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The Evening Record, January 01, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
OtALina WITH AMY «*V<tT.
V, •
Mf«. & U Hdbhard of iatartsehsa
died aiMealy of heart troaMa at her
i tatarday alshL 8ha was
I aid aad laaTaa a hashaad and
•ra ahlldraa. The teaafal wtti taka
placa at tha hoosa this
Dr. aad Miu. fhnar B. Ghaae of Oak
street are cateriaining today a laige
family gathering with the double celc^
bratkm of the seventy-toorth birthday
of his father. OapL Edgar Chaae and
the fact that today la New Yearis a day
always made of special aceouat In
BeoUaiid. The family members gatbTO OPT At DfttULT OF INtUR- etwd together are: Mr. aad Mrs.
WBIlam Loudon. Mr and Mrs. Jamce
Loudon. Mr. and Mris. Edgar E. Chase
and Dr. Sarah Chase of Otsego, who
arrived In the city Satnr
Claiaw That His i
tor the short holiday acami
By Wire to tha Branlna
New York, Jan. l.-Info
had this momlBc that John A. McCall
has raslcnad tha presidancy of the
^«Utiiw tkM «rli« » ito Cut- OlONT WANT TO SCPANATC Hit New York Ufa Insurance company aad
I — ■—
the raaldaatloa was rMoctantly ac> 18 DEMANDED BY THE GUN BOAT
4«^ to lofMlo fro* fimiat
cepcad by tha imstaas. McCall refuse*
la tha lauar McOaU saM that after
ac. carefol coaaldaratkm he felt it
Want to C^ng Loga and Couldn't hU actions and distortion of facU and
mlsquotationa of utternneea. He 1*
Oat Hla Manay Until tha'Jab Wat
AmsHcsn Consul Says the Unitsd
not In good health now.
Camplatad, So Was Ar«stad
McCall. It Is understood, plans to
SUtss Cruisers Will Receive the
an Chsrgs af AhsadamnanL
go swsy for a long rest, probably to
Women and Children and AfEurope. McCall Is the last of the preeford Them Protection,
John Turner. *^hia former home Ideots of the three big life Insurance
was at MIdUnd. thoogh his two Uitlc
companlea to resign as the result of
chUdraa hare been boarded at SagI
By Wire to the Evening Record.
naw for the paat year, has spent three
Puerto Plats. Santo Domingo. Jan. 1.
John Claflin. a dry goods merchant.
lUys In the county Jail for the Mok of Is spoken as his possible successor.
—The Dominican gunboat Independen
money wherewith to pa>' the board
cla has remained faithful to the cause
bill which has accumulated In the
of President Morale* and has de
livered ammunition, money and forces
ebjbNTV HOUSE RB*i [NT* HAVE home In Saginaw where hts children
are DOW kept According to his story
to General Rodriguez. The Indepenhe has found It anything hut easy to
tlencla I* now anchored off Puertrj
take. Cara of little helplaas
neipiass girls
ciris and •MELLED ORANGE BLOSSOMS BY Plau and tb** commander has demand
of work sicca Norember
€hJ the surrender of the town to the
had made iiF^temsnts4irbeain keep.
legitimate government of Morales,
log house at ^flTay with hU chll
otherwise be will bombard. The Inand sister. Prances Turner of Midland. Thought Ht Waa Wesring
doi>endeDcla landed troops safely. Th^^
sHien the summons was served Balurw
As Big As Ag Onloi>-Ht Wss
American consul says the Unite!
day for abandonment of tha children.
States cruisers will receive aomen snd
-Soakin.Ten years ago John Turner and MU<
children on board and afford them
Anna V\nt of Saginaw were marHed
Prank Shjitdr. the well known cigar every proiectlpn.
0o|r Eo«m ImmMo Tho
and two mtia girls htaseed the famRy tnSkl^'had a tmlher qneer experience
M» KMIr «»0H»
hut sla years ago the mother was Batmday emi&g ahd as some of hts
Mrs. Pmuk Waters of this city left
taken sway and Mr. Turner took the friends are next he is geuing the for Cedar Springs this noon, where she
Tim* RWIm umof
children to his mother who. loo. died •merry ha. ha' today.
will visit relatives.
three years ago. He then boarded
Mr. Sht^er bad not been feeling
them among strangers, last year plac* sell Saturday i^ud came down town In
log them In the family who are now the evening; purchased a box of sea
ly ibnOdlBg and ooljr oldb«>pl* who auelDg him. That ho had paid lbe‘r salu anyway that's what the druggUt
teU*t the appeUtw of e Toooc U> board regularly Is proven by the statecu.lled It) SM went home prepared to
€i a •OToataen^ fooM. rnent of Mr. Rsher. bookkeeper of the
take a plunge in the briny surf. Everywhich was ths ChHdtn^luier. ths Wiley Cooperage company, who avert,
hlng was lovely. The bath room was
that he sent a check tor %lt regulariy nice and warm and the regUier belch
Tided hr tha
every two weeks to the family at Sagi ed forth heat like a parlor stove on
naw. where It was cashed by Mr. Sunday afternoon. The water was hot
Wiley, head of the firm, whose home and plenty Of It. Mr. Shuter dumped
wia oaroWr
Is In Saginaw. After the firm shut In the anlt aad then reclined In the
aa4 with the rsllshat of away 1 vafs- down the first of November, he was tub himself prepared for a nice bath.
Ulile and varloas |>lss la wwklW good
It U simple. We are da*
Everything was so “darned lovely*'
thrown out of work and found It dlf
today for the New Taar-s dlana^
termim«d to improve our
ftcult to raise the nmount. Two weeks that the land man busted into the
thare U but ooa woman Inihta of
ago be began cutting logs but had room In some manner and In a abort
store and service, to do our
thd InaUtolloo and thodth tl man been unable to draw his pay until the Ume the man Jn the tub was doing
level beet to pve -our palike
Job waa completed, and so be was ap Utile llemo- •siunu. He does not
prehended. and taken to this city ry to remember where he* was but It
where Sheriff Burgees of Saginaw will must have b^ Los Angeles where
roses bloom In January or Palm
take him back today.
Mr. Turner elated today to the Rec- Beach. Pla.. where the oranges look
ord that he had had many n chance to to the naUves Uke crab apples to us
find ndopled homes for the little girls
er for a moment willing to
spend money or
Willing yon • Happy and
■eparate them and that he retains a some of those pUces where there
true father's love for them Is evident
*1 any need of a furnace or a coal
Proaperow New Year uA
MADE SCENE WHEN SHERIFliTm. as he carries a unique pocket knife bill. These “pipes'* were suddenly
truaUng that we may merit
with the handle of clear ‘cellulol I and rudely disturbed after about a
yonr oonUenoe aqmd n
by a feminine voice
which peer Ue pretty faces of
port, we remain
about two miles away call
the mUe ones, whose core hns caused
r Had An Ondsr From ThsTfO- him to spend hU New Tear behind the ing. “Wlmt to the world are yon doing.
Phannaoentically yonn
One aide of the knife has the Frankr* and the weary^manufactnrer
Court But Tha Boys Did*t
photo of his dead wife and this he of -ropes- turned over, took In about
Want To Oe WHh Her.
cubic yard of air and managed to
cherlahea. too. with lendernees.
. Mift^^df ^TteelHIaft A Mrs. Turner was the daughter of the answer. “Soakln.**
her home this nooa with isro ^ hermlL Bam Vim of this city, who left
af d twelve and fourtaea who tart his family over twenty years ago.
er. Anna Turner, was
trvai thalr tether^ oaa Dolla^.
but a babe la arms and she hnd no
recoHecOon of the father ^bo U
well known In tkU city. Mr. Turner ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S RECEPTION
that he hnd not
with hla tother-ln-Uw alnce arriving
In the city, though he understood from Miss Allot Rooeevelt Wes the CeoUr
a IMter written by the other danghter
of an interweled Throng Shwuered
MeOarry of North Dakota,
that ehe aapeeted to more to this city
tor the wlnier and U so the chances
By Wire to the 1
were that the hermit would
New Years
At the beginniiig ol ttie
New7ekr««wWi to «stnd
OUT WBoeM Erecting to the,
many frieodi wbo bave help
ed tonake the paat reu an
The sucoeMoE the vear just
psned it an added moentire
to make this Naw Year tUll
We can promise you our
effort to give you a better
shoe store aemoe than ete^
The Very Best
Dru^ Store Service
TO BOBAiT CO., nor.
And so is our Celebrated Kno Wet Trouser-WQl
acep you ary
dry id
in ram
rain or snow, aand warm in colle|t'
weather, also
Spragtw's Russian
- -----------Vests; iinpane-trable by the cold. They have a double breasted
abo the neck.
..... high Russian
.......... collar about
making them most thorough throat
We Are Agents For
Onr atore will be cloeeJ aU
.lay New Year*.
2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00
BTItlU tnsTus
Ji»t a few left End at this remarkably lov. price
they will woo be wld. BETTER HURRY.
We thank you (or the many
evkleiioeaof Rood wiU the
puat^^ar^and with you an
FOOTWUA Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
For Men, Women and Chlld«n. AD kinda of atylaa
and ahapea at prioea that are
Alfred GfcUick L a
242 Frau street
o. c. MorraxT
aiMtrBCt* of TlUo
Basswood Pine.^
Cedar Shingle Timber.
traverse 0ity mf0. €o.
A Happy New Year
The hUtoiy of the old year haa been told and we my libiiy ^
“Farewelb" to 1905. V.tor. nshei* in a year of peoiBerity._ j
«a mrm mom pt
Dn. Siwytr
MBMs awaunuMBis
with her.
new mr reeeptloo m the whK
today was cue of the Bmet
$1,000 FK
Je inson, drove to her tormer huk
hiidh home. When the boya touaf
oit her iBtentloaa of taking them to
home and proTidlag aU the com
to U of aeeh they didn't agree with
hi f. Neither did Dollaway. A i
it for ihe cBmax of a-'meOerdri
eaasid hut the order from the Pr
nofft and the ahe^ to enfioica It wurw
Allee Rooeerelt was the center of an
tolerej^^to«go^^ wasjshowered
of cartel was daaaged yesterday
aofmlag todke ertsat sr BUSS by a
Sie whkB toreke esM sBortty after the Enee Curtiee Will Be Buried TomermonMag eerrlec. Tim Bre enm eaaaeJ
The fwsral of Baoe Curtis ei
by a detoeUve fine. The leas it tolly
held from
lestdeaee at lO tc
tow mornlag. The Bev. W. T.. Woodhoeee win sfSeiate aad the latVment
krttl take piBBt St OSkwUhd.
city yeeterday.
Tbia b Inventory week—we’re bu^ going thnogfa
rioekandaaSataa dboovered aU d3d panta, anita
•Ddoentooatowmbepotinadaaa by thmnoelTea to
be doaed oat ao that onr lognlar stock may he kept
dean—at^ in and aee ns—we’re not too boar *<>
Camion aoTHiNG^
tTi^^ JtSdjiadfci
onditad Dm. aOtt kia
htmk l)oak«
dfpokitof. wins
Books n^r bew presented st atijr time most ou)-'
. :
In band to «ipertoMAt open an old cloch coveted
book which haa slipped oat of Ita coranu m the beah. ninni It* cover. M
tba pceaa and eetww K down.timt.
Seating the hack eapeaad. If you have
no prcaa. tie tbe rohsiDe very ^dgldly
reond with acrtng from top to boetMn.
2(cgt whh your sponge and hot wager
carefully ramore tbe oid ghw and iww
liu tan the back. Be rarefal not te
^ ta uadi water or you wlU aaak
H«v« fOit'^mMwd for your
adv^Mngfer imr Tho Kvwintcm^ ffffmo moro fmmm
Ulan a«ir alHar waRwyapw clr^
cattai III M Orsfitf TimrM
Wi Alt Gsh|
To Mm ^
WbUe tbe book la drying examine tba
ieweer. U ha bMk la Itep It may be
jtniprored by m«lhC a piece of oaiw
trtdfle paper talde Ibe bnffc nil tbe
Hare 70a a SBriegt aoeonnt wiib ns? If not, why
not open one NOW, otmi vitb s sbmU amount, tbat
wil be earniDK you intereat?
$ S « $ * S it <»<$*>«<$
way from fgp to bottom. Too ahUttSd
becarefnltocotltexacttoata Iftbe
back to apUtHng away from tbe Uda a
Ut of old aklrt lUilng or similar thin
material ■boold be glued In.
Thto C«», la Hmr th. WII. of
l|y thto Ume the volume drying In tbe IMPRCMIVC SERVICE AT
CIHIhW Vaiioo Brow*.
Th« yr 1W6. as Bill Njre would rva* wUl be ready fur fwtber attauaajr. - toa nuiialiad Inio Uie Irwieem. Uoa, Cut a piece of the cbeeeectoth
Th. aonooiireinHit haa been reabla ptarkwalfr Tho ni-w yror i« large
a.e a. th.
»pw «n4tr way and a. the Him achoor Oever tbe back of tbe book with gloe. tm>t»
Struck Misniflhi th. ConBr.9.tlon
BrowB, which look
Ifndiata woaM aaj. *T*he futww He* ^ oh the muatln with great care,
Knelt In Piaror.
' pl«» ai the fiamt of the bride * parbafafawL'*
pnuUW « down with th. huidle rf an
|tnu.Mr.aiid Mrs.H«inr8chnehl*r.Hi
Takaa on tho whole ibe year 1»05 oM .lootbbni.h or • bone i»prr knlfr.
iMa been a proapwoa* one la Trav- but koTln* tbe Inch nui«iD loooe on
001* Of tbe moat Impiwlve watch j Grand Rapids on Christmas day. Mrs.
services ever held In thto city took 1 Brown was for a number of years a
Ijd tbe sioe drjr-tble i
vihai of lb04 due lo
plade last evening In the Chorrk of j Traverse City glrh but baa engaged
tba htghm prkm of
atrip of moilln with a piece of strong Christ where for three hours aeveaty-ifor some time lately as teacher In the
^ labortaa^ W had proiuble pai>ar. atoo well glued on. tlfbcn thi*
member* and t^eto friends re-jMt, Pleasant normal and her husband
wpiojiaiit and there ham hnaa ao to dry the book wUl. bo ready for \u malned to-give thanks for the bless , to in charge of the acbouls at Grass
re. Now you obaerve Ope nae of Ings of the past year and to Invoke | l.akc, Mich. Her mnay friends here
fauaraa to alfacl the gweral
tbe projecting strli»a of mualln. They the divine blessing for the year tujwUl extend alncere congratulations
Ity of the city.
While there haa bmn no «boom ‘ of •re to be pwted down on «cb eldc to
bile they also consecrated j and best wishes,
tbe loMee of tbe IW^ end toYnwent
any Wnd. t1>ere liaa been a <n»let
themselves more fully to God. Imme-J
tbe book ttlckln* to them Uk-y i
Pars* !■ m flBh.
growth which laati^ long after -boom be covered with neatly paated insbccta dlalely toUowlng the evening aervlc?j
I.tke lVy» rates, a lc»ml lusgnate of
Umaa hare laaaad Into hltiory. There of thin pai>er.
sendee was held followed t> j
hare been no epldemlce cai
This to the last opemtloo. and
and testimony
piwjrer.. praise
pr.i.. service
..rv.c. .u,
great death rate and eren dlaeaae ha* it only mnaln. to pUoe the book.
been comparaUrely iimt.»•* r™........
^ «..a i. ..u... «».
No great lire ba> laid lli deva*tat
lug hand on the city, nor did even thi>
nrM.lv. hour nrccodin* tho now to.- ’™*
SI!! iL hv th.^.f T P LMIom
•' •‘-'■'■nuuu
iIk- toko of ftorurdtwo atorm. Inlllct a* heavy damage
roaalbly F>nelon bas owed his great
aa they did in other place*,
repotallon aa iiiui-b to bto famous quarTh. to«t
by aoddent have been eomparaUvely rd with Bossuel aa to the authorship year were spent by the congrtgsiUm,
few ai^ there haa not been a death of nf Tetomachus” or to his own i»ersoo- in an ImprwaMvecooaecrallon service.t
In the afmerlU. It pleased the akepthwl writ, when all arose and repeated these I
conlnlii « small imrse.
erac«»tarj to regard solemn words. "I surrender alb** As! jn wlileU wns
In goW,
liooklng backward over the year Juat
the clock reached midnight all weix* * Tbe «-m.k notUtetl tbe hotel pr.*prlepaaC. It la eaally aeon that the people cycloiHJdtot who hod Uwn born
founJ in .1.0 .llliudo of prayor. whllo for. who n.u.rmto-rr,l lUM II,o 1,.-.,
of Timveiwe C4ly have much to he tury too ioon. He
BweeUiess aud pstleiu'e, while
thankful and nested for They have same legend Boasuet was the fauat- efTi-ctlvo «nvioo for Iho F«r l»oh.,
to apur them on and k*aU overbearing eixlealastlc. who. In Tho chtolnn wromony «. th.. hoMtv
Id making I9er. the taterrwt of Uk* church, would hava handshake Indulged in by all.
Tijik prtiiHTty tlms rE-^-oviTnl has
ctunb^rtban the year Juat cloaed. bumail Fenelon and every other Ubl>con relurneil to tl*e on iH-r. who Ideii*
enl spirit.
tilled the purse.—rtolilng Garette.
Tbta view was unjust both to F'etielon
Rabbi HIrach. In bU new year s ad
druaa In Chicago, doclared that news ■nd Boaauet, for tbe first was not tbe
uncomplaining man thto legend makw
papers were a cure for evil. He aUtod blm out lo be. nor was the other eiucl The Rev. C. t. St
e Oeo. W.
lum Yesterday Afternoon—Music i Hoffman, of Harper. Wash.. "1 had a |
that the great publicity given to tho or uuikTUpuloaa In any unworthy weu'.e.
1 bluer battle with chnmlc stomach and :
by Grace Ctoirch Choir.
young ^en who <3ommltted acta of in- Tba "Kagle of Meaux" was evvlunh oly
liver trouble, but at last I won. and!
diacroilon wobtd deter them from
cured my dtocases by the use of Ek*c j
A siH-clal service was ludd yt*«tertlav trie Bitters. 1 unhesitatingly rtn-omdoing wo lo the future. He aaltl fur acHordlng to hto owu mther narrow
cflemoou at 2:au In the chai>el of He' mend them to all. and dont intend in |
ther that people reannl pulillrlty more loiK^pUoo of rlghteoi
the future to be without them In the
than the devil The rabbi U com«i.
asylum. The Rev. C. T. Sioul. it^ctor
They are certainly a wonderfor y'eoeloo to Illustrated In a euriou*
If a man knows an art of bto to going
have cured such a l»ad
way hy a saying of Uuussc*au. "U of Grace Kplscopal churcb, preacheil
Sold, under guaiuniee
to be blasoniMl almiad. he besilales t j Fcncloo were living." said a friend lo
lennon and the to-autlful music
» for you. by
commit it and after he*llallng. gener hUu. "you woukl be orthodox." "Ah,"
furnished by Ihe Grace church m do the
Ids. C. A
ally aeea it aa It wt>ubl app«‘ar to replU<d Jean Jacques. "I woukl la- hto riu.tr.bottle.
oth^ra and ther<*fore remains In the hukey. In the hofK- that I might ixmia
The Kei^ice tqH ntNl with the Kinging today.
Mugsof rhrlsiinas cand.^ bv ito- rh.dr fob
atraimt and narrow path
lowed by prayers by the minister. ThTo the piople that swore ok "knock
to-autlful tweniy-lhird psalm stis n*
Tlu-re is
Ing- today we will lend the beljdng
wed ; nto-K
M-sity aiKl
Cleopatra was the last queen of citi-d In unison and thto was followed
He has n-mliKl that indiit
hand and do everything In our |K*wer EopL At the age of seventeen she by Ihe sermon. Mr. Stout read a Itor-jhis
to th.- l.-nri
to aid them in keeping their resoln niarrled ber half brother, and they
t,nt f r d«*allng'
worrh-s. a be ^otlu-r inondng he
,h.. chapter
parable d
JtJoil. Wo sincerely hope that we will i*lgucd togeOker until he tried to galp It
ibe sole iKiwer. She delermim-d to ap the Fhi-i'P and Mie shepherd. On thto
ba kept busy In thai work.
»mi-.-»red with egg.
peal to JuUus Caesar, and It to said
the psalm, the Kcrmon was
"John. ni l»et I ran tell what you
that, not daring to go mwnly. ahe
baser. showinR how the Master U-ad.s had fcK- breakfast this monilug." siiid
The Navaju'to 1:11
gnm- caused a aervani to carry her t.u hto
a bright young lawyer who met Idin.
hltl^ Not only are there the profes- back in a roll of can»et uml tlial when hto Rbeep Into Ihe eternal fold.
"What did 1 haver* ask.-d the man.
"Chimes of Chritomas Mom." an
idoiMils. who live enltn'ly liy the prac- this was unrolled the to-;;ut^rul girl
"Ymi had cH-gs." rc-jdled the «th.-r.
llee, but even the small Iwys are sprang out and, throwing herself at anthem In which Miss Ethel Bailey
"Yon are mistaken." said the man.
gainaalciw and adapt the pin trial Sun the feet of the Roman general, beggt-il sang the koIo In a very pleasing man
day iwliool cards ti» gambling puriH»>es. him to Uke ber part. By hto Influeuoo ner. was then given. The service "I had eggs yesterday momliig.”—
Kansas City Journal. >
Tbelr blankets illnHtr..te gambling ,iml she was for a lime rt-eotir-llotl to her c]os»*d with the rec^-sHlonal hymn.
neven their aec<»uiii of the m :iIIju mual
William J. I*almer. the founder of
Te u«e of tbe organ was donated by
have woven Into It the st.vty of n game newed tbe eontest and was defeated
rolomda City. Colo., has given that
Grinnell Bros.
Thus a serUms and iipimrently nativi
ritv gl.000.taio or more In the way of
C. 43.
vice of formidable pn^KUiloos at .au*
» Us cUarilnble li:
death thirteen year* lat»*r
eonfiunta the ttmc-lier aud the mf
M. A. Shawnn, a farmer llvlrg n«n
to ended tbe inoleiuy dynasty, and Egypt
crv. Tbe MUestUm of the tout v
now h:iK tonight up
lie became a Roman prorlnco. Tennyson Gsmet, fonml k eo|M*erhenil snake Ih-ar c-anyou. andact of gr.3und. with
cveitouie it to still an ojK-n ope.
go baa thus drawn ber portrait .in bli crawling fenn under hto chicken bouse
piohlbltloii ttf Its praetUv diH*s 1
thto week. He killed It. and thinking the Intention of turning It hito a park
"ineam of Fair W,
to the >00 - *
there might be more, he nutvisl the
iilBg. saw. ihron«d on ^
logic fails
chicken hou.se .md killed twenly-foiir
be baa not ns « great a right to play do- BliUng on a crimson scj and bold
A Faarful Fata.
I ootMV with swarthy checks i
eorocertads of
all slsea.—Ka
fur aUkes as be has to brcatlm.
It U a fearful fate to have to ei
CItv Star.
I with burning gold.
the terrible torture of piles. "1
truthfully say." writes Harry Cols
e. Ul. "that for Blind. I
-Snob," meant originally. Id tbe taud
0m04 M
invigorafet. strengthens and
coleof Us origin, a pewon of i»lebeAan sta ▲bout the year 4&u Zeuxis.
tion. ctmaidered from tbe bright of Uniad painter, tatroda
-birth." It waa a word used with the at art
Athena Hto
downward aye and ui»wwrd nose of su‘ aanaaa by de;
Mts. Johnson Drug Co.
H.- . a
- : Bugbae.
- -Wealthy and vain
is'rtor station, or asalgned to the
Imughty by popnhir eoovea^ilon. Then cess, he at |aat gave away hto
----Thackeray todk U. and rebuked with as above aU price. Hto auccoss Uy In
It the aoclal ambitions of the mlgar.
abaointcly acenrate
HniWy be maile too mtieb of those un hto plctiirea
by a rival
e^iay aaptratlona. He c*>uld not write and llfrilke.
ted a
t, Parrh
mote ttian « page or two without stU^
that the bird*
ring up the auob and hit abaurdiUea,
and that left-motif l>ecomea Imiwrimiate and tedious. Now Paris has nitoimderatood the word routMlly. and In tba eurtnlB that conceakd hto ptotum
letters of that city -tonob* faallnc Qtitla cooMent of aocceas. "Tha
art and lett
the words most in cnilaAB la tba pletnre." eepMed Pnrthaand "a»t»W«er*"
. •
Btaa. and Zenxia was obliged to conttm AOmarif taten. for. though hto
mMtaplaca>td dacalvad the blrtto,
that ar letalmaliia hod deceived him.
BauM wofkad slowly and once sold,
-It li tnia 1 take n long time to po^W
tmt than I paint fOr n long tlme.-
You win not find beauty in rot«e
pot or comptexSon whltewnah. True
i Uenator Redlleld Pwrtar gave a
4 ThawiTinc ^ moto than l.tXiO famii SiHe ted tarty the whole TlHage
* hi Piorior;
JobMoo bt«(
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
cMtt Tre or T*bloM.
Into the oU pooUtOeefavUingJas. lataiaior
tho sort of thia weak n*
DimoouN r OF .
Hooting Stovos
Pre-lnvelitiljr Sole
•.: »- .-if-.d.- t
It is easier to count the mooef than it is to invoice
at greatly rednoed pricca.
If j-ou are going to nerd
a stove UiU winter it will
pay yon to call and see
what we hare to c8tt.
J.W .SU^l
Wholesale and Retafl—Your Reliable Home Furnisher
Black Sa^tie
From 75c to $3 50 each. Oir liie of Black
Petticoats will surely please you: all
lengths and all styles at 75c, $.00, $1.26,
$1.50. $2.00, $2.25, $2.50. $3.00 and $8.50.
late Winter Styles are shown Call and
I a Free Sheet.
ide offers no bett<‘r opportunity than oan
l>d fonnd in the Diamond
.1. cigar. One line of tliese
favorites embraces all sixths,
and then* is not one but
what would U» tnvisun-d
and priml by any ‘iover
of the wt*-.«il.”
H. 3. antbelm
dealer, in
FURNISH THE DINING IROOM with the best furnituiRr-that can be bought. Should be the most cheerful
room in the house.
the beautiful lurniturc wc havc^r,ou.
arc most necessary. They save you many steps. T*>ejylcs arc
the workmanship the best. Wc have them .it :rl5.00, 5(0.00, $.2.00. $-u.OO.
$:!0.00. $32.00 anti $:!r>.oo.
though smaller in size, are-so convenient Many
better than a Sideboard. We never had nicer
$2S.00, $2i».00. $32.00 and $30.00.
you .can use them
i’rices are $1D.00,
^ A fine si foot Extension TaThe largest stock to^ select
from in the city.
ble: for $0.75,;
SG.75, a better one for $7..50; other grades for ,9.00, $13.50, $10.00,
$20.00. $21.00. The $24.00 and the $20;j0 have the pa ;nt midtilc pillar leg.
any style you wish and the prices we know will pleaf the
fire chair for $4.50 for six chairs, something bette iorJ&.W. ^-and
$S25. Extra fine solid wood seat for
The finest leather upholstered box seat chairs for r21.00. $-j.00, $.0.00
and $31.00.
k«p ,hc P,e„y Chin. in.
ment and well as saffe repository. Fricc* are from
Thn finnsl in ihn cilv nl $2Ji0. $5.25. $10 50 anO $1)<«. I( ron would lirefer a plate rail we have something very fine at Ijc ^toot.
ilk v«A»» wwunjow or
•mt wo«^
% tmnhBBg ware with a isg «■ M
back. Again he woaM Jump ftaas aim
ig log to aaotber. and core
pwimg aboot wbkb wwaM
It as It paaaad wader him aad laaAad
backwildslec. OwcehefelMohls
kaadA hwtwasoahlafeetlaaala-
monmv. jahuary
1. mL
U the alahb aia two Tmvaraa Ctti*
was almost perfect. boya. taas Mllllkoa and Uad. Birde
aan pad both wara graaiad IQr mmmrs
eloaa of tha
oelectkms being eaeli as to caB Bath out triaada aflar
mach deserved praise. The readiaga
weroalaaverygoodaswaatheeiariTtaroBnt kltehcw. whkh haveloag
aet aad vloila aolea. The UQlkge aoag.
made the temeat hUs aa la those the
bon seamed to be pmtieUy at home
aad aaag them wkh tha Upe ooUege bettka af the recent war.
spirit. Tha *fieadletaniaa hand-and
kms. The five eeoro othar fhror- the human pipe organ coanilaed the
lies in "The Wizard of Os" may rest
ed thpt they wiU be oordlony
t has im« an deep
Tbr MB aa share were naable b
aa fbat aa the atream, and whea they
waw Jwmpteg. BOW rldlag with ah bis
' toguni. Mb Kelly.
strength and agOfty. ever trying to
uke thilr an* to flMir huidi M
drirl^' tt to a watfe wltboto gtofy. noat^dw shore. When they foaad the tolrty yaan. Ba worta
pat K to aa tonotoea* ae Otot «r the
dty to prorMe hlaato( aa
wars brokCB. aoaB at thcBi twlea
f of this
■laaiea aad. oae to totofitod to aay. ae
htot o( the itotoito Me aatara. Cer
^ytothoAdMa»dafhe.lleto«, MIrh- M his
I known to moke use of hU
York Trttmna.
toaa. Oeaade aad wheratar to to caf^
lags In aay other way. but
aad the fraUeeome cow. who have to
ited OB each year a torse aMber a(
anted sH the yoangstera privi
Urea are loet. waiiMerlnc the (aw mb
ewwtoyad. -tt to aa caployBaat to ■to toatollMtoMrjwto Bto w»a. Tldea. William Howadia, aaotber In leged with a vlsU to the "Wlsard oC
wMch the toaa-a aa(ety depeada OB hie
Os.- The two clever paalomlmlsts
mate who has ^peat three years i
kia. caotoaaa aad tialcfcaaaa
encase tbemselroe la the skins of
ead of the Afteenth centmry. twenty-six U the chore boy of the tastUatkia. bis
years latar than Dnrer and tw«ty oaly ex'erclse ooaslstlag la brtagtag the "king of beats- aad the cow are
lha ehtof datoPr to the teeaklnc a( yean aftsr the date nsaally gives as
out eqaols as past masters of ol
la the wood.
kc totoa to aMatfaaa o( a rocky rapU. that of the Wrth of Tttlaa. Holbein was
Without them the-Wiz
Old John Oegaa. another old stand
The ksa alwaya pOa up aptoael
a child of the high renalss^
by. U the habitual iruaat of Grand ard of Os" woold be almoat like "Hamlocka that are BOt oorered by the
slowly as the lenaisasBca crept I
In- with the metanchoiy Done left ouu
aad (oea a loos pOe two or thiee loda ward. Ml atriy tinder Italian Inflv
The date that this big prodw
mid run away every day in the year
wl«t. aaywhare CtoBi oae to thirty rode At Baael. where he begu hU IndcfwodwUI be seen here U next Saturday.
eat career at the age of eeventaen or ks It U be nms np a bin for aeandict
Jan. 6.
ei^teen. thU Inflnenee mnet have beea prhlch the county hav
lQ«k To brcftk m
«r this klod tlM greaUy atrengthewed la socne way and Honally to locate him.
The program given by the OUvel
boM ooMls or Ukco out three or fo«r. reaches Its visible height aboot
John Hogan over eighty yeiars of age
Juat before his first Jooracy to Eag- ind with long partrlorchlal beard, has Glee club at the City opera bouse Sat
of thobentBMsl& tbeloffc]
oxperu ore moa koowii os Uad. Tbo mthttfuiflosaeos of hla leea three years of the county hospi urday evening under the auspices of
inner bob** bocooee of tbdr work dortag these early jrws U eome^
ghe Mayflower dub of the OongregatalUy and does
0 ride oUDdlof up oo • loc what aarprlslng to ne who have learned
^oaal church, was ao excellent that
water that le epUehlog aad to think of him as almoet exclaslvely ahile away the
James Walsh, anfferlag with a tame #very number had from one to three
orer the rocka. Tbej land at a portnlt painter. Here U an all round
limb, though comparatively In the enooTtn and even more were dei
the npatream end of the Jam. where
emoae of the men remains with the boat
prime of life, bos found a home there ed. Tha program opened with "TT\c
He the ochare go to the lower ond ptejiDCbt la Twy wUllng to do eo. temporarily. He aleo alts day after rriar’a 8ong" >om Ivanhoe by the
the Jam to pick ewmj with their Book UloatratloBk portraits deolgna day and pulls on bis pipe. A recent glee club and this was follfwed by a
penreje. or levera, the lose ckae to the for aUlned gloao, anything from InltUI Inmate U Mr. Sutton, who. though in
letters to alUr plecca. be U glad to do.
ixkAafelnet which the Jem rests. T
and bo doea them with a woaderful the early forties has luBered a severe
eeek for the -key lo*.- which w
pried out auru the Jam movlnjt ao that fertlUly of invention and a precodona ease of the grip which has left him
It etUicr •luiiifa ui)" acain or breaks to masteiy. The eartlfat are deddedly light headed and so he. loo. bos found
Oennan In accent, reminding one not the county ready to stand back of him.
When the men eoe that It la breaklag a little of Durer, but almoat from tbo
The only woman in the Institution
they nm orer the beeving. boondHut first there is a finer taste In ornament Is the well-known figure. Mrs. Laura
tangle of loge to the boet at the head ind in architecture^ a greater fieedon Barbar. who though bent almon
coaNEW STOCK-lSe Itoch
of the Jam. A mllp or o mlastep meaua
douWo with rheumatism and old age.
a fall between the grinding and toaa- tumc and a more cooceotrated compoVIOLETS FOR SATl’RDAY
ing logs. The logs may become ao aep- Utloo, while the study of light and trou around sprjiy and performs
anted that it U Uhpoaalble to reach ihode becomes early a vUlble.preoccn- many a nw-ful duty for the Institution.
the boat If thla happena the *^11110 patloa. There is a whole series of hla
water men” moat make good hla name [Wrioons for gUss In the museum at
by making hla way to the ahore with Basel which are worth attentive stndy^
&nd the designa for the ohulters of the Mra. M. P. Daaormler Entariair
out getting wet or maybe killed.
rerhapa the floating timber apreada Basel church organ, there preoerved.
Twenty-FIva Frlands Last Nlpht.
cTon- apart to aooh an extent that he la com leem to me admirable In character. In
Twenty-five friends of Mrs. M. P.
I MoOolI ui<t pelled to atick to a aingle log. and here aecorsUve propriety and In beauty of Desormler of North Spruce street j
X€«r ww »pitUle)7 u»liered It U that he beat ahow a hla ablUty aa a lln<--far finer than anything of the ered at the home lost evening as a
k« driver. He balancea himself on the iamo sort by Durer or by any other
upe^iMun end of the log. ateedlea him- Dbrihefoer. As for his little woodcuts prise upon her aialer. Mrs. DoFonde .>f
Tbere will be > •petal
self upon hla aplke ahoea and ateera of the “Hance of Death." every one Richmond. Canada, who Is spea
MePIMnoD W. R. C. Vndn
clear of ihorocka before him. The men knows them, and every one admires the holiday season in this clti- A
‘ Inc iu. a tor the punate of liuuUlInc on ahore atsqi to watch. He may ride them. No one else bos packed so much round of social amnsement whUed the
action, so ranch energy, so much fan- hours away unUI the old year was
$• wOeenVor Ue cnnliic »~r.
to safety nmIHie umy-BOL
j The OllTCt eoUece Q* nod *UndoSome yean ago on the Weat Canada cy. into such small compass. These watched*into the new year. A bounte
Uny blocks •are omong the world i
Un club left till* Booi (or Petoekcj twk. In the Adlrondacka.
masterpieces of designs.-Kenyon Cox ous supper was served and the event
^bere ibcr (big end pip thta erenlng
was one of the pleosanteol of the
in Bcrilmer*s,
+ber were .ccomitania by Mr. ud
many watch meetings held in the city
hlmeelf went out with two volunteers
last night.
to brook o Jam in exceedingly swift
Hamlet, prince of Denmark. Is, of
'~'(o attend to
and rough water. With aume difficulty
they reeched the pile of logs and. after course, best known as the hero of one
wants last week?
a time, sorcoeded In suiting them go of Shakespeare’s greatest plajw. The
ing. The l<«s turled much faster than time when be lived Is unknown. Some
K. C. AffoUor ot Bingham U In ibe
Sorry for it if we did.
expected and were moon scattered In historians aay 000 R t'.. others aay at cliy.
who were cognisant of be fact.
700 A. D.. and there are some who toy
Mm. J. Shaw went to Blights this
1 Miss Carrie Cadhamwmeher at O- ouch a manner that the two men could he never lived. Shakespeare’s play
Wc supposed we had
not get to the boatman ond boat at the
retador who arrived in lijeflty lost week
bead of the Jam. They did the beat was based on the Danish story of Amsufficient help to take
fbr a abort hcflidiy Is ♦nflned
Lhey could to keep their fcit aq^ to
care of the crowd.
Mrs. 1. 8, f^rosworth returned to
fiUBlly home at ::i8 Bos Eighth street work their way toward shore.
With bronchltus sad wl, l>c unable to
The foreman was the more skillful of Koreri adopted the story In 1—, ^ Fife Ijike this morning after ^siting
the two and kept hU log fairly steady, among a collection of novels he began in the city.
Ikke up her school dutl» tomorrow.
Wc kindly thank you
Merton Wilson returned to bis home
I Kdbert Ryuo of this ^Uy a former but the other man wit having a hard at that time. From him the history of
Hamlet was translated, the earliest edi
one and all for this mani
I has oc- nmt to k.-ep on top. Having come
at Bingham after sjiendlng Sunday
within fifteen or twenty yards of the tion bearing tbe date leofi. The char
festation of your appre
shore, the foreman braced bis peavey acters of Laertea and Ophelia are in the city.
Miss Phena I»ru)uc of Sherman re
against the other man’s log and then wonting in the original. Some events
ciation of our efforts to
Of Miss -Ida
gave It a shoc-e. which oeut It toward that transpired in Shakespeare's time turned to her home this morning after
■bore with the man. In doing this the
fiebool wlir
supply your wants.
foreman’s log wss sent fsr out Into the fore tbe poet’s mind. Tbe murder of
Mr. and Mn«. G. M. Dame of North
rsglng strosm. He lisd Intended to Daniley and tbe marriage of his wid IHirt are In the city where.thcy will alThe city today
Call a.jain, please.
ow. Msiy Stuart, to Lord Bothwell fur
line obaervanco of the hol(Vy can work his way back again while he was nishes a counterpart of oome portions tund the Elks’ supiicr toolgb^
his log to stop It roUIng. but
Mrs. T. Wilson of this city and Mrs.
We will now sec that
.ak. It. No business hou^ were ’^enffing"
It struck a rock. He wss huri«l Into of Hamtat- Tbe theme of tregedlea
open except the barbershops
the air and came down headforemost generally at tha close of the sixteenth D. O. Chadwick and daughter of Sher
all get proper attention.
markets who still had thelf
the family upon the bowlder. His body wss found century wa« revenge. The tragedy of man left for Sherman this morning.
Hamlet in Shakespearean form appear
Mrs. S. Kellogg of this city wai
some days later a mile downstreom.
Although the "White water man" U ed In 1601-02. His grave Is shown at callsd to Mt. Pleasant this morning
oklllful in riding a log. It U obvious Elsinore, tbe scene of tbe ploy, and by the serious Illness of her father.
then given
there is a garden near by caUed "Hamthat
Mrs W. Campbell returned to her
Silver Bros..
through an extremely, rough rapid. let’s garden."
home in Kalkaska this noon after
night at Acme and a large
When n Jam forms above a waterfall
sptmdlng some time with relatives In
he• la attendance
attendoncf to dance to to now or rough rapid, as Is often the cone, the
Me Game aa the hUa.
yUr mad lu s
Mny a dinger of "bnsUng" U greatly Incress
A traveler on the upper Nile glvea this city.
Mrs. R. W. Payne of Cedar Run re
••^wearing olf" will be andunced fd. since here it is sbwlutely necrossn this picture of big game that abonnda
: "Of wild animate elaphanu taka turned to her home this morning after
to get to the boat or to the shore.
niy •
When ooe consWera that In breaking the first place; there are enormoua spending a short time with retaUves In
• seductive cup alone
Jams the drivers are often compelled hehls of them, and tba Ivory Is of tba this city.
yimr 1»06 will be aubjected t
to ride to shore on a log. the danger
A. W. Overbolt and wife of Kingsnitured raillery betwee*
con readily be asen.
Sapper and a good Ume
Gene McBoth. ooe of the-besi driv- naea a remarksble elephant read, which ley and Miss Mollle Snyder of Kalama
eni that ever rode a log. met hH death Is apparently used only during the oea- zoo are the guests of Dr. J. A. Snyder
^Wlth the lolling of the city
on Mill creek In Just such a oltnaikm. son of mlgratloo. This herd frequently of this city.
A "Wing Jam." so called becanro ex crooare the Nile at tba soutbeni and of
Ml. and Mrs. Samuel Porter of
midnight came the screech of i
tending frtwi shore Into the atream, tha Uka-Uke extaaokm bear WadalaL Northport arrived in the city today on
wblilles of the citt^and the «
opouml come next In size and are 4helr way to Grand Rapids on a short
• MIteken
hod -hong up" above ropldt that could
commotion which was 1
^ be poaoed erto by a boat. With
as hour, arouaed ever;
Nile. When the tributary rivers holiday trip.
two other mea McBeth went out oa
the logs «»1 began picking them loose
Bay passed through the city this noon
in eesreh for the "key log.” After
oa her wa>^ to Kantaska. where she
working an bour.oU at once the Jam
» of life, will visit friends,
leaped forward and was In full mo. for they
Mr: and Mrs, Bert Snow left this
Tbe men turnad and atarted up the
afternoon for Barker Creek, where a
Jam. McBeth In the lead. When they
week will be spent with his brother.
reached tha single place over which
they coold poo. McBeth stopped .to
Miss Minerva Herr of Acme, who
belli his lea* able componloas and to
A lady doctor wriUng to the London spent Sunday In the dty with friends,
let them pSs ahead of him. It wa.
He asked what wws laid at hU dnor. and tbo
a fslml move on bis part, for the other Chronicle on "Women Workers" mokea returned" home this afternoon.
Iran replied: “yoa are charged
two mea had Just tune to Jump ashore toe following unanswereble atatement;
G. D. Leonard of Pellston, who was
voting twice."inikrged, am
into the water waist deep. When his •If you coma to estimate a day’s work, the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Bughee
the daard prisoner.
turn caaie It was too Ute. He had erea In foot poando, tbo woman who during the hoildayo. reioroed to his
ctaoM. bakta. waolj^ and takes to
1 to be paid fur if
oared his friends, but now there
home this afternoon.*
a ride for hU life over the ungled
Lawrence Crotaer of Kingsley is vis
mass of grt>sulng and toeaing logs. timmpi up stairs and down lor slxteea
When be saw what it all meant he hours a day. need not f«r compariaoa iting Mtea Vera Wynkoop.
os to kinetic energy even with a miner
J. Greanmon and fkmUy. who have
working right hours,been spending the teUdoys In Kalkas
Trea. but ta an tote quite ni
tha bopakas fight for Ufa.
ka. returned home today.
wages fl.U
Tte man oa abore .ran mioag tha asks PuK^ Could not her
Mrs. Herrington of Tenth atraat has
^o $J par day and found, taquiro stream, laabla to readar him aid. and Mtaedmea go to school unacc<
and unbaked? And why must she keep raturnad from Mantataa. wbare ibe
Olen Alter Ijumber Oa
Jon l-Bt watched tba grentmT »og riding
SD carrying trampawp and down stairs attended the funeral of her brother.
hod evar aamL At timaa ba a
WAWTEO-Oirt fbr gaaaral hout<^ Jump waist Wfb to anodwr log
sntoatttaaa? Is It area Iklrte toast
Jomea Brody dl Spring Lake ii vteit,5 ~
Mra. W. O. Ftela. fill Wori be might gat nearer Miora or to aroM
tag hte'^bikther and family of the
01*4 Ki>t 1*4^ C»r
.fei’S’t^4 - ~
to U ■- toS
f- - .p-.
NEW “vicnriBi
The new sclectioDs for January arc here* If the
character and quality of these Records Is an augury
of what may be expected during* 1906.' Victor owners
most certainly have a treat in store for them.
Here are hints of the excellent numbers in the
January shipment.
"Thu Dying Poet."
"Thc Troubadour.- etc.
* Boroxza Mozzoxxo.: %
"Silver Heel*."
"American Army LIX^ March.and othera,
COMIC songs:
"Fritz and lioutea.’’
"The Golden Wedding."
"Punch and Judy."
In addition to the above there are many other fine ■election*. In
cluding the new operatic *ucce*»c«: "When the Moon U In tbe Sky,'
and-Robinson Crusoe’* Isle " We arc now filling order, and Invite
you to coll early and make your selection. Mall order. prompUy
REMEMBER: The price* of Victor Record* have been reduced
0* follow*: 7-lnch now 35c. lO lnch now 60c. 12 Inch now |l.
0rintie1l Bros*
music Bctttc*
The lit of Hickey A
Frooman Co. Olotbing
» what aellf thorn.
•mO* Itodi
For Overcoats of Style and Quality
at ^ney-Savind Prices
Come here at vour 6rit op
portunity and we II show
yonOvereoate of the tea■on's smartefit fashion that
greatMt tmto# y»« #w
At thia price yon can
take your choice of a me-
Svlimit for year plMscn
' a.
50G to 11.50
LOfiTr-Hoonf. gifiy apottad. taa head
mpa ted
amt a
^ lypa
apot oa right Mfia;
Ratuni to Ttaw. W.
7l€ au phoaa aad
Ti| Reconl Want Ads
Tb. «hto» «»to «( tte >uU •( CU(««to atosaatoi to pnito. aad toft year
«• •««»
Seat eak will open Wodneaday aaMniiigat the boa office.
tailored and ImedwiUi
aerrioeable fabrica-not a
earment -worth kea than
$12A0. epeeial for til)
thia week only.'....
AT $1*00
In thia eoDeotian ypn
will find an thenewwni^
np.fo-tbe.minnte in bd»-
tap CwMir.
iml DmiiC
150 Cost Front SL
I am sure I have gol
just what you are
looking for in a
A . B
tian or wonted; made ol
splendid bbok or Qslotd
friesea, ksnsys ormritons
and other fash&oiiafale oresooatings; well worth $18,
SHCMSCL*. btcun a CO.
e OlHbelm s
earner Front
i^momeritu nm I
aoigrnnt tbnilBtbot
How the Man Who Bought the Equitable
Rose From Poverty to Wealth
Cb propur^^examinafloB of tbe
I fl a about to take |«rt In nol.
at tbe
mmbltkmi toward
gatomi. Not tha gmooB I
from aettmanf
an ordlaary terrier witb a Beagle.
The taoiajm Bspld TMftt li RBOCkfr
tnsdumoD that tea bm imMI »
lUkm of the kldBuysL Aa a
with enoraaDua enra, frequently renchcal UMclae tana the bl4iBg almoet to tbo ground; na a Ktwt
grent uitmi aad tkuy an
Cbartm apaaM'S might do. Gradually
0 throw oC an amouat of
the cuTi hwTc aborteued. but acmie
Umy are eatiruly In-.
Matfbrwa was pleased to attaad tba any they n«y grow by tbe changes of capable 1 Ibis funeUooal over eaerflam aad bmedtng to bo -prick.- a
IB the coleoBdItkm tbat wonld aot debar blm tkm freq
asked hbw
Tbe color of the fox terrier has
-Wen.’’ he mid. -after tbe brat act cbaM<* IfrcuUy with the passing of
r HaokennkmUlt
time. Now hla fixed coler Is white
lenT^ after the aecond act 1
alleot and tbe andlence hlaaed.better than tbe old yellow or peppe-And after tbe third actr aonu
Madrii. tbe tarribla Turk.
prompted. Tbe critic flecked fbe ashes aad salt comMnatkm. once so common.
Aad there Is a growing pn-fcrcnc- In Umdoi^iurday night In t
from a rtgarrite and smiled.
-After tbe tbtrd art I went out and for tbe wlre^nd fcllowm. who have for the I trh-as<atch-caa cbamploaboQgbt a tlckH and came tu and his,*ed a more ruggvd physlq^ic than toe ship of t| world. But it baa dmraltbat lackeoaebmidt lajurud I
smooth terriers and are more eusllr
kept in trim.
Tbe best of tbe wlrre—-Hamfs l!p' Kngland
bad arrived la -ownci by -Chappie- Maybew. the doctor. Hil.t-nacbiiildt^ poatpoued tbd
dog cx|x-rt of the New Y.irk Herald, match. A prosuat H loote aa if the
had IM
dhsi quite rc*rentl>. HU first ventu»^ bout woa l*e postponed for
Russian doctor aaya
in New Vork on the Is nch was to beat j
of bis ignorance, so wwa pcn*ct
will be unable to ureabis tathcr. the famous * Go Bang. * j ***‘^*“’*’*“
OB guard.
A rostumer entered the
At tbat show, the Wc-tmlustcr Ken j *'*^ ^«*’*’
shop one morning, and said: -I wan
Del chih. Hands Tp woo revtw specUl |
® .»*, Broke Record.
fl-penny worth of bird seed, please.”
i.i.b Mtrh.. Jan. l.~Joha
ok ji
prises. But when Mr Maybew t«»k
Tbe asslstnnl only amlled. Tbe c«w
him to England the following year j,.,{nilrkle br <• iTsl league contest
tocner mswtfd his ivNiucst. but the
s\erase rc .rd». Frids) night with an
mwistsut only rrs|>ooded with s Iwoud was licatcn Vy Isith - Humble.-tone avcragi* of l 2 ; In I h tve games. wUb
grin OB his fare.
Flually. ihr naw Bristles'* and -Rahy Matchbox.KOUICS of J J. J4:: aud riC.
Wm Allcw Bettirg.
lotuer. i«ang iwtlcm-e. asked him In
IlUrklVs urea: accring vnabltd Ihu
forcible bmjnwgr why he did not
Tt»iv)nto. Jan 1.—The enjurt of an
. aoorr ihrre straight
nerve him with the blid seci. -It s no peals has quashetl the ctmvlcihm t»f Wuchicr C
rlc« ^cr
^'cr he South BndK wHh
take me William Hcndrlc. pmUth-nt of the On i victories
-Ths knows
la." said tbe assistant,
■H Of 4.;. Iy% ami 990 ngalnAt 911,
tarlo Joekey club. wl:ti was foun.l |
ths «wunot catch luc." -What on earth
!‘*H nnd Itl. Vndy Warhtcr mado
• aakl tbe angry custom, guilty of permitting gambling In th» seon-s <»f 2D. IK and 193. John Donn
er. -Why. I know that birds grow form t»f bookmaklng- The dpclsiun ndivd 212. 177 Bd 1K7. Rrogger and
from eggs not from seed."—Ex hy the higher court nn-ans that liettin^
at the Wntalhine track will be allowed Vii rh. llig bowM In fair fcwro for the
rolls Al Retrcr sc-ored 237. John
next year.
r.anrc J made *J2 and all the loserj
nsaa Wy.
Glrif Basket Ball.
i».»» l« d vpry fal'averages.
mtle fuss end feathers that tl»c great j
A certain poH made a good deal
St. Joseph. Mich.. Jan 1.- Ib for.- u
fieadlug public heard little.of Uynn. «>«»«”
SkiMub MaeL
of mooer. bnt. 1»elng rxtravugnnt. be large and cnthusiaMic .audience, the
Vet all tbe Ihne he has bad his hand In
Evil P.-acticaa.
('hirago.. Jan l.-The Ski auh
was always to deM. One summer, at Wendell Phlllliw girl high school ti-am
even more public afTslni. He is no
Mr. Cox then spoke of the existing
the seaside, hr wooded and w .sblM a tlefeatMl tho S:. Joseph high
tn Norge. eo,uiK»*l «d Norwegian ski
j mean pontlrUn. He was very Intimate Lvlla In the world aad elaasod them
Mnm d tor a ski lournuI Mb riereland and Wldtney during j
^oc- young woman of great wealth. There a btHketiatll game he’d Balunlay'night
after times were l*etter with blm.
In the gymnai^ium «.f the Garfl*-M m»nt to be b^d at the Chutea park
Clevcland*. administrations. He ha. j^ne. and wrong
rong praciloea.
He spoke
A1 lireakfnsi during the honeymoon school. The conti-ia wan very splrite.l Jrui. 7. woaiheipcrmltting. Acoofdlng
been close to every bead of Tammany
Han for years. He was a delegate to of the range in the beliefs of men from tbe bride said to the poet, tenderly:
from the hegliming..!he Hc«»n* at the to L. Olaen. aprlfue mover In local
the last Hemocmtlc national ct.men- the time when they thought of Ood as
-Hoes the fact that I have money, end of the first half be ing 16 to
lo , fcWI circles, may noted ski men wh^
- |
lion, heliKsl liring about the areeptnnee a -huge human being which was a re- dearest, make• any difference to your
favor of Chicago. ('hi-enMl on In thelri«*an «*»>**»
r«.-ords In the way of |
of the famous goUl telegram ami was suit of misinterpretailoBs of the Bible:
•-ra l.e
efforts . the local t» am i>lay*Ml perfect ' h «g and hluh umps will take part.
nnqnestlopnWy the i>ower that nomi of the passing of tfcose doctrines and poet answered.
nated Henry Gassaway Davis, whom how mcB were ceasing to bdleve In
Fbe d^oolK^l a little, pen»l«ed, defense in Ibe last half the game r-' ! Th** club, vlch now numbers forty
lilting in a final score of 12 lo 9. Fol-1 »>«*rM>nr. Is el-planning a toumamcm
he bad known lu the old West Virginia eternal fire and brlmsrcnc. Ho said alarnictl.
I days. B J the Iiemorratlc eandldate for
lowing U the Ilne-np:
! *« *'»*>. Ml . t which li is propo«>d
that God does punish maa but the -'^Wb.it difference?" she asked.
Tice pnesldent.
Wended Phillip.-^twlH-tt. HannI ’
a raiir hA-^ and sleep iumi»-Why." asM lie. "It Is such a com
punishroonl U proporlioimJ to the sin
A Big Mag emy Way.
fort to know that if 1 abonkl die jou d gan. foraards;.t'ongrr. fir*t enter: . Ins bill. TUl Ufer .ournament will
but that God la Iho beat friend of any be provkliHl for."
Ryan works without ostentation. Ue
I->llKdin, secY.nd cenhr, HarriK ai,.!;
J’cld In tb.op* u and many lamoa-t
-And If I sbonld dlcr said tbf Lews, guard..
Uvea and dresses In Ibe same way. He man in time Of need and that is the
does not go Into society. He sj»eaks great thought of today-and we turn bride.
tp. Joseph-<'hurr'... While, for nmong them.". Hovelsen of ChrW"Tbeii." hr returned. "I'd
nttic. and that » a <^ct. smmth voice, jour fares lovingly toward him as the
wards: Fryman, first center; Dtinham. tJanla, .N'orwa. who hold, a mark of
Tided for.-—<*hicago Journal.
ia UlU broad abodl^enM. tlisT> cheat new ruler.
sorond renter; Hudson, Derot>b«. **»:. ti*^-t. whir he made In 1 . ski towred. with a large bead, a notable smiling
CMId Labor.
niur.enl In th-old ^
bhie eyre, prominent nose and chin, firm
Mr Cox then dwedt on the w
mouth, close croi>ped Iron gray mus- practices of today speaking at length
O'Brien Dentes IL
A romantic w «lUlug. wlil< h foi
take i*art in jc Chulea event:
UclM--a big man every w.ny. For all
nmhlmi He said
Chjeago. Jan 1 —'Jaek" O'ltriett,
his quiet. alm*^t gentle mnnner and his j
♦»*** *'*»*'«*
problem. He said, many years had been deloy<xl. owliij
dr. nren, T. J.i«en. A. Sweiih* n and T.
neat tbongh plain dres.s, the square j "C"kkI Intends that that wo should fill to a woman’s promise. to->k pUtre at the claimant 10 the titi- of h-avy J F»»«u
dy look aome nseful place In this world. We
Jaw. the cleft chin and the
of tbe ere Indicate the fighter. There must not train our boys and girls to Riding of Yorkslilrr the other day. Friday on his way to Philadelphia to
are few stories to l>e told of blm. l>e- look down on labor. They must also For nearly s quarter of a ireituty the >dn a burlesque show. O llri. a wore
cause there is nothing erratic or sensa lie educated and have trained minds bride Imd acted as confidante ami the ^ame old chwrfnl .nmlle and looked
hoosekeefier lo a mslilrn Indy wbo poational about his actions. Only his re
r. Then. If they wonM only
* ------ msn'ui
aud hoarts. 1 think our goyernroent sessed creiiddi rnhle nu-un*.
sults are si»c<tn.oilar.
food aud keep their bowria
and the great governments of Europe years ago tbe luHjM kc-efM r met a gar than a prize-fighter.
tk Drt King’s New Ufe
of all." he said. "I
be more particular as to children dener. and WBs woodetl by blm with
Tbs>mas Fortune Ryan-ratber
tYqwrt tbat 1 have rhallrfig^H 1 »,ra’.\i I’rOB pt relief and quick
being employed In fact^orics. This lay sm-ceaa. Rut the hoiiBekee{>cr had
i nlfl.-ant middle name. that-wa.s a Vlrpromised her mlstreas to star with her jI Jeffrier. There was a rilsund.-rstfind ! for i|i r
1 ginla boy and Is now fifty-four years
until she died, and so the love story
old. Ills family was lmlK>vcrisl,eil dur
bmc>» our of jMtiMit W.ltlnit. TlmV'"'
Judge Mayne*. Decision.
ing tbe war. and be was dependent In
or four weeks ag:. the mistrt>KS dlid waa that, if Jcffr*e,^ wa.n in tb»* ga
Then he spoke In commendation of j
youth on two ninlden nnnts. He had
leaving to her falth- which he is not. and looking for .i*j
w en- nostltHl In lied.
match. I woulii U- glad lo ls,x bim.l
only a common school tslnratkin. went Judge Ma^me’s recent decision. Mr. j fut housekeeper her house, piste
3. Wlllle and BUI."
to Baltimore Id early ymith with only Cox said. "I rejoice In the fad that the fnrniture. as well as £ l.itV In nx
I did m,t challenge him for I know iliai '
AXP TWtl UK lllS UUMti^S.
a few doHara In his pocket, atarvad tew is on the side of our home-? and
coogralntetii^ he has ntired and U entirely out »i
her smile, for trlphH they
and hunted wofk. Anally necnrtng a
g men for the «.aloon Is the worst
ac In a secret way. like
| bns been done
a dry goods store. As
friends who knew the st-^ry of their him I merely fi.avd that ; did not
twky I
K h<T V
in a oommunlty. Before men eourtslilp.—Ixmdoii K\pr»>‘s.
nyan'r financiering.
-icring. Wniiair.H al^o aa«s he bad enon
enough money he went
(Grexf luihy medicine I
bar any white nMp. ,mt even JeTrri4•^
serted that Ilyyan had a cynical ' lew of
Johniwm Drug Co.
got ^a Job In a broker's commit crime they lone up on strtmg
' ethics. kneVy In a general w ay that
ST. then
In Engtend. w here facte and fashloiis meaning itai I d^ not caro to have;
»• is pud,
such a thing: n. an ethic, but
: tbrre
READY tor bualncaa. Cby *
generation will sometime come wb«>
not !just certain wlist It was for. oat for himself. So shrewd and far/
'tni. Wm. E Bloodgood. 121
will wonder why we permitted It." Hr charge ulawly snd the ronds are gwi. placed on it;’
i These financiers have a habit of mak- seetng dW the young broker sliow him
Mcvrle manof
Should Ba Examined.
| f.;as1
dec 2h2l
j l**f
pUyful remarks about each self to be that In a few years he bad as
a ii ryd business.
N4.W York. Jan. I.—At the 8«»cietv!
prosecution of criminal cases
customers ami friends such men aa
Of College Gymnasium Direrlors’ an- ^
Equitable Per Samuel J. Tllden. Jar Gould and WII- brought alKiat by liquor and of Judge
Bnt to return
nual roaferenre Dr. Ra^-roft of th-|
I baps It U Jimt as well to take Mr: Ryan Hnm R. Travers. He married tbe Maync’s statemen* that the Thomas
miveraity of Chicago read a paper eu j
p was tbe direct result of drunken
daughter of tbe merehanl for whom ba
11:t. -And b«
»r#ctfisll7 by tb# iwpltw Md Syam la
raiT tntlmat*4y cooearnad In teL H»
PVbllr SarrSca corporstSoB <rf Naw Jat^ 1 roake all things near.* And bo aald
aay. Rraa la i W« fn« ta flHt paaL MO mo. 'Write, for tbaae arorda
Ibe Oeocral BaUaray at Gaar^ ftat
Btttloa* IB Hla Work aad UCt- Ncrer EuB
IB te truondtoUbfid.'StrtUaaly tmooth and Ccstte In M«nTbe acripMe toann wma UkeB
Bcr. but Yot a Ctant
tibe aeoond chapter of tbe Mrat
TtBot CompBBy of Kew York,
arhlcb tbera araa rmlaed meh a tal
of Thaaaaloniant and a fear n
a fear ycara ago for making a $2,000."W^ THEN Oaona W. Parkiiui waa Uhlt daal appear. Tbay arar that ba la OOO
OK) toau
loan to an oOce boy. other loai
Tbe aarmon deaU In geooral arlth
Ihertora and a $mox> loan to Um
,W/ eaitod tba -*amartM4 inaB tata paat ffraad maatar af tba an bf or j hsdlrertor
e comalaaiM of tbe coming of tbe near year and
! YY Near York ’ UU artlBBa. If
baldiBS cmnpaniaa. manlpr | Payn. tbe
new ebangee which are anre to take
;! taOug
latfiitf acacka
aCBcka a»d
aad iba
tbe like,
like. arttb
artCb fba
tba rr
rr Near
Near Tort
not bia worda. impllad Uat!
place in tbU world t>efote many auc. IsBlt mat b« Dot BBly geca bl« ppopar mat
^aatartlgBtod by Boo#
tbe aort
oneding ganarmtlona bare passed. Tbe
• tlea for Dothtag. b«t actBally m
arbcB gormor-Uyan araa in
I r. Byan
Tbcu be organized tbe Morton Treat Ikmor qneMloB arap tooebed upon and
1 la KaarlTortt. Ipay biBi a bona for tbe prlr
company and abaorbed tbe State Trust in ao doing Mr. Ooa warmly oomn
to be ao dubbed ngbt j of belaf takoB
componj. tbna getting from under tbat
ed Judge Predertek W. Maywe’e •«»*'*
vooM not earn up to tbla rbaractertai-1 aaaort that be can take a atock. mOk
ia tbe meant liquor oaaaa triad In Ctr
tlnTTbal toeoi of tbe arldncfa of j tba proflt all out of It. tbeu turu ^ many other glgaatle InaHttitim
cull eourt.
liki OBMOCtmeoa.
aqoeezed leroiro over to tbe public aad tbe mere reading of tbe Uat
U opening be aald. "We now i
Byau araa ao aiBoaOi tbat be arohled make It look eo good tbat they grab for suggenooc.
publkUy tor yearm. tmt be can't do It It There bar# been varlooe ugly mat that period of time when. In tbe
nymore. lie la taider Ibe calctam to mor. al^t aome of bl. deal.; tmt
course of a little over four hours, the
For esample. be la tbe
stay. Lately be araa bmgM imo a lit-1 ib.-n. Ibe-aray. of h!gb nuanoiar. ape
antted tbe Metropollttn Street Rail- old year. 1905. wUl paas aaray and Ue
tie llar«r glaiu fbaa oaual. It araa , myeiertoBa. and there hare Inn ugly
Dch. R;
Ryan ^ company of Near York, tbat coB- new. l»0€. will be uetiered In. In for
tbat luninmce loreatlgatlng commit- rnmora about tlie wliole bunch.
looa of
all fbe aurface line* of tbe city mer times when an old king aras lying
see arbkb placod blm there, tbe name 1 U pcrliapo tbe moat uiyEtcriooa
of an
I'll the
bidding for tbe new enli* sick unto death, men apoke I
being tbo body tbat la toirilng lu ! of Un,-m. They manage to fool
the f»nb- * *****
John 8kei. I
organlaod the Rank of Oom- breath and when death came turned
blight artMiBd rrganliai with tbe lie. but be fool, eten Uicm. John
dollar Dsaefi.
------L.tbat aU aortaof
aorta of tnaurance
taaurance prealpreak I iob
toB Winiamit
arbmi sore
aorc ouooi
about Rvan
avnuains wnen
ny.n j. -- - with
”™ -its billion ‘
with smiling faces to greet the
tel> >i>d «l«r Uc ofctaK
MT- Uklns tl.» S«l».nl Hoe .wy from |
ru>». A new era came with the new
frioc for »«r.
CM InqolUtor ; Wo «.M tlot If Tl.-m.o. F. bad •«« j
Ilasbra ptayrd lu T*y« oo lb* Mr-; cooflnod (o an ordinary ajdirrc of life |I".
'•Perhaps, aa >ou look back at 1905
duSTfai^-iobV wrok. atnor. and : be troold bare been a klepIon.anlae. be 1 <™«
you will say. 'I am glad to see It go.'
Perhaps It has brought sorrow and
tly Ideutmei arltb tbe failure and you look hopefully forward
not. and tln- atoiT »* »ot
<*>l***•»" "*'*'“ *^*>^ *“ charities, i
taro railroad prealdeuts among tbe ‘ the Tatliollr rlmrch. of n-hlrh they are development of the West Virginia situ to the new yesr. What docs the new
seem to lib barink troubk lo dnrk ! meinU*rs. a snm estlmatoil to hare ation nr. a tbember of tlie Eiklns-WbltIt says
k to US? in the I
back Into the abadoara. Aa for Ryan^4 reacbed four or Are mlllioua. and tbla ney-Wldener syndicate He Is la tbe 'Behold. 1 make all things new.* Is
company building rallwaya in f*nba, be
is In Ibe smelter frnst, be lain aome of there not arllitle regret, a little senU
tlie steel counumiea. All
inent about the pamUng of a year even
I dfBmatlc writer for Tbe Xatkm. i
... ii
be doean t even try to keeii oat of tbe
newspapers fbewo days. It would be
BSPleaii. and be U Vise anongh not to
attempt llM* ImpoaalWe.
Never R«nied.
It is one of
1 roflled and never loses bis tern
mV be U plans ble
“ a plalLible^
Equitable. He was farsighted enough
to see ihirtlirEqqjtalde mmfS, waukl
predpltate a panic If alKftred lo «o an.
and K.
be bad too many ,mnnr«nt
Important Intereata at stake to permit that. Eren
Wbaa be refused lo tell wbat Edward
H. Htrriman aald to him he did It
calmly. dlplomaUcally and without tbe
allghtfri show of fading. He bad bla
lawyer prenaoL He la always wise
j eooogb to fence blmaelf legallJ. *nd be
I went by tbe lawyerM advice. Wben
the committee sent hla refusal to Dlat trkn Attorney Jerome tbat gentleiBan
}>eftBn work In Baltimare. They hare
<‘'***^^ Thrown a
Kew York dty bouse, a country boiaa
17or^t ^w hll
[ Virginia.
a^t «
Ryan aecnrrd 602 Equluble abarre
neaa. and Ryan It not cr^.
y per cent per annum, only a matter
j of
of $8,300
$8,300 per
per year,
year, yet
yet Ryan
Ryan paid
paid $2.$2.
Wdi M Ibt Xpad.
This man baa a habit of never letth« j 606,000 for them. This has canaed a
anybody know what be U going to do ; groat deal of apeenUtloo at to tbe mop. Wall street
Jiabed. It was 1 tire behind tbe atep.
atieet la
these matters, and
bnytag of tbe Equitable. This uanally very wise
of hla Mg deals to the next day after the
jMbad Ida glaaaaatoward tbe attcey | come like a tbnnderelap
rclap out of a dear known the abarm of the ]
tba aecnrlng of tbe
pohite U the market.
,awer the queattona after all. But be j c, Whitney, once Ryan'a partner, aald
me down gracefully; he does ev«y- j
easily the moat adfoB,
thing gracefully. Jerome In hla qnlck, ,
nolsrirea man he ever met.
neireoa faafikm bad retnarind aooie^ ^Vhltney «A« aald that lo twanty yaara ;
thing about a grand fwy, tndlrtment Ryan wouW be the ricbcat man la theI
and that aort of thing, and it would rnlted States. Ihe twenty years hare
never do
o for Kyan
Ryan to be caught In that not
not elapsed
elapsed yet.
yet. no
no the
the new
new owner
owner of
a box. He la too much of an the Equitable baa time to make good
at tbe game to make such a | the prophecy. It g->es without aaying
' that be ta alreq^ wdlvMi tbe road.
F. Ryan's foes say that all > The imre tbe character of Ryaa la
bla actions have not ^>een ao dlaiiiter- brindled tbe more the strength of thr
cated as his testimony before tbe ln*ni> , man Is seen. He la credited with bring
j ance committee weald make tbe Eqnl- the power behind Tammany Hall, or at
debauchery. *11,0 cost along ottK-r
lines was then taken up. pf how. for a
few paUry dollaro. the state licenses
man to drittade bis brother by ghrlng
him liquor. It cases the happiness of
me. Happiness and a drunkard
cannot live together.
Mr. Cox spoke ef the foolishness of
man to sll down and spend his o’ber
wise needed money to rnln himself in
drunkenness and that this brought the
greatetI expense, the eosl of a man for
"ne drunkard sbaH enter the kingdom
of boaven." He touched ob the fa
tbat Varkma Inatilntl^** vere car
hU place ^th them.
"Tbe tendency of time Is against the
Ell Smith, who baa bren cairylng tbo saloon." said Mr. Cox. "not against
maU from
tbe anioon keeper. Be is the akme as
the famoa
any other worldly man—la 11 for hU
ka,%lU go from Beattie to New Icrti brand and butter, but It debauches
city by
by dog
team, aaya a SaattleapedM
man and takea food from their chllBlotch to the Chkugo Inter
droa'a naOBtk. 1 abeuld he ashamed
It N propoaed by Mr. Smith I
to be a galdaB keeper.-:
ieattia Mtly nftar the let of J
and to trtvri ovre tbe eountry i
Ue tkep Mke of the hold which
hog team wherever there la snow. Be Uqaor geu on mcB and exproaaed bl.
plaBBid to reoch New To
sympathy «:ck a maa flgkUng ibe de
opeotng of the aanaaJ ipM
sire tor BtroBg drink but that ka woald
abew in fhb latli^ port
find friea(da ob every band to nid blm
nnd tbanknd Ood tbnt tbare nro more
frtaoda to'nid Ika drunknfd tUn there
nro nncaaiai to ktodqr^bito. 1$ rioting
be anid. -Tba Bible Is a &mit of new
ihin^ It la AM wlik ctear nnd
Recofcl Want Ads Pay
So many patent modlclnes and ad
vertised cures are now offered to tbe
public that our readers tboiild be glad
to know tbe opinion cf a man who has
spent years In handling them and
profit by his advice.
Roxburgh of tbe Johnson Drug
Co. sayr . ’After having sold drugs. M»d
mate - of
all kindsI and makes
Baturalty we
learned scmeihlag about them—tncir
value and power to cure, and wc warn
to say to the rreders of the Record
that If tbe people of Traverse City
realUed the real cnratlve and atrenglb
demand tor \tr
VlDcl te not n patent roedletne.
nctnnily cvmtalna nil tbe Ufe^lng,
bodyckoilding. and atrongtb-crentlng
propeHtos of eod liver oil
taken from frevb cods'
without a drop of tbe
nauaeatlng ofl. Tlno) makes rich,
bldbd. and tanea «p and tnvigora
every organ Ik tbe body.
In the strongest manner we mih
taliBgly endoroe and ffannntee Tl
to Iftcroaae tbe appetite, cure atomi
troablea. give strength and reM
viuniy to the agad. buOd op pnny<
cblldrcn aad nm-down peraona. make
tbe weak mnrntk cart ekrenle eoBgha.i
fltuf par
We again ask that we m»y be favored with yoor
Our 1906 Calendars are somewhere on the road,
having beta! shipped some time ago, we regret that
they are not on hand mdy for distribution.
Thanking ytw (er^past tavors. we remain,
sssjsssar.st.v" '
crae City to try Vlnol on onr gm
tec." Johaaon Drug Ca
W. dastiiids & Sob
TluvKfitc cfnr, aicHioAi^ HOMMV. JANUAIIV I, im
Baf ptearoHy ttWah^aw ts
^ kM yIs
^ ^
U that yoa oaepectei
be Ofwr'-wg. :7mly. -I thSak bli
no at
HM» af i
tar Ms
• CBy,
d tba homo nr
teM not dear of that tateeat etty
r. fU Wote Tagtb^'
te dWBa the lotabed tatennatkm
baaw he appBed lor a Itosaao at Ue
te ^moa
eoaatycSerraofftoolB Port Ha^ He
Wroth blaaed ta
^oebhaM oatbo aam car and fate bor I organ, riplte and
attber. Tbe laM
•amd ad^ Mair Cobro and her age as «rs arefO givoB
CC. He la If roars old. ^
Bonce Floieber of Vealee. Italy, la
if apodal gaoot at the oaaltarium. a; tbeir borne after mldalgkt wBb happy
•Vft dared my tbatr abo
Battle Crgok, and U reeeteteg
wiabes for the new year.
Joct. Be says that If peo|
slowly and penperiy cbw (
witb an boofot stiiring for tbe facta. that they would not require i
-U waa tbe Mas. tbo mme thought of
It. that tnrtarad me. U waa like an orO
^IV^^^mrnr aak! M <
t cpald took at tlM a day. Aren't
' bMotlfidr And e imaM Uio
Untoward Boren
okrd at Iba
paaHa fur a few a
I and then
Mn. Haatbe Ud apoo t
In the lock.
ftoveral evorted ber y tbe raniaiTa
wlaSrb ■awaited before .
t down the
little treen raakH bea!^ liar.^e^l^
lockod fewpt case wa* t
Ume. I took It Into iho I
and rtianirt mtb Ibt ^rmit of hla
nyatcry. but 1
■t b» a^W^rto njjtUmgbt. liareJy U; wa«|a rrmarkably think that th«r*
bandiKimr ydonf “Baa. bnd tbe lady
waa aware of liia ciarm|lo tbe j»olnt of
poaitivr pain. Yet ibe ceald never un- m>* lock of eapertOBoo conotrkln* me to
oak advice aa to tbe beol method of proBMmiid wby H itoaldnot be an tm- ce^.
Flrot, boworor. 1 muai stoto ay
mixed rbwaofe; aa«y h waa one that
no human beloff bd a rtsbt to deny tM)*!! X was noar homo my carrlago
I looind out of the window uaa
hi^. J8he wmi a wtow wboee married
naaod Mkhael Boor, wbo
life bad aran-ely a emblaoc« of reality
U ber memory. Itwaa enly a dream
him eurller
nf a man’a anddetand fatal iJliieaa. Intboday. I>oe* It not ooOm pooelble that
was a footuro of a clever plot and
aUi. tookUUf hack poo K abe aeemed this
uU whAa Michael ongasod »y ottentloo
to behold/leracir I brtdal Drraa and
poo oM otOs a oonfsderato cwme to the
moumtiia irape on be aaaie\Uy.
pposlte window of the cuirtase. rra4-bed
i. unlocked tbe bo* with a dupUcale key.
, i Three yrara bad Onroeil tbe plcturr.
<ked It again and faded away into tbo
She waa a girl lu hm aw: In looka-ln
irmoU of Uw cltyT
»t Ibe ludependIt la true that when X bad roneJoded my
1 tbe control 6f
;lcr%lew wliu Michael I happened to look
a great fortune. Roarat waa ber eQual
mclally/and, tbougibe had not a pen
ile mual go to hla lodlgent uncle twice
a ybar with a bandfi of debU. at least Into
grip of o^ w^he u aa a gentiemani apendtbrift, and
hla follieo bad nerefbrongbt him Into
was In the plot and that tbe third thief
ttixlem a.»rtety. It Imot probable that was alao one of my sert anls.
You will remember that 1 have very
lira. HaaliTouck autyaeJ the yopug
maa'a ebararter to ay aeriou* adran' Often used this green plush jewel case
lage. Her ffur* and IjieK. her Joy and in casing
j^aln. pnMMtHliHl nut fbui tbe worklngi IlJnn^^'WsL jwur esteemed uncle.. 1
af her mind, but wa from tbe agtta-
•jcloth. If yomi be ao good aa to
Wr. and waa tbia the pattern tl i you
wantad. iwi*amr
^ took a bit of doth from
aide of bis cap and bold It up. }
• No,-aald Mrs. Haabronck. -i was
.tbebtber., After many futile efforta tba man
fboad tbe right sample and wett off
upon his arrand. Two mlnutoa later
Mrs. Haabrooek alighted at her mltk'oee. thelewdcamlnherhai^ She
carried It directly to a room oa tbe
awmuS floor where them was a safe set
‘Into tbe waU. By a window of ibis
(room abo sat down to enjoy a last
fgi:mpac of her tarortte trinket before
consigning It to tbe darknem of the
iaafa 8be nalockad tbe casket wHb
;the key. which abc had cunied In her
glore. and when tbe Ud waa up rim
Glared., dnmfonndnk npaa amptinam.
, fTbc pearU wrre gone.
. For soma mtomes Mrs. lUtbroockb
JBIM WM.te iMr nf mtcr.cimfMtoB.
/ I
^ /
Ii vMerfmllMrs anscKCker dosrtet tnvd
sbMt tte streets is tearck «r a hMst to rest Be
tsakstkrNchthevsst colsms af Tbe Eresisc ftecorO. Tes css (et a ceM tessBt by aSrertblBC.
MM nr Sk
udnix-o.^.. AddrrM Olob» OtMn j^
pMy. -a CbmIDDt 8i, PhiUddlpkl. ;
Corporal C- D. Swift was tatormod by WANTffO-Prtsm two to four board ;
era, grotlemeti preferred. Inquire ‘
rent a great amay tlla. Aa Jkr. J. fl. the head office In Detroit that if tbe
Lot R. q. ear. IfiU Md Bmmte fflA,
Kellogg s Ideas about diet are akin to proapertlre recruU was sot patrioUc
_________________ !« ft OR XCih Bt.
those of Mr. Fletcher, the doctor In eaoiMh lo toarc a dog behind Uncle
ulrted n««. for
ta ». W<t *«
trifed him to Battle Creek, and he Sam didn't want him In hla aenrlce.
came all the way from Italy to beogam
tto less than throe
Fres to All Mlntoters.
acquainted with Dr. Keltogg.
I will send one bottle of Warner s
Devotion to her ateter eannnd the
• 1 lou OR KImwood RfR^ hteteRdR
RThlie Wine of Thr—the best cough
oorner Kroot aad Oaaa streets.
death of Mias Mlnale Harris, aged 19 remedy on «anh--free to all mlalsters
I Wayne and Bav fita.
yeara. of dlphUmrla. at bm mother's, Who will recommend it to thter friends ___ ____________________________ on _______________________________
Wayne and Bay Sts.
home near Pon Huron. While the stter giving It a fair trial. Add
light honsekeeplng, centrally local
{h?l5S tosi
mother. Mra George Harria. was vU-|
^ ®
Coldwater. Mich
-And If I hiid taken tbcmr add be. Iting with friends at Brown CItj. her
ed. Young married couple. Address] ^ .urroundlng coRterr lirk.M,4
ter hoM 4
drawing near to her. with a suddru youngest child became 111 of djph••Rooms.” Rccttrd office.
dec 29 tfj acres of Uad. largR hmsasw eor.
mad question In bis rye*.
------------------------------------------------ ^------ aad Hamsdea Sto.
-Girl for general hous*^
12 to U aerro ISRd ta BtoaVROd
-Paul- oho axwwered. teiih white
work. Mrs. T. A. Pennhallegon. LIT ship, about 1 adle from clly ttwlte
lipa. -I abould have been upou your
Sixth street. Inquire at Wood 81s- Will make a good martcet gardUR.
aide. Wo would bare been thieves to
disease herself. After an Illness of n
raspTnamia mr unanfm
gether.At this Inopporttme moment Detec w»-t 1 the girl paafed away and the lU
WANTED—Work by da> of any d«^ i Thero Is (
tive Newell was annooncrtl. He en tie sister, for whom she ancriflclngly
acriptloo: prefer nursing. W)2 K I
tered bearing a grwo Jewel case lu bU labored. Is still living, nnd may reegrload. BoilgRod.
decl2-ifi ^too^araXgOt^ljbdt
bands, and wben It was set ui»on tbe
teble be opened It and* dbcloscd tbe
*J*( WANTED-llcrneases to oil and po^j
killed a fi-v month.«; ago. by a buUdlng
Ub, FYed Vuller, 143 E. Tenth.
falling upon him.
Initials engraved on a wedding ring
am. Mrs. Ilasbroock.- aaid be
note to Mr. Roven.1 *tot«l the case ab found In the dining room of the Hotel
aolntely dead right with ouo small cx- SeasMo at Atlantic City revealed th *
ce|dion~the thinl thief didn't reach In romance surrounding the secret mar-,
to Interest imirisfs -To wee FNirupr it
through tbe window to change tbe
FOR RENT—Hoime oa North Elm yoti win. but sr,. Amich-a first.' that
boxes: be was bidden under the <*ar- riage of Bdward S Wlltbank. a clerk
U has 4le<-lde»l to eater njion a grtu nil
wood avenue. F. . Goodrich.
at the hotel, to Mins Marie Grout,
(-simpaigii to rsU the ntiM:th*u of the
youngfwl daughter of Gardner K.
jieopU- all over tbe rulltri Htates^to
HOUSE for rent. 90i State street. 7 tbe sf-etilc l esutles «*f 1j«- grepl west
Grout, retired millionaire lumberman
rooms: small barn. $8 pc¥ month and to eufxmrap* a larger tuurist
of Saginaw. The wedding took place
travel hither.
Aecwdlug to BiwdB, J. Morgan.
dec 7-tf
October 23. It Is learned. They met
Sfreei s of Jane 17. imri. the oum <of
early In the Mmmer. when Miss Grout
OFFICE ROOMS for rent Wilhelm
•enl yeart
came to the hotel with her aunt. The
Irnii si-UtNivrs In foreign
block, corner FVont and Union.
two had dined together, nnd as they
stateiio at was the l-4»^U of tb<> Aetton ■
nov 29-tf
left tbe room a waiter found the we«lby the Salt Ijlie t'oimuerrlal elnb.
ding ring lied In the corner of a handwlilrb, on Investlgjitlon. found Ataat
file wtstetiieiit Itself was tiltraeouserrakerchief. It was taken to the desk,
fixe. It was d«N Idl'd ibnt the tlnio
where another clerk examined It. and
discovered the telltale Initials. Mrs.
FOR SALE—Work team, cheap, el her was riis- Idalfenipt to divert some of
fills extraonllnary strestu of travel to
\\llibank ‘s a sister of Mrs. Arthu.*
for ca>h or approved pai»er; wt Ight tbe states west of Ibe Mlssvtlri rtvCT.
Hill, wife of the senatorial candidate.
about 2r.m» 11,H. For f.iriher |iartlc V.iileli ei>rialiily Iwve mor<* to offer tim
Marie Grout 1s 23 years of age and 4*
nlars either write or teh-phone. \V. tourist in the hue of lUsmle lieaut.v nud
one of the handsomest girls In Sag
R. Pratt. Old Mission, Mich.
grandeur than iwii Is* fnnml ou Vli«
eiMiilnent of Europe.—s«*tntie 1*^*1 la-•
inaw. and baa been a leader of the sodec28-Cl
clety set. She la well educated ani
Jias travatod. She made a trip to Hs
weight rjvOO. It. J Mor \
wall and Japan whh Mr. and Mrs. Hill
jatil tr i “Ohl Taw sail Kmiff am aiitllngly a
not long ago. She left Saginaw late
------------------------------------------------------- I a1se m.nu.” said |ie;."ou lUavkberry
this fall for a visit with her brother,
FOR SALE-Hoose and lot. barn on j
a prominent doctor In New York.
loL. 442 Wfvi Bight slreoL Price j
While spying on an Initiation of th^
12,400. one^lhlrd down. halancR to
wayV” asked l»c.*,eon
KappI AlphI Phi sorority of tbe I»oasuit purchaser. Inquire 115 Bait i jone*.
tlac high school, at the Pack residence
Ninth streeL or address John Clone i -Why. alsmt de eo!le«-f1ouii.
at Pine lake. WlUla Pack aad Hum
ChelKiygau, Mich.
„n de g.s.J nieVelR in liU
Hill, two boys, were -discovered and
K.iid; all de buftom. eii i;alla to ds
given a taste of aa Impromptu initia
_______________________________ I mine to wear rlotlieT^ tier must lisb
^bxrxcnTx thax i tion that they did not relish. The boys
*7ou Ana a
Claw i bullou* eii if dey si^liie ia^uUdyiy
learned of the sorority's plana and
gaato‘uiu>-t hub ttaIls,'V-4Uhag.i
put ta
rhige scat. When your atlontlou wan during the artf*nu>on hid In the house.
draw li away be rca« lied out quUk as n The girls arrived some twenty strong
I------------------snake and made tbe ahlft.and <diserved that things did not look
rndcr the seatV crlt-d Mrs. Uaa exactly safe eixuigh to perform the sa
Cf lMAN'S 1
FALM irritY—Oonautt
broui k. -burely Uu-re Isn l roam.”
BRomber tha tutaro lies in fm j
«»«~bls for all interior werfc.
cred rites. Investigation disclosed the
for your dwarf.” re
bo.vs hiding place on the third floo/
the fellow whom
tl ;
and the girls fastened them In by ly
m*nl wUb the note to Mr. Rovcrsl.
tlg^ }
read It. of I'oorse. aa soau ot be waa ing a piece of roi>o from one door knob
out of your sight and the nivumcy of to another. The pr^ration for the
your statemcm s«wrod him blue. He elal»ora*e rerecmmles'ihen went on. all
The king had Just tiiietie.! liN lusHmis .f
and the ctnchuiau and Michael 8aar b«-itevlng that the
could not
ph- nnd the lilrd* lieg.'iii t*» *lug.
break out of the nwm. The beautiful
'-Vv .TOXVD-." sjHAe tliv king,
liig Ills lltsi. -but till* In n daint
ataUooB. and we caught the lucu ‘wrlib
1 Mliairent tinfll I e.nniiMl latplayed Important-parts, and others
tbe gooda on them.* as you perceive.^'
Iliit Just thru Ibe eotirt pliysh lan ar
'•And my noier'abe breolbed, pass- were attired In the deadly white sbce:s
ig blm as Itoversl was bonding over of the ghosts. The altar was pul In
• Hold on. your imije>ly.” railed
le Jewel rose.
place and the first candidate was
metllval ndxUer. liflUig Ida bund
”l m sorry, but 1 lost If be said and marched slowly up the steps t<i the
wurnliig. -you know I forbid .vou
defUyput it Into ber band.
mysterious strains of “What Will the
lug pastry of all kliuto ai»d llmli'd your
She crtiahed tbe sheet of paper with
die! to iHvilth
With a sigh the
Hardest Be?” when the two boys sud
nervous fingers and. turning, gave tbe
king clos«*l up
fde ami loM ibe
SMS PlMMa Sd. 44.
detective such a look of gratitude that denly appeared In the room. There
ala r es t<» liatul Jt d»t to »«m.r i
be blushed for tbe first time in some were doings right away. The candles
lramp.~Cliic:igu D:^lly Nerve.
went out and twenty girlff pounced up
on the boys who bad taken tbeir llv^s
I Carved In Rocks.
In their hands by daring to pry ui>on
When tbo Islaud of Malm was In the awful rites of the sorority. With
possneskm of the TeiCptar* those Indignant feminine screams they
knighu derended tbeir forts by tbe
struggled until they fired the boys In
use of cannon cut 4o to. the solid rock.
Ea«-b WAS ropablc of c«ontalnlng an to outer darkness, much disheveled.
entire bam-l of guni»owder and could Then the girls baptized them with
throw 10.000 pounds of i»roJoitlIro. Aa about two quarts of. whipped creaui
these natural cannon ccpld not lie aim which they had stored away for their
ed fifty were cut out of tbe rock guard- banquet.
vartoua channelt of approach,
resscls of tbst time were una
The Best In tht W6rid.
ble to approach withlu tbeir own range
Dr. J. W. Hsmllton of Sin F
before being annlhlUtod by theae huge CO. Cal,, says: -1 tave told Warner s
weapons of defense. Altbougb tbe White Wine of Tar Syiwp for >oar.
fb remedy 1 erer nw
fame of them caimoa tyaa aprmd far
and wide, they were not duplicated
cteewbere, and they remain tbe only
A snake and a frog were seen at
rock cannon of which there to any rocWith acarloMl of floe
Carleton very much alive and lively
on Thursday, which is a very unusnsl
occurrence at this time of the year.
“-'a?----- !t'!| !s;!SSKStSSSsa
me rarriaie be ir
It luattared little ^
I Abaurbed lu me
upon the whole agmble. Mrs, UaiiUoock rade U>tui waH wItU her i*earla.
«W carriage atopi>«Il»oal4e tbe curb,
fnd the lady glamvdout of tbe open
Window, exfNHniug toae<* nie familiar
tluuratcpa and rgd maKiur| before tbe
|»urtal of ber luame. |
tbe fo(v of a groom It^
Waa atandlng lu an a
With cup In band.
la tbe Marioe'eorpa of the United
Smtoa arBT a* the tocal office !a 8>.
Clair. peorldUig that bo be alloooff to
take hla pet dog atoog. hot ho will nor
- -- ^ ^Y
And jwt,- bo eoadaoed. *T could bare
eorgtvea you. 1 couki not have blamed
you. Wbat other explanattou was pow
sSbIt or Is possible at Cbla instantt
Boch aMdit of band as a child is capablo of would bare sofflcfd to dolt there
In onr atore. and you weald hare lock
ed au empty box.-I nerer drromed of tt.- said sbu
-You youraelf are fbe aufflclcut answer j
to such an aomsatlou. 1 bold you fora
^et»aM tW* vaa a afOI. pUla. ta*
lipMfTa iaw<« «aa,^ sod tba
m kraklaff «owalnto ft
Ugr • «trtaf of paarla. M Urfa odm
aor aapacUUjr oofaWe ti tb** ordinary
aborrrtr, tmt
Hi « lik* ««
folly mobile, mad lie #ea brimtened
grANT llEPARTfiffiNT
hri^ FM Ke
-I knew tt wasn't trae,- be repeated,
ocamte too* totoe tbaa honetf. yd
Ntiitilj gtfftmd WM tiliat vttli PaU
jffvml »tpl*«r of Ilia ^aprimr.
-1 fcanr B wmat Me.-be aaU alm-if
iter as a cbDd and wftb a ao6 of ex- 5
, to be uaed In a rapid
changr-would h*\e been
sun. Of cour^. thrre s
Uut 1 must stick to my
r bow dear i
me. X look to you for beU
It. aad 1 have montioned
on* else, rieass communlcste with me as
soon as you hsve come to a dtcision. Ulnerrir »»««.
Sw dlip«t(b«l tbl« l.y ow of ber
drprndcnU. a bright cy«\l ycmUi of
dw'arflab ataturr. but of fell rxcelkmt
Imblt of rrtk'cncr. and then abc wailoJ
lu many kinds of misery for KoveraTs
An hour passed. She sent again for
the dwarf. He bad rctnrurd from hi*
errand and bad gone out again upou
anutber. Bbc rogn^ted tbo rooUoa
which bad forbidden her to tell him
to report to ber Immedlatelj. but she
had not whdutl to make blm think too
seriously of bla mlaalon. Another hour
dragged away. Mr*. Uasbrouck cookl
Mand anapemm no longer. 8be caltod
llowwrs by telephone and learned that
I'aul bad gone out no one knew wben
or why.
-1 wonld like to speak witk Mr. Ilea
17 Roversl,- she said upon a auddan
Only an exact txnotattom not poaalWe
to tbe present rbronlclcr. could prop
crly reveal the sympathy which Mr.
Rorerol fell and cxprtMscd whan be
toarned of Mrs. Hasbrouck'a toas.
-Have you any ausplrlooar he asked
at last
-.None wbsterer,- she replied.
Mr. Borers! admitted that tbe case
was mysterious and deeply distressing,
and he begged that It might be laid bo
fore Mr. Newell, tbe astute detectira
who guarded tbe vast treasures of tbe
store. Mr. Newell listened witbout
comment tarMr*. Hasbrouck s clear and
concise statement of tbe facts. His
questions, though their porrmri was
tkUlfully relied, were directed, as tbe
lady easily percatred. toward tbe elw^
datlon of a aingle element of tbe caaonamely. wliea and under what dream
stances was Mrs. HaabrODCk*a note de^
Mr. B. Unlobee. of IteolcsTWf,
Ilrered to Mr. Paul BorersL To tbH E. Ik. iscd QttiObertilB*t CtirB
ond Mr. Newen obtained a deocrtpttoa
te* jrBoffflac oDirB bst
of tbo meoaeager. and with that be
aoemed to bo content
wtetcr tB« njs he heUeret it the
-Too wfll bear from wie wfthte a MlrcoicBBeiiciBe thit is thorconplo of boors,-aald be la coodaalaa. offrUjefiMtff.
22 to 3
-and I hope for tbe best resulta.Tbe allotted time bad almost expired
bridge \n fbe world Is
and Mra Haabroack waa upon tbe
torge of aome dMaUy cataatropblc ex- that jbusidiig the Ihinube at I'xeroafeet; fob
1»tosloQ of tbe Ceellags when tbe cwid Toda, with a length of
of Mr. Faal Bdrenl m put into ber lowed next by the «ahw*ton liay
baada and preoently tbe young man
oatered, a tragic tfgara, pale as paper. Xirui W *-vrru viiuiBCS itvmw
Ho gaaoed at three yards distanewand spring, ta Scetlaiid. raaks eighth, and
looked Into ber cyoe. and slow ly a woa- the Broohlya bridge ninth.
»- «•> >r •>.-
liberal favors durclosing
connintt imsFtR a.
which has
been a prosperous
one. and
them that we have
good thingsin store
for them for 1906.
Hoping we, may
merit old patron
age in the future
as well as much
JAN. 3,1906
new, we wish all a'
The ftory of the torture of Her. O.
D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church
of Harpersvllle.'N. Y.. will toterost
yoa. He says: ”I suffered agonioR,
because of a persistent cough, result
ing from the grip. 1 had to Sleep sit
ting up la bed. 1 tried many remedies,
without relief, until I took Dr. Klj^s
Coughs aad %ldt.
Coldt, which eaUr^y
cared my eough. and taved me from
“A grand cure for dla------ "■
lUoasI of Throat aad Langs.
I'Drag On, F. H. Meads. C.
A- »u
Happy New Year
I«oiild adnse &nDe» ar«ii7oiie io need of a Honu» to
oamc and boy now. at Horae* are.ioaroe and will behigber than
ever a litile later on.
Thii will be Iboflneat lot I have e»tjr broi«ht hero, and I
invite people t j oome nnd nee them,
Leo SplomDri
itelARi HORSE MAN' ^
^ -•
nuvuitE cmr, MiCHiaAii, Monday
I Trite HovltWmScv.
Sborl>ano(SerHcB.i«adter. -PIcM*
D» 1W
WKheat Esoaias:
Bt. lobB J. gewddor, paator of tba
Oiy, baa baao appototod a mctol palieaBBB BBd la kaowa aa OBlear tSt.
gcaddar. ta Mi agpUeattoa for the job. J. Oaae at U West FortywutaMh
^■DtlB «n«T BOOS BiTmW wiaca:
Patoea baa a
iarga mwatoirMti. to tba eictolty of
1AM. and oa opaa alibtt wa areeto nr wmmt postage to Oraat Britato.
Itad toy a ttooaaand or Mtaaa baadrad
Hmm« Aflrifi:
the ApoaUea, ao oee
may toeacrootoamldU
artag.aad 1 baratoy «
be appoteted apoc
m mt
« Tmmmm jl. mamm,
Mt Uamm Mrwam, wnmitn m ytt
I aad bare iMbtod me
Ml M wrfMirt te Dm v«M M
to • fwwrt MMryltw wlM the malaety of tho tow."
JtaM Owtowa, tto 3tov
tWHTwnrtt, to mM to ptft:
other day at a matotog of the ladtoaa
to tto wMlTitot- otaia taacbera' aamwtalloa. by Heary
toty. It WMM Mt MUtotot ^ M7 Watteraoa. geaator Beraridge and otbiBNPtof to wto ip aad Nm titot ara. -We are oalatorattog the Boaatlde
of oor greal aad hoaorad poet.** aald
MMOie M «to» art toTMttototof «n Mr. WaUeraoB ta part, -and thoogh I
hare fbagbt throogboot By lUe
M Mtetolelty toy
taall ltaforma.1
CM tot tea. UwflltotAtM. 1
OipiM to Mt It toMtort I Olt.
inC gMt cAMpt to «bt prodocOoB or oloctrtdty wlU otoollto corjy.
I«r «1 te Chot porpoot. lootoodor
dtotoiM fitoi Mtortoi oot or tilt torth.
loodtof It oa <pn oad corrytov tc. oigr.
M HdlM. tiMto to pot n ottdor o tioUtr
oad tom Md 00 ptc powor. wt tooO
mt w Ptoati at fitot amtho of mtoto
pmmto powor tboro opd trmaomtt tt
vtefmr tt lo atodod toy copptr wtoo.
••It It wrnmmtm tokotp«BPOtttof ml atoot OB wtootio. It It too
ctamy. It It too etoOy*
■Mttrtty forlt It It oooitr to carry
■wtaealar ^J^iotloB . toy oilllloot of
tootoo a otcDBd thaa ftoUtot cm fun
pT crado mttor. Wo caa atolp lOOm
toantptmar Otar tba ortra qolckar mad
|to^mTmltBt^ to coto^arcr a railroad
1 •W't Boat aUBiAttt tba railroad altojpHliarfroatfaltprotolaB. MHaft tbe
! aaa or A? Wo doo*t waot coal anybow. It doaa at ao pood to look at it
Wbat wa waat ti tha raaaltaiit oT the
i aUDoat oBony that caa be prodaotd.
I ABd tbar* la do atatt to carryloc
around mllltoBt oT toot or raw mtleHal llkt coal wbto wt can gvt a prod, Bct dtUrtred to at toy wire.
•Wraiythlac poUita to tba fact that In
j Ilia naar fotnra alactildty wfll bt pro^
! 4acad for fOBaral conamnption by great
power boaaaa at tht moottiB oT coal
pita. That U tba logical and oominao
aanae omcoBa oT praacnt trtoU.
ow. tht troth iMjbMX It will coat a
toy Wirt ttom ta cany It to tht i
coal to raUrotol cart. Aaanine the price
or coal to be $1 at tht Booth oT a mine
and aaautne the frelfht to he $li».
Now. wt can turn coiU Into electricity
at tha Blna and oooe^ It by wire for
laai than hair of tho cost of iht freightageorcoal.
Ito, la yaara to come, tba graat alactrie power pUnta will be aet np In the
coal llelda. Slactric power will Urgdy
do away with ataam power. Blectiic
light will become cheaper than gaa
light 1 beUere drmly that all great
hoary frNdht traflle alao.
-Blaetrldty will take the place of
beraaa. It will aoire the rtolde and
traOcproblaaorcldaa. My new alactrlc ataragt battery Itaelf will make
; !
aprteg wa win ba ready to fnmlMi
tMtupm. Not only wtU they taka
Iba ipaet of becat traftc. hot they
go twkaufiM^.lbay can be
Tba Birtog of atabla opaoe ta New
Tork will corar at laaat 9900lOOO.OOO
meet baa bagoa and la adrmnetag rap
idly. In CBlItoraUu wbare men bare
nerre m6bMi to orarooB# habit they
are tranamlttlng elactHc power 275
Bllea by wlia and tainntag atrrat eaie
«nd lighting dtSae by It That la the
aort of apirit that will wake the world
nponeofthoatdaya. I wlah that aplHt
ta Calttomla woMd aproad erarywhere.
latoetioa to the thoeght that the east,
haring eshatoatod ita aapply. haa had
and huBoriaia and noreltaU. dnding
Boat or thea. by the way. to Indlana.Robert Page, troant officer for ths
Boaodal^^ achoo! dlatrtct. WyandoUe
oooBty. Kaa^ haa oatabllahad a whlpplag poat for traaaU and tooorrlglble
boya. He whipped fonrboya the othar
night, rangtog to ages from • to 12
yaara. for breaking Into a grocery
alore. Mr. Page aayaXhal hereafter
he will nae the whip taatead of reeorttog to the jnrenile court, which
diapoaca of crtmlnala under IS years
old. He aaya the jurenllo court aci<
too alowly and doea not aceompliah
the dealred reaulta.
Kalaer WHhelm U not for war. He
aaya ao hfmaelf ta these words: “It
Is wrong U> say there extsta around
me a opr party. Thla party doet not
exiat. Bren If It did exist It would b?
of no Importance, aa to jge alooc be
longs the right to an^re at a decision
on such a point. I do not want war,
because 1 consider war cootraryl to
my duty to Ood and my people. I have
been Irritated by grating proceedings
on the part of the former French pretosier. Delcaaae. but I render whole
bonu^ to the tact and firmness of
Rouvle>..J^ahItrarnothlng to create
difficulties. I have given Bivoy Tattenbach most conciliatory Instruc
Min Yung Whan, the Korean prtace
who killed himself aa a protest against
the lapaaese protoctorate; lived ta a
magnificent palace of his own. which
came down to him by heredltar>' right,
and was surroundod with an army of
retainers, fighting men. alaves and
women. He had a fable of beaten sUver crusted with the most precious
sapphires, and bU state dross was so
heavy with gorgeous jewels that It
took two men to lift It over his bead.
He carried with him on hts travel* a
greal white parrot with roee-cotored
lining on his wings. The parrot s beak
was perforated and each side was set
with prtceleas sapphires.
Jack Loadon. the author, who was
recently ta Boston, recalls an earlier
visit eleven years ago. when he arrtved on the truck of a freight car. He
tast his way in the tortuous streeta of
the city, a unique experience for him.
although he has tramped about many
clUes of the wortd. Loodon’s experi
ences as aoramp have not made him
open.handc<t,and hospitable. On the
door of the London home in Ban Fran
cisco is a sign reading: ”No Admis
sion Except on Business; No Business
teyoaU eflvew
Bis WHI go Co Bobo to January %i d
bo aaapisd
the CathoMe ctour.n
at BLitatsf-. A'chbiatoop Btoae. th'
highest Buguan prelate. wlU baptisf
her to the presence of Carxitoal Mery
del Yal. the papal sseretajj of atate.
Ooyotsa and wolves with rabies are
maklag great haroe among the dooie<iUc nnimala bf Northera Mexico, mad
catttaaea from the BSo Oraade couotry are acouring that rsgiaa and trying
to exteraalnate them. It is reported
that several MexSean children have
been bitten and died, and the spread of
rabies ta Texas la feared.
Chlcago*a charity ball may not materUltxe this aeaaoa. as the leaders
Mra. Potter Palmer, who wanU to get
all the credit, tbey aver, and she in%i
won’t keep out to soothe the feelings
of anyone. Mrs. Potter threateaa to
get up a charity ball of her own, and
the other high lights In aooiety aay if
■he does, they will frost It, so there
you are. Meantime mot hers atanre
and habiea die.
A tbonsand dollars* worth of gold
ulliou has been
Press dub by Fred
tag man, aa a price for the beat story
on Colorado. wriUeu by nay ^
tending the anniial meeting of the NaUonal AaaoclaUou of lYess clubs, t
be held to Itanver In August. 1900.
Notice to the Taxpaycri of the City i
Traverse City:
The tax rolls for the collecUon of
the stale and county taxes for the
aud for the delinquent
■chool and city taxes and special aaaeasBeata for said year hare been
placed to my hands for coUeetton.
1 be ta my office to receive said
now until Feb. 1. 1W>€. on
lock to 11:30
•noon and from 1
ta the afternoon,
o’clock to
On all State aad county taxes
before January 10. the regular fee
a will
charged a fee of four per cent
lection. Penalty on delinquent city
and achool taxes and special assessmenta. 4 cent on each dollar of the
amount of aald tax.
Office ip room 202 State Bank
*’“Dat25 Dee. 1.1M6.
dee «f
aty Trsssorer.
Fine Dental Work
ri. N. nutellmanttel
ltd Bast rMni Bi.
yaa ait not
wMi fBalto
Tkiab tur gtaraBtoa whiehgoBwith
For Bali gaiOMMUHOtoyhy
A A. Ifon or be re Uto ton oC the
at7:Mjm. M. B. Haskell, peera.
tary. Elafr B. White. W. 1^.
42S WIST raan stiiit
the world.
-tn>en that diacorary la made tha
$2.00 down. $1.00a month
fora 15-inch
15-Inch Broiler. 15-Inch
Oven. 4 Burners
$4e $4e50p $5eP0
Did lomc frioml remem
ber yon that you bad
D<i{Iocted to provide for?
Yon oan find juat the gift
here that yon wouU like
to return for New Years.
It need not be expensive
unless (you wish; plenty
of dainty and pleasing
gifte for a little money.
Warranted good— engia\i3d frea Juat the
thing for a gift that if
You can’t give anything
more acceptable. ' Onr
tbey vnHly rary high, toot they will ba
able to go a little htabir than the tieai
and bgildtato. DMh a dtacorary wttl •nd Bronohtel TefiNdtet. It cute
toaha U poN^ to dHre totpa aeroB »U phlegm from the throet.dnw«
out Sm inSemmetion. relieree the
feverish conditions sad strengtheBS
the mucous membrsnee lining the
throst end brondual tubes. It acts
BaaQf dMbotod that a mM
genUy on Sm bowels, thus espeUing
sU ooi^ from the eyetem. Beet
for ohU^ beosuee it is s certsia
by actfaiK u a catbaitk «
thalManla. Sold by
OR. as.
iW ^
ei.as PER l-OAD
t ‘'x*'*'' *
Join R. Santo i
«k. I
Trt Tttsuranct i
laxrlrtBgal 1:B
* Smith^Premier
material for a honieat
the simplest and strongest of all writing ma
chines. . 11 doe* better work, does it quicker, lasts
longCs”, and costs less in the long run than any
other typewriting machine, it is
The World's Best Typewriter
Let « sea4 yen tesr lirJe kosk tOmg sU stow k.
Tho Smith Fromiur Tyjtowrttwr CompaiiT
l74 0rtoBol4BL
605 New WObalffl Block,
CiU ans’phone 639.
6|ide Jle Jarois
2*1 Trsat Str««t
8anU CUui it on hit annitol cruise to bestow good
^ingtoBhU many friends.
Gdieral Insurance
UhelmBUcH Traverse Ctty
ao. 87. ion PHMIS
tianirith the lumber need,
ed. We eupnly the beri
at lowest Fciosi oonsistent
Vader. preaMuBt; Gayta
•oMary; Nettle C Ormy.
i. THIRLSY-Spaelal.attaw
■sss o( eUUrsa. iBoosi
tu bank bldg. Bote ahoasa.
Wi Oval Wood Dish Co.
ss:isrj»s‘«2is 2
That dooH leak-gold
and ailrer handka.
by aocae direct proceaa without
ty Ttanday MMitolOQk. A.a.H»
«« P, 1
tog. M
Screened and pre
pared eepecially for
Ranges and Co6k
Stoves, from an ex
cellent quality of
Hocking Valley Coal.
It is easy to handle
and a good burner.
Try a ton and be
Up Biplrs
UPttllOIlCES. v f
Both PhMM* Tmcne Oty, Mkk.
OtALina WITH AMY «*V<tT.
V, •
Mf«. & U Hdbhard of iatartsehsa
died aiMealy of heart troaMa at her
i tatarday alshL 8ha was
I aid aad laaTaa a hashaad and
•ra ahlldraa. The teaafal wtti taka
placa at tha hoosa this
Dr. aad Miu. fhnar B. Ghaae of Oak
street are cateriaining today a laige
family gathering with the double celc^
bratkm of the seventy-toorth birthday
of his father. OapL Edgar Chaae and
the fact that today la New Yearis a day
always made of special aceouat In
BeoUaiid. The family members gatbTO OPT At DfttULT OF INtUR- etwd together are: Mr. aad Mrs.
WBIlam Loudon. Mr and Mrs. Jamce
Loudon. Mr. and Mris. Edgar E. Chase
and Dr. Sarah Chase of Otsego, who
arrived In the city Satnr
Claiaw That His i
tor the short holiday acami
By Wire to tha Branlna
New York, Jan. l.-Info
had this momlBc that John A. McCall
has raslcnad tha presidancy of the
^«Utiiw tkM «rli« » ito Cut- OlONT WANT TO SCPANATC Hit New York Ufa Insurance company aad
I — ■—
the raaldaatloa was rMoctantly ac> 18 DEMANDED BY THE GUN BOAT
4«^ to lofMlo fro* fimiat
cepcad by tha imstaas. McCall refuse*
la tha lauar McOaU saM that after
ac. carefol coaaldaratkm he felt it
Want to C^ng Loga and Couldn't hU actions and distortion of facU and
mlsquotationa of utternneea. He 1*
Oat Hla Manay Until tha'Jab Wat
AmsHcsn Consul Says the Unitsd
not In good health now.
Camplatad, So Was Ar«stad
McCall. It Is understood, plans to
SUtss Cruisers Will Receive the
an Chsrgs af AhsadamnanL
go swsy for a long rest, probably to
Women and Children and AfEurope. McCall Is the last of the preeford Them Protection,
John Turner. *^hia former home Ideots of the three big life Insurance
was at MIdUnd. thoogh his two Uitlc
companlea to resign as the result of
chUdraa hare been boarded at SagI
By Wire to the Evening Record.
naw for the paat year, has spent three
Puerto Plats. Santo Domingo. Jan. 1.
John Claflin. a dry goods merchant.
lUys In the county Jail for the Mok of Is spoken as his possible successor.
—The Dominican gunboat Independen
money wherewith to pa>' the board
cla has remained faithful to the cause
bill which has accumulated In the
of President Morale* and has de
livered ammunition, money and forces
ebjbNTV HOUSE RB*i [NT* HAVE home In Saginaw where hts children
are DOW kept According to his story
to General Rodriguez. The Indepenhe has found It anything hut easy to
tlencla I* now anchored off Puertrj
take. Cara of little helplaas
neipiass girls
ciris and •MELLED ORANGE BLOSSOMS BY Plau and tb** commander has demand
of work sicca Norember
€hJ the surrender of the town to the
had made iiF^temsnts4irbeain keep.
legitimate government of Morales,
log house at ^flTay with hU chll
otherwise be will bombard. The Inand sister. Prances Turner of Midland. Thought Ht Waa Wesring
doi>endeDcla landed troops safely. Th^^
sHien the summons was served Balurw
As Big As Ag Onloi>-Ht Wss
American consul says the Unite!
day for abandonment of tha children.
States cruisers will receive aomen snd
-Soakin.Ten years ago John Turner and MU<
children on board and afford them
Anna V\nt of Saginaw were marHed
Prank Shjitdr. the well known cigar every proiectlpn.
0o|r Eo«m ImmMo Tho
and two mtia girls htaseed the famRy tnSkl^'had a tmlher qneer experience
M» KMIr «»0H»
hut sla years ago the mother was Batmday emi&g ahd as some of hts
Mrs. Pmuk Waters of this city left
taken sway and Mr. Turner took the friends are next he is geuing the for Cedar Springs this noon, where she
Tim* RWIm umof
children to his mother who. loo. died •merry ha. ha' today.
will visit relatives.
three years ago. He then boarded
Mr. Sht^er bad not been feeling
them among strangers, last year plac* sell Saturday i^ud came down town In
log them In the family who are now the evening; purchased a box of sea
ly ibnOdlBg and ooljr oldb«>pl* who auelDg him. That ho had paid lbe‘r salu anyway that's what the druggUt
teU*t the appeUtw of e Toooc U> board regularly Is proven by the statecu.lled It) SM went home prepared to
€i a •OToataen^ fooM. rnent of Mr. Rsher. bookkeeper of the
take a plunge in the briny surf. Everywhich was ths ChHdtn^luier. ths Wiley Cooperage company, who avert,
hlng was lovely. The bath room was
that he sent a check tor %lt regulariy nice and warm and the regUier belch
Tided hr tha
every two weeks to the family at Sagi ed forth heat like a parlor stove on
naw. where It was cashed by Mr. Sunday afternoon. The water was hot
Wiley, head of the firm, whose home and plenty Of It. Mr. Shuter dumped
wia oaroWr
Is In Saginaw. After the firm shut In the anlt aad then reclined In the
aa4 with the rsllshat of away 1 vafs- down the first of November, he was tub himself prepared for a nice bath.
Ulile and varloas |>lss la wwklW good
It U simple. We are da*
Everything was so “darned lovely*'
thrown out of work and found It dlf
today for the New Taar-s dlana^
termim«d to improve our
ftcult to raise the nmount. Two weeks that the land man busted into the
thare U but ooa woman Inihta of
ago be began cutting logs but had room In some manner and In a abort
store and service, to do our
thd InaUtolloo and thodth tl man been unable to draw his pay until the Ume the man Jn the tub was doing
level beet to pve -our palike
Job waa completed, and so be was ap Utile llemo- •siunu. He does not
prehended. and taken to this city ry to remember where he* was but It
where Sheriff Burgees of Saginaw will must have b^ Los Angeles where
roses bloom In January or Palm
take him back today.
Mr. Turner elated today to the Rec- Beach. Pla.. where the oranges look
ord that he had had many n chance to to the naUves Uke crab apples to us
find ndopled homes for the little girls
er for a moment willing to
spend money or
Willing yon • Happy and
■eparate them and that he retains a some of those pUces where there
true father's love for them Is evident
*1 any need of a furnace or a coal
Proaperow New Year uA
MADE SCENE WHEN SHERIFliTm. as he carries a unique pocket knife bill. These “pipes'* were suddenly
truaUng that we may merit
with the handle of clear ‘cellulol I and rudely disturbed after about a
yonr oonUenoe aqmd n
by a feminine voice
which peer Ue pretty faces of
port, we remain
about two miles away call
the mUe ones, whose core hns caused
r Had An Ondsr From ThsTfO- him to spend hU New Tear behind the ing. “Wlmt to the world are yon doing.
Phannaoentically yonn
One aide of the knife has the Frankr* and the weary^manufactnrer
Court But Tha Boys Did*t
photo of his dead wife and this he of -ropes- turned over, took In about
Want To Oe WHh Her.
cubic yard of air and managed to
cherlahea. too. with lendernees.
. Mift^^df ^TteelHIaft A Mrs. Turner was the daughter of the answer. “Soakln.**
her home this nooa with isro ^ hermlL Bam Vim of this city, who left
af d twelve and fourtaea who tart his family over twenty years ago.
er. Anna Turner, was
trvai thalr tether^ oaa Dolla^.
but a babe la arms and she hnd no
recoHecOon of the father ^bo U
well known In tkU city. Mr. Turner ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S RECEPTION
that he hnd not
with hla tother-ln-Uw alnce arriving
In the city, though he understood from Miss Allot Rooeevelt Wes the CeoUr
a IMter written by the other danghter
of an interweled Throng Shwuered
MeOarry of North Dakota,
that ehe aapeeted to more to this city
tor the wlnier and U so the chances
By Wire to the 1
were that the hermit would
New Years
At the beginniiig ol ttie
New7ekr««wWi to «stnd
OUT WBoeM Erecting to the,
many frieodi wbo bave help
ed tonake the paat reu an
The sucoeMoE the vear just
psned it an added moentire
to make this Naw Year tUll
We can promise you our
effort to give you a better
shoe store aemoe than ete^
The Very Best
Dru^ Store Service
TO BOBAiT CO., nor.
And so is our Celebrated Kno Wet Trouser-WQl
acep you ary
dry id
in ram
rain or snow, aand warm in colle|t'
weather, also
Spragtw's Russian
- -----------Vests; iinpane-trable by the cold. They have a double breasted
abo the neck.
..... high Russian
.......... collar about
making them most thorough throat
We Are Agents For
Onr atore will be cloeeJ aU
.lay New Year*.
2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00
BTItlU tnsTus
Ji»t a few left End at this remarkably lov. price
they will woo be wld. BETTER HURRY.
We thank you (or the many
evkleiioeaof Rood wiU the
puat^^ar^and with you an
FOOTWUA Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
For Men, Women and Chlld«n. AD kinda of atylaa
and ahapea at prioea that are
Alfred GfcUick L a
242 Frau street
o. c. MorraxT
aiMtrBCt* of TlUo
Basswood Pine.^
Cedar Shingle Timber.
traverse 0ity mf0. €o.
A Happy New Year
The hUtoiy of the old year haa been told and we my libiiy ^
“Farewelb" to 1905. V.tor. nshei* in a year of peoiBerity._ j
«a mrm mom pt
Dn. Siwytr
MBMs awaunuMBis
with her.
new mr reeeptloo m the whK
today was cue of the Bmet
$1,000 FK
Je inson, drove to her tormer huk
hiidh home. When the boya touaf
oit her iBtentloaa of taking them to
home and proTidlag aU the com
to U of aeeh they didn't agree with
hi f. Neither did Dollaway. A i
it for ihe cBmax of a-'meOerdri
eaasid hut the order from the Pr
nofft and the ahe^ to enfioica It wurw
Allee Rooeerelt was the center of an
tolerej^^to«go^^ wasjshowered
of cartel was daaaged yesterday
aofmlag todke ertsat sr BUSS by a
Sie whkB toreke esM sBortty after the Enee Curtiee Will Be Buried TomermonMag eerrlec. Tim Bre enm eaaaeJ
The fwsral of Baoe Curtis ei
by a detoeUve fine. The leas it tolly
held from
lestdeaee at lO tc
tow mornlag. The Bev. W. T.. Woodhoeee win sfSeiate aad the latVment
krttl take piBBt St OSkwUhd.
city yeeterday.
Tbia b Inventory week—we’re bu^ going thnogfa
rioekandaaSataa dboovered aU d3d panta, anita
•Ddoentooatowmbepotinadaaa by thmnoelTea to
be doaed oat ao that onr lognlar stock may he kept
dean—at^ in and aee ns—we’re not too boar *<>
Camion aoTHiNG^
tTi^^ JtSdjiadfci
onditad Dm. aOtt kia
htmk l)oak«
dfpokitof. wins
Books n^r bew presented st atijr time most ou)-'
. :
In band to «ipertoMAt open an old cloch coveted
book which haa slipped oat of Ita coranu m the beah. ninni It* cover. M
tba pceaa and eetww K down.timt.
Seating the hack eapeaad. If you have
no prcaa. tie tbe rohsiDe very ^dgldly
reond with acrtng from top to boetMn.
2(cgt whh your sponge and hot wager
carefully ramore tbe oid ghw and iww
liu tan the back. Be rarefal not te
^ ta uadi water or you wlU aaak
H«v« fOit'^mMwd for your
adv^Mngfer imr Tho Kvwintcm^ ffffmo moro fmmm
Ulan a«ir alHar waRwyapw clr^
cattai III M Orsfitf TimrM
Wi Alt Gsh|
To Mm ^
WbUe tbe book la drying examine tba
ieweer. U ha bMk la Itep It may be
jtniprored by m«lhC a piece of oaiw
trtdfle paper talde Ibe bnffc nil tbe
Hare 70a a SBriegt aoeonnt wiib ns? If not, why
not open one NOW, otmi vitb s sbmU amount, tbat
wil be earniDK you intereat?
$ S « $ * S it <»<$*>«<$
way from fgp to bottom. Too ahUttSd
becarefnltocotltexacttoata Iftbe
back to apUtHng away from tbe Uda a
Ut of old aklrt lUilng or similar thin
material ■boold be glued In.
Thto C«», la Hmr th. WII. of
l|y thto Ume the volume drying In tbe IMPRCMIVC SERVICE AT
CIHIhW Vaiioo Brow*.
Th« yr 1W6. as Bill Njre would rva* wUl be ready fur fwtber attauaajr. - toa nuiialiad Inio Uie Irwieem. Uoa, Cut a piece of the cbeeeectoth
Th. aonooiireinHit haa been reabla ptarkwalfr Tho ni-w yror i« large
a.e a. th.
»pw «n4tr way and a. the Him achoor Oever tbe back of tbe book with gloe. tm>t»
Struck Misniflhi th. ConBr.9.tlon
BrowB, which look
Ifndiata woaM aaj. *T*he futww He* ^ oh the muatln with great care,
Knelt In Piaror.
' pl«» ai the fiamt of the bride * parbafafawL'*
pnuUW « down with th. huidle rf an
|tnu.Mr.aiid Mrs.H«inr8chnehl*r.Hi
Takaa on tho whole ibe year 1»05 oM .lootbbni.h or • bone i»prr knlfr.
iMa been a proapwoa* one la Trav- but koTln* tbe Inch nui«iD loooe on
001* Of tbe moat Impiwlve watch j Grand Rapids on Christmas day. Mrs.
services ever held In thto city took 1 Brown was for a number of years a
Ijd tbe sioe drjr-tble i
vihai of lb04 due lo
plade last evening In the Chorrk of j Traverse City glrh but baa engaged
tba htghm prkm of
atrip of moilln with a piece of strong Christ where for three hours aeveaty-ifor some time lately as teacher In the
^ labortaa^ W had proiuble pai>ar. atoo well glued on. tlfbcn thi*
member* and t^eto friends re-jMt, Pleasant normal and her husband
wpiojiaiit and there ham hnaa ao to dry the book wUl. bo ready for \u malned to-give thanks for the bless , to in charge of the acbouls at Grass
re. Now you obaerve Ope nae of Ings of the past year and to Invoke | l.akc, Mich. Her mnay friends here
fauaraa to alfacl the gweral
tbe projecting strli»a of mualln. They the divine blessing for the year tujwUl extend alncere congratulations
Ity of the city.
While there haa bmn no «boom ‘ of •re to be pwted down on «cb eldc to
bile they also consecrated j and best wishes,
tbe loMee of tbe IW^ end toYnwent
any Wnd. t1>ere liaa been a <n»let
themselves more fully to God. Imme-J
tbe book ttlckln* to them Uk-y i
Pars* !■ m flBh.
growth which laati^ long after -boom be covered with neatly paated insbccta dlalely toUowlng the evening aervlc?j
I.tke lVy» rates, a lc»ml lusgnate of
Umaa hare laaaad Into hltiory. There of thin pai>er.
sendee was held followed t> j
hare been no epldemlce cai
This to the last opemtloo. and
and testimony
piwjrer.. praise
pr.i.. service
..rv.c. .u,
great death rate and eren dlaeaae ha* it only mnaln. to pUoe the book.
been comparaUrely iimt.»•* r™........
^ «..a i. ..u... «».
No great lire ba> laid lli deva*tat
lug hand on the city, nor did even thi>
nrM.lv. hour nrccodin* tho now to.- ’™*
SI!! iL hv th.^.f T P LMIom
•' •‘-'■'■nuuu
iIk- toko of ftorurdtwo atorm. Inlllct a* heavy damage
roaalbly F>nelon bas owed his great
aa they did in other place*,
repotallon aa iiiui-b to bto famous quarTh. to«t
by aoddent have been eomparaUvely rd with Bossuel aa to the authorship year were spent by the congrtgsiUm,
few ai^ there haa not been a death of nf Tetomachus” or to his own i»ersoo- in an ImprwaMvecooaecrallon service.t
In the afmerlU. It pleased the akepthwl writ, when all arose and repeated these I
conlnlii « small imrse.
erac«»tarj to regard solemn words. "I surrender alb** As! jn wlileU wns
In goW,
liooklng backward over the year Juat
the clock reached midnight all weix* * Tbe «-m.k notUtetl tbe hotel pr.*prlepaaC. It la eaally aeon that the people cycloiHJdtot who hod Uwn born
founJ in .1.0 .llliudo of prayor. whllo for. who n.u.rmto-rr,l lUM II,o 1,.-.,
of Timveiwe C4ly have much to he tury too ioon. He
BweeUiess aud pstleiu'e, while
thankful and nested for They have same legend Boasuet was the fauat- efTi-ctlvo «nvioo for Iho F«r l»oh.,
to apur them on and k*aU overbearing eixlealastlc. who. In Tho chtolnn wromony «. th.. hoMtv
Id making I9er. the taterrwt of Uk* church, would hava handshake Indulged in by all.
Tijik prtiiHTty tlms rE-^-oviTnl has
ctunb^rtban the year Juat cloaed. bumail Fenelon and every other Ubl>con relurneil to tl*e on iH-r. who Ideii*
enl spirit.
tilled the purse.—rtolilng Garette.
Tbta view was unjust both to F'etielon
Rabbi HIrach. In bU new year s ad
druaa In Chicago, doclared that news ■nd Boaauet, for tbe first was not tbe
uncomplaining man thto legend makw
papers were a cure for evil. He aUtod blm out lo be. nor was the other eiucl The Rev. C. t. St
e Oeo. W.
lum Yesterday Afternoon—Music i Hoffman, of Harper. Wash.. "1 had a |
that the great publicity given to tho or uuikTUpuloaa In any unworthy weu'.e.
1 bluer battle with chnmlc stomach and :
by Grace Ctoirch Choir.
young ^en who <3ommltted acta of in- Tba "Kagle of Meaux" was evvlunh oly
liver trouble, but at last I won. and!
diacroilon wobtd deter them from
cured my dtocases by the use of Ek*c j
A siH-clal service was ludd yt*«tertlav trie Bitters. 1 unhesitatingly rtn-omdoing wo lo the future. He aaltl fur acHordlng to hto owu mther narrow
cflemoou at 2:au In the chai>el of He' mend them to all. and dont intend in |
ther that people reannl pulillrlty more loiK^pUoo of rlghteoi
the future to be without them In the
than the devil The rabbi U com«i.
asylum. The Rev. C. T. Sioul. it^ctor
They are certainly a wonderfor y'eoeloo to Illustrated In a euriou*
If a man knows an art of bto to going
have cured such a l»ad
way hy a saying of Uuussc*au. "U of Grace Kplscopal churcb, preacheil
Sold, under guaiuniee
to be blasoniMl almiad. he besilales t j Fcncloo were living." said a friend lo
lennon and the to-autlful music
» for you. by
commit it and after he*llallng. gener hUu. "you woukl be orthodox." "Ah,"
furnished by Ihe Grace church m do the
Ids. C. A
ally aeea it aa It wt>ubl app«‘ar to replU<d Jean Jacques. "I woukl la- hto riu.tr.bottle.
oth^ra and ther<*fore remains In the hukey. In the hofK- that I might ixmia
The Kei^ice tqH ntNl with the Kinging today.
Mugsof rhrlsiinas cand.^ bv ito- rh.dr fob
atraimt and narrow path
lowed by prayers by the minister. ThTo the piople that swore ok "knock
to-autlful tweniy-lhird psalm stis n*
Tlu-re is
Ing- today we will lend the beljdng
wed ; nto-K
M-sity aiKl
Cleopatra was the last queen of citi-d In unison and thto was followed
He has n-mliKl that indiit
hand and do everything In our |K*wer EopL At the age of seventeen she by Ihe sermon. Mr. Stout read a Itor-jhis
to th.- l.-nri
to aid them in keeping their resoln niarrled ber half brother, and they
t,nt f r d«*allng'
worrh-s. a be ^otlu-r inondng he
,h.. chapter
parable d
JtJoil. Wo sincerely hope that we will i*lgucd togeOker until he tried to galp It
ibe sole iKiwer. She delermim-d to ap the Fhi-i'P and Mie shepherd. On thto
ba kept busy In thai work.
»mi-.-»red with egg.
peal to JuUus Caesar, and It to said
the psalm, the Kcrmon was
"John. ni l»et I ran tell what you
that, not daring to go mwnly. ahe
baser. showinR how the Master U-ad.s had fcK- breakfast this monilug." siiid
The Navaju'to 1:11
gnm- caused a aervani to carry her t.u hto
a bright young lawyer who met Idin.
hltl^ Not only are there the profes- back in a roll of can»et uml tlial when hto Rbeep Into Ihe eternal fold.
"What did 1 haver* ask.-d the man.
"Chimes of Chritomas Mom." an
idoiMils. who live enltn'ly liy the prac- this was unrolled the to-;;ut^rul girl
"Ymi had cH-gs." rc-jdled the «th.-r.
llee, but even the small Iwys are sprang out and, throwing herself at anthem In which Miss Ethel Bailey
"Yon are mistaken." said the man.
gainaalciw and adapt the pin trial Sun the feet of the Roman general, beggt-il sang the koIo In a very pleasing man
day iwliool cards ti» gambling puriH»>es. him to Uke ber part. By hto Influeuoo ner. was then given. The service "I had eggs yesterday momliig.”—
Kansas City Journal. >
Tbelr blankets illnHtr..te gambling ,iml she was for a lime rt-eotir-llotl to her c]os»*d with the rec^-sHlonal hymn.
neven their aec<»uiii of the m :iIIju mual
William J. I*almer. the founder of
Te u«e of tbe organ was donated by
have woven Into It the st.vty of n game newed tbe eontest and was defeated
rolomda City. Colo., has given that
Grinnell Bros.
Thus a serUms and iipimrently nativi
ritv gl.000.taio or more In the way of
C. 43.
vice of formidable pn^KUiloos at .au*
» Us cUarilnble li:
death thirteen year* lat»*r
eonfiunta the ttmc-lier aud the mf
M. A. Shawnn, a farmer llvlrg n«n
to ended tbe inoleiuy dynasty, and Egypt
crv. Tbe MUestUm of the tout v
now h:iK tonight up
lie became a Roman prorlnco. Tennyson Gsmet, fonml k eo|M*erhenil snake Ih-ar c-anyou. andact of gr.3und. with
cveitouie it to still an ojK-n ope.
go baa thus drawn ber portrait .in bli crawling fenn under hto chicken bouse
piohlbltloii ttf Its praetUv diH*s 1
thto week. He killed It. and thinking the Intention of turning It hito a park
"ineam of Fair W,
to the >00 - *
there might be more, he nutvisl the
iilBg. saw. ihron«d on ^
logic fails
chicken hou.se .md killed twenly-foiir
be baa not ns « great a right to play do- BliUng on a crimson scj and bold
A Faarful Fata.
I ootMV with swarthy checks i
eorocertads of
all slsea.—Ka
fur aUkes as be has to brcatlm.
It U a fearful fate to have to ei
CItv Star.
I with burning gold.
the terrible torture of piles. "1
truthfully say." writes Harry Cols
e. Ul. "that for Blind. I
-Snob," meant originally. Id tbe taud
0m04 M
invigorafet. strengthens and
coleof Us origin, a pewon of i»lebeAan sta ▲bout the year 4&u Zeuxis.
tion. ctmaidered from tbe bright of Uniad painter, tatroda
-birth." It waa a word used with the at art
Athena Hto
downward aye and ui»wwrd nose of su‘ aanaaa by de;
Mts. Johnson Drug Co.
H.- . a
- : Bugbae.
- -Wealthy and vain
is'rtor station, or asalgned to the
Imughty by popnhir eoovea^ilon. Then cess, he at |aat gave away hto
----Thackeray todk U. and rebuked with as above aU price. Hto auccoss Uy In
It the aoclal ambitions of the mlgar.
abaointcly acenrate
HniWy be maile too mtieb of those un hto plctiirea
by a rival
e^iay aaptratlona. He c*>uld not write and llfrilke.
ted a
t, Parrh
mote ttian « page or two without stU^
that the bird*
ring up the auob and hit abaurdiUea,
and that left-motif l>ecomea Imiwrimiate and tedious. Now Paris has nitoimderatood the word routMlly. and In tba eurtnlB that conceakd hto ptotum
letters of that city -tonob* faallnc Qtitla cooMent of aocceas. "Tha
art and lett
the words most in cnilaAB la tba pletnre." eepMed Pnrthaand "a»t»W«er*"
. •
Btaa. and Zenxia was obliged to conttm AOmarif taten. for. though hto
mMtaplaca>td dacalvad the blrtto,
that ar letalmaliia hod deceived him.
BauM wofkad slowly and once sold,
-It li tnia 1 take n long time to po^W
tmt than I paint fOr n long tlme.-
You win not find beauty in rot«e
pot or comptexSon whltewnah. True
i Uenator Redlleld Pwrtar gave a
4 ThawiTinc ^ moto than l.tXiO famii SiHe ted tarty the whole TlHage
* hi Piorior;
JobMoo bt«(
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
cMtt Tre or T*bloM.
Into the oU pooUtOeefavUingJas. lataiaior
tho sort of thia weak n*
DimoouN r OF .
Hooting Stovos
Pre-lnvelitiljr Sole
•.: »- .-if-.d.- t
It is easier to count the mooef than it is to invoice
at greatly rednoed pricca.
If j-ou are going to nerd
a stove UiU winter it will
pay yon to call and see
what we hare to c8tt.
J.W .SU^l
Wholesale and Retafl—Your Reliable Home Furnisher
Black Sa^tie
From 75c to $3 50 each. Oir liie of Black
Petticoats will surely please you: all
lengths and all styles at 75c, $.00, $1.26,
$1.50. $2.00, $2.25, $2.50. $3.00 and $8.50.
late Winter Styles are shown Call and
I a Free Sheet.
ide offers no bett<‘r opportunity than oan
l>d fonnd in the Diamond
.1. cigar. One line of tliese
favorites embraces all sixths,
and then* is not one but
what would U» tnvisun-d
and priml by any ‘iover
of the wt*-.«il.”
H. 3. antbelm
dealer, in
FURNISH THE DINING IROOM with the best furnituiRr-that can be bought. Should be the most cheerful
room in the house.
the beautiful lurniturc wc havc^r,ou.
arc most necessary. They save you many steps. T*>ejylcs arc
the workmanship the best. Wc have them .it :rl5.00, 5(0.00, $.2.00. $-u.OO.
$:!0.00. $32.00 anti $:!r>.oo.
though smaller in size, are-so convenient Many
better than a Sideboard. We never had nicer
$2S.00, $2i».00. $32.00 and $30.00.
you .can use them
i’rices are $1D.00,
^ A fine si foot Extension TaThe largest stock to^ select
from in the city.
ble: for $0.75,;
SG.75, a better one for $7..50; other grades for ,9.00, $13.50, $10.00,
$20.00. $21.00. The $24.00 and the $20;j0 have the pa ;nt midtilc pillar leg.
any style you wish and the prices we know will pleaf the
fire chair for $4.50 for six chairs, something bette iorJ&.W. ^-and
$S25. Extra fine solid wood seat for
The finest leather upholstered box seat chairs for r21.00. $-j.00, $.0.00
and $31.00.
k«p ,hc P,e„y Chin. in.
ment and well as saffe repository. Fricc* are from
Thn finnsl in ihn cilv nl $2Ji0. $5.25. $10 50 anO $1)<«. I( ron would lirefer a plate rail we have something very fine at Ijc ^toot.
ilk v«A»» wwunjow or
•mt wo«^
% tmnhBBg ware with a isg «■ M
back. Again he woaM Jump ftaas aim
ig log to aaotber. and core
pwimg aboot wbkb wwaM
It as It paaaad wader him aad laaAad
backwildslec. OwcehefelMohls
kaadA hwtwasoahlafeetlaaala-
monmv. jahuary
1. mL
U the alahb aia two Tmvaraa Ctti*
was almost perfect. boya. taas Mllllkoa and Uad. Birde
aan pad both wara graaiad IQr mmmrs
eloaa of tha
oelectkms being eaeli as to caB Bath out triaada aflar
mach deserved praise. The readiaga
weroalaaverygoodaswaatheeiariTtaroBnt kltehcw. whkh haveloag
aet aad vloila aolea. The UQlkge aoag.
made the temeat hUs aa la those the
bon seamed to be pmtieUy at home
aad aaag them wkh tha Upe ooUege bettka af the recent war.
spirit. Tha *fieadletaniaa hand-and
kms. The five eeoro othar fhror- the human pipe organ coanilaed the
lies in "The Wizard of Os" may rest
ed thpt they wiU be oordlony
t has im« an deep
Tbr MB aa share were naable b
aa fbat aa the atream, and whea they
waw Jwmpteg. BOW rldlag with ah bis
' toguni. Mb Kelly.
strength and agOfty. ever trying to
uke thilr an* to flMir huidi M
drirl^' tt to a watfe wltboto gtofy. noat^dw shore. When they foaad the tolrty yaan. Ba worta
pat K to aa tonotoea* ae Otot «r the
dty to prorMe hlaato( aa
wars brokCB. aoaB at thcBi twlea
f of this
■laaiea aad. oae to totofitod to aay. ae
htot o( the itotoito Me aatara. Cer
^ytothoAdMa»dafhe.lleto«, MIrh- M his
I known to moke use of hU
York Trttmna.
toaa. Oeaade aad wheratar to to caf^
lags In aay other way. but
aad the fraUeeome cow. who have to
ited OB each year a torse aMber a(
anted sH the yoangstera privi
Urea are loet. waiiMerlnc the (aw mb
ewwtoyad. -tt to aa caployBaat to ■to toatollMtoMrjwto Bto w»a. Tldea. William Howadia, aaotber In leged with a vlsU to the "Wlsard oC
wMch the toaa-a aa(ety depeada OB hie
Os.- The two clever paalomlmlsts
mate who has ^peat three years i
kia. caotoaaa aad tialcfcaaaa
encase tbemselroe la the skins of
ead of the Afteenth centmry. twenty-six U the chore boy of the tastUatkia. bis
years latar than Dnrer and tw«ty oaly ex'erclse ooaslstlag la brtagtag the "king of beats- aad the cow are
lha ehtof datoPr to the teeaklnc a( yean aftsr the date nsaally gives as
out eqaols as past masters of ol
la the wood.
kc totoa to aMatfaaa o( a rocky rapU. that of the Wrth of Tttlaa. Holbein was
Without them the-Wiz
Old John Oegaa. another old stand
The ksa alwaya pOa up aptoael
a child of the high renalss^
by. U the habitual iruaat of Grand ard of Os" woold be almoat like "Hamlocka that are BOt oorered by the
slowly as the lenaisasBca crept I
In- with the metanchoiy Done left ouu
aad (oea a loos pOe two or thiee loda ward. Ml atriy tinder Italian Inflv
The date that this big prodw
mid run away every day in the year
wl«t. aaywhare CtoBi oae to thirty rode At Baael. where he begu hU IndcfwodwUI be seen here U next Saturday.
eat career at the age of eeventaen or ks It U be nms np a bin for aeandict
Jan. 6.
ei^teen. thU Inflnenee mnet have beea prhlch the county hav
lQ«k To brcftk m
«r this klod tlM greaUy atrengthewed la socne way and Honally to locate him.
The program given by the OUvel
boM ooMls or Ukco out three or fo«r. reaches Its visible height aboot
John Hogan over eighty yeiars of age
Juat before his first Jooracy to Eag- ind with long partrlorchlal beard, has Glee club at the City opera bouse Sat
of thobentBMsl& tbeloffc]
oxperu ore moa koowii os Uad. Tbo mthttfuiflosaeos of hla leea three years of the county hospi urday evening under the auspices of
inner bob** bocooee of tbdr work dortag these early jrws U eome^
ghe Mayflower dub of the OongregatalUy and does
0 ride oUDdlof up oo • loc what aarprlslng to ne who have learned
^oaal church, was ao excellent that
water that le epUehlog aad to think of him as almoet exclaslvely ahile away the
James Walsh, anfferlag with a tame #very number had from one to three
orer the rocka. Tbej land at a portnlt painter. Here U an all round
limb, though comparatively In the enooTtn and even more were dei
the npatream end of the Jam. where
emoae of the men remains with the boat
prime of life, bos found a home there ed. Tha program opened with "TT\c
He the ochare go to the lower ond ptejiDCbt la Twy wUllng to do eo. temporarily. He aleo alts day after rriar’a 8ong" >om Ivanhoe by the
the Jam to pick ewmj with their Book UloatratloBk portraits deolgna day and pulls on bis pipe. A recent glee club and this was follfwed by a
penreje. or levera, the lose ckae to the for aUlned gloao, anything from InltUI Inmate U Mr. Sutton, who. though in
letters to alUr plecca. be U glad to do.
ixkAafelnet which the Jem rests. T
and bo doea them with a woaderful the early forties has luBered a severe
eeek for the -key lo*.- which w
pried out auru the Jam movlnjt ao that fertlUly of invention and a precodona ease of the grip which has left him
It etUicr •luiiifa ui)" acain or breaks to masteiy. The eartlfat are deddedly light headed and so he. loo. bos found
Oennan In accent, reminding one not the county ready to stand back of him.
When the men eoe that It la breaklag a little of Durer, but almoat from tbo
The only woman in the Institution
they nm orer the beeving. boondHut first there is a finer taste In ornament Is the well-known figure. Mrs. Laura
tangle of loge to the boet at the head ind in architecture^ a greater fieedon Barbar. who though bent almon
coaNEW STOCK-lSe Itoch
of the Jam. A mllp or o mlastep meaua
douWo with rheumatism and old age.
a fall between the grinding and toaa- tumc and a more cooceotrated compoVIOLETS FOR SATl’RDAY
ing logs. The logs may become ao aep- Utloo, while the study of light and trou around sprjiy and performs
anted that it U Uhpoaalble to reach ihode becomes early a vUlble.preoccn- many a nw-ful duty for the Institution.
the boat If thla happena the *^11110 patloa. There is a whole series of hla
water men” moat make good hla name [Wrioons for gUss In the museum at
by making hla way to the ahore with Basel which are worth attentive stndy^
&nd the designa for the ohulters of the Mra. M. P. Daaormler Entariair
out getting wet or maybe killed.
rerhapa the floating timber apreada Basel church organ, there preoerved.
Twenty-FIva Frlands Last Nlpht.
cTon- apart to aooh an extent that he la com leem to me admirable In character. In
Twenty-five friends of Mrs. M. P.
I MoOolI ui<t pelled to atick to a aingle log. and here aecorsUve propriety and In beauty of Desormler of North Spruce street j
X€«r ww »pitUle)7 u»liered It U that he beat ahow a hla ablUty aa a lln<--far finer than anything of the ered at the home lost evening as a
k« driver. He balancea himself on the iamo sort by Durer or by any other
upe^iMun end of the log. ateedlea him- Dbrihefoer. As for his little woodcuts prise upon her aialer. Mrs. DoFonde .>f
Tbere will be > •petal
self upon hla aplke ahoea and ateera of the “Hance of Death." every one Richmond. Canada, who Is spea
MePIMnoD W. R. C. Vndn
clear of ihorocka before him. The men knows them, and every one admires the holiday season in this clti- A
‘ Inc iu. a tor the punate of liuuUlInc on ahore atsqi to watch. He may ride them. No one else bos packed so much round of social amnsement whUed the
action, so ranch energy, so much fan- hours away unUI the old year was
$• wOeenVor Ue cnnliic »~r.
to safety nmIHie umy-BOL
j The OllTCt eoUece Q* nod *UndoSome yean ago on the Weat Canada cy. into such small compass. These watched*into the new year. A bounte
Uny blocks •are omong the world i
Un club left till* Booi (or Petoekcj twk. In the Adlrondacka.
masterpieces of designs.-Kenyon Cox ous supper was served and the event
^bere ibcr (big end pip thta erenlng
was one of the pleosanteol of the
in Bcrilmer*s,
+ber were .ccomitania by Mr. ud
many watch meetings held in the city
hlmeelf went out with two volunteers
last night.
to brook o Jam in exceedingly swift
Hamlet, prince of Denmark. Is, of
'~'(o attend to
and rough water. With aume difficulty
they reeched the pile of logs and. after course, best known as the hero of one
wants last week?
a time, sorcoeded In suiting them go of Shakespeare’s greatest plajw. The
ing. The l<«s turled much faster than time when be lived Is unknown. Some
K. C. AffoUor ot Bingham U In ibe
Sorry for it if we did.
expected and were moon scattered In historians aay 000 R t'.. others aay at cliy.
who were cognisant of be fact.
700 A. D.. and there are some who toy
Mm. J. Shaw went to Blights this
1 Miss Carrie Cadhamwmeher at O- ouch a manner that the two men could he never lived. Shakespeare’s play
Wc supposed we had
not get to the boatman ond boat at the
retador who arrived in lijeflty lost week
bead of the Jam. They did the beat was based on the Danish story of Amsufficient help to take
fbr a abort hcflidiy Is ♦nflned
Lhey could to keep their fcit aq^ to
care of the crowd.
Mrs. 1. 8, f^rosworth returned to
fiUBlly home at ::i8 Bos Eighth street work their way toward shore.
With bronchltus sad wl, l>c unable to
The foreman was the more skillful of Koreri adopted the story In 1—, ^ Fife Ijike this morning after ^siting
the two and kept hU log fairly steady, among a collection of novels he began in the city.
Ikke up her school dutl» tomorrow.
Wc kindly thank you
Merton Wilson returned to bis home
I Kdbert Ryuo of this ^Uy a former but the other man wit having a hard at that time. From him the history of
Hamlet was translated, the earliest edi
one and all for this mani
I has oc- nmt to k.-ep on top. Having come
at Bingham after sjiendlng Sunday
within fifteen or twenty yards of the tion bearing tbe date leofi. The char
festation of your appre
shore, the foreman braced bis peavey acters of Laertea and Ophelia are in the city.
Miss Phena I»ru)uc of Sherman re
against the other man’s log and then wonting in the original. Some events
ciation of our efforts to
Of Miss -Ida
gave It a shoc-e. which oeut It toward that transpired in Shakespeare's time turned to her home this morning after
■bore with the man. In doing this the
fiebool wlir
supply your wants.
foreman’s log wss sent fsr out Into the fore tbe poet’s mind. Tbe murder of
Mr. and Mn«. G. M. Dame of North
rsglng strosm. He lisd Intended to Daniley and tbe marriage of his wid IHirt are In the city where.thcy will alThe city today
Call a.jain, please.
ow. Msiy Stuart, to Lord Bothwell fur
line obaervanco of the hol(Vy can work his way back again while he was nishes a counterpart of oome portions tund the Elks’ supiicr toolgb^
his log to stop It roUIng. but
Mrs. T. Wilson of this city and Mrs.
We will now sec that
.ak. It. No business hou^ were ’^enffing"
It struck a rock. He wss huri«l Into of Hamtat- Tbe theme of tregedlea
open except the barbershops
the air and came down headforemost generally at tha close of the sixteenth D. O. Chadwick and daughter of Sher
all get proper attention.
markets who still had thelf
the family upon the bowlder. His body wss found century wa« revenge. The tragedy of man left for Sherman this morning.
Hamlet in Shakespearean form appear
Mrs. S. Kellogg of this city wai
some days later a mile downstreom.
Although the "White water man" U ed In 1601-02. His grave Is shown at callsd to Mt. Pleasant this morning
oklllful in riding a log. It U obvious Elsinore, tbe scene of tbe ploy, and by the serious Illness of her father.
then given
there is a garden near by caUed "Hamthat
Mrs W. Campbell returned to her
Silver Bros..
through an extremely, rough rapid. let’s garden."
home in Kalkaska this noon after
night at Acme and a large
When n Jam forms above a waterfall
sptmdlng some time with relatives In
he• la attendance
attendoncf to dance to to now or rough rapid, as Is often the cone, the
Me Game aa the hUa.
yUr mad lu s
Mny a dinger of "bnsUng" U greatly Incress
A traveler on the upper Nile glvea this city.
Mrs. R. W. Payne of Cedar Run re
••^wearing olf" will be andunced fd. since here it is sbwlutely necrossn this picture of big game that abonnda
: "Of wild animate elaphanu taka turned to her home this morning after
to get to the boat or to the shore.
niy •
When ooe consWera that In breaking the first place; there are enormoua spending a short time with retaUves In
• seductive cup alone
Jams the drivers are often compelled hehls of them, and tba Ivory Is of tba this city.
yimr 1»06 will be aubjected t
to ride to shore on a log. the danger
A. W. Overbolt and wife of Kingsnitured raillery betwee*
con readily be asen.
Sapper and a good Ume
Gene McBoth. ooe of the-besi driv- naea a remarksble elephant read, which ley and Miss Mollle Snyder of Kalama
eni that ever rode a log. met hH death Is apparently used only during the oea- zoo are the guests of Dr. J. A. Snyder
^Wlth the lolling of the city
on Mill creek In Just such a oltnaikm. son of mlgratloo. This herd frequently of this city.
A "Wing Jam." so called becanro ex crooare the Nile at tba soutbeni and of
Ml. and Mrs. Samuel Porter of
midnight came the screech of i
tending frtwi shore Into the atream, tha Uka-Uke extaaokm bear WadalaL Northport arrived in the city today on
wblilles of the citt^and the «
opouml come next In size and are 4helr way to Grand Rapids on a short
• MIteken
hod -hong up" above ropldt that could
commotion which was 1
^ be poaoed erto by a boat. With
as hour, arouaed ever;
Nile. When the tributary rivers holiday trip.
two other mea McBeth went out oa
the logs «»1 began picking them loose
Bay passed through the city this noon
in eesreh for the "key log.” After
oa her wa>^ to Kantaska. where she
working an bour.oU at once the Jam
» of life, will visit friends,
leaped forward and was In full mo. for they
Mr: and Mrs, Bert Snow left this
Tbe men turnad and atarted up the
afternoon for Barker Creek, where a
Jam. McBeth In the lead. When they
week will be spent with his brother.
reached tha single place over which
they coold poo. McBeth stopped .to
Miss Minerva Herr of Acme, who
belli his lea* able componloas and to
A lady doctor wriUng to the London spent Sunday In the dty with friends,
let them pSs ahead of him. It wa.
He asked what wws laid at hU dnor. and tbo
a fslml move on bis part, for the other Chronicle on "Women Workers" mokea returned" home this afternoon.
Iran replied: “yoa are charged
two mea had Just tune to Jump ashore toe following unanswereble atatement;
G. D. Leonard of Pellston, who was
voting twice."inikrged, am
into the water waist deep. When his •If you coma to estimate a day’s work, the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Bughee
the daard prisoner.
turn caaie It was too Ute. He had erea In foot poando, tbo woman who during the hoildayo. reioroed to his
ctaoM. bakta. waolj^ and takes to
1 to be paid fur if
oared his friends, but now there
home this afternoon.*
a ride for hU life over the ungled
Lawrence Crotaer of Kingsley is vis
mass of grt>sulng and toeaing logs. timmpi up stairs and down lor slxteea
When be saw what it all meant he hours a day. need not f«r compariaoa iting Mtea Vera Wynkoop.
os to kinetic energy even with a miner
J. Greanmon and fkmUy. who have
working right hours,been spending the teUdoys In Kalkas
Trea. but ta an tote quite ni
tha bopakas fight for Ufa.
ka. returned home today.
wages fl.U
Tte man oa abore .ran mioag tha asks PuK^ Could not her
Mrs. Herrington of Tenth atraat has
^o $J par day and found, taquiro stream, laabla to readar him aid. and Mtaedmea go to school unacc<
and unbaked? And why must she keep raturnad from Mantataa. wbare ibe
Olen Alter Ijumber Oa
Jon l-Bt watched tba grentmT »og riding
SD carrying trampawp and down stairs attended the funeral of her brother.
hod evar aamL At timaa ba a
WAWTEO-Oirt fbr gaaaral hout<^ Jump waist Wfb to anodwr log
sntoatttaaa? Is It area Iklrte toast
Jomea Brody dl Spring Lake ii vteit,5 ~
Mra. W. O. Ftela. fill Wori be might gat nearer Miora or to aroM
tag hte'^bikther and family of the
01*4 Ki>t 1*4^ C»r
.fei’S’t^4 - ~
to U ■- toS
f- - .p-.
NEW “vicnriBi
The new sclectioDs for January arc here* If the
character and quality of these Records Is an augury
of what may be expected during* 1906.' Victor owners
most certainly have a treat in store for them.
Here are hints of the excellent numbers in the
January shipment.
"Thu Dying Poet."
"Thc Troubadour.- etc.
* Boroxza Mozzoxxo.: %
"Silver Heel*."
"American Army LIX^ March.and othera,
COMIC songs:
"Fritz and lioutea.’’
"The Golden Wedding."
"Punch and Judy."
In addition to the above there are many other fine ■election*. In
cluding the new operatic *ucce*»c«: "When the Moon U In tbe Sky,'
and-Robinson Crusoe’* Isle " We arc now filling order, and Invite
you to coll early and make your selection. Mall order. prompUy
REMEMBER: The price* of Victor Record* have been reduced
0* follow*: 7-lnch now 35c. lO lnch now 60c. 12 Inch now |l.
0rintie1l Bros*
music Bctttc*
The lit of Hickey A
Frooman Co. Olotbing
» what aellf thorn.
•mO* Itodi
For Overcoats of Style and Quality
at ^ney-Savind Prices
Come here at vour 6rit op
portunity and we II show
yonOvereoate of the tea■on's smartefit fashion that
greatMt tmto# y»« #w
At thia price yon can
take your choice of a me-
Svlimit for year plMscn
' a.
50G to 11.50
LOfiTr-Hoonf. gifiy apottad. taa head
mpa ted
amt a
^ lypa
apot oa right Mfia;
Ratuni to Ttaw. W.
7l€ au phoaa aad
Ti| Reconl Want Ads
Tb. «hto» «»to «( tte >uU •( CU(««to atosaatoi to pnito. aad toft year
«• •««»
Seat eak will open Wodneaday aaMniiigat the boa office.
tailored and ImedwiUi
aerrioeable fabrica-not a
earment -worth kea than
$12A0. epeeial for til)
thia week only.'....
AT $1*00
In thia eoDeotian ypn
will find an thenewwni^
np.fo-tbe.minnte in bd»-
tap CwMir.
iml DmiiC
150 Cost Front SL
I am sure I have gol
just what you are
looking for in a
A . B
tian or wonted; made ol
splendid bbok or Qslotd
friesea, ksnsys ormritons
and other fash&oiiafale oresooatings; well worth $18,
SHCMSCL*. btcun a CO.
e OlHbelm s
earner Front
i^momeritu nm I
aoigrnnt tbnilBtbot
How the Man Who Bought the Equitable
Rose From Poverty to Wealth
Cb propur^^examinafloB of tbe
I fl a about to take |«rt In nol.
at tbe
mmbltkmi toward
gatomi. Not tha gmooB I
from aettmanf
an ordlaary terrier witb a Beagle.
The taoiajm Bspld TMftt li RBOCkfr
tnsdumoD that tea bm imMI »
lUkm of the kldBuysL Aa a
with enoraaDua enra, frequently renchcal UMclae tana the bl4iBg almoet to tbo ground; na a Ktwt
grent uitmi aad tkuy an
Cbartm apaaM'S might do. Gradually
0 throw oC an amouat of
the cuTi hwTc aborteued. but acmie
Umy are eatiruly In-.
Matfbrwa was pleased to attaad tba any they n«y grow by tbe changes of capable 1 Ibis funeUooal over eaerflam aad bmedtng to bo -prick.- a
IB the coleoBdItkm tbat wonld aot debar blm tkm freq
asked hbw
Tbe color of the fox terrier has
-Wen.’’ he mid. -after tbe brat act cbaM<* IfrcuUy with the passing of
r HaokennkmUlt
time. Now hla fixed coler Is white
lenT^ after the aecond act 1
alleot and tbe andlence hlaaed.better than tbe old yellow or peppe-And after tbe third actr aonu
Madrii. tbe tarribla Turk.
prompted. Tbe critic flecked fbe ashes aad salt comMnatkm. once so common.
Aad there Is a growing pn-fcrcnc- In Umdoi^iurday night In t
from a rtgarrite and smiled.
-After tbe tbtrd art I went out and for tbe wlre^nd fcllowm. who have for the I trh-as<atch-caa cbamploaboQgbt a tlckH and came tu and his,*ed a more ruggvd physlq^ic than toe ship of t| world. But it baa dmraltbat lackeoaebmidt lajurud I
smooth terriers and are more eusllr
kept in trim.
Tbe best of tbe wlrre—-Hamfs l!p' Kngland
bad arrived la -ownci by -Chappie- Maybew. the doctor. Hil.t-nacbiiildt^ poatpoued tbd
dog cx|x-rt of the New Y.irk Herald, match. A prosuat H loote aa if the
had IM
dhsi quite rc*rentl>. HU first ventu»^ bout woa l*e postponed for
Russian doctor aaya
in New Vork on the Is nch was to beat j
of bis ignorance, so wwa pcn*ct
will be unable to ureabis tathcr. the famous * Go Bang. * j ***‘^*“’*’*“
OB guard.
A rostumer entered the
At tbat show, the Wc-tmlustcr Ken j *'*^ ^«*’*’
shop one morning, and said: -I wan
Del chih. Hands Tp woo revtw specUl |
® .»*, Broke Record.
fl-penny worth of bird seed, please.”
i.i.b Mtrh.. Jan. l.~Joha
ok ji
prises. But when Mr Maybew t«»k
Tbe asslstnnl only amlled. Tbe c«w
him to England the following year j,.,{nilrkle br <• iTsl league contest
tocner mswtfd his ivNiucst. but the
s\erase rc .rd». Frids) night with an
mwistsut only rrs|>ooded with s Iwoud was licatcn Vy Isith - Humble.-tone avcragi* of l 2 ; In I h tve games. wUb
grin OB his fare.
Flually. ihr naw Bristles'* and -Rahy Matchbox.KOUICS of J J. J4:: aud riC.
Wm Allcw Bettirg.
lotuer. i«ang iwtlcm-e. asked him In
IlUrklVs urea: accring vnabltd Ihu
forcible bmjnwgr why he did not
Tt»iv)nto. Jan 1.—The enjurt of an
. aoorr ihrre straight
nerve him with the blid seci. -It s no peals has quashetl the ctmvlcihm t»f Wuchicr C
rlc« ^cr
^'cr he South BndK wHh
take me William Hcndrlc. pmUth-nt of the On i victories
-Ths knows
la." said tbe assistant,
■H Of 4.;. Iy% ami 990 ngalnAt 911,
tarlo Joekey club. wl:ti was foun.l |
ths «wunot catch luc." -What on earth
!‘*H nnd Itl. Vndy Warhtcr mado
• aakl tbe angry custom, guilty of permitting gambling In th» seon-s <»f 2D. IK and 193. John Donn
er. -Why. I know that birds grow form t»f bookmaklng- The dpclsiun ndivd 212. 177 Bd 1K7. Rrogger and
from eggs not from seed."—Ex hy the higher court nn-ans that liettin^
at the Wntalhine track will be allowed Vii rh. llig bowM In fair fcwro for the
rolls Al Retrcr sc-ored 237. John
next year.
r.anrc J made *J2 and all the loserj
nsaa Wy.
Glrif Basket Ball.
i».»» l« d vpry fal'averages.
mtle fuss end feathers that tl»c great j
A certain poH made a good deal
St. Joseph. Mich.. Jan 1.- Ib for.- u
fieadlug public heard little.of Uynn. «>«»«”
SkiMub MaeL
of mooer. bnt. 1»elng rxtravugnnt. be large and cnthusiaMic .audience, the
Vet all tbe Ihne he has bad his hand In
Evil P.-acticaa.
('hirago.. Jan l.-The Ski auh
was always to deM. One summer, at Wendell Phlllliw girl high school ti-am
even more public afTslni. He is no
Mr. Cox then spoke of the existing
the seaside, hr wooded and w .sblM a tlefeatMl tho S:. Joseph high
tn Norge. eo,uiK»*l «d Norwegian ski
j mean pontlrUn. He was very Intimate Lvlla In the world aad elaasod them
Mnm d tor a ski lournuI Mb riereland and Wldtney during j
^oc- young woman of great wealth. There a btHketiatll game he’d Balunlay'night
after times were l*etter with blm.
In the gymnai^ium «.f the Garfl*-M m»nt to be b^d at the Chutea park
Clevcland*. administrations. He ha. j^ne. and wrong
rong praciloea.
He spoke
A1 lireakfnsi during the honeymoon school. The conti-ia wan very splrite.l Jrui. 7. woaiheipcrmltting. Acoofdlng
been close to every bead of Tammany
Han for years. He was a delegate to of the range in the beliefs of men from tbe bride said to the poet, tenderly:
from the hegliming..!he Hc«»n* at the to L. Olaen. aprlfue mover In local
the last Hemocmtlc national ct.men- the time when they thought of Ood as
-Hoes the fact that I have money, end of the first half be ing 16 to
lo , fcWI circles, may noted ski men wh^
- |
lion, heliKsl liring about the areeptnnee a -huge human being which was a re- dearest, make• any difference to your
favor of Chicago. ('hi-enMl on In thelri«*an «*»>**»
r«.-ords In the way of |
of the famous goUl telegram ami was suit of misinterpretailoBs of the Bible:
•-ra l.e
efforts . the local t» am i>lay*Ml perfect ' h «g and hluh umps will take part.
nnqnestlopnWy the i>ower that nomi of the passing of tfcose doctrines and poet answered.
nated Henry Gassaway Davis, whom how mcB were ceasing to bdleve In
Fbe d^oolK^l a little, pen»l«ed, defense in Ibe last half the game r-' ! Th** club, vlch now numbers forty
lilting in a final score of 12 lo 9. Fol-1 »>«*rM>nr. Is el-planning a toumamcm
he bad known lu the old West Virginia eternal fire and brlmsrcnc. Ho said alarnictl.
I days. B J the Iiemorratlc eandldate for
lowing U the Ilne-np:
! *« *'»*>. Ml . t which li is propo«>d
that God does punish maa but the -'^Wb.it difference?" she asked.
Tice pnesldent.
Wended Phillip.-^twlH-tt. HannI ’
a raiir hA-^ and sleep iumi»-Why." asM lie. "It Is such a com
punishroonl U proporlioimJ to the sin
A Big Mag emy Way.
fort to know that if 1 abonkl die jou d gan. foraards;.t'ongrr. fir*t enter: . Ins bill. TUl Ufer .ournament will
but that God la Iho beat friend of any be provkliHl for."
Ryan works without ostentation. Ue
I->llKdin, secY.nd cenhr, HarriK ai,.!;
J’cld In tb.op* u and many lamoa-t
-And If I sbonld dlcr said tbf Lews, guard..
Uvea and dresses In Ibe same way. He man in time Of need and that is the
does not go Into society. He sj»eaks great thought of today-and we turn bride.
tp. Joseph-<'hurr'... While, for nmong them.". Hovelsen of ChrW"Tbeii." hr returned. "I'd
nttic. and that » a <^ct. smmth voice, jour fares lovingly toward him as the
wards: Fryman, first center; Dtinham. tJanla, .N'orwa. who hold, a mark of
Tided for.-—<*hicago Journal.
ia UlU broad abodl^enM. tlisT> cheat new ruler.
sorond renter; Hudson, Derot>b«. **»:. ti*^-t. whir he made In 1 . ski towred. with a large bead, a notable smiling
CMId Labor.
niur.enl In th-old ^
bhie eyre, prominent nose and chin, firm
Mr Cox then dwedt on the w
mouth, close croi>ped Iron gray mus- practices of today speaking at length
O'Brien Dentes IL
A romantic w «lUlug. wlil< h foi
take i*art in jc Chulea event:
UclM--a big man every w.ny. For all
nmhlmi He said
Chjeago. Jan 1 —'Jaek" O'ltriett,
his quiet. alm*^t gentle mnnner and his j
♦»*** *'*»*'«*
problem. He said, many years had been deloy<xl. owliij
dr. nren, T. J.i«en. A. Sweiih* n and T.
neat tbongh plain dres.s, the square j "C"kkI Intends that that wo should fill to a woman’s promise. to->k pUtre at the claimant 10 the titi- of h-avy J F»»«u
dy look aome nseful place In this world. We
Jaw. the cleft chin and the
of tbe ere Indicate the fighter. There must not train our boys and girls to Riding of Yorkslilrr the other day. Friday on his way to Philadelphia to
are few stories to l>e told of blm. l>e- look down on labor. They must also For nearly s quarter of a ireituty the >dn a burlesque show. O llri. a wore
cause there is nothing erratic or sensa lie educated and have trained minds bride Imd acted as confidante ami the ^ame old chwrfnl .nmlle and looked
hoosekeefier lo a mslilrn Indy wbo poational about his actions. Only his re
r. Then. If they wonM only
* ------ msn'ui
aud hoarts. 1 think our goyernroent sessed creiiddi rnhle nu-un*.
sults are si»c<tn.oilar.
food aud keep their bowria
and the great governments of Europe years ago tbe luHjM kc-efM r met a gar than a prize-fighter.
tk Drt King’s New Ufe
of all." he said. "I
be more particular as to children dener. and WBs woodetl by blm with
Tbs>mas Fortune Ryan-ratber
tYqwrt tbat 1 have rhallrfig^H 1 »,ra’.\i I’rOB pt relief and quick
being employed In fact^orics. This lay sm-ceaa. Rut the hoiiBekee{>cr had
i nlfl.-ant middle name. that-wa.s a Vlrpromised her mlstreas to star with her jI Jeffrier. There was a rilsund.-rstfind ! for i|i r
1 ginla boy and Is now fifty-four years
until she died, and so the love story
old. Ills family was lmlK>vcrisl,eil dur
bmc>» our of jMtiMit W.ltlnit. TlmV'"'
Judge Mayne*. Decision.
ing tbe war. and be was dependent In
or four weeks ag:. the mistrt>KS dlid waa that, if Jcffr*e,^ wa.n in tb»* ga
Then he spoke In commendation of j
youth on two ninlden nnnts. He had
leaving to her falth- which he is not. and looking for .i*j
w en- nostltHl In lied.
match. I woulii U- glad lo ls,x bim.l
only a common school tslnratkin. went Judge Ma^me’s recent decision. Mr. j fut housekeeper her house, piste
3. Wlllle and BUI."
to Baltimore Id early ymith with only Cox said. "I rejoice In the fad that the fnrniture. as well as £ l.itV In nx
I did m,t challenge him for I know iliai '
AXP TWtl UK lllS UUMti^S.
a few doHara In his pocket, atarvad tew is on the side of our home-? and
coogralntetii^ he has ntired and U entirely out »i
her smile, for trlphH they
and hunted wofk. Anally necnrtng a
g men for the «.aloon Is the worst
ac In a secret way. like
| bns been done
a dry goods store. As
friends who knew the st-^ry of their him I merely fi.avd that ; did not
twky I
K h<T V
in a oommunlty. Before men eourtslilp.—Ixmdoii K\pr»>‘s.
nyan'r financiering.
-icring. Wniiair.H al^o aa«s he bad enon
enough money he went
(Grexf luihy medicine I
bar any white nMp. ,mt even JeTrri4•^
serted that Ilyyan had a cynical ' lew of
Johniwm Drug Co.
got ^a Job In a broker's commit crime they lone up on strtmg
' ethics. kneVy In a general w ay that
ST. then
In Engtend. w here facte and fashloiis meaning itai I d^ not caro to have;
»• is pud,
such a thing: n. an ethic, but
: tbrre
READY tor bualncaa. Cby *
generation will sometime come wb«>
not !just certain wlist It was for. oat for himself. So shrewd and far/
'tni. Wm. E Bloodgood. 121
will wonder why we permitted It." Hr charge ulawly snd the ronds are gwi. placed on it;’
i These financiers have a habit of mak- seetng dW the young broker sliow him
Mcvrle manof
Should Ba Examined.
| f.;as1
dec 2h2l
j l**f
pUyful remarks about each self to be that In a few years he bad as
a ii ryd business.
N4.W York. Jan. I.—At the 8«»cietv!
prosecution of criminal cases
customers ami friends such men aa
Of College Gymnasium Direrlors’ an- ^
Equitable Per Samuel J. Tllden. Jar Gould and WII- brought alKiat by liquor and of Judge
Bnt to return
nual roaferenre Dr. Ra^-roft of th-|
I baps It U Jimt as well to take Mr: Ryan Hnm R. Travers. He married tbe Maync’s statemen* that the Thomas
miveraity of Chicago read a paper eu j
p was tbe direct result of drunken
daughter of tbe merehanl for whom ba
11:t. -And b«
»r#ctfisll7 by tb# iwpltw Md Syam la
raiT tntlmat*4y cooearnad In teL H»
PVbllr SarrSca corporstSoB <rf Naw Jat^ 1 roake all things near.* And bo aald
aay. Rraa la i W« fn« ta flHt paaL MO mo. 'Write, for tbaae arorda
Ibe Oeocral BaUaray at Gaar^ ftat
Btttloa* IB Hla Work aad UCt- Ncrer EuB
IB te truondtoUbfid.'StrtUaaly tmooth and Ccstte In M«nTbe acripMe toann wma UkeB
Bcr. but Yot a Ctant
tibe aeoond chapter of tbe Mrat
TtBot CompBBy of Kew York,
arhlcb tbera araa rmlaed meh a tal
of Thaaaaloniant and a fear n
a fear ycara ago for making a $2,000."W^ THEN Oaona W. Parkiiui waa Uhlt daal appear. Tbay arar that ba la OOO
OK) toau
loan to an oOce boy. other loai
Tbe aarmon deaU In geooral arlth
Ihertora and a $mox> loan to Um
,W/ eaitod tba -*amartM4 inaB tata paat ffraad maatar af tba an bf or j hsdlrertor
e comalaaiM of tbe coming of tbe near year and
! YY Near York ’ UU artlBBa. If
baldiBS cmnpaniaa. manlpr | Payn. tbe
new ebangee which are anre to take
;! taOug
latfiitf acacka
aCBcka a»d
aad iba
tbe like,
like. arttb
artCb fba
tba rr
rr Near
Near Tort
not bia worda. impllad Uat!
place in tbU world t>efote many auc. IsBlt mat b« Dot BBly geca bl« ppopar mat
^aatartlgBtod by Boo#
tbe aort
oneding ganarmtlona bare passed. Tbe
• tlea for Dothtag. b«t actBally m
arbcB gormor-Uyan araa in
I r. Byan
Tbcu be organized tbe Morton Treat Ikmor qneMloB arap tooebed upon and
1 la KaarlTortt. Ipay biBi a bona for tbe prlr
company and abaorbed tbe State Trust in ao doing Mr. Ooa warmly oomn
to be ao dubbed ngbt j of belaf takoB
componj. tbna getting from under tbat
ed Judge Predertek W. Maywe’e •«»*'*
vooM not earn up to tbla rbaractertai-1 aaaort that be can take a atock. mOk
ia tbe meant liquor oaaaa triad In Ctr
tlnTTbal toeoi of tbe arldncfa of j tba proflt all out of It. tbeu turu ^ many other glgaatle InaHttitim
cull eourt.
liki OBMOCtmeoa.
aqoeezed leroiro over to tbe public aad tbe mere reading of tbe Uat
U opening be aald. "We now i
Byau araa ao aiBoaOi tbat be arohled make It look eo good tbat they grab for suggenooc.
publkUy tor yearm. tmt be can't do It It There bar# been varlooe ugly mat that period of time when. In tbe
nymore. lie la taider Ibe calctam to mor. al^t aome of bl. deal.; tmt
course of a little over four hours, the
For esample. be la tbe
stay. Lately be araa bmgM imo a lit-1 ib.-n. Ibe-aray. of h!gb nuanoiar. ape
antted tbe Metropollttn Street Rail- old year. 1905. wUl paas aaray and Ue
tie llar«r glaiu fbaa oaual. It araa , myeiertoBa. and there hare Inn ugly
Dch. R;
Ryan ^ company of Near York, tbat coB- new. l»0€. will be uetiered In. In for
tbat luninmce loreatlgatlng commit- rnmora about tlie wliole bunch.
looa of
all fbe aurface line* of tbe city mer times when an old king aras lying
see arbkb placod blm there, tbe name 1 U pcrliapo tbe moat uiyEtcriooa
of an
I'll the
bidding for tbe new enli* sick unto death, men apoke I
being tbo body tbat la toirilng lu ! of Un,-m. They manage to fool
the f»nb- * *****
John 8kei. I
organlaod the Rank of Oom- breath and when death came turned
blight artMiBd rrganliai with tbe lie. but be fool, eten Uicm. John
dollar Dsaefi.
------L.tbat aU aortaof
aorta of tnaurance
taaurance prealpreak I iob
toB Winiamit
arbmi sore
aorc ouooi
about Rvan
avnuains wnen
ny.n j. -- - with
”™ -its billion ‘
with smiling faces to greet the
tel> >i>d «l«r Uc ofctaK
MT- Uklns tl.» S«l».nl Hoe .wy from |
ru>». A new era came with the new
frioc for »«r.
CM InqolUtor ; Wo «.M tlot If Tl.-m.o. F. bad •«« j
Ilasbra ptayrd lu T*y« oo lb* Mr-; cooflnod (o an ordinary ajdirrc of life |I".
'•Perhaps, aa >ou look back at 1905
duSTfai^-iobV wrok. atnor. and : be troold bare been a klepIon.anlae. be 1 <™«
you will say. 'I am glad to see It go.'
Perhaps It has brought sorrow and
tly Ideutmei arltb tbe failure and you look hopefully forward
not. and tln- atoiT »* »ot
<*>l***•»" "*'*'“ *^*>^ *“ charities, i
taro railroad prealdeuts among tbe ‘ the Tatliollr rlmrch. of n-hlrh they are development of the West Virginia situ to the new yesr. What docs the new
seem to lib barink troubk lo dnrk ! meinU*rs. a snm estlmatoil to hare ation nr. a tbember of tlie Eiklns-WbltIt says
k to US? in the I
back Into the abadoara. Aa for Ryan^4 reacbed four or Are mlllioua. and tbla ney-Wldener syndicate He Is la tbe 'Behold. 1 make all things new.* Is
company building rallwaya in f*nba, be
is In Ibe smelter frnst, be lain aome of there not arllitle regret, a little senU
tlie steel counumiea. All
inent about the pamUng of a year even
I dfBmatlc writer for Tbe Xatkm. i
... ii
be doean t even try to keeii oat of tbe
newspapers fbewo days. It would be
BSPleaii. and be U Vise anongh not to
attempt llM* ImpoaalWe.
Never R«nied.
It is one of
1 roflled and never loses bis tern
mV be U plans ble
“ a plalLible^
Equitable. He was farsighted enough
to see ihirtlirEqqjtalde mmfS, waukl
predpltate a panic If alKftred lo «o an.
and K.
be bad too many ,mnnr«nt
Important Intereata at stake to permit that. Eren
Wbaa be refused lo tell wbat Edward
H. Htrriman aald to him he did It
calmly. dlplomaUcally and without tbe
allghtfri show of fading. He bad bla
lawyer prenaoL He la always wise
j eooogb to fence blmaelf legallJ. *nd be
I went by tbe lawyerM advice. Wben
the committee sent hla refusal to Dlat trkn Attorney Jerome tbat gentleiBan
}>eftBn work In Baltimare. They hare
<‘'***^^ Thrown a
Kew York dty bouse, a country boiaa
17or^t ^w hll
[ Virginia.
a^t «
Ryan aecnrrd 602 Equluble abarre
neaa. and Ryan It not cr^.
y per cent per annum, only a matter
j of
of $8,300
$8,300 per
per year,
year, yet
yet Ryan
Ryan paid
paid $2.$2.
Wdi M Ibt Xpad.
This man baa a habit of never letth« j 606,000 for them. This has canaed a
anybody know what be U going to do ; groat deal of apeenUtloo at to tbe mop. Wall street
Jiabed. It was 1 tire behind tbe atep.
atieet la
these matters, and
bnytag of tbe Equitable. This uanally very wise
of hla Mg deals to the next day after the
jMbad Ida glaaaaatoward tbe attcey | come like a tbnnderelap
rclap out of a dear known the abarm of the ]
tba aecnrlng of tbe
pohite U the market.
,awer the queattona after all. But be j c, Whitney, once Ryan'a partner, aald
me down gracefully; he does ev«y- j
easily the moat adfoB,
thing gracefully. Jerome In hla qnlck, ,
nolsrirea man he ever met.
neireoa faafikm bad retnarind aooie^ ^Vhltney «A« aald that lo twanty yaara ;
thing about a grand fwy, tndlrtment Ryan wouW be the ricbcat man la theI
and that aort of thing, and it would rnlted States. Ihe twenty years hare
never do
o for Kyan
Ryan to be caught In that not
not elapsed
elapsed yet.
yet. no
no the
the new
new owner
owner of
a box. He la too much of an the Equitable baa time to make good
at tbe game to make such a | the prophecy. It g->es without aaying
' that be ta alreq^ wdlvMi tbe road.
F. Ryan's foes say that all > The imre tbe character of Ryaa la
bla actions have not ^>een ao dlaiiiter- brindled tbe more the strength of thr
cated as his testimony before tbe ln*ni> , man Is seen. He la credited with bring
j ance committee weald make tbe Eqnl- the power behind Tammany Hall, or at
debauchery. *11,0 cost along ottK-r
lines was then taken up. pf how. for a
few paUry dollaro. the state licenses
man to drittade bis brother by ghrlng
him liquor. It cases the happiness of
me. Happiness and a drunkard
cannot live together.
Mr. Cox spoke ef the foolishness of
man to sll down and spend his o’ber
wise needed money to rnln himself in
drunkenness and that this brought the
greatetI expense, the eosl of a man for
"ne drunkard sbaH enter the kingdom
of boaven." He touched ob the fa
tbat Varkma Inatilntl^** vere car
hU place ^th them.
"Tbe tendency of time Is against the
Ell Smith, who baa bren cairylng tbo saloon." said Mr. Cox. "not against
maU from
tbe anioon keeper. Be is the akme as
the famoa
any other worldly man—la 11 for hU
ka,%lU go from Beattie to New Icrti brand and butter, but It debauches
city by
by dog
team, aaya a SaattleapedM
man and takea food from their chllBlotch to the Chkugo Inter
droa'a naOBtk. 1 abeuld he ashamed
It N propoaed by Mr. Smith I
to be a galdaB keeper.-:
ieattia Mtly nftar the let of J
and to trtvri ovre tbe eountry i
Ue tkep Mke of the hold which
hog team wherever there la snow. Be Uqaor geu on mcB and exproaaed bl.
plaBBid to reoch New To
sympathy «:ck a maa flgkUng ibe de
opeotng of the aanaaJ ipM
sire tor BtroBg drink but that ka woald
abew in fhb latli^ port
find friea(da ob every band to nid blm
nnd tbanknd Ood tbnt tbare nro more
frtaoda to'nid Ika drunknfd tUn there
nro nncaaiai to ktodqr^bito. 1$ rioting
be anid. -Tba Bible Is a &mit of new
ihin^ It la AM wlik ctear nnd
Recofcl Want Ads Pay
So many patent modlclnes and ad
vertised cures are now offered to tbe
public that our readers tboiild be glad
to know tbe opinion cf a man who has
spent years In handling them and
profit by his advice.
Roxburgh of tbe Johnson Drug
Co. sayr . ’After having sold drugs. M»d
mate - of
all kindsI and makes
Baturalty we
learned scmeihlag about them—tncir
value and power to cure, and wc warn
to say to the rreders of the Record
that If tbe people of Traverse City
realUed the real cnratlve and atrenglb
demand tor \tr
VlDcl te not n patent roedletne.
nctnnily cvmtalna nil tbe Ufe^lng,
bodyckoilding. and atrongtb-crentlng
propeHtos of eod liver oil
taken from frevb cods'
without a drop of tbe
nauaeatlng ofl. Tlno) makes rich,
bldbd. and tanea «p and tnvigora
every organ Ik tbe body.
In the strongest manner we mih
taliBgly endoroe and ffannntee Tl
to Iftcroaae tbe appetite, cure atomi
troablea. give strength and reM
viuniy to the agad. buOd op pnny<
cblldrcn aad nm-down peraona. make
tbe weak mnrntk cart ekrenle eoBgha.i
fltuf par
We again ask that we m»y be favored with yoor
Our 1906 Calendars are somewhere on the road,
having beta! shipped some time ago, we regret that
they are not on hand mdy for distribution.
Thanking ytw (er^past tavors. we remain,
sssjsssar.st.v" '
crae City to try Vlnol on onr gm
tec." Johaaon Drug Ca
W. dastiiids & Sob
TluvKfitc cfnr, aicHioAi^ HOMMV. JANUAIIV I, im
Baf ptearoHy ttWah^aw ts
^ kM yIs
^ ^
U that yoa oaepectei
be Ofwr'-wg. :7mly. -I thSak bli
no at
HM» af i
tar Ms
• CBy,
d tba homo nr
teM not dear of that tateeat etty
r. fU Wote Tagtb^'
te dWBa the lotabed tatennatkm
baaw he appBed lor a Itosaao at Ue
te ^moa
eoaatycSerraofftoolB Port Ha^ He
Wroth blaaed ta
^oebhaM oatbo aam car and fate bor I organ, riplte and
attber. Tbe laM
•amd ad^ Mair Cobro and her age as «rs arefO givoB
CC. He la If roars old. ^
Bonce Floieber of Vealee. Italy, la
if apodal gaoot at the oaaltarium. a; tbeir borne after mldalgkt wBb happy
•Vft dared my tbatr abo
Battle Crgok, and U reeeteteg
wiabes for the new year.
Joct. Be says that If peo|
slowly and penperiy cbw (
witb an boofot stiiring for tbe facta. that they would not require i
-U waa tbe Mas. tbo mme thought of
It. that tnrtarad me. U waa like an orO
^IV^^^mrnr aak! M <
t cpald took at tlM a day. Aren't
' bMotlfidr And e imaM Uio
Untoward Boren
okrd at Iba
paaHa fur a few a
I and then
Mn. Haatbe Ud apoo t
In the lock.
ftoveral evorted ber y tbe raniaiTa
wlaSrb ■awaited before .
t down the
little treen raakH bea!^ liar.^e^l^
lockod fewpt case wa* t
Ume. I took It Into iho I
and rtianirt mtb Ibt ^rmit of hla
nyatcry. but 1
■t b» a^W^rto njjtUmgbt. liareJy U; wa«|a rrmarkably think that th«r*
bandiKimr ydonf “Baa. bnd tbe lady
waa aware of liia ciarm|lo tbe j»olnt of
poaitivr pain. Yet ibe ceald never un- m>* lock of eapertOBoo conotrkln* me to
oak advice aa to tbe beol method of proBMmiid wby H itoaldnot be an tm- ce^.
Flrot, boworor. 1 muai stoto ay
mixed rbwaofe; aa«y h waa one that
no human beloff bd a rtsbt to deny tM)*!! X was noar homo my carrlago
I looind out of the window uaa
hi^. J8he wmi a wtow wboee married
naaod Mkhael Boor, wbo
life bad aran-ely a emblaoc« of reality
U ber memory. Itwaa enly a dream
him eurller
nf a man’a anddetand fatal iJliieaa. Intboday. I>oe* It not ooOm pooelble that
was a footuro of a clever plot and
aUi. tookUUf hack poo K abe aeemed this
uU whAa Michael ongasod »y ottentloo
to behold/leracir I brtdal Drraa and
poo oM otOs a oonfsderato cwme to the
moumtiia irape on be aaaie\Uy.
pposlte window of the cuirtase. rra4-bed
i. unlocked tbe bo* with a dupUcale key.
, i Three yrara bad Onroeil tbe plcturr.
<ked It again and faded away into tbo
She waa a girl lu hm aw: In looka-ln
irmoU of Uw cltyT
»t Ibe ludependIt la true that when X bad roneJoded my
1 tbe control 6f
;lcr%lew wliu Michael I happened to look
a great fortune. Roarat waa ber eQual
mclally/and, tbougibe had not a pen
ile mual go to hla lodlgent uncle twice
a ybar with a bandfi of debU. at least Into
grip of o^ w^he u aa a gentiemani apendtbrift, and
hla follieo bad nerefbrongbt him Into
was In the plot and that tbe third thief
ttixlem a.»rtety. It Imot probable that was alao one of my sert anls.
You will remember that 1 have very
lira. HaaliTouck autyaeJ the yopug
maa'a ebararter to ay aeriou* adran' Often used this green plush jewel case
lage. Her ffur* and IjieK. her Joy and in casing
j^aln. pnMMtHliHl nut fbui tbe worklngi IlJnn^^'WsL jwur esteemed uncle.. 1
af her mind, but wa from tbe agtta-
•jcloth. If yomi be ao good aa to
Wr. and waa tbia the pattern tl i you
wantad. iwi*amr
^ took a bit of doth from
aide of bis cap and bold It up. }
• No,-aald Mrs. Haabronck. -i was
.tbebtber., After many futile efforta tba man
fboad tbe right sample and wett off
upon his arrand. Two mlnutoa later
Mrs. Haabrooek alighted at her mltk'oee. thelewdcamlnherhai^ She
carried It directly to a room oa tbe
awmuS floor where them was a safe set
‘Into tbe waU. By a window of ibis
(room abo sat down to enjoy a last
fgi:mpac of her tarortte trinket before
consigning It to tbe darknem of the
iaafa 8be nalockad tbe casket wHb
;the key. which abc had cunied In her
glore. and when tbe Ud waa up rim
Glared., dnmfonndnk npaa amptinam.
, fTbc pearU wrre gone.
. For soma mtomes Mrs. lUtbroockb
JBIM WM.te iMr nf mtcr.cimfMtoB.
/ I
^ /
Ii vMerfmllMrs anscKCker dosrtet tnvd
sbMt tte streets is tearck «r a hMst to rest Be
tsakstkrNchthevsst colsms af Tbe Eresisc ftecorO. Tes css (et a ceM tessBt by aSrertblBC.
MM nr Sk
udnix-o.^.. AddrrM Olob» OtMn j^
pMy. -a CbmIDDt 8i, PhiUddlpkl. ;
Corporal C- D. Swift was tatormod by WANTffO-Prtsm two to four board ;
era, grotlemeti preferred. Inquire ‘
rent a great amay tlla. Aa Jkr. J. fl. the head office In Detroit that if tbe
Lot R. q. ear. IfiU Md Bmmte fflA,
Kellogg s Ideas about diet are akin to proapertlre recruU was sot patrioUc
_________________ !« ft OR XCih Bt.
those of Mr. Fletcher, the doctor In eaoiMh lo toarc a dog behind Uncle
ulrted n««. for
ta ». W<t *«
trifed him to Battle Creek, and he Sam didn't want him In hla aenrlce.
came all the way from Italy to beogam
tto less than throe
Fres to All Mlntoters.
acquainted with Dr. Keltogg.
I will send one bottle of Warner s
Devotion to her ateter eannnd the
• 1 lou OR KImwood RfR^ hteteRdR
RThlie Wine of Thr—the best cough
oorner Kroot aad Oaaa streets.
death of Mias Mlnale Harris, aged 19 remedy on «anh--free to all mlalsters
I Wayne and Bav fita.
yeara. of dlphUmrla. at bm mother's, Who will recommend it to thter friends ___ ____________________________ on _______________________________
Wayne and Bay Sts.
home near Pon Huron. While the stter giving It a fair trial. Add
light honsekeeplng, centrally local
{h?l5S tosi
mother. Mra George Harria. was vU-|
^ ®
Coldwater. Mich
-And If I hiid taken tbcmr add be. Iting with friends at Brown CItj. her
ed. Young married couple. Address] ^ .urroundlng coRterr lirk.M,4
ter hoM 4
drawing near to her. with a suddru youngest child became 111 of djph••Rooms.” Rccttrd office.
dec 29 tfj acres of Uad. largR hmsasw eor.
mad question In bis rye*.
------------------------------------------------ ^------ aad Hamsdea Sto.
-Girl for general hous*^
12 to U aerro ISRd ta BtoaVROd
-Paul- oho axwwered. teiih white
work. Mrs. T. A. Pennhallegon. LIT ship, about 1 adle from clly ttwlte
lipa. -I abould have been upou your
Sixth street. Inquire at Wood 81s- Will make a good martcet gardUR.
aide. Wo would bare been thieves to
disease herself. After an Illness of n
raspTnamia mr unanfm
gether.At this Inopporttme moment Detec w»-t 1 the girl paafed away and the lU
WANTED—Work by da> of any d«^ i Thero Is (
tive Newell was annooncrtl. He en tie sister, for whom she ancriflclngly
acriptloo: prefer nursing. W)2 K I
tered bearing a grwo Jewel case lu bU labored. Is still living, nnd may reegrload. BoilgRod.
decl2-ifi ^too^araXgOt^ljbdt
bands, and wben It was set ui»on tbe
teble be opened It and* dbcloscd tbe
*J*( WANTED-llcrneases to oil and po^j
killed a fi-v month.«; ago. by a buUdlng
Ub, FYed Vuller, 143 E. Tenth.
falling upon him.
Initials engraved on a wedding ring
am. Mrs. Ilasbroock.- aaid be
note to Mr. Roven.1 *tot«l the case ab found In the dining room of the Hotel
aolntely dead right with ouo small cx- SeasMo at Atlantic City revealed th *
ce|dion~the thinl thief didn't reach In romance surrounding the secret mar-,
to Interest imirisfs -To wee FNirupr it
through tbe window to change tbe
FOR RENT—Hoime oa North Elm yoti win. but sr,. Amich-a first.' that
boxes: be was bidden under the <*ar- riage of Bdward S Wlltbank. a clerk
U has 4le<-lde»l to eater njion a grtu nil
wood avenue. F. . Goodrich.
at the hotel, to Mins Marie Grout,
(-simpaigii to rsU the ntiM:th*u of the
youngfwl daughter of Gardner K.
jieopU- all over tbe rulltri Htates^to
HOUSE for rent. 90i State street. 7 tbe sf-etilc l esutles «*f 1j«- grepl west
Grout, retired millionaire lumberman
rooms: small barn. $8 pc¥ month and to eufxmrap* a larger tuurist
of Saginaw. The wedding took place
travel hither.
Aecwdlug to BiwdB, J. Morgan.
dec 7-tf
October 23. It Is learned. They met
Sfreei s of Jane 17. imri. the oum <of
early In the Mmmer. when Miss Grout
OFFICE ROOMS for rent Wilhelm
•enl yeart
came to the hotel with her aunt. The
Irnii si-UtNivrs In foreign
block, corner FVont and Union.
two had dined together, nnd as they
stateiio at was the l-4»^U of tb<> Aetton ■
nov 29-tf
left tbe room a waiter found the we«lby the Salt Ijlie t'oimuerrlal elnb.
ding ring lied In the corner of a handwlilrb, on Investlgjitlon. found Ataat
file wtstetiieiit Itself was tiltraeouserrakerchief. It was taken to the desk,
fixe. It was d«N Idl'd ibnt the tlnio
where another clerk examined It. and
discovered the telltale Initials. Mrs.
FOR SALE—Work team, cheap, el her was riis- Idalfenipt to divert some of
fills extraonllnary strestu of travel to
\\llibank ‘s a sister of Mrs. Arthu.*
for ca>h or approved pai»er; wt Ight tbe states west of Ibe Mlssvtlri rtvCT.
Hill, wife of the senatorial candidate.
about 2r.m» 11,H. For f.iriher |iartlc V.iileli ei>rialiily Iwve mor<* to offer tim
Marie Grout 1s 23 years of age and 4*
nlars either write or teh-phone. \V. tourist in the hue of lUsmle lieaut.v nud
one of the handsomest girls In Sag
R. Pratt. Old Mission, Mich.
grandeur than iwii Is* fnnml ou Vli«
eiMiilnent of Europe.—s«*tntie 1*^*1 la-•
inaw. and baa been a leader of the sodec28-Cl
clety set. She la well educated ani
Jias travatod. She made a trip to Hs
weight rjvOO. It. J Mor \
wall and Japan whh Mr. and Mrs. Hill
jatil tr i “Ohl Taw sail Kmiff am aiitllngly a
not long ago. She left Saginaw late
------------------------------------------------------- I a1se m.nu.” said |ie;."ou lUavkberry
this fall for a visit with her brother,
FOR SALE-Hoose and lot. barn on j
a prominent doctor In New York.
loL. 442 Wfvi Bight slreoL Price j
While spying on an Initiation of th^
12,400. one^lhlrd down. halancR to
wayV” asked l»c.*,eon
KappI AlphI Phi sorority of tbe I»oasuit purchaser. Inquire 115 Bait i jone*.
tlac high school, at the Pack residence
Ninth streeL or address John Clone i -Why. alsmt de eo!le«-f1ouii.
at Pine lake. WlUla Pack aad Hum
ChelKiygau, Mich.
„n de g.s.J nieVelR in liU
Hill, two boys, were -discovered and
K.iid; all de buftom. eii i;alla to ds
given a taste of aa Impromptu initia
_______________________________ I mine to wear rlotlieT^ tier must lisb
^bxrxcnTx thax i tion that they did not relish. The boys
*7ou Ana a
Claw i bullou* eii if dey si^liie ia^uUdyiy
learned of the sorority's plana and
gaato‘uiu>-t hub ttaIls,'V-4Uhag.i
put ta
rhige scat. When your atlontlou wan during the artf*nu>on hid In the house.
draw li away be rca« lied out quUk as n The girls arrived some twenty strong
I------------------snake and made tbe ahlft.and <diserved that things did not look
rndcr the seatV crlt-d Mrs. Uaa exactly safe eixuigh to perform the sa
Cf lMAN'S 1
FALM irritY—Oonautt
broui k. -burely Uu-re Isn l roam.”
BRomber tha tutaro lies in fm j
«»«~bls for all interior werfc.
cred rites. Investigation disclosed the
for your dwarf.” re
bo.vs hiding place on the third floo/
the fellow whom
tl ;
and the girls fastened them In by ly
m*nl wUb the note to Mr. Rovcrsl.
tlg^ }
read It. of I'oorse. aa soau ot be waa ing a piece of roi>o from one door knob
out of your sight and the nivumcy of to another. The pr^ration for the
your statemcm s«wrod him blue. He elal»ora*e rerecmmles'ihen went on. all
The king had Just tiiietie.! liN lusHmis .f
and the ctnchuiau and Michael 8aar b«-itevlng that the
could not
ph- nnd the lilrd* lieg.'iii t*» *lug.
break out of the nwm. The beautiful
'-Vv .TOXVD-." sjHAe tliv king,
liig Ills lltsi. -but till* In n daint
ataUooB. and we caught the lucu ‘wrlib
1 Mliairent tinfll I e.nniiMl latplayed Important-parts, and others
tbe gooda on them.* as you perceive.^'
Iliit Just thru Ibe eotirt pliysh lan ar
'•And my noier'abe breolbed, pass- were attired In the deadly white sbce:s
ig blm as Itoversl was bonding over of the ghosts. The altar was pul In
• Hold on. your imije>ly.” railed
le Jewel rose.
place and the first candidate was
metllval ndxUer. liflUig Ida bund
”l m sorry, but 1 lost If be said and marched slowly up the steps t<i the
wurnliig. -you know I forbid .vou
defUyput it Into ber band.
mysterious strains of “What Will the
lug pastry of all kliuto ai»d llmli'd your
She crtiahed tbe sheet of paper with
die! to iHvilth
With a sigh the
Hardest Be?” when the two boys sud
nervous fingers and. turning, gave tbe
king clos«*l up
fde ami loM ibe
SMS PlMMa Sd. 44.
detective such a look of gratitude that denly appeared In the room. There
ala r es t<» liatul Jt d»t to »«m.r i
be blushed for tbe first time in some were doings right away. The candles
lramp.~Cliic:igu D:^lly Nerve.
went out and twenty girlff pounced up
on the boys who bad taken tbeir llv^s
I Carved In Rocks.
In their hands by daring to pry ui>on
When tbo Islaud of Malm was In the awful rites of the sorority. With
possneskm of the TeiCptar* those Indignant feminine screams they
knighu derended tbeir forts by tbe
struggled until they fired the boys In
use of cannon cut 4o to. the solid rock.
Ea«-b WAS ropablc of c«ontalnlng an to outer darkness, much disheveled.
entire bam-l of guni»owder and could Then the girls baptized them with
throw 10.000 pounds of i»roJoitlIro. Aa about two quarts of. whipped creaui
these natural cannon ccpld not lie aim which they had stored away for their
ed fifty were cut out of tbe rock guard- banquet.
vartoua channelt of approach,
resscls of tbst time were una
The Best In tht W6rid.
ble to approach withlu tbeir own range
Dr. J. W. Hsmllton of Sin F
before being annlhlUtod by theae huge CO. Cal,, says: -1 tave told Warner s
weapons of defense. Altbougb tbe White Wine of Tar Syiwp for >oar.
fb remedy 1 erer nw
fame of them caimoa tyaa aprmd far
and wide, they were not duplicated
cteewbere, and they remain tbe only
A snake and a frog were seen at
rock cannon of which there to any rocWith acarloMl of floe
Carleton very much alive and lively
on Thursday, which is a very unusnsl
occurrence at this time of the year.
“-'a?----- !t'!| !s;!SSKStSSSsa
me rarriaie be ir
It luattared little ^
I Abaurbed lu me
upon the whole agmble. Mrs, UaiiUoock rade U>tui waH wItU her i*earla.
«W carriage atopi>«Il»oal4e tbe curb,
fnd the lady glamvdout of tbe open
Window, exfNHniug toae<* nie familiar
tluuratcpa and rgd maKiur| before tbe
|»urtal of ber luame. |
tbe fo(v of a groom It^
Waa atandlng lu an a
With cup In band.
la tbe Marioe'eorpa of the United
Smtoa arBT a* the tocal office !a 8>.
Clair. peorldUig that bo be alloooff to
take hla pet dog atoog. hot ho will nor
- -- ^ ^Y
And jwt,- bo eoadaoed. *T could bare
eorgtvea you. 1 couki not have blamed
you. Wbat other explanattou was pow
sSbIt or Is possible at Cbla instantt
Boch aMdit of band as a child is capablo of would bare sofflcfd to dolt there
In onr atore. and you weald hare lock
ed au empty box.-I nerer drromed of tt.- said sbu
-You youraelf are fbe aufflclcut answer j
to such an aomsatlou. 1 bold you fora
^et»aM tW* vaa a afOI. pUla. ta*
lipMfTa iaw<« «aa,^ sod tba
m kraklaff «owalnto ft
Ugr • «trtaf of paarla. M Urfa odm
aor aapacUUjr oofaWe ti tb** ordinary
aborrrtr, tmt
Hi « lik* ««
folly mobile, mad lie #ea brimtened
grANT llEPARTfiffiNT
hri^ FM Ke
-I knew tt wasn't trae,- be repeated,
ocamte too* totoe tbaa honetf. yd
Ntiitilj gtfftmd WM tiliat vttli PaU
jffvml »tpl*«r of Ilia ^aprimr.
-1 fcanr B wmat Me.-be aaU alm-if
iter as a cbDd and wftb a ao6 of ex- 5
, to be uaed In a rapid
changr-would h*\e been
sun. Of cour^. thrre s
Uut 1 must stick to my
r bow dear i
me. X look to you for beU
It. aad 1 have montioned
on* else, rieass communlcste with me as
soon as you hsve come to a dtcision. Ulnerrir »»««.
Sw dlip«t(b«l tbl« l.y ow of ber
drprndcnU. a bright cy«\l ycmUi of
dw'arflab ataturr. but of fell rxcelkmt
Imblt of rrtk'cncr. and then abc wailoJ
lu many kinds of misery for KoveraTs
An hour passed. She sent again for
the dwarf. He bad rctnrurd from hi*
errand and bad gone out again upou
anutber. Bbc rogn^ted tbo rooUoa
which bad forbidden her to tell him
to report to ber Immedlatelj. but she
had not whdutl to make blm think too
seriously of bla mlaalon. Another hour
dragged away. Mr*. Uasbrouck cookl
Mand anapemm no longer. 8be caltod
llowwrs by telephone and learned that
I'aul bad gone out no one knew wben
or why.
-1 wonld like to speak witk Mr. Ilea
17 Roversl,- she said upon a auddan
Only an exact txnotattom not poaalWe
to tbe present rbronlclcr. could prop
crly reveal the sympathy which Mr.
Rorerol fell and cxprtMscd whan be
toarned of Mrs. Hasbrouck'a toas.
-Have you any ausplrlooar he asked
at last
-.None wbsterer,- she replied.
Mr. Borers! admitted that tbe case
was mysterious and deeply distressing,
and he begged that It might be laid bo
fore Mr. Newell, tbe astute detectira
who guarded tbe vast treasures of tbe
store. Mr. Newell listened witbout
comment tarMr*. Hasbrouck s clear and
concise statement of tbe facts. His
questions, though their porrmri was
tkUlfully relied, were directed, as tbe
lady easily percatred. toward tbe elw^
datlon of a aingle element of tbe caaonamely. wliea and under what dream
stances was Mrs. HaabrODCk*a note de^
Mr. B. Unlobee. of IteolcsTWf,
Ilrered to Mr. Paul BorersL To tbH E. Ik. iscd QttiObertilB*t CtirB
ond Mr. Newen obtained a deocrtpttoa
te* jrBoffflac oDirB bst
of tbo meoaeager. and with that be
aoemed to bo content
wtetcr tB« njs he heUeret it the
-Too wfll bear from wie wfthte a MlrcoicBBeiiciBe thit is thorconplo of boors,-aald be la coodaalaa. offrUjefiMtff.
22 to 3
-and I hope for tbe best resulta.Tbe allotted time bad almost expired
bridge \n fbe world Is
and Mra Haabroack waa upon tbe
torge of aome dMaUy cataatropblc ex- that jbusidiig the Ihinube at I'xeroafeet; fob
1»tosloQ of tbe Ceellags when tbe cwid Toda, with a length of
of Mr. Faal Bdrenl m put into ber lowed next by the «ahw*ton liay
baada and preoently tbe young man
oatered, a tragic tfgara, pale as paper. Xirui W *-vrru viiuiBCS itvmw
Ho gaaoed at three yards distanewand spring, ta Scetlaiid. raaks eighth, and
looked Into ber cyoe. and slow ly a woa- the Broohlya bridge ninth.
»- «•> >r •>.-
liberal favors durclosing
connintt imsFtR a.
which has
been a prosperous
one. and
them that we have
good thingsin store
for them for 1906.
Hoping we, may
merit old patron
age in the future
as well as much
JAN. 3,1906
new, we wish all a'
The ftory of the torture of Her. O.
D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church
of Harpersvllle.'N. Y.. will toterost
yoa. He says: ”I suffered agonioR,
because of a persistent cough, result
ing from the grip. 1 had to Sleep sit
ting up la bed. 1 tried many remedies,
without relief, until I took Dr. Klj^s
Coughs aad %ldt.
Coldt, which eaUr^y
cared my eough. and taved me from
“A grand cure for dla------ "■
lUoasI of Throat aad Langs.
I'Drag On, F. H. Meads. C.
A- »u
Happy New Year
I«oiild adnse &nDe» ar«ii7oiie io need of a Honu» to
oamc and boy now. at Horae* are.ioaroe and will behigber than
ever a litile later on.
Thii will be Iboflneat lot I have e»tjr broi«ht hero, and I
invite people t j oome nnd nee them,
Leo SplomDri
itelARi HORSE MAN' ^
^ -•
nuvuitE cmr, MiCHiaAii, Monday
I Trite HovltWmScv.
Sborl>ano(SerHcB.i«adter. -PIcM*
D» 1W
WKheat Esoaias:
Bt. lobB J. gewddor, paator of tba
Oiy, baa baao appototod a mctol palieaBBB BBd la kaowa aa OBlear tSt.
gcaddar. ta Mi agpUeattoa for the job. J. Oaae at U West FortywutaMh
^■DtlB «n«T BOOS BiTmW wiaca:
Patoea baa a
iarga mwatoirMti. to tba eictolty of
1AM. and oa opaa alibtt wa areeto nr wmmt postage to Oraat Britato.
Itad toy a ttooaaand or Mtaaa baadrad
Hmm« Aflrifi:
the ApoaUea, ao oee
may toeacrootoamldU
artag.aad 1 baratoy «
be appoteted apoc
m mt
« Tmmmm jl. mamm,
Mt Uamm Mrwam, wnmitn m ytt
I aad bare iMbtod me
Ml M wrfMirt te Dm v«M M
to • fwwrt MMryltw wlM the malaety of tho tow."
JtaM Owtowa, tto 3tov
tWHTwnrtt, to mM to ptft:
other day at a matotog of the ladtoaa
to tto wMlTitot- otaia taacbera' aamwtalloa. by Heary
toty. It WMM Mt MUtotot ^ M7 Watteraoa. geaator Beraridge and otbiBNPtof to wto ip aad Nm titot ara. -We are oalatorattog the Boaatlde
of oor greal aad hoaorad poet.** aald
MMOie M «to» art toTMttototof «n Mr. WaUeraoB ta part, -and thoogh I
hare fbagbt throogboot By lUe
M Mtetolelty toy
taall ltaforma.1
CM tot tea. UwflltotAtM. 1
OipiM to Mt It toMtort I Olt.
inC gMt cAMpt to «bt prodocOoB or oloctrtdty wlU otoollto corjy.
I«r «1 te Chot porpoot. lootoodor
dtotoiM fitoi Mtortoi oot or tilt torth.
loodtof It oa <pn oad corrytov tc. oigr.
M HdlM. tiMto to pot n ottdor o tioUtr
oad tom Md 00 ptc powor. wt tooO
mt w Ptoati at fitot amtho of mtoto
pmmto powor tboro opd trmaomtt tt
vtefmr tt lo atodod toy copptr wtoo.
••It It wrnmmtm tokotp«BPOtttof ml atoot OB wtootio. It It too
ctamy. It It too etoOy*
■Mttrtty forlt It It oooitr to carry
■wtaealar ^J^iotloB . toy oilllloot of
tootoo a otcDBd thaa ftoUtot cm fun
pT crado mttor. Wo caa atolp lOOm
toantptmar Otar tba ortra qolckar mad
|to^mTmltBt^ to coto^arcr a railroad
1 •W't Boat aUBiAttt tba railroad altojpHliarfroatfaltprotolaB. MHaft tbe
! aaa or A? Wo doo*t waot coal anybow. It doaa at ao pood to look at it
Wbat wa waat ti tha raaaltaiit oT the
i aUDoat oBony that caa be prodaotd.
I ABd tbar* la do atatt to carryloc
around mllltoBt oT toot or raw mtleHal llkt coal wbto wt can gvt a prod, Bct dtUrtred to at toy wire.
•Wraiythlac poUita to tba fact that In
j Ilia naar fotnra alactildty wfll bt pro^
! 4acad for fOBaral conamnption by great
power boaaaa at tht moottiB oT coal
pita. That U tba logical and oominao
aanae omcoBa oT praacnt trtoU.
ow. tht troth iMjbMX It will coat a
toy Wirt ttom ta cany It to tht i
coal to raUrotol cart. Aaanine the price
or coal to be $1 at tht Booth oT a mine
and aaautne the frelfht to he $li».
Now. wt can turn coiU Into electricity
at tha Blna and oooe^ It by wire for
laai than hair of tho cost of iht freightageorcoal.
Ito, la yaara to come, tba graat alactrie power pUnta will be aet np In the
coal llelda. Slactric power will Urgdy
do away with ataam power. Blectiic
light will become cheaper than gaa
light 1 beUere drmly that all great
hoary frNdht traflle alao.
-Blaetrldty will take the place of
beraaa. It will aoire the rtolde and
traOcproblaaorcldaa. My new alactrlc ataragt battery Itaelf will make
; !
aprteg wa win ba ready to fnmlMi
tMtupm. Not only wtU they taka
Iba ipaet of becat traftc. hot they
go twkaufiM^.lbay can be
Tba Birtog of atabla opaoe ta New
Tork will corar at laaat 9900lOOO.OOO
meet baa bagoa and la adrmnetag rap
idly. In CBlItoraUu wbare men bare
nerre m6bMi to orarooB# habit they
are tranamlttlng elactHc power 275
Bllea by wlia and tainntag atrrat eaie
«nd lighting dtSae by It That la the
aort of apirit that will wake the world
nponeofthoatdaya. I wlah that aplHt
ta Calttomla woMd aproad erarywhere.
latoetioa to the thoeght that the east,
haring eshatoatod ita aapply. haa had
and huBoriaia and noreltaU. dnding
Boat or thea. by the way. to Indlana.Robert Page, troant officer for ths
Boaodal^^ achoo! dlatrtct. WyandoUe
oooBty. Kaa^ haa oatabllahad a whlpplag poat for traaaU and tooorrlglble
boya. He whipped fonrboya the othar
night, rangtog to ages from • to 12
yaara. for breaking Into a grocery
alore. Mr. Page aayaXhal hereafter
he will nae the whip taatead of reeorttog to the jnrenile court, which
diapoaca of crtmlnala under IS years
old. He aaya the jurenllo court aci<
too alowly and doea not aceompliah
the dealred reaulta.
Kalaer WHhelm U not for war. He
aaya ao hfmaelf ta these words: “It
Is wrong U> say there extsta around
me a opr party. Thla party doet not
exiat. Bren If It did exist It would b?
of no Importance, aa to jge alooc be
longs the right to an^re at a decision
on such a point. I do not want war,
because 1 consider war cootraryl to
my duty to Ood and my people. I have
been Irritated by grating proceedings
on the part of the former French pretosier. Delcaaae. but I render whole
bonu^ to the tact and firmness of
Rouvle>..J^ahItrarnothlng to create
difficulties. I have given Bivoy Tattenbach most conciliatory Instruc
Min Yung Whan, the Korean prtace
who killed himself aa a protest against
the lapaaese protoctorate; lived ta a
magnificent palace of his own. which
came down to him by heredltar>' right,
and was surroundod with an army of
retainers, fighting men. alaves and
women. He had a fable of beaten sUver crusted with the most precious
sapphires, and bU state dross was so
heavy with gorgeous jewels that It
took two men to lift It over his bead.
He carried with him on hts travel* a
greal white parrot with roee-cotored
lining on his wings. The parrot s beak
was perforated and each side was set
with prtceleas sapphires.
Jack Loadon. the author, who was
recently ta Boston, recalls an earlier
visit eleven years ago. when he arrtved on the truck of a freight car. He
tast his way in the tortuous streeta of
the city, a unique experience for him.
although he has tramped about many
clUes of the wortd. Loodon’s experi
ences as aoramp have not made him
open.handc<t,and hospitable. On the
door of the London home in Ban Fran
cisco is a sign reading: ”No Admis
sion Except on Business; No Business
teyoaU eflvew
Bis WHI go Co Bobo to January %i d
bo aaapisd
the CathoMe ctour.n
at BLitatsf-. A'chbiatoop Btoae. th'
highest Buguan prelate. wlU baptisf
her to the presence of Carxitoal Mery
del Yal. the papal sseretajj of atate.
Ooyotsa and wolves with rabies are
maklag great haroe among the dooie<iUc nnimala bf Northera Mexico, mad
catttaaea from the BSo Oraade couotry are acouring that rsgiaa and trying
to exteraalnate them. It is reported
that several MexSean children have
been bitten and died, and the spread of
rabies ta Texas la feared.
Chlcago*a charity ball may not materUltxe this aeaaoa. as the leaders
Mra. Potter Palmer, who wanU to get
all the credit, tbey aver, and she in%i
won’t keep out to soothe the feelings
of anyone. Mrs. Potter threateaa to
get up a charity ball of her own, and
the other high lights In aooiety aay if
■he does, they will frost It, so there
you are. Meantime mot hers atanre
and habiea die.
A tbonsand dollars* worth of gold
ulliou has been
Press dub by Fred
tag man, aa a price for the beat story
on Colorado. wriUeu by nay ^
tending the anniial meeting of the NaUonal AaaoclaUou of lYess clubs, t
be held to Itanver In August. 1900.
Notice to the Taxpaycri of the City i
Traverse City:
The tax rolls for the collecUon of
the stale and county taxes for the
aud for the delinquent
■chool and city taxes and special aaaeasBeata for said year hare been
placed to my hands for coUeetton.
1 be ta my office to receive said
now until Feb. 1. 1W>€. on
lock to 11:30
•noon and from 1
ta the afternoon,
o’clock to
On all State aad county taxes
before January 10. the regular fee
a will
charged a fee of four per cent
lection. Penalty on delinquent city
and achool taxes and special assessmenta. 4 cent on each dollar of the
amount of aald tax.
Office ip room 202 State Bank
*’“Dat25 Dee. 1.1M6.
dee «f
aty Trsssorer.
Fine Dental Work
ri. N. nutellmanttel
ltd Bast rMni Bi.
yaa ait not
wMi fBalto
Tkiab tur gtaraBtoa whiehgoBwith
For Bali gaiOMMUHOtoyhy
A A. Ifon or be re Uto ton oC the
at7:Mjm. M. B. Haskell, peera.
tary. Elafr B. White. W. 1^.
42S WIST raan stiiit
the world.
-tn>en that diacorary la made tha
$2.00 down. $1.00a month
fora 15-inch
15-Inch Broiler. 15-Inch
Oven. 4 Burners
$4e $4e50p $5eP0
Did lomc frioml remem
ber yon that you bad
D<i{Iocted to provide for?
Yon oan find juat the gift
here that yon wouU like
to return for New Years.
It need not be expensive
unless (you wish; plenty
of dainty and pleasing
gifte for a little money.
Warranted good— engia\i3d frea Juat the
thing for a gift that if
You can’t give anything
more acceptable. ' Onr
tbey vnHly rary high, toot they will ba
able to go a little htabir than the tieai
and bgildtato. DMh a dtacorary wttl •nd Bronohtel TefiNdtet. It cute
toaha U poN^ to dHre totpa aeroB »U phlegm from the throet.dnw«
out Sm inSemmetion. relieree the
feverish conditions sad strengtheBS
the mucous membrsnee lining the
throst end brondual tubes. It acts
BaaQf dMbotod that a mM
genUy on Sm bowels, thus espeUing
sU ooi^ from the eyetem. Beet
for ohU^ beosuee it is s certsia
by actfaiK u a catbaitk «
thalManla. Sold by
OR. as.
iW ^
ei.as PER l-OAD
t ‘'x*'*'' *
Join R. Santo i
«k. I
Trt Tttsuranct i
laxrlrtBgal 1:B
* Smith^Premier
material for a honieat
the simplest and strongest of all writing ma
chines. . 11 doe* better work, does it quicker, lasts
longCs”, and costs less in the long run than any
other typewriting machine, it is
The World's Best Typewriter
Let « sea4 yen tesr lirJe kosk tOmg sU stow k.
Tho Smith Fromiur Tyjtowrttwr CompaiiT
l74 0rtoBol4BL
605 New WObalffl Block,
CiU ans’phone 639.
6|ide Jle Jarois
2*1 Trsat Str««t
8anU CUui it on hit annitol cruise to bestow good
^ingtoBhU many friends.
Gdieral Insurance
UhelmBUcH Traverse Ctty
ao. 87. ion PHMIS
tianirith the lumber need,
ed. We eupnly the beri
at lowest Fciosi oonsistent
Vader. preaMuBt; Gayta
•oMary; Nettle C Ormy.
i. THIRLSY-Spaelal.attaw
■sss o( eUUrsa. iBoosi
tu bank bldg. Bote ahoasa.
Wi Oval Wood Dish Co.
ss:isrj»s‘«2is 2
That dooH leak-gold
and ailrer handka.
by aocae direct proceaa without
ty Ttanday MMitolOQk. A.a.H»
«« P, 1
tog. M
Screened and pre
pared eepecially for
Ranges and Co6k
Stoves, from an ex
cellent quality of
Hocking Valley Coal.
It is easy to handle
and a good burner.
Try a ton and be
Up Biplrs
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