The Evening Record, November 29, 1906

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The Evening Record, November 29, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Holiday Opening Salei
Saturday, Dec. 1
We omdirtlyiinTite r>« te innpeot'Oie finert
m liimo(BooUOiiiiin,Qamen. YbTsnnd HoU.
d«jr Noreltiee oner disphgred ta T^veneCitj-.


B, Wm to tW StMM »MfC

aalf While Hsetiflip-Martia KcL
ley Arraated While Braaking
Ifitaa Heuaa.

By Wire to the Evcnlag Record.
Detroit. Nor. 30.-Hmer H. WInney.
aged 10. was ran ovgr and Idtled by
an aatomoblle near BUwood and JefATTEMFT AT SUICIDE STARTLED ferwon avenues early tola mor
The boy was ’’hitching on” a wi
running ahimd of an automobUc and
let go and ran In fnrnt of the auto of
C. G. Edgar, who had turtu-d out to
pasa a wagon going the other way.
The boy waa Uken la the auto to the
HE WALKED DOWN ROWE OF hoaplUl and died on the way.
Shot Himaalf.
Port Austin. Kor. SO.-Jobn Doole
accidentally shot himself dead while
banting yesterday. *rhe charge eo
tered his body ondcr the right arm.
Firm Name and That Ha Had
Wlfa and Two Chlldrmi.
Caught In AscL
Port Homo,* Nor. .tn.-Martln Kclley. aged SO. ws# arrested last night
By Wlra to tha Bvenlng Record.
PhlladelphU, Nov. 30.—Whtlo toe while taring to break into the home
patrons of the MaieaUc hotel were en of daytoa Darwood. Several stores
HOTEL HAE BEEN CLOEED WITH Joying their Thankagtvlng dinner Uat were broken Into during the nlghL
nlghL a well dreaaed man. aged about
10. wemt between the rowa of Ubles
to the comer of the room, placed tbi*
do of a revolver to his breast and
fired. He was tkkcti towSt. Joseph’s
hospital, where the doctors said he
FOUR CAEEE TAKEN TO FEET ould recover. He aald his name w»s
Harry add thkt he bad a wife and two
chUdren but would give no other In
In View of Japanaaa AntLAmorican
Agitation He W^d Have AUantic
and Faclllc^ Coast FlaOT.







AntolMf Pt¥tlppto Wtotototy Night.


poUwtniin EM b«wi •Utloiied on mard
to mton9 tot rule, TInrt are about
Era gaoplt. laclodtof gii«aU aad help,
ta tot baSdtac mad toty will have to
atay th«r« aaUl the quaranUne !• lift
cd. The action w«» taken beoanae of
an oailbreak of dlphlherta In*the hotel
The flrat of the week two domeeUm
and weiw uken to the peat honae. A
ahoH time later and a Niardcr aUn benamt a victim and he waa taken to the
ptaUiooae. Wednraday night Clarene^llwBtlet. a railroad man. waa dlaoov
trad to he aaffertng with the diaeaae
and he. too waa atnt to the fieathouae.
1%e treatment there haa htmi an
aneceaaful that unlt*aa the unrxpcctiMl
happena three of thnae aent there will
be releaacd from quarantine Saturday.



tndignaiR Fifth Eteact ' RaaltftnU
Thtfik That «ht Mlaehlaf Haa
, QOfit Far Entugh.

tan Down Front Slratt But Fortu
natsly Failed to CotUda With Any
of the Numer
Waa Vary MedotL

Ilmiiilng wlib the bits danpllnK from
heir mouths, a ninsway team was
flopped on Cass atni'l this aftermKm
after a bnaknerk dash tbrmiRh the
block of fYont street between Park
and Csss which was at that time filled
with teams.
The horses were driven Into the city
by a woman who supplies Park Place
with a part of their vejptablcs and
hitched ln*the roar of the hotel
f«iT some time. The bits were taken
from their mouths and they were fed
there. ^Tien the driver got ready to
return home she forgot the blU and
started to drive off with the team
be>ond her control. The horses bead
ed down Park toward FYonl and then
west, breaking Into a dead
run. They swung sharply up Cass
with the tdd lady still cUnglng to the
MS aelns bat were stopped by
some modest hero who dlaappanrad In
the crowd which collected.

The praaki whh^ number oC boys
art alfbUy pfacUetog on Fifth atfeel
win protobly brtag them bHore the
law If toay ait not atopptd. t\w some
UMt the rnaldeau of the vlrlnlty have
btaa bothered by thorn and tarty In
the week the algna which have
lUttmd about the Central achool
groanda warning paaaershr to keep the
wanm wore uken and plai^ In a
Uln fifth atreei yard. LaM night toe
IIbU waa ranched when toe hoya ae^ F. J. BirSMlI and Claude Owaa Hava
coi^ a ladder «n^ a beer algn and
Gona Into Business
touptod to Ball toe latUr high oa the P. J. Blrdsall and Claude Owen
hoQM. The owner heard them and have bought out the cigar store ^wnod
went cMt hot they bad dlaappeared In ►by Carl Pierce Md will begin boslnest
toe darkneea.
p In a few days. Mr. Owen has
had chsTBi of the store for some time
and It thoroughly famliUr with toe
b^l»ln»^he^y friends of both


Ceiamedari Feary Ato Oinntr With
Family, Whom He Hadnl Eton
far Elfhtoaa Mifitha

the CITT opera house
Monday sight and hear the Olivet
Girts’OMe Hob'sing The» ha^e thq
By Enrt to the B^lng Rteord.
memanU of the praaa and mmd.
New York. Nov.
Hans and the evanlnTt entortato*
Fearyait hta Thaakagivlag dl
wltk bla wife and two chOdraa whom most U ose that ahoold be mlaaed ^
he had not oeen fbr a year and a halt. no oae. It will be for toe benefit of
the OongregatloBal church and toe
hooae ahoold be crowded.
8WERT CSKAM, Urgt or
QUICK. THE TAtLOfLmakaa gped
aity. OoMO City Hairy On. OU.
EOT MKX Hethaa,, 101 East Fram atraaL

By Wire to the Evening IK'cord.
Washington. Nov. .”.0.—In view ofij
the anti AmnIran agiiation In Japan'
Rear Admiral Converse’s report as
chief of the bunaii of n.*ivigatlon. eels
forth the necessity for the Ignited
mates keeping the nary In a condition
of pn'paredness for, war and the de^
slrablllty of organl/Ing the vessels In
two flHRs for *wWlcc on the coasts of
the Atlantic and the lYclfir.

Guides AvBngad Attempted Crime on
Woodamsn’a Wife in a Sum­
mary Manner.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Albany. V. Y.. Nov.
H |s re|M»rtcd that a native near Tapper l.*iike
JunrUon was l.rachcHl for an attempt
to mlstroat the wife of a member of a
party of woodsmen. Her scnwnis altrmett'd several giddos who strung the
native up to a tree.

Five Boys W^re Drowned White Skat­
ing on the Ice Below Montreal.
Ice Broke.
By Wire to the FNcnlng Record.
Montreal. Kov 3n.~.Pivc boys were'
drowned ten rolira Ik low tte cJty to­
day by the Ice breaking. They were
pupils of St. Paul’s achool.


If$ Cime

Wc Arc

Fira Which forayed EiaUrW School
May Wipe Out JafTaraon,
South OakoU.
By Wire to the Evanlng Record.
Bkma City. la.. Kov. 30.-nre which
aurtod-ln 8t. Catherine’s school In
JHroraon. a D. toraatena to destroy
th» main portkm of the town. The
aiatera’ atoool has aliwu^ bean doatrpyad.

The Pohsrt Oo., propt.'


Cherry and Honey

Yon want to iiiw
Why not eeloct it
from our atoroy Wo
Lave ao many ntoful
thing* to

But wc don’t ask ypp to

Risk Your


Brer know a poor man or a pocw*
boy—In poverty beranse of acciA
dent or lU hralUi? Know one now^
right hero in your own town? Want.
t^o people happy-yonrw
self and your Icss-wdl-off hroUicr?
Give him an ordpr on us for a suit
or an overcoat. Smoking Jacket^V
and other comforts here. loo. for
bolter Used frtondm

on Macdonsld s ‘


Kubeck & Hoyt . ’
Union St. Clolhicni.

If wc dou’l win it does
not cost you a cent. If
we do, you get a big

---------- i


25c worth

Shoes Ol Taste. WTicn j-on come
o think of it, it's surprising to noto the
giT*at diversity of aliaptw and
IMittorns wc show in iKirothy Doiltl Sliocd.

and too many oUit-r

Trices $:i, $:i :K) and $1,

ihinK* to mention.


Bachant & Roscoe

Drn^ Store

For Sale Cheap.
There is No Magic
in the accomplishments of our


“B«st” Floiir
^ It is^adc from carefully selected
GrafW Traverse wheat, in a good
mill by a ^ood miller. Every
sack ijuaranteed.



Lay Co.





work team, weight about 2,400.
7-ycar-old marc, good driver.
4-monihs-old colt.
1 last spring’s calf,
sets heavy work harness,
light driving harness,
heavy wagon,
1 set heavy sleighs,
power feed mill, new

Will take approved nine months' note, without interest,
in payment lor any of the above.

------ r— :.

Smith Realty Co.


Corner Lake Ave. and Tenth St.
Citizens phone 82
>, Bell phone 169

In mldition to onr fine nrw
aven»*tte Coats fo r Fall


nnil Winter, we have about six

At Low Prices

or eight Coats carried from last
season, good goods, but one of a
kind,, sold at twelve and thirteen
dollars wiU t loae at

, $8.50
for yonr choice-

Paaaengtr Train Waa Struck by a
Freight But No FaUlitlea
Follewad Coliiaion.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Dayton. O.. Sox. 3A:—Eighteen pas­
sengers were Injured this morning
when a passengrr train filled with
Xenia people, was stntck by a Big
Fbur frrigM tndn at Ludlow street
croaaing. No one was fatally hurt

Look at our goods whether ready
to purchase or not

arotomi form fitting m
W.-U a* the full l«ckgood.~.finc $12.00, 15.00




MR. Yokom, representing Newtou
Annis^ Fur Manujacturcr oj Dc*'
iroit, will have his full sample line
on e X h i b i t i o n in this store.

Fine Fur Goats a Specialty

to 18,00.


Sherman & Hunter. ||

Also a big line of smaller Furs. .
Mr. Man, this will be a good time
to select your wife’s Cristmas fur*.



You are most cordially Invited to inspect
thisfine line of Furs.



wmm mom

fine , i feE Ori TIME

T(jofe -

mmm r. wvmt. «av« vcmk


9m mMarmmtimimmm tne etfotfod Mth to, i
earn. H tbee* ie eo^bia bi Hmm btnMMii*. er
tbfo yw bmt bteM IM
for^ yen «M biM N dmo. O
A Mbbe fm beta fowl
•bMen «D «W lay It •

You May P for It when

imtN IT ancMH^i^ WB&
TO m CI|0M&

We bat* Added m line ot
KlMett’e Fine Mcohanicnl


CMatiNMiM bi|iwiilit|TtiaartaaMaaialMlaaCaaalaalat Ma^.

Tba aatlMat that IMaaat u> Bcbr« TiMbaa Vreballa hit talk UM


^ Pebpfe’8 Savings Bank

aailaM AaiUta at that rtidoa.
Mr. Wrtba laM Iba ttorttt ably
Mil aM btM U» Moaa aUaaOoa of
Mt btaran. Hit Ibaortat
r«ty latiMtila# aM bla i
mm aa« aM at tba maa tUM ao ta­
tty lataaaabla tb^ tbey bora ea

ot Ml Iba child raeea like the fadtawe?
eat mlatake ithe coonIt AM tho
whtB It brought the
arm! Mr. Wrehe, The
Mtm II hm aad tho aafloa moat
d<d wflh hlBi, declared Che tpeaker.
to hto eloMag iwwaHm thh epeaker
MkMrttar It Mm Mm^M «Mmm
aatd that the BMB who oobI^bT laugh
*bra bo wtt
wawi*t BdBcatod aid coadnded by
M»«» W—IM> MX »y» Mr. Wyeba mM
lw«i Ml aMMy mwmM m* imt l»y bt wat trtdpMtlor WItoa ttatlat. tolllag a ChitotiBii Btofy ol hS own
MM MIm M m at aaM Tkaia M bat DM bt «at pai^ for MUac tbto>. torenikm.
MWaa awa MaaMM Mr ffaaOaa Tb« traatlUoe it tba tnataMat of tbt
cldid bat btm MM at art.ltiary at
laaltM of batok recoaolttd at
T. Vlakochll drove to TraOerae aty
MB that aboold bo .kipprd oat of bta Wedaeaday and returned the aane
i »al«MMi Man at IM Haaara M tbt fort tbat tbt eWId told anlratht
PM Miner of KaUmaaoo. li vlclt
tog with riwd Atklnaon and family,
lac aM lattaM at ^pptec bla tho
ir. Krgnu and daughiem I^ly and
Uta war# tarettalltd bp foUy
by fabita aM by «»• tlorla
Nar. tba ttaeher pota back to the
Atklnaon U buay belldteg a
lanMa aM af i
im for Mr. Peridna of Cbleapo- He
tvtilebt ot tba world tM tetit ula of
al^fiaaMy Ntamaian. 'Aatywiaai tbt childhood ot thoaebt. Tbt child Jll
• beautiful cMlage for
iMIa tbta back to tba taaeber aad
There will be d foot aocial at the
both Iba child aM te taaaba an oa
beOand achool houae. WedneHay.
Nor. 18. Brerybody InrltM. and a good
a hMbar ptooe.
Ilka hli forortta
‘'^W^Tuile WlakorhU went to l-oMafcf kott Btraek a atoltor
tirloc him
land taat week to take care of her
IIMI tto cematrf la Metaa am
mother. Mra. Bockenham. who waa
Ma aM n Mil can for ifea
The ftpoaker
aMIk la tlM Wiotiaa of Umm ThU would tell tho otorlM that
mUtOm la ITM kat UM«a karaiy bu Baad to toll him on the
Maa a Um «taa tlM anmUT va* M ‘ Too people are a k»of ways from the
Mac CiaMHaa aM Me
Becroee BBd ft>r thil yoB
aaaalMa at ila laaaattea was a piab- be comrratnletoda- lie eald. He Ueo
wm bt clTOn at CAMPMlil.’b MINK
MaMabaaaoat ai
told the aiory of the -Tar Baby.**
«tt tba Botbrr oounlry. TM war which waa the drat that oJel Chandler TucbOAV ivniiNa i*w. *. t*o«.
There will be a prite gtron for the
at UU «aa a piaWaaa tba clrO
Uarrta bad eaed for a -flller when he
mt make-up and also for the moat
vaa aaalbac, tba nONM nbatca
waa working on the AtlanU ConaUtuCWhiaUaa. tb^ aTWaoa# at ataft tlolL Almoet erery Georgian to the
la kUh alaaat aia all problaiu bat city had bean! tho atory but no one No skaters allowed paly thoae
Uha tba problma at tba paM, ibar thoBght to pot tt Into print It waa maaked until after the grand march,
hlch Ukes place at 9:30 o’clock
«n an ba aalrad. Doaplu
hailed bk aa old friend and m
la tba aaatiair. opUMaai it bealaflar which wae the tret that Joel Chandler
alt U H hM act baw fbr the Amari- Harrla* naiBe la khown ool only In
CAE OftflmUin. Ui» oountfT wootd BOi the aonth hfol In ihe poilh aad the
V whAl It II ItMay.
whole roontry and he rejolcea In the ' WATCH for Wood Sisters’ ad. In
name of **Brer Rabbit;
^etwrdiy*a ism.
a Mx«itj pT
1b ikm
Mr. Wyche legaided the nJncle Re^
•eMi BBd thB ooUoB tnlUa luyrB tent moa** Blorlea Bot aia the IbtbbUod of
Mlj hBBdkAEpad. TIicit's a BOBTclty one maa hut aa the rpica of the race.
Bf KaB te tiA Barium ItuDbar
Tba BWtbara bHUi: waa laeapaMa of
BBd It look! aa thottidi Uia opmUooa aadetetaDdlDc tbo -Uncle K
wB«)d ba eorUllc^ Boamhat. Thcro*. alorMw llk» bit auolhern btotber at
BMIB |c»bi UUMI awn la TraTerse aty tba lacradi were Indlsenoua to the
bD OC vhlnh «oM to abpw that the anil, but the northern
people had
lanaiwrtty nry la not raiaad mamli^y 1(«enda na well aa tho aouthcmcfe—
Uw orer opOmUlkL
for csaaiple tha talea leR hy the la
N«* «M MMtf «*«f




k Masquerade Parly

Mrt. Mary Katol. who has been rls
Itlag her pareata. Nr. and Mra. Toro
Nmeaka^roruod to her home 1a

■ CEriii


' If yea wmst bnjUiing b
IbU line eonM Ja mnd look



Discard Your Wood Beds
You Get the BclBcflt .

ADfoo etctoJTt?^CMsr C«y. apnt
to Mr. DM Mrt. John Kmb
bDdtr wttb
■' oaiipar Hlsrka aald one of hit
hoim to Mr. Kitchen one day laat
dr^ng bouse by his
Udtner to doing the
for him.
Mrs. Frank Kucera and famUy rlslt.
ed her parents yeaterday. •
John Krubm r did some fall plowtog
for John Shaldw last week.
Frank and Tony Bartunek are cut­
ting saw logs for Tony NVmfdkal.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krnbaer went
-rday lto rlslt hl«
to East Rassoo yesterday
losep Rroboda and family
e. Joseph
4in IKoracek
and Fran
iiting saw logs for Tony
Nor. 2€.
Born, lo Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Wilson,
a daughter.
Wm. Zelgler baa mored on the Ben
Phelps ^Isro.
Dave Graham has mored Into the
ton Pratt hhouse.
Miss Jessle ItCwlK Injured her foot
by dropping a llatiroa on It, bot ahs
It able to be out agatu.
Isaac aawyon Is up north on s
Mr. Canute is i
vnl. haring had a
Mrs. H. C. Pellcnglll U ^ the sick
Mrs. Wm. 'WHs< and little dangh
tor are both sick.
Uttie Mary Graham, who haa bwe
to Ljike Ann.
D. B. Foster hai mored to Traverw

PIlea Cured In B-to 14 Days

Here Is a Chance for You


Good Irue Bed. all eisee and all ooloia, a good nowen wire'
Vring and, a good ootton top mattreee.

And all higher grades will bo sold aooonliugV.
Wc have n ofentook of ibesu ^s and ire ham «ot to
make room for a oarload of goo& which we have ooanng.
Ton will find a big c nt on ihe other goods as well, for
we must bsTo the room.

— .

. t in e>c'l«Bt cotofiti
to-<lay ani^ have aoim thiDK to be
thankful-fb- oacb Thanktgi%*in<f
Day for yt arj to oome.
G(od Henltb. Good Looke
and Proper Mastication of food all
depend upon your teeth being in
ood csondition.
a Our Gold Filling, Crown or
Bridge Work wiU make them bo.



Your Credit Is Good
One Dollar Down, One Dollar a Week
Your Rcliafilc Furniture Store.

Grand Rapids. Fumltiffc Co.


* 127 S. South Upion Street

suit Hank Dun ling

The Hannah & Lav Mercantile Co.
THE BK( store " Dealers in Eyetything


bip «M ^t qttMly Dt booM. TMt
Ic «M ot tbt fow M the pr«tldcDt-t
ftoya are generally apent other than
I la orer. the
i bird will make hla a|v
i.eold today, aa ha4 tfiowr
aa aoop for the entre of the

thla year nwulted In nlno deatha and
a tom lift of injured. Sowwhedy
ought to letonn Ihe eefuriaera next.
The turkey that eweapod yeaterday
dhoold not emit too prtmdly-Chrtat.
ii OOlBtog.

Hmm tfoapMh. for cie* voicD ifr^
pMpM by A. W. JthCDDt. Hat
0«M Into bMttotM.

dlana aad that atery of the middle
weat ao well known acroas the Ohio
aad Indtona lines. Johnny Apt
who went about before the white nan
OHM and wherafer he wea
plaated apple aeedg ao that tho treea
were rtAdy whaa |Uw white
vaded the wfldrnieaa. The
that don't hare aengt and folk talea
and art don't hare a hlrtory. aald Mr.
The BagUahna^ has hU King
Arthur and hit aiiceatora their Bcrwolt The aogro dm not tahe a mala
for hU hero but the rabbit, the
eat of all anlmala. yet to the **Uaolc
Remus” atoriea he always come
ahead. ”Uke herwe. like peop*e.‘
Mr. Wyche'a theory. The negro has
aerer giren an alphabet to the world
he haa no history. He oecupl
aaae relatlre po^tloa amo
rmcee of the wortdiM the lahhll doea
lo the aniiaala. The aegiOk to order
retote hie ptooe mMt get aronad the
etronger raeee by oajolery. hy ftplteiy
by atrategy aad hr coantog and he
doeaao. It la hBoanae of hit ri
Beta that he gela aro«ad people and
haa kU way.
The negro, aald the apeaker,
either a race to lu tafancy or U a tretoMdeaelr old raoe In Ita dem

VpUr Homwlh. for Mtbl JcAit OM
M 4bo IwM dimr foMmt ^db. MD
pfotr «( A. W. jDhrut. bw PUrtM It
bwlbtu tor blMlC Md la foaMdao
tarikk a rwd braM of Msan at «ll
WaM Nlatb atrtctj-ilr.-Hommtb la a It bD it ta tbt Intpaey of bit m
atit Maaa cl«ax saker aM U well ibi}| wo odMoto IUb; SbMl w« kUl
bMb Id tbia aeottofo aM «IU Mnbt

Chair M
Of this part of the State
The New Furniture Divisiion


, presents the greatest display of chairs, all oo
one floor, ever seen outside of the largest
cities. .
The magnitude of oiir stock impresses you
at a glance and. when the qu^ities and prices
• are taken in consideration it is as satisfactory
a stock as has ever been placed on sale.

Now Is the Winter

Turkish Rockers,

Yonll fed b lot note oomlortbWfo iMtodr in
the body, bot in the mind. .

A.J. winidi
SoathSlie - - Daios:tiidHrMIi





. ..

$28 to $52.

Sewing Rock.,.



Bedroom Rockers




All prices



Bora to Mr. BDd Hrt. Joba Tijloi


Sometoingof Interest to tbs



W. aankbOB ▲. W.

Hot. M.

^^SfbenS^h^ 2y^!Stec<Z5i^ withont
eitn napMee and on he nm bomany
laap eookat tar Iw than one
cent an hoar.
aifodbl inioee daring thb SOdeyb. Opme In and by it yoBiMlt

J. B. Paige Etecjtric Co,


u ..........Pbfob^t

ftoou riovivorM
$2.50. $4J». $8.00. $9.00



- -N


■nuvcrtc atv, mctmuC wnaw^ hovimmii »»mt.



Mr. E. Z. Mwk Buys a Relic.

to «ioM tea CMtak af «vji^ppMe
fa lidiMi I of id0i(M. tea Itel'
of telly aodi grate aCBT.

ftHAvi oufttTKMS eofimovr lM*#otete Ua^fteoMorol
•H. Old ko^ Mt tw omot CO
icomMc II reteo ood to tit
Old M OK. km* kmm o kooM^
» ptec. Tk^ ^rwc. Gfwte


iSon Old


•t; nuNcw acHoSL cumuto


nnu Faurtii cn* SmrMU> OndM •!
H*4 Good
r. Old kbcdMW tkc CfTil

d to fU tear umc


in too much

The cklldm ef 8t rmat atel


tkair wo^ to tka ancaiar oudclog o#v- had tkeir exrrdaea Wedacmigy even
el. or tkc dor. ood darlor.d that cioca tag at the arkool haU and the program PRCACHEO AT THE A8BURY 9$- <•
«UinnB»U kara il»d# o mmopol- ran very wet] given, all tke performnor. • ABMTkaa ChMmrter
CM teo krtUfwt mco of IW « teriviag much praiae and ap^
ilauae. Tke fouoartag warn tke pro^
ariUro korw idt oo |

kar tJM B«v. OM>«sr Bik^ibrn i
iMn. pmUK cf III# %M«*1 tAnrtA. 1»

Is coaomed. a mU^nl population Is as
■ood an nay. hot If anythin* eUe la
MftiM 3r##U«l*y •Oinlil* Al
oar ooaatry other tkaa mooey and
n. Krk. ilr. UKkkwi, Wkfl# 1»# inwi for It. cornea. It «U1 be wkea
our popuiatloa kas'k^coiim no redun
hM$ *mij urn km' a itat tl»».
dant that emigration Will cense,
U Sift TransitMy.
Trutme ClfJ liwpl® and luw woo
But is It right to! d.-ny mif auato««x frl4>«4r. kU aennoo Tmk9
wioroUio brIOff of
lotortot to all
•rria) ardor and louk at it as a pit
of sia.
us remember that erery
natioD since ube world . began has
Mr. l4irktort M04 ia Wi;
la Uw AMionou 'ck«f«rt<T iMpertt- Kim the woHd a nep aad better art
od. and Ui# Urt4%tlty'MiU porpHwIt/ aad a deep and brood* reUglon and an
lAllouphr ^ft»r tlwr,b.T.
or Aaw^ ookadiwrod? TW#
Uoo kAM onMM!d roorrm omoon established their commerrial preiHge.
moor ihoAgkUul moo darln« tho UM .‘•Manreious has Uaen our hUtory.
kair rmturj of oor bUlnry. Th« ro- We are the pheiioidliioB among na*
rwot dipooirrr of r^rporoto. munlrlpol lions: from Intemsl barter wt» have
ao4 «raclol <«>miptloo tut ahowo that launched npoo woHd irld© trade, and
ro grot# problems une by oae we are seeing our rivals
r eriu lo figlit. lUrc imtdlstaoced. The Bugllsh nation In
to iKilvr 104 I
wa, as o people, tk^ oUOotu. the ciimptHlag
cumptHiag with us arc dulng It undei
itreoctk^ Ik© roaraga opd Ik© rlrtor an enforced Impetus, with flelda fall
to urercom© throe OKteiki pfiils? i-n into disuse and a ^^uUtkm
Art ve swrmdeHnf oirvelrea to foul- crowded.
Ilk optlmlsoi or to Umid and Imobtc pmgTccs by thc slmplf sponUncIty of
‘ pessImUmT Hare we a patriotism sin- growth, ^ih vast arfas of land yet
rm aad intense enooKb as a nation ifhtmed aad ontlmlted| opportunity for
to asaail wUh tinyieldlBg resolution makfwhlfi of all who inay crune to us
l^t daaa ot kyptierltea who have frrmi aenme the seas if help eolvr thc
km botdiic IP lalgtilUes In the name world's Industrial pralflem. And while
or pciriotlna. retorm and AmericM' we have not as yet gltjcn to the world
Ism? Is thb ©odnaptloo an outcome: fruits of thc higher ajmlks of life, on
aad kwa of common boiK-idy which account of our Intcnm and enf^jcci'rl
has bm bakaeithed to ns as a peoiMe mmmerriallsm. wo do, not fall lo see
argtma no
hr the founders of onr republic? Are the latent character
these arils c^sraeterisUc of onr aa> artdl our perpetuity aifi mtaalon. when
lion, or are they mewdy confined to amid It all we have b«4fi able to force
a ©lass that has been usurping blab down a lying, rhraling foreign autcIdarec? Hnre we a strotif. donrtnant eran by Mmeet rmpioyes like dohn
AmeHcan temclor, or aie we a na- liay; whim we hare boew able to asloiioo the lofty ismiilon wo now hold
• tion of I rafts r
In the world's coiin^«*ls| when wo have
{ As kfipiaiHl ten V,
l>een able to pn»ducc f president wbu
At this point Mr. I^ucUibK n'rerred
by sho«*r f»»rro of his intensely Ainer
to the opinion which Rngland has of
lean character, broo^t to a close the
America and Amerioaiui. which Is
Wisjdlecl ctmlllct' of ttod.'rn limes.
gained mainly by ohaernttlon tif the
-Our bri. f blsb»ry. pur marvelous
American lourlst who has gained
wealth In his nsllre country and at 40
hlch has made it all'
Is traveling In E»m>|»c with the marks
of kis slnigile fur wealth plainly cv
erne nalion amemg all i nations of the
Idenl In hU drawn ftwlures. **Sng
earth which holds In Itf hand the fate
and.- he said, ‘iwikm u»«n our flag as
I*r the coming years; iwe aiw Amerlhavlag only a ertilury and a quarter of
history, while her «ag U»asU id a rnns and immd U^yond mtwsure of the
glorious privili*ge t»f: be.nring the
thousand years.**
The speaker then ex|wtUted upon
the commcfclallsm of this eonntry.
-They lotik.*- he said, ’on the art'hl
teotnre. fast falling tutu decay; no
mcinumeht can withstand tlio ruvaijes
of tlm»'. Thej see thc pfreeat liter
art UUtr unable to survive a deoadr.
They see the fundaxurnUl tnstltBtSons
with their foundations back In Eng
land, aad point out that om^hal^ of
American hUtory U English hlstorybarrthg 10»> y«wrs. \V« are still Ann'r*
leans in heart and soul. In spiritual
purpoei-. keenly alive lo life's rej^pooslbimiecOanper from tmmipeanta.
^e apeaker then dwelt upon thc
daiiger to the couatry from cvisiiunsd
Itsnlsm. which Is helm; brought aUmt
by the preaettee of a vnKt aad varied
IbrHga populatton. -It Is a noUccakle fket.- he sifted, 'that la our histt*h daring the revohitloiiary war and
for ko .rears aBerwaids, moat of the
great im*n were produced ^4wo crunmonwealths. Virginia and Massachusetla. thc two comavonwealths which
wore more komogeneons than others

-1^-t us thank Ood ft this time for
our Uouiinanl Am«-ikaai character.
prodiKS'd by the principles and life of
O.rlst. and wiial our iibo<h>i» U lo
among the iiatlons of ^v* world.*
-I p^siUhel.T rnnnot etng toolght,•nld tl»e soubrette.
**.U Lastr tticiulmed the manager.
-At last wliat'- quei'ied the aclfatjlrd footllghl favorite.
-You bare fimud «Hit: that you rant
ahig.** rf|>llcd the manager.
And that*a bow' the trouble began.



tito tm caly ssBcktctsf wAmm pclkk kr
iOCl StOe«.t)w b»t MM MMl te sM

Lay McrcanUlc Co. baa.

/ /^3-aSSasi»

I Askmbatber. HewUllallyea
-rEMO * easily aarpssms asytite
fa the werld lo-dty for t» com M


never been eqalied. and !l has fussly
asrnad the title, -the World's Crealeri
C«e for all team M the aidii and

ggr Aloriix


Opeatag duet, Mtaa I. Ow te
Opcalag ekorai. -TkaakaglviaK Tur
key.*: ackool tedren.
Story of Thaakagivte 8«4«
Flrat Tkankaglvlng.- by a^«n Ultie girls.
stramenial nolo. Margmref UoellmsnteL
* Will the Aageto VH Me Flay,** by
Oovey. H. Dyer.. C. Ktem, G.
roves, accompanied by a Ooaey.
-Keddks First Thankaglvlag Tur­
key.- Ju^ Siraltter.
Trio, by C. Kelami. G. Orenrea gad H
•Baby^in Boo.-* aoog by the mt|f
Duet by K. SUter and-R. Hoeilman
-Story of the flat.- Matter Joseph
-Shell be a Tear Old lUUe tots.
-Pagmaaaal.- by 8t. Aktyalaus hoys.
Insirumental; maadoUna. Frai^ Kel. Q. Groves. L. Woo; violins.
Charkm Huellmanlel, David CarroU;
piano. Roy Hebert.
•There's \S*bere lly'ThougbU Are
Tonight.- by the senior boya
-Kentucky Phlloeophy." by Mr. MerItey CD Tlmokagivlng. Tbepaa 81ek, ^
Clo^ chonfs, -Gathering |Home.**
finmecd Aveimc.
The following programs were given
at the EBnwood avenue achool
'^*udnesaay afternoon:
First Grade.
Snog. -Over the River.- data.
Poem. ‘'HV Thank Thee.- class.
Kverclse. -UUle Pil^m Mnlda,**
seven girla
8<mg. -Thinksglving at Grand
mother s.- clasa
•adlng of Thankaglvt^ Booklet.
Joe MickuU.
Viewing of Thanksgiving atbry pic­
tured In sand l^lc.
Song. -VVe *imnk Thee. Heavenly
Father.- class.
Miss Adda Johnson, teacher.

Ri'clUtlon. Adalaiir McNlnch.
RtviUtkin, four girls.
SU'tHx*. departure of MayBower.
Simg. arboid.
R.TlUtkm. Ethel Baxter.
Rrx-ltatloti. Brnecl Shreatle.*
8ri*ne. pilgrims going U> church.
Song, achool.
RicUatUm. five boys.
HjcclUtiiio, Alton Shaw.
So ne. -Indian Wigwam,Song. sclHwl.
Hecilatkm. Homer FItclu
Rcciutkm. Edna Blue.
Scene."•‘Signing of Compact
Song. achcKiI.
RrdUnon. echoOl.
Recltatioo, four girls.
Scene. -PrtacilU Splnntog.*
Song, schooi
Rccitatlou. \Jlora Lane.
Recilatkm, HaroW DeGmw.
Scene. Dutch kitchen.
Song, achoot
Scene, first Thankaglvm*.
Ulllan Johnson, teacher.
Song. -Fhiher. We Thank Thee,
neventh and elghMi grate.
Recllnllon. Thnnkigl© lag Day,
Ruble Fierce.
Dlalagoo. -Artiuir Bonc«utle.f
8<»& seventh gfte.
Reatnilon, -Tbinga That.! Never
Die.-Ruth Watts.
nuiogue. -Antomn."
8ong. eighth grade.
R^lutkm. -Thanksglviagri <
“Mra, Wlg^a Philoaopliy.-

OateM Tkat.Mir 8em« the EAm*
ttei iimUiMtee Were
U Rnifi feted «f a PUct ot

Tke iiAkm ThaukaglrlBg services
fiMr the aoathnnd west sides were held
lA the Ambury M E. church yesterday
monting, the spreber being the R»*v
U Ik Oarpeoler. pastor of the F>wr
It^ealh street Metkodlal church.
Mr. Csrpefiter UiOk his text
Exodus xll:H. and In beginning hls
sermon staled that the pilgrim fathers
whan they M apart a day few thanks
giving and prahdng God thml they
wufw emulating the children of Israel.
whP kepi • ^ tl»r giving thsnks for
b«4ng rteaed fnm
by the
gracu of Ood.
The siKwker statiM that he b.‘lU‘VtVI
that it was a good thing for the na
tiem to have a universal thanksgiving
day. He stated that the nation hfd
been free from war and pcsUlencv*
and as a state, the people have en­
joyed the blessing of plenty. As J
community ihi-rc Is inuch to be thank
ful for. It Is true that death has Invadi-d homes ami there have
Xuany and mournful processions, still
the separaUon has not be**n forever. It
has been merely tomporary.
Tb© congregation was then warned
against exalting self for God
that .the world and all that is therein
Is HU.PMimIsm and opiUnlsm wore then
taken up. Mr, Carpenter holding that
there was daager In crying *'g
IK-ace.** He asked the.lx>rd for d«llveraiice fr«»m the opliml^l »bo wiMild
have «*Aer> thins end well and fi
Hie IM-Hhlmlst who iK-lle^ed tluit the
world was all mdng wn.nir. He l*eUeved that It was a gisnl thins for
jieople -To rub against one nnothrr.
At this point Mr.eCaris nter com
pare*! hUns«ir with a brulher minis
the R<‘V. R. N. Holsaple. ‘The
Rev. Mr. Holsaple.*' he said. **nads all
through the exposure of graft and
fraud In so many forms and ia*es In
the lerginnlng of a grtwl national
ni. He reads In The rush
crush for caln a' Massing iKjpuse it
raua«‘.-* ui. a to i^aw the Hue Ind Uke
erne side or the other."
Mr. Carpenter tia»k the opposite
view and ho Ulieved that If these
coudltioas were ntit met In an able
manner, eventually the naUou would
luj overthrown,
In/emperance a National Sin.
Among the national sins, said Mr.
Carpenlcr. is lnleini>erancc. He be­
lieved that the govt‘rnm*'nt was I
sistent bi*cau8<* It Aaught thc evils of
intemperance In the arluxds and then
licrWM.'d the llqwir di*aler«. He shtmed
that as people of God the nation
responsible for the evil.
The strife betwt'cn capital andTabor
was the next topic and the np
said that the tiller of the soil received
only a plttanre fog his labor while he
m as Cbmpelled to pay large prices for
what b« consumed, the profits going
to the middleman who produced noth­

MM, Tim« IS eiMk^___a^*

44 4

emoJes, S
8AM VCN—Ho. Ho. ho.

checkee book,
bad mri
book—hM rtio
istchee up
ip checker
live Mr. Mark, he bling him back
osex WcUv
much thrnks, Mr. Mark. W
Welly. much thrnxx.

The Latest Addition to the
Famous VICTOR, Family.
.In«t bom, bul it Talk,.

■ -1


Let the Stork your homo with ono
of tlioao <lc‘lii:htf|l euiorUinora—
Price Only

The new VICTOR. -TR.. lakes any disc «ce<^l an.l lU
r. prwluctiona an* n markably. \Vc inTito ytw ; to call any time
fof a Jenionatnition.



TraTose Cltj sure, 15» E Fnmt St

Use Record Want Ads

For Sale or Exchange.



k * ii HIT MTU »4y<

IH«>ple our wlMsilk and un1vci>liles
Hie but the gatcsa.s leadinr: to h«*!I.
A KO-al furore wa^ ruiia-d by the kill '
ing of Mike Ward by Harry A^ wls in
u piTu* fii;ht. yet it was no wuim> than
the bUiw which Thackifr n-celvi-d in
a fw»tball game 1h tween Albion aud
Olivet, and which camnyl him to lay
In an liiM-nslble ronditK*n for more
than two hmira.
Train your childn'n a« rat* fully as
you may. yel when they go liilo the
tHb(K>I life they meet an element that
is fight the cnnlrar). and tlu»i tends
to tear dosn the moral tialning whU h
(hey bay fcM-elyed In rbiUlian
homes. If Is iH-tter tiuii lh«* t Wld Ih>
given no «Hlurall(Ki than to ]iut him
under tb<- inflie nces which he nnist be
|uit tt> n*c» iv#» nn cdur.ill»»n, IL* had
L iter <s»me out siih a clean si>ul nml
a strong U«ly thin a iiiulllated body
aud a lorl iH»uJ.
-OUdstonc. when . wsked bom the
great nathmal questions c<ki14 l»e
Ktnilghti n'Nl out. r«*pMed. The only
way to MMtle the quesHons and settle
them right Ik to get men's hearts Into
touch with divine n*velatlon."*
In chising, the R«-%. Mr. -Canx-ntcr
said. -I
a light iK-netratlng the
KoeroinK gloom. I hear a vole© say. *I
am the Alpha and the Omega, the
iiiing and llu- end.' and I hear
whlsiierlngk from the eternal throne,
the words once Kpoken to men, on
earth, aud ‘I.* if I ln> llfu-d up. will
draw all men unto me.' '*
The service closed with a pica for
-And now may I speak briefly upon repentance.
two subJecU that Me aeanwt to the
hmuts of aU parents, aad that U onr
great atefl system, and lU Influence
upon the moral Uvea of our children.
Our school system Is the grenteoL al
moat. In the world, and by It It is
made possible for any young man or
young woman to obtain a High school
education. Yet for many of our young

Not for met '
VmOL, whidi'laTJeal
-A. Od. Ct fruAn cod lirer preparation with
theijuelem oil omitted and
deW added, is better.
-A Oo
That’s why Vtod is ao good
ing.- Prank Praahfl. ,
far an polmbnaiy troaUes
Recitation. Thaaksgtrlng tiny
the BVo^ FUrm.- Maud Chanc^.
.land Oeatea atrength for dd
Song. -We Plow the Ficids,'
idhs, weak, sickly womei
seventh grade.
Mias BdUh Rowley, tehsr.j
and children.
PBOM 11 TILL t. dliiMr Madi ,t
ttmeer (Mrm. Wini;

I kn
I relic. D
f Chinese when I see .tT Oh. %wsit
ne back. I’m going down to Sam Yen's Isuiv
have him read It for ma

OneC h.p. Wolverine Gaso­
line Stationary Engine!
Ooe3>i h. p. Wolverine Gaioline Mariae Ei
One 18x6 Lann<
One*^ Oldsmobile Runabout,
One Surrey, good as new.
Boat Livery. 7 boau. budding
Cottage at Fouch, lot 44x100.
830 f^t.
Lake frontage
10 acres, fine resort property
near Northport.




Bosnm tors soio

DavM W. OiMtM end wife re fote||
Jlnmm. Maria (ttnhw) aoe. It. T


Adaas atrickee and alfo to Wteism


a, R u. BST

Dre^s Goods

Umla Morris to Whgaai Qaa^eahaoh. n ft. off w end «r frl hk. li,
has 1 and A North Flfo Lake. flW.
toward a Ata to Ora L OriU
OH of owU aee. 3. T IT. RIA $Stm
Wm. Little and wife to Sarah Bra
e^kiU 13 FhaU let add. Bfeekwo

Prt wtrwate to tho Onmd

. to we is a fotraaiec nT
4 peiftefeod Mida pnwe-


aad tho daacavs Hlctas It ao vw CMt
tsar ««« loch to gait mn at gt^
The M la aa aangal sMr aad «s

fOtm-vtoutuu mitSSu
low grtM powders.

2r::trr5ar=r: 4 GENERATIOIIS THERE





tiwik«#*li>s W«Mlns Wm Slwww

». J.
V. WUir •ol«aaM Um aanlw of
Un. JnlU RttKMB of But «g
«trMt and mak Bwll of rmcmt
me cxr«|>)« wm attmd«^ br
fkildle SutiMi and Harrer Saai
TIM Itfida was attlrwd to

and raUMT ani MeChar Had a

U<ma took Thaakaginag dlanar at tba
home of Mr. aad »Mra. C. A. HaaaS.
ford. HOS Bcmlh ^nlon street. There
ware pieaeat Joas^ HwwlU aad wife
(daughter). Bdbact Hewitt and wife
(grandaoa). and hobert HewUt. jr..
(great grandson), all of Ihla city; also
Miss Martha Hewitt, Albert Hannaford, wife and aon. Roy M. Hannaford
and wife of the old homestead


nrr tlu bridal aoopla l«fl oa Cba
IVra MarnnetU trala for a two v
waddlai trip.
Mr. Baoll owns a beaatiful farm
rrwBonI bat will make TraYersa Cltj

Marllnwk Had Unlqob Exm MamlMr of^ Fatharia

•rwa City Voung Lady.
Dr. Daniel O. Wcisor of Grand Rap­
ids and Miss Bthel Robertson were
united in marriage at 4 o doc* yester­
day afternoon, thd offlcUUng minister
being the Rer. Wj H. Irwin of the As
bury M. E. church and the ceremony
taking place at tbe holbe of Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Miller. DOS Fifth street.
Mrs. Mljler being a sister of the bride.
The bride aad groom left immediately
for Ihelr home In Grand Rapid?.

1. N. Maitlnak and daosbtar. Mlaa
IteJIa. Tony Frmahll and Prank Kratc»ohTU have ratnmad from a liunUnK
trip on tha l^liUeflsh rivwr. Tbe avn^Ihancn. with tba exception of Mr.
1... B. AelouKkI |>f Charlevoix
^Mariinck. aarh srcurad a diaar but tba the city.
W Mr. MaiUaek ponld do was to
f. Mias Martlnak enjoyed the trip tm-onanaely and had the expariancw of
^eartag the howUait of woteai
eight, aome of them coming op Tcry
Tloaa to the camp and giving the young
lady a knowlMge of just how much
noise a wolf could make.






Mlaa Puller was assisted In bw pro.gram by the Treble Clef chorus con­
ducted and accompanied by Mrs. Bint
llff. The nature of the aelecUons
HOUSE TO RENT ur seU. l>r. Moon.
aung was IndloatlTc of a
Basical taale. and Uia One toga and
absolute dljrtlnciorwa of ennnctatloo
WANTED-Girl fpr gtncral houric
ahowwd the rasulU of rare training.—
work. 443 Washington. nov 30-31*
iHimOpUc: At the City opera house.
Traverse aty. Monday. Dec, 3,
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms la
nov 30 tf
Markham block.
Mrs. George Dean baa gone to Chi
nM>m or
«ago to visit her aoaa.
rooms. 529 Fifth St.
W. H. rite Is feeling poorly for a
fc%r days paaL Wv hope to aee him
LOflT—Miloogn book ix-twccn O. R
. around aoon.
Wade Smith came down an<r hutchd I. depot and Cass street. RHurn
to Miss Mary Powers. Haakwood.
Mlch .'or Record office.
nm 304f



to the
Hotel Ueelaaaa laI loAUie P. Brown to Wm. F. Calkins,
ariooa and hotel haalaaM vaOl the
•rot of May, when his He
A Nortbeaateni a a Oo. memorma
plres aad after that time the
Q. W. Murray went to ladic OdeMa wm tm Improved by t|w new owners.
Treverae Oty Milling On. to Mania
toa A Norl^U« R. R Ok nnuDO
The lot haa been vacant for
Dr. A. C OanatJeU aad fhaOly of Una aed la loaked upoa as a
Traverse City Omalng Co. to Maa^
m Rapids spent Thank4;lTlag with valoable lot. one which haa been
Utee A Northeamern R a Co.,
Dr. 1. W. QaanUeti la the idty.
ormadum of eaaemset.
Geo. G. Bates of Chleage. vies pres­
John W. Martin and wUe to Martin
a Haraer and wife. loU C and 7. blk.
ident of the Herald and Record, and
3. Bajslde, gSOO.
rife, spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
Laura GIbbe to IK
et al.
Bates* faUier. Thoa, T. Bales.
Theee Who Worked for Hannah A Lay g AOak Ueighia.tlM0.
a M. BueU and wife leR for Byron
to Peter
Geo. W. KUmer and wife
MereanGle Cempany Many Yeai
thU moraiar
^ Qeeata of R P. Wilhelm.
Ralph KHchCs of Old
Robert K. Derringer and wtfe to
In the dty today.
The persons who aenred as dertm John Carson. awM of nwfr. % ate S.
Mr. aad Mrs. A. T. Hap^ aad Mrs. in the grocery departhient of the Han­ T 38. R ». $28.
Belle Levlsoa to Charics B. Hcalks,
A. D. Hnpka taft for
nah A Lny MereaatUe eompaay when
lot €06 Oak Heights. $100.
tlag after Ylaltlng frimids In the
Mrs. Kellie Depottv to Frank Skll
city for some time.
In a row of
liter, lot 4. blk. Village of Wylie. $7B
U E. Field of Manistee was In the the bay shore and who are stm la the
Geo. H. Brown and wife to WflUatn
city today.
dty. were entertained at the home of T. Wangh and wtfe. parcris. sec, 4. T
C. Porter of uland apent R P. Wilhelm last evutting at a € 27. R 9. $1C5.
C. H- Turner and wife to Jam
Thanksgiving Hi the dtp. i
o’clock dinner.
prommoad, lot TO, blk. 74. 1st add.
U H. Cooper of Manlstop wni In the
There were about a score of these
djy yesterdi^.
persons present and a very enjoyable
Albert A. Nickerson to John A. Rll
W. T. Maaoti of WaUQn|rHarwed to time warn bad.
parcels sec. s:. T 28. R 12. 82800.
his home Uiia morning. |
a Hobwg and wife of Old iflseion
were In the dty today.
,p*-n fall Is a
Tt-sis of Buckl
Chief of Police Ashton gave the poThe new switch board for
llre force a S o’clock dlnaer al hfs ford County Independent
home on Washington street yesterday.
Bell phone combination U In. and
The IllinoU arrived in port at t:S0 the phones are now being
in moat of the places
Chandler brick building.
)esterdar and left at 3 o’clock this
urnllure aitore 1
Tbe Olney furnltun
Mr. Anns of Trmveree City was In
morning after loading n large amount
of freight
WhUe RowUnd Donglasa was cross­
Mrs. 8. E. Blackwood and daughter
Fannie left Wednesday for Lancaster. ing tbe I’nlSn street bridge this afteiOhio to vUlt her parents.
:. noon, bis new felt hat blew Into the
Mrs. Alex Mason, accompanied by river and despite all efforts sailed se­
John Tooley of Traverse City has
»r sister. Mrs. Robert Bates, left renely down stream.
Just completed bis building and cigar
Friday morning to attsnd the funeral
A number of-boys are busy rehears making will be an added Industry
of Mr. Roberts at Traverse City.
The Misses Anna and Blanche Ing “A Hobo's Triumph” and accord the town.
George Wayer of »imore and Ralph
Schwarz spent Friday In Traverse log to air reports will mske a great
Brigham have Just purrhased a 1
C.eo. Halmond. who has 1>een deer sucnaiw with tbe production, J. W. jointly and will erect a i>otalo wai
hunting up north, rrturned last eA-en- Case, stage manager of tbe Grand, is house in the spring.
Frank Miller has also purchased
ing. having been successful In gelUng helping them out on some of the tech
potato warehouse site and will begin
nlcal points of siagccrafl.
building this fall.
are now six regulkr potato
The Evangelical church chorus
choir will meet for reboaraal tomorrow buyers on tho market but plenty of
stock for all.
Mr. Jarob Schwarz was a Traverse aft<-rnoon at 2:30 at the church.
City caller Sstiirday.
J A. Tooley, who has lioeo conduct­
Georda Paulus attended the reIon at Traverse City given by the ing a cigar factory in this city, will
Needham Business ColU»ge Friday go to Buckley Monday, where he has
another blacksmith shop.
Unighl a lot and will pul up a cigar
The new schiwl building will
be. ready for tbe eag.-r cbliareii to «

Tlie mercy and help de|iartment *of
Mn>BC. G. Anderson did business
the Asburj* M. R church gave a vcr>
at EUittons Bay Saturday.
A masquerade ball will be given pleasant recepUon at the church
In^ryanCs hall Thursday evening.
^ ’Thursday
evening the program
b* lng ^y the membSs and about $22
being given as a free will offering. The
church was prettily decorated.
Mrs. B. U Peck came home from
The firat Elite Dancing Hub party
James Wilson s of OvUtt Sunday and
then-wont back at night. She has will occur In the City ojior> house this
been ataying there the
week and evening. If this party is spcoeasful
nday with others will be given throu^out the
for R T. season. Stewart’s len-plece orchestra
his family. He is at
will furnish the music,
Brooks of Almira.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barth spent
Tbe Rev. W. H. Ira in will preach at
Sunday with Mrs. Barth’s parents. Mr.
the revival services at the Evangelical
Geo. Peck.
Mr. Brooks* cow fell through the church this evening.
floor In the old housf^ on Mrs. Peck s
Sixteen bMkets. each containing a
farm. She fell about alx feet and did
not break any bones, but Is bnilsed chicken and other necessities for
some about the hips and Is quite stiE. Thanksgiving dinners, were distrib­
but U la a wonder aho got out alive. uted by the Congregational church
The bole was only about three feet yesterday morning.
square that abe weut through.
Beginning today, seats may be re­
wm Wilson haa a aick child.
LOST—Little white poodle dog with
Mrs. R B. Rhlnehart and chUdren ol served for the Olivet Girts’ Glee club
legs and fact> clipped. Owner 137 Bltler. Mich., Tlslled at WB. Meleers at the City ncw8 stand.
nov 3(k2l*
R Tenth 8L
A commiuee from the Mothers’ club
^"mIw Belle Hslveroon visltod with
Mrs. Roberts. Sunday.
working with Supt. I, B. GUbert and
Mrs. N. Newman and ton Georgs
spemt Sunday with Wm. SatGer and the dty library offlcials. has compiled
Uat of books suitable for the use of
R Branyon. our horse doctor. U children from the first to eighth
ready for all kinds of work.
grades inclusive. Tbe list will be
Mrs. Metier and daughter Edna vis­ printed and distributed among the
ited at N. Newman’s Sunday afterstudenu and parents Mok of the
booka reeommeiMled are to be found
either tn tbe school or public libraries.
Miss Rath FDfuythe broke a needle
Jack O’Brien, a Pere Marquette
off in her cheek. Dr. FVntou was call­ brakeman. thought he aay a Thaaksed and removed the needle. Miss Ruth
I tnuaklana. Fotli. Nordica. Laibling. Oanx. I
glrlng dinner a few days ago sooth of
U all right at the preMOt writing.
iae on Kimball
of ethers. Have bsetowsd the highest praiae
Snnday neboai wm organised at the the city. He was rtdlnr on the pilot
awards and gold
This haa
home of Mr. and Mre. Laee last Sun- aad a flock of chtekena was struck.
medals receivsd at the world's grsates
There srere chicken feathers every
Bnt tbe trao hotiPoe of greatnew abd popularity oi the
Mies Frances Pferee. SecL Mrs. Lucc^ where and several bomped him hot he
Kimbnll Piano U in ithelf-in ito rich singing tone qnnKty, its
Treas. Sunday sc^ wfll begin at was nnahle to make a coupling srlth
evenly hgUnowl dohle, responsit’e airtioo and splendid wenriiig
10:30 a. m. aad win ba held eveir any of them.
qnhUty, The demiiid for KimbaU PUnoe is mlniogt
Sunday vatU other nrraagementg
Queen aty camp. No. 573, R N. of
can be imada. Bvery one la cordially
invited to attend aad help the good A., wm hold regular meeting FrMay
than any oihor makt In the world. This Is a atreeg statamoM but ahNov. T€,
oolutsly true, borne out by the annual —“ of Kimball
------EAST ACME.
Mrs. C. RUiott Tlsttod friends and
Oatlvea at Fife Lake last week,
I proapwtive pianoj
Mr. and Mra. 8. Levis were ammj
otytoA^ehethar yob wMli to pwrehaae ^ olriior*“^
few days last week.
Rt, M. dees and FraBds
Gtooa wtet dock hontlng one day teat
( exesptlonai prioe Inducements on I
We offer for this wsok i
ioU^ dodtoL*'*^ *
We imderaUBd Francis dees md
Alfred Lou intend oUitlng for Che

Qao. A JMIcy aad wtfa to John A.
n% of swM aac.». T M,

10 pieces Chiffon Taffeta Silk,

27 iDch Blrck Pcau de Soic Silk,
$1.25 value at................. ..

cc6ar run.
Ollie Kohn who has been quite sick
for a few dafs livable to be up and

nt of Wexfoi 1 and Htill
has many 1 -nds in this V
will gladly reloome him
wish him success In this needed c^t
Nov. 27.
This Is to certify that I and my wife.
Ella C, Bonner., have separatojl by
mulusl agrt-emont and I warn alj par­
ties not to trust her on my accotml as
l win pay no bills contracted by her
after this date. Nov. 2t».
Giorge M. Dauber.
nov 30-31


M. B. HAEKEB, m..




Hardware Business

Herbert MonUgue and J. A. Montague have formed a partnership and
In addition to the hardware business carried on foKmany years past by J. A,
Montague we have bought tho store and stock of the Aaston Hardware Co.
and In the apring wa will build a fine nOw atoro there and will rioek It with
a complete line of hardware and groceriea and we shall make It prefHsbla
for everyone wanting goods in either of theae linoa to come to UK Until
spring wo will run both places for hardware only and In oedar to dose out
as much as possible of the Saxton stock;before building w shall make very
low prices en the etock. We have some first gloat eool otevoa which we
will sell at coat and on eaay payments to deao e<iL Como and look the
goods over, you may aee something you want and tho priooo will ourpriao
Montagus Company.

Men’s Japanette Silk Initial Handkerchiefs.
*lgSaturday only........... ...............: .............I................
50 pieces Light and Dark Outings, not the 5c quality.
Every yard worth 8c^ S^ui^ay only- • • • ..........................


One-third Off on

2 Cts.



The Olofc>


SSc bottfe bMt Tooth
Ptowk*. Satwdv only.


tea to go to woek In tho woods. Wo
^ thorn good lo^
Mr. and Mrs. M. doeo Tlsltod at
Andrew Rnflorio yooterdsy.
Fraaeli Allgiro and Bra Kaloor trls-


Some twezdy

Kimball Pianos

FImi Makaa Plaiia Ruyhig Eaay.


I Vena Bsper. Gn-« n Briar school
■r. will have a Thanksgiving enterulnment ft’i-dneaday evening for
the children.
Wm. Newman of Traverse City Is suffering with I
buying potatoes here.
A. Box was a caller In tbe Blackman
Rub Payne haa started'a butcher neighborhood last Monday.
Mr. Martin and daughter visited the
Mrs.' Elmer Crain and daughter latiyr’s sister. Mrs. Dsve Manlgold,
Sadie visited Mr. and Mns. John Zim­ llrlag near Mayfield.
merman near Traverse City
Mrs. Bogart. Mrs. Amos Box and
Crains daughter. Deaale Griffith, ac­ children visited at U Brett’s Tuesday
companied them home Sunday.
Miss Olive Shorter of Traverse Oty
• Aid meli
visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. G
I Wednre
Shorter, here Sunday, also called on
old friends.
Miss Osta Harxey «f {Vnilh Kassoo again.
Is helping her grandmother, Mrs. Jane
Miss Ann
Harvey, for a few days.
Slorrs’ of 1
Fred Tuck« r
It <»f a ralni-------- .. .. visited Mr. and
ring an excelDear Crt-^-k Sunday.
dellvertsd by Rev. Platt,
to Ih» a Jiarrow escape
It in honor of from Instant •s death
happened last
Th«»se pn-s4*nt
Wagoner. Nlta ww k. when Mra. Henry HuletL plck-^
lug her throe niimlhs Hd baby up from
lura Coin
Its cradle, which stood eloae to the
rk* Rosa. Orpha Rlgell. Ica Moorman. chimney,
and startlnr for the neighGrade Mcs»rman.
mor«* thairchwiHl the dom*
ThtKnpvon. Chester Klchlwm. Roy Ik-c- when she -ni»
fiMJ. smashing tho
Charley cradle Intochimney
fTank Mrsirmsn. The evening was
Id the Blaikman laulk-s’
s|M*nt very pbas;tnl!y. , Music,
and fair.vrosklng furnIsh.Hl amuso Tlwinuisy.
vi.Hitors were present.
Cakes sod
for the merry makers
Burnell ('rain stM Ui Sunday evening <i.lTee wife served to the tsdles after
tbe home of S H. laiWyer. Ik- Us.k which some fine seleHkms were giv­
gotxl attendance at the
en on the phonograph. Rev. PlaU
Sunday schotd convention last Sunsister
also pres­
wltbstanding the rain.
day. notmltbstandlng
. Harvey. Ollle Kohn. and the ent.
The bank building in nearly complet
Nov. 2C.
arrle Wagoner. On»ha Kdgell.
e. Nlta
eiisrs. Asa Harley. Ar



Spina PniKl,Fh.iKli.
either plain or figured, f
value 50c and 75c. choice at



I m iw!k'
mm S44t

ciir mmm

CATWJF, wBifcii, flMvw.
cr «HMt, m K. MtdL

Kot. ft, Kl


*4 lo. C MOrrATT—Ab*tx»cu of Utlo.
Olt lAHLIXTYlEMiirtliCllWi
t FM ItatSMi M »4C. GM»

a. tba wowndad neftdiara

% ^hmm
la Mfl to aopfen toa.
paltry )oy.
Can yaa bear tba poyar. tba Mgb
Of a haartq boyt
Tba prayer tbat I bate prayal
f>aar Motbar, to my Odd and tbaa
To ra«Ma tkaL Wbawftoto It# Mrayai
lad tkto. plera Ood« mt frm.
My ao«l to ooar tkroagb atoold api
Uatn It Bod
Tin can
Tbaia wltb out etretcbad anni to meat


A. JJIoFHAlU PMttot Om
M «fi« •tom M fteM
OR. F. J. MAC NKTr-Pmetfot I
•4 to «im *4lC NOBM, THROAT

Mdrrmifo oFOLABsst. onk»
M wniNteblocA. atlaoiF

MAMO TimiNO-W. n. MOtori. M

mn opvltom. Now tooMot wtOi
OftoMO Bros.

DIt a L CHAM. rttoOTti fra
Iff WUbotoi Mock to 4C7 m4 4M
A B. MARTIN—PkfttoUa mod Bor
gra OTAto toi MMt rrat itra
Mfkt. paroMt
troka. Otloo
at Clly Book Btom
MRS. t. U ^ONNirs katr dratoi
parlonw orar Cttj Book Btora, S
AMCIt r. NBRUNOtR. LAWYER111 BtoU Baak t»uU4ln«. qtltoiH

and LOANf-Oraad
Trarac IaM aad Imam OtL F.
TkoftaU. Manafor. OfBoa. rra t
HamUtm A MUUkao bloek.

Dr. O. *. Ckaaa. But# Bank block
Botb pboMa. m-tr. RoMAanoa U4
W. BIRktkBt OU.Fb0MTtl.
taaUon to dlacaww of lha aja. oar.
DOM and tbroat Glaaaca fittad.
Orar Joknoan drof atoTW BoU

OR. E.R. MINOR—Offca orar Amari
can I>rtt« Btora. Special attaollot
to aya. ear. dom. and throat QlaMM
fUtad. Bolhpbooea. Realdenoa SU

OR. W. E. MOON-PbOMa, c
qu.. 107: Ban to. RaMdanoR W0
Waahlncton atraat qta. pbona til
Ball phona to.
T. W. TMIRLL'^. Daatlat Otar Ba^
nn» A Harl t javalrT atom Both
pboaaa 101
ARTHUR HOLLIOAY. M. D.-Pb7M^ and Burgeon.- Remorad to of

tnMr ui »etk« irfutotor. 8.U.
fMtiaa (BvuitMd. With KlBb.II

enter to my tnw
Buikm-tbara la tba ikfaa.
To part BO more from you.
Dear ■MRbM'. wUI aarely ba
seeking one true
Caeee to bend toward.
Corwin Lnskmoor
Wltb marnture ns wilb tte wan
tbe wlaeM probal U tba one
epankn tba day nftor. Wa bar# da>
cinrwd tba bhrtorlenl npral bna ran lu
•a; nnd yet, let Mnnrioe Hr
offer n book dog out of lUlUn arcblraa
and we will be na eager aa orer our
ood BcolL We hare Insiatad that
Ibe norel of ’ blgh nocMy- baa lout Its
e: yet when Mrs. Wharton
Mrs. Ward laauaa n book of tbe
ddr and tba drnwlag-foom. we crowd
the eountere for U. Wa bare arerred
that “low life” bores us In Bctlon; yet.
Art O. Henry or Richard Whltatng glre
na tbe people of th^ aJama or the pare,
adkl we can not buy or borrow enough
books to go around. We cry “Araunt
adventure! “ yet we crar© Jack Lon----- We yawn “Begone Introepoctlon." yet we call for Hen^ James.
^Away with the problem novcl.“ w©
about, and yet last year there were
ten Dorela on (ho “labor” queatlon.
And this year Blnclnlr’a “Jtmgle“-a
laUaed sociological alndy, of tbe
down-trodden meat packer—reached a
»ale of 7,000 ooplee In one blgh-watcr
Fiction like poetry, baa Its field
anything that has to do with human
re; but of conTac, the material
be artistically bandied. Juxt
abut lure of theme, what accident of
nomrat, givea a \hmAl the Impetua
called pcHmUniy. It la hard to say.
Uul at present the drift would awm
to be toward the problen novel, the
probU'm boldly put RTward. or aiyly
ing In the lipckgnjund.—Kdain
.Markham In Rucctnia.
nid anybody say anything about Reformr^t Bpclliag? N«i. It Isn’t my wicketl Intent to stir up n n»w during this
season of goc»d-wm. l.nt T must Ukv
this occoaloQ to ssy that for ectmomy
of space we putxHlsIs have other
spelling n furmers worn to a fratxle—
wUnras (he following:
’There Is a farmer who U T T
Enough to lake bis E E.
And study nature with his 1 1.
And think of what he C C.
He hears the chatter of tha J J
As they each other t T.
And sees that wheq a treq D K K
• for IJ 6.
yoke of oxen he will U U
With many haws and G G.
And their mistaken he will X Q Q
\Mien plowing for .hla P P.
He little buys, but much be sells.
And iherefora littto O O: ,
And whim he boas hto aoU by apellt
He also soils his hoes.
—Sam lioyd in Woman’s Hcmr Com
panlon for

|BtlaB0flm~- Hoo.-tor«J.

A rhonnlni; okoteb oT Sontboni llfo
Port In Tbf> New tdoo WoBUi'i Macaitoo
for DoMMnbOT OnrrilM Ux vlmtt at an
Old black “auntie” abd her grand
AMTRACTh OY TITUt—C O. Cw daughter to the white family of a
TOT. PiicOT rauooablA OMc* vttb the old woman had been a store before
the war. The altnatloo is ualque and
O. P. COTTOT A Bpo. BothpbOi
is bandied with sympathy umd humor
by the writer. R B. Hackley. Tbe
blTt L. tHINOBV-ftpOTiB";
arbltea* fertunea have fallen and tbe
thw to 4IOT.OT. of Chlldiw. 1
m «t>to auik bUis. BoU phoow. todlaa “do ihelr own work.” An ex­
cellent understanding of etlqurtte
however, prevslto. and while the todies
wait on their black gneau at tbe little
Ubie for two la tbe kitchen, “Aunt
Marto“ and nJaale“ appropriate
TRAVERBE CITY LOOOE. NO, Tt. K. subao^uent lUsh^rasl^ng. Tbe enter­
or P, waft
TkorwUr or*- tainment cABMata to “Anal MarU'
1«*. Nov Hum No<*. C K WoI^ bnaitog aH toe sewn of her beloved
It, & g
_____________ • white folka“ and all of Ibalr ooltotecal branches: to bntag shown tbe gnto
YRAVKItM CITY LtOION. No. !»frocks and bau flf tbe young to
■OK IB WOoCwu ban DO Om tkM sad Bnally In tbe nffactkmaie bestowal
mnnlfoM glfU, broadly hinted for
TiNadv cT oaeh ■aotb at
». n.
AbtoK SaUttk rroiliMt; Qajit by tbe guesta. from packages of coffee
Ortowold. oacrotarr: NotUo C Omr- to bats. bnRa and fianael sklrta. Tbe
wbtob baa tba Hag of truth
OetnMI artleto
moto tona cf Bettsa. to an toterenUng
TRAVKmt aTY LOOM. No. m. r. doonmeat at tbe prrat joactura on
«l «.



^atr;M».W. M. a. BodMU. MWO
r a WWIfc W..M.,

Tanee TlikmpsoB. tn tbe Cfirtaunaa
^ -W»w* tb*.


i Abbott. SvwrKt.
krteb. Mmm. Mu^

Tc tbe Howorable. tbe Mayor and qty
OooDcfi of tbe GRy eff Traverse Oty.

In tba TrouBfl MnikM foretety rau.
the mttrAs ermy cm known, fbatw nra two
ktoda of toy
nut of Rni mwKnl nnd tba tnar kind
mnda In mdMR Modarn umcblnmy-;Oak nnd Tewlfc
na you any ana In Cha grcnl inetortoa Btreeta: the
outaSda tbe city wnOn-bna mrlppad to fra Bvw to nvreu blocks nwny^
tbat we have
the procaaa of romance.
Tba only

jff Ye*, of courae you do; ud in order to keep it .
you must J»ve yoor ej'«$ properly cared for.
If your eyes ache, water, Or tire when reading,
^you should consult the optician at once and
bavp your eyes examined and properly fitted
CD I have devoted my life especiuly to the fitting
Si of glasses and can gire you the best aervice to
ti:be had at a Doming cost.'

IT 18
«r tbe most wuuA
wks for developing tbe Bguto. mnkr
Ing bright ey«R red Ups nnd roey
ksw ever offered to tbe Amartenn
girt- Homster-s Rocky Moantsta TmTen or EhbtoU. to cewu. iobnsai
Drug Co.

PHOKK XIGHT HACK calls to City
reeunraaL Open nU night.
niT Sl-ci
There being no objecUona the inme
was referred to tbe cooualttee on Bre.
“Brience, 8L Skinflint nnd Snnu To (be Honorable, tbe Mayor and aty
Oniaa" la tbe anb)ect of WOUn
CouncU of tbe qty of Trnvene City.
Wklla'a Cbrtatinns tnlk In tbe
SdltA-OenUemen! Endoawd we bnnd
nnuRmr of Tba Amartenn M
you n peUtSon from the M. A N. E. R.
Scicnca la ^pnla nnd blue noeed. wltb R. Oa regarding n aide track nKmg the
n potetar to ber bnnd. nnd cbnlk dust altoy
of^r factory and
inberhnlr.** Bt. Bkinffint U “straight
Inced, wenaantocad god of Buatoeaa.* ^^Ho^ that you will grant tbe M. A
N E. the pdlOou naked for aa we are
Bunin Clnwa la aboot “forty-two. ta very much In need of anid track, we
in girth, aboot thirtywlcht cheat meas­
ure. about five feet ten.—maybe Un­
cle Jimmy, who clerka In the store on
The Trneeree qty Milling Ca
Main sireat.“ PWlowIng 1
Muhlatee. Mlcb.. Nov. 17. IfOd.
graph from thw tnlk;
To the Honorable, tbe Mayor and qty
Council of the CUy of Traverse Ctty.
“Banu Clnna whom Sdenoa cast off
Deoamber 1st to
- Per© Marqucfi e K.xUioan
road oner
idler KjK'C-t
kjk‘cnan myth, nnd Bonlnaua anewred at na
lo Chlfwgu for the Lire Slock
• mad man. to tbe banld of n
AkvwV tor rales nnd
ooiBlttg. For men bnkw not grown to would respectfully req
tboir full statute In this world. The to construct lu tracks upon and along
n. E. Moeller. G, P. A
evolution of man atUl cooUnnea. The thg alley lying between lota 49. W and Nov. 2S-N20.
61 oo the south and lot 62 on the
apiritoul growth meu have wKneua^ north In Hannah. Lay A Co.’s eleventh
since the dawn of time has not atop addition to the dtr. of Traverse qty.
ped. And the Joy that fullowa giving, Michigan, to maintain and opirale
which men know Tor an hour or n day upou the Mine as branch of Its rair- Notice to All Persona Interested:
roud. subject to all the provlsloBs re­
or a week or a BKmlb. at ChrtoUnna quired by the lawK of the aUte of
The sperlsl assi-sNmcnl tax roll for 1
time, some day thw whole
Michigan rcUtlvc to the crossing of the Construction of a trunk Kt»cr In •
know for a thousand yenra nnd n day. lull street and upon said alley, for the district No. s. bfclnnlng at ibn Iniet^j
The desire to make others happy by ^struetkm. maintenance and op^-ral
iDjf of
Of steam railroads
nUlro.d, «croM.
across, »ions,
along j «>ctloB of Iloardmmo riT. r with W.I
aelf-aacHAce U big In meo. When the and upon streets and alleys, subject to«Ungion rtreit. running thence on Wei )
Christmas spirit releasee It. the desire all tbe^ranaonable ordinances and reg ‘llngtii Ktrvit. Front sireoi and Rail­
runs wild, like an unhoused achoolbor ulaUons made and esUbllshed by the road avenue to Eighth street.* thence |
There moat have been a Ume In the city of Traverse qty relative to tracks on Eighth Btretn to Barlow s^!l. Is j
u|K>n and crossing streets and alleys:
world when every other good hnmnn the
now In my hands for .collection, the I
Mid rallrcmd
road company
compan hat
Instinct wa^NMged by cnatom the year cured relinquUhment of abuili
third Installroent to be p^td on or lie-^
round nnd nn^ahed upon a boUd
fore the 30th day of November. IbOC. I
There was n time jrheo religion me
J. M. Huollmantel.
piety on Bondny and me^neaa
City Tnarurer.
oUer days, llenoe tbe fnnnllclam “*iMlrhU«o. »«d jrour pKltlofier would
Office, n.K.m 202 State Bank build j
the cbnrch In the days of the Inqnlsi-1 ^gk that this grant be made p<^> rp<-tual ing.
nov 21 171;
tlon, hence the mad xral of the witch- so long aa said company compMes with
nances above repetitioner would
defenders of Ibe faith In the middle
The l-akN will hold memorial ser
have been
ages. There
Th7 Manistee B Nortbeastera
vlcf-s In memory of depaniNl Un>th*ns
when men vaguely fell the call of vir­
on Sunday. no<*. 2. UVh'.. at 2;3C» p. m.
Bv Edward Buckley.r, l*resiaentPresident.
tue In their hearts: and then after
supporle^l by sharp In ttioir hull.
y foollah fast days, after centuries
Every brother Is exiHHt«.«i to aiiend |
this memorial son ice.. 1V> not* fail 1o|
of exceaaea of sackcloth and ashes,
1-e present.
H. O. Joynt. K. R. |
and after ages of |togeltotlon. virtue
Angus McColl. P<g*y.
nw 2S 3t •
and took a real part in human
;2t»—Res<ilution adopted at a special
mectlug of the dln<tor« of the Nuird
THE LADIES are invlH-d^lo call ami |
of trade on Monday. Nuv%-mbcr 2b.
see 111** b.'u*;lilul lin«-t c»f rainple and,
A Yaar of Bleed,
*Whire;>^. an nppllcation has been siaiaidiir rntti-ins wlii'-h Mra. W. It. {
nr 1B03 will long b<
bered in the home of F. N. Tacket, made to the clt.^ council for a nwn Fwter to fbowing at W<n«1 Ri.*torii*;
V, Ky.. ns a .war of blood; actmcjii of the railway franchio*' milUuory stor© ©ach nrt<*rn«Nin fmro 1 !
r All
which has already expired; thi reforc
which flowed so .copiously from
lo 3. Itoptvtolly pmmpl aUr-niion to !
Tarkefs lungs (hat death seN*med
Re-olved. That It to the sinliinent Riien to all Chil.-lmas onlers. i
cf this tovirtl
itiK II Will ,iicf iuiif,a
Fli^t. That no franchise for rullwavK
cough had brought i
or other utilities belonging to Trav­
when I began tnkir
erse City bo gnmted to nny party for
lUhing result that after l^lng ptm-ly ’ holding * or s|>eculailve purfour iKitth-N ! was completely reRored
and as time has proven permanently **^'md. fhtiX to prote.ri the city
cured.’’ Guarantctnl for Sore Lungs. ngdinst long • holdings*' by raUnmd or
Coughs and CoMk. at Bugbee Drug other fnmehisos. none
partv or p.trtk*k; for a time exCo.. Frank II. Meads. Hannah Drug
ling flxty days at any one time
Store. I*rice 60c and 11.00. Trial bot­
bird. That a new nn drevtoed railtle free, '
toad franchise bo prei»ared In blank
nioxl favorable law, for
HOT IIOASJ8. vegetables, bread under HtrcN-t railways. lilK-ral In ts provltc city
yvi safe
bnnd'work la tbe pnlnUag of tbe lUUe
igwwn. wbleb U dona by women

now we must deprad upon tbe uuoer^



JodfeBesB. Undsfcy
HIrh School Lectve Coarse.






Judf e Ben B. Lindsey j
High School Lecture Course.

NO DANGER of typhoid if you use
pasturixed milk. Queen City l>alry
company. Citx. tel. C75.
nov 10-lf given,
ma.le 1
party o Itsrilef lo compiete i
HOT ROASTS, vegetables, bread within
and butter, pir. i«dTee. 16 ceota. Utile
nov 27 If
^Movl d bv Winnie and Ftipiiortod by!rIcii that the comm on lea tlon be

Roller Skating.
Campbell's Rink
Every Monday evening apoctol attenlldn will be given to beginners.
Price for this evening only 15 cents.
Regular .Nlphta—TuMdays. .Thut
days and* Saturday!: Price 25 cenu.
Good music. ’
Thuraday afternoons open for la<
©spectolly. Price 15 cento.
Saturday foranoona for chUd
Price 10 cents
Saturday afttmoana open to the
general public. Price 15 cents.

- the Gibbs ordinance
ara of the opinion that certain
igM ahoold be rnadi^ and new pro-

•■ ■ ■ V





at Pioneer Lircry Stable.
One dark dapple $rray KeldioK. 6 ycarr old. weight
1,600 pounds.’ Not quite sound, but a good one
for business.
One bay gelding. 8 y’cars old. weight 1.550 pounds.
All sound.
These two make a tine draft team.
One roan gelding. 10 years old, weight 1.500 pounds.
All sound and a good worker. Bloqky built.
One roan gelding. 1‘2 years old, weight 1,400 pounds.
Will make a good mate to the one above.
One fine black marc. 5 years old, weight 1,600 pounds.
All sound and a good worker.
One very nice brown gelding, 4 years old, weight 1,500
pounds. A nice horse to put on a farm and do
some work.
On- black mare, weight 1,150 pounds. A good farm
horse or good driver. ,
One fne dapple gray griding, f» years old, weight 1.150
l>;iunds. A good family horse. Can step fast. Not
afraid of s!<*am or autoinohilcs.
One span nice bay geldings, weight 2.200 pounds. C
y'cars old. A nice pair for carriage or farm.
One bay gelding, 5 years old. weight 1,000 pounds.
Kice driver single or double.
I have a lot of light horses that will make good
farm hor.«^es.
Please call and see me.


- rheumatism IS A BLOOD
vie C. Palmer.
\ by Winnie and aupporied ^
Evwu that toe report
the commit
te© be racelved and pUoad on file.
Yoaa-AWertra Abbott EveratL
CllirtL Goodrioh, Lardto. M^ Mnrchle. I'almer. Shutcr aad Wtoale.—

tot mattor of

________15C Flout BL .

Horses For Sale

The r«ilebraUai now m^Jicino with which L. T.
Ot>op?r has aoooriiphihnl luch romarkablf retulU
for rhe tick ainl afflicted of Hi. Louis, New Or­
leans, Pittshurg and other large cilies thronghoul
the roantry.
The r^ipiT Mi-diclno Co.,
Gentb-rotxi: I have had rheumatism
for the
tw«»lve months, and was
no affilrlcHl that I could not atoop
over, ik pick up ai^hlng on too
the Now Dla"j ;
.1 used one bottle <
perfectly re*
c-covtrjr medlclnf* and
My wife was worse than I waa. and
could not walk. Her ft-c-t'and anklea
were l>adly awollen.
She bt^cran taking the medicine and
' beri»re th© first bottle wai used she
waa much better, being able lo walk
. and to work.
We are going to conUnue the tiwalment. and I want everybody to know
how much we have been benefited.
1 am a patrolman on the city police
Indianapolis. Ind.

. 190C. .
:h., Nov,
and City
> th© i lonorable. the Ma
TraviMoe City,
CreiaclT of the City of Ti
•n*l—Contleroen—We. your commlt* e on ordinances, resitoctfully report*
That we do not think It good policy
for the city to grant a street railway
franchise unless tbe person or corporaUon asking for it furnish ample ae-

er of tbe peat
the biU from the keeper
moods which wa wonld be plaaaed to house tor tot pare of a pattoat
ohow yon tf yoo wlU call to MO t

Barnum < & Earl

Try Record Want Ads


We are now* working on a franchUe.
uklnr tbe Gibbs ordinance aa a haals

They no| only miike a nkc prcMa
jtot are a good Ini
past eight or ten ye
been advancing tn price aad under aL
probability they wUl coatinae to do so
aa tbe mtoaa are peoduciag leM aarti
year and require brut© labor to pro-

Peraianently located after Dec. 8, 1906


JatoeBesB. Liodsey
mrb school Lecture Course.
Ch ristmas Presents


^Patrolman Metcalf Cured of-

vlri^ahould be inerted which hav




KotS te

Gained by cxoBfiinTa activity of tbe fl
tyttom. Coopai^ New DMOoreiY will
&ese«<M*«i>d expel them end give (
Coeppr’* New DiwsAmrv ewts tl.OO per b>:tle; six lor $3.00; Cooper's Qoiok Belief, the
assistant nmedy. costs SOc iw bottle. Bay from onr a««Bt, or sriiere we h«*B no scent eend the
prioe of the remediee yon wi£ diiwt to tbe Oo(M MadioiM Co., Dayton, Ohio, aad the medirine
Sill be forwarded to y«4 chargee prepxjd. Sohlbf

The Atuerican Drug Store
: - ■

-! 1--'^




Tfcr «Tmis* y»»M mt whmt ts tD»

tWw l> ten »«■ —■It cay «

WATCH fm WMd AMM** Id. «■


-rJ£CS<S.tA£"SSi _

pUftT u.

w TtaltiBir wttb hw daufairr. Mrs.
T.^»idiK,rs; UtMUt
MoCtaftkj. tor ft fratto.

Iftjt Vft«k


trpi»M aiftiftlift.
I« ilio

«u bereliM riMir.

Mr*. T. OilMore rKai»<4 boBM ftX-


Mrs. Marr oasrta* aad Mra MU«

Postponed »
JndteBes B. Lindsey
ach SM Lectare Come.

ed tb fboae srbo bbs^ alrtsn H a trial
that the atmey rscelred froai the aale
of mnk baa prorea a means of armt

lSsSSf:Sssiss'.= s3Ts:5.'ȣsr7ivt^i?;

when oae ft t^tlna no reti
one’s crops. PbmKrs trho
qaalttr of «atra fsr
i^Mit a fesr days nUht'd many other i
R. MIlV*r of iUona liike tf In Trarehie Oty the fcnsat of Mrs. Ira ubtiloM Ihil« thi* 1Ii». Mr*. OIbb*
gtttlfta a«T «ut«r. Mn ^Obft W.m*. Root, of Mooroe street
Mrs. Pete Labett has . baaft dnlte
ifr«. rafts OftHftaa loit aao oC her
1 oar ow» p
* TlKMh Oherlftc*s are aaMg tbe Ut>
drafi boniftK Iftst woca. |
bow our *ppiwbnluii br palMr. and Mrs. R HHl viJ] toead est to ham s telepbone.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pease and son roalsina It most ‘ loyally.
TaftftkMriTtAr ftt wuau^tv.
Henry Tripp was a Trarenie City
Bm ncsttAo i
born worttna on the Morse farm, re^ visitor Frfday afternoon.
ited ifts. flkstlfte tomdftjf.
Geo. Lamsmns and wife and son
tnmed to their homes In Olseao last
Mrs. Mills and Hiss Kittle Golden
Ctor^ lUraM has
Unn- were over from Monroe Center spent Sunday at home. .
Is doing paper hanyNor. •€.
l>«uls Manlcold killed a Urfe weaael
which had tsKvn up lu abode In a
wood pile at the rear of A. B «tln thev can go till the cornstalks yet dry.
It doeMiT look much as thouyh they
Mrs, A. Rrsn of Trsrerse City srwould yet dry the way it rains ncma
rlr^l Hfttnrdftj evening to spend ft
Qllfford Pray amdo a tHp to Trav Ucfltue meellna last Siraday eventny. days. Those were in luck that bad
fesr <!sTii ftith her nun sid ffttnlty.
Ktnsaley s stores are bfilnnlny t« ihelr corn to the bam.
r, M. tVXter of OrftBdliUplUs spent erse City Tuesday.
Alphonso Tyrer wottn be home Xo
Fkirs RuDer retorned to Trarerse assume their annual holiday attire.
Mondsr In town on trastnias.
the suiosUv any this winter from the Island.
There will be s mssqi|erm«le ball Id
Prsy. of plet«sl the ptitnp house for <
If you )ust Itstmi y**u can hear the
the hall, on ThaDksftlTlQ^ rre.
works nlant Saturday. The Uylna of trees fall on the Mnniayue place. They
f>r. A.^J. McHiall anfved Monday
Manr attended the faretrell party
have quite a bu of men at work and
nlfht to spend a few dsy|t dolnic dentther are-doiny a bly buidn«*ss.
riven In honor of Miss Flora IMUer at day.
The tndl.'s* Aid has been imt off one
Beolt. sho baa jbm serioos- Thos. Ftsj s Weilnesday eveulni. All
dojuiHed for Ssylnaa and oIIht south- week, and" will be at Mrs. Frank Fow­
ly 111 durina the past wtfk. ia cxmral- reported a cood time.
Clint and CIllTord Prar MtemUsl the eastern MlrhlKwn yx'lnts Sat unlay on ler’s.
a slyhtweelny tour.
Saturday will be R. R. ronvcnllnn
surprise!; danre ut Us
Grant Gill vas
the Bartlett church nt the Harlior
ventna. hy
Myron Mar
at his home on 1
City Friday.
Parker Cr«k Frtdsv evenlna.
a number of his srhool trends.
M.*s. A. J. Scott of Grand Rapids has
Miss Oraele
KebI entirUlned rery
IXU Fairbanks of K!k Rapids
rle K
be-m TlsItinK friends hei^' this week.
LEARN TOCCH tyiK'writlny In the
Dleasantly ten
ten of her alH friends on Itina In the nelahborbood
Searrely any potatoes are appeartny nlyht school nl the Needham Business
nmest Yowna and Cf'cll’ia Radley of
at Barker on the bval market at present. No
Martha and pene-?Msbel tor>k In the
nyr 3VP21
ear* are available and the pries Is ik»
si several of their | Creek Friday evylna.
Tlere Gill entertatntsl
Mfft. Orw» Kllnninr ^ n*Uitt« In

Chfisimas Candies
tMr ilivtiBR
prKITV ibrfMh} nofcooilt
tbn nurkH to
with Itett,


tori eanaty. nrU pan. ^bis wtatar srltb
M»t. ami Mrt, A. U Tbsmon here.
The KUirMey CbM Co. has Jost
daoai Rs UIri nbi mold anoMimfnl
ysmr of q»sratlon The rssalts bare


twrtw. rnit kM ft «»• airv —»M »lMO.

.RN TOUCH wrwriUii ta lh»

iOc per ponnd
«» ilUuiKX) all rooiftriilon.
HaiftUjtchoolftfttidan ao^
idaiUa iU^\rinn rainly lor
(^rialiDM trr«« abculd onl
fail to aril ot Mon* l>ujrii»K
All«bo(%aam nqorstt^l o
oall rarlj wbila vii ran
tbf^iD our Uai atU ntion.

ftfler rhattof




Bcaotifiil and
Rare Gifts
Look fonrbid to the*
Holulayt and inspeoi the
l»i|» liuci uf jowolry F cariy,

J. N. Martinek


OHrlsaenaiw StbooKw «r«i 9Drlnslnie

■ rr:'=

217 E Front 8t

ovmr ‘hHo li^or* «Kls


Less to pay for ;
> Women's
Ladb'H- White FItw Une^d Under
w^»-|ihwe imrments. the i
rand; kiuiwn the world |
over as the l»est in>pular ||J
priec-d yanvimt made; tpe>
rial lor this aale per yarmen* Mb^U

IT’S AN ACTUAL FACT that this store has the most complete stock of Women’s
Coats In Traverse Clty--all wanted styles are shown and there is not a shortage in
any line. IT’S AN ACTUAL FACT that this store's prices on Women’s Coats are
much less than equal grades are priced in other stores. These statements are prov­
ed daily by numbers of women; you will find them correct if you care to investigate.
You wilt be certain of a well made, stylish and serviceable coat if you select it here.
Note how low our prices range.

112ft yarnom on the markrt ; buy


Special Fall Sale



Children’s Gray Ribbed ITndcrwear
In all
starttoy with || 1 ^
small and medium sbiea at 14c fMO
and 1»c awd lajger alses at..


GrMteat Tm^ue in Woc4 Roae
for ladlea. ‘mlssea and chib
drew, all sltwi. at.



$6,S0 '
B«nr Skin Coals in »hUo,


For Men

Mens extra heavy deec-t-IInf^d Tnderw.-mr. This yi-ar we have the best,
rlorrsl wuxen and heavloKl #||| ^

Men’s heavy rii.bed Underwear.

25 dosen men’s heavy weight all
wool Uark. yrmy and tan | ||f|

Sox and Gloves

Men's extra heavy aU wool


Men's gray wool Sox. %oith
»e a pair, at............................


6j-ears ^

Extra heavy gray Aitiachan
C5oaU and Bear SkUtm C«
Coats In all colors at..3.

J.ry full In ali.

Moleskin CloVes and MItta. not the
ordlaary poor kind, but extra
good «mea and Urge aUeis. Illp

TWO OF the; best bargains in black 8>lk that; has ever been offered intbav^se city.
inch Black Chiffon Taffeta, specially adapted for waiaU or whole gowns.
i good valae for 11.25. and strtcUy gnaraateed: Spadal fall sMa price........

OtlN OA 1 IkyW/VLi


Ladles of Traverse City to examine these two offerings and compare
values with anything offered elsewhere at 2S per cent more money.

Biore tickets

? City—the great doH dupiaj
t toll sale and all the other i
‘ a doll free.

I Uat this store U now offering we are glrtiig tfckeu i



eoau In

Asirachan CoaU for girts from C to
14. with qijJUed lining, a dandy coat,
for this sale only

Four Big Sn^s in Infant’s. Crate.Jor_ag«j2
Astnriuui Ooiu in wbite.
navy, eny uhI bro«n.2



Special Tall Salt
C dltferont styles of tong loose coats,
splendid styles In black. IJyht and
dark plalda and mlxtnivs. 4S and 50
inches lung, at


i' and cbttdfea*f Heat y
• I
Ikc. at..

High grade

> $12.50

mBj M dlircicnt siylcw in thU lot;
kAg. kmae mad tight aiilny models;
satin MaK broadcloths. ehertoUi and
mtoturea, at

Ladica’ llcary Fleeced Hoae


SpeMrsll Saif,

Special Fall Sale

la this lot. tight
ly. hsIMmiag.
haU-imiaj lix»e and rlppletATk wiyles, lift to 54 Inches long:
chcrlota and
drlKha.' kerseys,
tweeds, s.irae satin IIiuhI at


Traverse City,

Michigati. , _



urn »wi I ■» HT

»>Y« *■■*«*« *>—«»«■*»»*


I P»wt et Iftid^lgah |] m
ksat wan a kaimd asw tke arc
sa moss kssd wror ssss^ os Lske
BMlsr. IBs korwB aami Afty-

Ws«s Bros. mFMBt


set 6Cf

f1» CABM sa ksj Is6 tM. Omst
ami. oai MBMo siaBrK MM
fssC.iraaikatesDse.1. AipiTts
WAMTCIk-«os 60 o«| ISSMOOC
Si ^
Tf»fcsss Gkr Brtrk

a be mt ost,- sairs Ms

(Or iltsesswre otR tkto yoar ks awarda <o qisase CSrdaerl. iho ItsUss post.
H w« ks iSBiisil in I tkat tbs prise

«»Mir mvhtw.rik.(Ht .f BCM

•wssr for

•0 Hiktst ky sMfk

s Bss paa a IMS:
I ssd a taa TTTtrrint i
fcr • ■wml
«»WW1oi; vm mb ter tUW; »,
asip Mr Bsas sm* oviia M poor


SOY »0^


AAAt^mm t’ 1

rw. '

a ssco tkat tke City a Bone ksd
ssllsd froa Kew Terk at ssrk t t^
^ » Artkiir I. I.T«Up^ tt I.
!*?“- ?*»**” ,*** .?** im.v tkowirt aa •oamr tt
”**'*• Tssf imss sst cosn^nw^a
SrWillS pSpSTl g9t ’©a
Tke tLasdroth Pa OssslBt

kaiss SS4 gosltasm ork^ oss a^o
aat kom psr 4sr «s osr vork.
Mrs. FM aitksrt. City, ffs 6.

Tke oMree W tke Asrbor Use SMto
wees crowM atk prrooos caper Mr
Mi CAM B61 kSF Ml M.
sews. BstBmwas so s^ FriesM
MM. QM Bslikto BSb^ I
BssC If sM koloro Dee. 1st. Apply


«y TTortt;
sBSy. «ror14*s Isriost sisksts <4 Ml-


WAI«Tt&—A e»k tt


arose sear Twelftk stiwot
foocss asd fursaeo: si
4 Hata.

r sst Bsrtmss a lu a
I IHiisr-f- Mow Um tke
rses sssaas to tke awm. Pri
Pssi Hktey a tke kigk sekopi
tkassDlorod koy ba^ «
M tke
oasaskL TksOtot€tob.wkftek
as as eseMre stair, ssrassl
toeu asd six assMsts tosigssd to a
ko4x. ffopetedr-te—te-i.r«
te te. orrkadr. o< tk. dWikm d

yoasp wooma In Miss Mary Kltese«^
per. who csrwed a dsUar tor as sxpstitwee social by usloedlsE a cor a tasi.
ber. She is a tbe klad a stsF that
daaskters at tbe rcYoloUoa were sMe


general Mcros


oa 1641
to bsr


PDB Btirr—134 l^e Ays. Isoalre
142 B. Mpbtb flrta.
soy 20-tf

or tvssty oorAs a Uro-foot
Apply to J. W.
oct S64I

»sleeforslsha room.
MtfdmaD SYO.
SOY 22 tf


•n CASH will boy la no. Htossk
svosa. oa Ilslikts sskiirb. 60zlM
M.itftol«baorsDse.i. Apply to


aANTlD^Bssr sdlsd isrmssu to
SiMS sa snks Uks BOW. U
wsrk s spoeUUy. Psrtslss Dye
Wofkl^ All B. Frost 8L Csll 646
au. pkoss ssd wo will So tko root.

or e lerimls lesMsoee to
set ta seise of pssslnc twhldco. -Mtotsr,*
asked « wmsll bey of s psssertT.
-whsts this hsy doin’ oot hrrer -My!
son.-soli the tnss.-the stoM bss Jnet
liroopht a baby to the woman who’


SOT riAi*
. been weU



ta wTsry mp«

mm, sp 1


y-nlnc sp«Y-bea
asd adjolnlnp the boose wkne tke |ec He is the only candidate for xorernor
tOTor stoytd was a ekortfi where as who recdTcd watrrjs f<w Mk j^palpn,
in matched t«t Bsakms -qnarter pese^ but the state committee dwided that
tired ssd perfoctsed durtnp all boors Manner was cheap at the twice.
Ea-Smator Darld B Hill Is today
Ulked of for the leadership of the Kew
York state democratic* party.
It U
said that he has no ^re to reed^r
Som*MM^b|^sslit«T of his 1
! politics, but hU frlebds bclIevT tlmt
sttsmptsd to dlYsrt him by «
DO other man can undo the damaire infhrted on the party In the interior
Is pmMrtly Msodld. Mr. Ftoke.- ssid counties by the HearstConners^Murshe. *WonMB*t yott like to nod Itr phy combine. It Is known that Mr.
Tbe historian pot Me book sakto. “My
Hill srflhstnod the moot tinyetit presMar yoonp Ito^mtld ka -the ooly
d In wkkh 1 eoold sort' to take rhaiite of the sntl-Hoarst
1 this aosseot woBid Torres at Me JPuFalo cnuTeorton of
which he forriold the result. Now be
Is so much put out by 'the situation
that It is beHeYed be <ia be Induced
WB«1 JB! CEBM iletp

tiwri ssd CBMIk Kcmeiy. R wm BBtr
eyes: -Oce! M.lnttltMn if Me tlmt Bit BMlte
rest Eld sleep ptsslMe. AmalctB

A Ta$te of These is Sure
to Please

TrsTsrss City, psalsssls. botk ksyt.


the tsoa ssbnrkss koms is MIekb
Ssa. WS4o Bros^ UT Fmt ^ ^

SAUEft KRAUT-Mkfc Sob KUk «ibbkgc in tiM oid.fMdikBcd wj, pw qt.. .6c

FOB BALt-W keaer fOr III: ksrss
MMa wood a coa WIH ack&Qjce
for ;woPd. Oano. Beekor. 714
SOT 24 a
%m CASH win ksr la its. Hssssh
STSOSS^ Osk Hslthts wlHirb. sam
fat. If sat kaort Doc. 1. Apply to
FOB SALE-Horso -Doc.-!* »rsy foK).
isc. stssa 1614 kssts. SQoaro trata ksa alksmsd kom U M
Kss; siso rosd ssit. ksrsoss and

Wkere FOOTE’S Of course
Both phoM*.

Jmpli SMsr k Sons


FOB SALt--8tois and la oersor

BStwadrttfEUas; akootsUkasdrod '

U bonsd to ba a CDod one H Basis
It St Bladar^; but It wm be
an sdrastapa to you to order tt M
•FTasoe. tfs May su^y ba all ipme bafore Sir BasU ooms to tm. We
baYeibam'an etoas; also cholea gae^
dseks. ftoirkmm UTurytkhig Is cBstoe
manto ssd pmUinrio make Me bik

Btekop TalboiL Me-cowboy blsbop.iwlates amosp oMer entetlslnlpp experieocfu an lacid^t of his Ufa wh^
hr «M . bl.bop ot WjromUi* ud
IdUo. teiieruliilai; a panicuUrtr
lawless mlninx camp In Idaho, be
w«il Into tbe dance halls and pambltop saloons'ISYitlnp Me men to come
to bto Bwatlnps. Ftor Mree weeka he
TSmatsad at the camp, worktop day
and Blpkt. At the asd of that Ume a
eommittee of mlnera offerad him a
aalary of I2.6M to atay asd -hustle
up this preaekto’ busloaas.- Usable
to accept Me oEer. be propoaad i
top a aobstltuta. to which ths con^
tee demurred, as -it was sot to the
deal.- After consulUUon May retorawd with another offer. -11 ypuH send
as a pood Ulker and a pood mixer,they said, “well guaraatae him. at
least "H.000 a year. But pleaaa don’t
sasd us so sUck.Presidant Rooaarait to hU ImpoUlre
way sest for a wall-knows r
writer and asked abruptly: “Do you
know apanlshr -NO. Mr. Praaldent. I
do not. I rery much rsETK to say.
wastkaiaply. “I am aorry to hear U.**



«t. .»i»cki.( .. tbe to th.

Masksfos society was rudely start­
led wkes Mn. Bosa Ackensas. ose
a tke oldest md most tsiseetlal
workers to the Csstrsl Mstkodtst
cksrck a Msskepos asd a sissdi W.
soo at
foi^ u vtarie its proposed pea essstop C. T. V. adrocate asd cksaiples. was
AlrMy a Urpe expcsdl foosd ssiny la the Msskepos eossty
tsre kas beni made for iasda Next clrMt eoari late Tseeday aflersooo
orseUtopItosortomtoera Bsriy teet
eemmer. dnrtap tbe Usm that Msskepoo city sad coeniy were aoderfolnx
an ectlYc -Ud” campalpn. Mrs. Ackermes. who operated s leadisx drux
store aad moYee In tbe select circles
of society, was srrested cbsrxed with
eettlsp brsady to 17-year«ld Grorpe
Pisny. Her srrsst crested s seoss
tkm. She tried at the trial to estab­
lish an alibi, but the Jury dellberalsd
one boor. Tbe case will be apmotloo. decldtox that the tax
pnw, Tbe case wUl probably go to

FOB BALt--^ cood hratins etore! tbete
dlepsttk trom tke esbto
asd neosn. im 8. Ustm. Ctu. BtolfbB
atsMbs at
st cope Bacs to tke AscM
pboae im.
BOY 2Mt* UssMStokert;
! |
•*Tkar City a Borne passed ksn ss^
AFFLEB fob BALE—I bare socse
ilBL WANTtO for rmrml
Imwso- cboice apples ta bsrreU for sale;
sortr sail ssrs a taVsttd lsty. Mrs. Ortnes* Ooldeoa Baldwin^ Grwealea. pewsukloB.
Wm. DiTiBKm, 416 W. Nlstk 8t.
Vapmprs. B. J.
SOY 6f*tf
: SOT 264f
OIBt WANTKO for Koortol hoosstrm (tet tbe CWy «f
Pk. Bsn Oftfo. ClUL 1161.
Ktm T«(t« b«4 mIM
SOY ^Mf jBelxbs. ose paid a sklddlnp ton
Ik* dr. *.0. a* Bv
ose cook store at f 16 Cass.
or krassk a.
•co. vt wtfb Is I
I ksrs.a TrsY*
M. na*.
sfss OKy. AMIS
iMM«MttoTW.r BWlrn4tt»{€( hi. «p«»r. ot toorin* tbe .late
at"""*-1 "Me paid bjr tbe aut. comipllu-e and
TO BENT-OfEce rooms. Vilhelm blk.
«»a <*« loc.1 BfwuilMtlona of tbeSattr a”-!
Oss wslis a tkm toom; ssrwiwl
?* *** t.r tr» pi* «l • -«-k Y* 1' <■«
stopis rooms.
i sot 64f
WANTSO-t^ rvdMM a f«w •!
Ool4 RmT oOalac stock. Wa«o Bros.

«s akosi 146.^. eiMO tAPIM i ilDIAIA rf

smso wss awt a A. IL sst W. M.
OotusL Jr., a Morpss Oty. ISA
-it kas ksca discoTSfod Ika s nh^
kH win sspiro iBsietatay If a dttsp
a stootlsa Is pUcsd os kis tosfwa.says tbs Ass Arbor Airoa. -Tkst

I NAVC s §m piBBCc bsM SB asv.
Tke etory tka Mr. Bn
MSI 1 or« sai a s ksiM. csb
a Ms Mses. 1« & Faisl. SS4 SOS
MsimBy Poary os hU
sin St OSes SSM ssd aa tstt psrtSeasrs. J. O.
the pole U doobUess wH
SOT 6^
tUML-^aiis Arbor Kewa
Fred HIIU a Maeos ^
FOB SAUMairlsse i T^*
papers bsgam a skrlTo Mr fSrther *ts-;
vltk pswor. BMdkuM r jsM tssls; I
Tke Bra eFbrt was a pK sos. | seless by as

SI cko r. a. I

It to bettifot MSI Me Nstod prtos

sat tks Oly a Bssiwkst 1
mt m, MM
sF Ms
MS ossa a ftow-


m to 6 PMt S tocksa at. wstotoi 4M

a oa«sa kssars kss Isa IMS SSI
fpos s trip to tke sortk


>7 ‘t*

u to be to Me gorerwI St tka


tkm waa aooaplad tMtatlYaiy
tostallYaiy aararal
days ago by J. Ksox TSylor. auperrlatag arckHact of the treaaury..asd tbe
aelaetkm kaa sow been ratlBad by

lys. tbe sew eomsmsdast of tto
partmewt of Colombia. Is iba only ofg
iwr of Ms active list of Me army who
received a brevet for -ooosplc
gallantry** to action. That brevet with
it Me rank of major and was canferred
upon kim February. 16P0. while be was
s captate to tke Twenty-first tefastn
asd wa; for.kls aervlcws sgslsst In
dtass St the Oarwaier. Idaho.
In addiUon to beinp an old 1s^ rsmpsipser General Jocelyn it S veti-rsn
of the civil war.
Had s Class CalL
-A danperoua aurplcal operatkm. InYolvtop tbe resKtval of a mallpnaot ul­
cer. as larpe a my hand from my
daaphter'i hip was preveslatj by tha
of Borklen’a An>kto«
Baire,- says A. C. Btickcl. of Miletus.
W. Va. -Persistent was of tba aalre
completely cured It.- Cures Ctus.
Bursa asd Injuries. 26c
Drop CO.. FYusk H. M<
Drop Store.

•‘Yes'in.- mid tbe dealer Is eaptitw
bird" and snlmals. -yon wmnl a parrot
for <^i|Yiiiy? 1 have Hie bird hetw—
'Uoo tbe very bird. Vou are toarriad, are

you notr
Tka kalear ^BOmetl|nes when out
hunlito IMds Me simple life. He has
n prlmltlYe ehootiap but near Hylttkehroen. ^ThU hot U coostnicled of plain
flr boartls. coYcrt tl wlM bark, and hid­
den sway to a preen wood. A mapnlItoent «‘t of wntlers-^owers orer the
cmlranre, while the furniture con^lMii
«if s d*wl tatile snd chalrw. with a few
bo^s to Me wall for-orerposts. In
this secluded retreat Me kalaer. the
kalsrrto and the Princess Victoria
Luise rcysle IhemBelTes with potatoes,
which the> roast for MrmiKrIvrs to
the embers bOf Me wocmI fire msde <if
dry gr branches.
Tiplsh Charlie, the Indian who first
found ptdd to the Klopdlko cu**ks and
reported his discovery to white men.
waa rewarded by the dominion povemwent In a fashion as unique as U Is
dlsrtrdluble to the nuthoiitUw. In
i of the public I
bad rendered and on payment of 65.000 he rv«elTcd Me prlvilejn'. accord­
ed to no other Indian In (Canada, of
purebastop whisky. As i>oor Charlia
avails himself of his prlvllepe by pelHnp drunk nearly every day. and Is
as Twpidariy fiaed 125 by the 6ndte
Hoiwe (Yukon territory! poHee maptstrate. the period of his richea-^a U
said to be worM |10<».ooo—may ba ac­
curately oalcolalad.
HealM Commissioner Doalayof New
York city sounds a note of uraratop to
antomobUisU. He declares that speed
mania and Me danger attendtop travel
at high speed are undoubtedly respooslble for a cooditloo which be deacribet as tba auto heart and which is
liable to cause death. -AutoiDOblllsts
wIM beam Mat have Me alipbaat
Host.’’ says Bosley,
of rapid travellnp oot Is


Hla fair eoatnnser boYrrO.
-Asd your hmMmd U foray? I
lliotipbt *Ns At»d you waul Me parrot
very b
-Is It a flmiit talker?- asked tbe
pm«T»e. tIve porebsmer.
Tbe di-nler brwitatrd.
•Well, uo'm.- be sakl. at last -Tou
wouhln’t hnrdty <wR him a gnivit talk­
er- no. not tl
srant he*s tlie
-Wlnl run the blnl *^yr
-TbaCs what makew h^ tbe riebt
one. tm sui He ain’t lo/but <io** re
mark, to tell the truth; l»ut be*s l-en
lirtmiMt up for Just what y«m want.
Prery roonilo* be inskrs a s«md like
a drawer ofieijlnc and says, €T«-i% like:

stoiBMp • a m. to tf

B. J. Morgan’s Hack
and Baggage Une
Makes cslU for yaartoOf sacl
No tlcUr. ss I Uvs the
fierond bsok nvuly.
SstisfscUon giren

6ed* Jl. Jarvif

201 Treat gtreei


be rety often to deckRnp what Was tha
right asswer. For ln«UDce. wkat is
Ike d«riYatlaa of tbe word -apeWstr
OflkmhOSMFM WUl^BloeL
Itself? At sue tlma lYofeasor Ekast atiW pboM 68S.
found lU criptn pretty coofldeolly to
the Asplo-Bsxoo “sj»el.- mesnlap dia- “

Bint’S lanotit ac^j.

- u charm, mud In
^ pelL then. wo«^
PnL P. H. Ckmc, InMnioior
woqM be to tell the let208 Front Btroet
ooe after anAbcr.
Ittad that tbeA might bare bead
' rion vffh -spelL-a slip of ;i:
•oekaMlpwasoaedtsoar ^
old timd aebools to patat
DigbU Telepbooe Citi
of a word ooe after aaoiber In apeUtog
them sot. Later ba has become more
lentoBt toward tbe view that MU sroodaa •Ypair may ba tbe real origin of JS.HMK0B ^W.SCTETBT


• ■>


ordinary, like
ooUiskm or Me running down of

or no



apa physician to large clUes rwcelYea


^.S35H3 .Po''ce'a‘"
On floor with Bnsiness OolWgv.

trr «Mr li (M> «ta«o to tuna, m snnVRoisi.
no. .■ ifint
•tataotOTorft.■ Mt te czeot. or
redness, grsnuUtion or sore­
a SRO.
ness, whether chronic or'f
waa dropped. Tka ytmsp ceased by wind, dust or sun, is j “
man wmitswa/
tha 4das tkst h
Have you tried PAXTINE j a veeior. Jr.
ka mUM bsTs baas sppototad ta a
a k««ti™o u, j«npM a. w«i.t of
mgk ofBcsmBs tka dlploitotto corps, Toilet .^tiseptic for th»?
It quickly relieves the in- Lima n«t Tbo toatnt jovr mt
Order your
so ha want to
a«m.^.nd byure^ea-i^
bj . •oru
ptap ercrytkii
—gnf of
““ * ““ **“■
qulred a proBclaocy to that tospusga. iog the
Tbe oMar day ha callod at tbe wbita the ejrelids prevents re-occur*
bouse asd waa cordially walooaiaf fence of theenmble.
ta Ms coarse of coaveruatlaa ke aald
Beinn n«falcobolic
oM-alcoholk it is
-SF tbe way. Mr. PrYuliast, J ksoi
noiHrritntifig,eepecinUy toothJrife fica B. Itadw
ing and.comfortii^; different
too at wittumri tt^iJaim mijnnd better Uinn anything else.

7frt Insurant


«m te W W« W tWWtosS W


Hkk SeMMchb CDvie.

.Goal „f

TMher. I bear ys&^alwa,.
ff tto ear sf sUtr.VWhst 4s Br


" t:

roorruALL has maps m yeMt

-Why. (to torttoi^ mj wm*
**Aad wto dnwm ^

To« M rooc. Mt jamg

When ttort is aa Into or two nf ash
tm tto end of tto olgar jm tot It fall
to that bald toad aad ase how high
it «aa jump. Tbe ashes are aoc bot
MCrnNG HELD IN NEW YOJIK toough to bun. but they an warm
Bght tn a 'jffoam
Mom's boot tto ban and ploogtid thro^
enough to be felt.
for Urn yards «• was peoalta
The ChtooB an a real tca-etot Ha­
(to Athletic eWb team ysaterfisy aftM^ yards. Pieraoa hit r^ and for Bve
vana filled dgnr that & & Ifmii A
mum mad to Ameeatoi la Brop kicking yards mad Moon ponied. Dally i
«M rvm
M* at
Many Well Known
Sons sell tor a atokeU aad Is the toly
toe ^ms wtoeh made np tto Mortng
Be. cigar wton tto ashes aiq firm
tto toy- iltoittor loom eoMd got ire at right end. A tosplay a
DM M PmI Yeer*.
aad solid Bto thoas of topnarivc
trom tto otWk goal llto.
kms and (toy paafed. Cht
es. Tto wm toJor a Chtoa any
Tbe toy towned clear aad cold and made ten annmd Ml ^ aad ]
way, so try one aad M hew goad It In.
tto bearu of. the rooters were gisd: hit tto opposite tori a gala, Third
New York. Nov. lO.-At a meeting
old Bol aboto pevststenUy on tto fi«ld down oae to gala mid Amuboekher
oat to rMoro tAe gu» tut or
Wednesday of many borsetneo presid­
Nodos fa hereby ^vea thst sealed
UMf BMSe ibMir thMMtwm bt rolM orftA and mom had tto gnmad la tto ftoi- hit right tackle for tea rmrds. Cher- ed over by H. K. Deveiwux of Ckpvebids for the care, maiatoaaaoe «(mcaalAo loUstioa of ofMrtnc ap tAe ftajr est waidmoB It has Am thy yonr aad venka made fifteen jsr^ left aad laad. It was decided Io fm aa orgma- Xmm Cmmmmt Wtm 9
tag repairs, etc.,) aad hanUng of the
Oscar sgaia gained km right tadtle.
kmgVtofbra the wMscle cal
io tAot tAm vcrnM to few i
laatton to bd called tbe American AsA Parts bank clerk, wbo was esfry city ambtttoan fnat Dee. 4. Ito«. to
Moors dropped hack f the tweay-hvt
sodattoa of Trotting Horae Breeders. tog a tmg of gold thrutok the strseto May IsL 1»©7. wiU be received at the
yard line aad tried i
The avowed object of tbe body U the dnppMl s ten franc ptoce. which rolled office of the city clerk up to 4 o’clock
bled tot made a bIm rmvery
uplifting of trotting sport mad with from tbe sidewalk. He sK his tog ! p. m. Saturday. Dec. 1st. IfiOC. In
nmHemeat to a higher pitch and was all to BO avaU ft r the baU
Hov vtn tAer tore
this end In view itm decided to hold down to took for the tost piece, sad. bidding it U to be understood thst the
wb«B «bc leUD. flullr bncu u> llac a toot ootelde the poeu. After the
an annual horse fair is the north, while to
trying to extricate It; smbuUnce shall not be token out of
prettr lltUe nslM cloteblBC » kickoff Trontwlae trlid left end for s south, east and wem of this country
to purtog tAte M ood In
from tto gutter some oat stole Ms tbe city, except to the On
loHMtoftatkMr*: Thw» c
lOf ooo
In successive years.
bsg aad nm svray with tt.
uid that the dty ahall be
fWHtoa of tto Arali^ tAr^ tkoIU fncy Uw whole crowd hr whlipertn* Io iMr no gain and then ponted aad Lodka
Aa execoUve committee was ap­
M not aUagtoms or
se whatever in connectioa
tmd, too MW bfoAen. bIm lets ooighhar^ ev. ‘X». but I hope our blocked It. High school ball oo dob pointed aad it win draft a ocmstilattoa mmmnmm It ofloa means vary tatfo
Tbe Hda moat apedfy
AfoAm. oMAt rtto Arol^ five eolUr boro wUI wte." or eourw. It the forty-yard line. Pler^ bit right end and byUws fOr the WrgalnsaUon. The egpsadttareo. for It always has tto what charge will be made inride
ft»r BO gain aad HuBier tried It for a
Aom frM3t«re4« foar arm* Ardkeo.
aasociatton wIU be tocorpofatsd prob­ larger end In view. Trim economy the dty IlmtU and tbe extra charge if
1 not eapraes the wishes gf loss. Moora'puntsd akd the eJub team
tAree Unto brokaD. two makles bfok
M tto wlasst expoadltun of wtot any to tbe Grand Traverse sanitortum:
took tbe bell oo their twenty-yard line.
Ml. ooe jav brobeB. one Bnger brokeo, only a pert of the drowd.
ton, enrythiag eoaaidMad. took- It U to to understood thst sil accident
one k»«* and two ahoaldem dUlocatTbe game was the moet evenly m They oonldn't gain aad punted fifteen
Ing St It from tto trnodest standpotot or emergency cases ahall be' free and
tested of amythai has been am bore yards. Pierson fattodjto gain on right
President. Senator J. W. Bailey. It is not s good thing to sere a alcksl ail other cases where tbe ambulance
by Cherveaka gathered np the
Tto Ito oaly iBctadM tAoM vbo In tbe past tpro yeare and every man
tto axpeadltun of 33 cents* wofib is used shall be paid for by tbe party
T«tas; first vlce^prealdent W. R. Al­
ptajrad wUA teami of »ome promla- that played jpn either team showed ovsl and hiked down |lhe sIdeUncs for len. 8t- Louis. Ma; second vice |
giving toe .call or by the person for
ely few people hava
eaca. ao tAal Uu> aocMenta were re^ that he was a star of many poInU s twenty yard gain. H
dent. Jacob Ruwmrt. New York; third
t whom tog call is made. Tbe ambur
iiorted. It U likely Uat ap many or Moore's kicking and Ehrenberger'a yard on * right end. Moore drop vtosiwesldent. L. V. Harknees. Ken healthy view of what real saving or
economy nmana 1 have seen a Isdy lance ahaJl be under the auperrisloii
■Mire WMB aot reported aidl are not In- long run wern featores of tbe gkme kicked a besuUful goal
of tto bcaltb officer and «*M ^ po­
thirty.yard line. Tbs. Athletics Meked tucky; treasurer. Sterling R. Holt. spoU a pslr of fine gloves trying to
deded la tAe lilt Anoag the Injorod bat there was not a lUiless
Indianapolta. Ind.: secretary. H. K reacBt s nScksl from a mod paddle. lice. TbP city reserves the right to
off and Moore p1unge<j throogh
are iMrerm] wAo will to crippled all in the whole Bfly mlnutee of
Bevorml people have bean ran ovm br reject any or all bids,
taoklers for a ten yard return. Two Devereux. aereland.
tbclr llrei and eereral who are likely
streM rsra or teems In New York
Lodka was back on full for tbe High
T. H. OILU8. City Clerk,
to die from the efferti of their Injor- school teem In the first half and more plays and Moore panted. Dally Holt. Indiana: William a Allen. Miss­ while trying to rescue s dropped peck- nor 27-2B- 40
made a pretty return apd downed the'
played in hia oM-tIme form, punct
tpll on bU twenty-two-yarfi line. The ouri; J. M. Johnson. Maine;, H. N. Bargain bontsrs are often victims of
All Seerad Upon.
Ing the Athletes wall again and again
false economy. They buy. toesust
clnb team fumbled and Simpson took Bain. New York; H. K. Devei
Other IfBree of football tliti year wbUe hia defensive work was nothing the ball on their twenty-onc-yard Ohio; P. M. Maraball. Illinois; R. C. they ere cheap, a great many (hlnga
•how that Oondl Aai loored the short of wonderful. Pierson was In line. A fumble reiulted in the next
«ttottot Bontor of poinu of any of
play but Mac got the half and Moore
the leading eollege eloveni tAli yoer. made many gaina and McGarry han­ dropped back thirty-aoven yards from W. G. Bennett. West Virginia
Id plaoe of a big total of 400 or BOO dled the team In wonderful shape at the goat for m drop. The crowd went
poiau. wAIck ancA **acoHng nacAlnea" quarter wher4 he played the first part wild when It sailed lietween the posts
ai Yale In tAe east and MleA^n in of the game and then dropped back to and over tbe bar. In two minutes
tAe west were aocuitonied to pile up half while Hedges played tbe keystone
It eoS iMd p<Ud tbtj
called With the ball In tbe High School Band and Rootefa Vied trttn tber
on lAelr lirali. not a teem In either posUloo. Chervenka pUyed his usual High achool-g posscsston thirty yards With Athletic Club Rooters on the
regnlar price for It Many peepk tore
a manU for atter»dtog aortloM and
eectkm of tAe oooaUy Aei al yet good game, ^mtabuekher was a good from their opponem's goal.
Street Wedneeday NlghL

buying aU sorts of truck which does
reecAed the tAree Aatored mark In ground gainer always.
Second Half.
not match anything else they have.
EhrenbergM played ^zrcllent ball
total nemAer of polafe. Alio another
Simpson kicked off and the hall was
The High school band and fibout a
very unBtnul thing that may be point for hU team and made many gains downed (wcnty.flvc yards from the Hundred hxilen idtted their nolsc- Tto result Is that their homes are a
Teritobls nightmars as to tosts and
ed out it the fact that there Is not a on the ends: Heiges wtwk^d In his Athletics* goal. The High school was making abilities against those of the fitness of things. Tl^en. they never gst
I a atagle teem of pfomlaeoee that Aae oaoal jvmalstent manner and put up a offaide and got a penalty but Ehim- A. C. rooters j^'ednesday night on the the fintt best wssr of snythtsg. Tto
great defensive game. Barbe. i he berger hurdled and drew a bigger down town streets aad attracted much sscoodhand things are often Just on
PenaiylranU U second to Camell In club presIdenL did some beautiful line one. Dally Tumbled and Hdgea pull­ attentiontto point of girlng out and cunatantly HeTtt.B.t)eeM4
need repairing. This foeUab baying la
number of polnlt made, with a toUl smashing and gained repeatedly. The ed from his goal line. High achool'a
The band apepared first near the
of 147. Yftio hat been scored upon mat of the club team played excellent ball twenty yards from the coveted club g>^ and.marched to Park Place tto worst klad of extras
the lesit of any of the esstem dcrens, ball and when the fact that they have place. A drop kick failed. The High where they dispensed noise for a few Ity, durabUtty. abould b
akSeratioo to buying anything
only been practicing for a few weeks school team gained for
only haring six points chslked
moment before moving on to PYont ataqtuse. Yet many people keep themand then under adverse conditions is then lost the ban. Bhemberger took street. Here the band selections were aelres poor by buying cheap artidoa
against her op to date.
la the west the oooference roles taken Into consldrnitlon. the possibili­
and drove the club rtxrtera crary Interspersed,
yella which were which do net last.
hare wrooght soch radlcsl changes In ties of what they might have been are by drilling down the field for a thirty- answered lustily by the club followers.
No greater delusion erer entered i
allowing Ue “big nine- teams to play seen. Their bmee when near Ihclr yk!B gain. TVo more plays resulted Two rows of High school boys
Trying to not tbi
own goal was wonilerful.
only flye games escb that |'l ^
In losses and Heiges punted. The stretched clear across the street and
down to tto lowest pocidbli
Hunter was lnjun«d In the last tbneo ball changed bands twice and (hen the
eapected that any of tbe tesm
did 4 he Jock stc^ohlnd the band for
to able to roll op a big total of points. minutes of play and Miller took kis High school made a lK1rlr-,ard gato the n«t blocl?^where they again dollar has ruined msny a concern
bare been mod
But. nevertheless, the big disappoint place.
on a punt following It up with a
stdbped. By this llme tn immense ■occesafnl hare found that tto heal
First Half.
' menl of Ibe season is the Michigan
ty.yard gain. Moore tried a drop from crowd had been attracted and the ex­ woikmen. like tbe tost materiala. an
Club Itwm kicked off. Hunter made. the forty.yard line and failed. The citement lasted for almost two hogrs. tto cheapest In tto sod. Tto brsakeleven.
The -Wolvertncs- were the big sen- short return and was downed on (hej Athletics got the ball on their forty- The celobraUon closed with a funeral agi, tbe damage, tto losses, tto axpenatvo blnoden. tto Injury to mer Call Cit.
aetloB of the football worid for four High school twenty-flve-yard line. A fli^e-yard line but a fumble gave it to march to the gym.
liell HO
cbandlse. tto loss of ewatomers rasultor Bve years, and always sncceeded fumble lost several yards and Cher Eails. A punt gave the defenders of
Nov. 21-r,t*
in pUlag op a tout of four or flee Aon- %-rnka made eight around right end. the blue and white the ball thirty
deed poinu during the season, while
yards fit>m ibelr goal but they soon
Any ooe wbo triaa to get
tbelr own coal line remained almost li4 the middle of the .field Howard lost It and were forced hack half the
anlta from inferior BHthode. fraoi
untarnished. But this year Yost turn Trout wine tried left end for a small distance Heiges made eight >vds on Many Surprises Were Sprung *t Ben- ctoapoeaa In quality of i
ning Wednewlay-:<1. M. L. at
od out the poofTsst team of bU career, gain and Helghs trU«d the same for a right Uckle after which Hhrenberger
aenice. deludea blmarif. C
HmyoB accout* that
100 to 30 Hit Bookies Hard,
and aa a result Michigan was only bjea. Third down, fifteen to gain. went around right end for a ten-yard
means cheap, product and
able to score a total of 72 points, while Slmps<ni blocks (ho punt and secured gain. -Hme was calli-d with tbe ball
reputation. It
Washington. Dec. 1—lx)ng shots along tbe llaa. Tto Insdtutkm run by
her oponents ran up 30 points against the ball. McGarry fumbled, recmcred thirty-five yards from their
had a carnival at Bennlng Wednes cheap help U cheapaoad and means a
day. The biggest surprise, and one cheaper patrooage.-Ortsaa 8wvtt Marthat made the bwikmakcrs wince, dental
• The Bourdman avenue team
came in the third race for platers,
Old aooonnte pompUy att4nd^
rvfuaes to accept tbe Klmwocal
al a mile and a sixteenth, when T. D.
Before Mre. Rage left tor borne for
riTwm 0#te Honor. ThooBh Penn. Man Sullivan’s colt. G. L. M.. backed from her annoal summer vUlt at bar molb- to nod I enn make moo^ for yra
o srita and Bums Hto Long Bloody
them once pnd token one game •I
I. Flr«l In Crow Country Run
100 down to 30. made all the running, er'a abe told her husband that If to
Battls at Lee Anpelss Wednseday
on s forfeiL
with Brady, a stable boy.rin the sad­ wanted anything that wasn't In plain
Night—JefTrisa Rtferee.
dle. and lasted Just long enough to siriit to write to bar for dlrscriona.
Princeton. N. J.. Dec. 1—The Corby a bead from E. R. Thomas' “Don't turn tto boost upside down,
I-os Angeles. Cal.. Nov. 30.—Jack
the Inlereollogtate Oaatos. 5 to 1. The last time out the as you generally de.- sbe mid. with
O'Brien of P^delphU and Tommy
cross, country run Wednwdaj. Penn Sullivan ooit could not get out of his unhsppy recoIlectloiL “I will snswer
Bums' of eDtroit fought 20 rounds to
Travarm City, Mleh, Sept It, UM.
sylvsnla was second. Maaaachosetto own way. Nearly all of the books by return mail and teU you Just whars
a draw Wednaaday night before tbe
I beva ptoeed a nunber of aeeoanti
third. Yale fourth. Harvard fifth. Co­ lost oo hia succeat. while it was said It la."
Pacillc Athletic club. The batUe
Mr. Rags found evsrytfalng to Wa with A. PobotnI-i naeney for eallei:t.
for a purse of llX.ootf and the title of
band, but soon after his wife's de­ bm. euny o( them kmc ootUwed: but
of the forty-nine men wbo started,
tt a scorching.
parture s neighbor came In to borrow| Jo»t tbe nme llr. Poborel bnmsW the
heavyweight champion of the wor
there being seven entries from each
Red Knight, a prohibitive favorite, a pattern which riit was sure his wife
Jim Jeffries, the reUred heavyweight
deUnqoenU to Uma end prompt catcollege, forty five finished. Tbe dis­ was practically left at the post, and bad. Mr. Sage wrote, as to bad beeo
champion, acted as referee.
They Stilt lUtoin Title for City tance was 6V4 miles.
flnUhed third, three parts of a length reqosstad. His wlfa'a reply a
O^BriMi etarted off atrong and f
Sr. B. L. Aihtoi, DeoUrt;
Schools But Forced to Bow to
qnently found Its way into tto fiprtaf•
.the showing made In the tint two
Thoir Opponents Yeetendhy.
became temporarily bUnded. after be
roonda It looked as though he would
Too will find It hanging on tae wall
had run four miles. Elsele was run­
to an easy winner.
by tto attic stairs,** ran tto lettar. “or
ning well at the time, but was unable
Boms then began to show bis slug
in the box on top of tto amring
The Junior Champa won over the to see. and bad to be led to the gym­ Grand Rapids Sporting Editor Leaves chine in Ellen’s room-tto grM box
gtng ability and the light grtjw into
toardmsn avenue team yesterday nasium. The trouble was doe to par­
or tbe nd ooe. I forget which. Pmone of (he bloodlaat ever witne
Deak--Qoss to Philadciphls Next
morning on the Twelfth street grounds alysis of the muscles of tbe face, with
baps, tboogh. It U CO tto top abalf la
Mondsy—Wlfl Manage Lewis.
by a score-of If to 0. Tto game wax which Elsele hs. been affected for
I have a number of good
for the championship of the rity several years. He was leading Jones
farms, all the way from 40 to
KmsrsoaW. Diekotnoo of Grand
among teams of 130 pounds average of Pennaylvania by 100 yards when be Rt^ds Wednesday resigned as sport­
-If met there ft la ta tto bottam 160 acres, for sale, or if you
was forced out of tbe race.
and under.
ing editor of the Evening Proas, after drawer of tto high boy la tto uppw
have any good property, I will
HlflA BcAaal Bqoad Broke Training
The finish between Jones of PeonTbe east side boys held up to great
wnrloe of two years. In that capaci­ toi^
Immadiataly After tto Gameshape during the first half, allowtog aylvanU and Oolpltta of ComeU. was ty. For many years ppevloosly
take it in exchange and make
Given Ay Coach Davia
only four potato to be marked np a pretty one. tbe men ruuilag neck “Dick** had handled tto atoan aad It la afiioag them aomowhi
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
agatatothem and these were the re- and neck in the last 100 yar^a.^ emptied the paate poU oa the sport­ not sore bat It to la tto aseo
a good farm for less money
from tto bottom. U to eomt
ImmedtetHy nfUr the game yaatet^ ault of Minef^s drop kick. The fea­ winning first plaos. with SSrlS fTas ing editoria desk of the PoaL
etaliu anyway, ao doo’t
than you can buy it of at^day aftornoon the High aehool squad tures of the game were Wall's punt­ hlattato. Several of tto other finish*erooo wni leave Monday for
headed Ibr the Palace where the pies ing mad a sixty-yard run fbr a touch­ M almoft resulted In deadhemU. Philadelphia to begin his earoer as
body else. I have farms
Bee*, of Pennsylvania, retired at the
whMi bad been offered them by Coach down by Baamna.
iior of Hairy Lewis, tlm Hgblwhich are located from four
The winners now have pUyqd six end of tbe first lap with a broken
Daria were waiting in the east dUplay
to 20* miles from Traverse
window. The boys aU made away with games without being eoored on.
one piece befbra leering tto store and
» aaongh mooey la that
THBMt IS a (OOd fob wiouac tor City, all good improved lai^
CHEAP, but It*, all good,
the throe long montha of tralaiiig
leA bread way to pay the axpeaae of hU trial
men end women with binlnn.' They
wo hroton. Tto plea were oBacBd lunch IB cento. UUlo TkvenL
lU. UtDe at Orniid RapMa.
an the tine. Why net
nov *7-tf
become n hnstlar by tnidac HollMat'e
CtaiWvoIx and i
‘ thirty points on
BiatafuVad. to Raefcy Mwmtnhi Ten? Tee or TabRECORD WANT ADB PAY.


Advertise iiRn
Evsnins Rscerd!

Yohn X Saato
Goienl Insonan

BIL. TrawmCSy

Order your


I. O. Bcirnto
TvS mnd office NorUietB
MiefaiKU dock.
Both phones IK.

Horses and Cows
For Sale
1 good, beoTj. toiiiiil wotk
horoe, good oooditioii. tmf
1 16001b. «Jy,«r old more.
M»k.> fir«t.oli«. team for
Inmber wood*. WiU mII
1 >«antiral, eUiidanl bre<i
brood matf. enrp brooder
nod io foal by T. W. W.
1 atyliih-Knibxl awidle lionr,'
n loppy driver.
S Rood cown; he froah early
inthenpring; will acll vary





Arc Your Collections Slow
Yon Ha?c Given Up?

If yon have, let me collcW
them for yon.



Why sit in a cold room
when a little money si>cnt
wiUlccep it out?
Storm sash are f^aranteed to pay for them­
selves in two years in
saving of fuel.
Get our prices.
All kinds of lumber and
! interior finish.


A. Pohoral I



Farms_for Salei


South Side

Lumber Co,
BeU :m

..FOR 1907..





M. Paige
H. H^AN WalterAGENT.

*40 WsUttagtoB.

at phone mj!

•.V j-


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