The Evening Record, January 05, 1906

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The Evening Record, January 05, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







wmt AMMvwmeM.

Msai mi m etas
"Wtain muwvm

to turn


H94 mrnm ^ R»ft
9mrnA.m PIM CapiRni iThu
rwm^ M e* BalfMb WM
MNatOMMLylik .
Br WIra to tlM 1BM« Raeori
Cv4(B. Wta M fc.-A MM*r»



fro. [salfoo.

» gr tha TtoniRrOat
Hava Gaea Laaatod.



By WIro to tha Brwiiv llaeotd.
laEaAA W. Va, la*, f
bodlaa of tha atoren of tha iwm
rIcUms of tha dtoaatar at the
mine yeatarday were recovered eartv
tooratag. The other hodtos nre
ad and-wOl prohahly be bronght
le anrftee daring tha day.



Moran to It and Colltof Wat 17 Yaart
ta and the Two Raya Had Been
FHaiida But Had Qyarralad
y and Moran Shot Collier.

MHt WBI Bt Camplatod la Tbia
City Pfwapicta EacdtoaL


R6ITIIAS Doui nnssoiRi


By Yfire to the Evening Record.
Icago. Jan. S.-Wm. J. Moran,
ag^ It. to h-ld by the police for the
alleged killing of Robert Collier, aged
Comer s dead body was fiMind ou
the railroad tracks tost night where
Moran Is said to have confessed to
the police be dragged the body after WHILE CACERE8 RANKS WERE
killing Collier, believing a train would
angle the remains. The. boys hal
WaddlAa waa SroupHt About Through
urn friends but quarrelid according
a MatrtiiiOAlal Agancy—Van Althe police and Moran shot Collier.
Battla Waa Bloody as 120 Mon Were
Killed or Wounded in AddHion
aUna Haa a WIfa l« tha Aayto the Killing of toe Five
^ lum~Har Mooay It
Uring In Jionriy dmd of violence
from ber hatband wllbout fit food fbr
By Wire to the Evening Record.
dart and vlthoat tleep for the past
Now York. Jan. 5.—Puerto Plata,
throe nlfhU la the pitiable condition
8sn Domingo dispatches show that
of lira R E. Van Alstine. wife of Ber­
five generals were killed in the recent
nard E Van AltUne, to It It alleged.



Mit. J. Berkhelmer of 227 Madlaon
street aubleta two rooms to Van AlStine In which he, hU wife and daugh­
ter lire. About three years ago his
first wife died In the asylum and a
COUNSELED EONCERNINQ year later he married hit present wify
Wisconsin, the betrothal belns CHARGED WITH SECURING ISO IN
brought about through a matrimonUl
It la claimed by the woman and her
sutements a^ firmly believed by the Was Employed at Old Mission Under
neighbors thaKthe man-troSts her In
the Name of H. H. Hill—Taken
an extremely cni'et.snner at does hU
Back to Ohariotte Today to

(OonUnued on Third Page.)
Anawer toe Charge.



Tha proapecUTor the big paper min WANTED TESTIMONY TAKEN IN
IndBKUy ia thia city are mpeeneoL la
a very tew days pov, there will be a
meeUagoC the atockboMeroaBd an orgnnliattom completed.
This would
have been acooauJUhed tome time
ago but a delay enaued while some im­
portant detalU are being seGled.


cmr mn mAw^ *»d oCboncsre ropoftod Uijar^!. Tlio CariUki durtep
tho r«oai Japaa-Rii«lan war.rtaxtod
for Port Artbor. canriac a IWTO of
aawpiltkHiTalaodat £14MM>4>f) Plad>
tat Pori ArtMor capturod ^ header
opea OM. M tl«
al. haa beea Urtay at Salgoa,
captala daeUalac to ddHrif tbe ^HEO to
tlM Raaatea acoat tbaraoviagi to aoapanoaat of cbartar cluineB.


:S^- *

Idt^nl Caceres. who assumed the offic-?.
The Morales generals killed were:
Rodrigues. Llco snd Peres. GenersU
Vsr»*ga and Calderon were killed on
Caceres’ side. The battle was blood;*.
120 men being killed snd wounded.

the Oei'
In Dll.
trtet at Wall at
By Wire to the Rraolng Hecord.
rg. Jan. C.i-Your roi
onned that the cor has
spondent Is Informed
aakbd Kaiser Wilhelm fir advlte as
to how to deal with the Lrtis uptislag
In tha Same provinces. The miter
urged that the moat extreme nctsures be Uken in putting down tlu InsurgenU. He pointed out that thtrevolutloolsU were operating aimnst
German residents who own a geat
deal of property in those province as

Senator Murfin and Patrick H. Kelley
and Other Speakers of SUte and
National RopuUtlon.
The exccntlve committee of the
opQsed Uncoln club will meet in the
council rooms Saturday evening at S
odock. to perfecl.lhe organltatlon.
appoint the necessarj* c<»mmlttees and
make other necessary arrangements
for the big banquet to lake place Feh

BMcf Bhariff E. M. Sloan of CharIn the city yesterday and
by Deputy Sheriff C. E.
Taylor of this city, drove to Old Mis­
sion and brought back Ira Se<>ley alUs
H. H. Hill, who has bcH-n employed on
the Howe farm al that place.
Seeley is wantcnl at Charlotte, wher'
he waa reeenlly employed as night
clerk In a hotel. He bad possession of
the keys and waa accustomed to sell
liquor from the bar and. It Is clslme*«.
that he pocketed the cash. It was on
this charge iliat he was arrested.
said that the man also got a
friend In such a condition that ho
dead to the world and then lifted
ISO from his person and a smaller
amount In the same manner from an­
other party. He left Charlotte some
time ago but was traced to Old Ml^
Sion, where he was found last night.

All republicans In the city and coun
Interested in the organisation of
this club are cordially invited to be
present, and lend their aid and energy
the success of the organisation and
the Ms banquet on.Feb. 0.
Governor Warner will be present at
this banquet, also Stmator Murfin of SUCCEEDS A E. DALY AS STARCH
IXdroll and Fairick H. Kelley, super
Inlendenl of public Instruction. In aU
dttlon to these distinguished genUe
there will be other speakers i>f Mr. Dsly Has Severed His Connection
state and national reputation,
With toe Company—Edward New^
U Is dt*8lr«Hl that then? will In' a
ton Hss Charge of Office.
full representation «.f republicans to
ow night.
R. E. Daly has severed his connec­
tion with the Michigan Starch com. Mr. Daly came to this city
Now Chapter of the Order of Eeetern
t a year ago and succeeded
Star Will Be Opeiwd Tonight
Henry Schumacher as superintendent.
Horace 8. MsjTiard of Charlotte ar­
Anthony Pohoral Kas been advance.1
rived In this city this afternoon to at
► the position of superintendent of the
tend the opening of the new chapter. factory and F. W. Bartllng will be the
O. E 8.. at Acme, which will be formed chemist while Edward Newton will be
this evening. It Is expected that be­ the cashier snd ofUce man. The offlo?
tween thirty and forty members of of socreUry is held by Mr. Plume of
Traverse Cltj capler. No. 147. O. E. 8.. New York city, who succeeded Charles
of this city wlU attend wtd exemplify Prochazka, jr.. who resigned a sborl
the work. Grand Matron Mary T. lime ago. •
Moore of Bay City will be in attend-


Special to the Evening Record.
Rapid Clty^ Mich., Jan. 5.-Klnnk*,
71.000 tUves
names eould
by strenuous and valiant efforts of th'
volunteer ^ptrhBBfit^f the rilUtf*,
that the Mdlre ttetorj- addyalT-tm


^ i
^ :

enoughthat the fire was con
fln^toTha^e pile. The lost h
nhoQt 60A The origin of the blase h

^ jjMiA Wnndtr In AddRltn to EulVcring
Wmi RupUirnd ApptndU Al
iJoh» Wiaitt of OmwB. »ho wm»
to tUi eitr two day, wo U>


or the appaadlz. and also a
.on from periumitla. and who able to get the polao
It the operation at the Grand thero was no alHghlng.
hospital ia a few hours, to
pdata to a comglate raemrery-

Mdartag tito giattty cC hla^
the nocmal ooadlUo


haalad whon

By Wlrs uAha Evaatog Racord.
Good tatorsat to abown la tha rarlRona. Jka. S.-Tca honaaa wara eavsl BaadBgs at tbcuPInt Mathodtoi Urely rtonad aad jaiay otheri shatchuifto. TheandtowsttaralaersaalAg. tdr^MMalarsa
Thlx avaalag tha Rav. A, T. F>amaoa
vrm praaeh and Varaay Lagg frill alag agad tha towa of Oansaao. Pto
aaoto. AUaralaTttad.
provtoea. fkmrtaaB hodias hava haan




Electric Ught Cempany Oettifig Raady
for Now Area.
The Boardmaa River Etoctric Light
and Power company ie aettinf
polea for the new arc lighU ordered
Earthguakt Entirtly Rulnad Tan
by the city counclL The work was
Hoisss and Many Othavs Want

rmvarad aad tha reseaa work coafIS win bay IB Mob’s Unnes. Tha towa has’ 8,000 to

A bom iiig«Uoiif Uule book tl»t ou be BMd for
ooueootiwlyorBotBdeBwd. Ajik to eee vbatweooa.
nder e aoe ertiole ia tbe diaiy line.



Writiiig Out All too Qiamttont
mid Anamsrs in Long Hand
Will Take All Winter.
By Wire to the
New York. Jan. S.-The Eght of
Governor Folk to drive the Standard
Oil trust from.Missot
here today when the t
Ing In this city were called before
Commisskmer Sanburn to give lestJy In t«*o suits, brought by Attor­
ney Gem ral Hmll. y. now pending \fx
Missouri. The hearings will last som •
The first wiiness bad just Uhu
sworn when the Standard couiy^l
moved that the testimony be lak**n
by tbe commissioner in long hand
nnder section 519 of the code of civil
c^ure In thU sUte. Hadley ob­
jected but to no purpose. Hsillt-j* ssIJ
that If the tesilmony was taken In
long hand they would be here all winCommissioner Sanborn began the
task of writing down tbe questions
and answers and the Standard coun­
sel also wrote down the questions and

Mrs. B. Needham returned to her
omc In Ionia this morning after

And so Is our Celebrated Kno Wet Trousers. Will
keep you dry in rain or snow, and warm in coldat
weather, also Spra^e’s Russian Vest% irapeaetrable by the cold. They have a double breasted
front, high Russian collar about the neck, thus
making them most thorough throat and lung


We Are Agents For




Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shingle Timben^

No, we don’t hell ham, but
we thoui;hl you mijjht wiint
to propan* some youitolf
and if so we can help you
out We have : : : ;

Condensed SmoKe
and there U Doquestlon but
that WRICfflrS SMOKE
have a few of WRIGHTS
CELENDiRS left and will
be pleaaeil to give them to
any one inU*n‘*ted in
Wright’s Smoke. The Condenscxl Smuke comet in a
large bottle at :



Women’, fur frimmeJ .In.
licttoih made of beaver and
flannel lined, making them
doubly warm. Tbii is an extraordinary .TnlietU- at tbU

traverse CHylDffl. €o.

Other Bargains
Fc.UBi.Un............. .
Felt Botkins trimmed..
Women’s Felt ehoea...,
Felt Shoes leather foxed
Children’s felt Slippers



Not an OVERCOAT to be carried over thU year.
Wa wrw wowr i
«*d la Um

Drs. Siwytr^ hnhancfiB



have been made on these goods ju Men*i, Boya’
and Childrens'.



To Close Them Oat Qaidf

An Omt. up to mid indnding tmdm dollar ooaU
at above diaoomt—Broken aiiea oompel na to make


2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00

Hamilton Clothing Co.







The diary that lasts five y^LfB is caDod

Come early and get choice selections.'




Sp^ to


a OMO. te

•« »•

TO nat wni omn

Park Plaaa and the OW CampbaU Mouaai

m n;aTX.T ■ix.Tm
■ aa a bolder for tba two parte of
ImU. parmlttiaf tha coomota to ba
rad with mm,
» darica coosiata of two baatt
I aiw hlnfad togaefaar at ooa aide.
Each baad la mada of aprtaf metal or
laalllant material, with the coda
ovartapptBd. eo that It may be expand­
ed or oootracted by a praaaare of tha
hand, thoa adapting It to vmrtona
of agga./ Bach baad la alao prorldad


•t the theater
with ® party of Meodu. Near him
w®a another party of frlendi who
>®f® »<®meBib«« of hli party. Sergi.
Patrick F. BoUw- of hU own company
waa aantad I® front of Taylot. In
order to nmke mm for one of the
miier party the llMthi^t toM the aercnaat to
chan««^ anJ
M> nant noamarhar® ta the rear. For
' this oFanaa Taylor waa puDlahed.
{B tha United BUiea army a prlrmio
or a notfcommlaaioaed ofllcar U couddared not a/proper‘aaeodaia for an

«itii miiat flm«n to Md tb. «e*
and with a apring arm on the aide apmite the hlnga. Thaaa apring i
irmlnate in cotter blade# which pam
In oae the two banda are awung aiiart
» admit the egg. and than they are
arau are prcaaad Inward, making two
iBclakma In tha abaU. and than before
lalcaatng the apring nrma the banda
ara awang apart, breaking open the
Bhell. Aa the egg U being broken open
9uld be inverted to permit the yolk
to drop, into the gUaa. and then the two
part! may be held to the hand ao lltottrated. leaving tba other hand free to
tamora tba wblU of tha agg.-Sclenllflc

for pa■ K»llc«e and Bd
, wb«e ke I* MB- be a witaaaa of the perfomaaea. Tbe
» atoned fram the Oolombto
m4 sraei^i tMr MmA» dvriBg Um
ator company hara and ta a mot loat aU haariaga. thaa made w
Jasdec Nonwrap wm« daw® to Hourj nuk for tha Oarmalaa hara. vhSc
redaoid®! oroatec to tl® «p I® d<
to eater. Aa he whirled up
the walk he aHppad i
denly refalatog his feet, dashed or#-r
west of the bam eatraace.
he alooe. Tha oarenmay was performed iMvIagtheeauerl
In the praaeaca of a large giUi
badly.. With the thtlU playtog hob
friaada. A bouataoua anpp
with hU tying >eela. the
d by tha groom's mothar and the tlaned a BMny Whirl ta the vaeam
t was a good one. CUibrd Hyiall lot which he entered, taally bringing
and Carrie E. Bchtimaaw was best up agatoat tha old Cai
man and bridesmaid.
which ha attempted to reduce to klum Willis returned to
dllng wood by ferodoua kicks. The
thilU just miaaed smashing the win­
H. H. Gifford of Traverse City is dow and eridenUy trytag to free himvisiting to town.
aelf from their aBBoylng bumps
Master Willie Hogg reached
against tis heels, ho stampeded back
tenth birthday anniversary Thui
over the fence toward the Park Place,
hea be was turprlsad to aee a lot of which ha alao attempted to reduce to
Is young friends oome trooping In splinters by well directed kicks. These
aith a lot of good cheer and we arejnuiwi«, however,
uuwmkvr. threw
ourmw Hiiu
him wuoiu.
Informed that W*lllle was completely when he Jumped to his feet again, an 11
lore down tbe walk of Park street to!
W*by go to Florida to spend the the alley back of tbe livery bams,
winter when robins and blue birds stsy when he wws caught and placed in the
with us. The'Record correspondent la aotlludc of his stall to meditate
Ihformsd by a party who is well known
age whk
for sobriety, that robins were singing
? for hU I
about hU dwelling Jan. 1 and a blue
bird tried to build a nest ta bU whis­
tune.** » rites
le pwev.
Mrs. Mary Brown. 20 Lafayette
A brother of Thomas Thomdyke of I*oughkeepsl»% N. Y.. ‘ I lake
C!anaila Is visiting with Tom.
King s New Ufe Pills. They aro the
most reliable and pleasant laxai
have found *
Uver and


•sat Side Crowd't Sleighing Party
prtrataa and the three daaaea are aepWas Enlivened py Two Eraakarmta. Thia la neceaaary on aocoont
downs on the Way Out.
VIeweil frtmi nil sith-s. faraiiug U
of the malnlalnance of proper diad
n great business. .\nd It Is ns a rml.
Idliia. autboriUea claiming that a comThe
cast side crowd arrived In the live. snlMrtnntlal and serious Imslness
Dd-atarted by
mlaatoned officer or a warrant officer
city this morning at 3:SO from Silver thst tbe farmers should n-gard ami
tha Uncet-that a chicken bad
cannot he familiar with hla moo and
hatched from an egg which had been Ijike Inn. where a roost enjoyable o*ndurt their nlTalrs.
keep np dlaclpllne.
preaerred by alUcate of aoda for a year. evening had been spent. About thlrtv
While thla may bo true, the warrant AnothM- corraapondent baa Juat been members of the crowd were stowel system Is ropldlr revolutltmlrlng the
officer or the private aoldler la Just >axperimenting and haa found that away in a capacious bobsled and the bnslnesa. In tbe golden nortbw.^ ihs
Ph American cltlren aa hla tiitoigh the agga would not produce trip back was unei(entful. However.! sutHsxsful farmers aro munaglnc tindr
Htfs tike great uinnufnt tnring plants.
tbevisiuld^ot be dlaliugulah
coitfi^dlng officer and he haa certali.
on the way out. the Journey waaton
Tien* are m> leass. no sllpsliisl metb
^MiiPtlliF sil«H»a reaiMX'ted. In the ed fromxna# UM egga. The produce livened by to breakdowns which ro j o<Jk
They are piling up msgulfieent
dealer haa long ago dUcovered the vlr
Tfiyior caae the aergeant had not In- tne and value of the egg j.reaervatlvc suited In not a little delay. The lost
ind are msking fortunes. 1 »own

traded on the party but had aocured and haa UId bU plana accordingly, time, nevertheless was fully piade np our way. through Ketitueky jiml the
hli a'eii Ti^Sry*“not knowing that while hena to Roaala. Siberia. Morocco when the inn was reached. Dancing eouth. too. tbe fanners arv beginning
hla auperlor officer waa anywhere and Egypt Iny the egga. The break waa the main feature of the evening to look tt|H>n their occupation as a surtnear. Furthermore, the lieutpnani fart egg which U eotcu na new laid In and thU was followed by a hearty sup^ enough bwsluesa and not as a sis*tnilalive pastime. — Louisville Courleiv
Cape Colony, for limlance. haa probably
was not In uniform. To order Batl
per. After more dancing (ho start Journal.
move waa nothing more or leaa than come with n million ottM^r^fram Koa homo waa made.
■to by way of London aud ia about
a direct Intuit and waa* cither meant
Half tha Worid Wondem
nine montlia old. Still It la -aa good
how the other half Uvea. Those who
for that or waa a dealrc to ahow au- aa new,” nud i>erliapa it will be com­
use Bucklen'a Arnica SHv
forting to learn that It won t hatch
der If it will
IThat the llaidanant abould be punchlckeoa.-Umdoo Dally
Uhed la Immlnenlly fitting and the
E. Reynolds St,, Springfield. IIU s
punlahment given him la proper. By
-I regard It one of the absolute m
reducing him twelve numben
-I undcTHtoml.- wild the pubUsher
meana that twelve men bdow him to the crlllr. -tlmt Wiggins Is eiigage-1
-ars. C
U|Miii vvluit Is fin»ml3«i«il to 1 e tin
will be placcil In command of
i.ovrl i \#T wrlttru of Kvuturkv
During the National Civic federapanic® before he win.
mn* nud .iistoiun. pai^t ui-.d |.niM*nt.
The American people have no dealre
-.Vot U. but was.- Knld the *
nilstake said:
-I was awfully exasperated yester­
to aee their army offlrtra becohi
-Why? Has be given It up
-It might have been emharrasslnc— day.** said Mrs. FIlpiuHsl.vke.
anoba’or the men of the army mcr
-Well,” cxplaluetl the eritir. **you as embarraartng as the position of a
“What happened,^
doga to lay down, roll over and play see be |*enulttiil Ills two lending elir.r- young man of Toleilo whom 1 beard
-TNhy. you see. I had l»een owing
neters. n *i»Hnel aud s Judge. t» gel about the other clay.
dead any time some man who i
above them coaiiaaada them to do ao. Into a quurrH In the first .‘bspter. and
-He had been calling now and then Mm. Dnilson a call for monibs ami
the afternoon
oni a youni
young Toledo iad.v, and one night.

>\'hlle there la no neceaally for
-'I'liat's a line stnrl—realistic
I saw her starting away, all dressed
I be «at 1
oommlaaloned offtoi»ra. warrant of
with the proHT verlslmllltudi
np. aud 1 thought to ni.vself. •Hcre*s
ficera or private^ becoming cl
should think it would lie a great
room Inrtead. and asked him In a very my chance.* So I hurried across tb
Bor ia there any likelihood that they 1 must
aliom getting hold of it.” stern way. what hls Inlentloos were. street to leave rnv curd, and—and—'
■ " ever will, a man'a a man whether he
-Von iieetln’t try.’* said the eritir.
**lle turned very red. and was about
“Did .Tou find when yon got there
waara abouraer itrapa or aa aaoraa- -It was too reallrtlr—too much
slninllltude. They klllM each other on when auddenty tbe young lady called
mentcnl uniform.
the siHit and Wiggins lost the nvit. rlal down from the head of tbe stairs:
for the reuuilulng
-‘Mamma, mamma, that Is not tbe
In Rochester. Mich., aaronco A. trrs and had to gi'
one.*Bamurn. while deapondent. killed hla U-ss undertaking.**—I-ouUville Times
life, daughter apd non with an ax and
A Pkanst UU MtilcUt
The walla and
ikw were apaitered and soaked wltn
Coaebs u« COM* yld4 easily la
May Live 100 .Ya
blood. One other aon waa In the Uni­ CbamberUlB'S Coofli Remedy. It Is man. as he enlerrd the corner grocery.
Tbe chances for living a XuTl
-Holng to put up aome soft sosp*ir*’ ire excellent in the case of h
versity of MIchiimn and another daugh­ pleassBl to take asd caaUlss so IsMrs. Jealie l>uncaii of HayneavUle. Me.. now
ter was teaching school at Albion. JnnoBssnbstoce. It Isiwsys cores quest lontHl the grocer.
They were aummonod hcane by| the tod cores quickly. SaldbyAmeriChronic Dyspepsia
newt of the terrible tragedy. Then caiDmrCo.
------- standing, and made me
•Who ever beard of aeop labels on
fourteen women of the neighborhood
feel as well and strong
of the tragedy ahoaed that they were
-Oh. this is the baggage of a couple girl.** Electric Bitters c
and Uver diseases. Blood disorders,
In spite of his years. King I.repold who have JuHtvvedde.1. *
herolne®,_3cblow to the two chUgeneral debility and bodily weakness.
dren waa bad enough, jlh^ymuat not of Belgium Is one of tbe must daring
Sold on a guarantee at Johnson Dru:?
be allowed to come tO^lbi^aae when of men. Nut only is he given to riding
Co.. F. H. >Mcads. C. A. Bugbee Drug
ston»s. Price only
It bore such traces of the horrible In an automobile at tremendous si^eed.
but be also employs as a ebauffeur one.
Wide waa bar smile, for tripleU they
bling limbs, these women set to work
Msyor-Eleef Tracey, of Tnmiton.
^ and scrubbed the house and walla
She Uyt her good luck to Rocky Moun Mn5TK„ stsried out in life ns a boot­
I clean, removing all traces of the on tbe lives of European rulers, tbe
tain Tea. (Great baby medicine.) black. and DOW Is a sclf-cducated lawyer, with a praellee.
X crime. The task waa not a pleasant klnr» retention of tbU employe Is relan having generally an al- garded as foolhardy. He has been
unconquaiable aversion
> blood, bnt they accomplished It
and the stains were washed he iiays no heed to their connseL fie
awa>'. Such actions In such a spirit adtlnwses Marcel as eltoyen Ccitlsmi,
of kindness make the world a better the title which was snlistltuted for all
others In lYam^e during the reign of
place In which to live.


A ll-year«W Detroit lad who was
You win not find beauty In r
reprimaaded in school was Uter found
or complexion whltewaoh, TYuc
baagiag. a roller towel having been pot
beauty cornea to them only that take
the Inatrnment of his death. A 7-yearRocky Moontola Tea. It s
d tonic and beauttoer. *5
old Pittohurg girt, aent home from
school, was later found dead, the tn- cento Tea or Tablau. Johnson Drug
airument agate having been a roller
towM. U la either a strange cotoci8EB OUR hoyf* and chUdren'a oirer-<
denca to aoeideiiu or both children
actually committed pulclde. It would
Jan 4-n
Hamnion CM
and 4.©a lace
radnoad to ILSS.
J. W. h


I cordially invite my
former patroni. and
everyone who uses
hardware, to call at
the new store.


THIS-tijfR TOtJl^
If rw beating dtoveboU and Wn ^ «> iooa^ iq> in
•U if. joint. thJr» Uve tert oonWl o(tbe<lmft.a»n


A perfect Air Ti^U jukt likd cut
body iDadc of bntkTatoe! bikI benaily
Uu«a. aolid oast lop and top awini^
beavT mi fioiiL
draft wit^

ONLY $4-75
Same wove wlik cast skirt tee
udBlcUe ftiden..... • 70
SameOfvewttkcuukin kd^ alckf fctdos tidMr
ten as Ate feed dMr........~

J. W. 31
Whoietee and RetaU-Your Retuble Home Fomiaher

Attend Our
January Sale
Best Apron Ginghams

A good Heavy Shaker at
• ' 4c
All Prints
50c I'leeccd Vests and Pants - 25c
One lot Silk Waist. '
One lot Silk Waists ,
1 pc. Heavy Wool Suiliog, 51 in. wide
to close
- ■
25c yd.

am Foi SNOiEis
Cliri.tmutide offer, no bottor opportunity than can
be found in
J. cigar. One line of thoeo
favoritea embraoea all aizea,
and there U not one but
wbat would bo treaanri^l
and prizod by any “lover
of the wt^etl.”

ton uon BY AU. DUki.nM

A. 3. Onbelm




And oilier oflitX! supplies? Evorj’ busitifss firm'waiiU lonH* i
every >ear. We aro here to supply thatTraut

ranppHss the- first

of every kind. IxHlgers, Journals, roeonls, in full leather
leather or nmrbletl board, any size of Wk and any number <

itling, in canvatt and

lar^e or small, hanl paper or soft paiier, indcocc*! or plain, t>iM*
pencil or pen, in cloth cover or fall leather.

at the end or aide, for

filing cases or indexes, all kinds of invoice books and filing <
spindles and letter boxes, spt»nge cups and finger dami

invoice files, letter

Rulers, ink stands, paperweights, pin balls, jiajier fa8U*norsJ rubber bands, peneil aud
ink erasers, stoi l erasers and ruling pens ^blotting pm Is, thuif > tacks.

Typc*writer ribbons, manuscript covers, paiier fasteuers, car

The InU'.t device for rapid duplicating, when vou want ino lli;in ohetsopy of a letter.
diagram or drawini;. It is the simplest of all dnplicat^n We are K)lo agenU. Be
•nn- and mc it. The price i. only $5D0. *



-Vriiold'., Thomna, Stkffon). in 4 m IxjUle., half pint, pint} or .luart, in. black, Unablack, copying or red.

of every kind to suit all manner of writinK, line or eoarae.i stub or half .tuU, Mhool.
office or bank use.

A rompleta stock of'Richmond & Backus al«oluU-l.v,.K>iTect legal blank., deed., mortgagi"., leaKs. diMbarge of mortgage, all justice and circuit court Uanka.



J. B. Paige Electric Co.








lit CffinUZEl ITSnNMIN
womu WiU.iK.WOUN At SOON


NfW WaWni IW Amt Maw
fwy ImIKw tart* Mu
M MMta M

w efeelad Tta «a#tal atock
cte aeavaay arOl be lacraMad fmm
iMAM to I1MA0O aa4 aa woa as a
carloaA cC Ua and other raf maiertal
eaa be aeeored. tbe plaal Mil be smt
iato fall operation.
la Ubmo past ihe eonpair has enptofOtaablMi aa aUrty aMiMUid there
^ la *0 reaaaa «hy IW am eoold not
be awjtoyat an the year. Prer aiatje
’ Ito oniaalsatkia. howerer. the eoapaay baa ^ bladered bjr a lack of
vorklas capital. U w eaa| to aecare
ortera bat oa aoeoaat of Oe lack of
capital K vaa hard 4o flU Oeia. The
coawaty ■anolactare. potto plaat.
era. eora ptaatera. aprayera.aiomlxcrf.
powder laaa and wooden hsadlea for

bicycle pampa and other «>ecUlUes.
Tbe goods hare always beef reckoned
tbe beet on the Market aaf the ruatosani aeabered the best iiealcrs la
> :
Ordaca afi Hand.
C. K. Bock, who will repapoont the
company on the road nod vho Id at
praaeat la Maine, was tclegr«}b(*d this
morvlag to go ahead and talc orders
la that aectloB. There an. aboii |12.«K»

fust am noon as posilble. Tbe com­
pany will be hindered In puUiig on an
Increased working force thin year as
fully three months of the soaam have
been lost and most of the Jobbers have
already placwd their orders tui it Is
thought that going after ordrm now
enough can be aeeuied to beep the

la nddlUon to reeddag ordars from
tbe United Btates. tbraugb adserfUlng
la the trade papers, tydem have been
iwcelvcd fpimj many firelgn esunlrlei'
tacloding Booth Africl. Australis and
ntbera. Oermaay Is Mao a gaod cus­
tomer and
foreign, sales lay well,
there belngcimugh of t hem ts pay to
catering to that class or tradd
There baa' never Iwn a concern
atarted la Traverse City wilh such
baektag as the present one hav, Th*.
alockholders are prepared to lat forth
their best efforia and not oni; make
It auocessful but la make It one*»f the
largeat ladoatriea of the city. There
only remains a small ami»unt o sl^K'k
to be sold, not enotjdth to d<‘Kv the

»te cvcMNa meom tiuvbmc





Mias Abbie Hopklna went to Boyn<
City this irfomlng.
Roy Winnie of Klk Rapids spen
Thursday In tbe city.
Frank Phelps returned to his hom<
at Ovlatt this' morning.
1). N. Glngrlck «if Cailillac was In lb<
city on business yesterday.
/ J. Miller was In the city yesterday
rooking!after tmslness Interests.
iss B<*riha Babbitt of Cheboygan ii
the guest of friends In the city.
H. H. Higgins of Manlhti-v* was j
guest at the Wliliing >vsterdsy.
J. C. WcsKlworlh of Kalkaska trails
acted buslm*jui in the city yesterday.
E*lward MKhirily went lb Mayfltl(
this morning where he will spend .
short time.
. Mrs. C. J. Bottlnghmise ari<t Mrs
Charles I>ecker of this city siw*nt th,
day a^ ManlKi**^*.
Jehs^»^.retersen left this afternooi
fur ChlcWt».^MIIwauM^^ Fund
Lae, Wls.. oI^iJUlrfness.
Mrs. Bmmet Armstrong returned t.
her schtHil at Ovlatt after spcndln;
her vacation In the city.
Mrs. William Armstrong of this eH:
went to Ovlatt this morning, w'her
sht will s|H-ud the winter.
Miss Nellie Galibn of BoUm rt*Uirms
to her borne this morning after spend
Ing a slHirt time In the city.
Mrs. J. r. Cri veling of Grand Rar
Ida arrived In the city this altcrnout
on a visit to her son. Daulcl Crcvellnp
of Washington street.
Mrs. O. Von Platter of Bo.vne City r.
turned to her home this morning afte
spending some time in the city as th(
giutl of Mrs. Thomas Wllklnsr.n.
William Giberson relumed to hi
home In Saginaw this nmn afte
sp«*ndlug New Years with his daugti
ter. Mrs. 1. B. GllU rt of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. John U<»yd of Will
larosburg s|MHit two days In the cii>
the guest of their son. Thomas Brook
meyiTs. and relumed homo this after

The following are the
nf the concern: lb*. J. U. M
A. 8. Rowley. CharUw Wilhelm^ II. J.
Morgan. C. F. Calkins. Benjam
by. A. V.- Friedrich. W. H, ►rros.
mnk Hamilton. W. F. t'ole.
BarUk. W. K. Williams. Ijiak-nce
Draoetr. Howard Wlililiig. Pn»k.i| Kyaelka. Dr. W, K. M«hiu. Frank
ha. W. N. Kelley, K. J. k'ulghum. Jv. 1».
Mrs. C. R Nichols of Torch lAk^
Squires. J. W. Mllllkin. C. A
spent a porthm of the day In the cit;
mond. George Raff. sf.. W. II. fcJOertxiday while on her way from Am
mWne. Charles P. Buck. Cbarlw K.
Arbor home after a two months trcai
ment In tbe hospital.
A meeting will Ik* he|d soon forlmmV. R. Foreman returned to his horn
pletc organlaatlon.
in Kewbeiry this noon after sptmdlm
some time with the family of I>r. W. h
St rang ways t>f this cliy. Mrs. Fore
man will folh»w next wtM'k.
Harrv' Harrmir of Bellalre was ii
Maarwte to bs Bibied town y»*sierday with a couple of car
loral of Little Qoor^
loads of poUUKs for Chicago, Ihirin;
hia stay heyt* he ealloil at the homo o
Ell Qualfe on Bast Second street.
Thu funeral of Mrs. EJlzalsth
The Rev. J. O. IVt'ls and two daug»i
occulted tors'of Northport are In the city t«
Wednesday aftenuxm. will bo hdd day on a day's pleasure* trip. Whll<
tt;3« instead of hert* Mr. Deets visited George Coy
vrau. who is a patient at the asylum.
will be held In the church
Mrs. W. C. Thacker of Bates anafter a abort prayer at the
sister. Miss Bmma Smaltx or Glk Raji
torment win bo at Solon.
Ids. returned to their respective home
this afternoon after spending som<
The funcjml of little George fb sprH.
time in the city with their brotho
the oldest m of Ur. snd Mrs. 1. A.
Fred 8malU. who has rrcently under
Tbompww. win iH* held tonmiTOMr
gone an oporatioo.
afientnon from the houM» at 2 odock,
the Rev. Uemas Oicblln offfclatinj.
Regular communication of Trivofs,
thterment will be In OakwtHid.
aty chapter. No. m2. R, A. M. tonight
Also work in ihe P. M. degree.
TVIhqIi. Jan. S.—WheaL l^Tc; com.
U%c: CMOS. 34c.
Toledo. O.. Jan. B.—Wheat—May.


Jan. s.-Wbeat-May.
MKe: corn. 44\c: oata. Wlic; poA. WANTED-Good agent to act aa dls912AB; lard. t7.€2: rqM.
tricl manager for the Oontinental
Ebat Bnffaio. Um,
. Casually Oo.. the strongest personal
iTc. Bfia. Oaltes-Binm^. gbeep^
accident, health and boapial oomAdraaelng.
Hogs-AcUte. TMlOc
pany In America. .Good propoaltlon
to right man. Call or write 0«>. G.
Roth. Dls. 8upt.. Hotel Whiting, city.

Cell Laeh a TAavIrtV laveatiaa.
Thomas J. l*arker, a young m
serving a two year sentence In the
Missouri penllenl!nr>' for obtaining
money under false pretenses, has in
vented nn appliance for locking tbe
penitentiary eiils by eUwtrlclty. Al
tbougb many on Inventive genius finds



I katra opmmd a
hai« cam of can SI
aext to ABgui MeOoira
skop, wkere I will hoard koran i
ruaaaaabto Price. Atookaveakan
r sceaas to be to drive the woman
and oti
wormhto <tod to tbe eta^irai form Ick
agtoabtoi wtMge tbate win ^ ao pmeb. craxy os he rtpcotedly teUa Imr Ikot
she to o fit Mbject tor Urn oiyhnm ttei raturm. WUI
at <me wwmoo tk«w ood Umt ke
will put her to tke some ptoee mod tor Bale.
when oke tried to iMeiid her sanity ke Jan4H

(CoBttoued from Flcrt FiMESJ

tton or D. M. Mvaa of Plttafield.
Maaa^ and to one of tbe arania nf that
acy tt was «Md at Ibe last deetian
vMi eomBtato waattmeaoa to aU par

TW Alletato ctona of 11m Bv««M
cal €hurrk «cr« tta kmu of OmIi
Uwed to TMa City far Ekvan Yaar^
Mtor. Um Rct. R. K. HoKnjte.
and an tba Waat Bay Bbora
crdajr aftMoon after tbe recalai
Twahra Yaars.
Mra. Cora Carter, wtfe of D. R Cartbe rebenrsnl repaired to tbe parlor* ter of Weal Bay atmt, died at tbe
of tbe ebareb snd were ameed wtth family borne Beat irigbt at mlda
leecfenmaadwafen. A ptanalng pro after a hmg Blneaa ftom my»mi
gram of exerdaaa and aonga sraa ran tbyrold. bar death being dlrecUy atdered and tbf afternoon wound m trtbated to tbe preaanre which tbe
with ench one fabooslng bis or her fa tantemeat caamd. Barty last apriag
sortie hymn and at a given elgiia] the first eolanemeal became ac
■Uitlng to slag. Tbe noise was faj able and tbougb medical treat
from bcnntlfal nMaknlly bvt even
upon tbe thorax untU
one of tbe ebedr was nble tn aing tht
Term and cbonu of tbe song cboeec death ensued as stated, last night.
which apenks highly for Ibelr good . Mra. Carter was 54 year* of age and
tbe daughter of the Hon. and Mrs. J
Bradley of Beaver Dam. Wls. She was
married twice; first to J. E. Wood of
La Cross, Wls.. from which two son
Architect Jifie C. Peteraen. BhippM wore bora. After bU death sho mar­
Elevefi Sma of Plana,
ried Daniel Carter twenty-three yeani
nevew'sets of plans were shipped ago at La Cross. Wia.. tbe oouph
from the office of Architect Jens C mcdlstely taking up their residence In
Peleraea today to Long Island. Tb Traverse City, where eleven years
pinna are tor hpuaes ooating froo were spent, after which the home now
IIAOO to I2A00 each. As Mr. Peter oc^pied oa the West Bay shore was
sen was forced to come Into oompeU taken poaarsslon of about twelve years
tion with New York architects and wrai ago, and a conilnoous resldenct* hss
awarded the order despite this. It rc been bad there. Aside from the
fleets great credit on bis ability.
band two sons. LaVerne Wood of this
city and John A. Wood of San Frau
cisco, Cal., survive. Three brothea
R. McCIusky of KIk Rapids was U in Wisconsin and South Dakota also
survive. The funeral arrangen
the dty yestci^ay.
Mrs. H. Holiday left for Wcslmln an* not yei completed. L. D. Curtis
has charge of Ihe funeral arrangeater this morning.



Hie maddae, m tecribed bj the
New York Timm, M opetatod RROmewbat like Uila: When tbe motor nnton
tbe hootb be Bade tbe maehtoe to front bcard-oueh to tbe cbnrrii that Dr. A»-

Than to a meCal bar. or Inver, clom Iqr
bto baad. Thto be latoea, tbtoactallowlng hlm to unlock the amebine. lie
I>r. Scbmldta convirtioo of mrbat
drawl tbe certains behind him and to
abeolotelj aecretnd from rlew. In the coostitutM Cbristianity was acquired
after two yean of meutal and apirttoal
tocmeuL durtoA wbirb be waa pursued
balkiL In the. voting aUpe used the
eandkUtee for mayor were arranged
boriaoDUUy and In alphabetical order.
In the next row below were the names
of the aldennanic candidate^ then the
At tbn aide of cneb name tbe volar
found a amaU lever, and in onler to
vote hla ticket he pmaed tbe lever in
front ot the namea of the men be waated to vole for. If he desired to change
his rote after puUingHomrn the lever
be conld pull down another lever oppo­
site the candidate be flnaUy decided oa.
the first lever, the one he had polled
down before, returning to Its original
poaltioa. ahls,ofcoarte.mak«itlmpoaalble to vote for more than one candi­
date for tbe same oMce.
When the voter has finally deter­
mined on hU choice by polling down as
many levers as wUl Indicate his prefer­
ence his work Is done, and he turnrio
leave the place. But right hece be U
confronted with a audden large bar. or
lever, which he U compelled to lift up
Juat as he did the first one to gain ac­
cess to the machine. By raising the
second lever on his coming out hit
vote is recorded, and at tbe same time
all the amaU voting lerera are property
locked In tbelr original poaltlona. their
return being accompllabed by tbe rais­
ing of the second lever.
The day’s x’otlDg being over, election
offleert unlock the bark of the machine,
which shows the votei* casL A mo­
ment Utcr tbe figures, on ikoparly preparM blanks, arc recorded. Not an error was found In tbe voting at tbe
PlttifieM elcctlsn.

urging on him eountleaa slue aadertmeu
and promising him Immunity from pimiahnsent or suffering ss a eomieqoeDce.
Mlgbtfly be strove against this
•‘volee,- praying and reading bis Bible
tin finally, be aaya. be wax made to
underatand that tbe Bible waa Inspired

the souU of alnnera, and in many cases
they are unable to resliit bis tempUdons and are for tbst reason absolved
by God from all reaponslblUty for their
deed*, the penalty of which
paid by 8aUn himself.
Dr. fkiiinldt aaya.
all men die. AftiK* death tbe souls of
the entirely wicked are dlssolced In
tbe soul of Ratan. thereby Increasing
hla power and bta pnnlsbmenL
All cburche* are good, and aU n
are good, aaya Dr. BchmldL but they
an err In falling to conduct a positive
and aggreaslre warfare against
flcTMt Tbe mere worship of G«1 Is neg.
ntlve Chriatlanlty. Christiana at
U* warriors, fighting always against
the evil one.
MU Fswier TelU Clia Otker
rtnlm MU.**
At the annual Uanunet of the Bill

other night Bill Fow
known In public life ss Jotlgi' WilUam
Fowler, delivered tbe following ode
that this is tbe
to the other members of the clnV.
engaging hlniiu‘lf in tbe work of farlll
whose names all are Bill says a speGLASS ON CUTS.
tatlug tbe process of locking up con
‘ rial dlspntrti from E\c»*1.-lor Rprlnga.
Tlcis. Parker’s api»aratus locks every
For ‘ ilo.. to the (Tilcago Record Hera Id
cell In a large building at the same Brltua HU
rstirata* Wovads.
! Th<rr nre mil sets of
In thru** modni in
ern iimni.
A aulwtltulion of glasa for lint
Iu J
’ Jlmrs--mm
dressing certain kinds of wounds * the I
Rccrrt grips and rigns.
cnrtoiM suggestion made by Dr, JI Tbrrr * lodges In the vslley snd then
A. AymaiM. M. R. C. 8.. In iho I
on earth thst beats our <
Dr. Aymard describes an expertu:cnl
Man bus proved to be «-urlously unfit
members aU named BIU.
t get In as Willie; you cannot
ted for living In a circular room. At the with the new dressing which he him­
undertook at Johannesburg hosplJoin as Will.
Minot ledge lighthouse beds, toblra.
benebes, etc., are fitted to the circular
window glass, tbe edges of whici, were
shape of tbe tower In order to
xty t
mlxe spvacc, and It is reported that fire
coses of well de\*eloi>ed Insanity, with smeared It with carl»olk- oil and used It wonl wnn -110110, BIIL” The bill of
o number of eases of lesser mental on a patient Insteod of lint The fnre was sui»crb. BUI Waimcc of Kan
the principal speaker
wound, he says. sulist‘queutly heaUil
tronble. have develoited among
employed there. ^Tbe apcciallsta assert enlln*ly and will leave no trai*o of a Two original songs wera sung by the
Bill quartet.
that, with no angle on which it may
The Bill club is the only organization
Two other cases Dr. Aymard haa
rest the eye ro\es around
II the
treated with watch glasses, the resulu of Us kind in tbe world, tjuallflcaeffect to maddening.
ti(Uis Tf.r^incmlKTsldp an* to U* a good
being equally aatlsfactorj*.
In summing up the advantag»*a of a fellow Bill. Its iiiembenchlp.
An improvement over tbe shirt walat glass dressing. Dr. Aymard dwells up­ reaehlug to all parts of the country. InIroning hoard Is a Ixiard of the same on Its extnmie cheapness and says that clud**s prominent Hills of every walk
slx^. but which instead of being suiv Its adoption on a large scale would in hie. Senator Bill W sruer of Kanported on a rlgW luise Is clamped to tbf mean i*onsUleniblo economy lh"ho*pltal r>r.a t’lLv holds card .\o. ’22. and hla col­
league. S«*nator Bill Stone, has No. 28.
large ironing board with a beavT screw. practic*e.
Tbe clamping device U hlngetl. permit­
It la also, he adds, a painless dressting the smaller or auxiliary l>oard to
be raised ont of the way temjtoraxilj
half and further ena
when the regular boanl la In use.
the wound to be examined without re­ fd with an interesting historical relic
moval of tbe dresslng.-Fhiladclphla the other afti-nioon ,mIm*u Mrs. 8. J.
UcnsUy gave J. A. Fib ber and Frank
Wiggins nn uinbrclln which ha.l shellr!x*d the ndmlsp^lon pafiers of the slate
Thf. Voting Woman's H<»nn* ani
Sew nirctrlr Car.
It la proposed to adopt nn electriral In their trip from Washington to San
Foreign Missionary circle of the Bai>list church, mill meet mrith Mrs. lU*v system on all the city ami suburban Francisco, says tbe Portland Orego­
nian. On the trip across the Cbagrcs
nold». West Eleventh street, tomor- rallreml llm*s of Berlin, nud the i*ar river on the Isthmus of Panama It
illustrated will W m«ed. Ex­
rom- afte
periments have lieeu galng on for sev- rained for seven days, and during all
While stamling in fnmt of the Bareral .rears, and-aH n result it Is believed th».* time the pa|*ers were sli«*ltcre<l by
num A Earl si«»rE* yesterday afternoon
Miss Crosby under the ombndla given
to the state* as n historical relic. Miss
om- of the United States Express com
Oosby afterwartl l»ecame the wife of
I»anv*s horses l>ecame tangled up in
Major 8. J. Hensley of Sutters fort
Its hitching melght and l»ark<*d the
and all during the following years haa
sleigh Into the fomi of the bdllding
cherished the umbn*lla as a memento
No damage.
of tho trip.
Twi-nty-flve friends of Rhe.i
Marlin met at her home on Washing
A Few Year PorecosV
Mme. do Thebes, the pet Persian
ton street evening and delightfully
prophetess, who to no Mother Fhlptoo.
surprised her. Games and music fur­
but a cultured woman of tbe world and
nished amusemeijT^or the evening an
a charming Ulkcr and used to l)e a
the cromd dlsiu'rscxl at a late hum
great friend of Dumas flU. recently
Refreshments mere served.
that tbe German metropolis will soon Issued her almanac for BlOC. says a
Tl:v annual m**<HliiK of the Indies be provided * w 1th the most ‘ perfect Paris corresiKURdent of the London
LRirary’ association mill bt* held iu transportation system In tbe world. World. Tbe preface runs: *T called
their parlors Monday afternoon
The line between tbe capital and Ham- 1904 a drab year. 1905 n ocarlet year;
2:30 o’clock. As this meeting Is for burg wUl be operated by electricity as lOod will be a mad and lad year.- She
the election of officers, a full attend a further exfK'riment with the new does not say whether thto will apply to
ance is desired. All dues should b^ cars, and if It to a suc*eesa they will the weather.
paid at this meeting.
George lArdle. the aged resident of
Mtoa Agnes Saurier. n poor’mUl girl
Md Mls.slon. who has l*o*m aorlousl;
of I>ewiston. Me., recently learned for
surer te Care A»»ea4leltU.
111 for the past three mteks, is doing
A new methotl^of tVi'atment of ap the first time, sa.ra tbe New York Trib­
moll and though still confined In boft, pcndicitis haa been discovered by a une. that a piece of script which was
is slowly gaining. Mr. Lanlle
German physician, which. If It main­ given to her as a souvenir four years
ago by a United 8utes naval officer
Uken'milh n congcsth*e chill and later tains the eMriency demonstrated In
whom she does not know to a PortubU I rouble devciopc*d Into a congestion experimenta. will soon make faul re­ gnese bank note, the face value of
of the lungs. Mr. Lardle Is past h sults of this disease rare. Consul Gen­ which to <5.000 and which when it maeral Guenther of Frankfort, Germany,
years and bears his Illness cheerfully has reported the facta to the state de- turoa In November. ISOfi. wUl be worth
Bananas and other fnills took j portmenu Tbe treatment cooaista in <s.ooa
sudden rise In this city yesterday and tbe use of a silver aolution known ns
Just as sudden a drop. Peter Menegarl •Voltongel.- It to a form of pure sliver,
A grape bowl to a novelty. It to a
mas making a delivery on South Union soluble in water.
strcH^*t when he struck a sUppery place
STa tall tumwlS^made from the Im­
Cbolr* ta Core SeastHnMo.
and a llvdy wreck ensued. He atmek
cut gtoaa that to oo exqutottely
Robert and Werner Otto, representa­
on one eye and the back of hU neck tives of a Berlin electrical company, told with gold. The boetMi takes al
all at the same time but emaped in recently brooght to America on tbe baaeh and dipt them twin er thrico,
Patricia two electrical noori brating toying them upon a dUh tn be paaed
The annual meeting of the Union chairs designed to prevent i
MlEslonan’ assocUtkm wUI lie held
In the
at 2 o’clock aliarp. The dfwoUooals
wlh be In ^iharge of Mias Barney. Mra.
Cooper wfll give an addrima on the
work aiSong tbe Indiana. Speclul
From fbe wtadema of a BriHab
muaic. A oordlal' InvlUUon Is ex- tailor: -We luve dMrtd a Bcatcb
tendid to all Intereated in this great nerebaiira ttnaia».at hl«b-cliaa vttrtoatmsaataMcndnelioa^TSY A RKCORD WANT AS.


* whicli to no loud that the oelghIt to further said that Van Atotine
aad hla daughter were away tor two
or three days at the beglanlfig of the
.week, leaving tbe woman with •can^!
ly anythtag to eat In the kouae. but
ktod neighbors took pity on her and
fed and sheltered her. Jt to said tha;
her husband his daughter wUl take a
pan of sour milk and a loaf of bread
aad adt down and make a meal of It.
teUlag the wife, who, to all appear­
ances. haa been brought up aa a lady,
that tr she would partake that it would
* beneficial to her and make her fa*,
Fort.the last three nights, nrighbora
say. tbe woman has not dart'd to sleep
aa. during the day his treatment of
her had been more cruel than ever
and that the. daughter had repeatedly
slapped and pinched her and Wednes­
day evening after ho had apiiarontly
been sleeping he sprang from the bed
and Inquired for bis razor, faying
that he wanted to trim hU-docnalls.
The razor ct>uld not U* found and so
be proceeded to dump tbe conlenu of
the various drawers on tho floor.
This morning the cruel treatment
culminated whom. In a fit of rage. Van
Alstine is claimed to have choked hb
wife. He denies the charge and savs
he has a grt'nl deal of pity for llu
^Tien they were married Mrs. Van Al
silno had a little moneyaomeihlnii
over l.iKM). and now This is all gone
but $80 and the household furniture,
the fear of losing which la the main
reason tor her ctmtlnulng to live with
NelghlMirs ha\e notifies! a son of
lu*rs who is living In Wisconsin of the
stac of affairs.
A warrant was Issued this afternoon
tor Van Alstlne’s arrest

Fine Aapely ' plants,
bud and blwt^m.

Only S.25 Each

These goods are made from
special selected clay possessing
curutin heat
resisting proper­
ties not found in the ordlwur
cheap stone and eorthenarore.
They are t
diahes on the market, having a
nice white glazing inside and a
beautiful terra colU brown
glazing outside.
We ore now showing them In a
variety of sha|K*s and slto-s at
the small price of


The Knnsiis tormcr Is pr«»speiliig.
All OslMinN* <-iiiiiit3' farmer lias piir(bnMHl n l\|-«*tvrti«T timl hln-d a sien•grarber to o’-en’to It

• them In ourv*asl window.

FEE WHAT our 113 Overroats
Jan4 2t
Harallton Clothing Co.





I am anro I have got
juat what you are

The fit of-Hirk«^r»
Freemim Co. Clothing
ia wh*t Bella them.

iMik Btock

Our £lcanng Up
Eadits’ Prts de Soto Pofiicoato
24 inch Accordign Pleated Flounce
Extra full, worth 2.00 at

1 /LC\

Everything in Furs at Sweeping Reductions
.5.00 TBlnca for 5.W.
7..'i0 ami 8.00 valooa for 4 75
10.00 valuca for 6.75

Cadits* Sboil Jacktls
10.00 vain.* for 4.50.


Cadits* Itonfl Esats. Cmpfrc and lllstor
10.00 valor, for 6.90. 1X00 and 15.00 vdoM for 9.50
17.00 and 30.00 valuea for 17.50.
$85 * $30 valnea IS.50

€e aiilbeltn







\v - - - *▼

teaw ItoLnat mi sitear Bnma if
Letoad wm gasma M thrir alfter.
Mra F. Davta. tete wuak aad attsadeu


Iht ]


w nto baa Majmd tl
la tbli amstaa.
Baa WSasa aad

Ogr. w%mre tke kM bm rk^



Gate; Aaacmm. R. Ftoher. P. ».

Iter a araoB. -The
L** the paster lad la an I
jW._t» Mr .X iifl. ^ ^


at Che

tt to South
isnllod MM week to visit bis moUwr

WMBnMkWMUrMMlMrrl«V alckt Iraa Aatiocb. 111. M4 a

hsmOy. fuevnad to her boms tost
camoc on friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Ftad Fisber spent thc^
Christmas la Empire with the parents
of Mrs. Flsber. Mr. and Mrs. Lowrte
aad family.
UUle Verlaa Steveas. who attends
school in Travetas City. Is here vtoll*
La> 5*rSu^**^' frantfpnreaU and oth-



^»nrte Oooptd dM iMt Fridtr at
Mr and tk« Mr wa. ImMtbt bara
I^MaL Tha aanrloM
Md at


*^Tbtitaie of tbe school ebUdrea aur-


aeoted them with s very nice cblni
r dish aad ebeese {date, ant
the evealnc with mnslc aa<
_ S. They were treated with pop
^ Lac haiMlfic baa beipm b«t all mn com .and thanked for their dcUghtfu
loakiBc for mora aaov.
Tbera was a rvrj saccessfol surprise ^*J?L Reddy’s father 1s here for a vis­
paHr bekJ at J. RQBlr*b. Doc. 25.
it with his son and family.
Ida Bboali U bom« for a two weeks’
The old aoboolhousc bell was
vaeatkNi aadls on tbe alcfc list.
need In the aew schoolbonse belfn.
-- Looaard 1Mm«» i» belpto* H. Warjt was made useful from the top of a
tra etit wootTDiese dars.
poet watU last Friday, when the sehool
’ J. C. Rank Is booMf for a two wc?eks’ oCIcers hoisted a nice new 400 pound
beU to iU place in the belfry, which
/a»es Asbbar of Maatoa Is spend, now looks finished.
lac Christmas with hU daofbter. Mrs.
There was a very large attendance
at the poverty hall in Ray's hall last
Hr. Rank Is repalrlac bis bouse and Blsht and a craad good time was en­
ftapocts to more back In the near fo* joyed by everyone. A majority of the
‘ accordinc to
11^ W. H. Wheat was TlsIUnc at
le In their net
Biacbaa with her dauglUer. Mrs. Issa
The sli weeks- old child of Mr. and
kirs. Fred Stepbson died Wedneedar.
Dec. 27. The maera] took place Thnrsday at 10 o*dock at the resMence.
Chauneer Rooah left Tneedar. !>««•
26^^ bU bone In Indiana.

wmie Scbwlndl and Oeorce Powell
caUed on Peur aad Leo Umkir SaturFeter Thiol. Mike Cfees. BUIt Palcbt

K happy New Year to the editor and
Herald rcadem.
[niristmas. with all Its rcatlvltles.
by all.
song were especially enjoyed by alt
Cto'de Canute acted as Santa Claus
and caufmd a-rcar-6f laagbler as he
-rtSw of stockings on the


'There was a pretty Christmas w<sl
ding at the home of Mr. and Mm. R
Rosa Cleiw trlalted at borne floadar. Wilson at 12 o’clock, when their son
Flofw Glees to worktnc for her cou LonU was united In marriage to Gersin. Mrs. Knapp, at Traverse City.
tmde Menriea. only daughter of Mr.
The sick are all gettlnc bettinr.
Menzles. Rev. Holmes peiPeter Umlor is borne to spend tbe
hc ceremony. They wer sttended by Miss Ada l^ilson and Clyde
**iSr^hosett. Jr., and wife. John Canute. Mm. BIggar played the wed­
Vode and wife and Joe Schosett. 8r.. ding march. After congratulaUons the
spent Christinas at James Coleman’s. company sat down to a bounUful din
Otts Newman and wife and A. New ner consisting of rosst turkey and a!l
nan and wife attended tbe. dance Sat iU acoompauimenU and all kinds of
nrday eeenlnc at Slater s hall In wedding dainties. Louis and Gertie
Traverse City and returned Sunday.
have the best wiahes of ^ host of
Mr. and Mm. Ralph Knapp of Trav- friends.
erse City are spendtnc New Year’s
O. Itoreo and family spent Christ­
with Oeorce Foot and faally.
mas in Traveme City.
Mrs. H. McCombs and her father die
their Christmas shopping in Traverse
Inc preparation to start their mill at
this place this week.
A party of yonne people attended
tbe poverty danoo at Glen Arbor Sat
nrday night and report a Hue time.
Miss Cora Slmonn of Cedar visited
friends over Sunday.
Ancttst and Ohaiies Schaefer and
Walter Bradford spent Christinas at
Plerport. Mich.
Mrs. John Burogardner to on the
sick tlsL
Mart Cook and raally are still qoarantlned with scarlet fever.
Protracted meellnc to still in proc­
ress at the Methodist church.

^Mr. and Mrs. N. Wells of Grand
Ledge have been visiting her parenth.
Mr. and Mm. & Davis. Mr.
home last Thumday. but
will remain until after N«
Herbie Davis
sots, wbere he spent tbe
likes the country there.
Mm Robertson visited her daughtern Emma and Celia last week.
George Drake spent a few days last
week wllh his cousins here.
Mr. and Mm. Haines are visiting re!Ives In Midland.
Mr. Shidler and C. Canute have eonacted over three thousand bushels of
IHWS for the Leonard Seed Co.- Mr.
Shlndlcr has gobe to Elk Rapids to
contract there and Mr. Canute will

Mrs. Charles FriU. who has been
F. Cleveland will buy poutocs at
ill with appcndlrlUs. to on the c»in.
Karlin this week.
Jan. 1.
Davis has a lumbering job of W.
rard of Manistee. R Kllnkner to
doing the skidding.
The Misses Olllc and Ustoy Tin
Ortie Howard purchased a new cut
^ hoUdajs with
ter laat week
Mm. Champiou has a new range.
H. Becker to borne from Bear U
F. Howard and family visited at
where he has been stumping.
Mm. Johnsons’ yesterday,
Bert McPherson to out from ct
Mr. and Mm. Champion had a
. for the holidays.
Christmas letter from I heir son Don­
Mr. and Mm. CTsude
ald. who has been In Cjillfomla for
-spent Ch>tetifiar%lih Mm.j^rmnc4s some time.
’ Williams of Meslck.Xy—^
Lsst Thursday as Mm. W. II. Dixon
w Mr. aad Mm. Bigelow went to Elder was lying on the sofa ahe heard the
^Blgelow-s for Christmas.
sound of bells and looked out and
7 The Becker and Miller families had there were six rigs therr and a crowd
fa Christmas tree at the Glengarr}* of jolly Lady Maccabee friends who
had planned this surprUe for har. A
. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich and Mr. and veo* pleasant t ime was enjoyed by all.
fiMrs. McGinn spent Christmas with She was presented with some loreJy
"Jaa Bentley and wife east of Sherman,
>enu as a token cf love and apprer The Van BFp children were snrica In which ahe is held as Isdy
f. prised and very much pleased to End commander of Murrea Hire No. 6t;3.
s nice Christmas tree Santa had left
Your oofrespoodent attended the
oyMer anpper given by the Odd Fpl
Mr. AnsUn aad wife ate Christmas lows at Wexford. Dec. 21. and there
«dliiaer with their daachter. Mrs. Evs cannot be enough said In praise of
r Blanchard.
the royal entertainment glvmi the
Mrs. Miller has retnmed to tbe Glen* large crowd of over 100 invited guasta.
jmrry House to assist Mrs. Becker, and Judging by tbe happy faces aad
who has had a rush of boarders lately.


of Oleacarry
the danca-at 1

ctal event of the season.
Mlsa Hattie Schell has finished her
conrse of study at Mount Pleasant and

HsppyNew VeartomU.
Robert Klnrin of MerriH. Mich., to
Arthur White atarted for Laaslac
s^n^ag a few days with friends to
this mornlac.
' F. A. Daco aad wife are entartalatiic
Mr? will and Henry Himes are ea^
a. lady friend from Northport.
their mother. Mrs. LamperL

K s!:sssiii:r£ss^^

.The W. H. M. society of the Coagre

Mtoa Bteel YTUItoius returned to be?
1^1 Saturday, after a week’s vaca
Mr and Mrr Aagust Brower enter

teed Mr. and Mra. Ftnd Bggito aad
Air daughter Birdie and Mr. and Mrs

D. L Mo

retotivus to

r of Travotac CKy was to
oq^ after buabtetethto

Mrs. Chaa. Ft^q^oa Mrs. Ray


Hm± Wtek wm Bo Wook of
hi All Cteiahte.
Tho apeeial oerfiote which mre I
hold at the First MoCModiat aad Aabory
Mothodtot charcheo are betag woH ax
toBdod aad iho latereot Mstefootod
thiOBihout tho Hty to theoo aerricex
to hteh.
Noxt vrook U the week of prayer
aad BBOst of the churches la the city
wiH ohoonre It by boMlBg aperial
prayer oerrieos aad it to probable that
c erfll iomlaate la a geaoral rtI hut ao dofialte plans have been

a 'fttef arrived Buaday from
Ohte. teM tetu ^ the death of his
. MilUkea aad uoa BaaO are vis­
Mr. aad Mia. Bass Ryan w«e hen
from Tmteeae Oty to .attead the it^ rutoUveu aad frieads at For:
of the latter-a brather. Fred
^U^j: Btmaa to IR at this writfag
Wontea to xpaadlag her vaca
caite. Smith, caahlcr of the Baak ol
tion at Lake Aaa.
Moote. who has been IU. to
Many from Summit CHy atteadefi
Hied by his
the dteee given by F M. Monnie In
hto ban. Itet evealag. Stotydbur sier. Btoeata. are home from OUvci CONfiUMFTlON

tea by #onm TO «y that The Wlf
and of Qi’* Is a bit is putUag it aOdly.
ami after arr«am of lai^hter.
round a|l«r round of appteimo. uaeore
after oa^. reward tbe srork of tbe

Tbe Whar.1 of Ox** are rarely omb
CAUSED DEATH. rroa to ih«c daya Sate c bdoy of
Mr and
McLaughUu of Mra. EOteor Falmor of Bingtiam purity g^K who are vtoual delights
each andlcv ery one. oooid oaly be eonMaple City returned to tbeir bom
Tte Ladles’ Aid aoetetr wiU hare
Fateod Away Yootardayvisit with relatives
Tuesday, after
grsga'-ed l.y a stage dipHplanartaa
After a long struggle with consump •Ike Jull^ MUcbelL Sock an amusing
Uoo. Mra. Ember l>aimer of Bing
pair cf four footed fhvoiitte M the
ixmlMd to the dtsoaee at the li
oumical fipa and tbe akttOte cow
Mbs Maud Bardge has retarate of her son. R Palmer, yeslenlay mom could onbr have bex-n socored by pllof this woMc.
rom a visit at her henae at Fife Lake. Ing at the age of aearly 7C.
The aebool In tbb
lagtog Ik** foreign school of groat
trietlto eloaad for one
Marie Croteer aad Ror Oaea re Mias Oodlle Bedford if oa the sick Mrs. PalBor was an old pioneer of Eunpoaq panlomlmlsix. '
. Mrs. Bo
The I
turaed to their school duUce at Big
Leelanau <wmty and leaves five chil
Mr. aad Mrs. John Sanborn mad
Traverae City.
^“^HsSuteliger. Henry Hoefito aad imlly of Traverse Clly are ririttag
D. U Ensiga are to Traverse City to^ ■tosids to town. Mr. aad Mrs. San the Bingham church al 2 p. m. lumur
•hil values at |2.2S rv-ducedMAYFISLO.
72.50. 14.00.
Atomt thirty of the friends aad bIm
Tbe aaw mill began ihe
J. W. limUtea.
neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. >*ears.
)day and there are fou
Miss Maud Prdtet has returned to
and Mrs. Bmeet NIckeroon. It being
iullng logs now.
t’nrle Jooh UiekaUy. tlie old gukic
T home to this pUoe
Harry Grey had the misfortune to iheir idxteeath wedding aaatversary
tlHtdng «rd hunt
Rev. Huribut and wife spent a few St \Vi»«0!udii
An enjoyable time was had by all and
cut his hand quite badly at bis shingle before the gaoaU left they presented days of this week In Trsverwe City.
nr*«ort. Iiad 4*e»:i an^wit-d ftu- giv­
mlll^^ completed cutting the Umber Mr. and Mrs. NIekeraoo with a fine
parly was given In hon­ ing muor to liidtoiui.
it-rahle xptmsc we hare
rocking chair and a beautiful water or of Mr. and Mrs. L R.' Peck on Sat
TIm* esldener apaUmt Mm was oonenlng. RefreshmenU were clurtxe. and li*> was ftwiml guilty.
fitted up k pracHf-al and
FYed Huff, a prominent resident of *er^ and a pleasant evening spent
he !ln«. lu yonr raw*. Mr. Khka Ileal mn
latest ftcj'ntlfic iDstnimetits for
this place, died Friday morning at tbe
Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. G M Dame i-ponl Mon­ by.** K.tid the judge who presided at nv-Ung dift't- K.* vbion. alw the
the trinl. ‘•will U- $T4i.removed to the Hodge uelgbborhood
day In Traverse Qty.
me.k-m Je-irlr-.i machlm-ry ftu- Ims
That's aH rlgfji. jislge.** cl.c-rrully
1 the winter with Mrs. Foster s 43 years of age and had spent a good
Mr. and Mrs. C. a Kehl spent
ling ^

There to no
Mrs. Paul Sayem.
irsfiomlrd Un«-to Jis»h. -I*vr gr-l Hie other I
this kind to thU
shape of hto life to Kingsley. hU pxr day In Traverse City.
Mr. Davis from tbe Nickerson nclgh- ents haring moved here^ twenty^our
ro-jni-y right hen* in
I>eter Wurzburg spent Mundi
t»art of th* mnnir>.
»rbood has recently moved into the years ago. Mr. Hoff was a talented Traverse <
\V«* liMfa au op it^l
Mise Istcly vacated by Thos. t^-hatey. painter, many of the signs at our busJ
a. Kn
Ur OU Mmday. .lau kth. IT*
wslU-l and emuiti'd out five glO
Mm. Bert Hopkins mud other rrla- noss houses giving ample evidence of
r am
.*^li**]lmsiirthe c* iHin
“Herides vhlHi,” «-nntimu*.!
tlveu are enjoying a vlsll from her sis­ hto excellent work.
City this week.
op ii-u*Ji df t:nuf; KaTHd».
He was also an
ter. Mrs. Johnson end family, of Kalarvlres will be held bo’h morning
hav* piH-*-u t;iklug ajnxdal Inslruexpert at shoe making and was always
and evening to the future In the M. E. Hare you that ato » In your i>o<krt. Mr
p:vKt-m at ntir oi.tkwl
™Thc Chrlstinaa tree was bearily sblc to command the highest wages.
*Mienlr.R ft»r a f'Jl wwk,. Jan, Mb I
Clekabyr'—4'lih-agi» Tril uue.
Isden ms usual and a goodly attend- As a man he was kind and obliging,
nth. \Vf *-ouri‘OtislyI oxiond an Invi
not only to hU fellow men. but even
UiiiHi i«» t:-** Pihlle to attend thU
the smallest of creatures were recip­
New Year's dance will be glvoa
ope ning, j It* mci is-r
A»« Jok*.
ients of bis kindness. In Mr. Hurs at Athe
town hall on Monday evening.
Instead of l.rincing dor-ti the bouse and test bl! del*viive sight absolutely
and Mrs. yard are several well partitioned, well Supper will be served.
fre.-. Prbf. She’fnan will l»e pleaLsI
days^ at painted and^neaily bollt bird bouses of
Frank Sayem spent
Miss Emma Barth has Hosed he.-* at on.-e Samson h«d*l it aloft xvith t>ne 1*1 meet ^y dlffl'ulf and heretofore obeonsirui
Fred'sB eonsiruction.
which are flllej Kch«Jol
Copcmlsh with the ladles’ sister.
at Elms uod and to enjoying her
Ol deri*ertve vision aud
with feathered
who give
**Why In tlic wori.l are y«i doing will tiv# th^m pr<q>.-rly. Ui-member
pvldence the year round by their song acatlon,
tirise was given In
the datf and p!tre. lUstall's jt*wclr>...............
ell thanks
Mm. J. U Gibbs ontcrtjLtoed the fam
**\VeU." . huekJe*! S«;ii:;ou. **1 exi. * t
J<n. kth lo I3th.
illes of L. K. and Arch Glbtm of Trav ror^the
n W. RasUlL'
I g*-t tnarrlod si»*ui a;ul I xvant to Janlluf
as strength would permit.
erse City and FYank Gibbs of tblr
Fhall1 miss FVed.

and If anyone do­ riends. A pleasant evening was spent, m-e If I r-an snri;H.rt a h
which rerrcshmeuis were served
*I'hc next d;*y the k!ng g.vve a l*anes a reward for long, patient suf- after
It l^vigoralit. sirenglhana aad
Miss Marian Gibbs to si home from
The daughters of Mr. and Mrs. qnet and mlird rn r«in.*;vn to runU«!>
3g and thonghtfulnesB for others.
t.iiilds IIP. It ke-p you in ooadlUon.
Olivet college for the holldsy racallou.
KU»ries.-l*|.l.-ai:o Dally Nrr.s.
ph>>lca|.v. roeiially and morally.
Mrs. Jonnlc Hollldsy has retumod he will receive It. The funeral was in town.
Thai's Shat H* 1 toterV Rocky Moun­
to her position at Traverse City, afte^r hrid from tbe German Lutheran
The following offlrors were Hrrte«l
tain TV-s will do .25 eenu. Tea or/TabvlslUng relatives here and at other !!hurch Sunday and was targely attend- for tbe year in the Congregational
Mrs. John Roberts Is entertaining Johnson; traesurer. Royal lUgelom;
Mr. and Mm. John Seely and little
daughter of Wexford visited Mrs. her niece of Traverse City this week librarian. Charles Berry; organist.
Irimk Wilson was down from TravFrancis Thompson and family a few
E<lna Bramen; chorister. Mrs. B.
[•rsc <-ify yesterday, enjoying g hunt.
days at Christmas.
Mr. and'Mm, George Pcplor attend­
Willard Wurrburg returned lo Big
ed the wedding of Tom Pepler to Mis*
Mllbert In the Chandler neighborhood
Jan. 1. 190«.
last week.
wrCadtllac Monday.
New Wexford. Mich.. Jan. J.^no
Mr. and Mrs. Cwmplicll and daugh­
foot o fsnow and business to rushing, ter Lenore left Monday for a short
srith lots of work for men and teams.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L Dame entertained
M. E. Baird and family went to Wll Mrs. E Dame. Mrs. Wurzburg and
As Mr. and Mm. Joseph Forton wer.
seated at the family circle New Year's llamsburg for ChrtotmaX; and slckncM family. Mr. L. Buss. Mr. and Mrs. I)
eve. they heard shouting and jingling has thus far prevented hto return. Buss. Mrs. Oscar Dame and Miss Pearl
At SMsberg’s Grand 0pm, Bo«*a
of bella It was .Ur*..,e.W However, his father Itms taken tem­ Dame at
charge of hto building and will
the adranc.
Mr. am]
rrom all directions they cax^c. Boon have it ready for business.
Soon from
day for Traverse City for a week's
Nick Anna has moved into bis new visit.
they found the sur^ben all arrived
prise parly
party constolted of over fifty residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathews returned
H. K. Stlckney has hto residence borne from Fife Lake Monday.
Singing and tripping the light completed and has gone to Grand Rap
Jan. 1,
faniasUc too were indulged In and a Ids for his family
Bartlett and IT. 8. Hall sre
Wliat We Are Mmdm Of.
fine spread was given the guests, to
‘ justice. Thus
which they did ample
Thu shelving the Rtore building for Willis
German scieuttoU oauoum^ ihsl
n A ^Son of Sherman.^ and a everjtbiug needed lo make a man
was tbe flmt eve of 1906 spent to Wlghtman
merry glee,
weigh ir^) iiomuls t-nn be found in the
There was alsa a dance at Harvav
whites and yolks of IJSJO liens' egg^.
hundred bushri car of wheat Rednestl to a fluid, the average man
MarUn’s at East Head New Year’s
eve. There was a large attendanee ras shipped Saturday.
Will Earl is one vf the busiest men would ytoW ninety-eight feel eubie me
)d a ver>- enjoyable lime was bad.
Mr. and Mm. Ix>uto Alnslle have at tbe town. In addition to warehouse ten of lllumlnatiug gas. and hydrogen
>ne to Ann Arbor. Mr. Alnslle want autles he to considerably interested to euoogh to fiU a baUooo capable of lift
tog 1.W pounds. Tbe nonnti bnman
there for treatment.
D. D. Walton has hto new hotel body has in It tbe Iron needed to make
Edwin Black, our
building so it to being freely used by teren large nafis. tbe fat for fourteen
I he public.
Sup«rb Sctaic ProdactioBi Re ■People! NcwSobOI '
ponnds of condles. the enrbon for sixRobert Dewar of Traverse Cltv to ty-foar gross of crayons, and |i!^enry Courtai
the winter In Texas, writes home that Inspecting lumber for G. A. Brigham, phorus enough for 820.0(K) matHies.
tbc.r have a delightful climate there s hlrh Is being shipped by the Thomas Out of it can »>e obtained besides twen­
and every day be enjoys dally walks, MacBrlde Lumber Co.
The State Lumber Co.*s logs are ty coffee spoons of salt, fifty lumps
enjoying the balmy air that would
of sugar and forty-two liters of water.
Freely moving fro mfhelr 700 M job.
mean summer to us In this region.
Tbe Thomas MacBrlde Lnmber com
Wilsey A Domino have rold tho legs
artBKlcM Dees.
of the 40 acres of timber recently pur­ pany’s mill to nearly ready for sawing,
A race of
has \>ecu brought
chased of Louis Courtade. to the bas rheir head sawyer, Mr. Adams, ha.’^
ket factory. They have three gangs Inst arrived from Minnesota. This this eo-jntry-as au
of sawyrm. One gang. •Pred Walker
United States government-that has
p»d. much of which Is lieen found the gentlest In the world,
and Henry Breithaupt. on New Ycar’.«
morning cut an elm tree that had 22 now skidded and scaled in the woods. says Country Ufe la America. Tbe
logs In It that scaled over 4,000 feet. George Tuttle !s a busv man and al­ one great drnwliark to lieekeepmg for
They have over 200,000 feet on the ways has a scale rule wlUrtn hto reach. most people has been tbe fear of stlags.
CMd S*aU yat to bt bod. 1 It yoo-4 bolter hairy
skids and as soon as ure have good
but recent experiments st Wnshliigloo
sleighing they will employ a large
number of lemtos -on the haul. Tbe.v limber and a heavy stock of logs will bare proved Cincaiilan to-es to le tbe
have a good road, which means a good he put in for next summer’.': cut. The most mnarttabie bees In exlsto’nee for
mill win not start rntll spring as It tbeir geotls^MS. *rbe b^ are not ato
deal for the haulers.
John K. Courtade to going to get out will undergo extensive ropsfrs.
rrospects for the town are of the
some hardwood logs; also Perry-B^best. A dry goods store with a heavy
Albert Courtade to delivering 50.000 stock U needed: also a good furniture
^t of hemlock logs to tbe Kelly Li^ ctore wbnld find heavy sales.
Jan. 1
Nathan Lucas to getting out eedpr
and ptoe for the Traverse Oly Ltun
bertag Co.
Mr. Olsen of Cadiltor in tbe Ru«.t of
- Mrs. Char. Nelson and fsmUy tifle dlsootwry. This Is the radio active
I»ower taksn by a wire cbklged with
negative eleetrimr as It to hwted.
Lalonde was to jraverse Cfty Travetoic City
Such a wire Inrlndes radio artlrity to
Watch meeting was held at the In­ any substance submitted to Its action,
®*W«l5»y onto of Benfion. Mich,
dian dmreh on Sunday evening.
doing without the help^rtptel^
Oarencc Scott, who has been ill, to
here tost week jewing old aoqonhrt*
cor«d pyxoradle aetlrily and also dtoold wss a business call
eoveted that any anbatanee plaebd la
City Friday.
tbe medium autromidtog X raya beA. J. Higbea was down from Sum­
eomea radio active.—New Tork Tliate.
mit dty Satqj^.
Leroy IteM wimt to FHe Lake Ing of the Y. P. 8. C. E. wax held In
tew It.
We again ask that wc may be'favored with yoor
Ptefsteqr T. C. Mendenhall, of Woe*
Miss Alice Abbd«l left Sati^ ftr
Next week to the week of prayer.
fester ^bstltute. while
The T. P. 8. C. E. will give an exFIRE INSURANCE.
through Ohio oome years ago. called at
Our 190R Calendars are somewhere on the roaid,
tbe district st-hool which as a boy be
^JL^ispacb was to South Boardman eyenteg. Jan. 5th. Ail are
^ had attendriL They asked him at the
having been shipped some time ago. we regret that
school to make a few remartes.
vlted lo attend.
they are not on band ready for distribution.
to nsaented and began tb talk to tbe ehlldree to a direct fashion.
.. Thanking you for past favors, we reotain,.
A<UI* Selioo
-INd ate ef yac- be asked, “erex
see aa etopbant aktar
Unw w*Ai- r«e»n«>.
Mr. ud Ua. W. J. Bubo* at 9oMrtle Roona ot Ldaad wu A boy bate up Ixte
HasJdS&g cf Mapire la vtoll
Urn at H. C PetteaglU’s and 1. T.




Vefecte I^Siglit?



m zard
Of 0

S:e tbe Scarecrow
The Tin Woodman
Dorothy G^ak and Cute
Lild^ Trixie

St Attraction Ever

Brontht 10
Traverse City

PRICES: "nS!'V,; loorBox $1;seatsBalcony



"C Real Estate ^

Wishing Yen a dap^ and Praspems
Dew Year




tkc SMM «rf Mn. rt«ik Darte Wed-

tekn Mdto VM down from TTgr-

erse Cftv last week.

mate fMM ta thte ^iteea. te the
imt of Mr. aad Mrx. W. Bteete aad

glad exritcdte- /

-Wbi^ did you aee Itr tbe prof«aaor asked kindly.
tto an eieidiaiit.y

e. 0: Bastings k San;

TSsifc m

Stah teil



; cmr. inpnmi. rMOAv. jAiiuAMv ^ im.



i, i

L te hMh claater*

ta fanta i;;R^^yfiaaM wvrr tke
alMitaf rtfy la hi^-lataa teiitei
he was Mffifiswly atofiptel IR a talk

TW ncMMfoa to Inukof
acme aamanati thay play batlls-

fcj ft MHar. wte
M kj frrl^flpn
HjM. Mite K tte

ftMHrlfViftft i9A

4 HmT ktoorory te M—Ion, boo
roeolMr ft tlhror aodol im MBpmr

Wgllftfti Oft ftftteftftte

Iko Mooo te ftft old f ate Ite teaclH
ter wkllo Mac f a ooldtar la tko

tko otete lft« pterMIftff for
•cratlOB aad Hoiaaft te aato.
l»lt Heoftooikaookooa tafcoa
ftt tko oMeo te tko toeroterr te
•Uio. Tkto to lltuo Moco tkaa ooohalf tko oortaglod aaaikof te aotaoKi'
kiloo te tko aiftte ftft tko law tko lev
wont teto ftOoet
Or.-H. F. DoPteoot teMfoit. tko
Rot. C 8. Pftttaa te Aat Arbor, tbo
ftev. Mastian Bwlte aad g R. Waraor
te JaMowa, awl at Jaehaai aad oloct.
od a ■■nnarir to tba Ear,W. H. Warrm te Uaalns, ao oiipo^teadoat of
hoM Btewteao,* bat tia ateotetoo
araat aooopi btebro tho iMno win bo
awdo Rftkltf.
F. U Oarpooter, a Qrapl Rapldo aitomojr, tkraatoftte
carry tko troakte
wltb tbo board of koaltk org aUagod
BAaaaUanr plaUbIte bi k b»oo pwaod
bar biw to 4ho coo^ fbr iJio purpooo
te toooklaft'-TUw ataM plaaibtaft
Iftwo. oa Uw Kroaad that Moy art ancoaoUmtkNwL Ho aayi Uw law Rraau
loftiMaUro powg to aa appteaUTo
I theteftelatu
kaa ao risht to da
Praak Browa. aba* Fra* Storaao.
aliaa **B«d*' Nortea, waatedte Dotbtet
a tlwolltes la tba daytliw. coolly
walkod oat te jail te New York on
Tftoaday aad wado hlo oatapa Ho
ptohod up bit ormaat dortaf tbo akin
la tbo dopatloo at tko aooa boar apa.
Utaakiai Uw ofAcari coatlof oo doty
tor tko coortooy te •telowiic btei to
laopoet tko Ian,- kaotoaad fate Uir
»m>ot uomoloolad, i.Browft had |aot
booa oxtradUed froti Ckicgo oa tko
•karso te kartac Woloa
te iowolry ate oofotal hoterte dolUnt In money froof tbo bona te exBute Boaator Wm. I. Laroclo. Brook­
lyn. Browa'o room te Chloafo te aald
to haro cootaloed ftood. uliwd at
110.000 when aaarcbed anar bte arroat -Brown te n ikiowd IHlow nml
I’m not anrprtead Unt ke tat nway,**
; naid Capuin McDoaiall of Uo Dotrott
dotective bureoo. *W« waited him
bare on « cbnrto te broallng Into
boonaa. Thara waa a aortea te bort*

aponinat for aoma te Uwm. 3oU got
away bteara wo coald late bam for

ky foetffi.
mtle CklnaaMft fiMka. bto im apptaiw
anno at flohoM.
to Mr. ftft4 Mn. LteM Bote
Mo totes Twry ffoab ate tidy: bto
Iteft fti ft hftte kor m^iog bm hair baa baan naaUy ahasad ftwm bto
forokaad. ate tbo rag te R to ptoated
Mr. ate Mra. wni H^b te Matean
vbdiad ftt tko knmo te Bowy Mi
tea.** bo aalto B-wbieb bauffi dowa bokte waok. Mra. Bogk M a dangbtar klftd. Wboft any te bto ataool ftetowa
te Mr. Banray.
want to tonngi kim Umgr wta tto bto
Mkn Mlldfad Lakaar alMtad
pigtan to tba MftM ■ppmifiafla m anUaaa at Atom ate BL UMia Mat'
nckgboya bond, which la Tgyanromate tee fora part te tkto weak.
fortnhto for them bulk.
Mra. Aik* Barrai ate baby te Ch^
If R to mouMT tima tba boy wanrs
cage la TMUng kar moteg. Mrs. W« Btehteg qpan bto kaad, ate to otey
ctochad In n totate g rag te looao cot^
ton or gram ctotb. with amall. baggy
trooaars te tka aama mntorinl Bot If
Mantat tkaO. R.4 tka wantkg to cold ko wears a half
good kla poaiUon
taam seato ate coata, mm abaro an• te BonUi Board
oUmr. ate noma te tkam ara paddtd
wttb cottoa wool Vpoa bto baad be
Fky Bowa loft Tnaaday Mornlag for waara a amall tkull cap te blaefc g
ipno<My, vbero ko kao fteaopt
btna alik. with a lUUo aearlet twtot at
pmUkm to Uio eoooertog factory te Uie tOR ate rary likely a Uilek taaaol
that place.
of aOken tbraada foUlag dowa bablnd.
Mddio Lewis te Mfecatotor kaa aca^
Hto shorn bava white, thick ooIm.
lot foeg.
ate ofioa Uio toes are ombroiderod
Dm. Paaraall and Babcock, ae
with foncifol IHtIo dooigna te fiowers
paaled by their wiroa. wUI aUote the g battarfitoa ta bis proad mothg
oonaty medical i«doty bold at CkdllBomaUmea be wears in bte girdle a
Praak Oatraadg te Orayllng was brotdered by bto mother.
caUod bare Tnaaday by tbo ftlaoaa te
Haring reached the gboolbotiae. the
bto brotbg-ln-law. Prank Whipple,
boy wtera. carrying to bto band some
who waa quite badly bralaed up wkllo
amaU praaent fg the grave looking,
trying to oxtlngoiab the church are ekiorly person wbo to to ta hto teach­
er. and hto first act to to do rerergice
Oladya Murphy te Tmrerae City to
aad burn Iftaanae before
Tlalttag at Uw homo te M. K. Labag which baa the name te the
John Bird, who raaldoo aouUieaBt te
foctoos wrtUen upon It.
this pinco. to eery low owla« to nenr
Tba fornltura of the root
te a aufflbg of little deaka g tables,
Mr. Gilford, night operator at Uie
with high stools behind them, which
O. R. 4 L depot, left Friday fg Cange frequenUy provided by the parents.
ield Juoctloa. Ontarto. wbge be waa
Before the mastg stands a large table,
called by the death te hla slater.
end upon it go lying not onl^ books
and papers, but Urn Indtopensiblc pipe.
Upon oacb tttio deek one will see no,
R»me years ago a man ni
Btooka kept the hotel at Orange, Mam. poM ate ink sueb na wo oao. but inkOne morning a man named Warrick atonea. upon which the boys rub the
aame Into the hotel office and said be cake te Indian, or rather Cbincop. toh.
and one te kto neigbbora. Mr. Jonaa. dipping it In a little water.
Had walked to the Tillage, a dtotanee
For his pen he ham a brush, not un­
•r aboat three mllm
Mr. Warrick like our torge-paint bniabet of camkad carried on hia ahouldg a tag of el's hair. He bolds It perpendlculariy
i Ur. 40000 was taking to the
bto hand, pointing to the celling, as
mUl. and when In the villaga in
amiaift bo fare It to Mr. Janea. who he traces on the thin, sort papg the
queer looking charactera on ike copy
dy mid. -I thank yoaslips.
c. Warrick, to trtling Mr. Bitwka
iboot dt. thought
4oom aboold
There to no alidiabet te the Chinese
taro pki4 klS~g^hlug for hla language fg him to loara. but instead
troobto. Ur, Brooks told him Mr. 21i radical or root worfia. which entg
Into Uie foramilon of aU oUwr ebarac
urn. Tbe>onla are all te one sylla­
ble, and are written down, one be­
kindly/ it to worth BTto <
BrtwkXaat WM noon annonnood. and neath the gher. la columns. Instead te
Mr. Warrick went Into tko dining across the page, and the beginning of
room and ale a beorty braokfast Com- their hooka to at the end te ours.
tog oat, be took kto bat, and. opening
The first book of all to the studied
the dog to go oat on tba olraet, said: to the -San-Tsx-KIng.” or -Trlmetrlcal
-Mr. Brooks, 1 thank you eery kind
Classic.- because, to make It more
ly fg my breakfastMr. Brooks promptly aald: -Here. oaaily remembered. It to written In
Wanick, to a nJncpenco.
We only Unoa of three words each. The teachg
repeau tha first few lines, ate the
Mholars, holding their books in their
hates mn6 swinging their amall bodies
Dor to o Oampofoiloo Wg 0«ly.
and forward. foUow bto pro­
The Gattete nerg aald Olpe was ato
tolutaly dry. Tbo Oaaetto Mid that nunciation te the worda They then
waa comparatlrely dry. wnicti return to their seats and commit the
i Manyoft M boma oa i

Ito a atocy oa Noah.
He waa
ding arannd m bto form a few
days aftg the flood, prying the elelibant out of the mod. when a pigeon
taw up and rtwoted on tbo ark. .\oak
grias te tkirtral
good np and pat bto bate on the
bara bean held in boUi the
•mall te bla tack and wiped tbo mnd
Baptist chorchoa tbte winter.
oat of bto eyea and mw the dors nnd
Tear s nigbt tbe ^ paatora
broke out:
-flay, you—you—you
ckorcbea mH and rlslted tbo
wallcd-eyid prerarlcator—what did
• Happy Iko.- near tbo
you get me out te my nice warm ark
> two ndnlatora. with a brother
Into this catflah bolo tori I tboi
Frea liatbodtet roatTafaUon.| found yon aald It would be dry.- -Ob. w<
r tbo back door nnd encoontoradL dlf- aald the dge as be monebod an oUrc
BeuHy In ontaring Tho cuotoibn of from the ollro bowl and reached fg
a cbome Madwicb and taw org to
tbo plnca. aaeing who their
the tar. -of coarse, if you're that par
Tbo Roe. W. P. Maaalni .


^ nldowtea. atewtea and
the ^t ate ooon -Happy Ike- ^ tee
only yierBon witkin baarlng te
aarBoa aaeh mlateiar took a partu dollreHag. After oxpramlag to tM proprlotor thdr Hawm Uioy noxt^mado
for tbo ONUml hotel karroonu bt| it u
alloged tea news bad spread |utar
tbaa tear aoftM tmaal and tkay bote
teings cloaad tight. For n whildnow
the ‘auadtao-^ hare to ftdd^t a
rernUr oyaiem and Wable to;gire
the password^ before they can tatg
any te ibc forbidden placea on nlbol^
Tba Ree. J. T. Berger, posur of
Hope Bteomed cknrch at Hollanl. ts
to mafty a concert aingor. Min E.
Grace Updegrag te WaabinTOk. B C.,
wUh wkam ko toll la looa while she



by the offleera te a big oeoan ling
which reached her doaUnatlon tbiwo
days orerdg. The powg was there,
but bg pragtaQ waa retarded by the
iraacles which.bad gaUiered oo tbo
Mtom and aides te this groat toosoL
In rteorrlog to the mattg Mr. Boxbggh of the Johnson Drug Ca re­
marked. ‘This Inatanoe
cans la the field te med
raablcncd cod liror tet. which cootatoi
medicinal properties capable te splen
did work as a body-building. strenTii
creating medicine. y« on




poded and iu Tgno lopt.
f»^ tee polpB and
Yg we know the power is there, and
has remained for two grant French
temtets to find n sray to Mpnrate
Uiaoe medicinal. beaUk. producing ele­
Bonnd no Ugbtly that bo aoald ments from the oil and gire us Vtaol.
nearly fioien VIool actnany .contatoa nU Uie
and atm
ring. Tboodore
cod Urg oil bat eoatntes
If, te Oiaoao, Mlck^ waa tonte In a not n dropte
te oU to npoot the otomneb
1.S1W bore boa car Ift-tbo yarto at and retard tu work, In other words.
Mtekart. Iftd. Ha kad kaoftta that
pradknawM for two daya ate waa oo
luic ate weak ko coald not fUa.l
when fteoaood. Wkoa anfftcloatly reatorte ko said ko kad bean booad and
or Inelptent con-



; Oa

In order to be sure each small boy
attending to hU leaaona he to ex
pected to about out the passage be is
learning g the top te hto voice. The
continual din caused by this airanget can be better imagined thg de­
scribed. and to pass a ocboolhouiie In
China one Is more likely to suspect the
existence te Bedlam than a place of
leaning. Tbo Importance of study It
onlarged upon, and a sentence occurs
JU> the effect that -to educate without
aeverlty ahova a teacher's Indolence.Tbe sight of the bamboo rod, which to
found in every schoolroom close to
the moter's hand, and In very con­
stant use. to proof ttat this maxim of
Uie sage te old commends Itself to
the teachers of the present dsy.
Chinese boys are taught that there
are three great powere—keavaa. earth
man: that there are three llghit
—the sun, moon and stars. They are
furthg informed that rica millet,
pulse, wheat, rye and barley are the
six kinds te grain on which men aub^
alst. Various other matters of a almttar kind are touched upon, followed by
a summaiy of Chinese history.
Chinese boys know something of
arithmeUc. ate calculate rapidly, but
Uiey do this with their little abacus,
g countiag board.
Among other books studied the clas­
sic of -Filial Piety- to largely used vs
a reading book of Chinese life and exlary character. A favorite Chinese
proverb teaches that one -of the hun­
dred virtues the chief to filial plety,and no oUmr duty Is fo carefully and
oonsumtly instilled Into Uie children's
minds as this.
Kite fiylag Utke grrot dellgkt te tke
klaesc boys, thoufih not te boys
teooe. but also te their fotbers aad
graadfsUiera. And what famous kites
they &ve. too! flome are ig the torra'
te bsMtlfol birds ate butforfilet. wlU
wing/cleavlag tka air; ethers mre in
tke shape te men, or vftrioos aftimala.
mu ftte fwntipodaa.
>ctalbfta% a tiny paper lantern b
foataate to tke taU te a kita. ate.
being lighted, it has a pretty effect as
ie«. shining like a star hi tka twltlglit flomeUmes a number te bird

4ete Js rmmif tke thick sole te tke
iffioe or the Inatep te tke toot. Tkey
maaafls R ao cMvoity that R to ^te

foe myteirteoi


Is Winer ueatker 1 htsseweker tfos sot tnvd
sbMit fke Oteds la searck if a base to ren. He
iMksttmchUiewanoQlaBui ef lbe Eveokr HeCen Toama'fetacoedteMnbTniTeilbtBr.

•oam two or tkrot kiterte Umos af»r
-WeU. kefore yuft prorrod Ykrforr
wtlkoot a stagto BUsa .
^ Ta chlau.- or hlttfog the baU.- to jom will have to skew isute,’* mM tke
-Wkal kind te preofT
-Ffoaf font yua bebmg te foe MamFOR 4ALS-amma fikrite, tan tofl
aotoaoas. atoct It Is simply plapte by atofrtmlek.lot. 4U WhM Might stiwat Frtta
Bat Santa was wot to be emufkt WAN’TEO FOR ARMY-.Able bodied
•tifktog the tan to the sroate wflh
n.40^ owofoird dpwft. katoafifi id
the bate M many tiams as potebto.
unmarried mea botweea agee te tl
autt punhaaar. laqulro 111 SMU
Tteekdo- la -wkipteag tke top.** A ke produced tbe I
ciOzena, te foe, United
atrote. or addiwoa idkfi CtaMk
Cktaeae top to made te basrtmo with paused foe cbalk
Qmboygnn, Mlcb,
Jan f
a piece te wood going through It, and
a large hole to cut in foe aide,
which makee It hare a fiae hnaualm
apply to rocruitliig officer. Hotel;.
oovery te Mra Mtelie Holt te this
Wkitlag. Trnvcrae City. Mich.
Tllding from the cat- to not unltks placa- wrliea J. a R. Hooper. Wood­
tnea fouls sal tf*
ford, Tcnn., “she was ao wasted by
odr fomlUar -blind man's boff.* one cooghlag up puss from her lungs. Doc
child having hto eye« bUteed and. try- tots doctored her end ao near that her
‘ to north,
lag to catch the" others, wbo escape famUy hail watched b.r her bedpide
weatern Michigan with headquarters
fortyteght hours; when, at my urgent
reqoest Dr. Klnrs New Dtocovery waa
to this city. Ample opportunity for
Oalchlag shrimps to anoUier game. jUven bar. with tbe astontoblag reault
advancement. Addrero H. C. Cox.
In which all the boys have tbelr eyes
4KMlt Houseman building. Grand
untU foe finally compleiely re­
covered ate try to catch each other.
Rapids. Mich.
jan 3-tf
Ta Pan- to not unlike bopacotch. covered. and to a healthy woman to­
day.- Ooaranteed cure for coughs and
Kvery child has a amall stofto or cop­ colds, tac and 11.00 at Johnson Dn^ WANTED-20 men at.oftce to cut 4-ft.
per cftab. ate standing on n marked
wood. AmiIt M Timrene Clir Brick
line, fries to strike the stone wkico
Co. Kcy«one. Mich.
W hava «nd tetor forsalatiMi fta
has been thrown toy foe first boy.
lowtog Itot te rate MtaU. RtoaUtaTRAVEME CITY MARKSTR
WANTED—Good teams; wages 12.73 slrabto propony aad moat ta aoM.
-Turning foe drmgon- to foe fovor
to IS per day and found. Inquire Call or phone for pricaa.
ite smosement te Chinese boys in the
70 ft. on Bav St! oppofilta Dbrow^i
Gien Arbor Lumber Co.
Jan 1-51
aprlngUme. and, like mote te their Tkle report Is made up tally. Tta Re
•toift. BulldUig oa rams Is now oapd
cord la not rwaponoibit for ohanfos
rollgloos or
WANTED—Furnished rooms for ligbl aa warebousa. tat can ba osafi far
atHlous slgnlficstloo. The passage te
housekeeping; any number, though
Lot a. a. cor. Iftli and RMmla flta,
this fabulous snimal through the
no los* than three. Communicale 57 R. on ICth flt.
streets of their cities is believed to be
with tlrluuell Bros.* music house, ^50^^ lot oa Wast ffo Bt. «Mt Of
very effectual in dtopelittig all evil In
corner Front and Casa streets.
Houaa and lot. 801 Sixth flt
fluenoea. oapeciaUy a tendency to va
House and lot. 8. W. cor. Wakitar
rious alckneasm thought to exist In
WANTED-Three furnished rooms fur
foe first month te the year. The body
light housekeeping, centrally locat­ W.n. and Rm Sts.
te the dragon to composed te a torge
1 lota on SsrMS stSMC. hsMMa
ed. Young married couple,. Addrits
number te lanterns fastened together
Wayne and Bay Bts.
“Hooms. ' Kec<»rd efflee.
dec 2K-tf
ate covered with colored paper and
Lot 71. and house. Oak Halfhta.
cloth. It to frequently thirty or forty
One of the bete looteiofts to foe City
general house- or surrounding country for Mpr 4
feet long. As the many-jolnted crea­
work- Mrs. T. A. Pennhallegon. 517 acres te land, large booaa. eSTBay
ture to carried through the streets,
Sixth mint*!. Inquire at Wood Bis­ and Ramsdell 8u.
ters millinery.
dec tS-tf
turning and twtoUag in all dIrecUons.
12 to 14 acres land ta Elmwood towm
■hip. about 1 mile from city ttalfo
WANTED-Work by dny of any deacrlpUoo; prefer nundng. 802 E.
crouds te people. The proceaslon ac
4 40's
mllM west te Cedar Rom.
dec 12-tf
companylng makes a most unearthly
There to coostderable saw ttoihar
din. heating gongs aad letting off
WANTED-Harneates to oil and pol- and plenty te wood tlaba Oft foil
aquita aad crackers, to the great
toh, Ftad Puller, 143 E. Tenth.
Also eeverte gUt-edge land
amazement of the airanger wbo for the
nov 21-tf aug l$4t ^
J. R. ore
first time looks upon the singular
The performances of the Punch and
Buiulay imme.1. Tuiwtay rolled
Judy shows are much apprectotwl by
Lu8T—l-'rom wagon, package* of mer- arootid nud still hto tal! furto did net
Chinese children, and many people art'
chsndtoo addressed lo W. P. N.-ed- ItKUu iu the vemtihuto when Clie ruckoo
Inclined to believe they were Introhsm; welghl abour 4 lbs. Return clock was souudlng A Thursday he
do^ into England-from Chins. In
to American Exprt'ss company and came ami the l»c.ititlful girl wan hnrftlug with wrath.
any case, they were well known In that
receive reward.
jan 4-2l*
• way you t
empire many hundreds of years ago.
V'hat liavo
LOST-lAce collar with gold hor.ic|
As for the pets kept by the Chines**
shoo pin set wl:h pcarki. U*tw.*en U, ,-o,ildu'l,- r« tho young man.
boys, some te them are identical with
Eighth slriHl and Foreston* ball on I -i had the clyKiKT»sla and the doctor
those which are prited by children
Cass. Reluru fo Angus McColl and | adviso.1 luc not to I'ome."
here, strrh as rabblU, kittens and gold­
rerelvc reward.
jan 4-lf 1 ' What? The dcH-tor toW you not to
fish. Crickeu are also largely kept
-----------------------------------------------------j <-ouu‘ to me lie»*ausc you tad the
by boys, as well as older people.
They have many faVorito birds,
“Wi ll, he told me to keep away from
among others the canary and fork, and
FOR RENT—Typewriter, almost new. all much prized to a sort of thrush,
Kea**ouab1e rental by week or* The next mou.enf foe had him
called the -bird with the flowery eye­
month. Call 43C Webster street, or! on the parlor sofa.—k'lili
brow.- Often one may tee foe boys
telephone 22.
jan 4 3i-;
walking on the city walls or other
King I^Hipold is Mid to
open spaces carrying their caged birds
Hw, M c .oh
out for aa airing. LociisU. hedgehogs
w. MDin.
work, •min n oVIork In tbo oronlnf.
and tortoises are also kept as pets.
------------------------------------------------------ - Wli. ii III- ml. * llltlo liroad wllh mprFOR RCNT-Houm OB North Min.
„.rl.»|« ,u ni.|.l|.. ,n.l <lrlnk*
The tortoise to believed to attain a
A buy world tbis ood a
wood ftvenue. F. . Goodrich.
a eup <*r tea. lie often ouills I
great age. and la used, with the stork,
verj- bn*v age.
We cannot
^uil UU
aa an emblem of longevity.
be potted oii all Uiini^saruand
Few Chinese toys are te a durable
HOU8E for rent. 901 State atroet. 7
tbeia are things wo need to
nature. There are not many top shops,
rcomx; small tarn.. 88 per month.
know. In the matter of parbut cheap playthings are aold by aa
B. J. Morgan.
dee 7-tf
chasing your piano you are
lUnermnl vender of small waret, whose



DMMh Fnpll Hi fhi


TWiifs Yon Weed to Know


approach to aanonuced by foe beailiig
te a gong, whleh calls foe ehHdren as
quickly as foe Boslc te foe pita Pitat
of Hamelln to said to have done. Fig­
ures te genU and idoU abound, and
to aeen. whoM Ught<olored locka, tight
fitting clothing and foe stick carried to
the kand proclaim It to be Intended for
a -foreign tarbarian.”
Most Chinese children are poseeaed
of foe proverbial “mreet, toofo." and
tbe demand for sugar candy and sweelmeau to most liberally supplied. Some
te various bright colors aad curlshapes, and many conUln roorseto
of ground nuU or wainuU.—Exchange.
Free te All Ministera.
I will send one boule te Warner'a
White Wine.of Tar-tbe best couta
^dy oo eartk—free to all mlntoters
will reel
.............. ....
. Ooldwater. Mich.
The other tay a number of iwrmna
atleodlug a meeting, of pure food ad­
vocates Id New York made the annooncement ttat foe only really pure
feed to tbe frefo eieg. This niaee tbe
man's life might
ly If be limited
ta ecm. Lolgf
moos Italian te nome centuries tack,
wbo at tbe age of 40. with bis eonstltution apparently rained tkronjtk ex.
ream mloptfd a regimen that enahled
him to Mve aa long as be wanted to
live, and died of ennui on the thrtshjld
vt hto hiBidred yror. set great stote
Iqr tbe agg.
It was tbU Interesting
geiitleaisn wbo reduced liis diet by do>
until be sustolned liimsctf la
ity aad comfort oo one egg a dsy.


iw. s, w. nammoa os wn rraacisco. CaU says: -I have odd Waraer^u
White Wine te Tar Syrup for year.
R ta foe befit coogk remedy 1 ever sa»

too busy to shop around and
look the matter up.
simplest way is the KIM.
BALLWaV! It saves time;
it saves your neiTcss. No‘‘pa­
tience tried” in the Kimball

OFFICE ROOM8 for rent. Wilhelm
block, comer Front and Union.

FOR SALE-PaIr of No. 1 oxen. 4
years old; weighl^2.S00. Ik J. Mor-

CALMAN*S misri^r •pat Vaitilah to


Bath PiMBM X*. 44.

moat dufwbla for all lalarlar wortc.

Simply this:—Cut out tbe
above conpon and mail it to
av'll send you naefnl
piano information that yon
oao^dook over and study in
thetjoietof j-our own borne.
You want to know aboat
repnUtion and wearing qual.
}ty; yoB waat to know aboat
the piano that U best aoited
this particular climate,
abont Uio guarantee and what
it means. You want to know
aboat our -Uttie payment
|dan that makes {uano baying
easy.!’ and above and beyond
all yoo want to know about



JIN. 3,1906
With n onload offlim

I would advise fanners or anyono in need of a Hone to

Sadcni System of Pluo
SelllBt Which Stoeo.

come and buy now. as Hones are scarce and will be higher than
ever a little later oa.

__________ ___________Pi4lK>.

This will be thefinest lot I have ever brought here, tmd I
invite people to come and aee them,
’ V

Free ^Dqerta daUj. j

Le0 Sploriipn

; .


I smft«rAUEiiN
WiWiXi. T>—, Mm. t—OHw
•MV M «r ttelM »ra«M tk>
*>mMs to tk* IMorr «r (to tatf ia <k*

Otokr •>« TtoMMt oak.
whm «Jto ttaa rala aiaaaa tor tkaa*
dame tilafa. t» to MM. Vtoal
««M»TCla rraai taU tba


I KSir=^ -“j


MtsdaMppf had n lyachtegs
LnatMaas haddx.
wnnam Booth. In his
I to the BahraMoa Aim^.
( his robast hsalfh to the
r the past ateaa years he


has tatiOB of Uw aacro'a aapiraftkm for
Fbr hrmrery to the fhee of the sac- the character of free edacatioa to
The ep«:ial parh oommtsaiow has ■7 at Lee Qoasimas. la Che Spaatah vosae; wfekh the state la levylag triths white people to maindecided that It woeld be proper for the asr. Capt. Church, of the medical
tain.dty to Jota the athledc enkm aad
Mra. Flora Darla, of Shelby^iUc.
)d the membership fee of fid
whkA win be plaami to kla on
moat aacoeaafnl buslnesa
r. Maa findner. the anpertates

vMIt tiM Mfority of kor»

dty ahoald he Ialtlatad la the nalm
play-groaad. for thdr aporta.
rteli erous will nm m kmlcft
Another Ccfw to Henley.
TW Tnnrr— D»rt»r wtlk lu to* PbUaddphto.
Jan. 6.-Of8clal anmmmA atfM aMtor wUI be worU to waeemsnt to made that tbe Vesper
tlto M«gbberhdo4
which mt dab of Philadatohto wDl eendai^
other cfww to Healey aext year la
|m4 vwi or New Tort imtoM ■»
mreh of Che
The aaaoa
doee to the wake of the propoaal of
Titos aad 0*NeHl of thp Noepaidl
Rowing club, to go to Germany
toe oo tiM probobto toTortoto to the the plana of the Argooant Rowing
dob to Toronto to try for the •'grnnd**
• m the Mfit or mmmr of the yow
Ue ndrocacy of the friends of
om which will
Fred Bhepbenrd that the Seawanhaki
oMe toto the Derby dlrlekw with the
Boat dob ■coller be sent to the roya
wbBtiit or the sew year ud porttahoi
Thames convey the Idea that amallpoi
la not the only catching dlsonac.
bred perforsere. ooM# M
eoBie weetere oolu end lUllee
that their toroHle wIU be plckod xu
the i
A new method for cooking by re•le tan with rw»*m*tiree are:
itoed beat
been Inrented by Felix
Jasee Artbor, A. U AaU. O. C. Baker.
Nes^Tork dty. In the cook•‘iaMchy** Baldwla. O. a Beoaett. the
a a Bmwa enate, Chlaii A Cm C. R,
BlUeoo. Wmia* Oem. Wflllam Hard- and at
lag A Oa.. T. P. Hayea. H. P. Headley. of wea
wear and tear on the cooking otea
X O. Keeae. T. Klley. J. W. May, O. i.
t4»g. A. H. aad D. H. •Monrto. H. M.
UtoOarree. Jr. C. /T. PaUereoa A Co. food, doe to drying
theloasof Jotaea.
W. if. Sehefiel. Barney Bchrelber. 8.
The Inventtoo la an
eJUidrethr TWTOefta. M. H. Tlche- over n former one wherein the food
aoraad W.a WUllaiaa A Co.
which bad been prcvlouiOy stewed or
Adrieea reeMrad by Secretory Mac- boiled was kei>t to a hot coodmon. By
fhrlaae are thatO^ua Baler. A. H.
aad D. H. Morria' brown apo of Qalofo that after liavlug first iiermeatcd food
aad Saauaar Sea. which ti at preaent with beat at a cooking temperature It
Sa New Qrtaaaa to charge of Trainer was poeslble to stew or boll the same
to perfection by tbe beat as coneerved
Robert Alden. will be pointed for the
Teaaeaaae Derby, aad for tbe reaaoo
that Lotaa Bater ahowed In hit oac dry <«ook to that device by beat with­
•un to the Triumph atakaa at out the addlUon of a body of water.
Brighton Baaoh that ha waa able to In the improved form of the devlcv this
trmrerae a mile oonrae and win. It !i la acixunpliahed by placing a body of
likely that the Morria ooll will hare water lu the bottom of tbe i-ooklng re
Buuiy admirers In the apecnlatlon on
the Darby daring the cold mooiha.
O. C, Beanetfa homwbrad Hamllcar.
which ran third to LaUia Bater In the
Trtompb atahea. ramaln eligible for
the Derby, aa are alao Charley Rowe's
La Sofdere. the Brown'a eatotc Acoonattne. C. R. Blllaon-a Jamas Red­
dick. Lady Nararra. P. J. Milieu s
Hyperion II. gtrantor Cycllne. George
Lleper: Barney Schrieb^r's Tom
Oralb and Dr. Gardner. B. C. Hildreth*,
maiden brother to the Derby hero.
Claode. which was naamd HaHng. and
others. Indttdlng Blmlr Athol, the full
brother to Davy
I BT axTaxm> beat.
sprinter. Rombea.
Will Use Meter Boat.
teat which Is placed over
New York. Jan. 6.—Prnctlco for and which supports the pan or sec­
every crew candidate wm begun this ondary cooking receptocto coatatotog
week under Conch Gbodwtn at Cduni- food.
Bobatantlally the appantoe cooalats
Twetre machines have been place! of an ooter casing of meUl and an
bn the gymnaalum floors, whore gen­ huMT casing of heavy tin. Between
eral oonchlng wlH be done. Four ms- them are tbe aoncooduclors-paper,
cylludets of dead air and a body of
ehlne. hive been placed In the footbaJ! fibrous msterUl. Tbe tight fitting lid
locker room, where Individnal coach U similarly constructed. This effects
tog win be given. At about a i^ect retention ef heat. In tbe
Hfty candidates have enndled. but of bottom of the cooking receptacle are
thte number few arc irjlng fi»r the placed n quantity of water and a per­
forated eiipport for tbe vessel contatosmralty crew.
Beveral Important hucstlon. have tog the food. The manner of using the
apparatus U very simple- An nrtlcle
recently come up In tbe meetinga of
of food prepared to tha uaual manner
the dtieelors of the rowing dub. The
preatnt touach U to a bad state of repaiis nnd to place It In a flrat-class cootents are thoroughly
mmdltloa win require a large cipondi- with the beat at a cooking temperature.
lurr.'ThU being the cane, the director# The receptocta Is then set Into the
are considering the purchase of a beet rrtatotog part of the flreless cook­
motor-boat for use to coaching. Bcr- er. This Is closed and set nelde for a
period of time depending on the charerst bonta are under consideration arter of tbe food, and the aame will
and R la hoped that to n abort time a then be fWiad to he cooked to perfec^
dedakm will be readied.
tibo. The United Btatm army has
There Is na nanoal expenditure for ndopted this flreless cooker.-Bctaattflc
repairs, wages, etc., of about $2,000 on American._____________
the present lannch. and It Is thought
A esemau Cure Per Oelda.
there will be n Urge saving of ex­
A timely report to the aUte departpense If a motor-boat Is secured. The m^t from Ooaeal Oeoerml Guenther,
captain of the crew baa been appoint­ at Frankfort, announces s poMUve curs
ed by the dlrectorsnbe representative for s cold. It consists of a mlxturs
of tbe rowing dub oi^^k^-aUiietlc of eocslne. pernnephtoe and water, ap­
oouadl to order to give him a legal plied on cotton to the noea. It amuts
eecrttloDB aad coisa the cold osuany
atoiua la that orgaalsatloe.
The race with AnaapoUs will be held
again this year on May 21. The race
sriih tbe Tale freebmeo will probably
rtom cut a em
be held at uaual. In May.
tube obUqttMj aad to laamt the ahaipJay«yeAee Btlll Alive.
Jay ByeAee. the toamtia old racing saadeadim
home who sras the grsateet cmablna- toarablNr
That the eeerscloiia to cue
tloa Irotttog aad pacing borne In the be blowa out through the other akto.
worid ffusa years ago. Is still alive Thla oaam the children
attheffipeoidageofttaadla bdng toem to breathe freely. One can eoa
teaderty oarsd for to his old age on
ths Case company's farm near Racine. edge la. It caa be uaed la aU kiiida
Hto trotting record of 2:10 and pac- to cuaaa affecting tte m mid throat
tog mark of t:0€l4 made in 1»02 still
auad aad are liable to for some time
for there are eery few combiaatioo
racers Iheoe days.
kind of • cook do you whnt madam
He has bdsB pensioned by the helh —white or colored^
Landlady (boardtog bopaeV-WhIta.
d his foramr owner,. J. L Gate, and
Maaagei^Do you want a ptato cook


> to Troy. N. Y.. . la «


nies. At loaat 2.000 men to two di
Tiaiona. each headed by a I
marohod through the pilDcipal at
deuce to the city halL
Robert H. Todd, mayor of Baa Juan,
Porto Rico. U on the ocean bound for
WaahlagtoB. where be wD1 endeavor
to peraoado eoogrem to graat borne
rule for the lalaad colony to the ex-

Rome by the elopement of a daogbtc r
of Count Luttl of Treviso, 10 yearn
old. with Count Glovannf Correr. wba
Is C3 years old. Both belong to the
most ancient of nobility. Cbunt Lnitl
reported the elopement to the police,
who aucceeded to arresting the coupl ?
at Venice.
The gunboat Bennington, which
blew up to Ban Diego last summer,
killing two aoore sailors, was In coma of Commander Luclen Young,
who was found guilty by court martial
of neglect. Secretary Bonaparte ap­
proves the verdict and tbe punishment
wlir consist of a letter of reprimand,
which win be forwarded by mall.
The new perfect of Dehreexen coun­
ty, Hungary, a royai-appotolec very
objectionable to the people, was
thrown Into a hearse and so badly
Injured that he lost consciousness.
After this the crowd carried the pre­
fect to a room which had been pre­
pared with the semblance of the cell
of persons condemned to death, dhd
left him there,
Ellsworth Cregier, aged. 15 years, an
unusually bright and Intereatlng lad.
grandson of former Mayor Cregier of
Chicago, and son og Banka a Cregier.
widely known musician and composer,
desires to step from the “short pants ’
class nnd take on the dignity of long
trousers. Parents and other relatives
of young Cregier wish him to cxmilnuo
wearing knickerbockers for a year
or to. aa he to a strikingly handsome

fSOOJMW. which aha baa made
mgh her own efforta. has been
married to Harry Carooa. a broker.
When only 12 jcun cdd. nhe opened n
sery store and . continued to
school hr going a half day and aittg her store to the aften
Several years ago she purchased the
largest boalneas block to the dty.
Mra. Darts to a Jewess and Mr. Caison to a Christian
.. The original of Owen Wister'a The
_nton.“ John Henry Hicks, mnnmgsr of the grent * T. O.” rand
Mexico, has been married to Mis#
Katherine Adams, daughter of Edw. F.
Adams, editorial writer on a San
Francisco newspaper. Hlcki first met
vhen she was a school teacher
at Tempe. Arts. Mexican friends of
HJeks sent him a box uf a doxen doIU.
ed to represent characters to
Wisteria sior>. Hicks and his wife
will live on the T. O." ranch, which
Is south of the Ilio Grande. 150 mile:*
from El Paso.
Hyde J. Summers, formerly of Pitts­
burg. now of Oloott. N. Y.. has com
ed procedlngH to annul his mar­
riage to bU wife Irene. He Bays he
t to wed Irene's sister. Ruth,
but led the wrong girl to the altar
by mistake. Once Irene accompanied
him to a theater to Buffalo as a joke,
he believing she was Ruth. Sereml

plenty, loved and enred for. He Is sUll
aooad aad healthy aad bMs fair tc

lire soaay years.
Chiesfe to ieta A. A. U.

ChtoaiA Jih.. f—The cRy to Ohl

fto one that wao otharwlae. hut 1 want
a plala oau aad the ptatoer the bah-

tor.-Ohlctio Dally Newt.

Admlrml Blrileff brings a robust dto
roattion to hto new task. Be to a rollicktog salt with a Homeric rtarnmer.
a wuctkal joker, like Lnfrl CTiarics
Bereaford. Ktories about him are immberl^ Here to ooe: ItTieo Admiral
Bbestakoff waa to iK>wer be fuiMl a
rigorous rule that hto young oMccrw
must not louArupt Ibemeelres baying
booqncta for visiting royalttaa. The
empnAN was to rt*!t n ship on wbleb
Blrileff serre«1.
As ber majesty deK-endcd to tbe cabin a huge bouquet
of flowm myaleriooaly appeared on
the table, and deiighted royalty at
cnce look iHweossioo of It.
3he«tflkofr saw the mass of fragrant
blossoms In the imiHTial handa and
turncHl fiiriodisly to bis officer.
“Did I not give ordi-rs that no one
must pni44*nt flow «-rsr*
“NevnoboOy didrNtnmmercd Rlrileff.
•s-shtf t look It luTs-seirr—UiinHTs.

UBC CALMAN^ Blartie Fleer Fla

Ba K. WaR A Bmh.


J. M. niMlImantsI
ata B«*t rr*n» ai.

lohBi R. Santo
General Insurance


New Wilbelm BHl,

Only Knew


That awful frindinff.
pain in the back—that
ache In your rbeoroatlc
mueclee wiU be fonyer
by Pine-ulee

Jdnte or

Any peraoh imMot baekaehc,
kidney paint or bladder troublo
who «tU take two or tbrae
PinoHilM upon retirind at ni^
SiaU bk ralimd before mondnf.
Diaooverod by.FlM-«ila McdiciiM
OhIoacD. and offered to the

ta on Monday araaliff
tha full of tha Booa.
M. B. Baakoli.
Whita. W.M.



1R. O. E.toHAB8. TWWTad troai


iRB. B. |[ BONNErs hair drosataa

Tliis ia tbe lime to ,buy wedding Rifts SS par CBMt ibCMAtaU tbrongb tbe store
P. 8.—Remembc»r our optic.ll opening, with Prof.
Shellmaii of Gnind Rnpids,
Jammr)' Htb to l-itb. Eyes
U*8tixl fn«.

land i.R- A U IfMBtlla
Seaa Dite BCora. 8\



tbt SttPthr


Boom an WOhsla Block ata.Ph<»elM

Wm Spocial attention Riven to
disoasda of U,o eye.


OR. LAtfirrON-Phyalclaa aad aargf<m; fffleaa In WUhaUa hloek, thisd
•opr. Ylth Dn.8awyar aad Paahid*

with Dr. I. A. Thompson



Fine Dental Work

L. THIRLBY-Bpadal atta»>
earos of chlldraa. Booa
mpiate bank bldg. Both phoaos.

Tlie Immlsomoet anil inoet conven­
market. Solid Oak fronts. Moiue
and dust proof Kollor Wrinj' Flour
Wo manufacture them and make
low priooi.


LLER can eatlmate your timber,
r. nro Travcnie City Mfg. ct .
$10,000 worth of timt^
bo^t during November and Do15 a dky. Inierlochoa.

at Bflisi Rov. Mh.

that PiM-ulas would relirro thoM
tarriblt aches and paint acroM the
back and throueb tbe kklaers ebe
would take them at once.
There are thoueandeof men and
women free from every ache aad
pain beoauae they havo taken

ta WoQtiBaa haU Ok tha thM Tmo.
day qf^ Boath at T:lf p. a.
Calvto f Vader. prostdeat; Qayia
Ortowoll. aacrotary; Nettla C Gray.
OtFaty.j__________________ oct U4f


said year have
placed to my hands for collection.
1 will be to my office to receive aald
Uxes fromi n<
II Feb. 1. 1906. on
each week
r from 8 o'clock
o'clock in the forenoon and from
o'clock to-4 o'clock to tbe afternoon.
On all state and county taxes
before January 10, the rogular
ooe per cent for collodion
will be
charged and on all taxes paid on
after’ Januaryr 10.'
10. *t^^e
there will ^
charged a fee of four per cent for col­
Penalty on delinquent
lection. Penally
school taxes and speotal asaess-




the aUte
ate and county tax<
1205. and for the



loooi, mo. n, c.'

me. amrltaM feloak. A. S. B*-,
navkMW city usiom no. urn.

TrtTerec City

eyes and velvet suit,
to tired of being called a sissy. HU
«tloa to his relatives have been build!
fruitless, so he laid the Case before all
his friends and nelgbbora to n remark­
able petlUoo. and the paper to being
-The Negro is deteriorallng as a
ce, morally, every day,” said Gov.
Vardaman of Mlssiiisippl to the legtolaturo Tuesday. *Time has demonatraU‘d that be Is more criminal as a
free man than as a slave; that be is
increasing in criminality with fearful
rapidity, being one-third more crim­
inal to 1«I0 than ho wws to mo. In
the south—Mississippi particularly—
I know he to growing worse every
year. You can scarcely pick up a
ipapt^r whose pages are not black­
ened with an account of an unmenlonable crime commliled by a negr^
brute, and this crime, I want to im
press upon yon. is but.the manlfes-

Screened and
pared especially for
Ranges and Cook
Stoves, from an ex­
cellent quality of
Hocking Valley Coal.
It is easy to handle
and a good burner.
Try a ton and be

Notice to the Taxpayers of Uie City of

Bl fThisWoman


arm. 1m roqimatod hit wife to play
the piaao aad slag fpr him. She
atag. This aronaed tia

TNAvsms emr

Vmln Umrm Trarsns dtr om
maa mouth 11-10 s. m.
Vain Umrfm Tnrwrmm Oty met
“to SiSi
aty for ;
TnuTarrlTw la


Wood I Wood! »WiE=
II JS.. a. ud -TlTlntU 1 m



ruh.fa.BMt. I a. m. le ta
lie • t. m. T to I sTtaa Bliroee

». jL.



6eo* He 3aroi$

201 Trout ftraat


Oral Wood Dish Co.



M. S7. ion raens


- ^


505 Now WOhAn Block,
Citizen*' phone G3il.







Tfre Tnsuranct

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