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The Evening Record, January 02, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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, ‘.i,
'V: -■j
oa. ttalo or tfanhwAy tottlod.
WASi second!
I THHowN OUT or w me
SHMn*, Mleh,'j*«. t-A( ii«Hi
Bay, «<• kfHca Ml In tta aa»liw raam
«ir Hanry RtehncEra laoMnr and
to tho mIo otnMturo.
9^ two hmn tho
fWu^it «»»
IIOfMO M «MfO iMMMto bHoo
Threugbout tho Storm Contora of
tho ftoveimion But It Boing
CrwthodOiy SOldtory.
By Wire to the Bvenlnc Record.
■mo troo broko oot ft 11:60. Juirt
twooty miButet oflor |io men hjul
fooo to 4Um#r. Tho tflooer ooioo
bosk Bbd dlM!Orero0 tbolre but tt ba.l
jiBiBOi ouch hoodwBjr % the oDgtne
rooM. wbm It BtArtoO. t|^ be woo nnbblo to fot to tho wbUlf to five |bo
OUT*. Tboimly*«»lli4*l«nBwor«
Ibo clraiwli belH b«t tbi dopiMMl
VBB am cMi tbe bcobc. 1
Tho oacloo room U m oddltloo to
tbo fodory. Ck>bt boido tbii wm
A twoAtorr 4iy tllo Mloroted from
tbo bmJo fhdbry by b bl«b fire wall.
Tho fhetorr pt^ti wa about two
•Am ttrooMO of \NMtr.
At tho Boutb end or tlb factorr.
(OoBttBOod OB Third Past)
roR tmeiE oauohter.
Geneva. Swltterland. Jan. 2.—Tbe
Ruttlan revolutionary leader*, who
bavB arrived here, told your corretpond^.^ at a tacret meeting tbe
revolBUoi^t d^dod.-uiion the death
of tbe c*ar. A^Jommlltee of three men
wat appointed to toleci tbeir Intlrument of duty. Tbe death warrant U
•Imllar to the' decree against Von
Witte Diocredltod.
8t. Peiertbnrg. Jan. l.—Reports of
ilaordert art becoming loot froQuen*IndlcaUoaa art that all ItottSa It beooaUng more quiet, MlnUter of Intorlor DuraoTD bat ordered tbe dot-'
lag of ftorty iwo printing thopt to pro
vent tbe pubilealloo of toclallttlc
newtpapert. Tbe political parttet are
petitioning against tbete retlricUon*.
The roactldoary committee tt T^vkoe
Selo wields great Influence over the
oar whne Witte Is wholly discredited.
CfUthing RevOlL
Uoadon. Jan. 2 —No news was re
ceived here tbTs mqmlng regarding tbe
conditions In tbe various Russian
cities. In storm centers of tbe revolt.
Ibrongboul the country, discontent Is
still tasoulderlng but Is being cnisheJ
out under the Iron heel of tbe soldiery.
Tbe provinces, however..are still dis
turbed. In the Btltlc provinces Generml Orleff Is slowly making progress
against tbe revolutionists.
Pmctlead Chief Murray Hat
foHed the Prahlem of
Chimney Flret.
r«fS Oilef Murray began tbe new
year by eetabllaliii^ regular bitching
prwotloe which take plaee three timee
dally, hi 7 a. m« 12 noun and 7 p. m.
Betides the practice with tbe teams
there will be regular drill with Imdderj
and hose although tbe work with tbe
former will be handicapped by lack of
long ladders, the longest In the dtpartment betag forfy-flve feet.
Heretofore tbe men at the bouse
have bad every third evening oE but
tbit plan will be changed and they will
have every flftb evening off and later
they will have an afternoon off every
few days In which their time will be
taken up with building Inapectlon.
This it a new thing entirely for ibe
local depart meat but Is practiced on a
larger acal© In larger clticH. It nerves
to eliminate carelessnem about de
positing easily Inflammable matenxl
in dangerous places and will also ac
quaint firemen with the larger build
ings. thus msklng work In dens?
smoke much easier. They will also
recharge the small chemical machines
which are scattered thrpugbout the
Mr. Murraj' has practically solved
tbe problem £f checking a cblmbey
Are and bad a chance to succesMfuIly
try It this morning when tbe chimney
of tbe house at 714 East tYont aireot
caused trouble. A chain with several
weights Is lowered Into tbe flue and
tbe aoot knocked from tbe aides. TbU
lairiPto^Naprovement on the bid way
of letHng tbe Are bum tbe toot out
and rlflklbg more of a blaze or of turn
ing thS contants of a chemical tank
Into thS chimney.
Mr. Murray desencs a great deal of
credit for bis effuiis along the line of
better Are protection as tbe regular
drllla of this kind are entirely new in
Traverta City and after a abort time
tbe Are lighting efflciency of tbe de
partment will bo greatly Improved.
The two extra firemen began dutv
yesterday. In reality there are three
new men in tbe department as Charles
Johnson has been fllling Prank Um
lor * place as drlv« r of the chemical
Mr. rmlor having recently reslgne-l.
Elmer Toung. however, will,drive the
chemical and Mr. Jphnsun and Roy
Snyder, the other new man. will attend
to other duties about the hemse. Ten
men will sleep at the engine hmise.
Tbe lllatet Mary. Julia and Martha
Selben for tbe laat two yean at Hotri
Otaego. Jacktoa. have apont tbe hoUdart with their paieoU, Mr. and Mrs. WW ef the RartM Tretiett Cewpany
DavU Selben of U7 Boardaan aveMb# Take Hie Feeltien With the
nee. They wiU return to Jackson to^
New York Ufe Company.
2.—Alexander E.
Anytkiwi Umt you have teen before Orr. bead oT tbe Rapid Trqnalt
and tknt yea would like, coma and get ■rfaMon. wfll proknbif aoceeed McCall
at the lowett price to at to tave me aa preMdmt of tbe New Totk Life.
the paeklag. thU evening or tomorrow.
We hmre ctnned to pack, ao please tberwI^aUf
kmty. Amenlaa Baisar. 216 Bpst and Wfll be i
to tbe Unaieca
U veiy much haiOer On footwtArthan any other eeason
of the year. Water u al.
ways bad for ahoua, but it U
no oomparieou to snow.
FisheK* Mill at Glenn Arbor,
Turned to tec Who Entered
and Caught Hie Hand.
Kdward llasseit of Glen Arbor gava remarkable exhibition of nerve in n
l>hyKicl*n s office at BiniHre yesterday.
He wa« having a finger amputated and
dill not take any anaeiithetic. Tbe pain
wan Intenw. but without wincing. Ba'^
Kelt. whi> Ik a sawyt-r l»y trade and
connequently knowa all altoijt that sr
tide, ^unconcernedly told tbe doctor
he would have to have bis saw filed
or set as it was not cutting properly.
Mr. Bassett la €*mployed at Fisher's
mill at Glen Artior. Yesterday morn
Ing he was working as usual, when
two ladles entered the mill. He turned
around to see who they were and In
turning, his loft band came In contact
with the knlvra ^ the edgrs. In
second, a gash had* bwn cut aimost
around the first finger in a spiral form,
the second Anger was rut off a lltfle
below the middle joint and the c»tber
VO fingers were also cut.
He was taken to Empire for medical
aUeiiilon and It was found ut'cesaary
perform an amputation to smooth
up the finger. When the dtictor start
ed to work the saw heated tho bono
and did not run smoothly.
• Better have her filed or set. doc."
Id Bassett, "the darn thing don't
work rx>d.'*, Aside from a sort» han 1
he is as cheerful as ever today.
Where will you buy your
drugstore goods in U06V
If you haven’t decided, we
are quite sure a trial of our
superior goods and fine sex.
vice WiU quickly setUe Uie
problem for yuu^
Drug Store
Tmpt and PoHct Have Joined the
Rtbtit Under Col. Teran-Not
Suppottd to Bo Large.
Rear Runners of SJeiDb Slipped Over
Banks of Asylum Creok and
By Wire to the gening Record.
HMo Dood Of Mti btyon. a I
Waeblngton. Jen 2 —The title de
dont i^ilfbnilllytrotty of
partment it Informed of a revolution
against the government of Ecuador,
Prank M. Hamlin and bis tJhrce chil
which has developed In the city ol dren bad a narrow escape from seriByWlrototboWTOaiBcltoooid. |
Ouayaqull. Tbe troops and police onrinjurr If not death yesterday after,
CalodoBla, IliBb. Jan.
Bociiao BoAnoi the revolutlonUU under Ookmcl noon but eamc out without a scratru.
Telegraphic communlcatkui
brr parcou objddod to bU anif.
aiilt. ^od
yen Termn.
Mr. Hamlin bad drawn a goodatzisl
SiyoB. asod U. a atndont ia.dantHrr between Qua>wqull and Quito, the cap load of wood from bU farm south of
at tbo Unlvetalty of. IllnneooU.
•ou. ^1. ital of Ecuador. U Intorrupled. It U tbe clUr to bU residence on Fifth
tuppoaed at the eute department that street. He bad Intended to pile It In
Mralna wont to tbo borne! Of
Paarl ^IteotoB. aged 2f. hla awiet tbe revolution It not of any magnitude. the rear of the teuse and started to
heart, kinod girl. faUlly wounded lor
draw It from the‘street with the team.
motbor. Mra. Anna Wbeoton. a|Bd
Tbe asylum creek passes ckwe to the
62. and her atater. R^tb whieabn.
rear of tbe Vwae and there Is a steep
agod K. and then fatally ahot hlmWir. DMrett Man Haa En
Incline to the water. When tbe bind
runnen of tbe akdgb struck this tbev
By Wire to tbe Evening Reooed.
slewed arountetipped tbe load over
Worceater. Mata.. Jan. 2.—LooU
and partially iWed Mr. Hamlin and
Dexter Hubbard of 16U W’oodwtrJ hla children under It. Although tbo
■n* Rtv. wmiam Niekniwn. E4 Ya»a avenue. DetrolL entered an appear weight of lb© kiad was thrown ooto
ance here to eouteat tbe will of the
Old and Blind for M Vm... Can
tbeir limbs tbe soft mnek under them
late mlllloualre pbllantbroplat of tbU
Into wklHi they sank probably saved
' Etill rroauli.
city. Stephea BalUbury.
them f^pm aerious iBjory.
Heaban pf tbo BapUM chorch H
»atal«r toot Boadv oHro loud hi
thair prolan of tho oemon doUTerod
»ro« Ihclr pulpit tap tbo Rot. Vllltaii
Nlehorooa who ot the afo of olaalT^
four and thouib borlax bean pmctioally bUad ter o^ IwtMr
oUa to dallTor OM <d tbc'baat aatteon
•oof tioao la tba-obargh.
Tba taat. natoo Ibr MHibbor.-’ow
tba baalt ot tlM taft aM bbi oaboittIlotta.lo tbo baaian ororo «oU lakon.
Mr. mebonaa baa a mnlortal moary of paM onbta aad caa rono tbo
taat of a teaoral an». Mteond
either Chrittmat or New Year*t pretWILL Bt PART OF DUTIES OF
eou. The girU were much pleated
wItbAthete remembrancea and detIre
La^ and Htet onilt wm Alto Bt
B. a Ladd of OM
to the Buelneee Men.
A Bumber oR.the buetocne bmpb pf
the diy remtmheriJ the gtrla of the
tbaaka to tbe fOllowlag:
Broa. * Amlotto. L. K. OIbbs. WllUaim
Lumber coBipaar. Mrs. C. U Beowar?.
Mr. and Mn. A. W. Peck. George Lai^
Boon today outalnod tbo oooru hetow
DRILLS WILL SE MELD THREE die. M. WlBBie. or.. Joba PItcb A Oo.
In tbo eaoo of Janioo B. Howard veiw
Bam Ilea. C. A. Bugbee. Seitz. Sebaus
tbo aUU of Koaloeky. tbrloe oboYlctod y
A Ronlger.
Of tho aardor of Ctoreraor Ooobel.
Howard to aadw awtoneo of lifo im
By Wild to tho WroBlii« Booofd.
4cMEM HUH EiifliM RfM>
tr ErnaE !• M« lteM|BliiMnia-tM* mt, "f«E
in aeWling your ahoea to atn*
that the cjoality is in tliem—
to see that tbe leather haa bad
the proper ton—to eee that
every litUe detail about them
haa been considered in the
conitmction in order that
they will stand the winU*r
weather. OUR SHOES will
stand any weather. bi«canse
they were bought with that
Ji«ale»l.tluid.t thk icnuricUy ki>|>ric.
tiey .ill MO. be aold. BETTER HURRv;'
id to
ao is our Cdebrated
Cdebrmted Kno
Wet Trouters. Will
cp you di^
dry in rain or snow,
sno and warm in coldest
weathw. also Sprague’s Rutsian Vests, impeoetrable by the cold. They have a double breasted
»nt, high Russian
Russutn collar about the neck, thus
making them most thorough throat and lung
We Are Agents For
2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00
FOOTWEAR Maple, Hemlock, Ash,^
For Men, Women and OhUdren. AH kinds of styles
and shapes at pnoes that are
AUfed GrciUck & Co.
242 Frost Street
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shingle Timber,
Crauerse City mfaOttUMXB PKom. BBi BaUs IBB-
7 ■-
Dfi. SNycr &
atMFtract* ot Tltlo
W. L. Brom. MarMurot.
Making prepara
tions for invoicing,
stock. More to
say later : : :
This is Invenfocy week—we're busy gesng throog^
stodi.aiidasfastas disoorefed aO odd panto, saito
and oTOtMato wiU be pat in a ckta by themselTea to
be dosed oot ao that oar legalar stock may beksfit
cleaa-efa^inandaeeas-we’ie not too bosy to talk
\ i ■■
Bavc MoTCdT
to**! B, BK—
1 cordially invite my
Mamhum Fait tim Wai«H H Ftoaa
and All Ware Duly Aiuaand
Vary Ptauaant THm.
former patrons, and
everyone who nita
hardware, to call at
the new store.
Moo<7 rnm Cb«rrt*. (|oe>I ra«a«r).
>;M—TIm Pouto Bligbt aad lu Prweotkio.
3 "
V -
With tlM» jhlclUiK of ftl«lchb
, tbe prmpm oT too or throe BMoths
or oettro vtator r«t to stobt. It kBr^ly
mtma OAtanU to Uitok of well oi:der»4
flover beds. spriolUI
Md oOmt aiteodinte of the
But jMd.w>v lg tho time to prepore for
the eomlng of summer end to «et tome
deflnite plan to rsndtooM fur the tovn.
garden or boulevard.
Traverae City Is. coming to reallro
to a greater extent that nothing can
bo aeeoapUahed by hit or mlM
methods. When the trees were plam
4 od annnd tbe achool houaea. quick
planted and
that aanUght
traoa about the school grounds are
betog removed. The new ones plant
ed am aet with a plan so that the ad
vanUge of IlgH and air will be ob
talned with no aacriftce of beauty.
It would be well for any clllsen who
oontamplates seUing out trees In tbe
J spring to carefully select the rarlKles
X and then flgun* out where he wants
I them. In no event should a poplar
be net out as exp<utence has
that the iioplar Is nothing roon*
AhoUier thing to be taken Into con
Is the fsct thst no matter,
how beautiful a lawn, a weed}, dirty
ride or back alley w ill rc»mpletely s|H>tl
the effect. All w«hIs In the vicinity
should be cat down
tJiiia as It will save many backaebes
' on jrour lawn.
The Wuman'a club at Kalamasoo
haa accompllKhed much for that cliy.
Traverse City has an excellent ami ef
flclent woman's Hub and if It would
take hold of the work of aiding In
iKUUitlfylng the city. gtsHl results
would nndmibt«».1lv folh»w.
Jt»hn A."mk'sH’ the laidlir the “big
three.- ti^s_J^^red his resignation
as president «>f ri?«>New
suranrt* oumpany.
is a direct r**
suit of the Insurant* inw«wUgatlon as
lloCall claims that hts neactvurmtod
was deatroyed by mlsrepresenutlon.
distort loo <if facts and mWnten»retatlon of his actions. Hut whatever the
cause for his resignation the fact remains that It was McCall's efforts that
brought the New York IJfe com
‘ up tci tis present power today.
It doesn't take many trijis sbmil th»'
r^ty In tbe early evening t.» set* the
hfH.d of a Y. M. C. A. or some <»iher
aulUMe place for young men to spend
their time. The city has now grown
to aucb an extent that such a place Is
or a young woman educated in the
afreets Is not the Haas of cUlren
that Traverse pily wishe.s to cultivate.
V- The unhappy
* now* over and whit
hite flags float over
the city In place of the red. The govtn control and the
Fifteen hundred and
« din*. ofoamH
at 8t. Joaeph. Will the divome clerk
please make his report for an equal
to. The aarly porlkm of iba emutom S:J0 to 11 b’ctoch wua given
to a dance progrum. the hull
.UcKlDl«r Sdiool
flUed with lovaea of daudug.
which was ihortwghly eh)oysbto. mutoc
being furnished by Stewart A Steffens*
orohaatra. E. C. Billings. Robert J.
Price and Sam Benda as lloor dlreo
tors managed the overemwded haU to
I manner so that no dlseomfori was apparent.
Th^ parlors throughout the evening
«>>«'' ....................................................................*tKI«l€r Scbool
ere avgay sjaua-amT the eoay comaru
ere laketrliy gucsU who did not cam
TravM* etty, Saturday. January 2a 1»oa
» participate to the dancing on the
Fora noon.
floor above.
I0;00-Con> and II* Culture..................................'.....J. w, HuicMn*. Hanover
Owing to the unusual large nnml>er
t«m«t. tables ware told uot only to
the Bilag^.......... ...............................H. B. Canu
the dining room but wure ooaUaaud
tbe enUru length of iba parlor*, pro
‘ling of County Institute Society: election of officers j
viding an increased »«atlng capacity.
Promptly at 11 o'clock, the grand
rch waa formed from the done* hall
..In charge of LW. Hntchins
the lower floor, where the
tables, artistically arranged, were
.....>:H. B Cannon
surrounded with as merry an array cif
banqueleri as ever met around a
...... J. W.Hu»H.Ida
quet board. The Ho*. John R Santo
loai^tmaster. and for two
hours songs, overture* by the orches
At Orange Hall. Saturday AftarrMOn. January 20. ISOa .. .
tra. Interspersed with wit and hi
the attention of the ban-
TY»day Is the day that the new year
The banquet hall was bmiiantly IIr»*Kolulion Uken so sturtlily yesterday,
luminated with numberiess electric
begins to grow dim and pale.
light bulbs. In design an antlered elk.
artlstJc emblem totracllng much
favorable attention.
The Ut« Adolf Hedlu was knowt
. ] as ‘Ybe father of the riksilag." hsrlng
'• V f rcfrimoted Stockholm as a tibenl dor
Yo« win not find beauty to rouge
pot or oomplexiem whllewaah. True
beauty cornea to them only that take
'HoMlatoris Rpehy Mountain Tea. It's
tonic and ImauUller. K
mta Tea or Tahleto. iohn
-Fbr seven year*.- write Geo. W.
offman. of Harper, Wnalu -l had a
bitter battle with chronic stomach and
Uver trouble, but at last I won, aad
cured my dtoaaaea by the use of Etoetric Bitter*. ^ imheftUatiiigly recatoaiend them 16*0. aad don't intend to
the future to be without them to the
touae. They are certalaly a wonder
ful medkiae. to hare cured such a had
P. H. Mas
at Me a
Mr.; F. D. 8.und^H„^:^^rdt7,;r.
I :*0-ln.roduciory remark, by ibe rb..rma«.
Ke»dln* by Mr*. E. A. Evana
2:0n-llou.rwork a. a Prarraidoo.........................................Mhi.F.p! Saund..rr
2:4S—ITIarimalo*. led by Mrs. E. 8 Gray.
ReclUtkm by Mrs. A. Gardner.
- lOlection'of officers.
The rouud-up institute will l»e hHd at the Agricultural College. FH.
dS 23. The railroads offer one fare for the round trip, plus 25 cent* wJjere
the rare is over II.
A feature of the Institute will be a* exhibit of work being done in the
rural ungradcnl school dlsiricls In the county. Suitable prize* (nr the best
efforts along certain lines are being offered by business* men and others In
terested In the welfare of the counir}-aohoolt a detailed announcement
which will be made Uter.
This exhibit is intended to atlmulato the Interest In the schools among
the parents: create new and healthy enthoalasm among puplto; Inspire the
leschers with a splrli of love for their profession and to arouse a determl
nation on the part of all concenied to make the country achools the Ik-m
niuRsa JU06E mame ,
Itops* Asaociatien Took Action Yesterday~Th« Rev. T. P. UHom
Gave Interwtolng Talk.
That's what HolIUler'a Rocky MoanTbe p..iom- a-ocuilou me. ye.ier. i 1^.”
day morning In the city library. The)
meeting heartily indoiwed the action]
F««*ua ta.
of Judge Mayne and directed that he
be officially informed of their approval philosopher like youby the seertoary.
Great ik-lnetlst—And why
-Vaoiie you know everTthlng. and
The Rev. T. P. Ullom gave an Inter
<Wng» I can't undei^
esting accountt of the Torrey and AlexA
don held in Chicago. H
ihepurpo^^ walling on
thln^' I'd Uke to
God. TwentyAve hundred pastors and
w hy pbotograpber* can taka
evangelists were proaeot from dlfferm of comacs an* metaor* nn* flyeol porta of the oooairy. The first and l^nnnon balls an* lightning flasbc*.
boy wltbgreat emphasis wo* laid upon prajer.
his bead In a pair of
ItotoMAe. *U privileges. Its power. He
ago JoarnoL
gave an intereaUng qeemint of tbe
persdnnel of the speakers. Dr. Torrey
to a [graduate of Yale. 49 year* oW. a
Urge, strong,man. balQ head and gray
It It a fearful fate to have to endoro
beard. Mr. Alexander is a Tennesaee- the terrible torture of piles. **I can
aa. As a alnger hU voice has wondar- truthfully aay - writea Hang Colson of
ful power. Dr. A. C. DIxan of Boaton Masonville. la., That for Blind. Bleedgave a pithy wMiwaa to which he gave
the lacongralUea of OhrioUn Sctonce made.- >laa best for cuu, horns and
chrtsUanlty. Dr.
Dixon atoo aald that the New England
churches were largely ^ven to for
Or, Torrey aad
voun o*tKoi-r im
Wholesale and Retail—Your Relia >!e Home Fomiiher
Black Saino
Cbrigtmwtide offen no letter opportnaitji Uian oaa
lefoaod in tie Uiamood
J. cig&r. One line of tltme
favoriteg enibracos all *i»«,
nnU there it not one but
what wouW lu- treaanreJ
and priieJ by any "lover
of the w.«b-
l-ro.n 75c to $3Ji<leach,
Our lin; of Black'
I’etticoats will surely
please you;
lengths and all styles at 75c, $100, $1.25,
$1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00 and‘$8.S6.5=- VBuy a JANUARY DES1G^ER. All
late Winter Styles are shown. Call and
a !*rce Sheet.
n. 3: Ulilbtlm
Ivory Wood Fibre tetcr
The newest, latest, easiest to handle an best plaster
that is on the market. Does not require the old way
of preparing. It,is put up in eighty pou
sacks and
therefore is easier handled. If you
a three or
twelve room house to plaster it is just he thing. If
you have only a small patch to put on t is just the
Use tight clean box about 3x7. raised a >out six inch
es at one end. Dump plaster in raised nd and water
in lower end. Hoe plaster gradually ir to water, al
lowing it to tho^^OCrghly to absorb same for about ten
minutes. Guage to proper consistency, ipply in usual
way, using trowel fod and darby.
Do hot retemper mortar after it has phee been set.
Give it a trial and be convinced of its superior merits.
J. B. Paige Hic^trlc Co.
It is ea.»ier to count the monejjjthan it btoiovoiei
the goods. Many have been wai ni; (or oar annual
pre-inventoiyofferinK. NOW IS VOUR TIME TO
J. W. Sl-A
sr:"" .........:....
Riley 8w«*crs attracted the attenlion
of Toastmaster Santo during the early
periion of the evening and waa flne.1
t^y cenu for interference. Mr. Hue.ilmantel, seated near Mr. Sweers
laughed at hto discomfort and wm
promptly fined a like amount fur so
doing. C. A. SkHcher. who at this
polit was called upon to render a *<»ng
was caught bv the watchful toaat
an he r,.turo**«I to his seat and re
lieved of a dollar for talking tof» n
M. Dame of Norlhport. who was
niy susied wMh Ms back to the
It master, was fined another ilollar
for sitting with his back to the presid
ing offleerr Frank O'Brien. l>r. PenhalUwon and many others were caught
In quirk succession and relieved of a
dollar while Fnd Bechtel, chairman
the banquet committee, who had
failed to provide ample room for the
banqueters, was calleil u|ion the car
pel and fined another dollar for the
fght. Toastmaster Santo consldert'd that W. I), r. Oermalnc. who
sang a solo, might have done better
and he. too. fell under the ban and
a-aa flaed. Joe Oberlln of Bingham
was observed to have had a fifty dollar
bill neatly rolled up In cotton during
the eariy hours of tbe evening and he
was osktd- to make change with OfflciT E. W. Crelllck whose blue coat
was evident in all portlona of the room
ma he was called upon to relieve mem
ber* of ihelr RurpluR change. During
^he banquet hour* the jollity continued until ever}- member present was
reached by the officer of the evening
and fines as high as $2 extracted from
The menu served was:
Oyster cocktail
Qm*en Olives.
Sweet Pickles.
Roast Turkhy With Dressing.
German Sandwiches.
Boiled Ham.
Pickled Tongue.
Sherbet a la Joyce.
Potato Salad.
Shrimp Salad.
Lettuce Sandwiches.
Rye Bread.
Wheat Bread.
Ladles' Cream Soda.
Elk's Milk.
Root Bt*er.
The out of town guests In attend
ance here: Mr. and Mr*. O. M. Dame
of Norihport. Dr. J. C. QaunUeil of
Elk Rapids: Fred Affaniter. Bingham.
Joe Oberlln and sister Emma. Bing
ham; Winism Moran. Kalkaska: Car!
Braathan. Suttons Bay: Ora Gibson.
The amiual ladl^ social aasalon of
City krige. No. S». B. P. O.
Eaiuk waa M iwaulug to ihair lodge
which 100 Bcmberi add
Pre-lnv8Rfp Me
raONE fM
MUHAAinAa Ml tMnvM
OMHAAinAa -M vnnvM
, nuvBMK crrr, iwCHmui. tusmxav. janua«v i, tm.
imi iMSflPPa
Hat IU«M >• HM CMr «M Vmt aat
Wiu twentj llve gncmim umI a
teur la
m^rton of
AaotH •idt
\%om^ iut aigkt aod tiie
ly fTAlUag for Ue tardy torldegroom
itlw inrwilaf for Um faa y woro m
aatll faortec fool play « ooiDociaiii
Wward Martto, « proopect
tra bridoKToon. ooly to ad tl»t hi
bad lakaa fair baspata y itarday aa«
lift tba city wltboal c« ■# or word
to tb« pbiiBC plri to w « be
atoeofo bou bal
■Kwtbt, aao. aatarday b took out a
JkMMio aad^tpparraUy rr rytlOag w..
Jaftaaltahoaldbo^di tboopfa ea
torod tiM bOBM of tbe y^np brtde^o.
ba Ibal be war anytblnp bit faemo ‘
aad aprlpfat aad would boan honor to
tbo faaUy
, ^ r
■dward Mkrtla par*' fafa occupatlou
aa a oook aad V been b thtr cltr a
yaar. wbwe hi^raa gedodderiNl tbcjr
oapbly a penUeman. Thii be war a
aeoaadral aad a fit aubiert for rcalfatap by tboaa who k|o« of the faumll
tatiap porlUoa la wl^li be placed fair
betrothed last ev^olip wis not known,
aad ao doobt be will And that fair dlrboaor will follow b^ In the career
wtOch be aUrted yifaterdi) when he
left wlthont afofd & eicusc ic
yovap lady who tnir^ In falm.
Mm. T. Uady relumed to her borne
In Fife Lake Ibis noon.
Charles Aime-s of Empire returned
to his home this momlnp.
A. A. Skinner returned to fato home
In Cedar Ron tfals moralnp.
Mrs. Frank Dyer of ifato city left this
noon for Klnpsle>. where she will rtoU
Mm. J. Priest of Suttons Bay arrived
in the city today on a day's trip for
C. J. Smith left this momlnp for
Grand Rapids, where he will tnnsact
Mrs. Joe Sielmel of Sullon. Bay
came to Chis city today on a day'.-*
shoppinp trip.
Joseph HsnpanlM-rpcr of Binphsm
arrived In the eJty today for a da>'s
Mlsi# Tillie Primeau of Northpotl
arrived In the city this morpinp on n
' Adjourned council tncetlnp will tw
lort visit to friends.
Md tonlpfat
Mrs. Octave Primeau and little
On aceonnl of the cfliepe l*oy« l»elni:
da»)pljt^ of Nortbporl are In the city
In the city there will
another parly
at the Wesiue-tonp c|b boure Friday toda??>n^a shopping trip.
-^rs^lus-Mtllx of lonU re
uf turned to tholt bomo this noon after
Tba Woman - MlrfHar>-' Boclely
be Baptist ebureb wU
meel wll
alth Mri. visiting friends In tbe city.
Bert Cranem. who has been visiting
Oaraett. 413
friends In this city relumed to his
afternoon at
home in Chicago last evening.
The Woman's Aulllrn- to
Miss Stella lUtKiks of Cedar Run
Board of Mlfflons
Grace ehmeh
isjK-d thrcHigli the city this morning
wlU meet. Wednerda’ sfUrnoon at
on her way to Twin Mountain.
J:Wl witb Mn. W. D. timer. 62« Fifth
Mrs. A. 8. Ingerham of Lansing re
to her home this noon after
Tie two new llreo^ b
spending Che holidays In this city.
duties Yesterday, the iew
Miss Celia Vassar of Kingsley re■ Younp and Roy $uyder. CharlcM
iraed to her home this noon after
on bar suocetHlci) Frank ITmlor
spending a abort time In the rtty.
who reslpned recently.U. R. Bannen of Arcadia, who hat>
The Woman's Homi and Forelyn
f< the naptlst b<-en stM-ndIng some time In tbe city.
his home this morning.
III meet Walni-sdiy aGerM. IVrry and wife of N<»rth Da
y<30 with fabn. I<ri Car
kola returned this ntion after si>endnet on ^Wobater stree t.
ing some time wUh friends in the city.
Bfarty tbU momlop two .dp sled
Mra. Roth and son Fred, who have
Ipads of. lops, each iK-arinp^pprox
spent the holidays In the city with
mately D.ooo feet. <
Into he city
relatives will reiuni tomorrow to l.^
These were the flrat of the m
Showed that winter bad come
The Mtsaes Iroogene and Margaret
A jolly bundb of twenty yo^
Cameron retnra«-d to Mt. Pk-aaant to
pid took n blp alelph and
day after spending their vacation in
surer lake parlliod u
the city.
Baacinp and feedlnp serred
Mrs. F. J. Shelden of the Boo
Ue bonrt away until early thl
turned to her home this niomtng after
The Mlsakwary society of th Pres- spending a short time with friends in
the city.
lytarlan church will mee
Stanley and Emeat Storres
i partors Wednesday at J^Tfae
turned from Kingsley this morning,
Is Cfatna. Un Alley a4 Mrs.
where tbejj have been spending part
Tlnkbam are the
of their vacation.
Mrs. H. R'HllI of Archie retumci
'The annual meetlnp of the 4npre- home today after siHmding tbe hall
dajs with her son. Harry Hill and wife
will be held
of Grand Rapids.
of the church
Frank Kelley returned to Lima. Ind..
Ail arc nxiuested i» Ik- where he Is attending school this
after spending the holidays with l^ls
Mrs. Cox entertained her sindav parents In this city.
school class. No. 7. last evenlnp. ibotit
James Kilbride left today for Grand
. thirty younp>Opl?Tielm pewaen ^he Rapids and KalamaxDO. wherw hf will
erenlnp was deliphtfutl/"‘>|i4 !u visit hU daughter and other relaUvcs.
panes and pastimes and dclIcioA re- He will be gone ten days.
Misa Haxcl Ferris returned to Ft
dward. N. Y.. to resume her studies
Tbe l-Wslers and CompanlooW will
bold a Joint Installation tomoirov aBer spending her Christmas vacation
nlpbt The ladlea are Invited to iinp with her parents In this city.
their buatianda and husbands lieir
Th<* Miaaes-Udia aad Georgia Mcwlre^ but no chlldn-n. After thf In Glllls rt-lnmed to their home In Cadil
stallatkm a social hour aill bo en lac this mmn after spending^ a short
time with friends In the city/
B. Stlgncr. formerly foreman of
Reriral eendees will be bi-ld ou-n
erenlnp this week st tbt- First M. E. the Herald and Record company, left
today for Cadillac to Uke a situation
efauroA beptaalap at 7:ir. with
aenrloe. The Her. A. T. Ferpuson rlil with the News and Express.
J. Smufthwalto left yester
preach tonlpfat and
wlU be lol
lowed by qnariely conference. Mm. day for Cave Crcfk, Arix., to look after
ionise Oatkias Notewmre will also slop the Intortwta of .the Grand Traverse
Id Arisons Mining oompany.
Goddard has moved I
The bome*attacbed to the, delivery
wapoB of the Trarerae City laundry Neeen City. R. F. D. 1. to this city in
vier |o give hto chDdren the fine
pot asclted on front street tbU morahoM advantagna to be luund here.
lap aad atarted oa a wild chase down
the etreet lu efforu attracttxl a
Mr. and Mrs. George VanBInrteom of
«Mie crowd but the bone calmly
Iba. wbo have bera apeadlng tbe hollfatoppai at the mall box.oa Park street days with fwtotlTCs nt
r on their
through the city this m<
B. Hawktas caam buo the Beoord of
Bee this mo«nli% with his nanalcl
Lxverwe Helghns and Roland ComeU
tai amOe aad also a basket contai
have juat retnmsd from Wexford,
two mfechm^a Ubppniawply of prapes. where they have been spending tbeir
vacation banting and rtoUing relaUves
AIM hazel nuU. Tbe and friends.
The Prtamry Baaiay School t
wtti mast peompCly at d:U fa the B
Bt. Mm. B. RuaafaH ef ]
hrary tomorrow ovoalap. The Aerotlcanl wtt he fa chaw of Mia. C i
Sbaer aad Mm H. A. Haaaea wSI
teach the leeeoa. After this then win Kanaaa Qty after ependtag the holtbe a free diseaeeloa la which Mrs. days with Mm, Hoorer'a pareata. Mr.
aad Mm. H. MoutagML
A. O. HalUwlU of Leighton left this
noon oa a trip to Baldvrla. OoU
society of the Flnt M. BL chtmh
meet pAth Mm H. Ckfttth. 2K
dayetathecttjrwhflfwhehaabeenrtoNtath Stmt. Wedaeeday at S:30 Hlag hto daaghtm^ at the aaylnm.
o’doelL Sell can lo be raepeadt
Mtoe Bdith Bomem. Minnie Bailey
with a acrlptnre text coatalalai
Biotricu Cleveland and Latam aVa
word **Pralse.All ambem
Valkabtfrg. who have been to tbe city
urped to be present as the society tk daring the bolldays. returned to their
this ameilnp will bepta the yearY eehool duties at ML Pleasant this
study of Ulrica.
A petitkia was Slad la Prohaie 4
tbto mommp by
Wyakoop tp
compel the epedhe performaaee of fa i^h Cufttoal^aa Laid Away to Rsst
laad coatrfact eaterod iato with
The foneml of Boos Curtiss
Charles Gape, demaed. but which was
formed' durinp the life of the eaU held tbto morning from the family
CbartesGape. The petition U peculiar home. 430 West Seventh street
ia that It to an Instrrmenl issued tp Rev. W. T. Woodboiiae offlclaUng.
compel Cbe cerrylDp out of a contract Mturic was fumtohed by tbe Baptist
by tbe executor of a deceased, wbo left choir, the pell bearers being Messrs.
a will and a contract nmainp with tbe T. Garland. P. D. Marvin. H. lamg
same terms as dnrtnp life. Charles worthy, W. M. Gordon. J. Nesbitt and
D. Pew- to the executor wbo appears C. J Helm.
for tbe cBUie of the deceased.
Plsaaant Time at the Hems of C. £.
A number of the friends of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Mnrmy descened upon thei
lafal evening nnd had a genuine wintc
picnic. Tbe party brought their own
eatables and spent the evening in play
ing whist. It to nef^leas to add that
they had a very pleasant Ume,
R. O. Solomon Took a Party Out YeeR. O.
the- 21-foot gasoline launch owned by
Waller Paige and ycslerday took out
some of hto frlcndk for a New Year's
ride on tbe bay.
88%ic: com. 44*tc: aat8. 32Sc; pork
113.77; lard. I7.4S; ribs. 17.37.
Detroit. Jan. 2.—Wheat. 87c; com.
45^c: oats. 34c.
East Buffalo. Jan. 2.—Cat lit-—Aci
Ive. 10Cl 1 lie stronger. Calves—Active,
firm. Sheep—Active, higher. Hogs—
Slow-, lower.
It was Aunt Bellnds's first ride on
steam road and she was vciy much
Interested In the Interior of the o
••Hexfdtisli.*' she wblsiiered. |K>inting
•ove. -why do thi-y mrry that saw
and ax In a glass mseV'
-To l»e ns«l in <-ase of a wreck.**
iTT>l!ed tlie old man at her side, as be
Kob-innly t«s>k a pli-eli of yellow snuff
from a leafber box. Tin- old Indy
toyed with her corkscrew curls for a
moment as If In d(-e|> tbmight ninl then
fa-all. 1 always hrunl tlwt these
new time surgtHMm Wen- very bnnnl,
but I nev« r tlioucld tbej would gi so
far ns ^l^lllg a regidnr saw uiul ax on
reoiilc. '-Cbit aco lialb' News.
King h:«lwanl has revived croquet
In England. It Is leild. 'Tills ladylike
- lias siifTenHl a decline until the
iccent royal boost.
L C. B. A. and C. ,M. B. A. will ho. 1
Joint tnsullaiion tomorrow evening
at 7:3n at St. Francis achtKd. All
ladic-s arc requested to bring their
genrieraen and gentlemen their ladles.
Too I^fbrnaikfhwtios
WANTED—20 men at once to cut 4-ft.
wood. Apply at Traverse City Brick
Co.. Keystone. Mich.
jan 2-Cl
(OBtfid ta nrxt Ffage.)
dtocovered la reemd yean. Even Mex
ico baa yielded a new rubber, called tbe
•uyMh. b« fbto to sf tntorior valne.
*Ibe Bilk of tbe rubber tme to not
In^ nfebfacr. cbe great variety eC its
M and tbe faUom of attsmpu to deTtae any aattofactorr sobstitnte for it
were facts snggmted by • eonverss'
tion with msmbem of tbe staff of tbe
Kew York botonknl gsite
to an iMpeciioo of tbe India nUbtr
eenoonde coOsctlon In tbe garden s
Tbto coUeetion to an exeeptfamally
good one. compriring berbarinm specimcAS of tbe leaves, sceda and Mt of
rubber plants and tmes, a
of dto milk or aap wbicb to tbe beito
of India rubber and aamples of tbe
commercial prodoct in iu varioas
suges up to and inclodlng rulcanixatloc. All tbe principal varieties of rub
ber are represented, and In the gar
den's greenbouaea are living apecl-
Oalbsrem of tbto jnioe when
t uke tbe grastast care
M B Mtjoold
would destroy tbe llfb of tbe tme.
Them am vartona aeCboda of effect
ing tbe eongutatioo of tbe Bilk, bat tbe
Pam gatbemrs depend ahnost wholly
opao tbe ofieratioo of amoktng. Variooa palm nnU are coBBonly need aa
a fnel and tbe gnkknsB witb wbicb
tbe smoke from these prodocea coagnlatUm baa been attributed to tbe pres
ence to It of acetic acid. Ihe aheUa of
bmsU nuts have also been naed for
the aame purpose with fairly good m-
tfas secxBd Soar, the tie joBped froB
the ettgtee rooa Into tbe Bxin bnttdto«. 'The SrsBsn hnd stx strooBs an
tbe bisas and Msbt tefd niM nt tlB0s
R sosBod ns tboi^ tbeir nfloru
wonid be snmsMnl. la tbe noitb end
of tbe tectory <m the smod Soor.
there was b*mA stock aoi this pre
vented tbcB txxm getting nt tbe blase
fitiB the wladowa.
Aboot 1:JQ tbe flames got In behind
tbe brick firewall and were beyond
control and at 2:30 the walls of tbe
first story were still standing bot tbe
roof had fallen In nnd the Interior was
nothing bnt a mara of smoking nibWsh.
of various‘kinds
turned out by the factory which rma
all the year round almost conUnooosly. At times. It waa the only milt In
Beltaire running and this made it
Pror.HbrrrlMTtowfnnpaabladaMlkgscbaol8atarday.Jan.«.liM. WlU
from 4 to C and from T to t;». at Mm.
Fbreetrrs baA. Tba ragnlar parties
will take place at 8:30. Tbe price for
tbe aflerwooa teaeblag wtH be Me a
pnpIL iBtfaearenlngSkcapaplL No
^for flof.1 .DrkmU,<l.],
try. although the C. P. Potter mill em
ployed more men. The products uf
the (factory did not require so much
timber, tbe value being In the work
put on It. This also makes the kiss
heavier as It would have run for manv
Mry Be Rebuilt
Tbe plant had enough stock on band
to ran two years and Mr. Rlchardl
owned more timber. Aln-ady soni*machinery had
tiad tieen pm in fai turn out
raluablc andj^Ier prodplet«l producu. TtH. oo« curtoo.
ucla of tbe Bcllalre Wt^Senware comthe latter to a pair of shoes made by
^ removed.
pany which w^fertififned w-veral weeks
Sooth American natives in the
ago. It now appears almost certain
tmikl of a foot ahajxd bole to
that anothcT factor} of sumo kind will
,'r:f to
to.nto.-»to.... •nH.U.,cr.P,n«a
be bum here.
tortiloo«J to toe d»lr«l fom wbUe of too
tl«-longi r U tfc* i^wto
At the time of th»- Woodenwan- fac
pUMlc. In •ddition to«v ia ■ collw '
rrodorin* It and to* loo**r tory fin-, the Insurance- was lltimio
«« r.cid
from to* todla rul.ber tnr*. aw-h as »*>««■ rnl.bct. (an b* obtoluwl mueb
to* pk-k or bateb«t for woondtos tbe! •*«»*
** It cornea to fcaibet
lark, toe tin mp to wbM tbe atp laj »*“litage of Impnritle*.
* large .
. i^pe.
Water Works Affected.
A. U .enera... known, to*
The emergency pumps on the vil
able comroen-lal product called lodit .
lage water works were located In the
mbbcf. or caqujchouc la formM from ! dirt but It is said that some of the englne room <U ih«- Rlchardl (factor}
Kiw prmlui-cd on ptautatlons to
the milky Juh-e of various tre»w and
KTior to the best Panu In gen- and were dehiroyed. having the village
shrolis. which to dried and coagulated.!
Tbe fimt Europrim knowledge of it;
however, the culUyailou of rubber dependent on the water |miwlt for fire
was derivcl through tbe second voyage '
plwJtatlous has not to-en v.-ry sue- purposes. This has iM-en pretty well
of t'olumbus. when It was noted that ‘
though It Imii liceii carrud on drawn off In order to strength<*n the
rublier Iwlto raid to be made -of the '
* con»tIdi*rable extent lu e'eylon and dam for the electric light plant.
gum of a triv.” were uwd In a game i ^
J:«sl)lndles It to raid that
Six streams of water In use were all
playetl by the natives of Haiti. One of «"
«««tb American <-om^nles orthe water works could stand. The
the trtwa yielding the Juice waa genpUntatlona
enillv dei«Til»id hr Toronemada la
hilberlo failed to produev much dn-dge of tbe L G. Sm'th Drt-dging
of Muskegon, which to work
imrO»utlhefirsta^uni^Informatlonlrol>»>^*-- 1“ explanation It to pointed
conciTnlng any of tbe moutebour tiwa | out that from sixteen to twenty years ing on the channel of the river, waa
towiHl down to the flrt- and a hose at
tached to the pump on thaL
of South America the erode India mb-' of a tree. espt-ciaUy a young i
her waa employed for balls used In i
1‘T much lapping. Full
games, for waten'roofliig gamienUand rityjt In iK-ll.-vcd, to not iittiilmd by
;fv<- 111 less than fifty years,
Cor tbe material
terial of ahoea. A great ob- Tu^tf
To Incn-ase the supply rubto-rs have
Black- to any general use of auch rubiK-r for a long period after It l»ccamc been largely adulterated, a gn-at vnrt
known to Kurop<-ans was the fact (bat cl}' of resins being used, giving the ma
wdille It to dry and leathcrilke at a low terial mure body, but Imimlriug Its
temr>eralure It l»ecoroca sticky nnd very strt-ngih and making it brittle. Many
soft when cxiMieed to a hlgli one. In nllcmi»ts have been made to manufactlie latter part of the eighteenth cen tun- sulsitltutes fur rublier. «-ommonly
tury the cclebmtid English srlenttot. with oxidized linseed, or com oil as a
Dr. lYIestk-y. who passed his later Itasla. but all such efforts are averred
years lu this countiy. dlrect<d pulHlc to have been failures. As one of the
attention to India robber as a novelty experts at tbe liotanical ganleu raid.
fo^ erasing pencil marks, stating that -The alleged substitutes for rublier are
it waa thou raid In England In cubical uot rublier, and si ience has not yet
pieiTB of half an inch for 3 shilUngs smavedwl iu producing nuytlilng which
can be called caoutc-bouc," A story
a piece.
Although India robber was utillwd has lieou told that an English cliemist
In the first half of the nineteenth i-en- rame years ago achieved the produc
turj* for tbe manufacture of very crude tion of a comiiuuud. with turiK-utlucws
and clumsy overshoes, which became a liasis, which (-otiiprim-d ail the propraft lu warm weather., and for some ertlc-s of gi-nuine Imlln rublier. but was
other purposes. Its Industrial use did unable for rainc uncxplalm-d reason to
not ixromc general unJil tfie American duplicate the exiirriuu-uL Ihls talc to
Inventor, rlinries Goodyear, after m-, discredited by botnulsta at the gnnlen.
l>cnte<1 trials and failures, sne-ceeded In
1R44 In Introducing the process of vulixing. By Uie admixture of a little s r
sulphur and tbe application of heat Jolmson's -potentiality of growing rich
be produced India rubber In a form beyond the dreamn of iivarlcc.
which to unaffected by ordinary U-m-,
IM-ratures and to even 1e» susceptible j eonlaius only from om
to external Influences than lenthcr.
of sulphur, but If <
Moreover, this treatment increases Its added It produces the hornlike subpliancy and elasticity. One of the Im- j stance called Imnl rublier. used for
portant properties of rubber in the «*mbs. penholders, knife hnu.llcs, eye
glass rims, watch chains and many oth
er arpcles. This hard rublier. which
by machinery if becomes raft and !
» line polish, to valuable to the
plastic, and the
'- ------ -------- ---------------------------*“
plastic It Is. In this condition It can
>nnod St will Into any ahape de because- vewseto made of i
sired. wbldi It retains when vulcanltod.
At first only two kinds of India rubM- were grneraU}' known to comIrwian aw4ktkr IH4M Leg.
inmt-, one being a product of Mexico
Given the old “reading of lines." tbe
and Central America, called the Csstllloa elastica. and tbe other tbe robber meUifinous elocution of tbe part us tbe
1 In Brazil, espectolly in ibc prov test of acting, aud they were an in
ince of Para, known aft Para robber, superable lK»r to bis acceplauce as
or berea, which baa ranked as tbe actor. Overflowiug. overwhelming s
best abd purest kind. Iieing the freest cess came In spite of these, beca
of all from resin. Another very good acting to more than elocution. becaoM
variety In Brazil is tbe Cauebo bianco, It to ao art wbk-b depends for its suc
called virgin robber, which is obtained cess not on cadences, but oo tbe in
from various species of saplum. IndU tellectual, and emotional mastery of
robber to now produced tbrougbont tbe altuatioQ and character. “One of my
tropics fromra large number of trea calves,- aaid Mr. Lawrence BarretL
sod plants srbicb betoag botanically to -to a little amaller than tbe other.
three large groups. These are tbe famapocynacese represented in the padded'tbe worse
north temperate faooe by tbe dogbane), London and bad a talk with Henry
the family enphorbtaceae. or sporgs Irrlng. He pointed out to me that It
family, and tbe fig faml^. In com- jraa better to leave your legs as they
were made, 'fbey fitted tbe figure as
bof tbe varieties are a whole, and tbe InsUot yon padded
tbe place of orig)
tbe general baUnce of tbe figure waa
r. tbe Central Arne
uprat and. yon bad a aense of unreal
ber (Msnlhot gUi
ity.” I qufte>ftom memory after years,
and tbe East Indian or Assam r
bnt witb pertfact certainty aa to brood
(Flctn elsstAca). Tbe last named
ffact and general expresskm. How
a big tree tn tbe trop- keen, bow penetrating, bow lUomiaatr here as tbe robber
tbte new which aceepted even
imperfection aa part of tbe
trade with srbicb a aense of
renllty cooM be created :-Talcott WUtn Attantk-.
W. A. HalBi.
Jaa 3-3t
to attend to your
wants last week?
Sorr>'for it if we did.
We supposed wc had
sufficient help to take
care of the crowd.
We kindly thank you
one and all for this mani
festation of your appre
ciation pf our efforts to
supply your wants.
Call ai^in, please.
Wcwill now see that
all get proper attention.
am saro I have got
just what j-on are
The fit ct Hickey S
Frocman Co. Clothing
ii what soils them.
BMdk BtoeX
For Overcoats of Style and Quality
a^Money-Saving Prices
Como hero at your firat
portunity nnd we'
yon Ovorcoatfa of tho seatoirs gmartest fashion that
tfrMttesl TfllM rtft tTtr
AT $10.00
At thi. tirice you can
take your choice of a modiom lonirth or oxtreinely
loni^ single-broeetod
IB MSA model
, artifatically
of laMtdefaipLa..............
tailored and lined
3d with good
flcrvioGobie fabnoa—not a
parment worth legs
AT $15.00
In this ooQection
will find all tho new
np-to-the-minute in La.
tian or wonted; made of
Tin RsconI WiintAfel€. gwiKiiiia
<»iy............. -.........
Onion fli
X Mr.
tm be Qpoa (o OILA vers lapj^
Year*, was aimat
What Wil lUie HorvaM Baf
Twomy^our racteg cars of oA aver
age boras powm of over one hundred
KMit want har
Wiu emtoluly be aaou at the Onw»d
ind tofl^daw. Mr. and Mra.
Oaytoua meet, and of tbeap at least
Mr. and Mia.
oDWholf win go to Havana ter the WUl Ou> «(
Bblmont pork
ti. ODd kte porw of
laces on the boulevard,
Oras «vidod. IhrMObg was
p racing cars of from oerearidden by Shaw; Baca King bad U
ty to 350 bneso powet. and at least
Smith up. Tbe time ter the Bite uras
half dDM iteaa cars of apt>ed eqalv
atent to that of the big gow.lJne caia
Boseben set a new teeord ter aU
will form a lieM o( thirty huge racing
furtenge Oct. €. going the dlstenct at
juggeniaiita, a greater field than waa
Belmont partt U 1:11«. The 4-yeaiever gathered together before. eUbvr
old neldlng canted the l|eary tmpoM
in Barope or Ammica. In snob a field,
e capacity of ploybm|^ U
of 147 pounda
what will (be borvert be? Is It golni;
i very performance. - ^Tbo
Dan Patch paced a mile at Lexing
to be two mites a minute, or is It goin;;
ton. Ky.. In l:5f^ om Oc^ 1,
to be duatb. and to bow many?
money and a prapqrtkmvrlnd ableld and numer at side.
Jliaray Collifw May Ctet Wadtell.
ure of brolna and talent,
Remarkably foot time wo* made
A deal Is on by. which Rube Waddell
hand of Julian MlUsbell,
in the January meet of tbe racing aw
may go to BosUici next soason. Con
producer of i
tomoblUaU on tbe straightaway course
Is dlsgnatcd. with Robe's
Ks etkunirs. Is observable
at Ormond. Fla ChteC among these action* before tbe world’s champion tccle
The • WteoTd. of 0*“
were the mite In 0:U 44 by H. U Bow ship series, and as tbe offer from the thnmgUci
equals.'If •*t vciipaes. any of tbe Imden. Artbor Macdonald*! ive-mlte
of the ck-champlnos is a very
narulsr productions from
mark of 3:17. and ten mile In 6:15. Uberal oae. It would nor U surprising I'crled
Mr. Mitchell possesses
l>nin 1
and H. W. Fteteber's 50.»lle* In W:51 for tbe deal to go thmugh.
the gUt
titaliring a stkge t
and IVO mitea In 1:11:24.
Too Much Twins.
by the
artisMc methods
May PmiMl lekeieili.'
San Francisco. Jan. 2.-San Fran
th arc at times 1
Ann Arbor. M*cb„ Jon. 2.—it moj bv» cisco promises to have a bad attack of lightning
effjuive and Ibe
that mersoil. tbe tragedian, who did too-mueb-tWilis in the near future. The
Hon of th< rr»pp> nelrl from summer to
the dying act on Marshall Field Sullivan boys apinor
hough sltnplo In the ex-‘
Thanksgiving Day and who revived as much tbo whole thing slnn* Jack
triumph of poetic tmagliia*
quickly as any actor after the curtain O’Brien, victor over Boli nixsimnums. irvme.
.a by Chi* simplest and moat
rang down on .!oe Curtis, will not b;* quit the coast for af Hme to go esM
soon in his Rlcllsr role next ye:ir.
and pick iipHsomc easy money, alxml
funiiakera, the Bcarivrow
There may be a protest Icxlged |7.0fl<t worth, to be exact, with a burand the Tbi Wodman. are an IrrosUagainst him U the hlnta that are flying k^qiio company.
lialr ol drUlh and little Dorothy .
around Ann Arbor ore good. At k<asf^
Mike and Jack :
Ulkaltv I<a!r;„,,,
Rlrt. who I. I
one great Michigan cx-alhlcic. who U
iianaKc m r. i a i«lr amuimi
(.iryi,,) i„ , cyclone. U an
In close touch with what is happening.
loquotdousuess Into print. * * ‘
people who are
week tbat Bckersall would l»e luim'd Mtke. as the viewt
from football next falL Michigan hat respect, but even the larger of the opt in nil brand! s of stage work. Tho
never attacked Kckersall’s record, but pair Is a giKxl ^ingb-haiuliMi wind ilnie here In oc« Saturday. Jan. «, at
Stelnl.erg’s (tratd opera bouse.
the story gw-n that bis amateur stand larttK..
ing acrordlng to the rultMi, can bo as
Skater in Town. •
' Neche. N. D.. Jon. 2 -Nt^rval HaptU*.
For instance. It would be i>( Interest
uled by well-kttiwn authors. An KRglish woman noelist. he says, tells of
ezhlbliUm at Gretiui. i he ml intake of printer who made oDC
cording to Casper Whitney, ever saw |
e mile north of here. Satunlav of her chkracu s say that *‘abe stuffed
n snap .hot of . ani.b of n foot mcei
in tho presence <»l a largo papa Into the praie. and soon tbero
run for a money prite. In which Bcker
cnrwd. BnpHe losnKMl to skate In a was a inerrr I sae." What she wrote
Hall is said to have participated, and,
ink and hU mmi-U lu one
san -tKijH r •*^llan*i r’H Weekly.
U would be Interesting to Michigan
rful. there l»eing no man in Hie
know whether Alonzo AlahasUr Stags I
ring the ourso of a recent.ler< =‘«
«•"' l‘"»
ever held It up In front of Brk.-r«tli: .........
«« tb.. picture U tb.7m.lUrrl«ks............................. j
K«*v. Dr. tnna Shaw staled that
and thrcalcued
He will return to Gnnia on Juii. ijtor a long tin- womte** stature bl'>
the young athlete entered any Instltu
increadsL while that of man
Hon other Uian tbe University of Chi
skating and will ran anyone wb .,
anoppo^lie tendency, aad
cago. i
atlribulo* he decrease of Ue CXThese hint* may be but Idle rumors car.-* to meet him. Baptle is in In-u- r ^
for this seaJHMi than ever Isforo an 1
and all It would take is a denial from
hlH oilndrers exiMvl to S4*t* him earrv
jSteltg. unless there happened to be anoff the long end's of the purses pul up
other picture of the race. If any such
kiMad JOham.
In l!<o east this wlnler.
i Mlllloaa rmk in mad chaoa oflar
picture was ever taken.
J health, from mo extreme of faddlam
Michigan cannot forgive KckersaMj
In iM d.'u ano'her. wion. If (hey would only
for this action in allowing tbe
le and imi.** eat good focsl and keep their bowela
of ••Brutality ” to he fostered ii|s»n Ji»el
regular j with I>r. King’s New Life
Curtis, even If the young athlete dhlj wide wwk hi r smlie. for triplets ihi y Pills, dclr irouhlea would all pass
away. Promyt relief and qn
say to Tim Hammond that It was ’’the
• an I stomach iroabte; 25c hi
She Isys her giHul luck to Rocky Moun ‘ ^o«* *
old man’s orders.”
tain Tea. (Groat l>aby medicinej 1 J«Un
O’BHsn was Eoay
Johnson l>nig Co.
According to O’Brien’s own stale-j
menu he was robbed of jewels and j----valuables worth |2.S5« when greeted
by a big crowd on his return to Phila
delphia. It sounds like a pr^s agent
yarn. If true, the fighter Bhciukl have
a guardian appointed. 8urciy that
should not he considered a \ery joyful
greeting, although he waa carried on
the Hbrnilders of his admirers an!
firct^l to make a speech.
Indoor Rifte Meet.
Guind Rapids, Mich.. Jan. 2.—”Ar
rongemenu for Ue annual tournament
of the Indoor Rlflo league of th*
United Sla**** to be held In this city
Feb. 12 to 17 are progressing favor
ably, ami Judging from outside reportr
the meeting for 1906 will surpass all
former event* of his nature.” says
Secretary Otis.
We atf^in ask that wc ma be favored with.your
•’Aside from two leading r<mtehU
which each have twenty five and
thirty-live cash award* from 12 to Ufl).
Our 190(i Calendars are omewhere on the road,
there will bo a buH’s^e match with
havinK been shippcrl some t ne ago. we regret that
finy prises, ranging from $I to |50. In
they arc not on hand ready fo distribution,
which an amateur with ordinary equip ;
menl has even chances wl'h l*'c e»
Thanking yo’u for past fa jrs, wc remain,
l»erl marksman, the sro:-e» In
event belng/eehiiMl b.Vr single sh.w
nearest the einler of the four inch
bu:r* eye by machine measure.
’ AU shooting will be done with 22
caliber rifles at twenty-five >ards. Ue
Statt Baak BmlUlH
duced railroad rales will Iw in elf.-n
T* ^
Of Tokkx A precoclotta high school
ipipll when only ten yoare old. the won
.mnrtean aduoatlon gt tbe expense
of Japan. Coosli^ bare tn her dcYantb
year, aba Was prepare^ for Vassnr cni
laga In a ConnacUcnl lirtvaLte sohool.
11 twanur-oDo was a Vsmr graduate,
at twenty-two tbe arife of Baroo Oy
ama. and now, tn bar forty-aeoond
year, is reoognUed as the most veraa-
1 wiU
lmr»N» »ugr wroM. wUlcb I
«lMiU not nMffrtkNi hmrt, I will trr to
IMk# ti>e «rtalo matt IT roCBpr«t>ni»lbto
hf rrtatliui «Ujr Um plUMl muMc« In
wlbdi Sir RolMirt nod Sjlrte H^ym%
I Artbiir Trrrafl wora (bo principal
Thla takas ■» bark to tba
ttmo whan 81r Hobart waa Ilrlnf In (ba
town of Barlock. naar Blrmlnirbaia,
IS&ilaaitbarorobacniiio to America. 1
bare DC%or boon In Bnclaod and hart
makla and wMofm and SjirU Majno
upon Iba propar condiMt of Ufa. 8jIrU
waa tlieo olcbtaen, and ^ know no
■be knew Tyrrell hoar.
ablamanloRarlodc. Har
Bon. As a sta
gy and foreign
languagaa abe U In tbwflmt rank. Tbe
emoat aulborlty
In ber eonnlry on Sbakeapaarc.-Cbris
Han Endeavor World.
hair, by bla arace and manttmiaa
uul courfb’ bwMtna. It waa a areat
aorprlno 4q bar to loam tbat ba waa not
a aood man. Her oaUooa of orll were
baaed chiefly upon the dBbooaaty of
two aannnta In Ibo bonae urbo bod
imcuaMSi* at
tain aliiny eyed trlckatem arbo kept litIn a bonk. The bank araa In a bad waj Ue atoreo In Barlock. Certainly Mr.
and tbreotmed to Imxilre the whole aa- Tyrrell waa not like tbeae.
tale In dlaaater. bat Kobeit put lu afFylvU a moral tralnlna bad aa cored
faira to rtjKbU wKbUi one rear after bo of rMHUtilim. and abe bod been taught
tbat evil la attraetire and good rei»eU
lent. Her o
1. The two bad dilfeiTd radlraliy •eemed to Juatlfy this doctrine unUl tb#
I qneatlona of bnalneaa policy, and caae of Arthur Tyrrell offered proof
were catranced at (be time of tbo conclunlve tbnt tbe gloomier view x>f ibe
brat admInUtratIre to berwlf tliat aho would never have
acta waa to demand ibe raalfnatJon of known tbat Mr. TyrrpU waa n wblted
the iMok'a caahler. wbu waa old and aepulcber or a red apple offered by tba
. apmea bat foelde and wooW hare with- old aerpenl tbnt tempted Kve. Kbe had
entertained aoine fnallali dreoiua obout
blm. and at»e rofiroacbed beraelf for
them, for abe loved honor and honerty
a kb**, tbrrr wn* the matter of a pop- and eapwrlolly tbe moral atrmgt:; wbirb
akm which ^ bad boon led to oxpact. la auiiertor to aU leuipiallott.
but dM not art. On the day wbao be.
It wa« ber doubt of Tymil'a atroufftb
wa# IlnaJly compelled to yield bte place whicb proliably turned her nwny from
to a •iiiunY acrviraaUlo uiau be ankl to him. 8lr Robert wna keen enough to
Bobort lor way of farewell:
aeo till*, and no douM he wna alneerely
IT90V « MT*ot man o* bualtieaa. a glad 4bat 8ylvia alKiukl have begun to
^nd man o‘ bualneaa. You’ve done nud out wbatoott^ man tbla fellow
nueb fbribla bank already, and ril not Tyrrell realljr area. It la alwaya eaay to
aecwiM* an ninlabU* |HTaon of weakneaa
and to carry convirtlon to tbe mind of
a girl who baa been taught (and verily
liellcveai that all tbe rlrtuea are bard
About tbla time tberv waa a fever lai
BaHock aud Ita rlclnUj' for Inveaiment
lu a certalu dgantlc eutcrprlae. Par*
aona of dlatlnctlou rialted Hir Kol«rt
lu llM* lutereau of tbla pnOect nud
they uaad bU bank lu varloua wajra
that wore proftulile to tbe tnatltutiun.
Peraonally 81c Itobert made a amall is*
roatmeoU aud upou learning of tbla ail
Uarittck atood ready to rUk (U maviugi.
UapoMton begau to wltUdraw tbe^
money from the bank lu unler to
reat It, ami tlda waa andealrable froui
the lianker’a |totat of rlcw. 80 bo
stood up boldly amoug bla fellow cltb
und said tbat tbe grtwl eutcrprlae
eadent upon you when l
waa a cbihl. Voor father took mo Into
bla bouae^ If 1 waa not there by right
I alKMdd not have been iIkst at all I
wma uot oW enough to decide. Ue waa
the judge. When you rauic Into your
InbeHtance you found me under your
roof. You ihould have aent me away
or hara diiua your duty by lue. Thera
WM no middle course.
**Yo«r duty waa to tench me honor
and boneaty. Yon taught me dtdiouur
and fratMl. You should have shown
C^risCs wot Id to me. whore love and
kiudncaa aud^ ayapotby afo i*urrant
tar drove them om. and you taught me
by act aud wool that (bU waa tl»c true
holy of belles where all good men w<irBbe (baohiya liare tbe snidki Ufc she
led with blm. For aU the outpourlug
of har mind nod heart hepakl Ikt only
In dross. All bis tlumgbts were of
money: aIPbU moral Judgments were
rendered In terms of money. . Jle
talk of nolblDg elae. think of nothing
aloe and hope for nothing higher.
B-heu tbrir aon was bom 8lr Itobert
was iTlIm ed of a terrible mental strain,
lie bad feared the chlkl might be a girl
sad werthk^ foT »nooey malUna. sixl bs
bad tm-sr kept thto anxiety serret frern
her. Ill* solo omblUon for his son ttos
that he should follow In his father s footstrps sod win the resp«^t of banks. Rlr
Robsrt decisimed business prinrtples oxwr
the chMd s cradle and owloubtcdly dro|J
hW wife Into a spertrs of Insanity bv uiP
nerer give a c
father'a Instnic
leading motive J
aUvIoe au3 one to pul a immiy into it j upon
n was undmil tedly th
SylvU s corns Lirt. It I
had learned
tn rraarU to Arthur Tyrrell, as
fact that Investors, lu oddltUm
yon dM not srruph- to
aewr for him and pass It npusual risk of loss, ran also the rha
Ifnulnow You mined him
of lielug asaeaecd upon their sharca In |
partnership with swindlers.
coia» «»f faUure. This utu*ram>e eitecked
throughout that
tlmo was shaped upon
i tbe run on
bank aud
RHkst sordid self Interest
' by ftarliH k iHs»plc. nml
to Tyirrlt Ifd
«r Robert to brllrx-e that Sylvis had fled
to him. Tyrrrll Was sup
Amerioa. a
*AMA3inagrratiuui gAK »AVK«rPTr
mce. Tjrrell. who
T>ireU. bm be bad not luvesletl |
I really In Rnclsnd. heard of throe ordeny It. But tbe Imat thing you ve done : very bravily. He would have escaped
rences nnd promptly followed flir Robfor It by long fxbU was worrying your | utter wnnk vxc^vi for the aawaatmenU
but neither of them e%er saw flylvia
old. Incompetent father Into hie grave.- . ^vbU h 8lr RoIkti bad mentioiirtl. and
for Sir Robenter*
, I can ImagiiH* iralKtrfa amaacment be was among the firat to iwunecl fw
and rlgbteoua IndUnmtion. He never sistnnee of payment upon tbe ipwnbd
was able to believe that any peraou \ that the whole trammctlon was frtiudawas alneera In accusing him of wrohg. | Hftt. *
AS for 8) ivia. she lived a quiet Mfe and
.Ills rectitude was In bis own eye* tbo | At tbU point Sir Bobert’t rectltnd® irne.1 her own bread mad her son^s. The
i l«oy had a childhood full of 10%^. a youth
fuiMUmcutal certainty which must be Utood forth anblime. The ernemrtae
obvious to mil
It rmikl not bo ^^ukl not toe fraoanlont. because be . to her and a manhe
questloncid except from
the least 1U» his f
om dishonest mo- hlmseif bad lent It a ineoaurr of aaoc.
sad mtracle of the
Uves or mere spUc. as In tbi* preeent Oon. it wma gpeculntlve. hecaiim be
, blmseir bod said ao. The virllma. cent
«r Mart
r argue with a dlo* abouW pay tbelr aaM>mlnent^ .hecaiim loch.
Wwk. srUh
wUh wham I
Iw bad wamitl 1
who died
ecme H wm bMMtb^ri«.Mnlt; to
/quarrel with a dlecbarged employee. obligation.** aold be
4Ttofgefotu to tba dmrge tbat be bod hlsdabta.ikiQed bto fhtbtr be replied with a eold
8lr Robert paid tbe trifling
atmtemeut of a geoerml truth, oa waa manfled of him. and ba did ao with a
to salt me. I «i
hie cuhtom tn eoeb oaaoa.
•*A man Is bettm^ demd than bank-
The total number of nil known va
ricHes of postage mtemps issued by all
tbe govemmenu of tba world up to tbe
profcnt time Is If.fIZ.
Norway** coast Iine-1.7ft0 miles* In
a atrkJcht llne-becomo* IS.oon miles
If followed around tbe gord*. In these
Oord*,aro over 150.000 islands.
Tbe biggest loaves in the world arc
those of ibe InaJ palm, which grow on
the banks of the Amaxoo. They reach
a length of 30 to BO feet, and are from
10 to 12 fe^ In breadth.
The sight of birds Is oxtraordlnao’.
and the simple fact that the eye of a
hawk or pigeon is larger than their
whole bmln gives some Idea of what
tbelr powers of vlakw must bo.
Tbo \lenna police are about to experiment with a phonograph In taking
prisoner** answer* to questions
askod ln tbe preUmanary examination,
ao that when the actual trial takes
ploco there may be no dispute as to
what was aakl.
Tbe Sunday schools of tbe country
have on enrollment of over thirteen
million persons, while (he enrollment
in the public schools is over sixteen
mlilkma. or but three millions more
than tbe Sunday schools.
Becaase all effort* to find them have
failed the -Royal Campany's Islands*.’
supposed to be in the Pacific Ocean,
have been removed from the maps of
tbe British admiralty.
The excitement of conversation,
according to tbe best phvRlclans. will
quicken the pulse from live to twenty
B. For Ibis reason most people
overestimate tbelr pulse, aa they oftcq
count Us beau while talking about
tbe matter.
In the wall* of an old mansion at
Danville. Pa., a cigar which is 120
years old was discovered by a man
who was .Temodeltng the building.
The clgab was fouml in a hollow be
tween two large stoops in tbe wall,
wrapped In oil paper and well pre
served. It still prosenres Its odor.
Al Blnn«rk. North D«koU. Iho suio
ms a Street railway which is list'd to
carry members of the IqgiaJaiure to
and from the capliol. Only om^ car Is
owned and operated.
A celebrated sculptor aoeerU that
tbo human foot is becomigg smaller,
several centuries agb tfib i^ullnc
foot was about twelve * Int^w long
wbliq the average man’s loot*of today
U npi more than tea and a half inches
in length.
In a recent article advertising fo.^
alligator hunter* Vcocxuete declaivs
that the animals exist In untold nuai
bin them, the hunting Is good rport.
the akin* are valuable and ike oil.
whicb It volnable for medical' pur
pom. brmg* a good price
^ E ^
eal staie
Wishing Yw a lysppg and Prosperous
Ow V
6* W. Bdsti
& Sojn
tba b^writing
lAX. Ctrvalbo.
eatettf a
from oil poteu totenncfilate with New
flgbt alooe nor jolD In time with tba
I Itoough be
money. Robert waa
] DO miMT. Ue UTcd In fine etyle and
twmld pay the price of anything that
fbe dMifcd. He bought ehrewdlj. but
wnever grudgingly, and ba knew bow* to
Jmaka a |M>und worth two by having It
irem4y at a momeot'a Dotica. A prompt
foiu to a man of exalted etatMu paved
^ way to knighthood, and tbe banker
became Mr Hobart when be was about
• thirty year* old.
tiooa. They were a part of t^^youag
from bla fatbar. and
It Awmteda me of an error that
j hr a dsMtfaUy Urrspsnsthls nrobaw 1
Tyrrell left Barlock In disgrace
Ureot to London, where, to bis
< ■ffsiiniaise mgebmdOMkllnM
great surprise, be throve. About tate
wmfi at a choMli BPOfteg
tbla mae^
-Ttoter we
Oi tl
of a war ptel Uat Imfi imea )
. .
to matt tin tlBDfxt year.
tIoiL 1 hate liofi mp^
with It tiM U wpara
Mfw Anee RoOMia*
Recofti Want M§ Riy wiixc'
yard 1
Boa FteM
BAiaia a lincBiu. wswt tox tana pliasiwx
Sapwk ScoSe: InWciSa
urge CaBpur|| TheSciuMcrMr
SMMhy Gnk
MHIw fSi.
jBurt hatett wMh by tdMtbl te
itemeumg. Tbntrter forR^teaaat
tebrtlau te all untlvau naff n tepurt <
Ti^ I im.
woum nr mo uuiiiimw
PMT t. b. M an
.rttesnr xwt
raaaaa. Bfittact waj 9t dobac thtaa. iaaa trorkad
troodaa te th. ahact^Mto baa Iwa
tba aMlr. endtt af gnaSr ta*rafktff
tbair eoadlttai aad laak 9 to lilB aa
Ibair iMter aa« «aad. lb tbtai Mr.
WoMa la a cUcT apart, turtm tba
hopaottbairaxIataDea. ToaadOaMr.
Btwcua with ao much office work would
■MtwnUwrtiMi •liNMottto«V^180 «okMMlph]r>
abMa Ike ureeu ia search «r a hAue to reat. te
iNhs thnagh the vast catana of The ETcaiac Recart. Yeacai ccta ciiateaaiit-bfaivertbtor*
h ms-
they teould be. Tbte te tel
lunroud trocka that tbrtr iMteia can
ba aeeu thro^ the ham te tertr cela
gme Mtee te vrbom batt MA^tehm
#tfteff-*tbam Into ftey bf^tbrir reTb4 Ateevicnn Bible aoc4rty lias daridodda RublUh an edittau te tbe goapete nd 4Mte In CbamortA Ibe lam
ud »: e<Mzns' of tb. tTbtt.4
Rtatua. te good ammeter and lerogarmle haMta who can apmk. rend,
and arrita Bngtiah. FOr lafomatlow |
apply to reevumag officer. HotH ^
Whl^ Tmverae City. Mkh.
■ tneatbursaut
____ I:
WANTSD-Oood tmmrn, ww mii.
-o IS pee day and lound. Inquire t
QleuArhor Lumber ax ^ ^
^____ ^
^ *
bavt tad tefar tor aala tba Jab
ovriac list te ruul astatsw It U all dm
dmhlt proporty and mum ba apM.
tell or pboM tor prteaa.
70 ft uw Bav RL. upusatta DartuuH
itoro. Buibllng oa same la now uaad
m arambousa. but can ba aaad tor
tu tba Md Tvftet It parbapu mtee tbnn
made by Rav. Mr. Price, m mtealNiary WANTED-KUrt tor general bousi>
of the American board, and tbe edttkm work. Mrs. W. O. Foote. C18 West
They. too. bare tbe utmost coafideuca
Jan I4t
tn hi. ability te bit principal dnty-that
of poMdag tba mate work of dmmlN^
tkML TUs te not Bcflactad Vy tba ueTRAVERM CITY MAMCtTl.''
Bra chief, wbo dally te worktef ter
Ires. Globe Com^
bayemd tbe Vrernmaat boon and U
up naff down tbe line whenever ba can TMa ropert la mnda «g dnOy. Tba Ite
tenya tbe duttea of which u chulrnnu
coed te uat raapanilhia ter ehangaa
House and lot. <01 ffixtk 8t
WANTED-Prom two to four boar
on bm Isthmus or n good rieck would
la urW
Hom -and lot. g. w. cor. Wahatar
era. genUamen preferred. Inqnli
rtkCtiwly iHtevw him.
8t. aad MIehtgna Avs.
< lou M Blmwood ava,
Record tefloa.
Wayne aw^ Rav 81a.
WANTED—TurnlHhtsl nsiroa for light
la no iDaunnomiUble obatneie te the
boQsekeeplog: any number, tboug'a
way of a tranalathmian canal. It looks
no lewii thxa three. Commuakmtc
Ooe te tba beat locatlona tn tba ally
«Mler ta tbem every day. Most of
with Grianell Bros.* music bouse, or surrounding country for boms. 4
them DOW sea only tba removal of 222..
aersB te land, largs bouaa^ ear. Bay
corner Front and Casa streets,
000.000 tons of rock and dirt. To the
j aad Ramsdell SU.
dec »If
chief eoginaar the sola problem te that
12 to 14 aerw land In Bmwoui warm
of Ubor. Neither
Jaumlcaiia nor
ship, about 1 mils from eitj ttmtia.
WANTED-Tlirve furnUh*tl rooms for j Will make w good marks! gardan.
theMardnlqocaareaattefnctory. From
light hitus^-kt-t'iiinic. ciatrally local
IH miles east
tbe amount of week that no far It baa
m milew want
ed. Young marrkHl-couple. Addro«*
been poaaible to get out of Mtber.
Them U coAsidsmbls saw timbar
coontteg days lost through lasteesaa as
-Room*.- llcciml offiw!
if and
of wood timbar on ttoa
well aa aickncaa, tba average coat of
tend. Boll good.
WANTED-<Iirt for general Iiouim'aach Wack laborer, who ta paid ffOceuta
work. Mrs. T. A. Piiiohallegua. 51T
gold, compared with the coat of almOar
Sixth street. Inquire at Wood 8tegtatea. la $5 gold.
tera millinery.
dec 2C-tf
When ft te comridered that:
tba000 laborers may beenecaaaary
WANTED—Work hy day of any de
tbe canal,, to which roost l>e added tbe
scription; pn-ft-r nur-tlng. S02 K
eoat of a high salaried chatrman and
dec M2 if
two great admtolatraUre estaldlahmenti there and oo tba latbmiis and
the rallroai
lah.. Prod Fuller. 143 B. Tenth.
the expense of sanltatkin and the re
prinl«;i n blank fertn .m whf.h waa
construction and rebolldteg of Panama,
to Ih* wrltt«*u. nmung otlier thing*, ttoa
for the Panamana. It will be aem that
name of the atiiuial killed and tbs
labor Jn tbe ditch haa got to lie rednred
It tenX boweter, tbe pritw paid for
labor, bat tbe quality of IL that enters
FOR RENT—Huuas on North Elm hawing qmvllon: vr»krH.*ltlT>ii of rsi>
Into tbe caacatethms of tbe canal buildwood avenue. F. . Goodrich.
era. Doubling tbe pay of tbe Jamaican ^
dec 7 tf
.\ ffagroan. wbo*ie duty ft beeome on
or Martlniqua negro would only make ESSSSi *’
one o<xTiid»ii fo r»|«rt «-omxrnlug the
btei work half aa • long each week. I Dr*«siU Bo**
HOUSE for rent. 901 State «lrort. 1 death of a ro<u. tunml lu hi* writlco
They art Uke the Paitemana In that
rooms: RiMll barn, %H p<T month rrikirt with the foUi«%vliig art o|4*uSlta
respect. Purmerly tbe flabennen hen*
B. J. Morgan.
dec 7 tf j
tert ref« rre,I to: r Klml
made about $3^ a week. Tbe iirke te
flab haa doubled. Has tbe ftoberman
doubled bis income? Not a bit of tt.
block, corner Front and Union.
Three dollars is all be needs to lire on.
nov aite
and be can see no sense lu working
mil« (nd rnffl** aboot tbr <beald«n
more than three days wbcu be makes
are U'i'ouilng to almoat even woman,
aa much aa be asad to ircelva wban
i Tbe draiied waist te promlqed. Tbta
be worked six. Tbe same pblloaophy
^ waist luid some ^xigiie last spring, and
prevaUa among tbe oegroet of tbe aona.
LOST—Hound, gray.* pc A ted. tan Iwwd; *•
Elgbly t-enis a day is about twice aa
and bin* and moot cm rlaht
The drapery te
n n L
w i ^ dirortclire fhiea. mdille the snrpllce
strap on neyk. -Return to Th<»».
=2 i
lE.WaitttSons' AnwBom87J and a gam
the year. TW
oaplUl itock of tb«M bank! tg mr
930.fM.m. a sate of flAOO.060 dar
Loidingion U golai to
& roUw ing the year. The deponitg assregale
•k«ilO( rink. Up to thin tme Lodtnr $2&l«m4K». or an lactwaae of f 2£.006.- SptcteJ to the Bventeg Record.
Honor. Mich.. Jan. 2.-Aa the alelgbtun hag been obU«ed U Eft aloiic detidttrtng the year. The number of
with the gkaiet of the pud okl gtooe dep^iltorg Ig 42.917 more than laid Ing la line the lumbermen are hustling
Mrs. Pewleaa. who baa been very HI
f«oce variety.
te better.
There Ig goliME to he a^lc com e*.
There are two oaaea of scarlet fever
Iilbit at the ftnoem-lngtllite at AlleIn town.
can. All fannerm wfth cdnu are cor
Karl Hr of Butler la vising hla
dially Invlied
ilcmal pardon, the llrwt pardon givan
A Hart alrl who km dl aboat the by Oovemor Warner. He wag foon.l ooukln. K. By. at this place.
W. 8. Roblttaofi and family who have
tnatier layg that belli In love U ytry guilty four yearn ap» of mah«lgughser
k,only^lbat In connection with the death of
frienda and relatives at
Agneg Ebergteln of Hattie Creek, who
returned fo their home laat Saturday.
died in a local hotel from a criminal
Richard Bf and family apent Sun
operaUon. Bennett wag nentenced to
day with hia brother. N. By. and fam
geven yearn in Jackaon. but after
at thla place.
moaibg of work on the part of hte
Adolph Beltke and wife, who have
friendg wag paroled by Coremor Bilan
Wa vlalllng rriailvea at \Vt*xford
Pound laat Tueaday In anVikl but In
a deiMTted alley cold and without food county, returned to their home laat
and critically in with pneamonia. Saturday.
Mrs. John Lundy and children of
Prank Sherwln. an old aoldler. died at
Boone CUy are visiting her parents.
South Havon Friday aa a reaull of th«
expoaure. He was an eccentric char Mr. and Mrs. Charles peck, of thU
acter 09 yearn old and apparenUy had
Florence Wyae. who haa been visit
not frienda
ing her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs.
In the ami
J. Wyae. nt this place, returned to her
wHrh In fonad In the vicinity of Big
TREES FOR A DEPOT PLAZA. home at Rmpiro last Friday.
Mr. Couturier and family left Iasi
AfioilH-r elk In oarcily park henl
AWmM Vmimm Saturda> to visit friend* and relatives
hi dfWd. but thla (Iraefllaeaae waa not
at Traverse CUv.
theennae. The teigw >«ck elk got hia
------------------------------------------------MIs8<^ Otilla Fisher and Georgia
aeii Urgeat eompanlm In n comer nnlon atatlon pUaa at Waabinrun la Merkley wt»re at Traverse City laat
and aimply gored him i> d«wth.
eonaldered with grca“
t. When
wnen I —
ho Iff bU
Mv TlctUn tkre were nine
waa a pleasant surprise party
tof Paildag]
cea where hla granihomi had pen-1 other
given at the home of Mr. and Mr*. N
WaabUigton o«cUU. and
el rated the body* lealng Urge, ugly novel featnira have been Incident to Thomas
Thursday evening In
woiinda which would blve aoon cauaeil the (loeat -y* the Waahlngtoo Star.; |,on„r of Mr Thomaa* birthday. by
the death of the gma^r aSmal had Because It has bron determined to which they pre?u‘aU5d him a fine rock
' not the atitOMiant chllrofomed him. make of the plaxa a formal entrance er and the evt-ning was spent playing
Home oaa baa anggeat^l that the just way to tbe great atatlon. the engineer games and light refreshments were
detmrtment haa deckled that the trees
imnlahment for the muilerer vould be to. be ptented moat be symmetrical la aenod. all who attended reported an
to have the game warien gc on hla form and of d*klnd Ukely to grow enjoyable time.
trail for killing elk out of r«anon.— evenly. It ta also atated aa desirable
William Marcham and son-in-law.
l»rtod;rv Herald.
that the trees be of a variety which Thomas Raaix. who started for Monkfefks Its leaves as late as poealble In Una last Tuesday, refnrned home last
Aa pretty a street scrap aa^ ta
amm In Farmington ooennwd ^
Looking to tbe attainment of these, Saturday to spend New Year's with
;two young women who gut Ini a
•evecwl ends tbe search for a dealrable j **»^‘*^ families,
ffid on their way borne fro school apecioa of tree has narrowed down in
•over a muuMiBnii who had
passing vreeka to the red oak mod the
^.tentlve to both. Ho^h^-MajL
ihaa prosem to each and th<
•.tp dteiuil* which fared the
It It Ity of form and site. Tbe final test Dancing tnotaad of Cards Was Cm
of each la now iwogresalng. tbe aoper: got s»» warm flmaiy that wo
Onmnlxatlon Laat
Inteodent of parking watching enrefW- ‘ Joyed by
inut sire vwnt te thrtr feeltnga
Evening at We^ua-teng Club.
of tree boWU
: la atated as
thol# data. Before any one co 1 aeiv
Instead of the usual weeklr car!
. arate them one of the girls h
j the one chosen,
first finally determined unUl the question party, the 500* cJub was entertained
‘ knordeed out. unconaclous In
with a dancing party at the We-qu?of leaves U settled.
Probably the tongeot vowa of pin tong club house laat evening. There
Rimer Matrela. colored. wi
oaka In Waahington are on Pennayl-1 were aoenteen couples preaeni and
ed «r Kalamaaoo. charged
mala avenue aoutbenat, eaat of Elcr.. twenty numbers were enjoyed
tlM^h of a large turkey from
enth street. West of Elevente str^
decorated with
well grocery atore. The turk
on tbe same thoroughfare are red oaka.
lH*en gone but dfieen mlnutca
in investigating the -iuiblta- of
pictures. The
los ktoda of treea tt haa bm
. was mlaaod. and Mr. MaxweU
found that tbodatca of dropping leave# lights were natlaticaUj shaded wUh
Mat vela's home. He found the ^rk
fancy globes while there were aa
alrrody dressed and In a largnwasb in different trees of tbe same vari
ety are not alwar* tbe same. Some-. abundance of steamer rugs and sofa
Udiei. Matvela admitted tbe jVeft.
I this la notkwd In only ooe tree pillows, the whole making a very
but eald he had boned to ha^ the
long row bdng different fPam Its proltf effect. Daring the evening,
bird ao ter cooked before the oncers feliowa After fbt variety of tree te
punch was served by Henry Hull.
arrived that It conld not be Idenlfted. be plantrd baa been nelerted great care j
LeoiJj. Baker and L- I- Slevcnaoo
- Battle Creek wfll have tbelbeat vmi be thken in golttg over the nuraery
being the hosts. The fioor'waa in ex
amoral hUtory museum In Oilcigan. stock, ao that lml^^rmlty In every fencellent condUlon and the music was
oiitaide of the one at the state uhver- tore ma.v. aa nearly as poaaible. be oecarwL Altor*«bcr It la eatlmaled about very good, consequently the end of the
.alty and tbe Agrieultural
130 trees wlU be required ter ptenting program came very quickly.
Twenty >eani ago Kdwait!
After the dance, the club waa taken
Brigham, the well-known traveir of
I to be
Aside from tbe variety of I
ra. where
that city, made three trips to ^tb planted, thla acbmue la expected to
S Itinch waa served akorily after mid
America to collect apedmena for mu Into such details aa the selection
The ladlea'Tavora were pink
sexnna. Mndtag the moaemn In this ahrabs and flowers and flower U<da
dgr. Far aeveiml years pa^t for aani
of room te <ht> High aehool bnUiteg
thejie apediMpa have baen packed up.
tmt a achoal
Indiana that
acfaoal of nutmuowie
Now the aohdol board has dedde4 to
tbe find of Ita kind to tbe
detou Ue haaamiaii of tbe aew United Stmtea wl
Charles Willard library to a musesm. tn a few montba at tbe local Inatltnand McHve tba support «f n«rty
and Mr. Brigham haa been cnga«e.1
to rearrange and dasalfy the ap4dmeaa The Nbturt dub Is tetetesicd
and ihe teambera wlU devote theii
to tbe Ctectenati
leiaare lime the oomtiif year to rot
nouuoad tbut durtug the dsu^ IMS
thecu hua not beau a tenure 1a Mlchw
cna. dther of n Mate or national bank
' Tk% fsnr bna Imen one of the moHi
luoaperoua la tbe htstofy of tbe bunk
lag bueteeet Tbe mute banka 1a Mich
Ignn now number BA M tbe uttan
autumikOi depurtumut M to bn wtnte
Wc Desire to Thank Our
at a time. The result te.tbat no fore
man can teU bow* many of bte gang
wtU be at work on any ooeEay. It U
safe to say that oat more than half
of tbe laborers so far brought here are
at work every day.
for their kind and
liberal favors dur
ing the closing
now In nae. Ue te hellered to be In
favor of having tbe canal dog by rblneee cooUca. and It te reported that a
labor agent at Oanteu baa recelred an
order to send several bnudreda of Cbl-
for them for 1906.
Hoping we may
merit old patron
age in the future
as well as much
new. we wish all ^
Happy Utw Year
wltbout ralite. until I umA Dr. KImTi
Tbeca bavu IMU irhite
OoogM and Oteia. which enUttey
cured my naugh, and aasad me f«
eonaumpUom** A gtand cute for dkanaaed CDUdRIona te Throat and Luagn.
At JobMoa Orat Oo, r. H. MmAa C.
Boom «C lbtif^:«aS
*.l«. rrn
Tbe fubton it unullr
FOR SALE-Houss and lot. bam on
lot. 442 WMt Bight atrosL Price
$2,400, onotklrd down, halanos to
suit purebaasr. Inqulrs ^15 Eaat
Ninth atroct. or address John Cluno.
Cheboygan. Mich
Jan 9* -
S*to Pkra« a« .44.
good things in store
irtlett and
lust vtett
of thr
for cash or approvc-d pai»er: weight I________
about 234)0 lb*. For further panic-]
nartlc->------------ular* either write- or telephone. W. I ^
>vhich has
them that we have
by many, wonld do more work wUh
less alckneos than tn tbe othma. It te
advanced that they buHt tbe Mlsslaalppl Jetties and do almllar work tn
tbe aoutborn states where conditions,
acterdtng to many Judges, are wotee
than at Panama. It la aakl tbe dlfflculty te making a attOeteot number of
aoutbern negroes believe this would
make tbe effort to engage tbem a waata
of time. If tba Chinamen do well they
will replace tbe Wert Indian negraea
new at work. In tbe meantime tbe na
groea are leaving almost aa fast as
others can be brooght to tbe Istbmna.
To make tbem happier tbe commlaateu
decided to provide them with wives
and sweethearts. Tbe first shipload te
women mm Martinique arrived »
cently and waa quickly dlstributil
along tbe nous. Tba women were wte
by.tha AoMricaa tnmlltea fir
until they Bright art up 1
ara cared for.
SIMtoB or dll 7IC Oir phono .nd |
receive reward.
J»n I SI* .J,,,,
been a prosperous
one. and ^ assure
Torrey and Alexander conld not coo
vert Brixton, Ix>ndoa. but tbe war de
partment la cow goteg to convert «be
retivr.l Imll they built Into a drill bxU.
The story te the tortnro of Rev
D. Moore, pastor of the 1
of Uarperarille. N. T..
wou^e says: -I aul
. . Vtv M
1^77; iT’'.
JAN. 3,1906
With a raHomi of Due
IWNdd adnMtumen or aayooe in need ot » Hone 4o
come and boy oo*. aa Hortea are acaree and wfll be higher UtiB
ever a UUfc) later on.
. ^
nrwwiHbethefiiieM lotlbareeferbraagfathere. aad I
iarile peo^ t j oooe and aee Uten,
l-ep ^plpmQn
-n ' r ibniMiifA hoKse
a a ac«rl«TMt or OVOMO U aprad.
l the ohOdrea of tbe poor aud
fcyr^ fov dajra fdOi hlaada la toara.
Urn orphaas of Paris.
MmUr mom Hooper oT Battle Ctaek
Tbe patbeUc cad of as operatic dyta the Koeet of kU etater« Mrm. Roee. at
nasty was fecalled tbe other day by an
exhibit la a New York aucUoa room.
Ofered for sale by a wan
bad ke^ them la storage for nearly a
daeade were eereral opera doaks. now
ebabby aad faded, and some mrs made
rralu were aenred fbr i
up la tbe olddaahkiaed modes of an
Tke Ladles' aM of Um Ooagragaay. Tbe tickeU on them Im
tloaa] dumdi iMid a apedal BMetlBg parted tbe knowledge that they bad
at tke booM» ct lira, aarcaoe Pierce
been tbe property of Mm Henry E.
Abbey. She U now In Loadoa but has
Mr. aad Mrs. Klaaey aad baby oT
been lost to tbe light of ber American
TboaipnafttiawM tbe caeeU of Mr.
teat amanemeat plunger of his
Klaaeir'e paieat»-Mr. aad Mrs. a. W.
died practically peaalleaa.
Kiaae»% for Cbrlstaiaa.
Judge Delavan A. Holmes, general
Miss Wields at Tboaipeoarllle was
tent of large packing InteroaU In this
also a paeat.or Mr^aad Mn. Klaaer
country, has been tmTollng la Mexico.
In his opinion
DUz will go
Tbe aaaaal dtooer of tbe Ooagrega
7 as one of tbe greatest
down in history
tioaal Aid soclMr will be held at tbe
tbe sge. "When Dlsx
boas or Mrs. Riiaa Rogers aext Tburswas elected twenty-fire years ago.**
dar tor ibe beaedt of tbe neaibers and
says Judge Holmes, "Mexico was heartbeir fSManiea.
lly in debt aad tbe r^ubHc was on tbe
Mn. Edward Cottier's coadltloa is
rerge of disruptioa after yearn of mistary ataeb taiprored aad Is bow able
gorerament. Now all Is peace and
la Bit ap a part of tbe tliae.
Tbe Biaar frloDds of Mr. E. Ortbert
rtforu of General DIax. The school
are pleased to bear be Is again able to
system especially is h surprise to
be oat or dooras.
American Tisitom There is a law for
Mrs. L«a Doty and children of
» Cdmpal^ory-educatioQ of children
Harrletu are speadlag a rew days with
ortltauf branehM, «ft.r wbtcb the
Mrs. Doiy^ parwts. Mr. aad Mrs.
pupil mv (Ct an educatioB In Ibe NaGaiter of tbU jdaee.
ttonal unlreralty—all at goremment
Master Orom Gaffer U oa tbe sick
Hat at te pressat UaM.
Dr. Erich Brlngolf. member of a dlsUnguisbed Swiss family, is a private
In troop L, Fifteenth United SUtes
oavalry. aUttoned at Ft>ri Ethan Allen,
Prirate Blnfolf Is 2€ years old.
HU fktber at one time was Swiss min
Ister to Japan and hU mother is a sUof General Kaulbam n RussUn
. Neeesa City. Mieb.. Jan. L-Lee
Campbidl leTt Monday ror Boyne aty. ■oldler of renown. Tbe young man
Mm. Dnrld Hickey and Mm Mnlraney has served in tbe SwUs army as lieu
and also has had diptomstlc ex
visited mends In Tbompsonrllle Priperience. He came to this country
day and Baiordak.
’ Mm Joba Rickey entertained her about two years ago after a lengthy
son, James aad family, also ber daugb- imveling toor and last August cnllated
ter. Mm Mlka^Dwyer oT Tbompaon as a private soldier, having, as he says.
idea In view other than obUlnIng
YiUe. Obrlstipas.
Noel Wilkins was calling on mends the experience of m private noldier's
life in what he termed "one of the
at Wallin Friday.
Tbs Rer. Pr. Golden returned from finest armies in the world, except Saltserlsnd,** the last two words being said
Grand Rapids Friday.
with a smile.
Naaaan CitXr ft F. D. No. 1.
Dr. William Dudley, bishop of New
Barprlse partiee seem to be tbe
order oT tbe day In tbU locality. 1 Caledonta, told recently some of the
guees Mr^ W, H. Dt™ ibooght so tors of a missionary bUhop; "I tmvel
Tbursday afternoon when she beard about my diocese with a tent, a bun
none one mp and opened tbe door and dle of blankeu and a Gladstone bag.
do my own cooking, washing and
stood facing about tblrty-llYe Lady
ending, though I take care not to
Maccabees and .manda and aome of
tbeir boabaads. They walked In and have too many things to mend. I even
took poaseaeton of tbe bouse wbich know how to make yeast."
Richard O'Flynn. the most promi
Mm DIson wllll^ly surrendered to
Ibem. To Bay she was completely sur nent Irish antiquarian in New Bngis dead In Worcester. Mass,
prised does not baU express It. She
was fairly amazed. Tbe afternoon was aged 7C yearn He came to tbU opun
spent In a aoctol rUlt wltb some fine try In ISSl. He was a molder by trade,
music by Mm John Bigger, after but for tbe last thirty years kept a
. doing an extensive business In
whicb basket after basket full oC de
all kinds of antiques. He represented
ntlful supper serred at the table.
•wted Mr^DUnn wiib a lort^y album,
a cbioa crackad bbstl a^MjU^y rase
to Id ber fcaow tbarber eenrices as
commander of Mamne hire. 3(3.
fwbere she has held tbe office fire
years aad Is commander-elect) were
fully appreciated. Then all retired «o
tbeir bomas thinking they had bad a
line lime and that that surprise was s
compide success.
Mrs^. Sarah Dwyer
Mm Allle
Mins rdofBed Saturday from a rlsH
with frieBds ht Pellsum.
Mm Mary Godard of Grant took the
train hefc Monday for Trarerse City.
f V -i
ayaMsreeu, Wert—4.
After the exe....*.,.
debater of Hanrant for the-------pt Mr; Paritmen, Mm Webster wei
ahrty. and was gone for s long pwod.
Doe ber rdura te Bastoa two of her
dd fHeada went to cell upon ber,
Rnmearnn and his wife. Both were t
• state ar BerroBs exdteoiHit, wmi
eraltlag in the parior for her.
^Xow, remember.** wbltperrd tbe
wifd to her BerroBt |asUsnd. -doot
miy gRjrthtag te mcaO to Mm WebJaat thea Mm Wsbaler eutarid. aud
[be aenroBs man exclaimed, with out-
and Imlnad.
people are
bear of all11 kinds of gatherings
In bUn
Faneull hall, but none has been
more curious than those conducted byreligious organlxatloo the members
of which call tbemselres "Jumpers of
tbe Burning Bush.** Tbe antics of tbe
Ics have roused eeaie talk as to
tbe propriety of penalttlng tbe enactBMai of sueb acoaes la 4be cradle of
The reading world aad a part of the
lay-golBg world know Hall Caine ns a
Ureleas worker In the Reids of litera
ture. but few people know that be replU Ramsap la the Manx bouse of
keya. One 4s aorry to toaia that the
good folk of Ramsay are not altogether
satisfied wtth tbe represeatattoa. They
Clare that the ^ed Msaxman It so
oftea Away from Qreeba castle that
they are praetleany dlatkmaehUed.
tobg the ChrUtMs gifts received
enilaai O. Rockefeller, non of
sm aad nephew of John D. Roekefeilpr. aad who win probnUy some dw
be the head of the BtaadaM Ofl eyetern, was the preeeat of tSJfi. The
ILM wee the legal fee aecompaayfag
eerrtoe eC a subpoena Ihr Mr.
(sfeller to appear at the taking of
teetlMiy la the ease of ^ state ef
Bail agalatt the Stutoard OU
Crown PHaea Otaf of
Norway, son of King Haakon VII, is
the object of much popular aUentioa.
In tbe charge of his nupie heads usitaT
ly taken oin for a dally run In the
queen's park and baa bad to pay the
penalty of fame In tbe form of kisses
■bowered on him by nssembllea of nd
miring Iadiet.<i who confront him at
every turning. To such an extent has
tbe practice been carried that the park
has been closed to the public by order
of the queen.
Beorgs Robertson Is Worthy Master
of Grand Traversa. No. 879.
The following are the of|toera of
Qrand Traverse grange. No. 379.
Worthy master, George Roborlaon.
Worthy overseer. Charioa Irlab.
Worthy lecturer. Adella IrUh.
Worthy atewanl. Mrs. Emerson.
Aasisunt steward. Ed Franklin.
Worthy chaplain. Mrs. Mary Slayler.
Worthy treasurer. Mrs. A. R. McRae.
Worthy secreUn*. Mrs. E. 8. Gray.
Worthy gate keeper. Mrs. Brooks.
Pomona. Mrs. Arvllla Gardner.
Flora, Mrs. Colvin.
Ceres. Mr4, Day.
Lady assistant. Mrs. Deustead.
Insurance director. George Robert
Assistant tecreUry, Will B. Gray.
German insurance ooniimnles refuse
t» take any risks In tbe ease of Alpine
dlmbera anleas an expert guide It oat
►f the party.
Dry, Hard and MWaoA Rialli tide
X N. nu.llmant.1
lohn R. Santo
General Insurance
New Wilkelm BUl,
TnYtne City
$4. $4.50. $5.00
$2.00 down, $1.00 a month
for a 15-inch
15-Inch Broiler. 15-Inch
Oven. 4 Burners
on top
Warranted good- engraved free. Jnst the
thing (or a gift that is
Von can’t give rmything
more aooeptable. Oar
price* $1.00 to $ii0.00
These are 1U05 stoves and
this is your chance.
MINCM-Oa** OT«r as**.
That don’t leak-gold
and silver handle*.
Jtweirp Start
>R. A. H. H
roata XMn
T. W. ’miM.V, ]
DR. LAWTOfwPbystoigg ana .vl
•aoa; oAmr wnbMm Uodk, thtii
fioar, wRb Da fiawM aafi tabeb
Special attention given to
diBeaaeg of the eye.
with Dr. I. A. Tbompaon
taar aad wttaa
OF TlTLR-a a Oro>
Carroraad Bro.
F. CHAfiR-HomaopatbtoL Ofi
ver Buebac'i drug tioi% atb
pboa»-Baaidaiio«^ M; cAua
taxes for the
rear 1905. and for the delinquent
and special aaieaamenta for aaid year have been
[ilaoed In my bands for oollectlon.
I win be in my office to receive said
laxea from now,until Feb. 1. 190C. on
mob week day from 8 o’clock to 11:30
Bclock in tbe forenoon and from 1
B clock to 4 o’clock in tbe afteMon.
On all state and cenraty taxS paid
before January 10. the regular fee of
Boe per cent for collection will be
(barged and on all Uxes paid
Jd on or
after January 10. there will be
(barged a fee of four per cent (or collactk
and school taxes
menu. 4 cent on
dollar of the
amount of said tax.
Office in room 202 State Bank
Did some friend remem
ber you Hint you had
Dfsi?lecieil to provide for?
You can find iuat the gift
hero that you would like
to rotum for New Yeara.
It need not be expeniive
nnloBifyou wish; plenty
of dainty and pleaeing
gifU for a little uion^.
Fine Dental Work
L. THIRLRY-RpaeUl IttWi*
to dtoeasaa Of abndroa. Room
40istaU bank Udf. BoIR phonat.
^Tho handsomett and most -convenient KITCSEN CABIIIET on the
Solid Oak fronts, Moute
and dust proof Roller bearing Flour
LLER can catUnate your timber.
0 Trmverxe City Mfg. Oog
110,000 worth of timber
luring November and De
ls a day. Interlocben,
Jan 2-lyr
We manufacture them and make
low pricei.
”tet^ Dec. 1. 1905.
ee 4-tf
aty Trenaurer.
araoPATHio phywoiamm^i^
«lw«Ato <Mdac ■Bat-Mor. M*. Mi
^ WUkl.
3. P. CARVER ft BRO.
Wood! Wood!
1\ire Insuranct
505 Kew WiiBelm Block,
•phone 639.
^l.iss F»EF% I.OAD
,^fiRlRCU1l■ is cm hisannufil erniae to bestow good
the material lor a houMag
son SKUMB s
6eoe Jle Sareifi
2CI Trout ftrctl
tkm with the lumber Deed,
ed* We miimly tbe beet
a k UMKWoao.»
oval Woiil bish Co.
m. S7. BOTU PBtns
HWiMIUrfit mpiHl
, ‘.i,
'V: -■j
oa. ttalo or tfanhwAy tottlod.
WASi second!
I THHowN OUT or w me
SHMn*, Mleh,'j*«. t-A( ii«Hi
Bay, «<• kfHca Ml In tta aa»liw raam
«ir Hanry RtehncEra laoMnr and
to tho mIo otnMturo.
9^ two hmn tho
fWu^it «»»
IIOfMO M «MfO iMMMto bHoo
Threugbout tho Storm Contora of
tho ftoveimion But It Boing
CrwthodOiy SOldtory.
By Wire to the Bvenlnc Record.
■mo troo broko oot ft 11:60. Juirt
twooty miButet oflor |io men hjul
fooo to 4Um#r. Tho tflooer ooioo
bosk Bbd dlM!Orero0 tbolre but tt ba.l
jiBiBOi ouch hoodwBjr % the oDgtne
rooM. wbm It BtArtoO. t|^ be woo nnbblo to fot to tho wbUlf to five |bo
OUT*. Tboimly*«»lli4*l«nBwor«
Ibo clraiwli belH b«t tbi dopiMMl
VBB am cMi tbe bcobc. 1
Tho oacloo room U m oddltloo to
tbo fodory. Ck>bt boido tbii wm
A twoAtorr 4iy tllo Mloroted from
tbo bmJo fhdbry by b bl«b fire wall.
Tho fhetorr pt^ti wa about two
•Am ttrooMO of \NMtr.
At tho Boutb end or tlb factorr.
(OoBttBOod OB Third Past)
roR tmeiE oauohter.
Geneva. Swltterland. Jan. 2.—Tbe
Ruttlan revolutionary leader*, who
bavB arrived here, told your corretpond^.^ at a tacret meeting tbe
revolBUoi^t d^dod.-uiion the death
of tbe c*ar. A^Jommlltee of three men
wat appointed to toleci tbeir Intlrument of duty. Tbe death warrant U
•Imllar to the' decree against Von
Witte Diocredltod.
8t. Peiertbnrg. Jan. l.—Reports of
ilaordert art becoming loot froQuen*IndlcaUoaa art that all ItottSa It beooaUng more quiet, MlnUter of Intorlor DuraoTD bat ordered tbe dot-'
lag of ftorty iwo printing thopt to pro
vent tbe pubilealloo of toclallttlc
newtpapert. Tbe political parttet are
petitioning against tbete retlricUon*.
The roactldoary committee tt T^vkoe
Selo wields great Influence over the
oar whne Witte Is wholly discredited.
CfUthing RevOlL
Uoadon. Jan. 2 —No news was re
ceived here tbTs mqmlng regarding tbe
conditions In tbe various Russian
cities. In storm centers of tbe revolt.
Ibrongboul the country, discontent Is
still tasoulderlng but Is being cnisheJ
out under the Iron heel of tbe soldiery.
Tbe provinces, however..are still dis
turbed. In the Btltlc provinces Generml Orleff Is slowly making progress
against tbe revolutionists.
Pmctlead Chief Murray Hat
foHed the Prahlem of
Chimney Flret.
r«fS Oilef Murray began tbe new
year by eetabllaliii^ regular bitching
prwotloe which take plaee three timee
dally, hi 7 a. m« 12 noun and 7 p. m.
Betides the practice with tbe teams
there will be regular drill with Imdderj
and hose although tbe work with tbe
former will be handicapped by lack of
long ladders, the longest In the dtpartment betag forfy-flve feet.
Heretofore tbe men at the bouse
have bad every third evening oE but
tbit plan will be changed and they will
have every flftb evening off and later
they will have an afternoon off every
few days In which their time will be
taken up with building Inapectlon.
This it a new thing entirely for ibe
local depart meat but Is practiced on a
larger acal© In larger clticH. It nerves
to eliminate carelessnem about de
positing easily Inflammable matenxl
in dangerous places and will also ac
quaint firemen with the larger build
ings. thus msklng work In dens?
smoke much easier. They will also
recharge the small chemical machines
which are scattered thrpugbout the
Mr. Murraj' has practically solved
tbe problem £f checking a cblmbey
Are and bad a chance to succesMfuIly
try It this morning when tbe chimney
of tbe house at 714 East tYont aireot
caused trouble. A chain with several
weights Is lowered Into tbe flue and
tbe aoot knocked from tbe aides. TbU
lairiPto^Naprovement on the bid way
of letHng tbe Are bum tbe toot out
and rlflklbg more of a blaze or of turn
ing thS contants of a chemical tank
Into thS chimney.
Mr. Murray desencs a great deal of
credit for bis effuiis along the line of
better Are protection as tbe regular
drllla of this kind are entirely new in
Traverta City and after a abort time
tbe Are lighting efflciency of tbe de
partment will bo greatly Improved.
The two extra firemen began dutv
yesterday. In reality there are three
new men in tbe department as Charles
Johnson has been fllling Prank Um
lor * place as drlv« r of the chemical
Mr. rmlor having recently reslgne-l.
Elmer Toung. however, will,drive the
chemical and Mr. Jphnsun and Roy
Snyder, the other new man. will attend
to other duties about the hemse. Ten
men will sleep at the engine hmise.
Tbe lllatet Mary. Julia and Martha
Selben for tbe laat two yean at Hotri
Otaego. Jacktoa. have apont tbe hoUdart with their paieoU, Mr. and Mrs. WW ef the RartM Tretiett Cewpany
DavU Selben of U7 Boardaan aveMb# Take Hie Feeltien With the
nee. They wiU return to Jackson to^
New York Ufe Company.
2.—Alexander E.
Anytkiwi Umt you have teen before Orr. bead oT tbe Rapid Trqnalt
and tknt yea would like, coma and get ■rfaMon. wfll proknbif aoceeed McCall
at the lowett price to at to tave me aa preMdmt of tbe New Totk Life.
the paeklag. thU evening or tomorrow.
We hmre ctnned to pack, ao please tberwI^aUf
kmty. Amenlaa Baisar. 216 Bpst and Wfll be i
to tbe Unaieca
U veiy much haiOer On footwtArthan any other eeason
of the year. Water u al.
ways bad for ahoua, but it U
no oomparieou to snow.
FisheK* Mill at Glenn Arbor,
Turned to tec Who Entered
and Caught Hie Hand.
Kdward llasseit of Glen Arbor gava remarkable exhibition of nerve in n
l>hyKicl*n s office at BiniHre yesterday.
He wa« having a finger amputated and
dill not take any anaeiithetic. Tbe pain
wan Intenw. but without wincing. Ba'^
Kelt. whi> Ik a sawyt-r l»y trade and
connequently knowa all altoijt that sr
tide, ^unconcernedly told tbe doctor
he would have to have bis saw filed
or set as it was not cutting properly.
Mr. Bassett la €*mployed at Fisher's
mill at Glen Artior. Yesterday morn
Ing he was working as usual, when
two ladles entered the mill. He turned
around to see who they were and In
turning, his loft band came In contact
with the knlvra ^ the edgrs. In
second, a gash had* bwn cut aimost
around the first finger in a spiral form,
the second Anger was rut off a lltfle
below the middle joint and the c»tber
VO fingers were also cut.
He was taken to Empire for medical
aUeiiilon and It was found ut'cesaary
perform an amputation to smooth
up the finger. When the dtictor start
ed to work the saw heated tho bono
and did not run smoothly.
• Better have her filed or set. doc."
Id Bassett, "the darn thing don't
work rx>d.'*, Aside from a sort» han 1
he is as cheerful as ever today.
Where will you buy your
drugstore goods in U06V
If you haven’t decided, we
are quite sure a trial of our
superior goods and fine sex.
vice WiU quickly setUe Uie
problem for yuu^
Drug Store
Tmpt and PoHct Have Joined the
Rtbtit Under Col. Teran-Not
Suppottd to Bo Large.
Rear Runners of SJeiDb Slipped Over
Banks of Asylum Creok and
By Wire to the gening Record.
HMo Dood Of Mti btyon. a I
Waeblngton. Jen 2 —The title de
dont i^ilfbnilllytrotty of
partment it Informed of a revolution
against the government of Ecuador,
Prank M. Hamlin and bis tJhrce chil
which has developed In the city ol dren bad a narrow escape from seriByWlrototboWTOaiBcltoooid. |
Ouayaqull. Tbe troops and police onrinjurr If not death yesterday after,
CalodoBla, IliBb. Jan.
Bociiao BoAnoi the revolutlonUU under Ookmcl noon but eamc out without a scratru.
Telegraphic communlcatkui
brr parcou objddod to bU anif.
aiilt. ^od
yen Termn.
Mr. Hamlin bad drawn a goodatzisl
SiyoB. asod U. a atndont ia.dantHrr between Qua>wqull and Quito, the cap load of wood from bU farm south of
at tbo Unlvetalty of. IllnneooU.
•ou. ^1. ital of Ecuador. U Intorrupled. It U tbe clUr to bU residence on Fifth
tuppoaed at the eute department that street. He bad Intended to pile It In
Mralna wont to tbo borne! Of
Paarl ^IteotoB. aged 2f. hla awiet tbe revolution It not of any magnitude. the rear of the teuse and started to
heart, kinod girl. faUlly wounded lor
draw It from the‘street with the team.
motbor. Mra. Anna Wbeoton. a|Bd
Tbe asylum creek passes ckwe to the
62. and her atater. R^tb whieabn.
rear of tbe Vwae and there Is a steep
agod K. and then fatally ahot hlmWir. DMrett Man Haa En
Incline to the water. When tbe bind
runnen of tbe akdgb struck this tbev
By Wire to tbe Evening Reooed.
slewed arountetipped tbe load over
Worceater. Mata.. Jan. 2.—LooU
and partially iWed Mr. Hamlin and
Dexter Hubbard of 16U W’oodwtrJ hla children under It. Although tbo
■n* Rtv. wmiam Niekniwn. E4 Ya»a avenue. DetrolL entered an appear weight of lb© kiad was thrown ooto
ance here to eouteat tbe will of the
Old and Blind for M Vm... Can
tbeir limbs tbe soft mnek under them
late mlllloualre pbllantbroplat of tbU
Into wklHi they sank probably saved
' Etill rroauli.
city. Stephea BalUbury.
them f^pm aerious iBjory.
Heaban pf tbo BapUM chorch H
»atal«r toot Boadv oHro loud hi
thair prolan of tho oemon doUTerod
»ro« Ihclr pulpit tap tbo Rot. Vllltaii
Nlehorooa who ot the afo of olaalT^
four and thouib borlax bean pmctioally bUad ter o^ IwtMr
oUa to dallTor OM <d tbc'baat aatteon
•oof tioao la tba-obargh.
Tba taat. natoo Ibr MHibbor.-’ow
tba baalt ot tlM taft aM bbi oaboittIlotta.lo tbo baaian ororo «oU lakon.
Mr. mebonaa baa a mnlortal moary of paM onbta aad caa rono tbo
taat of a teaoral an». Mteond
either Chrittmat or New Year*t pretWILL Bt PART OF DUTIES OF
eou. The girU were much pleated
wItbAthete remembrancea and detIre
La^ and Htet onilt wm Alto Bt
B. a Ladd of OM
to the Buelneee Men.
A Bumber oR.the buetocne bmpb pf
the diy remtmheriJ the gtrla of the
tbaaka to tbe fOllowlag:
Broa. * Amlotto. L. K. OIbbs. WllUaim
Lumber coBipaar. Mrs. C. U Beowar?.
Mr. and Mn. A. W. Peck. George Lai^
Boon today outalnod tbo oooru hetow
DRILLS WILL SE MELD THREE die. M. WlBBie. or.. Joba PItcb A Oo.
In tbo eaoo of Janioo B. Howard veiw
Bam Ilea. C. A. Bugbee. Seitz. Sebaus
tbo aUU of Koaloeky. tbrloe oboYlctod y
A Ronlger.
Of tho aardor of Ctoreraor Ooobel.
Howard to aadw awtoneo of lifo im
By Wild to tho WroBlii« Booofd.
4cMEM HUH EiifliM RfM>
tr ErnaE !• M« lteM|BliiMnia-tM* mt, "f«E
in aeWling your ahoea to atn*
that the cjoality is in tliem—
to see that tbe leather haa bad
the proper ton—to eee that
every litUe detail about them
haa been considered in the
conitmction in order that
they will stand the winU*r
weather. OUR SHOES will
stand any weather. bi«canse
they were bought with that
Ji«ale»l.tluid.t thk icnuricUy ki>|>ric.
tiey .ill MO. be aold. BETTER HURRv;'
id to
ao is our Cdebrated
Cdebrmted Kno
Wet Trouters. Will
cp you di^
dry in rain or snow,
sno and warm in coldest
weathw. also Sprague’s Rutsian Vests, impeoetrable by the cold. They have a double breasted
»nt, high Russian
Russutn collar about the neck, thus
making them most thorough throat and lung
We Are Agents For
2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00
FOOTWEAR Maple, Hemlock, Ash,^
For Men, Women and OhUdren. AH kinds of styles
and shapes at pnoes that are
AUfed GrciUck & Co.
242 Frost Street
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shingle Timber,
Crauerse City mfaOttUMXB PKom. BBi BaUs IBB-
7 ■-
Dfi. SNycr &
atMFtract* ot Tltlo
W. L. Brom. MarMurot.
Making prepara
tions for invoicing,
stock. More to
say later : : :
This is Invenfocy week—we're busy gesng throog^
stodi.aiidasfastas disoorefed aO odd panto, saito
and oTOtMato wiU be pat in a ckta by themselTea to
be dosed oot ao that oar legalar stock may beksfit
cleaa-efa^inandaeeas-we’ie not too bosy to talk
\ i ■■
Bavc MoTCdT
to**! B, BK—
1 cordially invite my
Mamhum Fait tim Wai«H H Ftoaa
and All Ware Duly Aiuaand
Vary Ptauaant THm.
former patrons, and
everyone who nita
hardware, to call at
the new store.
Moo<7 rnm Cb«rrt*. (|oe>I ra«a«r).
>;M—TIm Pouto Bligbt aad lu Prweotkio.
3 "
V -
With tlM» jhlclUiK of ftl«lchb
, tbe prmpm oT too or throe BMoths
or oettro vtator r«t to stobt. It kBr^ly
mtma OAtanU to Uitok of well oi:der»4
flover beds. spriolUI
Md oOmt aiteodinte of the
But jMd.w>v lg tho time to prepore for
the eomlng of summer end to «et tome
deflnite plan to rsndtooM fur the tovn.
garden or boulevard.
Traverae City Is. coming to reallro
to a greater extent that nothing can
bo aeeoapUahed by hit or mlM
methods. When the trees were plam
4 od annnd tbe achool houaea. quick
planted and
that aanUght
traoa about the school grounds are
betog removed. The new ones plant
ed am aet with a plan so that the ad
vanUge of IlgH and air will be ob
talned with no aacriftce of beauty.
It would be well for any clllsen who
oontamplates seUing out trees In tbe
J spring to carefully select the rarlKles
X and then flgun* out where he wants
I them. In no event should a poplar
be net out as exp<utence has
that the iioplar Is nothing roon*
AhoUier thing to be taken Into con
Is the fsct thst no matter,
how beautiful a lawn, a weed}, dirty
ride or back alley w ill rc»mpletely s|H>tl
the effect. All w«hIs In the vicinity
should be cat down
tJiiia as It will save many backaebes
' on jrour lawn.
The Wuman'a club at Kalamasoo
haa accompllKhed much for that cliy.
Traverse City has an excellent ami ef
flclent woman's Hub and if It would
take hold of the work of aiding In
iKUUitlfylng the city. gtsHl results
would nndmibt«».1lv folh»w.
Jt»hn A."mk'sH’ the laidlir the “big
three.- ti^s_J^^red his resignation
as president «>f ri?«>New
suranrt* oumpany.
is a direct r**
suit of the Insurant* inw«wUgatlon as
lloCall claims that hts neactvurmtod
was deatroyed by mlsrepresenutlon.
distort loo <if facts and mWnten»retatlon of his actions. Hut whatever the
cause for his resignation the fact remains that It was McCall's efforts that
brought the New York IJfe com
‘ up tci tis present power today.
It doesn't take many trijis sbmil th»'
r^ty In tbe early evening t.» set* the
hfH.d of a Y. M. C. A. or some <»iher
aulUMe place for young men to spend
their time. The city has now grown
to aucb an extent that such a place Is
or a young woman educated in the
afreets Is not the Haas of cUlren
that Traverse pily wishe.s to cultivate.
V- The unhappy
* now* over and whit
hite flags float over
the city In place of the red. The govtn control and the
Fifteen hundred and
« din*. ofoamH
at 8t. Joaeph. Will the divome clerk
please make his report for an equal
to. The aarly porlkm of iba emutom S:J0 to 11 b’ctoch wua given
to a dance progrum. the hull
.UcKlDl«r Sdiool
flUed with lovaea of daudug.
which was ihortwghly eh)oysbto. mutoc
being furnished by Stewart A Steffens*
orohaatra. E. C. Billings. Robert J.
Price and Sam Benda as lloor dlreo
tors managed the overemwded haU to
I manner so that no dlseomfori was apparent.
Th^ parlors throughout the evening
«>>«'' ....................................................................*tKI«l€r Scbool
ere avgay sjaua-amT the eoay comaru
ere laketrliy gucsU who did not cam
TravM* etty, Saturday. January 2a 1»oa
» participate to the dancing on the
Fora noon.
floor above.
I0;00-Con> and II* Culture..................................'.....J. w, HuicMn*. Hanover
Owing to the unusual large nnml>er
t«m«t. tables ware told uot only to
the Bilag^.......... ...............................H. B. Canu
the dining room but wure ooaUaaud
tbe enUru length of iba parlor*, pro
‘ling of County Institute Society: election of officers j
viding an increased »«atlng capacity.
Promptly at 11 o'clock, the grand
rch waa formed from the done* hall
..In charge of LW. Hntchins
the lower floor, where the
tables, artistically arranged, were
.....>:H. B Cannon
surrounded with as merry an array cif
banqueleri as ever met around a
...... J. W.Hu»H.Ida
quet board. The Ho*. John R Santo
loai^tmaster. and for two
hours songs, overture* by the orches
At Orange Hall. Saturday AftarrMOn. January 20. ISOa .. .
tra. Interspersed with wit and hi
the attention of the ban-
TY»day Is the day that the new year
The banquet hall was bmiiantly IIr»*Kolulion Uken so sturtlily yesterday,
luminated with numberiess electric
begins to grow dim and pale.
light bulbs. In design an antlered elk.
artlstJc emblem totracllng much
favorable attention.
The Ut« Adolf Hedlu was knowt
. ] as ‘Ybe father of the riksilag." hsrlng
'• V f rcfrimoted Stockholm as a tibenl dor
Yo« win not find beauty to rouge
pot or oomplexiem whllewaah. True
beauty cornea to them only that take
'HoMlatoris Rpehy Mountain Tea. It's
tonic and ImauUller. K
mta Tea or Tahleto. iohn
-Fbr seven year*.- write Geo. W.
offman. of Harper, Wnalu -l had a
bitter battle with chronic stomach and
Uver trouble, but at last I won, aad
cured my dtoaaaea by the use of Etoetric Bitter*. ^ imheftUatiiigly recatoaiend them 16*0. aad don't intend to
the future to be without them to the
touae. They are certalaly a wonder
ful medkiae. to hare cured such a had
P. H. Mas
at Me a
Mr.; F. D. 8.und^H„^:^^rdt7,;r.
I :*0-ln.roduciory remark, by ibe rb..rma«.
Ke»dln* by Mr*. E. A. Evana
2:0n-llou.rwork a. a Prarraidoo.........................................Mhi.F.p! Saund..rr
2:4S—ITIarimalo*. led by Mrs. E. 8 Gray.
ReclUtkm by Mrs. A. Gardner.
- lOlection'of officers.
The rouud-up institute will l»e hHd at the Agricultural College. FH.
dS 23. The railroads offer one fare for the round trip, plus 25 cent* wJjere
the rare is over II.
A feature of the Institute will be a* exhibit of work being done in the
rural ungradcnl school dlsiricls In the county. Suitable prize* (nr the best
efforts along certain lines are being offered by business* men and others In
terested In the welfare of the counir}-aohoolt a detailed announcement
which will be made Uter.
This exhibit is intended to atlmulato the Interest In the schools among
the parents: create new and healthy enthoalasm among puplto; Inspire the
leschers with a splrli of love for their profession and to arouse a determl
nation on the part of all concenied to make the country achools the Ik-m
niuRsa JU06E mame ,
Itops* Asaociatien Took Action Yesterday~Th« Rev. T. P. UHom
Gave Interwtolng Talk.
That's what HolIUler'a Rocky MoanTbe p..iom- a-ocuilou me. ye.ier. i 1^.”
day morning In the city library. The)
meeting heartily indoiwed the action]
F««*ua ta.
of Judge Mayne and directed that he
be officially informed of their approval philosopher like youby the seertoary.
Great ik-lnetlst—And why
-Vaoiie you know everTthlng. and
The Rev. T. P. Ullom gave an Inter
<Wng» I can't undei^
esting accountt of the Torrey and AlexA
don held in Chicago. H
ihepurpo^^ walling on
thln^' I'd Uke to
God. TwentyAve hundred pastors and
w hy pbotograpber* can taka
evangelists were proaeot from dlfferm of comacs an* metaor* nn* flyeol porta of the oooairy. The first and l^nnnon balls an* lightning flasbc*.
boy wltbgreat emphasis wo* laid upon prajer.
his bead In a pair of
ItotoMAe. *U privileges. Its power. He
ago JoarnoL
gave an intereaUng qeemint of tbe
persdnnel of the speakers. Dr. Torrey
to a [graduate of Yale. 49 year* oW. a
Urge, strong,man. balQ head and gray
It It a fearful fate to have to endoro
beard. Mr. Alexander is a Tennesaee- the terrible torture of piles. **I can
aa. As a alnger hU voice has wondar- truthfully aay - writea Hang Colson of
ful power. Dr. A. C. DIxan of Boaton Masonville. la., That for Blind. Bleedgave a pithy wMiwaa to which he gave
the lacongralUea of OhrioUn Sctonce made.- >laa best for cuu, horns and
chrtsUanlty. Dr.
Dixon atoo aald that the New England
churches were largely ^ven to for
Or, Torrey aad
voun o*tKoi-r im
Wholesale and Retail—Your Relia >!e Home Fomiiher
Black Saino
Cbrigtmwtide offen no letter opportnaitji Uian oaa
lefoaod in tie Uiamood
J. cig&r. One line of tltme
favoriteg enibracos all *i»«,
nnU there it not one but
what wouW lu- treaanreJ
and priieJ by any "lover
of the w.«b-
l-ro.n 75c to $3Ji<leach,
Our lin; of Black'
I’etticoats will surely
please you;
lengths and all styles at 75c, $100, $1.25,
$1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00 and‘$8.S6.5=- VBuy a JANUARY DES1G^ER. All
late Winter Styles are shown. Call and
a !*rce Sheet.
n. 3: Ulilbtlm
Ivory Wood Fibre tetcr
The newest, latest, easiest to handle an best plaster
that is on the market. Does not require the old way
of preparing. It,is put up in eighty pou
sacks and
therefore is easier handled. If you
a three or
twelve room house to plaster it is just he thing. If
you have only a small patch to put on t is just the
Use tight clean box about 3x7. raised a >out six inch
es at one end. Dump plaster in raised nd and water
in lower end. Hoe plaster gradually ir to water, al
lowing it to tho^^OCrghly to absorb same for about ten
minutes. Guage to proper consistency, ipply in usual
way, using trowel fod and darby.
Do hot retemper mortar after it has phee been set.
Give it a trial and be convinced of its superior merits.
J. B. Paige Hic^trlc Co.
It is ea.»ier to count the monejjjthan it btoiovoiei
the goods. Many have been wai ni; (or oar annual
pre-inventoiyofferinK. NOW IS VOUR TIME TO
J. W. Sl-A
sr:"" .........:....
Riley 8w«*crs attracted the attenlion
of Toastmaster Santo during the early
periion of the evening and waa flne.1
t^y cenu for interference. Mr. Hue.ilmantel, seated near Mr. Sweers
laughed at hto discomfort and wm
promptly fined a like amount fur so
doing. C. A. SkHcher. who at this
polit was called upon to render a *<»ng
was caught bv the watchful toaat
an he r,.turo**«I to his seat and re
lieved of a dollar for talking tof» n
M. Dame of Norlhport. who was
niy susied wMh Ms back to the
It master, was fined another ilollar
for sitting with his back to the presid
ing offleerr Frank O'Brien. l>r. PenhalUwon and many others were caught
In quirk succession and relieved of a
dollar while Fnd Bechtel, chairman
the banquet committee, who had
failed to provide ample room for the
banqueters, was calleil u|ion the car
pel and fined another dollar for the
fght. Toastmaster Santo consldert'd that W. I), r. Oermalnc. who
sang a solo, might have done better
and he. too. fell under the ban and
a-aa flaed. Joe Oberlln of Bingham
was observed to have had a fifty dollar
bill neatly rolled up In cotton during
the eariy hours of tbe evening and he
was osktd- to make change with OfflciT E. W. Crelllck whose blue coat
was evident in all portlona of the room
ma he was called upon to relieve mem
ber* of ihelr RurpluR change. During
^he banquet hour* the jollity continued until ever}- member present was
reached by the officer of the evening
and fines as high as $2 extracted from
The menu served was:
Oyster cocktail
Qm*en Olives.
Sweet Pickles.
Roast Turkhy With Dressing.
German Sandwiches.
Boiled Ham.
Pickled Tongue.
Sherbet a la Joyce.
Potato Salad.
Shrimp Salad.
Lettuce Sandwiches.
Rye Bread.
Wheat Bread.
Ladles' Cream Soda.
Elk's Milk.
Root Bt*er.
The out of town guests In attend
ance here: Mr. and Mr*. O. M. Dame
of Norihport. Dr. J. C. QaunUeil of
Elk Rapids: Fred Affaniter. Bingham.
Joe Oberlln and sister Emma. Bing
ham; Winism Moran. Kalkaska: Car!
Braathan. Suttons Bay: Ora Gibson.
The amiual ladl^ social aasalon of
City krige. No. S». B. P. O.
Eaiuk waa M iwaulug to ihair lodge
which 100 Bcmberi add
Pre-lnv8Rfp Me
raONE fM
MUHAAinAa Ml tMnvM
OMHAAinAa -M vnnvM
, nuvBMK crrr, iwCHmui. tusmxav. janua«v i, tm.
imi iMSflPPa
Hat IU«M >• HM CMr «M Vmt aat
Wiu twentj llve gncmim umI a
teur la
m^rton of
AaotH •idt
\%om^ iut aigkt aod tiie
ly fTAlUag for Ue tardy torldegroom
itlw inrwilaf for Um faa y woro m
aatll faortec fool play « ooiDociaiii
Wward Martto, « proopect
tra bridoKToon. ooly to ad tl»t hi
bad lakaa fair baspata y itarday aa«
lift tba city wltboal c« ■# or word
to tb« pbiiBC plri to w « be
atoeofo bou bal
■Kwtbt, aao. aatarday b took out a
JkMMio aad^tpparraUy rr rytlOag w..
Jaftaaltahoaldbo^di tboopfa ea
torod tiM bOBM of tbe y^np brtde^o.
ba Ibal be war anytblnp bit faemo ‘
aad aprlpfat aad would boan honor to
tbo faaUy
, ^ r
■dward Mkrtla par*' fafa occupatlou
aa a oook aad V been b thtr cltr a
yaar. wbwe hi^raa gedodderiNl tbcjr
oapbly a penUeman. Thii be war a
aeoaadral aad a fit aubiert for rcalfatap by tboaa who k|o« of the faumll
tatiap porlUoa la wl^li be placed fair
betrothed last ev^olip wis not known,
aad ao doobt be will And that fair dlrboaor will follow b^ In the career
wtOch be aUrted yifaterdi) when he
left wlthont afofd & eicusc ic
yovap lady who tnir^ In falm.
Mm. T. Uady relumed to her borne
In Fife Lake Ibis noon.
Charles Aime-s of Empire returned
to his home this momlnp.
A. A. Skinner returned to fato home
In Cedar Ron tfals moralnp.
Mrs. Frank Dyer of ifato city left this
noon for Klnpsle>. where she will rtoU
Mm. J. Priest of Suttons Bay arrived
in the city today on a day's trip for
C. J. Smith left this momlnp for
Grand Rapids, where he will tnnsact
Mrs. Joe Sielmel of Sullon. Bay
came to Chis city today on a day'.-*
shoppinp trip.
Joseph HsnpanlM-rpcr of Binphsm
arrived In the eJty today for a da>'s
Mlsi# Tillie Primeau of Northpotl
arrived In the city this morpinp on n
' Adjourned council tncetlnp will tw
lort visit to friends.
Md tonlpfat
Mrs. Octave Primeau and little
On aceonnl of the cfliepe l*oy« l»elni:
da»)pljt^ of Nortbporl are In the city
In the city there will
another parly
at the Wesiue-tonp c|b boure Friday toda??>n^a shopping trip.
-^rs^lus-Mtllx of lonU re
uf turned to tholt bomo this noon after
Tba Woman - MlrfHar>-' Boclely
be Baptist ebureb wU
meel wll
alth Mri. visiting friends In tbe city.
Bert Cranem. who has been visiting
Oaraett. 413
friends In this city relumed to his
afternoon at
home in Chicago last evening.
The Woman's Aulllrn- to
Miss Stella lUtKiks of Cedar Run
Board of Mlfflons
Grace ehmeh
isjK-d thrcHigli the city this morning
wlU meet. Wednerda’ sfUrnoon at
on her way to Twin Mountain.
J:Wl witb Mn. W. D. timer. 62« Fifth
Mrs. A. 8. Ingerham of Lansing re
to her home this noon after
Tie two new llreo^ b
spending Che holidays In this city.
duties Yesterday, the iew
Miss Celia Vassar of Kingsley re■ Younp and Roy $uyder. CharlcM
iraed to her home this noon after
on bar suocetHlci) Frank ITmlor
spending a abort time In the rtty.
who reslpned recently.U. R. Bannen of Arcadia, who hat>
The Woman's Homi and Forelyn
f< the naptlst b<-en stM-ndIng some time In tbe city.
his home this morning.
III meet Walni-sdiy aGerM. IVrry and wife of N<»rth Da
y<30 with fabn. I<ri Car
kola returned this ntion after si>endnet on ^Wobater stree t.
ing some time wUh friends in the city.
Bfarty tbU momlop two .dp sled
Mra. Roth and son Fred, who have
Ipads of. lops, each iK-arinp^pprox
spent the holidays In the city with
mately D.ooo feet. <
Into he city
relatives will reiuni tomorrow to l.^
These were the flrat of the m
Showed that winter bad come
The Mtsaes Iroogene and Margaret
A jolly bundb of twenty yo^
Cameron retnra«-d to Mt. Pk-aaant to
pid took n blp alelph and
day after spending their vacation in
surer lake parlliod u
the city.
Baacinp and feedlnp serred
Mrs. F. J. Shelden of the Boo
Ue bonrt away until early thl
turned to her home this niomtng after
The Mlsakwary society of th Pres- spending a short time with friends in
the city.
lytarlan church will mee
Stanley and Emeat Storres
i partors Wednesday at J^Tfae
turned from Kingsley this morning,
Is Cfatna. Un Alley a4 Mrs.
where tbejj have been spending part
Tlnkbam are the
of their vacation.
Mrs. H. R'HllI of Archie retumci
'The annual meetlnp of the 4npre- home today after siHmding tbe hall
dajs with her son. Harry Hill and wife
will be held
of Grand Rapids.
of the church
Frank Kelley returned to Lima. Ind..
Ail arc nxiuested i» Ik- where he Is attending school this
after spending the holidays with l^ls
Mrs. Cox entertained her sindav parents In this city.
school class. No. 7. last evenlnp. ibotit
James Kilbride left today for Grand
. thirty younp>Opl?Tielm pewaen ^he Rapids and KalamaxDO. wherw hf will
erenlnp was deliphtfutl/"‘>|i4 !u visit hU daughter and other relaUvcs.
panes and pastimes and dclIcioA re- He will be gone ten days.
Misa Haxcl Ferris returned to Ft
dward. N. Y.. to resume her studies
Tbe l-Wslers and CompanlooW will
bold a Joint Installation tomoirov aBer spending her Christmas vacation
nlpbt The ladlea are Invited to iinp with her parents In this city.
their buatianda and husbands lieir
Th<* Miaaes-Udia aad Georgia Mcwlre^ but no chlldn-n. After thf In Glllls rt-lnmed to their home In Cadil
stallatkm a social hour aill bo en lac this mmn after spending^ a short
time with friends In the city/
B. Stlgncr. formerly foreman of
Reriral eendees will be bi-ld ou-n
erenlnp this week st tbt- First M. E. the Herald and Record company, left
today for Cadillac to Uke a situation
efauroA beptaalap at 7:ir. with
aenrloe. The Her. A. T. Ferpuson rlil with the News and Express.
J. Smufthwalto left yester
preach tonlpfat and
wlU be lol
lowed by qnariely conference. Mm. day for Cave Crcfk, Arix., to look after
ionise Oatkias Notewmre will also slop the Intortwta of .the Grand Traverse
Id Arisons Mining oompany.
Goddard has moved I
The bome*attacbed to the, delivery
wapoB of the Trarerae City laundry Neeen City. R. F. D. 1. to this city in
vier |o give hto chDdren the fine
pot asclted on front street tbU morahoM advantagna to be luund here.
lap aad atarted oa a wild chase down
the etreet lu efforu attracttxl a
Mr. and Mrs. George VanBInrteom of
«Mie crowd but the bone calmly
Iba. wbo have bera apeadlng tbe hollfatoppai at the mall box.oa Park street days with fwtotlTCs nt
r on their
through the city this m<
B. Hawktas caam buo the Beoord of
Bee this mo«nli% with his nanalcl
Lxverwe Helghns and Roland ComeU
tai amOe aad also a basket contai
have juat retnmsd from Wexford,
two mfechm^a Ubppniawply of prapes. where they have been spending tbeir
vacation banting and rtoUing relaUves
AIM hazel nuU. Tbe and friends.
The Prtamry Baaiay School t
wtti mast peompCly at d:U fa the B
Bt. Mm. B. RuaafaH ef ]
hrary tomorrow ovoalap. The Aerotlcanl wtt he fa chaw of Mia. C i
Sbaer aad Mm H. A. Haaaea wSI
teach the leeeoa. After this then win Kanaaa Qty after ependtag the holtbe a free diseaeeloa la which Mrs. days with Mm, Hoorer'a pareata. Mr.
aad Mm. H. MoutagML
A. O. HalUwlU of Leighton left this
noon oa a trip to Baldvrla. OoU
society of the Flnt M. BL chtmh
meet pAth Mm H. Ckfttth. 2K
dayetathecttjrwhflfwhehaabeenrtoNtath Stmt. Wedaeeday at S:30 Hlag hto daaghtm^ at the aaylnm.
o’doelL Sell can lo be raepeadt
Mtoe Bdith Bomem. Minnie Bailey
with a acrlptnre text coatalalai
Biotricu Cleveland and Latam aVa
word **Pralse.All ambem
Valkabtfrg. who have been to tbe city
urped to be present as the society tk daring the bolldays. returned to their
this ameilnp will bepta the yearY eehool duties at ML Pleasant this
study of Ulrica.
A petitkia was Slad la Prohaie 4
tbto mommp by
Wyakoop tp
compel the epedhe performaaee of fa i^h Cufttoal^aa Laid Away to Rsst
laad coatrfact eaterod iato with
The foneml of Boos Curtiss
Charles Gape, demaed. but which was
formed' durinp the life of the eaU held tbto morning from the family
CbartesGape. The petition U peculiar home. 430 West Seventh street
ia that It to an Instrrmenl issued tp Rev. W. T. Woodboiiae offlclaUng.
compel Cbe cerrylDp out of a contract Mturic was fumtohed by tbe Baptist
by tbe executor of a deceased, wbo left choir, the pell bearers being Messrs.
a will and a contract nmainp with tbe T. Garland. P. D. Marvin. H. lamg
same terms as dnrtnp life. Charles worthy, W. M. Gordon. J. Nesbitt and
D. Pew- to the executor wbo appears C. J Helm.
for tbe cBUie of the deceased.
Plsaaant Time at the Hems of C. £.
A number of the friends of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Mnrmy descened upon thei
lafal evening nnd had a genuine wintc
picnic. Tbe party brought their own
eatables and spent the evening in play
ing whist. It to nef^leas to add that
they had a very pleasant Ume,
R. O. Solomon Took a Party Out YeeR. O.
the- 21-foot gasoline launch owned by
Waller Paige and ycslerday took out
some of hto frlcndk for a New Year's
ride on tbe bay.
88%ic: com. 44*tc: aat8. 32Sc; pork
113.77; lard. I7.4S; ribs. 17.37.
Detroit. Jan. 2.—Wheat. 87c; com.
45^c: oats. 34c.
East Buffalo. Jan. 2.—Cat lit-—Aci
Ive. 10Cl 1 lie stronger. Calves—Active,
firm. Sheep—Active, higher. Hogs—
Slow-, lower.
It was Aunt Bellnds's first ride on
steam road and she was vciy much
Interested In the Interior of the o
••Hexfdtisli.*' she wblsiiered. |K>inting
•ove. -why do thi-y mrry that saw
and ax In a glass mseV'
-To l»e ns«l in <-ase of a wreck.**
iTT>l!ed tlie old man at her side, as be
Kob-innly t«s>k a pli-eli of yellow snuff
from a leafber box. Tin- old Indy
toyed with her corkscrew curls for a
moment as If In d(-e|> tbmight ninl then
fa-all. 1 always hrunl tlwt these
new time surgtHMm Wen- very bnnnl,
but I nev« r tlioucld tbej would gi so
far ns ^l^lllg a regidnr saw uiul ax on
reoiilc. '-Cbit aco lialb' News.
King h:«lwanl has revived croquet
In England. It Is leild. 'Tills ladylike
- lias siifTenHl a decline until the
iccent royal boost.
L C. B. A. and C. ,M. B. A. will ho. 1
Joint tnsullaiion tomorrow evening
at 7:3n at St. Francis achtKd. All
ladic-s arc requested to bring their
genrieraen and gentlemen their ladles.
Too I^fbrnaikfhwtios
WANTED—20 men at once to cut 4-ft.
wood. Apply at Traverse City Brick
Co.. Keystone. Mich.
jan 2-Cl
(OBtfid ta nrxt Ffage.)
dtocovered la reemd yean. Even Mex
ico baa yielded a new rubber, called tbe
•uyMh. b« fbto to sf tntorior valne.
*Ibe Bilk of tbe rubber tme to not
In^ nfebfacr. cbe great variety eC its
M and tbe faUom of attsmpu to deTtae any aattofactorr sobstitnte for it
were facts snggmted by • eonverss'
tion with msmbem of tbe staff of tbe
Kew York botonknl gsite
to an iMpeciioo of tbe India nUbtr
eenoonde coOsctlon In tbe garden s
Tbto coUeetion to an exeeptfamally
good one. compriring berbarinm specimcAS of tbe leaves, sceda and Mt of
rubber plants and tmes, a
of dto milk or aap wbicb to tbe beito
of India rubber and aamples of tbe
commercial prodoct in iu varioas
suges up to and inclodlng rulcanixatloc. All tbe principal varieties of rub
ber are represented, and In the gar
den's greenbouaea are living apecl-
Oalbsrem of tbto jnioe when
t uke tbe grastast care
M B Mtjoold
would destroy tbe llfb of tbe tme.
Them am vartona aeCboda of effect
ing tbe eongutatioo of tbe Bilk, bat tbe
Pam gatbemrs depend ahnost wholly
opao tbe ofieratioo of amoktng. Variooa palm nnU are coBBonly need aa
a fnel and tbe gnkknsB witb wbicb
tbe smoke from these prodocea coagnlatUm baa been attributed to tbe pres
ence to It of acetic acid. Ihe aheUa of
bmsU nuts have also been naed for
the aame purpose with fairly good m-
tfas secxBd Soar, the tie joBped froB
the ettgtee rooa Into tbe Bxin bnttdto«. 'The SrsBsn hnd stx strooBs an
tbe bisas and Msbt tefd niM nt tlB0s
R sosBod ns tboi^ tbeir nfloru
wonid be snmsMnl. la tbe noitb end
of tbe tectory <m the smod Soor.
there was b*mA stock aoi this pre
vented tbcB txxm getting nt tbe blase
fitiB the wladowa.
Aboot 1:JQ tbe flames got In behind
tbe brick firewall and were beyond
control and at 2:30 the walls of tbe
first story were still standing bot tbe
roof had fallen In nnd the Interior was
nothing bnt a mara of smoking nibWsh.
of various‘kinds
turned out by the factory which rma
all the year round almost conUnooosly. At times. It waa the only milt In
Beltaire running and this made it
Pror.HbrrrlMTtowfnnpaabladaMlkgscbaol8atarday.Jan.«.liM. WlU
from 4 to C and from T to t;». at Mm.
Fbreetrrs baA. Tba ragnlar parties
will take place at 8:30. Tbe price for
tbe aflerwooa teaeblag wtH be Me a
pnpIL iBtfaearenlngSkcapaplL No
^for flof.1 .DrkmU,<l.],
try. although the C. P. Potter mill em
ployed more men. The products uf
the (factory did not require so much
timber, tbe value being In the work
put on It. This also makes the kiss
heavier as It would have run for manv
Mry Be Rebuilt
Tbe plant had enough stock on band
to ran two years and Mr. Rlchardl
owned more timber. Aln-ady soni*machinery had
tiad tieen pm in fai turn out
raluablc andj^Ier prodplet«l producu. TtH. oo« curtoo.
ucla of tbe Bcllalre Wt^Senware comthe latter to a pair of shoes made by
^ removed.
pany which w^fertififned w-veral weeks
Sooth American natives in the
ago. It now appears almost certain
tmikl of a foot ahajxd bole to
that anothcT factor} of sumo kind will
,'r:f to
to.nto.-»to.... •nH.U.,cr.P,n«a
be bum here.
tortiloo«J to toe d»lr«l fom wbUe of too
tl«-longi r U tfc* i^wto
At the time of th»- Woodenwan- fac
pUMlc. In •ddition to«v ia ■ collw '
rrodorin* It and to* loo**r tory fin-, the Insurance- was lltimio
«« r.cid
from to* todla rul.ber tnr*. aw-h as »*>««■ rnl.bct. (an b* obtoluwl mueb
to* pk-k or bateb«t for woondtos tbe! •*«»*
** It cornea to fcaibet
lark, toe tin mp to wbM tbe atp laj »*“litage of Impnritle*.
* large .
. i^pe.
Water Works Affected.
A. U .enera... known, to*
The emergency pumps on the vil
able comroen-lal product called lodit .
lage water works were located In the
mbbcf. or caqujchouc la formM from ! dirt but It is said that some of the englne room <U ih«- Rlchardl (factor}
Kiw prmlui-cd on ptautatlons to
the milky Juh-e of various tre»w and
KTior to the best Panu In gen- and were dehiroyed. having the village
shrolis. which to dried and coagulated.!
Tbe fimt Europrim knowledge of it;
however, the culUyailou of rubber dependent on the water |miwlt for fire
was derivcl through tbe second voyage '
plwJtatlous has not to-en v.-ry sue- purposes. This has iM-en pretty well
of t'olumbus. when It was noted that ‘
though It Imii liceii carrud on drawn off In order to strength<*n the
rublier Iwlto raid to be made -of the '
* con»tIdi*rable extent lu e'eylon and dam for the electric light plant.
gum of a triv.” were uwd In a game i ^
J:«sl)lndles It to raid that
Six streams of water In use were all
playetl by the natives of Haiti. One of «"
«««tb American <-om^nles orthe water works could stand. The
the trtwa yielding the Juice waa genpUntatlona
enillv dei«Til»id hr Toronemada la
hilberlo failed to produev much dn-dge of tbe L G. Sm'th Drt-dging
of Muskegon, which to work
imrO»utlhefirsta^uni^Informatlonlrol>»>^*-- 1“ explanation It to pointed
conciTnlng any of tbe moutebour tiwa | out that from sixteen to twenty years ing on the channel of the river, waa
towiHl down to the flrt- and a hose at
tached to the pump on thaL
of South America the erode India mb-' of a tree. espt-ciaUy a young i
her waa employed for balls used In i
1‘T much lapping. Full
games, for waten'roofliig gamienUand rityjt In iK-ll.-vcd, to not iittiilmd by
;fv<- 111 less than fifty years,
Cor tbe material
terial of ahoea. A great ob- Tu^tf
To Incn-ase the supply rubto-rs have
Black- to any general use of auch rubiK-r for a long period after It l»ccamc been largely adulterated, a gn-at vnrt
known to Kurop<-ans was the fact (bat cl}' of resins being used, giving the ma
wdille It to dry and leathcrilke at a low terial mure body, but Imimlriug Its
temr>eralure It l»ecoroca sticky nnd very strt-ngih and making it brittle. Many
soft when cxiMieed to a hlgli one. In nllcmi»ts have been made to manufactlie latter part of the eighteenth cen tun- sulsitltutes fur rublier. «-ommonly
tury the cclebmtid English srlenttot. with oxidized linseed, or com oil as a
Dr. lYIestk-y. who passed his later Itasla. but all such efforts are averred
years lu this countiy. dlrect<d pulHlc to have been failures. As one of the
attention to India robber as a novelty experts at tbe liotanical ganleu raid.
fo^ erasing pencil marks, stating that -The alleged substitutes for rublier are
it waa thou raid In England In cubical uot rublier, and si ience has not yet
pieiTB of half an inch for 3 shilUngs smavedwl iu producing nuytlilng which
can be called caoutc-bouc," A story
a piece.
Although India robber was utillwd has lieou told that an English cliemist
In the first half of the nineteenth i-en- rame years ago achieved the produc
turj* for tbe manufacture of very crude tion of a comiiuuud. with turiK-utlucws
and clumsy overshoes, which became a liasis, which (-otiiprim-d ail the propraft lu warm weather., and for some ertlc-s of gi-nuine Imlln rublier. but was
other purposes. Its Industrial use did unable for rainc uncxplalm-d reason to
not ixromc general unJil tfie American duplicate the exiirriuu-uL Ihls talc to
Inventor, rlinries Goodyear, after m-, discredited by botnulsta at the gnnlen.
l>cnte<1 trials and failures, sne-ceeded In
1R44 In Introducing the process of vulixing. By Uie admixture of a little s r
sulphur and tbe application of heat Jolmson's -potentiality of growing rich
be produced India rubber In a form beyond the dreamn of iivarlcc.
which to unaffected by ordinary U-m-,
IM-ratures and to even 1e» susceptible j eonlaius only from om
to external Influences than lenthcr.
of sulphur, but If <
Moreover, this treatment increases Its added It produces the hornlike subpliancy and elasticity. One of the Im- j stance called Imnl rublier. used for
portant properties of rubber in the «*mbs. penholders, knife hnu.llcs, eye
glass rims, watch chains and many oth
er arpcles. This hard rublier. which
by machinery if becomes raft and !
» line polish, to valuable to the
plastic, and the
'- ------ -------- ---------------------------*“
plastic It Is. In this condition It can
>nnod St will Into any ahape de because- vewseto made of i
sired. wbldi It retains when vulcanltod.
At first only two kinds of India rubM- were grneraU}' known to comIrwian aw4ktkr IH4M Leg.
inmt-, one being a product of Mexico
Given the old “reading of lines." tbe
and Central America, called the Csstllloa elastica. and tbe other tbe robber meUifinous elocution of tbe part us tbe
1 In Brazil, espectolly in ibc prov test of acting, aud they were an in
ince of Para, known aft Para robber, superable lK»r to bis acceplauce as
or berea, which baa ranked as tbe actor. Overflowiug. overwhelming s
best abd purest kind. Iieing the freest cess came In spite of these, beca
of all from resin. Another very good acting to more than elocution. becaoM
variety In Brazil is tbe Cauebo bianco, It to ao art wbk-b depends for its suc
called virgin robber, which is obtained cess not on cadences, but oo tbe in
from various species of saplum. IndU tellectual, and emotional mastery of
robber to now produced tbrougbont tbe altuatioQ and character. “One of my
tropics fromra large number of trea calves,- aaid Mr. Lawrence BarretL
sod plants srbicb betoag botanically to -to a little amaller than tbe other.
three large groups. These are tbe famapocynacese represented in the padded'tbe worse
north temperate faooe by tbe dogbane), London and bad a talk with Henry
the family enphorbtaceae. or sporgs Irrlng. He pointed out to me that It
family, and tbe fig faml^. In com- jraa better to leave your legs as they
were made, 'fbey fitted tbe figure as
bof tbe varieties are a whole, and tbe InsUot yon padded
tbe place of orig)
tbe general baUnce of tbe figure waa
r. tbe Central Arne
uprat and. yon bad a aense of unreal
ber (Msnlhot gUi
ity.” I qufte>ftom memory after years,
and tbe East Indian or Assam r
bnt witb pertfact certainty aa to brood
(Flctn elsstAca). Tbe last named
ffact and general expresskm. How
a big tree tn tbe trop- keen, bow penetrating, bow lUomiaatr here as tbe robber
tbte new which aceepted even
imperfection aa part of tbe
trade with srbicb a aense of
renllty cooM be created :-Talcott WUtn Attantk-.
W. A. HalBi.
Jaa 3-3t
to attend to your
wants last week?
Sorr>'for it if we did.
We supposed wc had
sufficient help to take
care of the crowd.
We kindly thank you
one and all for this mani
festation of your appre
ciation pf our efforts to
supply your wants.
Call ai^in, please.
Wcwill now see that
all get proper attention.
am saro I have got
just what j-on are
The fit ct Hickey S
Frocman Co. Clothing
ii what soils them.
BMdk BtoeX
For Overcoats of Style and Quality
a^Money-Saving Prices
Como hero at your firat
portunity nnd we'
yon Ovorcoatfa of tho seatoirs gmartest fashion that
tfrMttesl TfllM rtft tTtr
AT $10.00
At thi. tirice you can
take your choice of a modiom lonirth or oxtreinely
loni^ single-broeetod
IB MSA model
, artifatically
of laMtdefaipLa..............
tailored and lined
3d with good
flcrvioGobie fabnoa—not a
parment worth legs
AT $15.00
In this ooQection
will find all tho new
np-to-the-minute in La.
tian or wonted; made of
Tin RsconI WiintAfel€. gwiKiiiia
<»iy............. -.........
Onion fli
X Mr.
tm be Qpoa (o OILA vers lapj^
Year*, was aimat
What Wil lUie HorvaM Baf
Twomy^our racteg cars of oA aver
age boras powm of over one hundred
KMit want har
Wiu emtoluly be aaou at the Onw»d
ind tofl^daw. Mr. and Mra.
Oaytoua meet, and of tbeap at least
Mr. and Mia.
oDWholf win go to Havana ter the WUl Ou> «(
Bblmont pork
ti. ODd kte porw of
laces on the boulevard,
Oras «vidod. IhrMObg was
p racing cars of from oerearidden by Shaw; Baca King bad U
ty to 350 bneso powet. and at least
Smith up. Tbe time ter the Bite uras
half dDM iteaa cars of apt>ed eqalv
atent to that of the big gow.lJne caia
Boseben set a new teeord ter aU
will form a lieM o( thirty huge racing
furtenge Oct. €. going the dlstenct at
juggeniaiita, a greater field than waa
Belmont partt U 1:11«. The 4-yeaiever gathered together before. eUbvr
old neldlng canted the l|eary tmpoM
in Barope or Ammica. In snob a field,
e capacity of ploybm|^ U
of 147 pounda
what will (be borvert be? Is It golni;
i very performance. - ^Tbo
Dan Patch paced a mile at Lexing
to be two mites a minute, or is It goin;;
ton. Ky.. In l:5f^ om Oc^ 1,
to be duatb. and to bow many?
money and a prapqrtkmvrlnd ableld and numer at side.
Jliaray Collifw May Ctet Wadtell.
ure of brolna and talent,
Remarkably foot time wo* made
A deal Is on by. which Rube Waddell
hand of Julian MlUsbell,
in the January meet of tbe racing aw
may go to BosUici next soason. Con
producer of i
tomoblUaU on tbe straightaway course
Is dlsgnatcd. with Robe's
Ks etkunirs. Is observable
at Ormond. Fla ChteC among these action* before tbe world’s champion tccle
The • WteoTd. of 0*“
were the mite In 0:U 44 by H. U Bow ship series, and as tbe offer from the thnmgUci
equals.'If •*t vciipaes. any of tbe Imden. Artbor Macdonald*! ive-mlte
of the ck-champlnos is a very
narulsr productions from
mark of 3:17. and ten mile In 6:15. Uberal oae. It would nor U surprising I'crled
Mr. Mitchell possesses
l>nin 1
and H. W. Fteteber's 50.»lle* In W:51 for tbe deal to go thmugh.
the gUt
titaliring a stkge t
and IVO mitea In 1:11:24.
Too Much Twins.
by the
artisMc methods
May PmiMl lekeieili.'
San Francisco. Jan. 2.-San Fran
th arc at times 1
Ann Arbor. M*cb„ Jon. 2.—it moj bv» cisco promises to have a bad attack of lightning
effjuive and Ibe
that mersoil. tbe tragedian, who did too-mueb-tWilis in the near future. The
Hon of th< rr»pp> nelrl from summer to
the dying act on Marshall Field Sullivan boys apinor
hough sltnplo In the ex-‘
Thanksgiving Day and who revived as much tbo whole thing slnn* Jack
triumph of poetic tmagliia*
quickly as any actor after the curtain O’Brien, victor over Boli nixsimnums. irvme.
.a by Chi* simplest and moat
rang down on .!oe Curtis, will not b;* quit the coast for af Hme to go esM
soon in his Rlcllsr role next ye:ir.
and pick iipHsomc easy money, alxml
funiiakera, the Bcarivrow
There may be a protest Icxlged |7.0fl<t worth, to be exact, with a burand the Tbi Wodman. are an IrrosUagainst him U the hlnta that are flying k^qiio company.
lialr ol drUlh and little Dorothy .
around Ann Arbor ore good. At k<asf^
Mike and Jack :
Ulkaltv I<a!r;„,,,
Rlrt. who I. I
one great Michigan cx-alhlcic. who U
iianaKc m r. i a i«lr amuimi
(.iryi,,) i„ , cyclone. U an
In close touch with what is happening.
loquotdousuess Into print. * * ‘
people who are
week tbat Bckersall would l»e luim'd Mtke. as the viewt
from football next falL Michigan hat respect, but even the larger of the opt in nil brand! s of stage work. Tho
never attacked Kckersall’s record, but pair Is a giKxl ^ingb-haiuliMi wind ilnie here In oc« Saturday. Jan. «, at
Stelnl.erg’s (tratd opera bouse.
the story gw-n that bis amateur stand larttK..
ing acrordlng to the rultMi, can bo as
Skater in Town. •
' Neche. N. D.. Jon. 2 -Nt^rval HaptU*.
For instance. It would be i>( Interest
uled by well-kttiwn authors. An KRglish woman noelist. he says, tells of
ezhlbliUm at Gretiui. i he ml intake of printer who made oDC
cording to Casper Whitney, ever saw |
e mile north of here. Satunlav of her chkracu s say that *‘abe stuffed
n snap .hot of . ani.b of n foot mcei
in tho presence <»l a largo papa Into the praie. and soon tbero
run for a money prite. In which Bcker
cnrwd. BnpHe losnKMl to skate In a was a inerrr I sae." What she wrote
Hall is said to have participated, and,
ink and hU mmi-U lu one
san -tKijH r •*^llan*i r’H Weekly.
U would be Interesting to Michigan
rful. there l»eing no man in Hie
know whether Alonzo AlahasUr Stags I
ring the ourso of a recent.ler< =‘«
«•"' l‘"»
ever held It up In front of Brk.-r«tli: .........
«« tb.. picture U tb.7m.lUrrl«ks............................. j
K«*v. Dr. tnna Shaw staled that
and thrcalcued
He will return to Gnnia on Juii. ijtor a long tin- womte** stature bl'>
the young athlete entered any Instltu
increadsL while that of man
Hon other Uian tbe University of Chi
skating and will ran anyone wb .,
anoppo^lie tendency, aad
cago. i
atlribulo* he decrease of Ue CXThese hint* may be but Idle rumors car.-* to meet him. Baptle is in In-u- r ^
for this seaJHMi than ever Isforo an 1
and all It would take is a denial from
hlH oilndrers exiMvl to S4*t* him earrv
jSteltg. unless there happened to be anoff the long end's of the purses pul up
other picture of the race. If any such
kiMad JOham.
In l!<o east this wlnler.
i Mlllloaa rmk in mad chaoa oflar
picture was ever taken.
J health, from mo extreme of faddlam
Michigan cannot forgive KckersaMj
In iM d.'u ano'her. wion. If (hey would only
for this action in allowing tbe
le and imi.** eat good focsl and keep their bowela
of ••Brutality ” to he fostered ii|s»n Ji»el
regular j with I>r. King’s New Life
Curtis, even If the young athlete dhlj wide wwk hi r smlie. for triplets ihi y Pills, dclr irouhlea would all pass
away. Promyt relief and qn
say to Tim Hammond that It was ’’the
• an I stomach iroabte; 25c hi
She Isys her giHul luck to Rocky Moun ‘ ^o«* *
old man’s orders.”
tain Tea. (Groat l>aby medicinej 1 J«Un
O’BHsn was Eoay
Johnson l>nig Co.
According to O’Brien’s own stale-j
menu he was robbed of jewels and j----valuables worth |2.S5« when greeted
by a big crowd on his return to Phila
delphia. It sounds like a pr^s agent
yarn. If true, the fighter Bhciukl have
a guardian appointed. 8urciy that
should not he considered a \ery joyful
greeting, although he waa carried on
the Hbrnilders of his admirers an!
firct^l to make a speech.
Indoor Rifte Meet.
Guind Rapids, Mich.. Jan. 2.—”Ar
rongemenu for Ue annual tournament
of the Indoor Rlflo league of th*
United Sla**** to be held In this city
Feb. 12 to 17 are progressing favor
ably, ami Judging from outside reportr
the meeting for 1906 will surpass all
former event* of his nature.” says
Secretary Otis.
We atf^in ask that wc ma be favored with.your
•’Aside from two leading r<mtehU
which each have twenty five and
thirty-live cash award* from 12 to Ufl).
Our 190(i Calendars are omewhere on the road,
there will bo a buH’s^e match with
havinK been shippcrl some t ne ago. we regret that
finy prises, ranging from $I to |50. In
they arc not on hand ready fo distribution,
which an amateur with ordinary equip ;
menl has even chances wl'h l*'c e»
Thanking yo’u for past fa jrs, wc remain,
l»erl marksman, the sro:-e» In
event belng/eehiiMl b.Vr single sh.w
nearest the einler of the four inch
bu:r* eye by machine measure.
’ AU shooting will be done with 22
caliber rifles at twenty-five >ards. Ue
Statt Baak BmlUlH
duced railroad rales will Iw in elf.-n
T* ^
Of Tokkx A precoclotta high school
ipipll when only ten yoare old. the won
.mnrtean aduoatlon gt tbe expense
of Japan. Coosli^ bare tn her dcYantb
year, aba Was prepare^ for Vassnr cni
laga In a ConnacUcnl lirtvaLte sohool.
11 twanur-oDo was a Vsmr graduate,
at twenty-two tbe arife of Baroo Oy
ama. and now, tn bar forty-aeoond
year, is reoognUed as the most veraa-
1 wiU
lmr»N» »ugr wroM. wUlcb I
«lMiU not nMffrtkNi hmrt, I will trr to
IMk# ti>e «rtalo matt IT roCBpr«t>ni»lbto
hf rrtatliui «Ujr Um plUMl muMc« In
wlbdi Sir RolMirt nod Sjlrte H^ym%
I Artbiir Trrrafl wora (bo principal
Thla takas ■» bark to tba
ttmo whan 81r Hobart waa Ilrlnf In (ba
town of Barlock. naar Blrmlnirbaia,
IS&ilaaitbarorobacniiio to America. 1
bare DC%or boon In Bnclaod and hart
makla and wMofm and SjirU Majno
upon Iba propar condiMt of Ufa. 8jIrU
waa tlieo olcbtaen, and ^ know no
■be knew Tyrrell hoar.
ablamanloRarlodc. Har
Bon. As a sta
gy and foreign
languagaa abe U In tbwflmt rank. Tbe
emoat aulborlty
In ber eonnlry on Sbakeapaarc.-Cbris
Han Endeavor World.
hair, by bla arace and manttmiaa
uul courfb’ bwMtna. It waa a areat
aorprlno 4q bar to loam tbat ba waa not
a aood man. Her oaUooa of orll were
baaed chiefly upon the dBbooaaty of
two aannnta In Ibo bonae urbo bod
imcuaMSi* at
tain aliiny eyed trlckatem arbo kept litIn a bonk. The bank araa In a bad waj Ue atoreo In Barlock. Certainly Mr.
and tbreotmed to Imxilre the whole aa- Tyrrell waa not like tbeae.
tale In dlaaater. bat Kobeit put lu afFylvU a moral tralnlna bad aa cored
faira to rtjKbU wKbUi one rear after bo of rMHUtilim. and abe bod been taught
tbat evil la attraetire and good rei»eU
lent. Her o
1. The two bad dilfeiTd radlraliy •eemed to Juatlfy this doctrine unUl tb#
I qneatlona of bnalneaa policy, and caae of Arthur Tyrrell offered proof
were catranced at (be time of tbo conclunlve tbnt tbe gloomier view x>f ibe
brat admInUtratIre to berwlf tliat aho would never have
acta waa to demand ibe raalfnatJon of known tbat Mr. TyrrpU waa n wblted
the iMok'a caahler. wbu waa old and aepulcber or a red apple offered by tba
. apmea bat foelde and wooW hare with- old aerpenl tbnt tempted Kve. Kbe had
entertained aoine fnallali dreoiua obout
blm. and at»e rofiroacbed beraelf for
them, for abe loved honor and honerty
a kb**, tbrrr wn* the matter of a pop- and eapwrlolly tbe moral atrmgt:; wbirb
akm which ^ bad boon led to oxpact. la auiiertor to aU leuipiallott.
but dM not art. On the day wbao be.
It wa« ber doubt of Tymil'a atroufftb
wa# IlnaJly compelled to yield bte place whicb proliably turned her nwny from
to a •iiiunY acrviraaUlo uiau be ankl to him. 8lr Robert wna keen enough to
Bobort lor way of farewell:
aeo till*, and no douM he wna alneerely
IT90V « MT*ot man o* bualtieaa. a glad 4bat 8ylvia alKiukl have begun to
^nd man o‘ bualneaa. You’ve done nud out wbatoott^ man tbla fellow
nueb fbribla bank already, and ril not Tyrrell realljr area. It la alwaya eaay to
aecwiM* an ninlabU* |HTaon of weakneaa
and to carry convirtlon to tbe mind of
a girl who baa been taught (and verily
liellcveai that all tbe rlrtuea are bard
About tbla time tberv waa a fever lai
BaHock aud Ita rlclnUj' for Inveaiment
lu a certalu dgantlc eutcrprlae. Par*
aona of dlatlnctlou rialted Hir Kol«rt
lu llM* lutereau of tbla pnOect nud
they uaad bU bank lu varloua wajra
that wore proftulile to tbe tnatltutiun.
Peraonally 81c Itobert made a amall is*
roatmeoU aud upou learning of tbla ail
Uarittck atood ready to rUk (U maviugi.
UapoMton begau to wltUdraw tbe^
money from the bank lu unler to
reat It, ami tlda waa andealrable froui
the lianker’a |totat of rlcw. 80 bo
stood up boldly amoug bla fellow cltb
und said tbat tbe grtwl eutcrprlae
eadent upon you when l
waa a cbihl. Voor father took mo Into
bla bouae^ If 1 waa not there by right
I alKMdd not have been iIkst at all I
wma uot oW enough to decide. Ue waa
the judge. When you rauic Into your
InbeHtance you found me under your
roof. You ihould have aent me away
or hara diiua your duty by lue. Thera
WM no middle course.
**Yo«r duty waa to tench me honor
and boneaty. Yon taught me dtdiouur
and fratMl. You should have shown
C^risCs wot Id to me. whore love and
kiudncaa aud^ ayapotby afo i*urrant
tar drove them om. and you taught me
by act aud wool that (bU waa tl»c true
holy of belles where all good men w<irBbe (baohiya liare tbe snidki Ufc she
led with blm. For aU the outpourlug
of har mind nod heart hepakl Ikt only
In dross. All bis tlumgbts were of
money: aIPbU moral Judgments were
rendered In terms of money. . Jle
talk of nolblDg elae. think of nothing
aloe and hope for nothing higher.
B-heu tbrir aon was bom 8lr Itobert
was iTlIm ed of a terrible mental strain,
lie bad feared the chlkl might be a girl
sad werthk^ foT »nooey malUna. sixl bs
bad tm-sr kept thto anxiety serret frern
her. Ill* solo omblUon for his son ttos
that he should follow In his father s footstrps sod win the resp«^t of banks. Rlr
Robsrt decisimed business prinrtples oxwr
the chMd s cradle and owloubtcdly dro|J
hW wife Into a spertrs of Insanity bv uiP
nerer give a c
father'a Instnic
leading motive J
aUvIoe au3 one to pul a immiy into it j upon
n was undmil tedly th
SylvU s corns Lirt. It I
had learned
tn rraarU to Arthur Tyrrell, as
fact that Investors, lu oddltUm
yon dM not srruph- to
aewr for him and pass It npusual risk of loss, ran also the rha
Ifnulnow You mined him
of lielug asaeaecd upon their sharca In |
partnership with swindlers.
coia» «»f faUure. This utu*ram>e eitecked
throughout that
tlmo was shaped upon
i tbe run on
bank aud
RHkst sordid self Interest
' by ftarliH k iHs»plc. nml
to Tyirrlt Ifd
«r Robert to brllrx-e that Sylvis had fled
to him. Tyrrrll Was sup
Amerioa. a
*AMA3inagrratiuui gAK »AVK«rPTr
mce. Tjrrell. who
T>ireU. bm be bad not luvesletl |
I really In Rnclsnd. heard of throe ordeny It. But tbe Imat thing you ve done : very bravily. He would have escaped
rences nnd promptly followed flir Robfor It by long fxbU was worrying your | utter wnnk vxc^vi for the aawaatmenU
but neither of them e%er saw flylvia
old. Incompetent father Into hie grave.- . ^vbU h 8lr RoIkti bad mentioiirtl. and
for Sir Robenter*
, I can ImagiiH* iralKtrfa amaacment be was among the firat to iwunecl fw
and rlgbteoua IndUnmtion. He never sistnnee of payment upon tbe ipwnbd
was able to believe that any peraou \ that the whole trammctlon was frtiudawas alneera In accusing him of wrohg. | Hftt. *
AS for 8) ivia. she lived a quiet Mfe and
.Ills rectitude was In bis own eye* tbo | At tbU point Sir Bobert’t rectltnd® irne.1 her own bread mad her son^s. The
i l«oy had a childhood full of 10%^. a youth
fuiMUmcutal certainty which must be Utood forth anblime. The ernemrtae
obvious to mil
It rmikl not bo ^^ukl not toe fraoanlont. because be . to her and a manhe
questloncid except from
the least 1U» his f
om dishonest mo- hlmseif bad lent It a ineoaurr of aaoc.
sad mtracle of the
Uves or mere spUc. as In tbi* preeent Oon. it wma gpeculntlve. hecaiim be
, blmseir bod said ao. The virllma. cent
«r Mart
r argue with a dlo* abouW pay tbelr aaM>mlnent^ .hecaiim loch.
Wwk. srUh
wUh wham I
Iw bad wamitl 1
who died
ecme H wm bMMtb^ri«.Mnlt; to
/quarrel with a dlecbarged employee. obligation.** aold be
4Ttofgefotu to tba dmrge tbat be bod hlsdabta.ikiQed bto fhtbtr be replied with a eold
8lr Robert paid tbe trifling
atmtemeut of a geoerml truth, oa waa manfled of him. and ba did ao with a
to salt me. I «i
hie cuhtom tn eoeb oaaoa.
•*A man Is bettm^ demd than bank-
The total number of nil known va
ricHes of postage mtemps issued by all
tbe govemmenu of tba world up to tbe
profcnt time Is If.fIZ.
Norway** coast Iine-1.7ft0 miles* In
a atrkJcht llne-becomo* IS.oon miles
If followed around tbe gord*. In these
Oord*,aro over 150.000 islands.
Tbe biggest loaves in the world arc
those of ibe InaJ palm, which grow on
the banks of the Amaxoo. They reach
a length of 30 to BO feet, and are from
10 to 12 fe^ In breadth.
The sight of birds Is oxtraordlnao’.
and the simple fact that the eye of a
hawk or pigeon is larger than their
whole bmln gives some Idea of what
tbelr powers of vlakw must bo.
Tbo \lenna police are about to experiment with a phonograph In taking
prisoner** answer* to questions
askod ln tbe preUmanary examination,
ao that when the actual trial takes
ploco there may be no dispute as to
what was aakl.
Tbe Sunday schools of tbe country
have on enrollment of over thirteen
million persons, while (he enrollment
in the public schools is over sixteen
mlilkma. or but three millions more
than tbe Sunday schools.
Becaase all effort* to find them have
failed the -Royal Campany's Islands*.’
supposed to be in the Pacific Ocean,
have been removed from the maps of
tbe British admiralty.
The excitement of conversation,
according to tbe best phvRlclans. will
quicken the pulse from live to twenty
B. For Ibis reason most people
overestimate tbelr pulse, aa they oftcq
count Us beau while talking about
tbe matter.
In the wall* of an old mansion at
Danville. Pa., a cigar which is 120
years old was discovered by a man
who was .Temodeltng the building.
The clgab was fouml in a hollow be
tween two large stoops in tbe wall,
wrapped In oil paper and well pre
served. It still prosenres Its odor.
Al Blnn«rk. North D«koU. Iho suio
ms a Street railway which is list'd to
carry members of the IqgiaJaiure to
and from the capliol. Only om^ car Is
owned and operated.
A celebrated sculptor aoeerU that
tbo human foot is becomigg smaller,
several centuries agb tfib i^ullnc
foot was about twelve * Int^w long
wbliq the average man’s loot*of today
U npi more than tea and a half inches
in length.
In a recent article advertising fo.^
alligator hunter* Vcocxuete declaivs
that the animals exist In untold nuai
bin them, the hunting Is good rport.
the akin* are valuable and ike oil.
whicb It volnable for medical' pur
pom. brmg* a good price
^ E ^
eal staie
Wishing Yw a lysppg and Prosperous
Ow V
6* W. Bdsti
& Sojn
tba b^writing
lAX. Ctrvalbo.
eatettf a
from oil poteu totenncfilate with New
flgbt alooe nor jolD In time with tba
I Itoough be
money. Robert waa
] DO miMT. Ue UTcd In fine etyle and
twmld pay the price of anything that
fbe dMifcd. He bought ehrewdlj. but
wnever grudgingly, and ba knew bow* to
Jmaka a |M>und worth two by having It
irem4y at a momeot'a Dotica. A prompt
foiu to a man of exalted etatMu paved
^ way to knighthood, and tbe banker
became Mr Hobart when be was about
• thirty year* old.
tiooa. They were a part of t^^youag
from bla fatbar. and
It Awmteda me of an error that
j hr a dsMtfaUy Urrspsnsthls nrobaw 1
Tyrrell left Barlock In disgrace
Ureot to London, where, to bis
< ■ffsiiniaise mgebmdOMkllnM
great surprise, be throve. About tate
wmfi at a choMli BPOfteg
tbla mae^
-Ttoter we
Oi tl
of a war ptel Uat Imfi imea )
. .
to matt tin tlBDfxt year.
tIoiL 1 hate liofi mp^
with It tiM U wpara
Mfw Anee RoOMia*
Recofti Want M§ Riy wiixc'
yard 1
Boa FteM
BAiaia a lincBiu. wswt tox tana pliasiwx
Sapwk ScoSe: InWciSa
urge CaBpur|| TheSciuMcrMr
SMMhy Gnk
MHIw fSi.
jBurt hatett wMh by tdMtbl te
itemeumg. Tbntrter forR^teaaat
tebrtlau te all untlvau naff n tepurt <
Ti^ I im.
woum nr mo uuiiiimw
PMT t. b. M an
.rttesnr xwt
raaaaa. Bfittact waj 9t dobac thtaa. iaaa trorkad
troodaa te th. ahact^Mto baa Iwa
tba aMlr. endtt af gnaSr ta*rafktff
tbair eoadlttai aad laak 9 to lilB aa
Ibair iMter aa« «aad. lb tbtai Mr.
WoMa la a cUcT apart, turtm tba
hopaottbairaxIataDea. ToaadOaMr.
Btwcua with ao much office work would
■MtwnUwrtiMi •liNMottto«V^180 «okMMlph]r>
abMa Ike ureeu ia search «r a hAue to reat. te
iNhs thnagh the vast catana of The ETcaiac Recart. Yeacai ccta ciiateaaiit-bfaivertbtor*
h ms-
they teould be. Tbte te tel
lunroud trocka that tbrtr iMteia can
ba aeeu thro^ the ham te tertr cela
gme Mtee te vrbom batt MA^tehm
#tfteff-*tbam Into ftey bf^tbrir reTb4 Ateevicnn Bible aoc4rty lias daridodda RublUh an edittau te tbe goapete nd 4Mte In CbamortA Ibe lam
ud »: e<Mzns' of tb. tTbtt.4
Rtatua. te good ammeter and lerogarmle haMta who can apmk. rend,
and arrita Bngtiah. FOr lafomatlow |
apply to reevumag officer. HotH ^
Whl^ Tmverae City. Mkh.
■ tneatbursaut
____ I:
WANTSD-Oood tmmrn, ww mii.
-o IS pee day and lound. Inquire t
QleuArhor Lumber ax ^ ^
^____ ^
^ *
bavt tad tefar tor aala tba Jab
ovriac list te ruul astatsw It U all dm
dmhlt proporty and mum ba apM.
tell or pboM tor prteaa.
70 ft uw Bav RL. upusatta DartuuH
itoro. Buibllng oa same la now uaad
m arambousa. but can ba aaad tor
tu tba Md Tvftet It parbapu mtee tbnn
made by Rav. Mr. Price, m mtealNiary WANTED-KUrt tor general bousi>
of the American board, and tbe edttkm work. Mrs. W. O. Foote. C18 West
They. too. bare tbe utmost coafideuca
Jan I4t
tn hi. ability te bit principal dnty-that
of poMdag tba mate work of dmmlN^
tkML TUs te not Bcflactad Vy tba ueTRAVERM CITY MAMCtTl.''
Bra chief, wbo dally te worktef ter
Ires. Globe Com^
bayemd tbe Vrernmaat boon and U
up naff down tbe line whenever ba can TMa ropert la mnda «g dnOy. Tba Ite
tenya tbe duttea of which u chulrnnu
coed te uat raapanilhia ter ehangaa
House and lot. <01 ffixtk 8t
WANTED-Prom two to four boar
on bm Isthmus or n good rieck would
la urW
Hom -and lot. g. w. cor. Wahatar
era. genUamen preferred. Inqnli
rtkCtiwly iHtevw him.
8t. aad MIehtgna Avs.
< lou M Blmwood ava,
Record tefloa.
Wayne aw^ Rav 81a.
WANTED—TurnlHhtsl nsiroa for light
la no iDaunnomiUble obatneie te the
boQsekeeplog: any number, tboug'a
way of a tranalathmian canal. It looks
no lewii thxa three. Commuakmtc
Ooe te tba beat locatlona tn tba ally
«Mler ta tbem every day. Most of
with Grianell Bros.* music bouse, or surrounding country for boms. 4
them DOW sea only tba removal of 222..
aersB te land, largs bouaa^ ear. Bay
corner Front and Casa streets,
000.000 tons of rock and dirt. To the
j aad Ramsdell SU.
dec »If
chief eoginaar the sola problem te that
12 to 14 aerw land In Bmwoui warm
of Ubor. Neither
Jaumlcaiia nor
ship, about 1 mils from eitj ttmtia.
WANTED-Tlirve furnUh*tl rooms for j Will make w good marks! gardan.
theMardnlqocaareaattefnctory. From
light hitus^-kt-t'iiinic. ciatrally local
IH miles east
tbe amount of week that no far It baa
m milew want
ed. Young marrkHl-couple. Addro«*
been poaaible to get out of Mtber.
Them U coAsidsmbls saw timbar
coontteg days lost through lasteesaa as
-Room*.- llcciml offiw!
if and
of wood timbar on ttoa
well aa aickncaa, tba average coat of
tend. Boll good.
WANTED-<Iirt for general Iiouim'aach Wack laborer, who ta paid ffOceuta
work. Mrs. T. A. Piiiohallegua. 51T
gold, compared with the coat of almOar
Sixth street. Inquire at Wood 8tegtatea. la $5 gold.
tera millinery.
dec 2C-tf
When ft te comridered that:
tba000 laborers may beenecaaaary
WANTED—Work hy day of any de
tbe canal,, to which roost l>e added tbe
scription; pn-ft-r nur-tlng. S02 K
eoat of a high salaried chatrman and
dec M2 if
two great admtolatraUre estaldlahmenti there and oo tba latbmiis and
the rallroai
lah.. Prod Fuller. 143 B. Tenth.
the expense of sanltatkin and the re
prinl«;i n blank fertn .m whf.h waa
construction and rebolldteg of Panama,
to Ih* wrltt«*u. nmung otlier thing*, ttoa
for the Panamana. It will be aem that
name of the atiiuial killed and tbs
labor Jn tbe ditch haa got to lie rednred
It tenX boweter, tbe pritw paid for
labor, bat tbe quality of IL that enters
FOR RENT—Huuas on North Elm hawing qmvllon: vr»krH.*ltlT>ii of rsi>
Into tbe caacatethms of tbe canal buildwood avenue. F. . Goodrich.
era. Doubling tbe pay of tbe Jamaican ^
dec 7 tf
.\ ffagroan. wbo*ie duty ft beeome on
or Martlniqua negro would only make ESSSSi *’
one o<xTiid»ii fo r»|«rt «-omxrnlug the
btei work half aa • long each week. I Dr*«siU Bo**
HOUSE for rent. 901 State «lrort. 1 death of a ro<u. tunml lu hi* writlco
They art Uke the Paitemana In that
rooms: RiMll barn, %H p<T month rrikirt with the foUi«%vliig art o|4*uSlta
respect. Purmerly tbe flabennen hen*
B. J. Morgan.
dec 7 tf j
tert ref« rre,I to: r Klml
made about $3^ a week. Tbe iirke te
flab haa doubled. Has tbe ftoberman
doubled bis income? Not a bit of tt.
block, corner Front and Union.
Three dollars is all be needs to lire on.
nov aite
and be can see no sense lu working
mil« (nd rnffl** aboot tbr <beald«n
more than three days wbcu be makes
are U'i'ouilng to almoat even woman,
aa much aa be asad to ircelva wban
i Tbe draiied waist te promlqed. Tbta
be worked six. Tbe same pblloaophy
^ waist luid some ^xigiie last spring, and
prevaUa among tbe oegroet of tbe aona.
LOST—Hound, gray.* pc A ted. tan Iwwd; *•
Elgbly t-enis a day is about twice aa
and bin* and moot cm rlaht
The drapery te
n n L
w i ^ dirortclire fhiea. mdille the snrpllce
strap on neyk. -Return to Th<»».
=2 i
lE.WaitttSons' AnwBom87J and a gam
the year. TW
oaplUl itock of tb«M bank! tg mr
930.fM.m. a sate of flAOO.060 dar
Loidingion U golai to
& roUw ing the year. The deponitg assregale
•k«ilO( rink. Up to thin tme Lodtnr $2&l«m4K». or an lactwaae of f 2£.006.- SptcteJ to the Bventeg Record.
Honor. Mich.. Jan. 2.-Aa the alelgbtun hag been obU«ed U Eft aloiic detidttrtng the year. The number of
with the gkaiet of the pud okl gtooe dep^iltorg Ig 42.917 more than laid Ing la line the lumbermen are hustling
Mrs. Pewleaa. who baa been very HI
f«oce variety.
te better.
There Ig goliME to he a^lc com e*.
There are two oaaea of scarlet fever
Iilbit at the ftnoem-lngtllite at AlleIn town.
can. All fannerm wfth cdnu are cor
Karl Hr of Butler la vising hla
dially Invlied
ilcmal pardon, the llrwt pardon givan
A Hart alrl who km dl aboat the by Oovemor Warner. He wag foon.l ooukln. K. By. at this place.
W. 8. Roblttaofi and family who have
tnatier layg that belli In love U ytry guilty four yearn ap» of mah«lgughser
k,only^lbat In connection with the death of
frienda and relatives at
Agneg Ebergteln of Hattie Creek, who
returned fo their home laat Saturday.
died in a local hotel from a criminal
Richard Bf and family apent Sun
operaUon. Bennett wag nentenced to
day with hia brother. N. By. and fam
geven yearn in Jackaon. but after
at thla place.
moaibg of work on the part of hte
Adolph Beltke and wife, who have
friendg wag paroled by Coremor Bilan
Wa vlalllng rriailvea at \Vt*xford
Pound laat Tueaday In anVikl but In
a deiMTted alley cold and without food county, returned to their home laat
and critically in with pneamonia. Saturday.
Mrs. John Lundy and children of
Prank Sherwln. an old aoldler. died at
Boone CUy are visiting her parents.
South Havon Friday aa a reaull of th«
expoaure. He was an eccentric char Mr. and Mrs. Charles peck, of thU
acter 09 yearn old and apparenUy had
Florence Wyae. who haa been visit
not frienda
ing her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs.
In the ami
J. Wyae. nt this place, returned to her
wHrh In fonad In the vicinity of Big
TREES FOR A DEPOT PLAZA. home at Rmpiro last Friday.
Mr. Couturier and family left Iasi
AfioilH-r elk In oarcily park henl
AWmM Vmimm Saturda> to visit friend* and relatives
hi dfWd. but thla (Iraefllaeaae waa not
at Traverse CUv.
theennae. The teigw >«ck elk got hia
------------------------------------------------MIs8<^ Otilla Fisher and Georgia
aeii Urgeat eompanlm In n comer nnlon atatlon pUaa at Waabinrun la Merkley wt»re at Traverse City laat
and aimply gored him i> d«wth.
eonaldered with grca“
t. When
wnen I —
ho Iff bU
Mv TlctUn tkre were nine
waa a pleasant surprise party
tof Paildag]
cea where hla granihomi had pen-1 other
given at the home of Mr. and Mr*. N
WaabUigton o«cUU. and
el rated the body* lealng Urge, ugly novel featnira have been Incident to Thomas
Thursday evening In
woiinda which would blve aoon cauaeil the (loeat -y* the Waahlngtoo Star.; |,on„r of Mr Thomaa* birthday. by
the death of the gma^r aSmal had Because It has bron determined to which they pre?u‘aU5d him a fine rock
' not the atitOMiant chllrofomed him. make of the plaxa a formal entrance er and the evt-ning was spent playing
Home oaa baa anggeat^l that the just way to tbe great atatlon. the engineer games and light refreshments were
detmrtment haa deckled that the trees
imnlahment for the muilerer vould be to. be ptented moat be symmetrical la aenod. all who attended reported an
to have the game warien gc on hla form and of d*klnd Ukely to grow enjoyable time.
trail for killing elk out of r«anon.— evenly. It ta also atated aa desirable
William Marcham and son-in-law.
l»rtod;rv Herald.
that the trees be of a variety which Thomas Raaix. who started for Monkfefks Its leaves as late as poealble In Una last Tuesday, refnrned home last
Aa pretty a street scrap aa^ ta
amm In Farmington ooennwd ^
Looking to tbe attainment of these, Saturday to spend New Year's with
;two young women who gut Ini a
•evecwl ends tbe search for a dealrable j **»^‘*^ families,
ffid on their way borne fro school apecioa of tree has narrowed down in
•over a muuMiBnii who had
passing vreeka to the red oak mod the
^.tentlve to both. Ho^h^-MajL
ihaa prosem to each and th<
•.tp dteiuil* which fared the
It It Ity of form and site. Tbe final test Dancing tnotaad of Cards Was Cm
of each la now iwogresalng. tbe aoper: got s»» warm flmaiy that wo
Onmnlxatlon Laat
Inteodent of parking watching enrefW- ‘ Joyed by
inut sire vwnt te thrtr feeltnga
Evening at We^ua-teng Club.
of tree boWU
: la atated as
thol# data. Before any one co 1 aeiv
Instead of the usual weeklr car!
. arate them one of the girls h
j the one chosen,
first finally determined unUl the question party, the 500* cJub was entertained
‘ knordeed out. unconaclous In
with a dancing party at the We-qu?of leaves U settled.
Probably the tongeot vowa of pin tong club house laat evening. There
Rimer Matrela. colored. wi
oaka In Waahington are on Pennayl-1 were aoenteen couples preaeni and
ed «r Kalamaaoo. charged
mala avenue aoutbenat, eaat of Elcr.. twenty numbers were enjoyed
tlM^h of a large turkey from
enth street. West of Elevente str^
decorated with
well grocery atore. The turk
on tbe same thoroughfare are red oaka.
lH*en gone but dfieen mlnutca
in investigating the -iuiblta- of
pictures. The
los ktoda of treea tt haa bm
. was mlaaod. and Mr. MaxweU
found that tbodatca of dropping leave# lights were natlaticaUj shaded wUh
Mat vela's home. He found the ^rk
fancy globes while there were aa
alrrody dressed and In a largnwasb in different trees of tbe same vari
ety are not alwar* tbe same. Some-. abundance of steamer rugs and sofa
Udiei. Matvela admitted tbe jVeft.
I this la notkwd In only ooe tree pillows, the whole making a very
but eald he had boned to ha^ the
long row bdng different fPam Its proltf effect. Daring the evening,
bird ao ter cooked before the oncers feliowa After fbt variety of tree te
punch was served by Henry Hull.
arrived that It conld not be Idenlfted. be plantrd baa been nelerted great care j
LeoiJj. Baker and L- I- Slevcnaoo
- Battle Creek wfll have tbelbeat vmi be thken in golttg over the nuraery
being the hosts. The fioor'waa in ex
amoral hUtory museum In Oilcigan. stock, ao that lml^^rmlty In every fencellent condUlon and the music was
oiitaide of the one at the state uhver- tore ma.v. aa nearly as poaaible. be oecarwL Altor*«bcr It la eatlmaled about very good, consequently the end of the
.alty and tbe Agrieultural
130 trees wlU be required ter ptenting program came very quickly.
Twenty >eani ago Kdwait!
After the dance, the club waa taken
Brigham, the well-known traveir of
I to be
Aside from tbe variety of I
ra. where
that city, made three trips to ^tb planted, thla acbmue la expected to
S Itinch waa served akorily after mid
America to collect apedmena for mu Into such details aa the selection
The ladlea'Tavora were pink
sexnna. Mndtag the moaemn In this ahrabs and flowers and flower U<da
dgr. Far aeveiml years pa^t for aani
of room te <ht> High aehool bnUiteg
thejie apediMpa have baen packed up.
tmt a achoal
Indiana that
acfaoal of nutmuowie
Now the aohdol board has dedde4 to
tbe find of Ita kind to tbe
detou Ue haaamiaii of tbe aew United Stmtea wl
Charles Willard library to a musesm. tn a few montba at tbe local Inatltnand McHve tba support «f n«rty
and Mr. Brigham haa been cnga«e.1
to rearrange and dasalfy the ap4dmeaa The Nbturt dub Is tetetesicd
and ihe teambera wlU devote theii
to tbe Ctectenati
leiaare lime the oomtiif year to rot
nouuoad tbut durtug the dsu^ IMS
thecu hua not beau a tenure 1a Mlchw
cna. dther of n Mate or national bank
' Tk% fsnr bna Imen one of the moHi
luoaperoua la tbe htstofy of tbe bunk
lag bueteeet Tbe mute banka 1a Mich
Ignn now number BA M tbe uttan
autumikOi depurtumut M to bn wtnte
Wc Desire to Thank Our
at a time. The result te.tbat no fore
man can teU bow* many of bte gang
wtU be at work on any ooeEay. It U
safe to say that oat more than half
of tbe laborers so far brought here are
at work every day.
for their kind and
liberal favors dur
ing the closing
now In nae. Ue te hellered to be In
favor of having tbe canal dog by rblneee cooUca. and It te reported that a
labor agent at Oanteu baa recelred an
order to send several bnudreda of Cbl-
for them for 1906.
Hoping we may
merit old patron
age in the future
as well as much
new. we wish all ^
Happy Utw Year
wltbout ralite. until I umA Dr. KImTi
Tbeca bavu IMU irhite
OoogM and Oteia. which enUttey
cured my naugh, and aasad me f«
eonaumpUom** A gtand cute for dkanaaed CDUdRIona te Throat and Luagn.
At JobMoa Orat Oo, r. H. MmAa C.
Boom «C lbtif^:«aS
*.l«. rrn
Tbe fubton it unullr
FOR SALE-Houss and lot. bam on
lot. 442 WMt Bight atrosL Price
$2,400, onotklrd down, halanos to
suit purebaasr. Inqulrs ^15 Eaat
Ninth atroct. or address John Cluno.
Cheboygan. Mich
Jan 9* -
S*to Pkra« a« .44.
good things in store
irtlett and
lust vtett
of thr
for cash or approvc-d pai»er: weight I________
about 234)0 lb*. For further panic-]
nartlc->------------ular* either write- or telephone. W. I ^
>vhich has
them that we have
by many, wonld do more work wUh
less alckneos than tn tbe othma. It te
advanced that they buHt tbe Mlsslaalppl Jetties and do almllar work tn
tbe aoutborn states where conditions,
acterdtng to many Judges, are wotee
than at Panama. It la aakl tbe dlfflculty te making a attOeteot number of
aoutbern negroes believe this would
make tbe effort to engage tbem a waata
of time. If tba Chinamen do well they
will replace tbe Wert Indian negraea
new at work. In tbe meantime tbe na
groea are leaving almost aa fast as
others can be brooght to tbe Istbmna.
To make tbem happier tbe commlaateu
decided to provide them with wives
and sweethearts. Tbe first shipload te
women mm Martinique arrived »
cently and waa quickly dlstributil
along tbe nous. Tba women were wte
by.tha AoMricaa tnmlltea fir
until they Bright art up 1
ara cared for.
SIMtoB or dll 7IC Oir phono .nd |
receive reward.
J»n I SI* .J,,,,
been a prosperous
one. and ^ assure
Torrey and Alexander conld not coo
vert Brixton, Ix>ndoa. but tbe war de
partment la cow goteg to convert «be
retivr.l Imll they built Into a drill bxU.
The story te the tortnro of Rev
D. Moore, pastor of the 1
of Uarperarille. N. T..
wou^e says: -I aul
. . Vtv M
1^77; iT’'.
JAN. 3,1906
With a raHomi of Due
IWNdd adnMtumen or aayooe in need ot » Hone 4o
come and boy oo*. aa Hortea are acaree and wfll be higher UtiB
ever a UUfc) later on.
. ^
nrwwiHbethefiiieM lotlbareeferbraagfathere. aad I
iarile peo^ t j oooe and aee Uten,
l-ep ^plpmQn
-n ' r ibniMiifA hoKse
a a ac«rl«TMt or OVOMO U aprad.
l the ohOdrea of tbe poor aud
fcyr^ fov dajra fdOi hlaada la toara.
Urn orphaas of Paris.
MmUr mom Hooper oT Battle Ctaek
Tbe patbeUc cad of as operatic dyta the Koeet of kU etater« Mrm. Roee. at
nasty was fecalled tbe other day by an
exhibit la a New York aucUoa room.
Ofered for sale by a wan
bad ke^ them la storage for nearly a
daeade were eereral opera doaks. now
ebabby aad faded, and some mrs made
rralu were aenred fbr i
up la tbe olddaahkiaed modes of an
Tke Ladles' aM of Um Ooagragaay. Tbe tickeU on them Im
tloaa] dumdi iMid a apedal BMetlBg parted tbe knowledge that they bad
at tke booM» ct lira, aarcaoe Pierce
been tbe property of Mm Henry E.
Abbey. She U now In Loadoa but has
Mr. aad Mrs. Klaaey aad baby oT
been lost to tbe light of ber American
TboaipnafttiawM tbe caeeU of Mr.
teat amanemeat plunger of his
Klaaeir'e paieat»-Mr. aad Mrs. a. W.
died practically peaalleaa.
Kiaae»% for Cbrlstaiaa.
Judge Delavan A. Holmes, general
Miss Wields at Tboaipeoarllle was
tent of large packing InteroaU In this
also a paeat.or Mr^aad Mn. Klaaer
country, has been tmTollng la Mexico.
In his opinion
DUz will go
Tbe aaaaal dtooer of tbe Ooagrega
7 as one of tbe greatest
down in history
tioaal Aid soclMr will be held at tbe
tbe sge. "When Dlsx
boas or Mrs. Riiaa Rogers aext Tburswas elected twenty-fire years ago.**
dar tor ibe beaedt of tbe neaibers and
says Judge Holmes, "Mexico was heartbeir fSManiea.
lly in debt aad tbe r^ubHc was on tbe
Mn. Edward Cottier's coadltloa is
rerge of disruptioa after yearn of mistary ataeb taiprored aad Is bow able
gorerament. Now all Is peace and
la Bit ap a part of tbe tliae.
Tbe Biaar frloDds of Mr. E. Ortbert
rtforu of General DIax. The school
are pleased to bear be Is again able to
system especially is h surprise to
be oat or dooras.
American Tisitom There is a law for
Mrs. L«a Doty and children of
» Cdmpal^ory-educatioQ of children
Harrletu are speadlag a rew days with
ortltauf branehM, «ft.r wbtcb the
Mrs. Doiy^ parwts. Mr. aad Mrs.
pupil mv (Ct an educatioB In Ibe NaGaiter of tbU jdaee.
ttonal unlreralty—all at goremment
Master Orom Gaffer U oa tbe sick
Hat at te pressat UaM.
Dr. Erich Brlngolf. member of a dlsUnguisbed Swiss family, is a private
In troop L, Fifteenth United SUtes
oavalry. aUttoned at Ft>ri Ethan Allen,
Prirate Blnfolf Is 2€ years old.
HU fktber at one time was Swiss min
Ister to Japan and hU mother is a sUof General Kaulbam n RussUn
. Neeesa City. Mieb.. Jan. L-Lee
Campbidl leTt Monday ror Boyne aty. ■oldler of renown. Tbe young man
Mm. Dnrld Hickey and Mm Mnlraney has served in tbe SwUs army as lieu
and also has had diptomstlc ex
visited mends In Tbompsonrllle Priperience. He came to this country
day and Baiordak.
’ Mm Joba Rickey entertained her about two years ago after a lengthy
son, James aad family, also ber daugb- imveling toor and last August cnllated
ter. Mm Mlka^Dwyer oT Tbompaon as a private soldier, having, as he says.
idea In view other than obUlnIng
YiUe. Obrlstipas.
Noel Wilkins was calling on mends the experience of m private noldier's
life in what he termed "one of the
at Wallin Friday.
Tbs Rer. Pr. Golden returned from finest armies in the world, except Saltserlsnd,** the last two words being said
Grand Rapids Friday.
with a smile.
Naaaan CitXr ft F. D. No. 1.
Dr. William Dudley, bishop of New
Barprlse partiee seem to be tbe
order oT tbe day In tbU locality. 1 Caledonta, told recently some of the
guees Mr^ W, H. Dt™ ibooght so tors of a missionary bUhop; "I tmvel
Tbursday afternoon when she beard about my diocese with a tent, a bun
none one mp and opened tbe door and dle of blankeu and a Gladstone bag.
do my own cooking, washing and
stood facing about tblrty-llYe Lady
ending, though I take care not to
Maccabees and .manda and aome of
tbeir boabaads. They walked In and have too many things to mend. I even
took poaseaeton of tbe bouse wbich know how to make yeast."
Richard O'Flynn. the most promi
Mm DIson wllll^ly surrendered to
Ibem. To Bay she was completely sur nent Irish antiquarian in New Bngis dead In Worcester. Mass,
prised does not baU express It. She
was fairly amazed. Tbe afternoon was aged 7C yearn He came to tbU opun
spent In a aoctol rUlt wltb some fine try In ISSl. He was a molder by trade,
music by Mm John Bigger, after but for tbe last thirty years kept a
. doing an extensive business In
whicb basket after basket full oC de
all kinds of antiques. He represented
ntlful supper serred at the table.
•wted Mr^DUnn wiib a lort^y album,
a cbioa crackad bbstl a^MjU^y rase
to Id ber fcaow tbarber eenrices as
commander of Mamne hire. 3(3.
fwbere she has held tbe office fire
years aad Is commander-elect) were
fully appreciated. Then all retired «o
tbeir bomas thinking they had bad a
line lime and that that surprise was s
compide success.
Mrs^. Sarah Dwyer
Mm Allle
Mins rdofBed Saturday from a rlsH
with frieBds ht Pellsum.
Mm Mary Godard of Grant took the
train hefc Monday for Trarerse City.
f V -i
ayaMsreeu, Wert—4.
After the exe....*.,.
debater of Hanrant for the-------pt Mr; Paritmen, Mm Webster wei
ahrty. and was gone for s long pwod.
Doe ber rdura te Bastoa two of her
dd fHeada went to cell upon ber,
Rnmearnn and his wife. Both were t
• state ar BerroBs exdteoiHit, wmi
eraltlag in the parior for her.
^Xow, remember.** wbltperrd tbe
wifd to her BerroBt |asUsnd. -doot
miy gRjrthtag te mcaO to Mm WebJaat thea Mm Wsbaler eutarid. aud
[be aenroBs man exclaimed, with out-
and Imlnad.
people are
bear of all11 kinds of gatherings
In bUn
Faneull hall, but none has been
more curious than those conducted byreligious organlxatloo the members
of which call tbemselres "Jumpers of
tbe Burning Bush.** Tbe antics of tbe
Ics have roused eeaie talk as to
tbe propriety of penalttlng tbe enactBMai of sueb acoaes la 4be cradle of
The reading world aad a part of the
lay-golBg world know Hall Caine ns a
Ureleas worker In the Reids of litera
ture. but few people know that be replU Ramsap la the Manx bouse of
keya. One 4s aorry to toaia that the
good folk of Ramsay are not altogether
satisfied wtth tbe represeatattoa. They
Clare that the ^ed Msaxman It so
oftea Away from Qreeba castle that
they are praetleany dlatkmaehUed.
tobg the ChrUtMs gifts received
enilaai O. Rockefeller, non of
sm aad nephew of John D. Roekefeilpr. aad who win probnUy some dw
be the head of the BtaadaM Ofl eyetern, was the preeeat of tSJfi. The
ILM wee the legal fee aecompaayfag
eerrtoe eC a subpoena Ihr Mr.
(sfeller to appear at the taking of
teetlMiy la the ease of ^ state ef
Bail agalatt the Stutoard OU
Crown PHaea Otaf of
Norway, son of King Haakon VII, is
the object of much popular aUentioa.
In tbe charge of his nupie heads usitaT
ly taken oin for a dally run In the
queen's park and baa bad to pay the
penalty of fame In tbe form of kisses
■bowered on him by nssembllea of nd
miring Iadiet.<i who confront him at
every turning. To such an extent has
tbe practice been carried that the park
has been closed to the public by order
of the queen.
Beorgs Robertson Is Worthy Master
of Grand Traversa. No. 879.
The following are the of|toera of
Qrand Traverse grange. No. 379.
Worthy master, George Roborlaon.
Worthy overseer. Charioa Irlab.
Worthy lecturer. Adella IrUh.
Worthy atewanl. Mrs. Emerson.
Aasisunt steward. Ed Franklin.
Worthy chaplain. Mrs. Mary Slayler.
Worthy treasurer. Mrs. A. R. McRae.
Worthy secreUn*. Mrs. E. 8. Gray.
Worthy gate keeper. Mrs. Brooks.
Pomona. Mrs. Arvllla Gardner.
Flora, Mrs. Colvin.
Ceres. Mr4, Day.
Lady assistant. Mrs. Deustead.
Insurance director. George Robert
Assistant tecreUry, Will B. Gray.
German insurance ooniimnles refuse
t» take any risks In tbe ease of Alpine
dlmbera anleas an expert guide It oat
►f the party.
Dry, Hard and MWaoA Rialli tide
X N. nu.llmant.1
lohn R. Santo
General Insurance
New Wilkelm BUl,
TnYtne City
$4. $4.50. $5.00
$2.00 down, $1.00 a month
for a 15-inch
15-Inch Broiler. 15-Inch
Oven. 4 Burners
on top
Warranted good- engraved free. Jnst the
thing (or a gift that is
Von can’t give rmything
more aooeptable. Oar
price* $1.00 to $ii0.00
These are 1U05 stoves and
this is your chance.
MINCM-Oa** OT«r as**.
That don’t leak-gold
and silver handle*.
Jtweirp Start
>R. A. H. H
roata XMn
T. W. ’miM.V, ]
DR. LAWTOfwPbystoigg ana .vl
•aoa; oAmr wnbMm Uodk, thtii
fioar, wRb Da fiawM aafi tabeb
Special attention given to
diBeaaeg of the eye.
with Dr. I. A. Tbompaon
taar aad wttaa
OF TlTLR-a a Oro>
Carroraad Bro.
F. CHAfiR-HomaopatbtoL Ofi
ver Buebac'i drug tioi% atb
pboa»-Baaidaiio«^ M; cAua
taxes for the
rear 1905. and for the delinquent
and special aaieaamenta for aaid year have been
[ilaoed In my bands for oollectlon.
I win be in my office to receive said
laxea from now,until Feb. 1. 190C. on
mob week day from 8 o’clock to 11:30
Bclock in tbe forenoon and from 1
B clock to 4 o’clock in tbe afteMon.
On all state and cenraty taxS paid
before January 10. the regular fee of
Boe per cent for collection will be
(barged and on all Uxes paid
Jd on or
after January 10. there will be
(barged a fee of four per cent (or collactk
and school taxes
menu. 4 cent on
dollar of the
amount of said tax.
Office in room 202 State Bank
Did some friend remem
ber you Hint you had
Dfsi?lecieil to provide for?
You can find iuat the gift
hero that you would like
to rotum for New Yeara.
It need not be expeniive
nnloBifyou wish; plenty
of dainty and pleaeing
gifU for a little uion^.
Fine Dental Work
L. THIRLRY-RpaeUl IttWi*
to dtoeasaa Of abndroa. Room
40istaU bank Udf. BoIR phonat.
^Tho handsomett and most -convenient KITCSEN CABIIIET on the
Solid Oak fronts, Moute
and dust proof Roller bearing Flour
LLER can catUnate your timber.
0 Trmverxe City Mfg. Oog
110,000 worth of timber
luring November and De
ls a day. Interlocben,
Jan 2-lyr
We manufacture them and make
low pricei.
”tet^ Dec. 1. 1905.
ee 4-tf
aty Trenaurer.
araoPATHio phywoiamm^i^
«lw«Ato <Mdac ■Bat-Mor. M*. Mi
^ WUkl.
3. P. CARVER ft BRO.
Wood! Wood!
1\ire Insuranct
505 Kew WiiBelm Block,
•phone 639.
^l.iss F»EF% I.OAD
,^fiRlRCU1l■ is cm hisannufil erniae to bestow good
the material lor a houMag
son SKUMB s
6eoe Jle Sareifi
2CI Trout ftrctl
tkm with the lumber Deed,
ed* We miimly tbe beet
a k UMKWoao.»
oval Woiil bish Co.
m. S7. BOTU PBtns
HWiMIUrfit mpiHl
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