The Evening Record, October 03, 1906

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The Evening Record, October 03, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



AY. ecitowii «.««•.




a^ tlie loodwater «E«MI sad ware on to atay
That tb«T
on tbr watrr w*pm
sraa orl4«il but it waa muchly faarod
tbat tWy might drop thr whip and be
compoaod to climb «jff. Tho cblK of
goUce aaoired a v\ctur/of tbr mmy
trio aad will be duly Hied In ibr
arcbifc dnalgnaied for the Mr.

Have Revoked
L»«it Oistsiict Priu.
The lloeoar of r«pialn RIchardaon
and Second Mate Conniy of thp paa
aenger etnaroer lllinoU. hare been «urpendw! for abi month* by the Grand
Haren *ieanil»oai ln*p<Tt<»nt. The IJlinol* ran on the Ivarh at Charleroi*
arreral wt'.-k* aen with 4.*Ui TuutaenKrm

Mv« Kslfht. sf Pythis. wsc tf«votsd
U tiM ElEction of offleors. In each case
ttwo offleo ^ng ftUod by aoclamation
and imanlmoyoly oaeapt that o. ffrand
Otftar foard. Tha now offlcarr o> tht
Mtchlffon grand lodge art aa follooro:
^so» grand dwneoltor. C. A. Palmor



Of^ la in
tion and la Growing-State Or
geniaatkM te in CaceHent Con' dltien Financially.

Your Taste in Clothes

menu nt of the
Knights of PrthUs. FTnm a very
smalt memUwMblp at «he tiegtnninr
the order liaa grown until In Michi­
gan alone It numbers t.r»oo Indies and
I.Thfi knights. There are fifty^v
lodges In the state, the laigem being
at PonUac, 2S4 member*. D*lray 2»
meuUrs aiuLGrand Rapids 221'. tuemhei*. During the past year there
have iHwn added l!i«J new members.
The .'tate organization Is in g-w|
condition llnanrially. having at pre*«:t (
the aum of H.IKX.92 on band. Thu
past .vear lt*f Iw-en an ejiinvially |iros
'wo thouaand Rebels In Santiago Re- perous one with the Riihlione SlsteiA
dU4' largely to the fact that ia.'^t year
fucc to Lay Down Their Arms and
tor the fit St time the supreme lodge
Trouble la Feared—Newt la
K. of V. M'Cogiiized the order as an inNot Rraaauring.
d.-IKhdent auxiliary branch of the
Knight.- of Pythias.
A large nunila r of dlsirtrt convan
By Wire to the Evening Record.
fjContlnoed on Fourth Page.)
Havana Ors. 2 ~ Dtaannr nu nt
PerraGui ria » m^n at Saniiap) do 1.0^
ma iK'can today under the eupej
vision ol Major Ijidd. assisted hy
ra and hK MtlMiidlna»e offir-rs
ly 2.000 men wen' in Giietni'.'
iiand. ot which l.ueii will he s«'n
to PInai I>. 1 Rio by lall and the oihei
wUI mairh iioroe Ration; for th'e
ni.irrh wITl lx* fuml.xhed tiy the United
S;al«w. The rtlaarmament of Gutman *
army In S-nnia (Mara will begin m at.
Yellow Fever Feared.
tlT. Von Ebdorf .if the United Slater
marine hoepUal jwrvici' inlonm'il Cm •
• T.ift to2a> that there is dauger
of m yellow frv. r epidemic, .md a plac
for winliary work is being prejianxi
Won*' Lay Dowr Armc.
The news from Saniiagu today is mx
‘assuring. Two thousand lei.Hi
that province n'fusi to lay down i
ond It.mi le ;s apj.'elendi .I.

order Ice cream or candy at Jackaon's.
10€ Front street.
oct 5-4t

hree Young Men Suppesed tc
Pan of the Gang Are Under /
rest at Grand Rapids.


Cmi mssur at arms. Fred C. Wtt-j FAST EXPRESS IN A COLLISION
mors of Codllloc.
Orond.koopar of records am seals.
WHI t. HomiBtoo of Chariavoi*.
Chariaa O. Naabr of GfSnd Rapids.
O^nd Umor guard. Franz C. Kuhn


oraaa «rt.r gaard. Virt«

of JoniSirUlt,
Lk> Core of Grand lUpWs. wIm' wa* j



Md MDliuitcd Ml. Hampton
Frank GUIrepic of Holland was Mr.
Ilawkloa' oppoo»*nt for th«‘ office of ,
gratwl outer guard.
The sMcmd day of tbs.

order H *>olld- with the weaibor man
Tb« morottts marked thc upeolog of
live grand Aodge is their ««rct aoaakm
when dcsriy SMI. the complete roatcr.
Tbo cvonlag trahitF brought la oaorc
detf«sus' lost erreilsi. the majorigr
Part Ptooc.
This iMtai wnp sblr to care for about
MO omre poopir than wa* expneu^


whkt wot* to be outlaod bare uo del

' _______


Were Fatally Injured and SoW
of Othere Were Hurt—Frail
Wat on Main Track.

By Wire to the Eveslag Record.
Chicago.^Oct, 2.—Thc mgtnecr
fireman wore fatally Injured
acorcs of other* Injured In a wreck of
a fast mail train on the Chicago 4
Northwretern railroad at Highland
p;jrk. Tho train of six coi
creabed into a fn^lght train standlnc
on thc main line in a fenac foe aliout
k o'dock thl# morslng. A paalc toh
lowod the ermah Md ntny pasaongen
were tojurwf In the mad tgbt for mu

Ug Tnysrss Cliy and her teagitsllty
and. altboMili not as large am aoim' 7
ftm. tha gaarenhly promArea to go on I
.coord M €M Of tikc raoat anceosstS^
te MlrhltBR.
I M Fourth 1Psgr.)

Smart Shoes

At woaaiil a year ago. we do
not aril pioU<«, bat we will
GIVE you a fonnuU for
making tliem, and be "pleased
to anpply yon with snch

It it the gent ml topic among
Traverse City ja nple that
roa\ nice shoes can only be
had here.
Bynitv we mean stylish,
up-to-date in every way.
Shoes that mid to the boant*
of a pretty Euit or dress.
We knew how to tit Ue m,

Mustard Seed.
Celery Seed. .
Olive Oil..
CapMCum Pods.'
Curry Powderand other thin^ too i


Bachant & Roscoe.


Indestructible Roofing
Wears as long at the



0.0. MOrrATT
AbMract* of TIMo



T' ^

Cor. 10th and Lake Ave.
Telephones: Citixens, 32; Bell, 69.


Fall Opening 1906



It is made from carefully selected
wheat, in a^good
zrand Traverse wh
mill by a good
sack guaranteed.



Traverse City Mfg. Co.

PmscD# eATierACTeBY

"‘Best” Flour

Not rt any price can tb*r» be built amnrter
thooi than the -DOROTHY DODD." They’re
tk<- problem of ahoe perfection work^ ont m
oboio-at leethera anil original, <)iit<notive atylea.
Women who are faatulion* aa to what they we«r,
ch.««. the “UORuTHY DODD” for
rather than economy.
-See out window ditpUy for FaU atylea.


in the accomplishments of our

Dmg Store

corn. Me: oala, Sdcu


There is No Magic


^ ^

work i. boB^ With it re^tira oome. before *11 ebe.
PrlcM$lS f.$S5. WeUreeiohttiTe nlB


Drt. Saviit & Ptibinigai


X Adler Bns.& Co. Suits udOnraoBts


Charles D.-Neahr,
lli-eHyl.'d Gj-aii.l .Ma.slej »>f*
< hcdiu-r.

By Wlra to the Eventng Recoid
Giand U::!*nU Mich., O.'t. — He1 cel Ives Yoiincs and \nergcvcr ihhmoTniug c.iptun-d lhiv« young men
suppOKfMi to 1m* |»an tjf ih.' gang that
roblANl thc} lumk at While Clond Their
names are Fronk Gralmm. George Pat-| —
lerson and .lames H.nris. They
large sum «»f m«»ney.
Kalamazoo, formerly grand vice chan- j

Mgjbe oonienrative or extreme, yet w® belioro
veoui tatiify it completely from onr line o!

Thit^ertaUUkmeDtiiukM clrthM for




n. B«ut Co. Pro.





vUitoor (ton aad take *100151 oor Mntteent of ptoMy
giftt. SonvoninMd port oudi which
jnrt right to toko
R. 8.V. P.



We Invite all the
L of P. Brothers

^ V V ^







Oct. 1, 2 and?
VOUare most cordially ■ invited to
1 be present at our Fall Opening
on the above dates. Many spe­
cial prices will be made in the various
departments throughout the store.

Ploslc Wednesday
Anemoon and Evening.


, .


ag Brant ucou

•r fk» ivm



travewk city.




Plain Storetalk


nvE HAVE L*rr tmk citv wm*.

aMMi of
mo tefUtr. Wk7 Mt MOf «Mna

If we 4ere not pOMtivE of our po»tk>n we
would be less em|>hEtic in oar daiimL



to « oomter oC fiitiM. Mttblr 1
High «wt. Ortwifcoi. 0-,
OfVhOl VO OMd «tOl
«»»« «
T1»r •» oof of fW OMOO Otyio •« ito
oa tero bat ore tighUr birtft of Irtm,
Wfr gototgd. Tlu. VC ItoJtts ore €0^
tlrol7 gtagraoed wim where the vchei
ore «m4 oo4 the wgi lllomlnaflcm


•rim tioccT.

rWieni «1l«pl*j. The orche* are nalotahi«4 by the htuloeM meo then
aelre* oiu) the cost is Tery low.
It wiMld be • ooo«* idaa 1/
rbaotk down town would take ttoi
mailer up and caov oeTefal of tbev

o« .( IW .IWO
tt» 1. tte

to be in a position to offer you


better i^rtce on any

style Stove or Range tbai you arc contemplating

MaBesNe Sled Ruse

the purchase of. Come and see if we are not right.

in oficntioa ntooratrie'

V»o sm to ftoitt «to the Erw. E
U Ei«to oft»iMtotfaSSvai ^tx>

TWS Week, .Oct no 6
FEBE-Thtvmrnnto Waruito

ehtfSi Aito tor not gi Itotoo Eaptd..
thlt.oliib TM
tout ISiNOh tiiOMWtof too
Thovto Opo of fli «tot Mcthodlal
chvoh to Hatoo ohorai v Jvkaoo

^jjt^ «»ee -rredevenr

Easiest Kind of Easy Payments

J. w. s
' ^ Your Reliable Home Furnisher .

fiEE-To emy pondiMor of
Tbe MallMbie Bnnge thw wedk

Buchanan. Mich., is the honte of
blind man. not bom blind, but ma
blind, who U miharkabie.
Edward A. Jvdan Is his name m
he Is a lending business man and
obtaMe torentor. He haa recently disOM Pottoffioe Building
ciirento a fUm cumel tor painting tin
rwofg. etc., imd lihs began the i
faittorr- He taaa ala© planned to go
We have the liinceat aaRats at Wire Walkers,
into 4be fcanitiaclure of three kinds of
•ortmont of HEATING
\ praeoful rxhn.iu..n nf wirew.n
feh roofUig. one of which will be flre>
pmoC.'anti has invented a ms
cirricHl in stock. Tlie
R11;;m in
wEleh wRi make a aguare of this roofheovy txade tFfe hav.* »t^
An cxfiM- ofOr*;. «iio wa» eyelJng
li^ a mintne. AUhoogh blind, he is l.y the town batl.
cured this scaaon guaran
M iK-l
iW to Irs.k
irkMr^o die a rtch man—he is already
ice! 11! to on'iar bo«r>' for
iHit makli
the fall trade, nod in or­
Pv SMirfotoogiot ii EiMMi
way along an overhead electric
industrial standing of the village.
der to aecan* your patronHe pointed It out to^ihc town
we shall not only offer
Jordan was bom in Chnrlotte, Mich, offlcials and they watchtMl nearly one
IJUTOEEJ-^iy^ tpo^
J. W. ElatoKs Farm Wm Net Touched
you these jjoods at n very
in 1S«. and became a resident of Bu­ htjndn'd and flftv rf the rats
While Fototow e«t One Alengalde
rossonahle prici*. hat will
chanan wbea he was but one year old. .until they were hidden
in IMC occurred a most distressing sight hy H lofty Hour ntill.
aoebjent. w^h at the time seerntM
The rats used their tailK as the proJ. W. Slater was opt to h\i farm yes
as IT It w6iiM ccrulflly incapacitate B-srP nal wntker cm th<‘ l»w wire
teniay and he saya that the frost hat
willi c-very
the young roan for further osefulnes.s his balanciug p«»le. and nlthoush they
ut a plant out there. He says h<
In ttaftling with the world, but which watch, d for mot.* than iw.. hui
ednnot see the effects of the frost on :
Uier ov.-nts show, made of him a man y.nrds tln*n* Atci.- n.» ca‘-it.nlti«*s.—Tin*
plant of agy description on his farm.
among men. He was at work in the l>md.m Daily Mail.
for the next
His tonaato. ruenmber and m»*loi
.vhoji of the Buchanan Windmill comPV Stoto Sviatoiw
vines and his poutoes are oh fresl
p.tny. wh.-n a plwc of hot sletd from
FfllO C, WEWOf
and green as they were In Anjrust
an emer>* wheel flew Into his left eye.
while on the farm ailjolnlng him ot
One year later, after an oiK-railon at
Mai.y'dld tmt ic.itn .tf the Ug Ir
rest about 140 rods distant. th<
Ann Arbor. Mr. Jordan In'camo totally m.*ni made at th.* American drug store
Come and Be<* for your­
oes are completely killed hy th(
LaavM Husband and Eight Chlldrsn.
blind. Such a vUUatlnn as this would so have extond.-d the advertised offer
selves what we have to
discourage and dishearten roost men. of a large f 1 bottle of the famou
AM of Whom. Eacapt One. Balong
offer you.
to the Salvation Army.
but this sterling hearted youth was on- rieqena Mineral Salts for r.fR-. The
Eortfa^ V a OlslnfacUnt
daunt «*<1 and accep.tHl hl< Hfflicilon as quickest and safeat cure for liver, kl.l
Your 'Reliable Furniture Store,
A reader Asks: ‘is copper snlphale tme stoic, immediately casting about ney and stom.nch trouble. If you have
MtorHLe same as blucstone? Is the Boe »r some means to impnive himself.
not got a e*ard such as is l**ft with
Mrs. Maria King, wife of John King,
dcaux mixture safe to nso on the He entwd the Seh<K»I inr the Blind at
dlrxl at 5;HA last ermlna at her t
rotigh walls of an old house that we [.anslng and took a then, years* lit store and get on.*. You nr«* then
819 Sixth vtroet. her death belnj
1*27 South Union Street
wish to nse ns a pen for shotes? Can *rary and musical mmso and also enrmiti to the large |1 Irntth*
iwiljr TrMtofwrw
to cancer, She has Ikm'H a sufferer
It be nsed on animals to rid them of earmd the trade t*f bn»om
Clemons Salta for .M»c Just as adver­
for some lime ami was confined to her
vermin? Would it do for spmylng
After leaving the school Mr. JonUn tised.
oct Mlt
bed for the last two months. Mrs.
the stable floor or the manure^>Iles?"
to Buchanan and started a
Kina was 47 years of age and leaves
Some of these questions show how
fact..r>- and In a short
a husiMind and eight children.
need there Is for mote knowl­ built up a good business. Hi 1S90 hr
Mrs. King was the best known Sal­
edge among country dwellers and in built an Iron-clad building at No. 54
vation army worker In the dty. barthe homes of our farmers In regard to Front striM t. with a cigar slor.* .m onr
ina been treasurer of the local corps
frank holoswortk
the nature and composition and the side. J«*welry on the other and a lu-oofl]
since its oraanlmtlon. Her husband
primary chemical relations of the sob- factory In the jcar. .
is a soldier In the local corps and
Wm OltoiH Camt cvnmiaMOfto
sunees with which the soil tiller
^mc lime aft.*r this, during a vlsii
elaht chlldrt'n. wiih the exception of
comes In dally contact~the air, the tt. Chicago. Mr. Jordan met Ik.wl.^whf
Mrs. Payne, who lives Just ove
water, the soil, the fertllirers or forovnweer of the Church of Zion,
line in I^n lanau county, are soldiers.
tllixlng and other chemicals, etc. F> and tin* form. r lH*came a convert This
The children «re: Mra. \Tnnle Will­
. WHAT we CAN 00.
ery farmer’s boy. and every Rirl who
Rrigndler Oeneral lxK>mls yestartlaj iams. Mrs. Elthn Pnyne. Mrs. Mar> may l»e suppoHod to become a farm- new rcllgio’.iR nfflllatlon turn.M MrJorevfoaaad Wmseff v more that Burton, who is doing BalvaHon arm.v er s wife socnc da>% should receive dans thoughts into another channel
planaad with the reception of tlu work in Washington; Captain (Irve some Instructions about the naikre of and had an Influence .upon hl.s business
KnlghU of Pythias bore and with th« king, who has charge of the corps ai the ten or twelve most important ele­ life. The conducting of.a cigar and to­
Time to select your garments. Our stock of high
praparations that had been made foi Mvkcgon; Miss Blanche, who is : ments which figure In the composlthm bacco business not being In harmony
tbair comma. The decorations wen soldier anti a singer In the Jocal corps of the soli and soil products, and .of with bis recently acquired views, a
class, faultle.ssly tailored
tba Itovt, be said, of any previou, IbTward and David, who are two smal the simpler compoonds. Sulphate of groceer store took Its place.
l*ovs and who .vre enthusiastic J-inla
copper It he chemical combination of groceries of a man totally blind, might
r Traverse CJiy ^
copper and sulphuric add). Is also seem a ddubtfu! proceeding, but Mr.
The funeral service will be held
known as blue rllrlol and blnestone. Jordan • movements in wraiiing on his
Friday afternoon from the Salvation
la the future hope to continue le
and is In Itself ooe of our most raluathun. Trayerse City is the natural army hall and It Is probable that Cap­ ble and most effoctlve disinfectants. cuctoaaers would never betray the fact
,C0BT«dUoo city of the north and the tain Munselle. who formerly had I use It quite freely In our sinks, oor that he was sightless. He can lay his
peopto are always rewdy and willing to charge of this post, will be present cesspools (if we have any), our drains hand on any anlcle in the store, w clgh
is larger and better than ever. Ciray checks in all sizes and
do jorihiag to keep up Its reputation to eondnrt the serMee. If the captain and sewers, on the damp cellar floor, all arUcies with minute corrcctness.flU
the solid color are most popular. Have some coats
an oil can or molassea jug.start a gaso­
Th« rtU. O, A. R.
w«. Ooc ron... b- will. If i««lbl^ n-miiln
etc. In simple solution it is
line stove, and in fact can do everyin medium shades of brown that are handsome.
UlO tergtot meeting ever entertained over Suml-iy and bold a memorial serediy more powerful for s
caslly and gracefully
htoo hnt dcv>lte the larpe crowds, the vice.
than Bordetux mixture,
than many people whose eyewighf
ohtompment wv handled so well that vice. He Is at Bay City at
weakened form
U usual in such cases, his
a ertlerton was formed and the veter­ presem.
reduced only for the
sensos have been greatly sharpan! atlH think of their visit here with
veiiting Injurious action
Hit Estate Renamed.
thedr P^er wonderfully logrmt pleasure.
Wlien Judpe Sherman was renurat- sues and of insuring
proponion to what they
Tliltlhg dclcisatlons may feel
er adherence to leaf-surface. For wash­ normally are. and which help to make
that they will always l»e accord
U hnlli directly on the rocks at Olouup for the Inconvenience of getting
evster. says the Boston Herald.^ he
along without o6es eyes. Ho can
thought he would like to rIvc It a while one of the best of aU germ-de- tho droomlnatloo of a piece of mooey
name appropriate to the location. 8o slroyers and preventatives for the by the ring of lt:-nmer forgets a per-,
be wrote a letter to a friend and put spread of diseaae. U not an Insecticide. son*! voice: and nan tell which cerw
“Fonndedl-on a-R.wk*' across the top. It cannot be used on animals or In sta­ torn fnfanhitaint of the village Is
to see how it wtrikl Ux>k on bis sU- bles for killing vermin. -^Tbr svv r- log lOs storw by the aound of th
eign remedy for that pu.-pore ;. i : dsstrlan’s atop. Mr. Jordan is an extionery.
The friend he wrote to happened to sene or possibly still N uer. cr‘.’e
i typewriter, and
be a great )oker. and the judge was peiTxdeum. The latter nuv i«. i - .» ;u writes all his own letters. He ah
aatonished to rwive a letter aefdresa toll strength on enr d oj , dt.. > leets all his stock. The demands of
ed to The Hon Judge Shermatl. tic animals wlthcnt <U.cper. 1< . c ^4 hii business require a delivery v
Found - dead., on - a ♦ rock. Oloucgaler for sores and wounds, and lor n.aay and clerk.
io tbe Fancy Mixtures, from
’ ■;
Tie n»re peme latw Mass.
other purposes besides. Kerosene
Another oC Uls wonderful man
may be sprayed over the roogh walls
impllshmenla is the accuracy with
•boat the BOBiceacat «f
•r give thas of a bulldlag. and -will destroy iho which he tolls time. He has an ordi.Gymnastics alone (
this huk-the Banre at
germs of disease as well is insect life.
land the Her. Hugh Meonedj of tha
Aabwry N. E ahveh to Ml. Plevant.
tha Ear. U R Carpenter betog the
only Methodist lotnistef left here.
The other minister, who rtUI retain their ebargaa bara are the Rev. C.
T. filont of Oroca Eplvopal church,
the Her. Demas Oochlln of the Convegatiooal church, the Rev. L. B. Risaelt of the Preahyteiian church, thj'
Her. John Fbr»btog of the fiwadlKfi
Laitheran church and the Rev. WllUam
Schweppa of the Eannpc-llral Uithemn
TrtuH> ehurch.

PATtnm H. KEtLEV if U>ilAE
Eir EwtMnr if tliftbEEEMB a. EEEECOrr if T»iV

Frank Trude Premiums Given Away
Are You Going to Need
a Heating Stove?




Too •!» oofdiUir inritnlto <»B
■ad tet



' -i ,u..|LL-'‘:


Heating stove



30 Days

Grand Rapids Furniture Go.

Fall and
Winter Gamenta

Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats, Rain
Coats, Suits and Skirts

The Fancy Mixtures in all.the popular shades
of plaids sell from $7.50 to $22.50.

$9.00 to ii27.50

Vc Like Publicity

Misses’ and Young Udlcs’ Coals

$5.00 to $18.00

ItslMBsaad its aethids
taccMtBt.thenwrellketylheytfttt brlK thdr
Thb b a Stic *ace ar


. AnlwStkatOMl

J.W.^Bckno A. W.
KA.Moww Bo»*MpMoe

First Ifattonal
0.& DepMtta

WwoetoiiR Ciuh

Anwrioan Drag Store
Hannah Drug Store

greatly reduced In strength. It would
not lie advisable to use It froelr on
boga. horses, cows. etc. i do. however,
make use of it (mixed wHh oil of Ur.
flKh-oll. etc.) for spraying cattle and
horses to%epel flies. For disinfecting
stabb*s and manure piles the best
things in use are land-plaster, acid
^ihosphate (dlsaolved with .Sooth Car­
olina rock, the plainest form of superphosphste) and kalnUc.—Farm
; Fiu'Alile.

The manager of the foochall
having a date with Big RapMa for
Friday should iMepliono Bert J. JoikUu at Dig BapMs. tonight son

Peanuto as Food.
The little peanut, that only a few
years ago waa considered by the phy­
sicians as unfit to put Into the
ach. U DOW tbe hasto of the food pro­
ducts of one of the largest sanluriums tn the eoontry—a^ysls r
It Id con^n three times the nntri
meot of !>eef—Ijcoce.- as It b«
better known and Its value realised
it enters the bill of fare in the shape of
peanut butter, aalted peanuts.


(hlldrcn’s Coats in Astrachan or Bearskin
in white and colors, sell from


$4.00 up

Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Co.






Stove Putty

-MvyCost Yaa $200
In Fud In the
Next Three to
Rve Youb.


n:kMr. Fltnmc.- with auM

nmr M tk»
«nj. AUMIv Itor fW*», ate «kni
CMdj: -Hnm J99 «jr
WKJ «Wvii« cte tocabntnrs to Jla. pol
Ho'o foifls to anko om to hatck Ckooo
Kot to tko looA Go


Oo Toooaoy of tlio IktoxTo

ainia uZ*i2»ioi*n^^*^ toM

. htoi ir la ImM^ Iko ckktodb I’d^more tko ootagoMit to the coonty
‘ncnor nn;^ giro yon $200 for w«Mln‘


qwv a^ny JOT toilKiw Hof orW*>lMO,iBfroalio$$Mn.

Fank Trade
\3M NOeffin lilliiM
An Autocrat of
The Poultry farm

tboro and aecr lamoatiM w:ui nia
thsmb the naom fnon wbi^ came Ibo
aoand of .Toong roli'e# and laughter.
-Von let that gal git hoya and boga
inter that allni Lraio of hem and dm
won't be cttod for nothin'."
•nW. thete. pa. don't talk ao lood.
Too didn't want my ma to come in and
oot when you owd tu rom^to aee mo."
Jcnnab'a fare purpled: bd rtutebed at
Ida colUr band ns If be w ere choking.
-Voa don't meon"- be gasped.
Mra. Pfoalon nodded.
‘•Iiou t take It BO bard, pa." abe mnruinrod oootbingly. '•Hm f'ortla to
one oMbc llkeUeat youny men. aml '-I could stand U lietter If 'iwauT for
the boga." be moaned feebly. -If he
didn't want to be a lawyer like bla pa.
why didn't be take np aometbln' a«j%l
bier than bugs? What good la a bog?
Boga-mllbona on *eui-couldu't hatch
ont one cbtckenr
-Uc'a etudylng l*e^ now. i>a. and
tbry'ro good for hooey." api»raaiagly;
-be ha» orer eu many 1
glod onreiMn hi. pa'a ba<

olo'ayo bad bron of a
doBoUc diifiodi hm. Imt bin uatnral
taJwey In fJitn dire^ti^n Meemeal ta
•ftor bta re-jjmirratire expetloaeota lu pooltry raLiug.
Joniab*a miod apparratJy 4aW bnt
OM tboogbt-bta bfw The oartb xrat
mod# for Ibr oot#
of proTiU!ag
Ibmi xrltb n a^TSIdilnc groottU. Tbr
non nae ta gira tboui Ugbl and wartnth;
ulgbt foUoooa day ibat they might
Imre iloa to loot.
When naoor rivatau. Joalah r fuly
daughter, muo bomo from taonraittc
••bool and bar father dln-oveml by
dlUgrul uueolkmlng Ibal the wonla lucoljotof. iHTwdrr. trap n«»t. Iioue cutter
enough to aak your cooaeni. and flowelkitail no anan
lljr. -A gal tbat'a er. like a good girl, aald .bed never
marry anybody wlibout her im a con1 for t
Thai'a a good deal nowaday.,
and don't know a leg band from a bona
Pertiapa It wa. because of Joaiaha
**Yoo moat Imn about tbloga ai aooa
at } on con. door.” arblapered tbr moth­ repmatloo for Irawlbilily. iicrhapB lieer ttorxooaiy. **lf yon con't talk p>ul- cauae the young man felt that be could
try tok with yonr po yo» might jwt aa
writing, that bla fumial applJeatloo for
well be in tbo deoert of dabary.*"
-Ibore a one roaifort.” contlnoed Jo- the conaeut of the autocrat reached
aiaii: **1 ain't rained the only fool tberii Joalah by mail.
The old mau read the letter several
la In Uda coonty.”
timea. groaning and gnintlag. U*ben
-Tberr. there, iia.” Mra.
the mill- he roar there « a. a grim am lie on Iha
apoke aootblogly. -What
fact- aud a kx.k of delemilnation in hi.
-Hqulrr I'urtl.- l-r i^»t
kero gray eve.
eoUlge t other »lay. a»d olwt do you
Till. wa. ou 1'hiinator. In the even­
think. Inatlil of atud.riu' law ana to help ing Mm. Prcioo reuiiuded hlmbit pa. be'a beeu alua.Tin' Intga. Four { "Aren’t you going In to aee Jim. ivaV'
yoara In i'clligr. aud do::'t kuotr a thing * -iiuuno-. be'. c-allUi’ on me." testily,
ton bogar
• Maybe Ida pa a anted hlui tj.” rehurry to answer IL
marked Mra. rreatou padncjilly.
I'm makin* up my mind "
-Waal" harahly. ”l can t crow ©ter
A almilar reminder the next eveuing
boy don't met with a like rebuff
Ihiulre^ CorUa n
. .«!a near aa
1 kin figgtr out. lltai dou't know j „ui want to be reminded
nothin' at all. The only advantage 1a
room.' carrying a .m
it took ber a year le«. to learn llT*
| tia»ket. ami dtoplayed U« content
When young ruril. »•*gau railing at , twenty large egg*, fair and beautiful
the farm, which be did with anaplcloua , to the astonished
promptneaa. Joaiah a cup of mlw*ry was ‘
There, young man." be growled,
-mere I. my anawer. Three week.
• For the Und a aakc. " be cxUalmad from tonight. If you bring me fourteen
testily to bla wife, "can t yni' "o *n cblckena om'n them twenty egg.

Note thB Difference

^ net ker rod Upo In a Onn.
rM Hoe 8ko kod.oot InOwItrd

make oot a Hat of wedding fok^
today orenlng came, but Mr. Curtto did not appear.
-Wbore'a the bog pcofoaoor. Flowerr aaM her father tauntingly.
-He*r^pplng tbo rblekooa up in
eotton ao they can't toke cold." re­
torted T-lower aptritedly.
Tbo old man amUod grimly, but tbo
smile died away aa Curlte entered the

en box. which thr'^tter otwoed with
tremUlag fiageiw. He removed a abeot
olton. dlaj'toying a numl^* of
iuffr. alec;y. j»eeplag cbitkeua.


dwlCT Mwa u Huaab A



IKm t you know that
you muM have a ben that want. tq alt;
one hatch eggs If she
Too c
loaaa't want to."
-Well. I eau buy au Incubator.' |»n
-Ton'd l*e four or live daya late by
he lime you v'ouW order one auU hnve

.Mt„ *'elwk bx ttetof.

The auttsml apraui
-Jumping l-lugcrbn
ed. • I'll bet a dime:
Jim toughed fileasantly.
-I aurely did. Mr. Praaton. When
n *wcr »Ih*w<^1 lue the Inculuuors three
wfN-kii ago tuuiglit. I ohaervetl that the
teiuiwrature wn. similar to that in my
beehive. I vcrltied this on reaching
borne by placing a thermometer In a
hire. Ho I put the egg. In the upi»er
.ecUon of the hive, neparatlng them
from the working apartment, of the
bees by a conoa cloth. I was posHlve
they wonM hatch, but you may Imagine
my Burpriae when they began chipping
the ahell In nineteen daya "
-1 gneas I'll pul 'em In a brooder."
aald JoMah. recovering hlmaelf some­
what. TTieae chlrka ha. cost me y.TOO
- too expenslTe to be allowed op dissi­
patin’ at this time In the night."
He bore the prccioua peeper* away,
muttering wooderingly:
-Buga! Hatebod by bugs: And two
days ahead of timer
Later the antocrat announced In the
•omity pap^r the eogagement of his
laughter to the -brilliant yonng wd,
mtlat. Jamea rurfis." -

At ll»c rev-cut flinncr of the Asiaodated lYcws In New York Ibe quaint
menu was lu the fbnn of a liny book,
w ith a rut like thu c reproduced here.
Ulustratlug every Item In tlie feast
and -u*k;ui: off*' e*cry om;»r un the
h^t. V. jib e;..h iliusiniii.m went a
verse Tti-n- nen- .vbout 1-V» mem­
bers pn*s4-»U .nud
a dor.en guejsta.
Including dencml I|.ira»v Forter and
Mark Twain. . Tie* picture of the
inonihs j
o.vmer. con1erop:»r^ry wl»!i
and low,-t UMuiiemtun*.

ar# Sono wo Jl**d lo Ui ^
Ami hmv
tn In u
We do not r^crel m:i nid vellow fang, atjd .nag* «f»d tj«le- aflrr
we have worn nice fi#uniform rtoiw
^ThswV.jhevl m time o' llfe-wrentr
rear, and a half^where none of the eoneems of this Wnrid hare eiuch Intereat
for me peraonaM>
1 ihJnk 1 ran apeak
disp-Tsa on.-aelj u%y.m *hf ra-'t-r. Ia««auaa
In the mile While that I hn^•‘ got to re.
main here I ran g-i .at.»og vera- wdl with
Iheae old fashlor^rd f..rtni and I dm. t
pro|>>)ae to rmaVe .aijv tn
I sh.nn soon ia w

rriUe that
Thnw sr*
***** «rthogn«ph\,. »f A It m.cht to too
its pr-aent rondltl. n I
rr^oplr •l-rt ItWr T*» hm\^ th'-lr Itlrrstar- In
thr oWt form
That look* lu me lo !»•
•rathrr :.»-m«h. and «r k*—p ih»- f«-rms »•
llwv are- w hMs w.* b.Nv e rot 1 w nm p-oP> /Himlng In her*
e\-rv month, nnd th'-r h.ivv got to »
gle with this nnhographv of mirr. r
k**epa them bark mid d.imagr* thef
Isrnshlp for >*ir- until th-v U-m
luwii ih* Unauwg*-. If ih. > r>. r do
it mr^!. -* ..‘.imM-.t.:! arr'J*r:*r

the Dr. Hnwanl Co. to aacure a qnlcic
•ale for ihelT celebrated apocifle for
the cure of conaUpatloo and dy.pcptd*
•n U wmikl it n go-l -rgv m^t bv offering the n*gtilar r.oc boiile Bt
niAh Ih- rir« arn! th*
h.tlf prir.
wonderful euccc. of this plM
•A tong that th- poUrnra h.v.

,-r.t HiaevJ lo them and th-v reel a t•lw)*-r-

ly there are
aron-. of people here In Traverse Cliy
who ere using and praialag tbt. re­
markable remedy.
S., nimh talk ha* t»eco caused by
I hi. offer, aud eo maay bow. .frieada
aJI^.S’lt iHrib^/Ind sl«T> jhe slaep of ‘mrc l if‘41 made for the •pedde. IJtot
h. f»r. Howard <*o have authorlaad
the Hghtroua. Ttirrr Is nothing
Vri of me but mv agr .nd mv rig
dru-Mil-is 8 K Wait A *«a lo conrem. hot 1 to«va wllh r»*t mv Ic
•fnne thU •.p. rial half pHce sale for a
biwing. and mai yon alwsi
UniH4-.l lime hinder

Ilk** vour*r|\-e*. I an eihauAleNi hr th.
twal «f the Urv | moat Iskr what Is left
rf t« l» wTrv-fc and r-n m;l of vo«r prew-


Only I bow* who have had ih" evnerlencr of going up or dow n a rnpe lad
der know how trying It Is. It would
In' almost Impoaaible for any iienoua
to rtteinpt U without fa’liiig.

•Tl- an odd lo^ag Islwid aound!
When Mark Twain arose lo make Ida
amorous remarks nlanit phonetic
apeJIlng. Ibe dluer*. tumlujc lo poge U
of the menu, found there this picture
and verse dealing with the gentle hu­


Hr Howard'* *r>«*iflc
Wall A Son* have ao mu
Ih.- reiiii-dy that they will refund
moa. y to anyone wh
Wh. n y.«ir l»ead ach**.. your atomaril tic r n.ii .ligot food eaafly had
net orally, shen tbert‘ U eonallpaUoB.
MHCk* iH fon- the eye*, tired fdeliag.
glddin.-s.* had taste In t
roeted tongue, heart bum.
^eh. itiartng or ringing In
inelanclMdy. nnd liver iro
Howard*. aiK^lflr will cur
U d.i.-^ not. H will not cost ;

j comet. There to no play i
i When on.- Bee* or rrada "
l-Maci-th'' or -King I.«r" ooo la abdistre«s and aaffertag.
lu the <11.
i M\w\ tb.- aUnrptloo

and unoe ber doceaMAbelmaboeB
ad vising aide woB>en free of charge.
bad to worae. knowing toll
they itoght to hare immediaU aaatoiami. but a natural modeaty impels


Hi. hobby wat a liobbyhnrwr

In the Introductory of bla speech Mr.
CkoeBs aaid be i^ine to the dinuer to
make au apiwah to the uaUsns in be­
half of the almpiineil spelling. Tbara
are only two force, be claimed that
could carry light to a\l parts of the
earth-tbe ann aud the Aiwoctoted
rm»>to whom lie appealed to adopt
the rimpllded forms of apeUiag tor
three mootho a.s a test. 'Ibea, cm
ing. Mr. Clemeua aald;
Tha tolaniVe rr»:it-rinorr- t
•It down Hm Inir!
aU ejw*
and abos*. £bd bMow w»
bar. iKccmJ adj.m.d to Uw choatoi
la^otw wriep IL a»d the prioant cli
ahaU b# rad «rf iNitbisIs and phtblato and


not to

s. E. fait A Sw’ Siec«_

« e. Walt 4 8ooa. the enlerprlflSg


But I have h**ard an Oyater Bav;

Dyspepsia Cure

IwMtacMtbnalMiiB. Afiar
Mligt toy baaft wBi aAtolad
HA 1 bid MMibtlibt HMitiaM.

nA wr pnwer^

The blvwlva 1s^ funny bird;



of other poople who rtwi nm know how io|


agamatthabaart. Thiac
iha baart and kiharfama with
Ha aatioa cauaiag afaortaaaa of
braalb. palpjtatkm of tbg^haart.

Um ft. Onin of ft. Imrt.
• na cdrtribrtw. i-miftn-M.
«m«ft ud bMlft to mrr
ensaotU-boO. fhliomlnl,-

Grand Cbluf. Baull 8te. Marie.

of F-. ixtndi.



llhr the great Stomuh,
KidoeyaDd Liver BegoUtor.
Wmm.n't -iH »fUhr immedUte cure for Cramp., WhoopioK Oough. Deafnea. and RheomaUim, St amrix
Uf for Ecmema. Dwidniff. Shaving
•cd Shampooing, / 0 «••»» ft 9tkt.

T', 1


I'oM-nttol Knowledge.

dcpalringiy. "W-by, Jim. don't you
know that twentr-ooe daya ere re
qnired to batcHi chickens V*
-Well, ni bur a hen on my way
bone and p« h«r right to work." with
twtnkltog eyes.
•Tbere'a very little cbanca-of .vour
sluing ben.*
Iwing able tu gel
is that a- partwutor breed


-.No." answered. Jim qniotly. TTiey
camy out ThnnKtoy."
Joaiah garevi at him In actual coo
Pleads For Phonetic Form at,
-I boi--. Mr. ITo.ton." courteously•T hope there la no doubt In your mind
a Saver of Piety.
that the«* thicks came from the egg*
you gave mcT'
J.Mdah iib<v>k his head mournfully.
-.No.'* he said stowiv. "They're ail
rigtii. I know the strain."
He sat In alienee iMinderiog over the
Iwralliniv Rf-aalt XVotild Be
- -How doth the mtle busy bee Im
prove each slilulng hour.'" augge^te*!
Care ll«w He «ewlls Bo l.4i»a ■• 1
• Buga are good for

-What U the nuwt impi.rtaul thing
iboitt Tiandhag .n Kallltoar:"
Tl»c old salt lo:.ked the uovi.v' over
bought'ally and turn replied. "Kmow
ng hew to swim."—AVa.hiugf'n Sl. r.

do It." ab<
libed. -Threo weeks from ttmlgbt.’
Hood thing he gave plenty of time.*

W« M tlw UOMt
[cMt bcus that are
' growa aad thera U
Mtfalag hi aar ewaa

pirtlallMm and ajvtJd^cTs rhvn«e Mar«s

\Toowa anfferiag from any form of
female weakneaaare iDTitod to reomptiy
eommnstleaU with Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn. Maaa. All letters are received,
apeaed, read aad aaawered bv woatra


Oat of the raat eolama of


take port l.y ItuaglnaUon la the a«ffcrIng l.craiise. after all It to apt retL
To undemtand and appractate tha
, ,K>errT of tlu* Old Ttotament ooa mhat
t remeuilier that it to always rent Tba
I suffering, or the joy or the faith la
!the rxiHTin.e of real men atterlag
fh.. depth, of their aooL Tba
i iNietry bad always tba dir«^ aad ptaeog light In weight, the ladder iratu- I Ileal purpc«* of uaburdentag raal totlrally awHtga to and fro. especially If
There to no eaake beUo*. ban.
tb^ end to aot aecitnd lo aomelhing.
in Jol. the apparent form of m
OeBerally It to oot poatible to do thl..
a to the tbloooat of moako tor tbo
A ladder wblch theoretically seemx doei> and rwl feeliug. which tto Badirto be fir nportor to a mpe todder Irna neath. The hook to not ao eCort of tbo
reemtly bera patented by a Brooklyn author lo Imagine bow aoeh a aaB ao
Bair. The accompanying Illustra­ Job. aufferiog such trtola. would bavo
tion rlto«|y abowa Itt coaatnirtlon It felt bnt rather the exprooaloa of adhtol
to a aeriea of alternate hand bokto and dhttreM or, T tbe bopetooo pttgbt of bto
steps made out of wire rods bent to I»e<i|.le The ijieutol toryurea nador
which Job writbea are tboreiore tb$M
of fTol people la real andAartowteg
|ien.toxity and tbe overwhotoHag pawer of the ouawer of the AbBlfbty. tho
t witoeM of a falib wbtoh oauld
UBd ar Ika wetloa above, la this i
be daunted by Ibo moto gttoiBui
the laddar can be made taj das
triato.-J. a Gardiner to Atlantic. •
length very qtdckly.
Loo* and PoMMaa.
-The prrtldent of tbe Central Atoorf*
nfa Ttmay." pemarkod Handy 1
can country was moch perturbed when
ra. -how politics and love are so i
alltA For laatance. If you meet a girl tie beard of the thirteenth retreat of
ami abe give* yon baK a chance to Waa hto army.
-Ton look worried." rtotured tbn
her. yon go hi for free trade. How
♦rer. after you get married, and your
wife*, mother want, to emfance her
*T am worried." oigboi tbo pttol*
newly artfnlred ooo-ln-tow. you go In
«t. ^-Ibos* reglBMBUi are nU diAttt
for protection. If your wife seel
Bto. Hot that It BOt tbn
oamtoiorr exchange yon tn time becotue a fiaaali e rralater. aad"
-What niorer
-Hbe toma out a borne ruler II
-Why. tbe laourgenta bi
ba* auy sense." restorked Mrs. Bowen, tn <aU Ibm my 'ntontof
who happened U owbear tbe
-Chief go r>t1Iy IfPwa. .
vrrMlImi.^-lAq^ tli-BIta.



I ncsMBt TRAvcmc «mf,


LA SAiucv t^rrreo.
AM to riMi KaMMu ImM Md tM
AriM to the OM|^ar of Mr.
aito Mr*. A d. Aaitoy.



Mm. Mm M An Mil
tMMnrM tiMpiU MTM FkM


A pretty ««ddiag look ptoer fnat
Bight Bf thr home of Mr. and Mra. 1.
J. Baflet. 41B Atair etiwet. wfhM thMr
daMtor. BMlh Lodla w Marttei to
rrmaeto Btear Shoah nr Eaofciik. hmrm.
aM fens to front of the targe wladow
«M aimagrd for the bridal party, the
eolar oMme bring grm and white.
The gBrtond.i orer the arthwBy were

wtih doaten of whUe

The crrrtDony waa perfon«ed by the
Rer. J. W. Miner In the prseence of

mtur^kim, O B. IWbrook.
tfty cw»ta and iBtUnatr girl frienda
rtsidliic mX
Third str«rt. test Blent
of the brtde. Mlaa EtU Minor played
lamped thremgh the viodov 1b hU ti*d
the Lohengrin wedding march and as
fmi. Uiektty. h» was on the Eroimd
the bridal party entered nnd took their
Mr h«t he reeeire^ unmenm* entm
ao4 BOMbM M hr vMl lh«w«h thr

ptaena thr aoft low tonea of "Mldaom’


wcoweeoAY. octo«ii ». m*.


ag tcuBo. AtotoB and On^|topgBse BB eBeattmt ■rrflfcilBl of
i^ wdbe^ The artog^l
Pari L iBapaettoB; Pari 11. mMool of
Uftlorigkt; Pan m. Bchooi of Am «ompaay; PBrt fV, aword mBBaaL la mU

Tba todgea wcfw OoL
Abbey of
ralWMBWV^OtolAto Gallopp «T the
pMtoBti oompBBy and Ueut Jooeph

barber didn't wait to bear morv
aprans from hla couch through the
Mr. and Mn>. Shook left on the
window to the (itmnd bHow.
Pere Marquette train for a vlalt
-It aeemed ao real I could hare >lr. Shook'a parenu and other
awom the man wga there.' said
tlvea in Indeiwndence. Knnaaii.
Holbrook. The acreen was nailed
win be at home after Oct. 24 at

Jane E. Clay Buried Today—Three Llt4:33

the window Imi hr dtred with anch Concert atreet. Keokuk, Iowa.
fierw that that did not atop him.
Hit left wrlat waa badly cuC hU
right aide waa atrmlBed and hla left
hatJ cut cl-ar around. That hr waa
•ot ctl or tnjgrpd worar la alnoet a

^ni to pUcr

the bead of

thr b«l

agalnat the window for fear he will
4b«]> out and kill hlmarlf.
0Y8TSRS at Jackaon

<»ct 3-4t




Bsxall Toiukt 8<»Ar it a

a and
exmtaini abaolutely


The remains of Mrs. Lydia A. John
son. who died Monday at the asylum
Of Hright'fi dlw-iise. were taken to Kal
kaska tt>day by her son. Henry* L.
COiH-man. She was
years old.

company Te^.
Helen Clark, the- C-momh»-old d
ter of William Clnrk of Almira, died
By Wire to the Erening Record.
ytwterday afternoon.
FunenU at :
HalMmore. Oct. 3.—Four niuu were
o'clock tomorrow from the home. H
killed and iK‘vm terribly burned by eaL. Carter has charge of the nrraupcaplng gaa from a blaat at the Mary
land Blei l company a plant at P o'clock
-om uaugsie.raizabeib. the 1-year-old
|•Mcblo. Oct. ,1.—Early this fining
raylot^ Kt-y
Kt-yof Mr. nn«l Mrs. John Taylog^of
o men wen- killed und two badly Inlnranlu\u v4-s
stone, di^-tl of cholera Infant
junrd by an »*xplcj.-Uon of gati at ibc tenlay. The funeial willI iH* bebW 10
OjUubUo I'm! ami lion ctjmpany furt 'cl(K-K tomorrow from the
lit- home. EMtTin furnace wan a new one and
Hughes iu charge.
It u not known vet

Third Rank Conteri.
The exemnuflea-ion of the anipllhc^l
third rank In the City o.’H-ra ‘
evening In the con.ti:: K-tne<-n
the Red Cross Imlgc ot 3a:t,! S.-.
Marie and the Valley Ci
lodge of
Grand Rapids.. nndot.Mcdlv th^
best inltistory work of Fiv Kind cv«r

Grand Rapids which jc-ci-ivi-il '
IMiints. It will lyo WH>n by the.

that the work of each

almos absolu'clv period, ai:.*. ih*- diffi'rence wan h.i i-llght as to e-.i:nfereni

lOc per cake..3 cakes iB


i.m.w ered I be phi.
• "Tblrt.eii.
-Tlinfa fmi

••Th.-it*s all riglil.' sci-mou. The Anderson Undertaking
. "how many uave company will have charge.
ir.** anaweie,! the

* -Tid-r.ll>.

Young People United at the dhurch of
Christ Psrsona^ at 10 o’Clock
This Morning.

OurUof ombnoo* woiehU ■oitaUr for all kindt of westlior.
We wUh to 04U your attonUon
to the famous

Bnuid. No other make ao Kood
for the pnev.
Childrens Union Suits.

50c. $1. $1.50
Ladi^' Union Suits.
$1,$!.25, »1.50,$3
Men’s Union Suits.

$1.50. $2.50 to $3.50

Separate; samcBls. 25c. ■


Tbe wBlBB meeciBB wbteb wi
kav* bm Md ta MobU^ bBU Bt f
for which they are famous, the rrote- o cJock lam. alskt. wbu poolpOBed ob
fkms bctag
witacoaed by a
large •ctaoBt of tbe Kmisbto ^ PyARBu

All member* af the Church of Chrial
Tbe Manistee de*.egatl«i was «•
larged at. 6:30 by the rrrivml of more are reqaeoted to be preoeat at tbe
knights and tbe «hoM party rKomed prBTM meettag tomorrow aijdtt.



Portell wer«- married at

Miss .Urxle
the Church

of Christ patronage at 1«» a. in., the
Rev. Thomas I’enn l^llom .ifficiating.
The bride wa.s ro»-tmnt^l in giwy silk
bouquet. Only the iut
I carri|^ a bouqm
the contracting
parties wcri- present. Mr. Sind Mrs.
Martin will live t»n East Eighth strc<-t.
when' a iKwutifuI home stands ready
for occupancy.

the iJeniit- . r

;,er of Ih- 1.

To try fo be happy at the ex|»eiim i

Tbc Women s Cemetery associa
will meet at the Ladles* Ubrary lomor
row afternoon at 2:30. A full attend
ance U desired: .

Alberta Gallatta apFBBrs

will be In attendance. The draraatlxaUon of tbe book is the work of Paul
Kestdr whose preparation for stagtuse of 'When Knlghlhood Was in

elcxen y<-arr. am!
won the lovi‘ and

In that

My. and Mrs. A. P. MuellmoBtel and
son Harry left yesterday for Chlcap*.
where th4-y will spend a short time.
F.4I Austin of MIdlsnd Is'attending
the K. P. .nramproent and also vl*li

•vo. wiTTzi—
ai Jagliinm'*. 106 Front


of every

and exiiressed 'bis sense of the honor
done him wishing w<-ll to the incom
lug officer*. According to his rcp«Jrt
there an- lk2 loilges in Mb higan w itli
a uu-mlH-rshlp of 17.321.
The grand master of exchtMim r. C.
I). Ni-alit of (Iraud Ilaidd.s. chis« (! tinmorning session with his roisut show­


Effects or Displays
In honor of the K. P.’s next week
figure with us at once.


ing n-ri ipth of Jlti.721 43.
C. W. .N’icliols of l^anshig was ap

iboroughly drllli-d

Don't wait until the la»t minute.

poinle*' pres . Op- lit.

esch Icaui were



Free Hot Biscuits and Coffee

Ls and the exempliflcatkm was bcithan the average high class dremalic proliiPtU-n.

*nie o|Kra 1

Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday.

was ixjaultfully lii-coralod <a P; thl’U
and nsllonai ro'fu.s. whir*.. in«.ie s

feet seu-r.’i fo- the work of InUlatiou.

Parlor Stand
ICsnctly lik.- cut. 2ix2i in. top,
rich UoMen Finieli of qnarteroak, Kn ucb leg*.

Following the cb«o of the contest.
Grand Chancellor C. A. Palm.-r inkde
hort address In which he declared
behalf of the Mlch^n irulfonn
Rank bris^c that this w1& a fitting <hirtualty ibr the Pythian* in -lo'nonor
tbelr brigaaer gcueral. W. H. Lri^.

Our PHce $L4S
Uifc BcDt Ann Rocker
cmctly like cat. Golden .Finiob,
\xry strong and datable.


Our Price U.69
Large essorlmeot of Kockets tiem

76 cents up

Ixwmls with' a handsome tewel ol
honor. General l^ml* wa* mucireffecicd by the token of the high »t-gard
Of the Pythian# of tbe 8Ut<-. and ilming his remarks deefared »hat his re-


effort would be made Jo Improve the
order still further.
The Jewel U s beBBtltal penAat
suapeiHtand from s bar. tearing tte
initials of the order; circular tn shape
of solid gold with chased sRem t«mmlug. and diamcmd seittag. It to sa

GET A DEUaoUB oyster try or emblem which General Loomto to cnstew at Jscksoo’a
oct‘3-«t^tlUcd to wear with tart pride. aa4 M


ibor. Your .Orodie Iw Oood
This large 2-bin Kjtcben
Cabinet exacUy Uke cut
Top 27 X 4-^ inchM.

Our Price $3.48
IioDBedawHhfaiMB lailt
at head and

^ ;

J E. Mt INf.y went to Hint today to
attend the funcial of hi* tmithcr.

time had

Pythian^ In Michigan.
He reported
ilmt two strong lodge* had been inMalleil during the past y»ar. on«- at



Ing with friends.
Mrs. C n Miller left this niorniiig
knights fur their noble re*.poasc to isli-s,
for a month'* visit with ulallvt-* In
the summon.* for help. The onJrr In
111 isc.i Ho- iiUMilK-r of .miomcd.ilca
Mlclilgan ralM-d 12,33S 03 for their Cal- in ^•r.^m^' %vr* l.Uti*; in ilTC:. it
Green. Ohio.
l.onil'. brotheiT W. r. VogrlsoBg and 4W#e
I'la.-e* of au;M*,ninit in Now Ym^k
The gn-at mccilng held at Ik-trolt
morning for a visit in Fostoris.'O.
l:.-i\e l.Vt.issi no 0 m-ji!« lluii
Feb. 22 was leitoru'il on as were tho
The Rt v. R. N. Holsaple wml to
m«-morlal days. Pythian picnics, castle
Ohio today for a ten days* visit.
hails dedlcatetl. new kslgcs. dispensa­
*10 lint mlmllfitl Loyoud the doorway#
tions granted and official
IB* f4s«v
of nioviue*.
“Herv. niv .'.-nr.' *nl.l llie liiiriMud.
JuM befor.- his fan-well Mr Palmer
L’iv.<»m ill prii ioio« *toa«-^ were biuuglJt |o-Klm inc « 14.11 of bill-, -her.- U Fti) In glowing words of Mlb-s 8. l.» V«-H' York 4 liy.
1 W44II i.?:iv;iig T-'krr «u*t at Itiown's
l i«*t iilglit. V«m mny have It to biiy
I'uiiis. grand kc*cpi»r of records an !
Tho piildii' exi-4 iiil..m r of Austria dre— M»u wniilr<1.'’
seals, of his pt-rsonal aid. of his capaDi-lmirinll.v Hie 4«oiT4ei«ii(lou« wife
hillty for bedding his office and asked
t'lA th<- nimtty. tlii-ii Miid. with an
Ibat the lodge show its appreciation In
expn-sai4,i, 4.r rigid ,,-4 timdr:
"I *!iiipl.\ slmdilrr at tin- ihonght^f
A news Item say* that an
n*liic luoiiev g;ilm-4l III sueli a woy.
Ovetxamc by Emotion.
traveller in the Holy Ijuid
lleMp. proniVi- me lliai after ymt have
Mr Fun Is W R.S the n»'xt officer to
c'0\crc-4l Jacob* well. We an
won eiM.iigli f4.r me l« t»uy tlie list to
n-p<iri ai-fl wh*-n h.- arose. prol)n»dy
gr, with tli4-,tr.i4. X4MI will never
4Ml to hi-ar It. Tin r4‘ has lx
for the Is-rt time In an official po.vHl.m
t.iiii l»^i|io«4- nwrni f-nri'K. 1 d'm’t want
mot afloat for roun time th
I efore his bmlhers. he was tivorcomc
mv lmK|.;.ii«l
If* ♦w-4emi4- a gjnnbl(-r.“
wa* deml —Exchange
l»y emotion
Mr. Curtis has licen an

gard for Ihg Pythian* them^Kes wa=
fully as groat as that entertained for
r.iir ;rai«c« r%*m.
him. becauBe he bad found them to to*
•riR*r n-xfT realise Ih# foil rslne of jthe IK-.-I of friends and mov loyal
a thing until we bow It.** remarked ttto knight*, and that they had given him
man vrtio tra* fond of moralizlDg.
the necessary cortlUl support • hkh
"Tliaf# right.- rrpUed the practical
made the Michigan brigade oae of the
man. ••evpeeiallT if the thtag lost was
test In the country.
lnsnroi.--rhItodHphU liedger.

aChtr itoopie is ta te l«X-DetaBd.

When MI

Tbc reading of the report* was next held this evening at 7;.70. A full at­
in order. Grand Chancellor C.
Pal- tendance 1* drwircdr
m-r was the first to tvport. Mr. Pal
li.rty official visit
Toot vhimU-t-ock is n fa\orttr |
all parts uf Uu- Mati
of the Chiii4L^.
and for various ilniles mnneefed with
llif- numhef .^r iimrriagi-* iu
the bslgc work. The r«'|Kiri al-.o rondon
year valalned ibt* official visits of other grand
V. W York city r.'.|ui-vY. - 741 hak. rs
lodge i.fficisls
to make If... siipplr ..f .hiily biv:.d
The San Frannscti cakimlfy
<-*'tiui.-il*'<l tli.nt .’i.MSBMtt'* w
iak«‘ii up and Mr. I*almer praiu-d the .m- earning w.i-go-.

and iu U-balf of th.- Pythian i «.!

uu aaljiare SMae.
tinne-Tarlor bet all the money he
had in The liaak that he trouW wslg s
slack wire for twenty feet. gusy-Did
he win or loseJ Gnile^He lost his bal*

taesa or ImportBBce retottve to the
new portOiBie will be trmasacted.
in -Dorothy Vernon of lUddoo HallTbc Compankqi
at the Onmd opera houfc on Thursday.
which wa* to have met at Mrs. C
Ocl. 4. doubUcas many readen of tbe
eroB's tomorrow afternooB bBs 1
novel from which the play u uken.

;.ud the .1 .is! was r;iV4.n with M-ircdy

who U Immen*i-ly poi.-j’.ir ilnrotb
nrymskers at 'work on a fnm at
Little Itiirslrod, F.-srx. have recently
; officers the bririn.^ <
seen a fem- white rook among a B«m- had. In closing the hriniani tribate
U‘r of black du-e.
to General Loomis. Mr. Palmer li:vit»-cl
gentleman lo #t,-p to ihe .datfonn
HimiTTy Hlirglna^Wot!
Ton dmmo
wot a miser isl A miser te a man that
denies hlsseir the necessaries of life
when be lias the money to buy ’em.
Weary Wslklns-Oh. I have met soma
of them fellers.
But I t*oaght they

aaelody and cbBnMW iBBctaf;. dra­
matic totcBslty oBd ptote rrcrytlay.
home talk. The cborBctcr# are true
to life BBd many of them provoktag
mirth, keeping tbc aodtonce ta a raar
of iBBshier wUbout..cmce rpoorUBa to

nower" placed him bigh In the rank*
f^ih Ofllct-r Martla fumigated two
o; dramattoU
hoffSNa this tqorning.
The typhoid
The company which Eriiesl Shipman
fever 1* now being stamped out a*
ha* eajeagrd to tappori Mtos OtUaUn.
ihero have bein no new cmaes foi
is a noteworthy one BJid tncludet a
The next move wa» tbe admitting of era! dayr.
number of artists tybo are mart fa­
a large cUts to the grand lodge and
Tbc regular mi-^ iing of the C. W. B.
vorably known from coast to cpBit.
giving them that rank.
M. of fbe Chiirch of Christ will be

tesulf <if the work of Uic J.idco.^ to U Yiisllautl and another at Ann Arl-or.
: i '!.h Intere.'.t
*r.i.rc In conrluston he spoke-of the friend*
• past 3
ere fully 7:m Py.nians In airtn.
brighter,-.roMicKt. The judges help in making lif-’s4 pathway

li the WM k w.v« i» It on, the ucrii'lMi
ling male on pji.ts alone,
»ams did li-.e a',. .4 Ih « vei.- d Tfl i

tbolr wtetor

boBd Mar tbc arcb no Fteet atreet.
Tito CricBaa or Tbomau BIbbuhi
Tbe bBBd to mtade op of tweaty places be ptoBBod to icBni that be to able ta
BBd to coBsliared one of tbe best b walk wftboot dtnculL He baa
tbta territory. A Tory ploartig mad iBklBs tbe MU Wba Bt MbbIbim

state. The ccmtCKt ws*; won nV the officer in the grand lodge for twentylied Cross team which rov-fived ;iq.0.37 one years and has fillotl every postibm.
He has held hi* pn-s<-nt offire for
points against the Valley CUy tci

Ruth Marie, daughter of Mr.-and
re Past Supreme Chancdhir PMiip
Mr> Frank Horm .if 2o.*.'North Klin T. Colgrovi- oL Michigan. C.
wtiod avenue, died this noon at the
. grand chancellor of Miiinrsida.
1-^ -aid tl;.it II..- prinre of Wabw
ago of six months. The funeral will be
Oren Thomiwon. grand clmncol•p tondylMii. .\ lew y^ara ago lie
held at 'the home tomorrow afulor of Wisconsin. In order that there
ne* tnU.Mg i«iri iu .i
Kjirly in
IK- absolutely r„ partiaUry.
111* dn.v a mai; i-aii:.- up to liiiii and. at 2 o'clock. The Rev. 45r. Irwin of
wld: • l*vc iH-et. pl.-kliig
king up roj.H th»- .\abury oliurch will preach the two judgi-s from outside were ums«

free alkali to dry up and
wither the akin. Ita delicate
perfamo i. plouing to i*rBOOB ol rehnemeDt.


George M. Cohan. *

bow badly It was .lamaged.



ChUlon dance. MinoBg. Jean M Mis

1006 who died Monday at Cedar Run. was
Walir.. Ooldeo Sunset: John T. Halt.
held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from
Intermexxo. Cherokes-: I>h» E.lsard’^.
the Cedar Hun church. Undertaker
Selection. Apple Blossom^. KaUi
garter In charge. She leaves a hu*.leen RoU-rtt.
band and two sons.
SeU-cllon, George Waslilngton. Jr..

la motTilng while making repairs.


11. HolIinaoB.
Corhei aolo. Herman Klrfcchuer.
SclectloB. The Borgomastcr. Gustav

Tbe funeral aen Ice of Jane E. Claj*

one while rIalUng bia al;iter al •petoakey that cauard him m Jump through Maryland Steel Company’i Plant Had dertaker Carter prepared the rot
foi burial.
Fou. and Col«radc Fuel and Irqp

a window and Injure blmadf. When
hr gnra tn a hotel. It fa nrcesaary tne

t*antasla. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp; T.


I tb be

Bboct midBlghi on a Wal train.
QBaami oTtlila city. After tbc drill
to -ltork PtooB aad apeni tbe acst
I la BefearmiBiBg tbe pereestage
of bMb mgullca.
The PBmltore was made Journal clerk. Tbe roll was
By Wire to the Brenhig Record.
eompnnj M Graad Rapida. who called and ^ quorum found, after
Mobile. Oct. 2.-Thc cHlwma are la
tl»<Beecmd to perform, were which the commmcc on credcnlisK
a frouy today over the: crime W
gTBBted 94A polBta aad the Albion rcpoitcd.
Begro. BBd iB the attack on the Jail
any drew fXX The priaca were
ChoBd Cbaart-llor C. 8. Barirani of
man wag
UUed nnd
$3S« aad 1150.
MlBsaaou and Grand CTancclIor Orea
wounded. Goremor Jrhka harried to
Thompson of Wisconsin were present
the city at ooce and ordered three
and after U-lng imnxluced to tbe aeompanles of militia which ore now on
sembly gave Inicresang add reuse*.

Novelette, nil; Florence MePheron.


IB tbe mdbg tlto TtotM mere
gtrmi B faBBd comeert by tbe KBikBiba

eCher-ChiW Vidim o,’ Brwto





aegre Spir^ad Awmpnm a Speen
Train and Meb FoNowed on An-

iDBr NIgbt'a Dream** we^r beard, oonwindow and the acrarB. Hr cmlr
tlBUlBg na the ceremoBy pniceeded.
AMpMd nhoai thrar fret hat thai
Tbo bride waa brooBdagly attired in
Pirat prim $200. Adrian. 277 miles.
morning, and^^emanded. the n
rafBdMt to avakm him.
a dreaa of mercertied Permian lawn,
Second prixe 1130. Tecamsch,
Mr. BBd Mr« Holbrook rutmalurd trimmed with docheaa laoa and toarr. Tbiy broke down the door with a tele­
graph pole, then the ftring commeoced mller.
ioiM oMBPBBr at thrlr bomr laat
tkm with ValenetoBne. edge and car*
Third prise
DHray 249 felles
Bpecia] Offtcer Boyle waa fatally shot
tied a ahower hoaqoet of bride'a rowm.
Fourth prtre $75. Albion. 242 mlk
in the k-fl breast. In the meat
MIm Minafe BaUry. the bride'a alater,
Hftb prire $30. Vpsilantl. 236 miles.
the negro, named Jackooo. was Uken
attended her aa brideemald. She waa
Tonight's Concert Program.
BotM. Ha aat np lt> bed aBd oaar three prettUy drrwied in champagne awaTbe following aclecUons will lie Ten­
men In the honm. oBo aUodJnc In thr tette and carried a booquet of pink lowed OB another trmln.
by Campbell and Skclehcr's
The victim of the negro was Ruth dered
Mine room door, erne In the Wlchen camatkma.
Harry Logan Morac ofind at tbe concert this evening:
Seaac-man. daughter of J R. *
door and cot IB MB bed room. All bad AelntBd na beat man.
March. The American T.eagac. F. H
man. a restaurant man. residing four
kalrta but the cor held hr the man In
The dlBlng room. In which light remiles west of Mobile. The child wac'
M« room erma a kof. kMB.valfc
freabnamu were aerred. wa/ decorMedley. "MUls Merry Mclodiofe” Ko
found uDoooacloaa in the road.
he wma iadaatrfcma))r ahanmluaf 1
Bled In pink and white. The many
“ITr d|*poerd of the tvo little pirU. preaenta. eooalaUng of bric-a-brac, allBoer ni drill ran" aald the man as
rerware. cut glaai*. hand painted china
atar’ed trmrd Mr. Holbiook.
The and llBBsa, were beautiful aa well a*

to towa ibat tbe Pytblaaa of MlcbtoaB
take tbe grealest of picoaore ta tans
bowiiiBg the bri^dBa^geaeral of tbe







The Globe Dept. Store

r rmA¥Kmm ary,
1 mar
ow «ko

micwigaiio wcdwesday. octoscw s.

oktaia«^">ra4!lr tor «rttlaA. I

b «Mc >ute <4 AAio aad Nn: Bm e( >iU«r. for lasuarr. •>« c«r


^ee wrat to the i


|>r. tr jfllaai (Mrr.

af tMTotr I

4M M) Mi at >—« tMT
M •* OM« •*•« wr aM •• eam*cr.j«« aMd i. CfcM. u4 !■ Cdteal
^ Uie^ ?* **?*.*^*°{ rw-'w,. «W:
€ur •! MM kr IM aMna*. OiMaIsfceU*. fcoM. t«dla« Md wkcr o™.-i AWcm 4rtu .ft pMJ U brma or eM-]k<rt »«». h. oM. *«M
i*r«. ter,
CMcf Wr* tliin—
tm a wr mix. and erea •cvmi IdnU of food i per wire.
alr4cf»^»aiair m the ahod. j
t"—^ MU- r

-------------------- :-----------

wMcfc ohoa*^ tfcat —aaJt fa Laoa. rkak fa Africa, andj


atn*s «K»5k to apm roek


la tiv!


Wbra thcrj

hr TtottorB alraadr fHi at boom.

i ' a*

After the \e^ arortc ™ Ihm
:e am uard a. ai
kofadalair airad vrrparad by rvhmttete for money In the Island ei\.
chr local trmpir. Thr Yap. Anmnitr U a mlnefal which 4*

and hammer he cweld do aothlag with

not fonnd In that leland. Imt trimparted there from the Hlaad of Pele«hr{4^
The nOae of a hloek Is In direct pro­

Tfce work was too heary. and

he did aot aaderstand It. What did
men do to ipake rocka aplU

portion to H* btUk. Ccnaeqaently, the

Bea talked If over with Roxy.
-I don't knew,- said Rnxy. -U‘t’s

Salu^ Wafrra.

aiend the oU step and
Chlekra Paitb^..

akma and weight that to carry U re
4aim the atrenglh of two men. Of
coome theae atone* arc of little tf*c in

ttoM taro Mm litid Ihmodwn <l><
mmtM Mdck h«t pnnrra » tnu



of ihr order la dnc In

amatl maaaarr to the





crack.Ben patched np the broken wood,

by a diac of the mineral of aurh dlmca-

-nm*. ihecr was an GagIM phy ;l
<h bin who *ent *uaie leev-bf. to a I
fwrirot. a mtorr.

*VaUmg the aert fuV. the phytdelaa ]
tMfBlTe«;. twfare starling upstairs for;
the *lrk rtkom. If the leeebe* had ai^
-The miner’* wife, with a ctidtrtttpiooa* laagh. reiilied;
- ’Y*-*, *ir; but what oo esrth be the
n*e o’ M^ltngr them liftla iblrtg* for a

but still meant to gH that atone step


rather to flatter the ranlty
Thl* morviAg an opeo amnlag »a* wealthy natlre*. who exhibit them In I
held, the oficem of the mud lemplr front of their but*
The »hen of the cowry Is mun c x ;
all being la tbHr rmpi^Ure .tattoo*
«rc^ Paat Grand Chief Ro»e C. tenilvely used than any other kind erf j
In Asia the kind of shell
Member, and her plnoe wa* anpplied by
* *denlilcally a* the Cyprea loo-j
Lydia Peet of Ithaca.
appears to be the commonest, j Mf«ken
The nddrr** of welcome wa* glrm

Unexpected Help.
had ju.t

-ni do It. even If 1 have to wait
Ull lim twelve.- he said to Roxy.
B«t there was JAelp coming that Ben
norer tiboaght of. out of the donds
and the air.
The ariater began with a kmg rain
j which U*ted ntwrlT * week, and right |
lep<hi that followed a cold snap that
; frost everything up Ught.

Roxy stay.

-Jiurt to the rock and

back.- she

K Hasting*, one of the Judge* In the
dcgiw team conurnt and om> o< the
best known Pythian* In Um aUtc. 2 '

O. R. &


by Grand Chief Mae Hotton of Sanit' trbllst In Africa the Cyprea anuleU i* j
*»»<* caught hi* foot
8.e. M.rl. Md «u
to wl.hjmoro fr«,»«ay loMdln «« M . cur- <1- <T.> U-tor... am! t!m babr bad loai

PhilH T. Colfrov*.

Umefeick Vflj be cire4 bj tr*
plytic CbiaberlUi*» PiU Btlm
twodrtbm times i diy, wbb t
f icerws rsbbiiE tt eteb
Uii. Am txIctB Dnc Ce.


oorpa ei oflleora mho bare ba« al tnteroar
' reaey among the native*. But through-1 ht r shoe In the emek
said a* she aUrted.
the bead lor the past few yaara. Mr*.
The grand temple went Into .easlon out the Indian ocean both species ap^j
It certainly wa* a worn out. rickety
But when she nwched the rock *be
Maa Hoctoe flalKbra her Brat year at
2 o’clock again thU afternoon
pear. In only ^wt^dUiricts are theae; *up .nd there was
began to shout and save ber arms
tblf mrrtlof as craad rblef and ha*
—, .bells gathered In
and to Jump up and down.
unUrlagly dnHn* tbb pa*t
Queer Corfdney.
|ThcM- districU aie th ^ Maldlve islands i ms* only ten yearx old. Me^too
-Run. Den.- exclaimed her mother,
year to adranre the tntrrrai# of the
The ti^b of the wapetl deer arej^f^^t of Ceylon, and the Zulu archlj^i-. ing at the step
mep with
with an
an afr
a!r of
of deter -and see shat Is the maitor.”
Mnt Hoifon ba« a cbarmln*
the^Chorehon ^
Itorneo gn^ the PblUie; minstlon.
Uen mn. and then he.^Uw. began to
and to wave hi* ar<n». 'The rork
'loiM. irf Idiio'wd I P‘««- 0» «><• A»latlr cSalln. ot tVy |
.^rhor. ooaht
r U not a candlfrtrod*. 8br aay*
m-jua* split open fn>m hole to hole, and
Moouoa; tho akiu of anlmala arc ctii-1
*>'«< ••
>»«•< ftten.l»olr In
«w -a won • »tep like Mr.
WANTED—Your soiled garment* to
. j Ihei e lay the door step rut clean and
ployed for the ptirpoa. amons :«'»'>■ «>'
ttHlI V
clean nnd make like new. ladles’
Lark Cara.
some of the Srandanarlan
tribes. !
But the true nwlro of the cowry is|
Brummell * c It ivn dollar..-j‘'"‘shL
work a s|»rclalty.
Itorisian Dye
Mm, U>aa Cm, wife of L«. A. Caro
that .-u,).-.! Ibo
Jark Kn.t
akull* of animal* are exchanged by the , to tnndcal Africa. Thi* fari in
mother, as
Work*. .112 K Front 8L - Call 81S
or Grand lUpId*. the piwnt grand
hole* ha.l
MIrhml*. and among.thc Loyal Island- cE by the raritypf the article In that,
and »a. It would have ended.1 1*. !»:■«'
«<•' The hoi
CUz. phone and we will do the rexi.
Mcr. 1* one of the faroritra among
ers the money consist, of rope* made | rt^glon. The exchange value of the,
; -“h
»»»’« this wa. frozen
<iCl 2 If
the drlmatra and officer*. She 1* in of fox hair* which may be cut to an> icowry i* much higher in Africa than!
H l.m>l the rock apart,
liar or promoiloo and sboold Mr* Iloi
desired length. Cocoa beans In former It 1* In Asia; this sUte of affair.. 1^’n‘^'L... .

w did!
Rnmimel came down the
which be
be km
ton Rtlll decline re^dectlon *he vtU be days
employed | to Indicate that H in Imported into
,.,tato pau h.
-J;;;- ;” *;
ealb d him - ................ - -deep.
elected to the office of grand chief
among the Mexicans, and in spite of; former country. The «bell tk not found)

Annual Excursions
Richmond, Ind.

Too Late To'ciassify.

*l.r. ..

Ella JorHao.
on the Atlantic rowUwrd. and
’ ’
the modem facllltlo* of
Mm. Ola Jordan ha* been grand kind of money has not yet entirely j
ire of commereUl relations
mittreaa of tnanrr for *tx yearn and gone out of use among that people.
i has travenu d the continent from /am
the apleadid Enaaclal »bowlng made i«
Tbo Indiana in tlw northwestern | aibar on lUe eaM ctwst. to Senegal on
due largely to her effort*.
part of America still employ the tooth- the



1..I .


r-step it

would make
His father h«d thought <if
thing while he llv-sl,. «n.J had
here ho m.-ant
holes In the rock

Ethel A. Hendrick.
shell or -elephant’s tuak.- The use of f
IMhsp* the atiltU h of- food moet .-x
Mm. Blbel Hendrick I* the grand the tojlh-*hrlI among our north*t-st-Uensively used as iiioner are bricks of
era Indian*, by the way. and the fre-’tealn M.iug.dU. rice Inthe l/hlllpi.pines Ul'R* R
aorreiary and ba»> held the
finish the W^n-k. and no
acyen years.
She ha* helped bring quenl dUcoverle. In the Drebistmie' ai.d luiiipM of salt In Central A
aalnrt.nm iai-'> '®
the order up tft where it i* today, (omka In Japan ..f ornnmoii.. can-cd ! «lu te thin lnii«.rtant
ek w hen
Roll Uml pla>.0 on
lia* been la couatani rommnnlcaUon In Ou- abaiH- of animal'. tn«h. havciv.-n- rare. '
wUh the yartoo* lodge*. She lift?'
made many friood* In Michigan whicli throiKdogIstB a* evidence of the ctuu ; quently used In elvllixed countrie-. She was
la aot eorprlatag when one inectn her •non racial origin of the Simh Amcri-. Itvm and bmnxe are vety widely eni ; there In her pink frock and wunbonn. t
aad gets a gHmpae of ber cbarminc -an IndUn and the Japanene. Also the j ployed a* money. Tl.ey ckv:u. In many 1 She pUyt d garden, filling *:i tin hole,
aad genial di-poaltloo.
Meeting La«t Nlpht.
At the rccepifon Iasi night Alice
Sbmnmm welcoip«Hl the vlslttir* to the


30 DAY TKXETS. $9.00
Bee any G. R. A 1 agent for full
information, or uddrooo.
Gcmi‘1 PoMenger Agt
Grand Rapidi.


• Wtll!’

half *1.1.
hfMiw, what a U..1

Tlckctt Go»4 tor 10 DV*

Thursday, October 11




? liM?kltig at the shapely stone. ‘They i
, heaven h.-lps thc-m tlnvt helps themsehes. and If all natun* ha* ls*en set
I to help ye. I won’t iH- behind I’ll bring
oxen and drag It home for ye an-.
^ And so amid great n-Jolelng th •
einae do«ir-step r*-ache«l It* de*tlnetl


the hmiMii IhhIv.
niitl sixty ait.-ii.«
^unimrMl with the
Pb In
That fvin.vfkn».le fish li
vhellH of venu* mercanarice. a specie* | from the simple rods and crosses to j with earth and totting cloxer-Mossoms
f. ver llian'-l.;’.'-; Is.iie,. and
xkin to the cockle*, the Indian tribe* I the circular coin* common among them. But It was fall now. the
It li
to the eastern p*rt of the United | Ulxed |»eoples. Often the motal Is umkI j latmt. were in the cellar, and thoj
iiK nnd ninety niin- nin*eies.
,'tates made Into the fainlUar wAmpun| In such a fbrm that any desired value groun.l w

Thorough W1

Round Ooodness

is this
fBctor that
makes out 1 a roes*
sallsUctbry to
lioihc ownerr^ and diiter*. Then- an
no weak im.lnls The leather 1* .if the
flnert t,ak tanned stock, stitching *klll
fully and i* rh-eily done, buckle* and
moimrtiu; *»f rt»- to-vi .rmllty. a can
idway# he rellgil iiposi lui .airablli’.y
and safety.

Queen City Implement Co.

12^^ E. Front Si.
CiL phone 7r>f
Bell phone 210


and suDuroan.tnat on a ouriE. i-nwr. _
«Knfit-oaminer proposition
nronositiort that_^can
that^can be produced ...
in any city
— or
—in the vicini^ of any
city in the State 'of Michigan or \ny other state. |f you wish to invest in a Dead Sure,
PrefiUGaruinq Investment pieVop any or all of the bargains listed below.
FOR SALE-U47-CG feet front on State street adjoimnji the pMtolticc
on ihc west. Cenirally located in the central metropolis of Centra!
Michigan. Price per foot, One Hundred and Twenty-five Uollars.
FOR SALE—1459—Finc residence on State street, dose In. Modern
in cvcr>’ respect. Price, $2,S00.
FOR SALE -1465-Large home on Fast Ninth sire-t. Lot 50x150 feet,
cement walks, city water, etc. f ricc, $J.0<X).
FOR SALE—1466—S> feet front on State. 165 feel on I’ark street, dh
rcctly opposite Park Place Hotel. This at price given is a .-.ure M
per cent monev earner in one year, Price per foot front on lark
street, FWty Dollars.
FOR SALE l'«»l-S'.>feet Front on State street, between IVion and,
Cass. Entire lot covered with first-class livery and sales barns.
Horses, all Harnesses.
Halters. Blankets, Rol^. Buggies.
Hacks. Omnibuses. Drays. Cutters and Slcifehs. 1 rice K'ven is
alHiut fifty cents on the dollar of its ac«gal cash value. Price.
three-quartt mile city limits. Seven hun­
dred bearing fruit trees. pcach6s
fine varieties Ten acres ppiaipcs.
h6s fin
All good noil..........................................
and all under cultivation. Price $3,000.


Citizens Phone uu,

12? Front St., Tfaverse City, Mich.


FOR SALE-14 72-Six acres one-half mile of city limits. Choice gar­
den soil. Price, $(>(X).
FOR SALE—14C.7 Modern residence on Sixth street. Residence alone
would cost to build at least one thousand dollars more than price
asked. Lot is worth under the hammer one thousand dollars. If
vou want iiomclhing fineon one of the handsotnest streefs in Michi. gan get after this. Price. $5,000.
iR sale
lots on Union street prolonged and an
—Seven five-acre lot
equity of thirteen hundred tlollars in three livc-a^c lots in the same
plat that were sold for three thousand dollars. The plat is wo rth to
least twenty thou
you, Reader, if platted into lots of 50x150 feet, at lea
sand dollars, and will fetch it in one year if placed on the market.
Sufficicm reasons can be jjiven for offering it at a pnee given
below. Price for whole plat as above described, if taken within a
few days, $S,000 spot cash.

1 he above comprise a few bargains that we can offer you that if
we were worth a million dollars we would not hesitate to guarantee
profit as above mentioned.
, "

FOR SALE 1465-12M acres opposue Hannah orchard. Finest suSixteen
raversc Lity. Level.
y of Trj
burban property in vianity
at this.
hundred peach trees, choke vancties. 1 ake a
Price. $2,500.

Wade Brothers ^ i



rhe Hftll.Rooni BMm;


nc**«*t2i taotfc. •mt «r r*-


po IT ON





.•r MMV Ites «M

»wA emu «C P




No mOk or eren«
kept to toe hotas cr

^.=?s=^S ss.-j-.jKS’jiasar
oC Ikte «M7. «»d Mkt



tte nmU of tte «rami»aUoo «■ r.*
g.rte ite prm^ y

.tell ..oirfte* wUb tte
City dorlL. which
Mate what dUpoaltloo. If any. haa teen


ooa4 to te Infoette with aay <
ous or infaelSoaa dlaaoM
rhetter or not any and
mma animal, are aaad tor tte prodo^
ite CM o( proMcatln. u< la ttw loD or milk or craam lor sale an l
onramptloa In said city. The uuc
ippllcsnt teall notify the City Clerk
t( any cluui«e In hi. location cr resid­
ence or in mUk lappUed.
See. «. Any parson so rooclTln<
luch s permit snail cause his. her or
heir names, place of business i«d tho
rr of the permit to te legibly
mnl. tkaU bM cxom4 tlw parted at
1 and kept in s oonsplcooos plscc



Wr do borchy «rHfy that the forecolag ordlaance was passed by the
council of the city of Trsvefte aiy on Monday. September 17. ind number oonstsnUy posted In a
A. V. miKDRiat.
nt«m U carrlad on, and i
City aerk.
oct l-3i
insU have the permit i
rear when such license was Issued
DO their cans.
Sec. 7. No permm shall offer m ov
for sale or sell or deliver for sale
of Traveras City, mr.i to Issue Par- (>ose
mHa to the Vendors Theroof, and Dr consumption, whether permitted
far tte iRspocUon of Dairlos, Dairy dean. Impure, unhealthy, unwhole­
some or adulterated milk or cream.
SsJjlftTuwUlned by the council ol

Tianna aty:

Baotloa l. No person or peraoni
teaU sail, barter or tramc In milk or
cream within tte city of Tratrarac
C4ty without first haring ohulnad a
pemlt from the city clerk to do the

r sale or consumption
In the dty of
Traverse City In an overcrowded coo
dllloo. or In slablca which are imt
which rre filthy
properly t
from an
milk for such purpose te drawn from
cows which are thsmselvea in a con
dltloa of filth or nncteanlteess. or
from cows which am affected with
tuberculosU or any other form of dls-

^ Clty'aerk.
oct 1-1

te kept la the
f any lea tea or

w arpe
Bee. 11. AU mUk cans deUrarad to
•aameries or dealers In the dty aha3
r eoretad with nti-tlghl Bda, and
when conveyed In opeii,/wa®oca teal!
te covered with canvas while bdng
K) conveyed: said caavaa to te kept
dean by fraqaanl waaUag.
Bee. 12. All caas. bottlaa or
of any tort used In tlio aala. ddhrapr
or dislrlbuUoB of milk or craam to the
coosumcr must be daaaad and steril­
ised (boned, baked, scalded or slaam^
od) by tte milk dealer batora they arc
used again for the asms imrpoaa.
Bee. IS. No dealer te milk or cream,
or his agents, shall aanra milk te bot­
tle. to w dwelMng teusf ttet^ha* ta

«»vies nhmtmUX C«« W )»e»
1 iga< tm
Tbe «o> Tt V.: r. «-nroi^*s iury rrlli
pfrni a rer.!**-’
a «eiu trjr
ion 10 h;. - ill»-d
he -i.%- .Mf
!.■»** • pv«*i ir. .tn In- .-n:Jo-1 ht%
sen fwrVs<re.| that alinta elf ll-e g.t*
iilom^rl-allr an-1 ereii i:»ourii
yokel may lootr out toe fisaie to- will
aared lu **p «C bsa IrunroiKe. T.W
InrenVon. wIim-Ii was Aral fv,ue-ivcj by
H Try of ralifornla. U an ati.-». h
meat that flta oa the end of a gaa arm
and t4kes
pUm of a fUiUtoff cock
hown In tbe secompanyttig Ulus
trstlon. the gas la turoMl on by It'fiuc
►Ulb at the IsKtom. The bulb U In

eases, until ss
nmred by the_________
*iu!l sny porsoa remore from
purpoM of receiving or atorteg milk.
No person suffering from, or who ten
knowingly, within a period of twenty
days, been exposed to diphtheria.
amsll pox. tyre\V^*or
pbold fev
,rk*’or*^SSt te or®about ady'
sbsU work
farm; no .prterietor.
dairy or■ dairy farm
to the clusena of Traverse aty.ste:i
knowingly permit any person suffer­
ing, or exposed as aforesaid, to work
or asrlst
about said Mslry or

bis possession with intent
from wnicn t-c




les.n percenUge of casein and aalti
than that conlolncd te unsklmmoJ
Sec. li. Every dealer In milk sell­
ing auch skimmed milk shall, on eacn
and every vessel from which te sclU.
tern atuched in front and aide a
notice sisllng In legible lettera that
auch akimmed mtlk U tor sale.
Sec. 1C, All dsiriet from which mKk
is oferml for sale in tte cUy o; Trarerne City ahsll be open at all tlrms
to the inspection of tte MUk Inspec
and health officers of the city of
produced U herohy daclsrsd to be un­ tor
Traverse aty or any oileor repmhealthy aad uawhdeaame milk.
seuting them or elthci of them. ,
ftec. fi. No pemoa aalerte,
Sec. 17. Bottle. BMiat aoi he ttlted
lay eootaikms cr iafectk>ua d
at the dairy or creamery, aad
te*writteg white’shsU aUte fully and Df who haa bete te oonuct with
te tte dty only in Mta^
Dtbera autaring from aay coatagious ax to pmveat contaralnaUte^ tte
aate as tote mlU^y^ttst from tbs stmete o^othrpost oSIcs addriM of aaM appUm^
ted. The exact lotetlon or plate mktes. typhoid farm. .
alpox dmll
8rc. IS. It shall te tte dute^
frtMn irhite tbs said apptt^t obtaJte
va or milk every ptrtoo havteg charge or ootttrol

Jii.' tku.

la hla dairy herd,, aad If not a prodoom
the aumber
of ocow._____
in tbs
r of
oontameQ la mux. or nu*a wiuc»
dairy hard
been dilated with water or which exmsuch other pmeeatteaa ox
tains more tbsa t7H per cent, of
water field or laaa than lt% pm emit,
of milk aellds or lem butter ~
S per cent or harteg
Ity of lean than l.M|.
in the dty ef Travema aty. hut testeed thereof a ooupoa...................
The use of aay cat
pooada tor the porpos
sd aftsr buteg
from aouriag te erpmi
Aay ptraon who offers for
. or milk, aklmmod or un­
in the city of TrasenaCtty.


— 2‘uVMS^bS^‘SSS



M SleiBf & Sons

or oroma to tte MOklaspseter of ask!
dty who may rsausst the aasM tor
purposo of examlnaOoD or analy-

wbouparticQkrndaritkMl «s1o
iogtwtettte wtaia^ewmyola
dkoloecpt ovi be w«dl temdat
apder'imaataukat Hccahsel
bit haail't teaiic in btal mim


flaror as terved ao7wb•^^ Ko one
hat, DO one eaa ir«4 better Mi
Ihan what we hevc ooni



, m K«^ ni— I
Cauandalgi'*. .N. V. Iti- lucsc*
isrle^ Parshrll. The r.nris:idslp:n
for t!.e Unmnu^ •orVty. says tiie
New York Kun. Ito nto#rve«l ihst hi*
tree suffero,! see,-rely fru.i the r:
cks of hvr^eflles cf Istc. .m, he ,-na
celved th- idee of iskiug some OM
ironaer legs ai. I pls.-ing iheni on thf
animal, fs-t-idi.g item to the fly net.

Chra,. of time Northern MtcM0UI
Tranaporution Co. eusTnara lllinulg
and Miaaourl.

; Leave Chic
Arr.v, Tr
-red. wlU be
* Friday a. m.
entirely dieplared In «-ourse of time
The new ..ratero is electrlrall.r^workLeava Traverse City Wtdni
ed and 1. de<-lared to be simpIMiy It­
self. Tbe engine as It travels along the ratlans without stopping to fight fiie*. gunday.
plan la aa miK-h of a auccess
Arrive Chicago Friday and ruaaday.
line comes Into conUct with an spp«- and the
as tbs old borae bonnet to proie^-t
oct Idf
mtns. fixed to the trark. vrhlch Is work­
-a’ hmda from the heat, whirb aloo
ed from the signal box sod sets In mo­
lu origin In Canandaigua yaurs
tion a form of roe<-hanlam on the eu
gine. Instead of the engineer'ha ring ago.
, Ibe.r de<-lare
to look out for bl«
Lise cleaF- la expruaasd by the blowlug of a whistle, whirh continues until
the engineer with his own band turns

lohn R. Santr

mCYCLEB TO RENT, 410 Unljm

*epi 13-lmo

General luanace

Sessrokelasix TrmT«w Otj

“toih 1*11 .»d »hta<tr «r,
th, ratio, rah. • Uira b.T tb, rotiorar
THAveaat city marksts
as be stands to liHi lever, and shuuld
afford a mors telling means of
cation than a dial uu wbl.Hi slgna np
Changm In Pricte.
Tbs substltuiiDU of audlMe tor
visible aJgnalt would relieve engineers
of iwrpeiaally looking out
tor any particular signal or lamp.
Tte apparatus U so cooalructod that
If aaythlng went wrong anywhera tte
whistle slfSiU
chisC value sf tb
in f«gy weather, and the
PHtMi Dlrtoa Bee^.
LldMmnt Damaot and Gmmer Oat- new arstem la therefore of partotilar
Importance In a country so tog affilctr
H. M. S. Bpanke^s
of naval
recently dewYiided, aa.vs
Tfce tpsnlsh Bnes. •• SSmUS.
tte liOadOB Mail. In s Ibwttlsh loch In
of Spain has last i
diving suits to a depth of thirty-five
lime In tohding the pleasiog Impre
fathoms, or 210 feet, a rvKvied fo ‘
of ter features to coiup;;eato tte am
BrUldi Isles and probably for
leurs .-ollertlon of postage stamf
asTs r. T. V of l4»udon. The new
sump show, the arms of gpalu srith
divert of Aostralaaia.
the royal crown and Ite portrait sf
the quemi In relief. Alfbongti one or
two letfeu from Spain hare of Ufa
* eroded to arrive In Oxford In tte arrived with several of
Buytof Rttda uF TrmmrM City Daaiam
taber term, says tbe I/mdoa Chrsa they ds not sppesr to UkgIttepMmof
e otfflnary postage stamps or
I. Lot jmFs conUngeot nombersd
itre. Published at Ite price of hbom
alxty-dght. bot under tbe ptorUiona
apiece, they were pdeatdy
of Mr. ShodH' wUl none of Ite Amsrlean status aead eandldatsa this ymr.
sigued to aUl the fumls of a aodety
lumlier of R
The total nu»l«tor the prsveutloo of lubercnlsala.
t afier tte fashion of King
» at OxfsW 1

........ "^S

lat the t

Bd ta do so by tte tot
cter, aad to oauao

r evety tetor that
1 Vletoria*a atompa la
itributkm to a vary «

fratlra hr Aiet «Ae« ta *e RtrUac

«. Tte mayor may placo tn
atiou aad tte eouacU may ap­
VsUthfml OU tevo mogtwo.
prove tte same, a mUatlo pem as
Milk lotpteior to curry oot tte provlslooa c< tMa ordlaaacs and to parform such other duMea os may fram a fir* tte otoar Bight at Bmy. to BagMBd. a firs augtos whWW was pm•mited to tte gfUafft to im by Ltey
Cakuatod of raMm wtia aMtffly





Bgnta ^

oiMiibi) on the audit of Ite commlUcs



Their Foreign Postal Ctr^i Make a Crut Hit with the GirU.

The Greet Weytem mUtray. Eng­
land. hx* *in*.'e»«funy experimented

AOTOMA-nc OAS aarronr. ♦
rexliiT the teitom of a tute that
through tbe main tube of the ga«
and terminates In tbe Immrr Itself
This inner tube when raised is held up
by a point of steel that sticks out from
circling ring.
Wien tte fit ms beat* the t urred
off this
pdnt and rest on a polm on the olher
side of tte clrcllug rtug of sieel. Hila
is the safety catch. If tte gax l« blown
out by tte coontnmaa. If It lx blown
out I.y tte wind or ext'.ngnixbed In anv
way the curved spring cwoirarta. alkaw
log the Inner tube lo .lip off tbe safety
catch and drop back to It. origfnd
place, thus autontatlraUy shutting off

dty Of Travecae City of the tklatenoe
jo( any ccntagloua cr lafscDoos diaeaae
mdh oows wltittn tweoly4oiir
fter tte dli«overy thereeC aad
ttgbly Isolate aay eow or oowt



shall appear In a conspk
I both sides of tbe ve
lUch such milk Is sold
Jklmmed Milk” distinctly and legi­
bly made In leltem not less than one
Inch in height; nor shall any dealer

Bad i. Any parson or poraons da
siring to sell,
or cream omnin tna cwy o* itstw**.
after paltnlfOlty. upon his. her or thalr nppllcstloc
to the city clailror said dly. ahaU Ik Uon. or from cows which am fed wholpannltted to do the asms as hereli ly or In part upon distillery waste, or
the waste
brewery grab
lea in a faro
provistoas of this oritoanoe.
Bald permit shall not be vans sny other form of food which wlU
ferrable by tbs holder thereof ant pmdoea milk which is unhselt
shall contteos and be operaUvs imu uawboleaoase. or from cows whl
tte ftrat day 1a May next msmng ite






Order your




gereral insurarce
■I tIBW «ei.EBI.a B1.O0B

SMSiiIele«e«a«»»»t«iet«»* Die,

Ser^^-eTli 2 g?
. .Igii'

: 7



€f0« JL Jarolf ^


Fret Ceo4re to fiebaeribtre of the
Erewiat itoconL


Hare's DaadBC Acadeay.*


U> 40 m

umatr; |5
4i;nstn ft. Mfm. r c.

Haigbtenrd pignues: tattoo of the hair

FOA AAm-lOT-Ooo boodrod oo4
ban mud* oortb oC Orowi. ooobalt
«Oo i*oro froot rm mhrdr Mfc«:
OOTtb. aooth ood veat of »ort*a re•art, aoa of tbo prattlaat raaorta lo
tbo 0no4 Tmmo .ra^ao. IBa

WAHTtt>-A cook, #ihcr BOO or
«o*m; pcrwottMil po*Ukm. Applj
(be Lakt Wv liouM, KU lUptdr.


oopt «ir

ruUMIAHIO noon wUk hoU lo prt
fOlbimir. AmB r. KwiUnor.

par lac. fbr oadarol adeaaucea lacotteo com out bo baotao. Ueov
perfMO 4rtU cUmt proparty ood tbo
prtaa oakbA, tUa tor* to oAarod ot 0
aory loo Afwo. Tbato la ttoabor
ooouhtdpoyfortbc obolafOmat
prtat aro oak tor It. If yoo.^wo« o
bor^ ood o aoooy WMktr. pat
oftor Ibto. Wada Broa. 1« fW
•Iroat. Trararaa CUy. Micb- CM
taaoi pbooo Ulf.
«ay J441

•Of mf

FOA AAIX—im—Too tbboaaod.
otobt baoiiod toot oo BtMtd acraat
Toloo tapaoalbla to eatliaota. bot
VU obora priea oakad. Tklateona
won AALC OA AfliT-A little cot
of Iba »oat daalrobla plaeaa of prop
nsltt^ »d
o« ortylooity. Aa o boaloaaa locotko
lUpIt otroM: votor.itu. ckwot. c«
ooooolbabaolaaotprtoaoMtad. Aa
aiMi «olb: tarmMiod U iMrMl. lo
(|Oir« 43S We*l Elfhth 8s. Cheap II
baUdlOti oow oo tba property,
vbicb eooatoU of four frame atmewon tALf-lA04 poond Carty aoto taraa. corarlof about ooa-half of tba
gnwod. It ahoura lira per cent oo
O. B. Wolf. tJl Pine aiwwt ClU
too thouaond doltora. With a
•re. uHo^late brick bulldlnr. it wUl
abeir at least thraw Umaa that
rOA »AL1-Ooe I*ortUiul colter. 1
amount oo the luTeetment. Call for
al4a aprt»» •taflo bof«r: cheap foi
prtca. Wad# Broa.. 127 Proot aireaC
«aah, or will oxdiuite for dry wood
?t< Cba. 8L
ofVt UHl
Treveraa aty. Mich.
June ll tf


farm; toprored

won *ALt-l»l-Kfhly^wo feet on


Ibr prtoo.

Wote Broa. m Prow

>OA AALl-iat-liod^o roHdooea
AI«to oboeC tkroo bloeka ftt» poet
otieo. FmoM. oloetrte UsbU. gaa
both. Al A Ifo, 1 ifopoalUoii. Col
tar fTfeo Wo4o Broo. ir Froo

icmc. nocoiM cuy. Mich.

m CASH win boy lot lid. Hi

ovaooi. Oak Haigbta oaborb. Main
feet. If sold before Nov 1st. Apply

totboa. T.Botoa.

*ay Mf

FOR AALC—Two thoroughbred Herford cows With calves standing by
gbom. Wllltom Troutwlne.

t1» CASH wfn bny lot m. Hannah
•fwm. Oak Holg^ anburb. Maltt
feet. If sold before Nov 1st. Apply

Stole alraat, ooa huudrad aod tfty
foot deep. aU covered with (wo^lory
frame balldlm. fitted throughout for
first class livery and sales bare.
Atoo forty horses and all uccesaaiy
aqulpmeot. buggies, cuttars, hacks,
drays. tleUbs. barnessea, wa
robes and all personal propafty In
abort building. Thto to ooa of tba
largaat Urery aod aalea baroa lo this
region: centrally loctled, doing
large and proflubla bualneaa.
fact, present owner toela able to re^
tire and anjoy tba eomforUble fortuna made In thU aama buslnaaa.
This, reader. If you contamplata eogoging in a business of tbU kind,
will pay you to Invastlgite. Call for
price. Wade Bros.. 127 Front street.
Trererse City, Mich. Cltliens phone
JuM n-tf

Tbe Bov. B. L. Bnrbonnsn of New
beiry. Mleh., boo neepled a enll to
j* ao pignMtitaa thsi H was
the pnatoreio nf Hope Chapel Preobydarker fane than it bed been arigiostly
chnreb at Lsfayetle. Ind.. and
and tbe ebanfe bad been obsened by
will begin kto labors if nce.
Goorgo Hinsenga and James Deproe.
Hope ooUeoe atndecu. hare parebaoed
was that of a man f.fty fire ymirs old tbe Zeeland Itocord. uking posaesoloa
wba sraa under trretnieot with the rsys Monday. Vaakoerering Bros, bare
for Ittpw of the threA. At first he pabllabed the pep.‘r for eleven yeors
Arthur Hoaklna. propriHor of the
new growth of hair, and near the ear Pimoodale hotel, left the door on
the oew hslni were almost r-ompleiH* locked for tbe convenience of guest a.
lOack. Thl* l.larkonrt gradually •iimilnl A burglar helped hlmaeir to fl7S
off os the dlstauce from tbe ear in- which Hoskins had left la b4s trousera
ceniabie even In |i«rt» far removal
Mrs> Ella White of Adrian, whose
nnaUy the eotrwpoiMlii g lu:lf of the
mao's luostArhe hcinme darker than hnahand wgs murdered at Baldwii
the otlAT half aod without any |ce yenn aga drunk tondannm and cl
form on acetjum of worry over prop
rkms faimic out of Ike ijlrs.
Imbert sod Uanines add tUet In other eity matter*. 8be uphraWod tlu* doc
rases they have <uh-en tpl a *lne,KHiUig tor' who saved her life
of the cokrt- of li|
I eanrter BuahneM. aurd SI years,
died at Bertatnonl Mondmr_ Mr.
BushnHI had resided In Van Burea
county for the past fifiy-flve years.
The Rev. H A. F.we*. paator «»f the
First UaptUt church at liloomin
haa rtwlgned. He intends to give ur
Me<lir«l Jorrn.-il Itrrerblng entirely and al ODce Uke up
the purauli nf agrtrullme.
Mrs GsMwin. wife of pr. W
Baldwin of Qnlnry^ls dead at the uae
•nirrr are few Htlrs iu the wiwjd
of 33. She waa prominent in rlul
liaving murr new .s»ai*rr* aiul /jTa«rb
variiHl |».ucnre Ihnu Itiu-nos .\yrr-. Al
throughout Branch county. She U sur
•oc«*tliet ihr iinii;l»er of daill« s.,
lira. Uinnthlir* and liTvjnjlsrs piil.Uahei] vlvcd by the husband aud two son*.
Tho vAetry of .Trinity F-plk^optl
!u the ri-iMilillr flin tuut*-* ah .nf ISO
itorklnar Island, by nnnni
Ke-WW. of
ihr “imlintiar' Ue
gnage. w lih its wide div< nc» ii. Wm frou. mouK rote, hns extended a call to th«
P. n. H. Rnblnaon. rector of SI
K|)nnl»h. tinre «n
|iuldlsLi<d ir
Castilian, .n Cain'on. In
llallnn P.-uira^iurcli, Had Axe. It l„ tbuiiuui
lYrnili. t;rrii»:.|, ami KnpUah. it likely that Mr. RoblnKop will accept
The leelKlalure will be asked to ap
Ilssiim*. ill .Nnrwn:laii ami in l»aui-li
In .\mlili-. .wytutM Hrlnak-.
propr^e f25AiH» f»ir a new rbaml a
and In aevetnl dkilet :a.
the Idduatriat Home of Bars In loin
sing. The cap.tcitv of the preaenT
whUa |here are 700
iKiyw tji the InstUutItm :ind man:
turn 14.00 via NORTHERN MICHI sitleis seek, admission tu tk<> kot
Grand Master Stex-ena of rh^troii
cts good for return pasiia{;e i:> daji offtrUietl at Iho laying of the comer
from dale of sale. For further infor stone of the A. W. Comsioek Memorial
matioo and particulars Inquire of
parish bonw of Trinity Episcopal
I. r. Burns. Arrnt.
clttirrh at Alpena. Anthony W. Cora. Both -phones No. 36.
acft lii-lf stock. a wcalth.vv resident of Dt'froli
Alpena, dojiflied IlS.hOO for Ur.
FOR SALE—.Now house. thomuKhly erection.
modern, hot and
best. Will sell

of hto stoto. He ts wot quite to yeare
cfi4ju^ baa twice brew elected mayor
of Pawtucket.
For fifty yoare Ohio has bad at letM
one member of eoagrea* named Tay­
lor. B. L. Taylor aod Col. W. A Tay
; preaent tbe reapectUre reind deamcmtlraomlncea fori;
coegrtoa from the Colutabos district
QlovamU Suocl. the ItaUan faster
bo b««t Dr. Thonera’ record of forty
days, golhg wiiboat food for fire days
longer than tbe Utter, has arrived U
thU eoomry. Sneel aaya be*U oow too
far advanced hi years to undertake;
any abstemkm* stunts.
Tbe empress of Germany has con
Ibuted a UiTO sum of money to aid
, the formaUoo of an Institution to'be
devofctl to the saving of infant life.
Ultv of infama in Germany
being surpassed to Europe only by that
of Austria aad RoaaU^
Tbe Rev. Dr. Baraxasx. a Roman
Catholic priest of Bammore. Md.. brf
devised a detachaLlr buckle of ao
much utility that the French academy
for the cnronrag»‘rocnt of *cb*no‘ nnd
art ha* confentxl upon him ther(*for a
cold im»dal .la.l a diploma. Hr i* :<l.-n
a playwright.
Thr CH-rman emprohS. In addlt'ori tn
jrwHs worth 95ia*.«HV> that are ho- own
privafo proia-rtT. ha« the ricy to
the vpl.-ndi 1 rollccflon *.f g<'n^^ t*i-t
b. lom; to ilu> Russian trea^iury. The
IK thus aide sonu tlnu*^ i'i npjear at rouri wearing Jcw< Iry ir.ur.. >•
xnlue,! .at fl.2.V..t*HV
Gertrud*- and .\cnea Lynch, twin*
nnd telegraphers at Omaha, an* a
great puxrle to all with whom thcr
come In contact in conneerioa with tlu>
buBlnuaa of the Western rniou Teleeranh coropany. by which Ui.h an-em
ployed. One of them tell* that th-ir
nuther one day loM her distinniishlng
r.ark. nddlnc; -Rhe'd over it
for a long lime and finallv shut her
• yea and grnbUwl up the flr.->t oie* she
'vnebed and ibal the pink ribbon on
To voti ace I really do not l.ufiw
whf lht-r I am .Ague* or GcHnidi*.'*
The rt*-an of Westminster hn*

cllW.fei"... „

BALE----- 1273—One hundred and
twenty-acre farm, six miles west of FOR SALE—At a UarKain, honiie in
city, about sevenry acre* under cuH
gtxKl e<»udltlon; nearly new; seven
▼atlon. Good bouse. Urge barn, with
jwms and bath; sl«> fishing U»al.
hnaement. Following crop: Ten
1022 R.'indolph.
oct 2-6f
acres rye. four acres wheat, ten
FOR SALE OR RENT—House* in de­
acres corn, seven acre* pots
M. B.
fourteen acres oaU, seventeen acres
M-pt 22 if
hiy. forty acres wild limber. Call
for price. Wade Bros.. 127 Front
street. Traveree City. Mich. CiUwus
June ll-lf
phone 1219.


lit bv. *» (Mt em Bruwk
r Mid bjr Nov. lut. Apply to


oct l-3t«

BMDt in rentable city
Whdt Bros, 117 Front 8l, Treveree LOST—A fox hound, with tan ears
black and white body. Finder leave
with Tberon Morgan and receU
4mi OBd track land. Small pleee
. sept 16-lf
money thkee thU. Call tor prtea.
Wade Bros, U7 Front ntreet, Trev FOR BALE-144d-Haniwnre oto
good maiM tm within ton mnes LOST—PockeilKKrtt coatalnUg re­
aty. MIeL.
tore ll-tf
ceipt. meal ticket aod aOver between
of Tinretot aty. Only bard
540 E. Proof _SL and Poet Office
FOR BALI—145T-«« fWt front on
Reinro to F,ec«rd office. Apg. 24-tf
BtMim otreoL bdjolaa now corerw neat. Can tor Invoice and t

^ . ::r

mere hWMtoff mitbe WOOL Thto to
the more omAn&y locotoa lot in the
«M| dtotflbreioB FPire in the most
modore. piotreretoe city in oontrel
MckSu: mttM for M7
MtMM. CtB (or prlM. W
' Bm. W (Mat «, Wmt C

FOR iAI.C—Two kradac <

Wade Broa. 127 Front atreet, Treveree Ctty. Mich. Ottoeas pboi
may 24-41

nnd apring; nil goo^ ooB; sood
tion; done to mteoL ohnreh
finost rreoit on Dm* Iffko; enfi ter

prion. Wadt Brea, 137 Frere 8L
CWwno itao 1119.
AW fiitf


to Herbert Spencer of Westminster al
Ite. He s;i\s hi- nee.’ e<inxi.h •• tlr
Ii.nltaiion id spaee at his
he beU«’Vt-« that it is
duty t;> ei->.e
th. ahtH*y against nil

f.f ;
or th** nation with »h«
ptfts. There IK. of course, a fleje.Piy opilnat the «xcbision of S’n j
nti there lia^ lw-<-D ncainri the e
rion «f Byrim. am.ongl. it has
k.tld “Why Khnuld Btirfs
with <1 monujnrnt In the abh'*y w
lx>rd nyroit has la-cn persbicnily
Plas aa iMomnaat Part la the Set- rhuUd-

Tbe eultJvafjou of
ainH-U'-* of
epiOer* aoUly for the tine thread* wbhli
they weave far H^-ientiflc ua*'^ ha« :ui
Important bearing u|K>n uatronomy. tbe
oldnit physical aclctnv. No substliutc
for the apWrr’a thread Up* yet beeu
found for biaecling the ac-ivAr of the
mhrometer uae*; for Ue;ermlniug the
liosiiiou* and uiuUon* of the atur*.
.\ul ouly bwauae of the it-umrknble
fineacM* of the lUriMds an- they valu­
able. but lie<-au.-e of tlieir great durable
Keceuily the wl of spider liuea iu
the mlerwmeter of the transit Inatrumeut at the Allegbmiy oUervatory
were examined aud fouud to U- iu |«t
ftM coaditiou. ttUbough they were
pla.-ed there about forlyseveo yeiira
ago. The tbreni* of c-eruln a;»idcni
ral«-d for aairoaoiulcBl |*urpo*e« withatuiid changes lu temiK-returcs so ilut
often Id »ea*uriug auu arwu they are
o great
uninjured wIjcu the
that the lenses of lb
piece i* *Tiirkod.
.nre only oi:e iinb

Inch in diameter, couipared to wlmli
tm CASH wlQ My lot 230. Grant the thmd* of the sllkwonu ure large
etrreL Oak HelghU onbiirb. 60xl« and riumay. Ea.ii line I* iua.le up of
aeveral tbottsanda of miero*eoii!r
feet, if sold liefore Nov. IM. Apply atrc&ms of fim^d. TudA- the moat |owto Thoa. T. Batoa.
may W erful nuigulfyias glare they apjawr
does to Treverae City; good paying
true and round. Tbe work of placing
piece of property; call for price
these line* in the lukToiuetfT requires
Wade Bids, 127 Front 8U Trarerae
the delkwte work of experto, whoop**r
FOR BALK—149B-Qne hundred and
aty. Mtoh. Citixens phone 1219.
twenty acre farm one halt mile lost—White fox terrier dog. bUck ate with Ibe aid of mlcroaco|ie* v'bWh
and tan bead. bUck spot on back. magnify tbe line a tbonaand tmes.
^ In LeelauM
Plcaae lelefOione 493 CUUcos or 229 TBc Hues arc plnecd'panillef with carii

of tteto avttoC'a

IS o. m. Adnlto^
7::i0-9p. m. AtoomblY. Motodoy
Ki«bL Taiepbona CiUMO li:i4.

bto canAidney ftar
rbage of tbe longs U a oorrtdarofThe
Boyd boose Monday at Cbela*^ !4U
IMM to tbottgbt to be In Indtonapolis
While reading her Bible. Mrs. Oornettna Van Oraren of Grand Rapida
WM atreck oo Che ia» by one of two
-n 4>m rwmmdted the hoitne. 8be

fiALE-ms-Realdenc# Eaat
Moth Bt., close In; Urge rooms;
laige house; large lot; amall price; FOR BALE—1431—Four and on^-half
acres all Unproved; good house,
A No. 1 property; eiw^y terms; call
atnall barn, small orchard. All good FOR SALE—1444—RS feet on Stale.
; for price. Wade Broe., 127 FToot
garden ground. Tsro cows, one hun­ 165 feel on Park, directly opposite
dred and fifty chickens, three hogs,
81. QUexos phone 1219.
Park Place hotel, corner lot; salt
■pan horses, household goods, etc
able for any class ot business; for
This to Just the propoalUoo for
party that wants Just enough ground
livery and sales stable could not be
fob •AL«-14M-;oo cream parlor.
close to the center of the city
beaten; central location; front and
•04nf fonntaia. eandymaklaf tooU,
or .side entrance: best location In city
aU ntbor tsturea. all ttoau Good
for first class hotel: hard to esti­
trefiiv oowtrel location on Front xround will earn the salary of an
ordUary book-keeper, clerk or me­ mate xalue but la offered way below
•treor Ono of the finest confeechanic. Owner got the -roams.**
what It U worth at present tflBOv
tlooery. loo emom and candy making
hence offer at low price. Wade Bros..
call for price. Wade Broe, Trev^•tegHMmooto in city. Call for
?1ont at
erse City. 127 Front SL Ctttoens
prtCA Wbie Bn*. 127 Front street,
itch. ClttoeBS phone 1219.
phone 1219.
ang Ut
ttoireroo City. Mich, atlwm. phone

PnC. P.
108 noBtblneL

Tbe MIebIgoo OoH^ of Mines ob» itoels the konch of ateel to his person.
menced Its twanty-firat year Monday
K. Htoglna. known ns tbe
«r of FnwtnekK, E. U* kao

■0^ tt tf

WAIiTtO AT awC«-«4rod «»rl or
tooMk.^. r. D- CortlA »« W.

301 freot Sire St


CoUr* That < mwe lawaasaptla
The value .*T light a« an agent in
lug di*e.i***» is iHs-omlug iui tvasingH’
reisignixed. Tla- laioMi development-of
Ibe idea is the as-erilou of a medienl
nmn that the *-J-jthes w*#ru by eonsutaji
tlve* sLoul.l la* ..f a . ulor vliieli wil
BlU.w the ligtii to p*-oeira!e the le.dy
Whit.- mcteri ila. if i* fouud, are. tin
best for this puri>OM'. and ronaumptircf.
are eocwsinently advlaed to eluUie
tbcmMslve*. .u snowy ralm*-nt. either of
liueu. velvet, cotton or ekdh
however, l* lutmsl. .Next In eunttlre
value comes Ido*-, bat U Is far laferlor
lo while. Mat*Tub of blaik. n-d. .\vl
low or green nr*‘ ^ald to U- useless. ui

fra. Tfcal * III ^oi Wear Oof.
One of the pro(» riir'* «f lunulltr.
tx new mem I dl!*4-overod in Gcrmuuy
not lone ag*.. is that It can U- ntilixr*!
Iu the miimiraeiuro uf a inm which
will be ptaeUeally ercrlasUug. The
airtal bt i*u hard that a diamoml drill
worlrtn-.: ut to.- rale of ,1.000 fvv*,luUoar
jK-r mluuti- hardly nutke* ao lmprvsslu:i
ui»o;» Its serfnee. and It can'to- rolled
ao thin tint lh»- i«-u will have all
tbe *l«-.ired r-*.l!M-ur.v.
•Iliis p-n will therefore wltbatmid
a gm;t amount of !i.ird inwgr. It wiU
really »^e .n .ilfflealt Ciiug t*. put It
♦mt <»f budnesf. -\«» rbaraeler of Ink
will uflect it; In f*»et. If will reabet
all eliemUn'.v lo u very degi-.*e.

A Young Mother at Seventy.
"M.r moth**r has «u*ldenly been made
young :it 70. Tatntv years of intense
suffering from dyi^pepola had entirely
disabled her. until six months ago.
when abe began taking Elwiric Bit­
ter*. which have completely euri-d her
and resuired tbe strength and activity
Rub tl>e line w Itb «balk or chairnal she'had In tho prime of lib .- write*
Mr*. W. L. Gilimtrick. of Daniorth.
and atroteb It ai*rure the ceil lug from Me.
Greatot ntuoraiive meenrine on
diagonal corner*. Two |»ersou* iriU be
required to do it. Th6 »Kdnt where tlic
two lines rrt»*a 'each other, aaya th*»
Master ralntor, wUJ be the crater. U
there la a deep riduuiey farreet «bo! Price 50c. Gaantoleed by Bugbee
ting oet intothe room.jatmdi the line- Drug Co.. Frank 11. Mead-, and Hannah
from eovpcrs made liy jdrawtog a line Drug Store*.
•CTO* Che bream and not frotu the
true room coniera-fhto to order that
the cenHr may Mt acprer too rioae to
Traveree City to Chicago and re­
turn |J/»0 via NORTHERN MICHP
Tbe Bloat avrickard and tzngataiiy wo­ CAN TRANSPORTATION CO- Tlckeu
goo*! 4or rrium paange 15 days
man can be4to&sloniMd toio a beaiui
fnliovoly creotoiw tf abe boa the brain from date of aaie. For fnrtber inforpower to almorb the torn tbai Hol^ matioD and partlcsilani tognlre U
lister's Rocky Mmmtola Tea wUl Ac
tbe toiateees Tea or taWcto SS cetoa
aepl X9-U
Both 'phonea No. 3C.
iokim OroB Co.

lor Rates Row On

llgbt'L bath and atoam beat- Over
Kub«^k-A Ho»ra. Amu F. Nerlln«er.
. aept 29-7i

•re oecUrod to bo the moot boautttoi lloarer picUiros ovor pabitML
Tliooa plctvrea are popvUr in the
great art cootere oM tho Record
hoo boon onobled toloecore a Urnw to ghfo away
itod guantlty of thorn
to ItB rcMtra. You may cMI ot the
Rocord oNko and If your oubdcrip
tiofi U paid up in full you may Hare
tho ehoieo of ono of thooe booutmn


in fancy fi^ureii
Sizes 1*2>i TO UJ4.
Some with deiachabte
coflF. others with two
detachable collars.
Svecial price while this
ad, appears.

twenty dlffarere kinda There can
be had by catlmg at the efhea.
Every subecriber will get one. To
mail aubacribere who are paid up
In toll thay will be rent throogh the
peotomce, FREE OF CHARGE.
OO NOT FAIL to secure this
beautiful gift; should you desire a
full Sri of there pictures additional
copin may be had for 10 cents
each. They sell in the art atom
for 50 cents each, but you arc en­
titled to ONE absolutely FREE.

Th*- .Iin.«r..s*i- ;i!.jK-:ir Jrt U-


were In •.inking thm:. 'Hm-.v hiivrtl
uu*»t «tf the Rtusinii ships nbumhmi-l
at INiM .triliKr nn*l olso ilf:r.l lb**
VrrUg fHiiii file UiUil ut lb*- UUfoiu of
ImrlMir. Their hi«l fvut in
till* dlrci-Uun was the aalvuge nf .Vil
Uiluil TegoV l.:.iflrvhl|.
w hi. li
nU.Mi ;.t h«M-l.*i.

Only 39c

A« It ff-

suit *»r

wro- king ojMtatleiK* »l:
rirsl Mil flu* Jiip;ii:*-e liuve :ifM«sl .-i
mituhei nf .tnile g.aal l*4tlie«ltt| « 1*t
fheii iixual l!.t at rit** ♦ iysuse *.f the
i:*4A-.ianH. .X.. v;i- n i!u-i:!l.*r lb.* ligtmsi
nrrd font baftb-^hli»s. two
mi.-it-f'-s. tun g’liilsint* oinl one .1-s>i--.v*-r. i*iin*«e*it;ijg a ilUphn eiyi-nl of

nlK>ui tr.tstJ i*.n« M l'*-rs .Uthtf.. Sit
w:r»hl;m u*-t*- ...pysnol ;mil the
iu v*-»s*-U Was abiioM
tons J.n.l il:at
m t l.;ke inf . a.
*f.nut III- Mier. hrtiit tonnage . ;i|unnsj.
-li.eiion ll(-ral*l.

Floral Designs
, When in need of anythinfg
in this line don’t fail to
I send your order here. Sat­
isfaction guaranircd.

K. J.t. 5J. IWJ. N«.w ill


L.V. TraTVTM Cltr.Ki.4iatB AV'sen iwpa
Af. Walim..........
il4i%n CJOaiB 4.x:>
4.»:> pp mm
...... it ABpia 7»S*W am a OB

fn-ld lui.. nlili
pll(-atlon of annesthe-ls tu pinut*.
« jmpl**tely :u>K oti7ji'^ Ih*- pi
riuil llieu hiys l*n-;:i asi*h- hi .t rc
,* .'uuhtxjrs lo
urgh sU-ep. ytericri.

oiih—e*u>bv .
i-Tr*ia*u-rir#-*t Trsvv-* fiiy
d*v .
Jfortl.pori Ji»*H « m.
tv*tn »rrorr^ *t Tr»Trr«- CjIt d*ltv 1J. ■»
Tr*v. r^ Ot| <Uily «


Pere Marquette

A Badly Burned Crl.
or lM»y. roan ur woman, l . qni< kl) ♦»'»;
♦if liuin If Buekk-n's Arn;*a Salve b
applied promptly. (l. J. W. Icb. of Te
k*»n»-ba. Mb h.. s>i'y.s: * I um- It lu mj i .Su.
n-tai pf m -Au.m. Nwluw. H.r
.\o. >-iU
<lrai>4 limviO*.
family for cut-. Horo*. and all *klu Mr. 1.a.hrrt4.ti.
injurlr.. and fin.l It pi rb'ci." Quick
.est Pile cure known. Beai healing
TBAIN'h north
Milve mnrte. *J> at Begl ee linig C<i, Nr T-TVI a m For Wllhaic.tmiT. Ktt
and Hounah Dnic Store
The fciL i- ; .-vUr-pi
will lie ami
fni a behl |.:on 4in Hie h ug grri-s,* hke a *wl. jh.iiiu ••
nj-oii it. hill U
a i.lte niid l..y it
uii one «Hie
he h:e* eirnght
itiiulher niul .-lUothei. when, pirking
llwiii nilli Mi*, as len
lecu y *• li** *•; •! 4-niry
looth. hi- vv*
ll.**IU R.L TIME CARil

v.« thfUi


\vh*-li liii.htg evhli-U*-*- on 1h«- •H-*-:i<kW
Of the ph g;ie of de'.l
on the h*i
iaml shell, farm- iu
womanly charms ;
aa long as Hollister's Rocky^Mount!
Tea la made. Tea or talilet.-. .IG c*t
Johnson Drug Co.

Mr*. V----- V
Itineh over ihe
Brnlni. were on her meiin. nnd
bad trie.1 « UU1

• U thi. LV-Jr luixhniriy.
“Have you shy !»ra'.m.r*
••Have TOO any tiraina todavT*
•*.\n. no. tmr caror tJie leaty reply.
“Madam, you have made a miatake.
ThU U Dr. Sudlh-a telepbore.**—Uie
plneotl'a Magazine.



Ice or Wood
wiU be delivered
grempdy if ordered

Junis C. fum









j LrxSnsum, Kj^ Oct. r—Tbr fso»oas
Uoror. Dos Pou^h. 1:U. orOl be brrt
"1st tbr^coaiav trooiac moninc. MWl
i »U! try to lover hi* record. SccroUry
|V/il«o boj roeeired o telccrdn frew
i Drieer Hcarooy. «yloc that tbe Borv

Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
warm watar *n4 oswl in local trettbMOt


Hia Tcaai aa Otbar Pfayct
Out or tba Game.

Ut radar or Batardar tor a an
ID toOttlSK aark. aad acaia aa Maadar « Tae^
aar. tto«la« aaak. Daa Fatofe
by President Marphy of the Cubs that
to I*M »«n ««•»»<< «>« pacd thia «ttok laai (aU la
fh. »r»M. «kk* i< •Itotol Iwrr. Th. aad hi. «aa*r. W. M. fUrasr. tblak. Pltctor Mbrebd “Miner" Brown
DOC to able to pitch any games In tbe
torwY Awitan Woeiattoo prtvl^i. he «aa atW lover hto mark bm.
hr B»i« ««<>
inM to u otot«» mt to rahto. ««M
to to <»» or «lto «r»iUto»i toii«» that
states that Brown
tbrtmgb plttAlng a
ia tM
Btoof ha. to*i Oi
cold day to Boston.
What^tthevDOD wna to tbe New
m mt.. He hot •!«> etolen 31
DDd mode J3 nrrHkr blU. CUrlu tbe field. WTieelinic von* tbe third cooteet. sYork Otanu to tbe vorld’a cbnmplaD*
sblp aertoa last toll Brown wnb «*
ClerflUDd cmicber. who bos pUyod to Soon pHrhlmf a ebufoat
JudKlDK by rtvnli. thtL orv foaiball pcetad to be this year for the Cubs.
only obowt bolf tbe nooiber of coidm.
He has been the reliable standby all
to Btone vUb *n orer* role* vUl Dot keep down tbe ■core*
predicted by Yost t^d other itrtdlron the neaoon and bna^cbed hto
Dte of .343 ODd HDpokoo LDjole come*
U> no lesD than half a loxen vlctortes
orxi with A3f. Ca«*e to fonrtb with erperta.
Telegraphic report* declare that Foa- orer the Clauds, vbo were math
BIberBeW Bflb with 4M and Col.
the DrtioU outBrtdw to «lrtb. Bey ler. Kemabarjt and Kepnard of Har- tors no longer through his skill.
' -bold Flick
^ McGuire. Coo* rard art kicking tbe ball an aTcrage Uooal league admirers regard B
aaltw. itoa«WO. Kaeler. P. Badtb. of sixty yarda. All are splendid boot* as tbe greatest pitcher In the country
.Marphr. Craarford aad Wakrtleld an irra.
Manager Billy Smith is reported as
Brown I* pot themUy cripple. Capoibin who aw aboar the ?»« aiark.
aaytog that there arc no pUyer* In tbe I laln-kUnager Chance to snffeTlng
Topar Hart-'l. who idaned bta taracr to taao to Driroli. i. dowo tto CeiGraJ league fast enough for At*j very lame shoulder and “Wee
Blagle has a bad cold In hto chest
• llat with 3V>, KIttoo. tbe Altogaa
rrincelos is ahoving the beneflU p( that It U fered may deve lop into som
pradort who U puebln* for Wa»blM
spring practice. There are a lari* thing worse. Otherwise the team
imi. auoda oa the boaodarr «ne l)f
in fine shape.
iwtoB weak aad «roa« bataroeo wn/b
aa atort^i of
Oar old fjtoid lefie. and the outlook seems sattofac^


That OelVUfid AM* t» Hesnb


Rsteiv imiw Ym Awtwpt u lm
Mi« fmmmm WacK FrMty or BoV




(kY. OCTOW»lk MM.

csr OsvSatosg ta tke Am Orb.

To veigb tbe mm. mocMi. sarth ar
Lay other body, said Profesaor Edgar
to aoc a very dtflcslt .mattoa,
to tbaoe igaorant of asizaBaaiy
xibsmatie* It wuvkl perhaps ap^

alL W’elgbt rartoa as i


Pt'i'hc cuira svtsal cacarrti, wtrrroe catafrh
c,:ttsrtH.r f nninioc $na,eot« throa^ sore mouth,
nisi*d cvw bv removing the infiamol,
Alcrrait>i mul cotarr'ial ooodkkma; tfaafitt<h>
grin's all cWane Rrt
pdA cm! !«J* the i
Ycmi cocnot dire these

the sun and U wilJ be •S.fW times farIber from the .Tcicr of the earth tbaa
-urta.e to. .Vow sqiianr tbto 2X*
tbe weight VMd OB the aarfai-e of tbe
4ini. MnltlpO **^ l».v 12 aud tbe prsJ.
aartb bccaaae w# live there.
nunilw.- of toebca
Now. aappostne you are desirous of
N-el Divide 5N;.4 I>y tbe big
earth, how would you^^ to
ntunU i *.;uarrd and tbe qui»ltoat wlM
been oegtoctsd and yon were in consv be .uiasiwT of au Hnfi. tbg
bhii Ow atone win Iw f.Utog at IW
qaeoee Ignorant of mathemstka you
Ml of tlw hot aecoud.
might decide to cot op tbl* terrestrial
“Tl.i. i. exis^agiy stow, but tb»
ghjbe of ours In blocks and brlng^evcb
block to the snrface of tbe rartb and gravit.\ exerted by tb* me«s of tbe
miles away to ustoraltorn weigb It on an «irdtoar.r lislr of
ak. Bui Ihe center of
scales. Tbe operatkm wookl diubtless
be a cortly and fatlgnlng ouc. ami |w* i!i«* oiirUi Is itiat dtotante from tbe can*
haps many unsclentTllc tondowuers
of the sun aud at toalb fail* ev*ery
mifbl ob}«< to your i-arrylng off tbelr set-ond toward the m with a aiNvd at
Iiropmty even tboogb you explained tbe end of a second bariog a vrlOkity
of an tmb. which to auiue
tbet it was merHy as a temi>orary
toan. But let os for argumeurs sake
than one-foorth of au inch,
snppoae that .vou socceeded
vide .233285 by .ttJlsWOT aud the
Weil, having carried earb blmk to quotient to 3333J04-tbat to to aay. tbere
tbe surface (and many of them would,
338.2tH times mine matter to tbe
of course, have been brought from the
than lu tbe earth. If. ito'refore.
eertbi one kt a
multiply this number by seven aex*
to n* pnH*er pla«T
m. wa find bow many ton. lha sun
liefore weighing tbe nexn and baring
Rubo Waddell 1« dowa at the fool of
dtocovered that each block weighed a
The new rub's allov the forward
Ihe ladder with ITS
tou. then before your labor* ended and
. only one forward pmui Ix-lng al* ,
Pwwtlrd Bvrklv. TkM
naak. tbe Philadelphia Athletic-.
the tost block of earth had been ptoced
single play. This i
itately woman of middle ag
on tbe scale* you a-ouhl have dealt
g her trouble# to e younger
with rather less tUsn s«*ven sexiUlJous.
This of «-oar*e is a tn'iueiMlouA num
her of ton* for any moving mass to
with lh» Chl^m*”whTr si.’.
Th- hiB roHne..'kr- tvMItlnB 'h-j
weigh, buf there to a lime twl<^ each
ani with vlBhicm won nnd Bv '“*•
I of a lift'mvIb* a|ii*
year wben tbe earth actuaUy w^-lghs said tbe Ktolcly matroo. “and they bav*
all sort* of qocer things, but tbe
dto. o, ftokcuad 1. .hio. wiih iwaair ^r.r„-?:r;h;™:i/:m'-toi
.-unto. nothing St nil. In (V*toW tost this
ed g.rl I have now emlwrraased
fmir and eight and Ilhoadc* sUnds
earth gradoally began to Hru* weight
take tier, i.e wlih the apparatnt like some huge glaui dying of a defourth with twenty-one and nine. Pat- Ihr vital part of atiac-k anil dcffn»c.
tcTton. Doyle. Pelty. Altrock. Chrsbro.
fltoe until M a certain momenl of time
as iJgLI as pj^sible and pre- It weighed only su .mm-e. then half an angr> I could have cried. Companv
KIlUan. Ctatison. Orth. Owen. Bender, I but not ton light materUl for the out- ' must
oume. llwu « quarter. ni»d flnnil.v. Just i-ame in uiiexiieiUslly to dinner and
logs. Patten. Slevcr, HowcU. Brni-i *
iiiotf*r will work under water In all nl>oal the lifty-ttoniHandth |url of iLt-rr was lianily »-nougb to ge around.
ksrd. Hess. Mullln. Donshuc. Glade. ««
....... . ........................ .. I cXAUdlflun.. A good dtotsn.^ «« be r i«e«i* weighed atooliiiely un.htog I served .-verj- luonwl of all that wa*
«'i.vcml. even li.v a novhf. which dis wUatever-Dot cve;»
Valsb. TannehUl and Moore ar»' to tne ena.
uunh os a wiap on tbetnlde. aud fherr was mitbing left
others wbo have won over half tholr| Tone llautc played
tame is only llrnile*! by tbe sise of tbe bubble whieii a hal»y might Wowawny. r,H tto* incid. B ben she A-ame In to
To Ptallxe this you raiut n-nieuiber . I«ir Ibe taMc for the desaert abe took
. I hos e er. asw‘rt that 3:i.iKK. !
that the earth dvs*< nut tr.ivel round to at a gluncT the rmptlneiis of tbe
Buis' WaddHl to having i
Vle«‘ is lu eumpleie shape, with tbe ex* Ihe sun in au exa.t . Ircle. an that the
being sliieen wins andj‘^n‘1 am means <;o,o<.o for >
eepiioii of the air bags, which serve aa dlatarn’c from tbe muu is always vary­
text aeason. In F>ans'
and Klison has won
tlont^. Tbe main l*ody or ease of tbe ing. which t>f course aluqN the power tattoo on It with tbe crumb bntah. she
of atlractloii or. In other words, tba danced around the table etogtog:
past reason; F.vansLMl year Napoleon lajoie led the
«»»«• pa«
earth s weight- But to <Vto»M*r and “M> lord. Uiey vs IH ksd tbs ptatlsr dean.
Dajion. "O.uOO; Grand
league in batting
Afvril of esch year the earth to at so My loro. U.e> vy lldcoO tb* ptouer dean.
Duier. li is just
avetage of .23» and Hahn of the New Rapids. Sfi.ooO: South Bend had an at*
-Of course, 1 stoiiped her aa noon as
exact average dlHtamr during tbe fracr,r..0.10. and Wheeltbe motor sud the rest of ibe tiou of a iMH-ond. at whlcli time, as I 1 cooid regain my compowire. but not
V.wk inghtoder* was second with .319 tendance of
Slone tpnked ninth with .39<1.
have said Ijcfo.-e. It weighs ^
nothing. before she bad given It away to my
nnee of alK,ut
to ,he thin, larg ’ u^.kI ,o drive the
| hZ .Tort Tiwi; of
tito to^ _ guests that they bad eaten me out «o
mi tt.e eiHi or a^ |
water, is
to speak rn discharge her Jast as
est In the icogne
»TBUk shaft, nnd ibe totter to matle id
mores at tbe rai of eighteen ahdi? toon as I can get another gliT.’**-New
projei l out through a water tight |«sck- balf
want Yost.
mile* every *
M# ma. 0«re IsvKWI «•
Ann ArL-or, Mi«h.. Oct. 3.—Coach F.
But to weigh tbe eartb in tlje man
To prolet'l tbe pret»eller Dorn any
costly n
fiollaad. the »x»outry nifoie all oUi » '’ost has received an Invitation to
The tMTlnnlng* of astronomy were
Le. it to siUTO
I so it to found
on tbe tope of towers of Bsbytom and
ers to which art owes gmtUude for tbe attend the im*etlng of western
*. «*arr> lug k
ed b.v
Isfactorv- to employ mathematics, wben the pyramid* of Eg.rpt. It to helleve.1
eroallon sud luslntenam'e of ssue trs- and olfielato cnlletl by W,
gauae tMvering. TImj
we Khali arrive at tto* same results, as­ by many writer* that both claaaes of
dUkUis of psintiug. rvndeml a for next Frtd.Tv mointug in Chicago tbe motor I* flilrd i
we are I'orrecl structure were erected for aatroaonricai
srnKr to Amerlesii art to the mlddk lo talk over the new rule*.
iqKm the pn»Je*ttug t*m1 ..f the motor suming of tvurae«. (bat
And now as to tbe
of the tost eentun in the snlkl teeb
•I do not know whether 1 wlli l>e
I most usual lueaus employed to weigh­
tot. I
ukwl tratotog whieli it gave to East
iii»le to gel away or not." aaid the
ing tbe sun. Having sattofled oorselve*
bad been divided Into
as to tbe true weight of tbe earth, we steltoUons. Tbe writer of Job i
The e<UHvt1oo of our eaiiler painters r-oach when asked if he wotild h*
I call that “One" or Tnity." That to tioQs An turu*. Orion and fletode* os
had lieen <ariotu. When Ibe uiueteeuih here.
I the basis on which we work.
lieing famriiar. 'fbe
AWWury was ueartug It.* middle perkal
The next thins lo do to to mount to dates from tbe labors of Ooperolcoa,
tbeiv was a general eiodu>v/uf student^
some elevation-lhe top of a tower or Tycho Bribe aod Newton.
to Ditoseldorf, aud Jt wa- to pm^ue hto
the roof of a house will answer our
After MiAv. I.avlnla Cobb, wbo bad
totfclie. there that lu IMP llastman
imrpooe very well-drop a atone aod
«ned in her nephew. Frederi*- CObU.
JobuwKi took ship for Euni|ie,
find out how far It wlU fall In one sec­
Tbe vrasel on which Jobnauu sailed. attorney at law. to draw her will, bad
ond of lime and what Us exact rale of
iKMind for Antwerp, was detained at made betpawt* to beloveil relatives and
ai»eed will be at the end of tbe first
Flushtog. and It Is to be regretted that frirmlH .ml to unknown ImlivUlutls
Annual G. R. A I. excursion to Rich
no written record has lietui made of whom abe admired, and bad remem*
This is not so eaay n* it toxtu^hut mond. Ind.. to on Tburaday. Oct. 11
the eu»ry whi»*h Julmsou dellghUsl to iM'mi her p.t i hart ilea. al»e lie^n on
we can epare ourselves tbe fatigue of Ticket.s good 10 days. TickcU good 30
ten, end toM m> well, of how he aud religious loaiitutlonh.
**a!cuUitog. for after 3toi year* scien*
“.Now. tbet>*a tbe First Baptial.’* abe
hto comrade. Georgv' nenry Hall, who
have by means of the most delleorrlvtoi him — Impatient .vouug idl- said enthoiiiaail.-aJIy. “I don i want
menu arrived at the proved
rrtms dealring to plunge at once Into to leave anything to tto' . hur^'b proper,
formaUon of any G. R. A 1. agent or
that at tbe end of tbe
tbe promtood land of art-left the re*- beenuae it is the richest In town. But
address C. L. Lockwood. General Pa*
second the atone will lx? at a dlsl
for Mr.
sH and. Ignorant of tto» language and ! want you to put down
of 16.1 feet from tbe starting point ant senger Agent. Grand Rapids. Mich. '
cnsloate of the counlry. tnidgeii on foot Birkoell as a slight rei'ocnltlon of bis
will be then traveling at tbe rate ol
along tbe river Hcbehlt toward ttieir .-asual aenriee to my soul. AwT 32.2 feet |*er se*-oud. This S2.2 Is tb*
“But. aunty." began tbe lawyer ueph
ecagw raorgxxgo swimmcb.
gnalOn their way each stef' revealed to ew. who bad long l>e*'u striving to shaft. At the top of tbe caae is a pipe, ro*>»t imjwrtant factor in pur calcul*
Uous and bM been called the astro
their m-n worW cy.-s -omc detail filled
over which 1* fitted a rubber pipe going nomlcal scale*, for by mean* of U w#
wdih n>B:Bui'e and pnmilse. until after "‘^Vluit. wrou* now. Frodd.Tr' dr- to a float bag twhh-h to not aeru bcm.
can weigh tbe sidereal unlv
fiightVnll they f»»uiMl theinseiriM lie^ore
and this bag serves at tbe same time
Now. hero, aaid Professor 1-arkto.
the t'luaed gates of the city of .\nt*
to euppJy the air wbicb^l* required for Uklng a paper from bis desk, to nn ar*
werp. whlt-h was then a w«lled town
working tbe carburetor during the time tide which 1 wrote some tin
ito churrb -and I shall
ohrdUnit to tbe oU matoin of ctirfew
when tbe box may be sunk to luw tbe the weighing of tbe sun. and
ADer au amnstog parley to «wnflkt* him iwndiwnely laier-bm Mr. Bick- surface of tbe water. Thft la only for
lug tongues the cvpUal
4-Vmlsh art ncH s sertnon* have doue me* much emergeuctoa. however, and in general think .vou can do better than
•i from lu wbicb
rcA'elved them kindly. »i»d beiM^fof* good, and 1 have beand blm-Well. per
Ukee tbe ulr through
Matinee and
Vaa- anltable pipe from tbe onuWe. A set much needless repetitlou,
ward Ibe art of n.imlers and lioltond Uaps ten Umes 1lu all. so I think.
ed m.* the manuai-rlpt. from wbkb 1
made so dlmt^nd ainipatbeik* an ap ual service’ Just
Bat if of valves control tbe air supply In tijese quote tbe following imragrapha;
or that If
peal, to Jobimai that hto iMdourn to
‘ motor cylinder.
cases. For cooling
“Erwy object lu tbe *-ele*tial vault
Doas^ldorf wa*
natively brief, make trouble put down the legal eqnlr. which to Jacketed
part. se«» by the eye of man to a falling
and Its leaaons had linie or no risible alent.tbe water romes from tbe oorride
“If* not the phraseology, aunty, but learm tbe box ^gato tbroogb suiuble body. Tbe eartb to a body forever fall­
effect on hto I
Bobert bhwiPM’i
Hto earlier atndcnt stage passed, be your fqute. You haven’t aulfieient openlnga on either aide of tbe case. ing toward tbe sun and tbe mooa for­
ever toward Gie earth. If we can find
Ure«t Comedy Dnom,
settled at Tbe Hague, wberv' hto
luuperty to make so many and aneb UosoUne to auppUed from an atumlnlam with wbat speed tbe eartb 1s falling to­
• so marked that wben after an
tank of square eetrion. wbicb Is lltte.1 ward the sun at the end of our exact
ong durst loo be detennto- '*^h'l^ow that as well as you do." against tbe back of tbe case.
sextood a clew to obtained that will lead
lo tbe rmtcl States bis Miss Lavlnia eaid. with geatle lm|wAttached to each side of tbe main
rd to
Of flguro* to tbe
rpoae wa* «-airicd out to tlen.*e. ^ “I ja*t want to show all my case is an air bag of some else wbtoti
the aun. Thte most be tnw, for It
the face of a temptatSou to Si'i'ept tbe friends how 1 feel toward them. Ton •wrrewas a float. Tbe swimmer is seat- of
baa been dtacoreted that if the earth
fmal prolTcr of the |x.^ti.m of covrt uertlifl look WA-*o-iodiclal. Freddy.
patoler at The Hague-S^TlImeris.
plate cov«red with cork,
It’s my wilt not your*."-Tonth’s Comnatter tbe atone wo«M fall at
s la hinged to the l>ox lu order to ^ '
t up w-ben not iu uae. and at tbe j
An intcredUnggtoiyofbuiniin
timlnro ^
Howto Thlsr






i' - -U


treatment tsith l*axUnc
c it poMCMes exiraordinarT deaminf;,
! £crmi.Tanl*idlamlii«qualhktot»tdikean3rthinff
rive. Thofmands of persona testify to this Ifict,
and^oac pf our trial ai« bo^to w ill oumnoe anvonc.
As Z toilet rhqulsiU PoMinc U unctjoaled lor xvbilcninR ihc teeth,
removing tl»c ffcni.* of eVvay,»i;d purifying'nKHith and breath.
Only Fifty Centt n large bug at

Tbt tog fttti tar tbtf oiltofi^lw oC
DcboDl «Dd City togas nd tfsctol •»*
scasMta tor tbe flv# wta of tbv
i citT of Tnirerse
TrorDTse City.
Oty. Mk
Mkto, bate btm
Iplamdlmmy iiaadsh?r<
I will be la my oAea for tbe par3se of oollectlag anld taxes asarr
waak day from aovantU Nor. 1. IMC,
troBN t o’clock onta 11:30 o'rioelt ta
UM/oreaooiu sad frooi 1 o’clock natR
4 oVkKk la tba afterncoa of aacb dgy*
All taxaa paid bafora Bapt. 1st wUl
ba recairad srf boat eollaeUoa flsaa.
mad mU taxes remainiag unpaid on
Bapt lal aad tmtil OcC lit, a paulty
or CM
coot for ooUactioa will ba
Md. Oa aU taxaa nwalotag uw
paM on Oct. 1st aad uatil Nov. 1st a
peMity of two per cant for ooOaetlaa
win ba ebaigad.
Ofloe. Room 203 Btata Babk bldg.
J. If. BaaBnin&tal. City Ttaaavar.
Datad July 34.1»0«.

tb* examiners scl amang other pn
lecm ooe which they based on an i


leal supposed uuUkely to bare petw
trated lo A'^unbridge. Ou\f two men
eolrrtl It. Mr Btiitt (Lord Raytolgbi
aadanocbcr. Tbe examluera eokotf Ibe
other man about this probletn. •Ot."
tbe name of tbe iieriadkali. and 1 was
voQ glad to find that, ibanka to an
article to tbe last number, that prub

repJylng: “Tbe fact I*. genlJeIbembyrepl
men. that I
fy flattered that yao Miould ba>ra
thought my little problepi worthy of a
pUice in this ciamlnatton." Hs waa
awarded the prlre.

tary. Bmer B. Whitai W. IL


OR. M. t. GRCQORY-Bocb phobol
CS4. OtAoo I and 4 Sotborlaa4
blMk. Roildoaeo III Wotaat Bt
/ ~
Annual G. R. A 1. excursion to Ricbmond. Ind.. is on Thursday. Oct. 11.
Tickets good 10 days. Tickets good 30 Oft CARL C. TYLCR-Dentlat Boob
6 Flrai Natlooal Bank Bldg, dt
tens phone SO.
oug 642
lurmatlon of any G. R. A I. agn
address C. L. l>ockwo<vl. General Pas- A. J.McRHAtL, Dej
st'ng»T Agent, Grand Rapids. Mich.
BeU pbona 300^2

6. R. & 1. TO RICHMOND

Dr.W. J. Higgini
Porcelain Work
On floor with BopiofiM CoUege

<Mtas«M4Wflb*imM«e f a. e> to II
to » • m V to • eseototo 9maMmm
Wyukaae ta« CWsro* tao* *1

Arc Your CoUcctlons Slow S*Sy SSkSJSf
Hatc jot accMuitt tk«t

You Have Given l)p?
If yon have, let me collect
them for yon.
01.1 .^anU prompUy atteoded
to anil I can make money for yon

A. Pohoral

S^te Dank bulldlngt. cmxana pbOM
»ARA T. CHASE. M. D.-Offlce with
Dr. O. E Chase. State Bank block.
Both phone*. 22f, Zr. Residence 334
W. Eighth 8L Cltx. phone 711.


Traverse City, Mlcb., Sept 10. IfiOC. DR. F. HOLBBWORTM BpoMoi Ob
• taatSoD to dloMooo of Cho oyw ^
I have placed a number of acoounti
with A. Pohoral’s agency for collecl
Ion. many of them long outlawed; but
Jaat the same Mr. Polg>ral prought tbe
delinquents to time aod prompt se OR. C. B. MINOR-^Oflo# ovor Amm
Dr. E. L. Ashton. DenUst
ttted.'BetkptoMi. amummm


Grand Thursday, Oct. 4



Saturday, Oct.



Aanual G. R. A 1- cxcurKiuD to Rich
load. Ind.. It on Thursday. Oct. 11
good 3*1
rta good to day*. Ticket* goo
day* vHl ^ be sold at
round trip oa above dale. Oct fun to
foriaattem of any a It A 1. agent «
addrsva C. U Lockwood. Oeoeral pas

■ oM-foortb of 13.2. But I ef 2. oo gravity <
MIC af tbs dMaaes
!s abasM Ibe amst ferine ii
yrt abe aely ratoe* eight


Ibe ana. aad ihiA dtvftdnd by
eqoala amaitaaxtaly ttdW. 1
taro, take a.ataae to tbs dtotmi


One Night Only

Swe«ly.^i|MnAn & Co.

In the ChJnaIwS«mBce

Dorothy Veraon
The N. Y. Lyric Theater Socoeoa.

Oomideto Bemiie EnnipiMoL

Ofiigil EhYSriad Effert..

^ Price, for thk perforn-mo
Puqoet, fint five n>««, SLfiO;
fadJme Fuqoet, $1. PiMt two
iDoBOmiy.Sl. PM ox
of Dna Obde, 76 omit.; Iw
60 mbM. lUid to ftintli tow
adoany,76 oento. <J^. *6 oto.
Santa nnnfo Fridbj, Sit'Ll.'oiei. Wedi*l.Y at


J. M.

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