The Evening Record, December 19, 1906

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The Evening Record, December 19, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





TiuvBinc cny.



HSS $ittEfER||||noVED


j Humnaiam

■S -S

Fair. Oantla south wind.

ity Jan. dot

oairVmem makino every ef­





Cily Botdi Store


Fair tonight and TKuredb)
: umrmar; brisk eeuthedy wtnda.^



Holiday i"

By Wire Co tte Branlng Raaord.
Jackaon. Mkdu Dec. ll.-Tbe stale
tbU mon

it W. Hante. a


o*oijcx:k edition


dim waa Mordarad WHIla oa Her BIGHT MILK dAMFLRd PAddCO
war Mama fmm dateal darn





Tlie Popular Store Of fhe aty lor Ihls aass

ATOMOERB at MUIer*. pharmacy.

Bedford tlim yean ajpo.
il« «io a toaeter ia tte pabtte

Ml. Dm.

«f fkt OilaiSD A pPMt

frmkt MM mmtfk U
' aMvlAg. TIm •ww
jMfi« Qid7 tvMf-tlM aUw a day.
TIOb la natnim to karlmf Um« ta
OM day ife M 004 lytei Idle
tko otter alte-

KAMdAd TOWM dumddo wnou



tkma of tte Tartona aonmaa of milk
■apply aboot the city as U shown by
the auU ebamiat'a report on eight
■ampiaa aant to^blm tor esamlnatloa
recanOy. Tbaaa eamplea were taken
from tka dalriao which were bald
under aaspldon by tbe autborlUea and
all proead to be free from oontamlna
tlon. Mr. Dookeray stated to a Rec­
ord reporter tbU aRemoon tkat tbe
dairymen wyre making eterj effort to
HAD d^HT MOdT OF TM» |40 HI cooaply wttb bla wlabae and that tbe
condlUona about tbe aublea were
macb tmprored. The milk ia also
being bandied In a mom careful man­
la BaHii Maid ta tlia Jaimary Tanvi ner. This work kaa taken much time
aome dalrtes bought from aeren
af Oayft-Waa Captorad by
or eight farmers and each of three
dterNf Brawn Laat
placee meet be rlslied and tnapected
Banday Nipht
Mr. Doekeray went on to say that if
people would enter complainu to him
when Improper cooditlooa cam© to
SpaelaltotteMrantaff Record.
t4aland. Mlcb.. Dec.
Hea- their noUce bU work would bare a
aait oonfoMad blghvayman. baa better and more far reecblng effect


‘ Id anminatkm aad U bainc bald
RAILBOAD AdKKO TO dBND A tor tte Jannary term of Clrcnlt
la the man who bold np
Harry Boon at Noitbport Thoraday
nlyht. aaenrtar 140 from him. \8bartff
Coal Will Bt Diatetated on tha Bai
todad him at onV Pier
lalaad Ballroad for tte Boilaf of
and bfoofhl Wm%lbt


Parker ^Pen


ParticulAyly partimkr wonfe nay that t£T Parker

Kubeck & Hoyt

Each and
pen is
guaranteed. If in any way
the pen does not pkdte after
a trial it may be exf^umged:
Its a great deid easier to
get up these opld morninn if
you know that you hare
aometliing warm to slip 6n

$1.50 llo $7

Christmas Slippers
After you have been all over town atul loked at a thouMnil
UHeleuu Htlleieu. jiMi U iindtHititedly di^de to itiv© -HIM- BLIPPER8,
our Iliu- of Mfu a Slipiiern it, the fliituit au^irtnicnl you can find auywbere.
Slippers for Beauty and Elegance. Slippers for Comfort.

Those are linetl with
natural wool, so are aa warm
as it is poesiblu to make a

Bachant & Roscoe. I 1

75c and Sh

jail boro wbem te oontoaead tf the


•m* tova ta Ml of Rm>I. PIMM
Uln Map* u> htM • Mpplf Mat bMt
at OBM."

Mr. Tajrtor at tha caaMtaaioa at
c«K» appMM 10 tlw Rork lalaad
ralliaad la atad a trala at coal to



Tbe board of education waa In mwsloo Juft an hour laat evening and wai.
CAM FIMMY OOT OMOO FOM Ml* ROCK IdLAND PAddffNOER TRAIN an tear 1*1^ getting under way.. The
aeaaioa waa not a momentous one
and only three members. Measn*.
Chandler. Foote and Hoyi were pres­
Waa at WOfk far FortyTow
ent in addition to the mayor. The
Tavo f«liio.lteli Cablaa I
actual buaineaa would hare taken
Whilf FvlllAi oa Boat.
about fire minutes but there was eon
whip discuaaion hi regard to a
code of rolea tor the guidance of Janl
The cAr ferry MaalatlQue doarod a
It being desired to make some
aeot bUDch of money tor fwlUac tte
ebangaa in those now In use.
ateomer Hampton off SIdUayalloa. Injured Cared for In Temporary HoeThere were three bids for the cervr
fCAOO betnff paid tor the >ob. Tha
pital Flami Up In One af tte Care.
Ing of tbe heating pipes at the Oak
rar ferry reoeirea IlSO an boor for
Oofaotive Rail Waa the Caaaa
Park building as follows: R, J. Mer­
• wrachlBf and forty two boor* nrere
of the Wreck.
cer A Ca. 1143: Barnes A JoynL $145.
OMutiiaod. th» Uaa nountlng from the
and Arms A Cole. $130. Tbe commit­
OB# tte boat lacdroa the meaaade
tee on buUdlnqi^and grounds had ac­
unto abb you back. Some tremend- By Wire to tbe Rrenlng Record.
cepted tbe latter bid and ordered the
out pamnf bad lo be done on the
tcblBOo. Kaa.. Dae. It.-Rock
k dime. The verbal report of the
Hampton and before the waa releaaad. Island passenger train No. 80 Jni
(Oontlnned on Second Page.)
. two nln^ack oablaa were broken.
the track at CuTllalon. near here, to­
day. All but tte engine turned i
■core or more pamengera 1
omU bound for Cbtoago wer
FIra la dUd
Jurad. aome aeriooaly.
Tb© nccWeni waa dee te a dafecUre
triet af Boatea.
rail. U took place In tbe darkness WILL LEAVE TRAVERSE CITY FOR



'By Wire to tte BJaala* Record.
Boeton. Doc. lt.--Flfw In tte aUth
ntory of the tomitura atord of Bdrtdgo Peabody. 114 to IIC TTamoot
atreec oadaaterad tte whole ahopptay
dtatrtet The roof nf tte Orptena
Vte. Ooo droman wna fatally
aad nomal ovorcomo by tte

plod to Kin tte Frafact ad Failaa af L

By Wild to tte
8L Petoraterf. Dec. If-Tarr
threw two bomba at the carrlaya of
the ireracl of friloa of Ltel today.
kllUrg the rirar and wvxndlny earami aqldtara of tte eaoorL Tbe
tbrowom a^Apad.
MOT MOVRO bet am aUU laaatod




The finest Flour is an absolute essential,
especially for cakes and pastry.
••BEST'’ brand is a flour that never yet
has been .surpassed for all round baking.
Its flavor is flne and delicate, it has flne
body, and is full of those nutritious qualities
so desirable in a family flour. TRY IT.




I New Plano’ ^ . I Kimball Organ
I Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap

Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.

Lay Co

^ •

Finest aaportment to bo
foumi—plain and initial,
white and fant^ colors.
5c to 50c-.ocu.


Telephones, Oflicc, Citizens 32; Bell 169.
EveninBS, Citizens. 290 '


Special Dress Goods Offer
This Should Interest Men



Good values at popdar
prices. $5.00 and $6.00

Sberman & Hunter


waa fitted up In one of the care.

Complete Housekeeping

For Cbristmas Cooking


fm ennstmus

PoidWjr j6c maj- have ..v. rlookod tome of tb«»e:
• , '
Glovce. Mittens (wool, kid or fur),
Shirts. Sospeodcra. Cape.
Suit or Orervoal.

Meke Ihit etore yonr bnyinR place. '



me 40 Nortbport laaC
aprini on the car ferry from Ludlnyton and quit Ua boat at that point.
He worked aroond Nortbport aU anmmcr, finally lolng to Muakegon and
rwtnmlng to Nortbport amral daya
before tbe robbery.
When taken te bad only |1S.»0 on
him. baring spent the rent at Buttons
Bay and OlHa Pier.
tte GuUlanoe of Janitors
Rulae far tte Ouldafica of JanRora
Waa Tkken-Only Three

Shopping Days


The kind that arc lonif
onon|{b to ' keep jou
warm and oomfrotablc.
$1.00 to 1.50.

(We have a limited quantity of high


grade dress patterns, some most exquis­
ite colorings in the rich tones for fall and

The Orand Traverse Medical aodety
held a very IntereaUng meeting laat
evewtag at which It waa formally anlead that Dr. 1. A. Thompteo, one
Waa One ef tha dtordieat Men in
Methodiat Cheroh and Waa Called of tte oMeat mambera. would soon
leave tte dty tor Otand Rapida wtere
ha wiO pruoUee. Dr. Tbompmm baa
pmctlead ta tte aty tor oiwr twenty
two yqara and them are many who
By Wire to tbe Brentng Record.
New York. Dec. ll.-Cbartoa C. Me will mtaa bla f
Caba. known aa tte **FlgbUng
ap.** oae of tte atardleat tgbtem
to *bteh Dr. Tbomptoo answered la
In tte Methodist Mplaoopal db
died ta New Tork boapltal today aa a few Ettlnc word*.
Or. W. B. Moon gm tke paiwr ot
tbe leanlt of a stroke of apoptei
catuad a weak ago ta tte Peonaylrar Uw eeinlac aad hte toide waa-Utoa.TUa waa faOowad br a taaeral dtaBia Wot ta iamey aty.
rouloc after which the doctor, rw
paired to the Otr reaUarant aad par­
took, <E aa eiceitau haa«aeL

... .4-

I fur lined
doth cape, tor caps in
rat and acal akin. No
better raloea anywhoe.

Knit wool goode. Kid
and Moefaa with either
aOLtaod or far lining.

winter wear, in handsome two-tone and

Shcrmaii & Hanter

self-plaid effects.


would make

your wife a most handsome gown, Mr.


Man, and we know she would appreciate

Oupi baa a
that tbia
ing will tatataiB. 25c god
50o. Newest to be hbd.
ExdiifiiTe pEttenu tilki.



We shall

be’ looking for YOU;

Hie price on Tlicse Patterns Has

Ewetyooe tells uiwejglTe
gnmt Yblve in our^




'iMkvciiiMo RCoom^ -nuvcinc cnx aiCHiCAN.


HE EvnnK tBom raLSRimi ms lESf

44ISERII. -■

CAB rtiBnr orr biwulab
m A'tMoirr>uau«

Mg boat WfiBt out yastaarday and wlii
I a trip whleb glvas the
anee to move their aurpins freight which has accumulated


TWO Shows

fltaa tkaaa fma. TMf-aia rtah «a«
Bsandtt cf Ihe OrMd
aalwal M aMrli» kaaafRal ta «•■
had two flee attrac
fM aat faa MaUaa ar tka ariMa*
an talatlata OM at tha Raaart at- cwncwlfd yesterday on account of the
report c<
poor tmataeas given
Bhows to fraverae City In the last
three months Tba attractions
■»atyaMia>iirl>ira*aMlaaa« cei«d wore. Joseph DuCrasse In the
la tka aaMM at Ma
“Merchant of Venice.- Dec; M
faaaM aaa a( fhaaa
“Wayward Bon" which was to <
tfcrratuniaMlL Act araairt.
Irving A, Murray Laid the Keel for
His Larpest Boat Tqdsy.
Inlng A. Murray, boat builder, laid
the k.M‘l today for the tergest boat
that bo has' ever bunt. The new boat
arln Iw a cibln cruiser about twi^nty*
right feet long and will have a se ven
foot beam, ^e boat wBl show a good
turn of apoed and at the same
worthy enough for cruis­
ing anywhere.
. MapIS City Chonth Wewa,
There will be Christmas tree fiwtlvl
tics at ibe'Ccmgregailonal church on
Monday evening, consisting of an old
kined Christmas trin*. short. InlereaUng liograra. music, etc. Wolme ail.
rnioa nild week prayer service at
the CongregBilonal church Thursday
evening nt 7:30 p. m.
The “chicken pie supper" recently
given by the W. H. M, 8. at the parponage war a imccesa In every
Another liipptSr will
“The An|ters Message" will bh the
bemc for s Chrlttmas sermon at the
kmgregatlpnal church next Sunday

A recent^ French Invention is shells
filled with ,bll. which are Intended to
calm a atormy sea when fired Into li.
The railway laborers of the United
States receive from.two to four times
much ha lalforers on Buropea
jThcre aM about twenty-three millioh horifl in European Ruuala, no
fill upbaSketaand send them out.
In the world havtng so
The Christ whose birthday wo will
noon celebrate taught ‘ good wur to
ward men. At this smson of the year
A Swiss Jvfstchmaker has mpda a
the human heart should be espedany
watch witlj a phonegrapb attathment
tender loarird the unfortunate and aid
that calls ^ut the hours as they pass.
should be freely given th«n. The
pulua ftriaga' should Im> loosened. If
The progeny of a pair of rats, un­
the xdlar Is overstocked or even If der favorable conditions will In three
a mUe can be spared. If It is possible
I nuB^ 1.000.
to make aome one s load lighter,
e now If at no other
Although birds are credited -with a
wse of uB^l. an Engllsb expert finds
If you know of some poor family turkeys ln|ltterent to all odon.
that you would help, go to them i>crGET PRICES on candles at the
aooaJly. If not. or ir >«i wish to have
your bonellcicnct' remain liUlih-n. In Palace before buying your Christmas
dec lO lf
form the Bairatlon army. Tiny know
where tbo poor and suffering afe
loentod and they go down
them, bunting them .up amematkally
and aUeviaUng thdr diaireM all poeslbic.
Hamilton Clothing Ce.
^ th-lt

ONE THOUSAND pounds choice j
Bind cud; M *c per pound at tbr '


t BBUKVG that liiMn la Uia bwt
plica to bar pertaBCTT for moat
emrbodr son tbere.
dee Mf
. ■


filial to tbe Evening Record.
Snttona Bay. Mich;. Dec. 19.^-One
dSr fartners- Inititutes were held at
Keawick and aS Provemonl Dec, 15
and 17. The attendance at Keswick
was not -as Urge ns It khould bav«bedn but the teterwst manifested
mate up for the lack of numbers.,
I>foveinoni had the ususj good turaont and seveml local speakers took
part jin the ifiscossloos. PartlcuUr
interest was manlfeatod In the sub­
jects. rcUUve to the care of live slock
on the farm. A. U Hopkins, a prac
flcM stockman of Bear Mike, was fp
rttarie. Mr. Hopkins. Mr. Clapp and
Mlm Buen win all be present at tht^
round up to IhvJioM at Sutfoos Bay
Jan. 18 and I». Excryooc interested
4n forming should atund this Tmind-

(Ocwtlnned froip First Page.)
committee to that effect was accepted
add ndofiied. This brought forth a
queer combination iw all the moml»ers
present were members of the <*ommTtICC. .ranking tt necessary for one to
move to adopt tbolr own report, which
Mr. Foote did.
Thim» was a little discussion In re­
gard to Ihe regrtlaj- nirlstmiis vaca­
tion inf two weeks but on Mr. Ho>-fs
mottdn the schools will ck>S4- Friday*.
Dec, 21. and open Monday.Jnn. 7.
The report of the tniant officer
showed that he had traveled seventyfive miles during the month, carried
thirty-nine packaged. serve<l two notlcea. visited seventeen ht^es. investlgatefi seventeen cases reported and
had one truant l»efore the Judge. Rereh-t^ and filed on Mr. Hojnt motion.
The city treasurer reported 134.027.77 In the ccmtlngent fund while
the teachers* salaries fund was
swollen by the primary school money.
The expenditures wer*> $30.294.50-and
the cash on band was $29.52SJ'>7 and
tbe actual cash on hand being $29.430.12. The report was filed.
The report of the committee on
claims and accounts was adopt i>d.
Mr. Onbert then read from several
school mamials from various Michigan
cities. At the Soo Ihe rooms are swept
at night 2% dusted in the morning
while the floors are mopped wnce nachi

j------------- .




NO LAST year s goods for sale at
be Palace.
Bverythlng atricUy
LB CMt IMIMn in aHka
■nd oMm, qiriltad cnJbMk;
an end: only 60s.

Irhen the rooms should be asopped are
Mr. F^e aUted that the Manistee
schools were never dusted, that the
Janitors had fixed up an oil broom
whWh prevented dust from rtttog.
One Janitor had hU broom fixed vrith
a cMdle wick and frd* oil Into it. '
%ir. Gilbert stated that rooms that
had not \*een mopped for two months
were bound* to be dusty and he
thought the thing to do would be ;o
dust them with damp cloCha.
The time Tor mopping, how often It
Khfmld be done, bow* often the blackiKiards should be eras^^ and other
roatteni were liberally discuasod. but
no ariinu was taken last evening.,...
8uiKvint«pjdcnt Gilbert * n-porti-d
that on Nov. 23 there w^w 2.0r»€ setfol
ars bchmging and the nomlw iH-hwg
tng during the mnoih was 2.121. the
|K>rccntage of attendance being b3A3.
Quite a number of scholars arc mov­
ing amay while s<»ute nre moving In.

Now that the bollday time la bpprourfalng. the matter of confecOon*
!k a very ImportanV.matter oC
eratlon, fw Ihe little folks of every
community. In this conn«'ctlon It Is
well to draw attention to the foci tiiat
the purchase of. the !«*st class of canflu's made by rellahlc nianiifacUireis
is a cf*;ixi-e of wliulom. There arc
always a lot of cheap candles on the
markol that prove verj- attractive
when Chri.stmaa purchases an* made,
but it is ala-ays cheapest in the end
to buy goods of Ihe highest quality
and which are known to conform to
the pure food laws. There arc a lot
of cheap mixtnees on the market that
are wy nndoslraWe from the standl>olnt of health. The standard prtxl
nets, however, arc on sale at all of
the stores generally, and these should
be given tbe attention of those buying
c.-indles for the lllUe folks during tbe
hclldaj- season.
•Hiere are many good brands of con
fectlons on the market, manufoctured
by reltahte concerna thm while a litUe
higher In price than some cheap prod­
ucts are cheaper in the loo gnm. be­
cause they are proof against cheap
colorings that are not always health­
ful. on the cootrary, frequently very
bOT'ff^ LETTER (CeMlnuad.)
Sammy wants sum lltel skales tu
way things on so we can play
store like Mr. McOonnlck's and cei
candy ind tee on bad wether da>*s
wben we can t go out dores. 'we
I and ma hot a Jot ov tblnga tu trim
with, sum litel 6 and 10 sent
colered glaa lanturns and glaa ornemenu and angufo. tinsel and
Mr. McCormick gave me anm candate tu lllo It with* he |[lv« a box
ov candals wuth evry warn dc4ler*s wurth ov holiday guds. and
ma got sum holly and amltex
vlnee tu trim the rume. O deer!

870E^ fil^thBtreeL

Alt fij Ssk at Ba falewlig Bm


A. W. Mamm
A- Oorh


‘ ‘




Whea tfaminag abo« Xmas presents that a chande­
lier, pretty shade, podeet flasher and

iF^ortable Table Lamps
make the Very best kind 6f *a present. We have 'all
•of them ib the right prices. Come in



' 0

J. a Paige EI^tricGa.




J, Wv^SlAlUt







st== .--I



To E%br3l>ody-|
and now that the Christmas
buying is over y«iril have time to at­
tend to the ncfxls of your TEI-mi:
Come here for Filing. Crown or
Bridge wort—an evamliiatUm io<-K n<»t
n.r.-ss^.jlly fu.-nn that v.»u iii.Im have
work d«*iie. hut |t*?x well to i^ve the
teeth eNaniineii rcgulariy.


•" il,
O U#1


B««d Boefar...........


school month. Calumet has muc
mme rules except that the time when
the Janitor may commence work Is
The Waldo Is one of the last veaaoU Two Cacailant Ones Wert Held in
defiaiteiy flx<^. Adrian ^ao baa prac­
to atay out land the risk to ao dolag is
tically the aame rules except that tbe
Sutton© Bay in January.
rooaas must be Seated by 8 o'clock In

ta Steer Clear af Trav.
aria CHy.



Tm <M Srt • mnA

i .kT -

Has hMwwih Northport ^ Jtoaiatl.

u; 1

h WNr.«a fa M

uaickcT, better kiMl eMu-r
tliui other
To ,
-‘ooBTinee yon that thi*

ha Arimd dB and rim car ^ which

The BalTatkjo Army works quietly
Md u»ort«iUllou.l7 all thrtniKk the
yt«r and aoeompltahcn tmteh goo6 In
qvM fort of a W.
not oitly handleap and defeat the work
of tlie armx, but would destroy the
apim of n. hetice, unlwui the reelpleot.
Ilka tba leper who was healed, tells
of wbat liaa been done for^lm. the
world reaU In litnoranee of the work
Initn of tlila great forew.
But jaat about this tine erery irear
tba Bahratkm army cornea l*efore the
paopla. On lb© atiret eomere ate
aeaa aoldlora with kettles on tripods
Thaa© are not oroanenta, but arc pul
thnra for a practical purpose as the
paasarsby ar© aupporsed to drop
coin Into the receptacle and keep the
kettle bolllhs for soroe unfortunate
Kor U Ihlt all. the amy poos about
from bouM to house
©rarythlnf posBlblo for tbo poor ao
that their Christmas may bo merry.
‘ Tbarp U no waste with the Salra
tkm nmy. Anything thaj 4s given
them U pul to use. Have you the out
gToam toys of your children? Call the
capt^ and let him get then and
thoa© toys will bring )oy to some un
fortunate little one. The clothes that
are too pmall for your boy will re­
place the rages of npother and tboee
of the older members of the family,
cllber tex. can be used Just as
Baked goods, canned goods, fruits.
SeUlaa. preaenrot. anythtng eatable, are
also ooUected and SatuitUy the army
will gather these In. Baubles are

I uhrlstmas

is by far THE BE:^T

MDwndkea with a l,m tm «ar» oC
enai. Bha warn nAeve la a
r storm Btmday moralng and Is reported as balag threw feet out for­
ward. An dibrt wna rnnda to BEhtaa
bar hr hi

■M8r1*»r ar ttw BmM M
ati»tlia to >al4 TMa ara <




»the ftiamr U C Waldo Is

Ml Ot twi»r» «MMr DM
h «« Mat #«« mMf


ADd one thhi dw

Md day
a lima at Imd.
Thn Wdtad U owned by the^B^



DecfcMiCR «•. i

Christmas U near at hand and you still find youraelf woaMHi
what shall I get. now what won!! be more sensible or useful Uum s
nice Turkish Rocker or Morris Chilr. your husband would appreelaio
so in.irh. We have some dandy* from $6.75 up and Uaatlier Btekaro,
you ought to foH- them, every style or design yon could think of.
the finest line in the city, and for your wife, bxithar. or dAat we
can fix you oni there too. In Bide Boarfia. Buffets. China CloaeU.
Dining Tables. Library Tables. Writing Desks. I»arlor Tables or a
hundred other things at amaring low prices IX you will give us a

Stop in and Contince Toarself that Mr PriMs are Rjfhl

Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Fnmlturc Co.

137 S. ..SouUi Union Street

S/a/c Bank Bun iin^

The Hannah & lay Mercantile Co
“THE BIG ^TORE^:’.. Dealers .is. Everything



I Turkish Rockers, $2K to $52.
I Mission Rockers. $5 to $25.
? Flncy Oak Roick^rs. $4.76 to $20.
Ij Sewing Rockety. $1-50 and up.
j Bedriom Rockers aB fiflcto,
! Reed Rockers. $2A0 to 19.00.

Dining Room Chairs, $4.50 to $3C a
Couches. $9 to $52..
Pirior Suites. $22 to $75.
Minion DavenporU. $20 to $50Morris Chairs. $8.50 to $24.
SIdMuoards. $1$»0 to $45.
Dining TaWea $8.75 to $50.
China ClaaaU. $15.75 to $25.
OotnbtuitkMi Book Cnaea $!»$ to
Parlor Tablea. $4.75 to $2$. ^
Bedroom Saltea. $18A0 to $lk
Iran and Biuas Beds. $2 to $65.
Mode COblnets. $7 to $1$ 75.
* f

r Store opa evtatm




■:;>■, :'i:





pent MEkkGAn
a. W. JAHgMIS ’

; [ A poasiLLa

Whew the Beirt te

All Candied manufiM:tured by the American

Cnfeit ID M Pin «lD*»:f g:4|,

1».-T||« orSdAl
SontlMni ^iwajr
Into the
eorriHl at Lavjre^ Va^ on
glrtng aay In which rroatdeot 8peoc«r
of the Soulhem land alx others lost
their llw has jbeen coocloded and
the retponslblllty for tho wreck
pla<«d on G. DJiUttoa. block oper-

WfUl '
CiMinael Thomas | says, by the Mock
operator allowlnKi train No. S3, bound
south, with lYeaidHit Siwowrs car
on the ronr end. ilnto the
station to the soiifb.
sojith. known as :Lawyors. and. iK-fon*
jrt« the block wu <
«if that trnln. Manux
Martux also let lab
Into the
Kinie block tho
lirsl section of train
lo l^rsl
No. S3, the inueral
irenei^l counsoi
eounsM iaaya aep
».n. «. ‘Alter pwlnr Ranfc
nnited Into two part* bocau.* of the parting of n cobpUng betiwm two

AMENUr iiMillY CO.

LX-.t. -'- -.-=i


n flm SUE cffitf U
• ikO€ Model K. Wlaton.** Toll laath*T top. gaa lampa. extra outer cas­
ings. Car In flrst-claas condition.
tl»0€ Northern Touring
Car." only used four months; tn A l
condition. lltM.
One •‘IkOC Bimore Touring Car. *
with Cape Top and Gas Lamps. iKkHJ.

iit?' ::


74 Farrar St.


VersUa ef Ike ftstk as Held by l‘e«pla mt Dldereai l^ad-,

Of alt the myths which have spninff
tlie iiasm.
iias.n. iMbin*
up• nround the
iMf.irt* Cix
!• le.k«o|w’ revcflh’d auntlii’f VorM with
lufly moirnnims. dee|» vsllfra and vast
plalna. the Mdaat n»*d probably the
nmat famlllir to Us an Is fimt of Ha
liunian Inbstdtaut. Kviry imrsenr iam
heard the pti«ry of the man who wai
found by Muses guthertug sticks on'
tbe SabUntli nud coudiuimxl to dwefl
lu the iiioon till the eml of time.
Orlgliuitlng duubtlsas In ttje superflHal Hwmblnnce nf some of the moon
apoU to a man w Itli a bnmlle of sticks
on Ida tiack. It wonW
luiodtid down
by sMlous ftablMtiurlans as an edify­
ing warning. It baa even been iw
ferred to lUbllcal autbority. GmnaJi
numaa commonly vary the tale by
aaylnp that the offender was given tbe
choice of burning In tlie sun or freeslug in tbe mooQ and that he preferrod
a lunar frost to a ahlar furnace. Hut
In the middle ages, before Lutherans
and JhiHtaus luiU auiierimim>d tbe
comHptUui of Hh* Jewish ffabbntb U|xm




lutely aafe ialeeidng place for
baby. JTov ldo:yuurs*df
- '

ilece of
rope two feet la
Jength. With this one end of tbe ham­
mock Is to be laade fast to the lowei

•a tbe berth. Now pot in two pUI end to end. Theae aerve the d<»oIf t
wW awing cleariof the
twlow. and the raugber tbe road tbe
loore tbe bainibock awtngs and tha
aounder tbe baby aleepa.~Good Uooaekeeplng.

Nowadatya a broken bone la »ot al­
ways pot up dlriKGy Into a apllnt and
kept ImnoTabM until It baa ‘
It Is posalMe. liowever. that the •‘man Many fracturia^!. e, booe 1
n the moon*" myth nuy claim an eren bare damaged at Inrolred joints, and
I*HmU!vr man had In tbe case of the elbow, wrtst and an­
kle there would eoon be an teenimbN
stiffnem If the spUnta wmw k«vt on u»1 til the bourn w^ quite imltid again.
I 80 tbah If e»e Vase be aulUble, the
i nowadaya remove
edjP^ 1^ 1
aim. Having'S^ the Mmb. geotlj
rube and mores the joint
a mlnota
! deiivntluoa. except Greek and or two. rnlon of tbe bone and the uae
Intin. and •emb modera lananagwi aa
of the limb are la that way basteM
under tbe ela«sb-ol Inflo, It te masouliue. And daobtkoe
thla le the roason why the hwendary
*wrimian In die moon** is not lu'arly so
prevalent ns the legemlnry *^n The compulsopr
B<« tkle aa It may. It is certain that Tetoping tbe J
In Tetttcmlc falOe we ftnd tbe mooa Uinm. ' The othei^ Sunday a well known
InhntittTd l*y lK»tb nexea, fur. acoofdlng
lo Mr. llaring-Ooull fw familiar balwrdssber s sliop had Its windows
noiwety fbyme about Joik and Jill Is beamifnlly drvs^d with ctmvaU
derived from the 8»-and!navlan myftx e^fnr conceivable color and dew
of the two chHdrrn. lllukl and Bit tloo. “KTceptiohsIly oMHWtnnlty! All
who were taki*o up.Into
Into tbe isooa with tkeae tiaa only t*i cents each. For
day only.- But the door of tbe al
tbeir J^ole and bucket as they
drowliig wa^r. They
waaeleaed and ^ted..lhe next mi:
waxing and waning of tbe moon, while Ing vouM-be ctt^tomem flocked to It to
tbe water they are earry ing refers to boy some of thir wondertm tiff, 0^
tbe lalmence of the UKHm s pbam^ to learn that tbe iiotka no longer beki
n|Mm Ibe rainfall. .
good. Thla rcQ^ one of ibe bar
meet U nh auden^^ef found in wbo advfrtiaedf-Cnatolinro will
aome of the wrlttnganf the oM Egyp­
tians tbat.the mooa la an abode of d»- abated fine of! ebatge tomofrow.
partrd^aptftta. And noue of tbe goutll Fnria Intnnalg^niit
dmrrltnn Indians still regard It aa
tbrtr -kappy bunting ground.** tbe parWkyBaX^BteM.
• adrse of dead cblefa and bravea But
Brady-Ot lUiirk no mare for that
In the middle ages die moon wras geononDolaa.
wrmlly bnked upon aa the scat otM.
and ft U probably thla rtrromatance
Brady-«hnre^ an lFaoga
that led \\ tbe famUlar aaatciattoo of

tbe aeon with wltriwaa-^
clae*U» a««i among them, refusing to
help «t feed Ibfjn whenever they aft
gaaUe to do anything for tbwnwlvm.

U.UIt •iv. P»t;
»«•»» >►

Orlolnatlon of Santa,
* The namo Santa Claus la an abbrevlaUon for St. Nicholas,
is a German dlmunltlve of the
Tho aalnl whom
Claus Is supposed to typify waa boro
In Paniena. Asia Minor, about UOO
years ago. and ho
raining in the Christian faith from
hli mother. HU faUiW. an exceedingly wesUhy man, died when Nicholas
was a boy. and the latter aoon began
using the wealth be Inherited In help­
ing the iKJor. A neighbor, once rich
but then poor through various retera
es, was wwtehing one night by hii
childrens* liedsldo. when a purse of
gold came flying thrr>ogh amopeh window. Other gifts came In almlUr
mysterious ways-which all were
found to be from Nicholas. From this
It became a apoclally with him to aid
families wboee children suffered pri­
vations through their parents* poverty
He would leave hfa gifts by
nig|it~food. or clothing or
This unobtrusive charity could not
remain a sc^n t and whenever one
received a gift from an unknown
source It was always attributed to

A Parrot Story.
The family of a professional man.
living on the Bist side, to the own­
er of a parrot of such precocity, wit.
that there la often
some dpubt as to whether tho family
owns tho parrot or the parrot %>wns
tho family.
On Christmas day. all the im*mbeni
of the bouocbold where this bird holds
forth, with some relatives and guests.
partook of a late breakfast, and after­
ward wc*nt into the parlors, where
glfU were distributed, with the usual
merriment and chatter. This started
tbe parroL and all day long It made
more noise than a sewing-society.
This was amusing at first, but be­
came moBotoncnui as the hours passed,
nnd al last, after vain effort to quiet '
the bird by tatpcMutotlon. Its maater
took It from the cage, and cuffed Its
head severely. This had oftc^ proved
gufflclent as I means of dladpline.
but tbe maati of the bouse fled In ter­
ror when the parrot cocking Its liesd
side, exclaimed in falscHto.
*^Thank you so much; that Is exactly
what I nceded.The bird bad evidently stored up
of tho morning.

Historic Chrlatiuaaaa.
It was on tbe flrst Chrtstmaa day
of the infant repubUc. that the Immoe
tar Washington performed one of the
moat daring and brilliant feaU of
war. To leave an army, which far
umbers you. in your unprotected
with only a guard to keep up
the flro and appearance of a camp.
and march W milea with
feet over the icy anou*. and
when, weary nnd disheartened, you
arrive at your destination, to attack
and Ruis-rior foe and rout
him. this Is a feat, of which Freder­
ick the Great himself, might have
nrat Celebratihn of Chriatmaa.
been proud. To those who love a dar­
DSKPtTL GIFTS are ready-to-wear
Chrlstmaa waa flrat cMebrmtod in
ing deed well done, this morning of
Veils—black, blue, brown, oavy-very .
Di«c. 25. 177C. will ever be memora- the year 98. but It waa forty years
later before It waa offlclally adopted much tho vogue. 39c. tiOc. 75c. Stein­
A fNcat photo W Boroiwoi d» Foiwt. alto know u Mm-. U-lcIIK'r di­
on Christmas 1779. that Gen­ aa a Christian festival; nor was U
ved Wito
»lto of
et Albert Meuter.
Maaler, the BlUioDaln- dwcolate maaufacliir-r whom
eral Clinton sailed away on that expe- until about the fifth century that the
THOSE nNB ImportiHl boxes sro
Count Bonl de Caetellanie la aaid to be engaged lo. Bbh U worth at least
whleh endtMi In the fall of day of lu cdebratlon became pergoing fast. Have ns toy one away
Charleston and Savannah. And It was manecily fixed on the 25th.of Decernfor you.
dee 19 tf
on Chrlatmaa' 17M. at the little village ber. I’p to that time It had l>eea Ir­
where he had achiev ed that flrst great regularly observed at varlou* Umea
FIN^ aertnoo loday.i Text. Buy
**romc. WllUe.** Slid bla mother, victory, that Washington resigned his of the year—In December, in April
Tour Perlnowri • at milor a Phar- -don't lK> eo. aelflah. Lrt your llUle
Coat MiifflofS. bssutifully
commission as Oommander ln-Chlef of and to May. but moat frequently to
dec 8 tf btother play w 1th your mtibles.January.
the armies of tbe union.
-But.** rrotested WUHe. “he meaaf
on Chriatmaa day. 1784. that
to late fbeifl al^^ayg- ^
Jupiter has a red spot and a white
the ■ethofllat Bpiscoiial church waa
)BR your extra milk and oweet
2>k, I gtpv iHgat Baltimore. It was on spot, and both puttie astronomers.
for tho botidaya f^ai tbe Queen
•l guess Vro,
Chriatmaa day. 16^. that New Orloans
City Dairy
Miry company. Clt. 675. Cream
as part of a grant oomprising what Is
guamoteed to whip.
one of the foreinoel sections of
the country, wts delivered over to
the Unloo, Chrlstmaa Of 1814 witMssfl at Ghent Ue signing of the
treaty of peace to tho war of 1812.
On Chriifmaa day. 1824. Oongrosa
which la wonderfully chary of ^ivtiin preaenu. gave Ita flrat and great­
er girt—a township and $200,000 to
tht HarqnU Lirfhyett’e.
Ten years
, Patti, Nordics. Lelblir»o. Can
tuindrods of othorn, haro bostowod tho Mfho^ praiso on Kimball
U*er. on Cbristmaa. President JackPtafioc. *nila fiaa haan ouppl««Mmsd by hlfhoat awards and gold
eon annoaneed the welcome fact that
madala rweeivod at tho worid^ grsatoa.cxpooHiowa.
the national debt waa now a thing of
Bnttiietnie aaiijoe of 8!^^ and popnlantj of the
the past.
* * f tone qtmlity. ita
Khnball Piaao ii in itod£~in
Tbe Seminole war. one of the most
I action and n>lendd wearing
weariaocie ever waged by troopa. wad
1 Fianaa is almoat
surted on Chriatmaa. 1825. by the
maadicte nf Bn Thom|won*s men at
Ft. Klmg. tla.. and waa ended jtwo
>earalaier oh ChHMmaa day. hr
nal aatoo of Kimball Pia
Taylor’a vkriory to
bee :
cant daaiffw awa^ aahibltad on aur k—
Tlie Ovll War witnemed two
ptonoa to match tha torntohlfipa of manaian wr eattogomemoraUo t^rlstma
Bhiiuito. yti wkti to piirt|hito .mm or not
llajor Andermm abat
trio for PL Sumter, aad emw when
tbe Fhdermln were no novciwlj iwpnls-


A. Jj. Waheten

OF greatness

! KimbaU ?ims

Slk W*bt Pst^e^ In plaids, per yaid
...$l «
F-cFf....,............... ...................






•d at Ft. nnher. in 1M8 tho famoas
Big Honi aaKacro at Ft. Koarnoy.,
WjN^ whero nliiotydhree M hofdro

t thnt bk
Mtm. Bwdy-rhwmt did Ife aay?
Jtr dto-

b«r’.«.V .

Dntrolt. Mich.


j ali-ofdug car lusare a good Mght'a raat
for youTseU and, tbe Uabj, Pot to menUou your felloW travelers, hf putting
fhlm to alei-p lo tbe IltU# hammock
which la to l»e found lo tbe berth. This
procedure Is practicable for all tnfknts


• iSt «toe«b. CbrtkmM pNMtt




J.,. ,

..•:f "-f.

W. «Mr

wmk mm» iiiutiSwiil etoit to*to<wwrt» mi Am

M. a HABKKB, |w».


von nusMT



fwt, WiMfeMMc, IdUye
Made rrooi crctffl of tartar
dertved aolcly frotctrapea.

' SMSTof'SW.4s:
tefiae iaa goaiaatee of
perfect food aadaproieelion Cfaioat the itti that
foltoar the tite of atum,
alem-pliotpiMte end other
low *ra<*« powdera;


far aakar tkfa M awtnri aM
«bM a roww Mr Mia • fOMt MM


AUorMT J. W. Patchia hfla
Botlee that ha; has

25e.50e. 75c, $i.00

whaa he oUU for ^ to laho her toM
I m
aoma aocUl aSalr.lha «aoemi2ly oH^ I JOgj^ .PWg |X0»
ttaa down for a fBaad. hmg wait. ThM ■
common failing of I| the fair an haa ■
ao playnl oMi that
come to ragard h4matt aa iafalllMaL
all of which tehutjlaadlag ap to the
party givao by tho fsilrm huach** at
HoraUa acadamy
eveatog. Tha
. girao hpj the feoUamea te
ANIMAL SdLD ffV 0« W. FALreturn for the HaUowe'ao party given
by the ladicw and waa a moat ptaaaaat
and aacceaaful affair, ao plaaaant that
dldat) leave until ::3« L. a Carnmotm uf Cafitaorllla. lad.
Waa tha PuecKaaae-Mai Oo«a


Will tiippoft

to w«:i twenty miautea for a yoong
man mu- felt that her aex waa amply
vindicated, but when another young
lady had a ionc drive and waa only
saved from arriving atoae by the
Mr.. Ilisiitlnc waa tmm
lueWeal of fhrtunel all bacanae her
MMl moat artlrr minnhara of the laat
d U> take 1
lavlaiatara Md will ndom to the oc
atioa ceruln
fttg Mwalon with the added pr«wtlfi
bl» former aenrlcwa.
Mpertortty waa maalfeated.
He waa a nwmiber of the commit
In atm Aother ph^ waa It shown,
rm liquor trmfllf. MIcblimn Aaylum for Tbo dancea
•a ware nil choaen by the
the l&aane and alio oo the lmpc»rtaa ladica andI tho genbomen knew the
x'ommlttoo Oh rattroadi. ThU artloQ delightful unoortaln^ of alttlng atlll
upon hU t*rt anttea wfotem Mlehlsan and waiting fhr
la favor of Jir. Wheton and practkml- etead pf IlghUy flitting from flower to
flower. But. to tim credit of the
, IlcpreVhUUve Bunting atroogly fa- ladles there were no wall flowers laat
vora the candidacy of William Alden evening and no gentleman raat penlively and watched Ihe dancera glide
Bmith for United 8Ut<w aenator.
past but. If he wUhed. he hlmaelf waa
a part of tho morrylmaac. This
Died t Aayittm.
ammpliihed throuich thert^ Iwlng
J.thn Fa-II. an old reaidenl of Midland
ditxl at the aayltim yeaterday |hree extra ladlaa. |
The hall waa prettily decorated with
brain trouble at the age of t> yoara.
of brail
leavi^a a famUy of diree children paper featooni. holl)( wreathe and In
Ha lea
moat unexpected' but oonapicnouii
The body Waa ahipi^ to Saginaw tliU
nmmltig few burial. The Anderaon plaeea. there were apHga of mlstlrtoe.
Unilertaklng company had charge of On the walU were b«ea of candy and
een the dance^ the lovem of
the iKMir.
confectionery could nromdi^8b''i
the hall and at tbo mmo time aaiUfy
MALAOA ORAPR. pine apple fruit
r taate. a novelty that made a big
and Bhg11*b w«lnm ^ dip. atrlclly
Punch waa aeiWed in the d
frwah. The LaGretU. ^
mom throughout jthr evening and
piece orcheatral fumlihed 'the
muplc for the dancing.
The party waa not only well planned
Silk Mandkirch.efi and 4but well carried out [and th^genUein hantf tiaa. put up in a handmen pmved that in alfaira aoclal aa
aoma boa:. beautiful ahadaa.
well ai c<»mroerclal, tjbey were bright
any color; the graateat novalty
ahlnliiK Micc^aea.
. for gaotlaman.

Palmer of the pefllaaula ta^
day aold a black mar a, Pearl W.,
lo L. D. Common.■ of the
mofla aiodk farm. CentanfjlUe. lad.
This horaa was an eaceptlqnaUy '
animal, having txwn on tha
yuara and while her mark
a to :U flat.
:U%. ahehaa
Pagrt W. to by
. sjoSH. Awl
her dam waa Delawaru Girl. ::23t4

troUem and pacara. tan of ^bam bet­
ter than 2:10. Effle Power* la an­
other of hla offapring.
Mr. Palmer haa two other flne mare*
and a oolt. Pearl W. being the mother
of the latter.

Were With Him,
Dy Wire to the filing Record
Menominee. Mich... Dec. !».—Three
small boya on the ice near Oiadatone
alipped into an open apace! Jamei
Stone, aged 6. waa drowned.
mother waa at the funeral cf a rela
tlve at the time.

d child of Jacc
The 7-montba-old
Purlach la very 111 with bijonehltl
being taken about a week: ago. Satu
day and Sunday it waa. very
rery4». Mo
day* it rallied a lltUe. Uila
ia momlnK
eo t^t th<
dlaconiinued the uae of the phone in
the atore for the day.
-A number of Salvation Arihy work
am have been busy today cbllecllng
of the
Hamilton Clothing Cg. .
watch Mrr. Harrli make candg In city
dae Ihit
' •
A marriage lirenrte waa today
the window The Lab retil.
dec It-H granti-d to Bertrld Leroy Fio( lay and
Letta' Leon Braxlngton.
. Grace church will ba optm Thar*
day. Friday and Saturday and all
mumbara of the pariah are aapected
tg hf proaent and help
CBrlhltoaa trimming*.
The east aide cottage praybr meet
Ing wan held at the home
Mr. 7*oirllaon on Lincoln Ktre<>( last
There waa a g«K>d attendanci and an
The next [imeeting
wUI^ to'ld^at the home ok mnk
9c^ Ifib Unoota Ktrot.
'Thefh^llng of the Com
Ct>mpanion *ewInf circle, which waa to hafe been
Here’s an opportunity to save two or three
umU after the holidays.
dollars on one. Just received a little lot of
Fiv# tew membem were Initiated
twenty choice numbers at a big concesiion
Into th,t Ifcal aorle of
evening, the work was foltowed by
a banquet and.all had a peasant
The Sunday school of the Elrat M.
K. church will ha^-e something very
nniqoe In the way of Ohrtatmaa exe»^
claea. Instead of the uaual Christmas
tree and exerctoes they are |P>lng to
have. Come and tee. FVlday ev^lng
of this week. 7:30 o'clock.

in price.



Special lo
Hcattcrblooiii Skills


have been
**«**<«* «■ ^ Thte U a
I marhahih raeofd and ooe of wl
■Mr. Patohhi U fwlly proud,
Tha caae waa that of Hotchia
am. Jam^ «ad Jeanto MurT*y. the at It betog a ehaaeery caae

Bmplrr. MIrti.. 1)»<.
imilvf. Arrblbcld F Bw»Ua« of
taiUM coooiy hMJ a«ide« In withdraw
flKm (h» apaakf^hlp coetMt «ad will
Mippon Iha €»ndl4Arr of NIehofM J.


ff^ian. rot
rt, Aceaa af


Beauties in I
White Muslin Skirts

Some verj’ dt rer
up-to-date styles.
worUi $8.00. at


Hade with <^p ^nce of
ititihi«g. very full, worth a-SOat


Thew» are *11 very OH
and should be inrestigated.


J» inobea-wide, oil boi____
worth S1.90. speaU holiday offering

people to pay has inermsed ^uit bundreda of famlUen have been ^ptog
to the pbrxto of pnlnces and ^urchee
and the doorwajn of bouaeA j
On trai^AtUntic liner* the general
ndency has been to make travel
ore expensive for the rich Und leas
expensive for the poew. One of the
Bregste steamem haa n suite of roo
which cost $2,000 a passage.
The Dmmark*dlkes have stood
storms of more than seven cenUir
The estlmsted mmonat ct capital
tied up In Uie piano entei

Amerton to $100,000,000.

tor the r«Fv«7 of forty acraa of land.
the lower cwirt-deeWtog to tovor of
the ptolBtlfa. lie higher court, however, reretaad thla fladaloe and
Mr. Patchin g clients can elthe
tala the land or record for the Im*
The other five cases were also from
oeulda countlea. none betog

Arthur Lardie left thU momln
a vlaU with hi* parenla to Mooireal.
He will vtah }<ew York and Chicago
hetore ratumlng. Mr*. D. J. Wrtghl retamed to her
home to Lake Aim this »orrilii«Mm. O. PHeet vreat to Karita.
Mrs) B. F. Holcomb traaaacted I
neaa at Honor today.
Mr*. Ida a Huff is visiting to Kalkaate.
W. H. Smith and wife toft thU
morning for tho southern part of tha
aute. wh*^ they will rlall friends
and rdatlvea.
Mrs. a Spider went to Klngaley
this morning.
Charles H. Coleman apd irife left
for Cadillac ihU morning.
Miaa Mamie Burrows left for On­
tario. Canada, this rooming.
Mrs. J. H. Taylor left thla mo
for Wallaceburg. Chnada.
Mrs. O. O. Branhon w«u te f
Ralph Roaooe. ebemtot at the
meat work. Elk Rapid*. 1* hoine U
ten days’ vacattev.*
Mlaa Tereaa Carry, trimmer tor
ra. -W. G. Lawrence left yeaUPday
tor her home to Bhienffo.- vJL
C. B. WrlW ha* relumed from New
York, where he attended a meeting of
the *u}ierinteudentK of the Metropoll
tan Ufe Insurance c'onipany. Thbre
were fiX) agent* present. Thl* after­
noon Mr. Weller )a holding a nuM>tlng
the a*.si*tant auperinlendents
this district in bU. office.' This U
very important meeting a* It d**al*
with rates and contracts under the
Arm*trong law*.
The report of the librarian of Con
greaa gives the touil of musical vol1 and pieces In the musical sec­
tion as 422.W7.
The highest lakes In the world are
the Himalayas in Thibet, where there
Kime tiodtes of water as high a*
20.000 feel aliove the level of the
In nearly cven^
in Japanese
cities U a public.oven. when*, for a
small fee. housewives may have their
dinners and supiiera cooked for them.
The Industrie *Text:ie announces
that a spider-web factory is In au^ful operation at Chalala-Meudon. near
Paris, where ropes are made of spider

they «4 flv« yaai* mmvu beuome sm ottrieUe
•M tflto hamto.have grown kvger. M
they taalac tm voaitag the «qgM riurber of gtorwL
With the aid of the Rnmitgea ray a
«ffto of
mtoottota have aeceeedei ta hhotographtog ^ liamaa
heart between heata,
Oopgar toinlag was tmee a flavtofl
tag hMuatiy to Irelaad. aad belweea
Iflto aad 1M3 the
to Wicklow oamity. produced €jm
tons of tefgMa'pyritoe a yem*.
A leadiag Mmimetertotic of the peo­
ple of Germaay. ararflia
their own aathorm. to
alowneaa. and they view vrilh m
ioa the stranger who dlsptoys haste
to hi. actions.
The peech was ortgtoally a pc
cm almond. lu fmity parts
uMd to poison arrows, and for that
purpose were totroducod into Persia.
During the summer Urge number
of women come from Potond. Silesto.
aad Galicia to Central Oermaay to
work in the sugar beet flelda They
are driven to gangs by a male over­
seer and receive JS rents a day and
• Uquld cry*uls.” showing appi
life, have been artlllctolly produced In
the .Ubocaior> of Prof. Lehmann to
Karlsruhe, according to Inform
jnst received by the experts at the
phyMcal research laboratory of Colum
bto university.
to Japan children begin going
■chool When six years old
the first fonr yrsrs they learn Japan
ear and Chinese, and in the next four
years every child has lo learn Eng'
Decoufie It has been found Impos­
sible lo secure. teachers several
schools ta ,\>vads have been compell
o^to close. Almost as soon as 3
lady teacher* arrive and take charge
they marry.
A well educated Persian n
George Teyron. Is is Raid, earns a
good livelihood by acting as the tour
leenih guest at dinner parlies which
otherwise would be attended by only
thirteen persons.
Motor watering carts have been
tried to the Champs Elysees, Pari*.
They sprinkle a width of eight ta in
yard*, run at from live to six mil
hour, bold about 1.000 gallons of water
and are cUlwed each to do the work
of four or five horse water carta
A hat which was taken from Cd
John 8. Mosby when he was seriously
wounded to Virginia in lk€4. ha
cently been ivlumed lo its faroou*
osrner It ha* been in the pos*e
of a lady at Orange. N. J.

Reliable medicine for croup
and one tbat shonld always
be kept at band for immedi­
ate use is Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
BOSTON FERNS and ..pangtH-.
w Stock Jubi r.-celved at P. M.
Paine's greenhouse.
dec ll#-::i
ALWAYS s nice gift I Suit Case,
runk or Traveling Bag. Steinberc

: _
tight from ContrMAIrica to tha OPT
Plw tonfls of potaioaa wee
cm tho local martot yoPIPriRy. tho
pffro boliw IflMMc. 8evm^ looda of
hMj wotw hraoght to. hrtogliig flO
and $11 par urn. tho tettor prieo hotag
for No. 1 timothy.
rreaths at Stlckney^ grocery.
All tormera succeeded ta getting to
town on atoigha except one. altlMMgh
HOMS MADS condtoa. all
slitohing to poor to Hpota
Bolter nnd eggs raaoato oe^. only tho hohL The LnQrettl.

800m dffbtom roport n oenrclfr of
report ptonty
Grain receipt* were very light yes-----------By Wire to the Bvcmtoi^^Reoard.
Detroit, Dec. If.-Whoit-Nb. J rad.
T7Wc; com. 4$Hc; oatai ST^c,
Chkmm Doc, l».-Wbeat~Dece
her, 74^c; com. 42toe; oats. 34toc.
Toledo. O. Dec. 1$.-Wbeal-Caah.
T«toc: com. 44toc: oat*. S7c.
East Buffalo.
steady. Sheep and lamho-l.ttoO; alow;
choice lambs. I7.50S7,W; yearling*.
leSC.CO' wethers. $&A0e&A^; mixed,
WeS.5(k ;«ogo-HlW; ateady: York
heavy. |€.60.
•alltog Fries*.
Ctoarhack pork, par bhi.... ,.118.00
Clearhack pork, par lb.,... .,
Short cut of pork, par bbl.. .. 18,00
Ham. par lb................................ ^ .1C
lATd. pair Ib...................... ..
Bacon, par lb........ ................. ..
Frwh flab, par lb............ .. ..
Spring chlckana. par Ih....
I^oulUT. par lb................... ..120l2to
Turkey. ........ ........................ ..
Duck* ...................................... ..
<7*^ -•-................................ ..
Potatoes ............ .................. ...85040
.......... ..40000
OMery. large stalks............ ...
Oaler>'. small sulk*. 3 for.,...
Lettuce, per ib........ ............. ...
o™fc,«.p*rd«...--------- ...20040
Lrmoiui. |*r do,.......... .
Butter, ermmery. per lb....33Cf35
Butter, dairy, per Ib...............26028
Che^. per lb.................. .. ...17018
Rgm. pvr dox......y........28020
KaU. per bbl.......... jf.............
Hay. per ton............. *... ..112013
Cora, per bu..................... .. ...
Oats, per bu........ ..
Hyo. per bu...............................
Flour, H.. L. A Co.’s Best, bbl. 4,60
Com meal, per 100 lb*..,..
9>ad. H.. L. A CoBest. ,
100 lb* ................................ .. 1.25
Middling*, per 100 lbs........ .. 1.25
.. 1 20
Bran. iK>r lOO lb,.......... .
Buying Fricaa.
Wheat, per bu........................ ..
Buckwheat, per hu........ . ...
Rye. per bu........ .
Com. per bu. new.......... . .,
Com', per bu. old..........
Oat*, per bu------ Butter .................... ................... 221124
Egg* ................ ..
ipph^ pet 100 lbs,....................... 20

Cow* ................... '.............202toc

areaths at Sllckney'a grocery.
* dec IMt
WE ARE exclti*ivp candy manufactup. rM. no factory goods umhI. The
dec 19 it

HOUA. CallfomU pepper boughs
manuscript of the' Bible made to tor Xmas decoratb
ratfont at Stickney*
ninth centuty* and the oldest one
in existence, is being exhibited at the
Britlah Muaeuin. ^ j
The head ^atmetor of the Nayal
initial Handkerchiefs, 10c.
College of China is an American .
15c. 25c; aiik handkerchief*.
The entrance to the Mediterranean
40c, 50c. 75c.
Sea at GlbralUr is twelve mile* wide.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
In Japan it la considered very bad
dec 10-lt
form and most Indelicate Tor a wife
iprem an opinion ul variance to
that of her liege lord and master.

Sr.X-.ii,;:::: S

Tbo Wool Indian crab to decidedly
an oddity. Thoogh H to bom to the
aaa. it comas to mntnr|ty In fr^
wator. and i^onda tho fiontor part of
It* adult lifo on tondHOLLY,
tor Xmas

to either the powder tom or ns
Uqtild, '
EASTERN HOLLY-^ heat gmdo.
reoh and well berried. F. M. Paine's
dee IMt
Out of every one hundred deatha to .
mdon forty take place la winter
and only twelve In summer.

UghU travel at tbo rate of IftMO
miles a second and aoimd at tho rate
of 780 miles aa hour.
HOIXY. Caiifomia pepper boughs
dec l»4i
It is said that the atudy of BagUah
K deerea*lag to VYanco while tho
study of German is Incranalng.
Of tho worid;• iwenty-tonr gmnkmountolns aeteo have never been
see our Chrtotmas planU. F. M.
Palim'a gmonhouan
dec 1$^
A number of eitlea have forbidden
the use of posrder 00 the Fourth of
wmalha at StlckneyY groeerT-

The committee on ground* and
building* of the board' of supervisors
of Grand TraVexse county YrUl re­
ceive sealed bid* at the office of the
county clerk for fumisblng IhO cords
of four foot beech and maple body
wood. grs»d. dean, round, stuff, down
to tour iDcbes in diameter being ac­
cepted: the same to eocapum favor­
ably with wood now piled In court
yard: wood to be fleUv^ at and
on court bouie groonda' before
April i. 1M7.
Also 26 cord* elghleeo Inch beech
and maple block wood, free of knots,
he dHhrered at jail.
Bids on wood to be asade separately.
The bid* will be opened Dec. 29 at 2

P. m.


The committee readrret the right lo
reject any and all bid*.

Thifi^veethow who ennnoL and ibooe who do not find it
convenient to come down daring the day,
a chance lo do their
j .

**Ctiristmas Shoppli^*^

Plies Cured in e an ia Unya

Coiersd Silk MiifBars. 75c,
Hamilton Ciothir»g_Po.
da* 10-n



Suitcases. DmWdlas.
Anllkis. Gloves,
Ncckttes. SUkHaadkerdUeh.
Snspesden, Skirts.
FaKT Vests, etc.,
andoth«ntoo numerous to mention.

Onr New Addition it now
completed nod refl^y for
cugtomon. ^Wejbn^ n fine



for Chriitmip KifU- Come
find gee them.

AlfewSUkDress. Fv Coats.
Fv Reck Pieces. Slik Waists,

Wclmllc yo« Iocomc


E wnhelm


brnmna. or

8m worn two yearn" Bast body ciran
nern and me BiniB tame pms en aaith.


WA*Tl*-» UUU to M
••oi u ft MU PRT €«ri: ami
jDRte I4g wim:

-1471-18 scr^ two j
0m. Prion |8.Bifi. WsAe j
CnJon strosc. Ou. phope i

‘T# Npflj, M RitiMr Ml or cau
NkOM to Cb—hit Work* At corPOR BALE-lMT-^Ixty scm.
MTo i ullM vtat or B—doo. Hooor
mile west of t*-------r fmttr WIB
liTAOoli oo P. M. R. B. or pu
^oRy property. Wnl vBlne.
PtlonttJiO Wsde
r. C DMMdl Tr*ror«t City.
km ociom, Ott. phond im.
doc IMf
WAMTt0--Oin to do rufrol Boooowork, oo wooblof or iroolor
rcmok L. Bfcoior. m Woot Tooth
dec IMf

gM tn. Tuih price fiiiB. Wsde
Jkj^.l7Um.nmrem. CRx-phon.

1 top buggy
WAMTtD-lf yoo horo ony klod of
Ingnire U B. Trimto bo dooo promptly p
dec IPtf
coll 117 BoordoMui oroonr. Coll
boorr from 11 lo I nooat. from « to
t ertwlDCB.
dee IT^f POR BALE-CsrrisBn fimtOfT.
with power, machmery ane tooU;
Ml lighted by eleetrteltpt gMd Bro
WAMTBD-liuUJlmetit collecior
protection. In a Bee pleee of I8dt:
mrreb«mn>o oecotuitfi- cood mUry
throe rellroeds eed e grmt epi
F. O. boi ion. Pbl
for 81M8:
owner tn poor
I. Bettefc. OxWANTCD-Oood. eompcteot girl for
ford. meh.
nor 7<1
geoerel tKWMort. Mnu C. U Orel.
Ilrk. im Nooroe.
dec 14-tf
part of tth street.
Price 81880.
Wsde Bros., 817 Union 8L. ^Cllx.
phone 1218. *
Phone 10»4.


WANTCD-Tow ndM pniMt
ninna and aaka Uka a««. U
woft a apMlaltr. r»Halaa Dra
Wofka. lu B. Tnmt It. Can Ml
Oti. pkoaa aal «a adO la tha raaL

POR lALI-Mara aad lot «
Ptaat aad Oak atraaU; a^oadM
«ooU rant to rtcbt partj. IMt
Bharatna I Hoatar.
oat »4f


strseL near Twelfth i


•L night

nor l<m

A Hnnter.

POR BALE-1488-Plne house, ct
of Boyd and Prcmi; large lot:
Louse; easy terms; price fllM.
Wade Bros.. 817 Union streeL Cltx.
phooe 1218.

trade at Lake Ann. large flouring


Northem Michigan: one thousand
millUm feet of best, hardwood, hem­
lock and pine in Mtchlcsn: livery
bsm fully equipped In “
City We have R. R. and
also a few choice locations In central portion of Traverse City WP
have gold snd silver mines In the
grestesf mining district la the world
POR BAll-llfiS-Oood new seven
—the Ovid Field District. Nevada.
room house. Ith street, close
Wo have gold snd sliver mines In
school, msrkrt snd cburcb; « <
Colorado. In fact, we have propertsrmi. PHoe lldoo.
Wsde Bros, 817 Union 8t.. City, ~ ty for sale .nlmost anywhere you
want It. But we have nothing wr
pboos m».
dec 1-tf
can offer you that will equal the
Grand Traversa Region for safe,
sure profiuble investment, cither to
purchaser or as security for loan.
We always have a gilt edgmi aecurlty for your money and we al­
ways have the money for gilt edged
pcwt office Trsvrrre City; rUty
screr Inprored; «lx ern-t euUmblf
for gsrdeii; good b«lldmt« All In
flret-clsn coiumiqD; cm!
9S.OOO. Wsde Bros., 817 Union
■Ueet. CItr. pbooe im.


nov Id-if

POR BALK—1483>-One hundred and
sixty scm fsm 11 mUet south of

817 Union Street. Traverse aty.
Mich., atx. phone 1218. Call ns up
ic. local or long
the freight
W *

POR tALE-1478—r^rty sere farm HOUSES TO RENT-Basl Tenth 81.;
also one comer Front and Rom. A.
qusrtiT tnllo east df Mayfield: gtxKl
new cement block honse; goM) bani.
P, Hurllmsntel.
dec 8^
^ price IlltK). Wade Bro«. 817 U
^ street. ORa. phone 1119.
POR RENT—House opposite Jail; 113
a month and water taxes. Dr.
Thompson Inquire 520 8. Union 8t,
and 14th sti ils.:*wUl Uke •l.OOO
dec 13-U
in good rsl . free and clear
Traverse City produc MOUSE POR RENT-Dr. Oanntlett
dm rtf

large lot, house well finished, on
stone fDnndsUon: easy terms. Pricr
81100. Wsde Bros.. 8i; Union at.

au. pllone 1118.

HOUSE TO RENT—Cheap, comer
Garfield and State. Inquire F. G
Heumann. 121 Casa.
dec 6-tf


FOR BALE—1475—One hondred and LOBT-;-ScaI ring, letter **M** set with
sixty sere farm six miles from city
chip diamonds. Return to Record
thlrty4hroe ncre orchard: Urr
basement bam; good ho«^ fU
LOST—Scotch come. Mack, tan and
white. Notify £. H. Carllale.
RapWs. R. F. D. No 1. and fWelve
817 Union siioet. atx. phone Ifl8.
dec l8-8t*


gUaaes. Call Otx. phone 62C. Rc^
dec 17-3t
urn stroel. CIU. phooe lilt.

ievaml Imndred
been opened were immd wider e to chBdnm. reapf^veiy eight and Mx
her pile at GndUInc Moeto neer jibe
AMArhordapoL Meet st the IccM
worn dated Movomber 18 end 22 pad
were frpm DMmlt end TWodo topiut
Word has
tea In towns hetweee Chdillee fad
» la to he erected
that anew p
. ^t U to coat
Ann Arbor depot at eight lUd eef W
these rnnst have bM atalee. IM*
mnetar BmHh has notliod Poato^
imammr Mama aad the department ped dead by hla peuto hta at Alpaea.
from rheuemtiam of the haart. He
leaves a widow aed nlae ohlldran.
Angnat Ford, who wmi found deed
? boOoU la two preckmu
I in pencil laatoad of Ink la hla heme eear MoHev receetly by
n ChebepM neighbora. Is said to bevV been Itring
oeder en nsauemd name, having de­
serted a wife and childmn in Sweden.
Treat A Sons, of Ooldwater. sea*
on the face of the retams. their Aral conalgaaMBt of furs to C.
but on n reeouBi the vote of two town- O. Granela A Co., of Wilcoivllle. lnd„
ahipa was thrown od( because the in- of 83.800 worth of hides. There were
cMom had Initialed them In pen* abet 808 skunk, between flve and six
rtl. whemna the law provides that It hundred muakrata. over a hundred
muare bdoeo la iak. The matter was mink and many coons.
Mias Fer^ BMfi. of Oaleabiirg met
taken to the circuit court, where the
throwleg out of the bolloU was niF with a painful hnt not aerioua acrid
bald. The reauH U that Pnqnette. the ent. She climbed npon a sni. fell to
Demoomiie cnedldaBr. win get the the ground, and in 4he deacont etruck
her bip against a targe Iran bolt which
certlBcate. of electlaa.
The supreme court sereraed the projected from the wall, taariag ao
case of Albert Fowler aad wife, who ugly gash in the flesh
The wUl of rnm Muck, formerly of
ware In the court below gtventhe
farm of the Ute Joaeph B. Noble in Plueonnlng. who died recently disln
Cannon township. Kent, coooty. In
racnm for caring for the aged man the daughter and granddaughter, to
during his last aickneaa aad boriaL whom the Aiate was willed, having
The court bekm gave the farm to Fow­
ler and wife by vlrtne of a written In which the property was divided, the
terms having not been made public.
Raaolutlons protesting agalnri the
with them to care for him. but the sup­
reme court points out that a case was attitude of the Freorh goverameot to­
not made out. although Fowler U ward ih’Hr church were adoptid by
granted an accounting and a right to the Kalamhfoo Roman Cacboiics in h
Homage is
recover against the heirs for their dls- maasmeeti^ Sunday.
bursementu whoCher for betterment of tendered t^ Pope Pius X. and sym
the farm or for the cxpeniies ‘of the pathy toward oppressed Flench Cath­
olics. President Roosevelt U requ.*t.t.
aicknom and burial.
Mrs. Frank Corbin of Owoaao threw ed to use his efforts In behalf of n
of the troubles In
a ctip full of gasoline Into a tnb of Just
boiling water as an aid to easy wash­ France If an opportunity preecnts It­
ing. A terrific explosion followed and self. The pope was nmlfied by cable
Mrs. Corbin s face and bands were of the action taken.

II general Hews



oKN-rim^ ;
PERgMARODETTB 281 fyaat Sirstv
Dtt. X a %iuKt xmtmtOQi

fOffTMOffATlOO PimMtAMB V rtBiilfMrBldnli 8a>m.mii 7

Farms for Sale

K scoff nt him. Wheaaamcdto
orntaris 4mtj to merety to Itolen to the
ratloa which comes without offort through t^e medium of the sfdriL

Iji Testimonial


I have a number of good

IF. for any reason, yoor grocer does
arvw hai jfarnu, ad the way from 40 to
not fnrnlah you with lDB.kL products.
dMl ap the mlU. we will see that yoa
that Hocking valtoy doe*. ..r nuxt ! ,160 acres, for . lale. or if_ -you
t. Both phones.
dec 8-il warn aiwaat ct brat with the miai-!*»avc any good property, I wilj


II 25 at the South Side Lumber Co.
Dec. 14 €t

BM^aaKaiat oTraa)caa>aB«i.Thaf.jtakeit in exchange abd-mal'tt;
pJafwaabeatn. !


j» good farm for let* money
than you can buy it of any-

HOME MADE mince meat 10c.
McCormick of course. 870 Bast Eighth
dec 17 tf

'•.XUYIOR COilCOi-Jr «!«. I h... w.

COMB now and select the
lat will express your aentlme
MUler'a pharmacy.


T|||8 STORE will be open evening*
until Christmas C. £. McManus
d«c 17-tf





which arc located from four
to 20 miles from

City, all good Improved land.


Dr.W. J. Higgins




LOOK at our window.

480 WaabiugtoD,

CSt |d>oi>c TU



porcelain Work
I On floor witb BatiDeM CoUeg.

for Christmas

Your Collections Slow
JepuraeohiM Were. JVe
are besdqnartera fortbcM
good* and we arc adling at

lpaetcmeymc^. He never
Queen \Tctoria had
twentyMf lora, T^gy 1pa<
Tnnddaugbters. and of tWa number loses, even on hotel properly.
nlv four remain single. They are
ColpaH H. 1.
1 Kowalsky. the lawyer
Princess Victoria of Bngtaad. Princess who is credit.^ with tnginaerinx the
prevent congress from
Bent rice of Saxe-Coberg. Princes* Pa­ movement
the Congo
Princess expressing Itself ragan
tricia of Connaught
atrocliles. occailooaUy
Victoria of SchleswirHolstrin.L
Advancing age and infirmity have 800 pounds. Whenever he reacher
eompelled Francis Joseph to sbando'n that point In avoirdupois he refrains
his practice of giving daily private from food altogether for a week or ten
his subjects. He is the days. In that time he taken off forty
only sovereign in Europe who has or fifty pound.s. He has been carry.
Kept up until now the medlse\sl cus- Ing on that plan for years and dec-Urea
lon of granting private interview* to be feels no evil effect from bis perioil
ical spells of abstention.
rlch^d poor alike.
Mias Hlldom Bloomstlne is the only
gecietary of War Taft was discuss­
woman druggist in Ohio. She recentl),
ing the Japanese HltuatioD. **)Ve msy
opened a drug store In Cleveland and <
have a Utile trouble with the Japanese
la In personal charge of the preacrip-'
yet.** be said. * Yea.** answered his
tlon department. She is 25 years old
llslener. -That is Senator Beveridge s
and was born in Youngstown. At the
too * -Oh. I* that so?* the
age of 18 she began working In a drug
big secretary said. “Well. Fro chang­
store as sundry clerk. That was the
ed my mind. There will be no trouble^
beginning of her career. Not con­
i all."
tented with learning the drug business
nler of In a store she enrolled in a school of
The li
NewX«l«id.dMi.otIrarahl.tonmrjpfc,n^^,, and
„„ upon graduation led'
lo hadljr oB
• raMe dltpairb ludr 1j
out the other day. He left sn etau- j ^he slimness of J. ll Sb'hrpe. anu>li-*
Ml at
IIOO.OOO. Beside
listed man at Pbrt ifeavenw Orth, may
members of the Seddoo fsmily draw prevent him from obtainln
14.000 a year from the public treasury mission in the army.
and the parliament has just voted a seems to have been entirely
grant of 830.000 to Mrs. Seddon.
i Ull.)
direction. He Is 6 feet
lUtlve Watktns of Louis Recently be was designated for examtons thinks be has aboul the moat tn iimtlon for
cobBistent constituent Imaginable. He aad the examining board found that
wmt him a full quota of garden seeds his cheat measurement was not large
and received tbU letter In reply: *i enough to meet the requirements of j
received the seeds, but they are not the military regulations.' As he U only
good. Send me a set of congreaslonal 120 year* old it is thought that the ac­
cords. They amuse
Id make bully lamp lighters ’*
Young John D. Rockefeller told hto
young men * Bible das# the other
InsTdratlenn* a lost art In the courtevening that he believed In total ab­
N*< a true lavryt^
stinence for two reason*. Tlrst. be- rtmm.
rises, pretiarc* doiuments or tries a
r both hto father and mother were
case without a . easeful i>rr|»*ratlon.
strictly temperate: secondly, hto ma­
Forrosic oratocy baa i*aaaed sway. No
ture jodgemem was that, while there
longer <loea the crowd gatber In the
m^t be ao barm In one glass, that
oonntry courtbooae to Itotcn to and be
glass might lead to another.
moved by the wit, patboa. and efoTherefore, one giaas was too many,
qnenoe of tbo advBcate as for boora
out over the cresu of the Pyrenean, or days be addreaaca tbs fofy. Tbc
artists have contrived
-T] courtroom may be flUed. but. it B
Edmond Rostand s country borne. Ar largely with the
. In the aontb of France. Into a many of whom are as dmtltute of
fairyland. The wMla of bU magnlfi-j tear* as Babara of water, and as cml-

Geo. JL 3arBH

not thus veiled. He must not be overwod by anything, e ctmdHIen which
sight emmt If he w tve raeetMaed by

Mrxic&n HuUwork ColUn,
dainty embroidered piem.

LOBT-Palr of goM glasses on Wash
BAtE-Jersey cattle: 1 buU 8
tngton street. PIcaae recum to Mca.
yenrs old. bred from regUtered
C. A
stock, St. Idsmbert strain: 1
exne of Northporl. IS months old.
rogltteicd: 1 hhU oslf. high grade,
tareWefk to fbclr eyes, are amed by
nine months old. smll bred.
taka which Hans ChrMtUn Ahderaen
oQlor. Bood Mae. chenp: 1 cow. Tl- a 25 lb.. 80 Ih. or 180 lb. sack.
aad the Grimm bratbera Have ImmorvolU Ihnny necond. registered
hMfer 16 months old. Daisy
Ring Leopold of Belgium should be
an expert Judge of hotels, for bq Is a
preaMag factor.
cows to sell, also yomic he
‘holder in some of the]
Golden Rod fhirm. Byron Woolsey.
largeaL At one time he used to dis­ —Justice Brewer la The Atlantic.
play uxtraordlaarr ability as a dlpiBBBat, but for some years past be baa
been engaged in proring that be
BUth etreet. snd one of Ue best on
has a ^lus. for flaaDca. The great
the stToet Price asked Is spot ensh.


am m toto

Bridcted oo one*, face and that hla
BoMac k»ew It wmBd tmj poalaame the defeat of the aoe
e feeliagm wetw brinrad lo the
. 8> in rrQglom cervossoita the

•lapeneae llcincred Tnijrer
all aizra. v. iy < heap.
•Taprarae Baiketa, all sizea.
all prinw.

Open every evening

HaTcymi accooatt Uat

Yon Have Given Up?
If yon luTC, let me colled
them for yon.
Old aoaoQBti pronptiy atleodrd.
to a^Ioannialie money for >oa

A. Pohoral
OoUncUoii Avflncy. over HBmilton
CkitbiDL' Co.
TVmveraa Oiy. Mich.. Sept 10. 1808
I hava placed a number of acoouats
with A. Pohorals agency for collect
Ion. many of them long ontlawad; but
Just th# same Mr. PoborM brought
deliaqoecu to Urns and prompt


l.liit?p Udllcs I
Stand and l^resv.-,
low Tftjm. etc,
Inrhi.lInK iultiRl K*s>.U. aim
Ijt-ll.w all purr linen ni f** vwrli.
Ne« Silvtr Mrfal Ktilvr*
KfJks and .Spcxaib. V-ki and
< h.ap4-st, suLf^lJiuif lor sihri.

Fnnty lUstklH*. MetsI Novel-

Dr. E. U Ashton. DmitlaL

. ...... AT.......

Barniun & EarFs
Diamonds from $10
to $300
Fine while, perfect eloncs. They
make a good Investment aa
well as a nice pres^
Watches area
We bxTe tbc HamiltoD, llUacU, Eoekford. Elgin and Waltbam. andcaaea
for tbe aame, from nickfe to aolid gold,
all at tbc very kraeat price at wbicb
they can be nold.:

A One assorl»ait4>f Clocks
Iromtl lomo.
Sterling Silver Knives, Forks, Spoons,
Co!d Meat Fo%. Bmter’

utter Spreaders,
Fruit Koive-,
Cream Ladle*,
Gravy Ladle*, Sugar Spoonr,
Butter Kofve*, .
C^*ter Fork*,
Berry Fork*,
_ Sets
and various other line-.

Sflverand Ebony Brashes.
Combs. Mirrors,
MlUtnry Brashes.
Manicnre Seto.
TYaveUng Seta, elc.’
umbrellas. Ladies' and Gents',
from M lo $12 each.
We handle the Pickard Band-painted
China, the fineat that u made. A piece of
tbi*. or of tbe Hawks Cat Glass «ooU
Ring*. Broochea, Bracelet*, Scarf Pin*. Neck
Chain* and Locket*. Chain*. Cbanaa,
Cnff Bnlton*.
FoonUin Pena,
Opera Olasac*.
Field GlaaK*. Speet^
and varion* other article*, any on* of wbieb will
ntoke u fine pment
Thii Ft ore will be open eventngt uor
ii! atrer Cbristcnas.
. ,

Barniun & Earl






tOLO ON TKflllt or




yif Imf A


»r«7 yo«M[ |>mwi ftbouMU

i ":V

to ^ * annkAl Mnmai. Tfcerr U

for GbrMns lor fcmr
«ir i Iri. iMi «» of tW I
VIOUN iSMitt. tfttrt itooi r»lso •(


and bow.
Gt;iTAR ootftti. |£. f7. cto.

MANDOUN coiau.ff opwanli.
br B 8. Sl^warf. U.
A ifMiistee rrmb C08Nrr~Br<i-rtMs mmA ttmrwaACCOIIDION8-OW owB l8iMUUon:^I5«. fLM.

AUTOhAitrt WUd. X to 97^..
MUtMS ROLM-Mra Talae at &«c. ria« pr«MU.
tloa Maale Raila la rartom Iratbera and oblora.
f1 to N. Na«aF1DCBoaallronant|lor»o^
ART •Um of feiBoiw oonipoaora-SOc to ILM.

Gi^n Bros. \S!^SZ!k

tnivcne Cliy Bn^ Ik GriwMU Brai



• Pteol r#o» WUmmm
nmi» rnmitmmm iro Bto4o.
To look at a akwljr iitmrd bottoo oo
a aiiUor cMImw a pirmi doC tatlmatrIf acqaalaM trtlh tlic bottoo or ololbIlia buoUuHW wodM banSly Inuisliw tbat
, It !• a' porriy rr*rt«UJr pT(W1u<'tr-Ui
fart. Up oat of a twc wlilrb wlUdD tW
. laci tweot7'8ra jroni haajioioo to Iw
rd wtrld.. The not la knowii
ow aa yaiMlili Iforr. aa


tir« land aa tafoa or coroao and ara
a madaet of dat aoHlMni part or llaatb
AtnoHra and tbr tattimiia of I
Tbr aplaotldr oaoto of tbr plant or
tmi N pbjrtptrpbam and ttir tivr Itarlf
HaaalT nwrinblra tbr palm, with ma#.
niflraiit Pida INITM apiwadlDf oat froia
tbr top of tbe truuk.

oaat boantimi prodarta af no tare and
ara norb aoufbt after br palm ao(lectori. Tbe flowara aia of retj abawp
colom and aroir in tbe larpe pendatar
rloaten 8ve to aU foot haof and mo

apan wbea tba frolt la rlpt and In
bniatlac rilaaaa tba aaeda
drop to tba Atoond. wbiM,tbey mm
An In tba caoe of tba borae cbeatnot
tba ootar tbla bbowo abaU Is at tba
aimUar to that of atmooda. Tbeaa ttaia tba aata are fiaen In very daao
Howara flaallT MttMW awajr, and la adbaAon to tba Inner wfalta meat. In
thetr pUrra «row tbe Imra wWrti coo- tba caaa of tba borae cbeatimt bowtala tba ee«ia of tbe ptant. and tlUa
ae«d U tbe not from arblcb tbe battoM brown aheU.
are made. Tbe bora wbicb conUIn that It raaiau atWl and bloou a aaw
tbe nuta ot oeada tmar on tba tiea ImmadUtely. Oar flrat atrp, dMrafoaa,
jM at that point where Jbap^-I^ la to ahrink tba meat, or kamal. on
dp loatda to aatb an actant Ibat It
trank, almllar to tbe cocoanut. whirb
of eoaraa grawa on a dUTemit ktod at ba broken by a blow and dp Innar
a palm. Tbeaa bara
kamal bacomes arallabla for maanUa In a creot many waya oar u
factare. Ibla material rarios Id grain
.Kortb American boraa cbaetniit axcffit Tarjr macb M doaa wood. Tberoaraaet
gra^pl atrta grow on tbe Atlantic
caaat Aa wa ga waatwaid we find
tba nato amaller and tbe grain flower.
Tba beot and cloaeet gralni^ nuta art

The Hanhoh & Lay Mercantfle Company

Dressers and
Bedroom i

;•_• -


The gTcateat aaaortmeht of
line dremiera and variety of
ple^ you will And any where.
* If.OO. 112.00. I1&.2S. $UiJ00.
H17.50. 118.50. 12100, IM 00.

Fan three piece*. |18.5«. $21.75.
I $34.00.


m.OO. $30.00.
$45.00, . $G0.00.

Remember This Fact I
No store in this part of”the state can show you a lairger
or better selected stock of Furniture, and when quality is Con­
sidered our goods are the cheapest in the city. You can place
confidence in everything we sell and If it shouldn’t prove jsatisfacto|-y. which is very rare, we^re always willing to n^ake
lit right. Make ydxir Christmas selections now,
“ and have them set aside for you.

Sectfonal '

l^M-y homo RhouUI bavo a Plano.
^They aro beaudful from the arOaUc
‘irtandpolBi. and anch a pledaore and
own. Wc aell the Bradr. Schubert ^d

$54.50. $M.00. $125.

Roman Chairs

The mod convenient bookcase ever
Invented. It can be mad any height
rant by adding new BocUont aa
the lower ones became filled. You
always have a place for yimr valuable
book*, keeping them out ^ the dust,
and hour, aared many tlopt by knowing juit where to pul yamj tagadt oo
yhe book you want. Thore |ta ..writing
desk section, or the filing case jb^
tiuo if you BD desire. Be tore and
aee^ thete bookcaaes-kbe nicest
ChcTstmas gift that can be made.

ariatmaa dal w<
i anefa a glCl.

Ike niliig tor
HaH or ^riw w Dca



' 4- .



Aa toe a Ilto aa can be found.
TbIrtyAtP digest Pyle, to adacl
froas. and UP prtena are from HXO

^ Morris^

vMilent plro* of furniture at

The Golden t>ak arr-prlr«-d at $11.00

’‘*1^ Mahonany at $24.&« and $27.00.



Combfiiatlon Bookcases
Just thi place for your writing ma­
terial*. valuable papers and cbotoe
laa.ks. and we show the latest slyles
and most beautiful goo,ls. I»rlced at

$28. $30. $3C.




jokers j


to $35.00 foC a a^t of *lx ebafra.
Make splendid Christmat gifts. ReWoltteg or stadonary; WMe arois wr


aritlwrt: high back or tlKtefc aeat
iUl atylca and price..


^Bedroom Rocket*. »2.W. U-M.

atock to adact from.
. Aa good a gift aa can ba made.

Styles lo^


»f$A0. X.00, X.$5, $10.M, $12,00
$15.50 , $15.00.



$23 .00. 025.00.

From Cellar to ^ai^^et We Furn^ You Ghrl8tn(vae Furnituro






K>WMt «ITV. Jiicmaon



■««!■»«»,■«■■«. ^—^ ■


*mUc or'Hiltfe ■■ IMT teacr «iiy 8M|>1 <• Ikt aMatas Itnrl.
aidlu. BdH at the tmtU oak Elfepire. Mk*. Ok.

V.Jh^ ha

tfoMiV ittsmt (ft* food, UMtr. and fhrs.
Uie MtanmOx s perfect iMt. ' *
You canY reasonably ezDeet OiiZ
any ■weak atoniaeli will regain ha
atrenmt aifiX get wcB a*»wn U ia
compelled to do the fuU woHe that a
aouad atomaeh ahould do.
You wotddnY expect a side horsa
to get wdl when tt Is ecanpeHed to do a
mn dayY worit every dey of the week.
Your stomach mast have reft.
But tt isnY neegasary to starM your.
: your Stomadk
Cure Is a perfect
an of the food
you eat regenftes^/ Me comdiHom of

wcRg to attupd Che Wm. iMm 8
J. a

iii« MMton hmi M m-

lam* a. djopM |»V. Mk for tM

Bcw Stat* «nk b<dMi% ------

ip wo mmA ^ daie «b)I
cos miB tbot It W hard for tlM to
opprstotc fret<UM Ul«t. coi^
VocttUy the hall vms not mm crovded
MM H ohoald bare bm. ;
at atr Book ttota.
U G. Ookoy In weartof as kxlO
salW beoaoae t>e cut«at little mite of
am*. I. U BONNCra hair kraMac hmanltj arrirad ai hta' boaoe Dec
kttOK^M 17 tiMit rda
»w: |adh a aood
fl^oktliS little IWloer. a^ looka Ja.l

CRAWV Otuviiiv-l^

.Older -jronf a'

I. O. Sum
Tan! ni oOoe VotOun ]
Michigan ic^

imvia. a


bolMlBC. ClUaMt pboae (M.
Tfaoaraa CoM mi Ltm Oa.
I A Idnikta bieiA.


^ ”

What inlkht We becb a
coaflasratkm waa fntNBptly arerled
hr tine timely arrlral of] the lire departineal Monday mo^lnE.
photo car operated by Orrllle
cauEbt Are from an orerheated atore
Ipe and for a few momen.a It looked
m OMrnb O^le voald he mil
•hack. Loaa eatimated ai ^—

M phoaad. S»-lr. B«M«s M

W. nghth tt Ota. phoM m.


OM. r.
tSUoa to aiBmam aC tha aya. sr.
me and threat.




/ i:'

Traverse City
Gas Co.

oC W. 8.
Oiu. m; Dell M.

r. w. TMtnta^, Dstlat. Omr

aam a flufli lawalry atora. Both


airfHUll HOLUDAV. M. Or-PhjH^
atea aad Bvriaoii. Ramorad to oficea to Maoaoa block orar Bai
ABart a. aUauia pbooa aSi.

Why hit in a toM room
aihcA m liiil<? monfey hj9cnt
will keep It out ?
Storm nskA are ti[uaranteed tb pay 'for themscU'CS in two years in
saving of
>f fuel.

rone who thinka ht C. nod wUe
Eolim Dome, day and night, are
iDYhed to gtiraa again. Dr. Gerald O.
Bdmnnda U attending the little onea
and a mpeedy recovery la looked for.
The Honor comet taand will give a
Chrtetmaa dance In Woodman hall
nett Tuewlay nlsht. Bill for dance
50c. Shpiwr wfU j0«) bclaerved. The
dance will be managed by N-wt. Ely.
managor; Art Hunthr and Big George
Wearer, floor aidea. Br^rytmdy turn

tWr and acthm ihnlator. fiatla
taction goamtM^ With Kimball
MdUc Hooaa. Cits, phoaa tM.

A Weatorn Wen^r.
Tbcre'a a Hill at BowleiTox.. that'a
twice an Mg as last year. fThts wonder
U W. L. iilU. who from a iwolgbt of SO
pounds has grown to ov^r ISO. He
aaya: -I auBered with j a terrible
cough, and doctors gave hie up to die
of^wm^on.^ l^was^ryd^^to^O
king's New IMscovcry for Consump­
tion. Coughs and Colds. | Now. after
taking 12 bottles. I ha%-e imore than
C.old care
Drug Store. Frank
Drug Col.
Meads. Drocglatt. SOp and 11.00.
H. Mead!
_______ ^
al bot
IDEAL Mbud^ flour for general
smtly use Is superior td any other
n the market. Makes fine bread and

WONKY TO tOAN-«o tax daW •rtry.
put la mortsagaa. Hoaaaa for aala
toqalra of B. McNamara. Park, CHRISTMAS
PlaoahoUL I
mar McCormick, of c

Get our prices.

Ver. Prleaa aeammahla. Offoa with
O. P. Canrar A iBro. Both pherndA

All kinds of lumber and
interior finivh.

tk I. t. THIHDBy-8p«iU turn


dec 8 if

»ur»e, S70 jEast Eighth

The eyelids of the average man open
and ahm four million tlmca during the
BRING YOUR botUe and have It

m suu Buk kMa. aotk *k«M.
INDIAN baiaetc for Chrl«f.mas at
Miller s phannacy.
dec 13-lf


lumber Co.
BoU :r«

Molor Cars
•retold whh a poitlivev gukrantee that
as good a car cannot
be told legitimately
for a dollar teas.
Ask for reasoiw^srhy


k6 danger of typhoid If you urn
aty Dairy
asturtsed milk. Queen aty
BOT iP-lf
ompapy. CUa. tdL €75.

Dimcaa of SuUous Bay vtaUed tha
Empire achoola
Mrs. John *Tweddle of Trayraeaiy
an« Mrs. John Bchl of N>w York
Tweed hera teat week with Mrs. Mary
Mrs. Grand to able to be up again
mfler a very aerious lltaeaa.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Palmer are enter,
tafadag their daughter Mrs. Stella
Cedar, i:
Thorpe of
Mtoa Eva
Maple aty passed through lowa on
Kalamazoo to spend the Christmas vg.
hU way to Traverse aty last PrWay
Mrs. H. Opok was a Traverse aty catloo.
Miss Amy Andrus, who has be,-n
rtaltor Friday.
elerklag In a stoie at Chief Ijske. has
Bdaa Matewr of West K
few days of thU week with her sister retnmed h'ohie and Is working at the
Mrs. J. Bo
BoiMt baxtar
Mrs Tom Balrdiwas In Traverse
City on Saturday laaL
sawing In N^wn*s mil! a< Gfrn
The weekly prayer
for tcxrral years, moved his famnyS||
held at the hlme'of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Empire last week. They are occupy­
Illmaa. on Wadnaaday night.
ing the Pratt bouse on NTagara ehret
Mr. W. Oallmer who has been help­
Mrs. C. T. Rich, cook at Hotel
ing to repair the mill at Cedar Roi^ Western, went to Grand RapWa toal
for the last two weeks. Is home
week u* rlsU relatives.
Mrs. Sullivan and danghter
Joseph Sherman of Chic
beth. and Mrs. Frallrk of Maple City vlaUIng his son James and brother
and daughter Orpha. were shopping In Thomas and family.
Traverse Oty on Saturday.
John Donovan and
Olive Ewing.* Bute
are each buBdlng additions to their
Rebekah-a. assisted by the Traverse saloon bnlldlngs.
City lodge, organized a new Rebekah
Mr. and Mns.^^a1e gave a party to
lodge here In Cedar last Thursday a few of their friends Saturday evennight, auning In with eighteen
Ing at Hotel La -Rue
The new lodga wiU be called
Miss Lettlo Varnoe'hax returned
the **LeeUnau Rebekah * No. 424.
from Manistee, where she has been
A. K. BiJIlngcr of Maple City was In Irarnlng the milliner s trade.
town last Saturday.
Mrs. Ernest Courtnrler and Miss
Bantu aauB will visit the
Gertrude Pavromt. who grere caUe«1
hen- to attend the fnneral of their
and meet him
father. M. I*ayment. returncHl to To­
W. Ames wma In Traverse Oty, ne ledo. O.. today.
day lust week
Mra John Winters returm-d Satur­
Thera win be npeelal Chriatmas day from Thom|«smville, whrre k
terrisc* In conncselloo with a Inn haa been viialing for sevt-ral we<-k.-(.
held in the church. Christmas
The Empire achoola will close Frl
Everybody come.
day. Dec. 2t. for a two woeka* vaca
Mrs. C. Ho<diradeI spout a couple of Hon.
day s In Travenm aty last week.
Nearly the whole population of boys
Last Thur'iiday from 2:b0 unUI
and giria wore out SumUy trying the
p. m.. about eighteen Utile friends Ice
the little lake which is in
helped* BW
ccllobt condition for skating.
sixth birthday. They played numer­
J. B. Patgc* and assistants s
ous games and bad music from the here from Travotwe City jast week and
InaUBcd an electric light pUnt for the
Empire l,innl>or company.-aFOr lh^
Sullivan won first- prize and Vends prosr-nl the dynarno will W in the
Frieburg consolation. After partaking shop » mil the mill Is cmipleted.
of a lovely aupper the little gueala d
A large qiiamfty of cedar p<islh are
parted declaring their little hostess
coming ashore al(»ng th(- iHWch be
royal entfrtalner and wishing h
twc<n Sleeping Bear Polui and Aral.
many moip happy birthdays. Elsie They are thought to be a part r>f the
received many nice presents.
load of the schooner Wanderer which
was* lost last month somewhere l»eChristmas Eve wHl i ec the usual tween Beaver Isl.nnd and Milwaukee.
Helm’s orchestra of Traverse City
holiday festivities at the church
consisting of ChrUtmas
win furnish mufilr for a select danc­
bright, inspiring program by the chll ing party to Ik- given In K. O. T,
dren. All are wclcomcv
Both pastor and audience npprec
his home
ate the excellent work of our choir
Dec. in.
and all “were pleased w ith the recent Front sire<‘t after an Illness of sever
addition of Mr. Palmer and his saxo^ al months, aged 72 years. Mr. I’ay
phone. Mr. Palmer freely . offers- his meut has been a resident of Emplr*.*
Her\ices to the church for which
and vicinity for the past 4o j-t ars. For
the past eighteen years ho has been
wish to say thank you.
The mid-week prayer and praise employed by the Empire timber 'coniservice will be held this week pany. either In the capacity of en­
Wednesday evening
the home of gineer In their saw mill or machinist.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Blllman. All arc Besides a widow ho leave.s six
and four dnughtent two brothers and
The W. H. M. S. will meet Wedne.« three sl.Htcrs besides host of frii^dii
dny all day inthe church basement to niouiii his loss. The funeral was
for work. There will be someth lug held Saturday moralng at 10 o*clock
at the Catholic church and interment
for all to do.
-Peace on Earth** will be the topic took place in the new Catholic
lor the Christmas sermon next Son- etery here.
ilay evening at the church. Come and
ieart it
A City wf fke Past.
A. A: AiUncUin. Pastor.
Blmlnl la full of aasociatlons with
torilUng people of the past. It waa
here that Caesar croaaed the Rubicon.
We croaaed ourselves on the very
bridge his feet had tooehwl. It waa
here, toa that
Anthony cam
preaoh aiak flodJog no people who
would give heed to him. turned In de-

nnls6ll|& Owen
144 B. Fh»t 8t

ios8pb%hrk sun


L .

nplaee with n tandhr. Juhsy
awaecnsnant n turkey, chlckaa,
•Qoaa, dnek. that wlU aaalm your Tnla.
WlinMkMaWtaMWh^. WdhnTC
aaenrad avery daHoacy In tka Una of
maatii. pomery. kama 4nd
ghodt fhr the hOUdhy seawm that
itehea nor aaiket tem^Ung to the
•MWUA. - - ^

For Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Sour
Stomach. Flatulence, Headache. Water
Brtsb. Belching of Gas.Nausea. Gastritla.
HeartSum and all troubles arising
from indigestion and non-essimiUtion
of the fiM)d.
I had araxpela la Ks wont ftona; wa, re*
duMdlnwclehttoliepouiid,. After uMnt Iwe
and oM-hair hottte* .or Kod(d.i

cored and rcMored to w uraal wOglit of 1«S



THIS STORE will bo opt-n evimingsj
uaill ChrlslmsK. C. E. McMsnus
doc 17-tf .


Nctticc to the Taxps}xrs uf Ibu CUy of
Travoese City :
The Ux rolls for the collection of
the state and county taxeg for the
year 1»0€ and for the delimmml

placed in ifiy hands for c«dl|*rflon.
I Bill bo In my fit Arc to roctlvt- Kald
taxes fnim now until Fob. 1. i;«»7. on Another of the new atyloa jnat
each week day fixrni h o'clock to mso rccuivol.
o-rhxk III the forenoon and from 1
o’clock to 4 o'clock In the afternoon.
Woultl maliO a line ChrUtBlU
On all state and* county Uxes
. o
unmiwr ot tba
before January 10. the regular Tee of!**™"'
one per cent for collection will be *«*»*•>'
charged and on nil-faxes paid on or
after January 10. there will be
charged a fee <»f four per cent for col­
Call ami iw them at '
lection. Penniry on delinquent city
.and Nchool faxes and si>eclal assrasIBeOMSeUMMe
nil ntf, 4 cenlK on each dollar of the
ai|iounLof raid tax.
Shoe House.
Offlrc In room 202 State BanL
iDoted. Dec. 4. 1006.

A. Gretlick A Co.

dec 4 to feb 28
City Treasurer.

Witlmai)’$ CtlebraiK/ “Elirir of ifftr tbc greU Stomach.
KiJney and Liver IUvuI»tor. Prieo 11.00.
WiUmao'i "OH of Lifo" immediate core lor Cramps, Whoopinc Cough. Deafiiou and KbeumaUcm, SO ooott.
Wittm,o‘t MoitieoM Soop for Eczema^ Dandruff. Shaving
and Sbampooiug,/O Mflit pK eof*.
Manufactured hy the Wittman MedieineOo.. Louiaville. Ky.
For sale by Hanitab A Lay and S.-E. Wait & Sons, Drug-

tltete, VraTMM'OHyr------


ttotdn to him. Tbera la a chapel wbk*
mafks the apot where ha stood by the
wtter. In Blmlnl Ured Daole and
Fraaceaca, the tragedy of wboae lorn



WOOD for

{dec. 17 tf

ILS5 nt thd Booth 8Mu iLumber Ca
Dec. 14 tt

Dyspepsia Cura


Fancy Boxm of Cigars
OPEN EVI^NINOS nnU Christmai Bpectalte the Gibing Record. •
' Genuine Meenchatim and
Buckley. MUSb.. Dec. 19.-John Mul­
dec 12-61
The Famoua
Briar Pipes
len. eectlon foreman, went to Mania-,
WE HAVE the 'flnaat Baa ot pack­
Cigar Holders
age perfumery In the cUy;, E.E.MII. J. A. Homrlch and T. S
Tobacco Fouebdk- • *\
one up north on buslnet
Fuiriine of Smokers’ arti­
anting trip.
MALAGA Grapes. Oranigea. Applea. Mloa Brady has gooe 1
. Don't forget SkidtM Cigars
Bt OU. Phone SSO.


Tbeii «Rt be
at fheButfirtey
Dec, 11.
MnBe nd Mias Panlina
of Wexford;
Md krm. Jenkins
wm ceBem eC Mrs. UmBHck. Friday.
oaik omtng to <tortdi« In MeriihewtoeteraL
Mtoi Btoitie Mtfnai to staytek
Mra. Homridfa while Mr. Homrtdi 1i
’ About ^ ytor

the WW and


dim to their mileta at night, wfid
eoce called ‘tap too,* from the Dutch
sreefi Signifying. -No m|re drink to be





Have you given the matter a thought thaCsXmas is
near at hand. Call at our Sample Room thd' tee our
fine line of glassware before buying elsewhere.

Cut and Blown Glassware
Cut Wine Decanters and Sets
Cut water Bottles aad,Sets
Imported and Domestic
Steins- Stein Sets
Fancy and Plain Playing Cards
Before buying your Xmas'gifts give us a call; you
may find just what you are looking for.

2 k t. JOYCE
608-BI0-612 e. FRONT 8TRBE

Traverse City, ^ ^ -



tte qM I
rm»t n^m Terk an
ter a ll4.fmMt mM.
Id* kra* BiMxaaetad te tka AaMriM
Uagaa asaevtlira, wIk> kav* pitifioMd
Hm piaa ar kaflas ooaualtlate ftew
IlM tvo MagM BMM aad talk orar
aeb«d«M BMMtaia iMfor* Ik* tetalU
v*r* *t**l*d. It to poulM* BOV that
|ir. Jokaaoo will mot appolat a •ck*d
m* eoouBltt** at all. aa.toac aa tk*
Itetloaal taafoa kaa fooc akaad and
ooud for Ik* loaf
*T1i*r« woan b*
aiaek for a com.
eootba BUtok
lag tka ABMHeaa

^p«*4o do tnt maato tka M
, mmo ackadato coamlUoa.- b

'■ I-

h to prkaU that
Ik* AMartoaal Motor
bald dartag
to Kav York Ik* Brat link of a tranaMtlntal nallooal klghvai.
Mr. aad M^ C. M. Parkford. of
jaat a
New Toik.
ctnaa^Uiwi^ loor. bagaa
xaitoa to Boat
ear. Mrs. Parkford did moat of the
drtring and a iDompact camping outfit

' jrokBaoB. ‘•BOV tkat tka dtkar
aUBd In tka
kaa taken
Tkara to no ckanoa
tito If tka other party paraUra dtotaaoe In vktck aatoncv
^jdraady Mad* up lu mind on tka bllaa and boraMlrava Yebleles cxwld
ba stopped, tbp former von at etery
**Wa doat vaai to opoa tka Amari.
eaa }mguu mumm Aprtl 11. ika data
j. c«. -copy boy- of Ike
tOBtaUralj aai for tka Nattooal LiaaHmes. baa foat completed a
Tkat laYaack too aarly for aona
la aalomoblle of about 2to
oToor vaatm dtlaa. aad tka probakll
er at a cool of'ftOO. It vlll
lUaa ara that v* vtll koM oar opaolog
nm 25 to 20 mile* on a gallon of gasol*
OB a latar data”
Praaldaat Oomtokaj to comptoUng Ine.
Inlerckt of good roads Presi­
arrmagaoMBU for tka apring tndnlng
trip of tka vorld a ckamptoos. Tba aos dent George R jpottiaiiiaa. of tka 8anU
Clara County fCaU AntomokUa club,
vill go to tka Clly Of Magleo In ts
kaa been appolbted a road sopervlsor.
\^rtraia oars, toaring hare March k.
Tka/T)4d Romaa^taMBds to make and dally, without pay. oreraeea the
man who are working on six miles of
tka timialag trip tka moat alato
vrar takaa bj any kail tlab. and orer highway.
A steam roltor vlll be preaeatad as
forty paopla vlll ba oarrtod la the
party. Mrery on* of tka tvaaty tbrsa a Christmas prpsldeat by the Antomoptoyars oa last year's tasm vtll make bile Club of Great Britain and Ireland
Ike trip aad aareral of the yoongsters to the Isle of Man highway board for
ikkad op tor aaxt aaaaoa vlll also ke the latter*! preparation of the road
for the raeaat International tourist
laehidad to tka pnantager Hst.
Tka algaad ooatraet of PItchar Dor trophy race.
kin. Igat yaar wllk the Joplin. Ma.
A campaign for a federal tow re­
WaslaniiAiaoelaUQB tosm. vas
quiring uniformity In sUta sUtniaa
oalved by Fraaldaal Morphy of Ike regulating the roglsteralfoa and use
lies win be the chief pol­
vrittan that ba kaa a Voung pllch*^ icy oi
of the
me JVlwrv
ttndfr bU wing whom be to going to soctatkm'ln 12*7. This is a
bring Mast with blm vben he reports matloo that bait hbeea
to March.
ly and ptofaa^y
and one that jriioold recelre more
hearty commeodatloB and more gen­
eral support than any thing etoe the
naUonal body could undertake. It to
of greater Interest bi^ause this pol­
icy Is that of Jbdge W. H. Hotchkiss,
on this brad andekr tepllcd:
e prospect Ire president, and lU anc>ce. I BfMild mtber not s|»eak
•s therefore Is to som* extent aaat all tbsa not sprak cormtlv. They
are ao ludlfTon*. don't you tblilk. the
ired The neW policy should cauae
in^'orrert Ypeakrrs?
rally of Indtoldnala to the A. A.
in Nice an Enp
llsbmac and a Pn
By the derioup expendlents to which
to aiTvralr.
reral of the ‘eatranta for the last
-The KnglUhnii
\raca hi
bad to resort to
^rblU cup hues
tovaid the tVrrle
to p...
-An ni'renelr.-------------that the
jtoo low tor tka klgk^
powered racers|now belag built Al­
” Tanks.'--Exrhangk
most every car Ikad to be trimmed to
the utmost permissible In orde
pass, and soma had s hard time of It
Laadlady-WaoK joa adrtoe me
aeod my dsi«htar to a cooking ocbo
It to probabl* the American Aul
or to a music school? Boarder (reSae- blto aaaoclatlon would Tuadlly agree
tlra|y>-WelL 1 thtak Fd aaad her to a to aa iBcreasa tt the weight Umlt If
cookiat ackooL It may be moro fata?
the forelCB clubi were willing hot cou­
la Its lusolto. but It toat aaytktag Itks
rted action Is essential. Tkto to a
mauer that ma^ be taken up at the
■aw TBar Bat tm.
toteraattooal oooforeiice of dubs
Kalcker - Are bbUdraa s
to be held at Parts.
yaur Sat? Bocksr-?fo. We brarmW
amo to Buder tk* head bf

strain oader which b^ was
It was tkaaa same jpkotoa apraad
tkroagkoot tka oooniry togatkar wllk
tka prase raparts seat out talltog of
tka drawn aad haggard
Oana bora, that gars to the impiaaaloB
tkat tka BalUmorean was not to the
bait pkyalelal condition. That his
actual eoBdltkm balled hU tooka was
proran coocluslraly wbeo be foogbt
bis memorable forty-two-rouad battle.
After the signing of krtldes for his
oomtog match with Herman. Gani,
rumor bad It. would try to take ad
rantage of the agreement, and come
In orar the required we^l. Speaking
akmg these lines Mondky. Oana said:
•The weight question is the least of
my troobles. I can make 122 with
ease. and. while It is not penwml
known to foe public. I will get down
to this weight by worrying about mak
lag It. 1 cannot explain exactly bow 1
6o this, but It to a fact that in all of
my flghu where I am
make a low weight I giet rid of flesh
by always keeping In mind that
make the weight. I keep telling my•elf that rre got to ge< down to the
•*Dartag my training for the Nelaon
fight I bad a great deal at stake to
force me to make tk^
ylngi orer what I
lo a
this fight It
It the same. I see that the articles
leave nothing for me to do but to be
at weight, and I will continue to keep
this in mind, I cannot to Jeopardise
for this mirtch. and Ibis
thought will help me get to 123. all
Here Is something for the payttoologisU to figure out. as 1^ Is beyond
Joseph Gans.


Ko toss than T5TB arttoaaa aad ■ithe worts (reafo
waysMa New SesUnd daring May.
• FY«d Been gbt ^ aad friendly
Monday might it Kaaaaa Oty, Mix.
and let Frank .Oolek w|a hack tk*
wfutoJiag ckamikmaklp of America.
To a maa ap tlm redwood It looks aa
tkomgk ooMOB* was kato« paaaod «xkiklt Aof Iwaooj Bonn won tka ekamptaoaklp a few woaka ago wttk apfiareat eoae from Oolek at New Ortoaaa.
?fow Oolek oomos back mad puts tke
indtoB Mgn OB tko BadBir wimattor to
rag afoa atyl*. The man wfamUad
for a pmraa of 9MM. Ootch worn tka
irat fall la aiaote mtootM aad tka

That alx-day bicycle race was a
ig* success. McLean broke his col­
lar booa. Bedell, brokej his head, a
spectator threw a kniff at a rreoch
'. Boot soaked a trainer In the
eye and smash-ups oorurred every
mr Palltam ought i to
kifkly bCBorad than ever. He recelVed* seven vatu* for re-election,
was ftaf|£ring. Then he had John T.
Bfuak aSUnat kim. Tkat was ev

Folic* Cei^ But Trial Was Footpaoad ubUI Dec. 27.

Grand Rapids. Pec. 19.—The case
frank OBrieo and Jacob Besterman.
led with aiding and abetting a
prlae fight, were taken up In police
court Monday aflemoon. Borne testi
was uken In the O’Brien case,
mth weed adjounitd until Decern
ber 27 at 2 p. m.. .when the teaUmony
will be read and oth^r wltncssess ex
Dd. It Is probable that Besterman
wUl valve police court cxamlnaUoo.
The <^ly question that Judge Hess
will consider In the case U whether
the boot was piixe figkl or not. The
fact that the city had permitted con
of this sort fof many years past,
though they were thought to hr
towful. be; said he would have no
bearing oathls case. He sUled. In
making a ruling, that sUtum cleerty
ddined what a prise fight Is. and in
tlmated that any common method of
dlsttogutohlng between prise fights
and boxing matches would have no
bearing In deciding the question.
Sergeant Howell was the principal
Itneaa The aaalsUnt prosecutefr
mfined hla .quesUons to showing

that the men shook hands before the
bout and evIdsoUy had no animosity
toward each other. He also said that
It was O'Brien who carried Ward
om the ringside.
The officer, who stated that during
the aeven years he had been sergeant
be had bees detailed to five or six
contests esch yssr. declared that his
tostroctions had been to stop them If
they began to gm bruUl. but that he
had not considered It necessary to
stop the one in quesUon.
W’ebster Mitchell, the stenographer
who took the testimony before the
coroner, was called by the aaslatant
prosecutor to'read that testimony.
The admlssibUlty of this, however,
was questioned, and left undecided by
by the court for the present.
Larry Ujoia Baya That American
Tssfea Are Well Metdhad.
Manager Ufjoto of ^ Oevel
declare* ^ihe race In tke American year will be tke ckieest li
tkat league s klaiory.
“You can never tell In baseball.'
said tke slugger, “but It looks to m
row as though the club that SMj
there next aeaaom wUI have the hard
esl batUe on record. There wUl not
be any weak clubs lo climb over.-

[will stick
Bat ?fatoom aays he iwUI
Billy Noton: tkat be would not give
up hla manage* for a lilOO.OOfi purse.
There la a story told of a maa who
eaaght a bear and pleaded to hare
aomeoar "kelp kim let jgo.
And BOW tkeyTe ataijted a controveray as fo. wkat aatlonaltty Noak
Bnmeo to. Noak aays be la
Ctonmdlan. kis mocker am ke a Oerman. and aUU oCkeru
ke to an
Austrian. They used to argue aa to
BRUBHHB tor tka kalr. tka taetk.
tke aamo aad nadooaUty of Tommy tka complexkm aapaelally for CkriatRyan and ara‘still arguing about tke maa giver* at Miller's pkanaacy.
age of Bob ntxaimmom*. Borne peo^
pie find U awful hard to find aomeIt to aaM tkat Ckartaa Waatey was
tktog to talk about beteieeo drlnka.
Mlko Urnttn eaya ke to jrimtlBg tkoae
day*. .R'a rollor skating tkto time,
Icritatad at Ike pmllg immmrim of a
not Urn ktod tkat I
^Mkar that ka said to Me kceCbar:
•^tnp that mma'a wfoktag. Let as
I of a finish
kto reigkt tke pmblle would hk pcetty waU
ay rrlat ao* great A
Tkaiw wtH ba tbrea playera cm tbe dmacfy tkawFi
PIttabmrg totaid who ara aix foat taQ. toteMmwt^
Beat year. Tkto dema Bid maaa tkat
came wkaaamitai coBh
tkCT aie feaaktog ter tkm panant
A weatara writer mayb tkat Noah
Tatoas ba *ali|iA'' ka
Bmsao to tka ^ Idol to tka aatlQm*a Jakm TH toava^ can
tamplo of fiatiaaa ITa a ante bet
By fkto tima Mb was «Ua7tag tka
Noak IklikB tka feOov l^calBagklm


•Ytonck Ckartai


Photograpk at the lop abowa the alleged hypkoUc eye
Mias Mprtha Landaas of New York. Below to a pkoto of Mias Marika
Landw. whose hypnotic eyes are said to'have induced the buahand of
Mrs, ^vester a Berden to desert her and her baby.




Toilet and Manicure Sets.
Mirrors, Military seu. Jewel
Cases and many other valuable
presents. Compare our goods
and.prices with others and
)-ou will buy of us.



Atfentfdn! S'll

Show-goers. I have the finest line
of Imported Opera and Field
Glasses ever shown in Traverse
City, in Pearl, Gold Filled and
Morocco Finish.


biubatid will •ppreciate • nioe
GUm .imI hi. wifeu Open
Gian. Aatoantio Eyeglaw Holto.
Chun*. • Dew Mir. of
Spectacle Fnmee, ell make • Boe and
nieful predcnL


For YourOwn Satm

Bor Hockitw V.Bn Mft CO.L w.
bar. other ooea b«t *•
tbto be«.«w we
It to « eo«l tt«t
Will give you entire i
We are going to k«dp rfoht OB UlIng you about Its gopd quaUUas uadi
you have proved Us merits.

Better Xmas Present
For jrow Boy or Girl titut •



447 B. Fiwrt.

Coiambla Hotel
If you
do not

G. Rw & L S^ AtolUL



to boy.



your sake

No Qiange at Walton





- I,
Alro Parior CTar^^^Duung Car

We will help
you out.
■- 'V

■ ■


Tiy RecHil WaiilAib J, N. Maitviek

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