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The Evening Record, July 21, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
^ WL HUCtLMAIiTCL •• «l. C. HAtKtLL» %VCCt9%On,
turn WM Cmi#h by th« Cfbwtf
r ■.
AFTER Timber
tbr rlikf to drive a yngom aad Albert
has been cut
aad Ihrova lato tb« rtver. Kelley Lumber and Shingle Company
AntlMftMi to JUk Hl«i If
He tolled to cotoe up,
a uaioa
wu the Timber-Sixty Me
•• Atoiptoito
teaatoter. was btot«Q. by the crowd
Win Be Put to .Work to
onUI rtoewad by a polioMna.
Clear up tha Island.
'At tiM
or tw COOttrtl lift
kVtoUAK. J. M. ^oettmanui wm
; . «>|«rc4 ura d M, E. HaMdl, n..■■■ ■ Nlfiiwl. Tb* appoIntiDeM wu <»«
E. A. Klldee left laal night fur North
Vax ixlaad on the tug Maggie, where
he expect, to cHM^roti- the lumbering
huitbero on a Urge xcale for the Kei
ley Lumber S Shlng*.e Company, who
I the timber, Mr. Kildee took
with him about Sfui-n men and foot
teams which he brought w*th him tost
Monday from Mi!«wukee county, where
be ha, for the.pa.,t year br»A lumU r
Ing for the Kelley Lumber Sc Shlngb^
vT^wpany. who have to‘eo waiting for
the arrival of the tug. Mr. Klldoe ex
SEVERAL TRAVELING MEN TO BE i»ect, to hire the remainder of bis
r.ln Northptirt. Suttons Bay anu
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
’ ' !3",Tsr.'S-r:;
Attbeugtr ractory Oat a Late SUrt
Thia Year. BualfiMa Mas Baa
Excellent and the Plant
Hat Bean Kept Buay.
J%Mm^ Op»B-i»cl I
A bran new lot of ezcellem boc^s.
A splendid line of young
Chimney Corner Series,
Naur Potatoes Aro Ruing Sold by CroTOO LAST NIOHT.
con But None Havo Bum Of
fered on the Market.
“Alger" books...
The Wellesley Giris* books.......... S6c
The Cornell Series for everybody.!»c
Cherrioa are moving slowly on Um^
local market. Ue Maotmorwucy briar
ing SOc while good sweuu bring more.
The new potatoes are almout ready
for the market, in toct there arc
Graad Trovers- jx^taioe, for sale by Said Hu Wanted to Die Bwt All Ha
grorer.-t and relaU dealers byi nooe
Biamad to Really Want Was a
have bewn uffeml oo Unr market as
yet although they wroold bring from
Much AttuntUm.
7u to go ctmi,. The geaeral uutlook 1,
favorable lor a good ixdato crop.
A I it He Dew hay
coming In now
and then and bring, from f« lo IS. a
The largest shipment of live stock
ning JumiHd
that Pmu U^ n made this rear was
i the railing iben changed hi.
Id and caught bold of a piece of
Buffalo yesterday by WHIlam Trout wine. There were two car?,
(ConUnued on Fourth l*age.)
one uf which wa, a double decker, and
there were 1G4 bead of ,lock. at'ventysixty
calve, and eight head of cattle Thl,
Kt.»ck to not all picked'up dlrerf.y
about the city but the bulk of It to and
c-ii Is xhipperl here a, a center.
City Book Store
Lot Nothing HIndRr You
from BTailtng
ing yonrstilf
yonispu of
oi this
exceptiona] t
gurneot oat of dato-ocitv •
ehuoe ve M«—and took. Fol.
low oor exunpto wid mt. dol.
Urs. What's yoor notion ol
these decided redoctiootl
SniU $6. $8. $10. $11 $16. We
are oonvinoed that) theee hergains will make ns many friends.
for men
Kttbeck ® Hoyt
Union St Clothiers.
More men arc wearin^j
O.xfords this year than
ever before,
Vcnurable Colored Woman Wa, Onca
a Slave in the Family of
Jefferson Davia.
Oxford,! Oxford,!
Oxford, !
By Wire lo the Evening Record.
Now York. Juir 21-Ellen Green,
Much important buxlnexit wax tram^
formerly a ,lave tu Uie faftiily of J.-facted at the mwilna of the Ixiard of
fetMU. I>avto. to diwd at her home la
^tom or the Potato iniplemeni
nushing. aged Icmi yewra.
ciimpany laxt plicbi. A brick wall was
ordered built between the main fac
tory and the Iwlh r rtioin and paint
Wc Are (‘xclasive salea* agents in
dbop. Thlx win araatly rt^liicc the In* WORK WAS RESUMED TODAY
Traverse City for •
ice rote and add much to thi
xafely of the planL
It wae alao decided to buy out the
OreenvUle Implement company of
Oraeavllle. Mich. Thlx pdrchane will
a Urre tncreaae in.fbe cum
• buaJneex. The machinery from Mr. Morgan Stated That Ha Has
Twice Refused an Offer of f 12A00
the GreenTlIle plant will be moved
. For HI, Property—Capacity to
here In a xhort lime.
be Increased.
(Continue on Fourth Pa«e.)
The low shoe is the proper
. caper for yojpf iommer footwear.
Free circh^ation aronml the
aiikitw in an antidote for hot
f»vt We have all the new styles
and Ua r»‘ are iminy of them.
Ox/ort/i f/ttoi 80e to $4,
Is the cry of everyone;
we have about everylhint;
in Oxfords but your feet.
Bring them in.
Chocolates and BooboDS.
lo openlnt Psion iare<>t to the bay're
ported that they hajl mn h Mr. Mornan
Of tlu; fulUmlug ,,n.p.»l
Hob. h« hut ontblni; to u>-To the Honormblt* Mavt>r and Commoun t!ouncll of Hm' City of Trav.enM-niy:
*Tlentlero^*o—Ily rt*que«t of your
honorable comroltliH*. Jamex Murrhle.
YIe C. Palmer and Jaraex M r.lll.-tt.
(Continued on Pburth Page.}
ther of Murderer Wat Found Dead
n Her Chair—Chartee Moore Ar.
reeled for RobhinQ TenU.
^ New, of Michigan.
By Wire to the Kveiilnf; ReconJ.^
Adrian. July :i t;oldle UUnder. a
iruMty mtuute of the induMrlal home,
wanted to sd-L her tatber in iKtroii
Irtim a xecond etory
winttow of the Havitanir c«aiaK»‘ bm
waiP captured. ' liar, i Holunte Jum|HMi
froin a third ht«ry w In.him at the Mime
lime xnd b:idly i< u„iiy injur.-d. She
iwiralyr.d fnnu the bipp down.
Will Raise the Pr.ee,Bi-nloo Harlxir. July rI.—Became
the city asked tb.' Standard Oil com
pane to rorome it^ tank, from tb.‘ to
' .* By WTre to-thf Frenlnir Reewd.
ratioo near several factories, the <>jm
New York, July ri -Jedm IV Rockepany ihrcaten, to roim* the price, of
teller to on the llamban: liner .Amer
and gawdine. In-uranee eompanies
re canc'lin#: poUei» s un act'ouni of
the pirttlmlty of the tank, to the fac
Died in Chai**.
Detrolf. July 21.—Mr*. William S
Harper, motb.'r of Floyd Han« r coo
victed at Ibr murder i»f John N Duly
was found dead In a chair thi, morn
Inr In the home of Mr, Reid. ^4e
MuUett atreet. She had been ill with
cholera iiKAbns wince VYlday.
Robbmf TeoU.
f9«r ThP«»»mt Elk* Wert Held Up at
Pint Huttm. July 21.—Early tht,
Tailand Btoanto Cxcuraloo Train
an dfell ajdeeg on the hay
Was wrecked.
Moore at New Tork state at the camp
of “Our Club" below St. Clair for lout
By Wire to the Brenlni; Record.
Itenrer. Colo., Jnlv tl -AS ri
xlon train of Blka from Dearer o>
Konhwemeni and FmMc tatlraad
wrecked a abort dtotanee from Tol Agod Man Fell Aaleuw ai^ Hit Death
Wart the ReawH.
By Wire lo the Eirnlny Record
^ncaater. Pa. July 21-Ckarte,
ffcrry. aged S2. wa, bu
la Iroac Benslnlg^ burs In Earl tows
8RXET CREAM, nuruntewd
ahlp. It Is cuppoacd he
e:: =--=“.1
y-: .:
July 214c.aad toU toteapoiitbebay.
1 Ofi. SaSw'k^iiiiailifii
Stock doors delivered same day as ordered. Odd
doors and srindow screens In three days.
We’ll send a man to take the measurenientd
———- • I ivnanii)
; ,
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
With Dx
1 o. c. MorrATT ll: J
Order lor
fIJSto 13.50
Drug Store.'
Thoro-omoro Csm/o/Y in • pair
When Inten i.*wi*d by a Rt*coid re These camlic's are ooDBiileretl the
- finest in the cx>antry.
IHJrter thl, afii moon at 2 ocluck. J.’
of them than anything eUe.
C. Morgan stated that a, yet no wih-iI
had been M»nt him In n-gard to the
cJlyV proposithm In regani to open
ing rnloii
ei.tf*jd whnt ho ha-!
iit aM Indirccth'nni tlw Miei-t.
Mr. Mffrgan would not state whether
‘ would at'c^'pi .in ofTer of
Ih.'auKf nothing lm»l lieen said ofTicially
to hlm^about it. but when the qu.-<
tion, ‘ Would®yoii sen your pnip.«rty
fr..0iK.r • w-a, a^ed. Mr. Morgan
n'pllr,!. “Weil. It wouldn‘t take me
long to anrwcrlbal oIT.t iu itiiy other
1 ALbMtroctB of Till# I
under what I named lu the proposition
I the cotinril '
The cold Nlorage plant ha, Iw-en un
ilRwMSgt* Rt«l« Dunk Dutldlwfil
flergolng exteiihlve Improveroeni,. al
hough there ha» be«*n IJ.tMk* exp*.nded alroxdy. the work ha, pi,t lH*gim
Miw. Theri* an* over/^fij' cord,
one and a car load of «*nu*ni
bitritnl tinder the wnllf. which are now
Indng en»ct«^l. to afTiml a good buin^
datlon for the big :«!diti.»n which will
be cumpU ted. WiU^k was MopiHtl ye.s
Every argument and you will
urday. but the force of men went
find that Hannah & Lay Co.’s
luM'k to wrork this inomiug and thl,
make. It look as though the offer
<niW not U* conridmiHl.
60cand,80ca Pound.!
- ........
Make Us Pro\^ It.
Tvvo Womuti Rrocued With Difficulty
xnd Guurt, Were Driven Out
• in a Panic.
By Win* to the Evt uing R*-cord,
Chicago. July 21 —Tbc annex to tin*
St. EHmo Ih»iH tuniet! early ihto morn
iwro women were rescued with
difficulty and alxty pertoo, were
driven ont In a panic
HAVE told you
Lay Co.
would sell you a $17 ;
Rug for
$1’.»5, a $'21
Rug for $16.50, a $2.5
Rug for
$iy.D5, a $27.% Rug for $22 or a
$35 Rug for $2».$5.
We have the
goods here to back this advcriwc-
Cevmmefit Intpuctor, Oudared Every
Packing Heuto In Kansas City
But Onu Ws, Unssnitoiy.
By Wirt to the Erentiig Record.
Kaasa, aiy. July 21.-Erery psek
tog boose but one hss been declared
imaaaltary by the Unllud State, bu
reaa of animal todustry aad given
aatU Aug. I to dean up.
THIfRE WILL be a special comma
akattoii Traverse City lodge. No. 222.
P. R a:
Monday eveatog. Work
to. vw
degTM aasMwmcwi
followed by
uj rewit
^ . \y
V /.J.).: litii
Ncsilgee SUils-Bcsl Made
50c, $1. $1.50, $2
halbtitxa DUctwear
25c, 50c-all colors.
Unioi Saits Underwear, SI,I1.S0 .
ment and .would be pleaded to
have you call.
You’ll buy if you
Remember, these arc new spring
goodfi—not old patterns
ysually sold at these prices.
rm. cviMM iiieoMX tiuvcMK arr.
A aMMM M taMB Mitif kr tki
butMMte if tte cHr ia tenr of *
We aic hATias nAtaSi
Noc Flame Wkkkss
OD Store
cn bo Mad to asjr ifomof WMODkiiee iDveatiiMsitao
11m SDTuwBMk Lair timiU the kidd olaecoriibw
whidifba book MB take nod in imaiy ways i^oarda
. DirietJy the reUabOitj of tU bank, prohibiting
■Mthoda which night mnlt in loan. The anxmnt
which may Us fciaxM^i to any one fa raou. 6nn or oor<r
poratioo is by Uw made ao small the loan of the enUre amount wouU not imperil Urn hank a aolvency.
This i* became they «Io
not smoke, there is no
odor from then, they arc
abkolutdy safe, they are
economical to use and
we are sdling them so
cheaply that you cannot
afford to be srithoul one.
m acr«t u» Am MV nil* a*i
iW HMMk. Ur A Oo. aiMV
lopi tu pUB Mt
U to Up«d nd rtpwlfd tut wttli-
Prof. W, H. Btefleaa wfll ooDdoet
la Bittalc at Grace Kptooopal d
mm for the laM time aa be
toBTsa tot New York Wedaeaday. The
Mat will be the propnim that
wOl be readerod dortat the aerTlce:
It & HtodtoU. to a Ultobla Imi
•aaaad wan «aaMM u ilMU po«i
tioa. Ha kaa bm a raatocat of the
dtf fbr Uiirtr mra aad for twaoir
rm W waa la MteiBi iMra fbr bUB
aalt la tltol time aocambtoilof a oom
pauuy vWeli alloved him to rdire
ja aM U—>r».
and think twwmmft cheaper yon can
buy fnmuhe dealer wtraTb^ a" his
saving at least ten per cent oit por«*ase price and another five per
cent on freighu
Fifteen Per Cent
u the mark ^ set oundves to dod^
sdl the si^W deslen. Yoo ensgave
this much for yourrolf if you Sill.
\Ve abb have Gasoline
Srovea. Camp
Stoves. Ovens and every
thing'' needed to keep
your kitchen cool and
When you need any
thing in this line come
and see us. .
Ui lU dtr win cti»» tJiBto doom at «.
norpi. of c«ir«r. oa WtolMUar »M
Prof. W. M. BMiMoa WMI Cmidw
Meeto at Oraea Chofch Taamn
far the Leal Tliwa.
You Just Stop
goccen vitli oor
AH if «» aiMi I
sATimoAV, jwjt it. »«.
a] hall
The appaaraace of Ruth Grey at the
Grand opera bouse next Wednesday
night ^opeas aa engagement that trill
be found to be abaolaleiy unlgue. and
of a character to Interest all classes,
imt particularly persona wbo are In
terested la the mysterious funrllor of
Vealte. (Wreyi. <Oodi). (TallU.)
the hamaa Intellect. Miss Grey la the
(Morla Patri. (14). (Cotike).
embodiment of what the tbeosopblsts
Te Deum, (Diwaator). Tenor solo aim to be. but
by a Veraey U«c. aUo solo by Mlea
Florence Rattenbttry. barllooe aolo by one refers to her -Astral- ^y. This
Ralph Haalect.
wonderifur woman seems to be able
JubUate. (Ree. Foster).
to place herself la a trancelike state
Hyma <11. cMoaodi.
Kyrto Btotooa CB Sal). (Coktaa^).
Gloria Tlbk (B Sat). tCobtancei
Sermoa hymn. (609). (Doaar).
Senaoa. the Ret.jC. T. Stout.
Offertory aok*. ‘^e Majemy of
Dlrlne HumlllaUoa.*’ from (be **Crncb
Stloa." B. Vemey Lesjc. (tenor).
Qfferiory aenlencei. (96). (Aaon).
bymn. (Sac). (Alford).
crow ded to bear him.
'^Cotuaej French to a unique char
aster. He ba# bw^n around the world
several times and haa spent one-balf
a raimon dollars In securlar pUiure>
with which to inustrau his leeiures.
Ti!«;e picitires ar.- the Curs: In the
Si.r.d-mtiny ul ib«-in made by the
l;e?f Japanese- aritois. WJtliom a
doult. Colcnrl Kn nco has more money
lcve#i*ul in his bunln^ than any merchkni in the stale.
^E\ er>* man. woman and child . In
Traverse City should hear Colonel
J. W. Slater
Twenty Year Battto.
-I was a loaer la a twenty year
ito with chronic pllmi and mallg
sores, watll I tried Bocklea's Arnica
Salve; which turned the Ude. by cur
ing both, till not a trace remainswrites A. M. Bruce, of FarpiviUe. Va.
Best for old nkers. cuU, burns and
08 oMO'tM m SM't
Th^»e diNhrg arc the f.unuito PRES-CUT
arr made up of a lx!autif()rdt*aign.
The Traearae City Brick company
la eiperlmeatlBf with a new rarlety
of red preaaed brick. They bare
bed of Sae red clay at ;helr Keyatone
plant and If It paiia out aa well aa expocted Trarerae’CUy people will not
hare lo aead ootalde for facing brick.
A sample brick made from ^ he Keyatone clay looks aa nice as any of
> of ootalde manufacture. It la of
Tha NaUOMl Uvt Btobk Kitchanpe
ep red color and would mak
haa deddad to stand hr the par
aome ornament for any bouse.
Thli bHn*a to mind the aUfemei
the waiter la the cheap rettaurant*
-yea. I work here but I l»oard i
where elee.*’
>0il4 Uf the water board aall
Da waB aa trater. beflevlBf that If
wroold ba abto to haadle oor aa well aa
.the othar. The Ice would be aold
hcmaab^ldan oatr and would be deUvfiwd at actual eoat
Tha ftofera Lyceum company will
cira an aolertalnment la the 8t FYmn
Ida Calcic school Monday eveninp
with aioreoptlooa plct
and ttuatoal numbara.
The eomimny will put on a
of oolorad plctu
I and a aertea of i
worid*a fraatral palntln*a on the life
of tha Vtrgla Mary. Bealdaa tbeoe pic
tnraa. which are accompanied by eaptoatlorT leCturea. there will be aev
wral baritone eoloa by William B. Nor
Tti and morlax plcturea prow
Kuropean view*.
it S22 Wifi
POR SALE■MfMt; raMon for oilllit ■« going
Mil. Ingulrt Mr*. E. V. Filrtunki.
July IMt
Die man wbo spends
an Us income Ison tie
nccel edee •( dcM. wwiy
and forced economy,
all the time. The man
who banks part of his
income every pay-day
b insuted against debt,
and can spend the re.mainder with a dear
conscience. You will
find this a pleasant,
convenient and safe
bank to deal with.
Firet National
Ustu4 Stales DcfMtsry
But Thoat Preaeot Thoroughly EnJoyod Wa^pua-tong Dance.
The attendaBCw atthe Wc-que4ong
dob dance tost evening wa» small hut
(hose wbo alteaded enjoyed the even
laglmmeaaely. The mualc sraa'of the
JOgb order always faraiabed by Stewart A Steffeas' orcbeatra. Refroshments were aenred on iU reraada by
^ =.r*
Yonr IMi.U« Furnilutr atorr.
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
I2T SoBik ilslgg Street.
Tnrerte C«y, Sick
Risoiis snd Rssorters
Beftra Lyoaum Company Will Appaar
at the DL Ffwncto ichool Mae*
day Kvaning.
Mapar Oodd of Detroit baa i ache
to ralaaaa the cltr from the prip of i
\^*blle there la once In a while a rra«rl4«r who it> fomtl *o rerum b
the botela have not t>exun to lose their
ner gueata In any numbers aa yet
while the InctMulng travel ctmtlnues
unabated. The charms of the bay and
aurronnding country Increase
every day and the reaortors are con
tinually finding new ftwtiires to enjoy
A party consJaUng of S. E. Walt
MUs Walt-Mrs. Fred Culver and chil
dren. Mrs. and Mias Abbc»u and Mfa.
Ed Walt went lo the Island this mOrnIng lo spend ibe day
F. O. Balch and wife went to North
port (bla BKMWlBg.
Mr. and Mrs. jf. G. Bacon and Mls«
Agnes Hiilin who are summer guests
at Bdgewood. look the l*ay trip to
Omens this morning.
Dr. Joseph Uttell of IndUtoapolU
passed through thf city this morning
on his way to Leland. where he will
spend aome time.
H. H. Zimmerman of Chicago ar
rlvetl at Leland this morning.
Mrs. Fred B. Schneider of Wlacon
sin to stopping at the Park Place and
will later leave for the aortbem re
J. F. O. Reed and wife of Grand
Rapids are resorting at the Park
Marlon and BmoM Hurlburt of De
troit passed tbffOQgb the city today on
iheir way to Omeaa.
at.the very lo^t price. We have about One Huddred and l-bny Sets left that we are going to close out
at the ^maH sum of
Our special window display
tolls now to get one dbaen col
lars FREE.
E. Wllhalm.
Uta DOW asraad to a peau ttaatr
aU Am 4ora viU Imaar gamlr over
tbaaa rapobllea agda lOrarar aid eter
ttBUI aomaooa ataa atarta a tarolatlon.
Bat DOW that tbe repabltoa art i
fiatoi from the .bordaa of keeplag
bftif Minsoo lauclaarr meo in the
Travaraa City Brick Campany it Now
Md. iMait caa reaUve the
ExpaHmanting With a Ntw
,$m€f of their
to Kcure a handsome let of
One of the leading nu mb< a of the Roth Grey com|»any.
ai win. and In that condillon ^ read ’ Fit nch and enjoy his niarvHouh idt
(ho thoughts of others, and also to see fit os. 1 li..sn who let ih«- oppommlt:
what «*\fnis the future holds. Sht im b> will l»- -?/>ny.
calls the act -Somnolency.;* and it haa',
**C f (Trawn,**
abMilutelv , (kSine.!, all elfori^ to t-ytl
----------------- ——
plain U. She also docs a 1. w fesrjg
iiriT |C UirB
that If not magic or the black art. ni4
fully ax m.vstifyinp. She to at xh^
^he Wholehead of a vtrong company of ent»*:v
salcrs Hasn't Affected Retail
There' will to* matiuen t
; Prices Here at Yet.
WtMinesdsy and Saturday for woroei^
™.y. r..puUV prto... ,11. ml- d,.rl..ev
h.. .1.hl,
S.st jsft .. J..hnw.n t)r..g Co.
Change in Closing Hours Beginning
: Monday, July 23, 1906.
I ^
=[ v
V XN OKDEk that our emyloyees may have more time foi
their personal pursuits and pleasure, we shall close our
store at SIX O'CLOCK p. m. on all days^ except
Wednesday and Saturday, when we will remain open as usual.
-----------'llkfh- «i) ri«- .ini liUli-r. A R—or.I
Colonel Fr-n-h l» blehir -n.|or* 4; ,..,„rUT ini.-rvl-„-.l .he l.«-.l meat
by thepmwnnd ihe ImUinK .Hlura.o>t1
,h,. .tlv.nee h. 1
in all p»rt. of our -oiinirj « ,ell :.r
Tr,mr« City, except
in Torelsn l.nj*. Prof. C. T. Gmwn.j
pr)„. of pork. All
tonnerly «tu«-rlnlen<leni of Tinr. r.oj
j,o«.n<r. U bitch st Ibl« M>u>on
City i«h*l. no, of the CentrmI Sl»te]„, ,h,. y,.,, ,„d liable to po hishrr nt
Normal school. ML Pleasant, w rites j
We trust that our friends and patrons will co-operate with
ps in this change by planning all their trading before thait hour, [ > ,
-Traverse City to fortunate in hav-CARAMEL apil vanilla
Ing secured the serylc»fs of CcA. C. H
French of Maine for a X4‘riro of Illu^ and glare at 4oi Grettl.
trated lectures. Colonel Pfench i»i>ent
a week in Mt. Plcaxant Ust summrr
during the school end comRMely cs:m^
tivated the whole iown. As soon as
MUSIC at La GretU 8atu
the fine character of his lectn
b.. ing.
It is the policy of this store to give our employees all the time ..
.possible for recreation, and at the same timP give our customers
■ I the verybtst of service with our full force of clerks op to the . ‘
-hciicicin.. . _ :
For Porch and Ont-door
bc«a Ylsltlng
YW T. Bates and fhainy. left last
algbt lot bto boose la Chicago.
a B. WalL Mtoa Mlaale Walt and
Mrs. Cora Pnlver and children will
spend tbe day at Marloa IstoaA
B. Btarbock of Maacekma was In
the dty today.
Mrs. C 8. Dnytoo of Lelaad was a
Traverae Clly Ttollor yesterday.
B. U Baaksaa of Blk Bapida traaaadUd boglaaaB la the dty jreatorday
: a lawn party« for ianUuMD, and a
i soft, beaaUfol light aociired at
nanic cemt Ask vs all aboat mrr»ntg fixtorag, lainpg and wiring^
. Lj.B. f>aigeEleclricCo.
y > 1:;5 Cass hw
“The Big Store”
, Phone 802-2
TM* evotiNe REcow). TkAvcMc emr. mcHioAN.
tiek ScIimI, Cres Were so WedI
For y-M. 11*«
-«k b«*l»oh«. Md hrf «o
liMc aiAaol tm mecnmol of my «*«. bat
pIomh! to nr that
. dmm wmiim «>—J*""!!?
I hare sot been Iniebkd wHfa boadaobea or «»eeti*c byea/
We ^are fitting two tlitrd* of the glasses fitted in Trav
erse City Today.
Defective Eyes
TTE bnvc Ibe only ,op.todato .iditbrlmic i«rl»ta
north oC Cdillac.
nt r. t. MUF. mfi
413 414 WOkclm Mk.
Tranrse City
QU riii BC 354
mtummv. julV ci.'m
G.nni foa vaa aad mmad the kase
tw*. all the roanif peopte oa Ike re
aort aad oqm from tke botcla »late«
ta the wpmn.
Ptvmtmmi aaoaa Ike aodal
tkm» or tke'teat week o«s ike kridge
mnj ffiretf hr Wm 0*Brteo at Moat
rare eortarc oa Wedoesday last. Ftear
tables were a»d aad all report a good
(Uoc.. Ice cream aad cake eraa aenrPd
to tke iMU. «ko all agreed tkat Mkm
O-artem oooM aandr ghre a good Owe.
and aa aerely play bridge.
Bat Ike boat racra of Satvrday verc
flue. The pier was ertmded vita Ja
tereated apceiatcfni an veB aa waay
N. Bttk calntmM <»
_____ ^ J rrf^ IMI vita a cord
poftr. flw
of *-*••• VO. p|«yi4
of v«f«« «ad jamch
Tate oSoir v*s a »ort
of tarPvrU aorly for Solui W. nock
0&4 au Irteod. Mr. Fcmct. vbo left
for'fkHr a«iv te SprtesMI tter IbS-
Mnt. a r Winimsacoo. tvo cbildma
or Ckteacn are at 8ui
Samdi, akrre.afar irill reaatii the rest
or far
alov ^
vaa aali I
• Of*. Mr. and Mi>. C. W. PItw
the Uu
Vita, thete
Mlaa Marri^ir Plorre «itcrtal»«-l
fdetare |h "^^em
miib a a^mmiag ptfjr lorUe’jroonsjHrbt.. auktac
sclrca. Four eaU bonfa eonwwl»-the
p^lde. Iv5iqf«1 I
Jack and JUl. the Mlanckalik. Ike iomuch eokiyed.
Mr Morfob SJeg of Chicago, who tcphlae and ibe Alpha. Tbe Jack aad
bat beco a gecM at Tbe Fines, left for Jill got ftom the Joaepblne three mla
etr» handicap and the
boiae on the atmer ItllnoU.
New* aniralr. at The Fines are MIkx gave tbe Joaephlae fire wiinitaa. ap4
Helm Sean, and Mr. Gall Huffaker of the Ah>ha. the last bant to atari, snve
the Mlancha^ lap atlnutes handicap
ChIcatP*. .
T1v*tino> aere;
Mrs; Ix Ro? Warren gare a t»a on
the l^ h Friday lart In honor of her
guesiF. Mrx. John Barrowa and imoj'»«'k and Jill.3:21
datigbt.rb of fhiragn. and on Sntm.
......... .3:34
day morning the same crowd enjoyed •Minnehaha
------ 2:39
4:42 30
fbe day ai Om< iia. the Anna Then sa Alpha .................
•('ailed irot or
offording a dellghlltil wav of tran^^
porlaHcc. The |»ay never looked more
Tlir raix* wax a tie brlw«H n the Jack
atirarliic and Idne than
------ Jandjim and the Alpha. The latter waa
ing. not a ripple > di-nurh the placid inbead until rhe got beralmed-just Im‘
beamy of the r.urlacR*. and Hic trip for»‘ the linUJi. H wax ennsldcred one
tiax great ly enp>ved by all.
of the pri'ttlest endingx lo a race
• An a iiumobile iwiriy rtynsiHiing of was greallv enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs Ilcil^crt Monlague. Mr>.
The laun-h rare In (he cv. alng waa
Frr A Hivjver.. |!ni Montague and Tin- •flualb e\eiting. four iaunehfw entei
n»a Morgan »*f Traverri* <'iiy sp»*nt ih“- lag as ftdlowh: ’
•:ay1.i: t Sunda.v at the bonn of Hon
, ■
If 4{ofH.*rtx,
. ^Mr. Sla er MoiilrrjRe of Umk Isl
and. III . Is a gar t of bl« brolher' J.
K. MokIiom^ lie win stay atwint two
Pr C. W. l^dTIugaell bai: nTenll>
tauneb and aaiiinu Race.. Porch and
bad a terge dining tald* m.vir on tin
Bridge Partlec and All SorU
Itlufl:. near tbe wat« r t»!r Ibe iiw of
UiMio.he and tlielr frl.*nd.H <ki ibe
yioj t*o l*rida> rk. iiiiig la.,I Ibe wi-fdts.
; Bprrlal to ibc KTcolOR Record.
OH Mte-lotj, Mlrb.. July ri.—The faniill.H ol in. f. W. l.effinKa*ll, J.
Mr. r. W Fierro apd Mr. Wm H lex
i:. Mi.nl lore mid i\ W. I'.en r enj«i>e<i IH r Ml for C’lil~ag< on tin mid-»ii*k
Iv V tni'h e In al. a lib
. - ^ ^ . '.amr;. Mr.JU.rre wl l ,. i„rn in o
di 4«>a:|}mir . ba«< M-nt the |»e<»p!e Ibi lr Ural Clipper. .
fft tn tiil4.. Mt-klni: n lier Injtn lb»- o|. I Mix»-Minor (inill 'of Cblcago. a S' sNerk .rr o
pieaflvcartoi nf. placrn Ichs favun d Mary» giaduai.. and a o-ar irlend id
Mr pnd Mr . II. L' Frank of ('hi
than here. And a» vme rexult ilie mt Mix. J><Vliigeell, arrlvi-d on -ibe rago ar»- ai.lh.- !ami iioaie of Mr an»t
t.gc* are alMMii all llllnd and the ever* himmer Illinois t«r n imiutli of gma. Mrx. J.din Mj|f% hall f..r lb.- snnimer
pt iitslar Ru«hoHin> bouae ban had to time rt Ibe l4* rrincweU cfsllagi’
Re*. J H ('rum of. Indlansisdl .
relmc apidlcatltmr. for nioms a» they
Tbe 1*0VIrr hou.M- gue.sls alwayx !nd.. fined tin- puIplT or ih« Firxt Con
trm* all lakeu for tbe niUn* waxon.
si eni Io I- enjoviPK Mf« and l.andl.«d giegallouul church on Simlay laV'.
lUxrol KbnvTTx’iinvf rU-aiY^ and |*or(fi sa. H be UhiI.s tm a betier n- .and his b.urcrx tverx- d. lighl.Hl i,i |,s,
rwHf^ the air unUl tbVpfBln^here lx »mi bubioesr. ihix year tb.u b. l and ten 1.x Hu- fine w rnmu mi.1 hope* to
perfe^J. altbcHiRb at no lime bax Ibe lor tiiiii lo b«* tbe banner j«wr in Hi» bear him ncalii.
Mr. and Mr^ K. JTJ. k.‘nger and Iwo
beat I'ct-n opprrxxlrr owing l«» lb» falxiory id the resort. . Among the re
•' hrceiu- from ibr vnier. one nnd nU crni arHvaln at Ibe' I*orter ln»us«- are chiidrrn ami Alrx. Maik-x Srh. lT. ? of
}( ^ ngrertag (hat Old Mteslon lx ibr mimt K. I* ciiry. wife and eblld of Jack Toi.tlo. O.. ate at Vaugnan. the gii.\sis
«2 canrtortdaklng place on ibe map. Boat wJDville. III.; Mrx. Uavid H. FnK-'ot of Mrx. r. O. f.a»ley ami Miss IhinI fStttn. anio ^parllrk. be.rh aapperx. and child. .Mrs. Frank I*rorfnr and ?:i.T, who gave a delight fill marshmal
low n:a,-t ..ii the iH-arli in tjTvni <»f
MIks Kuiily l*nK-iot ol l’e*uia, Ilf
mar iUmalloa r<v: ir.. al»li an
Mi.'^ <d«a . rn.wu and Mis.s Haflie Ih.dr «<Tilat;.* nii Mniid.ty oi.-niiig last.
" ' al-Harlmfnliii pally on. and ib»-
A watrhtuanx iicglcri pf-rroltted a
leak in the givat North S.*a dyke,
whl -h a child's ringer could have
slopp<*<l. to iHrtxmje a nilnoMx l»n*ak.
devaMSiiiig an (‘nitre province nf llolIniid. In like manner Kennelh Mr
Iver. orVane.-U.ro, Me.. p(rmU((*d a
Utilo eoM lo go unnnUet-d until a
iruglr nnixh was onlv averted by I>r.
King s New DUcm. ry. He *^1 rile*:
•'Three doci.irx gave me up lo die of
lung Inflammaiinn. cuu.v-d by a neg
lect.M ,r;ld; huf Dr. fvlng's New Dlsrfiv.-r> sav«-.f my Hfe.** Guaranteed
(m-hi cough and cold ritn'. al Johnson
Drug ('o. x. F. H. Meadx. V. A. Bug
Uf. Drug Uo.x drug Ptort-s. SOc and
2l b<». Trial bottle IOC.
Uee lor a I
platea entering In Septewber.
Mra. B. F. Girins, (wo aoM o
daaghter from 8t. Lonia arrfmd
Sunday. Mra. Glrinx will rUlt at Tke
Ranch and tbe young men are doaMciM at tbe Nortbpon Beach hotel.
H. T. McConnen of the Chkago CP
fUlon and Camiml Co. will anirw
herr-Thoraday woming to handle tbe
cotUkm at (he Beach kM. Tkte la
tbe find cMlIloa of tbe season, and aa
all tbe marten are Inrited. a royal
good tlBMjg expected.
Mr. and Mra. Chas. E. Bondr bend
ed a Ochiag excnrxlon to -SbabytownTuesday morning. A prtxe waa affered
for the first catch and Mrs. Carl KJuxman wax tbe lucky wvaner. Tbe jolly
party cimalKted of Mr. and Mrs. Pau
lin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kluxman of
Cbirago. Hon Chax. N Peck and wife.
Coorordia, Kas.. Mr. pnd Mrs. Howard
0411 and Fred Allen.
The new gnsollne launch for the
Northport Rearh hotel arrived on Mon
day and xbe mussed up the waters of
the hay ki great shape Tuesday with
MlsaoK Rachel and Glad» Bond. Mtei
Mae Iwcdle. MIxs I.urrrtia Maglll. Mr.
H K and T M Glv.uh aboard. Tbmu. lH«t lx mifxlie.1 In oak and I?
%er> sp.o*dy. John Fettlg. chisl engi
neer ai the b«ilW. handles her.
The Ann Arbor board of health
arranging for the dteinfiwtion of
honfK’.N fn>m which consumptives arc
NOTICE-Will care for children
for ladles, wlxhlng to altcnd partlcx.
cic.. 411 Firih Mrcei, Phone 44.
• • July 21-lt
ordK just rcf-.-ivcd at drlnncll Ilros..
corner RYoUi and ('ax.s.
l>PF:riAI. SALK on ^iHj^x. regtiUr
3U-ccnt gu«Mx, for Id centx. tothorrrtw
only ai tin
Prehib'ition Convention
A nuiFK pniMhlilon county conv^
tlnn Is hereby called to meet In Sal
niigrilfieent Him tnii.M hutnr(‘s July vail.ti, Army ball. Travers- ('lly. M.rtt
.l«y. July S.lrd. at
p. m for /ho
;n::i and Aor; 13. July 17-lf
punxrvf of nominating a county ilck.'4.
(leriing a i-ouniy ronirnlilce and (ran*
acting’ .Mich other busliu-ss ax may
pruiM-rly dime br-forc tbu convention.
All cltl/ens without regard to pax:
l»arty afflllatlonx who purpose to i
p.ui the prohlhltlnn xtate and cot
tlrk-ets arc Invited to attend.
J. F. Crane.
FroVl.slonal aialrman of the Frohlblfion County Committ*-e.
jnly 17-St
of Ihe many'bargains thatiwe are now offering in seasonable
goods? If you would like to save some of your dollars for future
use look over the following items. maVo a note, of anything that
you are in need of--or will bo in need of later, then come and
Wen’s Suits ai
$5^0. $8.50 and
Neir jrwdi. op n which wi>
.bow voti a aavinguf from
Lota of wiiU which h,iv.,
aoM tbi« aMW>h fur »i:< tu
Vlfi. going faal at
Another lot-l-eat Biale*
_aoM for «T to $20-two or
three of a kiiri — v..or
choice at
Boys' Suits
Two-piece, l»olli plain and
Korff.Ut Lly|.*3. Lots lo
$3.50 suits now 2.75,
Buster Brown’s
$Sto$6 salts atfw 2.90
Wash Suits
$2 suits for , $1.56
50c suits for . 38c
$3.50 sails for , $2.50
Suits Outing Suita of the best
Onohaif Prtet and
add $1
$10 Suits $6
$7.50 Suits Sl.TS
$5 Suits $350
Don't fail to see
Changes In Pricea.'
Selling Price.
Clear pork, per barrel............ $ IB 00
Clear ixirk. r»cr pound............
f?hort cut pork............ .
Hour. H. L. A Co/»
Rye flour. II L A Co.V Beet.
Moal, H. L. A Co.’s
II I' f n^■.‘ S3I-
Potato, s. per buibel........ ,
Men s Fine Straws—
from 50c to $1.50
saved on each
Children’s Hats
One lot 25c and S5c
g ods now 15c
CkUdren’s Straw 6a1s
One-qatricr Off
Haniiltort CJlothing Cb.
Antbortxed to aa tn all cnpac^
Itic* of Trust, aa Bxeentor. AdwteWtrator. Trustee twder wflM,
Roreirer, Regtetisr. Traan^
Agevt. Trustee under wortIlona of books tor mtralclpni*ties, corporations. InotHnUona
and ImUadoate. .
Chickens, spring..
Fancy helfen ....
Geese ..
.04 V4
tkat . Ran
Pees extremely aoderata.
11. F. Hendricks has moved from 22C
S Union street to 711 Webatey
street. - Orders for mrpef weaving
ran be* left at either .place.
jiil yl4 lmo«
E. Wilhelm gives one dom
oollara FREE. See our apMlal
window diaplay.
July 17-tf
To Contractors
Bids win lie acia ptf'd for the en-c
tlon and complHion, according to
drawlngx. spcHfiratlnax and vorklng
details made a'»J funilKhod by
rxen. archlK^t. Traverxe City.
Mich., for the general work, including
Inhing and plax
lerlng. painting.wdr^. and for heating
pUiniblng tint II 2 (»VIf>ck* p. m.
Aug 1 at the offlrc of Jeiix C. Felcrxen. arrhlKH-i. State bank binlding.
Travt ree City. Mich., for the C. S. IV S.
bulge buibling.
All bids must IH- ad.lresraH! to Jos.
Sh-der. cbmlnnsH bulIdU^ romniiitec
S. IV S lodge and marked proposal
lor C.'S IV S’, hall.!
The building cfimniiitr-e and arebi-j
ten l«-}-er»e lb** option Io accept t*r\
n?J#'^t anv and all pmiNtfalx,
Flans and xpecifl. atlons may lie
at the (dtire of the arrhitn-t.
(Signed I
J«»*. Sleder.
-Chairman BuiblingCoromltte
Its Cus street
Order your
G.B. Taylor Coal Co.
tor your
Haying Tools ^
Evf rj Uiinf: you need
On Ijako Uv lanau.
(ioofl Tal.K First rlaae Arcomnifvdations. Fine FishUiDK. Kaln
»r $l.:i0 poi
$7 lo $*.» iier
.Inno 11 1 mo’
Dr. W. J. Higgins
Fine Dental Work
. Rakes
Shears for cherry pickers,
Screen doors,
Extension window screens
George Cams.
Cil. phon-.. 4S1.
;t:{2 E. Front
“Good Enourh for
a Whlle-Yct’’
hameM wotiM e.Kjn be (iisoaided
for new geU if every driver met
with Uie misbafis many do en(-oimter. D<y you ibiuk you are
favorwl by Providuoce or Fortune?
Your tnni may eomc r tomorrow.
Why run the risk when we sell ^
new and strong harness so cheap,
ly. Vcf, why?
Oucen aty fmpIcmciitCo.
Tke Eofbics
128 E. Front 81. , ,
Oil. pbon'j 7r.l
IWl phone 102
Rates of Treverae City Dealt
Ren's Straw Hats
One lot half ptice. now
25c and 50c
!«orlhpon. Mica.. Jply a.-«fiL Pa
ter Van DowwHUl Grand RapMa. rv
tamed bowe Tnesdny. after n fort
night at tbe Bmcb hotel.
Hopfon Magni of 8l. U»ia v«W to
Are You Getting Your Share
J oKPi-riw*r
A Short Cut to Succ^ ,
ia lo work with llie right utefwils,
Buy your fruit preserving ariicles
at Saxton n and you will have ibcsatisfaclnry kind We hare the
Ijestkind that’s made in kettles,
saucepans, fruit and jelly Jars.
What we rrrtm.inf-nd you oaR defwnd on. Tlien fon* success trill
crown your efforts and jtm wiB not .
Saxton Hardware Co.
I" Joseoh Sleder & Sees
First-clan* Buti
Packer* nr
SauMRO Mai
SpKHi Iicirsifin kstice
EXCirtlBION. Sunday Jnly
Steamer Illlnoia lo Charlevoix. Petos
key. Harbor Springs and- return 4l.
BMt wUI atop at Blk Rapids going nnd
rdlimlng, Levve nt B n.!m.
•ss E. Wllhslm*! spSslal wteRow tfitplsy ar cellars.
July 17-tf
for your selection for
use. The inlroduciion wig be
of benefit to you if you
it with a purchase ortiiro. ;We
buy the best, we sell 6nlv
fresh, juicy cuts and don’l
tempt to make a fortune]
year. We will'be pleased to
serve you at any time. ;
BSth piimA. *' ' mitVmlikliD
MU lllijll! INjf...
,PPi. .
ta m M* Uiree t», *Hr J4».
»rr (t>
• »>il at M ox (•) <a«M
JVa OOM at Ue |»a»nU
“too^ammt rnm nm ^wm^
t>r at la Houak. Ur * O0.Y oioTC^
Tnnr, •«««» *» Tma«» Olr. MtMiam.
arm cay. lor «»r>cl»at>«Ma.tke Tool, itaiawlutu unit-to iwaarWMoiaaieiMRWrt k»aa'kaoM.aa lao.
aiM coBtcBta botac Rar. L^iM.
ou Mi BM
InoWu <» Ike'aU raoenrlac tke ft(kt at. way for
•OMh ooR at Kottk CaloB aliaat iBjtbe Farr ■ar«aella to raack oar arr
aaMoa^ ouaFUMaatrtpaf laaalao|atic or*r ikr traeka aa Bo« laid oad
«o» oMo oC Ik. oaol ndr at oaM!
tkc i1*( at arar te tbt a B. *
to ttoMtoMO. to kartoajL R.^ to roaok oar a«r tocotfo.
The oaij tern of food nade
fram wheat tiiat is all airfxl.
snest ia the
crater, aad
jat-Hhe oidj aoda cracker of
whidi tide ii reaBy trM ia
tlneeda Biscuit
Tto only w
Ita flslly «
The «ly •
Ito only •
b a Jmst
mitstun pnof padcatL
Mid md or stvM fmi
doOon <»IO;f«) to caok.
oo o«r*r. taycao. tkla pro*
SHOW Oftffw mo »owa
M off the aoidEtad «r ssM Ms tinr
Tern nilatf aM the i
a Pawnd for P
C3K ftnr <4). ire <hl sad east part of
to Crefy
rt I^ Twafity
lot sis CO of ssid Hssssh. Imy ff
Ca. » elraith sdditins. so ss Um
(OunUntM FTom rtrat Page.)
sr suiast slsty^ fsas Is wMB
aohlect to the oonditMi. howrersr. that
praj^lag wpod. .aTtog hlmaeW from
The mnnagcMt of Belbel Brothfra TWO SUITS FOR MONCY HEAIIO
Capt. Bostevm of :ba Salvatloa Army
be STssted the wrtrflec« of ere
a drop to ^tbr deptba brnreth. HU ,
ON THIS Hot oay
hb rsgslar ffsaitc - aac oad roar atom toot ovaatok aaChe pUUons of oar wmwm sMss to aa tost
ran imrrtoilf nftw him
dooktodlx vtokto tkal tker kad a
the strset os the west side of the eiioft. TWO wlllffiTc the people**
and iwlled him back* prer the vaB.
iorpT caaTmo. as tke teat *oa packeJ
Itec to be ersetsd os the ssM Ms. Idea sf*the worn which the army
Quite a number were tin tb^ bridge at
canytog cm to the cHy. The poor p*>
the time and much cxrltdtoenl mmrn
ed lot.aC speotatora that flnaltv left
tit be I
pie imad lea. aaat.
?• ••• vs. Joseph Wyckotf.Brother* creaicd Many women %rtrre badly
a Jhartha aatf M»ee there are sot the ahow gnwnda.
hetore IfsMaW sAghC. JuU U. IMC
f right coed. BuT this U exactly what
The Selbel Drothera* actor* are all
00 saasy things ghrem ost aa snaL
-Dated this 17tb day of July. Wtt.
the IcAferi* wished to tJo. Nobody
four lodfed. but they wetfi through
The following Is the
-Jobs C-Mofgsii ff 80s.Iu know dognitHv wbo they
Jurtirr Kerlhigrr court was a bu^?
mverahms. 20; garments, 5S3; their' vartona maneuver* In anch a
The oosusiuce further reported that
were but .the vrcueral optoloo is that
maancr lhat wbowod oooclaslvolT that place todav. The Bret case taken up ttoy
a. f» pair; atocklnga, 23
with tho Solbri BrOA*
they had sees Mr: SasAers of the Has.
was that of Chrla Devrea vs. B. J. Mor
wah 4 Lay ompsay and he said that
shows. Tin* girntlcm.en were ▼ery
Mr. Devre* sold Mr. Morgan a
om their parta.
The performance
reason. 3; qnlUs. 2;
fail compaoy would do vtuu was. right
obUglua and unselfish. They vast^
opened with a grand carnival of na
and that there would be Boholdnip for Stove. U work fond. 15;
everyone to share In the cxrltpmMt
tions to which over Bfly ponies shared latter would not take when dellvorod so jumped treer about every llftaan
the lots desired. Mr. Morgan di
the honors. This was foDowed by tall Mr. Dev res was glvim a judgment for mlnut«>s. It I* known that threa at*
that the tmildlng coal^ not be moved
110.75 and costs of »3 75.
but ll Ik said that there Ik a C
tempt.H Wire made ai^.^tlfrxreal
The next cate was lhat of Grinnell
er tricks.
flpplda mover who WMktm a afwctojfty
and ibert* w.re iin.hmM.sny
The Oolumbb will take an cxcsrsio&
The ^performance com^luded with a Bros. vs. Joseph Wyrkoff
of mtiTlDg brick balldiaga. The report to Bowers Harbqg
similar exhibit Pm*
Wyrkolf was given credit for pa.viug
was iwccivcd and fllod.
A ptttmlneni l>MFln«‘sti man who tR*
tend the Core HoMterOM Mission baU
L« money on a piano then he really
The committee* waa inatructi
game. At night, an cxntrskm will bo from the back of one to the hack of did. Mr. Wyckoff held
r,..,.!... f.>“
the other while ihej* were going full
•ec Mr. Morgan and a»k him If be taken to Marion Island.
Ur nnell
"**■>" ■’•WM
to do w*F to en-ate excit* meut and .
would coiwldcr an offer of $€.000
John T. Dcadlo and Lecm K Tltux speed. Thte was very pleasing to
Bitw. bhowed that H came atomt scare iHYiple. The Hum would Jump •
rfcrir property.
president and cashier at the Fir^t
thn>urh an error In bmik Ke«-plng
a way that he cmild realty .
The S4dtie1 nrothers stork Is all In
The board of public works was is Uonal bank. wUl leave Monday for a
They were given a judgment pf gSfl.iC
ralrh himse’f after he was a little wgy
Ktruried to bund a otTueni sidewalk trip through aoaihern Michigan to the most excellent rtmdillon ant
and IS.CO costs.
over. The one wlio .11.1 m««it of th*
on cast El^th atreci .betwova Gar- look over bank buildings iuid get Idua* Kbowk lhat It receives yerA careful at
Jumping waF ii rather tough fiiokl^.
Dfld avenue and the cemetery for the new Nalkmal bank l»uilding to lent Ion and Inteljlgcnl treatment. A
rlmrarter. H« wore working
wherever neccauiry.
be. crcjctod oo the Kneeland property. large numbi*r. remained for the aHer
East Buffalo. July 21—Tatt Un elollH-s and hod a rough!
The matter of a aundpipe os West They will visit Hattie Cretk. Jackson. show.
Sheep and lBmb*-l.wW. faee.^ StiroetintcH. Iniwi vi?r he wonlil
Front klrecl was referred to the lire Chelsea. Ann ArUir. IX-troH and oth
Flow; spring*. f7«J7,50: wet hire. Sr.^r toTom* rather weary of hla work,
ccmmitiee and the flro chief.
LT pUces. The style of s building to
25; ewer, ft 75*i 5 25. Hogs—2.72«t. whrii one .»f his eomiumlou* would do
U* erected here will depend largely
YorkerF. l7'»5«r7Hi; the leaping and the rt«*r of the gang
upon the report of these genileinea.
Organization of the Grand Traverse
!4ive him from the awful death.
heavy and mixed. |T
A man tras riding down Front street
Sanger Bund Was Completed at
iKtroit. Jhly ri.- Wheat- No. 2 riMl.
A. C. LoomiK. managerof t|»e Grand on a bicycle last evening axur toH.pa>
Meeting Last Evening.
opera buuKe. left today for a few days Ing much attention to where'he wsb
77e: corn. 54c; oat*. 4(h,
Chicago. July ffi -Wheat—July.
stay at B»*nion lUriior. •
The formal organization of the
going He watcher! cver>thlng but the
The Mismw Elizabeth Folk
road. Wlien In front of the Uttlc Tav- Grand Traverse Sanger Bund wat ;C^c; corn. 4lt«:tor; oatr. .V.V'.
IxiuiHe MeadowB of Uchffeld. 111., arv* cm. and going at a good rate W speed, ct>mplctcd last evening and the follow
7f.V4c; corn. 52*i-r; oats. 3fK*.
the pueMs of J. I*. Luca* ol W^ashlng he suddenly came In violent contact Ing officers were electe<l:
ton «treel.
If your fwl tond to pertpjrp
Frcbldent. F G. Heumann.
wiih a buggy. HU wheel was knocked
f reply in Btitmncr you tbould
N. E. IKpan and wife are *t»endinK sideways and the man thrown heavli}
Vice pn^sldeot. Alto n Ufer.
Died at Inierlochetu
tiwp n iicK*! foot powder.
St*cretarnB.,R. CloasKa.
flic day at Lake Ann.
to ifio grouhlL He was badly bruised
Mrs. John niaek dliHl.at her hoipi
Will Earl lelt thU morning
Treafcurer.'rhll Shermer.
tlMMigh not aevercly hurt. The acci
in lnterlo«hen last nlglil uidl the noomplelely dtxKlorizes and
Musical Director. K. A. Horst.
Northpori where he will work In the dent drew quite a crow<f.
mains will l*e Fhlp|Mt! to S.Hgi: as
alm«»rl»a perepimliem and it
The new club i^arts out with a good Momlay morning Ttie arrang« m»-nt.
office of the Northern for the ro
Koenigs Independents will play at
IoiintMliately re
ombership. Meeting* iriU be beM are In charge uf Heney AimUtfou
der of the tUmmer.
Arcadia tomorrow. An egcurslon will
lieves hiirnitig.* ib-litnff sod
W. 1. Monger of IXrtrolt p
be run cm the iL £ S. PI., leaving on everj' Monday evening in the Horst
all diimnnifiirt* of llie feet.
thn*ph the city thl* morning on blK the regular morning train. A |U*» academy and the roemhenjhlp Is |1
BUSINESS TO BE INCREASED Sedd with tla- Uexnll KnAiHi:way ]o Emrdre.
fare has been made for the round trip with 2r*eeuib a month dm-*.
Uh)—-la'a’ autl 2->e.
The piHbldeiit last evening ap
Arcadia'has a rlroug team and a'pcKKl
J. E. Linil.Kin and wifc\eni
(OiuUnu<M Fnim Klrrt I’aRc.)
ed Altoj^t Tfer. l^uls fitrJek and Pro
Empire this morning.
game Is looked fur.
The exei iiliu- <-*iiiimltle<- was glve i
In life announccroem of the Twen fc'For Horbt a cummlttoe of three
Mr*. L- E. Mann and daughter Edith
fHiWer to con: Intel ibe d«M-k line nwd
reliirucil to their home In Honor ihl* ticth Century club l*oat party the ar draft a constitution and by-lows.
this may to' doue wit Inn n lew moriihh
morning after *|H*ndlnK itoroc llmo ticle read next Mondav. J( nhouI«l
^ The potato Imnlem.ujt rom|»anv If I U>SM«rrtttt>4i .TrsrerMl'iiy. Mick I
with frhmdK in the city.
have been Momlay, July‘3-i.
one <if the growing Inuu .trleF of Tret
The West Side Athletic club will
Mr*. J.
Kennedy ssd dan
erre Clly. Tills tear tlie f.ieiory was
Loclle of Detroit are vlsUlng Mr. and have a picnic at Fouch tomorrow. t«i
- Wexford Made Big Prepafatlont late in • tartinl: iuii n. vj itheb
which all are Invitetl. Music wll. l>e
Mm. E. E. MUlar..of State Mrvet
for a Great Celebration to Be
to-4.„ v,ry g-snl and there
furnished by the Queen Ciiy hand
Held August 4.
are in.'^y order: y,i nulille.i
Circuit court,will convene Tuesday
bitHim's.s 1.-. 4IOW on a souud. fiHinda
aflcrnoon and work t
Special to the Evening Rc*cordlion, and a* mmid ;t-. i«e market war
DienceU on a number of mm-Jury case*b
New We xford. Mb h . July 21.—At
rant* It several iravt iing men Will be
which are lelt over from the Iasi fenu.
meeting of the IlubinewH Men'* ass<i I.ut on the road. The Jm-toiy ha* toi-n
The ten-yemr-ohf daughter of John
elation Iasi night it w*as c
ninniug all S nmmtV. a thing, which
Turner of Garawnu bustalncd a bad
obKot^f Aug. t as Add day SfeviTal
Tlio habit of knrinK,;
fracture of the forea.m while pla.vlhg
<*ommitteeb Wire ap|Nilnied. amf*nf
formi.l in early life, ib the
I la’i:eiy lnrr«-t» •• f
doing nicely, ht sever, and will
foubtlaliitn of many a f«»rthem li«*ing a j«umiilu<*«‘ <m barPti in
b esruuuU iu a lew uaj
tone. Thrifty |*^p!e
Perry F. Power- ..I ra-miar will totim». t4> VII on tlM Mk day «>f Msrrli. A- H.
The pUit of rnwiKt't park. Sllvei
IWLLdaly t-gaatrwMMldMiyc-r to Itoiiou ttend
patronize; ilir savin^a Ijaiik
the speaker ol the da.v.
***Vs?<Ttom*^** *'****^^'
vnung ^r-asnowy l^ke. was filed in the register * office
UDtl proBixT.
The fonstructitm of the neW toij.l,
(OuiJIhtt*’*! ft^Tu
today. The i»lai consists of eighteen
The depurtinefit of taivto bo built by G. A, nrttTiani uiid FhmI
UaoaibtmlnnivattoBad. wkicb anid cuntrect
arre lot*, two of which are already
injrs ii a •fx*ciai f<*ature
Walker hub Is-en startetl :uid it to i*x
large nnuiunl
with ihii hank.
It haa
The quart<7l) meeting of the
>tiaiiy lame «h|iosila. ..It
Halit*'to Auarion u]«o i« tna* SrU day of BrpV.enptirludhig a iiiimto-r
of tents in
Friend* church 1* l>oing held ttnlay in
haa uiaiiy small ileposito,
hlelkiJje crew will
thin city. Mr*. Barr, a well known
and all draw thre*? |x*r
^lH»t Jiirnith*. AmKher *u,»
evangeliil. Kpoke today and her adcent inliTi Hi cotfiixnimlet]
naxi iw-tiMoser. praye tssi a apnnnc pnr
ply Win folliiw in a P‘w dayF whirit
Pvinnon- <4 watd cunlrart
4«rr«^, au>d .!re‘K* left a dei-p Impression on the
twirl! a year.
, *
will inrlmh* among oiln r things three
audience. The spoclal music Is being
One dollar BtarU^ an;
About 200 Peonic Are at Work and new Dams reiviKly to.ughi by the
nata-r-onrryatMvoT Uia n«l retatw ilMrritMd furnishtd by Miss Rose'Jkigue.
til »aUl r*»atnM-t l« rod W. Krawniati. iba
There Will Be Stock Enough Soon Kelley Lumber A Kliinglc company
Makt pa ttu»D*-«-. upon th*- tarae sad caoutinona
The fire di-partment was railed to
for Full Fcrcc.
In (’lilrag**. D; A. lUrbcr will art as
the corner of lUUruad avenue and
Washington Mreel tUl* 'Hltern<*ni.
The canning tarti»ry rt.-in^d tip for
Tlie tug mnkc.s regular trip* Jo Mnti
where some rubbish along the track
toJnlSI U? or eskl*'dea-awi-d. sad *iu*otW
the seaMixr.s nm this morning with totlque snd rommunleatlon* will l.«wa* ablaze. The cnemlcal only wa*
r»^op!e at work, mmtl) taldl'hed with the tolands mi that dully
women and girl*. There I* m»i enough liRtoiKirtaMoii win !»• ]io.^*IhIe. ’Phe
iTlio oMual nml atrongeat^
stn-k on han«! to put the whole forei ir.ljiiid Is *Y»v« refl with valuable tiintn r
Tbaui ill Nortberi. Mirl.
at work but It will not to long liefon an.l niter its removal will to’ made th
thm-iT be rircDi by pubboittun of • ouf.y oi
tbt-re will lie many nn ti hand.> lun to a hammer resort.
Mrs. will He«l. rniau of Chicago
rived in the city totlay for a vlyit with ployed
Tlieie arc a inmito-r of college men
J. 1). Mlddlclcu and lamJiy.
Mrs. Malcolm Winnie left today for at work in flu* laefi»ry who are taking
this methtal of earning money to pU4
u trip to southern Michigan.
Mxa. Louiey. Mrs. Meckel and the them through another year at uchooi
Misses Ruth and Catherine Meckel
return«*d to Chicago this ntwn. after a
Slauihter Sale •»
Taken in eichange for Pianos
A^iloodOr^an Jot $rj
} ^our {hour of three more JOr $14
) \ntr ehoiee oj three more Jor $ 16
| •
Yon bolt4?r !iurr>’..Uicy will not lie bore kmg.
a Gome in mad tee the now Kimbdl OiKaii
in baodBooie oudioicany coao. Tbi« is a beinty,
Ibo first shown in the city.
[The FouDdatlon of
M.B.Hamor, Prop.
I. The
‘.rssTrris '5*
Will be rendered
Monday, July 23
Contest doses
Saturday, July 21 TrLr...r-J«“
City Upera House
."vv Ihtr S/^rraf »
The Dedsien
ol those who liBve
worn the
Corliss Cooh
Is lhat they are the
best 16c-i for 25ccollar to be found
E. WILHELM, - Front Stnet
.Traverse Gly
Stale Bank
July 30-31
August 1-2
Celebrated Lecturer,
Traveler and Explorer
Series of Magnibcen't
ntustrated Wcturcs and
EntertaiDinc Lectnres
Illustration of the Klondike
Cold Region.
Destruciion t>( St. Pierre.
E'uptioh of Mt. felee.
Sao Prancisco Earlbquakc
Course lickcis, 50c.
Stnffle adpnis.sion: Adults.
15:; children. JOc.
Picture story for' children
each afternoon at 5 o’ckek.
few weeks’ Walt with Victor I»clertyl
and family.
Mrs. E. D. Galloway of Johnson.
Tenn.. is the guest oTS. H. McMichad
and family of Eighth sircvt.
Mrs. Harry N. Gardner of MarllKw
ough Is visiting rclaUvcs and friends
In town for a couple of weeks. Her
husband wrlll arrive on the evening
train and will spend a few days In
Mra. Clmer Brawn U enterUining
her parents. Mr. and Mm. J A.
merman of Maple City.
W. B. Weston, publisher of
Chronicle and a veteran Grand Rapthls morning after a short rislt with
J. W. Haimen.
Mias Helen Hannen mM Mis* Mary
Kellogg have retnreed borne from an
cjtendu^ visit hi aomhern Michigan
They viaited Grand Rapids. AlWon,
Nort.hport Couple Was Untied by the
Rev. Hugh Kennedy.
Edwin Middleton and Mi** Kaths
ripe Woolsey. both ol Nortbp<jrt. were
united in marriage by the Rev Hugh
Kennedy st the parsouage Ia*t c'VenIng at 5 oclork. The. were arcom
panktl by u rtiu^ln of the gn*»m. El
mer Middleton and the full ring ter
vice WSJ used. - Ther will make iheli
home in Northpaft.
Navy Dcpartmcfit Was Officially Not*find Today.
By Wire to the EN enlng Record.
Waihlngton. July :i —A treaty of
peart' between Gaatemala and SaJva
dor has been signed and official ntx
tire was received by Ibe navy depart
ment today.
i .
THE* L A. B. Of the Fourteeirth
Tamer and Mrs Mar- Street M. K. church will give a lawn
aoctat at the hon^c of Mrs. Maynard
Lnhme Wednesday cenlng. Joiy 25.
rere.fraa « to.U. A oonllal InvltaUoe U
toa.^ extended to nlL Ice cream, meloat.
At-; popconi aad a^ will be OB sale.
thir P. Hnxyer o(/ChicaMou
Grand Opera House
Jour nights commencing
Wednesday, July 25
Ruth Grey ;
Most stanling show ever given in the city.—Mr.
Hubbard, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 21.
She more than made good her claim to being
A M>-stic
, c Phenomena.—Amy
•Leslie. Chicago Daily
News, Jan. IS.
The Matine Saturday
Will be for LADIES ONLY;
Ratnre’sMost Xysiic Fbenomm
She Divlacs Tear ThNghts..
EXTRA-One lady wiH be admitted Free Wedne*day. July 25, when accompanied by oni
35c ticket.
Prices-HaUnee lOc aod 25c. IfirUt ISc. 25c, 35c
r Che
Evening Record's ili^to-Date IHustrated Feature
M s Ufe
Tbf» M
Now It Is Seeing by Telephone
An Oregon Man Has Produced a Machine Which Makes
It Possible to See the Person at the Other End of the Phone
«a fmm iheir atterapla t«
erlay trteidi«ne. tuft of
i« Profeaaor Kaftx. a well knawn
lat of Munich, wlei haa devtaed
The Most Eminent Sdcntlsts Hcve Lon« De
clared thr Idea Chi; mcrical. but a Plain.
Hardworkinf Maehiniat tn a Portland
Car Shop Has Shown
Them How Easy It Is
L to Be Mistaken.
(HOtWAKIM W vMlor. I*, lb.
roatkJ eapoallW*
, all akoptlcal and
prrparad to
I \o have dlartiwrd
tvrtlaar Inyaatlc]
cf: fvrtlaar
tahnliy n«d nm tmnr
vrcTythlny to G«1 in pwjorr Wlqr
Chrtrt prsyod oMd be BO 4|MtSlta «T
oom. Tht nmmm for Wm pnirteff
The Inventor
maaHe of U one mlclA aao thk. Inw
«f fba vmm io whom he wmM teleyttiming^
Ybo ta^ue eothlMted at PurtUad waa
a cm4« affair—quite aa prlmlilra In tta
coootnictkm and impertect in lu pertmmmmcm mm wna tbe Hell tolepbune
oBtMlad at the Philadelphia centm-
tbe teleeraph perfetn and mt
ak quarter cof a t'rntury after
• la atm auace
htlon the trk
bllitlea timl It auyyeeta are ahnoet InUnite.
ll. fNiwIcr. the teventlve yenlua
who haa devdope
Ohio and
oixth soar
When he waa aerentem
sas employed in a^ ylaaa fa«-t.»ry nt
Henaln*. bn the ohtV'riser At that
he inreiHrd a dcvh-r f.ir rncrav-
be left with BlnmulC. vrliilc we nddiuM
oonwlren to tl»e emt nad tmpoHBat
fact fbat He did |»r»yHe prmfrd
» nbondantly evident ftom the
iDoiiy uf tbe Bcrlpliirml htotortcy of Hbi
Ufe. TOa U mil vre need to know te
•eder to And in Him an example nnd
an lniq>tratlon to prayer. God teHa m
all wr need to ta»w MMl ken* the
to UUnaelf. and be la d fooliMi mao toderd afho
hla lime la try»|« •»
pry hp** the *Yecret thiny* of <Ad.wblV at tbe «ame. time be falM to
■jirofll by **lbi» Ihinya tbat have be«o covealed - llirUt praTivL That la «afAchmt
th» pmctloar porpo— of
our Urea. Hbi example lenciwu m to
I»my. and Ilia meOsoda m |«yer majr
well U* taken as tj«r BMwMhtf..
I'ni.ver nhh Obrliit mrunC
thlny. i-dltkm. He asked God for pnwto raliw Lnaaraa from the dead. And
before (be event He aakl. **Fatbaa. X
tlutttk Thee that Thou luust beard Ua.
and 1 know that Thou bearoat Me a^
He prayerl for 8lmon IXar
and In nn dolny won a victory over
ftatan. who had also asked far P«er.
Ill HU intereetwary prayer He prayed
for th<* dleeif^iw and for Hla cbmrh. «aI»eelally for Its unity. In the yarden af
Gethseman** He prayed’ fur lIltDqAf.
y.t lu fnirsabmisskHi to the wftt^ of
0*sl. It U oar prti lleye and doty Alao
iat*twie to God with requests, and are
aUn have the assuniDce that oar peflJkHui wdll be yranird.
-Ask and je
slisll r.«eelver We. like ChrUt. abaold
praj- for powiT to do the woili of God;
w.-. Ilk- Hlm.stoonld |way for tbe oofety of those nfaprat and dearest to na.
and not only, for tlsem. bat for tba
rtiorch anivcraal and for tbe worM;
like Illia. we aboold alao pray for o«r*
but always In the fulWwt anUto tlie win of God. -Xot tv
the lelerue «
d in Ita road
The Idea la not eariet lany noimL The
tbaorr of aeelnk hr telephone ia aa
«M aa that Inrsoiloa^nd may be paid
to be cotoddem wlthNUa illw oV«T>-.
ProCaaaor Aleaander Ora^ lielf. the
Inventor *if the telephone, doe# not attarh much value to It-unleea he haa
chancud hU mind pacently.
ha eaptuaaed hlmaelf quite poattJvelr
acalnat tha feaalbllltr hf the acheroe
Jt waa at tbi
<»f Parta waa
r by tdesraph
may be wltlUn the ranye of the p.iaalhl«. In t lew of what haa already hapi dunowHI. deIble. H«'<‘init liy
•itbac of theae Inatruim-ntnlltlea. how
ever. U ao tar removed from the held
pf probability that I ahmild reyard any
claim of Ihla nature aa an nbeunllty.
-Th.’^ldea of aerl^
Karly In IMO I maile an Important invention t>ared
rt.y dlcsovery of ihe.^>oaalbmiy of tranainliMui:
aoond by the ayenry of a beam of iicht.
and is liiterestid snwtuyli
ll In
in iua to d»>
ri*le tl»e qUf***tiou for tls
lYnyer with
eomnitirhm with tlfwt
Tiend nlytits
nlylrts |I
eo*fom In p. njiart ami spend
prayer, alone with fi
Vkv cnnxJk
in tbe all3
think that these hoc
nljriit were ytv#'ii np to rr«|oestB, Tha
more f^roliable theory Is tba| these ^
lerit IM.OPI U^-re upeut In QMTltminl«l
with <;ol. He '
His Vathrr'm h
lm.nc1i.?iion to
rn-!0.-Tnly w*.-k Mlowwlilp
iimiiion with IIU T.^ther.
mir prayer* he llijiited lo jietltlon.
U nKi .rttr lieavetily FatlwT. Heavdb
U our
\V«* uUo are away froM
home and mtd t<» -iq»enk oft with <nM
I>oTtI.- wlfl, G**l. onr Fatljce. We afp
Bplrlt as He u iq.irit. and we aboold re
join* In iIh* p.wwiMlity of fellowidi^
Tilih G«el ami sUmld hold ctwnmunkm
w!th li::n. as HilM wlib pamit..«
fr;«t ll wltl* frJ**o.t ns errated belnga
wl'li fhelr Opeat»»r.
Fvery phase at prayer la lllaatrtlAd
life <ff prayer He addressed
ly a. IfU Father. He
Iirarnl in secfcl and in potillr. Ho
prayed amid the duties and cares of
ev.-rydny !lf«*. ami In the creat rrhu^
of His life He jpave bonra to prayer.
As lie iirayerl let os pray, ami we will
in.'ike n*. mistakes !q oor prayln*. and
<;oil wUl hear us.
alaiut eliHlrfcity or the telcp'hom'. The
furl that I had deiKwlied thia packaye
yni out and a neaajiai^r way who had
•Mime Knowledye irf elcctiirliy aal down
ttud r.*n*-mrt»
-nil* aioiy waa to the effert that *»ne
n. K Urka had aucceedrd by the aid
«.f a telephone 111 proliHtln* up*m a
e< reen u leal live Imayi* «*f u cat. The
key \n the Joke rolKht have been apluirent to a^v wientltie man n!
PYench InventionNuthiny nvultcd
from l»r. Kylvealrea d|a4e»ver>\ allh.iuich
at the time it re.diy
The dl«on rrer. wHVk aa a dent tat. w aa
cmtWent that he Imd **atruck It rtrh.'
He admitted that it wu« an a.xiden:
that had reveal«*d the
to liun,
but he waa o.nvlnc«*d that there waa
no miatffkc ol»out it.
He ofrentl hla
the -Frem h yovemment for
ts.uoo.ooh. and the inniter wa* taken
Ill aplle of I*rofo..,.4i>r
ulliy and the r-i-ated f.ulUre
loudly h* raided d|i>i ovctb-a. it
Victure^s XShat Illu^strckie the Hi^story of -^oday‘^i^
Aitii.K ACAmsoa.
Isa. Iv. Ui. IS Tl. 0; Matt, vl, 5-13;
xvai. Ml; Jnbn xl. 4l. 42; xlv.
V2 15; F.ph. n, IM. ihill. iT.d; (\>U |v. 2;
I I Tlin. lU 1^.
> rhrutian
Endeavor onlou reeeoily
‘ lor>k a eensTis Of .TOflO sorlethw and
dl-Mweml lint ¥i jier cent of the mrtn;sT» Wi n- youiut ineu “a far mvater
IMm*utace of mak* inemlieni.- be asilw niiirr4HHi would show.-
n the old ffvdoabt at PfUshars. a
t G the besd preserved plroe of
r4A the imtsd StAlsA
IbktekfiMlhtoor tedtfle
boTM when yo4t Wrt to
n aortli of Orava, oaa^al
WAf$m-AMAUrn\ c«iU’ sad dillcloeldBs. hsU. glmea or ties
to ^ ctosBDd or ifsd at tb« arw
Mate at 311 K. Froai BL Cltx.
WMlT»--Oora to toa aar aad oata;
rOfc •AL*~SIbiIc haiawa al 1101
JiiJr 10411
fiOH •ALC-U^lnfb Gadar vood.
Traversa CH]r Mfg. Co.
julf 11 tf
re lou Your
chabee 4o pdt b large lot at the
prke of a aman one. Fine tocmtloa.
W. M. Uordaa. 417 W. Seventh 8t.
July f 1 mo*
tea atea frte aa BOi^ lak*
portli, aote aad araot of Bot^ nsort, oae of tte ^tteC raaorta*la
Ua Qraad Trararsa vaftoa. Tha
srbola fann U lercl aad extra Mr
aM« as a raaorl pmpoaltJaiL OooW
ba aasUi plaUad lato oae^fth
lou or ire foca to tbc acre, or Arc
koadred aad atety4va lot*, which
arilh a tenr aowll atehat adTertls*
fac voald aen for at least 96«
per lot. For natural adraatatea to
catkia can not be bobtea. la
parlsoB arith otbar property aad the
price aiked. this tana U offered at a
very low ««are. There ta Umber
eaouch to pay for the whole farm at
price we aak for IL If you want a
barpain and a money maker, pet
afitrr thia, Wade Bros. 117 Front
atroct, Trarerae City. Mich. Clltseaa phone IIIS.
may 144f
FOR SALE—1152-Forty acre farm,
close to city; wrU watered, lae gar
den aad imck taad. SmaU piece oi
money Ukee Ihla Call for price
Wade Broa., 127 Froat street, Trav
eras aiy. Mich.
Inoa H-tf
FOR AALI CHEAP—1 Wilton Velvet
cwrpet. Hall, noariy new. (worth
today $1.55 per yard) for R5c. 1 FOR
vclRbt hundred feci on SUto street
• iman Bniaacla mp.
Value Hnpoaalble to eaUmate, but
wew (Mh-T3?.^i for $55,- 1 ball
way above price asked. ThU U one
carpet fall, beat Nuianry
of the moat dcairablc pieces of prop
with 10 yard* aUlr carpet io match
erty to city. Aa a buBincaa location
worth $35.00) for 117.50. 1 $50.00
cannot be beaten at price asked,
foldlnp lied, hand pollahed. pier
an investment,, will say that with
terror, perfect condition, for 155.00;
biitidinga aow cm the property,
tonal go by the 24th B. H. Bracken.
which conalite of four fmme almc
TO Waahlnglon St. or Hamilton
tiirea. covering about oncvhalf of the
^nothing Co
grouad. It ahowa ffve per cent on
ten thousand dollarm. With a
cm. uiHUMialc brick bidli^ing. It will
bunding ami comer I6t on
show at Icaat three tlmca that
atrret Alao pood house and
amount on the investment. Call, for
price. Wade Bros.. 127 Front street
Fmt atiwel or CItlicna pl»one
Traverse City, Mich.
June ll<t
#1 CASH will buy lot 110, Hannah FOR «ALE-1291-Wght.v two Teel oa
a?sma. Oak HalghU aubnrh. &0xK;s
Slate street, one hundred and fifty
IM tt told bafom July lit Apply
fwt deep, alt covered with two-story
mayMf frame building, fitted throughout for
claaa livery and sales bam.
CAiH win boy lot Its. Hannah fliat forty
horses and all necessary
gtmtk. Oak HeighU auburb. 60x165 Also
cijntpment. buggies, cutters, hacks,
Ml, M sold bafora luly let. Apply drays, sleighs, hameasor. wsi
to That. T. Bbtaa.
May 6 tf rojK's and all personal property In
above building. Thl* Is one of the
tm CAtH will buy lot 130. Grant
atraat. Oak Ualghia luborb. 60ii6lr Urgebt livery and aalea bams In this
regloo: erni rally located, doll
fMt, tf sold bafora Jaly 1st Apply
to Ytom. T. Bate
may M large aad p^Uble business,
fact, present owner feels able to reMM CABI4 wtlMmy a % acre lot In Ure and cn^oy lha comfortable for
Birehwood aubnrh. 10$ feet froaUng tune made In this same jbuslnca*.
apem Mast bay. 112 fmt on Broach This, reader. If you contcmplatf en
■IraaC, tf aoM by July Itt Apply to gaging in a business of tkU kind,
Tbaa. T. Bate
may $ if will pay you to Investigate. Call for
price Wade Bros.. 127 rtxmt street
Traverse City, Mich. Citizens phone
June 11-tf
FOR •ALE-Two booses la good loeaFOR RALE—1273-One hundred and
Uon; oae new houaa Just completed.
twenty-acre farm, atx miles west of
Wm aetl OB Ume to suit customers.
city, about esventy acres under cnltlCltJL pbeme cn.
June 23<f Tstlon.
Good bouse, large bam. with
foortoea acres oals. seventeen acres basemont.
Following crop: Ten
bay, forty acm wild Umber Call
tor price. Wade Bros.. 127 Front arrea rye. four acres wheat, tea
acres com. aeven acres poutoes.
attwet. Travanm Olty, Mlch.ptlions
ptoma 1119.
June 11-tf
FOR tALl-iaSb-Modem residence.
Bute street, three blocks from postoffice, ftoutoea. electric lights, gas.
batk. Am A No 1 propotltton. Can
tor firtet. '^l^ade Bixml. 127 Froat
FOR lAUt—1431—Ona hundred and
twenty acre farm one half . mile
Maple aiy ; finest farm la toelahan
county; good locatkm; owne
other bustaeee; wUI Ukc part pay
ment In rentablo mtty property.
Wade Bfoa, 127 Front St, Traverse
iUte ^vane Clly, Midi.
June 11-tf
City. Mich, cmzens phone 1219.
100 tA04 wm too lou m, m aad
111, Boae atMt, Oak IfalgliU aab- FOR SALE .1442-Tbiny acxea,
mib: 110 toei na Rima. IH faat mm and a half mllea Union atrcct. Three
Mem, Itt M om tha aBn. tf aold thousand bearing frolt trees; ffaeat
Tbia U a ffrtot garden and fmit eoll. Call tbr price
to WM. T. Bafisa. W'ade' Broa.. 127 Front street, Trav
era# Qty. Mich.
June li4f
rOR RAU-1WT.-4I tm IrgRt o.
- ma» **mc avalm mtm itawniMt taMlv o, tkt <
WrtTml .«Wrib»UB« polrt Im tk* »,«
MMn. KocrMlT, ellr 111 c«tr,l
UleklCM: nauM, for W «»»« of
t«lf>W. .CiB for prteo. WoB.
Bra,, m rraat et, Traraira Cttr.
' Stab. cuMbt
BALB-UU—Raidwmra atock to
good market town sHihU tea mile*
af Tfavaraa CBy. Only hardwarw
Wmto Bitau m Wmal ittmk, Trartone CUT.
CitltoM phone
FOR EALE-l421-Four and i
acres aU Improved: good
small bam, sman orchard, i
SS Is Jmrt the
in ektra time to a good piofiL WHh
proper management this epot of
gtoaad srin-emrm the aaJary of ah
UEdtaaiT boPk-keeper. clerk or me
chaalc. Owner gt« thf *:ro^127 Froai atrret. Ti
Mich, ntltens fhano
Jane 214f
FOR tALt-Cood family 9r
horse: 6 years old: weight i
yM: sonoil aad safe. l>r( Gage
Ciu. phone 1103.
Jkly 10-12t
lagtoA, wHk Chief Justice Faller aa its
note lae erectloa of a
sUtise fa the national capital to Henry
Itoosevclt has. written a letter ladonlag the project, aad It M propdned to
raise fSS.toa for the sUtue, of which
above $4te Is In baad.
The special na&immevt tag roll for
Maoovat Aokl. the a
the gradlag aad paving of Booth Union
Bhassador at Washlagton. bas as his
street from the aoWCb aide of Twetflh
constant compankm in his
street north to the sooth Hid ef the
great maltcsc cat. Mr. Oski
south bridge oa Unkm street, is now
ccives a guest wit hoot presenting him
ta my hand* for collcctKm. The first
to Peter, who alts on a ic
Jlment to be paid on or before
lllpoamr* chair. Pett-r rarely loses
July 31. 1904.
Igbt of hl» master and uomctlmc* ac
timpanW him oa his driven. TIh
City Treasurer.
teils every one that Pe
Office. Room 202 State Bank build
ter U the most aaS>mpllshcd of his
kind, that he has lived In four capllalp and crossed the ocean six tlmc9
Peter wears a heavy linked silver
chsin with nsme and addrese Inscribed
NoUc# to All Persons Intsreste
The special ssscbsmcnt tax roll for in French. On fete days a big knot
rom the south lint* of Stafe street of ribNiu U fsM. ned to hU collar ana
be grading and paving of Cass street oil great national femi-tp a ebrysantbesouth to the bridge on Cass street, )h mtiBj is added.
King l^copold of Belgium, while at
now in my hands for coUcc
niarrii* taking a vacaUqn from
Ofht ioUallment iu be paid
worries of kingship In general
fore July SI, 19X*. *
Cfmgoland troubles in imrilrulsr.
the central figure In an Incident which
City Treasurer.
Office. Rcx>m 202 SUle Bank build set that fashionable FYench watering
place toughing. The democratic
arch bathed 4here. as did every othei
man, privately and uno>ienuilouBl
One morning as he c-ame out of the
The attention of water taVsrs
water he chanced to collide; with
called to the following nife wHich w
portly man. who evidently did not
be atrictly onforcod:
know the king In a bathing
Rule 15. Hoursa for aprinkllng-Wlll “What do .von mean, sirr he Hunrfed
be from 5 to fi a. m. and from 5 to 9 p. savagely. ‘Be vnore careful. I wnuM
m. Any persona uaing water
have >uii to k
tprinkling lawns and gardens, before the Paris city rnuncll!" “Then I offei
or after hours, will be liable to ha
a lh:n.saml apclor,ies“ rrplitd Ijvu
water ahut off at main pipe, and
poid at <jnce. “I am o.nlv the king oi
charge of ilJOO before same will be jtt<- lU-lgi.li.. -turned on again. The using of water
Dikirlcl AUoitw-t Ji-rnmv of Ni-«
through hose withoert eprlnktlng noz York cannot take a yoke. When he adzle attached, is strictly prohibited.
drtVM*d the Georgia Icgislaturt'
July 11-tf
W. R. Caldwall, toipt.
iswroakerd pa;<sed a resolution li
ing “Jerome and Folk" for the <Iemu
FOR SALE—Thn*chorse |K»wer.t^m cratlr pn•^idenllal team in l'.»os
me itK»K the in(lor^emeut s«*ri<i
bloat ion gas and gas'»line engim.
Ilev. J. W. Van Kirk. D I).. pastor
Coat 1175: will soil at a bargsln
Address or Mi at Arm* A Cole's. of ('.race M. E. cboirh. V
122 Cass St.
July 20 If O.. has returned from his missiooar\
trip around tbh world. He started^ul
FOR SALE-Pony team, hamct.v without a penny In h4s pocket
wagon and sleighs; will'sell all to made his way by preaching “The Fa
gether or scparsle. Here Is a bar therhootl of God and the Bndheihfwxi
gHin that cannot be.bcat. J. K. Gn i*
'A!P AHen, former middleweight
lick. Co.
July 15 tf
prize fighter and pniprielor of a u<i
HOUSE AND LOT for sale chewp. oa^y lorJous 'roaa house In Otawa. Oni
in MtKKly Institute; Chicago, whert
term. 918 W. Front St.
he enmllwl a.s a student Saturday
July 16^1*
two miles from . a drink t
thirsty w^en I wandered Into the
church where Torrey and Alexandei
handin' the gospel to the i>oople
under cimirallon: got^ buUdlngs.
ground all level. U>wtprlcc. Call said Allen. “They grahlH*d me. but
called foal.' and they gave me tl
Sunday to get into condition. Sunday
tsens phone 1219.
night 1 went to the mat with them
There were three men and
against me and
Heir Io 9700.000 left hr his
LOST—l.adlcK* pocketnook between G. Robin Jarobs, a dealer In Junk an<i
W. Millet’s and the Hamilton Cloth swnnd hand goods In East Oakland.
elcvatctj from one of the
Ing store; conUined gold chain
valued highly becanse of sssoctatlon poorest men of that aeciroirr With hU
Reward if n-turacd to G. W. Mil brother, Samuel and Jo«-pn. Robin
the f2.000.000 left
July 20-tf
by Louis Gordon, a Wall street broker
who died two years ago.
The bishop of Selkirk. Dr. .Bompas
hos6 death is annotmeed from Brit
Ish Columbia, began his lalsirs midei
St. Mrr. Jas. Johnson.
July 14-6t
the Church Missionary koclefy moi\
than forty ycuri ago. For a long while
ROOMS TO RENT-Hot and etdd he lived among the Indiana of Great
water, gas. electric ll^ts. atcatn
lake, in a tent, and be after
beat, bath. People's ’Sariogs Bank wards dwelt tn an icehouse with the
July 12-tf
Eskimos. He ro%*ered great distances
on foot. It is said that In two year
RENT—Six well fumlshwl be walked 1,300 miles.
rooms, water, gas lighting, gas
The roungest and moot democratic
range wide veranda, inquire at 427 of nil the Rockefellers Is Edna
State atreeL
July 64f gnsta. daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Frank
Rockefeller uf Russell, Kak. Thia
FOR RffNT-AttrmcUva coUaga at Toung tody, whom John D. Rockefeller
famished complete for U wont to style his “favorite niece,
aeaU may be taken though he and her father are only
at'The Clovcrm.- Address Sarah B. coostns. has Just married John Porter
Graham, 12S Lake arenue. Traverse Brook, keeper of a modest milliner}
aty. Mleh.
Jane 25-tf
In Los Angeles.
HOUM TO fl04T-4$. Dr.Mmm.
MONEY TO LOAN on personal prop
erty. Amil F. Nerlinger. 212 State
Bank banding.
Jaly l91mo
pntfm toOftete
lagalro af M.
Onafntea Oanrrot ba Curte
take a ri«ie. Alao Ibti
fy lorMjf
while all of them prom
rom grafu^ CKXirge Gibbs
of MartouJl me* oat with a M
promise tbat If be Is aleeted be wUi
I pay tor prisoners' burn
y jalL bat wUl eee that the
lya only the actual'fiost of
promises to stop the practice of
lag oases over to constables,
may get toe fees, saying his id’x dep
oty rhertff* will work on a salary an.l
alll handle all business of the sher
ir* department.
thur Vlssers of Grand Rapids
whose wife has been missing for days.
U-llevea she I* being held th Chtcagi*
for ransom, as she was to come Into
a Urge legacy In October. Tbursda.v
received the following tek-gigm:
“Chicago—Com© ImmedUnely. Crystal
U sick. tYlcnd. 1311 West Sixteenth
stroct.- VIsKcrs. whose wito disaped a week ago Thursdav.'left at
tmee for Chicago and Vill go to the
sddress given with k policeman.
John Mcljircn of Plynswth. whoiM:
leg was crushed In a train accideiil a
week ag»», bad It aropuiaUrd Wcnlnesda.v.
Throe Uns who si.ile a melon at
Vassar were fined $20 apiece or thirty
daya In Jail. They had no money anu
were kicked up.
Haney Coff and Bry Mrl^ughlln.
two laiis idktn to.MonrtH- rharged
«Hh breaking Into a cigar sUuv. havebeen relea«=ed.
Couri Burgess of port Huron, was
kot<can*d at ne:ir1> l»eing run over b>
a Rapid lullway car that he has lost
turmy poind, in wHgiit In uh many
.Mayor EHia of (kan.l Uapldn has ve
tm-i! tin* garbage c(»ntiaet on ih«grtiund that the elty has no tight to
conn act for mon* than throe
Paul BifdHcr and AHmm*! Spinde.
Jackhon bo>s. aged 10. wero strurk by
an auto driven by Charles Ik* Water,
a ti-sti-r. i<n l seriously Injured. Both
^lisfactidn guaiMlMd
or no charge.
Norlhem Mfchigm"
IK ROSE lEiF BOPFER jl’rafispoilafion Company
Ownr-ra r»f fw- Uuahr* .rf grrntly
ja»i at thU iw^nnn •( th#
5#ar b% nndlng on ihr- loorrr sU#* of
Irnv*., m
a fv>
ariat numb«-r of amall
thnt rorr, srr gr..wn
Jwfie 12th to tepL 25th. te
StEiRir WIrools-
juv«i ..f ihr p;*M.'thu*"g{vint'
H- la a rapid
North Route.
Lv. Chicago ............... Tue*. I Wjp m.
South Route.
Ait. TravfTM? City. .Thur*. 4 ;(M> s m.
The adult r«.|u- h#p-M-r •hnarp aho»-a.
ta a litti*- Tnonr lUar- on«*-f-nth of an
Inrh bins, and U». ^ >*-l omla|.*whUn
»hltr. a^I-tranapnfwl
wine roynr* Hr l» pr..vid»Nt with t.mg
hind be., arul .-Mn mnk- irnmmdou*
lone h.-iv, ahrti dU?«rt#«d
..f. |bt- Injiirloua IlitJn
peat win nni nr.tv apnll i»>a at-roaranm
of Ih. ffdJas« ro*n
Imt wit!
•o drain It aa tn mairrlatti rt-.1isr<- thr
numbor and ,lx.. of t*»r r..^, U will
rauar th«- idant Co dm-.,. . .iHv. and
fr-.m rt-a^hlng !t« full
I« to **-t aft-r fhia »jnwHrom.. !o-1r#-r
and ratrrmlnair Mm a«d bl. f-mtVi.
Th#v am murh a.i-W to Cr^lmv hafor*- lh*-r sr*- f»iMv d^r#ki^ th*r.
aflrrwarda. a.. Ir rn\w to art
'xoihlrr h-*- rtrr t--rn fonn.t ao ,f.
fMt!*.. tn >r?1tnc tM- l.-rmf.it 1r--^t
aa Thomn*o*
Ko«- N'knrrr. Tt»:a
rmt.n*-afl..n k .i-pnlv imfr nlrotlnfmtr.
mf-od and r*'il on ih*
rr,ark»“T for t»*«- »•••♦••■*»» of Cowrr 'to. •
era with f.d! d<m-!«..na fir
r*trrm1rnlt-.g i.l! -k!rda of ln«o< ia or
'VnI'aum In
Lv. Cblrsgo ..................Fri. 7:90 p m,
Arr Traverse etty^...Sun. 6:00a m.
Lv. Traverse City............ Sun. $: a. m.
South Sound.
Arr. Traverse City........Sun 10:00p.m,
L\ Trsverre City........ Sun 12:0o Nt.
Arr. Cbii ago
.Tuc*. 6:30 a. m.
8ti anu r ll’Itii.U makt** rorniertlMii*
St Chkagn wirii train*- «*q ali rallrimd
lines lor iHilii** t ejond.
NVith Umn.i M. «tn.-rv make ronne-r.
lions Ht k!.Mhii»ar Mind with all
aU^iiisUip biiiv a **aiiH f«* fur piii«to
•HI l.aki S iiH Mor. lail-e Hiin»n. lJ«ke
»k*. G.^.rslan bay. Ijikc Ontario aud
and tn- -e m «r
and *t.lo|«-a »f rinnnl
mark or harm ih** m—t dHInt-* flow-
lnft>rmaU«*n regarding Conner,
and lake I tips cheerfully givoa
aj.plirailon to '
to TWwTnv
aa-nf i<not rral'.ab»
I. c. Buinis, teit.
an 1 \v-rmln “
vnuf ^'’irel't oiTy
Pere Marquette
J J. WebMi r and Harry gllea of
Chicago narrowly earaped death whlUboating on Lake Mona at Muskegon.
The bi»ai wps* i and they were under U
touran Jn»aSl.|MI
gorrklflasa Oa»nili.TnM».amwd
The African MethodlKia. the Inde
jx ndetn Congregational, the F1t>l M.
E and the Cbrivtlan Scleniisis banuniiid to bii;id a ehureh at Batik
t'reek tn
u^cd Jointly.
\V. F. Phllllph Iff Armada, brakeman
«in the Grand Trunk, kicked away n
block nf woo^l from under a moving
ear. and the whetds passed over his
foot, rotting off hts toes.
t;«-org*- Ka^ki. the Saginaw y^tli
who was arte*-ted on a jf‘harge of hav
Ar. rartWagM .. .ll.lop Bs
...... lAVam
ing puhbrd .Virharl Slminfkl. ag***! 11.
Ar ('InrtPBUI......SUaia
......... XU mm
ln«o the water and eansed his death,
has iK-en liberated, the .jury returning
a verdict of aceldentaf death.
The remainr. of a young Indian wat
rior wero unearthed by sewer diggers
on the rxoft bank of Flat river at Low
ell. Tin- leg and ami liones and skoll
not wtUOed wHh nOThi.
were Intact, and (be hair and teeth yoa
we re well preserve<i An in*n tf»ma
hawk with trarch of the wooden ban
For S#«
OMfntootf Ooly W
die in the sorket and two copiK*r ke»JOHNSON DRUQ CO.
tles conufning well preserved melon
Btvds and' what lhad been corn and
bcana. were found with the l»ones.
. The copper country is faring a sr JA IWItROE • GEO. W. BeWETHT
rious la»>or famine, From every quar
tor where iingkllled labor Is used
comes the complaint that men are
scarce and in great demand. As an
iDsUnce. the Copper Range railroad
baa Increased the wages of *aectloQ
hands by 15 cents per day. but thU U
Insufficient to ho:d tuom. Reports
mines are that the sorfaccbosses
are having hard titr.t s gctllag enough
•«YOU.' MONgy u
Sweet Peas
and nil other tiiK-rat on* requlrtag^
rong men with' pick and ebovel arc'
smperefi In the same mihnar.
By a slip of the pen by which be adresaed a letter “St. Joseph, Mlch.“
instead of “8L Jo.-eph, Mo.,“ George
Grober, a prosperous merrham In
sotithern California, found hit longlost alster at 8t Joseph. l,«arlnibcr
home Id southern indtona atoe years
ago ihe.^1 went to Chicago to take a
position in an office there. From toat
city she went to Sl Joseph, Mo, and
there all trace was lost^ of her.
Through a friend of Jbe family Gru
ber a month ago heard his aUter was
In that city, and wrote a Irtter to her.
A sup of fV*n caasefi him to mddreaa
the letter St. Joeepb, Mleh. Miag Grn
her was ependlBg Um aumaror ibcix
rerHved her brbUicF* lettw, and Im
mcMlUiiclj na!iweroa. hiul Thuir4ay
iber writ* rcanlicfi.
JD several good colon. : Chtaney Sweeping. Clean-
iit( and General Work
Good and Prompt Service.
Homer Snydo,
Tohn R Soiiito
IDE m WOtf Gefictil faMMMCe
Either Ice or Wood
will be delivei«d
promptly if ordered
RCW wawaws.
Wwersi Oiy
Juflits C. Nipkiiis Tin fmtrmKi
L. L. A. BUIkCtNd
:V: :
L ' ^
^ •rl#^ »fc««it.
tJf tti 9^tmtm\nM
to tb*
«r »tai «1H> #v»r tfl
-HI. B. Ktov. te tW Oiltttoi B9eot4>
Alto lifM. Uto loT*. svalUM
tnuiM oar:
0»M fM* vlMofr to tbtor brtcbt
■ .
; 'f/ j .
m i VOOld tooa It fiMitoh tito iMOlr
MtoU, totooptolL WItoailtodaa qoan to ImckMbcrrtea with cold wamtvm ototo la oa It aboold tara m
totovi toatotoaat oa a I
I tendqr. with
tb# frtot. aa U
atom la too* Md a ptor
we from tb#
Heal ptOoooplir of Ute. jotood to toMol
a Bn# al#vc.
and davomd with a few dropa to nm#
Webk 4aya and boly days aa ap
oitvnet Prepare the Jnnkei by
fql.MmikIta amt la a boart aad atir
A cocAMl lavltatloa to aU tboaa aor^
lag a toot to mnk IO on# hniMred do- to ip^aally. using a allver fork,
grwea. And adding In the order men tabtoapooafuU to tolve oU and cm#
cablespoonral to best cider vtaog
five dfopn of nlmood invortng mod odb
Cbnrcb to th# ImmacaMte COao#pJnnkat tablH; poor Immediately Into
aberbH glaoaca. BlTlng them baW fnU.
riy Uklng tbe place to Low asasa. •; high maaa. lo.-lfi; ves
and »H directly on the Im; when atopers
aad beaedlcUoii, 7:S0 p. m.
BHently Brm. fiU np th# remalbdm to
on which in olden days Uie reiwtathm
Bt. Fraacia Cburcb—Comer Tenth
the glaaa with tb# chmry cmam, deco
to a booaewlfe largely depended, but aad Cam atreou. 8dada^-U>w mam#
rating coch portion with glace dherwhich never! beiess cost far
tronble than'they were worth.
at 10:30 a
venpets and beaedic
Cherry Parfali-Bent the whjtea to
Jami ax# mad# with lem aagar than Hon at 7;30 p. m. Week, daya—Ser
four egga with two Ubleapoona
vices at 7:30 Am.
dered augar; aH tb# dlab over hot
as weU as more fruity In flavor.
Aabary M. K. Cbamii.
If you possess a good. cool, dry
Bov. Hi«k Soanndf Paaior.
tog place, there U no reason why you
Claaa'monUBg. f:U p. aa
two Ubleapoons of bon^. When tbot' abould not make larger quantities at
Homing aervice. 10:30 am.
oughly cold, turn Into the fre^-xer to- a Ussn. as U will keep fur vears. and
Sunday acbool at 17 m.
BpiKwth league. C:30 p. m
gHher with half a pint *to whipped so not have tu make every kind nach
Kventog service at 7:30 p. m.
cream and freeze to the conslsienry to year.
wot Ua awB gtoWlBf acdatloa of thi to frail Juice and atlrrlng nnUl tb#
augar la caUraly dlaaolved. Turn Into
ton Qd ttr idttoHag ttom tbo «a tbo frmor. aad when half froam
ptotoM to tobaca mod giTtoc of Iti poor In a laig# cupful to merlngo#
ow«. aorb a Uttia Ugbl la tha worU Bavorad with a Kttle lime juice; free*#
aad all oaitlag to mako «p Urn graai bard: Una a cbHtod omamenul mold
aboM two tnebaa In depth with the
.JM tbir Witt btttob ftotttoB i
k by wbkh Ood
hocklcb^ gMc# and fin the center
with atJtly beaien «reHen#d cream, mush, then add a heaping cup to
First—See that tbe fruit Is dry,
. Wbf tomM tb# tolar to tatoormvb
gavored with mint, Adjuat the cover Bwenened cherry pulp: conitoue the
6econd-lt should be free from dust
aecurely aad bory In Ice and ruck aalt freezing until smuotli and firm, repack and not .over or under ripe
' iiMto tito ito«r« potiivar witii ii»
1* at Its beat I
tr tbara la oof fruit mor« tbaa aa
neat slices; these should be arranged early to the morning.
to>w>M rato?
oibar wbleb tb# Qraad Trararaa re Hp#n.
Huckleberry Rice Cupa-Boll in on dessert plates resting on'too# paper
ut tto ilM
Pouiih—Keep tbe fruit to a cool
Md tototoov.
tb# dallBloiia boeblabanlaa wbleb pur allghlly ^itod water for twenty min- dollies, each decorated with a sUr to place if a oannot be boiled at once.
Four oa totoy tU f«TJ toatoltato.
Fifth—Ther# I# no economy to pur
pk lu ptalba for woeka durtns tbi ntea a coprul to waahed rice, tbob add whipped cream aad a few #cariei cberchasing chesp sugar
aaauaar. Wa arr particularly fortanalt a aenat toat of Hpe bncklcberrlea. a Ties.
Mskt bith ||i lM«rUiM« ato .tov*
Cherry and Macaroon Tonat—Cut to spoil the flsvor. and by the quantliy
la tbai wa caa alwaya aaenra lb« cupful to granulated ahgar aad a dnatIng to grated nutmeg, contlnulog the halves, ntier removing the pHs and f scum*they throw up much jam U
bata tbam wltb all tba daHcacy ol cooking until the rice la tender. Re atems, a plto of oxheart cherries, rasted.
•Ctotottli «»
Sixth—A copper pressing pan is
Baror that baloaia io fruit which bat move from the fire and when almoat rprlnkle with powdered sugar and ar
Bat jor inu wHig n» war to «■
ailr in a ctipfiil to whipped cream range on oblongs of toasted whole the be.st 40 use; Tailing taal. a cas«
not boaa jarrod by loag railroad four
wheat tread; plan- the toast to a mod Iron f*usme1i-d Kiew|isn mill aio-«*-r
naya or wUtad by daya of travel. A1
6prs toor
erate o%«-u while preparing the UM-rln
tboagh buckleberrlaa are acarce ibli two tqhleapooofuU
Tltnied iiaiis lOionid he avoided.
year, owing to tb# aprlug froata. tbert meata. , Poor Into amall cupa or tim gue. Best to a htIff froth the whiten
bale molda and place direct ly on Hie of twfi «>ggs. adding two tahlespooa-i tlH*y ari- apt to spoil Hie color to Hie
will be a few on the market.
frult ami sugar,
The following redpea are from Tbr ice to chUI and harden. At nervliag
time turn out in amall aherbet glaaaea. grated nutmeg, a benpiug tableapoon
Sevcaih-lf !wo;klnds of fruit ar^*
naatogaer and from other aourcea:
llaeklabemr Drlnk~To on#, quart pouring over each a cold fruit aauce. of macaroon rrumhs and a III He lem mixed Ingelher. piH the hardest klud
«MTt wto toft M ov Ufa My
on juice. Tiess through a pastry Img ill first.
of berriea put In a cup of ati ared rbti
b0tb, cut rmibor Bn^ aad um* a nip ol
A ^lly ChapterWa may mat# It atlU torkrr hy
augar to a quart of berrira. H make^
Table Talk cornea to the reacue of a cone, and return to the oven, Xfi rises, aud sili g.-mlv tul ihonmghly
a dellrioita drlak by atraining out th« dUtreaacd JeUy makera with the fol brown Kilghtly; airange uo an orna now and then.
•fUt alMrtofuby folly mto ftor.
Kliiih-Tl e Hme of boUtog depends
beniea aad ualng cold water, about lowing Hear deacriptiou to way.i and. mental chop platter and serve wlU(
Half mtr troabka arr^ltol^-tMULiBcherry syrup thk-kened with arrow un the quantity. Ji should boil fast
baJf and half. Try ibla.
as .slow cookiug wlU rpoll the color to
Huckleberry >uddlngr-One cup ol
Abd torn aflao from Lkaalaga
Cherry Pudding-Crumble sufflctonl the Xnill. Boil ail kinds till. If
aupar craaomd with batter aUe of an
egg; add one egg well beaten, -how- and -why" In jeUy making, the stale cake to All a br«*akfast cup spocmful Is pul ««n s cold plate. It j
[ la Ilia wlM
Hat# «#
and oa# cop of milk; ib#n two IntermU and Importance to the aulh (sponge or plain loaf cake are beytF. Ik^s when cold.
Tenth—To most fral!:^. and lo all
In which baa been ject would aeem to allow a reminder turn Into a mixing bowl and add one
well beatm egg, three tableapoon* ot arid kinds, '.iltua t-qual quantIllt-s to
allied two even tcMpoonfala cream each year.
sugar, a lablesrKion of nn-lteMl butler, fruli and surai.
tarto. Dlaaolve one
• The voung matron b searching for half a rnp of ikb milk .ind sufficient
Elr-venlh-S4Hm- people pjt fruit
fut aoda In a little but water
belpH.~aa thia may be her first trial, flour .siftcl With a
of liaklug jmU Hugar to the k« tt,le together
and the older luMtaeke«>per may hare IKJwder t.» form a silft cake luiUer.
U is saf.-r i4* put the fruit In
been dlaappulntcd last fu'mmm and Arrange to the Imtloui of an earthen
bring It III a lioll. and then add
t»ake about an hour In a moderate
Mra. Belle M. fVrry. wboae t
wants to know why her jelly -did ned wan- pudiliug dish to abotit the Uepili
Bugar. exrrpi when you wUh to keep
CiMwr department In the Charlotte oven, ualng a dripping pan to bake jell." and what she shall do to make
of three Inches, a layer of pitted chf-r the fruit wind.-, .is in aprioo: or rhn
THbttae bringa weekly Indplratloo to In W'ben done cut in mjuare# and It congc-aJ. and why her^i-m.-s iM^ctJiue
ries sprinkled with a scant cup of harh. when Hie r.ugar sliouM first Ik*
buadreda of home*, apetka helpfully
mouldir. elreiera..^
brown sugar;, carefully pour on this
)lh-d. and IlM-n ll;*- fruit pu
Yankee Huckleberry Bread—Tbla U
of the IHtle emergencieii of dally life
Pectin la the ba.sls c# vegetable jel the pudidng mixture. Place In a mc»d
n is said that If Ihe fniU I
excellent for a warm hmebeon bread.
and imke ala.ut ie|ot>- heiim added to Hie «ugar. Hie
Bake It In a aballow tin. and break oB lies; It gives to the julw* of fruit thej.-rarely quirk
**Tb# great emergaweiea come
B’hen the thirty mlnuiHs
f- In the ptiddluv jam wll! never jeraient. even ihoug
the plecea rather than cut it. Beat pruperly of gelatinizing
ly: tbd leaner oaea often, and
dish, with hard sauce flavored with a I th«i fniil was overrlfM- or damp.
one 4^ and one-half rupfiil of augar fnilt Is •ver-rli*#. nr whenever t
rtaUy Ito tbey come to the b
nit ud evtiacl.
Often, however rarefiilly the jam l>
logHher. add Ibree-fourtha of a cup juire Is rooked too long. It seems
keeper. But everyday trlaU are to
ade. If the fniii wa.s alighH)
ful «if aweet milk, nail and two cup lose Hs gelatlniring property.
people what the elementa In nature. In
We often aee thla when we attempt
|M* and pm on toiioii with the
fuU i>f Bour airtcd with two leaaiMxm
tbeir rougher mooda. are to vegHa
II will fernont.
fuls of baking powder; add laat one to make jelly from over ripe fruit
gif# otrength and Bbre
substance will liect»me thick and
cupful of floured beniea,
a good plant to alight
. lim Iblnga Ibat hurt are often the
fresh ones. If Hu* canned are used It ly butter Hie l*otlom to your kef He
gleamed Huckleberry Pudding—Two gummy with long cooking, but will
Ulaga that bHp. If a thiag can to
win require one qillrt. For the fresh Should there Ik- any thin plare to it
helped, Bgor# out a way to help It
The fruit for jellies should be just use two quartij. Ad dio the cherries this will prevent Ihe Jam from slick
If It cmnnoi. hear It pblloaophlcally.
the juice and thin yellow rind to four
g and getting burnt
aoda In .ji. one taoapoonful aalt. alx ripe or a little under rl|y. freshly
•*Tb# baMt to looking on ibe bright
oranges and four (Knimls of sugar and
C4ipa «»f Hour even full, one quarjl to picked andhto gotvl quality.
Thirleenih—If your fire is fierce or
•Ide to tblnga belpa out in the every
cook together until thick and tender;
The small, julry is rrlw. suet as cur
dat emerMcy. Often It U our niiljuM Infon* removing from the Are your dcettle thin, it is well to place
rolled In two cupa of the meaaured ranis, blackberries.- raapberrles, etc.,
kettle on a t
lude to mind that makea a thing a
add om-half pound English walnut
Boor. 8uam two and onebalf houra. can be heated slowly In a preserving
Jam easily hums.
blfMlag or a burden. Fhr InaK
meats. This la delicious'and ao rich
niHHU*d. ,
riwen Hurkletorry Shrub—Heat kettle, and mashed well with a wat»den that a IltUe goes a long way.
moat people think money and lelaura
paddle. First look over the fruit careFouHt-enlh—Pour the jaqi Into
two of the moat dealrable thlnga la alowlv two qoati. of huckleU-rrlea
Cherries need prompt attention, aa
fully, remove all leaves or Injured
the world They are the toat thlnga (Without m ater I. aqueere ihe fruit
they are very pf-rlsbable. Sour cher clran. dry jars, and rover when eohl.
ihfOttgb a rhi-eiieclutb bag. adding a fruit. Strain the Julc# Into ck-an jelly ries are chi^sen for canning for winFlfleenlh—Kf*ep la a cool,
♦ and the worat tblnga. 0|re a y
poraoa bto time and plenty of mooey thinly alln-d cucumber, a amall cup bags, which are best made of cheese- ler’s use. To each jiound of fruit a I place.
Mid If be amotmu to anything It will ful of pimdf-rtM niigar and a teaapoon- cloth that has been w»-U boiled and low ont-ihird of n pound of augar. Pm
The following table will give
he hecauae he haa enough auriduR to
the sugar to the kettle with a half pint some Idea w hen the most ordinary
patiT# atrength to riae above the water: cover ckwely. allowtng it to re the bag thrw cornered, to let all the of water Iq three pounds of "sugar jams are best made, also the qua
main until almoat cold, then aklm out drip fall from one end. Always drip r»lr It until It Is dissolved; when lioll Hly of water and sugar. Bui bear to
tcmpfatlotta to aelfiab Idleneaa.
the cucumber and any hwhI*. turning the juice, never squeeze the fruit tog. add ihe cherries and cook three mind no hard and fast rules ran l>e
*^lve a child everything It wi
nt once Into rbllled freerer. Turn the NMtcn a«?h fruit . as apples, pears minutes, then seal carefully.
given, as so much depends on the con
and It will appreciate nothing.
crank for about five mlnuieo aad then peuchM. etc., are used, wash then
Preserved cht-rrie*.—Both soar and dIHon of ihp fnirl.
' moat loam value by doing thl
•tir in a cupful of imcK cream beaten ■od theu cut them Into small pieces, swe4-t cherries ar«- good for Ihe rich
If It seems overripe or moist, you
earwlbg thlnga. Alao. to to employed
wU hthree ubleapuunfuU of augar and barely cover with water ■ and cook preserves, maile with or wliboiit wine, may have lo leave out all or a part to
to coagealal work la to b# happy. If
the whipped white to one egg Whei leotly unin the fruit kicks M»ft and to IH* used particularly aa an noevs- Ihe water, or. If ven aour. then add
one U not happy in hla work aomt^
fmaen auticlently. repack In a melon dear: It will take an hour, at least. nory to Ice cream and to be mixed to more sugar am
Iking ia out to joint. Maybe k« li not
mold, and at aervlng time unmold on Tor this procM
Do not break these targe peaU U too lai# to make oome to thew
doing kto work well. William MorHa
a layer to apooge cake renting oa a
AHer ibe Juice to alralned. measure feet cherries to remove Ihe stooea. jama this year, but the directions
egprtaaed an Hemal truth In tb#
round cryatal platter, and gamUhed rarefully; then allow three fourths of Make a rich syrup to a pound of sugar be found useful
woi^ ‘Life wUbottt Indoairy to guilt;
with aprlga of frenh cryatalllzed mint. X pound of sugar for exirh pint to to a pound of fruit, add the whole PhUadelphla Ledge
IndnMry wlibont benuty to bniiaUty.Cuban HocklepcTTy Puddlng-Crum- lulce. Br^ tb# |olc# to the boiling
• Mra. partodd waa obliged to b# her 1.1# togHber half a pound to maca- 9oini nod count twenty minutes of frail, cook carefully lo avoid breaking
the skin.
own boitoemaid in her early paanied roona with two allcea to atale cake.
Eontl# boUlug; be careful to skim
in Canning Tima,
dierries are put up very easily,
. daya. Bbe waa pbUowphlml and rea- apHakI# wltb two iablcapoonfula of ming Lk tb# augar be beating during
We make little cenmiooy of cannonad. ^f I tonat make my own btend gratNl cocoanot; tons the Ingredlenu the boUtog to tb# Juice by spreadinfe aner stoning sour one*, by soaking
ntng berries of any sort at our hovae.
I nm going to mnkc boaatlful brand.* Ughlly with a allvcr fork untU thor on platttvm aad aHtlug in a warm them to enough vinegar to cover the
fruit Next day. drain off the v,toegar says a honsekeeper. The main thing
And ok# aoecemlad not nnly la making oughly blended, and then pour over a
oven; at tbe ond of. twenty mtonte,'
for another qoan- Is to bavelhem In good coodlHon; so
be^nl bittol but la bHng very cupful to boiling hot cream, rveetened
boiling add tbeongar quickly, itir «n npy of cherries, or to be ladled nm! we pick them as ihe> ripen, put them
happy la doing It. Work waa tWhv with loaf sngar aad flavored with a til It
Into jars, pour boiling s>Tup of sugar
lifted out to dmdiery Into on art aim- few drop# to lemon Juke. Stir iinitl and tbeo poor at once Into heated
and water over them, seal and set the
ply by tb# nitHnde to mind to the on# cold aad amooih and then fob) In the glasses. LH tb# aansblne finish tbe lowing several sjKionfols to a glass to
Iced watnr. The drained cherries gire Jars to a boiler of hot water, letUng
Who did It.
ttlVIy beaten whites to two egga. But nrork, reqnlHng from one boor to
them stand IBI cool. Tighten th**
- rSo we one that hork bringa appee- ter a pudding mold and fill with al twenty-four to lime. Cover tbe gtoss- pul In a jar. allowing two Inches to
tops to tbe jars, if nec#aaary. and set
elnildb to tba ymnita to work, and that ternate layers of fresh bnrrlea and the es wltb An# aettlng vrbfl# atandtog cherries, then one Inch of sugar, natll them to a cool, dark place.
Jars are filled. Screw on tbe tops,
ing baiter, steaming for about an
Five or sHx large Hean marbles
and set away to ripen for two mootbs.
to oUmv tblnga Ibat cootHbot# to Joy. hoar and n half. Tom out on a hoc
xrltboat cooking They ar# anperfine dropped Into the kettle wbere^rralt la
,Tb# w«oMky Id^y baa tb# mooey to
pMnsant vAritoy. AYwajrn add to cor- for pies or fancy desserts.
cooking wrfr prevent bumiag on tbe
tim moat etobcwnl# bonqnot. But
Mat Jole# oomtolrd part to roA raspbottpm. to tbe krttle. The marbles
nn ibhmooeyUiibe wofldoanaoi buy
Huckleberry Tea Cake#—Ua# for berty Jnk#. WOd plam Jnko givea
Chany and Wabwt talad.
are kepi to BBtolon by the boUtog.
an appHlie. Work alone wW do that. ibU OM toat to Habbered ^r cream. Mdor noi/mpravra tbe tavor to ctmbSHect W this dish the large' ox ThU U rnrih trying with jam and
To bo able to enlQg a emat amy be the Into which to otiiTed a teonpootoul of oplde jelly. Uaderwrtpe grapes to the heart cben^; tbe efect vrill be prH- catsup.
ig aoda. adding haL* a iraapooofnl bine variety will make JeUy of a color tier If the red and white cherries are
Heat the robbers before potting
to aalt. two tabtoapopofnls to mo like claret wine and to moat deiknte mingled. Remove tbe stones by cut- (hem .on ytmr jars to preserve# K yon
know vhpi to #. wait* Many a petflavor,
ttog a silt to one side and pressing out want to avoid any danger to their glrplcilng problem wfll aamebow tomelYblle mHied pnmflla# li coauaooly tbe pU carefully no as not to bmMe Uig tbe kwnnu aa Ohjastkmabl# fiajUtof.Mr night Of VB Bitan knriy
I augar and a larg# cupful of gra- used to cover jaOy.
tb# al^ A tutor pat pkk wfll W
LM te tePMMhte*! Thm M rn«
poond to awr la taaMhM to A gtal
to waior tor iCfcomi mlooloA tboa ailr
In th# coooaMt and boil t#a mil
Irtogf; looBOV# from tb# Br#/ aad
wkB# jMII warm add half a pM
fi#w diopa to Mm
Jole# aad yollia to twp egga. Turn
tb# mtttor# laio aman crimpod patty
paaa thol baao baga llaod wtu Hcb
opifSTto^^ t|^., Tto tltog to to pi# Croat aad bake bkoot ton ada
MS to to tod IM
A oonHal wtoooma to tbea# #«rvleoa
Quiet hoar, f :30 a m.
intermediate Endeavor. fi:4A.
Senior Endeavor. 6:00.
Eenlng cvangellsHc session. 7:30.
Pnnteooatal praver meeitog Thnr*
day evening at 7:30.
Junior Endnavor aStnrdaya. 2:30.
Dorcas Aid society meets every seeond and fourth Wudnesday to each
month at 1:80.
The C. W. D. M. ailxflary hold their
men togs the first Wednesday to each
mcMith at 7:30. •
-Welcome to worship with ns ar#
strangora. workluguien and the poof
rir.1 M. E. Chortoi.
Rev. Thos. Cox. Pastor
Class meet Jog. 0:30 a. m.
Morning servlre. 10:30 a m.
Sunday #chuol at wioo
Kpworth league. C;ir. p m*
Kvr-utug rr-rvlr*-. 7:30 p. m.
Junior league Thursday at 4:00 p. ^
Prayer meeitog Thursday eventog a«
W. T. Woodhousa. Pnator.
Morning. 10:30.
Sunday school. I2:tfi.
Bsraca. IllhU- clans.
m ii N.
D, Y. P. U.. C:1
Kventog. 7:30.
at 7:31
nr# cordially tovlt#d ti> th# #er
' Evangelical Church.
Cor. Ninth and B^ad-worth itr##ta
Rev. It. N. Ilotsaple, Paator.
I0:(Ki a. 4n.. murutog class meat lag
10:30 a m., morning worship, anr
’ 12 00. Soaday acbooL
3:311 p. m,. Junior Y, P. A.
€:30 p. m.. Senior Y. P. Ago:4IH-l service.
Chorus choir meets for reMraal
Thurwlay at 4:00 p.
I m. la th# church
Mid wee.k prayer meeting Tbnraday
All uf all
Friends Church.
(Jorner Oak and Fifth alreeU.
Edgar L. Itequa. pasUjr.
. Jiinlor./:.K..Sp. m.
Senior LVE.. C:15 p. m.
(JO.P4-I rncHing. 7:30 p. m.
Teachers* meeting. 7 p.
Prayer meeting, 7:20 p. m.. Tbura
wwiman muj ov
rbart«uth sirrei II. E. CbMth.—
I««e iMwt. S:3» «. m.; comniaDlaa.
«h ITwicWiij: 1,/ R«. Hath
Mm. L. B.' t'»rprni« will
pn«rli *1 7:S» p. m.
Tl.. Rov W. A. T»yJor will prwkdl
•t III. AfUmy church tumomiw Boni.
Qiurtcriy acvwtortii «Dc«lsat:Rap>
dV. Ih S" »■ m. •! Ibe Kriwul* chuiA.~Sunday reho.d at noon. AJ 3 p. m. address by C. B. Taylor, the lemperanre
leriun-r: At 7:30. qoarierly. evaagelUHc meeting Mrs. Barr wUI conduci the meeting. She U one to our
lK*st evahgeiuu and lias converted
hundrc-ilK during the pa.st year. 8he
I* acc*.mi»snied bv » fmlDed atoger.
Miss U-on* Bogue.
At Hu- Flrst^ Methodist rliurrh Sun-'
day the morning service will begltV
with a lore feast at #:4ri. followed
with the puhtic m*rvlce. Subject of.
the iu‘rtmin. "Enoch, a fTtararter
StOdy." An.v p4-rr.on having churrU
lf-u»Tic will 1m* rt*celved at this aer
tlrv. Thl- Sunday ncht»ol at noon. LH
all Hu- M-luilani >m- to aiu-ndaiiee. Tbe
watm v..‘sih*i should not toterf#re
with out spirit ol loyalty to our schiKvl.
At C:I3 the Kpworth U-.«igue We want
to .make tills a great and joyous ner
vlce At 7:30 the R.-v. W. A. Taylor,
a nole«l temperance speaker, known
till over the elate sill deliver an ail
dri-is. Let u- n.u mi >i Hiiti «q»porfinlty. (In Monday ew-nlng the qwrI.Tl> t^onfii.iitr sin he held at S
iM hvk III Iheeiiurrh
t;i3ce Chun b- Dim ing Hie remala
der ol Hie sumnu-r the Sunday eventoq
rerlvre mill »«* dbctinttoued. The serMrt-ti tacli Sunday l.Hiig ||idy Communlon at 7 3u a. n>. and morning s<*rvlre dnd M-rmon at in .-u. Rundar
•sb;K.i m l-:00
ing a iiu-etlng of nu u Inierestefi in tb#
forniali .11 of a rltapler'i.I the Broker
Imod of St. Andn-w will b#* held tt
Ihe ier‘4 i‘s resldenn? ttl 7:30.
Aiii'nd the quiet hour at !i:3n at
Chuich of Chil.-u. Morning wuf^hjp.
10 3I»; M*rmo:» text. V-ShuII We C^Hn*
•u in Sin’- It,ing vo'ur Illhk-. Evening
«\a,meUN!ir Hi*ssi(,i,.
MiI.J.Hi. -The Way of Success an 1
llappliie,.-..- Hperlal music at IkuIi.
On W.ttoesdav alfemoon.
at 3 o-rhs k there will bt* u
Ho^isl kallM-ring of the member* of the
hi glnners. r»rimary and cradle ndl do
|iaHmenl.s- of ,he Sunday achoor wifh
the mother and teachers. Short prazram. ref,eriime,,i.<, plcamnt time.
Kvi rv miuheu Is i
1 lo be. pr#i#
•ni mlHi her clilldrin.
r .-nipilotiH. Wires, pimpiess. kldand iUer troubles, constipation.
Indigestion, nw, llolUster-., R*K*y
Mountain Tea. Carries new' life to
i vi-ry Iiari of the |i>,iy. Tea or TabA special Invitation to traveling man hds. 33 ci nlM. Johniuto Drug Co.
and those who have never attended
Quaker chhrch. ____
niEE GAS Klove connections. Free
pipe Irom the Ktr*-4-i in until Aug. ILH,.Congragatlooal.
traverse Tbty Oas Co.
Rev. Demas CochllA pastor.
Church phone No. IIM.
Our church Is a home tor worshU
FISHING TACKI^. bait, lanncbM
Id service. If you have no church and row boats for fishermen. Hot#l
home In Traverse City, yon are earn
Jun# 44f
esHy invited to come, get acquainted WiBUirla. Foifcb.
and worship with us. A
all. Introduce your friends
Greet the strangers. If a stranger, wait
Special services anoonneod to tb*
church brevities.
Regular servIcHi as follows:
12 m.. Sunday schooi If prevented
tlendlng. jNn tb# bom# department
6:45 p. m . YouLg P-onle-s Socletj
to Christian
Endeavor to the parioni.
7:30 p, m., evening worship. Gospel
meHlng and evangelistic servla
Choir under dlrnnion of Dr. Smith.
Tharsday. 7:30 p. m., prayer an
mferenc# moeUng.
Friday. 7:00 p. m.. Mayflower club.
nr. and Mrs.
Ibe DistiBtolsbed
Character Artists
“Yoiir Neighbor’s Wife”
Momlag oervlce. 10:30 a m.
Bibl# acbnol at nooo.
30 p.
Prayer merttog Tbarwlay nvooloi
t^SO. S
Hoa to an tbe earvlem
0:45 Am.
City Opera House
Admission 1 to 15 ceoti* - *
R«»ervp.ii seatylO cent*>^-
tra it the City NewsStSfid. ^
Stream i
Fmff .BMiwB M E
OWclite Ar. W.11
Of* *
DHrolt. Uir Jl —««
tM w If«i4«r »«rt tlie IKlndMr tur*
M MH-fAlftf win
«■ TmmUt.
M« dM!r» wHI te foor day. «f r»ri»«.
TkU mdsskMi vaa \arrtir«^ «t^*:
«Y«»laiK Ilf BmenUMn Haarabaa. Four
of tbr flfim eiawa an> fited.
fl;a J:tO ifol tif^aa fb« oaly oo«> aby.
aar Mr. |iaaml«ai. ibcmaht It
U> caodMar Uir »r«iiac thaa to har<*
oaa day w|tli oaly tvo raraa.
l<bi% arraagaianii paU four rar«i oa
iba card for tba Am day, July ti, aad
at Many cni Tlmnday, vhtlo tW
wUI ba ibrca aacb oa Wadaraday aad
Friday. It vlll maka batter radnK
aad will fire ibr people more to look
at. Uadar tbe new arraaftnaem tbe
avaata will be bald oa there day*:
FlrKt day, Taaaday. Joly *4-J:24
, trot, 2:14 pace, f :W pare. 2:0S tr.»i.
Baeoad day, Wadaeaday. July 2S2:17 pace, 2:24 pao*. 2:« pare
Third day. Tbnmday. Ji^ly 2C-2 12
pace. 2:17 trot. free^or-aJ) pace. 2:12
PI Hwroa. Jaly ll.-A daaa aano^
^ai^«f Mike Ward aaaowafw that
the ciayer Bamia boxer haa ptdt tbe
nag. lh^_|e-piiarTi Torooio. Can
ada. from which dty he wrHe* of his
deiermlaatlae aad that he has a pood
km. Ward hroke tralatop amrat
ha ar> aad hU broCbcr, Aady. hla
iper. had to caU off aepoUaikms
for a woatera boot.
rke. Idaho. July 21—Johnny
npma defeated -Kid** Parker In
ooaAa here. Tbe cooieai while K
lamed waa a bloody affair. Parker aras
ovtciaaaed aad hi* aaeoada to prerem
a kaocicoof threw up the aponpe.
FV>n Wayae. ind . Jaly 2l.-.4n a ten
rDand boxlnp match before the 8t. J<ie
Aiblellc dub FfMay nlpbl WllIU- Par
non of Indianapolis bad a rib fraclur«nl
al*ore tbe heart In tbe eipbth round.
-Kid** Wilson of Ralilmore was d^
dared tbe wIniKr.
John Makmey. the wen known borae^
an. known aa ‘*MQck Murphy,- died
•oonsomptlcm In Denver and hla re^
alna were Inierrod yesterday. He
aa 42 year* of ape and n realdunt of
Uuitlon. July 21.—Lianpibby. ridden
by Maher, the American jockey, sron
the BcHpae atakea at Randown park
yesterday. Beppo wa* aecond and
Wombwell wma third. Nine homea
PhlladelphU. July 2l.-8plke Role
m of Enplanil hurt hla abtmider.
Monday nlpht a flpht with Murphy will
oMpao«-U. Welch of Knpland U
(Wt Key* of Auatralla for twenty
round* at Dayum. O.. on July 27.
Buffhlo. K. T.. July 21—The dlmxx
Won tim Trot M Hami‘1 OM of rmtph ridlnp and fcnl tactics a:
Farl Brie, was reacned Thursday,
Fwrwo Yet Oahhia C. MIoff Mi
wlm tve-Jockey. were taj»red. There
From First Placo by Orhmr.
wad otmm rough, work tai the second
raee. bat do action waa taken by tbe
Bay City. Mich. July 21.—FaVortie* MdgteL Jockey* Folry and HHperwon
wcT^ puToo the shelf *rh«raday In wore ftaad for naing whips on each
the Michipaa clrewlt races, akd B<m other. In the sixth a field of twelve
Czar, a Toledo borse. to6k Um 2:14 boraea was sent away from the front
pace In the three last of six befOa. of the stand. At tbe quarter crowding
lUHy Foster. Uvorile and bearBy for posliioa rcaulied in four horse*
baeked. pd third money. aUhongh fiolap down Peiebt on Celebration. K.
drtretw were chanped by the Judge* Jackaon on George P. McNesr, A. Mar
In the fourth heal. Panay Blossom tin on Den.vle DInaroore amf J. L*h- on
carrying a pile of Indiana roomy, won Luffi Aintree were In the spill and all
the «r*l and third beaU and took aec- four boy* were hurt. Feichi and Jackund In the second In nose and nose urn were the most^rlously InjurtaL
ffntehe* with CoUlnpwood Rooker. the In the next race Romping Girl waa
Both horses were crowded Into the rail and fell. Ilodlin.
^ in each heat and her Jockey, wa* Injured, but not *ertourly.
-Wom’8 Painsi
' **1 was a total wreck.” writes Mrs. BeuUr
Rowley, of Champo^ Oregon, -from pains I had
suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I
would be uTJConscious for 12 hours at a stretch. 1
did not know that anything could stop the pabt
entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. I advise all
women sufferii« with painful pendds to use Car
dui and be relieved.”
It does this by regulatii^ the functions and
toning up aU the Internal female organs to health.
It is a pure, ^ific, reliable, female remedy, with
' a record of 70 years of
nDBAvnea .
success. It has bene
fited a million others.
Why not you? Try it.
OR. M. S. OREOORV.^U«cM pkoM
blork. Ri..Mcaci 911 Walaot 8L
A. 4. McPHMt. DnlM. ' ttaom M
wini«te, Moek. au. fheee Itt.
DR. F. J. MAC NCTT-I>ngaM l>M»'
Sold by Iveiy DraMiit In gi.00 Bottks.
MJ^WUbMm Mock. OUm
6co. Jl. yarvK
Wc have
^js’ Summer Waists
Coon the Bay
Steamer Columbia
Marion Island.
North port,
Northport Point.
S'*"'' “
Special Ficarsion notice
THAVEms errv lomc. h& m v.
OKN-riKT201 Treat Street
out on the ftretch. the Canadian clo*
inp gaps of ten lengths, iwnay wai
Palace hotel to the Place de la Con
all in tn the fifth beat and was di* Thinks He la Beal Man In 24 Hour cord. circling the oU‘U|,k and Irack.
lanced Neville. ColHogwood Rooker *
‘ . Kigga* car led HU the Place €f
tUc€ %tJOOO Worth—Driver Not
driver, was‘fined for Joriteylnp in the
la CVmcord wa* reached, when Judge
Allowed on* Track.
Siooi* ran hla marhln*, upon the sldtv
John, tbe horse-concerning whom,
and circltsl the olH-llsk at Its
there were rumors altt'r hi* straight probably accept alone and for a i
The p*>Hcv i>n duty at the place
Foonh day. Friday. July 27—2:20
win at Port Huron, took tbe 2:24 Irol bet o! fl.OOO. the challenge of G
made a mad dash -to atop guefa pro
pace. 2:10 trot. 2.14 pace. •
-with ease in atralphl beau. AltboupU Roper*, the long dl*4
ceeding*. but lh«v wore not swift
*^l1e the hroftram 1* one day 1m
there was no prolral on him. the from Racine; Wl*.. to drive ihe 24- enough and the two car* evaded them
Ihaa we cootemplated. H wtfl be the
Judge* held hi* moneT and will send honr ante rac<* which starts at 2:30 p
Rp.Nl up the aw.iue a^in with
beat race mertlna erer held oa thi*
it to 8**cr« tary Knight, of •fhe Amcr m. Fridny. W«bb. who has Jii*t ar- the policeman chasing after and wlldtrack.- raid Mi. Uaarahaa lam even
lean Troitinp asuortallon. who wttl rived from Indl.n-apoll*. where be
NiA withstanding
went to ae,* if hi* -Spare Eat. r*\wa* Judge Slone’s UlHe nuineuvcr. he wa.n
determine John * aniecedenu and
' -The eatrlea.are rery *atUfartory In
turn the money If* the horae la all all right, will probably be drawn Into outdlHtanced by Mr. Riggs, who won
the rarloa* ereat*. and 1 do ooi know
right. John te owntMi bv the Green the argument, making it a triangular by two yard*.
of oae which will not be a borne rare
vine *Uble*. South Carolina, and hU propntdtloo. Two men *teama from
A hoodoo PiH'm* tc rest npon Amer
from atart to aatsh. Our entrie* bap^
owner* made no ol»J«-cilon to the ac the Wt%ne. Queen. JackSiin and other ican aiiiomobillsts in France this year.
Summer Girdles, ^ood values
Ufa to be nearly all from the «tabl«a
Hon of the judge*, merely stating that shop* are also entered
[N-ly a party of Americans set*
nt 2ik* each.
which wlU make the campalicn throosh
FrerJohn wa* a pood horse a long way
out for an automobile rioe that U does
Ue praad circuit. *o there will
Loni; CorieU at 85c to 47c
buTg with the tn-ak Buirk arr* already not miM-t wi^h an acci.bnt ol siwuc
from home.
lot of rlaaa to the moe:lnj5. maklnK U
King Tolas, the /:»vorite. divided In the city. None of the conle*ian! kind. Ji:iU U-foie leaving for Tmti
tbe be»i we bare ever held. All we
will be allowcHi m ure the irqfk until
fourth money wlth'Federua'a Athol.
Mr. W. K. Vanoerbilt’K car
We aliQ have the popular
need now U pood weathc r.7>cd D.. n pre<*n pacer owned by the races. In arrordunr#* with
knocked tl«w|i a postman in the
Won. l^L
ArmormitleCorte^tfor sloul
. Tbe coiidWoirwf^thr track rU fa»t
strwis of l*ari*. liadly’Injuring him. '
.€45 McGeltlpan Bros., of Toletlo. owner* rule* ot the American Aulunwjbne
Grand Rapid* .....M
W .
p-ople. Thii is tbe ooe
' Improrlna abd men^mUiwW Win
The virilm wa.<; taken to the near.589 of Bon Czar, took the 2:20 pacT iii soriatlon ihiyv will be no oi>en
that NEVER bn*aksaown
BlDf to be the rule. Everybody wa*
t drug *tf>re and laier conveyed tn
..568 three straight. Boone. Ijehlnd Neil ling.
Whc IIag .. ........ .,4C
tbe snios. Special sizes
worklap ye«lerd*T, and *ome of the
home. The rneidenl wa.s purelv
.539 IhiH. and WelFb lM»hlnd Ih hble C.
rsiium ....
onlenx’ if desirtHl.
milea abow wpat may be ex(M«rirtl.
3cr|.l, nial and Mr. Vniid, i1)ilt did all
.454 pave a flagrant dl.*^plav i> holding In
Evaiiisvllle .
Ben Walker drove a pr«>eo thlnp In
oruld to «»•<• the man eoniforiable
South Bend .',.....34
.442 within fifty yard* of the wire, while
2:IS and Ed F. Oeera wear a mile with
br ioie leaxiug town
.419 fred D.. apparmiy did not rare to
Ardell la 2;0«W
ThU la the mare
n<dw(-en Rheims and Meir. the othi-r
.333 win. but had to. the Ihn^e being neck
Terre Haute ......20
which Mr. Oeera picked aroonp thr.^e
an automobile cuntaiiiing Mr and
in (lark and nusliom lij^^iit
• which be bad for the ChamlMW of
Special Cable ,i> the Evening Record
Mr*. LiRniau of New Y.^rk an,l Mi4?.
Pet sharply reprimanded. Idle Way. fa
. Won.
colors at IHc to 4Vc eacb.- *
Oommerce atake. and ahe- look* aa
vorite. did nut pel near tbe money.
Riwe. who was accompanying Ihetn.
(Cofiyrlght. l!»or,. by th,* Hearst New
.tboaph r.he wmild do all ripliL Jt I*
Ki>ocial values in other
.......... .48
Service.) .
aot Voynad hta expectation to nay that
ahe la a 2:05 pacer, and all of ihla win New York .,..,...48
Paris. July 21—The
celebrated brown out and badly shirk,n Mr.549
.. .45
N(‘W t;ors'4S arriving daily.
probbbly be needed when the atak«. la Chicago ....
Evan* man*ion In the Avenue du Bois lo.se sustain,N| Mime bad bnil .es and
paetd the aeoQiul day of the Ckve- Detndt ...; .......43
ir iM'inn torn down. It was iH-qm-aiheu wa* convey, ,rvlo Hie home of Ur. tVdCitizens pbonel25-S.
gt. Lou:* ... .....42
Und meetlnc.
lo the state by the famous American aneri at RheImK. where she i* being
Washlr.Klon ..5....30
Jenllsl. and served durmr. Ihr* Iasi ex nuise,!. but her injuries are not^nmC3 .
Ik.*ton ..... ......20
Inn as a t^sld.-nr,* Tur th*ddeieti dangc rotis.
flKUlMlII RCblHlule, it Uk
tkldeo. 231
Belgium, and lal, r for the shah
Willie FllxpernUl lnvenl**d a
Pet. engineer* of the reform
la. v.hlch rausi-d ih,- building io I*Chopin, the compr^Rer. whose nm.^ilc
.706 lei Y<»af* terriers at the larger west ;nown aa* the Palace of the Sover
Chicago ............ .62
new kWkoiit in hi* n'ot nt Wmt
s admire,! more Hum that 4d any n!
The Michigan eleven Ign*.
N. w York .
2t»with Cbarlc} Mullmll. Mulhall
the d,*ad mii“lclanR who have at *«m,;
.634 won't gel tt.Kwip,' at ancago this year
went down In'llie first wUh a
Recvmtly It was rejibrled that ex
Try a record want ad.
the balm ot vlrtorv canY b»* ap May Van Wyck Intended pimhaslng lime made their home in ..Paris, 1^
hardrlphttothejaw. Tlte lime.
Phlla.bdphla .....4f
-43 .. •
Cincinnati .
.435 plltHl to that'sore w hich war r.-uise.i the hntj'^, yhlrh wa« fm f ale, but n*- alKJUt to hav,* hi* mnnnment in He*
keeper tedd Fltrperald that the
by last Tiirkty day’s dT-b-at for an gotiations fell through .and the build Parc M«>nre.nu. The.work ls J,y H,,* fa
8t. l^mis .. ...... .^2
time of the battle war jtiai 23
.390 other year. Tlo‘r,‘ is one consoUiipn. ing ih now lM>ing d»*mollshod atid th, moiiR RfulptiM. Fronuni-MiMirle,'. and
Bn«klyn .. ......... .32
unveiled on .Inly ITlb
m..Hton ....
JJ37 however, and that I* that the Wolver marUh*. bronre and carve.l wtsKluork
**lndudlnp the coiintT* a*krd
inrs can get a chance at IN-nnsic.
wily Willie.
being #4)id un^lhe spot. The E
. Caiiille M,‘nih‘*. Frane, ’R gn at
With Tern McGovern and HamKINGSLEY WON AGAIN.
-Y«‘*.- repllud the lliuekei |>er
le also harlwred the Empress
|KH1. who Is also a ,li5Hn
Thaw cra/y the sptinlng world—lioth
-Just 23 aoc»nd« of real (lyht.
giiishcNl critic, playwright and niem
Defeated South Boardman byf a Scora phaws of It—has lor.t iw% promlnem
Inp- said Millie. *i’ve Invent,
her of the Academic, has Jaai receiv,-d
of 16 to a Yesterday.
ed the t;kkuu kiiockmil.a gold m,Hlal frt.m the Jury presiding
RptHHal to the Kvenhig Record.
Smuggling by aiitpmoldle ha*
over the culinary exhibition. M. M,*n
Klnvslcy. Mich . July 21—.The Kings
attempted on the P.elgi.nn frontier, bm
d,-K was rewankNt f,.r a n»-w way of Will leave Traverse City at
ley !»s*e ball team defeat,h1 the South
baa faiUnl through the clever. shiK>ting
S;40 a. m. for
ci»oking fish which h,* has inv,*iit.d
Boardman team here yestenlav by a
a French cuRtoms officer
Has tbs Ringy-Dum-Oums In His
H,- calls It ’Taru a la Mend«-s ”
Big Nina Rullngt Give Michigan Rot KTore of 1C to K. Klnpslev * batten
An automobile orjmlng from Belgium
Piece a«d la Fit for the
The famou.* p,* t Is a lirsi cla was U<«n and May hew pnd AblRiit and
ten Football Bchsdule—Only
rushed through the little frontier
Aldrich weivon diitJ for South Board
On* Big Game.
lage of Guimmisunt, disregarding Iht
mate friends lo |utnak,- of a ,1, liciou : |
r to stop from Uk? curioms nffi
South Norwalk. Conn.. July 20-^A
f,’ast. nvf'ry dish of whirli has Ihhui
Of the live pmmes in the
of M
*orfy looking Terry McGovern, with cial*. Two offieers pu.roet! the ma
fir,-pare,! by himself, from Hie roup toj
-reiurm** foollall achedule. the daten
chine on blcycb-*. and One of them
hlf; clothe* in tatters, hi* straw
comidicat»*d dessert*.
<of but two, that with Ca*e at
wltl^t a brim, and his minde In no huceet^le,! In puncturing the tires
ArlH>r. Oc(. C. and that of the bip i
shot* from his revolvir.
t«,. M«**.. aud was graduated from btfUer shajH- than his apiv-ar.
(Jivinc ix hours ^t Marion
A Hard Lot
with tbe''Itnlversiiy of Pennsylvania
i,l(?al pbtre to 8poa«l
Of troublea Io contend with
at Philadelphia. Nov. IT. nave l»et'
tore Ute oCrici*rs could reach it the oc
l*rv.few«>r Rliialdo I.othrai l>rkti.*, eling bag In his band.
tbe day, with pavilion and all
from a lonpiU liver nnd bl,K-kad,*d
elded. DWwi*4*n tiroes To*i * torrirn« on<^ of tbe
-I have had a vacation and now I'm cupauts had c^scapod. Its contraband el*, unless vou aw.iken them to th,1r conveniences.
* nuMU tu-liularly *ui n of How
will -plav- Ohio State at Columlroa t.m. at t.he
ie age of ni. llv^** V simple going back to the Stamford saniiari load consifiteU of 61.500 worth of
proper action with Dr. King’: N, u round trip.
and Illinois at Ann Arlwr.
life in a MUrtll attic room, aufrvundt^d nro and get palk-d together.” McGov hacco and' cigar*, which the official Ufe Pills; the plea^antesl and
Five boars and a half at Ne-aheffective cure for consttpall,in.
That Michigan p.d* the nroall . nd f.y bis UH»k*.
ern said to Ctmductor Arthur Morri eonflsceted together with the 24 h
prevent appendlcitl* and tone up the la wrintn Fare 25 ct-nte round
of the -reform- deal will, w ith the
jM*nal,ir Bev,t1tlge will md be aide son! on the trolbT to SUmford.
.*ruiamobile. valued at ll.20h.
system. 2r»c. at Jcdinson Itrug Co.'* trip.
to I nri*. to ib4iv,r the l*yHirlh
ceptiun of tho one bip eastern pa
Bugbeo Drug Co.'a
F. H. M Bads. r.
-Do vou know those loonie* down
Two boupi an^ tbree-tjuart**rs at
of Jn1.v omibui in fb:i1 elty. owing to
easily be ae*‘n bv a look at Chic
dmg atorca.
Omena. Fare iA) .vnU round trip
and Minnesota's achetiulea. Chicapa the i>r,w* ,,r work uu Lb meal lusiKX^ there before.” the t*x-champion
found the factory wh. ;ee »M,ralr. hav
Or an all day ride to Northport
pure inirdue Oct. 20 and Indtaiu
and Northport Point, without
WUbaiM H. Ww mr.u. ^of tlie New cUimed. his eye* roaming around. hK been aupplitfd to aqarchlatiT in dlffe
27: Mlnaefiola. Nov lO; Httnol*. Nos;
btavinjf tbe boat, for 50 cenU.
York tVatrwI rwilrruid boM* the rve every action betokening a mind that eni part* of Eiirope. The maker ia a
17. and Nebraaka Tbankfplvlnp day OPl thi* y«*ar for dir,>ctur*hl)ia ami aras far from sound.
Those wisbinj: can secure dinner
Am trian. who was a. rested at Zurich
MlnneaoU plays Amea .m home Oct. tru«teiwliUi*.
He ni^rrseut.* tbf Van
aljoaid the boat.
There wa* no one with hlin. and w hen fhe anarchl.sf quarter ibert
. 27: NebrasU al home Ni.v. 2. Carilidc dert.llt Interest* in ion lonwratiuns.
Uetoniiiii:, Wt
when axked how he landed in Booth raided.
^ ct home. Kov. 17. and Indiana at home
W. Ikwson. the new aenalor flOB Norwalk be coold give
Traverse City at 4.15 p. m.
. Tlie bomba, which are finely
Kansas, has J,»lned tbe rank* of tlkiae
Kov. 24. : .
struct ed. correspond In every detail
known a* the -Short Iveggem.with those reccoUy diKCoven‘d at An
lnriud«w all tbe aenatora whoee l»odI
cona in connection with the plot
are long and wboM* leg* are abort.
EXCURSION, Sunday. July 22.
For* many yesrw W. Redmond, one Steamer Illinois to Charlerolx. Prtcei against the king of Italy. Postcard*
from Alcona, bearing evidences of
of tbe leader* of tlie lri*h |
Stakes Essily—There Were
key. Harobr Springs and return fl
Monday, Wednesday Friday abd
the -baby- of ibe bouse of
cipher code were a!*o round In poaEight Starters,
He was only 22 yeatw of age. wh«« Boat will atop at Elk Rapids golmi seaalQo of the Anatrian. who will b«
‘ Saturdays at 5.:W p, m.
and rHumlng. eLave 3:00 a.
be was returned from W(
Eetnrning, reaching Traverse
tried by the Swiss federal iribunaL
New York. July 21.—H. P Whitne.v'a 18SS.
July lk-2t
at 7.45.______
Brookdaic ^•>•mp^ at 1 to 3 won the
An exclttog chase In which Judge
|7.50« Brighton Oaks, one mile and a
i Tuesday and ThondaT #TPf».
Birtoog, at Brlfihlon Beach Thumday. • mcka-toor wife la a nOphty
tbs well-known traveler, explorer and Stone and Mr. Wallace Riggs of New
iaga-Marion lal and andNe-alMeatlnp a poor field of filHe*. The Me woman. lanT she?
Isctmwrwt City opera bouae Joly SO^l Yorpi were being pursued b/ the pi>
ta-wanta, at 7.30 fa m.
dtetaims waa run in 1;S3 3^. Tbwn*
\Yk4a-Bniw! She marrisd m*.and Ang. l •
July 17 ix lice caused a stir on the Champs
Elysees tbe other day. Both Ameri
were eight aUrters In the sUke. but
SUNDAY^Excursion to
Removes the microbes which Impov- cana are tbe posaesaors of electric
Broakdals Nymph overwhelmingly
Marion Island, afternoon and
William A. Taylor.
runabooU which they have bfonghl
tab the blood and clrcalaUon. 1
OQtclaaaed her field. Belle of Peqoeot Tied down to hla desk In tbe office.
evrtiing. Horst’s orchestra.
nniriWhile others are ffee and at play.
was aecond. three^tiartetw of a length
Daily conocctions at Northopera house Baturday ev cnlng la
aiim aa to who owned tbe speedier
ThatVwaa HoUlater's fi
in front of Balloitm. HoUnan- had hU Papa faaclea he Is hamg a Tacatkm
port for Charlevoix, except
the lateresu of the ProhlbF
While drinklnp Rocky M«
TeawIUdo. TeaorTahlctv AKfitlne a race waa proposed down
colUrhcoe broken when his mount.
Uoa party. ,
the Champa ESyaees. from the ByMt
CMU. Johnson Drop Oo.
. . Tea.
•attiBe, fill U the atqqplechaae.
Afternoon fcxcurslons to
Marlon Island and
traIgbL paroala and traakA d£l
nt au Book Btero.
MRS. E. L. BONNErs h«tr dfSHte^
fattorso orar aty Book Sters^ Boos
Rfaie Bank buUdltig*. Cltl •, us phooa
sad Surftem. ■ Officea 407-8 State
Bank block. wUk Dr. O. R Chaos.
CItx. phons 22Sr-2R. RMfidence 601
W. Bevwjth street, with tbe Mlaoes
Carroll. Cttx. phone 628.
achesd. Teacher, Mr*. Prances 8.
Smith. Graduate pqpil of Prof. Frederick Horace Clark trf Chlca«o, 604
East Front street. Studio No. U.
fiown stairs. Cttz. phone Na fifil.
may 81-Sia
Traverse Land and l>oaB Oa, F.
teatioo to dlaesaas of tha spa. aar,
BOSS and tbrosL OUsms Itteft.
OIL A. H. HOLUDAY. Qrsdiate Tw
rooto Oplvaralty. OCfiea la Maasoa
clan and surgeon. RaaMrtsd
ficM la Munaon hloek ovsr A
;ACsrl*a OUxana phoas tSi.
facHM^guarantaad. ’With Kli
MntlcHouaa. CtU. phooa M4.
anieed. F. D. Nichols. tSf Boate
tidloD. atx phona UfS.
apr IM
.Carvar ABro. Both]
HL E. L. THIRLBY-ffpaelal attea*
Hon to diaenaaa of ehfldrsa. Boote
408 State Bank bldg. BoU pboaaa
r axyonr
al my office and get
newlng. A. a Curtis.
I baforaramar 16-lyr
(JM*a m M WUhitei SMi. f a, S4. te If
te 6 a. m. t te i •molac*. fiteiisaa
WjahaaafiaS. OMsaa*
. Office 505 New Wilhelm Block,
Oitiaew’ pbooe (M2.
Miller & Smith
^ WL HUCtLMAIiTCL •• «l. C. HAtKtLL» %VCCt9%On,
turn WM Cmi#h by th« Cfbwtf
r ■.
AFTER Timber
tbr rlikf to drive a yngom aad Albert
has been cut
aad Ihrova lato tb« rtver. Kelley Lumber and Shingle Company
AntlMftMi to JUk Hl«i If
He tolled to cotoe up,
a uaioa
wu the Timber-Sixty Me
•• Atoiptoito
teaatoter. was btot«Q. by the crowd
Win Be Put to .Work to
onUI rtoewad by a polioMna.
Clear up tha Island.
'At tiM
or tw COOttrtl lift
kVtoUAK. J. M. ^oettmanui wm
; . «>|«rc4 ura d M, E. HaMdl, n..■■■ ■ Nlfiiwl. Tb* appoIntiDeM wu <»«
E. A. Klldee left laal night fur North
Vax ixlaad on the tug Maggie, where
he expect, to cHM^roti- the lumbering
huitbero on a Urge xcale for the Kei
ley Lumber S Shlng*.e Company, who
I the timber, Mr. Kildee took
with him about Sfui-n men and foot
teams which he brought w*th him tost
Monday from Mi!«wukee county, where
be ha, for the.pa.,t year br»A lumU r
Ing for the Kelley Lumber Sc Shlngb^
vT^wpany. who have to‘eo waiting for
the arrival of the tug. Mr. Klldoe ex
SEVERAL TRAVELING MEN TO BE i»ect, to hire the remainder of bis
r.ln Northptirt. Suttons Bay anu
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
’ ' !3",Tsr.'S-r:;
Attbeugtr ractory Oat a Late SUrt
Thia Year. BualfiMa Mas Baa
Excellent and the Plant
Hat Bean Kept Buay.
J%Mm^ Op»B-i»cl I
A bran new lot of ezcellem boc^s.
A splendid line of young
Chimney Corner Series,
Naur Potatoes Aro Ruing Sold by CroTOO LAST NIOHT.
con But None Havo Bum Of
fered on the Market.
“Alger" books...
The Wellesley Giris* books.......... S6c
The Cornell Series for everybody.!»c
Cherrioa are moving slowly on Um^
local market. Ue Maotmorwucy briar
ing SOc while good sweuu bring more.
The new potatoes are almout ready
for the market, in toct there arc
Graad Trovers- jx^taioe, for sale by Said Hu Wanted to Die Bwt All Ha
grorer.-t and relaU dealers byi nooe
Biamad to Really Want Was a
have bewn uffeml oo Unr market as
yet although they wroold bring from
Much AttuntUm.
7u to go ctmi,. The geaeral uutlook 1,
favorable lor a good ixdato crop.
A I it He Dew hay
coming In now
and then and bring, from f« lo IS. a
The largest shipment of live stock
ning JumiHd
that Pmu U^ n made this rear was
i the railing iben changed hi.
Id and caught bold of a piece of
Buffalo yesterday by WHIlam Trout wine. There were two car?,
(ConUnued on Fourth l*age.)
one uf which wa, a double decker, and
there were 1G4 bead of ,lock. at'ventysixty
calve, and eight head of cattle Thl,
Kt.»ck to not all picked'up dlrerf.y
about the city but the bulk of It to and
c-ii Is xhipperl here a, a center.
City Book Store
Lot Nothing HIndRr You
from BTailtng
ing yonrstilf
yonispu of
oi this
exceptiona] t
gurneot oat of dato-ocitv •
ehuoe ve M«—and took. Fol.
low oor exunpto wid mt. dol.
Urs. What's yoor notion ol
these decided redoctiootl
SniU $6. $8. $10. $11 $16. We
are oonvinoed that) theee hergains will make ns many friends.
for men
Kttbeck ® Hoyt
Union St Clothiers.
More men arc wearin^j
O.xfords this year than
ever before,
Vcnurable Colored Woman Wa, Onca
a Slave in the Family of
Jefferson Davia.
Oxford,! Oxford,!
Oxford, !
By Wire lo the Evening Record.
Now York. Juir 21-Ellen Green,
Much important buxlnexit wax tram^
formerly a ,lave tu Uie faftiily of J.-facted at the mwilna of the Ixiard of
fetMU. I>avto. to diwd at her home la
^tom or the Potato iniplemeni
nushing. aged Icmi yewra.
ciimpany laxt plicbi. A brick wall was
ordered built between the main fac
tory and the Iwlh r rtioin and paint
Wc Are (‘xclasive salea* agents in
dbop. Thlx win araatly rt^liicc the In* WORK WAS RESUMED TODAY
Traverse City for •
ice rote and add much to thi
xafely of the planL
It wae alao decided to buy out the
OreenvUle Implement company of
Oraeavllle. Mich. Thlx pdrchane will
a Urre tncreaae in.fbe cum
• buaJneex. The machinery from Mr. Morgan Stated That Ha Has
Twice Refused an Offer of f 12A00
the GreenTlIle plant will be moved
. For HI, Property—Capacity to
here In a xhort lime.
be Increased.
(Continue on Fourth Pa«e.)
The low shoe is the proper
. caper for yojpf iommer footwear.
Free circh^ation aronml the
aiikitw in an antidote for hot
f»vt We have all the new styles
and Ua r»‘ are iminy of them.
Ox/ort/i f/ttoi 80e to $4,
Is the cry of everyone;
we have about everylhint;
in Oxfords but your feet.
Bring them in.
Chocolates and BooboDS.
lo openlnt Psion iare<>t to the bay're
ported that they hajl mn h Mr. Mornan
Of tlu; fulUmlug ,,n.p.»l
Hob. h« hut ontblni; to u>-To the Honormblt* Mavt>r and Commoun t!ouncll of Hm' City of Trav.enM-niy:
*Tlentlero^*o—Ily rt*que«t of your
honorable comroltliH*. Jamex Murrhle.
YIe C. Palmer and Jaraex M r.lll.-tt.
(Continued on Pburth Page.}
ther of Murderer Wat Found Dead
n Her Chair—Chartee Moore Ar.
reeled for RobhinQ TenU.
^ New, of Michigan.
By Wire to the Kveiilnf; ReconJ.^
Adrian. July :i t;oldle UUnder. a
iruMty mtuute of the induMrlal home,
wanted to sd-L her tatber in iKtroii
Irtim a xecond etory
winttow of the Havitanir c«aiaK»‘ bm
waiP captured. ' liar, i Holunte Jum|HMi
froin a third ht«ry w In.him at the Mime
lime xnd b:idly i< u„iiy injur.-d. She
iwiralyr.d fnnu the bipp down.
Will Raise the Pr.ee,Bi-nloo Harlxir. July rI.—Became
the city asked tb.' Standard Oil com
pane to rorome it^ tank, from tb.‘ to
' .* By WTre to-thf Frenlnir Reewd.
ratioo near several factories, the <>jm
New York, July ri -Jedm IV Rockepany ihrcaten, to roim* the price, of
teller to on the llamban: liner .Amer
and gawdine. In-uranee eompanies
re canc'lin#: poUei» s un act'ouni of
the pirttlmlty of the tank, to the fac
Died in Chai**.
Detrolf. July 21.—Mr*. William S
Harper, motb.'r of Floyd Han« r coo
victed at Ibr murder i»f John N Duly
was found dead In a chair thi, morn
Inr In the home of Mr, Reid. ^4e
MuUett atreet. She had been ill with
cholera iiKAbns wince VYlday.
Robbmf TeoU.
f9«r ThP«»»mt Elk* Wert Held Up at
Pint Huttm. July 21.—Early tht,
Tailand Btoanto Cxcuraloo Train
an dfell ajdeeg on the hay
Was wrecked.
Moore at New Tork state at the camp
of “Our Club" below St. Clair for lout
By Wire to the Brenlni; Record.
Itenrer. Colo., Jnlv tl -AS ri
xlon train of Blka from Dearer o>
Konhwemeni and FmMc tatlraad
wrecked a abort dtotanee from Tol Agod Man Fell Aaleuw ai^ Hit Death
Wart the ReawH.
By Wire lo the Eirnlny Record
^ncaater. Pa. July 21-Ckarte,
ffcrry. aged S2. wa, bu
la Iroac Benslnlg^ burs In Earl tows
8RXET CREAM, nuruntewd
ahlp. It Is cuppoacd he
e:: =--=“.1
y-: .:
July 214c.aad toU toteapoiitbebay.
1 Ofi. SaSw'k^iiiiailifii
Stock doors delivered same day as ordered. Odd
doors and srindow screens In three days.
We’ll send a man to take the measurenientd
———- • I ivnanii)
; ,
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
With Dx
1 o. c. MorrATT ll: J
Order lor
fIJSto 13.50
Drug Store.'
Thoro-omoro Csm/o/Y in • pair
When Inten i.*wi*d by a Rt*coid re These camlic's are ooDBiileretl the
- finest in the cx>antry.
IHJrter thl, afii moon at 2 ocluck. J.’
of them than anything eUe.
C. Morgan stated that a, yet no wih-iI
had been M»nt him In n-gard to the
cJlyV proposithm In regani to open
ing rnloii
ei.tf*jd whnt ho ha-!
iit aM Indirccth'nni tlw Miei-t.
Mr. Mffrgan would not state whether
‘ would at'c^'pi .in ofTer of
Ih.'auKf nothing lm»l lieen said ofTicially
to hlm^about it. but when the qu.-<
tion, ‘ Would®yoii sen your pnip.«rty
fr..0iK.r • w-a, a^ed. Mr. Morgan
n'pllr,!. “Weil. It wouldn‘t take me
long to anrwcrlbal oIT.t iu itiiy other
1 ALbMtroctB of Till# I
under what I named lu the proposition
I the cotinril '
The cold Nlorage plant ha, Iw-en un
ilRwMSgt* Rt«l« Dunk Dutldlwfil
flergolng exteiihlve Improveroeni,. al
hough there ha» be«*n IJ.tMk* exp*.nded alroxdy. the work ha, pi,t lH*gim
Miw. Theri* an* over/^fij' cord,
one and a car load of «*nu*ni
bitritnl tinder the wnllf. which are now
Indng en»ct«^l. to afTiml a good buin^
datlon for the big :«!diti.»n which will
be cumpU ted. WiU^k was MopiHtl ye.s
Every argument and you will
urday. but the force of men went
find that Hannah & Lay Co.’s
luM'k to wrork this inomiug and thl,
make. It look as though the offer
<niW not U* conridmiHl.
60cand,80ca Pound.!
- ........
Make Us Pro\^ It.
Tvvo Womuti Rrocued With Difficulty
xnd Guurt, Were Driven Out
• in a Panic.
By Win* to the Evt uing R*-cord,
Chicago. July 21 —Tbc annex to tin*
St. EHmo Ih»iH tuniet! early ihto morn
iwro women were rescued with
difficulty and alxty pertoo, were
driven ont In a panic
HAVE told you
Lay Co.
would sell you a $17 ;
Rug for
$1’.»5, a $'21
Rug for $16.50, a $2.5
Rug for
$iy.D5, a $27.% Rug for $22 or a
$35 Rug for $2».$5.
We have the
goods here to back this advcriwc-
Cevmmefit Intpuctor, Oudared Every
Packing Heuto In Kansas City
But Onu Ws, Unssnitoiy.
By Wirt to the Erentiig Record.
Kaasa, aiy. July 21.-Erery psek
tog boose but one hss been declared
imaaaltary by the Unllud State, bu
reaa of animal todustry aad given
aatU Aug. I to dean up.
THIfRE WILL be a special comma
akattoii Traverse City lodge. No. 222.
P. R a:
Monday eveatog. Work
to. vw
degTM aasMwmcwi
followed by
uj rewit
^ . \y
V /.J.).: litii
Ncsilgee SUils-Bcsl Made
50c, $1. $1.50, $2
halbtitxa DUctwear
25c, 50c-all colors.
Unioi Saits Underwear, SI,I1.S0 .
ment and .would be pleaded to
have you call.
You’ll buy if you
Remember, these arc new spring
goodfi—not old patterns
ysually sold at these prices.
rm. cviMM iiieoMX tiuvcMK arr.
A aMMM M taMB Mitif kr tki
butMMte if tte cHr ia tenr of *
We aic hATias nAtaSi
Noc Flame Wkkkss
OD Store
cn bo Mad to asjr ifomof WMODkiiee iDveatiiMsitao
11m SDTuwBMk Lair timiU the kidd olaecoriibw
whidifba book MB take nod in imaiy ways i^oarda
. DirietJy the reUabOitj of tU bank, prohibiting
■Mthoda which night mnlt in loan. The anxmnt
which may Us fciaxM^i to any one fa raou. 6nn or oor<r
poratioo is by Uw made ao small the loan of the enUre amount wouU not imperil Urn hank a aolvency.
This i* became they «Io
not smoke, there is no
odor from then, they arc
abkolutdy safe, they are
economical to use and
we are sdling them so
cheaply that you cannot
afford to be srithoul one.
m acr«t u» Am MV nil* a*i
iW HMMk. Ur A Oo. aiMV
lopi tu pUB Mt
U to Up«d nd rtpwlfd tut wttli-
Prof. W, H. Btefleaa wfll ooDdoet
la Bittalc at Grace Kptooopal d
mm for the laM time aa be
toBTsa tot New York Wedaeaday. The
Mat will be the propnim that
wOl be readerod dortat the aerTlce:
It & HtodtoU. to a Ultobla Imi
•aaaad wan «aaMM u ilMU po«i
tioa. Ha kaa bm a raatocat of the
dtf fbr Uiirtr mra aad for twaoir
rm W waa la MteiBi iMra fbr bUB
aalt la tltol time aocambtoilof a oom
pauuy vWeli alloved him to rdire
ja aM U—>r».
and think twwmmft cheaper yon can
buy fnmuhe dealer wtraTb^ a" his
saving at least ten per cent oit por«*ase price and another five per
cent on freighu
Fifteen Per Cent
u the mark ^ set oundves to dod^
sdl the si^W deslen. Yoo ensgave
this much for yourrolf if you Sill.
\Ve abb have Gasoline
Srovea. Camp
Stoves. Ovens and every
thing'' needed to keep
your kitchen cool and
When you need any
thing in this line come
and see us. .
Ui lU dtr win cti»» tJiBto doom at «.
norpi. of c«ir«r. oa WtolMUar »M
Prof. W. M. BMiMoa WMI Cmidw
Meeto at Oraea Chofch Taamn
far the Leal Tliwa.
You Just Stop
goccen vitli oor
AH if «» aiMi I
sATimoAV, jwjt it. »«.
a] hall
The appaaraace of Ruth Grey at the
Grand opera bouse next Wednesday
night ^opeas aa engagement that trill
be found to be abaolaleiy unlgue. and
of a character to Interest all classes,
imt particularly persona wbo are In
terested la the mysterious funrllor of
Vealte. (Wreyi. <Oodi). (TallU.)
the hamaa Intellect. Miss Grey la the
(Morla Patri. (14). (Cotike).
embodiment of what the tbeosopblsts
Te Deum, (Diwaator). Tenor solo aim to be. but
by a Veraey U«c. aUo solo by Mlea
Florence Rattenbttry. barllooe aolo by one refers to her -Astral- ^y. This
Ralph Haalect.
wonderifur woman seems to be able
JubUate. (Ree. Foster).
to place herself la a trancelike state
Hyma <11. cMoaodi.
Kyrto Btotooa CB Sal). (Coktaa^).
Gloria Tlbk (B Sat). tCobtancei
Sermoa hymn. (609). (Doaar).
Senaoa. the Ret.jC. T. Stout.
Offertory aok*. ‘^e Majemy of
Dlrlne HumlllaUoa.*’ from (be **Crncb
Stloa." B. Vemey Lesjc. (tenor).
Qfferiory aenlencei. (96). (Aaon).
bymn. (Sac). (Alford).
crow ded to bear him.
'^Cotuaej French to a unique char
aster. He ba# bw^n around the world
several times and haa spent one-balf
a raimon dollars In securlar pUiure>
with which to inustrau his leeiures.
Ti!«;e picitires ar.- the Curs: In the
Si.r.d-mtiny ul ib«-in made by the
l;e?f Japanese- aritois. WJtliom a
doult. Colcnrl Kn nco has more money
lcve#i*ul in his bunln^ than any merchkni in the stale.
^E\ er>* man. woman and child . In
Traverse City should hear Colonel
J. W. Slater
Twenty Year Battto.
-I was a loaer la a twenty year
ito with chronic pllmi and mallg
sores, watll I tried Bocklea's Arnica
Salve; which turned the Ude. by cur
ing both, till not a trace remainswrites A. M. Bruce, of FarpiviUe. Va.
Best for old nkers. cuU, burns and
08 oMO'tM m SM't
Th^»e diNhrg arc the f.unuito PRES-CUT
arr made up of a lx!autif()rdt*aign.
The Traearae City Brick company
la eiperlmeatlBf with a new rarlety
of red preaaed brick. They bare
bed of Sae red clay at ;helr Keyatone
plant and If It paiia out aa well aa expocted Trarerae’CUy people will not
hare lo aead ootalde for facing brick.
A sample brick made from ^ he Keyatone clay looks aa nice as any of
> of ootalde manufacture. It la of
Tha NaUOMl Uvt Btobk Kitchanpe
ep red color and would mak
haa deddad to stand hr the par
aome ornament for any bouse.
Thli bHn*a to mind the aUfemei
the waiter la the cheap rettaurant*
-yea. I work here but I l»oard i
where elee.*’
>0il4 Uf the water board aall
Da waB aa trater. beflevlBf that If
wroold ba abto to haadle oor aa well aa
.the othar. The Ice would be aold
hcmaab^ldan oatr and would be deUvfiwd at actual eoat
Tha ftofera Lyceum company will
cira an aolertalnment la the 8t FYmn
Ida Calcic school Monday eveninp
with aioreoptlooa plct
and ttuatoal numbara.
The eomimny will put on a
of oolorad plctu
I and a aertea of i
worid*a fraatral palntln*a on the life
of tha Vtrgla Mary. Bealdaa tbeoe pic
tnraa. which are accompanied by eaptoatlorT leCturea. there will be aev
wral baritone eoloa by William B. Nor
Tti and morlax plcturea prow
Kuropean view*.
it S22 Wifi
POR SALE■MfMt; raMon for oilllit ■« going
Mil. Ingulrt Mr*. E. V. Filrtunki.
July IMt
Die man wbo spends
an Us income Ison tie
nccel edee •( dcM. wwiy
and forced economy,
all the time. The man
who banks part of his
income every pay-day
b insuted against debt,
and can spend the re.mainder with a dear
conscience. You will
find this a pleasant,
convenient and safe
bank to deal with.
Firet National
Ustu4 Stales DcfMtsry
But Thoat Preaeot Thoroughly EnJoyod Wa^pua-tong Dance.
The attendaBCw atthe Wc-que4ong
dob dance tost evening wa» small hut
(hose wbo alteaded enjoyed the even
laglmmeaaely. The mualc sraa'of the
JOgb order always faraiabed by Stewart A Steffeas' orcbeatra. Refroshments were aenred on iU reraada by
^ =.r*
Yonr IMi.U« Furnilutr atorr.
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
I2T SoBik ilslgg Street.
Tnrerte C«y, Sick
Risoiis snd Rssorters
Beftra Lyoaum Company Will Appaar
at the DL Ffwncto ichool Mae*
day Kvaning.
Mapar Oodd of Detroit baa i ache
to ralaaaa the cltr from the prip of i
\^*blle there la once In a while a rra«rl4«r who it> fomtl *o rerum b
the botela have not t>exun to lose their
ner gueata In any numbers aa yet
while the InctMulng travel ctmtlnues
unabated. The charms of the bay and
aurronnding country Increase
every day and the reaortors are con
tinually finding new ftwtiires to enjoy
A party consJaUng of S. E. Walt
MUs Walt-Mrs. Fred Culver and chil
dren. Mrs. and Mias Abbc»u and Mfa.
Ed Walt went lo the Island this mOrnIng lo spend ibe day
F. O. Balch and wife went to North
port (bla BKMWlBg.
Mr. and Mrs. jf. G. Bacon and Mls«
Agnes Hiilin who are summer guests
at Bdgewood. look the l*ay trip to
Omens this morning.
Dr. Joseph Uttell of IndUtoapolU
passed through thf city this morning
on his way to Leland. where he will
spend aome time.
H. H. Zimmerman of Chicago ar
rlvetl at Leland this morning.
Mrs. Fred B. Schneider of Wlacon
sin to stopping at the Park Place and
will later leave for the aortbem re
J. F. O. Reed and wife of Grand
Rapids are resorting at the Park
Marlon and BmoM Hurlburt of De
troit passed tbffOQgb the city today on
iheir way to Omeaa.
at.the very lo^t price. We have about One Huddred and l-bny Sets left that we are going to close out
at the ^maH sum of
Our special window display
tolls now to get one dbaen col
lars FREE.
E. Wllhalm.
Uta DOW asraad to a peau ttaatr
aU Am 4ora viU Imaar gamlr over
tbaaa rapobllea agda lOrarar aid eter
ttBUI aomaooa ataa atarta a tarolatlon.
Bat DOW that tbe repabltoa art i
fiatoi from the .bordaa of keeplag
bftif Minsoo lauclaarr meo in the
Travaraa City Brick Campany it Now
Md. iMait caa reaUve the
ExpaHmanting With a Ntw
,$m€f of their
to Kcure a handsome let of
One of the leading nu mb< a of the Roth Grey com|»any.
ai win. and In that condillon ^ read ’ Fit nch and enjoy his niarvHouh idt
(ho thoughts of others, and also to see fit os. 1 li..sn who let ih«- oppommlt:
what «*\fnis the future holds. Sht im b> will l»- -?/>ny.
calls the act -Somnolency.;* and it haa',
**C f (Trawn,**
abMilutelv , (kSine.!, all elfori^ to t-ytl
----------------- ——
plain U. She also docs a 1. w fesrjg
iiriT |C UirB
that If not magic or the black art. ni4
fully ax m.vstifyinp. She to at xh^
^he Wholehead of a vtrong company of ent»*:v
salcrs Hasn't Affected Retail
There' will to* matiuen t
; Prices Here at Yet.
WtMinesdsy and Saturday for woroei^
™.y. r..puUV prto... ,11. ml- d,.rl..ev
h.. .1.hl,
S.st jsft .. J..hnw.n t)r..g Co.
Change in Closing Hours Beginning
: Monday, July 23, 1906.
I ^
=[ v
V XN OKDEk that our emyloyees may have more time foi
their personal pursuits and pleasure, we shall close our
store at SIX O'CLOCK p. m. on all days^ except
Wednesday and Saturday, when we will remain open as usual.
-----------'llkfh- «i) ri«- .ini liUli-r. A R—or.I
Colonel Fr-n-h l» blehir -n.|or* 4; ,..,„rUT ini.-rvl-„-.l .he l.«-.l meat
by thepmwnnd ihe ImUinK .Hlura.o>t1
,h,. .tlv.nee h. 1
in all p»rt. of our -oiinirj « ,ell :.r
Tr,mr« City, except
in Torelsn l.nj*. Prof. C. T. Gmwn.j
pr)„. of pork. All
tonnerly «tu«-rlnlen<leni of Tinr. r.oj
j,o«.n<r. U bitch st Ibl« M>u>on
City i«h*l. no, of the CentrmI Sl»te]„, ,h,. y,.,, ,„d liable to po hishrr nt
Normal school. ML Pleasant, w rites j
We trust that our friends and patrons will co-operate with
ps in this change by planning all their trading before thait hour, [ > ,
-Traverse City to fortunate in hav-CARAMEL apil vanilla
Ing secured the serylc»fs of CcA. C. H
French of Maine for a X4‘riro of Illu^ and glare at 4oi Grettl.
trated lectures. Colonel Pfench i»i>ent
a week in Mt. Plcaxant Ust summrr
during the school end comRMely cs:m^
tivated the whole iown. As soon as
MUSIC at La GretU 8atu
the fine character of his lectn
b.. ing.
It is the policy of this store to give our employees all the time ..
.possible for recreation, and at the same timP give our customers
■ I the verybtst of service with our full force of clerks op to the . ‘
-hciicicin.. . _ :
For Porch and Ont-door
bc«a Ylsltlng
YW T. Bates and fhainy. left last
algbt lot bto boose la Chicago.
a B. WalL Mtoa Mlaale Walt and
Mrs. Cora Pnlver and children will
spend tbe day at Marloa IstoaA
B. Btarbock of Maacekma was In
the dty today.
Mrs. C 8. Dnytoo of Lelaad was a
Traverae Clly Ttollor yesterday.
B. U Baaksaa of Blk Bapida traaaadUd boglaaaB la the dty jreatorday
: a lawn party« for ianUuMD, and a
i soft, beaaUfol light aociired at
nanic cemt Ask vs all aboat mrr»ntg fixtorag, lainpg and wiring^
. Lj.B. f>aigeEleclricCo.
y > 1:;5 Cass hw
“The Big Store”
, Phone 802-2
TM* evotiNe REcow). TkAvcMc emr. mcHioAN.
tiek ScIimI, Cres Were so WedI
For y-M. 11*«
-«k b«*l»oh«. Md hrf «o
liMc aiAaol tm mecnmol of my «*«. bat
pIomh! to nr that
. dmm wmiim «>—J*""!!?
I hare sot been Iniebkd wHfa boadaobea or «»eeti*c byea/
We ^are fitting two tlitrd* of the glasses fitted in Trav
erse City Today.
Defective Eyes
TTE bnvc Ibe only ,op.todato .iditbrlmic i«rl»ta
north oC Cdillac.
nt r. t. MUF. mfi
413 414 WOkclm Mk.
Tranrse City
QU riii BC 354
mtummv. julV ci.'m
G.nni foa vaa aad mmad the kase
tw*. all the roanif peopte oa Ike re
aort aad oqm from tke botcla »late«
ta the wpmn.
Ptvmtmmi aaoaa Ike aodal
tkm» or tke'teat week o«s ike kridge
mnj ffiretf hr Wm 0*Brteo at Moat
rare eortarc oa Wedoesday last. Ftear
tables were a»d aad all report a good
(Uoc.. Ice cream aad cake eraa aenrPd
to tke iMU. «ko all agreed tkat Mkm
O-artem oooM aandr ghre a good Owe.
and aa aerely play bridge.
Bat Ike boat racra of Satvrday verc
flue. The pier was ertmded vita Ja
tereated apceiatcfni an veB aa waay
N. Bttk calntmM <»
_____ ^ J rrf^ IMI vita a cord
poftr. flw
of *-*••• VO. p|«yi4
of v«f«« «ad jamch
Tate oSoir v*s a »ort
of tarPvrU aorly for Solui W. nock
0&4 au Irteod. Mr. Fcmct. vbo left
for'fkHr a«iv te SprtesMI tter IbS-
Mnt. a r Winimsacoo. tvo cbildma
or Ckteacn are at 8ui
Samdi, akrre.afar irill reaatii the rest
or far
alov ^
vaa aali I
• Of*. Mr. and Mi>. C. W. PItw
the Uu
Vita, thete
Mlaa Marri^ir Plorre «itcrtal»«-l
fdetare |h "^^em
miib a a^mmiag ptfjr lorUe’jroonsjHrbt.. auktac
sclrca. Four eaU bonfa eonwwl»-the
p^lde. Iv5iqf«1 I
Jack and JUl. the Mlanckalik. Ike iomuch eokiyed.
Mr Morfob SJeg of Chicago, who tcphlae and ibe Alpha. Tbe Jack aad
bat beco a gecM at Tbe Fines, left for Jill got ftom the Joaepblne three mla
etr» handicap and the
boiae on the atmer ItllnoU.
New* aniralr. at The Fines are MIkx gave tbe Joaephlae fire wiinitaa. ap4
Helm Sean, and Mr. Gall Huffaker of the Ah>ha. the last bant to atari, snve
the Mlancha^ lap atlnutes handicap
ChIcatP*. .
T1v*tino> aere;
Mrs; Ix Ro? Warren gare a t»a on
the l^ h Friday lart In honor of her
guesiF. Mrx. John Barrowa and imoj'»«'k and Jill.3:21
datigbt.rb of fhiragn. and on Sntm.
......... .3:34
day morning the same crowd enjoyed •Minnehaha
------ 2:39
4:42 30
fbe day ai Om< iia. the Anna Then sa Alpha .................
•('ailed irot or
offording a dellghlltil wav of tran^^
porlaHcc. The |»ay never looked more
Tlir raix* wax a tie brlw«H n the Jack
atirarliic and Idne than
------ Jandjim and the Alpha. The latter waa
ing. not a ripple > di-nurh the placid inbead until rhe got beralmed-just Im‘
beamy of the r.urlacR*. and Hic trip for»‘ the linUJi. H wax ennsldcred one
tiax great ly enp>ved by all.
of the pri'ttlest endingx lo a race
• An a iiumobile iwiriy rtynsiHiing of was greallv enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs Ilcil^crt Monlague. Mr>.
The laun-h rare In (he cv. alng waa
Frr A Hivjver.. |!ni Montague and Tin- •flualb e\eiting. four iaunehfw entei
n»a Morgan »*f Traverri* <'iiy sp»*nt ih“- lag as ftdlowh: ’
•:ay1.i: t Sunda.v at the bonn of Hon
, ■
If 4{ofH.*rtx,
. ^Mr. Sla er MoiilrrjRe of Umk Isl
and. III . Is a gar t of bl« brolher' J.
K. MokIiom^ lie win stay atwint two
Pr C. W. l^dTIugaell bai: nTenll>
tauneb and aaiiinu Race.. Porch and
bad a terge dining tald* m.vir on tin
Bridge Partlec and All SorU
Itlufl:. near tbe wat« r t»!r Ibe iiw of
UiMio.he and tlielr frl.*nd.H <ki ibe
yioj t*o l*rida> rk. iiiiig la.,I Ibe wi-fdts.
; Bprrlal to ibc KTcolOR Record.
OH Mte-lotj, Mlrb.. July ri.—The faniill.H ol in. f. W. l.effinKa*ll, J.
Mr. r. W Fierro apd Mr. Wm H lex
i:. Mi.nl lore mid i\ W. I'.en r enj«i>e<i IH r Ml for C’lil~ag< on tin mid-»ii*k
Iv V tni'h e In al. a lib
. - ^ ^ . '.amr;. Mr.JU.rre wl l ,. i„rn in o
di 4«>a:|}mir . ba«< M-nt the |»e<»p!e Ibi lr Ural Clipper. .
fft tn tiil4.. Mt-klni: n lier Injtn lb»- o|. I Mix»-Minor (inill 'of Cblcago. a S' sNerk .rr o
pieaflvcartoi nf. placrn Ichs favun d Mary» giaduai.. and a o-ar irlend id
Mr pnd Mr . II. L' Frank of ('hi
than here. And a» vme rexult ilie mt Mix. J><Vliigeell, arrlvi-d on -ibe rago ar»- ai.lh.- !ami iioaie of Mr an»t
t.gc* are alMMii all llllnd and the ever* himmer Illinois t«r n imiutli of gma. Mrx. J.din Mj|f% hall f..r lb.- snnimer
pt iitslar Ru«hoHin> bouae ban had to time rt Ibe l4* rrincweU cfsllagi’
Re*. J H ('rum of. Indlansisdl .
relmc apidlcatltmr. for nioms a» they
Tbe 1*0VIrr hou.M- gue.sls alwayx !nd.. fined tin- puIplT or ih« Firxt Con
trm* all lakeu for tbe niUn* waxon.
si eni Io I- enjoviPK Mf« and l.andl.«d giegallouul church on Simlay laV'.
lUxrol KbnvTTx’iinvf rU-aiY^ and |*or(fi sa. H be UhiI.s tm a betier n- .and his b.urcrx tverx- d. lighl.Hl i,i |,s,
rwHf^ the air unUl tbVpfBln^here lx »mi bubioesr. ihix year tb.u b. l and ten 1.x Hu- fine w rnmu mi.1 hope* to
perfe^J. altbcHiRb at no lime bax Ibe lor tiiiii lo b«* tbe banner j«wr in Hi» bear him ncalii.
Mr. and Mr^ K. JTJ. k.‘nger and Iwo
beat I'ct-n opprrxxlrr owing l«» lb» falxiory id the resort. . Among the re
•' hrceiu- from ibr vnier. one nnd nU crni arHvaln at Ibe' I*orter ln»us«- are chiidrrn ami Alrx. Maik-x Srh. lT. ? of
}( ^ ngrertag (hat Old Mteslon lx ibr mimt K. I* ciiry. wife and eblld of Jack Toi.tlo. O.. ate at Vaugnan. the gii.\sis
«2 canrtortdaklng place on ibe map. Boat wJDville. III.; Mrx. Uavid H. FnK-'ot of Mrx. r. O. f.a»ley ami Miss IhinI fStttn. anio ^parllrk. be.rh aapperx. and child. .Mrs. Frank I*rorfnr and ?:i.T, who gave a delight fill marshmal
low n:a,-t ..ii the iH-arli in tjTvni <»f
MIks Kuiily l*nK-iot ol l’e*uia, Ilf
mar iUmalloa r<v: ir.. al»li an
Mi.'^ <d«a . rn.wu and Mis.s Haflie Ih.dr «<Tilat;.* nii Mniid.ty oi.-niiig last.
" ' al-Harlmfnliii pally on. and ib»-
A watrhtuanx iicglcri pf-rroltted a
leak in the givat North S.*a dyke,
whl -h a child's ringer could have
slopp<*<l. to iHrtxmje a nilnoMx l»n*ak.
devaMSiiiig an (‘nitre province nf llolIniid. In like manner Kennelh Mr
Iver. orVane.-U.ro, Me.. p(rmU((*d a
Utilo eoM lo go unnnUet-d until a
iruglr nnixh was onlv averted by I>r.
King s New DUcm. ry. He *^1 rile*:
•'Three doci.irx gave me up lo die of
lung Inflammaiinn. cuu.v-d by a neg
lect.M ,r;ld; huf Dr. fvlng's New Dlsrfiv.-r> sav«-.f my Hfe.** Guaranteed
(m-hi cough and cold ritn'. al Johnson
Drug ('o. x. F. H. Meadx. V. A. Bug
Uf. Drug Uo.x drug Ptort-s. SOc and
2l b<». Trial bottle IOC.
Uee lor a I
platea entering In Septewber.
Mra. B. F. Girins, (wo aoM o
daaghter from 8t. Lonia arrfmd
Sunday. Mra. Glrinx will rUlt at Tke
Ranch and tbe young men are doaMciM at tbe Nortbpon Beach hotel.
H. T. McConnen of the Chkago CP
fUlon and Camiml Co. will anirw
herr-Thoraday woming to handle tbe
cotUkm at (he Beach kM. Tkte la
tbe find cMlIloa of tbe season, and aa
all tbe marten are Inrited. a royal
good tlBMjg expected.
Mr. and Mra. Chas. E. Bondr bend
ed a Ochiag excnrxlon to -SbabytownTuesday morning. A prtxe waa affered
for the first catch and Mrs. Carl KJuxman wax tbe lucky wvaner. Tbe jolly
party cimalKted of Mr. and Mrs. Pau
lin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kluxman of
Cbirago. Hon Chax. N Peck and wife.
Coorordia, Kas.. Mr. pnd Mrs. Howard
0411 and Fred Allen.
The new gnsollne launch for the
Northport Rearh hotel arrived on Mon
day and xbe mussed up the waters of
the hay ki great shape Tuesday with
MlsaoK Rachel and Glad» Bond. Mtei
Mae Iwcdle. MIxs I.urrrtia Maglll. Mr.
H K and T M Glv.uh aboard. Tbmu. lH«t lx mifxlie.1 In oak and I?
%er> sp.o*dy. John Fettlg. chisl engi
neer ai the b«ilW. handles her.
The Ann Arbor board of health
arranging for the dteinfiwtion of
honfK’.N fn>m which consumptives arc
NOTICE-Will care for children
for ladles, wlxhlng to altcnd partlcx.
cic.. 411 Firih Mrcei, Phone 44.
• • July 21-lt
ordK just rcf-.-ivcd at drlnncll Ilros..
corner RYoUi and ('ax.s.
l>PF:riAI. SALK on ^iHj^x. regtiUr
3U-ccnt gu«Mx, for Id centx. tothorrrtw
only ai tin
Prehib'ition Convention
A nuiFK pniMhlilon county conv^
tlnn Is hereby called to meet In Sal
niigrilfieent Him tnii.M hutnr(‘s July vail.ti, Army ball. Travers- ('lly. M.rtt
.l«y. July S.lrd. at
p. m for /ho
;n::i and Aor; 13. July 17-lf
punxrvf of nominating a county ilck.'4.
(leriing a i-ouniy ronirnlilce and (ran*
acting’ .Mich other busliu-ss ax may
pruiM-rly dime br-forc tbu convention.
All cltl/ens without regard to pax:
l»arty afflllatlonx who purpose to i
p.ui the prohlhltlnn xtate and cot
tlrk-ets arc Invited to attend.
J. F. Crane.
FroVl.slonal aialrman of the Frohlblfion County Committ*-e.
jnly 17-St
of Ihe many'bargains thatiwe are now offering in seasonable
goods? If you would like to save some of your dollars for future
use look over the following items. maVo a note, of anything that
you are in need of--or will bo in need of later, then come and
Wen’s Suits ai
$5^0. $8.50 and
Neir jrwdi. op n which wi>
.bow voti a aavinguf from
Lota of wiiU which h,iv.,
aoM tbi« aMW>h fur »i:< tu
Vlfi. going faal at
Another lot-l-eat Biale*
_aoM for «T to $20-two or
three of a kiiri — v..or
choice at
Boys' Suits
Two-piece, l»olli plain and
Korff.Ut Lly|.*3. Lots lo
$3.50 suits now 2.75,
Buster Brown’s
$Sto$6 salts atfw 2.90
Wash Suits
$2 suits for , $1.56
50c suits for . 38c
$3.50 sails for , $2.50
Suits Outing Suita of the best
Onohaif Prtet and
add $1
$10 Suits $6
$7.50 Suits Sl.TS
$5 Suits $350
Don't fail to see
Changes In Pricea.'
Selling Price.
Clear pork, per barrel............ $ IB 00
Clear ixirk. r»cr pound............
f?hort cut pork............ .
Hour. H. L. A Co/»
Rye flour. II L A Co.V Beet.
Moal, H. L. A Co.’s
II I' f n^■.‘ S3I-
Potato, s. per buibel........ ,
Men s Fine Straws—
from 50c to $1.50
saved on each
Children’s Hats
One lot 25c and S5c
g ods now 15c
CkUdren’s Straw 6a1s
One-qatricr Off
Haniiltort CJlothing Cb.
Antbortxed to aa tn all cnpac^
Itic* of Trust, aa Bxeentor. AdwteWtrator. Trustee twder wflM,
Roreirer, Regtetisr. Traan^
Agevt. Trustee under wortIlona of books tor mtralclpni*ties, corporations. InotHnUona
and ImUadoate. .
Chickens, spring..
Fancy helfen ....
Geese ..
.04 V4
tkat . Ran
Pees extremely aoderata.
11. F. Hendricks has moved from 22C
S Union street to 711 Webatey
street. - Orders for mrpef weaving
ran be* left at either .place.
jiil yl4 lmo«
E. Wilhelm gives one dom
oollara FREE. See our apMlal
window diaplay.
July 17-tf
To Contractors
Bids win lie acia ptf'd for the en-c
tlon and complHion, according to
drawlngx. spcHfiratlnax and vorklng
details made a'»J funilKhod by
rxen. archlK^t. Traverxe City.
Mich., for the general work, including
Inhing and plax
lerlng. painting.wdr^. and for heating
pUiniblng tint II 2 (»VIf>ck* p. m.
Aug 1 at the offlrc of Jeiix C. Felcrxen. arrhlKH-i. State bank binlding.
Travt ree City. Mich., for the C. S. IV S.
bulge buibling.
All bids must IH- ad.lresraH! to Jos.
Sh-der. cbmlnnsH bulIdU^ romniiitec
S. IV S lodge and marked proposal
lor C.'S IV S’, hall.!
The building cfimniiitr-e and arebi-j
ten l«-}-er»e lb** option Io accept t*r\
n?J#'^t anv and all pmiNtfalx,
Flans and xpecifl. atlons may lie
at the (dtire of the arrhitn-t.
(Signed I
J«»*. Sleder.
-Chairman BuiblingCoromltte
Its Cus street
Order your
G.B. Taylor Coal Co.
tor your
Haying Tools ^
Evf rj Uiinf: you need
On Ijako Uv lanau.
(ioofl Tal.K First rlaae Arcomnifvdations. Fine FishUiDK. Kaln
»r $l.:i0 poi
$7 lo $*.» iier
.Inno 11 1 mo’
Dr. W. J. Higgins
Fine Dental Work
. Rakes
Shears for cherry pickers,
Screen doors,
Extension window screens
George Cams.
Cil. phon-.. 4S1.
;t:{2 E. Front
“Good Enourh for
a Whlle-Yct’’
hameM wotiM e.Kjn be (iisoaided
for new geU if every driver met
with Uie misbafis many do en(-oimter. D<y you ibiuk you are
favorwl by Providuoce or Fortune?
Your tnni may eomc r tomorrow.
Why run the risk when we sell ^
new and strong harness so cheap,
ly. Vcf, why?
Oucen aty fmpIcmciitCo.
Tke Eofbics
128 E. Front 81. , ,
Oil. pbon'j 7r.l
IWl phone 102
Rates of Treverae City Dealt
Ren's Straw Hats
One lot half ptice. now
25c and 50c
!«orlhpon. Mica.. Jply a.-«fiL Pa
ter Van DowwHUl Grand RapMa. rv
tamed bowe Tnesdny. after n fort
night at tbe Bmcb hotel.
Hopfon Magni of 8l. U»ia v«W to
Are You Getting Your Share
J oKPi-riw*r
A Short Cut to Succ^ ,
ia lo work with llie right utefwils,
Buy your fruit preserving ariicles
at Saxton n and you will have ibcsatisfaclnry kind We hare the
Ijestkind that’s made in kettles,
saucepans, fruit and jelly Jars.
What we rrrtm.inf-nd you oaR defwnd on. Tlien fon* success trill
crown your efforts and jtm wiB not .
Saxton Hardware Co.
I" Joseoh Sleder & Sees
First-clan* Buti
Packer* nr
SauMRO Mai
SpKHi Iicirsifin kstice
EXCirtlBION. Sunday Jnly
Steamer Illlnoia lo Charlevoix. Petos
key. Harbor Springs and- return 4l.
BMt wUI atop at Blk Rapids going nnd
rdlimlng, Levve nt B n.!m.
•ss E. Wllhslm*! spSslal wteRow tfitplsy ar cellars.
July 17-tf
for your selection for
use. The inlroduciion wig be
of benefit to you if you
it with a purchase ortiiro. ;We
buy the best, we sell 6nlv
fresh, juicy cuts and don’l
tempt to make a fortune]
year. We will'be pleased to
serve you at any time. ;
BSth piimA. *' ' mitVmlikliD
MU lllijll! INjf...
,PPi. .
ta m M* Uiree t», *Hr J4».
»rr (t>
• »>il at M ox (•) <a«M
JVa OOM at Ue |»a»nU
“too^ammt rnm nm ^wm^
t>r at la Houak. Ur * O0.Y oioTC^
Tnnr, •«««» *» Tma«» Olr. MtMiam.
arm cay. lor «»r>cl»at>«Ma.tke Tool, itaiawlutu unit-to iwaarWMoiaaieiMRWrt k»aa'kaoM.aa lao.
aiM coBtcBta botac Rar. L^iM.
ou Mi BM
InoWu <» Ike'aU raoenrlac tke ft(kt at. way for
•OMh ooR at Kottk CaloB aliaat iBjtbe Farr ■ar«aella to raack oar arr
aaMoa^ ouaFUMaatrtpaf laaalao|atic or*r ikr traeka aa Bo« laid oad
«o» oMo oC Ik. oaol ndr at oaM!
tkc i1*( at arar te tbt a B. *
to ttoMtoMO. to kartoajL R.^ to roaok oar a«r tocotfo.
The oaij tern of food nade
fram wheat tiiat is all airfxl.
snest ia the
crater, aad
jat-Hhe oidj aoda cracker of
whidi tide ii reaBy trM ia
tlneeda Biscuit
Tto only w
Ita flslly «
The «ly •
Ito only •
b a Jmst
mitstun pnof padcatL
Mid md or stvM fmi
doOon <»IO;f«) to caok.
oo o«r*r. taycao. tkla pro*
SHOW Oftffw mo »owa
M off the aoidEtad «r ssM Ms tinr
Tern nilatf aM the i
a Pawnd for P
C3K ftnr <4). ire <hl sad east part of
to Crefy
rt I^ Twafity
lot sis CO of ssid Hssssh. Imy ff
Ca. » elraith sdditins. so ss Um
(OunUntM FTom rtrat Page.)
sr suiast slsty^ fsas Is wMB
aohlect to the oonditMi. howrersr. that
praj^lag wpod. .aTtog hlmaeW from
The mnnagcMt of Belbel Brothfra TWO SUITS FOR MONCY HEAIIO
Capt. Bostevm of :ba Salvatloa Army
be STssted the wrtrflec« of ere
a drop to ^tbr deptba brnreth. HU ,
ON THIS Hot oay
hb rsgslar ffsaitc - aac oad roar atom toot ovaatok aaChe pUUons of oar wmwm sMss to aa tost
ran imrrtoilf nftw him
dooktodlx vtokto tkal tker kad a
the strset os the west side of the eiioft. TWO wlllffiTc the people**
and iwlled him back* prer the vaB.
iorpT caaTmo. as tke teat *oa packeJ
Itec to be ersetsd os the ssM Ms. Idea sf*the worn which the army
Quite a number were tin tb^ bridge at
canytog cm to the cHy. The poor p*>
the time and much cxrltdtoenl mmrn
ed lot.aC speotatora that flnaltv left
tit be I
pie imad lea. aaat.
?• ••• vs. Joseph Wyckotf.Brother* creaicd Many women %rtrre badly
a Jhartha aatf M»ee there are sot the ahow gnwnda.
hetore IfsMaW sAghC. JuU U. IMC
f right coed. BuT this U exactly what
The Selbel Drothera* actor* are all
00 saasy things ghrem ost aa snaL
-Dated this 17tb day of July. Wtt.
the IcAferi* wished to tJo. Nobody
four lodfed. but they wetfi through
The following Is the
-Jobs C-Mofgsii ff 80s.Iu know dognitHv wbo they
Jurtirr Kerlhigrr court was a bu^?
mverahms. 20; garments, 5S3; their' vartona maneuver* In anch a
The oosusiuce further reported that
were but .the vrcueral optoloo is that
maancr lhat wbowod oooclaslvolT that place todav. The Bret case taken up ttoy
a. f» pair; atocklnga, 23
with tho Solbri BrOA*
they had sees Mr: SasAers of the Has.
was that of Chrla Devrea vs. B. J. Mor
wah 4 Lay ompsay and he said that
shows. Tin* girntlcm.en were ▼ery
Mr. Devre* sold Mr. Morgan a
om their parta.
The performance
reason. 3; qnlUs. 2;
fail compaoy would do vtuu was. right
obUglua and unselfish. They vast^
opened with a grand carnival of na
and that there would be Boholdnip for Stove. U work fond. 15;
everyone to share In the cxrltpmMt
tions to which over Bfly ponies shared latter would not take when dellvorod so jumped treer about every llftaan
the lots desired. Mr. Morgan di
the honors. This was foDowed by tall Mr. Dev res was glvim a judgment for mlnut«>s. It I* known that threa at*
that the tmildlng coal^ not be moved
110.75 and costs of »3 75.
but ll Ik said that there Ik a C
tempt.H Wire made ai^.^tlfrxreal
The next cate was lhat of Grinnell
er tricks.
flpplda mover who WMktm a afwctojfty
and ibert* w.re iin.hmM.sny
The Oolumbb will take an cxcsrsio&
The ^performance com^luded with a Bros. vs. Joseph Wyrkoff
of mtiTlDg brick balldiaga. The report to Bowers Harbqg
similar exhibit Pm*
Wyrkolf was given credit for pa.viug
was iwccivcd and fllod.
A ptttmlneni l>MFln«‘sti man who tR*
tend the Core HoMterOM Mission baU
L« money on a piano then he really
The committee* waa inatructi
game. At night, an cxntrskm will bo from the back of one to the hack of did. Mr. Wyckoff held
r,..,.!... f.>“
the other while ihej* were going full
•ec Mr. Morgan and a»k him If be taken to Marion Island.
Ur nnell
"**■>" ■’•WM
to do w*F to en-ate excit* meut and .
would coiwldcr an offer of $€.000
John T. Dcadlo and Lecm K Tltux speed. Thte was very pleasing to
Bitw. bhowed that H came atomt scare iHYiple. The Hum would Jump •
rfcrir property.
president and cashier at the Fir^t
thn>urh an error In bmik Ke«-plng
a way that he cmild realty .
The S4dtie1 nrothers stork Is all In
The board of public works was is Uonal bank. wUl leave Monday for a
They were given a judgment pf gSfl.iC
ralrh himse’f after he was a little wgy
Ktruried to bund a otTueni sidewalk trip through aoaihern Michigan to the most excellent rtmdillon ant
and IS.CO costs.
over. The one wlio .11.1 m««it of th*
on cast El^th atreci .betwova Gar- look over bank buildings iuid get Idua* Kbowk lhat It receives yerA careful at
Jumping waF ii rather tough fiiokl^.
Dfld avenue and the cemetery for the new Nalkmal bank l»uilding to lent Ion and Inteljlgcnl treatment. A
rlmrarter. H« wore working
wherever neccauiry.
be. crcjctod oo the Kneeland property. large numbi*r. remained for the aHer
East Buffalo. July 21—Tatt Un elollH-s and hod a rough!
The matter of a aundpipe os West They will visit Hattie Cretk. Jackson. show.
Sheep and lBmb*-l.wW. faee.^ StiroetintcH. Iniwi vi?r he wonlil
Front klrecl was referred to the lire Chelsea. Ann ArUir. IX-troH and oth
Flow; spring*. f7«J7,50: wet hire. Sr.^r toTom* rather weary of hla work,
ccmmitiee and the flro chief.
LT pUces. The style of s building to
25; ewer, ft 75*i 5 25. Hogs—2.72«t. whrii one .»f his eomiumlou* would do
U* erected here will depend largely
YorkerF. l7'»5«r7Hi; the leaping and the rt«*r of the gang
upon the report of these genileinea.
Organization of the Grand Traverse
!4ive him from the awful death.
heavy and mixed. |T
A man tras riding down Front street
Sanger Bund Was Completed at
iKtroit. Jhly ri.- Wheat- No. 2 riMl.
A. C. LoomiK. managerof t|»e Grand on a bicycle last evening axur toH.pa>
Meeting Last Evening.
opera buuKe. left today for a few days Ing much attention to where'he wsb
77e: corn. 54c; oat*. 4(h,
Chicago. July ffi -Wheat—July.
stay at B»*nion lUriior. •
The formal organization of the
going He watcher! cver>thlng but the
The Mismw Elizabeth Folk
road. Wlien In front of the Uttlc Tav- Grand Traverse Sanger Bund wat ;C^c; corn. 4lt«:tor; oatr. .V.V'.
IxiuiHe MeadowB of Uchffeld. 111., arv* cm. and going at a good rate W speed, ct>mplctcd last evening and the follow
7f.V4c; corn. 52*i-r; oats. 3fK*.
the pueMs of J. I*. Luca* ol W^ashlng he suddenly came In violent contact Ing officers were electe<l:
ton «treel.
If your fwl tond to pertpjrp
Frcbldent. F G. Heumann.
wiih a buggy. HU wheel was knocked
f reply in Btitmncr you tbould
N. E. IKpan and wife are *t»endinK sideways and the man thrown heavli}
Vice pn^sldeot. Alto n Ufer.
Died at Inierlochetu
tiwp n iicK*! foot powder.
St*cretarnB.,R. CloasKa.
flic day at Lake Ann.
to ifio grouhlL He was badly bruised
Mrs. John niaek dliHl.at her hoipi
Will Earl lelt thU morning
Treafcurer.'rhll Shermer.
tlMMigh not aevercly hurt. The acci
in lnterlo«hen last nlglil uidl the noomplelely dtxKlorizes and
Musical Director. K. A. Horst.
Northpori where he will work In the dent drew quite a crow<f.
mains will l*e Fhlp|Mt! to S.Hgi: as
alm«»rl»a perepimliem and it
The new club i^arts out with a good Momlay morning Ttie arrang« m»-nt.
office of the Northern for the ro
Koenigs Independents will play at
IoiintMliately re
ombership. Meeting* iriU be beM are In charge uf Heney AimUtfou
der of the tUmmer.
Arcadia tomorrow. An egcurslon will
lieves hiirnitig.* ib-litnff sod
W. 1. Monger of IXrtrolt p
be run cm the iL £ S. PI., leaving on everj' Monday evening in the Horst
all diimnnifiirt* of llie feet.
thn*ph the city thl* morning on blK the regular morning train. A |U*» academy and the roemhenjhlp Is |1
BUSINESS TO BE INCREASED Sedd with tla- Uexnll KnAiHi:way ]o Emrdre.
fare has been made for the round trip with 2r*eeuib a month dm-*.
Uh)—-la'a’ autl 2->e.
The piHbldeiit last evening ap
Arcadia'has a rlroug team and a'pcKKl
J. E. Linil.Kin and wifc\eni
(OiuUnu<M Fnim Klrrt I’aRc.)
ed Altoj^t Tfer. l^uls fitrJek and Pro
Empire this morning.
game Is looked fur.
The exei iiliu- <-*iiiimltle<- was glve i
In life announccroem of the Twen fc'For Horbt a cummlttoe of three
Mr*. L- E. Mann and daughter Edith
fHiWer to con: Intel ibe d«M-k line nwd
reliirucil to their home In Honor ihl* ticth Century club l*oat party the ar draft a constitution and by-lows.
this may to' doue wit Inn n lew moriihh
morning after *|H*ndlnK itoroc llmo ticle read next Mondav. J( nhouI«l
^ The potato Imnlem.ujt rom|»anv If I U>SM«rrtttt>4i .TrsrerMl'iiy. Mick I
with frhmdK in the city.
have been Momlay, July‘3-i.
one <if the growing Inuu .trleF of Tret
The West Side Athletic club will
Mr*. J.
Kennedy ssd dan
erre Clly. Tills tear tlie f.ieiory was
Loclle of Detroit are vlsUlng Mr. and have a picnic at Fouch tomorrow. t«i
- Wexford Made Big Prepafatlont late in • tartinl: iuii n. vj itheb
which all are Invitetl. Music wll. l>e
Mm. E. E. MUlar..of State Mrvet
for a Great Celebration to Be
to-4.„ v,ry g-snl and there
furnished by the Queen Ciiy hand
Held August 4.
are in.'^y order: y,i nulille.i
Circuit court,will convene Tuesday
bitHim's.s 1.-. 4IOW on a souud. fiHinda
aflcrnoon and work t
Special to the Evening Rc*cordlion, and a* mmid ;t-. i«e market war
DienceU on a number of mm-Jury case*b
New We xford. Mb h . July 21.—At
rant* It several iravt iing men Will be
which are lelt over from the Iasi fenu.
meeting of the IlubinewH Men'* ass<i I.ut on the road. The Jm-toiy ha* toi-n
The ten-yemr-ohf daughter of John
elation Iasi night it w*as c
ninniug all S nmmtV. a thing, which
Turner of Garawnu bustalncd a bad
obKot^f Aug. t as Add day SfeviTal
Tlio habit of knrinK,;
fracture of the forea.m while pla.vlhg
<*ommitteeb Wire ap|Nilnied. amf*nf
formi.l in early life, ib the
I la’i:eiy lnrr«-t» •• f
doing nicely, ht sever, and will
foubtlaliitn of many a f«»rthem li«*ing a j«umiilu<*«‘ <m barPti in
b esruuuU iu a lew uaj
tone. Thrifty |*^p!e
Perry F. Power- ..I ra-miar will totim». t4> VII on tlM Mk day «>f Msrrli. A- H.
The pUit of rnwiKt't park. Sllvei
IWLLdaly t-gaatrwMMldMiyc-r to Itoiiou ttend
patronize; ilir savin^a Ijaiik
the speaker ol the da.v.
***Vs?<Ttom*^** *'****^^'
vnung ^r-asnowy l^ke. was filed in the register * office
UDtl proBixT.
The fonstructitm of the neW toij.l,
(OuiJIhtt*’*! ft^Tu
today. The i»lai consists of eighteen
The depurtinefit of taivto bo built by G. A, nrttTiani uiid FhmI
UaoaibtmlnnivattoBad. wkicb anid cuntrect
arre lot*, two of which are already
injrs ii a •fx*ciai f<*ature
Walker hub Is-en startetl :uid it to i*x
large nnuiunl
with ihii hank.
It haa
The quart<7l) meeting of the
>tiaiiy lame «h|iosila. ..It
Halit*'to Auarion u]«o i« tna* SrU day of BrpV.enptirludhig a iiiimto-r
of tents in
Friend* church 1* l>oing held ttnlay in
haa uiaiiy small ileposito,
hlelkiJje crew will
thin city. Mr*. Barr, a well known
and all draw thre*? |x*r
^lH»t Jiirnith*. AmKher *u,»
evangeliil. Kpoke today and her adcent inliTi Hi cotfiixnimlet]
naxi iw-tiMoser. praye tssi a apnnnc pnr
ply Win folliiw in a P‘w dayF whirit
Pvinnon- <4 watd cunlrart
4«rr«^, au>d .!re‘K* left a dei-p Impression on the
twirl! a year.
, *
will inrlmh* among oiln r things three
audience. The spoclal music Is being
One dollar BtarU^ an;
About 200 Peonic Are at Work and new Dams reiviKly to.ughi by the
nata-r-onrryatMvoT Uia n«l retatw ilMrritMd furnishtd by Miss Rose'Jkigue.
til »aUl r*»atnM-t l« rod W. Krawniati. iba
There Will Be Stock Enough Soon Kelley Lumber A Kliinglc company
Makt pa ttu»D*-«-. upon th*- tarae sad caoutinona
The fire di-partment was railed to
for Full Fcrcc.
In (’lilrag**. D; A. lUrbcr will art as
the corner of lUUruad avenue and
Washington Mreel tUl* 'Hltern<*ni.
The canning tarti»ry rt.-in^d tip for
Tlie tug mnkc.s regular trip* Jo Mnti
where some rubbish along the track
toJnlSI U? or eskl*'dea-awi-d. sad *iu*otW
the seaMixr.s nm this morning with totlque snd rommunleatlon* will l.«wa* ablaze. The cnemlcal only wa*
r»^op!e at work, mmtl) taldl'hed with the tolands mi that dully
women and girl*. There I* m»i enough liRtoiKirtaMoii win !»• ]io.^*IhIe. ’Phe
iTlio oMual nml atrongeat^
stn-k on han«! to put the whole forei ir.ljiiid Is *Y»v« refl with valuable tiintn r
Tbaui ill Nortberi. Mirl.
at work but It will not to long liefon an.l niter its removal will to’ made th
thm-iT be rircDi by pubboittun of • ouf.y oi
tbt-re will lie many nn ti hand.> lun to a hammer resort.
Mrs. will He«l. rniau of Chicago
rived in the city totlay for a vlyit with ployed
Tlieie arc a inmito-r of college men
J. 1). Mlddlclcu and lamJiy.
Mrs. Malcolm Winnie left today for at work in flu* laefi»ry who are taking
this methtal of earning money to pU4
u trip to southern Michigan.
Mxa. Louiey. Mrs. Meckel and the them through another year at uchooi
Misses Ruth and Catherine Meckel
return«*d to Chicago this ntwn. after a
Slauihter Sale •»
Taken in eichange for Pianos
A^iloodOr^an Jot $rj
} ^our {hour of three more JOr $14
) \ntr ehoiee oj three more Jor $ 16
| •
Yon bolt4?r !iurr>’..Uicy will not lie bore kmg.
a Gome in mad tee the now Kimbdl OiKaii
in baodBooie oudioicany coao. Tbi« is a beinty,
Ibo first shown in the city.
[The FouDdatlon of
M.B.Hamor, Prop.
I. The
‘.rssTrris '5*
Will be rendered
Monday, July 23
Contest doses
Saturday, July 21 TrLr...r-J«“
City Upera House
."vv Ihtr S/^rraf »
The Dedsien
ol those who liBve
worn the
Corliss Cooh
Is lhat they are the
best 16c-i for 25ccollar to be found
E. WILHELM, - Front Stnet
.Traverse Gly
Stale Bank
July 30-31
August 1-2
Celebrated Lecturer,
Traveler and Explorer
Series of Magnibcen't
ntustrated Wcturcs and
EntertaiDinc Lectnres
Illustration of the Klondike
Cold Region.
Destruciion t>( St. Pierre.
E'uptioh of Mt. felee.
Sao Prancisco Earlbquakc
Course lickcis, 50c.
Stnffle adpnis.sion: Adults.
15:; children. JOc.
Picture story for' children
each afternoon at 5 o’ckek.
few weeks’ Walt with Victor I»clertyl
and family.
Mrs. E. D. Galloway of Johnson.
Tenn.. is the guest oTS. H. McMichad
and family of Eighth sircvt.
Mrs. Harry N. Gardner of MarllKw
ough Is visiting rclaUvcs and friends
In town for a couple of weeks. Her
husband wrlll arrive on the evening
train and will spend a few days In
Mra. Clmer Brawn U enterUining
her parents. Mr. and Mm. J A.
merman of Maple City.
W. B. Weston, publisher of
Chronicle and a veteran Grand Rapthls morning after a short rislt with
J. W. Haimen.
Mias Helen Hannen mM Mis* Mary
Kellogg have retnreed borne from an
cjtendu^ visit hi aomhern Michigan
They viaited Grand Rapids. AlWon,
Nort.hport Couple Was Untied by the
Rev. Hugh Kennedy.
Edwin Middleton and Mi** Kaths
ripe Woolsey. both ol Nortbp<jrt. were
united in marriage by the Rev Hugh
Kennedy st the parsouage Ia*t c'VenIng at 5 oclork. The. were arcom
panktl by u rtiu^ln of the gn*»m. El
mer Middleton and the full ring ter
vice WSJ used. - Ther will make iheli
home in Northpaft.
Navy Dcpartmcfit Was Officially Not*find Today.
By Wire to the EN enlng Record.
Waihlngton. July :i —A treaty of
peart' between Gaatemala and SaJva
dor has been signed and official ntx
tire was received by Ibe navy depart
ment today.
i .
THE* L A. B. Of the Fourteeirth
Tamer and Mrs Mar- Street M. K. church will give a lawn
aoctat at the hon^c of Mrs. Maynard
Lnhme Wednesday cenlng. Joiy 25.
rere.fraa « to.U. A oonllal InvltaUoe U
toa.^ extended to nlL Ice cream, meloat.
At-; popconi aad a^ will be OB sale.
thir P. Hnxyer o(/ChicaMou
Grand Opera House
Jour nights commencing
Wednesday, July 25
Ruth Grey ;
Most stanling show ever given in the city.—Mr.
Hubbard, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 21.
She more than made good her claim to being
A M>-stic
, c Phenomena.—Amy
•Leslie. Chicago Daily
News, Jan. IS.
The Matine Saturday
Will be for LADIES ONLY;
Ratnre’sMost Xysiic Fbenomm
She Divlacs Tear ThNghts..
EXTRA-One lady wiH be admitted Free Wedne*day. July 25, when accompanied by oni
35c ticket.
Prices-HaUnee lOc aod 25c. IfirUt ISc. 25c, 35c
r Che
Evening Record's ili^to-Date IHustrated Feature
M s Ufe
Tbf» M
Now It Is Seeing by Telephone
An Oregon Man Has Produced a Machine Which Makes
It Possible to See the Person at the Other End of the Phone
«a fmm iheir atterapla t«
erlay trteidi«ne. tuft of
i« Profeaaor Kaftx. a well knawn
lat of Munich, wlei haa devtaed
The Most Eminent Sdcntlsts Hcve Lon« De
clared thr Idea Chi; mcrical. but a Plain.
Hardworkinf Maehiniat tn a Portland
Car Shop Has Shown
Them How Easy It Is
L to Be Mistaken.
(HOtWAKIM W vMlor. I*, lb.
roatkJ eapoallW*
, all akoptlcal and
prrparad to
I \o have dlartiwrd
tvrtlaar Inyaatlc]
cf: fvrtlaar
tahnliy n«d nm tmnr
vrcTythlny to G«1 in pwjorr Wlqr
Chrtrt prsyod oMd be BO 4|MtSlta «T
oom. Tht nmmm for Wm pnirteff
The Inventor
maaHe of U one mlclA aao thk. Inw
«f fba vmm io whom he wmM teleyttiming^
Ybo ta^ue eothlMted at PurtUad waa
a cm4« affair—quite aa prlmlilra In tta
coootnictkm and impertect in lu pertmmmmcm mm wna tbe Hell tolepbune
oBtMlad at the Philadelphia centm-
tbe teleeraph perfetn and mt
ak quarter cof a t'rntury after
• la atm auace
htlon the trk
bllitlea timl It auyyeeta are ahnoet InUnite.
ll. fNiwIcr. the teventlve yenlua
who haa devdope
Ohio and
oixth soar
When he waa aerentem
sas employed in a^ ylaaa fa«-t.»ry nt
Henaln*. bn the ohtV'riser At that
he inreiHrd a dcvh-r f.ir rncrav-
be left with BlnmulC. vrliilc we nddiuM
oonwlren to tl»e emt nad tmpoHBat
fact fbat He did |»r»yHe prmfrd
» nbondantly evident ftom the
iDoiiy uf tbe Bcrlpliirml htotortcy of Hbi
Ufe. TOa U mil vre need to know te
•eder to And in Him an example nnd
an lniq>tratlon to prayer. God teHa m
all wr need to ta»w MMl ken* the
to UUnaelf. and be la d fooliMi mao toderd afho
hla lime la try»|« •»
pry hp** the *Yecret thiny* of <Ad.wblV at tbe «ame. time be falM to
■jirofll by **lbi» Ihinya tbat have be«o covealed - llirUt praTivL That la «afAchmt
th» pmctloar porpo— of
our Urea. Hbi example lenciwu m to
I»my. and Ilia meOsoda m |«yer majr
well U* taken as tj«r BMwMhtf..
I'ni.ver nhh Obrliit mrunC
thlny. i-dltkm. He asked God for pnwto raliw Lnaaraa from the dead. And
before (be event He aakl. **Fatbaa. X
tlutttk Thee that Thou luust beard Ua.
and 1 know that Thou bearoat Me a^
He prayerl for 8lmon IXar
and In nn dolny won a victory over
ftatan. who had also asked far P«er.
Ill HU intereetwary prayer He prayed
for th<* dleeif^iw and for Hla cbmrh. «aI»eelally for Its unity. In the yarden af
Gethseman** He prayed’ fur lIltDqAf.
y.t lu fnirsabmisskHi to the wftt^ of
0*sl. It U oar prti lleye and doty Alao
iat*twie to God with requests, and are
aUn have the assuniDce that oar peflJkHui wdll be yranird.
-Ask and je
slisll r.«eelver We. like ChrUt. abaold
praj- for powiT to do the woili of God;
w.-. Ilk- Hlm.stoonld |way for tbe oofety of those nfaprat and dearest to na.
and not only, for tlsem. bat for tba
rtiorch anivcraal and for tbe worM;
like Illia. we aboold alao pray for o«r*
but always In the fulWwt anUto tlie win of God. -Xot tv
the lelerue «
d in Ita road
The Idea la not eariet lany noimL The
tbaorr of aeelnk hr telephone ia aa
«M aa that Inrsoiloa^nd may be paid
to be cotoddem wlthNUa illw oV«T>-.
ProCaaaor Aleaander Ora^ lielf. the
Inventor *if the telephone, doe# not attarh much value to It-unleea he haa
chancud hU mind pacently.
ha eaptuaaed hlmaelf quite poattJvelr
acalnat tha feaalbllltr hf the acheroe
Jt waa at tbi
<»f Parta waa
r by tdesraph
may be wltlUn the ranye of the p.iaalhl«. In t lew of what haa already hapi dunowHI. deIble. H«'<‘init liy
•itbac of theae Inatruim-ntnlltlea. how
ever. U ao tar removed from the held
pf probability that I ahmild reyard any
claim of Ihla nature aa an nbeunllty.
-Th.’^ldea of aerl^
Karly In IMO I maile an Important invention t>ared
rt.y dlcsovery of ihe.^>oaalbmiy of tranainliMui:
aoond by the ayenry of a beam of iicht.
and is liiterestid snwtuyli
ll In
in iua to d»>
ri*le tl»e qUf***tiou for tls
lYnyer with
eomnitirhm with tlfwt
Tiend nlytits
nlylrts |I
eo*fom In p. njiart ami spend
prayer, alone with fi
Vkv cnnxJk
in tbe all3
think that these hoc
nljriit were ytv#'ii np to rr«|oestB, Tha
more f^roliable theory Is tba| these ^
lerit IM.OPI U^-re upeut In QMTltminl«l
with <;ol. He '
His Vathrr'm h
lm.nc1i.?iion to
rn-!0.-Tnly w*.-k Mlowwlilp
iimiiion with IIU T.^ther.
mir prayer* he llijiited lo jietltlon.
U nKi .rttr lieavetily FatlwT. Heavdb
U our
\V«* uUo are away froM
home and mtd t<» -iq»enk oft with <nM
I>oTtI.- wlfl, G**l. onr Fatljce. We afp
Bplrlt as He u iq.irit. and we aboold re
join* In iIh* p.wwiMlity of fellowidi^
Tilih G«el ami sUmld hold ctwnmunkm
w!th li::n. as HilM wlib pamit..«
fr;«t ll wltl* frJ**o.t ns errated belnga
wl'li fhelr Opeat»»r.
Fvery phase at prayer la lllaatrtlAd
life <ff prayer He addressed
ly a. IfU Father. He
Iirarnl in secfcl and in potillr. Ho
prayed amid the duties and cares of
ev.-rydny !lf«*. ami In the creat rrhu^
of His life He jpave bonra to prayer.
As lie iirayerl let os pray, ami we will
in.'ike n*. mistakes !q oor prayln*. and
<;oil wUl hear us.
alaiut eliHlrfcity or the telcp'hom'. The
furl that I had deiKwlied thia packaye
yni out and a neaajiai^r way who had
•Mime Knowledye irf elcctiirliy aal down
ttud r.*n*-mrt»
-nil* aioiy waa to the effert that *»ne
n. K Urka had aucceedrd by the aid
«.f a telephone 111 proliHtln* up*m a
e< reen u leal live Imayi* «*f u cat. The
key \n the Joke rolKht have been apluirent to a^v wientltie man n!
PYench InventionNuthiny nvultcd
from l»r. Kylvealrea d|a4e»ver>\ allh.iuich
at the time it re.diy
The dl«on rrer. wHVk aa a dent tat. w aa
cmtWent that he Imd **atruck It rtrh.'
He admitted that it wu« an a.xiden:
that had reveal«*d the
to liun,
but he waa o.nvlnc«*d that there waa
no miatffkc ol»out it.
He ofrentl hla
the -Frem h yovemment for
ts.uoo.ooh. and the inniter wa* taken
Ill aplle of I*rofo..,.4i>r
ulliy and the r-i-ated f.ulUre
loudly h* raided d|i>i ovctb-a. it
Victure^s XShat Illu^strckie the Hi^story of -^oday‘^i^
Aitii.K ACAmsoa.
Isa. Iv. Ui. IS Tl. 0; Matt, vl, 5-13;
xvai. Ml; Jnbn xl. 4l. 42; xlv.
V2 15; F.ph. n, IM. ihill. iT.d; (\>U |v. 2;
I I Tlin. lU 1^.
> rhrutian
Endeavor onlou reeeoily
‘ lor>k a eensTis Of .TOflO sorlethw and
dl-Mweml lint ¥i jier cent of the mrtn;sT» Wi n- youiut ineu “a far mvater
IMm*utace of mak* inemlieni.- be asilw niiirr4HHi would show.-
n the old ffvdoabt at PfUshars. a
t G the besd preserved plroe of
r4A the imtsd StAlsA
IbktekfiMlhtoor tedtfle
boTM when yo4t Wrt to
n aortli of Orava, oaa^al
WAf$m-AMAUrn\ c«iU’ sad dillcloeldBs. hsU. glmea or ties
to ^ ctosBDd or ifsd at tb« arw
Mate at 311 K. Froai BL Cltx.
WMlT»--Oora to toa aar aad oata;
rOfc •AL*~SIbiIc haiawa al 1101
JiiJr 10411
fiOH •ALC-U^lnfb Gadar vood.
Traversa CH]r Mfg. Co.
julf 11 tf
re lou Your
chabee 4o pdt b large lot at the
prke of a aman one. Fine tocmtloa.
W. M. Uordaa. 417 W. Seventh 8t.
July f 1 mo*
tea atea frte aa BOi^ lak*
portli, aote aad araot of Bot^ nsort, oae of tte ^tteC raaorta*la
Ua Qraad Trararsa vaftoa. Tha
srbola fann U lercl aad extra Mr
aM« as a raaorl pmpoaltJaiL OooW
ba aasUi plaUad lato oae^fth
lou or ire foca to tbc acre, or Arc
koadred aad atety4va lot*, which
arilh a tenr aowll atehat adTertls*
fac voald aen for at least 96«
per lot. For natural adraatatea to
catkia can not be bobtea. la
parlsoB arith otbar property aad the
price aiked. this tana U offered at a
very low ««are. There ta Umber
eaouch to pay for the whole farm at
price we aak for IL If you want a
barpain and a money maker, pet
afitrr thia, Wade Bros. 117 Front
atroct, Trarerae City. Mich. Clltseaa phone IIIS.
may 144f
FOR SALE—1152-Forty acre farm,
close to city; wrU watered, lae gar
den aad imck taad. SmaU piece oi
money Ukee Ihla Call for price
Wade Broa., 127 Froat street, Trav
eras aiy. Mich.
Inoa H-tf
FOR AALI CHEAP—1 Wilton Velvet
cwrpet. Hall, noariy new. (worth
today $1.55 per yard) for R5c. 1 FOR
vclRbt hundred feci on SUto street
• iman Bniaacla mp.
Value Hnpoaalble to eaUmate, but
wew (Mh-T3?.^i for $55,- 1 ball
way above price asked. ThU U one
carpet fall, beat Nuianry
of the moat dcairablc pieces of prop
with 10 yard* aUlr carpet io match
erty to city. Aa a buBincaa location
worth $35.00) for 117.50. 1 $50.00
cannot be beaten at price asked,
foldlnp lied, hand pollahed. pier
an investment,, will say that with
terror, perfect condition, for 155.00;
biitidinga aow cm the property,
tonal go by the 24th B. H. Bracken.
which conalite of four fmme almc
TO Waahlnglon St. or Hamilton
tiirea. covering about oncvhalf of the
^nothing Co
grouad. It ahowa ffve per cent on
ten thousand dollarm. With a
cm. uiHUMialc brick bidli^ing. It will
bunding ami comer I6t on
show at Icaat three tlmca that
atrret Alao pood house and
amount on the investment. Call, for
price. Wade Bros.. 127 Front street
Fmt atiwel or CItlicna pl»one
Traverse City, Mich.
June ll<t
#1 CASH will buy lot 110, Hannah FOR «ALE-1291-Wght.v two Teel oa
a?sma. Oak HalghU aubnrh. &0xK;s
Slate street, one hundred and fifty
IM tt told bafom July lit Apply
fwt deep, alt covered with two-story
mayMf frame building, fitted throughout for
claaa livery and sales bam.
CAiH win boy lot Its. Hannah fliat forty
horses and all necessary
gtmtk. Oak HeighU auburb. 60x165 Also
cijntpment. buggies, cutters, hacks,
Ml, M sold bafora luly let. Apply drays, sleighs, hameasor. wsi
to That. T. Bbtaa.
May 6 tf rojK's and all personal property In
above building. Thl* Is one of the
tm CAtH will buy lot 130. Grant
atraat. Oak Ualghia luborb. 60ii6lr Urgebt livery and aalea bams In this
regloo: erni rally located, doll
fMt, tf sold bafora Jaly 1st Apply
to Ytom. T. Bate
may M large aad p^Uble business,
fact, present owner feels able to reMM CABI4 wtlMmy a % acre lot In Ure and cn^oy lha comfortable for
Birehwood aubnrh. 10$ feet froaUng tune made In this same jbuslnca*.
apem Mast bay. 112 fmt on Broach This, reader. If you contcmplatf en
■IraaC, tf aoM by July Itt Apply to gaging in a business of tkU kind,
Tbaa. T. Bate
may $ if will pay you to Investigate. Call for
price Wade Bros.. 127 rtxmt street
Traverse City, Mich. Citizens phone
June 11-tf
FOR •ALE-Two booses la good loeaFOR RALE—1273-One hundred and
Uon; oae new houaa Just completed.
twenty-acre farm, atx miles west of
Wm aetl OB Ume to suit customers.
city, about esventy acres under cnltlCltJL pbeme cn.
June 23<f Tstlon.
Good bouse, large bam. with
foortoea acres oals. seventeen acres basemont.
Following crop: Ten
bay, forty acm wild Umber Call
tor price. Wade Bros.. 127 Front arrea rye. four acres wheat, tea
acres com. aeven acres poutoes.
attwet. Travanm Olty, Mlch.ptlions
ptoma 1119.
June 11-tf
FOR tALl-iaSb-Modem residence.
Bute street, three blocks from postoffice, ftoutoea. electric lights, gas.
batk. Am A No 1 propotltton. Can
tor firtet. '^l^ade Bixml. 127 Froat
FOR lAUt—1431—Ona hundred and
twenty acre farm one half . mile
Maple aiy ; finest farm la toelahan
county; good locatkm; owne
other bustaeee; wUI Ukc part pay
ment In rentablo mtty property.
Wade Bfoa, 127 Front St, Traverse
iUte ^vane Clly, Midi.
June 11-tf
City. Mich, cmzens phone 1219.
100 tA04 wm too lou m, m aad
111, Boae atMt, Oak IfalgliU aab- FOR SALE .1442-Tbiny acxea,
mib: 110 toei na Rima. IH faat mm and a half mllea Union atrcct. Three
Mem, Itt M om tha aBn. tf aold thousand bearing frolt trees; ffaeat
Tbia U a ffrtot garden and fmit eoll. Call tbr price
to WM. T. Bafisa. W'ade' Broa.. 127 Front street, Trav
era# Qty. Mich.
June li4f
rOR RAU-1WT.-4I tm IrgRt o.
- ma» **mc avalm mtm itawniMt taMlv o, tkt <
WrtTml .«Wrib»UB« polrt Im tk* »,«
MMn. KocrMlT, ellr 111 c«tr,l
UleklCM: nauM, for W «»»« of
t«lf>W. .CiB for prteo. WoB.
Bra,, m rraat et, Traraira Cttr.
' Stab. cuMbt
BALB-UU—Raidwmra atock to
good market town sHihU tea mile*
af Tfavaraa CBy. Only hardwarw
Wmto Bitau m Wmal ittmk, Trartone CUT.
CitltoM phone
FOR EALE-l421-Four and i
acres aU Improved: good
small bam, sman orchard, i
SS Is Jmrt the
in ektra time to a good piofiL WHh
proper management this epot of
gtoaad srin-emrm the aaJary of ah
UEdtaaiT boPk-keeper. clerk or me
chaalc. Owner gt« thf *:ro^127 Froai atrret. Ti
Mich, ntltens fhano
Jane 214f
FOR tALt-Cood family 9r
horse: 6 years old: weight i
yM: sonoil aad safe. l>r( Gage
Ciu. phone 1103.
Jkly 10-12t
lagtoA, wHk Chief Justice Faller aa its
note lae erectloa of a
sUtise fa the national capital to Henry
Itoosevclt has. written a letter ladonlag the project, aad It M propdned to
raise fSS.toa for the sUtue, of which
above $4te Is In baad.
The special na&immevt tag roll for
Maoovat Aokl. the a
the gradlag aad paving of Booth Union
Bhassador at Washlagton. bas as his
street from the aoWCb aide of Twetflh
constant compankm in his
street north to the sooth Hid ef the
great maltcsc cat. Mr. Oski
south bridge oa Unkm street, is now
ccives a guest wit hoot presenting him
ta my hand* for collcctKm. The first
to Peter, who alts on a ic
Jlment to be paid on or before
lllpoamr* chair. Pett-r rarely loses
July 31. 1904.
Igbt of hl» master and uomctlmc* ac
timpanW him oa his driven. TIh
City Treasurer.
teils every one that Pe
Office. Room 202 State Bank build
ter U the most aaS>mpllshcd of his
kind, that he has lived In four capllalp and crossed the ocean six tlmc9
Peter wears a heavy linked silver
chsin with nsme and addrese Inscribed
NoUc# to All Persons Intsreste
The special ssscbsmcnt tax roll for in French. On fete days a big knot
rom the south lint* of Stafe street of ribNiu U fsM. ned to hU collar ana
be grading and paving of Cass street oil great national femi-tp a ebrysantbesouth to the bridge on Cass street, )h mtiBj is added.
King l^copold of Belgium, while at
now in my hands for coUcc
niarrii* taking a vacaUqn from
Ofht ioUallment iu be paid
worries of kingship In general
fore July SI, 19X*. *
Cfmgoland troubles in imrilrulsr.
the central figure In an Incident which
City Treasurer.
Office. Rcx>m 202 SUle Bank build set that fashionable FYench watering
place toughing. The democratic
arch bathed 4here. as did every othei
man, privately and uno>ienuilouBl
One morning as he c-ame out of the
The attention of water taVsrs
water he chanced to collide; with
called to the following nife wHich w
portly man. who evidently did not
be atrictly onforcod:
know the king In a bathing
Rule 15. Hoursa for aprinkllng-Wlll “What do .von mean, sirr he Hunrfed
be from 5 to fi a. m. and from 5 to 9 p. savagely. ‘Be vnore careful. I wnuM
m. Any persona uaing water
have >uii to k
tprinkling lawns and gardens, before the Paris city rnuncll!" “Then I offei
or after hours, will be liable to ha
a lh:n.saml apclor,ies“ rrplitd Ijvu
water ahut off at main pipe, and
poid at <jnce. “I am o.nlv the king oi
charge of ilJOO before same will be jtt<- lU-lgi.li.. -turned on again. The using of water
Dikirlcl AUoitw-t Ji-rnmv of Ni-«
through hose withoert eprlnktlng noz York cannot take a yoke. When he adzle attached, is strictly prohibited.
drtVM*d the Georgia Icgislaturt'
July 11-tf
W. R. Caldwall, toipt.
iswroakerd pa;<sed a resolution li
ing “Jerome and Folk" for the <Iemu
FOR SALE—Thn*chorse |K»wer.t^m cratlr pn•^idenllal team in l'.»os
me itK»K the in(lor^emeut s«*ri<i
bloat ion gas and gas'»line engim.
Ilev. J. W. Van Kirk. D I).. pastor
Coat 1175: will soil at a bargsln
Address or Mi at Arm* A Cole's. of ('.race M. E. cboirh. V
122 Cass St.
July 20 If O.. has returned from his missiooar\
trip around tbh world. He started^ul
FOR SALE-Pony team, hamct.v without a penny In h4s pocket
wagon and sleighs; will'sell all to made his way by preaching “The Fa
gether or scparsle. Here Is a bar therhootl of God and the Bndheihfwxi
gHin that cannot be.bcat. J. K. Gn i*
'A!P AHen, former middleweight
lick. Co.
July 15 tf
prize fighter and pniprielor of a u<i
HOUSE AND LOT for sale chewp. oa^y lorJous 'roaa house In Otawa. Oni
in MtKKly Institute; Chicago, whert
term. 918 W. Front St.
he enmllwl a.s a student Saturday
July 16^1*
two miles from . a drink t
thirsty w^en I wandered Into the
church where Torrey and Alexandei
handin' the gospel to the i>oople
under cimirallon: got^ buUdlngs.
ground all level. U>wtprlcc. Call said Allen. “They grahlH*d me. but
called foal.' and they gave me tl
Sunday to get into condition. Sunday
tsens phone 1219.
night 1 went to the mat with them
There were three men and
against me and
Heir Io 9700.000 left hr his
LOST—l.adlcK* pocketnook between G. Robin Jarobs, a dealer In Junk an<i
W. Millet’s and the Hamilton Cloth swnnd hand goods In East Oakland.
elcvatctj from one of the
Ing store; conUined gold chain
valued highly becanse of sssoctatlon poorest men of that aeciroirr With hU
Reward if n-turacd to G. W. Mil brother, Samuel and Jo«-pn. Robin
the f2.000.000 left
July 20-tf
by Louis Gordon, a Wall street broker
who died two years ago.
The bishop of Selkirk. Dr. .Bompas
hos6 death is annotmeed from Brit
Ish Columbia, began his lalsirs midei
St. Mrr. Jas. Johnson.
July 14-6t
the Church Missionary koclefy moi\
than forty ycuri ago. For a long while
ROOMS TO RENT-Hot and etdd he lived among the Indiana of Great
water, gas. electric ll^ts. atcatn
lake, in a tent, and be after
beat, bath. People's ’Sariogs Bank wards dwelt tn an icehouse with the
July 12-tf
Eskimos. He ro%*ered great distances
on foot. It is said that In two year
RENT—Six well fumlshwl be walked 1,300 miles.
rooms, water, gas lighting, gas
The roungest and moot democratic
range wide veranda, inquire at 427 of nil the Rockefellers Is Edna
State atreeL
July 64f gnsta. daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Frank
Rockefeller uf Russell, Kak. Thia
FOR RffNT-AttrmcUva coUaga at Toung tody, whom John D. Rockefeller
famished complete for U wont to style his “favorite niece,
aeaU may be taken though he and her father are only
at'The Clovcrm.- Address Sarah B. coostns. has Just married John Porter
Graham, 12S Lake arenue. Traverse Brook, keeper of a modest milliner}
aty. Mleh.
Jane 25-tf
In Los Angeles.
HOUM TO fl04T-4$. Dr.Mmm.
MONEY TO LOAN on personal prop
erty. Amil F. Nerlinger. 212 State
Bank banding.
Jaly l91mo
pntfm toOftete
lagalro af M.
Onafntea Oanrrot ba Curte
take a ri«ie. Alao Ibti
fy lorMjf
while all of them prom
rom grafu^ CKXirge Gibbs
of MartouJl me* oat with a M
promise tbat If be Is aleeted be wUi
I pay tor prisoners' burn
y jalL bat wUl eee that the
lya only the actual'fiost of
promises to stop the practice of
lag oases over to constables,
may get toe fees, saying his id’x dep
oty rhertff* will work on a salary an.l
alll handle all business of the sher
ir* department.
thur Vlssers of Grand Rapids
whose wife has been missing for days.
U-llevea she I* being held th Chtcagi*
for ransom, as she was to come Into
a Urge legacy In October. Tbursda.v
received the following tek-gigm:
“Chicago—Com© ImmedUnely. Crystal
U sick. tYlcnd. 1311 West Sixteenth
stroct.- VIsKcrs. whose wito disaped a week ago Thursdav.'left at
tmee for Chicago and Vill go to the
sddress given with k policeman.
John Mcljircn of Plynswth. whoiM:
leg was crushed In a train accideiil a
week ag»», bad It aropuiaUrd Wcnlnesda.v.
Throe Uns who si.ile a melon at
Vassar were fined $20 apiece or thirty
daya In Jail. They had no money anu
were kicked up.
Haney Coff and Bry Mrl^ughlln.
two laiis idktn to.MonrtH- rharged
«Hh breaking Into a cigar sUuv. havebeen relea«=ed.
Couri Burgess of port Huron, was
kot<can*d at ne:ir1> l»eing run over b>
a Rapid lullway car that he has lost
turmy poind, in wHgiit In uh many
.Mayor EHia of (kan.l Uapldn has ve
tm-i! tin* garbage c(»ntiaet on ih«grtiund that the elty has no tight to
conn act for mon* than throe
Paul BifdHcr and AHmm*! Spinde.
Jackhon bo>s. aged 10. wero strurk by
an auto driven by Charles Ik* Water,
a ti-sti-r. i<n l seriously Injured. Both
^lisfactidn guaiMlMd
or no charge.
Norlhem Mfchigm"
IK ROSE lEiF BOPFER jl’rafispoilafion Company
Ownr-ra r»f fw- Uuahr* .rf grrntly
ja»i at thU iw^nnn •( th#
5#ar b% nndlng on ihr- loorrr sU#* of
Irnv*., m
a fv>
ariat numb«-r of amall
thnt rorr, srr gr..wn
Jwfie 12th to tepL 25th. te
StEiRir WIrools-
juv«i ..f ihr p;*M.'thu*"g{vint'
H- la a rapid
North Route.
Lv. Chicago ............... Tue*. I Wjp m.
South Route.
Ait. TravfTM? City. .Thur*. 4 ;(M> s m.
The adult r«.|u- h#p-M-r •hnarp aho»-a.
ta a litti*- Tnonr lUar- on«*-f-nth of an
Inrh bins, and U». ^ >*-l omla|.*whUn
»hltr. a^I-tranapnfwl
wine roynr* Hr l» pr..vid»Nt with t.mg
hind be., arul .-Mn mnk- irnmmdou*
lone h.-iv, ahrti dU?«rt#«d
..f. |bt- Injiirloua IlitJn
peat win nni nr.tv apnll i»>a at-roaranm
of Ih. ffdJas« ro*n
Imt wit!
•o drain It aa tn mairrlatti rt-.1isr<- thr
numbor and ,lx.. of t*»r r..^, U will
rauar th«- idant Co dm-.,. . .iHv. and
fr-.m rt-a^hlng !t« full
I« to **-t aft-r fhia »jnwHrom.. !o-1r#-r
and ratrrmlnair Mm a«d bl. f-mtVi.
Th#v am murh a.i-W to Cr^lmv hafor*- lh*-r sr*- f»iMv d^r#ki^ th*r.
aflrrwarda. a.. Ir rn\w to art
'xoihlrr h-*- rtrr t--rn fonn.t ao ,f.
fMt!*.. tn >r?1tnc tM- l.-rmf.it 1r--^t
aa Thomn*o*
Ko«- N'knrrr. Tt»:a
rmt.n*-afl..n k .i-pnlv imfr nlrotlnfmtr.
mf-od and r*'il on ih*
rr,ark»“T for t»*«- »•••♦••■*»» of Cowrr 'to. •
era with f.d! d<m-!«..na fir
r*trrm1rnlt-.g i.l! -k!rda of ln«o< ia or
'VnI'aum In
Lv. Cblrsgo ..................Fri. 7:90 p m,
Arr Traverse etty^...Sun. 6:00a m.
Lv. Traverse City............ Sun. $: a. m.
South Sound.
Arr. Traverse City........Sun 10:00p.m,
L\ Trsverre City........ Sun 12:0o Nt.
Arr. Cbii ago
.Tuc*. 6:30 a. m.
8ti anu r ll’Itii.U makt** rorniertlMii*
St Chkagn wirii train*- «*q ali rallrimd
lines lor iHilii** t ejond.
NVith Umn.i M. «tn.-rv make ronne-r.
lions Ht k!.Mhii»ar Mind with all
aU^iiisUip biiiv a **aiiH f«* fur piii«to
•HI l.aki S iiH Mor. lail-e Hiin»n. lJ«ke
»k*. G.^.rslan bay. Ijikc Ontario aud
and tn- -e m «r
and *t.lo|«-a »f rinnnl
mark or harm ih** m—t dHInt-* flow-
lnft>rmaU«*n regarding Conner,
and lake I tips cheerfully givoa
aj.plirailon to '
to TWwTnv
aa-nf i<not rral'.ab»
I. c. Buinis, teit.
an 1 \v-rmln “
vnuf ^'’irel't oiTy
Pere Marquette
J J. WebMi r and Harry gllea of
Chicago narrowly earaped death whlUboating on Lake Mona at Muskegon.
The bi»ai wps* i and they were under U
touran Jn»aSl.|MI
gorrklflasa Oa»nili.TnM».amwd
The African MethodlKia. the Inde
jx ndetn Congregational, the F1t>l M.
E and the Cbrivtlan Scleniisis banuniiid to bii;id a ehureh at Batik
t'reek tn
u^cd Jointly.
\V. F. Phllllph Iff Armada, brakeman
«in the Grand Trunk, kicked away n
block nf woo^l from under a moving
ear. and the whetds passed over his
foot, rotting off hts toes.
t;«-org*- Ka^ki. the Saginaw y^tli
who was arte*-ted on a jf‘harge of hav
Ar. rartWagM .. .ll.lop Bs
...... lAVam
ing puhbrd .Virharl Slminfkl. ag***! 11.
Ar ('InrtPBUI......SUaia
......... XU mm
ln«o the water and eansed his death,
has iK-en liberated, the .jury returning
a verdict of aceldentaf death.
The remainr. of a young Indian wat
rior wero unearthed by sewer diggers
on the rxoft bank of Flat river at Low
ell. Tin- leg and ami liones and skoll
not wtUOed wHh nOThi.
were Intact, and (be hair and teeth yoa
we re well preserve<i An in*n tf»ma
hawk with trarch of the wooden ban
For S#«
OMfntootf Ooly W
die in the sorket and two copiK*r ke»JOHNSON DRUQ CO.
tles conufning well preserved melon
Btvds and' what lhad been corn and
bcana. were found with the l»ones.
. The copper country is faring a sr JA IWItROE • GEO. W. BeWETHT
rious la»>or famine, From every quar
tor where iingkllled labor Is used
comes the complaint that men are
scarce and in great demand. As an
iDsUnce. the Copper Range railroad
baa Increased the wages of *aectloQ
hands by 15 cents per day. but thU U
Insufficient to ho:d tuom. Reports
mines are that the sorfaccbosses
are having hard titr.t s gctllag enough
•«YOU.' MONgy u
Sweet Peas
and nil other tiiK-rat on* requlrtag^
rong men with' pick and ebovel arc'
smperefi In the same mihnar.
By a slip of the pen by which be adresaed a letter “St. Joseph, Mlch.“
instead of “8L Jo.-eph, Mo.,“ George
Grober, a prosperous merrham In
sotithern California, found hit longlost alster at 8t Joseph. l,«arlnibcr
home Id southern indtona atoe years
ago ihe.^1 went to Chicago to take a
position in an office there. From toat
city she went to Sl Joseph, Mo, and
there all trace was lost^ of her.
Through a friend of Jbe family Gru
ber a month ago heard his aUter was
In that city, and wrote a Irtter to her.
A sup of fV*n caasefi him to mddreaa
the letter St. Joeepb, Mleh. Miag Grn
her was ependlBg Um aumaror ibcix
rerHved her brbUicF* lettw, and Im
mcMlUiiclj na!iweroa. hiul Thuir4ay
iber writ* rcanlicfi.
JD several good colon. : Chtaney Sweeping. Clean-
iit( and General Work
Good and Prompt Service.
Homer Snydo,
Tohn R Soiiito
IDE m WOtf Gefictil faMMMCe
Either Ice or Wood
will be delivei«d
promptly if ordered
RCW wawaws.
Wwersi Oiy
Juflits C. Nipkiiis Tin fmtrmKi
L. L. A. BUIkCtNd
:V: :
L ' ^
^ •rl#^ »fc««it.
tJf tti 9^tmtm\nM
to tb*
«r »tai «1H> #v»r tfl
-HI. B. Ktov. te tW Oiltttoi B9eot4>
Alto lifM. Uto loT*. svalUM
tnuiM oar:
0»M fM* vlMofr to tbtor brtcbt
■ .
; 'f/ j .
m i VOOld tooa It fiMitoh tito iMOlr
MtoU, totooptolL WItoailtodaa qoan to ImckMbcrrtea with cold wamtvm ototo la oa It aboold tara m
totovi toatotoaat oa a I
I tendqr. with
tb# frtot. aa U
atom la too* Md a ptor
we from tb#
Heal ptOoooplir of Ute. jotood to toMol
a Bn# al#vc.
and davomd with a few dropa to nm#
Webk 4aya and boly days aa ap
oitvnet Prepare the Jnnkei by
fql.MmikIta amt la a boart aad atir
A cocAMl lavltatloa to aU tboaa aor^
lag a toot to mnk IO on# hniMred do- to ip^aally. using a allver fork,
grwea. And adding In the order men tabtoapooafuU to tolve oU and cm#
cablespoonral to best cider vtaog
five dfopn of nlmood invortng mod odb
Cbnrcb to th# ImmacaMte COao#pJnnkat tablH; poor Immediately Into
aberbH glaoaca. BlTlng them baW fnU.
riy Uklng tbe place to Low asasa. •; high maaa. lo.-lfi; ves
and »H directly on the Im; when atopers
aad beaedlcUoii, 7:S0 p. m.
BHently Brm. fiU np th# remalbdm to
on which in olden days Uie reiwtathm
Bt. Fraacia Cburcb—Comer Tenth
the glaaa with tb# chmry cmam, deco
to a booaewlfe largely depended, but aad Cam atreou. 8dada^-U>w mam#
rating coch portion with glace dherwhich never! beiess cost far
tronble than'they were worth.
at 10:30 a
venpets and beaedic
Cherry Parfali-Bent the whjtea to
Jami ax# mad# with lem aagar than Hon at 7;30 p. m. Week, daya—Ser
four egga with two Ubleapoona
vices at 7:30 Am.
dered augar; aH tb# dlab over hot
as weU as more fruity In flavor.
Aabary M. K. Cbamii.
If you possess a good. cool, dry
Bov. Hi«k Soanndf Paaior.
tog place, there U no reason why you
Claaa'monUBg. f:U p. aa
two Ubleapoons of bon^. When tbot' abould not make larger quantities at
Homing aervice. 10:30 am.
oughly cold, turn Into the fre^-xer to- a Ussn. as U will keep fur vears. and
Sunday acbool at 17 m.
BpiKwth league. C:30 p. m
gHher with half a pint *to whipped so not have tu make every kind nach
Kventog service at 7:30 p. m.
cream and freeze to the conslsienry to year.
wot Ua awB gtoWlBf acdatloa of thi to frail Juice and atlrrlng nnUl tb#
augar la caUraly dlaaolved. Turn Into
ton Qd ttr idttoHag ttom tbo «a tbo frmor. aad when half froam
ptotoM to tobaca mod giTtoc of Iti poor In a laig# cupful to merlngo#
ow«. aorb a Uttia Ugbl la tha worU Bavorad with a Kttle lime juice; free*#
aad all oaitlag to mako «p Urn graai bard: Una a cbHtod omamenul mold
aboM two tnebaa In depth with the
.JM tbir Witt btttob ftotttoB i
k by wbkh Ood
hocklcb^ gMc# and fin the center
with atJtly beaien «reHen#d cream, mush, then add a heaping cup to
First—See that tbe fruit Is dry,
. Wbf tomM tb# tolar to tatoormvb
gavored with mint, Adjuat the cover Bwenened cherry pulp: conitoue the
6econd-lt should be free from dust
aecurely aad bory In Ice and ruck aalt freezing until smuotli and firm, repack and not .over or under ripe
' iiMto tito ito«r« potiivar witii ii»
1* at Its beat I
tr tbara la oof fruit mor« tbaa aa
neat slices; these should be arranged early to the morning.
to>w>M rato?
oibar wbleb tb# Qraad Trararaa re Hp#n.
Huckleberry Rice Cupa-Boll in on dessert plates resting on'too# paper
ut tto ilM
Pouiih—Keep tbe fruit to a cool
Md tototoov.
tb# dallBloiia boeblabanlaa wbleb pur allghlly ^itod water for twenty min- dollies, each decorated with a sUr to place if a oannot be boiled at once.
Four oa totoy tU f«TJ toatoltato.
Fifth—Ther# I# no economy to pur
pk lu ptalba for woeka durtns tbi ntea a coprul to waahed rice, tbob add whipped cream aad a few #cariei cberchasing chesp sugar
aaauaar. Wa arr particularly fortanalt a aenat toat of Hpe bncklcberrlea. a Ties.
Mskt bith ||i lM«rUiM« ato .tov*
Cherry and Macaroon Tonat—Cut to spoil the flsvor. and by the quantliy
la tbai wa caa alwaya aaenra lb« cupful to granulated ahgar aad a dnatIng to grated nutmeg, contlnulog the halves, ntier removing the pHs and f scum*they throw up much jam U
bata tbam wltb all tba daHcacy ol cooking until the rice la tender. Re atems, a plto of oxheart cherries, rasted.
•Ctotottli «»
Sixth—A copper pressing pan is
Baror that baloaia io fruit which bat move from the fire and when almoat rprlnkle with powdered sugar and ar
Bat jor inu wHig n» war to «■
ailr in a ctipfiil to whipped cream range on oblongs of toasted whole the be.st 40 use; Tailing taal. a cas«
not boaa jarrod by loag railroad four
wheat tread; plan- the toast to a mod Iron f*usme1i-d Kiew|isn mill aio-«*-r
naya or wUtad by daya of travel. A1
6prs toor
erate o%«-u while preparing the UM-rln
tboagh buckleberrlaa are acarce ibli two tqhleapooofuU
Tltnied iiaiis lOionid he avoided.
year, owing to tb# aprlug froata. tbert meata. , Poor Into amall cupa or tim gue. Best to a htIff froth the whiten
bale molda and place direct ly on Hie of twfi «>ggs. adding two tahlespooa-i tlH*y ari- apt to spoil Hie color to Hie
will be a few on the market.
frult ami sugar,
The following redpea are from Tbr ice to chUI and harden. At nervliag
time turn out in amall aherbet glaaaea. grated nutmeg, a benpiug tableapoon
Sevcaih-lf !wo;klnds of fruit ar^*
naatogaer and from other aourcea:
llaeklabemr Drlnk~To on#, quart pouring over each a cold fruit aauce. of macaroon rrumhs and a III He lem mixed Ingelher. piH the hardest klud
«MTt wto toft M ov Ufa My
on juice. Tiess through a pastry Img ill first.
of berriea put In a cup of ati ared rbti
b0tb, cut rmibor Bn^ aad um* a nip ol
A ^lly ChapterWa may mat# It atlU torkrr hy
augar to a quart of berrira. H make^
Table Talk cornea to the reacue of a cone, and return to the oven, Xfi rises, aud sili g.-mlv tul ihonmghly
a dellrioita drlak by atraining out th« dUtreaacd JeUy makera with the fol brown Kilghtly; airange uo an orna now and then.
•fUt alMrtofuby folly mto ftor.
Kliiih-Tl e Hme of boUtog depends
beniea aad ualng cold water, about lowing Hear deacriptiou to way.i and. mental chop platter and serve wlU(
Half mtr troabka arr^ltol^-tMULiBcherry syrup thk-kened with arrow un the quantity. Ji should boil fast
baJf and half. Try ibla.
as .slow cookiug wlU rpoll the color to
Huckleberry >uddlngr-One cup ol
Abd torn aflao from Lkaalaga
Cherry Pudding-Crumble sufflctonl the Xnill. Boil ail kinds till. If
aupar craaomd with batter aUe of an
egg; add one egg well beaten, -how- and -why" In jeUy making, the stale cake to All a br«*akfast cup spocmful Is pul ««n s cold plate. It j
[ la Ilia wlM
Hat# «#
and oa# cop of milk; ib#n two IntermU and Importance to the aulh (sponge or plain loaf cake are beytF. Ik^s when cold.
Tenth—To most fral!:^. and lo all
In which baa been ject would aeem to allow a reminder turn Into a mixing bowl and add one
well beatm egg, three tableapoon* ot arid kinds, '.iltua t-qual quantIllt-s to
allied two even tcMpoonfala cream each year.
sugar, a lablesrKion of nn-lteMl butler, fruli and surai.
tarto. Dlaaolve one
• The voung matron b searching for half a rnp of ikb milk .ind sufficient
Elr-venlh-S4Hm- people pjt fruit
fut aoda In a little but water
belpH.~aa thia may be her first trial, flour .siftcl With a
of liaklug jmU Hugar to the k« tt,le together
and the older luMtaeke«>per may hare IKJwder t.» form a silft cake luiUer.
U is saf.-r i4* put the fruit In
been dlaappulntcd last fu'mmm and Arrange to the Imtloui of an earthen
bring It III a lioll. and then add
t»ake about an hour In a moderate
Mra. Belle M. fVrry. wboae t
wants to know why her jelly -did ned wan- pudiliug dish to abotit the Uepili
Bugar. exrrpi when you wUh to keep
CiMwr department In the Charlotte oven, ualng a dripping pan to bake jell." and what she shall do to make
of three Inches, a layer of pitted chf-r the fruit wind.-, .is in aprioo: or rhn
THbttae bringa weekly Indplratloo to In W'ben done cut in mjuare# and It congc-aJ. and why her^i-m.-s iM^ctJiue
ries sprinkled with a scant cup of harh. when Hie r.ugar sliouM first Ik*
buadreda of home*, apetka helpfully
mouldir. elreiera..^
brown sugar;, carefully pour on this
)lh-d. and IlM-n ll;*- fruit pu
Yankee Huckleberry Bread—Tbla U
of the IHtle emergencieii of dally life
Pectin la the ba.sls c# vegetable jel the pudidng mixture. Place In a mc»d
n is said that If Ihe fniU I
excellent for a warm hmebeon bread.
and imke ala.ut ie|ot>- heiim added to Hie «ugar. Hie
Bake It In a aballow tin. and break oB lies; It gives to the julw* of fruit thej.-rarely quirk
**Tb# great emergaweiea come
B’hen the thirty mlnuiHs
f- In the ptiddluv jam wll! never jeraient. even ihoug
the plecea rather than cut it. Beat pruperly of gelatinizing
ly: tbd leaner oaea often, and
dish, with hard sauce flavored with a I th«i fniil was overrlfM- or damp.
one 4^ and one-half rupfiil of augar fnilt Is •ver-rli*#. nr whenever t
rtaUy Ito tbey come to the b
nit ud evtiacl.
Often, however rarefiilly the jam l>
logHher. add Ibree-fourtha of a cup juire Is rooked too long. It seems
keeper. But everyday trlaU are to
ade. If the fniii wa.s alighH)
ful «if aweet milk, nail and two cup lose Hs gelatlniring property.
people what the elementa In nature. In
We often aee thla when we attempt
|M* and pm on toiioii with the
fuU i>f Bour airtcd with two leaaiMxm
tbeir rougher mooda. are to vegHa
II will fernont.
fuls of baking powder; add laat one to make jelly from over ripe fruit
gif# otrength and Bbre
substance will liect»me thick and
cupful of floured beniea,
a good plant to alight
. lim Iblnga Ibat hurt are often the
fresh ones. If Hu* canned are used It ly butter Hie l*otlom to your kef He
gleamed Huckleberry Pudding—Two gummy with long cooking, but will
Ulaga that bHp. If a thiag can to
win require one qillrt. For the fresh Should there Ik- any thin plare to it
helped, Bgor# out a way to help It
The fruit for jellies should be just use two quartij. Ad dio the cherries this will prevent Ihe Jam from slick
If It cmnnoi. hear It pblloaophlcally.
the juice and thin yellow rind to four
g and getting burnt
aoda In .ji. one taoapoonful aalt. alx ripe or a little under rl|y. freshly
•*Tb# baMt to looking on ibe bright
oranges and four (Knimls of sugar and
C4ipa «»f Hour even full, one quarjl to picked andhto gotvl quality.
Thirleenih—If your fire is fierce or
•Ide to tblnga belpa out in the every
cook together until thick and tender;
The small, julry is rrlw. suet as cur
dat emerMcy. Often It U our niiljuM Infon* removing from the Are your dcettle thin, it is well to place
rolled In two cupa of the meaaured ranis, blackberries.- raapberrles, etc.,
kettle on a t
lude to mind that makea a thing a
add om-half pound English walnut
Boor. 8uam two and onebalf houra. can be heated slowly In a preserving
Jam easily hums.
blfMlag or a burden. Fhr InaK
meats. This la delicious'and ao rich
niHHU*d. ,
riwen Hurkletorry Shrub—Heat kettle, and mashed well with a wat»den that a IltUe goes a long way.
moat people think money and lelaura
paddle. First look over the fruit careFouHt-enlh—Pour the jaqi Into
two of the moat dealrable thlnga la alowlv two qoati. of huckleU-rrlea
Cherries need prompt attention, aa
fully, remove all leaves or Injured
the world They are the toat thlnga (Without m ater I. aqueere ihe fruit
they are very pf-rlsbable. Sour cher clran. dry jars, and rover when eohl.
ihfOttgb a rhi-eiieclutb bag. adding a fruit. Strain the Julc# Into ck-an jelly ries are chi^sen for canning for winFlfleenlh—Kf*ep la a cool,
♦ and the worat tblnga. 0|re a y
poraoa bto time and plenty of mooey thinly alln-d cucumber, a amall cup bags, which are best made of cheese- ler’s use. To each jiound of fruit a I place.
Mid If be amotmu to anything It will ful of pimdf-rtM niigar and a teaapoon- cloth that has been w»-U boiled and low ont-ihird of n pound of augar. Pm
The following table will give
he hecauae he haa enough auriduR to
the sugar to the kettle with a half pint some Idea w hen the most ordinary
patiT# atrength to riae above the water: cover ckwely. allowtng it to re the bag thrw cornered, to let all the of water Iq three pounds of "sugar jams are best made, also the qua
main until almoat cold, then aklm out drip fall from one end. Always drip r»lr It until It Is dissolved; when lioll Hly of water and sugar. Bui bear to
tcmpfatlotta to aelfiab Idleneaa.
the cucumber and any hwhI*. turning the juice, never squeeze the fruit tog. add ihe cherries and cook three mind no hard and fast rules ran l>e
*^lve a child everything It wi
nt once Into rbllled freerer. Turn the NMtcn a«?h fruit . as apples, pears minutes, then seal carefully.
given, as so much depends on the con
and It will appreciate nothing.
crank for about five mlnuieo aad then peuchM. etc., are used, wash then
Preserved cht-rrie*.—Both soar and dIHon of ihp fnirl.
' moat loam value by doing thl
•tir in a cupful of imcK cream beaten ■od theu cut them Into small pieces, swe4-t cherries ar«- good for Ihe rich
If It seems overripe or moist, you
earwlbg thlnga. Alao. to to employed
wU hthree ubleapuunfuU of augar and barely cover with water ■ and cook preserves, maile with or wliboiit wine, may have lo leave out all or a part to
to coagealal work la to b# happy. If
the whipped white to one egg Whei leotly unin the fruit kicks M»ft and to IH* used particularly aa an noevs- Ihe water, or. If ven aour. then add
one U not happy in hla work aomt^
fmaen auticlently. repack In a melon dear: It will take an hour, at least. nory to Ice cream and to be mixed to more sugar am
Iking ia out to joint. Maybe k« li not
mold, and at aervlng time unmold on Tor this procM
Do not break these targe peaU U too lai# to make oome to thew
doing kto work well. William MorHa
a layer to apooge cake renting oa a
AHer ibe Juice to alralned. measure feet cherries to remove Ihe stooea. jama this year, but the directions
egprtaaed an Hemal truth In tb#
round cryatal platter, and gamUhed rarefully; then allow three fourths of Make a rich syrup to a pound of sugar be found useful
woi^ ‘Life wUbottt Indoairy to guilt;
with aprlga of frenh cryatalllzed mint. X pound of sugar for exirh pint to to a pound of fruit, add the whole PhUadelphla Ledge
IndnMry wlibont benuty to bniiaUty.Cuban HocklepcTTy Puddlng-Crum- lulce. Br^ tb# |olc# to the boiling
• Mra. partodd waa obliged to b# her 1.1# togHber half a pound to maca- 9oini nod count twenty minutes of frail, cook carefully lo avoid breaking
the skin.
own boitoemaid in her early paanied roona with two allcea to atale cake.
Eontl# boUlug; be careful to skim
in Canning Tima,
dierries are put up very easily,
. daya. Bbe waa pbUowphlml and rea- apHakI# wltb two iablcapoonfula of ming Lk tb# augar be beating during
We make little cenmiooy of cannonad. ^f I tonat make my own btend gratNl cocoanot; tons the Ingredlenu the boUtog to tb# Juice by spreadinfe aner stoning sour one*, by soaking
ntng berries of any sort at our hovae.
I nm going to mnkc boaatlful brand.* Ughlly with a allvcr fork untU thor on platttvm aad aHtlug in a warm them to enough vinegar to cover the
fruit Next day. drain off the v,toegar says a honsekeeper. The main thing
And ok# aoecemlad not nnly la making oughly blended, and then pour over a
oven; at tbe ond of. twenty mtonte,'
for another qoan- Is to bavelhem In good coodlHon; so
be^nl bittol but la bHng very cupful to boiling hot cream, rveetened
boiling add tbeongar quickly, itir «n npy of cherries, or to be ladled nm! we pick them as ihe> ripen, put them
happy la doing It. Work waa tWhv with loaf sngar aad flavored with a til It
Into jars, pour boiling s>Tup of sugar
lifted out to dmdiery Into on art aim- few drop# to lemon Juke. Stir iinitl and tbeo poor at once Into heated
and water over them, seal and set the
ply by tb# nitHnde to mind to the on# cold aad amooih and then fob) In the glasses. LH tb# aansblne finish tbe lowing several sjKionfols to a glass to
Iced watnr. The drained cherries gire Jars to a boiler of hot water, letUng
Who did It.
ttlVIy beaten whites to two egga. But nrork, reqnlHng from one boor to
them stand IBI cool. Tighten th**
- rSo we one that hork bringa appee- ter a pudding mold and fill with al twenty-four to lime. Cover tbe gtoss- pul In a jar. allowing two Inches to
tops to tbe jars, if nec#aaary. and set
elnildb to tba ymnita to work, and that ternate layers of fresh bnrrlea and the es wltb An# aettlng vrbfl# atandtog cherries, then one Inch of sugar, natll them to a cool, dark place.
Jars are filled. Screw on tbe tops,
ing baiter, steaming for about an
Five or sHx large Hean marbles
and set away to ripen for two mootbs.
to oUmv tblnga Ibat cootHbot# to Joy. hoar and n half. Tom out on a hoc
xrltboat cooking They ar# anperfine dropped Into the kettle wbere^rralt la
,Tb# w«oMky Id^y baa tb# mooey to
pMnsant vAritoy. AYwajrn add to cor- for pies or fancy desserts.
cooking wrfr prevent bumiag on tbe
tim moat etobcwnl# bonqnot. But
Mat Jole# oomtolrd part to roA raspbottpm. to tbe krttle. The marbles
nn ibhmooeyUiibe wofldoanaoi buy
Huckleberry Tea Cake#—Ua# for berty Jnk#. WOd plam Jnko givea
Chany and Wabwt talad.
are kepi to BBtolon by the boUtog.
an appHlie. Work alone wW do that. ibU OM toat to Habbered ^r cream. Mdor noi/mpravra tbe tavor to ctmbSHect W this dish the large' ox ThU U rnrih trying with jam and
To bo able to enlQg a emat amy be the Into which to otiiTed a teonpootoul of oplde jelly. Uaderwrtpe grapes to the heart cben^; tbe efect vrill be prH- catsup.
ig aoda. adding haL* a iraapooofnl bine variety will make JeUy of a color tier If the red and white cherries are
Heat the robbers before potting
to aalt. two tabtoapopofnls to mo like claret wine and to moat deiknte mingled. Remove tbe stones by cut- (hem .on ytmr jars to preserve# K yon
know vhpi to #. wait* Many a petflavor,
ttog a silt to one side and pressing out want to avoid any danger to their glrplcilng problem wfll aamebow tomelYblle mHied pnmflla# li coauaooly tbe pU carefully no as not to bmMe Uig tbe kwnnu aa Ohjastkmabl# fiajUtof.Mr night Of VB Bitan knriy
I augar and a larg# cupful of gra- used to cover jaOy.
tb# al^ A tutor pat pkk wfll W
LM te tePMMhte*! Thm M rn«
poond to awr la taaMhM to A gtal
to waior tor iCfcomi mlooloA tboa ailr
In th# coooaMt and boil t#a mil
Irtogf; looBOV# from tb# Br#/ aad
wkB# jMII warm add half a pM
fi#w diopa to Mm
Jole# aad yollia to twp egga. Turn
tb# mtttor# laio aman crimpod patty
paaa thol baao baga llaod wtu Hcb
opifSTto^^ t|^., Tto tltog to to pi# Croat aad bake bkoot ton ada
MS to to tod IM
A oonHal wtoooma to tbea# #«rvleoa
Quiet hoar, f :30 a m.
intermediate Endeavor. fi:4A.
Senior Endeavor. 6:00.
Eenlng cvangellsHc session. 7:30.
Pnnteooatal praver meeitog Thnr*
day evening at 7:30.
Junior Endnavor aStnrdaya. 2:30.
Dorcas Aid society meets every seeond and fourth Wudnesday to each
month at 1:80.
The C. W. D. M. ailxflary hold their
men togs the first Wednesday to each
mcMith at 7:30. •
-Welcome to worship with ns ar#
strangora. workluguien and the poof
rir.1 M. E. Chortoi.
Rev. Thos. Cox. Pastor
Class meet Jog. 0:30 a. m.
Morning servlre. 10:30 a m.
Sunday #chuol at wioo
Kpworth league. C;ir. p m*
Kvr-utug rr-rvlr*-. 7:30 p. m.
Junior league Thursday at 4:00 p. ^
Prayer meeitog Thursday eventog a«
W. T. Woodhousa. Pnator.
Morning. 10:30.
Sunday school. I2:tfi.
Bsraca. IllhU- clans.
m ii N.
D, Y. P. U.. C:1
Kventog. 7:30.
at 7:31
nr# cordially tovlt#d ti> th# #er
' Evangelical Church.
Cor. Ninth and B^ad-worth itr##ta
Rev. It. N. Ilotsaple, Paator.
I0:(Ki a. 4n.. murutog class meat lag
10:30 a m., morning worship, anr
’ 12 00. Soaday acbooL
3:311 p. m,. Junior Y, P. A.
€:30 p. m.. Senior Y. P. Ago:4IH-l service.
Chorus choir meets for reMraal
Thurwlay at 4:00 p.
I m. la th# church
Mid wee.k prayer meeting Tbnraday
All uf all
Friends Church.
(Jorner Oak and Fifth alreeU.
Edgar L. Itequa. pasUjr.
. Jiinlor./:.K..Sp. m.
Senior LVE.. C:15 p. m.
(JO.P4-I rncHing. 7:30 p. m.
Teachers* meeting. 7 p.
Prayer meeting, 7:20 p. m.. Tbura
wwiman muj ov
rbart«uth sirrei II. E. CbMth.—
I««e iMwt. S:3» «. m.; comniaDlaa.
«h ITwicWiij: 1,/ R«. Hath
Mm. L. B.' t'»rprni« will
pn«rli *1 7:S» p. m.
Tl.. Rov W. A. T»yJor will prwkdl
•t III. AfUmy church tumomiw Boni.
Qiurtcriy acvwtortii «Dc«lsat:Rap>
dV. Ih S" »■ m. •! Ibe Kriwul* chuiA.~Sunday reho.d at noon. AJ 3 p. m. address by C. B. Taylor, the lemperanre
leriun-r: At 7:30. qoarierly. evaagelUHc meeting Mrs. Barr wUI conduci the meeting. She U one to our
lK*st evahgeiuu and lias converted
hundrc-ilK during the pa.st year. 8he
I* acc*.mi»snied bv » fmlDed atoger.
Miss U-on* Bogue.
At Hu- Flrst^ Methodist rliurrh Sun-'
day the morning service will begltV
with a lore feast at #:4ri. followed
with the puhtic m*rvlce. Subject of.
the iu‘rtmin. "Enoch, a fTtararter
StOdy." An.v p4-rr.on having churrU
lf-u»Tic will 1m* rt*celved at this aer
tlrv. Thl- Sunday ncht»ol at noon. LH
all Hu- M-luilani >m- to aiu-ndaiiee. Tbe
watm v..‘sih*i should not toterf#re
with out spirit ol loyalty to our schiKvl.
At C:I3 the Kpworth U-.«igue We want
to .make tills a great and joyous ner
vlce At 7:30 the R.-v. W. A. Taylor,
a nole«l temperance speaker, known
till over the elate sill deliver an ail
dri-is. Let u- n.u mi >i Hiiti «q»porfinlty. (In Monday ew-nlng the qwrI.Tl> t^onfii.iitr sin he held at S
iM hvk III Iheeiiurrh
t;i3ce Chun b- Dim ing Hie remala
der ol Hie sumnu-r the Sunday eventoq
rerlvre mill »«* dbctinttoued. The serMrt-ti tacli Sunday l.Hiig ||idy Communlon at 7 3u a. n>. and morning s<*rvlre dnd M-rmon at in .-u. Rundar
•sb;K.i m l-:00
ing a iiu-etlng of nu u Inierestefi in tb#
forniali .11 of a rltapler'i.I the Broker
Imod of St. Andn-w will b#* held tt
Ihe ier‘4 i‘s resldenn? ttl 7:30.
Aiii'nd the quiet hour at !i:3n at
Chuich of Chil.-u. Morning wuf^hjp.
10 3I»; M*rmo:» text. V-ShuII We C^Hn*
•u in Sin’- It,ing vo'ur Illhk-. Evening
«\a,meUN!ir Hi*ssi(,i,.
MiI.J.Hi. -The Way of Success an 1
llappliie,.-..- Hperlal music at IkuIi.
On W.ttoesdav alfemoon.
at 3 o-rhs k there will bt* u
Ho^isl kallM-ring of the member* of the
hi glnners. r»rimary and cradle ndl do
|iaHmenl.s- of ,he Sunday achoor wifh
the mother and teachers. Short prazram. ref,eriime,,i.<, plcamnt time.
Kvi rv miuheu Is i
1 lo be. pr#i#
•ni mlHi her clilldrin.
r .-nipilotiH. Wires, pimpiess. kldand iUer troubles, constipation.
Indigestion, nw, llolUster-., R*K*y
Mountain Tea. Carries new' life to
i vi-ry Iiari of the |i>,iy. Tea or TabA special Invitation to traveling man hds. 33 ci nlM. Johniuto Drug Co.
and those who have never attended
Quaker chhrch. ____
niEE GAS Klove connections. Free
pipe Irom the Ktr*-4-i in until Aug. ILH,.Congragatlooal.
traverse Tbty Oas Co.
Rev. Demas CochllA pastor.
Church phone No. IIM.
Our church Is a home tor worshU
FISHING TACKI^. bait, lanncbM
Id service. If you have no church and row boats for fishermen. Hot#l
home In Traverse City, yon are earn
Jun# 44f
esHy invited to come, get acquainted WiBUirla. Foifcb.
and worship with us. A
all. Introduce your friends
Greet the strangers. If a stranger, wait
Special services anoonneod to tb*
church brevities.
Regular servIcHi as follows:
12 m.. Sunday schooi If prevented
tlendlng. jNn tb# bom# department
6:45 p. m . YouLg P-onle-s Socletj
to Christian
Endeavor to the parioni.
7:30 p, m., evening worship. Gospel
meHlng and evangelistic servla
Choir under dlrnnion of Dr. Smith.
Tharsday. 7:30 p. m., prayer an
mferenc# moeUng.
Friday. 7:00 p. m.. Mayflower club.
nr. and Mrs.
Ibe DistiBtolsbed
Character Artists
“Yoiir Neighbor’s Wife”
Momlag oervlce. 10:30 a m.
Bibl# acbnol at nooo.
30 p.
Prayer merttog Tbarwlay nvooloi
t^SO. S
Hoa to an tbe earvlem
0:45 Am.
City Opera House
Admission 1 to 15 ceoti* - *
R«»ervp.ii seatylO cent*>^-
tra it the City NewsStSfid. ^
Stream i
Fmff .BMiwB M E
OWclite Ar. W.11
Of* *
DHrolt. Uir Jl —««
tM w If«i4«r »«rt tlie IKlndMr tur*
M MH-fAlftf win
«■ TmmUt.
M« dM!r» wHI te foor day. «f r»ri»«.
TkU mdsskMi vaa \arrtir«^ «t^*:
«Y«»laiK Ilf BmenUMn Haarabaa. Four
of tbr flfim eiawa an> fited.
fl;a J:tO ifol tif^aa fb« oaly oo«> aby.
aar Mr. |iaaml«ai. ibcmaht It
U> caodMar Uir »r«iiac thaa to har<*
oaa day w|tli oaly tvo raraa.
l<bi% arraagaianii paU four rar«i oa
iba card for tba Am day, July ti, aad
at Many cni Tlmnday, vhtlo tW
wUI ba ibrca aacb oa Wadaraday aad
Friday. It vlll maka batter radnK
aad will fire ibr people more to look
at. Uadar tbe new arraaftnaem tbe
avaata will be bald oa there day*:
FlrKt day, Taaaday. Joly *4-J:24
, trot, 2:14 pace, f :W pare. 2:0S tr.»i.
Baeoad day, Wadaeaday. July 2S2:17 pace, 2:24 pao*. 2:« pare
Third day. Tbnmday. Ji^ly 2C-2 12
pace. 2:17 trot. free^or-aJ) pace. 2:12
PI Hwroa. Jaly ll.-A daaa aano^
^ai^«f Mike Ward aaaowafw that
the ciayer Bamia boxer haa ptdt tbe
nag. lh^_|e-piiarTi Torooio. Can
ada. from which dty he wrHe* of his
deiermlaatlae aad that he has a pood
km. Ward hroke tralatop amrat
ha ar> aad hU broCbcr, Aady. hla
iper. had to caU off aepoUaikms
for a woatera boot.
rke. Idaho. July 21—Johnny
npma defeated -Kid** Parker In
ooaAa here. Tbe cooieai while K
lamed waa a bloody affair. Parker aras
ovtciaaaed aad hi* aaeoada to prerem
a kaocicoof threw up the aponpe.
FV>n Wayae. ind . Jaly 2l.-.4n a ten
rDand boxlnp match before the 8t. J<ie
Aiblellc dub FfMay nlpbl WllIU- Par
non of Indianapolis bad a rib fraclur«nl
al*ore tbe heart In tbe eipbth round.
-Kid** Wilson of Ralilmore was d^
dared tbe wIniKr.
John Makmey. the wen known borae^
an. known aa ‘*MQck Murphy,- died
•oonsomptlcm In Denver and hla re^
alna were Inierrod yesterday. He
aa 42 year* of ape and n realdunt of
Uuitlon. July 21.—Lianpibby. ridden
by Maher, the American jockey, sron
the BcHpae atakea at Randown park
yesterday. Beppo wa* aecond and
Wombwell wma third. Nine homea
PhlladelphU. July 2l.-8plke Role
m of Enplanil hurt hla abtmider.
Monday nlpht a flpht with Murphy will
oMpao«-U. Welch of Knpland U
(Wt Key* of Auatralla for twenty
round* at Dayum. O.. on July 27.
Buffhlo. K. T.. July 21—The dlmxx
Won tim Trot M Hami‘1 OM of rmtph ridlnp and fcnl tactics a:
Farl Brie, was reacned Thursday,
Fwrwo Yet Oahhia C. MIoff Mi
wlm tve-Jockey. were taj»red. There
From First Placo by Orhmr.
wad otmm rough, work tai the second
raee. bat do action waa taken by tbe
Bay City. Mich. July 21.—FaVortie* MdgteL Jockey* Folry and HHperwon
wcT^ puToo the shelf *rh«raday In wore ftaad for naing whips on each
the Michipaa clrewlt races, akd B<m other. In the sixth a field of twelve
Czar, a Toledo borse. to6k Um 2:14 boraea was sent away from the front
pace In the three last of six befOa. of the stand. At tbe quarter crowding
lUHy Foster. Uvorile and bearBy for posliioa rcaulied in four horse*
baeked. pd third money. aUhongh fiolap down Peiebt on Celebration. K.
drtretw were chanped by the Judge* Jackaon on George P. McNesr, A. Mar
In the fourth heal. Panay Blossom tin on Den.vle DInaroore amf J. L*h- on
carrying a pile of Indiana roomy, won Luffi Aintree were In the spill and all
the «r*l and third beaU and took aec- four boy* were hurt. Feichi and Jackund In the second In nose and nose urn were the most^rlously InjurtaL
ffntehe* with CoUlnpwood Rooker. the In the next race Romping Girl waa
Both horses were crowded Into the rail and fell. Ilodlin.
^ in each heat and her Jockey, wa* Injured, but not *ertourly.
-Wom’8 Painsi
' **1 was a total wreck.” writes Mrs. BeuUr
Rowley, of Champo^ Oregon, -from pains I had
suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I
would be uTJConscious for 12 hours at a stretch. 1
did not know that anything could stop the pabt
entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. I advise all
women sufferii« with painful pendds to use Car
dui and be relieved.”
It does this by regulatii^ the functions and
toning up aU the Internal female organs to health.
It is a pure, ^ific, reliable, female remedy, with
' a record of 70 years of
nDBAvnea .
success. It has bene
fited a million others.
Why not you? Try it.
OR. M. S. OREOORV.^U«cM pkoM
blork. Ri..Mcaci 911 Walaot 8L
A. 4. McPHMt. DnlM. ' ttaom M
wini«te, Moek. au. fheee Itt.
DR. F. J. MAC NCTT-I>ngaM l>M»'
Sold by Iveiy DraMiit In gi.00 Bottks.
MJ^WUbMm Mock. OUm
6co. Jl. yarvK
Wc have
^js’ Summer Waists
Coon the Bay
Steamer Columbia
Marion Island.
North port,
Northport Point.
S'*"'' “
Special Ficarsion notice
THAVEms errv lomc. h& m v.
OKN-riKT201 Treat Street
out on the ftretch. the Canadian clo*
inp gaps of ten lengths, iwnay wai
Palace hotel to the Place de la Con
all in tn the fifth beat and was di* Thinks He la Beal Man In 24 Hour cord. circling the oU‘U|,k and Irack.
lanced Neville. ColHogwood Rooker *
‘ . Kigga* car led HU the Place €f
tUc€ %tJOOO Worth—Driver Not
driver, was‘fined for Joriteylnp in the
la CVmcord wa* reached, when Judge
Allowed on* Track.
Siooi* ran hla marhln*, upon the sldtv
John, tbe horse-concerning whom,
and circltsl the olH-llsk at Its
there were rumors altt'r hi* straight probably accept alone and for a i
The p*>Hcv i>n duty at the place
Foonh day. Friday. July 27—2:20
win at Port Huron, took tbe 2:24 Irol bet o! fl.OOO. the challenge of G
made a mad dash -to atop guefa pro
pace. 2:10 trot. 2.14 pace. •
-with ease in atralphl beau. AltboupU Roper*, the long dl*4
ceeding*. but lh«v wore not swift
*^l1e the hroftram 1* one day 1m
there was no prolral on him. the from Racine; Wl*.. to drive ihe 24- enough and the two car* evaded them
Ihaa we cootemplated. H wtfl be the
Judge* held hi* moneT and will send honr ante rac<* which starts at 2:30 p
Rp.Nl up the aw.iue a^in with
beat race mertlna erer held oa thi*
it to 8**cr« tary Knight, of •fhe Amcr m. Fridny. W«bb. who has Jii*t ar- the policeman chasing after and wlldtrack.- raid Mi. Uaarahaa lam even
lean Troitinp asuortallon. who wttl rived from Indl.n-apoll*. where be
NiA withstanding
went to ae,* if hi* -Spare Eat. r*\wa* Judge Slone’s UlHe nuineuvcr. he wa.n
determine John * aniecedenu and
' -The eatrlea.are rery *atUfartory In
turn the money If* the horae la all all right, will probably be drawn Into outdlHtanced by Mr. Riggs, who won
the rarloa* ereat*. and 1 do ooi know
right. John te owntMi bv the Green the argument, making it a triangular by two yard*.
of oae which will not be a borne rare
vine *Uble*. South Carolina, and hU propntdtloo. Two men *teama from
A hoodoo PiH'm* tc rest npon Amer
from atart to aatsh. Our entrie* bap^
owner* made no ol»J«-cilon to the ac the Wt%ne. Queen. JackSiin and other ican aiiiomobillsts in France this year.
Summer Girdles, ^ood values
Ufa to be nearly all from the «tabl«a
Hon of the judge*, merely stating that shop* are also entered
[N-ly a party of Americans set*
nt 2ik* each.
which wlU make the campalicn throosh
FrerJohn wa* a pood horse a long way
out for an automobile rioe that U does
Ue praad circuit. *o there will
Loni; CorieU at 85c to 47c
buTg with the tn-ak Buirk arr* already not miM-t wi^h an acci.bnt ol siwuc
from home.
lot of rlaaa to the moe:lnj5. maklnK U
King Tolas, the /:»vorite. divided In the city. None of the conle*ian! kind. Ji:iU U-foie leaving for Tmti
tbe be»i we bare ever held. All we
will be allowcHi m ure the irqfk until
fourth money wlth'Federua'a Athol.
Mr. W. K. Vanoerbilt’K car
We aliQ have the popular
need now U pood weathc r.7>cd D.. n pre<*n pacer owned by the races. In arrordunr#* with
knocked tl«w|i a postman in the
Won. l^L
ArmormitleCorte^tfor sloul
. Tbe coiidWoirwf^thr track rU fa»t
strwis of l*ari*. liadly’Injuring him. '
.€45 McGeltlpan Bros., of Toletlo. owner* rule* ot the American Aulunwjbne
Grand Rapid* .....M
W .
p-ople. Thii is tbe ooe
' Improrlna abd men^mUiwW Win
The virilm wa.<; taken to the near.589 of Bon Czar, took the 2:20 pacT iii soriatlon ihiyv will be no oi>en
that NEVER bn*aksaown
BlDf to be the rule. Everybody wa*
t drug *tf>re and laier conveyed tn
..568 three straight. Boone. Ijehlnd Neil ling.
Whc IIag .. ........ .,4C
tbe snios. Special sizes
worklap ye«lerd*T, and *ome of the
home. The rneidenl wa.s purelv
.539 IhiH. and WelFb lM»hlnd Ih hble C.
rsiium ....
onlenx’ if desirtHl.
milea abow wpat may be ex(M«rirtl.
3cr|.l, nial and Mr. Vniid, i1)ilt did all
.454 pave a flagrant dl.*^plav i> holding In
Evaiiisvllle .
Ben Walker drove a pr«>eo thlnp In
oruld to «»•<• the man eoniforiable
South Bend .',.....34
.442 within fifty yard* of the wire, while
2:IS and Ed F. Oeera wear a mile with
br ioie leaxiug town
.419 fred D.. apparmiy did not rare to
Ardell la 2;0«W
ThU la the mare
n<dw(-en Rheims and Meir. the othi-r
.333 win. but had to. the Ihn^e being neck
Terre Haute ......20
which Mr. Oeera picked aroonp thr.^e
an automobile cuntaiiiing Mr and
in (lark and nusliom lij^^iit
• which be bad for the ChamlMW of
Special Cable ,i> the Evening Record
Mr*. LiRniau of New Y.^rk an,l Mi4?.
Pet sharply reprimanded. Idle Way. fa
. Won.
colors at IHc to 4Vc eacb.- *
Oommerce atake. and ahe- look* aa
vorite. did nut pel near tbe money.
Riwe. who was accompanying Ihetn.
(Cofiyrlght. l!»or,. by th,* Hearst New
.tboaph r.he wmild do all ripliL Jt I*
Ki>ocial values in other
.......... .48
Service.) .
aot Voynad hta expectation to nay that
ahe la a 2:05 pacer, and all of ihla win New York .,..,...48
Paris. July 21—The
celebrated brown out and badly shirk,n Mr.549
.. .45
N(‘W t;ors'4S arriving daily.
probbbly be needed when the atak«. la Chicago ....
Evan* man*ion In the Avenue du Bois lo.se sustain,N| Mime bad bnil .es and
paetd the aeoQiul day of the Ckve- Detndt ...; .......43
ir iM'inn torn down. It was iH-qm-aiheu wa* convey, ,rvlo Hie home of Ur. tVdCitizens pbonel25-S.
gt. Lou:* ... .....42
Und meetlnc.
lo the state by the famous American aneri at RheImK. where she i* being
Washlr.Klon ..5....30
Jenllsl. and served durmr. Ihr* Iasi ex nuise,!. but her injuries are not^nmC3 .
Ik.*ton ..... ......20
Inn as a t^sld.-nr,* Tur th*ddeieti dangc rotis.
flKUlMlII RCblHlule, it Uk
tkldeo. 231
Belgium, and lal, r for the shah
Willie FllxpernUl lnvenl**d a
Pet. engineer* of the reform
la. v.hlch rausi-d ih,- building io I*Chopin, the compr^Rer. whose nm.^ilc
.706 lei Y<»af* terriers at the larger west ;nown aa* the Palace of the Sover
Chicago ............ .62
new kWkoiit in hi* n'ot nt Wmt
s admire,! more Hum that 4d any n!
The Michigan eleven Ign*.
N. w York .
2t»with Cbarlc} Mullmll. Mulhall
the d,*ad mii“lclanR who have at *«m,;
.634 won't gel tt.Kwip,' at ancago this year
went down In'llie first wUh a
Recvmtly It was rejibrled that ex
Try a record want ad.
the balm ot vlrtorv canY b»* ap May Van Wyck Intended pimhaslng lime made their home in ..Paris, 1^
hardrlphttothejaw. Tlte lime.
Phlla.bdphla .....4f
-43 .. •
Cincinnati .
.435 plltHl to that'sore w hich war r.-uise.i the hntj'^, yhlrh wa« fm f ale, but n*- alKJUt to hav,* hi* mnnnment in He*
keeper tedd Fltrperald that the
by last Tiirkty day’s dT-b-at for an gotiations fell through .and the build Parc M«>nre.nu. The.work ls J,y H,,* fa
8t. l^mis .. ...... .^2
time of the battle war jtiai 23
.390 other year. Tlo‘r,‘ is one consoUiipn. ing ih now lM>ing d»*mollshod atid th, moiiR RfulptiM. Fronuni-MiMirle,'. and
Bn«klyn .. ......... .32
unveiled on .Inly ITlb
m..Hton ....
JJ37 however, and that I* that the Wolver marUh*. bronre and carve.l wtsKluork
**lndudlnp the coiintT* a*krd
inrs can get a chance at IN-nnsic.
wily Willie.
being #4)id un^lhe spot. The E
. Caiiille M,‘nih‘*. Frane, ’R gn at
With Tern McGovern and HamKINGSLEY WON AGAIN.
-Y«‘*.- repllud the lliuekei |>er
le also harlwred the Empress
|KH1. who Is also a ,li5Hn
Thaw cra/y the sptinlng world—lioth
-Just 23 aoc»nd« of real (lyht.
giiishcNl critic, playwright and niem
Defeated South Boardman byf a Scora phaws of It—has lor.t iw% promlnem
Inp- said Millie. *i’ve Invent,
her of the Academic, has Jaai receiv,-d
of 16 to a Yesterday.
ed the t;kkuu kiiockmil.a gold m,Hlal frt.m the Jury presiding
RptHHal to the Kvenhig Record.
Smuggling by aiitpmoldle ha*
over the culinary exhibition. M. M,*n
Klnvslcy. Mich . July 21—.The Kings
attempted on the P.elgi.nn frontier, bm
d,-K was rewankNt f,.r a n»-w way of Will leave Traverse City at
ley !»s*e ball team defeat,h1 the South
baa faiUnl through the clever. shiK>ting
S;40 a. m. for
ci»oking fish which h,* has inv,*iit.d
Boardman team here yestenlav by a
a French cuRtoms officer
Has tbs Ringy-Dum-Oums In His
H,- calls It ’Taru a la Mend«-s ”
Big Nina Rullngt Give Michigan Rot KTore of 1C to K. Klnpslev * batten
An automobile orjmlng from Belgium
Piece a«d la Fit for the
The famou.* p,* t Is a lirsi cla was U<«n and May hew pnd AblRiit and
ten Football Bchsdule—Only
rushed through the little frontier
Aldrich weivon diitJ for South Board
On* Big Game.
lage of Guimmisunt, disregarding Iht
mate friends lo |utnak,- of a ,1, liciou : |
r to stop from Uk? curioms nffi
South Norwalk. Conn.. July 20-^A
f,’ast. nvf'ry dish of whirli has Ihhui
Of the live pmmes in the
of M
*orfy looking Terry McGovern, with cial*. Two offieers pu.roet! the ma
fir,-pare,! by himself, from Hie roup toj
-reiurm** foollall achedule. the daten
chine on blcycb-*. and One of them
hlf; clothe* in tatters, hi* straw
comidicat»*d dessert*.
<of but two, that with Ca*e at
wltl^t a brim, and his minde In no huceet^le,! In puncturing the tires
ArlH>r. Oc(. C. and that of the bip i
shot* from his revolvir.
t«,. M«**.. aud was graduated from btfUer shajH- than his apiv-ar.
(Jivinc ix hours ^t Marion
A Hard Lot
with tbe''Itnlversiiy of Pennsylvania
i,l(?al pbtre to 8poa«l
Of troublea Io contend with
at Philadelphia. Nov. IT. nave l»et'
tore Ute oCrici*rs could reach it the oc
l*rv.few«>r Rliialdo I.othrai l>rkti.*, eling bag In his band.
tbe day, with pavilion and all
from a lonpiU liver nnd bl,K-kad,*d
elded. DWwi*4*n tiroes To*i * torrirn« on<^ of tbe
-I have had a vacation and now I'm cupauts had c^scapod. Its contraband el*, unless vou aw.iken them to th,1r conveniences.
* nuMU tu-liularly *ui n of How
will -plav- Ohio State at Columlroa t.m. at t.he
ie age of ni. llv^** V simple going back to the Stamford saniiari load consifiteU of 61.500 worth of
proper action with Dr. King’: N, u round trip.
and Illinois at Ann Arlwr.
life in a MUrtll attic room, aufrvundt^d nro and get palk-d together.” McGov hacco and' cigar*, which the official Ufe Pills; the plea^antesl and
Five boars and a half at Ne-aheffective cure for consttpall,in.
That Michigan p.d* the nroall . nd f.y bis UH»k*.
ern said to Ctmductor Arthur Morri eonflsceted together with the 24 h
prevent appendlcitl* and tone up the la wrintn Fare 25 ct-nte round
of the -reform- deal will, w ith the
jM*nal,ir Bev,t1tlge will md be aide son! on the trolbT to SUmford.
.*ruiamobile. valued at ll.20h.
system. 2r»c. at Jcdinson Itrug Co.'* trip.
to I nri*. to ib4iv,r the l*yHirlh
ceptiun of tho one bip eastern pa
Bugbeo Drug Co.'a
F. H. M Bads. r.
-Do vou know those loonie* down
Two boupi an^ tbree-tjuart**rs at
of Jn1.v omibui in fb:i1 elty. owing to
easily be ae*‘n bv a look at Chic
dmg atorca.
Omena. Fare iA) .vnU round trip
and Minnesota's achetiulea. Chicapa the i>r,w* ,,r work uu Lb meal lusiKX^ there before.” the t*x-champion
found the factory wh. ;ee »M,ralr. hav
Or an all day ride to Northport
pure inirdue Oct. 20 and Indtaiu
and Northport Point, without
WUbaiM H. Ww mr.u. ^of tlie New cUimed. his eye* roaming around. hK been aupplitfd to aqarchlatiT in dlffe
27: Mlnaefiola. Nov lO; Httnol*. Nos;
btavinjf tbe boat, for 50 cenU.
York tVatrwI rwilrruid boM* the rve every action betokening a mind that eni part* of Eiirope. The maker ia a
17. and Nebraaka Tbankfplvlnp day OPl thi* y«*ar for dir,>ctur*hl)ia ami aras far from sound.
Those wisbinj: can secure dinner
Am trian. who was a. rested at Zurich
MlnneaoU plays Amea .m home Oct. tru«teiwliUi*.
He ni^rrseut.* tbf Van
aljoaid the boat.
There wa* no one with hlin. and w hen fhe anarchl.sf quarter ibert
. 27: NebrasU al home Ni.v. 2. Carilidc dert.llt Interest* in ion lonwratiuns.
Uetoniiiii:, Wt
when axked how he landed in Booth raided.
^ ct home. Kov. 17. and Indiana at home
W. Ikwson. the new aenalor flOB Norwalk be coold give
Traverse City at 4.15 p. m.
. Tlie bomba, which are finely
Kansas, has J,»lned tbe rank* of tlkiae
Kov. 24. : .
struct ed. correspond In every detail
known a* the -Short Iveggem.with those reccoUy diKCoven‘d at An
lnriud«w all tbe aenatora whoee l»odI
cona in connection with the plot
are long and wboM* leg* are abort.
EXCURSION, Sunday. July 22.
For* many yesrw W. Redmond, one Steamer Illinois to Charlerolx. Prtcei against the king of Italy. Postcard*
from Alcona, bearing evidences of
of tbe leader* of tlie lri*h |
Stakes Essily—There Were
key. Harobr Springs and return fl
Monday, Wednesday Friday abd
the -baby- of ibe bouse of
cipher code were a!*o round In poaEight Starters,
He was only 22 yeatw of age. wh«« Boat will atop at Elk Rapids golmi seaalQo of the Anatrian. who will b«
‘ Saturdays at 5.:W p, m.
and rHumlng. eLave 3:00 a.
be was returned from W(
Eetnrning, reaching Traverse
tried by the Swiss federal iribunaL
New York. July 21.—H. P Whitne.v'a 18SS.
July lk-2t
at 7.45.______
Brookdaic ^•>•mp^ at 1 to 3 won the
An exclttog chase In which Judge
|7.50« Brighton Oaks, one mile and a
i Tuesday and ThondaT #TPf».
Birtoog, at Brlfihlon Beach Thumday. • mcka-toor wife la a nOphty
tbs well-known traveler, explorer and Stone and Mr. Wallace Riggs of New
iaga-Marion lal and andNe-alMeatlnp a poor field of filHe*. The Me woman. lanT she?
Isctmwrwt City opera bouae Joly SO^l Yorpi were being pursued b/ the pi>
ta-wanta, at 7.30 fa m.
dtetaims waa run in 1;S3 3^. Tbwn*
\Yk4a-Bniw! She marrisd m*.and Ang. l •
July 17 ix lice caused a stir on the Champs
Elysees tbe other day. Both Ameri
were eight aUrters In the sUke. but
SUNDAY^Excursion to
Removes the microbes which Impov- cana are tbe posaesaors of electric
Broakdals Nymph overwhelmingly
Marion Island, afternoon and
William A. Taylor.
runabooU which they have bfonghl
tab the blood and clrcalaUon. 1
OQtclaaaed her field. Belle of Peqoeot Tied down to hla desk In tbe office.
evrtiing. Horst’s orchestra.
nniriWhile others are ffee and at play.
was aecond. three^tiartetw of a length
Daily conocctions at Northopera house Baturday ev cnlng la
aiim aa to who owned tbe speedier
ThatVwaa HoUlater's fi
in front of Balloitm. HoUnan- had hU Papa faaclea he Is hamg a Tacatkm
port for Charlevoix, except
the lateresu of the ProhlbF
While drinklnp Rocky M«
TeawIUdo. TeaorTahlctv AKfitlne a race waa proposed down
colUrhcoe broken when his mount.
Uoa party. ,
the Champa ESyaees. from the ByMt
CMU. Johnson Drop Oo.
. . Tea.
•attiBe, fill U the atqqplechaae.
Afternoon fcxcurslons to
Marlon Island and
traIgbL paroala and traakA d£l
nt au Book Btero.
MRS. E. L. BONNErs h«tr dfSHte^
fattorso orar aty Book Sters^ Boos
Rfaie Bank buUdltig*. Cltl •, us phooa
sad Surftem. ■ Officea 407-8 State
Bank block. wUk Dr. O. R Chaos.
CItx. phons 22Sr-2R. RMfidence 601
W. Bevwjth street, with tbe Mlaoes
Carroll. Cttx. phone 628.
achesd. Teacher, Mr*. Prances 8.
Smith. Graduate pqpil of Prof. Frederick Horace Clark trf Chlca«o, 604
East Front street. Studio No. U.
fiown stairs. Cttz. phone Na fifil.
may 81-Sia
Traverse Land and l>oaB Oa, F.
teatioo to dlaesaas of tha spa. aar,
BOSS and tbrosL OUsms Itteft.
OIL A. H. HOLUDAY. Qrsdiate Tw
rooto Oplvaralty. OCfiea la Maasoa
clan and surgeon. RaaMrtsd
ficM la Munaon hloek ovsr A
;ACsrl*a OUxana phoas tSi.
facHM^guarantaad. ’With Kli
MntlcHouaa. CtU. phooa M4.
anieed. F. D. Nichols. tSf Boate
tidloD. atx phona UfS.
apr IM
.Carvar ABro. Both]
HL E. L. THIRLBY-ffpaelal attea*
Hon to diaenaaa of ehfldrsa. Boote
408 State Bank bldg. BoU pboaaa
r axyonr
al my office and get
newlng. A. a Curtis.
I baforaramar 16-lyr
(JM*a m M WUhitei SMi. f a, S4. te If
te 6 a. m. t te i •molac*. fiteiisaa
WjahaaafiaS. OMsaa*
. Office 505 New Wilhelm Block,
Oitiaew’ pbooe (M2.
Miller & Smith
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