The Evening Record, June 13, 1906

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The Evening Record, June 13, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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;' 'i

EVENING" record


6 <yCL



What Kind of a Wedding Olft








Addreda cf Welcome Was Delivered hy
Frank Hamilton and the Reaponee
Was Made by Major 4. J.


OttC9«lDt B«gan Arriving YcsUrtUy
AftcrvMM ard LanD« Number Arc
Jn Att«?^nce^evrr.l ^Itic
Admitted U^tm^tnhip.


Itetbrr with other oomrolit<'c-s. exertiMl
tbemsedvra dlllg«*nlly ' yeKlerdAy
tbla morning preparing for a midla!
reception to tbelr vlaltlng Are flghtlm:
hretbren. Krery eff*»r( aa* m*
rzimd tbe moat cordial arlc<mjc and
make the vlaltora ftvd that tbelr vUit
to Jraverac- City ahaU l»o one of pb-aa
aa memory aa well aa profitable rc^
aulta. Tbe C. R. A I. train fion
anutb laat rvoning brought v'arbHia
delrgatea. agxrrgatlng about fifty-fire,
and the Travcrac City band, together
wfUi Chief ilorray and blir asaiatanta.
mrlMhe parly ai the depot and e*
rd lh**m to the ^a^« vln-r t engine
bouae where they weredln-rled lf» tin
varlouH hotelN and Imtging houm-s Un
their enlertainm«*nl a bile ber<\
Thla morning iMiNlncka bou»*^a and
rcalden<M-a were gaily di-eoralod witn
the national <-olora In bmior ot mn rU
Itora frtim abroad, and the p«-ople ol
tbo.clly aided the meihliera of tb.
lire departmeiit In making the fla>
pleaaanl for the out of town vltdtor^
Tbla morning the Traverse City iMUiii
met the exceralon train nt the IVp
Marquett^ derv.t and the Qum-h ni>
; band did Klmllar iw rvlre at the <j. u A
I. depot, inuale rv'aounding tlmuigb ih»
air from |l:.*10 until ti«*on.
.<%Mnlng Sewiem I" Grand Oprr,

i_h V C ^
PretJdcnt of lije SU^t Firemrn's Ataociation.

___ ^

taken with a severe

Has Lived in Tr
rac City Since 18/1 She Was Thrown Over Dashboard But
nd Was O * cf the Forem
After the Horse Was Caught
Citizens—Funcial ProbResumed Her Drive Into
- ably Friday.
. the City.


rich. dcJIvered a alirring address of
welcome. Mr. Gilbert gave the dele
gates a moat cordUl greeting and after
expreaaing bU regret that the mayor
was out of*town and unable to be pres­
ent. be stated -While tbe mayor is
gone. Traverse Cltv is here and It in
yours. Yon might hare beard that we
had an election *Ust ^ring. and that
ilbe lid was screwed down Ugbt, but
jwhen tbe mayor depsrted yesterday he
{took the lid with him.- .This jiuuciment met with very fa^rty reaimime
(OwUaned on Third Thge.>

- Free
to all

\^iuin .\rno. and b.-b^i* anyihiirg
could'be,. lo M.i,. it. Iiackcd
agaju>.t a i, b ppinn. jmiIc. Mr^. Klllor..
who was
iu the rig, pliickli:
held on to the jiuc.: until th. y oit.kc.
throwAip lu r vioViuK ciA,*r the dash
tiojfrd. The horse at ih»‘ same lini
triM-d i!u*n iiom* the hano t s and ran
a long iU--i.inr«> Im Iou- it wa> <aucbi
It P ha.l r« iuaini'd t.iiigb*,! in the tm
in .s.; .Mil*. fniotrwoiiM r ilainly b«v,.JuuiviO urloa if u«>t lata! iiijurlf-I Av 1» v a>.
wa- quii.- bailly cut and
i brTjtcd al^iM ill,. Is.-a.l but af;. r t'l*
horvt,* was caurhi ;du. lirovi- into town
and Bit,aided fbe.^uneiiiig while the
harness war lioiiig repiiwl. Mrs. El
liiiti is 7t^ lid. but «.<^ she re.
mariad to.iiiv vhc iiss the Sc. it eh deI, rmlna’siui lo acetitnTMish wha'* sin*

ChaHr«i K. Buck,
;h!'r lik-i ar,* uu*l Icr ib* past fiw
K>. bince M;»>
mIm h h»ly
•his iKtl. he has W-, Ji gradually failini;
t»ad Un-n lu a



Two Thousand Persons Are Mixed Up
In Ihr^ R-ot—Aid la

Went Out Because Company Wculdn’l
Br Wire to th« Kvrntng Record.
Discharge a
Ea-tvii;,.. Va.. .luu.v r* — At !♦ f.Yb>rk
(hi,: inf4T»iiig a iii«>b lnt, n’ on lynching
h? «cgn‘ su.^u.t't. Simons, had in
By \VIr«* to lb«' K\ci;iiig Rii-.j-,!
IXdroit. Mich. Jun, F:
ETui.. creased to r himi. Major Sallraopsky
ilrcd m,'ial wotktry of the Nathmai w^s fUdt;^voting to bold the jail with
fxunpany E but tnxips are exp*-rt*Ml
Can 9oropanx struck Uh.s moiiiiii!^ Ik.
caun* iho <^ni|»an\ rviu.<04l to <li*- from Norfolk To aasixt. It I« feared
they will not !k' ahk> to hold oaf tl!l
charge tYank Shcnyaiv » mm-nmua
they arrive, •

Your Size Is IHre.
To llio Iiiilii*8 who have
lx‘on wailini: for a n*jw thipment of Iboao

' Accidents

“Strikingly SffHsb”
Oxfords . .
Wo wish tr Bay that they gro
ljt*rc*ainl a p-,01v\ nmortment
of M/A* the re u Phi—(‘verythinn from A\ ito K.
To thow* who havon't bimm


them y< t wo nay *‘(’01110ami
BIT tliem,” for they aro Biiruly
iMuiutieH ami we know tlioy
will phuiBO you.

Dni^ Store

Can You Blame *Em

\V«- arc iKiw jH iin.^ni nily l.s-Mui
It. IheW.lliHm l.bHk.

Ore. Sawpr & Ptaballtgaa


Abstract* of TItl*
Bstn^llshsd IBBB
tlwwm 2in BUiiw Bank Bultdlng


Shoes often saves a doctors
bill. They have full rubber
heels that take all the jar off the
spine, and cork cushion insoles
that keep the feel dry in all
kind^ of weather.
S3.60 the pair * *
Sold only hy


Order lor

tow; '. Wlth ils.

We’ll send a man to take the measurementsV

Traverse City Mfg. Co.


You arc not geitin^^ the best
that money can buy.
Get a sample and try it.
Oualiiy and price is rij^ht.



Lay Co.


Cool Comfort in These—
Kegllfec Shlrts-

$1 Muslin Skirts 79c

$1 Coisets 69c
These skirls are made
of good cotton, gener­
ous in width and made
well. Wide flounce of
lawn,with two clusCw of
fine tucks, four in each
cluster; wide dust ruffle..

With soft collars or without col­
lar—finest line of shirts made at
60c, $100. $150, $2.00.
. .



. One thing wo pridoonm*!ret up­
on IB the appoamnoi^ of men.
youths ami boyi outfitUd by us aa
to clothing. Another is the low
prior they poy ns. TboyTl
again, you know.



for rooking at a inaa bb wisll
Ribbed aa ibo> uverBRi- man ii who
buyi hii. olotbinK of ut? There
are ao many miBitU in fha world
that U'aa ploature to look npon

Stock doors delivered same dhy ai ordered. Odd
doors and window screens in three days.

- JialbrlKxn OnderwearRocord.

! . 1LadWon. Ml^.. June 13.—Six
STEAMER ILLINOIS EXCURSION.l.bsMidred Modem Maccabcea arrived
' Flriit excuralou, Sunday, June 17(h,ihcTc thi* tnor«‘«<- *•'

tc attend »the
Charlevoix. Petoskey. Harbor Springs • days’ biennial buxiueas session. They
and K turn. |l.f>0. atramcr HUnoli:. &«*> -i-ame on a special
train from Port
‘ ^ ouiamn 4 lor time.
i Huron aRrr attending the opening of
Jtine IJJIt ihf new temple.



Sui^utislions for first aid
to the injured in^


The atea'ner Columbia will make;
th^Hripa to Marion island Uwomxm.
Tram Fror^o
Fare 25 cents round trip. Boat leavea|/
^ ^
tpck at 2. 4 and 7 p, nu
I BySinre to the SS cning

China Department.
Abost of preuy things useful and suitable for
brides. .Be sure to see us about it.


At 7 I •VliM-k Ihk ninrniiig ricub
Mr* AVilliatii h:ilM»l. who llvcj. near
Ruck f
Av.ay at
liii- bn?.i, lutjUaiHM.s tY«'>siug. a v,-rv'mirniwi
al^^hiiNVert 1 :iubth Mu.,.
raiM* fnim drath
driviti;: lhi.,
tell shb i‘ii uYicr a nine w..‘K.s* Him..
town (hi.s tuuYuiiig to aitcnd tb<. Gift,
Mr. Rurk h ihnc»; w.*!* ut Oral lyphol
ni.tiim: H. i^*‘ b,can.i‘^
fever but latir this
irii.hicjM t| iti ;iu aut.uu'iMIc ilriv, n li?

^ng the O-ad If Oh- Fhemarv
Valuable Freight o? the Oocke
Waa Burned—Cotton and
. RMin on Ft^.

New Shipment
of Ofdords





At llr mtMilug ihia afternoon Kik By WIrr to the Evening Record.
liapifJs »a« M'lfctcMi ’by tbe Old Set
Baltlnnue. Junr i::.*—Fire ihU morn
iler»* a*wtail«ui a« Ibe l»lerc of ibo lug Huairov.»<5 Ibo big Savannah d«»rk
next • nuntlug und the fulhmiiifc of of the Mi rrhanlft Marine Tranapurtfl
Ocem were «*kTted:
(Continued on Founh Pagt-.j
President. Richard W.
Serrefarj. C. H IM. t.
(roiitUiUfd on Fourth Page.)

A Hand Book
• of
First Aid

It waa 10 oVlorU 1h fore the dele
gatii: wer^? assembled In tbe flran •
oiH>ra bouae for buaineaa thls.mnrtilug
President Brown and Serrelary
lo<iking ■
>f the iMiab
of the convention and the o|»cnlng'of
the ;^eti«lon was delated l»cyond lb,
time aiHH-lfled In the pn.gram. Stew
art A Steffens* orebesirn furnl-vlosl
muKir during llr^' re.-hlnii at frequent
lntrn*ala. enlivening llie pn>ecedlng.
i very pleasantly.
Pre-ld.-nt Bix.wn
f called I lie nu suing to order at
o-rbK'k in a few opening remarkfi as
Praaldent Brown’s Opening Address.
“Unit her Fnemin—The time of
opening our thirty ,,>ond annukl con
Tcntlon having arrived T wkh to ex
lend lo all n wurm iH-rsonal greeting
One year ap^i at (he Lan!«ii4r eonvenIkm f wn:- h«,n<*reil by ihl.s juo»nrlatU>n
by N-lng chosen lis president, an
bottor whlcb I verv much appn‘ciatc
I hope and trurt this im-etiug will be
Interesting. Inalructhc and prof^ahb
to alU
-*'I now declare the lhuty-:.t'cond au
nual convention vf tiu Michigan Stale
rircmen's assodallon duly c^^ned for
4he IraniartiM of such hiii^incas a-n
may come before It.**
The opening remark* of IVe.sid.nt
•Brown.were followed by prayer by the







Tmvrnu* rity hae Iv^rti fa%'cir«nl
IdMl wmfbrr for thr ronvimlofm of
tb<» lilrhljDin ftiau nrfimn*^
tkifi and the OM S<-nlci^’ aRHnctatloti.
and tbo ofM-n boNpiulity rhararUfliUc of Travonw Cliv ban b<‘<ii frt^'ly
ratoo4ml and Ibr vlsJlora baM' lx<*o
made to rcalirc that tbo loan lichaiprd
to Ibem GECjualvely during tbcjr etay
^ '
Tbe deIrgatrK lo lUc flri-mrn’a cxwi
vnatlno lirgan to anire yintv
noon <-h!rf Tboroa* Murray, AralM


to buy » easUy settled if * vi«t n made to oor

25c. 50c-UnionSuiu$l and $1.50
STRAW HATS 50c to $:i.00.

Corsets are the famous W.
and for a
few days we will give you your .
' choice of [those selling at
$1.00 for 69c.

. ■-I

wum aot BMKk olvca to pcajcr. bm a
aoicateaa cr7 v«at ap far tbe aafeiy af

.W^at la G|».

Walfc rtsbt ap and saj "Hallo!"
» kat•


IMante. ni

■!» ap for hair wbat p :*
worth, the waj Dolaoa keepe It. l>et
aK gn g aaca. mad III rpplacg aJI
tboae oU taaibtedwm rail feaeea ailb
Aniag. aaw wire oaea. and tbai oM
tor a teaam boaee. aad by the tiaK«
oar little Ben ft grown be will bare
ea laherttaaca it for a prince. Doa*t
yoo thiah ao wife?*
Hire Wayae waited a momeat h

dfr Ihte Bomlag and tbaf they are
wtikmae U erlacad by the daooratkma
nhbat tbe city and the general as;
alon of tbe aUaens. The irenren are
■bt iba haroas who go out with pomp
and pamda and whose deeds are her•Mad far and wide Imt they are. men
who kaow fdtHwell^e meanlng of a
*1oag ehaooe " aad altiiiMigE^wtnR
II, do aot beollale to take It when
tVw II any ncMMl.
Wlthtwt twined ire departmeaU.

to accumaUte. Our farm Is a!
r OM of the tergeat and best for
anmod. • It produces far beyond
our needs, ao why care to add to lir*
**Il’s all for mile Bra; wife, our
may little Ben Wealth Alves p
aml^lniuemre.. You wint oar
he grows up. to be amonj
b»l. doat your
•Among the beat, yea’; but wealth
and eaodlance are mA InsefNU
dont wmat Dotaoa’s latm for
him. iCrs. Dotaoe Is ao attached to
the old place it would almost break
her heart to give It up. I m sure
ant to be the one that Ukea it
from her."
"Take It from her! Where's your
Judgment, Mary? fd have ooUilng to
do with taking It from her. They arc
to lose It sooner or later.
I'd as well have It as anybody. I*arkcr
told me last week he Intended to clone
aad It will go to the high
est bidder. J can afford to give as
much for It as tbe next fellow ;l»uT^
U bound to go low. for cwal esUte Is
sway down there now. Parker- docs
tbe place himself, but be
wants to got his money out of it. s.s hp
thinks he can put it whore U will brln;;
him more; so you sec.lli do rxitwjn a
kindness rather tbah an injury by Iddding on It."
"No, 1 don’t see. I may not undcrsiand such things, but It. seems to m<that U nobody bid on .lt. Parker migb*
hold off awhile, and m»ybe wlicu
times get a little better Dotson could
pay ouU Of one thing I’ni certain,
rve known and Joved I.upy Dotson
since we were babies together, and 1
could not J»car for me and mihe to
take from her the home she loves so
well and has worked so hard to Keep.*
sold Mrs. Wayne, as rbe n>Be and leK

nahodr would tnre to Uve to proalmlty
aaybodj else because M tbe danger
ii. of laeblocatloii. Tbe country would
be i antss of of farms unions every
2; boUdlag was equipped with a private
id* ire ightlng plant and eVen this wotiH
' ^ not be aatlsfactory.
Apparatus and slg
nal ■yeteou. rigs and, ]
are all
nfcoeaeary paK. of tltbe whole but
the vital, fnadanienui portion
of the
in ighting svatem is the than. With
.the thousands invested for
machinery would be worth
)«pC wbat fhey wquld bHng for junk.
There are severs! hundred of tbe
-boys" In the city today, pretty big
boys some of. them. They are not led
out to battle with bands or bugle calls
btit hr the clang of s gong, the scresM
of the Blrwi or a vpicc over the tek*' phone. And they always gti Sometines they fall to reiiifn or ard*carrled back on a stretcher but the next
time the alarm sounds, no one holds
Mr. Wayne left his chair and paced
tho apot.
|We arc glad to extend a welcome to
**Mary has such a queer way of biok
anch men. We^e gUd to see Ibein Ing at things." routierwl hr. "|t*s for
bare and hope that they will like Trav- little Beg I want the place; my rturdy
erse City «o well that they will return little Ben—bless him. If I can a:!ri
and we even go so far as to hoi*e tha: that farm to mine. I can niake him the
sotne of them wHI move up here In- richest man In the county by the tiint
i . cause they are a good kind of rlri/ou> he Ik grown. Dptsoh Ik boiitnl to I0
to have, The town is thelth and they H WKJiur nr later, and T may as well
are welcome to enjoy thenihelves a:= l»e tho cinci-that prt>flts by It a^
marh as they like
one else *
So he reaKonrd. but 1j- «iu
We have an exe^'lleni dejmrtment
here and we are pnmd of It but we an KUpprcKs a twinge of con.M-leniMf always willing to lesru and undoubt thought that his own til-<li»guis4tl
\ ediy many valuable Ideas will |e ragcrni-ss to got wK.u sslnn of
picked np thiiiugh thin con vent Ion ..Wo place was* evident I v
alneerely hope that every dolegair Parker lo nusli the sale of it
here will alia» receive vabiatde acqnl ^ Just then he I<H>kod up and
altlona to Ihclr Arc nphtlng know son passing. How haggard and Inhi
ledge and the whede state will feel ibi the m.nn looko.1. and o!d beyond liN
' TrsVrse City cmivention years. He scaro* wuld nallrr iha*
they hml luH-n Non together
would fain have hsiked some <uhei
way. hut the U ni Ag-iro
The men wlu» hewed a cb arli
ring Intii
ha%e an aiirartitm that lrresiMtlhl>
men who built th.
dn w his gsr.e, roiisrleure smote bUn
roids. thi> no n who Ihio> the h^dhlilp;
afresh that he. with bis bn>ad. unen
aai privations of the long np» and the
•s. bad Just l»cen cwvci
ift^men who as thidr wives and dough
the debt-ridden i>osscsslons of tliD
' lers shorwl In these hnrdshltw ond
'prlvatlona, >»y> and sorrows whim thGrand Traverse country was young,
are with ns today and w^ arc glad to
egtimd Traverse Clty s fami'd hospi­
tality freely to them.
the gathering today the presout
i«. Of secondary Imisirtanre while ihflih*s supreme. It's jhe old tlme«
dlscioised. tluy time of the
•id •Igbed and the
Whi the only communication with the
oatsipe world. There were no cIocA-lc
li^U ihpn. no railroads, no water
works, no launch«'s on the bay. no
grq^t fruit farms, but hsppInesK was
prWnt Just as much as It Is today.
Tboae of this generation wonder how
k|^ '
thote pioneers existed without the
IttxuHes which they nbw regard as nocoaaltles. Bat ir was very simple—
eloclticity Is not a necessity although
.' . It Is a great convenleilCh, the bay and
wells furnished plenty of water, .a
week old mail was not a great handi­
cap. but above ail the people of the
little hamlet were one gnwi family,
tbe bapplnras of one was the happi
ne« of another, the tears of ong.were
dried by the neighbor. Ineoovenlenees
fhare were of course but the strong
hearts that had faced the wilderness,
etruggled with U and won could not let
theee worry them. Sturdy spirits
\ hrhte superior to annoyances.
Today thdr heads are gray and
Ihelr work-worn hands are almoat
ready to lay down their burdehs but
their hearts are light and they are en­
joying tbe spirit of retrcipectlon.
; Traverse City welcomes them, ts glad
they ije ben and alapacaly hopag that
they win see Bt to again aqlaei this
city as their liMlliigplaoa;

"Poor old Tom! What with slrknesK
and bad Pick, limes have gone hani
with him. ami no mistake. What jolly
limes we ustHl to have togiMher when
we were boys. I wish—pshaw! If 1
stand here mumhllng HI soon be a<sominuntal as Mary." and he turned
IrapatieuUy and lagan again paring
Ihe rwim.
"Kacb man has a right to dn the
iMjst he can (or his own. and ICs gil
for little Ben. my—"
The nimble of distant wheels sound
od on his car and he turned again to
khe window, Ju the dUtaace he raw a
team coming, dashing wildly madly, at
a furious pace. Fat off a.s they were,
he knew the hor.-^CK a' onee. for the>
were hiK own luiwerful hays, hitched to
the new. gayiv-,»alnntl farm wagon be
bad brought home onl.v the day before.
But who wa» that on ^be seal, graspIng tbe lines, but powerless to check
the frantic steeds? Surely not {Mvc.
the hired man who always had charg**
of that tram. His bean gave one
great throb and then stood still, fur
now he recognlxed the tiny', swaying

now that he had given the child permiaaton to go with Date to the mill
that afternoon, as he had often done
before, little dreaming of danger. Who
cooU depict Ihe ngony of that father's

alyxed and unable to aave. while his
darling dashed oa to almoat certain
destruction. If the horaea aiiould lost
make the right turn at the corner
KlMd Of them, the life of the child
might be tnred. otherwise—the father

ahhi hU cm mh< srasBod. Ue^a

Bar -Hano" aa* "How d^p do?"
-Tlowa the «oiM a^* j^r
Oap the/anowaatbe bark,.

Carata^ planr aa4 1^ ^MWa« at
alNaC OOoi! A amacat laor
an «S1 be
iU«at drepa
oat oa tba^Sitber'B brow. It aeei

the djrlas <oaai. aad r«t tt U
ire eecoade The sicoder. chlldlah '
right up aa* ear "Hallo!**
fona U atm awariag oa the Mt. Ihef Bo<» i» tial a eotum roU
Uajr baada clataUnc the rviiu; but a
for wrappta* «p a aoul;
'moaieBt BMwe->tbe father doeea bU?: An* a soul U worth a.true
eyas agaia. He has not alreng h toj Hale aad hearty -flow d'ye doT*
wttaaaa tbe awful soeac mo ewiltly ap-) ®oo^
for the crowd to go:
proacbioiL ter tbe »nsdp|ce Is wtralghl i Walk right up and say "Hollo!**
alMsad; tt la eeru
t tee! what is thaiZ Whh the agil-]
Prwislofia for ih€ Oepartsd.
of an athlete a slender man.with!
from thcj Cm and bread are stAl offered by
wayalde. He baa grasped the bridles, jibe idous Basques of the I>yrenecs *n
with a atreogth that seems saperho.i the tUmr departed on their death anni
man lie forces the hdrses l»ack on j versary. A traveler tn Spain dc-ertU'j^
their haoneboa. They rear up; they 1
« San ScbaaiUn. hr has often'
s/.me poor ttahennan*s daughter
they ha
prayin;; In a church for a dead r.lx
DO. he U up again. He still bolds
to the kridles; be is chocking the wild live, "amid baskets full of fmli. h.avei
of bread and com. and km ding uik) i
loam! 80 much the father sees,
the limb of her aur<>:orK *
hope n*vlvca. He'h
got there, but the nckt moment be U
Have you bii n lioTsyctl t.y pn»m
lo the road running in mad haste toward the apot where the man with the Iscs of quarks, swallowed. pillK aid !
struggling tiotllad medicine wllhmit
a damaged stomarb. *
with the panting. aoorUng bonms.t
With IncredlWe speed he reaches tbo|
- JohDh<jn Drug Co.
place. Uttb- Ben sits wct'p»ng In the j
bottom of the wsfoib where the first !
Fpllowing the Flag. ,
shock of the sudden s opplug has^
When tmr soldiers went to Cul«a and
thrown him.
Philippines, health was Ihe most
•He U saved; thank God, he
rum ennslderail.m. Willis T
sa>ed!" excJaloK'd the father, then h- i Morgan, riHlrtirt cfimralKiiary sergeant.
K A .. of Kiirat ItcMilc 1. Concord.
turned bis attentloo to the one who
H.. says “I was two year,* In Cuba
had saved the life of his child at pml
a la Ihe Phillppim-s. and
of his own, and none too soon, for m | 7;:,';,^
took Dr.
that moment, socciimhlng to the paInjKIngK New IHrcovery V».r Cons
ion. which
kept roe In perf.-cl health
oLn broK^m arm and other seriousm In.‘t
In tion.
juries. hiK ndghlKir Dot.son fell falm- And m»h*. In New Hampihin*. we find |
ir the lM>st tnellflne In the world for!
iTTg at- hls iiyL
, ‘
ighK. cttldf, bninrhjal iroubk*•s and
lung »hrea-e«».
dPea-e«». GuaraiiietNl
Jo|»n' To see that be was uken tenderly
i Drug Co.. F. II, .MeatiK.
home, that be had proper aurgiral at'. «lnigcisls. • Price
and^ Il'.W
al bottle ptc.

Bake peri^Ujr on Ui© oven
raclr as jrrlJ ag on tbe onu
buOnm, and w^ Uae lnu4
pumibte lire, Ijecnoae ibe
Itt'alit afLMentitirailj diatnU.
nted arowiul Uu-Urir - iqnm
Jewel oveba are Urirrr
than orJinaix ovens of awtnti
nuailk-r. Ufoanm* in tb©
Ji wel - fonndriew (-UfReat
•luve fOmii iw iW- wvrld*)
tbeae throe iLitigaareiusisttd

Four iloains
tomiJcte for


Uonc&t Mea.surentents.
Fuel lurtsnomy.

Fair prices.

per iflonlh *

Vi«u arc invited to call

atul learn more about
Juvvcl “k:t>odne‘S-*’






the clrcumsunccs.
UKlil*I.,Ul Sunclav c xeurKhni
Allcf that Benjamin Wayne did fo-; | cm ween Traverre City and rvotemoni
hU neighbor DotMin
He sImi
will curomenie Stmday.
!7th. and
him much ot hliTown iM-rsoiial a
every oth-r Sundiy iinti:
tiien. hut •*iKS)r old Tom * Improved j f ^rlher-nof be’.
< niy slowly. The dor;i»r t<ald (he
. and l:r.o p. u<
trouble with him was as much mental and will arrivi-al"
as physifcal.
; .
|0::;i a. m. and
One day Mr. Wayne tramc home
from a vlalt to the sick man. wearing
look of such iimiKual KatlKfnetionj
hav.- just r.vj
a II.nun We
It nu wife, timing n. remarked: "1
the oni
hope Tom Is inueh belter."
"Not ve»r> much, but I tlilnk he will
Iinieni Ik hl:rhly ref-omine:i,|ed h> j
• soon. Say. Mary. I've Imught u-i PailerewK^l. MoKr-koSskl, Siram s and |
ur«-at artists. This plavi r piano
Ihv mortgage on Tonrs place! it was^”*
same In uppearanre as ,nnv np
more than I had r«PPo.«=cMl; rovenMl thn
fo-da:e piano and .1/. Ihe most |m.j.:iIsi
Tull present value of the prniwrty. If InKiruiqrB! of rnodcMn llmi'S. Ii can
not more; but I had (ho
and | Ih- o|>erated h'y a. child. All Inler.'st
think It a goful Investment. Pm sure cd in a player piano are ln\lied lo .si
und hear this Instrument,
It will pay In the end "
June 7 9
"O Ben. you didn*l!"
"Yeis: hilt I did, though. Tomorrow
ni send (he liwms and hands over to
l>l«»w. and plant corn. Several of the
nels!ilM)i> have proml.-ed lo help me. S.*ilfs are having a hig sale at Ihe'.irng
In this city. A positive rure for
rn.l well have Ihe whole plaet
liver, kidney and si.iinm h A
the las’ of the wiek."
elTertlve r« inedy. Thre^"IhiKband. I am shorkcl at
j wev kh* im tliclne. price
hejirtlcKKiU'b.s. I I after what has hap C irt
peiitMl. I.W1. Had wc not already
enoiiph^of our own?"
"I’ethaps; Iffil I t*ought'that e».pe
Notice to all Persons Interested.
elallv for liJile Bep.,aud—"
The asre.^smenl tax roll for
"O lui. baud! how could you?**
the paving of WeM Front slien from
"Uxtf.0. Mary, lUHe IkMi Iiak—given Ihe west Him? of rnlon nlreet lo the
ft hark to loin. With his own Ilttk- F‘*st line <if Marde-stu-iM Is now in riiy
hand he di livensl it thia afternoon. I h.'ind.s for the r«»IIorfion of the s«*etind
Installment.-fogeiher with the
cousider It hut a Kma|l part of the lniere«!
on all unpaid InMallnient,. ih.*
•!« hi we .me dear old Tom. hut he Is tuime tf, Ik- pahl on or bcff.rc the ;*.uth
so running over with gratitude that I day of June. IPm;.
had to hasten away lo kts n’hlm from
making a IkmiIiv of hini.self. Pii:illvei>.
he tried to kiss my hand."
"t;«sl l.lesK vou. Ihnjamin." .ral 1
Mary, the leans hrlniming over fie:
all Persons Interested.
kindly lirown eyes.
The sr»e« iai aKS4 ssnieiit
roll V
There was a raulsturr In hia own Ihe paving of
whieh Mr. Wayne turni'd away to eaM line of r.n -K Kin el |o !),•* went
bide, as he raid: "Hut It was for lit hue 4.f Rallr.Md avt Is n»w in niv
He Ben. after all. Mary!**—Gom« hands f<ir the mll.HMion of the
liis'adinenl. ing« iher with the Inierrn
r>ii nil unpaid Insiallments. the ^dmo l-e naki on or Infore the noth duv
f June. UMir,
M. K. Haskell. City Trea urer.
IfTIcr. i:«*om ?«rj, state it.iuk hMildlng
Wf hrrrt.y kIvi- ,ii1rl n6Urc that
J--. M p.p
anyone caught tami>crlng with our
wire* or atreel lamps In any way will
(o the full exteht of the
Notice'to all Persons interested.'
It Is ab|oliftely necessary for
The bp»?clal asseiiRmt-iit tax roll for
this, not only for the ^irotectlon of
fte grading and fiavlng ttf Ea.-f Fnuu
property but for the protection of life. irect from the caid line of I’ark Mn-ii
Within the past two weeks we have D the east line «?f Wellington sin-ci.H
I. of Me
had three lamps destroyed, besides ow in my hands for collect
Iment, fogeiher with the
aoToral globea, by wilful tampering ccond InKUllment,
Interest o all nuftald lu.-^ullmeiiiK.
id w c give nollt^ as above,
the aame
be imid on or before the
oardmaa River' Electric Ught and JOtb 'day of Jnnr.
M. & Haskell. City Treasurer.
Power Co.
' June 6^t
“e. Room .202.^1 ate Bank Building.


> ^

Differ nt Opinions
JSiem to I Met
xiet in n lation in
tlte liMiai iiiuGluIile
Fruit Can KuliU'm.
InJivs insist on Itrt^
:i' in*:
oiiis < virv
I .ui iln
enre f«.r llu» tu*ibt I'XHeiiatvi*
]\iiul. ;iPt!i»y atei nlunya ilia
canlHl ;ift< r ia ini; or-ei* iifisl.
while othera
that the Uat ia cl.e;i|MM rejtfinlleaa <if c* at. We Imve*
llieiefore J;rei>/ T<a\ 11 iili
every cubloiiier, aitil will
our U 8l craiii 8 nt .“»<• nu.l Th*
p.*r il.o*,i ii, am! tlie elH njM r
orica at wBly 3c per dc Zto,
or 2dozrB fora sirBIf.'
NNeemrt B:iy liMW loiii* Ve
<*an furniali. tin ut at lin t,.
' l». Her liuy t*«!;iyaml
make buro « f tlu ui.

Sju.iial Siilc Saturday anJ Montlay. ht si
qu .lily f alTot.i. in vvi.lihs from '2% in. to 5 in.
\Voi%fr.»m IS to nti |»rr yd., in ihU >alc; for



TliesG ribbons are all pink

A. J. , Wilhelrn.

mSlTrn Record Want Alls

Direct From it. Clemens

i by I


aalne*i bam.



at Germay 15-tf


You Can Grin and Bear It

We Rent Them

no matter bow hot it ^jeta if your
he me and office, store or shop an !
cqpipped with an electric fan.
Once you try one you'il never Ijej
wiibont it while Old Sol ia getting <
in his beat licks.
See several styles here and coal
of fan and aetling np.

J.9. ntoBNtlk 61.

125 Gan St

Phom 602.2||

Boys’ Clotliing Extra!
Sc mi'thin^'WC coulcin’t let pass. Values
no Traverse City father or. mother should
overlook. Thursday we start the record
sale of Boys’ Clothing of the season which
includes one and two piece suits and
sailor suits.
Suits scllinj: for- •
IvI'KiiUr s TiO Suits selling' f*»r - .Kf^tilaY 7..VI Siiiis snllin;; for - ..
R-rj^ular <; 00 Suits selling: for-..
Kc« OY’O Suits sdlinj: for - ..
Kf-ifular 1; 00 Suits suiiinjf for - ..
Regular r» (hi Suits sdlinj.^ for- ..
Rc;;ular 4 50 Suits selling; for*. .•
.V) .Suits ^dlin;: for -..
Rct»ular 3 (Ml Suits sdling for...
Rt ijiilar 52 7)0 Suits selling; for. ..
Rc-Kular *j.(M) Suits selliniT for...
Rcj»ular l50 Suits sdlinjr for...

. t; (HI
. ixfKJ
. 4 75
. O.fMJ



This remarkable sale is for Thursday,i
Friday and Saturday only. No one'wtli
dispute the fact that these are the best •
prices ever made on Boys’ Clothing at*
this time of the season and should sell
every suit we have long before tUo
time is up.

Hannali ; & lay Mcreantlie Co.


■ trci

. ^J»ai - WrttwJte. S. a Baitey. of TUn-

r hdtort. W. Vi., *M was fotaff down by Inches,
from female disea^ with great pain. After tikIng Cifdul, Ohl Myi How l was benefitedi I
•m not weQ yet, but am so much better that I wHI
keepontaidhiWineof Carduitin lam perfectly
llesptoiheenvious attacks of jealous enemies
tftd rivals, Cardui stilt holds supreme position
today fto In the past TO yeare] for the relief and
cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up
the organs, regulates
the functions, and aids
in-the replacement of
a misplaced organ.
At Itiiy llilil iMt ft! f UNI Hottlaa.


If In OoUbt Work It tfut.
A Coi^ridfe unlvrrilly profiMsaor.
who drekmt In flfure«. has done* tbr
followinf alfoclly:
1 tUBo f plot
12 tImogS plus 3-111.
123 tImwSpluB 4-1111.
1234jlmos !» pluB c-nin.
* •
12343 limes i» plus C—111111.


ooiHtar. june.ia

-Willard Atack
Maude Leone
8np«»Wd ^r ibe
PANY U eiopk aclerai «ver
ew of*
li»f»d.nt POPULAU PBI
• BfelacUoii of

Srel Itele ehiru PrUUy et
OJOe. m.
PSBB Moodily night
>bea MtomiMikd l»y one |iiii.l
iseertfd • Mt tiekrt. Lo.liin’

Up York State. ’
BMttiok 4obn«oo IkagCo

12^430 »im«i 9 plus 7-1 nmi. >.
^1234SCT tlmr* 9 plus 8-llIUlll.
12343C7* Umen 9 pluB 9—111111111
1 time a plus 1—9 ,
12 times 8 p!n« 2-9S.
123 nines 8 pluii .3-987. ’
1231 limes S plus 4-9K7C.
12.343 limes 8 plus 3-9S783. .* a '
U346C times 8 plug C-SfifTCnt
l23f3C7 ilmot plus 7-9S7C342.
12243C78 times 8 plus 8—987C3422.
123436789 times 8 plus 9—987034321

-Mr. Gflbcrt. Lsdl« Md GcBlIiNiw

•ad Broths* nrMLSB-A* pnwld^Bt of
UTw aJw.-:c!mtK* It tdpoi^s my doty
<CastUti#d rrom Flrw
jid diuilc you for lie trerj JOsi wardt
fmm ibe •sdJearr. the
♦rl-Vrf weloome to thta sttoclgtloo. iviw
deatlT apprrdhflag
tbit no^nli me lo us;ire yon tbit every aemnBiecerwur rrsfrirtlonk wobM Xo her of fbl* isw^eiitkm ipprecHte# tie
placed upon Ihetc while
tXs*: wdeonc we here recelTed. A few
Trrrrrre City.
, booni, igo we irrived In yonr btwotifor.oMing is a r,'r.cp-ig cf Mr.jfal city, the most of u* stnngen.
] without ^idc «r eompii*. liit oor
^ Mr. CUhe-fi Addrc«.
j feet hid hvdly tonched the hospitibie
-In bchilf of Tnv«rre C liy mi oirj iion of Trarer^r City beeforr we were
peop:e I wUi to fiy iftit we ero glain convinced tbit we would hire no n«e
to have ixni wilh »». Wir csxlny Igifor i compa«,s ind that all guides
in hoooY to the city. Th> :v sre yr:;! were'frw. evra. wUhoot mklng. And
Hridetl lorefher in rarlouy rjrf^aniM-j now your Mr. omjprt comes with h’.s
tloss in every city for mmuil IjmeCtibesriy words of welcome trhlrh cmand for the beoeUi U ihcir i vine*** mtx rtiwnger .wHbln your
tie*. There* sre ma n who . nllst inuj rates ibst iltboogb hi? Is a giranger
igbt for tb^ir country .unri
the = in i irn5c be is imong friends ind
«Ung**rs of wdr. Imt I knew of no other j need have no feir.
oit^tiao which .contains bnv. r j -Tf
.^Is mnefing will be
ind more coongeous men thin thej p^gtible. not onlr to the‘Uelegiiei
firemen of Michigan, and there U nojp,^,
Tnyerte Cllr In parother orginUed bind of men morr:,,e„tir. ind thit we may HI leim
honored than the firemen who^
> devote
thine that i
be of benefit.
to II* as Indlvidonlsbnt also that
and'eiidingering their, own lives fori
take some,
Idea home

the proMCloi. of Ilfo .od propertr. of | „i,t ,7th'urtU^ «HI bc'or^ncto
people unknown to him and fior the In- slopg this line and hk< rvmarks w.^e viivet. the tile should he nm from
their people. You come from
own ■departments:
tercMit *vf men wbtun be hs> rj<i rpc-clal touching pud _\er> upproiuiste.
; , the sewer to the hydrknt. the warm air
where yonr Uv«i are lojcnbori. permit mr aanln
.‘merest In. He h.'wrs only f^* caU of j .,Fe:iowln;: the TUemorlal s<nIre ai-’ of the,former tendlnl: to k«*p the
this work and this city Is> sJad an!
,be pe<,p,,
Travorre Citr for duty and proraptly -re.|K,nds.t 1 nc^r r
m. ndK-rshlp Into the ay hydrant from freertng. In Daifolt frowimn* to wfldonJe jo.i. Th. fr-are ,p„
j,p.rty Kret-imB
^-Colins irwm
from jiei
>t»ii .ii.
all." ^. |
III* «f-ariy
» fireman t^h<J dill not pronij>ily j
wi re* H
from re»i-'!n“®®i cxamlnatlonh are made and in
no gates to open and we want yr
Fcnowing the response hr Pn-sldent [ r**Ms:ad to the even . ,i-afer. Albhai.
and Reel Cliy }
vxamlm* and care for hydrants. . '
feel «mt you are ritlr. ns whlh*
Brown, memorial grn-!eerf*for the dead
at the greatest uanger-to his,{These .were prompth vor.-d n;ion ftlWhere then' is a st*wer In 1
are here and not morr lj onr,
rondaeted l.y the Her.
: 'lfe> Many
.esiodsy feil with ,,,,fa!dy.
We want you tq feel' that ipu have n^„„ r.«-hlltt. Chaplain Cot’lna Ileitis
--------------------- j
Irsura-te for Firemen.
------ =-----1—^ ahsent.'^rresldont Hrewn invltcti Mr.
I At Ijinstnc la^’ year the matter of
Coehlln to conduct Um- service?. Mr..
tr cheap and safe slrk and areidcris
Coehlln spoke ver>- tf-urhinsl;. kof the
jlnsurancf for firemen o:dv In this
self saerlfire of the firemen of the
I yiste was l»miii:lp nji lor dlscu.state and stated to the d.-lesn’e? that |
[a! this ressii.n Hie rommlnee
it was their duty to look backwar*: r :j
pointed at that time rem-ned to the
those mho have imne before, and tUnse!
lefTeeijhaf the asiwvlatioii eanno*
who had civen un thrlr live* In ;hc|
jduM sh 1nsriia;.r.- i-isin.-c with»»iit |S
performance of their duty-and their j
erfprrntlnc Ir w.-s MQted that tile
j.i n!v el»n ior .r-.rii .1 prm l-*on wn
'be 1»y r fii.-eial art o| the Icgtslnti
tboj:e who had narred aiirav ilurlnc ‘
I The rfiimoHt. f ie]«.rfe,| that a n
St year, which w^rer
j mUtee he apjKiInted 10 take ;he nn
Ceorge Dor.gias. Chehorgan'
Isaiy s?ep:: fui lecMatlve en9'*:roent in*
John SrheVk. Hmsdsie.
l.otherwire i£ pns. IMe fer .he lnrorpot|James Murphy. I.'*Vrr.
mlon of a slrk and arrjdent Insnraiir^*
John C ivhn’nn. Va* P;iw.
eomiMinv tr.r fliemen. The r
C. n Obol.ork. Paw Paw.
amllting the Isxrk.v of the a::n Mel.arh1an. Traverse City.
wa« n ferrei to ? r.'iniiitlttee
Arter.iocn S-ssicn.
The roil call m -he'an. IT
• rlon showi^i delegations present from AssUlani Chief of ihe Traverse City rJate. peltland. 8t. I>nilf.
i mpar l men!.
?.lr. Corklin s«a e.1 in Mr
Thomas Murray.




Death From Lockjaw
Never/ollows au Injury dressed with
Burklen's Amlcal Salve. Its antlsep
Uc and healing properllet ptt«ven!
blood poisoning. Chas, Oswald, mer
chant of Ronsselaerville, N. Y,
writes: ' It cnretl Seth llurch of Iht
place of the ugliest sore on hU neck I
tVlrXK.lMn’^ ean- wst.-i is f.dmd iii the hydrant it
over saw." Cures cuts, wounds, hum^
\» pumped o;;».
‘ ^
sad sores. 23r. at Johnsen Drug Co.’t
P. H. Meads. C. A. lliigbrc Drug Co. *
At this iHdnt an Invitation wa* exrcvert;nre for these who drvo-e thetrjdet*p gmtliuue the dtd.t they owne
drug Btorea.
tendei'l to th.- delegaihms by »upt, .1.
.loen Traverse CHy ami enjoynl hor- live., forth? preservation of the llve< the | They a«* not
asMnm, throiigli J.
in the p ^
IVntwate,. HoRnn.i and
and propertv of rflhhers. ••There
Is no ’ alo: who lose,beir liven In
W .MIlHken, t.» vbit th.- asvnini.* A
At this no'n- ;Mr. Gillu rl reclt. d j,poHi; Inn whir h r«
dr im;r<- e.->ui-a;*e for::i.^m*e of duty
*• ;rfe
n fi'.ft fliis :*fi«-rn<
viii.- r.f thanks was ,e„de:.^I I>r. Mun­
Ella Whi.*eft*r \yHcojK famous fin*-m„i
j-y ,»,a„
f orniide,! l,v the . hen ek . tltose i*. 10 at., alnay- i.a.lyl^*''*
Frore*^ H’vdr;.r,ts,
son. anil r.*gr.
express,*.! that the Inm6nV p(K*n.-Modc^-n Heroi
Ifirr rm n of to l.-jy
be ydhl!rr i< In- to re^peml lo Th r:*ll df du’y are noj
vHatloii roiiid 4)td h.-,nrr«Vt'‘<l he<*au«e
aid. -These an- the spits, d by slu- r.nMlr ef artillery, th* :j.. '*is
li;O f wle.
*.vJ|M huv.huve b»M jI .
In rlo liiR die halJ.
tiu.-.’’‘7*” '
Wilt clooe out all damaged
the wint.j Jof the lark of tiin.-^t t
p. nlfirmante
*^..:manre of their |j ; ^^.7 . 7 ^*5
lentliueuis we give and ti,at w.* | l.lnre ef tru;u,»< , ; mi l, the . xi ltmient ih« ir in ih»- p<
goods by water in our base­
for diseuii ill., delegates.
would have > ..i .-rmtkUe and pre-' r.f i.aiHe In opM-slr.:: a.hen na feree.. mlllii" \\\ honor the lt,nv«- nr«-me:: ’ 7”^*^ ' t
ment. Discount 25 per rtnL .
Care of Hydra
^rve.- Closing, he paid'a brilliant but th*- fireman d.-!' v.iih ,he tme-aml.w. w..„H. have tli.-ii. fo. | ikn,
Tt a,
.-«r . . f t,; 1
Commencing June 18th.
ind eloqu.*nt irihute to the firemen savage of tlu* element.*, a Miter foe. th. is eour.^iM-amihra very an I laitlifol* . ' , •
. K
' v'*
F. Votruba Ha meet Co.
Jun 9-3t

reu'uo ,:r ;reu,rTfreU'‘;;:____________________1 r-.''r- t"r”-


irs a Coed Wind
that blows from oiir electrir"
fans. Wc have iht m in s**v
eral sizes, and ran insta!
them in any pari of your home
or. office. An added com for’
evfttinjr^ is rradinjj or sewifi**
by rletriric liijhl—the
Inminaiu in ihe world. Asl
Its for information and tsti
mates.for eiihc-r.




. :





J. B. Paige Electric Co.
1’5 Cass St.

Phone rMU i'

l*ow®r for Your Oocs-t
Buy a SMALLEY Marine Gis Engine and
enjoy the boatinR season from beginning to end.





W.M, PAIGE. Agent.



126 Cass StroeL

Good Residence Properties

A New Cure
For Paralysis

Doctors Prazled, Profesms Amaz^. at tfae Success
of Dr. Chasers Treatment in Cunni: P
Thought iDCirraMe and Given Up to Die«
I have two desirable locations on
Washington street, and one on
East Ninth near Union and one
on East Tenth near Cass. 1 will
fornish money to build for anyone wanting to make a-home.
’ ■ ’ %he contracting party may make
plans for house and pay for
' p r o p e r t y‘o n e a s y terms.

^ '

£ McNamara

P^fMs is the rcsnlt of a wearingK>at or injury
of thee homan machinerv.
machinery, which rednees
reduces the power to such
an c
that one or more orgsm fad to perform their proper fonction*.
Dr. Chase’s Blocri and Nerve Food rerhalixes the blood,
inctrases the orcnUliog and foroes new life and energy into the
paxalvged paria
W-heTthe trouble it confined to the blood a^ aervet. Dr.
Chase’s Blood artd Nerve Food will make a enre without any other
vwacdy, bat it often happens, and especially in Locomotor Atsada.
that the kidnevs. spine, bladd^ and the bowels are affected, and in
-, Uch OM Dr. CW-. OidncT Food ud Lirer Food .bouU .!» U
“"'"'voaUicn tare a compkte b«iMi»K-np tretaea. tk>t ciVre
new vitality and action to every part of the body.
, If you have any symptoms of this disease, don’t fail to write
^ Dr. Chase, aaj North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. Fa., and yon will
receive apecisl advice free, vrith testimonials,and more inlormstioB
on this subject than yon have ever had.


^ 334 NartkTMrthSt.,


PHUMfUa. Pa. ^



hits lU-iivetl from It -iui • b* |> ireha:-.*
amounts to ov^r
aud, Sbvabti- of thinow Iwfbe *is«
mneh .-very' v«*ar a.* it cost. The' tolai
.■ X>
value of the pro.l»KT< of Alaskt
brought to the I nltrtl^ pincc* I;^
• purehnve.1? taee<»riling lo the U-rt c.v
Itlme.ti-s that tin- of stotiBtie.K i-j
jahle to mako about 113o.ri00.oon, ot
! whir l,
'..i^Teriou.* meial4
Treasurer of the State Firemen's.Associatkon.
I.LI .H.II ,iix»ltiet« of the fishe: ic-i
;rhb-fly ^aimon. and $ more
,needi*i1 owing ,0 the.fart that tho
'furs, ehbfly s.-al fur. Pnd>a1dy $3o..
re dejuiiimi ui s.bonld have control
: Otvt.»«to of Am. riran capital are Invot- tr.stod
Aias-kan InduFtrie;, and buviness in the hydrants hiih would Im- likely' of all the uujrHiHiu^ ,m which defend.V
«rfiei«*ur y Oi Ihe flte department/
ft.e/*' t.T) Ri il eau-^e t!.i!,ble 'll
jcrterpri&es. Including tr:in*-i>or:ation
’systt-m.*. In the ^almon fisheries lilonr. tkere IH. the trouble is*rt-medk‘d. Cap[the companies ensaged have a caplial- ia:u Smbh «1 Grand Kapids Mated $22.’h»o/mm». and the value of that the best plan‘he had. found id hOM- ho.isi- ln »ero weatherT* was an­
I their plants, iacluding vc?«cls. is givea many yeahs<* was to sink other q’jc^lion iof tli-.cu8aion thhi
[at 812.<W*”o. In 1h.* inining indu.*;- the hydrants l>elow the freirzing ling l•^,^^nol»tl. The opimon*was expressed
|trif-* tbc-rc are large Investment*—the and to keep the stands* dry by occn- thaf the host- should la* toUc<1 up SIT
! great quartr. mill at Juneau being the }^ionarinspc?ctionF to *m-c* w hether ihefe soon as ftossible after waier is shui
'Urgcft Yi^nr stamp mill In the world, are' any leaky vtlvea Salt is some- off and Immediately tfike to the hone
while several other qiartz mlllB rcje llrobs used if m-ci*ssary. hut seld,^. house. No attempt Jo bend frozen
rwaents large investmon:*. With the as It injure* the valves. Thawing hose Bboulfl be made but It ebodld be
Inflow fiT'capbak the dcvclopBcnt of nut la done by a small steam pump, taken to the, station even'ln 100 or MW?
t lengths If necessay and thawufi
transportation syftems. and the go.d Mains should be Ibid six feet mide.before hanging up to dry.
dlsrovorles. have come the building up ground and hydrants eight feet,
of towns and the derelopnieul of cllle?
Coverings of wood with manure
------------------------------- ---------of llfeujpapklngnpto
cated rolUng up the bose»as ma as

“I' nearthe ups waliadvo"— '
Nome City, which'Is located but aebixH cated by Chief Perrin of Ithaca. ' hlle the pressure Is shut oB and great cam
ad Haven
^prov^ In handling Irpna hoK was empha. V
paraiively short dlslanoe south of the; Chief risher at-Grand
g appoin^
AicUe ciiide, has wya a popniaUtailojrc
d^ of Ione person being
appoint aolel

The Cmft Hm

leenCMiig Oir Way


Bankrupt Bala
IbnVabak Dsbm

And U it any wooder when such bargains a
these are offered—for instance:
Suits, eosUMen'b Cotton Wotk Ptate,saU|Oiaat Oothiag Oo.'s Men's a

CJSS2.... I -98

...... 2.98


Bette. Mjer A Oo.^
!!««*• oAd rmu. alw

aUoA CkadUag 0(k'*

tie M't

fkar Uls


Bros.’ make oosU and
Testa, an swell sommer
pattens. These soiu

179 ^bs Men’s Fats
in caasiaMses, eoidiiiaya,
wnmtedeaa hair li£
Sweet, OiT, and other

!r.!rA“"«5: a,

V.I9, 99c

$4.97, $5.97

Giant ClotMng Go’s $12 Fhacy
Wonted Snits, liaM with eat




Clounng Co/S prkc %3.
eele frioc


Tha well koofwn Acme mekc
Drem and Ontiog Troneers. laieet wiy\m ami fabrics. Giant

SS’a'£3.-r».. 2.37

so Todiv Men's SalU in HerKee,
Bla<^ TbibeU and


It Globe Dept Store




Had Beeft Owt et the Bay *AR




L. .U Sierenaoii’s Inn^ the LtD)a]i
B.. was practically destroyed hy lire
14U her moorings in the We- WHILE WOODBRIOOE N. FERRIS
club boat boose.
WiUlam Yogelsong. Walter Paige
and Cayler Hall had bm'out all the
Alleged That Me- Mtmey Mae Been in morning helping in the search for the Patrick H. Kelley, Candidate for Llanbody of Robert Chase and had lied the
and That She la iPerv
tauWh up In the boat bouse about
f^ly Sane.
11:4S. The fire originated on the port
side near the muffler which was i
ably overheated and was discovered
Bj Wire to the Erctiliif Record.
by Lloyd LaFsanlw. who H emplo>«l
The vote at . the
New York. June 13 —Habeas corpo* at the club. The smoke was rolling
yesterday, despite Ita Importance, was
proceedings were brjirvn today to re out of the doors In dense clouds i
The Rev. *A. J. Eldred delivered aa ad;
lease Mrs. Ellen WlllUms from tha the fire department arrived but' the very light, but 374 vole* being ca*:. dress on bis early experiences and Ob
Of these, Fred M. Warner recelTed
asylum. She charges J. P. Morgan and blaze Wfis extinguished by a
329 votes for the republican candidate Rev. Demas Cochlln talked on the
his eon with conspiring to Incarcorat chemIcaL The damage was don
“Minister and HU Recreations.** pay­
her to escape accounting for her e«i- and did not extend mt»ch below the for governor and Patrick H. Kelley. ing a high iribiiie to the region.
302 for lieutenant governor, t^'uudtate which has been In Mor
water line, where a large hole was
The Rev. W. T. Woodhouse followed
hands for reara. It Is cUlmetl that eaten through Ihe wood. The after bridge N. Ferris. t^mocraUc candb with an excellent address and at this
date for pernor, receiver 32 voles In
perfectly sane
lockers and seats were destroyed. Had
, word was bro^hi to the Boot­
the city. , '
was when .'^he entered Morgan’s of- the fire worked forward to the ga
that the Re%*. W. K. Wright, for*'
Tlic vote by wards follows:
nee Marrh 4 and demandeij her money. line tank which was almost* full. It Is
rorrly of this city, was very 111 at Tron*
Mrs.. Ellen B. Williams wa
im*balile that the houfe and several
ion, Mo. A telegram of condoteneo
Wamrr. C4. .
based from Breerhurst sanitarium to­ oth» r launch»*K would have Ihh‘u de
Kelley, 31.
day by an order of the court ot Jus- siroyetl. The engine is i«rtlally sub­
The vote on the dlreei nomination
lice Duyrro.
merged but prolmbly is not damaged
The loss is parjjally covered by In- of representative in eongress. stair
senator, eminiy and city offleers stomi
(Continued From First Pafa.)
C7 for and 1 against. The vote on ihr dltlon far Ihe part two daya but laat
proposition to nominate state legisla ev, ning. rallb d and talked a llltle.
Special communication Traverse
tor by dlroel vote wa.s
for and 1 Almut 3 o’clock this morning ho' was
City lodge. No. 222. F. & A. M.. tomor­
taken with a sinking spell and death
row night for work
But Fourteen Launches This Morning
The delegates to the county eonven followed four hours later.
Failed to niscover the Body cf
lion arc:. B. J. Morgan. J. W. Milll
For 4hc past thirty-five yeara
City commandcry No. 41. Knights
Roberi Chase.*
ken, lUlph Hastings. C. Ra>*roond Charles K. Buck has been a promlnont
Templar this evening at 7:20.
Wall. Robert E,-Walter. I-eon F. Titus.i citizen of Traverse CUy. He was born
E. O. Ladd of Old'Mission was ap
Claud Owen this mdrnlng plck«Hl up IVrlMut Montague. Malcolm Winnie, Dec. 25. 1851, In New York city. hU
poIntcHl guardian for the estate of.
Robe rt ChasVs derby hat on the licach Harry D. Alley. Vic C. Palmer. I\'p7 father.’PrancU M. Bock. belW priactCharles Lannin of Dowers Harter.
in the rear of his home Just at the Lawton. J. M. Thomas, W. O. Holden pal of a school In JteAIyn.. His
A marriage license was grant.d
forks on the road on East Front street H. S. Hull, C, E. Murray. F. W. Car mother. Louise Prince Buck, was born
Lt sier Innis and Lois Sours, both of
roufie<*n launclK»s were out, drag ▼er.
in Buckfleld,
and when Mr.
Whitewater township.
ging thi.s morning but failed to find
Nine democratfc votes were polled Buck was C yeara old ahe pasted
Circuit court " for the June -^or
any trace of the unfortunate j
all nine voting for Ferris for governor away. * He was taken by bU grand*
opened this morning at 8:30 with tl
and S for KlmmerbH^ for 11
father and spent his boyhood In Euck*
calendar ready and which will be
governor. Eight favored the direct field, being educated In, the Buckfibid
given in full tor
nominal Ions for the state
achoolB. the ^ward Little acadetay
The Mack Leon Stock C9mpany wljl
at Lewiston. Maine, and Bates coll^,
be here all next week
Early this morning the steamer Co­ Hit Career With the New York Life county qffleers. The delegates to the also at Lewiston.
county convention: H. C. Davis, E. L.
In 1869, he VrenL In company with
Inaurance Company Ended With
lumbia tied up at the Northern Michi­
Sprague. E. McNamara. J. B. Martin. his father, to Kansas where be took
Resignation Today.
gan Transportation romj»any’s dock
George B. Blue, J. N. Martlnek. M. W. up a homestead In Butler county.. He
for the first time this season. The
By Wire to the E^^g Record.
Underwood. Joseph Sleder
contracted malaria aborily after­
Cohimhla has Inxn thoroughl;
New York. June 12.—George \V. Per­
Second Ward.
ward and was comoelted to come east.
hauled, freshly uainted and a n
Warner. 42.
lo 1871 Ui. Buck came to Traverse
tallicdife boat lias been pul In place kins. formally ended his career with
Kelley, 38.
City, whore he has since eontlnnonsly
of a wooden one. Thr“l>oal left at 9 Ihe New York Life Insurance con
this morning with some material for today when his r<»slgnatlon as trustee ‘ F<ir dlri^t nomination of congresa- resided. He flrmt went to work for the
senalor. legislator and Hannah A Lay company and lo 1882.
the pavilion on ^llasHcH’s island which went to the l»oar dof directors. The man.
In partiH-ishlp wlih T’rokop Kyselki
is proetleany completed and the first final ri'iKiri of tbe Fowler «imniln«f count/ officers there .were 42
/for and^agalnst while there were 40 went Into the grocery business In the
work she-will dp will be to take the wjll hv ready in ten days.
voles for l^publlcan city officers and store on Front and Caaa s!rr*els. He
flrcmrti to the new rr.sort tomorr
2 against.
remained in that bualneaa ten yeara
The regular summer srhednle will
East Buffalo. June m.—CattleThe delegates to the county conven­ and In 1895, the present Ihrtato Imple­
Into effect Monday morning. June 2r».
Steady. Sheep and Iambs-2.000: tion are: A. W. Rickerd. S. C. Dar- ment company was organized with
the day after the trains begin their
Ltronm-r; choice lambs. T.CT.; row. Frank Goodrich. Frank Sladck which concern he hat been Identified
summer run.
venrllngK. |f..22ff?r..7r.: ueiberK.
Joseph Klaascn. W*. O. Foote
I’ver since.
AIl)er1 Clement lauucluHl his
n.4U; ewes. |r..2247.Vr.O. Ilogs-1.T20: Hobart. A. H. Bennett, G. ^
In June. 1874, Mr. Buck was united
eighteen foot laiineh. the Cno. y
slow; pigs. |C-72ec.8q; heavy ami Welhy. Frank Triide. E. E. Chase, E. In marriage to Miss Mary*Knlzek. To
day. The boat is a Brooks mo<Iel and
mixed. |C.824i fi.9o. •
this union thr«x* children were Imrn.
was built by Mr. Clement
Delroll. June 1.2.—Wheat-No. 2 retl.
Ferris received 4 voles and on the diaries P.. Lawrence K. and Miss
oquippeil with a one and one-hair
8Kc: corn. r,5c; oats. 49r.
ill net nomination of governor
Louise P. Tlie mother iiassed away
horse power^ engine and devt^
Chicago. June i--Wheat-July lieutenant governor, repre.sentall
Ui*c. 28. 1901.
good snee<l.
K.2c; com. 22^c; oats. .*!8';c.
Slav* legislature and county offlc«*ts
In Januaw 1904. he was marrl.*d to
The O. B. C. club was llu* gue
Anna Pike of Buckfleld. Me,, who
Mrs. L. F. Perkeit last evening
The ileroocralic can
survives him. In addUbm lo the wife
were enlerlalned In her usual liospltcounty convention are
and three children he leaves two
ahle manner, the evening cf)i
City School rf Mjsx Concluded I
W. H. Urolor. AugdRl Bauman. Wil­ unrlrui. KImIuUI N. Prince and Charles
with a dainty pink and white
Term Last Evening—Large Audi­
liam Hayden. Richard Herkner. T. D. H. Prince of Buckfleld and two aunts.
Tlie favors werej»ink and wl
ences in Attendance.
McManus: Frank Stepan. Joseph Sher Mrs. Mary R. Prince Hall and Miss
nations and Ihe mgnn carried o i« the
Ardella H. Prince, both of Buckfleld.
pretty color.acheme in even the
Twti larg«‘ audience*; aiii n.le.I 11
Mr. Buck was a member of the WeThird Ward.
eat details.
annual reciialu
the City Srliofd
qiie-tong club and for several year*
' Warner, 117.
Mu.*:lc. held at the First Methodist
wa^ tlie secr«»fary. He also served one
Kell, y. 117.
PERSONALehtireh yesterday afienioon at 2
rm on the txiard of education.
On the dlreei nomination of the city
o’cH»ek and at X o’clock evening.
As a member of the lroar.1 of pablle
The Misses Anna . Schwarx . and The oudlenres were made up of rela­ officers then* were 117 voles for and
•rkr. for w-veral terms he was grtfA.
agalns: and on tbe other propo
Marj' Hora of I.eland were in'the citv tives and interested friends wl:p were
today, combining business and pleas- admitied hy Invitation, the public at Fltlons there were 118 votes for and ly Inicrested In developing and* htkntifylng Ihe city and gave untiringly of
me against
large being debarred from otien
time and attention to aid In every
C. M. Franklin of Old Mission wa Twelve numbers rompriaed the pro­
way the city which he loved ao .well.
•legates to Ihe republican coun
In Ihe city today.
gram of each n'cltal. the afternoon Ventlon and the vote resulted as fol­
The lime of Ihe funeral has not yet .
Bryan Murray left for .British C< bring civen over- to the yoti
been decided upon but It will probably
lumbia and other parts of the west.
grade’while the evening i>erformanro
l» C. Gilbert. IflO; F. IT. Pratt. W; be held Friday.
Miss Ruby Huellmaniel nuurned was glv«*n hy the fifth to eighth
. J. Rennie. 78: Oscar Simpson, CS'
from Rapid City after visiting friends grades. Both recitals were mud

Joyed hy those In attendance.
Alonzo Fox. 72; J. H. Monroe, 70;
A. T. Huellroantel returned from
Adrian Oole. 83; L. Roscoe. 75; C. R
(Continued from Hrit Pago.)
business trip In northern Wiscons
One Job for 8lxty-8even Yeara.
Dockeray, €8; B. F. Newhouse. 59; E tlon company and the ataamer Essex.
and Michigan.
Andrew Jackson Buchanan entered H. Harrlman. 30; George G. Covell.
large amount of valuable freight pit
le Western & Atlantic railroad shops
the docks and a number of acowa
The Worat YeL
at Atlanta sixty-seven yeara ago last
Lorraine K, Gibbs. 29; Joseph H.
I with cotton, resin and other
“Is this the best wurst you can'send October. His name is still on the pay
McGough. 33; Jay M. Blakeslec. 28: freight. *rho icowi drifted to the
me?- asked the lady who walk<*d li.
as a competent mechanic, though
to. the mfcat store with a package ef he is nearing his eighty-seventh birth­ Roland N. Holsaple. 35; William E. south side of the harbor and greatly
vjguable propBly there.
that edible in her band.
day. . The old gentleman shows few Charles 8. Cavls. 2C; Isaac M .WMnOf the crew of the steamer Essex Ed­
-Madam.- answered the meat
signs of age, standing as straight a$ nie. 22: Judson E. Cameron. 27: Rob^
ward Atkinson, the captaln*a servant.
“it is the best worst we have."
he did at 40 and moving with a
1 H. McKenzie. 21: W. White 1.
John CoeUllo, the steward, and Manual
fWell. It is the test wurst I ever derfully elaaUc step,
Ferris got ten votes and all ten Odello, a firamaa. k>at their Uvea. The
over 12.000; postal facilities have been
^nJ Urn \M turnjM.
“I am Bprry to hear that. The best to extended that the number of poll voters favored Ihe direct nomlnatlot
I can do Is to try *o *<’nd you some offices is now abodt sixty, and malls
better wurst from today’s lot, but, as are being regularly delivered north slate legUlalor and countj offleera.^
E. E. Wilhelm. E. P. WlheIm.*J.
I have said, that Is^be best wurst wc of the Arctic circle.
M. WUbelm. Rert Wilhelm. A. Pohoral.
have at proaent. I am sure, however
M. lagrig, Norman Hill. William
that the wurst we are now making arlll
not be any worte than ihU. and
Northern Michigan Transportation
Hm U a dianoe iotee«i«
Fourth Ward.
ought to be better. .1 assure you that Co. schedule flfih page, fourth coti
Warner. 43.
as soon ms 1 get the wurst you aha)
Snde papeteriea. Many aw
Kelley, 3C.
have the best of IL We never gav
16c nnd 26o writing i»p«.
anyone the worst of It so4bng as we
White, ewam. tinted and
1 47 for (
have been In the wurst boslness. and
deoontod. rnled and plain.
lor and county offlclalia. with none
you may be sure that when we give
lat. RepreaenUtive and dty .ofyou your worst It will be the beet; for
flclali received 4C votea for and none
worst wurst le better wwat than
the best worst ^ oar ooapeUtoi
Tbe delegatea to the county conven­
But the lady whose eyes had taken
tion are: J. A. Montague. Tbomaa
OB a stare of glasslaess was set
e. Fred Lardie. A. J. Pelertyl. W.
brow up her haads. and Bee trOB. thf
F. Haraha.
place for she was afraid the worst was
yet to eoBe.
and FlafHa got 6. , The 4elegat«
tbe ooonty oonventRm are A. V. FHa




' >Ab tAd
roBarked the
.mne atmaps from
•me 1m1 areel(.*nnd
had iDoiatened mie of them It slippy
from hla Snger and fell tnHbe door.
He-did not bother to pick It up. and
after afllflng another stump on his
letter left the store and I forgot gll
alMBt the Ineidfiit, A few minutes
later my clerk came Into the store
frosi tbe resr room, and at once hts
fao^ attracted my attention, for be
eee^ to he tronhled about someihlBg. while he gnaed flsedly lo*a .certkls dirwsion. -Calling orcr to me he
nail: Tm sure 1 am not dnink. and I
do not think I am crary. but 1 do see
Boaethlag that 1 cannot ondorsund.*
I Icioked’where he polirSed and dlsUnctly saw the postage >tam moving
steadily top the side of the wsll!
- •"The explanation Is thfts: The stamp
which the old genOemaii dmpped had
fsIHn on a fly and stuck to Its back/'*

(Continneo rrom First Page.)
Treasurer, Lowell Sours.
Historian, W. 8. Anderson. X
This Is Mr. Bates’ fourteenth^consec­
utive election to the same office and
Mr. Sours has served as treasurer
ever sinoe the organixation of the as­
sociation twenty-three years ago.
The vice presidents are as follows:

Antrim, J. J. McLaughlin.
Grand Traverse. E L. Sprague. ,
Chirlevolx. M. J. Stockman.
Enunet. H- O. Rose..
Kalkaska, George Carlyle.
The ojienlng of the Old Settlers* as
soclation this "afternoon at Foresters
hall was one of the most auspirlmis
for the pioneers of’ the

city, so today we hold om our hands
and sav *We are glad to have you
come back/ If ^n you come
less and go away we will again be glad
U> soc you.- Mr. Hamltton stated that
he was also an old senior, having ar­
rived In 18C8.
^ -if I could Impress upon young
.and women today to go forward as
sure as there Is a rising sun tomor­
row,- said the speaker, “there awaits
pnisiierlly and Indii^ry for all. Romt
grew discouraged, tome went awaj
and many returned and caught on. bui
there are some who never regained
grhal they^losi during their absence
When I hear men saying Traverse City
is going backward I say they arc fool
Ish and do not know what they arc
talking about. I believe boih city and
county are going forward. Rich fields,
orchtfrds, bams, horseless carriages
telegraph, railroad, schools, churches,
everything combined to make visible
progress. He gave an extensivi
suroe of prosperities of Traverse City.

ganlsstion In UhZ. Full 700
hsd arrived and the hall was crowded
past the outer doors.
President J. H. Monroe was In the
chair and called the nieeUng fo tinier,
after which Frank Hamilton, In liehalf
MaJ. J. J. McLaughlin of Iknirim
of the mayor. A. V. Friedrich, who Is county, the aecond ‘ *
absent from the city, welcomed the the Grand Traverse region, gave the
aged vlFltors and their friends. He rf>sponse by saVing he ^iild bsik back
said that he desired to expn’ss the over the past of the git*at changes.
pleasure which the city felt \n extend­ Fifty-seven years ago yestenlay he
ing a welcome. Six yt^rs ago. Mr. landed at Norihpori and came on here
HamlUon said. be. as mayoi:. had the n<’Xt day. Not a house was In sight
pleasure of extending to the associa- and he landed at a slab d( rk and
tlon words of welcome and the same looked for the city. Mr. McLaughlin
hearty welcome w*s extendwl today. I gave a brief sketch of his i«arly life in
“SInre then.- he said, “yon have Anirim county, there l*elng two faml
WANTED-Positipn as stenographer
or liOokkeeiKT iiy young lady. Adlii'8 Ixnwoen there and Harbor Springs
dfi'Ks B. rare Record.
June i:t-Ct
Ko ihe>^dn’i quarrel, be aald. H
cloRCfl V luiylng that there wuk n
day In all the year which he looke
forward lu with aurh pleaffiirc aa (he
Old Reitlera’ aKuoclaHon of the Grand
Traver.M‘ region. L. i^oiira and thr
sTH*aker. he Balfl. wore the only one.s
left of the orlglnatora of the asRoeia
lion “I think lotlay that ihe Grand
Trav. rre n-glOn Ik the flower t»f Mich
Igan and Michigan Is the flower of ihr
llnlU’tl Siaie.q.”
At thiJwiK)lnt Will S. Anderaon. the
bl.storian, read hia paper
Mr. Bales arose at this point and
added the name of C. K. Buck, a near
friend, pioneer and for six y4rs aaso
dated with the members in attend
Never before have we been able lo offer such
anee. Mr. Bates only adiled a word to
rctnarkable values in Silks as at present. A
l»ear testimony of the great love which
A icrvKT
_____ ;____ ^you that
will convince
those In attendance bore toward him.
. “For Aiild Lang Svne” was sung by
THIS is the PLACE ami NOW
a quartet. Messrs. Skelcher and Hum­
is THE T 1 M E
to buy
or. Misses Everett and Gray, and Mrs.
E. S. Pratt’s paper followetl.
,36»iDch Guaranteed Black TaiTela,
The Sut tolls Bay delegation was no:
able to reach this cJiy until after a
$1.5 vahit
spedal bad been ae'nt own at 10
at ............................. ..
o’clock as the train arriving from Lee­
5G-inch Chiffon Black Taffeln, ijuarantee on
lanau county could not take on a sin­
gle passenger at Buttons Bay and -IntermetWato pointss. The little hand
arrived on the spedal and discoursed
music the rest of the day.







. Weariunquestioned. finest quality '

27-inch Flannel Taffeta, Black.
$1.00 value


27-inch Colored Ct-iffon Taffeta. This lot
consists of a full line ol colors, in change­
able and plain.
___ _


E. Wilhelm

The young UdlAi'of the Immaculate
Conception church will, give a pedro
party and Ice cream sodal lo the
Campbell block Tbursdv evening
Jutte 14.
June 13-2t
Konhera Michigan Transportation
Co. acbedule fifth page, fourth column.
Good looks bring happiness. Friends
care tnor« for ns when we meet them
with a dean, amUlng face, bflght
eyes.'tparkUng with bealtb, which
cdteea l^niiklag HedUster’a Rocky
Md^M^ Tea. U oepta, lea or Ublets. Jobnaoo DmgCo.




Bbxi Paper

I Oc per box



V, •;








, Tiuvfaac citv. i

wnNMokv. JUNE II. im

OI(l$etliei9 Rave €atb$redf C^etber Once Jlgaiti
€ky tm 9m

or A4a apn«ao aod Maitte C»a.*

ovay froa Biy oobjeet. Aototboaai.
UT or drow wo aoaiy voro wiot wo
^ Wfa C. «. fmtt.
bro^t will,
iMrt If wo waatotf to
ttoko a aow sm wo csoasaMoi F^oon'o Magatiao fbr tbo otrlea.
CUf, Hm t
FM Party.
MjMj or«r tmtfjmn
.Tbo irat party bold allor I caao
V Mn. E. S. Prmll; .
traa apoa tbo eroalac oT aj arrfnd
fl k«r0 bM Mtead U> «it «o«»e^ aad 1 waa too tlrod to attoatf. Ii wa«
IUM or •ocrty !•
Chy la Ue
balldiap. ,Ai-

Urn. n

bft difton u>

iVMk of • tJ»t»f Wbkk 41d OCX
9mi tb«r«*«te«i-rulsr]r aoihlaa wliicb
coid4 tar* aatw^ to tiMt aaaw: If
thk^ vm fbo *400/ KHM or tb«
Mky 4a9mIo or tbo vtftwaiDs ood
tiM brsTM or tbo foroou autt ^ have
bM loclodod; btit tboro woro aocUl

cauuHa tir**
llroir iadlaa pooloa. OTioo durtaa aa
aftorsooa wo would rocolr# a not *
roadiag: Tbo boa>op of Goodalo'aod
dd tboaaolvoa
alolabrido Uh

TT« bad dancing partlea nt vartoua
plaecd after that. At tbe Gantoo
hoaae. Hannah A Lay’s boarding bouse
and often one nt Mr. Haaaab a bonae.
In tbe wtoier we bad alnging acbool.
too. and It la poaalble one or two are
pmnoit wbo will remember tbe aiiig
fag teacher who would eay with greet
empbaaia. .-Now. an aacead V e> be
ffouriabed bis heavy baton and run tbe
scale from *do’ to high -C.* I have al­
ways wondered whv It was that with
such adrahtages I never became a
atoger. but somehow I escaped.
All Readers.
"There were candy pulls and pop
com parties. We were all readers as
well as workers and ibeiarger number
of adult women were-na well aa most
or tbe men—exceedingly well Inforaed
upon all CTirent topics. With the mail
coming once a week we were well sup
plied with reading matter twe always
took a large markH baaket to th*poatoffic^). ^*iiat one-had. we all bad

gncher wltbout
pedro or aomi
nrtt I Just want loaay
a gaam of cards was never, to my
knowledge. pUyed In Traverse City
daring all Umae early years.
-^la tbe spring the mapip sugar
camps were freqaenUy visited and
thoae of na srbo did not go to Jerichowent elsewhere to the tugarings off.
care to have a good lime wherever, it
waa. for the very reason that we car­
ried It with na. Hospiullty was every,
where where the smoke of a chimney
curled and try ga we might there waa
no snch things as foresUtliig an Invitajion. The old received the'greatest
consideration mad the young the kind
est aifenrlon: Like one gmat family
ms were dependent upon each other
and everybody found happInMs In
helping to make ethers hapuy.
One very enjoyable event occurred
with great regnlarlt- a few
numih* of the year. Wh< n the ol4
propeller AIb*gbeny*a wh'.jile wa*
heard In the- vicinity of Marion if^land
(then pre.empt^ by Albeit Bacon and

gheny to Port Sarnia and Port Huron.
It was n Sac trip sad mr to be re^
membered by the few of na left, for
ont of the party iavfted tadn^
hrWe aad groom only three are Mt
Tbe staunch old captain also passed
gwny yenrs ago.

nsiaui’s pipa
HI ^ Andcrmn Maia Amwal R^ert
•m Ht Haa Owns for ths Ppst
: The fon
WUI & Ah

Bd^rd E. Mtller.-^ploneer ^druggist ^
and the oldest pkmeer of Grand Tmv^::
•rae county, and In all probability the
It living resident of the ^raad
Traverae region in point of yenr% reaIdence. it in atteBdaiice today of the^
Old Seillera’ aaaocUtlon. where all
mor due him aa the exponent of plo*
?er life Is extended him.
Edward R. Miller waa bom at Old
Mission. November 2. «<7. bta father
ig at the time a fur trader with
Indians, wh^ compiiaed the entire i
population of northeni Michigan. With ^
the headquarters formerly at Mackk"'
nac. when- 1>-w|k Miller married Cath­
erine Kelly In 1M-. ihe family finally
lorated at the • Mission," where the
father continued V> deal in furs; It^
waa here that the oldest child. Henry.

“We bad
then atanding all about us the ycudMr. Prealdent Fftenda and Pfoneert'
around, hut the evening of the 24th of
Another year has rolled aroud aiul
Pscember would Snd ua crowded into
n all-trlse provldeace has permlu^
dm old school bouae with iu half
a few of ua to meet here in the Queen
dozen kerosene Umps. and a tree all
City of the North to throw aside the
aglow with blU of candle* and tinsel.
and spend
strings of poneora and bits of bright I "
hours In social enJo>vnent.
Un. *rben. too. the best of It was
To me and 1 think I voice tbe senti
everybody within a radius of two
menu of all. this meeting of old-time
mile# way’ remembered without
friends and neiglibor* with Its hearty
eruption. The baby with a pair of
greetings Is. one of the happiest days
ahoei or a rattle, tbe needy with
of the whole year.
ham. a sack of flour or a dried appP'
Neviuiheless there li .*a Strain of
y-ailiiei.# in «pnerUnn with Hh» rei»ort
• Batfi-r was #ram» and very «*xpen
of your historian^ when we consider
slyr J>i*t T-»ih the rpir«V It was Impos
that during the nast y«>ar mon> of our
alble ic direct the Urd
old aad respected |ftone«»rs hav«’
for shortening.
psftsf^d into the belief land Ilian ever
“I could tHl of many things of Inbefore Jn any one year lit tin' history
tjf jibe Graitd Traverse Old Stitlers
ar^nclatU n.
than unc month ag
wt\ laid to rtM^t one of our moi
vtaunch and highly re#p**cted memlK r
of this assorlaiion flne who hs# l-^ea
er.'sijHl and liinmntlj
building and develupmo
uloii for alim.: t li.vlf a r«-ntury; I n fer
to our frlnid and hroth.-r A. I). 1
W9k:f *
Rae wirtv4> genial smile ar^d lu‘i
hand shako will be sadly mlsMtl hen*
I shall not attempt to eaumer
ate the name.<i and good Utn-ds of all
have pasK*il into Ua* grea»
beyond ddrlng Uie past y.-ar. ki It be
iifflrient to
.f the many.
Ivrhaps. my dear friends, some of
.you ore not aware that this assorla
E. E. iMIlldV.
has !>e<>t] in existence almost n qps
of a ceniuiT. this being tin* Iweniy- 01de^.d iM.meer In Grand Travenie
fi.uiity. H^i in This Coiiiity In
liMirth annual gathering slnei* wi- firm
orr.anly.«Ml in Elk RapidsI In'lkK
In lkK2. Mark
IKK and bv«Hl Hon- Conilnu.
' ,


TTo bofla wltb I wni aay that wo all
eaioo from noaowbrn*. nooo wore- liidliionoan to tbo noil, oofio fu th»
m^r bora; but we b*! beraMSwn
olnewbrro,'and from cboleo or ares*
of [fortune bad found ouraclvea In a
luilo baafot at thV btwd of Grand
Tmverae bay. and. after the flrnt tilt
of boaealckneaa wore off we liked It—
the' hamlet; and tbo bar. and each
other, which wai certainly rery fortunnte-but then you aee we were a
yof7 ffood tort of pooplo-al leant that
waa our oatlmate of each other, and
no we broeoeded to hare juti aa wood
a time aa poaatble under the drainsataacei. Webad plenty^to eat though
tbe Y&ridy wiui decidedly limited, but
that waa all right for everybody bad.
or ^Id have the tame Ihlnga. bomeJ
iKWf. aalt |>orV and fri^ah (lah.
•[Once a ww-Jt the company would
have one of their old oxen kllled'aml
•evorybcHly could buy a pleor and that
would ttay by ut tome lime. For tevoral year* we had only cove oyatera

long alclgh
box with alraw rovered bottom would
appear at our door with poaslbly one
or two. occupanta liealdea Mr. Bacon
and wc would go. My. what a Joy It
was! The alelghlnK Rood, air clear
and bracing and onOiing blood flowing
through otir veins kept ns warm. If.
n. CaroplH lI liad a ho.uMd.wpor at Stlfc
farm at 8llv«r lake and wo would
often drive up fhero. taking our cans
of cove oralcrB«and bags of cracken?
with ua.
••The flra| real dancing party I att€*nrted waa on Wa.HhlngfOo*« birthday
of IRC9. Ur. Bacon took a load of six
(IndmUng ihiniaolf) with hla slolgli
and pbnloalaiid wo reached Elk RapIda In time ^or dinner. Tbe pirty waa

L A. ' -A
Mrs. Arvitia Smith Powers.
. ,

Elk Ilkplda.

Mix Laura McLaughlin Youni
* Traverse Citjx

mWVlonxry. The tittle colony of flf- Harsnod'of Elk Rapids, keeping!
t«-n boulf land. d north of what Is now home for her adoptcM father, and Ihthe village «»f Northport and for two son. Bert Mcl^ughlln, roKldlng
wt't'ks the m\.«sh»nar>’i4 fstnlly lived Maple City. Judge McUughlln is
huddled up under Ihe former school | at*enUance today at the n>iw>clallan.
scats of the Holland schoolhouw. c<iv. and ho has never inlhsml one
organization was <*ffe :led.
erc'd with the crude carpeililug of the j Iho
Laura McLajghtin-Youn^.
family. Peeled poplar lugs were hastily
l.dura McLaughlin-Young, of this
converted^ into.^t dwolUng and thus
Ihe white famliy'n homo life wai city. Is rclehratlng two dati-s koday.
begun In I.e< lanan eojinty. Mrs. Pow the annual Old SeiMers- nssoclation
Vi< aiiemlkd Olivet collew lhr4M- years nnd 4he llilrfy-4*lghth annlrersar)- of
and then eiiten-d Oherlln college, hut her marriage with Andrew Young,
n*!ern4-il hum In n year, and subw-* June 1.3. ikCK.
.Mrr. Young was i>orn at Saiigatuck.
quently became the wifeJoseph
Voice. July 4. 1K:.s. Nine living,chll- Augiir-l 32. IKISf. and was n f>alK> ef
flten weio hpni to Mr. afPl Mn». Voice, ten months when her j)ar<nt.; tcK.k
who Ihroug'li ni Ml.- tin- entire inter­ Bini memorable vo.vnge to th«* Grand
vening time resldi-il in U‘«*lnnau e(Min Tiavej-e region. IMP. .Shi* ifcas om* of
fy. the first home of the bride of fort)- a trio of babies on that little Kalllng
ektht >ears ag»» being still «»crupic:l by ysF« l, each family having a l»ab<*.
the wife, who is now .Mrfe. Arvlllu Pow­ Anna Smith- the .babe of tbe mission
er,:. Mr. Vidrr |ia.^sing a wav May. in. JO : :I-nuia McLaugiillii. of the Indian
farmer, an.l .MJna Case, the infant of
Ml. and Mr.^. <’ase. who also arrom
Judq- J. J. McLaughlin.
panted them. ■
* *
Jndgi; Jame.s J. Mcl.aughlin was ih«
'Mr Young is a plom er of I.rH*lanau.
Iiev, oMe.i ».r tin* groiin. t»-lpg U>rn Antrim. Kalka.skn nnd Gr.ind Tra\er! 2. 1S33, at Brockport. N. V.. -'-ounth-K. ha\Inu at one time or an­
‘•Mrs. Powers Oldest Leelanau Pioneer. where tl.i- nareiit.'; removed to Allegan other »-e?;hled In e.nrh ef Uie aforeraid
Of ihr tiln. Mrs. Pnw. r.«* Is the old cT.uiity when tin* l.nd wn«- but two and countie.a. She ha?: foer cihldreii 4lv
h.itf: «Mr. eld. After the arrival at u.t:. Mt-. .Margaret Eldred, 203 Wc.m
est living piom-i-r of L *
nrhiN ri a tw.» and a half year’s* FUMenili .st.-iei; Maude, at hum.-; j
She was l>orn at Gun IMains. March
as n nde. wl:» n the ;an»ii; nio\ed i«j Mrs. Chprles fov. Alden. and Eva. at
30. 1K3S. hut with h« r pan n’s n-niove-l
from there to ihe Black River n»serva- ifelk Ranld.^ where ndy Mcl^ughlln home. The c.ily run. Ghari**.-. wa^
Grand Traverw- region what-It is to-}‘”^*.’ ^
tkm. where her father was to I.egin hi.'i has coniiiinan.v n siee i. In June. is.;i. irowm-tl in Dnardman lake.
Miller im ver <labbU-il In |Ki1llirs. day. May We and the generatlonR
labors iu the missionary fields, Th- hV xuamiMl Main* Horton of Horton On the fifty fourth r.nnlversar>- of
wa^ alwa.v.s a straight d.*nM»rrat.
Bay/thclr only son. Charles, dying five the ve-isel M«Trill at NorihiKirt. one follow more forward with that samel
he was at one lime elected citTmL^rt
determ I da tl on to make a name for thf« •
yt'xn age. and the mother passing
on Serhr.^’ u.-;rorl.-.tlons were
n rved hiiT in#- cm#* l••rln.
entire settlement to the Grand Trav- awTv in -hi. T»o adopted children sie held ihn-i- years ago and the trio no t region that lav always llv»- and slgnl-l*^**'
ing it hett t«> retire wh«*n lUi ;
fy only those* things whch an- noblt-.-f |
ers<' n glon. prevlouMy visitotl by the still living, the dangiiier. Mrs. Allen tlu re in n urlon.
latjri b; wen- fresh nnd no other mem*
•nd best.
So live jhat wln n thy summons b#*r of lhal poimral party followed hi*

terest ns the years pasit-d on. I thin'
liberal subscribers to the pcTlotllcals ed for the dock n
our first club was calbtl ‘Tho Mtiiur To Join the Innumerable caravan.
comers. Then, Admiration Society’ and .’goo<! literar
of Ihe day.
and wdeeme all
That moves to ibol mystt-riouK reilm.
the hpat was..i work was done by the-yoiing |K-op1i
A’here each nhall take Ws rhaml>er
'“The kindly atmosphere which, llkeiio^*
to took
pine woods,
of Joy for she bad come dlrecf Those were gtxx! old pioneer days bn *n the silent halls of death.
the breath of
Thou go not as tbe quarry slave,
vaded.!he place and made u# feel like t from the outside world from which wc much as they wef<- enjoytsl then
one large household and the desire for i
<•«» «»• If
whistled just be would not recall them.
Mrs. Fbb lia Wilson, daughter of the
InielUgeni companionship was mutual. |
Sunday I will not tell you
vniy, tbe fir#l time I went to Nev “Voarged to hi* dungeon
late R#-v. K. Kirkland. Is prot>abl) the
But sustained and soothed by an
We met and discussed what wc read, } that an.v loft divine service but the York I Vi eat in February of.D-dK, stag
old<-st pb.nror of to nzle cmrity. for
always with a keen lnterc».t in the
t® pronounce to Grand RapB. Ixfl here fit 7 o’clocl
b<r arrival with her fatlur wo* in
movements of the groat outfidc world!
iK^nedjctlon while he had an audi- on Tuesday morning and we rode untl Approach thy grave
Jen.- I8G.3. With the family were M|s»
#o full of war and strife. Our few aol-j
10 or 10:30. getting to Grand RalJld Uke one who wraps the draperies of ndells and her KUu-r, Mr*. George
his couch about him
dier liovg w^re went off with as hearty j “We. went about a great deal upolf at 3:30 the afu-nUKin of the Tolkiwln*
Smith of Homest«-ad. Mn*. E. NeU of‘
a God-speed as ever followed a whole 1 the water la crafts of all kinds and Frblay. We made gorni time.*tmi. an< \nd lies down to pleasant dreams *
San Diego. Cal., who arrived in BenThi* region has made wonderful prog­
regiment. Science, art. Invenllons, re-> when H. D. .Campbell was married to didn’t feel very tired. Now we go i*
rfe ctiunty in 1K34. while’ Mrs. H E.
llgion. all received otir attention. To' Miss Kate Carmichael six of us were Grand R-Did.s and reach there In le#* ress tn the post fifty years. Ye*, even Steward of this city arrive in Benzie
4 .
call; Invited to go with them upon the AIlc- th:.r. five hours all tired out' and ex 'n the post twenty-five years a* can
tbe ladles who thtnlf th
county In 1KC1. preceding Mrs. Wilson
claim ii.was.^uch a long, dreary ride! »»e seen ont on the streets of our bean- by two year*.
•Everything goes by steam
mud Mful city today with its handsome
“On Sept. 7. a parly of seventy-eight
nowadays we are*constantly llosirin:
souls arrived at Frankfort from tbe
ind substantially paved streeu Il­
more rapid^ transit. As I said befon
steamer Buffalo and many hod ploBoed

the old days were hapny ones bwt ' luminated at night by Hectric light*'. to seitje in Benzie c#»unly and vldnlJ
»nd a great number of borseles* carwould not go back to them.
t). some a* nroApeetors." W
T am very prond qf our Queen Clt; rioge* that Herliert Montague, chair- Bells of DenMlm write* the Record. .
by the bay and ant;cnly sad that lb* pan of tbe committee on entertaln- “There being no route froa Froaktort
.. J
dear one* who ‘ Hried those plooee Tjenu has planned on giving you older we were poled up the river la boata
days with us cannot see'the wonderfu -tnea a ride In artmnd this Queen City with our goods.'*
development 6t our town and ooun if the North after thU business meet­
Mr*. Wilaon and famUy reside on
try- I rtill contend that no one wh* ing elb^p.
the “Happy Volley Form" located on
This, ny deartriends. is on age that
attends the hops and oporaa. the rc
the rbore* of Cry iilal Lake, tbe resl
ceplioiu and functions have any nor xny of ns should be proud to live In.
detvee being a fine Mamr booae. Of tbo
Thanking you for your kind atten­
yeal atoasure out of them than we dli'

when wc paid our ten cenu to 1:0 Inv tion I repeat that this gathering of cBd Ins Brasmit mllecq^klie m mo. K»I2
a 10x12 show tent which would couk rioae friends and nloncers Is tbe bap-. ti« U aow In Moatua. wMte ArcU, ..

whole year to me.
o&oe ia a wbUe 00 tbe boau to rier
aad autoni are atAaae. ‘

nhe groat living wonder of tbe age;
Mn. WItaoa is aM la attaadaaae al - 2
or took our work at 2 o’eloek and tc
IW OM Setth

Upon tbe«tnornlng of June 11. 1849.
throe little children were uiHjn tie
drenched deck of the sailing vessel H
Merrill. whJCh was bringing fifteen
souls to the Grand Traverse region,
where a missionary, the Rev. George
•ctly there. I remember N. Kmiih, and hts Indian chirges ha<l
the building well for a amall tower selected a .ht»ine in the wll.lomea
waa upon Utc lop overlooking tbo The children in question were Mrs.
broad expanao of East Bay miCil the Arvnia Smith Powers, of Northport
proprietor ‘ called It 4ila •purgatory.’ the rolssionao's daughter, and James
but of coufiM> wo all knou’ ho mtwnt and Laura McUughlin. children of th•olHiorvaiorr.' After dinner we vWlod Intllan farmer, Jame-: McUit^hlln.
who was rrrompanying the mlsslonarv
and told stories until supper '
clmircd I’***' northern wlldmieffi. Of the
then the aupper tables
lU who arrlveil that memorling, these thn*e alone sirraro In atlendanre at the Old
assiKtatinn: Jamc-s
.Mrl^atighlln. Ulk Rapids, and his sister.
Mrs. Ijiura Mcljiughlln-Young. of
Tiaverse t'lty. and Mrs. Arvilla Pow­
ers. Northrsirt.,
To*lay thiH litlle gcoup of rhi|dren
arc siher^ haired and the vears hav tolled ofi unlll they stand upon tiedeck of life with hut short rail and
the Rternal haibor not far distant.

mhd when Ihe stage route was eilab- as soon as possible and by aeven or
' Bshed we et.uld orraslonally g. t fresh half past the dance l^ gun.
imea. hut wo In.lulgi-il sparingly for
“Michael Gay of Elk Rapfd? and J.
E. Grelllck who accompanied our
cyst erf. When I party, tognher with hi-s siKt»-r. now
iKUne of the enffoe wo got ties. Prank Broach, play.-d the vio
Imo# I <^n but think
le two instrmn.-ntf fumishotl
what a fortune a Ihwtam man coiUd the l>cst nufic I have ever heard at a
bare made. We bad to take
^poaches from the tin cans of
“It was almost morning when we reBi^ but our Iwnrles such as blue
tlre«l but we wrerr up early ami off for
, tM^rids. ^rasplM-rries and blackberries
a ride about the llule hatjdei. After
wire delicious,and we put them op
dinner Mr. Bacon took some of ut to
&r winter 4n jugs with sealing wax
his farm across Elk Uke. The lee
on the cork* for the self sealer had
crushed omlnouslv and gn'at. cracks
m)t come inlo uae them. Grand Travyawned In all directlcms bin it did not
w beat the world then as now In ib»
seem ao hazardous until we had
poUtoes aad neatly ever/
learned that the Ice all left the kept a cow ao you can see we
the next day. Wc danced a short
did not lackMiMiad -thiags to eat
Umc that evening but soon gave It'^p
The propeller Allegheny brought in
to gather-about a huge fire and listen
fall all qoressayy aippUes for the next
to stories from the lip* off Mr. Wads:
winter. V
worth; Ules of personal adventun“In t^e aprtng we did not have to and hair breadth escape# told as only
took at tbe itokbr J»P«r to see if the ^ could tell them.
ire was broaklag ia dht bay. It used . “It was near Sonday moralng before
to start from the ahore Yiih a good we retired, but we were up tn Umr
«put south ariail and thm w^ would to hear a good Methodist VnnoB at
•mi ant'i sit
thd beach and watch the aehool hotme. After dinner we
It aa It drlfiad pway out Into Lake started home, taking Mr. Wadsworth

lllchlgi;n. I pow rocall a bit of poetry wito us and wtopplng at hla atom, kv
Mrs. Bates madq when she and I were
- It waa a low.
nlltlat gartag out upon the Woe twowtory mg huUdlng. tho lower par.
wgtara. If it had Wen made poWle we
think Tennyaon had vaad It
he wrote hit Bong of the Bea.
h«t:iii«w pf««ienl IJ to the jmhUc lor
the Brat time:

was bon\ being the first white
child to Im* born tn Hie Grand Traveriu*
region, and later the M-eond ehlhl. Ed­
ward. saw the llaht of day at that
humble fori st home, liurlng IiIh chliii:
ho^d. PMw.'ud atnuded the Mission
jY laugh! by Ibe Rev. Peter
Dougin rty. a iiiible roUslonory. who
arrived In 'ik:^*. Imter the father.
U*wis. WBK appiHnied gmernment In-eler and the child lift- of the M»fifl4-raenl was una of all hardships
and no |uo*j,<-f iH. While in IiIk youth
Miller used the Indian longue aa
lly a*: ill- did hR own language,
and to-Ia:* he hHH leialm; bis kn..nb
edge of riie n.t.nwa lan.guage nnd la
able to /onyerKi. fbiently wilh jhe In ’
the numbers that have lN-.*n taken liiauB who routiniially xJkIi bis drug
from our ranks!
“All that iruad the glolm
mlMr*2. 1873,
Are but a hihdful
the lrll>e«
.lie o-f Del ml!, and the yoting roupla
That fdamber in4ts bosom.“
iliati-1) tiegan domestic life in riie
umld lie that arc p<rmiit#H| to'
l here imlay In th\s iH-aiitirul city home where he has nlnce eonfliiuoil to
1k- thankful in an all w*isi- provi­ live. H«. locati-il In Traversi* Gliy
years agii, and rnb-nd the first
dence that He has df-ali with us so
Indly in liie y^rs that have gom-:hy. drug Klore gf fhe village, that of L. N.
There are eoniiraratlvelv few in all Hiibl»«*ll A ('o. wiiich was lorat<-d just
Ills r4‘gbjn who wf*re h<re fifty yean* s*>ti!h «.f the Browh no at market. .In
The! older ones are gradual!) IS73 Mr. Miller o|m ned a drug store at y
passing from the seme if acHi.n b*av- the same hi and where he continues to
Ing for complethin the work they ha 1 dUpr-nse dnigs to a large and lucratlvA ”
HO nobly umleiiakrn, A work in whirb tiade. Two children have Imen bora
Ihi-y proudly and un.-^elflsbly ileVoti-d to the family, a son. to rt Miller of
the iK-tter part of thHr lives. Oiir rhiragfj, and a daugliler. Miss Flofancesiors havii made this iK-auliful. 4 nee
. Miller, now a Miident in the De-

gether with other lodSes and titoir Bor




nu .

•M tW T«ik«f HM.
«* i«t aMwm
Ma! •
-b«r •
Vrt»u»p aw*r*iji—• •O^ T*.»« 4 «;#. «i ora«i e«»Ma
aa. tk* !«M T«|t kMdm.^k«<a r«-1■(■««•( u M. *. C.Vht«j la aa akaal
Xm l;W>.^ 4*«< tkc «»eiaiHaa at t>a. .TM* aaacJ
rtWa i
n«rttio*. cn
i«tr oC tW lUaia!; flaa. ooalaRad b» l«s«. t^alas <Mcaaa aad
Wade »oa. in,. r^Mit
A»r. T.arwf# CM|r..‘nuDa. .«:**a.«. tte «H«rar «(
<> "««BMaa c< pMar late pnrilral use tkc laftirma
rraTefBcJCliT. JUck.
Lv. Tiavar at:ui...Ttes. twir aervldet la eiamHikm wtU ilia ribj*
BklM q« k PdPU. Tic baa beca
^ Jaam ll4t
w.ata.^ Wwd l—
Miaa dai^ lhe payfag BM way U.^rngk rpitega fer
aad experts to grafiaate
rOR aAtf-HO-Thlrty
neat year witboat ouuWe aasinteacw.
[!kicatD .................. r>i
Fbnaur Juigt AIM M Barker
awl a
adfci. Dal$ia,st>^i. Tlw^
Spate cf tbe oeecsrjftes af HIc ka protkaaMnd ^tarte frail Ufap; ia#.i arr. Tvareirae city....Baa. C:Ma.m. bU-law partner. Ibrprr
Li. Tiyaoi^aiy.^.. .Son. S: a. m.
HaicA. have fmea adm»nH In pfMM dacct aa kla farm, but ke baya kit
•ardeaaad fraH ablL ,Call far vrtee
king aad ameu curveat aapaaies
la tlm L^iud 8^ Hrrult court and
Wade Broa, IZt FVqat atre«4 Xraeky worklag aa tka eallage farm, aa a
la the Called fltataa Hrcult coui
erxaClti. Midi. >
jtiae ll-tf, Ait. Travaraa Oly..
Lt. Trareree City.,
of atafieau arc ghrea tkc privappeala. Aaob»r mtekm ta aeceaaary
.Tue*. «;9Sa.m.
doliig. Hart*a little rimek U
before they eaa try caaaa before the
The aew wage acala far
moi wary ktiractlve aad aaoikcr* atu
Called Stetea aiaprema court.
tried it three maalbA dcMOUM TO RCMT—laaolra Dr. J. W.
Lend, Cadogaa Is kaowa aa m of
llaet for pdtau beya^
tIM kf RFuld gft hfipk 70 the MW •ad 2fi oeata tbscaftar. tka jdM aedte
the beut laadlords ta Loadoa. *
ways of Uviag.
Norik bound atcamera make conaea North street. CMM. urAg ce»«
tlaaa at Mackinac falaad witk all
Bteamtpklp Haea a|eaaiCr« for polatB
aa Lake Bnperiar. Lake Haraa. Lake bia property. He aaM: '*‘1 wUl tell it •d caralf ^
Brie. OeorgUa hay. Lake Oatsrfo and but rmust laatet iiipoa your gTaoUag irburck at Aap Arbor, was tok^lu da
new leases to erefy oat who U lit
TO RCRT.-Bar laoiB la caaaaettoo keyeiad.
that street, so ihat no oae Is tura^
vt!h botd. faralnbed or onfamUhed.
oat la Sve yean and aa that they will
Hotel ColaaibUi. ^^^aae 44f
alL have ample notice.- It made
laforauMloa tfegardlng
diSerea^ of gXMJiOO to him.
and fake irfpa rteerfull
ROOMS TO RENT^or Ufkl kaaaeTIF iirtaat aoq of
kaaplnf; go. electric Ught^ water.
When Qiteas Victoria of Spain as
Ulb. Bteam beat; third Soor Pea
little girl rea^Md'tkt atage of wearFk'B Bariata baak.
may fS tf
ing her fair baiy la q hrald her bnkb:
Mh pkooM KO. H.’ ibpck ■ad -■ era used
traaa bar by ^Uln|
HOUSE FOR JtENT~121 Cate. F. G. See foot. Union atreet.
long, thick pUit and tboq Miming an
may 26-tf
who waA the ogender. ThU
FOR RENT—Be«t ofSce room* In Ibe
caught 7he culprit one day,
eHy: aewly SaUbed -ad papered:
whereupoa she inlicted Wh vigorous
bH»«l; bat and cold water; beeJ
vualvkmrat as iqter«SI
ago at
dayUght roome t^dly. Orer Ftrei
further t.^qublr of that kind.
oath. Ho has resigned, saolng that tba laitof. bdwam. tbera Is a aura
Nat load baalu laqalrain^ MlUlken*r
la order to teai a. Ckiane witness
mau cannot U' honest and make a ramadr- Etectrte Bitters; ibs gieat
ia%t. e--*
qiteUScatkm for taking th« oatl^ an Itvlag out of the iKwUioo as he must restontfre, madtelpc. of which 8 A.
(.agUsh BUgU^vate ^ed him the oth have a telephone and a betrse and Brown of BaabaUarllto 8 C. says:
”TImf fartntad mj wkm to perfect
er day w hem be e'luected to go when buggy. Nerertbrles* there OTC 100 as­
be * 4^. He refOied. -Peklij,- and pirant* for the nofitlon?
was d|si|oaliS(rd. Ouce to aaotimr Eng
il% apulicAtlons for writs of habeas
ito^ court a , unto' girl la aa
corpus have l»een’ made by George E
6IUa lAPiDSTliDIUIA R‘V that qi^loa a^.: “I doat
.Nicked* of Ionia for convicts sentenced
LOST—Locki I and rhala. I.ock«*t
The I
•ader the ladetrmtoate law, and
■iku twif ■>
tain* genUeamirB pbotu.
rulge> aiv I
Mdge DavU will bear them next Sat­
keep photo and return locket
1 don’t know
urday. U Is claimed Ihat the men
PKF-SE.WA CORM Urn. kUn.f.
ckdB to MUa V. B.. corner Bleventb Ifr
•swear the witness.”
vrere sentenced under the law of 1903 Kaouch. D.ITM.«B<I bbMA lB«alr«
and Wadfnortk. HeYarJ.
| Ar
Admiral Togo ha* decided not
ind have served in some rases the I , amtltotB
\ -. lnm t4f
June 12 Ct
vl<f the United State*, lie has re liAXlraiim. but are detained by Warceited many cordial Invitation*
len Fuller until nardoned or paroled
LOST—Bunch of key^. Finder plfwar*
come here and would very much enjoy Alfout 100 convicts will te affected by
•• return to Record ufflee.
June !k.-|
vhitlng 'thi* country, but shiinka from he decision of those cases!
the reienionle* and the den
The Barne* A Cooley canning fac- lh« BavlBB M Cate itNte Note FTont
lions that would naturally be a part cH •ory at MatiHie was destroyed by «rp»t lo Stitc
ling: Sunday.- letween 212 State aiul
aB4 RUit itiote
his welcome, and ran not afford^ ih« Ire. Lo^s 112.000; Insurance |2.r.lt0.
rttHB Union alncK to Cake arrcei. la
1*22 SL. Sngbth. Hndtr oleare re
iba foitecihm dt
f xpense that the Journey would cost
Sii|iC!iiiinr-iiT c.f .be P.»o: Mebel.
212 s^au* and receUe liberal
L togntbar with
Admiral Togo* ha* no mean* eacep
June 12 2t
r lUv fifv !«. .i.*i»*rmlned
.i....rmln.M) to r«-prc ,b, McnM>d teimM M bK MteM
his saUry and an admiral of the Japa beUcr discipUne
« in UnndUn, .mnllpov
JSrVk^l ’St*
LOST—A -pearl and enauuded charm
n nlin
the qun> I
^wses. One man
who vlolil«l
violated lUc
I. a O. F. pin. between PrebytorUn
"totlne laws nald a |S Am. •
. j
8tat#-5 If he could come privatH;
. church, souih on Washington street
avoid all demonstrtitloos ke Fcmld K . Aldrtck Tii pjnlir of Iren Mountain |
to Garfield avenue or from laner
and MLv Cbarloiie Stiw of Imlay Citv*
glad to do BO. but that Is imposslhla.
place to Ea-t Eijthm street. Mrs. 1.
■»re this year'* gradtiau** at the Mlch-|
Secretary Taft did not attend the igan Schotl for the Blind. Commence­
Clover. 249 Garfield avenue.
> 4. •«
Ncfics te alf
annual dinner of Don Cameron at Dm ment. June 19.
jun 12 2t
egal. near Harriiburg. last Thursday.
OovcTUor Watner and riaff a tendJ. U. smith—UetMive Bureau. De
He wa* expected, but did
the east line of Dlftehm ttraat ta tka
ed the c«»bLrii:en of the tenth anni- wMt
. Tuiw..imijia. a.b a
tectiva work in all legliimate
Hoc af Ualaa stracc U Mow to my
The secretary never allow* hlm*el!
M-r arv of Suomi college (Flnnl^l. hands for tkc eDltcrttoa rt| ika ftoii^
Suite 810, I*owera Opera
moie than, abodi fortr

Houre Bldg. Grand Raplda. Mich.
• m gening a train. That I* why be did synod of the Viilted tSate* at Haam m nut ge! lu the dinner. Having started
may 19 Imo
fiir the railroad rtaiion by the iiMial •Ofl,.
Clyde Iln!len lattgh of ILul-ain. aged
••Ai a^iarpY-Oonsuli Marnime •• aallow anc«*. he met a man who wanted
OF^R<^!«*. St^R^haUftlBA
Rea.amb^r Ike rmum Itwa In .you
3 fa vt-r The • < er. ury is too kind 18. war fatuily *.bct by thb dlscharg.r
hand, a erlaoUSc mod lag will rwk^op
hearted in te; no. He talked longer of a gun he dragged-toward him by
^ «be tnie llfb** btelory
CW-* s*
than ho thought, re.rxplration rolling the muxrle, He was to a boat oa
I'utoa St. SUIeooumaen
fioffl hU brow, blowing like a wild
man. the recrelary hurried out of hif
I**s. J. 0. ft IIAI»T J. mi
TO RENT-Near Oak
olrl^*e. le;.ped info. hU carriage and
OaTWUf<A f Htf |*MV*Mft lAM**.
P4rk school. CItr. phfine 400. Aihorses w5Te teot'ofi on a gallop. Th<
villa Gardner
jnne g-Ct*
fiwewv-* wiib-ik. SMt ft •
ft. It
?trival was forty tecond* after the de­
part me of Ibe train Not hartng the
HOtiSE FOR RENT—Comer Slate
pi ire of a 5^>e'lai train in bis p6cket,
I nUiBk for bmUlBE., itete ter
and FrankUu Sir. Inquire 010 8tine
June 8 If
-crie.'aty rA*malned In Washing­
Admiral Fremantle at the recent
i. OM te
der at M2 West Seventh ftreek CH
4liuner of the Royal Geographical *a
t lb OM. iw mrmt
may 9-lmr
riely In London made emphatic and
against the armr being toasted before
'^Tcnl. pork «a4 ponlux Onr MBrftte
the navy had received similar honor.
.MeMawatm. -ftrt
The admiral ha* a reputation for toTlaca ho'oL
with UB no otoar Is Tpo amall ta ka
duiginA In ctinng sarcasm. It is said
appraciatad cr too Mrga ibr ofir cathat when he commanded a fleet hi*
c-Soit* in this direction were more
C^r Eiglitk sad Fraftkllii.
feared bv the ohiect* of It than any
anger could have been. Some year* Cor. Sigktk aad FraakUn 8ti.
a^ when in command of the chanael
flert. one of his ^ torpedo boat*
►wered Ibe helm rathrt' bad!>- and
rowly escaped colliding with a batite
ship. The admiral at oace signatefi
the ofendtog chift, apologlzhig for
being'to obe of the narrowest parts of
the channel at the
tog the commander that if he could
only keep hi* ship
rest of the flert he would soon have
tkb^ wbote of tka AUaaUc oaeaa to
omcr. runuce, «4«3ric


FOR tALE-lW-M feed froat aa
Rtata BUM. adjolas aew torerO'
■wat ^Udiaf aa Um mmL TWi l«
tte aiM etatrmlljr lacatad latia tka
cealral diBtrtbtttlac patat la tke i
■Wdera. progfMlre dty la caatral
BulUble far aay daia af
CaU far prlca

FOR »ALt-144&-Hanlware Block fa
tqod market towa vllkla tea i
of Trareree City, Oaly Imrdvara.
fiBRy lenaa Oimer la oibar
aasB. Call for larolca pad U
Wade BrofU 127 fYoal Btiaal. Ttair
area' City. Mick. Cliliaim pkoi

' L C. WMS. Igem



aU olker trturai^ all atodL
trade. aMral leoaUaa aa
BUeei. ^ pl ibe fUieet eaatoc.
•!><» ew«T

wt■i)Wkam^>.^ fitr c«ii »«w
TnTcr^Citi. Jtlek.. CiUaMu i

. «!».

; Park achoul. Ciix.
Ahmia aardner.

June S.Cf
fact aoadltlon: can be bought at a
bargata If taken aaaa. See M. W.

FOR BALE—Large Proom booM bad
'' barn. Inquire MS W. Tenth.
may 2S-U
FOR BALS-IloraM at the Bbllaaa
kOM barm. Dan CtawfMtm.
WkakiaftaiL Clt. 70S.
apr 27 U
FOR BALE—Furniture, bar room. n>
tarei and baelaeaa of Hotel Colum
bin/ A.HebarL
_ apr I4hi


tALE-lW-Ooe baadred and

mil* Ikon t^t oa silver l»ke:
•ortk. «Mttk •— wwt at Burt', rc-

wboW fans la level qad eatra deair.
able aa ai raaait propoeltloa. Could
bo eaaily idahed Ipio ^ Sftb
lot* or Sre lota to thy^ acf*. or Sve
hundred and elghty Ovc k»U, wl4ck
wUk a very aamU amottat adrerti*.
lag would Bell for at lee»t l&O
per lot. PVit natural advaatagea la
cation can Dot bo beaten. In c
partKta with other, property, and
price naked, t hi a farm la oEcred at a
»ery low Sgure, There la Umbel
enough to pay for the whole farm at
pr|.^ we a*k fur It. If you want a
bargain and a money maker, gel
afti r ihla. Wade Broa. 127 Front
ain**l. Traverae Clljr, Mich.
IxfM* plume 1218.
may 24 If r1

FOR BAbE-TO make place for elec FOR 8ALE-1422~Furty acre farm,
clore to city; well watered, fine gar
trk power, one 7 b. p. *liMtonary sa»aUae aaglae; one 20 to 2S 1,. p.* den and tr ick land. Small piece of
moan lake.* ihla. Call for p^l^e
Bteam eagiiie. both la Sr*t^U** con.
Wade Bnm. 127 Froat : tr^L Trav. diUoo. To be aold at bargalua tf
erre City; Mich.
June U-If
ukea at once. fraYerae City Motor
Jane C 12t
••Olll SALE-1428-Ten
FOR SALE—A bandwme home at B22
VaUe ImpoAsihu! to eaiimaie. but
Bute atreet. For price and terma
eaO at the premUea.
| way above price asked. TbU is onof the mq*t desirable piecah of prpp
erty in city. Aa a buaineaa locailpn
cannot be beaten at price asked. A**
-Tka sraateat egg macklaa. Bggi
an Invert ment. wUl gay that with
,for katehtag II and 12 par thirteen.
J bad the klgboat Wmrtnf^n of any iiulldtnga now oa Ibe property,
which coniisu of four frame atrac
wartaty la tka raeaat poultry abow.
'lure*, covering about ooe^haU of the
9paHgl pricat oa lou of M and 100
ground. It sbowa Sve per cent on
W:H.Umlor. OOf FlRb 8t
mIyS-lmo -ten thousaiHl dolUr*. WUh a road
em. up todate brick building. It wHl
ITS OABH will buy lot 110. HaaaabJ show at leant three limes tljat
.airuMa. Oak MaIcbU aubiirb. Miltt 1 amount on the favertMent. Call pr
price, Wade Broa. 127 Froal stregM
. fatL If aold bMora July laL Apply
Traverse aty. Mich.
June ll-tf
ft» CABM win buy lot It*. Haauah
. ATuaua. Oak HMsbU auburb. Mxltt
faaL If aold batora July laL Apply
Tkoa. T. BatM.
May 6 tf
tits CABH will buy lot m Grant
MMt. Oak Haiskti •okarb. SOUtt
fane. U aoM bufM July laL Apply


may Mf

State street, ope hundred
feet deep, all covetwd with
frame building, fitted throughout ^or
first class Uvery and talpq ba^
AladFforty horses aful aU aeaesagrr
equlpmeat. buggieg, cuttera. kac|s.
dray*, tlelgka. bameasea. wagopa.
robea and Ml peraopal properly In
above baUdlag. This to otic of the
laigeqmiyerr aad antes barns laT^ls
region: oeatraUr located. Abipg. a
large aad ptofitabli bualaaas. ia
fact, pruaiDC owner teals able lo ieUre aad catoy the cQaaforUhte for­
tune made in this same bnaiagga.
Tbla. reader, if you contemplate en­
gaging la a bualaemi of thU klqd.
wttl pay you to Inreatlgate. Call ^
Price. Wade Bri. 127 Front atwji.
•Timftrta aty. Mick.



lid .








—• ••

luipk Stite h tto, finMiuiMteU to liNto'toibl

“ DHato iitefnr^-

Tire Insurance

4 >^

Order your

IS. HftintOB GEO. W. acWBrilT


dtr. Bboal Bm«ty acM aader cdiF
miM OtBt ftOMM. 1B«B MtB<



If you want Low Prices


Werr Stilito 2

If You Want Good Quality,



652.5tSSSEa^gfttJtrUS:“ . • 6W.'‘Si3S25'SW,.*.V5.'S2

Dr Morris Palmer TUtey. lastmctor
to German to Byracuse uayersAy ulnce
19P2. kas been engaged aa au^late
>h»or of
MUteUr. ^ tbe
«* M . »• F“1-FtfW OB IVur*


121 g“o.i 2It ?; S S: t SltiS rjSTSt ‘
15; S 2 i I:
H. E. tncUoaU H M 8«!. S. T. ZL JL im W.—1« TftlO* BoraB.
COM BBd M. « «r iRtt. » ter ^

*3^ -

FO* «ALS—ins-*»Be hBB«^ ^

JqM F. i)tt liojigr


- .'TWw^iiORr.: MM.

iv;j ^



•SrSSKrr.. ...

- ,JBBel7U.Nte

«^ta(pB «r«rr teVr Wuitel. BBta
t»tb«r teute. T;^

iPWHINO.tACKUt bait. Uvlteak
EM ID* bonU ter Iteorana.

If Quality Is to be Considered
with the Price
We Can Get Your Business.

Come and See US

- T


j. B. Gtreilick Go!

ires: jcvwxrtul insect asd pardste
dctiroycr kneym.
If yru r i:c fidwers,V>a ar^ sure to
luvr y...^
from bugs that
over rur f. j ’ant. r,! ihc leaver, and
Vic^tf^fy t’*c ibv.vfTs. Ezaminc them
y ? ? %vill bn 1 insects there,
;*>^ir prc-tlt.'t destruction
ulitn ihc ylint ' arc youn;; and ten­
der. S-rr/ :t:p under'^idc of the Jeavcf
"J ut:b 'l*hompvnj*> Kose-Nico-'
lire, dih<tr«I as directed, and you yill kill
every brj: It i> a /dam food as well, making
thr u btillbv :.nd l»eautifiil in^ appearance.
;,crloi!.^s. ^:aifdess. and odorless, and
can be nr* d v-ith jK-rfect safety on your most
fr plarr.s
1% Its use you can make
rderir;: a p!» ;;s:?rr, instead (A drmlgcr)-. 'Hie
iVrr-* n r i
i; i, equ.i!Jy d'lirr.blc, as it'
kir.viiJJ^-i-Kv «i'v
iwoths^ bm::4r ant.'', bedbugs
and fleas, whether on‘
tbriniTuan IxmIv.
av.i in
ii*s (iiijrid) by all dnig' iv-dM for our valuable
t, -flov/ tr^ Destroy Ini'di eoT'iiniii v.iluabie ino tbinr
‘ir.irtifjn. I'rce sample
^oM^ d-r.i:-ist »’**dv f«*d niailahlr).

llieblcaa on her eery b«t tehavlor.
this nort at 7 o'clock on
Thssa Beya Fomiabwf Musk foe the O y.
the momins of June 10. 1861. It arms
one of those pcrferi
two back doors so ire itocld not have that nart of iho Itw havinp been ei. Jr. Knlrck‘ oc^voietl a v»ry. small • hi Fettlcrs- aasodatioe. Mrs. C«|»r
by the poet Lorn t il
(hat ou- sui;:e ».f it l eU came to Traverse City In the fall
As the pood old capiaio puHed Into to empty cnir shoes of sand after mak­ ricbett by many knds cu hVav » soil :o«Ke jweiJ
ing m neighborly calL
H:. Goi^ lale ? ri - Hlenre was- a fev. Adng VMd
a .^Nh»
Away oat af liMl from tbe North lianltoa liSaBd^
the dock he sras arc-< u^d by the U'c
feet weu and aas UM-d as a dwelllnc 'a Wa-hing en wtnxt ^tI^H a ^; when 16 jeara of age and haa staos rewas Net n City.
Hdcd here. She waa married tn Jaljr.
**1 wish I oould make you see Trav­ heme, clcro.*.- oftl e ai*d m*si»JtUc*\ fw tlwi'ilirg i>ciuH'-4 white rnd*<v--u
the np |VC2. to H. D. Campbell and U now oon
erse aiy as I saw it that beautiful
lall pouches while be
private dwelUns by T. A t op or and ih •ige p.:rt o; Mi> i.or.n Unhrrtb* nf tbe few pioneers of the sarly daya.
had never lived In but
Cor the latest war A low -pl^l'hourc uued an a
*^cre seemed a ^bbath stillness town, and that a rillage with shsrebe:- !*tcr ;pfir. aJltd tr> anu
bbarinc tbe -:icto!y iianu- bf Man | -oart hmue during neF.iun of Cirr'iit
tn the air bf^ken onl.^ by the noise.of of various denomlnatioos. union school hotel'^
tu e the gnxtnd meiti »«tnod wlo re Park Plar»- am ex
the host and the dreamy bu«nie of | and situated on the Michiipui
•itrnds. Tbt re had I e.-n
t» e ;i :b
^ >
the saw- at the one mill as thcr railroad so I did not expect a very larx. l
I>*t ianati cnuti- Hr Foc3..> two iMillulncs kn.iwn re
passed through the huge pine logs. eity—bnl why did they call it a city? ra> no bouFe no
Then we waded ihrouph the sand and *The name city seemed such a mte- ty line ev.» i»t rn thi t-orp* r of ILi> ^IKir'Ivdy ;ts c<‘ntt hen e an ' Jail t' lt
The Hon. D. O. Rose of Petbslia>«
sawdust to Dr. Goodale’s hou«e. where nomrr. but the men who pave thv and Eiinwc-od. AlUn Ua -on owned i; :he lorn * ! was.hurneil a Fhert lime
then, built a ^rT’all dwelling houe and Indore I came hen- aiA lUc jal' waa ul EmmA county. Is the pioneer buslaw
Cr»»F>:ng Rie uiMMien man of the county as well at tbs aU*.
called the nlace Lln^tilnville. Com
oming j liUie
>nnty famed tor
hark, v e fi:,d
old Ho t- mtll ale.nt' ; ridge at North Front .-tnet v.e find
whciL* the InterpTtina 4if North dive Kipiui rhe light a iw.entor.* wotuleu
I UiUe Travnrso
tinn and Fnmi Ftrei^r I: .
' ibnlldUlg oren,»l<Hl by Hannah. iJiy tc
-llanpah & 1.3 - bnU an eld unpiln’. j Co.. Who wen.* Hi* n au now ••dealer^
Cai.t. H. O. Ri m- wm bornV »*<*»“• *
cd mil? :n ::: ih ’lr r.w mill. Tc.e lu‘eveiyihin* .* Fp n :lte h ft was an .Simar. coiiBiy. N. Y„ tn lt»0. bat
InMe' can le tu t a l .v l<^okin•.; ai
itad ho i-e an ! Hattinh; !.?'* rC was ornhaned when twelve ycara of
Traxet- r City l.'tr »M*r ef
F n»il», K’o.' t N u:t!i*ig hi* t*« and fhe?i age by the loss of his father, the moibJi- ;n r: . t.u:P* 'l:.
only it
pn-ccdlng the husband ntos years
IV w iii cr- !:e h; - v.!i» I n : n*4 t.tu'
H e •n.ty l» .u e \ Th. j |;efon*. The lad worked tndtutrioualy
• '-i.l.ii lsri.** aud
but ,e h^d h*».i It
e Herni.l **!i»:. .md th* .
j^rms and in grocery siorca. later
new h. ad'.e on'<
land ein;-* F »*.... i.i. d a 1,-anilng fuimmem lo be able to attend
riiOlvirZOli & CO., Detroit Michi:
mfll ir.?de over ,,new*. Mr, H^tiaali
iitinh uiM*trTl?> Urhool wlnteni. Later a he young
/-otiacc war.a pr.r- tv^ Cue
ml Mr. Cb-rni»ine re Ided,
'^tnanhoo*! he learned the ^l^tntcr•s
ernipled t v Mt. \Vel*uui K F.ylherl w«-s! «Jf thnl. A»:lde from the neres trade, where he worl»d on the St..
Sorth v.*ere i*f»mc «dd hay sit*nt* . iln*;i j-iiy\»ittb«lhllnr‘ end barns I thin! 1
ram»‘«fm?e T'.nie «lwelJingt« uit.i'f! by the I have ieeaileii cverj Kiinrlun* neat
! Travrihe t ;ty. it wa ; all w.*«sd
to iKjard until we could go to j nrnie m»M -hare had ih- fahh of tt mill men v Ith famifu .
Sis' C t-.
I Vf
n*. dw**mng in lht»’ <•!
houM'keeplng. »u»^ begun .i ! niMiher wh(» alwa\t* imik*« her hm
frlenU:«hUi between the two lanllli^^jclotheh t.>u large ft»r him iin.I whe
Young America
F*ibJort n pli^.t
the 1 InO'j
cAhnot bo Mippritmxl when thoj
•Johnny will grow io Ciem* ami Johnn*
Ith of, .jtily wmes around. Iloj
did grow lo them and vc bcvi; r.niwii
wnnUto lethiinBolf fond) it!
to have n legal
m tmr urau.* »!
it worth, liccuiii do sowitiiim- <
city and more Iban'fLo; wre are p!-*nM .-•isij vuied ilx Elab C::jlje : Mi f inir j r
Iititiiiy if lio linn A good ruvc)h*er
to be CiTTcd the -QtaMn ('ify of H»ei.-irlR|iKratie berau:c* they
tiitd a supply of b!mtk cartridges
North/ I will arknowl4*dge tha; fort/- the gue hoUso wMi the real bi
that c:an umko lots of noisiv Wu
five years afp jt look a great el?\icn
have just thn giiti lio wants A
of the fmagination 10 see much of r*
gtxxl, SiTvicenbU* pistol that is not
city here. AH cf I be north side of
ilangt.Toiis Uk::ius«* it is matlti prop,
Front street was g.onn n:* to wi!
We also hnvo a large variety
ro«=es. braked and l»luebrrry
of rift»‘4. cannons. etc.,i an i nil
tiave mriiiy 1inu'^ pi l.ed guart..Of l ei
kindd of nniiiitiiitliou.
ri.M thi r.
“As I said Indore Hn^ h*e-ses wir*
Saxton Hardware' Co.
all upon th*' t^Mitli siiie tddbe 'T' ? j
Beginning at fb4 I
part of what ha.•Cottjigo Himie'
grandest hoM. owned ami i:i:m d h: ;
the proptieier The Ht*r.!*in lIou-4.'.
Doirt inia;;inl* that \v.iir lu.rse
Mr*. H. O.
“.Mr. Ounlon's oanglun. .M.
II. J.“
d.aa it all.
vehicle eiits
i AVl;o Came Here From the Bcavcni iB
Morgan, has lived eo*iiin*io.j;!y iluriUi;*
very much of a figure? in driving

hfC life of half a
^ (oT {ilt.'isiire 'i*r on bmaiieaa, antlj
j Lo lls GbdV tb mo~raf. vlsifea netivTr;
block, with ibe _
. .
eni-of the Old Si*tier
A.-r| Var>* n-jdd«*aee tioPit Hie :ie\t
Ihe^borsr* knows it
Make il easy
liftenin an*l rriuinru in IKtl to
•liir itr/l'aking pn^nage f.»r the minf.»r Lilli, and so forjourstlf, by

while the new liotis** wu.s Is'iij*-. rv*ii-4
I in : n
of the npfwr peninsula. h«
jrtniried; Then* was a •tkiII
getting nil easy rnnning rig from
*da> o:i
■had He «‘iulie «oun«e of his ilesttoy
tl P-e of
jnft Month ef ihe hot.]
our big nloi k of • irauBiKirtalioii
tin n- li.i-.;:
Tlo hrr..e
rr|tauce«l ni Fox isUnd while awalUng.
aIotp i1h* Held Whii c now Eiandh !
a steamer f*»r the iipfK*r iHUlnsuU.
thwnlaie tno'- Mi^ T A 11‘ie;:
and tlie hiMi.-e we-wen o u<*r.Mg- w.s l
lowing to ih»* Miorlea of the proapecta
where p.irnuni L Earl jewd->
lor pnivlding lake «‘camtirs wHb Ike
^ ,!uHlii,g by Hu.^tav.: .'Hrowii
smut wUe wan iii;
it. Mr. Sm’ih
wealth of forest wrMil of the Grand ■
oiher building inilif w»* i.a::.t*l
Cil. t>lM.ii.. 7.M.
1>S K Fn.i.l Ft.
ay fi:r treai.m« i»t. Mr. Hartier j
Trav»‘rse region. l;e piirchared 8fM»
soutln-ast etinier ol l*>mu and
iKwn'ed ai the doelor'K end wlHi In ‘ I»nrK Klre4*t.s where sloo 1 ih'e vm ,11
.ten : ••f h» bvy Hml*rr government
a tial dfr ihe to rjrkr the wope ti !»dk Ilwelling to he iHsui in man.’* re -i erilaii-t n* nr N«riboori built a do*-k »n1
comlmtable b3**ki*d |d.nn’.. and lsl*l a^|
iMgati tl.e bn.nrlatJoii r-f the wealth
Iiged lorl.T '. 1 he tjTtm'.l b *il :iag j
which h** tiMV. enj-ys. While at Northhl-icle lUir r!mp, j
’ hark t*f b
is*r;. h»* k« p' a general inerrhsndlrR
k *1 g 0:J. .
s*or«- and pip jK*rc*d beyond rxiw'?taowncHl by H P. Campbell hn.T A \V..
. Finally, hoping to enlarge tho
Haron. Next wuh a lu.:*;! . *:n by \V;r. J
j Iniliiulry. Vx the < niirr lake commerro
Fowh* .ind railed The f'oWlr Hone |
Single Cylind. rs. I. 2, a. ii and
{ used nothing Inn rordwood for fuel, bt
AlfrtM pried rich > I hirk •: tam!s *'p*kT j
1 Horse iN.wer
in«i an »dd frlemt Amos Fox. and tbo
Its site.
Arm Fox & Roae was orsatiized at
Garden Down Town.

Both Plonccrt. Mr. Estes Is Sec retary of the Oroaniration.
Charlevoix. Hof with the change of
“Morgan Bates was jiiRt trcctlng
rcMldenri*. H O Rose etill remained
chimney, uiid the UagtiadlN s W4*re jhis- perk j»f--i
--Hifii 1.4 oai.V,fm*l4*
\Vh* 11 a pioneer. fi»r when he left Charleroig
Elide envious of ii. Th** h*mse and it**: I «;»nt4^ Hie
Funii«l«>.t comiill-tp, with .haft an.l
and bicat***! at Petosl-ey: an Indian vll- .
Good cow pasture for
chtiDBuy was torn doi^rn u f**w wenks th<- bank of the It'iardman ri
iBge e!ghte«*n miles further north.-hh
^alc near head of
Agu.. Mr. l)«iminu*k ihinn li\e<t in a' of the Oinie^te library, at
lonnd bill two white men. Andrcb P0tAbo2.;!.ieylma:.rM«tor.
kmail hoiif* ue!!t of tin hut, i *, an*l when-]Ihe jiark is miih'o.m d
Boardnian Lake.
hejier. uii Itidiah miKslonary. and Fpriiier
j Ii.ganis, At Ib-toskey. Mr. Roac tol­
Well fenced, divided
--------------- i
-III 1
Hm- Uiard ».r .*-*1
ar-'lowed Hm- same llneV enterptisc nnJ
into two parts, luuOld op4*ned a g» ucral Rtorc. the first of lla
niog water in each.
‘Ley felt eer.'«ln no* nr.n.- thanjkiud.
and pfoct-eded to. deal in lipUi
half *.f il w.uild l-e v-m-*! Hiev wanted v.t*od ami lumlicr. later developing thn '
Good opportunity for
»o I * sure and have 4-nfJUch for all lime Inuustry. whteh was the pioneer
a man who wants to
^»u «»»€■• The iKipuiatloir'wa.
of *»» kln‘J. the firm now
herd cows. Call at
shan-eiully 1-f.fng the Michigan IJme company.
..............Rreie liirthef
......- , -dojinonstrkted hl«
bitn.d ItijMr.
lew gniund wa:* Jphn lloripc-r. who gteat interest In the north by dfiodlpg
arr:hleiual!y killed l*y IiIf gun.
to if e Bay View Campraeeflnf nln<v
*I have no Iloulu Hint mrideni gave r fat IonI the land fK-cupk-d hy the Blf
Round Trip $1.50
*M* to an diem
afterward.^ Iin a Vb
j rvmicydvanla
r htnHng that Trav
with 4he nponln; of the boautifiil
CU.v. .Michigan, was rnrb
city 10 the rehori world. Mr. Rone ^
^ .lone 12 fit
Steamer., jrave Manlsl«*e daily lev lhraIH:>* p:arti -ih4-y ‘had fo kill a 1:
vided e hdme for summer touflsta jtjr
eept Sunday: 1 af 5:bo p. m nn l 7:0u p j I** Marl a burvlng ground * We still err-c ing the mammoth ArUnfton hxy
m.. .SuDd:,ts a? 7:Afl p m for LmW I f lain: o*ir. is .*1 he3l*hy rllmate lint all tel. now owned and nahnged hyB. IL
Ion nnd Milwaukee. Arrive
Arrive at
at Mlbj^
Mll- i nianner of direases have Utui hrought Peck of Grand Rapids. Cnpt. Bonn, la
wauk€?e at C:G0- a. m. I.eavc Mil warn |
now oar City of the l>cad is U loved by all who know him. imd tir a
»:rr dsJ!y nt St«)
Arriving M ; ,
'„M,ian« rromlncot Mason and. Knlghta Taiiimscase ocwms of the stomach try a bottle frce
f .jr xnort* nr!cA,“
plar. He reaidea In a charming ribl.
wHbj •
____________ .
denre overlooking the hay. wUch.^
Oth:r Old Bcttlara.
Its commerce brtwght him wetlUi ^
si Mr». JcAcphlnc Morrison daughter prominence as a tNmiBnts rnaMt^'
j of Michael Gs:^ rt.-?n<llug fo**r miles and prcgrcsflve dtlunn.
j :ujutb of Eik Rapid.'. U probabH U>**
j Urn whiu- cb:ii born in Trav< r»e City. BTCAMER^LLINOIl
She •was bmn in May, istji and her
exenrakm. «u tar.
father died two years new. *
Charlnolx. Petonkny, Harbor
Mf% H: n. Campl>HI. formerly Miss
return^ $U
Kittle Cnrmrchael. Iboegh n imml-lB. arhedule. page R, colnmn*4 for tlB|i \a
vaHd. U In nttendnaoe today «t ^
June If-H
' - VTiE '


* <'

Tlic Wagon Counts. Too!

Qiitcn city Implement Co.,



Good Pasturage

m 1

cts Engine Repairs a Specialty.





]. W. Milliken’s

J-ine, Steamers

1^ L

SI fOO Milwaskia

Office, Front St.

KpapiDS QcrraoY

tartar Rirta




«u gr.s




IB U» totert for Ub fiirtoBldfi Of, BO«UM>fm MkA-

i ;
wm FAtA



Wrtie Bn^elMdl Tn*.
Its did NOT «oe BBT
olbBT ihBii tbfcir r«cBlBr bwb test Sob
tfBT. MK) mill
lovm HBTbbr B«st fondtr with
Ct»e BB^ired hf B CBlr«iBded
Ire, Tte oateone wfU pfoliBbl>
MUk; idl dispBles,

Ose at Ibe
In cioBBBrtloB witb tbe c«rr«Bt mcfoR
acmaon. yoonR tboeRb K* may be,
that fate baa crideikUr aome eom|i
foUcNi In store for James B, Keene to
offaet the torn of SynoBbr^a rntTrla
BH tbe Mf bBBdicans of tbe jreBr.
If the oplBloBa of eaceilent jndsa
Kint. Mr, Kerne baa In bla
nisRtrtiic II.. the most pr^MDlsfi
sire, the Rel of which are now before
J \ drii
Mr. Jr.»-t prit:rd
the pabUc.
.—To ----- with the izvrr ^
Now lbal<
J. fL l-billetp. a fromlnmt citim
” P^allie, Wnsh, will !e ircsUleuJ of front. It may be welUo recall the fact
tia jaiaka-Ynkon rsi*t»rtlk>iu
that thouRh he won the ISO.M Jockey
M. Ju-.winl, Ihr Frem b amlwB. rlhb stakes of l»k). as a S-ycaradd at

FldXiiit OntBiiN fit. BBd

mior BtcoIbk fUcord. Travone Cll/,
' Tbr»W City pB|»<>r« cf Jfor llUi
^hlUh B lAort BrtkHo iB^rticBrd to a
liuBB or feBaObBlI bolfrroB Wylie fac|4MT iBB* BBd tfof TmrerM. aiy Jr
tfopnfoBlB. B fdclced Iran rrom Trat
Ciar CUr. Wc wf* lo «y fbal the
^vetac- aiy boys are j:*4ucmen aki «Ovf .lu.* Iii,
Ui W«,liHi«- Ke«m»rkei be no * mnch brttcr rmet
Filler*, hut not to ibe Uun «
»•>■’"*: «he be ww bcu-n dr .wo
^>Ue toaai'i clai:! . llad it Bot^bcxol
|br faak oioiilrlttx the Indcpclidto;
w«r-..r-irM*^iii:n.t «:tl ivenil painter,
»» 4-year^ld.bc
^4foocli Bcl hare bad but one nu rv an
Is II6W :,t.“ |» Ia imtIcs |
4luU on an error. We are fu)rry to ee<- of nar tui^V.’r:f;T tUtvfc*.Vr,4l im\en»-;r:p*.n I .ad and Ian. and finished ‘n
fbal fbe Traverur City uaw aay m«- mrfil.
jfiei.t c»f Diamond Jublke. the Derby
Aare cold feet. If iber wfll
iU*>» ,'Iar k cr
niTl.’al n^ary winmr of tbe prc-cainp year, which
a normlt froa ibeir ma>»r to pla> and .*!.»•. Cf.-} bir to 1! .• j; »m n» «•
weeki aRo was cold .to a South
. % fBBie of atitida ' hanrlaill we will Alai nnui. Ir f r i viv w m.Mx who e%. r i Aniiricrn breeder for llio.ouo. The
l^ladly Kbow tlMm bow much f«*Ur
tbe boeur of .n.^r;: c* b* tin Hilrf
naturally ariiKu,. Is. If
ie are than they; «e arc- ijw
or N-ov.,
Lid do
wirli to tlolaie any of iIm *
lilira ef tbai Utr all of the iMiys arto row fnni Nw %r-ti armiil fufia
fartory bqysjuidit In Impoi^lUc m H< in to h; n
-. •> hy tl.e dev^
*rt away on a wc »kN43-.4KltliBiil ahu - si-n fte tj- l.t an o: (?. li«oi.
CfiR down the carfie pTant. Tbe \VyII»
AJihouRli midiTh lon was n»arhed at
rr;*j-r. 11m* s'ato
term Is vllllriK to ntay the rame lint
New the r«-cni mcttlii* of lli»* stewards of
Bp at any Umc or plare They will play Yr-rk
l id f! r»^ li--jihe Jorkey rluh in rt'gssil to chAnRlni;
ibHr home leam and not,pltyer» froth atimi«-n at ri'aft.irou-, TH<ms.nii1 IsL the rvKtem of sUniiiR. t \» learned
nhd niff lInvMi frmi July 0 from an unofficial bu! rclUblc source
prawn nnd seroral other toains ns dhl
fbc Traterw* rii> U»>r. Tht« maiiaycr to Anp. 3.
that the stewards would probably or­
tof the Indt-jH iiiIeni team trh <1 to make
Uievinni*. the Itowunn plan* der a chnnice Im roadc.^ .
jyiotber bit hy wanilnK lo Ik*i |2r..rMi
If the chanite U made. Mr Cassidy
Uf. now 111 this rtuiiilry. wIh»w- firmie
pa <he atjne llnetm hut when rath
iH In M.m. ow. was In the fni.lrjt of tlm will Ik> permitted tn ».tjuid by the walktwo or more of hl» men werc Rolna to
-lion nnd If wns »*iily bv'tlie up system, which prov«'d so auccrssful
Be OBI of town, which means the Wyll.
itnous f^orts ititd consider- for him at New Orleans last winter. A
*'leam will bare to play some more ou * aide troul le that lie was aide lo-mt thorough trial will Ik given the plan,
Bldr« ralllnn Ihcmselres lnd<t|»cnd AWoy lo cfKiie tn the ViilUnl Hlates to and If it fallH It Is likely that a new
fill his coiMcrt ei»Knm*imnit*i.
enta. What atamt cold feet?
man will he culled Into the fMisItlon, o.
at Icaht a man to Hharc the duties
with Mr. Casstly.
Hut the stewards have held out ao
long and agalust the tirotests of the
public for the old system, that the de
clslon to let Mr Cassidy have his way
inay ycd be n long way off.

1 , Piaflfl

Coasists Only

iimqriRg the wrong piano
It 00)1 price.

lohn R. Santo

A* ttome enicrUmmont ii
B neoeoBity (or iba welfare of
tbe family circle, aiul the fact
that a Rocxl piano or cabinet
organ it Iho beti invettnicnt
you can malLe, for increiiBing
tbo j ly and pleaaurc of homo,
the.only miitako you can
make it in buying the WTBBg
pilBNB At Bay prlcB. Tho
pnrehLeof a


General Insurance

New Winielm Mkb,

201 Trent Strset

Dr.W. J. Higgins




Ttirerse at)

6eo* B* !1arvi$



Fine Dental Work

it ooopomy pertonidetl^ You
want your il<*llaTt to p» nt far
At poBtible. Ycm waul llic
Uwtnt tboripht prut\ Tbit
it what you got in a KimliiiU
Piano, to aay nothing of thu
quiet joy nml aatitfaction Uiat
inhoreain iho ownerthip of
good and boAntifnl thingt—
thla makes Kimball Piauot

Plant now

Wc have them lo sell.


Oar $mm6pt/mt«i
Aiwia ta/i^aai/.

Eilhcr Ice or Wood
will ' be
promptly if ordered


James G. Hopkins
Cii phone 711.

CINnrii. JOE-Y I

. to mao

I memos you only pay for the stove. The' pipe from
the main to the stove and all labor
free of charge;


. Oi-seau will be readv for the Subur­
ban jiandlcap-unless someihlug serious
bapitcns to him within the next few
Matt Allen, trainer for Jame.s
Hrady. Is authority for tbi:i
announcement; Mr. Allen’s stable Is
rt.Nmdlng Into form. Ho has made tw'i
entrb'S at Helmcmt park, aad started
the cf>lt Holscber.
The efforts of tho Astern Jockey
club to shut off the poolroom service
o%cr the country will probably have
more effi'ct among the poolrooms of
Krnltirky than all the courts of ihe
comroonw(>alth. sinet* the order of th *
Jockey club forbidding the names ol
Jockeys and the betting of each racito be flashed to tlie iMMiIrooins and the
business nf former flourishing In
f tiiution.s In I>exlngtoii and otbej-cities
of the Mate has ilecreaseil to such a:
ex^it that «(»me of them arc‘now oti
ta^ l.ast legs, and with only oqc track
In Ihe wi-Kt In operation they will Ihloiwd to close un shop.

^ r*C :
Ibe oM 8L JamcB hotel in iNwiTef
WBs OBB or tbe buiAmarks of tbe city
dor ot«r a Boarter pt m ceBtory. and
•re told of Ibe-rtur pjker s»BK» Uat
oaed to be pUyed there in the late
Hgbtlea BBd OBrlj Blneties of the last
A w^e was pUyed one night ls>tween two stockmen, a banker and b
mining man. The story
that the
mining man and the banker-pi* j ed unere “all la
atockmeu to Imttle^
to the “coosolttl ion- Jack p H. ntid tbiwe
who had llngeml to mw thi- finish ^
noi*disapp«}Iut«vl when they rxjK-cted
aometbiug Miei-ta«n,l:ir to take phunThe sUkea weiv running hicli. Um* ante
being STiiin. wiUi no iH-ttiug llinii. One
of the sfo» k;oeii ofiened f.*r
was promptly mls.M Is-fore ihe tiraw.
Then there folliiwed a M-rif-s of ral<es
and couutiT ralM-s until the p »i
tained mi.tkxi bc-fore ear?ls wendrawn.
“Gl- me that one.”.b*.ni.ily unmmtir.
etl the man w b>» bad -.Ms-n ’ th • 1;: .1
ralw. T!»e «b-aler slIjiiMsl mb* ennl
across the table, laid the «le«-k doun.
relifclilml his iK-gimdeil t igar am! said
unran«vrue<lly. -ni i-hjy llM-sfr*
Th«ii Ibe
,si:MiMu;ts d In »*ar
nest. llK- pU..ver Iiad u|».mms1. ami b»led off with
as a *
deabv ralse»rn like amount, nod the
follow foUoWtid suit. It wn's
tlist one or tin- otlwr of the ns-n
ITOlng to I wK- bin fortune. CiH-rk.were written, torn uf* nnd mad- out

doubt ns lo smue of my pro|»erly
higS. so rn make ymi a pniV
Give m> until tonight fit was tlnMi
4 a. m.i to find out Jnst where ! stand
nnd we*ll play tin- hnnd out. Mk-aiitlnie
let tMweol up iiiT haiul in one enveb»|M-.
yourt In .motln-r nnd the dead wood In
Mill nnotliiV. 'We’ll leave t!ie tliM-<- en
velojK-s In the offli-e safe, to Ik- deliver
etl to iKfth of us fogelher.” .
Tlie otijer player ngreml. and en
veloiK-s and sealing wax were fw n! for
The hands nnd. remaining cards in tindeck were duly s-ale*! and deiKmltW
AS per arrangement.
Meantime friends of two players
endeavored t«» get il»e men together on
•onie sort of wnipfoTnise proi>osUlon.
knowing full well that nelth*-r could
afford to bank hU entire fortune on a
poker band, leaving bis family dost!
tute. but l»oth men ww oMiimte nml
world listen to no protioshl<Ht to split
tbe pat An Interested and expeetnnt
group gathec«M in toe lobby nUfut S
o’cIcK*k In tbe evening, among them tie
lug Ihe iiinu who ll^d ojH-ni-il tbe t>ot.
tnlketl togetber In a friendly man
upon wlint jwould !i«pIK'n when tbe man who went to look
VP hb assets reiunietl. >J’hlIs Gm-.t

OlBy Oms



How ........
Tallow ..........
Green-bidet .




s« c«-

LjwightK Grand-* or Sjusr^.
Irwm thr«'br»|«r'< tn a OWi;niH.x'<it

s I fioo btelnway.

(»or y. ar s tma slewed on par

We employ 30. export Tunem mid make n •pociBlly of find
work^ op S
STUIN WAY and olher l.iKh-Knule Pimun, When you
wnnliwTfcct Tuiiiittf
Tintf-Ef-^^uUting, im>inpUy done, at
rcasonahld raU*® - U)’ us We iiuaranloe satisfariion.
If yotii I'lniio m-t-ds rdpnirs or »<ljasltnonl of Bny kiml. let
us do i!u* worL. Onr fm ihlUw nnd forre of experU iin? not
f^inah--! ontsidi-of life largiiii |»Uno Factories Phone us nnd

WlIbBlm Mock.
OR. V. i. MAC NETT—FimOM 9miU

will ea.l aikI iwiiujnte.

our II



ractory and Headquarters Dcirot

Oft O. £. CHASE. mmoTBd from StJ'
m Wflhclm blvfck to 4S7 BBd «H
new Stale Itei.k balldlBg

J. a. MArftlN-rhjmlclAB Bod N«r.
geoo; OffivA SB5 fi

BBANCHs l59.IS.lg'""'

freight. piirreU and tniakB. OftoB
Bt Mly nook Rtom.
iRS. C. L. BOHNEirS holr droBMBt
PBriora. over City Book SfoTB. Room



And fi.iig.-ou. Offiro. 407S StBlB
Baok M<h k. wllh Dr. O. E. ChaoB.
eilr. phnuc 225 2R. ReoldoUce
W. l^vouth ztreci. with tho Ml
Ogrroll. CHz. phono 52*.
whiMfl. Toarhrr. Un. Fran^ H.
HntUh. Graduale impll gf Frtif. Fmlciirk llorarr Clark of ChlrAgo. t0|
KaM Fn»Dt Kfrwt. Bludio No. 13. .
down Atalra. Citx. pboiiB No. 60|.
may 313m
TrareniB Land ai*

Oa, F.

The South Side Lumber Co. i

sis lake An.

Traverse City. Mich.

the kind that
fii your doors
at best prices. Dealers in all kinds
of building matcriaf. Get 6ur .prices and consider
our slock Ix^foru buying. KslimatcB furuisliL-d.
Our motto: Bust Frictwi, Dry Slock,
Prompt Dolivery.

. ,

BBd throat

Phone Cite 308

Bell 390

WMbt^ BtlBBt, etta. PbOUB Ufa
DR. A. H. HOLLIDAY. OradoBt# Taronto UniTBrtliy. OfSoa ia Mubbob

T. W. THIRLSY, DeBtfot

Orar Bai^

For those who love outdoor
exercise includes spraying the
llowcr beds, mowing an<l
watering the lawn. Wc have
everything . that will mcei
yo’jr ne‘ed.s in lawn mowers
hose with liall nozz!c«, etc
at bedrock prices.


-Well. Henry. I’m ready to resume
our little nrgiiinenl.** he minbune«l in
B matter of fai*t lone. Then ihe crowd
roiOTln-d to the roam where tin- game
clogged iKiwels and torjiid liver, until had been phfy^^l. Tin- man amiouneed
that he bad rkTO-Kt to -play bark.’’
Sermifies and eerlirnsl olfoi ks rei»re
UK«‘ Dr. lCInn #
aonting this ninoiint were’pfbsl on the
le^l am'l
1 regulatiirs of i
Tlien. and not unirt then, did
arh and b
Guaranteed by .
cither of the men show s\cuh of nerv­
son Drug
ousness. The ojK-m-r had drawn' a
cheek for $.T;.oriO nnd startisl to
It out of the iMKfk wlieu tbe other ninn
said Inn slow. delll»emte volee:
Thla Report la Made Up Daily. Thi
•Tx>okP a little strong for either of
Record la ,Not Reaponalble for
us. doesn’t It. Hemr:”
Changes in Prlcea.
-Well.” rejoineil tlie other n>nn. toy
Selling Price.
Ing with fbe eli»M-V. “what would you
near ptirk, i»cr liarrel............ | IS.nO
constder n fair proposition nt this stage
Clear fKirk. per poun
of the gamer
Short cut i»ork..........
-It’s not gambling. I know.” said the
Flour. U. L
0..-S Hest.
other, ‘’but if you want to split the pot
r, H. L... A Co.
Ci a 1]
I.. * Co. a BckI .
split.” calmly
Feed, H. L. & Cb. s Best.
man who had ope;ned for le-mo. The
Kggs, per dozen................
mortgage^ parnnrncy. gold, checks,
Codfish. ixT pound............
pern and securities were oquall
Ijird. per pound..........
word WAS spoken. , Filently
Butter, per pound.............
Creamery butter, per poui
Cheese, per pound............
two hands on the table, faces down
Oata. per bushel...............
Oats, per bushel.........
-Bet you a cigar I had you beat.” he
Potatoca. per bushel....
Salt, per barrel................
-You’re calle-l." aaid tbe other, turnBran, per 100................
ing over four cards. Jacks nnd sixes.
Spring Chicken...............
S-14 , TIk* ofioncr nUo fumed over four cards.
Buying Ratea of Traveras City tilers They were jocks and sixes.
-ni bet you.” said th<; dealer, -m
Wheat ...................... ................. ^.75tboosand doUan that Fro still got yon
Com. per bushel....................
Polaioca. per bnahcl.........
other man peeped at a comer of
Rye .........
his bbried card, toyed a moment with
Butter, per pounds................ ;JO-15
B Stack of Vnrrency and shored FUXK)
Egga. per dozen.......
to the center. Then. wRhoat waiting
Buckwheat ....................
for the man be had called to ^w bis
bole card, he fumed up a four spot
Hens ...............................
. .0*
Tbe dealer looked at It. smiled, toochOau ..........................
ed tbe ben and pot^ls hand In the
deck. He never told what the other
C.1U. ............ .
Stecra ............
card WBB.~Deover TtaBea.
Fancy heUara
calves ........ .
A former who rtalted London for the


_T.» Kcwwtcrs and Cott.jrr*We bare ws^ryBasoal fsoUtirs
fur^txwmrr Resort bos^iwst si*d
oor serrux ts

wen- |»usMd Into tbe |s.t. Finally oiw
man said to tbe other:
“Say, Umiry. Fm uoiiig to stay wUh
you uiiifl ever.vthlng I've cit. rlgtit
down to lbe< |«tlies on my back, la^v





clan and ,
•c*B> M
A BBri r. ClUtBoa ptona SSI.
OR. LAWTOF-riyalclBB BBd BB^

toner and Brilon ragnlBtor. iatfo
farilon gifaranteed. With
Mmtlr HouAB. ata. piwwiB SS4.



SaxioD Hardware Co.

TUNINO-SatlafocUoB guBfv
antiTd. F. D. Mlcboli. SSI South
rmon. atf phoBB mt.
apr U4f

O. P. Canrar A Bro. BothpliOMB.

,Mirnd of (hr Tivtr^—Suro'ry Av» More.

ScB OTor Bugbaa'a drug dtoroL Otb

nrirv-ie Ex-tendocl
DR. S. CLAY TODD will sUy another week, until
June 15, at the Wbltlnir Hotel, Traverse City,
Room 31. Consultation Free* No Core* No Pay
t-iusA. he »1«Mtha! he
f-rgivin;;. *1
pr..>trali..ii. i

ilislieartcm^l ami <
r Wh .l I.. ijo. ny,an lAV<-f, r
r that kfinl iialiire is
lo : ure you,
par.iIvsiN «l.-»p;«tThnd .ka
v ..x;^.ilaml use* iu hU
vitality. M-ke ii»:aU»if

lh*-*A- glonoii* rei„

Consumption, Stomach, Kidney Troubles
and Decay of OldARe, all Nervous and Chronic
Diseases Cured Quickly and Permanently.
A>K«vjm«^isnr» Alvarays Gurwd <
I am iK-ing»-d for OMisumj tuju by Dr. S. Cl
improvril vAoi.iIrrfu»ly.-Mr». K K.xicwood. 495 Milwa
U-tcmlATi 7. iMSj •


dors your ]Fire InauraDOB Policy axpirc? 1 want
nt yoor bimlaoBB. CaU
at my offim iand get ratea bofora ranowlng. A. a Curila.
mar IS-lyr



tioi*«« TK«-rilMeNIAK-S
A Rapid City Lady Recovers Her Health In Traverse City
I U.«; 1...^ u




Surgical Cases Cured Without an Operation


flfvt time WB» walking Bhmg Oxford.
t. tmiBg taU pipe, wben b match- J
came up to him with tbe usual
htABlrr Tbe farmer took a box !

BffillTiy Record Want AbS


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