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The Evening Record, July 30, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
I ktrr Kiter. Ui« CDf.
r»s feet wkle. tveMy.
Hew Torlt. Jnly
fLSb# wagw Harry J. Vlagnt
rode IM uUea aw horHaair:fc tn
nine booni and nine ateateg
Sunday. He w^ a bla desk
Ois MosiP
Iw Mlfuslsfm Hsrs.
Ths *pv. W. T. Woodbeasr. psHor
of me BspUel rbarrli. tsiKl«*fed lil«
rwUcMtlqn astordsj lo sm.pt s
to ttloa Rsplds. TSe rvslKostkiB
sraptstf wits Ibr iratcst iwiiarUnre
by tbe irbuiwb sad Mr. M’oodbotiM
Leather Goods and Souvenirs n un
surpassed in this region.
The biggest
winner sure.
Special to the Ertvnlng Record.
KV.pvHghf. non. by W. R. Hears!.)
Simi.jilud of Ha The Than, tbe Ann
ilte girl, the flrHt of her rare i» land
V. W. T.
In AnierJt a. The photographer caught
tbe offrr w«» »o sd^wbtsiPHmw. Ill* her holding In her arius one of the
rt« of Major SavnlU*. In wboMIrttrrtiT rr»ifnsUou ms» si. fonowi:
Drsr Brctbrcw: Kur poau llino pssl family she U emiduyuil as a maid.
I have frit tbst IbO wotk «f I hr chun h
. could be Bicirr proiipcrou. under the
iHKHmblS I* sHMT psstor. I hsrv
bees It^d to retsUi Uii' psaltAl rcUtuni
thus Ur imly uptui fhc uryi-nt r«-<jue«t
of many in Uw* church. Thini a* yt».i
nil WvII know. We Imre f«*ll s rlianr*’
wss sliMihiiely ti(r*t'»var> lo the health
of s part of the family
liow S FSil hs« romi> fmpi snothe.
•church under cirru^taiu'*-* flist fo
decline would br to>lts.itK v the lead
Eic»»ty*YcjrOld Sagmaw Man Soidd
tnj:> of the Holy i>|ilrit
HAS PARTED WITH HiS WIFE cd.in Bath Room—Attorney W, H.
very docidt^l sdvsniv iWRishiry': and
*Ttarvey Unpopular Because He
while fbe c;h»4iKr in cJiwmie nmy not
Keeps the Ltd On.
be lu rsdirs] s^ we had doinxl. yet
It would be n rrry j;reat ehaoite and
fCootlnuiH] on Third PsiK?.)
liy Wire to the Kvi-nlng Ri-ciird.
Snult Bte .M.irle. Jiilv :;o—nme-.!
Daughter Was PUying tn the Street
Itralt. elerk in a eig.ir Mon-, taking a
When Her Father prove Up in
vae.nlion trip up laike SuiM-rior on Hie
a Buggy-Suit lor Di
i.tcamer Saroimir took a testament oin
vorce Be^un.
of his pocket, read it |Mirtion. field a
ftrayer miv-tiug ' l^t Jutniw’d overThen* was rtmsldcrable csritenicnt iMMird The iMwIy w:o n.»t n*»*taere'i
It Ik supiN.Ked be bi rame Mlddeul.v ill
when a iimiv nam' d Mnnirs dmvc lA
Wouldn't O-ftk W’th Him.
rotuli/eiilh and
Port Huion. July n*».—Austin Lv
aiitl took lu- .:>,-iT4,id dau^b
wb owns i*ln.%lnK In tbe
in Inney. two niib< «*‘ath of Capae
bugge and tle»pitc bi'r aiTvane. rrared by drink attaelo-d |ils paf^tK
and rSiwts to fi.!*- her>,cif. drtnr a»av with iKvl slats Sfindav morning and
t^dh were kn«trk«-d unnHiw-lous l»o
It Ik the obi Hort. the nunilirr of e.iu^., the? refused to drink beer with
whirl! iiirrcase with c%en >e.ir. Tbe him
Hong H.mselT.
ijudber and father had se^uraUsl. the
Saginaw. July Zo-Michael J Me.air«». and
Harry Taylor. Shortatop of the Pough* biKt time wn- tuo
hlng bad !►«-« n nen'^ d uinm in re senger.' aged kO. hung himself tn .a
jkecpale. N. Y., baseball Tean
He was found Sunday
gard to the Utile gltl Their divort-r- l»ath mnm
Though Bat’ly Injured.
sult will o>nu‘ Infcic Jndee Maync
Made Mercic Rescue.
Orow**ed In Lake.
Thurwlay and It will then
lUv CUyp^uIy 30—O'car R.Kd of
who. Khali ki^T the child.
Mi>. Ijurr M»>tTiJ'K. the uvuher. had lb,- Coldwater state M-b.Nd. a cliarg!By Wire to fhr Kvi-uui;: Record.
iMkeU the child alfh Iut when -die le»t bound to a farmer n.-ar bis edy.
Ponrbki'Tpr le. X Y . July ,10 —Th '
dMiwneil him.'elf lu the nv* r. It is
* Pseiftc c\prcji>! oa flo* N. a Y«uK'r<*n her lilt! band and i; bviiu; at the rot
i the farmt r bad lieaten him.
n* r of Fiftt't litb and f>; .s rtte* t.v. The
tral was wn>cl.ctY4atl.» this nimtjiuK.
Dug Up Trees,
ruhniiu: Inm a laji.hlih at jlu Tn»y little one wa.s pt.a>liig wi«h oi.jier ebUII HarlK»r. July 3n—.\ttomey
switch a mile i-outh ot llamhurR.
father drove up and culled hrr. Th.
Thtxi* were Lllkd. one miurlni: and
baby loc*ktHl anuind and Marled lioinf
Ihlriy injufwd. The dead: lUchard
It.- It! ktvplng the IM oil nnd has hjel
I.m the father Inti-rc-pi
HilU. eni:lno.-r; Edwird lUxJj^r. Hr*'
Dirests of iRTKtwal violeure. Sunday
?h* N gan
her Into the rig wbei\- Jhe
' man; •‘nartciu * Jack, head Iralmnan
Kcrearri and Split him. The enotiur. mgh! some vauiials dug up tw«. sUaUe
The inlssla,;: Bdward Mrinlyn . <n.a
aHer oiDsnltlnr, an altimiey. f«»nnd tn-es in front aif his reitidenrc and
them awax IK-Icclives haw
that nothing cwtid Im- done In regard
t»M> ^rmin rarrlrd about 10t> piu^MC
lu the matter until U had come I»cfnte bi*eii employt'd on the rase.
Iters and was iroing forty nUIo:, an
Ibe Jiidgtv Tbe child fi> at the home
hour. Harry Taylor, shiudslop ut ih *
of J^inlay ilammoud. when* the father
Kiiht Buffalo, July 30—C’atlle—7300;
baseball team. a|tbu«Kt
Ih working.
fairly active; prime stc-ern.
.badly Ihjuted. made a heroic rescue
3s:>: heifer?. If.stocket>. |2.Mi
^ of a liaby whoso mothi'T. Mr*. Kmma
CATHOLIC societies.
fr4. Sheep and lambs—;d»<rtt; steady;
J. Horeheltp of BehcmMdati.v. was cv
National Convention Now In Sewton lamb*. 17.33©7.S0; wethers. |3.30ff
. liSUMd in the crush of ptMjple.
In Buffalo.
:..73; ewe». $4-5onr.. H«»g*—13.730.
Ry Ulrc to ihe Et t-n'ng Rc-cord
Blow; Yorkers. |7.ti3Ci7H*: milt'd.
Ruffaki. N. Y.. July 30.—The fifth nn lG.Sm©7.30.
Praaident Roosevelt Attend«f Oyster nual ctmventiun of the Amrrican Ft*dDeirbli. July 30 —l^*h*^t-No. 2 it'd.
Bay Praahyterian ^uixH.
eimlloo of Catholic soclelleH openi-d 73c; ci>m. fi3c; oats. .39%,C.
Ry Wire to the |^:tenlng Rc-conL
htyre SuiuUt anctimoQ with oi-ikrty
Chiragn. July 30-Wheal-July.
New ^erk. July 30.—Prrsldcm forty ddegauw.
73He; ct»m. :.lc: oat*. 23c.
Ro^eoi'lt nttinnled M«nrlcxw a! the
Oyster Ray Pi. -byirrlan church Sun ArerST UST or Edlwn Gold Mrxuld
4hc oil or gasoday wbm irnricea for his epeeial edlod Record* jiud receired at Grin- I me man call CItix * jthnne kiHi
firiHinawrrc heUL
licU P.no?heiT,
The Hobxrt Co. Prop.
The many friewdr of C EL* Murray
PfiMder Ranged From s Set of Furs
111 he very i
tu r«»ra luoi m Almost a Thousand Japawcae Lanterns
Down Is Exti? Pafta for s Sew>
Mtffered a m-vi
Were Used to IHumlnato the
aroke of^'^ralysis
lag Machins.L
Satunfay night. The
he stroke affmed
Is About S4a
hij. entire right side but he la much
Impiti*ed fcKlay. b**ing able to um? his
haml -mnd arm but hl.N nght leg U atm
While the family were sttcndinp numb He ts aide to walk and doet,
lV-K|Mte the far! that the storm
church jcttlrrday roomlii; the home <*f not «jfler »nr pal^ and an early and which thn aten.*.! all day kept i
fVii,r Lsrdlc at Maple’cm was ♦ n.er permam nt improvement U bN>kt*d lor viViUng launches away, the Venetian
ed and about |40 worth of household
night at the Nor’hpon Ih-acn iioul
HOST FORCET Cot. c. H FYench
Itriods stolen.
(Cuntimied on k^urlh Page.)
The thief eolcTwd at a nwr wlndtm the. w'ldl known traveler, exploter and
and aside from the open window the h-ctun'r at nt> «,M-ra bouse July 3d-3i
only frhec left wa* -iwmr mud on the
fl'wr. A large suit ca.»e was protmbly
ii'-e*! to carry a«av the -smag" In ann
erylhlng waa larm-d lojisy turve>
In the bouse. .;
£Ct of furr. Wert* made away with
along with silverware, a gold clmlii
rrlucd nt 113.^. a net d nut pirks and
lieables morh pn>|w*rty of thin nature
the nihcreafk* broke Into the wwin".
inarhlue and I.njI. the extra nttltlu^
Mrb he found there *
Sheriff Jirhnatm was summon.-*!
and M«rrh(-<1 the pn-mlM-^ but found
no clew to tin- ihfi-f Mr. l-ardie-ililuk.
that the manna hiding on thi* ic-ninHula. No HtiangerH bave Ini-u weti
alrotit the place nor has anyone iM vn
Hf eu wbo wav artlng In a >.UK|driou.-^
say that oar stock of Indian Bukets,
C. E, Murray Suffciwd Severe Ota SM*
Will OS IS CslSii Rspltfs Whs«« Nt
I am
:■ "1
about something I a|.
ways fro lo the Attncrican
This remark was made
by a prominent physi
cian the other <lay. and
he did not make it to us
either, b\it to one of our
friends who told us.
VVe don’t want to brag
unduly, but this seemed
like loo good a testimon
ial to pass wiilioui using.
Pink, Brown
and Bray
Daw been cut to .
W« close nt 6 now except Wedn^Udny and Setunlejr
In four In hand* and bat wingm. partic
ularly adaptable for m-gllgc wear
mand a clns* of r»ww!* that must look
well nff«-n under dbadvautagt** and
idand a b.t of hard hot wtwfhcr *
Wt- havf a new line jtiM In that ful
fill* khc ri'qiilrcmenfa of the a««
M»m<* lu wa»halUe fabrics, but all Tcry
stylish, effective and atirurttve C-4k
shape. figurt*s and cokuiog
fiubecK ^ Hoyt
Union 8L ClotliiiTB.
Time’s up! Tan Shoes a
Must Go!
There’s plrniy of lime lo wear them, b it not
so much time to sell them, so we have! b **^0
through our stock and pul a l ARtWKLL
TKICh! on every pair of Tan Shoes.
Men’s $:Lr,0 Tan Shoes now $:> 0:i; Men’s $3 Tan ShcH s
now $-425; Women’s $2.50 Tan Shoes $1.SS; Men a
$1.50 Tan Shoes $1.13; Children’s $l Tan Shoes 7r,c.
Plenty of time
to wear out
a pair of these
Are you particular ?
Order tor
and they are
most comfor
wear of the season.
Jr J
You can afford
a pair at
Dni^ Store
With IDs.'
Stock doors delivered same day as
doors and window screens In three days.
We’ll send a inan to take the measurements'
Wc are i»ow^j»m,.^nmtly liKatcd
Orx. ’Sw'&"'pi'iiiialliKaB
o. c. MOrrATT
Abatracta' of TItIa
BatobllsHod %•%%
rn—m at# Btotw Bowk DWIMIM
I iuaxsi .
Traverse City Mfg, Co.
Is the leader amon;: Michipm winter wheat flonrs.
It ‘-staiids up” for itself, and never Koes Iwck on a
frieinl. Arc yon a friend?
If not jrel an
intriKluction from
Lay Co.
Special to You
CONSlI)P!!K these exceptional
silks for the
prices ai which we offer them.
Each and
'every number has a marked difference from
nary run of silks.
been good,
the ordi
While the trade on these silks has
still the assortments
are in very good
And with regard to the demand for the
Silk Shirt Waist Suit, IT IS STILL GOOD and will
be good
throughout the coming fall, so buy freely
while prices are low.
27-inch Hair Line Stripes Fancy Taffetas.
good line of colors................-...................................... Wl/V
- remjah, very similar to the raw silks. A complete
line of colors, an excellent silk and
very popular...................................................................... .. •
Straw Hats Half Price ^ y
(This season’s goods)
: *
20-ioch Shirt Waist Silks in the Ixst sell
and colors not only good now,
but the colorings arc splendid for fall.
3C-ii)ch Changeable Taffetas.
the best selling colors for...............................
IS inch Fancy Taffetas. Only a small lot
of these w’orlh 75c for....................................
(This season’s goods)
Two lots of Wash Silks that-arc so low in price a» to
seem that something must be wrong with them,
but it’s nothing but the price—
39c and 48c
-mAVcaw cm.
KjODK 4fC0» Mn se 10 COST w
wchioan. ik>hoay. july
Am emad m no. t m
iMjo no^mmo c
^Am Sswt to the I
Engewo Brniwifd Has SoM^mi »gMr
stair vsj
csstir SA« It^prmsd as cacrUeat ad
for Nortbpon.
■Ot.be held here ear tbe middle of
moatb or a lltUe later There
are mbajr boaU In aim mroaad Trar
araaClt/aM a very
rr aooflMWttl Vene
Uaa altbt could be arraaced If some
Uke bold and pu»b 4b« mat
ter aioaa All it requlrea Is a Mttle
Ispetaa aad gfts abould be given.
Trveerae aty had no fourib of July
, celebratloo and eery probably tber.vlll be »o celebration here labor day.
Tbain have been no racta of any hind
to fact there baa been nothing to at
tract people here with tbe excepuon
of the Old BeUlers* pimlr and the Ore
aanh coaventkici.
A'eVnetlan bl^t properly airangeri
and adverti»ed wooVl bring a large
crowd of Vlattorv to tbe city and would
be aa excellent thing for the city, in
tbe afternoon vartous boat rarea conld
be held and the entree fee of these
would help defray the evpenaea. Kwlm
mlag races, atngle paddle ibd sallipr
oaaoe rarea: launch raceH. ttib races
aad other aquatir events could Ihbeta.
Wltb fifty nr sUty Illuminated nio
tor boats, wltb row boats tbvwrated.
with fireworks and red lights aloog
the abore. the alght would be a pret
ly one jlfa a good Idea, lei’s alt jola
In and puah It along
The arreat of i ; blry<quts by Chief
1 prove A warn
log to those a ho have iMM.n in Ih.
habit of riding on the ssUl.asIks
Quite a mimlw'r of itiMianres have
repaiicd latcl) where wh<<elroeu havi
been using the shlewalka and In oi
der to escape ilHcribm. irove rarrl«*d
no light. The arreslK nh.ntld be con
tinned until iIm- prartire I* bn.ken up
as a la dangerons to p4Mli^*trlan*<.
Complaint la made that many of tbe
^cement sidewalks ate rwered with
Mnd. It c*ertaln1) mim'Iiu that
botiaeboldef winild have . nisigh prl».e
fn tW •ppmr.nc of 1,1, ,m.porl
keep the front walk swept clean ol
• sand and other things ibai ought mu
to ba there.
•lx Voting Ladiw Started Out Tbit
Morning for Weok*s Stay—EnterUln Tomorrow Evening.
, 'The kllsaes Helen Stout. Itnogrnr
and Margaret Cainertm. IVlia GClIett.
Florence miler and guest. Midi Louiee
* ghepard of Ik troll. went to Baal Bay
thU. morning to start a week’s ramp
They antlrlpaic a very pleasant lime
and tomorrow evening th.»y will rn
icrtain the ea%t wide emwd at Mipoer
I marrletl a
' .
huahand b«d it ilaiighier. vrHh whom
< :*my fither 4a widower, fell in love aad
I ‘Whom be insnied. 8.. my father I-.,
came my am and at fbe aame itme my
daughter became-.may mother. Then
my wife bad a child (Itoyi. who became
tbs brother of my father and at tbe
aamo time my um lc. because he waa
tbe brother of
wife of my fat
ho heesr
brother and my grandson
non or my danghler. 8o my wife be
came my j^mlm.fher. beeauae alie
WM the iBidher of my father’s wife,
aad I was also her grandchild, and. aa
body to necfwaarily the grandfatber of
thio oomehody. I heearoe mf own
tmndfathef.-Kew Tork Time*.
Mtsdiwda of people rStft Satt Bay
08 a p^asaac Satd«7> Tertevdaj
BO excepnea to tbe jEule aad tbe muw
ber W rtga that passed tbroagb the
roBort waa aatooiablag Borne ddre
to tbe bay and bavw a day a ontaig.
enjoyiag a picnic dlaaer In tbe grove
Otbere mtt frteade at Bhcbwo<
Keala Ifokeaa. Launch rtdea aad
lag licrve to paaa the time very plaaa>
aiMly. Bnl tbe greateat aumher are
simitfj out for an afiemaoa'a drive
and they all seem to bend dlrrci lor
Before the resort wa* platted a
was laid out along the bay ahore ta a
haphazard manner It contlnnsd to be
traveled more and more imtil most
people thought It the regalar highway
Tbe road bow passes right through tbi
mlddls ht fhe report and the nunibn
of rigs passing through becomes rz
tremely annoying to tbe reenr:erv The
should go several hundred fee*
to Ibe nofth and an effort Is being
ade to induce the board of publir
ofts to pul It In passable aba^.
Bald one of the Btrrfawood reaorters
Uda morning. •Vesferday there was
tnual stream of rigs passtag
through, aomrtimev five or sli woull
• along In a bun^h and meet
couple going fbc other way. TlB-n
all tbe Baal Bay mnUngent to get
them straightened out again. At f>thei
tiroes you would think'a funeral pmr'csM.lon wa* passing The rt>ad
yesterday and the dust d
iKHher hut take it In dry westber
i different proposltlon.-
Ltltle Excitement Was Caused
Dock Last Night by a Flatlc
mile ezclteroent was rr.ated lanl
nlrht at the passenger .Irwk Juro after
the Columbia had returned fmm th..
Island by a cmple of fellown getting
a mis up Report* r.mi-emlDg the
affair are rather mnfllrtlng. Some a*wrt that wklle out at Ih.- Island .me
man and two or three ^ hi* frtenil*
Jumped on irrlhe fdher and that It
was decided to settle the affair In a
private place after (he Ikta! had land
A* noon a* the Columbia lied up
to the d.»rli Ibe scrappers got off the
boat and pnw'eed.vl to mix H up nn.1
It noon partook of the nature of a fnv^;
for all when Agent Ikim* interfered
Thu other wide of U |« that one feUow !
stnjrk the other from lH*hlnd and «
that t^lnt a man fnim (h.* IlUiioi
M.pjwfl In. striklnu llir Huirossor 1
the flehr n iKtwerf.jl Mmw in ih.* nox
Tlte trotilde, Iiowtm.t. was smm quie
eti and nothing more has tK<en hear
era are shipped from here to New
York and other eastern points. They
arc famaiafly known as No. 2 white
fish. To the people of this section of
me eo.m.7 Ibe
of e..!,,* ,urk- j jj j, ,
er,.e«»clall)r*<<W» lime of tbe year.IoleAner And perfiaber for
«w»W be Illiiiuleful. bul New Yorker, ] hp,,,,
ihlnk tbem a nr* treu. The, «i«; 11 rcmo,-oA’the j-ellow btAint.
lime a It^rre of men la at work cutting
n«Eb; b. pooAd net, m>d ofi« from . I which to oftAA niA pofcekin bath
the h^lork. while the hardwood will
Urtr part of tbe ua>'. ealrh The tid.j, WBah bowla, walor cloarU
he lumbered aa soon as thin la fin prmci|.»l. irhieeii.* to «qe,. r« a, a am’drama.
Ubed The logs am rolled Into the I»md .1, Ibe lar*e aumber of bone,I U bricbteoa And thoMNIKhlT
water and then lowed to the com' ablel, ibey eoniaUi. maklnf li oeem-IcIcAAToa the hitickMt Ami dirtU-at
pany a nilll at the head of tbe bay. tnaly Impoetlhie lo u.o tbcm a, a ;of uM-tak
And the grBoaitAl of fry• sik
There la said to be about TW.OOo feet foud. Wtmu in
tti water thi‘y ofiea
of tlmlicr tn the tract and the eomnormy fcul the bay
pan) hopes to have It all cut down in Is oidlnaiUy v:xs
‘nmigii tl. do away
the cvmno> of a few months.
V iih this evil.
years ago Nifh shores of fhe
The sufken. are consumed by the
hay were emered with heavy Umber foreign rcsidenti, <d N.‘w York
and ararrelv a farm wa> to be neen. place:, w h.*re ‘ ,c;. i-man eurr. stemmi
With t^e oelhnc of the Brainard tract lafge quant ii. s ol th.-se "w at.'r ,<nsitn> ’
OUkPoatoffice Hailthng
alroonC the Ia:.t large piece of limocr ar.- aiiAi hhippitl
that same mark.-t
land will dlhappear Nearly cv.>ry form but f.^Hnaicly the water, near Tniv
Z the bay r«i
patch ofj.rvr ruy ixmtam hut few of the mud
c;ilt vj.r«lc A IM Vr-c^w- «Tstn.'
la but 10 the n
V. b. hnr. rtM fa .hiol.ed
timber ha* »>een long ago luml erM uff ^
l.rv*a amt gilt i.rub'Cm ..f eV.tfulvl dsiya
«li<^ in the
mar rmint
hepiw-lf lu-kT. for ihev
•Mv WilcV Family.*' a spark Hog mu .Mo-ed to frvor. .ssyw ibe N* w V*rk
! jinieirte otii.svv hnve tire
.... »I far.A .emedv. the work of .Sieph rVe-d
jrn and Union, will le the attrartmo .-'harm .if moi rrx'utleg I’wdr re legal! m
WILBUR BRISTOL INJURED ■VHIbjat the Grand Opera llnure W.^n.’Kfiav Vo the baiAgroumt. Kven If they h ue
t>.*en l.vkl atv.vy. llo-y proti.vbly will
jiiichf. Aucu-t 4ith. The rt.m.i1> l> look as l.‘•:^:l^l a* eVA'r When brought
jin thrW a.
of npoMAimu. f.in ms, forth to view. Tbe ri'iomlng of the
eornlre ar.*l *v’d fnehlgneil eiirtalus
Ja sn Expert Rider and W*av TeacH-jnl hrd t.v yjerer iun*vii4i» . pn’U.v jn.Vfle itsr f .feU 1n«t winter, nh.*/, the
. xN-uv ] erv„n« «.f .T new hotel. «vb!rh U sup‘the laxt word * tn
lii.Tiiii; and dan* ifig nuuil-er lh*t are!
tefiil and mvosteutatUma de. ^r.vll
•lie #ncon' brlor**r5.
IVife'.*, were «on .tnictfs] with mmlc:-* r
Family * Is n pla> That is clean, w hole eri-vl with doth Jn*t like ihai useil
While training a hurra* Satuiday
the wliiflow rnrtain.i.
night Wilbur Bristol of BIghth virert
mtt wltb a painful and serPm: aim
i form of -siKirtdent, breaking a rib an«l tielng general
!) bnil.ned up Mr Bristol in an cv
V J’ovt I
jM‘rt horvenian. h,ivini*. Imvn a riemb^i
of IN- r. S ra\alr> filTTY**'
v.-rr r»'>nnk»r. Si-slally
ani] W.1K .•inb-av.-ring lo i- alvh H . p-i
• a f.r. 4,.w fruk*. \\Wjge
Uvwls, nr.' titlliyfHl. the Kin* lieing Iden
enl ooruried t?,e hor-w was e.i
tical for ea.di comiM-tltor, and t'lH* to"
Iwcv-o Is R-TirefuIIy Weiglicd b.-foiv It Is
deavonng to Jumj» a M»i-e. ajid lia.1
I..1I Ils-T.-I:,. Wln-n the st irt.-r c v.-w
l.*ar«*d It nl.vlv severtl time*. The
B*.- word the s»n..krrv, H«-nf-d In n .'t
r-i lime, however, he mlsucd It by a
eJc. fa'/iM .u-*e«lion* In if»r prv-.e’ico’
ew tnrbes. Kriimbieti au-l f.-Il. Tbn.w
nn uner-’Fied axwmhiage of sivec
ng Mr Bristol ir. ih.- grouml ami inf.ito.-ifl and backerw. Th.* iii.nn v\)*o
Jaring him r ORfri. lv. Jle is dooi;: mre.
*Tw,vtvres bis loisK'.Y, Ho- .lulrktra la*
ni .T.urM-, d.‘‘. Iarv»d the wimirr.
Iv. however, .vnd exjM-cT^ to lie up and
srmmd In a few dayn.
Frank Trude
omc and beiiu; devoid of all hor*4pla.v aii.l Mir.gestlV4-ness too »dten
fmimi in (he lighter form* «jf enter
Ivinmcut offR-i.-ii to ihr ilh-.ner
ing public.
Tin <.'l^t employRs| in the m
• oineilv wav M I,s lod with «-ai* lu
teintou a- H* tlulr fltn*- s f*.i H,i- 4-har
acK r.s a sumed. with
naiiiral result
of an evenly luiiancr
S-Iarc. M-eiiir as well as the «
cal eff«H*t*. are appropn.iie i
d.'tail. A* uumbcf of lnte,e,t
novel vaudeville siHK-ialties «r
dut^ during tbe action of the piav
t*y vari.*us*Po miM rs^ il,g-ituiipanv
Kh es J.'..
ceni^. .
Some odd torture rclb-* of the pa*t
have moently !.♦-« *oM nt. nu^-llon In
l^oodnrt gualnteat among Lmm
a devb-e known «» tlif drttnknrd**
for that piiFpowe nor nt any otlwV tirm elmk. It 1* made of wood *ii
will they take fhe ring off tbe<r flnge shape re«cmble« a hugs inrcne,! dower
after It hai ooee l^n pla.>«d there.
p*vt. Through the small cln-ular
lure In tbe top wa* thniet the neck of
the Imprisoned-Inebrljite. Tl,o weight
June nl£hi. M
rinpurd of thia ancient counterpart oj the
Straltjacket fell on tbe vlrUm*a ahoul
"I mn*f hf going now. pet
It 1* der* and wa* *uffl<-lcnt to mnke ev
ery tMoe lo bla body ache. With hi*
getting late and—”
hand* practbwlly'plnncd Pv hi*
"But do ynn b»ve me. GeorgeT"
-Ix>re you*? Wtiy. yon dear llltir and the garment reaching almost t
emnnd. tbe only motion allowitl 1,1m
gtn. haven’t t
‘•“‘I waa a alow ahwffle of hi* weary feet
evening bnw mti. h I h.ved
he draggevf bU way painfully along.
-Have you. George;*One can well lielleve that any one w bo
-Have ! Why. giext-*^
si to (don the drunkhf,d been compelleil
-Ptit *re you quite sure that yon ard’a cloak woqkl Ik* v'e.ry apt to
to the t-oncluaJon that w higt, oM time
love merwa*
at the price
*’Of rmiiwe I am sure, my dear. Real-
In the avTnnv nHiK of 1nd«anii wr
amd the old farmer plowing.
•They xav tMv l« a great country for
poet*." we ventured
"If he tbjRt." drawled the xdd rrvan.
rrwllnc on the iilnw hxndlea. 'Xvrrv
one of i„T w^ven chi Id ton cat t lev a
T1.M w- Dm^.u
-<tT middle nxme and writes jMe-try
-And double sure? Hldn*f yso love
-And when your ‘ hicycic hmke
••|*reifT gtMvd rrwonV"
the oW girl JuM thi* miicbr
down fM-vw, n,lle* fmn, ho„,c."
-And fhe evid woman writes por^rv
-What old glrl> There waimt ary the employer, -you rvp.n1rR*1 It al
t *oo« as *be la through In t!>e
youraetf did you? ”
old girl that I know of.”kltchi'n.-1 did," aiisnrmi the girl i
**Wa*n t tberr> Gan I s*k one mifre
d .|Ton,rr.wrller. pmmlty.
lastioD befiwe you go. George?** ^
-And the hir'd
very funny to me.** be
-f'ertalnl.r. my dear. What la Itr
In the bam "
bat when a ribNm on
-rv» you love mM* E>o^-"
-Womb*rfni: And <V> y.vn writ
• need* ahlfllng y..u have
N. R.
When iTeorge reached M*
rortr.v. t.a.r
hnokkorpw erorr tloif
-No. I Juat m. he dta1e.-t p.wro* t<
for y«u.“ '
the uiiil.^ wiieu they liaJk. Inxtead o|
•nis^inK Works Hke n ebarm,. *eau*i
Indiana mule* am i-owerfuUy |vorticaL*
—l*hlcsr> IhiUy NewTc
F« Porch and OBt-door
r ;
, v.
V "
forkd hj boat. cokl. trinil or rain;
place ki
. - ___ _ anjwhere—
,akwnpnrtY. for intUiDoe. and a
- sofi. bean^ol light aecerevl at
-j^^^cooat Ask ns all about currvnt, fiztnrea, bmps and wiring.
J.B. Paige EiecMc Co.
*ro Ik.&.LPM’r^AT-K
A iKanliful. Uivc. <|UKrhr w.wcd o«k foAcr. ,;oMcu finioh.
hnml p>,U«!kM. full r.^U m at. |«uu-l lark Aoil »klr: rvrn
joint l..lt,-l A* Wi ll a. kIui'I................... Worth $8.t)0.
■Mow Only
“Easy Payments of course
to secure a IuihIsgiiic tel of
A rfergyman. eeeentir rKuraed fmm
All affort H being made ttv hare the
mtefkeaa of Jo»m Wul Jooew, the naval the wfsq. iMwught tbf* story: Be waa
(to gne«t of one of fhe jilUam of the
beri. appear npAn one of the next
rUucT'h tn a nmal eommnnttj. BeK•erlea ot postage ttaaipa .
xteAk wne the ple.'e de rwHaeancr, and
the gueet sawed at It with such eq«rCr that Us to4Mr«mes* w.« obvhma.
THK IaADIKS- Aid society of the
nnally tbe hnwt tboottit it nemasary
Finn M. B, church will give a lawn
--------- —
nt ve bis Pepntaltou
nodal at the boom of Mia. Grtffin. for“it•» flu- Ur.1.- A, nwwkwl;
ner oC fioardmaa nvaooe nnd Wnbater
itraaL Ttmnday erefUag. July 31. Cnke
and ksa cream will he aerrrd. S aad lO
to im^.iteclf ftcXIOKT AB-na-trd LOW
ns a anaipli* no our Hixira is to dc iliepusiMl
of ni Uepfs)%' rut prioen. -
diir Sample Sale
Peerless dcaBisf and
Sconriif Powder
IXto, Wasfe Bowls,
itcr Oosds, lUe, Porce
lain. Marble. Glass, Tin,
lag on Baat bay to the KcUey Lamoar
and ShlagV company aad tbe work of
tumberlag H
now in progress. The
land la locat^ os the cast abore of tbe
bay, al(Mt two mUi-s north of Yuba.
The timber roasists mainly of beech.
rbwt A •'Wed- »eww..
ilie Aii;:loyaA'*na the bride
gr»ni * ue n i-lmlce or “wed** at the
i lmloil r
ns pf.-o ed
maiden'* rljrtit litmd. where it r
ed until a4 the- qt.nrriaw' It
I train
ferreil to the i.«rt
l'ncl,.hwf»tne:i nt
one time wore the we Id Inc rtirg on'Ilie
thumb. Many porinilts of ladles in
Queen FJ»K!*<m,
In the relsn o
iMitally remcived tbe ring fnvm It* pnSji.
er nlddlng place to The thumb aa eaoti
ra tbe ci»remouy was over. In Hpaln
tbe glf^of a rfng't* lookeil u]‘on as a
promise of marriage and I* coiialdered
Chief of Police Ashton V*t»|ed the im«ctent proof for a maiden to claim
ber buwlMind. ft I* a rv»*tom lo {««*
West Side Yesterday and Made a
little piRH e* of bride’s rake through (he
Good Maul.
welding ring, nnd thoae to whom these
nirvrli.M.s have iM'Come ver> lax li.
regarding the «»n1iu*nrr* ru, the west
hide. iMi f^ilef of Police Ashton t^.K .v
hike down in fhai direefujq yesterday
ling and raiMHl fr. for the librar.
fond. Another violator wa.^ ptilled on
•art ^ide Haturday night
lere U a certain clash of jtet»plr
who think that If thev are not punish
ed Tor slightly vkdating an ordinane«
,f«t they ran g*» along and Keep at It
ithout getting catight and riding on
le walk* on the west side has grown
to he a rv»gtilar thing.
at ilie vi*ry lowe d !>rtcc. Wc have about One Jiufitlir.l .iml l-i.riy Sc is left ih H wtf arc
lo close
at the sin.ill sum of
68 con'ts &
1 h« sc flishfs .11
u|» of
r thf i.imoiis
iflas* ami
Ig .itinful <J«*sijjii.
Tllli NAin’i -URES-CUT” IS ENdliCH
V»»ur Keli.l1 lie FiirnilurR SUire,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
12? Snulfi IIlion Sir. cl.
Traverse Ciiv, MichicM
Building and Repairing '
Going on al! the lime am! wc w.int all lo Lh'Tw ihal uc arc ihc grcalcsi licadqtiarler?!
for.absoluldy everything needed by (he iMiIIdcr. ihe coniraelor t>r privaie individual
in brighieiiing tiii the dull jilaces, in reinovh liug or n’|iairing the old or putting up
the entire new biiihling. Here are many things you ueed:
Harrell’s Very best three-ply Hlnek Diamond Koolmg Paper, tomfilcic with
naiN, caps ami two gallons of coaling. j>rr square-............................... ..
Amalihr Gravel Koohng, complete. |»er square....................... .......................................oO
Compo Kiibbc-r Roolm;:. fier square...........................................................................
:j 00
Red Rosin **I.)iamtMHl A’* Paiier, f>errolI.......................
Red Rosin “Diamcviul C” l\T|M-r. per roll.......................
Harrell's No. l! Tarred Pelt Paper. f>cr 100 pounds-...
I’ibreta, per roll..• v............................. ........................
Peloski y Lime in one barrel lots................... ..............
1 00
Petoskey Lime in live-barrel lots-.................................
riasicr llair, per bushel.................................................... .
Red Pressed Hrick, best on the market. jKir thousand
24 00
Muresco, the irreai wall finish, in fivcquMind packages
Plastico, the best made, in live-|K>nnd packages...... ...................................................
Newaygo Cement and Calcined 4’laster always on hand in any quantity.
Heath ^ Millijran’s Celebrated Paints, for b'>th indoor and cnitdoor work, in
all the most [topular cojors.
Pul a little
in your home by Ubiiig Heath & Milligan’s newest ‘ Sun
shine*’ Pdini. Ask for-a sample.
“Sapolin” Slain makes old things look new.
• ' j
Rusty things need “Sapolin Glossy Hlack" Stove Pipe linamcl.
“Salsuma” Interior produces the finest hard gloss finish.
; •
Liquid Veneer is the new wonder worker. A child can apply it. Two si7C4—
25c and THH:.
We carry the largest stock of Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Wt>od Tillers
and Turptiiliiie.
ppr storc closes every nighi alSix O’clock bnl : r: ' ; -Wednesday and Safnrdjy. . .;y-
Hannah & Lay “The Big w:
Mercantile Co.
I •'' ’
fcV. JULY H im.
«t cw IM* flf
mm4 ^
TrMMt CRy Y«Nii
U8H8I ill lUrHiifi t0 IRlMiB
«ry 401
TSIi 1
flf th»
kmmm Is tSst Mica «C IS*
t mamy friem^ of Miaa Agmea
trr mptifiMJiy tint pwt of S MIM JOUA KCLUnr MCT WITH
f tmwerfy of thla dtr wfil be
TOWIMMm or ACM vfciTtP »V
•9 tSr vfad vm «o «mr«. The
WIHOAI^KAILiTOWIcmtly aurpcMfd to Mra of her »ai^
ot afmn ttei IH] «w MorvMM*.
riaf* to Uovd Q. Lrwi. of Dtoo^ HU
Saturday nftermm at liUwmakae. Wi*
of hJLil wumm eerms Soon ofior
For the pant three year* Mtaa Watky
■tom «m> oror. It U
.erred a saeccnsfnl career ai
dni rSe M «U1 wily ttndl teartenocrapber In this cMy. usUl ahe left
•UT*SHE OilRACULOUSLY ES Traveew* City carljf In May to
Tines vriw)0T£0 ai-o cuors
d. In ChleaiED aad vicialty.
1. very pofmUr aamai tk* youac
pie her* aad her maay friend, her*
will wiak her aioeli kappineaa In her
MS «C WSiS 99^ W«*
Araafiit Flrg DM'tmcat t* th* W
•m far Som* Timt ANhowgh H0
•fis A. O.
life. Mr. and Mr.. LewU will
mop Aaoefc Totfny-mtasa Wm
hoaaa Warn Rrokaii ar Any
d a abort tlma^ln the went
Only a hmall One,
Intarwal Injurtaa lafUctad.
will return lo Dixon. III., where they
will be at home to their friend, after
Tbe ire deponneat waa called
Aua. 15 at «10 Went Rmt .tr*et
the Wynkor^ block thU oooa hot the
The umti^lp of Arme w r
aa Jolla KelU*y. danxhicr of W.N
Srr Wan call befor*^ It arrived Home Kf Iley of State Mreet. waa thrown
m tew dMjw M90 hr B
burone had thrown n match or Ili^itM fr«»m a home thU momln« and b
fteMA soiae Wmt <UMf n <b« agar atab doom the garbage ahaft and nionidy eacwped oerim tnftiry.
iv*M of Hwrtooo Tiibir^r mme A. G. Mioo the MBoke becan to poor out
waa rldlns up Cai« -ireet and
The rrwtdenta of the flat, however, reached the jjoatoffle*- when tbe 1
tomorrow is solemn day in
InibM the bOTTiconf and <ou*rd » •oon ••stiricnlidied the blaze, the dan
besaa to.art up and run toward the
Inarjr Im by beatiiMt dovo the trm^ ape done bHna very alUbt.
bridae. MIM KeUey endeavored Itj
Btocfc cloniB were notirnd Is tbe *kr.
Mop ilm but her effort, were frultUua
•mnac darker aad more denw. M
at H^ATS.
When the Inirw waa al-Mit half way It Annivaraary of Both Flrut and Sec
Mod by hoary whida and a forton.
the lirtdge idie loM her hold and
ond Dcctrvction of Solomon's
Soarasoor of hail and rata. Tbe worat Mian Edna Millee Entertained Frianda fell over the horar’. bead to the
of the Miarm wa» only a f<-yr lmBdr©.l
Thla Aftamoon.
around The hor%*‘ went rtaht over
Mt la width. tolBf Haht tbroosh the
MUi> Kdna MllWr enterialne«| twenty hit but forumately .be wa. not In
Metfornad Sntth fanaa, learlna all yemne larlle* at her home on Fifth JuftMl. SlUa Kelley wa* unable to
Tomorrow the Jew. of the city cele
aarrmndlBic ioT>|»efly almoat entirely
(IiT^ ftfiemoon at heart*
up for Mrveral minute, ^er the
brate the day of deatmctlnn cd Solce
aahanaed. what IHlIe damacr wa. ta».hi. wei*^ played and a moat dt IlyliTand ib#m only wlih,aa.l»tance. So far mbn*. temple. Il I* called the Feaxt
dM bolac catyM by the hail
ftil afiemooo waa .pent U«bt
a>; known there wer«* no bone. hr»»ken of Ah. Ab meanlna Aujmrt fU-nrlr<‘s
At .Mr Aadth a fOace tbe com crop frf»bmenU were nerved
tior internal Injurle. but .he wa. very win hi- held at 7:50 thl* evening and
The aueat. of boour were the
wita alnoot oatli^y mined and aomr
badly bnil.i.1 and ihl. loireiher with fr«im 7 to 11 o*e*Dck tomorrow i
Uttlo daonae «aa done to (be Imlld KiiU Brown of IXHroll and Bra WU the »ev«TUy of the .hock may keep Ing. On ih\e day all plou. J< w* are
' lasa. Tin Pulcllcr crop* i.uflered in Jard of Kmplre
her Indoor, for w*%eral day..
KuppoM-d to ab.ialn tmm food and
a Ilk* ana^. and In addition »U or
•Irink. It wa. Ju.t 2524 year, ago ue
: vOiflit larga treoa were nprcxited. A
morrpw that the temple wa. de.troy**.t
for the finu time and IkSn y-ear. ago
for the M^nd lime. * Ti»morrow they
mourn the deMrurtion of ibl* tempi
It U a
rotncldenre 4hat both
A. I* Hunu r and wife went t.
*erople*i wert- <le«troyed on tbe.
ah-ta.war.ta U:l. niomlni;.
n. C. Uruwntni; w«*ni to Old 3di.-*i«»ii
this tnomliir via Ne>ahdA;Wiuita
Charle. HertHTt lot>k the boat to Ne
nroriiM out suffered
■ITtt DflWI cMorr
Aesoftsand Resorters
Return ensagement of the Great Success, under
the direction of W. McGowan.
ah-ta wnnia thl. iwrulni; and
frwm there to Old Mission.
Mr*^. H. n Perrin and Carl Perrin <*f
OI>erlln. Ohio, went up the lay «bl.
Mr»i. (1 H, Yerkanip of Cincinnaul
and Mr, and Mr*, t;. J. llabbltl went
Foticii I hi. momini;
Mr.. J. 8. Adam, of Kentiic
poaseU ihrouRh the rity.to.lay on her
way to Nt^h ia-wania.
Mr.. Perin .LanAdon of Cincinnati
Ohio, arrived at Ne-ahda-wanta t
when.- Hhe win .iK-nd llH' remainder
of the summer.
S^oorasl MhajoonaamTajI mmmmo9% oC
Stephens & Linton’s
Funniest of All Musical Farce Comedies.
The Merry Musical MIxup.
“My Wife’s Family,”
H^cd by the Real Comedians,
' ' Appl^aoo and |o«rry
Chss. Mltohsll
iOSo. DuMont
I Parkor
Lorraine Korur
I^Ona Ward
Violet King
and others.
Summer prices for this engagement only.
25c, 35c, 50c. Boxes T5C.
Scat sale Johnson DrtiK Co.
for white wash belts and
many other styh‘s in
cluded that were ‘J5c.
18 <3^1
for Belts
to r»()c,
38 et3.
for Belts
and 75c. -
. •
• for Belts value $1.50.
W. C. J. Bienemann Sooceeda E. E.
Coomha of th« M. M. A N.
W E CofTiiib.. traffic manac
the M. M. A X.. has iM-en Mip< rre^WM
by W. C. J. Blencroann. Mr. O
hi. maay friend. In ib** city who will
‘Su^ven^aiuck .iirprMed to U*am of
(he change. The M. M A S. mnt
lie railrond-nnd tbe Manl.tlquc
Little Steamer Boupht by the Neasen
Tran^rtation Company.-^
The Col uni Ida will no longer con
nect with the Creaeeni for Charlevoix
at NnrihiHirt, The little l^mt i.
• State Candy Maker. Will Meet Next off. ih«* nin having lH*<ni add !>y Cap
October—Concluded 8e«lon
With a Banquet.
r wi«b her is not
The Imslne's* ni^sslon of the Cm
Makers* com . ntinn was eitntpletiHl lal-*
Sattirdny afierntHtn and the Riie*!
ttK>k ihe CoPimlila at 4: in for a tw.
ntliAed front. First
lumtw ride on th«‘ bay.
t mV bop<> will be \cry beneA mtat dediphtfuj tianquet wa
M>rv'ed in the hZ\k^ club ai 7:30 and i
The call fin. come prartlcaliy
was late at niahl before the
rrfwught and It I. .o hearty nnd
tlroil to their lotli-lnps. The r<jnvenlion
unanimotiK that 1 havi- derided to nr
mcN fs (II Mriftke^n In Ortnbt'r.
cept It I ihendon'. t« nder my resig
A irinilHT of the manufarnirer* took
nailon a. pastor of this chutTh to ar
the varlon.s e\c!ir*Um* out of the city
Ihl* ralf of ' thw; First
yesUrflay, the llUmii.s indns especially
church of E;iton Rapid.. MIc
well iiotnuilaHMl by them.
I nqiK-Kt that If It nie<*l. the plea,
lire of the church my resignation taki
While nitiinc cake at tbe City re*
effect Sept. 1. 1!*0€
taiirant yerterilay. William lardle'r
Trusting that. God will srx»n guld^
thumb cot In the road. ai he rut il
yo;i to' the choln^ of a pastor under
<*nd of It off. He Is now U»oklnc for
mhose leadei>hip the church may pn**
.|uire thumb until hU peu well.
per most grarlou.**!}. 1 remain.
Fraternally your*.
William T. WocMlhouJ^e.
Mr. Wnoilhouse olwi a.ked that
leader lie appointed for the Thursday
night prayer meeting and that he be
rt lic\fMl from (he evening service Sun
day that he might .pend a few day. a!
GIRLS WANTED at tMcrvood for his cotiage at Ea.t l!ay. He further
.«>e«)nd work. Mr.. Geo H Laihn>p. nshed that he lie allowed to preach
Beil phone i:..
July 3(V-3t Eaton Rapid. SumUy, Aug. 12. HI.
LOST—IJirrt* black and white houml
tan lu*ad; had .trap eollar. Reward
far any Information a.s to wherealKiut* or n*tum to A. H. Vlark. l*il
W. FYoni. Cit- phone 1^07. Red.
July 30-tf
Slidlnj: .cale rule
Reward*if rt'lnmed to ihl. office.
July :3a-tr
LOST—Black eion Jacket between
city nnd BIrchwood. Sunday. PleaM*
leave at Record office.
July 3(k3«
Il was iu*ven year, ago la.t May
that Mr Woo.lhou.e came hero from
the EaM Main .treet church at Jack
During ^!. .econd rear the
church here was extensively remod
eb'd and brought up to date. During
hi. Flay in the city he ha. made every
one hi. friend, and the fleparturc of
himwilf and hi. family will occaalon
much gennin* regret.
Mr. W(
houae*. aeven year, of labor in thl.
field ha. been productive of much,
good, eapeciallr among tbe young peopleThc church at Eaton Rapids U cm*
of the largest in the cUte ouUide of
Grand Rapid, or Detroit and t. la the
Jackaon dIstricL
If yon are a member of Traverae
aty lodge, o. n. Kvighta af^PytUai.
A flae dkplay of Borth«ra IlghU was
Bay Bammy has maned to hla
laittoek twtarbed fiottjr
OohoaMa after a abort vaeatloa.
r wartm ' vfait at Imi
TW miania took lU paaaencen na
Travnmt CRy 1
fb* ^rrioa ymerday which ta lb*
Utu* far
tari**t aamber tkla i toBoa. Tbe boat cliy vUltlag bto ana. Dr. J. W. Qaaatto the Biillnrefa.
bad a lari* ablpM of fretebt baU Irtt.
Mlaa Xlebola of Qardaer. Mans., la
Tbe acbooaers NelUe Joharoa aad the gaeat of bar aaaL Mrm. J. W.
Leon F. Tltna received the foDowtng X-1S-U-* ar* at lb* city dock.
Ror SUmaa M today ft»r Lake Oaletter Batwday from San PYsnrtaco
zwiedgteg the receipc of the flr«t Provemoat and Pdaeb ymerday and nevaTWia., to atlead ibe aimaal T. X.
OB of ihilef BB«er nent from fk* M. A K. E. brdagbl nearly 200 from C. A,<
Dr. J. C. Qaanilett of BIk Rnpkis waa
la the city yesterday. He took back
Ijeon F. Ttlna, Becretory.
Tb* Tw*att*€b 0*ntury >hib boat
with hlmohe stjuidard bred eolt. Mys
X Plrni National hank,
party ooears thla *vealag Th* Cotery., which waa skipped froto MlUa
• Traveiwe City. Mich
lumbla will leave th* dock prompily
r him.
Dear 81r-Het*wlth we eneloae oor at 7:50. rrmntiig dirwet to the Island,
Man Smith of CadUlac was Ike
nfflclal receipt for fl.nOP^ being the when- aeveral boars of danerng will be
mi coBiribnted by yonr rttlzei^i. enjoyed. Moaic wlU be fnrnlabed by guest of Edna WUbelm over Bnnday.
Mr. Ihiell baa fetarned from a al*
ir relief find Oa behalf of the Horst’* orcheatra.
vlsli with reUUves and frirads
citizen, of San Frnadneo wc thank
McPherson poet Is requestfd lo
most alncerely for ihi* aplendld meet at Grange hall Wedneaday even in (he soutbdrn part of tbe suto.
tKbWe be spent a moot pleasant and
ribntion. asiuiring yon that we are lag a\ 7 .20. Important bn.lneas.
enjoyable lime, still be I. kMd to get
| .
profoundly gratc^fid. With be«t wlxhei
Tbe UuDch ATcoyn* with a pariy lack to Traverse.
U*g to remain.
from Northport Point I. In the city
Mir. SophU Anderson of Manlstm to
Your, vcir truly.
sfirnding a wev k In the ^y.
• j^
Jaroe. D. Phelan, Chairman.
petition was filed in ITobate court
Arthur Kellogg of Lansing Is vlftttoday for the appolnlmrni of an ad Ing hi. parents for a week.
Frank Johnson h*. returned from
rolnistrator in the Charlea Lannin *.
Grand Rapid.. Muskegon and^otbar
A party ronsbulng of R. E. WaRers, smiihcrn Michigan pmnts.
U W. Hannon M^t With .Very Painful
J. Hcnderron and son and F.
Th.* TTsjm*. Nettle WiirzhBry anfl"^
Accident at the Northport Ceie- ,
WRuon and aoo went lo Old Mlaaioo Ella Smith Rficnt the day at th* toUpa
bration Saturday.
Ing for the Twentieib Ceiury
in Mr. Wllaon-s launch Pigeon Sainr
girlF* party which wUl be b*M thla N
J. W. Hanncn If suffering with a
The evening acnlce at the Frienda
very badly burned right band, the re
4'lark Brown went to Mantots* this
church wa. dl.mbtM*d laat evening
sult of an accld««t at Northport Saturand tbe ro<*ml>era visited tbe Congre lornlng
•lay criming. Mr. Hatinrm took C. A,
Mis. Myrtle Rrlggs wtmt to Maniagational
1‘alnuT of Manl.tw and Mr.. Oracttec this morning.
Mrs. France. S. Smith, who
Smith. Mr. iVmdy*. wx-rctary. ot
Mrs. A, C. Wjnkoop of Cedar Ran
Ms launch In order that Mrs. Smith iTcen .urc***.fully teaching hen* for
aa in the city >^4*.terday and look lb*'
might take a picture of the Northport *omr time, will go to Boyne Ctiy
llnoi. to Harliir Springs. Sbe rth
Thursday lo take charge of a large
lW:.rh iMU. i. Mr. Hanhen mas tc
tumi*4l to h**r homi* thi. morning
the flatdi light and Jn.l a. he did ao class.
Gisirge Evan, went to Sherman tbto
Dr. Frank Iloldsworth Ixutnn practic
the b*»at ndltHl. throwing iIm* flh* all
over the hack of bU right hand. No ing again today after a six week.
MiVv May Llodiu y went to Solon tbto
wrlouK result, art* anticipaiunl ai co*Tme in the Chicago college of poly
though the injury Is very fialnful.
W. II. Con y and wife .pr*nt tbe day
On Aug. 2. the motion lo dissolve
the Injunction held by Jonathan Mar at Carp lake .
Mr and Mr. W. H Davl. and A. J.'
tin and atm. contractofa. va. WUllam
Gregory of Fife Lake, wlir be heard. lUki r Fp*ni the day at Carp lake.- *
Aekes !• CliUerrW ‘husi
MeMrs. Juhrgaiid Tracy left this morn
Fnderwood A Umlor ___
ing for a two wiwks* visit with her aoa
I J. J. Twcddle,
The evil that luuy l«* caoiw<l by
In Ih’trolt.
. .
Idirase is wt*li exeuiplifietl by tbe ten
Ml.. Manic Watson I. visiting Mrs.
“growing palus“ Many a crif.ple t«
There will Ik* a Idi.lnt*.. me<*ting of
day owe. hi* misfortune to tbe fa< the Epworth l>*ague of Ihe First Mi fh Ed Wail «if Washington stn'ct
that the first sympt.ims of h;s dis»*ase 04li.t church tonight al 4k( S^alc
Mr. and Mr.. All.-rt IVmmr and
were misinterpreted. TTm* recurring
Firtx.t. After the roeelVig tin* par*)* Ml*. Warren Sal.hurj left Ihl. morn
luiius of wbifh he complainoa. whlWi
twused him to limp at limes yr to cry win be cnterlaln«*d with launch ride, ing for Manitowoc. Wis.. where the.*'
whl siw-nd two wi*4 kF visiting relatives.
out In his sleep, were «*sUetl by his on 4h4- hay.
Mis. Miller, who ha. l>**ta vi.liiug
rolonel French missed train connecIMuenU growing fains and were
thooghl lo signify nothing more than llon. at Grand Rapid, yesterday and her hrotberdn law. Ik H. Bracken erf
the effort of nature to adjust the grow could not get here In time to give hi. Washington .itct*i. rHiirmnl home toIng Inme* and imisole. and ainews lo lecture nn India Idfi ev« iitnc H»
*each other.
Mts. UId.le Campl.II of Rradford,
Of raufvie every ehlhi has lnnmner.n howev.T> pivi- it In tt»i% opera htnjM. in
Can.. I. vIHflng friend, in Ih- city.
ble little nebea and fialUF. the result of mono, at :i o'cltK-k eniirelv fret
fatigue. sUglii spraius, sl»jue bruis4-s charge. He will hclurc every evening
and the like, and It I. w ell the fond pur thlF meek up until Friday .nnd at 5
Mr*. Dan Garrison.
e:il. idu^iuld not fnke t«.» iiuirh tifithv o clock in the afiermsin will gl
Mr.: Dan Garrison, aged -40. of Inuf tlu-ni. h-Kt th4*y fosttT a <ll^iHwltI<
leetiire to the children at which five li-rlochfii. died of 1mw»d trouble at 2
In tbe child to worry over lllw-sa
ctmt* ndrolFsIon win lierharged.
I -cliK k this ati.mtMin, llervey AnderThe <*ause of such oceasioiial fains
Cass street was opened up for traf M»n will havi- charge of the funeral
usually apfmr«*nt. and a nlgla’s rest
fic .Saturday night
The paving on arrangi*ni*'!itF
or u day in tbe bou*.e n lll dlsf.-l It.
wh«-n aie fain rei ur. from time to time that Ftre«d
all rt»mpl.ued and so far
without evkleut t-ause, or when ordl- SF ran l e told al Hh- pres. nt tii
nary romping during the day 1. fol an ♦•xc»n# nl job. ,Thls block Is the
Senator tjnay ii.i*d to tell aboflt
lowed by a uigbt of acblng. and |kvba|w a limp for a day or two. it l. |km- first work done by the city and If it riding thriHiglj the numutalD. of Ten-.
alhk* that there ia w>mp m-rious umler- wear. In gno.1 shape the city will tin n*-«i«*e and sUiddiig on* evening to*
vratiT his boiwe U-fore a little cabin.
lying cause am! the family pbyslebm
alould iK* consulted.
Tbe concrete vmrk If eornpleUMl on Stride of which sal an old colored
Frequent complaint of ftain in the I'nlon .*;tie4d quite a hundred feet
woman, watrldng the antim of a
knee la on* of the signs of Iw-glnnlng Seventh. Work ».f laying brick will couple of pl.-kauU,1.1.3 playing nearby.
hip diseaae, but ezamlnatiou sbuWs tbe commence In a few days.
“il.Hxl ev.tiing aunty,- he caltod,
knee to be afiparenily sound, and ao
•Tnte pair <rf Ixiya you’ve got Ihera.
An Indian generally known a. Whi
tbe borne dlagmms of growing falna
la guide, and the real trouble In ihe ky Mary made bersc’lf somewhat ole Yoiv elilidnmr
“I-aw. a ma.«y!
Mah chlldmi!
noxlmiF at the G. R. A I. defsn Satur
bip ts overlook4*d. often until it li
Tme«k 4h-n.’s inah daoghl. b’s chtt1 lanienei)
Ule to prvvenl \
day and had to be put out. Man
Inns. Come liynb. you lK»ys.- ob*
Although not
I. said. I. somewhat Incllnwl to
nill.Yl ahan'Iy. -an’ *iM*ak to Ue grti’lorepeated attack, of .tomarh
light fingered and the dejNit official** inan!^lldrm Should not lx* sllglitcl. for
A. the Y»o>. olM-yed the aammaam
tley may lie a syinfdom of early spinal keep elow* watch of her
Tite rase of the iVxiople vs. Eugene tl.* lljlhid.lphlan
disease. Tbe comphilnt of fain in tbe
stomacb. wbi-n not referable to gn*cn Fry was hpmight up injustice Rrown’.
-•Oah to goodness, sah, dem ehllapples or a surfeit of pastry. es|H. iaUy roun this morning, the young mat
wlien the iximplaiut \* nmdr «t (lie iMing brought to the city by Sheriff lira. I. right snaht itoroeiir said the
close of the day or during the night. Johnson this morning from a farm .m okl woman. “Ye see, nab daughtch
dune got ’Hglon long ago. an’ named
Klnmld exHie sUKi.i.Hmi and If often rede»a by nil l.oy. right out d* BIWe,
peott*d should UHiU-ate tin* ne«*esi.itr of the peninsula where he wa. wor
sah. Dl. hyuh one’, named Apostl*
a-careful exiimlnntlan of .the .pine. The caix^'wa. adjoiirn^xl until
Sivwlng fains may lx* due tD rheuma- iKiy*. attorney, P. C. Gilbert, returns I'anl. an’ de nddah’t called Eplati*
PuUT.d.m, which. If not detix t.d and C3r- from TViroll.
rKtIy trealod. may lead to disease
A south side resident and a livery
of tlie b«rt.
'•I believe, •umator.” .be said,
man had a UilJe act-to yesterday afie
A Ic*. scrioua trouble, but one de noon mhich livened things up for
you W4TC elected bi-cau^. you CU
mandlng mtslical trc*utmeut. w hit b may
to 1.- n friind of tbe iWnijilc?wnuHc an aHilng in llu* lind^.. ia ma- few mlmitea. Tbe man bad rented a
“Ves. ’
larU. This U u dangemu. diiunio.!.. for rig and It is said drove the horse pret
If Incorrect^lt may l*e s. a riou. In Ita ty hard. When hi. attention was called your arrival In
Kmsequenc« a. that of growing fains, to the fart by the liveryman he did no:
-What have I done for them? My
and even If tin* riiiW ba. had an unmU- take kindly lo It and made trouble.
takable attack of malaria the farent The Fouth sider. It 1. repoyed. re- dear young lady, I bave.do«»e a great
deal for them. On four different ocabould not be content with that expla
nation of It. aches and pains, hut ei Ived a rather severe Jolt in the Jaw <-i.ion. 1 have been polrrd when If 1
from which II look him some mlnuu*. ba*1 »*ecn percent I should have bad to.
abonld refer the matter to tlie doetor.
vote agnlnst llnun and favor conwroIt should alwa>'a be remembered that
tiona that employ me a. fbHr i
growth U a normal process and abonld
l-tween iie..ioia.’’-<’J,iragn Kri-c
DO more be accomfonksl by fain than
marnt au Umammd.
dIgeetJoo or br«thlng.-Toatb*a Oomm* .rears ago there aat In th*
bona* of rrpresentatlvei* aa
from Miosourt a gentleman
potoo. Aeeordtng
A postmaster general or aome.on*
Mr. Bcotoa I
an. vti» tefla tlie story Mr.
In hi. office in Wastilngton once wrote
rdest and I
as known as *^be udirowdest
lo the fostmaster of awie Iltll* station
mwllesl man that tb* rtato po*- ^
on tbe Twnblgtic* river
lime.-Yon will plftiV Inform tbU d#tartIn
bar Mr.
ment bow far the Tombigbe* river
We know positively that
nma np - to wiiWi tb* pommiMer an- Benton had. It to said, gun* to T*san
our soda will cure the
awered: -I bare the honor to Inform for th* pvpose of prosecuting a land
a. n* kor th* snlL bat wa. «>
worst case of. thirstiness,
that the Tombigtie*
iMt* as to win an *x«*dlnftf
just try one. Any flavor,
moai* .IVxas girl, who accomall made from iresh
rrrelpC of
fact by being present at a special
meet/ng to be held al'th* lodge rooms tma letter yonr appointment as parttonight and ask yonr wife to accom maatar will eeaae. Mr.------baa been
appointed yimr snccoMor.*' To whlcb
pany yon. Refreahmenla w«l foUow
w^ the following reply: -r|r ncefpta or ttfla aOce darihg tbe MM year
have beca 94A7. and ih* office root
SWEET CRI!aM. gaarmnteed to more than 4oobM that anm: pbnae to
whip. Qoeen City Dairy company, kladly brntniet ipj boccronor to pay
at*, ahoa* f 78.
JalyflP4S an the balsBce. and abUgaT
- 'SP-li
TiuycAic cm^iooadAii.
‘ r»t11 lli5t Ike atlnr fda^W sat m
•ta«r wvntmtM 3»y fop* and fine
••tMmen. ‘WuKrkd etibs x4 emdl-l
Tht MR-«r Dr.-5C
Dw% . flTOL- as nuber teem. rtwm. Tl*e-e
IB tHe Xew toft ttauM «» «tte «Ibj , peeion*. lalKng in the wluga. troqnewl*
ly Hrterroi.ted the
and orraMofl^
ally fought whh them.
Iu 1T31 fl
noble but drunkfsi eaeLstaadhig In the
Deutary Sn a lepset of Supet^ [ wings dnrtur a p^ormame of -Mae-J
B. M. Knowle* of the Third ! brth,“
the -tage to talk to al
ricL wbfch has made j WfwC Rirh. the manarer. expnstu,
riMwdIt 8. L lOm- ■ Ifited with the noldemaa fur hts bmi.h
kingtou dtsputeh. Mr.! nf deeorum. and he peamt Jiy
•U W» AH
Um^ VfU Sw Knowles tell* of the rrMe and tesus-! the managre * face. Tlnront
end TWO of the otUrr acbws drew thrlrl * " ----------- ---------:---------ettatlou «r Rnhm Me
fleM. R. 1.. on July 4.
TM th» TiMfBuri OQ tbe fstt ex.
a bo« race on Unwr
pmi trmiCM «T tbf
tnak tta of Point Judith pood that aftmoou. aud
lb * r»ltM itsta will he
: om in a flat bottomed j toe oosew
■SMa.etr,. whSk boat to watch tt. Hi* boat waaraufitit ^ght and
: j the rmnttm-. thry
H-Ji'-'n ^ l-o^ S«i»on’»
thecocptry Is he
-nngbt naArr
sail aad nsiia j
dsm.r- In II,- n-v!
L.uu}:Lli.i(i Sui-aM.
rn, asslsunt gmtttfBd bf j. D..
: of fbe Erte rail. Mget ooL It
ran4 to be an mnerattoo ibat w iU be me* before be was taken from tbe v.a- rtotev* nnd baled thnH'jlH-f.M^. tin.'
rn**, ,it llu*
nndMken by rallroails in ibe nnir fudi««sin.,i* in 1
MUsi.:;*! mix op
, ^
ramng proce*a. to whk*h l>r. Uavl* *o matfisiratrs. ,
me. aaya the Clerelatid Flain IHwlrr. vlgoroi^ obieeta.
They expelled *tan--e of ihese cii: iuc* luttfruptWis
Be helievea that this radical deiiartnro about a gallon of water 'Trom tbe WWW that of a gentleman w bo w as sa
1* pcnctSoU and that the road that loan- hmg*,- aa they lepon. at the first stifred by tbe MwiiLv 4.f Mr*. Wofling
I l.m*sT»rfonua!h*e ef f'nrdefla in “King
gnrates tt wUl fill a kmc felt want and
will make a decided hit with the irtireitoUovML t«* • I'lst DwW.
><»■ —«l l 1-t -tTftslB frua,
V.Ui iMijovr,! it l:fit jMf.’
, ;■
V»»*gun at
>*tac,* and
S,-,-ii Bt-aiii.
her In tbii
of tb»* aiu3i#*u,e.— Uort
“For sercimr yma." said Mr. Brows
recentiy. **all the hlr lines of the conn
-The patient wa* aa purple as a
Prices 25c. iSc. 50C
try ba%w hem eonatantly rylnj: with grope.*' said the repnrL “Bu|»erlntcml.
each other in eijntindin: tbelr fast eni Knowleo aproad a aaaU motor cov
through trains w ith all nMi.lrni com- er of caovas and removed tbe body to
fhrta aod coovenk nee* in their Hfort to It. keeping uji at tbe same time ibe
mak^ the Jouroeya of tbelr patrons a* beUosrs moremeot aud frlcUoQ by rob
ple*«nt and hnuniotit as p^i^iUlo In bing the llmha A fltv wa* built ami
thl* respect a nuinlier of the ««rsck Hi atones were heated, which In Ihe
•fw have about reeched perfcijkni. But of thirty minute* wero rolled In Ja,*kla spite of all thy luxury and derincr eu and applied to tbe armpits, heart
wltb wbuh aouie of tbese train* aro and soles of the' feet. To.' Iwlk-ws
eqnlfvped the trarelcr la oblige,! to pro
IS kept tip Vlille others
vide bis own cnterfalmnent ntal amuse^ wethed at tbe arm rnovement.
ment ,\o matter bow luxurion* a car. •Tbe flrst aign of life wrs observi-J
Mj be, moat |•asal•llgers usually fiml a after the life saver* had worl.«*d on tie*
Ibogjharftey inotwitPiHma and tedious patient for an hour nnd twenty min
before they rrarh tbrtr desUnailou and ut,*K.” Bays the reiiort. “Tills was i.o-.
Of iho
would ball with dflight any funn of tl^-ed when a hot stone wae pla,xd
agnlu*t tbe *ol<:s of Die patienffi Imre
*Tak4-. for InsUnce. the trip from tlrf feet. The eoostanl robbing ami nrtifl
cas:» to the l*aciCc (*uaat. 3 liai jounicy
takes about tJm-e c4r*. Very f* w pa*
amm* ran amuse tbemaeh t-A all that velopment <»f tbe condition of tin- f,atime In reading, playl^ t-ard* or loak tlrpt. About twenty-five miaute* inter
log at the scenery, ami they would a physician nr
J rejH»rlc.l rtiat f»*-ov’«emor»*t. MIoK.
gladly welcoiite any diversloo to break llu-rt* wn* nn i
’ the bc.irt 15 a*!
tin* looootony. * It would lie xerv easy pulse. The pntK-nt w: ( tlicn t;.ki*a iH
Oil l^akc Li*i-biin;i,
to T>rovlde a theatrical i»erfnnn:ii»re or the launeb to ibe lioat
<x)Ui*ert on a train. 1 h.nvf *,vu It tance nwny. All Dm- 1 ai* Die l•e!lows (j-.vn1 Tal'!,*. . r.ir .1 ,-la';s Ac-.rjpin rl.aimia. Ft:;.*
K il,f
(lone, and It proved a big succens.
and robl.in wvro k.pt up. $7 bi ^**.1 1* r w,vl;. or $1 .» }.;.r
•'ll was on a special train In Texas
-luin* 14 1 mo*
la trblch a party of railroad oflkUb
The iiatU-ut
trer^ making a tour of the :muib. nne remained uhcou<u*lou*% all tin* time.
end of a private car was fitte.1 up at* After arriving at the liostlinaA,* ili.- pa
n stage, and the memiH-rs of the imrty tient waa worketl ‘wltirfor *ome timo
gave a minstrel isTfurnianci*. W’lidt antk Uter taken no -hU home, when* be
was done to amuse tbt»se offlrbHs nmld regained coni«Hou*ni*5‘-<.“
be Just os ea»fly done to arouse regu
lar paNscugA-r*. aud the exiMmse at*
far!;f*d to such a project would, iu my FOG WHISTLE FOOLS MOOSE
opli-ion. Im» very
Bln tie«e 1
tv the 1
Grand Opera House
aur. i
SioohMs & unton
My Wife's Family .
Order your
C.B.Tavl!>f Coal Co.
Dr. W.J. Higgins
Fine Denial Work W.M.FAIGE, Agl.
Its Cass Street
convlne«l that such -a plan for enter
talntng trarektn wouU meet wriib suiJj
suci-f** that iu lew* than nix month*
after It.was IwUigurated «!l the Mg
tnmk lines of the country would
have it.“
CsreU*s aisginr
Btorli-« *jf Manuel Gurcla. the famous
renTi*narlan musician, who dktl a few
northport! was aglow
ill »ih:»rp reiivi anamst the hlark
Buffalo rommVrclal. .\u Indutuito*
Me win iKUA,^ gave him great asmndAnions the Indier VnowD lioats in ancy «»ver each pupil: his scienee and
|the harlM>r
the Hailger I! of Man- cleverness euahied him to know nt
Iht'onrkem.. oac«* If he hnd lu deal with a pnpil of
11'luti \V« lines.lav nionmm. nuikins tiie promise or uou and uhJlkely asi»lrants
, , ■ ,,
, Were not allow,*d to waste Ms time
and tlH*lrs. ,Ui actjualntnn.v dc*<rll.e«
v.aUT«iiJ has »on a typical Incident: “I romeui!»er a nota
ble . a*e in i»olnt. A very rich woman
offiTwl the master any priee If lie
Wirni of the jifTnii hut no Ih-Hc; nluht
Alinard the -loop won*: Com- crouia only teach her daughter. He
II F. H« ivI. irkK ha*; movni fmm 32C c*i.uhl hate 1..U huu
hau h.n.l
hs.I It
1. li4en
iH .-n .......
j „
,t s u^,„
B ItiHao alit'el . to 711 UVliMtrr
refused, knowing well be rotxld never
e<*iile*mait «*\
atreet. OrUwa for rat^iH woa«lBR “iiiaile lit «u<ti I** a^
....... ............. e,^ k. A.% Ne>s, n \,r Ih in.U. Harry obtain seriaUH work from her; hut. a*
* «*<l h Tt>e h|.
ran be Irft at either :p\iwti.
SuiumetvUle «n.l C. A. ralriw r. Th. the mother isTslsted. lie bit tii>oa a
3u1 yU lmo* i,j iiu.
;,n,| ihe .air iHiutnie mo,*-,
He ask(-d the woUK-n to
. M. Itatih*^’ luxurious
'* '
'exhltaraun?. while ih. iv uhk not ;.
Uaunok. v.ns aiirhored till tlie pier covACCORD WANT A08 FAY.
enoiRh witul to dUnirh the Kurfarv td
on*U “With i»r» :i> Inrorrm. as was the
hearing it taught, to
IhhharU.f. .
Ih'iiman hoat, Aleoyiie. The Record
tea(*h ber. Tbe lesson liegun. Tlie pu
The Jaunt lies- and ittnaner craft Im*-;
Hoy. owneil by J. W Hannen. C. E. pil. who seemed to tbe Ibiteners nn alOne hunartMl aod t a only id the l»«At un^i<» tnit 111 iW'ir apjK Hi-am ** al**mt ;
. .MtiriayV Irvine, and Archie CllleH s ro.-oly liuislu*d singer, had to ropeat
JKnnorn in Traverse ooimty h«\e in * oVhnV and ii v as i
• launch \t‘*'r.* Traverse City’s renn'soit- r-as- ge after iMtaoage of tbe 4no*t dif
y IsialA.
. . null'd lu the 1-apeer Cyehme roiapau« a n.^ t of o
TItere ven. a iuif:e nunilM*r ficult exerciseii U-fon* the master was
N the.laal thiw Wi*ekK. «f which A'x^t.ov inu lant.-ni« ul.it.- ..oiiv
»a-s*whlrh w*r*' pos.sihiy to«* satisfied: be Insisted upon the mfiiuteict
luio »ine blare of Uj;l,t
emor John T. Rich |r prraidrat.
; niMst prettily dect»raietl «if any. work* attention to every detail of execution.
This company waa uirunij^ mnejalMKit In fnait <»f ih«
Mother and daughter exchanged borrl
fil'd glan.x-s and looked on pityingly.
yeAra aim. Just after the Oakland couxe, *lt uwa nearly
UrRi r ciafU
The lesson finished, the master bowc^
ty-rrclone tn »*hk*h 33a hwWinini weiT,Untertis which tVeoraim! il.o hotel} ,
ewilmat. d >h:it 1.3A0 ,H*o:
Die wometf out. and. In paivslng tbe
desimted and iitunit that many men' lawn and pier wen* set ahlayo lisbliux
r<II.vt.**l on tht- veranda nnd pupil, tbe young girl whlspert'd to-ber.
I up the snuuids (or SI lonq dbl
ab*»ul t}iv Po el. Tin* w iue porch was Tt would kill roe:* Senor Garcia, reThe KTOwth of thj* rv»mi«any has {down tlu' -luut*. Th* u were nea;
turnhig from tbe door, said contentWn ver.r rapid as Uie company has I ru?hi>vatni lani.-rr.s Mrtinq from tht •Ie<*oiateu with iiapv-r festoon* of re*i, edlv: They will jjot come agaln.
white and lUiH* while Ihe liphl* were
oVer thirty milUon dolbira wtirth id center of the buUdinc to pole.s on tin
Thank you. roon enfant; you sang
Kbatleti i* tili n*<I. the di*eomtloo* lioinq
honch and from there bark tn the cor
property Inamvd.
Thu itrowih haa.been wufflclent to ner* of the h«*tel. woikinc l»aek and In chame of Mr. Ilondy and.Fm. L.
The Hew fiaval ftatloa.
pay ordinary loaaea and there has fonh until the whole anu ever llie
In the last naval appropriation bill
lawn was a mare of the liqhi* A kvip
been o«^ asaesstnent In nine j-cars.
provision was made for a change in
Cyclone* Ia|itw been very friHjuent line rkT^c»*tl .altmc-xh.- pi«-r while fhej
the naval ration, and the bun-au of
supplies and accounts has pn^ared^a
Ihe last few yoarw tWadly lUhtmnj: vIHat:.- cU.w.*.]; with lichts. p,v.,riy
hhd cyclone* oAm tlrtke where we every huniiinq laxlnq i*s share. Asj Saturdry wa.^ the 8nim«»n«iry of ration In aceordance with Hie leglski-.
least expect. The wise man will b«* Hie lanterns were In'lns; Hi by a crew Mrs. l^.udyl.irthday and she wa.s don. aaya a Washington dispatch. It
bt now asserted that the United Btates
blu i*can-h llpht of luesi-iited with an eleiront Haviland
pK>pared. the tnajr^ho chance* his of workmt n.
naxT luw «ration than any army
thn»wn on the bcHeJ r.hin.i v.twe standinq iwcmv four iiirho* or nary in the world. The adiwnUgea
fortnne In *pecQlatlnK cm the bPard bf the car ferry
trade U conaldered a plimier and an and across the-water, blotfinq out the hlqh by the Radqer II parly and W. L. of tbe present ration are that It to.
unsafe huslnea* man. The roan wht> lc«*er lUrht* and showlni: up the boat?
MU? i
Jk Moore and more flexible and make* It nnnece*aaiy“
to Issue eommuutlona to aallofa In
wife and Mrs. Smith of Chh*aqo.
chance* $3,000 worth of buIMinq* with in datrllii): hrtqhtness.
When the whole |4acs*. was
Amopi: Die vUitots wete thiriy Tnv place of a yegnlar ratkm. Added to
oufryclooe Immrmnce api*ro*iles upon
«*r*e City piKJple wlio went down by the former raDon are preaerved and
'the wind, U ICkdr to loee the profit n^i*><l the Ci>:neik'4 of the hotel t
freah fruIU, fheah milk, flavortog extrain, launch and atiioroohne. The tracta. fresh flah and wauce. Tbe
of a IlfHime and U therefore an im- lea blew several trumpet calls and
,1 salute of seven puns
; of W. C. Hull. H. Moalapuc and amount of tinned vegetaWea baa b<A
fired frutu
aafe biuUneas mam
r Ikdiner maiK' the trip.
This company has-{laid from 50 tojiHr* tUoop itadqer II of Manistee.
Increased, while a drcreaae has been
made in macaroni, fricUeB. rice and
113 lowsefc each year the last lour j
Search Light Flashed.
It hrinrr to the little one.
^ years and all bare lieen well plcusedj A'lmiuu immeiiiately the stearoer
less qifi of healthy flesh,
- i^th the pn»mpl. feiDements.
| Illinois mended tlie point and set her and moacle. That’s what
Horace appears In good humor while
* ' Wm. Robb and F. W. Coiwkey are J search, llqhi at play .nrross the water Rocky MowhUria Tea does. Rest baby
BOW wrltinif inrnraBce In this eganty j hlowinj; a salute a lew mnnjcnts later,
mud nearly all the jwod farmer* an* The scene from her decks, w hich worn 35 rents. Jolinsoa Dmjf <
fmm a tori»IJ \
(rontlmi»*d.F'n»m Flfjit Pai:^.?
Hx. UQhun >-1111 awal^rn (h«>m lu thctr
proper artJiin alili tir. Kln»;*« N« »
thc*i ttfT ill u Aory siire«*S!>ftil ut
l.Ue IMIIh; the ptrafaiitcut aiul nii*Kt
flTeetUc- cur.- for eonstipat.on. Th» »
piereut apiMUiUlritU aiul tone up tht*
A f. . -lu.,.. ..t mlu fell lo tl«. ttfi.n
av^leoi. 2ir. at JohiH.ua I^ruK
r. II. Venclu. C. A. ItuglHM* linif; C«..*r
ns nkhi
drug aloivii.
■.: j
, tahfns adrantium and tnanrini:.
j well filled^ with summer to irirt*. was
Wo enmot tell when oar inm wilt 1 like a drnun of fairybinil. The hotel
«mie so we thiak It wlae for a man l»rj ww* a blar.*? of Ii|;ht while the myriads
Coinmcnrinf Jnly 2Mh Steamer C4V
- proioct hi* pmperty-and w^ considorjof lantern* nuuk* titchier point* m lumhU mill ^isconrimie the 5*S0 n
• ihia a aaJe and re&abW ranipany.
|ibe jflow and the roastantly ahJfUnit nu irtp to l^ari^ laland and N-ah v
^jMOy awv
coTcred with the Ii«hu stood
.......................................... ■■
A ShcM t Ct.l to Success
Wbelb.T or not the fog wblutle at the
eatranc* to
J.din Mirbor lOiould be
voiupclled to take out a game license
would worn to lie a <j»iiitlon to l»e deridiHl by the game commlnelon. *ay*ir
special disiiabh from 81. Joba,
to Ibe New York Tribuue. 1‘artridgo
islaud is sUuated uMiut two mlled
from Die clly of 8t. Julai, and on 1; I*
on,* of th,* prlm-iirnl Klgual Matlon*. A
few mouths np» lb»*rc wa* In*fnllcd
on the I.dand a new fog whiRtl,' winch
ha* lMs*n the cans,* of miuh exciie-
i& to Work viUi til,* ri^^ht uU naiis.
,V v<»tir fruit |in*i*,Tvim: nrtiela'fi
nr,,l you willbav,* lltc
Kttisfai lOfy kiief, \N\» liav, ■ Unis 5t kintl iIimI'h mml,: iu k. •tlli*a,
fruit ri'el j,lly jmp.
, «,nifiu-iMi you <siii ,1cIi,*u.1 .
T!.-r. for.* Micc-SF will
I JT. rt.-, ..!cl y,.,i w ill not
laU.r Ar s|K»iI yoiir fluit
lle'^i* wb
. ,\. a.
llc glv,*s a long ,lr:,wn out blow
low 1
Th,' whlstl,* ♦•xnctly imitate* the call of
a «“iw moov,. and Is b.iving tlu' cffet*t
of such v.x\U.
It iH not imctunmon for mo«e.c to Cud
their way Into the €*ity and walk quiet
ly tbn»ugb tbe Htn'cls during the «*ar
Her hours ui tb“ do3'. Tbc.v iire iu*va*r
mub-K*,! aud have grov.n l,ol.L . Hiiu-e
tin* n,-w rr>g whliub- wa-H ,-stablMi.*,!
tb,*<o wam’ering* moo-;,’ hav, lH*4».»njc
more pl«*ntlful and Dier,* i* n» doubt
that lli,*y nn* «ttnnte.l by wluii they
IhiaL is tb,* ^11 of lb,hr mat,*;.. Tin?
bull naxe.- Ktroil calmly tbrougb IV:tvllb* and
r’ to th;* water's
I'd',-,* and Diea attotiipt to *\vam to thKlaud. No:\c have ev,»r *wuni the full
dUianre. for lK.*fore reaebiug tin' island
they evidently M*c,iine aw-ar- tlut
ib-Ui's r.r,- mu v lutt they s,*,-tM rtud
tliat tluTc is somidblp.g w-rong with the
call. Hnnl^m. u are niulously awa.ting Die
Ki»aw»u. when the inooae
are likely t> U* deidettM In minilier..
Saxton Hardware Co.
Joseali Sleder & Sons
■irii!-<;l;iAB Butchers,
r.u kors and
bausa»:o Makora
W! h^oW-erd b«U!l
“Wiiai makes good meat?;’
V. ;,r.* <»ft» n nskfil, Ati*iWfr Inn,
f,,r flits Ki^Pt*
Ytiii may U*
Lir],risi*l to know iiow iftur.li
.l•..u»|.y cAllIc
.ituk sHfiitilU*
.slnu 'kb
a l^hisi tl,jM-mU
on ti.«* n lM’l Iiutdii-r. K*b iIh* wjiy
u,* li.iVc <»f sb»rifi;4. li.umllifur. eultiiu.: ai.<l S4 rvinjr llial inakcu litis
iji.-at murk, ! kUipT out &a oi,.‘
w,irlh i-arouiictm;.
li vtli |ifrt»n,*8.
Mh A' Franklin
Hemldi Beekcrm.
Tie-y’rr pur kmg up ^n-t p.w Uiii<; down,
riiinn,! ur.J lnK-r«. rjit oad gown,
la ord,r to act out of town
And give their »Ulh» « cwt of brusnx
In »rar. h of iM-olth.
And ev?rrwk«rr from I'rcpai; bay
And foogi-r * , ovr to Skutkoway
The war> naUvrs watUng lay
To trap Ihe pllgr':.-a* grave aod gay
In oeareh of health.
The ruraJ chef* ore taktug pie
.VnJ dougiinut„ of an a;il>urn dye;
Tbe mint U> iqnoiiling fr.-»h!y high
To J*al,s;Ue the ,-xir.i ,iry
in *rar- hof Ualih.
and whlto.
Each dance pavilion frx
l trUht
1* being wavf-d and poli
For ihoiM- who uh,b to »
And dance like idlotn all right
Ja oriirch of braiUu.
poor o’.d money oock
n. Ured and blaek.
will come limping back
oeart'h of Iwalth.
rollocw Irwin la K«w York Clobo.
Wmi GASOLII.KE at 1«
GAS I* murh^ch, •;i|»Vr. ’ll
U-4-n ebeaper than
free to Aug; 1-".
Twenty Year Battle.
“I waa a loser 4n a tveoty year toltJe with chronic piles and mallgnaat
sores, until I tried Bucklen’a Arnica
Salve; which turned th® tide, by curIng both, tUl not a troc® rematna.”
writes A. U. Bruce, of Fhrmvnie. Va.
Boat for old ulcers, cut*, baroa and
wounds. 25c at Johnaoo Drug Go„
F. H Meadi, C. A. Bugbee Drug Oo,.
Slaughter Sale °<
Second-hand Organs
Taken in exchange for Pianos
hMi (;/ y,V $/j./;o
} \*nr (hi lie of ihree more Ji^r /y
. Your choil’e if Ihrci’More Jor ^ Jb
You Udter hcrry, lb<^ will not 1*^ Ii. ro lonj?.
(kum* in anil uee the m w KimUilI < ifKan
; in Itatrlsotne raahoRany ai«*. This is a IxiiUty,
the* first shown in the rily.
M. B.HarmT, Prop.
iht Adrcatlai surttarium mt Battle
Xew Toth School of AppUad Sefenm Orak, wh» has become famml Cor hia
bronjth the inflneace of Mias Helm. machoda of ewrimg hlmaetf of tabercaby ttrimi to m teat fPr Bve via
BperUi ttwfa leevea at 7 ca a. m. Oonld.
icrtL Troabic arwc over Al^'a traimare ll.^'O for nwnd trip. Special re
The dfnU of AUred Belt, the dU
porutioa back t& Bagtaad aad Osaig
oiains trala.
lend him;. namraUy directs aliepUna
me aarcaaUa, It la satiL Wori*
to hla hroUmr. OUo BMC
led to a avift poke la Oaslg'a coaaWAMTtO TO
inherit the t>olk of bU vast
aaa larif Bila
teaaace aad the chaaapma waa arrratfroa
lu ItOO. PorrU 4 Co^ 12«
Bids will he.acoppled.for the e
HU wife U a beastllnl
ed. He relmma to leave ht« cell until
W. Tmtk.
|«lr X7^*
iua and completioa. acrordlnp
a native of Kew Orleans and
Oasig apologiaea. The saniurium au
Iraalnas. .peHScaUnas and worklaa
•4 with some of the best fainaaa; w» taka |Mt pay
->KMrlMi c*rt M fVr« lUr
tboritles are trying to aetlle the matraMhIa eky praparty 4eiali» made aad fuml^*d by Jens C men la lirahaana 8be vaa MUa U1Miac llooM- Ma«
, IXt FmI BL. Traacna fVfrr»*n. aiy^hllen. Traverse CUy Hen Carter. Her mother, iMta. H»omaWadal
Lane Carter, and a alsicr Mr:i. W. E
■»». aboot 1«
CPIaaaa phoaa Ulf.
CItf. 1
masonry, rwrpenlry. Uthtns ami pU*. Hall, live In a preuy rouni-y borne
j^rs oC »«r. to learo tbe men^.
Ing. pa.mfing. rtr.. and for heattag
town of IlnninHmd.^ty mile*
: U^ baalMuM^ atoHlac at IW arrai*.
store was partly tkwtroyed by Brr
a plitmblns unill 2 o'clock
from New Ot leans.
pia« dapartiDpal. Tba CM»> iJriA
ThursAay aigbt. beinr«^magod NWO.
FOA PALE-1443-Thirty am. oae Aup. 1 at Ibe offirc of Jens C. PderUiorr. Trairrrv' City, Mjcb.
Two Japauw bovs. rona of M Hay Blmpaoa had prepared to BMivr bU
aad a hair milaa Uakm atraat Thraa M. aechltert. Stale bank ImUdiBf;
" jttly a.2t
thoasaad Wrlac fruit Uaas; flacat Tra%en^ Oty. Mich., for the C. S. F. a Shi of Toklo. have arrived at Ijrximt. Mock of gnireriew auU provtstoas. but
ton. Ky.. to work aboat the sialde. dclaM^ actloa for a few days.
Cardra aad fruit ooU. Call for prlra. WNlpe boildlng.
WAMTCD~Tao ladk« to latmd»» a
btsiKlni: the fanioiis Salvator. Star
Wada Bros.. 1?7 Proat .trool. Trsr
Ail bids murt be eddrrsm-d to Jm
For the nlBet^atoth time *n)ld Joe
_ fa»t feHIlag article, oaa that
Ruby. WaterereH* and other irreai
•raa City. Mkrh.
Jaa« ll^f
Rleder. chelrmaa btilldlnp commlttev
owley,- the araat noted man la Port
aUht. Me »ntU to tW rlUit party
at ih. lasM-otkirf Mnd In ordei
C. 8 P 8. lodge and marked proposal
oroB. (nrlng In hi*‘police mv»rd. va*
WoaaiAy mm4 a aUttasiMM to troOc
Pi lejM-n the roethrtd ul brre«Hn^ fhor arreKied ftatarday morning. Joe was
f*,r C. 8 r. S, hall.
about all tbat* reqatred. laqalir for
U'lgfabrtMl huTM-. Th‘7 rame'to Anot
foM apwiiat town wfttila taa artice *Tbc bulldins rommitirc and nrchl b-a with leiterB of Iniroducilun tt drunk and wa* ”S4*etag nuakiii'’ when
' CH.KVaaa ,Call Cot U«e Home
taken to the coiraiy baatile.
or Tmraaa CAy. Oaly hardwara t»it reiKrrve the option to accept
James B. Hagjcln and he sent them tt
Easy tami. Owner la other boat reject aav and all po»poiials
Harry C Pia**, .wm «»f CTty A*.:-e*puns and npeclBcatlons may be bad his Kentucky farm It is the wish of
neat. Call lor Inrolce and term
their father to eKtabllKh a
Wade Bros. 117 Froat aUect. Trav at the olOce of the arcbllcrt.
peatlag rifle on the porch of hU i
. Jo:.. .Sleder.
eiwe City, Mich. ClUxens pboot Signed)
fagr* at Cavanaugh fake, when
Chairman Building Committee.
BMy 34 tf
weapon was acrMeinally dlschait
tjnren Amelia
Portagal Is one of The bullet parMd through the side of
CUftU WAMTEO-Good »trl for crarr.
the eottBf.e of H 8 Holinc*; aujoininf
AppHr to Mrs. J W. FOR SALE—Cpttapa at Bast bay. FOR SALE-22 ft KSMiltne launch. 14
the Plars cotiagr. over a laldc a
, €iJ WaUilngluB 8t
h p. Far 4 Bosu-n engine; *
Kckls Mokesas: four rooms; $&oo
July 2% It
boll. AiMrc..„'ll5u E. lllh. Jtri 2K-3f Tab K.«i.ham. she mh*! b* r girIh«fod which Mr. and Mr» Ifolmei. and Mr
buys If. J. W.Jsrksun.
Ju1> 3.tf
Peiaecn England and France Queea and Mr:. D C Mrl,»ren of Chelsea
Amelia ban many tastes aim Inierejta. were -.eateil: t!ien»-c Ihn-ugli the oih
Ust; Id fe*-t
WANTEO-Giii to trala as aurso; FOR SALE- i434-loe cream parlor, FOR SALE-New
I. Frank Fried but her kp«tUI ho!)by U metlh-lnc. to J-Hlrig ami buned Pm K an Inch In
extra Bne fliil:.li;
oaa who has had ao«c oxparioacc
aoda fouataln, candy taaklnp looli*.
' Jully 2J» lt which she ban devoted much iwiiou P*H*t notside iJilir a string w;
all other Bsturea. all stock. Good
praforrMt Grand Travonw hospital.
Mudt. Through her blforLs Uvboi ftr..»rhed from hole to bole In tl
trade, central loratloa on Froot
July ZZ^i
n-'w hnast.-- -oi ime of the best moderi wnlH of the Holmes housK* and H wj
street One of the Bnest confec FOR SALE—Wolvwlne C h. p station
hofcpiiMU In Eurtipe The queen is ai ovideiii ihaf Ihe biillef niUM>d tl
aiv i:as cnRlne;,tme 5 h. p. mi
tionery. Ire cream and candy maldaR
WANTEB—K^ie amnled tacn to do
one Umich isv5 31- b. p. Frank exiwrl horMa*»man and such an ar bc.Hd of each of the tadirw hy alKiiit
estsIdUhmciils In city. Call
ooaBatoB work at my chemical woriu*
n.mpli-hed swlmiucr that hhe o
half ap Inch. The ml*rile wat. a leaden
price. Wade Broa.. 127 Front street.
near Beadoa. Mich. Wapas ll.7!i
tiM «lal Konie- four years ago Tor re.'.cu bullei a;. Inch In length
Traverae City, ifleh. CitlseiiB phm
per day. Steady employmeat. F". VWilliam J Barnanl. a
bay. forty acres wild Umber. Call iug taorhlldrf n from drowning.
may 24 If
Maamcmd, 4U BUU 8t.
July 144f
for prtce. Wade Bros,. 127 Front
It ha> over and over again beet ney who has Ikm-h eugage,l In prarllnslfwet. Traverse City. Mich. Cltlsens :dat»-d of late that gue«n Victoria o ill l*aw_ Paw f«»r- M-veral years, ha.s
WANTED—Ladles*, peofa* and chil FOR SALE-1437-One hnndrrd and
phone iriB. Jnae ll-tf .Bjialn wilt Inherit a large fortune fron Ik*. II I iie*I for dlKbarnienl in the Su
dren*# Hothtiip. hats, plorcw or tleu
eevoott^n acre farm, one and
2 eel an llm
to ha claaned or dyad at the new
hair miles north of Grawn. onedtalf FOR SALE CHEAP—One pair bUck ' the Kmpre.s*< Etigenle and one romam prciue court and
jlng jtuirnal announced that the n*-v lime fill him to appear fw hearing
Parisian at 312 E FYtmt 8t. Cits.
mile ahore frost on Bihar Uke
males; gniKi farm learn; a eight
u of S|»a1n will n'ouve a dot o Nine charge* of univrnfesslnnal nm
north, aouth aad wesi of Burt's re
phone S4P.
about 23<mi. tram and barneys $125.
I r.o.oou.o«a» franca fmm her gthliuothet duct a*ro M*t forth, such as swearing
sort. ona of the prettiest rasorti la
iwirtnnge. Gern pM-iaw^tcmua ln.v**iiilon. which, horn to a 1411 of complaint which he
the Grand Traverse reptoa. The
WANTBD-Cora U the ear and oaU;
Jwly 24M
fat-r by roan; have known to In* untrue; proM-ntltig
i arn-pted i
whole farm la level and eatra desir
hiphaat price paid, a J. Morpaa.
to the Supreme cMirt portion* of i
able as a fwaort ptupoaUJoa. Ooahl
may 2Mf
roiiird that the rlrciili Judge had or
be esrUy plaited tato mmo4Mk acre
Sotit»N^alt_- jin Umtkwi Truth the real fact
TERMS. Inqnir
lots or five lota to the acre, or ttve
the fortnm* *»f the Knipn-ar TSngeni* dered Itrlckeu nut; making false rep.
hnndred and olRlily-Bve lota, which
will lie dl%1d*Ml at her death, one hall reM-ntatjoiiH in therein ^divorce i-as.-;
PO RPALE—At Pioneer llrrry stalilc.
sJJh a very small amount advertia- FOR SALE-24
T^cared. g«»Uiv to hi r grandn»n»liew. the duke oj spi-roiniating iiiouey dm- Anne <i. I’n
one small donkry. t-arl and hsme 4»;
Ins would sell for at least IW»
.................... ..
luiiiU r. hoUM*. Albany, and ^ the nflier half to ih. derhill; dlnvllng m client to fake ami
eomeal an exhibit in a ram-, and In
▼ery Rruflc for rlilldrrn to ride t.r
per lot. For natural advantytes lo
biigg.v. rilclgh. olhci Nniall
ll%i< PrIinv.H Victor and l^iulx NaiMilinn.
drive; prlc«- |2T.. One itip Imikk) 1m
cation can md be hv^^n. In com
uilh-v Imiu city ; lUnin, half cash.
|‘rcKl.!enl'IIadl.-j of Yale unlven*tf5 diicliig wiinesm-s to be aliM-nt during
pood repair, 110; unr ramipy li>p
parlauD a 1th oilier property and the
lialaiuf on lime. 5H Sectuid »trt-<»t.
Hi a curreiit magnrlne ar the trial of a ea:e.
Jennie An-lei-en. hkc] 2k. a <
price asked, this farm is olTrrod at a
phaeton In pood n*t»alr. 125; on*
July 27 «r
lew of the questi(
very hnr llipirc There 1h timlwr
low down. 125. B. J. Mor
a ni.'Uter of »erlouK tho mhi- <o pan nts of hH iking beauty. Is unde r i.n
vliig Impel
enonph to pay for the whole farm at
July 24 Jf
a*, to whetjier it Is wIm- f-ir rnllegi K>c*n.tba ihargi-d with
oed; goo^
sonufed the wl/e of Gii*.
price we ask fur It If you want a
II good men to be 111.* rally i npjilled. w ith who n-rentlY died a* lleniidji. leaving
I orchard.
bargain and a money rniker, pet
FOR SALE—Ulnch Cedar wikuI.
ganltm ground, Two o»WB. one him moiiex. He e\plaln^ the strain of |ki*.
|n the
Traverse City Mfc Co.
July U tf
dnMl .md liny chicken^. Ihn-e tings, erty us well ak of wualth iJ|Km Ibi
at reel, Traverae City, Mich? Cl
span hmses. household goods, etc. moral* wf nie nln colJege* and draw, Anefent OnJer of I’liii.*,! Workmen,
Ihls la Just the proisisltlon for
and wlih oblainfng p-inm-sKlon of a
isena phone 121».
may 34-lf
;^R MLE—Out mere loU. Your
party that wants Just cmuigh gninrnl
draft for the atiioiint of the jKdlo The
chance to get a large ha at ih«*
cUise to the renter of the city to gel all things c»m*lderod.
.illegeij il«-fepii..ii was not dbcoveied
price of-n smsU one. Fine ha alhm. I roR RALE—HSS—Forty acre farm,
in extra time to a giK>d profit. With
|!uk*< Ludwig of Ibivai ia. who Is 7.’
prtn***r nianap-rocnt this spot of
mull after fin M-;t|rinen: was made
W. M. Oordan, 417 W. Seventh St. ' dose Jo city; well walcnvJ. line snr
ytars old. amiouii««> hib Intention Hi
by the eomp.iny aujl Mr*. Anderson
July P I mo* I den and truck land. Small piece of
ordinary ltonk-ke»*p»-r. clerk or meh.-.d left LVmidJI. Sin*.was arrcslcl
whom he marrieii in 1S5«2. and to <-mi
at the honu* of her luiK-ufK at Kscana
tract a.thin] niorganialtc iiiarrUge to
after-the |K»lice aulhorlile* of .Min
127 f'roni stn-f
, ,^^5 .n!l;
city. Mich.
)u»« Il tf
4-*i-anleln Tonlek. u young prtma donna
Mich. Cliitt'na
uesutu. Wisconsin and Michigan had
WmM trad, tor .
June 21-lf of the Royal oiM-ni houw' of Munich lKK*n siuM-kfng for her for throe weeks.
-™.. „r
The duke's fii.sf nurii.age. wlileh was
John Elyca. living near KalamaxiKi.
rml (tnct or aUt«>,
^undteU feet on SUt« rtn ci FOR S)tLE—Uantliler automobile
also a tmirgMiintlr afTair. took plane tn
----- 1----------:------------------------- 1----------- 1 Valu, ImiKWdbl* to wtlmn c, bni
first cUrs condition
Ftimierty IS.V*, when he ie!,.,ui..-*Ml hi* right Ol started tmlay on a iimior cycle irip to
l» CASH *m boy «A 110. llAnoEb
,,y «b„,„ pric „krd. This I, onowned by the late Hr A. Holliday surr-t-^slim t<^ tlie hea«^dp uf the ducal I..OS Angoh-a, Cal.
AtawM, Oak ItelabU aubarb, MilCS
Inquire T. H. c;inis or W. C. Hull.
the site of the n«-w stale iulM-milosii,
fm-t. if »o)d lu-fore Sept. 1st, Apidy
erty in Ht>. A» a biialneaa locatkm
Jdly 21-tl
The long tal^I of change in menV hospital at Howi-IJ. The wcu i», twenty
to Tbne. T. Bates.
may b-tf
cmnnol lie iK^slm at price asked
dresA t* alHMif in Ik* realireu live fi-cl dei p and flown one and one
an lnv«*«dmcnt. will any that with
IIBS CASH will buy lot ISS. Ilnnnab
half feet alNive the surfacr*.
tliiailon gas and ga.soltne engine.
bnIMInxs now on the property
ttTwnnw. Oak Heights suburb, SAal65
Cost IIT:.; wlirHell at a largain. reatly tnaklug hew Kamph.u. During
which cf>0Kists of four frame alnic
Luther I. Wfiglii. *!i|H-rlnteiidf-iit of
feel, if sold brtore Sept 1st. Applf
Addtv.sR, or rail at Amiih A Cole’s the i-onilng seaaon i.ie «xjat will Ik* ol the frmiwtHKl tcho-U* hss ju*’ iu;id.
turct!. covering almnt one half of the
to Tboa. T. Bates.
May S-tf
July 20 If him* cloth, with a velvet ci»11ar and
ground. It Khows five i>cr
for thf- iiuimnaTlon for anperln
ten tbonsnnd dullam. With a mod
ft» CASH win buy lot 330. GrwBt
la|K-l. TfouwrH or km-** bnt*rbcs will It ndect af pnhjlc Iniitnirtioti,
ani, up-todatr brick bull'aing. It will FOR SALE—Pony rea
■tiweL Oak Heights suburb, WxlSS
!h* optional' They win Ik- of blue
wagon and wlelgh*; wl
show at least three times
feet. If sold befon Sept. li*t. AppI?
gethfr or •.< parale. H
cloth. Troii*K-rs will have two row*
amount on the Investment. Call for
to Thos. T. Bstss.
may S4l
gain that cHtintit be bc.i J K G
of braid on the side w-aiii Thej-nt|re
price. Wade Bnui.. 127 Front at reel
July 18lf onilii win be Klmllar to the ev.-nlng
Notic® to All Persona Interested.
lick Co.
Traverae City. Mich.
June IMf
) CASH wiU buy a % ncro lot In
drc.ss pTently pre«ril»ed for gentle
The *f»eclal as.-^ejismeut tax roll for
Inekwood suburb, lOf feet fronllng
njfui of the kinn* hom-ehold. This the grading and paving of South Union
KM Baal bay, 313 feet on Brocch FOR «ALE-12:^l-Elghty.two feel on
rndot. sixty arixe
Mreet from the aoiith Mde of Twelfth
»pc‘ciflcatlon iuHndes *Ht button*.
under entdvation: good imlld
reel, if «oId b>*Sept. 1st. Apply to ^ State sircet. onc^ hundred and flfly
ground all level, lyjw prler. Call
One hundred stray New York Imivs Mrcet north to fhe soulli end of the
feet diM:p. all covered with two story
Hw, T. Bates.
may 6-tf
for price. Wade Broa., 127 Front h." e ariiL-d at ihc Leahy farm a! south bridge on Union Mfect. Is now
iimme building, fl'tcd throughout for
V.reenwlch. Conn., tu begin their mim In my hand;: for t onei'tkiii. Th**'first
FOIL CALE-Bevcral bouses nr will
Brat clasK llvory and Milea barn.
Uens phone 121D.
June 21-tf mer vacation Early next wcK*k the Installment to U- paid on or before
AJ o forty bon^e.K and all necesMry
rewL Howard Whiting. ’ may S-tf
farm will also receive .200 hontrles* July 21. ipr»6.
equipment, buggies, cutt'era, hacks,
FOR CALE-Two houbca In good iocs
Manhattan t ats FiHtm rbi* gwunl, half
dray?, sleigh*, harnesses.. waj
Cfty Treasurer.
owe new bouae imt completed.
robes and all pcnumal property In
»4ar\»*d d»uilien* id the- bystnet* and
WiU sell on time to suit customeiw
.Office, Room 202 State Bank buildalleys of the great city, they were
above building. This Is one of the
au. pboM fSW
i«ae 3341 largest livery and sale* tuiniB In this
cued by aceiit* tif the Blde-a-wec lilug store; contalDed gold chain
region; ccntrallT located, doing a
valuo«l highly lictanre of aj.HorUtlon cb-ry. Fine** then they ftave l>een fed
FDR SALE-145S-Modcrn resideoee.
The M. A M. associatioii h«* aecnred
tape and proBUblo busIncM. In
Keward If rouirned 4o G. W. Mil from Hk- lablr of »he Walrhirf Asloria. For Saginaw the Htrahte maple flooring
State street, three bkicXs from post,
facL prerent owner feels able to re
Mhi* Clover PoMt. daughter of ^e
July 2*> tf
oflrtce. ninmcc, electric lighia, gs5,
tire and enjoy the c^ortmUa ftw|iroprle‘oi of the swei! hostelry. U-lng ■nd rrati plant, which waa hurnetl out
balh. An A No. I propoaUion. Call
at Rt-<-d City on July 17. The factory
tttBa made la thl* aame baaliMaa.
Interested in the Bi«lc-a wee home.
for price. Wade Brom. 13T Front
i;mp1o>h front 70 to 100 men.
Thla. reader. If you contemplate enaty. MTch.
street. Traverse aty.
Former Mayor Sweet of Grand Rap
‘gagiag ia a bnalncsa of this kind.
e U<
Id* write* from North DahoU that he
wUl pay yoa to laveatigate. CaU for
tvlll not iM-rmI hi* name to gn befonprice. Wade Bros., 127 Front atroel.
•2B0 CASH wUI bny lots 1S2. 183 apd
heal. bath. People* Savings Bank
the drraticraJtc Mate convention next
Traverse Oty. Mich. Cltiaens phone
184. Rose alreec Oak HeigfaU snbJulyl2-tf
reck as a poaa-ble candidate for the
June 114f
urb; 120 fast on Rose. IBS Ibei on
gubernatorial no.nlnaMon.
Qroen. Ul faiA on thn nllny. If noM
Clalmtec to he too poor to pay her
b»’fvH:e Sept 1st. This la n great FOR BALE------mir-Oiis htmdrod and
rare. Mrs. Anna Burch, mged 70.
rirsnty-aera fann. alz mBss waat of
hnimln. Apply to Then, T, Baaen.
aalked Into Port Huron from FltntdSF. aboat cMty aeroa naAer enltlmay Ml
She said she ^ golmg to Her dausbMISCELLANEOUS
watloa. Good honnn. targa barn, with
Ler In Delaware. OnL, wbero abe «•
baaaaaaL FbUowtag crop: Taa
FOR EALE-J487-U Iprt front on
peeled to maho ber home, but abe
Berss rye. four acres wheat, taa MONEY TO LOAN on personal prop
(Rfate street, ndjolna new goreraerty. Amtl r. Kerlinger, 212 State
maid wmik mik tbe way after abo ROt
^ tneni hitIhUag «m the ^t. This If
Bask ImlkUaB.
Juljr IMmo
icrooa the river.
iht most centrnlly*locht6d lot in the
Ppiflg Tai
U bM almuiy bomi Btacmt
baaroiid BMtkui ibai the mauq
r Nupmixiblr fur malaiU. yellow
fevrr and Blartaain. The knowlceg^
at tbU fact baa eaablod*fhe methral
irltira to atamp emt tbM ill>
wluTO Ibrr bav** had power
do ao at New Oricaus. Culow aad Ha
la Florida and other parts of
mrth a fiy ariecaftcally^Lnown a*
idaiea flarijia* n,cai
troaa lhaa tbr moaqalto.
ImL. but has ail Im proaalble dgalrv
I walk over the hutnaa faro. The
Matin, a leading thwiiTJournat. gav«
l.riae of in.nun iranca for the lawn c
say on Iia dertructlon.
A jury
srienllllr men imvo the piire to
elltor who propo-isl Hh* u*** of
Kiysldinm ell in the «Hn,truction .4 the
egg* and lanac and MOSQl’lTti
RAVY iB^a prulectlon In the oiH-n
air. Mosqniio Gravy Is a Irealmenl for
the i«klu a* well as a protertlou againfti
iDOMiultoM. U anUseptIr and perf.'ctlv
barmlews. It Tua no Ml.
lug. olijectbrnable froture*
mcc MomjuMo Gr:tvy f* on th
and hands moMiuJIos will imi
you. MotKiulto Gravy can be otr
Uined at ail druggists, 15r and 25c
Mosquito Gravy J
guaranteed Mirntine rrm«*dv and
urg«*.l to undersund that uii deal
* will pruuyitly rettiiu >our money
m4 tti rrjuvjentc-d
Obtained at J.iIjumui Dnig Co.. Amm
!. an Drug Htor.- and by fl.;hlhg lacklc
People ouHIde the city can have
Mmqirltu Gravy tent to their addrrs-.
•y icl irn m.nll. p.nd paid, by wmdinr
he per-hsse price and additional 5r
• ir fss face, l.y addressing as Ik-Iow
Disirtbutiug atatbui..
July 2JY.I* TraverM- t:ify, Mich.
NcHce to -faKpayera.
e lax roll. for
Yl and rifv laxi^'and rpisial a .
kcHsmeuta for-AlH- five ward* of tie
*ity lif Tiavi^- City. Mt« h.. hav«- U*i-n
pU«n-«l in my hand* for .sdb i-ibiii
I will 1m- in mv offlee for tin put
i.'.e of eolbvtilig said U>ie\ei>
wi-ek day fi^mi now unlli *,Nov. !, IPOC,
a o’iioik until It:;;ft ovlocW in
the ftireiMsiu. and (mm 1 o’l-lurk unitl
4 tM liK-k in the afterquun of earh day
All laxe* pafd b.*f..n- .Si-p?. IM wH
' received wi'lmuf oilb*iH«Ki fc'-id .III ijuer, remaining iiii|iard «h.
4.-J .-ui.l Iiiitl! Oef
iKt. M iH-|i-.iIt\
•f line |H-J o-ni pit ciilb-ctlmi wilt b*
harrpsl. On nil luxe* renmiuiiig uti
paid on Oct l*i iind mitii Nuv. 1st a
IK-nally of fwo jkt <-«*u! for roller*km
will Ik- rhaigiKl.
Office/ RtHim 2H2 State flank bldg
M E IlnsUeil. niy 1 leoMUer
Dated July 21.
.jiiTy^MsK-t 2!
Paving Tax
Notice to ATI Person* IntereSled.
The f:|i(-rj*l a: , esumenf tax roll fur
fn.iu the Mi-.th line of State Mi ret
grading and paving of Ca*h Mrci-;
.-Kiuth to tlie bridge on Ca*s-street. 1*
In my hanil.s for rollecilon. The
first InKtallnitmt to In- {gtid on or Ikfore Jul) 21. l!Mif:.
City Tr*Msurer.
Jffici-. IliKim 202 State Ikilik bull-l
HmiH focicei lo loaro ycmi
ItW for bick sod iMRIMB
gM prooipi.
IhsTeb6i»e liosof
horaro when Toti want
Uteb rido. Alro tbe
eqaipRod liwry for bof kl
ot a riL-. Call I
Sati»faction guaranteed
ornocbaige.. ______ ^
Nonhem MichlgaQ
imnsportation Company
Condensed Siinmvef Bchadula. ^
Jufia 12th to 4^L »IK, *01. *.. :
Steam tniwis
Arr; Trari»i>c City. .Thurs. 4:00 am.
Lv. rravrr:u» Clty...Thuni. C:00a.m'
Ait. Chicago............. Frl. 10:80a.m
North Bound.
Lv. v:h|r**o...................Frl. 7:00 p.m.
Arr Ttavcr..e City*... .Hun «:W a. m
Lv Travel iK* CU>............ Sun. 8: a. m
Booth Bound.
Ait TrSTwr-K* cpy........Sun lO OOp.m.
Strumer Illliiol.s make* rounocttoai
at Cfitragii with train* on aU railroad
liner for imHity beyond.
Kgiati tiay. I^ko OnUrlo
All Informatltm rrganling
.vi.d laVr
1 i. nms. iffu
lagffact JpMtf. MS
gralMlaavaTrwvarMOUy a* fattava*
K-k |uiMr.-.(U»arb^««i. r>*uiabwy and Rar* '
Trmr^r^ ntr tor KorSbaorS
fNKit Hund«T . 4 Sip ni. dally
Sweet Peas
n»« *.14a. m. aad tan
in several KOC»d colors.
Cblmaer SwcepUir- Cleanlar and General Work
Good and I’rompt Service.
Homer Snyder
ICE AW W0»0»J«J2S’ '
Either Ice or Wood
will be delivered
promptly il ordered
jUnFs C. RopMiis
Cit phone 711.
itevWiadaBia.. nwemony
_0.,P. CaqVER a BRQ.
L U A.
r ••
I mmoAr. MHJV 9k mk
Boatliv 1j Of
ill I RgMaml | V||mC
ALL j Stream j KIRUS
unlucky number must draw
Cadmac. Mtoh. Jaly »
Buddy Ryan Now Woi^ Tmm Bum
Lana Thaa Will Be RaguM.
mn mm
Etil Marine Entines
fiwtlyhig weba. fwe* wart '
plod by forty to 160 igdA
large exreae of framlia;
Tfi, 9L
X1» MMm BM
mfe t»
rNh«r. Imt mr ■Rtf* vRR
tfhrr .BT ptTT iWt
be «n<w«L
nd «oBi. *m Mm* aattfeat
Boddy^an iaYmr da^urark getting Bob aiiproarhtor aelf-aarrlire.
Puntypoot Kmdaad. la
la roadltkm for kia ^ at Pwtoakey ahoot the riecTric cable ttdit IWWa
Aug. is and Is wow down lb 132, which
U two pounds below requirement
Johnnie Reed of C3»lcagf. Joe Timm ha«e taken fiigbC owing to tbe f4erPlc
of Ludtogtoo aad Oallagber. the man ranent ,wtrhlag tbrir ahoaa and
throaring them on fheir bsuwriifw. A
he pwt wnder at;, Wexford. a$e urwrki
said the atrerts were
out With him. ^tnrday. Buddy ran
Newb-ta wanu aa dback. worktog off
aererm^ pounds.
Tyyyi^ crTY^LRaiCT,^
for oar IBu
I frua to any
The Erd Motor Co.
rmm of the MkMgaa 8b^ Skip drOIIMm Tmt FMMMd SMiMay Mm
cull closed Satmday with the best
Tm DqiY Rimi
Cmiercais €9 the tfawlL Tbe IrmeforwD
pace was the hew race of Use day. fire
heau being required to decide It.
BHwlao. after being alawat
Tbe wrU-knowii Trav-eler,
^*TW ngulMT vmAIj htmt meea wm
. N. If.. July 30.-Thc
taaewd In the first two beau was 2» to
BzpkK^ mod
9mam9 aK h^m m large mm4 mt OM
die tourists who Sat1 shot ta the third and woo the neat
tetardar. la me iMarli r»e«» three. Porter of St. Johns. owWer of
the 1.134-mlle ran
Col.. Ffxdioh wiU give femr II- OR. M. B. GREOORY-lhUli a>«aM
taato ware aaiarad. Joba Aalrton
New York. Canada. Maine anu
the borne, playad him atnmg. wuintog
luilratni EntrrtwiiiiBeflU at Ih® t04 OfBr; : Ud 4 SaUlorlBBd
Trrrwe aty taJilag third glace
•early one thoaaand dollars, the thla sute wlthowt pimnlUn during tbe
wffh fcts hoai, the Laora C The latah
block. ncWcDce ,1, Watont BL
A watchman’s neglect permitted a City Opera Hoou® .luly 30, 31
bookies were towched up hard on this ten days' tern over a grral variety of
leak to the great North 6aa dyke, kml Auk. 1 wkI 2, andpr tbe
ar tUa race was eery caciUng. then
roads for tbe accood trophy offered by
iiuapioeg of the Yoiioe Men's
Bulh WUdmaa to second beat of Cbarlea J. Gllddca of LoweH. Maaa..
ved, to become a rtlnoua break, Bible Cbms of Uie Oonirffghttonal
%etw«ea Umt first three boats.
stating an entire province of Hob
free^^ lowered tbr track record, will probably draw J6ta lor the prise.
WUhelm bkjck. OU. j
Udy May. owned by i. 1. Cnmm
Sixiy-threc cara ataitod from Bufiaiand. In like manner Koanefb Me Sunday Scbool. QoL Fwneb it
wmdc by f*anay UlosMim Wednesday.
Won. H
Iver. of Vanceboro. Me., permiried a Bodursed by the praMand UmdinK
Mhkh started with a haafijea^. cn
on July 12 and made nma averaging
2:1314 to 2:I1H • l»y doing so she
the Star first, while the Anus Thcreaa, wins the special purse of f30 ofien-d alsMit 130 milca a day with three atopa
tragic finish was only averted by Dr. in^tbe fiucal oollecUon of viowa
l«....... M
•waafl by Oeae Brfahaaa. which i
Quebec and Rangeley.
to any horse making better than 2:12
iiid moat expensive SU>riK>ptiron
id aa the scratch, came la so
.The races were the mtJtrt successful When the tourists left Bangeley Place
tong tofiammmtlon. caused by a neg uel MovinR Picturt‘ Apparatus
fn» Lam K. was gtsea a baadfei
eirer held here
Iccted cold: but Dr. King's New Dls ever shown in Tyavcrac City.
Evansvllie ........40^
A Brfaate sad a half. An laterestlaK adirers4- weather
Breltou Woods fourteen
roTcry saved my life.** GuaranietMi
imtars oC tlw day's spim was a ball
bad clean acorew. No penattics we
best cough and cold cure, at Johnson
South Bend........... 35
Aame between Old Muskm and EU
Drug Co.'a. F. H. Meads. C. A. Hug
filcted until tbe cars were within six
bee Drug Go ’s drag stores, 5t>c and
Aafilds. the latter wlanlnjc by a scor«
miles of nretloo WcshIk whep Erra E Terre Haute .,..,.28
ll.OO. Trial botUe 10c.
Results Yemerday.
if elerrn tojtea. A large crowd wii
Kirk of Buffalo slipped a chain
Grand Rapids 4. S<iiith Bend 0.
beaand the gaaie All these caatcsts
lokt two mlnuttw.
Evansville 2-4. Terre Haute 0 4*
•be gtrea wider the auspices of the
Tsvo Other Accidcnta.
Kio Ai'
A B. MARTIN—Thyatelan aad
Sprtopriield 1. Dayton 0
OM Mlsskw^Boat afid Athletic dob
There were two other accldraU to
following adv'rrtlsemrat
Canton 1. Wheeling 0.
iThey would 1» eery alad la base TrsTaUvut oBve oil:
cara which were not to the hunt for
aiy iMis enter and would do
Cam** Today.
the trophy. At Dlsfivld. Me., a *leam
of nttR HUahiy. Idllgeutly fahrieate.l
*%fverythlna in ihdr power to make Driver Col bey Fined $90 for Not Try car owned bv Walter White of CleveSouth Bind at Grand Rapid*
at the Economy Store.
Ihlags pleasant for them. The Old
Whii-itng at Catoton.
; add nitrutiM: tbe rmistimiT wUl find
land. Ohio, caught flie and wa* dtIng to Win the H«at.‘But Took
Mlaslan pmrple are true sportsmen and
Dayton at fiprinirtleld. •
*/ . tl.ena. live g.wid taste and tn-rfeH |hc
rlroyed. A few minute* later the car
seryatkm. For to riM-at*r to any nmterperfertly lair ireatmcnt ts aumred to
Terir Haute at Evansville.
of A. H. Grant of Tarrjtow'n. N. Y.,
c-Mciry to rei|uiere on any
^ who go
ran into a ditch and wa» conriderably
This time it is
hvtk^ tills ,'nntreD'arr dnau^d ctUi- r. W. Wilson, oounly register of
Pet foriuaL'y to tin- law.
Del mil. July 30.—The mmrorr bar damaged, it waa thought that many
ieeds. alm^ waned to the races, bul
•ss meeting at Windiwir ended Sat- of the car* would »u0er white climbing Philadelphia ........ 55
The v'ork-; tn»l the
hare all
Ifooble With hbi rtiirtne kept him from
.-irioi'l will; t’i,- nrr.*’—New tlrhaus
day afu mrsw with soipe fine drive.-,
SARA T. CHASE, M. D.—Pbyaiclaa
37 '
and fast time, aa well as a liitie scan- distance aVay from the fintoh, but Cleveland -----------50
1 double shtd for.., -2c
and Bnrgeon. Office* 407-S Btata
- 42
daL Tbe feature event was the 2:10 fttiirleen accompltohed the fi-at with Chicago
2 double sheets for....:ic
Bank hhK-k. arllh Drr O. E. Cbaaa.
trot, to which r.wr, iand«-d the money out penalty, the Kirk car having it* iHtrolt
4 double sheets for....5c
CItr phtme 225 2R, Reridmca Ml
with G<ild Ihist Mnid. favoHte. over
W. Se venth*»trccl, with tha MlnM
. '.379
field. Tbe Prealdent led in the
Carroll. Clit. pboaa 928.
. Bo«lon ........ ......24
. .2G7
opening beat mml bnd Just enough a* with clegn ncore*.
Comic Postal Cards 2c
F-8. Hlnn. Wttkburg.
Reaulto Yeaterday.
•nd to win by a nose from Gold
G. W Davi*. Buffalo
* -. ‘
each or JBc per dozen.
Chicago 5. Wa*hlng.on 3. .
Dust Maid. .Next time Ginrs made a!
Wke« P.H.
-achofd. . Teacher. Mr*. France* B.
BUT O. W. O. TEAM UP IN THE AIR little longer drive and Un! the I»n*siW. E. Wright. Siirlngfleld. Maas.
8t. liotil* 8. IV»*toh 5.
It take* llH* iMlKin. of
to kw-p
Bmllb. Graduate pupil of Prof. Fred
W. C. W'alkei, Hartlord
Gamea Today.
tlw city of FnrU clean loilay. liut to
deni a neck.at the end. Tbq remain
erick Hnrarc Clark xif Chicago. 901
Wai-hingi.m at Chicago.
tog beat was easy for Goll I>u«t Maid. • E Ket ler. Lausliu:. Midi.
Regular 10c
Bb*( Front idreet. Bludia No. 18.
Charles B. IJurnian. CU vclanth
Philadelphia at Detroit.
Gi^-rs was not so foriunatv* in the
Hooks and Eyes. NosI 0
dowTj italra. CUz. pboae No. 801.
Ran Thrww a Fine Game But Hit 2:12 ir«>t. carried over two day.s. for
Gi orge ^jule*. Toledo:
New York at Cleveland.
King Juliu of Franc><- made the retniest
to No. 3, in black or
Bathing Wae Rotten-Final
may Sl-fia
F. E. Wing, iloston.
Boston at 8t.
I-ake Quien had th/ sin-rd and won
that FarlMluii. Khould not allow itolr
G. G. Buik*. Buffalo.
cleverly fjidy Gull Huinllton broke
pig* lo mam live atreeu, Fharlea VI.
estate AND LOANS-BraaA
siraiRht eyes extra, at
’ L. K Petr«‘, Cleveland.
Won. LmsL
Pot (i:b?t l422» r,
In the Mreteh.
Traver** I^nd and Loan Oo.. ».
only 5c per cord.
.G9»; tlce of tbrow l
C. F. Barrett. Harllord.
. ^ Chicago ................ *.G|
Tburtell. Manager. Offlea, room A
Wlna at Lo^o Odda.
The Manistee Becords pul the O. .W.
. A Mllllken bioek
. I'lnsouig
The Canadians cut loose a great
D team sway by a s«m' of € to 2 y«^- fgirer in the 2:14 cirss end na,Kd tbe
New York
DK F. H0L08W0RTH—Bpmdal ab
terday afternoon Ina fairly toten'sung Umefit at odda from 12 up to 20 to 1.|
\ Philadeiph
Draw Lou for Cup.
game on the local diamond.
Darker H»l marched off with three 4'or the
to avoid contact w Ith tbe filtli of the
C. W.
The feature of tbe afternoon wa>.
hraif In lmprrK,slvi- style, nevfr lH*Ing ^<•y and A. A. I^»^t will .ah»o havtatreeta Varioo* ordlnanoe* were made
the throwing of Nevti»n and lilt. niUeii to danger juid Jogging in 2:«7»4.
to compel tlxe people to wwfSfv the rrad
OR. E. B. MINOR-OrSot mm Amm*
draw lotii. av< todh finished without St. Louto
hacking. It stHmeil to be un off dby owner hn.ugiit out Harold Hal ami
before their own door*. I»m
■Boston ..
lean Drug Btora. Bps
.* ‘
until ITfil that the dust cart
for everybody on the teana but the this roatv proml.vt-s to Ik- equally as
There were nesirly 150 carH niufem
pllrher and hi- sent man after man to Kt^sl as tliat frve-for-all winner.
bled here Saturday. Of the number. 73
Sixth etrosL
the iMneh. kept the hits scattured and
The 2:2b |jace was linally wAh by made up the Glldden tourislh' jurtv
then was forced to m<« srtires tvrouKht Gt'orge B.. whose driver. John Iksine
Only 82 Year* Old.
St I>oulF- at Brooklyn. ;
fmm* Rangeley. 24 were In the Bay
•I am only hZ year* old and don'
In on nuten cmirp In the raid die of of lloilam!. was fluid $:»o for allegeil
Cliieagi) at BoMon.
WMhlngton itroM. etto. phoaa tlf|
State Autoiimbne.,rlHiiV nm fnira U«.^
I No. LCityOpBvml
expect even when I get to be roal old
the game a MaulsttH* letter swstttd toying up of the first ;u-,vt. l)rav»
Ion. wblih finivihed here Friday
a hot Nnehit Into Newton',; ism. bonu
PlltbburK at I•hiladelphla.
Ivchiml MatK l T. was fim-,! ir.o wlitlc niore than forty detached cai>
po fact that the emwd <ouidn't >ee-|t on a rhfirge of not trying to win
arrivovl fmra different. c:rt*ctlon» to
bnd for tt few seconds It looked to the third h.-at. then went on and w.m tbe
nothing elM* ki^p* the <dd a* young
attend the meet.
and make.*< the wi-ak a« strong a* this
bleachers a4 If the luiU had eapiod*^ foul til
Y Tiiere will be: a hill v-limtdng coi
gniiid tonic medllelne. Dy- .vepsla,
ta the srVeath a ManislK* l«tier came
Fmin here the hursin; tin to Kal
pld liver, inflamed Kidney * or
'the wes*k over a three mile courae in Acme Team Thought They Had Di
sum A Earl'* Jawalry i
to the plate with three men on lia.Mh cou and Clevelaud for the week.
li|»atiou are unknown after tak
Soup But Rachcally Changed
the Crawford notch.
thoAM lit.
and sent a 11/ to deep center, brliium^
Ing Electrlr niiterw a reasonable time
The paiilclfiantk in ITie.GIidden
In three mnK.
while weary from their long trip and
clan and jurgron Ram
The visitors playtd a strong, roiisiblTic a llttW- exu* fui i.iN»nl whom
The East Bay liasehall team certain
SoM to Munaoo btoek pror 1
Itet game, showing by every move that wmd out to m.ort lialtot.*nns."
tip lo the arUutmi; condillmis. weix* en ly did Ihingfc to Ijie Acme crowd a:
ABsrl'a atixen* phooa 888.
fllijcy know baseball from start to fin the m-inaginc e»m»w.
HE.AR COL, C. If. FRENCH in his
Ea^t Bay yesterday. Anne came oyer
thnriaath' over the run.
-U*liy fwV askcil the assistant.
agnlflcent Illustrated k-eturcfi July
"Well, you K«5it out the stKirtlng evilThere were comparatively few arcl with the inienilun of walking away
July 17 U
tor and he slated the bailstoutw am dtmtK.iIuriiig the run. anu none of the with the game but iM-furc they left for 30 31 and Aug 1-2.
Mu*lcHou*e CtU.pbOB#8ii.
Ta fbe pocket of a discarded waist- ns Idr .-IN
i»a.H:H^iigt*r8 <m the ear* wen InJurtHl. home their opluhm of the ^;^s^ Hay
mt a WTeii hulJt her nest ami hatchetl
Two carti wc% biiruevi' during the l.an team wat; eonv^ivlerably higher.
“nM-n you «ent out five war rtifreout her eges nt East Mills. KtwUtog
trip.thai of Wehh Jay Im ing i!estmy»-d The game, howiwer. was fai.1 ami ex
»n mortgages. Honam for
bridgw. llninpshlrr.'Knlg
on the firM day In the run from Buffa citing throughout. East Bay pulling
Inquire of K.
as raninHi luiUs."
lo to^Anbuni. N. V,. and thi* While car nut ii vlciory bV th^e w ore ^ six lo ThI* Report
Place bot«L
Record It
Changee In Price*.
ver. Price* rmtoooalile. OCSoa wKB
Buying Rate* of Traverse City Dealer
O. P. Carver A Bra Both pboMa.
Wheal ........ .......................
17m le ;m i F: ; 1 I . I .- ir.iO , Corn, per bushel................
They-were Htrolling through
Will leave Traverse City at OR. E. L. THIRLBY-Bpmfial mtmfive uptown nfrkK. plainly m-dli.T and people in IndLin I'etrllr-ry. anly one New iKiiatoes. fver bushetl
Uoti to dlMOM* of ehUdrmx. Boos
qimrter of wIimiu nre ludlan*. A* one
daughter, the latter a ,-hlkl betwee n
8:40 a. m. for
409 Bute Bank bldg. BoU phOBM
anTt »i yean« t»f agv*. The daughter iwi- traveb* jhrrwtch tlu- ti-nllrul*^ tlA« Hun* V»cV ‘ptiind.V.* ’ -** *
dently U learning W lottei>. and haa iffoiK.iiiou »s iM-me *»m l»y one'*» exwhat date
Are tbe only kind we oarr>* in
;*erjon,v. on,. mighi ride through t.kthe regular orvler of the alpluilvet
» PoUey ex
stock. We believe it poor
In her little mind.
lalioMin. stopp'.pg op' III town after
itoMa. , Can
Chickens, spring...........
policy to sell any but Pianos
raminc itnvler a Mg <Kik tn-e.
lonn wilhoni over -v aig nn Indian.
of liiKli
clmracter—instrnmother atooped and pl.kcl ni* a ImTvl- In Indinii Trrrit.ory r.r 1'nl‘aii Sto.n k Hm* .............. ..................... .
Dewing. A. B. Curtl*.
fol of neonw with their cup* tnat had vn- lepf'c 1* WYaslomilly »*<].ie fn.;n Oat* .................. ................... ;
tite that will triv’en life
fallen fruin the tn<e.
Nbrthport Point.
the railroad, with it»* dweiler, < wifiug CatUe ...................... .............
time cf pv‘rfect aaliafaciion
.03 H
Kathle," xlie ^.Hd to the Hold, alKwn: Inii yon nc^-gnlxe no Indiam, to Steer* .................. ............... ..
and st»rvice.
(iivin;: alx hours fit Marion DItS. J. D. k MAHT J.TIUEBLOOD
"yon ean lakf (h,->e Imhik- for
.03«4 bUml. an ideal plare to spvml
the townv ami you d.. not svs' Indian* Fancy heifer*
When j'oti Imy a Piano of
Cow * ....................................
and isaiieer* for d jlly.”
.03 >t:
looting al*rnit the mllmad Matlou.
the flay, with pavilion ami all
ns you
(vnaranteed Qiial.
. "WImt are they, mammar cried th*
If you do so*- one 111 town yj^ h.nrc Calve* ............ .....................
itv—the Gnanintce of thia
oamMarewiihatoiBiig. • a. w. *• u
delighted child.
to lie toW fhnf he iK .na Indiiiu. Air Ive Sheep ................................. .
*••*.». r *0 • mda**. mmtrnm
ronntl trip.
Bbi. Ib^iable. Resprnsible
"At'orna,** mi id the mcdhcr.
1* prtduildy a balf-tireed or a qnarter- Hogs ................ ................. .
emrnm ImmB,.
, Five hours and a half at Ne^h
"Wliv cot lUcnwr aahl tbe Inter brecil. wv-JI thewed and mm[*eteiit
e<tM little mie.
ta-wanta Far© 25 cents round
rkey* ........................ ..
lookUig. not distiugntohed from the
Duck* ....................................
Ttr,-am»e they grow on that oak white men with wlemi he luiugW*.
Among our many line* of pianos are the flowing cetcbraled.
tree." mM the wi-.»^ motlivT.
"Indian*Territocy." rakl a. Inislneiw Cteese .................................... *
high grade makes:
?Ro hours and tbroe-quarUirs at
Tallow ....................................
"Then why not O-eonwr queried man in TiiTwi. 1. T.. "H
Omena. Far»? 50 ttmto round trip
Cured hide*.........
the divp tldnklng little «j»e.
by Indian*. There are
Or an all day ride to Korthport
2—Cured Hide*.......... ..
- T'll iquink yon. tlarllng. when W€
lana owning Ito
and Northport Point, without
get honu* If yon n^k me any more inn-k
white uieo
m ^^‘^•^j^^YlIng’prl^’'
leaving the botit. for 50 oenU,
foolhvh qoeetixmft.*’ an^wrrcl the af in the town and i«nrere,l Uirough th* aear pork, per barrel........ .1 18.M
BARNES. MENDELSSOHN-earh rrpre«mi!ng value unmatchable
Those wishing can soenre dinner Office bOo New ^
fectiowate mother.—New YoCk Son.
territory.—Wc»rW*« Work.
dear pork, per pound........
OitiW phone f.S2
ooUide our atorea.
aboard the boat.
TWe Awr *f rufc««.
ITofew-or Kni«t liaeker*
Returning, boat will reach
The age Of flabes U aeldom meaanied
"Tbe Riddle of tin. Fnivrrie"
Our terms are ezeeediagly lllnral;. our
Traverse City at 4:15 p. m
by a definite period of yrara. Moat of ban Iveen frnnalatcl Into Hebrew, Chi- Rye Oonr. H. L. A Co.'* Best.
.'• Be«t.,^..
tevarlably fair dhd honorable under all ci
(bem grow as tong aa they five, and nme and Jaimncw*.
.'* JSeat........
t^AienUy Ure untfl they faU victima
Let os prove the merits of our toirtruments and the maxiV ad
per dozen......................
to aome atranger opev tea. It is repnt>
Codfish, per pound..................
it us. A call will be appreciated.
ed (hat carp and pik^ have lived for a
Lard, per pound........................
Tuesday, Thursday and
Mtnxy. tnit tbe evideoce needa vertButter, per pound.............. ...
e devoted their live* (
Sunday evenings
to^ of Holihrter a
Mountain Creamery butter, per pound..
Island and Ne>ah< ta-wanta, at
Cbeeae. per pound.................. ..
It contains the cboiccwt medldU |^«<
per bushel.
and faerbe known to modem <>•
Tbmmy," aald Mr. Tucker. Uylag medlctoe.
e. Tea or lableU. 35 cento.'New pototoe*. per bushel
Dancing at Marion Island
hbn acroaB.lila knee and vigorooBly ap
Drag Oo. ______ ’
laalt. per barrel............ ..
Music by Horst s orchestra.
plying a large and^mimcniar paternal
mm iNSuRANcs
band. «it almoat Breala my heart to do
QUICK, THE tailor, maka. ,
®**^,Poultry ..............................
Sunday afternoons, 2 p. m
CoL C E French
- •*.
Bargains Always
080* B. 5arpl8
201 Trent Street
on th^Bay
Steamer Columbia
Marion Island,
: :ir
Miller & Smith
to Marion
PUoo Fftctny a&4 General Offices: Detroit
Trafcrsc Qty Branch: 1S9 East Front Street
imhrnm 2fi1EftMFiWM
—Excursion to Marion Islajpd.
Music by Horst’s orchestra.
Up atal
I ktrr Kiter. Ui« CDf.
r»s feet wkle. tveMy.
Hew Torlt. Jnly
fLSb# wagw Harry J. Vlagnt
rode IM uUea aw horHaair:fc tn
nine booni and nine ateateg
Sunday. He w^ a bla desk
Ois MosiP
Iw Mlfuslsfm Hsrs.
Ths *pv. W. T. Woodbeasr. psHor
of me BspUel rbarrli. tsiKl«*fed lil«
rwUcMtlqn astordsj lo sm.pt s
to ttloa Rsplds. TSe rvslKostkiB
sraptstf wits Ibr iratcst iwiiarUnre
by tbe irbuiwb sad Mr. M’oodbotiM
Leather Goods and Souvenirs n un
surpassed in this region.
The biggest
winner sure.
Special to the Ertvnlng Record.
KV.pvHghf. non. by W. R. Hears!.)
Simi.jilud of Ha The Than, tbe Ann
ilte girl, the flrHt of her rare i» land
V. W. T.
In AnierJt a. The photographer caught
tbe offrr w«» »o sd^wbtsiPHmw. Ill* her holding In her arius one of the
rt« of Major SavnlU*. In wboMIrttrrtiT rr»ifnsUou ms» si. fonowi:
Drsr Brctbrcw: Kur poau llino pssl family she U emiduyuil as a maid.
I have frit tbst IbO wotk «f I hr chun h
. could be Bicirr proiipcrou. under the
iHKHmblS I* sHMT psstor. I hsrv
bees It^d to retsUi Uii' psaltAl rcUtuni
thus Ur imly uptui fhc uryi-nt r«-<jue«t
of many in Uw* church. Thini a* yt».i
nil WvII know. We Imre f«*ll s rlianr*’
wss sliMihiiely ti(r*t'»var> lo the health
of s part of the family
liow S FSil hs« romi> fmpi snothe.
•church under cirru^taiu'*-* flist fo
decline would br to>lts.itK v the lead
Eic»»ty*YcjrOld Sagmaw Man Soidd
tnj:> of the Holy i>|ilrit
HAS PARTED WITH HiS WIFE cd.in Bath Room—Attorney W, H.
very docidt^l sdvsniv iWRishiry': and
*Ttarvey Unpopular Because He
while fbe c;h»4iKr in cJiwmie nmy not
Keeps the Ltd On.
be lu rsdirs] s^ we had doinxl. yet
It would be n rrry j;reat ehaoite and
fCootlnuiH] on Third PsiK?.)
liy Wire to the Kvi-nlng Ri-ciird.
Snult Bte .M.irle. Jiilv :;o—nme-.!
Daughter Was PUying tn the Street
Itralt. elerk in a eig.ir Mon-, taking a
When Her Father prove Up in
vae.nlion trip up laike SuiM-rior on Hie
a Buggy-Suit lor Di
i.tcamer Saroimir took a testament oin
vorce Be^un.
of his pocket, read it |Mirtion. field a
ftrayer miv-tiug ' l^t Jutniw’d overThen* was rtmsldcrable csritenicnt iMMird The iMwIy w:o n.»t n*»*taere'i
It Ik supiN.Ked be bi rame Mlddeul.v ill
when a iimiv nam' d Mnnirs dmvc lA
Wouldn't O-ftk W’th Him.
rotuli/eiilh and
Port Huion. July n*».—Austin Lv
aiitl took lu- .:>,-iT4,id dau^b
wb owns i*ln.%lnK In tbe
in Inney. two niib< «*‘ath of Capae
bugge and tle»pitc bi'r aiTvane. rrared by drink attaelo-d |ils paf^tK
and rSiwts to fi.!*- her>,cif. drtnr a»av with iKvl slats Sfindav morning and
t^dh were kn«trk«-d unnHiw-lous l»o
It Ik the obi Hort. the nunilirr of e.iu^., the? refused to drink beer with
whirl! iiirrcase with c%en >e.ir. Tbe him
Hong H.mselT.
ijudber and father had se^uraUsl. the
Saginaw. July Zo-Michael J Me.air«». and
Harry Taylor. Shortatop of the Pough* biKt time wn- tuo
hlng bad !►«-« n nen'^ d uinm in re senger.' aged kO. hung himself tn .a
jkecpale. N. Y., baseball Tean
He was found Sunday
gard to the Utile gltl Their divort-r- l»ath mnm
Though Bat’ly Injured.
sult will o>nu‘ Infcic Jndee Maync
Made Mercic Rescue.
Orow**ed In Lake.
Thurwlay and It will then
lUv CUyp^uIy 30—O'car R.Kd of
who. Khali ki^T the child.
Mi>. Ijurr M»>tTiJ'K. the uvuher. had lb,- Coldwater state M-b.Nd. a cliarg!By Wire to fhr Kvi-uui;: Record.
iMkeU the child alfh Iut when -die le»t bound to a farmer n.-ar bis edy.
Ponrbki'Tpr le. X Y . July ,10 —Th '
dMiwneil him.'elf lu the nv* r. It is
* Pseiftc c\prcji>! oa flo* N. a Y«uK'r<*n her lilt! band and i; bviiu; at the rot
i the farmt r bad lieaten him.
n* r of Fiftt't litb and f>; .s rtte* t.v. The
tral was wn>cl.ctY4atl.» this nimtjiuK.
Dug Up Trees,
ruhniiu: Inm a laji.hlih at jlu Tn»y little one wa.s pt.a>liig wi«h oi.jier ebUII HarlK»r. July 3n—.\ttomey
switch a mile i-outh ot llamhurR.
father drove up and culled hrr. Th.
Thtxi* were Lllkd. one miurlni: and
baby loc*ktHl anuind and Marled lioinf
Ihlriy injufwd. The dead: lUchard
It.- It! ktvplng the IM oil nnd has hjel
I.m the father Inti-rc-pi
HilU. eni:lno.-r; Edwird lUxJj^r. Hr*'
Dirests of iRTKtwal violeure. Sunday
?h* N gan
her Into the rig wbei\- Jhe
' man; •‘nartciu * Jack, head Iralmnan
Kcrearri and Split him. The enotiur. mgh! some vauiials dug up tw«. sUaUe
The inlssla,;: Bdward Mrinlyn . <n.a
aHer oiDsnltlnr, an altimiey. f«»nnd tn-es in front aif his reitidenrc and
them awax IK-Icclives haw
that nothing cwtid Im- done In regard
t»M> ^rmin rarrlrd about 10t> piu^MC
lu the matter until U had come I»cfnte bi*eii employt'd on the rase.
Iters and was iroing forty nUIo:, an
Ibe Jiidgtv Tbe child fi> at the home
hour. Harry Taylor, shiudslop ut ih *
of J^inlay ilammoud. when* the father
Kiiht Buffalo, July 30—C’atlle—7300;
baseball team. a|tbu«Kt
Ih working.
fairly active; prime stc-ern.
.badly Ihjuted. made a heroic rescue
3s:>: heifer?. If.stocket>. |2.Mi
^ of a liaby whoso mothi'T. Mr*. Kmma
CATHOLIC societies.
fr4. Sheep and lambs—;d»<rtt; steady;
J. Horeheltp of BehcmMdati.v. was cv
National Convention Now In Sewton lamb*. 17.33©7.S0; wethers. |3.30ff
. liSUMd in the crush of ptMjple.
In Buffalo.
:..73; ewe». $4-5onr.. H«»g*—13.730.
Ry Ulrc to ihe Et t-n'ng Rc-cord
Blow; Yorkers. |7.ti3Ci7H*: milt'd.
Ruffaki. N. Y.. July 30.—The fifth nn lG.Sm©7.30.
Praaident Roosevelt Attend«f Oyster nual ctmventiun of the Amrrican Ft*dDeirbli. July 30 —l^*h*^t-No. 2 it'd.
Bay Praahyterian ^uixH.
eimlloo of Catholic soclelleH openi-d 73c; ci>m. fi3c; oats. .39%,C.
Ry Wire to the |^:tenlng Rc-conL
htyre SuiuUt anctimoQ with oi-ikrty
Chiragn. July 30-Wheal-July.
New ^erk. July 30.—Prrsldcm forty ddegauw.
73He; ct»m. :.lc: oat*. 23c.
Ro^eoi'lt nttinnled M«nrlcxw a! the
Oyster Ray Pi. -byirrlan church Sun ArerST UST or Edlwn Gold Mrxuld
4hc oil or gasoday wbm irnricea for his epeeial edlod Record* jiud receired at Grin- I me man call CItix * jthnne kiHi
firiHinawrrc heUL
licU P.no?heiT,
The Hobxrt Co. Prop.
The many friewdr of C EL* Murray
PfiMder Ranged From s Set of Furs
111 he very i
tu r«»ra luoi m Almost a Thousand Japawcae Lanterns
Down Is Exti? Pafta for s Sew>
Mtffered a m-vi
Were Used to IHumlnato the
aroke of^'^ralysis
lag Machins.L
Satunfay night. The
he stroke affmed
Is About S4a
hij. entire right side but he la much
Impiti*ed fcKlay. b**ing able to um? his
haml -mnd arm but hl.N nght leg U atm
While the family were sttcndinp numb He ts aide to walk and doet,
lV-K|Mte the far! that the storm
church jcttlrrday roomlii; the home <*f not «jfler »nr pal^ and an early and which thn aten.*.! all day kept i
fVii,r Lsrdlc at Maple’cm was ♦ n.er permam nt improvement U bN>kt*d lor viViUng launches away, the Venetian
ed and about |40 worth of household
night at the Nor’hpon Ih-acn iioul
HOST FORCET Cot. c. H FYench
Itriods stolen.
(Cuntimied on k^urlh Page.)
The thief eolcTwd at a nwr wlndtm the. w'ldl known traveler, exploter and
and aside from the open window the h-ctun'r at nt> «,M-ra bouse July 3d-3i
only frhec left wa* -iwmr mud on the
fl'wr. A large suit ca.»e was protmbly
ii'-e*! to carry a«av the -smag" In ann
erylhlng waa larm-d lojisy turve>
In the bouse. .;
£Ct of furr. Wert* made away with
along with silverware, a gold clmlii
rrlucd nt 113.^. a net d nut pirks and
lieables morh pn>|w*rty of thin nature
the nihcreafk* broke Into the wwin".
inarhlue and I.njI. the extra nttltlu^
Mrb he found there *
Sheriff Jirhnatm was summon.-*!
and M«rrh(-<1 the pn-mlM-^ but found
no clew to tin- ihfi-f Mr. l-ardie-ililuk.
that the manna hiding on thi* ic-ninHula. No HtiangerH bave Ini-u weti
alrotit the place nor has anyone iM vn
Hf eu wbo wav artlng In a >.UK|driou.-^
say that oar stock of Indian Bukets,
C. E, Murray Suffciwd Severe Ota SM*
Will OS IS CslSii Rspltfs Whs«« Nt
I am
:■ "1
about something I a|.
ways fro lo the Attncrican
This remark was made
by a prominent physi
cian the other <lay. and
he did not make it to us
either, b\it to one of our
friends who told us.
VVe don’t want to brag
unduly, but this seemed
like loo good a testimon
ial to pass wiilioui using.
Pink, Brown
and Bray
Daw been cut to .
W« close nt 6 now except Wedn^Udny and Setunlejr
In four In hand* and bat wingm. partic
ularly adaptable for m-gllgc wear
mand a clns* of r»ww!* that must look
well nff«-n under dbadvautagt** and
idand a b.t of hard hot wtwfhcr *
Wt- havf a new line jtiM In that ful
fill* khc ri'qiilrcmenfa of the a««
M»m<* lu wa»halUe fabrics, but all Tcry
stylish, effective and atirurttve C-4k
shape. figurt*s and cokuiog
fiubecK ^ Hoyt
Union 8L ClotliiiTB.
Time’s up! Tan Shoes a
Must Go!
There’s plrniy of lime lo wear them, b it not
so much time to sell them, so we have! b **^0
through our stock and pul a l ARtWKLL
TKICh! on every pair of Tan Shoes.
Men’s $:Lr,0 Tan Shoes now $:> 0:i; Men’s $3 Tan ShcH s
now $-425; Women’s $2.50 Tan Shoes $1.SS; Men a
$1.50 Tan Shoes $1.13; Children’s $l Tan Shoes 7r,c.
Plenty of time
to wear out
a pair of these
Are you particular ?
Order tor
and they are
most comfor
wear of the season.
Jr J
You can afford
a pair at
Dni^ Store
With IDs.'
Stock doors delivered same day as
doors and window screens In three days.
We’ll send a inan to take the measurements'
Wc are i»ow^j»m,.^nmtly liKatcd
Orx. ’Sw'&"'pi'iiiialliKaB
o. c. MOrrATT
Abatracta' of TItIa
BatobllsHod %•%%
rn—m at# Btotw Bowk DWIMIM
I iuaxsi .
Traverse City Mfg, Co.
Is the leader amon;: Michipm winter wheat flonrs.
It ‘-staiids up” for itself, and never Koes Iwck on a
frieinl. Arc yon a friend?
If not jrel an
intriKluction from
Lay Co.
Special to You
CONSlI)P!!K these exceptional
silks for the
prices ai which we offer them.
Each and
'every number has a marked difference from
nary run of silks.
been good,
the ordi
While the trade on these silks has
still the assortments
are in very good
And with regard to the demand for the
Silk Shirt Waist Suit, IT IS STILL GOOD and will
be good
throughout the coming fall, so buy freely
while prices are low.
27-inch Hair Line Stripes Fancy Taffetas.
good line of colors................-...................................... Wl/V
- remjah, very similar to the raw silks. A complete
line of colors, an excellent silk and
very popular...................................................................... .. •
Straw Hats Half Price ^ y
(This season’s goods)
: *
20-ioch Shirt Waist Silks in the Ixst sell
and colors not only good now,
but the colorings arc splendid for fall.
3C-ii)ch Changeable Taffetas.
the best selling colors for...............................
IS inch Fancy Taffetas. Only a small lot
of these w’orlh 75c for....................................
(This season’s goods)
Two lots of Wash Silks that-arc so low in price a» to
seem that something must be wrong with them,
but it’s nothing but the price—
39c and 48c
-mAVcaw cm.
KjODK 4fC0» Mn se 10 COST w
wchioan. ik>hoay. july
Am emad m no. t m
iMjo no^mmo c
^Am Sswt to the I
Engewo Brniwifd Has SoM^mi »gMr
stair vsj
csstir SA« It^prmsd as cacrUeat ad
for Nortbpon.
■Ot.be held here ear tbe middle of
moatb or a lltUe later There
are mbajr boaU In aim mroaad Trar
araaClt/aM a very
rr aooflMWttl Vene
Uaa altbt could be arraaced If some
Uke bold and pu»b 4b« mat
ter aioaa All it requlrea Is a Mttle
Ispetaa aad gfts abould be given.
Trveerae aty had no fourib of July
, celebratloo and eery probably tber.vlll be »o celebration here labor day.
Tbain have been no racta of any hind
to fact there baa been nothing to at
tract people here with tbe excepuon
of the Old BeUlers* pimlr and the Ore
aanh coaventkici.
A'eVnetlan bl^t properly airangeri
and adverti»ed wooVl bring a large
crowd of Vlattorv to tbe city and would
be aa excellent thing for the city, in
tbe afternoon vartous boat rarea conld
be held and the entree fee of these
would help defray the evpenaea. Kwlm
mlag races, atngle paddle ibd sallipr
oaaoe rarea: launch raceH. ttib races
aad other aquatir events could Ihbeta.
Wltb fifty nr sUty Illuminated nio
tor boats, wltb row boats tbvwrated.
with fireworks and red lights aloog
the abore. the alght would be a pret
ly one jlfa a good Idea, lei’s alt jola
In and puah It along
The arreat of i ; blry<quts by Chief
1 prove A warn
log to those a ho have iMM.n in Ih.
habit of riding on the ssUl.asIks
Quite a mimlw'r of itiMianres have
repaiicd latcl) where wh<<elroeu havi
been using the shlewalka and In oi
der to escape ilHcribm. irove rarrl«*d
no light. The arreslK nh.ntld be con
tinned until iIm- prartire I* bn.ken up
as a la dangerons to p4Mli^*trlan*<.
Complaint la made that many of tbe
^cement sidewalks ate rwered with
Mnd. It c*ertaln1) mim'Iiu that
botiaeboldef winild have . nisigh prl».e
fn tW •ppmr.nc of 1,1, ,m.porl
keep the front walk swept clean ol
• sand and other things ibai ought mu
to ba there.
•lx Voting Ladiw Started Out Tbit
Morning for Weok*s Stay—EnterUln Tomorrow Evening.
, 'The kllsaes Helen Stout. Itnogrnr
and Margaret Cainertm. IVlia GClIett.
Florence miler and guest. Midi Louiee
* ghepard of Ik troll. went to Baal Bay
thU. morning to start a week’s ramp
They antlrlpaic a very pleasant lime
and tomorrow evening th.»y will rn
icrtain the ea%t wide emwd at Mipoer
I marrletl a
' .
huahand b«d it ilaiighier. vrHh whom
< :*my fither 4a widower, fell in love aad
I ‘Whom be insnied. 8.. my father I-.,
came my am and at fbe aame itme my
daughter became-.may mother. Then
my wife bad a child (Itoyi. who became
tbs brother of my father and at tbe
aamo time my um lc. because he waa
tbe brother of
wife of my fat
ho heesr
brother and my grandson
non or my danghler. 8o my wife be
came my j^mlm.fher. beeauae alie
WM the iBidher of my father’s wife,
aad I was also her grandchild, and. aa
body to necfwaarily the grandfatber of
thio oomehody. I heearoe mf own
tmndfathef.-Kew Tork Time*.
Mtsdiwda of people rStft Satt Bay
08 a p^asaac Satd«7> Tertevdaj
BO excepnea to tbe jEule aad tbe muw
ber W rtga that passed tbroagb the
roBort waa aatooiablag Borne ddre
to tbe bay and bavw a day a ontaig.
enjoyiag a picnic dlaaer In tbe grove
Otbere mtt frteade at Bhcbwo<
Keala Ifokeaa. Launch rtdea aad
lag licrve to paaa the time very plaaa>
aiMly. Bnl tbe greateat aumher are
simitfj out for an afiemaoa'a drive
and they all seem to bend dlrrci lor
Before the resort wa* platted a
was laid out along the bay ahore ta a
haphazard manner It contlnnsd to be
traveled more and more imtil most
people thought It the regalar highway
Tbe road bow passes right through tbi
mlddls ht fhe report and the nunibn
of rigs passing through becomes rz
tremely annoying to tbe reenr:erv The
should go several hundred fee*
to Ibe nofth and an effort Is being
ade to induce the board of publir
ofts to pul It In passable aba^.
Bald one of the Btrrfawood reaorters
Uda morning. •Vesferday there was
tnual stream of rigs passtag
through, aomrtimev five or sli woull
• along In a bun^h and meet
couple going fbc other way. TlB-n
all tbe Baal Bay mnUngent to get
them straightened out again. At f>thei
tiroes you would think'a funeral pmr'csM.lon wa* passing The rt>ad
yesterday and the dust d
iKHher hut take it In dry westber
i different proposltlon.-
Ltltle Excitement Was Caused
Dock Last Night by a Flatlc
mile ezclteroent was rr.ated lanl
nlrht at the passenger .Irwk Juro after
the Columbia had returned fmm th..
Island by a cmple of fellown getting
a mis up Report* r.mi-emlDg the
affair are rather mnfllrtlng. Some a*wrt that wklle out at Ih.- Island .me
man and two or three ^ hi* frtenil*
Jumped on irrlhe fdher and that It
was decided to settle the affair In a
private place after (he Ikta! had land
A* noon a* the Columbia lied up
to the d.»rli Ibe scrappers got off the
boat and pnw'eed.vl to mix H up nn.1
It noon partook of the nature of a fnv^;
for all when Agent Ikim* interfered
Thu other wide of U |« that one feUow !
stnjrk the other from lH*hlnd and «
that t^lnt a man fnim (h.* IlUiioi
M.pjwfl In. striklnu llir Huirossor 1
the flehr n iKtwerf.jl Mmw in ih.* nox
Tlte trotilde, Iiowtm.t. was smm quie
eti and nothing more has tK<en hear
era are shipped from here to New
York and other eastern points. They
arc famaiafly known as No. 2 white
fish. To the people of this section of
me eo.m.7 Ibe
of e..!,,* ,urk- j jj j, ,
er,.e«»clall)r*<<W» lime of tbe year.IoleAner And perfiaber for
«w»W be Illiiiuleful. bul New Yorker, ] hp,,,,
ihlnk tbem a nr* treu. The, «i«; 11 rcmo,-oA’the j-ellow btAint.
lime a It^rre of men la at work cutting
n«Eb; b. pooAd net, m>d ofi« from . I which to oftAA niA pofcekin bath
the h^lork. while the hardwood will
Urtr part of tbe ua>'. ealrh The tid.j, WBah bowla, walor cloarU
he lumbered aa soon as thin la fin prmci|.»l. irhieeii.* to «qe,. r« a, a am’drama.
Ubed The logs am rolled Into the I»md .1, Ibe lar*e aumber of bone,I U bricbteoa And thoMNIKhlT
water and then lowed to the com' ablel, ibey eoniaUi. maklnf li oeem-IcIcAAToa the hitickMt Ami dirtU-at
pany a nilll at the head of tbe bay. tnaly Impoetlhie lo u.o tbcm a, a ;of uM-tak
And the grBoaitAl of fry• sik
There la said to be about TW.OOo feet foud. Wtmu in
tti water thi‘y ofiea
of tlmlicr tn the tract and the eomnormy fcul the bay
pan) hopes to have It all cut down in Is oidlnaiUy v:xs
‘nmigii tl. do away
the cvmno> of a few months.
V iih this evil.
years ago Nifh shores of fhe
The sufken. are consumed by the
hay were emered with heavy Umber foreign rcsidenti, <d N.‘w York
and ararrelv a farm wa> to be neen. place:, w h.*re ‘ ,c;. i-man eurr. stemmi
With t^e oelhnc of the Brainard tract lafge quant ii. s ol th.-se "w at.'r ,<nsitn> ’
OUkPoatoffice Hailthng
alroonC the Ia:.t large piece of limocr ar.- aiiAi hhippitl
that same mark.-t
land will dlhappear Nearly cv.>ry form but f.^Hnaicly the water, near Tniv
Z the bay r«i
patch ofj.rvr ruy ixmtam hut few of the mud
c;ilt vj.r«lc A IM Vr-c^w- «Tstn.'
la but 10 the n
V. b. hnr. rtM fa .hiol.ed
timber ha* »>een long ago luml erM uff ^
l.rv*a amt gilt i.rub'Cm ..f eV.tfulvl dsiya
«li<^ in the
mar rmint
hepiw-lf lu-kT. for ihev
•Mv WilcV Family.*' a spark Hog mu .Mo-ed to frvor. .ssyw ibe N* w V*rk
! jinieirte otii.svv hnve tire
.... »I far.A .emedv. the work of .Sieph rVe-d
jrn and Union, will le the attrartmo .-'harm .if moi rrx'utleg I’wdr re legal! m
WILBUR BRISTOL INJURED ■VHIbjat the Grand Opera llnure W.^n.’Kfiav Vo the baiAgroumt. Kven If they h ue
t>.*en l.vkl atv.vy. llo-y proti.vbly will
jiiichf. Aucu-t 4ith. The rt.m.i1> l> look as l.‘•:^:l^l a* eVA'r When brought
jin thrW a.
of npoMAimu. f.in ms, forth to view. Tbe ri'iomlng of the
eornlre ar.*l *v’d fnehlgneil eiirtalus
Ja sn Expert Rider and W*av TeacH-jnl hrd t.v yjerer iun*vii4i» . pn’U.v jn.Vfle itsr f .feU 1n«t winter, nh.*/, the
. xN-uv ] erv„n« «.f .T new hotel. «vb!rh U sup‘the laxt word * tn
lii.Tiiii; and dan* ifig nuuil-er lh*t are!
tefiil and mvosteutatUma de. ^r.vll
•lie #ncon' brlor**r5.
IVife'.*, were «on .tnictfs] with mmlc:-* r
Family * Is n pla> That is clean, w hole eri-vl with doth Jn*t like ihai useil
While training a hurra* Satuiday
the wliiflow rnrtain.i.
night Wilbur Bristol of BIghth virert
mtt wltb a painful and serPm: aim
i form of -siKirtdent, breaking a rib an«l tielng general
!) bnil.ned up Mr Bristol in an cv
V J’ovt I
jM‘rt horvenian. h,ivini*. Imvn a riemb^i
of IN- r. S ra\alr> filTTY**'
v.-rr r»'>nnk»r. Si-slally
ani] W.1K .•inb-av.-ring lo i- alvh H . p-i
• a f.r. 4,.w fruk*. \\Wjge
Uvwls, nr.' titlliyfHl. the Kin* lieing Iden
enl ooruried t?,e hor-w was e.i
tical for ea.di comiM-tltor, and t'lH* to"
Iwcv-o Is R-TirefuIIy Weiglicd b.-foiv It Is
deavonng to Jumj» a M»i-e. ajid lia.1
I..1I Ils-T.-I:,. Wln-n the st irt.-r c v.-w
l.*ar«*d It nl.vlv severtl time*. The
B*.- word the s»n..krrv, H«-nf-d In n .'t
r-i lime, however, he mlsucd It by a
eJc. fa'/iM .u-*e«lion* In if»r prv-.e’ico’
ew tnrbes. Kriimbieti au-l f.-Il. Tbn.w
nn uner-’Fied axwmhiage of sivec
ng Mr Bristol ir. ih.- grouml ami inf.ito.-ifl and backerw. Th.* iii.nn v\)*o
Jaring him r ORfri. lv. Jle is dooi;: mre.
*Tw,vtvres bis loisK'.Y, Ho- .lulrktra la*
ni .T.urM-, d.‘‘. Iarv»d the wimirr.
Iv. however, .vnd exjM-cT^ to lie up and
srmmd In a few dayn.
Frank Trude
omc and beiiu; devoid of all hor*4pla.v aii.l Mir.gestlV4-ness too »dten
fmimi in (he lighter form* «jf enter
Ivinmcut offR-i.-ii to ihr ilh-.ner
ing public.
Tin <.'l^t employRs| in the m
• oineilv wav M I,s lod with «-ai* lu
teintou a- H* tlulr fltn*- s f*.i H,i- 4-har
acK r.s a sumed. with
naiiiral result
of an evenly luiiancr
S-Iarc. M-eiiir as well as the «
cal eff«H*t*. are appropn.iie i
d.'tail. A* uumbcf of lnte,e,t
novel vaudeville siHK-ialties «r
dut^ during tbe action of the piav
t*y vari.*us*Po miM rs^ il,g-ituiipanv
Kh es J.'..
ceni^. .
Some odd torture rclb-* of the pa*t
have moently !.♦-« *oM nt. nu^-llon In
l^oodnrt gualnteat among Lmm
a devb-e known «» tlif drttnknrd**
for that piiFpowe nor nt any otlwV tirm elmk. It 1* made of wood *ii
will they take fhe ring off tbe<r flnge shape re«cmble« a hugs inrcne,! dower
after It hai ooee l^n pla.>«d there.
p*vt. Through the small cln-ular
lure In tbe top wa* thniet the neck of
the Imprisoned-Inebrljite. Tl,o weight
June nl£hi. M
rinpurd of thia ancient counterpart oj the
Straltjacket fell on tbe vlrUm*a ahoul
"I mn*f hf going now. pet
It 1* der* and wa* *uffl<-lcnt to mnke ev
ery tMoe lo bla body ache. With hi*
getting late and—”
hand* practbwlly'plnncd Pv hi*
"But do ynn b»ve me. GeorgeT"
-Ix>re you*? Wtiy. yon dear llltir and the garment reaching almost t
emnnd. tbe only motion allowitl 1,1m
gtn. haven’t t
‘•“‘I waa a alow ahwffle of hi* weary feet
evening bnw mti. h I h.ved
he draggevf bU way painfully along.
-Have you. George;*One can well lielleve that any one w bo
-Have ! Why. giext-*^
si to (don the drunkhf,d been compelleil
-Ptit *re you quite sure that yon ard’a cloak woqkl Ik* v'e.ry apt to
to the t-oncluaJon that w higt, oM time
love merwa*
at the price
*’Of rmiiwe I am sure, my dear. Real-
In the avTnnv nHiK of 1nd«anii wr
amd the old farmer plowing.
•They xav tMv l« a great country for
poet*." we ventured
"If he tbjRt." drawled the xdd rrvan.
rrwllnc on the iilnw hxndlea. 'Xvrrv
one of i„T w^ven chi Id ton cat t lev a
T1.M w- Dm^.u
-<tT middle nxme and writes jMe-try
-And double sure? Hldn*f yso love
-And when your ‘ hicycic hmke
••|*reifT gtMvd rrwonV"
the oW girl JuM thi* miicbr
down fM-vw, n,lle* fmn, ho„,c."
-And fhe evid woman writes por^rv
-What old glrl> There waimt ary the employer, -you rvp.n1rR*1 It al
t *oo« as *be la through In t!>e
youraetf did you? ”
old girl that I know of.”kltchi'n.-1 did," aiisnrmi the girl i
**Wa*n t tberr> Gan I s*k one mifre
d .|Ton,rr.wrller. pmmlty.
lastioD befiwe you go. George?** ^
-And the hir'd
very funny to me.** be
-f'ertalnl.r. my dear. What la Itr
In the bam "
bat when a ribNm on
-rv» you love mM* E>o^-"
-Womb*rfni: And <V> y.vn writ
• need* ahlfllng y..u have
N. R.
When iTeorge reached M*
rortr.v. t.a.r
hnokkorpw erorr tloif
-No. I Juat m. he dta1e.-t p.wro* t<
for y«u.“ '
the uiiil.^ wiieu they liaJk. Inxtead o|
•nis^inK Works Hke n ebarm,. *eau*i
Indiana mule* am i-owerfuUy |vorticaL*
—l*hlcsr> IhiUy NewTc
F« Porch and OBt-door
r ;
, v.
V "
forkd hj boat. cokl. trinil or rain;
place ki
. - ___ _ anjwhere—
,akwnpnrtY. for intUiDoe. and a
- sofi. bean^ol light aecerevl at
-j^^^cooat Ask ns all about currvnt, fiztnrea, bmps and wiring.
J.B. Paige EiecMc Co.
*ro Ik.&.LPM’r^AT-K
A iKanliful. Uivc. <|UKrhr w.wcd o«k foAcr. ,;oMcu finioh.
hnml p>,U«!kM. full r.^U m at. |«uu-l lark Aoil »klr: rvrn
joint l..lt,-l A* Wi ll a. kIui'I................... Worth $8.t)0.
■Mow Only
“Easy Payments of course
to secure a IuihIsgiiic tel of
A rfergyman. eeeentir rKuraed fmm
All affort H being made ttv hare the
mtefkeaa of Jo»m Wul Jooew, the naval the wfsq. iMwught tbf* story: Be waa
(to gne«t of one of fhe jilUam of the
beri. appear npAn one of the next
rUucT'h tn a nmal eommnnttj. BeK•erlea ot postage ttaaipa .
xteAk wne the ple.'e de rwHaeancr, and
the gueet sawed at It with such eq«rCr that Us to4Mr«mes* w.« obvhma.
THK IaADIKS- Aid society of the
nnally tbe hnwt tboottit it nemasary
Finn M. B, church will give a lawn
--------- —
nt ve bis Pepntaltou
nodal at the boom of Mia. Grtffin. for“it•» flu- Ur.1.- A, nwwkwl;
ner oC fioardmaa nvaooe nnd Wnbater
itraaL Ttmnday erefUag. July 31. Cnke
and ksa cream will he aerrrd. S aad lO
to im^.iteclf ftcXIOKT AB-na-trd LOW
ns a anaipli* no our Hixira is to dc iliepusiMl
of ni Uepfs)%' rut prioen. -
diir Sample Sale
Peerless dcaBisf and
Sconriif Powder
IXto, Wasfe Bowls,
itcr Oosds, lUe, Porce
lain. Marble. Glass, Tin,
lag on Baat bay to the KcUey Lamoar
and ShlagV company aad tbe work of
tumberlag H
now in progress. The
land la locat^ os the cast abore of tbe
bay, al(Mt two mUi-s north of Yuba.
The timber roasists mainly of beech.
rbwt A •'Wed- »eww..
ilie Aii;:loyaA'*na the bride
gr»ni * ue n i-lmlce or “wed** at the
i lmloil r
ns pf.-o ed
maiden'* rljrtit litmd. where it r
ed until a4 the- qt.nrriaw' It
I train
ferreil to the i.«rt
l'ncl,.hwf»tne:i nt
one time wore the we Id Inc rtirg on'Ilie
thumb. Many porinilts of ladles in
Queen FJ»K!*<m,
In the relsn o
iMitally remcived tbe ring fnvm It* pnSji.
er nlddlng place to The thumb aa eaoti
ra tbe ci»remouy was over. In Hpaln
tbe glf^of a rfng't* lookeil u]‘on as a
promise of marriage and I* coiialdered
Chief of Police Ashton V*t»|ed the im«ctent proof for a maiden to claim
ber buwlMind. ft I* a rv»*tom lo {««*
West Side Yesterday and Made a
little piRH e* of bride’s rake through (he
Good Maul.
welding ring, nnd thoae to whom these
nirvrli.M.s have iM'Come ver> lax li.
regarding the «»n1iu*nrr* ru, the west
hide. iMi f^ilef of Police Ashton t^.K .v
hike down in fhai direefujq yesterday
ling and raiMHl fr. for the librar.
fond. Another violator wa.^ ptilled on
•art ^ide Haturday night
lere U a certain clash of jtet»plr
who think that If thev are not punish
ed Tor slightly vkdating an ordinane«
,f«t they ran g*» along and Keep at It
ithout getting catight and riding on
le walk* on the west side has grown
to he a rv»gtilar thing.
at ilie vi*ry lowe d !>rtcc. Wc have about One Jiufitlir.l .iml l-i.riy Sc is left ih H wtf arc
lo close
at the sin.ill sum of
68 con'ts &
1 h« sc flishfs .11
u|» of
r thf i.imoiis
iflas* ami
Ig .itinful <J«*sijjii.
Tllli NAin’i -URES-CUT” IS ENdliCH
V»»ur Keli.l1 lie FiirnilurR SUire,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
12? Snulfi IIlion Sir. cl.
Traverse Ciiv, MichicM
Building and Repairing '
Going on al! the lime am! wc w.int all lo Lh'Tw ihal uc arc ihc grcalcsi licadqtiarler?!
for.absoluldy everything needed by (he iMiIIdcr. ihe coniraelor t>r privaie individual
in brighieiiing tiii the dull jilaces, in reinovh liug or n’|iairing the old or putting up
the entire new biiihling. Here are many things you ueed:
Harrell’s Very best three-ply Hlnek Diamond Koolmg Paper, tomfilcic with
naiN, caps ami two gallons of coaling. j>rr square-............................... ..
Amalihr Gravel Koohng, complete. |»er square....................... .......................................oO
Compo Kiibbc-r Roolm;:. fier square...........................................................................
:j 00
Red Rosin **I.)iamtMHl A’* Paiier, f>errolI.......................
Red Rosin “Diamcviul C” l\T|M-r. per roll.......................
Harrell's No. l! Tarred Pelt Paper. f>cr 100 pounds-...
I’ibreta, per roll..• v............................. ........................
Peloski y Lime in one barrel lots................... ..............
1 00
Petoskey Lime in live-barrel lots-.................................
riasicr llair, per bushel.................................................... .
Red Pressed Hrick, best on the market. jKir thousand
24 00
Muresco, the irreai wall finish, in fivcquMind packages
Plastico, the best made, in live-|K>nnd packages...... ...................................................
Newaygo Cement and Calcined 4’laster always on hand in any quantity.
Heath ^ Millijran’s Celebrated Paints, for b'>th indoor and cnitdoor work, in
all the most [topular cojors.
Pul a little
in your home by Ubiiig Heath & Milligan’s newest ‘ Sun
shine*’ Pdini. Ask for-a sample.
“Sapolin” Slain makes old things look new.
• ' j
Rusty things need “Sapolin Glossy Hlack" Stove Pipe linamcl.
“Salsuma” Interior produces the finest hard gloss finish.
; •
Liquid Veneer is the new wonder worker. A child can apply it. Two si7C4—
25c and THH:.
We carry the largest stock of Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Wt>od Tillers
and Turptiiliiie.
ppr storc closes every nighi alSix O’clock bnl : r: ' ; -Wednesday and Safnrdjy. . .;y-
Hannah & Lay “The Big w:
Mercantile Co.
I •'' ’
fcV. JULY H im.
«t cw IM* flf
mm4 ^
TrMMt CRy Y«Nii
U8H8I ill lUrHiifi t0 IRlMiB
«ry 401
TSIi 1
flf th»
kmmm Is tSst Mica «C IS*
t mamy friem^ of Miaa Agmea
trr mptifiMJiy tint pwt of S MIM JOUA KCLUnr MCT WITH
f tmwerfy of thla dtr wfil be
TOWIMMm or ACM vfciTtP »V
•9 tSr vfad vm «o «mr«. The
WIHOAI^KAILiTOWIcmtly aurpcMfd to Mra of her »ai^
ot afmn ttei IH] «w MorvMM*.
riaf* to Uovd Q. Lrwi. of Dtoo^ HU
Saturday nftermm at liUwmakae. Wi*
of hJLil wumm eerms Soon ofior
For the pant three year* Mtaa Watky
■tom «m> oror. It U
.erred a saeccnsfnl career ai
dni rSe M «U1 wily ttndl teartenocrapber In this cMy. usUl ahe left
•UT*SHE OilRACULOUSLY ES Traveew* City carljf In May to
Tines vriw)0T£0 ai-o cuors
d. In ChleaiED aad vicialty.
1. very pofmUr aamai tk* youac
pie her* aad her maay friend, her*
will wiak her aioeli kappineaa In her
MS «C WSiS 99^ W«*
Araafiit Flrg DM'tmcat t* th* W
•m far Som* Timt ANhowgh H0
•fis A. O.
life. Mr. and Mr.. LewU will
mop Aaoefc Totfny-mtasa Wm
hoaaa Warn Rrokaii ar Any
d a abort tlma^ln the went
Only a hmall One,
Intarwal Injurtaa lafUctad.
will return lo Dixon. III., where they
will be at home to their friend, after
Tbe ire deponneat waa called
Aua. 15 at «10 Went Rmt .tr*et
the Wynkor^ block thU oooa hot the
The umti^lp of Arme w r
aa Jolla KelU*y. danxhicr of W.N
Srr Wan call befor*^ It arrived Home Kf Iley of State Mreet. waa thrown
m tew dMjw M90 hr B
burone had thrown n match or Ili^itM fr«»m a home thU momln« and b
fteMA soiae Wmt <UMf n <b« agar atab doom the garbage ahaft and nionidy eacwped oerim tnftiry.
iv*M of Hwrtooo Tiibir^r mme A. G. Mioo the MBoke becan to poor out
waa rldlns up Cai« -ireet and
The rrwtdenta of the flat, however, reached the jjoatoffle*- when tbe 1
tomorrow is solemn day in
InibM the bOTTiconf and <ou*rd » •oon ••stiricnlidied the blaze, the dan
besaa to.art up and run toward the
Inarjr Im by beatiiMt dovo the trm^ ape done bHna very alUbt.
bridae. MIM KeUey endeavored Itj
Btocfc cloniB were notirnd Is tbe *kr.
Mop ilm but her effort, were frultUua
•mnac darker aad more denw. M
at H^ATS.
When the Inirw waa al-Mit half way It Annivaraary of Both Flrut and Sec
Mod by hoary whida and a forton.
the lirtdge idie loM her hold and
ond Dcctrvction of Solomon's
Soarasoor of hail and rata. Tbe worat Mian Edna Millee Entertained Frianda fell over the horar’. bead to the
of the Miarm wa» only a f<-yr lmBdr©.l
Thla Aftamoon.
around The hor%*‘ went rtaht over
Mt la width. tolBf Haht tbroosh the
MUi> Kdna MllWr enterialne«| twenty hit but forumately .be wa. not In
Metfornad Sntth fanaa, learlna all yemne larlle* at her home on Fifth JuftMl. SlUa Kelley wa* unable to
Tomorrow the Jew. of the city cele
aarrmndlBic ioT>|»efly almoat entirely
(IiT^ ftfiemoon at heart*
up for Mrveral minute, ^er the
brate the day of deatmctlnn cd Solce
aahanaed. what IHlIe damacr wa. ta».hi. wei*^ played and a moat dt IlyliTand ib#m only wlih,aa.l»tance. So far mbn*. temple. Il I* called the Feaxt
dM bolac catyM by the hail
ftil afiemooo waa .pent U«bt
a>; known there wer«* no bone. hr»»ken of Ah. Ab meanlna Aujmrt fU-nrlr<‘s
At .Mr Aadth a fOace tbe com crop frf»bmenU were nerved
tior internal Injurle. but .he wa. very win hi- held at 7:50 thl* evening and
The aueat. of boour were the
wita alnoot oatli^y mined and aomr
badly bnil.i.1 and ihl. loireiher with fr«im 7 to 11 o*e*Dck tomorrow i
Uttlo daonae «aa done to (be Imlld KiiU Brown of IXHroll and Bra WU the »ev«TUy of the .hock may keep Ing. On ih\e day all plou. J< w* are
' lasa. Tin Pulcllcr crop* i.uflered in Jard of Kmplre
her Indoor, for w*%eral day..
KuppoM-d to ab.ialn tmm food and
a Ilk* ana^. and In addition »U or
•Irink. It wa. Ju.t 2524 year, ago ue
: vOiflit larga treoa were nprcxited. A
morrpw that the temple wa. de.troy**.t
for the finu time and IkSn y-ear. ago
for the M^nd lime. * Ti»morrow they
mourn the deMrurtion of ibl* tempi
It U a
rotncldenre 4hat both
A. I* Hunu r and wife went t.
*erople*i wert- <le«troyed on tbe.
ah-ta.war.ta U:l. niomlni;.
n. C. Uruwntni; w«*ni to Old 3di.-*i«»ii
this tnomliir via Ne>ahdA;Wiuita
Charle. HertHTt lot>k the boat to Ne
nroriiM out suffered
■ITtt DflWI cMorr
Aesoftsand Resorters
Return ensagement of the Great Success, under
the direction of W. McGowan.
ah-ta wnnia thl. iwrulni; and
frwm there to Old Mission.
Mr*^. H. n Perrin and Carl Perrin <*f
OI>erlln. Ohio, went up the lay «bl.
Mr»i. (1 H, Yerkanip of Cincinnaul
and Mr, and Mr*, t;. J. llabbltl went
Foticii I hi. momini;
Mr.. J. 8. Adam, of Kentiic
poaseU ihrouRh the rity.to.lay on her
way to Nt^h ia-wania.
Mr.. Perin .LanAdon of Cincinnati
Ohio, arrived at Ne-ahda-wanta t
when.- Hhe win .iK-nd llH' remainder
of the summer.
S^oorasl MhajoonaamTajI mmmmo9% oC
Stephens & Linton’s
Funniest of All Musical Farce Comedies.
The Merry Musical MIxup.
“My Wife’s Family,”
H^cd by the Real Comedians,
' ' Appl^aoo and |o«rry
Chss. Mltohsll
iOSo. DuMont
I Parkor
Lorraine Korur
I^Ona Ward
Violet King
and others.
Summer prices for this engagement only.
25c, 35c, 50c. Boxes T5C.
Scat sale Johnson DrtiK Co.
for white wash belts and
many other styh‘s in
cluded that were ‘J5c.
18 <3^1
for Belts
to r»()c,
38 et3.
for Belts
and 75c. -
. •
• for Belts value $1.50.
W. C. J. Bienemann Sooceeda E. E.
Coomha of th« M. M. A N.
W E CofTiiib.. traffic manac
the M. M. A X.. has iM-en Mip< rre^WM
by W. C. J. Blencroann. Mr. O
hi. maay friend. In ib** city who will
‘Su^ven^aiuck .iirprMed to U*am of
(he change. The M. M A S. mnt
lie railrond-nnd tbe Manl.tlquc
Little Steamer Boupht by the Neasen
Tran^rtation Company.-^
The Col uni Ida will no longer con
nect with the Creaeeni for Charlevoix
at NnrihiHirt, The little l^mt i.
• State Candy Maker. Will Meet Next off. ih«* nin having lH*<ni add !>y Cap
October—Concluded 8e«lon
With a Banquet.
r wi«b her is not
The Imslne's* ni^sslon of the Cm
Makers* com . ntinn was eitntpletiHl lal-*
Sattirdny afierntHtn and the Riie*!
ttK>k ihe CoPimlila at 4: in for a tw.
ntliAed front. First
lumtw ride on th«‘ bay.
t mV bop<> will be \cry beneA mtat dediphtfuj tianquet wa
M>rv'ed in the hZ\k^ club ai 7:30 and i
The call fin. come prartlcaliy
was late at niahl before the
rrfwught and It I. .o hearty nnd
tlroil to their lotli-lnps. The r<jnvenlion
unanimotiK that 1 havi- derided to nr
mcN fs (II Mriftke^n In Ortnbt'r.
cept It I ihendon'. t« nder my resig
A irinilHT of the manufarnirer* took
nailon a. pastor of this chutTh to ar
the varlon.s e\c!ir*Um* out of the city
Ihl* ralf of ' thw; First
yesUrflay, the llUmii.s indns especially
church of E;iton Rapid.. MIc
well iiotnuilaHMl by them.
I nqiK-Kt that If It nie<*l. the plea,
lire of the church my resignation taki
While nitiinc cake at tbe City re*
effect Sept. 1. 1!*0€
taiirant yerterilay. William lardle'r
Trusting that. God will srx»n guld^
thumb cot In the road. ai he rut il
yo;i to' the choln^ of a pastor under
<*nd of It off. He Is now U»oklnc for
mhose leadei>hip the church may pn**
.|uire thumb until hU peu well.
per most grarlou.**!}. 1 remain.
Fraternally your*.
William T. WocMlhouJ^e.
Mr. Wnoilhouse olwi a.ked that
leader lie appointed for the Thursday
night prayer meeting and that he be
rt lic\fMl from (he evening service Sun
day that he might .pend a few day. a!
GIRLS WANTED at tMcrvood for his cotiage at Ea.t l!ay. He further
.«>e«)nd work. Mr.. Geo H Laihn>p. nshed that he lie allowed to preach
Beil phone i:..
July 3(V-3t Eaton Rapid. SumUy, Aug. 12. HI.
LOST—IJirrt* black and white houml
tan lu*ad; had .trap eollar. Reward
far any Information a.s to wherealKiut* or n*tum to A. H. Vlark. l*il
W. FYoni. Cit- phone 1^07. Red.
July 30-tf
Slidlnj: .cale rule
Reward*if rt'lnmed to ihl. office.
July :3a-tr
LOST—Black eion Jacket between
city nnd BIrchwood. Sunday. PleaM*
leave at Record office.
July 3(k3«
Il was iu*ven year, ago la.t May
that Mr Woo.lhou.e came hero from
the EaM Main .treet church at Jack
During ^!. .econd rear the
church here was extensively remod
eb'd and brought up to date. During
hi. Flay in the city he ha. made every
one hi. friend, and the fleparturc of
himwilf and hi. family will occaalon
much gennin* regret.
Mr. W(
houae*. aeven year, of labor in thl.
field ha. been productive of much,
good, eapeciallr among tbe young peopleThc church at Eaton Rapids U cm*
of the largest in the cUte ouUide of
Grand Rapid, or Detroit and t. la the
Jackaon dIstricL
If yon are a member of Traverae
aty lodge, o. n. Kvighta af^PytUai.
A flae dkplay of Borth«ra IlghU was
Bay Bammy has maned to hla
laittoek twtarbed fiottjr
OohoaMa after a abort vaeatloa.
r wartm ' vfait at Imi
TW miania took lU paaaencen na
Travnmt CRy 1
fb* ^rrioa ymerday which ta lb*
Utu* far
tari**t aamber tkla i toBoa. Tbe boat cliy vUltlag bto ana. Dr. J. W. Qaaatto the Biillnrefa.
bad a lari* ablpM of fretebt baU Irtt.
Mlaa Xlebola of Qardaer. Mans., la
Tbe acbooaers NelUe Joharoa aad the gaeat of bar aaaL Mrm. J. W.
Leon F. Tltna received the foDowtng X-1S-U-* ar* at lb* city dock.
Ror SUmaa M today ft»r Lake Oaletter Batwday from San PYsnrtaco
zwiedgteg the receipc of the flr«t Provemoat and Pdaeb ymerday and nevaTWia., to atlead ibe aimaal T. X.
OB of ihilef BB«er nent from fk* M. A K. E. brdagbl nearly 200 from C. A,<
Dr. J. C. Qaanilett of BIk Rnpkis waa
la the city yesterday. He took back
Ijeon F. Ttlna, Becretory.
Tb* Tw*att*€b 0*ntury >hib boat
with hlmohe stjuidard bred eolt. Mys
X Plrni National hank,
party ooears thla *vealag Th* Cotery., which waa skipped froto MlUa
• Traveiwe City. Mich
lumbla will leave th* dock prompily
r him.
Dear 81r-Het*wlth we eneloae oor at 7:50. rrmntiig dirwet to the Island,
Man Smith of CadUlac was Ike
nfflclal receipt for fl.nOP^ being the when- aeveral boars of danerng will be
mi coBiribnted by yonr rttlzei^i. enjoyed. Moaic wlU be fnrnlabed by guest of Edna WUbelm over Bnnday.
Mr. Ihiell baa fetarned from a al*
ir relief find Oa behalf of the Horst’* orcheatra.
vlsli with reUUves and frirads
citizen, of San Frnadneo wc thank
McPherson poet Is requestfd lo
most alncerely for ihi* aplendld meet at Grange hall Wedneaday even in (he soutbdrn part of tbe suto.
tKbWe be spent a moot pleasant and
ribntion. asiuiring yon that we are lag a\ 7 .20. Important bn.lneas.
enjoyable lime, still be I. kMd to get
| .
profoundly gratc^fid. With be«t wlxhei
Tbe UuDch ATcoyn* with a pariy lack to Traverse.
U*g to remain.
from Northport Point I. In the city
Mir. SophU Anderson of Manlstm to
Your, vcir truly.
sfirnding a wev k In the ^y.
• j^
Jaroe. D. Phelan, Chairman.
petition was filed in ITobate court
Arthur Kellogg of Lansing Is vlftttoday for the appolnlmrni of an ad Ing hi. parents for a week.
Frank Johnson h*. returned from
rolnistrator in the Charlea Lannin *.
Grand Rapid.. Muskegon and^otbar
A party ronsbulng of R. E. WaRers, smiihcrn Michigan pmnts.
U W. Hannon M^t With .Very Painful
J. Hcnderron and son and F.
Th.* TTsjm*. Nettle WiirzhBry anfl"^
Accident at the Northport Ceie- ,
WRuon and aoo went lo Old Mlaaioo Ella Smith Rficnt the day at th* toUpa
bration Saturday.
Ing for the Twentieib Ceiury
in Mr. Wllaon-s launch Pigeon Sainr
girlF* party which wUl be b*M thla N
J. W. Hanncn If suffering with a
The evening acnlce at the Frienda
very badly burned right band, the re
4'lark Brown went to Mantots* this
church wa. dl.mbtM*d laat evening
sult of an accld««t at Northport Saturand tbe ro<*ml>era visited tbe Congre lornlng
•lay criming. Mr. Hatinrm took C. A,
Mis. Myrtle Rrlggs wtmt to Maniagational
1‘alnuT of Manl.tw and Mr.. Oracttec this morning.
Mrs. France. S. Smith, who
Smith. Mr. iVmdy*. wx-rctary. ot
Mrs. A, C. Wjnkoop of Cedar Ran
Ms launch In order that Mrs. Smith iTcen .urc***.fully teaching hen* for
aa in the city >^4*.terday and look lb*'
might take a picture of the Northport *omr time, will go to Boyne Ctiy
llnoi. to Harliir Springs. Sbe rth
Thursday lo take charge of a large
lW:.rh iMU. i. Mr. Hanhen mas tc
tumi*4l to h**r homi* thi. morning
the flatdi light and Jn.l a. he did ao class.
Gisirge Evan, went to Sherman tbto
Dr. Frank Iloldsworth Ixutnn practic
the b*»at ndltHl. throwing iIm* flh* all
over the hack of bU right hand. No ing again today after a six week.
MiVv May Llodiu y went to Solon tbto
wrlouK result, art* anticipaiunl ai co*Tme in the Chicago college of poly
though the injury Is very fialnful.
W. II. Con y and wife .pr*nt tbe day
On Aug. 2. the motion lo dissolve
the Injunction held by Jonathan Mar at Carp lake .
Mr and Mr. W. H Davl. and A. J.'
tin and atm. contractofa. va. WUllam
Gregory of Fife Lake, wlir be heard. lUki r Fp*ni the day at Carp lake.- *
Aekes !• CliUerrW ‘husi
MeMrs. Juhrgaiid Tracy left this morn
Fnderwood A Umlor ___
ing for a two wiwks* visit with her aoa
I J. J. Twcddle,
The evil that luuy l«* caoiw<l by
In Ih’trolt.
. .
Idirase is wt*li exeuiplifietl by tbe ten
Ml.. Manic Watson I. visiting Mrs.
“growing palus“ Many a crif.ple t«
There will Ik* a Idi.lnt*.. me<*ting of
day owe. hi* misfortune to tbe fa< the Epworth l>*ague of Ihe First Mi fh Ed Wail «if Washington stn'ct
that the first sympt.ims of h;s dis»*ase 04li.t church tonight al 4k( S^alc
Mr. and Mr.. All.-rt IVmmr and
were misinterpreted. TTm* recurring
Firtx.t. After the roeelVig tin* par*)* Ml*. Warren Sal.hurj left Ihl. morn
luiius of wbifh he complainoa. whlWi
twused him to limp at limes yr to cry win be cnterlaln«*d with launch ride, ing for Manitowoc. Wis.. where the.*'
whl siw-nd two wi*4 kF visiting relatives.
out In his sleep, were «*sUetl by his on 4h4- hay.
Mis. Miller, who ha. l>**ta vi.liiug
rolonel French missed train connecIMuenU growing fains and were
thooghl lo signify nothing more than llon. at Grand Rapid, yesterday and her hrotberdn law. Ik H. Bracken erf
the effort of nature to adjust the grow could not get here In time to give hi. Washington .itct*i. rHiirmnl home toIng Inme* and imisole. and ainews lo lecture nn India Idfi ev« iitnc H»
*each other.
Mts. UId.le Campl.II of Rradford,
Of raufvie every ehlhi has lnnmner.n howev.T> pivi- it In tt»i% opera htnjM. in
Can.. I. vIHflng friend, in Ih- city.
ble little nebea and fialUF. the result of mono, at :i o'cltK-k eniirelv fret
fatigue. sUglii spraius, sl»jue bruis4-s charge. He will hclurc every evening
and the like, and It I. w ell the fond pur thlF meek up until Friday .nnd at 5
Mr*. Dan Garrison.
e:il. idu^iuld not fnke t«.» iiuirh tifithv o clock in the afiermsin will gl
Mr.: Dan Garrison, aged -40. of Inuf tlu-ni. h-Kt th4*y fosttT a <ll^iHwltI<
leetiire to the children at which five li-rlochfii. died of 1mw»d trouble at 2
In tbe child to worry over lllw-sa
ctmt* ndrolFsIon win lierharged.
I -cliK k this ati.mtMin, llervey AnderThe <*ause of such oceasioiial fains
Cass street was opened up for traf M»n will havi- charge of the funeral
usually apfmr«*nt. and a nlgla’s rest
fic .Saturday night
The paving on arrangi*ni*'!itF
or u day in tbe bou*.e n lll dlsf.-l It.
wh«-n aie fain rei ur. from time to time that Ftre«d
all rt»mpl.ued and so far
without evkleut t-ause, or when ordl- SF ran l e told al Hh- pres. nt tii
nary romping during the day 1. fol an ♦•xc»n# nl job. ,Thls block Is the
Senator tjnay ii.i*d to tell aboflt
lowed by a uigbt of acblng. and |kvba|w a limp for a day or two. it l. |km- first work done by the city and If it riding thriHiglj the numutalD. of Ten-.
alhk* that there ia w>mp m-rious umler- wear. In gno.1 shape the city will tin n*-«i«*e and sUiddiig on* evening to*
vratiT his boiwe U-fore a little cabin.
lying cause am! the family pbyslebm
alould iK* consulted.
Tbe concrete vmrk If eornpleUMl on Stride of which sal an old colored
Frequent complaint of ftain in the I'nlon .*;tie4d quite a hundred feet
woman, watrldng the antim of a
knee la on* of the signs of Iw-glnnlng Seventh. Work ».f laying brick will couple of pl.-kauU,1.1.3 playing nearby.
hip diseaae, but ezamlnatiou sbuWs tbe commence In a few days.
“il.Hxl ev.tiing aunty,- he caltod,
knee to be afiparenily sound, and ao
•Tnte pair <rf Ixiya you’ve got Ihera.
An Indian generally known a. Whi
tbe borne dlagmms of growing falna
la guide, and the real trouble In ihe ky Mary made bersc’lf somewhat ole Yoiv elilidnmr
“I-aw. a ma.«y!
Mah chlldmi!
noxlmiF at the G. R. A I. defsn Satur
bip ts overlook4*d. often until it li
Tme«k 4h-n.’s inah daoghl. b’s chtt1 lanienei)
Ule to prvvenl \
day and had to be put out. Man
Inns. Come liynb. you lK»ys.- ob*
Although not
I. said. I. somewhat Incllnwl to
nill.Yl ahan'Iy. -an’ *iM*ak to Ue grti’lorepeated attack, of .tomarh
light fingered and the dejNit official** inan!^lldrm Should not lx* sllglitcl. for
A. the Y»o>. olM-yed the aammaam
tley may lie a syinfdom of early spinal keep elow* watch of her
Tite rase of the iVxiople vs. Eugene tl.* lljlhid.lphlan
disease. Tbe comphilnt of fain in tbe
stomacb. wbi-n not referable to gn*cn Fry was hpmight up injustice Rrown’.
-•Oah to goodness, sah, dem ehllapples or a surfeit of pastry. es|H. iaUy roun this morning, the young mat
wlien the iximplaiut \* nmdr «t (lie iMing brought to the city by Sheriff lira. I. right snaht itoroeiir said the
close of the day or during the night. Johnson this morning from a farm .m okl woman. “Ye see, nab daughtch
dune got ’Hglon long ago. an’ named
Klnmld exHie sUKi.i.Hmi and If often rede»a by nil l.oy. right out d* BIWe,
peott*d should UHiU-ate tin* ne«*esi.itr of the peninsula where he wa. wor
sah. Dl. hyuh one’, named Apostl*
a-careful exiimlnntlan of .the .pine. The caix^'wa. adjoiirn^xl until
Sivwlng fains may lx* due tD rheuma- iKiy*. attorney, P. C. Gilbert, returns I'anl. an’ de nddah’t called Eplati*
PuUT.d.m, which. If not detix t.d and C3r- from TViroll.
rKtIy trealod. may lead to disease
A south side resident and a livery
of tlie b«rt.
'•I believe, •umator.” .be said,
man had a UilJe act-to yesterday afie
A Ic*. scrioua trouble, but one de noon mhich livened things up for
you W4TC elected bi-cau^. you CU
mandlng mtslical trc*utmeut. w hit b may
to 1.- n friind of tbe iWnijilc?wnuHc an aHilng in llu* lind^.. ia ma- few mlmitea. Tbe man bad rented a
“Ves. ’
larU. This U u dangemu. diiunio.!.. for rig and It is said drove the horse pret
If Incorrect^lt may l*e s. a riou. In Ita ty hard. When hi. attention was called your arrival In
Kmsequenc« a. that of growing fains, to the fart by the liveryman he did no:
-What have I done for them? My
and even If tin* riiiW ba. had an unmU- take kindly lo It and made trouble.
takable attack of malaria the farent The Fouth sider. It 1. repoyed. re- dear young lady, I bave.do«»e a great
deal for them. On four different ocabould not be content with that expla
nation of It. aches and pains, hut ei Ived a rather severe Jolt in the Jaw <-i.ion. 1 have been polrrd when If 1
from which II look him some mlnuu*. ba*1 »*ecn percent I should have bad to.
abonld refer the matter to tlie doetor.
vote agnlnst llnun and favor conwroIt should alwa>'a be remembered that
tiona that employ me a. fbHr i
growth U a normal process and abonld
l-tween iie..ioia.’’-<’J,iragn Kri-c
DO more be accomfonksl by fain than
marnt au Umammd.
dIgeetJoo or br«thlng.-Toatb*a Oomm* .rears ago there aat In th*
bona* of rrpresentatlvei* aa
from Miosourt a gentleman
potoo. Aeeordtng
A postmaster general or aome.on*
Mr. Bcotoa I
an. vti» tefla tlie story Mr.
In hi. office in Wastilngton once wrote
rdest and I
as known as *^be udirowdest
lo the fostmaster of awie Iltll* station
mwllesl man that tb* rtato po*- ^
on tbe Twnblgtic* river
lime.-Yon will plftiV Inform tbU d#tartIn
bar Mr.
ment bow far the Tombigbe* river
We know positively that
nma np - to wiiWi tb* pommiMer an- Benton had. It to said, gun* to T*san
our soda will cure the
awered: -I bare the honor to Inform for th* pvpose of prosecuting a land
a. n* kor th* snlL bat wa. «>
worst case of. thirstiness,
that the Tombigtie*
iMt* as to win an *x«*dlnftf
just try one. Any flavor,
moai* .IVxas girl, who accomall made from iresh
rrrelpC of
fact by being present at a special
meet/ng to be held al'th* lodge rooms tma letter yonr appointment as parttonight and ask yonr wife to accom maatar will eeaae. Mr.------baa been
appointed yimr snccoMor.*' To whlcb
pany yon. Refreahmenla w«l foUow
w^ the following reply: -r|r ncefpta or ttfla aOce darihg tbe MM year
have beca 94A7. and ih* office root
SWEET CRI!aM. gaarmnteed to more than 4oobM that anm: pbnae to
whip. Qoeen City Dairy company, kladly brntniet ipj boccronor to pay
at*, ahoa* f 78.
JalyflP4S an the balsBce. and abUgaT
- 'SP-li
TiuycAic cm^iooadAii.
‘ r»t11 lli5t Ike atlnr fda^W sat m
•ta«r wvntmtM 3»y fop* and fine
••tMmen. ‘WuKrkd etibs x4 emdl-l
Tht MR-«r Dr.-5C
Dw% . flTOL- as nuber teem. rtwm. Tl*e-e
IB tHe Xew toft ttauM «» «tte «Ibj , peeion*. lalKng in the wluga. troqnewl*
ly Hrterroi.ted the
and orraMofl^
ally fought whh them.
Iu 1T31 fl
noble but drunkfsi eaeLstaadhig In the
Deutary Sn a lepset of Supet^ [ wings dnrtur a p^ormame of -Mae-J
B. M. Knowle* of the Third ! brth,“
the -tage to talk to al
ricL wbfch has made j WfwC Rirh. the manarer. expnstu,
riMwdIt 8. L lOm- ■ Ifited with the noldemaa fur hts bmi.h
kingtou dtsputeh. Mr.! nf deeorum. and he peamt Jiy
•U W» AH
Um^ VfU Sw Knowles tell* of the rrMe and tesus-! the managre * face. Tlnront
end TWO of the otUrr acbws drew thrlrl * " ----------- ---------:---------ettatlou «r Rnhm Me
fleM. R. 1.. on July 4.
TM th» TiMfBuri OQ tbe fstt ex.
a bo« race on Unwr
pmi trmiCM «T tbf
tnak tta of Point Judith pood that aftmoou. aud
lb * r»ltM itsta will he
: om in a flat bottomed j toe oosew
■SMa.etr,. whSk boat to watch tt. Hi* boat waaraufitit ^ght and
: j the rmnttm-. thry
H-Ji'-'n ^ l-o^ S«i»on’»
thecocptry Is he
-nngbt naArr
sail aad nsiia j
dsm.r- In II,- n-v!
L.uu}:Lli.i(i Sui-aM.
rn, asslsunt gmtttfBd bf j. D..
: of fbe Erte rail. Mget ooL It
ran4 to be an mnerattoo ibat w iU be me* before be was taken from tbe v.a- rtotev* nnd baled thnH'jlH-f.M^. tin.'
rn**, ,it llu*
nndMken by rallroails in ibe nnir fudi««sin.,i* in 1
MUsi.:;*! mix op
, ^
ramng proce*a. to whk*h l>r. Uavl* *o matfisiratrs. ,
me. aaya the Clerelatid Flain IHwlrr. vlgoroi^ obieeta.
They expelled *tan--e of ihese cii: iuc* luttfruptWis
Be helievea that this radical deiiartnro about a gallon of water 'Trom tbe WWW that of a gentleman w bo w as sa
1* pcnctSoU and that the road that loan- hmg*,- aa they lepon. at the first stifred by tbe MwiiLv 4.f Mr*. Wofling
I l.m*sT»rfonua!h*e ef f'nrdefla in “King
gnrates tt wUl fill a kmc felt want and
will make a decided hit with the irtireitoUovML t«* • I'lst DwW.
><»■ —«l l 1-t -tTftslB frua,
V.Ui iMijovr,! it l:fit jMf.’
, ;■
V»»*gun at
>*tac,* and
S,-,-ii Bt-aiii.
her In tbii
of tb»* aiu3i#*u,e.— Uort
“For sercimr yma." said Mr. Brows
recentiy. **all the hlr lines of the conn
-The patient wa* aa purple as a
Prices 25c. iSc. 50C
try ba%w hem eonatantly rylnj: with grope.*' said the repnrL “Bu|»erlntcml.
each other in eijntindin: tbelr fast eni Knowleo aproad a aaaU motor cov
through trains w ith all nMi.lrni com- er of caovas and removed tbe body to
fhrta aod coovenk nee* in their Hfort to It. keeping uji at tbe same time ibe
mak^ the Jouroeya of tbelr patrons a* beUosrs moremeot aud frlcUoQ by rob
ple*«nt and hnuniotit as p^i^iUlo In bing the llmha A fltv wa* built ami
thl* respect a nuinlier of the ««rsck Hi atones were heated, which In Ihe
•fw have about reeched perfcijkni. But of thirty minute* wero rolled In Ja,*kla spite of all thy luxury and derincr eu and applied to tbe armpits, heart
wltb wbuh aouie of tbese train* aro and soles of the' feet. To.' Iwlk-ws
eqnlfvped the trarelcr la oblige,! to pro
IS kept tip Vlille others
vide bis own cnterfalmnent ntal amuse^ wethed at tbe arm rnovement.
ment ,\o matter bow luxurion* a car. •Tbe flrst aign of life wrs observi-J
Mj be, moat |•asal•llgers usually fiml a after the life saver* had worl.«*d on tie*
Ibogjharftey inotwitPiHma and tedious patient for an hour nnd twenty min
before they rrarh tbrtr desUnailou and ut,*K.” Bays the reiiort. “Tills was i.o-.
Of iho
would ball with dflight any funn of tl^-ed when a hot stone wae pla,xd
agnlu*t tbe *ol<:s of Die patienffi Imre
*Tak4-. for InsUnce. the trip from tlrf feet. The eoostanl robbing ami nrtifl
cas:» to the l*aciCc (*uaat. 3 liai jounicy
takes about tJm-e c4r*. Very f* w pa*
amm* ran amuse tbemaeh t-A all that velopment <»f tbe condition of tin- f,atime In reading, playl^ t-ard* or loak tlrpt. About twenty-five miaute* inter
log at the scenery, ami they would a physician nr
J rejH»rlc.l rtiat f»*-ov’«emor»*t. MIoK.
gladly welcoiite any diversloo to break llu-rt* wn* nn i
’ the bc.irt 15 a*!
tin* looootony. * It would lie xerv easy pulse. The pntK-nt w: ( tlicn t;.ki*a iH
Oil l^akc Li*i-biin;i,
to T>rovlde a theatrical i»erfnnn:ii»re or the launeb to ibe lioat
<x)Ui*ert on a train. 1 h.nvf *,vu It tance nwny. All Dm- 1 ai* Die l•e!lows (j-.vn1 Tal'!,*. . r.ir .1 ,-la';s Ac-.rjpin rl.aimia. Ft:;.*
K il,f
(lone, and It proved a big succens.
and robl.in wvro k.pt up. $7 bi ^**.1 1* r w,vl;. or $1 .» }.;.r
•'ll was on a special train In Texas
-luin* 14 1 mo*
la trblch a party of railroad oflkUb
The iiatU-ut
trer^ making a tour of the :muib. nne remained uhcou<u*lou*% all tin* time.
end of a private car was fitte.1 up at* After arriving at the liostlinaA,* ili.- pa
n stage, and the memiH-rs of the imrty tient waa worketl ‘wltirfor *ome timo
gave a minstrel isTfurnianci*. W’lidt antk Uter taken no -hU home, when* be
was done to amuse tbt»se offlrbHs nmld regained coni«Hou*ni*5‘-<.“
be Just os ea»fly done to arouse regu
lar paNscugA-r*. aud the exiMmse at*
far!;f*d to such a project would, iu my FOG WHISTLE FOOLS MOOSE
opli-ion. Im» very
Bln tie«e 1
tv the 1
Grand Opera House
aur. i
SioohMs & unton
My Wife's Family .
Order your
C.B.Tavl!>f Coal Co.
Dr. W.J. Higgins
Fine Denial Work W.M.FAIGE, Agl.
Its Cass Street
convlne«l that such -a plan for enter
talntng trarektn wouU meet wriib suiJj
suci-f** that iu lew* than nix month*
after It.was IwUigurated «!l the Mg
tnmk lines of the country would
have it.“
CsreU*s aisginr
Btorli-« *jf Manuel Gurcla. the famous
renTi*narlan musician, who dktl a few
northport! was aglow
ill »ih:»rp reiivi anamst the hlark
Buffalo rommVrclal. .\u Indutuito*
Me win iKUA,^ gave him great asmndAnions the Indier VnowD lioats in ancy «»ver each pupil: his scienee and
|the harlM>r
the Hailger I! of Man- cleverness euahied him to know nt
Iht'onrkem.. oac«* If he hnd lu deal with a pnpil of
11'luti \V« lines.lav nionmm. nuikins tiie promise or uou and uhJlkely asi»lrants
, , ■ ,,
, Were not allow,*d to waste Ms time
and tlH*lrs. ,Ui actjualntnn.v dc*<rll.e«
v.aUT«iiJ has »on a typical Incident: “I romeui!»er a nota
ble . a*e in i»olnt. A very rich woman
offiTwl the master any priee If lie
Wirni of the jifTnii hut no Ih-Hc; nluht
Alinard the -loop won*: Com- crouia only teach her daughter. He
II F. H« ivI. irkK ha*; movni fmm 32C c*i.uhl hate 1..U huu
hau h.n.l
hs.I It
1. li4en
iH .-n .......
j „
,t s u^,„
B ItiHao alit'el . to 711 UVliMtrr
refused, knowing well be rotxld never
e<*iile*mait «*\
atreet. OrUwa for rat^iH woa«lBR “iiiaile lit «u<ti I** a^
....... ............. e,^ k. A.% Ne>s, n \,r Ih in.U. Harry obtain seriaUH work from her; hut. a*
* «*<l h Tt>e h|.
ran be Irft at either :p\iwti.
SuiumetvUle «n.l C. A. ralriw r. Th. the mother isTslsted. lie bit tii>oa a
3u1 yU lmo* i,j iiu.
;,n,| ihe .air iHiutnie mo,*-,
He ask(-d the woUK-n to
. M. Itatih*^’ luxurious
'* '
'exhltaraun?. while ih. iv uhk not ;.
Uaunok. v.ns aiirhored till tlie pier covACCORD WANT A08 FAY.
enoiRh witul to dUnirh the Kurfarv td
on*U “With i»r» :i> Inrorrm. as was the
hearing it taught, to
IhhharU.f. .
Ih'iiman hoat, Aleoyiie. The Record
tea(*h ber. Tbe lesson liegun. Tlie pu
The Jaunt lies- and ittnaner craft Im*-;
Hoy. owneil by J. W Hannen. C. E. pil. who seemed to tbe Ibiteners nn alOne hunartMl aod t a only id the l»«At un^i<» tnit 111 iW'ir apjK Hi-am ** al**mt ;
. .MtiriayV Irvine, and Archie CllleH s ro.-oly liuislu*d singer, had to ropeat
JKnnorn in Traverse ooimty h«\e in * oVhnV and ii v as i
• launch \t‘*'r.* Traverse City’s renn'soit- r-as- ge after iMtaoage of tbe 4no*t dif
y IsialA.
. . null'd lu the 1-apeer Cyehme roiapau« a n.^ t of o
TItere ven. a iuif:e nunilM*r ficult exerciseii U-fon* the master was
N the.laal thiw Wi*ekK. «f which A'x^t.ov inu lant.-ni« ul.it.- ..oiiv
»a-s*whlrh w*r*' pos.sihiy to«* satisfied: be Insisted upon the mfiiuteict
luio »ine blare of Uj;l,t
emor John T. Rich |r prraidrat.
; niMst prettily dect»raietl «if any. work* attention to every detail of execution.
This company waa uirunij^ mnejalMKit In fnait <»f ih«
Mother and daughter exchanged borrl
fil'd glan.x-s and looked on pityingly.
yeAra aim. Just after the Oakland couxe, *lt uwa nearly
UrRi r ciafU
The lesson finished, the master bowc^
ty-rrclone tn »*hk*h 33a hwWinini weiT,Untertis which tVeoraim! il.o hotel} ,
ewilmat. d >h:it 1.3A0 ,H*o:
Die wometf out. and. In paivslng tbe
desimted and iitunit that many men' lawn and pier wen* set ahlayo lisbliux
r<II.vt.**l on tht- veranda nnd pupil, tbe young girl whlspert'd to-ber.
I up the snuuids (or SI lonq dbl
ab*»ul t}iv Po el. Tin* w iue porch was Tt would kill roe:* Senor Garcia, reThe KTOwth of thj* rv»mi«any has {down tlu' -luut*. Th* u were nea;
turnhig from tbe door, said contentWn ver.r rapid as Uie company has I ru?hi>vatni lani.-rr.s Mrtinq from tht •Ie<*oiateu with iiapv-r festoon* of re*i, edlv: They will jjot come agaln.
white and lUiH* while Ihe liphl* were
oVer thirty milUon dolbira wtirth id center of the buUdinc to pole.s on tin
Thank you. roon enfant; you sang
Kbatleti i* tili n*<I. the di*eomtloo* lioinq
honch and from there bark tn the cor
property Inamvd.
Thu itrowih haa.been wufflclent to ner* of the h«*tel. woikinc l»aek and In chame of Mr. Ilondy and.Fm. L.
The Hew fiaval ftatloa.
pay ordinary loaaea and there has fonh until the whole anu ever llie
In the last naval appropriation bill
lawn was a mare of the liqhi* A kvip
been o«^ asaesstnent In nine j-cars.
provision was made for a change in
Cyclone* Ia|itw been very friHjuent line rkT^c»*tl .altmc-xh.- pi«-r while fhej
the naval ration, and the bun-au of
supplies and accounts has pn^ared^a
Ihe last few yoarw tWadly lUhtmnj: vIHat:.- cU.w.*.]; with lichts. p,v.,riy
hhd cyclone* oAm tlrtke where we every huniiinq laxlnq i*s share. Asj Saturdry wa.^ the 8nim«»n«iry of ration In aceordance with Hie leglski-.
least expect. The wise man will b«* Hie lanterns were In'lns; Hi by a crew Mrs. l^.udyl.irthday and she wa.s don. aaya a Washington dispatch. It
bt now asserted that the United Btates
blu i*can-h llpht of luesi-iited with an eleiront Haviland
pK>pared. the tnajr^ho chance* his of workmt n.
naxT luw «ration than any army
thn»wn on the bcHeJ r.hin.i v.twe standinq iwcmv four iiirho* or nary in the world. The adiwnUgea
fortnne In *pecQlatlnK cm the bPard bf the car ferry
trade U conaldered a plimier and an and across the-water, blotfinq out the hlqh by the Radqer II parly and W. L. of tbe present ration are that It to.
unsafe huslnea* man. The roan wht> lc«*er lUrht* and showlni: up the boat?
MU? i
Jk Moore and more flexible and make* It nnnece*aaiy“
to Issue eommuutlona to aallofa In
wife and Mrs. Smith of Chh*aqo.
chance* $3,000 worth of buIMinq* with in datrllii): hrtqhtness.
When the whole |4acs*. was
Amopi: Die vUitots wete thiriy Tnv place of a yegnlar ratkm. Added to
oufryclooe Immrmnce api*ro*iles upon
«*r*e City piKJple wlio went down by the former raDon are preaerved and
'the wind, U ICkdr to loee the profit n^i*><l the Ci>:neik'4 of the hotel t
freah fruIU, fheah milk, flavortog extrain, launch and atiioroohne. The tracta. fresh flah and wauce. Tbe
of a IlfHime and U therefore an im- lea blew several trumpet calls and
,1 salute of seven puns
; of W. C. Hull. H. Moalapuc and amount of tinned vegetaWea baa b<A
fired frutu
aafe biuUneas mam
r Ikdiner maiK' the trip.
This company has-{laid from 50 tojiHr* tUoop itadqer II of Manistee.
Increased, while a drcreaae has been
made in macaroni, fricUeB. rice and
113 lowsefc each year the last lour j
Search Light Flashed.
It hrinrr to the little one.
^ years and all bare lieen well plcusedj A'lmiuu immeiiiately the stearoer
less qifi of healthy flesh,
- i^th the pn»mpl. feiDements.
| Illinois mended tlie point and set her and moacle. That’s what
Horace appears In good humor while
* ' Wm. Robb and F. W. Coiwkey are J search, llqhi at play .nrross the water Rocky MowhUria Tea does. Rest baby
BOW wrltinif inrnraBce In this eganty j hlowinj; a salute a lew mnnjcnts later,
mud nearly all the jwod farmer* an* The scene from her decks, w hich worn 35 rents. Jolinsoa Dmjf <
fmm a tori»IJ \
(rontlmi»*d.F'n»m Flfjit Pai:^.?
Hx. UQhun >-1111 awal^rn (h«>m lu thctr
proper artJiin alili tir. Kln»;*« N« »
thc*i ttfT ill u Aory siire«*S!>ftil ut
l.Ue IMIIh; the ptrafaiitcut aiul nii*Kt
flTeetUc- cur.- for eonstipat.on. Th» »
piereut apiMUiUlritU aiul tone up tht*
A f. . -lu.,.. ..t mlu fell lo tl«. ttfi.n
av^leoi. 2ir. at JohiH.ua I^ruK
r. II. Venclu. C. A. ItuglHM* linif; C«..*r
ns nkhi
drug aloivii.
■.: j
, tahfns adrantium and tnanrini:.
j well filled^ with summer to irirt*. was
Wo enmot tell when oar inm wilt 1 like a drnun of fairybinil. The hotel
«mie so we thiak It wlae for a man l»rj ww* a blar.*? of Ii|;ht while the myriads
Coinmcnrinf Jnly 2Mh Steamer C4V
- proioct hi* pmperty-and w^ considorjof lantern* nuuk* titchier point* m lumhU mill ^isconrimie the 5*S0 n
• ihia a aaJe and re&abW ranipany.
|ibe jflow and the roastantly ahJfUnit nu irtp to l^ari^ laland and N-ah v
^jMOy awv
coTcred with the Ii«hu stood
.......................................... ■■
A ShcM t Ct.l to Success
Wbelb.T or not the fog wblutle at the
eatranc* to
J.din Mirbor lOiould be
voiupclled to take out a game license
would worn to lie a <j»iiitlon to l»e deridiHl by the game commlnelon. *ay*ir
special disiiabh from 81. Joba,
to Ibe New York Tribuue. 1‘artridgo
islaud is sUuated uMiut two mlled
from Die clly of 8t. Julai, and on 1; I*
on,* of th,* prlm-iirnl Klgual Matlon*. A
few mouths np» lb»*rc wa* In*fnllcd
on the I.dand a new fog whiRtl,' winch
ha* lMs*n the cans,* of miuh exciie-
i& to Work viUi til,* ri^^ht uU naiis.
,V v<»tir fruit |in*i*,Tvim: nrtiela'fi
nr,,l you willbav,* lltc
Kttisfai lOfy kiief, \N\» liav, ■ Unis 5t kintl iIimI'h mml,: iu k. •tlli*a,
fruit ri'el j,lly jmp.
, «,nifiu-iMi you <siii ,1cIi,*u.1 .
T!.-r. for.* Micc-SF will
I JT. rt.-, ..!cl y,.,i w ill not
laU.r Ar s|K»iI yoiir fluit
lle'^i* wb
. ,\. a.
llc glv,*s a long ,lr:,wn out blow
low 1
Th,' whlstl,* ♦•xnctly imitate* the call of
a «“iw moov,. and Is b.iving tlu' cffet*t
of such v.x\U.
It iH not imctunmon for mo«e.c to Cud
their way Into the €*ity and walk quiet
ly tbn»ugb tbe Htn'cls during the «*ar
Her hours ui tb“ do3'. Tbc.v iire iu*va*r
mub-K*,! aud have grov.n l,ol.L . Hiiu-e
tin* n,-w rr>g whliub- wa-H ,-stablMi.*,!
tb,*<o wam’ering* moo-;,’ hav, lH*4».»njc
more pl«*ntlful and Dier,* i* n» doubt
that lli,*y nn* «ttnnte.l by wluii they
IhiaL is tb,* ^11 of lb,hr mat,*;.. Tin?
bull naxe.- Ktroil calmly tbrougb IV:tvllb* and
r’ to th;* water's
I'd',-,* and Diea attotiipt to *\vam to thKlaud. No:\c have ev,»r *wuni the full
dUianre. for lK.*fore reaebiug tin' island
they evidently M*c,iine aw-ar- tlut
ib-Ui's r.r,- mu v lutt they s,*,-tM rtud
tliat tluTc is somidblp.g w-rong with the
call. Hnnl^m. u are niulously awa.ting Die
Ki»aw»u. when the inooae
are likely t> U* deidettM In minilier..
Saxton Hardware Co.
Joseali Sleder & Sons
■irii!-<;l;iAB Butchers,
r.u kors and
bausa»:o Makora
W! h^oW-erd b«U!l
“Wiiai makes good meat?;’
V. ;,r.* <»ft» n nskfil, Ati*iWfr Inn,
f,,r flits Ki^Pt*
Ytiii may U*
Lir],risi*l to know iiow iftur.li
.l•..u»|.y cAllIc
.ituk sHfiitilU*
.slnu 'kb
a l^hisi tl,jM-mU
on ti.«* n lM’l Iiutdii-r. K*b iIh* wjiy
u,* li.iVc <»f sb»rifi;4. li.umllifur. eultiiu.: ai.<l S4 rvinjr llial inakcu litis
iji.-at murk, ! kUipT out &a oi,.‘
w,irlh i-arouiictm;.
li vtli |ifrt»n,*8.
Mh A' Franklin
Hemldi Beekcrm.
Tie-y’rr pur kmg up ^n-t p.w Uiii<; down,
riiinn,! ur.J lnK-r«. rjit oad gown,
la ord,r to act out of town
And give their »Ulh» « cwt of brusnx
In »rar. h of iM-olth.
And ev?rrwk«rr from I'rcpai; bay
And foogi-r * , ovr to Skutkoway
The war> naUvrs watUng lay
To trap Ihe pllgr':.-a* grave aod gay
In oeareh of health.
The ruraJ chef* ore taktug pie
.VnJ dougiinut„ of an a;il>urn dye;
Tbe mint U> iqnoiiling fr.-»h!y high
To J*al,s;Ue the ,-xir.i ,iry
in *rar- hof Ualih.
and whlto.
Each dance pavilion frx
l trUht
1* being wavf-d and poli
For ihoiM- who uh,b to »
And dance like idlotn all right
Ja oriirch of braiUu.
poor o’.d money oock
n. Ured and blaek.
will come limping back
oeart'h of Iwalth.
rollocw Irwin la K«w York Clobo.
Wmi GASOLII.KE at 1«
GAS I* murh^ch, •;i|»Vr. ’ll
U-4-n ebeaper than
free to Aug; 1-".
Twenty Year Battle.
“I waa a loser 4n a tveoty year toltJe with chronic piles and mallgnaat
sores, until I tried Bucklen’a Arnica
Salve; which turned th® tide, by curIng both, tUl not a troc® rematna.”
writes A. U. Bruce, of Fhrmvnie. Va.
Boat for old ulcers, cut*, baroa and
wounds. 25c at Johnaoo Drug Go„
F. H Meadi, C. A. Bugbee Drug Oo,.
Slaughter Sale °<
Second-hand Organs
Taken in exchange for Pianos
hMi (;/ y,V $/j./;o
} \*nr (hi lie of ihree more Ji^r /y
. Your choil’e if Ihrci’More Jor ^ Jb
You Udter hcrry, lb<^ will not 1*^ Ii. ro lonj?.
(kum* in anil uee the m w KimUilI < ifKan
; in Itatrlsotne raahoRany ai«*. This is a IxiiUty,
the* first shown in the rily.
M. B.HarmT, Prop.
iht Adrcatlai surttarium mt Battle
Xew Toth School of AppUad Sefenm Orak, wh» has become famml Cor hia
bronjth the inflneace of Mias Helm. machoda of ewrimg hlmaetf of tabercaby ttrimi to m teat fPr Bve via
BperUi ttwfa leevea at 7 ca a. m. Oonld.
icrtL Troabic arwc over Al^'a traimare ll.^'O for nwnd trip. Special re
The dfnU of AUred Belt, the dU
porutioa back t& Bagtaad aad Osaig
oiains trala.
lend him;. namraUy directs aliepUna
me aarcaaUa, It la satiL Wori*
to hla hroUmr. OUo BMC
led to a avift poke la Oaslg'a coaaWAMTtO TO
inherit the t>olk of bU vast
aaa larif Bila
teaaace aad the chaaapma waa arrratfroa
lu ItOO. PorrU 4 Co^ 12«
Bids will he.acoppled.for the e
HU wife U a beastllnl
ed. He relmma to leave ht« cell until
W. Tmtk.
|«lr X7^*
iua and completioa. acrordlnp
a native of Kew Orleans and
Oasig apologiaea. The saniurium au
Iraalnas. .peHScaUnas and worklaa
•4 with some of the best fainaaa; w» taka |Mt pay
->KMrlMi c*rt M fVr« lUr
tboritles are trying to aetlle the matraMhIa eky praparty 4eiali» made aad fuml^*d by Jens C men la lirahaana 8be vaa MUa U1Miac llooM- Ma«
, IXt FmI BL. Traacna fVfrr»*n. aiy^hllen. Traverse CUy Hen Carter. Her mother, iMta. H»omaWadal
Lane Carter, and a alsicr Mr:i. W. E
■»». aboot 1«
CPIaaaa phoaa Ulf.
CItf. 1
masonry, rwrpenlry. Uthtns ami pU*. Hall, live In a preuy rouni-y borne
j^rs oC »«r. to learo tbe men^.
Ing. pa.mfing. rtr.. and for heattag
town of IlnninHmd.^ty mile*
: U^ baalMuM^ atoHlac at IW arrai*.
store was partly tkwtroyed by Brr
a plitmblns unill 2 o'clock
from New Ot leans.
pia« dapartiDpal. Tba CM»> iJriA
ThursAay aigbt. beinr«^magod NWO.
FOA PALE-1443-Thirty am. oae Aup. 1 at Ibe offirc of Jens C. PderUiorr. Trairrrv' City, Mjcb.
Two Japauw bovs. rona of M Hay Blmpaoa had prepared to BMivr bU
aad a hair milaa Uakm atraat Thraa M. aechltert. Stale bank ImUdiBf;
" jttly a.2t
thoasaad Wrlac fruit Uaas; flacat Tra%en^ Oty. Mich., for the C. S. F. a Shi of Toklo. have arrived at Ijrximt. Mock of gnireriew auU provtstoas. but
ton. Ky.. to work aboat the sialde. dclaM^ actloa for a few days.
Cardra aad fruit ooU. Call for prlra. WNlpe boildlng.
WAMTCD~Tao ladk« to latmd»» a
btsiKlni: the fanioiis Salvator. Star
Wada Bros.. 1?7 Proat .trool. Trsr
Ail bids murt be eddrrsm-d to Jm
For the nlBet^atoth time *n)ld Joe
_ fa»t feHIlag article, oaa that
Ruby. WaterereH* and other irreai
•raa City. Mkrh.
Jaa« ll^f
Rleder. chelrmaa btilldlnp commlttev
owley,- the araat noted man la Port
aUht. Me »ntU to tW rlUit party
at ih. lasM-otkirf Mnd In ordei
C. 8 P 8. lodge and marked proposal
oroB. (nrlng In hi*‘police mv»rd. va*
WoaaiAy mm4 a aUttasiMM to troOc
Pi lejM-n the roethrtd ul brre«Hn^ fhor arreKied ftatarday morning. Joe was
f*,r C. 8 r. S, hall.
about all tbat* reqatred. laqalir for
U'lgfabrtMl huTM-. Th‘7 rame'to Anot
foM apwiiat town wfttila taa artice *Tbc bulldins rommitirc and nrchl b-a with leiterB of Iniroducilun tt drunk and wa* ”S4*etag nuakiii'’ when
' CH.KVaaa ,Call Cot U«e Home
taken to the coiraiy baatile.
or Tmraaa CAy. Oaly hardwara t»it reiKrrve the option to accept
James B. Hagjcln and he sent them tt
Easy tami. Owner la other boat reject aav and all po»poiials
Harry C Pia**, .wm «»f CTty A*.:-e*puns and npeclBcatlons may be bad his Kentucky farm It is the wish of
neat. Call lor Inrolce and term
their father to eKtabllKh a
Wade Bros. 117 Froat aUect. Trav at the olOce of the arcbllcrt.
peatlag rifle on the porch of hU i
. Jo:.. .Sleder.
eiwe City, Mich. ClUxens pboot Signed)
fagr* at Cavanaugh fake, when
Chairman Building Committee.
BMy 34 tf
weapon was acrMeinally dlschait
tjnren Amelia
Portagal Is one of The bullet parMd through the side of
CUftU WAMTEO-Good »trl for crarr.
the eottBf.e of H 8 Holinc*; aujoininf
AppHr to Mrs. J W. FOR SALE—Cpttapa at Bast bay. FOR SALE-22 ft KSMiltne launch. 14
the Plars cotiagr. over a laldc a
, €iJ WaUilngluB 8t
h p. Far 4 Bosu-n engine; *
Kckls Mokesas: four rooms; $&oo
July 2% It
boll. AiMrc..„'ll5u E. lllh. Jtri 2K-3f Tab K.«i.ham. she mh*! b* r girIh«fod which Mr. and Mr» Ifolmei. and Mr
buys If. J. W.Jsrksun.
Ju1> 3.tf
Peiaecn England and France Queea and Mr:. D C Mrl,»ren of Chelsea
Amelia ban many tastes aim Inierejta. were -.eateil: t!ien»-c Ihn-ugli the oih
Ust; Id fe*-t
WANTEO-Giii to trala as aurso; FOR SALE- i434-loe cream parlor, FOR SALE-New
I. Frank Fried but her kp«tUI ho!)by U metlh-lnc. to J-Hlrig ami buned Pm K an Inch In
extra Bne fliil:.li;
oaa who has had ao«c oxparioacc
aoda fouataln, candy taaklnp looli*.
' Jully 2J» lt which she ban devoted much iwiiou P*H*t notside iJilir a string w;
all other Bsturea. all stock. Good
praforrMt Grand Travonw hospital.
Mudt. Through her blforLs Uvboi ftr..»rhed from hole to bole In tl
trade, central loratloa on Froot
July ZZ^i
n-'w hnast.-- -oi ime of the best moderi wnlH of the Holmes housK* and H wj
street One of the Bnest confec FOR SALE—Wolvwlne C h. p station
hofcpiiMU In Eurtipe The queen is ai ovideiii ihaf Ihe biillef niUM>d tl
aiv i:as cnRlne;,tme 5 h. p. mi
tionery. Ire cream and candy maldaR
WANTEB—K^ie amnled tacn to do
one Umich isv5 31- b. p. Frank exiwrl horMa*»man and such an ar bc.Hd of each of the tadirw hy alKiiit
estsIdUhmciils In city. Call
ooaBatoB work at my chemical woriu*
n.mpli-hed swlmiucr that hhe o
half ap Inch. The ml*rile wat. a leaden
price. Wade Broa.. 127 Front street.
near Beadoa. Mich. Wapas ll.7!i
tiM «lal Konie- four years ago Tor re.'.cu bullei a;. Inch In length
Traverae City, ifleh. CitlseiiB phm
per day. Steady employmeat. F". VWilliam J Barnanl. a
bay. forty acres wild Umber. Call iug taorhlldrf n from drowning.
may 24 If
Maamcmd, 4U BUU 8t.
July 144f
for prtce. Wade Bros,. 127 Front
It ha> over and over again beet ney who has Ikm-h eugage,l In prarllnslfwet. Traverse City. Mich. Cltlsens :dat»-d of late that gue«n Victoria o ill l*aw_ Paw f«»r- M-veral years, ha.s
WANTED—Ladles*, peofa* and chil FOR SALE-1437-One hnndrrd and
phone iriB. Jnae ll-tf .Bjialn wilt Inherit a large fortune fron Ik*. II I iie*I for dlKbarnienl in the Su
dren*# Hothtiip. hats, plorcw or tleu
eevoott^n acre farm, one and
2 eel an llm
to ha claaned or dyad at the new
hair miles north of Grawn. onedtalf FOR SALE CHEAP—One pair bUck ' the Kmpre.s*< Etigenle and one romam prciue court and
jlng jtuirnal announced that the n*-v lime fill him to appear fw hearing
Parisian at 312 E FYtmt 8t. Cits.
mile ahore frost on Bihar Uke
males; gniKi farm learn; a eight
u of S|»a1n will n'ouve a dot o Nine charge* of univrnfesslnnal nm
north, aouth aad wesi of Burt's re
phone S4P.
about 23<mi. tram and barneys $125.
I r.o.oou.o«a» franca fmm her gthliuothet duct a*ro M*t forth, such as swearing
sort. ona of the prettiest rasorti la
iwirtnnge. Gern pM-iaw^tcmua ln.v**iiilon. which, horn to a 1411 of complaint which he
the Grand Traverse reptoa. The
WANTBD-Cora U the ear and oaU;
Jwly 24M
fat-r by roan; have known to In* untrue; proM-ntltig
i arn-pted i
whole farm la level and eatra desir
hiphaat price paid, a J. Morpaa.
to the Supreme cMirt portion* of i
able as a fwaort ptupoaUJoa. Ooahl
may 2Mf
roiiird that the rlrciili Judge had or
be esrUy plaited tato mmo4Mk acre
Sotit»N^alt_- jin Umtkwi Truth the real fact
TERMS. Inqnir
lots or five lota to the acre, or ttve
the fortnm* *»f the Knipn-ar TSngeni* dered Itrlckeu nut; making false rep.
hnndred and olRlily-Bve lota, which
will lie dl%1d*Ml at her death, one hall reM-ntatjoiiH in therein ^divorce i-as.-;
PO RPALE—At Pioneer llrrry stalilc.
sJJh a very small amount advertia- FOR SALE-24
T^cared. g«»Uiv to hi r grandn»n»liew. the duke oj spi-roiniating iiiouey dm- Anne <i. I’n
one small donkry. t-arl and hsme 4»;
Ins would sell for at least IW»
.................... ..
luiiiU r. hoUM*. Albany, and ^ the nflier half to ih. derhill; dlnvllng m client to fake ami
eomeal an exhibit in a ram-, and In
▼ery Rruflc for rlilldrrn to ride t.r
per lot. For natural advantytes lo
biigg.v. rilclgh. olhci Nniall
ll%i< PrIinv.H Victor and l^iulx NaiMilinn.
drive; prlc«- |2T.. One itip Imikk) 1m
cation can md be hv^^n. In com
uilh-v Imiu city ; lUnin, half cash.
|‘rcKl.!enl'IIadl.-j of Yale unlven*tf5 diicliig wiinesm-s to be aliM-nt during
pood repair, 110; unr ramipy li>p
parlauD a 1th oilier property and the
lialaiuf on lime. 5H Sectuid »trt-<»t.
Hi a curreiit magnrlne ar the trial of a ea:e.
Jennie An-lei-en. hkc] 2k. a <
price asked, this farm is olTrrod at a
phaeton In pood n*t»alr. 125; on*
July 27 «r
lew of the questi(
very hnr llipirc There 1h timlwr
low down. 125. B. J. Mor
a ni.'Uter of »erlouK tho mhi- <o pan nts of hH iking beauty. Is unde r i.n
vliig Impel
enonph to pay for the whole farm at
July 24 Jf
a*, to whetjier it Is wIm- f-ir rnllegi K>c*n.tba ihargi-d with
oed; goo^
sonufed the wl/e of Gii*.
price we ask fur It If you want a
II good men to be 111.* rally i npjilled. w ith who n-rentlY died a* lleniidji. leaving
I orchard.
bargain and a money rniker, pet
FOR SALE—Ulnch Cedar wikuI.
ganltm ground, Two o»WB. one him moiiex. He e\plaln^ the strain of |ki*.
|n the
Traverse City Mfc Co.
July U tf
dnMl .md liny chicken^. Ihn-e tings, erty us well ak of wualth iJ|Km Ibi
at reel, Traverae City, Mich? Cl
span hmses. household goods, etc. moral* wf nie nln colJege* and draw, Anefent OnJer of I’liii.*,! Workmen,
Ihls la Just the proisisltlon for
and wlih oblainfng p-inm-sKlon of a
isena phone 121».
may 34-lf
;^R MLE—Out mere loU. Your
party that wants Just cmuigh gninrnl
draft for the atiioiint of the jKdlo The
chance to get a large ha at ih«*
cUise to the renter of the city to gel all things c»m*lderod.
.illegeij il«-fepii..ii was not dbcoveied
price of-n smsU one. Fine ha alhm. I roR RALE—HSS—Forty acre farm,
in extra time to a giK>d profit. With
|!uk*< Ludwig of Ibivai ia. who Is 7.’
prtn***r nianap-rocnt this spot of
mull after fin M-;t|rinen: was made
W. M. Oordan, 417 W. Seventh St. ' dose Jo city; well walcnvJ. line snr
ytars old. amiouii««> hib Intention Hi
by the eomp.iny aujl Mr*. Anderson
July P I mo* I den and truck land. Small piece of
ordinary ltonk-ke»*p»-r. clerk or meh.-.d left LVmidJI. Sin*.was arrcslcl
whom he marrieii in 1S5«2. and to <-mi
at the honu* of her luiK-ufK at Kscana
tract a.thin] niorganialtc iiiarrUge to
after-the |K»lice aulhorlile* of .Min
127 f'roni stn-f
, ,^^5 .n!l;
city. Mich.
)u»« Il tf
4-*i-anleln Tonlek. u young prtma donna
Mich. Cliitt'na
uesutu. Wisconsin and Michigan had
WmM trad, tor .
June 21-lf of the Royal oiM-ni houw' of Munich lKK*n siuM-kfng for her for throe weeks.
-™.. „r
The duke's fii.sf nurii.age. wlileh was
John Elyca. living near KalamaxiKi.
rml (tnct or aUt«>,
^undteU feet on SUt« rtn ci FOR S)tLE—Uantliler automobile
also a tmirgMiintlr afTair. took plane tn
----- 1----------:------------------------- 1----------- 1 Valu, ImiKWdbl* to wtlmn c, bni
first cUrs condition
Ftimierty IS.V*, when he ie!,.,ui..-*Ml hi* right Ol started tmlay on a iimior cycle irip to
l» CASH *m boy «A 110. llAnoEb
,,y «b„,„ pric „krd. This I, onowned by the late Hr A. Holliday surr-t-^slim t<^ tlie hea«^dp uf the ducal I..OS Angoh-a, Cal.
AtawM, Oak ItelabU aubarb, MilCS
Inquire T. H. c;inis or W. C. Hull.
the site of the n«-w stale iulM-milosii,
fm-t. if »o)d lu-fore Sept. 1st, Apidy
erty in Ht>. A» a biialneaa locatkm
Jdly 21-tl
The long tal^I of change in menV hospital at Howi-IJ. The wcu i», twenty
to Tbne. T. Bates.
may b-tf
cmnnol lie iK^slm at price asked
dresA t* alHMif in Ik* realireu live fi-cl dei p and flown one and one
an lnv«*«dmcnt. will any that with
IIBS CASH will buy lot ISS. Ilnnnab
half feet alNive the surfacr*.
tliiailon gas and ga.soltne engine.
bnIMInxs now on the property
ttTwnnw. Oak Heights suburb, SAal65
Cost IIT:.; wlirHell at a largain. reatly tnaklug hew Kamph.u. During
which cf>0Kists of four frame alnic
Luther I. Wfiglii. *!i|H-rlnteiidf-iit of
feel, if sold brtore Sept 1st. Applf
Addtv.sR, or rail at Amiih A Cole’s the i-onilng seaaon i.ie «xjat will Ik* ol the frmiwtHKl tcho-U* hss ju*’ iu;id.
turct!. covering almnt one half of the
to Tboa. T. Bates.
May S-tf
July 20 If him* cloth, with a velvet ci»11ar and
ground. It Khows five i>cr
for thf- iiuimnaTlon for anperln
ten tbonsnnd dullam. With a mod
ft» CASH win buy lot 330. GrwBt
la|K-l. TfouwrH or km-** bnt*rbcs will It ndect af pnhjlc Iniitnirtioti,
ani, up-todatr brick bull'aing. It will FOR SALE—Pony rea
■tiweL Oak Heights suburb, WxlSS
!h* optional' They win Ik- of blue
wagon and wlelgh*; wl
show at least three times
feet. If sold befon Sept. li*t. AppI?
gethfr or •.< parale. H
cloth. Troii*K-rs will have two row*
amount on the Investment. Call for
to Thos. T. Bstss.
may S4l
gain that cHtintit be bc.i J K G
of braid on the side w-aiii Thej-nt|re
price. Wade Bnui.. 127 Front at reel
July 18lf onilii win be Klmllar to the ev.-nlng
Notic® to All Persona Interested.
lick Co.
Traverae City. Mich.
June IMf
) CASH wiU buy a % ncro lot In
drc.ss pTently pre«ril»ed for gentle
The *f»eclal as.-^ejismeut tax roll for
Inekwood suburb, lOf feet fronllng
njfui of the kinn* hom-ehold. This the grading and paving of South Union
KM Baal bay, 313 feet on Brocch FOR «ALE-12:^l-Elghty.two feel on
rndot. sixty arixe
Mreet from the aoiith Mde of Twelfth
»pc‘ciflcatlon iuHndes *Ht button*.
under entdvation: good imlld
reel, if «oId b>*Sept. 1st. Apply to ^ State sircet. onc^ hundred and flfly
ground all level, lyjw prler. Call
One hundred stray New York Imivs Mrcet north to fhe soulli end of the
feet diM:p. all covered with two story
Hw, T. Bates.
may 6-tf
for price. Wade Broa., 127 Front h." e ariiL-d at ihc Leahy farm a! south bridge on Union Mfect. Is now
iimme building, fl'tcd throughout for
V.reenwlch. Conn., tu begin their mim In my hand;: for t onei'tkiii. Th**'first
FOIL CALE-Bevcral bouses nr will
Brat clasK llvory and Milea barn.
Uens phone 121D.
June 21-tf mer vacation Early next wcK*k the Installment to U- paid on or before
AJ o forty bon^e.K and all necesMry
rewL Howard Whiting. ’ may S-tf
farm will also receive .200 hontrles* July 21. ipr»6.
equipment, buggies, cutt'era, hacks,
FOR CALE-Two houbca In good iocs
Manhattan t ats FiHtm rbi* gwunl, half
dray?, sleigh*, harnesses.. waj
Cfty Treasurer.
owe new bouae imt completed.
robes and all pcnumal property In
»4ar\»*d d»uilien* id the- bystnet* and
WiU sell on time to suit customeiw
.Office, Room 202 State Bank buildalleys of the great city, they were
above building. This Is one of the
au. pboM fSW
i«ae 3341 largest livery and sale* tuiniB In this
cued by aceiit* tif the Blde-a-wec lilug store; contalDed gold chain
region; ccntrallT located, doing a
valuo«l highly lictanre of aj.HorUtlon cb-ry. Fine** then they ftave l>een fed
FDR SALE-145S-Modcrn resideoee.
The M. A M. associatioii h«* aecnred
tape and proBUblo busIncM. In
Keward If rouirned 4o G. W. Mil from Hk- lablr of »he Walrhirf Asloria. For Saginaw the Htrahte maple flooring
State street, three bkicXs from post,
facL prerent owner feels able to re
Mhi* Clover PoMt. daughter of ^e
July 2*> tf
oflrtce. ninmcc, electric lighia, gs5,
tire and enjoy the c^ortmUa ftw|iroprle‘oi of the swei! hostelry. U-lng ■nd rrati plant, which waa hurnetl out
balh. An A No. I propoaUion. Call
at Rt-<-d City on July 17. The factory
tttBa made la thl* aame baaliMaa.
Interested in the Bi«lc-a wee home.
for price. Wade Brom. 13T Front
i;mp1o>h front 70 to 100 men.
Thla. reader. If you contemplate enaty. MTch.
street. Traverse aty.
Former Mayor Sweet of Grand Rap
‘gagiag ia a bnalncsa of this kind.
e U<
Id* write* from North DahoU that he
wUl pay yoa to laveatigate. CaU for
tvlll not iM-rmI hi* name to gn befonprice. Wade Bros., 127 Front atroel.
•2B0 CASH wUI bny lots 1S2. 183 apd
heal. bath. People* Savings Bank
the drraticraJtc Mate convention next
Traverse Oty. Mich. Cltiaens phone
184. Rose alreec Oak HeigfaU snbJulyl2-tf
reck as a poaa-ble candidate for the
June 114f
urb; 120 fast on Rose. IBS Ibei on
gubernatorial no.nlnaMon.
Qroen. Ul faiA on thn nllny. If noM
Clalmtec to he too poor to pay her
b»’fvH:e Sept 1st. This la n great FOR BALE------mir-Oiis htmdrod and
rare. Mrs. Anna Burch, mged 70.
rirsnty-aera fann. alz mBss waat of
hnimln. Apply to Then, T, Baaen.
aalked Into Port Huron from FltntdSF. aboat cMty aeroa naAer enltlmay Ml
She said she ^ golmg to Her dausbMISCELLANEOUS
watloa. Good honnn. targa barn, with
Ler In Delaware. OnL, wbero abe «•
baaaaaaL FbUowtag crop: Taa
FOR EALE-J487-U Iprt front on
peeled to maho ber home, but abe
Berss rye. four acres wheat, taa MONEY TO LOAN on personal prop
(Rfate street, ndjolna new goreraerty. Amtl r. Kerlinger, 212 State
maid wmik mik tbe way after abo ROt
^ tneni hitIhUag «m the ^t. This If
Bask ImlkUaB.
Juljr IMmo
icrooa the river.
iht most centrnlly*locht6d lot in the
Ppiflg Tai
U bM almuiy bomi Btacmt
baaroiid BMtkui ibai the mauq
r Nupmixiblr fur malaiU. yellow
fevrr and Blartaain. The knowlceg^
at tbU fact baa eaablod*fhe methral
irltira to atamp emt tbM ill>
wluTO Ibrr bav** had power
do ao at New Oricaus. Culow aad Ha
la Florida and other parts of
mrth a fiy ariecaftcally^Lnown a*
idaiea flarijia* n,cai
troaa lhaa tbr moaqalto.
ImL. but has ail Im proaalble dgalrv
I walk over the hutnaa faro. The
Matin, a leading thwiiTJournat. gav«
l.riae of in.nun iranca for the lawn c
say on Iia dertructlon.
A jury
srienllllr men imvo the piire to
elltor who propo-isl Hh* u*** of
Kiysldinm ell in the «Hn,truction .4 the
egg* and lanac and MOSQl’lTti
RAVY iB^a prulectlon In the oiH-n
air. Mosqniio Gravy Is a Irealmenl for
the i«klu a* well as a protertlou againfti
iDOMiultoM. U anUseptIr and perf.'ctlv
barmlews. It Tua no Ml.
lug. olijectbrnable froture*
mcc MomjuMo Gr:tvy f* on th
and hands moMiuJIos will imi
you. MotKiulto Gravy can be otr
Uined at ail druggists, 15r and 25c
Mosquito Gravy J
guaranteed Mirntine rrm«*dv and
urg«*.l to undersund that uii deal
* will pruuyitly rettiiu >our money
m4 tti rrjuvjentc-d
Obtained at J.iIjumui Dnig Co.. Amm
!. an Drug Htor.- and by fl.;hlhg lacklc
People ouHIde the city can have
Mmqirltu Gravy tent to their addrrs-.
•y icl irn m.nll. p.nd paid, by wmdinr
he per-hsse price and additional 5r
• ir fss face, l.y addressing as Ik-Iow
Disirtbutiug atatbui..
July 2JY.I* TraverM- t:ify, Mich.
NcHce to -faKpayera.
e lax roll. for
Yl and rifv laxi^'and rpisial a .
kcHsmeuta for-AlH- five ward* of tie
*ity lif Tiavi^- City. Mt« h.. hav«- U*i-n
pU«n-«l in my hand* for .sdb i-ibiii
I will 1m- in mv offlee for tin put
i.'.e of eolbvtilig said U>ie\ei>
wi-ek day fi^mi now unlli *,Nov. !, IPOC,
a o’iioik until It:;;ft ovlocW in
the ftireiMsiu. and (mm 1 o’l-lurk unitl
4 tM liK-k in the afterquun of earh day
All laxe* pafd b.*f..n- .Si-p?. IM wH
' received wi'lmuf oilb*iH«Ki fc'-id .III ijuer, remaining iiii|iard «h.
4.-J .-ui.l Iiiitl! Oef
iKt. M iH-|i-.iIt\
•f line |H-J o-ni pit ciilb-ctlmi wilt b*
harrpsl. On nil luxe* renmiuiiig uti
paid on Oct l*i iind mitii Nuv. 1st a
IK-nally of fwo jkt <-«*u! for roller*km
will Ik- rhaigiKl.
Office/ RtHim 2H2 State flank bldg
M E IlnsUeil. niy 1 leoMUer
Dated July 21.
.jiiTy^MsK-t 2!
Paving Tax
Notice to ATI Person* IntereSled.
The f:|i(-rj*l a: , esumenf tax roll fur
fn.iu the Mi-.th line of State Mi ret
grading and paving of Ca*h Mrci-;
.-Kiuth to tlie bridge on Ca*s-street. 1*
In my hanil.s for rollecilon. The
first InKtallnitmt to In- {gtid on or Ikfore Jul) 21. l!Mif:.
City Tr*Msurer.
Jffici-. IliKim 202 State Ikilik bull-l
HmiH focicei lo loaro ycmi
ItW for bick sod iMRIMB
gM prooipi.
IhsTeb6i»e liosof
horaro when Toti want
Uteb rido. Alro tbe
eqaipRod liwry for bof kl
ot a riL-. Call I
Sati»faction guaranteed
ornocbaige.. ______ ^
Nonhem MichlgaQ
imnsportation Company
Condensed Siinmvef Bchadula. ^
Jufia 12th to 4^L »IK, *01. *.. :
Steam tniwis
Arr; Trari»i>c City. .Thurs. 4:00 am.
Lv. rravrr:u» Clty...Thuni. C:00a.m'
Ait. Chicago............. Frl. 10:80a.m
North Bound.
Lv. v:h|r**o...................Frl. 7:00 p.m.
Arr Ttavcr..e City*... .Hun «:W a. m
Lv Travel iK* CU>............ Sun. 8: a. m
Booth Bound.
Ait TrSTwr-K* cpy........Sun lO OOp.m.
Strumer Illliiol.s make* rounocttoai
at Cfitragii with train* on aU railroad
liner for imHity beyond.
Kgiati tiay. I^ko OnUrlo
All Informatltm rrganling
.vi.d laVr
1 i. nms. iffu
lagffact JpMtf. MS
gralMlaavaTrwvarMOUy a* fattava*
K-k |uiMr.-.(U»arb^««i. r>*uiabwy and Rar* '
Trmr^r^ ntr tor KorSbaorS
fNKit Hund«T . 4 Sip ni. dally
Sweet Peas
n»« *.14a. m. aad tan
in several KOC»d colors.
Cblmaer SwcepUir- Cleanlar and General Work
Good and I’rompt Service.
Homer Snyder
ICE AW W0»0»J«J2S’ '
Either Ice or Wood
will be delivered
promptly il ordered
jUnFs C. RopMiis
Cit phone 711.
itevWiadaBia.. nwemony
_0.,P. CaqVER a BRQ.
L U A.
r ••
I mmoAr. MHJV 9k mk
Boatliv 1j Of
ill I RgMaml | V||mC
ALL j Stream j KIRUS
unlucky number must draw
Cadmac. Mtoh. Jaly »
Buddy Ryan Now Woi^ Tmm Bum
Lana Thaa Will Be RaguM.
mn mm
Etil Marine Entines
fiwtlyhig weba. fwe* wart '
plod by forty to 160 igdA
large exreae of framlia;
Tfi, 9L
X1» MMm BM
mfe t»
rNh«r. Imt mr ■Rtf* vRR
tfhrr .BT ptTT iWt
be «n<w«L
nd «oBi. *m Mm* aattfeat
Boddy^an iaYmr da^urark getting Bob aiiproarhtor aelf-aarrlire.
Puntypoot Kmdaad. la
la roadltkm for kia ^ at Pwtoakey ahoot the riecTric cable ttdit IWWa
Aug. is and Is wow down lb 132, which
U two pounds below requirement
Johnnie Reed of C3»lcagf. Joe Timm ha«e taken fiigbC owing to tbe f4erPlc
of Ludtogtoo aad Oallagber. the man ranent ,wtrhlag tbrir ahoaa and
throaring them on fheir bsuwriifw. A
he pwt wnder at;, Wexford. a$e urwrki
said the atrerts were
out With him. ^tnrday. Buddy ran
Newb-ta wanu aa dback. worktog off
aererm^ pounds.
Tyyyi^ crTY^LRaiCT,^
for oar IBu
I frua to any
The Erd Motor Co.
rmm of the MkMgaa 8b^ Skip drOIIMm Tmt FMMMd SMiMay Mm
cull closed Satmday with the best
Tm DqiY Rimi
Cmiercais €9 the tfawlL Tbe IrmeforwD
pace was the hew race of Use day. fire
heau being required to decide It.
BHwlao. after being alawat
Tbe wrU-knowii Trav-eler,
^*TW ngulMT vmAIj htmt meea wm
. N. If.. July 30.-Thc
taaewd In the first two beau was 2» to
BzpkK^ mod
9mam9 aK h^m m large mm4 mt OM
die tourists who Sat1 shot ta the third and woo the neat
tetardar. la me iMarli r»e«» three. Porter of St. Johns. owWer of
the 1.134-mlle ran
Col.. Ffxdioh wiU give femr II- OR. M. B. GREOORY-lhUli a>«aM
taato ware aaiarad. Joba Aalrton
New York. Canada. Maine anu
the borne, playad him atnmg. wuintog
luilratni EntrrtwiiiiBeflU at Ih® t04 OfBr; : Ud 4 SaUlorlBBd
Trrrwe aty taJilag third glace
•early one thoaaand dollars, the thla sute wlthowt pimnlUn during tbe
wffh fcts hoai, the Laora C The latah
block. ncWcDce ,1, Watont BL
A watchman’s neglect permitted a City Opera Hoou® .luly 30, 31
bookies were towched up hard on this ten days' tern over a grral variety of
leak to the great North 6aa dyke, kml Auk. 1 wkI 2, andpr tbe
ar tUa race was eery caciUng. then
roads for tbe accood trophy offered by
iiuapioeg of the Yoiioe Men's
Bulh WUdmaa to second beat of Cbarlea J. Gllddca of LoweH. Maaa..
ved, to become a rtlnoua break, Bible Cbms of Uie Oonirffghttonal
%etw«ea Umt first three boats.
stating an entire province of Hob
free^^ lowered tbr track record, will probably draw J6ta lor the prise.
WUhelm bkjck. OU. j
Udy May. owned by i. 1. Cnmm
Sixiy-threc cara ataitod from Bufiaiand. In like manner Koanefb Me Sunday Scbool. QoL Fwneb it
wmdc by f*anay UlosMim Wednesday.
Won. H
Iver. of Vanceboro. Me., permiried a Bodursed by the praMand UmdinK
Mhkh started with a haafijea^. cn
on July 12 and made nma averaging
2:1314 to 2:I1H • l»y doing so she
the Star first, while the Anus Thcreaa, wins the special purse of f30 ofien-d alsMit 130 milca a day with three atopa
tragic finish was only averted by Dr. in^tbe fiucal oollecUon of viowa
l«....... M
•waafl by Oeae Brfahaaa. which i
Quebec and Rangeley.
to any horse making better than 2:12
iiid moat expensive SU>riK>ptiron
id aa the scratch, came la so
.The races were the mtJtrt successful When the tourists left Bangeley Place
tong tofiammmtlon. caused by a neg uel MovinR Picturt‘ Apparatus
fn» Lam K. was gtsea a baadfei
eirer held here
Iccted cold: but Dr. King's New Dls ever shown in Tyavcrac City.
Evansvllie ........40^
A Brfaate sad a half. An laterestlaK adirers4- weather
Breltou Woods fourteen
roTcry saved my life.** GuaranietMi
imtars oC tlw day's spim was a ball
bad clean acorew. No penattics we
best cough and cold cure, at Johnson
South Bend........... 35
Aame between Old Muskm and EU
Drug Co.'a. F. H. Meads. C. A. Hug
filcted until tbe cars were within six
bee Drug Go ’s drag stores, 5t>c and
Aafilds. the latter wlanlnjc by a scor«
miles of nretloo WcshIk whep Erra E Terre Haute .,..,.28
ll.OO. Trial botUe 10c.
Results Yemerday.
if elerrn tojtea. A large crowd wii
Kirk of Buffalo slipped a chain
Grand Rapids 4. S<iiith Bend 0.
beaand the gaaie All these caatcsts
lokt two mlnuttw.
Evansville 2-4. Terre Haute 0 4*
•be gtrea wider the auspices of the
Tsvo Other Accidcnta.
Kio Ai'
A B. MARTIN—Thyatelan aad
Sprtopriield 1. Dayton 0
OM Mlsskw^Boat afid Athletic dob
There were two other accldraU to
following adv'rrtlsemrat
Canton 1. Wheeling 0.
iThey would 1» eery alad la base TrsTaUvut oBve oil:
cara which were not to the hunt for
aiy iMis enter and would do
Cam** Today.
the trophy. At Dlsfivld. Me., a *leam
of nttR HUahiy. Idllgeutly fahrieate.l
*%fverythlna in ihdr power to make Driver Col bey Fined $90 for Not Try car owned bv Walter White of CleveSouth Bind at Grand Rapid*
at the Economy Store.
Ihlags pleasant for them. The Old
Whii-itng at Catoton.
; add nitrutiM: tbe rmistimiT wUl find
land. Ohio, caught flie and wa* dtIng to Win the H«at.‘But Took
Mlaslan pmrple are true sportsmen and
Dayton at fiprinirtleld. •
*/ . tl.ena. live g.wid taste and tn-rfeH |hc
rlroyed. A few minute* later the car
seryatkm. For to riM-at*r to any nmterperfertly lair ireatmcnt ts aumred to
Terir Haute at Evansville.
of A. H. Grant of Tarrjtow'n. N. Y.,
c-Mciry to rei|uiere on any
^ who go
ran into a ditch and wa» conriderably
This time it is
hvtk^ tills ,'nntreD'arr dnau^d ctUi- r. W. Wilson, oounly register of
Pet foriuaL'y to tin- law.
Del mil. July 30.—The mmrorr bar damaged, it waa thought that many
ieeds. alm^ waned to the races, bul
•ss meeting at Windiwir ended Sat- of the car* would »u0er white climbing Philadelphia ........ 55
The v'ork-; tn»l the
hare all
Ifooble With hbi rtiirtne kept him from
.-irioi'l will; t’i,- nrr.*’—New tlrhaus
day afu mrsw with soipe fine drive.-,
SARA T. CHASE, M. D.—Pbyaiclaa
37 '
and fast time, aa well as a liitie scan- distance aVay from the fintoh, but Cleveland -----------50
1 double shtd for.., -2c
and Bnrgeon. Office* 407-S Btata
- 42
daL Tbe feature event was the 2:10 fttiirleen accompltohed the fi-at with Chicago
2 double sheets for....:ic
Bank hhK-k. arllh Drr O. E. Cbaaa.
trot, to which r.wr, iand«-d the money out penalty, the Kirk car having it* iHtrolt
4 double sheets for....5c
CItr phtme 225 2R, Reridmca Ml
with G<ild Ihist Mnid. favoHte. over
W. Se venth*»trccl, with tha MlnM
. '.379
field. Tbe Prealdent led in the
Carroll. Clit. pboaa 928.
. Bo«lon ........ ......24
. .2G7
opening beat mml bnd Just enough a* with clegn ncore*.
Comic Postal Cards 2c
F-8. Hlnn. Wttkburg.
Reaulto Yeaterday.
•nd to win by a nose from Gold
G. W Davi*. Buffalo
* -. ‘
each or JBc per dozen.
Chicago 5. Wa*hlng.on 3. .
Dust Maid. .Next time Ginrs made a!
Wke« P.H.
-achofd. . Teacher. Mr*. France* B.
BUT O. W. O. TEAM UP IN THE AIR little longer drive and Un! the I»n*siW. E. Wright. Siirlngfleld. Maas.
8t. liotil* 8. IV»*toh 5.
It take* llH* iMlKin. of
to kw-p
Bmllb. Graduate pupil of Prof. Fred
W. C. W'alkei, Hartlord
Gamea Today.
tlw city of FnrU clean loilay. liut to
deni a neck.at the end. Tbq remain
erick Hnrarc Clark xif Chicago. 901
Wai-hingi.m at Chicago.
tog beat was easy for Goll I>u«t Maid. • E Ket ler. Lausliu:. Midi.
Regular 10c
Bb*( Front idreet. Bludia No. 18.
Charles B. IJurnian. CU vclanth
Philadelphia at Detroit.
Gi^-rs was not so foriunatv* in the
Hooks and Eyes. NosI 0
dowTj italra. CUz. pboae No. 801.
Ran Thrww a Fine Game But Hit 2:12 ir«>t. carried over two day.s. for
Gi orge ^jule*. Toledo:
New York at Cleveland.
King Juliu of Franc><- made the retniest
to No. 3, in black or
Bathing Wae Rotten-Final
may Sl-fia
F. E. Wing, iloston.
Boston at 8t.
I-ake Quien had th/ sin-rd and won
that FarlMluii. Khould not allow itolr
G. G. Buik*. Buffalo.
cleverly fjidy Gull Huinllton broke
pig* lo mam live atreeu, Fharlea VI.
estate AND LOANS-BraaA
siraiRht eyes extra, at
’ L. K Petr«‘, Cleveland.
Won. LmsL
Pot (i:b?t l422» r,
In the Mreteh.
Traver** I^nd and Loan Oo.. ».
only 5c per cord.
.G9»; tlce of tbrow l
C. F. Barrett. Harllord.
. ^ Chicago ................ *.G|
Tburtell. Manager. Offlea, room A
Wlna at Lo^o Odda.
The Manistee Becords pul the O. .W.
. A Mllllken bioek
. I'lnsouig
The Canadians cut loose a great
D team sway by a s«m' of € to 2 y«^- fgirer in the 2:14 cirss end na,Kd tbe
New York
DK F. H0L08W0RTH—Bpmdal ab
terday afternoon Ina fairly toten'sung Umefit at odda from 12 up to 20 to 1.|
\ Philadeiph
Draw Lou for Cup.
game on the local diamond.
Darker H»l marched off with three 4'or the
to avoid contact w Ith tbe filtli of the
C. W.
The feature of tbe afternoon wa>.
hraif In lmprrK,slvi- style, nevfr lH*Ing ^<•y and A. A. I^»^t will .ah»o havtatreeta Varioo* ordlnanoe* were made
the throwing of Nevti»n and lilt. niUeii to danger juid Jogging in 2:«7»4.
to compel tlxe people to wwfSfv the rrad
OR. E. B. MINOR-OrSot mm Amm*
draw lotii. av< todh finished without St. Louto
hacking. It stHmeil to be un off dby owner hn.ugiit out Harold Hal ami
before their own door*. I»m
■Boston ..
lean Drug Btora. Bps
.* ‘
until ITfil that the dust cart
for everybody on the teana but the this roatv proml.vt-s to Ik- equally as
There were nesirly 150 carH niufem
pllrher and hi- sent man after man to Kt^sl as tliat frve-for-all winner.
bled here Saturday. Of the number. 73
Sixth etrosL
the iMneh. kept the hits scattured and
The 2:2b |jace was linally wAh by made up the Glldden tourislh' jurtv
then was forced to m<« srtires tvrouKht Gt'orge B.. whose driver. John Iksine
Only 82 Year* Old.
St I>oulF- at Brooklyn. ;
fmm* Rangeley. 24 were In the Bay
•I am only hZ year* old and don'
In on nuten cmirp In the raid die of of lloilam!. was fluid $:»o for allegeil
Cliieagi) at BoMon.
WMhlngton itroM. etto. phoaa tlf|
State Autoiimbne.,rlHiiV nm fnira U«.^
I No. LCityOpBvml
expect even when I get to be roal old
the game a MaulsttH* letter swstttd toying up of the first ;u-,vt. l)rav»
Ion. wblih finivihed here Friday
a hot Nnehit Into Newton',; ism. bonu
PlltbburK at I•hiladelphla.
Ivchiml MatK l T. was fim-,! ir.o wlitlc niore than forty detached cai>
po fact that the emwd <ouidn't >ee-|t on a rhfirge of not trying to win
arrivovl fmra different. c:rt*ctlon» to
bnd for tt few seconds It looked to the third h.-at. then went on and w.m tbe
nothing elM* ki^p* the <dd a* young
attend the meet.
and make.*< the wi-ak a« strong a* this
bleachers a4 If the luiU had eapiod*^ foul til
Y Tiiere will be: a hill v-limtdng coi
gniiid tonic medllelne. Dy- .vepsla,
ta the srVeath a ManislK* l«tier came
Fmin here the hursin; tin to Kal
pld liver, inflamed Kidney * or
'the wes*k over a three mile courae in Acme Team Thought They Had Di
sum A Earl'* Jawalry i
to the plate with three men on lia.Mh cou and Clevelaud for the week.
li|»atiou are unknown after tak
Soup But Rachcally Changed
the Crawford notch.
thoAM lit.
and sent a 11/ to deep center, brliium^
Ing Electrlr niiterw a reasonable time
The paiilclfiantk in ITie.GIidden
In three mnK.
while weary from their long trip and
clan and jurgron Ram
The visitors playtd a strong, roiisiblTic a llttW- exu* fui i.iN»nl whom
The East Bay liasehall team certain
SoM to Munaoo btoek pror 1
Itet game, showing by every move that wmd out to m.ort lialtot.*nns."
tip lo the arUutmi; condillmis. weix* en ly did Ihingfc to Ijie Acme crowd a:
ABsrl'a atixen* phooa 888.
fllijcy know baseball from start to fin the m-inaginc e»m»w.
HE.AR COL, C. If. FRENCH in his
Ea^t Bay yesterday. Anne came oyer
thnriaath' over the run.
-U*liy fwV askcil the assistant.
agnlflcent Illustrated k-eturcfi July
"Well, you K«5it out the stKirtlng evilThere were comparatively few arcl with the inienilun of walking away
July 17 U
tor and he slated the bailstoutw am dtmtK.iIuriiig the run. anu none of the with the game but iM-furc they left for 30 31 and Aug 1-2.
Mu*lcHou*e CtU.pbOB#8ii.
Ta fbe pocket of a discarded waist- ns Idr .-IN
i»a.H:H^iigt*r8 <m the ear* wen InJurtHl. home their opluhm of the ^;^s^ Hay
mt a WTeii hulJt her nest ami hatchetl
Two carti wc% biiruevi' during the l.an team wat; eonv^ivlerably higher.
“nM-n you «ent out five war rtifreout her eges nt East Mills. KtwUtog
trip.thai of Wehh Jay Im ing i!estmy»-d The game, howiwer. was fai.1 ami ex
»n mortgages. Honam for
bridgw. llninpshlrr.'Knlg
on the firM day In the run from Buffa citing throughout. East Bay pulling
Inquire of K.
as raninHi luiUs."
lo to^Anbuni. N. V,. and thi* While car nut ii vlciory bV th^e w ore ^ six lo ThI* Report
Place bot«L
Record It
Changee In Price*.
ver. Price* rmtoooalile. OCSoa wKB
Buying Rate* of Traverse City Dealer
O. P. Carver A Bra Both pboMa.
Wheal ........ .......................
17m le ;m i F: ; 1 I . I .- ir.iO , Corn, per bushel................
They-were Htrolling through
Will leave Traverse City at OR. E. L. THIRLBY-Bpmfial mtmfive uptown nfrkK. plainly m-dli.T and people in IndLin I'etrllr-ry. anly one New iKiiatoes. fver bushetl
Uoti to dlMOM* of ehUdrmx. Boos
qimrter of wIimiu nre ludlan*. A* one
daughter, the latter a ,-hlkl betwee n
8:40 a. m. for
409 Bute Bank bldg. BoU phOBM
anTt »i yean« t»f agv*. The daughter iwi- traveb* jhrrwtch tlu- ti-nllrul*^ tlA« Hun* V»cV ‘ptiind.V.* ’ -** *
dently U learning W lottei>. and haa iffoiK.iiiou »s iM-me *»m l»y one'*» exwhat date
Are tbe only kind we oarr>* in
;*erjon,v. on,. mighi ride through t.kthe regular orvler of the alpluilvet
» PoUey ex
stock. We believe it poor
In her little mind.
lalioMin. stopp'.pg op' III town after
itoMa. , Can
Chickens, spring...........
policy to sell any but Pianos
raminc itnvler a Mg <Kik tn-e.
lonn wilhoni over -v aig nn Indian.
of liiKli
clmracter—instrnmother atooped and pl.kcl ni* a ImTvl- In Indinii Trrrit.ory r.r 1'nl‘aii Sto.n k Hm* .............. ..................... .
Dewing. A. B. Curtl*.
fol of neonw with their cup* tnat had vn- lepf'c 1* WYaslomilly »*<].ie fn.;n Oat* .................. ................... ;
tite that will triv’en life
fallen fruin the tn<e.
Nbrthport Point.
the railroad, with it»* dweiler, < wifiug CatUe ...................... .............
time cf pv‘rfect aaliafaciion
.03 H
Kathle," xlie ^.Hd to the Hold, alKwn: Inii yon nc^-gnlxe no Indiam, to Steer* .................. ............... ..
and st»rvice.
(iivin;: alx hours fit Marion DItS. J. D. k MAHT J.TIUEBLOOD
"yon ean lakf (h,->e Imhik- for
.03«4 bUml. an ideal plare to spvml
the townv ami you d.. not svs' Indian* Fancy heifer*
When j'oti Imy a Piano of
Cow * ....................................
and isaiieer* for d jlly.”
.03 >t:
looting al*rnit the mllmad Matlou.
the flay, with pavilion ami all
ns you
(vnaranteed Qiial.
. "WImt are they, mammar cried th*
If you do so*- one 111 town yj^ h.nrc Calve* ............ .....................
itv—the Gnanintce of thia
oamMarewiihatoiBiig. • a. w. *• u
delighted child.
to lie toW fhnf he iK .na Indiiiu. Air Ive Sheep ................................. .
*••*.». r *0 • mda**. mmtrnm
ronntl trip.
Bbi. Ib^iable. Resprnsible
"At'orna,** mi id the mcdhcr.
1* prtduildy a balf-tireed or a qnarter- Hogs ................ ................. .
emrnm ImmB,.
, Five hours and a half at Ne^h
"Wliv cot lUcnwr aahl tbe Inter brecil. wv-JI thewed and mm[*eteiit
e<tM little mie.
ta-wanta Far© 25 cents round
rkey* ........................ ..
lookUig. not distiugntohed from the
Duck* ....................................
Ttr,-am»e they grow on that oak white men with wlemi he luiugW*.
Among our many line* of pianos are the flowing cetcbraled.
tree." mM the wi-.»^ motlivT.
"Indian*Territocy." rakl a. Inislneiw Cteese .................................... *
high grade makes:
?Ro hours and tbroe-quarUirs at
Tallow ....................................
"Then why not O-eonwr queried man in TiiTwi. 1. T.. "H
Omena. Far»? 50 ttmto round trip
Cured hide*.........
the divp tldnklng little «j»e.
by Indian*. There are
Or an all day ride to Korthport
2—Cured Hide*.......... ..
- T'll iquink yon. tlarllng. when W€
lana owning Ito
and Northport Point, without
get honu* If yon n^k me any more inn-k
white uieo
m ^^‘^•^j^^YlIng’prl^’'
leaving the botit. for 50 oenU,
foolhvh qoeetixmft.*’ an^wrrcl the af in the town and i«nrere,l Uirough th* aear pork, per barrel........ .1 18.M
BARNES. MENDELSSOHN-earh rrpre«mi!ng value unmatchable
Those wishing can soenre dinner Office bOo New ^
fectiowate mother.—New YoCk Son.
territory.—Wc»rW*« Work.
dear pork, per pound........
OitiW phone f.S2
ooUide our atorea.
aboard the boat.
TWe Awr *f rufc««.
ITofew-or Kni«t liaeker*
Returning, boat will reach
The age Of flabes U aeldom meaanied
"Tbe Riddle of tin. Fnivrrie"
Our terms are ezeeediagly lllnral;. our
Traverse City at 4:15 p. m
by a definite period of yrara. Moat of ban Iveen frnnalatcl Into Hebrew, Chi- Rye Oonr. H. L. A Co.'* Best.
.'• Be«t.,^..
tevarlably fair dhd honorable under all ci
(bem grow as tong aa they five, and nme and Jaimncw*.
.'* JSeat........
t^AienUy Ure untfl they faU victima
Let os prove the merits of our toirtruments and the maxiV ad
per dozen......................
to aome atranger opev tea. It is repnt>
Codfish, per pound..................
it us. A call will be appreciated.
ed (hat carp and pik^ have lived for a
Lard, per pound........................
Tuesday, Thursday and
Mtnxy. tnit tbe evideoce needa vertButter, per pound.............. ...
e devoted their live* (
Sunday evenings
to^ of Holihrter a
Mountain Creamery butter, per pound..
Island and Ne>ah< ta-wanta, at
Cbeeae. per pound.................. ..
It contains the cboiccwt medldU |^«<
per bushel.
and faerbe known to modem <>•
Tbmmy," aald Mr. Tucker. Uylag medlctoe.
e. Tea or lableU. 35 cento.'New pototoe*. per bushel
Dancing at Marion Island
hbn acroaB.lila knee and vigorooBly ap
Drag Oo. ______ ’
laalt. per barrel............ ..
Music by Horst s orchestra.
plying a large and^mimcniar paternal
mm iNSuRANcs
band. «it almoat Breala my heart to do
QUICK, THE tailor, maka. ,
®**^,Poultry ..............................
Sunday afternoons, 2 p. m
CoL C E French
- •*.
Bargains Always
080* B. 5arpl8
201 Trent Street
on th^Bay
Steamer Columbia
Marion Island,
: :ir
Miller & Smith
to Marion
PUoo Fftctny a&4 General Offices: Detroit
Trafcrsc Qty Branch: 1S9 East Front Street
imhrnm 2fi1EftMFiWM
—Excursion to Marion Islajpd.
Music by Horst’s orchestra.
Up atal
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