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The Evening Record, June 01, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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----------------------- ,.,
le Nmalnalnd Orwuar CMwalniid far
iigpar ef BwBaio. ommrw gf Naur
Verb end PfueMeat
By Vlrw to the Bvealag Beeord.
jwne 1 -Hoa, ‘ Dealcl N. THlBTYONt YOUNG PCOPM^ LEFT
Uwhwood dkd this morwtng aa ^ reaK*of the ampuutloa of hla left leg
A AMiTAK enoenrr
H betag the third am•TOm RCHNCa
>od polaoa net in after
dm IrwL Mr. tnckwood nominated
* Uame and AiA Wan Breed by
ilia Mtry Today.
Grover Ctereland for May«r of Buffalo,
tor goverwor of New Yorb uBd fr pen Hit AODBCBt WAS ON *MYB At A
Sd^t of the United Btnua. He Wna
By Wire to the Bvealag lUeord.
UABIUTY.New yorh. Jeae l.-Thla afleraaoxi horn In Hamburg. N. T. June 1. IMf.
the, jury fowad oJaephlaa TerrmaaVo
ant guBty. The girl oaafeaard to |he
Mias Grace McMkhaal Oellvared the
xlaylag of her aacle and anal after
they had irtmled her la a horrlhie aad
TNIpK SLACK MtOKI MAOK TMC lahaama manner. The enae nttfadel
riM. riOMTiNo oirncuLT.
wide, atteathjw and It wax expected
that ab« would be freed by
Springtime f. nalufe’a promls»‘ and
BOBEIIT ADAMS OF PENNBYLVA tlse s^ummer^ U the fulftllment. Aa
winter lx dlaiOaced hj the gentle lady
and the world walu« up and dona Its
fresbeist dteai.. ax the birds come north
again and
irm seem to U<^mie Imbued with
the stilrll of tbe time, tbe brightness
hMta all elee. the hirda ring
noora in Hla henvun
And nira weU with the world *
LAM nl^i, Ubty^ young
epped from Iwyond the kmttnla. the
fehetterlng Mates, of the Hl^ neh
the wurdd to heco
I xm ThM miu4
Mltat aiiw-cii ANIIb. Who
; .
fV«li Um> IwRtcnlHcMt fipiric of
ufKio la th*^ bacWaomt
«r mUMrn A Dart^** gn
MtOmM ▲rtllg ai 9:ti thU
Mlrwetloa Cron Mr# and «r«t<r fol
lw«wd, «a«alar« V*»
taads oC dotltni. butb oa aujck. fix
turn aad building. The oormpnnd
tag kMMM fruoi ■w*ikc arc
abla. Th9 baartairt Iom U
groeaiy atock of ^nihcim A llartak.
which waia valiMHi ml. lic.iKio. whik
tbt hr# wax ooafUkd malaly to the
l^acaMWt. tho diWlnietUin of alock on
Ibf mala floor by watxw aad xmokc
wag very heavy. While it lx acM a
total toga, there U very UlUe that can
he aavod.
The belldliii H damaged to the rxteal or abuet |4.tNNi. The barweea and
saddlery stock of the Votniba HameA
cvaaiMHiy La the etore adjoining aa*
dasaged about
The «tock
or J. W. Jackwiar the rtmr.Mnlont ry
dealer, wax daaxaged aliout l&tMi, en
tlrtdy hy water and amoke. The In
tertor of the liquor «i»r* nr Jo*cpli
Brother* aulTered Imm ihc ih iiNc
fMBOlie which filled Ibv liull.lliig Tli. n*
. la ahiMit iijgoo Inxurxnc.. iK> ltui>n«v
opera bouae block where ilic ston-x
menthmed are itvwtiM) and the grocery
atork wax InxAnid lur It.Wu In the
agency of Jikbn R. Banto and $:;uu in
the agency erf O. I». Carxer 4k lini. The
atorh of the Vulruha lUww. rt*ni|iany
wax fiartlafly wvcrtHl by |2.mxi Ionui
aace In the Bantu agency and |Mmi In
the Caner agency, laxurancc cm the
building WIN carried through the Bantu
Gaat Buffalo. June 1 ~Cnttle--10(F
*b«nd; Ughi; nhlppAmg steers.
6.75 :bmchem.$4.54KlLU; cows.
4A0. heifers. $5.7505.
lamU-7.0Wl; stesuly; cl
wHbers. #«B«25:* ewes. $52S05J»d
Hoga-51 head; active; pig*. |«.60O
€75; Vorkers, $g.75<rt.80; heavy and
mixsxl. $€.75<H.W.
IVIroil. June 1.—WT»«at—No. 2 red.
bin:: corn. 55\^c; onls. 37Hc.
Chlcagiiw June
cum. 45^; enta, 55Vc.
a. Book
For Commenceinent
Ify«iu.diwbtf.lut..rlutwo.Ubea ,la.i,c,<rt
for a graduate you may be sure a dainty book would
suit. Books are emblems of twelve long yw% of hard
study, therefore are acceptable gifts.
If you want to taka Ml advaibUgo ol
first pick In aamma| aklrta, tiaa gad
nnderwear. We lay In quite a aapplya
but naturally we doa*t wmat a Mrftaa
neat fall. Tba aarlldr your call tke
laiser the aaaortment from whick to
select. One prtMnlae we «U1 make:
value for every doUar spent hare.
ItoMi. Ha< NarrMT E*
Oava No Benson to- Buickle But Had
Been Drinking Heavily—Loading
Bapublican a**d Forme- Mloliter to Braxil.
Wm Llf« «f • F»mll)r F«rty M Hit
H«iM LMt Ev«*li.9-t»ll.v«d
Th«t H. Wm Temporarily
After a-happy rt'cnlnicat bix home
William C, HctiTu-l, 112 kYanklln
airt^t. tail night, suddenly wulcd hU
life at 2 a. m. by sb.Kstlng himself In
tke right temple wlib a 58 calllKT bull
dog rerolver. H»*alb was Inst
oua. the act being commuted at the
rear door atep. where the mi
(C!ontlnned on l-Surth 1‘age.)
Mias JwanctU Smith CaterUinad I
Honor Vi^lmrtka-Bnencep, Who
Will Wed Claud Carter.
By Wife to the Evening Record.
Washington. Jun,* I -Uongn*ioiman
Roliert AtlsiUK ut IVnbxylvaula Tthoi
himself early-IhU nion.h.g with
xulcidal Intent. He wa.** taken t4i Ih •
Kmergency hosplul and died at l :3«‘
this morning. -Mr. Adams n.preteut
iAi the S4V4ind Ui^uxylvanla dhiriet
and wax a leadlhc republican and
author of the ’whjiHdng post bill * me
omroendfd by ilk invxldent. He gav*
no reaxoh for llic sulcldi' but It W said
he bad tiecp^ drinking heavily. He
wax T.R yt*ars old and ■••rved ax tuinlx
ter to Brazil In 1K8M.
mUeclUniH.UH tiu*err wan tei OIBAETROUt WRECK WAS CAUSED
J MUk t»iw Hpenre r la t eve ning
by Mbu Jeanette Hmlth at her b«>me
on Hlxth stresd to which flfies n yi*ung
« w«*rv hidden. The home wax
prsrftlly deeora'tvl In cariuilons and
aaparagiiH fern, and the evening was
l»cHl by the giievts and ln.Hi»xts in CRASHED INTO NORTH iOUNO
playing bllllardK and later performing
iMk marriage. Many Uautllul
cnls were lei-sdvsnl b) the gu<*At of Fiftaon Paaaervgom Wars Injamd—
bi.iu»r wbuM. niarrlage to riaude Cur
»asaafiger Train CollHtod With
ler uccmx June r. at tbe bimi.* t.f Mr.
Baar Ead of Froight a^'d Sis
and Mrs. 4. M Blakesb^. MtV Sixth
People Were Injured.
The firemen worked cc»uraK«xiux|y
wader very dlfflcuH cndlllunx. th\^
tmming all cauxlng such a dcuNc
amoke that It wax almoxt Itupoxaildr HaTLThooaarrd Young Folka Conflrmad
to get at the ac‘at of the flamex Th »
loto"X>stbplic CHurch at JacMon
file wax well handled, bowetcr. and
by Biahop Foley Today.
the water prexMiu. moKlN xc'ctlcnt.
wax only by dUl*:eui work that the By Wire to tbe Evening lltHHiTd
BaBMUi were vn-veiii.Hl Tnim apreadlng
JaekH,»n. Mich.. June I At Ht
owUlde of the basement of the WII Mary x rhurrh this i^inilug a «lasx^id
I B llartak aiore. The mala floor 250 children wax ininllrmed by llixhup
of the groer-ry atme today preaents al^.^,u.y
jofen x chuwh this
aadly witK'h.Hl apinwrance. almoxl the gnernex.n 2»m more At Bl. Joseph tt.
entire dour having
Cash Artllp Blagtd.
Entering the grocery atom alwut Iy
*,before 7 oebu-k Mr.VrtHp waa prepaitag to get, some gU.x* oil for uae in
; paper hanging He w» nl down Into
the liaatonetii to drs* a galUm of gU^x
on mad as he KiepptNl i(» the liarrel he
thought he heard a rharp. crackling
•ooad. like the Igniting of a match,
uader hla feet. liiMauily he became a
targwt for the flanoMi which seemed to
Barw up all anutud him HU hair at
the back of hU h.sid wax singed, hlx
In names and
bomlag aad the whoi^tiiL^m^t fnmt
aeemed to ha aflame Rushing up the
stairway he met TtM llartak Just enter
lag 4ha store with two pk tins whlc^
ha hsd Juat parchssiHi arn»*^ the atreet
at iha Hsaaah B Uy Mercantile
paay. Mr. Ba^ aaw the pre
BKmt of tha Janlloy who was ahoptlng
-idy Ood the haaemeni U all on hire -I ^ook my pie tltts," aa(d Mr. Rae
tsk to s Racord reuorier. -and
them la tlapplag out the lire on Art
Up,^HU trouaara were buralng
tha only thiah to do wax to put them
oat aad the only thing I had to work
with warn iha Uaa. and they did the
Wllhsim Bout AUrwi.
UhOlm. whh. too. had ae
^ c( bwUM. tor Ikr
. traSt «l «te MUlnt
oC the p«TiaBHit BBS M Ihr
XBltor niMwd
froM U» Saw
h* M tk. Bum. Mrik* acMait tkr
By Wire to the Evening Ileeord.
UaJlax. Ti'xax. Jum- I —A bad rail
way wr»*ck *lue to a ryeUmo. took pUce
at WichUa thIU on the Fori Wurth I
IVnvvr rallixad
Two cars, U«ubT|
with whiwt. were blown bvose near
Iowa uaik and rushed with terrlftc
forc«* down ib«- gVndr tow aid AVIchlta
I'ulU. Siv inlb-s north of there theycraslod im*» a north lH»un»l lui.^xengE-r
tram. Fllie<*n J»«^s»•ngerv w«*u- Injured
. Roar-End* Collision.
»duxk>. O. June 1 - A Buffalo
FltUburg express westUmhl
*d Into the rmr of a freight trata
UKlay. b:nglneer Wine trf the pax.sE-n
rain was serlouriy Injured and
Young Ladtaa P-aaant-d Arthur Hoi
clerks were hurt.
le^^bock With Cigar Caaa.
The young ladlex oT the cUrfhespln
factory tendrr»M their former fors-man
Arthur HolIenl>eck. a very ideaxaut
xurprtw* jiarly lart evening and pn'- Aged Resident of East Empire Paaaad
•euled him wIiTi a Wautiful military
Away at 5:30 This Mamljig—
x4‘t and cigar ca-re
He Waa
liaao *«*lectb»nx n«'ie eujoyvd dur
lag the evening and a ttashllfibl pb
7«. died
Pat rick Kema., aged 76.
thtfe mirmli.g at hlx home at ^
Kefreahmuntx oT assorted cakes and pirc of old age Mr. K*'rnx ww| bom
e ervwm were served and all spent
In IreUnd and toft Iherv* In 1K4S. com
very pleasant evening and when they ing to Canada. Ho came to this coun
all started for home at a late hour all fry and in 18€5 m*ul«Nj on hlx farm at
wished Mr. llollenbixb sueceas In hl4 East Empire wbrrf he has coatinnousposition. Those preaetit wer
ly mxldfHl. bv lag one of the beat known
MiVaes Clara Dkm. Uidencla Hepew. and roapccitsl pioneers of the region^
Helen Mnsbtt. BIgna Halstead, Vera He Icwvca thrtH- sons. John. James and
Michael, and one daughter. Kaibertne,
ary, Adda Dean, Anna F^rd,
Tbe funeral aervlce will be Wonday
Kaha mad E' a Buss.
morning at 40 o'clock from the Catho^
He church at Empire, the Rev. Pr.
HOUUDR. BKATNQ for chiMma Sheehan of Uilx city officiating
Aiurday momlag and Wodnow
aflemoona Cbmpball B Haaktaa.
Oua a# -Ten
tie Today.
By Wire to tbe Bvenlag 1
Tbe firm nr WIlbMm B Baruk thlt
amutle. June l.-An •
riernoon wish to egprMa tbeir thank
to tbe public for tbe aaalstance and
aymgutby gfvew by the puhBc. and tin
stnmg figbi made by tk« fire depart
House with
Soap Polish
A powflcr for cleansing
woodwork, floors, lin
oleum. marble, tile,
hath tubs.
copper, windows.* etc.
p Polish
Is ih^ best cleanser in
our acquaintance.
Hats Off, Gentlemen, to
The New Burro Japs
WBrranVBd Pat SHob
Oxfords and
We hBVf ;ts bU; a varirty
M w,. b»v.. in our LtilieB’
Result of Fifty Years’ Experience by
See Our Window Display.
Order lor
10c pound
They don’t cost much,
Witli Os.
50c to $1.50
Drag Store
Stock doors delivered tame day as ordered. Odd
doors and srindow screens in three d;^
We’ll send a roan to take the measureroentr"
Abstract* of TItl*
Botabllolmd »aaa
Rmki 510 Binia Bank MnlMIng
are m»%» }N-riiMnrnt1y to
in thr Wdtoln. IdAn k.
On. Sivrv 5
Traverse City Mfg^ Co.
You arc not petting the best
that money can buy.
Get a sample and trj’It. ....
Quality and price is right.
Hannah . &
ChameUon Silks
Special Price
Lay .Co.
This is an exceptionally go<^ of; . fer on these handsome
^ •
three-color |
They are exccptionrfly KMYy and > .
Straw Hats
•; are good srearing sales.
------ bb.’
of fiae
thbaa D’sIillBjBS
The lineof ootorsarego6<L
About ten pMces. all
enocigh to g^ve yoo almost any color' V ;
you may desire.
' They were ma& to BdUor $lj60 a
yard. We offer
for •
mm •HW iD tmgrnmm of
rnmm of tho oteM of
mm ootor
hlfbor ioMHntloM of
iMmIx wH^ «y».
bImwM W o ocweo of ■
srotHcfiiioo to the HMani mod tli« t»x>
*X«. Th# Mkoolo tlila yoor «m ouM Obtof af PaHoa .....H........
tW ottjr 116.000. It woo l be «/o rmn ilmlmmi wlia bnuo aervw
motrn ibJit U oil wood book with •neyaar dr inafe.v........
telMt by tlM CIM of loot. TIh- New patrolmen ..............
OMloc flOpooHy of tW etMix »•» <«
fimx WOMOO Iboi iboiM. tok«« to mtp
port d» itboolt orwhoObf iBiNnioieou
tboo tOfonuMt bcmdo ot » per c<'&t
If neb o foi« were poooibkL
Tbo elou of 1»00 Is oommorn of
y<NHiC men ond youof women who ore
immn-l ond Mlncere. They bore compioUd their work In utieh o moaner
thot credit wot refected on thear
•ofbM ood Iheir tMtrurtor.. Perhope
ditt OlooB contoloo member, who will
lou. Mma* doy. p<>rhsp.H
■M. ' VMoo to meoonred by different
•Uodord. ood w^l one moo moy enJi
ottceno. oMoiber would conotrue n. tifli
are. Hoi wbounrer beikle. thin cU^H
Itoa within tbenmehre.. They tbim
■ohreo or their poreni. bme ennbhsl
M the woof of the future will be eii
ttrwijr Ibeir oWfi wearing.
nougbler*. Devotion- drew o
ffood bouoe ogotn o( the Qrond U»t
•Ifbt. The Hunt Stock CV>. U gatohiK
\m popaloilty every night nnd loit
aipbr. blU added to the already lorg«>
number of frkendo they hove beret The
bill lonlgbl to one of the ntrongent lu
tb* entile repi>rtolre. ‘ Monte Crtoto'
a play that ebotild pm*k the houM*
froai pit to dome The Hunt Stock In
to aomponed of lodk-M and geatlenoii
of obUlty nnd It U « pleaonie to lecoiii
mead their prodifrtlunn.
JOrob noebler to improving hlH
bouoe wUh o mot of point
Mm. 1-ulu Milk, wai* on the nick Itol
, laM week.
Fred Itollod.y Is miming a very
painfal fnig felon.
Henry Beegmlltor and daughter Air
bto ore vUltlng relatives in Chboogo.
D. U isnslgn went to Montotee lam
Tbnmdny where be wUt take the tmiX
Jiiaob DiM^blei gave the batik o new
^^ba^lJaM MoairM^ e^^
dSSSt l^rwlMlneilday! In the after
naan a picnic was held In n gioM*
near the M houlhouM>.
Honk ThiirwdaT. May 24th. lo Mr.
and Mm. Wm.
a bo>.
Mr. Alberts bf Omni wo. In towo
tb# fml Ilf the week.
Ivon WlakocbH. lorm«Mly of Trarerae my. but now ewido^ed na show
Window trimmer by a South Bend
ftimi. pnmed ihnmgh Kingsley Sunday
on bis wav to viKli his parenta. who
laalde near Travcrac City.
While la the home stable Sunday
nlffbt Ctirtto lambkin TtX'«‘lvea a w*
rme kick In the abdomeu by one of
tba boraeo. Hus^ever^Mr Lambkip
Mm, «•« piu><
OJBMI It Bovln* fal.
4t Cto^ ud Mn. s«in. About
!Su were proMnt and a rery «i>ioy
j^de erentaiwa. opeaL 8upp« was
•erred and lo the -wee amo boars
tin ladleo ttopoHcd lor tbclr aereral
‘‘^Obmle. Cbicheoter of itoru. lad.. U
*VS.*Bi.ttol Lu41m’ am woemr »tll
Mn. 4>u«>r la Um Boa MilMlaa <*
The nni^ bndHot nmountlng
K*,4.10 wo. poMed by Iho city Armn
cjf la.i evening and the Onto*in* flsiHi
fo.-ibe oomiog year. The only chaiige
lit tl*c report of ibe commlit- • oti ways
and neon, was «he mtstiig of tl»e chto;
of If lice and ftre chler. s.'kiilos fiom
•'•.0 to ll.dpO a year.
M.- Moon moved that the ». inmI of
the committee tm ways and mcaes
adopted mad Mr. Palmer nwived
amend to rofki^ the two aalnries. Thvote on the omendment stood: Mea^r
Abbott. l.Jtrdler. Murchie. I^nii
Shnter and Winnie yes ami M^avr
tilllrti and Moon no. I he
.uii *Ik
rrigtnal motion a. amen.iMi snowe.!
mVen for and u»e‘against. M*- ClUett*;
bdag tlw oppoalng vote. Mi. AbbfU
tried to^wt^re an aan'minu nt makltr^:
the anlary t^^tbe mayor iSdO and earn
of the alderiie|i3MKr-imn :
10 second. Mayor Kn-liiih
ll.ai he had also boi>ed th*:: the .Na!.
Ces would Im> filed lower
Osdwctiona for Abaenca.
The matter of dt'diictlng |6 fw «*acb
nme a member of tin* council was a!«
sent caiumd coiiNldemble dlscuKHion
A^derm.n Ijinlle aatit«-tl it fixed so
that every lime a man was absent he
would be dinlucUHl 15. M^. Gillett
thooghl that it was not necea.Nt»r) to
hedge a man about with strlng«*nt le
i.trtctkMis as he believed that the mem
l»em of the council were hmiorabb
cnnngh not to take eomi»ensatlon when
they were alment unless n»e> had i»n
eaodleai excuse. Mr Muon hehl ihi
:anie views. Mr. l.ardlc moved that
m«‘nib<!r. lie deducted |S for each s*
siok. No second. Mr
GUletl >»^ved that Ibe reeoloiioi.
pasMHl somtrxUne ago be tnnorfMiratel
in the budget. T|iU r**solutton to
the effect that If a member Is abw
from sickness or some other vaHd <
cose, he .win lie entitled to cumpen
Uon. Mr Oilletfs mtdlon esrrl.sl ‘i'tie
whole re|srrt v sk thru adti|»lis
imUHes ordinance was tin n i»a
m4 U \m k «llh m.
<h.. ib''
j u„^„
■ulcttluii bfl»«elv«) and fl|.-d
iro:u.n:toii ih«.*H.r u.
iaald political i»aii>.
There U oe. thiix lhn« you ca»^ v„,
wk OB. The pr..re«i dny younx
ih.wn are khener. brighter and to<tte ii#icinaling candidates f»*r the offleeH
looking and more self n llaui and le.rs ef (lovern »r and Lieutenant G<»veri
>ndenl. TheV all lake HulUMer‘v» by direM vote, shall to- submif.t-d
Rocky Mountain Tmr. S5 cents. T. a the eundlcd voters of each paliticu!
or Tablefa. Johnson Dnig f‘o.
paityraUo ihe guestlpn of nominatin.;
hv dln-T'l vote, candidates of the po
litica) panv lndlca>«-d and for the of.
fix' herrlnarcr named.
Kep-jbllcan - lb ifri^T^ ntallve hi
leaned nnd ploughed
IL J. JV)>dJ ijepd.llraii -State Si n:.tnr
drayman; ofic* Saxti '• hordwarun ii,.„,,ldiran-RepriMMiiath.- In ..
pbox M3 , - ^
apr ISi-lf
Legislatu.e. llnu.d Traier-e di'
.Vi waits. A COD'iniioiis rhow. High
CU.SS vaude%ilk* to twix D arts.,
Ilepu bit ran-County Aiflii'.rs.
New s|K>clal scenery, (dectrical i-f
Said elecib.n to lie held In each of fe«-l::. innstmlcd songs, eic.
iho five watdK of the ciiy at lib- fol sab- at Johnsiin lynig Co.
rOR OUTSIDE doors uaa Caiman’.
lowing idai-es. v to:
Brices—in. 1*0. 3ti cvuta.
EiaMlo Spar VamlaK. S. E. Wait A
h'iist Ward, Orange hall, t'ass
may 10-12t
Hall oil Si»ruii‘ slr»i‘l.
home made bread.
Thlid Wanl. in ll.e Primary sehisd
bur.dhi.g. corner Cubui and Tenth'
OMdly Serpent Bite.
Are aa common in India as are st«mv
Fourth Ward, in Engine House So.
nch and liver dlsonlers with u«. For
r. however, there to a sure 3 oa Cttxs Hinwt.
lemivly: Kb-ciiic Kilteis; the
Hflh Ward, in the*nfth WanI ball.
alive niiHliclue, of which S. A.
Brown of IknnrUnvllle. S. 1\ Rays: tftpiMiKile E. J. I ton K 4c Son's store.
In witness wher«H»f I ha\e heremiio
•They restori*d mv wife l<» pi.-rtiH-t
hi-alth. afirt- ><'ars of suffering with lit my hand this Iflst day of Ray. A
dyspepsia and a cbronically torpid II.
liver " Kli'Clric Bitters enre chlito anJ
fei-er. malaria. tillloUKiiesa. lame luick.
kidney troubles and bladder disonlers City Clerk of Ihe City <d Travers** City.
Sold on guaiantee by Johniuin Drug
Grand Trav**r«e Count,v^.Mlchlj^n.
Co.. V II Mi-aiJa, C A Hugtosf Umg
Co., diuggibis. Brice :>uc
Try ReconI Want Ads
A fine Buck Towel, 18x33. hemmed,
with either red, blue or strip^
border, for ...............—..........
Thompumville vi;. O. W. D. Sunday
If you vvant to see the MEMORIAL
DAY PHOTOGRAPHS telephone Frardc
P. WnghL CiU. phone 1010.
May 31-3t*
A Word Of Waning
Atom! Fan Motors. Whim you uishI
them you will want them right away,
and ver> likely ymi won’t to- ald<- to!
li.*ive >our ord*-r filled primudly. B* t
t.T than taking any idd thing In a
hurry, let us take your order m*w, and.
supply YOU with the be^t and lau-sL
The urdiamire coreHng Um
budget was imssed as folUiws:
Aa ordinance to defray the i
expenditures and liabllltl.i, uf the city
of Traverse Ci«y. Mich., for the :
vear to-Ktunlng May 1. limk. and ending
Total .................... .
Bectloa l.;There aliall alao be ratoed.
levied aad collected accordUig to law
t tax on aH real and'permmaJ estate
or property aubject toxaxatlun ta said
ally aa followa:
One mUl for achool purpoaea and
me mUi for alaktx'fuod tn wards aa
fbUova. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. nnd that In ward
twa the sum ef two mitts on rocb dol
lar mmmmrn valuatioi. and that la
ward throe a ti^ of one mlU on em h
lollar pammMd ralnatlpn and that ia
flmrd Are « tax of two mills oa each
lollar aaaeaaaed raJuatioa be ratord aa
A. J. Wilhelm
Monte Cbrlste
vs. D W. U. Sunduv:
'Animal ffudgnt
wib VI I r«bvr»r \tnT, oticnisan:
Section 1. That lo defray ihe ex
pendltures and ItobilitU s of the city of
Traverse City. Michigan, for the ffacal
ytmr beglnnlx May L IMHi. ami emh
lx Nn> 1. IR»T. there to* nUaed by
laxatloa apon the real and pereonai
property within aald city the sum of
SUk.430.0n, and that the sum to- levied
In conformity with tb« law and fur the
in the sev
eral fumla or hccounU aa follow.
Balarlea .................................... I 4.610 W
nre ........
............ C.OOO OO
Park .,,.,...4;.,
Water . .........
\ '
splendid Damask Towel. 15x30.
fringed, with either red. blue or
plain border, for...............—..
Other Good Towels |
DaiH TuvvcK nnblf\*.ichcd..v, lOc. ir>c,
B:ith Towels, blcachcil, 2i)c ami
Turkish Towels, 5(k. G5c ami 75ca;
- N'’
. v:-.;.
V V’:
Colton Towels, 5c and luc.
* ' . ■ •
Damask Towels, the lim-st line that i« shown, in all manner of bcau:
liful paiierns. sell for 25c, 50c, 7Jc,*$l. $1.25 and $L5<>.;
w 11;
J. e. Pi^e Elnirie Co.
125 Cm* St
Phone 502 2
Don’s V'ostmvor Whlnlc
, tbM UTBOM^iciNiiUiD^ look mmU *ih1 Mt *o far
fruui the •liret, tVat ve do not Maomit to mock m milL
er*. If v< ailoyotti reKie*iIydeaeived.
mnfmrM ^MMlnfB audBrnenS
You ebouid iaowkul i* co«Uin«7iD*ide See the ktnt impfund aM.AiDetT *m> the ooureuient ami eroiHimioBl arrMseoeiit tor domg the veiy beet UEBCHANT ami Cl'^TOM miUiiqc, bnyiog ami tmudliug
It Pays to Trade Where ‘
‘Every Towcl Want is MeP' r j|
Begins Thursday-
M'beu wo ear our mill has the gn«tMt capacilj and beat
boiliUe* ID Nurdiera Mit biKaB for makioK
Siree. Car Feed
Whole Wheat Flour.
Fine Feed
(iraham Flour
Coar Fred
Rye Flour
Chicken F.ed
Huckwheat Flour
nnd G'amil.v. d Meal.
wo Have
BUe^ad Spring
All are IKEAL. inS:.,
IWcrsc aty MiUfflg Co.
iaflBali ^ Lay Mcrc^tilc CoJ
letort to ttdtoi vboo o demoMtio^itbo fiootol had to ke act cato tctttod
tioi to a Mtotoel to ptroa. mad hoo j hot MOfcorod.
Tkk mctas. to UkMU ct cte ctoM meli am dear to oor coatool^ t: oraa ma too ammhero that aaadi
•r tm I •toilto to mfi « ketotf «ftot- toaa ohea «» read ahoot It a»d;too«i •» fMkUbto aad f^rod. toil
tof^ Itito#. to»toto»ito«^xo»* var>di pletaro it to oipiwiaom. Thooo I their toodo to ftghtlaz.'^ mad croel
foic t! to too miM to the ochool to glee
am anar toadtoml deoiiautnitloai ma| to too hotooa to too daat^ to night, too^.
i^ fta rcMi M «» totototo to •«»> pomtobtt, mlaco to haa ootoo to bo«a a^old oaddemlr gioo to^ horHhio
war ahoop. break toio too hoaao.jvn^
Um .CM
to toto rtoiia.
are toA iho oaf,- ooaraoto kaaalodi* dosiag tocoe arho rotixtod aad iakiag
^ ctoto of Itoi took tlHrtr ptooM Ok taaiora otowo. cxpotisoa^a mad ofsltj iliootooracapctTo. '
tjy* pMom u4 toiv« iiM dotokg to wmrUrtt ladaatral toaau aov giro ronuoato wore tooy vhoM trouhlo
M««M fW irot OCK to tho dnuM of aa added taot to too uod/ to ocioaer. were at once ended bjf too umrcUvl
Uliir »v«k Aod tola ymr. oictotocli tw The aorh la feookkeoptog. too, la ex- loaabowk TbOik. who were earrtoi}
M U Ptom» *• dWortot. It la too tTOaxtjr pratoleal, aad. t*ace Ihr lairc- off mU%€ werejrtibjeot^ to oaaaaaeabh
ttirteroh 8oaw wetw twraod at tbiMtooMOto okor t to booooeud.
•lake. ooMo itod to trees aa liTtag ur
that a
r Wo conotfiBy a^rctotoTMour It la aoi aee«
geto for the aaragea to praeeiro throw
Ocop gftoltode tor too pHvltovt of oto dr«4 tako a c»i
lag kaiveii ar. Others wore
'tototos M odofitoo to too acbooU to Conor# Urforo
m •'
• W
«Mn» aiwv trtati Ih* thiMikt at «k>t ku
U» (nvdcraaeo aad woadcrfal coorago/bato
to which ve tod eahodtod la emr ph> yeato fa ooalmet to what atlghi hare
aoers. ^ . . , •
. Thor were Aiacrlcaas by birth aad
parentage, b«t to a oOzed race, H»- om^ took hack jytt with a coanoaots. Hollaadors. Seotcbaiea aad
Spaalaids we tod side by side, belplag atmago regtwt far . thlaga aot doae
each other osUbUah bosea. Bui toe They M that baatoeaa is perkapa aot
ucaUmaai race a«oag these back- the beat thing in life afier aU.
k» p»
aad ladaaifx. feels!
idaet k la
far hka to gala
aecoaa lo toe higher cdrslee to tettolict. takes toe wuaoat pelas to gisw hie
<AIldtra toe odnemUoa which he leeks
The study of history also will prosaoto a hetier aad higher aatkiaai life.
To reach toe standard to Cifvr aad
iateUectnaUiT which the aaUoaa to
the OW World hare attalaed. we aam
lean the pxucees by whkh they hare
wctlem U» ta the nrr doara-ef thdr lac h«u “**
moBdnin No. TO.
OBttoa»l otictchcd the soImm aad mymtm
IMVEBE6U1I mil Lives
aa* M lha acrtactHia at their Beoa.
Ihe eorU h raotaut the pramhm Ic
hecIMihc ID oatoM. theuV*
handod la the aroaa of tadar. there M
womi utogjrt aa tiMy are tor
the stnigglw Ibe ftrtmre la brtgbt told
iraewt Is gleamlito. they feavw
aucoMafai la the tryout Mat ae
study their hUtory. step by step, froas
the aacleat time to barbartom down they wol be la tim ociaal
la bowor to Into altou^ teppy ooeathrough ^he ages, aaUl die time when
they have readied the higbeat point
Of edneatton and reftnement. OfieaOmes men have dated a grvai turning the colora of the class of tHH. ffreea
point In their lives from the reading of and white, aad In the eeatto a
cHag ahitod done ta tnou-
And yet. the spirit to the age is comWe And It t^oa evet^
ihoje people, who for love to rcUgioos.
_ the lives to Bsen aad
polillcto and social freedom
an unknown xca to an onrivUlsod land vomea to aU classes. H is the all-abUiat ibc/ might attain thetr ends. »rbing snhtoct. not only la the busiMingled with these other races, they neat worUL hot tn .oclety as well, aad
BCTcrtheless formed the kernel to the even the churches are oonilaualty
d?stlnclliel> sad intensely American
3a:rx\ Who veil the .okmeen to oar
IMcpie In their westward march; the
yns arJ to iht srn.- to flgbUng tc;
tiers, aki. ait^axe and rifle, won
heir way fiom ibe AUinUc to the ttlo
<.Tr,'.ndc and l*acilc ceean"
-IbrtmpbnJl Ihe ?»SkV* of
hifttory of ibv wlunla-: ef a reniinmi
jne nml kikIi naiiiv» ai»
i iion. John S'-iver. Janes
Anj 'ir^w
licviii CrocLe l and the
Itenlcl n*« nc «-r« the ffr t N» strik*
mil lui i ll;i uil % c.iVN* suU found mI/
!|rnuiit . Itv s Ibii >h«*» 4*! S-avvry
and enlMti.:r c 44 luohi d hi- sa. lut*.
the UacKiess (urewt cump'iclcly shut of^
Irom cliilltotloa. and suoctvded in es’jabllshlug tiuvn.H lhai hcvv endertu to
, the prv’eui «'•> Ho tvs': a typical plo-j
^b<H*r. rrsM. leirlc^'. po.sc.4iiag a*
ri nM' to rlg.^r and wlnoito and .
ftntlni; a gn at love for ihc fr*-**. Inj dt-vf :,4li nr 1i:.
!».* wa. as he him.
ln«iritmear onliilnr l liy
rlvi:i/3ti«>ji inio »h( vflA/OA GLASS, J$0^ — r/iA VS/i:S£ UTY h/QH SCHOOL.
S«!emi aiL He
Kcni’n l.y nnd
k rvtulied in »h* wi;i
inii.jS el rbs whole west,
• today. Ubemi odoeattoa haa ondor- rorld. Taken as a whole, tbd practical I arms and V-gv to horse*, which ww
a book. There are unutterable thing*
i Ce<.:,w Uopvr C!a:k. wbe Mfoulup striving to mnfnial thcmrelvcs
goae a great chaage dertag the piuii •duMtloo proeldod by iha roa.ii*iHy of then dilven In onpo«illo illjertloli*.
lb.4e.ie*54 .Aumpr. . A;otc bl-s luaie In CrsuT financial Im* I^. EvcrjthlnR else in the minds of every one of ur. and
geaeratiOB. and now, nc ro thso eve r bi hIgl|.*choo;. cf iiiday vrt |iart > th. Tite. V an- >.ul aA* w o. thi\ niaiiv r •
delibly ♦‘n .*.14- hiKUirv of th. u.it b- npl to be sa riflTcd lo the acq iisl somow heie we may 6nd these OilngK
before, prepares one fur Ohj loip<»risin lupil of average infolllijen.'H fur ihi voltin;; ter* res /bite u-d »m a la.'llcl
, With 9 I'A^:f I'.ardy l*4'l.siHjtlMueM Ixv
tion of wi-»l(h. \Vc m*ed a dlffcrt nr
datles to IWe. The oJd Idi-a war to 61)
Then Ic* UR md dvRoise cult an'
I hind low. \ir marctu vl tip into llUnni#
a popirs brain with classic loi^ and
io vkin ihtt vast legiun Urawn ihc life, a InnUT and stroug.-r life, and Muiliea I'l-cause they will not
CLASS OF 1900 /
ft him for toe lUc gf a aeaUeman.
bring something of
Ohio river and Ihe Hrwat Lakes lor how is this changf. to be, brought
Lowriu. Lavinu ^ .^./reon, Ali«*e
The best part to srhool lift- was speni
imiKvrtance than wealth.-a
civlliiaiion and the union. The hard- about except through the public
ia stndylng dead languages; in fact,
Aodcraoii. Jeati '
MrMichiK'l. Grace JSIhU'-t, IX'tiuti
broader'view of this world, and a fuller
< ships of this inarch can scareely be in- sc-h^U.
the mother tongue wes almost inf MtKin*, Morria
'' Slrt. kler. Alvin
Aghoian, lipaaie
iar,laed. They wn- comi>clied to ford
The schools are developing. each i appivdatlon of the real enjoym
aorod But the latter half to <bc nine
SuHivim, HerU'rt
Nvlaon, (iracc
(!irtcr, Fritx
lev wati r* for days at a fimb with Ju;.l generation In turn; therefore they ^ life.
teeato century has boon fst-l>
an l.-lan.l nan and then t.n which lo should deve!on the things which io i And now. as we start out. each pne
Tliackcr, Loia
rt-UR'k. AiUm
Oranba. Minnie
maimed with ermls. givlag rlre to a
Imporrant.-a combination of alone, to begin the work which lies beTHiiblio. KUtb .
Puhoral, Gratxj
Eiky KaUh
jpcai iBtellert^Uuteketilng. Sdenrf
, l.iji Clark by his *.bow of cbei'rfulncs.. c-ommt rclalsm with enUnre. in every,
must not forget that It U
.Titna, Harold
has extendi^ its houiidarlcs; new prv! "-«vani. (Jraee
Rr>horUoD, AliiV
and c4.Mr:i^«. InsplriHl tl.erii t.. foT»)u ht.n:.m hr Ing there is an lunate long- ,..hararier not less than inlelrct which
fesstiHiK ha\c arisen. As a
TurnliuU, Norma
Koberlsuii. Mubvl
hi ». ami led ihi'nt to virt«.i> nt.Kuc lug for m .nt‘>. s d,-Mre for ma:eilii!
in^truclor* have Mriven lo
qucncc w«* now havr the lirostl.-m .1
Way. Lulu
Uyan, Mildrcil
ka^kia and Vlm cnm s. thus adding a^l j presperpy.
Hut c.miparaMvely few velop. Wc must, as a class, bid faroculture. ahUb l« the true aim of t-Uu
^Williams, Julm
IK win, Fiuiuie
tyayrt*. A;fOca
the Nortbwe-t^ terriilory to. the unUm j insiple have a natural desire for rv'flucto all thosi* who have had our InSamucl Honsion. who for a number! nw'ni. and where this quality is not In- teroMs at heart and have encouraged
Wii^'ht, Kilty
4.f v.'srs wn-< n nenrtoiil cJiizeh jt.f^ boru.it must be develoiK-d.
j .^nd sirengthem d us during our High
dors mil roiUTirlff ml)
Teams^t.-. Is another pat;lot' plouecr ’ _What then, lu scho..!, will develop| Kchool course No lenger shall we II#
whirli U contslmd tn iho Istg^tcrm duUes which await them In tivu UU-. vd «;u thvir vlrtim*.
There is no ue«'d Jo ask "To whom
It is no wonder that while i» in to whom ibl- na.i.oi .»wck a debt of;b«rtute? The i-tud> of litcraune. boVh ! ten to their warning voices. «r mee
to cHlura'lcjn. Tlio f^x llngs auTto U
V we indebted for this lmim.ve.1 con curuHl tindylng hatnd in the bcatts of more ihan gratlrule Joining the Tex-j'anf ient and luotlern In our language j
dliclpnm d. the passions sie lo U re
ans in their Mruggie u iih Mexico, he; and in the languages of EurojK*. bos
strained, true and wtnihy mot!v«w arr dltion to our whoids?” The reply of ibt whU. ?*. !L made tf them a race unInsjiireii Ike movement w hich added j made and will conuuue to make a vaw
to be Inspired, a imdouiid rAlii;ln,.h Lr>w« il is a niHug one. “1 owe my cdu.! mnuyed in cl) ifcc^wATlU In rUKced
the lAinc Sur state to the atani and j difference in our national life. People j
locling is to be lusiilied. Ail ibis is cation nnder Hod. lu my own iuduMrv. ^ it ursge and iv*l- Uesi. eiu-rgy.
j Hometlmc-j^ think that the cla.sslca will
to my father and) Ih.-se Indian 1 roubles were not the strliHu. of .thc union.
cxmipritod in oduca'ton * In short U to the sat^ldecs^ol
John C\. Fremont might be clasiK-d ^ at length make way for more modern]
.‘lympathv of g .u.l! ..........
It just as u«'cc»sar> that tht ix> l»c aa nui b( t aiH to
as a im>dom pioneer. His work was; and practical siudu»: but the advenall'Pcrvadlng moral almosuhcit.* in ib<*
1 thc-e ploatvni. U meant prlvaiious
the laying out of /oads and piltding turou* rfudent will always st'idv cla*
It is mir duty therefore, lo turn our j unllmlu d. to strike out into the wlltree nrbool. as that there
the w-hltc fleclH of nralrle
ales, for what are the claslc.s btit ...
ks\IriR home and frienUs.
liot'Vs lo develop the im*mnl. oV sth- ’.iurathm to arcoutit. ami r«il6U »ht j
|h..jr ,^ay ihmugh the un- to Ihe far west. He made In all. lire “noblcxl werks of man!” B<x»ks are
bnir, lo detelo? Ibe phyiirsl sl.W of hopes which our frbn.Js entertain for
cllffeient trips from c.Ast to wcM. doing the iiva
’work.'il hard and over-. hr..kou forest l»i mnc--> and constdertbeladIvUual
so much sorvlc4* for his country that ! the rightful
obstacU-s. yet an have j
fortunate If ‘ they
Hl iwJy. but rtlll surtsv. im! jratibn
lihc nation conferred upon him the titb'
has btnn griming to mecl tbert r\ ttjtwr to overcome bdoie llleV woik isjchsnccd upon an Indian trail.
of the Palhflpder.
jarUiorracy in every society and exqaln'miwls. and it is not rtiiintuHl >ftmt>k4d
I Tht u think td that life In the wilderThese are merely cxamules that jert a wonderful influence on mankind.
bill of
merely to one sisio, but embraces tie
n«n.^s. When they had arrived at a Rhbwitbc spirit that rharacterlred the] Those who have siudk'd Latin, recall
whole nation IVl lu no slatc has Ihr leps Inra-lO ItIts sumh.il. Mom of
for ho ne, they niuM pioni-cr. that spirit of bravery and love | Ihc fiassagc wherein Cicero refers to
felt luore than In Ml^bl an- afk.M
eJimb In The old tep by-j ar«i cren a square luilisad.- i.f upright
I--K**.* j for fi^-dom that ix. a dUilngulKhlng hi-4 own pursuit of lite.~atute: -Haec
4 hlb! un.b-r- iogsaKapro-ectlonagalnM their ready
gan. lu o»ir |m nlnsula*. ibv nMirtltkui
of the Amerlcan^people. ThesejMttdia aduleacenliam alunt senectuto Uuht tiopulsr aiul hlghfr cdurstlou
cuemu-v. With th!-^ block bouse as a Sturdy backwoodsmen who blazed the tenu obbnani: secundas res ornam.
Is most saUHscio'ry. «nd ihi- fIru 1be L.-i«: wi.i pi.
gradually 11 rn 11 for the advance throughout the^adveisls 04^rfiigiinn ac fMjlatlnm practo be oougiaiuUU'4 ou the whole
1 rlearctl-about Ji onii with nrjch laUu l Anjciican r
bent; electani dorol mn ImiH.-dlun’
' Through the long yx'srs of cxpvrleurc.
-----------------------j plante«: tt» re.Ti White this was grow-j jjitaUon of
foris. ocrnociaiit noi.ii.cum. ptvegtinnew meihctos have been the mean* «|
jU!vM.furBl*h l«.d for Iht ,h,. (Ir.. C.mlineDUl cougrvM. iM-c.mo ,mur. ruellrantivo.- Eusinc Hold
rreatlng more IniercRt. not
R L. KYE, PaisnrAU
”THc P.oneer” uv rietbcrt Sullivan. ^•“***'**'
welded Int-. a nation; a new p«-ople. translation of this passage is aa fob
pttpUk iht-mM'lves. but also in the pxrAUcra season In the blorkhoiwc the | disiinrilvely Amerionn. Living aa Ibeyl lows: • Literary pursuits nourish our
• eats It Is the ItffTitsble rx-^ull of lu
them in the^tamll^r classroomR. yci
; pc-iWc ^
this transtorrolng oJ
in our hearts •<J^ply bad sunk the
k waste piact-o lias been j
fhe rongh. loc counity scboolb«.um? In
iesson" they have given
oM ilrikli.g feature In!
to the imHteni, luwi fiair.f' or bhrl ne: onl r ;
teemed each of her, loved each other.
ory. blit also the even! ‘
balldliig. No longt r do bnn wall the world ,
?n<! DOW mu*l bb! each other fare
to nil ethrrx TO /t lar-rea king in Us J
meed Ihe »thi- 5-.rmMsMe I
well. No maUer lu»w sweet the com
. j,
text Nsik»> have in't ii
d hy ihow eire!ttfAn«i II^ import •u'H-.
panl'-nship. a parting. In man> wayi
KarrevcMsu; iu J . i; 4ul-^ t %v-a!with lllusiixllooh. t!:o long le.ura m
lilting uixui u hstduuiMi bench arc a it Ph.iiti-d o r j.;i.H-,1or E*igU-ih civil j
•*i -oay that man was m^e to grow
aa cad. Then i« |t imt sale to pn ItaL'cu in aU twrJ! < i ikc w«>!ld. audj
not stop;
dirt whal sort of ciiluns may tat ex Lrpenant 1 cra-jre U wa-^ the uvans 4*
That kelp he nev-ded once, and needs
pacted from thU nge to advomcHnicu; >.'avcrt:ag \hu comlm-n! from a Wil-1
^no more.
gi; Je!j spo'..
. a» an Incmtivi* fm I vc.-v pupli j 4lt-rm*s
Having grown but an Inch by, U with
•OMrOlory.to live n._j»l^c II
I v.in ri»‘ dwei! b pg eii lb.' ?p:« T
rmlxd. to io>g^.^ri.>ti^m. i Hu' Eu.Vifl.-ni V P.1 tl:e 0!.t W. r’
ttet aymlxd.
For hr hath new need*, and new heipi
wnvM from every a» fc^‘lseuii in ihv the v3 'em hon:l!«pht TV. i»5!l Ju-t u* nto thc.ie“
Tlon a few » l th.!. u: tiemiate
t,I mount
This Impor:* *olc-ly, m
Aa edoenUon has broadened and cx Halia was col->nlxc.l with no tnipo-don each
pgnded. ao also have the srais to H xn» thm wtaieve: trom the natlTcr'al
New height In view; the help whereby
lag groarn to moot the dcmxndr cpf»:i icxdy there, a anre political conqucRl.
he mounts.
Unm. How the High achool take* the India beld ent (or a tiaie. hut s-xm
Tlic ladder rung hl« foot baa left.
of tb« oldJime aemlnary ci ana.l gave up toxkc superior energy and in
. e«iy. On the olhi'r hand we soe the icUlgencc cf Ihc Knalish. ThL was
Since all things suffer change save
gftmrth of the ooUege fystc:n. Tht aUi true of Sew XeHanfl But the
Cod'the Trutfi.”
Uklvwrtoty trf Mlckignn. only an Ittran: s»cry of the winning and peopling of
wkM Hnnmto «tol nlrrnfly auntned lu this land to ours has no paralie) In
growth, now imnks'with iLai older u.k himrry. It is true that nearly aU^tdM Id the orlldenieM. they darctopad aarB«,t aad dollcht our later yeirr.
voewlty. nnk. In wnny dwrtnK-nu /. iempu lo coioaUe a new continent faTOllies began to make cleaiings for
that troll 01 Mir-rell>iic« and lore tor dl»U*rtac Ue minor deulu M lUi.
conaldarod tta auperlor' From this it [have been opiioaed by the natives al- them, elves. Tbc!r homes were bdllt
lodepcadeiioe th«t mahoa Amortca the. a^ affordln* • oereanUl ralace aad
doM not foUow that the people ot - ready occupying that Und, but never to rough, iinb^n logs, with but a sin
leader amoac the poaen of the earth, j iblace: ^ home iher plena; an, nad la j p,rd*n nertl mhlrtt <«Dcna»ea toMichigan are any more tatelleto^^a'j whh tuch pefslxteace and fortitude
gle living room:ihelr fnrnitare, rudely
.. ..
eocatlon elKehen- do ther am- tribale aaai»I|)r- Ha wcelTad br to_________ats to the Purttan that with which the American Indian__________
benches; their bedding.
C. DESMOND ban Jont parchjpad, |»r„„ on; they are »lth an by nlckl.
Chat It doM prove that wlih a oppoMd western growch. DaUng from! the furs to wild beasts, Nevertheless a F.floe
Bran. «laaa lOr hlnlthey^ iU u. apoo oor trareta. Md
f Aim la vlew. pi^vwnfe and the 4»e of the Erst landing at Jamew u was borne, and In spine of the savage. borae. Grlaa.ll
A complete record In kept ot .erea apoa oor letlremeat lato tbb
ytm,\4 yon now
aocQMpllMi woode/s.
town aad PlTmooth. all through iko
^ *
th,^ aumher of thi. parting «ak. .o„,ry dc they »ooJ^
SS^^jSeT'mS SSTtS-liTr ‘
Revoiu- deartos* »«re
tar bot«
break Ita coattaaltr. Mototog ho
aadmn. Daj., |. the opinion of n Croat nUdeat apoa Mr, Dlck*«. to eomcM. the >*
jttemA^. bw bven the initerau aad oMIlcd-a bnrtiware
HP - jie»*Pfttlitadcr Who ban earned a Mce ^>a<laaBd
ao deep a sIgtoAoaace to
the thlrty-ooe gradualea. ifM. On thn
corners cf the suge were white lUnca
and Uiiea to the railey while over the
boxes hung green shields again bea>
Ing the flgurcs 190A The gradonfja'
arranged In a sembcMii thn
young ladlea in pure white, the gantin
meat to. the class, the testroctora and
the si»6akcr of the evening all In Mnck.
After an inspiring eelecttoa hy
Slew art A Bieffens- orchestra the Rev..
Holsaple pronounced a fervent
stiou. He was ftolosrad by Mias
EJliabc-th Hooker, supe^lmsr of maalc.
who. In an excellent voice sang. •'One
Spring Morning. - by Nevln. and •On
May time.” by Oleyspeak. After t%e
lasH spc'akers bad concluded, the toN
chestrm rendered ‘‘The Lest Hope"
and during the prescauUoo of dlgilo.
as. they also gave another selection,
Ciaea tpeakerm.
The flrsi im spt'aker waa Miss
Grace McMIchael. who delivered ihe
saluUfory. welcoming ihe audience tn
delivery ao i-xcellent that abe fWct'lvod much well-deserved
Herbert Sullivan followed with the
cJsii* oration. ‘The
r." MV.
thought and a careful pursuance of hlatory. His language was well choaeo
and his expression so well rounded
that his discourRC held the tntereto of
everyone. His speaking voice waa
clear and drstlnct.
Mias Carrte Fuller had the honor to
delivering the valedictory Her thamo
was an excellent one and her iJellyery
sticb that every word wa* audible, yot
at no time was ranting, being at all,.
times under perfect comrol and excu!*
lently modulated. In fact, all throe
Kpeakers acquitted themselves with*
such credit aa to be complimented
heartily by such an auihorlly as the
•jpeaker of the evening. Dr. A. E. Winship of Boyton.
The “Roya aa a Liability."
DrTA K. Winsh'p was Inlrodoced bj
Prof I B Gilbert who stated that on
the walk to the capltol at Boston there
were two statues, one to Ben>aatid
Franklin, the oibey of Horaro
the great educator. One br Maaiia
great achievements was ihe fouading
of the first journal devoted to educa
tional interests which U now the New
England Journal of EdneaHon to which
Dr. WlnRhlp is the editor. The speaker
was then Introduced to the andleace,
being received with liberal applauM!.'
Dr. \Vinshlp*s lecture was a treat to
every one who heard him and thp
theme waa handled In so maaterftd a
manner that an Ineatlmable amooat hi
g«wl was Implanted In the mln^ of
the bearers.
He began by complimenting the
das* very liberally. sUting that probably not one realized bow magb *t
meant to graduate from a High achooL
It opens doors to them that would
otherwise be closed. In this country
many of the- grswt oorporatloiu. taUrrwds and businesa boiues wUl not ei»ploy men In places where there arc
rhauce* for advancement who arc not
High school graduates. A president to
a railway with 10.000 ailea,to trackage
gave as the reason that a High achool
education was so esjiy to get that If a
yooag man did not K-cure it. ne was
too much of a burT> 10 step out Into
the buslcees world and the road didnT
want men who were in too much to a
burry for thorough pretutratlon.
He ataUd that a fUgh school educa
tion opened -Jic doors to the unlverslUes of the world and avenaea of iho
higher professions that would other
wise be closed. He ctoigratulated th?
parents on btving the privilege o^payiag taxes to support the achoola. He
aald that many bated to pay taiea and
even the groat George WaihMitoii U
on record as not Ifklng to do so aad <
oafortnnately morg follow him la that
line than emulate hla truth teUteg.^
He auied that ihe High school to
the city hadn’t cost the taxpayer one
cent because with every cent of expendhure It had ta^rmmed la valtiatlaa
la proportion. The apaakey even elat
ed that the valuation laeroMed fttoler
lated the ynong peo|te who wotod U
turn he the Uxpayera anytef that
thronsh their ednontlon Un «cmM
pay tnxea bn nmny handradt mom
MM 10 dMIr OIMM OMllf o4 Mc■M Mi at Otm <MM a* MO^
M iMJir Mm M Hr. oM Hn. Jm'iM <Mck St 1* s^ctMk aw m
■aOsr OM4 ksM M HMlc cHM
SI Mmm bstasK sW l> OImMs loM
OM CM I«r M a> UK IssriMTB U»
SM«M kOM ooMrtsMs >M dMj St
mm lor tMIr MHMoaJ «sm«.
C. »sMs te ¥M
tBtBtbBCtafcboflMat. BbU
^•ftiafBBU Bf tte kappr BflBlf
■MVlwr* frf IB «u« eMm ^ pi
mho mm fttdhm homo oi mj
iBikau awd wigbra Ib tlaftr Bev vmlb
IB tlfo.
la fl<nUm the youuz writer, trilh
a rp.juiaueim< Imagiiiatire <Ti«tion.
wtesn- la
of nature and hutuatUty about UIiimU
the U-anty, luirtb ami fiathos of ItKfmuUort an n •hurt bn*lnti» Irip.
move tlkiu the Imaices of the world
ProC. W. A HtcffitM lu«vp« nbortljr cou%*eyed thn>ui:h literary tokens,
fw U^lmnd, wbtw he will mieod i
from Um;
an advantace. In that
flnr prn»*nHar> to l<r»tlng u New he makes utwa hto tnaders* mluda a
wholly iiatlre Impreaalon.
himself known dirintly by allowing ua
Itifitaji Cb»mnnf‘$r Mi thti& aftorsoon
tbe Uooainenu of his spiritual face, the
for KofthfH>n. Whi-ro «ho will rpend
charm oY feature, mood and temper
A abort time wt|b h<‘r atint, lirh. Kua which makes an impression at our first
& WUaoii.
leading like that of first am factw
Til# Hob.
II. CbaBdIcr of Ctnlar te our real liuman wutucta
Rapldt iiBaacMj ihrtmjili
city yt*«ltr. writers are vital iH-r«H>mtl!tles 1a oor
4my on tlndr wa^-io Uelaiul. wbt-n literature. They do not nec^ to wait
Tl»ey may come to ua as aaidreu come,
Ibry will iiH od ih*- aumBier.
as soon aa they can a|ieak. haring only
MUa BofAla Book. who ha* Ih-cb vla^
to bn«k with Infancy; In their book*
ItiBrot l\*dbr. relunii'd boim- today.
la. CmrKT Irfi
tie Bod booltec gitetfBe pifvBBt'^
blood poleabiBC.
Oeirld. aMr.^
barlmlx. MleMgn. M«jr ». im.
To Oc Wlur or tbe RfoolBR tas
bBBO ivt WBi
ihhi momlas for
BBlTuiMr; tbe Wot, Jte. 1
cremteg bod beea bapp&7 M«t
tnaturUy.-n. M. Aldcn te Harper’s.
You also fall t
them that Charlevoix permIUed your
liwai to run any man they rhuae from
the bunch.
your good
You further fall lo tell
people that
your pnrfes-
aiooal coach put on a running sul
came upon tbe track, trying to ring
te as a high school contesiknt
WAS told emphatically
might coach but they ccmkl not
Was that spcjrtsmsnllkc?
that hodest?
Wbs that manly? ' Was
that the spirit >oo would commend te
your boys and your eoaclie*?
In the
last lap of the relay. Levinson falle<l
to touch Finucan,^at first, and Hi
was comiHlk-d to stop and wait, los
That -the touch
made, aflidavlts
of yontestantH and ufflcials sill jmive.
If you wl.wh them.
It Is rontemplihld in the minds <d
Wo cannot l« lp living In sonic d«
tbe lives of heroes alio are cousU
teourmlnda. oar characters am con.
Btenlly lieteg rnodmed. ahai^cd and
teolded by tbe auggosnoua whkii ara
thoa held. Tbe most todpful life
ties for the a\’eragc youth, are not the
metcorlr onea. the unflix^nlolde*aucs,
the aatoulohlng oue«..like those of Napolm. OUver lYumwll and Julius
Caeaar. *Tbo greot slam of the ratyj
dasale bioat boys. *They aduilre. hot
they tlo iMtt feel that th^ ran Imitate
Tbc>y like to rend their lives,
but they do n«t get the lielpfulness nod
the eiicourag«*HH*ul fnmi them that
they do from reoditig ilic lives of Ukwo
who have not Mlnnhvl the world so
It to the triamidi of the or.
dteary Khlllty whhh U m<Mt helidnl ns
luwjdmtlou and eUruumgi imuti.
Tlie life of Uucxdfi tins lM>eu on ae
finitely grtnilec Inspiration to the worid
than the i;f.» of .\jjioleo!i «ir that of
Julius rae*ar.-ti. lit. Marui'a in Kaecaaa Nitli^i lne.
true B|K)rthmcn U> iH'linIe a deserving
aise^ «r tbe MM ssrs M bis seek I
siraK'*-'t£rtss srri'£!5ssn'
Aod oow. U
w Hoaicteltw, ore Aod
U tbe boat
ktee te tbe world fbr
bod beoo elected ■MBbon
kroBcbiol troubleo aod
oftroBteoeof I
Goarootred at Joba
after wffi uake creator tertdte te aoo
«. Drut
Oo, JT. H^tee^a. C. A. Bog
mrcbleal neoBTcb te skMlCB. BigrB tbe bee. dzoggiatik Prkc bter and fl.oe.
IVtal bottle lec.
uwA lOBtet Ibe liipol.e lo Object fopBd te bla ooaf pockets ertde«t!y
to tbe tepotottea of BBtetroeo
wrtUoB BB4er creel atreaa of aeted aa
tbe put of Cbarlevote oootcat
CO with
bo4 oAHela. «o4e tbetela. It U oat»17 Bfiei
from cKimpciIng.
fiatTSSeb'^M tM
NilLsteTo: -Ivaatwo]
they ooe Bolo BBS ;
ooB^ldcBtlr espectod to wte the cbjil and mother and sister, and the i
Crerpoor COB bare hcoatlfBl Imfa;
'UfOfdbwaoCcolorr aeiBooBr nmj BM It to NOT fpoftaBMBllhe. U U NOT to a eoaate -Laara.” They are cmichml
the troth, to ta similar terms and atate that he was
• iMoUr MtMIsi crttfc iMr tcscM
Yea. rocacdbwa of rrrtjlhios e*w|*t charge that CharWroU ra the eup aqrzT he had to commit tbe deed, bat
there would be better aud happier
Tis «tM ooonsrt/ tosfrrroc* o»
days coming for him bye and bye.
«W osofotooM ymr out cos.ese Is
do BOt know who your reporter
Family Party HcldL
(be erssivllcs! rliorcb. IsalssM •»■
. Paoaihty he waa trying to salve
A family parirwas held te the I
■omnr sltt-rouci st I ia». oMa a srriBded aaplratkms by the th
where everyihlag passed off pteaaaat■on wtU lx tWIrercd by lbs McoM- broebid orrr th#-balnT oprrad a cleia. hare plea so ofien beard by erenrone ly. After the guesU depaHed Mr. and
white rfcHh. that will flot Unt, orcr tba
ISf sMsr.
Bct. O. a. HdUcr. folwho Itoteas lo the tale of aroc thi
Mxii. Heated took Mlsa Eaiher Doran
•tlptelyr |»rt«d tageta
lovi-d by the troJlcr <i»sffeny eos- temd BOd with the right ooe mb jroor feoked ball toama aBd athletic 1
and sister.
Mrs. Jennie Arnold
Meaolsr «>»<Uy isoroisc
ighty teit gently «u the give to eacuae defeat. I waa pr
Grand Rapkte home te Joseph Sleder's
aonrler Is tbs eborrb ssd sflrnwos Hteh. HroA the hair a few mluoba duriBg all of tlK> aftemexm. aod wbUc rig. *They returned and tbe wife asaod'agate ttoBO the t.rui»h by mbbing my word may be no UHUr than any slated him 4n caring lor the rig. They
sSTTle; la Ibe Hrsole
a<itort K. Walter sal ob jesiirnlay ou the riolb. Hair treated te thto
> mans. 1 give It a* man to maa. returned to the hou^e and Mrs. Heubel
for tbe «nl flise t4se« bb mttaek •* ten inteoirm erery e^fwlng for two or •that there waa ahaoluiely bo trickery, begpn the tS5k of washing up
three wcebi Will
awMWtb to.. •«*. aao.
no sharp practice, and tfb unfair i
dirbes which had bfien oompictcil wht'n
Tbe rase of Ibe Pociph- «a Jobs
*^W.iokl the snip be Mrfy. pert tbe ods uaed by Chark vote athletes or of be aleppiHl Jo the rear shed door and
'MooUbsa. ebatooa •ttb a rWJalloa-of bstr III sersnl pieces ssd Istish weU ficiato.
sudcnly the sharp report of a revolver
lb* M»r tmllaaore. eaaie before Ibe eaeh side of the fiort. Thto will Bof
Our boys won ob thrtr nferlls.
Kerorder s • cuort at Oo flork tbb only elrtiiMM the Mal|«, Iwt caoae Iho
You make'muchNif the relay race. mether,
bh»d. to rirrutole fn«*dy. tbu* atlu.u- Voo bowover fall to*" lei! yonr o
aMTStsc sod the rawMeai era
nir-hed lo the dtior and found Imt
cunlBSItos Is Ibe siUB of t»0 and totlu;: the gro« tb of the hair and |»rB. ixrople that your team mas allowed
in law lying hut a i*tep from the sbetl.
eeiitiRg ItH fnlllng off.
ass buond wrrr lo Ibe lust ten
run a man te this race noi euu r
The harking of a dug aud the shut
nrcall ctmil.
Tke Taaaa Writer* la Ftrtloos
and who could have teen debarred brought Mike Nolan, night waichmaii.
Hr. aod Mrs, C.
gate tmo tjp« bC paycboloffx.
C ity camp. No. i72. R. N.
™. O. W. S SiMU.
piwprtetor. PboBe C?IL » or m. •
will bold CteHr regular mc«llag hYktey
eveateg tB Woodman halL
ataqy im oao mrm. jmhwm
MWBSllMaiB BBd MBtsl tTOBl
TbeaecoodllBoof rooMrekvrifitec
P. it Mcodab C A.
drag atOTBA
A fall ai-
Jane Ktt
boMt«I Wb«. p.tl-1. *U1 b. tTMttd.
Tten bu M«r bMO w U.r»d«*th>o 9t caiM c<nM <»M tb>t oto
«0C7 ta M I'olM BOM Or. HtsIm
. o \r. a Suadki-'
’rbompeonvUk; va. O. W*. D. Sunday
hanBCteadofia oC a boaltby mtad.
Tte hMsekNBcr Wto Dmb
“Ezy Wax”
It If ate M ablact at tht
» tarfatlsata th. *«a» of tb. bUad la
avium, and to mody otrula tn*. «f
TtfOfI MOfattoo. aod me wbat cao b. L0»T—Fbur key* on spring ohain te^tween fYankle’s and the slaughter
mad. at tb« macblaMy of b
bouse. Uetnm to Record office anj
tIOOf. lb.ICMOfOMOMlM.ltl.brtd.
accratoatrt tb. otbMu. and Ibl. wlU
receive reward.
June Kit*
alM b. rtudted. Tb. dMt aod domb
WANTED—Girl for general housework
Mr*. Boland. 4M SUte atrcct,
June ML
The tortltvite Intend* to bol
in certain boigdtaM wbkb have promto
WANTEO-GIrl for general housied to altow them room to treat lhe*e
to the ac*'ue and teih liheilff Johnson
work. Mr*. Floyd Smith, 429 West
I’hlmately a boapUal wrlH be
aod Coroner Uoldsaurth w»*re
Tenth street. CTtz. phone 21K).
erected for tb* UrnUtmea own work.
moned. The remains were nmniv
June Mf.
Several profCBBlotial men ara aald to
rndertaker Andenwn’a rooms where bo back of tbe movoment who at pro*at ;i;30 thks morning the following Jury cot dralre their nfimra to remain aivret FOUND—Two. ki»ys. corner Eleveulb
r>r. Hyalop In apeaktag of
and Casa. Owner may have same by
vk wiHi them; C. It. McMIchael. H.
calling at this office and paying for
Coate.v. John Nelson. M. H Ellto. Harr> mental auggeatlon may do told of a re
cent experience of bto in the New; York
Burr. C, R I»alge, tbe wltnessc*s to ing
subway with an tatogJeated man. Tbe
June l-l.
Frank Sledcr. Mrs^Sarah Lanenlaugli.
man. be aakl. waa angry and unruly,
MI:^-h »a Berkman and Mi>. Jennie but Dr. Hyalop aald he beckoned
,Arnold, riu Central avenue. Grund blm and aat boaide him and by patting
him and menial »ugge*tk« quieted blni
lUplU*. "
so that be left tbe train to good humor.
Verdict Of Suicide,
Ttxto. be said, was merely mxtR
Little ic-tiniony mas gfveu b«*aTlng and not hypnoltom.
Dr, Hyalop said that tbe luu|M.n Hu- ea.-e and the verdlcfrenden'd
ailiole could dehnltely settle tbe que*.
is thi.s: Thai William C. llePlM 1
lo hto di*;Uh as a insult id a revolver tlon wbetber a man under hypnotic tn
fluenee could be made to ixMTorm-a
shte hy himself lulliclc*d with bnicM i!
criminal aelion or even to kill. lie s,nkl
be doubled If n subJfHt couM be made
Mu.. Heutell did not know her hu*- to do such acta. He told of hto ownhon.
liand bad a revolver and iK-rsunally who. he said, when under hypnotic lutluenre. bexUatod to do nuylbteg abknows of no reas<»n for the act.
rati ridge* were new but Uie revolver aunl or ridiculous.
Is the best housekeeper.
You shake the can till
contents are white, pour
it into a bowl, dip a cloth
in the liquid, wring it as
dry as you can and just
go over vamnh or paint
ed floors, woodwork, fur
niture or linoleum. They
look like new. It will not
hurt the finest mahog
any. Sold by
City Drug Store.
Dr, Ott of Ullebonae (ihrooifii Jourvictory by{^Uieii/nts such a* you give
nal des sclenrrs medleales de Lille)
wa* old.* The hall eniend the
Cluiwcea ProM a
to a Blr4«
followteg i»rarUcal and currence. 4^ Is^iinfair to make statetemple Just alxjvc the temple tome
Tbe story of tbe rarly life, transforalmple meibcd of aacertateteg whether nicuts you cwiintit hack np. You have
mniion and final death of the ChiiiPa*
or not life 1* piswent: Tbe |«lut select
a good hunch of nlhlrtcs. in some
a har.l wt^rkiiig man. eniplM>tvl foi quail IH the most remnrknlde that to
ed U the forearm, which to uuk kly ac- events far snp<rlor to any Wo could
cwwlhle, to fr»x! from hair and U caally put forth. In other evehts we hS4l te*’- jMime Um«- t*y the Sle.ler im al inaikr i found In lhe ornithoK.gi.'iil literaloreof
the w.irld. Tlie nan-alive in all Its unImi piimrrly for ihe Simms inark-i
exposed. The arm is e.\tended borlsonter lai n, nad the to st in. n won.
tally from tbe body ai.d the forearm
The fuuetal will lake p’.ave a' L’ .W r«M><iiialdcnes* i* f*Kjiid In Uie story of
you wl.-li to atlril.ute defea* to rfJx i
Dili ehung. which to the uaiQe the Chi
pronsted. If the trwt to made In the
p. m. Sunday , the Ib-vs. Bin: ell. Cm »idents
rn by w
quail to known
opeoldr a cloak 1a held so ns to shield
Hii ami Cox official ing. Intertueut Ip
ugdum. Celestial i
te th<* Flowery K ug
tbe part from all moUon of tbe atmoa- was not 111 reaching distance at any
OakwocMl te charge cl L’uderlaker An Ihorltk-s on bird
l-ird lore divlnro that no
Idiew. Tb^Jto^ie-of-w-aiidle to now stage of the race. It is an easy way to
siNx-iineii of oiu elnmg x\as ever known
directly applied to a spot an tbe fore let yourselves and the team down. But
to live a year; that they do not lay
arm. wbk-b to ckswly watrh.d by the I ranmd lemglu silent when the gvMxl
ergs, n* all otlier known s|tceies of
olHierrer. At Ibe end of a few serond* name of my city and our hoys is wan
a swelHng rapidly form* aod hursts.
J. Ser--«.|i kwvex Monday f.»r Chi birds do. and. finally, that their pro
tonly asuikHl.
cago It. look after his buhlue«b iuter- genitor to a aUmy. four Jolnu-d worm,
If It eontntos air or gas the ttoaues are
1 trust you may have the newspaper eM.4 there..
wliich"ftas a red Lead imd a sting on
bfelesa. If 11 contain* liquiil or exudaspirit to piibllHh the aliove. as on.
The ttoard of review met n» the the-eud of Its lull. This qinx-r seaitMist
Ikm life 1s pnwnl.
Cliarlcvoix man’s protest and a.ssertlon home of Mr Fheait lasit wm-k Tues wunii. affording to the carhiu* legend
day'and will meet again af the Hnine
that voiir toiys went dusn in defeat,
place nt XI Montlay and Tnesday.
Kussl.1 hfio a largir |»n.port!on ef
not thHMigh trl. kery, l.m tetause the;
'Hie TraveriM* 1/ike ivx<»ri has
wen* lairiy. sijuarely heaien, by the greatly enhanced hy a frVhTi ^rai »d er fifty are worm* of the same sp«-i«i
paint amt o:lwr Itnpnivcm* nis. and aa the parent. The fiiih that ha* c«»me
n.it row margin of two point*.
siBhIk-tob •
Mr. Atkinson 1s getting ready for the Into extoteuci* te this curlau* manner
Sincerely yours.
-TTK74 t -t.—
Buiiual Tush of resorters. The resort iitoo lays lt>0 egg* a year. Fifty of
Will E. Hampton.
I* teconilug ver>- ptipnlar with fhl the.se iMsxime water denizen* after tbe
Mr*. Newcast I mn thluklng of tabeag.i |HM»ph .
Image of their panuit. and the othera
Ing a short holiday ;.nd vtoltiug sorao
IJwJe Miller to assdsllus Mrs AtUiii liecome bird* of the famed om chung
of the stvuAi assoeiati^ with my ances;
tors. Mrs. He iUcu IUoiMU*uttlug>^)!i.
family, nicse oni chung-. or Chinese
Mrs Kranklin Sinlih is quite sick.
.Mr. Tory of Cadillac pajoMHl through quail*, never brecl. . aud are only
but sluiiimiug I* so horribly out of date
T*t» of her >isieis havi Imh u with her ht ie Thursdav lau>l, taking dmmr at
brought liHo exispui.i* as alio\ e relnffsl.
during the pa>t w»*ek.
the Traverse Ijikc n-Miii.
We give Ihe alsive iu»t us a literal fact
but as a spei lmen of the Chlnt'sc Idea
Hi* eyes are much worse at called on .Mrs. Sersuu Friday alur
Aldrich. rvumumULff work.
Reliexhini'iits of cofTtn- san I Of evolution.
le trtoto of J,.b. rt inyrkttl
wicbca.and rake were served atid a
Misseit Aiutdto and l.lx/.le MtH*rels
y I»ro|HT p1a<f t > h-»ve a
me-tt d« iighlul lime soOul in boclal
calhil on .Mis. Frank UaUell Sunday
• John” and -O Kclb
A widow in a Malm- town, according
North I’niiy scbtM.I. .Mis* S<»phla
lo the lU**lon Herald, was a strict conA few lan
l»ago» teache
teacher, had their picture* taken
Ir i*fUi
HUittfl xiih
atnictlouist in her theology and would
'many SunV day* I
They are 75 cent* a huKbel.
admit no loJg«T into her teardlng
Mr*. Anna M. CIamkhiI hax fiutohtd
bou.M- who had u leaning toward Vnl|iaiH-r hanging ami geincr»l hou»i*flcaiivcrs.nllsl view*. One day an old sea
lug for Mr^ Nellie 1
‘ aUd chilly wind*. E>c*ryihlnR captain b*!>pcaed along to aak for.
nh^v*"wh«i suf
-ded aa ver;
to unknomu P. tho»*e .who Pnsl I wo Ktrvfkeh of. parsly
“But %vhnt do you believer, aaked
Kinifs New Lite I’ilto: the time ago, to’much te*tler hut aUl! un
drove lo Cellar thto morning.
ll)« wid jw'.
geuilent |v*gulalors /if slum- able to do anything.
Dr. TYallck wa* the
victim of n
•Oh. most anything.” replied th* cap
| •
Frank Ff»wkr* ha* gone to C\*<lai
hold-up Thursday monilng while dtiv
Ing tlmmgh the country, but no se
A comiiany
liany conatoting of
Mr. and
”I»o you believe there to a beUr^
rious Injury inflictet!.
Mr^. A. L Smith. Mr. and Mra. t. K.
-Nure.” wa* the reply.
ITof. Jacoby and Charlie Alkiiivni
WhPe and chlldrvn and
Ella Bpcml Saturday in TravelCity, re
“\Ve!l/^ parTi•^l the widow, “bow.
<;«kh1 and
id daughter
daughlei went lo Cedar, toat
turning In the evening. If the weatlu i many do you
day evening
attend the
The captain
I*rof, Jaooby xill
m»*«*tliig where Rev.
Allington was or
fair e»leave tor Kasson Weiluesday.
he thought aUWU would te
Mra, Anna ClayiHK.l will spend the
The widow paimed. then *uied*tbak
WBy IB« Lmw« Cmmrn Bi^k.
day with her stoter, Mra. E. Whltiea.
One nlehl a b.vy
who h.id
teen he could come Im -Twenty tte»—^ •
May rk.
working In‘a b:fkcr shop until qule she aald. “to better than none.’
late bixike IliC marble sTAh* ob whbh
The Ran FcaiiHa«w Cill of Sunday. te nnd.led hto loav*-* of brc.ol. Sq be
April ir.. baa rtwebed New Yo,-k. On* atralglTtway wrat to the marble yanl
It to one of the moat
wvN*k ap» The Call wax dte*u**lnc tbe lo Kwnre another, but round ti;e
.|il:ice chKied Ufi. On hto way bark 1H*
igo. Nature ha* no art
future of Sun TYanctoon, «ayiiag:
-iHir dk-atiny 1* uinm o*. W’e i*axu>ot pas.’S'd ji Jhnreyard. and. a* it w«* Nature to grotesque and w eird, but
Art mrana
II. San TYaiutero bn* an lin- v<-ry dark, lie Himl»ed over the fon -. art 1* oura; It to human.
IiKua that nolhlug ran cheek. Coamo- pulled np H aniall beadeiane pud to k anything. A aysiem of philo«>pliy to
tedltak mtfTing more langoaRtw than It twek xHb him to finlab hto Job. The aa moeh art aa beauty In Rculpture aod
made the <vmrual<m of Babel; <omhfning tlie «*tiergle* and tbe aria of scut back shortly afUr hcing«leUvrre I.
----- -----------------------------------------many ixxq.ki.; the mwHteg place of Hapiwolng lo luni one of the b>*te*
Uie Oividenl
toora.butfttnTmuaic. The only mupiiWnwwque
“Hera lies the body of Mr*. --------J aical aound In namra to th* aoand of
Into litei-atnrc and rlatug
Born A. l>. K3C. Died A. D. 1740.“—] water dripping from a rock. Art ta
® iKf lnteriT*nce and oiHKWtunlt.v.*’
I nyperxuiiure.
hypeniaiure. auuMiurc.
antlnature. It la —
We reproilaee thto pasaage te order
• >
. When you witnessed the tire this
morniiiK did the disaster rcmiml
1 j
you that you had not
Enough insurance?
•:. ? ■. .
Consult us about it
i Head Quakes|
ches that
Those headaches
feel as though
ihouKh you
va rc
jiloiTHi lo have a Ml. V^cmiviuH t;ru|)iion in y<»ur
head arc easily cured l.y
Johnson’s Headache
Wafers. Price 15 cts.
.. «•
I |»Ma*rr«HW..TrsrwofLVtj.
Do not wait till >-ou have a fire. Come and
see us at oncc-^lo it NOW.
$5,639.87 Cash Paid in Losses
for the first hvc months of this >-ear by this
Agency alone.
Wc fihall at all times endeavor to give you the
very best underwriting service possible for the
least money, and wc want your business.
OM -Bow u It om mt«t Aesrta
^lon oBWir? Aa*e-BecaiM that I.
F. J.
aad hsitevwkUB a. lore i
•»»<“»« «'«v* I**™
^ I-rai«tr.tM BIU.
15c Fancy Cotton Sox
Swell.Liele Thread Socks in Piaids
and’Embroidered styles at
2So and
An Assorte4 Lot of
Wilsoii Bros.’ $1.00 and
Sl.50 SHIRTS. Linw
broken, but all sizes in
' the bunch—
Choice at 87c
A Lot of Hats
Broken sizes from this
siirinj' sclling--$1.50 and
5»*iu0 broods. We have
placed all1 on front table.
at $1.00
TboilMODTUIe w. O. W. C. 8ob4w. g~/j
.llmitotioo nor rivahy. but
we give to nature.-Dr. Emil Belch.
Umt ereiy wondl of U bold* good afUT
the dixa»*UT that befell Ran FiBBCiacB
on the following Wt^tenday.
It to all-tme now^for exactly tbe
same rraaon* that flMde It tme wbm
firm written- Kan Fiwncisto’* destiny
to ben.; she ba* an Impetiw that
nothing can cbrv*k. and she will artoa
to her IbMubcb bbA BiipwlaMtysrv
Here is a Snap for
.11 i
............. —i»eeoiwt^»ut*Tiw—VLZ
'V » > \
WAHm-To ^ • kosM for skost
tSM mrnL J. w. OMfs, l» E.
M Urm to LMtai
Ota ImIum; will Uto port wtat Is ftaklo dt, pftatf.
Wade BfM, m Trmt St^ Ttntnrcar. Ukk. dOta pkooe int.
been made a fcw ttaya *r> to alorc ik«
prMd piano aad other fanlikta o«
eapcrialiy bar navy. I dt- Ike stadio of FtoC W. H. tata to
Mr. Haldane, the English aslaUtcr.
IfAirrtO-at «MW. >DO< coiysisst
oaM^ a pan of It. In years the Ciiy News stand. Mr. SteEeaa UH
told at a dinner receoUy a story of
to come the aOo of a BrUish adm|ral there could be ao other more anaVcm MdUe. *tlc«ofal,- aald a tital
ta CASH wm k«7 tou iti. la Md
aa Ome to do ao ihM at the dMmay wja PWWT la bU adopted «ma
ah*. OU.ftaM.
m. Rom Atta«*Ook lloicku ookgcr Uae so the piano Md furniture wM
calmly Tiding la the Thlerganew la
orb; ISt ta no Row*. IK feet oo
and Is talsked la Mt
Mark Twain waa talking of war Md takvTi to a ptare of aafeiy.
July. 1S70. “you do not s^^m t
Gnwe. m M M ike aUey. tf ooM
The drmptogs aad deroraUona to Ub#
wood, kaad carred. The appet
of the hardships and piivailooa oi
aware that war was di'clareU yester
bdoro'JoM Id. Tkla la a crool door win be dttod for lodge work Md
sieges. - A kTeaehman** he aald. “caller ao opera bouse for the gvadnattof
day “ “Yes.“ was the answer, “war
Htf. hy fsUM IMM, alB* tally. kariala. Apfljr to Tkoa T. Batca. tke lower door for dab rooms. Dr.
one day on a wxvman who had iw. cxcrclaca tke evening bifore could not
wai declared yvsicTday. and with the
A4tap vUli f«U taHfta Ml
•ayMI Mary E. Orcoa receatlj morod to TalTiny wore ugly little brutes, be reached but Prof. R. L ANye. who
declaraikin of war wy task came to
locstiM. *1toPklMoc.** Record cfta.
and when they came near him the mau had arrived on the acene early in the
aa. ladlaa. Territory.
ta SMf FOR •AL.t-in7-dC fact tat oo
poshed them out of ibe way with hi- mordlng. removed the aUp.ehalni to
J^OMosaioa of a tbree<eBt piece
Miss Lucy E. Era
Stato otred, adjoloa orv (ov<fm
a pUre of safety. The. ^vperm hmse
came amr seadlag Fred Bstee Md
fkt Hotel
c- roldl.r. That you arc not very |fond of for three houni was ao filled with
has reex ivtx! a ('arg
■MOt bdlMlog OB tka WMI. TbU U
Eari Spraal^ dactaaaU. to Jd« w
rouat of the bravery she show
tke OKMt ceotrally locaiad lot la tka
dogs.* The man started In surprise dense smoke that It cutild not be eaburglars,
two mca. huatlog work
Fikt couBiy. rvnnsylvania. laM sum- •1 md fond of di»g*!* ho exclaimed tcrvHl by My one yet this aflernooa
coBtral dlairiktttlBf i^olBt la the aoial
weal to sleep la a bos car at Battle
mer. A boy was bitten In the ankk‘ ‘Why. madame, I ale imne than tweu the wall*, fniwlng and furalahlaga
laodora. progntmite city la ceatikl
Creek aad were dshcd.out by Patrol
bya raUU^ke. Mis* ErtK^si opened ly of them durtog the siege of Paris.* * are not iM*rreptlbly damaged, but ibur
MleklfM; aoMable for aay cIbm of
ata' Hadsoa. who was looking
wound slightly with a penknife
twataesa. Call for price. Wade
John Goal, a fullblood.-U Cro.k In odor of smoke will no doubt cHag to
burglars who had robUd a houi
Smlib Realty Co. lu Alveso L Land and with her ll»i* drew out the M dUn living a few miles from Holden- them for, a Kiog lime.
Droa.. 127 Froal «l.. Trarcroe City
One of the stolen hdr | IKtr* els. Oak l*ar
WAirrtD TO RUV^yo pslr food Mick. Cltlaeaa pkooa 1219.
«.n. The t'.rB.sU- ma.1 ts thrvtUe. Kan... speak* almost no Bagllsh.
BlacMunit to Samuel 8
I KUwanl Black
work ko^ JokD RmoIc. CM
und one she has rwcIvtxV the boy's but he ha* had a telephone pul into
may 24 tf
Owing lu the lime <»f day when the. ^
piece, aad la one of the m«m‘s poapei
kkta IM.
may mf
sU. n b. r . taddwme
„r .« ««,. .X hi. Ur
main t*uslueKH iMirtion of the elty
"^Sadie and Isaac H. I*almer to Gei. ■nc Sl...r.lv «l.,r the- Ud *Bs
FOR •ALt—U4S—1 lard ware stock In was found auM a coin Both
. l.»vUa la*.n.nRO.K
wimiuj u* arrivrng on the doVn4owa
|»^nier. pamis.
A commlH.v L.«.U-d hv J^ph II
good.market town witkla tea mlkt jailed, waicd Indignant
^Wm. C. Il‘»pe and v Ife to Thoma^ ■ho.,0 b.. U-. nf,«med i.. V-. 'lo.kj
a crowd gatherv-d fn»m rwrr
to prove an alibi, as they t rere regts
Travdraa Rmploytat BUraaa. ^ 1
of. TjmYcrae <liy. Oaly hardware
74 1st add.. O, D
|s.rtum of the rliy, hankers and ibrir
tered la a Jachaott bold ihee Dlrbl
night of
of Smith, lot 2k. bUwk 74.
l,...nro UbhMr on
Joseph A. Ilojw and wife to IVnJ „
ta k«y aad sell aeoood haad bl
Rasy icrma. Owaer to other bush
employe*, clefka and Uuslaess men,'
m. Smith. hJt
Kj 40. block 74.
‘ 1st add. iimn U .hi. CD- U *tmh Wtlliim
Knsllsh. hut
eyolaa. A. W. HolllagBWoKh 2U C. ae«s. Call for lavolec aad Urma the burglary.
while the busy hi»UM wlve* of the ettr
Roy Ciirt% 22 years of age. and a son
Uo)d Gairison
tU.TlMm and
aod lleiirv
ll.-..r> CourKO
„|r hi
rraoi it atal pkoae 4M.
Wade Broa. 127 Kroot street. Tra
pemred Into the stivx-t from every diThe committee has limiuxl the ,.lun<|.ie Iluf i. a
Bsayfl lmo*
rrac City. Jdich. ailsens phoo of Rev. C. M. Cure. Iurm<Tly of Mo^
thmx ... U Tx'ctlon. The crowd gn*w mi large an-!
rend, now of WauK^xm. O.. was ar
num amount of a single sub lerpreter may l*e put to* work in th'
24 tf
i-s Mutrhi.
to Ur. Jam.-. U M
Nx-ame such an imr»txllmeni u» carryrested ai Morencl Tuesday evening on In. wS
4 lot
scription'lo lie. The house in whlc^
b 12. M wk 2. O. V . t. C
WANTtO-Cora la tka oar aad oaU;
in-g im the work that the kImxU waa
rks K. Keu>i.u to Sarah
charge of grand larceny pn fem d U>
Cparrl«»u died, on May 24. 1879. l» - ilf
FOR AALe-1449—U»t oo» comer of
Wghaat price paid, a J. Morgaa.
rdson. imrcd-ls.. |4»S.
limxl off and isdicemcn detalkd to see
Maple and Blghth stn^a. I'm!! for his former employer. Ibisc<H* \VII»am.
lUwt As^
Asso. to FrauV
list lUw!
the order was olu .v.il
and FTvnrih j
price. Wade
127 Froat street.
trends. Neahtat
MerrUt. t-ro,..,
Iti.rli the alley In the rear and th«
Hannah. Ijiy A <\». to
Traverse CHy. Mich. CItlseos phone kiTT to llie store and to have U*in
main str.xt weie jamnn-d ixiually with
MH-nlng the store at night and carry ginx. lot S. H , I-. k
may 24 If
n.l w1f»* to Wilmot
rigid ^ers alfrart>x) l.y the gt-neral
ing away toilet articles and several
itViutimiii! from rii'st I*age.)
8. bkK k 1.
alarm from the »iren the nsif of ibe
llH>usand cigars, which he Is said
i ler th. ma>«waltv,
i^aM^ment wtnd<.w U b.w
FOR kALR-Oae top ba«nr. newly FOR •AL«~l4i4~lro ermm parlor,
rvmr build ins* on the alleys were «a<^
aoda fountain, candy making tools, have sold He is a xnapoy dresser and
uts recently cel-] walMng for further iuf€»rmaii«»n .h
palatod. good aa new: alagle dHrlas
a. always well su,.,dlfl with fund,
o r and the de , »’>
all other dxtures. all stock. Good
ebraied h^ r uiueTy-firsi birthday |'phun.-it lo
Yo. twhge Id. Sii:.'*. <
trade, central U»eallon on t'ront .le Is said lo have o.nfuiMKd.- He wa
in . a‘- a girJ of 2::.*the bulk t.f thel|u*vrtmi
Henry Uxlerle und Wife to Fn-d H
str«*t. one of the dnwt eonfee taken to the AdrUn ja/
ITatt. lot rtk. l.kK-k 1. Griffin A \Mn
t lorlum. of the fonts family wa^ Tlu s
«ulr« a C. Lewie. 229 R Froal.
sr.1 I
-ta. ^ JJ Irtickwarti like the dn.pplng down
tlonery. Ice cream and candy making
cod ill b.-r hand. Mu has laW.r. T. on.- r x,wirln;- mm h cai tion and Thief i of a tuittery <if domlniu-s se* «p for
may 2t4f
establishments in city. Call fur >r r Saunder^X'o. of IHirt Huron. ^ Elia* M. IHitcUc'r to Gard C. Hager
‘casliigl.v to niin/c It tor th.* U in |Muira> Inuxhab-Iv fol
ns % «»f nw»4. w*c 2r.. town 2ti. raup
|dav. ILit jli. V ellrut^-il up again with
prtcc. Wade Bros.. 127 Front mt^ l. U Uld up at nichmond with a l«dly 9.
of maukiud. The isH^r ebtldr.-n oij alarm w!*h a Mx-opd. ll
FOR tALl-Larga • room kotiaa and
Tratcrac City. Mick. CltUena phone jiralned ankle ns tbr- result of assist
Vlcloc K.
r vast end of London have iuvn lo r jcial alarm. The whole
kara. laqulra M W. Teaik.. .
K-eial <-ace. which the fhnrrh of j of tlk* city wa.x.on th
any 2Fif
r an hour the fire evidently r»^
while conferring the thlr<l degrts- U|ku
England ha* rveeived largely ut be^ t hor* time and line al
RMinty. 11-it Uamness Rnrdeti 4*outs* wrrt- turmxl into the hax*‘me»t whicuj m irxi c*»iifimHl to the fnm't |Firikia
FOR tALt-Uoraoa at lha Rhllaon FOR AALR-Hn-Ono hundred and him at the Richmond F. A A. M. hsig,.
rV. «.» sw>H
aeveHtm*« aero farm, one and one27. range 11. Il.od.
harity has Ix-en ho varh-d aiul oxtetj- wa? r«» fllUxl with i^mrvke that th.iscj of he baMum-ai .d the WUheliq A
kta kara. Dm CraYaUag. 914
Wolfgang Uelndl of Menomliu*e »
Wm. Ii. Brown Mve that it d. fli-s ennmeraiKm. who entered were nearly overr*jme] »jf e liasA'meiii of the Wilhelm A Bar.
Wtalata 01I.7M.
aprmf half i^ea north of! Grawn. one-half
4 of
sec. r::
tak store, but M* crxxpiag over nnuv.
mile akorosfront na Bjlver Uke; which was sent to him tiy Mat Hager
les IMikens wa, one of her eJl- nod there werv‘ many halrbrt-adth
teiritery er-iM-o<U In* orevented b>
north, sooth Md
to Maggk he.Hi friends and advi^er^ and it wa.FOR RALt--Fura!tur«. bar room, di
fi.rim riy of TallH.t. Mich., wbu Is iit»w
he prettiest resorts In m rviug a u ntenye at U-er Uslge tof
of *w4 texceidt, ikT
Ibe reorv*
fighting firemen who
that she
Urea Md baalaaaa oC HoUl Colam
CngirAPig Brought OuL
stood knrx' .bs-u in Ice rold water,
town 27. ranee U. 92JMh».
!id nu.-u .eru Of Step
bla. A. Hebert.
aprU tf the Grand Traversa n'gion. The
The bridle U of finely wovei :.Tperrv
Hannah, et ah. to Maggi« iiev and \Vhtttvlu»,H I. now brlghieiu-d
dn^irhed and bundl'd by ibe amok.
whole farm Is level-and extra deslrand liralded hi»nu‘ hair and wkx mad
fire with the hosi- line* •dared .down j
torrents of water In a;
l.y‘her iK UeVtdenct'.
FOR SALt^No. 4 Rmltb
»-iitliel> b) hand by Hager MniH«-lf dm
Hie nreamavv and windows of the lia.s*' i
vain attempt to. tide the damage to
be c-asy.v plaited Intq one fifth acre
w. a will
Kudywrty Kipling is ind»ilglng
I’nlvirHalts* 1iw»rt
ing his Imprlsimment. The bridle I
nielit. no iM-rceplil !e effix-t txMihl !••• |
lotu or five l«»ts Ml the acre, or five
P.‘. 2U and
mar 21 tf
c|»*verly caustic wit at ia*ndob Imn di*r-rmx| a< to il,e value of the Ore.
largely while hoCM' hair, with th 2. N«>ahlawn
heii.lied and eighty-five lolx. whleh
Water Destroys Stock.
Muet^. At the Acad'wv «!?niier which fighting brigade mv pliux-d against j
words “GodHl lurk- woven Into the .-ui
Milton C Sheiuirtl li
with a very small amount silverils.
followed the private*view of the May vuidM by Mo«>ke and b.inilns oil P wax ’ Ttie voll^ti- of water rushed fi
FOR RALR-l-adlra* Uhrary property
face of the strap that pas.^ s over the Itrldgeman. H:: oT .se\.
lug would acll for at least |r>fi
exhibition, spi-akliig to the l»a*t ul evident after a half hour that ibi fin > b V. l thrmigh fiom one. ta*. me
pt; bl fool front; terms
lop of the borse's head and the
an*l Mx-n the Voirula harne
|M-r hit. For natural advantages lo
“Uteratun-.’* he declared that- lltera- wa* locn«asing In the Ugbcmcn! and J
iBQuIro of Mrs. C J
• lluKi” In the strap across the
cation can not be Inaten. lo com
tiiu had alwavs
outside the law the velnm.vx of Kmvike iinuead of dl^ l<asi-nM*at at the ea>t of-the bur
may 9^
These figures and letters are of black
range 1
imilsoa with other pn*p«iiy and the
xs Ihe -ne calling that l.s alwdtitely mlnlshlng were only Inirmsifled an »i las4-nH*fil wa* deluged and fUtoiftxI
hall * The bridle Is w»»rth Vobably
I m> ixi-Jlrlloii ta ta
Itee-fne In the m iis,- that It ivc-.N the whole strength of the file dn«tl
t«OMOHN»I piirt' askrx]. this farm Is olfeivd at s ov* r
II Unik aUmt a ve;
fie entire *toi'k wa* *nnn to be .7^
agg nafh\nv. Kgi;*)
very low figure. There Is IlnilH'i
Oo pn»tection —aiol he i!lustiai«xl hb^ Tlielit w.-s placed In t1*4v The two «t»i
nmtplele and is a marvel of fine work
Mr katoklal U ta-AsW
\ en.uiRh to pay for the whole farm at nianxhlp. Hager ha.- hdH*n In |
ivoint in thi.s tashieo: -For tnsfai.re glue* were bioughi al-mf 7:.*;n on i- lost through I!
1 tad tta kIcliMt ■eorita pen
.n> \imI.v ». ..k (or It If yoo «...t 4 now for uIkuh thln»x n vears
uhen, a.s iKca.sitmaIly hapin ri,'. a ju Igr the North tiiioii strxet bridge an-l b.rtx- poiir.x! In finally Into ihe ha*e.
l»ak I R ight |l t
and a inoo.y maker.
make* l»ad law or a ^u^g«-<•u tnak<'s a thi»e !ii»4 .s of htv^- idnngixl vf»liinM ; men! fr.m the fl—r of the harm-**
variety ta the racenl poultry abow
U. AdellK-rt
Wsde 1ln»s. 127 Fron
liad orH-i-athm t.r a mxnulanurer of of was r into th,- burning bntldif i ihop alM.ve. a hole iHdng rut for the
fpaeUI prices oa lots of &0 and 100
Sv-hrmm dug hi* own grave at thiviMui
IihhI makes tad ttanl crlHt tsiu of their which was rapidly iH-ing-iurmsl into n
W. II Uwlor. 408 Fifth 8l.
*t(R»4i the <*avls cigar store furt/eibKi^onc 1219.
may 24 if
may 0-2 mo
aetii.m Is b> Ijiw and euntoni confined
his residence to the road He was seen tiotsie h-sa..ti^jiher i-aM and nothing Ms m-d endanwtth hi to vx»mp.iratively uansiw limits
tul. fin-brands, and tumbtin
at 2 t>rl.H‘k Wednesday afieitnsm ami
tf. as ,KeH?ionnllv l:ap|H-»
FOR »ALf—While WyandoHes. Dus
at I was ii»ls.Hed. The ditch had caved done'and they will go lo botisekeeldng
oiakes a bad txaik there U
tUa atrflfta prUa wlnncra. fificon
« . V .1 . . - .
lu ami ctiinpb iel> biirlOil him John
the er.ticl>m that may b
aggs for 12.09. R. C. fir.
Cob- was gfv-ntlv surpriiuxl
ROOMfi TO RCNT-For light hm.M- Steven*. John Carl hui>t and Ell Prlod'
aggt IftPea for 91^0, J. W,
nntav nigh, when «U>u. thlrfy of he
..1 Irtin.inK .'ll h».l
. MU
stx'urt*d S'lkade* and du;t hlin out
kvx'ping^ ga.H. electric lights, w
r alh.l on her, A ««*»•’
1 IH. The won lixxignue
■NTta A
201 AniU DIvUIob hath, steam heat; ihlrd fiiKtr IVxv Sehrain was i*2 .vears old Hi ix-rided
n... „..n.nna. nn.n. .h- ..m-r|
«ta,o ori
was wervAxl and a fine time i;vmeraU
t.Mngs like l-«
pies Savings bank.
may 23-tf lour miu*s northwest of l»avlson lie
Is survivvid by a widow and daughter '"ii;::';;
179 CA9H will buy lot 110. llMaah
FOR RENT-121 Cass. F. i
Fire whirh started In* I he waste pa
avenue. Oak HelghU suburb. &0xlCS
aUsut-hunian Ule *'
may 29-tf
riH.v.-,! a< toKs the *tr.x t. ('all after
General J T. JamiM.n. a Mlss<myUii
faet. If sold iH'fore June lal. Apply
.-an lor liquid r.fn-Hhroent* were antop floor lo the lutsemenl. destroyed fun is as.-uretl.
toTkoa T ilatea.
may b-U
of the old *cbwl. L prtdably the gn-al
burning buthling at flrst^by the Wil wenxi by Mr. Brother* iiegalivejr.
FOR RENT—Ftveuiom fiat. 117 South the high schivol hulldlng at Port Hu "^Jack Frie;t
est blnl lovvr In Oklahoma. hr> pre^,^
helm. Itattak A Co wan^'^bc mom-y iu who siate.1 that the llrmae was away
Cnion street, up stairs. Addres run. causing a ioas of iPMsm. lusin- K*. Sa’tir la.v
d ii? hr toe. and Is adviN-aiiitg that thguiseil. The cherries
tm CA9H will bay lol-lM. Hannah Rooms, care Reo*rd
ih- >.xb‘ and th«
tbe.^e iH-Ing and he .latvd md self without It
may 3l-2t anee.
S<» raiddly did the llanie^ while, lull new libn-s
siatd atlopt. a* !»atx „fth- r Irriculum.
avanae. Oak Hotghti suburb, 80xl«
rarisi for l.y Mr. WTlhilro. who fn.m
In a da.v or two.
Gas Meters Shut 0«r
Mac If 9Dld before Juaa lit. Apply A>n RENT—Best office rooms la the spread that mose of the pupils and ou
have a very R«Kt Itu si'idv of bit.In and tlu ir pn.*:retioa the flisi «ntercsl. forero»*st Into the
Owing to the danger of ga» expk»teachers on the upm-r floors .were evnu- Indications we Wtll
Tboa. T. Baton.
May 9tf
in the nuhli. seh«*>K.
task of saving the building from“ fit- ■ sioo fIkmiM the m<4c-rs be reached by'
j city; newly finished aad'^papered; l»elled to seek safety by wa.v cd Ih.'
E-lwanl M. Gretit. who .iieliioMi iMr WHheim wa.s time
eomiany at once acnl men
fire escaiH*. Although the.e hml Uxti
AIM AA9M will buv lot 280 Gtaal
**®***^..vlae Ihilr larius
longer serve a.^ vxrmptndki: ‘d the city
and pivvailed upon to <
L.hMt off Ibe strpply after first Hokieg
no llrx drill tv*r several yrwrs ami n »
til New Yoik. hiu<x- iiU ic«urn to htbasemeiii when the d«-nsiry
ib» ]
•libs?. Only ooe meter,
signal was given tho
May r«.
taw Intaine^si ha* be. »»m«- interested in
*moke wa* a fearful danger, but hv. in tr.e Viuruta
cdficc. Real low.
may 94f
(a harnes* shop, etmld ^
Bmjr 44i
a numlHT <»f suit* of large laip»»riance.
to Ttom. T. BatM.
would rtdurn ati-r a breath of b
Innl UDld
uDid >K;42 whe-n the second to
i Ti St lnnl
each of which will i*ay him na»re in a
naUy haif,eon.vioa*. he wa.s disrovftrred th.FOR RENT-Fn
of the Brother* *ain.,-.,
year than did bis oflict- during his vti
fMO 0A»H will ta)' • « arr« kx la Travoraa aiy Small bousa aac
down in tho roar pr.rtt..li »nd led out |___
Blitawood satad>.-l«9 (nt (roattat orchard. Other co
hj and tiKHiKh bn aiu-mptwl to retorot.^j
opoa Bast My, tis (s^^m-ttnwek
Asa IVklure has be cb<>sea chief U
.1 on.H. maa lakrt. arnu.. .he atrre.,
atttal. It a«M by J«oe lit.''Apply to Norrta. Norrtavin©.
the Apa->* Imriins lo
and . auHl (or in the Hannah A Lay ^
Imo. who 1* rapidly falling in health
Thoa. T. Dataa.
»ay bU FOR RENT-Taa room 1
M.-rraotllr com!»»y bulldine
Alt. r l
.mi cooled
ChuJ Asa is a graduate of the Iiidiaii
FOR •ALt-RewrH >>o<mei or will
school at Carlisle. l*a.. and ha.s grvat
; LAND*:
Mr. Wilhelm again ft It able to rv'
rwl. ItowarJ Whllla*.
may Ml
«Bcc alth bla irita Nr-ai Aiucua.
and wa* soon busy looking afu r
the Ap«-he. alU hare Uvn priaonerr
While working in thcLj,^ ^
o( war in Oklahoma for t.ent) yeara. I " “ '
' '
W WM badly cut on his^
There are 227 in the tribe. »
habd* but suffered no olher lajoiy^
The coaf«xTk>aery store of J. W.
Twenty-six cotBgrx-ssflw-n. Incloding
Furnituru Movad.
Jackson, located m xt to the Brotkatm
NORM* «>R RAt«-Ota pair inti
Mr Loagworth. the pn-sWcnt * son im
Ilrrald aad Rerord raatiway hladly
tarotal *rt«M mt Ptataa
The first room to be endangered by HaJoon, at la o'clock b«|ma te geC
Irw. were at a ball same la Washlajp
soon two faai
Boke akd the probability of the cn- i orw aapply nC
Ota pair fian b<«-i
ttoa the other day when the aergeMt
I to tka kaanof the fire wa* the room oC voter vaa
at arm* swiwrped down upon them aad
Lxrly over tbe;meai. emriag
covering tke tee «ota angtong
‘ / fi ^
kurrkxl the whole \m u» the capltfl!. ocupied by Dr. Moon directly
A Rta M Arltaia.
A U.
I #
They arrlvcxl jo*t in time lo vote oa a Wilhelm, Bartak fi Co-. store. Dr.lsall stock. psMoU. »K»er kaga. tar
tactlra woHi la all lactttaMa
wtth bis safe i supply for baking department nnd
^ =
Ota Stattata poay. taw ba«y
raU ealL WlUlam* of MlssU*itorf had Mooa got to the stall
stjtf*. damag- wotolag outfit waa allood. Mr. JackQ i
■ tarwau tad eart: a alca rt» hw toaaetaa. 8a»a *•». PWMra 0*afa
K a frarUaaal « of See. J. T. «. N. R. U W.-MT IFlta a«ta.
Uoaaa BMC. Onyd ItaHta Mkk.
Marked dme nnlU speedy a'ttcmbUas teg the safe ky kreaktag the tega He
Come aad aaa ai er vrtM at (or pricei.
aac IMao
dKwtjy asked for voteateers to aasiat Mytktog from tkure knt tku tat Oomt . ^ fi
broQgkt tke absentees la.
aaoda Kemptr. whose Uther is a him la romovtog kia ottce tondahlng*
short order if the Mui aroae. Yka/ ^ ^^ i
FOR FALR-ldda-Ota tataita aad
Ttee admiral of the BHtish navy, has
'Sitotora Mm ta fCW
atafy acr*a. icrtaty alita oadar aad
e-*ttMted la tke Halted States amriae j and carried kls fmevRure to the straeL plauud their damage at .9Mfi.fuQy iw
-HgyggadMtaatattadattkikNor.; Tke Stewart fi SteEen academy eat
,4ta. ira ■B« frt* rataoad; eat
mllllta tadar aad pdat,
1 olditbe second to be.strtiijied of tts fu Trwde l-tat Ptoto teiuite ur EBtak
navy ^ard, Mr. la 2i
Mrs. Mortlmei
Birmingham, took her drat
trip reeeaUy. She has gone to Albert
Dae. Mlaa, oa a vUii to her grMd
daagkter. Mra. iiaille Fuller. Mia.
Rmllk’s latbor. DMiel Hunter. baUt
oi»e of the drat bulMlag ever ereded
at Birmingham.
Joe At kins, sgeo 84. steward oo the
owl iMirge. Robert Walta. was kUled
near the Mohawk dock oa Trarerm
biy. lie jumped upon a handcar M«i
tl.e baadL-s truck his bead, frartnriaj
hU skull. He had remarkW a few min
ute» before that aomelbtag was llkdy
to txcur. there being thlrlcia In th^
party. Tm body will U- shlpinsl it
,wa. oppoaMc Oouit
House aganre oai the cast Md Coagro*
R OB the aoath. The
•Utc mot an aad plate
hard aervicw ta ihe Boer mar.
taking pan U acverai of the koOeal
{wan KK OF TKlORlj eagagemeata.
*1 like AaBeHcm.** be
- :-m
11. ^ ^ 2i|
li?:g; r. IJ
JohnF. Ott Lumber Co.
Wata BWR,
rnmt Rt, Ttarwai
"ifir (nikM
*r can huM»ii
l>»tl^ 0«Mi« m
fr^ fW«l—fr»t «o « ^Miftrrvt
#4.500 5i#Mmay.
Cl.,e3Na|-.r«il.llu»«l UA fW
niuiKTuiEO ANb Repaired
^iit f»^^i ToMitAc or TnM.B«KnUtior. proaipily
mMe rmUm - try m Wd i^ianuileo Mii«fnrlMi«.
Ifyoai Pi«tK»n#^il§ri»OAipior#i-!juilm*‘i*l of «nv kiw?, 1.4
ns Iln tin-work. fNir fArilitir* atxl f..rv of
lli<. » o- ami
ov aiMi vill cai am! •aYmilk c»tl««atr;
mm. IMS.
M)i€ IWSE.
F'l^ IH Rta^fwl«t DUrait.
BRANeH: 159 ISn'lSV'??
diKtrlcl aferuiy and Ibvn he eoavicted
every rrtraloal Moally be
a Judre and he .h.abled the
the M U> le t- : and ual | In.' would a'o;»
law I.M^kinr.
T^•d»> John Jo - nh O CVuin.r la al
the I'hiUpi An
r arad-ojy pi. par
ing fOi Har»a:d and rvei . piv:»u.^Hij.*
-•hrid ia lb*- country dbired bUu t
.ehuLufhlp If he would play loolball
but he *»M he w« 01. «rmfur. ihal he
I»l05ed (i!ol\all l-ir luo »nd not lur bU
JK 9 Am RAM 01
■t tMr oliMea.
n» ipirtwr tM «a»'«4
ead the oah e-b-i^ i*r/ re:el«e4 vw
the m-erhev fi^-i Uc hre OhMas hhfsatis. T C ikCTTbceh taeiiH tar
•itrr 'e~ •*» J t:;raewtat ty wheel t^_
hbhr heb««. •» tte
bca, W
«« b»«MK Ihii
«hst ahe tn> htfIM tar. -Hr
aotcT d«.iAg UM
m:th the hir« that rte* the «lt»ta'-*a»«
rf tSe day. The
^ the ymmf pwble
mm ■mik« M pw
W*»i3i**22?2It^ »m! - **f *^**^^***T*- ■
MM« M tt»Ml «r tt* vMIe
rnatmtmrrn^ aM lb*
hialldet| e.r.e. bat It aoM tim city aaAy 7& ceafs
j aaKU artra ia the taoi bid ^a k>ad of fi
and America, lod noc by the mea InLiol betas noke* tato tbe fwraaoe
c«a»o today bat b.» the yoong peo- wheov. wader
plr. be aa aaact amoas tbe aatloaa of he fuel MU wonld be 3S eeau. Water
waa tboa rwebiag Hsto ibe bulldiag oa
lho> errib.
ova .voKime oC
Dinloniag Ffvs^aiad.
3.1SF salloaa per mlaa^ But tblx
Mr. CUN rt then anawMSOOd that oa
waa aot alL aa three atreama were
kc aeu >e.x:\ Un-itm* coiirae Jadga
beitis throws o«t of ibe river by lb.*
l.iudre/ of I . aver, mcntlosied by Dr.
fijo fisbiiag evgiats oa the bridge. At
Wia-hip, wow: j
one of IN
the caU reached ibe water wprk^
He the a U'-reduivd Mayor A. V. FrmJ
that the fire tans oat aad tbd nsoaat4^r
I irk who piew-^tcsl the d.'doiaa -.
ngiaa was la a anmawt guielly doUag
Mayor Krkdilrh stalad lu Um cl%-^
>*ii 1.010 gallop, per luiaute, tbe regu;i»t a; tbe; bad tymuimvl i>m
IVton water aapxJy of the city.
*>ur 0. a> prctid'^al if ibe board of
Hear It Loeke. •
-bicytii rv. be froold
ibclr dl
The :t->:o of Wilhelm 4 Bsrtak
pi ms . In It h?!f of me cMy and lh»
X a t«-laJ wreck. Tbe main flour fell
iKepk! he ceusratulalod then and
n s* !♦ r. cad with It wvm ibo cuilie
kt>|»ed tb»i t'u y wou’l le^uiic a iiret.
^u. k. fix
and office w;tb ibe ex
and not Ual i.utc- of the i-.»ai.'n lulty.
ep Ion of the safe which wa« ctaadlag
tic mad ihe aaitca.
a i.'ic exl.'i'iiie iveaer of tbe loom.
l uiliig mu»»l2 b? the Oivhei rx. Maa
At.Mii tmecn Jeel ia the Iront reter WiUlam Cllleft ;ind MN> Hi.ngby
malax'd M^lid rod cnabUM tbe* firetuen
llewi di'^ltib ued tbe diploma 1, and at
enter u *b aK-vc anl Uluw and |d.v
the c^Bdiirioa of 'Mk the griduatc the recipii ntt. ol inouy crtigaatu ificlr Ivtors.
Mr. Vtjlruha. when s.x-n' tbl.x after
Ififlen^ pod pre eii s Iron thvir l»iead>
K n J. aiod he wa^. as yei unable to
aii^ U'latlvtt..
4 e the nnurmi of In-* rxu'*e he!.i
A plcat.inl cMUJUKU-’croeni dap*'*
I i.»o.ighl It rnwll nad the Itss ui
b.;.t III Ihc »tr.d«ii;y dii.u^ lUi.mHi was net cx vt?icd.
!Jt U Hh; eviiiiag
The buU :*ag 1*1 whUh the fire gutted
<Thc tuuiliia* ana dr - nlrfiie ap the laiM-iTunt of Wilhelm 4 Hartak ^
tirwry store H a su-ca!le<l uniot
tilh fng owned jointly by the John
WiJhilm e-tste and Wilhelm 4 Bar
tsJi t\*blk the^lldlug Is one, tbt
Is Jolntl)
owned by both firms and ealato. wblU
(Cootltiuwd From Fifth Page.)
Flank Trude, iho'har.lwarc dealer, the poitlon occupied by tbe Jackson
cry store and the Brotbom
as not aCfei tcl -l^ either water or
nokc but a pec J liar c jlncid.-ucc C4ime Hsloou U:lo;»g^ to tbe Wilhelm estate
The Wilhelm 4 Barlak store porUun
to mind. A^roiighl/up hy the Ure. >ir
b^ them and the iusur
Trude siaHsJ ip^lhe Record that" the
day preceding^the IVtcrlyl Ore three anres arc made to corresimud to the
ytara ago he had txVca out aa eaira joint owners.
.’TrFvyw.rmw 9tto>u.ttoo
i^owMhr for Your BoMi't
Buy a SMALLEY MaruK: Gas En«u« and
enjoy the boating season’ from beginning to end.
W. M. PAIGE, Agent.
With the J. B. Paige Electric Co.
las Cass stroou
and twimo-w. jl wtofC
R UKaU Uuo IUrm) mw4«r 4aviity
afwcisl ftiilurwA • ol B umI Bw jm.>
othor koriveiK* aloirvi. Jl ia M>iial4«
for m1) kiiula uf euoking, Avp*‘cUUy foi
IvAk^m: aiul hroiluiu A" nintkd td
annimer vxm.firri mihI c-utivtusipiioi*
Kvoo’ lMHiapki'**|4*r vmn a|»p t» iai.»
what it tato ha\o mu oil aUne for hot
v\iiil!u*r u*H!. mimI wIm-o thin n* rfwi
aU»vo is offt-Nil, !li»l ukM-la all eult
Maty iixiutii n.eutK, Imii.ifE wilhuut
aoKAts -h»r urvlval, enui *;l help cui.aiJeriiig it a U»»«i of auUUutial
Saxton Hardware Co.
(C«ilteM4 fnAP PMS9 Iliree A
OM Mta Don't Count
Dr. WlAEhlp MlU am If o»»f rt.aU*
tim dallr papfiB he wi|l he »irm4 wHIi
llic aunibcr of laaoalft kut than* limvc
tm\m U^a
m»P> tnKrrrtmtt*;
f'or JL nice roast, a leader porU*rhou*5e
IpaiK^ lu dmru%tr Ihf ra»''xW H*» '
o. *;l.':i»Ui aU*ak for brolflng, cuU for
9f tton, bowt’»i*r.
owr W
I rar.lnji. lM)iKn.^ or for soup* can al
tiU aod he waafi't ta)iiu; anaki
ways iH liad al Sluder s market. Bocf
IAS oror ih«A-. It Wat uut
luuiii iho
I# one ci the iroat nutritious and most
iJd mcA tbal mvrv tbo liaUillUiw UThe btH-aker then drew a conlra^itlnR
economical meats to use. ma cvcr>
c*w tbi‘y would noon paas away. Ii
scrap can U*. utllbuxi. We alao carry
U for lb€- boy vltb Of«> joain abi'a.l pjriurc i t I hi- .oMgh bay. iben of* Paddy
just an choice line of mutton, 1
of bln. If h« tbonid lake tbe dowa O'Coauer pi«"ii. lMK Hw at the George
ve.x!. pork and iwultry. Our market
ward rourik^ tbat wouW eonv«^l hhi:
iK the headquattws for good houscUito a llabllily ibat be ir#»U1e». Tbrrc and Anally cf John Join ph U CVniuoi
kevq>cr« who demand tbe beat.
mra a tbonaand lioica groaior p^albili preiMiiing for Harvard.
With Its no order Ik too small to bo
Uaa In one boy of li than In a Rockc
appreciated or too large for our ca
boaifuatT Of Carncala. The bo>» Uial art
Corner Eighth and Franklin.
llaiailtkMi abould la turnwA Into a» artat problem bow to mm the terrora ne^s was not alTeetetl. Yesterday br»
Mm. Charles Pmlor. who hasvN*en
Both Phonos.
siting for the past two week;* wit*
aou, aa a natlua'a aaat(», aa a wdlcr from UabUltles Inia *a»50ti'. He aali again took out an extra fl.ooo again
that the chuieh should aid In ibit. He and the eoiiicldeiirc could not pis» lur pai.-nla, Mr. and Mrs. Peier Ru Cor. Eighth and Franklin Su.
Both phones.
3W >carB a«o atatt'd arc lia boya.
iJllUd a n Iliihuei ill PillHbnrK who n without remarking the jirangt cdnci .ho. returned to Grand Rapids Friday
Piclurtd Daaolatlon.
Fraud h Fort on
an pi a ralM- (rum
u dencc.
Huppoac. aaid tbc >makSr. Ibat ovcr>
kx,^3l>-iHMeier the Sunday Minor Injorlea During Fire FlfM4n«. atuea at Bast H(
boy and alrl. ctcry ohlhl and hab>
acbool liuicfc^ were oacb paid $3
Howard Smedley of Honor entered
tmder Ik ycara of a»c would be ban
Sunday, tiaiiug that he t^mlda t afford the haaemeia during Ihe early period
NbiH) fn.m Traviw tbly and nime al
to preach In a ehurrh where the y^uug of the Ore and waa overcome .wllh
loved to return to lake their placet.
,H.up!e were not held. Too
and removed later to the Grand
There aoon would bo no phyaldann.
Lhis vlclnli.v there*are Bass lake
rluirelu^ looked afU r the cftK-kcry and Traverse hospital in the ambwhiBro.
mi lawytm. no nu rchanfa. tm fa
Chandler lake where
lake and..............................
earim. and let Hie ywing people go.
where a local phvMlclan attended him ba«Bnie.
are caught '
Tl'crc U not to luutjh luicicrt lu^i
Coo.-ts Arr? at WoHi.
was place ! In w.-.rm. dry clothing
IbmWbv and C. L Dumiite.
.bank prealdcnU at ihoti* who will be
Mr. Wiushlp hlausl Ihtl the coiin and BUiTounded hy hot wa:er holtles memlKTH of the Uuird of review, int-t
the bank p^caWcn»^. Heal entatwore til ing noiii. thing for ihe vounj soon fell fully reat.vnM Fred Co<m. a at the home of Supervisor Edwin
wiiuldn‘< be worib ten ci*nu on the dol iKMplo’nud itaKsl Uia* neat wet k th«*
Black on Tuesday.
volunteer, while standing wllh J. A.
We have a lad In Bast Illy who may
lar. etrcrjluMly aoulU be alrlvlufi tt
National. J ivealle Impiovemem
Montague al a rear window of the stime day become a famotiH^re».rler.
get out.
riailcn would be organized la riiUaso Wtlhelm, Hartak groeery. received re- HU name U Jack King Jack N 17
Geort# Jun cr flepablic.
wt h a mllMoo dollar, luiek of
cuta from the breaking of Iho yiwrs old, 5 ftol. 4 inrhe.s In height
and weighii llIH iKiund.s. H la eany for
The aiMaker ihcu told of the (b.irgTh- w^Ml; I f Jui'Ke Mndso) waa next window gla.-w hy a amlen stream froa. him tu lay on the mat- iMiyb jiiuch oldei
Junior. Republic and.of ihc Uttlt fV*
tV.eu e,., Whe.i be litrl tijok
vvlihlii tiiin«*.l again.'*: the windbvt. Mr. and he avier. Jack ha.*> ne» iiar.-nts Uv
f un I0u«h. Paddy O iMimor. who
4 bench hi iH-uvi i. H4 o.it ef e\ery
Moniag.:.- >aw the danger and ducked tng. He U making hU home with Mr
tent tberr aud^ in Ibiee tlaya h
d.fTendt iib wli.. .vine i'» that court re sulflclently t.> e:.rajH- haim He wa > and Mrs. John Caiaalc.
The iH.y# e.r Eshf Bay an- to organ
fonnel a rang and had iH-t-u iiupri
He j;isi reveiKi d Ih.* |»er.'eiit cared for at the Wait .Irug store and Ize a baseball cltib and expect to go to
tJiKd III' e.irai^d with bin band and
Not a boy undo
ItiiT relumed again to a^slM in thi
letniritel niitral N’ew York
day quite a
yall in six >ear> and
reUilveit vlKltetl Mr.
Vfuglu. bmoghl talk and d.-all
Things Doing in Dascmznt.'
CarliKle. who have mti *-*d\u their
Jlbea b.- auuonm..l that he would
riiool riHi mties away that
Ikiwii ill the bah. in.-m things wer
atudy Uw. lU- did r-. pium‘d the
Fine Interior Finish
Ai'i’otuimiiy httu.
dong iiUvt ly all the lime. The kmck and Mr#. Frank Cbainpalgiie and Mr
w rtire cxamluaUuu and wa* adHilUe 1 _____
and Mrs. .Will Acker ol Tiavt ine Ctiy
ash. Doors and Mill W;
Jii.lge hlmnl. 'giving him the eommli
tOmtinited on Sixth Page.)
Mr. sn.l Mr#. (Vtave Dt.mlno. .Mr. an.
to the bar at the lU public. Tbeu bt l'.iVui
and telliug him m go. and
fuw. wbu n‘iain.Ml,,,^^.^
rot e%erv pri
iV.ne ‘n H. nve
fltMii to a df»'h «»r alrn.i.st four feet
hlEi and the dmiriciI aitutuey ii alKn.il
are lK»y.i it lie:
The lliemeii aoiktug there were under
in kl. ryca U-eause be bad j
indo did xomc plowing for Jaim:;. It
groat diinculiies. They escaped any Beach, whosi* health U such that he «Paddy wa, elct tcsl j
Scbooln at Work.
.>erk»ii.^ ntiHh.t|»> but bcv.-ral ludirruii mialde to do much.
■■■■ I Thi' a Miipuls at.' s.ivitig the 1«>vh t,ai.l
Frank Biosh has rented the bark
bxpiHmings ca-iM-l 'laughter. Thoma
Mr. -Win hip
iMjme. »d i^mnw- g
K Adsicy.
ithiliam. duiiiig the thlek of the fight., of !•:.
W right of TraverM* City Is haul
t wieng bill iiivcjilgaibiu will show th ;
turned the nuzzle of a hoae held by ing cedar fence posts from tne Nathan
the lH»y. who do wo art' the one. wb»
him directly under bis ruUr r<iat and Lncas place for Don Cleland.
TAM Report Is Mada Up Dally. The
4!IU not |»asv* Ihrough eighth grade#
yfc are all glad to hear that Gi*and
Record la Rot Roaponaiblo for
leoJvfMl a violent and untimely shower
Out of a M*aieh covering iweuiy-flve
ma Fortoa. who was quite low. h* now
ChaagM in RHcoa.
liaih Joe 8ccor kinked a boae and la
much tetUT.
v.uru IcK# tlmn one p«-r ci nt had gone
SellinS Rthoo.
S .
attempting to get U Into working order
Many from hcr<* attcndc*d N-rvIre*
riear luvrW. vrr l»aj rvl............ %
.ucnlti h»st bis grip on it. whcreupoi AKcension day at 81. I-'ramU church
rmi <»rr.;u> iKtt. r :oclal and fluaticial
n» ar |suk. pt r po ind
111.' fcl! force ef water strark Charle Tiayor*e City.
l enl pc't'k
p..fii»ou. I'lxii their p.xirn'h.
Rolrh has gone to Hasting?.,
. II U A
to visit frHmds and relatives.
raid Ibe Viir. 4.- .itU-. w .nild I »• l.eiud
«i a l«rrH ai.d w. d; ed lU agalnal the
Mrs. Fred TJemtne of East Hea.l
In Tiavet^e < i»y>.^
liSlAfTl' U * t o m lU^
for p week has N-eti visitIng be»
wall 111 wat.-r .'een ciio.irb to drown win. fi'*^
Pul la Rich#we»^ Work.
Feed. H U A CVi a Beat
end Mrs. J..bn Shaw of
him He w^ rtac ied undamaged ex parents,
Eggs. |K'f diup-n..............
The tptaUei iheu tem hod u|s.n Julia
Sltgbla, 1
lacd hoi
<vpt to hiu IceUagh. JTed Hartak. af e.
Cmiawb. per puood......
Wolf .
Rirbinoud# bulk In New ^erk and
Ihe llrit. ilgbf. uciU to work In Ue
stated that as weu-xvl4«r the had la
tu^'ment with the firemen and at 10
hri rh»rs<- KWiO trh.»l rull.irco «h..
Hoary M- 1^**^ <d Traverse Cl y. the
uclock wa# carried home “all la** but
came from ad aisui ol k*xr- (ban halt a
purebaarr cf i^c Ruxho farm. s|*eni all
tiawlUtng to leave the scecc rf the fire.
tirk tnmimiag his Urge orchard.
.Quan mil.
b'ire year, ago nt> ebU
K.< rv vol’iidccr and cHizen. who’ber
Albcrl Courtadc Loi.ghi of lllr
drea w. lit ov» r the r .xth gradev. To
na the frjrrc or ik»1. was p;;i>vUlo*l with Thayer imat Thnrsday at private ia
day ih.M' ate fifty.iiho rooms of
Bah, hrr l*r«l.........................
fine belter, four large bogs, four
sp*>figcs whh'h. hy being kepi damp
Hr«b p«-...........
tai-venth an.! eighth gmd.^ Thev are
tcea piga and twealy four chirke
and tU^ over th* lr mouths, prevciiied
lllrww Thayer, who occupied
not only being h-dLcwHsl hut are being
Miffocatlon rrv>m tlie den e black
iu«M a Tr.««. a*,
ar. 1have removed
Bncfkc uhitb was a bad foe to encoaa- ilK- paat year.
The majortty of these giv the children
arily on ibclr I:farm: they have
of emlgTaiils but recently arrivc-d. He
plana la view.
•tack ct OU,
The duoe ■( Bjrre.r Minin’*
tben told a tbncblng aior^ of g mUtr
*M Hesd wu «eir.*lteiMle<l.
The stock of five barrels of ol) of ibigirl- and ht
the kind tbat
ByroB UawkliM of Archie vlwied
Wilhclm, Oaruk 4 On. grocery wa.>
rodBodBy irtth bli dBufhicr, Mr*
6t-your doors an4l windows
Our Univeraltiaa.
Albert Courtndc.
. ,at best prices. Dealers in all kinds
Repalra at the Kcllley Lumber Co.*a
the sneaker ataied that tbe aaluia- and the mala atock uailcr tbe aldawalk
of building materiaL Get our prices and consid^
lorfkB ta a aiodcai way bad eompapc l was ealajarad while fbt
our stock balm baji]«. ISstimates famisbed.
fVtSH Aan Arbor with Uanrard bat It was ao stock of about fifty saJloa
Co. kaoD their men b»H>
as all tbc^eaa» rpalUod fan well. tbe roar jiorilotfoi the basomoat fed When tbero U a abui-down every mat
Oor motto: Bsat^iioss;Dor Stock.
to do until the ml
with this, be uM It was tbe Oamca.
. Prmnpt Ddiverr.
«VU up again. ._________ .
Liras of Mt>^ UaedL
read ta remaectioa with
Jtttph SMtr & itn, fint-fimllfatitotit ni Same* Fads)
A Stove Without «
Compel itoi —
if you want Low Prices
TSe pi^ (rmn
Tlib aesMl yMi •^pW (or the
the ouia to the wove aod elt labor
tree of charsr.
vtm Wtibeim block to
B lAARTIN^PhyaicIgg Mi Dm
uCBoa Mb BmI Fimi mimL
freight, poTMla Md tnaka OMm
at CUV Rook Btero.
UntB. E. L. BONNER*B half diOMlBB
/ mxHora. over dty Book BUkw. Room
lARA T. CHASE. M. O. -l•hy^irlan
and Siirgvuei. Offlrea 407 ti Stale
Hank bhrek. with Dr. it H Ouse.
017.. phfsac 225 iR. R«dik*iMc iftl
W. Sevontb Ktrcct, with iho Mltmoa
CiureU. Ci’z pboiic 52R.
Tmvenia tjuid and
Thnnall. Maaagar. % Otic
Hamtirna 4 MUIIkmi block
OR. E. B. MINOR-Offiea «»<
torn. Bpactal ottaatkm
UroaE Olaaaaa
to mr% «Ar. noaa
phoaaa Mdafroa kii
fifvfh at^ ^
BaU. H
OR. A. H. HOLLIDAY. Umdaat
tMte UnJvaraHy. OCBea te Mt
hklg. ^apkoaaa. oCBea. IM:
r. W. THIRLBY. DaotMt
«nm 4 Rarl’a favalry
If You Want Good Quality
alaa and surgeon. Ramovad lo afi
•oaa In Munson block ovnr BamgjR
4 Darl'A .Citlaaoa ^hoM ttt.
If Quality is to be Considered
with the Price
We Can Get Your Business.
tnhar and artion
teetloB guarani aad.
MnaicHooaa CIta..pbooaJM
Come and See US
J. E. Greilick Co.
S55?'wUh Dra. Bawyar MTpMknk
PIANO TUNING SaHafacaim guar
anteed. F. D. Nicbola, gfl Bomb
Union. Citz phone IIM.
apr 13-tf
vcr. Price* ranaonabla. Offlea vttk
O. P. Carvar 4 Bra BoU phonaa.
fica over BngbaaY drag 1
. 04
Indow Class
v.-; i*
: my office and get ra
faring. A. B, Curtla.
Dr. W. J. Higginis
Fine Denial Work
Offloo 506 Now WilUolili Btook,
The South Side Lumber Co.
Tramse City, fiich.
Tbe^Ure boaa of tbe dty was la A eompteidnn fair okcn like to ace.
use at oao time dartag tbe coaAagrw Soglriaultetbla advice.
It bad not beea for two aaWoratti tkm mad twelve inches played the!*' I^nt hmdtAte to think It o*er. .
inofewoora. **Wbea ttao Sgbt agaiaai volume of water laCO tbe
alalfl Tea.
taberentoaia la so Intease, we read tbai
JobaaoB Drug Co.
001 of yoar mahrerall j baa come ib<
greatest dAaaovory la coancrtlon wit I
Tfu O. W. D. Sonda
a w. a
tbe white Flasac.- said Mr. Wtasblp.
►R. E. U^THli
tion to dioaaaas of chlldrao.
40f 8Uta«Bank bldg. Boih pi
. V
Try M ,/r.WeM
C D. MIttOL;
J. It HirlUilUTit
^ ^ ^ . -..........
Tbrlr MX frtetoU
f^Ftototo of Bftotol. I»d, to to -or*
Om mm me
fM III* t#»
too trill foi«tj ••> to
‘Tills U toy ^to*r
K sr-riJ“^^— I«1>i.»tt*»4«^ Ike wAMmg »«•SK
j^m4. Un. Ato H. Voim0^ dt
r^lekvIJW fiRturtor to tUH
Jir*. Bd torookB of ttei
lira. J«MO HoDotl 4wmt*
ly. wtora 1
Dm Prott.
Iwioff •
bm boytoff up potoioo* ot to cotos
por btoMi H^ 4M *ot P»1 ir«7 raoor
**?{L WfcK*' M«Hto IT«^enr«Af
lira. Ktoory Vf-kli- of Trav*^ «tf
oU^4<*4 iht ptoty hvT^ ftotuntoi
Irnmmt AmH umA
: ;CI PBW «•>.■■■<•• •!•»«’■
BOWENk harbor.
•r«rf •Dt«l.l01W«l » «1» or.a«^-
Order your
Strong |>Ianl« r»i >ed from
our t>ckl planik of la>t
Only 5c each
**Mm. duhu Crjker rtf) Uivell. who
ha* l^etn vUlilns her d
Ben nherr!ag.^et«rnpd
lar<i Saturday, y
May ‘JK.
6t^i Jli 3arvii
Tobn 8. Santo
Xeneral Insarance
Hew WUbcIa Bilk
TrsfcrM Ctt)
Tbc Trottior Bred Stallion
■ Diisseldorf 16147
Will BWnd for the *eason of lyoo jt
Traversa City. Mich.
' Bay Bullion, owned by 0. J. Morgan, rit-ht hind ankle
wWtriwntBUr: foaled July C. 18W. itre<l by W. C I rance
Sire .if Dick
CeUyh 2:ll X. Emma E.. |... 2;t». is . ihers.
amddwaolMudt Better, p. 2:07 >4. and C other ».an.».-ird
oerformers. Son of Onward 1411 (sire of Bcuz. tia 2:(C»4,
i etc > dam of the great Alma Mater, by Mambrinnl atchei,&*j
l« ^ SeStinelU Wilke., by ticorye W.lkes 519 Reco?d^. Sire of Harry Wilke. 2 1312. Hriun
Wilke. 2:141-2. B1 others; dam* of Alexander 2:(*9 1-4 i
'Sirk Hubbanl2i>Ba'4. about 200 other*, and orandsire of
i ^^PaldhSTp.. 2:1014. Ralph Wilke. 2K»3 4. Uewretu
I Sms 4 and OTcr
other (landard performers
"^Id'd^ SauU^ by Sentinel 2«a-Record 2:29 14
—Sd dwn hy Bolivar-A whip horse.
*fEBM8-«-To inaura foal. $10.
In bnyiiis tM wrong jiiano
at any picn.
At lioim4 eiiUTtaiiimcnt U
A nc<H«tity for llie W4»l(tirv^ of
Umj fAJuUy cirolf. lunl ikt* fm t
that A
pittoo or cwbim t
ji it tbo hMt iiivivtiiit-nt
you caiL niakf. hir iurnaaiiiK
Uio joy ami lilHUiirt- of houu*.
tbu mily uiittake you can
maka U in Imyiug tbn wr#Bg
pUM at say prln.' TU
i. ...■onoroy pemou'liwl. You
WBUt your ilolUrs to^> h* 'sr
u jjomil.1... Yon want ll.e
W .1 tl»e riulit pri.v TUU
i. wltst you «et in a Kinilwll
PiBuo. U> »»y uoUiiuK of the
quirt joy nml mtUfacliou Hurt
inlmre. in tho owmT.l.i|> of
KonI bimI IwBUtiful lbiuu»tbw mmlm Kim'taM Pii.iioa
thMi rv..
l>.e frur* ko% doae wore damaso j Elates.
ihMi war ib.-uRhi ot firs:
Sdt Biany are nvare^ that Jnw«*
l,. ,i lii
lii-runourii,. i. xwui
r.eui all over
o%er and.
»ndi B^^aoii
3y^.|^aaii of Pennsytra
1S3<X was a realdeat dui^
.Mr Mo4»u? Bud Mill Crank uf llaln
». hfi«* lo iiuoi J. J IliildH-n to Silt
V iho tilt- lot ilu-lr n» a planing
CoBOiilts Oiilf
‘“x’ J. Hum- II dA ill^
FOR CK'KAN lU keU. all linen, cheap
silo* WhlUMr. lbH*dlnc erf Hagtial ba* boughi
rote*, aee Vf. T. Kvona, ogent Kre
lou and Is imivlng lM-r«*.
The hiinaiuK uvu»‘d bv the Brigham
tM)>M ban iMN-u ifni**nl to Mi. Jan^A.
MINNOWS FOR BAIT ot Oer vbo la luiliiK h as a n-Hittursu-, '
<*uiitpax*iur N. C. Kttini» baa rt'Wiv
maUe*a bam.
may IB if
»-i4-d from Ills ‘tTious lUiu s. un.1 luv
gum- itr aork at hK <dd liiisim->«
TIua*.rk on iho. Mrllild.ri-'tid-iuV If finish. .I and tbc hrlrMay
ioi' has Ciimnienrt-d.
>?iandlfh IS on iht* *lrk list
Kagon hns i* iiii d ih»* . r»*
SHmi. i f harai-ss Rh.ip ami *111
hl‘ orthf thiTn*.
i;: VUia ShiHlfi ha*K cipentv
tiponoMl dix u
making |iaih*rs at Mm. llemu-4
IVrklns Is vltiliiiing her r1 ,irr.
lllln Wlgld
T. A. W1U1U.M
Friday nlglit at tb**..,
rhureh van mUfe veil oiiendi-d
bore cb«.*b tart K.U.- nl.bi
swii .llhooek ib^rr ..r. but
and no to-tore
aur out »» U ta rw* » ku.) llin«- vai
Charles l^noln
Ttarv »a<H. Hi> fto»
heolih We are hoidng lo hejir of hU
Morr tlhoMng lj*uff<ntug vlib
Raitib rp* ni a ci*upb« of da)K the U»’
ibe Vis k In Trorerp* Cliy
* HuVir Hniltb
home again
A lew frloadi golbered ot the bow.- leeii ta imnolv lur about leu ■ ^nVl^f
of Ml*. Tboh. iJiiinSft lart Toe.dov
Mi'^ Ihn Cheilog s m ilb. r has iv
enfna *nd ia'« b* r a pleawrut A.ur ItirruHj home ai Cedar, after making
liv. It being to r Witbdoy Oow. * bi-r daugbler a vUll
ire |de^
we placed and fi*fierliU»eola of jr**
Atme. Zoole-k ba:<
lie vli
mom and take oi-re tened durlne of xioand pm into fr
e evening.
^ 7* .¥p'a hart eat alter
heller from
Charles lAanin. Sr . va:» quUe f4. U
MIBB I.0IU Holme
her bard cold
iw iiaNt «eel.
tor and Mrn. l-'fank Kioui>a of .*mJameii iJirdk- has been dravmjj pr*
inta bad a nariov e-rape from
loi i !«♦ T:a*erre
T:A*erre City,
ah ta wania
having their home Uu:n up one da>
Aithur iJeiftOl Iv banging paper for
lasi ireek.
Ubsi. ila/el.
MUm Ltrale IHrhra md of TraveiPel j^^hn llolnn
('ity Is vUltlng with frle«d;i at ihl* |i*h h*-»n ralU
of the nine
—_______ -.averi'e City
•ipeol Uml week with Myr.
Ur toe MozkAB ctotoM comstooloo;
l.o.*> bi .-'kalud I. a. scUt. kiMl brlRbi ,^1.1, ^ KmiacktaM Utat u r*r tMck
tor. mod tor*, fto.l U
i of Lootorllle, fooadrr of too
L Tboora* a. Not•OB. PBlted StoUo mtototor to MexSoo;
i tUe Huiil WUaw Htouy Wodswocth
TIiW- VO* oo cbareb SiraiUy oo oe j
liiK 'W» b bl* pAf*-»u.
H II Itoir*. orrr SuoJiy.
tor* Vioto 1-ak* *b4 Mr* P**ail N
m luv«* «f»e ft> bills t i Pi ATl utc
XB.R»»*ra «fO.W.HcOeiBT
mtlo city. Abooc tb» toiiool.
• of Gottorml Oftot at lUyovtIto
Mr*. Clian^ iiraoidiBit to give oOclot racocnUloii to
*^kStoof ATtya. r.wrye Ayera. Itolto-r tiler • Unhday. be year*, and flfiy »•« •ou* of toe old coBMiiouarcolto oil
Ayor.. lAOii Art^rs ood C4 Pol»*r
Uoke U«3i on iLi niore vMie
ooU be itod flpCflt ha|giy do.ro.
oil dru%^
Irom tJrooB lo. tb«
Abb««Vb t« W>- ‘“ a. aeU. toUwd. dU 0««». OnM
Ittity ftoJiirdoy r^roto
t I
ny«M 8. Unuto. eto<t«4 pwoUf«t to Itoto oml IST2. ottetotod tbo
-«>lrbratr<l lUysTllto acMletoy. ctto-
rk;^Ti.rMW ^ ^ i«*
i0« i«ly to
sM to ^ li^r*
<toto4. Itollto »Hd M^fUto.
MRT. bslsiT-em.'* R> Brt V
Its awd ««fc. nm Mr BtaB w huwt-
Th* kM M OB k* •« irift
b-ICs home
Mbit! Kiigel N the Ktie .r of her tl;
r. Mrn KM Tlt-.n.
Mav TK.
UtMd SU»*T. lAii I
Thw»- i- u poid sUh\ laid of a nntu
Whi» hu« b»«ewu»e a mo-l mie e*-rul
Uterehaut. A fen y«-jr4 mk » l»e
ouii»b'\e»l a* an eiTl. .* U»y and iiie-M iig.*, for 11 lni«e tUiu. lie wa* *«.i to
viler! :«!i^;.»‘rtMint fnHU a twin which
VHta ttni.»4bre«‘ \er> •'*b.tUyJ' Si:d « i*
told to m*t the inonev nt all li;ix«rtK.
The 4li !.tc»r* gave the hid a Hie. k for
He "ei.t to The loiuk nt t>m e !*»
r.Mli It. imd e.n^ told by toe'*v*lib-r
tha!.Hn‘re Wi re not eiuMigh fund* jn
to im*«-l ll.
• How nuieh Hhortr SKked toe lad.
••Seven dolhir*.** nn« the au>ixvfr.
It hit keil I ui a mluute or ixvo 4>f 1h»*
time for the bunk to ^ losn The I oy
In hi* poeketB loiik out »7 and.
pi.Rhliic U thitmuh the window. *ahl:
-FiK Hunt to Hie credit of Blank ft Co.The tnitoh r dhl *•». wherviRHin Ihu
boy iiri-M-nitd the ehcik and yoJ ihe
money. BUluk A Co. fnileil the lifVt
mid ‘heir ebriuvln can be ^etle^
liimmiiiHl tb:;n ib«Mrd»4-»l when' ihey
found «.m Ihe tiUk that bad bw*n
|ilav**l m>on theui^________
noi^fi TO I.EAVK the cUy. tnnv
•It 4i.ir eiiiey uigau within live day*.
Solid waliiui
WHte set rCed^*.
|1K cash or Hnie if tnkeu a‘ oi
Call or midreBF Ci::. West S* vuuh.
a trttb and 1 bam no pttont m
NiW Tortt Httnii_______
The toMt t*A«w
/* :
-Aclty a ahun.- told t globe trotlWs
always In ttt enattrn qntrltr. ;I
wonder why? 1>Ue New York. Ut
otit aide la Ita alnni aldA $o R it wRIh
London. The mot ««d 1* toe atom end.
Of rhUadelphbu Cbknr\ Canton and
Madrid toe aanm toln« bohla good, at
I know from pecaont) espcrienca. Tht'
only ponlble inwnnd I can «lve dor $
LOSS Of SOIL BY EROSION. clty-a aluma beto* tovarlaWy Ui ftl
qoatter U that tbla qnaiter 1$ *
Ove Of the Uiiml VmmOm Fur Itoaei
the one that Is expomal to the harsh
.« ,Ue Amer««vp I've*.
rtgora or the atm
Tbc uiuviui: of Mill by vuti»r U oot
coulim'd to large Ktivania. a* i
fanuera know to their torrov. Evory
nil trlckU^ down the rIoim?
•nVH me.- reqnesu the yoong par
of toe dtieat aud ricbcat son. entering toe stodj of the gray
KOU ou toe luruL After a heavy ralu bcanlixl phUosopheiv *'vkhat to the dlf*
toe Bfriiu; Ih «uily aud toe puddlea In femnee between friowUblp and loven
Tbe gray beaMed pbUom»pber *tndtog
toe bullow* art‘ muddy wlib lu ll»e
deep funvwa left m* and down -the toe table toongbtfully fbr a moment
»lt4K> by toe cultivator twlb l*ecoiue or two. then repllea: • Frlemtohip. my
mlulalurv v*T»ter .xiurae*. and Hie trle- aon, to a mutual uwlet*landlng; k»?n
to n mutual mtonnOci«Undlug.--Llf$.
kltofr Hxater exact* a tribute of rich
If y«mr deolrr boont
Lay MereanUle Co. hoA
ed to
bim la tbo imklcnrr. It Wta to IHtS
that Jame* Ito4%aMU took op hla
IdMitv nl IXtrabflhtova. Five
befurv*. lu tbf
tmaalxHbtovu wa* tben
tot miiuty t-^t. bad been bom a child.
AUrabam 1.lurt»la. dt-atlucU to achieve
hither bcooni ami a gtvater
bUtory tbati even BoeUanoa
cMUdklereJ to bU day one of tbc ntoat
I imbUc
Bucb«aan’« futber bad purebaaed ta
an tovc-atmenl aome properly near
EtUabethtovo. Hlvtojr It to bU ao
iNidc Lliu .a4tfle lu toe ucv land of
promise ami pn»w op vllb li. BucI
an. tliuu llinv and twcuty. a ^^il^ge
Cmduale Oiul a Imv.vcr. bad lUtlc
utWB fur the roujfU and ready aldiv uf
froutler life. Atlciullug toe Unit
of court after blv arrival, be noticed
Do you ever play with b$d '
was left bara all winter baa IcMt sotoe
little if»ya,
fc^ya. Jobnnyt Jebmiy-Ysn. air.
^rm aurprtoed. Johnny! Why
Cullies ap|H*ar on tbe fanii here ami
Plaj with good unto boym?
fxTv. widening and d4vi»eulug after
Tbeir mammas won't let tom.
ever? rain. Tbe soil ou toe knolls and
bllUlde* UH-uint** tUiu and yellow, fur -London Tit Bits.
toe rUh black surface part of ll has
A Ca
hurried off,to help build up some excel
have tot i$-My dear lady, may
lent fanning laud a»»oui ten mlloa
foaal qt your band fur n WMkr
-A week? WTty. TU fi»e you a i#-After tt bi*avy rain Hto farmer can
aae tto* t>eat part of bto soil creeitlug. fnaal toat will laat foiemr.--CtoT$-’
running, racing away from him. A land Plain Dealer.
Ibouauud murky rill* toowly meander
uero*i.s blB plowed grouiul and gather
force* lu toe liollow*. A buudnHl tur
bid rivulet* pour down the bollow* and
t!i4i<e I'.i.iaie market gardettl,
Join the water lu tin* gulch. .V duK*n
muddy brooklet* rush dowu the guleb. vvlmre nutinng I* In toslihm unU-a*' tt
Bwell the brook Into a creek and race
•t tif siason. nHiiiiids us <>f tbc
dowuiitreaiu, U'srlng uway tona of
. of humor and lark of •**n*lblllty
Hie rh*li allt and loam that make phmU of the tonioiis rn*nch wit FonteuellM.
^ow. When the ralu to over and too A friend who 4-alled u|M>n blip wa*
Boakctl sirfl haa drl4*d out enough to
to stay for dliim*r. -We will
tm. thcfs* aro gravelly plaiv* that rfl»e
h.Mve nspnngiis.- snld Ftuitenclle. who
■un»rlsed to »ee thl* uupiluly looking fanner and* It hard to make pn>an cjrfrure In f«*od as lu words.
IH-nmnngo take a mvl uinoug the tow Uuetlve. and rock* an* exiKwed that -With oil" jtmendcHl the gUe*t. "But
» uexvr 1m :i nlMive tlw surface I
I pr. !er ll w ‘ih KUiec." obj4s twl Kontm
’^T cMe nu MlU-d tb.- third d.y of fore
4li-2itr.*.-* with me," tho
ruHmkexl cro«lou Its* ruined many
tbr UTm lu Wbl.h tin- i.li-adlue» wore
ll ]w»lnt4sl 4.ut. "Ob. very well.”
lously hurt many .rflirr*.
very Intricate, and after Hie *trlcte*t
Riii.l roiitcm lle. vxith a verj bad grace,
farmKngtlsh ffw-ma to fon* toe day* of <'hit
hi* W4-ail to give thl- oixb-r. UU
ty. Tbe Oft lire i>re*ld«>utM wonder w as
return he f.mial his gU4 *l lu an
niid ito- kM.*4\ Hbaly aolto
luexiirmMibto when be saw llanlUilake
a|•..ph•4^U• til. Back w«*nt l%mf.-nHIO
bold of this 4UM- with .iHtunlhhiug Rklll of Hn- norih. are gimg^nl add gtillhx!
to the toi. of the kitchen stjilra.
and forts*. The nrgumeul* of tin* every year until tliiTr iHs-oiue pra. tkal
he ro-triMl, -you ran dnw* tho
rougli bilking Kentaeky lawyer were ly valU4‘k‘*'4 fur cn»pplng. 1 have *<.vo
-ipanign* with Rouce.” — Loudon
luastendiss-> of learning, logic ami many huinlretl* of acri-^ rulmsl by
cbvme**. Before be h fl the tsmrtroom watoing in tla- t'aroliim*. T4‘im«M4*4-e liironiHe.
that day'ytnmg Jluebanau rvtiolved that and ihnirtrla. On incM farms, howeviT.
wlK-re sui-li III fuvonM looking lawyi-m Ihc loss Is le** ivuispl.-uou* and more
^WhWU to the first aud most ImpoTami pawet Insidhnm. Ev4-rj* farm Hiat has an Irtorlly of Hurfuis*. h..xveviT .allitot. tnut Mmiim-ntr asked .a Rundny
a biplding
small Khic
lVnmtylv.nni.i tenderfoot. ItatluT than pays tribute u* the font* that <h»«** Minarf teacher of.n girl profiartng for
;rugg!c for vuc**-** at ihc bar with mon- lev«-nng in uu Imirr than all the confirmation. -Marriage.” wa* tbc
rrumpt n-*<pi>m
n-*<pouBc. "No. baptism is tbc
auHi gtuut* a* llaidiu uud his co! potent h'vHlug machines have ever irrompt
lifKl and most
lea^^niet he would g.» b.st k to bli native done or ev« r w ill «lo.
A very lmi»orlant prirf.lcni for Hie the temiuT eonr
Keystone vommouweitlto ibs-tlng Mr
llarilla nfternarJ In ro4igr»--s, IKl'l farm owner to «smsider to fnov ft cheek
Ir. Bm-hauau dtH'torinl tlmt be cfvwluu cheaply uud effectively. The
to Kentucky' ex|Kv(iug to be a phiu that will !*• most au<ss*ssrul »legreat man then*, that so many luwycrv li*ndH upon the hs ulity, the lay 4.f the
be eaiue In eantm t with were bi • lauil. the klu-l 4.f *4,11. the crop and
iuaN and so many again Ids *uiH*rJuri. many other kwal mati4»r*. In cxtnme
4*as4** It ha* b4M*n found iiiMswaarj to
that b** govt* it up.
'Hiu* H.-II llanlln** l!l flttlng suit of retain woudcsl area* running n<Toa* Ibv
slopcB that are *ubje.-t to washing and
\mcricun bto 4,lherwiHe dtoposisl **» us to prev«-nt llie
shunUl Ik* hx»k4d f» <*arffully. A little
work dlre<*tiug streamlets into legiti
Chief Kan ta Civic Art.
To make oUllty the vchiele of beauty mate «banmto 1* time W4 ll Sla nt. Tlicn*
Is a chief end lo civ|l art. say* toe are various meHHMls of holdiug th<* soil
Century. Cve and b»‘auty have too with plants. A 4s»ver crop of ty<*. ch»uonly Uh*u n-gurdvd :»* uecesHarlly ver. vi'ti-h, ci<-.. sown In tto* orclaml
aei»arated .attrlbuie*! 'Hiing* of utility or <'t>rnneM lu late Muminer may do
must be commouplms*. ami It to Immn muH» to pn*veut Muifafv wa
terlal If toe wmmouplatv U* ugly; Us lug the winter, <steef> Imuk* may Im*^
uglluca* makes u* appreclale ah h»*Kl with qiiaek gi-ass
more toe beauty of tolngs rare, put Into mendowa. ('illHvating across
kept precious and aixart-tbat I* tbe the sloiM-s h»*t4-od of up aiul dowu
view toe multitude buB be4*B led to sav4* many tiny leak* that aimiunt to a
aud from wblrh even many ar serlons lt»ss In **ime ca«Bhi. Mauy oilier
tist* are not ext*uipt. ll wa* an oW methods uf eb«*< klng croelte will sng Lyrnm Em PkMmm^m
fashioned costom to i*.»late aU the nice gi-sl theinaclvi* lo tl
thing* of toe bouachukl lu tbe U-at this pnihlem lo solve, and Ibt* metl
to a positive enra I6r nil lhoi« pnhiflil
1. wblrh wa* loo priH Jou* to live lK>rn of iH-T-onuJ ise^ cud lu^al «•;
nHoK-ms of women, it will entirely
But toe iiuxh rn pnictkv l* to rli-nee arc apt to la* tmsit cHlHeut.
cun- tin- worst forma of IVroale Commake tbe vvlurfe Uotna* u* lieautlful a*
The lots by erc»*lc<i U. I la*liovc.
plaiiOs. Inflammation ami I lecraHoo,'
ide. We now si'e that Just to- of tbe largest leaks ou American farm* Falling and IHsplai-emrnU and cousir
u toe -l»e*i roour* went n*e<]
today. It Is bound to Increoae as our qucnl Spinal Wrakniws. and to nceuli*
content* deeai4*d beautiful, n-olly made wooded area ilecn-asew This ksui
ebamto-r of horror* A fonv«d fa uot be entirely prevented, as lofig n«
inlllarltj with ugllm-^* dull* toe ta*te the ralu tolls upon laud that to not i-t
for U-auty. So unle*t toe eyi-s are f4s*lly level But a large i^rt of It can
It has con-d m4»ru caaes of Female
woutivl ii> toe beam Ifu! by *eelttg ll on lie prevented. How to do this to worth IVeakDiTM
than any
, oFiber remedy Uia
ecery aide, reskleutolu the most
eoushlerlug by every man who ba* toe
known. It is almost inthing*, beauty at Its best cannot problem on bto banda.-f'ouutrj Ufe lo fallibli- Id such cases. It dlmolve* and
be given lo toe thing* act *i*art to wear
rx|iHs Tumors In an early stage of
It ns a garment of atat». a* In ktatm.**,
development. That
omenta aud public building*.
llaaCs Were Sksklan Alresrfr.
An Amertcan uetor oiio*
causing pain, weight and headache, ia
A K*v«l Roes
duel In )torts Kw tbe sole pun*oso
A novel rcce i
Btodylug toe demeanor «if the ducltot*
Madras fair. It was a handicap of aU
He wa* prtikojing at tbc time to 04.i stances it acta In harmony witli ton
animals bred lo the country, tbe comfemale aystem. Ueorrecto
IK^dtora Including boffaloes. ele:»bantiB a dutitot'a rul«* lu n new piay
* uaalug Ibii combat afterwaid. hr
. emu. Hk. baaidi** panics
of it* iMMt loam by ptonUog llu»e.
Tbe clefibaotB were plared
-I confiii* that I lj>»rnt-d ver> llrtle
at tf woTlog ta a mofTlage icoceaakm
and went over tbc course at a qolck rrom ll. *fbe men w^* t«o> well *
walk. Tbe ram and r>at riddan by o teach ipe anjthlng Ibct wuukl
of neVvlce lo a scilous otage duel
little boj A ton well and toe boffaloaa
wjme At a good galtop. but tbc coa Tln-y reuiUid4Bl nu*. lu fact, uf a atory
would net atir. ncltoer woald tbc Mk. tbat Edwin Booth umd lo IHI
•Tbbi alory codistiis too p
tartll tbr cud of toe race, when It took
frtgbt and darted down tbe <xmrae ct who. after tbey Lad exchang
bartnUwaly. were urgeil by ibWr rac
onds to ahnkc bauds. They.wit*
to do ao when n hystander. v.borbad
looked on at toelr duel dcaj.ltc tbeir iw
querns tbat be deport, exclaimed la a
Masted tooFt
CilKAP RATES Buxton. Mnaa..
••If* bardlT orewwary for them to
retoin. girfng May SI to June $.
aluke baDdw Tbx ir l«:udB have Lee*
Para Marguotke agoat for part bn
•baking tola itotf hour/**
Fbrioda. Wcnlr.
Jitter Vouf!^
Ih^operly Bums
% KAfucs tmxr
% goat— of inmtw. .
-ran wc^** onid mndnmo bin mko
^iut MOMdiilcomoia. and
wwtkod M wbtte Uw maa told ber «r
-^ndnmo In
«M tbr gM m
tbr pomMa him llum.na nbr imt-n
tfio Late
«• tWM a»*iH ; i/i;
• •*•': ■'•■
• -.V
c^llft iMi fmn»H intittr«t*»^ wif
V Jl0alti$f Fire 1
Cli!« CMNKMitf 1 rerreftni
nre Sound and Strona i
bmkliig at bernwy
tlppMl Oncers.
aald the girl, -nlthoiicb many
jgIriH ©uvy in© and do not In liev© tbnt 1
work at aU. kiy my buuni an* tong.**
Wilson Wiia OaMdlug bla lltv©n In
tb© iKt*ut**d wnlur.
*T r«-»d s..im*tl,liic In tlic* iim|h^ orwe
about lM»w you prvtly nuiiilcurliig gtrta
MouwHlmiw marry Into the rk-b famllien. 1 ©x|Mvt you.all wuut to roiue to
tb©s© aumm©r resoria."
Rbe Im-iiI lower o\«*r bis band and
aaUI In a muCDed vui,*©; **\Vell. nom© of
ua UuiiT want to imirr> tbr aona of
Mild timl lii nuy on© rar-o tin? H©b raiiillk-s. \\\yvr know them too
niaal 'Uiu niffvnt. aa n rule, are tlnanp
. who luive III© most limliia.
l b© man look(*d kt her c-urkmaly.
Moll of aiUMll 1»ralna an* not the kdul<
•Tliey hr© ruUwf n tir«-*HMiM* lot. an*n*t
(vutl bo. i.tutUlW-a of tin* brain tbi-yl ItUcH-uis/o ID© !b©.v luiv© rath
fen ©x»*eirtldunl men rr a atupUl tIuK- of It wltb lb©U^©i«Tlluui«4| itliililW-u i-uu rerotKo nal round of boiis** fiartiea. ya©bts uud
tie* nil©. riilvornliU-n llo nuC «n-at© guuuw. Xosr. out wb©re 1 om tlie men
l>ratU4. Iiiit uton-ly train Mliat ©sUt. no do tbiugs.**
Hint tlu* owm-rw an* In-ttey I1IH-»1 fur
Tb© girl look.d fit him yuk-kly uud
lb© bsttl© of life. Mnuy a uiuii la m*nt aluirjdy. • \V©I1. iIm* ii,©n Mu ibluga*
ta ©tin-go
nlniukl U* bnuailng a lM*rt* too. Tb©y bav© to make iiioiM'y
l»U-k Mutl nbovi k outl he la-v©c amoubti to ajM-fid It Ilk© tills.”
lb lU’Jt-li. ©x«-ii tliougb b© nul»n©tHM utl.v
• Oil. no. tiny donV* «nld WlUon diKwWbla lUUig ai ntMi.o V4*r> llu.llt*tl rklfdly. ‘‘MomI of tln*iu litmliy know
itHH-Ulqtl—Ail ©rW-au >^lW lbe.
wbal their olll.^-s Uk.U Uk© In N©w
Sm. R. Santo
rwmmmntr w mom
yml omom.
•Hkiivm iintin WiisUt
liiiliMvttv imvIUxoiuv.
kMi bm* kuuv.M il»al Ulo Uihti
■matf ilianic li r of Uir Imiiwu i.raiii
tiMP Inn;*’ IIUmlMf of IH.Illll‘rllU|r
IT*. Itf «lilrli Itn.ri lU imoMiHL In IKJ OllHT
ttlV IIm J
uuiiM>nnis or tviutilh uicO. 'Hit* <vlU
•1^ A»» Kmi
#MKV tint tlH*miuu' raw- npi.laN* MU.ous
UaditMon) liMik kwl lb II iIioim- of i.T»‘at
l0tnlll#riir« hiivc tuor* nmncxilom*,,!;©
rjiim ■ kUa. Uiw I flJlMl w lib tepbl wa
ter. and laU,forth tbo ImpleOientM of
tb© tuaukuriat. li©r ©yea were danc
ing. tierard WUaou watcbfd ber orory
HUM e with hik
dls«*o*er©»l that
Wer© ©inrtly Ibo aauu* t*i4or.
•-I thought I d COMM* around ©ariy,"
be oaplaluod. rtiefuiw Um* place grta
loo.** Mil© aaUl. tben ©auglit b©nH*l
dt-nly. -I 1,1,-411 w© Ilk© <*u«louiei» to
1*01110 early liecauar It dofwaT |Miy to
k©©f> UUIU.V gtrbi down h©re, and yet
when |H*o|ib* do c^iue In ibey aU want
to U* walUsl on at uikv."
(-Ob, rm mme you will do It jml na
won.* laid ttm jnan.
at ber
wltb frank, nimaot bojiok. admlmtion,
mot I am-m- <mly n bagtmwr.** anid
the girl In blue, trying bnrd not to
omtlr. *1ana I migbt hurt y<«.**
TW man threw back Ids bend and
laugbed until Ibe Uttl© lYeneb rurtalna
at tb© open »indowa laUty nbook.
T dmT helbne you could burl a flon.
IH almu a big. buoky ©bap like toe: btOldMi, rve-or-rre gut to get out of
ben* pretty ooonr
**U ©11. ideaiM* att down.** aold tbo gilt
IlioCloidJig to n i-bnif by tbo uUo. *wnd
A Onaber.
Tber© la a i*i mu Inmit oOlelal Iti Woab
ingiou. a ln-|iiom aiu©r m ibe boiela,
\rbo U nuMt faHilUloua 111 )il* l‘lt*aa
\Ul!l nnsi^t-t lo tlu- M*r\ K*i* n-liiU*n*d by
svaltora. Oo© nfti-nuruu tlila oltlolal.
lool iis: ©tiim-ni« n uuUoi* tb© w©iiili©r.
ilet-I btl lo oiiiit li'.a lutunl aubnliuitial
luiuMi UMd to ifiibslllul© thon-for noaio
Ugbl ix-fnv4j|uoMl. An li * eutvn-d lb©
eufi* tif II f;*»ailoiuiblo liotol. a m-w
waiti-r. ullh ilu* Knnalofl t»f luamu-ru.
bu- i-uriT fuiAanl b> take lb© bat and
ttaii of tin* ©llW-lal. II© I ;©ii iia-«im»nl
tb; blaiHli-Mt of ©\|m*a«io>i*t iiuU await
©<• Uh» «ml©r. Honnviy gJam lim' at tbr
bill of fan*, tbo olbt ial nald: • “Urlug
bratlM not ttOf«l»l.v bemvy. liiu lU-y do lao n milk lou«t ” 'Ih© oalb-r In-urd.
aliu\1 iiintWiliW-HM. all filtoutloii
luH «lU|»rovc tlM» gononil iaatou»oii\
tbnt M « cliiM »uoU looo Ua i».«
Huit'ii all 1 w aul
. bfnlM bMivtrr tbnu tU© nvyra
* Tb© lulslako nrl.o* fr^.vi
iW ...dun*
f^Hur.- N.•UI. “burn ni'!**
•Ut a vay with tlblttl^
d lu.-u wbu lunv !
r v-ii
to mn>gui>a> ibat liobsl
«vult*iii|it .tiaijM-l ujniu
.mor not mfr©: j
dMvn lutolkniiiol |»mor
hW baiiul.ly
I to luvo n largo t-ma«
nndkitt lu #m-tt wlMi liiot abou i, i,Toal
nbllUx- U *•< «>•« iuomj lhal tlubrt\t» of m.lf uuai nv llkoly lo^
•MU iD«in» c«mv .mOimu uni
«UM llinu fbo nr«f«g.*, aa tb.High lb«*r*
w<i «* ui«MV bmUj veil* iv4 %»oil ii» uiaro
A fou iolMsrvtttWiua JUi
|»uUit to tin- fa. l Uml
Ibolr bmlBji nrv
dlffor^i.t la
tokr*m^vflr^orBaul».it|<.iii4. imrl
©ome.tbnl w ill iH-rmlt gmuiO uulomo
blli*a and ten duMnr silk hIu* kii^cs.**
•T am afrakl y*ni iir© n bit preju
dJ,c*d.” said th© girl, but b©r fiuv waa
wrluUs. II© wu\«h1 4-oii!bl©iitlal.
• 1 do not mliid i©mnc y*m." be aald.
•*lb:it I ©Mill© In-n- not m» iuu,-k to c©l
my liaiidM don© ua to Uiui out Oomter-\v©li. Just bow llny d *lo tUliui**
arouml li**r©. Vuu mv. I am mi IHhmls
man iKiru uiid bi^sl. it©v<*r ©>©n woiit iu
for am-lely In rkk-ug,*. but Ju*l as soon
ns 1 left tMll©i:«- l ntru, k out for the
sdu© IloUls lu Mloaourl, and I v© atu©k
lu^ iiu© I»iim*s.”
-lluv© y.,u stni. k It rt©hr uaid the
jrlrl, looking up *»t him. willi o Uueb.
••Wrtl. n© lui\© n pr©it.\ tro.Kl thing
of It.” sakl Wiisou. -Hut it do©Hn*t
mcau MO muc h lo m© ns it do*-s to Mr.
Van Tw ill©r.”
Tbi* girl druiOHsl li©r m©. tma it look
b*dh **f them lo lind It In tin* folds of
b©r pretty nn»mliic gown. Tbeu obe
went to work acaiu
* Mr. \‘mu Tuiller desm not need any
moiv moiH-y* •Uiimph: A .\©w York man never
fcets «*iium;U. and *I uwlerataod in*
wonts to buy a good old i:u;;llalj titl©
for a prvtly daugkier of bla. onU 1
Buii»w tb© bIggi-Ml iMirt of bla mooar
wUl go Into tb© till©.”
Her fa*v was fluslihig now. *T d*i
not think MIsm Vmi IVllU-r U fur
The man ktuktsl at her curiously.
”Ik» you kuow b©rr
••Oh. yes. very well; ahe comes b»*r»*
two dlr©rtlmia.*U-lug wry Uofe^Mlv© lu
ilbtftiilVuni of lb© watt©r:
olbrr dlrtH-tloiin- llliud Tt»u. i an
ldkiC« In fart an ©xinm© tti-© of what no lu* d©t idnl luU to t'v© bin iiauul
.rtT*» ©r\in-me I
'^***‘ wnlK-r. nfter i\mila <lUlt© i-uaituon. At ^b«* ••Uuir
waa tJatulu-tta/wbu %vu. not lu.i. u■ MUlombk*-tlolay. «)oiUy loturuod with
111© ttwjtl. A« bo l.nid It tjowii. bo o1%o
ttiora tbau MU twabir. wtansL' ©un-bnil pbeiHl iho MU UIH.U tb©
a cboek
a|imnb cwut«*l^ ir©n,fauiu1 lu U* iilgb for :r. n-uta. tJii* |»rlcv of tbi* madmt
ly drrrloiint. Tb© r©al of bla brain
Waa atnall. una bla miu ral IntolkH-uud
*-*aial*M u NUutU cheok.** h» n*marktd
powor anti jutlguicuU w©n> diH-idodly •Ui o^©lliu^^ly,
doTretiV©. AbllUy iu *a*o m lao buea
• Voa,” HaWl !h©i offlolal dryly, **11
lugy C •be a inau faiimaiH. w hili* be U woaWl baw* ln-«-n rm ©unis nt a fir«t
raall> T€*D d.*f©rtiv© UU.1 bin brrflu rtaaa boUM©.**-'Aim*rioau Hi>octator
^lr©a to l»o MUittll.
iloary hraliia nr© nctf
lollfrtual «mr-, t»r ©hnrt IIuU would IM*
lu tin* faniway.»M*ulrhtod commo
I Mf g©iiiUMW. Tbo uiat.*rlal
In lb«
ully of nauH-u. bi Afrk*a. tlu* old faiditnliSil alMO In* iiatbtsWiglo atnl ibe |h»*
loUi^l UH-Uiod of Uirou lus & debtor
mmuat on luibt*©lK-. U ofioii baiin*u«
v. hun* bo U sa;**^rom Ibe
lUal mm ofldg bruui* ami KTVal ablbty
I hav©nt oec-o her yet. 1
‘ bttiTrtf firoia early u tfl
came up on tin* late IsMt last night
Tn low ly ©mi»V».M “ ©«V‘*r laiy r©i-i.,iii I
tura.*d ©w-r to ibo uien-y of Ibe Wltb Mr. Van Twlller. and. ln*lwei*o
icidnut ibrougu nr... Tb. » *•« r« i. j
you aiMl me, when we got up lu tbat
palace of Ids and 1 aaw |n*o|.U* In tb©
Wtrtbleua Abil nt*| liulIrMliv© «tf Ulotilal
, 3,.
©bU od to dM;; ofter ^ parlor aud on the porch
pone UM n i^VoJaUi^uj ut y I f>voy ! blia v ^.*^ -. - L- tf t. Tb©r© l.» b© I party toga I got
Uu* fa* I Uuil
L* j ©«u-n;H
t.*i • ©'.‘*0,1.*
mmuio bt«MUM* *»f biWitgo bnilii:
1 thought your aunitner toy w-or© white
tiMt unwui- r.u- u tlu- br.i.u.oit ar© Uu'
flanm^ at Ibewe reoofla.
and that waa all 1 bro
------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------I
,aii I wore.
t«ck lo town for n drasa suit, and
bm It will bo liere by dUmer time to*
.'/ArWp/ //f< yVW.v.
glght or thrra wUI be aotnHblng doing
,^vo ,u.,
.n; i
1" .".“n' r:t;.
*rimo Ex^ond^cl
PR. S. ClAY TODD Wiu stay anertlier week. utU
Jue r, at the Whliiac Moiel. haTcrse City, Room
31. CMSlUtlaB Free. Ifo Core. Ro Pay.
man Uxx him iln)M«jrtn»a um] di«oounM,»1
Sa>|llf bi'OMMtt be i1(h*« imt kcow wliat ,<> da. H« has l«eo
■iaUkMi to many tinM-« that b« dcapnim of vw^r andinK a corn.
BaX mnnmber that kiini nalnm » forKivinK IXm iv are m«dito eure yon, lo m\« yon (lom nervosa pmat ration, insan
ity, P^^♦^r•i^do.pai^ and death, awl Uiet.- Klurioat rsmedie*
ft. ^ baa di^itol and n«« in hi. enonnona ptaotioo of
IK men-to
,*n vioor
Tijmr and ri
rtlaUty. Make a call if i»aaible.
. Kidn«v Trputptos, and D«c«y
n#rvous and chronic dlaoapoe cured
opo OMQiN OF some or OUR t
jmwpIcwMo.'* ttewwhooMtfd tborwtplMd nkwre, ■wrtpg to Imnrntf.
if any OM Humbl «mm to Jam
MW>la. la-wbat a aonadal R VMld
Tbrrv arr wrorda aU ftoqMWtty aa*
wbooo h3«t««ico
deftTatkiM art
SSTsld «
,e«up«niM..-l} ■ OMdm «»mft and to •
to.1 Mcrw awl or bJ. wotoKi bow.
: «* Vwiiw iu»«ol9. A ktaS
rlOonoCrac Uhl .New Baglaad aklppcr. Oiptabi Amfprtbefneura. ”You
y.” bo aald. drew ttobtoaoik wpo piwbaldy bfMgbt
for a wbote Leap of
, -I d like \o ira^rt a hit bi £orape. to amre sla%ai to tbe cukmlos tbaa aioalwayw bav© tbr hooka 1 wanted to
iMd. tbe plc-torea I like beat about me UM day came to tbe courlualoa that bo
aiH twoogb lumey to keep tbr one wno- eouhS rig a boat that would bo aa Imman la tbe wrorM csuufy aud happy.”
TUro you fauad tbe right womaa tiroreineiit ou the craft then la use for
-.Vo.” Tbea be |a.4ed tbougbtfally
at her bowed bead, cruwned with aoft
brwwa hair. ”1 bare never felt l bad
tbe light to look for her until now 1
waa never very atrung on tbo Wve In
tbe cottKgo kbw.”
-Ito you thlidt you wttl Slid b©r b«Te
at Xowportr
-MaylM*. llut-~
Tbea be pulleil himself up with a
abake and buried tiurwllona at -b«r.
\\ berv would tbe Van TwUJcrw pn*b«bly Uke Idm tbal day? What must b©
We ar at tb© <iMdn*.? Wl.ru did f.dks
at Newp<»rt luive lime to Kt©ep? An l
abe told blm r\erytblug. from tb© style
Of canvas sho**s b© bad to buy at umv
to the number uf counww and tin* wines
be would bav© at tbe iniuson dlniirt.
0.*iermUwd to M Hmuhw name bk now
loiat. iberv* w©re many spertaiucw at
Ui© laum-blug. oume abaktog tbeir
beads dttUlomily . otbcni rklk<aUng and
tbs-n otln*ra believing to tbe tnrontkm
of tbe oM caputo. .\a tbe* Isni left the
atayocab© plunged her uosr into tbe
watt*r. ©am©
Ubr a curk uud
akimmed over lb© water Uke a bird.
A burst of adudratloii brake from tbe
crawd. aud oa© of lb© ooksiken. vx
rIalUM*d, • Ue© bow aln* sc*huoiis!” i^a|v
,k!uc Um*
b.*r b©r
aud ”s»xwner” Hh* has Im ever since,
with tb«* ©Xi>*ptlan of Um* letter -b.”
wbb*b gt-neraily mauagew aomebow to
ge t into wiMtls wiiere It Is not iiewded.
Auoiber curious word w bhii baa a
gulflcani and Id*
buu©tf©. A»ih.,urt.
wbai un-hhigUsh. still It ctwoes under
tbi* gcn**ral awwtipriatlou which tbe
KuglUh ajwaklag |wm»le made irf ev©ryiblug tliat vvuuld ««*n'e tbi-m. Cue
HUhourtte was minister of slat© of
IViP. a ©riU*-al is-rli^l with
that c*«uutrj Duaiiolally. wbUb came
mwr ruto.limtlug In national Isinkrui»b7. KllboiM*tt© la rrpr©si*ut.©d as
beltfg a vts-y 4vls,* aud aapiclous mau.
otid 111 |•olitU*s Im* would now U* tenmtl
a •Tefonu.-r.”
8ltboiM‘lte aud bis d*rtrlUi-H Is^cam©
lb© butt of all tbe* wits of Paris, aud
many a Jewt was
a*traUHl ou Ibe*
vety u
minister of slat© u
of 8llbouetl© With
laugWug Inwardly,
i-ajd-e wlthunt *.I.-,-v<
Van Twllletw tbal ulghl.
bis bands were SuIsIhM. Kv©n tin*
cbaniu-d Wilson could npt vhtlm tbat
tlM* glri w as a rapid workrt,
Tb© glri bandcM his money to lua
Mam©, and. Isklug up ber parnma. said
in a low vol©©; -I think my bands will
have lo go this iiioriitDC. W© arc* UavIncwMin-isHHilr to breakfast ”
HI.© wsike-d loi©k to Um* liltl© tsblr.
carrying bt*r immsul U*UUm1 ber In ou©
baud. W Itsou was l,K»klng curiously
at bis highly poUslM-d miila. H© bad
u©v©r vUlt**.! a msiiU-urlug Kbo|. !•©
fun*. Ak ah© sUHioM U-akle him b©
plunged Ills baud In bis iKskel and
drew out the* ©nit,l©ui uf western utos|a*rtiy H sUcer doUar. *TbU la for
yuurwelf.” li© aald as b© laU it ou tbe
Uble. -But 1 vanT r©j»ay you f**r gll
tb© g*Hs| mlA h-c* y.Hi gave me. I*d like
to i-om© Uuk ucain If I gel stm-k,” be!
aabl, bis e.v(*s twiiiklliig.
li-d. anuMig xxhieh was on,- of
-I nm ofralU you wouW not find me.” parti,-uliir not© ivtoeb . resiled a gn-ol
abe wakl. ' I douT work bi*rv ©\ery de*«l of in©rriun*iit at the lime iu fael
day.” They were moving toward lb© so mut-V s.>*ibuf It lias Uvii humksl
doxvu to u-i li*g,-llHT w Uh 111© uam© of
“Are you going took Id Mr. Twll Ih,- gr,-at n-r,»rmiT u*> Is-lng ll»© e-llmax
of th© pninks of ih© Pari..ian xvlts. All
U*r*s utnvr*
of Ih© imrtralls wen* imi.b* In blu. k to
ll©l.,sliI©J hU lM*ad.
-We ll. H., am I. niul If you like J’ll r©l»n*s,sit 11 profile of the- fa.s* auel bust
similar to a sliadiew e-ast uism u whit©
give you u Ilf:
pais-r l.y the* uul of a strom; light.
-ribe'ime n Ilftr* es-boed Wilsou.
Th© youth nH-aks of going to bi/»
yVfft. Ju my dug©art. 1 am Ida Van
-halNTdaHhe-r.” TUN w.»r,l is umung
t;<*niid Wilsou oat dow u Ae-ry nud th.it ©lass that ow© th.-ir migin to on©
denl.v. andMs |.itud s1r.uk U*e ,ola. of lb© most ©oiimii»n uf stmi-i-e-s vte.
corruptkni. Tbe sinuli Hbopkis*|sTw of
H© -litt UsI Im, k us If taung.
Miss Van TwllU-r U*i.l oxer iiiul iiermauy bud a custom to paat agea of
standing to tlu* doors of Uuir sbui*s
th© iuun©y.
to kesi. this. It Is th© first uud tovlUug all lusjssilou of tbslr
monev 1 bav© e*M r e*ain,Hl. Ye*u s«*,». wares. Tbeir Aauuioii satutafUm to ev
iitmIuMi© Is ih© U-il In li»-r In,.-. un»| ery lyasefby x4hu hml th© iiptH*aruu,-c
txf being lu lb© least suses ptJbk* wus.
w4t,-Ji©’x,T Illy 111:1
•TIabt Uir das. berrV” 41 luxe* you this,
■ t,i Im*i
with my Imiitls 1 ,
alrri wiilrb was. on© may readily Im
XV© xvirf I
iigiue*. t-orrupusl Into ‘imU-nluidjcr” by
for bie*ukfu*<l.”
rapid and oMistaul r©iH*4ltlun.
Atiulbi-r xxonl. •Vx,h*siue*r.” has a
She* k.s-ps It e,u h,*r dressing tabh- IMH'ulhir derivation, lu tb© tiui© of tls*
now. a silx.T d.dlar. liTchly i»ullsb©>l.
okl Xonuaiis tb,*n* was estahlWH-,1 a
WJtb Ids Indlab; «m »*n© >*id© and hers court of eejully. or e laUus.
w hi, It
«ii tb© e,lht*r. uud. tbiMigb Mh© iMuv de wi-fv scttlcil tin* claims Of tbi* kluic U]©
dared that Idn \*iu"Txx lllt-r was uot on the |M*.»j.|,-. Uh* «-hilius uf th,* p,-o|»l.*
for Ottle. her busbaud devhiix-s h© won uiMin the king Mild tb© linlms of the*
UTW iUi Ihul Uulhir.
IK*ui,l,* njiou tin- |M«ople*. lU*f<»S,* the
Judge or pr,*sldliig oi1|,s*r e,f tills esxurt
was a table*. ii|mmi wk>i-b was ^ ©iMs-k
Daosos* Address f tW Klerlurs.
Ill© ei.ler Huiiins Mtstol in IMS fur ©n*d clutb KlmlUir lu a elicssiieMinl.
tbe e-baiulwr of deputies, aud this was wbleb was use*d ns an asMltotunt In
bis Oildn-sH to th© e*l,-i-tors: ”I niii a <x»uutlug.-and lo oliserv© this e-oiirt In
r-ondkhil© for th© offi,-© uf deputy. J fieitsiou it told til© up|*t*:tnin©e- uf a
.ask your vot.-s. Th,--** ar© my n-asont gam© s»f rh.s*ke*rH. aud so by eo.umon
why you slumkl glx© them to uh*: Xnt uoag© It bee-aui© tbe exmrt of bxcowiitlag six ye*ars de*Vol,*d to tin* a© ©bciuer.
Tbe-word ”nulz” Is purely an mVl
quirvmeut e.f titi e-dueiHJou. four years
liaascd 111 beTforuilug the duties of a dent. or. mure* pruis-rly stM*nking. Ibvnotary and h,-v©i, years as an e-mpU-y©,* n*Kult of an Ir1*4imai,s J,>ki*. .sud bi
of th© governuieiil. I have worke.I leu reality baa 1,0 im*auli©;. A wage-r x-.a,s
hours n day for twenty years. That made ts*tw'iH*a sotu© stude*nts of.nn old
make-s T:i.wsj lM,urii. Huriug tbos© twesi tmlxprslly tbal on© of them es,til 1 nut
ty yemrs I wrote -tod voluim-s and .*lo Invent a u©xv word whleli In txxeutyplays. Uf ©aeb of the- iW > oUiuuw an four buurs xvutild U* th© talk- uf nil
average of -4.U»d e-opios havv l*©e*u Dutdiu. Tber© was much laughi©r at
prlntod uud soM ut f. fniues ©a,-|i. Tin- tb© ©\|M*uoe of the* would Is* clu,*r of
3T, plays have ea,-h Ish-u iKTfurnjisl.on tlH* new word, but next momlug ui»oii
an ave-rog© lOO thm*s. My Issiks riming tbe new word was nt Ih.* ©xhave pru,lii<s*d ll.Noa.UiU franes. my lieusc of tbe* seeiffers. fur lb© l••t!l•rs
plays have praduis*d tkaoo.OJU frsura. q u 1 X wen* iMMie*d on ©vers- w all and
Taking 3 fram-s a day as tb© average BValhibU* Bpaev to HubUu. aud thus
pay of a workluguian. uud us there arei tb© word Iss-ame tlM* talk of thi- tow n
niKl bas alm-e remained e.-xaetly wtat
atw w
it was wlM-n It was luvent.-d a riddk*.
There Is a word tii
means ne^ib
Hut 1 wbicb. e-un-ectly siwuklug, inr
wagt*s for te n years of 3
»y 3 log whatever, alth.mgh Ita MatJve
Ibe last bgun* must U* mulUj.lk*d by
> to mi.
Is fammar
to liK-lod© lb© iMovluees. makingJ .041,
and adding Tof for
lor uie
tbi* usbers.
uourrs, e-uit-i»
©hk-fs u>
of *• ••'
d cab drivers mak**s a to- Uy**
books, tben, | oi>»l
tol of 1.43H. Plays and book
hive paid tbe sToges of ”100 pi-of»l© for ‘iullaby” wmes to us lu sweet con
all tlirscr ytoirs. nut counting Belgian Bwst ns a luytb from tbe starry plains
of Aral
: pii«tea and fore-ign tramdatora.'••
gp^^ng "ratoon
u evU spirit,
■©a, In tbe
e^b^^bnnu rank, be bought
•Ilaykl Hnnun* net before
A Hindowr Ml on tbe
MMitly Had woman p
Tbe Arabic phrase Inhad tbe aoaod of -UUtb
LOT 1^4 -M- *ssS;
LOT la
LOT 230
Iron 2S5. 236.237 M advertised are now told
LOT 196 kS
« LOT 203
i ^ : 4 r LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
Alt FIffi SALE!
These are all early selections and arc jthc
Handsomest Lots in Ook Heights
the most chat mini; addition to Traverse City, This
addition is now larijely built over, and ^jootl lou aic
not easily obtainaQe, These lots will be ^old
ratcly, excepting 182. 183. 1S4, which must be sold to
gether. All roust go for spot cash, ami the prices
The whole bunch of
As the price would be made accordingly and to all'pir
for holding aa an invesiiiicot. Come quick for cboueof lots.
Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwond
"Fronting East Bay S rods and running back^20 rodt»
Icis a tlrip two rods wide oo oorth side for wtrccl. A.
very dcsiral>lc lot in this beautiful Bubuiban spoL
at tbe table. t>b. Illaa”-
Mt bare tbla
The Mwcomnr waa flrtelepbaats are attractlre anyway,
bl7 dlatraaaed. Tbe girl looked v» at
rrben, tbe elepbani la
RockefaUer^ pastor at Clereland. O..
bar wtth calm. amlUag eynk
maT III CBidlvIty and It la
aaya that tbe oO klaT* biding himeeir
”Ob,rto <Mac T«C7 walla aadaiBer
ttred, AUd tbe yoMg Hepbaat hi- to alade ibe proMM aanrata la tba
-X-s tbe baant cot
omw.** aald ,____ M bi tAIm widi Ita growtb; and
trick” be mw piajrad. Tom
■L *T do Mt bettsM jrmi
mtk area wltb IbHr *e1c«» tMdtag
Lawnoow ail tba ate band, agya Ibat
dOM tt barter yoMself.”
| ward, xomg alepba»la art goad pia»*
Talk fuR.
if sold at one time and for cash down, would be '
aw thiw
tte wortdr
123 itoit Street r ^
" >
----------------------- ,.,
le Nmalnalnd Orwuar CMwalniid far
iigpar ef BwBaio. ommrw gf Naur
Verb end PfueMeat
By Vlrw to the Bvealag Beeord.
jwne 1 -Hoa, ‘ Dealcl N. THlBTYONt YOUNG PCOPM^ LEFT
Uwhwood dkd this morwtng aa ^ reaK*of the ampuutloa of hla left leg
A AMiTAK enoenrr
H betag the third am•TOm RCHNCa
>od polaoa net in after
dm IrwL Mr. tnckwood nominated
* Uame and AiA Wan Breed by
ilia Mtry Today.
Grover Ctereland for May«r of Buffalo,
tor goverwor of New Yorb uBd fr pen Hit AODBCBt WAS ON *MYB At A
Sd^t of the United Btnua. He Wna
By Wire to the Bvealag lUeord.
UABIUTY.New yorh. Jeae l.-Thla afleraaoxi horn In Hamburg. N. T. June 1. IMf.
the, jury fowad oJaephlaa TerrmaaVo
ant guBty. The girl oaafeaard to |he
Mias Grace McMkhaal Oellvared the
xlaylag of her aacle and anal after
they had irtmled her la a horrlhie aad
TNIpK SLACK MtOKI MAOK TMC lahaama manner. The enae nttfadel
riM. riOMTiNo oirncuLT.
wide, atteathjw and It wax expected
that ab« would be freed by
Springtime f. nalufe’a promls»‘ and
BOBEIIT ADAMS OF PENNBYLVA tlse s^ummer^ U the fulftllment. Aa
winter lx dlaiOaced hj the gentle lady
and the world walu« up and dona Its
fresbeist dteai.. ax the birds come north
again and
irm seem to U<^mie Imbued with
the stilrll of tbe time, tbe brightness
hMta all elee. the hirda ring
noora in Hla henvun
And nira weU with the world *
LAM nl^i, Ubty^ young
epped from Iwyond the kmttnla. the
fehetterlng Mates, of the Hl^ neh
the wurdd to heco
I xm ThM miu4
Mltat aiiw-cii ANIIb. Who
; .
fV«li Um> IwRtcnlHcMt fipiric of
ufKio la th*^ bacWaomt
«r mUMrn A Dart^** gn
MtOmM ▲rtllg ai 9:ti thU
Mlrwetloa Cron Mr# and «r«t<r fol
lw«wd, «a«alar« V*»
taads oC dotltni. butb oa aujck. fix
turn aad building. The oormpnnd
tag kMMM fruoi ■w*ikc arc
abla. Th9 baartairt Iom U
groeaiy atock of ^nihcim A llartak.
which waia valiMHi ml. lic.iKio. whik
tbt hr# wax ooafUkd malaly to the
l^acaMWt. tho diWlnietUin of alock on
Ibf mala floor by watxw aad xmokc
wag very heavy. While it lx acM a
total toga, there U very UlUe that can
he aavod.
The belldliii H damaged to the rxteal or abuet |4.tNNi. The barweea and
saddlery stock of the Votniba HameA
cvaaiMHiy La the etore adjoining aa*
dasaged about
The «tock
or J. W. Jackwiar the rtmr.Mnlont ry
dealer, wax daaxaged aliout l&tMi, en
tlrtdy hy water and amoke. The In
tertor of the liquor «i»r* nr Jo*cpli
Brother* aulTered Imm ihc ih iiNc
fMBOlie which filled Ibv liull.lliig Tli. n*
. la ahiMit iijgoo Inxurxnc.. iK> ltui>n«v
opera bouae block where ilic ston-x
menthmed are itvwtiM) and the grocery
atork wax InxAnid lur It.Wu In the
agency of Jikbn R. Banto and $:;uu in
the agency erf O. I». Carxer 4k lini. The
atorh of the Vulruha lUww. rt*ni|iany
wax fiartlafly wvcrtHl by |2.mxi Ionui
aace In the Bantu agency and |Mmi In
the Caner agency, laxurancc cm the
building WIN carried through the Bantu
Gaat Buffalo. June 1 ~Cnttle--10(F
*b«nd; Ughi; nhlppAmg steers.
6.75 :bmchem.$4.54KlLU; cows.
4A0. heifers. $5.7505.
lamU-7.0Wl; stesuly; cl
wHbers. #«B«25:* ewes. $52S05J»d
Hoga-51 head; active; pig*. |«.60O
€75; Vorkers, $g.75<rt.80; heavy and
mixsxl. $€.75<H.W.
IVIroil. June 1.—WT»«at—No. 2 red.
bin:: corn. 55\^c; onls. 37Hc.
Chlcagiiw June
cum. 45^; enta, 55Vc.
a. Book
For Commenceinent
Ify«iu.diwbtf.lut..rlutwo.Ubea ,la.i,c,<rt
for a graduate you may be sure a dainty book would
suit. Books are emblems of twelve long yw% of hard
study, therefore are acceptable gifts.
If you want to taka Ml advaibUgo ol
first pick In aamma| aklrta, tiaa gad
nnderwear. We lay In quite a aapplya
but naturally we doa*t wmat a Mrftaa
neat fall. Tba aarlldr your call tke
laiser the aaaortment from whick to
select. One prtMnlae we «U1 make:
value for every doUar spent hare.
ItoMi. Ha< NarrMT E*
Oava No Benson to- Buickle But Had
Been Drinking Heavily—Loading
Bapublican a**d Forme- Mloliter to Braxil.
Wm Llf« «f • F»mll)r F«rty M Hit
H«iM LMt Ev«*li.9-t»ll.v«d
Th«t H. Wm Temporarily
After a-happy rt'cnlnicat bix home
William C, HctiTu-l, 112 kYanklln
airt^t. tail night, suddenly wulcd hU
life at 2 a. m. by sb.Kstlng himself In
tke right temple wlib a 58 calllKT bull
dog rerolver. H»*alb was Inst
oua. the act being commuted at the
rear door atep. where the mi
(C!ontlnned on l-Surth 1‘age.)
Mias JwanctU Smith CaterUinad I
Honor Vi^lmrtka-Bnencep, Who
Will Wed Claud Carter.
By Wife to the Evening Record.
Washington. Jun,* I -Uongn*ioiman
Roliert AtlsiUK ut IVnbxylvaula Tthoi
himself early-IhU nion.h.g with
xulcidal Intent. He wa.** taken t4i Ih •
Kmergency hosplul and died at l :3«‘
this morning. -Mr. Adams n.preteut
iAi the S4V4ind Ui^uxylvanla dhiriet
and wax a leadlhc republican and
author of the ’whjiHdng post bill * me
omroendfd by ilk invxldent. He gav*
no reaxoh for llic sulcldi' but It W said
he bad tiecp^ drinking heavily. He
wax T.R yt*ars old and ■••rved ax tuinlx
ter to Brazil In 1K8M.
mUeclUniH.UH tiu*err wan tei OIBAETROUt WRECK WAS CAUSED
J MUk t»iw Hpenre r la t eve ning
by Mbu Jeanette Hmlth at her b«>me
on Hlxth stresd to which flfies n yi*ung
« w«*rv hidden. The home wax
prsrftlly deeora'tvl In cariuilons and
aaparagiiH fern, and the evening was
l»cHl by the giievts and ln.Hi»xts in CRASHED INTO NORTH iOUNO
playing bllllardK and later performing
iMk marriage. Many Uautllul
cnls were lei-sdvsnl b) the gu<*At of Fiftaon Paaaervgom Wars Injamd—
bi.iu»r wbuM. niarrlage to riaude Cur
»asaafiger Train CollHtod With
ler uccmx June r. at tbe bimi.* t.f Mr.
Baar Ead of Froight a^'d Sis
and Mrs. 4. M Blakesb^. MtV Sixth
People Were Injured.
The firemen worked cc»uraK«xiux|y
wader very dlfflcuH cndlllunx. th\^
tmming all cauxlng such a dcuNc
amoke that It wax almoxt Itupoxaildr HaTLThooaarrd Young Folka Conflrmad
to get at the ac‘at of the flamex Th »
loto"X>stbplic CHurch at JacMon
file wax well handled, bowetcr. and
by Biahop Foley Today.
the water prexMiu. moKlN xc'ctlcnt.
wax only by dUl*:eui work that the By Wire to tbe Evening lltHHiTd
BaBMUi were vn-veiii.Hl Tnim apreadlng
JaekH,»n. Mich.. June I At Ht
owUlde of the basement of the WII Mary x rhurrh this i^inilug a «lasx^id
I B llartak aiore. The mala floor 250 children wax ininllrmed by llixhup
of the groer-ry atme today preaents al^.^,u.y
jofen x chuwh this
aadly witK'h.Hl apinwrance. almoxl the gnernex.n 2»m more At Bl. Joseph tt.
entire dour having
Cash Artllp Blagtd.
Entering the grocery atom alwut Iy
*,before 7 oebu-k Mr.VrtHp waa prepaitag to get, some gU.x* oil for uae in
; paper hanging He w» nl down Into
the liaatonetii to drs* a galUm of gU^x
on mad as he KiepptNl i(» the liarrel he
thought he heard a rharp. crackling
•ooad. like the Igniting of a match,
uader hla feet. liiMauily he became a
targwt for the flanoMi which seemed to
Barw up all anutud him HU hair at
the back of hU h.sid wax singed, hlx
In names and
bomlag aad the whoi^tiiL^m^t fnmt
aeemed to ha aflame Rushing up the
stairway he met TtM llartak Just enter
lag 4ha store with two pk tins whlc^
ha hsd Juat parchssiHi arn»*^ the atreet
at iha Hsaaah B Uy Mercantile
paay. Mr. Ba^ aaw the pre
BKmt of tha Janlloy who was ahoptlng
-idy Ood the haaemeni U all on hire -I ^ook my pie tltts," aa(d Mr. Rae
tsk to s Racord reuorier. -and
them la tlapplag out the lire on Art
Up,^HU trouaara were buralng
tha only thiah to do wax to put them
oat aad the only thing I had to work
with warn iha Uaa. and they did the
Wllhsim Bout AUrwi.
UhOlm. whh. too. had ae
^ c( bwUM. tor Ikr
. traSt «l «te MUlnt
oC the p«TiaBHit BBS M Ihr
XBltor niMwd
froM U» Saw
h* M tk. Bum. Mrik* acMait tkr
By Wire to the Evening Ileeord.
UaJlax. Ti'xax. Jum- I —A bad rail
way wr»*ck *lue to a ryeUmo. took pUce
at WichUa thIU on the Fori Wurth I
IVnvvr rallixad
Two cars, U«ubT|
with whiwt. were blown bvose near
Iowa uaik and rushed with terrlftc
forc«* down ib«- gVndr tow aid AVIchlta
I'ulU. Siv inlb-s north of there theycraslod im*» a north lH»un»l lui.^xengE-r
tram. Fllie<*n J»«^s»•ngerv w«*u- Injured
. Roar-End* Collision.
»duxk>. O. June 1 - A Buffalo
FltUburg express westUmhl
*d Into the rmr of a freight trata
UKlay. b:nglneer Wine trf the pax.sE-n
rain was serlouriy Injured and
Young Ladtaa P-aaant-d Arthur Hoi
clerks were hurt.
le^^bock With Cigar Caaa.
The young ladlex oT the cUrfhespln
factory tendrr»M their former fors-man
Arthur HolIenl>eck. a very ideaxaut
xurprtw* jiarly lart evening and pn'- Aged Resident of East Empire Paaaad
•euled him wIiTi a Wautiful military
Away at 5:30 This Mamljig—
x4‘t and cigar ca-re
He Waa
liaao *«*lectb»nx n«'ie eujoyvd dur
lag the evening and a ttashllfibl pb
7«. died
Pat rick Kema., aged 76.
thtfe mirmli.g at hlx home at ^
Kefreahmuntx oT assorted cakes and pirc of old age Mr. K*'rnx ww| bom
e ervwm were served and all spent
In IreUnd and toft Iherv* In 1K4S. com
very pleasant evening and when they ing to Canada. Ho came to this coun
all started for home at a late hour all fry and in 18€5 m*ul«Nj on hlx farm at
wished Mr. llollenbixb sueceas In hl4 East Empire wbrrf he has coatinnousposition. Those preaetit wer
ly mxldfHl. bv lag one of the beat known
MiVaes Clara Dkm. Uidencla Hepew. and roapccitsl pioneers of the region^
Helen Mnsbtt. BIgna Halstead, Vera He Icwvca thrtH- sons. John. James and
Michael, and one daughter. Kaibertne,
ary, Adda Dean, Anna F^rd,
Tbe funeral aervlce will be Wonday
Kaha mad E' a Buss.
morning at 40 o'clock from the Catho^
He church at Empire, the Rev. Pr.
HOUUDR. BKATNQ for chiMma Sheehan of Uilx city officiating
Aiurday momlag and Wodnow
aflemoona Cbmpball B Haaktaa.
Oua a# -Ten
tie Today.
By Wire to tbe Bvenlag 1
Tbe firm nr WIlbMm B Baruk thlt
amutle. June l.-An •
riernoon wish to egprMa tbeir thank
to tbe public for tbe aaalstance and
aymgutby gfvew by the puhBc. and tin
stnmg figbi made by tk« fire depart
House with
Soap Polish
A powflcr for cleansing
woodwork, floors, lin
oleum. marble, tile,
hath tubs.
copper, windows.* etc.
p Polish
Is ih^ best cleanser in
our acquaintance.
Hats Off, Gentlemen, to
The New Burro Japs
WBrranVBd Pat SHob
Oxfords and
We hBVf ;ts bU; a varirty
M w,. b»v.. in our LtilieB’
Result of Fifty Years’ Experience by
See Our Window Display.
Order lor
10c pound
They don’t cost much,
Witli Os.
50c to $1.50
Drag Store
Stock doors delivered tame day as ordered. Odd
doors and srindow screens in three d;^
We’ll send a roan to take the measureroentr"
Abstract* of TItl*
Botabllolmd »aaa
Rmki 510 Binia Bank MnlMIng
are m»%» }N-riiMnrnt1y to
in thr Wdtoln. IdAn k.
On. Sivrv 5
Traverse City Mfg^ Co.
You arc not petting the best
that money can buy.
Get a sample and trj’It. ....
Quality and price is right.
Hannah . &
ChameUon Silks
Special Price
Lay .Co.
This is an exceptionally go<^ of; . fer on these handsome
^ •
three-color |
They are exccptionrfly KMYy and > .
Straw Hats
•; are good srearing sales.
------ bb.’
of fiae
thbaa D’sIillBjBS
The lineof ootorsarego6<L
About ten pMces. all
enocigh to g^ve yoo almost any color' V ;
you may desire.
' They were ma& to BdUor $lj60 a
yard. We offer
for •
mm •HW iD tmgrnmm of
rnmm of tho oteM of
mm ootor
hlfbor ioMHntloM of
iMmIx wH^ «y».
bImwM W o ocweo of ■
srotHcfiiioo to the HMani mod tli« t»x>
*X«. Th# Mkoolo tlila yoor «m ouM Obtof af PaHoa .....H........
tW ottjr 116.000. It woo l be «/o rmn ilmlmmi wlia bnuo aervw
motrn ibJit U oil wood book with •neyaar dr inafe.v........
telMt by tlM CIM of loot. TIh- New patrolmen ..............
OMloc flOpooHy of tW etMix »•» <«
fimx WOMOO Iboi iboiM. tok«« to mtp
port d» itboolt orwhoObf iBiNnioieou
tboo tOfonuMt bcmdo ot » per c<'&t
If neb o foi« were poooibkL
Tbo elou of 1»00 Is oommorn of
y<NHiC men ond youof women who ore
immn-l ond Mlncere. They bore compioUd their work In utieh o moaner
thot credit wot refected on thear
•ofbM ood Iheir tMtrurtor.. Perhope
ditt OlooB contoloo member, who will
lou. Mma* doy. p<>rhsp.H
■M. ' VMoo to meoonred by different
•Uodord. ood w^l one moo moy enJi
ottceno. oMoiber would conotrue n. tifli
are. Hoi wbounrer beikle. thin cU^H
Itoa within tbenmehre.. They tbim
■ohreo or their poreni. bme ennbhsl
M the woof of the future will be eii
ttrwijr Ibeir oWfi wearing.
nougbler*. Devotion- drew o
ffood bouoe ogotn o( the Qrond U»t
•Ifbt. The Hunt Stock CV>. U gatohiK
\m popaloilty every night nnd loit
aipbr. blU added to the already lorg«>
number of frkendo they hove beret The
bill lonlgbl to one of the ntrongent lu
tb* entile repi>rtolre. ‘ Monte Crtoto'
a play that ebotild pm*k the houM*
froai pit to dome The Hunt Stock In
to aomponed of lodk-M and geatlenoii
of obUlty nnd It U « pleaonie to lecoiii
mead their prodifrtlunn.
JOrob noebler to improving hlH
bouoe wUh o mot of point
Mm. 1-ulu Milk, wai* on the nick Itol
, laM week.
Fred Itollod.y Is miming a very
painfal fnig felon.
Henry Beegmlltor and daughter Air
bto ore vUltlng relatives in Chboogo.
D. U isnslgn went to Montotee lam
Tbnmdny where be wUt take the tmiX
Jiiaob DiM^blei gave the batik o new
^^ba^lJaM MoairM^ e^^
dSSSt l^rwlMlneilday! In the after
naan a picnic was held In n gioM*
near the M houlhouM>.
Honk ThiirwdaT. May 24th. lo Mr.
and Mm. Wm.
a bo>.
Mr. Alberts bf Omni wo. In towo
tb# fml Ilf the week.
Ivon WlakocbH. lorm«Mly of Trarerae my. but now ewido^ed na show
Window trimmer by a South Bend
ftimi. pnmed ihnmgh Kingsley Sunday
on bis wav to viKli his parenta. who
laalde near Travcrac City.
While la the home stable Sunday
nlffbt Ctirtto lambkin TtX'«‘lvea a w*
rme kick In the abdomeu by one of
tba boraeo. Hus^ever^Mr Lambkip
Mm, «•« piu><
OJBMI It Bovln* fal.
4t Cto^ ud Mn. s«in. About
!Su were proMnt and a rery «i>ioy
j^de erentaiwa. opeaL 8upp« was
•erred and lo the -wee amo boars
tin ladleo ttopoHcd lor tbclr aereral
‘‘^Obmle. Cbicheoter of itoru. lad.. U
*VS.*Bi.ttol Lu41m’ am woemr »tll
Mn. 4>u«>r la Um Boa MilMlaa <*
The nni^ bndHot nmountlng
K*,4.10 wo. poMed by Iho city Armn
cjf la.i evening and the Onto*in* flsiHi
fo.-ibe oomiog year. The only chaiige
lit tl*c report of ibe commlit- • oti ways
and neon, was «he mtstiig of tl»e chto;
of If lice and ftre chler. s.'kiilos fiom
•'•.0 to ll.dpO a year.
M.- Moon moved that the ». inmI of
the committee tm ways and mcaes
adopted mad Mr. Palmer nwived
amend to rofki^ the two aalnries. Thvote on the omendment stood: Mea^r
Abbott. l.Jtrdler. Murchie. I^nii
Shnter and Winnie yes ami M^avr
tilllrti and Moon no. I he
.uii *Ik
rrigtnal motion a. amen.iMi snowe.!
mVen for and u»e‘against. M*- ClUett*;
bdag tlw oppoalng vote. Mi. AbbfU
tried to^wt^re an aan'minu nt makltr^:
the anlary t^^tbe mayor iSdO and earn
of the alderiie|i3MKr-imn :
10 second. Mayor Kn-liiih
ll.ai he had also boi>ed th*:: the .Na!.
Ces would Im> filed lower
Osdwctiona for Abaenca.
The matter of dt'diictlng |6 fw «*acb
nme a member of tin* council was a!«
sent caiumd coiiNldemble dlscuKHion
A^derm.n Ijinlle aatit«-tl it fixed so
that every lime a man was absent he
would be dinlucUHl 15. M^. Gillett
thooghl that it was not necea.Nt»r) to
hedge a man about with strlng«*nt le
i.trtctkMis as he believed that the mem
l»em of the council were hmiorabb
cnnngh not to take eomi»ensatlon when
they were alment unless n»e> had i»n
eaodleai excuse. Mr Muon hehl ihi
:anie views. Mr. l.ardlc moved that
m«‘nib<!r. lie deducted |S for each s*
siok. No second. Mr
GUletl >»^ved that Ibe reeoloiioi.
pasMHl somtrxUne ago be tnnorfMiratel
in the budget. T|iU r**solutton to
the effect that If a member Is abw
from sickness or some other vaHd <
cose, he .win lie entitled to cumpen
Uon. Mr Oilletfs mtdlon esrrl.sl ‘i'tie
whole re|srrt v sk thru adti|»lis
imUHes ordinance was tin n i»a
m4 U \m k «llh m.
<h.. ib''
j u„^„
■ulcttluii bfl»«elv«) and fl|.-d
iro:u.n:toii ih«.*H.r u.
iaald political i»aii>.
There U oe. thiix lhn« you ca»^ v„,
wk OB. The pr..re«i dny younx
ih.wn are khener. brighter and to<tte ii#icinaling candidates f»*r the offleeH
looking and more self n llaui and le.rs ef (lovern »r and Lieutenant G<»veri
>ndenl. TheV all lake HulUMer‘v» by direM vote, shall to- submif.t-d
Rocky Mountain Tmr. S5 cents. T. a the eundlcd voters of each paliticu!
or Tablefa. Johnson Dnig f‘o.
paityraUo ihe guestlpn of nominatin.;
hv dln-T'l vote, candidates of the po
litica) panv lndlca>«-d and for the of.
fix' herrlnarcr named.
Kep-jbllcan - lb ifri^T^ ntallve hi
leaned nnd ploughed
IL J. JV)>dJ ijepd.llraii -State Si n:.tnr
drayman; ofic* Saxti '• hordwarun ii,.„,,ldiran-RepriMMiiath.- In ..
pbox M3 , - ^
apr ISi-lf
Legislatu.e. llnu.d Traier-e di'
.Vi waits. A COD'iniioiis rhow. High
CU.SS vaude%ilk* to twix D arts.,
Ilepu bit ran-County Aiflii'.rs.
New s|K>clal scenery, (dectrical i-f
Said elecib.n to lie held In each of fe«-l::. innstmlcd songs, eic.
iho five watdK of the ciiy at lib- fol sab- at Johnsiin lynig Co.
rOR OUTSIDE doors uaa Caiman’.
lowing idai-es. v to:
Brices—in. 1*0. 3ti cvuta.
EiaMlo Spar VamlaK. S. E. Wait A
h'iist Ward, Orange hall, t'ass
may 10-12t
Hall oil Si»ruii‘ slr»i‘l.
home made bread.
Thlid Wanl. in ll.e Primary sehisd
bur.dhi.g. corner Cubui and Tenth'
OMdly Serpent Bite.
Are aa common in India as are st«mv
Fourth Ward, in Engine House So.
nch and liver dlsonlers with u«. For
r. however, there to a sure 3 oa Cttxs Hinwt.
lemivly: Kb-ciiic Kilteis; the
Hflh Ward, in the*nfth WanI ball.
alive niiHliclue, of which S. A.
Brown of IknnrUnvllle. S. 1\ Rays: tftpiMiKile E. J. I ton K 4c Son's store.
In witness wher«H»f I ha\e heremiio
•They restori*d mv wife l<» pi.-rtiH-t
hi-alth. afirt- ><'ars of suffering with lit my hand this Iflst day of Ray. A
dyspepsia and a cbronically torpid II.
liver " Kli'Clric Bitters enre chlito anJ
fei-er. malaria. tillloUKiiesa. lame luick.
kidney troubles and bladder disonlers City Clerk of Ihe City <d Travers** City.
Sold on guaiantee by Johniuin Drug
Grand Trav**r«e Count,v^.Mlchlj^n.
Co.. V II Mi-aiJa, C A Hugtosf Umg
Co., diuggibis. Brice :>uc
Try ReconI Want Ads
A fine Buck Towel, 18x33. hemmed,
with either red, blue or strip^
border, for ...............—..........
Thompumville vi;. O. W. D. Sunday
If you vvant to see the MEMORIAL
DAY PHOTOGRAPHS telephone Frardc
P. WnghL CiU. phone 1010.
May 31-3t*
A Word Of Waning
Atom! Fan Motors. Whim you uishI
them you will want them right away,
and ver> likely ymi won’t to- ald<- to!
li.*ive >our ord*-r filled primudly. B* t
t.T than taking any idd thing In a
hurry, let us take your order m*w, and.
supply YOU with the be^t and lau-sL
The urdiamire coreHng Um
budget was imssed as folUiws:
Aa ordinance to defray the i
expenditures and liabllltl.i, uf the city
of Traverse Ci«y. Mich., for the :
vear to-Ktunlng May 1. limk. and ending
Total .................... .
Bectloa l.;There aliall alao be ratoed.
levied aad collected accordUig to law
t tax on aH real and'permmaJ estate
or property aubject toxaxatlun ta said
ally aa followa:
One mUl for achool purpoaea and
me mUi for alaktx'fuod tn wards aa
fbUova. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. nnd that In ward
twa the sum ef two mitts on rocb dol
lar mmmmrn valuatioi. and that la
ward throe a ti^ of one mlU on em h
lollar pammMd ralnatlpn and that ia
flmrd Are « tax of two mills oa each
lollar aaaeaaaed raJuatioa be ratord aa
A. J. Wilhelm
Monte Cbrlste
vs. D W. U. Sunduv:
'Animal ffudgnt
wib VI I r«bvr»r \tnT, oticnisan:
Section 1. That lo defray ihe ex
pendltures and ItobilitU s of the city of
Traverse City. Michigan, for the ffacal
ytmr beglnnlx May L IMHi. ami emh
lx Nn> 1. IR»T. there to* nUaed by
laxatloa apon the real and pereonai
property within aald city the sum of
SUk.430.0n, and that the sum to- levied
In conformity with tb« law and fur the
in the sev
eral fumla or hccounU aa follow.
Balarlea .................................... I 4.610 W
nre ........
............ C.OOO OO
Park .,,.,...4;.,
Water . .........
\ '
splendid Damask Towel. 15x30.
fringed, with either red. blue or
plain border, for...............—..
Other Good Towels |
DaiH TuvvcK nnblf\*.ichcd..v, lOc. ir>c,
B:ith Towels, blcachcil, 2i)c ami
Turkish Towels, 5(k. G5c ami 75ca;
- N'’
. v:-.;.
V V’:
Colton Towels, 5c and luc.
* ' . ■ •
Damask Towels, the lim-st line that i« shown, in all manner of bcau:
liful paiierns. sell for 25c, 50c, 7Jc,*$l. $1.25 and $L5<>.;
w 11;
J. e. Pi^e Elnirie Co.
125 Cm* St
Phone 502 2
Don’s V'ostmvor Whlnlc
, tbM UTBOM^iciNiiUiD^ look mmU *ih1 Mt *o far
fruui the •liret, tVat ve do not Maomit to mock m milL
er*. If v< ailoyotti reKie*iIydeaeived.
mnfmrM ^MMlnfB audBrnenS
You ebouid iaowkul i* co«Uin«7iD*ide See the ktnt impfund aM.AiDetT *m> the ooureuient ami eroiHimioBl arrMseoeiit tor domg the veiy beet UEBCHANT ami Cl'^TOM miUiiqc, bnyiog ami tmudliug
It Pays to Trade Where ‘
‘Every Towcl Want is MeP' r j|
Begins Thursday-
M'beu wo ear our mill has the gn«tMt capacilj and beat
boiliUe* ID Nurdiera Mit biKaB for makioK
Siree. Car Feed
Whole Wheat Flour.
Fine Feed
(iraham Flour
Coar Fred
Rye Flour
Chicken F.ed
Huckwheat Flour
nnd G'amil.v. d Meal.
wo Have
BUe^ad Spring
All are IKEAL. inS:.,
IWcrsc aty MiUfflg Co.
iaflBali ^ Lay Mcrc^tilc CoJ
letort to ttdtoi vboo o demoMtio^itbo fiootol had to ke act cato tctttod
tioi to a Mtotoel to ptroa. mad hoo j hot MOfcorod.
Tkk mctas. to UkMU ct cte ctoM meli am dear to oor coatool^ t: oraa ma too ammhero that aaadi
•r tm I •toilto to mfi « ketotf «ftot- toaa ohea «» read ahoot It a»d;too«i •» fMkUbto aad f^rod. toil
tof^ Itito#. to»toto»ito«^xo»* var>di pletaro it to oipiwiaom. Thooo I their toodo to ftghtlaz.'^ mad croel
foic t! to too miM to the ochool to glee
am anar toadtoml deoiiautnitloai ma| to too hotooa to too daat^ to night, too^.
i^ fta rcMi M «» totototo to •«»> pomtobtt, mlaco to haa ootoo to bo«a a^old oaddemlr gioo to^ horHhio
war ahoop. break toio too hoaao.jvn^
Um .CM
to toto rtoiia.
are toA iho oaf,- ooaraoto kaaalodi* dosiag tocoe arho rotixtod aad iakiag
^ ctoto of Itoi took tlHrtr ptooM Ok taaiora otowo. cxpotisoa^a mad ofsltj iliootooracapctTo. '
tjy* pMom u4 toiv« iiM dotokg to wmrUrtt ladaatral toaau aov giro ronuoato wore tooy vhoM trouhlo
M««M fW irot OCK to tho dnuM of aa added taot to too uod/ to ocioaer. were at once ended bjf too umrcUvl
Uliir »v«k Aod tola ymr. oictotocli tw The aorh la feookkeoptog. too, la ex- loaabowk TbOik. who were earrtoi}
M U Ptom» *• dWortot. It la too tTOaxtjr pratoleal, aad. t*ace Ihr lairc- off mU%€ werejrtibjeot^ to oaaaaaeabh
ttirteroh 8oaw wetw twraod at tbiMtooMOto okor t to booooeud.
•lake. ooMo itod to trees aa liTtag ur
that a
r Wo conotfiBy a^rctotoTMour It la aoi aee«
geto for the aaragea to praeeiro throw
Ocop gftoltode tor too pHvltovt of oto dr«4 tako a c»i
lag kaiveii ar. Others wore
'tototos M odofitoo to too acbooU to Conor# Urforo
m •'
• W
«Mn» aiwv trtati Ih* thiMikt at «k>t ku
U» (nvdcraaeo aad woadcrfal coorago/bato
to which ve tod eahodtod la emr ph> yeato fa ooalmet to what atlghi hare
aoers. ^ . . , •
. Thor were Aiacrlcaas by birth aad
parentage, b«t to a oOzed race, H»- om^ took hack jytt with a coanoaots. Hollaadors. Seotcbaiea aad
Spaalaids we tod side by side, belplag atmago regtwt far . thlaga aot doae
each other osUbUah bosea. Bui toe They M that baatoeaa is perkapa aot
ucaUmaai race a«oag these back- the beat thing in life afier aU.
k» p»
aad ladaaifx. feels!
idaet k la
far hka to gala
aecoaa lo toe higher cdrslee to tettolict. takes toe wuaoat pelas to gisw hie
<AIldtra toe odnemUoa which he leeks
The study of history also will prosaoto a hetier aad higher aatkiaai life.
To reach toe standard to Cifvr aad
iateUectnaUiT which the aaUoaa to
the OW World hare attalaed. we aam
lean the pxucees by whkh they hare
wctlem U» ta the nrr doara-ef thdr lac h«u “**
moBdnin No. TO.
OBttoa»l otictchcd the soImm aad mymtm
IMVEBE6U1I mil Lives
aa* M lha acrtactHia at their Beoa.
Ihe eorU h raotaut the pramhm Ic
hecIMihc ID oatoM. theuV*
handod la the aroaa of tadar. there M
womi utogjrt aa tiMy are tor
the stnigglw Ibe ftrtmre la brtgbt told
iraewt Is gleamlito. they feavw
aucoMafai la the tryout Mat ae
study their hUtory. step by step, froas
the aacleat time to barbartom down they wol be la tim ociaal
la bowor to Into altou^ teppy ooeathrough ^he ages, aaUl die time when
they have readied the higbeat point
Of edneatton and reftnement. OfieaOmes men have dated a grvai turning the colora of the class of tHH. ffreea
point In their lives from the reading of and white, aad In the eeatto a
cHag ahitod done ta tnou-
And yet. the spirit to the age is comWe And It t^oa evet^
ihoje people, who for love to rcUgioos.
_ the lives to Bsen aad
polillcto and social freedom
an unknown xca to an onrivUlsod land vomea to aU classes. H is the all-abUiat ibc/ might attain thetr ends. »rbing snhtoct. not only la the busiMingled with these other races, they neat worUL hot tn .oclety as well, aad
BCTcrtheless formed the kernel to the even the churches are oonilaualty
d?stlnclliel> sad intensely American
3a:rx\ Who veil the .okmeen to oar
IMcpie In their westward march; the
yns arJ to iht srn.- to flgbUng tc;
tiers, aki. ait^axe and rifle, won
heir way fiom ibe AUinUc to the ttlo
<.Tr,'.ndc and l*acilc ceean"
-IbrtmpbnJl Ihe ?»SkV* of
hifttory of ibv wlunla-: ef a reniinmi
jne nml kikIi naiiiv» ai»
i iion. John S'-iver. Janes
Anj 'ir^w
licviii CrocLe l and the
Itenlcl n*« nc «-r« the ffr t N» strik*
mil lui i ll;i uil % c.iVN* suU found mI/
!|rnuiit . Itv s Ibii >h«*» 4*! S-avvry
and enlMti.:r c 44 luohi d hi- sa. lut*.
the UacKiess (urewt cump'iclcly shut of^
Irom cliilltotloa. and suoctvded in es’jabllshlug tiuvn.H lhai hcvv endertu to
, the prv’eui «'•> Ho tvs': a typical plo-j
^b<H*r. rrsM. leirlc^'. po.sc.4iiag a*
ri nM' to rlg.^r and wlnoito and .
ftntlni; a gn at love for ihc fr*-**. Inj dt-vf :,4li nr 1i:.
!».* wa. as he him.
ln«iritmear onliilnr l liy
rlvi:i/3ti«>ji inio »h( vflA/OA GLASS, J$0^ — r/iA VS/i:S£ UTY h/QH SCHOOL.
S«!emi aiL He
Kcni’n l.y nnd
k rvtulied in »h* wi;i
inii.jS el rbs whole west,
• today. Ubemi odoeattoa haa ondor- rorld. Taken as a whole, tbd practical I arms and V-gv to horse*, which ww
a book. There are unutterable thing*
i Ce<.:,w Uopvr C!a:k. wbe Mfoulup striving to mnfnial thcmrelvcs
goae a great chaage dertag the piuii •duMtloo proeldod by iha roa.ii*iHy of then dilven In onpo«illo illjertloli*.
lb.4e.ie*54 .Aumpr. . A;otc bl-s luaie In CrsuT financial Im* I^. EvcrjthlnR else in the minds of every one of ur. and
geaeratiOB. and now, nc ro thso eve r bi hIgl|.*choo;. cf iiiday vrt |iart > th. Tite. V an- >.ul aA* w o. thi\ niaiiv r •
delibly ♦‘n .*.14- hiKUirv of th. u.it b- npl to be sa riflTcd lo the acq iisl somow heie we may 6nd these OilngK
before, prepares one fur Ohj loip<»risin lupil of average infolllijen.'H fur ihi voltin;; ter* res /bite u-d »m a la.'llcl
, With 9 I'A^:f I'.ardy l*4'l.siHjtlMueM Ixv
tion of wi-»l(h. \Vc m*ed a dlffcrt nr
datles to IWe. The oJd Idi-a war to 61)
Then Ic* UR md dvRoise cult an'
I hind low. \ir marctu vl tip into llUnni#
a popirs brain with classic loi^ and
io vkin ihtt vast legiun Urawn ihc life, a InnUT and stroug.-r life, and Muiliea I'l-cause they will not
CLASS OF 1900 /
ft him for toe lUc gf a aeaUeman.
bring something of
Ohio river and Ihe Hrwat Lakes lor how is this changf. to be, brought
Lowriu. Lavinu ^ .^./reon, Ali«*e
The best part to srhool lift- was speni
imiKvrtance than wealth.-a
civlliiaiion and the union. The hard- about except through the public
ia stndylng dead languages; in fact,
Aodcraoii. Jeati '
MrMichiK'l. Grace JSIhU'-t, IX'tiuti
broader'view of this world, and a fuller
< ships of this inarch can scareely be in- sc-h^U.
the mother tongue wes almost inf MtKin*, Morria
'' Slrt. kler. Alvin
Aghoian, lipaaie
iar,laed. They wn- comi>clied to ford
The schools are developing. each i appivdatlon of the real enjoym
aorod But the latter half to <bc nine
SuHivim, HerU'rt
Nvlaon, (iracc
(!irtcr, Fritx
lev wati r* for days at a fimb with Ju;.l generation In turn; therefore they ^ life.
teeato century has boon fst-l>
an l.-lan.l nan and then t.n which lo should deve!on the things which io i And now. as we start out. each pne
Tliackcr, Loia
rt-UR'k. AiUm
Oranba. Minnie
maimed with ermls. givlag rlre to a
Imporrant.-a combination of alone, to begin the work which lies beTHiiblio. KUtb .
Puhoral, Gratxj
Eiky KaUh
jpcai iBtellert^Uuteketilng. Sdenrf
, l.iji Clark by his *.bow of cbei'rfulncs.. c-ommt rclalsm with enUnre. in every,
must not forget that It U
.Titna, Harold
has extendi^ its houiidarlcs; new prv! "-«vani. (Jraee
Rr>horUoD, AliiV
and c4.Mr:i^«. InsplriHl tl.erii t.. foT»)u ht.n:.m hr Ing there is an lunate long- ,..hararier not less than inlelrct which
fesstiHiK ha\c arisen. As a
TurnliuU, Norma
Koberlsuii. Mubvl
hi ». ami led ihi'nt to virt«.i> nt.Kuc lug for m .nt‘>. s d,-Mre for ma:eilii!
in^truclor* have Mriven lo
qucncc w«* now havr the lirostl.-m .1
Way. Lulu
Uyan, Mildrcil
ka^kia and Vlm cnm s. thus adding a^l j presperpy.
Hut c.miparaMvely few velop. Wc must, as a class, bid faroculture. ahUb l« the true aim of t-Uu
^Williams, Julm
IK win, Fiuiuie
tyayrt*. A;fOca
the Nortbwe-t^ terriilory to. the unUm j insiple have a natural desire for rv'flucto all thosi* who have had our InSamucl Honsion. who for a number! nw'ni. and where this quality is not In- teroMs at heart and have encouraged
Wii^'ht, Kilty
4.f v.'srs wn-< n nenrtoiil cJiizeh jt.f^ boru.it must be develoiK-d.
j .^nd sirengthem d us during our High
dors mil roiUTirlff ml)
Teams^t.-. Is another pat;lot' plouecr ’ _What then, lu scho..!, will develop| Kchool course No lenger shall we II#
whirli U contslmd tn iho Istg^tcrm duUes which await them In tivu UU-. vd «;u thvir vlrtim*.
There is no ue«'d Jo ask "To whom
It is no wonder that while i» in to whom ibl- na.i.oi .»wck a debt of;b«rtute? The i-tud> of litcraune. boVh ! ten to their warning voices. «r mee
to cHlura'lcjn. Tlio f^x llngs auTto U
V we indebted for this lmim.ve.1 con curuHl tindylng hatnd in the bcatts of more ihan gratlrule Joining the Tex-j'anf ient and luotlern In our language j
dliclpnm d. the passions sie lo U re
ans in their Mruggie u iih Mexico, he; and in the languages of EurojK*. bos
strained, true and wtnihy mot!v«w arr dltion to our whoids?” The reply of ibt whU. ?*. !L made tf them a race unInsjiireii Ike movement w hich added j made and will conuuue to make a vaw
to be Inspired, a imdouiid rAlii;ln,.h Lr>w« il is a niHug one. “1 owe my cdu.! mnuyed in cl) ifcc^wATlU In rUKced
the lAinc Sur state to the atani and j difference in our national life. People j
locling is to be lusiilied. Ail ibis is cation nnder Hod. lu my own iuduMrv. ^ it ursge and iv*l- Uesi. eiu-rgy.
j Hometlmc-j^ think that the cla.sslca will
to my father and) Ih.-se Indian 1 roubles were not the strliHu. of .thc union.
cxmipritod in oduca'ton * In short U to the sat^ldecs^ol
John C\. Fremont might be clasiK-d ^ at length make way for more modern]
.‘lympathv of g .u.l! ..........
It just as u«'cc»sar> that tht ix> l»c aa nui b( t aiH to
as a im>dom pioneer. His work was; and practical siudu»: but the advenall'Pcrvadlng moral almosuhcit.* in ib<*
1 thc-e ploatvni. U meant prlvaiious
the laying out of /oads and piltding turou* rfudent will always st'idv cla*
It is mir duty therefore, lo turn our j unllmlu d. to strike out into the wlltree nrbool. as that there
the w-hltc fleclH of nralrle
ales, for what are the claslc.s btit ...
ks\IriR home and frienUs.
liot'Vs lo develop the im*mnl. oV sth- ’.iurathm to arcoutit. ami r«il6U »ht j
|h..jr ,^ay ihmugh the un- to Ihe far west. He made In all. lire “noblcxl werks of man!” B<x»ks are
bnir, lo detelo? Ibe phyiirsl sl.W of hopes which our frbn.Js entertain for
cllffeient trips from c.Ast to wcM. doing the iiva
’work.'il hard and over-. hr..kou forest l»i mnc--> and constdertbeladIvUual
so much sorvlc4* for his country that ! the rightful
obstacU-s. yet an have j
fortunate If ‘ they
Hl iwJy. but rtlll surtsv. im! jratibn
lihc nation conferred upon him the titb'
has btnn griming to mecl tbert r\ ttjtwr to overcome bdoie llleV woik isjchsnccd upon an Indian trail.
of the Palhflpder.
jarUiorracy in every society and exqaln'miwls. and it is not rtiiintuHl >ftmt>k4d
I Tht u think td that life In the wilderThese are merely cxamules that jert a wonderful influence on mankind.
bill of
merely to one sisio, but embraces tie
n«n.^s. When they had arrived at a Rhbwitbc spirit that rharacterlred the] Those who have siudk'd Latin, recall
whole nation IVl lu no slatc has Ihr leps Inra-lO ItIts sumh.il. Mom of
for ho ne, they niuM pioni-cr. that spirit of bravery and love | Ihc fiassagc wherein Cicero refers to
felt luore than In Ml^bl an- afk.M
eJimb In The old tep by-j ar«i cren a square luilisad.- i.f upright
I--K**.* j for fi^-dom that ix. a dUilngulKhlng hi-4 own pursuit of lite.~atute: -Haec
4 hlb! un.b-r- iogsaKapro-ectlonagalnM their ready
gan. lu o»ir |m nlnsula*. ibv nMirtltkui
of the Amerlcan^people. ThesejMttdia aduleacenliam alunt senectuto Uuht tiopulsr aiul hlghfr cdurstlou
cuemu-v. With th!-^ block bouse as a Sturdy backwoodsmen who blazed the tenu obbnani: secundas res ornam.
Is most saUHscio'ry. «nd ihi- fIru 1be L.-i«: wi.i pi.
gradually 11 rn 11 for the advance throughout the^adveisls 04^rfiigiinn ac fMjlatlnm practo be oougiaiuUU'4 ou the whole
1 rlearctl-about Ji onii with nrjch laUu l Anjciican r
bent; electani dorol mn ImiH.-dlun’
' Through the long yx'srs of cxpvrleurc.
-----------------------j plante«: tt» re.Ti White this was grow-j jjitaUon of
foris. ocrnociaiit noi.ii.cum. ptvegtinnew meihctos have been the mean* «|
jU!vM.furBl*h l«.d for Iht ,h,. (Ir.. C.mlineDUl cougrvM. iM-c.mo ,mur. ruellrantivo.- Eusinc Hold
rreatlng more IniercRt. not
R L. KYE, PaisnrAU
”THc P.oneer” uv rietbcrt Sullivan. ^•“***'**'
welded Int-. a nation; a new p«-ople. translation of this passage is aa fob
pttpUk iht-mM'lves. but also in the pxrAUcra season In the blorkhoiwc the | disiinrilvely Amerionn. Living aa Ibeyl lows: • Literary pursuits nourish our
• eats It Is the ItffTitsble rx-^ull of lu
them in the^tamll^r classroomR. yci
; pc-iWc ^
this transtorrolng oJ
in our hearts •<J^ply bad sunk the
k waste piact-o lias been j
fhe rongh. loc counity scboolb«.um? In
iesson" they have given
oM ilrikli.g feature In!
to the imHteni, luwi fiair.f' or bhrl ne: onl r ;
teemed each of her, loved each other.
ory. blit also the even! ‘
balldliig. No longt r do bnn wall the world ,
?n<! DOW mu*l bb! each other fare
to nil ethrrx TO /t lar-rea king in Us J
meed Ihe »thi- 5-.rmMsMe I
well. No maUer lu»w sweet the com
. j,
text Nsik»> have in't ii
d hy ihow eire!ttfAn«i II^ import •u'H-.
panl'-nship. a parting. In man> wayi
KarrevcMsu; iu J . i; 4ul-^ t %v-a!with lllusiixllooh. t!:o long le.ura m
lilting uixui u hstduuiMi bench arc a it Ph.iiti-d o r j.;i.H-,1or E*igU-ih civil j
•*i -oay that man was m^e to grow
aa cad. Then i« |t imt sale to pn ItaL'cu in aU twrJ! < i ikc w«>!ld. audj
not stop;
dirt whal sort of ciiluns may tat ex Lrpenant 1 cra-jre U wa-^ the uvans 4*
That kelp he nev-ded once, and needs
pacted from thU nge to advomcHnicu; >.'avcrt:ag \hu comlm-n! from a Wil-1
^no more.
gi; Je!j spo'..
. a» an Incmtivi* fm I vc.-v pupli j 4lt-rm*s
Having grown but an Inch by, U with
•OMrOlory.to live n._j»l^c II
I v.in ri»‘ dwei! b pg eii lb.' ?p:« T
rmlxd. to io>g^.^ri.>ti^m. i Hu' Eu.Vifl.-ni V P.1 tl:e 0!.t W. r’
ttet aymlxd.
For hr hath new need*, and new heipi
wnvM from every a» fc^‘lseuii in ihv the v3 'em hon:l!«pht TV. i»5!l Ju-t u* nto thc.ie“
Tlon a few » l th.!. u: tiemiate
t,I mount
This Impor:* *olc-ly, m
Aa edoenUon has broadened and cx Halia was col->nlxc.l with no tnipo-don each
pgnded. ao also have the srais to H xn» thm wtaieve: trom the natlTcr'al
New height In view; the help whereby
lag groarn to moot the dcmxndr cpf»:i icxdy there, a anre political conqucRl.
he mounts.
Unm. How the High achool take* the India beld ent (or a tiaie. hut s-xm
Tlic ladder rung hl« foot baa left.
of tb« oldJime aemlnary ci ana.l gave up toxkc superior energy and in
. e«iy. On the olhi'r hand we soe the icUlgencc cf Ihc Knalish. ThL was
Since all things suffer change save
gftmrth of the ooUege fystc:n. Tht aUi true of Sew XeHanfl But the
Cod'the Trutfi.”
Uklvwrtoty trf Mlckignn. only an Ittran: s»cry of the winning and peopling of
wkM Hnnmto «tol nlrrnfly auntned lu this land to ours has no paralie) In
growth, now imnks'with iLai older u.k himrry. It is true that nearly aU^tdM Id the orlldenieM. they darctopad aarB«,t aad dollcht our later yeirr.
voewlty. nnk. In wnny dwrtnK-nu /. iempu lo coioaUe a new continent faTOllies began to make cleaiings for
that troll 01 Mir-rell>iic« and lore tor dl»U*rtac Ue minor deulu M lUi.
conaldarod tta auperlor' From this it [have been opiioaed by the natives al- them, elves. Tbc!r homes were bdllt
lodepcadeiioe th«t mahoa Amortca the. a^ affordln* • oereanUl ralace aad
doM not foUow that the people ot - ready occupying that Und, but never to rough, iinb^n logs, with but a sin
leader amoac the poaen of the earth, j iblace: ^ home iher plena; an, nad la j p,rd*n nertl mhlrtt <«Dcna»ea toMichigan are any more tatelleto^^a'j whh tuch pefslxteace and fortitude
gle living room:ihelr fnrnitare, rudely
.. ..
eocatlon elKehen- do ther am- tribale aaai»I|)r- Ha wcelTad br to_________ats to the Purttan that with which the American Indian__________
benches; their bedding.
C. DESMOND ban Jont parchjpad, |»r„„ on; they are »lth an by nlckl.
Chat It doM prove that wlih a oppoMd western growch. DaUng from! the furs to wild beasts, Nevertheless a F.floe
Bran. «laaa lOr hlnlthey^ iU u. apoo oor trareta. Md
f Aim la vlew. pi^vwnfe and the 4»e of the Erst landing at Jamew u was borne, and In spine of the savage. borae. Grlaa.ll
A complete record In kept ot .erea apoa oor letlremeat lato tbb
ytm,\4 yon now
aocQMpllMi woode/s.
town aad PlTmooth. all through iko
^ *
th,^ aumher of thi. parting «ak. .o„,ry dc they »ooJ^
SS^^jSeT'mS SSTtS-liTr ‘
Revoiu- deartos* »«re
tar bot«
break Ita coattaaltr. Mototog ho
aadmn. Daj., |. the opinion of n Croat nUdeat apoa Mr, Dlck*«. to eomcM. the >*
jttemA^. bw bven the initerau aad oMIlcd-a bnrtiware
HP - jie»*Pfttlitadcr Who ban earned a Mce ^>a<laaBd
ao deep a sIgtoAoaace to
the thlrty-ooe gradualea. ifM. On thn
corners cf the suge were white lUnca
and Uiiea to the railey while over the
boxes hung green shields again bea>
Ing the flgurcs 190A The gradonfja'
arranged In a sembcMii thn
young ladlea in pure white, the gantin
meat to. the class, the testroctora and
the si»6akcr of the evening all In Mnck.
After an inspiring eelecttoa hy
Slew art A Bieffens- orchestra the Rev..
Holsaple pronounced a fervent
stiou. He was ftolosrad by Mias
EJliabc-th Hooker, supe^lmsr of maalc.
who. In an excellent voice sang. •'One
Spring Morning. - by Nevln. and •On
May time.” by Oleyspeak. After t%e
lasH spc'akers bad concluded, the toN
chestrm rendered ‘‘The Lest Hope"
and during the prescauUoo of dlgilo.
as. they also gave another selection,
Ciaea tpeakerm.
The flrsi im spt'aker waa Miss
Grace McMIchael. who delivered ihe
saluUfory. welcoming ihe audience tn
delivery ao i-xcellent that abe fWct'lvod much well-deserved
Herbert Sullivan followed with the
cJsii* oration. ‘The
r." MV.
thought and a careful pursuance of hlatory. His language was well choaeo
and his expression so well rounded
that his discourRC held the tntereto of
everyone. His speaking voice waa
clear and drstlnct.
Mias Carrte Fuller had the honor to
delivering the valedictory Her thamo
was an excellent one and her iJellyery
sticb that every word wa* audible, yot
at no time was ranting, being at all,.
times under perfect comrol and excu!*
lently modulated. In fact, all throe
Kpeakers acquitted themselves with*
such credit aa to be complimented
heartily by such an auihorlly as the
•jpeaker of the evening. Dr. A. E. Winship of Boyton.
The “Roya aa a Liability."
DrTA K. Winsh'p was Inlrodoced bj
Prof I B Gilbert who stated that on
the walk to the capltol at Boston there
were two statues, one to Ben>aatid
Franklin, the oibey of Horaro
the great educator. One br Maaiia
great achievements was ihe fouading
of the first journal devoted to educa
tional interests which U now the New
England Journal of EdneaHon to which
Dr. WlnRhlp is the editor. The speaker
was then Introduced to the andleace,
being received with liberal applauM!.'
Dr. \Vinshlp*s lecture was a treat to
every one who heard him and thp
theme waa handled In so maaterftd a
manner that an Ineatlmable amooat hi
g«wl was Implanted In the mln^ of
the bearers.
He began by complimenting the
das* very liberally. sUting that probably not one realized bow magb *t
meant to graduate from a High achooL
It opens doors to them that would
otherwise be closed. In this country
many of the- grswt oorporatloiu. taUrrwds and businesa boiues wUl not ei»ploy men In places where there arc
rhauce* for advancement who arc not
High school graduates. A president to
a railway with 10.000 ailea,to trackage
gave as the reason that a High achool
education was so esjiy to get that If a
yooag man did not K-cure it. ne was
too much of a burT> 10 step out Into
the buslcees world and the road didnT
want men who were in too much to a
burry for thorough pretutratlon.
He ataUd that a fUgh school educa
tion opened -Jic doors to the unlverslUes of the world and avenaea of iho
higher professions that would other
wise be closed. He ctoigratulated th?
parents on btving the privilege o^payiag taxes to support the achoola. He
aald that many bated to pay taiea and
even the groat George WaihMitoii U
on record as not Ifklng to do so aad <
oafortnnately morg follow him la that
line than emulate hla truth teUteg.^
He auied that ihe High school to
the city hadn’t cost the taxpayer one
cent because with every cent of expendhure It had ta^rmmed la valtiatlaa
la proportion. The apaakey even elat
ed that the valuation laeroMed fttoler
lated the ynong peo|te who wotod U
turn he the Uxpayera anytef that
thronsh their ednontlon Un «cmM
pay tnxea bn nmny handradt mom
MM 10 dMIr OIMM OMllf o4 Mc■M Mi at Otm <MM a* MO^
M iMJir Mm M Hr. oM Hn. Jm'iM <Mck St 1* s^ctMk aw m
■aOsr OM4 ksM M HMlc cHM
SI Mmm bstasK sW l> OImMs loM
OM CM I«r M a> UK IssriMTB U»
SM«M kOM ooMrtsMs >M dMj St
mm lor tMIr MHMoaJ «sm«.
C. »sMs te ¥M
tBtBtbBCtafcboflMat. BbU
^•ftiafBBU Bf tte kappr BflBlf
■MVlwr* frf IB «u« eMm ^ pi
mho mm fttdhm homo oi mj
iBikau awd wigbra Ib tlaftr Bev vmlb
IB tlfo.
la fl<nUm the youuz writer, trilh
a rp.juiaueim< Imagiiiatire <Ti«tion.
wtesn- la
of nature and hutuatUty about UIiimU
the U-anty, luirtb ami fiathos of ItKfmuUort an n •hurt bn*lnti» Irip.
move tlkiu the Imaices of the world
ProC. W. A HtcffitM lu«vp« nbortljr cou%*eyed thn>ui:h literary tokens,
fw U^lmnd, wbtw he will mieod i
from Um;
an advantace. In that
flnr prn»*nHar> to l<r»tlng u New he makes utwa hto tnaders* mluda a
wholly iiatlre Impreaalon.
himself known dirintly by allowing ua
Itifitaji Cb»mnnf‘$r Mi thti& aftorsoon
tbe Uooainenu of his spiritual face, the
for KofthfH>n. Whi-ro «ho will rpend
charm oY feature, mood and temper
A abort time wt|b h<‘r atint, lirh. Kua which makes an impression at our first
& WUaoii.
leading like that of first am factw
Til# Hob.
II. CbaBdIcr of Ctnlar te our real liuman wutucta
Rapldt iiBaacMj ihrtmjili
city yt*«ltr. writers are vital iH-r«H>mtl!tles 1a oor
4my on tlndr wa^-io Uelaiul. wbt-n literature. They do not nec^ to wait
Tl»ey may come to ua as aaidreu come,
Ibry will iiH od ih*- aumBier.
as soon aa they can a|ieak. haring only
MUa BofAla Book. who ha* Ih-cb vla^
to bn«k with Infancy; In their book*
ItiBrot l\*dbr. relunii'd boim- today.
la. CmrKT Irfi
tie Bod booltec gitetfBe pifvBBt'^
blood poleabiBC.
Oeirld. aMr.^
barlmlx. MleMgn. M«jr ». im.
To Oc Wlur or tbe RfoolBR tas
bBBO ivt WBi
ihhi momlas for
BBlTuiMr; tbe Wot, Jte. 1
cremteg bod beea bapp&7 M«t
tnaturUy.-n. M. Aldcn te Harper’s.
You also fall t
them that Charlevoix permIUed your
liwai to run any man they rhuae from
the bunch.
your good
You further fall lo tell
people that
your pnrfes-
aiooal coach put on a running sul
came upon tbe track, trying to ring
te as a high school contesiknt
WAS told emphatically
might coach but they ccmkl not
Was that spcjrtsmsnllkc?
that hodest?
Wbs that manly? ' Was
that the spirit >oo would commend te
your boys and your eoaclie*?
In the
last lap of the relay. Levinson falle<l
to touch Finucan,^at first, and Hi
was comiHlk-d to stop and wait, los
That -the touch
made, aflidavlts
of yontestantH and ufflcials sill jmive.
If you wl.wh them.
It Is rontemplihld in the minds <d
Wo cannot l« lp living In sonic d«
tbe lives of heroes alio are cousU
teourmlnda. oar characters am con.
Btenlly lieteg rnodmed. ahai^cd and
teolded by tbe auggosnoua whkii ara
thoa held. Tbe most todpful life
ties for the a\’eragc youth, are not the
metcorlr onea. the unflix^nlolde*aucs,
the aatoulohlng oue«..like those of Napolm. OUver lYumwll and Julius
Caeaar. *Tbo greot slam of the ratyj
dasale bioat boys. *They aduilre. hot
they tlo iMtt feel that th^ ran Imitate
Tbc>y like to rend their lives,
but they do n«t get the lielpfulness nod
the eiicourag«*HH*ul fnmi them that
they do from reoditig ilic lives of Ukwo
who have not Mlnnhvl the world so
It to the triamidi of the or.
dteary Khlllty whhh U m<Mt helidnl ns
luwjdmtlou and eUruumgi imuti.
Tlie life of Uucxdfi tins lM>eu on ae
finitely grtnilec Inspiration to the worid
than the i;f.» of .\jjioleo!i «ir that of
Julius rae*ar.-ti. lit. Marui'a in Kaecaaa Nitli^i lne.
true B|K)rthmcn U> iH'linIe a deserving
aise^ «r tbe MM ssrs M bis seek I
siraK'*-'t£rtss srri'£!5ssn'
Aod oow. U
w Hoaicteltw, ore Aod
U tbe boat
ktee te tbe world fbr
bod beoo elected ■MBbon
kroBcbiol troubleo aod
oftroBteoeof I
Goarootred at Joba
after wffi uake creator tertdte te aoo
«. Drut
Oo, JT. H^tee^a. C. A. Bog
mrcbleal neoBTcb te skMlCB. BigrB tbe bee. dzoggiatik Prkc bter and fl.oe.
IVtal bottle lec.
uwA lOBtet Ibe liipol.e lo Object fopBd te bla ooaf pockets ertde«t!y
to tbe tepotottea of BBtetroeo
wrtUoB BB4er creel atreaa of aeted aa
tbe put of Cbarlevote oootcat
CO with
bo4 oAHela. «o4e tbetela. It U oat»17 Bfiei
from cKimpciIng.
fiatTSSeb'^M tM
NilLsteTo: -Ivaatwo]
they ooe Bolo BBS ;
ooB^ldcBtlr espectod to wte the cbjil and mother and sister, and the i
Crerpoor COB bare hcoatlfBl Imfa;
'UfOfdbwaoCcolorr aeiBooBr nmj BM It to NOT fpoftaBMBllhe. U U NOT to a eoaate -Laara.” They are cmichml
the troth, to ta similar terms and atate that he was
• iMoUr MtMIsi crttfc iMr tcscM
Yea. rocacdbwa of rrrtjlhios e*w|*t charge that CharWroU ra the eup aqrzT he had to commit tbe deed, bat
there would be better aud happier
Tis «tM ooonsrt/ tosfrrroc* o»
days coming for him bye and bye.
«W osofotooM ymr out cos.ese Is
do BOt know who your reporter
Family Party HcldL
(be erssivllcs! rliorcb. IsalssM •»■
. Paoaihty he waa trying to salve
A family parirwas held te the I
■omnr sltt-rouci st I ia». oMa a srriBded aaplratkms by the th
where everyihlag passed off pteaaaat■on wtU lx tWIrercd by lbs McoM- broebid orrr th#-balnT oprrad a cleia. hare plea so ofien beard by erenrone ly. After the guesU depaHed Mr. and
white rfcHh. that will flot Unt, orcr tba
ISf sMsr.
Bct. O. a. HdUcr. folwho Itoteas lo the tale of aroc thi
Mxii. Heated took Mlsa Eaiher Doran
•tlptelyr |»rt«d tageta
lovi-d by the troJlcr <i»sffeny eos- temd BOd with the right ooe mb jroor feoked ball toama aBd athletic 1
and sister.
Mrs. Jennie Arnold
Meaolsr «>»<Uy isoroisc
ighty teit gently «u the give to eacuae defeat. I waa pr
Grand Rapkte home te Joseph Sleder's
aonrler Is tbs eborrb ssd sflrnwos Hteh. HroA the hair a few mluoba duriBg all of tlK> aftemexm. aod wbUc rig. *They returned and tbe wife asaod'agate ttoBO the t.rui»h by mbbing my word may be no UHUr than any slated him 4n caring lor the rig. They
sSTTle; la Ibe Hrsole
a<itort K. Walter sal ob jesiirnlay ou the riolb. Hair treated te thto
> mans. 1 give It a* man to maa. returned to the hou^e and Mrs. Heubel
for tbe «nl flise t4se« bb mttaek •* ten inteoirm erery e^fwlng for two or •that there waa ahaoluiely bo trickery, begpn the tS5k of washing up
three wcebi Will
awMWtb to.. •«*. aao.
no sharp practice, and tfb unfair i
dirbes which had bfien oompictcil wht'n
Tbe rase of Ibe Pociph- «a Jobs
*^W.iokl the snip be Mrfy. pert tbe ods uaed by Chark vote athletes or of be aleppiHl Jo the rear shed door and
'MooUbsa. ebatooa •ttb a rWJalloa-of bstr III sersnl pieces ssd Istish weU ficiato.
sudcnly the sharp report of a revolver
lb* M»r tmllaaore. eaaie before Ibe eaeh side of the fiort. Thto will Bof
Our boys won ob thrtr nferlls.
Kerorder s • cuort at Oo flork tbb only elrtiiMM the Mal|«, Iwt caoae Iho
You make'muchNif the relay race. mether,
bh»d. to rirrutole fn«*dy. tbu* atlu.u- Voo bowover fall to*" lei! yonr o
aMTStsc sod the rawMeai era
nir-hed lo the dtior and found Imt
cunlBSItos Is Ibe siUB of t»0 and totlu;: the gro« tb of the hair and |»rB. ixrople that your team mas allowed
in law lying hut a i*tep from the sbetl.
eeiitiRg ItH fnlllng off.
ass buond wrrr lo Ibe lust ten
run a man te this race noi euu r
The harking of a dug aud the shut
nrcall ctmil.
Tke Taaaa Writer* la Ftrtloos
and who could have teen debarred brought Mike Nolan, night waichmaii.
Hr. aod Mrs, C.
gate tmo tjp« bC paycboloffx.
C ity camp. No. i72. R. N.
™. O. W. S SiMU.
piwprtetor. PboBe C?IL » or m. •
will bold CteHr regular mc«llag hYktey
eveateg tB Woodman halL
ataqy im oao mrm. jmhwm
MWBSllMaiB BBd MBtsl tTOBl
TbeaecoodllBoof rooMrekvrifitec
P. it Mcodab C A.
drag atOTBA
A fall ai-
Jane Ktt
boMt«I Wb«. p.tl-1. *U1 b. tTMttd.
Tten bu M«r bMO w U.r»d«*th>o 9t caiM c<nM <»M tb>t oto
«0C7 ta M I'olM BOM Or. HtsIm
. o \r. a Suadki-'
’rbompeonvUk; va. O. W*. D. Sunday
hanBCteadofia oC a boaltby mtad.
Tte hMsekNBcr Wto Dmb
“Ezy Wax”
It If ate M ablact at tht
» tarfatlsata th. *«a» of tb. bUad la
avium, and to mody otrula tn*. «f
TtfOfI MOfattoo. aod me wbat cao b. L0»T—Fbur key* on spring ohain te^tween fYankle’s and the slaughter
mad. at tb« macblaMy of b
bouse. Uetnm to Record office anj
tIOOf. lb.ICMOfOMOMlM.ltl.brtd.
accratoatrt tb. otbMu. and Ibl. wlU
receive reward.
June Kit*
alM b. rtudted. Tb. dMt aod domb
WANTED—Girl for general housework
Mr*. Boland. 4M SUte atrcct,
June ML
The tortltvite Intend* to bol
in certain boigdtaM wbkb have promto
WANTEO-GIrl for general housied to altow them room to treat lhe*e
to the ac*'ue and teih liheilff Johnson
work. Mr*. Floyd Smith, 429 West
I’hlmately a boapUal wrlH be
aod Coroner Uoldsaurth w»*re
Tenth street. CTtz. phone 21K).
erected for tb* UrnUtmea own work.
moned. The remains were nmniv
June Mf.
Several profCBBlotial men ara aald to
rndertaker Andenwn’a rooms where bo back of tbe movoment who at pro*at ;i;30 thks morning the following Jury cot dralre their nfimra to remain aivret FOUND—Two. ki»ys. corner Eleveulb
r>r. Hyalop In apeaktag of
and Casa. Owner may have same by
vk wiHi them; C. It. McMIchael. H.
calling at this office and paying for
Coate.v. John Nelson. M. H Ellto. Harr> mental auggeatlon may do told of a re
cent experience of bto in the New; York
Burr. C, R I»alge, tbe wltnessc*s to ing
subway with an tatogJeated man. Tbe
June l-l.
Frank Sledcr. Mrs^Sarah Lanenlaugli.
man. be aakl. waa angry and unruly,
MI:^-h »a Berkman and Mi>. Jennie but Dr. Hyalop aald he beckoned
,Arnold, riu Central avenue. Grund blm and aat boaide him and by patting
him and menial »ugge*tk« quieted blni
lUplU*. "
so that be left tbe train to good humor.
Verdict Of Suicide,
Ttxto. be said, was merely mxtR
Little ic-tiniony mas gfveu b«*aTlng and not hypnoltom.
Dr, Hyalop said that tbe luu|M.n Hu- ea.-e and the verdlcfrenden'd
ailiole could dehnltely settle tbe que*.
is thi.s: Thai William C. llePlM 1
lo hto di*;Uh as a insult id a revolver tlon wbetber a man under hypnotic tn
fluenee could be made to ixMTorm-a
shte hy himself lulliclc*d with bnicM i!
criminal aelion or even to kill. lie s,nkl
be doubled If n subJfHt couM be made
Mu.. Heutell did not know her hu*- to do such acta. He told of hto ownhon.
liand bad a revolver and iK-rsunally who. he said, when under hypnotic lutluenre. bexUatod to do nuylbteg abknows of no reas<»n for the act.
rati ridge* were new but Uie revolver aunl or ridiculous.
Is the best housekeeper.
You shake the can till
contents are white, pour
it into a bowl, dip a cloth
in the liquid, wring it as
dry as you can and just
go over vamnh or paint
ed floors, woodwork, fur
niture or linoleum. They
look like new. It will not
hurt the finest mahog
any. Sold by
City Drug Store.
Dr, Ott of Ullebonae (ihrooifii Jourvictory by{^Uieii/nts such a* you give
nal des sclenrrs medleales de Lille)
wa* old.* The hall eniend the
Cluiwcea ProM a
to a Blr4«
followteg i»rarUcal and currence. 4^ Is^iinfair to make statetemple Just alxjvc the temple tome
Tbe story of tbe rarly life, transforalmple meibcd of aacertateteg whether nicuts you cwiintit hack np. You have
mniion and final death of the ChiiiPa*
or not life 1* piswent: Tbe |«lut select
a good hunch of nlhlrtcs. in some
a har.l wt^rkiiig man. eniplM>tvl foi quail IH the most remnrknlde that to
ed U the forearm, which to uuk kly ac- events far snp<rlor to any Wo could
cwwlhle, to fr»x! from hair and U caally put forth. In other evehts we hS4l te*’- jMime Um«- t*y the Sle.ler im al inaikr i found In lhe ornithoK.gi.'iil literaloreof
the w.irld. Tlie nan-alive in all Its unImi piimrrly for ihe Simms inark-i
exposed. The arm is e.\tended borlsonter lai n, nad the to st in. n won.
tally from tbe body ai.d the forearm
The fuuetal will lake p’.ave a' L’ .W r«M><iiialdcnes* i* f*Kjiid In Uie story of
you wl.-li to atlril.ute defea* to rfJx i
Dili ehung. which to the uaiQe the Chi
pronsted. If the trwt to made In the
p. m. Sunday , the Ib-vs. Bin: ell. Cm »idents
rn by w
quail to known
opeoldr a cloak 1a held so ns to shield
Hii ami Cox official ing. Intertueut Ip
ugdum. Celestial i
te th<* Flowery K ug
tbe part from all moUon of tbe atmoa- was not 111 reaching distance at any
OakwocMl te charge cl L’uderlaker An Ihorltk-s on bird
l-ird lore divlnro that no
Idiew. Tb^Jto^ie-of-w-aiidle to now stage of the race. It is an easy way to
siNx-iineii of oiu elnmg x\as ever known
directly applied to a spot an tbe fore let yourselves and the team down. But
to live a year; that they do not lay
arm. wbk-b to ckswly watrh.d by the I ranmd lemglu silent when the gvMxl
ergs, n* all otlier known s|tceies of
olHierrer. At Ibe end of a few serond* name of my city and our hoys is wan
a swelHng rapidly form* aod hursts.
J. Ser--«.|i kwvex Monday f.»r Chi birds do. and. finally, that their pro
tonly asuikHl.
cago It. look after his buhlue«b iuter- genitor to a aUmy. four Jolnu-d worm,
If It eontntos air or gas the ttoaues are
1 trust you may have the newspaper eM.4 there..
wliich"ftas a red Lead imd a sting on
bfelesa. If 11 contain* liquiil or exudaspirit to piibllHh the aliove. as on.
The ttoard of review met n» the the-eud of Its lull. This qinx-r seaitMist
Ikm life 1s pnwnl.
Cliarlcvoix man’s protest and a.ssertlon home of Mr Fheait lasit wm-k Tues wunii. affording to the carhiu* legend
day'and will meet again af the Hnine
that voiir toiys went dusn in defeat,
place nt XI Montlay and Tnesday.
Kussl.1 hfio a largir |»n.port!on ef
not thHMigh trl. kery, l.m tetause the;
'Hie TraveriM* 1/ike ivx<»ri has
wen* lairiy. sijuarely heaien, by the greatly enhanced hy a frVhTi ^rai »d er fifty are worm* of the same sp«-i«i
paint amt o:lwr Itnpnivcm* nis. and aa the parent. The fiiih that ha* c«»me
n.it row margin of two point*.
siBhIk-tob •
Mr. Atkinson 1s getting ready for the Into extoteuci* te this curlau* manner
Sincerely yours.
-TTK74 t -t.—
Buiiual Tush of resorters. The resort iitoo lays lt>0 egg* a year. Fifty of
Will E. Hampton.
I* teconilug ver>- ptipnlar with fhl the.se iMsxime water denizen* after tbe
Mr*. Newcast I mn thluklng of tabeag.i |HM»ph .
Image of their panuit. and the othera
Ing a short holiday ;.nd vtoltiug sorao
IJwJe Miller to assdsllus Mrs AtUiii liecome bird* of the famed om chung
of the stvuAi assoeiati^ with my ances;
tors. Mrs. He iUcu IUoiMU*uttlug>^)!i.
family, nicse oni chung-. or Chinese
Mrs Kranklin Sinlih is quite sick.
.Mr. Tory of Cadillac pajoMHl through quail*, never brecl. . aud are only
but sluiiimiug I* so horribly out of date
T*t» of her >isieis havi Imh u with her ht ie Thursdav lau>l, taking dmmr at
brought liHo exispui.i* as alio\ e relnffsl.
during the pa>t w»*ek.
the Traverse Ijikc n-Miii.
We give Ihe alsive iu»t us a literal fact
but as a spei lmen of the Chlnt'sc Idea
Hi* eyes are much worse at called on .Mrs. Sersuu Friday alur
Aldrich. rvumumULff work.
Reliexhini'iits of cofTtn- san I Of evolution.
le trtoto of J,.b. rt inyrkttl
wicbca.and rake were served atid a
Misseit Aiutdto and l.lx/.le MtH*rels
y I»ro|HT p1a<f t > h-»ve a
me-tt d« iighlul lime soOul in boclal
calhil on .Mis. Frank UaUell Sunday
• John” and -O Kclb
A widow in a Malm- town, according
North I’niiy scbtM.I. .Mis* S<»phla
lo the lU**lon Herald, was a strict conA few lan
l»ago» teache
teacher, had their picture* taken
Ir i*fUi
HUittfl xiih
atnictlouist in her theology and would
'many SunV day* I
They are 75 cent* a huKbel.
admit no loJg«T into her teardlng
Mr*. Anna M. CIamkhiI hax fiutohtd
bou.M- who had u leaning toward Vnl|iaiH-r hanging ami geincr»l hou»i*flcaiivcrs.nllsl view*. One day an old sea
lug for Mr^ Nellie 1
‘ aUd chilly wind*. E>c*ryihlnR captain b*!>pcaed along to aak for.
nh^v*"wh«i suf
-ded aa ver;
to unknomu P. tho»*e .who Pnsl I wo Ktrvfkeh of. parsly
“But %vhnt do you believer, aaked
Kinifs New Lite I’ilto: the time ago, to’much te*tler hut aUl! un
drove lo Cellar thto morning.
ll)« wid jw'.
geuilent |v*gulalors /if slum- able to do anything.
Dr. TYallck wa* the
victim of n
•Oh. most anything.” replied th* cap
| •
Frank Ff»wkr* ha* gone to C\*<lai
hold-up Thursday monilng while dtiv
Ing tlmmgh the country, but no se
A comiiany
liany conatoting of
Mr. and
”I»o you believe there to a beUr^
rious Injury inflictet!.
Mr^. A. L Smith. Mr. and Mra. t. K.
-Nure.” wa* the reply.
ITof. Jacoby and Charlie Alkiiivni
WhPe and chlldrvn and
Ella Bpcml Saturday in TravelCity, re
“\Ve!l/^ parTi•^l the widow, “bow.
<;«kh1 and
id daughter
daughlei went lo Cedar, toat
turning In the evening. If the weatlu i many do you
day evening
attend the
The captain
I*rof, Jaooby xill
m»*«*tliig where Rev.
Allington was or
fair e»leave tor Kasson Weiluesday.
he thought aUWU would te
Mra, Anna ClayiHK.l will spend the
The widow paimed. then *uied*tbak
WBy IB« Lmw« Cmmrn Bi^k.
day with her stoter, Mra. E. Whltiea.
One nlehl a b.vy
who h.id
teen he could come Im -Twenty tte»—^ •
May rk.
working In‘a b:fkcr shop until qule she aald. “to better than none.’
late bixike IliC marble sTAh* ob whbh
The Ran FcaiiHa«w Cill of Sunday. te nnd.led hto loav*-* of brc.ol. Sq be
April ir.. baa rtwebed New Yo,-k. On* atralglTtway wrat to the marble yanl
It to one of the moat
wvN*k ap» The Call wax dte*u**lnc tbe lo Kwnre another, but round ti;e
.|il:ice chKied Ufi. On hto way bark 1H*
igo. Nature ha* no art
future of Sun TYanctoon, «ayiiag:
-iHir dk-atiny 1* uinm o*. W’e i*axu>ot pas.’S'd ji Jhnreyard. and. a* it w«* Nature to grotesque and w eird, but
Art mrana
II. San TYaiutero bn* an lin- v<-ry dark, lie Himl»ed over the fon -. art 1* oura; It to human.
IiKua that nolhlug ran cheek. Coamo- pulled np H aniall beadeiane pud to k anything. A aysiem of philo«>pliy to
tedltak mtfTing more langoaRtw than It twek xHb him to finlab hto Job. The aa moeh art aa beauty In Rculpture aod
made the <vmrual<m of Babel; <omhfning tlie «*tiergle* and tbe aria of scut back shortly afUr hcing«leUvrre I.
----- -----------------------------------------many ixxq.ki.; the mwHteg place of Hapiwolng lo luni one of the b>*te*
Uie Oividenl
toora.butfttnTmuaic. The only mupiiWnwwque
“Hera lies the body of Mr*. --------J aical aound In namra to th* aoand of
Into litei-atnrc and rlatug
Born A. l>. K3C. Died A. D. 1740.“—] water dripping from a rock. Art ta
® iKf lnteriT*nce and oiHKWtunlt.v.*’
I nyperxuiiure.
hypeniaiure. auuMiurc.
antlnature. It la —
We reproilaee thto pasaage te order
• >
. When you witnessed the tire this
morniiiK did the disaster rcmiml
1 j
you that you had not
Enough insurance?
•:. ? ■. .
Consult us about it
i Head Quakes|
ches that
Those headaches
feel as though
ihouKh you
va rc
jiloiTHi lo have a Ml. V^cmiviuH t;ru|)iion in y<»ur
head arc easily cured l.y
Johnson’s Headache
Wafers. Price 15 cts.
.. «•
I |»Ma*rr«HW..TrsrwofLVtj.
Do not wait till >-ou have a fire. Come and
see us at oncc-^lo it NOW.
$5,639.87 Cash Paid in Losses
for the first hvc months of this >-ear by this
Agency alone.
Wc fihall at all times endeavor to give you the
very best underwriting service possible for the
least money, and wc want your business.
OM -Bow u It om mt«t Aesrta
^lon oBWir? Aa*e-BecaiM that I.
F. J.
aad hsitevwkUB a. lore i
•»»<“»« «'«v* I**™
^ I-rai«tr.tM BIU.
15c Fancy Cotton Sox
Swell.Liele Thread Socks in Piaids
and’Embroidered styles at
2So and
An Assorte4 Lot of
Wilsoii Bros.’ $1.00 and
Sl.50 SHIRTS. Linw
broken, but all sizes in
' the bunch—
Choice at 87c
A Lot of Hats
Broken sizes from this
siirinj' sclling--$1.50 and
5»*iu0 broods. We have
placed all1 on front table.
at $1.00
TboilMODTUIe w. O. W. C. 8ob4w. g~/j
.llmitotioo nor rivahy. but
we give to nature.-Dr. Emil Belch.
Umt ereiy wondl of U bold* good afUT
the dixa»*UT that befell Ran FiBBCiacB
on the following Wt^tenday.
It to all-tme now^for exactly tbe
same rraaon* that flMde It tme wbm
firm written- Kan Fiwncisto’* destiny
to ben.; she ba* an Impetiw that
nothing can cbrv*k. and she will artoa
to her IbMubcb bbA BiipwlaMtysrv
Here is a Snap for
.11 i
............. —i»eeoiwt^»ut*Tiw—VLZ
'V » > \
WAHm-To ^ • kosM for skost
tSM mrnL J. w. OMfs, l» E.
M Urm to LMtai
Ota ImIum; will Uto port wtat Is ftaklo dt, pftatf.
Wade BfM, m Trmt St^ Ttntnrcar. Ukk. dOta pkooe int.
been made a fcw ttaya *r> to alorc ik«
prMd piano aad other fanlikta o«
eapcrialiy bar navy. I dt- Ike stadio of FtoC W. H. tata to
Mr. Haldane, the English aslaUtcr.
IfAirrtO-at «MW. >DO< coiysisst
oaM^ a pan of It. In years the Ciiy News stand. Mr. SteEeaa UH
told at a dinner receoUy a story of
to come the aOo of a BrUish adm|ral there could be ao other more anaVcm MdUe. *tlc«ofal,- aald a tital
ta CASH wm k«7 tou iti. la Md
aa Ome to do ao ihM at the dMmay wja PWWT la bU adopted «ma
ah*. OU.ftaM.
m. Rom Atta«*Ook lloicku ookgcr Uae so the piano Md furniture wM
calmly Tiding la the Thlerganew la
orb; ISt ta no Row*. IK feet oo
and Is talsked la Mt
Mark Twain waa talking of war Md takvTi to a ptare of aafeiy.
July. 1S70. “you do not s^^m t
Gnwe. m M M ike aUey. tf ooM
The drmptogs aad deroraUona to Ub#
wood, kaad carred. The appet
of the hardships and piivailooa oi
aware that war was di'clareU yester
bdoro'JoM Id. Tkla la a crool door win be dttod for lodge work Md
sieges. - A kTeaehman** he aald. “caller ao opera bouse for the gvadnattof
day “ “Yes.“ was the answer, “war
Htf. hy fsUM IMM, alB* tally. kariala. Apfljr to Tkoa T. Batca. tke lower door for dab rooms. Dr.
one day on a wxvman who had iw. cxcrclaca tke evening bifore could not
wai declared yvsicTday. and with the
A4tap vUli f«U taHfta Ml
•ayMI Mary E. Orcoa receatlj morod to TalTiny wore ugly little brutes, be reached but Prof. R. L ANye. who
declaraikin of war wy task came to
locstiM. *1toPklMoc.** Record cfta.
and when they came near him the mau had arrived on the acene early in the
aa. ladlaa. Territory.
ta SMf FOR •AL.t-in7-dC fact tat oo
poshed them out of ibe way with hi- mordlng. removed the aUp.ehalni to
J^OMosaioa of a tbree<eBt piece
Miss Lucy E. Era
Stato otred, adjoloa orv (ov<fm
a pUre of safety. The. ^vperm hmse
came amr seadlag Fred Bstee Md
fkt Hotel
c- roldl.r. That you arc not very |fond of for three houni was ao filled with
has reex ivtx! a ('arg
■MOt bdlMlog OB tka WMI. TbU U
Eari Spraal^ dactaaaU. to Jd« w
rouat of the bravery she show
tke OKMt ceotrally locaiad lot la tka
dogs.* The man started In surprise dense smoke that It cutild not be eaburglars,
two mca. huatlog work
Fikt couBiy. rvnnsylvania. laM sum- •1 md fond of di»g*!* ho exclaimed tcrvHl by My one yet this aflernooa
coBtral dlairiktttlBf i^olBt la the aoial
weal to sleep la a bos car at Battle
mer. A boy was bitten In the ankk‘ ‘Why. madame, I ale imne than tweu the wall*, fniwlng and furalahlaga
laodora. progntmite city la ceatikl
Creek aad were dshcd.out by Patrol
bya raUU^ke. Mis* ErtK^si opened ly of them durtog the siege of Paris.* * are not iM*rreptlbly damaged, but ibur
MleklfM; aoMable for aay cIbm of
ata' Hadsoa. who was looking
wound slightly with a penknife
twataesa. Call for price. Wade
John Goal, a fullblood.-U Cro.k In odor of smoke will no doubt cHag to
burglars who had robUd a houi
Smlib Realty Co. lu Alveso L Land and with her ll»i* drew out the M dUn living a few miles from Holden- them for, a Kiog lime.
Droa.. 127 Froal «l.. Trarcroe City
One of the stolen hdr | IKtr* els. Oak l*ar
WAirrtD TO RUV^yo pslr food Mick. Cltlaeaa pkooa 1219.
«.n. The t'.rB.sU- ma.1 ts thrvtUe. Kan... speak* almost no Bagllsh.
BlacMunit to Samuel 8
I KUwanl Black
work ko^ JokD RmoIc. CM
und one she has rwcIvtxV the boy's but he ha* had a telephone pul into
may 24 tf
Owing lu the lime <»f day when the. ^
piece, aad la one of the m«m‘s poapei
kkta IM.
may mf
sU. n b. r . taddwme
„r .« ««,. .X hi. Ur
main t*uslueKH iMirtion of the elty
"^Sadie and Isaac H. I*almer to Gei. ■nc Sl...r.lv «l.,r the- Ud *Bs
FOR •ALt—U4S—1 lard ware stock In was found auM a coin Both
. l.»vUa la*.n.nRO.K
wimiuj u* arrivrng on the doVn4owa
|»^nier. pamis.
A commlH.v L.«.U-d hv J^ph II
good.market town witkla tea mlkt jailed, waicd Indignant
^Wm. C. Il‘»pe and v Ife to Thoma^ ■ho.,0 b.. U-. nf,«med i.. V-. 'lo.kj
a crowd gatherv-d fn»m rwrr
to prove an alibi, as they t rere regts
Travdraa Rmploytat BUraaa. ^ 1
of. TjmYcrae <liy. Oaly hardware
74 1st add.. O, D
|s.rtum of the rliy, hankers and ibrir
tered la a Jachaott bold ihee Dlrbl
night of
of Smith, lot 2k. bUwk 74.
l,...nro UbhMr on
Joseph A. Ilojw and wife to IVnJ „
ta k«y aad sell aeoood haad bl
Rasy icrma. Owaer to other bush
employe*, clefka and Uuslaess men,'
m. Smith. hJt
Kj 40. block 74.
‘ 1st add. iimn U .hi. CD- U *tmh Wtlliim
Knsllsh. hut
eyolaa. A. W. HolllagBWoKh 2U C. ae«s. Call for lavolec aad Urma the burglary.
while the busy hi»UM wlve* of the ettr
Roy Ciirt% 22 years of age. and a son
Uo)d Gairison
tU.TlMm and
aod lleiirv
ll.-..r> CourKO
„|r hi
rraoi it atal pkoae 4M.
Wade Broa. 127 Kroot street. Tra
pemred Into the stivx-t from every diThe committee has limiuxl the ,.lun<|.ie Iluf i. a
Bsayfl lmo*
rrac City. Jdich. ailsens phoo of Rev. C. M. Cure. Iurm<Tly of Mo^
thmx ... U Tx'ctlon. The crowd gn*w mi large an-!
rend, now of WauK^xm. O.. was ar
num amount of a single sub lerpreter may l*e put to* work in th'
24 tf
i-s Mutrhi.
to Ur. Jam.-. U M
Nx-ame such an imr»txllmeni u» carryrested ai Morencl Tuesday evening on In. wS
4 lot
scription'lo lie. The house in whlc^
b 12. M wk 2. O. V . t. C
WANTtO-Cora la tka oar aad oaU;
in-g im the work that the kImxU waa
rks K. Keu>i.u to Sarah
charge of grand larceny pn fem d U>
Cparrl«»u died, on May 24. 1879. l» - ilf
FOR AALe-1449—U»t oo» comer of
Wghaat price paid, a J. Morgaa.
rdson. imrcd-ls.. |4»S.
limxl off and isdicemcn detalkd to see
Maple and Blghth stn^a. I'm!! for his former employer. Ibisc<H* \VII»am.
lUwt As^
Asso. to FrauV
list lUw!
the order was olu .v.il
and FTvnrih j
price. Wade
127 Froat street.
trends. Neahtat
MerrUt. t-ro,..,
Iti.rli the alley In the rear and th«
Hannah. Ijiy A <\». to
Traverse CHy. Mich. CItlseos phone kiTT to llie store and to have U*in
main str.xt weie jamnn-d ixiually with
MH-nlng the store at night and carry ginx. lot S. H , I-. k
may 24 If
n.l w1f»* to Wilmot
rigid ^ers alfrart>x) l.y the gt-neral
ing away toilet articles and several
itViutimiii! from rii'st I*age.)
8. bkK k 1.
alarm from the »iren the nsif of ibe
llH>usand cigars, which he Is said
i ler th. ma>«waltv,
i^aM^ment wtnd<.w U b.w
FOR kALR-Oae top ba«nr. newly FOR •AL«~l4i4~lro ermm parlor,
rvmr build ins* on the alleys were «a<^
aoda fountain, candy making tools, have sold He is a xnapoy dresser and
uts recently cel-] walMng for further iuf€»rmaii«»n .h
palatod. good aa new: alagle dHrlas
a. always well su,.,dlfl with fund,
o r and the de , »’>
all other dxtures. all stock. Good
ebraied h^ r uiueTy-firsi birthday |'phun.-it lo
Yo. twhge Id. Sii:.'*. <
trade, central U»eallon on t'ront .le Is said lo have o.nfuiMKd.- He wa
in . a‘- a girJ of 2::.*the bulk t.f thel|u*vrtmi
Henry Uxlerle und Wife to Fn-d H
str«*t. one of the dnwt eonfee taken to the AdrUn ja/
ITatt. lot rtk. l.kK-k 1. Griffin A \Mn
t lorlum. of the fonts family wa^ Tlu s
«ulr« a C. Lewie. 229 R Froal.
sr.1 I
-ta. ^ JJ Irtickwarti like the dn.pplng down
tlonery. Ice cream and candy making
cod ill b.-r hand. Mu has laW.r. T. on.- r x,wirln;- mm h cai tion and Thief i of a tuittery <if domlniu-s se* «p for
may 2t4f
establishments in city. Call fur >r r Saunder^X'o. of IHirt Huron. ^ Elia* M. IHitcUc'r to Gard C. Hager
‘casliigl.v to niin/c It tor th.* U in |Muira> Inuxhab-Iv fol
ns % «»f nw»4. w*c 2r.. town 2ti. raup
|dav. ILit jli. V ellrut^-il up again with
prtcc. Wade Bros.. 127 Front mt^ l. U Uld up at nichmond with a l«dly 9.
of maukiud. The isH^r ebtldr.-n oij alarm w!*h a Mx-opd. ll
FOR tALl-Larga • room kotiaa and
Tratcrac City. Mick. CltUena phone jiralned ankle ns tbr- result of assist
Vlcloc K.
r vast end of London have iuvn lo r jcial alarm. The whole
kara. laqulra M W. Teaik.. .
K-eial <-ace. which the fhnrrh of j of tlk* city wa.x.on th
any 2Fif
r an hour the fire evidently r»^
while conferring the thlr<l degrts- U|ku
England ha* rveeived largely ut be^ t hor* time and line al
RMinty. 11-it Uamness Rnrdeti 4*outs* wrrt- turmxl into the hax*‘me»t whicuj m irxi c*»iifimHl to the fnm't |Firikia
FOR tALt-Uoraoa at lha Rhllaon FOR AALR-Hn-Ono hundred and him at the Richmond F. A A. M. hsig,.
rV. «.» sw>H
aeveHtm*« aero farm, one and one27. range 11. Il.od.
harity has Ix-en ho varh-d aiul oxtetj- wa? r«» fllUxl with i^mrvke that th.iscj of he baMum-ai .d the WUheliq A
kta kara. Dm CraYaUag. 914
Wolfgang Uelndl of Menomliu*e »
Wm. Ii. Brown Mve that it d. fli-s ennmeraiKm. who entered were nearly overr*jme] »jf e liasA'meiii of the Wilhelm A Bar.
Wtalata 01I.7M.
aprmf half i^ea north of! Grawn. one-half
4 of
sec. r::
tak store, but M* crxxpiag over nnuv.
mile akorosfront na Bjlver Uke; which was sent to him tiy Mat Hager
les IMikens wa, one of her eJl- nod there werv‘ many halrbrt-adth
teiritery er-iM-o<U In* orevented b>
north, sooth Md
to Maggk he.Hi friends and advi^er^ and it wa.FOR RALt--Fura!tur«. bar room, di
fi.rim riy of TallH.t. Mich., wbu Is iit»w
he prettiest resorts In m rviug a u ntenye at U-er Uslge tof
of *w4 texceidt, ikT
Ibe reorv*
fighting firemen who
that she
Urea Md baalaaaa oC HoUl Colam
CngirAPig Brought OuL
stood knrx' .bs-u in Ice rold water,
town 27. ranee U. 92JMh».
!id nu.-u .eru Of Step
bla. A. Hebert.
aprU tf the Grand Traversa n'gion. The
The bridle U of finely wovei :.Tperrv
Hannah, et ah. to Maggi« iiev and \Vhtttvlu»,H I. now brlghieiu-d
dn^irhed and bundl'd by ibe amok.
whole farm Is level-and extra deslrand liralded hi»nu‘ hair and wkx mad
fire with the hosi- line* •dared .down j
torrents of water In a;
l.y‘her iK UeVtdenct'.
FOR SALt^No. 4 Rmltb
»-iitliel> b) hand by Hager MniH«-lf dm
Hie nreamavv and windows of the lia.s*' i
vain attempt to. tide the damage to
be c-asy.v plaited Intq one fifth acre
w. a will
Kudywrty Kipling is ind»ilglng
I’nlvirHalts* 1iw»rt
ing his Imprlsimment. The bridle I
nielit. no iM-rceplil !e effix-t txMihl !••• |
lotu or five l«»ts Ml the acre, or five
P.‘. 2U and
mar 21 tf
c|»*verly caustic wit at ia*ndob Imn di*r-rmx| a< to il,e value of the Ore.
largely while hoCM' hair, with th 2. N«>ahlawn
heii.lied and eighty-five lolx. whleh
Water Destroys Stock.
Muet^. At the Acad'wv «!?niier which fighting brigade mv pliux-d against j
words “GodHl lurk- woven Into the .-ui
Milton C Sheiuirtl li
with a very small amount silverils.
followed the private*view of the May vuidM by Mo«>ke and b.inilns oil P wax ’ Ttie voll^ti- of water rushed fi
FOR RALR-l-adlra* Uhrary property
face of the strap that pas.^ s over the Itrldgeman. H:: oT .se\.
lug would acll for at least |r>fi
exhibition, spi-akliig to the l»a*t ul evident after a half hour that ibi fin > b V. l thrmigh fiom one. ta*. me
pt; bl fool front; terms
lop of the borse's head and the
an*l Mx-n the Voirula harne
|M-r hit. For natural advantages lo
“Uteratun-.’* he declared that- lltera- wa* locn«asing In the Ugbcmcn! and J
iBQuIro of Mrs. C J
• lluKi” In the strap across the
cation can not be Inaten. lo com
tiiu had alwavs
outside the law the velnm.vx of Kmvike iinuead of dl^ l<asi-nM*at at the ea>t of-the bur
may 9^
These figures and letters are of black
range 1
imilsoa with other pn*p«iiy and the
xs Ihe -ne calling that l.s alwdtitely mlnlshlng were only Inirmsifled an »i las4-nH*fil wa* deluged and fUtoiftxI
hall * The bridle Is w»»rth Vobably
I m> ixi-Jlrlloii ta ta
Itee-fne In the m iis,- that It ivc-.N the whole strength of the file dn«tl
t«OMOHN»I piirt' askrx]. this farm Is olfeivd at s ov* r
II Unik aUmt a ve;
fie entire *toi'k wa* *nnn to be .7^
agg nafh\nv. Kgi;*)
very low figure. There Is IlnilH'i
Oo pn»tection —aiol he i!lustiai«xl hb^ Tlielit w.-s placed In t1*4v The two «t»i
nmtplele and is a marvel of fine work
Mr katoklal U ta-AsW
\ en.uiRh to pay for the whole farm at nianxhlp. Hager ha.- hdH*n In |
ivoint in thi.s tashieo: -For tnsfai.re glue* were bioughi al-mf 7:.*;n on i- lost through I!
1 tad tta kIcliMt ■eorita pen
.n> \imI.v ». ..k (or It If yoo «...t 4 now for uIkuh thln»x n vears
uhen, a.s iKca.sitmaIly hapin ri,'. a ju Igr the North tiiioii strxet bridge an-l b.rtx- poiir.x! In finally Into ihe ha*e.
l»ak I R ight |l t
and a inoo.y maker.
make* l»ad law or a ^u^g«-<•u tnak<'s a thi»e !ii»4 .s of htv^- idnngixl vf»liinM ; men! fr.m the fl—r of the harm-**
variety ta the racenl poultry abow
U. AdellK-rt
Wsde 1ln»s. 127 Fron
liad orH-i-athm t.r a mxnulanurer of of was r into th,- burning bntldif i ihop alM.ve. a hole iHdng rut for the
fpaeUI prices oa lots of &0 and 100
Sv-hrmm dug hi* own grave at thiviMui
IihhI makes tad ttanl crlHt tsiu of their which was rapidly iH-ing-iurmsl into n
W. II Uwlor. 408 Fifth 8l.
*t(R»4i the <*avls cigar store furt/eibKi^onc 1219.
may 24 if
may 0-2 mo
aetii.m Is b> Ijiw and euntoni confined
his residence to the road He was seen tiotsie h-sa..ti^jiher i-aM and nothing Ms m-d endanwtth hi to vx»mp.iratively uansiw limits
tul. fin-brands, and tumbtin
at 2 t>rl.H‘k Wednesday afieitnsm ami
tf. as ,KeH?ionnllv l:ap|H-»
FOR »ALf—While WyandoHes. Dus
at I was ii»ls.Hed. The ditch had caved done'and they will go lo botisekeeldng
oiakes a bad txaik there U
tUa atrflfta prUa wlnncra. fificon
« . V .1 . . - .
lu ami ctiinpb iel> biirlOil him John
the er.ticl>m that may b
aggs for 12.09. R. C. fir.
Cob- was gfv-ntlv surpriiuxl
ROOMfi TO RCNT-For light hm.M- Steven*. John Carl hui>t and Ell Prlod'
aggt IftPea for 91^0, J. W,
nntav nigh, when «U>u. thlrfy of he
..1 Irtin.inK .'ll h».l
. MU
stx'urt*d S'lkade* and du;t hlin out
kvx'ping^ ga.H. electric lights, w
r alh.l on her, A ««*»•’
1 IH. The won lixxignue
■NTta A
201 AniU DIvUIob hath, steam heat; ihlrd fiiKtr IVxv Sehrain was i*2 .vears old Hi ix-rided
n... „..n.nna. nn.n. .h- ..m-r|
«ta,o ori
was wervAxl and a fine time i;vmeraU
t.Mngs like l-«
pies Savings bank.
may 23-tf lour miu*s northwest of l»avlson lie
Is survivvid by a widow and daughter '"ii;::';;
179 CA9H will buy lot 110. llMaah
FOR RENT-121 Cass. F. i
Fire whirh started In* I he waste pa
avenue. Oak HelghU suburb. &0xlCS
aUsut-hunian Ule *'
may 29-tf
riH.v.-,! a< toKs the *tr.x t. ('all after
General J T. JamiM.n. a Mlss<myUii
faet. If sold iH'fore June lal. Apply
.-an lor liquid r.fn-Hhroent* were antop floor lo the lutsemenl. destroyed fun is as.-uretl.
toTkoa T ilatea.
may b-U
of the old *cbwl. L prtdably the gn-al
burning buthling at flrst^by the Wil wenxi by Mr. Brother* iiegalivejr.
FOR RENT—Ftveuiom fiat. 117 South the high schivol hulldlng at Port Hu "^Jack Frie;t
est blnl lovvr In Oklahoma. hr> pre^,^
helm. Itattak A Co wan^'^bc mom-y iu who siate.1 that the llrmae was away
Cnion street, up stairs. Addres run. causing a ioas of iPMsm. lusin- K*. Sa’tir la.v
d ii? hr toe. and Is adviN-aiiitg that thguiseil. The cherries
tm CA9H will bay lol-lM. Hannah Rooms, care Reo*rd
ih- >.xb‘ and th«
tbe.^e iH-Ing and he .latvd md self without It
may 3l-2t anee.
S<» raiddly did the llanie^ while, lull new libn-s
siatd atlopt. a* !»atx „fth- r Irriculum.
avanae. Oak Hotghti suburb, 80xl«
rarisi for l.y Mr. WTlhilro. who fn.m
In a da.v or two.
Gas Meters Shut 0«r
Mac If 9Dld before Juaa lit. Apply A>n RENT—Best office rooms la the spread that mose of the pupils and ou
have a very R«Kt Itu si'idv of bit.In and tlu ir pn.*:retioa the flisi «ntercsl. forero»*st Into the
Owing to the danger of ga» expk»teachers on the upm-r floors .were evnu- Indications we Wtll
Tboa. T. Baton.
May 9tf
in the nuhli. seh«*>K.
task of saving the building from“ fit- ■ sioo fIkmiM the m<4c-rs be reached by'
j city; newly finished aad'^papered; l»elled to seek safety by wa.v cd Ih.'
E-lwanl M. Gretit. who .iieliioMi iMr WHheim wa.s time
eomiany at once acnl men
fire escaiH*. Although the.e hml Uxti
AIM AA9M will buv lot 280 Gtaal
**®***^..vlae Ihilr larius
longer serve a.^ vxrmptndki: ‘d the city
and pivvailed upon to <
L.hMt off Ibe strpply after first Hokieg
no llrx drill tv*r several yrwrs ami n »
til New Yoik. hiu<x- iiU ic«urn to htbasemeiii when the d«-nsiry
ib» ]
•libs?. Only ooe meter,
signal was given tho
May r«.
taw Intaine^si ha* be. »»m«- interested in
*moke wa* a fearful danger, but hv. in tr.e Viuruta
cdficc. Real low.
may 94f
(a harnes* shop, etmld ^
Bmjr 44i
a numlHT <»f suit* of large laip»»riance.
to Ttom. T. BatM.
would rtdurn ati-r a breath of b
Innl UDld
uDid >K;42 whe-n the second to
i Ti St lnnl
each of which will i*ay him na»re in a
naUy haif,eon.vioa*. he wa.s disrovftrred th.FOR RENT-Fn
of the Brother* *ain.,-.,
year than did bis oflict- during his vti
fMO 0A»H will ta)' • « arr« kx la Travoraa aiy Small bousa aac
down in tho roar pr.rtt..li »nd led out |___
Blitawood satad>.-l«9 (nt (roattat orchard. Other co
hj and tiKHiKh bn aiu-mptwl to retorot.^j
opoa Bast My, tis (s^^m-ttnwek
Asa IVklure has be cb<>sea chief U
.1 on.H. maa lakrt. arnu.. .he atrre.,
atttal. It a«M by J«oe lit.''Apply to Norrta. Norrtavin©.
the Apa->* Imriins lo
and . auHl (or in the Hannah A Lay ^
Imo. who 1* rapidly falling in health
Thoa. T. Dataa.
»ay bU FOR RENT-Taa room 1
M.-rraotllr com!»»y bulldine
Alt. r l
.mi cooled
ChuJ Asa is a graduate of the Iiidiaii
FOR •ALt-RewrH >>o<mei or will
school at Carlisle. l*a.. and ha.s grvat
; LAND*:
Mr. Wilhelm again ft It able to rv'
rwl. ItowarJ Whllla*.
may Ml
«Bcc alth bla irita Nr-ai Aiucua.
and wa* soon busy looking afu r
the Ap«-he. alU hare Uvn priaonerr
While working in thcLj,^ ^
o( war in Oklahoma for t.ent) yeara. I " “ '
' '
W WM badly cut on his^
There are 227 in the tribe. »
habd* but suffered no olher lajoiy^
The coaf«xTk>aery store of J. W.
Twenty-six cotBgrx-ssflw-n. Incloding
Furnituru Movad.
Jackson, located m xt to the Brotkatm
NORM* «>R RAt«-Ota pair inti
Mr Loagworth. the pn-sWcnt * son im
Ilrrald aad Rerord raatiway hladly
tarotal *rt«M mt Ptataa
The first room to be endangered by HaJoon, at la o'clock b«|ma te geC
Irw. were at a ball same la Washlajp
soon two faai
Boke akd the probability of the cn- i orw aapply nC
Ota pair fian b<«-i
ttoa the other day when the aergeMt
I to tka kaanof the fire wa* the room oC voter vaa
at arm* swiwrped down upon them aad
Lxrly over tbe;meai. emriag
covering tke tee «ota angtong
‘ / fi ^
kurrkxl the whole \m u» the capltfl!. ocupied by Dr. Moon directly
A Rta M Arltaia.
A U.
I #
They arrlvcxl jo*t in time lo vote oa a Wilhelm, Bartak fi Co-. store. Dr.lsall stock. psMoU. »K»er kaga. tar
tactlra woHi la all lactttaMa
wtth bis safe i supply for baking department nnd
^ =
Ota Stattata poay. taw ba«y
raU ealL WlUlam* of MlssU*itorf had Mooa got to the stall
stjtf*. damag- wotolag outfit waa allood. Mr. JackQ i
■ tarwau tad eart: a alca rt» hw toaaetaa. 8a»a *•». PWMra 0*afa
K a frarUaaal « of See. J. T. «. N. R. U W.-MT IFlta a«ta.
Uoaaa BMC. Onyd ItaHta Mkk.
Marked dme nnlU speedy a'ttcmbUas teg the safe ky kreaktag the tega He
Come aad aaa ai er vrtM at (or pricei.
aac IMao
dKwtjy asked for voteateers to aasiat Mytktog from tkure knt tku tat Oomt . ^ fi
broQgkt tke absentees la.
aaoda Kemptr. whose Uther is a him la romovtog kia ottce tondahlng*
short order if the Mui aroae. Yka/ ^ ^^ i
FOR FALR-ldda-Ota tataita aad
Ttee admiral of the BHtish navy, has
'Sitotora Mm ta fCW
atafy acr*a. icrtaty alita oadar aad
e-*ttMted la tke Halted States amriae j and carried kls fmevRure to the straeL plauud their damage at .9Mfi.fuQy iw
-HgyggadMtaatattadattkikNor.; Tke Stewart fi SteEen academy eat
,4ta. ira ■B« frt* rataoad; eat
mllllta tadar aad pdat,
1 olditbe second to be.strtiijied of tts fu Trwde l-tat Ptoto teiuite ur EBtak
navy ^ard, Mr. la 2i
Mrs. Mortlmei
Birmingham, took her drat
trip reeeaUy. She has gone to Albert
Dae. Mlaa, oa a vUii to her grMd
daagkter. Mra. iiaille Fuller. Mia.
Rmllk’s latbor. DMiel Hunter. baUt
oi»e of the drat bulMlag ever ereded
at Birmingham.
Joe At kins, sgeo 84. steward oo the
owl iMirge. Robert Walta. was kUled
near the Mohawk dock oa Trarerm
biy. lie jumped upon a handcar M«i
tl.e baadL-s truck his bead, frartnriaj
hU skull. He had remarkW a few min
ute» before that aomelbtag was llkdy
to txcur. there being thlrlcia In th^
party. Tm body will U- shlpinsl it
,wa. oppoaMc Oouit
House aganre oai the cast Md Coagro*
R OB the aoath. The
•Utc mot an aad plate
hard aervicw ta ihe Boer mar.
taking pan U acverai of the koOeal
{wan KK OF TKlORlj eagagemeata.
*1 like AaBeHcm.** be
- :-m
11. ^ ^ 2i|
li?:g; r. IJ
JohnF. Ott Lumber Co.
Wata BWR,
rnmt Rt, Ttarwai
"ifir (nikM
*r can huM»ii
l>»tl^ 0«Mi« m
fr^ fW«l—fr»t «o « ^Miftrrvt
#4.500 5i#Mmay.
Cl.,e3Na|-.r«il.llu»«l UA fW
niuiKTuiEO ANb Repaired
^iit f»^^i ToMitAc or TnM.B«KnUtior. proaipily
mMe rmUm - try m Wd i^ianuileo Mii«fnrlMi«.
Ifyoai Pi«tK»n#^il§ri»OAipior#i-!juilm*‘i*l of «nv kiw?, 1.4
ns Iln tin-work. fNir fArilitir* atxl f..rv of
lli<. » o- ami
ov aiMi vill cai am! •aYmilk c»tl««atr;
mm. IMS.
M)i€ IWSE.
F'l^ IH Rta^fwl«t DUrait.
BRANeH: 159 ISn'lSV'??
diKtrlcl aferuiy and Ibvn he eoavicted
every rrtraloal Moally be
a Judre and he .h.abled the
the M U> le t- : and ual | In.' would a'o;»
law I.M^kinr.
T^•d»> John Jo - nh O CVuin.r la al
the I'hiUpi An
r arad-ojy pi. par
ing fOi Har»a:d and rvei . piv:»u.^Hij.*
-•hrid ia lb*- country dbired bUu t
.ehuLufhlp If he would play loolball
but he *»M he w« 01. «rmfur. ihal he
I»l05ed (i!ol\all l-ir luo »nd not lur bU
JK 9 Am RAM 01
■t tMr oliMea.
n» ipirtwr tM «a»'«4
ead the oah e-b-i^ i*r/ re:el«e4 vw
the m-erhev fi^-i Uc hre OhMas hhfsatis. T C ikCTTbceh taeiiH tar
•itrr 'e~ •*» J t:;raewtat ty wheel t^_
hbhr heb««. •» tte
bca, W
«« b»«MK Ihii
«hst ahe tn> htfIM tar. -Hr
aotcT d«.iAg UM
m:th the hir« that rte* the «lt»ta'-*a»«
rf tSe day. The
^ the ymmf pwble
mm ■mik« M pw
W*»i3i**22?2It^ »m! - **f *^**^^***T*- ■
MM« M tt»Ml «r tt* vMIe
rnatmtmrrn^ aM lb*
hialldet| e.r.e. bat It aoM tim city aaAy 7& ceafs
j aaKU artra ia the taoi bid ^a k>ad of fi
and America, lod noc by the mea InLiol betas noke* tato tbe fwraaoe
c«a»o today bat b.» the yoong peo- wheov. wader
plr. be aa aaact amoas tbe aatloaa of he fuel MU wonld be 3S eeau. Water
waa tboa rwebiag Hsto ibe bulldiag oa
lho> errib.
ova .voKime oC
Dinloniag Ffvs^aiad.
3.1SF salloaa per mlaa^ But tblx
Mr. CUN rt then anawMSOOd that oa
waa aot alL aa three atreama were
kc aeu >e.x:\ Un-itm* coiirae Jadga
beitis throws o«t of ibe river by lb.*
l.iudre/ of I . aver, mcntlosied by Dr.
fijo fisbiiag evgiats oa the bridge. At
Wia-hip, wow: j
one of IN
the caU reached ibe water wprk^
He the a U'-reduivd Mayor A. V. FrmJ
that the fire tans oat aad tbd nsoaat4^r
I irk who piew-^tcsl the d.'doiaa -.
ngiaa was la a anmawt guielly doUag
Mayor Krkdilrh stalad lu Um cl%-^
>*ii 1.010 gallop, per luiaute, tbe regu;i»t a; tbe; bad tymuimvl i>m
IVton water aapxJy of the city.
*>ur 0. a> prctid'^al if ibe board of
Hear It Loeke. •
-bicytii rv. be froold
ibclr dl
The :t->:o of Wilhelm 4 Bsrtak
pi ms . In It h?!f of me cMy and lh»
X a t«-laJ wreck. Tbe main flour fell
iKepk! he ceusratulalod then and
n s* !♦ r. cad with It wvm ibo cuilie
kt>|»ed tb»i t'u y wou’l le^uiic a iiret.
^u. k. fix
and office w;tb ibe ex
and not Ual i.utc- of the i-.»ai.'n lulty.
ep Ion of the safe which wa« ctaadlag
tic mad ihe aaitca.
a i.'ic exl.'i'iiie iveaer of tbe loom.
l uiliig mu»»l2 b? the Oivhei rx. Maa
At.Mii tmecn Jeel ia the Iront reter WiUlam Cllleft ;ind MN> Hi.ngby
malax'd M^lid rod cnabUM tbe* firetuen
llewi di'^ltib ued tbe diploma 1, and at
enter u *b aK-vc anl Uluw and |d.v
the c^Bdiirioa of 'Mk the griduatc the recipii ntt. ol inouy crtigaatu ificlr Ivtors.
Mr. Vtjlruha. when s.x-n' tbl.x after
Ififlen^ pod pre eii s Iron thvir l»iead>
K n J. aiod he wa^. as yei unable to
aii^ U'latlvtt..
4 e the nnurmi of In-* rxu'*e he!.i
A plcat.inl cMUJUKU-’croeni dap*'*
I i.»o.ighl It rnwll nad the Itss ui
b.;.t III Ihc »tr.d«ii;y dii.u^ lUi.mHi was net cx vt?icd.
!Jt U Hh; eviiiiag
The buU :*ag 1*1 whUh the fire gutted
<Thc tuuiliia* ana dr - nlrfiie ap the laiM-iTunt of Wilhelm 4 Hartak ^
tirwry store H a su-ca!le<l uniot
tilh fng owned jointly by the John
WiJhilm e-tste and Wilhelm 4 Bar
tsJi t\*blk the^lldlug Is one, tbt
Is Jolntl)
owned by both firms and ealato. wblU
(Cootltiuwd From Fifth Page.)
Flank Trude, iho'har.lwarc dealer, the poitlon occupied by tbe Jackson
cry store and the Brotbom
as not aCfei tcl -l^ either water or
nokc but a pec J liar c jlncid.-ucc C4ime Hsloou U:lo;»g^ to tbe Wilhelm estate
The Wilhelm 4 Barlak store porUun
to mind. A^roiighl/up hy the Ure. >ir
b^ them and the iusur
Trude siaHsJ ip^lhe Record that" the
day preceding^the IVtcrlyl Ore three anres arc made to corresimud to the
ytara ago he had txVca out aa eaira joint owners.
.’TrFvyw.rmw 9tto>u.ttoo
i^owMhr for Your BoMi't
Buy a SMALLEY MaruK: Gas En«u« and
enjoy the boating season’ from beginning to end.
W. M. PAIGE, Agent.
With the J. B. Paige Electric Co.
las Cass stroou
and twimo-w. jl wtofC
R UKaU Uuo IUrm) mw4«r 4aviity
afwcisl ftiilurwA • ol B umI Bw jm.>
othor koriveiK* aloirvi. Jl ia M>iial4«
for m1) kiiula uf euoking, Avp*‘cUUy foi
IvAk^m: aiul hroiluiu A" nintkd td
annimer vxm.firri mihI c-utivtusipiioi*
Kvoo’ lMHiapki'**|4*r vmn a|»p t» iai.»
what it tato ha\o mu oil aUne for hot
v\iiil!u*r u*H!. mimI wIm-o thin n* rfwi
aU»vo is offt-Nil, !li»l ukM-la all eult
Maty iixiutii n.eutK, Imii.ifE wilhuut
aoKAts -h»r urvlval, enui *;l help cui.aiJeriiig it a U»»«i of auUUutial
Saxton Hardware Co.
(C«ilteM4 fnAP PMS9 Iliree A
OM Mta Don't Count
Dr. WlAEhlp MlU am If o»»f rt.aU*
tim dallr papfiB he wi|l he »irm4 wHIi
llic aunibcr of laaoalft kut than* limvc
tm\m U^a
m»P> tnKrrrtmtt*;
f'or JL nice roast, a leader porU*rhou*5e
IpaiK^ lu dmru%tr Ihf ra»''xW H*» '
o. *;l.':i»Ui aU*ak for brolflng, cuU for
9f tton, bowt’»i*r.
owr W
I rar.lnji. lM)iKn.^ or for soup* can al
tiU aod he waafi't ta)iiu; anaki
ways iH liad al Sluder s market. Bocf
IAS oror ih«A-. It Wat uut
luuiii iho
I# one ci the iroat nutritious and most
iJd mcA tbal mvrv tbo liaUillUiw UThe btH-aker then drew a conlra^itlnR
economical meats to use. ma cvcr>
c*w tbi‘y would noon paas away. Ii
scrap can U*. utllbuxi. We alao carry
U for lb€- boy vltb Of«> joain abi'a.l pjriurc i t I hi- .oMgh bay. iben of* Paddy
just an choice line of mutton, 1
of bln. If h« tbonid lake tbe dowa O'Coauer pi«"ii. lMK Hw at the George
ve.x!. pork and iwultry. Our market
ward rourik^ tbat wouW eonv«^l hhi:
iK the headquattws for good houscUito a llabllily ibat be ir#»U1e». Tbrrc and Anally cf John Join ph U CVniuoi
kevq>cr« who demand tbe beat.
mra a tbonaand lioica groaior p^albili preiMiiing for Harvard.
With Its no order Ik too small to bo
Uaa In one boy of li than In a Rockc
appreciated or too large for our ca
boaifuatT Of Carncala. The bo>» Uial art
Corner Eighth and Franklin.
llaiailtkMi abould la turnwA Into a» artat problem bow to mm the terrora ne^s was not alTeetetl. Yesterday br»
Mm. Charles Pmlor. who hasvN*en
Both Phonos.
siting for the past two week;* wit*
aou, aa a natlua'a aaat(», aa a wdlcr from UabUltles Inia *a»50ti'. He aali again took out an extra fl.ooo again
that the chuieh should aid In ibit. He and the eoiiicldeiirc could not pis» lur pai.-nla, Mr. and Mrs. Peier Ru Cor. Eighth and Franklin Su.
Both phones.
3W >carB a«o atatt'd arc lia boya.
iJllUd a n Iliihuei ill PillHbnrK who n without remarking the jirangt cdnci .ho. returned to Grand Rapids Friday
Piclurtd Daaolatlon.
Fraud h Fort on
an pi a ralM- (rum
u dencc.
Huppoac. aaid tbc >makSr. Ibat ovcr>
kx,^3l>-iHMeier the Sunday Minor Injorlea During Fire FlfM4n«. atuea at Bast H(
boy and alrl. ctcry ohlhl and hab>
acbool liuicfc^ were oacb paid $3
Howard Smedley of Honor entered
tmder Ik ycara of a»c would be ban
Sunday, tiaiiug that he t^mlda t afford the haaemeia during Ihe early period
NbiH) fn.m Traviw tbly and nime al
to preach In a ehurrh where the y^uug of the Ore and waa overcome .wllh
loved to return to lake their placet.
,H.up!e were not held. Too
and removed later to the Grand
There aoon would bo no phyaldann.
Lhis vlclnli.v there*are Bass lake
rluirelu^ looked afU r the cftK-kcry and Traverse hospital in the ambwhiBro.
mi lawytm. no nu rchanfa. tm fa
Chandler lake where
lake and..............................
earim. and let Hie ywing people go.
where a local phvMlclan attended him ba«Bnie.
are caught '
Tl'crc U not to luutjh luicicrt lu^i
Coo.-ts Arr? at WoHi.
was place ! In w.-.rm. dry clothing
IbmWbv and C. L Dumiite.
.bank prealdcnU at ihoti* who will be
Mr. Wiushlp hlausl Ihtl the coiin and BUiTounded hy hot wa:er holtles memlKTH of the Uuird of review, int-t
the bank p^caWcn»^. Heal entatwore til ing noiii. thing for ihe vounj soon fell fully reat.vnM Fred Co<m. a at the home of Supervisor Edwin
wiiuldn‘< be worib ten ci*nu on the dol iKMplo’nud itaKsl Uia* neat wet k th«*
Black on Tuesday.
volunteer, while standing wllh J. A.
We have a lad In Bast Illy who may
lar. etrcrjluMly aoulU be alrlvlufi tt
National. J ivealle Impiovemem
Montague al a rear window of the stime day become a famotiH^re».rler.
get out.
riailcn would be organized la riiUaso Wtlhelm, Hartak groeery. received re- HU name U Jack King Jack N 17
Geort# Jun cr flepablic.
wt h a mllMoo dollar, luiek of
cuta from the breaking of Iho yiwrs old, 5 ftol. 4 inrhe.s In height
and weighii llIH iKiund.s. H la eany for
The aiMaker ihcu told of the (b.irgTh- w^Ml; I f Jui'Ke Mndso) waa next window gla.-w hy a amlen stream froa. him tu lay on the mat- iMiyb jiiuch oldei
Junior. Republic and.of ihc Uttlt fV*
tV.eu e,., Whe.i be litrl tijok
vvlihlii tiiin«*.l again.'*: the windbvt. Mr. and he avier. Jack ha.*> ne» iiar.-nts Uv
f un I0u«h. Paddy O iMimor. who
4 bench hi iH-uvi i. H4 o.it ef e\ery
Moniag.:.- >aw the danger and ducked tng. He U making hU home with Mr
tent tberr aud^ in Ibiee tlaya h
d.fTendt iib wli.. .vine i'» that court re sulflclently t.> e:.rajH- haim He wa > and Mrs. John Caiaalc.
The iH.y# e.r Eshf Bay an- to organ
fonnel a rang and had iH-t-u iiupri
He j;isi reveiKi d Ih.* |»er.'eiit cared for at the Wait .Irug store and Ize a baseball cltib and expect to go to
tJiKd III' e.irai^d with bin band and
Not a boy undo
ItiiT relumed again to a^slM in thi
letniritel niitral N’ew York
day quite a
yall in six >ear> and
reUilveit vlKltetl Mr.
Vfuglu. bmoghl talk and d.-all
Things Doing in Dascmznt.'
CarliKle. who have mti *-*d\u their
Jlbea b.- auuonm..l that he would
riiool riHi mties away that
Ikiwii ill the bah. in.-m things wer
atudy Uw. lU- did r-. pium‘d the
Fine Interior Finish
Ai'i’otuimiiy httu.
dong iiUvt ly all the lime. The kmck and Mr#. Frank Cbainpalgiie and Mr
w rtire cxamluaUuu and wa* adHilUe 1 _____
and Mrs. .Will Acker ol Tiavt ine Ctiy
ash. Doors and Mill W;
Jii.lge hlmnl. 'giving him the eommli
tOmtinited on Sixth Page.)
Mr. sn.l Mr#. (Vtave Dt.mlno. .Mr. an.
to the bar at the lU public. Tbeu bt l'.iVui
and telliug him m go. and
fuw. wbu n‘iain.Ml,,,^^.^
rot e%erv pri
iV.ne ‘n H. nve
fltMii to a df»'h «»r alrn.i.st four feet
hlEi and the dmiriciI aitutuey ii alKn.il
are lK»y.i it lie:
The lliemeii aoiktug there were under
in kl. ryca U-eause be bad j
indo did xomc plowing for Jaim:;. It
groat diinculiies. They escaped any Beach, whosi* health U such that he «Paddy wa, elct tcsl j
Scbooln at Work.
.>erk»ii.^ ntiHh.t|»> but bcv.-ral ludirruii mialde to do much.
■■■■ I Thi' a Miipuls at.' s.ivitig the 1«>vh t,ai.l
Frank Biosh has rented the bark
bxpiHmings ca-iM-l 'laughter. Thoma
Mr. -Win hip
iMjme. »d i^mnw- g
K Adsicy.
ithiliam. duiiiig the thlek of the fight., of !•:.
W right of TraverM* City Is haul
t wieng bill iiivcjilgaibiu will show th ;
turned the nuzzle of a hoae held by ing cedar fence posts from tne Nathan
the lH»y. who do wo art' the one. wb»
him directly under bis ruUr r<iat and Lncas place for Don Cleland.
TAM Report Is Mada Up Dally. The
4!IU not |»asv* Ihrough eighth grade#
yfc are all glad to hear that Gi*and
Record la Rot Roaponaiblo for
leoJvfMl a violent and untimely shower
Out of a M*aieh covering iweuiy-flve
ma Fortoa. who was quite low. h* now
ChaagM in RHcoa.
liaih Joe 8ccor kinked a boae and la
much tetUT.
v.uru IcK# tlmn one p«-r ci nt had gone
SellinS Rthoo.
S .
attempting to get U Into working order
Many from hcr<* attcndc*d N-rvIre*
riear luvrW. vrr l»aj rvl............ %
.ucnlti h»st bis grip on it. whcreupoi AKcension day at 81. I-'ramU church
rmi <»rr.;u> iKtt. r :oclal and fluaticial
n» ar |suk. pt r po ind
111.' fcl! force ef water strark Charle Tiayor*e City.
l enl pc't'k
p..fii»ou. I'lxii their p.xirn'h.
Rolrh has gone to Hasting?.,
. II U A
to visit frHmds and relatives.
raid Ibe Viir. 4.- .itU-. w .nild I »• l.eiud
«i a l«rrH ai.d w. d; ed lU agalnal the
Mrs. Fred TJemtne of East Hea.l
In Tiavet^e < i»y>.^
liSlAfTl' U * t o m lU^
for p week has N-eti visitIng be»
wall 111 wat.-r .'een ciio.irb to drown win. fi'*^
Pul la Rich#we»^ Work.
Feed. H U A CVi a Beat
end Mrs. J..bn Shaw of
him He w^ rtac ied undamaged ex parents,
Eggs. |K'f diup-n..............
The tptaUei iheu tem hod u|s.n Julia
Sltgbla, 1
lacd hoi
<vpt to hiu IceUagh. JTed Hartak. af e.
Cmiawb. per puood......
Wolf .
Rirbinoud# bulk In New ^erk and
Ihe llrit. ilgbf. uciU to work In Ue
stated that as weu-xvl4«r the had la
tu^'ment with the firemen and at 10
hri rh»rs<- KWiO trh.»l rull.irco «h..
Hoary M- 1^**^ <d Traverse Cl y. the
uclock wa# carried home “all la** but
came from ad aisui ol k*xr- (ban halt a
purebaarr cf i^c Ruxho farm. s|*eni all
tiawlUtng to leave the scecc rf the fire.
tirk tnmimiag his Urge orchard.
.Quan mil.
b'ire year, ago nt> ebU
K.< rv vol’iidccr and cHizen. who’ber
Albcrl Courtadc Loi.ghi of lllr
drea w. lit ov» r the r .xth gradev. To
na the frjrrc or ik»1. was p;;i>vUlo*l with Thayer imat Thnrsday at private ia
day ih.M' ate fifty.iiho rooms of
Bah, hrr l*r«l.........................
fine belter, four large bogs, four
sp*>figcs whh'h. hy being kepi damp
Hr«b p«-...........
tai-venth an.! eighth gmd.^ Thev are
tcea piga and twealy four chirke
and tU^ over th* lr mouths, prevciiied
lllrww Thayer, who occupied
not only being h-dLcwHsl hut are being
Miffocatlon rrv>m tlie den e black
iu«M a Tr.««. a*,
ar. 1have removed
Bncfkc uhitb was a bad foe to encoaa- ilK- paat year.
The majortty of these giv the children
arily on ibclr I:farm: they have
of emlgTaiils but recently arrivc-d. He
plana la view.
•tack ct OU,
The duoe ■( Bjrre.r Minin’*
tben told a tbncblng aior^ of g mUtr
*M Hesd wu «eir.*lteiMle<l.
The stock of five barrels of ol) of ibigirl- and ht
the kind tbat
ByroB UawkliM of Archie vlwied
Wilhclm, Oaruk 4 On. grocery wa.>
rodBodBy irtth bli dBufhicr, Mr*
6t-your doors an4l windows
Our Univeraltiaa.
Albert Courtndc.
. ,at best prices. Dealers in all kinds
Repalra at the Kcllley Lumber Co.*a
the sneaker ataied that tbe aaluia- and the mala atock uailcr tbe aldawalk
of building materiaL Get our prices and consid^
lorfkB ta a aiodcai way bad eompapc l was ealajarad while fbt
our stock balm baji]«. ISstimates famisbed.
fVtSH Aan Arbor with Uanrard bat It was ao stock of about fifty saJloa
Co. kaoD their men b»H>
as all tbc^eaa» rpalUod fan well. tbe roar jiorilotfoi the basomoat fed When tbero U a abui-down every mat
Oor motto: Bsat^iioss;Dor Stock.
to do until the ml
with this, be uM It was tbe Oamca.
. Prmnpt Ddiverr.
«VU up again. ._________ .
Liras of Mt>^ UaedL
read ta remaectioa with
Jtttph SMtr & itn, fint-fimllfatitotit ni Same* Fads)
A Stove Without «
Compel itoi —
if you want Low Prices
TSe pi^ (rmn
Tlib aesMl yMi •^pW (or the
the ouia to the wove aod elt labor
tree of charsr.
vtm Wtibeim block to
B lAARTIN^PhyaicIgg Mi Dm
uCBoa Mb BmI Fimi mimL
freight, poTMla Md tnaka OMm
at CUV Rook Btero.
UntB. E. L. BONNER*B half diOMlBB
/ mxHora. over dty Book BUkw. Room
lARA T. CHASE. M. O. -l•hy^irlan
and Siirgvuei. Offlrea 407 ti Stale
Hank bhrek. with Dr. it H Ouse.
017.. phfsac 225 iR. R«dik*iMc iftl
W. Sevontb Ktrcct, with iho Mltmoa
CiureU. Ci’z pboiic 52R.
Tmvenia tjuid and
Thnnall. Maaagar. % Otic
Hamtirna 4 MUIIkmi block
OR. E. B. MINOR-Offiea «»<
torn. Bpactal ottaatkm
UroaE Olaaaaa
to mr% «Ar. noaa
phoaaa Mdafroa kii
fifvfh at^ ^
BaU. H
OR. A. H. HOLLIDAY. Umdaat
tMte UnJvaraHy. OCBea te Mt
hklg. ^apkoaaa. oCBea. IM:
r. W. THIRLBY. DaotMt
«nm 4 Rarl’a favalry
If You Want Good Quality
alaa and surgeon. Ramovad lo afi
•oaa In Munson block ovnr BamgjR
4 Darl'A .Citlaaoa ^hoM ttt.
If Quality is to be Considered
with the Price
We Can Get Your Business.
tnhar and artion
teetloB guarani aad.
MnaicHooaa CIta..pbooaJM
Come and See US
J. E. Greilick Co.
S55?'wUh Dra. Bawyar MTpMknk
PIANO TUNING SaHafacaim guar
anteed. F. D. Nicbola, gfl Bomb
Union. Citz phone IIM.
apr 13-tf
vcr. Price* ranaonabla. Offlea vttk
O. P. Carvar 4 Bra BoU phonaa.
fica over BngbaaY drag 1
. 04
Indow Class
v.-; i*
: my office and get ra
faring. A. B, Curtla.
Dr. W. J. Higginis
Fine Denial Work
Offloo 506 Now WilUolili Btook,
The South Side Lumber Co.
Tramse City, fiich.
Tbe^Ure boaa of tbe dty was la A eompteidnn fair okcn like to ace.
use at oao time dartag tbe coaAagrw Soglriaultetbla advice.
It bad not beea for two aaWoratti tkm mad twelve inches played the!*' I^nt hmdtAte to think It o*er. .
inofewoora. **Wbea ttao Sgbt agaiaai volume of water laCO tbe
alalfl Tea.
taberentoaia la so Intease, we read tbai
JobaaoB Drug Co.
001 of yoar mahrerall j baa come ib<
greatest dAaaovory la coancrtlon wit I
Tfu O. W. D. Sonda
a w. a
tbe white Flasac.- said Mr. Wtasblp.
►R. E. U^THli
tion to dioaaaas of chlldrao.
40f 8Uta«Bank bldg. Boih pi
. V
Try M ,/r.WeM
C D. MIttOL;
J. It HirlUilUTit
^ ^ ^ . -..........
Tbrlr MX frtetoU
f^Ftototo of Bftotol. I»d, to to -or*
Om mm me
fM III* t#»
too trill foi«tj ••> to
‘Tills U toy ^to*r
K sr-riJ“^^— I«1>i.»tt*»4«^ Ike wAMmg »«•SK
j^m4. Un. Ato H. Voim0^ dt
r^lekvIJW fiRturtor to tUH
Jir*. Bd torookB of ttei
lira. J«MO HoDotl 4wmt*
ly. wtora 1
Dm Prott.
Iwioff •
bm boytoff up potoioo* ot to cotos
por btoMi H^ 4M *ot P»1 ir«7 raoor
**?{L WfcK*' M«Hto IT«^enr«Af
lira. Ktoory Vf-kli- of Trav*^ «tf
oU^4<*4 iht ptoty hvT^ ftotuntoi
Irnmmt AmH umA
: ;CI PBW «•>.■■■<•• •!•»«’■
BOWENk harbor.
•r«rf •Dt«l.l01W«l » «1» or.a«^-
Order your
Strong |>Ianl« r»i >ed from
our t>ckl planik of la>t
Only 5c each
**Mm. duhu Crjker rtf) Uivell. who
ha* l^etn vUlilns her d
Ben nherr!ag.^et«rnpd
lar<i Saturday, y
May ‘JK.
6t^i Jli 3arvii
Tobn 8. Santo
Xeneral Insarance
Hew WUbcIa Bilk
TrsfcrM Ctt)
Tbc Trottior Bred Stallion
■ Diisseldorf 16147
Will BWnd for the *eason of lyoo jt
Traversa City. Mich.
' Bay Bullion, owned by 0. J. Morgan, rit-ht hind ankle
wWtriwntBUr: foaled July C. 18W. itre<l by W. C I rance
Sire .if Dick
CeUyh 2:ll X. Emma E.. |... 2;t». is . ihers.
amddwaolMudt Better, p. 2:07 >4. and C other ».an.».-ird
oerformers. Son of Onward 1411 (sire of Bcuz. tia 2:(C»4,
i etc > dam of the great Alma Mater, by Mambrinnl atchei,&*j
l« ^ SeStinelU Wilke., by ticorye W.lkes 519 Reco?d^. Sire of Harry Wilke. 2 1312. Hriun
Wilke. 2:141-2. B1 others; dam* of Alexander 2:(*9 1-4 i
'Sirk Hubbanl2i>Ba'4. about 200 other*, and orandsire of
i ^^PaldhSTp.. 2:1014. Ralph Wilke. 2K»3 4. Uewretu
I Sms 4 and OTcr
other (landard performers
"^Id'd^ SauU^ by Sentinel 2«a-Record 2:29 14
—Sd dwn hy Bolivar-A whip horse.
*fEBM8-«-To inaura foal. $10.
In bnyiiis tM wrong jiiano
at any picn.
At lioim4 eiiUTtaiiimcnt U
A nc<H«tity for llie W4»l(tirv^ of
Umj fAJuUy cirolf. lunl ikt* fm t
that A
pittoo or cwbim t
ji it tbo hMt iiivivtiiit-nt
you caiL niakf. hir iurnaaiiiK
Uio joy ami lilHUiirt- of houu*.
tbu mily uiittake you can
maka U in Imyiug tbn wr#Bg
pUM at say prln.' TU
i. ...■onoroy pemou'liwl. You
WBUt your ilolUrs to^> h* 'sr
u jjomil.1... Yon want ll.e
W .1 tl»e riulit pri.v TUU
i. wltst you «et in a Kinilwll
PiBuo. U> »»y uoUiiuK of the
quirt joy nml mtUfacliou Hurt
inlmre. in tho owmT.l.i|> of
KonI bimI IwBUtiful lbiuu»tbw mmlm Kim'taM Pii.iioa
thMi rv..
l>.e frur* ko% doae wore damaso j Elates.
ihMi war ib.-uRhi ot firs:
Sdt Biany are nvare^ that Jnw«*
l,. ,i lii
lii-runourii,. i. xwui
r.eui all over
o%er and.
»ndi B^^aoii
3y^.|^aaii of Pennsytra
1S3<X was a realdeat dui^
.Mr Mo4»u? Bud Mill Crank uf llaln
». hfi«* lo iiuoi J. J IliildH-n to Silt
V iho tilt- lot ilu-lr n» a planing
CoBOiilts Oiilf
‘“x’ J. Hum- II dA ill^
FOR CK'KAN lU keU. all linen, cheap
silo* WhlUMr. lbH*dlnc erf Hagtial ba* boughi
rote*, aee Vf. T. Kvona, ogent Kre
lou and Is imivlng lM-r«*.
The hiinaiuK uvu»‘d bv the Brigham
tM)>M ban iMN-u ifni**nl to Mi. Jan^A.
MINNOWS FOR BAIT ot Oer vbo la luiliiK h as a n-Hittursu-, '
<*uiitpax*iur N. C. Kttini» baa rt'Wiv
maUe*a bam.
may IB if
»-i4-d from Ills ‘tTious lUiu s. un.1 luv
gum- itr aork at hK <dd liiisim->«
TIua*.rk on iho. Mrllild.ri-'tid-iuV If finish. .I and tbc hrlrMay
ioi' has Ciimnienrt-d.
>?iandlfh IS on iht* *lrk list
Kagon hns i* iiii d ih»* . r»*
SHmi. i f harai-ss Rh.ip ami *111
hl‘ orthf thiTn*.
i;: VUia ShiHlfi ha*K cipentv
tiponoMl dix u
making |iaih*rs at Mm. llemu-4
IVrklns Is vltiliiiing her r1 ,irr.
lllln Wlgld
T. A. W1U1U.M
Friday nlglit at tb**..,
rhureh van mUfe veil oiiendi-d
bore cb«.*b tart K.U.- nl.bi
swii .llhooek ib^rr ..r. but
and no to-tore
aur out »» U ta rw* » ku.) llin«- vai
Charles l^noln
Ttarv »a<H. Hi> fto»
heolih We are hoidng lo hejir of hU
Morr tlhoMng lj*uff<ntug vlib
Raitib rp* ni a ci*upb« of da)K the U»’
ibe Vis k In Trorerp* Cliy
* HuVir Hniltb
home again
A lew frloadi golbered ot the bow.- leeii ta imnolv lur about leu ■ ^nVl^f
of Ml*. Tboh. iJiiinSft lart Toe.dov
Mi'^ Ihn Cheilog s m ilb. r has iv
enfna *nd ia'« b* r a pleawrut A.ur ItirruHj home ai Cedar, after making
liv. It being to r Witbdoy Oow. * bi-r daugbler a vUll
ire |de^
we placed and fi*fierliU»eola of jr**
Atme. Zoole-k ba:<
lie vli
mom and take oi-re tened durlne of xioand pm into fr
e evening.
^ 7* .¥p'a hart eat alter
heller from
Charles lAanin. Sr . va:» quUe f4. U
MIBB I.0IU Holme
her bard cold
iw iiaNt «eel.
tor and Mrn. l-'fank Kioui>a of .*mJameii iJirdk- has been dravmjj pr*
inta bad a nariov e-rape from
loi i !«♦ T:a*erre
T:A*erre City,
ah ta wania
having their home Uu:n up one da>
Aithur iJeiftOl Iv banging paper for
lasi ireek.
Ubsi. ila/el.
MUm Ltrale IHrhra md of TraveiPel j^^hn llolnn
('ity Is vUltlng with frle«d;i at ihl* |i*h h*-»n ralU
of the nine
—_______ -.averi'e City
•ipeol Uml week with Myr.
Ur toe MozkAB ctotoM comstooloo;
l.o.*> bi .-'kalud I. a. scUt. kiMl brlRbi ,^1.1, ^ KmiacktaM Utat u r*r tMck
tor. mod tor*, fto.l U
i of Lootorllle, fooadrr of too
L Tboora* a. Not•OB. PBlted StoUo mtototor to MexSoo;
i tUe Huiil WUaw Htouy Wodswocth
TIiW- VO* oo cbareb SiraiUy oo oe j
liiK 'W» b bl* pAf*-»u.
H II Itoir*. orrr SuoJiy.
tor* Vioto 1-ak* *b4 Mr* P**ail N
m luv«* «f»e ft> bills t i Pi ATl utc
XB.R»»*ra «fO.W.HcOeiBT
mtlo city. Abooc tb» toiiool.
• of Gottorml Oftot at lUyovtIto
Mr*. Clian^ iiraoidiBit to give oOclot racocnUloii to
*^kStoof ATtya. r.wrye Ayera. Itolto-r tiler • Unhday. be year*, and flfiy »•« •ou* of toe old coBMiiouarcolto oil
Ayor.. lAOii Art^rs ood C4 Pol»*r
Uoke U«3i on iLi niore vMie
ooU be itod flpCflt ha|giy do.ro.
oil dru%^
Irom tJrooB lo. tb«
Abb««Vb t« W>- ‘“ a. aeU. toUwd. dU 0««». OnM
Ittity ftoJiirdoy r^roto
t I
ny«M 8. Unuto. eto<t«4 pwoUf«t to Itoto oml IST2. ottetotod tbo
-«>lrbratr<l lUysTllto acMletoy. ctto-
rk;^Ti.rMW ^ ^ i«*
i0« i«ly to
sM to ^ li^r*
<toto4. Itollto »Hd M^fUto.
MRT. bslsiT-em.'* R> Brt V
Its awd ««fc. nm Mr BtaB w huwt-
Th* kM M OB k* •« irift
b-ICs home
Mbit! Kiigel N the Ktie .r of her tl;
r. Mrn KM Tlt-.n.
Mav TK.
UtMd SU»*T. lAii I
Thw»- i- u poid sUh\ laid of a nntu
Whi» hu« b»«ewu»e a mo-l mie e*-rul
Uterehaut. A fen y«-jr4 mk » l»e
ouii»b'\e»l a* an eiTl. .* U»y and iiie-M iig.*, for 11 lni«e tUiu. lie wa* *«.i to
viler! :«!i^;.»‘rtMint fnHU a twin which
VHta ttni.»4bre«‘ \er> •'*b.tUyJ' Si:d « i*
told to m*t the inonev nt all li;ix«rtK.
The 4li !.tc»r* gave the hid a Hie. k for
He "ei.t to The loiuk nt t>m e !*»
r.Mli It. imd e.n^ told by toe'*v*lib-r
tha!.Hn‘re Wi re not eiuMigh fund* jn
to im*«-l ll.
• How nuieh Hhortr SKked toe lad.
••Seven dolhir*.** nn« the au>ixvfr.
It hit keil I ui a mluute or ixvo 4>f 1h»*
time for the bunk to ^ losn The I oy
In hi* poeketB loiik out »7 and.
pi.Rhliic U thitmuh the window. *ahl:
-FiK Hunt to Hie credit of Blank ft Co.The tnitoh r dhl *•». wherviRHin Ihu
boy iiri-M-nitd the ehcik and yoJ ihe
money. BUluk A Co. fnileil the lifVt
mid ‘heir ebriuvln can be ^etle^
liimmiiiHl tb:;n ib«Mrd»4-»l when' ihey
found «.m Ihe tiUk that bad bw*n
|ilav**l m>on theui^________
noi^fi TO I.EAVK the cUy. tnnv
•It 4i.ir eiiiey uigau within live day*.
Solid waliiui
WHte set rCed^*.
|1K cash or Hnie if tnkeu a‘ oi
Call or midreBF Ci::. West S* vuuh.
a trttb and 1 bam no pttont m
NiW Tortt Httnii_______
The toMt t*A«w
/* :
-Aclty a ahun.- told t globe trotlWs
always In ttt enattrn qntrltr. ;I
wonder why? 1>Ue New York. Ut
otit aide la Ita alnni aldA $o R it wRIh
London. The mot ««d 1* toe atom end.
Of rhUadelphbu Cbknr\ Canton and
Madrid toe aanm toln« bohla good, at
I know from pecaont) espcrienca. Tht'
only ponlble inwnnd I can «lve dor $
LOSS Of SOIL BY EROSION. clty-a aluma beto* tovarlaWy Ui ftl
qoatter U that tbla qnaiter 1$ *
Ove Of the Uiiml VmmOm Fur Itoaei
the one that Is expomal to the harsh
.« ,Ue Amer««vp I've*.
rtgora or the atm
Tbc uiuviui: of Mill by vuti»r U oot
coulim'd to large Ktivania. a* i
fanuera know to their torrov. Evory
nil trlckU^ down the rIoim?
•nVH me.- reqnesu the yoong par
of toe dtieat aud ricbcat son. entering toe stodj of the gray
KOU ou toe luruL After a heavy ralu bcanlixl phUosopheiv *'vkhat to the dlf*
toe Bfriiu; Ih «uily aud toe puddlea In femnee between friowUblp and loven
Tbe gray beaMed pbUom»pber *tndtog
toe bullow* art‘ muddy wlib lu ll»e
deep funvwa left m* and down -the toe table toongbtfully fbr a moment
»lt4K> by toe cultivator twlb l*ecoiue or two. then repllea: • Frlemtohip. my
mlulalurv v*T»ter .xiurae*. and Hie trle- aon, to a mutual uwlet*landlng; k»?n
to n mutual mtonnOci«Undlug.--Llf$.
kltofr Hxater exact* a tribute of rich
If y«mr deolrr boont
Lay MereanUle Co. hoA
ed to
bim la tbo imklcnrr. It Wta to IHtS
that Jame* Ito4%aMU took op hla
IdMitv nl IXtrabflhtova. Five
befurv*. lu tbf
tmaalxHbtovu wa* tben
tot miiuty t-^t. bad been bom a child.
AUrabam 1.lurt»la. dt-atlucU to achieve
hither bcooni ami a gtvater
bUtory tbati even BoeUanoa
cMUdklereJ to bU day one of tbc ntoat
I imbUc
Bucb«aan’« futber bad purebaaed ta
an tovc-atmenl aome properly near
EtUabethtovo. Hlvtojr It to bU ao
iNidc Lliu .a4tfle lu toe ucv land of
promise ami pn»w op vllb li. BucI
an. tliuu llinv and twcuty. a ^^il^ge
Cmduale Oiul a Imv.vcr. bad lUtlc
utWB fur the roujfU and ready aldiv uf
froutler life. Atlciullug toe Unit
of court after blv arrival, be noticed
Do you ever play with b$d '
was left bara all winter baa IcMt sotoe
little if»ya,
fc^ya. Jobnnyt Jebmiy-Ysn. air.
^rm aurprtoed. Johnny! Why
Cullies ap|H*ar on tbe fanii here ami
Plaj with good unto boym?
fxTv. widening and d4vi»eulug after
Tbeir mammas won't let tom.
ever? rain. Tbe soil ou toe knolls and
bllUlde* UH-uint** tUiu and yellow, fur -London Tit Bits.
toe rUh black surface part of ll has
A Ca
hurried off,to help build up some excel
have tot i$-My dear lady, may
lent fanning laud a»»oui ten mlloa
foaal qt your band fur n WMkr
-A week? WTty. TU fi»e you a i#-After tt bi*avy rain Hto farmer can
aae tto* t>eat part of bto soil creeitlug. fnaal toat will laat foiemr.--CtoT$-’
running, racing away from him. A land Plain Dealer.
Ibouauud murky rill* toowly meander
uero*i.s blB plowed grouiul and gather
force* lu toe liollow*. A buudnHl tur
bid rivulet* pour down the bollow* and
t!i4i<e I'.i.iaie market gardettl,
Join the water lu tin* gulch. .V duK*n
muddy brooklet* rush dowu the guleb. vvlmre nutinng I* In toslihm unU-a*' tt
Bwell the brook Into a creek and race
•t tif siason. nHiiiiids us <>f tbc
dowuiitreaiu, U'srlng uway tona of
. of humor and lark of •**n*lblllty
Hie rh*li allt and loam that make phmU of the tonioiis rn*nch wit FonteuellM.
^ow. When the ralu to over and too A friend who 4-alled u|M>n blip wa*
Boakctl sirfl haa drl4*d out enough to
to stay for dliim*r. -We will
tm. thcfs* aro gravelly plaiv* that rfl»e
h.Mve nspnngiis.- snld Ftuitenclle. who
■un»rlsed to »ee thl* uupiluly looking fanner and* It hard to make pn>an cjrfrure In f«*od as lu words.
IH-nmnngo take a mvl uinoug the tow Uuetlve. and rock* an* exiKwed that -With oil" jtmendcHl the gUe*t. "But
» uexvr 1m :i nlMive tlw surface I
I pr. !er ll w ‘ih KUiec." obj4s twl Kontm
’^T cMe nu MlU-d tb.- third d.y of fore
4li-2itr.*.-* with me," tho
ruHmkexl cro«lou Its* ruined many
tbr UTm lu Wbl.h tin- i.li-adlue» wore
ll ]w»lnt4sl 4.ut. "Ob. very well.”
lously hurt many .rflirr*.
very Intricate, and after Hie *trlcte*t
Riii.l roiitcm lle. vxith a verj bad grace,
farmKngtlsh ffw-ma to fon* toe day* of <'hit
hi* W4-ail to give thl- oixb-r. UU
ty. Tbe Oft lire i>re*ld«>utM wonder w as
return he f.mial his gU4 *l lu an
niid ito- kM.*4\ Hbaly aolto
luexiirmMibto when be saw llanlUilake
a|•..ph•4^U• til. Back w«*nt l%mf.-nHIO
bold of this 4UM- with .iHtunlhhiug Rklll of Hn- norih. are gimg^nl add gtillhx!
to the toi. of the kitchen stjilra.
and forts*. The nrgumeul* of tin* every year until tliiTr iHs-oiue pra. tkal
he ro-triMl, -you ran dnw* tho
rougli bilking Kentaeky lawyer were ly valU4‘k‘*'4 fur cn»pplng. 1 have *<.vo
-ipanign* with Rouce.” — Loudon
luastendiss-> of learning, logic ami many huinlretl* of acri-^ rulmsl by
cbvme**. Before be h fl the tsmrtroom watoing in tla- t'aroliim*. T4‘im«M4*4-e liironiHe.
that day'ytnmg Jluebanau rvtiolved that and ihnirtrla. On incM farms, howeviT.
wlK-re sui-li III fuvonM looking lawyi-m Ihc loss Is le** ivuispl.-uou* and more
^WhWU to the first aud most ImpoTami pawet Insidhnm. Ev4-rj* farm Hiat has an Irtorlly of Hurfuis*. h..xveviT .allitot. tnut Mmiim-ntr asked .a Rundny
a biplding
small Khic
lVnmtylv.nni.i tenderfoot. ItatluT than pays tribute u* the font* that <h»«** Minarf teacher of.n girl profiartng for
;rugg!c for vuc**-** at ihc bar with mon- lev«-nng in uu Imirr than all the confirmation. -Marriage.” wa* tbc
rrumpt n-*<pi>m
n-*<pouBc. "No. baptism is tbc
auHi gtuut* a* llaidiu uud his co! potent h'vHlug machines have ever irrompt
lifKl and most
lea^^niet he would g.» b.st k to bli native done or ev« r w ill «lo.
A very lmi»orlant prirf.lcni for Hie the temiuT eonr
Keystone vommouweitlto ibs-tlng Mr
llarilla nfternarJ In ro4igr»--s, IKl'l farm owner to «smsider to fnov ft cheek
Ir. Bm-hauau dtH'torinl tlmt be cfvwluu cheaply uud effectively. The
to Kentucky' ex|Kv(iug to be a phiu that will !*• most au<ss*ssrul »legreat man then*, that so many luwycrv li*ndH upon the hs ulity, the lay 4.f the
be eaiue In eantm t with were bi • lauil. the klu-l 4.f *4,11. the crop and
iuaN and so many again Ids *uiH*rJuri. many other kwal mati4»r*. In cxtnme
4*as4** It ha* b4M*n found iiiMswaarj to
that b** govt* it up.
'Hiu* H.-II llanlln** l!l flttlng suit of retain woudcsl area* running n<Toa* Ibv
slopcB that are *ubje.-t to washing and
\mcricun bto 4,lherwiHe dtoposisl **» us to prev«-nt llie
shunUl Ik* hx»k4d f» <*arffully. A little
work dlre<*tiug streamlets into legiti
Chief Kan ta Civic Art.
To make oUllty the vchiele of beauty mate «banmto 1* time W4 ll Sla nt. Tlicn*
Is a chief end lo civ|l art. say* toe are various meHHMls of holdiug th<* soil
Century. Cve and b»‘auty have too with plants. A 4s»ver crop of ty<*. ch»uonly Uh*u n-gurdvd :»* uecesHarlly ver. vi'ti-h, ci<-.. sown In tto* orclaml
aei»arated .attrlbuie*! 'Hiing* of utility or <'t>rnneM lu late Muminer may do
must be commouplms*. ami It to Immn muH» to pn*veut Muifafv wa
terlal If toe wmmouplatv U* ugly; Us lug the winter, <steef> Imuk* may Im*^
uglluca* makes u* appreclale ah h»*Kl with qiiaek gi-ass
more toe beauty of tolngs rare, put Into mendowa. ('illHvating across
kept precious and aixart-tbat I* tbe the sloiM-s h»*t4-od of up aiul dowu
view toe multitude buB be4*B led to sav4* many tiny leak* that aimiunt to a
aud from wblrh even many ar serlons lt»ss In **ime ca«Bhi. Mauy oilier
tist* are not ext*uipt. ll wa* an oW methods uf eb«*< klng croelte will sng Lyrnm Em PkMmm^m
fashioned costom to i*.»late aU the nice gi-sl theinaclvi* lo tl
thing* of toe bouachukl lu tbe U-at this pnihlem lo solve, and Ibt* metl
to a positive enra I6r nil lhoi« pnhiflil
1. wblrh wa* loo priH Jou* to live lK>rn of iH-T-onuJ ise^ cud lu^al «•;
nHoK-ms of women, it will entirely
But toe iiuxh rn pnictkv l* to rli-nee arc apt to la* tmsit cHlHeut.
cun- tin- worst forma of IVroale Commake tbe vvlurfe Uotna* u* lieautlful a*
The lots by erc»*lc<i U. I la*liovc.
plaiiOs. Inflammation ami I lecraHoo,'
ide. We now si'e that Just to- of tbe largest leaks ou American farm* Falling and IHsplai-emrnU and cousir
u toe -l»e*i roour* went n*e<]
today. It Is bound to Increoae as our qucnl Spinal Wrakniws. and to nceuli*
content* deeai4*d beautiful, n-olly made wooded area ilecn-asew This ksui
ebamto-r of horror* A fonv«d fa uot be entirely prevented, as lofig n«
inlllarltj with ugllm-^* dull* toe ta*te the ralu tolls upon laud that to not i-t
for U-auty. So unle*t toe eyi-s are f4s*lly level But a large i^rt of It can
It has con-d m4»ru caaes of Female
woutivl ii> toe beam Ifu! by *eelttg ll on lie prevented. How to do this to worth IVeakDiTM
than any
, oFiber remedy Uia
ecery aide, reskleutolu the most
eoushlerlug by every man who ba* toe
known. It is almost inthing*, beauty at Its best cannot problem on bto banda.-f'ouutrj Ufe lo fallibli- Id such cases. It dlmolve* and
be given lo toe thing* act *i*art to wear
rx|iHs Tumors In an early stage of
It ns a garment of atat». a* In ktatm.**,
development. That
omenta aud public building*.
llaaCs Were Sksklan Alresrfr.
An Amertcan uetor oiio*
causing pain, weight and headache, ia
A K*v«l Roes
duel In )torts Kw tbe sole pun*oso
A novel rcce i
Btodylug toe demeanor «if the ducltot*
Madras fair. It was a handicap of aU
He wa* prtikojing at tbc time to 04.i stances it acta In harmony witli ton
animals bred lo the country, tbe comfemale aystem. Ueorrecto
IK^dtora Including boffaloes. ele:»bantiB a dutitot'a rul«* lu n new piay
* uaalug Ibii combat afterwaid. hr
. emu. Hk. baaidi** panics
of it* iMMt loam by ptonUog llu»e.
Tbe clefibaotB were plared
-I confiii* that I lj>»rnt-d ver> llrtle
at tf woTlog ta a mofTlage icoceaakm
and went over tbc course at a qolck rrom ll. *fbe men w^* t«o> well *
walk. Tbe ram and r>at riddan by o teach ipe anjthlng Ibct wuukl
of neVvlce lo a scilous otage duel
little boj A ton well and toe boffaloaa
wjme At a good galtop. but tbc coa Tln-y reuiUid4Bl nu*. lu fact, uf a atory
would net atir. ncltoer woald tbc Mk. tbat Edwin Booth umd lo IHI
•Tbbi alory codistiis too p
tartll tbr cud of toe race, when It took
frtgbt and darted down tbe <xmrae ct who. after tbey Lad exchang
bartnUwaly. were urgeil by ibWr rac
onds to ahnkc bauds. They.wit*
to do ao when n hystander. v.borbad
looked on at toelr duel dcaj.ltc tbeir iw
querns tbat be deport, exclaimed la a
Masted tooFt
CilKAP RATES Buxton. Mnaa..
••If* bardlT orewwary for them to
retoin. girfng May SI to June $.
aluke baDdw Tbx ir l«:udB have Lee*
Para Marguotke agoat for part bn
•baking tola itotf hour/**
Fbrioda. Wcnlr.
Jitter Vouf!^
Ih^operly Bums
% KAfucs tmxr
% goat— of inmtw. .
-ran wc^** onid mndnmo bin mko
^iut MOMdiilcomoia. and
wwtkod M wbtte Uw maa told ber «r
-^ndnmo In
«M tbr gM m
tbr pomMa him llum.na nbr imt-n
tfio Late
«• tWM a»*iH ; i/i;
• •*•': ■'•■
• -.V
c^llft iMi fmn»H intittr«t*»^ wif
V Jl0alti$f Fire 1
Cli!« CMNKMitf 1 rerreftni
nre Sound and Strona i
bmkliig at bernwy
tlppMl Oncers.
aald the girl, -nlthoiicb many
jgIriH ©uvy in© and do not In liev© tbnt 1
work at aU. kiy my buuni an* tong.**
Wilson Wiia OaMdlug bla lltv©n In
tb© iKt*ut**d wnlur.
*T r«-»d s..im*tl,liic In tlic* iim|h^ orwe
about lM»w you prvtly nuiiilcurliig gtrta
MouwHlmiw marry Into the rk-b famllien. 1 ©x|Mvt you.all wuut to roiue to
tb©s© aumm©r resoria."
Rbe Im-iiI lower o\«*r bis band and
aaUI In a muCDed vui,*©; **\Vell. nom© of
ua UuiiT want to imirr> tbr aona of
Mild timl lii nuy on© rar-o tin? H©b raiiillk-s. \\\yvr know them too
niaal 'Uiu niffvnt. aa n rule, are tlnanp
. who luive III© most limliia.
l b© man look(*d kt her c-urkmaly.
Moll of aiUMll 1»ralna an* not the kdul<
•Tliey hr© ruUwf n tir«-*HMiM* lot. an*n*t
(vutl bo. i.tutUlW-a of tin* brain tbi-yl ItUcH-uis/o ID© !b©.v luiv© rath
fen ©x»*eirtldunl men rr a atupUl tIuK- of It wltb lb©U^©i«Tlluui«4| itliililW-u i-uu rerotKo nal round of boiis** fiartiea. ya©bts uud
tie* nil©. riilvornliU-n llo nuC «n-at© guuuw. Xosr. out wb©re 1 om tlie men
l>ratU4. Iiiit uton-ly train Mliat ©sUt. no do tbiugs.**
Hint tlu* owm-rw an* In-ttey I1IH-»1 fur
Tb© girl look.d fit him yuk-kly uud
lb© bsttl© of life. Mnuy a uiuii la m*nt aluirjdy. • \V©I1. iIm* ii,©n Mu ibluga*
ta ©tin-go
nlniukl U* bnuailng a lM*rt* too. Tb©y bav© to make iiioiM'y
l»U-k Mutl nbovi k outl he la-v©c amoubti to ajM-fid It Ilk© tills.”
lb lU’Jt-li. ©x«-ii tliougb b© nul»n©tHM utl.v
• Oil. no. tiny donV* «nld WlUon diKwWbla lUUig ai ntMi.o V4*r> llu.llt*tl rklfdly. ‘‘MomI of tln*iu litmliy know
itHH-Ulqtl—Ail ©rW-au >^lW lbe.
wbal their olll.^-s Uk.U Uk© In N©w
Sm. R. Santo
rwmmmntr w mom
yml omom.
•Hkiivm iintin WiisUt
liiiliMvttv imvIUxoiuv.
kMi bm* kuuv.M il»al Ulo Uihti
■matf ilianic li r of Uir Imiiwu i.raiii
tiMP Inn;*’ IIUmlMf of IH.Illll‘rllU|r
IT*. Itf «lilrli Itn.ri lU imoMiHL In IKJ OllHT
ttlV IIm J
uuiiM>nnis or tviutilh uicO. 'Hit* <vlU
•1^ A»» Kmi
#MKV tint tlH*miuu' raw- npi.laN* MU.ous
UaditMon) liMik kwl lb II iIioim- of i.T»‘at
l0tnlll#riir« hiivc tuor* nmncxilom*,,!;©
rjiim ■ kUa. Uiw I flJlMl w lib tepbl wa
ter. and laU,forth tbo ImpleOientM of
tb© tuaukuriat. li©r ©yea were danc
ing. tierard WUaou watcbfd ber orory
HUM e with hik
dls«*o*er©»l that
Wer© ©inrtly Ibo aauu* t*i4or.
•-I thought I d COMM* around ©ariy,"
be oaplaluod. rtiefuiw Um* place grta
loo.** Mil© aaUl. tben ©auglit b©nH*l
dt-nly. -I 1,1,-411 w© Ilk© <*u«louiei» to
1*01110 early liecauar It dofwaT |Miy to
k©©f> UUIU.V gtrbi down h©re, and yet
when |H*o|ib* do c^iue In ibey aU want
to U* walUsl on at uikv."
(-Ob, rm mme you will do It jml na
won.* laid ttm jnan.
at ber
wltb frank, nimaot bojiok. admlmtion,
mot I am-m- <mly n bagtmwr.** anid
the girl In blue, trying bnrd not to
omtlr. *1ana I migbt hurt y<«.**
TW man threw back Ids bend and
laugbed until Ibe Uttl© lYeneb rurtalna
at tb© open »indowa laUty nbook.
T dmT helbne you could burl a flon.
IH almu a big. buoky ©bap like toe: btOldMi, rve-or-rre gut to get out of
ben* pretty ooonr
**U ©11. ideaiM* att down.** aold tbo gilt
IlioCloidJig to n i-bnif by tbo uUo. *wnd
A Onaber.
Tber© la a i*i mu Inmit oOlelal Iti Woab
ingiou. a ln-|iiom aiu©r m ibe boiela,
\rbo U nuMt faHilUloua 111 )il* l‘lt*aa
\Ul!l nnsi^t-t lo tlu- M*r\ K*i* n-liiU*n*d by
svaltora. Oo© nfti-nuruu tlila oltlolal.
lool iis: ©tiim-ni« n uuUoi* tb© w©iiili©r.
ilet-I btl lo oiiiit li'.a lutunl aubnliuitial
luiuMi UMd to ifiibslllul© thon-for noaio
Ugbl ix-fnv4j|uoMl. An li * eutvn-d lb©
eufi* tif II f;*»ailoiuiblo liotol. a m-w
waiti-r. ullh ilu* Knnalofl t»f luamu-ru.
bu- i-uriT fuiAanl b> take lb© bat and
ttaii of tin* ©llW-lal. II© I ;©ii iia-«im»nl
tb; blaiHli-Mt of ©\|m*a«io>i*t iiuU await
©<• Uh» «ml©r. Honnviy gJam lim' at tbr
bill of fan*, tbo olbt ial nald: • “Urlug
bratlM not ttOf«l»l.v bemvy. liiu lU-y do lao n milk lou«t ” 'Ih© oalb-r In-urd.
aliu\1 iiintWiliW-HM. all filtoutloii
luH «lU|»rovc tlM» gononil iaatou»oii\
tbnt M « cliiM »uoU looo Ua i».«
Huit'ii all 1 w aul
. bfnlM bMivtrr tbnu tU© nvyra
* Tb© lulslako nrl.o* fr^.vi
iW ...dun*
f^Hur.- N.•UI. “burn ni'!**
•Ut a vay with tlblttl^
d lu.-u wbu lunv !
r v-ii
to mn>gui>a> ibat liobsl
«vult*iii|it .tiaijM-l ujniu
.mor not mfr©: j
dMvn lutolkniiiol |»mor
hW baiiul.ly
I to luvo n largo t-ma«
nndkitt lu #m-tt wlMi liiot abou i, i,Toal
nbllUx- U *•< «>•« iuomj lhal tlubrt\t» of m.lf uuai nv llkoly lo^
•MU iD«in» c«mv .mOimu uni
«UM llinu fbo nr«f«g.*, aa tb.High lb«*r*
w<i «* ui«MV bmUj veil* iv4 %»oil ii» uiaro
A fou iolMsrvtttWiua JUi
|»uUit to tin- fa. l Uml
Ibolr bmlBji nrv
dlffor^i.t la
tokr*m^vflr^orBaul».it|<.iii4. imrl
©ome.tbnl w ill iH-rmlt gmuiO uulomo
blli*a and ten duMnr silk hIu* kii^cs.**
•T am afrakl y*ni iir© n bit preju
dJ,c*d.” said th© girl, but b©r fiuv waa
wrluUs. II© wu\«h1 4-oii!bl©iitlal.
• 1 do not mliid i©mnc y*m." be aald.
•*lb:it I ©Mill© In-n- not m» iuu,-k to c©l
my liaiidM don© ua to Uiui out Oomter-\v©li. Just bow llny d *lo tUliui**
arouml li**r©. Vuu mv. I am mi IHhmls
man iKiru uiid bi^sl. it©v<*r ©>©n woiit iu
for am-lely In rkk-ug,*. but Ju*l as soon
ns 1 left tMll©i:«- l ntru, k out for the
sdu© IloUls lu Mloaourl, and I v© atu©k
lu^ iiu© I»iim*s.”
-lluv© y.,u stni. k It rt©hr uaid the
jrlrl, looking up *»t him. willi o Uueb.
••Wrtl. n© lui\© n pr©it.\ tro.Kl thing
of It.” sakl Wiisou. -Hut it do©Hn*t
mcau MO muc h lo m© ns it do*-s to Mr.
Van Tw ill©r.”
Tbi* girl druiOHsl li©r m©. tma it look
b*dh **f them lo lind It In tin* folds of
b©r pretty nn»mliic gown. Tbeu obe
went to work acaiu
* Mr. \‘mu Tuiller desm not need any
moiv moiH-y* •Uiimph: A .\©w York man never
fcets «*iium;U. and *I uwlerataod in*
wonts to buy a good old i:u;;llalj titl©
for a prvtly daugkier of bla. onU 1
Buii»w tb© bIggi-Ml iMirt of bla mooar
wUl go Into tb© till©.”
Her fa*v was fluslihig now. *T d*i
not think MIsm Vmi IVllU-r U fur
The man ktuktsl at her curiously.
”Ik» you kuow b©rr
••Oh. yes. very well; ahe comes b»*r»*
two dlr©rtlmia.*U-lug wry Uofe^Mlv© lu
ilbtftiilVuni of lb© watt©r:
olbrr dlrtH-tloiin- llliud Tt»u. i an
ldkiC« In fart an ©xinm© tti-© of what no lu* d©t idnl luU to t'v© bin iiauul
.rtT*» ©r\in-me I
'^***‘ wnlK-r. nfter i\mila <lUlt© i-uaituon. At ^b«* ••Uuir
waa tJatulu-tta/wbu %vu. not lu.i. u■ MUlombk*-tlolay. «)oiUy loturuod with
111© ttwjtl. A« bo l.nid It tjowii. bo o1%o
ttiora tbau MU twabir. wtansL' ©un-bnil pbeiHl iho MU UIH.U tb©
a cboek
a|imnb cwut«*l^ ir©n,fauiu1 lu U* iilgb for :r. n-uta. tJii* |»rlcv of tbi* madmt
ly drrrloiint. Tb© r©al of bla brain
Waa atnall. una bla miu ral IntolkH-uud
*-*aial*M u NUutU cheok.** h» n*marktd
powor anti jutlguicuU w©n> diH-idodly •Ui o^©lliu^^ly,
doTretiV©. AbllUy iu *a*o m lao buea
• Voa,” HaWl !h©i offlolal dryly, **11
lugy C •be a inau faiimaiH. w hili* be U woaWl baw* ln-«-n rm ©unis nt a fir«t
raall> T€*D d.*f©rtiv© UU.1 bin brrflu rtaaa boUM©.**-'Aim*rioau Hi>octator
^lr©a to l»o MUittll.
iloary hraliia nr© nctf
lollfrtual «mr-, t»r ©hnrt IIuU would IM*
lu tin* faniway.»M*ulrhtod commo
I Mf g©iiiUMW. Tbo uiat.*rlal
In lb«
ully of nauH-u. bi Afrk*a. tlu* old faiditnliSil alMO In* iiatbtsWiglo atnl ibe |h»*
loUi^l UH-Uiod of Uirou lus & debtor
mmuat on luibt*©lK-. U ofioii baiin*u«
v. hun* bo U sa;**^rom Ibe
lUal mm ofldg bruui* ami KTVal ablbty
I hav©nt oec-o her yet. 1
‘ bttiTrtf firoia early u tfl
came up on tin* late IsMt last night
Tn low ly ©mi»V».M “ ©«V‘*r laiy r©i-i.,iii I
tura.*d ©w-r to ibo uien-y of Ibe Wltb Mr. Van Twlller. and. ln*lwei*o
icidnut ibrougu nr... Tb. » *•« r« i. j
you aiMl me, when we got up lu tbat
palace of Ids and 1 aaw |n*o|.U* In tb©
Wtrtbleua Abil nt*| liulIrMliv© «tf Ulotilal
, 3,.
©bU od to dM;; ofter ^ parlor aud on the porch
pone UM n i^VoJaUi^uj ut y I f>voy ! blia v ^.*^ -. - L- tf t. Tb©r© l.» b© I party toga I got
Uu* fa* I Uuil
L* j ©«u-n;H
t.*i • ©'.‘*0,1.*
mmuio bt«MUM* *»f biWitgo bnilii:
1 thought your aunitner toy w-or© white
tiMt unwui- r.u- u tlu- br.i.u.oit ar© Uu'
flanm^ at Ibewe reoofla.
and that waa all 1 bro
------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------I
,aii I wore.
t«ck lo town for n drasa suit, and
bm It will bo liere by dUmer time to*
.'/ArWp/ //f< yVW.v.
glght or thrra wUI be aotnHblng doing
,^vo ,u.,
.n; i
1" .".“n' r:t;.
*rimo Ex^ond^cl
PR. S. ClAY TODD Wiu stay anertlier week. utU
Jue r, at the Whliiac Moiel. haTcrse City, Room
31. CMSlUtlaB Free. Ifo Core. Ro Pay.
man Uxx him iln)M«jrtn»a um] di«oounM,»1
Sa>|llf bi'OMMtt be i1(h*« imt kcow wliat ,<> da. H« has l«eo
■iaUkMi to many tinM-« that b« dcapnim of vw^r andinK a corn.
BaX mnnmber that kiini nalnm » forKivinK IXm iv are m«dito eure yon, lo m\« yon (lom nervosa pmat ration, insan
ity, P^^♦^r•i^do.pai^ and death, awl Uiet.- Klurioat rsmedie*
ft. ^ baa di^itol and n«« in hi. enonnona ptaotioo of
IK men-to
,*n vioor
Tijmr and ri
rtlaUty. Make a call if i»aaible.
. Kidn«v Trputptos, and D«c«y
n#rvous and chronic dlaoapoe cured
opo OMQiN OF some or OUR t
jmwpIcwMo.'* ttewwhooMtfd tborwtplMd nkwre, ■wrtpg to Imnrntf.
if any OM Humbl «mm to Jam
MW>la. la-wbat a aonadal R VMld
Tbrrv arr wrorda aU ftoqMWtty aa*
wbooo h3«t««ico
deftTatkiM art
SSTsld «
,e«up«niM..-l} ■ OMdm «»mft and to •
to.1 Mcrw awl or bJ. wotoKi bow.
: «* Vwiiw iu»«ol9. A ktaS
rlOonoCrac Uhl .New Baglaad aklppcr. Oiptabi Amfprtbefneura. ”You
y.” bo aald. drew ttobtoaoik wpo piwbaldy bfMgbt
for a wbote Leap of
, -I d like \o ira^rt a hit bi £orape. to amre sla%ai to tbe cukmlos tbaa aioalwayw bav© tbr hooka 1 wanted to
iMd. tbe plc-torea I like beat about me UM day came to tbe courlualoa that bo
aiH twoogb lumey to keep tbr one wno- eouhS rig a boat that would bo aa Imman la tbe wrorM csuufy aud happy.”
TUro you fauad tbe right womaa tiroreineiit ou the craft then la use for
-.Vo.” Tbea be |a.4ed tbougbtfally
at her bowed bead, cruwned with aoft
brwwa hair. ”1 bare never felt l bad
tbe light to look for her until now 1
waa never very atrung on tbo Wve In
tbe cottKgo kbw.”
-Ito you thlidt you wttl Slid b©r b«Te
at Xowportr
-MaylM*. llut-~
Tbea be pulleil himself up with a
abake and buried tiurwllona at -b«r.
\\ berv would tbe Van TwUJcrw pn*b«bly Uke Idm tbal day? What must b©
We ar at tb© <iMdn*.? Wl.ru did f.dks
at Newp<»rt luive lime to Kt©ep? An l
abe told blm r\erytblug. from tb© style
Of canvas sho**s b© bad to buy at umv
to the number uf counww and tin* wines
be would bav© at tbe iniuson dlniirt.
0.*iermUwd to M Hmuhw name bk now
loiat. iberv* w©re many spertaiucw at
Ui© laum-blug. oume abaktog tbeir
beads dttUlomily . otbcni rklk<aUng and
tbs-n otln*ra believing to tbe tnrontkm
of tbe oM caputo. .\a tbe* Isni left the
atayocab© plunged her uosr into tbe
watt*r. ©am©
Ubr a curk uud
akimmed over lb© water Uke a bird.
A burst of adudratloii brake from tbe
crawd. aud oa© of lb© ooksiken. vx
rIalUM*d, • Ue© bow aln* sc*huoiis!” i^a|v
,k!uc Um*
b.*r b©r
aud ”s»xwner” Hh* has Im ever since,
with tb«* ©Xi>*ptlan of Um* letter -b.”
wbb*b gt-neraily mauagew aomebow to
ge t into wiMtls wiiere It Is not iiewded.
Auoiber curious word w bhii baa a
gulflcani and Id*
buu©tf©. A»ih.,urt.
wbai un-hhigUsh. still It ctwoes under
tbi* gcn**ral awwtipriatlou which tbe
KuglUh ajwaklag |wm»le made irf ev©ryiblug tliat vvuuld ««*n'e tbi-m. Cue
HUhourtte was minister of slat© of
IViP. a ©riU*-al is-rli^l with
that c*«uutrj Duaiiolally. wbUb came
mwr ruto.limtlug In national Isinkrui»b7. KllboiM*tt© la rrpr©si*ut.©d as
beltfg a vts-y 4vls,* aud aapiclous mau.
otid 111 |•olitU*s Im* would now U* tenmtl
a •Tefonu.-r.”
8ltboiM‘lte aud bis d*rtrlUi-H Is^cam©
lb© butt of all tbe* wits of Paris, aud
many a Jewt was
a*traUHl ou Ibe*
vety u
minister of slat© u
of 8llbouetl© With
laugWug Inwardly,
i-ajd-e wlthunt *.I.-,-v<
Van Twllletw tbal ulghl.
bis bands were SuIsIhM. Kv©n tin*
cbaniu-d Wilson could npt vhtlm tbat
tlM* glri w as a rapid workrt,
Tb© glri bandcM his money to lua
Mam©, and. Isklug up ber parnma. said
in a low vol©©; -I think my bands will
have lo go this iiioriitDC. W© arc* UavIncwMin-isHHilr to breakfast ”
HI.© wsike-d loi©k to Um* liltl© tsblr.
carrying bt*r immsul U*UUm1 ber In ou©
baud. W Itsou was l,K»klng curiously
at bis highly poUslM-d miila. H© bad
u©v©r vUlt**.! a msiiU-urlug Kbo|. !•©
fun*. Ak ah© sUHioM U-akle him b©
plunged Ills baud In bis iKskel and
drew out the* ©nit,l©ui uf western utos|a*rtiy H sUcer doUar. *TbU la for
yuurwelf.” li© aald as b© laU it ou tbe
Uble. -But 1 vanT r©j»ay you f**r gll
tb© g*Hs| mlA h-c* y.Hi gave me. I*d like
to i-om© Uuk ucain If I gel stm-k,” be!
aabl, bis e.v(*s twiiiklliig.
li-d. anuMig xxhieh was on,- of
-I nm ofralU you wouW not find me.” parti,-uliir not© ivtoeb . resiled a gn-ol
abe wakl. ' I douT work bi*rv ©\ery de*«l of in©rriun*iit at the lime iu fael
day.” They were moving toward lb© so mut-V s.>*ibuf It lias Uvii humksl
doxvu to u-i li*g,-llHT w Uh 111© uam© of
“Are you going took Id Mr. Twll Ih,- gr,-at n-r,»rmiT u*> Is-lng ll»© e-llmax
of th© pninks of ih© Pari..ian xvlts. All
U*r*s utnvr*
of Ih© imrtralls wen* imi.b* In blu. k to
ll©l.,sliI©J hU lM*ad.
-We ll. H., am I. niul If you like J’ll r©l»n*s,sit 11 profile of the- fa.s* auel bust
similar to a sliadiew e-ast uism u whit©
give you u Ilf:
pais-r l.y the* uul of a strom; light.
-ribe'ime n Ilftr* es-boed Wilsou.
Th© youth nH-aks of going to bi/»
yVfft. Ju my dug©art. 1 am Ida Van
-halNTdaHhe-r.” TUN w.»r,l is umung
t;<*niid Wilsou oat dow u Ae-ry nud th.it ©lass that ow© th.-ir migin to on©
denl.v. andMs |.itud s1r.uk U*e ,ola. of lb© most ©oiimii»n uf stmi-i-e-s vte.
corruptkni. Tbe sinuli Hbopkis*|sTw of
H© -litt UsI Im, k us If taung.
Miss Van TwllU-r U*i.l oxer iiiul iiermauy bud a custom to paat agea of
standing to tlu* doors of Uuir sbui*s
th© iuun©y.
to kesi. this. It Is th© first uud tovlUug all lusjssilou of tbslr
monev 1 bav© e*M r e*ain,Hl. Ye*u s«*,». wares. Tbeir Aauuioii satutafUm to ev
iitmIuMi© Is ih© U-il In li»-r In,.-. un»| ery lyasefby x4hu hml th© iiptH*aruu,-c
txf being lu lb© least suses ptJbk* wus.
w4t,-Ji©’x,T Illy 111:1
•TIabt Uir das. berrV” 41 luxe* you this,
■ t,i Im*i
with my Imiitls 1 ,
alrri wiilrb was. on© may readily Im
XV© xvirf I
iigiue*. t-orrupusl Into ‘imU-nluidjcr” by
for bie*ukfu*<l.”
rapid and oMistaul r©iH*4ltlun.
Atiulbi-r xxonl. •Vx,h*siue*r.” has a
She* k.s-ps It e,u h,*r dressing tabh- IMH'ulhir derivation, lu tb© tiui© of tls*
now. a silx.T d.dlar. liTchly i»ullsb©>l.
okl Xonuaiis tb,*n* was estahlWH-,1 a
WJtb Ids Indlab; «m »*n© >*id© and hers court of eejully. or e laUus.
w hi, It
«ii tb© e,lht*r. uud. tbiMigb Mh© iMuv de wi-fv scttlcil tin* claims Of tbi* kluic U]©
dared that Idn \*iu"Txx lllt-r was uot on the |M*.»j.|,-. Uh* «-hilius uf th,* p,-o|»l.*
for Ottle. her busbaud devhiix-s h© won uiMin the king Mild tb© linlms of the*
UTW iUi Ihul Uulhir.
IK*ui,l,* njiou tin- |M«ople*. lU*f<»S,* the
Judge or pr,*sldliig oi1|,s*r e,f tills esxurt
was a table*. ii|mmi wk>i-b was ^ ©iMs-k
Daosos* Address f tW Klerlurs.
Ill© ei.ler Huiiins Mtstol in IMS fur ©n*d clutb KlmlUir lu a elicssiieMinl.
tbe e-baiulwr of deputies, aud this was wbleb was use*d ns an asMltotunt In
bis Oildn-sH to th© e*l,-i-tors: ”I niii a <x»uutlug.-and lo oliserv© this e-oiirt In
r-ondkhil© for th© offi,-© uf deputy. J fieitsiou it told til© up|*t*:tnin©e- uf a
.ask your vot.-s. Th,--** ar© my n-asont gam© s»f rh.s*ke*rH. aud so by eo.umon
why you slumkl glx© them to uh*: Xnt uoag© It bee-aui© tbe exmrt of bxcowiitlag six ye*ars de*Vol,*d to tin* a© ©bciuer.
Tbe-word ”nulz” Is purely an mVl
quirvmeut e.f titi e-dueiHJou. four years
liaascd 111 beTforuilug the duties of a dent. or. mure* pruis-rly stM*nking. Ibvnotary and h,-v©i, years as an e-mpU-y©,* n*Kult of an Ir1*4imai,s J,>ki*. .sud bi
of th© governuieiil. I have worke.I leu reality baa 1,0 im*auli©;. A wage-r x-.a,s
hours n day for twenty years. That made ts*tw'iH*a sotu© stude*nts of.nn old
make-s T:i.wsj lM,urii. Huriug tbos© twesi tmlxprslly tbal on© of them es,til 1 nut
ty yemrs I wrote -tod voluim-s and .*lo Invent a u©xv word whleli In txxeutyplays. Uf ©aeb of the- iW > oUiuuw an four buurs xvutild U* th© talk- uf nil
average of -4.U»d e-opios havv l*©e*u Dutdiu. Tber© was much laughi©r at
prlntod uud soM ut f. fniues ©a,-|i. Tin- tb© ©\|M*uoe of the* would Is* clu,*r of
3T, plays have ea,-h Ish-u iKTfurnjisl.on tlH* new word, but next momlug ui»oii
an ave-rog© lOO thm*s. My Issiks riming tbe new word was nt Ih.* ©xhave pru,lii<s*d ll.Noa.UiU franes. my lieusc of tbe* seeiffers. fur lb© l••t!l•rs
plays have praduis*d tkaoo.OJU frsura. q u 1 X wen* iMMie*d on ©vers- w all and
Taking 3 fram-s a day as tb© average BValhibU* Bpaev to HubUu. aud thus
pay of a workluguian. uud us there arei tb© word Iss-ame tlM* talk of thi- tow n
niKl bas alm-e remained e.-xaetly wtat
atw w
it was wlM-n It was luvent.-d a riddk*.
There Is a word tii
means ne^ib
Hut 1 wbicb. e-un-ectly siwuklug, inr
wagt*s for te n years of 3
»y 3 log whatever, alth.mgh Ita MatJve
Ibe last bgun* must U* mulUj.lk*d by
> to mi.
Is fammar
to liK-lod© lb© iMovluees. makingJ .041,
and adding Tof for
lor uie
tbi* usbers.
uourrs, e-uit-i»
©hk-fs u>
of *• ••'
d cab drivers mak**s a to- Uy**
books, tben, | oi>»l
tol of 1.43H. Plays and book
hive paid tbe sToges of ”100 pi-of»l© for ‘iullaby” wmes to us lu sweet con
all tlirscr ytoirs. nut counting Belgian Bwst ns a luytb from tbe starry plains
of Aral
: pii«tea and fore-ign tramdatora.'••
gp^^ng "ratoon
u evU spirit,
■©a, In tbe
e^b^^bnnu rank, be bought
•Ilaykl Hnnun* net before
A Hindowr Ml on tbe
MMitly Had woman p
Tbe Arabic phrase Inhad tbe aoaod of -UUtb
LOT 1^4 -M- *ssS;
LOT la
LOT 230
Iron 2S5. 236.237 M advertised are now told
LOT 196 kS
« LOT 203
i ^ : 4 r LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
Alt FIffi SALE!
These are all early selections and arc jthc
Handsomest Lots in Ook Heights
the most chat mini; addition to Traverse City, This
addition is now larijely built over, and ^jootl lou aic
not easily obtainaQe, These lots will be ^old
ratcly, excepting 182. 183. 1S4, which must be sold to
gether. All roust go for spot cash, ami the prices
The whole bunch of
As the price would be made accordingly and to all'pir
for holding aa an invesiiiicot. Come quick for cboueof lots.
Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwond
"Fronting East Bay S rods and running back^20 rodt»
Icis a tlrip two rods wide oo oorth side for wtrccl. A.
very dcsiral>lc lot in this beautiful Bubuiban spoL
at tbe table. t>b. Illaa”-
Mt bare tbla
The Mwcomnr waa flrtelepbaats are attractlre anyway,
bl7 dlatraaaed. Tbe girl looked v» at
rrben, tbe elepbani la
RockefaUer^ pastor at Clereland. O..
bar wtth calm. amlUag eynk
maT III CBidlvIty and It la
aaya that tbe oO klaT* biding himeeir
”Ob,rto <Mac T«C7 walla aadaiBer
ttred, AUd tbe yoMg Hepbaat hi- to alade ibe proMM aanrata la tba
-X-s tbe baant cot
omw.** aald ,____ M bi tAIm widi Ita growtb; and
trick” be mw piajrad. Tom
■L *T do Mt bettsM jrmi
mtk area wltb IbHr *e1c«» tMdtag
Lawnoow ail tba ate band, agya Ibat
dOM tt barter yoMself.”
| ward, xomg alepba»la art goad pia»*
Talk fuR.
if sold at one time and for cash down, would be '
aw thiw
tte wortdr
123 itoit Street r ^
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