The Evening Record, December 11, 1906

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The Evening Record, December 11, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text








•t the City Book Ston is,

tNO ntvpk \

UliaU CfTUEMIHI^ lee Oeve Way aad a
Wamaw Ware

I on Fiprto Rleo
To tW SiMte lid Horn pf B
Ob Nor. 11. t rtoUrd tbo tolMid of
IMo kleo. iBldiBg Mi POBCO. cn»o
tef lijr UmtoM liWBlili food by 0v«7
to Boa JBM. BBd rMomliur »ett monp
lac oror tbo now Anwrlen rood from
Arodbo lo Poooo; tbo ocooory
MMBg Um oooouins or tbo Inurtor.
wblcB ooaoutou m nwtuble tr
BvftMrtand. I i^ld not oabnrk «t
Bu innn boeniiM lb# harbor hno not
hOii drodfod oat and <Annoi roeoi
ni Aaortoui bnttlB ahip. Ido n
think Chla fhet eiwdltnble to ti> m
natleo. and 1 oamMtly hopo that Im
nodlato prorlaloo wtU b« aiadi
drwdfteff Baa inaa harbor.
! doBht whatbor oor p«ip}o a« a
Whol# mhat tho iMaaty and foHlllty
cC rorto Bloo. abd the propwaa that
hba beoB nador tu admirable |o
mant Wa hara jutt cause for pridr
la the charnctar of oor repraa
tJrae who hare admtatetered the irop^
k lalaad which came under our flax
aa a reeult of the war with 8|
and of no one of thwm U this more
(toa than of Porto Bloo. It would be
tmpoaalhlt to wiah a more faithful

How Many Oollara Aro You Coins to Spond
No natter tew nany or how few, we have aometl^ to iatorert yon. We know of nothing that wooM «Iakirj^saB«e.
non fnenda uy more h»ppf than a ^ from OR^rt^te-'

By Wire to the Srentog Record.
Dac. ll.-rrmnklln J. Moses
raraor of Boutii Carolina, was
found dead In hU bad this morning at
his boarding boose to Irwin street.

own war^bo. Mr^Man. ware tb^dng of getting a aniror
ovneoat for eome friend, do not get the idea that becatue we
ate not on Front atreet yon cannot get ittod out hero. We have
the teods and the prioea. Can yon ask for more?
_ The fineat tine of Christmas furnishings to be found in the

ch. An open gas stove
was found to bis room.
Moses had a checkered career for
slxty-thrra years. After completing
hla term as governor be became a vlc>N DIED W
Um of drags. He went to New York
and frequanUy visited Cblnstown and
i oonvlrted of theft and
to Blackwell IsUnd for three
Clyde Llndeey. a Bpenish American
Lately he has boarded wlih
War Veteran of Owoeeo. Wee
of Wlnihrop bench
Killed In Mining Camp at OosUtton at Boaton.

SS»iX ts
May weUow‘^u'y


By Wire to the Evening R«Hwd.
Council Bluffs. U.. Dec U.—U Is i
lioTUHl here thst s Rock Islsnd ptm
ger train was wrecked eight mil
south of Omsha early this morale
Five coaches are said to be to the
TO ditch but no one was killed.

Grand Rapida and
Owoeeo have the largest delegations.
Struck by Train.
Owoaao. Dec. ll.-rMra. William
At Foresters hall. Wednesday after­
Remington, aged 65. wife of a retired
noon and evenlnk- Supper from 5 to
grocer, waa hit by a faat north bound
8. 25 cents.
igan Central train while walking
le tracka nAr the junction thla
morning. Her eknll was badly crashed
and ahe died within flfUBB mlnutea.
Killed In OiriiHa.
Bated pnbUc aarrke that that now b«- ^Qwoaso. Dec. ll.-Cl.vde Undsey.
Brittoh Cunuwl Bays Thai^ Murphy
tag randand m tM laland of PoHo aged M. a BpanUh war ^eteran. whose
Claims Thai Thsy Worksd fpr
lUphytlmaalninmiblof themaalar parenu roald^ near herg. was killed In
Mr. Orant In the Year
mining camp near Kallspcll. Ont. ..
.ef in.
I atoppad at a doaan towna aH told,
nad one of the aoUble features In evin the accomplishments of our
ary town waa the fathering of acbool
William Grant of Garfield township
tdOldiwB.# The work that has been
Is in TWcelpt of the following letter
4ona tn Borto Bleo for adnoatlon has
from his BrtUsh majeaty*e consuT. R.
been noteworthy. The main ampha
de a Laj^nl. Honolulu, the lette.ala. aa U eminently wtae and proper,
belng dated Nov. 21:
haa been put upon primary education:
Dear Sir: Mlchatil Murphy, a realbut In addition to thia there U a nor­
dent of thU city, haa asked my help
It Is made from carefully selected
mal acbool. an agricultural acbool.
to obtain from you! news aa to the
Grand Traverse wheat, in a good
three laduatrUl and thnw high acboolM
present addnwae* lof hU two (or
mill by a good miller. Every
Birery alorl U being made to secure
) listers, who acre, he informs
sack guaranteed.
not only the benefits of elementary
roe. at ooo time In your employ about
BdneaUon to all the Porto Ricans
the year 187^
of the next ganaratloo. but also as far
^’Murphy baa written several times
jas means will parmli to train them so
lo his relatlona, bpl his letters appear
ghat the Industrial, agricultuml and CLAIMS HIS OATH AS A MORMON
(b^havw either miscarried or lo have
eommarotal opportunities of the Island
renuklned onanswerk-d and 1 should
on Iburth Page.)
feel Indebted to you If. besides IctUng
me have the addreaacs asked for. you
Alleged Farther That Read SmeotStll
I kindly tell the sisters, should
CownUnanced Polygamy—Oabalt
trace them, how anxious their
It In Defense efjC
brother Is to hear from them.
tee s Repar^
”1 know nothing further of Murphy
that arhat I have here written, and'
simply repeal his meaaage. with my
By Wire to the Evening Record.*
apologlea for any trouble It may be
Wo can save yon some
Washington. Dec. 11.—Julios C. Bur giving jrou. I remain, dear sir.
money on theao—bonght
rows opened the debate today In sup
-Yours Faithfully.
port of the report of the' committee on
about twenty cloxen earn'R. de B l^yard.
privnegee and electlotia that Reed
-H. a M. CJonaul.”
plea in addition to onr
Bmoot of Utah Is not eniltled to a seat
largo li ne regnlAT goods—
HU aiinments ware
aU samples go at onea carefully prepared
fonrth off.
apeacb ahowing that Smoot’s oath as
official of Mormon church U Incom Thafa All John O. Rockefeller Earned
During the Year Juet Draw­
patlble with his oath as a member of
ing to a Clone.
the senate and that he, sUlI connte-


There is No Magic


“Best” Flour


Hanqal^ &


This Weattier

juR eM«m ms norkmc

The forgery case of the People ts
i Barney Anderaon was taken up this
morning and will probaWy occupy the
auantlon of the court for at lai
• conpleof days.
The Jury was sworn at 10:» and
: after a racaas ProaecuUng Attorney
Croae atntad the case to them.
’ told the Jury that the case chaned
' Mr. AndBTsott with practically two
criM. forgery and tha^uttering of a
forged instiwmant -I JSppoee tt will
not be poosiblt to hare the nqU here,
he said. **beeause the last we heard
of It U was in the poaseesion of the re^
apondent.'* Ha than gare the daU of
the Mtn and atatad that he would try

Lay Co.



“P* **



Christmas is the slipper season. Wp’ro nody for tho rush.
There's nothing in Men's, Women’s, Boys' or Misses' Obristmu Slippers thst onr stock will not offer you at money-taring
prio.-8. Slippers in tan and black kidj imitation alligator, velvet ombosse.1 NuUifiers ami Romeos. |

l>rioes«0c,60c,7»c, $1, LSS. 1.S0 and 1.7S.


Complete Housekeeping

/-T/r. ‘.

I NewvPiano.
I Kimball Organ
1 Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the labove cheap

Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.

Telephones, Oflicc. Cititens 3'2; Bell 169.
Evenings, Citizens, 290




i laid TKst He Had 'Beughl Only Fifty nances polygamy.
ieola Worth of Oeeda From the
Oranted Leal Might.

By Wire lo the §> enlng Record.
New York. Dec. 11—John D. Rocke­
feller’s income for the year 1»06 will
be $60,000,000 according to Henry H.
Ltvi Cox Was Up Befora Juatlca Nsr> Rogerm. who waa heard aay ao lo John
linger Today—Says That Hs Did
D. Arahibald.
Not Busi Skidding Tange.



Sheriff Johnson drovelto Long Lake
this morning and brought back Levi
Co*, who has been charged with larceny by M. L. Updike, h neighbor.
The latter lost a pair of Ukidding
tongs and claims Cos tdok them. The
Utter says he brottghl iibem from In­
diana. He was taken ibefora JosUce
Nerimger and gave tlOb bonds tn appaar Jan. 6. when the M«hP» ««
the casa will ba known.

Frankffbrt Bhafffff lAca^d Hlr Man by
BhartR Jahnaoau Aid.
The ahartff of BaosU county waa to
knew Mr. Anderaon. he had neror had the dty looking tor one Hopkina. Tha
any buNneaa dealings of conseqi
man was tound to a local aalocn by
witli him: that abdht Bapt 1 iaec
raeatrad a notloe tram the Paopkb where be U wanted for burglary.
Bavtasr bank of UOa cHy that they
had a note there of bis for collection:
(OoBtlnned on Third Pige)

No better valuee in the
*city-aix or eight atylee
’ fine wool goods $1 per
garment - particularly
good valnvs finer goods
at $155. $1.50, $1.76 and
$8 per garment Oom. bination nnderwoar at $1
to $5 p« anit

Cxar Hat Donated Half Million From
Hla Frivate Runs*.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
8t. Petersburg. Dec. 11.—It has been
reported that the cxar haa given $500..
000 from hU private pane tor the tomtoe Bufferera.
DeirolL Dac. 11.—Wheat—Ka 1 red.
Tic; oora. 4$%c, oata. itc.
Chicago. Dec. 11.—Wheat—Decem­
ber. 74toe: eora. 42Vic; oaU. 14c.
Toledo. O. Dee. 11 —Wheat-Caah.
77Hc; oora. 44Me; oato. iCVkc.
■t Buffalo. Dec. ll.-CatUo-200;
Sheep and Uaabe. 5.000; active:
tomhe. l$e higher; dhoiee lamhe. |7B$
ei; wwcharm. $5J0D<: ewea. $5«i.50.
Hopa-7.»0r tolrty active, lower:
Torken. $6.40efi-4S: piga. $«J$0Of.B»:
heavy and mixed, $6.45.


Hobart Oo., >«»*..


By Wire to the>»reoulg Record.
Jackson. Dec.. 11.—Fifty aillve managers of independent jt
» In the aute are In conrenUon
here and have organised an Independ-

ito ume iin.

*Sce *^YLANir Sore.

OWUT PHOamM MAI lUN man of Thomionb flpelory la the Noe.
sky gnnrtar kMt thalf ttraa whila <
lag the Naim an the K The lee
way and a handred lmen and wi
Aflar SarvlAg HU Tarm na Chtof Exware plaagad Uto the water.
wttoa af Bawth Carotins He Bw
caiwa a Victim of Drags and
Bank to tho Depth.



' A«n yoo ow woo^krfnl moehuiool toyk
uoBtoy«.dnmi«aiid g»mwt)wtu» now aiad
foil of fan.
Dolb that ore attractive and reoaonable ia


9f WIf* U» tl* Wnlac R«oord.
L ll.-Th# lolloir.


Made of 30-inch Qhallie in
eombinatiotM and patlems, jnsi
oh over the dross wten aminging the hair.
Easily pot on and'off. Many wear them over the
night robe when at Th^ are |wy Inexpenrive.

No miatake when yon get a coat from na—it llta and
stayafit Onr Una ia partienlorly atroog at from $18 to
$ia Finer goods at lap to $22-fotm fitting, foU back,
long or oteft, yon an tlie jidge.

Only ^
. ~

•-|V; :• •

" Sherman & Hunter
■ -id

■ ■j

Fur Coals

Special at S26, $35.945 to SSes.

Abo cBii fnmbh on abort notioe aoato of Otter, Beajer^ MiBk. Seal, at

•M* «•


MM iMt ttrm^ mmn* •m, rm



CM aMR* Rm«R
C^m^ Down the Street With a 44,
im OelarmlaatAaa te Stas the

RM»y I—■*■>»<
la th* mnwR «l Ml I
fWrfMiMMaf HMM
aHafNakjr niafli aM


You Get lie Benefit

E. Wilhelm. - Front Street

(jowl Iron Hod. all aiica and all oolot*, a good woveo wuw
apring and a good (otton top mattreaa,

ion. The atnigglea of the rat j
would atop when he became eihaualed j
-----------or when the trap hurt him and ihla] Thoae having artkrlea to contribute
gave the llatenlng Impreaalon.
. for the Congregational ladlea* bazaar
At. thli Juncture Mr. Bhermer dla- will loax^ them at Mr*. O. a Moffatf*
covered that life reaaon he had on Park *treet. Mrr .8. C. Deapre* on
ahlrered ao waa bf<aaae he had for-! South Vnlou atreel or the mlnl*ttf*
gotten hU ahlrt and aevcral other artl ; Mudy.
elea of cloihlng very neceiMry In the
The ReUkah degree ataff mill meet
winter time.
for practice Wedneaday evening at
-ni fix Iherauae of all this trouble." 7:50 o clock In their hall, preparatory
be aaid aa he picked up the trap pre- to going to Cedar to aaaiat In Inatltut
paratory to killing the rat. At that. Ing a RelH‘kah lodge In that place on
laahed the Irap on the tiled floor. Thursday night. All memherti wlahlng
With the Impact the rat atralgbtened tn go arc rAiueated to attend this
up and bounded frw>. but Juat qa It m»M*ilng and aaalitt In making the nec
ed a convenient hole It iTimed eiiMry arrangementa.
for an Insunt and put one paw to Ita
HOT CIHX'OIaATE. tomato muip.
►ae and winked Ita eye.
Dave Campbell wniched the whole i‘»?f tea. fine coffcv with good rrxam.
dw I l^l
affair aeroaa the atiwt but tor aomc I Jackstm's,
nkuown reason failed to come
COMB now and »*-lo
that will exprexa your
Chrlat Roa* la now iwengtHl.
.Mlller-a pharmacy.


- m

Hist Xitiuial Bank


HAND PAINTW) candy iK»xi-*. per
feet Ijcautle*. at Jackmm'a. imi F>r»nl
dec Il 6t
FINK aermon (<Mlay. Text. Buy
Your IVrftJimrica at MiUer s . I’har
dec * lf

Have yon seen any oi it?
If yon want aomethinR that U
riKht and iooka right g.-t thU
Wo haro 12 doxni pVeea of Ihii
ware that will Iw aold at

10 CIS.
Wide Clashes.
Jelly Dishes, . ,
Pickle Dishe*.
Cream Pitcher*,
■ Olive Dishes,
Sugar Bowls.

Front andCaas

Portable Table Lamps

A.. W.
k IfOK
A, OonOk
J. R
H. Uam

make the very beat kind of a,preacnt. Wc have M
of them in stock, at the nght pneea. Come in
and tee. '
^ ^


J, 6. Paige Eieciric Co.


Here la’ a Chance for You


And all higher gmliB will Iw told aooonlingly.
We haw nn overiUiok of tboao goods and wc bave got to
make room for a carload of gowla which wo have ooming.
You will lied a big cut on the other goods at woU, tor
we must have the room.

dn*ail tliet many timid lU^ple have
who6i> T«*olh lUHxl C^leanin^:, Fill
im:, Crown or H^id^^5 \|ork.

Your Credit Is Good
One Dollar Down. One Dollar a Week

If your livth nre iii|li:uUvindi*
thm iolay,





Your Reliable Furniture Store.

Sla/f Bank Btiu Hne

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
THE BIG STORE" Dealers in Everything

Rich Rub^^Ware

Don’t Forget


IF. f.*r bny rxason. groc r does
not furnUh ypu with IDEAL pro<l
up the mill, we will see that you
it. Both phonics.
dec h-tf

When thinking about Xma* preaenta that a dufideHer. pretty shade, pocket flasher and


Discard YouT| Wood Beds

Anrof the abore will oa' c rd<i1 Xmai prearnta. .*15clcct
thmma utW" and we will Inf atide antil waoted.

Have Yoa=-^
Ever Fell
Of Poverty?

wUl 00 It.

OM P.O. Building.

$150 to $300.

Bhivartec la tiM vlatr7 blaaU 'VlUi
DO ebirt to protect bin fitnn tbe aoM
aod hU 44 caliber revolyer wo^Wlo*
90 that It tbreaumed everyona la
aisht. Phil Sbenner last evening. or­
MARK TWAINS WHITR RUAR dered two oTicera to enter hli
Srat aad by thair prefiance
BMaaaa Mwlc Tw«lii appeaiwl l>»be bnrglara that were ev|.
for* coacr«a r^»r *»«> »• •!«>» deolly tiylog to work tbe combination
of tbe aafe.
oo oonrrUbt »wRI««R>a- «• »
taaBal aoR. a craat amooDt of
Uae teat nUhl Officer Sllenaky
l»P«r coaiaMat ha. bMa ooDihI tmrh boaitl a auaptclona aoliic^^n the Lion
aad aaioof oU«r Iblac. the »el«r.i llSiior atora. The nolae aoundad like
hiaaoiM ha. h*«* eharned. wtth a there waa a thief at work and he ImaaMt of wuMrclaltam twcaUM the
to the Ultle Tavern
whttaaad aaaiaiarT .ulre autmcted at
Officer Qrayaon. who
‘teattoh aa« the aUenlloa wa« adrer- waa eating hU lunch. OfScor Bllewky
wont into the aUey and guarded-4be
ia'art ia taMdag taRh tha
entrance whtle Mr. Qrayaon
aetar «( Mark TwMo a. rwealed In
I In front, barring any egreaa
"The Hone>moon." with MIm Charhi. wrtUaaa froBi «rat to laat. Twain that the thief might make.
l<»tle Burnett aa the atar. at tbe r.rnnd
aaid that he wore iUnncIa baea*
In tbe meantime Harry Monroe last evening waa dlMpiKiinfing to nay
liked them and that U prohablr the ime aloog and waa told whnt wa« the leant. There* la nothing to ilu*
reaaOD whr ha did. The white llannel itJo^ He alopped and llirtoned and play and the aituatlona are at rained
aalt wan hla aholoe and .Inca he had the nolae aounded Juat aa though aoroe
unreal. The iHwpleaconipohing
to aodnro the eold blaat. of winter
trying to work the comblna- the caat, with the exception of IMiillp
and the hot crltlelama. whoee bn
Uoo of tbe aafe.
Idord In the character of the mock

Without walling for a tarther invra^ duke, were weak.
tlgatlon be went to Mr. Bhermfr's
the Ihahlon of weaitoc dark cloth*. In
and told him of tha trouble,
All lo^r* of a good entertalnnuMi
winter and white cinthee In at
get exclH*d.- Mid Phil, “take
an* more than a eu.tom, 1. i
It cool like roe. It taken more than hould noi iiiIb.r the pi.'mentation of
colored daBhel any more warm robberm to upaet me." be aald aa he D«>ra Thorne" at the Grand ..inra
louae rrhlay night. n.'c. 14. it la
lUht oololid one? U the n
tried to put both feet through one leg
lowerful and patlictic pla) In four
Star eadarwear «K the amne weight. of hla irouaera.
acta dramatlztHl from Bertha M. Clay a
' «Mdw ihaa the did ta*htooad Mad the
“You va got your coat m wrong aide
noxel by K. Laurence Lee. and la the
color of are?
out/- aaid Monroe, aa Shenner upaet
only veralon that atrlctly followa the
Bright colon are gaaorallf i
bU trunk on the floor and drew out
Inea ot the book. The company U
ated wlU llghtaaaa aod aanahloe while hla gun.
under tbe management of C. 8. Suin
dark are coonacted with monrat
"Never mind that," Mid Phil aa he
aadaeaa. Aocordin* to thi. aad roa- put on a pair of carpel allppera In- van. and la qpnoeded to be one of the
beat dramatic organization* traveling
Boalag aloog thI. line. It would be atead of hU atref't ahoea.
“Dora Tboree" is a love »too of great
■ baUar for the world If pende would
Running down the atreet. t!
heart Inierrat and U full of atartilng
amnlalo Twain aad wnr while flaa- men waurbed the Uon In al»oul
aal* or «gbt clothe, all the year ute. Tbe thief waa illU hfdnatxloMaly aurprixea and thrimn|i Incldenia. It
dialogue. IlU
li full of bright, clever d
at work nltbough hWwMd atop
play of strong sltnat Iona, and give*
What the world need. U eheerful
I offloara. how­
the company an excellent opportunity
aeaa and optimum, not darknea. and ever. kept quiet and be waa u
»how It* dramatic capacity. The
Drawing forth a bunch ©f keya from piece II produced upon an elal
la the new. column, of today’, hU puekel. Phil. Mter digippIPK them 4rder. all modern accoMorle* In the
paper there U a commimleatloa from M**nl tlm« ug WMtiDg .bout Are way of ricb aeltlngi. have l.een given
iRa BrltUh coaani at Honolnln aMdag luigatM. auumgeg to opeu the door to the play. The acencry i* exct'ptlon
aMy elaborate, aad the dreaMw of the
taforantloo la legard to tSa whereBtMPiag bMk twry pollteir be nld
ladles are unusually rich and coatly.
abooU of the al.ter. of Michael Mur- to the ofdeer:
The production I* guaranteed flrat
-You go Id amt. th.f. wh»t yonY*
In every
pMd for.” ud the ofBeer eat«iM W-'
lowed by tbe owner end Mrertl oUi*t*
Who had been attracted.
With their entry the nolae alopped
hot Cbere were no piatol
aemnda from the rear where OfSocT
Blleoaky waa atatloned. abowtog that
one bad attempted to eeoape tn beef tea. fin© coffee with good cream
at Jackson'sdoc 11-61
■Hmiw wm no thl*f TiAlble and Um
light* w»re finally awitched on.
DON'T WORRY a minute abw
H wa» dltcoTwed that th« eaude o< all
naa preaent when you can get a fine
Hot Mtaa WBht. hot thr homlt^ traubi* wa* a big tat. Ha had
md painted glove or bandkerchlcf
caught by Uc hind leg* In a trap bog full of choice caudlca no cheap
Ida o( MNag roar nMghbor
dfr BT0«p*reim wfctte
Jaebaon'a, 106 Front atre^
fwu to g«( tr«* had eaiiaod tba condec 11-61
ammitag «*ly a. Me*t**H** *f

Of* for rooroMt aod thMlIr.
sun tsdiv with um douiaiMtlOB to (AT* nwoey. Impiwre
r caadRlaB-«oa«Uht lATlag


A Special offer to all Womei
the regular price* $1.50 each.
At least ine of the name* MUST BE A NEW SUBSCRIBER to the Ladiw’
Home Journal. | The second name may be the club-raUer* own subscription, whethcr new or renewal.
The two Subscriptions, accompanied by $3 00. must be mailed or delivered at
-the sabe time to our Ladies’ Home Journal Pattern Counter. Four pattern orders
will be issued to those who wish to select their patterns later. Get some friend to
give you $l.f)0 for her NEW subscription to the Udie* Home Journal. This new
name with your, own subscription at $1,50 makes the dub of two yearly subscriptions,
which entitles ypu to any (our Ladies’ Home journal Dress Patterns.

Remember we are sole agents for the justly celebrated

Ladjes’ Home Journal Patterns


attern Counter""
Coiinter Miny
Many of the mMt'fMW
most fashionible dressmaker* of tbe^ntry
tbe country ere.
using these pattmms exclusively. They are designed by some of the beat artists,
There U styl^
and’fit about them not to be bad in other patterns.
tylc, individuality

Announcement / ^
that Mrs. Hyatt did not know
at- B
wewUl aid
later date, of which we will make due annonneement. In the meMtiae we

yon all we can with tbe very iBteat aMjig^inni from the Pattern Company..



Mm DatM HcXMm.
M ito Mmfea
Mat •*»!■« M tk*
homt or Mm Ma rk^bMt. »l But

mw far Me, fine «Mogii to

WebMp bn pa^ermngins




---------Hm 9t mmB rtmt ^

Vonr Morr, Md Moppf

oms Us*

M for CW UlD^tjr <
wmtU Ilf ArtSar
or w*. bm w

Unf mMllfMlIf

«r SIOM fr«B A mr wtoSow. Tb^
wmk vma 4o*o oomo dflir Mwm f
BOS 10 o d«!ir.
Al Bboot rlootnc tSaiB Iabi nlglit Mr.
IjooiAlB wt teefc to Ml tliB rtor
rorttlM. Hr f«lt b Btnmg draught
oAd bisM u» try to kmto Ura cmm.

SMUT PiitliiS to* toto tbroogh tbo
dfCA isoet. DlMsovorisg tbot thr windcrar M.tom eu\ <wt Ira otnrak b Ught
ud Itoftd that tbr WMt bBd bem
Tb« ramortag had baeo reiy cara^
firilf doaa asparaatlf by aoora oar who
waa famUtar with tira task aa tbr
SISM waa Mtlr au oat and laid to
oaa alda. It waa.foararad whol
thSwlBdow wart tradra abowing that
tha maa bad worv otanboaa.
Afiar tba dlaaorary oT*tba aUamptod
crlma. tba window wda naUad fast aad
InaodB pat ow tba opaoing.
Smrmi taapIcloM looklBg obarac.
ttra wrrt la Ura bbHxmi laat rrenlng
asd for that ranaon tba cbaaga that
waa naaallf laft waa giraa to tba man
;wbo opana U tba morning ao that bad
*tba tblaraa mad# an antranc*.‘they
wdold bSra aoDurad vary Ilula.

IBS INNMl igise
Court TrnvarM, Ma. BS. Faraoiara.
Blactad Offietra far tba Knaaiag
Yaar Ual Kvanlng.
Tba annual maaUag of CJoort Trar
araa. No. MS. I. O. P.« was bald Uat
rranlng. Afiar tba Initiation of one
eandidau tba followhig ofieara ware

U»r, that fBotraml bo Sror to Ura
toans or lira ebUdrca. thoir vbo ]
plenty of tba pood tbinga of Ufa are
apt to forget for tba moorant tba laaa
fortosata ssatu At Boyaa City, nbt
Car dUtaaL U locatad tba Banlab
borne for boya. a borne atoportad by
pubHe gina. aad U It ara two aoora
pr more boya batwaen the agea of t
and 1C who ara looking forward to
the holiday time with aa rnacb Jacror
aa are tboaa childran who ara Ilrlag fa
the parmta’ bomaa. poaalhla ibaaa
boya win bavt • booatlfiil Chrlatmaa
aad poaafbly they win aot. That lies
with tba ganaral publk*.. ,
They are almoat aalf isnpportlag.
working on the large farm aad doing
all of the Ubor about the building
wbUa the bead pf the Inatltutlon. Her­
man J. Swift, la daroting hla Ufa to
tba work, raaelrbig tba amall salary
of $1 a waek. Tha ardclaa moat need
ed at preaam are handkarrhlafa. nack
ties. oolUra. atocklnga. gartara. aboaa.
leUraa. hats. cape, mlttana.
(wool or cotton) ^adarclothing, auapendara. table ckHba.
ruga. ahaaU. fruit (fraab or canned)
combs, bruahaa. amall mlrrora. pie
turaa. moat (aalt or fraab) and money
The things may be left at tha fol
lowing placaa for collactlon Monday:
A. W. Peck. Ilf Bightb atraal; W. O
Fooia. CIS Waal Front; C. H. Johnson
71S Wadeworth: Mra. A. Oole. 202
Wadsworth; Mrs. Holcomb. SOS Baal
Tenth; Mra. Frank Goodrich. 131 Elm­
wood avenue; Mrs. Walter Bingham
2M South DIvlalon; Mra. Allan Grayeon. 217 West Seventh, and Mra
Frank Holdaworth. 727 South Union.

TEilTNO. 871
M. M. Wilkin* El*ct*d Cwnmwidcr
M Cvwitav-CnlMkklMwnl Nmt

Ooort daputy. Cbarlaa H. Hy.
Court phyalcian. Ur. R. U Tblrlby.
Cblaf rangar. Otit Lahym.
City toot; No. 871. K. O.
Yloa oblar laapar. Ban Moora.
T. M. M. elected tha following cifflcera
A^pofdlng aaoratary. Gaorga W.
for tba ensuing >-ear Uat evening:
M. M. tTlklna.
FlnanHal aacraUry. Cbariaa R. Tay­
Traaaifrar. W. O. Pteda.
Record keeper, E. M. Franklin,
rianlatV Gaorga A. Burrows.
Orator. Wllaon O. PuUar.
I. L Euglaton
Hanlor Woodard. John Danford.
PhysicUna. Dr. E. B Minor. Dr. W.
Junior Woodard. Bari Ackarman.

Hmlor haadle. Bonne.
Junior baadla. Charia. C, Walt
Master at armf. E. O. Paige.
Truataaa. Joaaph Houghton. A nd raw
First master d guanls. Bert WarShaffar.
rtoanoa coaunlitaa. Jamaa Burdan.
Second msKtar of guards, William
WlMard Oatcball.
; Marahall. Prank O. Hartley.
Sentinel. L. V. Beattie.
Picket. A. F. I^raolds.
An entertainment will be given Fri­
On# Day Parmara* Inatltitc to Sc Hold day evening. Dec} 14. to celebrate the
birthday of Judjaa Maccabeus All
Tbara Oac. Sa
ara luvliad.
The following la the program for the
Ooa day Inatiture to t>e held at Wil
llamaburg tow;r hall Thumday. IX't.
10 a. m.—The Purrhaaa and Cara
of Farm Maehlner>. A. dK Hopkins.
li:P0->Tha Sugar Beat. F. H. Huh
A burated wal^ faucet late yesteriMirtl. Charlarolx.
ly afternoon caused a good-aised
U :S0—Diacuaalod
fiood on the aecoiid floor of the State
l:Sirp. m.~Growing and CaHng for
( building and before It could be
an Orobard. A. U Hopklna. Bear Laka.
rolled almoatjall the corridor waa
F‘r water. Ttra'lcak was repaired,
S:ld-Tba Naada and Boat Mathoda bow. ver. and by jflint of hard hnatllng
of ImproTtng Oar Country Roads. W Jauliors Curtis aiid Pfclfiey managed
p. jAyroa. Wlttlamahurg
to got the muks Irleaned up before It
I S;0S~DlacaaaloD.
soaked through Into the bank room
Tha program will ba Inierapcra^
wUb muaie and recUatlona. Every­
body Inrltad to coma, bear the adFOR the sake M Justice to tbe af­
draaaaa and taka part In tha dlacua- flicted and for tira good of humanity.
iAone. Bring your dlnnara and have a It Is my right and duty to
mood time. Hot bolfaa furt^ad free. Homs^rt'a Rocky[Moimtaln Tea* We
rrank E. Soora.
owe our country And our fellowmen a
W. H. Ajroa.
duly. Tea or Tablet*. 33 cenU. JohnOommittae.
aon Drug Co,




It ASdWtn to the ASdratnai at tira
MttY anb This CwoMWif
la addition to tba addranaea by the
Sot. O. M Locidmrt aad Ura dab prea­
idant at Ura maeUag of Ura Manb dub
ot Graoa ebareb tbU evening, the folowiag muaieaj program arlll ba grt
Vocal aok>. Robert fitwarda.
VlolU aolo. Mlaa Helen Hannan.
Vocal note. B. Veraay Legg.
Mlaa Addle Sole, will be Uia ara
Tba ladlaa aad nop-c
wmambar that they ara aiio
The maatlng begina at t
It Stewart'a academy.
Joseph Urban ia tha proud father
of a tan-pound girl.
Grace charrh guild will meat with
corner Ninth and Union
street. Wedaesday aftaraooB at 2:30.
A full auandai
The Compankma of Foraatera will
give a hard times party Thursday
evening for all companions and
Mra. Huntington's Sunday school
class of the Aabnry Methodist church
were entertained at the home of Miss
Jessie Mans Uat evening. Thera
ware about twenty-five present and
after the bnsiness mrailng refresh
menta ware^ served and'a program an
The regular monthly meeting of the

forged but before coming to the city
be sent the notice bsek anytag that
ba knew notblng of U and rt<
word track that tbe paper bn^
toned over to Andraeoo. Liitor Be
saw tba reepondcot end tlra‘ letter
mnSa aoora eacuae. anytag that
note bad been Uk« core of.
**1 think It witl nppenr In tira evi­
dence.*: oontinaed Mr. Cross. **tbal tba
note was not sold to the bank by Mr.
raoo but that be bad lurned It
to Henry Brodhageo. who pot tt
there. Jacobson bad. ai
fore, pet op at Brodbagen a hem and
rme# by him—Brodl
that he held n note given to
Andaraon of Jaoobaoa’*. Mr.
too then told him If that was tree that
the paper bad been forged.
Jacobean was tbe fir»t vitneaa called
and took the stand at 11 o'clock.
Hr teatlflad that he had bought but
W cents worth of good* from the respoodrot and that was i
1N»6. He swore that he saw the note
bearing his nnma at the People’s Sav­
ings bank Sept. 27. INN.
C. A. Hammond was called and re­
mained on the stand for some time
this afternoon.
The testimony was continually in«■ 00.* iraw <
lernipled by the objections of the lawyera and the rulings of the court. The
The eyelldt of the
GET a nice souvenir for your friend.
notice from the Irank to Jacobson and
copies of the bank's records figured In •nd abut four ronilon times during the We have a line of hand-made lentbor
goods. Just the thing for Xnms.
tbe testimony. •
dec ll-€t
Jackaon'a IOC Front.
The case of Ulile vs. Ransom for
the recovery.of property was taken
GET a nice souvenir for yoor friend.
from the Jury this afternoon by the
We have a line of hand-made Iroiher
Judge. He still has It under advisekoods. Just the thing for Xmaa.

, Dr. J. M miibHrn left for Detroit
day. where be will traaaact busUeas.
J. H. Monroe went to Grand Rapids
W. F. OaUes left yeulerday for Kan­
sas City. Mo.. 10 vWt his non. Stewart.
MUa Lonlae Drarlng of Empire,
who has been irUtUng at Elk Rapids,
pasted through Ibe dty on her way
home this morning.
R. Redoer went to^ Lake Ana this
Mrs. C. A. Wlcbbam went to Lake
Ann today.
Mrs/ Clara M. Ball Is in Lake Ann
Mrs. .V Edwards is vlsltiag al C
A. N. Heuas pKnrned- to Empire
Junction this morning.
Miss Bewrte' Jarreit of Bendon was
in th.« city today.

-When I waa a boj.** aakl tbe.old
man. **tbey often made me take a bttle
noap aa a tnedidne. It did me good.
“Koap waa prewTilw.! In the rlllagv
for cramp*, for altk beadarbe. for a
half doran compUiota. The people ad
mined that It waa a nauaeona doae. but
on the olber band they pointed to lu
“When 1 waa Uketi down my mother
would cut from Ibe cake of yellow
soap in the kitchen a chunk about aa
big as a chestnut.
** *Now. aonny.* abe wonkl aay. *swalGardner on West Seventh street
ler this.’ and she’d bold tbe yellow mor­
W«lD.«Ujr *t J:»0 p. a.
The MUslonarr «>cle^r of the Pnt- sel in thomb and forefinger done to my
b>'terUn church wlll j meat in the ^I’d begin to whimper. The amell of
church pariora Wedne^ay at 2:30 It and the Idea of tbe lather that would
Those who have
brought In form in my mouth-tbe Istbcr I d have
ihalr home mlaalonary praUa offering to awallow-would fill me with despair.
are requested to brtng In tba aame to lUt my mother waa Inexorable With
this meeting. Tba response at roll stiff Ilpa I*d take thf eoap Into #ny
tb. I'd draw tbe soft and slippery
call is soma mlsslonarr item. The
■tuff s little and then. with, a groan
aubjecu for tba month are Syria and
a dreadful gulp. I’d swallow It.
tha MounUlnaara.
The Ladle*' Aid aoclciy of the BapHorrorsT said tbe old man. atoUingII church will meet with Mr*. B. **I can still taste those doaes of soap
Thirlby. Ijike avenuej Wednesday that were ao common in tbe rilUge In
aftamooo at 2 o'clock. I Bbcb lady is my boyhood.'*
eated to bring matorUI for a
kitchen towel.
Tbe AUgemelne Rundacau. Vienna,
*^a Honeymoon** company left thi*
a an article on the Jewish question
morning for Manl*taa. wkere they will Ad anti 8emitUm. has this to say as
appear this evening. A part of the to Jewisli thrift; 'It we could only iu>any landed at the* G. R. A I doce our own lower cUsa to acquire
depot about five mlnut^ before the tbe Jew's thrift, hla toduatry, hla *euMM. A N. E. train was dt^ to puli out. of order, him acrnpulous exartitode. bis
They found their mlavike. however,
Uy tbe Jew
managed to catch tbelr train at
ttr less danBarona to them than
the last moment,
U at present tbe case. If ooe Bunda^.
by war of IntaresUng experUnent, one
INC. Dora were to conduct an Inquiry Into the
Friday station, wealth and religion of vlaitorsi
Thorne at GranSkopera
arlooa public bouses, the folseal salo
night. Dec, 14
lowing result would transpire: A —
number of the gu^s^wouW b^'b
tlsns who would^ far better to save'
than spend their faoney in alcobollc re-1
Mrs. Hinas’ Funbral.
fresbmenta, gaming and tobac-ea There
The funeral of Mra. M. J. Hines was might be a few Jews, but at the moat
held from the home of ijer son. Dan they would content ihemaclrei with a
Hlnr*. of Elmwood township this cup of coffee.**

HaUiMaem.(Iiitar.derived eoleljp (nn
r>*».«*Mdlorijeokittpirily, ie die Miv.

««T l««n< Rofel Bridng

flavor and bedihfulMM.
Noalonv wpboephAto-wUcharadia
b^lMnrdm aad%rfucliaf»(I«^
rock aad oaUmrie add.

The McCleary. Quick and Weeae dl
vorce cases were heard and grantecl
last evening.'


COME to tbe Congregatlonar
xaar for some of your Christmas gifts
nt Foresters hsll Wednesday after\ and evrqjlng.
BUY the l»eal candl.
make the children sick.
Jackson's and they rrr

dec ll-^


Jaekmm*. lOg Fitmt.

Attand tha helitfay rug sola
MillikaWa. Spaclal prlcao.
Dac 11-tf


jtraUra of your diflltiiRlfO,
both at horns and your plaeo of
byinora. Thay ar# doara of

These at Faficst Prices:

Hand Mirrors. M line tn the city.
RoU-nps, handsome ones.
Toilet and Manlenre Sola, the hesL


^wanted—At oTir<‘; young man to
If-ani tbe Jcwelrj- trade. L, M.
doc ll-«
LOST—Milk dealei'R; route
name H. Brown on c<jver.
Clix. phone i.V*;
dc-c 11-3i

Traverse aty Souvenirs
aad Buuiy other useful




afternoon al I o'clock. Arrangements
I charge of H.*L. Oartcr
Simpla Eoglisf
“A fast man on a fast day
pay took his
horse and went to a fast land, and
there tied him fast, and as fast as he
could he broke hfs fast, j
Then he rose and took |off his hose,
and went with bis hoes aijmg the rows
and pot the rose on the; end of his
bbee. which, as everyone I knows, is a
sort of nose. So his ho-e waters every
Me In all the rows, ' j
Now aay who knows hpw a foreign
right could learn very fMl the mean­
ing of hoes and rows, and knows and
nose, or to perform any rite right
or even write rite right. If his living
ded on getting some! right which
Involved tbe right sTriUny of wrigbt.

right, write, aad rite?


Although tbe sea cokers fbreefourtba of tbe embY snr^e. It does
not provide In tbe wnmd^ proportion
Supper served from 5 to 8 Wedirae- for man’s wanu. Only About three
Dvdhoat Camp. Na. M4L Hold Elac day hy the Congr^onal Ladlra* Aid
per cent of the people U the world
Hon Laat Evanlr>g. '
•odety nt Poraetera hall. Music.
gain their living directly from the
Docbana ckmp. No. 2S45. Modern
Woodmen of America, bald thalr an­
Veal loaf.
Baked Beana.
Tbe color of the tuniooto rai^
nual aleclion Uat arenlng aa foU(
rom pen^TMn tbrough n greenUhConaol. Char B. Dafoe. '
Macaroni and Cheese. blne to a blue thati IS
Is auDOK
alnxrat black,
Adrlaor. E. C Lowing. Cabbage SaUd.
but the mom valued aped|Mns are of
Baakar, A. F. Straab.
Brown and White Broad.
dear sky-blue.
Clark. Prank W. Sledar.
It Is ImpoMihle for one peraoo to
Eraort. C C. LawlA
Mnmonlcnte with anothW by mall
Wauduaaa. Jamea QrifSn.
BUY tbe beat candles and don’t
In Consununople.
make tbe children sick. Get tbei
L by servants or dellverad
either be I
Manager for tbraa >enrn. H.
Jackson's and they are aura to be
/ dec ll-dt
Pbyaiciaaa. B. R Minor. F. HoldaOak beams over ooe l
wortb, W. B. Moon. W. 8. Moon. O. A.
HolHday. J. W. QauiUait.

*8<»nmaiulmlist. U ItP?**
-Vps: 1m* cm up In ihe ml.WU* of a
pbysic-s lecture and walked out of the
roooi.-'-'-Cornell Widow.
First Physician—Jla* he got 'an
hrreilltsry troulde?
Seeood rhy.^l(lan—Yes. I hope to
hand bit case down to mr son.
The Turks. It is said, hare no war
song* except , those translated .from
other tongues.
In Zululand. when the moon Is at
the full, objecu are distinctly visible
at as sreni a distance as seven miles.

8. E. Walt A Sons otfer^ Suggedlon
That )s Sura to Plaaaa.
much more perplexing
than tbe question of what to get a
man for Christmas, yet 8. B. Wait A
Son* have a suggestion to offer that U
very simple and ssilsfsctory.
*’If a man is a smoker.** says S. E.
Wait, -nothing will please him more
than a box of good dgara. Mind. I say
•good clgnru.* cigars made to be
smoked by those who know what fine
tobacco really la not dgara done up In
snver foil, with gold bnBds. that are
made for Christmas gilU only.
**ln the many brands we carry we do
not know qpe that we can recommend
with more confidence than Wadsworth
Bros * Chico. WhUe not expensive. It
Is.a cigar that U amolrad by onr beat
trade, tovers of a good aaMike, We
have already aold a 0ood atony boxes
for Chri^saa glfu. aad expect to sen
many nffiM. so thoae who want to got
cm for aW that wfll ranlly pleaae
Lm. Bhoold be wise and boy thalr




Barnum & Earfs
Diamonds from $10
to $300
Fine wWlte, periecl stones. They
make a good Investment as
weU as a alee pres«sL

We have the HamiltoD, UHnois. Bock,
ford. Elgin and Walthum* and caaea
for the aame, from nickle to solid Bold«
' all at the very lowest price at which
they c»ii be aoU.

fromSl to SSA
Sterling Silver Koive*. Forks. Spoons,
Berry Spoons.
Cold Meat Forks, Butter Spreaders.
Fruit Koive*,
Cream Ladles,
Gravy Ladles, Sugar Spoonr.
Butter Knives,
Oyster Forks,

Berry Forks,
Carving Sets'
• and various other lines.

SOver sMl Ebony Brnsbes.
Combs, Mirrors.
Manicnre Sets.
Travrilng Sets, etc.
UmbreUas. Ladies* and Gents’,
from H to $12 each.
We handle
CUaa, the finest that U made, Apieo. of
this, or ot tbe Hawks Cat Glass wooU
make a fine preaent.
Einga. Breochm, Biaoeieta. Scarf Pin*. Keck
Chains and Lockets. Cbaina. Ckartas,
Cnff Battona.
Foontain Pena,
Opera Giasaca.
Ftold Olaaaes. Speotaeles
andTarions other ertiolas, any one of wbidi will
make a fine praaeat
This store srill be open e^nings antil after Christmas.

Bamum & Earl is9 Front sl

• A


W ■■!


Busess CARDS

so. iivsa.; I

New York


Mt r. i. MAC Nrrr--rmMtat i
«i to sn, BAM. BOA TKMOAT
nirrmworduuMiL omm

mif «itort«toA Ii0v>totoi
DM. cc c. CHAW rtototoB fM flA
m WBMtol Mock to tot Mi IM


jA B. MAMTtti Fkjtofltok Mi M
MOO. Otoeo tof Mtot ftoto itoMl
frMgkt. pomic oM MkA OOoo
ot dtp Boekitoro.

WaD Pocket
nia to a htwhwne anboMPdUlhwpHp^ pock.
M iB Iba aatanl color «t
laalhwRiidia poowIUa( ndl
«Alr B^afd. but MMcUiing
WebawAlvara badaoiiip.
tbiocofthk kind atCfarist.
mas, bat tiiia is the Swot we
Tbeep will be given ew»p
vUhkt5cparc1uwo<r mors,
in addiUoa to cmr ityiikr

NMt. K. U
porton. OTOr Ctty Book MtoVA 1
AMCIL r. NKMUNOtM. LABfYlMtit BtoU Book Mlitof. OntlMl

See wlmlow display

Trsrorao Looi. Mi Lobo Oa. F.

•AM T. CHAM. M. 0^-0(tM ^
Dr. a K ctaM. auM aMk kM.
Botk.kMM.tlMr. BmMMMIM
DU. r. HOLBwwomi bm«m •*
tMtioa to tUMOOM of tk.
MM M4 IkiML OlOMM *aii.

OR. K. a. ktlNOR-O«00 OTM AMOli
CM Dnt bum. apootal HM«M
to oro. oor. MMfc and Ihroot. OlkMO*
•ttod. BoUpkoMA B*«W1om>o»1I

r "'•

■ r-i''



DR. W. «. MOON PkOMA ottoo
WMbUigtoB otTMt. dto. pkOM tlfc
T. W. TMIRU.V, DMtlrt.
stto A Btrt'a ioMtar WkM. Both
ARTHUR HOLUOAV. M. D.-TR7Mpad SorMO. RMOrod to ofA Borlk. atlooao pbOM IH.
uoar and aetioa rafoMtor. 8atMtartloB coaraatood. With KUabaU
Mode llouoa. OU. pboao Ml.



MONEY TO LOAN—No toi cUaao
put la aiortmM. Homm for oalo
loqulro of B. McNaatoia. Park
ARSTRACTP OP TITLE—C O. CarTcr. Hrlcco tcaaoBoblo. Ottoo with
O. P. Carrer A Bro. Both pboaoa.
DR. 1. L. THIRDBY-SpedM attM
tlon to dlieasM of chUdrea. IUkm
401 Bute Bank bldg. Both phoMA




tlrt Jnsuranct
L. L. A. eOILOINe-^

Sdd. Jlo Jaroil
201 freni ilMti





iaot olter Pitoldeol' fUMOorMt i
meMope hoi boen rood Coocreunion
Chomp curb come Into rUm of a doi
«o oewepaper men. Champ is always
pood for ao loionrlew. ao tliey vant.
od to c«i All oploSoo of too moMope
•1 baren i rtod It.- aald the Mtatouri
on. -but ni tell yon what I think to
It. * The oorroapooioou were aU at
tentlon. -|f« a eery ton* moatope.”
kald tbe MUiourUn, am he pralked
New^rt for Cpllepoy.

J. a Watonaoft. of Watoitofm. O.
Rural free dellrery. write*: -By
daughter, afflicted for year* with
epllep«y. wa* cured by Dr. King’* new
Ure Pills. She has not had an attack
for orer two years.” Beet body clean­
sers and life girlng toolc pUls on earth.
2Sc at Bugbee Drug Oo.. Hgnnah Drug
Store. FYank H. Beads, drag stores.
HANDKBRCHIBFB. Ic each and uiv
wards, floe embroidered onee^Oc to
tlic each. Tho Bconomy Store.
dec 10-Sl
IDEAL blended flour for general
family use U superior to any other
oo the market. Bake* line bread and
dec S tf
BWfSKT CREAB. large or small
quanUtle*. dellrered to any part to
city. Queen City Dairy On. CItz.
phone CT6.
oor SO^tf

—WMt have youioaell today?
House, lot. piano, aift. dtok.
eet of books, bupgy. music
box? Writs your answer in
tho poise to a want ad.-----end your aiwwer will bring

to P.. mmi every Thursday even­
ing. New Munaon block, a a Wel­
ler. C. C.Q
TRAVERtC CITY LSOION* NOw 1»kat^onal PrOtoeUve tnglM wffl
meto In Woodman haU on toe tbtrd
Tneeday to each Booth at 7:M pl m.
Abram Bctth. pceeMeot; Oayle
Qrlewold. eecretary; Nettie C, Gray,
A A. B.. meou on Bonday evening
oo or befoie tbe full ot the moon.
at7:Mp,m. B. a Haskell, eecra
tary, Khner B Whlto W. B.


*.la.s. tMK

Railroad Men

JASailtOB 6B0.W.aeWBTHT Are bomins Hocking Valley
AORME a MeWETHT coal for their own me. Why?
became they know what good
coal h and know that Hock<
ing Valley give* them the
idott heat and last* longest.
m b^^w^lwilbTlooe
Not only that, but they know
that when [they fill the stove
at night they will have a fire
in the morfing.
Phone HE about it.

«MttA BSMt M MiiMSI M **MMt.
The iMur hoMe
vkBe the UM«^ hsi
toMM B urnm
tkoi tto tooMm. <toik Atoorfeoo I
msOee to any klad
toMr Mik. M tto
to •nd gx^t
lime.' TW macklaefT of the el«po#Ds ooc oolt taitoloio bot to «kot
la udmiatmersd saUraty by the
ooooto tor fkr soro ttoa oO
rHItoootHp. ttot to to dtororto
oM toMta
1 WM-wmrj OMMk otniek ip i
cofioto ckotoctor ^ to tto
as to eleetonl frauds U
poMto ooi to tto' Ftoco BIm
I In the eourta. H«
oitot. Ttor M k|i(]i to tbofli bodito
safe to make i
toot iMoeC
Mto too Atooritoo
ta the pri
oOlor poBto oto oabor toe lotol Potto
by any distnrbanee. and
Rtooo gawmrnmmt Tbe Porto BIcoa
M knileto baa been made agalaut the
to the ulaetkm. although
prtetei ^ by toe Ooopreoe. I
otoJy boieI that
tole boir wUl be kopt three conteets ure thraateaed wchere
the majorities srera vtoy umaR and erbe tioopo to tto
oai It It vtoe
toot toeoe troope |toool4 ^ be tboto ooorae. to be stotled la the oourt*
oelireo ooUr# Porip RteoBO. It vooM la abort, the goveraor and ebuacil
are cooperating with all to the most
be toon er^T otobipolat o aU
eallihtened and most patriotic to the
Dot to I
people to Pmrto Rko in edueptiag the
Tekneee and Cana.
In tiavrraing the Ulaad even the totlscM to the iBlaad la the principles
most cursory sunrry leaves the be­ of orderly Uherty. They are providing
nreniment baaed upoa each dUholder struck with the evident rapid
growth In the cnltsre btoh of toe ao- laa-a self respect, aad the mntnal re
t to all citlamm; that
gar eane and tobJm, The frnit to
(OototMok fmio rum, fomo
too to ottBoM to cto ktot poM

dnatry /a nlao gnisflng. laai year
toe most proaperw year that the
lainnd haa over kmmn btoore or aio^
the Amertcan occiipaUoo. The total
of ezport* and Imporu to the Island
was forty-five mUlloos to dollars as
against eighteen mUllopa In IfOl. ThU
Is the largest to the Island s history
Prior to toe American oocupntSoo the
greatnat trade for ^ one year was
that of IgPfi. when I It reached nearly
n mUllons to dollais. Last year, there
fore, there was dor^e the trade tost
toeie was In theimoto prommrm
the Spanish regime. There
were 210.273 tons of sugar exported
last yenr. to value of |l4.m.31g; gS.gtt.1€3 to toheooo. and 2B.2kO.322
pounds to coffee.ofj the value of g3 431.102. Unfortnnalely. what was to
be Porto Rioo-a prime cro|HH»«*ehaa not aharml this prosperity. It has
never recovered fro^ the disaster to
the hurricane, and. moreover, the benhrowlng open our market to It
compensated for the loss in­
flicted by the eloalim of tbe markeU
to It abrond. I ctol your attention
to the neeompanytttg memorial on this
subfoto. to tbe Board of Trade to San
and I earneutly hope that some
meusare Bill be taken for the bene­
fit of the exctolentj and high grade
Porto Rican coffees. |
deiegsttons from the
to Trade and Chamber to Commeree of San Jaanj I also received
delefntkm from ^ Porto Rican
Federatkm to Labor. ^ from the Coffee Growers- Aaaocbitlon.
Amerieae Citizenship.
There is a matter to which I wUh to
call your especial atkenilon. and that
is the deslrabllltjt of conferring full
merican Citizenship upon tbe peo­
ple to Porto Rico. II most earnestly
hope that this will be done. I can not
see bow any harm cin possibly result

progTM along tl
of orderty liberty. Surely we should
show Wr appreclatien of them, our
pride In whsl they hare done, and our
pleasure In extending recognition for
whdt has been done, by granting them
H American citizenship.
Under'the wise administration of
the preeent goverair knd council,
marked progress has been made In the
difficult matter of granting to th^ peo­
ple of the IsUnd l6e largest measto aelf-goverament that can with
safety be given at the present time.
wonld have been' a very serious
mistake to have gone any faster than
we have already gone to thU direction.
The Porto RScuna haye complete and
absolute autonomy In all their munlrtpal governments, the only power
over them possetoed by the InsoUr
goveramenl being that of removing
or Ineompeteut municipal ofThU power has never been exerclaed save on the clearest proto of
corruptkm or pf to<»mpeteMe--*oeh
the toierosu of the
people to the island; and under aueh
It ha* been fearteaaly
Used to the immense benefit of the





All Under One Bureau.
All the inaiilar governments should
be placed la one bureau, either in
the Department to War or tbe Depart
meet to State. It is a mistake not so
to arrange the handling of these la
lands at Washington as to be able to
take advantage of tbe experience
gained In one. when dealing wUh the
obleuu that from time to Ume arise
Ilf another.
OS nyr
In eonclusioo lei
admiration for the work done by the
It enacted the law
under which the Island U now being
administered. After seeing the Island
personally, and after five years* ex

who devised this law to aay that It
would well night be Impoeslble to
have devised any other which in the
tual working would have acoom
pushed better reualU.

Theodore Roosevelt .
The White Houm. Dec. 11. 1M6.
A Dog Thto Rings a Fog-Bell.
Off thrcoast to Bslne. on one of the
rocky islands that mariners fear, there
live* a dog which earns wnges by ring
Ing the fog-ben when the mists roll
In from the sea.
*Tbe dog belongs at Wood Ulaad.
off Blddleford pool. amUs the constant
companion of the keepers. He has
been there for a long time, and U well
acquainted with tho way* of that
small part to the world. TbC'k^per
modest man and does not du a
greut ilearto IgMtlag^the proF^
of Iris do^ because he might ^ con­
sidered proud to his own skill as a
trainer. The dog's capabUlUee in his
peculUr line were discovered one day
last September, when <m an excur­
sion. As tbe Island was approached
three blaaU In salute were g1%-en by
Capt. Oliver to the steamer. In reply
the keeper of the light took the bell
rope, which wa* kept hung up out of
reach of the dog. and handed It to the
waiting aidma]. The dog aeUed tbe
end of the rope and puUed away it It
and the bell sounded lU salute.
Bnow That I* Alive.
«t curious pheno^o In the
northwest to Canada Is the appearance
to mHHons to mlaote black tnsecU
heneve^ a tSaw occurs.
Durtug the winter tbe snow U dry
and crisp, like sand, and nothing whatever cun be dUoovered to ihme in
sects, ‘but as aoon as a thaw comes
they are foumj everywhere In large
patches, looking like a dusUng to soot.
They are generally known as snowflies. or Jumpers, and have aUgfat bop­
ping powers, being able to leap some
three or fo(ir Inchaa. They entirely
disappear wtien It freeses again, and
not a trace to them can be found.
They do not fSU with the snow, as
therw may have been no snow for a
month or amre Imfora their arrival,
and ure probuhly somtohlag Bmilar to
tbe -rad am>W to the Aradc ragkma.
—PhBadeipkU Ingulrar.
In a thousand miles to Europe a
areful olmerver saw but one nibblab
leap eume old aeetal cans at Carts

hand made praehall Wednesday

Dr. W. J. Higgins

Porcelain Work

upon s rigid ohaenranoe of the prtn
dple* to our American aystem; the
principle that the m^k^ty must rule,
and the principle that the minority has
is which mast sot be disregarded
rampled open.. Yet real progress
has been made in having these prin
s accepted as elemSflUry. as the
foqnitstkm to snoecpsful sdr^vera
1 transmit herewith the report to
the governor of Porto Rico, sent to
the prestdeot through the secretary of


TUt it tbe package Oixt
briogt to your table the
and beUiett of aU
and Qackea.

This it thetiade markof identincatkMi
triiich appoan in red and white on
eedi end of the package.


Tbit itUte oame of the Company fliat
stands behind both the trade mark and
t^ package—a name tynonymooswith
all thaft best in bakii^.

eOi i:iea.,'i;« sai'iiloaw'i .tea ju^Mumi.Sy
Into Arthur Bol
weeks ago and taken
Alec Cornell, so far
raco\*erad as to be able to be moved
to hU home last Friday.
Special to the Erenloc Hecori
Neax^-n City. MIcb.. Diy^. 11.—Mr*. I Mrs. Sarah Grlner entertained
Aans Shell of Copemlah was a guest ladles Kale Depew. Alice JewH and
Mary Rtxong of South Grant and Etta
of Mrs. Maggie MU Saturday.
Tlmllck to Pleasant farm and Mrs.
Mrs. Alice Jewel and Mrs. Kate
Depew of 8omh ...rnned
{Copemlah at dinner Saturday.
meeUng to N««en City hive. No. 570.


•^Oort Is one baalMos In which tbera
ara no women ihopUfters.** mid a
bled with ahoplifters. but they are aU
meiL WUmeu dou*t ueem to have any
time for book strabog. IPo remark,
able bow raav thefts wo dotoct la tho
uwsperott* enongh to buy whole llraries arc often caught abstracUog^
I twnrofy-flvo cent book. I figure* thift

last Saturday.
D. G. C. Adah B. Price made Nessen
CSly hive a very pleasant though abort
call Saturday.
At the last meeting of NVssen City
hive. No. 670. the followinj: ofdcerF
were elected for the coming year;

YOU need a tonic that will pul the
sap of life iato your ayalem and for­
tify yoii from all diseases. HoUlster**
Rocky Mountain Tea Is recognized as
Ibe grratest slrenglbencr known. Tea
or Tailet. 3S cents. Johnson Drug
store, j

mander. Alba R. Brimmer; lieutetiant
commander. Anna Katz; record keep
er. Sarah Grlner; finance keeper. EUle
Tlmllck; chaplain. Anna Shell; ser
geant. Alice Jewel: mistress at arms.
Mary Strong; wntlnel. Maggie Miz;
^picket. Llzxie Hefflnger: physician. Dr.
Alec Cornell; asaistant physician! Dr.
Will Menold made a Tnulnesa trip to
Thompsoovllle Saturday.
James Coyne, who was thrown from
a load of bolts and run over by the
wagon and very seriously hurl three

offenders sra tripped up. Then they
^^'ELL SCATTBRED-No 2 togHber b-r,
VC to pay for tbe purloined volumeo
DON’T WORRY a minute about »« and
Xmas present wbt*n you can get a '
hand painted glove or handkerchief
Isnc full of choice candies so ebewp at
Jackson's. lOfi Front street. .
THE LADIES of the Asbury M. E.

dec n-6t chnrah will hold a baraar at the
chiirrh bouse I>t. II. All are Invited
OUR IDEAL spring patent flour Is to nttcud.
dec 1011
guaranteed to be unKurpassed by any
on the market. A trial will convince
APRONS, fancy white ones from
dec 8 If
2.V to 95c. gingham aprons from lOe
to .5f»c each. The Bconomy Store.
dec 10-31

the run to tbe place and ara at Hborty
to examine tbe stork at tbetr
A man pkks up some little volume be
may want. and. seeing do one at hand,
the temptatian to get oomettilnf for
nothing is too rnneb for him. Be aHps
tbe coveted artlcBe Into bis pockto. bol





i'l-:- ■•■7

: TMvcMK tnrv. neHttMovuMYn



A Wtetora WMter.


TSAVEitte emr muButTB.

Ttera-, a un M Batec. Tea. Itet*<






;»rAirrt©_o«,d m»m kw: ofi
ravMte to late itaiso of <*n«KW ate aafo or toate atea Ml to
«te«iia: tatowatte ro^atrte. Mn.
Ctear Halt aaratr Kau ate Wd
WANT|»-te toaaa to teal

at M aaato ter €<»«; •»>
!«•»• rmn mMkm Mg vmc«>: h
for mm oiul t«om« cm 1m> foraUM.
To «w>ly. t»e rtiber
or CiU.
iriNme to tkrmkmX Work! At
lor. & mUm wool of B«o4oo. Uoooi
btsMi M F. M. E. R. or |4oot to
r. C. Domoood. Ttatoim Ctt^. ]
WANTCO-PMitloo M BiirM^ *0
ymrr oipoHcoeo. ^ Mrs. CbAplE, IW



WANTKO-.PoslUoo.As clmk lA frorery or
a C.. OAro
dec 7-tf
TEAM* WANTEI>-To haul togs.
TnitrnM- City Mfr. Oo.
doc t-St
11.. Kecort office.

Inquire R.
dec $d;t*

WANTKO-airl for fmcml hoossvork
In small family. Mrs If. McDoiifld.
$2$ Wssblnftao 8t.
dec $<St
WANTKO-IMnlnf room flrl at once
At tbs P. M. Bstlnf liouss.

offtec firl
dor f.lf

WIITK^-Tonr tonAd

Alan <me earner PPOBt aMl Bone. A,
P. BMlImnnteL
dec StI

HOUSE TO RENTGnrtkld and 8UU.
HeaMBB,lil CoA
tea atrart. Prka aaked H spot cate.
Prtt* M2S«. . Wad# Braa.. BT
Cataa auaai. CMs. pteoa IIJ».
TO BENT—Orica rooo
Oaa sMta of three
TOB BALK-Btoto. ate batear; .ood
aaaaa. laaBlia cf K rreat Bt.
HAVE a teod Ure propoatUoo for aa
AMrgstJe man. W. D. Lyoo. 44$ HOUSE FOR REMT-On
airert. Inqulrw at 225
Emit rnmt.
dec J(Mt
street Mrs. Wilkins,
ACTwa two mlleB
fUte Bank tmlldlBf; Aasst lornUon
for snbartiAa rmUdsAea ta Uils reij«. Prtaa $3^0$. Wade Bros., 117
Oakm atraec Clu. pbooe 121$.
gom cat with white vsfA and feet.
Ratnrm to Mrs. F. G. Pnrfee. 1116
taka cUy property. Sfual Valnc
dec (btf
Price $t.000. Wade Bros.. $17 On
km straat. au. pbooe 1211.


FOR BALE-140*>Larfe elfht room
DBC, 14. 1$06, k. O. T. M,. No. $71.
boaae. large loC B. Ninth street,
rloao lA. Cash price $1600. Wade gives a crtebratlon to the air knigbu
Bros.. $17 Union street. OU. phone and Lady Maccabees of Traverse
City at $ p, m. Supper S cenU per
'.dec 10-lt
we HAVe kaniwsre stocks at Grmsm.
Hotel and Bnr Fnmltiire stock and
trade at Lake Ann. Ur«e Ikrartnc
mill At Copemlsk. one of tlm largest
and best hotels; nil fumlsbed. In
Kortham MleklMui; one thousand

feet of best hsrdwood. hem
lock sadd pine In MlchUnn: llmry
bsm fully
lly equipped In Traverse
City. We bsve a a and saw nrtUs
slso n few choice locstloni In cen-

Farms for ^ale

ty for sale alnpst anywhere you
want It. But wp have nothing w#
can offer you that wtU equal the
Giwnd Traverse aogton for safe,
nure prolltsble Investment, either to
purchaser or as s<?curity tor loan.
We always have s gUt edged eecurity for your money and we si*
. ways have tho money for glU edged
*17 Union Street. Traverse City,
Mich., au. phone i:i$. Call us up
hy phone, local dr long
We pay the freight.
street, near Twolfib street, eight

I have a number {of jjood
(armB, all the vay from M to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property. 1 srill
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for lesjs money
than you can buy itjof any­
body else. 1 have farms
which are located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.


aa Dj«
Works. Ill E. rroBt Bt, Call lit FOR »ALC-14$o-nnt bouse. 9omer 240 Washington.
of Boyd and Front; large lot; new
Clto. pkoBS sod at aUI do the root.
house; easy terMs; price $1200.
Wade Bnw.. 617 Unkm nUeot. Qtk.

• *=•.31 a a^tr. 1

Arc Your Collections Slow

PON BALC-Stora sad lot oener
mat sod Oak sUaaU; tplredld
baslnsAs IocaUoa; fist upsUlrs;
woold mat to riflit iMuty. BAqulrt
SbArmsA E Hyntsr.
oct 2Wf

fact0111*0 and postotn<*e; cent ml
imn <rf 6th Kfrett.
Price $1500.
Wade Urns. 817 Union 8t.. Cltx,

FOR SALE-1462-Six room house.
Boyd avenue, close to IU»ae street,
FOR SALC—KIftity srrr farm two
price 1060. Wade Bros.. SIT Union
mllrs Wf*t Nonlsvlllo: lour mllrs
TrsvrHc City; slsty
atrtn»t. atr. phone 121$.
Aciws ImprmtMl; six arres suitable
for Ksrdeo; koinI bulldliucs: all In FOR SALE—TkhmI top bugsy and
fltHtH'lasa comlltltNi; cash t>rire
Portland cutter. Inquire L. E. Trim
$3,000. Wade Bnw.. Ri: Union
diy liMf
str«*ol, CIU, phone 121$.



APPLCB BOB BALE—I have aome' fqRI SALC-C>ntate toctotT. «>«»0.
rh..|rv appira by boahel. I.,r ..-.Ir;
p„.„. Baateery ana toola:
■ C<iW.-n«. Baldwin., Cr.K-n,n ji.hted by eleclrtclty; r>od Bre
TalapahnkUea. rewankh*. | protection. In n line pine, of ItM:
Talman Sweets. Wa«on«,. B. J. | ,h„, rnllroada and n «renl openlne
nor S« U .
, p,.r.i p.palr bualneaa; no
oppoalUoa: will te» lor »U00; n
new sinenangp for none one; owner In poor
rick. Ox;
health. Addmna 2. J. Borick.
acbtwl. market and church;
terms. I»rlcc 11600.
aov 7 tf
ford. Mich.
Wmtg.Broa.. 617 Union 8t.
pheme 121$.
dec 1


FOR SALE—14K—One bundrtsl and
sixty acre farm 12 miles south of
city; seventy acn»s Improved; new
botiae. bam. windmill: all fenced;
Price $4600. Wade Bros.. 817 Union
street, Clix. phoae.1219.
FOR EALE—A combination wood or
hot blast coal stove In flrVt class
condition; worth l!^; $10 cash takes
itt- Oeo Osborn 844 Slate St.
phone $28.
dee 4-M*
quarter mil
new cement block house; g«kd l»am.
price $1200. Wade Bros.. 817 Uoioc
street, au. phone 121$.
FOR EALE—1476—Fine new ten roi
hcMme, comer lot. comer of Uni
and 14th atreeu.; will Uke
In good value, free and clear of en
cumbrances Traverse City produc
tire. Cash prim $2,000.
Bros,. 117 Unkm street, au. phone

largB lot. hooac well Aolahnd

FOR EALE—14T5—One hundred
alxly acre farm nU miles from city,
thirty three acre orchard: 1
bnanmeat bam; good house;
cows; npna homes; two bnUa: aU
tnim teoU. Half cMh, batamce
terms. An A No. 1 fmll and dairy
farm. Price $5100. Wade Broa,
$17 Ualon atmei. ata. phone 121$.

CiL phone 774

BaveyM accteats jhat

YoH Have Givcii Up?
[f yon lure, let me! collect
them for yon. j
01(1 aoowmta prompUy Wtonded.
to and loan make money for yon

A. Pohoral
OoUocUon Agency, over $Bmaton
10. itoe.

Tmversn Oiy. 1

«IU> A. Poboisl'. astecr f(W tellact.
loB. naar U tb«h loa« ooU^vte; bot
jiut the wm. Mr. Pohoral bryosht the
teltaquenU to Uma ate prompt satDr. *. L. Aabtoo. DoiUat

A Taste ofTliese is Sure
to Please
PICKLES-Sonr, SweeL DiU. Mised ted
Mnataid—just a litdo better than ths other
fcUow’a. 4Vy tbem-per dot............. 1 Sc
right twang—per ,1b............ :............... I Oc
SAUER KRAUT-Made fioni little t*bbage in the okl^aabioned way, per qt-. .6c
SWEET CIDER-Pu». apple jnioe. U*.
snuM-kin’ good—per gal....................1 6C
California Crapes-Joat reoeive.1 a ^ipment of the, 1best that growl—per llx..20c

Where FOOTE’S Of course
B/a’j P'131 en.

Jsseph SMe & Sms

Flret-^ilaM Butdiver*.



can repl^ «
a tend|ir. juicy
not a turisey.!chicken.
ate sweet
mvt as
*i a ant
dock. Itet will aak* yter Tnl(>iMe foaat ooe fo reitemb*-. ^Va tera
■mmrte erarr deUcoer to tte Hne o(
BMati. po<iltT7. teiM

tetes tor


ate ! cai
I that
to the

FOR EALE-l4$$-27 acmt two ^
ouMialf rnHea dty market; 1.0h0

80, aad Ffuklin.

Both pbonea.






Rev. G. c£ I

pamcnltc at hin own vnoneat for the
past few yean and km hmm Uvlag at
Flint. wUI fwcMve a Mffney oC $10,000
from the enlEte of an mmH who died
reoantly la fbmtinga ernaty. Ontario.
There are Ev$ hdn and the properly
is valued at $$0.00$. Rev. 8fnl^ Ir
the man who ftnt organised amnawr
aaanmhilea la Owoaeo and has condneted several very aocoesaful onea.
He baa a danghter who Is a Booth


i and boys to lesro

Inf by sduAl prsctkse In ihrm
tmmUia Positions seenrod. Writs
for frrs csuiomis. Ooyne Broa Co.
$31 *46 N. AsbiABd Arc.. ChlcsfO.
nov 22^04

PhoAs IW4.

1 Pewaaf tltkWiiian ][

TM> tetert to tote*

Nelaon Tbomaa. fbmseriy a carpao
ter reeldtag at Ooniana. baa wrtttan to
rrienda of the eaae trade in the
conatsy warning them itf keep nwny
from Ban Francisco. He says that al­
though good wages are paid, jobs la
Frisco can be but temporary at the
bpst aa the bulk of the carpenier work
in reboUdlag.wlll soon be finished.
Ho says the inalag of the steel woi$ters U Just begiaiilng and fabohms
waste will be paid them for ibewrectlon of the many new steel akyacrap:
Thomas has gone to Portland.
Dre.. where them Is a good demand
for carpenlerm and Is receiving $5 per
Acting under InstrucUona of the
county audllorm, Proaccutlng Attorney
Hunt of -Detroit hap Instituted quo
warranto proceedings In Circuit court
to teat the constItutjoiiUlty of the good
roads act and the right hy which Caa*
Rlua a. Bentan, Sdwmnl H. Hines and
Hfnry Ford are holding office aa
rnunty road commissioners. Attorney
Allan H. Graier appears for the
prosecutor. Judpe Bohnert issued a
County Treasurv*r Robertson from pay­
ing out any of the good roads and In­
sane asylum Ux moneys. The Injunc­
tion prnhiblu the dlsbur^menl of
$15,000 for the erection of the Insane

Ryw Eomv H. U A On*E
Jehm la peepoa
for mambur of the
amte board nf ed
Luther H. Wright, hen the latter he^ Vrm On^.Hoaaah Drug 8toc% Prook
Oodilh. per pmmd«

ordiaary laterest In school
He ta pmaldeat of the 8t. id
man of the aehool board aeetkm at the
recent State TesuAerm* aaaocU
meeting at Battle Creek.
Blaming the Port Huran. 8t. <
E Maifou Oty Raflway campnuy
the Icaa of her appetite aad eauae of
amelL Vtabath M. PuulkiC of Detnkl
has hngun salt la ditnlt court again^
the road for $6,000 danagaa. She nays
she was iBjnred July E. Ifit, In alight­
ing froto a car at Marine Oty.
It Is more than Ukely tbai upon the
ooeaaktt of Presideni Roosevelt a viMt
nmrt year he may deliver a abort ad
dress at the dedication of the new T.
M. C A, bnlMlac la Lanalsg. Ooagrwaamaa Samuel W. Smith has the
matter of geiUng the preaideal to
apeak In Laaaing In hand.
An unnaual amount of anchor ide
has gathered in Grand river. Jnat above
the dam near Portland, and bos raised
the water about eight feel. Tbe river
has ovcrdowed Chipman’s fists, but as
yet no serious ^age has been donic.
ThU is the Erst lime thb has hsppeg
ed at thls tlme of the year la the hls^
lory of Portlscd.
It took the Jury Just 50 minntes to
decide that Jacob Carpenter was not
responsible for the death ' of John
Anderson, who passed away on the
sixteenth dgy of last June from Injur
ies allt'ged to have l»een received at
the bands of Carpenter In a Eght In
tbe Perrin saloon on South Monroe
strict at Cadillac.

Beiteral Hews
The flflcnth annual meeting of the
Naticmal League'of C<»mmlK«lou McrehaniB of the Unlli*d States will be
held in AiuburK. J»n. »th. conilnaInn thrroiEh Iho loth nnd lUh. lor th«
election of offleers and tranKOctlon of
any buslnefis that may come b<*forr
the in«H*tlng. *An Invitation Is extend­
ed lo offleera and memU*rs of all as-s*>elatlons intonated Jo and to shipiH*r»
of fruits, vt-getahh^s. dairy products,
ptmliry and eggs, to altcml. Ri'diiced
tales of lare and a third for the round
trip will iH* grantc*d #»n the certificate
plan. Certificates must be procured
when purchasing gi»lng tickets; iheiw*
tlekels can he used
days before
the ois*nlng of the ni^etlng and per­
mit of stoivovers. The^um |oamcy
muHl lH*gtn N'fore m^nlght of the
third day after adjournment. Sunday
la not counu^d In dlhcr Instance.
The. Bureau des Longitudes- of
Parts bos decided to send to SamaraLand a aclent$c<nlsslon j^boerve the
ei'lipkc of
sun that wtH ^ visible
in Central Asia on January 13.
Th© mlmioa wUl be under Ih© direction
of the aalixmumer. Slefnlk, of the
OUaqrvalory of Mendon. who,accom­
panied M. Jonaeen on his expedition
to Spain for the obaervallon of'the
eclipse of August 30. 1$<»5.. Among the
instruments with which'the jparty will
be provided' Is a cine
picture the French. Russian knd other
adelitUU in the course of their obser­
One of the most remarkable fea
ture* of tbe new motement In China
is the use mode of the prem. The lost
few years have seen the rise of hun­
dreds of dolly papers, moat of them
with clrcuUttoni running Into many
thousanda and many with world cable
services. Pakto akma boa over a dox
en of theae journals, including one for
women, written largely by Chinese
women. These, be It noted, are not
enterprises begun by foreigners lo
teach the Chinese but they ore suit­
ed and run by the Chinese themselves.
Amaxlng progress Is being made in
railway building in Chino. The mile­
age of roods now In openUlon being
bum and proj^ted approximates
$.600 BBllea TWs U olrendy more
than Bpoin has. but less than the
mUeoge of IHlnoU or Ohio.
The searchlight on board tbe new
Briiloh bouloahlp Dreadnought la a
new type, being doable ended, so oa to
throw powerful beams of light la ex­
actly opposite dlreetlooa to faolllUte
miapliore signaling. Bbch light ta of
nenrty 50.06E een«e power, and. plac­
ed on top of the trtpod mosL wUl be
visible twenty mUea.
The fliw conmnMoners kd 8e»
Francisco hare dbrtded to request the
board of supervlaora to pees on ordi­
nance making it a nrisdemeonor foe
siUMPe lo shut off
water from
UmOitM, to jOfe h^ronu used
by the Ere depietment.
Sevend eT the lorgmt Amerienn eartlife manafheupera ore now mahtnE
a spedrttj Of
to the nnUmiobBe trade, and Eiw making complete

Imdies for tht» cars which arc being
placed on the market by the aulomc
bile house**. It Is said thst In this wsy
the atiiomobllc body building Industry
separate from chassis building. Is rap
Idly l*eromlng of great importance.
Thi- Pacinc Rvport and Import com
|i.iny Is a new S**atile fMinn rn which
|*:i»pose« lo do u genersl exfiorl and
Iniiiorl l»usln<*»s l>i*lwe»n Seattle
China and Japan. When thoroii
organized. It is the Int-ntlon of the
branch hr
in aeveral of tbe largest centers of
the Orient, notably Hong Kong.
The birthday of Kliha Bufritt. th(
“learne.f blacksmith.- llr.gtilat. eiliim
tor. lectnrerauthor nnd coiiruI lo Kng
land, was obKcrv^-^l In the ach«K>U of
New Britain, Conn.. Saturday. He
born in that city Dec. 8. 1810. and died
March 6. ISIS.
Congressman Cynis Sulluway
New lUmpshlrt*. towers high over all
hU colleagues in tbe bouse, the dispar­
ity in stature being especially notice
able when the memberh rise for pray­
ers. K\en Vice Preaident Fairbanks
is compelled to look up when he meets
the ymnkee sky .Hcrspor.
Speaker. Cannon, who U nearly 71
ycara old, ran half a block for a strc<*l
cor in Washrington. He caught It
aaCcllmblng aUwrd. won met by Sena­
tor Carter of Montano. **Thafa pretty
good for on old man.” Senator Carter
sold. -Oh. rm good for a run any
day. notwithstanding'Mr. Gompers.**
the speaker said.
John Shaip Williams was not in the
house for prayers the other roor


.. n

BRU8HBS $Dir the holr. the teeth,
the wMopMeB eapadafly for Christ
mas rvers at MBl«Fa pharmacy.
NO DAltQSR ef typhoid tf yoa nee
idllk. Doom GUy Dairy
ata. tel. ITS.
nor 1$U
An OfWnaaat Relative «e Carvtogea.
Hocko, Coke, Hockney CeoeMo. Om-

Be It Ordaloed by the OEuncll of Traveroe CUy:
Section 1. Oumera. drtvErm or con
ducforw ef .ony vehicle kept and II
censed tor the carriage or tronaporta
Uon of poaseoget*. with or wlthoot
baggage, within the limits of this city,
shall be entitled to charge the fonow
Ing rates or prices of fare, and no
For* carrying each paaaettger I
from any railroad station, hotel or
dock, to or-from any point In the city
except the Northern Michigan Asylum
for the Insane, not exceeding twenty
For carrying .paasengen to or from
tbe Northern Michigan Asylum for tbe
Insane to or from any point within
the limits of sold ^ty oa follows:
Fifty cents for one passenger. Efly
o« nts for one addllkmal passenger.
doIUrfor three pOssei^era. one dollar
for four passengers, and twent> five
C4*nts for earh additional passenge
over four paaamgers.
For carrying each posaenger om
sad on»-half miles or under, and not
to or from any railroad station, hotel,
dock or the Northern Mlghlgiai Asy
Jam for the Insane, not exceedlai;
twonty.flve cents; for carrying each
passenger over fhe disuuict^ aforesaid
and not to or from any railroad sU
tlon. hotel, dock or Northern Michigan
Asylum for the Insane, not cxcc<‘dlng
fifty cents; children under five yean
of. age. In charge of any other peraon
shall be carrie<l free; children aged
litHwe4*n flvf and twelve y«*arti bhnll be
ewrrltHl for half price.
ytn tarrying each trunk weighing
letw than one hundred pounds, twentyfive cents, and . for earning
heavier pl»*re of baggage, ten o nts
f«.r each additional hundred iKumds ei
l»arl thereof.
Hand Isixes. satehc lK. Iiags. valises
bundh-s and grijis In charge of passen
gi^rs lielng cemveyed. shall l>c carried
frei* of charge.
For attending a funeral an dconvey
Ing or carrying passengera. Including
the ni*eeasary detention, and returning
of such passengers, the aom of

ance by the hour, for not more than
four persons, and with the privlU^o
of going from place lo place and stop^
ping as often as required, two dollsr*
for the first hour and one dollar for
each additional hour and for fiac
tlooal hours at the rate of one d<d
Ur per hour, and for each additional
passenger twenty five cents per hour
for th© nse per day of such convey
ance. Ev© doUtrsSecUOfi 2. Every carriage, hark
cab, ^Mckney coach, omnibus, wagon
elte. or other public conveyance, for
carrying paaaengt
the provisions of the
tbU city, shall it all times have In a
cmplcaoua wimee. In th© inside there
of. and whsr© the gome may be readily
ed upon the fact. -No. I woant Ih
o©ofl and road hy any ptnon of paa
said the Mlssisslplan. -I m afraid if amitm* ahUng iheroln. n cart conUln
I am always lo while the chaplain la Ing, . in Urge printed BngUah letters,
praying for the majority I nu]
the owner's name and the rates of
accused of Instigating him to pray fore prescribed and ©atohllshed In this
for the public enemy.'*
WUliom M. Sonderoon. boas of
Section 3. When a public conjeygong In the yards of a car miaofacUir- once U noad between the houni of
Ing company, koa been elect^ mayor twehre o'clock midnight and jive
of SprIngEeld, Mom. He is a repohH o'dock n. BL. It oholl be Uwful to de^
(En. but was elected by the **dlaiier mnnd nnd noutve. for the same aerpoll brigade- of local democrats vloaa, onnhnlf more than the rates
among whom he U Immensely popular proaoribed above.
HU opiKment was Edward H. Lsthrop.
Deebon 4. Erery vloUdon of or
one of the tofembat Uwyers In Spring failure to eomply with the prorU
Eeld. Sanderuon bos worked for doy of thU ertlnoDce. ahail be ponUhed
wages oU kU life,
by a Ena not exceeding twaoiy^ve
Ueutenont Oendfal C. A. Km^t- doUara and the coat of proaecuilon.
ovi(^ chief of thE ninth 1^ BUMHon and in the Impooltlon of snch fines
rifle dlvUlon ood said to be U»6 Vom- nnd onoU, the eomt may mohp a far.
est offloer of that rank In the Rtu^Eon thm- eentenoe that the oDendar, on
army. U vUlUng Woohlngtom He la foUgro to pay 6wch Ene and coats,
on bia way lo 8t. Fetersburg from the •hall be ImpHmod In the dty prison
for Boat. He U being enteitoJpod by or in the comiiy jail of Qrnnd Trav
Brigadier General Harry, who was one eroe oouaty oatfl ench Em and ooau
of the United SUtea mUIUry oheerv aUUl be paid, net egeMdIig the poriod
era accompanying General Knropol of thirty doym.
kin during the Rusatan^japaneae war.
Beciloa ». This ordtoanee shall
take effect U thirty doya after lu
BUY INK weUa. crumb troys and pobllcotJc
braotea. eremb iroya and ueroj
We do
mrtify that the
cord tw paper kmvaa. pecimt m
grtni ordinance wag poMod hy the
common cooneO of Ue OUy of Tra
berattfol —tlmoRj wart at The I
eroe CllF cn Mondfiy. OiCM^ Irt,
omy Sforuu
dec lEdt


T, H. OttLIS. Clefk.




caowM........ ...............














Notice to the Taxpayers of the City of
Traf era© City;
Tho tax rolls for the oollectlon of
Ihn i^tate and county Uxee for the
year !$<»€ and for the delinquent
srlKS)l and city timos and apecUl noBcaaments for said year have been
pUc4 In my hands for collection.
1 will be In my office to rectdve said
toxee from now until Fch. 1. 1$07. oa
each Iwtvk day from * o'clock to tl:3h
o'clock In tbc forcnwn and from I
o'clock to 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Oil' all state Slid county *1ax(*s |uild
iK-fori* J.inuar> 10. the teaular foe of
ono |K*r ci'ot for colli*rti<in will Ihi
charged and. on all Uses paid on or
aftei^ January 10, Vhero will be
rhargrt a fee <»f four p«'r rent ftir colJi-clien. , IViuilly on d«*llnqucnl city
and khool taxes and aiM*clal aasrsaniett^. 4 cents on caeh dollar of the
amoijnt of said tax.
Offtro in room 202 Slate Bank
luicd. Dec, 4. 1»16.
J. M. HUEU.MAN-nClto
dec I lo feb 2$
CUy Treasurer. ’
I ^UKVR that Millers Is the beat
place to iMi) perfumery for moat
t vei^ body goes lb* rr,
dec 6 If
FOR FANCY* work baskHs. wmatr
liaiH-jr bfisketi
bxskets. lunch boxes, etc., try
iiy Stole.
doc 103t

Pere Marquette



rands a


Dally dSnSia.









Nmv Vark Wrffim MNp Man Who Do-



rnnmwmk Pf%mmmm$ •
Cm md H UmMo m ^

0pm Bagliff li tto Mbw Toik Brcalag Mao baa tbo taflowlag lo‘aap:
Tbafa a bright emuuafa tarp up la
rand Bapida. MIcb.. to bold Harry
Lewto oa a ebargu of willtal marder.
ffght tbm a few dapt ago Harry
•d Mfko ward ao bard oatbOaw

Itov Tortt. Dec. 11-TOnr McOorau« gBtsfCajr ^ On. HoMlr a»d
CrMMT allM-a tlMwgfc mma^twMikm
at Klaci Omntjr hflMtal. For aannl
^dan tlM famar elnatploa bad avparMUr bMB Iv^roTiac. twt hu coadltte aadanraiit a aoddHi cbaase aad
Cba donm Aaeland that tt voold
bo boM to and MaOovara to a prfrmf
aaaltailaB up ta Ooaaaetleat. wbare
ba woald be kept aadar rwtmat,
Tba pbxelclaBe aap that tbe pofllUt
la aaSartac from eoftealac ot the
brala. aid neoranr U ImpoMible.
flam Karrte. bit IMMr maaaiar, Pad4y flamvaa aad otber frtaade. aaw
MeOorara todap aad ware ahockad at
Me awidUtoa. Harrla. vbo made him.
aad aald **Doa*t poo knov mar
pea.'* rapHad MoOovani. aftera
paaea. -poa ^ mp old pal.** Tbea
aaddaalp taratag to Dr. Cramer, be
aboated. -Tbla man la trplai to do
me; uke him avap.**
HaiTia broke Aova completelp
cHad like a child. Bat MeOoreni waa
aot padiad oatil bit farmer mat
bad laft
Mra.1leOorm.who weal to the
plUl with aareral relaikma. did ad
tee bW baabaad. 8be tald the wet
afraid to talk vkh klm. ao rmalaed
la ma ante-rooiBf eompletalp proatimt.
•RHarrta aald afterward that he would
apead kla laat dolUr to keep McOor.
am eomlbrtable. The poglUet baa
moaep or propartp of aay kind
FHeadt latead to get up a big benefit
ior ble wife aad dUldrea.
McOouamb ooadlUoa i. due to tevcm] cauaea. It la aald that a hard
blow oa tbe bead received in the miU
with Young Corbett at Hartford, aereral pean ago. affected bb mind.
MtOorm baa led a faat life, driuking
beanip at tJmaa. aad al^ amokiuf
dgamttee etoeaalrelp. '


aorag him ta Mleblgaa. Tba law
ibara U too mdm^boaftod to |ufb a
guy off the aarth at tbe uad of a
ealtae. It roUt tbo ooM trou tettk» work around a mardorw. aad
i kit cfiam kat been form>ttao be


ia order that tktp may become
idtai IB reading aad wriOng Oerman.
Tbe Oermab girlt and bopt are atudptag flagUth and thU eachaage of let
ten U of mutual adfmatage.
ThU ayetem bat been In rogue in
tbe local acbooU for tome time and a
aamber of local atudenU bare written
,and meelred lellen from the old <
try. Tbaae letten are uauaJly bi
ItagUtb aad bait In Oerman and the
AigUah porttaa ellelta much amute^
BMai. while the German porUon it productlee of study, rndoubtedly
Oerman porUont of the leUm written
by the American atudenU are
funny alto to the Oerman young pco

Tbe big green automobile sped dow®
tbe fiotty mad. Above the aoity
•^«bng<bng” of the machine he bad
propped and bad been refneed by tbe
“Life It not worth Urlng.tlgbed. -My beertU punctured.-The
bcunttful giri tmiled.
Tbtnk goodnewr^abe excUlroed In
great relief.
*Tbank goodnett for wbatr
-That tt U your heart that it pun<tured and not a tire. We are twenty
mlUa from a mpair atatloa.'
.Without a word bt pat on tall
ipeed aad ran o>er a pig and
o let bit feellngt

first vUlted
Square lunch room. Here be broke
hit faat on muturd plcklct. hot bullermllk. freth raw oyticrt and maple
tyrup and warm tqutth. HU gaatrenomlc feat was witncaaed by a great
After he had finUhed using a finger
bowl In which beotine was anbatlluted for water, be hga
tbe square and with a great bundle of
morning newspapers m
of the houses of the Dickies,
paper at each.
In bold letters across each paper
were patntad the wordt -Ftod RoosevelL- The Dickies require that all
InKUtea be conferred with this title—
-fool.Afier dfllverlng the
veil retired to aeclasloiL but visited
the theater district in Boston Batur^y night and attended a perfonnance
at one of tbe high clam houses. Here
he was required to make hU
promtoeot. and be had little rest.
Stery few minutes a Dickie would
approach him and ask him for a cigar­
ette. or a glass of ginger pop. or a
-Teddy Bear - and If the hapleas candldate did not at once produce the required article be was compelled to explslB audibly why he bad neglected
to provide hlmaelf with a full stock of
the -UtUe neceaalUes of life.**
Bach day thU week Roosevelt will
be compeUed to perform all sorts of
weird tatunU* for the edification of
tbe Dicklee aad tbe public al large.

The ftmt KaHr tripleu on rmifi
bare been bora at laOUwabuTg. la
aertaem KaUl. Appllcatloo bat been
Is tbe one thing
inaOt tor King Bdward't beuaty.
India ftaia. Is ae laiier than tbe Ear
list aparnwr. Yet uo bold aad cumhatlre la be that If the great eat it
fmiprtsed by a anflicient number of the
little rrratUTe’s kind far from the pro­
tecting shelter of ^ Joh^ R w!^

Grand Rapida. Dec. ll.-E. W. Dick­
son. manager of kairy Lewis, tbe
boxer w%o has fought many of his bat­
tles here, will leave for the Pacific
coast today to look after the Interests
of hU man and get matches for him.
There is no doubt that Harry Lewis
U a coming champion, and almost a
champion now. Mr. Dickerson, on hU
stationery, claims for hU boy tbe tide
of -Ughtwelgbt Champion of the
Bait.- and Harry’s record will certain­
ly bear out thU cUlm. In the western
states the fight game Is entirely unrestrietd. and this U the place for fight
era with championship ambltlona Ii
California and Nevada most of the big
battles are held and they are us
flnUh fights. Manager Dickerson will
be at the ringside al tbe ewing OanaHerman champtonahip ll^t and will
challenge the winner. He also has negotUUons under way with Jimmy
Britt aad hopes to get a match with
him soon. H. W. Melenba<^er. pro­
prietor of the aarendoo hotel. U the
-aagM- of Harry’s championship cam-

A Jocular bequest of David Hame to
hU friend, John Home, was corkma
Home liked daret and disliked port.
caMIng It poison, and tbe tw^ friends
had many dUmsslocs on tbe suhjectThey sUo used to have dUputes as to
whk-h or them took the proper way of
igtriltag their comamn family name
Tbe philosopher, about a fortnight be
-I tore to my frieod, Mr. John Home
of my old claral
port, provided tbat
be attests under bis band, signed John
Hnme, that be himself akme flnlsbed
that bottle at two aitttags.
By this
conesaaloB ke will at once terminate
the only two differenees that ever arose

aererml tbonsaad, tbe bird will mtk
fltankfaa-rd tike tor yaa ta giya
ont bis bwpditaty foe and give battle. toy aaiibew a Job la yaar offlcc,
On each occasions the tiger seeks safe­
Tttoktaa-Wkat ran he do?
ty in flight A hand thnmt tala a caga
cued with tbme little flsiaeaton win
elSelt a fnrioto ataentt cm thrir eoastorssBsteaflim ^




ohn K. Sfliito
Generai Insarance


The tact that YWt7 MeOovnrn Imar
laea he U ono of the greateot baU
plajrufa oa naith, whin he la a dak at
tko garner la ao alga fif hla laaanity.
We know of many baU ptayurs otfll at
Due. 11-^Ml^
large wbo have idenUcally tbe same
for reia-

stvwnaaBX. TrrwNOO '
tr TOC prnfnr vHac

tar kf«M yo« MU M* matyu
«W Mf

Turf fnUowers have kopoa of seatag

lUa tees not ascaaasrtly bm«b
a Mk?hlgaa taam win ba seat
k- aald Manager Baird, nmt we
New Toib. Dec. n-Becaum of a
I to toittfy oarauhraa. Michlgaa
■mor that boa keen U clreulatloa fW dAvped oat of the memhership with
the eaateraers when the coafereiioe
organised, but wo bavo lately
come Into cioorr rriatioaa with them.
Maud of tbe Jockey
tt U fieMrahle from our staadaald to tbe 8ua fluaday:
potat to eeataai thte good feeltag.”
I here tf be
Among tbe atufieat body It Is
ought that Mlehlgma wU! try aad
sraated to. bat tbe offer of IMAOO
to ride ta Aaatria capture both eastern and western
for one year proved so tempCIag that
Mrs. Shaw iadooed her baabaad to
accept. But ta all probability Shaw^
wUl rite here agala In 1»0S.




MasW by Mh
. AfStaat the
rail Taken Plaea.

coarao. when Harry Is triad kc
will bo aequlttod. H# U ao moro guilty
of wllfai BMurdm^ than a markemaa oa
rifio raago who aocldeaUlly abot
aad kiUod a target marker or a foot­
It ls*tme that be baa been in trouball player who trampled a fellow eol- bU with the turf powers oo aeversl
legUa to death In the eacltement of a oocaaloas. sad that be waa severely
criticised for hU handling of ElecUooe diffemuee beCwoen Inteat aad eer 1a tbe Hatbash slakes, but there
oat U aaually dearly defined, and
proofs that Shaw rode
(he Uw moat define It 1a aocuttag a
en it would have been
of crime. No man fit to bavo to hU advantage aad tbat of hU
hlmaelf nmntog at large woald eonieadf. to do otherwlae.
alder that LewU inteaded to klU
DWn t 8baw rite Roeeben the day
the big sprinter went up to S tp 1
g a small wager from
while Frank Farrell
Dat^ Johnso
and Vll
^ otber wise men bet
thouilKnds oa Hot Toddy? When Wes
beat Grapple al Belmont Park. John
BOOMVtLT, JR- I* JOINING THl aua. Farrell. Tim Solltv^ aad others
lost a fortune on Grapple. -Shaw
pulled him.- was the comment of
those who saw the Jockey take Grap­
ple up at the outset snd ride s walUng
ln« and Will C«n«ln» for
race. But when somebody tried to
eooTiiice Farrell, the owner of Grapple
who had lost on the Utter s defeat,
.. Doc. 11.—Theothat Shaw had not ridden to
loro Boooerclt. Jr.. • Honronl oopboof hU abUity. Farrell turned quickly
more. U JuM now Mn« InltUtod Into
and said: -flhaw rode a perfect race.
the -Dickie- welelr. and be U balnc
He obeyed my orders -to tbe letter,
reontred to do aome alunU which
and I have no fault to find with him.”
woald aeem atrenoon. to a leu hardy
In Shaw s absence Farrell am!
yotmg man than the aoi).o( tbe prtelJohnson have decided to turn over
dent. -m period of InltUtlon wUl laet
their saddle work to Jack Martin.
one week.
who Is known
It began siiturday morning. Under aa the -ChampUm money rider.- MarIbe guard of a High Wckle. a etudenl tta oaraed thU title beeauae of hU
named Harrington, Rooeerelt apoaed energy with mounU that
peered In Harrard Square ahare supported by certain wise men.
mer aunriae. He waa clad In a •
with whom he has been officiated in
ling gray aumroer milt, bluejiaanel the past.
»hirt. while canrat thoea. aad 1
beaded. HU coatume would have been
ideal for mldiHendr-Anguit weather.
but it waa rather InconaUlent with the
troten ground and bundled-up clUrent Dickeraee Will Oet Best Man of OanaHermae flout to Moot Harry
wbo gated In open-mouthed wonder at

A dlapaloh from Battle Creek tUtet
tb^t tbe edKdart in tbe High tchool the airy clothing, familiar at they are
with Harvard secret society InltU
there who am atudyllg German



OfflcUls art Lsoklag for gome Coi­
ls to Taka Up Intimato Rota-

New Haven. Cu. Dec, U—Yale ath­
letic officials have been trying to de­
cide whst university to chcKmo to replsee Harvard in case tbe Crimson
retires from athletics.
They are divided between Chlca
go and the University of Pc.nnsylvsnU.
A strong faction favors Chi­
cago because, of Yale’s friendliness
for her old star athlete. Tommy Stagg.
of Chicago, and It can now be stated
with certainty that if Yale accepts
any western rival in Harvard’s pUce
Chicago will be the choice. By i
alumni, however. Pennsylvania Is fa­
vored as nearer and more accessible.
A strong fscUon In the Yale fac­
ulty opposes dbe plan of Yiile taking
on any big university In Harvard’.!
place. They think the Yale schedules
are too long already, and they favor
aUowlng big events with Princeton
only, at least In football.

acN^ A eoart decUtaa thorn heUs
the law la Mloaoari tees aoT prohibit
pooU on races to be n» ta that stale,
wkaa beta art ragtatornd by phone ta

tn br«r ct tta

After a gradual reatoratkm of hia ancrgifai Mr. Bdlaon asked:
-How did you ever succeed ta maethere wlU raclag. however, even
lerlng such s long and
U a apccial legUUtnre has to ameed
tbe taws.
•OA ear speeches are taught aa at
CtacUaaU fans are aaured of •eelng the bocne oHra. lespeaded the lady
some good games early next season— sweetly, -by means of the - phono*
several Ameripsa league teaau will graph.--Hsnto*s Weekly,
play there.
NOW 18 the Ume tor buckwheat
A ramlnder of the earthQuake bobs
up once tn a while at the Oaklaad. cakes. If you want the buckwheat
Cal., race track ta the shape of win­ floor and a nice tight cake use IDEAL
dec 8-tf
ning Uclfeia written^ April IT. That flour.

was the dsy before tbe disaster aad
every one had something else to do
the next dsy.
John B. Madden has had a pretty
succesaful season. He has won 1200.000 oo Salvldera’a vlctorife, ISO,*000 In
purses and IlfiO.OOO In beta. His wUe
has also locured a divorce.
-The Elbejfeld kind of a batier for
me,- says angelic Billy Joyce]In 8l.
Louis. -He Is the kind that bustles to
bat. confident be will lace ope out.
and not caring a cooUnental hoot
whether he Is served an outshoot. Inshoot or snake, so long aa It |s over


At one time, tbera Uved in Worretee. Mass., an old negro, who had
a tremendous Influence, religloas and
political, in the settlement where he
lived. He occo]>led a Httle boose
owned by a prominent bsnker. but had
snocessTnlly evaded the payment of
rent tor many years.
No trouble
came, however, nntll tbe banker was
nominated to run for a iiolltlcal office.
The next day tbe old negro came hob­
bling Into bis office.
-Well, 8am,- said tbe banker. -I
auppow you've come In to pey me
tome rent.-


Order your


\ from .

I.- O. Burns..
Teid and office Northern
Michigan dock.

Both phooee SP.

1. IK

they are only freshmen and bfive not
l»een at Columbia long enough to get
tbe losing spirit.
Billy Delaney has told Jim |Jeffries
he think* he was mighty bum as a ref­
eree. Billy waited until he put all the
miles iKHween CallforaU
IforaU attd
at^ Nc^
If and Jeir before
York between bjmsclf
he said his say. De ney claims Bums
should have been dlsqualijled for
rough work.

-l>e Just
nominated, aud wlH tell de res' of dese
no ’count niggers to vote fo’ yo. ami
to mention to yo at de same time tet
do roof of my bouse Is a k-skin’. an*
If it taln’t fixed I’ll have to mme out
directly.*’—I.lppln<«tfs Magaalne.
Whst Adam ale. not w^t he drank.
Was he from Eden’s garden driven.
O. what a difference there now would
If be had taken Rocky Mountain Tea.
Johnson Drug Co.

Nelson Gom to E;irop€.
HAND PAINTED randy boxes, per­
Chlosgo. Dec. 11.—Battling Nelson fect beauties, at Jackson’s. 10€ Front
and hU manager. Billy Nolan, enroute street.
dec 11
to Europe, were In this city Sunday.
Nelsoo intends to tour the Continent,
finally stopping at DenmarlL hi. na
the land, where his father;will Join
And It came to pass that women baO him. Nelson expre«to! the opinion
the privilege of casting
ballots, that If Gans mate the weight Henate
Nsturally, the political leaders «.f tbe
genUer sex orgsiilred an execuflv©
cobmlttee and called on each sister to
donate a dollar for oaminlgn funds.
worth of CA.VDY will bt‘ sold
-But.” said a dissatisfied voter, after
the election. ”we were defeutid. 1
In the United States this year.
you use all those dollara to vote,
Some dealers will of <^urvo
as you promised?seU more than olheta. but there
-Oh. BO.” replied tbe leader, sweet­ 8perial to the Evening
Copemlsh. Mich.. Dec.
U a reason for this.
ly: -on second consideration we de­
The absolute PURITY of the
cided that buying votes was dlsbone^ Pearl Hnghes
BO we divided all tbe doHure up and visit with relaUres
Sconomy Store Candles eombln
bought faH baU for the cxecuUve comMUs Susie Noud is quite jslck.
ed with the unusual low price of
mlttee.Mrs. A. Gleason and daughter Lyra
TXius we see that ftolltlral rights ta and Miss Blanche Breen f attended
thekanai ofvfhe gent to sex would be church at Nessen City Satntday mornhonesty Jtself.—Chicago !>ally News.
are the two principal rrasoos
*°Mrs. Nettle Davidson 4 Hsnislee
for our immense candy business.
Harry, who Is d years old, aaw a was visiting friends in towh Saturday.
If you would give your children
man with a heavy sledge, and asked
T. Frallck and daughter Charlollc
the purest and best candles ob^
what he d«d with such a big hamnuT. were calling oo friends kt Buckley
talnable at tbe price you should
-Oh.** replied the man.
*1 iKHind Sunday.
buy them at tbe Economy Store.
Stakes and such things with It.”
Miss B. Shell, who baa been sick
Sunday schools snd all church
-liee.” said Harry, -they must be
societies will find It to their In­
tough old rattle that you get your tbe past four months, is abfe to be out
terest to buy Bcoaomy Store
steaks off from.**

Horees and Cows
FOr Sale
1 good, heavy, eonnd work
1 1600 lb. 9 yo. eld maro.
M«k« firatH'l. 0 toun for
Ininber .wood*.
Will tall
•eparataly. 1 beautiful, fitandaitl bred
bnxxl mare, ture breeder
and in foal by T. W. W.
1 •iyliah-gnitad saddle borne,
e loppy driver.
2 Rood oowfi; be froab early
iu the apriAg; will aell very




To Heat
Cold Rooms

on Heater


J. N. Martinek

ter for -bar** gift than m
pretty place ol gaverwaia


Why sit in a cold room
when a litdc money spent
will keep it out?
Storm safih arc jfuarantecd to pay for them­
selves in two years In
saving of fuel.
Get ouk^riccs.
All kinds of lumber and
interior finish.

Soutli Side

Your Wife



lor her table, for timt’f one

dta tht rita fa ptood
«L Otattfr ber in thfaLook ow bwwpply
and M* wiint sbo fa
bcUi«,tlien come in
•ad «e wiir talk it
OMT. WeaK muried,
«DO.HideMi give yaa
tame belrM enggee-

Lumber Co.


..FOR 1907..





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