The Evening Record, June 26, 1906

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The Evening Record, June 26, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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I - jmflUlONOH

*V lt#CEt»OIAKY n«t



rmmd Hia Wba in Lanenin Part
Af^ctber Man and Shat
Her Dead.

motion will be made for the MoilBug Will Bo Hold ou uM, » and J. A. MONTAOUE-S «CM TO BE ONE
- OF YACHT FUEET.tho Trip Wilt 3o « LoubIIIM
Oito for M DolagMau


mn mntutH saved smucruifE

h.: ^


Lam m
Vim UM Witu
S1JB0 Uimrmmm m4 am Lmmu



BEMisI lb «lw Brnilac iiMdrd.
tIUUMM, Hkk.. )bm
• Ent>)r tnaiw la ■ Bu
Gites host bpkmcliiic to J m!


ira. a Raaafaa. aged 40. walked
the OAY^ WORK.
into the jmUoe atatloa today jmd ga» c
blmsetf up. He aaked to be seat to
rbieago wbere be kOled his wWe laM Daalara Sp«»t th« Night Plaaaanlly in
«ber. He aaSd be found bU wile
the Top Story of the Jail Inaload
la Uacola park with another man and
of in a Coti-SUl. Will Op
poae Lonlency Motloo.


tSe boat sad boat bow
atrofad. tba ira commanka
L. Maamaa vmtPbbw ai
um» €l bay, a tboaaaad bn*k^ of oa4t
aad amval toaa i
k»^ la 12.000, la
canon, of

telM. tk* 1b>M MBkiac Mur.' Uufla«M «um4 m explMlmi.,
TIM Era «M Is Um> rwr <■( the
Bn» bnlidlac which wa. dedicate
day bat «mck work of ibp Sremon
Place Waa Crawd.d With Fa
Toatad a aplcdil of the name.
mala a-d a Panic Fol
roar huad?fd-fTima. KIka aif> in
the Shooting-Thaw
tba city Sa^h thnw baad..^ Xiiac
MlllMalre'. Son.
will ba bald toafsbt with a dadka
addraaa Ibli atfmlmg. by Calvin A
Pataiar of llanljUae a^l C. B Rowetu By Wire to the Evening Record.
New York. June 2€.-Harry K
Thaw, who kUli*d SUnford White, the
alleged miner-of his borne, wa. t^en
lefTcnmn Market court today and
Igned on the charge of homicide
and remanded In the ctirtody of the
,er. The defense In his trial for
murder will be emotiodai Inunlty. The
police say it Is a case of Srat degree
The tragedy oocuiwl at 10:30 Ust
night on the rogf of the Madlmn
Square Garden dnrtng the performance
musical extravaganza. The garden |
waa crowded with a fashionable audiand a nanir ensti«*d when the
series of shots rang out and Than
barkiHl. pistol In hand, toward an exit
The cause of the homicide
Thaw’s wife, formerly an artlf^t’:.
m«Mle|, and a chonis girl, Kvelyn Nes
IdU. whose union with Thaw caused
an estrangement, l>etw«‘en him and lus
family. Thaw is the son of a riMsl.uip
milUonalre and mite was an eminent
archltcetr He had been paying atten­
tion to Thaw’s wife before Thaw/huh
had inH her.
with yrpat favor. Th* rt* am a vi*r>
It was learn.*d that Sanft.rd
food attimdancpof w»prt»ii«*ntatlvr hu m Whii<' was lH«aten with an umbrella In
at tba board of trade tnretUif last front of a New York theater last
night and con.lderal.k Wtslnesday night by A handsome
manlfeatod over tlw* proap«?t of a per ytiung woman.
Moal vlalt to the liUKlnem mm of Man
White Knpwn In Outroit.
IMlqne. It was decMad to make Imme
dlafe arrangemonts for advortl.Ing the
iKtrolt. June 2C.~Sanford White,
exrtindoa and a commitics- wa. ap
ho was kllUHl l>y Harry Thaw, is well
polpted to rcprmenl the Umrd of tmd.
miwn here. He designed the Sta‘e
l'-% . la the arrang«*ment. and at the rocep avlngs luuik building and was con­
‘ lion in Manlstiquo. consisting of vx sulting architect of the hotel Pftnchnr
Ma>or rrank lUmUion. Mayor A. t. train, now iMdng built, although Gvo.
Ptledrlch. H. A Muswlman. WIHIam D. Mason of this city made the plans
■ ■
Loudon and Alderman Malcolm Win and Is the work arrhlUH-t.
nie; I'rcldent llaMlng. and S«reiar3
Thiw Bousht Out B«r.
f \
Hannon to assl.i the c*»mmlttcc in
^ • •.
whatever arrangcromts are necessary
Port Huron. Mlrh.. June 54.—Alwut
y. ' f ■ and to issue the neccimary advertising two years ago. Josiah Copley Thaw
Mary to Harrington
^ :. :
lag. BxE'rs- »ffortmarrltMl
Will bet.imade
. r- make thlH excursion one «if ph-asuro Thompson..a Port H«>ron society girl
, and profit to thi> iHs>ple of Travenw At the wi-ddlng Harry Thaw cfeaie.1
.City. The extremely los rate, made no little gossip by bis swagger ami
* will be a strong Inducement to every'- apolltan acts His fiarty consisting of
Piilsburg swells siay«;d at the Harring

body wjio dt^slrvs a t'oujUe of "days
hotel and It Is Xld that Harry
^ ^
j cation pleasantly .pent to hare a good
5ht out the

The bualness men of XlanUtlque win
. J '
be prepared to give the Traherne City
> '
(Cxmtinued on .Third Page.)




By Wire to the Evening Record.
Tdledo, June 26 —A motiem wlHl be
made today to suspend the wmtence
of the convicted l«* tmsl men on the
ground that prlc^ are r**duced. The
aotioo will b** oppow^ by the state.
The driver, of the Ice wagons drove
up to Jail today and nn^Ndved ihelr or­
der. through the window bars R)f the
day’s work. The cvinxlcted lc<* mag
I passed the night pleasantly la
the lop story of the jail Instead of a
cell. ,




Eoeti Waylaid.
By Wire to the Bvenlng Record.
Obteogo. IlC Jnne 2C -Jame. Pat
terdM. aged t2.^aon oC a wealthy
troll fbmlfy.-waa Mod oa Wabash avehue Wly today a»«macloos. u i*
beUerwl be waa waylaid by robbec-




Son of C. A. Hammwid of EaM Garflald
Waa fnjurml But Didn’t Know
Ho Wao Hurt Until Ho Wont
to tho Houaq and Back.

Lightning stmek the home of J. A.
Moruh. 130 West Tenth street, at 1
o’clock this afternoon, damaging the
» conslderaldv and playing some
IMTullar pranks.
Moran and children wfiv In the
they all escaptnl'InJnrj .
The roof on the west side was
struck, all the shingles Ulng torn
away and the siding on that wide being
iged. A candle was sitting on a
closet shelf and a. the fluid desetmded.
this was llghttNi. All the tinware In
the panTrv was pK^rfoT-att^d. tht^tln pall^^
having hobMs In them like small shot
s the UdJ d» srendiHl. It passe<i
ugh the kitch»-n fltsir tearing a
(Continued on Third Page.)

Gam Qoaa to Soutli ManKou latand



Poor to Be Cared for 8y the
HoaplUl—Equalization Matter
Wiw«tled With.

The committees 00 i-qu.llzatlon: acrounU.and grounds and
huUding. of the board of county .uperIsor. have* U-en wrestling with iheir
rouble, today but aside from that noi
nuch ha. I^n accomplished by the
Hvard. Thrt*e plans for the eoum.v
IMwtr house wM*re sulimUted this morn­
ing and the board resolvwl Itself Into a
commit!K-e of the whole and spent
some time in the dlscusoiion of the
manner in which thep roiM.rt'ui..n wav
to be submliled to the fieople. Some
were I nfavor of holding the sjh-cKI
at the same lime with the
Sepleml>er primary while others want
ed It earlier.
■ The
Waa Uncoivtcloua When Releaa«l But ported on the matter of the care for
Indigent poor to the effect that the
Waa Not FgUlly InjurwA—Straogo
management of the Grand Traverse
hospital would lake rare of them and
provide a Fp**rlal room If m-cessan
for $10 a wtH-k althoogh the regular
By Wire to the Bvenlag Record.
charge tor this would he $15. The re­
pelfoU. Jane 26.-Uzy GGldbrodk.
port waa accepted.
aged 15. whose borne U at 121 MnUet
street, was caught la the spokea of a
runaway wagon aad whlrted aroung
ne 2C.-Cattle-200:
for nearly a block. He was uncon
Sheep apd lambe
BckHts when releksed bnt was not fa -600; ateady; aprlng lambs. S7.5DDS;
Ully Injnred.
wethers. $5^5,25; ewda. $E,25D5.50
Hogs—1360; active; strong; Yorkers
roodlT tn and pigs, $6,80ee,8S; hi
Mathew mixed. $6.SDD6J5.
*el. Tbn
Detroit, June 26.—Wheat-No. 2 reo.
t evenlag g6c;.cotn, 66c; oats. 42c,
tor amay years atood oa Mr. GlMMlen.| Gblci^ June 26—Wheat-July.

Ter Swell
Young Fellows
Can Oxfords
JIre most


Price S2.SOand$3
& Roscoe

Tans are cooler, tnore
cofnlortable and .wear,
better. Tan is a more
appropriate color with a
light summer suit than

Order ior

Cisbt or dark

Also all .supplies for every
IMirt of Jji4ure taking.



$2.50 to $5*50


With Us.

We’ll send

I AbBtractB of TlUo I
BmtablUhmd ASM
|B»w«iatS rntmf BmnkBwIMfil

J. W. Willitoii


flour? It will pay you to get posted
^ on our “BEST.;' Flour. I Other
' ladies have tried it
their entire
satisfactic». . .
. Tr>^asack.


to take the measurements'

Traverse City Mfg. Co.

Do you know that it s a waste of time
and money to bother with a


Lay Co.

In both ribbed and lace Stripe.' Very
good offerings in these much
wanted hose.
Plain Ribbed, fine cotton yarn,

25c and 15c
Tkrec GMd

' CtBC*! B«S Ovemlls—no better made—
few as good at thaTvioe—extra roomy
-weD abnink d^-UKION MADE

Pine quality yarn, pretty open
/ Stripe— --

25c and 15c
iU silMr

IS csBsUer


Stock doors delivered same day as ordered.! Odd
doors aad window screens in three days.

It’S Like Finding Money


- r|

Last >-car “Dorothy Dodd"
thought to be close
—perfection, yet the present
styles surpass them in both at­
tractiveness and variety. Yon
may run the whole town over
aod you will find no better.

SQL Button Holes iiliteiA
at EyekeU.

We Handle the
Best Cameras Made


If w>yoe will
eomething for your outing attite
We hsve a new line of ne^igw
shirts, also a new lot of four-ta.
Hands of moat degiiable colon ud
effects. BeHa,o(^lan, underwear
hosiery, and lastly, bnt not least, a
new style of dress suit caaea that
are what you have baen |)dreamiiif


College .

An ouUdk wiibont a camera
IS like bunting without a gun.
Cameras are better every
year-do more things, are
mow easily operated and
were never lower in prioe
than DOW.

Drs. SiWTtr & PiflkitliKii


On July 14. J. A. Montague and party
with hi. yawl Gem will go to South
Maoltou Island, whqre he will meet
the Nahma. owTjed by Francis Camp­
bell of Detroit, apd the Dciloma. owned
(Continued on Third Page.)

Take a Camera
on Your Vacation

\Vr arr m»w {w-rmanr*ntlv Kx-atod
in ihrW.llw Im bl.x k.

“PAINE’S FIREWORl^. ^ese are universallrconaidei^ the best
»t of their careful manofacture. Every piece
do. aod THERE
your supply of us.



Bsr Wire to UMf Bvaelag Record.
Baa Praadaco. Jane 2€.->Tlie board
baa paaaed a new
; the aaaiber of aal
iHc; tom, 61%c; oata. 36c.
alieblBS fboae ma la groeenr adaTk tar* bat be bad U moved to tg(4c
Jane 26.
It ia beliaved the majmr wUl the eRy ao that be eoold ^ bit Tok


By Wire to the Evening Record.
WaahtegtoB. June 26-‘rbe deic:
gale, to the Pan Amertcaa oongroM
which wlU open at Rio on July 3v»th
will have a long and warm tHp at uearly three weeka to Rio. and through the
tbougfatfulnea. of tue Braz^Uau gov­
ernment the humid days in the city
Just Udow the equator will be made
aa pleawi for the repreoenUtive* of
the different republics that will lake
part in Us* c<.ngrva. as It ts^posalhle to
make them.
Among the things thought of to
lUease the diplomats and at the uune
time show the extensive repertories of
the BraxUUn lands Is to colb>ct ih»
sr<»res of the national hymns of all
the countries that will be rf*pr»*sented.
The government at Rio has Instruct­
ed the Brl/.llian con.uUte in this cit,
to coIlK-i t theM- scores. So the Apierb,
can delt gates will be greeted wi»a
”The Star Spangled Banner.^ the Cu­
bans with the * Hymno Bayamo.” and
the Venezuelans with -Viva. Brwvo.

Mim Laura Ro^er. Burled FlW the
Church of Christ.
The funeral of MImj Laura RopT.'s
CANDLE 01/SHELF IN THE HOUSE wa.s held from "the Church of Christ
this afternoon. Despite the rain a
large numlier of friends of the decf'aiied were In attendance^ Interment
ttiok place In Oak wood.


Oetrwlt Y^ng Man Waa Picked Up on






puwiSigo Uim-lmrt dollar mhirt we
ever aaw—Idea.___ _______
Ssitott Ctsitlet Gtores—biDWB, drab or
yellow, aU aixes-ttsiid the hai^
toitef any^vs made st ooedoUsr.

White Embroidered Be
extra good, for



BWer.quaiity, with eyelet e^bjkitteiyJ
I5c.; ■

,: i-.f

Ffore Carpet Be^rgains


Tbe heavy carfM.-t trade of the fiasl season
toves US with numcrouti remnants and
these We will dftai*. at a hifl ’ sacOtke.

t A CQB-^

tMl wu lott. Mr. <imiek 4Mm1 wml
to tag • ItMVr Ml buM anMo4 vHb
fciM, •» l« »tace4 U MiM ■' taa*
•«w %
n4 gtaal 'fTca betkcr



vbtch wu not locatod. Wbon


tlWT teud tho OU

k» 4«^rt.
tmr«l m vor^ $100^

, owy »fU»atd f pay
TMft «rHU4
b«i • ii«*
to tliw ai»o aa« wtmid
hAW9 tmm •€Uhd ooa tbey
i M04 iMTC fOM om M bcOire. Hovn ovor. tJMv» wu • lIttW oddlttoii to that
•fsMw tlMit cmuM4 cooaun
tko rmnU-okAf with tJh« |S.OiO flu


Blued the cnilo huJi. wollittf lo fhr
city Blau thr buke^ ^ fi-el an^
not arflrtac, vatfl H P >tYutenUy; Um* bulu-l ^ad V booku
were reiyraed lo Hr Quick, k pauetbj^
hariof picked ibeB ap, but the tain

ibewt Bhrty Elks Aecomfsanied by
Their Band Went Over 4e Attend
New Tempit Dedication.

T>«m ggjgr« «p»Th Nl «f r^lai

lb» V«ta»uiK»»«U™»t'taw by
coaUaliig<«ir tht pili^ote oC ratatai
tk« vrioM •» to to ooMu»*ta. Only
«•■ trta4 gad tlM ml pl»d».)
'%alM)r, walTlag (Mr ilgbt u> a tirar
' ,'lag. adgaMtag prohahiy to tw let off
' irttb a baa.
Tba tadga to MOtnictag tbr mvn.
screed to do away with the ImpriMB* *a*t tf fuU rumotUrn wu made to
' 'Yhe tmbUe, If they do wot do tide they
bo fwt at hard labor In the work>>aae. The Ohlw workhouse Is eon
* *#iieled aloaf about the aase lloee u
- lha DettoU House of Oarrertkio and
' the ama who'fioei there once does
' ^aot wish to retarm.
•' If the men pay bark lo the public
'What they bare taken from It unjustly,
though Bow this U to'be done Is uo*
* dear, the public will be entirely wtle' M hul If they do aot and go to prison
the offenders will Im» so severely punIdled that the pubUe VlIl be protected
la tba fptaee. la either rase, the pilb
lie wIU recelre the henehi. The price
edioe U ali^dy coming dou-n.
If the Toledo Ice cases are an exaB' pie of the Workings of the Vslenilnr
, antUnist law It will be readily seen
r, that tbe BUadsrd Oil company will
hare troubles of Its own If convicted
As Ohio Is the headquarters of the
great tmsl,'a conviction and sentence
In that statf wllj strike at the roots
of the matter.




i •


• ;t

Tbe board of trade meeting held last
.aveulng to ootuUder the matter of an
excursion to Maulsilque was very en
thuslMtlo and d«»monslraled tbe fact
that much Interest U isken In the prt>
posed visit to our ueigliboni on tbe
Tbs value of such a visit Is self
evident The esUldishmebt of the car
leity opens up an enllndy new field
for local wholesalers and msuufsrtur
ers and (hey sluiuld avail themselves
.Of an opportunity to look It over and
become acquamt<Hl with the buyei.i
:^The ciUrens of Manistlque an- anxious
^ to meet the Jmslness men of the lower
penInHula and every courtesy w 11* Ikextended to the visitors Those w ho
bn (he excursion will ^>e well en
shlle they u-nfuTn In Mauls

AIIOU! sUty Elks, accompanied by
the, went to lUaUtee th(»
ling at k:30 to altead ibe dedica­
tion of the new temple In that city.
Today will be a big event in the his­
tory of MaaLstM Rkdom. The pro­
gram began at 3 o'clock this anemooo
and lonlglii a Unquet will be eervi^.
Tbli afternoon tweniy-flve Bore Elk«.

The Manistee Bk*' temple Is one of
tbe handsomest In the sUle and the
furniture and fluings are entirely In
keeping wUb the building.

ThOM Who Took Part lo ttm Old
Tim# Concert Entertained at Baritey Anderaon'a Home.
Division No. 1 of the Ctingregatlonal
part In the "Old Time Concert" nl the
home of Barney Anderson last even
li»W The pretty residence was attract­
ively d^-coraled in fl.-IU daisies and
lady slippers and between forty and
fifty giieats were present. Tl^ evening
was passed in games, music *and social
conversatioa. the songs of tbe long
ago Udng a prominent feature. Re­
freshments of Ice cream and cake were
toTved and aM ‘pctieni enjoyed them
selves thoroughly.

Aaylum Board May Do oa Was bone
In the Rjwt B^^auae of High
Rail Freight Rat^
There la every Indication that the
asylum board will commence again to
get In their coal by water a* was for­
merly done, owing to the hUth'-freight
raU*s charged by th<- rmllroadi.


No fewer tlitir.
fierwons an
rriHietedmlasIng In l^ondoii every .veur
Only about on.-hflh i>f mlssluw
perto»iw arr ever for.
othors UlsaiHH-nr from friends f .rev. r.
Many of ibem are •‘wanted** t»y ib.- |k>
Uce. wbleh exidnliie wliy they do not

S loess men and mauiifarturerH sltme as
^«iy cltuen Is welcome to go slung
^^he ladles esisTlally are Invited as
best of accominudatlups wUl be
Tj^iwlded. the car ferry iH-iug an ele
; «am. modem and handsomely equipped
^ boat The ride across the lake will
w-also be very enj<iyahle.

An Alarming Situation
from neglect of
clogged liowels and torpid liver, until
chronic. ThU
constipation bectimes chi
eOBdItkB Is unknown to those who
use Dr. King s New Ufe I»ill.s; the
best and gentlest regulators of atom
ach and Ik>wc1s. Guaranteed by John
■on I>rug Co.. F. H. Meada. C. A, Bug
bee Drug Co., druggists. Price 23c..

^'A Ume eiriy foresIfM wUl provKIc the means
hr IB eejoyahk wtlv vtttoit -mwity pinch”
when vacation time comes. Open an account
with ns. surtinf It wtth $l. $2 or $3 this
week, ant aM smaU sims to it recnlarly. A j
little mere money for vacation means a longer
trip. ahmgwsUy and a better tlmi^ Dottaow.




tiua of South YVaakft^ hy the waters
of Crrstal lake, which are being held
back by a frail dam at the outlet of
did ^ka far •apecalatlTe purp
Crystal lake It a body of water nine
Biles wide, and hak an elevaUoyi of
tweaty-Sve or thirty feet ahore South
Praakloft; wilt* U located at the
mouth of Betsey river and on the
shores of Lake Mlcbigan.
Aljout thirty years ago the Uk.brofce away and created a great lows of
property and lives, wince then It has
been held at a lower level and the sur
plus Water iWlng used to float. logdown Brtsey river The lumber Inter
entw haring ceased around the lake the
owner* of the dam have no furthe
use for U for fiat purpose and bav
closed it up with saad and er meni
the water Is riflng-rapldly to It.s old
level and It Is but a question of i
s hsioiw It hrewka away from U.
prerent conditions and a wall of water
bout flv/p feel In height w.f11 be tume

MnemiUM hm aa In Amertea. Flainolal UBAon Is aglUtod Jina mow over a
bill which haa been lattoducea In me
I* of ccBBoai to compel "all rail­
way companies and all sieamsblp oon.
panlea la «ie United Ktagdom to affotd. free of chantc. facilities to oil
mesherw at both huiiBes nC parliament
to trmv^ bHwesm their utmal plares
of nsMMce and lioodon for the dt>
chargeW their parliahwatary duth-2."
AHhoiii^ the Bcaxuiw has provoked
much ridicule, li Is rocHvUia eerUms
Mppon from «-veral Influi-ntlal mem­
ber* of parttament <m the theory Uat
the railroads of Great Uriialn should
extend to MgisUtors the- fiveprirUege.

Lniioiti ciiruktioii ollMb.
put«>air in forod is mad all
nnimre air it rxpelkd from
the reCriserator. innunm;
pore, wbolenome proviakBa
at ail time*.
We win nnU yon one of
three iwrfecUy venUlatcd lefri-irmtorm. mnde al hudwof-1. perfeetlj mnnlatFd.
interior white enhinel, ten
.-ai>..cily 75 Iba . 27| in deep.
17j in wide, m in. high, for


Several snort ends of niaitnis. dilTerioT patteCl*.
all fc-rades,from the ch.upes. to th< LesfTat ‘

7 l-2cperyd.

J. W. Slater

CuuM- in and Me’ oor stock
before buying.

OLO miMFncE BiliiqiB




Order yonr



1 liHv.* UIOV..1 ipy ntock ol Hard '

riqdls In the FnpH«b
Tubp CooUlnlng Hsif Crain Exploded.
•dsK.Is Jiff Ita-Iug Ir.nght the AumtIExorting « Prweaurr' of Twenty
ran ettM.nn of snlnllutr The flr.- ltd
thm- do «n un national amiiv«Tsarle4
only. A|»ril 23. Kt. <;»*>rg»***‘ *Dy. the
|;ai<l •rill III- tliul lo inwet all my ojU t
Ry Wire to the Evening Record.
Is in
uf the
liatriutlr -t-.iis- while t.fty -f flndr f:- - ----------------------------------------- jlri-u lo niwl .•u' ami u«.
Berlin. June rc.-^Tbe explosion <»f
radium tub** reported b> a German In-- Ijw pupn-; a4-ioii-3ict.N-»l «»n th vl-.Uu
vrstlgulor gives an Idea tif«the force
flatil Aan* atock,
^be emlrted gn<t may store up wh*ui
xjnBm-<!.’ A small . tulie of glass a
Eilhi r Ic*: or VVoo.J
IfUeih i»f on Inch thick contained half
t gtaln of the pur.-rt ral.lum bromide,
mao f1 Extra.
prompsi)' if ordt r«*-i '
Nstlce lo oil PerMn, I
nul II had lte*-n plac-d in a baib tif
iu»t t «ill at-ll nt KlunT 1 RICE2j
The s|n-cuil asw-! smeol
liquid air Tlii>«- lulnutes afu-r It
By Wlr»* lo the Rv.-nlng Record.
W lufo you ne<'<l auylliint; io injr
I-mokeU the tube but t
Tbe glar.t east line of Cass rtree! lo the w»-st
WMhlagtou. Jum- 2C-Exp«Tt rlfi.*
ind the nulluni wrr»- scatt« iv*i! about line of Ralln«d aienue. is now In my
mien In the army are now; eufitled t<
nds for the ojlle/ tlMn i>( the wm^iu !
he particles of the latter shiulng In
13 a month extra pay: shacpahooler
he dark like a starry sky, and It is i-s
Cil phont: 711.
111 paid la -tal
12. and the marksmen to |l. Tb
Imateil that a pr^ure of twuity at
Qnjust rule of deducting twelve aiv
mo.spheres was exerted.
onehalf cents each month from the
pay of retired «-nllsted men fof th<
support of the wjUller's home has beer,
stopped. In the future, colonels am;
‘pant-c<»lomls on ihe retln-d Iht Curioua lalaod in the Briatoi Channel
Where Marwieaa Earthquakes Can
of the army.^hen assigne*! to artlvi
to all P^ernone Interccted.
.--|ta-e(al nsire.-v'iiient lav roll r»i
Be Semi at Any Time.
duty, wlir rec<‘lve the same i»ay an '
the imptmeuK al
r of .SUih 'ttii-*-! from
alk wanc«‘s that a rt-tired major would
Wrmm >
the ea-1 line of
r.f lihi hui Hr.-* ! to
By Wire lo the Kiening Record.
receive under like assIgnmenL
we-if line 4»f Cni
in-et is now
London, June 2C—Lundy. In the
This mrans v« u onlj p;i> for ih« jaIovc. The pipe from
tif fh»
Bristol channel. In an Pland when- insl;il1iiH ni; lou. tie r with the .if^-rued
the main 1*1 flic stove and all labor
Iiiiere-i iin all tinpaid In^lrillm* n;«. »he
one may s«-«- nu .-aiihfiuake a«
fn <* - d ciiar;;e.
time. Tliere Ih nothing alarmin-; same to he iMiid ou or lK-lore ih.- auih
.lav ..f June.; *
obqut Iht-se -carthfiuakev;- luis- vei
M i: Ilarkell. rily Tr.;oui.-r.
they UTti almply c«-rtaJn curloun ere Offlc-- Ihta.n,
Ihta.m 20
2u”. Stale Hank building
le 2 1 mo
vaases Inthe wi-st of tbe island, which
It'ls rather eiirly yef for Ihc'Hly peo
pie to iK-gln to think alxjut r«*sorts
lesortlng as a thing of the pn-sent
torloos nest
pirates, tn Kin
tin* .-vldenr«-« of rummer travel
Ill-s time. William de Mar
l.egiunlnn to fhow Ihemselve.v In
Inciease of travel on railroad and btjal
. The liay was 1^-autlful thlrt
ling anefthoM- though few In
uumU-r. who took the trip by Uuit
The f.dlor ing lists Jiart of r young
r**pald by one of the most do attorneys peroration in court rts-<titly:
lightful mornings of the early summer. "May it phsi-e v.air hmior. Uih* l.s a
George Davis of Louisville. Ky.. nq- fdntieiidoota qmwduii. Its -division by
ompanled by Mrs. mvU and two dill you tU* day will live In jiidl.-ial after you an
pass<-d through the city this
e.1 from till* S.-. lie <
muinlng for Ne ah-tn-wania. wheiv- nnil Miblutniry nniiiy; wlo ri the l.*w.r
they wm spent the hot months amonu of Pisa Khali hi; forgotUgi: when U nler
the pines that line the shore of Trav- I«» litiU and n.*n«lliM» tdniil mow <li:u
Polut thi- beautiful. With Mr. W iJie distant <-> t leta of!ng oaituPng- ne. MarlDa|is was G^^G. Howe. w ife, child and rh-^: when tlw mmie^
irtrfse maid of ClDCfnnati who will Is-rHigh. nnd NaiNih-on nr.- no loiigx-r
n-iiieirdM^-l: p-hen Hie pvnunld-i of
pend the summer with their Lonlsv*.m- friendi;
party of five larue.-< from Grand
Rsidds were passengers on the moniing train and took the Onlumhla for will still '•iirvlv.- Id
tli*- :ii:t'*pie
ICe-ah-la wanta. where they will spend vnJumeR .)/ I. yn! lore a« fn-Jh. gT.-i-u.
The .-n'-e. yv»«r
few w<**'ks at the hoi.d. They wer**: and liu ta-rlsltj.lik-.
tlu- eo-t of
The Misxes Mattie i^witzer. Elna Harrwo new hats nni' an um*»re1'a."
Jenule Treat. Kloiiie Scott and
Rachael Sroit.
No self-renpecting mao can ntTerd to
Thomas Smurthwaite and family of take ehanc.-f* mi Is-inc derH ii.l. ni Jn
this diy len this morning for Reil l;lp old age. ot mi l- avlriK iho^.- de
Park on Portage lake, where they will p«-nrl.-ut on him unj.n>vi.!e.i f..r m hin
r|s nd their summer.
deaih. Every man wh«» work^ for a
Miss fb-agravi-K bf Toledo. Ohio, living ought to lay asl.h a renaln part
pas.setl through the diy this morning *H bka Inctimo as .in emergenry fund
uij her way to Nortbport.
and a provision for the future A gtxMl
F. Spreyne and family of Chi­ way to do (t Is to have a savings ac­
cago. III., stopped over this morning on count.—People's Ravings Bank
their way to Lake Ann. where they
will spend the summer with E. W.
Deadly Serpent Bitee
Are as common In India as are stom­
ach and liver disorders with us. For
the latter, howewr. there Ik a sure
Death From Locklaw
remedy: El**clric BUiers: the great
follows an Injury drciuied restorative medicine, bf which 8. A.
klwo’e Arnica Salve Its antt- Brown of Bennettsvllle. S; C„ says:
reptlc and healing properlh*s prex-env "They restored my wife to p*-rlecl
•iBg. Chae. Oswald,
Oswald. mer health, after years of suffering with
Oneofthe^ Talent Tail lloldeii.
Reneiielaer.»vlDP, N. Y.. dTvpepvla and a chronlrglly torpid
with every "Cream Separator.
WTllee: "It cured 9eUi Burch of thU Uver." Electric BUtcrs cure chills and
plaee of the sore on hie neck fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back,
the way. if you have never used a
\ ever aaw.! Cures cute, wounds, bums kldm-y trotthles and bin
« F> Johnson Ihrig
and sore*. 25c. at Johustm Drug Oo.'e. Sold cu
Cream Separator you have lost
F. H. Meads. C. A • Bugbee Drug Co.'a Co.. P. 1 Meads. C. ^Bugbee Drug
hours of valuoble time. VVe odl
Co. dnq

C.B.TajtorCoalCo. 332 e. From st. n


ICE AMll^*OBIllT.^.t-w.e.‘-


A Full Line of
Mixed Paints, oUs and
RooTinr Tar


James G. Hopkins


George Cams.


«ia to «ao








By usingoither“SuprfimG,” ‘’Mai vol" or> H. &. L. Col's
“Best” Flour AND one of these celebrated
■ Bread Makers. You have a combination
that is a winner every time.


^ Fw Forefc and OnWoor
. LlfWlnf

NoUiinK c«a «.nal-Mnoch le« ex
oel—eketrio ligbtiog. It’« not «ffected by be*t, cold, wind or rain;
wiieaxuecMilynm from place to
‘•It. blnSid J«U •rani .t
mmmepki. A«k os aU about current, tziniea, lampt and wiring.

Dcwtittiy Xr state UXl
186 Cm St.

Phoob 502-2

the celebrated "Turitan” and
“Michigan," and they sell from

S5.80 to 110.00
We sell the Davis Swin^; Churn, the best on the iriarket, and iBe j.
Acme Bail Churn and all other kinds of stone churns.
The lamest stock of earthen, tinned or re-tinned milk pans and
everything in kettles, milk strainers, milk «bipping cans, milk crocks and
butter crocks.

, '

Hannali & Lay Mercantile Co.

CMod Baa 1 am aav. Ho bad aana to
onr town toi or a doaen jeua befOM
tnm the 08^ and wo know mot of
>ba cxrofil that br was an ablo Uwrer
yd iortrt and tbat bis wife, wbo waa
Sfc oabr otbor 9«abor «€ bK faiaU r.
aad WaMoir bad aoow smt oofTow.
-Om Bight av town was aD torn no
lijr a ratiborT^aad imffdcr and tbo rap.
wtjr. Tm
gM bm wietBMlM fpwlj and drtbk
cbMp. atfloli to att M and M tf.wa
caacateli tWn. bqt If not bold w exMBMa. and tbay w«I atuod on yoa
wbaa paa ran
(mU opoa
upon tbom la mom.


tboacL Fora naaaWbowasn'Hyaeli.
od iboB and tbore, tad ho waaa t. and
as aooo as dajbgbt caaio proeeodlagt
worr Instttntcd agabM tbr prlsonor.
and I was apnotetwL with anotbor

land wU) retire tot
bis aase bla fifty yfnrs of good eating
aad drinking for bad! bimaelf and his
patrotw. la a reiy Aort and a eery fat
asto. styr a Waabington apodal dlapateb to the New Yotk World. Us
baa not Wn wafl for a year or two,
but ba baa been around aU tbe Urns
taWng hia frlenda wbat deUcades be
found in market and adrtatng them
bow to get their aelertkma cooked.
Harrey had thrto apedalUaa. Ha
cmialdatwl att food except tbe oyster.
It and tbe terrapin
mere raw matadals. with widen results
someUmas moat graUfylng could be aeeompliabsd. Dncka. oysters and terrapin be cunsktoied tbe'finest gifts of tbs
Creator to mankind, and be deroted
of bU research and knowJedgs of

, **IteaUy tbrro waaoH apj dofonsa,
and 1 waa frank ooooidi to ton Mb
that bo tobebt ho thankful If we coMd
I from a lyncblng. Ho was a
la tbo town, oridod^ly led
fatpalSonat ton^ aa agna Into a fa- j tbore br mmm stodes be bad beard
far. a fdm to the plagna./bar tato do- ; of aa old aUsB wo had among ns. and
tn\o raga. bias Into nmd- I was a man nf pabaps tblrty-thme or
I and sorrow to i
L-Jer- • fblrtr-foor. with a most anprtiiataoss
«i7 Tajtor
Ing appoaranro. grratlj aroontnatod bf
............................. i a week s growth of roOfeh whiskery
Tba twM adorattrio to the world if years of dissfpatioo and hard llrtog.
. make a Hr- In tboao days and in ancii eases the
i law's delay was not md4i In force, and
i by ft oVlork of the aomod day the priaw waa atandhia before the Jodfe to
As bo stood tbera
day a harder looking enstomer I
k I Dorrr saw.
oyster dishes.-many of them unique.
If a good dinner were oeedeiJ and Har­
sentence of death sbonkl
vey were asked aliout It be would al­
nouDced upon your saU^tbe Judge i
ways aekM't oystera-and be bad soma
at lante. one gray er all tbe prdlmlnartea were over.
-•I Imw. roar botior. If
m fo
m cou. w. a «tru. prtmoonce
that sentence, rrjdled tbe
plenUful and good be
^ . -June 2<;-li* prifKiner with an air of almost tiupertiserved otberm. but tbo pinnacle of^U
sene,-. ‘At least/ be added hsU apolowas
canvas< ron dALl-Two 6Wt. water front p-Ueally, •possibly under the clrrumback.
toU at C3arp toke; desirable Pication.
not care to
-Ilanrey knew every famous or Dou­
bargain if taken at onre. Intpilre a:
ble or noticeable American
Tills wks entirely out of tbe ordina­
L. M. Bennett's jewelry store.
The reimts
June 2M;t ry. and I toorbod my client on tbe arm steamed oysttvs U unlrersaL Almost
and was about to rctnlnU blm of tbe evety stranger In tbe city bustled dotm
to his ptace to get half a peck or n jieck
•bee supplies to call at 72€ Weat requested me to leave tbe prisoner tp of steamed. Harl ey invented this methodTof cooking «iyatem.^ Hia “steamed
Front Btreet and look over «y stock
bat^ has U>en manmd far years by
Cbaa. IHsh.
June 2C-i;;
the same waiters. Ilia aauco U hil
own Invention also.
“•Well, your honor/ responded the
When people wanted to have a real
prisoner without a quaver of voice, •as terrapUj for dinner they usually went
rm your only son*to Harrey, /or he had the genuine east“But tbe Judge beard no more. It em shore dlamflu^ Iwcks In lil* «*llar.
was evident that be knew the prisoner There are flenty of things that |Nisa for
was telling tb<* troth, for, wlUi a g
terrapin amotig tbe uninitiated. There
he tlirew up Ills hands and fell forward is a l•eunsyIvanU terrapin that can be
B<Toss the desk In front of him. <
bad by tbe ton. Haney knew aU the
a little stream of blood trtekUng from trlcka,«’bot when ho told you he wonld
his lips. Tbe excitement was tci
and In tbe midst of It tbe prisoner
daabMl thtougb a window and would
another story. lUrrey had a grip on
have escaped, but a timely shot from a
i . ^ ROUND Tkj.r^TO
back market. He gather­
rifle In the bands of a man on the out­
side settled blm forever.. And. best of ed in most of the toothsome turtles that
came thU way. When the canTn.sbacka
all. his mother never kuew. SIh*
‘grred a few months after her bus- began flying,south Han ey got the pick
of the market.
lmnd‘8 death, and tbe entire populaHe was Joyous when fixing up a din­
Uon of tbe town considered It to lie
sacred obligation to He to her about ner. He kept ^ his waiters for years.
•‘BUly“ has been there more than thirty
tbe wbola affair.’'
years and John 8eolt nearly aa long,
“rncle IVter," wbo died a 3|onr or two
ago, had been opening oysters at tbe
“Rimer takea himself very s^ously. “raw box" more than forty years.
doesn't her
Some of the cooks have licen there
• Yea. Indeed."
more than a quarter of a century.
Ticketi roo3 lolurning saiiK? tiny “Moat of his poetry la pathetic. Isn’t
Haney used to w addle up and down
Uirough tbe dining room. If be saw a
man who looked ns If he needed some
Steamer Columbia leaves
help he would give it. It wras a fa­
8 40 a. m.. muroini^ 4il5.
vorite trick of his to go to a customer,
look over his f»id apd add a spoonful
of aau«>' or soimHliliig of the kind him­
self. lie knew what the finishing touch
should Ih*. When there was a terniplu
feast on b»* always stood by. saw that
the mjPUce was right and brought out a
llttfrpf his iH-st wine.
Ho Is very proud of bis acquaint­
ance. In his early days he and Thomas
Nast. the cartootilst. formed tbe Canvaslmck club and gave great feasts.
All the great men were bis guests.
Harvey went to I*nrls a few years
aga Ills fame bad preceded hitn, and
be found many Ameri<-ans there who
about his skill In making good
A LOT of PRINTS, very best made,
things to cat. His friends prts-lalm,^
good patterns, and any lenKih K «
that Harrey could make a better salad
you want. at..................
tian anj- eook ^'n^nc^• e
tYenehroen dlsimted It.
salad dressing contest i
Jig time
CAMBRIC, at.........
between Haney and , t
each of whom
'42 and 46 inch PILLOW
thought be had mastered all there was
TUBING, special at.
to know about salad dressing
Value ISc
Tbe contest came off lu a le
The three comiartltors called for the
Ingredients they wished and mixed
their salads and then made th<
Inga. There was a large m
B.AG DAD .Art Drafteries,
spectators, and the excltemen

V ntf mi oat fma



Marion Island. -25c
• liealttawanta. 25c
j; ^ Omena. 50c .
‘ V Northport Point, 50c
?, Northport.OOc

p 8 dais


V ' ^ V.

at ................................
. Instead of 25c
SILKOLINES. fitjured or
plain, at........................
special at.................
Kood patterns, new styles.
$1.80 and $1.25 goods-, choice




PTLLOW CASES, fine quality-






took a small leather case out of hi?
padeet. pickl'd out a little bottle, un­
corked It and let a drop or two of a
colorless liquid fall on tbe sahuL Then
be imt the bottle Iwck In Ills iKicket.
handed In bU salad and waitM for the
Xbt' Judges tasted and tried and comparod for half an hour. Hiey unani­
mously decided that Harvey's salad
woo the prise not because It waa IntrhialcaUy better than the salads of the
Frenchman, but because the mysteri­
ous liquid be had pnt*on It from the
to added a strange, indefinable aro^that made the Harvey aalad aupe

ft la aflegafi. has ruCM
pay for or vacato.
The eomplataant aajra that to Maireh.
or July ectoItol. Mr*. Ransom took ^ prof
farattan by tbe Trmeerne Oty Drivtog
m dmm eed the agrue
nnd the Athledk clab
waa to pay the hatanea to amM
[BteroaUng affair. The
ft a mouth or more. U the epetog a: program win be given at the dririni
ItoS the payrnema ceased and up to pailt and wfll bagto at 1: to p. m.
that time IlM.Tf had been paid on the
fTM contract. Three montha a«D
races divided toto throe ctoaaea. The
notice araa tonred on Mrs. Ransom
to hia head.
ram exmalsu of n 1:16 trot, a 1:10
le the property but no altanil
He was
pace and a 1:20 claas ps
paid to k and now Mr. Uttle h
bathed, la eold wmtar aad brooght
fleient horses are lo trolnlng to ganraround all right but the pains in his resorted to the eourts to recover the
> good races. The
Tbe cmae la being tried bm hnlf mile, beat two to th
head refuse to lease.
In additloti to the three races, which
aged, the bdR hUUag the gable of the
themaelres win be easily srorth the
bam aad following^ hay track. A
price of admission. It is probabli that
bole was tom la the roof, a plec<
•ere wlU be a mule race, a Imn eating
A marriage Ucenae was lashed yea^
of a heavy sill and a bole in the sldiag.
kotest and eevernJ comic i-vcnu.
Nooe of tbe other persons In the bam erday lo Bdwsfd K. h»urtla and NaUle
Tbe alhlettc pogrom will be aa fol
d. Fisher, both of Traverae Qly
at tbe time were Injured.
Iowa, a Bumber of local athletes bavtog
WUllam rhrnsworth. a bright y
to remato to the city rather
man of Detroit, son of Dr. W.
than go out of town*
h. baa taken a poeltiun as rep
Wyard daah.
E B. S
ey took the boat to North- with the Evening Record.
220^y«rd daab./' *
port this
The Ladlfs* Aid of the Baptist
One-half mile pun.
I. W. Bowen took the bay Crip thU hurch will meet with Mrs F. G. Dur
Pole vaolt
morning to spend the day kt Qn
fee Wednenday, June
• Ruootog high Jump.
supper win be aenred
Miss Hosier left this morn
Running broad Jump,
leave Mrs. C. A. Bugbce's on Wash
spend the day at Northport.
Ington strt-ci and Mrs D. Thlrlby's on
Mlsa Laura. Wright took the
Hammer throw.
lug train to Carp Uke for a day's fish- Lake avenue nt li.lo sharp.
MedaU wlU be awarded for * first
John Scblcgel w ill open a meat mar­
and ribbons for tha others The
ket at 214 South Unkrn street Th
Mrs. £. J. lUmmood a
day. A ncw> refrigerator manufac admission wHI be 26 cents for adult
Evelyn Hammond left this
and 10 cenu for children The athliilc
tured by the J. E Grctllcl
for Manistee.
committee consists of John
was Installed yesterday.
Bert Maxwell of Cadillac was In thi
E. M. Ibimas had his foot painfully Harry Roacoe. Harold Titus and Albert
city yesterday looking alter business tbcunun un uuunun ununun unuuppp Kyselka.
With the program of water sports
ljured while unloading freight at
tbe Walt drug store yesterday after in the morning, the entert
Otto Morse of Central Lake w
the ^ay will be fuUv as good as the
noon. Tbe taillwi
the city yesterday.
to the auiroondlng towns
J. M. BoswtUl of Cjidillac was In the left foot fracturing
ing tbe fleth. He will he laid up for
city yesterday.
some time.
W. J. Kirk of Manbri-e trans
There was an inventory In the
business lu the city-yt*sterda>.
late of William liuelKd flipd in Frvhate
(CoDllnued From First Page.)
Mrs. Gilbert Wamles and sister court today.
visitors a very cordial reception. The
Miss Maude Fisher of Clcn Arbor
The veranda Is being extended round trip rate from Traverse City
were In the city today.
around tbe eastern side of Park Place Msnisilque will be 12.26; from Suite
Miss Florence Miller, wbo is stud> hotel. The house will be painted and
Bay. 11.90; from Omena. 11.76. and
ing music in Detroit, is the guest of many other Improvementg made.
fnjm Northport 11.60. The rat<
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. £. E. Miller
The ladles of the IVesbrici
mealK and berths on board the car
r*. Paris and daughter bave relurpe^l church and congTcgaMnn will meel
ferry will-be bnly 25 cents extra. The
from a five weeks* visit In Milwaukee. a social hour Welliies<lty afternoon tkokt IH one of the finest an the lake^
State S»
Mrs. E. L. Brayman of Fort Edward with Mrs. Havlland.
and has acdl>mtn<idallou for 600 pa^
CongregsN. Y.. Is the guest of P. l»arls
sengers. It Is veiy finely appoinU*d
tional Ladies* Aid will be held
nnd has every facility f..r convenience
William S. Craw returned to Grand church parlors Wclucaday afternoon and «»mfort. Tickets will be placml
at 2 o'clock. Annual repr>rts will be on sale at plat-es to be anuoi
Rapidk this morning.
given and election of ofAcers held.
later, so that th^*y may be purri
Miss Emfaa Barth of Northport
Dr. J. C Gaum lef t has rcceivi-d
whead and cxcbangi-d a» tbe depi
l»asiKtl through tbe city on her way to
letter from Dr. I. A. Thompson stating' the regular railroad and Iswt tlrkrts
Hlg Rapidf tills mornin/
that be 1« having a fine trip and at The^-4«ain will leave here at K:3
Charles Esh and wife of KaIamaM>o. present Ih In Hlrhmond. Va.
ihf morning on the T. C. L. A M
who have been In the cliy for
The curbing Im K-lng hauUsl
time,^ retumc-d to tbelr borne this I'nlon street in preparation for rtie firing at Northport at 9:46: bcjat will
leaved 10 a. m.. arriving at Ma
Ilque alkoiii 4 p. m.. giving sboiil
Mr. and Mrs J. Eller went to Ma}
The Comiuinlons of Fon-sters will hours of delightful sailing on I^kr
field this morning.
give a dance tomorrow' night at For .Michigan Five or six hours will bv
Mls.s Marion Abbott wrent to Kings esters* hall. Foresters and Compan
allowed at Manlstique for visiting and
ley this imimlng.
Ions may Invite their fritmds
ijgbt seeing and the boat will leave
C A. Hammond. Samuel Gsrlam
The Comapnion Sewing society will
and L F. Tilu.s and w ife left this noon mwl with .Mrs -Weaver. 216 West atsMJt ^ o'rlix-k to the evening. ^
return trip from Nortbpirt can
P»r Oitrwa Beach, where they will
Tenth street. Thursday afternoon
made at
in the morning or
lend the Michigan slat,' bankers’ <
S o'clock to the afternoon
On complaint of parties living In
An effort wll> lie made to secure
11. W I*arks left this morning
vleinlty «if the brewery. Miss Iklfa tension t*r time limit on the llrkets so
Grand Uaplds.
Avery and Frank Wright
Mrs. Annle^ Boule. worthy high ed yesterday afternoon and arc in Jail that those who desire can remain an
other day In Manlstlque. This, how
prkidess of Shrine No. 16. left this aa-alting a hearing l>cfore Judge t'
mprnlng f«»r Cleveland to attend th» wbo Ik at present out of the city.' The ever, is a matter t«i l»c taken up with
the gen.ral paawnger agent of the
supreme shrine of the While Sluino of girl was arrested Saturday even
lioat line and the result will be an
Jerusalem, which begin Us annual m
a similar charge but relcaseil Monday noimced laU r.
rions tomorrow morning In that city.
A proposlUon from Mr. 84-xton ^
the Chicago Tribune for advertl
•^ten Llvelrr*
The Uoae Star of Trxaa.
spare In a rt-sort c<litlnn of that pi
Every one Is famlllnr with tbe
Tbs origin of the Laue.Suu* flag of
perious conductor wbo Insists with his tbe refmbllc of Texas is not entirely was discusM-d. but Mr. 8exton
**Stcp lively, plcoscr* that you ahaU clear. The claim has !»oen made that ask^ lo hee what n»uld’be done with
hurry as you get Into tbe car. Most It was UDfurled In the prew'nf territory the surrounding rej<ortK relative fo the
jHt.ple rcM'ut this iH-n-mptory onler of Louisiana In 1810. but ofhi-r scarcb- exp-nse of huch advertising, and f
and feel a bit ruffled as the car starts cn cannot find earlier trace of It tlian termlne definitely what would b
forward widi the customary Jerk, and tbe prwmatlon of such « l»ann
qulred of Traver>ic City |o niak
tlM-y either fall abjectly Into a seat or the company of <'aptain .\ndrew Rob­ the amount nc-cesaary for a full |
clutrli with franUc haste tbe first
inson tn May. POr.. Still another claim While the plan was con$lder4*d a good
venleut strap.
la made for a flag unfurled at Vc
it was somewhat discouraged
A friend of mine coming from a Jan. a 1830. and said to hare been
to a bustling ma
made by a knss Troutman of .Nashville, owing to the lateness of tbe sea
•Step Uvelyr of the Ga. Ot>e story has it tlie
Before adjournment. President Hav
car conductor with some surprise. For came from tbe fart ttu« Governor tings appointed M. 8. ganders, gei
tunately for herself she took her seat Bmltb. for lack of a s«il use<l a 1
manage r of tbe Hannan A I^y Mercan­
without Wing her balance; then, lift­ botton from bU coat whichtKire a flva tile company, member of the board of
ing tier benignant fare, framed* In the pointed ator.-St. Louis Uei»ubUc.
tors to fill vacancy caused by the
soft dove Colored Quaker bonnet, she
death of the late Julius T. Hannah and
garivl at tls* lirusquc young
The Work •K'«a«Ue.**
jcl Garland, treasurer, to fill va
came to take her fare. “What la thy
Etymologists are driven to pure
namer slio said.
r of' that office caubcd by tht
Jecture to explain tbe origin of
irntber scTprised In
word -capsize.” One of them suspect! death of Mr. Hannah.
miH-kly replied, giving
that It comes from ll»e Spanish lan­
guage. as so many sailors* worda do.
• rrienU William BUnk." the passen­ and may he connected with “cabeger o’Hvorreil. stl!l looking stetdfastly cear." tp nod tbe bead In sl^ or to
Walter J. Traven, toe golfer, art vp
at blm. -tliee wonld not hare said pitrii ai a Uhlp. and with "capuxar un his 4mll and then mafia s half-d
*Stn» lively/ to me bad thee known baxel." to sink s ship by the hi
MS at toe short grass with tha
that I was ninety years old."
“cabeaa" meaning head. Another f
The condoctor touched hia cap. iMg- abased oo the fact tbat “capatae" la aa
“I am art In foofi form." he aalfi.
ged her pardon, and when the lady af Bugtlsh dialect-wotd for movli
-1 am playlug Uke a broker we had
ninety left tbe car he aaalated her de­ hogshead by turning It over alternate­
here last wreck. . *
ly oo to lU two beads-ls that tbe w«
“This broker played once aroonfi,
Is simply -cap.“ a head, and “setae.making a dreadful exblbltloo of Mmacma aad HiehanI Dar^ wdto la the
ham at tim time and Mr:
oMeit aoB. Lewta. aged 17. wai at
ly ahoekad. A peculiar thtog la
ueetloo with his tajary was that the
young Bsaa went to the hom
back to the bam before he
that ha waa injured. On Ms return lo
the ham. he ^Hnp»


The Ainertcana escorted Harvey to
Tbe taleoted Mar dropped the paper
hia hotel When they were ^etobrattng and laughed merrily.
there ooe of them said to Harvey:
“Where did our new ^ agent
ofge, what waa It you 1
come from?" she asked, with a
oat of that bottler
kle h, her sparUiug eyes.
“Oh. some ocietoKwe town to the
east." reidkd her manager.
“Thooghtscu ril wi^aa aotatoaMle against an Kgrptiau elgabrtte that
be WTDto u|. sil tbe hailstorms for the
It you* eomtag to my “Why sor
“Iht-anae he deaeribes
-Hqpr ckn I when I’m

la hklf ttonmliigT ltoMa--Olia weD.
coae ^and .stay halt the atoning^

of the ktog*s paUce, loodly appealing
to his majesty Tor help, “fto arctwtomad la tha king." wrote ooe traveler,
“to these qaensloos tones of sorrow
toot wheu toe iwlns prereat such as
are really dtotrsaaed from repairing to
the capital a art of vagranU Is proTldsd whoae object It Is to nise'tha
cry of aitklclal sorrow isst be toould
feelaloneiyqnletneaA.FroaHa MacMUlsn. the Amfrican
vioHnist, who has been pbylag with
great aooenM for many yearn In Knrope, wlH rome to this counhy thU falL


“Tbe man’s caddy waa an unuaully quiet atottd lad. a boy vrkh a
freckled face devoid of expremdon.
And since tbe caddy nercr ooca
gbed, or sneered at his bad play,
the broker look a fancy to Mm. And
he aaU at the end of the roonA to tot
hope of grttlng a compnmeM:
“ •! bare been travrtlng fo/ the last

wpMMkj wmjm.


wife. Hattie B. Ctoppar. fftardny.
when the haaring cai%8 up bafora
Judge Perkins of the circull court, ha
dismissed the case oa the groand that
nt was not a bans idx
rraldeni of Kaat coanty to tha towntog of the state divorce law.
r came to Qrnnd Rapids
a few montha agb. Ms vrifa rematotog
to TrnverswCUy, and
a aui In
the Kent circalt coort for divorQS./li«
charged cruelly and geoarnl tonompatibnity oo the part of Ms wife and^
when the case waa /hlled for hearing
yesterday. Jndge Perktoa decided that
the pUtotIff bad coaro here for tha
of securing n dJvoro nnd hn
_ lo the dedlslaa of thb
court. If the plainttff dealrea to reitow
hU suit he mnai file Ms Mil of com­
plaint to Grand Trnrerse ecmaty; tha
Bbme of the vrif^. as dtvofm oo tha
South DakoU plan are hot g^ntoB In'
Kent county."

strawiLrmes swpki
First CooalBnment of Grand Traveeta
Grown Want South YssUrday.
Garden Truck Slow.'
Tbe first Grand Traverse strawbarries were shipped south yesterday bv
the Untied States Express eompanr.
Tbe shliimenl ronslsfed of about 110
cases and mor<> followed today. Tbo
fruit presents a very irire appaaraace.'
Is well a
wbicJi is
have been oo heavy ralna.
The earlier yarletles.of cherries are
tkeginnlng tn come toto Hie clly Ik
small quantities but the flavor and
quality are cxcelk-nt.
Garden truck seems to be rather
slow and the Ua-al doab-rs have hut
little benne grown kluff sach as radish(-S and onions while all the rest is/
shipped to from the south. Texas cantclopoa are lu abundance.

(Omtlnucd From First Page )
by A. W. Hompe of (irand Rapids. Tha
Hint* yachts will ihi-n sail to Mackb
naw. where they will wifneas the fin- ^
l«h fd the great fresh water yacht race
Marling from Chlrago.
After the rare, the Nahma. Doloma
and Gem accompanfed by^^the «.»udan
of Ihjtrolt and probably the Arcadia of
Chicago will sail on lo Georgian bay
wbiTc some time will be si>ent. .1*
may hr also pcnudhlc that the Alice of
Chicago will accompany the fleet. Tha
to the race.
Mr. Montague's crow will coosist of
Prof. Groasnn and son of Ctilcagn, R.
J. Mem^ and Robert Price.of this
city and Mr. Montague's son Oerald.
Prtyf Groason, who is the head fif
Ix.>wis Instil ate. Chicago, has
Mr. Montagues companion on safUlig
trips for the past fourteen or fifteen
I,aM year Mr. Montague took a partyto Chicago and they all enjoyed tbemselvoa very much although they drifted
a large jiarl of the way liack.
MavTVwwktota nawaas
There la great exrlteroent
leport that a. bride who will
Ttipeka soon haa a maid. Tbla will
raise the limit and ealablJsh a newi
record In Topeka.
Occaaionany a
Toiieka woman ateaU the hmiaemald
nr nnrse. exchanges tbelr caps and
oiirooa for the Udy's maid kind an«
Ukrs her out of town with her in or­
der to make a noise like an aristoenrt.
i.nt It Is believed tbe new bride wifl ba
the only wamau In Toprtca wbo baa a
really and truly lady's maid all her
own who never helps out to tha
kitchen, nursery or Uundry.

lotice to Water Takers

Pay this week and save discount.
V -T. IL GUlls. City CIcrfL

lone 26-rt V

Our ICC Cream .
it tlie richett and purest.
that can be had. We
want every penpn. old or
young, to l^ve a good
word^to sJiy about our
fountain. If you want'
something rcglly deli­
cious just drink 4glass of,
our chocolate,


-The caddy replied rolmly
“ Tlieo ye've played be(are;-haTa ya,
IrT “^.N^rw York TrilMtoc.




cm; woHiaAii. TUftoAV. jom s» 1


I wziun IT cooaK



lAiw wHEf nxn» m A1

«iid we I

Wasblnftoa Harrey. tbs fm

•toolt t» i4t Ml
ftrfi if W*
<IMM. Iiat If HOC hoM V «S.
msMt; »d tWj wiU ettMMl on roo
wtM JMI csB opOB tbexD to morn.
ntf Mt Mrt flran MKti a

. TfiiHintMw tan» M acne tota •
ear. a terar to tbe placM. iMT tete 4a.
.«alr.«a.M UHo »««. Iom telo .

aa-aoofi as ^arUfbt <

of WaAbigtnn. who bas sold tala
MOB and wlU retire U> cootempUi
tala MM bis Bfty y«rs of good eating
Md dunking for becb himself and hla
|MtlMM> Is a very liMrt and a very fat

patch to Ibe New York World. Me
baa not Wn wcU for a year or two.
that be mlcbt be tbankfiU If we coshT but ba baa bean around aU tbe time
■ate btin fron a ijntb^ Me ww a tffllag hla fHends what delicacies be
found in martart and gdvlalng r
wtnamr ta tbe town. erkteAMj
bqw to gat their aebs^or cooked.

except tbe oyater,
k and tbe terrapin
mare raw matorlals. wlOi which resdlta
aomeUmaa moat gratifying could be acTW bear aaoratbiti is fbe «<M
compbAmd. Ducks, oyatera and terra­
iijr atroarflnr to »«he
pin be considered (be finest glfU of the
Creator to mankind, and to
moat of hla research and kno
the cufloaiT art to aervliig Ui
Ills blU W fare contained a
think I never saw.
oyater diabea,. many of then
-•Have yon anything to say why! If a good dinner were needed and Mar•ntroce of death sbookl not be pro- vey were asked alxrat It. be would al­
Donced upon yonT sal^tbe Judge aft. ways mUxi oysters-and he had aoma
special beds-terrapln cooked In hla
sine at lan?e. one gray
duck. When canvasmare, ooe'-oeccftia x?>U. W. Q.[1»itu
lime »*lt* irlaoner wUh an air of almdst imperd- hacks were not plentiful and good
served otbers. but tbe pinnacle of hla
ncuee. *At least.* be added half apok>>
tent was with
rOH tALE-Two &0-IL «ata*r-Cra||t geUesny. liosalbly utider tbe cfrmiDloU at Carp take: deUiaWe locaU<m. Aancps you might not care to proliarrey knew every faindba or nota­
; i Barsain If taken at once. Iinjulre'ai
ble or noticeable American wbo came
L. U. Meooett e ie^clry store.
to Washington. 'The rei»utaUon of bis
ry. and 1 toofbod my client on the arm atreroed o>*sters Is universal. Almost
and was about 1o remind him of the every stranger in Ibc city hustled down
in wUhiuit mtoms of tbe court when the Judge to his place to get half a peck or a i»erk
.. ,VAHT«D^A1I
requested me to leave tbe prisoner to of aleamed. Harvey Invented this mrtb.' bM aappllc*
sapplle* to call at W West
Front street and look over my stciek.
-IVllI you lie kind enough to exoed far years by
Cbaa. Irish.
platur be said In a strangely uacited tbe aamc waiters. His sauce to his
own ln\*entlon atoo.
“ Well, your honor,’ responded the
When people wanted to have a real
prisoner wltboot n quaver of voice. *aa terraplu for dlnntrr they usually went
I’m your only aon*to Harvey, for be bad the genuine east­
“Bul tbo judge beard no more. It ern shore dlamoud.>bock8 In bis celtor.
was evident tbai be knew tbe prisoner There are plenty of things that imss for
was telling tb<' troth, for, with a groan, terrapin among tbe unlulUalcd. There
be threw np bla bands nud fell forward to a rennaylvanto terrapin that can be
across the desk In front of him. dead, bad by the ton. llnr>ey knew all tbe
a little stream of lilood tHckllng from tricks, nut wtom bo tokl you be would
bis lips. Ibe exrttement was terrific, give you terrapin you got dUmond
and In tbe -midst of It the prisoner back, and you paid for U. But that to
dashed through a window and would another story. Harvey had a grip on
have cacaped. but a timely shot from a ttor diamond ba^ market. He gather^ ROUND TKUl^ TO
rifle In tbe bands of a man on tbe out­ ad in moat of tbe toothsome turtles that
side settled him forever. And, best of came this way. Wben the canvashseks
all. hla mother never knew. She lin­ began flying south UarvCy got tbe pick
gered a few months after her bus- of tbe market
band s death, and tbe entire iiopulaHe waa Joyous wbeu fixing up a dintlon of the town considered It to lie a ner. lie kept bis waiters for yeurs.
aarrwl obligation to lie to her aliout “Bllir* has been there more than thirty
tbe whole aflTalr.”
yeara and John Scott nearly as long.
“Uncle I’eter.*' who died a ytor or two
leme ThlOa.
ago. bad been opening oyatera at the
-Rimer takes himself very sertoualy, “raw box” more than forty years.
doesn't her
Some of the cooks have Wn there
• Yes, Indeed.more than a quarter of a century.
TieketoROoi reluming tanic day Tloat of hla poetry to pathetic. Isn’t Harvey used to waddle up and down
through the dining room. If be saw a
*Tbafa what he calls ft. but the ^!- man wbo looked us if he needed some
Steamer Columbia leaves tors say it’s pIllfal.--B<wt<m Adver- heU» be woold give It. It ana a faUaec
840a m., returning 4:15.
kind himabat the finishing touch
should l»c. Wbeu there was a terrapin
feast c^i 1h* always stood by. saw that
tbe Mrire was right and brought out a
llttl^ of hto best w Ine.
He Is \-ery proud of his scqualataoce. In bis early days be and Thomas
Nimt. tbe carto<»nlst, formed the CanvaslMick club and gave great feasta
All tbe great men were his .guests.
Harvey went to I*arts a few 3-eare
aga Hto fame had preceded him. and
be found many Americans there who
about bjs skill In making good
A LOT of PRINTS, very
things to eat. Ills friends prxK'lalmt'd
good patterns, and any IttiKth
that Harvey could make a Udter salad
you want, at...........................
dressing than any twk ^'^ance ever
saw. Tbo Frenchmen disputed IL lo
jig lime a salad dressing coutost was
CAMBRlC at ......
arranged betw^'cn Usrvey and two
1‘arlslan epicures, each of whom
42 and 46 inch PILLOW
thought be had mastered all there was
TUBING, special at.
to know about salad dressing.
The contest came off la a resuurant
Value ISc
The three competitors called for tbe
Ingredients they wished and mixed
their salads and then made their dresaInga. There was a large number of
BAG DAD Art Draperies,
spectators, and the excitement was Inteaae. Just to'fore tbe mixers passed
at ..............;...........
salads over to tbe Judges Harvey
. Instead of 25c
took a small leeKber case out of hto
pocket, picked out a Illlle bottle, un­
SILKOLINES, fitjured or
It and Jet a drop or two of a
• plain, at...........
Moaa aad aocrew to. aiaaaeiiieot-

a weekb growth of romeh
years of dlaalpatioo and tax
In tbnne days and In atjch
law's delay was not morh in force, and
by CoVkKk of the arrood day tbe prla>
oner was aundlng before tbe judge to
receive sentence. As be stood tbera

Heahtawanta. 2Sc
; Omena, 50c
Northport Point, SOc
, Northport. SOc








extra quality.-at....... ............
PILLOW CASES, fine quality' ■


ey'a salad
mousty Aacldtd that
w<m the prire not bccafaae It was Intrlmricnlly bettor than tbe salad, of tbe
Frenchman, but because the-mysteri­
ous liquid be bad put*on It from tbe
bottle added a atrange, ta(V«nalde aro­
ma tbat made tbe Harvey aatod anpeTbe AbiericaBB eacortod Harvey to
there one of tbem said to Harvey:
-Oeovge. wbgt was It yoo pot on (bat
aalad out of tbat bottler
-Nothteg.” aald Harvey-“nollitag at
an bat Plata wmtar oat of tbe pomp. 1
knew Ibeae Freacbmea were tanagtaallre. and X Ibeagbt Pd appaal to tbaiik


ta lKte moorml^T Malato-Ob. wA

uiM FbgAl
kola In that end atfiktag a fn^ekage in
Aar. All tbe.flnper wua he
tbla. Bfra. Mairf Blabop <


iMta' r. Uttta

tlorlbareAt Beat OarbaM the hare of CH
A. Bamtooud was strucR aad colderable damage doae. Mr. HaAmoad. bla
aoaa aad Richard Davis weie la the pay for or vacate.
The comptotnaat says that
hare at the tlaie aad Mr. Hamoud’a
oMeat ada. Lawla. a«Bd 17. was aevare- 1101, Mrs. Ransom took tto
pnyli^ tM down and the
aecchm with hla kOary was t ■at tbe
yuaagama weat to the bduaea idlban IS n maaib or mere, in the aprb
hack td the bare before he w« aware ins the paymnnu oaaaad aad up to
that time flSATf had haea paid oa tbe
that be urns iajared. Oa bla n
STM eoutrect Tbree moolhs ago a
the harm, bd cumpialaad of
e waa areved oa Mre. Raaao
paiaa. emwulally la bin ban
e the'property bat oo attei
was paid to It and aou Mr. Uule baa
la COM water and
all right but the pall > la bla resorted to the eonrts to recover tbe
•rty. Tim case la belag triad b»
Tbe bare * ,waa considerably .dam­ fore a Jury.
aged. the bdit kitting the gable of the
bare aad fbllowlng^he hay Ui^ A
bole was torn In tbe roof, a piece oat
of a heavy aiU and a hale (a tbe akUag.
K. MarUa aad NMlle
None of the other peraoas In the bare
M. Msber. both of Traverse City.
at tbe time were Injured.

B. B. Stanley took the boat to Northport this morning.
I. W. Bowen took the bajr frlp ihU
morning 10 spend the day at Omenn.
Miss Hosier left this morning t.)
spend the day at Northport. •
Miss Laura, Wright took the 1
tag iimln to Carp lake lor a day's flahMrs. E. J. Hammond and Mlss
Eielyn Hammond left this moi
for Manistee.
Bert Maxwell of Cadillac was in the
city yoaterday looking after buslnea
Otto Morse of Central Lake.was 1c
the city yesterday.
J. M. Boswell of Cadillac was ta the
city yesterday.
W. J. Kirk of Manistee trensacted
bUElness in the city yosterday.
Mrs. Gilbert Warnics and sister
Miss Maude Ftaher of Gkn Arlior
were in the city today.
MUs Florence Miller, who to stud>
tag music in Detroit, to the guest ol
her iiarents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller.
P. Paris and daughter have returned

N. Y., Is the guest of P. Paris and
Willlana S. Craw returned to Grand
Rapids this morning.
Mihs Emma Barth of Northport
l>asMil thn>ugh the city on her way
Big Kapldi: this morning.
and w Ife of Kalamaroo.
who have iK-en In the city for
time. reiunuNil to their home thto
Mr. and Mrs. J. Eller went to Ma}
field this morning.
Miss Marlon Abbott went to Kings
ley this monilng.
. ..
.C. A. Hammond. Samuel Garlanii
and L. F. Titus and wife left this
lor Oitcwa Beach, where they wl
tend the Michigan stale bankers'
vent Ion.
H W l»arks left this
Grand RapMs.
. Mrs Annie Soule, worthy high
prkstehH of Shrine No. 16, left this
morning for Cleveland to attend
supreme shrine of the White Shrine of
Jerusalem, which begin Its annual ses­
sions tomorrow morning ta that city
-aire Lirrirr
Every one Is familiar with the Iro
perious conductor wbo Insists with hto
“8tcp lively, pleaaer that you
hurry as you get Into Ibe car. Most
Is'tixU:- resent this pertsnplory order
and feel n bit rulDed as tbe car atarta
vanl wia» tb
• either fall I
frantic baste the flrst i
A friend of mine coming from a
to a buatlln
"Step Uvely
car nmdurtor with some aurpi
tnnately for beraelf she took her seat
without losing her balance; tbe
log her benignant face, framed
soft dove colored Quaker bonnet, abe
4ra=el ol tto- hrus^joe young man wbq
came to take her fare. “^*hat la thy
uamer she said.
sure a rue.
• Friend Wnilara Blank.” tbe pa
gi-r o!>served. still looking steadfastly
at him, lbee would not have said
litep Uvelyr to me bad tbre known
that I wms ninety years aid,”
Tbe condnetor tooebad bla cop. beg­
ged her pardon, and when tbe lady af
ninety left the car be aaslatod be
Bcent-witb tbe gaUantry of a knig
oKL-Woman's Home Compankm.

Tbe taktttfd star dropped tbe ]
and laogbed merrily.
“Where did our new prres 1
come fromr abe asked, sritb a 1
kle in her sparkling eyes.
•Nlh, aonee one barai town to
east” reidtod her manapr. •
Tboaobtao. ril wa^anaol
Idle agslust an P4Eyp(taD Hgarstto that
be wrote ap all tbe baltotorms far tbe
locaLiwpeni.-Why sor
TbHTrnre be dreeribea my dlan
as Isdug tbe stoe af bea eggs.--


salt la Juatre. JotyFOort
|«t HMfkiii.

Tbt combtoad Foarth of July ertotob. Jtrw tt^ttoo
bretkm by tbe Treverae City Drjvtog
—octothm aad the Alklatic
wih be quite am tatereattag atalr. The
progrem brill be given at tbe driving
park and wUl begin nt 1;>Q p. m.
wife. Hattie R, Clapper. Toatorday«
when tbe beartag caa^ up before
recea divided Into tbree%clasaea. Tbe Judge Perktoa of tbe clrctrit ooort. bo
rnm conalsts of n 1:15 trot, a 1:10
laaed tbe oaae oa tbe grooad that
pmse nnd n l:S0 dans pace.
tbo complataaat waa aot a boM tds
It boraea are in iretalag to guar- roaident of Kent county in tbe meauing of the atate divorre law.
half mile, brel two ta three.
;”Mr. Clapper came to Gemud RatUh
ta oddltloo to ibc three races, wbkk
of tbtowwlTea vill be easily worth tbe ta Traverse City, and bogaa a salt ^
price of aflmliakm. It to proUble
the Kent circuit court for diroroe. Ho
there w^ll be b mule race, a bua eating charged cruelty aad general. Ineomcontrel and several, comic eventa.
>nity 00 Ihe part of hla wife aad
The athletic program will be as
wben tbe case waa ^lled for beartag
Iowa, a number of local athletes having yoaterday. Jndge Ferklns decided that
decided to remain ta tbe city rather the plaintiff bnd oome here for tbo
of Detroit, SOD of Dr. W. A. Fanta
than go out o( town;
oee of secartng a divorce, aad ba
worth, baa taken a poalUoo as reporter
100-yahl daah.
with the Evening Record.
2»kyartl daab.
The Ladles’ Aid of the Bi
One^ialf mile nm.
If tbe plaintiff desires to renew
chart* will meet with Mrs. F. G. Dorpole vault.
hto suit he mnat tie bis bUl of
fee Wedneoday. June 27. Pot lock
• Running high Jump.plaint ta Grand Traverse coraty. tbo
supper .will be sef^ed ^uaaea will
home of tbe wif#. as divorces on tbe
leave Mrs. C. A. Bugbee’a on Wash
South Dakota ptan are not graatod la
ington street and Mrs. B. Thlrlby s on
Kent county.”
Lake avenue at 1:30 sharp.
Medals wiU be awarded for first
John Schlegel will ofxm a meat
prises and ribbons for the bthera. The
kci at 214 South Union street Thurs­
admission will be 25 rents for adult
day. A new refrigerator mai
and 10 ceiiU for children. The athletic
lured by the J. E. GrcIHck company
lent of Grand Travema
committee constoU of John I
was tastalled yesterday.
F. M. Duma* had hto frs.l painfully Harry Roacoe. Harold *ntus and Albert
theunun un ununun ununuu unt
With the program of water sports
Ijurcd while unloading freight at
Tbe Ural Grand Traverse strawber­
the Wall drug store yesterday after ta tbe morning, the cntertalnnH
ries were shipped south yaatentay bv
noon. The tailboard dropped 00 bis the day will be fully as good as the tbe United Stales Express eoantaBTprograms
In the suiroundlng towns.
left fool fracturing ooc bone and tear
-hie shipment consisted of about 150
tag the flesh. He will be laid up for
cases and more followed today. The
some lime.
fruit presenta a very nl,rc appearanoe.
There was an Inventory ta the es
Is well colored ^d free from band
tate of William Huelicl filed ta Probate
(Continued From First Page.)
which to due 10 the fact Uua.tbare
court today.
vlsicot* a very cordial ricepUon. The have been no heavy rains.
The veranda Is being extended round trip rale from Traverse City to
The earlier varieties of cherries ara
around the eastern side of Park Place Mantotique will be 12 26: from Sutton* beginning to come Into the city lu
hotel. The hoube will Ixe painted
Bay. 1190; from Omens. tl 75. and small quantities trot tbe flavor and
many other Imprtocment* made.
from Northpciri 11.50. The rate for quality are excellent.
The ladles of the Presbyterian meals and to rths 00 board the car
Garden truck acema to be rathar
church and congregation will meet
ferry will Ik- only 25 eenla extra, 'The slow and the ka:sl dealers have bat
a social hour Wednesilay alternoon Itoat I* one of the finest on the lakes lltih- houi«* grown stuff such as radtabwith Mrs. HavHand. 52li Slate St.
and has acoommodatlon for 600 pa^
bile all 1
Regular meeting of tbe Congrega scngcra. It to very finely appointed shlpited In from the south.
tlonal Ladles* Aid will be held nl the and luui «*very fsclllly for convenience Iclopea are ta 1
church parlors Wednesday afternoon and ojmforl. Tickets will be placed
at 2 o'clock Annual reports wll! be on saU- at placcw lo be announn-d
given and election of officers held.
later, ao tbat they may be purchaser]
Dr. J. C Gaiintlctt’bas n-eelved
ahead and exchanged at the depot for
(ronllrMie<} From Hr at Page.)
letter from IT I. A. Thompr^on Miatlug Ihe rogtilar railroad and tKiet Urket*
that he in having a fine trip and si Theresta win leave hert- at k;3« In by A W. H4iroi»e of Grand Rapids. Tha
thre<> yarhts will then <4111 to Macki­
present to In Richmond. Vs.
ihe(^)rnlng oh the T. C.
A 1
naw. where they will witness the fibThe curbing is being haultMl
rlvlbgat Ncirihport at 9:45; bi«at will
Union street in prcpanitiun for tlTe lr«veat-lo a. m.. srrlvlag at Manto­ toh of the great frr*h water yarhl rare
Marling from Chicago.
tique alxMji 4 p. m.. giving about *U
After the race, ibc Nabma. Doloma
The Companions of Foresters will hours of delightful saJlIng on Lake
give a dance tomorrow night at Fur Michigan. Five or six bpurs will be and iWm accompanied by ^e S«mdan
esters’ hall. Foresters and Compan allowed at Mantotique for vtolUng and of Detroit and prot«b1y the Arcadia of
will sail on lo Geafgian bay
Ion* may InvHc their friends.
uJght seeing and the boat will leave
Comapnlon Sewing soebiy wlH aU>ut 9-<rclock In the evening. Tbe ab«Tc some time will be spent. F.
n«*ct Vwiili .Mrs. Weaver. 211) Wtrsi return trip from Northport can be may br also possible that the Alice of
Chicago will accompany the fleet. Tba
Tenth reel. Tlmrhday afi.Trusn
made at «;3fl In the rooming or at Soudan. Alire and Airadta are entries
3 o'clock In the afternoon.
In the rare.
On complaint of paHb> living In the
An effort will he made to sectm* ex
Mr. M^tague'a crew will consist of
vicinity of ihe brewery. Miss Della tension of time limit on the ticket* so
Avery and Frank Wright were arrest that thoM* who de*lre can n main an Prof. Greason and son of Chlragn, R.
ed yesterday afternoon and are In Jail other .lay In Mantotique. This, how J. Mercer^- and Robert Price of thto
city and Mr. Montague’* son Gerald.
awaiting a hesring before Judge U
, 1* a matter to he taken up with
wbo 1s at presrtil out of the city. The the general paasenger agent of the Prof Greason. who Is tbe brad of
girl was arrested Saturday evening on boat line and tbs result will be an­ Lewis instltutq, Chicago, has bpen.
Mr. Montague s comimnlon on aalllag
a similar charge but released Monday nounced later.
trips* fur the past fourteen or fiftoen
A proposition from Mr. Sexton of years.
the Uhlrago Trilmne for advertising
Last year Mr. Montague took a party
Star of Texas.
space In a resort etlltlon of that pa{»er to Chicago and they all enjoyed them­
Tbe origin of Hie Lone Star flag of was dlMUSM^d. hut .Mr. H^-xion was
(he republic of Texas to not entirely a*K«sl to *ee what r.mld to- done with selves .very much although they drifted
clear. Tbe claim bn* to*en that the sumnmding report* relative to the a large part of the way back.
It was unfurleO In the preimnt territory
of Loutotona In IfiUi. imt otb»T wurcb- cxrHrnw of Mirh advcntolng. and to d.
tcrmlne definitely what would to- ners cannot find earlier,
There la great excitement over ihn
tbe prreentatloo of such a banner to qulred of Tra%*er»e City to make up
of raptaln .\ndrew
imount necessary for a full page.
IK35. Still siKither
Mtlle the plan was considered a good
to made for a flag nnfurle,! at Velasco one It was somewhat discouraged iroord In Topeka. Orcaslooally n
Jsn. 8. 1S3R. and
owing^to tbe lateness of the season. Toj>eka woman ateala the honaenmld
made by a Miss Troutman of Nssbrnie.
or'nurse, exchanges their caps and
Before adjournment. President Has airons for tbe tody's maid kind and
Gs. One story ha* It
came from the fart tbri Governor tings appointed M. 8 Sanders, general takes hrr out of town wUh her In ormanager of the Hannah A Lay Mercan
Bmitb. for lack of a weal, used
button from bis cost wblch-bore a flva
»ropany. memlier of the lioard of
pointed atar.-8t
dlrecim to fill vacancy caused by the
death otthe late Julius T. Hannah and
Tbe Were -Coelse.- .
ucl Garland, irtsaaurer, to flU va­
Etymologists are drhen to pore con­
jecture to explain tbe origin of »be cancy of that office caused by tbe
word “cspstxe.” One of them auspecta death of Mr. Hannah.
that It comes from tbe Spanish lan­
Pay this week and save dlwToanl.
guage. as ao many sallora* Words da
and may be connected with-“cabeT. H. GlUla, City Clerit
J. Travers, tiie goirer. sot 19 me 26-it
ccar.” to nod tbe bead ta s)^ or to
pitch as a riilp. and with *Taininir oa bla liall and then mad# a balf-don
bnxel.” to sink a ship by tbe head- awtabta at (be abort gnaa with tbo
Itabeta’’ meaning bead. Another guess driver.
-baaed 00 tbe fact tbat -naipaire- la no
T am not ta good form.’* be aald.
Engllab dlalecTwoed for morlng m 1 -as playtag like a tanker we had
bogriiead by turning it over altontato- here last week. •
ly ca to tta two beads-ls that tbe word
Tbla broker pUyed core aroond.
la ataiply -cap." a bead, and “setae.*’
aktag a dreadful nhlbltloa of lilm- ' is tke richest and purest
aelf. Of tbto. tboogh. be waa not
that can be bad. We
Kept rp the Walltoc.
■rare. Be waa dotag prauy wcU for
srant every penon, old or
In Atayaaiiitolt waa once tbe batot of
young, to ^ve a good
comptataanta^o otood before tbe door
-The nma'a caddy waa an cmnaaal.
srord^-to say about our,
of tbe ktogto palace, loodly appealing ly qntat. atond tad. a boy with a
to hto majeoty for help. “80 a<
freckled fare devoid of exprrealan
fountain. If you srant
-Andotare tbe caddy never oare
something really delingbed. or aorered at hto bad ptay.
doiis jmt drink a glast ot.
tbo hreker took a fancy to kita. Awl
our chocolate,
; ;
he reid at tbe and of the rooiri/ta Iba
hope of getting a rota|illiae9:
- Tha vy been tinreRng fof the last
g months. I am quite cot «f prec^
tleci That to why 1 am ta aacb bad
form today.*
Ftanria M
nqdM calmly:
vloHntot, wbo baa here J»layteg vrttk
yeve played,4mve jai,
great aonnws for many yean In EOroiic, will come to tbto country lids falL •Irr**—New VockTriUmm.




Rotice to Witer Takers

Oar Icc Cream







csiliiclt SWtt ^

. W t J- OSSAlt

, BMk. «id W* f»c« %rmf brine haf« to
I mod m. Be frit
< tedrr«-IH ertl r
Urn mu-


rm,bo>tttymena» .


ttm ym
rr^ «l»cmrer. Tbm be mp«»4 bto
m mrilml rribnacr tlint toriB ffem talhmr •■ ***^v**®**^
totoUy tarn Mary*, itomr

of McWod.
yotoiir triVm mtro^
M«r-^ y«r. 0c M


y*^,*** pra w^ do


> AW«y.of«bW.«r««ieriinrr)t3r|



lut MatSaBmnvmin.


tin- coin of Floronce, aud -pirn** froi* l*isKda.
11Vtias. Ooee enjojnpo

l. rifc wWh yon In lb. »b

•» «•
lori^iac tolo tbe rme maa** :

ItiU tamril bB tore totbe wma
Tbe rmnmad omriml loeM domra oo
I be tiled ioaiiEkt.** be tbe Ifair bmd klndJj. ”A donor trUI
l ermmimlj. Be attn^pted m | be brm ml oare - to*
lie asmmed
msmared la^.

nn iniurr ww. ^
*%%mmn hud ibe^

"jm m


an no wMm). izk.; tran

;«.rninto«»crT.ll«ii.m m.l«Pi

____ Mn.tnrkuti.iawtJw



Dr. Johnson said tost the word -Job“
was -a low word now marii ta use, of

nrtlvtrml mcrMli

which I <

of Specul IssossaHU

^rtoftr .A firrm imielmial ^ 1 think he I* aU rtcht mnytrmrr Ue
mrtate^ be into«
tobdit ca
cmafort the rUl
■fbrtablr Into hhL
records bow -my Kwtr i«l^to him. T
J. T H.annah estate. Grand JravA bmlf
hot that ImnV MOT rise |»er. 1
brif boor biter
toter IbU Lty on a n
lit- morned to Amrrtcm, botrerer.
win «U> you a!! the good Jri»s I rax
otsa 4;npi .
l-Hduv Uhraiy aawiriaIn tn Inner oa<*e.
sud iv,»ys blamclf i^ka of Tauglmr ,«<»•;. *• |. ,\rhv.n. W J HoMu^ Han
drirfmiueu, to iro lu'lu eiwmiev*rt;
-WcH, Mary. I'm woaderiajr tohm ire wandered toyimtiv ihrotub him miuzed
•dif-uu-rt«wt:*A*U as a jo'.b to do a : nab i: lai>. O’, and to al! otberk Inlet*
iiait was just at the oatbremk of Uie
I ve hair. Ilis iyelirowm wcr.' bnmed.mnd
finess \o >u.m- lonk** Dm (Iw slm- ,
^ '
when rivllsruminem were to are ew roimt to ert marTW»«L
TWi m.tirv itoi the roll of mporial
deinand. In lJ«n be bel|-*d to ksnte r bero anempUnz to master the railroad be looked pale and worn. I’m he wms pli- laojoij nabic ugllur»cut luAtotore made by the
nlh^ I.
li"<t Weaia. ttetutn
llriuni:W norra.
menleJ rally Inf rwpld^.
%ras too mzi hlor Jo!m
^ but there Is nolhlnc
^ ^
Many words or im’^t :Ugr.«t eotmd korntd «»f mp<sd*l asia-smon* tor fbe pm
voliv “yotir fmee wn* before me an the tfme. ltrv^^ to If tif
place no- ;i posm of drtraviiu: i!
: which the ciu’actl deridcl mbould
Ter-; It was rernHy ytra who mured the trela.*- x-stry
spcTal asf^smment fof.
Into some of- ’ A*» Ylary warn about to prviest the tallbi^ra about tbe aame rrintkm to c:;?!- bspa 1 should hare ro;
be wrioded ! rood odkial Inicrrupteil. lookius ml
n«>rltuc that n bpd twrrier itoes to the tW and stayed there,
. trade, npt thift highly cdo-, doubtfully.
ed «m af m rtrii father did not Irilk
-No. IW prolesiMl the girt ryoul “You are t4k* man I'rc hm
• 111 tb*
IntTpiartv T» *ti U ! j
turtat. tr snow in mp
bed lUT eyes oa you for some
the iBcaial place. He took U ci:d ’ WOUMn't hare.lieeu Kntlsticd with a.!4-1 for. I’ve l«u
to Slniil.1 >c:Mm»V up Wth a
______\ \
Iiroved sach mu efflclcut todmau that. Ihjr u|f columns of Biruri* all
day or ; Hmc. and
tor nud a.'.jUire’l tlw sii.'clsl <enmt I
S’Hvv I: a? o ben ’iy given that the
l.ap I
rusty papenc Ihcrc Is a ! do In
Asri-rsoni of Ih*
a fetr ml
that be was not place soraewbere anmn; ific rallraod i look toward the t-oar
Tl..^ tnterter of ibe nr.«k.
* ^
afraid to work and that bd* had InJi-. yrorkers wlwre
i.ivU U that Id:
.lay of luly. tVK. al 7 :3»» o’clock p. m. *
vldoal Inltlatlre. Theae
Fo«r N-st work, rbll dear.**
aJMcrsmenf. pt whirl,
encirr i.q: a t .^ivvlew
-Though she never wavered,
mong real men anywhere, and they I
"I Just irot an order ionlrbt." Phil
tl,r.l toe- j^rr. ey of nine and pU*-** ow«irtunliy will Ih*
on on the Pehomylvanln.
I respotMKxl, t to go and Iriuz down a
given lo all pen-atu Interested to ?•**
Colonel Touj Bcott. tlie Boolas of tha* mp n-ial from Rprlngtlak* thmorrow. knew that she prayed for the n»an lu
! ih • cah." The mnn-s voice was hi
road, who had a keen appredatlou of Each day I wonder wbai next.**
tWs ISth day of J,me. IftoJ
•aw the stuff that warn lu the
Mery looked up Into liW face. -Fair i **Aml youYc the ma
T. ir «IILU8. City Clerk
young engineer and rapidly plmtird kulg’u-t>t>*,*^ she 4tiaate<l gaylT.
| wife.** he ndded.
blm to toe front. In IW Cssaalt was may t>r tomorrow that yooll win your. lead1 tlwt wofk In tbe lu Jding i
made superintciMlent of motive power, spur
fjo forth to rou<iucr. for your, Yon mulermta!»d It. W 111 you Uko U
for tbe^tlre system.^ UiIv a g»ke.^

| \o l*eg1n withr

DM H«i Bifc « . Mc^ iw.

t ki da* our that vUl ramp]
» talaton flam mU diabUc f^Mt
mrre«m frooi the coontrr*
rtad tooia Ibe e*«t eaotmm tbn tbe imi*
to a »floB^ roBnaerer)
Whtr- laiildly
s noth-:
fit Wt 4Kktolto pdbe eatem ina of
A- J. ’
of the <miamerTmtl%a
CmaMtl. He ts 6i no men
sMt out
oat of
«Mcrltot aar\ Fh
_ practically
the railway
iMPd OC Ibra bMtaaet. neat the bmri
trmL apd lamr it to the
mlltoadL BoirlriicUltl
ttmleT^' rio» for him utet umlnre. ttTien be
To one mibo waatm to !
miifiied ltmrmm bKaamp be cotikl carry
■ blm fellowm. mrbo loi:e« kH eonafry, mmo ^q*


_____ 1


btommlty. norh dtmriomuTrm mre dim- !
la the lari few yemm liebmii prajerted
fttotlajr and wttli mo frwxnmt mpKl*! Unproremwotji that InrolTea tbe oatlaj
^lona ta«eo«. imope^tinz and mlrkeolnz. i of at Wat •iw.uuo.ouu. The Wnrwt
torky ridlit tbloded tnmo like* to lia! of tbc«. irihe projected tunnri* tiiider
fdMkObrtlve. deftnw to took on the I tbe bortti rirer. the Imroiw mtatkm
0ood. iTTfera muanrlit to dmrlcaetn. • In Xew Vock city miM the exteiwkm of
Bat rnrlmt H he to do when the whole > the Hoe ttndcr the Emri river mod Into
rMs d^
paMJe BtTDomfbmre Im r«-klca wtdi|Broek^<i mad Lona lidmnd. Tbim
adornaftoorml dith. mrlM Ids ears are! lap pkjfrt made the mill
bombmrdpd i»y ebarttes of evil, when tb*» <trauiry jnutp. Yet practlcmlly all
9t Ibrtn have mirmdy come to are Oie
wlmdncn of tbe more.
The North rirdr ttmoels Introdoce m
new feature !n emclxnmrloj;. They mre

tmariatetj amefe the irood: bnild ft ap to . eo tijnmpb the Inud tmd
-btaraaof mil amn; Had thit the msseem bottom. This mnd U not
« dr the people are yet mound mtid pro- bold up the imninmut weljdit
welid of locoma.
claim them mo; strike the positive note Circs and irsius that will |«m tbroufli
Itort fklth mnd tmtli and boonr yet live; tb« 4otineU.
For that resaou irroal
bmtodd the rtfht, eltos to It and let the rieel mcrvivm mrv In in: mutik 5lown to
armaa die mif K* awn rirame: ibfiHi of bed rock, and the tracks are to remt on
bmaith in tbe body poHllc; oppeol to these. This Is e<]uU‘iileut to a system


yxmr hrort. Maryr he mcr j
Phn looked at Mary with n qm-stlou. «-anh »* :m
-it;. *
mund cm
r be caught oiid klssetl her and j then rfspond.ih “I will with a wife.**
l-erxons V
—;-----------------------------le;* H ,:;Ul
Cr**« Tide Wav-a.
Bprium la le next morning puCial aid! Those wD., >«•.• t!i.‘ rl«e and fnfl of ov.T the iJn piUic Insih ib
liiove U.-Ivcsl:
C uil!.o.;l nny %t ighsttHn-J In thc striflght. - Tlr- yoi:u:,* ; T?M‘ tides !i, our .Mia:;lK* liiirlwws
nmn*s ej es grew kiM-a and pb'r. I::g. ] dom ihiiA or the woudorfi:! career of Pk? a:e :i:. .H • Cinncl. O;, lhe*1.1;ilK-t
**:::r!- oCeiMN-kv of h-c us
and him heart lieat tumonumfsjv. while < the mo«>n islactl oc-an ware^ which are lU:*
«J iritc:?-- b ,!.
rlem. the longest ferry hnnt by tbo his I and Tvried firmly on the throttle.: Awnse the tidal f.
w:il roank* rr.iU shone like silver rtbiwiis
riblwiis in
In | /’moi
liHlons r<»t only rro^** the^sj-x^hat
cxiicnslre. TIk
way. In tbe world. It was cxiicnsire.
agnln. Imt ge«J.r-y
t!ial the>
but Ilfoild.
tbe run, and the tralu wns msm
comrllcatcd movemenis an? met going an- 'jrailuaf oad of litn-ftl exn-at gt-oAootb.*r Casaatt coup was In buying! lug over toe track
Grrdually infU s | comr
bonrs the pru,4i»ca!ly - St. 1>jJis iileV-Dcmo*
i Tbiw once In m-ery twelv
line of road which the IVnnsTlvanfa I splrtfs rose, The* beauty of "the day-^
stfll on the fields a:id moon raises a tide bHK.w fn tbe soiithneeded in itsir^ncaa. The Baltimore, for iV dew
alive and ern Imlinn o«*enn. Blru this bmow
and Ohio also needetl that same line, j tin* v.orld aW
pn*sps the f'apc of GchkI Hoiw at noon

It warn at about Uils tlbe that I e ad-|
rocatod and hod
hod adoptisl
adoptisl oac'of
oac'of him
daring Innoraflooa.
There whs no
mriinm of handling rapidly and ade-j
cpiately toe moutoernfrull supply. Cns-j
watt brought forward n pin:, .ot ex ;
tbodltig toe Peunaylvanta to the
and introducing o system of fast fer-|

leit the room.

Tfc? e.igtiM* Phil took pommi-sdoti of at I

Ir nnnoUDcrU to lTP,ldc»t Ro.nTi. of;
tlio IVui«}lv«iU. that tbe atltl::.,.:,-;
•ndTOilo had tbe matter cliiel..-.I. He
bad eoODtwl «1tboot faaaatt. botrcver.l
That yonne man bad aeen trhat «a»!
conilB* nod bad ijtiletly kaated n l.loilii

j It* «.roo«or I. nlrc..rtv
.ml by
1 the tine
■!" «
! tile .W^ Wan.l* at roldiiSrh tbe eee;Oml 1* r.nim!.n-- tbe eap- im^d a tblrd
■ bn. mine into €Xl-ien.-e In tbe eoauiern By * ./elo<-h In tbe morjiln: fol
. pnssaxn* of the «wT"* t
Of atock of which too Bultlmore and‘ llioc-*!.. bis lt!»mc.n:t|f- work wen
billow reaches tiu- Knghsl, ehnm
Ohio offlclol %ns Ignorant. It wn.; tbl?;,far fr..:i Lini. aUh.ei-1. M.try was nl
block of stock xvbldi mecurod the nmch way:? i- liN «u»iron« kwnm-ss. At ibe ■ then*
^ tbe shnllou- .wnt«T
aougfat line

fiU..,. l;i a «!•!, <!«• y.y of life.
n,'l Ilnvo!m.t.1rlly n« l»-Ion);.
Od . :i; or i!.e .-oh wh.loe to W the
efcll.'r.-1 In bisb flee at n of ta:
One elation alter nnotber he ..nten-d
on.t.r. • to tli • mlmite
i;v,-r5- oiIht

for the IVdnfylvnnla and last ^m-rTlon Is fon* bis borne n gll':;pr.c

mud, that It

notice of Special Issessment
J. .M


Vf l




J Ii4ljh. J;.


.»n.- ,a , r


! a ^^ru V ^
lu isv. the pn,ne«lve* mnurtt that; -nie :1ri‘l/n.l Mary, ynnv =.»<1-<Hn.^ '
<\isiuitt should l»e elecre<l to the ns
^ l»rain-h «1 the billow run* ar«mn<V. tlw
of the roail. Ibe coafi.*r\-a-j bet^
*■ ’
ivea won. hom-ver.
a. n r,-<jU' ailfe h:piVlly. nuU .he train elli;-• r®‘teni aide
’’ir, Tr'imli.nlrnnd
r he praelk-nlly left nul i ed cut oi 1b,- ftati.m, and In
in aa f.-er,
ffWi round-, ttie north i-o,nt of b.-otlnud and
two years
tiu- . .'-‘At
n rn «-oast
vly i
and I*h!rs ;
rottdlng and went on t<
il It Rually Cows up flic
ro- trip w.
farm hear n,;ladelpbla
TH, toe wharfs of LonmalDcd a director of llw cm.p.iny ami
nkc !!! • trui:, on.
ITji] j‘lm.»*l iM,tteO tbe t‘.rottle as the
Initiated many of Itsipobcles. t.ut tr, all j
tiitents aud purpo**s ht* n-nuiiwHl la train e.;n,e t., n stop, apd It w;:s with
»* r.
retirement for seviiUtH-n vc-ar».. Ib* regr t that lu* wonm give n;* the e,;.
the yc-^r In} y>I.
-A l»e.jnty," be tbought. **nud
was a l.rrcder of fast bona-s and U*- Igine
Ihe so;.-.' of the r:xtiH-r
not ; f’* ?
rame one of tbe ieailers on tlie turf ns irU4> ^ !*n, eu ttnw.- Ik* saiH.-d.
. , rliirh t
Iles::w a vlslfluz radmad omrlsl np-.';J; “*
b.‘ bad befon* -beeu with fnf»t Iron
Is the wlii-at Imrvi-M ol Ans
iMKiaiag with j
at the slutimj diwr., iMKldlag
New ZiMirnd. rniie. n„d the | of




W:. ip-ijSi



the l*e:msvlvauht ,-ouelu.bHl
,*d(sl rasMtt.
Tlu' ston of tbe j
nm^T of that <-lH3hv
<tH3l.v Is liitcnwtlug.!
I^Tuinx-tor* agnHxl llml the man i


-Camtt. who has Iwcn callcil the tiest
tfalaed and most ratable nUlrond u
to America If ari In the -wwcld.
worth a study tor and t»f himself.
•' laartog all his ptafty awtmrdlnmteK.
• ^
tts grv
get Into
.*» . moro w»M>aim«qHK*rx ^ ;


mareb straight niw-ad when oUmw festr
totakua aiucKriep.
Mr. ristatt Is tail, athletic; uses hi*
mnselcs and tottg* as well a* hi* brod
ami h rirong 4nd vlcoroos to body as
wril as to mind. He !* .v wKleiy to
formed max nn entertaining

be saw It all-just what nj!g»i: hnpiv-n | pip
at CMT3* secuod. -ISv.* thnus-aiid rallon* ; to:of e-.l were In ft ut;k ftt the rror of
Hu* rob.
lTCRni<i xau ii;:i:>it
He gathered hlairrif t»?griher for the
phihge. drow In a Iw. deep brroth,
I heW his bead down, with hi* bat pre*sFoJIowlfto the Flag.
* ed agilnsf III*'face, onh returned to the
When onr -olUn rs wont tr-Oal.s atk*l

iras to lK\ Alore th.nn c?t, he'kns
shown IrtmwK n vroottnvl
of a great Wnririal hrmy o* a* that which wittaj


a She’s got very
Hat trot
NeU-V.-U.t ha. that
It? Bril-tt takes *« bri
deny her wrighL.

stmrhrd for tbe throttle,
lie fell
toankfti tbat It was nri neenwarr foe
him to see; he could feel and knew Jari
^'Wlicro ta ptnm the throttle roo*t sorriy. j
be monumt to which be bad dtowr-1
erod'fbe oil lank bAhad uncoopled the

rte the rhOippin*».
ti> ctUdf. J

tc*»k Dr.

w,«.«,ok« 1

stont lalriy, \
to do w
fimo now
• ■
j gt

*nmto am
«ro ever ao

asrikiaime blm«ad.|ila wack. Hff It! «Ncw r<ak clt}%
taOrb oMtr now ttom they wore to
omatrarilvi> to the klriwet degree, ttois |
Yri thU I* .ooly one of tbe Haprdfw:: -4oae day*,'
tag to Uie FOlal ^ aadarity. a radkul - mputs projected by Mr. Cftstott. An\
;^$riii4oblri britortog to tbe fatara j dtl»e^ ts tbe great Peoasylraab^aa tnan tii
tiever ibowa WswwP ritamc*
erected to tvarifllto- ter
>|«lnly ns by bl* mnunrr ef

to.lito gaktog «»- p»,rtf«yTing

and two y
being »tibj«t

to quick to ‘
«w3lto be. j flirottle the burning thing sprang awsy fp-

!Sl7;u»«r «k. f'l’tf*
lYvoliitkmlie tiaiigi«tat» la to oBlljle rioiy.

the Pfalilpplmf. hroith wm, to** mast
Korgan. nulrc.] mrunlsrorv <>ersront,
oj Itaral Route !.• Coneord.
T ma- two yrorv to Cuba
n. h.. mays:

for Jiack






take a


Al» ;tbc Uat





'• Sali'-faction guaranteed
or no charge.


rVauK .S* t»aber K A.
i: Ib'At. G W iv-it.ivadtt.
. -T J riig»Mr. .To^ piom
p \y
r. \ WT.gtt.
{• n G .M.u. Mrs Aden-»

rpli of ,pM
. to notify him of his : toil iH>wc.-i.-*s.
Tin- ,-,ral„e m as on
vA m,.. r.?
lj-n t*»tor« -marie by ’.
and wnih <’f
*-*-i«l tie- PM
found bira'on the golf liuhs. fire, .-omelhlng elntdnnl his throat to - ; '
‘'•‘‘jr* v ;
"veii York .
ravin;: ihe i*sri of ibe ,t.
At first- be refu-tvl Io a,-iv*|*t.
ni -ti .ebol "* him. He felt a hot
' ‘'*V^^^
Michigan 4
e->«ue,! doti’led rfioiiM J
Mm faiwatt who hv the way is a ngni ist his eheek, lU*d point* d.vrte-1 ; I cues, Oliso. Ite.I.vna. Mlcoigan.T
a-. b.» mm. .» .n,...flnnc. •^,n.-Mn-...,;-. lonn.
-rn i
qi." ,ai sm:V. ne
I'-t ’1
y.-I-r:»ko. ,
w.K induced to ume her Intluemv. A*! where.*’
He iH'ar l a quu'k. gurgling
I l!'i/iv..ry.
llou-mmia. Bnlgarta. .\n
nq-est of '
_ .....................
______ tt laid aside bis,
- thought It warn. 1
coif sucks, sold his fast borw-s and , h* won-icrod.
and «>cth of Vax-Iiiu:. \
took ufxju lilmiM-ir the manageav nt of he d'dD't earn,
aijcii somelblug *ee,ii«M to snap, i'er- fTul Slid rto*l!,v*r., Minn
toe gr»v?t’-*t nillnuti *.,>
rri la. ’ o* < pufifir in.T»<H*llon*
kora*. MafiJtrew. lov.*r
One of the mttst *cnsnt,onal episAles hap* It wca the exprcwlon on n fv«v
4.. G.- Mf!
alw, h-:ix1jy^cj
tomton. lbl.'to:h. .Veto*
of the IVnn^ylraula ptvsldem’* ean*er be * :w to totaginnt-on that did It. He
-Hi .-. n'ral 'tonHi-d ilnd Hoanl of .vV*
wbhi>ored, -Mary,’- sprmg with nni.'ilx lh'nx.vrk.
(^q„lier.,clt> of Traverm rir> »tli
was bis fight against-llie Wt^Meru Tn
ims*;a: i
lou Tch-grai’h wir.pafiy. UivolMng the an his :dn*npth for tfte op<*n:iig mtt of
Ito’i’d. Pweden. Norw ny nnd
the rob. A* be Imped from the bnrn- Peril
ix>werf\il c;ould ami UockefelhT ntrr
Itn^ala; lu .W.-aHH-r. tO-n,
est*. He larried this light Io the jioltil Ing rob., which was an nupry. nenriag.
■ ' Deemis-r. Burma j
Sotilh ADIca.
of tearing down the iwles .aatl W4n*s. lhrea|c*uiug inam*. new fife .came to
nml New Konih M’-u!:A !,-«• «inic.-0U4 nmn wuaM Uni-e j hinbrfinn t* rn.,«-.lnnd. III.
In !!, ^gi3B .lnm::le n-;
lH-.lUi«l .l,nf.«r ma-.lBs nn ,-i,.*i.-v>f mln.1 ■n-nrkc-i mni.llj- nml .r!,!, pir-riwked Is.
Uint'pul«WMt .-..uil.linitiwi.
Tin,, U «oa. .1= he mrnH Iwonnuo-oti-l.r tvl
stttmc iHdnt.
He dr*.re, to: ward,the cro. he* back of t’:e et^

(he better nshires of men; refnse to
tWnk all tslnted tvwu-e some ore
get out of the ne-sllre nttltnrtc of
fault flndinir and Into tto* eonrinirtlre
attitude of faith lu the uaUiral uoinmy


Argentine Uepal.lle; lu IVla-unn
Martb. up
|ht 1Egy pt

A’’nl. lowt-r
Pnt^. 1 ervia. AkI;, M rur, .Mevh-o
in >i,tr. T,siwuld U* cbomea wlto -hnd Nn-n re-1 ma.n waved or <iH>ke.
1 As:a.
Japan nnd ilnro--,,. m;,-,
•iHUimlWe for niwl ImpraTemenls:‘ .Vs Lelp!’-s„ !H*for*-M.m,e awful
n the
borrified Oregon. M!s>i»s5p,,l. j-jea,-b one of 1lM-*e w.xH.elevk’d off It
Ph i n*nd bis ,h.n-g,.r In
the----------- *
mnd torn fassstt
the p.iuorn.*na'mprending oni is-foro
ully all of them. <
ei. 4,f
nr rnioke,
*n,nu,-. but
.,„I --cj
•>-. .-.Hn.,.
him tlirougb a veil
a* the uuju.

of st»x*l trestle work lu the nuHl under
tlie river. It took a daring genius to
carry Ihnmub a phnn as novel as that
■ Tl>e man who Invented, this erpedlent is i*b.trti*s M. J.-u*ohK. wlm has
l»ecn truly x-all«! the worftl’s grrateri
wuliaqneous tunnel 4Higims:r.
nel uudcT
uudiT the
the II^ast
ate ao many propiiets of evit that It Im i built the firvt tunnel
sveJI ns
ns unto*r
ondi'c the
;i!:il^w^d aU to sound the other river. .N,*w York, as well
note, even If it Is only for thi* wilu* of j N’Ttb river. !le,gi*any suT^t*yt*d and
variety. .Tbe hammer of too i.udier j pmjctetl nearly nil tlw*subwnys^lntoe
Years ago he
than that of the I Au
oUUUuHl tlK- stHieine Tor entering New
York wlin-h the IVnr.eylvanls
foliowiiq:. Ito lnv, n1,*,i the s!,lWd sysSome tpeopk* can be chw'rfql lu the titn for Inning luunelm ut,a;*r river
toldst of an curtliqucke. Hmt is what licxi.s and iutrodmn'tl the novel ami ef'tra need noff. Tklm pctba|»s is tlie U*.
rtedetd plan of pushing these groat, cy“ ftenlug^f au b,*oaomlc earthquake, lindrlt-al stilekls forward as bije wotlld
pad tre rihall rt^ulrt an our self jios
drive a stake through tbe dfrt. idjsWng
Petalon apd aantty Iwfon* it Is through. too mud aside mvtead of t!,e IcKtger
Ve lauri loaru to discrlmlaatc U- and iiuw exiw*uslve process of rmnov' tween a ropa* ••fid aa honest men. ing it. Jarohs h» now lu rhnnretrf aU
«nM>afk the truata are fuU bf griftera. tunnels tu»d-.*r thi* Xotlb river aud Im
-we muri atm have tolth In the plain cousultlug englniH-r **a wventl more
jnegta. whom Jefferaon trusted and under Uu* l*a,st river.
I'our of the
North river ttinneb ore for the IVtmTha Inquiry Into the coal carryUig Bvlvanln. two r:,Mn«d nml two tndley.
rmtoada by . toe Interstate oommervs* fW more TaiitxwU tiiuueis under the
famndHkm has added another chapter East river are al^. for the TVmMylTa;la toe book eC eerpmto ialqiulty. nla.
Jacola has worked out tlM'sc
Oroaa favoritism has been revealed, pkinm and made the glgnnfic badortok•iris of money end etoek to railway tog iKoi-slSle.
Tint l.ehind hTii, has
edficUla have been.avoaeU, Involving riood the ladomltsbV* wi.l of Chissalt
iiribery direct and Indirect. Theme dim*
Tracks Ulier Twa tism.
elbaarea moat aOV*cted flic groat
n 4s almost loporidWe fhf the lay
ramrlvanla syatetu. showing a nut'
mind to eoticrire the magnitude of
mum of corruption among Ita higher
entry of tbe Pennsylvania Into New
atoclals of nUrmittgly wide extent. Bo
_ tracks
York. It Idvoliwa a syttem of
. ^r. however, toe b’gUest rificlnl iff all
wo riror* and two cltlea. lend^'^Flhaieeat t\iasatt. has not Iwen la
ing all the way from New Jertoy to
vaiTad or at least has beeu Invol^^i
Long iala&d. It calls for the Introdtio

The lUH,, I’-rM «mr1oT,slyj
,.uly I
rob. imt he «uddeu!y
Uick lu horror, sud other* were j
tTan:fixe,l by whnt they saw.
Not a :

lAmH fnivel i

1 li'icr Pi fine line of aatiflle

i.: M/’f



Pionesr Livefy
Hack, *8us Baggage

* .


•nWeli nlK. *!curod l-aaiatt tboUrat 'of u 11,-l.U felriWi n-ure made'>lnn | »'™lt
r*11V xii*ir for n uio*ii**ut I n'^irro^'injr rkUiniHH

t«T. 11


Notice to the
/ /iaTu: no A cents
on tJu
Hut wben



Traviuri* City ^>u
lilvniy* liml my





uiJOfi you to all
a n «l




vic-c. Rtsaaooal’l’? prioee.
KincMy fjivp no a glmte
of your figsiuc-as.

B.J. Morgan
RefLn*nc4« — J*



r k


Sioide CyliDiWn*. 1. 2. 3. 6
7Ho«ePowBr '

a^ CkAbE L0W rM&
rilTBi.Wo(»vie(i% irifh *1101*14 '

Idf • bronchial tnmblto and

rereniWo propeller , > ; ^

ftorpoae-to Ucc. dr^gtots.
tbe^tmebaa, for



Prtc* Wc mad iLfiO.



zeroed to crawL His krroto came ]■
hard tbtouib citadria Itolb: iHs eye* J|
aero bet on a spot abend, but be fibIs-S
perod, -llaryr








l|^ Warn Qilifuu it

WAMTCD-Cook st


WANT»-Tkr*# tooc nvTM. two
rtfktkE»4»4cMtefl. fMpMkw;
tvOKMUJfi*. B.i. llatvKA.


ftWK; Ow or fhm
tiMT. k«cr««to Mi cMr ««
MUCnnhaMVts tA cOx. CM
P»W WMe BtoAs l» Flwit
Trram« atr.»«li. au*Mt pfcM

MX Hit
rOM «ALC-lU7-OM knirbi
Mf fltflMMltft AfOtMTI
lAllA AlKIfA frOAl OA OH
AOrtk. AOAth AAi west At
ABtt. W Of tlir finAtM
tlM CrAAi TmviW rrf;^

WANTCD->KIUJma flrU At Um BolH

W. HoIllAStiwortli. tU E. FtOBt 8U
CttJU pbOM 40.
Jam 4 Uw


b« Mtif plAttAd
are loU to Ike A^f. or 0te
kvBdnMl ABd Hrfmrtrm lot*, which
with A
lAf moM nrll (or At W«t 0(
PAT lot. For oAtorml AdTmnlA«*«f IQ
pAflAOA With Oth^ iHWFmy and tlM
prim Aiitrd. iktt fArm 1* o«#rBd ai <
r«ry low ignra. Tbrrr ts timber
ABcmik to pay for th#* whole farm at
prkw we a*k for H. If r»a wmot a
and a Moey maker. Ret
ihl*. WM.
Wade Bm*. Iff f
firr ihl.
Trarer*# CHy. Illcb. Clt
MAO 1219.
may 24^

llwn, to bft Om 1^;'
. 8(^' CrAcker keciii^'«
is boi oiie 1^4^
amis to yoa
con^ ^om tbo 0^
Othsra lime thett xakie .
ei^osed to tlio
r air, absorbliig moisttixb
; and ctilectii^di^
Ireall soda cracker
is UJieeda
fresh and dean by the
na31onal:kikuit oohmmk



iMny jeara ^:ddrmt oC SmUh coA' AlfN4 tat AAtkar 4
;4-*e, wkkid to retire thi^ year bat wen .kwaarw aomt.
aqii-jwwAtAii-ky Ike ^HPMeea to po«h kr.*imAA-R«MiiA
k lor BAOtker fmr m kmi«t. The
nuicee do not akaiw Or. Seelye't: eow
vldJcA that hartaa iwackai kU aew.
Govamr OBB$y hr iBdlBWi baa wrik
catj4lrrt yvar kla ia/a «I oacNIbm
tni and will akoctfy pohUak a kook IB
tre over.
wkrt ke praju«w V
tk* BUkKrl
Whew the MaharajAk Oaekwar of of •van- a* k* has r*vad ll to uxlBt
la public uEta
To a »^«dM!W wko Boaiidit U *Cie*
ike Mte Paid Knmrr
-My itar;




t would oernuy akout
“ABd wUal would Ur. U»lrr
fcl> grad,
liwe, swIomL ' , who
igj to that?** mused th» Indtaa potew
rochiac in Pr^-k.-?
Ut* aa be BTOTed on
Oregoa's new tenator, JttnaThan
Doarae ul (V.rtlaod. rcme*»*n«* »
order cf Ulngs both la bis taate aad
in Ike aa*4on H* Is th* first senator
r elt-cied by a popular rote Sena
IhHitm- will tw a buameiui arnatoi
He U a luilllonaUe, He will be ooHart ai d amaurr and one mor^
twy rtaier. lor he was born in Boston
mtl* mete than fifty year* ago
Thirty yearc ago kr treat to aTOfioa
aad has Uved there ever lOace

kr4 la to VrmU^.
car !
rteil on 4»y th* aavai
jVictamoMlh KngbiDd. to awvrtalu
extent of th*‘ atroming property's of
W elsh cool which baa tan dmi>ror*d
by Ktorag* la tkr am.


tana of coal. w«!^e
Ug baaiu la the (haky ard.
nv time a alitUMr qiuutitv
I catvAijly atored In the op. n
air at a onallnc
and abeltered b.v
At liiterraU of alx months sampica
of pccto atorage have been barrird.
lire mailt* buT* abuwu eonHoalvcL^
that by lb* aubmarine atoram' of coa*.
It* ouloriflc value steadily Incr*
while Iw atom;.* In ibe o|>cn air c dtchkHl dw’reaa* te nhftwu.. **i>eolaUy la
th* trocric*.
The admltTilty has n
oXTrertnK’iil.s l»e made
liractIcabUWy on a large *cale.

|er. Rixiy acre* wnder -caUlralloo.
London ho!cl* are idU of American
(m> aert-fc a«Hl»-4l. Good wnall or­
milliutialnn and mllllanairesscs. mulchard. W^fje ten-roora booM?, iw^ '
bam*, twtwty acres ilmb« r: creek j
4.n!y gr*v<*!
1. To save rtolu-ring in rapid
Elify J
■ alTe
la that vicinliy. <
'h the Londoners ’call tiu'so la«rod*, school eighty rods, general I eonviris, wa* Ugnn In the Ionia cirmultir;**
At Claridge'*;
FOR •ALE—WlAd mUl.
lako’ I
inmrt before Jiidff. Davi.s
....... one hnndre*! rods. Duck lake
rroort one and a half miles. Grawn halams rorpus <rt«t- 4».ir l>e-nn fa
there are halt a dorm mullimllUon
.fAte; Umer M fMt klgh; ftood i
fhn-e and onehaU mlh‘s. Trarena- wt^*kr. nj;o. and ih.* |K-iiti.»n of WlllU
alres la uallr-i! and wmde suite:. ol
ittlOB; AM "complAlA. iBqalr*
FOR 8ALE--1432-rorly acre 4
City twelve lalle*. This 1* one. of
have beeil iRUiktHl by oiner
<tee to rliy; well watered. One i^rthe b«*Jd farm* In one of the best J. Ucmi:a. who..wa. wniencfa! aatler
farming commuoltU-« in eiiiirnl the law of llfv:: f« r a tt^ti to fweut> 'niuias** aniP eight ordinary mlllloti^
den Aful truck land Small i>W^ce of
Michigan. We wlU make you tl U yearr,' term, but is h. ld under the alres; the Car Hon hffibora a roun i
moaey takes tbla. Call (or hrir**.
W^ade Bfbi. 12T Front atn-el. Trav­
ISOIi law. wat the lim;l8 of i
CMU Bavtag Basto.
erse City, Mich.
June ll-t(
Judge Davlf liPlicated fmm
eighty rods of the aton- at
May oi McClellan of N. w York
A new ly|M? of engine, known a* the
.Center and we
his nm-Kllon* that be wa* Rlrongly Im- Mild tor Euroiio on Saturday, leav­ “monkey motion- pattern, whlrti. It U
pnee twenty-five pep >ent
rerolntionlze steam hK'omo^
ing Patrick H. Mc<'.o«4*n. presid. ut of
tliat b<- the price on above descriU^d i
B. V
for EALE-m
farm. There Is a chanc for you. of the law. rJudja' I>*vl* took the mat the board of aUb-rmen. in comideU- tloa on railroads, has tau sueeossfully
light hWMIted feel on State atieet.
iielchUir. to figure out a compel 1 i,.r vndi r .ndvlseroeni and will tile an control of the city guvernmeiit. Tnirly ofrerated on the Soulhenr I'n. ltc. A
Value tamMAOile to e*tli kle, but
tons \v:is hauled fretu
for twenty-five},time this w.ik. Which days after Mr. McOeiians U«*irarture.
way aUn^ price asketl. Tk(* I*
OL'deii ?u Wad*w«rth. -Nev . by one of
of the moat ieatrable piccmi of propunder the charter, the act Ing mW/y the new engines. .\11 the drh ing iui'4 li
»..njl,. r.
pr|«. you n- W»- l'
Dan OimMac. ) 924 . erly
ta city. Aa a bujUnea* location
-..K* S our -.. .,0 ^21
falls h. lr to all the power* and prerog­ nnlsm hi on the sldiw. uiakiug U easy of
atm - AOr 27-11
I th* farm delivered. Jt must no!
The strike of - bltumlmms coal atives ol the offU’4- and If MrC.ovvau ncceas. The stimru'«•xl»a^!^ts very rap­
caimot tie'beaten at price asked
mineT-. In the Mlrhluan dlr.lrict, which should make up hi* mind to dlsnilrK idly aud Uien' in no Irack |»rt--sure. It
an iBveatmeoi. will ray that with
rutting tiri*’*.
bidldlBiEs BOW on the prop**ny
has been In force -Inr*- April 1. came all of Mayor MeCiellan** apiKiiniee'^ U **tlmatc»l that the new engine will
uIldlAR Ahd comer lot on
• l>ona fide offer. Wade Bros..
save from 2T, to 4o fsT «’rnt lu txwl
Whicli eonaiatr of four frame atroc
ibereiii no p.iwer to stop him.
Front street Alao fooj boune and
Hint sini‘t. Tra\-4-rKe City. to .m end Saturday afternoon v
ng able to run nn.v-iour
lot. WonW trade for 4ealralile realtaroe. corerlnit about onebalf of the
an agnm«'net was resebed or
Ciilren* phone
Ml** Dana L- May oi Ann ArUir, tuik-4 with one um of eyal ns ugniust
dence property. Rnqnlre 2Sr. Raal
June 2I-tf
printV The' ware scale of l9o?.
,Mich.. after a vuui i» WmOilngion twenty five to twenty-eight miles under
^rrr.,^cra,ue.,^,<.^ ground. It ahowa five per cent on
ten thousand dollars,
luM-n T—tnred and the union Initiation complains that shap.* count* for mor. ihep
ern. np^iMlate brick bulIdiBS. 41 will
fiY- p|.ire*d at f?'’..
than liraina In wcunng a gi^vi-rnmen.
T*aRj»eratorea li
— l)«’cn
and at the be ninnln^ ofrtne lK?*lticn. She bar |wiper> to show that
KINOLC COMB BROWN LEOHORNS *how at Wt three times that
Can-ful tests uiiule In a Ct'nuan well
-YlM gn«int HB KBchlm. Rw< amount on the Inveatment. Call for FOR RENT—Attractive collafc' at pn -ent <x>nle'r<nr4‘ the nperators de in a recent civil wrvice examination triilrti has tan drilled more than a
, lor bUchlBB II «I«I W ,«■ . prloo.^ Wado Bros.. 127 Front atreet. Omens; furalrbcd rorapirir for claivd for $10 and the mln. t> Moo.1 she reached the pHl mark in every mile Into the eorlU proved, tint the
* n-tf
.. I taJU. WghoNOCOrtiiBIwial w TrsTerae aty. Mlcli.
average rise In tomperatmv U about 1
housekeeping ew mroli: may betaken Ittt. President John Mitchell, who has branch exci’pt two. When M
' m rtr t« tk* iWMit pooltrr Wo*.
at -The Clovers.- Addrc.nn Sar.*h K lMH*n at Saginaw a ueek and who n? physique, however, she fell down woe­ degroe F. (or every fifty-five (rot la
- BpmUI prtoM oa lou o( SO asd 100 FOR 8ALe-1291-Blghly-two feet on Graham. 128 Lave avenue. Traverr^' Histetl In the sett b!*nenr. left , for hi fully. nut Nlng tail • nuugh
• W. H. Oailor. 401 fIfO. Rt.
City. Mirh '
june 2a (f
•Aiillh. .'^lu> admitr. that her weiphi
, may Wiao (eel deep, all covered with two-rtory
ihi.'. wv-*k '
L not pmpiTly .li'tfibutrd. but think
frame ImauinR. lltUfd througbout for
Ire 119 E
The rru nde agnur . uiuleati slaugh pLitillon* fhuuld not pe filled with , j
«ra CKBH will boy .« HO. Hanamb first class livery and aalea ham
June IMf t«‘r luHisij li.vs Ims-u mined on In re.-L^lve j« fiTeiiDt' t*o nhapi llnj-.s.
ayraa*. Oab llWahU aoWb. SOxies Also forty hnr*e* and all necessary
kalamanM,^ for mon’ than two year
^Charles Hnwtrey. the English ar.or,
ggies. cullers, liacks.
fret. If .old tafuro Julyi lot. Apply
unde.- the dire-floi. of tie Woim-n* tells how a F df caildie ronipletrly iip
toTboa.T. Batoa.
■ o»y6 il dray*, alelghf. hamensea. wagon*,
M t him un one o.-csHum.^Hawtivy’Tind
robea and all peraoaal property In
other arroi* Wi-re playinr. a
•in CASH *m buy wt UH. Hanoal. abovo bnWdlng. Thl« Is one of the HOUSE TO RENT—Inquire Dr. J. W. r.ruelling ^latighti-r hou
the city
maifh ganns ^At th.* first l..,k- he gui
ayna.. Oak Hrt»ht. .nburb. Mxl«5 large*! lln ry and sales l«rna In thi* Gaunt leil.
June 12-if More than two-thirds^of
into a bunh. r and while h.- vainly
IMI. >1 aoM boforo July l«. Apply region; centrally locatinl. doing a
• unu d In Kalamnytjo com* s from the
Laie:.t and Case
to Tboa. T. Sana.
Nay Hf large and profitable biirinear. In FOR RENT—Best office rooms In the Uic.vl houfu’s. The oir.T«iyanon har tried to exiiicale his ball hi.s caude*.
a little elUtrly roan with a hcrubi.y
l)esij»n'i. krnai>sancc.
f:irl. pierent oa-ner feel* able to re­
city; ne^yly flnl.'»hed and papered: »u l4 a\4 retl to rarr> the crusade
beard, loiik out a clay pipe and U>gau
tire an^l enjoy the comfortable foi^
-L’Art .\ Colon­
|t» CASH win buy lot »0. O
heated; hut and cold water; best other IKMU nl the stale through the
to fill It. At the fill.'enth rtroke the
tune made In this name bu*lne**.
ial and InrxprnsiYe
atre«t Oak Helghia tuburb. t0xiC5
daylight rooms In city. Over First b'glr.k'rtuie. The roembers will prob
c.^tlJir stnirk a rantcti on hi* iniutu-rs,
This, reader.
3*ou eonlemplate en
leet If sold Wore July lat. Apply
Coitag*: Upriijhts.
National luink. Inquire at Mllllkeii-s :i;.!y apiH-ar iM’for^- the legislature
wher. upon the nePor p.n«i;iid. -Well. *
gaging in a (ni-lnes* of this kind,
to Tkoa. T. Bates.
may Hf
office. Rent low.
may 9-lf .-rmin at the u.-xt •e'^sion and
.-aid tl:»- raddse a.*- ho liglit« d hl« pip'*.
will pay you to lnvi-»tlgate. Call for
in.sp.’eimn laws Un rlrtugh^er houst-s
1260 CASH win boy a % acr* lot in
pric- Wade Broa.. 127 Front
in Mich lean.
BMwood aolwrh. 100 feM frontlng
Tmverf* City. Mich, CUlxens phone
Mr. and Mrs. i*. S Granl
The Wllliani Ahlen Suntli Travel­
WPOB East bay, 91* ten on Broach
■ June IHf
ing Men\s duh ha- iM-en formed and couple ol Sac aiiil F<ix ludlatn
Btroot, If aoM by July lab Apply to
-Thurnday in.^nutu: on WathL<^-7
its members will talk William Ahlen
Tkoa- T/Bataa.
may Wf| FOR SALE-----1273-One hundred aad
ngion slr»*et. Casr. rtn‘.-t. along by
Smith for f4-n.Hor while ij.ey arj' sell Rectmtiy th»‘f vlsltotl .-Tomi' relallv**
twi ntyacn- farm, six inlle* west of
Pere Mamuetle dt |Kil. or on I n ion
ing goods. L/ M. Millr was elected in Iowa and while th«T,* sGine <ei>or,
1 or will
c ity, aliotit , svenly acre* und.-r rultlas far aouih as Smith and rrjce>.
and P» ter Lankeaier. secre- c.*’?; trU*d ni ItUeniew Mr. Grant, lb*
may 0-t(
vatbm Gooil house, large barn, with
crest^nt shaiKMl gold pin with .spray
was askid; * How do yo i think th**
\Vr h.tvt: pi.inrs hrn; In
bawtniot. Following crop; Ten
of flowers, with r-earl In center of lan.
FOR SALE—TWro houses In good loca­
That Mt. Phasanl is going to have Indians of the teriitor. will be af
match the' furni.'.hin^'i
acre’s rye. four acrea wheat, ten
flower. Liberal reward If nMurne-l
tion. one naw houre juid completed.
a V. M C. A orcan;ratimi and bnll.l- f4-c.o4l by the new state:..! Oklahoiunr*
acres roin sen on acre's potatoes,
ol mansion or *couaj*c;
Record offlee.
Ing was demons!rale4l at a masr, mee. ••W4- like him," waii ins an wer FuiWin Mil on time to salt cvinomer*.
fourteen acre** oat*, seventeen acres
pianM5 ol ihc hiKhvst
thcr Mr. Grant vroulJn i talk. It w .i<?
CIU. phone tMi.
Jane 23 tf
Ing of enthusiastic citizens at
hay. forty nrres wild timber. Call
clasv; pianos that arc aro|N‘ra house Saturday night, when U noticed 'that the wife ol hi-?
(or luk*’. Wade Uros , 127 Front
iisiic from evrry view­
POR EAI a—1439-One hundred and
WE;' niafli- kuewn uy the solicitin^ wtMiid Ik* a good Hul.jeri tor a cor: e-.
FtrsM’t. Triversc CUy. Mich. Clll»«n«
point; pianos that the
twenty acre farm one half mile
c^mmitt.’e that $10,000 had
^.MapleCIty; finest farm In ta lanau
liowers were exlromely limit»*d. . •palmistry—Consult Madams M‘D«* ph-ilceil lor the pui|X)se. D H.
world’s j'rcat musicians
county.' g»**d location; owm'r ta FOR SALE—14i;9-Modcrn re*iden<?<'
HriLsniber the future Ilea In yom annomufil that he wotrld, for ll
.say are ihe best.
Ju'Ulce Dickey c;f the New Yiirk
other bualni^a: will take part pay­
hand, a aclsntlflc roadlng will feroal .Hideratiou of $1 and the o<irt of luov- state f.upteme rout! tjcrn-^ioiindy »*:iState slrc’t: three blcK-ks from>po*t
Al our \rar.‘r.H:uns yon
ment !n rentable cHy property.
noffieH*. Fnrnsc’e. e-lerlrlc lights, gaBpk'udid (iicihtiea for
Wade Bros., 127 Front St„ Traverse
Dnlon SL Bids eatraaoa
Michigan anc marks to witnesaes and Inwjerr. hi«
bath Aa A No. I propoelUon. Cal
cflch inslruuu*nt in loaiiti.
City. Mich. Citlzena phoae 1219.
Washington Fir<’«’tr. for a V. M. C. A. honor being car. (ul geaerally that th-'
for price, Wade Bros . 127 Froa
TO LOAN—No tax cUn*« building With the Normal school at laugh is not OB hi.^«elf. The .uh-fstreet, Tra^vrre City. Mich.
Our moloni B^einrof pi­
pnt *« wtgBi**. Bouaea for salt Mt. Plrasant it i* felt that ihe bes: day. however, a young lawyer tunuYl
June n-tf
4250 CASH will buy ipt* 1R. 193 ,aad
ano Bolliujf, markioK oarh iotaBlro Bf E McNamBTO. -^1 environmimts possible ' should aur the table* In a clever fashion. ’He had
lSI.*lU>se street. Oak Heights aub FOR SALE—1443—Thirty acres, one
Blrumeol in plain Bgnreson
round Um* young men and women who been laboring through an opi-nlag adBrti: 120 tat on Root, m feet oB
smallesl p^aihli* nnii^fin ecncome there for a higher education drr*c. vhen the court remarked ruUt
and a half miles I nlon stn<‘i Three
fiisient with If'^itiinate IrosiOrovc. Itt
OB th* aney. If sold
than they can obuin-ln their home ly;„ “Why don t you tell u* what this
thousand bearing fruit treefi; finest
ness raetltals. ^ives each cubkeforo ialy 1st. Tfib b'a groat
suit Is about? You’re beginning at
garden aqd fruit soil. Call f.>r price.
tooier gn^ater lUHurily f(>r
barsaia. Apply to Tboa T. Bate*
Wade Bros. 127 Front
TravNoUcc to afi Ferowia li
full value than the ohl way
may Ml
rtJ speclul a*w?smoct tax rou for
crab. I ilon-t like rraOs. * This gave
erre CUy. Mich.
June ll-tf
Mm WTfio Wslk*4
All Pwarm.
mkkiDif the price match
the grading and paring of Ea-t Fnmi
lu the kingdom of Poland there wa* the young lowyer an openfg Remero
. ROR «AtE-145T-« T«a frun( i» fOR SALE—1431-Pour and tmi-dialf street from the east line of Park street
the pocketbouk.
fonuerlj a law according to t^ich w boring that Justice Dickey-hves ir
U* eaM line ol We
; • , atale atreeL BdJoln* new go%>rn
acre» all; gqod boar.e.
*ajall barn, small orchard. All CvK».1
r: : '■ meat bulkilM cm the west. This Ir
md InstalUaceU, together with the Compelled to w-alk on all four* through tlon*i like crabs, ellher. A? a matte:
gsrden ground Tax* cows, oae hun
ih* moat eMrtraUy located lot ta th*
rest on all unpaid Inrtallroent*. the streets of the town where he lived til (act. I don t like any crustacean
divd and fifty chickens. thrtH' hogs,
central dlatilbttUBf point in the mnal
the same to be paid on er beXor* the a«fompanled by the beadle, as a sign
span horocR. hourehold gtWNls.
and since your hone
mitre city la central
that he was disgraced and unworthy
Thi* la Jast th* propoaitioB for 20fii day of Job*. I90C.
of the name of man. At the next pub- subject, permit me to say that espe­
:round -J M. E HaiOteH. City Treasurer.
Mlcklgan: Bultahl* f^r any da
Office, Room 292. Stole Bank Building Be festival the deUnqueot was Corcad cially I doa t like lobsiera. and mon
Term* <»>b or S5 to $25
Can fbg Prtca -Wade
I disHk* them a la New
cfifibaDd $5. $7 to $10 pt'r
127 Front 8L, Trarera* aty,
kneea mulerncath the.banqueting ta­ tiBhth.- Tb* trial proceeded to a coo
•iDODtb boy* asy oprigtit
imiimi *»B •»!» the
ble aud tiarki^ ilk* a dog. Evcfy elitskia wltitout further reference to
may 24-ti
ordlaary book-keeper, clerk or meN*44c* to all Fnwons Intarasted.
mauer* outside the Uw and (be evl
chgole. Owner got the •'roam*,*;
and be wko
The special aaaeassient lax roU for nrnny kick* aa be Our Small Payment Plan
hence offer at knr price. Wade Bros;.
FOR SALE-1445-Hanlwaro ato
makes buying easy.
127 Front aireoL Trav^c aty. tb* paving of Ca*w street from Front
street end of the banquet thr»w a pl^ed
good market town wUhU ten mUe*
I'et and State
to Btot* stn'et
Mich, ailxTBa phone 1219.
to Cass
Caws street. U bon* *t the culpriL who. picking K «ip
if TrararBa Oiy. Oaly hardware
• june 2Mf from Union eUwl Io
now in my hand* for the collection o(. ^itb Us mouth. wobM leav* Ik* toon
Easy torma OwB«r Ib other Imal
the fourth InstollmoBl. tneelhor with ^ ^
Boaa. CaB for tarolee wad tnnpk. FOR SAIE—ldi.*!—Eighty-acre farm,
one mile oast of Beadon. sixty t
'Wad* Bum. 1» Front Mrae^ Trmw
the same to be
under cnltlratloD; good buildings, alBUmeata.
ha* h^ recently* cre­
30th day of June
«ra* aty. mek, CWm** pko»t
gromd all leroL Low prio*. CaR he^oroM.the
ated In Ibe west of France, mt Sur
E Hasken. City Tre
may *4^2
for price. Wade Bros,. 127 From Office. Room 2«. Stal* Bank
ceres, the stal of semal co-0fmt1vc
atroet. Trarorae Oty, Mich. OtI fa The apace of a few
M. B. Hamer, Prop.
„AJR EALE-14S4-4cm
ttens phone 1219.
June 21ff
months It has grown *o npkUy la Im
portanee that it d**eri« native, Thit


L' J

CandiiLue for nmaynination;
on ihe KciHibltcan
Ticket for

Member of tbc r

fiom the Grand Travene
County Uistiict.

Northern Michigan
Transporlaiion Company
tmrr Schedol*,
June 12th to SepL 2SUi. Mi.

Steamet Illinois.
North Bound.


fc: ^
. ,5? .


South Bound. ...
\rr Tia\. i44, City. Tlmrs. 4:00a.BL
I.v Tiat.rv Vity.,.Thur*. €:00A«.
Arr. rblcago..........Frl. 10:Wa.m.
North Bmind,
riilcajto ... . ..r,.Frl. 7:00p.m.
Tiavi-rM* n!y-...8un. G;00a.iiL,
Trawntv Cli) .......Son. 8:a.m.
South Bound.
- Traverw City.. ..Bun 10 OOP m.
Tia\.-r e nty.. .Hun 1? fM)Kt.
Clilr.iro ...... .Tiie.v. 6:36 a.m.
I Sit anif f niiTinix make:; ronnsrtlons
»iH riilraro ulih tram: i»m all railroad
j llnt r fur pohus Iwyoud.
N.irth iNMind rtramer* m*ke conn*ctl4.H< ai Markina, island w4tii all
M.-aiMshi|i Jim* -t.wm.Ts for points
on L:»kf r.uiM rlor. I.:ik4’ Hunm. Lak*
jnrir, G.-orginn bay. Lake X)ntorio and
iXli-ti; m.m ilmiugh to destlnatioa
.1 coiim-Hlng Unif,
AlP luf«>rmation .regarding «
lake Pips cheerrtully
ipon ftpidii afhm to

BURNS, ftgent.



. |


Dock and ol-


UgrToct Jnr.a?4. llte
toiM iMvs TrsvmUnv ss tsllmt

Bor Otoco. DrStsH


Orto INpiis

tSD*. m : • ni..s tui. m . U:Gs in.
Foe BU K.-.ptai. *»datt. hHiiHtr*. t

JaaoMlBA MmrUsEael.
BsHus Uslly


djuir ot M ;G • m. dally rs<
rw ..»rftTUk NiTtr

ecDl Handov; 4
IWrtor .041


Bargains in Slightly Used
Pianos and OrgansIhisWeet.



; House"


Tift Jttsuri^

John R

General Insonnce

Detroit, lane 2C.-Now for the trottera tn action. The be« wtU rtng at
Monroe tJrts afienmon. and the bnat
Won. LsaL
for pame wUl be on In earnest in Sprtngfkld .......3C
Mlchlgaa and oonUnne from tben natU Ofmnd Raplda ___ 35
well into the anumn. It to a kmg WlMwling..... .....31.
Ume slDce the harness racers have Canton.......... ........ 26
done mneb aroimd tbU neck of the BransrIHe ............ .24 .
woods and Uiere are plefity of people Soatl. Beml ..
wbQ will be on band lo weioonw them! D.r««. ...... ........M '
Tkc TtMl CTMt lUITA bM M 9MT30
Un for mr a, foHaiibt. TM haiini
Monroe has a firat-dass lltOe plaat Terre Haute ......20
tkN among tbe foreaMNt.
. ipM to €Mm rmrtf^ trwL BoUi w«u
bf which iu
Moakley a aalary to oaly I2.M0
totbo Hmmm WrtI tniMd M«mra year, wbteb la a amalkr ctipead lb
ts. there to a hoiay net
fa Uaia voffc a^ waUrwMblp aai
to offered many a coach at ev^ amalb down that way cordial aappprt to fccer iaatltatlonc. aai h to tboagbt in pected. The entries are generally
walar coailtloaa. ovlac u»
aome Qoartera here to be entirely In* good, and with pleasant weather which
•Uroiic vtnic, karo «ot bm good iurMk.FrtKitBi.
adequate jmy for tbe cervlcea r^ should follow the days of the stormy
th# fortalcht. aad tiN tack of tb«*
dered. He hac bn-n offered flattering aeaadh. the racing should be keen and Chicago ..........20
eoacM M bm to kM|> the »eo induoemento before, but bac alwayc
Tbe track to all right for those
pMMliy ft far batu«. Ooaeli John
refused. Now that be hac a repoutkm
it remalnc to be ceen wbKbar be will tbe events at Toledo last week shows Boston .4.
• i«an, luu hH ttwm, vitk Ita ftaMNi cuy at ComHI tmleac bic pay U that the horses are tor enoogh adNATIONAL
tftalia. ac 0ood a mw to look at ac
to step up to their marks In
won. LOM.
MRt. t. L. BONNER** hair drMitai
M ta raeaat jraarc. AtblHlcally. la
the fast classes whUe the green things
Pjrlor*. over City Book Btoro. iS
M oalaloa of doaa oMnrerc; tki
have been getting hMo tbe 2:20 list
iuacfavtlilajraaricaot tbr phyakal
without any great trouble.
«M> if oU»«r emre that bare voa
SARA T. CHASE, M. D.-Physlclmn
Detroit will contribute to Monroe s
m Iba bhiar':«aiif of Ibr qaMkm
and Burgeon. * Officea 407-8 State
success both In tbh qhape of hooea
^ ctamlaa. Mr. Kaao^ffliiiw reBank block, with Dr. O. K. Chase.
A large number of trotlert
iBctaat to aaoi tba cm over tbe full
Cltx. phone 223 2R, Residence BOl
and pacers owned op this way wlH
mrae at a htch ctroka.
W. Seventh street, with the Mlaaei
make Ibelr debut on that^rack. while
Ilaraanl. oa tbr oibcr band, hac ji
Clfz. phone 528.
many of the regulars will be fn" al­
Tla- siK-rial assessin.-nt tax roll for
aarcMf ambi that to mcbSerMl to
**Mdy** flyM and OaHaqhar of Banto also going to be
ae paving of Went Front strcvl from
ft, fMl aM pow*ffal a. aar
ton. Harbor to Oe Six flovnda.
In evidence down there, fiecreury M
R H. E. ie weal line of Dubm street to the
achool. Teacher, Mrs. Frances B.
tMa ObbM4(* to BMt Tal«-. It «
Baaa Ball and Straat Sports.
D. Sly sending word that on Thursday Wheeling
............................... 2 7 0 west line of Maple street Is now In my
bands for the collection of the se
Smith. Graduate pupil of Prof. Fred­
tlaie rW af for foor bUm i<
will leave Romeo with Springfield . .......... ......... ..........4 13 0 InsUllment. together with the aw
erick Horace Clark of Chicago. 50|
‘ 4daM4 kr «wla* antfcortUra aflar
fifty of (he folks from up SonUi Bend
Interest on all unpaid Installmentf
East Front street. Studio No. IX'
tfaCDoallac farorablo wind ainl lldr.
Wexford Is planning for one of tbe there and spend the afternoon at Moo Terre Houte ....f..,.............. 3 5 2 same to be paid on or before tbe
downstairs. CHx. phono No, €04.
ia be tiN faataot trial ue tbe rlr<*r In blggeat Fourth of July celebrations
Pontiac will send over Us quota Grand Rapldit............................« 7 - day of June. 1!»0€.
M. E. Haskell dty Treasnr
. tMaty fmm, Tba, raw record in ever given in that village. Not only and Ypsllantl. Ann Arbor. Port Hnron. Evansville .. .............................. 11 14 2
Office. Room 202. SUI • Bank bull
-' 0:», »ad. bf tau l» ia». <
wifl there be the regular gamec, Wtodsor and severs! other places will r*wtitnn
le 2 -1 mo
................ ^
eport*. cpeccbec. etc., but there will be repres«*nted. Detroit people who naj-ton ...... .............................. t) 5 2
be a eix-roond boxing contest, home Uke the electric car at 12:30 o’clock
racing and ^tb^r features.
will be there In Itme for the flmt beat.
Hunllton A imilkM
Ib*ginning Sunday. July 1. tl.e M. A
The boxing bout will be between
AaiM 1. 4 aoi S Will M CkNd fUi^
Hl«h Clam Sport at Windsor.
E. excursions to Proveiiiont will
Buddy Ryan of this city and Jack Hi*.lag Tbara-4Wbly Motor
...................... i
That (he sulky raring at Windsor. PhUadelphla
leave Traverse City K a. m. and
lagher of B»*nton Harbor and will be
2 7 3
New York .. ......................
m.. arriving at Proveroont K.aU a. m.
Room/? and X H. A L.
the faefest affair of Its kind ever aeen July 2VIO 27. will be of a high order Washington ................. .......... .. 0 3 1
Ccw^IodL Both phoMA
there la little question. The
and 4:40 p. ra. Return trains arrive
Bay City. Mich.. Jaw 26.-Tbe pro^ in the north. A number of Mecick
which will suit the greatest Cleveland .. .................. .............3 9 0
Traverse City
a. m. and C:i’7 p.
OR. E. 8. MINOR-Offieo arm ,
gyaai for tbo irct smcral regatta of borsec wiU come down for the race number of trainers and it is a combl- Detroit ..... .............................. 1 3 0
June 22-Ct
lean Drng Stora. Bpaetol mtu
.............................. 4 7 2
tba Bay atf Boat fhib, off B^enona and there Is a prospect of an automo^ lAflon oTtho good old-fashioned way
--------aar. BOM ai
_____Both BhOM
baadi. Safliiatr Uy. «H1 be tocoed bile race atoo. There will be a ball and the modern style. Secretary Hsn- 81. Louis ... ............................... € 10 1
Sixth I
Tbe datea are Aqk. 2. 3 and game and dancing all’ afternoon and
time in figuring this
«; aai. coBlat Juci before tbe Tawa» nlghu
OR. W. E. MOON FtuMi, qfftom
out and ^nally be decided to make a
ettx, 107; Bell. M. SoaMMeTM
baacb retatta. tbe local callorc hope to
few of the very tost classes on the
^htogton atrtrtt. etto fbOM fllil
catch a number of yachtemen on the
every-hest-a-race plan, while the bulk
vay to the lattfr event. Two calllnif
of the program Is best three-ln-flve.
arry Hammond of Mlchipan Foot
One fare for lb«* round trip; tlck«;|s
meet, ooe free^orall and one for the
with a limit of five heata Tlds last IkNton ............ ..:.......... ............0 3 C
ronto Unlramlty. OMoa 1b Mnuoa
Ball Fame Seeks New Hinm
. 4 10 0 on sale July 3 aud 4; gotni to ret.urn
Sl foot'rectrict«H) clacR will be.given
named scheme is the best ole of them Pitts
Harry lUroroond. halfback and end
.allver tropblec and |12G In each pricec
2 8 1 until July 5. Ask agents fur further
These Innovations have their day. Cincinnati
op the ITnlvemlty of Michigan fooUiall but nothing wUl ever <€ase the thre<*- SL Louis .
^11 be itlven fqr each rare.
Three power boat racen will Ik* held c*am. Is now se«*klng new honocc. He In-flve plan from the mind of the trot­ Chicago ..
June 22^31
is In Detroit and la one of a squad of ting horseman. He grew up to It and
in Misses’
ssrs’ nnd
and Childi
-S4ba prttec for these races bringing flftei*n or more working out for port- will stick to U. and last year when It
rtanwrt HOLLIDAY, fn,
« ■JW
in the doable crew of ten who was announced that the M. A M. would
Hats until July 4.
th« tcul prlie money for the regsttft
cUb and surgeon. Bamovad to efi .
to over ISO®. As there arc wveral an* to sail the two Country club 21- be three heals there was a general
old Stock
lock in the bunch.
ficaa in Munaon block ovar Bams
He Is in Grand Rapids Putting on the
twMty mltorc here, and one launch de- fooiom Ste. aaln* and Otslkela.
All new, fresh goods.
murmur of discontent.
With the two iKNts to U* raced as
Mgttfid to Mce twenty-eight miles
“FUlng up. a program to suit Is the
We will sell ouri
day’s Bo*^
DR. LAVYTON-PhysIciaa nafi aB^
couple entry, th«* racing committee hardest Jtib conm'ctetl with a trotting
bonding, the latter contests will prove
They’re going fast.
larr 50c,
5()c. (ill
i;;tc. and 75c H^ts
laterectlng. A special effort will be will have two cn*ws of five men each, nKH*ting.'* said S<*cretary Hanrahan.
only :n. 35c and 39c
Grand Rapids. June 2C.—luxiklng fit
Place your orders now.
made to bring Drtrolt auto lioatc here. both fives lK*ing equallr at home on “I have be<‘n at it for yearn,
The Bay City Boat club has declUel either boat. With this double entry waa^mooth Kalling until they Rtart«*d
ISc each.
ring partner. Hiighy Glanry. ».l« w Into
and .double crew, the liest five and
be prlvlU
action ragolator. f
two^lD lhr<H> bniUm-ui. nrhich
lagtion giiarantaad. With Kli
most promising boat under tbe think was III advised and unsatisfac­ tow'n yesterday to put the finishing
We know you will npprcciMusic House. CtU. phODa t€4.
touches upon the eastern lad’.n train­
suing conditions at tbe time of
nU- tin- I»anijun8 wo are oftory to all concerned. The ihre<*-inOcmaa This Week.
the race will place the Country oluh flve plan with the limit on tbe fifth ing for his bout Thura^y evening with
frj-iiiK in IlatB. We then:Koenig's Independents will play
Tommy Prendergast.
unlqiM* position.
fore invite ygu to call today.
heat Is the best thing I have heard of.
Orawo at Bowers Hartior Sunday.
Lewis says of course that he Is feel
Union. Cltx phone IIM.
apr ll4f
This is your opjKjrluuity to
as It docs not string the racing out.
Tbe O.
D. team will cn>M liats
g fine and that his condition is tip­
supply your childwn with
Removes black heads, drives away yet Ifshows whether the hors
i . with the fact Tbompsonrine lR*am Suntop. and to tell the truth he looks
tip-Ui date styles at surpris*atity ills. Stimulates the i
ver. Prices reasonable. Offiotwtttl
the route."
day in thla rtty.
low prices.
nervous system. Oreai«*al beautlflnr
Mr. HanVahan will have the Windsor
■n hllh.soir 1o lie. The conqueror
known. Nothing m heliui fading llve^ track right on nlge for this meet
DR. E. F. CHASE—Homeopathist OS
llneca as H..nisters Rocky MounUln and as word is l>cing received from of manAof the bo.'^t boys In the busi
flee ow Bngbee’a drug store. Bttb
ness is an unassuming chap and has
Tea. Ifi cents. Johnson Drug Co. ^
many of the large stables and
very little to say of his o«n prowess.
certain that many of the Cleveland
Aske<l as to what he expected as the
and Ubertyville iraineni wiU be on
On Uks Lenlsxuin.
outcome ot the approaching battle he
DR. C. L. THIRLSY-8peetol nttoa***
hand, there will be plenty of speed
simply said: "1 kno«* that this boy
. Good Tsble,* Firti cUm i^crom- The Traverse City orchestra will during tUh five days of the meeUn.
SUte Bank bldg. Both phooea.
Prendergasl Is a fast and dangerous
^aodrUioM. PineFi.hi»K. Rate. gi^-e a dance on the flmt floor of the
Butchers. Packers and
Short Ship Still Thorw.
lad and I won't gq Into the ring feeling
Campbell building Saturday evenlg.
If ever a racing cliruli had
does your Fire Insurance Policy ex­
that I am up against a dub.
June 28 2«
troubles the Michigan short ship to
pire? I want your boaloesa. Call
naturally I expect to win. I am in as
A Tender Chicken
that one. The original schednie had to
at my office and get ratea before rw>
goo.1 condition as I ever was Jn my
roasted makes any meal seem newlnr A.'R Cortla. mar 15-lyr
be changed bemuse Windsor was life, and h^i%e only about two pound
placed in the last -week of Augutk
like a banquet. “Where can
to Uke off to make tbo weight. If he
Then It was thought to be all rlghL
I get one?” Right here, dear
beats me he will hav- ?o go some, and
when out came the announcement of
madam, almost any day you’re
at that 1 have a htincb that I will l»e
the abandonment of the Blue Ribbon
our way. unless customers
abW* to»put him away inside the ten
Windaor was given the same week as
come too many at a time and
trots this year. In the second schedule
Lewis says that he will work out on
buy ‘us out. Still, we arc
Cleveland in Ibe grand circnU, and It
the r^ ever>* morning and Jn the
generally well supplied in the OOoe 606 New Wnbelni »oek.
worried tbe Cleveland bomemea much,
Olympic club gymnasium every afterpoultry line at prices^ that Cttinnt' phooe 639.
as they knew that Windsor would cut
noon between 2 and 2 o’clock.
make chickens not loo nmch
Into their entry lists. W’ishlng Oeveof
a luxury.
land all the success that the club deWins Ocean Race.
senrea. Secretary Hanrahan then
Block Island. R. L. June 2€.-The
Cor. 8th and Fnmkhn. Both phonefi
moved up a week, so that the races yacht Okee. owned by J. A. and J. F
over tbe river v^O be from Julg 23 to Mahlatedl. won the New York Athletic
27.^whlch cut in on Cadlllas In the dub’s third ocean cace from BltortleMichigan cirenit. This was imavoM- berry Island doyn Long Island sound
to the west harbor, finishing in tbe
in haying implements and
ninth poBltion but capturing the cup
■ 'SHU-.'.lit r;r.
farm and garden idols of all
to leave Windsor out of their enleals* offeM by a Maaon Baborg on cortions, CadUlac retaining the four days ^ed Ume.
kinds is your privilege and to
starttng Jnly 24. whUe tbe others move
your profit any of these days
Tbe aeooad prise went to the Marup one week.
if you come here and look
gnertte owned by W. F. Clark; tbe
The matter to flnaUy settled for good third to the Uncaa. owned by W. A
about you. We buy nothing
and for tbe smaon. and tbe dash be­ Ueb: thefoortbtotbeBlvern.oinMMl
simply because it’s cheaf), but
Mill Work
tween tbe mile ring at Windaor and by Q. A. Bnen, and tbe fifth toSbc
sell many things cheaper than
tbe baU-mtIe ring nt GndiUnc will not LitUs Rhody. owned by C, F. Tl
you can buy them elsewhere.
effect citM aneb owing to tbe differ- bait Blxteen of the twMty-foor atartRRB INSURANOB
Fact we can prove.
of botsm that will go to the
Mkjnga. The outlook for tbe Mioit
ablp^olresU to brl^t nnd tbe revised
^iciL the tailob. M
BtSBaatFrsntBt.: aip Mr
dMMinJhM*: MflW Jo»i « to MbM. m IMI Ffnm It
Iltv BMm. OOMU
ttb YtMUnnH r«cittta
«to In Mi for tte tvMj-eigMi
uaw o» tw TMm rtirf»r «t Nr» Lm»ioii.CoMi. Ac oC M
It vtn fti'
MttlBN*. MoakJer*ci
tTKt • cr«Nt Umm« oT dMoU. chiai.
»r Mi. frlMdc oC tiN two ODlretcHlwt.

Hew vnfete B». IrtTene Otj


H* parols


201 Troat Strtci

Dr.W.J. Higgins

Fine Dental Work






vThe Engines that Ron.


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We Can Get Your Business.



Come and See US

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