE Rsevd.
Rome. Dec. 12 —There U great ac>
clrRy today la the valicaB over the
FOR Roman
Calbotic mEalra in Prance.
Ccmm«rcial Club WHI AM th« Iuv8» reUry of aUte. O. H. Preecott, lf4,- itrela Cut Her Threat and Then FintItaiHn at Katamam Whara it la
lahed Hie Bleodr Weric by She
OadaiW OfScaa Hava Satti
Saw the Crime.
Br WIra to iba BtmO&c RoeorS.
Ifraomloao, Dac. lt~Aftar drawing
Ita dart maaUr alx mJlaa to a al
tlM borw or M. B. MacadaeB ata
at QaSMoa. wborw tt waa dlaeararad
tbat tba drivar araa daad.
asada a fmtaM la a Norwar mine and
bad Jnal boagkt a tana.
Found TrouL
Saalt Sta. JiaHa. Doe. lS-Tb«
asiM wardoa.Nwad S.OOO pouada oT
troot la a bare uador a pDo of core
•talba. Tbor wore caagbt at Bearer!
talaad darlag tbo doaed aeaaoa. Proo'
OwoOBo. Doc. lz.->Dick Hooter, a
rooag fanner llrli^ a half nile froia
the acanw of the
murder, waa
robbed and beaten lato tniieaBlbtlitx
laat atebt while retarelag from Cbe>
aaalag. He bad •» oa bit poraon.
Kaaee Under Sei
lE-A OomiLrolal
reprmaUUre bua*
laat night.
The dnb It pledged to aupport the
council la the tnretUgaUona now
under way and It eodoraed the noo
paitlaaa moreSi«it. Mayor Tbomp
dared that ofScee bad been bongbU
ee anc
Badly injured HlmeeK.
• For“twenty-five ye » Captain Lane
had been In rhnrg© o the light here
at Old Millaidon and he• waa known and
beloved by everyone. Poaaeaeed of a
remly wU. bb livened1 any gathering
and he aU ya lopked on the bright THREATENED THE LIVES
aide of life. Hla atore of
LB almoat llmttleaa and he
to«>k great picture In telling theae.
MIcb.. & ^*."*9.^*2?* Wh'en'h
boy be felt the call of the aea and
______ oly IJ yeara old ahlppod on a
whaler and made a voyage of three
yrera. After apondlng aome time on
paltwater be came back to Monroe
and became a aaUor on the great
lakea. finally riaing to liecome the
raptals of a Urge iteamer that ran
from Buffalo to Dulu
After aalUag aome j
poalUon of llghtbom
station near Detroit
there until the Michigan Central waa
bum tbrougb Monroe when be took
ebarge of the ^a that were docked
In company with bU wife, a quarter
«f a eentniy ago be came to Old Mta•loo and took charge of the light here.
The llgbtbouae and gvtraada were
' marrela of neataeaa and bU Jore for
the beautiful waa shown tniSla Sower
tieda which be carafutly taaSed.
CapUln Lane waa a typleal sailor of
the oldeo time. Bluff aad hearty be
made a friend of every pereoe with
Wfhom he came Into contact. W. A.
Maraball of Old Mlaaioo and be were
hoys tocetber at Monroe and the aged
ca^n enjoyed meetlag bis rtmm of
Old days and tclUnr remlnUeeocet of
tbo past.
. Captain Laneh wife surriTca him
and Mra. Rtiahmofe. abe being the
An la former yeara no agala this
aaaaon we wtU give holders of our
Son tkkms brentifnl doUs free of
charge. A ticket with every SOc puf-
St nil
mond left the stand R
and Frank Hnellmantel. both of the
People'a SavInKa liank, wf-r«t v«ntTu.
aa waa Henry Brodhagen and several
olhi-rH. Mr.-Brodbagen fivore that he
had never mentioned the matter of
the note to Jacobaon until the latter
came to him after the matter bad
bc*en settleil.
called and It
tlon of the prosecution to try and
nd Mr. Andereon bad
show that he and
uble to that of Ja
had almUar trouble
(CooUnuedI on fifth Page.)
The'seventh dlalrici annual conventiou opened at tie Church of
CbrUt with n aUrring service last
its aeme im.
■noOM thkt k» Mnetive and nMookUo in
See -TOYLAND” Sore.
Hannah ^ & Lay Co
Msy « sSSw‘^n7**‘**
ICMtowoSc A__ Moya.
P"«*VJrTion ana.
CbrisiixiAS it the alippcr fioauoo. Were nmdy for thonmli.
There’s noibioK in Men’s. Women’s. Boji* or Miaeee’ CliriaU
mas Slippera that onr etock will not offer jron at mohey-aa\nxig
priofs. Wippersintanandb!m.k kid. imilAtion alUgalor, vulTet emlKMMxl Nullifioni and Romeos.
PriooeMcp60c,7Sc» $i,taSS,LS0 and 1.75.
Complete Housekeepinsr
I New Piano
I Kimball Organ
1 Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap
Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.
Telephones. Office, Citizens 32; Bell 1G9.
Evenings, Citizens. 290
taken in the work.
The addresa of welcome was given
by W. M. Gordon of this city and the
Rev. Mr. Brink respoi^ed In fitting
la. A slight change in the pro
gram made made neoesWry and L. O.
Drew, evnagellat for ] the district,
preached the evening's sermon, tak
ing as bis text. **Qod‘a Wltneaaea.**
Wc can save yon some
money on these—bought
about fwenty dozen sam.
pies in wldition to onr
large line regular goodsall samples' go at onefoorth off.
Nd belter valnes in the
city—six or eight styles
fine wool goods $1 per
garmeDt — pnrticnlarly
! good valnec finer goods
atSlJS. $1.50. $1.75 end
$S per gnrmenL OomlM>atian«ndetwtornt$l
out to Charier ManfflU's tarw a
two mat ovt of ths cHr on the c
ty Una road, whore they were trratod
How Many Dollars Ara YouColnc|o Spond
No natter tow mapy or how few. we hate ionjethliiK to intareat yon. We know of nothinK tl>»t would make your KonUa-nan fnen^ any more happy tlmn n gift from onr store, toetrfylhing 18 new. snappy and up-to-date. We are exheat Ofans^ trade we ever ha.1, because we hate
the bestliaw to wW from. If yon inhnd to freshen up your
own wnidrobo.Mr.Mnn.orare tbiukiag of getting n euit or
overcoat fore^fnend, do not get the idi« that becanee we
am not M Fiont street yon oannot get fitt«I out hen-. Wo have
the P>pds and the prices. Can yon ask for raoie?
The finest line of Christmas fnnisbings to to-fonnd in the
oity are here, fcver^ing in the way of Hasptoders. N«-kwear. MnWora, Hntokerchiefa Hhiits, Gloves, Jiittens. Osps.
district snd macU Interest Is being
FINB uermon; today. Text, Buy
Tour Perfhmerlea nt MOler'a Phnr- QUICK. THB TAILOK, mate
due Sdl duBiM^ an Rust Front ulrssC.
It fi made from carefully selected Grand Traverse wheat, in a good
mill by a good miller. Every
sack guaranteed.
benp eome old metpl cans nt Oaxto-
‘■8est” Flour
umlghL Christ baa mgny
aad ns I Ulk pertinpa‘ witness will
Chief of Police Ashton waa called come to your mind tbht do not to
I the home of Sam \nnt un North
lue.Cedar street eariy this momlag to
He then spoke of the rast nmount
Uke care of the old fellow who was
threatening the Uvea of some small et aaterUI in the Bible sod that at
(CoDUnoed on Third Pn«e-)
caliber Flobett Hfle.
U-ben Mr. Aabtoa arrtvwd on the
«ne the man was storming about
a bouae and
been throwing
Improved and May Be Taken
two of U
New Yerk to Hia Homo
block away when be hbol at them.
in a Few Ouyn. ^
» said that be waa sbooUag at a
•toerU boy bof nelUier of the lads
whom be shot bears the name. The
chief piaied up the gun with the Im
tendon of drawing the charge aad Oahu.
this Infuriated Vint to such a degree while on a visit to this city yesterday.
U much improved today. He wiU
probUbly ho taken to hlsihome In Ger
man. Pn.. In n few daya.!
In n thousand mllet of Europe a
cnrethl obuerrer saw hut one rubhlah
In the accomplishments of our
rrangemenU Are Being Made to
Fjece Him In the Asylum—
CUlmed to Officer That Beya
Threw Stones at Him.
**The*^enU nervke wDl be held at
the borne of bU daughter* tomorrow
an ax but did no
tDoroiBg at 10 o'clock and the remains
will be Uken to Monroe for burial.
The man's mlad te evidently affect
Ralph Andermm of Trmverue aty ed aad urrangemenu are being made
being ta charge.
for plactfig him in the asylum. This
Captain Lane waa a tbl^----------^ is not the first time be has cauaed
t and also a Knight TernNOT MOVED hut am sUil leuBb
the Wilhelm Week.
A. O. TyY»A
word of testimony for
^ case nf lhi» PiHJple va.
la held ou the
forgT’r>'. w*mt to the Jurj* at
Ws hare this year an unui naV
ly fiac Une of perfumes Id p^kages. We have picked the odora
very carefully.
The average fine package of
perfume contalna a cheap odor.
TbU U Just the thing we have
avoided this time. Wc aelorted
not only nice packages but
equally delicate and lasting
Come and make a selection
early. We hare duplicate* of
all the package odors In bulk
so that you can know Just What
ta losMe the package
IN SESSION There is No Magifh
the TtcUm of an aocident which re
sulted In a badly broken note.
He was conferring with railroad
people regarding the shipment of
slabs aad when walking through the
freight yards after dark stepped In a
bole, allpped aad fell fac forward.
Hla note struck .full upop a rail and
was smaahel badly. His suffering waa TODAY*E SERV
great and. although tbu lajary waa
dreeeed in Manistee, it was pot until
Special to the Brenlair Record.
morning that it waa net by a local
Old Mlaalon; Mich.. Dec. If.-Tapt. physician.
The member is still fright
John Lane paaaed away laat night at fully awollta^_____________
midnight, bis death beliiK due to pneu
monla. The end came nl the home of
hia daughter, Mra, William Ruabmore.
Where he had Ikm-u taken that he
might be given etf^y attenUon and
Made a FNand ef tveryane He Came
In Cenlaot With
Looked on the Wright Side ef
Thinge-Sellor far Yearn.
Aenjoawe MwdorfalmeclikaickI t<7e
Faif and warmer tenlSM^tThureday retn-T enew and oolderj north
porthm; hrtak aontharty wllla to-.
nISht beo»mia« nartherly. |
OUT AT 3:50
Defense Did Not Believe That There
Wee Evidence
•t tbk City Book Store >«,
ThaHoUrt Oo.,ino»
NO teshmony for defense
nmWad «• <IM iMBliv ilMw4
MM Mck ^ kr a. K WM.
By Wife to the Brenlag Record.
Webb City. Mo.. Dec. If.—Walter
Steeley of Brertoa. Mo., killed bU
vUe. aied tS. by eatOnc her throat
Bf Wire to the BraalaE Record.
iBd then kHled bimaelf by abooUng.
Batemriile. Ariu Dec. 1I.~FVm
He bad baan la the comity JaU for
people were Injured, three aeri
baatlSE hh wtfa and eaaa borne laat
when a trala on the Iron Mountain
TYo aSMU ehadrea were la
U* -o«»r d... wUh
I oae Of the cblldrea la her armt.
No mistake when yon get a coat, from n»—it flto awl
staysfik Onr line is partioiiiarty strong at from $12 to
$ia Fiiiw goods at $20 to $22-form fitting. fnUbaefc,
.long or short, yon me the jwlge.
Sherman & Hunter
We have just that many beautifol dolls
that we are going to sell for about ONEHALF their worth. They are all kid
body, fointed eyes that open and shut,
and real hair, either light or dark.'
Compare these with any dolls you may
find anywhere at one dollar.
• price wkUelhcy last Is
50 cents
■ T'!
I IKCoiiOk TMAVcme errv. aiiCHMAM. wesNcaeAv, DEcutseii n. n«.
• ^:r;;
I aHMUr Imr Tknrmt Oir. 1i
1?^' aea5sr=:
»7 oU«r vtailsr iKtory la tbe vcwld.
n fzaclioily any pone
CM} for a smdl pane.
tfKit foe a Inter one. Voo
cin add tioas « waited.
Ont •imite oredit »ytUm mdkM
it OB Msjr matter for jon to rk
meidbm jtmr (rtenda with a fwetol bolid«7 gift. Oor.atock
waa iiwpr in btetor ooDditon than at the |ireaent Umo. AU
that nmaina to be doM is that yon get here early and make
yo«wa4eotiooa early; we will hold it for you.
Sets oT AolE; ad Sorts
to match, at
tmimg tmcOrnm hmrm bmm larfair ta
cTMaad Had Ito arodact a aav om for
m tkk aactlna of tbc ouu. ThU Ij
try promiBM to ba Mdi laran' di
tba eonijic roar. Tb« oataMUtuiiopt
of tbe soar lock toctory U anoOi^r
atep la adranco and tbe
$15 t6 $35'per set.
at $2.50. $}.$3J0
for tbe fiitiire.
Christinas Gifts
Easy Payments
Fur Coats
piMMnt ocMDpaay daring tbc year baa
in Near Seal, fAatrai^
plMd tbat tednatry oo a Erm fooinda.
tloa aad already iu atockboldera are
Special at $25. $85. $45 to $$65.
reerteteg dhrldiaids on tbeir lnv«t
naota. wfiUe tbe boabiMB la largely Alao out famish on short notioc costs of OtU-r, Beaver, Mink, Seal, at
OUP.O. building.
rtoBi an InduatrUl atandpolnt w<
believe Traverae dty baa made grea
Any of the above will make Rood Xiaaa
progrena during the paat year and we
■ aow-we will Uy aside until waotod.
believe that every cltixao ahonld
hiK ahoulder to the srbeel to help
en^nrage In tbe development of tbe
Goo.1 Inm Bed. all aiaea aad afi colon. a\good wonm wiie
Md iMMif de aa at aaaa. The
The figures compiled by tbe Even
apring and a good cotton top ftettieia,
aatMat laara baaiitIM far fra
ing Record are antheotle and have
gained from authorilUtlve
lhaa thaaa ftfia. Thiy ara Hali and been
iiataral la aalaHa» baaatlTid la da- Bourcea. They are aa correct aa c
Ullt^e this
alfa aad faa alaillaa af ma arlflaal be obtain^ and where estlasatea have
Local theater goera will be interestwith graUall palatlafi.' Calf at tlia flaaard af- bm neeeaaary. the flgurea have beep
ed In the appearance in this city of
• j
And all higher gradea will be aoU aoooMlngly.
•oa adiHa aalaallaaa ara feed «ad plok under ratl^r than, over actual valim. ficatlon by tbe <
the Grand opera
•at arhai jraa wadt
Great oare baa been taken In making
ft is the loveliest
We have on oventook of thaae gooda and we have got u
INCREASED POSTOFFICE REof ull plays and ls*i i dramatlxatlon of
tbe recordjlbr tbe year one which may
make room for a oarioad of goote wbiob we have ooming.
Bertha M. Clay’s n rmt famous novel.
be relied fupoo, and one which may
One of the moat potc-nt Indications It Is in four acts and app<-alB to every
be referred to In the future a* auclass of pjay go<»rs. It deals with
find a big cut on the other gooda aaVoU, for
of bualneas growth la found In the In story that teems with hean Inter*
(inaranb^ every pati.‘nt at thi*
ut hs^ tho room.
crease of the pSaiofflee receipts dur from beginning to end. Nc play of 1
0000 fiHDWINO OF THE BANKS. Ing the past year. ; Jn another column kind poaM‘8ses a stronger plot, or office. Il‘8 this Onteful Tre^it.
ly Mara thay ara aU faaab
Tbe modt Important and authentic we give comparmtiTe figurt-a for each
nient which ivniovcs nil enuae of
ingled with comi-dy.foT
------------- mingled
Index to the volume of buslnei* In month of 19u5 and 1»0C. showing an Ing a combination that never falls
dread thet many timid |x‘ople have
THf EVtNINO RECORD** >HOLI- any coromimlty U furnished by the Increane of $r.5ii2. -over the year 1906. touch a responsive chord In the bea
TiVith iice<l Cleimin^,
various banks. Traverse City Is for. ThU Is a large Increase und conclu
unato In having three strong bank sively ahows that there has >-en an to be an excellent one and In the. way
*riil» Dumber of the Ifvealnc Record
of costumes and scenery are very int;, Crown or Brid$ro Work.
Ing Inatltutlons. whoae eaplul Is Increase In the httiUness of the city elttborate.
It the bMt production of a dally paper
If your tavth art* iu luul condi
ample and whoae hualneaa Is con over 1905. The past ymr has not
nrer pobllabed In Tnirerae City, and
stantly growing. Tbe flgurc-s given iM^en regarded as one of exceptional
FOR the sake of justice to the nf- tion totlny, ttc<‘ept, our . Can-ful
lb© firat and only newepaper ©rdr
here jin thla Issue speak very
llvlty. but the figures all ulong the fllrte<l and for the good <if humanity,
printed bara In which three color*
my right and duty to recommentf
loquenlly ifor Traverse City’s flnanll^ whow conatant dcvelopmenl and
here been run In one prooeu. The 1
clal and t
il development. The thby must be accepted miTaii evidence} Holllstera fUx^y Mountain Tea.
eonienu of thti Iwia from a meehanv
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
gains abown by the banka are remarkClory progress.
owe our eountn- and our fellowmen a
leal sUndpolnt demonstrate* the ex
Tea or Tablet*. 35 cents. John
oellfooe of the facllltle* of the Her
son Dnig Co.
Qlalty ao. The figure* «how an toaid aad Record company for prlnitnn
M. in aavlnga deposits of $134,000.
an ti(Mo4late newapaper. and we do
IDEAL blended flour for general
the yebr 1906; 199.000 Increase Iti
127 S. South Union Street
not healtate io ©ay that ft eomparea
Boy of the Congraoatlenal Bunds family use la superior to any other
vwrtlflcaie* of deposit and $17,000 In
State Bank Bun ting
.farombly with the newnpapera printed creast* Ip commercial deposlta. tVhlle
School Met and Oepanlxed Aaaoon the mark^. Makes fine bread and
elation La^Evenlno.
In color* In l^e Jarier cUlaa, There
dec 8 If
are twenty four pacaa. flllA with
ha* not been great, this Is accounteil
Several of tbe bol's <if the different
Intereaiinc fact* and fl«ure*. aa well for by the fact that a large amount of
DEC. 14. 190G, K. O. T. M.. No. 871.
classes of the Congregational Sunday give* a celebration to the sir kiUghts
a* adreiilaementa of the pr<iare**lve money which w ould ordinarily *Tia\
ach(»ol met in the parlor* • <if the and l.Ady Mnecabees o r Traverse City,
merchanta of tbe city, abowing the ex gone Into commercial deposits, has
dec ir-3t
church last evening [and organ lied the Supper 2Bc per ctiuple.
tent of the holiday irmd* at the dla- been withdrawn for Improvements and
C. M. n. club (Conglegallonal Messen
poaal of the people of the
other Investmenta.
The eyelids of the avoraire man open
ger Boys.I This club will work In
There ar< more advt-rtli
aiHcaks more Impn^sslvely Conn(«etlon with the ipoatal department and shut four million times during the
What aiHMks
local mt . •liiinla and biiHt
than aaythljng ielae. however. Is the of the Sunday schotii and when any of yea:.
the scholars are ahseni will deliver
In this is
issue than any prertoua Issue
TheofflcHjrs are aa fullowa:
*ever printed In Traverse «ly. which
clin»^l> ilmniirfiraie# the proitre*«lvo workltig pi*oj)le of Traverse City
Secrets r>-I resMire^,
aphli «>t
hiulntfts men, and their
ability to liandUMhe best that the money for a rainy day. We give in
PItoa toured In ^ to 14- Days
11141 Ket anorda and at prices as low as this connection the total deposits. In
prevail anywhere. An examination of
ittw of
together with
Ibe advertUlna columns will reveal
the amount In each department, i
indication of Traverse City's proj
BUY the heht
Wc aril Genuine Hand Mada
the people of lh«* city to do their buy in this direcUoii.
make the chMdren ».|c*k. Get them at
Norweplan SkMS. Finest Work
The figures are romplle«l from the
Ing at honie among the local business
manship. Mad© of th© Beat 8©men and do It early. There are finer published Blatementa of the ttrst Na
lact©d Material.
All alaea.
atocka In the'btores today than
Price S2.2S and up. The Best
liank and People’* Savings bank,
Xmaa Gift for Your Boy or Girt.
ever been abown here before
A lot of very handsome silk dreaa
every taaie and neceaaliy can he aalU- sued Nov. «i. 19t)6. and No. IS. 190€.
“*Tohn Dough anti
It might be well to add here that pattern*. Ix>ok here. Mister, why
BandiMim Crow.”
• . Ohemb.?
447 E. Front.
We believe that this Issue of the should the figures have been Qomptled d^ghtUr ^few'djllars^wm'd^^the
one of six naw juvenile
One Of the moetj interestEvening Record Is valuable and we on this date, the amounts here given rick. BtolnUrg Br<^.
I books with oolored
^ illotmild
Increased.ing books for .yfwng peobelleva that the matter It contains
trations. Sell (or
relative to the growth of the city will
oscl.. Nothing better
DOT’S LETTER (Contimied.)
be of benefit to the oommiinlty.
In another jMwtkm of the Record are
Grandma wants a Hankechof and
is a boy or girl. | Sells for
shown the pictures of the rartou*
“Peter Babbit,"
$1 25.
sum warm stocklna mnd towls and
TRAVERSE CITY’S SUBSTANTIAL churches of.;the city together with
another fine book for tbe
hare pin*, back comb~Wltb pnrty
wrttemps of toe varioua societies and
-Adventaies of Mr. UtUe onea. with colored
We preaent In other porUona of thla organlaatlona which will prok*e of
cets in it. and a nice cap. and sawWogglebiut"
pictniea, and s<-Us for 25c.
laaue. many very lotereatlng figures
aer. a plcksur. apones. brooch, pin
interest This la toe first time
is the newest hook after
an^ facta reloUve to the dcvelopiurnt that complete figures and facia rela
tra. merer and perfum. anTgiwnd
the style of . tbe famous
of Travbrae Hljr In me. and- we be- tive to the Church membership and
pa nedea a nu aupeoders. mittens,
“Os” books. Told in
lirve It will tk generally conceded the wrork -of the variant oocletle* ha*
aox. pipe and ’Uoto aiftltd bfineo
Frank Bsnm’s Iiest manJoe” are alwayi good.
that thla year hsa been a moat proa been given In detail. ThI* deparjroent
Jar lu put his 'bacco In, in4 T)eer
' ner. Sells for 30i-.
SeU for 35c each.
' peroiia one. and one of very subatanSanty put any otjier thing* yu
tlabprugreaa. The total Improvements vast number of church pMpV enp^
think a Grandpa vranta cause he Is
of all kihda for the .j^r amount \o in rellglou* Iwork in thi* cify‘arid
auful good tu me and 1 want him
‘A Rock in the Baltic." Robert Barr.
S3SS.SSS. Theae flgurea are not as much credit {mu*t be given for tbe
tu git lou ov nice presenla..
"The Lady Evelyn," Max Pemberton.
great aa waa abown last year, owing
P. a—Don’t furget that lllel
to the fact that there were 00 Urge by the people geaeraUy of tlO* ooaiatereacope fur me Santy deer.
"The Man Between.” Amelia E. Barr. ,
butldlnga erected and the public im montty. Tbejehurohea are a erMI|t to
tContlnnad loaBorrow.)
“Doc Gordon," Mary E. W, Freeman.
provementa were not as great as a the etty, and toe various aooletlea con
year ago. Bealdea this, there were nected with them have accompliahed
"Daniel Sweetland," Eden Philpottt.
not ao masy raajdeneea erected, al much good work during the past year.
"The House of Defense." E. F. Benson.
tho^b tboa© which wwre built were In tbe artlclfa referred to tofiro^i^
"Retenov,” Gertrude Atherton.
all €f a bigb ejaaa and modem character..jmd
snd there haa b<wn mile of a apec' pUUVe natura
^ loveatment.
-Sweet Giri Oradnatea,”
T^lng tbeee facta Into cowaldera
floia we bellve the city baa cauae for
jost the .thing fora aencoa^tulatioo. A very noticeable ele«or
girl Place for a
»ei^ of Improvement, and one which
'When thir
oompleto leoord <d all the
«iaap more to Traverve City than
Preients that a ch
•ayilag Mae. U the development and
J|ier, pretty shade, pocket flasher and
happmungafor the
he entire
An Iw Sdi w a, MnHig tern
iBcifsao of tbe aumnfactBring facUI■snior year,
Ueapf tbe vailouB ladoetrtea. Tbe ad“On Ihe Line" a
J.W.JMktem A.W.J«hmw
era, motto, ysfl,
fiUMMa to tbe toclorioa during tbe
loothaU atoty. II
etente, gndaatiofk,
Xtoii rmeb Boarly S10S.OSO. and tbe
‘inake the very'^t kind of a present. We have all
addud oMtoMt Btwriy ti0.0SS. ThU
etc. Be snre aad
Come in
la fa Important matter for oonaMora“iVith tbeMikJi." a< tbrillSens
for flAO.
instfanrofJSL. «1AS.
,ikMi. and demanatratoa ofeariy tbat
Trmvefae^ty la'^rc^reaalag ta a aattalMory maumr to tSB mgard and
Discard Your Wood Beds
$150 to 1^.
You Get the. Benefit
Here Is a Chance for You
E. Wilhelm, - Front Street 'Am;i;
Your Credit Is Good
One Dollar Down, One Dollar a Week
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
The Hannahlfi Lay IWerGantile Co
^ f
"THE BIC STORE" Uealers in Eveiyiliing
Christmas Books
plylslott has the
books for everyone.
of latest
I we have
Irice^rmick. of bourse
tbe exclusive sale of at
50c each
Don’t Forget
Portable Table Lamps
J.B. Paige Electric Co.
stvss. ovsnr smlto for^tbe.futara.
Ws bSTt sot addsd s fr«at M to
snuE. po^ cuos|
•wur» MB MAMa FUUBBr
w if 4#i«i BHii,
fjSnibrt*. «ir. TMr
'75. «STKi.,lSr"
90ttm *f« to lav CkM fm cmM ft»'
Makp kifli % PMt d •
bof^cTUltaWptaf. V«i7
M Up t« C. A. •••*
ase.sae uia ti.
tap at Bm wa*. «n« alort ap4 «p«it
Tvmi iKm teita* ttatiop imM.
TUt taqrs ted teea ateva tte tarda
- . tai^ aad aate jboatet
fi« ,te« of Mil MtOal for «d», Md
tkoM M« ione dic4»tod faugyMMMagtbi lot
Ihil it iill pif Toi to look ofM.oitlMr §ot •
rttodMcoorlor m Iwtoktotot. Ytoi «u todM
•OMtotokO.JMdiOM of tlMM «m bo toU «
foqr 0M7 tonotb OoU Md too w far fricio
K oiEMna m
» flir Mlet Of-
Which la Unigim
coiiarai M sBsm
Mac aad aboat a i
faaad, Oa tteir
to tte oTBear to appaar btaora Jadga one time
Uailor Ula soialag ttep varr re- Hum tte
laaaad Irtaa tte atatloa tepaa. Tter
repeat it
this bad
Boyd mooMO. d»o-i«o« ooltofo. M ft. lot
AiotoM oo BoW iMioe. oio-rooM ooltoif, 80 fUot
1ft>. MS VM l^lh Bboot oeMi-iooMbMM. 88 ft. fat
Ko tiW Bm« PMit olMot iine-reoto bow*. 80 ft] lot
Mo. 881 Wobtoir otMo*. 0U.MMI boMo. 88 ft. lot
No 748 Wohotor otMOt rfsbt-fooM boMO, ywd. faori,a6
k Sovooth otiCFt, good homo, 66 fl. lot.
Mo. 81V WiM1 iHuowtli olMet, m-ioo« boMO 88 ft. lot
No. IKKSoMbIWotiwt
Urirk booM Boot BbifoMb otimt
bar. 74^c
■ nm Fata.)
te ted a great dealre to
Wbla ao well that te <
backward aad aald that tf
baM dona te would bare
Mr. Drew apabe ci tte old teat
Grange ball wtera tte tiut aenricea
of tte cborcb ware b^ at a wU
for Cbrlat. Tba llraa of tba people
amf the Bible wpiw mcptloned aad of
the Utter be aaM. *Tte world baa
triad to Unpaacb tbia witacua bat ttey
caanot viA aprar wlU be able to do
ao. It la tte graadeat 'book to aU tte
world aad . tba moBU U ta rand the
attoaper it appeara. Read your Blblea
TSEt!SS^J«K-.- 7;'
Twoat7l*eoen*oDeaBdoM.bilfmiko«oot .ftmU boiVl.
ii«.o|iiig fiaitoidiaiiond. Aborgoli^
E. W. HM8IHIS & $W
Tba Important tblaca to tbe life of
CbrUt ware takap up and abowa to be
hla wltaaaaae aad thla waa followed by
aiany otbera aad te eloaad hU aermou
with an invluitoa for the unaared to
(OoaUaaad rroBi nfU P^)
aoa*a bat tte court ruled tha taatl^
iDoraiBc vaa apeot to arpvlikc
altar vhlcb Judfa Marna apfat tarty
Bitoutaa to ebarptof the juo. The
pfDaecutkm elactad tbit the charpa be
attertog a foipad toatm»aat. | Tte dafatee thtoka that there la not eooitgb
avtdeace tar coorlctlon.
Ifijuiwttofi Waa OlaaalvW.
Tte toiaaptlon granted to reatraln
the city fron toiprovtag the toouth of
Boardmaa rtoar waa dtaaolYed by
Judge Mayae tbU teormtog. tba dia-
Shoe Stoi^
jalABBidaKs^*"? •
YOU need n tonic that will put the
sap of life tow.ronr gy^an and for
tify you from all dlaeaaea. HollUter’a
aenred after tte meettog.
Rocky MomUato. Ten U reoognUed as
Grace Bplmpal choir rehearaal at the greateat atrengtSener kted&. Tea
the fhurch thU.evening at 7 o'clock.
Kvery member of tte choir U eameat or Tablet. 35 l^nia Jobnaoo Drug
ly reqneeted to be pieeent.
The Home Guarda wUl meei with
S^’EET CREAM, la^ or ■
Mra, Somera to tte Wuniburg, block
at 4 o'clock nbarp. qnantlttos. deUvered to any part Of
te there aa there city. Quoen CUy Dairy Oo. Ctu.
o te traaaacted.
pbont «76.
nov JO-tf
Spadal aaeetlng* of Trmverae City
ebapter. No. 147. of tbe Order ol Eaat
OPEN ENYCNINGS until Chrlsim**
eiw Star, will be heldI tomorrow
dec 12-Ct
The Fsmous.
lag at S o cldck. Bvery
urged to be present. Special bnPtoeaa.
By order of worthy matron.
HANDKERCHIEFS. Ic each and npBaH AngelU who to
wards, floe embroidered onm 10c to
n bank, waa to
J5c each. The Economy Store.
Bdgar DeVol of Old
dec 1041
BICHANT & aBac.Fr«MSt.
***!llri CViigbt gnd daughter] Neva
have returned from a visit to Chicago
on and aon Frank idroee Miller's pharmacy.
8878 yds. DressCtoodsi
AT GRAND opem bouae FHday
night. Dec 14. C. 8. Sullivan offers tbe
brighteei of all ptoya. -Dora Tbemn *
t atory ever written.
^ Worth 25c
Jor 15c
oameny. rmces
ov. «». ««
Seat aale opens Thursday momtog
IF PUZZUBD what to buy “ter
bUn * for Xmaa. take a waU tbfM
Blntaberg Broa.* eatnbitobment. B
gntaa tagger and better tbaa ever.
at Jackaoa'a: good ion
This is a lot of <lrot»-.jBOods that by.,
takias all the hooae had we could sell’
them for th’s price. They are ol a‘,
handsome crepe Veave. half] wool. 86)
inches wide, will wash, nnd come in al
th4 desirable colors Abo*
bUck aad white.
RodmS. Firm National B
(Over MllUken's Stone.
hot CHOCOLATE. to«ato SOW
hMT tM. Sak «o*M ^th too* owa
^U>4^Metbods and Modem apBAL IB
to be 1
erraol'..ThiaiaaaexecpIiaBal olierr
PaaatwaU tooloae.
Sofr la
etaI gta
get them at Btatebecg Broa. .
I doewiooa cootwntas ifa Hh>'.
Ik Fhec. UobW oBd IWt ebaorfully answered peroonglly or by mnff
I nommgnnlea by n self ndffmoate
-l.i '
an nliui —ao mmmmmim
*>ao pko9pkmti€ acdi.>
JPKK rfBONOrWu'tldfa.fa;"
4«e 1*.^
I garden w
tse of a wedding At R<
aw royalty but it wai
at be received a salute f
that country also he o
sslon of a hair, from
The nuBoofc' •
U lawmen halL VedBM^
aooB U4 erniuic. Sapper fron t io
». Zt c«att.
APTBR irrlBC \ • null aoek at
tEAl. lNK|vheM ISour jroa «UI viM
a Zl IkL. Milb. or IM lb. ncA
dw »-if
BRUSHES for tbe botr. th* l««tb.
4he coiqpleiUNi Mpeelallr for Chrt«thl Mllter'i pharBMCz.
Uepartment-Lodlea- aoreltr coal*,
wont ZAW, t7.5«. tt M> OMI tlAW M
»S IK> Aoo^er lot worth tlX.SD. MAW
•Oil |l*.oo at IT.iO. SielnbeiE Brta.
OPEN B\-|?Ni\oe until ChriUH^
*«• I24t
The PhWMw^
aprons] fancy white pm* ftwl
ZSc K. »Sr. «»a,h«n opitou from lOe
McmrhJ The Bcohomr Store
Oak beams over t
aid were last year
Blue BeU Inn. at B
by • local manufacturer.
OET a hire ooureolr for ytMr frleoA.
We hare a line of haiHlwW IWIhe
Itootl.. ]ua( the thins for XBhi.
Uec l|.ct
Jorkaoo a IN Pniot. i
TnYcne Clly’s LoiMy
Ciiilstiins is at Hud
A Pretty Hat.
A Pretty Gift
Choice materiaU; prices
positively the lowest.
•Call and Investigate.
118 E.lront st.
A PraeUcal CSrlstau ^
Alirl one that will U- hlsUv spprMtnted t> • iM.< of flne haroeM.' elthtw
riooble or phiElP a* your fancy aaay
Biilli of the tineat o«k
tanned leather, made and monoted ta
the very b|e.u alyle. We carry alao O
romplete She of wbip.. pluah robw.
blanket, auid crerythlns In the way of
bora., sand, and atable anppltea.
188 E. Front 8t.
Cit.ph«»e7M .BeUphciwin
Bamum & Earl’s
Diamonds from $10
to $300
wcU as a aicc prcecat.
We bAT* the Hamiltoo. lUliiofa Book,
ford. Elgin sad Waltlias^ ssdcuW
far the wme. ftom nicUe to hdUd cold,
all At th* vwy lowest prioA At which
they CAn b* sold. V
Inimtl to *24.
Hand and Arm Mnamgn Bleetric.
Vlbio nnd Water Itamagw. Scalp
Tvwntment. Blectrolyato.
“ “**
Mr. Lockhart told of bow dlTAeoh
It was to enter an EagUabman'i bonne
tl being** llteraQy bto naatia. to . an
amnatog maanar te told bow te pur
ebaaed ctotten tbe aame as tbe tlUad
young Bngitobmen and Anally seenred
aa interrlew with n UUed genUeman
who politely turned bUn down. This
wa* to Wtodior where 4he royalty
and other memhem of tte artstocracy
dwell Then he took anotbar took aad
Anally met with mipcaaa. aecurlng
aupointment with one and letters
Tte speaker stated that be bad
been Informed that the people of Eng
land had worked out their class ays
ody and
very appropriate to the prog
that th*y
they believed
It to
Mkr«d it
W be
bi tb “
Addle Solea was accompantoi
He also stated that this count
The Rev. Mr. Lockhart was then
tending toward aristocracy, an srtothat be 8
te suied thi
tocracy absolutely unique as it was an
when be w«
aristocracy of commercialism.
The storv was well told and
I aelllag aa article which
priced for tbe trade, so
i neceasary tar him to see to last.
people of means. This brought about were very apt and hi* points well
some very amusing adventures and tsk(Mi.
He was followed by U U 8
Anally brought him Into contact with
people and into homes that he could the club president, who
contrast by telling of life to tbe great
not otberwtae have entered
east side of lAindoo.
FIm wUtc. perfect stmite
Beauty Parlors.
tt* utOMOlo
gsotiy who bave
men nnd honffbt an aniate of aoma
bankrupt noMe. tban tte ImAgbt.
wbicb title dtoa with lU owner, tbe
•o bnrt.. wboaa iftle ten betmaamHtad
to poatataty. tben lord, vhmmt, anrt.
duke and tba royal taaMly. Tbaaa dlvtolona am permaaaat aad flxed.
Mr. LockbaA toM bow tte aautes
ware aanaiatad from tbe ontaida
world by Wne walla aoam iwanty-ive
feet blgb and a fool and a toot and a
balf thkte tbelop atndded with brads
aad bfokan glass flxad ta tte mortar.
Tbe spaakfv atated that tte iden was
at flrwt flhowebt amy. but after be bad
baan tbam alx montba. te lonad that
actuaUy traveled with him.
Tte mnaknl program last erenlng
was alao excellent. Tbe program
opened wUh a vocnl aolo by B. Vereey
Lngg. -The CapUln- and -Rente
*1 Stream- and he was given a
recall to which he reeponded with a
Mias Helen
oen gave the next aumbee. a vkv
line solo -Bercenee.- from Jocelyn
Miss Hannan's solo made such an ex
cellent impression that ate was called
back and played 'Annie Laurie " Tte
^ muaknl number sms a vocal aolo
The city waa
to—to Bod 0 good otook of
>at tte
ttog of tbe Men's clnb of Grant
rb laat evening aad tte meettoi
very latereetiar The speakei
Rev. O. B Lo
arch and to ai
toatructlve manner, te told of
to taiwland and at
momiog by PraaldaBt
and a
Thla aerrlce waa i
to tte
local church laj
or the hour
up tl
and tr
Th. Ckrtotteh EBdMYor mmIod wm
iBtrpdiwM hr ■ brt.f «od (iiccmHt*
addreea by F. P. m’right of this city.
Dtocaaakm followed oo the topic of
tbe C. E. buatoess. meettog. the apeak
reeing that the C. S baatoeas toto“Jo
be wtoely divided between tte
executive committee and the brief bus
iness session once per month to coo>;
necUoQ with thesregular meettog
**Tte implied Pledge ‘ was tbe next
topic. Tbe convention regarded tte
ffvst elauae of tte ptodge aa tbe pi^
ciple of tte whole C. E. moveme^
of botb4partlaa.
eatad by H. C.
ay ap^ truth*. F. M Go
work, which was
A decree waa granted to th^ 8aun mary of tte
dera dlvorcw cape and a portloa of the
iHdcuoe to tte Ktaaey caae waa
Sunday gghool Work.
nkeo laat eveatog.
This afternoon was given to Sunday
The caae of the People ra. John school work, Many helpful things
loollhan tor the Tlolatlon of the were brought out. respecUng Sunday
MUttor Inw waa taken np thla after achool grading, the teachera' meettog:
and needs of the Sunday achook It
waa one of the moat helpful and Id
tereaUng aeealons. The Sunday school
Is an Immense Interest to church life,
will irlve a according to this eeaslon.
The Rev F P. Arthur of Grand
erentng. All K. P,U and
Rapids apenks tonight on the subject.
their rnmillea are Inrlted
reqneatad to attend the Tbe Irrepressible Conflict.-
to Bod Aobo* itooo.trhm
Shop Store.
Wievne That Tters la an AHatacmey
vatttaap tUfli rroai acroaa tte fCratC
oarda te ted aoM ttea aad
. OM th* VtlMtoeOL
mb£s'5.572& ““
Sterling Silver Knives. F<{^. Spooio.
Berry Spoons. Cold Meat Forks, Butter tSpreaders.
Fruit Knives.
Gravy Ladles, Sugar
Butter Kntves.
Berry Forks.
• and various other
SUver and Ebony Brnsbes.
TraveUng Sets, Me.
trom *4 to $12 each.
Ws handle the PIcliaM Hai
ditau. the> Bnest that is made.
this, or of the Hawks CM «
Eiiigs.Biooches.Biaoeleis.'8osif Pins. Keek
Chaiiis aad Loekelsi Ohains, ChAraa,
Onff BnttoaA.
FoimtaiaPeas, I Open Gkaaes.
Field 0)aasss, !8|iseta«ias
and SArioos other artUas^ Any one of wUeh wot
This store will be open evenings aatil alter Christmas.
Bamuin'& Earl«»
PI&T niT EM ijlS Kll
HEii oooofym to hbr ratiHPt
WAS OMS or CWluiM.
Who Had it?
Ky OH.
Bt. PMl*t BteltfT.
Sty Wirt,
dm^ 7. iioc
To tbf Mdltor ol the Mrfolnt Rmx
ON: Kro Uili ftoelM yoO tiM tU
Otvt vUl be ktowB lo yoor rtoKort of
cKloyod tbot
■ Vcsl *
Mt thoosbtful
frOM Timv
r 'i:H"'ih
^tbto trtat
w t—fcSnSo™ U»t »«» «o eOBTTT
Of to Ui€ trmlo for Port .Tampa «o
worn wN btoto ,u
wbOt w« wero dHreo away
meyhai^ the heat
way* five
ee sc* I
•ttmtd as irmly ttoabUalitd
bnt wboa abe was attoclitd
tUad tht fot tbat at last daiosN bar.
A tatofram tnMn tba boCel at Tampa
apprM ot of bar
critical cooaitlon, two Bor« —IJM
•boat T p. m. —« »t i »;
Mrt. Btoi
iMated at 2071 front SL
See oer
inr« M was 1
tlM day to
•tajr to
V In the Carver BroS«
to ber. cam* t^aad intolll.
tbat oor frtond »**4ad earthly
from earth a noble and gea*rous tool.
Thoae who taw but the taiter Hfe of
Mr*. Morgaa
tbat made her to dearly lored by ber
Miy OneiUTheseStoves
W.h.T*.n*Urt«k«< JMri HmSm. todoMoiit,udU
yo« wMt to bay . iMtw U.S w faMiw tbu tEw
.towi ^
«uttolnjrH«he.|wtiiuyoaoMi)>.7..toF. at Merior mak.,
Thw STet Uw fuDOM Jewel nake-thera aia none better
nede. Borae either wood or ooel, and barn* tbaai welL Savee
your tael and beau a large emoiint ot epeoe.
^^yoo thawetoveeat the beginning of wlnteratTeiy
*****^wSe^ bare a ttore oa yoor miuriet me abow yon tbena.
r price $21.00. sow.
Oomlnii^ Jewel Heater, i
Oombinatlon Jwwd Heatar. forawr prion tl»-60. mw.
Oombinatioa Jnwal Heater, former price »16.00, now. ..siaM
oat of Traeem City owe year afo.
Mr. Bcbttoaw was an iailn*<r oa tbe
aped and bit dNtb ts altoged to baT*
bean caaaad by tbe netUgemw of tb«
iMa to the Ctty
Hmr* Had He Very ierieae
' Two of tbe local tictortci MUlad
bn«o kmc* br are dariat »*•
OM. Oeoko Bro.’ brae* foMdiT. locat
ed at tbe eed ot Wayne Mieet. belac
practically entirely wiped out. Tb*
total loeees were to the nelfbbarbood
of fd.TiO.
tbe brats foundry ire started Just
at noon and bad sucb a sUrt that In
apito of tbe efforts of the ire depart
iMbt all but a tooaldtof abed was de*
Iravad. moat of tbe maebiaery Udap
damapN paat'repalr. Tbe lom was
about ISiOO. Tbe factory bagaa roo. wllh ire men emptoyN, about
tbe last of May and tbe ire occurred
leb Mtb of Aaptember. an tbat tbe to
George earns
pouads. wheu I beffuii uhtoi
kiat s New Dtoeorurr for Con
uS. Obuffht uud Colds. Now.
tuktoff tl boltles. I hsirw more
doubled to my weight and am
plotelT cured.- Only sure Cough and
Cold cure. Ooaranieed by Bugbee
Trial bottle fiee.
In porohaeing Fire loen
THREE important farlon
taken into («naidei*tiaa.
tbera ve
eboaU be
It frequently Happens
Tbe Sen Fianeieoif Conflagration teaobta M
that-Seawlly abnaW be the Ftrst-
„ »s;«s;*2t.rc?r-otwn.
SMOne-lhclIorm of Policy Coatnwt
Hdr«-1hc Prewim ttstc.
M^men and women when fortune
S5S. with money. Mtmey to hl*r bad
w-^rUolutc torcUT to her fr^-d..
ifw- "c^c^r^S
ooc could not full to be
the beut intercuti were of •olleltudc
be«u«r mloMlootO
Bane yoar faith on tbeie conaideratione, then;
: j
We pay three per cent interest on
her Ule-
Trareree City wm* deem
SSLwf^ «ua s«^^^ of theM warm
montrir- when -rth’. Iiule
Uf. «• doe. und we «UT upon
laieoaa) and aeenra a
poBqy with HEOUBlTr aneiralM. «b*
<>rf>PSMlUU.aiid with an exparianoaofO
yearainInantanoe,yoo«iUaat afiyolateaato
tka onleegw tf flia abaoid riaU oal detMoy
yasrprararty which po-ibiy baatakanyaara
foe yo* to aoetwhia.
i -
NWW Cere for CpUepnr.
A Testimonial
A BeamUal
. ■
Write. piHBae eir ^
Tnvarsa Ci«. Mich.
For Women
Warm Juliettes are at
much appreciated as
anything td be had. She
spends nearly all her
time in the house and
the gift that adds to
her comfort is most^ppreciated.
New York
CitIwMplwMiin. B.u:«
C. B. UYLOR coil CO.
i!^ here were the frten^ that seemed
life In thue. thy life In toe.
or tokfiboM
Buabels, bushels of them and t
some. Pric«s range from Ic. 4c.
Hto lie, IBc to 11.50.
wUi Place OB sale 100 i
sUk Initial haadkerchle
ore for 60c. Steinberg
s coal that gave him the saUsfactlon
that Hoddng ralley doe*. Tbe nwxl
mum amount of heat with the minimnm amount of coal consumed. That'#
the reason.
If* the aoft coal you should use.
Phoae us about IL
that people who make individual
loans are bothered in the collectlonpof interest; that they often
have difficulty in getting back
the principal, and sometimes lose
it altogether. Those who deposit
their money in this bank are not
thus annoyed, for here they get
their interest promptly every six
months. And, better still, they
have the satisfaction of feeing
that their money is at all times
safe, and that the bank is pre*
pared40 pay back the principal
when needed.
Whoknb Md BoteU.
W. eat* Ordw teking •
Tbe fouadry will not be rebuilt.
Tbe other ire wss that wbScb de*^
troyed the sawmill at the Trsreree
City MIg. Oo*a. plant. Tbat ire start
ed Id the alpht and the damape wst
about $S.»0. Durtnp the rebulldlap of
tlm min. #ertc Aaa kept up la a
pormry mill erected ‘on the
troanda but It was only a abort time
before tbe old mill was apmin ready
There'S u Hill *t Bowie. Tex., Ihufa
M tost mr. Thlswpuder
ibte us blf
1, W. UH.U,whofm.^wel^^ofU Hll
pOUBdS bus CrtMtO
tujrt: “1 euffered with * terrible
ns E. Froat St
312 So. UniORSt.
We have a smaU slock ol Boro* Bloskots
that- we «vsat to clooc *m at very Umc
sriccs. U you arc latcrcstee let am five
i •,
L. IX OwtiA)
Near TWt CHy* \
KMMd tvty U S:4S t. m. yMterday.
Was He iBsured?
fBBcm blrector
MkM. Itoc. lK-«att
a:«s:t,"£^ss.!w^ ConpIcIcPrescr
MAUN torr
ittMuiMafti H#r Km
Ahi^ It
LL Hushes
A Txacv Lav, Preaideat..
R. Floyd Cumcm, Vice-President, i
Samuel Garland, Cgahi^.
Wall Poek^
This is
wd leatberotto waU poek
et in tbe natnnl oolor ot
leatboraiidis soiDeUiiiig not
only narfol. bnt nomething
We hnve always had
thing of this kind ntObriat.
mnt, bnt thU in tbe fliiest wo
evw bad.
These vill be giveo awaj
— day only,
iritb n 2Se poRdiaae cr aor
ia addition to our fegnb
Die Besi Fait of it is
Don't Cost Much
{ Good one. lor
Genuine Beaver
all colors. $1.00
warm lin^
fur trimmed, $1 50
All felt slippers. 60 to 75c
Onr aiiortroen
large that to spe if
dedde tbe ‘ «)
"What shall 1 get
IpSt^Slippeia, 60c to 76c
Leather suppers, aeveral
AM waiii|*» u»
WM*rur rnmuti
Sfiwoioiiiiiiu^ 1^
Timn* Otr
Nodtobbii. Doc. tl-Tho dbo»
pioo tftottog Mfw. swot! Morlo, tin.
IcKloooy. pofuboood by Ooa if.
Wobb for R T. Btotoobory. of toB
ThM Tb*y H««* CiMh Ov*r
olty. lo BOW qooitorod ot tbo Wtoo^
4«u m hunm tiMi yta of
4or It tOoMRoo loot wloltf. but woo
Mt OlfOOt OMilgh to 0COO4 tOo ^
4f0d lo mo opMgOOBO—0 of oleOwRw,
lo too ohotoot Coot oorfolo ooo 4o
a foot or mof Oottor tOop w Mar
1008 koowo 00 o oOof r*tM to#fOo
woot. Ho to ooi 00 *004 oo »n Ooo,
loot Mr*o f>0o»»*oo. Out oUU «oo4
oooaiO tor oil joooia oot Ooro. loo
CuKlt. loot oot wf too OooiOtol. '
Ooloi told OF WHO A booM M M*.
kbiy wot Jto orMl, to oOopo to tooo
lOo MoOl boll tor 000004 or tbird
flaoo lo too Mtla. Ooly Orokoto U
oM aooiwolMMtottoi^ ttoooBo.
•ptdor Ooo, tOo look U4 from toot
Hr. looRo to tOo Mtchlfoadorf llko i
ooro $m to tbo holf 004 nlto. Ho
profod loot wlotor that bo It otroOf
lowM ia dP Oa» todoon at a Coat
^F. A Md MO to. bock OF Co*
#0MM. Mo Oto tflpFOd too half to
J;«t ladoora. la tbe tollo tbo Spldor
wm bo ooHMOFOiitod aod probably
Oord poabod by ftoaia Rowo aod BUI
Bobby tooto. jlkt Oarrola. aod Rod
' tm. It oHflblo by graoo of loot wookb
oouforoiico mllof. Ho it toad to tbo
blibt lutop. Otbom who atop on
too bar vioooruUy arr Oo* aod Doddt
,At to miUoor track, an oron artiM
oooadooco prwtalU boro that Mlcblgao
win maiaph oo tbo otodor fiotb OBd
BHd tbao Ob too iBnaatoiB Bior
oad track. Out In too cpoo Ctofftot
wtn giro BtoVto aotoa graat rgoa to
tbo burdUw. Ko ooo la to algbt who
can touch fitowart la tbo daaboa atooo
Momllino groduatod. Tboy aguro It
boro that Obtoaga Blgbl aa wtdl eoiMt
«p tbo hamioor UwDw aod polt ^
aid lot MIebIgoa toko too root Tbo
WolroHoo c«»a4mo to idipod.
•oly to Oarrtlt. Bodgwi, lloatb. Blow,
art Ckw ood Bowt. but to o boat o(
Mo «odo tbo Btotoobory oUblo to
I to to# ibow rteg tbroogboot tbo
to bor BOW Quorton loot wotk.
Ml wbot tbo fotoro kOi to ftore 1
mot booo told out doAoHoly. Vbootbr
toOfw woi kootood dowo to WtotL to
Row Tortt tor |14M. H wko gitppoood
tM bo wto oettoc oo oo ogMit tor
Kotbortoo RMr of Qon,^u
wltb Wobb. Aftor tbo Mo. bowtror.
Wobb ototod tboi Bwoot Morto would
I FbllodoiFbto. ood too woi ship,
pod. It woo Booorouy rtponod. boworor. thot Mtoi WJIko woo ood oUlI to
MO to €wm tbo Ooliromto trottor
ood tbot ofTOrtoroo bod booo tobUt
itooo tbo ooto to buy M frop Btotoo.
Wrobb otoo ototod oi tbo tltoo
of tbo oolo tool Bwoot Mofto mlsht bo
«d to Boitoiid oloof with to#
oibor Btotoobuir obow borooo. which
will bo oMbItod to tbo loiomoiloBol
• Mw. If ooo 1» bold noit yoor
by too BOW loiwntotloo which woo
foiWMd to How York duriog too Noloool Horoo Show.
It It ropoftod tbot Btotoobury hot bU
oyo oo tbo ipldoo cboUoofo cop which
It roood for to tbo totocdiy mooilngt
oBd tbBt Bwoot Morto would bo polot*
od tor toot trophy pool poor. Bkookl ood tboy pro too tfnm wbo oro omhw
too moro trohi oooBd Boot yoor bo obo
bob to too pool tooiw MMO UUlc
doubt but that too gold COP win bo
fooBd to too obow COM oloBg wltb too
ibor nUttoMo tiwpbtoo woo by too
totoobury bovooo.
aipplng too locol trock rooofdt
igbt to bo ot ooiy ot ootlog m pork
of oou for Bwoot Mode.
now » thd uaa tar hdolnihaat
dtana. U yoa vraal tha haBwhaat
jkdr aad d aloa mbt ataN «a nBAL
IL L. Nvo.
to my otper^
A rkpid ounrey of.the ciblblt. of, differentlol and tbe clutch platee, and
tbo Mobto aoouol abow of tbe Auto do BM ruB lo boartogo.
mobile €9ub of America tend, to
to tbo brood toudoucle. of coiulnjc
tioo to ouch parttoclar. na the urn of
anttoifctlon beo^gi^ the adoption
of blgbvgrade ateeU tor Important
paru oobiod to atrooa. the um of
dooblo IgBliton. toe popnlartty of oe
AoeUro operalkm of tbe Mldliif gear*,
a number of amaller detail. In
imoUoo a. well. Regarding the
uao of ipoctol oteolp oueb a. nickel
ebroOM alclna atewto. It may ai
be said that todr adoption by
nore Important manutodurcra ba»
toraod toolr adoption by the amaller
thing for tboM who mm afford It. ei*
cept fi>r .mall car.. Tboro to. bowevor. no prenont ooooeo.uo of optalowa.
flbould be. One of tbom. ot couroe.
1. alwayg a battery, end a high tenalon
coil, but Ibo otoer may be another
battery, a lowtooalon magneto, or a
hlxb-ten.lon magneto, and It may de^Iror current to a nepamte oot of
apork-plogt. If kigb-tmmton. or to toe
oame .park plug, toat am fed by tbe
batieqr. <Ono caonM help tolnking
Tbe same, with eren more force, toot t
oooy bo oold of toe uoe of ball beartogi
wbtob today ts oo nearty nnlrcraal
ao to moke* tbe rMenUoo of plain
Logo oo BMIecpble oa olnmot to
loo. Thl. I. not to
any toot the latter may nM toe rory
rnoDiUr uoad. One concern In
pa^cular may be mentioned which
urn. coot Iron boablnga of liberal dlikmoond wbleb Ml. tbe boai
by lodltAdual Me food., and ba. bod
dm ood ftiwd o buUot oo toot U
to to omr. aumy
would bciuk tbo door*. obouMor. A*
moBofOMaima wbo fdhnorty bom cara
dlfforopt oUlag i
too buck *«0M to It. kooto MoU
to a towoed toe ooo of pnniitor M moderate power onli aiw BOW bdOdId off ood tbo hunter cot .
ball-boPH jgo mode by one or two leod lag lorgw con to oupplwpoot or roIhroot. Moldoo roedTod oo tajory.
jdoco tbMr fwmor prodaet. onA.tbooo
the BtOBdard Roller Booting Go.. moMtaotonoo gonbcolly eMng to too
bkb wa. tittle beord of a year ago.
fa found to many of toe leading
"WPifm no fboM®^*
mncbiBoa noo can. JH iWibolooo, too tow otmoerno
poufto ood
oM to ottfor Btod
or boll boortago to tbo geareom. tkot baoo olwoya oood toe tddo eboln
R wotglu tblrtj«M OBd TtmkOB iMtorbooitogs to tbo rear
M ood tom BOBoywolgbu. Ro nzio OBd wboola. Tbo fnbWt of i
worth to eomputod mt noo.«R I
oMBtoto tooo 100 yomrooBoondfor od boU4kPitag to to ppocttooUy
«r lo Mt to too Towor of Loo^ toato tboeo ■■Pibfito fnm tbo obbuoI
mpolr bill, oo too tmportpoae of toolr too alao oad gowor of too oor. i
nao to Much groator toao too Otmplo , The dlmlntoblag rogon of too plooWbot Adorn oto. not wbot bo drook.
gain to offiolincy would Indleoto to
Woo bo from Rdou o gmrdoo dHrmi.
toe motor car owner.
OaMMAlMimm tboro now wool
RM In pMtorty fcopww oa tbe
If km bod toM motor MouoUlm Tm.
MMQoDmff Oo.
fM biOiiUoo, ot Jaokiuo% W 1
plaleafiMn too Hoc axle abafU. wbleb
^ ^
oeoooo who
s:. ~ “jj" ••>»“•■ — -
health ha. booB affecuto torougb play
M the game. 1 totok that tbe 'ten
der* ago to iwoNo oTtathlrteoB year.
BBd tM too bey. Obcmld bo kept out
«f n. but IMer. wtmu they reucb toe
ororago age of a High ocbool piayur.
1 totok toefw to ao barm to the
for toon. jHWvldod that tboy are nat*
orally otroug.Oe. A M. Wllhoim.
*n think High aobool football to aU
too boy. are playliig
that game they are not doing otbor
tolBga whlcb tend to hare 111 offoet.
on tboAr boottb. Tbe rough ood
lomblo of footbaU doe. them pmd
OBd bolpa drrolop tbo body and too
gome to BM wwoo to may moped than
is wioflillog. wbleb aliM orory^tb
lotio club mombor todulget Ip**
«a hava a uaa M I
aaoda. latt tha thtaiB tar Xmas.
dac n-dt
laekaoa'a IM PioaC
a^ A. V. PH.arW^
Uoblo to booomo lojurod.
tha saaai aa aaa atarM ta
*1 tbiok tbo
. U too pmot OMOOB one out of toe
emiTlod too M*
toouooBds wbo pUyod tooMBO to tbe oor High oeboM to contod
ptoto of Mtoblgoa mM dooto. One Mr. Priodileb totoko tomi tko gmmo lo
on right If ployed modorOtoly but tool
out of too boBdfnl of
It doumeu toe ottoptloo from tot
ocbool worlL **1 Muld bM woai my
loro tooupeo OOP to ploy OB o ocbool or ootM
tool ore I
Or. I. Aa. TbMPy.
Of coo
Lboro mrw High ocbool
TK eoum they cam otoad Itl W
optor tbo gmmo to on biuok toMr Bocko If they 4Mmt pbr.**
unfit eopdltkm. but tbU procUco to •old Dr. Thlrtby. wboo goeMbmod fw
rmpidly bocumlpg obontood. apd tt to mm bto vtowm ou tko arnttor. He
certmto toot to yoor. to come, toe Ototod tbot bo hod omrer ootp o ^Igb
Itot of latorad nod dood wm bo tom beolto bod Mb
dueod too mtotoWBi,
BOdermtood by too
to Mger to dotormiBo tbo generml
Prof. A. H.
fooling to Timyorob. City regarding
Prof. DoYto woo rery reUcent ibMit
tbe ptoylog of High uObool footbmlU
too OMUter but flnmlly Admitted tbot
b^ bod neror ooeo toy 111 effeefi. of
wltb It !
the gome cm o boy’s booHb osSde horn
tbMr opk
oocMoolo. Ho oloo sold toot bo did
Win R Moldoo. too 8t. r»ul poet,
bo woot to Nortoern Wtocontin of
tot opool&i of too bunting ooooob to
try bio luck oo tbo cbolo lokoo coon
try. bod tbo tortlllng oxptHooco of
botog coffAod tomgh the forcoi oo
the onlloro of o big Mk.whlcb ottockod him. He. with Ohorleo Wnxoy. cioae
opoou optondld opociroon ood oeporot•d to oloAE toe O&Ml end Wliey fired
wtmadtog IL Moldoo wot oboot to fire
wboo be fen toto o mormot ood found
blmooir with nothlBg but o knife. Tbe
buck COfDO ot bllB OBd Moldoo*.
00 ooroBod btei. In moklog o
Iblrtla fiikt oloog.
OM toruot Molden dropped toe
The mom ollowod too Bmddoood
coot, cougbt OBO of the prong, of tbe
bom. to bU hunting .hlrt. MoMob
leit biBMOlf lifted ood lying erootwloe
MMI KpifC* H. tw*.
oo too door'o omlor.. Tbo onimol
.unod oo o ntto through tbo foroot.
M. Dm. ll.-ThM*
Molden feorod to drop off loot tbe ool>
MiMi ao tfoubl » the Bind, of the
mol turn mod gore blm. Fteolly too
ItarrMd ktoMlU ttat PreeMeot UM
Mko toto o doortog. ood octom
k MehlBf to hare Barrard ahaodoa
latoRxdlectote athMIot. Uto ptaA4«K of the ertattoa
•ouBMd toMhan for aaranU yaara aad
Tbo moo ollowed tbot moddonod
tea aaad bto aUDoat loBaaoce to have
bmt to pom him ood oo lU poco
tha ■■
(oBod bo wm. oblo to toko o euro-
ita( maeh astoulaa here.
■Maid ha oartr the alair vary tarll
la aaaarad that the crlaiaoB alaasl
MB toha ay the aaatler. Aa yat PfatUaat Biot has rafasad to state
,«hathar or aat ha haHarai the foal*han caiaa to ho hollar or «otaa aadar
dkla taoMM^eodt.
PtaaUaat BM axpraaaad tha a«tatai that Harvard voald tara laft ad
taaU aad lawld ha la last aa aavlahla
•Dsttlaa U n dM dot paitMpdla la
utod to dlotoOfOBo too opoit UP
Btooofi tool too oooiM RM
peboed boy boo BM too ouoofftb of ooooUtotloo to mitoottod too oxtremoly
trouoouo wretot.
Tbo fbUowlog to on extiwet from m
moot ortteto wbtob oppoorod to tbo
**lt to odomtod by oU oxporu toM
foMboll U o omoki gome. OBd tool
It la oxtropmly porlkmo wbmi engmgod
to by moro boyp Pnmtlcolly oil tbe
lo BBd oorfcM totortoo toll yopr
bore boon omoog oeboM ployoro. Tbo
gome to oole only when pUyed by
CBiwfuny trmlBod toomi compoood of
ood ptoyon. The groot coUego
o Ofw WBtebod PTor with too otttro ood po OP# to ollowod to
ploy wbo lo not known to u fit
ooror tt to dbown toot o mOB lo
BM fit ko to UkOB oot MonlfeoUr
efiro eoBBM be oxoretood to tbo
oooe of tbo oehool ployerm.**
to odmlttod by oil follower, of
tbo oport tbot football to o gmm^ for
mod bodlo. oply. A wookltog connot
ploy tbo gome to ooy extant without
impomig bl. boolUi. Neither con o
ebUd. but tbe prefoge High ocbool MudoBt. ^o boy gotemeen or elgbtoon
yopro. ton of lire OBd rigor mutt find
oomo woy lo work off bto ourplua eoec
gy mod tbo gome of footboll. properly
coBdoeted, to prorlag to be one of the
mMbod. bno^n. A greoi mwiy
Ipiurloo ore ooMoloed. tt to true, but
te foil M mooy young men take
port to toe opoK to too UBttod BuioeT
Ttm nmoboro would. toocb toomonoo
lOftiMio mid tboy be obUloed.
MOBy of toooe oro portoBo wbo toko
w< (Mr
4oor trMk
vlti CktoOfo thU
M«M. tW# WolYM'iMo fool ouro
tlMT «« bo oWo to
boiJi of
tbo toRoor iHUi 004 Om 01
CblOMO otiiRooio olM fot4 won to.
vftH ofOMUBM^ ^ oUJoCle roUIIOM MM Ibo t«o Moilt.
M M dM Ibo Mooftoot win
htm ftliMt. too WOtOfOO. «0M
AroOlo IMo oom OM Oy OMTO
m foot Mooft. Ho win bo booki
Or too fOMopftort. Bowoioa. Bi
•vmm ■wrmmmmiok
Tho Rtv. R. N. N**«Pl*- I
“Yn. 1 think they con *Und j the
gome. * .old Mr. Hoinple. when <|ueotioued, **toere ore Injurle. to be sure,
but I bore oerer known of a tound
High ocbool boy wbo wa. weakened by
Ike game.**
The foregoing expreaalon. .bow; tot
geoeral aeoUment
Mayor Pried
rlciij argument regarding toe.Beglect
of Btudle. to true to a certain ektoot
in many acBoolg but In tbe IntenicboUurtlc aerlea. the »tudy requlremenU
are more .trlct than many olber.4 All
of them admit that toe gam. to rdugb
and toot the chance-of bMQg InJ^ired
to grtot but aUll think the pbyMcol
of boya In tbdr toeno to ^ble
U> otOBd toe exerclyc.
Mama of light oara. a littlo forger
rvBabouU and a imie naaUer
touring earn, to not quite aa nniverfolly
equipped with planoury gears 4i It
was a year ago. .Tbo toodoocy u|dtoard building thoao odjb o
little largtcc and o ttttlo botter, j/uia
equipping them with sliding Mra.
toe puirhaaing public Iba.
Apparently the
made up lla mind toat the differoooo
the different In coat. . Of courm tbo
tbe dlflorence In cort. Of couno the
incrcaalng use and lower coat of highgrade apecUl at«nU for the sliding
gear, has greatly faiNlltated this ^
ceao of elimination, since the princ^l
trouble with allding gears heretofore
baa been their tondency to stHp In fanskillful bands; and with toe uoe; of
tougher aleola and lighter clutcbea,
tola tendency has been matortblly
* Tbe multiple disk clutch aplioni to
be bedding Its own. but it is not swM
ing toe field before It quite op I It
throatmed lo'a yem* ago. Tbeee elulehea demand a much greater nicety of
oooe clutch, and on account of the
limited rnngo of movement pormtoalble betwen tbe free mad eOgM^ng
poMtlona. It frequently happono
toe dlaki when free are aeparttod by
I UwdiidB IBM Ml Oat
111 I nil KlasaMia INK
Thaa TMa Vaae.
h-4»d R
Pito <lii-
obo win bove alltbo work toot obo OBB
boodl. to prodoeo 00 ilovno copoblo
of boMtig too two otiwfapmt IRMO
FtTtPATfltCIC HOiiC PROM TMff too fOeod toto oeoaon. Tbot polr. df -^
oooni^ lo VoBfotoUt and FHUoyhraolo. boto of wblto wUl COM lo am
Tatata watanaa. oirm i. AhaM s*
n tooy boV taken oa
taaar «hiaa MlAUU Maa-a
PwlmlBg Pool.
men. licveoe. iac
loft ewd. and Lowmwio.
quarter, will be mtoatag next foU. Of
coorae. Unrono to a qUr. while LowAbb Arbor. MIcb. Dec. IS-Keeno
roono wao fonod juot yln Umo to gK
ntxpotrtcb boi reUTBod to Abb A
tbe team to Uim for ixw big gomoa. ,
After o rtaU In toe ooM to tbo gya
Uig of tbto pair Is bM oerioito.
trmolo. Tale ood OolomMo.
Id addition to BcorieU. end; Ooiton
toot MiebIgOB la bettor
ood Draper, totoloo: Oollogbor ood
m ooUm rtolted ex*
Slofflor. gMwdo; Mpar. . nootor;
oept PrtBoeton. wbleb. be ooym.
Green aod FWwell. balvoa. and Molloih
toe beet and moot modem gymaoi
bock. full, thn following men will bo
to the cpuotry. It woi completed
eligible for tbe team: La very, who
to 1003 OBd coot about 1300.000. The
played part of toe Mkblgaa game at
swimmtog pool to probmbljr the largeit
rtgbt tackle: Dyer, tbo aub-balf-boek.
to tbe eoM'oBd was dMtyd by ma
wbo proved a eery atroBg offonMve
ployor; Umgwoll. too foUbook. wbo
mloo bms m largo tank mad
was bun in too Indton game; KolBOlk.
too quailerbaek CBBtUdol^ of wfaun
ore glren looooBi ood bovw to
nothing to known: TownsoDd. tub end
keep at U until they coo owlm.
aod half; BIckbam. oob CMitor; BhoHarvard alao baa a ewimming 1
ble. sab end aad quarirr: RogMa, anb
but like Yale'a. to only tair-alxedo
end: Bbarley. mb quarter-back. and
penn.yirmnlat gyamaalum rei
Oribble, sub guard.
blea Waterman, except that there I.
This year's freobman team woo tbe
Bo indoor ninnlog track.
gym to
boot OBd moot oBOeooefol In the blotory
00 Franklin field Itaelf anrihere Is 0
running track under tl
ntxpatHck nya:
"None of toe enatern
for RsiAn to gU Imwrence'a pUeo 00
ime up to oura. idlcklgan baa a
tbe 'varsity next ocoumb. PauxtU. who
great many moro lockem than any
played right end toto asoooq. played
where else and we have a larger
quarterlmcl^ before coming to Ponnayb
mthly attendance.
vanto. But be has shown that be is
About a awimmlog tank, we all
'voralty mfoerial aa 00 and and would
hope that aomethlag will be done
fit la Levenes poaltom very nlcply.
There are two IPOiKinDd tookloa 00
muscles Into aclbm tbna anythe *10 leaiu and other good talent
tolng else.
MeOuflln toaoo BM Ona.
’The regeoto are favorable to
Dan McGugln comet borne without
swimming poM idea but too water
n Is tbo thing wbleb boldo ua toe altkbloai cause for worry about
year. Only one man wbo play
bock. A year ago a well was sunk
tbe power house lo tbe depth of ed at Ann Arbor wlU be mtoolng irom
1.C00 feet wltooaA striking waU*C. it the Nashville llnup next oenoon. In
will take a lavgo fluantlty of water to toe Boutbern InterooUegiato five yaara
run a lank, for the water of play to ailowe<1. nnd Captain Dan
E changed once a week and Blake has ha«1 all of his. The other
there should U* a constant flow all the ten. two; Pritchard, one; Blone, two;
ime. 1 alncerrly hope that something Nmalnlng. nro: Hobe Blake, two
Will turn up wo we may have a swim yc-ars. Maoler. two; Craig, two; Oostank, as It would be a gnwt ten. twa: Pritchard, one; Btcioe. awo;
benefit and aiidltloo to toe unlvonilty.*' Chorn, three; Mcl^wn, three; E. NoH.
four, and Vaughn Blake, four.
This to oot all tho material toat McGugin will have to work with. It to
learned that two otoer firmer stare of
tbe squad, who were ahlient from tho
lineup this year, wilt return next fall.
These are Bd. Hamilton; toe great end
m man who baviv sprang tho sug - of 1P65. and Bob Pateiron. wbo form
geMloo that four downs be allowed for erly played at center for the Commo
tbe ten yard .gain oaght to know whai dores, Hamilton has Ikwo a teacher
y are ulktog abouC ot least, sucL at the Columbus Military Institute
a os Alamo Btagg should, but the tbto fall and Patterson baa flllod a sim
ull of ouch a move to evident. Four ilar poaltlon at tbe Gordon Military In
down tor o ten yard gain would put stitute In Georgia. Both am sUll in
good amateur standing.
the game back to Ks old line an
Then there Is Oscar Noel, a promlstug stylo. Btagg has said toat bn was
(fed with tbe new game and likes lag man for the barkfleld. to say
nothing of several prep team players
It better than tbe old and what 1
on he boo for wonting to give eoacbe. arijo win enter Vanderbilt next fall..
Tlie thing moot of Intereot Just now
every odvonUge for getting back lo
tho old form l/ not given. Anoth at Vanderbilt to the 1007 schedule. It
er beauUful Md-rooewnd ntle-greea^ to practically decided that toe Commothought to toe auggeMloo toat them doreo will play Mldilgan next Novem
ber at Ann Arbor. Ymt U ooxloos to
be two forward passes allowed lu
scrimmage. There Is already one play Chicago. Princeton and Carlisle.
Tbo rule passed by tho conference ale called banket ball. The
tackeUng rule causing a foul if the lowtng the teams to play seven gameo
win doobUess cause Coach BUgg to
bands are thrown around a ninne
low bis knoea will do away with many give VsBderhllt a game with the MaInJufioo.
CarUale Is willing to mtuni to NaahHorwmnto Choiieoa.
Dtopalcbea from toe west are full vUle aod It seems probable that too In
Of Herman s name. Whem to Oans? diana will be back to try and win back
PrtnoMon will -not
Ob. be to quietly training lo preparefor what his followers think will
8b n clncb. Before the negro geU and for this aeoM m meeting between
to tbe weight be will have let some of tbe teams may be deferred for oome
bU wonderful endurance loose upon years.
tbe atmoopbom. Tbo UtUe fellow.
cm toe Mber band, wlll be In bis glory
oag If emo of kto pwMbeo can be land
Od oofty OBoogb to toe gome—U» to.
Youb. Otto Pwt gI««M Awoy
Joe. 23 Ifoyou!
ood Thon Oovo Him Anothor
Cbmmo-^ RooulC ^
Dope Pipes
er hand, to entirely free when rMooood
and this fact baa led a number of
botidors to prefer to retain too odoe
clutch and mlUgate tbe nbnRptnono|of
lU action by the use of cork Inae^a
and Bat springs preastng against foe
Imitber to produce grodnol flkgafieWbotoor fairly or itefaliiy.
toe impfwofllaa woo gained tbot t|ie
makers wbo ime toe multiple
ehitcb did ao moro because tboy
oldered It a talking point that bocauke
they were eonrioced of Its oaporlori^y.
WlUle 00 tbto nnbject of troBMBisaAono.,mootkm moot bo made ot toe
tkreo frlodoo drive com ooon at toe
«66bo of item
tbo Blmpllclty.
bodloo Idofo lodkadlr dlffotofo r4b
Daytoo boa coptwmd mom oxblbltkooo prMooed to cMiMetkiD wttk
an Samoa for next April than any
tom tronsniMalno hptfoeforA tbofb' otbor Mob IB tbo Oeotrol looguo. Tbo
■Mt ffiiUBelhro footwrw boteff tot loom wtU ploy tbo Cbicogo Natomalt.
lone oloo M toe
DotiMt. ClevMood. Waoblogtoii. Mloooapolio aod Cbtoofo AoMrtcooo. Tbo
to uoe hoovy preosum botwpoo U|e Bpriogfiold Mob boo ooemd oovwral
drlvlBffoBffoeon la oom of too toioe gooMo wito tbo Chlcogo Amorkoao.
NOW Toffo Doc IMooBg Otto A
formlobod tbe boM port of too Outers
of too Long
Acm Athletic Club, when be bad tbe
e ooporfMoa of . putUng tbe
man oot twloq In ooe algbt He
look oa Jack BIbbM for a torooMmnd
boat and pot him neaUy owoy with a
rtgbt to toe chin la tbo ooecmd rowd.
BIboM felt that tola woo o mtrtoko
aod otood for osotoor trioL Otto woo
fog OBd tboy bod oBotoor doRghttttUy fast roMd. BiBiM'a W wao
did toofHMAtm flWBbon foob i
under o cloudJor loot os too boU
A efob M too ogaln
to end booUlttfoa Otto a right
MMbod wotor. OBd toom
. to bo ^Od MI
tmvolod toitmgh too olr. ood BfooM
liocOTOmd blmoolf to o doood oonditlOB Ml tbo ioog.
IT TOU pmfor oprtag wboot R
of too dovloto mfoor ^
Dr broad you Mold wot lORAll
oro oMOotoi oM Pt toM nodi to too
i .i: ,4-ite.o.
Loois Hw
1 Sports |
tom FW ijg
MMM Mi fta
am mtfctri m mmK
19 Hr
<f a iv «■!
ar Mfcirt MMii it M H MiMi
rrmnt otf ft.
to Ulto Bim to ot taibto Of «. T.
ttaiitoury ot WM* ^toa Itoor
MiM m kMf aiOiM UilMi
TkM TM TH#y Havt OMi Omt
Juuk Altar. Dm li-lDehliMi
AMIS M talllta tta liM af 4m lator tftak toU vltA CItoio tlito
MMOil. Tta WolVMiMt tol
tHr Vfli ta ato tk> tarui* taU of
tta Mmt Mtato Mi ttai ai
CItota SttttoU 4lM fMi Mil toVEfi araMtotai of tililatki i
tlMs taMM to Ma ttoala.
A^ toa aatar tata H mm 1
a focA Moora. Ho vtB ta bato
ta tta Tonaftoa. tamam. Bii
aai CM. tor«M M M
provaaMaaiaUrtaOi. Havatai
to U tilt toto teat vlatar. but vat
aoi atfoat aMugh to ataai to lpia<
ifti te to apto tacaaat of Mato
la to totot Oapt Oair^ cm io
a foot« Ma tauar tbaa aajr c
tot bao^ M a tot pattar larto
vaat /toliaotafsood a. Bin
teat paar*a cbaanto tat aMtl toi
aaoagb to all atoa oat bora, to
CartU. tot oat^ to taopllal. aiiar
btto laid ap aiili a batoa to l
ably wUl ba aroaad la abapa to tot
to BMdal ball to taeoad or third
pteaa la to Moata. OcCy Qrahatt U
alao pDoi ta toatofib^ atato
Bpto Cm to iaak ted froai tottte. tato to to lllebigaatoa Ito a
aara^ ta to half aad aillt. Ht
prorai teat vtatar tot bt It atioac
aMMtota M tatofi at a fait
fitp. A bM teM.to badk up Cot to
Waldto «ta baa tftppbd tbt haM to
t:OS ladoort. la tbt milt tbt Bptdar
arm ba aceamiaato Md piobably
baii paabta H Boala nova aad BUI
Bobby Lato Ito Oarrali, aad IMto to oUilbla by grata of test araak^
Motaraaea nillag. Ha 4a good la to
blgbt Jamp. Olkars arho atap ovar
to bar gracarttlly ai« Om aad Dadda.
At to outdoor track, an traa irmer
touBdtnca praralla btra that IHchlgan
am trtumph on to cladar path aad
tetld than oa tba gyniaaataa tor
aad track. Out la to opM Cterrato
arm girt BtaSta aoto paat raaa In
tha hurilaa. >lb oaa to In sight who
can touch Btcwatt la to daabaa ateea
Uaamtoo graduatad. Tbay figura It
ibara tot Gbleaaa aalgbi as wall oauat
ttee. U.-Tta<
ploa tiwitteg main. Bwoac Marta, f rOS.
by MeXtonty. pirrtbaoad by Oao. M.
Wobb for H T. iitoCoMMiry. of this
dtp. la BOW quafUrad at to Wlaa#> raoent aitSele whkk appearad to to
buw^ CbaatMt m. along with to Nows:
**lt to admitted by all experts that
toT nM to itolaatary atoMa to- football to a man's game, aad that
I to to show rtog tbrtMgtowt to It la estramefy porlkms wbun engaged
la by amre boyiL PmcUcaUy aU
toths aad aerlim tnjiuto tpia yem
bnta baen among eehooli^at*. Thu
gama is aafe tmly wbuA lOayed by
eaiatotty tratood teams ^poeod
not baao laid out datnltaly. Wtao to maturod players. The mreat eoltegu
teams are watched over blth to uU
Naw Turtt tor |14to. H wu tuppouad most mra aad ao one to allowed to
play who U not known to ba it
Mlaa Kotocto Wflba. of Oalt Ont.. Wbanerer It to town tbht a maa Is
not it bu Is taken oot i ManifeeUy
wltb Wabb. Aftar to ante, boworac. mwb ears eannot be eieritoud to to
Wabb ototad that Bwaot bCarta wooti ease of 4bu etool ptoydfs.”
la ta Pbltedolphti aad aba was ablp> It Is admitted by all followers of
pad. It waa BiotoUr toortad. bos the tort tot fobthsli U s game for
arar. that Mlaa WUlka was aad at|ll 1 eonnd bodlas only. A weakling caanot
unalooa to owa Ua Oalifomla troiti play the game to any extent without
rrturaa had baeo mad tapartog his health. Neither can a
aad that orari
r to to bar fropi I
ohUd. but the aremge High echool alutinea to
bnry. Wobb ateo^atotod
ateoSatoto at thi
tha tima dMt. a boy geTenteen or eighteen
of tba aala toiOMat Marta might ba yem. Tull of life and ?Igor moat find
ahlppad to BtotoPd atoag with tba oorne way to work off his dl|irplns
--------- which ty aad to game of foottoil.
, properly
U prorMc to bo ooo of lb»
wttl ba aataliiad ^
pm toMudi kao*^ A root BUT
Horaa Bto* m# U bald nail
Injarle^ are suslaloud. it U true, but
hr to naw aaaato
formed In Naw Totk during to Na- ta the fell bo« Mmy young men Uke
part to the sport to the Valted States?
tlonal Horau BboW.
numbers would rea^ U^Moeoee
ft It ropoftad tha^ BtotaMmry has bli
•ya on to |pldao diaUaoga cup which proportions conld they be obtolned.
tor to to latarolty meatlngi Many of tbeoe ore pareena who take
aad that Bwaet Marta woald ba poiat- ao care wtatorer of their oondHten
ad tor that imphy boat paar. Bbaold aad they are the oaee whd are more
the mara train aemnd nnt yaar aa aba
has to the past toro aaama UUle
but that It
to toahow
otimr taluabla trophlea woo by the
oat' of to kaadfal of prtaeAgktora
who ealored to rtog to tkls Male Is
daad. A terganamber of buaturs wars
aboc Tkeue tkrsu aports are to ones
Or, B. L. Thirtky.
or coorue there are High sebool XK ooorse thty cm atand It, W
players who eater the game to an tamto toir nncka IT they dtaat M,'
unfit condition, but this pracUce Is said Or. Thirthy. mtan quearteasd te
rapidly boeomtng abnMshed. and H la
the maltar. He
tot ta yeara to
stated tot be bad newer m
UK or MtMd aod 4KK «01 bo nFree. A. H. Oorta.
prof. Davis eras very reticent aboot
to playtag of High odko
to nmiter tat finally admitted that
a Martmr of men otaadly
with n bare been taterrtewed and hA had never aoen any ill effects of
the gaam on a boy's health aside from
aoeldenta. He also said that he did
. ^
not hnow of a man oo the looal Hldb
FHanIpgl ft L. Nye.
NPto of the past ssaaoa who
-I hare never known ta
lenee. of a High acboM player whose I was not able to stand to gnme as
health has taen affeetAd throngk pUy played here.
The Btv. ft. N. Holtapls.
tog to gama. 1 thtak that to 'tenand then to hoys tonM be kept cot
of It. but laser, wtaa they rea^h to
I think tberp ta ao harm to the game
for tom. provided that they are aainrally atrong.**
Dr. J. M. WlltatoL
T think High achool football ta all
light WlUta to hoys are playing
tot game they aie not doing other
thlaga whleh food to have iU effaeU
oo their henkh. The rongh nod
tumble of footbaU does them good
and helps develop the body and the
game is net woiee ta any veepect than
Ja vremilag. whleh almopt every wthleQo olnh memher todulgea to."
looal track i
ought to ba aa eaay aa eattog i
of oato for Bweet Marla.
BteyorAoV.FHsdrteh. ,
**1 think to gaam as now played
onr High achool ta curried too thr.*
Mr, rrtadrtck thiaha that to game ta
all right If played modmntoly bat
It detrucU to attaoUoa from
achoal work. **I ^hould not warn my
son to play on a achool or oolM
M* M VB.RK»m «NI M 'W . '
Mb* Hbhk Ctawiw >• 1M»
WWB HMr tint
wU-to CK KM .
MtaU CUB «KA Okl-
bntlu th, tw> iutBcut bum
Kw teud Uk MUOB. Tut pair, at
noniM te YaaAsrWU and Penaaylvn- ' ^
ate. bou of which WlU come to Ana.
At Penaiglvnnte tlmy have takea aa
I BudJfolil Niod n
MSMat of aleck, aad tad tot to two
msB. levenc^ left endp aad inwrenee,
quarter. wlH te mteslag a«t tall. CN
Uwene ts a star, white LfierAnn Arbor. Mich., Dec. 12—Keone coarse.
rente was found just In tline to get
Plupatrick has returned to Ann Aikor the
l«nm la trim for Its big gaiaes. .
after a visit In to east 4o to gys
of what Is l«iy to pass
tarns at Itanrard. Pvtaeatan. Bsaaayl- ing of this pair
Is not
vaala. Tale and Columtata. lie f
that Michigan Is batler pmvldad for aad Draper, tackles: Oaltegto aad
than any oastom coUege visited
oept PrteeetoB. whkh. he says, has
Oreea aad Fbiwetl. balvcn. aad lloUeato beat and moot modem gymaa
beck. foil, to foilowtag men
in the eonatry. It was oomi^
for to tenm: Lsvery. who
ta 1B03 and coat about $200,000. The eligible
pert of the Michigan game at
imlng pool ta probably the largest played
right tackle: Dyer, the sub half back,
ta to east and was dunsted by
who proved a very strong ogenslve
alto has a ]
thorn swimming ta <
men are
leaaons and hsvu to
Mep at It until they can swim.
Harvard also has a otrtmmliij
hut like Yale's, ta only talrwlao4
Penniylvanta'a gymnasUim i
hlea Waterman, except tot there Is
Indoor running track. The gym U
on Franklin ficM itself and there Is
running track under 4
Fitzpatrick sayi:
Sotu* of the eastern 'gyms' can
ue up to oars. Mkkigsa baa a
great many more lockers than anywbare else and wo hava^a larger
oolhly auendance.
-About a swimming tank, we all
hope that somethlnlt will be done
iw'lmmlDg as an exercise brings
more muscles Into action than any
thing else.
"The regenu am favocahle to
awiraming pool Idea but the water
lion is the thing which holds «s
back. A year ago a i
hear to power house to the depth of
UOO feet wUhom striking w
wUl take a larps qusiiUty of water lu
class of light cars, a little fotger than pn>l»eriy run a tank, fw the water
Id he changed once a week and
ninsbouta sad a little samtier thn
touring cars, is not quite ss untveraaliy there should be a constant flow all the
time. I sincerely hope tot sonu thing
equipped with planetary gears as It
Win turn up ao we may haw a swim
was a year ago. The tendency is dtamtag tank, aa it would Ik> a grtwt
Unctly umard holldiag theae o
benefit aad addition to the unlvarsUy.
Uttle Urgw^ and a little bettor,
equipping them with sliding I
Apparently to purchasing public has
made up its mtad that Che difersnou
the different In ooat. Of oontoo to
the difference Ip cost. Of conrae the
increasing use and lower cost of highgrade special suvls for the sliding
Urn men who have sprung the sug-‘
gears has greatly farllitaled this pro
getakm tot four downs Ik* allowed for
cess of etlminatlon. since the principal
the ten yard gain ought to know what
trouble with slldlag. gears
they am talking abouC at least, such
has been their tendency to strip In namen as AUnso Btagg should, but
skillful hands; mod with to nse of
reault of sneh a move ta evident. Four
tougher ateeU and lighter clutefaes.
1 for n ten yard gain would put
this tendency has been materially
the game back to Its old line amaababated.
teg style. Btagg has said that bn was
' The mulUple dUk clutch apidars to •attafied with the new game and likes
be holding Its own. but It is not swUeptter than to old and what rent
Ihg the field before It quit* qp
on he has for wanting to gire coaches
threntenod to a year ago. Tbeau clul
every advantage for gelUng back to
es denumd a much greater nicety of the old form [f not given. Ai
oonstmctkio than the lestoH
beauUful iold-roeewnd nllt-gre« n
cone clutch, and oa account of to liKKigfat ta to BtiggeaUoo tot there
Umlted range of movement permls'^ be two forward ^nasea allowed In one
table betwen to free and
image. There Is already one
poaiUons. It frequently happens that
* called baaket bfll. The new
the disks when free are separated by tackellag ruin causing a foul if the
nothing more than films of oil. which hands are. thrown around a runner be
fill the spaeea botwaan to
low bis knees will do away with many
ta thair vtacoclty cause to dtahs to Injuriea.
drag percepUbly when the cluU* ta relaaaad. Tha ooae clutch, on to othDIspatchea from to west am foil
ar hand, ta enUrely free when xMaed bf Hermnn's name. Tlliem Is Osns?
aad this fact has led
Oh, he ta quteUy tnUnlng ta prepsrabulUtar. to pmder to P
1 for what hta foUowers think wUl
clutch and mitigate to abroptaaaa of
Bh a cinch. Before the negro geU
lU acOoo by the use of cork Inserts
to to weight he wlU have lei son
and fiat springs preaslng against the
tanther to prodnoa ffmdnta
The Uttle fellow,
^ent. Whetor fairly or
on the other hand, will be in his glory
*nres. I think they can stand the
tame." said Mr, Hotaaple. when quet^
tiooed. "there are injuries io be auxe.
but I have nerer known of a n
High sebool boy wbo was weakened by
the game."
The foregoing expreealons ahow to
general snnUmeot.
Mayor Fried
rich'* argument regarding the neglect
of studies Is trou to a oerUto extent
to many scBooU tart to the Inter
lastlc aerie*, the study requlremenU
are more strict ton many othera. All
of them admit that the game ta rough
and that the chance joX being Injured
Is grest but sUlI think the physical
condition of boys to their teens ta able
to atand the excrclae.
Dop« Pi|>es
iunrEMir GAMES .
iT^ ^
IM MHtaflqd Mr At ttafodidi to to
UK fkU. II vmmn HkKr itat. .
U,*U ku,Kith,KOCkttetKw«U
UUto to pRidu, u Wwu IU*W» ■
Will B. Malden, ^e 8t. Paul port,
annoal show of* the Auto^
bo wont to Noitbem Wlaconaln at mobile Club of Amerioa teisds to con
o opaateg «f to'bunting aeaaou to Brm to itonmalon of a yto ago as stmciloB ta rapidly omroomtog to
try hte luck on to chain lakca conn to to hroad teodeoeles of construc pivjttdlce cauaud. perhaps, by to aptry. had to tbrllUng eapertence of tion to atich partiuctora aa to use of pareat clumsiaeaa of the targe hubs.
botog oaifiad tooggh the foreat on aaildrtodon hsartngs. the adoption Double IgaitloB seems to be the
the antlera of a big buck.which attack of hlta’dradu utaeta lor Important thing for tb«we wbo can afford It. ex
ed him. He. with OBarleu WMxey. came paru Mhjeet to *treas. the n»e of cept for small cars. There Is. howev
npon a aptertdM mportmen aad aepamt doublu Igaltlon. to popularity of seodtoaUlCtoantaaland WUey Bred lucUvu operaUoQ of to alKllng gears, •hoold be. Oqe of t
of course
aad let MlcblgM takd tha lawt. Tbt
It. Malden wat about to ire
Wolrtrlnt tongiMoa la pteto aoi when he fell Into a moraaa nnd found and a number of smaller details to U alwuys a battery, andw high I
to'atheY'may be s
ooly to Otrralt. Hodgaa. Heath. 8taw. hlmaclf with nothing but a kotfe. The
, Cot and Roara. but to a bom of bock came at him and Maiden s
nnd chramu nickel sieuta. It may al high tension magneto, and jt ssay de
mte cupabto oC
Bd him. In making a moot bu ante that their adoption by liver curreat to a separate aet of
I yInto Tight aloag.
St Maiden drtrpped to thu moru Important manufarturera ha*
if blgh4enston. or to Che
knlfn ;
same spark plugs tot are fed by to
The man anowed the maddened
battery. One caanot help thinking
ooaL oangbt OM pf the pronga of to Thu same, with even more force, Chat to employment of to uamu
Btlal la Ballavai la Ba Trying to boma In hte hunting ablrt. Malden
spark plagi for a hlghMtaa mar
•Oufar* FutoaU-^^tottog la
folt bImneU Bflud nbd IPto croaawteu may ba said of the nse of hail-beartogs SMto that ate tamUlarly ueed^lh to
Idaal BpoH.** Ha Bapa.
ou to duer^ nntlera. The antoml which today ta so nisarty univeraal
M, Dec. U-There
beuita^ so BotkMhle as almost to
wtlata ao doubt la the minds of the Maiden feared to drop off lest the ani itemuad uxplaiiatlon. This Is not to
Marram stodaBta that President BUot mal turn and pore film. Finally the say that the lattur may not he vary
into a cleariag. aad aotoe
(HbK, th..«nT«K
la ataklttg to bare Harram abandoo
ray Malden miv anotor MKMUsfuUr nsud. Xhm concern to from to
ttmlmm eKt mtf*
tataroolIcBlata athtedcau Tha piaaihnnirtr aad yeltod to attract bSa altun- pnrtfoular may b« meatloapd whkk taU to hnrtery. The aume apark
tot ^ to erlmaoo odMuga baa ia- tloa.
uses caul Iran boshlpgs of liberal dl
pkma raoeive eorvent from either to
Bouaoad Itatban for amrocal pM»
file man allowed tbet muddenad
msgavto «r Ue battery,
taa imad bto utmoal laButaca to 1
topaaahlm and aa Its pace wna ta tadivlAnal pipe leads, aad has had
to sama dlsooMM. ISlot B1
med he was able to take a care- noiahta aucoeas aad fsaadam ftam ta a oartata asnaa the pupnlartty or
tema to baakatMl also and axprauaaa
cutttog with this arrangummL Other
B dlillktog for taoboy. Tha collage
eoaoftms use bionse bushtogs with
te to amr.
praaMi daAaMjoaitac as tatog to wonid break the deer's
. but to
dtfferuat olliag
to taspmaaSan was gataod that to
to tacib oamu tolu
If OM flf hta poncMe eeo be land
ta ak toward to nae of annular
maken whb nse to molCIplu disk M enrty nnoogh ta to game-^ta. ts.
leaped off and the t hunter cut
made by one or two lead
Joe. 22 far yon!________
aam to ftot up tU toterooUaBH^ta re^
oldvrad tt a uiktag point tot baoanse
laUoaa la oauatog much agitation hare,
The Btaadard Boiler Beaifog Oo..
1 of itt apKtgrttr
•boold ba cany tha aBalr rary tor
wfalirt irmajmtekMrdof apearapo. shaft drive ta ipita of thu 1
ynat <m tw.
la aaaorad that tha ertmaon alumal The state crofvn of 1
la fonad la many of to Itatttog cars
Kmu. KMtka BUM b, a.1* of the
I Bfimmimnefit Qef Busy nnd
wtn taha up tba amtter. At y^ Praasdlhai^.‘ BOH other maoblauansu
tkra, Metioo drtT, nn M« M tbe
lieat Blot baa rafuaad to state
Plato or hall buartais ta to jguareaae, tkui have ulwnjru need to add# dmln tow—to Lnmbert. to Cartarear and
Bhator or not ha tallar« to B
aad Ttaton roltartaaitngs ta to rear drtvu Shaw we sM of ahaMoMqr kL the Simplicity. K6oe of them emban Bitooto ha tato or WOTMM
axle aad wheeta. The suaMt ui nStog
hodtaa toaa ntoaHy diffemnt fmm Dnyto to cnptnred mem exbfblwortbtemMpntudailtMtae. It wba
to aaym^ ooda
nse to oar ta to bu put ta. uM M thoae prttaoand ta connection with frlc- so games tor next April than nay
sM MM tbaa IBOlyeara ago and tor ud bnUtoartog ta to piwetlcally eUmdtor fto ta thnoentrsl leosnn. The
Lonto that Hareaid woold tom tot
toate thiaa mMen from to annual trarily fmm a SMtu esneldurution of
tol and would bo to tot as aoeteble
repair bUl. ao to tmportaacw of thalr to stau gad power of Ckocor.
tato MO of to
Detroit, toveUad. Washiagten, Mfo
BDuItto If It .did not paitklpato to
Bue Is Mck gmatar than tile rtmple The dimtaiaktag vognu «T tko ptaaWhat Adam at*, not what be drSST gala ta sifiutaBcr wwnld laiteatu to
Waa bu from Bden'a garden drirea. the motor oar ofWBur.
QBT a atea aomnlr tor jPMr to
Btart Is iMiTly known ns the
M aa IfUsnw Hante has a gaam
«a baea a Ito bf haniOMta tealtor
toy ooold mndUy be pmteetad from
Btoa. tot to Utog tor Xmaa.
H k« M takm Boekr Moatate
mod and apiaahed water, mad tore
Me lldt
tockaon'a Ita fre
JoteMo Dn«Oa.
was ao opportanlty to test to
of the makers regardtag to eti
BAND rAJKtWD pm»T bB*M. pm MtataMd am drtuM tkmqgh obswh
platea Imrn thu live axle shafts. wM
tktmU mt inCAd.
Ai-..-.-. .'..
player: Umgwell. to fuUback. who
was hurt lu to Indian game; Ketaath.
nothing Is known; Towns«nd. sub end
snd half; Btckham. sub cenier; Bheble. sub end snd qunrtct; Rogers, snb
end; Sharley. mb quarterteek. nad p
Qribble. sub guacd.
This year's freshman team was to
heft and most eneceesful In the history
Ivanla. Regan at quarter
back.,was a find and looks to bo a
second Blevefteon. The conches look
fill Lawreace'e place oa
tbo ‘varsity next seaaob. PauxUs. who
played right end this eeneon. played
quarterbec<before coming to Peansylvanla. But be has shown that he ta
vanUty mnforUl as an end and would
fit ta Levene's positICn very nicely.
There are two IBO^pound tackles on
n. '10 team and other good Islent
McQupln Lenee But One.
Dan McOugln come* home without
to Birkhteai cause for worry about
year. Only one man who play
ed at Ann Arbor will be mtastag Irom
the Nashville llaup ne^t esneon. la
InterooUegteU flvn yeqre
of Plsy ta allowed, aad Oaptata Dan
Blake bss hsd all of hta. The other
ten. two; Pritchard, one; Blooe. two;
Ing. are: Bobe Blake, two
Manler, two; Crslg. two; Cos
i; Prilrhard. one; Btooe. awo;
Cbom. three: Mcl>^. three; E. Noel,
four, and Vaughn Blake, four.
This is not all the material tot Mc>
Cugta will have to wie-k with. It ta
learned that two other former stars of
the squad, who were abeenl from the
lineup this year, will reUim next fall.
These are Bd. Hamilton, the great end
of 11MJ5. and Hob IHiteiron, wbo form
erly played at center for the C\>mmoea. Hamilton has been a teacher
the Columbus Military InstlUile
this fall and PatterSon has filled a sim
ilar poalUon at the Gordon MURary InsUtttte ta Georgia. Both are sUU la
Kid amateur standing.
Then there Is Oscar Noel, a promlsiag man for the backfleld. to say
nothing of several prep team pUyera
wtio will enter Vanderbilt next fall. /
The thing most of Interest just now
at Vanderbilt Is Ibe 1B07 schedule. It
is practically decided that the Comme.
dores will play Michigan pext Novem
ber at Ann Arbor. Yuet/is anxious to
play Chicago. I>riDcetQn ted Carltale.
Tbo rule pussed by the comerenbe nltowing ibe learns to play seven games
will doubUess cause Coach Btagg to
give Vaaderhllt a game with the MaK*s. to be played oo Marshall field.
Carltale Is willing io return to Nsshvnie and U seems probable tot to Indlans win be back to try nad wtn hack
lost laurels.
Princeton . win not
VenderblltY expenses east
and for this sesMn a meeUng between
the teama may be deferred for some '
years. »
Yotef Otte Firt Biaimi Army Of
and Than Oavu Him AaMmr
NM York. Dee. U-Toung Otto
foxtfehte to beat part of to antar■cak at to ahow ef to Lang
Acre AthtetieClah. when be had to
m aapatfimea af futtlag to
» maa out twice te eae might- He
OB Jack Btaadt for a tkreereaad
aad pot him neatly away with a
viglit to to ohta ta to eaepnd imntaL
felt tot this waa a mtefaka
nad atod for aaotor trtaL Otto was
oMIglac nad thay had aaotor Aertihl.
fully fast rooBd. Btaaot a W Mt
uader a aondfor font aa to M
dteaoMMd htamelf te a dasad ao^ X
^ ..d
A. J. wn^SELM
iitafIflC «
at la «aa «kw tc
Union SL
, wdC a-'lhetW sawrarntj appto WUek is laSs-
tlBM tas'orOer U fSTssat4 m« the the sftnry egeeSL to wo ' heseBr
»»<... the
the SeM bnke to toSesmdeat.
ne ca Ures. T
la eae car. the Oonto. the emen
telaed hr lU 1
i.w# mante
fmewt or
r «r oxtoTMa siKM opermtod ly This esrr hlsh ratio of power
ht to ottataMS hr the oee cf
oet poiol oQMct am tkm btmko
iSWeeto pmettoonr thnosto
droBto os Uto r«ir whooto. wMo
the cor. aoS hr s reSseeoent tt
as mhoM
tbMo dniBs
The prettiest coOection of Haodkerchiefi ^ ^ each
in the city cao be found at this store. W« hare
aW line from Sc to $l.(ip each..
mil Silks to Waists al rsc aid $l.M.
Dress Gtob at an prices, 25c, 35c, SOic, bSc. 75c,
$1. S1J5. $lJe,$l.75,$2,
Otf line sr Black Goads Istke best shevn.
hM br Uto
leror. In
mermi e»ra 9oea oiih UiU nrr
, aeithw or ihm brake* rH
Boat ererr car examinod. evoept
to ibf amalloto miztm. had oa« or an
other srateai of »echanlcal lu
for the engtne. There are many
different forato oT mechanical
a. bat In neaHy all oT tholn the
aror U made, in ono way or an. to orcreoma the dlfffcalU«
In the earlier forma of InbricrntOffa. to
failure of the check ralvea to dome or
to leakage of the peeking aroond the
pump plungeri. In »omo of theae
Qoaks, aoaks,! Qoaks
Ham is wham wa are right, style and mica
At MMa wa
Oue bud Children’s Coats,, suaa 4 to It years.
110 each; to close oot 'at
Bold np to
eery quick pmnpInR ntroke to eent tb**
Lo check rahre and
Ive tmporUnce of
the pnekinr In ihew
u klch the Itodse and the HUl Prm^
km oilera are ekamplca. the plunger
U operated by a anap
In theae lubrlcatora. howeTer. chick
Bu mre not employed
porta nre covered i
chnnicaJly by the movement of
pert conUlning the pump barrel
other Jubrtoalora. the valves are open
ed and cloaed mechanically by a separate device. In atlll othera. of which
the Lunkenhelmer and McCord are ex
ample*, two -pompe are provided for
each braring. the second a lilUe larger
than the first and the adjoatment UrnHed to the first pump, ao that the aecond la sucking againat a vacuum dur
ing n portion of iu stroke, A sl^ht
Wlaas Is Interposed between the pump*
and the paction to the second pump
tnaorw* that* the glass will never b€come flltod with oil. A feature is the
number of Ugbl roadsters of between
20 and 30 borsepower for two or three
peraona These cars, of which the
Mora roadster, the Amertcan roadster,
and the Wayne are good example*,
are of light construction and for the
most part appear Intended for light
touring, tor which they are very well
adapted. Ope car. however, the B. L.
Special Sale for December
850 Cbildran’s Suits, sr«<s 3 to 16, Koifolks. Donble Breasted
Baits or Goat. PanU and Vest mads
Olay Worsteds. Also
Usn^s goods, the warm
60 stdts'm^^^m^ ceiefatmtad MeMiUaa's
sal, baariast, best wearing all wool aoita ip the city. Prieca aa
followaforthei^of Daoanber:
Sniu st..,
Salts at...
Salts at..
Salts at..
Suits at...
Salts at..
Salts at............ .$4.60
hoy a
Onr Moa’t Bnita, Yooth’s Suits, Oyeroonts. Shirts, Lndarwear. Boapaiideia. Nacktiea, Capa, Glares, the boat wo emr
bad. nt the bwaat prioas. Also a nice lind ol Fur CuaU,
A. J. wiumM
: I
F«r H«e
Who^ Family
Our Store is now a veritable Gift Land—complete witb^fts that delight the
young folks and the oldei ones as well for this store is the one real Santa Claus
of the north. Wc invite you to look at the goods whether ready to purchase or not.
Nothing has been left out that could possibly be added to our display as a
suitable or appropriate present for Christmas Day.
Match Safe.................. .«e
Sharing Seto.........!.«• to**
Collar and Cnff Boxen
............................... SOeto**
Art Good.............. lOetoSS
. ^
A ;
to It
Intereoting Books.. 15c to $1A0
Fountaia Pens .. .25c to $2.50
Necktie and Collar Boxes
............................ 25ctS$2J00
Pocket Books of dl Kinds
Sharing Bets—nt twrioos {wioes
tfaeAiftrianu Boy..........$IA0
For me OM Folks
Books at aU Price*.
V Dolls-Rubber-Bisque
and the new Dreamland
Rag Dolls 5 cents to $2 50
Rattle^ Trumpets and
Fuiey Goode
Siso which SBSXWU the laoer rsther
hu the tourtns cor. TheltoeeoMhe
bodr I» tect ere the Mow ot e mtatoto^. althoash It to ctolmed that
the ariaaseowat of the eeote and the
fpotboerd to each that the poiomsers
ate fallr as coorfortable as Uer wUl
be U eoau of the orJIaaty trpe. A
spew] or U aUff aa hoar to ctotoeed
for the car, aad the rapid aoeeteratloa
and hlfh scneral efSclcacr aad neaUnrss of the car U clslmet
Tcrr suitable for inaneurerlna to trafSc aad for awktos epecd on tororabic
OosmiaandWoinboweaay we sra making Piano ownat.
ahip. AampririypyMdlaawantwindo to start. Ton gat
Tirialmas Em if yon nmlml ,4han
I month antil tha prim k pail :
tinmattancaof aeleetiag eow Piano
st thrirbmtandwaam aUa to gH»
yon amry attention. Drdimriee asndp aa deeiiad.
latOctroit. iraveniatyStore;lYtolaiMCMSSta.
for the first hour and one doBar for
each additional boor and for frncs
tkwal boor* at the mte of one dolUr per hour, and tor ench nddltkmnl
twenty-five cenU per hour;
for the use per day of such convey
It at top speed uadcr all eoodl
ance. five dollar*.
Section 2. Every carriage, hack,
cab. hackney coach, omnibus, wsgoaor other public conveyance, for
6 Of Twenty-rive and
ln« loiwatvrE. HcenwA oaOw
is In a Good Financial Conditio*
provUioiu of the ordlaaacea of
Several Young People StudythU city, shkll Bt bU tk
tog Habemw.
coospicuoua plBCe. in tho tomjde there
of. Bnd where the BBine niBy be reedlly
The number of membort enrolled la seen Bnd rend by nny peruon or pnsthe Hebrew cxAtgregnttoii In this city senger sitting therein, n card coniBlnIs twenty-five, the officer* of which tag. In targe printed Bngliah letter*,
are as follow*:
the owner# nnme nnd the rale# of
President—R. Schfltnbefger.
Urp prescribed nnd ertBblished In thU
Vice Prealdfwt—H. Rusaky.
Treaaurer-ll. CoplBn,
Section 3. When * public oonveySecretaiT—Bd Herron.
Bnoe Is used between the hours of
Tnisteea—J. Shalen nod N. Alper.
twelve o'clock midnight nnd five
There ha* ben much Improvemei
oclock B, m.. It shBll be Uwful to deIn the church property both within BkBnd Bnd receive, for the BBine scrand urlthout during the past year, vice*. one-hBlf more ifasn the rate*
among theae. city water, cement walks preBcribed nbove.
and the Improvement of the town
Section 4. Every vlotattoa of or
about the premlstoh
The Sn*
failure to ccimply with the provUkms
condlUon of the organlsatloo U the
of this ordinance, aball be
best in ywara. tor Which the officers
by a fine not exceeding twenty-five
deserve credit. There has been no
r* and the coot of prosecution,
Increase In the membership during
in the Imposition of such fines
the part year.: Owing to the small
and costs, the court may make a fur
number <rf children there U no regular
ther sentence-that the
Sunday school; however, the Rev. A,
failure to pay such line and coat*,
Zuaaman is instructing a number cj
ahull be Imprtaoond in the city prtaon
young people in the Hehiww language.
or In the county jail erf Grand Trav-*
erse county until such fine and
shall be paid, not exceeding the pertod
of thirty day*.
Section B. Thl* ordinance shall
take effect in thirty day# after It*
and one that should always
hskeptathand for Inunedl'ate ose is Chaiaherlain's
t:oarh Remedy.
An Ordinance Relative to Carriagee.
Hacka. Caba. Hackney Coachea. Omnlbua^ and Wagonettes, or Other
Vehicles Which Cairy Fatoaf
for Hire.
Be It Ordained by the Council of Trav
erse aiy:
Section 1. Owners, drivers or con
ductor* of any vehicle kept and 11
censed for the carriage or transporta
tlon of passenger*, with or without
baggtge. 4rlthln the limit* of thl* city.
Shan be entitled to charge the follow
ing rate* or price* of fare, and no
more, to-wlt:
For earning each paamger to or
from pny railroad rtation. hotel
<iock. to or from any point In the <
except the Northern Michigan A«y
for the Insane, nq^exceedlng twentyfive fents.
For carrying paaaengers to or from
the Northern Michigan Asylum for the
Insane to or from any point within
the limit* of said city as follow*:
Fifty cent* for one pas*^ger. fifty |
cents for one additional passenger, one
dollar for three paasengeru. one dollar
for four passengers, and twenty-five
cent*/or each additional passenger
over four paaaenger*.
For carrying each passenger one
and one-half miles or under, and not
to or from any raUroad station. hotcU,
dock or the Northern Michigan Asy
lum tor the Insane, not exceeding
twenty-five cent*; for carrying each
paaaenger over the diwance aforesaid,
and not to or from any railroad suUon. hotel, dock or Northern Michigan
Asylum tor the Insane, not eRceedlng
fifty cents; children under five years
of sge. in charge of any other person,
shall be carried free; chadrm aged
between five and twelve years shall he
carried for half price.
lees than one bmidrod poqnfli. twentyfive cents, nnd for cniryteg any
heavier piece of bsggnge. ten eenta
for each additional hundred poonda or
part thereof.
Hand boxes, satchel*, bags. Taliaes,
tamdlea nnd grlpsin chFTge of psaaeogers being conveyed. ahaU be oarrted
the nun of two
of such
dollari and fifty cents.
Fbr sttendtag a fnseral aad convey'
anoe by the hour, lor not mop than
fonr persona, and wUh tbe prtvOege
of going firoB pin. to staoe and rtofh
PHrfng as often as i
BECAUSE we mm mikioK a batter product ibaa auY
jou have been aUe to get on the market before mad
we are going to Ulk vi ALm all tbe time until arery §u.
hourt^e in TraTerrt' City and vicinity has umd the
ii»EAL floor and producta,
. - f ^
THEKB it DO queiUon aa to tbe merito, Tbe ouly^
queation ia. Are you using them r
KEMEMBERihat ifyour gWr does not handle
our ppodnrts that we are ready to tend yop anything
Jl’ST now i*n good time to on]<>r n nook of iiikax
Bnekwboat Flour. It mnkon'tbo enk^ that bn* tbo
bnokwbent taate.
^ V,
WestftoBt Street
We do hereby certify thst the fore
going ordinance wa* passed by the
common coundJ of the aty of Trav
erne City on Monday. December 3rd.
T. H. CILUB. Clerk.
Notice to the Taxpayers of the City of
Traverse City:
The tax polli for the collection of
the state and county taxes for the
year 1$0€ and for tbe delinquent
school and city taxes nnd sportal naseasments for said year have been
placed in my bands for collection.
I will be in my office to receive said
taxes from now unUl Feb. 1, 1M7. on
each week day from 8 o'clock to 11:30
o:clock In the forenoon and from 1
o clock to 4 o clock In the afternoon.
On all state and county taxes paid
before January 10. the regutar fee of
one per cent for collection will be
charged and on all taxes paid on or
after January 10. there will be
charged a fee of four per cent for col
lection. Penalty on delinquent city
and school taxes and special assess
ments. 4 cents on each dollar of the
amount of said tax.
Office In room 202 State Bank
Dated. Dec. i; 1906.
dec 4 to fcb-28
City Treasurer.
I BELIEt'B that MlUers Is the beet
place to boy perfumery for most
everybody goes there.
dec 8-tf
Arc Your CoUcettons Slow
Hm jm acMfBtt Oat
Tod Ha?c GItcd Up?
U m luTc. let OK collect
OkineoaiiBtopa«pttr nUMidtri.
tonndlenamnka manejtofjtn
A. Pohoral
Tr«fuis<aiy. Mich.. Sept. lA lififi.
I have plaoed a anmher €C nensnsis
with A. FobomTs ngsnex tor eoDseb
ion. mBRj of OtoRiJy oiynwn^ M
MtatnenU to ttm uM prsupt
Dr. BrU Adkton. 1
} Should Receive Bic
of Every OHzcn
■ ■
__ j_J
# * Oeaeral Repair Work u
. •
I Mcoag^ jrMvcwc ciT>% I
irrisz^Niimw the aoprasH
Tohn K. Santo
Tnmm Otj
wa Slrai«i lanslBr
Fm the ntnte
mm Hm Unim
Nm H M SteitiL -
they cxmctuded that ka nost^kc under
sates torture of aotne kind.
-Canskt te o k^r trap - aald Mr.
Ofikan. aa ka aada a atap forward.
“Hold Oi. I
tktek It.- aald M<or fopvlakai for tbr
^Ir ai kU
foot. Mr Ofllim alcMiop tvo of tkr Ooagk.- I kOOera H*s a tunatlc. BetbooB ud pot tbcB ^ lUa pocKft,
Ikey dodsod fron tree
osplalptas to Mr. Me^oo^k. wltk a
■kmri aaetla. tkat tktf Blgkt t«mr« to trea tkroiisb tka kaaylast ahadowt
as crMaaeo lator oa ; If Mnrraro and workad tkalr way wftkin tan rods,
bHrs kad aajr dlfflcaliy la ectUa^ a when tkay ware aklc to make out a few
MttJMDoat from the life Insurance words that reached them In dU)olntad
frmsmenu, whfck become more clouaPleklaK thotr aray om Ides and ly connected as bur heroes leseened the
ihnwgk t»msh. they eoBOatiad In quest distance between tkemaelses mad the
of t|Mi atransa walllat aa4 •crapin* airanser; and a queer suaplckm crept
aouid tkat im bnwckt tken Into tke Into tkelr ateda. wkkk waa folly con
cakk. TMrprocfoaai^tbekaak firmed when they sot cloae to Ike an
>r an alawat tbor of tke nolae. He waa poelns aa
blat out faced tke plctoraaquely aa aay Spanlah Caraller
atieam. vkaia tke snick dtrerged at and ataflns -Whan ika Moekins Wrda
rtskt ansles Into a aahWar doile. Are Calllns. Maudle Dear.- wkBe ke
Here tke waUlns and accaplns baea»e acraped out an nccompanlment on n
I. O. Burns
'Tud and offioe Nortbeni
Both pbooet 8&
Horses and Cows
For Sale ‘
1 good, IM0T7. MVDd «otk
b^. good oorlition, tmj
1 lSO01b.9yM sUmre
1 beantilal' abuidard tmd
brood marot icrd bmd
and in
T. W. W.
1 atylUh^itedfikddle borofa
S ooodoova; be fierii eariy
taktaafriog; will tell wy
"j. W. SUT0R.
Why sit in a cold room
when a little money spent
will keep it put?
Storm sash arc jjuaranteed to pay for them*
selves in two years in
savinjj of fuel.
Get our prices.
deer wblek atartod up and boardci
away to the dMton ke ini c«moi
He wimffH tnm kla covertng wltk fram; tbB he haare n ptalnttve daaor
klant and that
an. When ke re*
!sa In a few minare ovardrmwteg the fhlag.- Bid Mr.
bat nevertbeleas
M hBMkt la Ma tka car.
Order your
tokavf MliagMkatteam, ■vb i
nock mors dUtInct. Tkey exattiaed
their rtflea carerully and glided w«U>
ataaltk of IndUna to“Hadnt we better wait nnUI be rrta
Mr. Gilbert
ward tkaamrea of the kwnd. Proa
driftwood and knak. U^ay snMnally
”Ko. we beuer make a nolae or
wonnod tkelr way oot of tke gorfe to
replied Mcklskar
la a foraat of noble plnea
M »<mtl orpet or tallc* neeata* aad 'ni make • ooIm Ilka an ladlan
eoaaa. Tlia Ineraaatacj
baa.’’ aaid OllbMt: "Botch Norotar
alns dlaUoctatai
of the walllns told thaU that tbay told me bow to do It: Who-wb<KH>!
on the Hicht tracks and tkalr
The' ainger tnmad toward them—
curtoaity fnm more Intense when the
distant flicker of a fire fixed their at- -Maudle. of coorae. yon galloota. Get
up from behind that log and come Into
camp. Be aocUble. I’U promise oot
Voiea of Apeiw.
to sing any more.Tkarn coold be no aUtakias the
It waa Beg Heigea who apoke.
sound »ow-lt was a kuWn yolee In with the cooincaa of a real Raffles
asoqy; and as they huitled forward caught In the act of Inning off sUver
they soon causht sight of a human pUte.
flsnre silhouetted nsnlnti the fire
-Hey! BUI. get up; got company.”
light. All tke blood and thunder narHe punched kls sleeping partner In
ratlrec read in their ytmth—of capthe ribs wltk bis boot.
tlvea burned at the aUki of robbers’
Bill got up. rubbikff kla eyaa. and
and mtllionairea held for
anUy came te tke minds helped to do the heooruoftbe camp.
of our keroee. They took Ika piecau While the vUltors related tke atrange
tkat had brought them.
tton to tranifer their bUI-bookm and
purses to their hunting nocks, took Bin made many queer facea and heavy
ihHr temperatures, and. wUb brarado gulps and walked clear acroaa the
ao well aasumed as to completely de camp to spit Into the darkness with a
sound like a heavy-bore popgun, and
ceive each other, crowded forward.
Approaching to within a distance of at the end of their narrmtlra. eoocludtwenty rods of the place, they stopped ed bia performance by covering him
to slae up the figure by Ihr flr^lght. self with a blanket which abook and
It was a man. sure enough. His back quivered and jerked nnUl the guests
waa^lbward tbem^and b^ atood atlll leared that he had convulsion^
• Wbafa the matter with Bill?" en
save for a hand held upward, as If
In supplication.
As It Jaaa evident quired McGougb.
that be was the author of the atrange • -Oh. nothing much; Bill has awful
walling that atlll pierced their eara.^ good manners.- replied bis partner.
-Wen. we waat to know what you
Wart this a leaa treckfal aarretlve.
tke ambdr woald endeavor to oolor It
little and have tbe monster tokan
M gulp. Ida Adam’s capUve with a great show of guns.
But be feela tbe neceaalty of oonilelag blmaeir to tbe facta: Wben tbe
ears wabkl^ Iwi be never arniled.
. -What are tkeyr demanded Mr. Mc^ A amnU tuft of dark grey hair was
found on a lagged piece of glaaa where
panel bad been wrenched and chew
’nkem’a tke gambrel jolat of oM li
ed out between two windows, throogh
Pete’s band mnle\tkat got anowr
wkkk be aumt bare escaped.
down there and froxe to dentk
of the great disoorerwinter.”
lea of sdance and valuable cooiribotkma to history have been due tn
Went Back to Camp.
as only by the merest
With some dlfflcuHy tke two ad
venturers wended tkelr way back to
tkelr own camp to find all tkelr com- the world aa nocarate picture of tkU
tar. ’TU a trite saying
ito from tke aimrek. and alio
that tke camera tells no Uea. Mr. McOougb aould be graciously excused for
neglectlag to look at the strange anthoagh udeece and xooiagy
kcamp. It waa decided to march were to be cheated of a rare addition
such BUgloel. But It s.ws ibal hU
toward tke siding where tke PItUburg
which dangled by a
a private car was standing bi
prosecute a 'vigorous aearck along the strep from bla sboulder and knocked
kla back as bq raa. took upon
way. Rnanora were amt with mesato other camps, and notices post Itself to Bupi^ what lu owner, ow
ing to the et^gandea of Ike occaaloo
ed warming other hunters of
was not able to secure. Wben Mr.
McOough waa developlag bla photo
to looks out for Murray
graphic plates a few days after bU re
Wk^ the party got
from tke woods he waa nonpluss
miles of tke raUroadJ. H
and nmased nt the Image that atood
them to BMke a detour to a
ly pretty spot that he wiaked to get out loldly on one of Aem-cf which
pbotographs of with kla Rodak. prom be pictore below U an evac: rej.roising to be on bund at dinner lime. uctlon..
‘The rest of tke compaiiy having
artistic ambitkma to gratify, mo
on In gloomy aHance.
When they came near the
range sight met their eyte. The two
negro porters were pacing the top of
and shooting to them franil
rally to -stay back-aomethtng
They did not heed the warolnv
but advanced with ready guns
The car locked aa though a
had struck It. Maay of the windows
abattered.whlch waa explained
by the Bbouta of the coons.
-We shut him In there! .Keep
H e j[ 11 n g I
^ -■ 1
W< KNOW we are equipped : to give you the
most satisfactory service it is |>ossible to give.
In plumbing there b as much difference In the
way the work is done as there jis in the fixtures.
Our work is right—we have biuilt up our splen
did trade by doing it just that ^ay.
We are satbfied we have the Iwt Heating Sys
tem there is to be found anywhere.
If you are thinking of putting in Steam, Hot
Air or Hot Water Heat, let us figure whE >-ou
before you necide what, to hatje.
If you want the best (not necettarily the highest
priced) system and want the Work done right at
satisfactory prices, we know we can get your
We are pushing the Forde liightingS jbtemecause we believe it is what you ought to have.
We know, and tbe ones who arc using it know,
it saves them ihoney.
. Come in and let us tell you
us and we will call.
bout it, or phone
u iVr deminiefl .he propr«.
Photooraph of the Morderoaa fiklpit know—big •animal—kangaroo
percen AocWently taken by J. H.
BrV’ INK whOU. cnimb frays ami
brushes, crumb frays and scrapers,
--cr glraft—er grtrxly bear—er
card trays, paper knives, pocket maid,
Gilng like that ”
The artUt wan almast frlxhlr!ied
safes, postage stamp boxes, etc.. In tbr
-Big aa a horse ” corrobCrated tbe
at flwf, sod InvolunUril.v aurtwl to
beautifni antimony ware at The Emn
other—-Big claws—idng gray hair—
run. iJitcr he took the pbotograph omy Store.
dec lO .’lt
walks like
and contulted Prof. I. B. *7IlbH ii. mho
The hunters closed In around the
mrell knomn authority on xriolopi
car and held tbelr guns ready.
FOR KANCV work baskets, waste
cal apoclmena
up. boys.” aald Mr. Graf
“BTiy. man,” exclaimed the profes. paper iBkeis, lunch Ujxes. etc., try
n from the top of the car. where he
dec 10-3t
80^ •you don't nira*. to tcl. im- th»t The Bcpnomy Store.
had climbed to ger a better view of
you mere chased by that monster here
the scenery.
in Michigan. That is the xUM skip
Bam Ilea mounted the platform
H»n-«ever U^fore beard of outside
one end, and F. C. Desmond at
Asia Minor and almost extinct
other, to investigate; but saw noth
there. It la a bl-fogel crtlncreaecmia
but each other’s faces.
Lihr the great Stomach,
-In thej
r. FrhmtI.OO.
P/vB $f.Ci
Kidney find Liver Regulator.
Prltx Belt
menUoned by Pliny as the Kanmukcrept stealthily
■Tffteaa't •^n mfUhr immediate cure for Crampa, Whoop
eroufi GeombUrlcuss. It has been crand got bold of the knob on the door
ing Oough« DeafneM and Rhenmatiam, 50 Baft.
purgated from the modern dictionary
and called for the key. which tbe por
since P. T. Baimun died, as the ocien.Witfmun^M
£aap for Ecaema, Dandrnff, Shaving
ter threw down. After the door was
tlflc men could not agree cm lU real
and Shampooing, f# Baft pB aa*a.
securely locked, the compnar fcH that
?. some contending that It waa of
they could afford to take time to fijeure
the genus Sklppus Renikus and others
out a method of punishment for the
that It was Renlkus-Sklppus. But It's
monster comroensurate with the de
hopper, by any name.”
vaaution he had wrought in the car
giata, Tiaverte City.
Bverytbing was Inreed xiimipf down
and chewed ni|a clawed, and
would require f.lO railroad cars,
the stove knocked over by the animal
eaeh carrying ttventy-four tons, to haul
in his efforts to enenpe after tke por
the freight stowed away in the bold
ter had closed the door nnd shut him
Sfiufifige Mfikfira
of one of tbe trans-allantic linera.
in. All tke prorlalona were
^THC TRADITIONAL ■OAR’fi HEAD and the hunters were engaged In fig
At a rallmray sUtlon in Belglam Is
uring out the moniter’a exact proporclock which only require* winding
; wtf can replace with a tender. Juicy Uods. bnaed on the amount of provls) once in five years, it was placed
nnd Bweei as a nut a turkey, chicken, lotti oonaumed after be devoured Mur there by tbe Belgian government in
ray. when the Ust named ^Oeman IWl. and-keeps capital Ume.
goose, duck, that will make your Yulesaetf . before them and
tide fenat one to remember. We have
.American condensed milk and evap
secured every delicacy In tbe.line of
-Maybe Jcnsi^ waa In the wknle’s orated cream find a ready mariiet la
menu, poultry, game and canned Stomach, bat I wasn’t In tkat animal’s China, and there la a growing demand
American cheeae.
goods for tbe holiday sbsoo that
makes our market tempting to tbe
Tbe only Urge sheet of freak srater
Then be explained: At the tragic
worthy of roent
coacloalon of hU beauUful automobile
^lanoo. This Kaa keen aupplaivientad by highest nworB find
BIwa. mhlcb Is thirty-six
etC ud FfmnUin.
Botbpb<me«. dream be tried to dodge Dick
eye’s orangoutang and fell over back twelve mUcs wide, and 200 feet deep
Bat tha true touroe of greal
ward behind the log into n hollow at lU greatest depth-
All kindu of lumber and
interior finish.
South side ^
Lumber Co.
Joseph Slsdir & Sons
Kimball Pianos
Kimball Piano ia in itaaW-in Ito i
k Taste of These is Sure
PlCKLE8-8<nir. Swwt, Dm, Mixed ud
right twMv-per lb............................. 1 8o
SAUER KRAUT-Mede fieiB UtUe c«bbege in the old^Mhioacd my, per qt-. .6c
Walter M. Paige
California Crapa*-Jeet mei««d e chip,
ment ol lbs bsst tlut grewt^-perIK..20c
FOOTE’S Of rourse
among tke break, where be lay |
funy aleeplng unto tbe company bad
At this Janctnre a wild and diaaktv
tied specimen who once went by the
name of Joe MeOougk rushed Into tbe
car and threw ktmaMf upon the protaction of tbe company, gaaplai
aaetber Aapter of tke kSdeoot adven
ture:Whne latmit on gectlag ■
tkalarly deMreblo pictafu. and
kma to evarytklag claa. be wai
daaly overabadowB by •oma.nK
form that seemed to be falling
him. and tke same demoniac cry tkat
had beea heard the algkt 1
alnmat troB the blood la bla velna.
Re made a laage. be raa. Tbe tkbpg
canto bounding and tkompteg bokind
him. break nnd timber creaked In un
der lu bsfi ftnpnct; be atreteed
ery nerve and fibre In bla body.
Cm • Com la Om toy
Cm Gi^ 1b Two keys
' than My athar maka In tha worM. Thia la a atrane Watawawt M
I aalwtaly trva, bama otit by tha annul aalaa at Kimball Kianaa.
I M aar flaana.
Wa hava
Oar amall V^i^M PlM Mahia Klaaa Baying Kaay.
M. a HARNBB, Ptoih
I have!* atunberof Rood
farm*.alltb«way inwiMto
MOaac>. faraale. ar if yoa
have any voedfMeperty. I will
take h in exdanoc sod make
ym easy terms. 1 can tell you
a good (am for leas money
thas yoo can boy it of any
body ebe. 1 have I
which are located from foyr
to KO mile* from Travmrse
City, all good Impfoved land.
fpm BALR-im-ll ocros two islloi
At Itt WA
rtrMt. lfr«. WUIOfit.
dMt IM
LOfT OR •TMYtO-.Wi. bUck A®
IPfm cAt mUk
Batvni to MnL r. CL' Darfec, IIM
worlA of CANDY wiU be ociM
to til® Uoltod AUUo this fmr.
ftoaio !l«Atorf tollJ of flAHoo
oHI noro tAmti oiAm, bnt there
It 0 r«A«oo for iWt. *
• YA# Aboploto PURITY of tho
iomoair Rtoro Candlea eooablA^
rd wUb tAe uBusual low iirice cf
If you orOAto tire yoor chUdiwo
too pnroit oo2 U*tl condlet ole
taloobto ot ihr price yoo tbooto
buy ihera at <he Ksoiwjmy Store.
Sunday oobwat and oil cAwt*
ooctotiM win find jt to toelr to^
iMMMiy Store
J. N. Martinek
Yair Wife
WmiM like no0.in^> ladtor for **b»r** i:ift ibon a
for W faliln; for IbatV oim
lUat otia
i»ratify h« r
Lcok ovtr hc rtupply
.«im1 too what mho ia
lackiuKt ibeii come in
(iihUwo will Ulk it
ovor. Wetro married.
UK). Andean giro you
which la composed of MHlott R. Dunnlng. Bryant Walker and W. B. Bar 000. Eight loeaeo. for A toUl of only
$360. hare beeh wuataioed.
rows. llceaaea have been lasae<
tome btdpfol togget.
tor moA and toama can be fumtobed.
To apply, nto eltoer B«U or Oto.
pboae to Cbenknl Worim at Gar
wbOA ho oonio to WoAbtaitoA froto
Iron too plaioo or Tesao ooAM iCtoSA
I Ota It wAMin lOAt. boweeer.
beCoro Bailey feU to lint and erderod
bf^ oo P. M. R. R. oe phono to
F. C. DeamocHL Traverse Oty. Mlcb.
dec KKf
i or Lon!totod to
toe Ualtod
toe PtttobAi
tbe roenltn were oent at oaeo to toe
Smklyo BAvy yard. Sir Hbary. wbo
bao A paper ohpwtnc that bo was a
eoaot ID too Boor war. bad been
mtttaiico amn.- hot lalolr tbo reaneea failed to come frooi YigtoBd
UtoAod with oQppor mlAoml. the
fiottor. The coo
product of the Calumet A HooU
mtoet. the Btramer Platt l« eorouto pon4od At nnd bno
inlot IS or its 1
to the lower Uket with one of lbi
ftoheot earfoeo erer shipped from
Aortbem MkAlion. lU raloe 1* orer
aptaint tart me and yaarSlAt for
a ooldlorA life to
A lory In toe came of Will Dooalgmn. toe iwaaoa aoaignod by Fetor Qolalla.
Oily or Mimketiia lor
charged with murdering Joe CWwMy.
nightwatch In a ecreen door factory, from toe Twelfth Infantry,
relumed a rerdlct of guilty of murder at Ftort Niagara. N. T. He aakod for
lodging! at the police aUtton Sunday
to toe trot dogree.
Bub Slear. captain of toe Tecumaeh night and Mon
team of the Sjwiihem Michigan league, got the atory of hla
A novel point boaotowi In 4Ao
waa Bkating on Red Mill pond when
aro or Qiiimn. TAo
hla eye coogbl toe dioappoartog t
or n 12 >f^r-old boy a euartor of a mile aUowa only HO exptoke
oStowa retoratog>itooaa
away. Running to thr apol be dired
nxpenae ol toe trip to Fort Mtogora
Into the ky water. F6ur tiroea be
cAme to the aurface for breath and .the would Awood toAL ao Qntalto may
after all got bU liberty.
fifth deacent found the boy tm the bot
Vtmmutkrm of toe
tom of the pond and brought him up.
;tioA and Attomoy geneml a deForty girla employed by the Barrett
Porter company picking beona at parUDeot have wturAed from an toOwoaao atmek Monday morning be- eeatltatlon Into coodlttOAs reported to
range they had been rut from 3H exia^ to achool dtoUka Na 2. Elk
eenta a pound for waate to 3 eenU. towniklp, and Ko. 3. Dorer townahlp.
company refuaea to take back any Lake county. In the former they, re
quired the former achool directors to
of too lirjkera.
Otto Paul Knopf repaired to the give a note for $117. reported to have
bathroom of hla rtwldence at Delml been found to have been unlawfully
to varloua ways. In toe Utter
and half an hour Inter hh mother
ionnd him dead, hit l»ody doubled orer duFrict a dtrecior had woeeeeded to
liig bia father aodofdior nnd bto
the aide of the- bathtub and hla face
aitbmerged 'in the tub. It la thought wife ireaaurer. with the rwault that he
had hla own cUlma allowed for every
> waa orercome by dlwineaa.
coaeeireble service. One of these wai
In Cirmll court at Flint the will of
•For hiring teacher. $4.the late Maria Sttiekdale waa alb
cretary !?. x.Holden of Umalng.
aner over a rear of llUgntlon. The
eatale ia worth about $300,000 and'wtll hoa prepared the reports of the Pal^
be divided belwi«^ the legaltea and ftmt* Mutual Fire and the tornado and
wind-atorm loauTanoe compaalea to be
eral charitable *1 nat it utlnna.
The nan-game hlnl llcenae comrola- presented at the annual neettaga held
in connection with the meeting of tbe
alon haa aubmittod Ua first report
Gov. Warner. Thla commlaaion la a Staid itfwnge to Bvwnd E^plda this
week. Both companies have bad mbnem one to the public generallj
waa created liy act 2r.7 of the lawa of atantial growth. In the Are compoitr
1»05. and oonalata of three roembera. 1.601 policies have been wrHt« to
pdlclea or
whoao duty ia to toane permlta to dtl- the year, making
aena of Michigan to yto birda- neaU $$A41.n$ ^ Inaurance to force. There
That la to any. the colnmiaalon ia em have been 76 loeaoa. amounting to
powered to laaue ikenaea to ciUaeoa about IlC.ooe. In toe wlnd^etorm aom
to take neats In the Intereat of science. pony, toaomnoe to the amount of $4*0.670 waa wrltteai during toe year, and
During the life of the comml
ATO too two pilnclpor rMunoo
ilAf toAr wHA# torso aomtAMAt of
Ijmdm S004II. vhk*
tiM oory or
Ato ftolOir^AOOOCtoto; to COAfTA*..
A AAAlvoroArr of tAo
AirCA of lAAgfaltow
t7 A04 wSl bo nrttbwtoi ot OoAArlito. tbo poot*o Aoam.
All to#
ocbooto of the €dt|T wUI toko port AOd
|| Pewset jBfelMdmi
iH per pond
to o frUtoU *Wbon 1 toft
lifo old man llortn
l« AbOAt tbo PAAAtoA cma
Jet DavlB^too aow aooAlor from
ArkAAooa. la o ohlntoc ODdonigbC jot
be Ana never Worn a awallowtan wont
WANTtO-IO toAma to bAAl cord
Ao mwi be aemr wiU. Sonntor
«Mt* tm cMd; m>oi
loe Bnltoy bod too oome pn$odk»
dec 104f
Valley 8L
WAN'TRD-Three or four 1 leoma to
draw h>cw OolnahU TninMer.
dec ll-St
WAMTRD-At nnre: young man to
laaa the lafMry uade. U M. Baadoe ll-4t
tary eoort, Oonorml Uade. was la hla
Travaroe City Mfc. Ca
dent Unde toteadod to baeoABo m
gbiecr and eaterod toe wortcaAop of WANTH>-HoB»k«T>,r.
a toftanltA to recoHe oomo pme
H. RMoM ctBr,.
tmlntog. But too moebaakAl
was little to tbe young man's
sad be rffuroed to oebool. to 1M« be
took oerTtoe to on orllllery regimeet
at Riodaborg and advanced rapidly
Uotn 1PM Ao woo dIvialoB eommandei
at Bramborg and baa otaeo boen eorpa
commaoder at GoooM.
Senator CnUom waa about to otop
Into bU oAitlASO At tbo oipltol too
oiAtr day wten bo stoppod aad took
ed at toe horse trltksolly. “John.- be
said to the coachmaa. “We have got
to do eomethtog for these horsM. They
ere too ^hln. They are out of coodltlon. Why. 1 waa noticing SecreUry
Tofi'a homes toe other day, and they
aneote and Idg nnd floety and fat-"
“Deed, boss." broke to the conohman.
looking at tiMutotn figure of Senator
Cullom. -we don't need no such hoeeea
to haul ua oa Mr. Taft dooi. nohow.**
Vice Prealdeat Fairbanks la oxchanging eompnmenu wUh'toe a
of Kanaaa City. Mo., and other r
ciUiena auending the deep water
ways convenilon. He moved nervous
ly from one loot to the other and mpruwently was In a burry to get away.
"Yea, drop to any time." he aald. “rm
a little busy tola morning, but oome to
auQT umc; always glad to see
Tbe delegatloi^ bowed Itoelf out and
the door had scarcely clooed when the
vice president shouted tar hla uh
ger. John, scoot for home and get me
my old shoes." he said. It'o wonderful
how a new pair pinches."
Itake dty
sixty 1
ciiy; seventy ocrea Improved
houae. bam. windmill: all U
Price $4600. Wade Bma., $17
street. CIU. phooe lllk.
z?^r- *• *:■
with powor. maehmery bas IaAM:
all UghtAd by oloetrteity: good tm
protoetkm. In a too placo fif IMP;
torso mllraodo and a ivoaI opoAtog
for A fOAArml tapAlr kuMmii Ba
OPPOAIUQAS wm ton tor Ittoto A
MAP tor Aomo oao; bimor to poor
hoAlto. Addmm J. J. Rortok. Oitord. Miau
Aov T-tf
FOR tAtR-14$4-riiunooa
NO tkANOHR ot typhoid It you nso
aMtRlBCd ■Hfc <June« City Dairy
XMum'. CWt. trt. «n.
Nafional 1
nmied Steles
Nov. 6. •06......
Dec. Il.:*06..........
. ■ . : 82jUOe.OO
82 58.1P0U>0
WANTEO-DIntog room girl at emoo
at toe P. M. Kettof House.
FOR fiALR-l^a^Plne
of poyd and Pront: li
houae: easy tirma; ]
Wade Bros.. $17 Union
phone 121$.
FOR SALE—A oombtoatton wood or
hot blast coal stove to first daaa
coodmop: worth I2fi; $10 cash Ukea
It Geo Othom. 344 State ft Clt.
phone $23.^
dec 4^t«
WAtfTCD-Tour oolled gnrmmiti to
dona and make Hko Rtw. LoAoR
work a opodalty. TfjMm Byo
Worts. 312 B. Tnmt BL OoH Mf
CItx. phone and wo will do too mot
olreet. ClU. phooe 121$.
FOR RALR-Btoro and lot oomor
rraut aad Opk otmoto; qploAdld
buMnoio loeotkm; AM upMalra;
would rout to right pnrto. Bnqnlni
Shormaa ft Huntor.
oct IP4f
FOR RALR—Btohty ocro’ tom two
mUeo went KorriavUlo;;fottr H^eo
post office Traverse bty: tixty
Am Imprwood: six oo(m onlUMe
FOR «ALR-im-Oood Bo#
mm bouoo. tth stmohi claoo to
wehooL mortiot and Chttreb; oooy
terms. Prtoo
FOR «ALE-14$2-Bla room hopM.
Boyd avenue, close to Boee alreet.
prie.- $660. Wade Bros, $17 Unloo
Mret t. Citx. pbooe lllf.
otreet near Twoltth otmet.
WANTED—100 men and hoys to loom
plumbing, bricklaying nnd plaotor
tog by oetual praetlee In three
montha Poeltlona secured. ’Write
for free catalogue. Coyno Bros. Co,
SS8-SH K Aabl
tt.» etta.
WANTED—Poallion as derk to groeery or clochlng store.' four years'
experience. Address ju. C.. cure
dec 7-U
one 16M.
FOR SALE-1476-Ftoe i
SSriito atreeu.; will take $1,000
to good value, free aad dear cf en
■Uwt. ctu. phooe
lot: new
Hotel and Bar Furniture dock
trade at Lake Ann. large Souring
rolll at Oopemlsh. one of the Urgeet
and beat boteU. all f
Nortbeni Michigan:
■lu a (UW Choloo hwukwi !• ^
We h»». (Old wd ettyor mimm to
Colorado. Ia fMt. «• hue pcopwrty for nlo uIboM aaywher* you
waat ft. But w. h«»e uothlu wx
cu oMr you that
««aaf Ito
Orwad Tavaraa lUdiBa tor Ml*.
il7 DbIou BtraM. Tra»«» CUy.
Mich.. Ott. ptaou in*. <M1 M o
Urcp lot. bouM wrB flAWted. ca
P3.P00. Wa
atreet. CItx.
IP. for toy rmma. your gmxr 4o<*
aol fuml.h you with IDBAL. producU.
call up the nlU. we will w» that you
gM It. Both pboOM.
dec *-tf
HAND PAINTBD candy boxM. perf«t hahuUca. at Jackaou'a. IM Frout
■ V
FOR SALC-Oood top bittSy OAd
pDrtlahd cutter, loqulio U &.Trlmble. ^
to. CoMi prtuo IlMA. Wade
Brno.. tl7 UMon otrAOt. Oto. phono
fANTED-OIrt for general houtework
to emnU family. Mm U. McDonald.
62$ WaMilagton St.
_______ _
rOB »AL*-OBa puir
^ j
tHE YEAR 19«6
BHck Paving, UnlOB and CBBS
streets, 3,000 feet ...
Four miles of Cement "WtiSk •
Second Ward Sewer . . . .
Asylum C^ek BHdge. .
. . 1400
SUMMARY OF THE IMPROVEMENTS 2,000 feefl Water Mains . . . loSOO
WAS S58,700
I • ‘Totid
. 58,7*0
SO NewRiRddences. . . .
FMITORT tDOmORS UD EOUIPHEltT m Asylum Diiprovements . .
REtCH IBOUT 3I50.000
Fonrteentli Street M. E. Churcli 4,^ (J
Oak Park School Addition .
. 6400 '
County Jail Imj^vement . £
Total . J . .
Th« «dUorUl staff of Th« ISvtoIok
. Bmm baa bM extr^mriy bbay dui^
Sac tba paat a^b conplltug atailatica vf ike tBif[^T«inf«ti la TraTsma
CStr. tb» balUltak operatloDt. aa4
ttfurta alundac Ibe
KOff^Mt or tbe dUr.
BttUdtag ocwratlons In Traverse City
dffrinc ibe pad year baresw>t been as
ntunsfss as ta tba peerteus twii years,
but tbe stroctures that have beea
built am of a mibatanttal character
Tbbaa taro lleroi 1 are ImporUnt as
showing a very matarlal development
ta our local ladiistrk^s. demonatratlng
output and growing butl
. The number of raaldei
tblrty^te. aa agalast ataety^lgbt teat
year. ThU Is not a poor abowlng. as
many of tboaa built last year were
bum for inveatmeat wbUe duHng tbU
year aMOi of them have been erected
for private paritei.. Taking It all to
getber, th*i ibowteg tor tba .gtar la
very graUfylng. The flgarea slvaa by
both imbllo and prirata, baa bam a
nattar of eonaitlbnibla cara. dmi «maarraitaaa baa baaa obawr«4 la aaeor*
lag farta and ligma from raUabla
aatfrcaA anvt isaca b«| ba*n warc4aad ta bates Mfli and it baa baco
Iba rate of tha ftacM to mttmMte a
lUtle undar rat bar than ^Twr tba ada ahow that tbaaa Indnstrlea have bejn
a) cuadmana.T^areaalt cgniMl batb# more buiy tbaa doriag tba year pregratifying to tba pf>opte of the dty vkniB. tba tmalnaBi of Um year in tbe
gaaaralU’. la tba y«ar \W» wa« com dly.so far as city trade U ooacamed.
maacod ibo^amioal atatlaUcal report has b^n good, but the country trade
of the Ueydopment of Trarerao Cltyjjn the city baa fallen behind laat year.
and the corapaiutlve flgvrea wQI proVe^ This la due to the fact that the farm
. of conalderable Interest. Tbe total Im- ers this yeor bare not had aa prosper
proYcrocnt* In tbe year ippd. aggrt^ ous yeet as tba yaar IMS. The price
gated 43».SCO as aglDst tW8,7R2. for [of potatoes haa baen very low during
|Wi. While this showing Is not So
fall and the farmers are hold
ns last year, still U Is vfry snb- Ing ibelr prodacu for higher prices
Aantlal under the cTrcumstances and ThU fact
displays a ih i manent and steady devclopmcnt. Next year It Is quite pro
bable that the toul win be much
greater than U hba been this year but ual. Isist year was an exceptionally
It Is not a discredit to the dty that good year for the farmer and It U nof
he figures for 1P0€ are nut as great as always Ibsl two years successU-ely
Atone of 1W05. the ffitnres compiled show high prtobs In farm products.
Mhowtng expenditures of no grant mng
The Record In this Uaoe preacBts
nltude taken siiigly. In former years, s careful comfOailon of all the tadnsmany Urge strnrtnren and axpenalve triea and IntemsU .In the city and It
bultdlnga added to the total very mn Is believed tbnt tba lignina given are
/terUlly. Ibirlng the past year no very as nearly aeinbato |aa can
\ W****^^' Imlldlngs have been erected and will torm a valoaWa reooed.
, ^ the pnbnc ImprovemMits have not
been as large as In ihe.two years preCOMPARISONS OF WEYffN
The most MCable factory improve
ment tbU year Is that of the Oval
Wood Wsh ^Ctopany. the cximpany
1902 ....
having built a Urge addition and large
ly Increased tbdr output. The total
amount expended for all factory addi
tions was $M.tOO wbDo the amoanU
- I brick STRIjCniRfS
A. W.Bartak«ock . . .. . , 20,000 -f
Farmers* Supply Co. Building , 6,500
Total ....
AdditionsItoFactories. . . . 044t^
Additfonai Factory Equipment 48,760
New Frame Store Buildings .
Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Store, Remodeled. . . . 20,000
Addittbns J. M. McCormick and
. . S. C Darrow & Sqn*s Stor^ 1475
Remodeled DweDtngs '... 11,450 ^ ^
Bulldingsof a Permanent €3iaiv
acter ijiot Included ahqve . 10,m
Total . . .
Grand TOW.
expended fn Improved equipment for
the factories smounted to I4S.7CO.
paring thU year
In preference to Uniag It to contract
ors and it Is estimated that eiknxt 94.•46T tXTffNBiyt, BUT OF PERM A 000 was saved thereby, with the qual
ity of woch not U the least lowered.
Tbo sewer extenskm ^ the year was
ta the Beeoad wmto and cost $425.
j only-m eompariUrely abort
Brick Pavlap arid Cmnafit Walks Be- tag UU.
- Of eemcot walks tbare were four
teg the Principal iten
mlUa. Iteenl. laid, addtag com
New Wtenr Malm.
pbly to fbe leagtb of cement walks ta
the dty. Tbw oost was $7,490.
Cass street.^ nouth, and Thirtern
Altbomb tba amount of city Isa- wltbout dty stm taemites bat tbe
^tervsd tbUysar.
provemenu malic during thb year X90C
^ not coma up to tbpae ofjaat yior.
there was atlll a neat sum, $34.826.n
expended upoa pneteg. cemrot walks,
water mstat and newer*.
Jhm paving was doaa oa Union and
streets, from Booth Ubioa street
hrUUpe to TMftb street and on Cass
a east of I1.SOOL
creek, on Wsd| Front street, was petttag te had »ta|te. ao H was reptaead
last sammer with n sunng eon
cahrert. The cnlvsK 4s of the
styU as the otbevs built over that
creek at otberWu ta tbe dty «»d
aitset from Bute atreet aontb to tbs tbe rxpenee wms H450.
. v‘
m sun™
• * «p «m mn
SKfilloS Mu TnlrHlSc Cm ^rTc ImrS
IMS ....
$ ft AM
new addition to tba Oak Park acboo|hooae. $4460. aad tbe new bara ait tba
jail. $690. Total $7400.
Ostalda tba city Ibelr wjprk has basa
at Manton. a aeven^oom brick aehooibouie. ilxHO feet and iwo atortes la
height. coallBC $7,000; A Gaylord, a
preaaad brick and ataoe bank bolldtag.
two rariea la baigbt nad 41x22 faet.
with n 12x62 faatatoraboUdiagadjotaIng. tbe cost batag $9,000.
A. R. Mannaferri.
Bast Elghtb stbeet. for
Mr. Hannaford did teas bnlldlag tbU
yaar than nasal, devoting moat of hU
Caaa atreet for Mr. Fer
Wbat walk ba did do wia aa follow*:
Flftasatb stmat for L.
ResUtoncs oa Webstar atraet, add.
As usual. Floyd U Smith, or. rather.
U auceesaora. tbe Smith Realty Co.,
leads ta tbe number of buildlagi erectad ta tbe dty. tbe lUt being aa follows:
DweUtag on Casa stmat for M. G.
mu. $1$60.
I>wemiic on Caaa street for M. O.
Fbor dwellings oa Gass stmat. tor
wailing or
m, 11.475.
walling oi
fer BL Happy. $1456.
DweUtag on fBaat Twaifth straattfer
BL & Lnadte. $U25.
■niui, *!.«*.
Dwailteg oa Ltocoln atmat tor Mr*.
Babsrta. $1409.
on Unooln stmat fer Mr.
. $1490.
Two dwelltags on Lincoln stmat. for
ssla. $1,600. ;
DwfUteg oa Caaa stmat for Daan
Tba work dona by Cowtracter *.
Vogal. $1466.^
Boaae> tha paat year baa baan aatlmBtom buOdtes on Roaa stmat tor
ly that of mmodarnng aad rapairtng
bnOdnsB. be barlag put up no aaw
Addition to MeOormiek** atera oa
oaaa. HU two asoat Importaal jtoa
teat Rtebtb slmaC $625.
hmm basn thoaa of mmodallteg tha
realdaaeao of A: Bobartaoa, <m Wahstar street, at a eoat of ahaat 9666, and
AUo a dpallteg for D U Mgn. of C. F. Raid, on Sixth atmat Tho
coat of the worfc,oa tha Utter hoaaa
wm pmhably amount to at laasl $666
ri^r wockia^tboAlty the firm of
Lathar A Irwto hna dM bat liltla.
been built tbU yaar than tor two or
three years previous. U no ladicntion
of a backward moremeat. On tba
contrary, white a few years ago them
was an warHiupply of reaidancaa. today there are very few vacant bouajss
ta Traveraa City that am dsnlfaMe
ratbar fnr i
fur worUng people and baataaas men.
My two b
Tbo ImprovameoU to tba asytnm dar
tini chnmal
lag tba pnst ysnr. Tba prtndpal one ing tba paat ysar have baan trifltag.
nr tbaaa U tba bandnoma brtok store Tba ai^t apent ta rcmodM bond
OB Front ntraet now tmtiig oampMad ing 16 BiPii tergo 66 ht wmk yinrs.
for.'A. W. BsHak at a eoat of $$0,000. but up to tb6 ItMgW TbM naw
Tha Phrmar'a Bnpply Company have store buildings aalda from tba brtek
aompletad a vary subsUntlal building balhStags mentioned abova nm taelddOB State street for their Urge bustaes* ed In tbe list of 1
One or tbe I
: a eoat d $<$60.
There tove ibaan vary few public meats during tbo year, to the mmodel
bttlldlBgs amctad dvrtef tba past ysar. tag of the Hannah A laiy Mamaatfto
tba only strodbrss of that kind batag Company a Urge More bnlldlag. Tbto
le 14tb atmat Mefbmllst church and win eoat in tba aaAgbbotbood of ftO.IdlUoB to tbb Onk Park achool 000 aad when ootnptecad win amke
one of tbe baadaomaat and moat mod
Tba nsmber of raaidanc^ buUt dur- em departmant atom la Mlcblgaa.
tag tba yaar agffregatea tbirty-alx. tbe The coo tractors wwlng to tba raaaoBS
coat batag I5S.700. Whan It U stated above, have not bean cxtvsasaly
stated that tba<a reeldaoces are msta- busy on local work, bnt ooaslderabte
ly put up by ptyvata paittea for bumes has been done ootalde. abowlng that
and not for apdonUtita psrpoaas. It u local conlractora am In demand ta
aurrcMindlng towaa and that Traverse
tadlcatton |of
a fsci
fact that i few
fc yaais ago. seqrea City Is regarded aa tbe mater for ooaof bouses warn buUt to sell, causad a stmctlve eaterprlsat
teflon ta tbU cUm of building Ft>Itowing la a lUt of the boUdlag
itSons dui^ tba past year, and operations and tba work ef tba eowtractors duitng^tba yaar:
ntea That ta tha dty noaMatefiaf tba
Plain « woM
data their gpoAi the cnmpaay
tmn «*
tav M
iMVwtan talk* yar
•m aongato
Marble WerB. ef A. W. ftkkerd:
breu a busier place la the elty.
iveTBBe ef U hsBda fa
the mmstat paid tham la
durlBg the Bear has baeaflAMA The F. iL. A.M. A L OBd M. A IL C. It IL-a
la regard to the anmhrr of
By haa ha« Hsr jreare owe of the
e^amota iBtaottata
the three railaad ttatatputU both Bi
i renaiag
runatag mio
fata iBeciiyareaaBathe city are aa tmaaalvw Impmtmmmig
portsBt factor amoag
among the city .s fadBiare Ih^ltagreos aadtheotaptataaew pertata
imiEisE^MinaiF Emins
OoBoMerlBg the averagt
Traverse CAy Brick Ca.
year K haa beta k.renaaqr ta haep
The Traverse City Brick Co., amau^
a force or Mii^ ta work coBtaaBtly
ta fin the ordere for mcmnmmrta aad facturers of the welVkaowa Keyrtoae
marble and gyniita work. The letter- brick, employes 42 a»eii all the year
lag taoia aBd chlaala are nm by cota aad the amaager, D. J. Dyer, reports
raaF^iaat doafag to have been aa
preaaed tar aad the work la therefore
Beat oae for the ciompoay. The
of theBoatataaMbtaC
brtta amkiag season tarts eight
are wtAl paid
Ihs aad daring thta tlsM 44ta.eP0
Tk#r» k»n bw* m pornlnr imptmm- $€JfiO ta wage.. During the red of the payroU for the year
t were Btade. Three' mUlloa of
k» doriof tl« 9«M
MBtlM tliftt the ymk an arerega of nine men are
Tr*w«f City v.» Aot liMpiNr f*e* employdd at cutdag and hauling wood,
V. Fotartyi*# Waftai V
potaU and the other mU
wtu. the tiM tB Oi# w«y oC todwtrtal thdr whgeu amouatlttg to $SAM. ma
la Abe aamm^ the far
to on hand for spring delivery.
tag a tnul of tldjBOd year.
During the four tnootbs the employees
Trmmret CHy dsvSea Factory.
tmeu Md Ua*m Snm MtbortUw
Tha Ogar Boa factory. C P. KrolL wagon and ale^ work, of Victor are not brick making they are employ
.mHXTvm pm» tb0 widitto— to tb€
cootwy to the asMrtkNU ando. U Ui proprtafor. ha. baan aery hu^ the pad Ptaertyl ha. beta kept busy during an ed cotUng wood aad for the year’s
triM Uol iBo post ytor ha. not b«* year aid an araraga of aU peraoni the year auppljing the demand for the work they receive $12.0P0.
o iNtn OM n. nwd. th« mctloo <rf hare baen amployad oonttaually. Mol veblclea turned out by that, factory. CaMwail A Louefon’s Wagon Works.
irtry is a local one.
BOV rooldoBOto and pobUeo bulUSlno. only work for tha local dgar manu The huge biicklbuildlag U abun from
supplied by Caldweli A
^nt la all oOmt roapaeu our Indoatrtal fiuanrefu U done but atao for Bpglaaw, morning to night and the egoita of 30
Flint and other Bautharm Michigan men are regolt^ to aupply the de Loudon t wagon and sleigh works Is
pfO*r«M hna tm ooBfUnt and
potaU. More than UMM boiaa bare mand. rwetve montbs In the ^ear not by any means confined ta tbU city
aUBtUl. Tbo faeiortoa havo i
hoar B»oat of tho tlBHv fully aa mncli lieea turned out and about $2,000 they are hnay ^ they drew very or vicinity, tor the prodoct of the plant
has ben sent as far away as.Calioomto
an aa la fonaor yaarm. Of eo
nearly $10,000 la wages la 1»0€.
potato and there are no better goods
thafu at« cOftala portloaa of tha y«*r
Sound A Son*a Foundry.
Mlehigmi Btareh Co.
whan iom» of tha taetortaa do not
AUhoogb the Mulor member of tha
The Btarcb lictory ran full force of the kind turned out than those
by thU firm. Twenty hands are
mu. for Inaunca tha baakat factory, firm of Bound A Son paaaad away dur only about foor!montba thla year iut
vbtch oparatra only about aisht or ing tba pad year, the Srti nam
during the remainder of the Ume re employed and the annual payroll ag
alaa moatha dorin* iha year, and tha mala, the tame, la addttiaa to tha pairs have beei la pragrpa* all over gregates $11,700,
O. Alley's Marble Works. *
aav^lU nay ba Indodcd In the aame foaodry work, tha machiBa abop (
the pUat and ^ wm be renamed
Among the industries of the dty to
data. AU tha oOmt factorlaa bow erly nia by Blmamdoff A Aid
M soon as the iepalri are completad.
•Tilir. hSTo laeriaaad raibar thaa do ha. haeo taken orer by the flrm aBd Ffleen Jnea havi beoB kept hnay. coa H. p. Aley s marble works, oo Ftoui
eraaaad thair prDdaetloiia. Tha PoU>
Unually at the tapalr work and their street, and altbough not many area are
to Implanaat Company haa baan ro dapartmenta. baring all the work tada wages, togrtberj with those of the $0 employed, conaidereble work of a hlgb
that they can handle, and dra
mm employed a part of the time ag order to turned out ta the course of a
$2,340 a year In wagea.
gregate $17/MM).!
I r«wrw City Iron Works.
The Tiwreru© City Iron Works U • When the cahdy making firm
Company U a nav roocam which haa one of the
he bualeat
bualei planU la the city Straub Bros. A Xmlotte last year i
not yet baaun operatlooa. but vl
the year ed into their fine new three story and
and 30 !man are employed
»o In a raw waeka Thl. promlae. to ba anMmd.j The payroO amount, to tlB.
on the Island.
baaement factory, there
a aubataatlal Indnatry. The Datvallar 000 annually. The conpany ba. dor
Capt. Webb
of t
manrelllng at the rapid
Tofrtfarator plant will probably ha Ing the pa.1 year pu.hed one of their
that Indurtrj which
but thought that a pavilion oo the smallei
aaUbUahad hare within a few months products more than every before, the
of the two Islands ta the bay. where
a few year, ago with only a few
the people might go for rest oo Sun
.prfiahy being an automatic .udlon ployee.. but during the pata year
tty. NagotUUoaa are no
day and for dances or banqueU on
ga. pn^ucer system and now there buaioeM has still cotalmied ta
for lba autabllahinaot of a paper mill
weekday evenings, would be a good
eraaae until there are employed
and It *ay ba csonfldantly axpacti^
thing, and last spring he had erected
present 70 persons. To tb<me wb
that a laiv* plant of thla kind will be
neat nnd roomy stroctnre BOxlOC
riot know, the ^temeot of the num
aaUbltabad at no dlataal data.
ber of tan. of sweet goods tnrned out feet In sise and a dock at the edge ol
The following Item, of Intareat hare
The Votniba Harnere Co., employes would seem almota Incredible but the the Island, the dock being 250
bean gathered from the offlcaa of the
factory U «quip|>ed with the latent length. .
Yarfooa manufwitartng InMUuUon.
The pavlUoD Is two stories In height
candy making machinery, driven by
gr^ate. nearly $2.4on. The bosli
and they will ahow conclu.lraly that
with a diningroom and kitchen betas
deals ahBOd entirely with the wholes elertric motor, and everything
our tndnatrial health 1. atrong and rigaala tirndi. though some retail work U everybody about the place I.~ln a con and a dance floor above. The cost wa«
done aid the abop U kept bu.y 12 tlnu.1 hustle. During Ih© past year about $2,506.
jHanaah A Lay Flour Mill*
The small island on which the pavll
there ha. been ipaid In wagei
mouth. In the year.
loo Is located to connected with the
The Hannah A Lay griat mill, altoatemployees morel thaa $20,000.
Wm. Jackaa«i*a MmNm Shop.
larger. Mlsrlon Island, by a foot bridge
ed arer the South Unkm atraat bridge,
The machine shop of Wm. Jackaon
J. C. Morgan A Son.
it one of the land tnarka of the r^ou 1. a busy place and a great deal ol
Moat everyone llkta cider and dur and during the summer at least 4.00C
engers were tranaported to and
' and promlare U> remain one of the work f. Itorned out by the three em ing its Mason there is plenty of It
dly*a Indnatrle. for yaart to coma. ployee*. i The specialty of the shop Is be had at the cold storage warehouM
I thejsland. pvortng that such a
Nina miliars are . mployed. ^Ith wagaa i gas engine which meets with much of J. C. Morgan A Son. at the foot of place for rest and entertainment Is ap
amounting annually to ITAOO. the plant favor and l>esides the manufacture of Bay street. Tbcmtandc
liaing bu.y arery momh 4n the year. ihU engine a great deal of
Oak Paik School BuUdirg.
apple, are uMdl there every fall and
The fame of the nilii. productr I. s*ork Is done. The wages ^paid an- thousand, of gal)^ of Cider are made.
\ increase In the school accom
widiM^iread and tbouitanda of good r.UBlly are $2,400.
The huge building is used during all raodatloua of the Bast Side was Imper
houaewivaa tattify to tha axcellenca
Travarae City Canning Factory.
the year for cold, storage, too. and for Btive this year and during the sum
of tha “Bear and t»UHT brand, of
The factory of the Traverse City the storage of houMhold raids and mer a big addition whs built on thf
flour made at thl. mill.
Canning Co., bad a big ytwr*. run In four men are [employed, drawing Oak Park building, increasing the seat
Kdley Lumber and Shllglt Co.
1$0€. neatly threenjoarter. of a mil- age. aggregating $2,000 per year.
ing capacity of the buUdlng nearly 60
Allbough located at Eaat Bay. the
liof fruit and vegetable, being
per cent.
South Side Lumber Co.
Baat Bay mill of tha Kelley Lumbar put up. 6f .tring beans. 3S0.000 can.
The contract priceior the work was
One of the most hurtling Indurtrte.
and Shingle Co., .hould be rated a. a
put iup; of core. 200.000 cans; of of the city 1. the South Side Lumber $6,500 and the new part Is 47x54 feet,
TraTurM* City induatry. for many of apples. 120.000 gallon cans and SO.OOO
During 1905 jnearly 1.300 cars of two stories, containing four rooms and
ihe.BB . niployae. are local men and
Her cans; of blackberries. 5.000 boui^nlshlng and buUding materials a ball, with a full basement. The maroo.1 of the I20.Q00 paid them in
and of plums. 5.000 cans. This were shipped anji a hundred
terials used were brick and concrete.
wagiw for tha 10 month, work each was the grst year that any blackberare employed the year around, The floors are of hardwood and the
year I# .pent In this city.
1 at all were bandied and the drst the payroll amounting to $42,000. The
ow arq^ngemen^ such that plen
TrsvcfM City Mfg. Co.
I that any |ieavy run was made onwp- manufacture of boxes is an imp<
ly of ^t is admitted to the rooms.
lb.nthing with ahlch to build can,p^(.,^
bushel. Udng handl part of the work and this year and ad
New Bam for the Jail.
be iKH'iirx'.l of the Traverse City Mfg.j^
The work of the sheriff Is such that
dition to the part of the factory in
Co., and the plant noConly transform, j jbe product of thU factory U
he must take many trips Into the
which that work Is carried on
lumW'r into sashes, doore.
^ ing with a very active and miUsfactory nearly doufafod
count iy and Sheri If ,Jobn son purchased
liuludi'a a wiwmni for making the demand aid every can put up tM.
driving team for that purpose. He
lumbi*r from the log. brcmgbt In by will have been dlspoaed of and ship
had no bam at the iaU* however, and
In ,the ;ist of ^
the farnMrs or .hipped In vl. railroads. ped before the close of take aavlgatioo
In this city. bsrnM and horse irap- the supervisor* therefore ordered the
Fifteen thouamnd doUaia 1. divided In The string bean pack wa« reduced
plngs and outfltuigs must not be left erection of a bam at the roar of the
the employees and Che I pearly on^half by the dry weather
The J. D. beadle Harness Co.. jaH building.
ninl. IS
b. in the year.
} The eomphny i. cootemptating a .Ull
The slmcture is of brick. 26x30 feet
i almost enUrely with the whol^
AmtiiMii Butt.r Dtah Ce.
heavleb rub on all good, neat year and sale trade aad the business of the firm
Id one and one-balf stories high, with
Of the Industrie, which bare begun It is possible that ea^eoslve lmprovecement door and the cost wai WO.
great enough to keep eight
buMneaa during the year, one of the nienl. win be made before neat yrer’s
employed all the time. The senior The stalls and carriage room are conmet important 1. the Americmt But canning siaaon begin..
Tlently arranged and there Is plentj*
partner of the firm started n
ter Dish Oo.. located on Bay .ireet
Durin^^eboan and
om ta the upper part for the star
harness by hand, in , this city.
near the docks. The company was from 350 IP 400 hi
s ago and the firm Is well known age of feed, the whde^maklng a neat
organised about the .flrat of the year and durini the apple aeamm an aver
throughout a large stretch of territory.
and the intertor of the building In age of lOO banda The company paid U*
The wages paid the emidoyeet
which the work !, carried on was re- employee, about $13,000 in wage, and $5A00 In 190€,
oundhooao of the Pere Mar
BKtaelled. a new brick boiler bouw alre paid to the farmers of the region
quette railroad, located at Boardman
W. B. WIlUama Cm
and other ImhrovemenU were made fully $ro.bi»0 for Their products, dur
Maple flooring is the spetaalty of JonctloQ. has received a remodeBtag
at a large eapenae apd work vaa com- Ing the fire month, run.
(he W. K. Wrniamk Oo. and the oul- and ImprovemeBta which will aggre
menced on the manufacture of wireThe Batata Factwy.
pto during the pant year reached the gate $2,000 in cos(.
end wooden butter dlsbea about April
The Well*. Hlgman Co.*e plant, or. enormous amount of over 7.600,000
The increased freight tmfle of this
1. Many order, vrere received and a. it U btater kaevn. the Bi
fe^ ThU factory has done
division has gradually demanded the
now 50 employed are kept busy and factory, aa uraaL tnrned out a |
inany years in thU city and ta present use of larger locomotives to handle It
the Industry promise, to be one of the amount of jwork during the montlis ft
there are €5 men oo the payroll, the nnd the roundhouse has not been laife
city, moat anb.tanlUl one*.
wa. ninnlig and the company pAW’ amount paid them for the 12 mootbs enough to allow the abutting of the
Potato Implemoot Co.
out $C0,000 for labor during the :
work being the cOtat sum of $35,000. doors when the larger engtaea were
The Potato Implement Co., vaa re- Tim niiiita'of ctasdoyra ranged frbm
A portloo of the product of tbw plant boosed, ao that they were not fully
Arganlied during the paat oeaaon. new 350 to 900 and from 400 to 500 cars of
Unused locally but jtbe greater part la protected from the weather. Within
netabera being added ta the company baakeu of ^ variou. kinds were .hlp^ “Upped to many polnti,
the tost few weeks the rear wall has
and addlUonal capital being furbished ped from tjbe factory beside, a grret
Vreveret ^ Wagon Werkm
been moved back a^t eight feet, al
for poablng the manufacture and tale number of jfnrnl.hed the farmer, and
The year Ba. beU a busy one for lowing the accommodatJoa of the largof the various Implement, tunied out fruit growers of this rlcinlty.
ih^ Treverae aty Wagon Works and eot eaglaes on this divtoioiL A aew
' at the lOant. The bnrineaa done haa
Traeeree Chy Milling Co.
the 12 employees Wve had bo idle boiler, a new cinder pit aad q new deThe first of the year started the tlm^ during the yeW but earned the
treck are also incloded ta the
yeay. and there are now 50 men em Hist regular work of the Trarerae 'cny
$$.M0 paid them In wages. Although
ments and the building has
ployed; drawing about $32,000 for 11 Milling Co.^ a company oompojed en
1^ taetacy turned put iu usual uum been thoroughly equipped with elect
montbs work In the year.
tirely of UM buataeaa men. wbc her* of wagons, the jim oo sleighs has ric lights.
J. W. Markham*. Brickyard.
thought aaedita grita mm in thl. city
conalderebly beavler than Ikst
' Queen CHy Dairy Ce'k DegoL
Nrerly 2.OOO.OO0 brick were manu- would be a paying Indnatry and the year. An Improvement in the motive
The Queen City Dairy Co., hat just
factared this year at Markham'a brick remilta hare proven thuir Jndgemefit
begun the use of their aew Billk depot
yard, jmrt of them batag jiaad ta this ta hare been oorrecL Under the able
and electric motor having on Boheoda street, utar Btaventh
.Hty and part gf \hem at CadBlac and Dhaagnmenit of J. M. Itgrig
been inrtalled ta take the ptaoe of the street, (he depot hsvlag hot recmitly
other potaU. The hridk making aeahenMore oMt.
i and daring that
J,t Or.llkk
---------- .
Ume SS ta^ are >iHployf< drawing viveaof the regk>n i
Thet»ctonr o»th» J.B.Or«Bie*oS;»to «>d om aM OMtelt alarim ta
of each worklagmaa. aiT fogr. thta
Bumher of peraoaa derivtag their
support from the rellroads. ta thta
city. U very neuriy .1.000. or over eight
rr cunt of the popoletkm.
This city U ladlrectly Ott the
line of the Pure Margoette road aad
Is aa Uaptatnat atattaa. ao the hu
of eaqdoyeoa who rreide here to i
kretaer than on the other two roads.
Two hundred and ten mm reside here
who are employed by that road ta the
various branches of the busteess aad
The G. R. A I. read has but a bi
running here and consequently does
local men that the P. M. road does.
Tbea. too. spme of the men who run
in here are rertdents of other ptocos,
brlnglBg the number of IocaI en
down to 22. drawing annually
The M. A K. E. road ii but a short
line, though It is conttaually expanding
and a greut deal of traffic is handled.
and the number of local men employed
Is 17. whose wsget total annually
The total number of mm on the
|hree roads Is 240 and the total wages
aggregat. over $12,000 each n
In the year.
Tbe'Bveatag Record, a careful compil
ation of the nnmlMT of employe* ta
the various manafactaring Instltotlona, the asylum and raUroads. has
been made for the purpose of fonaiag
a eompariaoa with' last year. The
showing to moch better thaa was ex
pected. The State Factory laapectar
la bU tort report retotlvw ta Traverse
aty. states that the taereaae la vrorkIng people ta the foctorlea la Traverae
City during the paat year, was SO per
cent over the year 1006.' The Record’s
figures takea very carefully from of
ficial sources show* on increase of 123
working people in the same list as
printed tort year, and the increase In
wagea ta be $S$.$64. the total number
of employes In If06 belag 2522. aad
wage* paid them $$$4,660 Thto to
positive evidence of the steady and
■kbelanUal growth of Traverse City’s
r^ufoctuiiag iadortrlea.
! It to weil to state In this eoniiectlon.
that the figures here given, are for the
actual number of employe* and the
wages paid them during tbe year, and
ao« huad ama th* aaataar o< i
ta tbe Tartoaa (aetortM at ihl* ttaw.
there being more fSetarte* ranntag
today, than there were several moatha
ago aad more area employed. We
figures from the
keu theai
s of tim
properir be Bumbered la
of thto kii^ The figures are very graUfyteit
aerve to refute often repeated statemenu during tbe part few moottis
that our factories were emptaylag
a matter of fact, maay of tbe factaries
have aot been able to get aufflcieot
number of skUled men when badly
needed. Tbe namlg»r of Idle men la
Traverae €(tiy to a mUrtmum, piObably
leaa thaa ^er before, and autlrtlca
show that' all are drakrtag
wagla, and almost tu
No. Employees. Mos. i
Basket FacU^ry
The grrenbooae plant of Fmnk $f
Paine haa lost raegived extensive ad
'dltlona which wUl fully double the
present capoclly of the estabitobment
A new hot house, one of the moat mod
era buUt. hss been erected beside the
one which hss been ta use for
yesr*. the new one being 30x33 feet In
size. The roof material.'aside
the glasa. is of southern cypress and
the bouse is fitted with iron supports
and gutters throughout, while
most Improved ventllstur cootrolling
apparatus is Inrtalled. The bouse will
be ready for the growing of plants
within a very abort Ume.
The workhouse hss also been re
modelled. now being two slorte. In
height, while an addlttao 12x16 feet
also gives additional room. The cost
of the Improvementa will be $1,000.
. J. M. Olllett'a Bam.
One of the neatest and best barns
erected this year Is that l>eloDglng to
Aid. J. M. Glllett. at the rear of hU
lesldence on Elmwood Avenue. It is
one and one-half stories In belgbt and
cost about $500. The tower story Is
12 -
Traverse City Brick Co......................
A. J. Petertyl. T. C. Wagon Work. .
250 ar.
8 av
12 ..
17 av.
Total............. ...
One of the most notable bustaeas Imprmements In Traverse City during
the past year is that which is
progress upon the building of the Han
nah A Lay Mercantile Company. This
company decided some Ume ago to re
model thdr big store buUdIng to bring
It up to more modem requlrem
This decision inaugurated an improve
ment. which will make this rtore one
of the very finest In the state in every
particular. The Interior has been re
modeled with arches cut through be
tween each department, so tkat every
belgbt. while there to a wagon abed
addition 12x26 feet in slse. The en
gine room is 10x12 feet ta Stoe and the
pasteuriser Is run by steampower. The
building rests on a atone foundation
and has cement floors, while light is
furnished by electricity. The company
will shortly ere<;| an Ice house and the
cost of the new work will be fully $1
Hannah A
Dspartment Did Good Work. Respond
ing to as Calls, But No Very
Tbe fire departineot bad cone
able work to do durtag 1$06. There
were 81 calls sent In and reaponded ta.
16 of tbe calls being tnraed ta from
boxes an<fS sent in by phone.
Tbe department travelled 113 i
apd whlcb permit* of a mqgh «»ore
in the discharge of tta duties a^ at
aaUsfactory display of the tinea
tbe fires the firemen working a total of
7$ hours, rtretahtag 23,400 feet of
The eSIeleocy of tbe wor
pracUcally all plate glass, which will
permit of a magnificent display the Chief Thos. Murray and hto men i*
shown by tbe fact that although there
entire length of the building.
Insurance to tbe amount of $226.
ThU Improvement is being conduct
ed under the supervision of Contractor 073.$5 on tbe buildings and cooienU
A. W. Walt, and Architect P. E. Moore, of tbe buildings where calls were re
who prepared the spedfleatkma. While sponded to. the. toes was but $18A4$.the Interior to practically completed, ♦6. tbe amount of taaoraiiee over loss
the store frooU wW not be eoUrely being $SS7W-4$.
In tbe depnrtnsent nt present nre
flntohed untU after the first of the
year. The coat fif thto* Improvemeat
trolled tbe chief nnd five foR paid,
wUl be aboat $20,000.00. ‘
Bremen, while there are about 40 vd
Bra4helooglag to the several hose
Btandard Oil Co.
The business of, the Btandard Oil
Co, at this* point, has Increased ao
that II was naceaaary to establish aa
J. Ctfimr doditfully rubbed hto
Bgsacy here with a aum to attaad sole: between forefinger and thumb naA
ly ta that huaiiMM. taatead of havtag inaed;
aa agmit a local maa who could give
-Wham t do about accepting that
hot a portloa 6f his time ta the oU third offer of a crown? I’d like to
"Wbnt BoeaevHt would advise.
bortaeea. OoaaeqoeatLy an ageat was
seat hart, last aamiaer. aad a. aew Just aa a polater.**
Tbe aolile Itoman ronrinded fo
ofiee waa builL the ban was ualaiged
■ad the whole emahUahmeat was wlrI did not Ure to regret tt^
, > ^
Edward Payson Manufacturing Compsny Will ,Soon B*
BduM PaypoD Manufacturing
Comfrtny, i^nufSciurers of door lock*
and hardware apecialUes. Is Traverse
Cltyh newest industry. It to under tbe
management of Edward Payson. form
erly of Chicago, aad engaged for many
yeark In tbe manufacture of hardware
apec^alUes. The oopipany Is now In
proejees of vatabllshlng a complete
eqal^ment ta the Markham buUdi^
on West Fropt street. The machin
ery to being placed and It Is expected
that the manufacture of lock, aad
ocher apectolUe. will commence before tbe end of ibis month. The oompany has large orders already mi
hand, sufficient to keep tbe plant In
operation for at least a year with a
force of about twenty-five people,
many of them skilled workmen.
Tbe company waa organlxed by Mr.
Paysoo. and aside from bimaeir. all of
tbe stockholders are local boalaem
men who heUeve that thto ladnstry
will pay good dlvidentto aad bemmm
<»a of the important mnnufariartag
................. of < Traverse Oty.
k L. Jeyo*»e
joyoa BoC$ltag Wertm.
J^'s soft drinks are weU nad
ravormbly kaown Ummghaat a tnrga
part of the state and aa nlmoat tanumerable nomber of boUles of pop,
root beer, birch beer, etc., haa been
seat oot from the works daring the
year. A force of seven employeoa Is
«'■ 'Pl,- JWP
7W OMA iMpoftMit «b4 thm
Mdf of »n tlM fcwml MOMIw o
tlMM a thm Twmr «tf M# liaf*
tlMlo tte Otsl Waod WM iMtory
vkWk wfll am ttaa doiAl# Ua wfr*
aul AM maitT of Ur f«<rtorT. Hm
Mtoa ibr
of iJa
hM Mm jwt maul M ttat of lu blr
wmA «oap«4ftor IB fM wirr
IMr M wbm *M im port M
Iipaaim H will Mr# aoro l
4mM# IM out pot of Bar «tMr i
liimrr. TM lapforoamt win
Most m.iw.
Tht Now ^lait.
Tbopow port, wblci f» B maai
Haittoika la Itaotf. lo 10x110 foH.
ili«. looc«Mt dlrocUon HHsf out u4
vmt. II U a rm* buUdlBf Bad M
raoBO €rf lark of land wan built wHb
aaarir half of U roottof oa a p«#
fouMatka oror Boardau Uko. rmchlac out to tho old booa. A pood
oharoof th# land oa whitji tba factor
IM otaad aad of which tho luabor
raMa ooDolot la oiad# toad, the lah#
fonaotlr r^chlat ap to th# railroad
track which rana hotwoea tho old aad
amr porta.
la the a#w part th# first floor arrmapuimi U u follows. beplanlaK at
tho wool oldo of tho bolldlnx: aa
chhio shop aad carpajfor shop, with
rrorTthlBK la tho to^ llao aocuaarr
for aO hlado of work about iho laodtu
tioa: Borih of th# ahops. <«
md. onclao rooa; fans aad MaUap
coila: driers, or tialu. which roewir#
th# dUh«s from the machinos aad dries
th#a while bHag ukeo to Iho packlag
room for packlag; the packing room
at the east Ade. oooth. log^uttlng
room at the out end. north. On th#
oaooBd floor the wire end room oc
cuplaa aboai half th# spao# la th#
wool and oouCh parts while th# remaindor la deroied to th# peoUng. or
reatier inaklag room.
In the entire new factory Iher# la
hut one piece of machinery which la
not DOW. that oo# being the Wheelock
oaglu of add aormal horsepower. The
■mehiury trill bo diirea by ataaai
fropi tho old plhot conroyed to tho
eagtao la Mo new cm#. The mala
drtiro lo of what U called the BhglUh
ayatoo. While tho ooooadory drtres are
of th# Amerlcaa system. Th# trmaamlasloa rope for the drtir# U lb# boot
made, belag laid In plumbago so that
ft will stand the twisting and straining
with as mile damage to Itself as posaIhle,
The main shaft Is ala’lnchea in dia
imMer and seW<illlng l>o*es are used
throughout, doing away with the necswalty of an oiler, the oiling derices
neodlng lefllllng but once in about
three months There will also be abaolutAy no danger to the workmen,
from being catight by set screws on
Iho ohafllng and pulleys, as often hap
pens, tor the ^wlleya are all of Iron,
split atyle. and the collars of the ahaH
log huge# are a#t.Inside the boxes
with ho peed of outAde set screws.
, The heaters are of a different type,
; allghtly. than those in the old plant.
bAng of the *^iH*n” type, and there
are thr**«» <if them, each of which coptains a full mile of Iron pipe. There
are sU driers and there are a fan and
- a heater for each two ' driers. The
. driera are imllt of metal Instead of
i wood, as In the old plant, and the six
driera necessUate the using of S.SOO
fed of Steel rollor chain. The driers
aiw also airanged so that they have a
.run of 80 feet oach longer than in the
old part. They arr'nin by a wrorm and
gear drive aad the gearing Is arranged
oo os to secure the best results with
the leort expenditure of power.
After th# logs are cut Into the six
foot lengths necessary for the peelers.
1 they are put Into the ataamlng vats
and the new Vatt. of which there are
! two of five accUoiu oach. are bntttiof
rmnent. In th# old plant th# vala are
l»r w ood aad it haa been nccdaaary to
■ rsoew them every few years, but U Is
I hoped that with the use^ cement
i traU DO renewals will be aecesaaiy
i The logs win be cut Into the piopet
loflgths by a httgh clrcuUr swing cut
off uw and the lAgs will In* cut for
tioth planu hr the one ervw of men.
Ihoa# for the old plant being conveyed
• there from th# dH
•f'w boing
rut up. thus saving the expeoa# of a
crew fbr each plant.
In the wire end department there
ate V machines ranged In two rows,
with one mote to be InstAled. white
the old plant has 80 machUies. making
a total of 48 machlnoa. These are of
^ same type aa thoa# In the old part
had SO of thorn wore manufactured by
tho Travers# City IroB Worka the
others being of lb# 8araiiae style
Twenty of the new machlaos will he
started when the factory U suited
and ibe remainder will bo ran when-
an. the pfodact of the Lhor four jurhtaoa caa h# aoeommojteted by a Iktie rrowdlog. being divided aamg tho
Ax drtm.
On th# Ade toward th# old factory
tho flu risk hu hooa Wd# as aamtl
u pooAM# by th# uae' of utomatlc
ventilator window. aA jd atoA eaalaga.
Thou au mads ao that.jlf they aboAd
h# open for euullatlon |at tho ti
flu occuu. a thalblo plug will be moll
•d by th# boat and the windows wW
cloa# aatomaUcAly. so that tho man■ gam rat hopaa that evaa though fir#
AMuld doatroy tho oM factory the
To prapau eoaoer for tho wlu ood
machiuea. thou au thus hugs
#u ta th# powUag room. wAghiag 81^
006 pounds such. Thuontako log
feet la lonrh. Aring a cutting our^
face for lb# thru of 18 foot, while la
the Ad factory the four peelers Uke
but fourfoot logs, th# fbur haAng
catting aurfiu of but 18 feet. A^lnf
the thru new odu an advantage of
two foot over the four old ooaa.
•fin- tw Mm
■Me haa a new
arm and apaAA nmghinery ^ the
enginn. from the Tnvnrae Oty Inn
Works; the elanm AAM and flCUnga
a. A a cuA A f1 J06; buOdtegaa
from the Crnne Co, A Ch^Ba; addmoa to the t^kn reaidcnce on
ad Aroef. coM $506: and haring
pe A the carpentering on
ft HaMHI ft Ckloiao: NMlTtnc t
lera Supply Co *s new huildlag.
and heaters from Aurorm BAler
Thn work In the city. exAealve A the
A Aurora. Ill
UttA >oh. amonated to I8JOO. while
incittdtag the remodeUlng A the home
A F. B. Moore. JoA outaide the Aty
M teat anmmm-. the capacity being Hmlto. total $4,700.
doubled by the adding A seven new
A, K. Wlteaa.
A. B. Wilson did but one Important
A new blower outfit was Aso put in job la the Agr. amA A hlg time this
aa the Ad one wae am A gnat nnongh year having been apent A Reed aty.
eapaAty to handte the ahavtngm whlAi
a he pA up three atore holidlngs
will eome from the dvpartmead aa a
a bank buUdlag. totaling about
OtLOOO. Hta Job In the Aty was the
A the A. W. Banak building
WIM Kinpley Hntly flOO Haoda.
Ph# turn factory wlU give employ on rroni Areet. mhUA win coA $86.ment to fAly 106 bands, making! total
A. W. Wait.
D employed by the Oral Wood
Mr. W’alfa work this yror included
the ereAion A L. F. PerkAfs reeldployed daring the 10^ naontb s rjia A enoe. the Oraad Bapids Brewing 0). s
loot, and the payroll for the year COM atoragt. and other Jobs totaling
$16,000. bealdea auperrlAng a pari of
mted to 1188.000.
the work A remodAUng the Hannah
A Lay MercantUe Co.*a bkaek,
C. M. Farkerta RtaMaoaa.
One A the flneA rfuldenoea built
in the city thla year Is that belonging
to. and occupied by. C. M. Parker, oo
Pfanklln streA. Frank SUsby bad
the cootrmA and the eoA. complAe
with heeling and plumbing, was about
The main part Is 32x83 feA and ta
Tnverae City haa aevenl flrstclaaa plumbing flrma. and their work full two stories high, with a Urge attic.
Is BA only don# kwally but they also At the rear Is a kitchen and smAler
do a gml deal A work in the towns rooms, that part being 12x26 feA. The
here and even half a hundred whole bonse 1s finely finished and heat
is furnished by h hA water system,
miles away.
The Hannah ff Lay Mercantile Co.*s while bAb gas apd electricity furnish
plumbing department's work for the artificial light.
year was mainly repair work, though
Or. C. B. Minor's RaaMtnet.
heating and plumbing systems
A fitting addition to the fine row of
were placed In the resldencea A Mrs. residences m Sixth street Is that A
W. H. Foster and J. O. Crotaer.
Dr. K. a Minor, which was finished
ms h CAe did considerable this last summer at, a cost of about
work outsWe the Aty. besides which I3AOO. The dimenilooa are 40x83 feet
the yror brought them Increased bual- and two full stories and AUc in height,
in the city, many new heaUng with an excelkmt coocrAe haaement.
The Interior of the bmiae ta finished
by them and Aao conalderable repair In oak. birch and ash and beat Is sup
plied by steam. At the rear iof the
R. J. Mcrccr tCo. also did much house ta a barn 24x32 feet and of one
out A town work, sending thelcmen and one-half atortes. which coat |r»00.
Elk Rapids. Sul tons Bay and sever
RMldenct For Oto. Fayn.
al Aher pAnta In th# surrounding
There has been commenced, on the
connlles. They have Aso done much former site A the ‘old Payne home*
work In th# city, on# A the most Im- stead" on Washington street, a fine
porunt jobs being the Installing A new dwelling for George Payne, which
oew heating plant for the brick will not be finished until next summer.
tdock on Front street osmed by Dr. The residence will be of a pattern un
J. D. Monaon. occupied by the City like any now In the city and will be a
Drug Store.
handaome stnictnre. coating $4,000.
Barnes 4k Joynt. the newest plamb- The dlmenAona wlU be 88 feA 3 Inches
ing firm In the city, have bad a very
by SO feet and lo height wiU be two
busy season. Tbet Ann have Installed full sloriea and an atllc. The Interior
n heut with Ideal boilers and
finishing will be In birch, ash aad fine
rlcan radiators In the following
hemlock. The cement basement, which
Is now completed. Is very large and
Dr. B. B. Minor. Sixth Areet,
C. A. Cressy.dffeat 11th tereet.
Two large porches wll be aotohle
W. J. Irwin. Randolph iireeL
features A the structure and one A
F. F. wniiama. West Ninth at reel.
them, adjoining the dining rA^. will
Vic C. Palmer. Stole atreetbe large enougl^ ao lhat thcTdlnlng
Pelw Zimmerman. Oarfleld town
table may be mofed onto it with plenty
A room for the family meals In the
Ira Adama. hotel at BellAre.
open Ar In the summer time. Steam
W. J. Robinson and Dr. Putt. r#a beating apparatus will be Inatalled and
Idoncea at Beltatre.
Ixith gas and eleAricIty will be naCd
Also hA wmer heating plant for for lighting.
E. J. SoAt. Omens.*
J. O. Crotaar Dwelling.
TAal coat of basting plants nAed.
One A the moat Important realdence
18,060. HA air syatems have been In- remodelling jobs A the year ta that
atolted in a few rualdencro in the
now in progreaa A the "Ad Crawford
Aiy. The Arm haa InAAled plumbing place" oo Waahlnlton street, which
In the fAlowIng residences outside A
will be occupied by J. O. Crotaer and
family, formerly A Kingsley. The en
Irm Adams. W. J. Phelps. Bellalre.
tire bouse Is being gone over and will
D. L Ensign. Kingsley.
be two full stories aad attic In belght.
W. T. Fsrwell. Snttons Bay.
and much larger than before, —The
L. H. Wheeler. Omens. .
moat dptodate bentlng and plomAng
V. Hines. BImwood..
ta lastolled and the com will probably
New plumMng has been InAalled In
exceed $4,000.
rt rcuidencca In the city, the cost of
Mrs. W. H. FoAerta Hem^
h aggrogntaa flSJteO.
Mrs. W. H. Foater'a borne onjWashIngtoa auwA ta now a very napt and
J. M. licCormlck’. Oractry.
roomy dwAHag. the result A remodAlOne A the store holidlngs to receive ing and ao additloa oostlag $4,060. The
realdence ta now 36x82 feet ahd has
an Increase In Ate during the year
that of J. M. McCormick, on East seven rooms and a bathroom both upth atheet. The adAtloo la 28x80 stalra and downstairs. A oew bA
heating system has been InaUllfeet In aixe and one Aory hl«h It
haa a AeeJ ceiling and the foundaUon ed and there are Al modern oonveolenla A oancrote. The new part U used oea. laclodlng gas and AeArtcUy.
thaniiiiilMl A the varsi
uflioa vlth eteAric Itehta.
I evneted by hte man, drug atorw tor Oeo. Qnieman. wte
RBFfilBCRATOB FLANT WILL LOLake aad Ab#r partsIhM ta hnrinem ac th# corner A
In tho city hla work dolpk atrs« nnd Bmwood avenue. —
A the rornoflamag A new hulldtag occupies th# Au A the
older one. the tetter having been mov te Am urns ovUAed early thteft^L^te
hulMteg ta two Aorlea la height ^
ed to the roar A th# tot. The
the O. -K. Carier
I oorrwiated Iron. 1^
store la 84x4# toet aad two atortea m
A fh* Oa# Mfg. OoL. A BaMoevme. O.; the ttoo ahAttag. haMa,
ItTiw eta^ caan from the Hfll Ctotck
On. A CMveMnd. O.; fane an^
tor drying apamtae from the B«
Itorge Oo., A Buffalo: tho win ond
peeler, from which the slaU for mak
ing boxm au made, hate to be fed
to the saw and a hand fed machlj
naed. hut In the new a swing saw and
a power fed hudlng machine mr
Whoa the now factory was p|a
It was hoped that work could be begun
by the middle of November but It will
he at leuA January lA. hefou opera
tions can be begun, the delay bAng
caused by deUy in getting the new
machines and materiAs. The plant
will be warmfd by the Mat which Is
used for drying the dUbes.
Improvements In the Old Foctocy.
BxtenAre Improvements have been
made In the old factory i thU yuar.
which will effect consldeuhl# oaAng
In expense In oeverA llflea. One of
Is a shaAng bln wltk a cajssclar
of IflJlOO cubic feet. HoratofOu it has
been necessary to feed Uio furnucu
on Sundays and during Urn «»• hour.
bo aamu.aa whUt n>n
nlng hours and the coat aggregated
severA thousands of dAlars durtm
yur. With the bln. however, the
waste and shavings wUl he stored for
used on Snndays'and' noon hours and
Is ealculAed that by that means a
big saAng will be effected. Through
out both the Ad agd new planU theu
are severA conveyors, aggiwgating
severs: hundred feet In length, which
Uke the waste fiom the various ma
and convey It lo tho bln. mnt
there be more than the bln can
accommodate another conveyor will
Uke the excess 'to the hiigh waste
Another featuu by which a saving
Is expected to bo effected la that the
hwaters In the new A«nt t^lll be heat
ed wlth4lAe exhaust Aoam from the
engines.* while In the old plant they
are healed with live steam. A
vacuum pump haa beefl Installed by
which th# exhaust steam, after having
hf^ted the beatera. will bo brought
back to the hAlers and made ui
The eciAn^ room of the Ad plant
haa been grwaUy enUrged to ac
modal# the new machinery put In and
one of the machines Is a iHple pump.
A two parts ao that one part will al
ways be In reoerve. and hicAdes this
there Is an older Duplex pump. The
water for th# hollers Is ftinilshed by
these pumps and the capacity ta groat
enough ao that they also afford great
fliw protocllon. It Is InljHuled thA
next summer a aprinkllng syAem will
be put In the new plant for greater
proteciloi from Are.
The steam la gener^ In six 1
tng boilers set In batteries A two each
and of 400 horsepower eM with
prMure eaiiaclty A 188 ptfuhds. They
an fitted with Al the lat^t ArAcei
and five will be run A oa# time. I«av
lag one dead Al the Urn# f^ Aeaalag.
The use A the exhaust stoam for the
new beaters will make U much eaAer
on the boilers than as thongh Uv#
steam were used.
Th# lighting capacity has been great
ly increased by th# Installation A ■
new dynamo A 1.600 lights capMlty
as a meat markA and la It ta a fine
In plaOh A the Ad on# A 566 IlghU
piece or markA fanUahlng. It la a
Th# dynamo wM purchased
e and
and insulled by jUi# J. B.
1a the only one In town. The case It
unpany. that flmlatao BAng
about 7x48 feA and eonatato A three
out. the aMddte one being a auall
When th# hUchlncry Came From.
refrigerator and the end ones gteas
It Is a matter A credit to the city
display cnaea. the whAe being used at
chat it has an iron works and mai
the counter. The case Alows the
shop which can turn out work A the
dtaplaytag A aaaangea nnd Aher meau
■cope Which Tnrers# City
which Aharwlae cnnnA umU be dtaWorks do^ and Ar. Hull Avea
played at warm seeanas A Urn year.
gnatcfwdtt. The Iron W<Mta boilt 80
The addition Is eonventanUy oonA the new win end mwehinee
nectoi with the grocery depnrtmAit by
two doorways, one tor cuAomers and
the other, farther to the luar for
The Anns for thf'IrnprovAimnt’A
tho driers are butU to care for the
UDduc of four machlaes each. 84 In the bAler room were the product A
and the upper one 12 teA to hitoM.
The store A 8. C. Darrow A non
wan remodelled this fall and ao addi
tion nearly aa targe aa the original
bonding wma built, making praAienlly
a new more, the coat being aboat
$760. The preoeat dlmenaSona A the
tmUdlag ere 40x74 feA. one p- rt belag
two atortea la hAgkL The new part ta
need tor atorage Aatocknndtoedaad
baaAlng A the vartomi feoda./ In the
ronr there ta e cemot ntanm mom
ror vegAablex aad ateo a mnallW
:cmArt room for tekter. etc. Two new
Boeraer Al tnnka have beoiiwt ta and
both a^ollBs plant and electrte
light, tomtah light
for Uvtag rooms. The IMertor A tba
handing ta ntaAy flntahed and
venlenUy arranged and ta wired ter
elertrtc tights. The coat was $2jOM.
fftnatay 4k Tirrwer.
AnAher new Aore on the weA sMe
ta that A Stoaley A Tamer, deal
ta general merchandise. It ta a fro
banding 84x64 fern and one story
heighL There are two rooms, a aa]
room and a atorage room. whUe the
Ad loeatkm neA door la ateo oae
Aorage. The firm has thAr owt
plant ter farotahteg light The build
ing coA neariy $1A00.
J. C. Boudreau Btera.
The BsA Bod has a new store, bum
this year A a coat A 11.180. the bond
ing being occupied aa a grocery and
coAoAionery. with Mrs, J. C. 1
reau aa propriAreas. The More ta l$x
30 feA and the upper story ta ooeuAed
by the famUy aa living rooms,
t. F. Fericett Raaldenoa.
AhAher fine rroidence A this year*,
bonding list 1s thA A L. F. PerkAl. oo
East Eighth atreA. The mAn part ta
S2Vkx34H feet two Aorta, and
attic In height, and the wing ta 16x80
feA. The arrangement A the rooms
Is moA oonvAUent and the finishing
downstairs ta la gKlden oak. with red
beA'h floor.. whUe opstArs the floors
are A maple and the finishing A white
enamel over basswood. Low pm
steasa heating apparatus fumtahea
beat and both gas and elAtrtclty are
used for lighting. The coal of the
home was $5,000.
A. W. BarUk Block.
The moA coAly holldlng ereAed In
the clyt this year 1s the A. W. Bi
brick block on Bast Front AreA. the
cost of which, when complAed. will
reach $80,000.
It is a fine building, three stories In
bright and 34x180 feA. while the baaeroem. which U nine feA In height, ta
the full wlAh A the building and 177
feA jn length, extending about 12 feet
under the sIdewAk In front and to the
alley line In the rear. The front A the
building Is A pressed brick, sfhile the
sides of the front are A Lake Sup
raindrop cut atone, a kind bAh pretty
and expeoaive and never before uaad
In this city. The lower story will have
a full plate glaaa front and rear. The
floors tbroughoui the building will be
of hardwood and the interior will be
finely finished.
A stolrway at the west Ade of the
building leads directly to the upper
stories, while there will also be an
electric elevator Installed. The lower
i.tor>- will be occupied by Bartok A
as a grocery store, while the second
story will be devoted to office room,
and the third story to offices m
large hall.
More steel has been nsed In the conAructlon than In any other bull
In the city, ex^pting the new State
Bank block, and It will be as nearly
llreproA as any structure except those
espAMlly designed for fireproof oniw,
asboAos plAter being used to da
crease the risk A damage from fire.
Steam heating appanuus will be In
stalled and artificlA light will be furo
Ished by both gas and electricity.
Farmtrs Supply Co.
The Farmers Supply Co., completed
moving Into Its new brick bnlldlag but
a few weeks ago and It now has one
A the finest Implamenl sAe and atore
houses in Northern Michigan. It ip of
brick, two Aortas In height, and the
main part ta 50x67 feet in Axe. while
in the rear 1s a one-story addition 44x
33 feet
Inches. In the middle of the
building 1a an eleralor capaWe A trans
ferring boggles, wagons and sleighs to
the seoofMl Aorv. which ta used as a
Aoreroon. while the lower floor Is the
mte plant by aa etetMed paaropemy and the cuA A the varohouaa sroa
bent $700.
ter On.% plant coA about $6,000 and a refrigerslhr plant to
the capaAty A the box
Mr. DotwAter who ta to
ted te d^loago. has teveated the ;
aMerobly to the erarehooae room. The
ilatlon refiigerator which ciwatea aa
part is 30x80 feet, part
menae mtiteg te the coat A tea ta
A It bring two atortes in haltht. The
au riaaaea W raMiarmtoro. It ta a
wetk te m
nA quite coaspteted hut ]
very unique dmrtoe and aonateU A a
ahlyvrlSlIhe by the firm A the year
aeries of radiating pipes teatead A the
AmarteBn Buttar Dteh Co.
ordinary refrigerator box. The loe ta
The romodAltag A the Amerio
te is small compartment al
utter DIah teetory aad the addltlou
A the new pari was aa axtanAve Job the top. and! as H meka. tha wAer ta
I through tbe radiation tnbna nnd
aad lavArofl aa oa Uy A oome thm
kept perfeAly ooA. the Ar A tha food
la tbe mate part
was necoosary to build aa enUre dry compartmenla bring perfectly dry. te
as It does not oome In oantart
ing apparatos tor the dishes, tbe dishes
also being transported to tbe packers with the ice aa te other^toMbMoisl
G. R. Mohr A Chicago haq heen>^
by the name apparatus. A new brick
the city some Ume. intereatteg loenl
well as steam boxes etpecially for people te the project and haa practlcAly compteted arrangements with
Vern 'Wood for the purchase A th#
D. E. Carter factory property juA wpat
M. B.
•son and has built a few very snb- A the city. It ta deaignad to aanuIgerAors 1a thU
aattal reridencea In the city beaidaa considerable work out A the plant on a amAl scale A the stort,
ring the emptoyteent A 88 to 66
city. In addition to remodeling work
ia finding greA
aggregating a thousand dollara, be
favor on the mrkei beoaust A Its
has erected the following:
One resMenoe on West Front aereet, greA aavlng te ice over other refriger^
very attractive structure, two story ■tors and ta attracting consldmble atentlon amoag the larger
xA basement for himaelf. $1$00.
One resMoaoe for thoa. W. Stonton which handle refrigerators. There ar#
on Spruce Aroeet, nrorly complAed oevOrA larpe concerns who have al
ready asked for a Urge portloa A the
coat about $2,000.
One residence for Isaac Hatch on output of the fariory. Juat gt tha
start, bowfeer. the ooaeeni wlH*AaiW'ebster AreeA. $1400. .
One residence for aearge Sachleben, Aacture rffrigeratora to oiBar.'Re
frigerators I which . axe deAgnad for
wool A the city. $1800.
A purpoatei and apadlA ateex,
Addition lo 8. C. Darrow A 8on*s
such as thooe used in hotels, yeotea.
More. 8800.
Addition to the residence of Mrs. rants, grocery stores, and
Mr. Mohr has already oeedred
Babcock. Ninth sereet. 8750.
several ortrrs te Traverse City to heAn on.and'when these are cOmplaChd:
the capltolists A the city will be'n^ed to takelstock ta the eOterprtae.
F. t Moors.
Vern Wood Will aasoeUte AmaeU
F. E. Moore, the architect, has been
with Mr. Mohr and. others at a
very busy with work during the year.
L bold|eP.
The potolblllttaa A
Urge portion A which, however,
this plant are groat and Mr. Mohr
s for buildings In surrounding
stales that within a year. If sufflcleA
towns. He did considerable work for
capital Is put Into the business to
Cadillac^ Including the new wholesale
Ifscture the refrigerstOTS on s
grocery atore for the Musoelman Orotarge scale, the plant will employ 800
5ompan>: some work for Manton.
ore van st good wages.' If those
Rapid City nnd other towns. He has
plsBs matdrtolire. and It Is eoufldrotJy
furnished the specifications for the
expected that they will, this induririr
ivement of the Hannah A Lay
may grow to be one of the Urgent te
Mercantile Company store In this city,
this sertlo^ A the state.
also for A. W. Bartsk's brick building
Front streal. In addition lo several
Smaller jobs. The total A the build
ings erected In Mr. Moore s specificsttons will amount to about 8180,000.
has considerable work'ready for
Impoclng Mruettir, to ft, KrNM
next year.
A..H. Hall.
Noxt Spring by C. fi. F. B.
Mr. Hall doalgned some very neat
buUdlngs lo tbe rity this year though
Next spring, aa early as poaAble.
the greater part of hit work was tor
out of town building. The buildings there win [be commenced the erection
In tbe city for which he drew plans A what wQI be one A the finest build
Include Dr. E. B. Minors residence. ings built exclusively for lodge pur
Geo. Payne's residence, which Is only poses. In the state. It will be a brick
begun as yri. and the remodelling A structure for the C. 8. P. 8. lodge A
C. F. Reid's residence oo Sixth streA. this city alnd wilt ooat $17,000.
The building will be 80x100 feet
Jetis C. Fotarwen.
Mr. Petersen made plans for some and one Aory and a basement te
buUdlngs te the rity, this year. bA his heighL this flrot story bring 60 feet
ally is mall order buateeea and from flooi^ to roA and^the haaement
In that he haa kept himself and hta nine feet.j The auditorium wUl have
office force busy, having sent out plana the largest clear spa^ in floor-room.
to tbe number of over 300. some A A any building te the cky. 67x77 feet,
them going even to ^ih America and ■nd with the gallery wilt seat IJOO
Porto Rico.
Tbe material used te eonriroction
will be bilek. atone and atoel und
there will' be entraacea 00 three aides.
It wni be located at the northeaat corcoonectioo with the asylum, but there
A Front and Oak Areria and
hare tyeen aome ImprovemAito worthy be one
the moA beaAUA bAldA nAlce. among them: '
Ings In the city.
11600.00 was spent for eleriric wlr
On the {flrA floor will be the audlrium. for lodge purpoeaa and tor
|l$0p.00 for additional fire prAec- dancing, etc. with a stage 14x60
feet at one end. On the flrA floor will
8180<D>0 for artesian wells.
Aso be a ladies* parlor 80 feet 6 teebet
82$60.60 for addlUon to nurse.*
1U15H feri,
la the base
All thoM moutea were probeted by ment wUllbe a cnmmodloua kUchen
the teat tagtateturo. As ahown te the
a banket room 40x75 feeL The
teat report there were employed ta
I portlm A tAa will be a gmrA
thu teAUBCkm. 884 persons, and the
net rvmm .white a smaller poitioa
toul amount A wagea paid for Che
be pattltloned off for the gaatto-.
mr ending JunefiO. *06. was $81810.00 aaea who wish to amoke as well ay eaL
Tbe bAlding will be bcAed by
The number A paUmito under treat- steam aad both gas and electricity will
tent. Dec. €. 1606. was men $64. he nsed in lighting.
omen, 613. total 1807.
buIMtegi are la
iDAit which ex
tends under the whole strocture. On
the first floor 1s a conveolent office
room 16x17^ feet and Aso a hat
shop 17x30 feet, power for which it
supplied by an eleArtc motor. The
front of the building ta A red pre
brick, with large plate glass windows.'
Artlflcal light 1s fumtahed by etectrlcity. while the heating ta done by
Aeam.*Tbe erection A the atnictiiie
was done by day labor and the coA
was $6.80$.
Bagifiaur BoA Co.*a ABAtleci.
A refrigerator holding 880 tons A
lee U a huge one. hot that ta the capa
city of the one buUt for the Saginaw
Beef Co., thla aammA. adjolalag the
eompaay'a oince on Lake aveana. The
ooM Aorage building ta 75x180 feA
bring A two AO
Lhe other A two M
and .boat 80 fCA In height. TbevalM
Tw» old trlaadt oe tb»
k)Aare bAH with Ar chamhAt and a liv uu. ttntm itamtT alMC. <»•- for J. A. and Herbert M
pataat laaotetor was alro naad. One
wtn earry bo a hardware and groomr
mm a^ tha oM Nofftham hniffware
fliUag A lea la cakolatod to laA
Luglng famOr aoUritndee for amra year aad the eoA A the bonding
was nearly $4/100.
"Did yen any that your fcBiteir
Ce.*t War#.
as Audylng B panMir tetulMd
: ^
"lUirled her jeAentey.** said tha vtaltor A iMrr. Geldsurha.
Another big rArigarmtor ta the one
**Tea," ffpltad Mrs. OrtIdrwW. **an41
JoA b^m for the Grand Rapids Blow
*«Bnrlf4 ber? Dear me! Anar me! la she ta Britteg Aeug bruuUMr/ V jP v
ing |Da. on Bast Front atcA. and
"Wbe ta her trochOrr *
A ^
the need eM lady Ateir
ceaUag$8AO0. U ta 88x40 f«A and A
-Teat thars WI7 we Imrtai her."
"Oh,she Aa'tgrinateachw.^Bhi^
two atmtei. tho lover ono eight lOA ■asdthemnimh '
siAug muAty from cigar
i mmoomo,
CM(L rAcromct paio t»
WA4C» THtt VtAiL
r. fL A4mm wMa at tba b
ton MBpbpyn
Miteato and tW
itoafk rwaapartaftWyaarbyP. U
OF jl^D
CvIpHl AmUM M««rfy
iiaa Praaa la aaatowd by bla aaa
• of tba waada, wldla Oao. Haaar
a aloM aad foltod Ujm dortag
c Tft
hcnu>t>4th^ »!«•
ftil r«<
>ft»i «bw H IH. Iter to wliJrli t)u(
««x;M l>» a«p0M mor«k »4tiifiiAC««vt»lr tnr« of H«afa ta tba dto •
h. ago. batiaf two wmkmm. ton
th>i« }« rtK^
kW UAfc U»^
rwcvatly worad la PaitHay, wbare
m4 tiM #
ba win araet a abop tonlldtog. BM
iMHIt #lirf«kT. Thm
It wblla barn aegrapatad t7.M9.
k rwitaeb la aH!I laabiag ditara
H tilir pmdBrt mi4
Iiy iboagb wrar TS ywra aM. Ha wart*
. **wbaaaaar ba Ma llha K* aad
^ U,
•»» tbia year follad lUMatcdgwa. '
Two arw abopa bar# baaa ataitad
of » ivml UMt««ry
tha paat tow waaka. tW
f*t|!»tintklnjE l> »n
ntcb barlag bagaa baaiaaaa wttb oar
Iii4«*ff1»l MW. tolf
1uMidrv.i r^iiOe liftet
IB thU aaalntaab wbtla Patar Horwalb will
yAr orottuO, »nd dorlBt tb# pgf aatoa aaw brmada m Iba aurkai.
|ia<»i j^r ili<T4» wmt» iiPBTty
«f«ars oandc In ibU Her.
tor o«>i1jr tto* 4 iirt flcBr**. Th* pro^
tba raaldaaeaa wbtob bar®
duM Ui itmHirpBi^rd In qiinlitjr hj UuU
fttaaaira iwawdaUlag la that
mxwhrif Bitd Bli iJi»UJt ran br of Joba Sporra. oa BUU atraaC Aboat
l>> ibf many l.r»nd« pnt oot,
ipoa lu a aaw
i * TIh^ riBJir tnakr rn »rf« »V10Hl work* foundailoD batof pot wadar It'aad Iba
fOf^t Bbd m titHw fnral oar.^. ibr »f*
part bring mlargad and added to
»r. rair payfuM far ibr >rar bring otor no that the whole U now two atorlcn
fr-.ltHi, rtdudvr of ibp MirnlBg* of to bright and of n neat roomy appearIhM iafHiilM»r» nbo work Al U®
bwb. fbc montlily wngra paid b®lng
John Hopktoi thin api;M>f iatobad a
alriMiM iT.iw.
Brat S-Toom oottaga oe Bartow tomrt.
Thr lar^t Bhop In nin by A. W.
foondatioa aad U oar
^ dahniuK. wbo rmptuyit IS hBipSt mod aad onr-balf ntortm In height, tb# fsoaf
. pur*. <1111 In
llio « tooBtb, Mr.
rtag 11.000. Mr. Hopkinn built the
Jahn^ttfc' bramU Bfo frill known
MM for blmnrlf and renu IL
ilTttiyrhniii « lariw* IwHory »nd hi*
On Kaat Praat aUart Wm. Hopkins
aiillMjl fiJi the* ytnr will msrrgnlo haa rreetad a atoa dwelllag for Mwuelf.
Thr balldliig la ractaagalar la abapa
rrunk Hbiili r einployn’ »i*v<» nmnd* and thr nine roomn arr of good sUa
atui ilwy lorn oui Hgaiw of a qonllty and oooveoIrnUy arranged. The coat
Wtilrk f Ui jtlmia* Iha waul UiliiHoui ran about fl.SOO.
[ mnvk^^r. ib.im- of Ihr rwi'b'IiW »r®
^ renldance of Tboe, Ounton. on
i:rxiHTi«t HI thojWiiiU and . I hey codim*- nrih ntreat. undarwmt axtaonlTe Iw4
fitly diww very go<^ «nc®«* the proveroent and t
Mt tbis toll.
Itooi.thly imynUI bring nlicnit I4S0. Tbp dwelling Is now nearly iwtoa Its
Whll.; lyifvjii f lgnn* were inanufnc- forinrr aUr. with a ftna twarinmt to
tnr.Hl Iliiriun H»r ymrwhich will br'lnntillrd an uptodatr
11.^ II Wi-Avrr # emnloy* 1 « ifoniAr heating plant. The cost of thr Imj^lv in 'numUr and ihry iurniNL<>«l proramanta will aggregate fKOO.
^xi.lMfp ’ fiDuLvti'* and drew alnnK |3,<
hi wfRtw, Sir. W»avrr niakm
-Junt fanrj WegtoiM, Tra forgot,
. «tn;e qvrrllrol linmd» »nd bU pro- ten my cord case.**
d«ri flndn a ready ral«.
**NevaU mind, dw hoy; I’ll lend
Iliri-c- le nmofi wrre employiHl la thr
■i ab<M> «r ow» u A l*lcm\ now aticcordrd ^‘^nm^^tUe'^a wonld ba dlftofwnt.
you know.to the firm i.f Ow. ii A IMrdaall. and
-Bal JoM, no It would.
What A
ft.) tunn-1 iril In linffi abonl &n.ooo
tirad you hare. Algy.”
^K-iTK w.iiUlng ►lui r Murrh.
Mgap Mid BiM aad OMr W
Crall Taraag Oat By Laei!
batt. tm.
r. P. BUMP, twa^yirb M ball.
One 1$ ft. t bp touneb tor Ctes
» «C tba pistodBea Wbtla U baa
On# U ft dM7 wttb a i 1-2 bpL <
WtmafMItopraiMto tost Iba
i of tm dbsw g PWy gl^ifytag
IM baa bam pmrem^ taint.
E. E. Cbniidtor, Latoai. Are row-,
mta. fin.
tbai tba vtte? ^TtoMaas baa baya
rlPBL Tba
i riMMHti mempto arw il tolr tndag to
Cbtaaga party, tvawtytfpa fsot bPB.
Martto U Bogart. Bycamore.
algbtMw foot sailboat. ftS.
portomcE Kmn
tba eotamr af bustoess and tbr recetpta of 1$0< ahaw a very grailfytag
inereaer of tl ^ZJSS over iba
af l»aA and wbea 4t Is abowa that tba
iBcraan af IW oatr liN waa $IM.1$.
mm. B
P. P. BoagBay. osm row baat. fSf.
oOp. b«te«« 1. l»M B.
Tba boat baOiiag baatoeaa to TrarGrand Rapids party, awe rmf boat. me memuAMM, shown m thr
Uy ba very gratifying.
ataa GBy M praHlaany a aaw ladaatfT
Tba following are the <
ltbaiagoalyabwntwoyaar agB. tbat
PiMrlib. two row boats. ISA
tba baUdlag of bowa to aar astaat
omact. «ga BkUr. tic
lag ta montbs
waa attawptad la tbIs laealitj. Ayaar ^ rraak Bbomrtry. oaa akIE. $14.
The Year IfOf. Bhewe a Osin af fg,.
ago. bwwarar tba Trarama City Motor
Blagbam part;aB. two aklRa. ffS.
2SA22 Over the ymr tfOb. tba
Boat Ooaipaay was acvwtoad aad
A. J. Hibbard, one row boat. fSS.
Toul Raliit Paid Tbia Year,
baagbt Iba baaiaaaa of Tboatoi
R. W. Uradtog. SS foot boat.
ta Damdst BK^nJOi
Staatoa already eatabUahed. • Tbia
H. K. liMrtnai. Kstbaaba. amaU
. .$20,773 50
eawpaay baa bad awwi eicallaat aacaaab.
eoaa tor a naw ooacem and alnca tbr
Bayaral otbar boats for psxtlaa to
One Of the eaiy beat iadleationa ^
irat of last Marek ap to tbr cloaa of this aad otbar clM.
brndama prageaaa. la the record of re
tba pceMt aaaaoa. tba owapaay tanapBaals In Stack.
tocurad aboat forty crafts of rartoas
Oaa twanty-flva toot boat complete.
blads. largalj motor boau aad laaaebas,
Oaa twaatyflre foot hull. $175.
Irrtog C, Monmy aoeceedrd to tbr
Tbree tweoty-two foot bolls. fSSS.
tot btoldtag bastaaas of Victor MonOne tweaty-oaa foot hull. fIBf.
gaa aad tost aaaaoa balU arraral
Three twenty toot huHt. $400.
Two aigbtaaa toot hulls, fSSi.
McMsBon A Ptorti sra engaged In
On# stttaaa toot bull. im.
boat balldlnf sad bar* coaatraetad
Baven new row boatn. $94&.
Repairs and cuntom work. $<00.
Into our new stare, the tlnest. most up to^ts .store devoted to ogr line in
hire the regularty eetabllnhad
Irving Murray. Boat Builder.
this part of tho county. 7wc floors with plenty of light and plenty of
building ooncemn bare baaa rery
Ivlag Murray, to tbr boat building
Making caceptlonally fine show rooms, and W* Havt the Oooda to
basy duiW tba year and prodaoad a uatoaas In Victor Montague's former
to^ge nniabar of. bodU Pf rartoas aeatloa. has been very busy tba past
kinds, tbarr bsvr bM a great nuuiy aeanou and ha* turned out some line
boats built by private partita from craft.
Mr. Murray rmployea one
prepared pattaton and daalgna.
This, together with the fact that .we arc making prices that
aaalntant and during the year ha* Bn
will move the goods, alwa>^ giving something new to
Tbo followtog toformaUoo relative Uhad tbi following:
.---------.----------------------...----------------------One It ft. S hp. tounch for Rmpld
to this industry will be of oonnlderdisplay,
makes it important that
you sec ourbefore
City party.
able tolarwit.
buying.-We want YOU to see our line of SLKlGHS.i
NorthCUTTERS. ROBES and Bl.ANKETS. We know that
port party
vou will agree with u« that =we have the best display
to be
Jerry 8umrai, Cedar, thlrty-ona fool
One U ft. S hp. launch for A. 8.
found anywhere. Wec handle only the best makes and sell
launch, three cyUndar. IS
them at prices that might be charged for cheaper goods.
>rna power engine. fl.OM.
One 20 ft. ahp. launch for Mr. Rood
Come in and let us tell you why they
C. B. IJnebaner. Chicago. tZ fool,
or NeahUwanta.
arc better. We’ll gladly compare
borne power. S31S.
Rebuilt one 22 ft« launch for F. W
A. J. Hibbard, twenty foot launch.
prices with
he other fdhiw's.
Tbree atock touocbes now on hand
M. B. Hungerford, tweuty
for aale.
Isancb. complete, cunhiona and trtmthraa several rowboata hara
IbA tnd.
bam bum for various partle* and the
W. I). Ball, Grand Rapids, twenty
ctoablUhmeot wlU be run the year
five foot speed hull. |t75.
W. H. Nnitsl. Manistee, eighteen
McManus A Finch/ Bast Builders.
fool. 2 home power. ISM.
McManua A Finch alaO built several
, J. W. Hmnneo. twenty two foot. S
boats the past season, three of them
home power anglnr. $W0.
W. R Bmeon. Kalkaska. Hgbtaan
being row boaia. The power boat*
foot huW. $M.
U U Btevooson. twenty-two foot were.
One 21 ft.
hp. tounch for Mr.
hull. M.
Harry Hines, one twenty two foot I Wilcox of Cadillac.,
We are as wdl ruslPP^4 wdUi Good Clo«a*»fl *nd Furnlslitalu Good’s valves as any store In fh^ clly>~Overcoals and SnHs nataraUy
comprise the grealcr part of such a stock. and on these two Unm we show values from Seven Filly to Twenly-Two Dollars that seldom fall
lo make a buyer ol « prospecUve customer.
Next In order of Unporlsnec prehsps Is the Hal and Cap stock—Our stock Is comprised largely ol Stetson & PnmmeU Hals, and to any
one who H*s worn ellher make, this Is a snfticleni guarantee ol style and qnaUty. Jnst now we are having a big sale of Sample Caps—
Fourth Ott.
booghl about twenty do*^ this winter’s shapes, no two alike—SeU them to yon at
ii 1
& Hunter
Wllboni a good Une oi Underwear no
two-piece and conddnallsa sMb. Onr On
For HoUdays onr^Une al
For Every Day and HoUdays
Goods Stock is complete—In the Une Uncs we show WUson Brothers’ Goods In
a garment wool goods, aU colors, have given nsja Mg business this faH.
Coals. Far and Seal Caps. For Collars. Fur and iOr lined Gloves and Mittens. Fancy Hosiery. SfUc and
HI Cases. Fancy SnspdMera. Fancy Vc^ NighI Bobes. aad Neckwear wIU he j
very complete and
i’' ”:'-
We Want Your Busings.
v';-- ^1.
r •
sun. TiuvEmc 'CrrY,'
ibff fdseed la taT
bank. Ybt bate baan a ^ ncca—bi
I. for tbe Meat paa ffrmw^ out ffHk
to iV«id thmi ou the ffMs at Iba Mipery fbaal«iL at
Island er at ^cn» abaoCb«.*
Tbeiu art about 1» beya
tbe borne BlBC*
at one ttaa. Only tbeae are Mffid LaTMMtk*
that bare no bernes oC tbelr own.
ko«r for th*
•»r~« tktj
ffamlae. bowerer. Is boxlar Tboae wba
don tbe dsTss have to carry out
SaaMT corttat tn rulsa. as tbs/idea al
J dmr la itwrt la fgi^ wgl
Ivcn «l smif Mi« Skliigic
mm f
MHMrtKtarcrs of Ike Itavcnc aty
SMlIoa Gao Proteecr, In siscs of from is to
tit Homc Power—WIU Glvlde yotv tad MU
Itavcroc aiy
cannot daes^
ipsa, but tbcae were net taa
-walmm. bwt.tN«'ibaaa:^wba~bni
Odilers, Steam Engines, Gaseline Engines, Belting, Saws,
Emery Wheels, Pipe Fittings,
New and Secnnd Machinery.
Icfwsn. but be prolta'bvasar^fli
would not have beeo « fou flodcod
Mwur Oibtrwue. not Hi New York, at
any cate, and tbat was where bo oold
-iwpaa.- Soioe iieofdo who cot tbalr
start .Telllnjf -Uxtryr do not want the
reUted that iiarflekl ^
of barinc drlren uiu
Mark Twain merer n______ _________
telUnc that -be bad
a printers
deril end mb ptioL It is not related
that Hol»hk» Boms ever denlad harlac
been a plowman, that A«»p erer tried
to crawl oat of haiiiy: been a slave or
that the Man of Naaareth ever nooebt
to refute the stocT that be was bom la
a mamrer. If so. why should anybody
bhtah at baHnir sold parsers? lfis|iaclally so when exmTience proves tbat
then' are few Imtter schools for de*
veh»pins kec-iinc-HS. Indeyk-ndcrn'e and
nuiidhiess. l^mk at the next Uttlo chap
from whom you hny a |uip«r. for ba
may 1«? presidtMil ioiue day.
New Yt»rk has over *J.5iiO newsies.
They an» of an nstlonsmies. sizes and
decrees of dltUnosa. Some of them
have no nationality or size to speak
In ol- of. !.«t Ujey an* aP -tirty. That Is on^
rC3oiP)rlaht IfOC by J. A. Edaerlon.1
e:iK you ovar a
uewsiwy? Well,
don't irctolTona.
*yl. Hundreds
of other ;:.H)d
people have
lnM‘U. niuonc
them covenjors,
lnerrhaul«, law
yers. bankers
and r\‘cn tulul.^
ters, Geuersl
rhil S<Uerldan
.was once a
newsboy and
urO»etne«prfTlJtierof boyhood. ^
tot or tbs deeper sbadm of dbt
barn faded off tbe bands andifscea of
tta lada in tbe NVwaboya' buma attu*
atad near Newapaper row in New
YoriL Iba samlBs wbo lod^ there
are reouired to waMi occaakaaOly and
bath that teeooeUea
u. Abd then
they bare a ebanea t
aeaacb other
and do athletic atu
Tbe laremce
buy baa DO objectloo to wateriai each
prorlded be can get his whole body In
IL He will eten run. off and take the
chance of a llckblg to go swteimlng.
It is tbe application of water to his
bands and face tbat gam his proud
Tb«e ace rarioos newsboys* bomee
In tbe Urger dries of tbe country, but
It Is believed that the Npw York im
sritnUon Is tbe parent one. jit has
been In existence eomethlng ojer half
a cantnry. It has cecUlmcd numberleas waifW. retnmad nmsway lads to
borne for regimenU of boys that bad
no oCberiAielter Meala. and of a good,
anbstanrial sort at that may V bad
for 5 cents, while beds range all tbe
way from S to 15 cmiti. The fifteen
etnt cots are In a room to tbetaadrea
that tbe bora enU -the WaldotT.** It
is a proud day when an urchin gradm
ttee Into Ihia exclurive bunch.
Tbe newmboya* lodclng boose has an
m earing! bank Into whicti tbo occopanU can drop tbelr pennlco. jit coodsta of a nomber of numbered and
loetod boxes with silts In the top.
ind here tbe Uds depodt theU smaU
pomincs. They rw-elve Inter^ as
these deposIU, auJ If tlie amount
prows Kufliciently lar.:e It Is tsl8en_out
would ba Imagined Ibfd^
omgb Bfbtlng an thTS^
without reaortiac to prtae dgbta>but
tbelr life Is such a strunte tbat It d»>
Hi# event of the year
owersr. is tbe
boys themsetvM
feast, la leisure boon they pars poCa ayes to aaa It tt Is doubtful If skT
toes, turnips, onions and what not, help
St tbe o(b« vegeublaa ready and of both tba gmtaaque and patl^
generally make tbamaohraa aaeruL
They regard It as tbalr affalrwnd tbam
fare taka a^pey la performing whnt
r Into tbeaa dutloa srfib tba
same apIcU that they would diyilay at
I on Washington's birthday.
Tba fianta Pa has
tree, on Its land to Jton Diego county,
■uucbora OMIfomto. Tba tract la H.«0
norea to astant and Is known as the
Banebo 8an DIegtto. It to near M
Mar. It wUl be converted Into a on.
enlyptos grove. About tOQL acres a
year win ba planted far a lamm ot
jiura. The wood wlU be need for tMd ;
andpUeu F. P. Hoep. wbo baa charga
of this ciasa of work, eetlmatas tbat
18,000 worth of timber for tloa can be
raised on one sera Tba rad gum wUl
ba planted, as this as waU as the ai«ar
and iron bark varierias of oooalyptaa
tbe borne each Christmas, and It Is aafil
to aay that no feast In the land to mors
enjoyed. Table etiquette may not ba
highly daraloped. knlvea. furka and
ipoons may not be used in Just the
frofier ways, fingers being more freQoently employed, and It Is barely pun
albie that the boys •'swipe- what they
cannot eat but at any cats they are
anthnstoklc. They may reatii for ee>
aiytblng in sight, sat tba pla first, grub
Jatata of turkey In both bands. Ibraw
bones at tbe smaU diners acrooa tba
room and use tbelr well deralopod
longs In a manner that sUrta the boUa
In the steel framework of tbe building, Auatralia to laat more than twentybut aJl them Uttie Bdloayncraalee only firs years undargroond. wblto tbe blue
gum will net tost mace than tbraa
of tbelr Uvea,
years nndatgrDUtid.\ Tba aeadlug will
occasion a tai
pie was ba done dnilng
during tbe twinter, and tbe
placed before ea<*h gamla and that Injaeadltogs
for tbe first yaar'a
year's planting
IS tor
about two minutes most of
w to preparation. About S.0U0
had disappeared. Wljen a •'cop ' praeit email aeodUogt aca raqnUad.
ent made a strenuous talk about pastry,
tbe pies were pufled out from under
tattered coats, where they had been
eoclea. Ibe
It an comes anmnd to ono of twu
hard life of the street
( not tend to
thtogi. With aU married cuoplea wbu*
bring oat a very fine erase ef **meum
diffar to habit to taste, to opinion, to
et tuum" and the dlvlnb right of prop
tooda of Uto, if there to to be any I
erty. In-fact It moat be admitted tbat
many of the boys wiU sisal on occa9 Is a
Mon. bat cooaldertog tbe Ufa they lead,
way to as good as
wbo can wonder? Thera to no objecbar. It to I
rion to the tods flUtog their not too
art not of aaj Importps
clean pockets with tbe remains of tbe
inonlythlnrt they are notfeast, however, and ther religiously
We want the trade of the Men
who think $ 15.00 is enough to
pay for a suit of Clothes.
WILL BUY a Kood Suit of
Clothes if you get it at the
- right place.
We haven’t any high
flowa ideas about making a man buy a better Suit than he wants. $15.00 will buy a
good suit, of clothes and we want the trade
of men who think they ought to get a good
one at that figure.
We Iktve them in quantities at that price,
and we have them still higher, but our $15
suits arc unexcelled in fit and Workmanship
andsn1l|give you your money’s jsrordi for
It is easy to make claims, but we wish to
impress upon you the fact that these are
through and through'worsteds, for which
you would be asked from’ $2.00 to $3.00
more at any store in town.
-You can see them in Our Disi»lay Win
dow.” If you are a-$15.00 mah,|come and
see us. We will be (Had to hkve your
trade, and ^er you have once tr|ed one qf.
“OUR GOOD SUITS" you .wiU never be
aatlsfied with any other kind.
“WIU Soon Be Here.’**
'rime yon wore •eli'ctint! that praamt, while the
asaortixiont is jjood.
Wo mention a few of lb© tbingg we have oapecially for you to select from for this time.
It Pays to buy
A Good Overcoat
One good Overcoat will give you good
service for about three years, and if it is
one of "Our Good Overcoats’’ it will still
have shape and stay when you are through
‘with it.
y: .
Any man svoDld bcCprood
to wear one ol these.
It Is Eitrangance to Buy Cheu> ShoddY
Yooleos. TIioy Don't tost
Silk HaDidkerdtiieis
Plain odoia, abo solid ©enters and
fancy borders.
We don’t mean that you must pay a bii?
price, but you should pay enough to get a
dependable garment. Let us sugg^t a
NoUdsa finer anywhere.
Suspenders one »P « «h>x
Silk with silnirbneklM
and fancy enda.
One of thoae wouU be anre topic
F*OR .toiS
Plain and fancy oolort, one in
• FaMy Vests,
Dress Shirts. Swealei
Suits aiM
Any of these make nice presents and
are sure to please if selected • .
■from onrline.
' ysiyiafijg
We have a still better one if you wish it,
or at any price you may decide upon.
We will guarantee the cloth, the fit and
the workmanship, and return your money
or exchange the garment.
If you are in doubt we are going to rec
ommend one of “Our Good $15.00 Gar
ments,’’ for we knpw that it will give you
$00.00 worth of srear and satisfaction.
. .GadSuit Headquaitersi. i e.wiiheuis i Gaad OvratHadquaitaia
' -^is* i-F
, .
YJ-A/i TOJ'Hh A/:A7
Christmas is cUnlno.'and wlfh It aU the |oys and pleasures altendina the
hoUday season. Chlel among these is the pleasure ol gift giving, a custom that
has been handed down gcneraUtm after gcneraUon. In selecting your gUt
It is not so mndi what yon like as what the recipient would eafoy that
should be taken Into consideration. Something useful-something that would
be a constant comfort-something Oiat the recipient actuaUy desires Is the kind
of present that is sure to be amireclated.
Haml 8U*a.
ChltfliH Couch, Ko^ slxe.
Doll Cabs............
I3t)ll OcX'arfa...,
Came Bourdti....
Wheel lUiTow..
Kxi.n'.R Wupin.
Toy rati* .....
Toy Stovcii
Toy DUhei..........
Tool lloxes..........
il.Mk and'LTddiM
HlKh Chair...........
Chi Ida rocker..;.
Nuriiory fChalr...
Chllda Beda...f
I-^awela.............. ..
nrafj Sert^
nrti ScretMi ....
H.nll Trees ....
Shaviny: C^htiel
Wall PocJvela .,
Jardiniere SAanda......
Foot Stool........... ;...........
Uupm. 2T -In. Bniiirla..
Kitchen Caldneti
Library Taldiw, 24x32.......
...B2.70 Conih. neekH. oak...........
S»<-tional DoisKs. each:......
l-:;dle.H IVsks.
lbs.k Unrks v...... ..........
Roll Top ivsHs..;’......... ..
DinliiK Table. Cft....
Ifitiing Chair*, six...
8id»lKjurds. solid cutk
Bii!r**t. qiiarten-d lol,.
IHslu's. loo pitxM* set.
Table Cloth, large...,.
Table Napkin*. *U....
Water Set.................... ..
Cla*R Tnmhler*. *U
Office Chair*, revolviris...:.
Berry Set.......... .........
Waste P.Tper Brtkrt........
.$6.50 Night Ijimp*
Dretiser*. odd...........'....
.$2.25 Parlor l.:»mps
Commodt**! odd..'............
llljsj liavenport. adjustable.
lUtlrooni Suite, 3 piece*........
$1.40 Arm Rock
Iron Beds’ full'*Ire..........
..80c Be^Hl Hock
Comforters, pootl one*........ .
48c MlsbUm R«>cker. heavy..
Blanket*, double........ .............
8<»wlng Hooker....
Pillow*, each......... ..
Sheet*, each.
Reception Chair*.
Pillow Caaea. 'per i»air.,.....
. .$1.25 Arm Chair*, large.
rb.ml.er Sc-....................
, Chairs..........
WMh Machlnt-R........ ..
..$1.90 ^Parlor .Stand*......
Tub Wrlnuer*-----.
Bench Wringer*................. .. .$3.25 Parlor Caldiiels....
....20c Music Hacks.......
rioiht^* 'Baskets.............. ..
Iron Board*.......:........... ........65c Hu;nan CTialr*-------........45c .Sofa Pillow*.........,
nal Top D.ivkH....V>....;.
.....10c Type Writer De^ks..........
. .$2.75
. .$2.75
.Si wliil Machinr*................ .■ ...$12.50 Portiere* ...........
...$1.05 C:irpet 8wc*eper» BlBsells... ....$2.50 Portiere*. roi>e.,
Lace Curtain*. i»er pair,
...$4.75 Splco Oibluil.................
■ Ma -
A :pA I y,A
,':r - ■
la RccoMt TKAveme arv. sncHioAN. wcoNnDAV. oeccMacK IS. 1M.
_ ___ _
vy .
.aw----- -yw-
> •—--r
' i
■■■■ ■ : '
m aaj matkadDr WiUroantucetaecrnalim.
^acting « tbe principle that tba
Imeriemn prapU Uke to be bumUiiged.{
Tk.M 1.,^'u ?hw!TiM ••ilW
N0 me CM aknir jM kcMcr •••«•
»*Iw.KS()^Ui.pri«»l*ri«lit Ml y* wii kao» tt..
tD),«bMyDaMetlie g»l«.
Oi' I4fgi« M jriori #jM>ra'7>0 will tibi\
Wj %ri
flat ela/^
cla/^ liits
iiiw tiiXnii2?Mk>
i«t Ibi «aUlm piMibit* prtiti.
wsif, uiiia.fHit
T >^c«a bi7 7>ir Xn»f gfUo'K«3&V9»r Iiaf4, katv.tg
foar IrMds sra g» tin|f the oe Vittt aid beat er^kt^oat
K/df/Uitn^ io tb9 faroiftitag lion ia o«v aai c^m
. Kor Coin
Ubr**. »!•> 6o!> Kil
-ffimpd-aaldlr. WlUy.
• -It Un*t wbUky at alt- aid Dr. Wl-|
ley. -If. tbe atnff that uWn «mud
WbUky. By tbe
of wbat U known |
ns ^Mttog oir tbe grrait-t portion of |
tta atnff Ubeled •foorC^rar-old'
WbUky* U mada to Uaa t^n fourtemi!
totou irL W-lt
«Mi aflMUi wile YM waff. *
fa I
^ St
mince tbe bumbuggery very «P-.
Pr«cUbly by Insisting upon the proper
»^«»rltog of aU products, ao that if one
)»r ao Ubelta «®d If ta prefers moto
boof be may gu annind looking for a
»«bel to indicate tbe aabnaL
D sbooid be lememberrd that Ibo
uw «Ul« not only' to food, but
^ Udnors and nadldaca. so that there
must be govenunent inspec-tfcm of .
Cliaaipioa of Pure Food
Side UgMs on Dr. Hervey W. Wiley and His
Tireless Cmsade
•f m
li ttaawil il 8 »—firt. Who
laaiuii HiYf Ibt Wftt teoto Mi OtC flwjUiilM
H TMr fMs — IlM RMiM His HoMy IW*
TWartjr VfOT, N8I ti OMCfc, tat to
8tavLMit8f lilt
Snapshot of LlavK. Robert E. Peary, the Arctic Explorer, taken on hU fwturn
from his trip fartheet north.
«r til tta com
8b<t UKlcr
andar tta lietilfa
lufluenre af
pare food law the peapto
8f tta I'nltod HUte. may eat and
4rtok and be mecry. firing no tboofbt
to the borrihle prol«bHlty of batriuf
Uhni into tbidr aysteas rarkNaa pob
aoaooa aobatancea lu tbelr food and
drink, tbe one man cbieny to in- thank
ed for that delightful cousummatlou Is
Dr. Harrey Washington Wiley. OA
daily Dr. Wiley Is eblrf of tbe buiwaa
of cbemlstry In tbe departmeut of ag
rtculture; anoacially be may l>e calle<)
commander la cblK of tbe allied and
.amatganiated armlea of the pore food
fbr ttoeoty yeara I»r. WUey has bad
8 bobta 8tMl riddeo It bard. At tlmee
tbU fbvdaas of hU bas leaped orer ap
palltof praciplcea of buman prejudice
arily through marshes
iditig. but t
faderal Uw of tbe use of i>oh
Vnd dJtokf'tJTt U
Dr. Wiuya bdbby. By tbe paaaage of
tbe mmrnm known as tbe pore food
Uw Ust Jana congrees finally approt*ed
tbe efforts of l>r. Wlh*y aud tbe thouaanda of other rarueei workers to the
cause of preaerrliig tbe human .atom-
health of 8aiKW.O00
people. It Is p’rovocatlvc of joy to suc-
, typhoid aud oth«T IIU Uk> niimeroaa to. mention. Among bis intiiiinte
frlcHuU the good Dr. Wiicy Is known
as s^Hhlag of a humorist, ami this
quality ikiiuctimw dUiUaya Itatdr u)ion
inihllc c»,v..K,uns when be dlscnissra hU
lw>bh> . Oiicc Dr. Wiley was dispens
ing his ilumicat witMlom before tbe
romiulUiH- ou ugrlculiure of the bouse
of repreuenutives when a rural congrrasman acornfully asked the dlstlnfnlabed rhemUl to deune a • soicutifle
agrlcnlturlsL-A sdcntlflc agriinilturtst.- replied
tbe dm tor. 'is a petulemnn In the em
ploy of the corerumcnt who csi> make
^ Dr. U a^BootbrlW ot TVmaMK
Tbe Uteet
descent Umpa Is a Ump which may
truly be aal
said to furnish
mUh -sunlight
Up,- Tbe
U mode of such
rare earth, a. yttrium, tboriom. aSrroniam. cerium and magnealiim. wrhlck
will iiHtber fuse n*ir bqm wbon e*.
ptwevl to Hlr. They Ivecome heated to a
high tcmiM-rature, howcTer. and throw
out a light which Is really while, like
sunlight. Owing to tbe combtoadoo of
earth, peed, all of tbe oeraa primary
taro nm the gantlK of tta |oko mikcn dorlnc the four
of lile t»I*08
•Qotd- boordlof bdtoe to Wartiltirtt*
and coma forth fat and joily. his uaofuloesa anlmpalrtd:; If ha had tiaaa
oDi* of tboae aolamn and aarlous aa-
lCop>TlaM. ISK. by C. N. Lorte.l
Co. halt
If your daaJer hasnT
good Dr. Wiley loaf ere this nmst
bar# anccnxubed to nerrous nroatra
tton. Aa It waa, be iacrmed toiooufbD to eoioj the ymtA made at the eX
lienae of bla lalqiU
perlment. tboagh bd nerer permit
bis sense of humor to Interfere with
his atrlet adeatlllc ctaerratlon of tbe
of a certato abautlty of ‘dopidC,^
or dHnk by a certain inetnlref^ bla
WUeya la no looger regarded as •
Joke, even by tbe most bo|ie)eesly Jik
Ur peraon. By yeaia of patient, tire
Iras oheactatlon the deroUnl chemist
bas prorad wbat be |aet out to pruvetkat tbe ara of sc^wtancee such os
boradc add. aalhyUc add ami
maldehyde aa pn^si^hatiriHi for fmd
or drink are poaldvciy InjnrloQs to the
human system. By feeding bis class
of young 8M*n various kinds of food
ar colorrHl with tta drugs
hr oanufactunrs he dcdoc
eiT sc lciiUflc facts whidi. emlKxllixl In
bis official rcp»>rtiC had much weight
to aetnirinf the pure food Uw
since I>r. Wllcr first made hiinaclf
a popular national figure l.y
Ing the actual resuhs of flic rating
of drugged fm>d aud boiling those reBulU down to a Sitletitlfic certainty
many events of importaiKe lu the mat
ter of fomi refonii have taken place
to tbe rnlted Ktntra. Quite rrHVutly
we have bad-Vptnn Blnclalr’a exiv>se
of packing bouse horr«>rs lu * The Jnu
fie.- followed by the jmssage of tbe
meat inapetiloo Uw. which ret)ulres
» manufacturers
I and other packInc booM pradui'ts on their l,ibeto
must call a spade a spade and not decel^ the public by aeadlng out canoed
Teel or pork with a picture of a spring
chicken oo the Ubel.
Dr. Wllay’a work taa dissipated aer
ersl mUcooceptlona. For Inaiance. be
bas shown that it Is not necaasarily tbt
food adulteranta. but tbe preeerrativea
and colorings, which do tbe damage to
tiie bnman atomacb. The fact that fre
quently sre buy and eat aometblng aold
under a certain name which Is really
something else In wboU or to iwrt beemnra that something aUe U cheaper
for the manufacturer than tbe thing »
preieoda to ncll is dlagusttog. to be
rUbt there Is where the wUy manufac
tnrer geto to bU deviiuh swk. He
colors It with anlUnc or coal tar djo*
Jo make It look Uke tbe traal thing, and
that coftortttg matter dota the damage.
For a like purpose of deceptloo certain
drugs called preservatives are used.
Tbsoe aerre to imprasa tbe inaooout
imrchaaer with tbe noOoo that be U
DU. Il.UiVKV W. W11.KY.
adtliK-txl tlie fart | gullet providod that
lieptemUT. Dr. WlJcy addiK
It! is sold from
B1II.V l.e wm.kc
llwhile yon I state
that hams mii.v
tate to state and tbereby comes unthe head of Interblat^
wait One wltm-M Ict-tUlcd that bis j diT Ihe
Louse used a n»»trut 0jn.ikcr I
UHI.M Fata Uw.
^ r.ii . w« IH.I.
Ing smokt-d hams. This 1-1#
for this^
hole kegs.a
paint with which the ham
having; unilorm food Uw as many eatlmabkv'
tsw.lily to grow.
giving it tbe aHH-uruii.v
smok.-i cIcrK>iucn
working for a uniform '
** UagKta: -ffa. ka. Ka! How my
been cured lu the dear
lufn are wor
mUtress wHI seoM
grandmother; divorce law. As a m.atter «f fact, the I
used to do U.
nation regarding food H prett.v much
When this Utile pig goes to asarksi
rdini: dlvonn-. j
r»-auU of Dr. Wilry'ai the sai^ a« that
Diri'ctlyy as a rv*uU
very listoimdlng
list.omaing' l^Jiivb blatc Has Us o i hiusR-lailug to! ^
tiomi some vorv*
it ata ae by toe
facts regarding the truc idcirtiiy of ihd^ food und to dlvoixv Jberv are forty-1 pVT wokoiy
stuff we put into our Klmutichs frmu'
sUttMv and furtv-slx varUt
day to day have iK'cn brought to light | diVi»r.t» pos-'iUnlilics. VntJltuc paRs.igt-1 The miscKtevous <
Just one Item WiU suffitv In^e. Your of the fv-dcni! fi»-j8 Uw tlie luaunf.ic-j
with iU mate.
<i» muy Ih- too winik; to stand; tunn-a of some food prwlucts were, While Saola CUvi. drove with all apaad
The |»allcnt and long^ snffcraigi TomiH-llrd to plutT a different label on
toraagbtoe naki
mule that pulU tlie garbage’cart |*aM j their goods for every state to which
oor U more iinporinui^ than he ‘ shliuneut was made. t\’hcu the naIH> not scHirn him. .Ne^t year be. lioual Uw gels into uctlve vvoiking orma.v be silent, alas, in death, and you 1 der one l.tN-1 will sen e for cncli stale,
may Ik» eating his hiMfs melfmorph^n* | and that laliel. If the government intab-stuiH-mious clinnee! -Into-luirc u|*-| si*cctora do their duty. wiU tell exscllr
pie JelUv- or “i»ure in ach marmalade.- what the package rontalmv
But the fact that yoa are rating the; Tin* fight for a pure fooil law In con
boots of the defunct mule li» not the grtws InstiHl nearly twenty years. l>r.
jvart of tbe pr^i>osnion.; Wih y savw the vxmsnoK-rs staro-d It.
Uled !*y the grangers. Then some ol
be homwt manul
»ro«luct is the se-! and finally s^mie
rious thing. That U wbat boes the urged a f<xleral Uw. Of. cotirao the
pr«>|'0!*ed legislation was bitterly op-
to axpand —swell and puff up
against tha haart. This crowds
tha haait and interferes with
ks actioa causing shortness of
breath, palpitaboo of tba heart.
Dyspepsia Cure
takaa tbe strain off tba baart.
emtalmtHl foods. doi^Kl mcdlcinvw
and prv-matupely aged whijikiea. but the
•*awakt*oed cv»ntnHenee- of tlie po«|»le
along various lines at last brought
.nbont the enactment of the present law.
I which gives rxri'llent pnvrulse of fyod
! icfonn after it goaa Into cflr«-t Jan. 1.
J I»r. Wiley, who Is a name of In‘di.ma. In bU sixty jsHMnd^rar. 1ms
j never roand jOmc to get married. His
life alDce rarly manhood has been de
voted undlvliievlly to chemistry. As a
bachelor bis remarks coniTmlng i-ooks
may be of Interest to marrtrd peo|vle.
Says Dr. WUey:‘ -Wc have the most
nbumUnt and l^est f.xxls of the worW.
but we llwe more poorlv than anr oth
to iUI ap the Slocking, for children's
er clriUtod nation. We hare the woiwt
<sx»ks and know lesat bow to get tbe
most out of our foods. < 'ooklng Is look And nt midnilhl -tbe clocks were |rat
ed down upon here. It sboald la* <*oaon tbe atrake •
alderod one of the fine arts, and a cook
Cwme tbe fwiskhil old friend nf tbe
abould command a high aaUry. I know
ftimilies Ip Waabtogton who live at the
Tate of 15.000 or fin.noo
flO.noo a year and | ||E lootad at toe
who nererthel^ win get some Ig- ’ H
.ever wHl do.
spoil tbrir jvictuaU. i
^ wi.. «n.
They Will spend ^oosands of dolUr.
on ttair Ublea and waste It all by
•kimptog on tbe cook.HOBBRTTS IX)TE
It U i»ropowd to drain the erergUdra of Florida. Governor Broward,
cd with broackUl or rulmonary dU- tboae who
oaara and to create otrength.drink akTkbollc llqdora.
to Waahlngtoo be was
party of frienda. who began to dUewsa
omttUkma, U becanaa it U a real ood their farorlte teauds of whisky. .Scotch
wbUky seamed to bo the moat
ic Imt tbe real
two or three of the
ores of the plan. Tbere are TJ<X>.000
acrea of swamp lands to be freed of
w*ater. In tbe midst of this dreary
wsKte Ikw T^ke Okeerliobee. ItUpmlaxed to cot canaU and drain off part
of tbe watenr of this lake, so a» to
reduce the surface four feet, to pre
vent tbe overfiowlng. which now fiooda
1,100.000 aerra of tka aammndtog
country. Tbe work «aIU far 500 mlUa
when as a matter of fact tbe atnff
would be putrid but for tta -embalmcod Ihrcir off preparatloa Vtoot. Ha togfiald-ltconuina. |
oaya. “1 bava uaed VInol in my tomWUAy S Fhi Immh.
-Do yoQ drink orer barer aakod tta
doctor, and tbaj aald ttagr dUL
Tta® yon MTor drink Seotcb wktolyktnlL NatnU
and these unite to form ray. whlck
contain nil of the clemenU that cotoo
from the .on.
ata. tawsrifaSStoLtaarwarya#
« c tatatoff cta CMaanw u s. ^
HANNAH a UYSctici^
of canate ten feet taep and rarytoc to
n-: CORDIAU.V invite you to
call ami v« e u» in ouy new
store. We have opened our
• doors to the public with Va
complete, up-to-date stock of
fieneral Hardware
WE shall carry only Kood, worthy mer
chandise and sell it at a fair price.
REMEMBER that we have a reputation
to make and mi sr sell you good goods at
right prices or we cannot hope to merit,
your patronage.
IF,good goods, right pi^cfes and
ifp-todate methods will secure vouk trade we
are going to have it.
| '
COME and see ns any time. You
are always'welcome, and jwe arc rudy to
show you our line whether you are ready
to buy or not.
Johnson & Turner
First door west of Stetatbenrs.
Msn<ke. 15 year
of a Wh4^qra.<8. D.> farmer, bat
loml of whrat daily to market and
to lu dUtsJsal.
-5^ U
\ T^e .flie Hurry
' ^i>!
=^oul of
iChristinas I Stioppii^
Special Offer
e Atlrichan Fur Jackets.
341b. Ions, storm ctillsr. Skinnrr's
fUtiB UBBd. MUr .Kiuinmti^ud. 92^
for ............................................. .921.50
7 ABifMlian Fur Jackets.
24 U. Umt, XXX Quality. Skinner s
Hatki Hoed, cioat ami lltUng waraion. 923
ranted to
coat for..
Style as above, made of iho XXXX
quality, finest selected t^klns and
fully guaranteed. 92&. for... .929JiO
S AsIraoHan or Caracal Jackets.
TU© vary best that money enn buy.
Our.949 quality for.............9M.50
aiofulsd Muskrat Coats.
If V© wished to deceive you we
might esil them brook or rhx>r
mink. Ifs all the same fur. and a
fur thst will give saiUfaclory wear
and a very prt»tly garnunl; 9'»t'
euat. special fur...................94230
Illusion StarJackets.
This is a commerrlal name fur
muskrat treated In this way. First
“they select best prime skins and
pluck all the long hair, which
leaves only the heavy U*<1 of fur
nett to the akin. This Is siwl dyed,
black and dreaaed. and very cloself
rt'semblea a seal akln and It is
tainly a beauUful cxuit and we
stand badC“Of them; . $125, special
sale price...................................9l0a00
Jap Mink Blouoe Jackets.
This la a beautiful garment and
very swell for young ladles—
prici ..........................................918930
Gray Squirrel Blouse Jackets.
One of the very iwimlar costs for
pnclal ......................................... 9100.00
Blended Squirrel Box Coats.
2C ln. long, fancy silk lining, a very ||
swagger coat fur young or old. %\Z3
‘value. Very special price.. .9100.00
Fur Lined Coat
&2ln. long, lined with plucky
‘ muskrat, natural color, sable squlrr»d colUr. 9523d value. 6i»eclal
Prtce ..................................... ...94430
Tan Coat. Fur Lined.
5;in. long. IlniHl with blendetl
plucked muskrat. blendtHl squirrel
shawl collar. 950 coat for... .939.50
Pants and Veat nt.-.a^^uM^IIAO ^9
Km ra large aUea a apeclalty.
Such well knoirin llaea na the
Yimllaatl. the Ment^ and Havard
.Mill, mskea, and wUh the IDlllkon
you can buy with pairfect BBamBM
that you get your mbney^ worth.
' Then, loo, you are probably uoing tb boy the nseful gift this year>»some>
thing that the recipient can either use or wear. Those are the things that are
anwedaled. Buy tor as many as yon Tike~.each something different—and we
can snppty your needs for them alL Look over ttie list below and if there are
not enough practical ^ts to supply aU your friends, and yon want something
. . .
. else, youTl find It, for ITs here.................
50 silk Pfltlcoats, black and color*.
on 4p*'clal sale at..j................. 9639
If you have any idea of getting M
silk skin Iblh fall. Ihla lot will
suivl) pliasc- you. lYou have paid
|7..V> fi>r uo belter iirta.
as In
n^re are vonu* Hiai ming: bb a;
whitf^ mull apniRi^. somci hUig juur
lady frieudi; will apprwc
have alwuyt: *^>^1 many ul llifs*'at
this linu' and ibis year the.Hue i>
the im»sl iHiinpb’ie we ever had.,
I he ideas are all out of ttk ordi
nary. 25c, 50c. 65c, $1.00.
Fost Card Albums.
Save y»».ir. potti c.odN,. you wHl
have quite aa asw.rtmen
asw.rtmeni bo
50c and 75c.
Driving or slre< t r.loves. silk lined,
at 11 1HI jind |l.r.o. niickhkiii, Amo
or Driving t;auutl« ! (;iov«i. ai.91.50'
Swell Kill DUiws !ur tliTs.sv Wf*ar
at 11.
92 amt 92.75.' 1//»ng
Kill Cloven at.............. $235 to 9414.50
Fur Linefi WiK-ha Xliitens f«u emu
fort at l.t 50. Other Mocha Miltens at :.oc. 75c up i.» $1.50. ITn110**11 Street or Driving <;iov.-?;
•at ...................................................91.00
<»f .....................................79c the yard
• 'v
We know of nothing that one can
buy that is any ajore aacfylahh?
luRiiy of tliezn. You can make U a
5c one or as high as you wish an<l
as'many t»f them as you see fit.
We know of no better place to
make these .seleciions than here,
tur the a^)rtment 1* m compleu*
that It's only u question of the
price you want to pay and we can
show you enough to satisfy your
mu^r exacting taste. We have
everything from $5c to $2. Initial
luindkenr'hiefs in a pretty Hirh-ttiia*; box. 2 In Ik»x. a dainty gift for
children. IKT \H)X 15c.
15 doz. Ladies* Fancy Collars, some
unu»fuull>: gocvl things, for 25c.
Leather Writing Case for use when
tiaveling. Dually packed In trunk or
valise, baa rompartmcBU fur aUtl..«ery. non spllling Ink Uutle. pins,
pc-ncila. answervd and unanswercvi
a 1907 calender and blotter,
If yyvou h;ive M friend that does any
tnivellng thU wIM make an Ideal
gift ...................i..................... 1 ..9230
H* re Is a gift to go with the above;
a leather dressing case, everything
complete, including a complete roantcuro Bet.........j...........................9S30
There are so Vnany dtarmlng gifts
here that an- Jtjex|H-nsive and yet
pnictlral that to eiuiuierate them
would require more space- than wo
have at our disposal, but remember
that our lime is your» and the earlier
you do your buyTilg the easier to
make your iK-leclions.
In Your Thoughts of Gifts Don’t Overlook the Carpet Department
Tapestry Portieres
•8c lor Bopc PorMercs
Conch Covers
A discount of 20 per cent
on anything in the line.
All Door Panels at ^
per cent dlsconnL
$14*00 for .0x12 Bruwela
Bugs. Worfii $17.
Some very Special Reduc
tions made on nearly njery
. ______
For 27x.‘>4 Axitiinsior
K\ig«, the kind that
at'lls everywlu-ro' ,*vt
$2.25 ni»a $2 -10. ^
$1.^ >
For 27x411 inch lieavy
velvet mi:«. Well
worth $1.75.
Fur Lined CoaL
92 in. long, gray squirrel lined,
black lynx coHar. a beautiful garmeoL 950 coat. Spetdal price 94230
Bvery coat adveriiaed If not as
repreeented to eeery way we give
yoa your money back. . You take
no chances here.
At 91030
Yoa may take your pkk of fifty
<MSI> tbat iMve bera ticsb to fU.
Too Mjr toko jroor pick ot forty
C0M> tlwl k*TC be* »» •«.
ijidlos* Onbla style Ugk* Suita.
the 90c quality. for.U.............. 89c
loulU-s* ntHwtHl l^ia mad Vests.
Bixe 4 only, the 25c lciod..17c Bach
PantaBiul Vesta, the
i:tkm make, at 39c the garment.
Regular value 50C.
Obt regular IIbm arw the Aamt to
be found BBywbere. Union gidtt
ripHE DAYS fifoin now tiiitU Ctiristnias will be crowded
1^ fun with Chrisimas buying. The sooner yoii do
u YOURS the better you will feel and the moi^
sa^action you wiU have in making yonr selections.
T«bl» Llnent.
ftrown Coney Jackets.
241n. long, aailn Uaad. a pretty
ecial. but we do not recommend It
for wear, 9U30 for..................919 75
$10Ji5fora\12 heavy Bmaat-la
and Velvet Hugs. Worth $21.
fl.SM worHi of Lnec
Curtains wUl be closed
oat at deeply enl prices.
This tnclndes every.
$$1^0 for 9.tl2 Axminsteror
$2-> kind.
$23 for extra heavy Ax minster
and Body Brnisels Rugs, the
$27.50 kind.
$35 for Royal Wilton Velvet
Rugs. Fine pitiemt
We sell more Big Rugs
ihan all the oO>er stores
combined. Remember,
these are alt oew Fall pat
tern*. Watch them go.
Silk FntleoBta, 96.
Made of SkinnePa Taffeta Silk,
guaranu-ed not to cut or split or
new one If
do........................ 99. 910, 912. 91330
Money-Bak 9ilk PettlcoaU.
We also handle the famotts Moneybak silk skirls. Xiotx would' not
niin.l paying 99 to 913.M U you
knew your skirt wxmld not cut or •
spill. Money back If they do.
Satina FattloenCa.
Himllred. u, |dck from at 75c, 9130,
913a up to 94.oa
Another Bargain in fiilki.
Wc have btva running a aerlea of
silk salca that hate been appreci
ated by our custoim-rs. Now we
have only one more to offer you.
Conalsia of alioul 20 pieces of fancy
stripe*, checks and figured effect*,
h pieces of chameleon laffeU», nod
lot of odd piece* of different aorU.
mi M44 ai II and
d II.: gu
Dob'c b« too Ut« as ran were before. Come before the piece you
Tnbla Oilcloth*.
A few piece* dark icolor*. no while,
at 19c the yard. Not (he be*l grade
OrwBB Oeotfa Bala.
Have you attended oor dreaa gooda
sale? If not. you are BUalag aome
of tbe bMt K'kaL baraahia ercr
onored ImfaU clty.i SimA and cob
orod dress (oods tkat sold at tl,
*1.1* and
lor^...7»e tha yard
Ureas cooda that ^ u 7*e and
You win know a^en yoa aee the
good* that tkia I* a great dreaa
good* aale. REMNANTS og drem
good* at HALF PRICE.
50 doeae
Blnakeu at 69c.
$139. ap tai
92.oa Wool Btealvta,
the*Batthlo Blankaja, at
a 95. 9639
Taka care of
and 96. up to fiai Ta
hw txl2 Uapestry Brgspatterns.
Worth' $17.
For any 125 Rug
our • tofo. All
11x12 aiie. All DOW,
tf $ra have to reWWia Tama for Chlklrea. the 69e
kind, a lot to clone out for lie. Tbo
prettlaat lot of cape, hood* aad
tarn* we have -ever hhowa. At 60e
up te 91.78b
Fifty Piece* Ught aaji dark dattag
flaaaak 27 In. widaj at 6c tha yC
ta the flaeat we have ever almwm.
.l*L*P A .
TMvciMC arr, i
r fr'-
-tehur.- ■ - v-v-.^ —-V-1
The Qiurdieis of
UM wntm mutmB 9mA hopm
IT ft Iftfvsr rooftk
lift w^rH ct llM charrh te oo« of
gTs41UKl« for lisip pftst ftftd pnr^
Ufti tlm M^ptv Sttjr ftse os for Urger
sftrries ift 4Mfw i» 9cm^,
Tim cknrdi kss ft smbenhlg of
TmslMs: U H. Bftniftm. Fruik
Hsftilltoii. 8. E. Wftli: Trsftsnrer. Cnrloit Hsle; Cterk, 8. B. Wsll.
Wr•ctors: C. V, Wrtfbt, I. B. Gilbert,
M. C. OviftU. WilUnm Hnnk. N. a
tMdMM is vny ncalar. Msy «f tk€
clitMrtft ftoC ksTls^ tiMft aM
slode SniidST in seTersl ycftrs.
srssioa begin shnip st twohro o*
siul ns the Usl stroke of Uis doelc 41as
swftjr. witW s vord from tks i
inteft4ent Um room U pmteUr
ftftd ibe ehOdien in rvrsriftt spirtt
rsftiy to sini dmir UttI# pfftiss m
“nitlM^r «e thsak Tbse.*’
Tb6««h the prognun nlvsys
brsces rerersnoe. oMIeftee. p
pngrer. scrlplHPc niul giving Us form
varies every Sunday to avoid n
Chapin. C. A. lUmtnond. ChorUlcr.
G«o. E. Hoyt, Collectors: C. A. Ilainond. E W. Keith. Mrs W. N. Kelley.
Sonior Sofidsy School Department.
urer. Miss Krances lluUwr: Seertdary.
Miss MUinie Walt: Ubrarian. M B.
Holley; Superintendent Home Departnienl, C. J. Ebner.
. Total Sunday school membersbip.
The Intermediats Sunday School De
Mrs. R U Bdwards. Superintendent,
has an enivdlment of about lid, divid
ed Into ten classes.
They meet In lb© church nudltorium
with the Senior dep^tinent. marching
out to the inspiriting music of orgsn
and orrhvstra. Into the ikariors for
CQftTenience in class work. Pro-
Many of the classes are too large to
give the best resulU from the work
fltber In the ach^ol or in the homes.
s are all people of aSkaU
lelsurvt. Herons in other departmenu
there is a great »ced of more teachs.
It is a moat interesting sight, this
tmpany of b9ys and girls gathered
around the teachdrs for the study of
Ood*s word and Impreaaes one deeply
with a sense of tbe teacher's privilege
as well as
We wl^ tbe parenU would come in
ony. Once a month the day U devoted
to missions and with happy faces ihn
chlldreh bring ihelr special otertng
which at the end of the year is
where most needed. Last year
ten dollars was'given for mlsaknu by
this dtimriment. At Christmas time
a generous offering of provii
money and toys^was also given and
this year the same was dom
Thanksgiving time. But the best part
of it was. not what lbe> gave hut how.
for It scetnoil there was not a child,
bowek'vr yodng but gave freely from
the fullTM‘Ss of Ihelr heart for Jesus
Ladies* Aid Society.
Officers: PreaW^ Mrs. 8. C, Deepres; Vice Prwsldenk Mrs. D. R Wyn
koop: Secivtary, Mrs. J. A. Montague;
Treasurer, Mrs. a V. Wright,
Bridge Builders.*
Officers: President, Mrs. J.
Patchin; \Hco Bresident, Mrs. Joa.
i; Secretary, Miss Ruth Rui
aey; Treasurer. Mrs. R U Bdwards.
Cmigregational Poet Oflicc.
One of the unique features of the
Sunday school U a full Hedged Post
Offfee. which as far as known is the
only one or
kind in the country
Por sevenU yMrw It has bpea goitp «
serious question how to'^ake care ol
the vftriour papers and iwhlloftUaiu
rough the hands of the
teachers and the pUpils. Finally the
Superintendent J. W. MilUken and t
Ubrarian hi. B. HoUey, hit upon
rovel idea, and the hnilding of,the
new post office made It possible for
them to put It Into acUve operation at
for they bonght the old post
office lirtuTet entire, and a good share
of it U set np la what used to be the
kitchen riglit off the parlor of the oM
church. ThU Is a room 14 by 22 and
contains the library.
There are MO call boxes set up and
Lhere are three deUvery windows, with
everything carried out as it is in the
nieir Membership, '
Workers, andfiie
Good Work They (
Accomplish • • • • •
and the iukd pass
Bseh BMBQy haa a box assigaed to
some aMSher who calls for the eontsou aAer the achool has hemi dumhmed. Ualag up aoonrdlng to the
thif with to call1 fruia, and Uree Ihuadrei people can gel Ihelr mku la
All thU has to he In a most syi
Stic manner and the Post Master. M.
B, Holley Is a very busy person for an
hour mad a half each Sunday, with hU
two good aaststaata.
Tlmre are eevernl Important feataree that am carHml out la thU way.
There is a family list with the a
nnmher of boa and etreet auinlfer. thU
U sulHilvIded iaio the list ed papers.
The Young People s Weekly. The
Boy's World, and the Olrl's Caapaa
ion. tho Soaday School Timea. and
the Teacher's Aid. A pahUoation of
thews are hong in the Intermediate
Departmwt where people can
what their box nnmlier is before goleg to get their mail.
Here is an example of hew papers
am saved. In muy fSmIllee'there are
several boys who attend and In the old
way, each hoy receives s boy's World
and there was dls^Usfsct^on i
that taasily after Sunday school, and
the same where there was two or
three girls ia the aame famUy. Now
it U so changed that in the family of
boys, they each receive a dllh
paper, and the papers saved are given
out to the girta, who like the alorlmi
as well as their own. The aaine namher of papers are ordemd, hut each
^ly ia IhU way geu tteee times
the amount of reading.
If the teachers wish to send let
to tbe parenU they make use of the
post office, and annouooemenU of
Sunday School Conventlok
were a number of good
out. and then the
found their way In the
Into the families where they
do the moat good.
After the papers are given out each
Sunday the Post Master goes over ihboxes and sees who has not (called for
their mall for four weeks, tbm names
and the nutohers am reed i the next
Sunday In open school, and If no .kes
ponse U made to that, then k messen
ger service haa been organized and
lengers pro given these handles
of papers, with a little priated card,
with several questions for the parenU
Why have your children been ab
sent; sick: moved out of tc|wn; gone
to other churches; any private reaTbe messenger waits for the
answer, which is put in an envelope
and sealed and brought to tHher the
linteadent or the postmaster,
makes the entry, and notes It In
his list ^Tkem the persons have 6een
all ; tends to
show tbe parents that the Sunday
school U looking after lu members
and wishes to keep in touch' with the
family. It aMo saves the teaser from
being Intermptml In the Imson. for
in the old way. Just as socm as the
papers were passed arc^ away
for-each one want
ed their own paper, mud wem most
restless until they had It, and then
tbe rustling of lesves as they
opened to
*'Just see this litUe
to -just
picture- which was very aaiiqyiag to
the Older
ISP Now 4h ijupll
Bveryth^ In the way of Sunday stays anUI they
propertjr dlsmissJ am property
ed. Much iatemst baa alr^
The Sunday School Ubrary. U lu
the room with the posusnee and now
wmtalus nc weU seleHsd' hooks, tbe
kind that each Suadpy school ahonld
ksvn. These am in charge of M. &
Holley, who has been Um Ubrartaa
many books am drawn each Sunday.
More auentlon should be given to this
branch of the Sunday school work for
in many cases theM sre the only
books that come Into the faaOly and
theff am the monUers of the thoughu
for U^t week. New books are added
as fast as the means wlU allofr.
lary. LoU ScoAeld; Tmasumr. Mrs.C. Kelley; Organist. Angie Anderson.
Yoong Ladiss Society omoem
President. Mias Anna Johaaon; Vice
Pmaident. Mlm Zelma Ames; Seerstary. Mias Christina MeKR]^
urer. Miss SteUa Browa.
The Woman's MlnSoftary Soetoly
President. Mrs. U a Bissell; First
Vke President, Mrs. H. R Steward;
Second \1ce President. Mrs. H. a
Gamer; SocreLary. Mrs. W. P. Crotser;
Treasurer. Mrs. T. F. Chilton.
Ladtoa Aid Society Offlqom.
PmsMenl. Mra^A. L. Havllaad: Vim
Proaident, Mrs. Bk. MUkw; BeemUry.
Mrs. Adrian Oole; Trmiurer. Mrs. IL /v '
B. Gamer.
The church is in har^lons working condition and Is Incmaaing In
internal ia varied forms of activity.
The Sunday School haa taken up tbe
pUn of monthly socials, and is pur4chasing a piano for its use. The
Young Ladles Society U developlnt
larger plans along social lines and
cbarUablt* work. AltogeUiof the out
look Is most hopefuL
The First Presbyierian church was
organised In January im. and now
has a membership of SK. Twenty-two
wore received into the church during
the past year. The church contributed
ISGO to fifteen causes of benevolence
and raised a total </l2CK. The Sub
day school received twelve accessions
and has an enrollment of fO. It torntributed $19 to benevolence and raised
a total of f». The C. B. Society took
in aeven acUvo members, contributed
120 for missions and raised a total uf
$42. The Young Ladles SoclKy num
bora 25. had 0 accessions, wnd raised
$€2. The Woman's Missionary Society
ha^ 2$ members and raised I12L The
Ladles Aid raised $272.
Omosrs ef Ihs Church.
Pastor. Rev. U B. Ulssell; Elders.
nmmh »oml»n.l.lp. «. BpcreUry.
Robt Gamer. Abram Smith, H. B
Gamt-r and T. F, Cblltcm. Trustees.
IL'fl. Gamer. President; P. M. Paine, 4«;
SocreUnr; 4At*in Ool«, Tnuwn
LUIn' AW toelety.
Tic. C Miner. H. Unanelinnn. W. P.
Oan. Andenoo; SnC™wfer. U W. TlnkliuB. MnWe On.. ...ur,. M«. Bncntitn; Tr.«o«r.
----- M. H. MnnnWBna, BoW. Onmer.
Annnnt Hcdlund.
iBt; Mm.
Kc* Sooth Wntoo W Jont t»o tad A
. .MStataod. bnu iloMt Ite oU^ the Biitlih Wan.
not: Mm. W. H. Conrtnde. SccreUrr- QumsUnd tneonnl to three tlatan thn
mnelBMi. Oemnn emidra nnd Brlfloai pM to-
Armi« attendiuioe. 300.
ATertc« ftttcodMice of tMon, 9.
OftVO to f\»rol<n MImIoob, I2&.00.
Gove to Ilomo MImIodb, |S.OO
Homo Oop^rlmMit of tiinday School.
Soporimondent. Mm. W. N. Blur
man: Aaatstant SupedtaU-ndent. Mm.
Q. r. Martin. Mombcmbip ISO.
The borne department U one year
^d. Many have gone into the main
aebool dniing the year. It i«j|elf aui>*
porting. Some have come Into the
church through lu work.
The workem ejpect to hare i
help and to ayatematlre the work
more fully the coming year.
Cradio Roll of Sunday School
Bupertntendent, Mm. Cora Bur
AaaUUnu. Mm. Cnltabeth Flaher, Mm.
Q. F. MarUn. Mm. Roy Farka.
ale Hooker: I TroaKurer. Fern Fox:
Deacona. Morrl* Finn. Harry Burnt:
Uahem. Howard Wllaon. Lc^yd .Wilson.
Membcmhlp. 25.
Averago a^endance. 15.
SptHdal Mimlon work la the support
or a boy lo: the orphanai^ In P
Rico. 115 nilacnl for thU purpose.
Christian wj>man*a Board of Miaaiona
President. Mrs. Hattie Strong: Vice
Preeldent. Mm. Jennie Augustlne:'8e^
Crelary. .Mrs. Cora Burns; Tredsurer,
Mrs. Minnie Dawson; Organist. Mrs.
WilUr Gordon: IKvollona! Leader
Mr«. A. K. Wilwm.
MemlMTship. ,3n.
Gain dutlug year. 10.
NuinU r of meetings held. 13.
Money relat'd for home and foreign
missions. I34.5S.
This money has all been mined by
the male of useful Krtlcles made by
mombem aad by voluntary contribu
Identl l.«na Cxney; Secretary. Helen
Dion: Treasurer.
BylvU Holmea.
Membemhlp 53.
Meetings second Sunday of every
Number of families.'' :5n.
Ladies Altar Society.
Pastor aasl8t(-d by 5 tniMivs In the
Mr*. Djer: Pirat Vice,
temporal management of the churcb.
President. Mrs. Meries; Seooiid Vice
Young M-n*s Society aid
President. Mm. Perkeit; BacreUry.
aa usher of the church.
Mrs. Reilly; Treasurer. Mrs. Schulgen.
St. Francis aebool atteridance. 1W>:
Reilly: Treasurer. Mrs. ^ulgen.
Qder 7 teachers.
Membership 81.
An extra teacher this year for the
Mi>eUugs first Sunday In the month.
High school to teach Latin. German
C. M. B. A.
and French. One music teacher assist
Chancelor. Mr. U
ed by two extra teacbera give music
dent. M. J. Holmoa; FImt Vice Prealat the coovt-nt lo a class of
dent. A. P. Huellmantel; Second Vice
70 pupils. In each room religious In
Prefcldenl. Thomas Dyer; Raoordlng
stroctlon Is given every day tor about
St'crtdar), T. J. Verreau; Aksittant
20 mlnuu«. which Is one rewn why
Secretary. John Verreau; Financial
the Catholic school opens at 8:30 a. m. Secreurj'. J. M. Huellmantel; Treas
Yotino Men’s Society of 8. A.
urer. Joseph Verreau; Marshal. James
Pr<*«idenl. Gi-o. Send. Vive Preutd-* •rovencher; Guard. Charles Curtis
tary. (Miror. Trusti-es. J. M. Huellmantel. M
Emil NeiHun:
CamiKau. Treasurer. John Verreau; |
William Brown..Thomaa Dyer
Mamhal. Arthur .Send.
and JoMfph Verreau. Jdembemhip 76.
Regular mi-ciing on the third Sun
M»'«*tings every alternate Wed
day of each mon^h. hlcmbershlp 35.
day evening.
Young Bcyf Society of 8. A.
L. C. B. A.
President Frank Nelson; Vive Pres
ident. Jacob Vogl; Tn-asurer. Wm. dent, Mrs. Slater;
Shields: Socretary. Walter Grove.
Mi>. Hormuth; Second Vic© President
Minting, on IL.> third Sjmd.y of | Mni. Marj SchalgVnRecortlng’ se^
each ponth. M..ml«-r.hlp
|cr«.ry. Mr*. Jolla Schulgon: AaaM
Notwithstanding a change of pastors
there has been no halt In the forward
movement of this work. Never before
In Its history did the future stH'm
more bright and boj^ful iban at this
Christmas season, i
B\ery department |ls doing Its best
work. All Indebtedness due has been
met promptly, and alt expenses have
»en met by the Lord’s offorlng*.
Our future succes^ depouils upon First Vico
our faith in pmyer.
At Rlpon It Is customary for grocere
to prwent their caatoniem with a
pound and a half of currants to make
Christmas pudding.
Sisier Mary
ry Lat
Laurontla. The foun<
year for the support of a little Mexi
Hon of the> church and school was 1
can girt.
gun by the lat© Father Emperor and
Ladioo Aid SocJtly.
the remarkable aocceaa la due to the
The Ladles Aid Society has a mem- seal and ernest efforU of the Rev. tership of 23 with the foUowlng offlJohn J. Sheehan, the prasent'pastor,
d by a gfiuerous congregation.
President. Mrs. Manam Cox; Bacretar?. Mary Ludlum; Treaaurer. Mim
John Tremaine.
The efforts of this society has been ■
along the lines of aiding In the flnanrlal support of the church, home mlssionaiy work and charitable work.
A dc-rJded effort Is to be pul forth
MEREDITH. Pastors.
the «jming year to raising funds for
Improvemi-nt of the baaemant of tb©
church, ptsclug It In condlUon to bn
Mrs. T. Huellmanlrt; Mamba] Mm.
Vico President.!
Guard. Mrs.
Nellie Send: Assistant S«H'rt»tury. M
Ih»udn-;ui end Mm. ShreaUe. Member oldest pastor of the Friends !><*noni-i
Anna Campeaii; Treasurer...Miss Ethel ship 74.
inatlon while- Mn.. Mcrodl.h h.. l^-aj Th* Mi«lon.rr Soclr.y I. ro»po«-d
Slater: Consnltom. Miss Kate Dock
I. cr,np,-llw| ^ 3,
Meetings every alternate Tuesday «oeptl^lly
ery. Miss Albina Dion.
tic work.
ehurch or those Interested In ’
The church membcmhlp Is ISl with 1 this work are received as members. '
s gain of. 18 for the post year. Thej Prvwldent. Mm. J. M. Thomas; Vic©
/V'-1 •.
I fet;
M«alimU|i. K6.
Oradualad M IMo bcclnam clan
«t tlii 8vd<U)t
ThU 1» U» lusnt cradle roll Id
the tUUe. allhomth II ha* b«n> orcanlicd bat one rror.
At a mecUnc held Jolr JS. ncarljr
100 members were gatberad together
at the ebnreb. aad amoog them were
foor pain ortwlaa
Tbt'obdro cnroUmcBt at tbo tbi«*
FMtal. FVank P. Wright: Vice
Preoidant. Ctande Clifford; Becood
Vl» Prealdooi, Bddle Pratt; Bcero
Ury. MSaa Btbol Hnnter; TmAaarwr.
Ray Plabor; Oi«aaiat Min Loa Craw-
Wright; CorrMpood
One box of clothing sent to Umn
school In Alabana.
Work Iasi year, study of all the diff
erent Mission auiloos.
wm study indlM thU year.
All money hOsed by this aodoty is
by lystomatk oontrlboUoo fran the
mombem and Toloaiary cootribnUoa
from^em tjt C. W. B. M. day la De-
NM« Wright: Boon of
Trerie*., Ch»». JeSriM. E. C. Vea\t.
IfiB. Mary Vadlnm; OreraMra. Mr*.
ChoA JeSriaA Mra. C. J. Halm. Mn.
J. M. XhooMA Joha TrOBahM; B4«a,
Mn. W«. Wright. Mn. JOMph Moror.
Ban JetaMg. Mn. K 8taai«y. Mn.
The heaUMM of the diarah ti eonMtag at MeUegs held aMethly. efl
■atteis belag decided by the aten-
Aim. 100 sabacrlpUona fbr Mission
ary Tidings tor IfOd.
Dorcaa Aid Society.
Presideot. Mrs, HatUe Cornell; Vice
President. Mm. Meicber; BoOMid Ttoa
ProsWeat. Mrs. Mary Smltb: Becrotary. Mm. L. a J. Wright; Oorreopcmdlak Seer^. Mm. C. C. Man.
President. Mra. Chai. Jeffrins; Bncretary. Mrs. Wm. Alexander;. Transnrer.
Mm. Thos. Bhugart.
An average of $50.00 a year hat
boen raised by this society which
goes to the support of missiooery
worknra lo Mexico. Cuba and Africa.
A^ number of publle meetings are beli
eecb peer end lltermture la pieced hi
the Pnbllc Ubrnry. This eoctoty nlnn
mnlstalae n meahnrihip In the Otty
Twine the holly berrlM bright.
And wrenthe the aUtleto%
Put the eendlm where their tight
Stir the ftfo end evw net
--a'.* > *. J-
The Saaday achool hae *.aember
ahlg af iw eat tadadtag the CnUDe
■on aed the BaM Ole« DepartMat.
■Mag aa added aiemberah^ at 4^ to
The eteemtof kettle hr:
But watch yon Ihtt yon dent torBil
bed la tta year tor g ijiddMc.!
irs^rsrt^ FiRST-BnHODisr
aav^ortat a tkadae vidrar ta I
k alao oeraittataa to lira frark ra M
paa. Ckiaa. Africa aadlMk Araartra
Tito Tlaltod Btody of MliMrai"
^irae bat beet paraaed by tbe todtoy
atooe iu bralaaias. Tbe Mxtb toat
Traatara-^ J.
H. E HaH. book fa tbe iraarra. Clirittat Redaran
VM. LoadaE a E lUdra; a W. Lar- tor. aa oaiJtoe atady of tbe Uiaad
^ .
voHd or MtoJMBe badari«« bora
an fW dto vdak or tbeaoratof
Oraca Cfcarok saOd rraiirtira aa
eawvKle avrabetaldii of tadira or tbe
ckaroh. vbora iMoru la Tarkma brae.
aalraraa iraed bera eery aBaeChra b^r•
JaoM Miff
mr. M.
«MIm CkMic
B. r. P. U. mmmim at mam^
warm— lb.
Ladur Aid
Mm OOlto BroUMfH
H. teeraaaa IL :
OfflMfa «r tht aiM.
.f "
C3i^. Mr*. E. Bfoadfooi; Trau
C. A. Biifftor.
•oard af Otacaat.
T. J. Oamatl. <l»10>; E W. Hastlm0L
H. W. MlUar. U»07).
9mr4 at TfMlaaA
F. E Brava. E WBbalm. (IfM): E
Ejaaar. Wa. Oraai.
HaaUaia, Oaorsa Paja, <l*0€).
Maale Cammittaa.
Mra. Btoaa BraadfooC. Era. Sqalraa.
Mra. E Wllbalm. Mr, E U HaffH^
Mlaa CalWWL
Orgaatai. Mra. E BroadfooC
CWaf Dakar. C, A. Bofbaa.
iaaitor. Mr. PUMaiar.
L Wtikalai: Aaatal.
. Oao. H. Croat;
Praaidaat, Mlaa Loulaa Brooke: 8a>
eracary. Mira Maud MoMIckaal: Treat,
war. Mira Baalea Roaaar; Pli
Mira Lola Latraaa.
i. D. Bdalraa; Flral
Vlea Piaaldaet. Mia. A. W. Jahraoa;
Saeoad Vice Praaldeiil. Mra. C. E.
Malar: , iMraUry. Mra. Frank Card*
aar; Traararar. Mra. B. Tklrlby.
Waaran*a Miaalafiary Baalaty.
PraaMant. Mra. E U Huffbat; First
VIca Praaldant. Mra. J. 01111a: Saoocid
VIca Praaldeot. Mra, Olle Nelaon; Be*
cretary aad Trcaaurtr, Mrp. H. W.
Yoiiriff Wolfian'a Mlralaiury Beclaty.
I’raaldaal. Mira Loalae Brooke: Vice
Mra. U M. WbMtoararo; ^Traaaarar.
Mra a E\Tliiu: Ubrartaa. Mra. J.
W. Miller.
»ar atety aad la i
Boeralary. Mra. W.
CM». mambrnn U, locf«M it.
Yammg Wonnaa’s Hom «ad ForM
MMm Clrrte. Maber* 31. imcrmm
d; aad daring that i
tbe prawrat oaa. <
lu growth baa ban
a fra to tbal of a
Mra. P, F. Wllara: Flral
r. mi E U Nya. baa- Vka Praaldrat. Mra M. A, Morrow: MA.
Tbe OraRb waa hmib to part i
M F. WOaoe, WIBlaik M. KoUoffff. A.
Vico Praaldrat. Mra M. E
Bnr. Kngb Kennedy rad toadly
i. Maynard. Walter Lyra.
try, Ural Thoa. Oaat
arer. Mra. T. W. TWrfbp.
t4 Mra^ Clal
nuVKIlM «fTY.
The fftoieral pai^mae of this to<^
it to care tor tocal craw crarad rad
MdatoaB. 8ftd to ooBtribete to draco
new work, ac^t of 4be Sootb. aod
Raacue Hoatoa In rariout parts Of tbe
try. Tbe amount of money col
)ected and disbursed durtoff the paat
year wat $110. and elothUiff aad oCber
tuppllet to tJto raloe oC $M. Peraoai
hartiiff caat«E ckAhl^ or atqtottw of
any ktod wItt find a ready channel of
dittrfbntkm In tbit aoclety. lu offi
cer* are:
President. Mr* Eate Caalkett; Tloo
Prraldrat. Mra^ Merab Soatora: Se
cond Vice Protident. Mrs. Julia Harner: Recording SeerKary. Mr*. Maude
Allen: Correapondlng Secretary. Mr*.
Bertha Jobaaoo; Treaanfer, Mr*. Lot-
of ihirtyalx.
Tbe eoagragaiSaa of tbe FraytaaaUi
Straat M.I E ebareb IWt tbe aaad af
Tito offtoera of tbe dhurb, Saadaj a torgar i|ad beuer bafldlag tbia jraar
Sfboal aad rariow
rad aa a jroaaeqiiraw It aaw haa caa
of tbe awtent atractaraa «T tta daw
laUto nMF.
Tbe bonding H of eeawat brick aad
Traaa the mala pan U ITxSO feet In atm»
haTta; tohr gablm. tbe seating capa
city of iiU aadltortiua la S7E pteaoaa
but by tlie aw of the Saaday aeboal
room era jean be aecwaodaiad. Tbara
la a batoUeat aadtsr tbe eaUre paditurlua aqd a bot air farnaae hga bara
taauJltd. Tbe audltoclam U RaUbad .
In oak. V iile tbe pewa ara at a darkar
oak ftnuii. Blectrtc ligbu ara aato
and ibe Interior U very acut. Tba *
cost of the new building waa about
14.000 and it was dedieated Jnly U
witii imprsai
: M. E Charab.
L. B. Carpenter. I
TbU aiiclety was organised tonr
year* ag^ last September with twelve
charier members.
UTien the present pastor canto, a
year ago; last September, he toaad a
r fifty. Tbeebatfliatthatt!
atkms contiaulng to: la-
About the middle of March of the
prraeat year the soriety coachtded to
The Bpworth Ix^gue baa for Its ob
baild. and oa the fifieenlb of Jaly waa
ject, a* ita aral Indicate*, to ‘'Look up
dedicated to God. the beaatlftd lUUa
■ad Uft up.- Its work U prtmatfly
brick cl^urcb, which U ahown hera
with the >‘oung.* The Sunday Bight
with a adwting rapacity of about three
meeUngt of this aotiety are of deep
htindredj ThcWhurch now ha* a memInlereat. the leaders of theee meetings
bershlp' pf seventy-two rad four pr^>f
being carefully selected, and compet
bat loners.
ent. To tbe meeting* of this aoclety
The tryistoes are E W. Baatall. Sol
all young people not nmilated with
omon By«-bert. Darias FWL A. M.
other churrhet are cordially Invited.
Eldred apd Mra. BenJ. Bongbey.
The present offlcera are:
Blcwa^s, C. H. Johnson. Mra
Prrtldenl. FYed Btfley; Flrat Vice
Clyde. Miss Viola P^lt.
President. U M. Whlttemore; Second
The Meo’a Club of Grace church
We are worklnff for. praytnff for. and Vice President. Pn»f Henry Horobeck; Scptenilx-r. they having wnred lhcm| Stewards. J.
i. G.
Tbe Sunday School numbers about
tMBpriaea -a memberablp of 7S and Ita etpectloff a revival on rellfflon amonx Third Vice Prealdent. Mis* Pearl Wal moat accepUbly for seven years; but WVihcy. Wsllace' WllUam*. W.
eighty, with R. W. RasUll ms Superinofflcera are at jfoUowa:
nt. A food motto for tbe coming >*««r ker; Fourth Vico President. ^Ut be p€'»pl« have received their nc* Fligbt. J. B Barney, O. M Mor»e. L. j tendent. the other offlcera betag.
Prealdenl. 4 L. Stercnara
wotjld be. -Work at Ifieverythlnff de luiuretta FeJTUsonr SecreUry. Omar Pastor. Rev. W. H. Irwin and family A. Avery, 1. 1>. Ilohlis, J. J. Rhlcr and < Amlstnnt Ruperinleodaot. Solomon
pended upon u*. and pray at If every- Roo»a; Tnwaun-r. Mist BstelU Bailey - nto their homes and hearts, and they W. H. Scoit.
i Buacberj; Serrt-tary Menno Buacbert;
F. TUua:
n return have so loyally taken bolil
thing deiK*nded upon GW.**
Trust.s* Addison Gray. Rolx rt Bar- I Trrasurtr. Badle Bougbey; Ubnriaa.
Choritier. U M. Whtiiemore.
9f the work, that already the outlook ncy. Floyd Smith. Ja>:. Margin snd E. Lulu F«^t; Organist. EaooiS Backer;
Tbit orfftalaatlra hat
The Sunday ^hoot.
The Ladies Aid Society.
lor the coming year It bright and full H Allyn.
The Sunday tcbool Is'the ffreat feedneat benefit to lu mcaala
t fi„|K rintendeni «f Primary DepartTbit society has a two-fold work,
' promise.
rr of tbe church. Here it tauffbl a social and financial. By Its frequent
Ladies Aid.
. incnt. Mrs. A. M. Eldred.
Qb)ecta.. w|»lch! la
or cunjent aobjecta of Import- kxmviedffe of tbe Bible that few par- meeting* at tha homes of membera
Of Ijolh s Aid «cK W-i> T Mra 01n< y. | The Bpwurth Ixwgue has a member- Recently tbe audltorinm was great
aaoe. larsaly reUUnr to TrareraeX^ity. enta. alat. take the time or trouble to and In tbe church patrlori It bring* the
improved by the re^tmingemenl I'rtwidt-al; Mrs. Shi fft-r. Urst Vice, ship of 53 with Jsme* A. Reid as Its
developomt. and itea- teach. The acbool it Uklnff on new women of the chunk into cloaer aoeUl tod eolargcmetit of thf pulpit, the ad- 'President; Mrs. Hughe*. Second Vice I Pre*
oral proffrett. baa broojcht toffeiberaU life under the tuperxltion of L M. relation* that would not otherwise lltlon of a choir loft and n-arrange- Pn-i-ldent: Mr*. Hollister. 8«Trelary;
nr*l Vlri- Pr,v.Ident Spiritual defrequent Interralt.' many of Trmverae WhllteroonB. Superintendent, and hU exist.' Its contributions to the varioos ment a( the seals.
Clty'a proffreaalve younp men and genial corpt of offlcerH and teacher* repair and cdrrent expense* of tbe
At lU last niM-tiug the official board,
who And nuch of inter- from the Cradle Roll tojlbe Home De church are always large. It has a having
fur Mime limepast felt
eat aad profit In ihe‘BM«tUiffa of the partment It a long tpah. Something way of emptying Us treasury for press that more rooni^ was need«Hl. au
of the. enlerpritc of tl|e Cradle Roll ing need*, only to tom with strenuous Iborixod the purchare uf
department may hv Judged from the and patient effort to fill it again. Uh seal* to finish Mating tbe entire
fact that a few days agp when a new recidpt? Isst year were about |300.0h. church. BO that by
baby arrived in a certain east tide The Aid Society offlcera are;
wat aecured by an enPresident. Mrs. Charles
terprltln* agenl of that department jtnxMl: First Vice Presldeoi. Mr*. J.|m*klngoneofih€‘mottpleasant.lnvItat about the tenth hour of It* age. W. Simms; Si‘c6nd Vice President | tog ami commodious place* of worahlp
The father remarked that his little *on Mrs. I. C.
reury. Mr*. Ella j in ibe city, to which all are welcome.
waa certainly getUng an early start HlntdUl: Treasurer. Mrs. George j The Ladles Aid play no unimportin church work. Tbe memborthip of Lackey.
f ant part In the material succ«-ss of the
the tcbool U 2i^r and the averaffe at—i— -■ ■
I church. They already having plans
ndance 150.
! and ;
• of the funds 1
old Irish superstition that
sold «d,ou.d «o( bd p.!d .w.r L\^
Superintendent. L. lii Whlttemore:
J down a new carpet *oon after the bollChristmas dsy nor allver lent.
AMlatant Superlnteodeni. Prof. Henry
__________ ___
j day;:.
Superintendent of Primary
Mrs. D. P. Wilaon: Aatlrt.ho h«. b«n .uperintondent
ant Superintendent Primary Depart nothin* to do with Chri«o«*. « U «i j
W. T. Roxbarffb; Superin old Sc»d,n«vl.« word. tdenlfrlhR the],„
tendent Home Department, Mrs. Mary
Secretarr. Mlto NeUie Lardie; Treasurer, Mr. L.
Un. Mitt Stella Bailey
The Woman’! Foreign Mlaaionary
•oelety. ,
1 The Woman s Foreign Mlttlontry
1‘Socleie had a memberablp of 55 the
}pa*T year. Twelve rcgtilar meeting*
,. ...*,1
The rfles for the closing of shops
on Supday In Germany are relaxed
three week* before Christmas, to give
those who are occupied on week day*
an opportunity of a^decthig their
Christmas (jurebaaes.
regular aUendancc. perhaps, one of the
Urgest in the city having an enroll
ment of 25«. The acbool Is in a very
flourishing condition. Two of the
most Important feature* of the Ronday
school are The Primary Department,
under the skilful management of Miss
Martha Barney; and tbe Beglniiers
Department, but recently organised.
tait, Mra. Irma Reynolds; Tressun-r.
Miss Oarm Kelson.
Young Man's Unity League.
PrraSdeat. Rev. O. E Lockhart; Vice
ProMdrat. Mr. Ned Kehbe; SecreUry.
.Mr. Hanly Wilhelm; . Treasurer. Mr.
Ralph Hunter.
Soya' Junior Social Club.
Superlnteadant. Rev. G. E Lockhart ; PraaWeot. Cham. Sleder; Beerotarr.vjxMito Hudron; Treawrer, Carl
Hews;* Secretary. Cyrie Ai^tage.
Junior UnUm and Souring Circlo,
Snpcrfntcadant. Mra C. C. Cooper.
Oraee dbuteh. aituated on the coi>
aer of Boordman avenue and Washing
ton atreaC opposite tbe court houw
grounds, kaa a memberablp of 2«$.
aad la In a lloortaliiag ooadition. Rev.
C, T. StraL wko vaa reoenUy calledt o
Florida, kaa praat^ed over the church
at racior tor aavaa years rad no new
pastor haa baaa aecraed.
E L.
Spragaa aeeaplaa Uie po^t aeeratoa
ally, aa lay iradar.
Tito reatry eoaaiau of Uia follow
lag: Seaior wmrdan. E U Spragne;
Junior Warden. C E Weller. Secre^
Ury. M. W. Dadarwood; TTaasarer.
In aoue aid pUte* iqr ^ogaito a
roolahop la adi^ertlaed by a brad of J
John the BaptiM, and to anotlier plate *
tbe Iknrfier’s sign is not only a co *
pok^. but also a; hand drawing a
from « patlent'ai brad, wIkn ji^gtog to
the expression ^ hit face, acem* to be
anfferlng exquisite pain. Beneath tblf
grimacing rlsaire la the InscripGon:
•‘Shaving. bWAng. and tc ih drawn
vrlth a touch.- j
A sign commio to oil shops
-The good woman." vlx. a fe
without a bead.! The cynical m«
bare is plain, i
Ncm^aya along the cosat oyster or
fishing rera'b hrblch wish to make
known tbe fsrt; iliat they are selling
their haul* l»olst a broon. to the masthead. This si^.<il 1* known to
An amuslug sini wa>% that of tbe
-Three lx»g*erb«ul*.- n;at Is. two
krotWMiw wociden heads with the
kCWid; -Ilrro w-ee loggrrt-rads tl
be," tbe rrad -r ttinVlnc tbe third,
raw It Ww Deae.
"Oh." r—tWt Ih. Sm fei hm
••Toa aaiprtat ma,- asclalawd tot
otoer. "I thought toe borae ha rada
wasn't Docb of a Junper.**
-Tto, the borae^ktat take toe hedge!
did R hlcae."-rbflidal"
At Culdaff. la Jralaad, toe game <ff '
kamman. a sort 4>C hockay. M pMyid
oa Christmas da^.
Mr*. 1. D. Hobbs, Treasurer.
httnday School.
I. D. Hobbs. Superintendent; J. W
Phillips. AsaiaUnt Superintendent;
Lol* Lane. Seciwttry; Edgar Baxter
Ubrartan. Edith Pybua. Asslstanl
Librarian: Bffle Mor«e. Treasurer;
Ulllra Wells. Organist; Ina Kenney
Aaslaunt OrganUrt.
Department: F-dna
Assistant Superintendent
Primary Department; Mr*. I
Hobbs, Snperlnlendent Beginner* De-
partmint. A. M. Eldred: Second Vice
Presld^t. Worldwide Brangeliam,
Mr*, iicon ayde; Third Vice Prraldrat, ^ercy rad Help. Mra L. E CarFourth Vice Praridentl Social
Miss Sadie Donghey; SecreurV. Mias Ruby Vradam; Traaaurer. ^s Lulu
Lnl FdL
The W. P. M. E. numbers twentythree imembera with Mrs. A. M. Eldred
aa Piraident and tbe L. A. 8^ about
twenty members with Mra Darios .
A ^ble Study clam fa bald at tb«
parm4age every Tuesday evaotag con
ducted by Jamea A. Reid, aad the
Mand HunOngton. PreaMcnt; Oai elaaa-ioeecing is held at 9:4$ every
ence Sboffer. Flr«l Vico President SuDdJy morning led to the ctaaa.
Ella Haggard. Seoced \*ico Prraideat ItBdeiL Mra. Andraw Young.
Edna Kellogg. Third Vice Praaldrat
Aa jfor Chriatlra work the ckurch
Belle Miller. PUiinb lice PraMdrat beilevpa In being -all at IL and always
Irma Lane. SecreUry ; Willard OetchM. at lt.T
Treasurer; las Kenney. Organise
Prt^t-glriag on Christmas day M .
J. B. Barney. Superintendent Junior
a Thank CMreiing larvlce have
and under the able aupervUkm of Mra. Leagne.
graer^ throughout the worid.
been hrid daring' the Wr. These tom U the -blaastag of the river/
I. D. Hobbs.
meetings hafve not only toen profluble aerrloe to held on tbe bask of tbe
The Epworih Lragtto, wUh MMa
Edna MeWetbey. Praaldrat. Minnie
for gaining miaaloaary j Intelligence Danube, rad a siaall wooden <
Maode Hratlngtoa aa PrraMeat. U do Ijiycock. nrat Vice PreaSdrat. Oert ra oysters are eoosumed to LoBfiOB.
but have been very pleaabnt social oc- thrown in through a hole in the kw. ing pood work, Bat racaatly the Mer rude Den. Second Vice PraaSdrat;
Christina^ waa first celebrated aa a
caalons. having been beldlto the homes A frantic acrambla toDowa to laedvar cy aad Help Departmaat gavea social. Gertrude Scott, Seeratary Etama Pyfeast of the chrisUra eharch about toe
of tbe mambera. tbe program being | tbe relic.
raMag aa^ W4M which wiu ba judl- boa; Traamwar.
tollowed to a aociaJ boto- Far toej
----dmmXy abed fa aa raort to hriag aoaThe paat yaar waa ope ad proapority yaar 190 A. D
past thrra yaan tha aod Bty----------haa nto
A Asaf-dtom
aad btaaidag to tba sAto aad aad progrraa akmg nil llara rad the
ed all Ra money by tbe tifae-wffl offar- is prraenrad in Torkshlro as a i
plaa. Tbe total
'WW>iia rwkvnm on% tNOMwui
------------------- .
«M» tk* KTEXniQ 1
»«( UM MrrtMl
tW hcvir otoetod oClem tor th*
tototorhuErrorw.; Prill It. Ml*.
Lmto Uadler: Vtw Pt*ilto*t. Ml*.
Uto ikm tow bM ao ptontmi.
UIT. Mra. HL A. Haaaoa; Beew
SoemaiT. lleHe Kaaaa; Mlaato^
Baeretary. Mlaa Cbriade fbial: TW
mrer. F. U. Tbomaa; Orgaalst.
UlMe rroeiaicb:^ CbofMar. Mem. B.
K. Belkaap: Uiber. Ml» Qtaee b
tbtaia^ Y. F. A.
ThU oodetf baa bcaa orgafOaad
ncarty two yeara aad la a BooHablag
oTpuHaatkai. Tbey meet evofy 8aa
day afieraooD for dorottaaal oar
tac baa baaa 4oa^ «bUb baa beea tad Blue Btady. Tbair Baaew
W4 tbaaa aaaea l^va beea glr«8i tbeir
trlbatkma aaaalty are glrea to
Bifn Mlaahma. Mra. Sarmb Wlahaa beea tbe Soperioteiida&t of
wnmtk tm tbe wmr cT mew tmewh
bers r4M t« th« VrvagellcRl cksrcb
iB the pMt mr. j«t tbe eteit^ t3hbw%
(64 larrawaMiU «b4 siret rridI or o ootliCteionr UPocroM. Blx
^•v acoibpri have be«i a4ded duriii*
thlM ytmr vMh »or« to be received
to tbe near faturt. Tbore ba* act
beea a Material hkrrwmm la polst
TJ.I. «loi. r wf are
| yw^Qqyik
JlX. H A j jWlBy
urtlctr. It 1. .11 niMi. I. T.M«rw 0*r.
L Klitmmm. Nm> V«k »
PhilMtelphi. ud It U and. tlgh^lma^ttMidte itat to a|MM.to. ortoi»M vd rff«(l». M.l)di»ld «XljlMmY AWO NOWCV OOMPOUNO U wid
... the MONEY BACK ptom.
- -.va . ‘
nJ '*t
«aaart WAla
Tba Preacb.** aald die aaUor. *1meo
whip craekar coaijieUtfciaa. A Vrm^
eabUy or tracker U aa proud of hif
wwp crackln- ability aa a yoitiif maa i.
of hia dfluklii-r itojwera
i^owera Ibero alo’t
a^drlrM' ItTltt* wbat can <crack a whip
FtotcbaiaA* Walkin’ i
a of Fkrla la like walkin
“Mia. O Mulllpin.’ aaya Morrla
Ilnsh of the I^yera’ co««iaay. waa
lyliiR 'nr *i*h In twd. with the
bera of her fnmny atandlnf aiound.
Ukiny at. luviatoty of the fbmltnre
and looklnf mfomfnl. “Mike." a^hl
l!*e old lady, “dbn’t fantet'to give that
dmiwr to Bn<&.**
•Til ioinenil.fr.- agld the old
“Bore, wbat a niemory abe bii*.“
biff. BD Ibe wUpa. The thinc makea
TOO mad. It acatoa yon. It’a aa If a
««a waa cooUafUlly bein’ abot aff
“Bare. I win.: Whpt • BMmori
aloniakle of yotir car. But at the compcdtlons It ain’t only tbe loud cracka
that count They ha\w artlau ibem- *“*And th» Moif
mea wbat can play a toon oo n whip
tneinbrta e^-ert thing."
Tea air. a toon. I’rc beaid ’em. I*ra
“And. Mike.” tunned tbe old Udy.
baam tbe -Marolaya’ and
•Vemeirber CDorKtrait. the jerocerycracka, aad played aa deUcato
awaet and lovely aa ttie ear coald with
hfT“* relied tbe^ntlre family.
tobaar.”-Loa Aaceka Timet.
•TSbe** rartng! 8he’» ravlng.-
I meBavaoMor Tima.
Tbe HangaMan dmtet
cbilma to have dlacot^ a llqnM
tain ktnda of matter |p^
the eff#Ht. of time, Hf taaert*
aaaert. that
doublet the denutty of nwirly every
kind of atone pnd reodera It water
proof. It Imiutna to0 all metaWi qual*
Itba which defy oxy
oxygeajaDd mat. The
prolbaaor aaya that whiie tr
ve yearv ago he
rAUIlto W«UICAI tod-IlT toUlAVtU lO W
yeara old waa aa hanS.lfriwh and tona<tooa aa If Jt bad lK*ch ma.le only a
year. He aeon red a pll<*e of mortar.
covered the aecrrt. Ilia dlacorery. be
rUlma. win At the Icakt dooUe tbe
life of metal exposed to the air. m»ch
aa In bridgea. raUraadi veaaels apd
tonka,-Dally Conaolar Rf^xt.
Tharw are jtwo aocMaa cnaaactad
■WONT ralaat tr th* «Nf»hlil «■
to *Mtr Oh lb* CM knM
toltar pto«> Ihcr kMo maia to tho
T. P. A. Mhhloc at MOtow. Thon
church anti refusal lo do Christian thU department
hut Mlsa Mary
work have forfeited ihelr church fel- Strohm is the newly elected 8upe/lulowahip and their mcmherahlp ba» i tendiint. There are aUwt 30 of toe
been dlacontlnned. So that tbe real [ Junlore.
working force of toe church haa been |
The Ladka’ Aid Society. '
Increaaed and strengthened
even j Perhaps no t.ther wleiy In the
though It may not ^ im notlcable on i church rt‘celves as little notice for
tbe church roll. A aeries of rev ival; the amount of w<.ik It does aa The
meetings laaUng foar, weeks haa Just , I^dleH* Aid ftK-lety. Tho Lodles
closed which were moat hilpful lo tho imt i regulaily every two weeks with
church and coram unity. Su iKHjple frequently a special nietting and do
openly accepted and cuufl'aaeil Christ all kinds c»f w<»rk. such aa qulliJng.
aa a Savior and a I large nunilH-r of 84‘Wing carprt nigs, making garments.
others renewed fh»4r covenant with «-tc. A large |».irt of ihelr money la
Him. Tbe total membership la 9C. ^P<*m In making Improvementa and re
r. M. Thomas, the class leader.
pairs on the church and helping off
Tha Siindav School.
tbe varloua tnasurcia of the church
Tbe Sunday School has shown a when they are in need. They have just
good healthy growth during toe yc»ar. n*eenily coverv^ tbe church floor with
Tbe aucces of this department Is due a nice. cartH't at a cost of $«7.0u.
largely to the uullr|ng efforts of Mr. There an' alsjul 20 m
OMmi* to Charp*.
Tba local corpa waa otgaa
Tba Aoeal oCficm arc: R.
aergaaat major: Mra. JT. a Klag
(lately promotod to gtotrl. treaaurer:
Mrs. A. Kaaaa aaemtanr. Mra. Row.
thlrty<me rvcmJia or |
arc* CO
UatHito with aaaaeiatton.-* cotopoaad
of tba cilaaa ataMa of tba iwBiiaf
igmooL AIM
to tba pabHc, aad autboriaad Utora.
tara concerning Chriadaa Selanot may
there be read, or pnrcbaaad If daotiwd.
There are lU mt^mbne wbo am attandaau at thk roqm. altaraatalj obo
Tba WiratoM THapboaa.
of Newark a yoaag fnveator haa de^
Tiaed aad perfected a wlreiaaa (alapboae which U aa remarkable la lU
way aa the wlndma teiegraph. Seven
feau bava abown tbal tbe InveatorY
syatom of wlreiaaa telcgboBy wUI iraea./
mlt tbe boama voice tbrpagb aaiib
aad air wltbont the oaa of wires.
The name of tbe young man wbo
haa given to the world this Utaat of
practical wireleaa Inventlona Ig 8. X.
Granger, an electrioal engiaaer Uvtag-^
Wataesming. N. J. Already aevaral
xmimemt electrical compaalaa bava
offered him a bandaonm price for Me
Invention, but be baa refoaad to aril.
Tbe wifrieaa telephone toveatad by
Hr. Oranger U not nallke tha ordinary
triapbema In appaaraaca. It baa tbe
usual tranamllter and receiver, spark.
or floih coll, magnet, etc, Tbe secret
of toe inventloo la contained la a glaaa
lube; this tobe. which la bnlb ahaped,
a certain solution, tha IngredleoU of
which only Mr. Granger knows There
so a aeries Qf.baUcrtaA Tba only
wires used are Uis applied immadlatoly to toe bauariee^obe Iridpbone
apparatns. the tube, trmniadtow. aad
tecHver and antenna, A highly magnelUed reetdvor. affectiNl by the nu'rcuiT
(be. plays an Important part also.
The niechanlam I. «> drilrately conn»ct.*d that If a revolver were fired
-the Ladles
Front street
Wc strive to malnuin an aggresa
Iva rwvival spirit: tola has been
fcatod during toe last year. U6 pep
■ona coming to tb« penitents form
making a public profession of Salvw
Relief Work~5*TT ganaeata. »I
pafra of aboa;i. m pairs of mitten^
and stocklnga were dUtribuled
tha poor bcalde fomliurc. carpet^
sfovec ^c.. whlk work waa found fof
•u veral paopla.
Indaatrial Store^Tbe relief work
has taken on anefa proportions during
the past year that It be<we neces
aary to open up a permanent place,
this U located at 32« Sooth^ Hnloh
street and Is called tbe “Salvation
Army Industrial Store- requiring the
consunt employment of two men with
a borae and wagon. On an arcragi* of
sixty caaea have been aaslated weekly
•ioce the opening.
Chrtalmaa 124 bushel liaakets of food
were given out and on K«»w Year's day
some 300 poor children received
free* treat. Just now the army B
working hard 4o provide . very wHMly
xt the awltrbUiard would Immedlfamily with a baakc-t of ChriMma^ alHy ring and wcmld md cease until
nairurteut In the nwm had been
Pul.llcatlons~lC9 copkw of army shut off. The results of Mr Granger’s
puldif'atlona are disposed of weekly.
oKp«;rin»nU ro far have leen hM^
sat isfacton*. ConveraalIona oveTthe
Invention b.ive been heard a dUUaer
i miles as‘cl.‘arly ua U poaalbla
an ordinary Inalniment cooaacted
by wires.
Tbe disunci? a message can be sent
Is controlled by the amount of “powerin toe tniMv Tills “fiower,- which Is
toe secril of the Invitiflon. has to be J
“ isiiUMl m.Md acriiratHy. Too much
loo little throws tbe Instrameot
Tl«‘ regular servtres of this Borb-l| out of order wlu n messages are (o be
ore held in the M. \V. A. hall. Maiuiulc
long dTstanrea. An Inalrumeat.
block, every Sunday at lu:3n a. ra
however, that Is adjusted for a ndJoa
Th.'se aervlc-K are conducted li^r of r,n m1k*s can \m used aalisfartorily
The Bay Packing Company
oteL One menilag an offlefYb
borae atarted to bolt with tbe OAli
dartag pamde. and mad# at breakneck I
ipeed twprard a praebdeo. Tbe oflleer
liled to atop the borne, tried to turn
ttabaad am nae. On dai^bed the fraatie aalmal atraight HP tbe^abyea.
“We all held oar breath. la another
taaiam wx expected tn aee borne and
rkler go oreT' the cliff.
Mot tbe ofttetr. when wUhla fifty feet of tbe
edfa. drew bla aword. and tduagad It
twice deep into tbe beme. The borae
diewed and keeled over, dying.
“Tbe man had aacrifteed tbe anlmaTa
Ufe to aare bla owa.“
C^ti Market
Uire ns yonr CbristniM oMws, we will ssfe
yon noDey and will npiitfeciste yonr patronafL.
413 South Union StiWt
- J
, .1-
Who aland bohind a bank
na its character,
O^r dirac
wall known. Thay hava invettad
tlirir owe
raotora’ maatinga. pasa upon every loan, exantine and
prava books and aacuritiaa. dacida upon the couraa to
be purauad and bring to the managamant of th# bank
•. Hull, PfMiamt Oval Waed Oiah C«, SraaMtmL
A. V. Friadich. aiMaa; C»u^ Wilhalm. WUhalm. Bartak
: i •' ..ip;’.
« Co, Vica PraridMitm
X M.
QaldwaM 4 Lawdan. FiaaMant Boardman Rlvar Electric
Mfht em4 Rawer Ca.; J. O. Crataar, Case 4 Crotaar.
•Uagaiey; Staphtn Lawtnar.
G. W. Lardia.
Wholesale Rfadweg: R. C. Ptomand. Rraaidawt Dam
mead Cbamlcal Co.; BanJ. ThlrlRya Travarat CRy Iran
Warim; Or. M. B. Oarwar.
a E. Belknap the' efficient auporlnThe OfTicars,
two Renders, one reading from
wlthln that circle, bat not M yond that.
tendant and toe viery able corps of
Presidt-nl. Mrs. Lowiie; Vice Pr^l Bible, the other eorrelatlve pass
Tho tuning of the Inslruim-nl also
teachers. Tho meinberehlp of the dent and Treasurer. Mrs. Hanson; Se^ from tbe Christian Science Text I
prevents any but the persons ormcemV school ,1s aomethlni? over a hundred
rretar.r. Mrs. R. N. HobJsple.
Science and Health, mifh key to the od henring the conversation.
and Is beldg oontlnr^lly Increased by
scriptures hy Msrr Baker G. Eddy.
The Alleluia Chorus Choir.
the ai^val of now scholars. The
. The Alleluia Chorus was organlted Snndsy school for children 11:45 a, m.
Cradle Roll Is in charge of Mrs. R. N. nearly three years ago and Is at pres
A Testimonial ro<-ellng is also held
HoUapIc and contains fLhc names of ent the only regular organised cboms there every Wedm-sday evening
An expertfr.eot In the way of llting
25 babies. Tho primary department of its kind In toe state, with the possl- 7:30. At this meeting expc*iiences in (he slmtilc life was tried by a gruup
la cared for by Mrs. Sarah Winters
«f O^oan aiUbors. pninters and pUlU
Mu exception of a ehonis recently'or- Christian Science and tesUmonlals of
and Is growing so rapidly tjmt M In ganlsvHl in this city In the ChrlsUan hesdlng are given. A cordial Invita osophivs on/tbf Island of Kabakon.
becoming a pmblem how to care for Rcienee church which works along tion Is extended lo all lo attend aB to the nis^amt archipelago. One of
the jibllosoj^K^ was kUled hy tbe naan tbe children.
lines similar to the Alleluia Chorus. these senices.
tlves, and Hie otbers were aeaily
Tbe Home Depahmem Is In charge There are 2.5 children In tbe chorus
Membership. Iweniy-seven. Increase
siorvrd to denth and exbanstad by
of tbe paator aad succeeds in reaching betwerti tbe ages of S and 16 years, past year, three.
a mtmfaev of those who cannot alimid jand they sing (n the church servlcea . The officers consist of PractiUoneni tbrir rnluous UIkmw in trying to keep
toe aaaslons of the school. Tbeciames every two weeks *oo Sunday morning. and Teachers. First and Second Read alive. The surrlvorii hsv« retnnied to
Berlin and civilisation and well bene
of tbe officers follows:
I The one principal object In the work ers. Mnslcsl Director. President, aerie. after live happily and folly coovlnesd
Saperinteadant. *B. E. Beloap:
of the chorus Is lo give the children Trensurer. and a Board of Directors,
slsiant Supertateafiaat. Mm, H. A. a part and place In the services and conslsttog of 5 members. Ushers. Com that the neljtbborliood of a bc«> boost
Secretary, .^race Mahn; worship of toe church. Only the vary mittee on Lecturers. Flower Commit a^ drikwti-sscn estabilsliment is not
such a bad thing as aome dresiMrs try
Treaaarer. Mrs. Winters; Librarian,
Iwst songs and moale are used and tee and Corresj^dence Committee.
Merle Kaaggs; OTgaDlst. Ulllc Froeb- the element of worship enters Into all
Tbe Correspondence Ctonmlttee U
Ibe work of the rt,«rir. They are uader In close eommnnleatlon with the Bute
The Young Raopla*s Alllpnea.
Ued at De(be instmctioo of the paator and have
Omrermitlaa ornhemrd on a trmiB
Tbe motto eSr tola society Is; ’ For a record W leaving an enUrely new
Monte Carlow
the Glory of Ood and tbe Good oi •ong to tbeai. In four minutes In the
“On your way to Monte Oaria,
The CommRtao on I
Man.” and the work that the yoong presence of a large congregation, a
delHtotfoi and esdasive iMBi farl
are doing ladicataa that they lecord that can lie equaled by few. If
are living wspoaeata of tbrir motto
laetod aad dtotrltortoi large qaantltlea ‘
is exactly wbmw I aa bo-|
Mias Laura LHnBey baa been the
oC mantase tbrowgbovt the reading
pky fast a Rttla. I
prealdcBt of tbe aoriety for tbe pait
room, and by wall pockeU provided for
half a year and baa proved a very able Norway with fish aa food for poultry. (Ms purpose U the depou and leadlog
I “l|to»otldacelMv Mr.ttMBvW'
nr. One of tbe finest concerts U succeaafn] a new aad praitable In
given In Traverse Oty was given
last aummer by (be Northweslem Col
The Frenrii Acadeny of Srienot of
lege Glee Oub under tbe aaaplcea of fers a prise of $20,000 to tbe
aebSol la
lacreaoe past
toU society. Tbe pfmoda Pom ibL wbo discovers a method
tod of oomtottl- roar. tea. Qraduated from school, two.
Offleers of Busday acbool consist of
cation between tbe planets.
kyaMMla tor toe ebareh. Tbe amdety
Bupertntendent. Secretary and Treaswfll obaenre tbe Week of Fnrm aa a
crer and three teachers.
^FAY. )1
t Bwwr br aor ckueo
. “lo tb«t MW pnamat yam
FOB wm «.
phiD ramr ‘ayttm-«» wt-
:- y
*iiD Abe i^TEi^
Doll HospitaLl
V tn^yntw m, ^ XA. rnt^mim t
iMTHB vmM to M «r teioitiOi. Ml to* tomHU toochtartf
rrr. Bar -mwo*
aZ «4r
AtaM fMM «i don
tort It* rrrt to oat «r
rBx aOB COffB
iroae. poatoa mod cM-haaka aod aeto>
aarr of MOJ ahapto aod ataa. aod eraa
am ontoBtoc ■■artajaal rt ftoor eye*
oC rartaoi crtor* ana atoao. TW cyao,
whtoh apao and aM ntth a wrtiM
are itoeatf to portUoT toiairth the open.
Hwdramtwm• Y«k«>«i•>*
' -f:
to UMMB.UM.su by htaBMien'k*
, n • WMM amr TUt MUr Mk» M Mk M* BitllABr* IB
Ab* Bmr ted TteBteeHB* w • CteteamMMM.
, M> iKito'toBT* inwiti M ««a m
Mm toOor^ IMS. r»0«r Mr* *•.
Aa‘ ir te km ■ dolkr
wm mt. t. m* teck two
■ A»* olwtr. Mk .doiBltei «r tte Mtar who wt
Tte bM «Mte UMd to tak or 1*B tekte tte fli« tt
MmT «wdl BPM M. dMlkk IB • teOM Mtoter
•nw4^adiMaMdta Block kbB wteB te cteBcod tc
. An* tW. to but a Movk o# te. tMM. tter uMd to «rt^:
«M ttd mm Omr mmptnatm mi
Mi. IMU M Mtotot to CfMw
•a« MlMag ikM. iwtom Marti
1M, 1^ frttoi Mp €■ thtm. nr
• to > M W|in^
„ lit Mart
rtttor flqpirtrt oor. l>at mtwtrj
kwsen* a rrtoMT. lb* poor flito«i
O* art htr* to uk* wdlriiir. Uftty
*o Chat a phar<
i to art laqaM to doll rt«s
to aparrtkrti T* aJl smileoL
Brt tor an that th* doO doctora aia «otlltod to
M. li. rtlar their oaiaaa.
IL D. rtaadtat tor artadar rt dolto.
It to «rtto a srmotoa rtfht to ibo
**Old Aba Prtora of V»
Old Aba Frtm lto town
of —nay. b«
of It parforma mn
ban that to.the
ml donr* hand off with a finhoapltato. It
oboraL MU another aauUI nlaa of menban yrow an where nan* bod been
MB Ita marreloaa ]
aereo had kS»ad the oOee off Ut- bafara. and bafoia
httable Jaaa-^dolto imaUr hart tana
naoa eqparor aod vaa aaecsttof aaena
of hto aatdarta. |art to k>«p to practlcr.
Ha triad ta lanra hb abaaty. but be fbund It aU
Ml d«r ba giww mor* mbtnsado with Ida ftoddar
Smm aaido **Lat*a did out Frtarto**
an* aona anld. -No; Jat him
Ttey w*Md o*«r tte bu
tte wate wu on tte
Mon or oouto or to.
lb wtetth
. .
lUmiDer wa* njaktoy a few pnrcbaaee
at the ntwreii, and whUe lietny aerred
aaw a aiUwr dollar l.rlnr on the floor,
gulrednff with exciteimnt, and ftanc
aoo that no one waa.
hlnjL qnlto iMvkbwUlly drapped ona
ret on top of the coin and
and we'll lake the
chances of your com
ing again.
-Ab* Petm hnt wasUhad from Lonatoma Us
Aba Patar* wUf narar coma back adtlo.
Juit whara ha la quaitarad wc do sot know.
But It'a aafe to reckon ha*a found no anow—
picked lip thoflf>re=-but not tile com. _ '
Which atm remained on the floor. Jort Inkwlrer - What be^e of that
at be waa to the act, however, an aaaiataat approached and hUndly aald:
-Good evenlnc. air. Wiii yon allow got a compUlnt now thafa plrlng me
ae to abow yon a t>otUe of out ceto> a n«at deal of trooNe! Inkwirer-lndeed! TOat !• It? Hr. I'rlrc-Why. a
comnUlnt alKint Itic nmonnt of niy t>in.
not linunicr bad i
MMM-U Kiue-.
wouldn't it be eaner
and quicker to come
here and get one of
our Famous IS cent
Dinner Lunches?
This is just the thing
for you Mr. Business
ManorOerk! Dur. ingthe holiday rush
you can hardly spare
the time to'go hoime
and the cold dinner
is far from satis
Ate Mm MW *«m cornin' from hb butm window pmi
If. MW *«B diwin' floMly tteoudb tte aitohiy drift, of «m>w.
HI. tem waniMd fbr a momcaii ttea It turned to ice ewtn.
He Mowicd with MllUta 111.11c. OD the worker, down bolew.
And did te P.M 'em coffhcT Did he eOkr ChrbtniM cheer
An' thank 'cn Ibr tteir tober. whldu ala., wm U1 in vatef
Ha waned 'em Item hb dooryvd in a mUner mom tmrm
. An' sued 'em all fcr tiMpaM when he got around awla.
! !
How Far
Are Yon
Work ? ? ?
‘ This is the most
‘ poulpar meal in the
city, and well it
should be. for it’s
good and you'll find
the quality sufficient
to satisfy you, no
matter how 'hungry
you may be.
, ns* It borted
•*Old Ate PMcrt. unbuekto your doldi
Old Ate Petm. wc*T« diT on* eoldi
. Cldw or eaCBw or cnekM on* boo-
The Whole
Pancakes that |
•Tan Out*’
to the liking of- the whole household arc
Vhatched out" from our Buckwheat flour.
Ask your grocer, his customen and your
neighbors, about the “raising" qualities of
FU>UR . . .
Our Queen City brand of Whole Wheat
-/I’lour. Sweet, healthy and untritious. Made
from selected Grand Traverse wheat. l*ut
up in 10-pound sacks and branded
Bapiah A Lay Co.’s
ihnhv Cake
'■ ^'
'HrtADQ'uAto-rento;^ fWOM
-or '
' ii
piour, F
IVIosI, Srsn
o«<J, Moal,
IVlidcliines, Os'ts *r>d Corn
Made Iron oar YEIliOW
”Takes the Cake!*
Hannah & Lay Col
It is tweet and wholetome and makes
mind, muscle aoid money for those
who eat it.
Traverse CUty^ MiciL
:: ^
Our White Wheal
OAY.DttCMMR « ««.-
Practical ■ Help
w-?V>rr.> M .M
for ChristinasLBiiyei^
TnIke People:
We have aold Itolldajr Goods for Bsajr jear*^W> biTc fjven the mailer careful stafly-We hare «•
dcarored each year to ao select oar stuck as to air.>r.l b^Hh sailsfacltoa sad sana« to our customers and ourselrea—la this wo are anlformly snomirut and toVaiiaUIy aeil oat cican—Kverythlnc vent last year—
ConseamUy our vtoc\ u new, clean and hrUbt—Ev» r>tklny me offer U
and snlnhaBtlaly made and
wtll stand tiack of anythin* we aeU and absoJuteJy ruaranter it.
For months we hare been
We bare socceeded in assembl In* os floe a line of iToilet s*‘ls. Jap Roods. Leather Roods. Perfames. Mirim. bmahes. «4<u. ns you can And anymbere. It Is nseKms iryln* to *lre an lntelll«mit Idea If its scope
^ We wish you tr> f*4l that this U a direct and personal Invitation to you to
<Jome early and »if!es—No trouble to show Roods.
ll will be to your a<!vantajr> to mak»' your judi-ctloos before the final rush and srhib the asamt^t Is
suit complete. If desired Roods on which pan payment is made will be set aside for
We wlU parts'
and ship anythin* you buy of us. for out oMosm friendr. Wc will deliver the poods anywhere la the rtiy U
you desirt* In fset we wish U* W of pracUcal servitc in €*vrry way we can.
ToUet Sets
Japanese Goods
ThU i. OS. of th*. «Uh«»rJ sift ■rtlrlo. that rtouW n,«r bo
overPii*ked-~we Udleve w« have the finest line we ever o|m-D4m]. every
solid back with full bmsUif
the products of the Umi ,»enrh, Oerman and Amertcan niukers In
llne-New Ktench 8ls* and 8lf rlln* Silver sets seem to be the fsvt»r.
Item. The 8ta« this y«ar l« decidedly handw.mer than ever before.
It ts llRhler In color and in various new dlstlnrtlvu shafies. Tim
fltnrtln* and Sllverine sdU are on handsome royal purple stain lined
nays and In the new I^opIV. Wickford and hllirord patterns.
New sue C«»blD«»0B TWM ao<l Manicuw SrU...........$6«totli00
NV, 8i»K Uruah. (Vob aoil Ulrnw
.............. *U» to tS-W
.....75c to A4.00
We have Ax unast ally complete line of aB kinds of brashes, hair
hrtisht-s. ck>lh brushes.
balh truKh.-*. ^i.ylnE bro'-^hw^,.’.Tb"^ nmko tor «||1 u« ^
Fine Perfumes
Bealdes our usual fine line of Pi'rfunies,me have this year stocked
the latest numbei> -i»f fancy packages fivim Wh well known makers
Woodworth. Kloks«H'10‘r and Laeell. in buyiDR fanrk
T>uTk—consequently we are In ptisltlon to puarantee any
of our^HolP
day tVrtumes—Money lack If they are not as Rood asa the hulk exerfuuu's from us.
tn^s. This makes U in iliwtly safe ti» buy JUdlday I'erfume*
fine Perfumes in fancy botih's and l»oxcs..f...................... 10c to UJ30
Film IN^umes In Japunt^^ or llohemlan ot ent Rtaas Ix.itl.-s and
Halln lim-d cases.......... .............................................................. fit.50 to %AJ00
nne IVrfume in cut Rlass Imtlles In OrraoHi pdd Jewvl casket*....
................................ .........................................r..................$3.00 to$5d»
Leather Goods
A UM.k at our eleKanllllne of t,adle* Hand Tla*s. Card Cases.
ClRSt JIuldcrs. and Pock»*tbooks mill wnslncn* anyone that me have
an assiirinmut wnlch. while stdid. Is built to wear ts jslUl irtrtctly down
ttvdate. Blackr. and dark brawn* run tImwiRh the line, the shorn y collo
uiwsl *ow. Real 84UiI Matt S4*al. M
^ Grain seem to IH^ thefararlK*
laullm Card t^se*.
ladlea Hockot
Gents Pursew i
tbmts Card Cases.......... . .
(JtmU Bill or Letter Hooka
tlenu Cl*nr Cases..
Gents Tratellln* Set
Gents IN»c».et Nessecarltw...... .............
Gents l*ocktH. Ci>mbs (Ls*ather Casey.
In black and cidon^l laqm r or mood, with hand painted *1H or landncaiK‘ decoralk^s-rmllU luck and key-Suit aide for trinkets, hand.kerchiefs, m^knles. stationery. Rime* or Jewelry .boxes-all
Price* to suit ^iiy isHKwlKK.V.... ........................................ 15c to $1i)0
. «
Gilt and silver flnUhtxl m.-tal with ruined plctnro centers and floral
hstantla! and showy little prewnts-^rnnke pood mauh
pin. or utility lrays..«.
imlnted or
Vases. Host Beals. Cups. etc., all band imlntet
M» «if vs
ts <of
bwst efforts
ta. Avatl. Mori|m.
'4-:. ’
^erllm: silver Manicure Sets l»i»pp
Ancy Iiecorated China Tpllel utTn
New Wamy Ttdiet 84‘ts-^>ench pray
Coeobolo anfi KUmold 8e(^.....,...
arc ver> jwpuUr ihcwe days, nnd any thin* ‘•Jappv” has a Isrcc sale
In the rltU^. 'Phere ts somethin* artUlic about all Jap stuff that
make* ti very atlraetlv.-^sp slnff is nearly all hand inadi*. hand
flnlsbad and hand dtcomled- NVvertess it I* offered at v.-rr low
prices as» UU.r! Is veiy cheap In the Flowery Klnicdmn. We have put
prictHl Jap Sluir-sloo t mUs luokln*
of medium and 1
in a fine line
It over.
.1..............»e to *4.oo
Nakara Ware
Thl* warv\ bcsutlful hand decoratt^l China
*old washed trimmliiRs U made by
t'^n..Rad is the smv» s«»r of thr Kelra and Wave Crest
lar to them In ai
that these are beautiful.
Cdidh Brush.*s
Hut Bru
We hav4' s< me
tinted, othiui ui
«f‘ibiii'ta^'iatvWtol Mlto WbVij
Metal iewel Cases
We have a Lmall line of glass and metal top Jewel cases, for
elry. trinkebi. etc.. Impcvted ware In Ormolu pold and Fiv'nch
iv Silver—The gold nm-s are platifl with 21 k\ Jfold and hand finished. linedI wiflh dainty China silk in pink and light Uuc—Also a fine
ss pin. pomaiie. enamel and puff jar* of decorated
line of Rlass
itatloo cut Rlass mith handsome decorated gtdd and silver was
rohtal tops
Ormolu Gold Jt
y>ench Gray SI ver ji^caiii;;;;
Gilt top. glass H*made Jars........ ......
Silver top. glas
Silver and gilt Hair .Mo
Have }x>u «oi»idere<l the
Ko.Uk to o HoUday Gift
There is nothing better for
boy or girl, old or young. The
pleasure derived from a Ko
dak is in every s.toon—itis
a gift useful at
time of
year—ao aimple thut a child
cm take picture*. They load
and unload anywhere and in
to reach thl* hut. or Igloo, of an Wfim
famlij. .
fcaklmn tbllkwn: tmw04vr. are by no
mean* facklug in merrlim*©!. Tbey
hare their gnuics. -quite different from
T^W VY im umU-r the rtn lie circle ' cxi..’\s*a ska ml:!, h tnut-i.* nluety liv*
ewin ‘•f' «
b.u-n.. Slo-vth™
\ rcliKb--r lul» .\L*ka7nnd lltcy hava
I ttulliidiod rapidly
They «ra nom >ery rcnerally employaSd I
l7esrr>mg ilk*- utsll. In the tr:,nsfuim. Ju«t
of suppUesuppUe* auU
and in
la carry
portatiem uf
be rldra In an arvtjo slt^ai drawn by
passenger* beimeeu the vailou* minswift llttk* relnd*i-r,
Sanu Clan* I.aiHl Ni very tmllkc our*
•US in «Maji:n*r uoi
It lia* no preity
gret-u fields 4U* fort'sti. On the
It N alwoy* blt<ui «T«1 barThe wlutem are >vry long nod
very eoKl. In fin* n *rtherum‘J*t i«»ru
the *uu I* ar-ldom asm in wUU* r. Hie
ight U-io* nearly six m<jutUit Ion*.
The pt*oplc tBvell In but* built of b-e
and snow during the winter and In
tent* insde of the dried sklpf* of seal*
and relndtvr 4lurln* the summer. Tu^
r NUpplbrn tlieui with their oiUy
____ of -rapid tra»>*«U” ilurlTtg the
Ion* art-lie night m heji the Gclge dogs
grow sullen and drumKv
the daiknem a* well as m unyngui
and Rives rich u»Hk. whi.ii m*r l*e
made Into butter br^ che«m. AITira
to tU* marmer and
of alt tls* world
and leave*
rf.ufcbt.ml llH- rHn.l«r-. o«.t 1. «t
cn. and hi* hide is made- lu*.o clMhlng
for the Eskimo* or strctclxsl ovt-r pokt
and dried for use In making trau.
All the i^etiple of Santa t U.u* Lrtndmra, women and . hiMreo-pn- v\ Al^
In reindeer akin* <.r sealskins. In
sumnH'r tbev wear one suit uml la win
ter two *ult‘«. Ali m ear Id* IkvkII. call
ed larka*, of fur. and In lhc-*e liuod.
the motlHTS *ometln»rs carry their lia
ble*. In certain |»art* of the frazen
region* the lablea.utv carrlied on their
motbcTi’ back*, next lo the xkln. for
warmth, while elsewhere tt i* the costurn to carry th- iuf tnt sliout In one
of the big dt-cnkli! vr scaUkln boots of
the mother.
Ileludcer. sure f '.M o,jj «cc». arv
the inoli\e ih^xv.t i - iV.ght and pasaenger trains in tlM* graf t white north.
They can travel fr.iu . loluw mUes a
llalr fnvtu^iU* same* la
fouUall. ihougli tta-y pby It tii a manm-r qmte dlff<-reut frtJin ibc .kiucricmm
*^dk-g- wrtlHa Tb.- chiMrei, *rt A,
big oU *lovo or Uiot. »lnff ll with
maaie fur or hlU of ain. m-w up tb.
| o,s-«lng a..l kick a«al raff
hall about o\er tie* fn>*eti «mw idy
*reat glee. Kahn** t1itMr<-nB aMo IndulRe la ctafciliig. Tbt-y use no llttM
*Uds. Ivtv^ever. but sJiuHy irtUh' down
the »tei*p «ix>w Ittiiik* tui tis'ir kueea,
wlH.-h aie well imsPt led by the thick
ibs-rsklu Itr.s-tiket mom by all. 8omot1n.* s th»-y lunildf ioit *sx) go d>wn
b(-{idri>remu*t. but flien- Is aeklom any
\ *tei» ootM-re maMf
...... l--low *4-r.> Bixl eop»y a wraoI til tig niatfh, mdjii-h k«“|»«4 them warm
eieumb. l»* dtml)!. lusUl.- ll** httt ths
men aisl womeii nrjual around the fire,
telling t.sb-* hatuied dooTi fraui anrtcot
or «lnnn* quaint *on*s of folktoreThe E*kiior» cblldrvn. eieept at ooo
or two polnl* in Alaska, ro to no
■cbool. But from Ibelr Infancy they
are wlmolcd In tlx* vat^ou* items of
daily Ulx>r whkh It is oecrassry bjr all
of them to kmtw. They kwrn bow to
*af?icr and dry mo**, to rati-b the scant
driftwood ihst c-oioe* their way and to
extract blubber. Tl.es*- tbn-e ib!n*a
are their only fuel Ihe boy* learn
' bow to A*h and hunt and Uh- Rirto, In
; a crude way, bow to cook, fme of tbe
chief dulh-* at the won* n la to lend
the afkapatme bmii**. which lath light
a food and clothing supply,
10 lo.v
late ......................
yean* th- *'bri»tma*
been lDtrvrtu.v.1 .lum.e
of tl*
«b.T. t.». fbri.O.o r.Woo
U tsught by laisaumirh .
------------ ^
It very handy for 8anta i lau-. who
rt“tLe trae
mile, oa a reUKleer sled ‘
$14)0 and $24)0
$54)0 and $9.00
Cstalosuto' cheerfully lurnUhed npoa mpoHcmlon.
Traverse Cily’s Leadikig Drag Store
Record Want Ads. Pay
I .^^3^
rorliur <
. ^
K‘1»nra t^cSjSred skins of certain e
................. ... Si...
S.E.is. W.WAIT
cornerBront and| Union Sts.
live. Tbeae moat be well fed with
' f
in Mirror* we have been careful to select those that are of use
ful shape and wen made. A mirror U a fine present for lady or
IcnGemen—Triple Mlrrtws.«. hand M
Mlmus pud Bonneti Mirrv>rs for
iUw; sluivloR MirrorsI for the *entlemen.
l^dlcm Triple Mirror*, various ahaiw^ and mcKxl*.
..$2.00 to $5i»
I Bonnet Mirar*. In !
r. Crt«obola or Vermll B..$1.50to $3.00
: to $1.50
item with the ladhm—AU are sidendldly lined In delicate tinted satins.
Nakara Jewel Trays............................ ............. i..................... .75c to $1.75
Nakaia Jewel Tray*...........................................I..................... $1.50 to $4.25
HRE f10HT1H6 lOOWiC, |
Iron arid
A tar
mtw fiattr IwriMhg te
wmy, wr Ubtitr •twtt.
wnm itunf oc tts an
Siif evplojed
r<>r ttie Cr»t
t|tn# la riB.r
IbicjTK'raperi of
tbe ordlonrj
typo are a
Our class of work along this line is
of the Best and our Crowing Trade proves
Gas Engine Cas^gs;
Before you get any work dine in our
line see us and let us figure wlt^ you, we
will do your work right and jsave you
Repair Work Of AU Kinils.
Round & Sou
Local and Long Distant Pltohes.
Boardman Ave. and Coyrt SL
bj a laoaf In^Itw arranjrem.eni of
ateel rod*. They wlU ilif tbn« and ,
a half locbea In diaiaeter and da .
am>d 4 IT nearly fifty feat Into tlir con- Crete arWeb fonna the c^u. roatins i
on anild rock el«bty*llve Ifret below the j
Tb*ar rods, a blrh are bolted toffcthar
are In Icnstba of from tlx to ten feel
rath, and the devUv* are put lu be
fore the cement U pbn^l In the caia
““ loricdt rod lata on the «»I
it amhor plate, to which ft
of It a creat
and oo the ^ther end are
bolted the two roda of the acs.'ood aerUon. The third acetloo baa three alert
roda bolted alicmatrty to iha«» of the
aection below and connected with foor
roda above. The four lyd* are made
to converge ao that they ^ay l*e «arrlel
throtudi tbo STillaw brah» at the top
of the caiaaon and the irbn tia*e of the
colomn. . They are then run m» Into
held horlaoouny by chaloa nmalac
frucu the tu(i of the tower to the ewd
of each. The eollrv* framework can be
feet and bolted Into poaltion. The col
ce<«=rul opiTritHia at the lUiiwy
nnin which la thu* Med ^ built up to
1tmdd«¥*k W4»rk»‘. Tlir Invention uwk«*a
the very top of the aUTicture. The the W. J. lUluey i^.orapany of Penna/b ll |K»«4vU»lr fttr four tnetJ l'» «*b.ir;:e, wa
atremth of tbeae roda la ample to coun vanla ha* i4*rfe< ted a inadiln!* th;;t la ler. draw and cavey to tie- e .r* ilie
in l-y **oke innimfanur.^* a* «*ake from 1i«i
im oi«.rutlon
teract the effect of the moat aevore looketl uipon
the l»c*:lnnlai: of a rvvuluMou in the wblrh by tie- old wjiy rfvpr!rr.s from
coUny ImslneML The new uuirhUm. i
wbl|fh will do the work of forty five
-------- ---------------men at leas exivenso. has Toea In rueRECORD WANT ADS. PAY,-
.i '' V:;
* platfona
U laovldcd arltli a saatara>' rjorhli*
to tbe anadoera. Tbe bA«ed plitfanaa
can lie let down coUactlroIr br a «h».
Only First Oass Work.
When the tower la eleratad a ajateiB
of tel«ri.o|»lc roda attached to. the
framework la om^ to Bleady the ap^
paraUiB«tbe roda! having tbelr Mb
mdlng oi*dh tbe ground and acting a«
•trula or brace*. Tbe tower U raleed
and lowered by a ayateiD of wlndl
and idialna. which can be ettber me
chanically or manually operated. Tb*
frock nay l-c drawn by horae* In tba
conventional manner, or. If preferred,
tbe tower can be mounted oo a i
A fJerinan cigar inanufariurer ha* In- wagon of a oonairoctioB enlted to thi
reot«.»l a i*ro-*e«* by which tbr tolarr^ apparatna.__ ______________
)« gUen n IwatuiciU whlih extract* a
mnee part of the nicotine. The i.xir.nc.
A irlobc of colored water In a dru|
tiun I* n .1 nitln*. f -r aU.ut 1 imt -.cut etnrr window at Vallejo. TaL. concen
htni remain*. The flavor of the cigar trnted the ray* of the ton and cauec^
1* said to lie ij.ilrupalrel. The Hga« a fire the other day.
are laindod “free of nicotine.**
Holidays^ Not Far Away
Fur Gloves
Can anything be more
for a gift than a pair of
The greatest line we have
shown. Prices:
$1.50, 2.50, 4, 5, 6.b0
Better seUct a pair now and have them pnt
atide for you. Aak to see them.
Fur Caps $3 to $15
Wc Have
twenty-five Children’s Suits for ages 11 to
6, handsome, fiirst class goods, have sold
from $5 to $6. not a suit worth less, jone
of a kind only. V\^e will close them ot t at
HIGH GRADE UNDERWE.AkA few smalt lots to close at cost.
Ufa aiTtv ap-
«r Badao-Badaa. Oetaaajiw^
BBihterri a amirr tmr aad a
npe far pBfMri traipid ta a boratvMdIaa. Ttepriaciideairttetaar/
«oaa« baa baaa med la tbe cjtfirM
thm of aa axtHulvr lowar anBoatad
poa a trafb.
la tWri drrlte ^ portab> tHraaople
ttnrar. ImiU tpoa a arar«a or traek. la
pr>rkM wdh «tr.HlaWr idatfona^
akldi caa be art at dtfhmt polatvac^
cotdiac to tbr bHabt of tbe 0onra la
ikt bortuiai boivilar tn» wbicb tbaj
profrie arte f» !).• rrwc-aid.
LamiKV torinrr l« provtOsTj alUi a
<kmb> arraoertaent of Udders .aad
arlth the aetywgy aainbcr o: tbr rail*
•d rxtrodaMr br.dxo U aaable tba
dt-inr I. br atUlaed at aeseral differ.
mslt . T!r idat: tbr laattkma of
Christmas Bells Will Soon Be Ringing!
There is no dittlculty in buying a
good Overcoat for
Our Men’s Suits at
$25 or $30. Thcrfe
arc plenty of good
coats at
prices, but when a
man does not care
to invest so much
money in an Ovccr
co5t and' waffis a
handsome, .stylish
garment at say
$10, $12,
or $18
.. The Situation Is
We are showing
the finest Over
coats at
prices that
have ever offered
Fora moderate
. price and a satis
factory Overcoat
Are designed for
men who want and
can invest that much
money in a suit, but
it doesn't follow that
a man cannot get a
good wearing, stylish
suit that will give
him good satisfac
tion for $12. $15 or
We aim to stand
with the people by
meeting their wants,
gi\dng them
best values we can
for the money they
invest in our line of
25 Men’s Overcoals
* *A .
One of a kindi 20 per cent less than regular
prices. SEE THEM!
•i- -■
Wc shall show the finest lot of Neck
wear ever introduced by us. Brilliant
colors, latest novelties.
Why not come early and select what
yyu need. COAT SCARFS besides the
staple goods we shall have a superior
line of delicate colorings. ;
It matters not how many Christmas gift* •
man may nsx.ive he will always be expecting
something in the way of a ChriRmas Tie.
Have One Pnl Aside For Yon!
House Jackets
.Every man appreciates a House
Coat. They make an icfeal Christmas
How About a
Bam Robe?
, Used for lounging slnd a garment
every man irould like.
H: •
: Ji
The Haniiall & l^y Merc.^o^ j
'mmm hb&gSi
sfrlt «Mi Ui»
Msny women when planning gifts
for fstber. brother ^or friend are at a
loss what to give.
Here arc some
A One Clpth Cap4.5a $2-00, $140.
timely suggestions from our clothing $1.00. 76c. 50c.
$140, $240, $240,
This Is Traverse CHy^Slooleal Christmas Store,
aail evd^y dlvlsloa is hrimlal ol hanSsome and
praelied flitls. tram the adSiplest to the iM
ateideas. Ibegreatauirtcclshave heea carefully
schrehed with Om resaltOI the greatest display ever
to OSS pari of the stale ander one rooL No
■ck to leave the stare aaUl yoa have made your
pairdiaacsior aUyaar relatives and Meads. You
MO haVc ttme IraOble In sclecling snllabfe gtfts
Iran at least name of Av aiany secthms.
n Is advisable to
early and Urns avoid the
great nM otiOie last lew days of Christmas shopIng. '"'"n
Mom of
fTbmm. Me.
bnlM SwMUaad. >«4ob Pl^pou.
Tte V^Ur. Umrr €mkrnM%M.
Menty Book aad Alcrr Book* for
The Pm, a a whHc. tija
Bob HMmwum td Ptaw. Rm4a:i
Hotoa Mook Bcrlaa of boat readtoc
l*mrrtsii, f 1JS.
for Urta. Me.
aT»l*pertBf Bmltb. F. H. fipbrnaa
Umd mmd board covmd books tor
tbb mtlMM 4t tOc lie. Me, Me. $$a.
Moon Fbre. Jack Umdo®. fIJS.
balaiy idft books to bsaoUfbl oooors
Jam* CaUle. G, a.IfcCotohM. $146.
Stap by Bt«p. lira. Down., $146.
Poeias by OMOt popoUr aiitbors to
CbaM, Robm Cham padOH Isolbrr btofUnga at Me, $140
Thr PHaooen. Mary (Jhalmondeley. and $140.
Fine line of Birthday Books at 60c.
Christmas Booklau. lOo. 16e. and
Boek to tb^Uku Bbbt Barr. 60c. '^Dalnty hand palatnd nottosa. 28e
Lady Kralyn. Max Pwnberton. 80c.
or Caste Paitoot mottoes.
The Man Betw««i. Afliella a Barr.
}l^as Gifts for "Him”
Xmas Shopping
Oor«oB. Mary M F. WBktoa.
A nice Conluroy Shirt. $240. $240.
A Silk ITrobrella. $640. $740. $7.00. $140.
$64a $640. $440. $4.00. $140. $1.00.
A pair of nice I'nlinetl Gloves. $2.sa
$24a $2.00.
$240. $140. $140.
A p.tlr of nlre Lineal QUireapnM
$2.00, $1.75. !$140, $140. 76c,
- j
$2,001 $140. $140, 75c, 50c.
A nice Necktie, either F^r in Uand.
Aacdt or English 8quare4240. *240,
$14a $140, 75c. 60c.
A nice Hat. $540. $140. $240. $240.;
A pair fiT nice SUk Uui*d Glove.i.
$240. $240, $140, $1.00.
A pair oif n!ct» Fur Uped Glovet.
$10.00. $7,50. $€4a $5.00. $14a
A pair of Gobi Cuff nutton;;. $7.50.
$640. $54a $340. $240. $2.00, $140.
$14a 75c.
A pair of Silk Hdlf Hose. $140. $240.
$140, $1.00.
Pietnre Frames
No flner 1106 to tMdect Christ*
mss gifts from.
Moquettc Rngs. $146. $1-6$.
Keetroi. $240.11.76. $4.76. $640.
All the newdat'ghApes. the
crep6 paper at 10c. the oOk at
16c ofid 60c. the new ttylea with
bead|rrtofe at S6e and 60c. the
iDore>Uborate ones at $140.
Twitted ^dleo. oU
leros. $1.$6. $2.76. $140.
The long bdll rngs. th^w
ra, the sin*
ys and In f.rant of pianos or
Chritlmis Tr<^ Candle*.
24 and 3C to box. at I5c the bo*.i
ell C^co-Bearing CarTbe Biasel
T to Ihe ideal Chrtotpet Sweeper
mas glfL Makfs no notoe. re
quire* no oUinji has reversible
boll springs, will not accumu
late hair, dust or ravellngs. has
dost proof avle ^ubc. The ‘ Oold
Medal" sella it $5.00. The
•^lasell." with nickle trtmmlnga. at $2,501 The -Stondmni. • 12.25. Be4 the great dlsplay in the hardjsTire division,
As heretofore we make spe
cial arrangements with Bundny
schools, churches and young
P<*op»e’s societies for furnishing
Christmas candles.
Ktock to select from at 8c. lOc,
12c and 16c a pound. Then the
finer creams and chocolates at
20c. 26c. SOc. 15c. 40c 60c and
makes a splendid gift. Wc have
all the latest Styles of mould
Nearly t ro hundred sam
ples to select from and an expert workman | doing nothing
but make frami*. Bring In your
orders at oner and have them
done on Ume.
«igh Christ mas postals.
in package, for 10c.
oa gummed laUds fur
addressing packages. lOc a pack
age. Christmas tags In pack
ages of C for .JOc. Christmas
seals for sealing packages In
stead of using riblMNis. put up In
100 in neat holly ‘box for lUc a
box. three dlflerenl designs:
o%er twenty million sold last
year. Buy early this year and
have tlit>tn ready 1
“Hiawatha*- moccasin*, the
mw<**t nmeJty In fisitwear.
Chlb1rt«n*s slexs. $1.00; mlwws’.
$1.25; women*. $1.60; men**.
$2.00; women** fell slipper*, fur
top. |1.(K». $1.25. 11.50. $1.75.
"Womens boudoir slipper, all
dainty colors of ribbons. Priced
nt 1140.
Women's fancy i»alent leather
party shoes. $1.50. $2.00. $2 50.
Men's Itolent l>*alher Sln>cs.
|.1.Da $4.00. IG.O0.
Dry Goods Novelties
Beautiful Chrtsfmais Gifts
- Tha ^nUeet noerttlep out this year
1 or to Many art gloas to all the ex
quisite irrideacent colortog. Cup* *»d
Saucer*. Boo Boa Dlshe*. Foocy
Vases and Odd Novelties. $146, $140.
$2.00, $2.60. $345 and $3.50.
No flner dlspUy has ever been
made of the most exquisite cuUlngs—
many entirely new.. Ideas. Olives
Ikshea. Sugar and Cirnm Seta. Vase*,
Water oBtilfo. Tumblera. Comfnrta.
Berry Dlsbe*.;todlvldaal Salt*. Tbeae
$8. 50. IIU.OO, H2.U0. $1500. $20.00.
i GcmtlneTenkwood
Japes Hammered Brass
Exquisite Japanese hand carving*,
with inlaid marble topa. First ohown
.here. $12.50. $23.60 and $25.00.
Flral of the kind dlspUred here.
tolnty Vaa
litrks. 12.5
es. 11.75, 12.50. Jardinieres $84$ and
Pore flint Glnss
jSoiU surer Knlrw. Fiortui. Spoon,,
la »eti or sold *togly. Souvenir
Spoona, Oyater Fork*. Berry Spoons,
Bread Tray*. Condfiabraa an^Novel-
Something new In pure, clear gtoM.
Vosoi. Ban Hon Dlahea mad noveltkw.
76r.1l5c. II .w. $1.26. $140 and $1.76.
Leather and
Ebony Novelties
Fancy Rfttens
The ifineet we have ever shown.
Breed ^nd Butter Plate*. $1.00. $1.60
and J2LO0 each. Chop Ptolea. $240.
$340 okd $5.00. Olive and Bon Bon
Dleheaj $1.00. $1.50 and $2.00. Sugar
and Cream Set*. $2.60. $3.00. $3.76 and
$440. I Chocolate Pot* and Fancy
Pitcher*. $1.60. $240. $3.76. Cups and
Saucer*. $1.50. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00.
The newest for neck nearfs In pink and
blue dots and the beautiful ahaded
grays. *ell at t5c tbe yard and the
newest floral effecU at 86c.
In endless variety In both solid color*
and stripes for neck rlbl>on*. sashes,
hand bags, companions and hundreds
of beautiful Christmas glHs that are
to easily made sell to different widths
at 26c. 35c. 40c. 50c and 75c yard.
Shopping Baks. as large a line ms
you will find to the city, and make
most acceptable gifts: Priced frtira
60c to $5.00.
Bufltto. SM, SM. S2S, sia IE
MahM^ Partor Bolta, 4330, fHAO.
$67a66, 67C
Twiklah Rtakara frwii $S to «64.
, Mama Challa. eok wHh valour cMh(wa. «M wHh gamiiBa hair $M0 to
PwkM airrottk lOo. ESe.
80 cents
: PMMt OrtPkluB COPK «e. Ski. .
IhmM Mlnw*, SOb, TBc. stsi,
SfOMl"0 »»«•
*’^***' wn
sr $
Plaid Sliks
For shirt waist* mud »ultl tell at 75c.
$1.00. $1.25 and $140.
A great line of fancy afika for hand
baga. dome rtdla and the host of fancy
articlea that con be mode for gifu,
sell at $1.00 and $1.50 the yard.
A wonderful lln
collars at 25c. 50c,
HOGANY SELL KROa ♦*.« to $844ia
Ltaea Collars
Imported Austrian SUtuary. genu
ine Ca^ Marble, ebautifol Decorated
Inche* high, genuine Bronse
Slatuai^. Fancy Jardinieres. Japan-wirda. 0 - ■ ----------------------artlxilc
Uk|».Uap«neM NoTeltle,. Dro Furitahlnirt. StelB, *Bd Growler*, newel
« TetM e«tl. W.7S.
In newest designs at 25c each. The
dainty bow Ues to match at 26c.
I Brlc-ia-Brac
Newest Novelliea
111 tide and back comb*, gift* any
woman would prize, sell at 25c. 50c.
76c, $l.$o.
Handkerehlefa .
NrvcT had so large an aasortmenl.
beginning nt 1c. 2c. 3c and 6c.
The colonfl l»orders at 6c, lOc, 15c.
Beautirua Initials, unlaundried. at
^^he same style laundered,' at 25c.
Tbe fancy lx>rdcred. each In a box.
at 5(»c. 75c and $1.00.
PnMtlest designs ever made. N«
lietii-r gifts can be made.
Smoking Jackets
aro arllclcii most acceptable, different
colored collars and linings. 14.00, $540.
IC.OO. I7.5Q.J IS.OO. $10.00, 112.00, $15.00.
Bath Robes
_____ embroiderer
at 75c. $1.00. $145
Fancy black Bilk Hose gt fl.oo and
$5.00. IC.OO. $740. $8.00. $1040. $12.00
II.00. 1140.
**Tt3 nMan atyla Marrla Chain hi
the Ibmod eok with leat^ cashlono,
■ •!
Writing Deeke. Miiole Cabtotto. ftofl
Top DtMcs. FHonogroph CobineU $nd
Fumed Oak Davenpm^ with leath
er ypholatery. $20. $24. 630. 646$ 667.
China Cleoats and Bric-taBrM Cobl-
Iron BeJTMoe^Mto
Rockers end cKaIre, Odd Preeeer*.
Chiffonier* and commodee.
'"*^y Oak Rocktf* from 6440 to
,1*^. v'^r.
t Hill ■ hiMMIfe I
.■sa-trsir'ss.ni.t j.T,rjrrw“5,"rs,,,
ition 1M>0
and the i
try frtrni $6 te $26.
Fancy SMpa fram Be to 75e a eaka.
Oiristanas Dinner
Neces^^ s s
11' I#
, Loothar jcoucheo, 124$ $aa 642$ m
W.00, $4.00. $5.00.
li.eo. f».oo,>
.» ToariMtoXoMe. $346. $340. $24$,
Fancy Silk Crepes
Christmas Furniture
Thiwe giwat ohow easM full of th*
nevraot thing* In Leather end Ebony
Toilet and Manicure Sett. $64a $$40.
■y Th
Hmid Painted China
priced from 60e to
If when going through cmr More yod
geo arildoe yog do not wIMi to purehoao at that tim*. plonoo notify tha
edmre yog do yoof
antht will buy It for y«Ni
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