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The Evening Record, May 09, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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tHAVBmB crrv, i
three lives were lost
tr WIr* M tte a*MlM Bword.
OMruM. Mw ».-Tfce pMMOt mU
vkv* U uViMM or
tta gmi Uk«i. Mrlr Mil aarataN
Uw •efcooo*r Al««te HWk o« 0«»Mb4 hvtor •till » !«»• of ibn* U»»■IW fro. Qmmi b to • .liiUiM «»
«tlOB oB lb« MiM MM uul ool» 0»
^PiiWt llurtm. May
3. 8. 0««i of tbe 0Bslteli wary dM
<» ib« Onua Trunk m^Mki, tfwln
hm vhik)
route from Mask
Knclmwil The two Uber ofAoeni wUh
hUa uJbk charge of the iwiaaUia
•oiler Kawtodod.
Fllwt. Hay ».-Bdward Walker of
Ra« Injured In the Fmicm
r. -
3il!rilMiii may die from ecaidlna
Hr*. MMMrM Moray *o« •«Wh* W«a M Ami Banelioo f»rth* Today.
. Ma. Mar*ar« Miirmy and •«. Clar.
««ro. »ho ••« anaa( tb« local real
«MU to «llu-u Ike arthquakc dcalroottoa In Naa madioo, amvrd
koM IhU afleraooo aiid *orc laot ^i
Iho rato Mamootio dct>ot by
aMMkoraI M
it MePboaoa
MePkoraos pool
poot aad Me
Pkonoa ootpa..wbohM
«ho kM >>«• <
ptoTkM. or tkair aoMo comlag. Ur,.
Uomur «Md dliMJy to tbe K>»*oo<l
areauF bomt! and ••> (bd tuba asain
In her Michigan home Inv (ram farlh
quake noacM
Hrm. Mary Hmeera Paaaed Away at
It o*Clook taat Night at Her
Heme Near Ovlatt.
. uw of I be oldt -i
Mra. Mary
iplotteem of Benrle county. i.a»ed away
gl 10 oVlock last tilcbt at lh»‘ family
Imme near Ovlatt at the arlvanct^l aae
of 113 yearn. Ttie l.ukland having died
mveB years age m. tiuiu.Mliaio rda
Urea are left earei»i tw.i h..«h. Ahmiu
■aad Jerry, who reMde at Ovu.n Tl..
funeral will occur lumonoa aft. nMMU.
ai ; oviork from the rhureb at <»vun
aad tbe aetvlcea dill U- in charge uf
Milet wmiama. i:od»*rtaker Audi :
fern will bavi- charrc'of «be burial
ttrike Hat »een Settled.
Uy Wire to the KreiuuK Uecord. .
H.-ITtt Ideal
O K.-efe irf,U»^iigsh«renH*i? a^utiluM
aald tialay • Ytui 1m»>v max^eatect to
go luu k to work ! ne»T^iM*k^ ThU
wa> tak«*n i« mtan that the receoi
ccmferenf'i’ hiA mMI.mI the great lake
ell Ike.
e«OAV. MAY <b MM.
Efforts Were Made to Kaap the AflaAc
RaUraad Men States .That the Track
Waa Cmmrrd With Saaw- Tr»^
eree City EecapAd.
•NON eueCN Atw IN A SimClHO
:;4' -»-
Bring or tend it with F t V E cents snd.
get any of the paper coYwed books
dtsplaj'ed in our window. ‘Ihey are
; ’ ,
*oW (he world over at Ten' Cents.
All this week at
V ^
Charto-Mutillalad Foal
la Court.
Ry WIra to Ua Braaiag KaeocG.
By Wir« to the evcaljig Record.
Travarae Oty la abase the
BerUn. May «~A cable says that
Philadelphia. May f.-Jamee Koliy
llae which. tMii moratag waa aharply TOOK PLACE AT HOME OF BRIDE
the police St Berlin bsve dUvovered was arrested today charged with naUdraaa adar CadUlac. which wa« atfug
his adopted son’s feet to the Boor
gliag la a geauiae aaoa norm t*f aim
Ksiser Wilhelm at Alsace Lurr
to prv'veot him running away. Tha
try aapacL The Q. R A I. early irala
juHi in time to frustrate it. Bfl
lad was prxvducod i»» cuurt with hU
Groom Is the City Engiaaer and Soper? made to ket*p the affair secrei sailed fet l In evidi mv
intendent of the Water Works
but It Kiaked out ihruugh arrvjis b
fa show
afd the Bride a a Popular
uituectkuj with the plot.
Muskegon O.rL
lload‘« milla enow A«vere«l the track
WARM Sl’GAK socUl tonight at
Every afternoon. Tut^^day . Thursday
»o tbe keeneyrd brakemaa of tbe C
Rescue MIvkIuu hall. lOX B. Front and Saturday evenings. 8iu>cUl hUenR. A I. atak-d to the Bnwlag Record
|u ivniA EveryUhIv in- lion to Mlex and child ten every aflerAt high noun today William K. Cald ^in-t-i
laportcr. and he further thought be
noon. CkkhI music and ct>urieous at
eaw kwglng on Ahlgb». but the ear <»f well i4 Travirae t'ity and Mis* Ms
tendants. Clark' d Hankins. ' third
the ReriH-d wak dimmed-to further rlun WoudhuU Mawm w. re unili**! in
Boor new CampUli bUick.
marriage at tlic b<*tm* of the btib- in
Wcwlher>condiliotiii dowa the pike
AfVimiilON W^TINO made to
ward* f'aiilllac, and »he *tory ai thl«, Mu.vkegun The w.^ding aa-* v»o ur.br at C(i;: Wv*«t Seventh Htivit.
quil t affair and lb* greeiU r iM.iilun uf
ixiini wak riMhly broken in twain.
the grtM>m*x rriendx in ihU city, wlilb
atth|rtH*tiug that hufan ev<'Ut waa m>!
able, were not
••a* fui
that his flip roukh yr
After a short wedding trip. fb«
happy tH*uple Will ixttin» ui tliU city
and make their liu^e i.ii Sixth fetrvt-i
FRIGHTENED FINNS FLED FROM where the groom, ha* a rtsuTi'ure al
ready for* tbe recqi.tiun *4 the bride
The daie/uf ihelr ci>ming
m>t at.
tuium «Ht hut aii/enthuslaJvtlc risvpiioi.
awaits ibeiit.-'
PAPER PUBIISHEO PROPHECY Winiauj n CablaHl-ls a |km*u1:li
ytmng man aitb many friwnis. M
READERS TOOK A HIKE ALL OVER present he bolds Gte rtu«|Kiusible im.si
tkm* uf cll) eugtatH i ami stnaTliiUnU
eui of the local water works. hl» for
mal apiHiliiini.'Ut to the latter |a»Hliiot
having U en matle last Monday night
Didn't Wa^t^or^g!ijLEurther Warning
It is niMtlless lo add that his many
Gut Em^gfatcd at Once—Scare
fiicndK wish litiu bapplne-.^ in all hi^
We have a bath cabinet,
Has Worn Off and They
ru w duties. ^
a good one, that has not
Are Coming Back.
been used, which we will
The brlik* is one of MuskegLin s mos^t
charming young UdU*s and she leave*
dispose of at a very low
a large circle of friend* !o wish her
,>’e^ it', a genU fine slioo
By Wire to the Even lug Record.
bappIncMs in her new
in the
mu\v of kid. in the Utest
Houghton. Mich.. May 9.—Tbe lalac
If you Tire interested in
blucher stylo, new medioui
reporta of an earthQuake In tbe upper
such an article this is
peninsula which were iwlit out ycsier
toe and medium li^bt soles,
your opportunity, ^
day were raused iu a iH'Culiar tiianuer.
A local FliiniKb pap« r pnirtlshod a prv
diction of a cataMioplic Klinilar n» the
Fraiu ls< o aud tin. fright BIG PUMP AT THE WATER WORKS
en-d Finuh wlih.Mit wolfing for farther
wr^ulug gatbciYtl up tlieir |M»i.Me>kl,.u».
and lied U. all |»ariM »,f the upp. r |h uln
Nuln. /oDii- oC «h.-m ubaiiduuing « v. r> Five Elevators Are the Only Outlet
Thi, is truly the W Urh|ng In Hull ha-t«v Thu Hoi lc.s iu!U
K'aiu w© have had for gcuU
I the Cold Spell Hae Cut Down
*TcfugiH‘K’ Kpi**ad until
by* . Ibctie -rcfi
a long time.
the Consumption.
believed tl
that an eaithquakc acluwa\believed
allVViad iK'cuir
ic mammoth engine at the city
piWiioii fiom iMiJime one wliii had
water workn ,tiu«l hard .sledUiug all
t.-il feu Fmnrlw’tv
•lay loilay uaiiig to .the j.hori use ol
bait Uiim Iv worii off and niunv
iter in the city, the uiilV outh t. m ule
tkf tlue<- a bo M*n1 iiiu'tretuonituivlv ar.ini tlu' ii-gijlat
d«u lh»- »;iipp!y
reiurniiiK i.MJay
Ing the live e!e\nt.»tK in the « liy mu
M Ml Mm WIIBolm SlooS
by watei p..vk« i Tin- luaiuimUli ah.-i'l
Abstracts of Title I
Dis. Iswysr A NahOspi
•iiiM run just a.H^iiuig a- ih* f"tee
ruuid {ueiuili ana thm it' woubl stop
Savings and Trust Com until mitne elevTUor Iti the cUy wi*
Boom 210 Siotw Dank Building I
till* n*l«ar.im; the overloaded
whi Fd which raciHl aroiitul lu-veial rx v<
olutiou- as thimgh eatchUig up for biid
alien the t.anie coiulltloii* uuaiu
li> Wire to the Hvt niim K. iv.rd
IiouIihI It V»iy 1Utb» aaiei |* Uiu”
I'lttMlturg. May 9 The Columbian
uM-d duitiij: this •*dd Miell and very
Savm*; ’ and Tf u^l eoiiipaiiy cIoimhI its
punipiUL-. therefMe. in tU‘C«*S.sarv
» thi- tiioiiiing It U n
llul live id. \at.»rs ar»* using aat. i fi.r
viiluiiou aud WUh g-vamlue*! two u.m-L-*
the mulire luiwer. th-ee at th. Han
nah S luiy M.Trautile huiUllng. oii.: t.
•ului-' to l•H•Mtlu»MM ov«'rdrntts.
Ibe Wilhvlm l.ulldiiiK, one ill the Mu«
Ladies appreciate the value of a llour
an grticer buUiHuk and one in ilw
that will not* increase their worries,
Siranb A Amloite building
but which will be of tjreai help in nib
Tbe olde^t elevator* ate the Hauuali
Believed That Mr W »l
the Next 4k Lay mercantile eJevatois and th» y
bing off the rough edges of household
Great American Called—Family
a much heavier supply of water
’duties. Hannah & Lay Co.'s "BliST”
Denies Dangerous Conditon.
\.i create nmtlon than the Straub k
dour will give you entire satisfaction.
Aruiivtte water fiower ebwator Thts
By Wire to the Kvenlng Record.
thr iiewiwi and most t«<Yiuoinical
Wa»hingtou. May 9—The critical ^tPbt though the MvixHCltnau eleva
of Skjiaior Gorman bWila to the
I* also of a new and nuMleni t>|»c
belief that the Maryland aenator will The llaimali * U.v mercantile eleva
be th«’ next gnat American to Ik^
wen leased >cai !>' until home
ralHvd b.v d.-ath The famlfy dtmles a what oyer a yar ago when Ihev were
emus <xmditlon but no #ne U jmm'- put on a six Inch meter Owing to the
mlUtHl to see hliu for au> put|HiM-.
wahtcuf water on the freight i ii vat.*t>
their ti»c 1* conllned exduniveiy ii> th.
cany ing of freight.
Cut This Out
FROM running AWAY-
ahirta, niUetWMr aad
er^ioK in fnmiriiiag. th^t. tha
paWcidar, refined aad taatalnl
dreaaer requin*. Our good, we
know have been emineBtly aatklaotory in qoali^ and price heratoiate,
and we propoee and shall nae evety
endeavor poaaibie not only to keq>
them eo, but to make improvemenU
where it i, in our power to do it
Union St Clothier*.
Order/ for
For Sale
Cheap !
Win Us.
etnrs Sbo*
Stock doors delivered same day as ordered. Odd
doo^ and window screens in three days.
We'll send a man to take the measurements
' $I.UP
Dni^ Store
Traverse City Mfg.^Co.
If you value your hesUh wear
Trtvadeagy Shot*. They aru the bett
iniuranoe you can got agaiutt oolda,
grip and pneumonia. Cork ouahion
iusoloe and an additional layer of
cx)rk and rubber bhtwoe the inaole
and outeolo makesa them damp
only by
Bachant & Roscoe.
It’s Worth Reading About
The Neat
Mra. Dfitcall Will 8e Boned From the
Asawry M. E. Crunch.
Tbe remains of Mr^ narm Fooic
Drlacall of Ciand UafildN will arrive
la tbe city tomturow art«>rn(wn on tbe
0. R d I. at 1 2S and «UI in- taken di
iveUy lo the Atbtiry Jd E. church
Where aervicet will U- held by thi'
Rev. J,
Miller, her ft.rroer paator Joe Lelter Losfs SoanS of Trade Priv
lalerwenl will take place in the family
il*0M for Not Faying Brokerage
lal Mde the father and nuMher. W. 8.
Jkaderaoa having the buHal in chan;By W'rrc to tbe Evening H^ord.
Chicago. May k.—JewM^’h Udicr. the
mlllonalru mine owner, was today stui
Vdawf HaUan Mufdereea Impatient at
rd from the Chicago board uf
Delay of Trial.
trade for failure to pay brokerage
les. Tbe action I* declared
Ry Wire to the ®»^lng Record:
Kww York, May
The trlaJ trf liave created a marked sensation
jMphtoe Terraaova. the young Itai
laa murdereea haa been puatpooed one
k. The girt la darcrly ImpaUeat ai
Aat BuEalo. May 8.-Caule-l.
delay and SraUy beUevee she will
reed. 8he klUed txAh her pareata.
idy. Ifoga-lb; all gtmdeA IT M
s-p-W; ainmg; Umb*. »cioG«.70:
WARM BUOAR aodal tonight al< wetben. |&.saGk.7k
Moewe MiMkm halt 40f R. FWwa! Chgago.
treal. Prkw 10 cewta. Mrrrybody In I kl%c; eeiw. 47c; oats, »Hr
Detroit. May S.—WTiaat—No. 2 r%l.
ko%ci com. Me; oala. 2i\c.
MV » >*•
Many mothers are selecting
stylish Norfolk for boys
Slxteen-Yoar-Old Boy Bhol mul Faulty
By Wire to ibeRrealag Record.
ChteiBO. May
Albert Bteni. aged
U. WM akot by bia fttepTaUer. Bd
wam Woldfe today at their borne. The
Id i| fbUL
Suits $7.50 to $22
Our fine goods, perfect in every detailask to see them—no more perfect fitting
goods made.
Ten to fifteen dollars.
Ten totwentydollati. .
TmNG>&rvRMi9HiNea i
Oowie and Voliv. Will Beth Rule 2ion
City UnUI October—Board
of Control.
By Wire Co the Evening llecnrd.
Chicw, Mgy 9.-A irucc for Che
joint control of Zion City by IXiwu
Vollvg until October wa* an
nounred today. Three member* of a
»H.an1 of conirol will be appolaied^
■' j (1
Lay Co.
TBt sasMtr cs. mr.
Handsome patterns
j; 'ifcunUton aoihingCo, v
•*« Utortiy «Ni1mp» WW IfiiW
Tli^ A»»«^»iltl«ty Vyr
nnv M4«
■>«■ t m
^M I
Dr. feitins’
kfto^ la IMP Hiy.
Mall MMwMP.by l|l« 4aafktiv. Mm.
iPM. foTMly HIM Oraw
Opirt, Halrv* aayv:
-TW iMMMi Mr 4m«M^ MfM ta
.21 «aa avaa va* built or brfrk aad vaai Mm wtt|
tbp*tf«t Mek a# tanMaak* TM
la waa fla t1»r uatpkK
^ T9»^m ONr aai aa laaar rauap aa4 mmtihom wh<^0
fw baa» Mfial 4o#a iW^afl IH1 Ub
jiM MM M ttaa aa tte aaUMi
Timtm wm mmpUMr baiM la Maa-
Mmmimm i* tJM eHy dMi
ipr tbt Mfor.
•Mflii hMM
ID it Uw MUMlM
MIM tha aapMal of ait the Utpaimra
hat Vfil h» IhvofM
^ great laaar
Vr^o the •Mijfini of work
mfiom of dm ^laia efected by
a topa agfUoa o# hla tlBM» to ibe la
tafoMa af tho rliy; the aldormmi aad
mambam of tba bagrd of pubHe
Mat 4o Mkowtae. It la a flam M
at TJ
M hla blra/
pby the ally ofaelal aboiild a«»t re
Mta ooatpfMtkia for hla pork for
IM elty. tha Ma m tar «iW mo.
It la tlua that la tbr pam aldarmaa
tloa U glyaa« hare aUibied the public
park, la tboae ram^., there ha. nm
aMraya baaa mow ft»r acHcm. rrlil
akM, Ifoeaaao there are tltne. when
IM woft af thh cir^ nmulraa v.litabb>
ItM of tha bu.iaaaa laaa. at iimt..
phaa #t would l>e datriaienial lo hu
aaraoaal latarerni to oegt<«r bu
ban aad b« am 4u; Qraea out aa4
look brr to lb« bcwalial. Thm 1
ao icaai ib U ba4l aad ha alartad
earrr bar la hla arm* aad ihaa
Tka 4ortor
two bloeka away and got a panUl odi
•t of elothea for kUaaelf. When Iureturwad the ire had approarhr
near the hoapital that they had moved
the patleata to a ulaee rd aafety Imi
be could MM locate h«|r and aeai
many day» before even Andloc dbere
.he wa.
He learned that ahe wxh
aafel>^ cared for by the hoaptial
thorfllea atimewbere, and .he bwme.1
thmngh frtead. of hi.^aafety
wrote inr on the fllh Ihat he wnn try
ing to ind her and would not leave
the pity natll she waa heated.
•I had a letter from her the Wih
lying Ihat when the Are ba<
aUrmIng the doctor In rbarge moved
the patlenta to Ran Joae for aafety.
Mr. Jonea* mother. Mm. BIffonI, f
hnr and took her to her home at Mon
tei^.. You can aee what a airange
condlH^Of thlagn eluted there 1
few dayd' wlTjoIudflce. telegraph
depbooe. with a mlllUry guanl
thrown about the city and no one al
lowad to euler or leave, ao It «a.
• ehance to find a friend at all.
Ir. Jonea fared very well. He
.laid with a Mend anti be wrote that
tWy moved three llmea to cii away
the flee and thnt they had enmigb
fond to la.t three or four d.y., when
they hoped to get more.-
WbM a fxad eoap<waatloii U ea
fobUabad. however. It UaooiDc. .trlet
ly a matior of builneu. and If the
giaynr. alderwien and meaiber. of the
hoard of public work, are paid for
Ifortf afw?laaa,.lha olty will have
Mgbt lo aypact ar«rle»| aervlfc aad
i MoUoa' of atifflelfm time to
iHtr* voKIt aad tUdhdaaae at board
■iMlagai And whoa ootnpaniatlon Ktilay Lumbar and Bklnfla Company
If rocwlvad. It la a faregona^porlii
j Will Occupy Twa Mom Rooms
that MOfW SMIl WIN .he oxeftlaed by I
In Whhalm Block.
aa aflclal whaa ha iwailuw rhai t
.The ofAcea of the Kelley l.iimher
.time apent—the
Hhingle company In the Wilhelm
HH that ha ta raaelvlng pay damanda
have tioea occupied since
Ilia boat asdeavpr* and the time neceo*
of the hiilldltiK. have lieen
pary for tha prupar eondtiot of tha af
h) the addIIIon of two new
iBtm of the Nty.
Ulier lo iM* uM-d excln
slvely for the iMMikkei-piiifi d«-|iartmeni
Tha Grand lUpIdt Herald yoaterday and private of lire for the iivaMi
ftatad Ihat MoudBy the snow In Trav- George R. Becker. The ofAc<*m now
ffko Clly waa eight Incbea deep Aa It occupy dvr rooms. No. go*, and Inuer
mdn'i avim snow oa that dale, wc take room. No fon and No. gU6 with an
BgMptloiia to the aion. We
inner ixium. The new offlec-s ire hand
gUad for a mile anuw hut the Idea of somel) carpeted with Axmlnsier lugM
ImfoS bUriad under eight Inchna la too and the entire ofAc«-» an- rtVHdvlng a
pineb. Instead of Irelpg winter.
compleie renovation and hrlRhieiilng
Hiblni arc alnglng. the trout atn
G R. Becker. WHUani Nash albt
pea bway rniartalnlnk vlaliora aad the Miss Frances Ruiner occupy the
rraorla am opening. That
cdAces while the Involee clerk. shl|»paem much like winter dotm I
ping clerk and two sienographeis or
copy Ihe thn-e old offlit-s
lir. aad Mm. AechU Ovialt Leava for
Bay City Tamarrow.
About'forty ftlendi <«f Mr. aad Mm.
Archie Ovlati planned a forewell aor
ptUo Mouday-evealiig upon them, the
Affair being given at^Hu* biRae hf thetr
IptmitM, Mr anti Mm. M. l\ nvlaii of
Washlukion urtd.
Tba frIetulH and nelghhom luH pt
rrsldence when ihcfr piwaebre wta
piade evident to Mr. and Mrs. Arc{ite
pvlatl. who were aenl fur. An evrufog of eajoymeiii was mm-oi. Ughi mfoaahmenia of Ice cruam aad cake
jieca aerved.
Mr and Mm Archie Ov4ari lea^e lo^
laorrow for Hay Cliy. where they wlU
H. A. Klcg WII AffSH Be th- Min*
agtr of R*aort on Round and
Elk Lakes.
II A King
was for several
yearn the owvier of Ruum-I
has purchas4-d his bunn-i i.
eiiy al BKi-gemog Pidnt and
charge of it this summer.
IHiint Is one of the most heautlful
sltea fur a rcauii lo he tout
of the Inland Ukea in ihla aecilon of
the atale li ia a bmuiilful wooded
peninaula aepamting Round and Elk
Ukea and Is reached by dally sieamefa
from Rlk Raj*Ws and Al
rU It very •eldom that they bcttw
ATton with live different kind. .»f
MmBtdtw." whUpered
An the uuUk lunch ryom.
Tmi. I doal know.:- Migbed tba
-flue Tliue I was
with Tweuty.ilve different kinds
0 TagataWaa.^-Ton dou i aay? In what hoWAT
s ^ -Xa bidel
The andleuiv- a«pffncsl
ahp»,*v-Chhwgu Hally Neww.
or tba Ihrar daya* aro^l
tnuB vtU he a hiaehaoa at the aaau'
.iftea by pr. aad Mr*. J. ft
Kailokk. A iae fvacraai haa baea pf«>^
pa««d. taHodlat a pobUr mabtlag ai
ph MaMt Was the Hoal Laat
arhkii Mra MftttB Kocn (*berr)Bian
Cvaabi»-^ttU Am ttlll
of Oraad KapMt. a BM-tober of the ae.
aad oae of the iiMiiit taU-atw)
the sao
madem la the aiale.wwlU be the atat
«Mph llaakHt
feature. All aoMee who are ennaeri. Hah laat eveain* 1q a eery pH.
ed alih the editorial wtiil; of MlrhlcaB «»*«»«*. Ihirtaa the eiejilnj;.
ripapera. or %bo are dotna renlar «amr* were pUjred am) vbea the
rarr work are ell*H.le to amber aowx-a aere added, tbe^ulrU
•hip had am be given a rordlal wel U®'***'* «« have an»a an many ram
lag the
for the banauet At ib»
came, dalm, reJon of
fie.hmei)ta were *aer\c*d by MUi
Thirty rriaada Called at tb* Hama of I RIWMia fUMeabaH’. The cliili
ber. ikfM^nt a 100.1 enpiyable eventnr
Mr. and Mm. Hanaaford
>rd to Ctla.
aOd next klondar nikht Oh y « ll! ).e
brata Nor iinhday.
.nHfiaUi.d by Ml.» 1^‘l.b Mllb r.
Jutemoeloud pick
Mt Ike patten yu
want, make a small
paymext d«wa. We
make, lay aid line
you carpet.
Pay for U
as You Cao.
Wliat Y« See Whei
Ym Come Here
Th, Ugg(U. brighl«tMdUl.
Monad hot MMrlnwni ol C,^
l«<kin thecity, Wi-«wwpply yon Witt nuytting fiun tto
cbeniwnt Beun) tt tt, Uu AxminmUir. Bii'l a ix-tnonJ
• tioo wdl Miribon you Uud our
priors at« n little loww ttan th.
souller .Iralrrs. W'e not on|y
s«w yon money on yonrcnrpiapurrkMT. but in ,.M{Uon «*.
tHihl Hk. most lib,inl tema.
. ttn, .-..sUiu,, j-ou to get « oar|n-t sntl piy f.>r it iu such m way
that y.w .ill new iniM the
moiHy. .
-A. W.
50c, $1, $1.25, $1.35,
$1.39, $1.50
50c per yd.
A. J. Wilhelm.
Try Record WanlAds
Building Materials.
Wo are the ^jreatest headquartors for absolutely
everylhiny needed by the builder, contractor or
private individual^ in brightening up the dull
places, in remodeling or repairing the old or
putting up the entire new building. Here are
many thingsyou need:
- ^
without injurinif the
\\ v abo Uu ki*pt
milk nml oiiioiia in Uio name
pn>\ iaioii vlikmUii wilboul
tlo> milk taaiing of lliu
oniona They aeU .hI $ia nml
115. eVium ill ami aee them,
Ciifots M Credit
A aurpriae party of about thlny iiei
■ Th»- |)opiilar color for this spring.'
ua. took iKMMewiUm of the bhmr «if
1 bi> IU \
J HulM lr*r thliiy y.-ar
Mr. and Mm. A. M. Ilaniuiford. I4u:! Murray P^al. C. A. P. Will Qbaerve
uf the fhi.^Un U.fonn..
\W are showing them at
.ireet, lam evening, 11
ehurrh at llrat.d Ra,.U|s. has |y si,
thc oay at Mapl« City. .
hHtnc ber birthday.
He b VI x..ars ,.i ;4;-i hut H i;i r,-o
the Rvfulng Record
nalnlng and mind .carch
Mrple t’tiy. Mhh.. Mav 5—Murmv heati): aiirf iie-iital ^iyoi
Inx game, were played 1nter.)M riw') fio'il
cM Will
all! <«rvi*
Memorial r^-rvlr*-. a.
The Orlclnal laivatt%e x\Mijrh Ryrup
with juuhHic and dialcel i.riiatloni* n.tial ibb y«*ai
He* ni» tu«.iial h»i
A. Hie oariy dl.ikcmt'd each luembi 1 BUm a ill ta- i4t 8.in,Uy. .May :7. at iIm- 1. Keuuetl) H ijiXBlUe llott^y aud Tar
It exi»e1« all «^dd fn»ni the
■ry numlier hegnlly wbhed Crinerecaibmat.rbuix’h al lo;
aclluK a. a ruil.aiilc on foe 1^ aid.
kir*.. Hdnnaford
happy reiiiri# Tii«‘ Memorial ilay nervlce will Am*
Kennedy . I.axatl\e Honey and Tar U
of the day and I
that her hirtb |<]. A. H f^glV r.*mmenrliig at in
Also a full lino tif Suitings in Tans, Browns,
day eveulnga In >e future wtuihl m jni:, At l ?trp
Rravm will 1m- dec* oolda. croup and wltoiipln^ nmgh.
llloA. of 1^8 cue
I omtivl and there will 1m- .n
Grt-t'iv*. Hines anti Black.
j vlceii. pout w errk. Addrei*. i
cl.es. It la the wl.h of ihe i
KillorK K*ln
Mohair and Wool xt
mnuyof .he
llandplpt and Laddam Hava Been i.,. ^
Ladiaa. -you can Jump on H. tmm
laliyih.' rl.H
Adifd to th' Ha’^nah A Lay Mcr ‘ ^
Coffee will iM•rved fieo ’O pla on It. tut It will cemr up amitinf
canilje Company's Block.
noon. J. II. tHckerium is ihe ad^utaiT^ every time.- Caiman's Claatlc Floar
of the local ourpa.
Vamlah. B. £« Walt A Bmw, Travarat
The large block of the lUnnah A
lay kferrantlle artmpany ha>r n-celved
an aiblliion at the rear wall of a new
J'ciminH.. null a
kpe and atandpliH*. iK.ih for
2.r4.ur.». h-IJh .vio.i.Mi.i.io XV.
mt m new Co«ae».ed
life protr-cflo'D. The atandplpe I. a
huir.i a V.-M1 ,-omI h.iir l)u>t V.iii
four-inch pipe with opcnlttKK al'every! C50O.UI Hike of y.ltlttii niHiru that au
f|of»r where the htme can hr- wmneel } intrrestlug dl.cHivery 1. iM-iug dlsni.s.M
H.iri IH- fiMd.-^l and made to IM-Iieve
Thr* nre eacaiM- Its* If Ik a hafejlijr the CJeriUMU pre»*. wbi» h l-••rers^ to
of u rtH-rut oestlpatlou by Hitot'rhemnailKin can U- cured wli.i
itory I the‘ reeull
tif Berlin. He he-.ni tt|i|ill'-ailonv. tlrdlUti r V Iba-kv
| Moiititiiln Tea Ik ihe only |»h.<lihe
In the large
-It 1« <-outendad thnt the pr'ueljial j f„r rhcnniatlKm
cents Te;n„ Tah
noiirtshment reiiuHxM by^ the l.nm.in j
John-n>n Bins' t’o.
body for lu iu«luteuam-e Ig sn.u-“.......
act-uMIng to tb.- r.-m.wned prof.
Railroad Men Ata Whitaflah and Bryok Of pbyalolugy. I'felfler. the .ourv
Tmul-1ntpeetlno iHe Linaa.
A tpecUl made up of two privaie
arrived In the cUy late yes t our learued men to uldalu imire kn»mb
terUay aftjmoou from intihbiirK and {
tl*** duuK.rttnt Inyrt
our tlally f«»a.t. rp till now uil sr.« h
shortly afte.i^ their arrival they
for Northport. accompanied by c R effona have he«.-n tn vain, thnt It wav
rcctigulxed that were R poaalldi- ta
The party make artUiclnl albumen a cuuiph-;e
nt of Telo- elmrige Ui the present svMem of li
grapb Un»*8 CVllar. AsslKtam Rniw-r IshhiK the human Inidy would
Intcndeni Worcester and Mr. Ik*bren l»rt.uffhi aluMjt and xxonUI muler fee
hens and their visli pHndpally was m.w so uecesoarr meat foods to a rt
for an ofnclaHnsiK-ctlon of the lines o! extent dlspi-uaatde.
-iTofessor Emil riscln-r. ilircxtoi
Pennsylvania, (i R A t and Pan
Ihe h-ndlug cUemU-al IhMltmloii.
Handle routes. The pariv made a
the ertHlll
short slop at Manaeaira and dt Nonhport rnjoved a dclUbJful llsh supper. oU of ftalumi alhnnrcn. He has estab
and apiM ilsInK whlleflKh. dln-cl llahed the i-ompoaltloo of the varluui
from the mid Ajiie Mlchliran water* Inffix-dlcnU. some uf wbU-h Ju- hna suctrout I
In produi lng artlflrtany. *n»«
formlna one course w
j snbjtmm-e thus oUaiuei! he bas culb-d
dauKki at Manseairt.
I •polypeptide.' and It Is said to ponses*
1 a larffc number of the pnnwniea
I actcHstlc of natural aH*umeii. 'ihe
The llrUai rallOMid. which
rast imiMMtanc^ of this diaeuvewy w ill
nnlle Hanitist-ut- with Mcci-a. U
better comprtjhend»-d w hen xre n-alB.\rrrli's vrry Ih si Tlirt f-i>ly BLick Uilimoiicl Kt>olin« Pnprr, compHc with
iHillt for the pnnMMU- of carry Inc |.ib i**
tbe InirvidnHlou uf this arilfpiin the lattgr. the holy
nails, c.ips ami ;wo j^allons of toarinjj. per square............................................. $ 1 G5
cU) of Musaiilnians
Fur Ihe Uir r
r bed harvests. }H-«tllem-e. etc
Amalilo GraxM'l RtM»flnL^ complotf, ju r vtpi.irr................... .................... 2 00
|»ari of Its
of some l.l^Sl mlb-s to a.miulmam and cause famine to bewill luiss thr-nigli deserts. ldl«* nni cotpr a thing of the past.**
Coinpo KiiMipr Roofing, pt*r sqtiarr ...............i..1. '3 00
Bfertlle regions. Xtlll. It «III bei.cUt
B.irrnqi s No. 2 rarn<J I'Vh Paprr, fo r loO ptiuiuls..
............. .. 1 SO
wue of the cuuutr.^sts*ut the Jordan,
ItOKtun xvniiieii have dKcuXi-rtsI
dlstrl.t wb«Hie
have no market reaMMi xvhy cblUlren take |u kw-la«le
KftI Rosin “Diatnoiul A’* Rafirr, per roll.,.^6-*i
1 uts-ount .»f the want of tmus|M»rtA nt a tender .ige. It U due. 1 hr;
Ke«i R^sin “Diamoml C” Raper, per roll
1. .•••••«•..
iMi; aud lirauch hues far voiumercinl to f-arelesw tiur«eninld%. «vht» Klt.alM.nt
and Industrial u*ea wlfTW coustruefed. avenHw and let their chargeFibrela, per roll-.,.............................. ..........1........ ..............................................
rnun Han.Mscns to Masu. «bju! 40d w ith the -ifo MhlaliiK fsH np.oi th. ir
lillh-M. tt*e rtiad l»«s \^u doing
.Vuu ballis are aoMla
Retoskey\Lime, in one barn l or l«;<s.....................................................................
,1 (10
pit s«iii»e immths. ThC ferinana hygienU ineH-nre, bitl opiU- iietAe-*
the Job. "^'nrklsh aid Uri*ritixe Mid not ti. be trii1.Ml v
Reloskey Lime, in tive-l»atr«*i Itiis.................... ............................................................. ..
H.i iUers do tl»e work: ami they don t
and younc«ler« w ho are vnahle to
RIaster Hair, jn-r bushel ................... .................
fur a Muti-iiade have tu s
with tl*eir evellds unberhiK niuler lbReil Rressed Bnck, best on the markeX. per ............................. ..............• 24 OO
- e\rry d;iy. EvcrylMaty's .Ma^- Uhire.
cru-KHde fdiuliUI In- Uarbsl
Muresco, ihe L'r<*at w.all (inish. in live-pound packages-.........................................
aguln*t lliiK |.m*r)i.e .*T l.l'ndlnK t!ie
darlintra. *aiyK t.ue lualnni t.f the Hob
Rlasiico—the l>est made—in live-pound packaue«..i-i-.............. .....................
nnclaiiatl. ihruUKh the clx b In: She is jc.lm: fu g.xe mt.rnlm: tallv
{•ru^eiio-nt dej-nrinwiit of ber Wutnan'a with xvarnltiiss to uiotlnrs that tlie>
Newavijo Cement and Calcin RIaster alfr.iys on hantl in any quanriiy. ^ •
slurlnl tiM- ArOf playgrouiMl In tuuMt instrin 1 uuiwes tu «i t«4rn itib
Milliijan’s Celebrated I’aints. for both indoor and omdo'ir work, in
8HADB TRKES sold, gsrdenx
At 5:1* a. m. April Uik. IPOC. Ihc
reaMeots *»f ^nFrmnclaco.Cal., were cleaned and Roughed. H. J. Boyd,
aUriied by an earthquake which draynmn; offlm Saxtons bardwsre.
pbonp MO.
spr 1*H
caused the total deatrucilon of the
cliy and left about Sod.iwO pe«ipl«TRY A RECORD WANT AO.
homelvaa and moat of them entirely
deal Rote.
On April foth. Jual two days later,
a man from Tacoma arrived In the
stricken rite and made photographs
movlag plctitm and the mins
aad burning buildings. He was pre^
id. however, from AnUhlag bla
work SB quldily aa he had expertad
aa he waa twkw forced by Ihe aokllms
to stop his p|p(nreai aad take part In
Urn wort «f iwscue. He aucceeded
In ahipping hU negatlvew from Oak
land to the 6eUg
of Chicago, who
ompldyed him. aad they were the Arwt
lo produce a complete genuine pimare
The pictnres wUJ he abown and deBerthed at the Grand opera bomm to
might. Mmn U. Ak. fo mmd W asaix.
U the heat rentiUted n frigermtor aiaite today. IViviaioBa iilheed iu thb otdiMy
will tironttie
damp ami arggy and will
Tlie -Saiiilar}'’ refriger
ator ia BO <x>i»atruct«sl that
the provitiou ehauibi r it ali c«.*d am] dry.
haw? ke|A ui^toht*! ill
refrigt^Tutori six
When Ihe baby talks. It )« time to
give lIpUlHU-r a Rocky Monnisln iVa.
Us the greatest laby mt-iUelnes knows
tofoving mothers. It make them eat.
sleep and grow 25 eentH, T«-a or Tsl
lets. JohnKxm I>mg Co.
Rapid Progress
lure, has idaced them within rent h
of every owe, M you will are by
our pricna few
all the most popular colors.
Berry Bros.* Varnishes, that have stooil the lest for yeais.
Rut a little SUNSHINE in your home by usin^ Heath & Millii*an’m newest
“Sunshine** Raint. Ask for a sample.
“Sapolin** Slain makes old thinj^s look new.
. "
Rusty ihinxrs need SafH>lin Glossy Black Si«>ve Pi.ie Enamel.*
“Saisuma** Interior Enamel produc<;s the* fiwtsi hard gloss finish.
Liquid Veneer hi the new wonderworker. A child can apply it. -Two sizes.
25c aod 5Hc.
We carry a big stock of raw and boiled Linseed Oil. Wood Ftlleri and
u|f with eleetti
any kimi. wo I
J. A Palce Electric Ca
Hannah & Lay Mercantile Compnay.
Mrs. Jem. BaWraa of Otoar __
Mrs. G. W. Ptotok of Mi^ CK^ nra
ragtonrad ni ito Pnik Ptom today.
Mra John MaAnaa af Old MM
«to nntvnd in tto cAy yoaietdasr un
abact trip, ratorned banm this aller-
til* litfciiit. V«siui4». mmd
CM! Mrtft.
wtth « mriaer. «y||to «Maa tt wma PIB^
99^ U
t-M to torwtf tbcr vIM tlMit Ml MM MaaM attacA M
Mlfo to MB «i Oe
oCkM af
IM itoBtoifcto tow. TM cBitota. «M
«r toa Brttlik atotooro'
fmci»4 tMB tha cMrcA aM tto kataM aC
%«f toa atoto aaaatotoBt TM bbsMt MtlaM.
ak^ iafMto MtoBi
af Milaa lattoBai to Mb. MfBmr. ^ to Mato aaj attack apaB aato aite
W7 mmJU tM avamsa katos kat
toaa aaa par jraar. triaBlIto; Aawci-
aar faaat ar toat Aajr.
tend ttot n tol MwbbI which wm
bMBhM' iMBMd In tto totmncBf
aotoe time to the <
tto ctoMkto wwytWg wm. gtokto wlU ber cetoUvea,
hrea, Meedamca a
taintomrttiM Bmoto ponrto out to Bobtoaon and C. U Bbnw.
ully from ewBcy npratog to tto
Mra U A. Ladd kft tola nAtoto
i Boor nnd A wm. bard to doter for Bapld CRy. wbara ato «Al fam_
rat Brat >mt bow .ertoM B btoM to tto gnag cTber aon. Jaaam Lnd^
bM to to MetoBlrrad. Itomage noto farto abort time.
emnwe. tomiMM nflHi, ar immmi
nfyle, patent knlberaboen.
lieek. atttiion
A pair for Men's Dress
Shoes. pUin and coin
Mn. H.U WbAttera af m Aa
to tto BMBto IBd WAh tto tod ol
pew. J
\ Draw SIMM Bad Sliir
OB Bfota' mnkis domble
Apairfbr kid snoccasti»,aBy c^.
LMdTWaKklSboM; tedU.
MoBiolw. Every {lur
Joaeph Clark of this city accomBBd tingle tolena CdbBA
paaled bU dnagbter. Mrs. PfUaz% to
nihoB ill \
». TflV A lltOORO WANT Aa
WUtonmborg tbto aftetmmn aad tolar
Owytioe...... J|Qy
la« ai hk trato ar
MIm JcMkie LoudOB Ml over the (k ato will cakttoim to Bk Hapida for a
a! A L tto. monitol tor Cnmbridst
City. iBd. wtore W will remtoB a
kave been to tto efty Am* the paal
moBU wHh trlBBd.
three days on aoount af tto biml
a pair, for Kariaos &
^Ira- UeBi BUm raiwnto Ui( Iki
a pair for John Stiootaua
a pair for Knrinoa A:
B-Tto t alaa fSJtoc ato bUI wa. m lor home to rue Ltom UMtoy Bfier b vtoil
Platt’s Children^
low and luRb hto4. Wo.
1^'a 25e and *i5c &aoy
this aroratog to their borne to
toajr Mt ■] eoaaMarmtlaB ta caacTHa ia tto aaitj to tbe city with hot to*tcr. Mra. Fred
Sboet. with tamed sofoa
SMwV Show, l«bt aad
patent lealher and kid
Braacford. Oat
btoTT aolea. Hetcalf top.
Contractor John Senakm left this
Frank KlmbaU returned to hi. fonn morning for Sagtoaw after speadtog
qnac vaa bHd at A. Jaaepia U
r tumt to Big Ba|»l<to Ud. moratofl
attended b^ many of tbe touMns Men after spondlBg over a year al Uonor ■everal day. tore on paving bumtocaa.
Mayor A. V. Friedrich U to Port
o< tto town: After they bad iUc4 np vtora to wn. employod.
Huron atjendtog aa executive commit
JaHUwkioJofahoM you «i« lookiug for«t juHtlw
Mr^ K, IT«lAr and «w CarK of la tee K. O. T. M. M. meeuag.
wMA flas abonld Boat fram tto Hty
prioe jDuwant to layaniiM*.
toll Tto Confadeemte Bas vaa Many torlociMB. were to lUtendaace la.t W. J. Nelaoo of North Odar atroiM
tbe HChool oC mu.lc wbeie left yesterday for Chicago by the way
Magter Carl took part la a reclul.
of Milwaukee.
kOtT-fiuvaea >11 Valoa atiaai and
Mr. and Mra. WlUtom Swmlm mad«
ttot racy
SL rraacla church, aoc pair iopax
trip to Bear Lake tht. morning,
c bill araa
aad sold roaary toad, la black
here they will viwtt relative..
iaaltor caM^ Jniator ptoUM* rat
Mr.. George Stx>U went to AJUea band never .poke baaUly to her to hia
. to W. Slatar'a fimUtare .tora
ibl. morntog to" accompany her bu»
may Alt
I aobatltiited. Tto
Mra. Wabasb-lndeed! Doe. h*.tutcarried and At Joaepb baad home this eveaing.
TO A*NT~Two imfuniJ.lied n
Mra John OuatAveaon and chiWivo ter as badly aa that?—Yonkers
aaJtable for tlskt boiiaekcepliis:
I fty Bdgv»at
Of the K of H. Mrs. Maaime DoMara Paaoqd Away M:
Bdgvtvai^ today.
One day the pupil, had fearued that primary Grades of the Setool of ladgc Thunwlay night; work In
, oBa faratabad rooBi.
C03 Wci
where they will vltot relaUvca.
4 o’clock Yoatorday Aflomoen.
to a certain ifglon It rains cooUauaUv
flavaath atraeC.
may I
aucond rank. Every member la rvr
Music Gave a
Ocrakonally aome forelsn publlca.
for six months. The uneber then put
otto of S^tun. Bay arrived In
Fnerda Last Evening.
rOA. AAtB-DaklU bulba; mUc
Uon. aaaert tbat there 1. »uch ai
y Uhl. itonilag for a day>t vU
Tbe Altar aoclely of St Krancia < Mrs. Maxtme DuMora. whoa© drotk
worthy tbius aa an • AnK'rkan laucolor.: 25 ooau per doaea. Pboo
bercr’ and from a nuie boy came tbe
suaaeOtir .laaic lArarNw .od <mr
TIk* pilinary grades, through grade church will meet- al the church at was announci'd to the R«x>rd yeslor•>2 City.
May >-ai
answer promptly. “Umbrellaa.“
dialect «tore« wpiVy tbeiu uo Uttle. So
I. plaved iHrfore their friends
10:45 tomorrow moinlug to attend the day alternooB aa oocurring at 4 o’dotk
“If womep ran the gowroroenl,”
School of Mu^lc Iasi evening. These funeral of Mrs. DeMars tn a body.
,jje daughter of Mrs Jos. ph Vor.
ADA AALE--Ladlea* Ubrary properly
asserted the Udy with a mlaaloa.
piogram* arc given no* to eatertaln
an Kroat
51-foot fremt; lertiiK advantage over our BrttUb bret
Omeaa. roturnc*d to her borne thl>
Lillie 3-year-old Edna Thoms* ; renu, corner Tenth aad Cass atrewU.
They have iiovela wrltteu tu a Jarg«>a
“they w^uld hpciHlfly aliolish all red
itiil 111 *!rcugtbeii the
loqulrv uf Mr.. C J. which no one not UnHlaled into the
Mrs. Lillie' Cbte
) born In.
of Bert Thomas oj Northport,
demay >-if myateriea can uaderatand.
real. Canada. 23 year* ago and
Mr. and Mn«. Herbert Jojut drovt
It la not
lied her, mother *io this city
“No doubt they would;“ growled ih«*
dtotol that tto Tniled Statwi have
tme thl. afternoon fruni Omeua mean man. “And iuMall Imby blue \i bipmen:«». ProfesMjr Snjlih »*toled j ^
today and the trip was her And expert* came to thl. city with her mother and
#OA AKNT*-Baat oniro roo»a In the wmlrlbulod nmuy -.Vmrrltaulimii
rallroadla*. She obJ«i«] «rl.
chUUivo wbu numbcnvl alae. 4hu
where they went Monday to attoml and nlle green and old gold and lav la.1 iicBlnK ibai all anlhU «ho »*“» L.„ce
cUy; nearly flolabed mod imptinMl; tbe lan«to«e>^.loha-Balb We)
the funeral of hU uncle. R. M. l*m ender Upe to it. irfcad.“—C’hicago this ur any other city were beginner* OU.I} to tho fr.Hi.KUt -.toi.. of Ih. T !
tH-ta* the Drat of tbe law •
bealcd: bol and cold water; be.t MMMin^ulrtrwe want a word that
somewhere and were devcivped on (
U ft M. irala au.l hir alU-o.pt to; '•“>*'>' '»>•
«««y after attoloSun. .
dayllikt room. IB city. Over rir«i la not In the dletlonaiy we do
"Make It all up" Ilk.- a apaaklos apau '■« ‘•■v'f niaJoHir. UuMisb three Hula
Mr.L Ur.,^ J McPhall of IhU city • Utile Gix>rge. aged three yeara, wa»
k. Uquite al MiUikea'a bMltate to win one. Thin may to in
The School of Music requue*
require* that ^ j
ttiber-a horau. ... uouuHOeal! ■
.11. .1 la their tafaacir la Ut.
very bad taaie. but we have a srr« who attended the funeral of her grand vUltlng blK grandfather In the coun
, ^
,--------- -------- -------- She fully e»p.T|.|Caoadl.» hon«- before tbe family t*.
couutry and are eullttod to make me father. R. D. Putuant. returned home try. when he came running to his before t
complete arade they are reoolred to' ^
paa.jmQv.'.l turn, th.r.Malocua innovatlona-Barnmore Sun. today.
mother, holding hi. linger and
! ^^nger who entered the car and was
The following are b ft: Mr*. BoaaiiMr. aad Mrs. Marvin LaOore of fim M-reamlng at tlje top of hi. vokv. dtLa^vrtaiu amount of program
am now rtody for tto diay
It has iK-eii pro>eu Ihst^children who
wheu she was not fully In I *»•
of this
vi my fHeada amd airangerm. Fred
ktoaul Uefeld Md. from Prelbars pine, accompanied by Ihelr two grand “Why. what to tbe matter. GoorgeT“ Slug coufctaiitiv and “pick
formed a. to who was who wh.mver
Chicago; Cb^n-ge. Alfred
tiaaton. jCIOaetaeW. Oflica. 210* aW«crlpUou «f n new .nualcal Inatm- children. George and Marvin Ferrii asked hU mother In storm, aa she
Plano arc nut always the most mu*u-e^
■ Iheobald Cote uf
Hnal tount 8i
may >-51
meat It la cnUe<l the mljcnon. rehem- of Knoxville. Tenn.. i»aawd througli wiped away the big U*ar. rolling down
ally g,f.cd bu, on the other hand j
hlea an uprldU ^lauo
the cl’iy yeHierday* on their way ic his cheek. “O mamma:* wailed G^-orgq.
------------:............. 'V ------'-------nmide ju.l like ibe player lias rtnidcred
tho.:4. who seddom attentpt to l-to.v or ,
pu>M nger and wi h s hr,sol of Monireul and Wis* l-anra Ctoe of
. Mr. and Mrti. LaCore having **m bee stepiH*d 4»n me; u bt-e
It. To prevent iinltatiou. the wnaul
Two slep-broIbetH and a
.lug ur.- found To to the most richly
satl.-!aein,rfjl»H* Kdna Iwimu ihlH rrty
nndaraund. that the original ret^ord- spent the winter with ihelr non. Prof on me: *
endow.said the proie**u»r
*iep.>lKi.T are alMi leR, John THtos
tng api^mtua 1. not mvtente»1. but It. Charle. C. Kcnib of the Cuiaericity ol
!uei exi.i* among the singing >lrda
aii.J .Mamie Vemwut.
w. and return^ with the chil
kept a trade aecreL
KmtM Kilt
The bird that d«s> not attempt to,
Tb.. ..oc.,M,t ha.
dr%*n who ,will .pend the .ummei
A hunter tells
l»o weilu. an.l b.-r .l.-aih aa* a.'.l
Of tho way in «
unexpteted. • Tbe funeral will isx-iir
•Mt> Roy Monroe left yestenlay ants put lo death a rattlesnake which
in jroor family you of comae 1 A Huh exert, lu great propubrtve
m. very special buhlne«»i. loj
t.oiiorrow mmning at U oclcxrk from
power with It. Uil, not with H. Him. for Klngnley. where she attended the dared to disturb their nlsxle. He wa.
oall a rpliabie pbyaieian.
The pupils plaw d with much eh.*e:-'
hYanci* chutvdi, the remains leav
Tto paddJr
wa» made on tto fin fuu4>iai of heriklsier’b little lufaui. the out bunting when be saw the rattier
Dontato^ at that; hava his
ajid deiernunuiion prvv lug j
Uiw of propulsloii. and tbe wrew daughter of Mr. and Mr»i. ReiiWn Wll and St.1 nod to put a kjad of .hot Into
ing the borne of Mr. and Mra. Aribur
pi^ller h.G lU origin in noting the
tbe rei.tile when he nolks^l ihni It wa* that they enjoyeil th.-;r work. These] Si-ven h
aad thr.-.-. I«.» uf
:ii Tenth »lr«H. .here lh. y
which wa^ held at : u clixh in headed Mralghl for im nut hill of un proiaiii* or retitalb occur at regular in-were dragged along the T. C.
action of the t.it. It 1. now nbowu
were taken last evening from tto
Tm on 0«a M a«re relia. lhat\be fliw of the tall «eiu«lly per the afternoon.
usual six*, and waited to watch tbe lo.rvato and kie proving very helpful to '1- A .M track ibo monilr.g l.y John
He eHre tku ten. It wouM
Mr». J. SvH>Ae)d of PeiUwater. whe proceeding*. It had hardly got half all who Uke pari. Every Tuesday j i?rudley s sere«-ch.ng engine, while the home, two rfoors away. Burial will be
form t^e evoluti
by .tto
In tto Catholic cemetery in €>akwwidL
be impotoible for inoru care
propeller blade, and that tbe toh la ha. been at the Soo for a vInit wlih way acTotUi the mound when a big reil
afieriHvon. the sclirsd of niu»ic i* open 1 l»asM-ngers M-ated at leisere in tto* H.
Carter haviag charge of the a^
to be taken in tbe aelivtion
Its mUmiMi. motion
relallvoi. arrived iii the city two day« ant hastened .to the attack and sank for vtoitora.
i»ab*eiigcr rniach wondered why It took
depend, on me tondonal of the Ull ago. and left for Solon, where she will hi.' nipper*^ into the iina\c
of drags. etcM ur in thV com.
The program ctuirainevl
«'»»» '
to give it iwwor.
pounding. Prtacriplioiis
vlnlt her parent.. Mr. and Mra. Peter less tlun two wlnftte* be
by tbe whole cv.lony. which practicsHy Imts amf the following pujdlH took less than thirty miles.
iBOUgbi here. eiUier ni«Ut or
covered the whole body of the rattler, pa.-i: Missi-h KdUh Cole. R.iih Handy.
The.Kor.-stera will have i Mipp< r
lUy. will be promptly and
and M^^. John O'Rmirke and each one .inking It. a*M*9oni like blades
Tto borne k»y w ife 1. a peciilt.r prod
Hel. n Thiirtell. .Maggie C.anlMm. Mar their hall Sattirday evening.
aocurately compounded by a
Two Begging Tromoe Let Out of the
uct of tto time. She riwa Ut« i^d bur family of thin city left yesiertlay af- Into tbe Intruder’s body. The snake gery K.t-tl ami .Mane Ihinu; Messi'.
CBtoKleat rertsured ytoma. rle. from liomo the moment ato U
Th« dance which was to have to-vm
County Jail Today.
with their houM-hold gvxnlh began to ibraiih and-squirm, but the
Curl Fisher und Spaulding Cried rich. given liy the VYaicnial Order of Eagb.**
CM Slid tto prices will to dreaaed. To have luncheon, tea or din Ihelr Inleniiuu being to locate al Pe- aata
heHl on like bulldogs. The rat
Nto bearing fnmi Stortff Jesao
They were asMsietl by Ml.>&es Laudia for the memtora and thc-ir friends but
■tost retssasMe.
nor at home appear, to her to to In
Woodbury of Grand Haven, wbo. If doMr. O Ilourke b, employed on tler*. fwy grew mo gn*nt that to sank
tolerable, and .he acidom reai»pear» the local Perc Marqueilo with a Igy- his tanga Into hU own body, then BisMill, Nlfa Wright. Giace Monroe was i*istiK>m-d. wjjr.to- held at tbe idring tbe two su.pert. to foager fwtlion* except to return to bed. “What
and Nellie Chihholm.
hall u<-xt Titesday^'venlng and
at IVtonkey bn Sunday., and un itnilghiened out after a few more
main to tbe custody of Grand'Traverse
I. homer «u uhed at . w«t eod
eon%’uJalve effort* to get away and was
pieasaut time 1. ahUcipated
county, staled yerterday that to wonld !
aiBiMT table rvcPDttjr. “The pte<v this account the family deairc to re dead In lea. than ten minute, after the
Memortal Day. May 30. 1906.
There will be no roller skating ai
- I phtme further In.i iwctfon* laat even. •
wb«Te the smtaiit. are ke|>t." wa» tbe side there.
Aral ant 1had mounted hk body.-Kan
Headfiuartets McFh» rwj|i !»oi-t.
the, Clark A Hankins auditorium to- tog Bheriff Cbarte* Johaaoa Ihi. muroImmediate an.w,T.-LoBd«n Trotb.
Mne Wllltom Bloodgcnl mad »K>n In- ms City J
No. IX. G A R.
ing rekwd tbe prlMmera.
went to Angel vententoy aflcrnight
Of tbe great
that forty-A ve
K>u for a .holt \Mt with her parent.. aawwM Have Bwew
The W C T. V will mee-i tomorrop
An ewteemeU Perthshire miniatcr wa. yeara ag<y re»*«K>uded to the call of
Mra. Dennl. Hoxhie and »ou return
rWttog-a iHirly p
“Father Abr^am*
Abraham* «.
two-lhird.s have afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harvey
ed to their home at Bate, yesterday from the -mulUgrubs. ” or ‘ Effla Lind p.^ ov«r .h. .Urk rivur. «hlK-C«rtU. Thu R.-., Mr. I««Rl «lll b.vc
ver the ilark ri
Mra. Moldee, Mra. Moffatt
nam. .via. the Peru Marquette while mr.- *Tbe atroug man was Inleoselv
ihliHl f. .Ull U-ft .« kr.-p live .hi- ••'■■‘n'"><•
the HoMeaaaa.
Mr. Hoxaie who drx>ve In with tbe fam Irritated at being attacked brMlseaae, .«rred m.-morie. uf .hel‘cumnide..
•8."-""^ T.-a.,K-ra..c-v- ln,.rue.l«l.."
Mr*. W O Holden. Mra. O. C Mcrf
ily thi. morning, returned with the ind be greeted td. mlnlater tboa
Every vete^n throughout the re-‘ The dance which will be given this
fair and Mrs. A. F. Camcroo enter'
famliay equipage In the rain latiL in “Weel. Mewjotm. 1 thoebt ye wad tieret
come. 1 ken, ye uw bogy wl* tblakln giou is exj>ec-U-d to Join wiih hU com- evening by tbe ForesteYs la especially lalned this aflenMxm from 2 to 5
tbe afierooon.
rade* In the parade, the devoUrmal ex for the raising of fund,
C. M. Tlnkham of Rapid City, wfaatna freah nortoo ye can gle hu* on erclses and the placing of rtagh and military robe* for the drill team of the o'clock trfth a six-hand eochr*.- parly,
tto Bawbadi. aad 1 ktm ye mauudung
twelve Uble. being played.- FoUowrvturtieil to her home ve^erday after-i rer bralmv-aa I Jalore-by remdln* a
flowers over the green mounds where Companions of Forester* and their uae
ing the socU! afternoon light refresbnoon, after a *diort visit in the cK^
principally will* be in the asfecmbly
with relaiive.. Her brother. C. S a crap •* proAtable aoMon. for a body. _____ ______ ___________ ____________ drilU at Cadillac in June when the meui* were served. Tomorrow the
same iiostesw* will edunaUi with %
Tinkham. .pent Monday to the viclni Sit re doon. air. In the big chair, and.
tog of i»eace and enduring republic. ! team* will ct>miM*te with other drill
party at the home of Mra. O.
ty of Rapid CUy. where be found tto
siKTial Invlutioo U extended teams. Last year the local
ffooda ctoeee. a aonple acooe and tto
trout Ashing morv than excellent.
Woman * Relief Corps. Sons of eVter- work was excelleni and w iih prepara
P. M. Hankins returned yesterday grund* o* tbe greybeoitL Tto bite and
Sivanish war veterans, the pupils
aop-wlll keep bl. boast, pair afoek.
afiernonu from Brighton, where he
Noa air. R. baitb tamenuble and of thv public Hchou!* and all loyal dtl- under way, Traverwe City standa an
Mamie Dunn will have Umi|cht for
wa. called several day. agi>. owing tc awfae. but tbto la tto Arat IllDem I
There arc small lots of each. None over four '
,o join tn this tribute of a na- excellent chance of recognltioa.
visit In Chlcari.
the Utoewi of hU father who wa. .uf tore ever had to a’ my boro days. I
pairs of each and some only one pair. This is
A'divorce *uii was Aled in the Cir
ferlng from an attack of heart trouble. toll .re. m^ Arst lllneea.- “WelJ,- re
one of the best Lace Curtain offers we ever
cuit court today by Alforoey John W*.
piled tbe miatoter. In a voice meant to
He reports the father much better.
Inade and it comes just at at a time vrhen cur- g
PalchlD. William Wright being the
Rev. J. W. Oreaberger. of White be plangent with anppraaaed emotkw.
tains are in demand.
at 12:30 and attend divine M-rvlre to oomplainani who aak. the court to
Cload, arrived .'^mterday on the Pere -I mom earnestly bofw It may be loar
body at church corner of Casa and ab«rtve‘ bis vow. to Anna Wright,
toaL--Dn»dee Adverttoer.
Marquette for an extended vielt with
There are Arabian Nets.
Eighth streels. All auxlllary and kin whbm he charges with desertion since
her three daughter., Mra. W- C. Coop
Tbe last aurvivtog member at tbe dred Micietles are invited to Join with im.
Cluny’s Bonine Femme
er and the Miaaeu Orenberger.
In Arabian, pure white.
family of Moaart. tbe rompoMTa eart.*
A Ucenae was issued today by ConnJ. Nf Graham of 411 Franklla .treet bia Krliig by drowlng liter to a ralb
Ivory white, ecru, cream
F. D. Marvin. Commander.
ty Clerk Robert E. Waller tp Rr»U*rt
left yesterday for WiaooMtn. on a way atotloB at Aagrtairg.
Ran F. Uttle. Adjutant.
M. Nelson of Summit CUy dnd Mtoa
lumhertog tour.
mauitBtiied tbe ropiitatioa of
Curtains that sold from $4,50 to"'$7.50 per pair,
may S16-»
Zina Madlaoa of Klnicsley. daughter of
Mra. A- C^. Adam, returnto to her
No Uve Sock* wm be tok M
being abeotstelF oomel-nBd-—
Mr. and ifrw. George Madtooa.
home at Bmpire JuacUon yesterday
pninetakioff in
bwrter for tidieta to r OU* M’bai*. tbe good of keepftag from him tjk? prtr«ie oflc* «f Jud«* Wllitaw I exooedinidT
mhrntos after a visit to ttoa city and
Riling pnaeriiitiaiw LfoaUty >
Any good totoga you augr ana.
Rayida. where ato apMt three rime* Cgnbert* Friday night* Tlmi will life Ma land or tohpr
«». .lUi . UMe phoop
Pbox wkicb
wWeb -in]
UL She wUl wad aa IndeStilte
Lito Rocky Monnula Ten.
time with her atete^ Mrs. M. E. Bar^ *nV be iMtelwd tiyiag to ex■mlctteUir w«Ut IB tto Wltoep «< ito
orM~toap(ed bp U« pftitMr. K. W.
«iier«Md. Wtore tto CldMto ptoM
Mra. D. B. Geer returned to Grand
AiMtoib i
romomw, 1lnirsdqr4toniing, Maf lU
Mmnimamm toHom toBoolc
12 I-2g
Don*a Wmia
The Globe SfSS'^'oS'SrS
J3 ‘
Inline aad
When There
1. IllneM
- ---
Drug Store.
Special Lace Curtain Sale
Unusual Coed Offerings
I Prescriptions I
‘ '^rzr£‘Sz: .
Now for $3.75
Store CIosMl All Day Deration Day
Mrida yetoMtoy maralng after ai- BEMODSUBD and raTaratotod.
ndlag ber alator. Mra. J.V). Adams, Use Home, ready for bo
who baa bM UL
Mrs. Tbman Brtokmaa left for tto ^ Frank Ktog progrteCor.
tooMMg tortetto^« K. X Bftokman.
; ^ ; May 7*lt
-I ==g---|rHSS-5-~i-S=:^.-
r iAsItUseHtoK
, Useif 40 Roland Uve
ud Pleasare.
! *DH1<I T»ta* •
for *BT-wUd
' •-«•»«■'•• ft»» l«UUm down «•«.«.
dhilnf roomi. and to dloe there
tlw^ wn« «oui« al«K-.ott» trrbit(*rttrr , ^ a^^rviriJig fwr the Coons
trpoiwith one or more of the oppoaita oea
iKT|wvrHiT«j. In that ilBie, too. every j
rtaQttr. bat not eapeciaUy tfrrlbie
But the third floor, aad tbe fourth
Bftb! The
cbararterl*ttc of the mkldfe daaa realdeace dlatrlct Then tbe IjaUaus. who
over Telefraph bUi had
aa they flstad and with little repaid
for -atwetm. and tbdr houaea boas
eeasily oa a aide hill wbkh was Utde
lasi foaa a pcectoiee. Kor tbe moat
k H»Cm.
UMk Op« AkUlt
4ttii m nu maeiMf i« «<«4. tw
li^icst iMiUd. looirt Ptomfo
ioTlig «U, or tlO»
and to
ttMor tntji tbt imt TotorMtiof a«l
fMBtie H • Mo of koddled rem•MO flrlar ooMBf rilM. Mjra ibo N<rw
ToffeSoa. ItWo^iwdjounodtoroMd. tidt iboM viio liaro knooro .tliat
•oeoUar dtr by tbe Goldrti Oato mod
lato caackt lu flavor of the Arabian^
Kigbto M mat It can ocrer be the
oan«.t tt la at tboofta a pretty, frlroIM flroMaa had laaawd tlirouch a
float trasody. fibe aunrtvoa. bot aba la
aobcfod and iodUrcreut. Ulicu it rioea
diamonds and was a
xorria and Kip
afwirt from the n^idar
Tftjnlar life of
uf the
lay apart
dfy. which sms dlMlnctire lb Itsrif.
A City ThU Ncm.Stefl.
Tlw Califcjmlsn Is tbe sr<-oml sencra- ■ The citv never went to bed. There
tkm of a picked and mUed «ock. The i
uo Hosing, law. so that the saloons
merry, the adveniumus. often the dem t ker»t open nights and Sundays at their
perate. always tbe brave, deserted tho 1 own sweet wUJ. Most of them eleeted
south and Ner. Ln cUud in 1>49 to*Hub ip rumaUi mini until 3 n clAek in the
around the Ho.ni or i« try the perils of morning at least, let- Una rrslaurant
foe plains TJi.y found tbere already
me care
grosm old la, the bauds of the 8ran- le*, ^deasure loving character of tbe
■nny ufthemor tharromleattdoodW **‘*'*^‘’
tet the
Tlstic thin;;
for tbe sea
t'k of paiutluf every eiposed object n sea gray which had a
tlnfe of dull inw In It. This, coder
Ibe leaden sLy of a flan Francisco morwJaa. bad a dcpresslnf effect on first
ai#bt and aftenvard beraiho a dcUfbt
to the rye. for the Color was soft gen
tle anddnflultely attrscilve In mass.
OreM Oror TIap.
The bills arc steep Itcyood concep
tion. tt-bere Vsllrjo street ran up
'Baasian hill It proineiiaed for four
Mo^ by ix-golar steps like a flight of
atahw'^.WjUr-dieor bills, with tbe
of the arfblleotnre and
with tbe green mwy tiruro over every
thing. the city Mi alx»TiT» Into vistas
and pictores. a setting for tbe romance
which hnng over ever> ihluc. whic h has
always bong over life In Bnn l-Yanclsco since tbe luidres came and gathered
tbe Indlaut about Uisslou iKilores,
And It was a city of romance and a
gateway to udreuture. It opened oat
on the mysterloos I'aelflc. the untamed
of China. Japan
Japan, the
.\H V.M. wa.fu.
ifk di-m .Kii
t * lli
kTfahl b» .ti.y honiff
I1.IVUI;; «n«sv lof thly f arlUc %kil!f«r r«-ptaini»g «>t «dd Fouhps nail
l-»rgaTi!« wcCan fu.d a (itsrk* 1 !jr l!ic-«i artvi ar- kodhti-.; toiakr Jh«-a»a. at l.ih
slIowarH --. Ml * rchan-t- |.»r. *.a:r Une-^u»N! New l‘.anaa. VKKV ll\SV
T1.K.MS arranged wn toe babtictt wht-re desired.
Hen.* .buyers will ti«»l the ;:roatest sUx*k ia tbe coutilry
to sclort fn>ni-r-aiidijTi.iu*d5tMm:ih!y the Ih-si and Most rrtiini-
and ont of
uent ttuikis. The worKlerful TI.-WnLA
No people wife fonder of eiiHnlitious im^ the x-ountrx. o
ur playab.V by liatiQ);tbc illcslfiotis .STKl.VW.W. kinof all
fact, exc^t totf a prood little
ony wbth inigtu V brought off
here and tbeie. Ibt‘ old .Spanish blood
Pianos; tbo m:i;xni!i.-cril<i klNSKliTa IIKO.S i<>ur unn make
is sunC lu that ^ tbe eon<juerii::: rare. t^yVH in the gnwt m.Miuuiua and for
the superb SnHMKR: the arlislic KKA jv.xrKK; the popuhir
Then there
ttn Inllrx of JiiteUertn- eita. .\*jd !^^J^pilaliIy was nearly a
I*edplc. largely ovcrlpoked In vice.
ami pleasin;: STKKMNf i ~ ttml olhfr», a’w .-lu^ Iy ui!et|ualc3i] at
the blkioMw of the early days, and this
a-nicTH of bospiiality were the Hubs.
Latin Imwn has bad Its infljcuc'e.
roftjx'clive price*.
et^IMvUiily tbe famous Hobenjian and
A IKsti^e Type.
Uic Fanill,v: l*bC latter «aa an off
aboor bf Ibe Bohciniau. which liad lx ea
Brought up in a l^nuliinl
e nutry,
where no one really baa » w ork very
, j gro«iJ!g fast and vicing with tbe older
yu.i .oiv ..!way4 .Vai*.banl to live, nurtured on adventure.!
adventure, i orgauiratioii for the hmi f of eub rtain
melon of n free auJ merry sto* k, the iug pb aslug nud di-Mnigui>li.Hl
real, native trallfonilau la a dSstlnrUve
-llfgh j«o<'U*ty lu San rrauri-t-j ba.i
tyi^e, as lar from the eeMemer In p^v- setib-d d.cxvu from the mtbi-r wild sp!>
cbulog>* aa the extreme souiberm^
It of Ibe middle periiMl. It ba.l CQire
the Yankee. Ue la easy goiat. to l»e there a guod d*-:;! aa It la elseThe Actor s Paradise.
iTidiu.^ to 1 Chi.
witty. boapItaWe.
ibere yaa much wcalib. auu
uui is the an jr. iia.-aiibf. I hcr.-!
lie uunitpal railier than immoral in Ida. the lulls of the xvc^ptu addition were
nytu.’n iii the empir J
personal habits and above all casv to'
up w'.tl,
Poland the “?« ii imrr^ers” l yrn nnislde-rocM and to know Above all tbe»ic is
of ibe « jiy.
an art sense all through Umj iKipulare. I
.Hiu.ntvy .-Ui;, rri.u.rbig'n rc- uMy
In p: jr.rtjon than actors
wbicb sets it off from way other |iart of j j,;o» of "onntrr e^tnic* w bi.-h Mre». h-^ voeti in rub or.iat.-'. of hiph salarletbe country. This sense Is almc«i Lat.j.
^ A 11.11 ivc iiVnr will earn., if be Is a i
lu la It. .ireugtlu .ud U«. yullforulan
man. as high as |l>no « year ^
o«t-i It u. Ibo l«Ti-o.of Latin bhUMl.
Kuali h--., ttoo.
an-: iii!w this inom-y is insiKniflcaiU
WUlt .u,* . ijtxtrle Ufe w.» .Iw.^ ;
eonifiariv.! ?u itiii f»:ln;-ely pay lists.'*t I What a B.-dlcrs W-rld Would Be.
*a.T. If tlu-y .I d nut ..how It on ll.«
n.utu’ulu. If the wfirM
. a n.i»
Wi” iutKuri- cfinii
Streets, as do the |»eopIe of Psr.s. It.
aJuri'-Anao f -ihI.I u<;i. iunatwas lifcaose the winds made open
------^------------------a native In ChJiL t that rt.mhi not la
cefes disagreeable at all seasons of ih©^
Umpl» Ts.k <;s«ge.
- flint- yr'tr> f ine in i^piic -»f
flupUralcd htie fur :m limes
ga.vety went on Indoors or j The luitniy tank gang- licrewiili linn in nL There 1 > a iiaiiunal actor
year. The ga
If! l! . -.ij.'.n.v am! |>i»t fUi' tlia: m .’d
of est.ites tJut; shown consists of a gear xvbeel m i oh
out oa the h
•i ruaTitifaciuriiT fuj flm flesmifil'.n
frilled tbe cUy. It was. noted for lts(a pinion to xMd. li Is siT.nclM-dl d.e han.i Huh with jn.iHH) life inemhem. at
i inxi -ts. The jnv,,-». aiH slup
restaurants. IVrbaps for tHXH»le wbojtAt. -V mck gear <B. iii.-Hlo-i Into the there is a jqieHal pH in the lempl
i-are not bo«* they Ki»eud their money ^ gear wheel and slides on the ^^eut y*. !0 whom all good f'hiru-se.Thc^spra^P ; ikoold simply cut ali «he or hards am! i
It U very difficult lo aripilP , Tcp-s in that lime.
tl. 7." centw. flO I'cnls. i:.'i
the title of •artni" In Thlna. Th. pu ]
Hi f.f. !;.*cf.o- Sr
cr even la cents the restaurants allurd- !
pi! is Hdip. .1 ?i* study three y» ai> a- at
od the best tore on e.irth at the pr!,
»„.1 ,m. n,...,. y...r
r.-., .in I;
rancisf'o hYi'mii
4 i.^
Tb? San Francisf'o
hVi-neli dinner;
to give him ih- Onishing Peich. Tie ',^,1',,'.*'
^ “
rauelsk-o frtH' lumh were ; t \
Til.- first GE.NLTNE Mopupil must !earn by bean a n iMut-dT-i '
library to Boston nr the j v
tion rictan-8 ol
of aliouT liojjifl'Tciit play.s ami the rcH j------------------------------ —-----------------rofl
city, Morti like other clUea and wiUiout Ita old flavor.
t The city lay on a aertes of hHlo and
me lowUnda between. Tbeae blUa are
loaUy the and of the coast raufo of
fiMintataa orhirb lie lietwoen tiw^^
rior valieya and the ocean to ttJMRti.
was the ocean. Tl ibe
groatar put of the town frooi^ on
two aldat cn Ban rmopAco bay. a Australia that came to the rnited
body of wattt always tlnfad with gold Btates passed in through tbe Golden
fmi the great waablufs of the motxu Gate. There was a sprinkling, too. of
tala, oanatty orectitms with a haae and
ka and Sil>erla. From bis windows
on Russian lull one saw alwa.vs some
tho bay to tbe liortb lie« klonat Tamalg strange siid suggestive tTcepjug
pala. about 5.Qia) feet blgb and ao rioae'
ugh tbe mists of Uie bay. It would
that forrlea from tbe water front took
I south sea Islaud brig bnnging la
OM la loaa than half an boor to tbe lit- «\copra. to lake out cottons and idoU;
U# towns of flaoaaiito and Brlvldere, 1 ACliinese Juuk with fan-llke snlU. back
Iftom an exiled it ion after sharks’livers;
fPoflfof Yifl DtHgktW Cteate.
whaler. bled,
‘ The cllmata of Oallfornla is peculiar; *
from i year of crul.l
« la bard to give an Impression of It. j
.ibie or; tkm. Tbe country all about prtnluewl |
for* work UB laws of foclr own In that |
everything that a cook m-eds ami ti*at
part of California. There Is no thunder
!xnre-the bay
or lightalng; there U uo snow ext-ept a
mg To.ragtag.
fishing pound, the fnilt farms I •
•nfry ooco In Hr# or alx years; there
1 In tbe
low ttrensh ao that tfoto Is a little film i
the fishing fleet would crawl
ef lea on expoaeff^wlmr In the mom-1 »«» WKler trtanguUr Ut^ saUs. for the
of flan Francisco hay are all j
la one of the wings Uua formed fU
a four pointed stor. wUk two ef foe
potau vertical and two hurUdDlAl.
No«^bcnd IU> »iB( hnck nno« ih.
othCT ud make a tractas of >ke .tar
on the lait^ wjih g pewll.
Yottr object la to get foe exact ecu
and this yon 1
lev of the
may do by making a dot at the tutor-1
scct&tt of the diagonals. Now make
anothar drkviag of a alar on tho nacm
wing, hat its points moat he at aa aa
glc of forty-flre degrees with th« flrsi.
Cut ihU new star ouf carefnUy. and
place the cardboard on a table blariur
Nio lighted candle* of tbe same height
and opposite tc a arrecn of while pa
per flxt'd to the wall.
RegHttc the angle formed by the
two wings »^u that the lumiflous Images
c3Ht i.v the stars may fa!!, ooc direct
1> on the other, in liu* ccuier of the
set con. You w ill thus faaW a' bright
star with cfghi fK.lnts. Now. if you
ccxvr one rf the two opening's wlib a
piece Of colored glass, aa * grcca. you
will have a trJ*colored star, with the
pd’at.-x aHvruauiv red and &rccn and
the ct nier while.
Tbe piece i.| odcn*d gUn* may I/*
teplavf..! by a
c mtsuiing any rtji
ortd Ui^uld. and the point> of the st^tr
will then show alieraiudy the .coin,
of ;hv llonld and its amjplenp.*:iUiv
dome ver> pnitv tifects may
:bai, be proily-cd.
Music House.
Fifteen Stores.
Traverse City Store: 159 E. Front St.
Opera House
Wed., May 9
of hia me is HH Ilf in aning the: ;DKS. J.a&lURTJ.TRDEBLCO?
Pla.vs wifhtnit the sllgh’e.i Hian-e iC '
ever i.Hiig iM-iimIted to Uam new t,«oe»-MWUh*lmWJr
^ it
ones. The idea Ih ihar an -actor.‘a- lio»o.m. Tto*» •T«*iaa».
.V,rh. n.:-. nn:
uhirh is fitting only to an ai»pn-ntie-. * ■'
'■ '
an i-oir mny withu it
dignity. t»-n' h -Miii»;y p ipiN wha' hl.ouseir Icaincd a.- a leipii.^rhirag*
bam>t oxiok run TxMk.
■ rUc liand lA. moves around .n mul il
Dlmtv were the head and front of It 1 with s^ many: InHi.-s in.ukrMl on «t j
■ys remember cwtumea aad their customs and sail
art to other | it is dci*iinl*le lu U-t Uie xyatcr Uiu iuat*'
and down lu the tank.
.*» Yankee Cradfe.
that they were always chilly.
I’hen the float in the tank falls the
•or the Gala U a big fuimel draw• h<*se when the wind fills them . .-UUS-l VI lUf- *
r >n rug iiiim-t cf ri.i!;neiit. uln;
Uk kkiv V
d atalocd an orange brow n
winds and the mlsu which
tlav w,:i If -:.,,,. Kin- „t luil>
tag in the w
♦test restaurants were !»orn In Tanton. rack gx-nr is drawn toward the right,
water ^t the Jieople of
i^xcr tbe lUlinns. learning: of causing hand tAi.to move to the
cool off the I
wi,U Il». «a.orl'''!
Of the San Joaquin ftod flarramenlo. ™ea^ craft met. *TTie amelting pot
c-ountty where good food Is appre- ^^’l»cu the float
' I'l’
'“ "“I
to the west wind Wows steadily ten
Stevenaoti called ll-,nnd
ami brought their own i«hc-t»nk. a wo.gUnKi.aro«K tl,o rack
months of the year, and almost all the this was always tbe city of his sonl. ,
Householders always dined out - towanl tb.- left and the haiul uiov.:t I (he fvrijilenr <»f no less ll;a:i 1“ eraill* -j {
mornings ire fo». This keei»* the There are Wai-k Gilbert Islanders, al^
nights of the w.-xk. and
oiH»osiie xUrecliou till it rva.hes up te thi.< Uni*', ami the returns art*
tomPMBtufe ataa^ at about M de- »«t indlsOngulshable from negroes; U^^rdlng housca were scarce, for the m-w^be uumivr may l»c. lu- not all in >«-•. ,\t K ast iwn of
\Vf-I F’ront Sirei t
mtlf wl for romfort of tn
Konaku. from Haw»H or Sa- ] noittarti<xl j.rrfrtrort tin rrotanmiita. j lUtattiUK
lUo tuuk (s fuil. 0>i^ Jo- are frcai «lx- fimctA Siai. s. wlijl.. ai
moo. Looron in torbona. thkkaet not-1j TbeMrtng
waa uaualK bolter tbau tbo 1
n--omi... ud«l l..v u o.m siKina. ihlnl. am^oMc of fht: nm.-t g..rgcuns|
i cot of the Engiui-ers*
rhineac with un- , aurronndlnga.
> It. hardly
In the Int. b. from the liallPii^* In-thei
Bver ihl^ ^ m^lhg^Srss to UicTr; brsM^
l^lUn flsbmDM) to tarnArgentUic Rej.ublir .\1! Of the cra«H«bouMw except
cxcant in foe
the few rxceptlcmal
excentloual I o’-ahantera, loud shirts and hlua aashc«;
nre ir-ctl in ttun lo lull »hi* lUildays of tbe winter sMtami. and then
princf' to nl -mbi i N« \cr was a lUiUy ,
together with
they rely mainly upon flreplacra. This
ihc hul.jett of m...-e ..oIlHtu,'. fhan j
of tbe Venetians
iB like
Ihls M’lV Ita Inn nrime
and ont from among the queer craft
Not a nioxc it' taken lowan!
but always
tT well hetog nnU-vs bis nioihcr. giie«*H
and amall
In the
lUicna. kmiw«! all about K. Ever,
i steady temperature
morning the little iHlow Is put tpi Ibo;
iBland traders and caputos^ fresh from
«ca‘e.-. and If hla weight is noi up toi
the lands of romance; whaling mas
.vrhodule the roya! physiclars ar
ters. people w^ were ttTtog to
rnonml anil an ‘nvcsilgailoii U
(ledltiODa. fllibosters; Alasp. < what the trouble Is.
'used to meet and trade ^
A n-roKl i.- Kc»i: daily of his arciglit.,
hi* general rondiiion, the number of j
In foe Hmmca al Crime.
times he is MK what hr- evs and all
*h>e Barbary Ceaat was s kmd bit of
JOmm oauBUy entored the elty by
Hat- iicrtainlDg to llu- daily iife of the.
ban. No one knows who eotnad tbs
The Mly CoBfh Synip
baU- Is entered Ui mtouic dclai;.—j
name. Tbe place was alinpty three
Cmnt AO DbM«M AtUiiic Inm iPwr told Wmtttr'
pmsburg Gazette.
that tide thp tjttem ef
blocks of aolld dance balls, there for i
Blood or 5h*tte»d
lbs delight of the aaUors of the world, j
! « edd b7 bcdiif M « catheitk ra
A ^uzr-rd c-d a Bat.
BbBbiy BO ocher Hty of On a fine bnsy night every door bland |
P-j; a huzzanl to a pen about i^lx feel i
d be BO viewed aod to load^dBAoe music from orchestras.)
t Bight. It tBBB Bbm Bteam pUnos and gramophonaa. and i
square and open at ih- lop. and it i«j
Bs he mcM dockage the nuDOlatlre effect of the aeuni I
as mttrh a prlacncr s« If It were abut
which rteebed the street was at least •
_ __ _
9i hill terrBce*.
«p in a box. This U because buxzsrfls
At <m# Bid* WBB Telecrmpii hHL the
klway* begin their ftljrtP by isklng. a
4 of the pmdBBBlB. b ticight bo Bbfupt
short n:n. shd they, cannot or will not
a 20d foot
cliff on 1 For a
anempt to fly unless they ran do to
rnotage. Farther alongcharaotertstlc of^ the place _g
Nor can s tat rixe from a Irrel
y TCab bill, crowned with foe Mark
face, it Is remarkably tomble In
flight when cDce it Is on foe
can fly for hoars ,a! a time wK!
BiMtau bUL «r btsbMt point Fm. irtM UroJ to lh» Wbkt Qmr
rest, hrt if placed on tbs floor or on
tbP bMbM*
wbo» Hamm, ant > wamn kMn u ladoflat ground. It cannot posalbly use Its
Ulf *aaa^ «U «» Irooblo.
wlngf. The cnlr thing H can do Is to
KtrrplWriit aiaot. bjlkUo*^ tbo
shuffle hetplosaly nkmg until It reschror DolUr, wbw» b. tnntJ «bA pmS
«r (bo lut ton mrt
mt^ bin. Tb* bn>nte< at Uaw
aa anme trifling elovniian from whilrk
mat- aama bolM to tb. frost of tb.
ft dto throw Itnctf foto foe air, ^hen
Second-hand Bicycles
Frank Beardsley’s
The Richest
of All Tonics
STiSrr»d»r wi*i.
Before & After
The Farthquake
and Fire
• A n-alistic n-iinxluclian of
tUp iKmiruclnm of the Beau*
Uful^City of ilie Go!ck»
Prices'I5e,fit, 35e,SDc
In bariiwu..«« In
. .-t rythlQg H-fc, When you can gH i
r«al g.-R tini- Finn.Jliy. coupled with
iiMj-.- ac: vrim. v6u obtain a max’.iKum of «tl.vfactloa. Our not very
: ’1 . t t
i*,ihnt wo can »upplv
yna with pnythtog ajid everything n.
tb»- harneva Him?—everything Mia
:li (he having,
v!ng, tha
that Is--at rta -» n
prices. Try ns.
Qn:cn aty Implement Co.
CiL pbooe 7.il.
Br* wrok, wbU-b wm prowuy kapt to
San Francisco
12« i;. Fm..i St.
■■ S
vtOaiat doabi vbatWr lha htt Ml)
aaVwaraM. |T k laaka MMmv
rattaB to t|i»
to to ito» I
Wa to fM ICitowk. vr-to
Oaitor and to bto toitw
toir to toMto M H. «p»MU Bto
•wood M tooM ktortar^oAtos ft -to. dtoftototoM m.
OMtoi. Aftdr Ibv tottor
KlMiiP-k ttoalito to. Itoioppo
tolU* SMto Afrkm. Ito.
AliHfi aald: *1 Mild Mk#
4 ^ ..to-iiy «-%««. Ttotti. Itoatof
aNtotorftow ^oataaa vkto
Mtoto kppfkni rtowMlT to to. tolM
la tooato by m totoitbfX- -A toart.r.' tor Carter ripltod. -la a toektocal
M* v«4l naMuMitod la lb. wliy. *
•rsr. to 1>tol «MM to tk. lUiito -Abd Haavlwr..- latartreud Ototolrr
pn kill., totoltom atotoeto.. floato
Africa. Am etofrainaUr for eorto ml- Kaba. •flaaaliy.- K#aa rvatlaard li a
•tocM aa4#ftem. to BMAinr Aid.
dm. Apatr D
Wklto artottor to tomr to a r.iri^ rleb. -n U Btod# of oae-iblrd Hmrb
A*, to III# ItomaiJoa.] lav Coofima- rwotb tad tvo-tblr^ dry gla. vltk
to lli8tottinii uM
imM tkat ktoi
toaMIL Hea4«to: -That vaa aowa
P aao.- tor. Wont, to MoiirMa
Ml: .**Wk#a dUI you paMi any M#aa^
to tkarklaur tor. Huaifikrrys r#fiUc4 aobrrlr 'la ItlV aad did not
fo mjoy tk# taaitk vklHi #a-
kr^ th.
airalakt oa all mat
ipr* aad'vko It tk# «r#at iiaHlawmt
ary alnifv of tb# nwairy. ima#. ffma
Matii#. II# vat at Har tiarHor no#
day la«r anwiia#T. rtwHna* ib# hnivr
A Maa ai»fima#lt#<l bfai on tb.
and aald: -flbot yoa want to
kny a hacknry. air? Har# k Bn# oa#
ran aril ftm for
Otoa» ktoiv
tott!- raidodfd Hiadt. **Do I took Ilk.
•V -Well, told tkf horaeaiafi. aftor a rrtiloal tunr.y to Hiadt.
:*l hav# m«#ti blenty «f tnimonalm
ako took >.iit a« had at you do.Lo^ Odo RoaM*ll vbllr rafllaa on
Prtnf^^laattrrk diirlni; the Rlitlna
th»‘ Wr>|tB i^onh-rruf# atked him
lio. h# manaitod"foTfirhrmw-lf «»(that
rlati of Iroportunr viMton* whom b#
•ouM wot Ml ttoatr to tm but whoa#
P foaad prtorrablr to ibrir tom
fiany. -Ok.- r#nm.d th. ebaucelior,
-I bar# a trery almplr laHhod: my
vlf# kaov. tk#« mtty Ml and vbra
tb. tort they are with mr ah. «#n#e
ally r0Btrt.#t to romr ta and rail me
tvky toKAi aom. pmrst nt aaoth.r.fir hair acarrdly tlnUbcsl ipraklnf
ahrn the iirlto^i pui h«'r head In at
tn.l aal.l: * My .Irkr. yoti
ir and itkr y.»ur nudlcln..
You puaVt
bavr bad W an boar
A ^hrrtaio aorli»ty vnman who
aiitrel for bf*r orlitnal ld<aa on i
toplJ^a waa nO a aboppina lour vlib
frtnid thf
thr other afitonooo.
ah. brain to fr.1 quit# ilrrd
ImatV .b.
and aVr k Ktokr. In t WMiTor aald
*Tni |
to b.-r Vroi
vt«rn oaiN^nd 1 Pa»k a friabt
Wnt. Champion
Paliter. Piper Hiirer
ii4 Deointer.
All work done in a aatiifac
toiy mannisr.
All ordem prompdy attend
od to.
22lW.imSt. Qf.pMM«41
8*0. Jl. 3ar«fo
291 frtnt firttt
TWAVIflil tITY IIAfllcm
nut raitoH la ntaOt ito My. Tba Mi
aar« la not itoMwlbto Hr abtoitM
' Mtoii
bit of oraaAd M la It and no tot
frpa.** -Piibav - aald AMrtob bittfiT
-it voaia b. bairvad baif with n
lobotr to abtoatb#.Jobaar MIb#; a KIrkapoo linruiat
iiiil pbltotofiifr. vbiwir toal nam# Ik
Mah-ai#-qaa-rbr-toab.rbrmaba#f and
♦ho ran a|i»tori#a dlirrrmt lantnt
It la WadbtofboB In tb# latrnvt to tb#
torklna braark or th# tilb#. R# It
aald to hr tb. moa« arroaaTdltbn
lakaitl la tbr vnrid. H# ha.^
Tmfhrr aaemupllmmury opli*
Irnia ahoot tb# vbli# man'a auv#ra
iteiboda. but hr thlnka lbi>
krblih mait'a vlf# U a/ prraoa mtirriy
abor# crttlrHai. ‘ Mpr mu#h dlir#ronrr
belvrtoi tb4K vbttr atoiav and tb# red
maa.* rtpl^toad io^ay. -They both
pilaf. vbiti adaaid with vbttr ptlcP
and red brato tolb red paint. Thiy
a tJD vrar fratbrra t
tbarra dremed ap: Indiait b. v#ari
rato. ftofb.ra, vhltr aqimv v«m aay
kind to fratbrra abe< can trtl WbJu*
■qaavB not anicb dltrrrat from th#
A clerk In
fra N>w Hampahirr bad nu
haNt to nainr. #n .11 .orta
aa. tb. #tpr#«»inn. **Tliat
.*• If a rtiatoiiMT ram# 1
d a ault of rlotb« of tb# Halit
|iatt»ra. rv#u Uioaab ih# pric va*
blfb for Mm ID tJdnU to tuirln*.
Irrt vimld atiir th# #ort«o1lns word*.
-Tbat b#^ torn#,
were rh#«|i #ttfNlch. Put n»r# a#vrr.il
.Ur. ion Uix# or too .iiiall. atlU
would muark. * Tlmt In-lp. aom#. •
<»nl day a lad.v ronir luto tb# ator#
nad aakM to b# nlP.wrd
urnt of B#«-kt1#4u Tb# imlltr I#«V
Id out on array of
plain tbit b. r iiurd#« naa a rr:y H#i<T
that all#
l#n with Put lltti#
py and wiili a#v«-ral wtinitl «-bi
tu aiiplMirl.
**My iiu«b.ntid/* alit-aaid at Uat. ’!bus
HI# to « ialt.-r nnrld.* \V#|l.- aaUl 111# . P rk. iPn ply u...,
lilt brlpa a lui#.”—lUwton lf#nikl
to all romfort. .roordlns to hli Irtirr.
which wiya: ‘ Fnr to yrara I bad
mplaini« which U
fln«#r nalla turned yellow
when my doctor prracriiiril Klt'Ctiir
RItlera. which rur#d mr ami hav# kept
mr wtol for rlrrra ynara.” Burr
curaiKia. wr.km«aa
for hlllouanraa. nruraiaia.
rar and^kldn#y .nd
tonic. At Johnaon Drun Co
Mnada. V. A. Buglir# Hmg Co. drut
atorra. Wl rmta.
a»w !*•• for VwwUw PUsforw
*mar1. up te-dal# young womai
aakrtl the drug eMt for a box of tmr
km platter*
It rausexl on# to KhA
vtth raiioalty at b#r f€*H. They were
atralglit ami toltu In the smartest .»f
C, « mjIllUT. Afm*
I •mrWTj «
AMllWtH*. LMMh •lid OnMIiw Cn•in*
Bpaife OoO*
Crid»« OrbM*
-Tbttl* » »<•» «ri. k." tbe'dro* .
rxclalued «ii»ii .li. bad tik« bar nn#mhsn«asM ara.v ta tb# street. -.V
twtoriMA# tie or oa# to those new low
pampa U Itkeir to slip ap aad Aovm at
Hi# h##4 or Mad th# ankle, so that ti
t'kafU Htber va;^. Rtmi# Ud.v g#alu*.
•tack a tmnbin pUster in tb# U. k of
k#r slio# aad th# troabt# w as all ox«-r.'
ammtUtaaiteairM. CteaMl Mb cmi;» Mt
tmy Mae ta t Stifle
wiik Ikta ibOH. iW ulc ky
Tm.'C jqidi
qtebi 4^
|bd oi
.1 -M JtM im fnii
HU |M«tt -s-MI
||ud U| p|0^ H|q
AIIM t«WHl Mt op
-In|ps#.M4iB M #q l«M -u.K-aaitt!!
M aq Pitl
'i«mm|tm *i|i «| ti-.Ma|
oag uunp lad oi l*#|Jl P«a Xmia|«!»»|
#4|« o| Hujw oqa *tniqoai.i Xq|o«uu,
*a#H toll J® •ttniweq irnA\--J#uun!i
II wnni
r«MI*( Aackon
BM«« Pa.pi. ate
Waltar to. ^Palf.
witk Ua 4. a
■«»»•* «•
• Wra: Carrto Adkof. OpbmrlaaA
Wyoming. t$4 p mtn tkfaaTMd iMtHag la her throat that kept har noaghkfw
an#r BighL ftheaaed Wig.
Mil milk Wlaa to Tar and kaa ato
teat a algkCf gl««F alaco. Writ# bar.
far aatohf
I. Stoicsmtoiehns.
1 #a CASH wUl bar lot m Onnt
WANTED—Wato tamer; p«to#r a
A Mmiaia to Oald
cMd aot bftat a. BHMk baMMaa ta 1 man famDIar with tol^ woodworklira. IMa Wttka to Candtoa. Wla, aa tag machinery. J. R^ OrelllPk On.
May Tto
4U OM «Se boa to^BaektoaW Aimtaa
•dim. vtaa R oomptoialy carad a rvatone aofv oa bw toe. vkicb bad tan
tarod b#r » loag yaara. Qraatato aa- WANTSD-Good farm hand. Gall
may M
tSaatoto bmlrr to yUaa. voaada, and pheae 1274 CIL
aoraa. t&c at iobaaoi Crus Co. F. H.
■aada. C. A. Bacbm Drag Co. dnto BIRL
Wv ^Iv 4 W W
TaM ------- |
The Battle Creak -rlemn up* laapeietora harr vlaitrd tdO places in the atoy
and branded 210 of them a. anUaaor.
and ordered IMUte cleanlnt ap. Arfarea thoa. wbo do not rompfy
. and coBarqumtly much to ibe
work vaa done on Suaitoy.
xma iieigaia awnum. bfixiwa
Bnh. If mM belbr# Jaa# itt. Apply
m Ham. T. Batto.
* may M
9m CASH vUl buy a \ acre lot in
Hlfj-K wniiil saMirn.
Mfoarn lOt nwi
fsae.1 irtmiiag
vpoa Rtot hay. 312 f##t ou Bnmck
alrmLlrbtodhy Jiiaelai. Apply ta
Thoa. T. Dates.
may l-tf
tn ACUR8 COT OVKR hardvM
land, level aa a goor. fH mltoa from
Crataer. 222 POR BALE-Beverml houaea or will tbvn to MO.
nmt. Howard Wklitac.
may a-tf
may 7<tf
ANOTHER i0* ACRR8 cal ovpf.
Beat kind of potato iaad. only two
WANTBD-Good family aad general FDR BALl-HIgbwmd# ladlea' vhfo*l miles fmiil market and iMeetiy lafto.
parpoe# bora#; good worker aad fair
437 Moamo aicm.
may Aif
RatlKfartorj? leHni vfll ta asada til
lirav^r. Mrvk« gi, gf, sv^wc^aBS^*
any who wish to buy. Would
No. 1.
may 3 tf FOR BALE-Ormt ttaae; male, ten
city properly In eickanga Ibf taad.
veckk «»M; readoakble price, luWANTEO-Try tb# Pariaiaa ftv cleaa.
A IMIt!lCU.MANiT:ip.
: ,
gtiln K n Raraea. (29 Rns#.
tagaaddylag. Call 149 Cit.
isr, R Nintb BLp ’ '
May A2t
aar 134t
Travataa aiy. "
22 If
south side home.
•OY W ANTED-To do erraada and
-------------Kvra pHatbig trade. Only baa ^bo I/K'ATION -toaah tode to West .Mmh
arm mppraelat# a good opportaalty
need apply. Herald aad Ratoird Co.
apr 2T-tf
vark. Mrs. W. P.
Doardmaa aveaae.
.•hea t ama a drugglat, at UtooU.
Mo..* wrltm T. J. Itoryer. bav to
Gniyai lli#. Mo., -thr#. to my citatom
eev we*ra permaaaatly cured to roaaamptloo by Ur Klag a New Dtoeovary.
aad are veil and tunm* today. Om
vaa trytaf to a^U bla property aid
» to AHxiina. but aHer ualag Kav
nrr> a abort tUn« be funad It «m
aaary . to do to. I regard Dr
King's Kev DUcotrry aa th. »oa» WANTED -Fbnr brary teams to drav ,
voluirrfut m#dicln« in rtUlraca*
lumbt»r; good vagea; vriir or pboor
fturrat Cough and Cot.t cur# and
(Urp Ukr Lumber Co.. BIngkam.
Throat and Lung brnler. Goaraalaeid
apr t.rtf
by Johaaon Drag C^i. h\ II MrmU. C
A. BugPnr Drug Co. drugglalm. «kand tl. TrUI botU. lOr.
WANTED AT ONCE—Two girls, com j
perent ertok and aeeond girl; lieat of I
wages. Mrs \V. N. K#n#y. Btate j
WANTED Girl for general hotta#
vmk til. lAVtnn. 429 Webster Bt
To th»* Ta» Paving Rieelora of the
apr U If
City of Trovern# City. Michigan!
Ntiilce Ik licrehy given that a kihv'U>
election will li# held lu the couiic!!
rooms In aald city on the 2lat day oT
May. A. I>. IPto.. and that th# polls of FOR SALE^Two tXft. lota on East
Rlite Bt.; would Ilk# aom« enr|i#n
i^alil Hecfinn will Ik* open from 1
oVUm-K In thr afternoon until 7 o'clock
ter work In part imy. Inquire 6U»
mat# 8t.
may 4-f.t*
in the .1ft. rn.s.n on said day. and iha«
the puuuis.* of said Hertlon Is to x.K.to borniw nmn«*y un thr faith nnu FOR 8ALE-Rmall place two miloA
from city; gcaid frame Putidliig; juM
credit t»f Ihe clfy and to Issue Ininds
the place for a country bum#. II. K.
theftoor in the Kitm of 11 .'i.uuu.-to Im*
esi»em»ed In said elir for Ihe purpwe • Perrin at Plral NalUmal bank.
• apr 27-if
of paving Interior aquarrs or apace:*
led by the Intersection of atn*eb<
and alleys on Cass aireet from the FOR SALE—lloraea at tb# SbllvM)
honaa barn. Dan Crevellng. 924
ROiith line of Btate street aonih in th«
Waahingion. CU. 70X
apr 27 G
bridge on Casa street, and on UnlWi
strri't aoiitb from the south
of the
south bridge on t'nlon street*'to th# FOR SALE- flne tesldrnc* on Bfnte
sir.*#), on |iav.*.l s‘*ctlnii; very .l.*slrtouth Hue of Twidfih "tr.*.*!. nn.l or.
aide, .'.nf.s.t lot. houH*. with all mol
fnitnage iHdonglng t<. the cii> or oiher
ern iiu|irovrin.*u»s. If voii 'deslr.* u
puhllr liulldlngs or pjhllc grounds not
liont.‘ It) this K.-etlnn of the city Intaxable and Tiont Ing upon the Impr.wc
vesllgale. S.*e M. W. CnderwiKnl.
t and paving of said port km of
Cass and Cnlon stretus.'for the use
and 'H*neni»or the JtihabiiantK ilieri*of
Printed IhiIIoim will 1.* provid.Hl and FOR 9ALE-Stimmer cottage and lot
at Hlrchwoo.1. Inquire Angus* Me-:
all voters against aald l<mn shall u«# a
apr 19if
ballot-tsmtalniiig the words “AgaIns:
the l^ian.- and all voters for said loan
SALE CHEAP-Oa# gaaolin
shall UH# w Imilot (imtalning th.
glno. g hors# power, i single
wtu-ds "For the l.4Min.harness. 1 sail Imal.
W. Rlckerd
Thls rdecilon will lie hhhl In pur
221 Bay street,
K4tance of a resolution of said city
April 22 liao.
rouncil duly' |misms| at its mt-eting held
on ih.* Tth day of May. A. D,
which r.*«.bitlon Is as follows:
rOR RALE-My bom# at l2l East
Wh.-reas. th.- city of Trax.rsr City
Klghth 8t. Desirable location
IK aiiihorl/ed and emjKiw. red to lair * aoaahle price. K H. Pope. .
niw money o« Us faith and credit, an.lj
apr 17-»f
through 1«s autborht.*<l agents au.l of------------------------------------------------------Brers to Issue Imnds therefor, to be) FOR gALE-Furniture. Ur rts.m. fix
turea and huslneaa of Hotel Colum
Pxikendml in making public Improvebia. A. Hebert.
apr 14 iX
laents for the use and IjeneBi of th.'
inhabitants thereof. '
Is hen*hy resolve.1 FOR tALE-No; 4 Smith ITemler
Now. th. refor#.
exp**dl.*nt and d.>«lrabl.* to
that It
iKurow on the faith and cre.111 to th.*
city and n» ls‘-ue lamds therefore, the,
sum of |i:..o.Mi. to iM- exp. nde<l In saM FOR gALE-Grlnnell Bros due hHI for
tkO. Anyone deairlnf this shouM
city for the pmiam* to paving lpi.*rlor
taqulraat Record office.* apr 14 if
squares <»r spaces formetl by ih# Inter
section of sirei-u and alleys on Cass
street frikm tlxe aoiiih line cif Siate FOR SALE-Dan Bailey coll. 2 years
obi; alw Bn# cactus. Ire# seven
street south to the hri.1f#' <>n Cass
IMhlgh. 927 Stale atreei.
KtrecH, and on Cnlon stred-i from the
may 2-T.i*
south end . of the south hridg.^ on
Ualoti Ktr.*..f to the south lln.' to
TwHf)h Kift*et. and on fionlage Ik- SINGLE COMB BROWN LEGHORNS
—The rt“ai#si
machine. Kggs
longlnr. to th.- city or ..ih.-r puhllr
for huirliine $1 ami $2 in-r tMrf«K*n.
buildings or putdlc gnmnds n..i lax1 I nd Ihi- lilKh#*)i fic.rlng ih*ii of any
ablt* and fmating upon the Improve
Vati. l) In the i.-crnt p.uHiy show.
ment and paring of said i»ortloa of
SjK*clal i»ric-s on lot* of f.u and lOB.
OasH and Cnlon at recta.
\V. 11 ernmr. 4UX FlLh Si.
And lK» It further reanlve.1. That the
may S-f laa
question of making aald loan and l»suing said Ikomls for the sum of |I5.ooAtKi Im' snbmttKHi to the tax paying FOR BALE-WhIle Wyandottea. l>aa
flaa viraln, prize wlaneri. Bfieen
electors of said cU> at a npeqial elechgf® for 12 to. R. C. Hr. I^homi,
tlou cali«*d for that purpose by thl.^
eggs Bfieen fur 91 SB. J. W. »ne
council, to he hHd In the couor!t room»
ta Ihti rtiy no (h,. n,i dir «r Mlf? mertnaa A Son. 202 South DivlaloB
iM«€. from one odock o. m. to seven
o'clock p. m. on aald day. and that the
clerk be aad kereby 1a laatrurted to $79 CASH will Iray hH 110. Hannah
avenue. 0$k lli ighta aahnrl.. :^lGu
eauta# notice to be given thereto b.v
fe#t. If *ckM Itom# June Ui. App.y
posting at leaat ten days before the
to Thoa. T. Bales.
time axed for aald elecikm la tdx or
more public {ilaew In said city, written or printed kaad bllla stating the ItBS CASH will buy lota 122. IM and
IkL Rdm* aireet. Aak Heights aiibtime and irtam* to hoUlw; said ele<s
arb; It# feet nn Row*. IM fPet on
tlOB. the amiinit to iw«a®r
ntt>%e. IM M i« the alley. If aold
afomrnltl. aad ih# parpoa# fto* #1flcii
befbr# lea# UX. This la a gre^
said nm la to
expended, and ilao
baffblb. Apr»y lo Tboa. T. Bataa.
to canto aald notice to b# pvbllaW
ta aa# or moto to lb# a#Tapap#fa pahllabcd in aaSd^ city, aad th# aoUco to
Mid etactloa W poated aad paWMied ft# CAW. wffl |N7 ta( Its. IteMtak
nek tlMChta •aborb. aSiia
nkatl cfmtata a copr to tkbi tVaOtatloa. !
. T. a aiUJft. City Otark.
DaihAMay t. A. OkSSto - *
*.«oM btam* iub* M. AbpV
r™:. XT;:U“;;»”:L.:.r Pere Marquette
l*"® steamers
In Trow. lieaiiHful lava graflml to
aldewalk lln# and
Round Trip $1.50
dining room, kitchen and tiedronm
on first Boor, two Urge liedronms
and ekiaet. on s. cond Boor, ilao
alllc. A Uigt* sell pna#ct.*d ve^
raiida on north and east side of
hiiuse. Liglil«*d vnh gai. city water
brought tu till* sill, pump lu kitchen
furtoshea splendid -driaking water,
.moiie foundation nnd celUr.
TMK PRICK will he made known on
It Is exceedingly low
ami will certaltily lnter.*si anyone
.leslrlng a •cozy, low-cost home.
TIIK TKUMS can Ih* arrang«*d quite
• largely to suit the convenience of
the |iurchas.*r. Parltai cash paytu.-ni Is deslr.sl with balance In
monthly paym.-ms.
This Is a'liargain that will stand chw#
Inspection hy the home seeker or
speculator for renting purposes. It
will Ih* wild right away. lk*iier luv.-Kilgate t.Mluy or some on.* els#
will profit by your delay.
C.ill at :.2I VV.-si Ninth 8t.
may S if
Steamers leave Manliitt*e dally <rx<H*|.t Hnndaysl at r,:INi p. m. and 7:0gp
m., Htmdava at 7:on p m. for Ludlnglon and Mllwaukc*.-. Arrive at Mll-^
watikt*** at
a. m. lK*av# MUwaie
kf*e dally at hKHi p. m. Arriving at
ManlsHK* nt 7:oo a. m. and 9:3o n. m.
Conm*cl1ons* At Mllwatike# with
earl.v trains tor Chicago, afiemomt
trains fn.m ('hlcag.». and air iMdnta
north and w.sr At Ludingtnn with
l*#re Marquette rallcvad for all |s»lnu
north and ea.st. At ManIsttM* with M
A* N. K. mgnmd. M. A G. R. rallniaa^
ami si#amera fur Om kama and hVaak’
fori. Uwk fool of Pint atr.«et. T«kK
phtuie :.X2.
K If FRKNCIL Agent: *
Wn paint or paper 0T#r oarpoU
ninl RimmnUm their aafety from
lieini; aoilml.
•J. sJ. M09M0KN
Ml Wiak. Bl
l#*r.olr»K Cor ihwlai
FOR RENT—Farm S miles north
Traverse Clly. Bmall house and
orchard: Other comehieueet. Chat
Karris Nnrrlsville^
apr 9 tf
RENT-My resldenc# rooma ad
Joining Sti(lnlH*rgi
house, furnished
JulluB Btclnberg.
FOR RENT—Ten rtkom house. 120 N
Spnic# St., phone .-.Sn.
may Ml
At my firm oo<- mils AoUt oL?^
Crmwii; iffktKl, aolicl, 10 Imr, 4 TdttI:*
w ire feiiciiiK at HOo per nxj. 1 alio
hill'd II irtKjt), BiroDR. cloae boR
fund* nt 2*.^ 10f pod. Poullry netthu'lufrust prices. Alsu
irefeuck ..I. W. Water.
FOUND—Knam.*le«l watch.
ran hav# same by calling at 420
Finti sti.i’i. pnivlna |»ru|M-rty and
paying for this not*
may r,^nt
lohn R. 3anto
General Insurance
Mew WUfecla Slt^
TrsTcrse Ctty
LOST—mark riirl) Hog. »a«1 alHml S
months, while ,s|\or on hn*asl. John
L:in)‘-on. (’ll phono 2i;:i.
may 2-2i*
I. U. SMITH—Deleettr# Burvan. Do
tecilvo work In til Ingllimaie
hranchea. SuHe 9 in. Powers Opera
lIoiisH IlMg .-Grand Rapids. Mich.
apr 19-1 mo
MONEY TO LOAN-No Ux clauto
put *0 *Dortgagea. Ilouset for aala
loqalra of B. McKamara. Park
Place hu«el.
FAi.MISTRY-CoaiuU Madame Htaat
Remember the futnra Ilea 1a ytrar
W. H to R. W.
f4#c. 2. T. 30. N. R. 9 W.-M acres.
K. Vfc of a. W. U to Sec. 11. T. 30. K. R. 9 W.-90 acre*.
IJtH Nd. 1 to Bee. 34. T. », N. R. 13 W.-M $(hl00 acrHL
.1.01 No. 2 to Sto. 24. T. ». N. R. 13 W.-97 tS-lto acrea.
it S S JS
,= .
I ?: S..
' • v
N.-*. trartIMwl « of B«k 3. T. *T. N. R. IS W.-I.t 7C-IM aceia ,
aaA see os or write M for prleea
John E. Ott Lumber Co.
O. BoDta,
Trererte ate. avs
“I wrote you for idvlce,'’writes Lellt mgood.
of Sylvia. Term., "atxxit my terrible baclttche and
monthly pains In my abdomen and shoulders. I
had suffered this way nine years and ftvedoaors
had failed to rHie\ e me. On your advice I aook
Wine of Cardui, which at once relieved my pains
and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that
Cardui saved my life."
It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female
diseases, such as peri
odical pains, irregulari
ty, dragging down sen
sations. Headache, diz
ziness, backache. etc.
. At IreryOn^ Store Inflow bottles. Tiyit.
WWl. vluUover yoo ww>t ia woodmaken’ toob aixl •nmlrit*, it tb«gr
•huald l» found ia a w.-IIttookad
hardwara atore, they’m hero—hore in
variety, bcn> of koo<1 (luality. lim at
njodetmtf coat So we ate aafe in
aayiae “What you don’t aec,
fiw*'—we’ll find it
S. F. Saxton Hardware Co.
'210 Front St.
If you want Low Prices
If You Want Good Quality
If Quality is to be Considered ^
with the Price
We Can Get Your Business.
*= ’
Come and See US
J. E. Greiiick Co.
Fine Interior Finisk
Sashi Doors ancKMill Work
Lumber, Lain and Shingles
> :
Plate and Window Class
iv -j Screens
■' " 4 ' .
Tne South Side Lumher Co.
y i - 5l5tltl«».
' V -jil ; '. -
the kind that
fit your doors and windows
X .
at best prices. Dealers in all kind*
ot building material. Get our price* and consider
our .took Won. buying. EatimaU. fnmUhed.
Our motto: Beat Prices Dry 8t.K;k.
Prompt Deli\-ory.^
PhsirCitizeBS 308
( '
Bril 390
and with oar rnanser of enUing than
nOaotod with an «3re to
•oaMooM. Monts Si
(Uy, terved with oonrtMy' nt tiring
price* nt this aentmariut. With n*
nooidcrwiooHBUItobe appneiat.
or loo Inigo for nor eni»eit>-
Pansy P4ants
tNtrs er au tint
youft aiad
mv <o
ctW. 9. Umtm to te
i: rala.
RH. B.
Ttuvtmc OTV LCAMM m.
i; <
€B or I
at T:»
ClcveUiMPDrt«»lf, Cbk5MO-8t. Uoiito.
Many New Gooils
WUhnla block. Clti.
New Straw Hats
Fartnlnaton has S4»nt |I0U to the nx
•<*atlv** offlw fur the tV*llef of San
Francisco soffi^nTs. lAidInfion con
triluilrd 1144 07; Curlaftoil. |lC.bO
Bmoklyw. |»l;84. and ,the Wtoksoa
club of C!aro. $15, The ttual
of ilu* fund Is now Ib.llS
Tbs. nxutun for a new trial In fhc
rase of the |HH»j»Ie vs l^dwt* KnoK
loch, the rich l^nawee county fbrmef
who was convlrii^i at Ann Ar\nir dnr
ins the March teim of thA nir'ult
cotin. was arawed 'Monday. Juda?
Klneie resened his decision.
The ctuil mliMTs of the Baainaw dit
irirt will
at Baainaw on bYlday.
May II. to di«*usa ibe situation rela
live to a|»oiuilbie strike.
The old street car luima toi Military
street at Port Huron were destroyed
hy Are. alarted.fpreNiimahly. hy hoy«
U»^s li.fhXi. The
liania were unptrupiod.
TUc itate t^fllllary boar
Inc the .naiiKw of three men lb aetoel
a succeKstir to Major Vemou. who re
slaned as IToited States Inapt'cloi
the M. .V fJ. They are Uleul. Col
vine. r. S A., who mustered the M
lean lutopM for the Spaulnh war. (
tain Swalne, Kirni infantry. U. 8. A.,
who tHyiumandetl the teKwlam at the
sta*e camp two year.** aao. and Captain
Smith. Twentleih infantry. V. 8. A.
Mayor ElHa of Uraml Rapids has h
dered the appointment of police and
Are ctunmlssloiK-r to Michael D. Ryan,
cashier of the Grand Rapids Chair
cfjmpany. and he has accept «^d
lien Schalrer of Ann Ariior foil back
ward from the HM.f of a thn*e-sforT
hulldlna 1JIHUI a Idle Id bricks. He
plck/*d hlmseif up. climbed a ladder
and tvsumiHl work, hut toler lost hU
nerve and went to a doctor.
llishop Richter laid the comeratooc
of 81. Alphonaus church at Grand
Rapids, fully lO.tWHi people beina pres
enl. The church will cost fCfMskJ. Fr.
G(H>rae A. Hild 1h the pastor.
J(»hn Tvhart, a farmer near HaRlci!
I'ark. was marriisl out In Kansaa, but
came home without his bride. They
bccamt' sejiarated to Kansas City and
Tyhart came on home. He has asked
her relatives to And her for him.
ToltMlo ofAq^Ts claim 10 have Pete
Cevalla under arrest. U they have
the case is a mvsteriom. one. Cevalta
kllltNl Prank Hahn lu Ijinsina twenty
f«nir years aao arut. while awaltfna
trial he escatH*d fman Jail. In March
|R»J». a man clalminr. to l«* Cevalta was
arrch.ed at K. w|K>tt. Aik., under the
natr.*’ of H.m> Jer»*nay. IK*f«»re the l.an.
slna ofAc**i> arrived in Arkansas the
fiftHOiier made.a cunft .ssiou and kiiie<t
himM'ir ill jail. The I,An.slna ofArers
weiv itansAi**! of the identity of the
man. as were manv I.anslna people,
who 'were shown a photoj:rai»h «»f the
suicide. If Cevalta is under arrest In
Toledo, the ijuestton arises. Who was
file man wlict ctmf'-ssvd to his crime in
TSAvtMB snr
to MMM «rt
om of Oaktond
tjr^ Oktoirt plocwrra. dtod ai bU botne
la Braadon C^iter SiiAdax
kto BtaHlfib
Igaa In mk. and was a fanm r an hU
A eh^k I6r $4ie.ft4.4t wap iwlfiNl
k> Qovfiwor Warnrr Monday from the
tmaaurrr of tii# rnJicnl States, tin*
awonat Ulna tKc^s-mlannual allow
anor or tbt* ft«w<tal Rovcrnmfiit for
rbn Buppnfi or the irfntp SoMIpts
2^ par dozen.
loola to
m cpM^olt oT
tWMilw. TIsm wm tkroo lo trw
•TV eatos
41^ to« srook 9mA
Itoohli OTfeer ItoOumltoT.te^»D«
m4r *
P^or All
.v.v.v.'.V;:: S =
Cinclniiail^L LouU. raUi.
LKAGUK BTAKDINOa^2^5^50. ?5c
•err. have found relief froaa all aKmtbly
aoffrHng by taking Lydia K Pinkhama
YegeU^ Oompound. as It Is the must
tlmi^h femalu ncgnlator known to
medical wcienoc. U cnivw the condituio
which oausew «> much disvx>mfort and
ruU Umse periods of their U*t;iww.
Mlia Irene Croaby. of m Cbarlion
Street. Kaat Savannah. Ua. writes:
New Aprons
For LafUra and Children—
Prices. lOc and Upwards.
jrge two N with
.a wrapp<*r at »mly
Women who are troubled with pain
ful or irregular jwrluds, backache,
bloating (ur flaluleucrk displacement
of organs, inflammallon or ulceration.
that ** hearing-down ** feeUng
rm. indlgealloo. nervoua
nrustratloo or the bluiw. should taka
immediate aetkm to ward off the serlbe restored to
perfect health and strength by taking
Lydia K. Pinkhams VegvUbla IW
pound, and then write to Mrs. I*inkhw, Lynn. MaKs.. for further free advU-e. She U daughter-ln-Uw of Lydia
K. Plnkliam and fur twenty-five years
baa been advising women trr^ of
charge Tbouaanda hava bam oared
by ao doing.
Deatha from AppcndicUia
decrease in the same ratio that the
use of Dr. Klug's New Life PiUs Increases They i.ave you ft^ dange
from const Ipailoll j
’ ills gn>wlng
out of it. strength and vigor always
ow Ihcdr use Guaraiitixnl by JohnDetroit. Mich. Majr S.—The E V.
1 Drug t*o.. F II M*’aiU. C. A. Bug(Va regailaa this year will furnish
> Drug Co., dr.igglsih, 2V. Try
fast racing. All the troaia have
given a eompline overhaulliiK.
and are in the beM }Ke,sllde shain*
The Kdgemere ruji will lx* the mnsl
('oveted Intph) this sesMin and th«*
Advance.- owned hy Vnink Martin,
The famnuN MT. CI>1*:MI:NS MINER
miLsi gu some to keep poHMeHslon of AL SALTS romiKiund d*M*a euro kid
the cup which ahe w«m UhI year.
ney. liver and stomach trouble. Ail
Following are the lioatK that will i*e liowel iroulde f*oiUr(dled in sereii to
eligible to enter ^l^ the ir,-fi>ol races of fourteen days to stay cured. Get rid
the club: Advance. Vini. Concordia. of your rheumatU* pains*with natiiro’s
Wenoiah. Minnie. Owen. Jit; and own remedy. One leasjxKinfuI of Mr
Clenu ns
in a glavs of di inking
warcr in the doM*« For sale liy ,Mn*TK ApgHes, Cal.. May !»—D<*alh lean drug stoi.*. . Hannah 4^ LayX
Valley Scotty has broken into the WairX Johnson's, Bugbee’s drug
nelight again by pn^senting Kid Her■s.
may 4 fit
man with his famous red ntH'kiie.
which Setuty claims a ill act as a ral»TRY A RECORD WANT AO.
fot*l In Kid s battle with AIm* Atjin Friday, llernmn will wear the
He around his waist in the coming
Manager MeCtrey ordereri from New
York the moving plcitire machineii
lie* p.ivlnK
*ast line oI
which will Ih* nwMl at the NVivnnI'nlon Hrr*H*r m the **a>t l Ine of Park
Herrera fight on the 2iith.
and I’nl.m ^:ref fm
line of lot I of hUx'k r,. lit I
PlainAeld. May tt—Residents of the
I of Ttaverse,
h SUlri
fashionable West End Park M*ciion of
non h
So;:fh rnfon
my bands for '
ihls Hiy saw a lanky, freckled form In
running togs following a wagon driven the collection of fhe fifth iiistaMiiient.
the aerru***! in
fashlonab^' dres.-ic^ woman. Th**
limner was Robert Fltr.simroons an:! l»e iMiid before the first day of June
* woman his wife The pugillM is
Haskell. CIlv Tivasiirer.
liilng for his Aght on Ik-ooruilon
OfAcH- Hoorn 20:* State Bank bldg
day with Tommy Burns at Philadvl
One woman, who bad been attract
ed by the unusual sight, wbs positive
the man was crazy. She hunted •*»
the home of policeman John Hynn “YOU>* MONEY
and rou.HC^ him from his sleep.
sirt r.rtOT***
The ofAcer recognized Fitzsimmons
rill lic
Id went back to bed. muttering sonuIfnboiurof
thing about women being crazier than
At the meeting ip Detroit of the dlectors of the Michigan Trotting and
Pacing circuit. Bay aty was given
luly 17 to 20 in place of Caro and Cwdlilac was given July 24 to 27 whicb
dates were originally given Bay City
ily 31 to Aug. 3. the dates given Cadac In the Arst schednle.
No other dates were changed. Th'*
*w acbedttle'is as follows: Monroe.
June 2«-29; Romeo. July 3-6; Pori
Huron. July 10*13; Bay Oty. Jiriy 17*
20; Cadillac. July 24 27: Windsor.
Juyl 31Ang. 3: Kalamazoo. Aug. 7-lU;
GnuKi Raplda. Aug. 14-17; Saginaw.
Aag. 21-24: Caro. Aug 2«-Sl: Detroit
(fair) Sept. 1-S; Grand Rapids ifalrl.
Bepl .10-14; Kalamaaoo. Sept. 10^21;
not assigned. Sept 25-2«.
1 hara bff» MMoe >okM.’
•You wkatr OMked the editor.
-1 Mid I bare here aome JokM.**
.•*Ok. yoo have there aame jokei.
What kiiad of Jokca are tbeyr
-Kmt. braud new.
Never keen
led befara.**
«ae ’em.’- Mid the editor. -It
New Dinner Sets
$6.19 and Upwards
DR. F.
tostioo to dlMogM or tte ago, oar.
D. aaiNC
iMaDracStuM. RpudJ^
to •y«,
&M tod ttrooL 4»
ffttod. BMhphOMO. BMldMU
Why >-ou should
buy _an
kUs.- TelcpkoDM. oltoA IM; n*
T. W. THIRLBY, DutlH. 0*01 Bn-
SSi.V”-*’—- ~*
. P. Csnr«r R Bro. Both phooM.
DR. E« F. CHABB—UomeopathtoC Of*
te# ovsr BugbM'a drug .tora. 80*
DR. K. L. THIRLBV-SpmHsl sttMttoa to dl*ea*ca of chlldr«L Boom
409 Stale Bank bldg. Both phonoa
FIRC INSURANCC^n what dato
.^docR vour Firo luauranoc l*olicy
‘plrc? I waul your bualnc*a Call
Sold oa Dr.W.J. Higgins
Easy Payments. Fine Dental Work
One Dollar
Each Week
Machine on earth,
Onethonoanil new reoonls
to select from. Come in aiid
hear them. -
• a a HARHER. ITwr.
pay the
on a trial order of
Gas Hoi^se Coke
Thiewill KiTvyonaebAHeetolaov bow it work* and 6guie
with u» «t •niMier priee* Wyoor winter’* *appVTELEPHONE 124
0“^ ten**
nntwxl. P. D. NlcboU, 229 South
Union. CIt* photic llM.
opr 13 if
Bl'CAUSK-Vour family wants anti needs
one, li leaches the
children 10 know music
played arlistically and
blended correctly.
BHCAUi>E~lts present
value is worthy of
much splf - denial if
need be to save the
price .
nn an not Mt weal with nnita.
aa£ OiMnatMd Oi4j ky
>R. W. C. -fl-fttl rtiinW. oMm.
CIH, 107; B*n. N. SmIMmaVU
MnleHouA Ctti.
FIANO TUNINO-Saltotoctlcm guar-
amt. R. L. RONNKirt knlr i
^lort. over City Book 0iar
Flue %bap<-« and |dra«tig deivtra-
Guaranteed Direct From Mt.
Olky Oais
Tirt Tttsurance
Office fi06 New Wilhelo Block.
OiUW phone 63a.
tHAVBmB crrv, i
three lives were lost
tr WIr* M tte a*MlM Bword.
OMruM. Mw ».-Tfce pMMOt mU
vkv* U uViMM or
tta gmi Uk«i. Mrlr Mil aarataN
Uw •efcooo*r Al««te HWk o« 0«»Mb4 hvtor •till » !«»• of ibn* U»»■IW fro. Qmmi b to • .liiUiM «»
«tlOB oB lb« MiM MM uul ool» 0»
^PiiWt llurtm. May
3. 8. 0««i of tbe 0Bslteli wary dM
<» ib« Onua Trunk m^Mki, tfwln
hm vhik)
route from Mask
Knclmwil The two Uber ofAoeni wUh
hUa uJbk charge of the iwiaaUia
•oiler Kawtodod.
Fllwt. Hay ».-Bdward Walker of
Ra« Injured In the Fmicm
r. -
3il!rilMiii may die from ecaidlna
Hr*. MMMrM Moray *o« •«Wh* W«a M Ami Banelioo f»rth* Today.
. Ma. Mar*ar« Miirmy and •«. Clar.
««ro. »ho ••« anaa( tb« local real
«MU to «llu-u Ike arthquakc dcalroottoa In Naa madioo, amvrd
koM IhU afleraooo aiid *orc laot ^i
Iho rato Mamootio dct>ot by
aMMkoraI M
it MePboaoa
MePkoraos pool
poot aad Me
Pkonoa ootpa..wbohM
«ho kM >>«• <
ptoTkM. or tkair aoMo comlag. Ur,.
Uomur «Md dliMJy to tbe K>»*oo<l
areauF bomt! and ••> (bd tuba asain
In her Michigan home Inv (ram farlh
quake noacM
Hrm. Mary Hmeera Paaaed Away at
It o*Clook taat Night at Her
Heme Near Ovlatt.
. uw of I be oldt -i
Mra. Mary
iplotteem of Benrle county. i.a»ed away
gl 10 oVlock last tilcbt at lh»‘ family
Imme near Ovlatt at the arlvanct^l aae
of 113 yearn. Ttie l.ukland having died
mveB years age m. tiuiu.Mliaio rda
Urea are left earei»i tw.i h..«h. Ahmiu
■aad Jerry, who reMde at Ovu.n Tl..
funeral will occur lumonoa aft. nMMU.
ai ; oviork from the rhureb at <»vun
aad tbe aetvlcea dill U- in charge uf
Milet wmiama. i:od»*rtaker Audi :
fern will bavi- charrc'of «be burial
ttrike Hat »een Settled.
Uy Wire to the KreiuuK Uecord. .
H.-ITtt Ideal
O K.-efe irf,U»^iigsh«renH*i? a^utiluM
aald tialay • Ytui 1m»>v max^eatect to
go luu k to work ! ne»T^iM*k^ ThU
wa> tak«*n i« mtan that the receoi
ccmferenf'i’ hiA mMI.mI the great lake
ell Ike.
e«OAV. MAY <b MM.
Efforts Were Made to Kaap the AflaAc
RaUraad Men States .That the Track
Waa Cmmrrd With Saaw- Tr»^
eree City EecapAd.
•NON eueCN Atw IN A SimClHO
:;4' -»-
Bring or tend it with F t V E cents snd.
get any of the paper coYwed books
dtsplaj'ed in our window. ‘Ihey are
; ’ ,
*oW (he world over at Ten' Cents.
All this week at
V ^
Charto-Mutillalad Foal
la Court.
Ry WIra to Ua Braaiag KaeocG.
By Wir« to the evcaljig Record.
Travarae Oty la abase the
BerUn. May «~A cable says that
Philadelphia. May f.-Jamee Koliy
llae which. tMii moratag waa aharply TOOK PLACE AT HOME OF BRIDE
the police St Berlin bsve dUvovered was arrested today charged with naUdraaa adar CadUlac. which wa« atfug
his adopted son’s feet to the Boor
gliag la a geauiae aaoa norm t*f aim
Ksiser Wilhelm at Alsace Lurr
to prv'veot him running away. Tha
try aapacL The Q. R A I. early irala
juHi in time to frustrate it. Bfl
lad was prxvducod i»» cuurt with hU
Groom Is the City Engiaaer and Soper? made to ket*p the affair secrei sailed fet l In evidi mv
intendent of the Water Works
but It Kiaked out ihruugh arrvjis b
fa show
afd the Bride a a Popular
uituectkuj with the plot.
Muskegon O.rL
lload‘« milla enow A«vere«l the track
WARM Sl’GAK socUl tonight at
Every afternoon. Tut^^day . Thursday
»o tbe keeneyrd brakemaa of tbe C
Rescue MIvkIuu hall. lOX B. Front and Saturday evenings. 8iu>cUl hUenR. A I. atak-d to the Bnwlag Record
|u ivniA EveryUhIv in- lion to Mlex and child ten every aflerAt high noun today William K. Cald ^in-t-i
laportcr. and he further thought be
noon. CkkhI music and ct>urieous at
eaw kwglng on Ahlgb». but the ear <»f well i4 Travirae t'ity and Mis* Ms
tendants. Clark' d Hankins. ' third
the ReriH-d wak dimmed-to further rlun WoudhuU Mawm w. re unili**! in
Boor new CampUli bUick.
marriage at tlic b<*tm* of the btib- in
Wcwlher>condiliotiii dowa the pike
AfVimiilON W^TINO made to
ward* f'aiilllac, and »he *tory ai thl«, Mu.vkegun The w.^ding aa-* v»o ur.br at C(i;: Wv*«t Seventh Htivit.
quil t affair and lb* greeiU r iM.iilun uf
ixiini wak riMhly broken in twain.
the grtM>m*x rriendx in ihU city, wlilb
atth|rtH*tiug that hufan ev<'Ut waa m>!
able, were not
••a* fui
that his flip roukh yr
After a short wedding trip. fb«
happy tH*uple Will ixttin» ui tliU city
and make their liu^e i.ii Sixth fetrvt-i
FRIGHTENED FINNS FLED FROM where the groom, ha* a rtsuTi'ure al
ready for* tbe recqi.tiun *4 the bride
The daie/uf ihelr ci>ming
m>t at.
tuium «Ht hut aii/enthuslaJvtlc risvpiioi.
awaits ibeiit.-'
PAPER PUBIISHEO PROPHECY Winiauj n CablaHl-ls a |km*u1:li
ytmng man aitb many friwnis. M
READERS TOOK A HIKE ALL OVER present he bolds Gte rtu«|Kiusible im.si
tkm* uf cll) eugtatH i ami stnaTliiUnU
eui of the local water works. hl» for
mal apiHiliiini.'Ut to the latter |a»Hliiot
having U en matle last Monday night
Didn't Wa^t^or^g!ijLEurther Warning
It is niMtlless lo add that his many
Gut Em^gfatcd at Once—Scare
fiicndK wish litiu bapplne-.^ in all hi^
We have a bath cabinet,
Has Worn Off and They
ru w duties. ^
a good one, that has not
Are Coming Back.
been used, which we will
The brlik* is one of MuskegLin s mos^t
charming young UdU*s and she leave*
dispose of at a very low
a large circle of friend* !o wish her
,>’e^ it', a genU fine slioo
By Wire to the Even lug Record.
bappIncMs in her new
in the
mu\v of kid. in the Utest
Houghton. Mich.. May 9.—Tbe lalac
If you Tire interested in
blucher stylo, new medioui
reporta of an earthQuake In tbe upper
such an article this is
peninsula which were iwlit out ycsier
toe and medium li^bt soles,
your opportunity, ^
day were raused iu a iH'Culiar tiianuer.
A local FliiniKb pap« r pnirtlshod a prv
diction of a cataMioplic Klinilar n» the
Fraiu ls< o aud tin. fright BIG PUMP AT THE WATER WORKS
en-d Finuh wlih.Mit wolfing for farther
wr^ulug gatbciYtl up tlieir |M»i.Me>kl,.u».
and lied U. all |»ariM »,f the upp. r |h uln
Nuln. /oDii- oC «h.-m ubaiiduuing « v. r> Five Elevators Are the Only Outlet
Thi, is truly the W Urh|ng In Hull ha-t«v Thu Hoi lc.s iu!U
K'aiu w© have had for gcuU
I the Cold Spell Hae Cut Down
*TcfugiH‘K’ Kpi**ad until
by* . Ibctie -rcfi
a long time.
the Consumption.
believed tl
that an eaithquakc acluwa\believed
allVViad iK'cuir
ic mammoth engine at the city
piWiioii fiom iMiJime one wliii had
water workn ,tiu«l hard .sledUiug all
t.-il feu Fmnrlw’tv
•lay loilay uaiiig to .the j.hori use ol
bait Uiim Iv worii off and niunv
iter in the city, the uiilV outh t. m ule
tkf tlue<- a bo M*n1 iiiu'tretuonituivlv ar.ini tlu' ii-gijlat
d«u lh»- »;iipp!y
reiurniiiK i.MJay
Ing the live e!e\nt.»tK in the « liy mu
M Ml Mm WIIBolm SlooS
by watei p..vk« i Tin- luaiuimUli ah.-i'l
Abstracts of Title I
Dis. Iswysr A NahOspi
•iiiM run just a.H^iiuig a- ih* f"tee
ruuid {ueiuili ana thm it' woubl stop
Savings and Trust Com until mitne elevTUor Iti the cUy wi*
Boom 210 Siotw Dank Building I
till* n*l«ar.im; the overloaded
whi Fd which raciHl aroiitul lu-veial rx v<
olutiou- as thimgh eatchUig up for biid
alien the t.anie coiulltloii* uuaiu
li> Wire to the Hvt niim K. iv.rd
IiouIihI It V»iy 1Utb» aaiei |* Uiu”
I'lttMlturg. May 9 The Columbian
uM-d duitiij: this •*dd Miell and very
Savm*; ’ and Tf u^l eoiiipaiiy cIoimhI its
punipiUL-. therefMe. in tU‘C«*S.sarv
» thi- tiioiiiing It U n
llul live id. \at.»rs ar»* using aat. i fi.r
viiluiiou aud WUh g-vamlue*! two u.m-L-*
the mulire luiwer. th-ee at th. Han
nah S luiy M.Trautile huiUllng. oii.: t.
•ului-' to l•H•Mtlu»MM ov«'rdrntts.
Ibe Wilhvlm l.ulldiiiK, one ill the Mu«
Ladies appreciate the value of a llour
an grticer buUiHuk and one in ilw
that will not* increase their worries,
Siranb A Amloite building
but which will be of tjreai help in nib
Tbe olde^t elevator* ate the Hauuali
Believed That Mr W »l
the Next 4k Lay mercantile eJevatois and th» y
bing off the rough edges of household
Great American Called—Family
a much heavier supply of water
’duties. Hannah & Lay Co.'s "BliST”
Denies Dangerous Conditon.
\.i create nmtlon than the Straub k
dour will give you entire satisfaction.
Aruiivtte water fiower ebwator Thts
By Wire to the Kvenlng Record.
thr iiewiwi and most t«<Yiuoinical
Wa»hingtou. May 9—The critical ^tPbt though the MvixHCltnau eleva
of Skjiaior Gorman bWila to the
I* also of a new and nuMleni t>|»c
belief that the Maryland aenator will The llaimali * U.v mercantile eleva
be th«’ next gnat American to Ik^
wen leased >cai !>' until home
ralHvd b.v d.-ath The famlfy dtmles a what oyer a yar ago when Ihev were
emus <xmditlon but no #ne U jmm'- put on a six Inch meter Owing to the
mlUtHl to see hliu for au> put|HiM-.
wahtcuf water on the freight i ii vat.*t>
their ti»c 1* conllned exduniveiy ii> th.
cany ing of freight.
Cut This Out
FROM running AWAY-
ahirta, niUetWMr aad
er^ioK in fnmiriiiag. th^t. tha
paWcidar, refined aad taatalnl
dreaaer requin*. Our good, we
know have been emineBtly aatklaotory in qoali^ and price heratoiate,
and we propoee and shall nae evety
endeavor poaaibie not only to keq>
them eo, but to make improvemenU
where it i, in our power to do it
Union St Clothier*.
Order/ for
For Sale
Cheap !
Win Us.
etnrs Sbo*
Stock doors delivered same day as ordered. Odd
doo^ and window screens in three days.
We'll send a man to take the measurements
' $I.UP
Dni^ Store
Traverse City Mfg.^Co.
If you value your hesUh wear
Trtvadeagy Shot*. They aru the bett
iniuranoe you can got agaiutt oolda,
grip and pneumonia. Cork ouahion
iusoloe and an additional layer of
cx)rk and rubber bhtwoe the inaole
and outeolo makesa them damp
only by
Bachant & Roscoe.
It’s Worth Reading About
The Neat
Mra. Dfitcall Will 8e Boned From the
Asawry M. E. Crunch.
Tbe remains of Mr^ narm Fooic
Drlacall of Ciand UafildN will arrive
la tbe city tomturow art«>rn(wn on tbe
0. R d I. at 1 2S and «UI in- taken di
iveUy lo the Atbtiry Jd E. church
Where aervicet will U- held by thi'
Rev. J,
Miller, her ft.rroer paator Joe Lelter Losfs SoanS of Trade Priv
lalerwenl will take place in the family
il*0M for Not Faying Brokerage
lal Mde the father and nuMher. W. 8.
Jkaderaoa having the buHal in chan;By W'rrc to tbe Evening H^ord.
Chicago. May k.—JewM^’h Udicr. the
mlllonalru mine owner, was today stui
Vdawf HaUan Mufdereea Impatient at
rd from the Chicago board uf
Delay of Trial.
trade for failure to pay brokerage
les. Tbe action I* declared
Ry Wire to the ®»^lng Record:
Kww York, May
The trlaJ trf liave created a marked sensation
jMphtoe Terraaova. the young Itai
laa murdereea haa been puatpooed one
k. The girt la darcrly ImpaUeat ai
Aat BuEalo. May 8.-Caule-l.
delay and SraUy beUevee she will
reed. 8he klUed txAh her pareata.
idy. Ifoga-lb; all gtmdeA IT M
s-p-W; ainmg; Umb*. »cioG«.70:
WARM BUOAR aodal tonight al< wetben. |&.saGk.7k
Moewe MiMkm halt 40f R. FWwa! Chgago.
treal. Prkw 10 cewta. Mrrrybody In I kl%c; eeiw. 47c; oats, »Hr
Detroit. May S.—WTiaat—No. 2 r%l.
ko%ci com. Me; oala. 2i\c.
MV » >*•
Many mothers are selecting
stylish Norfolk for boys
Slxteen-Yoar-Old Boy Bhol mul Faulty
By Wire to ibeRrealag Record.
ChteiBO. May
Albert Bteni. aged
U. WM akot by bia fttepTaUer. Bd
wam Woldfe today at their borne. The
Id i| fbUL
Suits $7.50 to $22
Our fine goods, perfect in every detailask to see them—no more perfect fitting
goods made.
Ten to fifteen dollars.
Ten totwentydollati. .
TmNG>&rvRMi9HiNea i
Oowie and Voliv. Will Beth Rule 2ion
City UnUI October—Board
of Control.
By Wire Co the Evening llecnrd.
Chicw, Mgy 9.-A irucc for Che
joint control of Zion City by IXiwu
Vollvg until October wa* an
nounred today. Three member* of a
»H.an1 of conirol will be appolaied^
■' j (1
Lay Co.
TBt sasMtr cs. mr.
Handsome patterns
j; 'ifcunUton aoihingCo, v
•*« Utortiy «Ni1mp» WW IfiiW
Tli^ A»»«^»iltl«ty Vyr
nnv M4«
■>«■ t m
^M I
Dr. feitins’
kfto^ la IMP Hiy.
Mall MMwMP.by l|l« 4aafktiv. Mm.
iPM. foTMly HIM Oraw
Opirt, Halrv* aayv:
-TW iMMMi Mr 4m«M^ MfM ta
.21 «aa avaa va* built or brfrk aad vaai Mm wtt|
tbp*tf«t Mek a# tanMaak* TM
la waa fla t1»r uatpkK
^ T9»^m ONr aai aa laaar rauap aa4 mmtihom wh<^0
fw baa» Mfial 4o#a iW^afl IH1 Ub
jiM MM M ttaa aa tte aaUMi
Timtm wm mmpUMr baiM la Maa-
Mmmimm i* tJM eHy dMi
ipr tbt Mfor.
•Mflii hMM
ID it Uw MUMlM
MIM tha aapMal of ait the Utpaimra
hat Vfil h» IhvofM
^ great laaar
Vr^o the •Mijfini of work
mfiom of dm ^laia efected by
a topa agfUoa o# hla tlBM» to ibe la
tafoMa af tho rliy; the aldormmi aad
mambam of tba bagrd of pubHe
Mat 4o Mkowtae. It la a flam M
at TJ
M hla blra/
pby the ally ofaelal aboiild a«»t re
Mta ooatpfMtkia for hla pork for
IM elty. tha Ma m tar «iW mo.
It la tlua that la tbr pam aldarmaa
tloa U glyaa« hare aUibied the public
park, la tboae ram^., there ha. nm
aMraya baaa mow ft»r acHcm. rrlil
akM, Ifoeaaao there are tltne. when
IM woft af thh cir^ nmulraa v.litabb>
ItM of tha bu.iaaaa laaa. at iimt..
phaa #t would l>e datriaienial lo hu
aaraoaal latarerni to oegt<«r bu
ban aad b« am 4u; Qraea out aa4
look brr to lb« bcwalial. Thm 1
ao icaai ib U ba4l aad ha alartad
earrr bar la hla arm* aad ihaa
Tka 4ortor
two bloeka away and got a panUl odi
•t of elothea for kUaaelf. When Iureturwad the ire had approarhr
near the hoapital that they had moved
the patleata to a ulaee rd aafety Imi
be could MM locate h«|r and aeai
many day» before even Andloc dbere
.he wa.
He learned that ahe wxh
aafel>^ cared for by the hoaptial
thorfllea atimewbere, and .he bwme.1
thmngh frtead. of hi.^aafety
wrote inr on the fllh Ihat he wnn try
ing to ind her and would not leave
the pity natll she waa heated.
•I had a letter from her the Wih
lying Ihat when the Are ba<
aUrmIng the doctor In rbarge moved
the patlenta to Ran Joae for aafety.
Mr. Jonea* mother. Mm. BIffonI, f
hnr and took her to her home at Mon
tei^.. You can aee what a airange
condlH^Of thlagn eluted there 1
few dayd' wlTjoIudflce. telegraph
depbooe. with a mlllUry guanl
thrown about the city and no one al
lowad to euler or leave, ao It «a.
• ehance to find a friend at all.
Ir. Jonea fared very well. He
.laid with a Mend anti be wrote that
tWy moved three llmea to cii away
the flee and thnt they had enmigb
fond to la.t three or four d.y., when
they hoped to get more.-
WbM a fxad eoap<waatloii U ea
fobUabad. however. It UaooiDc. .trlet
ly a matior of builneu. and If the
giaynr. alderwien and meaiber. of the
hoard of public work, are paid for
Ifortf afw?laaa,.lha olty will have
Mgbt lo aypact ar«rle»| aervlfc aad
i MoUoa' of atifflelfm time to
iHtr* voKIt aad tUdhdaaae at board
■iMlagai And whoa ootnpaniatlon Ktilay Lumbar and Bklnfla Company
If rocwlvad. It la a faregona^porlii
j Will Occupy Twa Mom Rooms
that MOfW SMIl WIN .he oxeftlaed by I
In Whhalm Block.
aa aflclal whaa ha iwailuw rhai t
.The ofAcea of the Kelley l.iimher
.time apent—the
Hhingle company In the Wilhelm
HH that ha ta raaelvlng pay damanda
have tioea occupied since
Ilia boat asdeavpr* and the time neceo*
of the hiilldltiK. have lieen
pary for tha prupar eondtiot of tha af
h) the addIIIon of two new
iBtm of the Nty.
Ulier lo iM* uM-d excln
slvely for the iMMikkei-piiifi d«-|iartmeni
Tha Grand lUpIdt Herald yoaterday and private of lire for the iivaMi
ftatad Ihat MoudBy the snow In Trav- George R. Becker. The ofAc<*m now
ffko Clly waa eight Incbea deep Aa It occupy dvr rooms. No. go*, and Inuer
mdn'i avim snow oa that dale, wc take room. No fon and No. gU6 with an
BgMptloiia to the aion. We
inner ixium. The new offlec-s ire hand
gUad for a mile anuw hut the Idea of somel) carpeted with Axmlnsier lugM
ImfoS bUriad under eight Inchna la too and the entire ofAc«-» an- rtVHdvlng a
pineb. Instead of Irelpg winter.
compleie renovation and hrlRhieiilng
Hiblni arc alnglng. the trout atn
G R. Becker. WHUani Nash albt
pea bway rniartalnlnk vlaliora aad the Miss Frances Ruiner occupy the
rraorla am opening. That
cdAces while the Involee clerk. shl|»paem much like winter dotm I
ping clerk and two sienographeis or
copy Ihe thn-e old offlit-s
lir. aad Mm. AechU Ovialt Leava for
Bay City Tamarrow.
About'forty ftlendi <«f Mr. aad Mm.
Archie Ovlati planned a forewell aor
ptUo Mouday-evealiig upon them, the
Affair being given at^Hu* biRae hf thetr
IptmitM, Mr anti Mm. M. l\ nvlaii of
Washlukion urtd.
Tba frIetulH and nelghhom luH pt
rrsldence when ihcfr piwaebre wta
piade evident to Mr. and Mrs. Arc{ite
pvlatl. who were aenl fur. An evrufog of eajoymeiii was mm-oi. Ughi mfoaahmenia of Ice cruam aad cake
jieca aerved.
Mr and Mm Archie Ov4ari lea^e lo^
laorrow for Hay Cliy. where they wlU
H. A. Klcg WII AffSH Be th- Min*
agtr of R*aort on Round and
Elk Lakes.
II A King
was for several
yearn the owvier of Ruum-I
has purchas4-d his bunn-i i.
eiiy al BKi-gemog Pidnt and
charge of it this summer.
IHiint Is one of the most heautlful
sltea fur a rcauii lo he tout
of the Inland Ukea in ihla aecilon of
the atale li ia a bmuiilful wooded
peninaula aepamting Round and Elk
Ukea and Is reached by dally sieamefa
from Rlk Raj*Ws and Al
rU It very •eldom that they bcttw
ATton with live different kind. .»f
MmBtdtw." whUpered
An the uuUk lunch ryom.
Tmi. I doal know.:- Migbed tba
-flue Tliue I was
with Tweuty.ilve different kinds
0 TagataWaa.^-Ton dou i aay? In what hoWAT
s ^ -Xa bidel
The andleuiv- a«pffncsl
ahp»,*v-Chhwgu Hally Neww.
or tba Ihrar daya* aro^l
tnuB vtU he a hiaehaoa at the aaau'
.iftea by pr. aad Mr*. J. ft
Kailokk. A iae fvacraai haa baea pf«>^
pa««d. taHodlat a pobUr mabtlag ai
ph MaMt Was the Hoal Laat
arhkii Mra MftttB Kocn (*berr)Bian
Cvaabi»-^ttU Am ttlll
of Oraad KapMt. a BM-tober of the ae.
aad oae of the iiMiiit taU-atw)
the sao
madem la the aiale.wwlU be the atat
«Mph llaakHt
feature. All aoMee who are ennaeri. Hah laat eveain* 1q a eery pH.
ed alih the editorial wtiil; of MlrhlcaB «»*«»«*. Ihirtaa the eiejilnj;.
ripapera. or %bo are dotna renlar «amr* were pUjred am) vbea the
rarr work are ell*H.le to amber aowx-a aere added, tbe^ulrU
•hip had am be given a rordlal wel U®'***'* «« have an»a an many ram
lag the
for the banauet At ib»
came, dalm, reJon of
fie.hmei)ta were *aer\c*d by MUi
Thirty rriaada Called at tb* Hama of I RIWMia fUMeabaH’. The cliili
ber. ikfM^nt a 100.1 enpiyable eventnr
Mr. and Mm. Hanaaford
>rd to Ctla.
aOd next klondar nikht Oh y « ll! ).e
brata Nor iinhday.
.nHfiaUi.d by Ml.» 1^‘l.b Mllb r.
Jutemoeloud pick
Mt Ike patten yu
want, make a small
paymext d«wa. We
make, lay aid line
you carpet.
Pay for U
as You Cao.
Wliat Y« See Whei
Ym Come Here
Th, Ugg(U. brighl«tMdUl.
Monad hot MMrlnwni ol C,^
l«<kin thecity, Wi-«wwpply yon Witt nuytting fiun tto
cbeniwnt Beun) tt tt, Uu AxminmUir. Bii'l a ix-tnonJ
• tioo wdl Miribon you Uud our
priors at« n little loww ttan th.
souller .Iralrrs. W'e not on|y
s«w yon money on yonrcnrpiapurrkMT. but in ,.M{Uon «*.
tHihl Hk. most lib,inl tema.
. ttn, .-..sUiu,, j-ou to get « oar|n-t sntl piy f.>r it iu such m way
that y.w .ill new iniM the
moiHy. .
-A. W.
50c, $1, $1.25, $1.35,
$1.39, $1.50
50c per yd.
A. J. Wilhelm.
Try Record WanlAds
Building Materials.
Wo are the ^jreatest headquartors for absolutely
everylhiny needed by the builder, contractor or
private individual^ in brightening up the dull
places, in remodeling or repairing the old or
putting up the entire new building. Here are
many thingsyou need:
- ^
without injurinif the
\\ v abo Uu ki*pt
milk nml oiiioiia in Uio name
pn>\ iaioii vlikmUii wilboul
tlo> milk taaiing of lliu
oniona They aeU .hI $ia nml
115. eVium ill ami aee them,
Ciifots M Credit
A aurpriae party of about thlny iiei
■ Th»- |)opiilar color for this spring.'
ua. took iKMMewiUm of the bhmr «if
1 bi> IU \
J HulM lr*r thliiy y.-ar
Mr. and Mm. A. M. Ilaniuiford. I4u:! Murray P^al. C. A. P. Will Qbaerve
uf the fhi.^Un U.fonn..
\W are showing them at
.ireet, lam evening, 11
ehurrh at llrat.d Ra,.U|s. has |y si,
thc oay at Mapl« City. .
hHtnc ber birthday.
He b VI x..ars ,.i ;4;-i hut H i;i r,-o
the Rvfulng Record
nalnlng and mind .carch
Mrple t’tiy. Mhh.. Mav 5—Murmv heati): aiirf iie-iital ^iyoi
Inx game, were played 1nter.)M riw') fio'il
cM Will
all! <«rvi*
Memorial r^-rvlr*-. a.
The Orlclnal laivatt%e x\Mijrh Ryrup
with juuhHic and dialcel i.riiatloni* n.tial ibb y«*ai
He* ni» tu«.iial h»i
A. Hie oariy dl.ikcmt'd each luembi 1 BUm a ill ta- i4t 8.in,Uy. .May :7. at iIm- 1. Keuuetl) H ijiXBlUe llott^y aud Tar
It exi»e1« all «^dd fn»ni the
■ry numlier hegnlly wbhed Crinerecaibmat.rbuix’h al lo;
aclluK a. a ruil.aiilc on foe 1^ aid.
kir*.. Hdnnaford
happy reiiiri# Tii«‘ Memorial ilay nervlce will Am*
Kennedy . I.axatl\e Honey and Tar U
of the day and I
that her hirtb |<]. A. H f^glV r.*mmenrliig at in
Also a full lino tif Suitings in Tans, Browns,
day eveulnga In >e future wtuihl m jni:, At l ?trp
Rravm will 1m- dec* oolda. croup and wltoiipln^ nmgh.
llloA. of 1^8 cue
I omtivl and there will 1m- .n
Grt-t'iv*. Hines anti Black.
j vlceii. pout w errk. Addrei*. i
cl.es. It la the wl.h of ihe i
KillorK K*ln
Mohair and Wool xt
mnuyof .he
llandplpt and Laddam Hava Been i.,. ^
Ladiaa. -you can Jump on H. tmm
laliyih.' rl.H
Adifd to th' Ha’^nah A Lay Mcr ‘ ^
Coffee will iM•rved fieo ’O pla on It. tut It will cemr up amitinf
canilje Company's Block.
noon. J. II. tHckerium is ihe ad^utaiT^ every time.- Caiman's Claatlc Floar
of the local ourpa.
Vamlah. B. £« Walt A Bmw, Travarat
The large block of the lUnnah A
lay kferrantlle artmpany ha>r n-celved
an aiblliion at the rear wall of a new
J'ciminH.. null a
kpe and atandpliH*. iK.ih for
2.r4.ur.». h-IJh .vio.i.Mi.i.io XV.
mt m new Co«ae».ed
life protr-cflo'D. The atandplpe I. a
huir.i a V.-M1 ,-omI h.iir l)u>t V.iii
four-inch pipe with opcnlttKK al'every! C50O.UI Hike of y.ltlttii niHiru that au
f|of»r where the htme can hr- wmneel } intrrestlug dl.cHivery 1. iM-iug dlsni.s.M
H.iri IH- fiMd.-^l and made to IM-Iieve
Thr* nre eacaiM- Its* If Ik a hafejlijr the CJeriUMU pre»*. wbi» h l-••rers^ to
of u rtH-rut oestlpatlou by Hitot'rhemnailKin can U- cured wli.i
itory I the‘ reeull
tif Berlin. He he-.ni tt|i|ill'-ailonv. tlrdlUti r V Iba-kv
| Moiititiiln Tea Ik ihe only |»h.<lihe
In the large
-It 1« <-outendad thnt the pr'ueljial j f„r rhcnniatlKm
cents Te;n„ Tah
noiirtshment reiiuHxM by^ the l.nm.in j
John-n>n Bins' t’o.
body for lu iu«luteuam-e Ig sn.u-“.......
act-uMIng to tb.- r.-m.wned prof.
Railroad Men Ata Whitaflah and Bryok Of pbyalolugy. I'felfler. the .ourv
Tmul-1ntpeetlno iHe Linaa.
A tpecUl made up of two privaie
arrived In the cUy late yes t our learued men to uldalu imire kn»mb
terUay aftjmoou from intihbiirK and {
tl*** duuK.rttnt Inyrt
our tlally f«»a.t. rp till now uil sr.« h
shortly afte.i^ their arrival they
for Northport. accompanied by c R effona have he«.-n tn vain, thnt It wav
rcctigulxed that were R poaalldi- ta
The party make artUiclnl albumen a cuuiph-;e
nt of Telo- elmrige Ui the present svMem of li
grapb Un»*8 CVllar. AsslKtam Rniw-r IshhiK the human Inidy would
Intcndeni Worcester and Mr. Ik*bren l»rt.uffhi aluMjt and xxonUI muler fee
hens and their visli pHndpally was m.w so uecesoarr meat foods to a rt
for an ofnclaHnsiK-ctlon of the lines o! extent dlspi-uaatde.
-iTofessor Emil riscln-r. ilircxtoi
Pennsylvania, (i R A t and Pan
Ihe h-ndlug cUemU-al IhMltmloii.
Handle routes. The pariv made a
the ertHlll
short slop at Manaeaira and dt Nonhport rnjoved a dclUbJful llsh supper. oU of ftalumi alhnnrcn. He has estab
and apiM ilsInK whlleflKh. dln-cl llahed the i-ompoaltloo of the varluui
from the mid Ajiie Mlchliran water* Inffix-dlcnU. some uf wbU-h Ju- hna suctrout I
In produi lng artlflrtany. *n»«
formlna one course w
j snbjtmm-e thus oUaiuei! he bas culb-d
dauKki at Manseairt.
I •polypeptide.' and It Is said to ponses*
1 a larffc number of the pnnwniea
I actcHstlc of natural aH*umeii. 'ihe
The llrUai rallOMid. which
rast imiMMtanc^ of this diaeuvewy w ill
nnlle Hanitist-ut- with Mcci-a. U
better comprtjhend»-d w hen xre n-alB.\rrrli's vrry Ih si Tlirt f-i>ly BLick Uilimoiicl Kt>olin« Pnprr, compHc with
iHillt for the pnnMMU- of carry Inc |.ib i**
tbe InirvidnHlou uf this arilfpiin the lattgr. the holy
nails, c.ips ami ;wo j^allons of toarinjj. per square............................................. $ 1 G5
cU) of Musaiilnians
Fur Ihe Uir r
r bed harvests. }H-«tllem-e. etc
Amalilo GraxM'l RtM»flnL^ complotf, ju r vtpi.irr................... .................... 2 00
|»ari of Its
of some l.l^Sl mlb-s to a.miulmam and cause famine to bewill luiss thr-nigli deserts. ldl«* nni cotpr a thing of the past.**
Coinpo KiiMipr Roofing, pt*r sqtiarr ...............i..1. '3 00
Bfertlle regions. Xtlll. It «III bei.cUt
B.irrnqi s No. 2 rarn<J I'Vh Paprr, fo r loO ptiuiuls..
............. .. 1 SO
wue of the cuuutr.^sts*ut the Jordan,
ItOKtun xvniiieii have dKcuXi-rtsI
dlstrl.t wb«Hie
have no market reaMMi xvhy cblUlren take |u kw-la«le
KftI Rosin “Diatnoiul A’* Rafirr, per roll.,.^6-*i
1 uts-ount .»f the want of tmus|M»rtA nt a tender .ige. It U due. 1 hr;
Ke«i R^sin “Diamoml C” Raper, per roll
1. .•••••«•..
iMi; aud lirauch hues far voiumercinl to f-arelesw tiur«eninld%. «vht» Klt.alM.nt
and Industrial u*ea wlfTW coustruefed. avenHw and let their chargeFibrela, per roll-.,.............................. ..........1........ ..............................................
rnun Han.Mscns to Masu. «bju! 40d w ith the -ifo MhlaliiK fsH np.oi th. ir
lillh-M. tt*e rtiad l»«s \^u doing
.Vuu ballis are aoMla
Retoskey\Lime, in one barn l or l«;<s.....................................................................
,1 (10
pit s«iii»e immths. ThC ferinana hygienU ineH-nre, bitl opiU- iietAe-*
the Job. "^'nrklsh aid Uri*ritixe Mid not ti. be trii1.Ml v
Reloskey Lime, in tive-l»atr«*i Itiis.................... ............................................................. ..
H.i iUers do tl»e work: ami they don t
and younc«ler« w ho are vnahle to
RIaster Hair, jn-r bushel ................... .................
fur a Muti-iiade have tu s
with tl*eir evellds unberhiK niuler lbReil Rressed Bnck, best on the markeX. per ............................. ..............• 24 OO
- e\rry d;iy. EvcrylMaty's .Ma^- Uhire.
cru-KHde fdiuliUI In- Uarbsl
Muresco, ihe L'r<*at w.all (inish. in live-pound packages-.........................................
aguln*t lliiK |.m*r)i.e .*T l.l'ndlnK t!ie
darlintra. *aiyK t.ue lualnni t.f the Hob
Rlasiico—the l>est made—in live-pound packaue«..i-i-.............. .....................
nnclaiiatl. ihruUKh the clx b In: She is jc.lm: fu g.xe mt.rnlm: tallv
{•ru^eiio-nt dej-nrinwiit of ber Wutnan'a with xvarnltiiss to uiotlnrs that tlie>
Newavijo Cement and Calcin RIaster alfr.iys on hantl in any quanriiy. ^ •
slurlnl tiM- ArOf playgrouiMl In tuuMt instrin 1 uuiwes tu «i t«4rn itib
Milliijan’s Celebrated I’aints. for both indoor and omdo'ir work, in
8HADB TRKES sold, gsrdenx
At 5:1* a. m. April Uik. IPOC. Ihc
reaMeots *»f ^nFrmnclaco.Cal., were cleaned and Roughed. H. J. Boyd,
aUriied by an earthquake which draynmn; offlm Saxtons bardwsre.
pbonp MO.
spr 1*H
caused the total deatrucilon of the
cliy and left about Sod.iwO pe«ipl«TRY A RECORD WANT AO.
homelvaa and moat of them entirely
deal Rote.
On April foth. Jual two days later,
a man from Tacoma arrived In the
stricken rite and made photographs
movlag plctitm and the mins
aad burning buildings. He was pre^
id. however, from AnUhlag bla
work SB quldily aa he had expertad
aa he waa twkw forced by Ihe aokllms
to stop his p|p(nreai aad take part In
Urn wort «f iwscue. He aucceeded
In ahipping hU negatlvew from Oak
land to the 6eUg
of Chicago, who
ompldyed him. aad they were the Arwt
lo produce a complete genuine pimare
The pictnres wUJ he abown and deBerthed at the Grand opera bomm to
might. Mmn U. Ak. fo mmd W asaix.
U the heat rentiUted n frigermtor aiaite today. IViviaioBa iilheed iu thb otdiMy
will tironttie
damp ami arggy and will
Tlie -Saiiilar}'’ refriger
ator ia BO <x>i»atruct«sl that
the provitiou ehauibi r it ali c«.*d am] dry.
haw? ke|A ui^toht*! ill
refrigt^Tutori six
When Ihe baby talks. It )« time to
give lIpUlHU-r a Rocky Monnisln iVa.
Us the greatest laby mt-iUelnes knows
tofoving mothers. It make them eat.
sleep and grow 25 eentH, T«-a or Tsl
lets. JohnKxm I>mg Co.
Rapid Progress
lure, has idaced them within rent h
of every owe, M you will are by
our pricna few
all the most popular colors.
Berry Bros.* Varnishes, that have stooil the lest for yeais.
Rut a little SUNSHINE in your home by usin^ Heath & Millii*an’m newest
“Sunshine** Raint. Ask for a sample.
“Sapolin** Slain makes old thinj^s look new.
. "
Rusty ihinxrs need SafH>lin Glossy Black Si«>ve Pi.ie Enamel.*
“Saisuma** Interior Enamel produc<;s the* fiwtsi hard gloss finish.
Liquid Veneer hi the new wonderworker. A child can apply it. -Two sizes.
25c aod 5Hc.
We carry a big stock of raw and boiled Linseed Oil. Wood Ftlleri and
u|f with eleetti
any kimi. wo I
J. A Palce Electric Ca
Hannah & Lay Mercantile Compnay.
Mrs. Jem. BaWraa of Otoar __
Mrs. G. W. Ptotok of Mi^ CK^ nra
ragtonrad ni ito Pnik Ptom today.
Mra John MaAnaa af Old MM
«to nntvnd in tto cAy yoaietdasr un
abact trip, ratorned banm this aller-
til* litfciiit. V«siui4». mmd
CM! Mrtft.
wtth « mriaer. «y||to «Maa tt wma PIB^
99^ U
t-M to torwtf tbcr vIM tlMit Ml MM MaaM attacA M
Mlfo to MB «i Oe
oCkM af
IM itoBtoifcto tow. TM cBitota. «M
«r toa Brttlik atotooro'
fmci»4 tMB tha cMrcA aM tto kataM aC
%«f toa atoto aaaatotoBt TM bbsMt MtlaM.
ak^ iafMto MtoBi
af Milaa lattoBai to Mb. MfBmr. ^ to Mato aaj attack apaB aato aite
W7 mmJU tM avamsa katos kat
toaa aaa par jraar. triaBlIto; Aawci-
aar faaat ar toat Aajr.
tend ttot n tol MwbbI which wm
bMBhM' iMBMd In tto totmncBf
aotoe time to the <
tto ctoMkto wwytWg wm. gtokto wlU ber cetoUvea,
hrea, Meedamca a
taintomrttiM Bmoto ponrto out to Bobtoaon and C. U Bbnw.
ully from ewBcy npratog to tto
Mra U A. Ladd kft tola nAtoto
i Boor nnd A wm. bard to doter for Bapld CRy. wbara ato «Al fam_
rat Brat >mt bow .ertoM B btoM to tto gnag cTber aon. Jaaam Lnd^
bM to to MetoBlrrad. Itomage noto farto abort time.
emnwe. tomiMM nflHi, ar immmi
nfyle, patent knlberaboen.
lieek. atttiion
A pair for Men's Dress
Shoes. pUin and coin
Mn. H.U WbAttera af m Aa
to tto BMBto IBd WAh tto tod ol
pew. J
\ Draw SIMM Bad Sliir
OB Bfota' mnkis domble
Apairfbr kid snoccasti»,aBy c^.
LMdTWaKklSboM; tedU.
MoBiolw. Every {lur
Joaeph Clark of this city accomBBd tingle tolena CdbBA
paaled bU dnagbter. Mrs. PfUaz% to
nihoB ill \
». TflV A lltOORO WANT Aa
WUtonmborg tbto aftetmmn aad tolar
Owytioe...... J|Qy
la« ai hk trato ar
MIm JcMkie LoudOB Ml over the (k ato will cakttoim to Bk Hapida for a
a! A L tto. monitol tor Cnmbridst
City. iBd. wtore W will remtoB a
kave been to tto efty Am* the paal
moBU wHh trlBBd.
three days on aoount af tto biml
a pair, for Kariaos &
^Ira- UeBi BUm raiwnto Ui( Iki
a pair for John Stiootaua
a pair for Knrinoa A:
B-Tto t alaa fSJtoc ato bUI wa. m lor home to rue Ltom UMtoy Bfier b vtoil
Platt’s Children^
low and luRb hto4. Wo.
1^'a 25e and *i5c &aoy
this aroratog to their borne to
toajr Mt ■] eoaaMarmtlaB ta caacTHa ia tto aaitj to tbe city with hot to*tcr. Mra. Fred
Sboet. with tamed sofoa
SMwV Show, l«bt aad
patent lealher and kid
Braacford. Oat
btoTT aolea. Hetcalf top.
Contractor John Senakm left this
Frank KlmbaU returned to hi. fonn morning for Sagtoaw after speadtog
qnac vaa bHd at A. Jaaepia U
r tumt to Big Ba|»l<to Ud. moratofl
attended b^ many of tbe touMns Men after spondlBg over a year al Uonor ■everal day. tore on paving bumtocaa.
Mayor A. V. Friedrich U to Port
o< tto town: After they bad iUc4 np vtora to wn. employod.
Huron atjendtog aa executive commit
JaHUwkioJofahoM you «i« lookiug for«t juHtlw
Mr^ K, IT«lAr and «w CarK of la tee K. O. T. M. M. meeuag.
wMA flas abonld Boat fram tto Hty
prioe jDuwant to layaniiM*.
toll Tto Confadeemte Bas vaa Many torlociMB. were to lUtendaace la.t W. J. Nelaoo of North Odar atroiM
tbe HChool oC mu.lc wbeie left yesterday for Chicago by the way
Magter Carl took part la a reclul.
of Milwaukee.
kOtT-fiuvaea >11 Valoa atiaai and
Mr. and Mra. WlUtom Swmlm mad«
ttot racy
SL rraacla church, aoc pair iopax
trip to Bear Lake tht. morning,
c bill araa
aad sold roaary toad, la black
here they will viwtt relative..
iaaltor caM^ Jniator ptoUM* rat
Mr.. George Stx>U went to AJUea band never .poke baaUly to her to hia
. to W. Slatar'a fimUtare .tora
ibl. morntog to" accompany her bu»
may Alt
I aobatltiited. Tto
Mra. Wabasb-lndeed! Doe. h*.tutcarried and At Joaepb baad home this eveaing.
TO A*NT~Two imfuniJ.lied n
Mra John OuatAveaon and chiWivo ter as badly aa that?—Yonkers
aaJtable for tlskt boiiaekcepliis:
I fty Bdgv»at
Of the K of H. Mrs. Maaime DoMara Paaoqd Away M:
Bdgvtvai^ today.
One day the pupil, had fearued that primary Grades of the Setool of ladgc Thunwlay night; work In
, oBa faratabad rooBi.
C03 Wci
where they will vltot relaUvca.
4 o’clock Yoatorday Aflomoen.
to a certain ifglon It rains cooUauaUv
flavaath atraeC.
may I
aucond rank. Every member la rvr
Music Gave a
Ocrakonally aome forelsn publlca.
for six months. The uneber then put
otto of S^tun. Bay arrived In
Fnerda Last Evening.
rOA. AAtB-DaklU bulba; mUc
Uon. aaaert tbat there 1. »uch ai
y Uhl. itonilag for a day>t vU
Tbe Altar aoclely of St Krancia < Mrs. Maxtme DuMora. whoa© drotk
worthy tbius aa an • AnK'rkan laucolor.: 25 ooau per doaea. Pboo
bercr’ and from a nuie boy came tbe
suaaeOtir .laaic lArarNw .od <mr
TIk* pilinary grades, through grade church will meet- al the church at was announci'd to the R«x>rd yeslor•>2 City.
May >-ai
answer promptly. “Umbrellaa.“
dialect «tore« wpiVy tbeiu uo Uttle. So
I. plaved iHrfore their friends
10:45 tomorrow moinlug to attend the day alternooB aa oocurring at 4 o’dotk
“If womep ran the gowroroenl,”
School of Mu^lc Iasi evening. These funeral of Mrs. DeMars tn a body.
,jje daughter of Mrs Jos. ph Vor.
ADA AALE--Ladlea* Ubrary properly
asserted the Udy with a mlaaloa.
piogram* arc given no* to eatertaln
an Kroat
51-foot fremt; lertiiK advantage over our BrttUb bret
Omeaa. roturnc*d to her borne thl>
Lillie 3-year-old Edna Thoms* ; renu, corner Tenth aad Cass atrewU.
They have iiovela wrltteu tu a Jarg«>a
“they w^uld hpciHlfly aliolish all red
itiil 111 *!rcugtbeii the
loqulrv uf Mr.. C J. which no one not UnHlaled into the
Mrs. Lillie' Cbte
) born In.
of Bert Thomas oj Northport,
demay >-if myateriea can uaderatand.
real. Canada. 23 year* ago and
Mr. and Mn«. Herbert Jojut drovt
It la not
lied her, mother *io this city
“No doubt they would;“ growled ih«*
dtotol that tto Tniled Statwi have
tme thl. afternoon fruni Omeua mean man. “And iuMall Imby blue \i bipmen:«». ProfesMjr Snjlih »*toled j ^
today and the trip was her And expert* came to thl. city with her mother and
#OA AKNT*-Baat oniro roo»a In the wmlrlbulod nmuy -.Vmrrltaulimii
rallroadla*. She obJ«i«] «rl.
chUUivo wbu numbcnvl alae. 4hu
where they went Monday to attoml and nlle green and old gold and lav la.1 iicBlnK ibai all anlhU «ho »*“» L.„ce
cUy; nearly flolabed mod imptinMl; tbe lan«to«e>^.loha-Balb We)
the funeral of hU uncle. R. M. l*m ender Upe to it. irfcad.“—C’hicago this ur any other city were beginner* OU.I} to tho fr.Hi.KUt -.toi.. of Ih. T !
tH-ta* the Drat of tbe law •
bealcd: bol and cold water; be.t MMMin^ulrtrwe want a word that
somewhere and were devcivped on (
U ft M. irala au.l hir alU-o.pt to; '•“>*'>' '»>•
«««y after attoloSun. .
dayllikt room. IB city. Over rir«i la not In the dletlonaiy we do
"Make It all up" Ilk.- a apaaklos apau '■« ‘•■v'f niaJoHir. UuMisb three Hula
Mr.L Ur.,^ J McPhall of IhU city • Utile Gix>rge. aged three yeara, wa»
k. Uquite al MiUikea'a bMltate to win one. Thin may to in
The School of Music requue*
require* that ^ j
ttiber-a horau. ... uouuHOeal! ■
.11. .1 la their tafaacir la Ut.
very bad taaie. but we have a srr« who attended the funeral of her grand vUltlng blK grandfather In the coun
, ^
,--------- -------- -------- She fully e»p.T|.|Caoadl.» hon«- before tbe family t*.
couutry and are eullttod to make me father. R. D. Putuant. returned home try. when he came running to his before t
complete arade they are reoolred to' ^
paa.jmQv.'.l turn, th.r.Malocua innovatlona-Barnmore Sun. today.
mother, holding hi. linger and
! ^^nger who entered the car and was
The following are b ft: Mr*. BoaaiiMr. aad Mrs. Marvin LaOore of fim M-reamlng at tlje top of hi. vokv. dtLa^vrtaiu amount of program
am now rtody for tto diay
It has iK-eii pro>eu Ihst^children who
wheu she was not fully In I *»•
of this
vi my fHeada amd airangerm. Fred
ktoaul Uefeld Md. from Prelbars pine, accompanied by Ihelr two grand “Why. what to tbe matter. GoorgeT“ Slug coufctaiitiv and “pick
formed a. to who was who wh.mver
Chicago; Cb^n-ge. Alfred
tiaaton. jCIOaetaeW. Oflica. 210* aW«crlpUou «f n new .nualcal Inatm- children. George and Marvin Ferrii asked hU mother In storm, aa she
Plano arc nut always the most mu*u-e^
■ Iheobald Cote uf
Hnal tount 8i
may >-51
meat It la cnUe<l the mljcnon. rehem- of Knoxville. Tenn.. i»aawd througli wiped away the big U*ar. rolling down
ally g,f.cd bu, on the other hand j
hlea an uprldU ^lauo
the cl’iy yeHierday* on their way ic his cheek. “O mamma:* wailed G^-orgq.
------------:............. 'V ------'-------nmide ju.l like ibe player lias rtnidcred
tho.:4. who seddom attentpt to l-to.v or ,
pu>M nger and wi h s hr,sol of Monireul and Wis* l-anra Ctoe of
. Mr. and Mrti. LaCore having **m bee stepiH*d 4»n me; u bt-e
It. To prevent iinltatiou. the wnaul
Two slep-broIbetH and a
.lug ur.- found To to the most richly
satl.-!aein,rfjl»H* Kdna Iwimu ihlH rrty
nndaraund. that the original ret^ord- spent the winter with ihelr non. Prof on me: *
endow.said the proie**u»r
*iep.>lKi.T are alMi leR, John THtos
tng api^mtua 1. not mvtente»1. but It. Charle. C. Kcnib of the Cuiaericity ol
!uei exi.i* among the singing >lrda
aii.J .Mamie Vemwut.
w. and return^ with the chil
kept a trade aecreL
KmtM Kilt
The bird that d«s> not attempt to,
Tb.. ..oc.,M,t ha.
dr%*n who ,will .pend the .ummei
A hunter tells
l»o weilu. an.l b.-r .l.-aih aa* a.'.l
Of tho way in «
unexpteted. • Tbe funeral will isx-iir
•Mt> Roy Monroe left yestenlay ants put lo death a rattlesnake which
in jroor family you of comae 1 A Huh exert, lu great propubrtve
m. very special buhlne«»i. loj
t.oiiorrow mmning at U oclcxrk from
power with It. Uil, not with H. Him. for Klngnley. where she attended the dared to disturb their nlsxle. He wa.
oall a rpliabie pbyaieian.
The pupils plaw d with much eh.*e:-'
hYanci* chutvdi, the remains leav
Tto paddJr
wa» made on tto fin fuu4>iai of heriklsier’b little lufaui. the out bunting when be saw the rattier
Dontato^ at that; hava his
ajid deiernunuiion prvv lug j
Uiw of propulsloii. and tbe wrew daughter of Mr. and Mr»i. ReiiWn Wll and St.1 nod to put a kjad of .hot Into
ing the borne of Mr. and Mra. Aribur
pi^ller h.G lU origin in noting the
tbe rei.tile when he nolks^l ihni It wa* that they enjoyeil th.-;r work. These] Si-ven h
aad thr.-.-. I«.» uf
:ii Tenth »lr«H. .here lh. y
which wa^ held at : u clixh in headed Mralghl for im nut hill of un proiaiii* or retitalb occur at regular in-were dragged along the T. C.
action of the t.it. It 1. now nbowu
were taken last evening from tto
Tm on 0«a M a«re relia. lhat\be fliw of the tall «eiu«lly per the afternoon.
usual six*, and waited to watch tbe lo.rvato and kie proving very helpful to '1- A .M track ibo monilr.g l.y John
He eHre tku ten. It wouM
Mr». J. SvH>Ae)d of PeiUwater. whe proceeding*. It had hardly got half all who Uke pari. Every Tuesday j i?rudley s sere«-ch.ng engine, while the home, two rfoors away. Burial will be
form t^e evoluti
by .tto
In tto Catholic cemetery in €>akwwidL
be impotoible for inoru care
propeller blade, and that tbe toh la ha. been at the Soo for a vInit wlih way acTotUi the mound when a big reil
afieriHvon. the sclirsd of niu»ic i* open 1 l»asM-ngers M-ated at leisere in tto* H.
Carter haviag charge of the a^
to be taken in tbe aelivtion
Its mUmiMi. motion
relallvoi. arrived iii the city two day« ant hastened .to the attack and sank for vtoitora.
i»ab*eiigcr rniach wondered why It took
depend, on me tondonal of the Ull ago. and left for Solon, where she will hi.' nipper*^ into the iina\c
of drags. etcM ur in thV com.
The program ctuirainevl
«'»»» '
to give it iwwor.
pounding. Prtacriplioiis
vlnlt her parent.. Mr. and Mra. Peter less tlun two wlnftte* be
by tbe whole cv.lony. which practicsHy Imts amf the following pujdlH took less than thirty miles.
iBOUgbi here. eiUier ni«Ut or
covered the whole body of the rattler, pa.-i: Missi-h KdUh Cole. R.iih Handy.
The.Kor.-stera will have i Mipp< r
lUy. will be promptly and
and M^^. John O'Rmirke and each one .inking It. a*M*9oni like blades
Tto borne k»y w ife 1. a peciilt.r prod
Hel. n Thiirtell. .Maggie C.anlMm. Mar their hall Sattirday evening.
aocurately compounded by a
Two Begging Tromoe Let Out of the
uct of tto time. She riwa Ut« i^d bur family of thin city left yesiertlay af- Into tbe Intruder’s body. The snake gery K.t-tl ami .Mane Ihinu; Messi'.
CBtoKleat rertsured ytoma. rle. from liomo the moment ato U
Th« dance which was to have to-vm
County Jail Today.
with their houM-hold gvxnlh began to ibraiih and-squirm, but the
Curl Fisher und Spaulding Cried rich. given liy the VYaicnial Order of Eagb.**
CM Slid tto prices will to dreaaed. To have luncheon, tea or din Ihelr Inleniiuu being to locate al Pe- aata
heHl on like bulldogs. The rat
Nto bearing fnmi Stortff Jesao
They were asMsietl by Ml.>&es Laudia for the memtora and thc-ir friends but
■tost retssasMe.
nor at home appear, to her to to In
Woodbury of Grand Haven, wbo. If doMr. O Ilourke b, employed on tler*. fwy grew mo gn*nt that to sank
tolerable, and .he acidom reai»pear» the local Perc Marqueilo with a Igy- his tanga Into hU own body, then BisMill, Nlfa Wright. Giace Monroe was i*istiK>m-d. wjjr.to- held at tbe idring tbe two su.pert. to foager fwtlion* except to return to bed. “What
and Nellie Chihholm.
hall u<-xt Titesday^'venlng and
at IVtonkey bn Sunday., and un itnilghiened out after a few more
main to tbe custody of Grand'Traverse
I. homer «u uhed at . w«t eod
eon%’uJalve effort* to get away and was
pieasaut time 1. ahUcipated
county, staled yerterday that to wonld !
aiBiMT table rvcPDttjr. “The pte<v this account the family deairc to re dead In lea. than ten minute, after the
Memortal Day. May 30. 1906.
There will be no roller skating ai
- I phtme further In.i iwctfon* laat even. •
wb«Te the smtaiit. are ke|>t." wa» tbe side there.
Aral ant 1had mounted hk body.-Kan
Headfiuartets McFh» rwj|i !»oi-t.
the, Clark A Hankins auditorium to- tog Bheriff Cbarte* Johaaoa Ihi. muroImmediate an.w,T.-LoBd«n Trotb.
Mne Wllltom Bloodgcnl mad »K>n In- ms City J
No. IX. G A R.
ing rekwd tbe prlMmera.
went to Angel vententoy aflcrnight
Of tbe great
that forty-A ve
K>u for a .holt \Mt with her parent.. aawwM Have Bwew
The W C T. V will mee-i tomorrop
An ewteemeU Perthshire miniatcr wa. yeara ag<y re»*«K>uded to the call of
Mra. Dennl. Hoxhie and »ou return
rWttog-a iHirly p
“Father Abr^am*
Abraham* «.
two-lhird.s have afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harvey
ed to their home at Bate, yesterday from the -mulUgrubs. ” or ‘ Effla Lind p.^ ov«r .h. .Urk rivur. «hlK-C«rtU. Thu R.-., Mr. I««Rl «lll b.vc
ver the ilark ri
Mra. Moldee, Mra. Moffatt
nam. .via. the Peru Marquette while mr.- *Tbe atroug man was Inleoselv
ihliHl f. .Ull U-ft .« kr.-p live .hi- ••'■■‘n'"><•
the HoMeaaaa.
Mr. Hoxaie who drx>ve In with tbe fam Irritated at being attacked brMlseaae, .«rred m.-morie. uf .hel‘cumnide..
•8."-""^ T.-a.,K-ra..c-v- ln,.rue.l«l.."
Mr*. W O Holden. Mra. O. C Mcrf
ily thi. morning, returned with the ind be greeted td. mlnlater tboa
Every vete^n throughout the re-‘ The dance which will be given this
fair and Mrs. A. F. Camcroo enter'
famliay equipage In the rain latiL in “Weel. Mewjotm. 1 thoebt ye wad tieret
come. 1 ken, ye uw bogy wl* tblakln giou is exj>ec-U-d to Join wiih hU com- evening by tbe ForesteYs la especially lalned this aflenMxm from 2 to 5
tbe afierooon.
rade* In the parade, the devoUrmal ex for the raising of fund,
C. M. Tlnkham of Rapid City, wfaatna freah nortoo ye can gle hu* on erclses and the placing of rtagh and military robe* for the drill team of the o'clock trfth a six-hand eochr*.- parly,
tto Bawbadi. aad 1 ktm ye mauudung
twelve Uble. being played.- FoUowrvturtieil to her home ve^erday after-i rer bralmv-aa I Jalore-by remdln* a
flowers over the green mounds where Companions of Forester* and their uae
ing the socU! afternoon light refresbnoon, after a *diort visit in the cK^
principally will* be in the asfecmbly
with relaiive.. Her brother. C. S a crap •* proAtable aoMon. for a body. _____ ______ ___________ ____________ drilU at Cadillac in June when the meui* were served. Tomorrow the
same iiostesw* will edunaUi with %
Tinkham. .pent Monday to the viclni Sit re doon. air. In the big chair, and.
tog of i»eace and enduring republic. ! team* will ct>miM*te with other drill
party at the home of Mra. O.
ty of Rapid CUy. where be found tto
siKTial Invlutioo U extended teams. Last year the local
ffooda ctoeee. a aonple acooe and tto
trout Ashing morv than excellent.
Woman * Relief Corps. Sons of eVter- work was excelleni and w iih prepara
P. M. Hankins returned yesterday grund* o* tbe greybeoitL Tto bite and
Sivanish war veterans, the pupils
aop-wlll keep bl. boast, pair afoek.
afiernonu from Brighton, where he
Noa air. R. baitb tamenuble and of thv public Hchou!* and all loyal dtl- under way, Traverwe City standa an
Mamie Dunn will have Umi|cht for
wa. called several day. agi>. owing tc awfae. but tbto la tto Arat IllDem I
There arc small lots of each. None over four '
,o join tn this tribute of a na- excellent chance of recognltioa.
visit In Chlcari.
the Utoewi of hU father who wa. .uf tore ever had to a’ my boro days. I
pairs of each and some only one pair. This is
A'divorce *uii was Aled in the Cir
ferlng from an attack of heart trouble. toll .re. m^ Arst lllneea.- “WelJ,- re
one of the best Lace Curtain offers we ever
cuit court today by Alforoey John W*.
piled tbe miatoter. In a voice meant to
He reports the father much better.
Inade and it comes just at at a time vrhen cur- g
PalchlD. William Wright being the
Rev. J. W. Oreaberger. of White be plangent with anppraaaed emotkw.
tains are in demand.
at 12:30 and attend divine M-rvlre to oomplainani who aak. the court to
Cload, arrived .'^mterday on the Pere -I mom earnestly bofw It may be loar
body at church corner of Casa and ab«rtve‘ bis vow. to Anna Wright,
toaL--Dn»dee Adverttoer.
Marquette for an extended vielt with
There are Arabian Nets.
Eighth streels. All auxlllary and kin whbm he charges with desertion since
her three daughter., Mra. W- C. Coop
Tbe last aurvivtog member at tbe dred Micietles are invited to Join with im.
Cluny’s Bonine Femme
er and the Miaaeu Orenberger.
In Arabian, pure white.
family of Moaart. tbe rompoMTa eart.*
A Ucenae was issued today by ConnJ. Nf Graham of 411 Franklla .treet bia Krliig by drowlng liter to a ralb
Ivory white, ecru, cream
F. D. Marvin. Commander.
ty Clerk Robert E. Waller tp Rr»U*rt
left yesterday for WiaooMtn. on a way atotloB at Aagrtairg.
Ran F. Uttle. Adjutant.
M. Nelson of Summit CUy dnd Mtoa
lumhertog tour.
mauitBtiied tbe ropiitatioa of
Curtains that sold from $4,50 to"'$7.50 per pair,
may S16-»
Zina Madlaoa of Klnicsley. daughter of
Mra. A- C^. Adam, returnto to her
No Uve Sock* wm be tok M
being abeotstelF oomel-nBd-—
Mr. and ifrw. George Madtooa.
home at Bmpire JuacUon yesterday
pninetakioff in
bwrter for tidieta to r OU* M’bai*. tbe good of keepftag from him tjk? prtr«ie oflc* «f Jud«* Wllitaw I exooedinidT
mhrntos after a visit to ttoa city and
Riling pnaeriiitiaiw LfoaUty >
Any good totoga you augr ana.
Rayida. where ato apMt three rime* Cgnbert* Friday night* Tlmi will life Ma land or tohpr
«». .lUi . UMe phoop
Pbox wkicb
wWeb -in]
UL She wUl wad aa IndeStilte
Lito Rocky Monnula Ten.
time with her atete^ Mrs. M. E. Bar^ *nV be iMtelwd tiyiag to ex■mlctteUir w«Ut IB tto Wltoep «< ito
orM~toap(ed bp U« pftitMr. K. W.
«iier«Md. Wtore tto CldMto ptoM
Mra. D. B. Geer returned to Grand
AiMtoib i
romomw, 1lnirsdqr4toniing, Maf lU
Mmnimamm toHom toBoolc
12 I-2g
Don*a Wmia
The Globe SfSS'^'oS'SrS
J3 ‘
Inline aad
When There
1. IllneM
- ---
Drug Store.
Special Lace Curtain Sale
Unusual Coed Offerings
I Prescriptions I
‘ '^rzr£‘Sz: .
Now for $3.75
Store CIosMl All Day Deration Day
Mrida yetoMtoy maralng after ai- BEMODSUBD and raTaratotod.
ndlag ber alator. Mra. J.V). Adams, Use Home, ready for bo
who baa bM UL
Mrs. Tbman Brtokmaa left for tto ^ Frank Ktog progrteCor.
tooMMg tortetto^« K. X Bftokman.
; ^ ; May 7*lt
-I ==g---|rHSS-5-~i-S=:^.-
r iAsItUseHtoK
, Useif 40 Roland Uve
ud Pleasare.
! *DH1<I T»ta* •
for *BT-wUd
' •-«•»«■'•• ft»» l«UUm down «•«.«.
dhilnf roomi. and to dloe there
tlw^ wn« «oui« al«K-.ott» trrbit(*rttrr , ^ a^^rviriJig fwr the Coons
trpoiwith one or more of the oppoaita oea
iKT|wvrHiT«j. In that ilBie, too. every j
rtaQttr. bat not eapeciaUy tfrrlbie
But the third floor, aad tbe fourth
Bftb! The
cbararterl*ttc of the mkldfe daaa realdeace dlatrlct Then tbe IjaUaus. who
over Telefraph bUi had
aa they flstad and with little repaid
for -atwetm. and tbdr houaea boas
eeasily oa a aide hill wbkh was Utde
lasi foaa a pcectoiee. Kor tbe moat
k H»Cm.
UMk Op« AkUlt
4ttii m nu maeiMf i« «<«4. tw
li^icst iMiUd. looirt Ptomfo
ioTlig «U, or tlO»
and to
ttMor tntji tbt imt TotorMtiof a«l
fMBtie H • Mo of koddled rem•MO flrlar ooMBf rilM. Mjra ibo N<rw
ToffeSoa. ItWo^iwdjounodtoroMd. tidt iboM viio liaro knooro .tliat
•oeoUar dtr by tbe Goldrti Oato mod
lato caackt lu flavor of the Arabian^
Kigbto M mat It can ocrer be the
oan«.t tt la at tboofta a pretty, frlroIM flroMaa had laaawd tlirouch a
float trasody. fibe aunrtvoa. bot aba la
aobcfod and iodUrcreut. Ulicu it rioea
diamonds and was a
xorria and Kip
afwirt from the n^idar
Tftjnlar life of
uf the
lay apart
dfy. which sms dlMlnctire lb Itsrif.
A City ThU Ncm.Stefl.
Tlw Califcjmlsn Is tbe sr<-oml sencra- ■ The citv never went to bed. There
tkm of a picked and mUed «ock. The i
uo Hosing, law. so that the saloons
merry, the adveniumus. often the dem t ker»t open nights and Sundays at their
perate. always tbe brave, deserted tho 1 own sweet wUJ. Most of them eleeted
south and Ner. Ln cUud in 1>49 to*Hub ip rumaUi mini until 3 n clAek in the
around the Ho.ni or i« try the perils of morning at least, let- Una rrslaurant
foe plains TJi.y found tbere already
me care
grosm old la, the bauds of the 8ran- le*, ^deasure loving character of tbe
■nny ufthemor tharromleattdoodW **‘*'*^‘’
tet the
Tlstic thin;;
for tbe sea
t'k of paiutluf every eiposed object n sea gray which had a
tlnfe of dull inw In It. This, coder
Ibe leaden sLy of a flan Francisco morwJaa. bad a dcpresslnf effect on first
ai#bt and aftenvard beraiho a dcUfbt
to the rye. for the Color was soft gen
tle anddnflultely attrscilve In mass.
OreM Oror TIap.
The bills arc steep Itcyood concep
tion. tt-bere Vsllrjo street ran up
'Baasian hill It proineiiaed for four
Mo^ by ix-golar steps like a flight of
atahw'^.WjUr-dieor bills, with tbe
of the arfblleotnre and
with tbe green mwy tiruro over every
thing. the city Mi alx»TiT» Into vistas
and pictores. a setting for tbe romance
which hnng over ever> ihluc. whic h has
always bong over life In Bnn l-Yanclsco since tbe luidres came and gathered
tbe Indlaut about Uisslou iKilores,
And It was a city of romance and a
gateway to udreuture. It opened oat
on the mysterloos I'aelflc. the untamed
of China. Japan
Japan, the
.\H V.M. wa.fu.
ifk di-m .Kii
t * lli
kTfahl b» .ti.y honiff
I1.IVUI;; «n«sv lof thly f arlUc %kil!f«r r«-ptaini»g «>t «dd Fouhps nail
l-»rgaTi!« wcCan fu.d a (itsrk* 1 !jr l!ic-«i artvi ar- kodhti-.; toiakr Jh«-a»a. at l.ih
slIowarH --. Ml * rchan-t- |.»r. *.a:r Une-^u»N! New l‘.anaa. VKKV ll\SV
T1.K.MS arranged wn toe babtictt wht-re desired.
Hen.* .buyers will ti«»l the ;:roatest sUx*k ia tbe coutilry
to sclort fn>ni-r-aiidijTi.iu*d5tMm:ih!y the Ih-si and Most rrtiini-
and ont of
uent ttuikis. The worKlerful TI.-WnLA
No people wife fonder of eiiHnlitious im^ the x-ountrx. o
ur playab.V by liatiQ);tbc illcslfiotis .STKl.VW.W. kinof all
fact, exc^t totf a prood little
ony wbth inigtu V brought off
here and tbeie. Ibt‘ old .Spanish blood
Pianos; tbo m:i;xni!i.-cril<i klNSKliTa IIKO.S i<>ur unn make
is sunC lu that ^ tbe eon<juerii::: rare. t^yVH in the gnwt m.Miuuiua and for
the superb SnHMKR: the arlislic KKA jv.xrKK; the popuhir
Then there
ttn Inllrx of JiiteUertn- eita. .\*jd !^^J^pilaliIy was nearly a
I*edplc. largely ovcrlpoked In vice.
ami pleasin;: STKKMNf i ~ ttml olhfr», a’w .-lu^ Iy ui!et|ualc3i] at
the blkioMw of the early days, and this
a-nicTH of bospiiality were the Hubs.
Latin Imwn has bad Its infljcuc'e.
roftjx'clive price*.
et^IMvUiily tbe famous Hobenjian and
A IKsti^e Type.
Uic Fanill,v: l*bC latter «aa an off
aboor bf Ibe Bohciniau. which liad lx ea
Brought up in a l^nuliinl
e nutry,
where no one really baa » w ork very
, j gro«iJ!g fast and vicing with tbe older
yu.i .oiv ..!way4 .Vai*.banl to live, nurtured on adventure.!
adventure, i orgauiratioii for the hmi f of eub rtain
melon of n free auJ merry sto* k, the iug pb aslug nud di-Mnigui>li.Hl
real, native trallfonilau la a dSstlnrUve
-llfgh j«o<'U*ty lu San rrauri-t-j ba.i
tyi^e, as lar from the eeMemer In p^v- setib-d d.cxvu from the mtbi-r wild sp!>
cbulog>* aa the extreme souiberm^
It of Ibe middle periiMl. It ba.l CQire
the Yankee. Ue la easy goiat. to l»e there a guod d*-:;! aa It la elseThe Actor s Paradise.
iTidiu.^ to 1 Chi.
witty. boapItaWe.
ibere yaa much wcalib. auu
uui is the an jr. iia.-aiibf. I hcr.-!
lie uunitpal railier than immoral in Ida. the lulls of the xvc^ptu addition were
nytu.’n iii the empir J
personal habits and above all casv to'
up w'.tl,
Poland the “?« ii imrr^ers” l yrn nnislde-rocM and to know Above all tbe»ic is
of ibe « jiy.
an art sense all through Umj iKipulare. I
.Hiu.ntvy .-Ui;, rri.u.rbig'n rc- uMy
In p: jr.rtjon than actors
wbicb sets it off from way other |iart of j j,;o» of "onntrr e^tnic* w bi.-h Mre». h-^ voeti in rub or.iat.-'. of hiph salarletbe country. This sense Is almc«i Lat.j.
^ A 11.11 ivc iiVnr will earn., if be Is a i
lu la It. .ireugtlu .ud U«. yullforulan
man. as high as |l>no « year ^
o«t-i It u. Ibo l«Ti-o.of Latin bhUMl.
Kuali h--., ttoo.
an-: iii!w this inom-y is insiKniflcaiU
WUlt .u,* . ijtxtrle Ufe w.» .Iw.^ ;
eonifiariv.! ?u itiii f»:ln;-ely pay lists.'*t I What a B.-dlcrs W-rld Would Be.
*a.T. If tlu-y .I d nut ..how It on ll.«
n.utu’ulu. If the wfirM
. a n.i»
Wi” iutKuri- cfinii
Streets, as do the |»eopIe of Psr.s. It.
aJuri'-Anao f -ihI.I u<;i. iunatwas lifcaose the winds made open
------^------------------a native In ChJiL t that rt.mhi not la
cefes disagreeable at all seasons of ih©^
Umpl» Ts.k <;s«ge.
- flint- yr'tr> f ine in i^piic -»f
flupUralcd htie fur :m limes
ga.vety went on Indoors or j The luitniy tank gang- licrewiili linn in nL There 1 > a iiaiiunal actor
year. The ga
If! l! . -.ij.'.n.v am! |>i»t fUi' tlia: m .’d
of est.ites tJut; shown consists of a gear xvbeel m i oh
out oa the h
•i ruaTitifaciuriiT fuj flm flesmifil'.n
frilled tbe cUy. It was. noted for lts(a pinion to xMd. li Is siT.nclM-dl d.e han.i Huh with jn.iHH) life inemhem. at
i inxi -ts. The jnv,,-». aiH slup
restaurants. IVrbaps for tHXH»le wbojtAt. -V mck gear <B. iii.-Hlo-i Into the there is a jqieHal pH in the lempl
i-are not bo«* they Ki»eud their money ^ gear wheel and slides on the ^^eut y*. !0 whom all good f'hiru-se.Thc^spra^P ; ikoold simply cut ali «he or hards am! i
It U very difficult lo aripilP , Tcp-s in that lime.
tl. 7." centw. flO I'cnls. i:.'i
the title of •artni" In Thlna. Th. pu ]
Hi f.f. !;.*cf.o- Sr
cr even la cents the restaurants allurd- !
pi! is Hdip. .1 ?i* study three y» ai> a- at
od the best tore on e.irth at the pr!,
»„.1 ,m. n,...,. y...r
r.-., .in I;
rancisf'o hYi'mii
4 i.^
Tb? San Francisf'o
hVi-neli dinner;
to give him ih- Onishing Peich. Tie ',^,1',,'.*'
^ “
rauelsk-o frtH' lumh were ; t \
Til.- first GE.NLTNE Mopupil must !earn by bean a n iMut-dT-i '
library to Boston nr the j v
tion rictan-8 ol
of aliouT liojjifl'Tciit play.s ami the rcH j------------------------------ —-----------------rofl
city, Morti like other clUea and wiUiout Ita old flavor.
t The city lay on a aertes of hHlo and
me lowUnda between. Tbeae blUa are
loaUy the and of the coast raufo of
fiMintataa orhirb lie lietwoen tiw^^
rior valieya and the ocean to ttJMRti.
was the ocean. Tl ibe
groatar put of the town frooi^ on
two aldat cn Ban rmopAco bay. a Australia that came to the rnited
body of wattt always tlnfad with gold Btates passed in through tbe Golden
fmi the great waablufs of the motxu Gate. There was a sprinkling, too. of
tala, oanatty orectitms with a haae and
ka and Sil>erla. From bis windows
on Russian lull one saw alwa.vs some
tho bay to tbe liortb lie« klonat Tamalg strange siid suggestive tTcepjug
pala. about 5.Qia) feet blgb and ao rioae'
ugh tbe mists of Uie bay. It would
that forrlea from tbe water front took
I south sea Islaud brig bnnging la
OM la loaa than half an boor to tbe lit- «\copra. to lake out cottons and idoU;
U# towns of flaoaaiito and Brlvldere, 1 ACliinese Juuk with fan-llke snlU. back
Iftom an exiled it ion after sharks’livers;
fPoflfof Yifl DtHgktW Cteate.
whaler. bled,
‘ The cllmata of Oallfornla is peculiar; *
from i year of crul.l
« la bard to give an Impression of It. j
.ibie or; tkm. Tbe country all about prtnluewl |
for* work UB laws of foclr own In that |
everything that a cook m-eds ami ti*at
part of California. There Is no thunder
!xnre-the bay
or lightalng; there U uo snow ext-ept a
mg To.ragtag.
fishing pound, the fnilt farms I •
•nfry ooco In Hr# or alx years; there
1 In tbe
low ttrensh ao that tfoto Is a little film i
the fishing fleet would crawl
ef lea on expoaeff^wlmr In the mom-1 »«» WKler trtanguUr Ut^ saUs. for the
of flan Francisco hay are all j
la one of the wings Uua formed fU
a four pointed stor. wUk two ef foe
potau vertical and two hurUdDlAl.
No«^bcnd IU> »iB( hnck nno« ih.
othCT ud make a tractas of >ke .tar
on the lait^ wjih g pewll.
Yottr object la to get foe exact ecu
and this yon 1
lev of the
may do by making a dot at the tutor-1
scct&tt of the diagonals. Now make
anothar drkviag of a alar on tho nacm
wing, hat its points moat he at aa aa
glc of forty-flre degrees with th« flrsi.
Cut ihU new star ouf carefnUy. and
place the cardboard on a table blariur
Nio lighted candle* of tbe same height
and opposite tc a arrecn of while pa
per flxt'd to the wall.
RegHttc the angle formed by the
two wings »^u that the lumiflous Images
c3Ht i.v the stars may fa!!, ooc direct
1> on the other, in liu* ccuier of the
set con. You w ill thus faaW a' bright
star with cfghi fK.lnts. Now. if you
ccxvr one rf the two opening's wlib a
piece Of colored glass, aa * grcca. you
will have a trJ*colored star, with the
pd’at.-x aHvruauiv red and &rccn and
the ct nier while.
Tbe piece i.| odcn*d gUn* may I/*
teplavf..! by a
c mtsuiing any rtji
ortd Ui^uld. and the point> of the st^tr
will then show alieraiudy the .coin,
of ;hv llonld and its amjplenp.*:iUiv
dome ver> pnitv tifects may
:bai, be proily-cd.
Music House.
Fifteen Stores.
Traverse City Store: 159 E. Front St.
Opera House
Wed., May 9
of hia me is HH Ilf in aning the: ;DKS. J.a&lURTJ.TRDEBLCO?
Pla.vs wifhtnit the sllgh’e.i Hian-e iC '
ever i.Hiig iM-iimIted to Uam new t,«oe»-MWUh*lmWJr
^ it
ones. The idea Ih ihar an -actor.‘a- lio»o.m. Tto*» •T«*iaa».
.V,rh. n.:-. nn:
uhirh is fitting only to an ai»pn-ntie-. * ■'
'■ '
an i-oir mny withu it
dignity. t»-n' h -Miii»;y p ipiN wha' hl.ouseir Icaincd a.- a leipii.^rhirag*
bam>t oxiok run TxMk.
■ rUc liand lA. moves around .n mul il
Dlmtv were the head and front of It 1 with s^ many: InHi.-s in.ukrMl on «t j
■ys remember cwtumea aad their customs and sail
art to other | it is dci*iinl*le lu U-t Uie xyatcr Uiu iuat*'
and down lu the tank.
.*» Yankee Cradfe.
that they were always chilly.
I’hen the float in the tank falls the
•or the Gala U a big fuimel draw• h<*se when the wind fills them . .-UUS-l VI lUf- *
r >n rug iiiim-t cf ri.i!;neiit. uln;
Uk kkiv V
d atalocd an orange brow n
winds and the mlsu which
tlav w,:i If -:.,,,. Kin- „t luil>
tag in the w
♦test restaurants were !»orn In Tanton. rack gx-nr is drawn toward the right,
water ^t the Jieople of
i^xcr tbe lUlinns. learning: of causing hand tAi.to move to the
cool off the I
wi,U Il». «a.orl'''!
Of the San Joaquin ftod flarramenlo. ™ea^ craft met. *TTie amelting pot
c-ountty where good food Is appre- ^^’l»cu the float
' I'l’
'“ "“I
to the west wind Wows steadily ten
Stevenaoti called ll-,nnd
ami brought their own i«hc-t»nk. a wo.gUnKi.aro«K tl,o rack
months of the year, and almost all the this was always tbe city of his sonl. ,
Householders always dined out - towanl tb.- left and the haiul uiov.:t I (he fvrijilenr <»f no less ll;a:i 1“ eraill* -j {
mornings ire fo». This keei»* the There are Wai-k Gilbert Islanders, al^
nights of the w.-xk. and
oiH»osiie xUrecliou till it rva.hes up te thi.< Uni*', ami the returns art*
tomPMBtufe ataa^ at about M de- »«t indlsOngulshable from negroes; U^^rdlng housca were scarce, for the m-w^be uumivr may l»c. lu- not all in >«-•. ,\t K ast iwn of
\Vf-I F’ront Sirei t
mtlf wl for romfort of tn
Konaku. from Haw»H or Sa- ] noittarti<xl j.rrfrtrort tin rrotanmiita. j lUtattiUK
lUo tuuk (s fuil. 0>i^ Jo- are frcai «lx- fimctA Siai. s. wlijl.. ai
moo. Looron in torbona. thkkaet not-1j TbeMrtng
waa uaualK bolter tbau tbo 1
n--omi... ud«l l..v u o.m siKina. ihlnl. am^oMc of fht: nm.-t g..rgcuns|
i cot of the Engiui-ers*
rhineac with un- , aurronndlnga.
> It. hardly
In the Int. b. from the liallPii^* In-thei
Bver ihl^ ^ m^lhg^Srss to UicTr; brsM^
l^lUn flsbmDM) to tarnArgentUic Rej.ublir .\1! Of the cra«H«bouMw except
cxcant in foe
the few rxceptlcmal
excentloual I o’-ahantera, loud shirts and hlua aashc«;
nre ir-ctl in ttun lo lull »hi* lUildays of tbe winter sMtami. and then
princf' to nl -mbi i N« \cr was a lUiUy ,
together with
they rely mainly upon flreplacra. This
ihc hul.jett of m...-e ..oIlHtu,'. fhan j
of tbe Venetians
iB like
Ihls M’lV Ita Inn nrime
and ont from among the queer craft
Not a nioxc it' taken lowan!
but always
tT well hetog nnU-vs bis nioihcr. giie«*H
and amall
In the
lUicna. kmiw«! all about K. Ever,
i steady temperature
morning the little iHlow Is put tpi Ibo;
iBland traders and caputos^ fresh from
«ca‘e.-. and If hla weight is noi up toi
the lands of romance; whaling mas
.vrhodule the roya! physiclars ar
ters. people w^ were ttTtog to
rnonml anil an ‘nvcsilgailoii U
(ledltiODa. fllibosters; Alasp. < what the trouble Is.
'used to meet and trade ^
A n-roKl i.- Kc»i: daily of his arciglit.,
hi* general rondiiion, the number of j
In foe Hmmca al Crime.
times he is MK what hr- evs and all
*h>e Barbary Ceaat was s kmd bit of
JOmm oauBUy entored the elty by
Hat- iicrtainlDg to llu- daily iife of the.
ban. No one knows who eotnad tbs
The Mly CoBfh Synip
baU- Is entered Ui mtouic dclai;.—j
name. Tbe place was alinpty three
Cmnt AO DbM«M AtUiiic Inm iPwr told Wmtttr'
pmsburg Gazette.
that tide thp tjttem ef
blocks of aolld dance balls, there for i
Blood or 5h*tte»d
lbs delight of the aaUors of the world, j
! « edd b7 bcdiif M « catheitk ra
A ^uzr-rd c-d a Bat.
BbBbiy BO ocher Hty of On a fine bnsy night every door bland |
P-j; a huzzanl to a pen about i^lx feel i
d be BO viewed aod to load^dBAoe music from orchestras.)
t Bight. It tBBB Bbm Bteam pUnos and gramophonaa. and i
square and open at ih- lop. and it i«j
Bs he mcM dockage the nuDOlatlre effect of the aeuni I
as mttrh a prlacncr s« If It were abut
which rteebed the street was at least •
_ __ _
9i hill terrBce*.
«p in a box. This U because buxzsrfls
At <m# Bid* WBB Telecrmpii hHL the
klway* begin their ftljrtP by isklng. a
4 of the pmdBBBlB. b ticight bo Bbfupt
short n:n. shd they, cannot or will not
a 20d foot
cliff on 1 For a
anempt to fly unless they ran do to
rnotage. Farther alongcharaotertstlc of^ the place _g
Nor can s tat rixe from a Irrel
y TCab bill, crowned with foe Mark
face, it Is remarkably tomble In
flight when cDce it Is on foe
can fly for hoars ,a! a time wK!
BiMtau bUL «r btsbMt point Fm. irtM UroJ to lh» Wbkt Qmr
rest, hrt if placed on tbs floor or on
tbP bMbM*
wbo» Hamm, ant > wamn kMn u ladoflat ground. It cannot posalbly use Its
Ulf *aaa^ «U «» Irooblo.
wlngf. The cnlr thing H can do Is to
KtrrplWriit aiaot. bjlkUo*^ tbo
shuffle hetplosaly nkmg until It reschror DolUr, wbw» b. tnntJ «bA pmS
«r (bo lut ton mrt
mt^ bin. Tb* bn>nte< at Uaw
aa anme trifling elovniian from whilrk
mat- aama bolM to tb. frost of tb.
ft dto throw Itnctf foto foe air, ^hen
Second-hand Bicycles
Frank Beardsley’s
The Richest
of All Tonics
STiSrr»d»r wi*i.
Before & After
The Farthquake
and Fire
• A n-alistic n-iinxluclian of
tUp iKmiruclnm of the Beau*
Uful^City of ilie Go!ck»
Prices'I5e,fit, 35e,SDc
In bariiwu..«« In
. .-t rythlQg H-fc, When you can gH i
r«al g.-R tini- Finn.Jliy. coupled with
iiMj-.- ac: vrim. v6u obtain a max’.iKum of «tl.vfactloa. Our not very
: ’1 . t t
i*,ihnt wo can »upplv
yna with pnythtog ajid everything n.
tb»- harneva Him?—everything Mia
:li (he having,
v!ng, tha
that Is--at rta -» n
prices. Try ns.
Qn:cn aty Implement Co.
CiL pbooe 7.il.
Br* wrok, wbU-b wm prowuy kapt to
San Francisco
12« i;. Fm..i St.
■■ S
vtOaiat doabi vbatWr lha htt Ml)
aaVwaraM. |T k laaka MMmv
rattaB to t|i»
to to ito» I
Wa to fM ICitowk. vr-to
Oaitor and to bto toitw
toir to toMto M H. «p»MU Bto
•wood M tooM ktortar^oAtos ft -to. dtoftototoM m.
OMtoi. Aftdr Ibv tottor
KlMiiP-k ttoalito to. Itoioppo
tolU* SMto Afrkm. Ito.
AliHfi aald: *1 Mild Mk#
4 ^ ..to-iiy «-%««. Ttotti. Itoatof
aNtotorftow ^oataaa vkto
Mtoto kppfkni rtowMlT to to. tolM
la tooato by m totoitbfX- -A toart.r.' tor Carter ripltod. -la a toektocal
M* v«4l naMuMitod la lb. wliy. *
•rsr. to 1>tol «MM to tk. lUiito -Abd Haavlwr..- latartreud Ototolrr
pn kill., totoltom atotoeto.. floato
Africa. Am etofrainaUr for eorto ml- Kaba. •flaaaliy.- K#aa rvatlaard li a
•tocM aa4#ftem. to BMAinr Aid.
dm. Apatr D
Wklto artottor to tomr to a r.iri^ rleb. -n U Btod# of oae-iblrd Hmrb
A*, to III# ItomaiJoa.] lav Coofima- rwotb tad tvo-tblr^ dry gla. vltk
to lli8tottinii uM
imM tkat ktoi
toaMIL Hea4«to: -That vaa aowa
P aao.- tor. Wont, to MoiirMa
Ml: .**Wk#a dUI you paMi any M#aa^
to tkarklaur tor. Huaifikrrys r#fiUc4 aobrrlr 'la ItlV aad did not
fo mjoy tk# taaitk vklHi #a-
kr^ th.
airalakt oa all mat
ipr* aad'vko It tk# «r#at iiaHlawmt
ary alnifv of tb# nwairy. ima#. ffma
Matii#. II# vat at Har tiarHor no#
day la«r anwiia#T. rtwHna* ib# hnivr
A Maa ai»fima#lt#<l bfai on tb.
and aald: -flbot yoa want to
kny a hacknry. air? Har# k Bn# oa#
ran aril ftm for
Otoa» ktoiv
tott!- raidodfd Hiadt. **Do I took Ilk.
•V -Well, told tkf horaeaiafi. aftor a rrtiloal tunr.y to Hiadt.
:*l hav# m«#ti blenty «f tnimonalm
ako took >.iit a« had at you do.Lo^ Odo RoaM*ll vbllr rafllaa on
Prtnf^^laattrrk diirlni; the Rlitlna
th»‘ Wr>|tB i^onh-rruf# atked him
lio. h# manaitod"foTfirhrmw-lf «»(that
rlati of Iroportunr viMton* whom b#
•ouM wot Ml ttoatr to tm but whoa#
P foaad prtorrablr to ibrir tom
fiany. -Ok.- r#nm.d th. ebaucelior,
-I bar# a trery almplr laHhod: my
vlf# kaov. tk#« mtty Ml and vbra
tb. tort they are with mr ah. «#n#e
ally r0Btrt.#t to romr ta and rail me
tvky toKAi aom. pmrst nt aaoth.r.fir hair acarrdly tlnUbcsl ipraklnf
ahrn the iirlto^i pui h«'r head In at
tn.l aal.l: * My .Irkr. yoti
ir and itkr y.»ur nudlcln..
You puaVt
bavr bad W an boar
A ^hrrtaio aorli»ty vnman who
aiitrel for bf*r orlitnal ld<aa on i
toplJ^a waa nO a aboppina lour vlib
frtnid thf
thr other afitonooo.
ah. brain to fr.1 quit# ilrrd
ImatV .b.
and aVr k Ktokr. In t WMiTor aald
*Tni |
to b.-r Vroi
vt«rn oaiN^nd 1 Pa»k a friabt
Wnt. Champion
Paliter. Piper Hiirer
ii4 Deointer.
All work done in a aatiifac
toiy mannisr.
All ordem prompdy attend
od to.
22lW.imSt. Qf.pMM«41
8*0. Jl. 3ar«fo
291 frtnt firttt
TWAVIflil tITY IIAfllcm
nut raitoH la ntaOt ito My. Tba Mi
aar« la not itoMwlbto Hr abtoitM
' Mtoii
bit of oraaAd M la It and no tot
frpa.** -Piibav - aald AMrtob bittfiT
-it voaia b. bairvad baif with n
lobotr to abtoatb#.Jobaar MIb#; a KIrkapoo linruiat
iiiil pbltotofiifr. vbiwir toal nam# Ik
Mah-ai#-qaa-rbr-toab.rbrmaba#f and
♦ho ran a|i»tori#a dlirrrmt lantnt
It la WadbtofboB In tb# latrnvt to tb#
torklna braark or th# tilb#. R# It
aald to hr tb. moa« arroaaTdltbn
lakaitl la tbr vnrid. H# ha.^
Tmfhrr aaemupllmmury opli*
Irnia ahoot tb# vbli# man'a auv#ra
iteiboda. but hr thlnka lbi>
krblih mait'a vlf# U a/ prraoa mtirriy
abor# crttlrHai. ‘ Mpr mu#h dlir#ronrr
belvrtoi tb4K vbttr atoiav and tb# red
maa.* rtpl^toad io^ay. -They both
pilaf. vbiti adaaid with vbttr ptlcP
and red brato tolb red paint. Thiy
a tJD vrar fratbrra t
tbarra dremed ap: Indiait b. v#ari
rato. ftofb.ra, vhltr aqimv v«m aay
kind to fratbrra abe< can trtl WbJu*
■qaavB not anicb dltrrrat from th#
A clerk In
fra N>w Hampahirr bad nu
haNt to nainr. #n .11 .orta
aa. tb. #tpr#«»inn. **Tliat
.*• If a rtiatoiiMT ram# 1
d a ault of rlotb« of tb# Halit
|iatt»ra. rv#u Uioaab ih# pric va*
blfb for Mm ID tJdnU to tuirln*.
Irrt vimld atiir th# #ort«o1lns word*.
-Tbat b#^ torn#,
were rh#«|i #ttfNlch. Put n»r# a#vrr.il
.Ur. ion Uix# or too .iiiall. atlU
would muark. * Tlmt In-lp. aom#. •
<»nl day a lad.v ronir luto tb# ator#
nad aakM to b# nlP.wrd
urnt of B#«-kt1#4u Tb# imlltr I#«V
Id out on array of
plain tbit b. r iiurd#« naa a rr:y H#i<T
that all#
l#n with Put lltti#
py and wiili a#v«-ral wtinitl «-bi
tu aiiplMirl.
**My iiu«b.ntid/* alit-aaid at Uat. ’!bus
HI# to « ialt.-r nnrld.* \V#|l.- aaUl 111# . P rk. iPn ply u...,
lilt brlpa a lui#.”—lUwton lf#nikl
to all romfort. .roordlns to hli Irtirr.
which wiya: ‘ Fnr to yrara I bad
mplaini« which U
fln«#r nalla turned yellow
when my doctor prracriiiril Klt'Ctiir
RItlera. which rur#d mr ami hav# kept
mr wtol for rlrrra ynara.” Burr
curaiKia. wr.km«aa
for hlllouanraa. nruraiaia.
rar and^kldn#y .nd
tonic. At Johnaon Drun Co
Mnada. V. A. Buglir# Hmg Co. drut
atorra. Wl rmta.
a»w !*•• for VwwUw PUsforw
*mar1. up te-dal# young womai
aakrtl the drug eMt for a box of tmr
km platter*
It rausexl on# to KhA
vtth raiioalty at b#r f€*H. They were
atralglit ami toltu In the smartest .»f
C, « mjIllUT. Afm*
I •mrWTj «
AMllWtH*. LMMh •lid OnMIiw Cn•in*
Bpaife OoO*
Crid»« OrbM*
-Tbttl* » »<•» «ri. k." tbe'dro* .
rxclalued «ii»ii .li. bad tik« bar nn#mhsn«asM ara.v ta tb# street. -.V
twtoriMA# tie or oa# to those new low
pampa U Itkeir to slip ap aad Aovm at
Hi# h##4 or Mad th# ankle, so that ti
t'kafU Htber va;^. Rtmi# Ud.v g#alu*.
•tack a tmnbin pUster in tb# U. k of
k#r slio# aad th# troabt# w as all ox«-r.'
ammtUtaaiteairM. CteaMl Mb cmi;» Mt
tmy Mae ta t Stifle
wiik Ikta ibOH. iW ulc ky
Tm.'C jqidi
qtebi 4^
|bd oi
.1 -M JtM im fnii
HU |M«tt -s-MI
||ud U| p|0^ H|q
AIIM t«WHl Mt op
-In|ps#.M4iB M #q l«M -u.K-aaitt!!
M aq Pitl
'i«mm|tm *i|i «| ti-.Ma|
oag uunp lad oi l*#|Jl P«a Xmia|«!»»|
#4|« o| Hujw oqa *tniqoai.i Xq|o«uu,
*a#H toll J® •ttniweq irnA\--J#uun!i
II wnni
r«MI*( Aackon
BM«« Pa.pi. ate
Waltar to. ^Palf.
witk Ua 4. a
■«»»•* «•
• Wra: Carrto Adkof. OpbmrlaaA
Wyoming. t$4 p mtn tkfaaTMd iMtHag la her throat that kept har noaghkfw
an#r BighL ftheaaed Wig.
Mil milk Wlaa to Tar and kaa ato
teat a algkCf gl««F alaco. Writ# bar.
far aatohf
I. Stoicsmtoiehns.
1 #a CASH wUl bar lot m Onnt
WANTED—Wato tamer; p«to#r a
A Mmiaia to Oald
cMd aot bftat a. BHMk baMMaa ta 1 man famDIar with tol^ woodworklira. IMa Wttka to Candtoa. Wla, aa tag machinery. J. R^ OrelllPk On.
May Tto
4U OM «Se boa to^BaektoaW Aimtaa
•dim. vtaa R oomptoialy carad a rvatone aofv oa bw toe. vkicb bad tan
tarod b#r » loag yaara. Qraatato aa- WANTSD-Good farm hand. Gall
may M
tSaatoto bmlrr to yUaa. voaada, and pheae 1274 CIL
aoraa. t&c at iobaaoi Crus Co. F. H.
■aada. C. A. Bacbm Drag Co. dnto BIRL
Wv ^Iv 4 W W
TaM ------- |
The Battle Creak -rlemn up* laapeietora harr vlaitrd tdO places in the atoy
and branded 210 of them a. anUaaor.
and ordered IMUte cleanlnt ap. Arfarea thoa. wbo do not rompfy
. and coBarqumtly much to ibe
work vaa done on Suaitoy.
xma iieigaia awnum. bfixiwa
Bnh. If mM belbr# Jaa# itt. Apply
m Ham. T. Batto.
* may M
9m CASH vUl buy a \ acre lot in
Hlfj-K wniiil saMirn.
Mfoarn lOt nwi
fsae.1 irtmiiag
vpoa Rtot hay. 312 f##t ou Bnmck
alrmLlrbtodhy Jiiaelai. Apply ta
Thoa. T. Dates.
may l-tf
tn ACUR8 COT OVKR hardvM
land, level aa a goor. fH mltoa from
Crataer. 222 POR BALE-Beverml houaea or will tbvn to MO.
nmt. Howard Wklitac.
may a-tf
may 7<tf
ANOTHER i0* ACRR8 cal ovpf.
Beat kind of potato iaad. only two
WANTBD-Good family aad general FDR BALl-HIgbwmd# ladlea' vhfo*l miles fmiil market and iMeetiy lafto.
parpoe# bora#; good worker aad fair
437 Moamo aicm.
may Aif
RatlKfartorj? leHni vfll ta asada til
lirav^r. Mrvk« gi, gf, sv^wc^aBS^*
any who wish to buy. Would
No. 1.
may 3 tf FOR BALE-Ormt ttaae; male, ten
city properly In eickanga Ibf taad.
veckk «»M; readoakble price, luWANTEO-Try tb# Pariaiaa ftv cleaa.
A IMIt!lCU.MANiT:ip.
: ,
gtiln K n Raraea. (29 Rns#.
tagaaddylag. Call 149 Cit.
isr, R Nintb BLp ’ '
May A2t
aar 134t
Travataa aiy. "
22 If
south side home.
•OY W ANTED-To do erraada and
-------------Kvra pHatbig trade. Only baa ^bo I/K'ATION -toaah tode to West .Mmh
arm mppraelat# a good opportaalty
need apply. Herald aad Ratoird Co.
apr 2T-tf
vark. Mrs. W. P.
Doardmaa aveaae.
.•hea t ama a drugglat, at UtooU.
Mo..* wrltm T. J. Itoryer. bav to
Gniyai lli#. Mo., -thr#. to my citatom
eev we*ra permaaaatly cured to roaaamptloo by Ur Klag a New Dtoeovary.
aad are veil and tunm* today. Om
vaa trytaf to a^U bla property aid
» to AHxiina. but aHer ualag Kav
nrr> a abort tUn« be funad It «m
aaary . to do to. I regard Dr
King's Kev DUcotrry aa th. »oa» WANTED -Fbnr brary teams to drav ,
voluirrfut m#dicln« in rtUlraca*
lumbt»r; good vagea; vriir or pboor
fturrat Cough and Cot.t cur# and
(Urp Ukr Lumber Co.. BIngkam.
Throat and Lung brnler. Goaraalaeid
apr t.rtf
by Johaaon Drag C^i. h\ II MrmU. C
A. BugPnr Drug Co. drugglalm. «kand tl. TrUI botU. lOr.
WANTED AT ONCE—Two girls, com j
perent ertok and aeeond girl; lieat of I
wages. Mrs \V. N. K#n#y. Btate j
WANTED Girl for general hotta#
vmk til. lAVtnn. 429 Webster Bt
To th»* Ta» Paving Rieelora of the
apr U If
City of Trovern# City. Michigan!
Ntiilce Ik licrehy given that a kihv'U>
election will li# held lu the couiic!!
rooms In aald city on the 2lat day oT
May. A. I>. IPto.. and that th# polls of FOR SALE^Two tXft. lota on East
Rlite Bt.; would Ilk# aom« enr|i#n
i^alil Hecfinn will Ik* open from 1
oVUm-K In thr afternoon until 7 o'clock
ter work In part imy. Inquire 6U»
mat# 8t.
may 4-f.t*
in the .1ft. rn.s.n on said day. and iha«
the puuuis.* of said Hertlon Is to x.K.to borniw nmn«*y un thr faith nnu FOR 8ALE-Rmall place two miloA
from city; gcaid frame Putidliig; juM
credit t»f Ihe clfy and to Issue Ininds
the place for a country bum#. II. K.
theftoor in the Kitm of 11 .'i.uuu.-to Im*
esi»em»ed In said elir for Ihe purpwe • Perrin at Plral NalUmal bank.
• apr 27-if
of paving Interior aquarrs or apace:*
led by the Intersection of atn*eb<
and alleys on Cass aireet from the FOR SALE—lloraea at tb# SbllvM)
honaa barn. Dan Crevellng. 924
ROiith line of Btate street aonih in th«
Waahingion. CU. 70X
apr 27 G
bridge on Casa street, and on UnlWi
strri't aoiitb from the south
of the
south bridge on t'nlon street*'to th# FOR SALE- flne tesldrnc* on Bfnte
sir.*#), on |iav.*.l s‘*ctlnii; very .l.*slrtouth Hue of Twidfih "tr.*.*!. nn.l or.
aide, .'.nf.s.t lot. houH*. with all mol
fnitnage iHdonglng t<. the cii> or oiher
ern iiu|irovrin.*u»s. If voii 'deslr.* u
puhllr liulldlngs or pjhllc grounds not
liont.‘ It) this K.-etlnn of the city Intaxable and Tiont Ing upon the Impr.wc
vesllgale. S.*e M. W. CnderwiKnl.
t and paving of said port km of
Cass and Cnlon stretus.'for the use
and 'H*neni»or the JtihabiiantK ilieri*of
Printed IhiIIoim will 1.* provid.Hl and FOR 9ALE-Stimmer cottage and lot
at Hlrchwoo.1. Inquire Angus* Me-:
all voters against aald l<mn shall u«# a
apr 19if
ballot-tsmtalniiig the words “AgaIns:
the l^ian.- and all voters for said loan
SALE CHEAP-Oa# gaaolin
shall UH# w Imilot (imtalning th.
glno. g hors# power, i single
wtu-ds "For the l.4Min.harness. 1 sail Imal.
W. Rlckerd
Thls rdecilon will lie hhhl In pur
221 Bay street,
K4tance of a resolution of said city
April 22 liao.
rouncil duly' |misms| at its mt-eting held
on ih.* Tth day of May. A. D,
which r.*«.bitlon Is as follows:
rOR RALE-My bom# at l2l East
Wh.-reas. th.- city of Trax.rsr City
Klghth 8t. Desirable location
IK aiiihorl/ed and emjKiw. red to lair * aoaahle price. K H. Pope. .
niw money o« Us faith and credit, an.lj
apr 17-»f
through 1«s autborht.*<l agents au.l of------------------------------------------------------Brers to Issue Imnds therefor, to be) FOR gALE-Furniture. Ur rts.m. fix
turea and huslneaa of Hotel Colum
Pxikendml in making public Improvebia. A. Hebert.
apr 14 iX
laents for the use and IjeneBi of th.'
inhabitants thereof. '
Is hen*hy resolve.1 FOR tALE-No; 4 Smith ITemler
Now. th. refor#.
exp**dl.*nt and d.>«lrabl.* to
that It
iKurow on the faith and cre.111 to th.*
city and n» ls‘-ue lamds therefore, the,
sum of |i:..o.Mi. to iM- exp. nde<l In saM FOR gALE-Grlnnell Bros due hHI for
tkO. Anyone deairlnf this shouM
city for the pmiam* to paving lpi.*rlor
taqulraat Record office.* apr 14 if
squares <»r spaces formetl by ih# Inter
section of sirei-u and alleys on Cass
street frikm tlxe aoiiih line cif Siate FOR SALE-Dan Bailey coll. 2 years
obi; alw Bn# cactus. Ire# seven
street south to the hri.1f#' <>n Cass
IMhlgh. 927 Stale atreei.
KtrecH, and on Cnlon stred-i from the
may 2-T.i*
south end . of the south hridg.^ on
Ualoti Ktr.*..f to the south lln.' to
TwHf)h Kift*et. and on fionlage Ik- SINGLE COMB BROWN LEGHORNS
—The rt“ai#si
machine. Kggs
longlnr. to th.- city or ..ih.-r puhllr
for huirliine $1 ami $2 in-r tMrf«K*n.
buildings or putdlc gnmnds n..i lax1 I nd Ihi- lilKh#*)i fic.rlng ih*ii of any
ablt* and fmating upon the Improve
Vati. l) In the i.-crnt p.uHiy show.
ment and paring of said i»ortloa of
SjK*clal i»ric-s on lot* of f.u and lOB.
OasH and Cnlon at recta.
\V. 11 ernmr. 4UX FlLh Si.
And lK» It further reanlve.1. That the
may S-f laa
question of making aald loan and l»suing said Ikomls for the sum of |I5.ooAtKi Im' snbmttKHi to the tax paying FOR BALE-WhIle Wyandottea. l>aa
flaa viraln, prize wlaneri. Bfieen
electors of said cU> at a npeqial elechgf® for 12 to. R. C. Hr. I^homi,
tlou cali«*d for that purpose by thl.^
eggs Bfieen fur 91 SB. J. W. »ne
council, to he hHd In the couor!t room»
ta Ihti rtiy no (h,. n,i dir «r Mlf? mertnaa A Son. 202 South DivlaloB
iM«€. from one odock o. m. to seven
o'clock p. m. on aald day. and that the
clerk be aad kereby 1a laatrurted to $79 CASH will Iray hH 110. Hannah
avenue. 0$k lli ighta aahnrl.. :^lGu
eauta# notice to be given thereto b.v
fe#t. If *ckM Itom# June Ui. App.y
posting at leaat ten days before the
to Thoa. T. Bales.
time axed for aald elecikm la tdx or
more public {ilaew In said city, written or printed kaad bllla stating the ItBS CASH will buy lota 122. IM and
IkL Rdm* aireet. Aak Heights aiibtime and irtam* to hoUlw; said ele<s
arb; It# feet nn Row*. IM fPet on
tlOB. the amiinit to iw«a®r
ntt>%e. IM M i« the alley. If aold
afomrnltl. aad ih# parpoa# fto* #1flcii
befbr# lea# UX. This la a gre^
said nm la to
expended, and ilao
baffblb. Apr»y lo Tboa. T. Bataa.
to canto aald notice to b# pvbllaW
ta aa# or moto to lb# a#Tapap#fa pahllabcd in aaSd^ city, aad th# aoUco to
Mid etactloa W poated aad paWMied ft# CAW. wffl |N7 ta( Its. IteMtak
nek tlMChta •aborb. aSiia
nkatl cfmtata a copr to tkbi tVaOtatloa. !
. T. a aiUJft. City Otark.
DaihAMay t. A. OkSSto - *
*.«oM btam* iub* M. AbpV
r™:. XT;:U“;;»”:L.:.r Pere Marquette
l*"® steamers
In Trow. lieaiiHful lava graflml to
aldewalk lln# and
Round Trip $1.50
dining room, kitchen and tiedronm
on first Boor, two Urge liedronms
and ekiaet. on s. cond Boor, ilao
alllc. A Uigt* sell pna#ct.*d ve^
raiida on north and east side of
hiiuse. Liglil«*d vnh gai. city water
brought tu till* sill, pump lu kitchen
furtoshea splendid -driaking water,
.moiie foundation nnd celUr.
TMK PRICK will he made known on
It Is exceedingly low
ami will certaltily lnter.*si anyone
.leslrlng a •cozy, low-cost home.
TIIK TKUMS can Ih* arrang«*d quite
• largely to suit the convenience of
the |iurchas.*r. Parltai cash paytu.-ni Is deslr.sl with balance In
monthly paym.-ms.
This Is a'liargain that will stand chw#
Inspection hy the home seeker or
speculator for renting purposes. It
will Ih* wild right away. lk*iier luv.-Kilgate t.Mluy or some on.* els#
will profit by your delay.
C.ill at :.2I VV.-si Ninth 8t.
may S if
Steamers leave Manliitt*e dally <rx<H*|.t Hnndaysl at r,:INi p. m. and 7:0gp
m., Htmdava at 7:on p m. for Ludlnglon and Mllwaukc*.-. Arrive at Mll-^
watikt*** at
a. m. lK*av# MUwaie
kf*e dally at hKHi p. m. Arriving at
ManlsHK* nt 7:oo a. m. and 9:3o n. m.
Conm*cl1ons* At Mllwatike# with
earl.v trains tor Chicago, afiemomt
trains fn.m ('hlcag.». and air iMdnta
north and w.sr At Ludingtnn with
l*#re Marquette rallcvad for all |s»lnu
north and ea.st. At ManIsttM* with M
A* N. K. mgnmd. M. A G. R. rallniaa^
ami si#amera fur Om kama and hVaak’
fori. Uwk fool of Pint atr.«et. T«kK
phtuie :.X2.
K If FRKNCIL Agent: *
Wn paint or paper 0T#r oarpoU
ninl RimmnUm their aafety from
lieini; aoilml.
•J. sJ. M09M0KN
Ml Wiak. Bl
l#*r.olr»K Cor ihwlai
FOR RENT—Farm S miles north
Traverse Clly. Bmall house and
orchard: Other comehieueet. Chat
Karris Nnrrlsville^
apr 9 tf
RENT-My resldenc# rooma ad
Joining Sti(lnlH*rgi
house, furnished
JulluB Btclnberg.
FOR RENT—Ten rtkom house. 120 N
Spnic# St., phone .-.Sn.
may Ml
At my firm oo<- mils AoUt oL?^
Crmwii; iffktKl, aolicl, 10 Imr, 4 TdttI:*
w ire feiiciiiK at HOo per nxj. 1 alio
hill'd II irtKjt), BiroDR. cloae boR
fund* nt 2*.^ 10f pod. Poullry netthu'lufrust prices. Alsu
irefeuck ..I. W. Water.
FOUND—Knam.*le«l watch.
ran hav# same by calling at 420
Finti sti.i’i. pnivlna |»ru|M-rty and
paying for this not*
may r,^nt
lohn R. 3anto
General Insurance
Mew WUfecla Slt^
TrsTcrse Ctty
LOST—mark riirl) Hog. »a«1 alHml S
months, while ,s|\or on hn*asl. John
L:in)‘-on. (’ll phono 2i;:i.
may 2-2i*
I. U. SMITH—Deleettr# Burvan. Do
tecilvo work In til Ingllimaie
hranchea. SuHe 9 in. Powers Opera
lIoiisH IlMg .-Grand Rapids. Mich.
apr 19-1 mo
MONEY TO LOAN-No Ux clauto
put *0 *Dortgagea. Ilouset for aala
loqalra of B. McKamara. Park
Place hu«el.
FAi.MISTRY-CoaiuU Madame Htaat
Remember the futnra Ilea 1a ytrar
W. H to R. W.
f4#c. 2. T. 30. N. R. 9 W.-M acres.
K. Vfc of a. W. U to Sec. 11. T. 30. K. R. 9 W.-90 acre*.
IJtH Nd. 1 to Bee. 34. T. », N. R. 13 W.-M $(hl00 acrHL
.1.01 No. 2 to Sto. 24. T. ». N. R. 13 W.-97 tS-lto acrea.
it S S JS
,= .
I ?: S..
' • v
N.-*. trartIMwl « of B«k 3. T. *T. N. R. IS W.-I.t 7C-IM aceia ,
aaA see os or write M for prleea
John E. Ott Lumber Co.
O. BoDta,
Trererte ate. avs
“I wrote you for idvlce,'’writes Lellt mgood.
of Sylvia. Term., "atxxit my terrible baclttche and
monthly pains In my abdomen and shoulders. I
had suffered this way nine years and ftvedoaors
had failed to rHie\ e me. On your advice I aook
Wine of Cardui, which at once relieved my pains
and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that
Cardui saved my life."
It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female
diseases, such as peri
odical pains, irregulari
ty, dragging down sen
sations. Headache, diz
ziness, backache. etc.
. At IreryOn^ Store Inflow bottles. Tiyit.
WWl. vluUover yoo ww>t ia woodmaken’ toob aixl •nmlrit*, it tb«gr
•huald l» found ia a w.-IIttookad
hardwara atore, they’m hero—hore in
variety, bcn> of koo<1 (luality. lim at
njodetmtf coat So we ate aafe in
aayiae “What you don’t aec,
fiw*'—we’ll find it
S. F. Saxton Hardware Co.
'210 Front St.
If you want Low Prices
If You Want Good Quality
If Quality is to be Considered ^
with the Price
We Can Get Your Business.
*= ’
Come and See US
J. E. Greiiick Co.
Fine Interior Finisk
Sashi Doors ancKMill Work
Lumber, Lain and Shingles
> :
Plate and Window Class
iv -j Screens
■' " 4 ' .
Tne South Side Lumher Co.
y i - 5l5tltl«».
' V -jil ; '. -
the kind that
fit your doors and windows
X .
at best prices. Dealers in all kind*
ot building material. Get our price* and consider
our .took Won. buying. EatimaU. fnmUhed.
Our motto: Beat Prices Dry 8t.K;k.
Prompt Deli\-ory.^
PhsirCitizeBS 308
( '
Bril 390
and with oar rnanser of enUing than
nOaotod with an «3re to
•oaMooM. Monts Si
(Uy, terved with oonrtMy' nt tiring
price* nt this aentmariut. With n*
nooidcrwiooHBUItobe appneiat.
or loo Inigo for nor eni»eit>-
Pansy P4ants
tNtrs er au tint
youft aiad
mv <o
ctW. 9. Umtm to te
i: rala.
RH. B.
Ttuvtmc OTV LCAMM m.
i; <
€B or I
at T:»
ClcveUiMPDrt«»lf, Cbk5MO-8t. Uoiito.
Many New Gooils
WUhnla block. Clti.
New Straw Hats
Fartnlnaton has S4»nt |I0U to the nx
•<*atlv** offlw fur the tV*llef of San
Francisco soffi^nTs. lAidInfion con
triluilrd 1144 07; Curlaftoil. |lC.bO
Bmoklyw. |»l;84. and ,the Wtoksoa
club of C!aro. $15, The ttual
of ilu* fund Is now Ib.llS
Tbs. nxutun for a new trial In fhc
rase of the |HH»j»Ie vs l^dwt* KnoK
loch, the rich l^nawee county fbrmef
who was convlrii^i at Ann Ar\nir dnr
ins the March teim of thA nir'ult
cotin. was arawed 'Monday. Juda?
Klneie resened his decision.
The ctuil mliMTs of the Baainaw dit
irirt will
at Baainaw on bYlday.
May II. to di«*usa ibe situation rela
live to a|»oiuilbie strike.
The old street car luima toi Military
street at Port Huron were destroyed
hy Are. alarted.fpreNiimahly. hy hoy«
U»^s li.fhXi. The
liania were unptrupiod.
TUc itate t^fllllary boar
Inc the .naiiKw of three men lb aetoel
a succeKstir to Major Vemou. who re
slaned as IToited States Inapt'cloi
the M. .V fJ. They are Uleul. Col
vine. r. S A., who mustered the M
lean lutopM for the Spaulnh war. (
tain Swalne, Kirni infantry. U. 8. A.,
who tHyiumandetl the teKwlam at the
sta*e camp two year.** aao. and Captain
Smith. Twentleih infantry. V. 8. A.
Mayor ElHa of Uraml Rapids has h
dered the appointment of police and
Are ctunmlssloiK-r to Michael D. Ryan,
cashier of the Grand Rapids Chair
cfjmpany. and he has accept «^d
lien Schalrer of Ann Ariior foil back
ward from the HM.f of a thn*e-sforT
hulldlna 1JIHUI a Idle Id bricks. He
plck/*d hlmseif up. climbed a ladder
and tvsumiHl work, hut toler lost hU
nerve and went to a doctor.
llishop Richter laid the comeratooc
of 81. Alphonaus church at Grand
Rapids, fully lO.tWHi people beina pres
enl. The church will cost fCfMskJ. Fr.
G(H>rae A. Hild 1h the pastor.
J(»hn Tvhart, a farmer near HaRlci!
I'ark. was marriisl out In Kansaa, but
came home without his bride. They
bccamt' sejiarated to Kansas City and
Tyhart came on home. He has asked
her relatives to And her for him.
ToltMlo ofAq^Ts claim 10 have Pete
Cevalla under arrest. U they have
the case is a mvsteriom. one. Cevalta
kllltNl Prank Hahn lu Ijinsina twenty
f«nir years aao arut. while awaltfna
trial he escatH*d fman Jail. In March
|R»J». a man clalminr. to l«* Cevalta was
arrch.ed at K. w|K>tt. Aik., under the
natr.*’ of H.m> Jer»*nay. IK*f«»re the l.an.
slna ofAc**i> arrived in Arkansas the
fiftHOiier made.a cunft .ssiou and kiiie<t
himM'ir ill jail. The I,An.slna ofArers
weiv itansAi**! of the identity of the
man. as were manv I.anslna people,
who 'were shown a photoj:rai»h «»f the
suicide. If Cevalta is under arrest In
Toledo, the ijuestton arises. Who was
file man wlict ctmf'-ssvd to his crime in
TSAvtMB snr
to MMM «rt
om of Oaktond
tjr^ Oktoirt plocwrra. dtod ai bU botne
la Braadon C^iter SiiAdax
kto BtaHlfib
Igaa In mk. and was a fanm r an hU
A eh^k I6r $4ie.ft4.4t wap iwlfiNl
k> Qovfiwor Warnrr Monday from the
tmaaurrr of tii# rnJicnl States, tin*
awonat Ulna tKc^s-mlannual allow
anor or tbt* ft«w<tal Rovcrnmfiit for
rbn Buppnfi or the irfntp SoMIpts
2^ par dozen.
loola to
m cpM^olt oT
tWMilw. TIsm wm tkroo lo trw
•TV eatos
41^ to« srook 9mA
Itoohli OTfeer ItoOumltoT.te^»D«
m4r *
P^or All
.v.v.v.'.V;:: S =
Cinclniiail^L LouU. raUi.
LKAGUK BTAKDINOa^2^5^50. ?5c
•err. have found relief froaa all aKmtbly
aoffrHng by taking Lydia K Pinkhama
YegeU^ Oompound. as It Is the must
tlmi^h femalu ncgnlator known to
medical wcienoc. U cnivw the condituio
which oausew «> much disvx>mfort and
ruU Umse periods of their U*t;iww.
Mlia Irene Croaby. of m Cbarlion
Street. Kaat Savannah. Ua. writes:
New Aprons
For LafUra and Children—
Prices. lOc and Upwards.
jrge two N with
.a wrapp<*r at »mly
Women who are troubled with pain
ful or irregular jwrluds, backache,
bloating (ur flaluleucrk displacement
of organs, inflammallon or ulceration.
that ** hearing-down ** feeUng
rm. indlgealloo. nervoua
nrustratloo or the bluiw. should taka
immediate aetkm to ward off the serlbe restored to
perfect health and strength by taking
Lydia K. Pinkhams VegvUbla IW
pound, and then write to Mrs. I*inkhw, Lynn. MaKs.. for further free advU-e. She U daughter-ln-Uw of Lydia
K. Plnkliam and fur twenty-five years
baa been advising women trr^ of
charge Tbouaanda hava bam oared
by ao doing.
Deatha from AppcndicUia
decrease in the same ratio that the
use of Dr. Klug's New Life PiUs Increases They i.ave you ft^ dange
from const Ipailoll j
’ ills gn>wlng
out of it. strength and vigor always
ow Ihcdr use Guaraiitixnl by JohnDetroit. Mich. Majr S.—The E V.
1 Drug t*o.. F II M*’aiU. C. A. Bug(Va regailaa this year will furnish
> Drug Co., dr.igglsih, 2V. Try
fast racing. All the troaia have
given a eompline overhaulliiK.
and are in the beM }Ke,sllde shain*
The Kdgemere ruji will lx* the mnsl
('oveted Intph) this sesMin and th«*
Advance.- owned hy Vnink Martin,
The famnuN MT. CI>1*:MI:NS MINER
miLsi gu some to keep poHMeHslon of AL SALTS romiKiund d*M*a euro kid
the cup which ahe w«m UhI year.
ney. liver and stomach trouble. Ail
Following are the lioatK that will i*e liowel iroulde f*oiUr(dled in sereii to
eligible to enter ^l^ the ir,-fi>ol races of fourteen days to stay cured. Get rid
the club: Advance. Vini. Concordia. of your rheumatU* pains*with natiiro’s
Wenoiah. Minnie. Owen. Jit; and own remedy. One leasjxKinfuI of Mr
Clenu ns
in a glavs of di inking
warcr in the doM*« For sale liy ,Mn*TK ApgHes, Cal.. May !»—D<*alh lean drug stoi.*. . Hannah 4^ LayX
Valley Scotty has broken into the WairX Johnson's, Bugbee’s drug
nelight again by pn^senting Kid Her■s.
may 4 fit
man with his famous red ntH'kiie.
which Setuty claims a ill act as a ral»TRY A RECORD WANT AO.
fot*l In Kid s battle with AIm* Atjin Friday, llernmn will wear the
He around his waist in the coming
Manager MeCtrey ordereri from New
York the moving plcitire machineii
lie* p.ivlnK
*ast line oI
which will Ih* nwMl at the NVivnnI'nlon Hrr*H*r m the **a>t l Ine of Park
Herrera fight on the 2iith.
and I’nl.m ^:ref fm
line of lot I of hUx'k r,. lit I
PlainAeld. May tt—Residents of the
I of Ttaverse,
h SUlri
fashionable West End Park M*ciion of
non h
So;:fh rnfon
my bands for '
ihls Hiy saw a lanky, freckled form In
running togs following a wagon driven the collection of fhe fifth iiistaMiiient.
the aerru***! in
fashlonab^' dres.-ic^ woman. Th**
limner was Robert Fltr.simroons an:! l»e iMiid before the first day of June
* woman his wife The pugillM is
Haskell. CIlv Tivasiirer.
liilng for his Aght on Ik-ooruilon
OfAcH- Hoorn 20:* State Bank bldg
day with Tommy Burns at Philadvl
One woman, who bad been attract
ed by the unusual sight, wbs positive
the man was crazy. She hunted •*»
the home of policeman John Hynn “YOU>* MONEY
and rou.HC^ him from his sleep.
sirt r.rtOT***
The ofAcer recognized Fitzsimmons
rill lic
Id went back to bed. muttering sonuIfnboiurof
thing about women being crazier than
At the meeting ip Detroit of the dlectors of the Michigan Trotting and
Pacing circuit. Bay aty was given
luly 17 to 20 in place of Caro and Cwdlilac was given July 24 to 27 whicb
dates were originally given Bay City
ily 31 to Aug. 3. the dates given Cadac In the Arst schednle.
No other dates were changed. Th'*
*w acbedttle'is as follows: Monroe.
June 2«-29; Romeo. July 3-6; Pori
Huron. July 10*13; Bay Oty. Jiriy 17*
20; Cadillac. July 24 27: Windsor.
Juyl 31Ang. 3: Kalamazoo. Aug. 7-lU;
GnuKi Raplda. Aug. 14-17; Saginaw.
Aag. 21-24: Caro. Aug 2«-Sl: Detroit
(fair) Sept. 1-S; Grand Rapids ifalrl.
Bepl .10-14; Kalamaaoo. Sept. 10^21;
not assigned. Sept 25-2«.
1 hara bff» MMoe >okM.’
•You wkatr OMked the editor.
-1 Mid I bare here aome JokM.**
.•*Ok. yoo have there aame jokei.
What kiiad of Jokca are tbeyr
-Kmt. braud new.
Never keen
led befara.**
«ae ’em.’- Mid the editor. -It
New Dinner Sets
$6.19 and Upwards
DR. F.
tostioo to dlMogM or tte ago, oar.
D. aaiNC
iMaDracStuM. RpudJ^
to •y«,
&M tod ttrooL 4»
ffttod. BMhphOMO. BMldMU
Why >-ou should
buy _an
kUs.- TelcpkoDM. oltoA IM; n*
T. W. THIRLBY, DutlH. 0*01 Bn-
SSi.V”-*’—- ~*
. P. Csnr«r R Bro. Both phooM.
DR. E« F. CHABB—UomeopathtoC Of*
te# ovsr BugbM'a drug .tora. 80*
DR. K. L. THIRLBV-SpmHsl sttMttoa to dl*ea*ca of chlldr«L Boom
409 Stale Bank bldg. Both phonoa
FIRC INSURANCC^n what dato
.^docR vour Firo luauranoc l*olicy
‘plrc? I waul your bualnc*a Call
Sold oa Dr.W.J. Higgins
Easy Payments. Fine Dental Work
One Dollar
Each Week
Machine on earth,
Onethonoanil new reoonls
to select from. Come in aiid
hear them. -
• a a HARHER. ITwr.
pay the
on a trial order of
Gas Hoi^se Coke
Thiewill KiTvyonaebAHeetolaov bow it work* and 6guie
with u» «t •niMier priee* Wyoor winter’* *appVTELEPHONE 124
0“^ ten**
nntwxl. P. D. NlcboU, 229 South
Union. CIt* photic llM.
opr 13 if
Bl'CAUSK-Vour family wants anti needs
one, li leaches the
children 10 know music
played arlistically and
blended correctly.
BHCAUi>E~lts present
value is worthy of
much splf - denial if
need be to save the
price .
nn an not Mt weal with nnita.
aa£ OiMnatMd Oi4j ky
>R. W. C. -fl-fttl rtiinW. oMm.
CIH, 107; B*n. N. SmIMmaVU
MnleHouA Ctti.
FIANO TUNINO-Saltotoctlcm guar-
amt. R. L. RONNKirt knlr i
^lort. over City Book 0iar
Flue %bap<-« and |dra«tig deivtra-
Guaranteed Direct From Mt.
Olky Oais
Tirt Tttsurance
Office fi06 New Wilhelo Block.
OiUW phone 63a.
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