The Evening Record, November 21, 1906

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The Evening Record, November 21, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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•I i


PssitoH T»st ths ElocSfto U#R Ptet
•ter Atoo Bo Pwissmu hr
iBo vmsfo.

•pocJaJ U>^ ermoag Bocord.





Osf HSfiM and Forty-Tws Lssds
U THM VllUii Y8S^

Fnnitohod te the Cvonlng Rooord
M te noon oacb dmr by a E. WalL

Cloudy. Gontle northeast wink.
Rainfall. M,
Rain or snow tonight and Thursday; high ooatoriy winds, incroooing; variable Thursday.

wabeaid of low prieea.^
apoctoes and Conunlsotoscrs Haa
iimt Cenyleted Ito Thifif Am
mml Convention.

Bperial to the Evening Record
WaahtogUm. Nov.
Hfnrt os a Urge scale to reduce fire
losses la represented In the Iniema
ttonal Boeiety of Building Commlsaloorra and Inspsct'ors of this rily. which
haa Joat held iu third annual election
Free advice on the aubjecl of fin' pr«renllon is offered * to any municipal
Ity. aasocUtlon or Individual, haring
Ihelr own corpomte or his persoiuU
Intereat enough at heart to a»k for
The society Is rompow>d of the chM
officers of the building d<*psrtm<-nU
portant city In the country u n presentod as well m many cities to En
rope, some of Ihtt members U lng fr^mi
Ftogland. Austria, and Mexico. Its work
Is directed by the chief executive of(Continued on Third Page.)


fiooJ Hubber Gotels. We
have, right nuw, tbe moat
cxvmplete lire of UubUr
Goods evar ilUplayeJ in
Traverae Viiy.

Hot Water Bags,
Fountain Syringes,
Combination Syrinjfcs,
Invalid Cushions,
Bulb Syringes.
Ice Bags,
• l ace Bags,
. Hic.. Etc.

Bperial to iThF
nlng Recortl.
Buttooa ILtr. Mirb. rov. 2I.-Tbe
committee W stjll hard nl work <.n
plana for the vlUaKe waierw»»rk.<.-ihe
which would nieani’
not only great | rtmvmience to the
village but ndei^uate firv pmteeiion
At tbe last election the pro|M>MltJon to:
bomPHhe village for |:».0‘hi for build
Ing a water work* system carried by
a large majority ’
The plan favtirl d Is to have a reser­
voir which woulii 1h' filled from welU
either by a pumping station or by ar­
tesian wells of art**quat»- fiow to forct^
lor up into the reservoir,
prolmble that the plans wHlI Ih?
gotten ln;o shap«j this winter and that
work win iM- lw*f|un--------------ax p<wl
ble In the spring.!


An iaIfsoIuIi’ guarantee cf

$3.50 ana $4.00 ,






Had Bssn Outetfisd by a
Ctenptny of ielditrt to Prsvmrt
His Being Lynchedb
By Wire to the Breoing Record.
Center. Tex.. Not. 21 —Wck Martin,
eolorod. who ahot and killed D. V.

Woee Saved From Fire.

W.' are Sole AtJenU.


There is No Magic
in the accomplishments of our

“Best” Flour

^onoriil BbaR

tlio Bouts of ijsm.

* ^


!- V

Thirty Persons Art Reported Injured


Lay. Co.


in great variety of
styles—no better val­
ues can be shown in
half hose at twentyfive cents per pair
than are shown by us.

FINE Hnderwear
For Men—


Wtettoop and ^ premMent otBy Wire to the Evenlag Record.
By Wire to tbo MtrooHig RacoM.
Mobile, AbL* Nov. 2l.-TWrty per* adnla. Tbe loarp araa prafnaelr d*e>Bakorbeld. Oel.. Nov. 21.—It develanted aad in* Ifcrowdad wttli people
opofi today that Otemrml Sbafier lofi
the WTCMi^dtog eoontiyno wnu and bis ocmds-law. WUUam
!*B«ar Dwight
^ MeXIUrtoa. bM aakod for
A PEDRO PARTY will he given by
Unr louors os tbo ootate which M
the Alter Boys nbelcCy
taheod at lUAfifi.
MOT ijlOVEO but am sUtI loealtd to
Pront strerisa Admission ten
MX cents.
tilt WINmim bierita
A. a T>tof. DteittoU



Smith Realty Co.

Half Hose i

Waa R*eeiv*4 ly '
Whsn He UuiM at Ponce.
Town pucarsted. •

By Wire to the Evening Record.
Ponce, Porto Rico. Nov. 2i —Presi
dent Rooeerclt and party arrived here
this monilng. landing at S:M. The
preaiduBt was rtcrived by Govccoor


Corner Lake Avc. and'Dcnth St.
Citizens phone IL*
Bell phone 1C9

o the Evening Record.
Toultoa. rrance Nov. 21.—Tire toMORNINO.
oyi^d the dry docks of the

PMd Itirt salanlar. *ra» »**ut«d i«.|pri«t* Mp boIMI.R *omp«ijr. la
•lay. Tb* Jan *m. cnanM hr roaftMcB wanU»a are belec canpaar M rt the Thlrt lahatiy u> pretaallmMas.

wci;:hi about 2.400.
tcam^ wci;:ni
1 work tea
1 7 ycar-old marc, g ood tlriver.
1 4-months-old
4-monihs-oId colt
1 last spring's calf,
2 sell heavy work harness,
1 light driving harness,
1 heavy wagon.
1 set heavy sleighs,
1 fK)wcr feed mill, new

Will take approved nine months* note, without inlenrst,
inpayment lor any of the above.

Hy Win* to Ihe Ihcnlng tlocord.
niic.iim. Nov. 21.—A |KM*tal card
Ihrrateiitoc the Ifc of Senator Till­
man if he atiemiis to dr-llvcr bis Icclurc at Orcbe«ti+ hall next Tuesday|
pvening was pla^sl in the hands of
Chief Collins ttHktr. The card read:
’The Hon. Bei^. Tillman will not
Mpesk. If he dov» he win Ik* shot by
s mulatto, who Will go to tbe hall on



For Sale Cheap.


Ry Wire jlo the Evening R<*cor<|.
Roche^er. N. Y.. Nov. 21.-Three
persons were killed by the colIa|ise t»f
at Kodah path this morn­
ing. Many were tnJun’Ll and every
anoe in the elly was called to
the park Iwhlch Is four miles out. Sev­
eral of tbe injured will die.


Oar School Sbo.w aie just
as stylish and Josl as s^r*
viot'ablcas skilhvl Aiin’ri[ ran labor and Ihi* touirbial
fiber leather can innki*
them. AH Umconifurteblr
• tylea on laaU auiu14«* fi>r
the Rrowinif frit
I’ri cs
7 5 c. II. tie:., $150. SI 75,
$2 and $2.50.

Dm^ Store

Postal Card Says that MulsUo WHl
EvWencf So Many Wars Injured That Every
Kilt Him—Carri In ths Hands of
In the City of, Roches­
ter Was Called Into Use.

By Wire to the Rrentog Record.
TOitladolphU. Syx. 21 -Mve mem
bors of the all^gbd let* truat pleaded
guilty when their oaace came up tiv
day and seren others were discharged
the eridcnce being totufficlrat. Only
two are now left to stand trial. Those
who pleaded guilty were each fine |T5.

. Union 8L CMhiore.




Bubeck ti Hoyt

It mean* mort- than a
posiiblf anliafaclion to
you. It means to every
wearer of

_ ^sn Wart
•sing Insi

for men are dlsttorily dlfferoat
from those for summer, sa Is
your optrr clothtog. Coma Is
and sed the Utext If you wonld
be in tbe mode from toe to
maleh your new auU ulih
inoper ahirte. Ilex, ecarfx. aocKx. ,
glovea and the like.
change to ahape. too. We have
the last the manufacturers

Tbe Sigh of


The mual arsraas hers la alx>ut
alDSty loads a day. sUhmiah last we^^lc
Thursday 111 loadt were brouRbt to.
The tannora base brra holding off for
tnHtrr pricte trot now that they boIlcYc had wealW has set In ihey are
to a hurry to let go of thorn at the
preralltog market which ts 26 cents.
The crpp nma aboot 125 boshrls to
the acre which U only regarded aa
about ihme-ouartcra of the twgular
crop. Aa la the caae to many aectloaa.
a nmeh larger acreage waa planted
thla year but the cnip will t>c prac­
tically the same nnmtmr of Imahela aa
last year. The potaloea run amall luit
are of the finest quantity.
The neanieM of the cloae of navi­
gation la alao a factor In caualng the
rush to morket

of <mr now rgady, elaborate T6y DepartiDeiiL
Tboe you win End a hMidrae lot of
the prettieat dolls im iown*—drefieed, un.
dMMki kid bodies, bia<)oe, ehina at>d the
new work! famed DreamlaiKi Rag Dolls with

Dy Wire to the Evening RedCtt.
Chicago. Nov. 21.-A pneitogo df
jewriiT valued at
was el
from a WolU Pbrgo Express com
wagon earty today Is tbo down t


To the Mdttor^ the Brenlng Record: While fee% deeply grateful to
you f<^r cialllng public auentlon to the
nan; treatment of the* old lady
who WON ctvmpellcd to wait friemllcss
alone all day yesterday at the
de{M)t I cannot refrain fruin stating
that only a part of the pitiful story
waa bnn«ht to light.
Tbe old lady whose name ts Mrs. E.
Dllloni came here from Rapid City,
where she had lived 'fur some lime
with her daughter. Mrs Ed. GauifUrr.
from whom 1 received a IcUer last
Saturday; eontalntog tbe foliosIng
cold-blooded statement:
• I will send roa to you and you can
kvH*p her or put her on the town. Jm»t
aa you ll^e."
Had 1 the health and moan}: to do ao
(Continued on Third V^.}

Doll Section

Vateod at flAOfi Ftwm an Ba-

CityBook Stdi^- -

SpscUl to The l^nralnf( Rmrd.
SaUaUa Bsy. Mich. Nor. 2L-A
fiUTTONS bay! will SOON HAVE
tood of potetoc^ has dracmdsd on
Byitoas Bay and the loads of tsbrni Mrs. Chase Says She Has 8U and A
am atm oomto* to at si llTcly rate
of Them Have Good HemM and
Yasterday. IW Boada were wMfhed at
Dollara Was Voted for
Could Take Care of the
ths Tillacs aeaka aad twihro toads la
Biggeri Improvement Village
Helpisse Old Lady.
othrr placas aad today, jadetog by ap^
ly's r«td will





Norfbport. Mick.. Nor. 21.—A spe>
CLAIM RMC RWIINU THI ROOIU rial oBootton wfU be bold here Dec. 4
for 4be iwfgo^ of eoctog on a bond
Isoqo of fl6jM6 flsr (bo pnrpose of
fiteg a water woibs ayMom for tbe
ige. Tbe Uktim oror of tbe Her
light plaat aad maktog It a munlcAlter fteltf M »ter
tpaJ tostnattoo aad ranatog It In con
km wttb tbe water works U aHo
HMoUted. It bring britorod that
socb a msssors would be more profitBr WU« to tfe» Crralag Itoeord.
able thaa If the vUlage akms operated
Nrv T«rtt. No*, n —T*o dMgtrttni
the watir works and Ml the light
plant to the hands of prtrsle owners.
•Ito, IM NIM(7-4Urd otreH. art nU
There to some opposition to the
to ba«* glVM Uo polir* MtonaMloa
md tssye hot it Is thought that tbe
vbfch ku'laM*^ fc*r IB tb* T««bB majority of the bearlest taxpayers will
vttkoM ML
tar >ko wiO tosor 11 Inaamoch as'the recent dlsM
hBT* to UK* lb* lMi»» ot sarAOTlac
> firs was a terrible leesoo to the
B Aocbb flov-bora >bM«b bM AaMnvle of tbo danger of betog wUbool
lac lb«tr IKMIIM la b«r WabBa ilorc. ndoqoate proteetkm.
A ral4 *BB mad* aa bar bona* br delactlaaa aad poll**. Both d*ii«bt*rt
an BBiTlad aad raapadabta.



From the fifty cent fleeqe lined
goods to the finest all wool
suits our underwear depart­
ment meets the approval of all
who visit it. We can guaran­
tee you extra value on %nything bought from us in the
underwear line. It will be a
good plan to buy early, Bs wc
arc already experiencing diffi­
culty in duplicating our best
bargains where we arc short
of some sizes.

Sherman & Hunter.

Special Sale
Sample ; ^


YitttKUy ire onpM^ an.)
pWal on lale today the foH aam
pie line of tbe

Novelty Ski


We boy tbeto •ampU's Iwit* a y^ar.
Moat of yon remember yc-t the liargaina J-OU
thfiliielhU apring.
Thera are 120 akirto in the lot Thai f 130 different,
styles for you to aelect from

at First Cost • |'
Weseta disooaiitan the line. TW girei na a good
profit wfaen offering them to yon at wbat wc would fcaie
Ao pay in angular way.
CkMk SnoUon. Down Stalm




■ 'y';





Mr. Ctoby CWblMtob


mir*..... —

4-----ewrved at 4 Mock W^HaeRiy tomm
Hot. n. whew their dguchtor. Ida.
w« wtotod to wmn^ to Ms


I, Srx^3?=^^

Oadainc. Vle^ oltv.
mmj M chtotottaa were tha yitman
anm in Baeoraar's eoart mi
n chM» to trammy nnd tatotoattob
to atototo hla mmdnct In amnpany
with tohar hoys on Maaov^m The
tory ^aa atodahes to having captoato
tha domaga aOdgsd ^ hava haaa dans
by htomatf and tha othar boys oa Hal


Ne In the Centeat at

by Ih. «WV. Mr. Gawky, pastor to the
iedpto. chteho and W.
r ahwwt thirty pmtoSo‘ .
The krtde wm

Nor. IL-The heaxd ef
wtotoiu tom enwtoleted Rs
declared Henry Znehaitoa.
Mled member to the state




Vm pMVRMiin- qM. mwM of
to MbMl Mm.
•liMg tito Uae at otoTb

sttended by her sister. Miss Mlth publleaa. by a majority of ntorty-foor.
coMtnictioa hu bt lart gi?«« « Oa perfect
Bfkey^who wa. dmmed la while PerTbU contest has been one to greet
toaa lawn and carried pUk carnations, Interest, ns a mUsteg laspectorli re­
One aolkr » week wfll boy Tw ooe.
lesapk Bohrer. brother to the groom, turn frtim the Twentieth ward was
acted ss ^ assn. The wedding thought to tevtoldate the vote from
The faMt Wariiing Mechine
lowe’so aad wna dtsmlaaad oa that march wna' pteyed hy Mrs. L. Crato.
this ward aad elect Bamie. Secharles
part to tha chaisa. Ha pkndad guUty
la bewor to the hnpf^ occaatow the bad a heavy vote to thU ward.
We tdl tliem on30<]a>V
to tha charge to irmum aad abowed home was preOily deeomtod aad after
The caavaaem decided to etbuU the
titda todtoatlod to do aay batter la
1^7 one entlbe coovii>ecd.
|ha matur to atiaadlag achoot It ^ mends enjoyed a wedding supper.
pears that hU paraata. who Uve on
Many btouUfuI and i^l prtotoiU
AMrtch toraat. hara «idcan>tod to wm received by the jyoang people,
rear him ptopsirly. and to have him who have a large number to friewd*
The afdcUl caavass made no cluinge
nttond Bchool. nhd have callrd tha ph to wish them a happy Journey through , in the election reeuiU excepting to taHee on dlfftoant oemmloaa to tnka the life. They will make todr home la
se pluralities of the winning edn
hoy to tha adboot Thte baa aot Blair, where Mr. Bobref owns a farm
Of tr
arallad vary maeli. however, as It Is and upon which he has had built a
TIim ar*
Araa to awy said ba has been unable to make any nice Urge bouse and bahi.
> «r Ilia ItoMVtf fUMto aato progreaa la his stodlea. to^ag largely
Tho cainlU Is a Cuban toult which
doc to the chmrrcte bsMt
Borne Enterprising Thief Took a Bind has a milky.
DHWt. swci-t and
•M If y«i blama la attachod to the dealers who
Worth 47 That Had Been 4lck
starrhy, and a uumUr of round, black'
sold the boy tobacco than to the boy.
Three Days.
seed*. It is purple or dark green on
Inveatlhad Mtor da at at
on a mo.
gatkm from tha autborltlea. the boy AWDRE^P CARMEOIl i ABOUT TO
Soroobody stole a chicken from D.
Oool Iron B«1. >11 >!ze> und >11 oolor., > good «om wii«
thaa thaaa flfw. Thay ara rich a«id being relanaad dading the same LmI
•priog and a go<xl mtton top maUmi,
E. Wynkoop a few evenings ago and
aaiwal la aalaria^ haaiitlfid la dathereby bang* a tale. The chicken
alfa and faa alfailaa af «ha aHfifial
was to a fine breed and cost Just 47
all palallata. Call at toa ^aaacd af^ the attention of the polloa depart- Income Prom the Pund Will Be Ueud cash. The guUty party U not known
to EtosoaU the Wor^ Against
Caa lahlia aalaatlaaa afa faad aad ptoh
at present but may develop later
aat what yaa aMt
The funny part of the whole affair wai
And all higher gnuh a will lie toll accordingly.
Ciaiaihar thay aaat yaa aathtof.
that for three days before It wsi
We have an overatock of th»e gooda and we baTe got to
. CvafyaiallaMbaeflbafavfiawlllaaad
stolen the chicken stood around wHb
make room for a ofrload of gooda which wo haveoomiiig.
8t. Louis. Mo..
la tfia amaaat af hla aakaarlyttoa %HII
Its feathers nifHed up. the very pic
raaciva aaa af thaaa baaiitf^ aaavaam^ or Cl^
by Carnegie Is about to gjve ll.OOd.OOO tore of misery. If the thief ate the
You will fiml ir big eat on the other gooda aa well, for
tor the founding of anl iDtematlonal bird evidently he had a fine meal.
alto ffialirratara mall. Aat yraa^
the Bav^ T. P. Ullam.
.w«' must have the mom.
peace hurean to be ron' under Amer­
VMiMihayatoalltaac - *
At t o’clock last evening at the ican auspicea. The Inocm from the
Church of Chrlat parsonage. Allen endowmenu which wlIi;
Cameron and Miss Nettle Paffhauaen from 440.000 to $50,000 a year,
Not Taken to
It If poaatlfa i
In marriage, the Kev. used to educate the people against |
tlw 0cnranuiiahi*a
Thomas Pena Ullom offlclaUng aad war. eepeclslly In those nations which i
the benefit of onr vast
Uw maadard (Ml eompaay mar aot be
tneaaedV only exhibit a belligerent spirit.
cxiierience In garins to€>lb by fpeaa aattoaa U !U raaulta to thq allc«f<4
The announoeroent of the forthcomffslo. Nor. 21.~W11
J. Coo cial treatment, of lillinjj with gold,
offaDdlai oracUU of that oncniutlcm
Idg gift was made by Oongrmman |
aUvoror enamel ami of crowning
a« could ba hoped for. if the chance*
Bartholdi, who left this morning tor
and bridging when nereaaary-ncommittee, in ip intenrlew. said;
posacai aay daKrae of truth, but fa
New York at the Invitation of Mr. Car­
’•The Interview with WlllUm Ran­ •urea everyone utiafirtory retnlta
any araol aoma aubstantial aobd vUl
negie. who has promlaed to turn over
dolph Ht-nrst sent out from San An­ at thU ofiit'c.
That there U
to Wm the 4l.0M.400 td be used In
Can we examine your tooth with
tonio. Tex.. In which he is quoted a>
-Your Reliable I-uroiture Store,
Mr. and rurthetlng the propsgaada for tatemaa view of correcting any dffectaV
“ the weaker of- Mr*. Cameron wlU make their home \x llcmal peace. The matW has l>een saying ’I will never again be a candl
date,' mean* that he will never seek
feodara. aad aaoiher for the icreateat m Sixth street.! .
under 'consideration for some time.
the gmemorahli»#of New York again.
Before Mr. ^srlholdl ^luHed for New
He haa told me the same thing. Mr.
Dopolj <m aarth. U tha Important fact
York he told several friends to the
127 S. South Union Street
Hcarat 1*. however, a democrat and if
whldi tha praaaot aeriet of prooaad^an and expressed hopefulness aa to
the parly demands him for tigher
State Sank liuu /in^
ingi aialiiit tha SUndard OU com­
the result of the work.
he will honor the call.”
Friends Sunday School Hsd a Pleas
pany may aatabllah. Prison door* and
One of these friends said that the
ant APstr Last Evening^Slrthday
prtaon bar* hare recently enclo*ed for
money hac^ been definitely promised
a season aomo of the rery cunnlnf
Tiolalora of the antitrust and antithe iron
The birthday isocial given by the
cumUnation Uws. and It Is not to ba
range for thaiJiransfrr of the fund and Miss Clara Rutner Was Hoetsas at
Friends Sunday school last evening
Very Pleasant Affair at Her Home
rapeeiad that any Improper lentenrr
!0r the formation of the peace burt'au
was a very pleasant affair and In addi­
Last Evening.
will ba aeeordatr to the Sundard on
ahtch will hive charge of the camtion to the enjoyable evening, the Son
maaatara. To tha extent that they are
.Clara Ruin
Ruiner entertained a
found fullty the penally "of their of
Only the Income of lh«^ fund will be
day offerings, ^rlag the evening.

1 a very
f«maa‘wn) not be withheld. It is this
BtllUed. It 'will be expended In an cfLcnnie Beardsley gave a violin solo,
accaptad Tlaw of the nimraastYc morefort to direct public opinion In favor lioaxant manner ls*t- evimlng.
recitations were delivortMl by lisxel
ment agnlnat the great ott monopoIMs
af arbitration as a roeena of setUlng ffsir being a p^Hl^o party. Miss Nils
Johnson. £lba Onx and Arlene AlexThere is always a rush just the few days before C^hristenas to have 4ramini( dche,
which lira naUanal Intereat and naiisputes between natlontx
warded the first prirK
Uonal rmlua to aurh proceedings.
The scope of the work will lie worldand many times ybu arc sadly disappointed when you find too many orders
freshment* were served during
side and those nations which are
ahead of ypu. No finer gift can be given, nor one that is any more
aftenest engaged In war* and threat* evening and the time passed ver>
It If jnat na well, pethmpa. that the
Joyably for the guests.
appreciated than a beautiful picture, nicely framed.
Intantlon of railroads and tnanufaetur- Will Sa Htid in Ladloa’ Library af wars will receive tho, moat atten­
Ing cooeama and express ctHupanles.
Rooms on FHdsy.
recently nnoouncad. to Increase the
A social aftoruDon will be given at meetings will lie arranged and all pos­
vniaa of thair nnoy thonsands of em the ladles’ library room* Friday. The sible nranns will be adopted to encour­
Dr. C. W. Dabney, president of the
ptoyca. tbo inoat Important and wide following c«*mmlltee wHI enlerUIn; age a soBMment against war and Fnlverslfy of Olnrlnnstl. Ohio, apeak
spread mofomont of the kind In the Mr*. H. B. Gamer. Mr*. Frank Hamll
of Richard T. Wyebe. who apptwr* In
history of this country, should not tern. Mrs. M. 8. Il|ill. Mrs. A V. Friedthe Grand opera hmisc Thanksgiving
hare beeo made known until afiet the rteh. Mrs 41 King. Mrs. W. D. C. Oer- Dcot part in the work done by The eve. Nov »; a* follows:
safe electloo of another republlcsn
e. Mr*, n Musselman. Mr*. J. A Hague pcacu' conference and has hnd
• Professto Wyebe had developed the
rongrrsa Some doubling and ques­ Montague and Mrs Fred Curtl*. the many Interview* with Emperor Wl\~ pedagogy of story telling s* n% other
tioning IndlTlduala mlaht have feared delcgat# to the State Federation of llaro of Germany, the king of England man has done in modem timra.-Many
that the acdoo of the great emp^em Wi»ma|’a aub*. airlll give a report,
teachers use the story In composition
There are so many beautiful pictures given away these days that would make most
rhe .fomuitlon of the new peace bu- and Ungusge work, but no one in mod
of labor was Intended to Influeoee the
rwauj which will be purely American. em times has nsc^ It so soceessrulb
oleetlon rcanlt It Is more probable,
acceptable gifts if neatly framed. The new calendarSpor* even those of previous
Bill be under tho direction of the St. ss Professor Wyche In laying the
bowerer. that the result.<»f the elec
years; “The Evening Record” premiums; those given away by the soap firms; the
tkm InfiuencT^ the employers. This U Fred Lewis Left for Ann Arhor This
foundation of Utetory and klslc
beautiful colored plates from the magazines. You may have some Art Folios that
iT view of tha mat ter which past ex
teaching. And be does not stop here,
you have owned f >r years. Select some from these—you’ll be surprised what artis­
ptaianoe inaiwi quite laaaanablc.
Fred liPwU left this rooming for
but goes Oft to show lU great aUlcal
Ann Arbor where! he will go under a
tic pictures they make. Then you may have some special work done—water colon,
lUbury Chisreh Was Hoat to th* First
itlstj are trying to *I»eclallsfa can* and have an opera
pen and ink sketches, painting on birch bark, oil painting or crayon work.
Church Boetotyi
ae. that Is. they are lion performed. | Mr. U*w1n ha* a
Cato toThanIc*.
a^klnr to ditoorer what Is noise and large number of fHeoda who sincerely
To Our rricndi and Neighbor*: tfe
phutxh entartalned the crganlxation
^Wbat Is not They certainly have hope that the operation wllfbe sue
horn the Finn church In tholr pnriora cannot express, in word* our npprewk nbaad of them. For example, if reaaful and that hie will retnm enUre^
last evening. There were nosrty a eUtlon to your kind and thoughtful
a man y^ U Is called noise and hr ly cured. He wlft be gone about four
lialf hundred present nnd entert-ln enricc* rendered our beloved
la nrraabad for distifrblog the peace wi^s.
ment was tonilahad by k well pro :.«>d and father daring his hoars of
but U n prlmn donna aapUrcs a high
led program. Rafreah^cnt* wero goffering, and for the beautiful floral
The j-rcatest stock of newest mouldings We make any size mats, with any shape
The driror* of doctors carriages in
noto and holda It for a mlnuto, al­
rved and anch gotot prosenidd Vlt:, -Berlnga oaat to brtghUm our aorrowthough s|io may be beayd twice as far. Berlin always wjpar whitccapa. and
to select from in the city. Dainty inch opening—round, square, oval or obloog.
booklet •ouvanlr.
tleaa they have the right of way.
Instead of arroatlng her. the andlenCa
■ Mn. Naah and ChUdrtm.
wide mouldings in blacks, mission finish, There are forty different colors to select
applanda and leans back and ssys with penaiaaloo ftw rapid going.
The Ruastan ^ government give* a
••gimnd." Nolso Is entirely too comgrays, greens, golds and natural oak. from, or if you want something novel we
lolden medal to every couple Ujat ccljte for human comprebcnsloa.
Pftwe Curwd In S to 14 Dajrs
rbratea It* golden or diamond' wedd­
ONLY TWICE a year do you have
Many prefer still narrower, so we have will cover the mats with fancy papers or
ing. Last year C14 couple* received an opportunity to buy sample aklrtt.
half inch, half round, in plain, bfcick. any of the dainty patterns in denims,
It aeems that there I* an epidemic
Sale now on nt Mllllkeo’s.
silLlines, wash silks or ginghams.
to -practical Joking- dealing with supbrown, silver, white and gold. Then there
poeed aulddea. the Information being
We do all kinds of Passe
fancy finishes in the same widths.
fxmveared to the wortd throogb note*
For the larger pictures are the* wider, work or sell the materials to do
left behind. In many eiMa these]
notes have caused much trowble aad
heavier mouldings in all the very latest self. Be sure and have your work
ifnTwii.1 rMtlj for .krttf.
expense only to tnd out that they]
early, then you will not be disappointed.
wtke hoax^. The perpulFators of^
these *’Joke«” should be made to pay
the coto that their -Joke*" Impose.

^ -sj



millON FOR

Discard Your Wood Beds
You Get the Benefit




Here Is a Chance for You






Your Credit Is Good


One Dollar Down. One Dollar a Week






Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Ip

Get Your Christmas
Picture Framing Done NOW.
• Wc have maac $peclal arranremcBts so that an expert
workman Is constantly emptoyed in onr Piemre
Framing DifUion to do potting bit that—tnratag oot
‘‘ r ; • yoor orders most , promptly and assuring the
best of satisfaction.



/; V



We do work in a most artistic manner


TIm IUv. Mr. Canhy Caltad to Aim
Arbor by • T.logrwn.


Tho Her. Mr. Oonby. pMtor at tb*
Chaitb of ChilM. ku bm nmnaM
to Au Arbor by tbo oorloo* Uloooo of
Uo onto. Bo oUMCtA howoror, to bo


•Bwiaf oiBohines,elCa,nt gntotadmtd wock»mM

I -^1




Hannah & jlay “TlieRie store**
Mercantile! Co.




the Stoiha^
Nctuag wUfwagwm umgimitrn

domt’t Mgnt thm f—4. itmtf, ind gfv*
tb« stooMMh a potee MK.
You canit rwMiwhhr ospaet Chat
anr wwk atamadi win Mgain ita
MrtnfOi and d« wall whan It la
•nmptanA to do tha #att ow* that a
aound atamadi ahoold do. >

You wouldnY aapaet a ddi boraa
to gat waO wlim it b aompcDadtodoa
ten day*a wodtarcry day of the wack.
■ Your atamadi aunt Jmra mat
• But It bnt nataiaafy to atama youradf ta ordarto raat your atomadi.,
Kodol ByapaiMla Cure b al perfect
dbratint, It wffl dlfcat iD of the food
you aat rnyUbti •/ tta eaadtttoa af

Dyspepsia Cure
ijpr Indlsaatlon. Byapcpa^ Sour
Stomach. Rdulenee. Heartache, Water
^ Wmhka. ai^

or the food.

1 had araaiaOa In Pa •mtitpt
waa t»auMd bi wdalK te na paoedv. Afur wine tire
iMttiaa of Ihidal. 1 sra* OHspktaiir
cond sad NMorad ia aoruiod waWbt of 1«S



Special Bargains Now



Maiiiielin, ett or Violin
Ainwte^^^ TW oaljr axpeoK ii to poM«« aod



Kimball Music House
M. B. HARNER. Prop.

aad ThankiKivinK g<Mp .o

tt mi
U—BlMrt—i f—taew.AX wniir
it MBA tlie omr tlrinf to >» doiDD pe­
te te niiutertinm^ If 7«M knew
Itow to art jfW »»te to w w»jr,
■wi w«»* Btoe to^te ft. of mnt beta, day aflar te. itoee I got waS.*
tear waa too taatoi aC yaar
Mtoitftl. Mtoftto.
plaaaa toto toa icy .malar afiar
ftaey. It woald tee beaa tatgratcral.
Indeed, to Uda not to haea dome all
la her power ia rKora. Where do yoo
Ywnrte took OB btofmOeCBoe; -B»d
M teiwr klBteM to kectec »«
bm the pm Bto weaki. b aroBt tel
or ft wobM kBYC tea jpoM ^rmAjr was themoaad of gay
JB the
WB Bteal ^ of UtoL- halL and Uda akd Ro
brM lifK. Wajme. MtoSf.
go Utter drawing oa a pair of loag. ua*
; or
Old Late' df^waed kid gloves of the Ut
Hoto^. John say. it 1* a Sotey pto». oftaa. She wa« a atylUh looiaag girU

awatod 10 telhai aha aa» to aat
gMIgw to yaw. hat aha la ate a
ited erteara aha watea*t tette
roa at yaar lattar wHdag. flha aal4 ft
g iHter af gg
yaa that ahe waa tealag.
I pate
ante te adlaax ftg te. Bat I
think she wwA afraid yoa weald te
whwa she » gotos. teh abate
*lfhy.teteMlthateaiar i
-Ta^ aha te.tohaa aiy adtrlca. aad
goaa to tha Old Ladtoa* Hoato.** j
-Uda! yeo tet mewa it!]
-Tea., 1 d&

It waa the beet at^

aha oote take aader aft the edreum
auaeea. Sba ha* aeither th^ abUlty

to attMopt It.
have a good rooOL aad ptoaxy to caft
aad Joha Hnatphrey a eyes reatad oa at laaat. Itto a tedy place, and aoi
at dl like pa htoteoaae. for It i» wall
"Too—yoa Roroly biiTeat npate
eadowad; aad ahe ate pay oae hah
ed the
to yoor lirolberr- Intfc. bibk him aad threw orer hU
nqitod jBBPt. a red IliUli bprlnginc to with easy famaUrUy. her light ahawl. dr«d doUara to atoaia admKtaao#.-!
“Bat nh! Uda! How fHendlea* the
te pm chate.
Aad laa^ who aUt
Ko! IlwOaldBT thlak woadered how aay ama eoald help poor UtUe thing mast, feel; how eh
of Rte a tklog for a ^M»eat It l« t famog to love with aach a gay. tear-, Urely atoae In the world! My heart
aches for bsr.f
ter la which he jirookl be at all lem yewag ertatore; ai
-Bat what dae cted she do. RDsi*!
latereeted. But Bcechwood U only a portimUy whoa they a
I thlak ft Tcly fortuaate there U mi
little way from the Ol^ Ladlea’ Home, slipped unnoticed from the
Old Ladle.* Hoato tor her to go to.The hall window commam
aad tof «mne he kooirt all about It.
-U U cutting her life short at forty.
I hare heard him tay! It !• a perfect rlcw of the broad carriage
paradiae for oM p«o|Me-a big. old- Janet, safely hidden from obaarralloa. Uda. Bbe lux*t an old lady, and abd
hWdeo by by the heavy cartalaa. waUhed John wont feet that she i* la hvr Xtw
place. She will fret heracif to dewth
Humphreya at be helped
Yia^ and mirnxinde^ by
there aad die of a broken heart. Hut
aad hete free*. Wby! tberet John hie light bag^. aad gal
now; come to uKe
out driUng. reiaa la hla bind, sprang in btoide she ahairt »tay there very lung « 1
ran help it. Just a* eooa a* I am mkr
f auppoae. If you roaJly with to apenk her wilb ,aoidi» merry remark
Tied I will take her away
watcher at the wUdoar
to him about ihU prtWi. Janet, or ihe paJe wal
• Ton speak a* M you
ark him any queaUoni HI—"
not hear.
• Oh no. mi! Npl fW the* world!-1 -«he has everyihlnr. eterjihlng? we re a pnrtoibmty.•So It Ijl I have b*M n making
1 Janet. horrledlyTla look, alnioal j nmrmurM ihe poor, ^oo«^y lUtlewomy mind for several days to speak I to
*m>r. In h« r brown ieye*. **A* y*ai j man: -fcnd i —I ha\e miiliiuc
^ i
U would not inieit’t.t him in the j why whoold thlnr- be portiivned out au you about IL"
-Roaa! I am dc-IIghled!- and Mrs.
L ljUa* gfomlae |m«- you won*: j uneqaaUy In thU wotlU! And yet how
a* a|jcxk]|pb to n pine. At my age I ought , Wayne rc»e ha»tUy to pr%wa a ki**;on
k to blTu ai*oul
jlhe girlV bloomte check.
-'Bui if
to have im r.* M-nw and c<>«rage.apecUl favor^ otter ton
loii I aeemii to tne John might have given
I.i.>miie.** answered | Rnt hr *he thought of her
* (*cruJnly i
Mia. Wo>or. with aJarriiy : and U ff»re oeMi. and that in a clay or two she! me Miaie Inkling of it. knowing a* he
have wanicHl
Janet had time to *‘pj*ak again tbe’j u»t go forth among ntrangt r*. to be i doe* that for yearw
Inrtl 1 him
an inmile of » rbarllable
------------ e ln*tl-|
door ojxned’and Johp Humphreya^
idemtand yl
daa*t f gartly
j tution. vhe put her head down on tiu-,
came in.
aad cried until ^bejUda. Mr. Huwpln. >> has noililng
He waa a tall fine l{i(»klQg
iwa* rvhauMed. She did tool dream• do with my marriage, except that,
about forty nv.- yearn
jforamcmenl that the haniome coujh guardian for ll^d Rasptou for ten
blue oy«*^. a betivy. dark
then talk
was asked—but
* - *jveara.
- his
-------.larhe. and brown hair thickly atnwn ||^ |n the carriage
■ form.**
r plea*'I tng of h«*r.
Uf.- l»ud
i(Mi at her frland a
him .l.ars:|l<>Ti- hal pla>
ed no par! In'll, and
j **You'are engage«l to Roland Rasp
ly assured hU sister tHai he was to.
busy to find line,for li>ve lnakil:^ or out from the drive lni6 the sbadinl I tofi!* she exclalni^l at last,
and we are to be married just
But .Mr*, ^'aym- Mt san cuntrv road. *1 have actually fallen I
1 as he ndnrns rom Ehirope,"
that ^ List he had fallen a victim t..
u have fold mt
iho lender jrasKhm ^njd inVanlly re
nfesK f am bit
She is KO thoroughly before. Rosa; and 1
joln-d at Ihe gwMl ftTrttone which had could help
ti>y diwipiKdnted. I WKK M, ans^
r.cwa Uurthmd her guest; for ........ «nd-good.Johfl Humphreys pulled hi* mou* to have you f«.r a slKler-ln law.” :
Rosa was young. I^.u»ilfn1. rich, and
•My diwr Uda. what utter ton
,lng. and would ^nke a fitting tacbe thoughtfully, his eye* on toe
ikndf home. fdeek barks of hi* chestnut boraea. but sense! Why! Your brother Is twenty
five years older, than L We are not
Kald nothing.
-She Is evidently troubk-d nl>oul the suited to each other at all
Mr linmphr.ys FhcHrk hands with
Mis* Rf ev.-s and n-Hld.-d a!T.dif>naie futun*. • roatlnued, **and U Is a .-Nevertheless. I
shame that she is so utterly alone in and I am sur«* he ean^s a great
ly to Ids’sister
Ihe world. She ought to have married for you-MIhh Rosa r. ady?- le ask«Hl.
"Only as a fro nd; but If I am uo<
-ni l*‘U her ymdvi come;** and loug ago; hut of course she never go!
kfrs. Wayne pul down her work-a a chance, i^mned up In tills little coun­ mistaken he car<*s In an entirely dlf
ppece of blai‘ »alin sh'e was einbn.ider- try* vUlage. taking care of her old ferent way for some one elM*.”
-Whiil do yinj mean?” nnd Mrs.
She was tilling me.yesterthe win 1 day alKmt her home, and what a pret Wayne looked s'tarthd.
. Humphrey walled
• Walt and see;** and with a m^m
dow nnd\too.l there. taring out Intojty. old-fashioned garden she had. and
e^sy to find sub- Uhe cried so pirtfnlly that I couldn’t laugh Rosa ran fiv.m the nKitn In an
Ihe ganlen.
a Burlhnol.; I,Pip crying, too. AmLwhen her fath swer to a call from Mrs. W.^yne s lit
jecls of .
who was all life and fppirlt. hut with! or dh-d his Income stopi>ed. and the Ue daughter In the garden.
Meanwhile Janet, a IlHle. R«»sla
this shy. eh!.^rly splin ter ho found | ^ale of all the personal effects brought
himself tongue tied. |
jonlv two hundred dollars! She seem- hwiher bag In one band and a look ‘d
You’re Uiier iod.:V. I hojK\ MJs--:
to think she ought lobe very grate- utter d* jertlon on hex fare, was rpak
RtHves.- he said at left. ’ /
f,;l to Uda for having giveg her a ing her way from the Ridgon.-ld uta
**Oh. I um quite well now.’* she | inline for so long, and made nothing lion to the Old l^Us- Home, a'dis
having risked her life to save lance of two mile* by the roiiptry
rekilned. without looking at him. and*
appttnmtly intent on the covering <»f Rucy from drowning. I wish I could road. SlM* ha.! left a trunk to be kill
n little primer |m Urnglng to Mr.* do Komelhing tor her; but she H so fur later, and bad disiined the taic id
sure to hurt her the’slalhin hark, feeling that j abf
Wayne's onJy child. *1 cannot call proud I would
myself an tn\*alld any hmger. nnd I n^ellngs if I offered her auythU«8 could n.'l afford to spend an unnjec-s
sary iKmny^ Ti’r< d. dusty, and wkrm
Can’t you suggest something?”
shall go very s<»on.• I don’t know; I’ll think the matter she was glad when she cwme In Wight
•fki! Oo where?”
-I—1 scarcely know." hesltaiingly. over.” answered John Humphreys; of Iho Home; but just mi abe reached
• But I eaimot in'spass any longer on dnd then he turned the coorersatum the gate and was alsmt to push U
yoor alster s l.o.«pitallty.
1 have al­ to something else, and Janet* name open, she h«*ard the snind of hors* H
and the swift roll of a carriage
was not mfipllone*! again.
ready litayi^ too long.Two days after* this, when Rosa and looking around, saw. to her
-That is absurd!. I don’t see why
you ahoulif go at alL Coaaldering what came down to lunch at the ringing of stemaUon. that he who held tho.relm
the bell at half luuit one. she found on­ over the backs of the stylishly toov
you did for—••O. Mr. HumpbreyK. that was noth ly Mrs. Wayne and Ruey at the table. ing rheatnnls was John Humphreys^
-MTxere Is Miss Janet?” she asked. whose haiul»ome estate was sitnnted
Ing-notbuTg at nll!"She has gone.” anrsered Mrs. only a mile from the Home.
- -Nothing.’ to rescue an only child
It was too Ute for e«»p©. She had
frtm drowning! I don’t agree with Wayne. "Sb^ left at ten o’clock. I




cloM Single and Double Harnew

Fnr OoAU, aaJ all kioda of boto
goods at prioea that cannot fail to
ptoHc. *6 you need a winter out­
fit, now U the time to adeotwhUe
our atock » oomplete.

Why Vtoed Is Better *n»an Any Other Remedy to Restore '

Health and Strength
Bteftse Vinol is a real Cod Uver Preparat4PMnd does nol
.contain a single disagreeable or harmful ingredient and is neft
'a secret lonnuU.
Becaiisa Vinol contains all the medldiial eteneote^the
soothing, healing,' strengthening and flesh creative propcitka
of Cod Liver Oil—but without^ or grease*
freminsh cods'Uvers
sold wine,—UactuaUy
delkloakly'ptetaHe"iiid a^eesWe under
Because Vinol b
Everybody likes
Bocmm Vtel fiooto up the sjflteto, strengthens es
Uto!r«. itecie «al Are of the whole bot^ and thus

Qneen City ImplemeDt Co.
128 K. Front St
BaU phone 102

Kidney and Uror Baenlator.
rnttmm’t 10.7 •fUhr itninediate mm for Cramps Whoop-.
ioKOongh. Deafnaaa and KbeniaatHai. SO oastt.
y/YIMa*« MMeC Saga for Eeaeina. Dandraff, Sharing
and Shampooing, tO oaefaptr aata.


Manabetnied by the Wittnan MedlcineOo., Loniarille, Ey.
S. B. Wait A Soa^Drn^
giota, Timraroe Oly.

Raton,-]HaJth'Md Sb««th 40*
Wak nd SicUjr
CNUram raWe Old Pwpfe,
Nin,ii« M«facn, aid C

Use Recerd Want Ads

wt asnmN




it faiis to

qive sA-nsFAcnon

mum* FOB

Honesty ■

•arUMn ibc Lmn»r fnioa*

Mate of Cocoa *te4Ch*etew

la the RreaN. I « att^ aBte
pate to fteTW te. BiAlte all
farate tb«a that I had


toe home of aaothcr gmadchlUl fa
Travrrre City. Her m Indaw would
aot pwU of bar being taken theca.
howevW. aad told toe caUaaa to uke
bar to Oie M. A N. & depot and leave
her there. After te fare waa paid tha
had one iN-nny left—surely no graat
aaai with 4hlch to buy food, rvaa if
tn te tetete ccmdltkm' she could
hate' got to a restaureat. Lat^^
the day when 1 fonad that abe te
bare left at tha depot I aMit her a
Itmcb. hot tha cantor pot there aa tha
irala waa learing.
The old lady s son drtttn Onlar Run
came to our honso Sunday amt 1 toltT
htai^lhat gvaadmonier wa* rxpoctod
here Monday and that h« onght to
rt-maln and take her home with him.
He replied th#! he waa too ba«y. laUer
be sent word that I wimld have to
k.<i> her a* te wife woi^ aot taka


’ ;

The old lady's paralytic condUkm
Ir tn sane mimsuie due to heavy
work heapeil uptin her Hr tha home cl
her daughter of lUuOd City when that
been recognized; aad in another mo­
lady and h«*r childn n w%‘re all alrlcktin .
ment the chestnuts witc drawn up
with dangerous lllnr** a few years
shaijily. and their owner was on hh
f.n-t by Miss Jan. I s side.
V-hen she became h-lpless and
•MU* Janet! Is it potele! Why. m*«Hl»*d all the ivK'iprocJttive. kindness
what art- you doing hi-rer
and g.M»tb m ss that a danghtre ahould
Jan.-t wa» unable to aosw. r and her Inetow . the ilsughler tiirto'd her out to
eyi^ f« U before the carui'sl. penctral tlie odd metvleii <»f the w«»rld under
lug KCse of her questlooer.
the flimsy prvt.vt.lliat h.-r pn*«**nce tn
' Du you know anyone in bere?”
ihe home wax so burdeiiMime that her]
• No.” she faltennf. -| -I tee hart dear .husband was dlscouragtnl abd
some corroteiKind.-uct. with tin- matron driven to drink by it--and he a mlalaMmb-and." dtrp« ri»lely, *I liave at> tor! nod spare the mhrk!
plied for adml^KlouV’
•mis |ssjr woman at «>nr Time bad -,
"You!” h’br a moment John Humph means of l»er own thsl might have
reys stared ut her aghast. ’ You can't made b<r d»-rllnlng years easy and
be in earncat. You re Joking.”
pi-areful. had ^he nol Inn-n
Janet shook her bead sa^lly. though as to alb*w her nnnsinfal S.rwd of
children to cwiax It sway from her.
she tried to amlle. "It is true.”
• lint you are i|r>t an obi lady.”
‘Thsl doi-s not make any dlfferenrA*. had two children. She has six chil­
I am obllg..d to go here f.»r a time, dren—(onr M>n-, nnd two daughter*—
fit least. That rheumatic fev*-r bft and sll of them .imply abb- to give her
me very weak, and I am not able just a gn^Ml home
(Jramimotbei IHIIon did md come to
no# to make-any effort toward my
visit me. Nntmal pride no doubt led*“
own support.”
‘ But surely y.m have some frb nd-- ” her to stnle II thus to the rriKUter.
Her rhlldnm fexrlug the Ignominy
he began.
•*No. there is not one at all.” sh« that attarhes to llunu- who dumji their
said, the tewra standing thickly in hci aged parents on Iho town or «imnty ^
sent her here to be a burden to me.
The Fight of them niov.-d him iMuklin: Ihst 1 w..uld pbiy that do-strangely.
”lion‘t sjM'ak Ml jNisItlveljr, lk» yon
e.iuiit 111.* a.H no one?
1 am youi
fiieml. Janet, and I will iicv4t |eL >or
enter iblK gate If I ran help ft.”
Hi.K virfre was low and del.rroined
and th. rv was a ring td passion in It
that made Janet irenible from
foot. * No one had ever l^f-forv sp..Len
to hfT like that.
• You don‘1 way anything. Janet.
Don't t.-lJ me that you won't let mi
Kav(- you from this. 1 have known fm
a nM)Utb past that you were all tb.
world to me JVuiet. darling. look up
She! up. tbi-lr eyes met. and
the next Instant she was In bis arms.
Ah! she bad never known until now
how sweet Jt was to U* lov*-d and to
love ugaln. but she was nonii* Hic less
happy iH-cause of that.
It was well that the buildings of the
Old I^dIe^• Home were situated a
long way from the niad. and that no
ime was a»)Ou« the grounds, otherslue
the old ladies might have bad fwd
for gossip fur a lung time; for it l.s not
even-day that a Utile dusty spinster
ls.iM*f*n weeping on the shoulder of a
big, handbwme. and very- devoted
However. Janet’s fears wj-re soon
dried, for they were tears of relief and
Jov; and five minutes later she was
ritting In the carriage by her lover'*
aide, on her way to Ridgefield, where.
In the small parlor of the
p8r.sonage.-ebo wna speedily maSe
Mrs. John Humphrey?*.
Mrs. Wayne rofuBCd at first to be

‘pir;.ltte rrd*

for them

Mr- Stella riwse.

TO DEC iikSl



(Oiiniiiuc,! from First I’sgc )
fleer. F W. Fil/psfiirk. om- of the
b«*si kn«»wii consulting arrhlt*-<-ts an«l
authorities on fire pi|-v.ntlon In the
Fnlt«-d Kial«].
Tbnnigb the socbty*{< efforts mthy
cMbw have already ls‘«-n Induced to
imptovc tb* Ir Imildlng laws. The so­
ciety is alM» trying t4» gel niunlrlpsHtl**s to biwer taxation on fireproof^
l.nlldliirF. whib- placing the maximunr
nssi'ssm**^ on fire lnip» which are a
menace and the protictlon of which
lnvolv*5 big cxp*nfc to . very large
K|s<sking of the aim*! r»f the sr»c|cljr
and the HM^1 for ru.i, an orgnoIzatUHi.
Mr. Ml/patrick says: "Year by year
wo burn up mrluaJly oneteX -Of as
mucJi as wr add. imring the laid
month s<miv cities have far excctMlod
that average. Atlanta erccUil
:»& worth of buildings in Jtofitember
and burned up 121In October:
Buffabi hunt |r.S9.990 and burned
|2in,#on. Our average annual fire loss
is paw $200.0f»0.rH.O; tb^ year It will
exc.-ed |500.00<..or?n. The InUimatlooal Sctclety of Bufldlng Coramlsslonef*
and Inspect»»rs was formi'd to carry on
a ^campaign <»f education whereby the
public win iKs^me tlmroughly famfitor
with what constitutes fireproof con­
st niction and the ne«d that tcxlsl* for

AN’8 Intetfir Spa^arnish ia .
rable for all inton# work.
she saw how perfectly happy her
RKAI) MH^KKN-S ad.‘ ftslay alsiul
j brother was. and how | graciously
Janet filled her position .aa mlslrc*% those sample'skirts.
for Brechwood. ahe conrluded to make
I the best oj IL and held out the dflve


ing disappointed her. and there waa a
decided coolness between them on
that acoonat. whk± wa* Rot leoBcceA
Jwhen Rosa told how she had nnte
jjohn to^angpeat something for Jan>et’« rellA
i "Anflaa^angBesterbe Is simply
.perfect!” she^haM.
I To which Mr*. Wayne made no Tty

A fondia Jeweler has made a tiny
boat formed of a single pearl. '"The
ial) Is made of beaten gold, atq^ded
wfatmoada. and the binnaeie tight
laaporfactJ-ubjr. An emerald aerrea
tta redder, and Ha stead la a aUh
e£ Ivory. It walcha tea Umn an otmea
and U vmload at

Notice to All Persons Interested:
The special assessment Ux yoll for
the conitrudion of a trunk stwer la
tetrtet No. 8. beginning at the Intcraeetion of Boardmao river with Weilington atrecL nnming thence oa Weitlngtoa BtroeC. Prtmt street and Ralb
road aTenuc to Eighth sirte. thaaoe
oa Eighth atreet to Bartow street, is
npw In my baud* for collection, the
third Instnllmeot to be paid oa or be­
fore the JOtb day of Novemte. Ite.
J. M. Huellmaiitc].
aty Treasurer.
Office. Room 202 State Bank buUd<
aov 2M7t


The akin of the whale la from two
toebe* to two feet thkh, that of a cn0it739.'
Urge specimen often weighing JO ton*





' >'

^tOirBntSW. I
OUTOFPUHIB 2Li,*5?gyr*rsir

a«kM kMM kakhic «My.
IMMiV «M k. mhlHmit
«irkta Mldac.

pmUea,, 4tU€m» kM kto.
cklt.iM<-kr««4*. aaHlu.
cafek m* tmttrr. Umru
tk« fMk agklMt •Ikai.


At! Mfdtofi WHI Do towlind Koory

I *.

Will M»v« ChctMt) Driving Whc«l« snU
Fo«r CyltiMtf*. Two AHeod and
Two Midway.

My WIro to U»« Evraing ftonord.
Nrv Tork.. SW. tl.-Tbr. trio of
Ma»«t ortleoSatod Mpooad kicomoUvio, rMMMdJy ordorad hf llw EH**
•fmnraa. will Iw oaod aa inttkora oa
thn gimdr «w«t of ftaagofiwfuia. Pa.,
and fWy will fana fio tliiW Urg«wt

TWiw wU tw alfinra drtvUic whoMa,
foor eyttadara, two aWwd mod two
jMdway of ika boUvr. wblcii will br
ovar aiffliC foot la dlatoHor at lU
largoal |»aft a»d wUl coaula two and
oa«»^iMrrt«^ Inti* labn« to tba numbrr
of laa. oacb twmty-ow* fw't Iona or
iDOfw iJtoa a inito and ibrw^aailrra.
tt Jotaad codatbar.
Tito driving wItoaU will b«wr all ihr
wHfhl nf tito NMiglao and tborrby will
im aocamd 11m» adrantago of arrry
pound of tbf 4IO.OOO puanda wrljtbf.
The tondor la no parlor playthtoB of
Itaalf., It will jrarry t.^00 aallonii of
j datnr and altlrv^n tona of nuthrarlto



ilfigdon Tunnal la Not •trwng Cnough
• to Withaland th# Weight of tha
Moiirstain Above.

Cb^afo. Kov. 21.—That wraily aB of
Oikogoa aky ecTapora am oat of
plaw4> aad tbat tbafr wwlla bare Ito
atated by BaUdlng CoanatoMoitor
im yrtUfday afifcr be bad made an
iBvr^lgation of the UaUy balldli
DrarUtm airrwt ComnilwilonrT Bart*
rmi vaM that tbr- walls of tbr buiUllnc
were fonrtreo lnrti«i oat of plumb,
blit that the bolldlnR was nowise In a
dangrrooa moitmon. He aays that
I1.F ix::ullar fonnatlon of Ibe soil of
C :. t»>i kas bniofbl abooTthla ooadl
tV.a rn! that It will nocesslUfe the
I. •: .’!:ir
ni Inspertlni m]{ oT
lie <: .:^nto»B aky arrapers every
Tall Bondinga Out of Plumb.
The iwporl of Ibe leaning buUd
was made after Engineer Cordell of
the building department bad maSe an
eaamlnatloa of a numfier of aky a
rrs and reported tbolr walli^be out
of plumh.
• Tliere Is luMhlng remarkabk about
Ur said Commissioner Barlaen after
reading the rt^«rt. “AH the lary
buildings are out more or leaa-tht«
llrywottb building, the Railway Ex
change. thi‘ Flaher building and the
Masonic Temple being the mosi
llr«wble. Tbr buildings are not at all
reror. aa the wlndlirac
Ing in thorn Is very good, particularly
so In the rnity building.*’
Commliu.lDnor Barlreii aald thal en
glneets from his department would ex­
amine Ihe buildings nl least evei7 <wo
mtmibs and that n record of the meaa*
un>nit nta would be kept on fUi* in his
Inapaction of Flva-Cant TheaUra.
A cniHade against flveK*<*nt.theaters
WHS conimeniM*d by Ctimmlssl
llartien yesterday rooming. Two of
the thaalers operating at 47S0 and
471C Ashland avemir were elosed by
linlldlng Imqsylor Fox Saturday night
that he would
and liaiiKen
ar.k Chief ciT l»i>llce Collins to ro-oiK*ratv with bl.s InsiMTlurs In forclm;
ihewT theaters to obey the building

By Wlra to the Evening Record.
(tonera. Nuv. 21.-The roof of the
•f‘eObd tunnel through the Simplon Is
allowing signs ,d giving way. not iH^hig
surbrlenily sinmg to r<>KlKi the tn»iHrpeudU'ular pies>urr of
above. C.OOO fi-«*l In
height.K The official report says:
-Over SOO <»f these theaters are In
’’Lately 4ho r*s>f nf the second tunnel. op<*nitlon In Chicago.*' he raid, ‘'and
owing to the great prtwsun*. has>parl- ihHr evn>nlng p^^rforroaneex are usual
ly fallen In. mv^TssUallng the Imroedb |y c n.wdod In twice the capaelty al
ate undi tiaklng of the work of re-h„w.M by the hnlldlng i>wllnancc.
pairing the vniiU of thy tunnel,” The mv ini<is rtnn< go off duly at night. I
priorlpal tunnel Is^lso endangere«l will a*K Hilef Colllnf to asslrn pollctby the proxlinliy of the falling rotif.
«*t the txjuUfbrl
1 landslip should
acegr In the six-ond tunnel the side of {Into each life some ruin toUBl fall.
Uie chief tunnel would <
Wise pttiple don't sit down and bawl;
Only fools suicide or take to flight.
Whe* JOB ctiBor Bleep tor Smart p«*opIe take UevKy Miwintaln
ttke ChtiBberlAlB's Tea at night. Johnson Drug Co.

Coic% Kemedj. It Will tlUj Ue
trrltittoii of Ibe tbmt tod mtbe
pcot Did sleep possible. Amencto
DtbT Co.

I>AN(*INO I'AUTY at the Campliell
hbick. i>idsv. Nor. 23. Nlrhnlsplect'ortheMia.
nov 17 tt



Early contracts enable us to^ffer
exceptional BARG.MNS

io-4 Blankets at, . - 50c


Netrur d better BUnkot told for tbc mosej.
Abant 100 pairs ou hind. Then the price
will be 5lk*. same ao others charge.



12- 4 Blankets, extra tont, at $1.25,1.50,2.00
Compariaoii will convince you thcao are ;
thebeet valaes to be found in this - ' r
or an> other market

Woor Blankets, - $3 to $6



If They Wrile.Oito a Dpy fdr NIaa

DC. Johm, OrogoA.


Coming from St. Johns. Oregon,
la Automn WaddUig Wm chain letter has been receivod In the
•d at at. FrancM Omnh
city evidonUy written by some pi
This Morning.
containing a threat for the receiver if
A prrtty autimm w4xldlng was soi- she break the chain.
atnalsad this morning at 2 odock at
The missive, scrawled on coarse ut>th« 81, rruveU church when Alyda let paper with pencil, reads:
Kodtor of Bfmru aad Michael Boyd
-ajdlcMs Prayer Chain,
w nutted li^nuir
**Oh Lord Jesus Christ wc Implore
thee Eiernsl God to have mercy on all
The brido was gownod In while allk mankind- Ke#p u. from all aln by
and carried cream ronaa. 8be waa at- thy precious blood and Uke us to live
tcfidad bf a alaler of the groom. Mlaa with thee eternally. Amen.
Alice Boyd, who wore cream aUk and
"This prayer Bishop Sawrang rrecarried pink camaUoiui>
ommended to be rewritten and sc
The bride Is a charming young Udy. nine other persons. Ho who will not
having many friends in this city.
say It wlU be afflicted l.y w.roe mis
The groom was attended by bis fortune. He who will rewrite It «)m
cousin. Steven Jloyd.
meocing on the day n-celved and »;.-nd
A dinner was tendered at their new ing only one N-nch day for nine days
Baat Front^rcet. after the will on or after the ninth day exfu rl
enre a gnut Joy.
”At Jarusalam during the holy feas
It was said he who will *rew rite this
prayer will be dellvenxl from all

Oarfitid Totoiwhlp Yojng People Were
Married at Neon Today at the
Chu^ of Chriot Pareonago.
At noon today Miss Mary Fewlns
.'ind Henry C. 8actlet»en. both of Oarfield townahlp. were unllfd In mar­
riage by the Rev. Thomaa Penn ITlIoro,
the ceremony taking place at the
Church of Christ parsonage. Ji>hn
Bachlleben. a brother of the groom.
artiHl ns best man and Mlsa CarrK*
l\*wins. alste/ of the bride, acted as
bridesmaid. The bride carried red
and white carnations. The happy
couple will make their home on a farm
In Uarfleld township. Both have
many friends to wUh them happiness.


"IMrase do not break the chain.*
If f«rh person n-eelving this letter
should carry out the command—for
such It Is—Ujo numlHT In the chain
wc»uld noon amount to immens<* |»ro
{lortions. The wordh u^e<l In making
up the comji.>sltk»n are the sort that
to a^t>rbld p»-rson
antk suclyi thing Is si^e to cause
rest In many a mind. It is probably
the work of wmle fanaUc as the
prayer is of a universal nature and
lor no esp«xial purpost' as Is the rase
In the gfE'ater number of things of Its
^ Since this letter, which came to the
attention of the Ev. nlng Rc-cinl. has
iH-en n‘T.lvi‘,1 it is »aJd that M veisl
others have b«^*ti sent to pc'-oph In this


Northport Young People Were United Texat Growerw Will -Build Warein Marriage by the Rev. J. a OeeU
houres. Cempreasea, Etc,, for the
Yesterday at 1 p. m.
Handling of Their Crop.
Ry Wire to the Ehenlng Record.
NortbiXTrt. Mich.. .Nov. 21.—Miss
R<-n<* C.agnon and Mans Anderson were
unitei* In marriage at I oVIock yester­
day aftemcKm by the Rev. J. O. Ilt'ets
of the First Meihodihi church, the
c«-Ti*tnony taking place at the parson­
age. The bride Is a chanulng young
lady, a graduate of the Northr>ort High
school, class of *0G. The gnwro Is a
t'ommrrcial fisherman with many
They will Immediately go to houseke«'plng In the new home furnished
by the groom.

If Pstroni of Petookey Opera Mouse
Leave Between AcU They Must
Pay to Get Back In.
IVtoKkey. Mich., Nov. 21.—Manager
I.t'e has given out hla ultimatum that
there will be no more pass-out cht'cks
IssuM nt Ihe op«*ra house. lM*glnnlng
la^t night. It has become a common
thing for peoide. esp«‘clally those In
the gallery and balcony, to chase out
and they never return
until the‘ curtain Is up on the next
scene, and their nolac annoys all the
other pi«ople in the house—even to
kceidng them from hearing at all on
• occasions. In fact the matter
become a perfect nuisance and ac­
cording to the new ruling If a peraoq
loaves Ibe house he will have to buy
another ticket to get back In.

87c 2nd $1.00 lENiSOR DINNER

Special value



War DUftad oa. Ibo «itoCent TbaoUfa.


Thrsatss to Cwaii Dtoft a Omg Dtora
sf Titoir Osm aiM DtoMitt tot

Mrijrbsyar not oklj '%rc»da
ftek-of e*«7 l»e while it it
li^aDdM OiTaUwther
Pkm*. Bfll Books, Mask
Bolls. OsidGsse>.Oollsrsn4
Cjir Boses. Priess to suit.

uests Were Very pleamtly Enters
mined at the Home of Mr. antf
Mrs. Charles Mstsr.
Charles Mater of East Eighth slmi.
having rN iumed from the upper penlnaula with a plentiful snpply of deer,
he and his wife tendered a venison
dinner last evening to Mr. and Mrs.
a A. Bsgbce. Miss Nits Bugbee. Mr.
and Mrs. R U Hughes and the Rev.
G. R Iy)ckhart of the Baptist church.
The venison was' delightfully prepared
and the esUng of It gnd the sccomylng dishes was Ind^ a td«a*nre.
of the nnlgne restores of the dim
ner was the fact that the head «f the

Ly Wire to the Evening Record.
Austin. Tex.. Nt»v. 21.—The charter
of the Texas ('utton company, having
a capital stock of |UK».b!‘0, has been
fiUHl in the office of the secretary of
state here. It Is a Farmers* JTnlon
corporation, and Its puriMjse is to 1
and oijerate cotton compri'sses. i


Rcsidesu of the Fifth ward are todlgmant over the actios of State laapector of Pharmsetoa M. U Camp^
beU. who waa in the city Mosday aad
looked Into the amUer of the small
groeeriea seRtot polaasa. Two Jtf
these esUbUshmeaU in the Fifth ward
were arnmed to atop the trsfDe aa
told exclusively la Monday’s iaaoe of
the Evening Record. Mr. Campbell
stated at the Ume thaL in hla opinion,
the grocers were Ignorant of the law
hot after the matter was ealled to
their attention would dlacostiaae the
Some of Ihe FlOh warders, however, don’t aec h that way aad think
that the loeni down town drug stores
and scvrral of the phyalctons have
conspired against the small stores and
that It was through their efforts that
Mr. CampbF-ll came to U^e city and

By Wito to tot KvcBtoff 1
Nmt Tork. 2tor. tl,-T

Btto In tot eomtog MxAigr Mq
f»w tt Mtditot Sqntre Otrtot I

Tk« Ototml^ Lake Lumber eotopeny-h came alminst C, R Hatowy mwlY
Samwel Tlffkny of Gklcavn kvig te
etfll aaotoer day. The matter qrM
taktomp Mepday nooa and It waa tsew
<wmtrtea which will aewd reprtMi
Bve to New Y’ork to have a try for the tboogkt tiiat li would be disposed of
Ttmoday but It has “now
hlggtot prise to the cyclteg world.
dragged cot so tong that a number “
of the other cases will agala* have to
be pot over.
Amll F. Ncrltoger secured a Judr
ment agaliiat C. W. Ashton for Urn
G. W. CARMINE’S UTTLE GIRL sum of about SSOfi and |2U costs.
A de«tw la the Oaltell divoree case
^ r
was granted and both parties are re.
strained from marrylag for a year.
feared That Blood PolaoaUig
Bet In as Bad Bcalp Wwnd

tong grind la mm htauy tWBMi «
tog jp the rhtmptoti of the diffH




Wit Be thf Equal of the Terrible Brit­
ish OraadnaughL the Nightmare
of All Nations.

riy Wire to the Evening Record.
Washington. Nov. 21.-Experts are
woiklng on the plans for Uncle Ram's
two first-class Itattlvshlps of the size
of the grt'at 2W».04H) ton war levlallon
Dreadnaughl of the English navy.
The nrcadoaught has been a night­
mare to all nations since her launch­
ing. She carries tun twclvo-lnch guns,
each capable of putting a shot twentyfive miles.
Only by comparison with other
jhings mundane Is the vastness of the
proposed two new batUoshlpa made
clear. *The line of trajectory for a
shot fire<l from one of the twelve-inch
guns is nine miles high, an altitude
n»ore than twice gn*ater than that of
Mount McKinley.
Anchored in New YorJc harbor,
either <d the warships would have a
diametrical range of fifty miles.
twe«ty-fi%'e mile* each way. This
would put the cities of Hoboken, New
ark. Elltabeth. Yonkers and Jersey
Olty al the warship's merry.


$ to 15. wOlttil for thU cotttry fi
Cherbourg on the Fretch liner 1
risine on Kov. 14. The Euro|i
agent with the mantfetowit of

The 2-ycar-old daushtcr of Mr. and
Mr*. G. W. Carmine of C<Hlar Run met
with a aevero injury to her scalp yes­
terday and It Is feared (hat blood poi­
soning may act in.
Mr Campbrtl Is sml out by the
*The little one had started to ascend
Ktalc and local druggists or doctors (he sulrs atone, lost her balance and
did not even know that he was to fell backwaid. *The l»ack of the baby's
vMt the city.
ta«wd .struck a pall which waa at the
ftiot Kif the flight and a sevens scalp
wound was the.result. The child was
brought to the city and the wound
cared for In the afterniKm and no In­
jury to the skull could be found..

Jury’s Verdict In the Mike Ward Death
Strikes at Promoters and AbetI
tors of ContosL
i Grand Rnp'Uls. Mich.. Nov. 2L—The
jury In the Mjke Ward case bnjught
In a verdict last night blaming those
who aided and abetted the fight and
censured the county and city officials
fur laxness. They found that Mike
Ward came to hU death, through a
fall, the rewult of a Wow struck by
Harry l^wi*.
l^wis was arrestKHl on a charge of
wiful murder.

Choate Decried Big Film.
New York. Nov. 21.—The Amer- / •
lean Sugar Roflnlng company was
found guilty by a Jury In the United
8iat«*s Circuit court yesterday of acceptIng .relates amounting to I2C.OOO
from the New York Centra] road. The
New York Central wo* rf<*eotly found
guilty of giving rrhates to* the Amer^
lean Sugar Refining company and
fined llOK.tiOO.
Joseph H. Choate. fcM*roer ambassa­
dor to Great llrllato. in bis argumoat
for the driense at yesterday's trial,
declared that there was no precedent
In American law for auch an enor- "
mouK fine as the statute against re-/
bating provided. It was necessary,
he added, to go lack several centuries
In English law to find an Insunee In
which a penally amounting to more
than 1100,000 had been Im|»OBCd.
Mr. Choate and Former Just^ Al­
ton B. Parker, for the Amerlcan Bugar
Refining company, and United SUtes
District Attt^ey H. U Sllmson for
the governmVni. who appi-ared am' ^
coimsH In the Vase, argued along the
same line* as they did In the Now
York Central rebate beartog*.
The defense offered no lesUmooy.
After Judge Holt s charge ^e Jury
took (he case and in accordance wKtl

Ilr>*an Muriay has rc‘Uimed from
Tacoma. Wash., for a vlalt.
Mm. F. H. Barnum left laat night for
Mexico, Mo., where abe was called
by the Illness of her dangbt^.
Blanche, who Is Kulfering with typhoid
Mbs Eva Uirdie of Bowent Harbor
was In the city today.
Enust and Clulre Coons rHurned
Toleilo, O.. Nov. 21.-Wheat-Cash.
from Bowers Harbor via the Old Mis­
76Hr; ...m, 4lc: «!,. 3C^;r.
sion stage this morning.
llotroll. Nor, *1.—Wht.»l-No. • rod.
George Kinney and wife of Rapid
Oty wer** In' town tralay.
H. D. lb*er* «if NortliiMirt registered
Mrs. S. E. Blackwr>od and daughter
J^me l>oys on the west side have Fhmile of I>.*land were In the city tobe<‘n amusing themselves breaking day.
windows In houses near Wayne and
Spruce. The police* looker! the mau«>r
up y<*«terday afternoon and the !>oys
ducts of France.
will pnibably pay for their fun.

Prcfidanfs Oeder In Regard to Riotera
Will B« Carried Qut at Once
The steamer Illinois was In fv»rt
by Secretary TafL
tills morning and with the other
fnight for this city left two cabs for
By Wire to the Evening Record.
U. J. Morgan. They will bi‘ adde
\Va.shiug1on. Nf>v. 21.—S<*cretary the eqtilpment of his livery bam.
Taft today gave orders that the preslThe \V. r. T. U. will meet with
dent’s Nirder dismissing th»* negro Mr*. S. C.Harrow. L27 North 8{
troops bo execute«1 Immediately.
str«'L tomorrow* afternoon. A report
of the district convention lately held
at iVloskey. given by Mr*. Nettle Bel­
knap. will be a part of the program.
France Is to Have Instiute for That
jRegular cottage prayer meiding w;
liAd at the home of Mrs. Henn' Dyke
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Paris. Nov. 21.—France will sqpn man on Boyd avenue last evening.
RiVe a special Institute for the study There was a large atlendaoce and
of cancer similar to the Imperial Can­ much Interest manifested. The next
cer R«*search Ftind In England, and meeting will be held next Tuesday
com>s|K>nding Instltutlous in Germany evening at the home of Mrs. Graves.
91G Uncoln.
und the Vnlled SUtes
On account of Ihe storm the meet­
FiMtoml Sarvict.
ing of the Primary Union, which was
The funeral of Mrs. l.ucrella Olds to have been held this evening, will
win take place at the
home. 20€ be omitted. *Thejeports will be given
West 8e%-en(h str«-et at 2 o'clock Fri­
day afternoon. Burial will be In Oakwood.
*The rain storm today pracUcally
kllletl buslneas and the clerks In the
*There are very f<-w mllllonalreB and
majority of the atorea enjoyed a very
practlcaRy no multi-mill tonal res' to
easy day.
Some recent prisoner to the alation
GET READY for tb. tcMl. Econo- bouse and the police suspect a cerUin one. sought vengwaace on the of­
my .tore candle. wDl aoon arrive.
ficers by plugging up the sewer with
towels and Oilmr Uke sobstaacea.
Mrs. EUsabetk Pike was adialtied to
the asylnm this afleraocm.
Despite the bad weather, forty loads
of poUtoes were kaaM onto the local




I Tecotdfd ’

14JXI0 miles away.’’BaaaT it |pen rifiorted yetr

-WelL that's^ straageL l>nok pkies
aad aobody kaiw it ehr
WANTED-BeO boy at Urn Oolambia -Wen. say thaCs Jort the sort ef
mmXl4t •aitootokel llke.^


Horses For Sale
at Pioneer Llyery Stable.
One dark dapple pray Reldins, 6 yearr old. weight
1.600 pounds. Not quite, sound, but a good one
for business.
Ope^bay geWing, 8 years old, weiglu 1,550 pounds.
These two make a fine draft team.
One roan gelding, 10 years old, weight 1,500 pound?.
All sound and a good worker. Blocky built.
One r6an gelding, 12 years old, weight 1,400 pounds.
Will make a good mate to the one above.
One fine bllck m»re. 6 years old. weight .1,500 pounds.
All sound and^ a good worker.
One very nice brown gelding, 4 years old, weight 1,500
pounds. A nice horse to put on a farm and do
some work.
On- black mare, weight 1,160 pounds. A good farm
. horse or good driver.,
One fine dapple'gray gelding, 6 years old. weight 1.160
pounds. A good family horse. Can step fast. Not
afraid of steam or automobiles.
One span nice bay geldings, weight 2,200 pounds, 6
years old. A nice pair for carriage or farm.
One^y gelding, 6^ years old, weight 1,000 pounds.
I have a lot of light horses that will make good
farm h
Please call and see me.




|| Pews ofltti^iflan






WAHTWO^rhnm m tom wooi mom io
Mid mirm fmmm. Will pof Iwmm t1
to $iJUi M
M MrC J. W.
OOf l> tf

tm CASH wn toy lot m Oraat
•traat. Oak Haighta aabark. Mxl«
faat. If aold bafort D«. l' Apply to
Thm r, BMa.

wAirrto.-wo«Mi .to b«io M 8owd
tog bomm oo SooUi MmIiuii Mood.
' All wlour^ idii. B. J. HorgBO.
•or lAtf

itnap, fMai^ EdMii Bgbtt, gBA

balk. A» AflB. 1 prapaMaw. CbO
M prtaa. Waia Braa.. W 9rmt

WANTti^lUMgor for Morg of.
M. wo wMi to Mito g*fO 10 Trof
oroo OBjr. A44tmo. vHA rofwfwe«,
TIm Morrte WMmoIo Hoqoo. €I»> BABBIB IHOF FOB gALC-My bar
brr abop ijad batb rooma for eaali
fir aBiatl pWinaat down u> right par
I Mriab to aagaga In otbar
WABTBO-To onhoofo oow iOabo
. for goMlM Uumdu A4dr««« J. W.
btialDfM. Trlapboaa
and I will
emu. Hooor. Mldt.
oct fAU
mak4> a|.pr.|BinMOt aad talk tha matI can •ahow tb^ ahop
tar liTrr. |
‘WOOD WANTlD-*WMd llko to hnj
boat laaoay mak#r*
br iuia oriUia ba
' triM or ioeotjr oorda <d two^ooC
drj Mdwood. AMjr to J. W.
Ifonooo. Rooord ofM.
oct n^l 'Bor.


girt for MM
W. Koflejr.

FOB gALI-UW-HrraB room.
•oaat fonadatloo. cao»Bt eallar.
boom, any by ob# hundrad and Rf'

in rABll vtll b«7 lot no. HaniiAb
•moo. Oak llaigbta mlKirb. S0il6(
IM. If told hotm Vm 1. ApNr ^
TM. T. BolM.

ly foot lot. Doyd Ara. Bargalh. Call
for prloa. i Wada Broa.

f city ;
and baaiiBi prarb and apple, cbolca

WAWT*a-Tow MUd gomooU to aarlHla.: gU good .all and one of
oMa ood moko tlko mow. Lodloo*
work o OMtoItjr. PorlpUa Djro
WoTiw. Ill E. rrool iU ' OaU Mf
Ota,VMo ood wo win 4o Uo rM.
oet IHI FOB tALB«l4S7-4fi faat froat oa
•taU atr^ adiolaa aaw gorara.
•aat balldtBi m tha wart. ThU U
tha Boat oaatrally locwtod lot la tha
aaBtyal dlttribatlag point In tha moat
wodara. prograatlTa city l» taatral
IlmiioAli orchard
gnlUbla for any elaaa of
paarh. cbokw vorietjr. boar cotnlai
prtaa. Wada
aaaioo. ThU la om of tha fiiwt
Trararaa City,
•Itaatad apota of ground la vlrlniir
of TraTara* City: complela rirw of
Mick. OttlpaM pbowa Itlf.
TravarM City, paolaaala. both baya.



aad larga portloa of Boat Bay town
ahlp. Gal aflar thla If you waul
tha doaat aoburbaa l.ona In lllchlgaa. WadaBraa.mirroi»i^^^

rOB OALK—Idit—Bit aerra onr half
rollc cHy Umlta.
Tall for pii.'o.
wi Ctf
Wadr llrtia.. i:7 Ht

flit CABH win buy
m. Hal
aranua. Oak Hatgbta autiurh. tOx1C&
fool. If aold bofora Dac. 1. Apply Ui
TM. T. Bataa.


FOB tALg-Horae * Ik>c,“ gray gi !*!
lax. atamla
handa. aquaro tn.t
lor. beat nll^rmind boraa In k|»rhl
Ran: alw. mad cart.. harnt'an and
btWr. |\»r prler addrea* \Va.!e llii«
Traviw Oily. Mlrh.
nttv ir. if

MAVg a fine piano, good aa new.
that 1 wnij Bell at a bargain. Call
nt tha Palin ISO «, Front, and aae
name and gel full partlculart. J. O.
nov C lf’
FOB fiALE-^Carrlara factory.
with twwcr, mnrhiufry moo tooU;
all lighted by elertrirlty; gtnml lire
prytteiliin.^ln a fine place of 1.100;
tbr. e rollr^da and a great opening
for m grnaral n-pair boalnerr; no
opiioaltioo; will ocll fur |in«K); a
»nap few oome one; omn. r In poor
health. Addreoa J. j. Uorlrk. Ox
ford. MIchi
nov 7-tf


FOB gALt-l44S-Hardwara etm
good mafkat town wUh<a taa mllai
of TtoTacoe City, Only hardware.
Magy tonwA Owner to other buelnoiB. can tor toralea and torme.
Wada Brea. IIT Front rtiwaCTrav
area Oty. Mkb. OUiane pboaa

"toy *4^f
fiALl-.14T0—to acraa‘ thrae
^riera illUe mile rtty llmlta. All
^rcoltlvallon; about alx hundred
; ten acraa potaban ring peach


MaOi », «1»» l»: Ur,*
Ui,* hern*: Ur,, lot; .oull ,rU*:
A Mok t Rrapnty: wir tamt; e*U

FOR tALE4«fc>l«i>c<> «t »>T bouwhold
suoil.. loHudlnf UH., fumlturr.
dreojiera. Waah atanda. etc., for oale
r^eap. Jidlua Stelnl»erf. * Bov C U
FOB SALE <1B BENT^Houee oa Caw
atrfM-t, near Twelfth atrect. eight
nu>m> and furnace; nemr. Shermao
A Hunter. ^
nov Ubtl
FOB fiALE-USl-FOur and onaball
Bcraa all i Improvad: good hooee,
amall bant amall orchard. AH good
garden ground. Two comra. one ban
dred and fifiy rhlckeno. throe hoge
spaa boraee. houeehold gooda. ate
Thti It jaat the proporttloa foi
party that iwanta Juat enoagh grooad
dome to the center of the dty to gal
In extra tltee to a good profit WIU
proper me^nagemeBt this spot ol
gronad win earn tha oalary of aa
ordinary book keeper, clerk or mo
ekaak. Owner got the -roama,'
banco ©get; at low price. Wade Broa.
117 Front; street. Trmveroa City,

MM. ett^ phone Ull.
jant n-tl

M priM. W««* Brt*, m TntA FOB gALE-1407-410 acre torn ^
•m. obum

aad tank by ham; all fenced;

FOR »ALB—MO-Rlty^er* turn. m PToot Bt
oct g<l
»tto w«t Mooro. 0«t*r:
fwtr MTW wd«r eaMnuon: ervek FOB fiALB*tofifi-fit feat on State
m fart on Park, dlracUy opportu
M< Fpitas: .n r»« «*: too* uc
tta: <*»• «o **0*
•»« Park Plaoa botol. eovwar tot: nit
•mu i««t M Dock Uk»; VtO for able tor afiy etoai of bftoaae; toi
prtM. WMo Bim, m r»«ot 81. Itrarr and Mae rtakto oonM not bi
OtUMM RhMO lau.
Ml Of bMtoa: eabtral tooatSon; front apd
■Ida antranen; beat tooaiton to eltj
tor firrt ctoM botol; hard to aad
mate tbIb# bat to oBerad way balom
what It to worth at praaant ttma;
Bamig panen, ainmy appira.
eaU tor prtea. Wada Broa.. Trmv
ana City. Ill Front 8L Ctttoaai
pbana MUL




u|:z tsi: isu




teed to pay! for them­
selves in two years io
saving of fuel.
Get our prices.
All kindt of jumber and
interior finish.]


South! Side
Lumber Co.

tits CASH wtU boy lot SIO. Grant
rtrart. Oak HrtghU aabarb. 10x146

f.-«t. If e.»kl Iwfote Iam:. I at. Appl.v
FOB fiALt-fitora and lot corner
10 Tkoa. T. Bataa.
nay bit
Front and Oak atraaU: aplendtd
burineaa locaUon; fiat npaiulm;
would rent to right party. Enquire FOB SALE^Thlrty five aerra on UnIon atHN‘t. pmlongrd lime.' The be-d
Bberman fi Han^.
oct SSdf
of ouburlian iwuperty to plat
Into lota IB thla vicinity; all level.
FOB tALE. 147S-Bartdence Blxlh fit.
Bteam heat, bath, electric and gaa
I bualoeaa utreeta; only
lIgbiB. in fact WNMlera. op to date
and aixty rode of pared
In every reopect. Call for prtre
pt»rtlon of rnlon mr^-et.
it you
Wade Brua.. I?7 Frirnl St.
want a luipcaln. get alter this. Wade
Broa., 1771 Front 8t
oct « tf

FOB bALE^I4«5—llota] and Inrab
twi^ bar and fixture*; aman town
clok to Travarra City; good paylBg
9taea of property; call for price.
WBda Broi^ 117 Froal 8U Trmveret
Olty.Mieb. ewrana phoaa im.
kuf ktf

to SaMkar MoBday
Uule I
aow af Mr.fBBd lira. JokB Plaaw of ply that powa of btofr
Petoakay. wandcrad away Crowi boara tegto hto kBowtodga.
raaalt that after taktog
early Monday. Aflar aa aU day Baareb
la wblcB aooat of the people of tba
while Dr. Harry C, OaOlot
LOST—Two oalraa. oaa black
tor Bert Umga.
r. If tba mayoral pterapaUra
waai aM Jolaad. ba waa foand craab___ and Oolda. at Bagbaa
wktta; oaa yellow and white.
ad to death aadar a IMbar pOe wbkb
On, Pfank H. Maada, HaBBSk Drag
Store. Prtoe Me and llAfi. Trial bothad taUeo apoB blBL
Floyd OrireoM. a Mk^lgap Oeatral
fireaMi. who wag aeriooaly lajarad In for Simday algbt. He oftarad 6 per
oaBNTearrtogetoaBy pari of tbe
> aadMohBaoB 'a drag a freight wreck at LoBslag aboat a east of the pfocM^ to charity. The dty. OLftomalOb.
bot IbUt
I aaoocy. Ratnra to
Bor tO-lt
TdimA A. Curtto tba fMoi
Brace, aimed with the taHraeUana
gfapber af ladlsBa. to aid vlK»a
from the mayor. toM the maaaM^
orb J. neniont Morgaa pave fTa*that BoBday ahowa wouldn't took
and whom rytaldent BooaeTcIt oa. JJ;
Geo Stooe. aiote
to take pktBrm af AUca BoouW.
by ^ good to peardul Poatlac. and there
A EBBB wbo waa ip% ra to grambllmg lege of J. 8. Qoodmai
wMtog, baBbM talCtotvd tnta
at wrarTthiBg aBd CIO arrry ocraalaw cagD lumberman, and for many yeara
of Snake Uy the Hopl InA.
was attacked by Inlbiiniuatory liiaw- truatad man iB charge of Goodman *
the ahife of Waohlngton
grand chief of the AmerioaB Hallway
matlatn and wa« eatwfnlly onreed by
He to tlie firmt white man to \
C<mductor.‘ aaaoclalton. mrill arrive to
hia wlfr. who waa very de^uitd to hint
that myotic order.
la Midta of hW faait finding diaiKiaUloii.
Battle Creek in a day or tmro to In Bine day* and alghta
Ufa aoPariBg cawM bar to lairat Into I* alleged be U abfjul fk.OOO abort in veoUgale the wkolraale dtomlai*! ol my ventilated under
taan aataatMa a. a^* aat at kit bad- hi. account*. It U otaled that be bor­ IkOOM^nger conductor, by the Grand
and many
rowed I6.M from hU motber, leaving
a-runk. Many men have
laid off whUa tbe myrteiie. mrrre «
her pennllcam. and caohed a worthier
lK-twe<w Port Huroo and Chlcagtv and b»m.
TWk at Ortikoah on bla way out of
-Badly, badlyr be rxrUlmad. -aad the cc*unir>. Gambling la aald to have other. In Canada. The aaaoclatlot
Ifa all wy wifa’a fauH.heiD the cauae of Btone'a downfall
-It ft poaalWar adked tba friradHa
max well that the
The mioalng young
liable detective agency U
-Yra. Tba doctor told ma that knciwD and popular In Marlm-iic and term. It la maid that the
damp idacaa ware bad for mr; and
wntly engaged a new
tbare that woman aka and ctiaa juat
Hin diwlre to play a pracllral Joke tbe men claim that they bate been
to tnaka tba air Biolak In
lia* roaulted In the arreat of Charlca mnrriflct-d by the agoncya desire U
' By careful1 meaauramanl

ir haa bcfui Bt. Jobna. a young man employed by a make a good aborning. Nemion Hvi
that tba ilargaat rmladn>p« mtiior company at lining. He con lallrk, local chief,
are one^firih of an l^h In dUmcler. f.*a**d Memdairto being the author lKM-1 that a vUlt Is cxfHMHed from
Aprofuis of mrprocD's wit. Mr. Eaton
of myaterioua Iritcm found In a malt Gsrrtoon. He refttoca to oUle
aald St AlUntIc CMty.
Wr owe tha youn^ pfy»ple of IhU box Miallng that -jny body mill be n«l»u mill be taken.
^Aa X was strolling the other day
the iKumi walk, a wheeled chair,
country Iho beat axample and t»^h found la the Itogua amamp. .Nollfy my
An cMilrido cnplinllrt h«* pnrch«»«.l
tnlnlnc tmo ladles, trunilitvl slowly
Ing that ma chanct* lu know. That'a parent, at WllUamaton.- Bl. Johnr • .uctioD ol Un<l. *40 *rt«. up
by me. 1 heani one tody ssy;
gcaxl a.lvlcv Taka ||oiUi»fer*a Ilorky oaya that he wanted to -get »‘xen" of Slandlah In Roocommoo c
- -W hat hn* Ikn-oiim* of that bloode
Mountain Taa. Taq or Tablata, *6 with Alfred Halney. whom- name, and U having U cleanHJ up to put
with whom T. WlUle l^tetH' was flirt.lightly Ulrtoried. waa algnw! to the the whole ooctlon Into cU»ver *«*ed,
rant a. Johnaoo Hrug Co.
In, .n .gmmorr J
note. It mill «.Kt 8t. Jtdina the ex
Great prv'paratkm. are todng m
“Tlongla be was Blrtlng, yoo
by IVre Marquette lod«^‘ No. tt9. F. d mean.* Mid tbe second tody. 'She
Ugato the fbke
A. M.. for the vUll of York lodge. No. marrUd him last month.'•.•-IliiUdrlhi. Uberty.
4i0. r. d A.' M.. of Grand Rapids U> phls Record______________
A raeoaage acrU.blcd on a plt'Ct* of Lrtdlngton Friday evening. November
KMram, the rmlTevmml das.
torn eoveloiM* waa found In an old bot .-.o. A a|K**tol train will bring the d»R. 8 8. Bergh, consol In Oothem
tie picked up tm the aborr of lUtiX griH- team and officers from the Fuml
borg. reports the discovery of a new ML J. 0.4 HAtT J.TtUBUJ00^
lake Mbmlay by thr Uvyf-arndd »on <d tun' City. Tliird degree work will l>o
i. by a Smrodtoh artea.
Augurt llenum. The meaaage ivad: exemplified by Hu* vUltIng lean
R. Rydberg. Blectn*
j-To whom It nto) conod^n: I hav«- Umixl by a Imiupiet at tbe 8t
It a nnlrermal gaa. It forms an atmos- omrnmbTawiibmwmie • a. m. m u
boi.'l.'r. mill iH. laid f.»r 150. Moat
m I s ax. f to • svmstom. Btoiina
Why sit in a jcold room I rtimmitu-d tulcldc and you will find Worihlpfnl Maxter Steven, of Hetrolt
.tern. It I I exp«^ that the
my iMKly in the middle of thU lake,
when a little riioncy 5|H!nt
r wlU toad to full scieotlflc ax.
with a .tone around the neck. Plea« mill rndtwvor to be prewnt.
plsnation of many things which bare'
will keep it opt?
ntiUfy J. E Nabiker. No.
Green (Irxnd Ma«ter. U»u D, Windsor
ramatoed onexpUlned. am. for Instanca,
magnetic storms to fonnoctloo with
Storm sash arc guaran­ ivuoft avenue. Chicago


Farms for Sale
1 have, a number of jjood
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good properly, 1 will
take it in cxchai|ge and make
you easy terms. 11 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can biiy it of any­
body else. 1 I have farms
which arc located from four
to 20 miles frpm Traverse
City, all good iijtprovcd land.

240 WaihinKton. ! CiL phone 774

Arc Your CoUccOons Slow
HaTcjrra tcc^ua ttat

Too Hare ^ren Up?
If jM have. Id me coUect
them for ymi.
, CMdRooowtopoBiidjr atteoded
to awl I MR
money for yon

A. Pohoral
Oalleotk»Aaeo(T.|<^ Bamilton
1 bato ptacafi a B«tobar oC aeeooBta
wHb A. PobonTa u^ertQi coQaelr
km.B^aCtbam tobgwrttowafi; brt
itmt tba aama l^Poboral bmBbl tba



Oftiersl news
william S. Mayer, one
the mo.t of the d. m.irratlr iind the prohibition
Muted e«lucator>i of N«'w South Wab*«. * parties AR'^enildynian Tom H. I/*mlx
I ring conm'cied mith the rnlv. rxlly ] of OKm. go. mho ran uKaluhl him. spent
of Sydney, to vtoillug Boston. Jle Im’ ll.27t;.
nuiking a twelve nionthsMour of tbe
Frederick W'llllam Wile, an Amer
lean lK»rn In lji INuic. Ind.. thirty-I mo
Hr. Wllfrtd T. (Jrmfell. the in.Mliral y< arn ag«». haM bf^-n
mlK.lonar)* mho founded and cundiirts ent In ehb f for Germany of the I,«n
the Labrador IkH-p Si*a mtoaUm. has dun Mall and ull Ihi- other nem.papi'rx
l»cen en'ati'il a eomiwnlon of the Or­ and p4*ri4vdlcals c-tuilndled by l.xird
Alfreil Harm*
der of St Michael auU St. dHirge by NorUjcllffe. form
worth. Mr. Wile w^nt nbnuid
King IMmarcl.
gear. ngo. I>urinrt the Smedlsh Nor
A large bronre atstue of Jefferiwm
w. gian criiila la.t year, at mhich time
UavU. pr Kiilent of the confederate
*4t.it4ni. to iH-lng completed at an e.Ub be Interviewed King Oncar, he
first American newsimiK-r man to In
IlKhmeni In l*rm Idenct*. R. I., and mill
n rriem a Kuropean monarch for pub
be unveiled In Richmond. Vm.. on June
2. 1S07. at the annual reunion of the llratlun.
Luther Bur bank's dlucoi
Cnllid Coiifedenile Veteiiins* uosoctoplant bretdlng are bi
I reaching effect than even Mr. RurUnk
l-Virmer Poittmuxter General and Ihlmxilf could have antlcIpatiNl. The
Mr*. Jamc A. Gary of lUlllmore will iacwiunt of hto achlevem^'nts n-ccntl)
ciiebrate the fifiielh annlveroary of pul.ltoheil ha* been token up and dlo^
their marriage mllh a dinner Nm. 2C cuxm'41 the rnorW over by .denttot.
and will give a ri'ceptlon Nov. 27. nlmimt every field. Reccnlly V
Thirty tmo niemlH-m of the family will fesw^r Von Schutoi-Gardnerwitt. mho
lH*' prpf«-nt at the dinner, the seven oceuplcH the chair of pollUcal economy
daughter, appi-arlng In their middlng In the Vnlveraliy of I->elburg. bn. an
! nomic4M ns a result of bto reaillng ut
I*urd Ralcigb and another «rienttot *
of great reputation, whoae name to not
ny old
dlvulge<l. are conferring upon mean*
tjl^iandardlzc noloc. The problem j
has been aei by the commlooioner of
Famous fitrik* Brrakera.
the Londtm police, who is irouble*!^ The room famous strike brea'cara
Iver and lK>wel* go on alrika.
they quickly nettle the trouble.^
tbe purifying mrork gMW right on. Baal
*^for coosilpailon. headache and

Ing motor omnlbuora prescribe.
Samuel R. McCall.
cbu«^t. district which Indude. Hervard unlveniUy has elected for hto Trank H. Meada.
eighth term ill congres.. haa a com^h^ „terary taate of the Japanege Is
manding reputation tor lndepeiidwnc*'.| ^^^jfleantly shown In the report of
bot nevertheles* haa never made any j
librarian of the Im^rial Ubrary
enemies. He does aU hU own think-l^f Toklo. Pw fiction tbera is no deing and it is long year* since any po-j
curious contrast to roast Am
has undertokea
iilcan and ]

Over 8C.OOO. cattle were de.lrtiy. d
Uy wild beasts In India last year.
Notice of A. 8. of E.
There will t>e s special m^-ctlng of
U-elauau Union No. 45
Nov. 24. at,
10 o'clock n. m. at Cedar. Mich., for^
the purpose of agreeing upon n prlcon the wagon for -farm products. «»n
the basis of Chicago market as set
by headquarters of A. 8. of K. at the
annual rocHtIng Oct. 23 24. 1»0€.
Front.John IV Ian^er.
Frank J iMis.
t ‘nry.
The treaty IMmeen England and
ThllKl was written on an enoriiMius
sheet of paper aa the Thibetans. fi»r
KuiH*r*lltlnus\ reasons, objected 1*1
signing any dorument that occuplisl
NO DANGER of typhoid If yon use
pasturired milk. Queen City Dmlry
Cltx. tel. C75.
nov liMf

SiSPS- 3


201 Trout firosi

Offloaifioe New WUbetm Blod
OitiMu; pboM 68S.

Horst’s huclnr Acxdemy.




“-^«rcSkrt.5=r *•““
m «»W W11.HRI.II HLOO*

Dr.W. J. Higgins

Porbelain Work

• College



and InJiiriaa. 25e at
T>ni* Co.. Frank H- Meada.

MadtooBOsweco dIrtricL Tbe of
fice pays $l*M0 per year. Beoator
Gama, wbo to m mUlSoBBlre and a rapEblicBB. mraa ttwaad fiowa tor remoml- Tea feel yooBg. act yoang
BBtkm this year. W onaatoBd a party joBBg aftor taktog HoUtotarib Rocky
of bto omm called tba a«anra fiaal
party. Ue tbea pot dm ladorseamaU cents. JohBsoo Dnm Cck.

6eo« Ji* Saroif

Prof. P. H. CIom; Inttrooior
aw ffodt 8treot
Cbiia^’t clam Saturday. 1012 a. Di; AdolU^ clam Monday,
7:30<l>p. m. AMembly, Monday
ni^bt. Tokpbone Cifhm mL

mart A. a Sticks of Mlletoa
W. Va. -Peratotaat tme of the

cxeliidad from tba acbooto of Brtttob
Colambta bacatma R to tainted vHb
aa aaU-Brtttob tpIrlL

MnkdtoglU for yonnolf gtnl
liajoffiRe at all timet.
No «!elnv, at I have the
Rot'oinl liack nuuly.
Katiafactiou jjiven or no


John Bum*. Eagland t labor cabl
-A dangerona surgical operaUon, In
net mtototer. was asked by an Amer
Tolving the removal of a mallgni
lean woman to coatribate sometklmi cer. as large as my, hand frtw
to her aatograpb -albam. Mr. Barai daughter s hip was prevented t
of Bocklen's Arnica

Agitator aU my We.
Blessed with health; my own waalth
My ato gBdc wife.Fraacis H Oatra of Chlltenaago.
Madison eovBty. New York, spent fSl.700 to be rejected eettotor to tbe

B. J. Morgan's Hack
and Bagpge Line


SK. :::::::::;::::::;:::: T



msmi G.B.Tavlorl)iali!ii.


. I



Om Mu, Omf.






------------------ :—

‘DaJa^lMjir tiWeiM I

|la« k at ter A«tta*a tMt, aayla*. |
wkk te air of paat

tried hot doachM
-Ika, «*at t9 «erfc alj, a rtB. a*i;of PAjfXINS Toikt
‘iT *”**

in reaiotriag Omm troohtea.
ThU is becaose it o
eompoiuMled by ao oBiaent
Boeum phyeiciui who knew
his bosioess.

' am*r ««« 4Ma*i4 tka *f*r j*"
Bmlr 0«a aa
I l« ter tea Md tea tea
crenrtkiac ttet
oat to ta«alfa Into Ik and IT aoBM-|TOB
aftka«ta4.«u U.
0H ta ^ imatwmr «M brickKr.
aarr <« 4aaav
MOr! T*«M*a k»<*^«a«a a»aa ika aaaa cl antij «ftti.a'------__ „
wu. a aa»lM a»Mca
a* ,..
ar«>oMMd l*k**od!! Torn •«. tka im eaaaatar. Alter
, f^ am Wf 4m*.
im tanaM mai4 M: ikca tt* Sew wkai teall lte#MTtetetete
May mtaaed him kut ka kl4
Tte te tete while Mi
a* aam tka.
i. kr d«a.r
v a» fhr.. i*
SDM tkr, k>4 ska s» kill at tka
L? Do tea waal to kM sm
tka ekU^ iNCaa to Ulk at aaea
otkar aM at tka cairat ctowM ww
l»*a. rialaa. aka sata Wnttf a Bl-| Tko^j 4tatru* W 4nd aktf
tw akak., aa4 a maaat aftonnrdiat a.4
kanalf Mo tka ycfct
1>tea ah; dtea te;" aetead Baby. OM or tka Uttla. low. nla-dnaekod
*iado«. '
arra.«o4 hM*t,
ta ttaiittr, ^ «Uilk. aWpU» MpM
-tUttei ap- for nppar. teliite«
i»|dac ap and down In graat te
Tkoa Bo totol an akoot klia oaUI as KihH told ter mplter ateai
»ha was aaddaaljr rooaad kr a crask. -prrfoctly «|(«aBt Ume- ttey ted bm
•‘I'ni tlftd oC that.- Ettel oaM teback to ter
aad. taralBc. aka aaw a cloud oT dast tertat. Then ate
aad a pair or idranllac le«s. wkara a own roott to do a lUile »ort eopyii
-Ttefa •ofam,- said Ttom; -| know aalaoto baTorr Graadfatbar Robarfa tefot* bar broibrr Mgar «a»c la^
tte old p»cuurte|all by teart.aatkiaa M had «tood.
-•tear.- atead May. wte. te 1
‘I tern 1C- teJd May chrerfuUy.
“Bat how did It bapaaa* What
ware rea dolac. Tamar ' aha asked. put up In tbU terret altar te
BtkaL pBt OB irawoWaat coat aa* kat.
-Whr. BotkUc maeh. ODlr aUatMas was anything left in tt?7
Ka van out sBlas oat Ib tka rala. orer It. Too aaa. whaa yoo ware tall
* No. my dear liula laqalalilTt
BaamaML katjroa j art- to kara aa koor las t^t lunar Stan about tka rat Jn
or pmec aa4
while »a yoaar tka saiaat. I thowsht I d |dkr I was the’
Maea are amwtat karlag a (voalaa rat: aad than tha old tklac tall ,
"Was there no secret drawer, where
|4m)r4*» frolk. ye*. Babj, let AuoUo j with aaa. It looked soUd oouogk; rot -wherv anything might teve
a>ii oo Jrour llukt old cool aod eap. ao oorrr Ifa kroke.'
hidden awayr was
mat qam
D*1 CAtjch ooW up
amongttet yoo-------—------------------------slU' aal<} at Ust. Tvr of tltin.
tbr ralirra. Oomr. Tom: I wan*t yoa. i tm 'wondered what boya waxa made
"There U a secret drawer, of course,
too. Yuan are
were i:oliig to for. and now I know It: It waa to pUy iust where may cblM could find H;
“ cat in a garraf on a tnJny day!**
do whan we gal ^harc.and I asum* you there U absolutely
•‘Wbalb iba now fcai • cnllrtl. AttnThen ate declared It was too dark nothing In U. M’hy do you sskr
Ur Mayr BlhvJ |aaked t
for eJlber rata or rblldrrn to play In
* Bt-ause. Edgar, this afternoon
the garr«*t any mora. whUked her Tummy was setaed wUb the brilliant
tte saatei waa rt^ed,
• three dnat<over«d charges down the Idem of pUytng ttet be was a cal. and.
^hrl ,mt acr. ] Ifa called—*Uonaeca
May (answered che-^rily. j

cHmUng over the fumltun. be upset


“backache, “The Blues'

Both Symptotna of Oi
WouMo-TbouMnds or Sufinra Find BoUeH

-Ob, botbmtite- *
tike 11. tben!- aaid Tom.

* aten*tj-~“----------------------------- ---------I Ateteb tiiMteP Cte M M»a

"Have you ever played It before,
sir? I Iboughl not-so wait and luw!
trst, 1 must explain It a little.
You aae. this garret la just full of
^ clothes. ol toys, old mar,
aUnes and picture ^ka. and ereryWell, wf- n begin by making
throe great big pllt?s—the ‘Better
keeps.* the *D»iibkfuU.* auid the Per
tocUvely PoalUres.* and trerythlng
that yuu are mure you can gvt along
OacMweaUsM-Blcorattei. without you win pul on the -Perfeclly |
l^ismve• pile.
thm of tea I
Moating for flaWMaeek general da*
"Oh." said Ethel., beginning to,
laugh, "and what shall we do filth the I
brtet wiUi ante I
lode. esH%iky, IrHUWItty.i
-Put them into a barrel and scad
them to the mtle^oiphans :iUthe asy-j ^ ^
lum, - aaM May. :-Vbu doot knuw! /^
ber there i^e tried and
rciBeaj. bf*w glad they will be to get the VL/*
Lydia E. SPinkhama VegeUbU cJL
pound at onoe regwrea each truablwL
Ko other medMoe hae aocii a recoA
erf cnr«« of female trooblea. Ko othfw
medicine tn the wurid has rroeired Vhis
widespread and unqualified vnd

111U f t


llowoflMdowobFArwomniMj; **|t
BIJ bMk would b««Bk.'^
or *1100^ ^p»k 10 AW. 1 am oil uoi of
T TlM^fmiitMiAHcipim
ihal thr»y«trmrNi|aimi olWnUun.
IteokorU And *• IW tW- bi« dliool
B^mptoou of mn invronl trooble which
A ill mHmrr or laWr declare ItHlf. Il
mar hr ratttdd by dioaaawl kkioeyaor
^ drraocrmrat of the oryana.
Nalorr loooiroaaa^lataM oad at oaoo.
ao4l^dU>: I»inkbam ..VcrrUblrC.«».
puaod Infttaotly aMerU lU OaraUrr
iaWnifeBt Amrrkaa wtNneo for t wValy
fol rrrordj for woaiaa a Ul» knowa to


Mrt J.C nclmm.atLmHmen,SorOi
ttahou. writaa:

anlil toy •xMmmwm tii Mtcb a nadiOun that
I o^tii^||WtoValiout,
aa«tlM wKHMr-ftir

r'.a?s •-^■^.'ssxrx

Cw •'CoM fa On* Hvy
Cm Crip in TVo D*y*




Bernember, erery woman Is oordially
Ineited to write to Misl Wnkham if
bam U thedaughter-hi-lawof Lvdia E

Mk an, Mta'i AirlctHl Wm

^ 4 4 s 4 e e4 e<-4

♦e 4

do it on

eeee ee 4 e ee'4 •ew4



Mntaiii a EmFH

The Holiday Season



We hnv n

himself and 3^r grandfalber's desk
ingviher* and- the desk waa
While exuailnlng iho wreck,
r—In a plats
tte left! C*ome quick
and see!**
The paper that May had
the old desk was a new wtU. In which
the grandfather acknowledgetl an «rTtiL and Kdgsr to his rightful
place among the hulrs.
And It was all brought to light by
the effort* tit a bright young girl to
nitke a rainy day** comforUblc to an
InvaUd alster.

IS notr at haml ninl every hontewife
nlH>uM \x^ lliinkinc about whnt ahe is
tzow^ to ilu to lirkle the ivJate of
her family on
\ visit to onr store will qniekly
qniokly reliwo
her of all troubh^a about what to eat.


a rhoioe selection of NnU, Raisins, C^urranls. Fruito
Aiul \ o^iahlea.
Note some of opr prin*s:

Is Mudy caUad->«tet ts. gipe whkb Is OR^O.
l» W Mai hoi-4s to a Urgu dcgr«« tte
bklte telpi and dust fmi tern workMg fbetartus. partngs froai hoofs and.
teat <rf all sinew, from solmaks kiUod
for fbod in tho great slaughter bousM.
Tbe test pmcvss U a suaktng In llma>
watff. made thb-k .enough te te ealtel
•teilhnfttme.- In this bath tte aloewu
and othar gtoe amterlsl remain for two
wnaks or more. In order that sU tte
greaso^od blood tosy be eateu sway,
bot tmardUtety cm removal tte uatorial U expooml to comHits of air.
whleh allow may adhering lime to al4
•net earhotee arid. This cheeks tbe actloa of tte alksU on tte animal msttsr
aad makes It iNMatble to keep tte tuatsrlal la tte dry state for an tndodnltr
psHud or tmtll It ta dooiMd to nse It
Prerloua to Udllng. tte acrap U again
tmmocMd for twenty four
of time. It Is
bath of

Mmd tmmtfifi.

io te7 gnd 4te
oitofi ter*

; .

MBA E L. BONNirg kair dtoHlag
parlors, ovor CUy Bask

AWIL ff. NCIIUNQKE LAWVMtriS Btaie Bank building. OtiaMi
Phoou CM.
fTraverM Land aad Loan Oo, F.
fTkitnell. Manager. Office, room E
kUmlltooI A
^ MUUken block.

of tte taoMrwIfe s familiar
cr. This klad^ enssal U nsrsBoary to
ent *t«tftlng op.** Water It add tAHA T. CHASE M. IL-rfMieo
cd. aad tte mam to gently boUod mittl
pr. a E ChAM. aihto Bask %look.
a firm gelatlnooa liquid rosuUa from
teh phooM. m^Sr. BoMdotoM
W.BiglithSt Ota. photoo TtL
The dear portion Is now drawn oC

when tbe gtoe to gromid the perehaeor
who wtobe. to te pure of otrvugfl^ TRAVERfiE CITY LEGION. fCa IMNaUonal PraUcUve Legion will
mnoc In Woodman haU on tte third
Tuoaday of each month at 7;M p. Mu
Abram Smith. preMdeat; OnyU
Ortowold. nocreUry; KfftUt C. Gray,
tbe fact ttet lUooM. at least, can te
OoL fifirff
danMA Tte theory 1s that
I a mao Ja 4haajBteg hto mind JoTRAVERfiE
CITY LODGE Mo. fitt F.
acsisitivt thfia la hto waking
A E M, menu on Monday nronteg
on or bnforn the fuD of the JMKM.
At 7:M p. m. M. a HaaknE fiMra .
tary. Bteer E White. W. iL
eet ln.>e man awake doso not i


Joseph Mr & Sons
SuppoM You LIk* Good B««f?
Who decant? YonTl nriac
mneh i| j«n dent Rct for year
family the Okin quality rib roaaf
—freah. taotW jnicy..-in ionr ice
boxn and op onr diqppinR bloela.
bo mneh anttinmit in onr toaat

1 of tte blood, raoosds tev
bad a dream la Whkh a Iwe almv kMs
la bto toft tidgh. an a p4» whyra a

droam. hot wtet tte maa la fuB
■ rtimami ooaM not pasuMva Bte

Inf Reconl WoRtAb

ttet te to atfmtag nnmd rampialnt of
tteleg.«Mitwoorthrae deys lator.tte
.be finds that
be raatly tes^ a ted sftack of rto^

Krant and




RMght. partels aad
^ Ofty Bonk atote.

by tor tte greater part
Che factottos to the finenoss of cedi'
nary eawdost. »lnce to this form tt
dtoeolres more quickly. It to oo piw- TBAVCRfiE CITY LOOOE NO. 71. E
of P..,teteC every Thursdny tvnte
forred by woodwerktog faetorios.
lag. New Mnnson block, a a Wi^
wtitak use large qu^itkn, but as the

Oranges. 25c. 50c per dozen

Try oar! Saacr


In prrCpwace to the (
tte Had ttet Is M mtete In a sltm
M and ttea appted hoC ami of thM
Cte IlMCV aiw many grad«. white


New g(.txls every day.


r. A MAC Mtrr^piteiten
I ntTlNO or OULSdSI. rwn**

OE W. HOLOtWOftTM-.Bpoclal ah
gtne^-tte test of an. A small quan
teatlon to dtaoasea of tho eya. oar.
ttty of alum disoofrod In water It add
ed for tte imriioM V cbirlfytng ite
gtoe by causing It to prsHpluto Its tai<
in a osenod dontde boiler tte Uquld
remains aertral hoors, till it U porfeet- DE C. E MlN09-rf>ftee oeor AMori *
ty Hear, and to tbon run off Into tte
can Drag Btoco. Bpoctol dktoBtloi
TheTlenna i^dlce use a phonograph coogealing boxaa over tte Ijoiloms of
to oy. oar. aooa. and that, OtoasM
In recording a prisoner s answti
which It siircads out In tb)u sbeeU.
fitted. Botbphoaoa. Booldoaoi IH
question* asked in the prellml
Tte boxes are ran Into tte cooling
rooms, whore they remain until tte
examination, so that when the m
trial takes place there may be no dU- glue has hsrdonod enosgb to be rw
not ed in sbeeU. but not enough to be OE W. E MOONUPboooa. of
puic as to what was said.
brittle. In this otate it to ready to te
atx., 107; Bell Of.' KoaldtMOO.
Wasblngton sfrMl. Cits. plMMO 1
*rhe ohects are .told uixm boards
Bell phoao M.
which have i»reviou*ly lieen wet to
|jrev«a the glue from sUcklag. Here
tte cutting to done with tightly slrriik- T. W. TMlRLw^. DenlleL Over Baiv
num A Bari s }ewolry gtora. BoU
ed bras* wires, as a firkin of Imller to
4t by tte country grocer.
After a furtbiT diytug on
nettings the sheet* are diiiped In hot ARTHUfI HOLLIDAY. M.
water and rabtoKl with a braoh to give
clan and Surgeon. Retnovad to ofthem a i»ollsh. Tto^r then pass to tte
ficra In Munaon block over Barnua
kilns for tbe *wtove dryhix “ Tbto reA Barra atlzena phono m.
tuoros alt moisture and leaves wkst op
I to te a sheet of tranoluctait yd
lowlsh lirowu b ittle gls** Indeed, tbe HARRY B. HARNER-Export plane
tuner and action roguUtor. SatU*
best sinew glue seems on a
ailon to te nearly as bard as
faction guaranteed. With KUnbaO
gUs*. and a quick. sban> blow
Music House atx. phone Mi.
ice a fracture that to dean cut
and rltreoua Tte test of tbto glue to MONEY TO LOAN-No tax Manfit
light to color.
put In mortgagee. Hounna for mlA
Tte resldotuD left to tbe caldron
tnqolrn of E MeNamaia. Park
hen tte -first rau** of glue wa< drawn
Placo hotel.
ff to boUod and boUed again. •*> tong
as any gctotJiwus matter cai
tracted ftom tt. The prodm^ to glue ifiSTRACTfi Off TITLE—<J. O. Garof tofertor gradoo. of course, hut um
ver. Prloke rMsonahlo. Office wtik
ful as sizing and for other p«n*o«w to
O. P. Carver A Bra. Both pteMS.
various arts and Industries. Although
stni dasaed as sinew gloe. tbe toter
E E THmOBY-^Bpmdal attnw
-runs- here not tte etrength of tte
Uoa to dlsnninn nf ehUdron. Bneni
trot ran They are darker and lero
4M Blau Bank bldg. Both phonos.

Bodt Cape CXkI CfauU-rriM at I OClwr .|iiart.
llomv Kn'WD Cnuilu-rriea at 1 Oc |>eriiuart
Fn«l. CdJifontU Gmp„at20cixTponml
Cilfon. Lmmui and Onui»^ IV,4.

tananas 20c per dozen

W te daMttelAlU talML 0««9te»
teat MDte M Vtete MM
I rtacsiOtaflMiteteL

iiDe Hall-Room Boys.


Mra. Emoia Cotrrlr. lOB fkiat llth her mUice kas lieeB freely and cheer­
Htr»vt« >'ew York City, writaa:
fully giren to errry ailing woman
ssks for it. Her adeioe and med
limr Mr«. riakham:loced to health innnin«
oC th/*ri!k?l
Address. Lynn. Mass.


rh. A-ilSSfoafESSt s

»>“>loai>tip f«r tl.U»


The BbiH Might Heve WctIziI If

\ ^cn't Btc i So Stupid.

k $aiito

General InsmBCn






i <iT tbta Hlr fud
hop* pM
: wUJ te aMf U) tod mmm way ta arrr It>U> conpIMloo wttboQt aajr later. rvptlee.
ttAW. Bheter end Wlaple.
J. B. Martla. M. D
r. W. Canrcr.
CerrledTarw^ CUir. Mot. U, 1PM.
To the lloBoreble Mi^yor end Oonunoe
nmell of ‘Trereree City. HldHgen:
M3P—OeeUemen:—In preeeetta* to

Baem of Halth,
yoe thhi comnnmkartton we do to to
f Hoad by Winnie dnd aotiponed by chow yoe how reecoMble end fUr we
T Pntnier tiuil the cxniniunlatktt be wish to treat yoa erem after what baa
j rerrired Md pbM^ OB fUCL
CVuHed. n to cet Into
\ .
Hndm. Mk^ Nor. 10th. IW.
T H. omit. Taremo aty. Mich.
: mi-Dar fiir:~We ere ndrlMd that
I pr«MrT. oar rishl*
1. our Votitf Merhloa worked elrtsht la

I v

, 1 •*

: tlSrt


»r.jooanctl win do »• 1

• (Ob. lnu.d by bat to tb* rtty
well, ud arra to
jair cUy ^en
• Unneh owscrv.
netlMid of payment. It U tmmai
What we want yo*i to do U to paaa
to lu wjcther the amount U all
motion tonlicht aaktnc the Mayor to
In ot»e cwfliilcate, payable one.
a committee of three, who are
Are,, or
or «ny
any tnnrr
other ounjoor
number appolatmmrm
three, four,
fifur, htw
and they togeof yeaa trom dale of tsiue. or whether] JT
m.4c iMirabk. u Ui. rate of
Our HondrrO orf Two Hundred
HoBdrMl a
• yaar.t^^^
row (X,J«..^
> mren full power
Voar oeotract prwrldae for rate of to act. and the worh ahooM he done'at
tntereat a^ 4^ per cent, 11 yoa dedre once under our aupdrrieiao Oar next
to pay mao on or before Demmber m^ltJon ta that ^e dty hear the
IfU. a diaooant pf ( per cent. wUi be eo^ expense
m owed yoor dty!
W> a^ daalrpoa of gettJag an warty 'We hare bean d^ed npw aeaily
aeiuemeat aa we reoeire dtber the
therefore muat
money or cerUAcatea, which wo oan
that Immediate action be ukm.
uae aa oolUtermi. aa we are now mahlac another lot of Machinoa for 8prli« aa further delay wlU only mean i:nyiter
deHmy. It will be oar effort to keeji
Yours rery truly.
' ollclala aad electora weU fdeaand
John F. Ott Lumber Co.
‘ John F. Ott. PmC
erea mocw. Aa h

reaolutloo be adopCnd.
Teas—Aldermen Abbott. Bverott
Glliett Lardie. Moon. Murchle. Pal
mer. Bhuter and Winnie.
S59ii<-Re^eed. by the Council of the
city of TraTorae City. That the City
dork be and hereby is aotbortyed and
dlMnd to assess the ser
I and premiaee
the aasenauent rdlPof
nttPof the sute and
county tax for the year 1PM as an
tmprorepient tax for the cdnatroctlon
of pavemeht on Eaat Front Street by
the eafd city abnuing on the aeveral
lou and premlwa heretofore ordered
Py said cmmcll. the see
b.mif aiNn iii.t«Un»«t No. t.
four per cent be added to the aaid
aeveral puma and collected with the
said tax aa a coUectioo fee.
Caet Front Mraet ImprovamcnL


8. O. Sawyer.. wH of lot 2. block 12.
33 feet; |44 5P.
'Moved by Oillett and supported by
Ijmne tbit the resolution bo adopted.
Yeas—Aldermen AhUMt. Kvervtt,
UUIelt. IjMtllc. Moon. Murchle. Pal
mer. Shuier And Winnie.
251rt—Resolvet!. by the council ©f the
City of Traverse Htr, That the Clerk
U- and Is hereby authorized and dir­
ected to assess the,amounts herein
iwiTCd and placed on file
pea! that,
after named acalnst the aeveral lots
hare the
aad premises herein deweribed In the
Moved by T;ilIeU and supported by
four dayi
sment roll tor the state and
Wienie that the Mayor appoint a com­
Ihlnc 1« broken It
! Ma ai
mittee of three, the Mayor to lie the
W aend a man there or to i
fhnrth member, to confer with Mr.
each n^lra aa may be deemed m
Ott. but this committee not have pow­
”Phare Ollod out
‘ ccrtlBcalc: due er to act
premlsea heretofore ordered
constructed by the said wmncil. and
•the aeveral^nras remalnln
ed ami uniwfd being upon
Naya^-Bvorett. -Lardle. M
No 2. and he It further
kn*-w.* u»u*Hy-bt»rw wl'l. m «-.*
c^nt be add«
the app.icalkm of William Blzzard for and collected with said tox aa ;
saloon Itceas©. Tb© matter having al­ lection fee.
West Front dtreet ImprovemenL
ready iKcn refenwd to the llcei
t.f fi .1 auU Wr«i» h«r0 committee It was the sense of the
Original piaL
« rtn
M dib* »nd tiUlO. Kor »t -i r.«al.v*l*rk
Sarah HaaUngs, lot 6, block 2. C
meeting that the committee rcis'rt
ft-i i; 889.02.
next Monday evening.

An Imitation Stove Will—^
— Give Imitation Heat
» AvoM the cbeapSy coostnicied^ pativ ^johrted Move ffff you woiih
CQuaterlcii sioncy, because it is os vorthlaEk~A»d in man;
cats even innrc so. For nol only dears it radiate beat badly, bat i
woMcs iU orictnal coat many times In fuel.
The majesty of manufacturenb attracted by the pheaomwMil
*g OriKiual Hut Blast Stov^ have imiUltd aad copied
was put ou the market. But in AmFi only hatre they
pffodttcc this wonderful heater.
For the features whkb moke Cole's Hot Bloat no
ecoBoakalm fad. nocHecthehi heating, andaodtirable in constmetion, are all /Si/r»W and pwvUiUd.
‘ ThcjoinlsofIheonlinarystoreareplajitcrcdwith
gtoye putlT in an endeavor to make them air-U^t,
^When the putty dries up and falls out, cold oir ia
in tbiongh the crackw—and the \-aluablc
go ap fbcchimncy.alon^wiih most of the beat,

Cdle’s Original
Hot Blast Stoire

fiHwa 5oft Cool. Ugallc^ ftord Com or Wood

Madewitbemt otose petty. H remaina
min tight during tbc entire life of the
btovc, and is aoad under the foUowhig
gusroalce. which caffnot he made on any
ether beating sto\*e in Ihe^worW:

25 feet: $22.
Moved by Murchle aad snpfiortod
^ Lardie that the reaoIuUof be adoptVeos—Aldermen Abbott. EveroU.
Glliett. l^ardle, Mpem. Murchle, Pal­
mer, Shuler and Winnie.
MM-REbOLVED. By the council of
the city of Traverse Cfly. Thst the
<1ty Clerk be sad hereby ta authortr«d sad dirvctod to assess the smounto
hereteajier nomad ogalast th« several
Mto ana pmolses heroin desertbed in
the assessment roll for the gute and
^ty tax for
1$M as on
of pavement on Frost and Dnlon
Streets by the aald cRy abutting on
the several lota and premtaes beretofors ordered oonstrectoi by the
said counHi. and thetasid sevond sums
ressaJatog useollected and napold be-



RESOIA'ED. That a to© of four per
cent be added to sold several sums
and coltootod with the mid tax as a
cdlectloa fee.
Front and Union Street ImprovsmenL
Hannah A Lay Co*a 3rd Suh-DMelon.
S. M, Brown EsL. 1 and w 8 feet of
lot 2. block 24. 34 feet; $38-63.
I. M. WtoBle. E 88 feet of block 24.
28 feel; $30.M.
block 8. €8
feet; $71.39.
Hannah A Uy Co^ 4th Aub^MvMon,
Joo. WUhslrn. Sol'd,
t8. block
feet; $25.70.
Lardie and suppo^^
Palmer that the resolution h
Toss—AlderoMfi Abbott

Tsovoroe Clly.

Tht 6<r txpense rf heating yvmr home is in the fuH and oot th© first cewt of
vxaisra hr iwrsuadcd to bay aaythmg bm Cole's
OB ••Sricotifa CwohosHoo,"’ which win show JOB how
tohoityBarhocx>ctwkwiuotonfbmhto.tom-hsRUic|»vs©BioQM^ .

2d SrertM ^iSlS^'ihe^MSSu
herclnacter nsmad osalait the several
IbU and ptomlaea hstoUi described In
ihs osseemnsot t«U for the wtoto and
county tox for the year 1908 os an
the c

said council, the aeveral sums remain­
ing uncollected and unpaid, and be it
RK80L\^a That a fPe of fbor per
cent be added to aald aeveral auma
and collected with tbc aald tax aa a
collecUoo fee.
ffpecial Sewpr Dielrlet Mn. t.
Hannah Lay A C«*a Ninth AddHlen.
Friedrich Bchradrr. Sr., lot .5. block
1. U» feet: I1S.SS.
Hannah Moyrr. .lot
hkKk 1.
feet: IlIJA
Albert Kilmer, lot 7, block 1. m
feet: M8.C2.
^M. Utney. low 1. block 2. 55 f«H

W’Innie. lot «,. block
M feet: MM2.
•oldlers Tagpad.
I G Winnie, idl of lot W' IP. b.ock
AHIng cm the recommeodatlon of
II. 6P feet; $54 OP.
F. F.,Jj^ym. lot IS. block 11. M
' Surgeon General O'RelUy. Acting Seev
t of the conUDKcnt
feet; $$2
1 rt iary Oliver has ordered that hereof.
Flora V. Hobhs. W. 12 of lot 15 and
WHEREAS. Ob the Pth day of May. I t. r IdenUBcsllon tags of alnalnum
1C. block 11. kS feet; $109 <4$^
1905. at a special election called for jibe size of s silver half dollar, stomp.
Mrs. John J Duflh. lot 5.i. block
C€ feet; $40 32.
|dock $. 25
L. E. Trtmfc
thorised according io law by the tax i ®*’
wearer, be soapeaded
feet. $19.P5.
Charlotte Wilson. ,lots 2C and 27, paying electors of said city to be ex- from the neck of every ofloer and
J R McBroy.'lot 2. block 2. 55 feet;
In said dty In making public | soldier, underneath the ckHhlng. by a
ciKd or thong.
Jaa. Marvin, lot , block 3. 55 feet:
These l»adges will be Issued gratui the «»• for th. o« U4
Marvin, lot 2. block 3. 56 feet; 1. »
tously to enlisted men and at cost
(tooi*o BiK-kCT. lot. 7 »ad I. block
«* “*
price to orBoem.
Gen. Barry. art lag
1. M f«-t; I7J.TO
Ithcrofor b.U
chief of staff. States that there ran hi>
O. C Isirrtg. lot 12 and 8. 19 feet of
John TuUer.
nH of lot 11. bloek 3. lot 11. block 2. 44 feet: $2P.$5.
no qoeflUm about the grwat Impor^ George Hoyt, lota 3 and 4. block 8.
3^ feel; $8.74.
D ordering saJd“imbMc Im- lanee of such badgtw. as Is d.mon(Jet». a Downa. %% of lot 20. block 50 feet; $33.70.
0 be paid out of the con- strated by thousands of graves of the
T. J. l^mlor. lota J1 and 12. block
3. 33 feet: $8.74.
1 be and the same is bereuuldenillltd d«od of the civil war.
feet: s33.7A
^J. P Mauen. lot 21. block 3. M feet; 7. 60 feet
by resetoded. and be It further
Gibson. Iota P and 10.
RESOLVED, That aald publ
7. r.
jlaieph Flack, lot 22. block ^2. «(
liroveuicfil be paid out of fundi
Cumper Apple Crop.
Willis j
feet; I17.4P.
Ized from the Issue <
The apple crop In the Pn^ed
K. G. Cox. lot 23. block 3. M feet; 7. 50 feet $33:
Movi d|by Palmer and supported by by are aathortoBd to laaue the bonds; has been c-stlmsted at 3«.I2<i.»HK» barIi7.4$.
resoluHoB he adopt- of the city of Travers© City. Michigan.; rv'Is Tills U 13.C35.<MS| barnds
to fbe amount of Fifteen Hundred Dol
Tdhs—Aldermen Abbott. BvereU, tors, to bear Interest at a rate not to 1 than In l9<i6. The estimated crop in
Moved by Winnie and supported by
Palmer that the resolution be adopt Glliett. Lardir. Moon. Murchle, I*al- exceed five i»er cent per annum, pay-1 New York state is 4.9h«.h0O luirrels.
mer. Shuter and W'lnnic,
ol.k- serni annually, the prlncit»al t.»!or larger by i.tMMt.tvxt ixam-ln than the
l»e iKiid In one year from date thereof,
thereof.»> ]>T(
prkKjurtln’n tu any «»(h.-r state. Tb«‘ e«
Carried. %
(JiUeti. Ijirdie. Moon. Murchle. 1‘al
tHjuals the
mer. Shuter and Winnie.
2$0$.lRE8OLVED. by the
Maryland. VlrglnU.'Wei^l Vlt
the City of Traverse City,
so Ufttod. t<»gelbcr with the^glnltt. Kentucky and TennesiKv <Kimcity clerk be and hereby ii
nea the amo^ints, Inlt-rt »t thereon, shall be a rsIH | blned. and If equally distributed
ed an
26«3—RESULVEI). by the cou
of lot «, block rlahn against the wild city. unUl P«ld
the city of Traverse City,
^f the sUte would
31. 33 feet: $33.
city clerk Ik* and is hereby a
I in f
M oved by Glliett and sspportod hy give half a barrel to each man. wo­
Mrs. V. E. Rol
and dirc-cled to assess the
;oland. lot 15. block 12.
l.ardio that the resolution be miopted. man and child.
,66 feet; $51.84.
Yeas—Aldermen Abbott. Evt-reli,
lota and premises herein descrlb<*d
Glliett. I.ardle. Mrwm. Murchle. Pal­
Locks, Used by the Phareahs.
.vear 1906
block mer. Shuler and W’lnnfo.
toK-ks were used to Hk- Ume <if Iho
It tax for the constructlan of. 1^. cn foci: $57
t on Caes 8lrtK*t Extenaioo by
E. E. Miller, lot 12. lOock 19. €6 feet.
Pharaohs. In Karnak the visitor Is
said city abmUng on the aeveral $56.44.
As a couiniUtoo to confer with John kbown the sculptured rcpres«K»UtUm
and premises heretofore
ordered •
Lay A Co’s Fifth Addition.
construfted by the said councH. the
Mrs. C n. Vnlpv. Ent.. lots 12 ami
several sums remalnlmg
alntmg uscoUiK-u-d
. block K. 32 1-3 feet: $28 26.
and un|«ld l^lng install
Installment No. L
prwrut day. Homer says that Pose
Mm«tl by Abbott and supported hy Gillilt, Winnie and Lardie.
The mayor presented the matter!iop«- ummI a hraas key to open hi-r
Palmer that the rv» .luii(in Ik? adoirtfour
That s
of dockage charges for brick, and
and It
He adds that It woa very
cent be adl^^to said sfTeral sums
Abbott. Everett, was the sense of the meeUng that fhe tns>k*d and had an Ivory handle. A
and collecteTi with
price for brick in transit should be
nilbtl. l-inllp. Moon. Murchle,
collection fee.
Gif-» k wriU-r who livid to the tost haU
Two DoUars per car.
mer, Shuter and Winnie.
Cass Street Extinsion Improvement.
of the twelfth century explains thst
Moved by Moon ant
Original Plat
irr that the councl
sm h keys wcTv undoubtedly rery
W. J. IlolihR. no feet next 8. of N. rr.oT-RKSOLVEn;
:ED. by the Council of
anebnt. aHhough stiu to Ik? MKm in
. GiniK.
•5 feet of lot 12. block 4. 50 feel: Traverse City, that ft Hty clerk l*e
C^oostantiuople aad risewhere. Ronum
and he Is hereby dlrec ted to serve
liKks. like the ^ptlan, rvqulncd a
Moved by Palmer and snpported by
on the os'nlixriUii sliding T»fUe key. They were.
Winnie that the resolution be adopiSnow Sold to Syria.
Consul Je?«Te n. Jackson, of Alexan howeve *,
Yoas—Aldermen Abbott
lie, Moon. Mu
GiHctt, 1-ardie,
medlatcly iwoVe all fll
mer, Shuter and WMnnIe.
bay. straw, ashes, cinders, debris, ex­ MlimrMrf providing a subsiliutc for
crement and all othe/ offenstre abd Ice.
Impure artlcie.v or substance^Tron
8now Is gathered in the adjarent
8604-RE80LVKT>. by the entincl 1 of shore thereof: also to personally noti­
the City of Traverse .City. That
fy in writing all owners of real esute mnuntains and parked to a cuukal pit
rltory bordering on Umped In tigbUy and covered with
City Cler
Tk be and Is hereby authorliSd in this same territory
private sewers dis­ straw and leaves. At the boUom of
ks of said river that the pit a well Is itog'wlth a drain
herelnatler named sgalnst
lots and premises hereto deserfbed to said seu-ers must extend Into said nocied at the bottom to carry off the
the aasessmcBt roll for the state and river without delay, according to the
water f(»rni^'d from nudtr-d snow,
county tox tor the year 1$M oa oa ordinances of aald city.
Moveil by l^almer and supported bj the oust of eollectlDg and storing Is
Lardie that the raaoIuUen^ Mbpted very small, the only labor is to dellv
rrlng so the couuners. which Is aeseveral loU aad prsmtosa heretofore Glliett. 1-srdle. Moon. Morehle. PaJ
An Island InhabHud by Slack Cots,
ordered constructed by the said coon- mer. Shuter and Winnie.
On© of the queerest corners i»f the
uncollecled and unpa
earth Is Chatbgm Island, off the co^
sullmcnt No. 4, and be It further
2«e8-W HEREA8. In the opU
of Ec?tiador. This taland lies 600 mHre
RESouVED, That a fee of feur
thp councU, the apUtog of the
west of Guayaquil and the equator
King of Story Tdlen
Med to aald aeveral su^ of Iloardman river seooedtog
runs directly through It CapL Reinand coHected vAlh the said tox os a
and speciflcatloBs prepa
eolKPcUoi, fee.
man. who was sent to the Galapagos
•tots and Cass Street ImprovemenL
group of tolanda to Inquire Into the
Ortfifial PlaL
proper groundings of a deep sea cable,
. Barney Anderson. E. 44 1-S feet of of said city and the Northern Michi stopped at Chatham Island, aad soya
lot $. Mock 6. 44 1-3 feet; $$4^
gan Asylum is discharged into said
Moved by Muruhte aad.aoppoftod hy river and that In order to carry the It ahooBds to onto, every one of which
These aalmato live to the
1-ardie that the resolution be odopt- some Into Grand Traverse Bay tl Is
that there sbol] be an un
pf the tova fouadatloa mar
of the water of SBld the coast, and subsist .by eatohteg
river. OAd.
WTIEIIEAB. In order to pitmote fish and ctaba. Instead of rots and
Other oaimals foond oa this
aad prelect the publie health It to the
totontloa of this oottaelt to do ofl to
urn horses, cattle, dogs, gnats.
8806-RE8OLVED. by the oovhen of
aU of which ore ilerthe city of Traverae Cfty that ^ city j the stopp
fectly ,wUd.-Tlt Blti.
a«rk be mad to hereby autherried and aald rlror
HEREA8, The cmdttioa
dlreeted to hasstt the Bmomrta bore^
inafier named against ths several lots riYer bring a menaaos to the pobllc
sad prexstaes hereto dssmbtid to the health, a tees pool of nfbbtoh, iUh.
seaeatorent toll tor the aisto and com-; irhage oito excremeoL m hfeoder of
of a ship that carries a eoi^ of bricks
ty tox for the rear IBM os as haprsveFolk Lore of t
ment tog for the ooastnaetloa of pavebe earoful that a leak Mas ml
tJB. to too midst of so many^easto
adetceted. as the water to smlwd
on toe several
np nearly aa fool os it goM to.
oamtrncted by said eoemSl.
>d**i5dTS‘fcir Jdd
r. and.
UompUabad by pack heraaa Th# aeUThe Unwritten Stdrie*
U I. fl»
U 1» «. 11 ««U • kVMllwl
handed down by the oldthe oosooU. as a further aaaiUry








Thomas Wyche


Grand 0^ House


Nov. 29, 1906

*Ume Nekra
with the sold tn ;

ctofore ofdored coo-

!b:*(.TTt‘n!rikT*rrry;**^.? H





■ p,

, TwnrtiM anMna


wa. in lb. lad. aay bto btor ,10.,



rtM tL


^ age mwdmd

I ar wdMiw


Ike boMT ef first drawing attawtiow sraO as Improrsd m
totbebaytoflflsltoB wHbapoorlttw-iikaas^baTe rerolatk

MIgb ScbMl M. Atbtotto Club ClwMW

or Pbtbarto Bridpa



won oatertalaod by Jake Sebaeder aa
tboao of tbo praoont. It amy aot bo
tbe -Wtoard- of old. bacwmo of wbooe
Bsansaloos work wHb tbo coo all ratos

Bagamet who simeWod m tbe boy's aUk or woobbwatiwg
father that tbe tod sboald be sUowod eong»»tohm moot of thla altboM
to follow motoe as a prwfwwtoiL U; opevadrso oqalpiwd with huge Miean
after years srbea Veidl bad bscoms are atUl omplored. The sgrtpea are
ramows be fotmd BqgaseeC agate. dM glreo over to tbe moebtee apecadTaa.
a vary old man aad poor. and. rernmn- by whom fbey are oewvd togetber wHb
btrteg tbe paat. did all Id bto power to ngbtaiagnke rapidity. Tbe lock stlteti
Is aoed aad tbe thread fed from Mto.
Whoa Verdi was eight years oM bo' each of which bolds 7*4.000 yanto.
became the proud poeaeoaor of aa old j Tbe atrtpa sewed togetber. the flag
iqiliMt. This Instrumeal be regarded to raady to receive tbe ouloa. Tbe anwltb the greoteat affecUoa. and lo tbo km to tbe blue field at tbe left oppar
day of bis death It ocmi»tod a ptoee odj oomor of tbe flag beartag tbe fortyalx
booor at his estate near Busoeta Thera . atara. a star for every state, although
wraa aa tetereatteg and qual*« i*>»<'rip- nxwt of the fiags aeen for aomo montho
tloo written on a part of It. It glvca will abow only forty-five sttra.
particulars of certain repairs which
Bum of wool bunting flags are of
Ixad been effected and ends; -Tbls 1 do mnslte. al
rrmtto Id conoMemUoti of tbe good dls- ’ the asme
Slnarppt* Verdi stiows
te learning to play on tlU* Instrument.

' tm FHmNmb. Nov. fl.-l tmt
le Kowapaper Trio apala met d«^ feat at tbe Wi^qiie-loag clnb tost ertsiiMi - 1 «ooM W IT..I04 «r-lf Tlott'o IMO OoMlo Mock iHcterM W
oBly a i
^ ***“•*•
IM tamo4 Mo WoMoU. tht mt etw»l« « 7«"but to
'*•''* »>«*
'<«■ **«
•ooiotfle boU plom l« tko.worM.
Uto. b«
BtoMMatf ib«
*Ab4.** coot to ms ftr MoOinteo44r. patwitoiL Htol l^'xxo**"^
40 oot Mo Um tftwbte with Wod* btM^ to p«f«tt ud bto totMtom‘Tb. am gaam storied out poorly
Ml that ooMo poopio Iblak I Mo. I
cm. to pfoof of
I»~= poshera aad they wore wb*tl,»r.‘ ■ u
. la tho follow,
w who teo not boo4 tlM Ann^rtac
j lag game they enmo back at tho l.oofth«t tho ordtawry fMknror of taaobaU
w«. tonitobed tbe *" “< «»
*» »®
place tbo balls on the pHdo to show pins. Tbe third game was tbe aioat
-mob^ «e iPooTM^ to m poadUr fob the difficult ohot tbe boy could asake. exciting over roUed oa the dab alloys
Mr. Ho M hSo frtilma.>H oo othor To boar the lad argue with hto paroat. and when thewooreo were counted It
This spinet meant everything In the ator 1s five pointed, each being preciseplopora. M Wo44on to aU to tbo opoo who Idolises tbo rouagoter. about showed that the Loafers had three
Ita fellow.
world to the boy at this time, and It: lyr Uke Its
As fast as the i
004 4000 hlo poeolUr otoau la MU pladag the Ivory apherta. waa funay. pilaa advantage, ThU gave them a.
was his eothnslssm In aubjei'tlug It to are cut ont
H«lit of tho boaoban pobNc.
(be expresskm of (be latent
long tabhw. arrange
aad la many caoos the boy was right. total of thlrioea pins margin.
Bmllh. sporting editor of
nt roo eoaoldor that thU Mg follow
tbst was In him that rsoMd the dam­ them on tbe unkma. Tten ttey are
Old-timers might be remladod of
lo panprrwd aad opollod by tho fhai yoBDg Tom Bayers' vtolt U> America. the Daily Bagle. rolled the htoh game.
age and necessitated tbe repairs ro- basted te place by band and tumod
over to flic ladcblne operatlvr*.
mad Bowopaiiors la ovory city la tho
IH pins.
Mlssoort mulea have a worM wMe
Once be wss pUylng chords on It Placing the union In position follows,
drralt It wUl not bo bard for yoo to was: -Me name to Tom Saycra and
repntBtlon for certain rhara»nrrt*tirs, and waa delighted at having discoverod two imlooB iK-ing required for each
aoo bow ft bapptaa that bo U opollod. ni show yor bow me fader fought his
not all of them deserrrd. say* one of I tbe major third and flrib of C
flag, one on either side. btri|»es and
The ungraded room football • that Slate's rPt»nwentsUves
Bat Wo44oU to far oaolor to got akmc batUos. Beer But Schaefer. Jr. Is •
ive. te «ou- ,o rt^K-at this Ite following day. be union joined, the flolabers take tbo flog
vltb tbaa aopa otbor ptoyorm. Wbon aot quite of that cUss. He goes lo a • team of the Boardmaa avenue • grrsa.
But their great .point of snunable to find the rhord again, In band. Strong canvas bands are sewbo traota to do oombihlac ho pooo aad publle acbool la Chicago and Is quick • acbool accepts tbe challcqge of • perics^lty o»-er other animate
as-’ ^ry
xry a. te would,
woukl. he could not succewl. od across the headings, tbe bands barmate their as4000 II. aad offors ao oaplaaatloB and earneat In his studies. He more • the Junior caismps for Thanks- • fonlshlng speech Is a aubj«-i which '
la ridUll*!. rage te picked op a ham- teg grommet*, or eyelets. In tte cor­
• ha. betm neglected.
,»nxeeded to bang tbe spinet ners. In the rase of large fUgs for
oiibor bofOro or aflor tho act.
cloaely reaombleo hto mother than he • giving day or the day after.
m, f.tber came upon Hie scene at staffs the bsmards.,nrn through theae
-A find class kltosouri mole.- the
n Mid ratbor bavo a playor of the does the WUartl.
B:eml»cr aald. *1. a much faster anb
tb\tmoment and. taking the psrt of gpomroeta
/ WodioU typo Ibaa ooo who aulka.
mal than the best Kmtnrky botmv
In this
Although erery year more than 4,0(W.Now tboro to ooo pood foaluro fa
doubted by a Kentucky horse
gave his son il lesson which doulit- 000 American flags are made 1a the
lUbo'a OMkoap. ho norer oulkm. and
tivs of Now^!^. was ^atent to |
»«• •oundsd chonl. la the boy's brain fashion described, they form only a
bo dooo not laaUII troablo la the ranki
imss Into tbe Mechanics' Iwnk of i
«rmngi*d for ,rhlch were a rrvetollon to him.
amall profiortloo of tbe total nnmljer
ao oooo otbor otar playera do.**
I a race. \Ve knew, of connv. that .mr
The l.enevoleDce of Verdi after hto mauufacUircd- Millions of printed
he ™
lo president, when
horse beaten te-fw lhc»;
„ i.j.word, and toward flags come Into existence every year,
little gin. play
^ „ Kid Herman rested hU hit
less fartunate ones of hU pn>- and their number to constantly teutenwt.
HtuiHdng. be j -Well, they started, so we dec ided to
got off ti»p lh.r. but In tm»yoa his
hit help was at all times fyeely
for his bout with
asked her
. tnOyanlstheMliu* I cntin was 4cad
4m Ofioi Loot FIflil lot Brovod^that
I to*»o.
I most t
dd.” she rndtel.
win lose sure.
Ho Waa Not Hurt, by Pobip
paWhen James i
Dave Deshler has asked for a ehanco tbe governor, she ln*|Ulred; “What to I to a sloji. Ills drivfr whl,H*cil him up,!
Verdi i«id all tbe costs of bis
lo meet Tommy Murphy al Chelsea your nnmer
l^to have the is-rformancc iviKwtcd
allowance resolution appropriating 12,«W to the
••Mr. Klokos.•ad
■rto. Pa^ Kof. tl.-Aflor flfleon
on*; '
of needy widowed daughter of I*rc*ldcnt
-Do I know your little glrUr
I we had toh! the fellow driving our
funeral. In addition to this, be' Zachaiy Taylor. This Indy got a. far
Toaado of flphtlnp Al Roperi wao latter part of this month.
•*No, I guess not; 1 hare none.”
-wl.on. ev»ry omw te a l provided for the sujuwrt of the old I at Washington on her wsv to Paris to
Jem Dowker. the English
*‘No t»ubl<w—never hsd anyt babliw i
awarded tho doctoloo orer Joe QHm
expected In this country, has ore so cute y«>u ought to have one." ‘ w fni"ri?nl the muT w nTVT
daughter and. Is-lng destitute
of Phlladoipbla. Tho
wao hold
fast thnl the M>und wn* leri
, one day w hen he was chatting with of money. upikwI.hI to her only friend
As the gtfvenior walked laughingly , so
twder the auaplcea of the Brio Athtotir changed hto mind about coming here
hind, and the Kr
. Cardiicel, the famous r»oet. an organ
the capital, (ieueral Hhenuun
club. Orlm did all the leadlap la tho and Instead will tour Australia and into tbe UauV the child said: -When;
ouUlde struck up an air from -Trova-1
-Trova imrae was always open lo the dMressyon got aome artmnd at .vour bouse he stoi>iM<!.*
early part of the coatest. bat toward
Thinking thatt Verdi would tjo' ed. hot
but be
he had not fund* at all adeJim Jeffords, who got back Into the I'll come ami piny with tlM*m erery
waefi a Maw Ur*.
tho Mfl lloion paachod him about
dlsturted, tbe iK>el went to tbe window qmte to relief^
lies. In this
day. iKm’t forget to let me know.**
limelight through bis fight with Jack The governor was not certain wheth­
-If you want to tell w la ther or not to oeud the non oway, but tbe com- emergeiwT be thought of lUalnc.___
alamot at will.
past blm and. beckoning | man from Maine entered Into the aiirlt
Orim amuood the W) aporu preoont Johnson, wants another crack at the er the nmtler was a Joke or not. but the man you are talking to la telllag
by turnlnp aomeroaulto at the oonclu colored nun and if be cannot get this a friend at tho bank cntrant'c settled tbe truth, don't look blm In the eyes,** lo the organ grinder l»elow. threw a of the CK-coslon af mw.n a* te laanl
said a I»enver hank toiler to some hamirul of silver out. saying to bU, General Sberumu'* statement.
atoa of oarh of tho laat throe round* he U anxious to box Al Kaufman or tbe question by laugldng loudly and
night -I thought It was Just friend;
called anjthiT lo Ite chair and made a
tolling the otber hank officiate—I'hllas aa oridooro tho colored fighter o Bam McVo>.
ay." said one «*f tln»«e pres-tel biro go on; It pleases me, and, Hvc minute*' sjM^b that fairly cbvtrlHarry I^ewls attributes hla victories adejghln lUnx^ri.___________
■ blowi did not hurt.
besides, we must all live somehow.fiiMl the hous4*. whlrU pn*iM><l the ir*o
tbm aa*
lo the rare ho takiw of himself. He
made It hanler
The iMTUsal of hi* will shows tbat'lution Illhine bnd
only a mo
Vr. C.reeni—I met a woman today wquarely In his eyes.- -That's a w r*»ng be never forgot those who had been ment tef.»re- He took ibo rc*<,lullun In
always prepares for a mill and Is
never caught abort, as Is the ^ae that X used to think a gwd deal of at ImpreaslOo.- eonllAdwl the bank teller.
him In his struggling days
with so many of tbe g«»od boys. His
Oamo Haa loon tteppod at
bow to look y«Hi In tte ey*-* when he’s
itry is the 1
Mrs. Grrent—Oh. yon did!
to sign It tbe next Ua,v. and on the fol
rise has been steady but sure.
In Milan.
lowliuj day the tetiellclary got tbe
-Vcs.* 1 used to do my very best to dhlng it. And the man who Isn't a
lowlnp Ward’a Itoath. ,
regnUr liar, but w ho Iws made up hla
monry. General Rborman alwa> a in­
p*ease her.**
mind to lie to you, decide* first lliat
erdl's to found some Institatioo fOr sisted that Blaine would teve made
Tbe Imstman. stolidly bfodlng to bto -Uumr*
ItonloB HarboT*Nor. 21 -Mayor osiw.
te jnust look you straight In Uie e.ves. the care of aged mualctona whose la­
iiw. lookid
looked up quickly and said: ‘T!-1 dill ererytblog 1 could to site bar Jt la tte voice, when you dmi't look at bors had not resulted In making them tbe grandest actor that ever lived and
V , Morrow M toanod on order prohibit- histrls*lmo. my grandfather
Id adapting bis career lo iiolitlc* bo
tbe eyes, that telU you whether tte lndoi»endcnt In the years wb«i tbeir
e of a bum star.
lap pttoo dphU la thU city in future. boatnuiu of the
other fellow U lying. We use tbe sys- work liad come to an end. In hla will
Tbto dodaloo comes as a result of thr
-And at last I succeeded.tern frequently In tte bank. A man be devoted a large ibare of hla pro|terI
Ward-Lowto dpht at Orand Rapids
will come In to tell us some business ty to this scheme, sod hla generooa
to Now York to
Tommy Ryan has pulled off a numl»er
at Ms feet or bl* hands gift uffortls a home to 100 old moai- tte fall or winter If you want to make
-She granted all that 1 asked, and tale. Wt look
The qntek mist of emotloti ns
tif too teats hero which hire packed
but never In his eyea. ciana.-Youth's rompanlon.
by so doing made, tue the happiest or bis km
a good sale.- was tbe advice that waa
rardnrcT* eyea at the iKwtmsn's
I ,
tho opera hooae. Among thorn was pie gesture of reverence. “1 astute'
If he's telling tbe truth hi* voice will
banded out to a western man wbu bad
mao .11 he."
te firm and stralglitforward, and the
the Apht botwoon Yanger aad MorrI- thee, mv friend. ' he said, strelrhlnf j -Merry-a nuniter of borsea that be w|*bed to
In tbe Aorergne region of France a disitosc of at the Horse Kx«bange.
won. betweofi Morrison and Billy Stlft out hl« hand. Tue rower drew In blsj -I aaked her to come up to the hooao absence of your gaae In hi* eyes will
not affect it. but If he * lying he'll be large amount of carbonic arid gas -Tbey ll make a better showing in tbe
uenaiug Hwwaro
» , ^
and ls4Kllng
f»»nrard snimit
shi«k owiraw, ...
wi'en Marvin osrs ane.
coufuaed by your action, and hla voice cornea from the soil and to one of tbe spring or auinmer." ex{dained a trader
Hart and Ryma.
will tremble. He'll'hem and haw and last tragea of tbe former rolcsnlc ac­ on tbe exchange, -and Impress the
clear hla throat. Von may rest aa tivity of this reglAi. Tbe spring* that prospective trader wltb a sense of safe­
that be'a atrtnglng you.-— yield the gas are found generally lo ty. It I* more difficult to break in a
tbe flaanres of the ground which allow Western horse in New V<irk ways to
the water to riae. One of the Moijt- Ibe winter than the snmroer. It reoUy
■tore Sea
penaier springs haa bom knosm as tha doesn't take him long to become used
The epitapli. “O Rare Ben Jonson.- -poisoned spring.- Aolmato which do- to tbe crowd* and noises of tbe city at
story for tbe Kngliidi.- they say. with
engrared on tbe tablet marking tbe ocend Into the cavity to drink arc aoon any lime. *n»e thlug that throws blm
a gleaming. IrreaiiousiUe teiille. *Tbey
A W«scker Slewed
burial pUce of the celebrated play- asphyxiated by tbe gaa which la given Into panic is tbe sight of fur. In Jito
A writer tell* of a curious i ^
Wright In the **poeU' comer.- West- off by tbe water and accomnlates here. mind furs are associated with oca&e
Act- 11732. s^oe 1. says: -Tbst
te to be found In Finland,
mlfutor abbey. Is daki to bare orig­ Bodies of birds, rabbits, dogs. obf«p enemy or tormentor of tbe animal king­
any poraoa who shall hcreanor bo a
natural barometer and actually foro- inated with Jack Young (arterward
‘ found, and ef*® dom. and tbe sight and amril of fur
toUa probable changes te tbe wcatbsr. kntohtfdl. who. -walking there wlHm
party lo. or engage In. a prise fight,
^eaeapad. Veg­
It to coltod a ocmakuir, and Its pecub tbe grave wo* covering gave tbe fel­ etation to atoo affected by an over­ garment* arouse former fear*. Soma
or any other fight la the nature of a
tority la that It twna btock before ap- low 18 pence to cut It- Dr. Brew­ dose of tbe gaa. Bpots can be aceu boraes never do get ovv this weak­
VW Saote aM ni* «r OmIm.
prise fight. In this state, or who shall
ness. and many dtelera can vouch for
Most great men have either tockfB proacblDg rain, wbne In fine weatber er in hi* -Phraae and FaUe" asya mnnlng in a line acroaa tbe flekto. case* to which boraes that are otbar. aid or abet theraia. shall, on coarleIt to mottled with spots of wbtte. InHon thOTWf. bo poalabed by Imprtoon* ■rbool training or ha Ye teen amatsmm. Toetlgmtloo has shown tbe atone to bo Bhakgopeaie called Joooon -Rare arbere tbe ptonta have suffered from wlse i»erfectly satisfactory bring comBou.^ but dooa uot any where. Ac­ gaa coming np thipugb Ibe flaaurfo of ptolnt from tha purchaser on accotmt

went la the otalo prioon for a thrm aot
a oort of fossU, mixed with ctoy. rock cording to Chambers* -Book of Day*.- the ground at differant pointa. Boundof tbrir dlallko of fara.--Clncinnatl
, ozceodlBp fivo Tears nor l«ws than ooo flouriahsd moat In ibi* countiy when ■alt and niter. When tbe air la moist, tbe phrase formed tbe concluding
yaar. or by flno aot eaeoodlap I2.000 education wa* at Its loweot ebb, Bdu- tbe aalt^tuma black; when tbe sir to words of tbe verses written and dtocatloa'wtll give ns mitber political nor
•or kwo than 1200 or by both flae aad
played te tbe clnbroom of Ben'a clique pnreatate.
Omm Cmmi Far Trtkwte.**
ImpitMioonot. at tho dUcretkm of the
The oqpper ptoca with ,tbe legend.
cate themaelves. At the same
epithet -Ram Ben Joosoo** la said to
-Mlllkm# for defteae; ^not one cent for
•hould not te forgorten (ha
bare been first ottered after ite ap­
trlbutat- to not a cote at all. but a
SocUoa 2. act 11732. Is; -All por- qrltbom followeiw oro ateiool
pearance of bU highly puceessful farce.
eons who shall ongmge In the training and tbe utility of tbe Gennaa schoola
with Franca during tba Napoleonic
of any party to a prise fight, or shall Ilea In this, that they turn otit a huge human bring* by any means. For tnto -pot on tho
our Jay treaty with
aaatot thoreln. shall be deemed alders
Oavenaat waa Interred to glove*- witb him. He played with Oraat Britain, made wblla George
gad abottors wltblg the meaning of The hoots of metUorre German chem- on a friend of mine, who waa not at
(Star abbey tbe teacrtptteu on Chandler for a few rounds, much to
tots hdre eotahllshed-tte moat flourish,
ring atooe waa -O Bara Btr the dtocomflture of the latter. Chan­ hooanoa wo wonid not take side* to
log Industry la the world by atoktefl
dler bided bto time and aome time later thooa wars, Praaea. in 1797, began tP
Winiam Darenantand he returned my look. Then
quietly brbught a profaorional pugUtot attack our marehant ships, and wa
It a new FVeoch nse of the Inventlona of tbe great
c.temkal genlu-w of Cngtond and thing te that dog's face seemed to toko
to dinner where ConklUig/woa a gneoL
i that are drawn by Proneo, who. lacking an adf^uate rank hold of aw and
In tba course of the erenlog -Mr.
oome wUh my wlia te oee yon botb.te thfir ow»
-Drilgbled: But look here. Trtl your baring bout with Mr. Conkllng. The
wlfe-not to wear her now diamood eai^
ring* or my wife wU| dt onoo want a
rmga It only by paying i
od. playteg with himD aa he anpild with 1^ a kaa to tbo Fran<
Tbe ekwt Nov To tbto it waa aald (hat
Ih. tho mlochler! And my
only cc
tbe purpooe of
aaed, overwbeliDed,
---------------------------- When be anrtanring thorn off.--U Iltovolo 1
dored and eaXlid oaoogh. aa he did at

it the fling Side.



Order your

I. o. m turns
Yud and o& M Kotihrm
Both pbodM 86,


In Brooches. Bracelets.
and Crosses

Beautiful and
Rare Gifts
Look forwanl to tbo
HoluUyi and inspocl tho
bi« line of jewelry I carry.




maiksd. -Addiuoooo
far OBordor.-—Bangkok paou.
«*Why do fftrto wear and

the hearts of frtoM from
s modViaao of the

•Ob the name principle that
ttaa a atrtag around hla flagtrwon*t faciot theyYe aagaffd.-

Dean Farvmr quotaa Tranyaon aa harlaa relatod to him the reamric of a
fanner who. aftv booring a fire and
hrimatone amon Bom aa old style

, “Ko, BA ao; not CM I

The tomorrow of which wo
todey.-Now Tortt *

-I ted a PM
ottecd it HM

m fWoMte «r

J. N Martinek
217 K Front !Sl.

UVby. <Urk Outinif. .nitable h>r childreiri |clothing
otber gratlcs sui table for
quilt lioiuga.
We alao have lighter colorod ones and white Oalingi

5c and 10c

Horses-and Cows
For Sale
easy keeper.
11500 lb. 9 year old mare.
Make finUloM team for
lumber wood..
WUl pell

I beaiitlhriitod b>«(

brood maiB,sat|imeil8r

J. W. Slater.

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