The Evening Record, April 07, 1906

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The Evening Record, April 07, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






Tiuvcnc ary.


michioan. mtunday.








cam to HATriiLO
OlOMttll VttTmOAV

MomAW *eHOPt

IViMMi. Mw.. April

♦mmrfliMgE M Msrdi t1. Whlcli Lsst>

Twmty Hmmv



— -r

Tkr win ct

ai«4 bPTP.

Tbff wl/« «Ka all sii4 tbp

riOHlJfM ¥••«.

two rmn at isrileiU

Mpfisf, A. S. Bsniini cf Msjflsid
gSMl qwlrtljr l#U) Uo «m«( twjroM
K»twrtls7 afirnwiii «t CIm s^ «f 7i
jcm ai t o‘eloek.

Wime vorttliw OB liU fana


W suffrf«i4
vkloh laatad twaatjr


Tba! City at Contract Frioaa. all
OlB Contracu Containing

r WIm to thr E^rnlni Uncord.

are gone wore the onlform^of gray
with the whit® cross bells.
HU il»p wa. rto.ilc aad hr

,t Asylum.
rhatiad frrriy of Ihr work which ha.1
lie inere.
r.aii» Addle Hmlih. aged 2S year*
clalmrd hla aiirntloo whilr
ihrrr. "iin j
I tell you, there Is some fine shoe Up- snd an Inmate of the Northern MIchl |
rlum since November 2. 1906,
ping In that Institution,- he said, -snd
away at that InsUtmion this
a finer lot of tollows I never met.-

« la now anticipated. The mol'
la axpccted from the meeting of tbi- Frank Derby, who reyidem west of
oparalora thla afternoon. The better Acme, and his dog will not be thel
5 In the bltutalnouB field la alao
4if those who welcoifie his return,
of his first acts waa to pay back
60 cents which he borrowetT b«*fore be
had iH-en able to earn anything.
Joe feels eUted that In bis trunk
a ciTtifleaie from th« InhtUutiiui
Prtoac Will Soar,
rhlrago. April 7.-Oial prirea will which allows him the privilege of ply
trade anywhere he may see fit
ar hero neat ire<«k. notloca haring

port for duly next Monday.

While be'exptx-iGHl to take

juat baaw aarred on the board of adie

Biz months to master the
maker’s trmle. his skill and ability al-

Aim trary wank, and inotbar follmred
on Manh 19. filnee thaljlme he haa

1 ..f the «

lieen ateadlly falllag. until yeaterday.
When diwth relieved hla aulfeHng.
trarts here ronUlii a strike clause.
ThrimghGHit hla llliieaw. Mr. lUiuum
Ohio Operator:. Firm
rievt land. April T.-Tlie Obl.i «iol
IM tainrs nlel at tl*«« Ilolleiulen this
place that be baa AUad^.the potn
unirnlng. TIe-y iinai.lnMMi*l) .l.-rM.d
mualiy will Indeed eefm «anpl), ^
1o refuiM* the deniaiulM of ihe tiiliiers
Mr. Hamurn wma bom In KalUlmrgh.
baa been G ver ImjiWuI and tlKnigliirul
fur the romfort for olbera and the

K V.. Aiiguat 2R. 1RS7. the younger
«i| eevro ohlldrtMi.
He waa * approii\tlred In n blaokamllh wl»en ir. yean*
of are and |.wrncd the tPaile. At m
waa unltiHl in holy
iaa Maryello Hay lit Monu^llo. N




The Indiana home waa bleaaed by
all rbUdrm, the eMaat of whtun died
HI health foirGMl Mr. Itamuin to
* a new home In a healthier rllmate and

Hoaem farm near Mayfield,

haa lieen «*ninigi*4l In farming aa*t
. Idackamithing alne<* then and rared




great grand




idinil man moat happy.


Your Easter Shoes
BertWe Arc With Etslcr Sktes .


ads of them.

I have matio i*v'neront



eltiea for aprini; autl auDuner
wiuir, and

ahall eatc«tn

it a

the new cfTecU

in Woolens.
to be

Ahsad of all Othsra Thla Year-


F».K MKN wc-vc all the smart styles In
Inch or low c
military heels, ami the newest lasts andhwtbrra. For WOMK.N’ we've I>rvaa llaota,
Strr. t Bvx.ts, Ozlordf-. Ribbon Ties, Sandals,.,
Slippera. ski: oi R WIMMlW.

We arr slw.iv« careful when

Shoes. Slippers.
Sandals, Oxfords.
They re aa slyli<-1i



We are
for All
Easter Footwear.

and by her hoarse whist!«• make
all heirls glad In this elty, will
HLtliu-}' O. Neg. at preis*nt lying at
tJrelllck's dock with a bran new etwt
<»f red and white. Tomorrow the new

For Lumber and Building Material as soon as possible
to insure prompt deliveries. Lumber, Mill Work,. In­
terior F'inish and Building Materials.
Abotracto of TIilo
omemm *atip7aot*my

On. Uwym A



of the cylinder head, the boat making
ling at the John F. 0<t dock and
bdtog to rtfldlness f*u- ltu*dlng
Cspt. William


Fire bmke out In Rice’s hoitd. which
was toUlly destroyed with seven
William K. Vanderbilt. Jr.,
and Payne mitney risked their lives
to assiat to flgbttog the flames, as aach
valuable homes In the vicinity




.All wc want is the chance to prove
to every lady, beyond the shadow of a
doubt, that Hannah & Lay Co.’s
“BEST’ flour is equal to any flour on
the market. Wc are prepared to
prove our case by guaranteeing every
sack or money refunded.

Hdnnah & Lay Co.

In their

night clotbea.

Tba proemm for Abe grand hall
ba givea by the 8|iaaWi.A»erlcan war
vetrnma AprU Id. ttmier Montlaj
prewent aoma dacMM tnnovailona. The
daneea will be aaskod bftcr the varioua
bugle ealik anu ba^ rweb dance
ronwet bugle call wlH be Wow*. ReYHUe wlH be blown and tba flag mlaed
to the tune u the *’M. Wbita aad
Rhia.** and the flag wUl ba lowarad at
•‘Retreat, • the band playiag tba “fllar


Sho Bubmittad to th* flurgoofit
Knito-MiC Eddy Triagrgphml

By Wire to the Evctttog
Milwaukee. WIs, A^l 7.—The In

By W|r« to tb« Kvcnlag Record
Chleago. April 7—Mra. William
Clover, daagbtcrda law of Mary Baker

teroatkmal Ktodergarien union have
dtylM to wage a crusade agalai
baneful Influence of
the woukWw Bdky. founder of Chrlallan Sricnoc.
-fuimy page- la the Sunday papem on bug been operated upon for the rvv
movml of a tumor.

Mra. Clover for



^-Apr 4 21

' '^.-vV

S and 4 at the foUowlag
Lake. Kingsley, tatevtob

BosImss IB SpriBf Silts. Tip Cwls.Craveaettes. Hats iM suits

If you find the Hawes label in
your hat you will find it a satisfactory hat in every way. It’s a
small thing to look for—a big
thing to find.

. .

. '

Hawes Hats are sold the world
over for $3.
• v


elgkt yearn haa attempted to core her-

Bddy hna tnlegmiihed her ooagn

Sion. Traverse City and WUHamabar*
The reading exmmtoaiiowwUI he

A. W. OwlwR. eierk €t P.rmdl.,

The Landtag of the Pilgrims.- by FV

ovuklB, truuSHM bmlMn ml th;

Fioe'goodi iu every de|«iiaeBt—



aelf with prayer, but found Ihnt her
trouble wna eoaaianUy paring worae.
The patient U now Improved and Mr*.

ttrlwlon' No.
LrnUaa' AU will meet In tba baa


TrowbU Contlnuglly Graw Worm* Bo

Bpaagled Hanuer.- Aa tte bugla calH
the thUdmn s minds.
The ph
' .bare a charm «if their own. thla frat
campaign Is not made public.
ore abme ahoald attract many to tba

of tba ebareh. Triday artenmoa at 2
‘O'ciodk abarp.
Co«»a wMh ac
aad tbimbiaa prepared far practM

Traverse City Mig! Co.

will fire up the newly lns)iected engine
and the boat will muvcjgr to the tune

li' .



Will Make Dock Tomarrow.

The first boat to emit a eloud of
KiiMkke over the blue waters of the bar-


matIJul riSlIs duVlbl*^^
Wc are sliwwinc some cz
rrediiigly dainty sl> In* tliia year in

lectioua of am^lr pattern nov-

favor to have the public call




Hotot Made Their Escape In

hotel goeets escaped
I War VfUrana' Crand gall


uniok stobt clothieks

HotH and Seven Reeidences

loc hU farm hlmaelf until atrteken
Their Night Clothes.
with paralyala.
On April 4. Mr. and Mra. lUruum
Sinylsl to Ihe Evening Record.
celebratial Uielr nfiy-eHghih wi«ddlng
New York. April 7.—The entire ral
atiniruraary In a nulet mannw.
ley foctlon of Msnhaaselt. L I., was
threateniHl with ruin this morning

Ih ing a fine animal's heml with eye.*
of nail heads: all this ^raking the

t>srly idobday morwlng.

In 1H17 b«' imived hla family to the
(Irand TravmM* region and aetlled ou

biwed his
completion In
the two
hs. while he dabbletl ln many
other arts, bis earve«l cane hsndb-


After Iheir
maniacP. the yonna
rnnple began h •uaekt»eplnr. In Wort* MANHAMtTT. LONG ISLAND. WAS
lore and until thair removal to liult
ana. thirteen yearn later, lliej hnl the
life tif the pioneer barliwo*MUmi>n with
H» faaHnailng expetlenn a.


that he had a good l»alan«* as a re
suit <if his Industry. He will make his
at present with his sister, Mrs


• ■.•O U|» *• 97.00

g from pulmonary tuberrulosi
I for burial

chair ranhig.
broom making and shoe tapping, snd mother. MIrs ETIen
aalda from the pracilcsl wsrtc. Joe has l.wn at her binlslde f<
been Industriously planning to lecture weeks add will accomp
tihs afternoon to Kalamazoo, where
and this vocation he now expects
eompleted your j the burial takes place. Miss DeWolf#

snd he had the satlsfartlon of Ifnowing

Now YoriL. Aprtl 7.—Some form of
arliltratioii of
anthracite coal


You know, perhapa,
this time that a growing boj« 12 to 18
yean old, ii very hanf to fit The -awkward" stage, clothierf
tell you—can't be helped. But a great part of ihU awkwardMiianHduetotbebOTat aU, but to the obthee he wean.
Makeraaoriof takeitfor granted that a growing boy ooROdn't
a^w^auddouH iry. FWaametime we hani^bee*^ying this maUer very cl^ attentioa aad, if you want i
your hoy looka in dothea that fit, bring him in any d
day and
Md kt

trader be was asked. -I should say 11 i«ik the d*x-essed when a liahe iliree
had. and earned my lioard and 116 lH-.jds.vt. old.
They paid him for bis work

BtHkt Clausa.

What Rice looking WaU Rapen can
be obtained at this store at such reaWe must to call your
particular attention this week to a
line of handsome bed room patterns'
in stripes and floral designs which are
selling at a shilling per double roll.


•late, and by city offlclaU. and hundrede of veterans, who in years which

He said there were fonyHe-ven men.
all iFwraIng trades,
which tnrIud«Mi

Na Oora Caal Will ba DatTvarad In

' : ': / v

The lime aeC for tbe ob>

omcere of the army and the navy, by


boars, laavloi


•enranra l» May ktb. a date suhjact to
By Wire to tba Rrenlng Raeord.
change at the option of the committee.
Wnahlngton. April 7.—Senator
Thli celebration will V« * notable
ger’s private aa^retary mnnonneed I
one. f«ir It wlU bo attended by mam.
bem of the cabinet, by dbitInguUhed


Kwst Il liK. Or. lOniuv satrrsd s
OfcAi. cif psralrsU. wbleb on bUn
wsarlf bHplPM. Oa Osreb flO tost.


TUI BMun ca.. paar.

Swtn A Co.


By Win to tba Bveslag Raeord.
London. April 7.-Cnmbridgw

Really Surprising

By WIm to the Beawlag Raeord.
New York. Aprtl 7.-,Naw Yoffc-a to.
amm flereatb regtoomt. tba only mill-


Mlur'. Tra*. an* I. N.


Itaoa Prom Oafacd by Phm
Laagtha Thla Ddamlng. ______

tary orgaalsadoo In tba cMy which


oirat mu tha
ich. Tbe aataia U raJMd at ISO.
l»M. HJa brotbar Natbaa
and m abarwa of

•avawth Haa Prsaarvad a Cowl

I will

Intact far Uia Past Tan





%WIL1 womciNO OH PAnm



sT • ,

•ATimOAY. «MfL 7» ttM.

tejr. A ao^


wwtt iwn um wu9

You do aot nm mny risk
ol getting B.poor wBkber
wheo >*ou buy


ctey «te wm aai ttet an tte ateiiM.


"I9M uieiunc''

■BteBUflBBcti cBitdiiny oboteBM
BOUfjiAg pirtS

B«y |B>% of the wwld.



COMiTvnfti^v IISMB.

y], ptelfo iteMteoi to Bate tte aHr
Boro teaatlfAl ia akataocr way ttey
bmM. Ate II aaai aoi te otetate to
ttfSfraa ataaa aa ite «Mar oaoa coaid
Miteir vary valaaMo aM

or Lave apj «^u.iio<Hv

to bay Ate Maat

te-rrai0M Uftt wk


Atamiv DPVlt te liU 60wlac

tac lo Atiate la. aaBotMai ibat bqb»
Aar arm b« a tbiaf of brifbt cokaa.
rafaHite hAwrfteA« te.h wccv. tt will
iteBAA ocraiBtAB itet will
oalj Bate tboB bKi«r bat will iMcp
ffOB the .iraau or ylacwa wbara
term U to b«r yickte op.
Ttecw arr-jaaar-that rewMsBber tbe
flower tete <if day. foae by ate aoaie
old faabloate roMw wUboot a Uar for BTJIAWBCRRIEB ARE 8ELUMO AT MRa WALTER VOICE 8UCC0ME0
ttet wblch U paat. ate the coBlAf
eU centra pint
georrailoa |t eatUlte Joat as Back to
tbfoo mamoilea aa Ibo proaoat oae.
Flaat flowesa. plant theB evorrwkere, Green Onions sre Two Bunchet for < Her E-l rc L.fc Wet. Spent in NorUv
|«t the whole back yArfl be a Hoi of
Nickte snd Cucumbers are 15
pert and she Msrried tte Play. .
bloom ate color, aad the rewani will
. Coots a Cuke.
be worU air Ite trouble ate doubly
|bi»*rUI to ib«*.Evcnlnx UooU^dworth ibe laalfalflcanl ex|.enN- Ci»n
Th«- brlahi R^unny day U Tsv..rsbb*
AfTril :.-IATaih ro
nened with It.

iWiiKtM 10 tko nrot ApooU«.
tiM flimUik IW tea OktUlMd fTMt
Mf if MOMT. te tea built £km
ONjr, 1M tea OMt mlaatoMrIwi »U oaar
tte vorM. te hM gaiborte
pl« mto him. te bfa uUiiaod Ite fund
for tte AilTMctaf of tte toocktaga of
iote Almtear DovW ate tte pot
cteM of otroolAf foiTM for aa Ac
TteteAaAa boMotei la Mb Ate liH
OAPA fWilF bte 8teh lAlU la MA

for the

lAf Dnrlo tte pracooda ate •ubBlltliif
teUatepfOM. Bal a decroaae oaBe OOO MAO »0TH LtOS AND TAI^
fa tte laiotoe. ZMm aiy becaBo
dobtad. The call weat out for Bori
BoteT ate It came. Joha Dowle bml
Vern Wood Dloeovortd tte Body
Bora plotaite Ukoa. he made ooaUy
tHpa. te tetmidte Woo. he attamptod
to aMabllak a ireat coUmy la Mexico
ate te rodoomed a •fnaer'e «abie«
Bat now that the leader has been
Bepoate. that he ba« loot bi« power
aad hU dupoi are Hslng up a«alnM
Mai. more revelatlona are foHbcom’
lag. Bowie forbade the uoe of tobacco
beoatiM It was uw'lean. be forbid his
oooverts pork beoaose swine were un­
clean. be forbid them Ibe use of med*
IcliMM because they were poisonous,
but If tte allcgaiUins concerning his
ckaracter are true, and they come
fPDB lilb wife and son Oladstone. the
•‘OAkteed.** kis prWaie lUe was far
man foul tkAA clgnrettr smoke, more
imelm tkaa bogs and more ptdsonous
tkAA aU the drags te ‘♦Hh
BKb City U wMhoiit s h<-sd. the
Apogtla U dlHcrtMlIUMl l>> all. even
khi c»wn wife And fstully. Ikiwie \*
frlmidlaB-atni^ane. The/crndltsble.
fo A BMMU exl«U>tee-tbelr mlsUko
ate they. too. dlseredn the kwder who
gatterad them together The collspse
of tte Itowle movement Is come. >^t
thara am othtu^s on the ground ready
to oairy on the work With their
praphH sborao of all viriup it U hsnl
to MW how converts to hie doctrine
* ran still bo made, yet they will be. and
with th» pasaing of Do'wlr. hie charteuary. hb i»ol>gaiDoua views and all.
greater or lose Intensity, all resting
with tbiisr on whom the mantle of the
*’a|NaUe‘* falls.
ioarph Bmllh and Brigham Young
ara Umg aluce dead and their ‘ revoiatloas** thuroughly expoMul. yet the
Bormon church f» >ei gatherlu* con
verU And its apostle, are labortng
roaloualy. So may It te with the
iaafR»tng« of John Alexander Dowle.
An arte have aaypilng to do with the
foaektAg And training of the young
_ahoold Inculcate a deelm for the boau-llful One of the moat elTlrlent aids
tht/U the atieouraglnR of the plant.

lUR dofl

under Ibe step, of the bam at 1). K
Carter’s mill. The dua bad two legi
and bU tall cat off. and bad evidently
bt^ injured by the train and crmwlwl
under the barn to ;lle. The dog wai
rcHl autl while marked
ooe of xalue.y
papers and thb lusv ex|
whereabouts of the animal


arrtvsi. strawl>«Trl*w. j

e«Mf Vour Tloer QHtbeut s Seem
bur new stock emhract s all widths, including the extra
wide, lull four yard rolls. With this we can cover any
ontinary nutm wiih one solid piece and not leat’c a
single strain in it. -

Our Expert Dorkmfii .
Easy PayMOfs
W, ttUA-TKiW


berry ibiirtckc. m»ny . Sunday dlu
mr loiiiorro. .Ill U.1C the berer forli„u,,,^^„


Lost to Poloakty Last Svonlng by a
' Booro of 18 to 1L

Wool asM
lu ihe oily early
thU morning 4.f the defeat «.r th.> hu-aJ
baskel tell team at the hatiiU of the
l*eiO"Voy hlx la^t ev.nlng. the flnsl
iie,)re atamling Ut to n. This Ih the


liw Voice, a sc
Hcboolmate ami chlldh.sMt J-‘!'•»
I ti>r
tte large playmate, the
Comiulssltm h»*usCH
I then iH-ini; plaecsl
clile* are use»| to the sliding scale o; eiubr their management. *riie pah*
prii4i.. for with the \%o c-rate, «.f Ut- Kumtpei her iiatvnfa au.l
a si ter.


of horror was told by mark*
I I.UKR41 In tiu- h.MU4- of J. W.
«ell known
Williams, a well
Hac, Ky. He write*: ‘Twenty y.

ago 1 bad severe heniorThagea of
U completely cured Uie and I have re­
mained well ever alnce." It cuic*
Hemorrhage*. <‘hnmlr Coiighh. fteutel
Cold* aad Bmnchlils. and N the only

t‘.c Under Oil
tlUn, 1



Frel. all nf Smith Lend. Ind Tb.
fuiural nt raiigeiiumta are me an


St-* ritig \Vh
Ilnit.s TrJime

A J.. Wilhelm
South Side Store

F.ddtnn AntlMirs

Smalley Marine

Try Recoril Want Ads

Four Important Items

fbarJe* of Niulliiiort. and Su.i<«.
J.rd. Lida, Wattle. Itliia. Je>sb* uii.l


the anawsicMd. do hereby wctm t.<
tm\mmy 9m *
Won* .4

s’r-'ii-ssti'sr s.-vj; ,vr

Mr. H. O. Joynt having rei.glncd a^
avenu* Cltyj
auperlmendgnt of Ihc TravenuCity



ten application* U>r t
pliant* pb^ane give* exiH-rlence and

oppc^nu, icj
thaak my friends

•upported me!

;ao heartily in the campaign for mayor j


. -; I


( li ats ■

with llio J. ll. J'nfge Klee rlc

farm and they pasoR-d Ihr.mgh the eit>
late ihU altriU.HUi while 4iH «Jm‘ re
trip to the fcirkken houM-hoi.l
de fnmi the* par.-ni*. the follow
and slMct* an- bf.

rt f. fence*.
apr «if
Alfr.Nl V. Priedreh. May.u.

bottle guaranteed by
Co.. F !1. Mead*, and t
Drug Co., druggist*.
Trial bottle It) cents.

Made of

; II.Mh..meter.i

Walter M. Pai^o

8u«ie. v1 Somh |p.pd. *ikmii a pSiw*
ant viMt with the happy cuiple on tb-

H Iteli'‘c4-r*l»und !* ^‘"itorbSS Clu ivwil

water work*, hi* ccslguai
effeet May 1. 15*.*;. jl



h..r! Swltchfs
«„t} Terminal*

Kb* p. KuUy guaraiiu-ttl by Johnson |
-------------------------Drug Co. F H. M.adn and Ilu.4
Drug Vix. druggUt*. Frlec only :




>h»* miRUtira .sfluK.I au.l latvrjOnrl.uroi*)M


It tha Mopn Inhabited.
SclcMce h»N pniv«n that the mc»on
has ati aumw«ph«Me. whirh liiakcN life
In some Mrm |s.«llde on )hai satel
llte; but not for human being?, -who
haves hard eiio.igh lime on thin «>arth
of our*: e^iKK'lally tho>a* who d*mt
kiMiw that Electric Hitler* cure H»a«b
ache. IUllou*ni ti.<4. Malaria, t'hill* and
Fever. Jaandice. Oy*pcpsla. Itexim sf.
Torpid l.lver. Kblncv c .mplnin's. tlen
eral Debility and Female w
FneMualbvl n* a g

Styles in


the rcuunal ot Im r |.ar. tiTs ti.jriorks
cumber* who never *aw anything bo‘f^„„,|, ,^^^.1. ahe wlifl her si*te, Susl - SiKHMb.ruftHri
a gbub* house. 15 ct nU a cukt ; crisp.
brother*. Charles, and Illrh
ted radlshi^ mt a ulekle a bunch. rhu-^„, undertook the mvtiagcum-nt «>f ih. l^ip llr.if Let*
3und: a*a»-l,
terb at 5 and lu cent* a iwund:
wbirh Is ope .d the m«*» Tires
and «•
liaragu* at IS <;ente a bunch,. and
in l.eelatia« i-ounty. Tw.i Tiro 1‘untp*
and healthful lotnatne.* nt id e*.,„-;
j ||.„ „*

■ buuil price here



AutomobUe. Lauoch and !
Gasoline Enciac '

».,l lbinn>.

am. Everyth In* that sprlnc brings.] j
loei wflhou: <>\n |»ilob. U U‘ln;d,
idUd in this cUy. Mlcbl»mn gn'cuT ,
4ms. two bunches f«r i C4 Ut»; cu {,

flmt game that lh«> Intel glrl4 havilost and the ,l,.fe«i naturally tasten



Sdinelhin;; you sIhkiM buy at once, if
you want your work d-»ne soon,
you i;et the cream 4>f the >i4»ck to se­
lect from. We never had such a stork,
^iomeihinj; for every r4M»m in your
home. U«:aiitiful Tapoiries, Striped
Injrrains. Creped ln;^rains, Plain In­
Cni.shcd IMush,
Leather. Heavy Kmbossed
Faprrs. A splendid line of p.apers hir
dining rooiiiL bed rooms and kitclij-ns.

You should select yoiK* carpels now.
Later ih*- rtidi w*ll coim? and no tell-*
iii^: when y«)ur work can be done—bcsitles \ou have the newest patterns to
pic k from. We have the largest stock
of luipain-in ih- city, some entirely
-new d<
The most elaborate stock
ol Body Brussels you c:ver saw. The
pattern«. this seaHon are handsomer
than ever
Y’uu will siindy bet pleased
with them.


I to dxprea* my appreciation for the

Beslnnlng MtiOday. April 9. train
No. 4 will anUc at 3:4*i p. m. Inxtead j

»ey»«ty of those

Mudkdcpn. Itate »24)0.


November $S20.000 19031
‘I November $534,000
Ntvember C $6T8,000
January $703,000


$100,000 in one year

First National Bank


j er; ef Traverae City.



PKffiMARQUBTne j •»*" »•- *>«. '"*«»" •'

Akk any one of ^our two thousand depoftiiors.
•invite you to join them.

I carry a romi*U'tc
Jtno <‘t ih« fiillonlus

Vol«'. n-- Mi.. Mnnilc
s-,,r,h,«.n. ..s ih.-

the d. »«.rt of nnc .icbcrrlc, nn.l

evident that the dog had
bimseU under the bam Ibrv or four
uutha ago
If anyone has tost such
dog they can e«vure fun her Inbirma
on from Mr. Wood

No-bice !:

This cut
of our
. $10.00


AU the

Ur«l .Inier e>.. .hi-i Volrf ,i II uVluck i«l ■ «h.-.
mornlnK In ih. frail .u.r.-. of thi, city.,
„nvul.l.«.. r.aiUTb'ii
nurch»M.(i ihc l«. ;>!»' .uc'.’OiniM.i.aii.rioic . hu.hanO >inl
Siiark rolls
cion, frnli from (’hl»»... nna ohllc.
,«,cni. .n.I
8|u.rk J*
the prtcc. 15 ccm. . i.lnl. I. probIb
l.mll, of biy.lloi. «nU .I.Hr. Ixuitcrs
Iilvc for cnnln* or d«.p.nH..d
Tiniors •


Will lay it on your thy* r so that it will fit pcifecily and


„i.neriurfs of Mrs. Walui

I U s r^s i ived by one of ihi* hVnl fruit

Record of Growth


As a floor covert^ fording room.^ kitchen or hall.


U4 ^ ils loaf. tealiPi. fOtrU


H Big Sbkteeat el Brltbi. Dew
Psitetas 3nst JIrriecil

this machine to gi\'e per*
feet satisfactioo. We let
you try this wonderful
washer *30
to sec
whether you like it or
Remember our claim
on this m^hint—it will
do the work quicker,
and easier than any
other washer. ,
Tr>* it and., be con­

ftesiB Ulcfy B*xe« m ito Steal
Pi«#Va«lt.BiAAter Item hk on hm key.
iMCgilriaB At Uat
tea tkAk
P. Si iktca, tekiUUp ik

Dbo g GcBcrml teBkteg ta



Orand RapWs va, Chicago (8
Laagua). tunday. April
Trala will leave Traverae
8;3A a. n. Sec powtera, or sag agent*
for iROrtioalar*

JJames M. Jlillett.

910 11

H. F.

. G. P A.

Going to Clean House
Gooil lime lo wire for elcclVic light*,
make changes aod add a few neces*
sar>‘ ones,
Another lor of rea.sonable price. up-tO"$OK>ChRiide'
liers a^d Portal^es just received this week.


You can use ru^^s in^‘ver>Woom in ihe
house, and we have such a^ock to se­
lect from, all the different sizes, the
small ones for the doorway aod piano,
ihe larger ones for any room. Moquelle, Smyrna, Lh ctra, Wilton and
Daj^hc^ian. TheSaryo for bath rooms
are line. We have some genuine han*l
woven Persian Ru«<. Have a splendid
line of nlL^s U feet by I J in Body Brus­
sels. Wilton V^elvet and A.xminster.
These are entirely new patterns. We
make up rugs any size you want to tit
your room. We never had a finer line
p( Body Brussels with beautiful bor­
ders for rugs.


The hnctsi liiip'of Lacc Curtain? in the
city : all manner of jiriceL

Have some

that w'c; are sellin^^ at 50c a pair;


spl* ndid curtain for $1.03 a pair. Have
a special sale.of Arabian Curtains for
$1 sO a pair: some entirely new thing*
in colort;d curtain net: some new white
patterns at 10c and Uc a yard.


make and hang all sizes of window
shadcic. using the very best of hand
made opaques. Let us figure fpr you
if you WuQi new shades. Wc employ
the most expert workmen.

“ Every Want Met Here.

Haiinah & Lay McrcantUc Company.








air. md firm. t. Dl
TW HoM Omi»M1 liM
OnapMi«ilP 41 years. Mcmbed mL aURaiebt
Img m mrnm \o m. md
l ix
tMlac a waM id bUMa aafduBw WWaia Mansger.
wbra ar^
cwaM do was doM Tba daoaaaed
was borw ta Maw Terb cHr wbwt ba Tba stadeau of tbe Nccdbsja MnanM aad bM«r tb« aoaalt daeMad ansa walverBity net Mat <>veala| b»d
to oeeapy a lbr» la tbe Oiaad TrasR«|M «1i>^
IA« 9Mt Us ym. OvUif to lbs «•


ra UTE TO euosiFY

MAtteMMTvOf lb* tlN»

wbciw tbe retara was ande^iailj last
syriar MTtUe abasat MnJwilber auascad tbe fsrai soeeassfsflr iblUle be

i:WANTKO TO mwr^Hmrn^ id Urn

Tbare are a large
» aad tbe track aad
haaabaU teaan whhA tbey^latead to
oTBaalse will be nade ap of ^ kest
of naterlal.
Wlllian OlbU wu elected presldeal
of tbe aasociaikm aad HJalnar Neb
won captain of tbe track team. Juttm
Winnie wlU act aa manager aad ooarh
and win be assisted by oatalde partiM,
A meeting wUl be held MTedneaday
evealng to adopt by Uwa and perfect
the organization and the aaeocialioa
will be then divided into tbe two
s«oadw-<aadidatcs for tbe basebsll
and track teama—and active tralalgg


•sAglaA lor kw. tbaa nw CM bujr a
row bent ABll V. Mertlatar.
A9T Ml
OOR Rtirr-I^iralsbwl iwoau

ROR RAtR-NUr nmn


Smart Easter Footwear
^ “A style for Every Taste”

^ : E; ?
. .. ”A Fit for Every Foot”.





For Men


. ■

! ’,V

“WiiS.OvtT.” arfdiffen>utUuuiotlH‘rtli<.« “Dik-overaUe Mirit” U wlrnt wi-ciill iSiiJilTircm-o. It inuani
tint it i» tbo Mtoal rtrmring of Uuim that brioffi oot this differonoe. Tli.y arc modolal oo aUdutcly acientilic
linn awl minire no broahiDK in. Tb.-y an- (uroritn with the man who wanU n .hoc that .locn’t .trot, h out of
.liape. Thom! wekinK dirtinctivetn*. in footmiar altooU MC tbo Patent Loatlu r Button on the now • i;chc." laat


Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes
It’. Ittc RWnK int»a jpiMcn aikl picking tbe flo*w of your choioe.'^ tur .ho.« have an in.livi<Iuality «f alyle
t .that make, thorn diffimat from .bom Ivjugbt at other stoiea. Kapociallj <lo wc claim aistinctin.>n«. in our
O.XPOBU diapUy Uii. maaod. Pri.xa^ low .-noutth to be diatinclivc too.


i.l» .u.l l.«nhiiiR «i..l »Im. ilMlIns h.-r


MU. I■crl Curr? .vtumi-U .« her I
The rurl.l.„re U .K-cna,
horn, in Elk RaphU ,bl)i'‘"K'/ *«!«>.■-• anO oaly a pi-Uha n.rl
mKcr .-njoylas a .hort .lay In Uii- rHy.
Mira Mabel Wolfe returned to ibK
t4iy ii»da> after spending two weeks
Mr. and Mra. V. J. Courtney of Eaal
Miss Laiira Undlcy. a graduate of
Jordan reiumwl borne thK afternoon t the . Ni-edham Buvlneaa college, has
after vlalting bK bruiher and wife, taken a fK**iilon a« stenographer with
Mr. and Miw. Frank James, i
Ijemt C. ivteracn. architect.
The MlnacB Allle Champion. Franc*-i [ George W. lardle and Harry Monl>cs|in‘K and lAura Hansluvekr
an- each po*-K* s.sor* of Hwell new
turned to lhi» city iinlay afU r HjM-nd , niKK-r tir^d hiiggle* purchaaed of the
few daxK aVGrawn with Mrv.! Que-en City Implement company.
|.* ui- CampK-ll.
I Glrla for general houKcwork arw In
Capi. Pardee of Grand Haven gpem J grirat demand In the city Juki at preaihe «la> In the city ye»!enUy whll
There will he no more meetings of
.^hing tbe Sidney O. Neff.
Hlcka of Walton waa in the tbe Men's club of Grace ebnreh.until
the annual banquet. April 25.
*lty on buhlnevB trday.
There will be a number of new au­
tomobiles Jn the city this year, among
• he owners being Fritz Beltner. who
Grand Traverse Bay Only Had a Short | wi„ j^ve a WhHe Meaner
aeon TKa Year.
Culman's handi
The Ire was, olTIrlally tlt-ditred out of
tbe Pcanu
all ready
the bay t*»da> by the exp<-rts. Tliai
The boat
which remain* Is so rotten that an> j culman Ihia inter and Is a very cre*Ikind of a boat cnM go thresh It., jukble
{ work. It la equipped
Th*- bay froze over March 17 and wasL,pj,
horse-power Regal engine,
frozen just iwenly-iwo days this year, i^ntp sj^ and reversible propcllor.
The lK>at U handsomely flulabed In
I the ab«enre of the pastor. Rev. oak and vhowK
ch skillful work
Coulter will preach both morning has K-en put on It.
evening at the Bvangtical church
Prayer meeting will Ik;
evening In Grange hall by the vetcranH
of McPherson post, who have hereto­
fore held similar iusplrathin and ex
.I*erlence mectlni^.. -W’bosoever will
K three feet six inches—London







l)i;r.ill, »ril>.'.l hoiiii- la>. uJkIii. Shi-!*""^'
»f»nnH-nl IhrouRh I
.ha, MU. C.r,.-r U
1' rh.
..,a.ln,.,as her ,.r..f«Mna au,l U



hot biscuit


kunoHImw |l«omh.


Jamiioa. m Went Niafb atrwrt. la
' wMBnIw If to band or a goad borne.


■■.. tasly :vV.., r-:


won OALt-OisUwii^ laimrb wUb



No other bakiag powder wiaals tt in
strength, parity and v^olcsomencss.


OB bark of

Powder is indispens­
able to the prepara­
tion of the finest
cake, hot-breads,
rolls and muffins.

retap aatll two weeba arv l»is de>
lerlitai laatiag alace Tbaraday aatll
death laat algbt Beside tbe wife, a
father. John W ilber, aad a brother enrriNi n*v. o. A. H^mrnr was
Tlve. The foaeral will take place
from tbe Melhodlat church at Acne
Mooday at 2 oclock. the Rer. L. B.
ottciating. W. 8. Aaderaon
ThU U a new venture for the hualtba ^biRiac RMav4.
Rabowafaic . Mk*. AjirlJ 7-Tba wOl bare charge of tbe arrangemenu. nina college, bat sitb the mklerial at
hand aad the able etwehes avaUabM.
fortjrwacoM aimaal cawfarwMw of tb« He beloaged to t^ Maaonlc order.
there is no reason why it ahould not
•vwwaikal ebureb la la soMioa bW«
aa4 is arawlsff larfe crow4a. O A.
U a big auccesa.
Haular aM J. A. Fry* www iwwlMieU
prwldlag «Mer. for four jraar* and the Building of the bsginsw Beef Company Will Only Have to be Filled
Once a Year.
81. ioaepb district. J. A. Prye.
Qraad Raplda dlslrici. O. A HcUlcr.
The monster ice box wbkh is being
Delroll dlstHct. K. Klumy.
c reeled by the BagUiaw Beef company
’ \
mat district, r. C. Benser.
U rapidly eliinblug to the fora) of its
Quw^n City Camp No. 3:3. R. N. A.,
A large cOsM of sppHcaata for tbe orlglna] design. While the building l>< gave a hard times parly laat evening
Bilaiatry baa beoo received aad des- csllivl a cold storage bmiding. It is in Woodman hall, and judging frvmi
conm ordUiatlcma were voted to O. leslly a nKUisUr Ire Ik.x, 23xSO feet the different tx.stiiraes It was Indectl
Kuechtel. H. L. Wot lUr and A. J. Hel*^ in alae and over two rtortts hU;b. the bard limts. l»rlze/4
('Imrlivt Kvaii^ and wife left thK Nieuw Amaterdam Goes the Liner
awarded to
Wer. aad elders ordlaaikwa
J 8. j upper story U lng designed to bold
Amerika 0''e Better With a
^s to J.
Aniolno 8trs.ll* for King the iHtniing ft.r Ke>*.iouc. where Mr.
mlaaion InvaatipaUd.
Deabler. M. W. OrUfltb and E. O one hundred ton. c»f lev. the fllling
old^fa^hloutMl dit^M-d lady and EXaUh will p!irrba>e a farm.
Jobasoa. The ordlaaUoB services will being doiu* only once a year. T
J. A. Skinner and wife of South
aa on for K ing the mi».t
Wire to the Kvening R«urd.
By Wire to the Evening Roei»rd
be held bundsy.
lower comi»annient ts to be light
•t eM>-g»dng. hard tluien Renlk- lk..vtdnian returned it* thdr home this
April 7-Sui»
with electric lights and the wh.
Kern*».|.rn. nt>. i^.iiKiatlng i4 morning uftt r Rpendlng a ^h^lrt time
the middle of ne
the city, during which Mr. Skinner burg American liner Amerika with It* that the 8|»auKh treaty elalim
and nillK. sire iscr\e<l. Kverjpdr.
restaurant llouer MaIlK. lt* elcvatork.
the- iev will be put
d a vllghl uiKuailon performed on
i-eni. d to h's\* a v. i.'i enjoyable
telephone* and Carlton rt‘»taurant ha*
*cr of
who rout lat ted ma
r. right eye.
►oft huapK. CongtvKMnan Sullhan of .
A. W. Wail iH the ct
Mls« l.ydla Wade left for JcnulIlg^ not htniek the laxt note In *teara-shlp
luxury. The NIeiiw AmBtcrdam. which Ma5M*achii;ettK han Introductsl In the > .
5 morning.
Klnghley Harland and Wolff have juhl built for houiH. two rcaolutlona for an Inquiry ^
the Holland American Urn-. promlBca Into the dot leu. exinmiic. and neccasl. TRY A RECORD WANT AD.
Mi and Mr-. Henry Hall t.f North- to go one hetiiT. On.the promenade ty of the commlxKlon.
Tht*He reiuiluilomi are dlrivtcd to »
)Kirt I'olni are In the city today while deck Im a tea rtaim In the Japanene
Kiylo which iH more ariKilcally turn- the attorne.v gem»ral and iK* Kcerelary
of tbe trea«ury. each official bring
asked tor the Information that c^mon
within hla Ti-alm.
It ha* K’cn aUcKv’d frequently in ,
.. lit trom .hi- city for ibv i».t .uouth
»«»ni It. rougrcK* that the rommliovlou U a
that It haa no particular work
.hiK- viimuK


rARM TO R»RT—Two mikm tram
dljr. rUb»r cwab raWt or on sbaras;
Ijm boartwa fruit trow, Umm %ad


ttefi^ht^ I :
dcBcloui ' i
ROY^^ Baking

Wednesday. April II
Mi«s Carey in charge
of the trimming depart-


By Whe to the Evening Record.
UaMle Creek. Mich.. Aprij 7.—The .
Daily Moon lo.lsy purchased tho Pil­
grim magaziue buil.llng, one of the
must elalKirate and artistic publiahUig
offices In the country. Tbe Pllgrlro
was lemovtMl to iK-tn.k last week.
The M*k*u will lake iKisiesakm May.l.
Climhad Telephone Pole But Was
Finally Frightened Away.
Special to the Evening R*-eord.
New' Wexford. Mich.. April 7.—A
was seen on the streets of Wexford yesterday. , It cllmljed a leltphone i*ole near Slight's store aiidsfter s number of missiles had been
ihrowis at It. It came down and wont
over to the new building being erected
by Mr. Slight. The workmen flnally
drove It out of town with clubs and
) ,

Toilet Goods

An order admllllng the will of Mary(ctta B. McCool 4‘» Probate
1 aricrnoon. The will was
In 1W3. and has be^^n hjygB


i By Vr\rt> to tbe ENeulflg Reei>r*L
I Bast Buffalo. April 7,—Cattle, sl’x.
slow; hogs. 1.5. strong; all grades.
$€.75. Pigs. |6.€0. Sboep. 30. slow.
Lambs. tC.U. Mixed sheep. $5.75.
Calves. $7.7E
Chicago. April $.—Whoal. close.
77%c: ^U. 46\4c; core. 3IV4cDetrolt. April 7.—WheaL No. 2, rod.
$5Vkc: oats. 43%c; com. SIHc.
Toledo. April 7.—WbeaL $4%c;j
oaU. 4814c; com. 34c,
Mias Grace Rlcbardaoa left for the
k» this moratog.
Miss Blbal Ssrsga left this tooralng
ir Jmmla^ whem ahe will visit her
araata tor a few days.

W.T.&mlmrgk. Mgv.I
tSIM.ttooa»Bi..«mv«aa0lly.1lkh. I

Blooming Plants for church
decoration wiB ^ well to
place their orders here.






' I



PeNMoCa Mart la Satag llaadNy Rea*

NM Mi&ia*, Kilraar Prim
■M ifrt ia oar Origiad IMiod.
Brii« Aid of Ov Lenses
«»aMk«tbeabaonaalo|waa*aMl.tka> r«M>«<ac tla> «aa«<4
(liobMlacbMabM .

, No tender Elist





Nr. mo« Nrl ThcM ArMioot Of
MNlilpia Clijr. Nri O«oro«
Okkmaa, and Mr*. Om Palm of Cadll
loe peaaM tbroiigli tbU elly yeMarday
aftmooD arbtto oa tbalr way to N<Mnbpmn^ vbara tbay wcir calltsd ao acCMiat or Iba d««tb o( tbalr fatbrr.
NtolHifn Xftrbco. who died Thttfada>
aflenKioa at S o'clock fnOK a atroka
Id ohoplexy. Ur Arawtrooe. whoaa
■Mthar. Mrs. ThoiMa Anaatroag. ro•Ida* la the city, maraad bara tbla
Bioraliig for a day * atay bafora return.
Ing Nooday wtih the faially to
mar. wbara tba Intarmaat will Ukc
plica. A dittgbiar. Mr*. Robart John
non <d Cadlllar. waa at boaia with bar
pareata at iba Uma of tba daalb <d
Ur. Kitrhiii. Aa only aiaUT. Mrv.
levaaa. aurtivaa at Cadilac.
J. a tbincaa of Sutuuia Hay trau
aartad bMalaOM la tba city yaaterday.
H « Aodanob of Lalaad waa la Iba
city yaaterday.
C H. Perry oT Cadillac waa la the
city yaatarday looking alter ImaioaM

IM tadvtry la Tmvono CMy. and abi
mndy the pvodoei of W«l ^Mlnoah

0 Maintpo
BMim .K.tiiwd| •
rapstkiioo (orob*.

favor ajaoag laaneb owaers. Mr. Aackaon baa now twoaty-elt Motors nadar
two. three, gve and seven b
r. ntttgle.cyllader. two cycle,
eral pmcUonlly poaiplHed.
Severn] of the eng lees are to be
aoa^ by tbe.Traverse City Ndlor Boat
•ay^for laoacbea. Ybe Jax
»e Moi« U a. irst<lasa eaginc,
Mr. Jackaoa especu lo BMaufacibaai rtrf eatepalvely. Robert
Prlea aad 3. H. McOongb are aach
aalag one of fhaee iagtace la their
bitiacbes aad tad tbcai highly i
f the boat huilding busUieM
ta the cU). the manirfactnre of tbes«
to lo<>r«a*e in propor
U. th^ englnr has *af


Traverse aiy
State Bank.
WHI Practice Tomorrow amj Bg
Squad it Capected for Werk OutH. W. Piaret Manager.

Dy Wire to the Evcnlog Record.
Waabln|ti>ti. AMI ?.-It la belle*chJ
by taany naval offlivra that Rear Ad
miral WOtard II flrownion. coonnaod
lag the fourth dlvUlun.or ibe Atlantic
■cwl, baa been Invited l*y the presi­
dent to aufwd lH«t Admiral Oeorge
A. Cxmverae aa chief of the bureau <4
navlgatUm. when the latter retlrea for
ageon May irtb. The appolnimeat of
Rear Admiral Brownsou would be wel
corned Uy nearly all ibe officera Ui the

The ('urn Husker* jiq»a«l me: last
Women in Seme Sections of tho Phib evening and arlou.n plan* fu: the rum
la Net Suecseaful Sacauaa
Ing M-ason were dlaruKM;d The old
niemUrs of the team an; eu:hirstavtb
o; the Mardahlpa.
anti aniicU»ate an e\?ltlng nnd
Cis*ri| heanon. II
pierce, who hav
By Wire lo tbo Kvcolng Be«Td
WaMlilngtou, April 7.—Male »rb» )l ue ably managed the team lor tiu- pant
teacher* arc wanted lu ih* l*hlHi»- two neason*. will again he "ibe mun
lor all
plucH. HarJfchlp*. lu lln\
lnrt'4 have p:oveJ li:<> much ftr won. and ci»UHeq lenlTy
vacant kut, mar the lUms.lell
women are being empUiyed at prea
n The bigger squad t hat ».ho*
ent and great cate U taken wot to :4«d
the tiottcr^and the team will tie
them where they will nut have rela­
*rhtK»l I picked 1iom those
tive* and friend*.
Mwsltui in tho Pblllpplnea will iKglu In'*! In the wurkt
June in and l|u American tearher* Kamed.
Plymouth Church, Formerly Hsnry will report for duty. Of ihU mm
Ward neechar*a Charge. Will Hon­
or teto Suaan B. Anthony.
Social at the Frteoefs Church
Much Enjoyed.
Tti.. intyP.nar.v
tntK..liinan Kocsal at il.e Frb i.d.
April 7 —Tlie cuuiirida ........ Angel Visited Horn. Bf Mr. and!! TiuRev. M U iUed id Aid* II waa la ilun of i'lymotitb church. Ikuoklyu.
Mrs. W C. Thacker
church l«f^t evening n'troetid a Ur-.;the city yeauaday.
Henry Waivl Ileecbcr ii old charae. hav
Harrld Tharkci , Ihe adopt^*.! sou .h I
lh‘»‘H«Khly c.
T. MttrbeU of 0k Rapldh waa In tbt- naiied a mtiuoilal for the lale Human
»*> »»
rliy ycwlerday on a abort l.ualnt^ IHp. B. Anthony. CootrlbulUm* thus far Mr. and Mr*. W. C. Tharkit of Acme.
ex vi'em.'y given, tbi- viidin mUo*^
died Thumday night at 10 oVUnk ul
Miw W. J. Racbow of roiHHUIah waa have been most liberal.
dUU*tc*a. The lad wa* from the Cold of Legnlo IlcarJaley and Jamie Ilutlerr
la the Hty yaaterday.
eooaldt rlug the age of‘the pci lormer*.
II. W. Nowarh of Cadillac waa In the
■ igW <ir«4e
!• Free*-,
cn*litable tudecd.
city ytwterday on bustoaaa.
Tb»* hl;.'lt |.oll“f urn* hil<« In « hargr of for fcomo time, although he wa* alioiil
a. \V. TrrrU of Charteroti waa a >e »rl»fdiial deti^-tue dei'Miitreiit In Wednesday. TIm- funeral wa* held)
nrt*« who (The* fl.v handle serious from the Yulia church tmlay at 2 p . M. J. Iron*, w ho Im* hern crotrlnv
Trmvone City vlalUir yesterday.
Mra. Kred Ugbt and aiater. MUa isrs are wot only men of evi-mlliigly m . in charge of H. 1. Carter.
pbint* w ith w*iitderful *ii*nr*s um;- r
but al»a of bleb edu
Uhi Aney, left tbla mtirnlng for Nc*.'abrow<t < tiara*
on ;i*i‘tvl*»iie lU'lit at the ri^rr'i ,b^
WTaj mt turn 0»WIm %m laSlm.
1 not la*g;n ibelr i*o■en C4ty to attend the funcinl of their; call<*u. Tliry
atri. ulture. *nbl recrnt’.v:
They had a |HHnill*r way of going luu-tii.rnt
broihet ."WiUlain Amv>
bo died ye*- ■ lbi' earH*f a« ordlnnry tleb** tUes. but Into bankruptcy nmonc the Marawtiri*
• I*b nt* !tnm-u. TIh -. ..dM;U
In India, now unliapj.lly ghlug wa.v
.... ......
... .h.....
Mra. M U. ayae Ml tbla
-,ne «.eth.*l wf
hiE tium. If n plan* .-an't
ir Run. whew *hr will visit P«rtiiuM:l. Tbr I’mi.-h pall.e rmid»/ white
a man couhl
a nuuilH-r of mm tu till profe*-ton* or pay'bls bllK he would Mumnum hla
on five hour*.
Id Mrs.
W. Bemum returned |n*tm*Ibly carrying on errdllor*. They were u*heied Inlo ;i
Ml. and
Cl. W
"It I* like niankiud. A man saitl 1
iMMe la
l« Uvlatt
Uvlatl thla
this morning,
profe**louii. are In rmlity drtiH*lu Ihc4r iMMe
I the TJiakur or bou**' hi* friend one day :
live* lu _dP*gul*e. The auHimltU*a hold gMl wa* cuabrlued. but in\rM»<l
-T»e vou think two ran live n
after apaading a *hurt llmu ta the city!
Uoweerr tind a dim. tilty In nv l ulling np with a cloth ami with tbe fur clieaply a* one?'
'-*.*Jjuttl men a* di-U*« liM-%. . hlefl.v tnriHHl to tb.* w nll. lii onb r .Ibnt it
“ -Hefore our- marriage 1 lb ,ugb
Mr*. W. H. Kliilu a^d daughter 1
eon^Ub-r It ought not wltuea* tbi- i..vne Hiat wav they ixmld.' tlie frleml irpllixl;
MartUaiwturmsl to their homein Man,.
"•And afterwariir
Tbe ln*olvt-ut would theu.
***Afti-rward I fouml tb»*y had to."
friend* In the cllv.
j «m.eveMlM-b-** .ll lea*l IWU everUent In g.nrb of mournlilg, be on tin- door, —lI.\rbaoce.
Mr. and Mr*. F H. Tullle IHl IhU j i-r.-nai deu-.'flve*. b«tb of them In po- jm^ciitlng hi* bark to hit creilitoi'H,
The Original Laxative Cough Syrup
mornlag for Kan*a* Cliy. wrtiere they *o*.l..n^of
nil f.-ve gn ,.:.b-iv wb.. w lio. oil a given .Ignal. wonid fall on
win make IhHi future hume. Theyjwi-iv fnruieily iei*iir«rl* cu fwi-b him with *h«w aud allpiK-r* and l< la Kennedy'■ l*axative Houay and Tar.
It expel* all <xdd from the system by
will atop In (irand Kaplda.
? iir»*j.n,M i*, <'ne *f thru. li .bU’ ibr
aetlag aa a rathartic on the buweU
J.«o.nn.i.of rt.rtOTWin.whoh..;'*"!"' *
KcniuMv'a laxative Honey and Ter U
wa* dirlareit to be *ati«lled .nil aruuud
hort iranurl.nh h..K.nn.i In MnnlMm..
-** •> >*• ***~w
—New Vuik Tribune*
roup and whoorln^ cough.
passed through the city thU mornlag j .a* b iKH.jde. tbe Msor* «tr alrnidr
un hi*-war home
j welt Inellut^l la wuyiblug Hut gild-*
flea, •yu can jump on tt. tram­
John llensa left for Vnlon «ly. Ind.. \
A wr.ier *a.'*
• N.dbing de
Ilt-asiati dm tor ha* *p* nt a grrrt
ple on ft. but It will oomo up ■mllinf
•hi. morning, who.* h. wn. o,..rt >-> j
ovory time,- CalmanS Elaatio Floor
•ho«».. o. .ho norh... u, huj
ouut. BiHl ha* found that h. r--^
Vamlah. f. E* Walt A Bona, Traveroe
j nr on amue d.w»r*lep. gaslug at the Crty.
can eoriit niore not;ilH-i> tbiMi imy i :’i
Flank Ackeia and wife uf niagham i^itaiTab.v. rthatiging . *-ompUmeut>«
ilmiil*. He
that a i nrrel
luuaed through the city this mututag| with (heir aotualuUiuvw. Native
onnt four, a «at six. ,rrbw« imi,
‘••well." .-on*equcnU.v promenade vrltb
410 (hair way (o St Igaare.
But be
TlolHice over defee ta It* own ends, aud'*o-ne Tew d ig* twenty.
AUunity Thoama gmurthwaltc ro * •
tbelr nrxna, m*. tnawe you eannot drive you «aa al1 horse* that «oubl eount no e
peraaade. A gentle word, a kind than (hi*, ore would plow avT^w «
tod., i™n. . hu*.ncM .rip
*'*'" "* •*”
r. Tl*e mm1
woodoiw aud aeeoiu^ lulracJoa. ato|.
but It iM-ver «‘oin «tl nl
The Aid WUaaasla la SUlwer.
1 nrvferirrevl fbr tUU d
There U a oeeret !*rlde Ih every bnmaw iiiuHeen or twenty-one. alway* Jn*t.
The eaiir Ftsim’Ii esplorert called It
heart ilmt revolt* nt lyrauuy. You twiwt.T. .ViMdher horse olwav* ttniule-1
tha Onlaeoaahi. Tha hlatoAtua and gw
with IH.boUloa of Wamer*B may coder aud drive au iudfr'diial. but tbe lullcw nlfing tbe ttwd by the whhe
you cauuol make him reai«eet you.— adie l*v*i» that were *rt np. au-l
•rnpiiiHl everr twrruy five mile*, n* it
lind l*een taught lo iIo. io t»e ft-d.lory, aaeleat ahd amdera. adreutaroua '________
ITbud Molb.-ir rtofe*sorOetave tail­ j;xehang(‘.
aud fommarcUL It carrlfN
ed at our hot*ae tcMhi.v, ttnd tur daUgb- NOW It the TIME TO 4ET after
S«eee JmsHre.
or clvlUMtHa Into the Mlii
IMaon VNItor- M.v frieml. you might ter played the pinno for him. lie Just Travervo City property, and Orand
oot to tmrpUlu. Vou are here ;rf aat ru»^ over her |d.iylnj * H r Nchfhlwe Travc rae Rcglan Farms. We have deAafy the d^naud* of Justice. Frleoaqr -How rude: Why iHwIdn't 1»e woeeal
bore the opaatNe afghe ctraroh lata tha -Not much 1 am For montba iny hie feeliilg* joat n* the rest of tia do? Hrable city property. RFWdeOcoa. BualwiMamaae la the aarly dayt. aad alaet credltora kept me to mla«* looaooaa Improved aad uplmprovod. Ho^
thco It hae Sooled lato ohoirMa maoy ey aid thea wbra I railed a cbeiit they
tela. Barber Bhopa. Uvery Baraa
a merchaat who fiaiiid wealth in the
Farma tod Timber Load, almost any
la Jail. TmbUmK
predatory aommHtw that once Hoed Ita
I call that Juatlcew
(g which coa to parchoeed oa cavy
aharaa tta ataload walere vinila old
Ehall you do It?"
i. Remember, reader. If you, are
twar, poeh aad gtlda batwoeo haoM
No. I will la iDore Hberal aud give
the kiad that la always grombllng,
tmag (hlfh with daeda of dartog. lU
I hi* answer lu two lelterm.**
how your aelihbor get* aloog ao much
bettor thaa yon do. there la a reason
*Pe never wa* nu ‘ angel wSo to# IL Judicious Inveatmeak fal
• the man who la uakiat
a had apeech and can't ftalth. Tbe tat­ wookhiT take «« her wtirgw awd eolk the future, ability (o Oot try io
attahroud the alory of the old tyiaoaoai ter U tbe looger.-niiistnitad
the man Nw NveO.—New Orl
bridgea boforo yoa gH to |hom aad
sad the U>»d meo w ho oaro haahr mod
laivd It- -uuHng Magaatae.



T ■

doht* Thai u what 1
a I'vmspU'UJoa jmrt
* H BO worae Ihaa the lerrihle case of uf the llril g .veeument e*?-WI*hed V
OM lea yeortL Thaa Adam amCRtw th the gonlea of Bden.
I was Advlaed tu apNy BuckleaS Ar
m‘nwbt.-.\Vaabluft«a C. U.
aica Salre. aad loss thaa a hoi peromaeatly oared me. write* U S Napier,
of Raglea. ICy. IMato all woaad*. barat
' keeiw a dear
aad «ufwa Hhe oiagie. Ztm at Joh
ly at (hat. -Fmakli

la Mra. Alexander, of Carey. Me., who
has found Dr. Ktog s New Ufa Pllia to
be the boat remedy she over tried for
koepfag (ho Stoaumh. Uvor ond Sowoh la perfect order.
Y'oall agree
with her If you try Ihoao pal^

K WIIEI f» POHTSj ■>»»«««»« oisE«st Wm. Champion Y
oirr hbrc OAitv
oaee^^ am eoaMPow^ Uaa ^
PM* NnSesd mm4 PMy f^aSs Wmw
Raeetved Here TbI* Wbeb Up
^TbS^fvebM tew taaslUea vSo bare
wot <»e or More * Memben mSUeiod
Until loot Night.
with tbla trrHble diaeaae. for sweb R
were ciooed Nat Mgbr they tbosred! treelMt I* a tevted and

^AU onkn pronipdy attend-.


at w. toivst. q'.wm: Mt:
by this evenhif there wUI probably be jSS^nhesTilTTonliH***^'
more ibaa ahrty loadt adM to tbl*.| LemUng rnUUatm and ebartty werk1— —doiv^ OrrltP'in ibe hlwhew
for ibey bavr aeonI the drwakfor a week above IPO a day.
It ta cailmaied that tbr loada will
average Afiy4lvr buabet* eacb and at
10 eenu per boabel U meana that over
---- buses of Orrlne
12.710 la being paid out every day for without having a *lngle complaint. It
Ue epndt. which will make lUAOO U no wonder that they and other ledUtng dmgglsU Uroughoui tbe cuantry
paid durtag ibc week.
as an absolute cure
AS eoon aa navigatloa opeaa. baying lor the lldbor habit
or money will be
will begla at tbe tmaner pefnu and.
Tbare are two fomw of Orrlne. No.
If the price boKla. tbe crop wUI soon
1. the aecrei remedy which can Ugiven witbbot the knowUslge of the pi
Hem: No. 2 in pill lorm for (h<«e who
wish to be ctm-d The price of either
form la II. Write for fret* pamphlet i
OB the cure of alcxvbolUm lo the OiCiHa In Pari. Will Buy Clothing for rtne Co.Jl4<»^l.*»tfi street. Washing •
ton. I>. O. It U the one guaranteed i
Widows and Orphane of the Couiv
cun tor the liquor hablu and In every j
bo* Is a tvglBturtHl gimrauttH* which
entitle* you to a refund of your money j
iTne fUlU 1
Oy Wire to tbe Evening Record.
Pari*. April 7.-The puplU of a girl*'
boarding ,.vbo,.| here have anked jier
I he mo-i vM. risjM* lirlgyllon wt.iUs
mU.vlon of their superior* To go wUhOta d(>Miit H I a month, and have in tbe w.wU on- III Indlri. Tlietv uul
a*ked that ihi- money thn* aavej an*.! cjual to inon* t'oin fb** enUre snr j
of the atnte
Mitiiie is suj*i;!b'd j
*honld U‘ spriii ‘n p trc-hariiig ma
with water fraiiKrivers wbl* li nrr «on
urlal for making sonen.-, and cUI!
mdbHl b.v artih. i^l im.-his. TUU take*
dien* clothing. The giiJ;,
no nei*ouu! of tbe iauil nrigaii*.! by |irl- {
make up the cloth Into garnent i for v.Mte eirtiTpibi s «»r
tank*, llu(he wIdiJWk and tuphau^i of the Ooii *.r Hu* erop-i ^ll^.^l m, land Ir "
rigatid by til.- g..\enui:ent
nl-bit !
Si:’J..i**M**i yi-nrly. It !« U ben .1
tub l*AI»IK.*t of Traver.Hc rdy
t’wt if nil Ibe liuik^ niHl «tb* r sui.-ill'
Virinliy tttv Iim jt,e.l to evil at M« *.
liKwl .lurees of lrrlgal....« were taken,
n« iV hair dies. Pig paileis. ri»o i:. j‘f*" ’“e riv'ketild^
nvg.Miut^ INtpe an*.**
Kroi.r, and m-** tl:.- h*u*Komo Hue aud
lat.-,. .t,!,.. ..I fauV, .,.rul*
“=•' "
Apr. 2-r.l


Or Ailo tbe flock kaU.
5c psekages Garden and
VcKCtablc Seed, only
5c,^ lOc and l x: Flower
Seeds, onlylc;
*J5c Knife Sharpeners,
only 10c.
Blacksmiths’r»0c Riveting
Hammers, only ‘25c.
5c San Silk, all colors,
only 4c.
Sc and 10c Embroideries
only 5c.
Canvas Gloves, only 6c.
Heavier ones it >»ou
Shelf Faper, jier dozen,
only Ic.
Dennison’s Crepe Paper
per roll, only Sc.
Hump Hook and.Fyjc^
the iDckind. only 5c. .
Skeet Hualc. the mo>t i»pu
lar vocnl nnd inatrumenlal
muiic of tlio day, ir»o jmr

ibift Of two for 25<*,

Isa good
time to select

‘ an Up- to-Date
t Hickey & Freeman
for Easter


A'-T I N E show in go F , '
■ '
. .



Spriiii Suits, Cravenetta r
ft (Trices








Geo. W. MlLEift
167 East Front St.


TmAvmt enr, meHtoAii. «atuhmv. i


I mft» MPPM MftM «M


Wm la teeftMi to

Whea your aerm at* weak, wkea yoa are
easily tired, wben you feel all'nm ikrra, then
it the tioK you need a good ttroax toak—
AytftSanapariUa. Your doctor wiUteU you
why it hat tndi power over veok norm, why
it maket the bhiod rich, and why it (bea
courace and s«ei«tk Atk him if it is not
just the medidoe you need.

that hM iMBlopii
ft Ma(
■ky maety may he had m
of toe otadeai reaohitAm aioplai


to W •
a CM^ fl#

Wc have m .ucrets! We pit^sA
the formulas of all our medicines.


*( IW U. ft. pll
Wtot Ml. Mi ft
• OLO OLOflV^ COLOftft
to w • Mftt V
OLVIftift ftUITft.

ftorreury Diet rich a»d Marry Dewer-




0 MitoMo for robM«f tM poet
•t MuIMkM to IfW. iMy veto «
iHf CM « chaiM of roMtof ik» C3pt»1
^tofftoo ofti vorr brooglit to Qrasi
lUptoo fur trtoL
Ang«» tisUMco. who dioi at ftt
eggrUm at ih^ ago of ito yoara. wa*
CM# Of tW »loMor« vbo MM to tbe
ooitolniottaa of tlia Aral laaroai to
Uila aagto. aM tor bmjt jroara ft kold
a PMO over varkma roada. bat br
'vomd aotor rUk oa Uto mada^ Wboa
'ft jrtara af iftt bo Mtooi to Fort Ho
^ tte Mi bMk.
Tbo voddtog at DrlroU of Ralpb C

soft ooMiata or a whit# oap With
Amorka'a omhlem to gold, wklio
Jaiaay vlth tbo abloM of tbo Unit,
ad ftuioo. aad wbito ruaalag
paata with rod. whit# aad btoo

which the hlg Olxaipto team of Atoorl
OM aihlotoa la bpuai tor Athoaa. 1«
not a tost boat, aad tbo moa wUI be
oa tbo waior abaat two vooka.
tbo boat If -roomy.- aad too m«i

tty typo of boalthy physical man
uroaooiod to too big
thtrty^oar athlotoa
BO of thoat have nmacloa that
» aad kooc like Ikoao of a brewery
►. Tboy are tbo
Thoy probably could not run around a
dty block In leto than Ave
yet to tholr evoota they outko Disco
u tbo ancient Qreftt. look like
•tofo aM
houaewtfo breaking tbo window
part of tbo brido. Tbe eoun rocordii Ibaek of her white throwing sionoa
‘ Bbov that aaai# yoara ago abo ara%
lo neighbor s chickens.
to fttoftort Slaia, thon an onThen tboro are tbo greyhouni
glaoor atudoat. Tbo aroddtog wm lliho. airlagy fellows, who wilt silr up
arvor omionoc^ aad ahe rocolved a the Athoaton dust as Nosior never did
dlvoia« lator oa tbo grotmd of doaor and the gods will whUtle to aurpriac
lUm. Mr Utogioft baa loft coJloge sad
rkiag. “It was not like thU to the
ban a iNMdttaa to Pooltoc,
oMoa daya,”
Uoxd Haara. »bo cMao lo Saginaw
There |a no quoaikm that atoat ol
froai ftuih Band Jaa 1. to Uio oaiploy the a^a kill bo alek oa the trip, but
or the lutorantluaal Harvester Oo„ haa the athletic iratoem say thU
Lepi sccrol bla rumantlc marrlago to toct them, aa they will ha
Mliu Addle Beuuy. of Matlhova. Ind.. me to raat.
na Jan lO. Tbo story fbat baa Just
And when thoy Anally get to fSrvece
loakod oai aad U corroborated by Mr. and tbo oponlng day. April 22. arrives?
Haton la that four years ago M tolagtne. If yon can. pei
dtoaapt^^per pabUabad photo
black wall of 7&.000
. graiihe iTUoyd Aad l^^ldltoaeci. twin from every quarter of the globe, eom
, lirotbenw «ooo aneHvai^the yoking piitog against the best that their roinoa bogaa iwoelvtog loiiora fro* apectlvo countries can produce.
vmiaa Udios who wore twins, among
The ;tames will be played In the
balag oao from the Beaoy glrK adlum. almost wiihto sight uf the
ittbewa. Lloyd leplM to ibU huge Farihenoa. standing out agmimHt
the AlhenUn skyline. No ptber sinicuatn Haarn was scat to MIchlgaa by
to the world la Uko iho tUdluro.
.hit emptayer*. If las Betioy
The athletic Arid Is Avo limes larger
Saginaw on Jan. 10 and they were than Maditoa Square OarUea. And
manM by Jnstlce Ulatodell nnd are outside of the great teiracod scam uf
now living nt 221« North Michigan nv- Slone me the hills of Aihont. where
ovc r 2mi.UK) mote apeelaiors may And
it wa« a mean trick that Wm. L. rts>u.
Mattson of nint plaxHl on bit wife to
There will bi» iio togas, no lanrel
gtH torvice of divorce lutpers on her. wnuiibs. but the scene will surpass
He allOgod oatrvme cruelty during tbe glory of all ancient athletics.
their two yoart of married life, and
kohammedaas. Turks. Mexlcanr,
bo wajUtrd to burry the proceedings Bedottlns, Dalmatians, over a hundred
ns much aa poatlblf. to be urged her other rices, will send up n ronr thnt
lo go to the Jail oa too pretoatc that win make tke noise of that/Thanksgirlng dair gnmo at Ckloago,"or that
Ann Arbor, when
■ <l.| *hPriC wnrcl »» ot iho
Mt thrilled
Then there wat
mighty 1
nd like tbe
wife, raged at nhe decopUon. made for
kail Min. who sprinted from the iall
Wants $5,000
nnd up the stieei. with her in ehiao
Madison. WIv. April 7—President
pnriiuU. but he proved to bo the tost C R Hlae of toe FnlveraJiy of WIs
coluto baa ofered Harvey Holmes of
Augustus Splea. the mltltoaalre turn- ana Franclaeo |2JkK) a .vnar to beeomo
iM^rman who wat elected mayof of ko- athletic director bore, but the former
tioinlnef. received the targeot atajority foot ban and track star thinks 15.000
ever given tor a candidaie for mayor
to that olty. Mr. Spies majorit
Ity was
I or more than his i
entire' rHormed plan t*f ajhleilca at WlaconFrederick J. Ixmden of Sagtomw. a
Stndt'Ois are willing to raise tbe difrWower. aged 24. tried to Justify icrcnce of ATsOi by. voluMary aul«cri|s
ttan. bm It U aald^bls pit>poalUon
would MM be acceptable to Mr. Holmes
vlakm of kU and also that tome members of tbe
d<«4 olfe’a fteo hauMed him to k» faculty bare deeftred that atbleUrs
dtvama, ThU did not excuse him to ought to be made so inferior u> scho:
toe eyes of tko Jury vbo awarded Mlaa aatic matters that the director should
,n«reBce Bm«
damagef because roeohro tees than a regular full proIbtT -boait TO broken*- Mias Reed fcasc.-.
Frofeooors C«t Ntore Than ftSjOOO.
The ordtnpry salary of a pc;Qftaaor
here I. |5.eoe a year, bat a large aum
ber of them receive more beoanae they
bare bech oAeeed more at otbM^ places
and toe regeau chose to retala their

Vito tola vftv. ILla W

ioft ftoft- -mi *ift ftft ftML ft»
M dmvg vmd hoiM Md h«i^;


twm rtomt Md 6adar; Am ftA^
dan; aaat aide ft Oftar; ftffftftlli

thft waftftMkmrtoftftL •arlAft

aad lyprwriiar hjr >oai
has taken a thoewogh a
MMa F M Laird. $44 Webster Si.
apr 7-tf
WANrSD~<3ood giri or rld«*riv lady

rsaui, “and we are guthg to get
Iho oval to Aae oondltkm and rac**
the letvUit was reodereil 1
A. J rasMHl. the president of the
poult or bo poola FeuusTlvaula railroad. aaUL aurut an
Two thonaaM postal earUt aollelt Inexpmiemwd workman:
having oMsIued a drioi
g aabacrlptkmt to the fund to con
“WUst shall you' d«
alitoooy r the.v svkeil.
lagbt Otoariue. will be mallsd ir
den^t of Cleveland and vicinity enrly
lou Bud tbe right bsw
week by the promoters of the
A letter from II M Hanna, re
celved by Mr. Deeereug. who hai
lakaa the InlUaUv. to the movement sary prei l%iou. for this ueeils prsitbw.^
• With ooe station In partU-olar bs'
had trouble. He ma aomr thirty • dne known to oclen.w: t«iUy ioothes
good wUI
yards beyuod this station, and llKa.!ike liver and turves, makeg dlgeoUoo
putting back, he ran an far the otberjoasy. brings to all the aweei sleep of
way. ilt wan prepartug for a tb!nl Touto
Homsur'a Rocky Mountain
siatiuu agvut put Tea. K cents. Johnson Drug Co.
bis bend o«t Of
They Will All Work.
FOR AALK-One of the best Ct-fect
St. Joseph, April T.~The 8t Joseplt
“•«l«y where you are,
comer on Front street; hotel mith
High Mcbool Athletic association
abiri ilie«tall.»u for yoti *
bar;, fumliure nil compU-tc. Wade

ly In debt and In need of funds TrtiMia;.
llros.. 127 Front 8t.
mar 2tPtf
mUh tbe year's campaign
Tbcrw U nothing worse than an of.
erder to meet thc-c expenses aWu fensivtf breath. It comes from bad
stomach and liver. Holllater'a Rocky
hundred boys and girls t»f
Mountain Tea cures all liver disordera
High achtjol have 4ilf upon a iinlqm' xnd |H-rfumea the breath. 25 cenia.
ImiiMfUt liutddeu mskr
Tea or Tablets. Johnson Drug Co.
but aensJbk' pla/i of twrtiing the n
o iNui. sb.jvel know ol
i-arry li.
!4t. They are willing to do anv
FOR AALt-One of the beat gg-feet j
kind Of work, indoors or tntt After
tbe carpHs and tdber lit­
corner on Prnot street; bold with flojm.
siudem and nw'mber *»f toe fac­
tle MM of exarvlae. while they are
bar; furniture all complete. WaJe
dowutuwu teluiri'msly wbirtlng anmnd
ulty has earned his money a High
Rros.. 127 ITont 8L
mar MKf
to a pivtd . bflir auicLltig Hgars and
school eapeticace meeting will be
winking at
e*rls. ought to U*
beW. ('tilaeas who hat^ work of any
Iho IbigUah iddlusiHdier was oo bis thsnkful.von do i.»l live uwder the
kind have lutea ashed to notify a comsray borne from a Iw ture. de,.pj.v nb- Uludo lawn wltere the holy books for­
mlti«s> appoibM by the school.
bid n SOUU.U to iM-e dauriug. lu-ar
autbed In tliougbt..
A siiowlmlL thrown by u small b *y uiuslr. « e«r J* wrU. Mti« k« u her e.^eCsstaet at« B«we.
hmws. eat dainty food, all at a wUirm k him in tbe Im.-k of tbe bead.
u» .vour |«rdob. but Tii
Its t.iniwl to .-bmrtiM* tbe boy. she*,
Me.* said <1 U.M1. wle.
the jpp to* ili*» iit»si iHT ori-er
Msl aud plslub existed to bergvwbt aiiofuer *uiou!iall. »-oiuliut
. alk.wu bi.u tn .li\ o.e her if she has
Tetaiieiiy at .\e^:t |ioU«s* ststioti. At- IHeiie dlr.** tlon. Idt him tm the
Isle, yo«.ienlxiy. -V*su ywu balp
fu«lUHdi* iMx-aujc g.-m-r:«l. no s.u.v tn1i:n- bU,|Hn»|M-r1y. wh»14>*
nnd slih tl»e disttvium tint t-ven n hlvn. nuatA-U with itnotimr woman or
i:r.*.it mlud a^snetimes ex.-rt ires p, uu presun-e> tj ent I- fnre he has Dula^aO
“.Sit duu u uiid Ml
bia uu-i.1.—I't iiver News.
“.\u. 1 almpl.v ,.su-t sit down." said
le uinu. nwn.uisl.v.
“.Must be serious to
t .vou Ilk.* |d:e^. Wbvse name wns Maltbux, nito«!
iat.“ said tbe sencesiit. “What is Into bis study mid in a bursi of me
eo::trolh»Mc rage ev.dved the n.u ;t*
of bis tbs trine. M..U
“You see. It U this way.” said the
ffe.-t that trs. mauv ebilureo. iIH-. i lily l»o\s. nre iiUo lUl# v uriit
4 liiriionJIrlmiH*
from tbe Vuloo dsfMtt.
!• poms toe oifof life lutu your ay*•em. It warms >^UI up and SUrtS the
life blood clrrulatlng. Tbafs what
le right am ay. i
rter s R<»rky Mountain does. 25
paid uj.v street isr furs
chsuge 1 had to lu.v ovm-ost fiocket. cent*. Tea or Tabku, John«in Drug
Hut when 1 was staudlug at the curue.*
Of Fifth antb Kansas s uiomMit ago.
for toe Brat time I uubuttoaad my
aud fuuud^~“

FOR ftALE CNCA^Lot Ift Al. hM
F. ft feat fraatMo. HmJU. Up ft
Go.-s'Ttb addRfta; thiri Ift ««4 ft
K. J. Hans ft Bobo- atorew on Wadh*
IngtoB'street. Alao loi.. tft, Oak

Conaumption Cur^Warnerit White

niago. olectric lighL hot

telephaae oftice 120C or 4PC.
WANTED-Two good
Is. Hotel Wtoltlng.

I state 8L. a J. Mft-

FANTED—Girl fur genrrml hoaseurork. laqaire 410 W. lltb. CtL HOUAE FOR RENT-Or. W. K. Mftft
phone gSg. Dell phone 227. apr 4-tf
TO RENT-8uta of
r Kui»eck ft non.
reef Inquire of Kubook aiB-MoyL
Oval Wood I ,p.
»*r2ttf —■
Steinbergs Grand opera
WANTEO-Hartlwoo.1 bolts. AU kind*
bonne, furnished or unfurtHiibcd
of farm, for sale. Brhard Strxibm
Julius Steinberg.
mnr 24-tr
place, IGO acre., clay loam. Timber
esilmairr and supplier. W. Tuller.
Inieriuchen. Mich.
mar 21-tf
WANTED—Ladles- dresses To~ dry! MONEY TO LOAN—No tax dniua
tor sale.
.kiri. 76 cent, to |1.25. The Pariaian Dye l^'urit*. 212 E. Front St.
inr men tor! R-member too fatura Uaa to yoar
high wagea. I
^ acleatlAc roadftg will rwvaal
Arornaa cot!
* hlatory. Over ilT
^at %^\
brak-men gft $80. become conduct-j ORE$$MAKINO-I>rrs.e.
or* at flop per moath; toatr
tbo WorW. Fair syslem. Call at
by man: send for particalan
115 Madlsoo strfHK or phime CJi. 422.
tion* secured as soon as romi
1 toe l-nlted Slates: J —
stale age. .NaHunal Railway Traln-lLOST
tog school, ft Boston block. Mlnaeturn
apolln. Minn.
, mnr 13-apr 1C --------TRAVERSE CITY ftAlMCm
WANTED—Due bill, at face value toj
apply on a new piano at Grltmell
TIMa rapart Is i
Itroa.' where you get fio extra.
aord Aa not ft
mar IPlf


■t«h ivmetly on
f, earth, cures
The I esi c<rt«h
FOR 8ALE-8»IIIB*11 of oou fr..m
a rolu in one day if taken
pure Wtolte Rock chicken.; 75 cenu
lYir sato"by nil druggists.
‘for 12 egg., or will let some out on
toareg. M. C’. Oviyt. 82« Washing
ton Sf.
apr 2-Cf
FOR SALE -One of the best Cg-fcct
FOR 8ALE-Good hotel ^perty oo
c*imer on Front utrn t; bold wHh
to John fnmilt.r.. -II e,« VX-4..
W. Patrhio. new Wilhelm block.'
, 127 From St.
mar 24-apr-22
eighty rtsl. west »lore at MuOro
Center; fcchool about eighty n»d»
creamery within Afiy rod.: good
your win.
fifty acre.” under cnltlvatlon. ihlriy
aertw seiHfed. creek across one end
of eighty; all good soil; li
acre, timber; farms no better; held
at fifty dollars per acre; if ti
this week will make extremaly
flgtire for caalu Wade Bros.
Ajul next annuDer yon can buy for
■__________________TO 19-H
fiilore delivery nt 50 cento lean a ton..
FOR 8ALE—No. 4 Smith Pn
WiU Pty the CartAce oo t Trtal Orftcr Now
tyiiewTller. almost new. W. E. W'lUiams Co.
mar 21-tf



aaSd the mam. ”1 found that
bad pm luy truuaers <ui baekward.
m i eoirt sit down. Wbat 1 want
Is a piKute pbu-e lo ebauge -eiu.”
He a.»t lt.-K.MiKt^ nty Juuri;aL

Try Gas Coke Now. Then Yon Will Know


What Dew

Per Coes PM
Per Parity
For FiBMt Flavor
iaidtii« irani<Me of cou


adta, hBt the >rtoel|ike” ftsahrad la
troBhlaBima to ton tMolty.

TMrehaiBMdfecItTeBMtamBMkvmthtafthaa the Wait CiliBB. It Mam mto rcBna

men to work to geittog toe

• ^^kptopirariSm at Atboaa rop. *
M Wg. Co^ tav# 9MMMM IM teoM
of tiM> ii a
ft ft«Mty Cg. to
Tutoio. wblri lk#r MMH to flIoM Mt
to lltoi eitr. Mi wtto tM tololiiMfT
«tort n MV fMlorr.
A» JooMk Dim. Wb. WMir Mi


If you want Low Prices

FOR 8ALE-Fur setting*. W^hito
wyaiKlMU- eggfi. prices rcaaooable.
also -While W>BMi<»ao cockerMs. In­
quire at C29 Monroe St.. City. Citx.
phone 4if.
mar 21-tf

If You Want Good Quality

If Quality is Considered
with the Price


FOR SALE—While W.vandottes, I>us
Ftraln. prire w toner*. Ilf eon
egg* for 12.00. R. C Br. Lfghonn,
egg* fifteen for $1.50. J. W. Zlmm«-miaa ft Son. 202 South Division
mar 22Cm

i v'

Come and See US

J. E. Greilick Co.
Fine Interior Finish
Sash, Doors and Mill Work
Lumber. Lath and Shingles
Plate and Window Class

6eo. Ji. Ilamis
201 Trent ffreti

FOR EALE-1444V4-1€0 acre* ctMlarl
and plsM! seVs. sec. two. AG, 9. WiU
cut over .me million. Four mllew
G. a ft L Boardmaa cl
toroogh tract. CaU for price. Wad*
Rtor. 127 JYoni St.. CU*. pboB X fine residence pfi Washing­
apr 24f ton street Nothiog bstter;


FOR AALC-$iS.$$ piaao credit lor
$»; hood boU at iOmbaU'a aad
GrtoneU a. fauinira at 1840 Wasbtagtoa.
. ftft A9-tf

very desirable; fuU M ft. lot;
house with all modem iraMits. At the ipricc wc
can Bamc wc know u wdl be
sold in a very short time.

Wn jifti mamt ytm $» know
FOR SALE—143$-li<^acre farn oachalf mile Maple City. Leetoaaa
eoanty, MlcUgM: alghty acre*
ander cold vai ion; fourtoea-room
ity. Nov. do
house, modem; large bam wtth

,U7jrMftt St

f. f. MIIB & VifL

. SATUKOAY. AMUL 7. ttit.

uns WIRES.


-amrrn GHOorn op paanr* .

I mftcttWMVSiciK



c6n8UMPTION and pneumonia
•MpMvcaMdinid cwvdbjr OMaKMcstor all.«adclrictfyi
a. CoUs. Braichiti*. !.> QHrve. etc.. «is:


Tlom aad agtaa bo baa abowa wbat he
ifetaka or the lack or coorage which
tbo prraat rnlor oT Serria ataera la
atlowtmi tbra mardorota to bnOj him.
aad be.ia ador ahota to adoalalaier aaother aaah to King Pocor.


Klaff Mdward will rtait Priaoe
oMa or MoaioBOgro at Bar. tbe rpeog
abod kmdor oT tbo aMUbmo oT
M dU trUm6 MUd him tbe oUkt 6mj b tbo Bolkmi piitaaub. who art op.

-I had bMB Ul Itor VMM Um with PBauMata.** vHtM X W. MlaaaB «r
t« «f«nrbodj‘s MmImm tait feta
B. a fekComtak. aMtaum im»lc

sDod teMmt «Hk Mm* NW.
alu. wtaM MeMd-M*. Mm* MlAo.
!«<■ Tt*jt*d Ua at M*rt*alad lut

■WMT or tta! Harrlw nUlrotal «T»^
dm, bow Ufo 00 o aevoboT In tb«
aioor or bfai blftb, UtayMie. lod. Tboi
TbM No*k <• OM <
«M ovor uiny r«ir» oco. Hlf 'lr«t
nUM4 work vu u o ckrk vitb the Httle am iboa woo i
Lako Krio ^ WooUni. Oolac over all know. iMt it remolc 1 for Porfeaa^ir
abow ua that
to the Mora, be vorkod up to Ibo
le cave dwell- The ScoU guards U an arUiocraUc
regiment, whose offlccra arc wealthy
S»a«ral paraw awl oT lb# Oa^
ackms of noble boose. AfU*r mumeJaaail. HaaiOum aad Dayio^ tb# BIf
lag from Brlkhtoa where he had gone
PMr. lb# Boalbra Paelta aad iboa to
hecaaae of ill health. U<
nbleav* aa aoMtaaat trm«W dltocoor
i tare.
or tbo Harvteaa ^ it I. oatd *nbe said:
nedy was rouaed at midnight In hi* ! Siieclal Cable to the Eh<*nlng Recw»l i Aftw the bars d*u»*ovtH»s. and ttn*
"I auppoae alcohol haa been uaed
room*. .S..r.hC«»p.»dB»d«t„.„b j
,, r*ool d. SAINT RENE.
a tom orioa ap^ to Mr MeOor. from the earlieoi perloda of oor race. m!t to a mock coart martial romiM^aed ! .Cop.rri*hl. ISOS, b, .1..- H-or., N.-.. i
S«.-c<br.*l. ItoKOeu,
The diet .of the care dweller ao often i.f dour olfkcrN. who carrUnl billlanl .J
I . Ftll.-t if B«-r. lu-w p<«.u.,Ti dTvry
alA.fbr ft te oaid>b»t »>re meo aow
Woral paoooaior ofoa^ bave aervod raalaud of roots and fntUo. and It it cue* In place of anna.
'Champs <li' Nov.'U chirken H>ilcO
I’ori*. April TIh-TbcroI.rtltlsn-*! p.,.u rs rl.'M 8«l«d
aatar bl« thaa mjfMj el«- la the aol unnataral to anppoM that the food
waa often stored away.
d DU( la a
‘■"•'InB'Of ibitenced to he stripped
-There la the couroe of Ume the
“» OS^- n.-.n« will, Himlmann- rn-.m sane*
hath conaUtlng of a mlxt uiV of ink.
IniU fomented, and the sugar wan
■ - compii-u- irlumpb for Knmch dl-j
taw o«l Boaator Lad« oT MaaoaAu^ turned Into pure alcohol. Doubticaa gasoline aad jam and then feathered
There is ““
no di ubt '4*'
that Ge--!
tbo J1
,..H,al«. Cn-amaior,
ruggling up to the
ooua aa fiitaf empaaloa. U*dm H the care dwellers drank It. and got to He «M crrK-d mm»llaa
many ha*-nufleretl a most *. riou* de^
sweet meat a
aa ladlfofoat feo^moa at beat aad like U. and 1 suppose some of them hath and dumped Into the mixture.
that b.Ah kaiser and th**'
which wax made hot with water.
viMI tbo prooldoat sou oat «a the often got tight.. *
kieniy.] ^
rong individuality marks tbe
When the mixture had
rad aad «i«oa bb bora to the utI do not want to cast any aapers ta d»itmK In hats Straw I*
Ml Udfo baa bard orork keeplag op akKUi on tbe character of Profeaaor ougbly rubbed In a pillow Oa* cut open I B:npcrt>r William ami Prince Hue-1
did not want that Franc«^ and | the material which will be ihw least
aad koopiaf aboord hto feora. The Marsh, but It kwka aa If be does not and the feaibeni stuck over him. By a i
apprmal of KngUnd.j„M>d f„r the moKt chic crtuitlon* of
Wo^ vbo fdllov are ooaataaUjr think It rery likely that anybody codld great effort be broke awa.v from hU [
tormentork and roachod hla,rtx>m. in | «kould control Morrocce. but the Aljthe Parisian mwllate. ' Tule and dotptaptaa that bodgo win fall off rae taste alcohol and nut like It.
which he barricaded himself.
geclrax conference tlpcidt^ that iho> ^
in all color* atretchod over
dap. .Thor do Bol like hlau
in live minute* his pursuer* had j
T'ke kaiser ami hU chancellor j ij^hj ^Ire frames are to be the mode,
la tbo addot or tbo bora rab eoahU motor bnjken In the dof>r. The dlstrarted j de.«.lred to break the entene cordlale j The small eiupTre list and the bell
The king haa
troverojr Mr. CtauaborMla wao the stud to nine cars. Seren of these are
caaotar Sir wmbua Harran at Ma1 of Kagllsh make. He also baa a motor lieutenant jurnrH-d through tbe win-; h<*t ween France and England, and in-j shaped form* ate mostly covered with
vood. y»i la tbc bouao tbo tac- were launch for use In connection with tbe dow to the piazza and ran to the stead of that they only succeeded in, siig. Uiit they are stiff and hard,
breaking U|» the triple alUanc*.
only the woman who is in herself Uain
alvaya at It biaiiaer aad' loop.. A royal yacht. The king * are not re­ Queen’s hotel near by.
Ot-rroany endeavored to
Lsolaie j ly and fluffy ca\i don such a head phfy
The next dar be hml to leave U»n
eniical borarlot craraated on thl» quired to be nnmltered and overxealend not UniU riul<I.
fh^ aa a ploaalns phaae of pblltleal ooa conatablea awing the cars go by. don eompli tely broken d*iwn. Btvoral >>anc<* but only made it clear how
Aliiout the «ul> large *UaiM* that will
eoaliwerar. “Oh.** replied Sir WI1 unaware of the klng a exemption, have
Itaai. -Joo aad 1 are alaioot like frequeoUy called a halt on the royal rest, but it is thought the* natter will luidouhtedly no German diplomat who lK» worn are ih*> ruj*< liuej<. Many of
brotbra- **Yea,“ reapoaded tbe cm cars, only to be sorry aftcTwarda, The be allowed to blow over, as Is usual doubU*ibat the triple alliance will Ik* there are made of dot it'd Mile in pale
with these ragging affairs.
quintuple alliance Ik**! cream tone* and simply ornanienlod
M one.
were Gala aad Al»el/king blmaeU doea not need a driving
Nm long ago a snltaltern was siml- tween Italy. Fianc«‘. England, Spain j with a garland nf fl.»*er*. *n.e!r alCoacroeoaMa Hbglaa of Omnectl. licenae. which every oth«*r'man who
duck<Ml In a l*ath of ink and hot j
j n».»si rurnl simplicity of aprsTtrance
cat aajra tba aaoerat aight h« ever
exi>ect. howev«*r. i* count-rant**! by a smart nigred. or a
taw b fa a ftraverard aear New Ixm
that the kalw*r should accept his de- gay tuft <»f iuiradls«* idrd's feaihirs
doa. bb otate. lt_rafeUi« of four
The two great rivals for social anas final, and there are indeed stuck j.'uiutily ameifg the llou'ers and
ivama. one at each point V thfMSom^
i^il buckle,
The fart that King Etlward. wh.>
paaa. aad In the center another grave. *ter and the duchc-s* of MarlU.n.ugh. MdK the fashion* as much as ever, has aire
inner of 4lrt-sslng the hair
ring up new trouble.
On the tomhatoaew at the four aide* are one in tbe cau*4* of charity.
docr«NNl that evening dress shall be
i with ihesp hats remains the .same ns i:
M.xny thing* tend to show that Ger
-My II Wife - "My III Wife." "My IV.*
The former duchess has lenw'^l her brighter, has bwn jtresded with gen; has l.e<n all winter. l.nosely undu
hiMi*e. the roagnUlc<-nt mansion of
many has evil design* atytlnst Tri
; latisl liK-k*. hni.shed n»‘a«ly l»ack Ironi
«."a’ satisfaction.
Gnisveuor hcHise In Mayfair, on May 17
u^mnU^ and fallln- low over the
Hull black Is no long<T to be the Ml*, a fact which greatly disturbs The;
and 1M for a sale of work In aid of only wear for men after sumud. Smart
..f «l,«t of .bo It.U,:.b
} ,L«, ,h.. ,„..p obHs
hiRh u„.»
ment. Italia
the West Haro bcwplial. The sale I* men lotik smarter in blue cloth
the cretw-n of the head and bnuigh*
and Suit an AIhIuI I lame, V
' Oae of the moat Inieratlng llgtir<*s
«.r bilrli‘f» the effect wUh a velvet Hu* kal-^T
j I f Tiirki'v have
la Har>ard univeraify la Ddwartl Ray.

a hliad attrdonl who hatla from a amall
king has al*4» twactlcally abol
rejocci^lr Triixdlsi. and Ger-.
exeetslinply busy in|
WlllUm Waldorf Astnr’s youngeat
rooBlry Iowa in North Caroltaa. He
.h.. .im,...,'
v«. for
rtiunt«‘ss do NcwUIch. instead of w.*urhaa mastered the
movt dMncolt son. who Is tn the First Ufe Giiarils. uwnlng wear, hi*
vests having
Ing their hair In I.kwc wave.s over tbe
coaraao in btiher maibematira. In gave a very creditable exhibition In all a single row ol buttons.
loader of the German piapa- ftirehead draw It lisck and cut the
geolafy. won a degree fn.m the l*nl the army racque:* singles.
] gantla in Trii>oll« i* the wi ll knokn hair along the edge of the brow in a
He was dc-fcwtcQ for tbe rnp by H.
TcraJty of North Carolina and 1% now
[Gonnsn traveller Cofint Max voit short fringe'. However. 1 hough tlM-s«
worUag for the degree of M. A. at IlaVcMjr Biyani of the HigbUml light
Mrding I
who for Imme time ha* women have ntany followers In i»Jher
Harrmrd. Here he la taking a<ime <d Infantry, which l» the holder of ih-*
» diplomatic pf>ritlpn at Cal r5jzp«*cis’'they have few Imitators In
Ihe hardeat eouraea In the cuirJenlum,
the matter of lialr «lrc<slng and all at
Gitfhlr and Anglo^axon.
Valess all signs fell n Trii>olU tempts on their part in make .thA case* of -mgglng" in which Bt*cond Unit ye have. Ibiur j.ursmxl tbe Irtsh- qm**tian will shortly Follow the Miv -Uang” fa-^liionable have falKsl so f.-ir
Ueuienant Clark Kx*nncdy of the iiiau on Iwiiig refused tbU delk-atT. rocco question and the d.mger «.r a this *<-aH4jn.
Scots Guards was the victim ha* Ju>* ,\=alu rtHs-iviug a reply in the negative.
or course, the ino<lifle4l empire gown
li la pomgmma of f«r tbe inowmi Iti come to night and the matter Is likely 1k‘ tried om-e imo*. **Tblu >e ca:i l*riug great EuriHx-nn war has far fnun Uh*ii
still sway and U»c corsk't skirt
tmiwe leavea U alaar. aad It rpnwa aa do be brought to the attention of the me some rosMebl pi>niol*e." lie said. averred yet.
•lowly to any fiowrr of self piotertloo
wlth.liol«*it» is very .much in vogue for
llK* waluw shott.-d signs of l«x.mUig
Great exclteroent has 1»een caused street walr. But the bolero Itself
Wt metW » aay tbe aalratlon trf Uft
rewtive. and l»addy sank liaek ia Id*
it 0 yooti* cbiw li a per
SRWt and U»av.d a *!di of contentment. here by the •discovery of what 1* be­ losing its snug shape and in the m
Clark Kenntsly
-Ill take some roo*i ^s’cf and vegvta- lieved to be the^tomb containing the est models Is only a scries of lit
IdcNt” be naW cbre-rfully. -and sure urn in which1 iare enclosed the ashes
cap.s faskoned. together. Sometime?
ye’U not bo for aaylug that I didn’t the Emperor Trajan.
double, sometimes even triple, they
mk ye for fl*lt.”
Signor Jkcques Bonl. director of ex- l.mailen rho shoulders and mak<
ravaUons. has been for some time waist liKik exquisitely slim.
Here U sometblug in the rourse of engaged In researches around the foot
natnral phenomena tluit win Interest of Trajan's column and hail uaearihe^l
No Pill U as peasant and pooUIrM
and instruct the little full: if they look
as DeWItt s Uttle Eariy Risers. Tbott
Into it mriomdy: Into a tnmbler half a amall door hi an old wall.
Famona Uttle Pllla are ao mild and
rrom tbe door a few step* lead effective
full of water di«**dre Ju*t a* much
that children, delkate I
roinmoo table salt n* 4-an be Im*KI In down. The atone of the door sill and weak people entoy their cleai
solqUou. Let It stand for a few da.v* shows traces of hav^g been worn by effect, while strong people oay they
nod see bow the sail ere-c|M out of tbe footsteps and the inference Is that are the beat liver plUa sold. Never
wwter. up liie Inside of the gb*s and this door led to a chamber, which is
down tbe outsIde-ju*t like a Iblng of the tomb of the empefor.
Eiperlmwtsare being made at Moot
Ufe trjUiK to escape from it* enrlrooment. And when all tbe salt hi aiv
The latest erase among the Pari­
r a* before! It Is a pretty sian dandies U the pocket roulette of
Petit Cbevaux seta, A dial net in a
watch frame Is numbered from 0 to
TBere b B§ ffpiim or ttber hini3C. and marked off tn tmalPred and fU nbstuicc ii Ottinbalali’s
black sqaarea, .
By praolBg oa a tratton placed
at bora.
wbere tbe atem winder of a time piece Sold byAmalcii Brae Co.
-Ye.,- Mie
raid •nUaarily be. a band, repindng
tbe ball uaed tn tbe regular game, ia
■el apinnlng rapidly aro^ tbo dial.
0« releasing tbe preaure oo tbe bta
ton tbe band cornea to a ataadatUI
The PetliaCbraim la Imagined ee tbe
To draw the Ore out of bnrui. bool
■ara t^bdpie only tbeco are. mix
sunder la n poison wiidi oxtin-. bands Inatead of one and each Is ffm a cut vRbont leaving a near, or to cure
Cniobe. cbnrttr. botb la tb. nlnnderer tabod eir with the ftgure of a tiny
and la tbe peraon wbo Ustena to it. no
that a alngle calumny may firore faUl
to an Uallnlte number of aoula. atnoe It
Tbc Parisian Gravediggerr AasoeU
klUs not only Ibow wbo ctreeilate It
but nkw oU tbooe wbo do not reject tkia held lU annual banquet the other
It-WoBinn i LUb.
eralag. the occaaloo being one ol

S.E. Wait B Sons




tifuty fra Crom


Sag., Satauel .Votaey, who baa Ju*t
died, atteodrd e\’ery funeral bHd la
tbe ebare-bjard. aud aaw eight vicars
coraandgoJiMerick YHI. the new king of DR. F. A MAC NCTT—PtaMfeM ttmlV
Denmatb. is said to be in the bablt of
W2 WUboUa bioeiL OUaiM pboao
I to ettend at tbe castle

A faetPT?- liisiH^to? was passing
through tbe watjTootn of a 4-krtb mill
Moot of Ibe big. broad looms were fun
by young women, trim, nest, young
wmiicu. In tight cornet*, who reerad goon. OfOcotM i
too pretty «nl frail to baudle tboNc Ulg
msihln-? in that bca%T. grease sstnre
attQ all.
-Thcsi* girl*,- said tbe ln*m
MRS. K. L. BONNERS hair droMtag
-wonU work Utter, more comfort
and more healthfully IT they bad no pjriora, ovor City Book Btoro. Room
curaet* OU.”
-J know.” said tbe loom boss,
bate often told th4Mn stx But—’
Traverse Land aad Loan Co, F.
And then be made a g»-<tare of
-Vanity, eh?” mild
DR. F. HOLDSWORTH-Bpoctal at-Well. 1 rlslled suim
toalloo to dlaoaaoa of the <
factory towns this su
Booo add throat 01
tbetc uom- of the women wxvkers
Room# 7 and S. H. A
wore i«orwt*. They were not allowed Ca block. Both phoooo.
to. To wear them
to gtt 1fired.
one r**rblddli:g

umcii to wear t*»n^ls

riclorial iKiatal card* cut
figure In <hr j».nr?lanicutary
Great BriUiu. Tl

•. W.THIRLSY. Doatlot Ovor Bai*
Bum jE ^l^l s jowelry ataro. Both

No reuMdv •qu:ils AVarmrs White ARTHUR
clan and surgeon. Romoved to of­
Wine of Tar Syrup for «l)**se terrible
fices in Munson block over Barunm
and fatal dl* If lak^ thoroughly
A Earl’s, ClUxena phone S8S.
aud In time. It will curF a case In 4S
hours, and for the cuiidi that follows )R. LAWTON—Phyalcisn and sur*
h never fail* to give relief.
geon; offleea in Wilhelm block, third
Fur sale by all druggist*.
floor with Drs. Sawyer and FiohalCmm« Kmmr FwiSm.
A mau eau’t fool bis wUe with tbe HARRY R. HARNER-Expert |
same cxcuse^* mor»- ilutu U»r»-e limes,
tuner aad action rognlator. f
faction guaranteed. With Kit
but her son ^-au foul her wHU tliti^itiie
Music House. Clta. phone Mi.
promise 3041 U,;,;-s. and p xvill nut
s1h»w tliv least signs of wi-ur. t'as*
iVunly (Mu I New s.
and counselor. Wilhelm block. TraverM City. Mich. Cftlxens phone 106.
Have you weaknesa of any klndlonmch. back, or any <.ruans of the ABSTRACTS OF TITLE-C. O. Can
ver. rrIccB reasonable. Office with
yours-4 lf with ordlO. P. Carver A Bro. Both phoBM.
Ibdlisuis ll.K-ky
MUitalii T4-a is 111.* supreme 4
OR. E. F. CHASE—UomcopatbIsL Of­
ser. 2.". cm*. J.dinson Itn;
fice over Bugbee’t drug store. CHh
aana phooe-Resideuce. S8«; ofSoo
sag tlteo


>R, E. L. THIRLBY—BpoebU attontloQ to distases of children. Room
409 SUtc Bai.k bldg. Both phOBOa.
For VasSegon. Saglwaw.

City. Pert

1 edlegtos ra Mtlwi

Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable,
.. pdnful, weakening, female-complaints, will find that
Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all
their Ills. It acts directly upon all the delicate, inflamed
tissues, purifying the Wood, throwing off the clogging
matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular,
scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc.
. s
Also relieves headache, backache, dizziness,
|4,‘ cramis. dragging pains, nervousness, irritability, etc.
' ' ‘
If you need advice, write us a letter, Tiling us all
your ^ptoms. We will ^end free advice (in plain
sealed envelope). Address: Ladies* Advisory Dept.
The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.

FIRE IN8URANCE-On wbat dote
*Ui, < V4iur Fire Insurance l*ollqy^ire tre4’ 4>ffice and get rates before
ig. A. H. Curds.

Dr.W.J. Higgins; A. D. TYLER

Fine Dental Work'“S'lfT'JSZ,



pkcmoa. RoOMonoo 61t

DR. W. E. MOON—FhoiwOR ofSoo.
CK*. 107; Boll. M. Rooldoaoo. 71t
cannot ricep or eat. Uke HoWlsWashington olreot, dXx. phono 111;
; RcK-ky Mountain Tea. 2ut*“^T^




John R. Santo


New WlIlMiai BOl. TriTerK Ctt j





_""2-“ 'srs:,^.

An Every Day

AU BKDOGisn SOI IT n glJOO Bonus





THE' '^feWIStlNGl
thaveusc city,


mcmoAic, «atuiioay.


Che mamifacturt



hi ; on wito Mod thoCnicto upoh thta loi-

I treaUes were over aisd oAalaed
La and machtoery. Then to IMS
Miyht a site on the Braadywlas
«saa boUdtoc a mill
Punt was a soc^wss fmm the first

mpttr tar thm mmtu>m

rted to new faithfutiMwa The okl
that the p)«l«e connol be
Any:a '
hie ! —**"****
rood and cwUahle explualve
au ow the 1 <^'*if*«***» ^ U »toc«re and oobmImiexy,^ of tious can perfectly feeep the Kwteavor
their output. In the co
aAd«d laryely to hU facl
tavtuHiir and rrew t
even we«athy. He par
We piedye oonelvee to do cerCnlB
things, -nruatliiy ta the Lord JeMN
lit by a rich roeixhant who Chilat for strenetb'* aiMl upon the tiu^
Here he lived until hla ther cQodldan that we have a conaeton*
tiotu eictuw to fire to Him fdr oushla ddrst son. Alfred, who built addi­
IierfurmaiKv of our pledfed obUfMIdu.
tional lullls and rularred the bust ness lluiat wlU never faU oa.
tf w*
rreatly. Alfred died tu UM wnd was
hare no food reaaon for not dotsf
succeeded by his brother Henry, who
what wv? have ptomtoed. we can do tt
remained the head of the firm unUl
and that U all there la to It. .No ouo
IMS. At his death the busluews went

urn mbUmml rmtAUd mm m •‘vnml tmmur
Umt thrrm tm mtirn toirt tti«< tb«
pmmA mmmmrua wm hmammm tb* imw.
Tb* «*» who
Ul» •cila
W tUhan m. WadAeU. fom^l «

All Oito Mr. W«dd«U m>d* knovn to

Into the capable hands of his nephew.
I;ht«ene Du Pont, who died In Ittil and
was suix'ee«l«d by his sou. T. v'oleinaa
Du Poo:, who Is the ptxsent head.
Hut the moat Tbterestlna llvln« mem­
ber of the Du I'unl family U Henry Alyeraon. smi of Henry, bom In IkSK at
WUmlnaton. Del. and educaiwl at the
ITnIted Htates Mllllao academy.
IMl he was rrsdualed fm,„ West Point
at the head of his eW He was In Ills
twenty-aei'oad year, and lie was apiH.Inted to the command of a llyhl bat­
tery. Ills father, who was a veteran
of I SI 2. was very proud of his hands-ime son and
the prlvlleye from
Simon Cameron, then se< reUry of war.

Urriy d*pMMl«nt uo oar vMmmic iru.t
thAt hmm mn AtMuhjt«> aad rxUuMUr iiionapotr of th« RHtnuf&rtur* ot all the


•am micht. tf k* wl«brd. butM and
•duly four bMtar idanu than that
mrtiMI by* «*»• »ru»t at a mat
rack. |«y for tham out
of tba brums •au.rud from lha pau|4r
ta a aiiurto yaar and hava mora than
Sl.kW.MO ramalntna in tbr irmmry.

MpUaJ frotn



out tha*mb!^ty t<Tmaka^Quyfa row4ar to miMdy tlm aaada of tha »ovam-


lug. In Mich cases we would not bo
broaklni: the plcdfe In sUytaf away.
Nor doeo any one idedfe atisoiote. Iron­
clad parllrtpatIon ta the meetlnf. Coo-

cuaes to five to tnirtat for not Ulduf
part In the ineetlnf. No m la alwaya
in a flttlnf mood to pm-dclpate In A
rellfloua aervlce. Ivrt us do awaj with
the ncoaenae that haa ao I jqoenUjr pre■ninf the |»letlfe and aaola
i oenae ChrtstUn compart.

soon became the most famous artllleiy'
four times for callantry and dlsttnyuUhed service, and when thr war was
over h«- bad uttuliied llie rank of brlaIKiuuda of imadrr. The |.r»|.rr rravor
uf this material fur the amiy and navy
should be z:>.(k»o.0(M) |muuds. It would
raoulra bat wren twH\e and thlrtt'rn
yaars to cndlett this rrsei^r with the
rresrnt iniwder making fArllltitoi. rvm
thouah tha com-em which has the jovamment contracts were to work at Its
full caiatclty. In case «f war I nrle
Ham w ould llnd liltnsrlf to an un|d*'asam ph klr. Hr would ba .Iriven t.. the
humllUtIna and \rry uncertain r*i»adlrnt of lrais.rtln» powder. The smokeless powder now in use In the Tnlted
Htatra rwiulres a perlca^ of at U-mmi six
ra.mths for manufacture. It Is a comPlimtad pr.H>rss Involvtaa the dls-

tnd drlrtl th..rou«hty-a
tiaiidina plenty of iliue.
The hunie of the is’.wder Irust Is In
:>elawar». of the men at thr liea.l
have iH-en prui.ilnent In the state s
dustiial and political hUlorj' for
more than a quarter of a erntuo*. lh>lli
maanates. T. «*..leman I>u l*oni and
Henry Algernon Du Pont.*his cousitu
are rrml-amndiums 4»f Pierre. Samuel
nan who
ThaIn Delaw >^rr\nm..
a Du I\mts have been a
family In America for almost
pTey|«.us to
a century. For many ye
that time they had boon


I pup« r. w hich was suppressed l(y the before, as an aiiachc of the P'tench
ambaaaador and later as t^msul
, aulhorllh a
I'h «t < l>u Pont was a warm friend
ch minister
r Tunr«»t. thr famous Krimch
Intimate *,{ VoUalre. Adiul^ ^Hamuel Franc'ls Du Pont,
whose services In the * Ivi
AmeriTurrot wj
a memoir
cans and
of d^w«*«Mssaa
Adtniral 9rirmrut.
\lir t'Stlf'A
he wasI ^t\Tn
riven the
chief A
[ h-ranklln.
nt he chose I>u '
It was the younrer s.m of old Pierre
oIBi^ in the sovemmrnt
Pont as hla princljvTl us.sUstant. But HaraucL Klculhere lienee Ihi Pont, who
•us and Turyot beyan the manufacture of ruujKiwder
had been a dll
t>e and his friend was
l*arls. He was recalled student of chemlMr>- In his youll
had once been a pupil of the celeb
^'^an^«. thc*TrraD *^ Lavoisier. DuHt.x the Rclm oY

peace was declartNl. and not
until tlicn. Henry Alysrmm Du Punt
hutiK up his sword and for the first
time In his life beyan to show soma
Interest In the ftreat i»owder manu­
factory on the Brandywine. Since 1171
he has taken an active part In the
manaxemetit. and his Innuence In tha
family . uum lls Is very potent.
most all of the l>u Punu have had
Uryc families, seven belny the usual
guent rxcepll<»n. One of the numetvui
iHiuslns married Dr. Cole man.* the EpU
c^ipal bishop of DeUware.w

A Few Interesting! Pictures From Far and Near




The liny du« herewith plcturwl rostiny coinfmtaMy «m his muster s hand
Is believed to be the only Bhetland terrier In Che omiito* at the.present time. He
la the property of tK*iniam A. Davidson uf I*hlUdrlphla. who has made severwl
attempu fb Intrtalace' the breed Into the rnllrd Btauw, but has not made a
succsss of It. The little canine from the HhetUnd lsl|inds cannot survive the



\imnU Lacroix of Morwl, Hwlix^
and. herewith pictured. Is a boy-

,• be M-rn from the cut. the up td date Chinese soldier is i
noa to the uiuderu Japanese wanior. At thv recent maneu
to were present wei
• hlstor>' the Celssih



keeping the pledge. All power haa been
given unto Him. He la with you al­
ways And you -^^n «ta all things
through Cliriat who atrcugtbencth
you.*’ Don*! depend upon yourself, hot
lean hard upon Him. and the seemingly
heavy burden will becohie light, and
what aeema Impomlble will rvadily become poaalble. Buttnwi your pledga
with prayer and you wUl not only 0nd
It a poaalhle perfonnanca, but a pleas^
: urable one.

-laassssek^as f. Mavs Ito«a UJ>
sou.. K^CL,' lu.u.l,r.uu —
atnuMled by au^ mlaunderMandlng
at Newt-aatle. EUfla»i- After they bad
waltMl for houoi In their tooUtkm and
anxiety thej were found Vy soma Bn*
deavoevrs, who at once took charge of
them, abeltered and fed them and aent

stes the operation of cutUnc down a torketed yun at the
•tot^ In Washlnytoxi itavy >wrd. Tlie maclilmo' employed
cted for the use of the yovcrnm.i:! and Is used for m» other
■ times most of the lp-a\y ordnance ma-d In the 1*hIUhI Btalvs
by pHvate eiil. rprise. but nowadays the navy dciuirtnient •

known to the yenermi ■public, for his
mother, wlahlny to save him from the
military conaciipilon. had brouyht him
up as a ylrL He

persoo who loves cTniat and wanta to
MTve Him can keep even to perfertloa.
But that we may not l*e rareleaa and
Indlfferrut we fr«>guontly need exhorta­
tion upon the sdb}ect. Doties that art
poaalble of farnilmeot are not always
performed. Many do not depend upon
Christ for atrmfth. Ofttlffiea our excuaea for not keeplnf the pledge nrt
weak and tome. We would not dara <
even to onrsetvea, much Uatm to Christ,
to mil them conaclentloos exenaea.
Many Endeavorera ought to be heartily
aaluimed of theomelves for the trivial
excuaea they give for not keeping tha •
pledge and for the aiUy pretexU for
which they neglect pledged obUgattoiia.
Their excuaea are no aKcnsca. and they
abuukl atand aelf condiMnncd aa weU
aa Chrtat coodemnad.

But what will help us to ketp tha
1. We should know what we are
doing when we take the pledge. No
obligation should be lightly taken,
much Icaa one to God. God *tlealretU
truth In the Inward parta.** and if w«
serloualy coaalder the pledge within
before we take it we will be more.apt
to keeii It outwardly when we hava
taken it. If e*e have flghtly token It
let ua not desert the aociety of recall
our TOWS, but at tbla time give It aWooa canslderatlou and kee|. It. It la

Dent, xxIH. 21; 1
I. 14; cxxxll. J
9. K); Jaa. L S


Trained pigs have long been dear to
the heart of the Itinerant showman, hot
UftUl recenUy the awkward anUnal has
not figured in the role of lady s pet.
An Englishwoman has Introduced the
taahlon and now appeare In public ac
oompanled by a pig of considerable pro-

ship of the movemaat

A brotherhood ef SMvrlos 1

The will of Jcaiis Christ.'**


To one allegiance truo.
That oole deaUw their hearts cauki dO.
Toeueb all the earth anilead-



.JuSt axt^h. i.*£el. V. I-:; Pa uTT
Thm Chitotlau BtoAearor pkdfw M u
•Id MiU)«ct for atocMoloo. ahd jet

to rraaca- OM Ptarra f




^The lrtll*of J«Ms*ChiSt!**'**



Exalts the Pearl uapricedTbjjrt^ij^rtj^tta habr wflk


The nua 4e Toroe at the aMlent Ffroyh
•M «< th* OMM heaatlfBi aad^lhms buUfiyt

I •• a clrt and has been em0 the aadleoces. havta«
* sporta. and
le when his ary could no I
aWd. The Bwlas war ds
I fXn br the diecevery.

The railway
vad welglis atay-two tons and has a drawing
poll of 2&.aoa pounds on a 2 per oeot
cent grade at too mUca aa hour. It has toaea
adopted for use
Ctalr tunnel,
e on the St. Clair
which connects the American and CanadKiatoas at the Grand Trunk railway. The loromoUve will be geared to
seu of drirtng wheels, with a 2U horaepower attached to each axle. It is
lost powerful stogie phase maway motor aver put to opetatioo.

mlhn from ana of tha

The coach to which the lord mayor af
l^oeidoa rides on atota occaaiona hM

bami tonaa atoaa the ymr i7fT.


L OTV. mca^MAH* ftATUROAV. APfllL 7. 1

Miss Bonny of I
^ Tlie Sons^ Qnb
r«rftrt7.wWilT«d wttbktei


tivnttir p«p«or- Sir otonilX SutoaOed
ta far widi Mloi Baoax. bat wfaro far
liMind Ak« tteSa« aad aa»
kad i
wmr mm. Cm* aad wa» 4
hat torakd taotk« ke ar*.

iM vtMC In tMimmitt
-P* yoo tatmd aofaif w rbonk Ik*
JU kkluA at Ch» ralWr. tbr parti- >a
koadayr aaked Mia* liaau^.
pmr, th* tnmta. tlw trade* oHm. tar
-Ckarti.r Xo. Why eboald I r» to
^ ke liad iaat IM kkkiac asaloM
cfawk? Bretdea. 1 bar* aa i«a to
vMi air.*'
*^Tb<aa U Mba rirumioy.tat a dqate ta bof flam far tlia
-»!• In Hr. Oraaunj. I l-lkw**." ««id
m dbmgj aaiea Mdad ktaa. IMas.
ka aiw a ladj. a«Ml p«Upa iWrty. Vr. Grao«y ralkd «o Mi» Boaay
^ilMkedIfobr would go wftfa bliu to
tbe Trnlnrr*.
far bad aa ng far «ufa
wrnom wtth
laovtk. vUli L«t ayro- mrmbrfxof tba^kadiy. Ml** Botioy
todaad, St amaad to Mr. Urtuanx
a*.«i^bod"ta*rlbar tkry walkl to
ifta Mtlod ftwa tka
or tier tMad tbr Trainer** boiae. I'roBi tbr mo
iolkaaalaariMr foot.
meat Mia* Boaay eatrred tbr sunatilnr
of har pnamcr tefoaed Itnlf Info ti»r
IDotbrr-tbr father w*. d«Ml-Uie
damditrrand lltttrTom






Qwrrtiikt.,m. I.


^____1 vUea ilKTe is no
Ui ucXi'U
jwanL raa*i*n,w ua
j wbkb ply Utwvia tbe i
* > of the cr*m. cat> Asily r
SA-veml mile* o«
EMUR£ and dertmt sat tka taitaa naU
*! Tbe lUy |duuuH.»ui
the dnveraor's kSgh b^kid »cw.
l>ic growib It aywboQc of t
TSUnkin# penehnnee thM tka faurdana laU
lioo- IW plant yhldi apt
w bjwesxr. Uw t :*ik wIUk
urZ: TfabUeergmn.|mriM||UPwtt
damsals were more than a frw,
liny pti»i»y *«d la mare i
^f • *wy bottle.
ami aU tiu- rvumiuk*.;
for to eye* a* brS«lu as a crratal apriiif where so Uun that wbkb come* forCh fm op. and
plant Is dc-t\H^-d to the f.c-maUoai f
tt«v proxnitteg bnib like ihe Illy. Ibe
the pebble* lie smooth and whiia
of the i^Ih. l*urthg Civ iiiutr iH,n]
An Easter bonnet would Just be the
to Tbe stctrly Ikranrr Is also tbe 4rmbai of Jiiho iW- dlgs:ii.g Ilia, laof nxsrTytdom and Tlfgiaity. Tbeearty deridcCw miiUdetKol of tU; auumli
Tirittiaa palaiers. to whom tbe world talu digging at tU*
AU lU- kcti-»
ladeblfd for so many of Its taey•


rectSon dosrerof tbe


C7PHOUCM feather* and flowers wera then
tabooed, being Ea»ter. the bonnets were
And she longed CO look round, but the min­
uter stood dose by on the pulpit stair.
Pretty? That goes without saying, of course, where two dimples
played hide and seek.
The one In the saucy, upturned chin and the other on roar cheek.

We for that.
One Of tbe OMst cxpolMtc of tbe
:onkbb legend* I* to tlie e€cet that
the my 1* ooe of tbe flower* trbVch
tUanged their color on tbe mum of
nvurmnion day. I* it u*t true, thee
gomle sajfldst* ask, that tbe Savioor
hlm*elf deriarod that eren l^Woaioo to
aU hi* gtery waa not arrayed like one
them? Ortglnally ertHt and readeui
rut w
wilh t%»ior. U liow««d Its suiely W*ad und put aside lU gorgeoa* ral-

gfomMl'cbcy aihr aortal into their vari'
otui ekuaaw by exi»ert haaOs oui va--w
fully l<jck»d in hexes, each uoe
ped iu a protertlw <^eriug W Cried
ehlpamu Ugiu lu July

Fttaitar. liecmtifr ffliiUktads
bf teterttr Bitahlu.

Also have
esolntive ajptw-y
for tlm <;tmian,Ain©ri«in
Amian:Ainf>ri«in Firvimx>r Paint Co. Alto tha agonry
of Aogtwt
n»<ATt ed for uvu aeasou's . pLiniiug r.r tlioAUnO Pmte Prtae Wall
Kt«xd: an» i»ackcd In sand wbUU ha.-» Pa|*f Co.
l)cn dried to i»rrv«it germ.uuUoa.
they cr*‘ ^•e^ullu^l tu PM^VciUaenaNoT for??^

r\T the first It seemed strange to find herself there, alone ta
ttut hig. square pew.
The Power wfaitii has
/m And directly In front of the rest of the talks, though no
one was there w
That the governor's wife had been UI through the week. and. of luuglflonnu. named hurrisil. frtdn Us
tsr^t i-nUivaUi- It ill hnjKJTiing reoteri
center* ther
they cr«*
cr« liaudWd
all the pews In the church.
To have that of the Mofiktts left empty would^aeam like
tide left In the lurclL
advamx* order*, und they are tUeu rcfnromble lovallon-. uwuKv li
Ittlled l» all Ue«Tlptlous of

W.1, ,«-m, to 1.- .V-nt!:,.!. a.ta„t- ;
lily vrtM* Urlogs lU- lUr[]OW. her mother had said as she bade her goodbyt -You wUl ed to it* proAlneilou lu uumujIu- I nuac* ,
I farmers ui -lva*i yjJrt.’W*. etui
tltiee. U!y grow.u;: U now the chief j
sec that no sign of complaint
lillu* and flower* n-iallal lu
J Is made of your trifling or want of respect for the word
of our pastor, a saint
Who has rolnlsured long ta aU holy things. And be sure to re
itm^ on the Inland wlU.h on» derojed
u> dertvinl fn.iu Lurntuuidlse *o
member the text.
> the .tilllvanun of Ihi* fragruui vrrip. «.vamWcent a* lilUr., hut the trade U
Keep your eye* where they sl^ould be. not wandering olT**— But
The mnjor purt of tbe<trj «ou. ^,-ji «iubll»|jed. r.ui! Cu- m.trkiH I* as
whatever there might have come next
I'M* In l!ie easing and vxp wtinc of 1 Ktable a* t» that of m«>^t olber luxarUw
* Tie-.- «!v ^hip|K^l to all par.»= ' atnl many na-esj^itlei. tK-i'as.L.i ally.
;ur»»;* • ami Aiuvriva. au*t ll:vy an* i,juvver; tbe bulb mjrket UixmwM
y bouglit !ulu flower hy prof»«- uversux kvd. In that ludaiu-e the ^ur



certainly a* yellow as *niiali1nr. for It
was r»M. indeed. It was gidd ooln*
«I VM rMr ctab WMid toipror. tb«
Of coarse there was a flntt<T. and all
dvaattor.** growM Mr. Ckwmj. l«t eye* were diiertad to Mr.Onumuy.wlio
turned fal* ba«*k. ifrantlna dint it Ur
was to go to ebarrb be woold l*e on
ttae and not one of Ibe lajsgird* iSkt
make nnlsancei. of Uumwdvca Ur mtarmpllna the aervjce. But Miss lion
ny remained to crack the otUer egg<
and found tbcm also full of gold pieces.
Orumuiy. who
Tbcn she ran af
bM(L by tbla 111
•9ioWf tSMt*0 wkat 1 caU

The Resurrection
Flower, the 1%





4N tmmmrn

X u„r: -"rx .Kuu.....

SHSfei:;? !SSSP-S“

'* ■

A. Haaicr»5!2 Rote SI., aiy

2 1 3 East Front St,

Up fitalra

O. P. CARVERJA aao.;^-


We i»iut or Jgiprr over carpoU
nml k'uarantoo their safety from
lieiii^ noiltfl.



\V:ii» iii.m14* in six <Uya. liui wo
will t;ivi* y.m UB*4fi7fl in'
wliicli t<» tvijdsrf* n lairjfaiti
ill iiai-i] ()r^fnn^ Ink*ti in < x.
* li;iMtfi- .4luriiur «»ur wonl cs>nU-al sale. T*> uiakc' room)


o .nt 1 V prict-*,.
one *lo you .want?
ch oi
lilih- l»romi»ln*-i8
|,romi»ln*-s8 ritfht
r«] y*>n t*-nfoM. Dfl

c. ^.iifci'nn 1
wiuj^.ML.rSirG. It RtH-s


_ __
s one of IW ,^pKrraslefuU ' '*'*»>«
atal mure tsperlally
^et lally wUat
nUat Ib.-y
lb»*y duu't
want. ^ knew Instimi’voly tlml Mr.
.e to hare lier
dy wUb a GmaT. so r.Ue tahl
coulrust wUb Mr, ;tvh'r i the egg matter,
I like the notes of a ; ootblug objut U. talking only aln.nt
h«kle those of a kettlodrum. wliat «'esorrliic i»C3ple the Tralnt»r*
i-ase In ik>IuI. I
l^iulUenly she was sur| at
know you for a practK-al utau. Mr..
ftoppitg nt a lU.wer
Vou knotTwe give comfort 1 *-lonv He weut lu. punbasej a large
*lm|.ly by conferring with an,l “‘I'**lag eeruln in-ople wbo are In any way JJ
to the eharrh to whkh
Twiner. 1 dldJ^t
t!il youTbe iatue was Traitar. did I?
WeU. Alice t
atrulr. Bbo
pluinl»er*'Tbey're «U a anc of
-Johnny Bancs IsnT. for 1 am bla
ovjnPdanl too. Be only geu f 15 a week,
hut be and AUce ar** going to Ik> mai^
rh-d on thia pttlan^. Now. dsnt yo«
think. Mr. Grammy, thau inaamuch aa

later young giris were plo.Hng the

Th'^’‘ h
»UuahUK* metboda Mia* Bonny tonverted Mr. Crum
• from hi* oppocutlon i

:l, the bell.” .he •.!(!
nnnAS lost on MIs* Catherine. “Why
as she ran through the hall.
there would
WW For to walk up that aisle with every
have suited her least of
And, 1o! as the service began there stepped right Into that great
tie- inosit
UKtet i,p:us
pins of huil.-; 1*. rrtunjv.1 f<* Ih rtuuda
A gentleman—well, be had been a guest, but not more than i rKmal flor>t.s ami wi u■ by tinlarxiM-rteare-l
: ;;r.d
Mo»t of
In.month or two.
. ,
A juarkviablr liiy l»ulb mUf.1
In iU.- Arivri-nu
at least live luchi** lu »irru:iirvrr:5«v. j havo
f.»rn-s lu Ih^ir p-itmuagp
nl<ID the sexton should never have put him there;to embarrass rroimgatrd from a *cal»-ll>v t.vuu:.-j.l i ai.d de;H-:.d upon thorn Kt ii.v!r ouuumvforouv. rihevxu-nial a.-.-reiJoa- ntul a f. v. Au o-.t-au t\rm*
the Udy so.
the ,>areutlmllv-at-least three y«ir* crow .tlirtr own
of hnib* an
But ahe stUl sought her text as if she believed he had en­
i»r ,gr;iv.Uj and rultivntlou ure
i.laautumii It-aM-l f..r a P-nu of year*,
tered the pew below.
ry h‘for»* It van U' luark.ned
a ma j .\n lnjr>ort.<* t f.- .irn* of il ** piy Iratle
As a matter of course s^ would mis* it then, and t what could ture^atveriug bulb. «.*oam:erei:tlIy th*- ,4 the impc?rta:Ioii of lily hh;^:;--eu* dlthe gentleman do
bulba are divide Into three i-la-.s*-- a-rt fnxrj P. •-iii Tia. Tlie pa«.nlb:!ilr of
In a case of that kind-keep himself to himself, and be ta her fl\-c to r«*ren«. sc\cu to uiur> ami nine Joiug lUy* u •v^sfully wa* dej;rr.4father's pew?
to elevens. TlH*>e di'sigualioits r.-i<v etr.Ucd about tweniy y.rar* ag-i. bet
sent the averagi* via-umfennict * of tiu* imje Ava* made of U untU within the
, V//.
bull« in lnch»-s. A five to wvea bul’» |^->*.t decade. Thi* brnu« h «»f the bu ;in BIBLE Uy ready at hand, which he took to show that he idiouiJ l»ear five or six iK-rfer-t bios
bss derelofx-d r»'e«aily. oirl i{ i*
knew what to do.
fjoma. A seven to nine bulb, if ^riveu hqw estimated that
of thU
For be turned ta the page that he wanted
liberal treatment. wUl yickl s«-vea or .-of^lhiodltT are rhIpp<-J to New
vigl.t flowers, llie larput site hl.v bulb The lillw are vhlpp.-d lu the f<»nn of
at once, writing. -Read It; if* John
ten to hix- partly d-velor^nl bn-l*. ca.-li wra?!K-d
expected to furaW
The pricc-« .-arefally In ti.A-ue pai^^ and T»aekv| In
tv<?n extra Urge bios
wUh jmH-dentNl
of Uixlb* are gradi'd according t > 1
Tlie vuiting and lucking



I ND for this, as the con
fspeclally with Easter Sunday, which
neither of them could see me.
became his laroiiie boUday. Xotwith- £r\l I read. -1 beseech thac. lady, but do not
Ktandlcg this change inwardly. Mr.
Grammy is the *anje 'outwardly. For this is an old one. as STory oxte knows.
Though Ml*^a Bonny has bad the care
might gir;* me 25 cents to go with •
That wc love one another.- and she.
of him as his wife for years, be kicka
other similar amoimu to get Aik
a* bard as ever. Mrs. Grammy ha* Determined be should not outwit her thus.
few decent clotbM for tbe biidair
Marked hers In Ruta, at the sixteenth
the taet alwaya to find an excoae for
a a pracUcml man.** said Mr. <
neverr done any *ucb
^'t mind It In the
such work
and dont know
nj,aat It I \
*o lonra* be doe* exactly what

: '.23

wW a

And whera thou llflst. He.
T«ch SD« the way thy fkthrrs trod.
So 1 with thoe may serve thy Cod. '
And they who claim thee nsxr of kin
WIU not reftme to take me In.kbsk-briilt had to hk
hide her tara M ^
blushlM ridt
sad th^ with pcaca and.

band. Tm not going banting afi om
town. You-U hatw to pUol me,”
"Certainly. Mr. Grammy. Wbsn ibaB
we gor
when ah thy expra>e* are enomerated
"1 havemdyonatliBatodaaaylkiBf and paid; th«i aball tboa reach Ibe
of taauplDew.
be tby shield
Mlai Bonny, figaratively speaking,
j fWp tbit evfm-ifter tfc
bad Cbrown a laaso armnd Mr. GramOse of the oklssl mud at Uw same!
u»oa«and yewni not ooly tlie oat­
Bay's neck and led blm pot Ilka a
but the coUy. U vary di*tlncL
lamb, bat Uke a wild fauU that bad wretch bwanse he hath rldws. nor time most Interesting hit* of |dctorisl
fboafl a master, firaugb still vaaUvs^ to jMdeet an alawe becsiwe the band work wbJcb have Iwea prtw-n *1 from j the figure wx* UMd very geueially for
thelinmblebaamaCtaeTTalaafs. Be wbkh sBms it srrars a rii« aet with antkjoUy Is that of the lion of Ihtlw-; aeconrtltv parposes In anciciit llaliyltoiLoi*duocarefiflVsuthcwo:kuutn.ib«.

er tmes, as a role. FomeUmes, how.wer. : timed that no ihdr.y o.-, ur* in tbe flaal
It l,ec-omr. necr«uirT to vary the proc-} dUrtrihuUun. The*.- imiKuned flower*
«•** and to uiM' only tbe hirg*-»-i bolbs j aa* used to stipply odvaoee order*
for propagating rurposc*. M*hen that i from chnrriH**-and *«xdeUe* kod arc
happen* the price of mature lily bnlbs : mostly for deeorstive purno«es.
soars upwanl. and the supply i* , There an* «-ve.-ul iKs-ulIar feartnv*
diminished. 'Hie iny crop U planted In j ineMrat to IHy «mllure in Bennoda.
October, and most of the labor of pra One of them I* the fact that the Intasparing the *olI and potting lu the bulb* tty owe^ lu present fioarWthig cooiM done br tbe negro farmers, who are * ditioo to the efforts of an .\mcriean
greatly lu
Sij'ftwfaold Ik ldii. After tbe crop U ( New York by sGfalneae florist, theUte
.____ beyond
in little is required
kcci»ing I Mr. l.oe. Mott tWariory of j
the growing plant* free from w*-ea»- Is prartknlly an American im]
Tfae warm son and the *
---------- dehdo|)«dnnBrifiabs«a.

thing oeee ssen to be remenshemi al­
ways. On some of the larger fam* It
is no nDcomniha sight to find lOOjOOO
lilies hi roll bloom in a atngkr BMdL
The whole islknd of Bennnds U e«m- Fan ha* no limits It la Hka the bn*
verted into **gigantlc lUy bed. The man ra« and face. Tbriv i» • tamlly
odor which rises from fids mat nflgri- irkcoea. among aU the species, fast Ihgy
.11 djrcf.-Hamnnton.

i )jii Kiiiilall. walnut cast*. 11
. Ktojis. aaim* ns imw, f.Vi.
Oi.c Ktiiih:*!!, cxik case. 11
£topA, same ns now, FTm.
Oin- Kinilaill (travelingcaflc).
tnmlc i-xjihwaly for trawlinif. clowm pp with lock
an*l key, lmn<ll«s oatshh*.
lirasstriniiiHsl, 13 stops. K
•<?ts of nssl*, very hoaty
torio, $bV
(hu* i:sU-y. i:; Ktnps, 7 Sfdfl of
mils, made for clin|jel or
for honio. in fine ooodilioH.only $12.
Om- KimUill t^iano eaw. 7
cctnvc, row-wood enso. in
uwl play ini' orilcr. now
tlnij (?liicatfo Cottago. fine
walnut cimr. hiyfh top, 11
ships, lamp bn^ketfl, n
< )ne ChicjiEo Cattnuo. wataot
t-asc, inlaid panels.. mnsic
pocket on top, b stops,
in fine sbapi-,
^)oe . Smitirs
heavy wtdnut case, baml
carv*^, high top.

One UtinUt. Clmp.1 .tyle,
irJnnt cate. K«><1 •l»«iie.
One Clon«l< A Wamm, 7
steps, walnut case, $17.
ne IVhitoey.
stoiiS. walnut
I>on t say aftcnrwds yoo
did Jiot know of tilifl flUoofl.
Stotd with eflohone fiwfl.


msi .



aan to her folka «eHla* Yoaad


Tlier» it Iwt One Seal
So4a Cracker b^nte
tkere it but one that
cqmes to fcm just at it
comet from tbe o?en.
. OtbertlotetbdrTaliie
hf being exposed to the
air, absorb^ nudstitre
and collecting d^.
The Ireall toda ctaOker
it Uneeda Biscuit kept
freth and dean by the
protecting package

-TOt, IVe 4M Me.

I cte

aa bar bfaw braaada
ia% oM; V Bfla' oB alM that

t Cedcie thew tve tag
Tbersaar. I amn «ot arach M

war. a boar^ apt to git bladar aac
la Cbair wan. ltt«“ *M.-tWf« alBT Mbodr gain* ter dieIts that. I gaaoA tOs* Porter.**

A little farther «owa the atraaf^
M. tt nmt ia mr Umly to be womea parted, lira. Porter went tato
iwa boaae. a wMto.fraM Wtb
t.** Mid Mrs. Peitsr. fa a toae of
Mtaa aad ptMe. 1 aercr feaev sraea bUads. aad Mr*. Boap wmntM
Moa Tit tbac mirnt bare phmtj o* oo. bar thin Up* cKoed UpbtJr. Her
wa* alaioat fbe teat oae on t ie
1 oa (beir boaeaTbe Forters. now.
tbejm* all iwa ps ratte. I «aat wMkr
ireet. It war ao «aiall that there wa*
oat orer her abooldcr* aad went
o rbaace for a portor or a* »psre
000. aad Mr*. Roap had nmr bad
ar -best thin*..” She bad aerer aeeo
a s thin as she 1
bine ftUk brocade chair In her life.
tal bf tba wtoaow of tbU h«k rooo.
that *erTMl a* ijoih sUttei and bod
room for Mte* LnereUa Sprool.
-I don know.**WeU. If* Uiar. Th<i> re bee* bM
In* eamp'njr nlph onto ten yenr*. If
Ida «n* n niroe o* mine. I sbontd say
aoMbla* lioot It.**
••WHI. «bc*« John** Blocc. you see.
•n* I woaldnT want to Interfere/* nld
Mr*. Porter. *-They*Te got to wail fill

t In thU
Lucretla Bproul. who had seen lietter
days before coming to Iternc^rille.
and smiled from
an open window in Mr*. ILuIJey’s dingy
UlUe house.

It was Ida Porter.


To get rid of Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,^
Belching of <5as, Catarrh of _
the Stomach or any other """
disorder due to Indigestion.


A room there aad took In dress
Bg. Mr*. Roup nodded grimly In
n. She wondered If Ida had ever

Miss Lucretla** blue Imicade furWill geu the amaas to *et up for blai- nllnre. She wnd Miss LucretU were
•elL Ida doD ! want to go to live with rarm friend*.
all hi* fbIR< *n* 1 dun know a. I blame
her much—ibere ain'i room there now


it worth n greet deal
to yon. Why not
hevo it protectalf Wo
can 6t you with perfootly groniid lonaea.
Don’t Begioct yonr

Bi Ba«


Pro at

Optical PariOrs




A “Square Deal” in Life Insurance.
Protection “at Actual Cost.”

The janliers’ life Association
of Des Moines, Iowa,

Ceriamly hpi mmU* o womlt rful rwortl Tn 2H y.virs of nclunl oxperiamoe iUrtHiiracUlmvuUH MlakimrJiro of promptly at a oust to ibcmetnbr re llml Kcmt rDnrnrkablc*.
I Cest of $1,000 IfisnniDCc tt Agc^Ntmed
for Deith Lottes tad Expeisca.

s£ i.s









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1:? at

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Gas Enrine Repairs a SpecUlty

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no sense



Digests MThst Yov Est

If. after wirw twe-thlrds of tha conteali
bocti* of Kodol Py^p^ Cure you aiw not i
It or can hooesUy ssy that It has not benefU
the bottle heck to the draler from whom y<


gusraoiee oespoo. and teswe
mall iltouswUhthsouttlds
wrapper from around the bonis.

out on the III tie back porch
“I Hke to keep ’em lookin’ }€dt *o/‘ look ai the heavy c1ou«1h in the wf
■be said, with n little pretlmary oougtl. Then, with' r^Iule steps, she w<
“I houldn t stsn* ter rent ’em.**
into the pantry and ni1<Ml a small glass
“I guess lt d be good ter air Vm
sometimes, anyhow.
You keep ’em
shot np closer n wax. I ain’t never
seen them blinds open sence you’ve
lived here, *n* ihafs goln* on twelve
years, I guess.**

dish with blackl»erry presenf* from j
J)lg stone jar. A shrewd, del* milne
look was on her sharp face.
“I’m goln* out. Amanda." she said,
taking her sunbonnet from a nail on
the kltcheji Vail.

“I don’t like ler ran the risk o’ fad“You’d better not. motber. it’s goln
In’ things, MU’ Roup. Nearly ever?*, to storm/’ said Amanda' following her
thing In them two rooms was my to the door.
mother s ’n* she set sue ha store by
I only
’em that I try to be real parlirner ’lioul
I’s. It It should
’em. The parlor •furniture’s covereil
real hard don’t look for me
wbh blue silk brocade, *n’ pale blue
HI stay with LnrretU
fades real easy, you know.”
*’Poes your carpet match It?"
Amanda Roach started.
She had
“No. It don t match. I don’t II
never known her mother to stay
bill* carpet.”
all night In her life.
“I should think you’d want It ter
•i guess yon’ll want to come Uck.
match. An- I must say it don’t
no mailer how hard It ftorms.” she
ic*t right never ler make no ui
your best thlngi. 1 *’poiie you’Ve got
“Well, don’t you worry If I don’t.’
your china In the parlor, too?"
MUs Lucretla nodded, then went on
with her crocheting, her thin, blueveined Angers movjng^rapidly.

Mrs. ROUP eyed her steadily a minutc. then rose, and tied the airings of
her sunbonnet before the little glass on If." she said.
“It’s the nicest I ever tastc*l,“ said

Lucretla. It waft real nice of you to
“Jmt don’t kt me hurry yo.i, MU’ Per think o’ bringin’ It to me.”
Mr*. Roup tilked on. telling alKuit
You )est set long’a yo uHke."
“No. I’d lietter l»c goln’ too. 1 didn’t the pnwcr\*es she had made the
know ft was so late." said Mrs. Por­ before, and how mueh watermelon
rind she expect c-d to pul up. There
ter. glancing at the clock In the
ner. *i*ve got to get super this even­ were several pesis of thunder but she
Ruth she’s gone to the picnic kept her seat. Soon the rain began to
fall In torrents.
with the oibtT young folks.”
“I guess I’ll hev lar make mywlf
’ If you don t mind 111 uke
knit spread long with me. Luerctia." easy here till the storm goes ’round/’
she said.
said Mrs. Roup. “1 r’n Uke the
•Oh. yes; you mustn’t ihink of
tern of it this evenin’ after supper.’*
”Ifs In the spare room. 1*1) get It.” stertln’ out tni it stops rainin’." said
th** grateful Lucrrlla.
said Lucre!ia.-^
nut the rain continued tn fall. At
”I> ! me. !*m tip.** Mrs. Roup moved
toward the door that Id into the l^tle eight o’clock it was quite dark. >nd
the wide. gra.Hs^HT^wn gutter before
gate was a turbulent brook.
•Y<«i wouldn’t know where io look
*i don’t look’s If I was goln. ter get
for U.”
MUs Ijurretla passd her with swift home ler night. I guess you'll hev ler
steps, went Into the entry, and closed give me a iK-d here. Lucretla." said
Mr*. Roup sundlng at the window,
the door behind her. In a momen
arms. It was carefully wrapped In
old aheet.
‘ I hope you didn't hev to tear t

W TO A.LL T>EA.LB7tS: The ^1.00 elite Kodol 7>yepepeia Cure ie Juar^
anteed only to purchaeere teho preeent our printed coupon properly filled out
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preeentaHon of thU coupon. E. C. T>eWstt /SL Co.. Chicago. X/.S.A..
golh’ ter
ick M the
die. I saw thron,
door when the doctor was Ulkln' to
-it was too bad turnin’ you outer you yesterd’y. ’n’ I guessed bo was
uttering a wonl.
| your own bed that way. Fd oughier sayln* L wouldn't never gel ’round
ag’ln. 1 want to know, for a parilc’lar
Mrs. Roup turned slowly- around ! iM^en lhe"0no to lake the spare i
from the window. Her gray eye* glU* Hut you—why. ain’t that one o’ your reason, if I ever will.*’

See here; why can’! I hev the apare
“You don’t look’a If you’d
1 wink, Lucretla,”
Uicrolla’s fac<' turneil ghastly. She)
“Oh. yes 1 did.”
stood staring at Mrs. Roup, without j


I parlor chair*?"

“I hope you don’t think 1 ain’t good
lUMingh ler be pul In yer apare
rrKfra? ” sbr said In a tone of offense.
“It ain’t no sin ter l>e poor. I guihi*.”
“Oh. it ain’t that.” cried Lucretla.
"bni—but that room ain’t been slept
MIb6 Lucretla was very grateful for
in sence I took the house. You’ve got
the blackl>crry preserve. It was some
rheumatism. Mis’
’n* you’d
Mrs. Roup hsd made only the day be
ketch your di*ath o’ cold."
”1 ain’t afraid. 1 guegs 1 can sUnd
“I was bound to get your Judgment if. I’m wlllip’ t!T fry. anyway.

over the pine bureau.
“Well. I mus^ be goln’/’ she aald:

pressi^d agi
live so far 1 woti
T put you out any/

*No.*’ answered MUs LucreiU; ”1 me. weir* not. MU’ Roup. It’ll bt' real
don’t keep It on the bed. ihc dust *ud pleaftant ter hev conp’ny."
.Mr*. Roup shook her head slowly.
settle on It,” .
bed all to pieces.” said Mrs. Roup.

ain’t no use me trjln* ter sleep wlih
“I tell you what. I’ll sleep in the
spare room royseTf." Uicreila’s face
beame.1. “I ain’t goln* ter hev eorop’ny once In Iwf-lve years *b’ then put

with which It was
aU defect*. On each aide of the porch
was a window, the blinds at lioth tight- ‘
ly doted. No one in Barnesvllle ever
remembering having seen them open
for even five mlnntes. There vna a

lAbl l I S CLfIL

good deal of scandal, of a mHd klad,
about Mips yt^oerMU’a over-partlcaterIty eoDeenUag her best Tooma.
••WIUU yon atarta* at. MU* Roup?”
asked Mr*. Porter. “Perhapa youYc
thinkte*-aome o* them rlae* onghter


rome down. I tell Lncretla OieyYe too
thick, but ahe wont hare ’em touch-

doMrordno^aiiaatlmOx TaUtit. If ifacT aoo't
kaov, tlicr cm bare iha
foOBida Iv wrilii* ».

-I ain’t thinkin’ of the Tine*.


them two front rooms. Fd like ter see
(hat brocade furnltoor Lncreite talka
of *o much."
”8he*s rrol perilc*ler *bcmt her heat
rooms." rejoined Mrs. Porter. **I be-

Doo’c izb dMOS with

Mkre«ilatire k a Mzak.
MtaMJOiteA CBSB. S «IBlB «A Ok



Roup waif staring at


chair standing by

door of the ball. If was low. and ha.l
an old-faahlonwl. high back.
“Yes.” «ald Lucretla. In an Indlffer
ent tone as she fllh«d the kettle an.l
plarofl It on the stove. *’I brought It
out t») polish up the carvibg. L didn’t
do It when I was cleanin’ last week.”
”It be a real pretty set,” said
M«. Roup.

“I’m afraid he think* you’re protiy
sick. Miss Lurrclla.”
•That’s enough. I know you don’t
like to s|M*ak right out. Well. weVe
all got to go sometime*, ’n’ if my.
lime’s come now I ain’t goln* to flinch.
I hope I’m a Christian. ¥%r'» I c*n .
rec’loct. I ain’t never done hut jest ono
thing that didn’t seem real honest; ’n*
my pride led me Into that, ’n’ then I
didn't see no way out of It. Ida. 1
want you to do something for me.
There ain’t nobpily . l^^e In the house.

She stayed to breakfast and Lucrelia made a hurried trip Into tbe parlor,

and brought out a china cup and
cer so thin that Mr*. Roup could almost see though them.
”i:m goln- to lot you use jlhU for
’em where they'd Veich cold.' Fm one
You’ll hev
o* the kind that never kctrhe* cold, no yonr tea, I don’t hev comp'y ao of­
good deal.
Ida went.
ten that I need to mUid' usin’ U."’ said
She inilock»d the dtior of tbe parlor ’
first. It sws quite dark In there; not .
“It must be real hard io keep i
only were The bUnds closed, but there
china like Ihla ’tbouf g-itln’ i
Lticretia Inslstwl; and the uiiwtdcome
wen* green i»aper shade* at.the win*
visitor was at jast induced to retire.
dos.s. Ida held the candle high over
Lucretla saw her inin the little cham­
her head, and stood staring around
ber. changed the sheets and pillow­ it. Izucretla .1 K>»ess I d
her. a look of arooxement up*m her
cases on the he<l. and then went to twa* mine.
pn-tty. delicate face. There was noth­
There was a ptizrled expression on
a chest in one conu r. Mrs. Roup was
ing in the room except one old fssh*
her face as she wialked
ait<‘ntiv(> to every motion.
lomd chair uphoist.-rcMl in blue hro*
“Oh, you keep .vour extra quilts in later. 8he didn’t have much to say all
cade, and a rhinn nip and aancer on
there. d«i ynti?" she said. “But whnt day. She anpeared to Iwi thinking
the‘mantel! The tears were in her
“What’s the matter, moth-r?” aske<l
under the canopy air ye genin’ that
eyoB when she unlocked the door of
ther comfort out for? You don’t need
the spare fonm. it contained nothing '
•i was wisbln’ we Iibd blue
no coverin’juon’n the sheet. Why!
except a woo*1en clialr. on which lay
it’s Sf» close I c’n hardly breathe. chairs ’n’ real chlny, like
the knit spr«*»d Mrs. R«»up had reSproul." answered Mrs. Roup.
You’d Froother with that over ye,"
About a we«;k after the storm. Ida
“I dun know what 1 was thinkin’
Ma weni back and sal down by MI««
about." said LucretU. dropping the I*orter board that Mlaa Lucretla wa*
Lucretla’* lied. Tbe IllUe old woman
qnlU bacT Into the chest writh an em­ 111. and went fo sec her. She found
old woman In bed. h»*r kept her face turned aside! When Ida
barrassed laugh. “Fm losin’ all the
1i< Id out the keys, she shook her bead.
sense 1 ever had, I guess."
“You ketir ’em.
Ida." ahe «ald;
her cheeks flushed with fever,
She wept out, afifr a tremulous
“everyililng I’ve got
will be yohr*
“good-nlgLl.” and Mr*. Roup listen­ and her eye* unnatarally bright.
Fm gone. You €*& marry Will
"I’m glad you came. Ida,” she shld.
ing. heard her lock the kitchen door,
then, ’n’ her a home. You won’t her and then go into the spare room. holding out a trembling hand. “I was
) wait no longer. 1 get two hundred
When she had been gone about half an goln- ter aend for you."
year from the Bavings Bank In Bald• What’s the matter?" a.sked Ida
hour. Mrs. Roup threw her dark pettlIn. You’ll And out all about it when
“WeU, I ain’t ben real well alnce
quletly Into the kitchen. Opening the
you open my bandbox. All my papers
door leading Inlo the hall, she crent
is la
Lawyer Town***
quietly along In her iilocklnged feet
drawed my will, three )-e*r* ago”.
to the door of the spare room. All Fm struck 4or death. Ida.”
Her voice grew very weak. Ida bent
"Oh! no you ain’t. You mustn’t get
was siin inside. Mrs. Roup listened a

“Well! 1 must aay you air pertic*ler.”
The two old women wpnt out to has her room an* I hev mine. I would­
gether. When they reached the gate. n’t shet my eyes the whole endurin’
Mrs. Roup stopped and looked back at night ef I was to hev anybody along­
side of me.”
(he little bonae.
There were
Lucretla looked troubled.
“I aieep real quiet, ” aaM the.
“That wouldn’t make no dlFrence. moment, then knocked abarply.
but the Tine*
of which had sunk

thlnfcln’ Fd like to take a look Inter


“There ain’t

htaig* shet up that way.” Mr*. Roup
muttiT(-«l. An’ i’m a goln* ler sc<* In

“Voo might board *em here. Lucre. ler lh»ra room* .whether Lucntla
I la.** *nkl the woman by the window, Sproul like* it or not."
her kene gray ey«* fixing lhero*elev.
four day* after this, the
on M1J» LActhU*. dellraie. faded face. sky at seven o’clock In the <nenlng
“Yon ain’t really got no mie ftor yonr gave every Indication of an approach­
•pare room *n* yonr parlor.**
ing atorm. Mrs. Roup left the labio
Miw Lucrctla flashed slightly. She where she was estlug supjmt with Iier
whs crocheting n tidy, and did not
nd a widowed daughter, a

came otit again, with the spread In her

Onarant«- an.l Roaonc Puna now over Elgkt HUliaBDal.
kn. What more ia needt.I than pure lif.- initimnrc at n malcrate
coat, in « oomiamy tlmt it abaolukay aate ami pmmucnl. For full
tiifurumtioii, wriUt ,

;; '

to do more'n pHrt turn round.**

any such notion as thst."
Miss Lucretla moved her pillow to
“Lucretla.” she called. “I bate ter
one ride, and something fril to the
’oonse ye. but hev ye got anythin* good
floor with a Jingling sound.
for a pain In the slder
"Them’* my keys." she said, “Pick
“I goes* ao. ni come an’ ace.” an­
’em up. Ida 1 want ’em under my pib
swered Lucretia’s voice.
“You go ler. They’re the key* to my front
back to bed. Ill be there presently.”
But Mrs, Roup remained in the ball.
She grew worac later In tbe day.
She gave a start when Lucretla came and Ida left her lUUe room at Mr*.

down and kteaed hw aofilr.
"I laid In the spare room, on the
floor, all that ni$ht when Mia’ Ecmg was here.” went on Miss Luetedg.
feebly. “I didn’t her jw much as a

ihment for my pride. I gndaa. .i
kep* lellin’ mrmdf thaL Ml .IfbL Ida.
don't you let Mia Roup go to there UU
yon get It all furnlahed ndw.”
ooL ctoslng the door behind her.
Holly's and came to stay with her ait ^ “I won’t. MU* Lucretla, She shanH
“Why! you ain’t undresaed yet.” ahe tbe iim\. She slept on an old lounge ever know."—Woman * Fann JouroaL
with a Haded worsted cushion for a
the doctor told her platoly.
“No: I wras sittin* by the winder, pillow. The
owe day. that the mue old woman WM
««tate agrot testrorted bte
■ecln- It rain."
to get welL
typewriter to write to a tedy informShe went om to the kitchen, lighted
lag her that ahe roold have a flat at
“I want yon
a candle, and found a houle of Itela
rent provWied *he repainted
ment. She offered to vA Mra. Boap’a thing. Ida," Mias LoereUa sald.Ule In
and radecoratod U betarif. But the
the aflerhoon of the toUowtog day.
aide hat the offw was declined.
typewriter omlttad a rmy little word,
Ry ire o’clocic the next aming “I want you to answer honest, "ipil and tbe todignattoa of the woold-b*
Mra. Roep.wna np. bat when the en­ your
occnplcr wa* grrat whea she was to**Why. I gness so, Miss Locretis." fernmd that the elmld have the Bat
tered the Idtehea ^ fonnd LoereUa
answerad Ida. a tlUle nneasily. “Wlmt “pmvMed ahe rapatoled and redasir
ated bermdf.”-iCiilcago JonniaL ^
Is It yoo want to knowT

thero bNfcra her. She a»tred stilly^
and IMT fttee hmked pale and pIMhed.

. i

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