The Evening Record, December 08, 1906

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The Evening Record, December 08, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


. "i

















I WA«T» TO •« A «TAT1 WITMOirr


ramatir, MHtog tt:lfi.
adMm totopuiluri for laat t<

«OQii m m mm

I to tba]
DOC, E-On,
LAAOC MUMKA OF CtTlXKMA HatotHoa. ebaIrmsB of tba
oa tonftoifaa. aajiB Haw Moitoo
appma to tbto aa^fOB of oo
•gardtooa of
todapaadaat atmiood ragi
Fapara by Or. Sara T.
fltlc turn Amhi «k Pmnkm it Arlsoaa. Haw Masleo baa a state <
Chant and Mra. Kittle Raro Caapar
•Utatloa already drmftod. HamUtoo
Wars Read at tha Maatlag
Vaolartfay AfUm^i.

WailltBtlM, Dac. S.--WHA mM
mrnkmB mmgr%m m Hm opmkiu ^
|Mana4 16 Ut rtadlBC of O* iDootira

Ui m tatroAMi 67 mmfmmt
awabar tba mora nUad tba fm
aad iboaa wboaa aMbnr U tbair oalf
tMoma Mad aa tboagh aocae oaa bad
kSakad tbMa Sa tba >lu of tbair iaaih
ctel neuBba. Fbr. ba H km
tba Abappari biO paaaaa. tbaaa paraa.
poor aotoai wfU ba dlraettof tba daatlar or tba aatloa at aa a^aal atlpaod
Ujm par. laataad.or IbAK). Tba
ta«ma ta* oa tbair paarly aalary wiu
Hlaa Jaat anrftlf IlM at aaab and
mry pajr aback. Aaoordteg ta tba
faMbfai meatbad of tba tail gatbarar.


Company M. srlll base a big banquet
on the isth of this mouth and a num­
ber srlll be mastered Into the United
Bpnnlah War e^'teraas. Tb«lr meeUag
last night was well attended jmd Gnpt.
J. V. Mclntoah reported oo tbe oorraspoodeoce be has recelsed regarding
tbe applicaUon for a charter to tbe
uU organisation. There were

oatll aaab BO&ay kfafs aa Oarpagta
aad Roekafattar ara paring upward of By WIra to tba SrablBg Raeard.
IIM.POO for tha prtrnaga of cllpplog
Datrolu Mlcb.. pt.
Tba Free
tbair mpm. Tba MU. too. pou a Proaa. tba oldaat moratag papor In
Michigan, was purcbaaad at aooa to­
tbar art tba oolr etaaa of raaa
day by PblUlp H. McMUton. B. D. Stair
prodaelbgbfopartr that Upaanpt
and Haary Staphaaa of Detroit They
to a OfMIt nattar to propbaa/
bought tba ntoek ^d by Col. F. J.
fata of tba mmann,
Haekar. WlUlam CJ McMOIan. camrlas
fOoatlaoad oa fVMftb Itoga )
U FVaar and Truman H. Newbarry.
Tha prtoa paid was loot mada pobUc.
MeMUlaa to tba youagar m of the
tola United Staten Senator Jamao MeMUlan aad brotbar of WlUlam C.McMtlton. oaa of tba laadina raoablk
candldataa for Oatfad tiataa----------Stair U at tba hood of many Urga Iheatrtcal Intaraata and is praaldant of
Ha Dairolt Journal oonpaar and
tapboaa to a lumbarmaa wbo to atoo
aloekboldar In tba Jooraal. Tba parcbaaani aaiioiiii«d jlbat tbar bought
tba paper aa an toToatment.





4ibn MtKliilay Had Hla Hair Sumad
Off and Wffarad Savaral Syrna
Abayt tha Haad, Faca and
tha ChaoL

W Wlr» to tba Kranlng Racord.
:■ r
m. Johnt. Mich.. Itor. «.-^ohn Me
^ ^ Klnlay. mayor of
Johns, waw tarriWy humad toat night In hto store CAMPSELL CAVE UmSELF UP TO
wboo ba atiamptod to thaw out a
thIrtyitaUon tank of gmaollna Tha
lanb iBpiodad. aMUng ira to hto
dollMa. burning off bto bnlr and boro Many Othare Sma tha Momtoldt—Pai
ing bim about tba baad. faoa and
tiaa Connaelad WRh tha Tragedy
cAaat. Ha to la tarrUda agony
Are All Wall j Knaum Dawill probably not lira. Ha waa one of
maalla TrouWt the Cauaa.
St. Johns- moat prominent eUlrens,



By Wire to the BroMng Record.
Chicago. Dec. L—iW. Baniamto Har
rts of Chicago was murdered by A. C.
Campbell.,a stockbroker In the slock
building today. He was shot
four times CampbaB gaee himself up
THAT charge:
to tba police. Doei^ irooble was
the cauaa. Harris ba^ Sana the
Judpa Umlar Said That Such Caaaa causa Of a dtootea tbdwaaa CaatobaU
and hto wife. Many I saw the murder
Wara Saaamlnf Entlraly Toa
Tha parUas are wall- kaowa. Hanlij
Comman Htra.




Frank Oroaa wnt arralsnad baforr
Judge Umlar Ula momtag oa the
charge of balag a dtoordarfy parooa in
Ibat ba left bU nfta for the county to
aupfort Ha olimd aiuto to tba read
tog of th^ ebana and tba court anlarad a plaa of not guUty. Hto trial
wlU ba bald Dac. ».
R la aHa«ad that be lafl bare In
Jnaa fbr OraanrUto. saying tha
wna solas to Snd work. Hto wife was
lart bare aad nuthtog was baard from
hftm. Sba Saallr wrota. Uroatoalag
kirn wltk pimeutkm aad ba obtalaad
BB tojBBCttaa iwatralBlag bar from
toking that ptop. Tba complaint, for
hfaiarraat was awomoat by F. D. Marein. supaHntaadaot of tba poor, aad
Deputy Sheriff Taylor brought hi
this city rMtantoy. to the BMaatime
Oroas baa auad for dieorc*.
-Tbora are too many onaas of this

broa faetori; laberitonce.
Ings aad tood.
“The future welfare of tbe child to
often determined by lU trestmeut In
infancy. Tbe brain grow, more rmp^
Idly during tbe first two yekrs than In
tbe rest of life. Nornial healthy


Paaaangar Train Struck the Rear End
af a FralSht: at Oa»>vu^y.
By Wire to tba Braa^ Rabord.
Oaasnia. Va. Dec. tE—A bad wrack
ooourrad on tba Soulbaru railway at
DaavOto today. A paaatgar irato hit
tba roar and of a fr^t Om ama.
the aagtooar of the paaasagar. was
killed. Baaaral were laharad but aot

ora af Atoakaa-Viikon^aalfls Ea
SanWantGaaaLmaat to Make
a DAfExSlblL



iSa Hobart Oo..iw»a.

How Many DoUara Ara You Colne to Spand

is, -sfflssx-

BM» fnooda any more happy than a gift Cm onr_rtora, ba­

OT«wtotfora^fri«id,do not gS to IdeT^bmaaem

the arctics notoolyke^
out the wet but are fleece
lined, ao are warm, the
aCMtemote ^

premmt oo the night of mustering In
else they will base to be Initiated
later oa. All thoee who are muatered
In oo the I3th wlll be cooaldersd charlembers The followtog officers
were nominated: Commander. J. V.
McIntosh: senSor sice comrna^er.
Joseph Klaasen: junior sice commandesr. H. I. Knapp; officer of the day.
George Tarbuck: officer of the guard.
(Xto Kyselka: chaplain. R. B. Walter:
trustees for one year. J. M. WMihelm.
Walter Tblrlby and/Ralph Hastings.



From 76^ to $1.50

esn fsttts ctotts

In the accomplbhmentt of our

‘■Best" Flour
It is
Is made from ca^tully
carefully selected
mill by a good mill'er. Ev^
sack guaranteed.

Hanpah ^ &
This Weather

Lay Co.

Price. Me. lOe. 7SC. tl. LSI. LM an« 1.7S.


Complete Housekeepiiig:
__ r r " .
i New Piano
i Kinrtball Organ
I Small Office Safe
Biackemith Toole
Will Sell any of the above cheap

Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.

iTelephones. Office. Citizens 32; Bell 162.
Evening*, Citizens, 290



Wt- oan save you wme
money oo theeo—bought
about twenty dozen samplea in addition to,our
largo h ue regular goodsaU tamplet go at onefourth off.

«ae 44

L emboJS^llifier. «.d Romeo..


There is No Magic



rom 60c to $1.00


• fVmd nbould be simply, wholesome
aUractlraly preparod and suitably
adapted to the needs of the child.
Milk and water are the best ^rerages.
though ekocolata as aa loceaalooal
tfrink to not objectionable I after the
tenth year. A erasing forjsweeU to
ral. A little candy* g^sen with
meals as dessert to aot harmful.
"The fermant necessary jto the dlgetUoo of starch to not found In the
child aallsa until the eruption of the
first teeth and as this sarles from
three months to a year and i half It to
y understood why some children
digest potsNt and oth^r starchy
foods younger than others."
Mra. Coopar-s Paper.
Mrs,* C«)per gave a \v^- helpfuT
paper on tbe same aubJecL iShe said:
"In spite of the fact that j there are
ore physicians, medical ilnslitulc*
and remedlea of all kinds bow than
fifty years ago people are in no bethealth today than then. The prin­
cipal causes are Ignoranee of the tows
of health, nature-, law. being set at
ht by fashion and folly] by srant
of fresh air and exercise, by want of
patloQ. by want of prpper food
and self reilsnce.
"People who hare children In their
large should know tbe symptoms of
the dlEersot dlseases.8ht gase a list of simple remedies
and gave suggestions for a fainlly med­
icine cabinet.
The papers are both to be printed.
The refreshments were coffee with
kobllky and kolache.


on and off themielvea.

kept GonstaaUy aUmuUted to tough
Thv rnetidt ot Mra Roth SiH'Idoo of
». If be to be can not |buUd op a
weU polsed nerrous systemi Slewp to But Bv will be ple«ed lo learn that
Important. A child from € to 10 years her coodlUoo tbow. a-chaage for tbe
needs ten or eleseo hours of sleep. A better lodar.
child from 10 to 16 needs nt| tonal nine





By WHO to tbt Broplag Roeord.
Waaktogtoa. Dae. S-Ooggiosa bai
beau asked to appidPHato flSOO.OM
I tbay skip out aad tbaa ana tor by the eitlsans of SodtUa tor tka com
lag Alaskan Yokoa-POdte exposttlou
for tba goTcrameot exbIbH tba fair
Monday cigars at MlUar'a pbarmacy. dlreotOTi naked tba agproprialtoa.



Ttilrty-Throa Slpwrs ta the Fatltloa.

Books Make '
Pleasing Gifts

HmanMMmbled the oboiowt jiiTMile'k bookathemakenoMiModmtheiDattpleMmKataindaid and popular books

ONQUET on deg. 13


r was tba aljoct
at tba BmwoU Me
club yaatarday
day aflernooa.
aflernooB. I Mro. Kittle
Bare Cooper leader.
Tba Erst aumbar was a soog by the
third grade chorus foUowe^ by a read­
ITS 0M>EST MORNING ing by Miss Ormoe haatln«.
Dr. Bara T. Cbaae gaeW aa able ai
wen as pracUoal paper, a few of Its
polata bsiag as toUows: I
--WM1 would It bo for Uie state if
lelaaa ware paid sUpblatod aalartaa ta look after the publki baaltb and
people bow to keep wdl. Much
money is spent to present the spread
of eboAara to bogs and blight to fruit
traaa aad UtOa to lootrtet tba sprsad
Dbarcalosis to people, a disease
E. D. SUir and
wbldt to tbe United SUtea causes the
daatb bf oaa paraoa to
Froptrty Wat SaoMrad for aa

totbaa. EDI EaM FruM MroeL

ito or anew toolghi and fun-




NOT MOVED b«R am Mill 1
tbs wnHstoi btock.




VTHR tryteg « mmil «ak
IDRAL buckwbeai ftour you wfil wa
a»lb.,MIb.urlttlb. sack.

No beJr values in tbe
dty—six or eight etyke
fiiie wool goods II per
garment - particularly
good vahwa finargoods
at|lJ6, $1.60, $1.76 and
$2 per garment Com­
bination underwear at II

fora gtetkinanr



NEW spring styke of silks In
waist kuKths put up in a r““Cbrktmas box, with
holly gift card
These arc some of the handn>me,t deeigne wa ev« had.

They moat

be delighted

them ae a gifL

IWey varytai price from tU$ to IC.M
per patterm.

Wool Waist Patterns
aatortrtf, a biUbook or a
mUitary brask set.
Our line is eapeeianj
Btraog in niee presents for
gvSLien this year. No
tronbla to abow goods at


I^g Store

No rnktake when yon gat a .ooat from ua—it tlta and
atayaflt OnrHnaiapartie^yatrongatfiom $12 to
fia riner gooda at $20 to $22-lotm fitting, fuU back,
^long or abort, you ma tba judge.

Sherman & Hunter
•/ '

^\ / .

.A i-J ■ .

in the dainrt evnning ahadee. Soma of
with pratty ookred «lk embrokk7.
them in
Tbeae ako oome in dreaa km^> aad
ara ako Mt up m
theChriitmaa boxeawith h^y gift oarto. Thesa ara ^

lUcsc arc ,9tJf .to f^Mt.
lie Utter price Is for the best dress leogtha.


■ L,












mmmm warn




■MM «■*■ • aWM «HI M

^MAFETf - i


ala Me baan i
toare are MIU a M

a of Tbe Hw
ppotoUacnr d

mbto todibat

bdraiai bortoc lor mtootala la
( od to Wddford eoooiy. If toe
QdplU] toal wlM be aapmded to toade
Uloaa ware laraatdd to b«u tbdl

ON EASY Payments

inmrmmrj i


“i!i;=li ssOTftH.*^










Otar 4atw, M «w tom..
Otar 6000, not orar 6QJOO.

Orer $000. not orv TSjOO.
( .16
Otar f78onritaanaM taU v lata of roatoSoe or Eipnm intot. ,Onr «den nw |oad nnywiHra in tta United
StetenorOanUa. Skie to'aendnuagiatoiednudl. If ono
te teat • dnikeate eu be had witbont exi>anae. Boeeipte given.

Orar SOOO, not or«r ».00.........
Ofta Wj00,>ot ofta .. ....................

hmA jmt hmm with noil
CMl or boke At IM Um OM.
half the ooAt of wood and
withlMBWorkaiid dirt



•U NSTimCE imiM


hti hmrn ^ mm mm. i%b
rnmmm tmm MmUM fm fm
mmtmrngmM, Tbty m rWi Mid
rnmrnm Im mmUm mrnmm to m
mm md tm atoOiM m tot tHitoii
cm rn mmmmd dh
•M Wlllld
M fMd Mi ^Idk
»i>t mmyrnwmL
mmrnrnimmmmm rm mHiii#.
•dtiy Ml MtoKrttof wild Witt ddiitf
to «iw MMI m Hi MtiiVM-jrtH
Iintoi mm m dmm tonUtol •
mm $rm by rMai MIL A«t fn

Tie ptmr “TW Uc»se7iBoan*‘ ft a
pMdId TtolBli to BlMnr off iu par
aHmr olMM sad It U Is fact a vory
ctmr pW hUI or orlslaal comedy aUa lore

I to tbt aad, Tbe cmat la a amall
•aillBa for but tea people; bat
meat be of tot clererwal aa
ia atrmm and fall of spirit and
dy. Tbt actora anpportlaff Him
lU Aid ^ooBs. handtome. aad the
beat arttola that New York aflorda aad
All each pak to a tborouably cx
■aaBtr. The ooatiuiiea are now
WPaaUny magnlAocot. They oer•
tolnly deltobt the eye with tbelr tto
Tlwto are a auoMr oT Mkhigai
matorlala. beautUnl k>lora and
people, wko attractod l»y Uie hlghe plctareaque ontltoea. It la In •
yala of Utomfl. d^waU tMr PMoey
a btobclaaa. beautifully ataied
ta Vaalb ootalde tot atate. Thla
production. “The Honeymoon" will
Mt edr u
to tke kMk> X be at tbe Qrand opera boate next Mon
Miehliaa. tat b a aoarea o( risk and day night. Dec. 10.
4. ffaaffar to toe perwm «Ik>
One of the
**liaa)ilnff by maU.”
Important an*
lUtotoM iwa a rwT rlikl baak to.
the dmmatlo Aald of pop4Ur priced
ta.; It toe dramattoatlon of
-Dorm Tbora4.- Bert|m M. Clay a amrol
of totoraatioiml tome. -Dora Tborme*^
to oaa of to# moat aoceetaful noreU
of IU kind that waa erer written.’ ttoit
only increaat^ Ita value and dnhancet
Ua popularity, proving more than all
elae Ita uaefnl work In nbe literarr
world. A Story full of humor aad
pathoa. well doAned cbararUra and
: -Dora Tbometo one of toe moat aoccaaaful of the
atreraJ veralopa of thla play now before The poblto. but
like the novel, with the exception of
C. 8. Suinranto which tollowa clotely
tbe book, aad la tbe only "Dora
Thome" that ia folly protected by
Mr. SuIUvan a
ipptar to thla city at the
Grand opera bouae FVIday night, Dec,
14. and will include a remarkab
of ptoyera and beautiful scenic _
every oalre and attention will be
’ i t
otoar man order toathuUoa toaamucb
aa wtoto It Ukaa mrwrftotoff Away. It glM to
fftrea but UtUe to relnro. The mooey worthy to all respects. All who have
depoaUed to toe local banka raiuatoa read the novel, and those who bam
Imre aad pUya an important part to not. eannot help but feel refreabed aad
the derelopmwu ot toe town wbUe tbe beoeAted by thla wholesome play.
praffU over and abort tbt totereat
To Ouro n Cold In One Day
paid, are alao kept here and lend
tbelr aid.
Tlito la a aublaot woitbi of camTul
toare la bat one oenrlMloo
after toe matter U ylveu careful
NOW 18 the time for buckwbfot
bos. If yoo want tot bookwbtat
ttonr and a nice light cake use IDBAL
dec t-U


•' 1 Es'iExES’"'
i ^

1 j :'^‘^iTJr.„.rrr:n
"i Se™™

Have Yob
Ever Fdl
01 Poverty?

-rwrlnp my wlnior In Kgji*t. Italy
taMT A*. Umm»4 1 ltar« -Ml Ar, natS
ft emtauft rvtm ta* artli^
and Gree»>e." remark? Bnrt..n Holman.
After X rays. X mya; after .N tajra, 11^ -trsvelocne" men. “1 iwotngrsiibfd
B.siiy royalties, dead and sltre. lbs:
1 toys. X toys proe^ ftom tbe btola.
Tliey are tbongbt nis. They were dis­ ttie tecnsstlon of *ais|isbotttog tbe el<vt
of rbe world artually bstome
covered by M. dl Brsjiss. atodeot at piece. In Athens at tbe new Olympic
lisga wiica topsating tbe aN ny ex- games we secured motion plrtures of
ptrimsM of Pto^ CbafpeaUw.
King Kdwsrd VII and Queen Alexan­
Ohar^tler found Itbat the pbospbor- dra of Great Britain. King tSeorge and
aooaaes of ceruin Isnbatonces 1s to- Qnern Olga of Oieece. as well
Ctosasd when they aie bfoagbt Noto Crorni lYInee Gforge of Greece.
to a asnre or to a mtractiag mnacU. Grand Duke Boris of Kasala.
When some one tobui. varUtlons are Naples we pboCogtopbM tbe king of
prodaced to tbe lonAnoolty of csldam lUly. one of tbe most cons|»ifnious »grlus. and
i Kgypr and Ibe
In anot
Inersp of W’slea were also
galleiy.shine sll doa*n tbe Bot of IU s;>pllcsUon to tbe spinel oocd. Cbsn»eoUer
eonctodsd tbst tbe jeiiilsslon of rays
foes pari |^u wl^ tbe activity of
toactloo, wbicb puu; us In possession
of a aaw mstood of stiidytog nerves
and mnsclto. Dl Brasis now clalma
to demonsttote what Cbarpentler sur- ThcfC arc many kinds
mlsed-nsmely. that nbe brsln U tbe I .
seat of active radistloo.jcnccsc, bill fcw like
TMe i nya dlffbr toom toe K rsys in
tbat Ibay nah pam tbfoato
ataacea and are not beat or
X>t Bnaaa obssrvss fbem directly fod


In dtoeet observethm be eppllee a
boepboresetog eertoa treated with
pletlDOryanlde of U or other phospharpstlenfabosd.
Tbo ecreen Is tolntly llUumtoetad by a
When Ibe anbject jconcmittotee ble
will, rorious ofHMIUtloDB'apimar In toe
Inmlnoalty of tbe aerren In relation
not oouesatTeted. tbe light
doee not dicker.
eaye are not emitted equally
all imris of tlie [bead. They are
nil at the forehead. Itirream* at .the
empie and ej-ea and sir at tbelr max­
imum liehlDd the ears. Tbe 1 rays art
named for Itsly.-^Tboaght.


(Discard Your Wood Beds
You Get the BtneW -R


Here Is a Chance for You


I*I nwi

And all higher, gradoa wiU be aoki aoeordingly.
We haTo an oreritook of ihaau oooda and we bava gol to
makerooin foraearkmdofgooir^

(iunranU'cxl cvt»ry' pnA^'ni at Ada

Il8 this


Yon will find
we nmst have the n



ment wliich removin all csjiub*^ of
dread llu*l ninny timid pfx>ple lia%*e

big out M the oibar goods at wdO, for

Your Credit l8 Good

whosi'Tivtli ncHvl Clcutiiin^, FilliniTv Crown or Bridgu Work.

One Dollar Down, One Dollar a Week

If your Uvth nro in liml comlilion today,







Your Reliable Furnitota Store.

Grand Rapids- Fumitarc Co.


127 S. South Union Street

Stoic Bank Bou iint-

It ha«^ that delicious, creamy
flavor which seems to be lack­
ing in other kinds of cheese.
Better order half a round
to prove our statements.


IDEAL blended do^r for general
smlly use U supeQof to any other
ntbemsrkeL Malm Ane bread and
dec 8-tf
oysurs that are clear' meats;• 40 and'
W cenu the quart.
dec «-St

IF YOU prMbr spring wbaat I
for bread you tooold use IDBAL.
dec A-tf


‘‘THE BIG STORE“ Dealers in!Everythiig

A Special offer to all Women.

OOT*a LETTffll (CMitinued.)
Papa wanu a watch chsne am!
bare brush and abaven merer arf«l
Slgars aad cblaa asbua Trsy and

wUl glv^ a baiaar and supper at Fbrball DSC. IL
dec Mt

The Hannah & Lay liercantilB to.


Front and Casa

oystcra that are <
bu cenu the quart

at MUlwV Pbaraiacy.
dec I U

J. W. Slater

CSemein and tee tbiawon.
datfnl banter.

Tbe pobMahara of Ibe |

MfeMrikW # «• «MMM «*
MHp«iMltpM4 nNf»aM(

Ont ybur gifts now. .Wn'll
wait for thn monny.

poaitivelF air-tight mod


Pei^le’s Savinp Bank



t». 8. Deer 8aaU Claws plec.
don't furget the doll with Hat aad
ailppera for me and papa aez
cbekato and eheker boni wUl du
j tord btoi aad aaua warm glores tu
work to aad aox and mama likes
faneie Atabua and turn Japane
metal treae tor ptos. there a ni
thing no Mr. McConnlek sex and
-tom yeifviie la a ludce box an t
Buutol Bn paper aad Deer 8aa«>
rovoaBBattaaBostorrltln papar
Inka like a lltol book fur me.

We will give four dress patterns FREE to any woman who/will bring to our
pattern counter a club of two yearly subscriptions to The Ladie^ Home Jonmal at
the regular price, $1.50 each.
At least one of the names MUST BE A NEW SUBSCRIBER to the Ladies^
Home Journal. The second name may be the club raiseri* ewn subAcriptioa, wheth­
er new or renewal.
The two subscriptions, accompanied by $3 00, must be mailed or delivered at
the same time to our Ladies* Home Journal Pattern Counter. Four pattern orders
will be issued to those who wish to select their patterns later. Get some friend to
give you $1.^ for her NEW subscription to the Ladies' Home joum^. This new
name with your
$l i . I the
. club
. subscriptions^
of two yearly
5ur own subscription at $1.50
which entitles you to any four Ladies’ He t Journal Dress Patterns.

Remember we are sole agents for the justly celebrated

ladies’ Home Journali Patterns

Not aolwd want. Imt tot luMaination of aeelog poor nmglibor
grow praAperoMS vlOto jmo are



McCol’mick, of Course

on toe market [.

BtO E. Eighth at.

boenrlng only toe aeoeisarles of
Ufa tor yonraotf and tomlly.
Blan today wlU the dstorml*




Hnt Hattaal Baik

our Pattern Counter. Many of the moM
fmhkMMible dr^MOuken
of I tbe ceaatry ue
using theM patterns exduuvdy. They are dtaigiMd by Mme of the
tl best urtists.
There is style, individuality and fit about them not to be had in other patterns.

I SoinsUilnx of liitMMt to Uw





Mn.c:i. Hmt;. Demnuti

—isrzivea S-’

BlWcM sdoH



tu 80dt7H OoM in »ad to SyouaaU.

J. alPaiggBBdxIcw.


srill be in our Dry Goods Division




B b most cord^ invited to eSB taid


y PIAlfO TUNIHO--W. M. HSlUrd. M

Mow lomtod w|tfc
on. oT I. ONAti TMwroi tmi
M ynXMm Mock to MT Mid 401
.4, .IL MAATIN-PliTolelaB Mi tor
to^ Orteo KB Soot rioot al

NoUco to AU Raroono Intorttoi:«
Tbo tpoclnl ntBooBmcnt tni mU for
tho eonotmetloo of n trunk oowor in
dlnlrlct Mo. A boginnlns ni tbo lnto^
of fioordunn rUer with 'Wcl.
llttslon Btroot. runnlQC Uicoco ca Wotllndon olroaL Front »troot tni Rmll1*1100 to eifhth Ptraot. tbonca
la Rlfhth Btroot to Barlow utraot. !■
now in my handt for collpetloii. lha
third Inatnilmant to bo ptfifl on or ba^
fore the totn day of NoTom^. lloe.
J. M lIualliAnntoL
City Tfonauiwr.
Offlea. Room sot fiiatc innk bund­

of P.. mr«t OTcry Thuraday artw
Ing. New Mannoo block. C. B. Wah
lor. C. C.

MAtIC CtAW*t DtLtVtllY-^iM TRAVERflE CITY LEGION, No. 1»National Protactlve Legion wlU
frolglit. poroolo ooi troaho. Ottoo
meet In Woodman ball on the third
ototy Soflkttofoi
Tuaaday of each month nt 7:30 p. m.
Abram flettk. pretldc^; Gaylt
B. L. tONNCItt hair irtoMof
fowwinry; NoUla C. Gray,
ion. OTor aty Book ttor% Moos
dnpftx. : Oetid-tf

the dignffled calm nsMaary to the
proper eo)oyw»enl of the diwBm nhall
not be dlsturbml.- ViaitorB t« the
theatre are also noR^to be allownd to
maW' their eanplalats wBrtmlly. bat
are to write them In n book ikovided
poaltloa made ft impuaalble for him for this purpoae. Any breach of these
to eacmpe the publicity which thU af
win be pnaldfled by instant ex­
tim Msv. R. N.
fBir waa iriren. How wax Camxo pulsion.the crowd er twaatyAvc or thirty tbssi
treated? They ataited out by frag*
went to the Wlatwu borne. fh«ea asd
king hhn through the mud. Tber ortp.
A Rembrandt exhibition U to be taty ptflsg weiw induleed In and tbe
whe1m#4 him with falae and calumnl. held In tbo Ixmvre museum upon the
ads acnxatlons—lhey created arountl occaxkm of the trtceatensnr Rem­
him a. wrHchetl arandal. And what brandt feallral All the canvasaes by
m Undley. ‘
fbbHK*caRBc thp>' wanted to justlfj* the ertebrated master which alw ta the
beforehand a complaint which couH museura 4if Parts are to he gfwnpad
not even be proved lodged by a pemon together, and prtvale colleAort alao
have IntlmaPN! tbetr Intention bf lend­
rtary. Mtlly Trude.
•‘Ah tboae clever Americans. Per- ing the painting which are in their
baps It wax a deep' laid plot at the hot
OnmsM. Wtima %TBtwi.
tom of which Is n .pbooograph manu­
facturer who hopex to atlr up public
Great enthusiasm has been shown
Indignation to aoch an ertent that the by fashlonahle Fren^ society this
puritanical American public will never year over the ehrywantbemum show
consent to listen to his voice again A rage for things Japanese has swept Roacal TaU«raph Wlraa Are working
for CaMMSelal Aeekiees Both
except In a machine.
the city recently, and the aaaaon o^
North and floirth.
-Anyhow, when people may these the chrrasnthemimi show aoeetna Is
things happen only In America they because the flower Is Japaacne.
The articles In yeste^y^s ami day
are right. Thank hnaven!**
The prise winner Is
the -Sada before's Evening Record would lead
Yaeeo- namt-d after the Jap«lif«e act­ proapecUve patrons to believe that the
Considerable Indignation reigns In ress who charmed the ParlMana dur­
PoaUl Telegraph cecapany was ui
the Americnn colony over the persist­ ing the exhlbuAMi. It U snow white
to handle commercial butlikeea. Tbia
ent maumr in which the Vnlied States on the outer rim of petals and the
Is not the case, bowever, aa. even
amuaaaador nad Mrs. McCormick tr««t heart is a deep cream. The
thon^ tbe .storm did damage

A A. M.. meet! on Mondar erenlni
on or before the full of the moon,
at TtflO p. m. M. K. Xlaakell. Mcrw
tary, Elmer H. WhiU, W. If.
TriToroo Loud ooO Loon Oo^ r.
Thorton Monotc^. Orteo. room A
Homtltoo A MlUlkoii hloek.

handle btitlness both north aa
although a round about route a



tARA T. CHAtn M. lA-Ofloo wtth
Dr. O. B. Chooo. ttoto Bo^cUook.
W.SUhtk tt at*, phono Wl.
DR. r. HOtDt¥


Christmas Presents
They not only muke a nice present

iol OO

nooo oad rthroot. QUoooo flttod year and require
Oror Johnmin iros otoro. Both
* hare a good atock of
. ihc-m.
DR. E. m, MINOR>-Offleo <
con Dtui; Storo. 8p^

Barnum & Earl
1&<: Fruot St

Bothpboaoo. Romdonooktl

nu.. 107: Boll M.
Woftbliistoo olrcot, CIU. phono Ilf,
Boll phono ft.
T. W. THIRLRV, DmUst Oror Bornu^ A Srtft Jevelnr otom. BO^

don ^ Borgooo. Itomoroi to oC
float In Monoon block oror Bornoa
A Sorl't. Cttlaono phono SSL




HAIIRV ». HARNE»-;«»peK pUao
tuBw ttd «e»loB »«r*l»lor. 8»ttotMUOB fuanatMd. yntk KlmtaU
MialeHoMe. (SU. pbo«« IM.
put In Bwrt*a«ei. UooMt for aale.
lB«alre of B. McNamara. JM



?: ■

w. Prtom laaaoaaMa. 0«oa irttk
O. P. Oarrar * Bro. Bulk pkoa
WL t. L. THIBOBY-Bpodal
4M BtaU Budc tUs. Both pi

nf' Tirt Tasurantt


€e0o Ho aarvif


Every woman knows that a
polished table collects so much .
(hist in a day that she can write
The same thing happens to a
^ soda cracker exposed to the air
- —suffidenl reason ,for^ buyings
. iinnnda Biaeuit ^ ody
, 80(k cradeer. Perfectly pro*
tected in a dust tie^t. moisture
proof package.

iM*c •
m. •* «
. m. t m * niimm
• •m. CMmm. Mm.

Dr. W. J. Higgins

Porcelain Work
On floor with Bnmnenn GoDegn.

rJ m



Railroad Men
Are buraiog Hocking VaUey
coal for their own use. Why?
because they know what good
coal is and know that Hock­
ing Valley gives them the
most heat and lasts iongest<
Not only tl)at. but they kribu
that when they fill the stove
at night they will have a fire
in the morning.
Phone us about it.

201 front fliroti C-liflyiKfiNlllt.

Wf wiri. to



til tttU took koUilOf.


Why not let your
Chrittmag gifts be
useful sod eo aske
them Aiore seof
ble? Fi»t of All.
you Munot plcMe
better than by giv­
ing a CuoTHcuArT
suit or overaenL We
have aho a lot of
•mailer gift., nek a*
flma aad a bnadred
and one other thiiiga
menV and y«

Officers of the Ladies* Auxiliary to
Brwthortiood RattAey Tralnnimi.
The Ladles*
Auxlllao* to
Brotherhood of Railway Trtlnmec
Thursday afternoon elected tbe follow
Ing affleers:
CooncUman. B. J. Hewitt.
Mistreat. -Sena Satterlee.
Paxt mistress. Mabel Buxxeil.
Vice mistress. Mary Knowls;
Secretin . Cora ntxgemid. j
Treasurer. Carrie Knagga.
Wardmu Ida Nordstrom.
Chsplaln. Victoria^bson. ‘
Outer guard. Anna Bendell.
Inner guard. Anna Lawreikce.
Gilbert Shllson Was Elected Rrseldeni
Last Evening.
The annual election of the May
flower club last night reaulted as fol­
PresJdenL Gilbert Shllson. |
Mce prcsIdenU Qeckgo Lutnisn.
" ftpcrrtary and treasurer. Albert
Chsplaln. Demax Coehlin.
Sergeant at arms. Uoyd Lafraaler.
Directors. Roy Straub. Harry WaltDied at AayhNWL
Mary E. Weader died at^fbewsylum
from exhanation yeatenlaj:. She waa
Z6 yeam old and leaves Hx chBdren.
Tbe bo^y was aklpped to Gladwin yeaterdaj by the Anfleraoo Undertaking
coaumny where burial wtR take place

X. .1- WWHEI.M

oysters that art* clear meals: 40 am
Notice to the Taxpayer! of tbe atj of to cenu the quart.
dec Ot
Traverse aiy:
Tbe tax rolls for the coUecUon of
the stale and county taxes for tha
year IhOC and for tbe dellnqutml
school and city taxes and spi<*ial asaeaamenu for said year have been
placed In my haoda for collection.
1 win be in my offloe to receive aald
taxes from now until Feb. 1. 1207. on
each week day from K o’clock to 11:30
oVIiMk In tbe forenoon and frtun 1
o’clock to 4 o’clock In the afternoon.
On all sUU* and county taxes paid
before January 10. the regular fee of
oue per cent for ooDucUon will be
charged and on ni[ Uxes paid ou or
after January 10*. there will be
charged a fee of four per cent for col­
lodion. Fenalty on delinquent dly
and school taxes and special axsqps^
enu. 4 cents on each dolUr of the
nount of said tax.
Offleo is room 202 SUte Bank
Dated. Dec. 4. IflOCM. lUTELLMANTBU
dec 4 to feb-22
Clly Treasurer-






Bev. Sim BevtaGtosl.


BRURHOB tor tbe hair, the teeik.
the oomplealan wopmdaUy tor Ckrtab

Potatona; par ba., long whlto.*
ATTEND the special Ho^iteg Rug

: inmmtm hMU




wfll glue a haaaar and mmRW at Forastarskall Dee. It.
! dee Mt

TR that mners 41 the bom
boy perfumery ibr mem


TRAVERflE cmr MARfcrra

lajursd in a Wrack:
H. White, a pro«]
Boyne City lumberman, well knot
tbU clly, waa injured la the wreck at
Otter yesterday.

today. Text,
a at MUiar-s

•fHecs Are AIimws<








weeks and la



to Hto M.

- •

In Our

By Wlra to the Bvaalag BMorfL
Prtoeetoa. Dec. E-^Oiwaiw Cteww
land to vary ttl at^ botoe ;toi Pthme-

MteM. covtoir

4o w4tW of thm


<....... ^ IUbmda 0«rmaB
| ■■■

■ ‘awg^-sr-

tt.tbo tofion of tb» chW of tho
tmn nt loiuit and cxxmncj U not
tw1»t#d. tb«re U m pnihaWllty tliat a
farm mwmtmr erf Unltad BUU« c|U.
>Mi win be bit by the Sbeppard bni.
«honU) It
tbat offlclar* report tbe amoont ol
twHk*-f la clrculatloa oo Dor.
|22.W».074^. wbleb to a
.000 la tbe last naatb aad of
$7AOb.oao in tbe last year. Tbia
bolaU tbe per eaplU dmtotloa ap to
$iSM. a point nerer before reaebad In
tbe btotoqr of the United Statta. So
woadfT Uarle 8am wUbea to gamer a
lUUe of tbe ;neraaaad abeeblm for
hlmaeif tbroagb tbe madlam of aa lacoBio MU.

both laa&rfa tbe cajrftol and «U. Hto
dealre to <mU a baH cai tbe tedtoertmiaate aUaelui oo aU eorporata wealtb
to racarded aa U*aly. PabUc mm
bare notlocd wltb growiaf alann tbe
teadeocy erf Ibe people to clajw as oorrapt erery aaaocistloa of ntm Inoorpormted for legfUmate basloesa. There
bas beea eonv cxcose. fdr tbe ware of
aenUmeat ta tbe eaaes of oorrapt pra<^
tkes oaaartbad ta aereraJ aaartera.
Imt tbe aaiaaaoaliic attaoer ta wbtob

ri»U tbe slM of a eery few oo tbe
beads of tbe many wlU. ia Ume. prodpllate commercial uaraat aad laault
la paalc. In the eery brat eeotwace of
bto meaaage pertatnlnr to the qneatkm
of labor aad caplul. Preeldent Rooee^
rett said:
-In deallnv wfib both labor aad
oapttai. wltb tbe qneatlona affeetias
rporatlona aad trades aniona.
there is one malt
remember than aught €4se. i
for WaUrwaya.
the Infinite harm done by
Nerer before Ui Amerkm
America bas teach of mere dlaoonlent.>
a rsiberlog been held to aaeaMer tbe
This rebttbe. ao clearly and firmly
ImprOrenMWi of the waterWya of the adminiaiarod. Is regarded aa one of
coontry aa was held b«a this wedk.
Dost striking poinu majle in tbe
In narobera aad eatbaaiasm It was a preaidentUI message.
reamrksMe aaaemblage. and practical­
Oaneral KeWtf There.
ly every state In the Union was rep­
Gen. Jr Warren Kelfer. one of the
resented. A number Of governors picturesque figures on the floor of the
head.'d deU gatlons. among these being bouse, was early on the scene. Togged
Ofmrnor'Chamberlain of Oregon and
out as of old In hia black evening anH
Cknremor Blanrhart] of LonlaUiia and with a daxxllng display of Immaculate
promlnont men In all walks of life put shirt front, be drew tbe eyes of tbe
iMlde private aad public affairs to Mod
^ta of tbe ladtoa* gallery on the
their voice aad Influence toward
opening day of tbe seaalon. One
launching a national campaign for bet­
sn wbo ball been watiAlng him
ter watfTways aa a merfna of insuring moving around among hia colleagues,
IncTwaaed transportation for a growshaking hands here >
ward to whisper in tbe ear of
teaance of prosperity. Tbe oonveo>
finally turned to a friend at b<
tinn bad a notably large number of
-Who la that man in the evening
dologatea fnim communities not situ­
suit—tbe one wltb tbe gray wblakera
ated on navigable waterways, but
-bobbing around among the'^greaaWho rcalUed that the movemenl la not
en taking their ordemr whe asked.
one In which t>eneflU accrue only to
-Why. that’s Congumnaan Kelfer of
Otose emoa and towns and aUtea ao
Ohia” aaid her compauion. severely.
IncaOd. The realisation that deeel-Ho was once speaker of the house.
opfd walerwaya sriU prove ,a-mlghty
Taking orders. Indeed! Wbai putHbat
faefor In lowering all freight rates,
Idea into your beadr
has opeoe<1 the eyes of every section
-Oh. well. I thought he was.- she be­
, to the Importance of the crusade. It
gan apologetically. -1 really bellefed
la regarded now as ^practically cer­
he was a—. O. well, never mind! ”
tain that congress will pass a rivers
Burrows After Smoot.
and harlicrs appropriation bill of at
: 'i
Senator Ruirows. chairman of the
least f:;a.000.(KH>. and there even Is a
nnmlitee oh privileges and Moctlonr.
reaanhable rtt>ectatlon tliat the bill
ta hot on tlie trail of Senalor Smoot.
will carry nmrt' than this sum.
He baa given notice that he will call
Te-ry Saw Pmtldent
t up the matter liefore the senate at the
Terry Mctlovern. the prise lighter, earliest possible moment, and will
who went hopekwsly insane In Brxx»k- seek to pn‘« it to a final determina­
lyn Tuesday, called the day l*eforr on tion. The senate Is not the happles
rresldent Riawevelt at the ahUe IxKly of men In the world, all U'cause
bouse. The former champion feather- of this case. It finds Itself In the
\%««igl\t nrted stranjioly when he en- comrortable position of having to pass
Judgment op a fellow member who baa
lend the executive offlres.
‘•llowdee, Mr. Proaldent?" he said, proved a valuable acquisition, what
stepping up to-the president and ex ewr may be his private character, and
who is a -good fellow” withal. How
tending bis hand.
•‘Very flne. TVrry.- replied Mr ever, the task will have to be faced,
Roosevelt, smiling down at the little for there U k steadily growing public
fighter, and openly Aiused at his fa­ demand that action be taken.
Toraksr la Mum.
-Senator ^raker for president tr
-Say. 1 want f show ye m’ hand.’
continued McO<»vem. bringing to view IP0«” la iheislogan fathered by Sena
the meml»er he hurt In Ms rt'cent flght. tor Dick, pe junior senator from
*i hurt 11 in m* scrap wll* dat guy. Ohio this wfkk declared that the Ohio
delegation to the next yepubl---------*
tlonal convention will' be ao’
y* St
Mr. F>>raker: If he wanU the nomina­
git into de ring agin!tion. Mr. Dick declined to say whether
A man who accompanied him and
believed to have Invn his father-ln- his tfUerancci ia inspired. Mr. Foraker
lew. there to watch over him. gently Isnt lalklng.j


We will giw Tou

Two Billiofk Shaves
For One Dollar


To tBcrsABe the Mdmej of tbo
cbOrf labor law. B«
Her* In IntfcnlsM eoanMice fro*
f« irM-porUllo. prodoeu ct
fKtwtae or BlBOT whk* «nph9 «fcBdrad under 14 yvara of ago. Tba maaaaiw win compel the ownerx or agmita
of all fbctffrtoa aad mines to file wltb
affldavUa lbat tbe goods offered for ablpI were mafipfactured or mlaed
iri|b9m tbe use of chOd labor-or.
w. that tbe Ubor of ebUrfren
r \k years did not eater into their
production. Tbto attdaril muat be iwId every aU moatba. and a baary
penalty la provided for tbe carrier If
tbe taw to not oMierred. For tnfractbe traaapofiation agent may be
not more than $10,000 nor leas
than tiMO, while a prison term of
from one to mix moatba to optional


brass ink

r left oo tbe totbasa

this week, the gift of empkqraa oa tbe
tma . canal. Chairman ShooU of
tbe Isthmian canal commtosloo. made
tbe preaentatioa on bebglf of tbe men.
The desk plfce ia handsomely carved.

Tmv*™. City ehnpUr, R. A. M. arid
Um Rnyal and Salaet MaMara
Elactad Last Night.
TraTarae Oty chapter. No. lOJ. R. A.
M, elected the folioaln* otfleer* U»t
High priest. Fred G. Hfiumann,
King. A. B. Cooki
Scribe, A. 8. Rowley.
C. of H. H. Tobler.
P. S.. William Motheraill.'
R. A. C.. G. E. Ball.
M. Third V.. George mtx.
M. Second W C. 6. Brickaon.
M. First V. J. W. iilggUia^
' Treasurer. Samuel Garland.
Secretarj. M. E. Haskell.
Trustees. A. H Rowley. Fred H.
Pratt. Asa Hale. A?B. Cook. J. M. Isgrig.
InatallaUon Friday.' Dec. 21.
Traverse City council. No. 61. Royal
and Select Maatenv elected tbe fol
^ I
T. I. M.. Fred G. Heomiin.
D. M.. Asa HaleP. C. W.. ’William piothermliL
Treasurer. Samuel Garland.
C. of G.. G. Frllx.
C. of C„ C. O. Erickson.
Sentinel. A. C. Deapres.
Finance iggnmltiee. H. Tobler. C. O.
hickaon. George Fritx.
Installation Fridayi. Dec, 21.
Nettie Defoe Was Elected Oracle at
the Annual IMeeting.
At the apnoal election of officers of
the Crystalia camp. No. 2d77. R. N. of
A., the list of gffleept elected was a
Past oracle. Mabel Bnxxell.
Oracle. Nettie Defoe.
Mce oracle. Olive DllU
Chancellor. Katherine Coates.
Recorder. Addle Wilkins.
Receiver. Abble Henderson.
Marshall. Bessie McMichael.
Aaalatant maraball. Nellie McMuRei
Inner aenUnel. Gertrude Herron.
Outer sentinel. Bil^ Jar.
Manager, one yearjoraee Parka.
Manager, two yeark MaM Buxzell.
Manager, three yoafa, Btoma Taylor.
Pianist,'Grace Parto.
Physiciana. Dr. W. E. Moon,
at tfia Annual; Maatina.
At a regular meettiig of Travi
City hive. No. hSS. held yesterday
■noon the followiM offleera
elected for tbe

• aoldtoyoulor«M<

ilMMia Ills
man with the
«i of the Radi-




Bugbee’s City Drug Store;


A number of young
a atoisbride to Birmtoy school
laat night, tbe firm of tbe j|ear.
One of tbe heus assembly .of tbr
eat at tba Wa^tM^toag dab bouae lam aeaaon waa beM at Horsfa
tbe nature of tbe gatbering
ing for

d>«> utd • blato of

9m UIBmi iMATenlr. Tdact thm*
aoB* Biekel uiBBlnft art atUeh^Uii

the wteto Oer-

I «otm »d tW -A-nr- «bo»trtac

of k«4tac • >.>0B to tfeo r^rtaotai



Record tfeper.
E. 1
Floaace kaeser. f^aacto
Chaplain. Rachael Nelson.
Sergeant. ESdi^ra Vhgle.
Miatreaa at anna, Emma Davidson.
Sentinel. Esther SacketL
Pickett, Kate Fnrpnaon.


of tbe affair very heartily and It
not untn tbe time for uamaaklbgi
that tbe IdeoUiy of tbe ma)orlty of
aneara became known. Tbe

The aannal tbank offering meeting
of tbe W. H. M. 8. of tbe First M. S.
ebureb wlU be held Sunday moruUig
at tbe Ume of tbe reitutor ptuac

^•aaoqs o«b irusq p.nol «rp
weU planned aad tbe whole evenlag
w pus aejMi
was replete with mirth and merriment. mlJBW qum je
-atnp Xin
j»|> *q« iuaiiitii
Tbe aecne In tbe ballroom was oi
•iwj-vsds. I icqjs asju
og remembered laaamoch as the I.UIB u luq -qw -pjvq 44ippu
mes Bbowed otraage contrasts
)u^ .ua
and aurprisea. Tbe demure UtUe UMIM, export) ffapcsAiiqm ‘Xiiupaaqa
*iH»X xuBttU '-Muauto
BO with blue eyas aad light hair
^ rfryjad « pjafaoor
was Just aa aid to prove to be a bru•aqoop iiu puoX
aeue when her mask was removed as
^ psjuud
bnunq ^l*-»
tbe tall, allm lady. wM> hod eeorybody consquitntKi
‘nrjinUwa hM l«mae*
puxxled. was to be Harry Harter.
V«q PliHwi a*uo A‘UB aeqjAqw iigiqnop
)| qjtnoquu ‘jCaujoas
Tbe judges bad quite a task to de­
cide la fbvor of tbe wiaacra of the •xaui pau XutM.f u Jfq paptwj.*p aq
eutUJojiqui eqi peq <u3*»u
cmady prtaeo aad In order that they
might have tbe opportunity a grand -Viqj emus jo D-»qi om qj)M i-Xjvqa
*it U| *s|jr|»
march was given wttb tba mnaks on.
•qi M>) blHi -I:jui:uv
*sju<'llY j« ’IH-UOll
After tbe party bad unmasked, tbe
march vraa repeated and the judges deIlberafed. When they finally arrtred ixffit ajq JO juqi au.u iMUoqPW
pmr uoiiiLwpisiutM isaa
coDcloslaB everybody was ao boay
Identifying friends that ft was aome -psnq V auitwtk) ;u bunmqi *»ju usm
«wqax puo
Jiv>qi :io; *mna
time before H. Mootagpe. who gave
oqw vjHkJO
the dectokma. could make blmaelf
)Hiod aU 'w siu^}* pio iqj jk) fucK
rd. Mtoa Joaepblae Darla, daugh
truo ajq jo
ter of H. C Darla, was awarded the uep! luoiapo -o uStwp o jio* mw>j uoji
first prize for baring tbe preUleat cosUu uqi oj loppc oago aapcxi a»qi
ume. Mias Darts being arrayed aa a UJM« PUXU JO U^Aia U |.uq ,ypUJl
«uifi* wiottiouucq
lapaneae girt and represenUng tbe qxnoqi 7uqj
oa Joj uovXAJ aqi Xiqoqooa
todies of chrysanthemum land In a
■affimojioil auuitg Joj iv»<1oq
very happy manner. The prise for the
eqi juqj p«» Xinenb ni ivjjuu>i-.|uw pua
funniest make-up was given to Walter [Og AiJw jnjiuqviiquiw aq» ui p|oa
DeWitt, be and Mrs. DeWntt apepar- pooa oqi iiiqi avLu Mm Jo ovuu..uiu
Ing aa people from the hack country—
'Jou-mu uu |«f 3FK>u»ua
very far back. The couple was ao ef
sjopw Xpiiid ui pjiiqial »uai q^iqju
fectually masked thM their IdenUty mo uai*. jjqjouo SU.U OJJqi iwqx
undiaclooed. a number taking Mr.
DeW'itt for Frank Ciu-ver who was se­ ^jsjsj iiuuX qiiw o*i« puu
pjmjojjjd f-Av doqiT otn, ui opiui
renely fooling his friend* by appearing
, German bandmaster'a uniform 9vq) Jjuaipul oMKswotltkia mxax
and bldlrfk bit c\{issic facial architec­ Mqx tumiojAajjqi puu aiequ jfufitfchwj
^ xa\* v wnw SJoqj wum u-^iqo ui
ture behind an appropriate mask.
The third prise was for the beat
character. This went to Gleffn W’.
Power. Mr. Power waa a “ahe^y”
radiant In a yellow evening suit with
an eight candle-power diamond on hia
blooming shirt front. He wa* not the
only -sheeny- present but his clothes
spoke so loudly thfl the judges sim­
ply couldn’t pass him by. Mrs. Power
wa* a Yiddish tody.

'M«nx ••PIO ■•n*q-xg

It la aaltl thaf a go<vr way* to obtain
red coloring lu p:*nnii:’CJt fora I* tr>
beat beet* in an oven until quite euft.
macerate with alxmt an etiunl iinantlty
of rlnepir. cxpreits, eva|K»r:ite the reaulUng liquid t > ouehzlf It* original
volume and then ntake up to the orig­
inal value with ql.»>l> »l. IVr extemisoraneons use the litpior frum pick
iHHts a* ordln irily pix- .-.retl for the
tnl»le-tbat U. Indit'd In ,water, Ml.-ed
and then cavcretl with viin-.Tiif—would
prcaumably give a <iee|> enough *hade.
Canned heou nre !n market qnd
anawer a* well in the latter caiie ni the
freak article,.


Linen Departmenj

alarm to felt ahboiwb tbk doctors
tbbik be wW pun Uumtok He bto
SBM teiles tfataity «b4 dckti^ th^ cooBM^btobed.



White Aprons. UaiDtV Styles at 26c. 38c. 60c and J1.00


Consisting of DoiBes. Lunch Cloths. Sid. Board Scaris.
Pillow Shamt, Tray Cloths. Etc.

7c.t0c.ISc.2Sc.S0c. 7Sc.SI.00 IB S3.60
Fancy Towels.......................................26c. 60c. to $1 25
Fine Table Damask and Napkins to
match....... ........ .............................. 8»cto$160
Napkin,...................................... $2 50to$8.50adoren
Indian Blankets at....... ...........................................$5.00
Bath Robe Blankets at ........ .................... $2 25 to $356

IF. for any reaaon, your grocer does
>t fuml»h you wltb ID^L products,
Bbra Winters, who 1s attending the
call up thl*
art department at OHvet. U home on a
get It. Both phone*.
derS-if ^
Mr*. Joale I. Johnson and children
left for nint thl* morning, where they
win visit.
J. H, Codd reenrned to hi* home In
Fife Lake ibto inoniing.
Lura and Horence Shelley of Kea
wick spent ibe day i& tbe city.
Mra'O. D. Shelrf^ returned to her
borne In Copemlah tbl* n
Mr*. J. J. Twaddle went to Empire

Mr*, r lull of Homor. N. W who to
vUitlng friend* in the city, spent the
day at Empire.
Mamie Fogerty of Suttuna Bay 1*
vtolting In the city.
Mr*. C. S. Nelson of .Nortbport was
in the city today.

a.ium of money at
our Haviofft Depariineni to the
DON-r FORGET -The Honeymoon- credit of your Son or Dmi^ter
qext Monday night at the Grand opera
them aa a Gift for
ho:iM*. Rt^sc-nre M*a( »*eal now on at pleato
iKJi office. Frlr<-t! 75.
35. 25 cent*. Cbriatmag?
Tliey’ll lie prouilofa
Dr. linn* Rl<-litcr. the fam«n« muMHank Acfviuht and
ml i-oiitluriiir. i*i a thorough believer
want to increato the
In loii.fort ill iln**« and mn iufrc-iiueutIj *et«- fa*hi<m at «!ertatM-e.
amount to their cretlit. It win incite

COME now anti select the ^nt
them to further
Miller’s pharmacy.
Try this plan for Chriatmas.
Wurtemberg is the fruit center of Remember this bank, establishevl
frmany. T|^
Tto tost
last count showed
showea that {in 1856, is made Ba\FE by pruliatl
apple and i»ear trees of dent managemente
In the empire.
ReKkunxw over ll.W.OOO.

bom and light was another putrler
ere Dr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Smith, the
Misses Lelah aipl Myrtle Miller and
Georgette Monma and WlUtom Cam­
eron aa the German rfkmlly. Miss
Bertha Perron, as Night had
very becoming costume of black
"MlaerT may like company.-Inay* an ild wK-l.-ty will give a bazaar and
with sliver stars surmounted by Iftoh phllowoidier. “but I’d rather hare
the rheMmaltom In one leg than
d^rved ^pllmenU.
^E^hel Smurthvralt^wlth aom} and Mexican omaroenU had ax
many admirers aa the traditional -oo
boy girl.” Mlai Helen Stout as
gypsy and Mias Grace Morgan as
PuriUn maid were charming to their
respective roles. Mrs. H. D. Alley waa
lady of the -long ago- and her Iden­
tity was a secret for a long while. The
Isaea Eunice and Julia Kelley were
gypsies. Miss Rhea Martin was an aaaa Grace
make-up was a laugh producer
Jay Smith to Turkey red
Turk while Donald Cameron aa a mid­
shipman also bad an excellent make­
WANTED—Gentleman or tody |of fair
«vyE ARE making tome of the greatfit offei* on floor
up. Ben Mofttagne waa a^
education to travel for me^ "
the ties- and was complete even to
\M nine ruga yon ha*e had made yon in a good while—
house of large capital. Territorj- at
the -tomat can.- altbougb be didn't
patteiM aro all now ami are verf fine. If yoo are in
borne OT abroad tp aull. Weekly
know what a -dooky” waa. Coy Hall
need of a Rng now or in the npring this l» TOUR
aatogr of IhOoO per yeur and ex­
finished hia haying and came in the
OPPORTUNITY. Tbe qmmtity of thew ia limited,
same toga tlmt he wore then. William
der. Traverse City. Mich.
■o do not delay.
Vogelaong and Bracken Heigea were
dec 8 If,
clovms and both were effective in
their makenpa. The noble red men
were repreeented by Professor Rug FOR SALE-3 second ha
9x12 Bniaads Ruga, go^ 9x12 Heavy Axmlnstere aad
glea and Herbert Montag;^
cheap Germaine Bros.
Body BrnMcds
patterna ami extra quality
There were many other ooatumeu of
Nothing finer in patterns.
for the irice. Woith $17,
merit, ia fitoi all were wojtooA that
WANTEO-PoslUoo aa clerk to gro­
Worth $27 60. for
detailed deacriptkm would be Impoaatcery or clothing store, four years’.
experience. Address B. C.. care’
After tbe awarding of the prizes
dancing waa indalged to until mldaigfat. almost aU raminliig nntU tbe WANTED—Housekeeper. Inquire E.
9x12 Heavy Brutoeli and 9x12 Royal Wilton Velvet
H.. Record office.
dec 8-6t*
Velvet Bugs* Some very
Rngi. These srs tbe fin­
The maaquemde having proen to
fine'patterea. Worth $20
est that can*b.-found; most
be Boeb a tncceaa. p ooitmiie party HOUSES TO RENT—Bast Tenth 8L;
beantifnl psttems for
la now being ptoumd. This wttl be
atoo one comer Front and Rote. A.
given, name time In tbe. neni
r. Huellmanicl.
dec 8-tfj
and It la ntoo pooMble (bbl a
of tbe young puople will also give a TEAMS WAHTEO-To
Traverse City Mlg. Ca
play or aa evening o
«xI2 Axminater, beantifnl $7x51 Axminster Rn^ good
There was a large number pretout last
goods, a- d pstterBS are espattens. Worth $2.60,
evening and all enjoyed tbemaelTea to WANTED—Fifteen teams to /baal
cllent Worth asywhete
oortwood at Meeauaemd: board!

Tbe mnato wna furtteimd by Stew­
. DrJBaiabS. Chase,
cuk Dr. O. B. G
art's fonrpleoe orebeotra and added
mneb to tbe.pieatore of tbe evunia
HAND MIRRORS at Millar's Pha
macy. .
dec 4^


Jai^8S8 'and Austrian Fancy Linens ;

V *'

Trayerse City
State Bank

J ntpt-.

Special Holiday Rug Sale
Extraordinary Offerings

" h*

“ $16.95





tbe Job; apply at ChtoHcal works.j
five tollea west of Beodon. Mldu oo
tbe Pere Marquette railway. P. C'
dec S4f;


" ,L» >



■ - fe
ClK evening llecerd's ilp-t^Date TlUistrated Feature §|

Br KSV. m. n dotlc.

Jttiiar Iwaha. mm
fr«a tbr VOanh Cattfonta diatxtal, li
« pIcturMQar acwoa IR
r. Hr la a Otmaa ta
of Badaa. tat taa ta^l .


l%wi«<li *f lhr« l»«» hmm

wmi It
W WBitwfid at
ttatalBf* ftet te 4Mplr« af rbrM
inmld fwmwmhm' dir djrliiff ^orto aTj
am*r %UMm aiMl haotf tbn. 6aw% m |
fl prMMi tmiugt to
tBarrk Nor j
aar X avurM itet flM» wardB taro ’
tad i wMa mad tartlaf latamr aad
ttat ttar majr t«rfc v aaffal hMo.
rhrt^ apota arr« ClM dorliiK Ita
alx Am Ha dta on tta rrt»». Mat.
ttaw and Mark
r«*nl oar of

O Chrix ChUd. wh0 first taw the li^
As. naked in jonr fioscrtjr. yoa lay ^
Upon tKe nun|er bed of Belhlehem.

Look down on me tKis ChristmsLetidc. 1 prsy.

jeOUGB I hm sifto th*t others TtiiUy


CifU of the mind end flesh^l Would bespesk
Of you one |rester boon. I ralue not '
These eaLrthly tretsures. for my betri is blesL

•nrtod. aad wr aboold approarli ttalr |
with Ita taepoat n-rarroor ata
bomiaij aad «lrr thna Ita «1d«at
BiUtr ladaraco la oar ItTvo.
Tta Arst ward taactaa op CW0T» attltodr toward Hla fawmleo-^Fattar.
forclrr tten. for ttay koow not wtat
ftax do- Itaoa woeda wrrr wfK
to tta nurtaaa of Ctaiat, tta niajioaaa.
wtatad falaalj amawd Him: Ita i
atavt tta cfoao. wta frrUad Hloi. aad
tta Booaa aoMIrta. wlio woio patllsif
lllio to daalk. O) Ttar toadi ttat
<%rtat dM oof rrtara rotnltr with «o■Utr. Ha liatfd DOC ttaw wta tatad
Him. Xor ataold wa. Tbrra la do
plaoa Id ita OtafatiaD rall«ioo for ratallaUoD. VaoRMiicw talocio to Ood.
Wa taoDld taira ttaaa wta la|iira oa
ta Rim. (J» Ctalat forsara RIa anomlaa. Hla pmyar for ttam proraa 1
Cfcriatlaaa ataold foi#r. tbair
mlaa. Ttay ataold Iota ttam.
Ttia aacood word taa<;^ ctaliTa atlU.

IT’EN ols you Uy upon your nsUl col —
^ Unclad, unsheltered, destitute your lot —
Thus, cold and hungry, on my spirit’s couch
A be^par child lies, though men txe it not
P’EN as. forsaken, in GclKsemane
V Your heart sobbed out its first wild agony
Of ahattered (rust, in awful loneliness.
Thus docs my own. 0 Christ, cry out in me.
A fi> you who know, you (hat have felt the
^ pain
Soul isolation brings, you who have lain
In tortured ailence through the sleepless night
And faced the morning with a smile again,

I aar ooto ttaa today ahatt

CEND me one gift this festal day of thine A kindred spirit, so attuned to mine
That we may feast upon the food of love
And quench our thirst in understanding’s

worda warr apokan In aoawar to tta
pram of the dylof rapanunt tWaf.
Ttay gara to tUm aa i
into taavao. Tbla la tta attttiida of
Ckrtat toward all ataocra wta rvpaot
of tbair aloa asd oak Hla forftt
No mattar taw far wa may hara wan^
darad toiaaln. tbara la fargtrroaaa for
oa at tta foot of tta rroaa and
ODca of an aotnmra Into boareu.
Tta tbifd word tagciicB oa the attUnde
of rbita toward Hla moctar. In tala
dying taDor Bg did not iorgrt Hla motta.
«r. but omta prorlaloci for bar futiira
by iMvliig Imr In tta car« of John In
tbMo worda: -Womgn. bebold tby aoa:
taboM Iby nottar.- Thla kwaou noeda
to bo dooply Impraaood upon tta mlnda
of tta yoong pooplo of today. Mnny

a rwrtacm of San t'ruirlaco
Hr €
Stag* aa a
|.r«vrnw1nn and ha» apprarad with
of thr grrat AmrHian actura. I Lsbimm.
s,urntl> hr tlrr.1 of hlPtfionk* and
turnrd hta aitmtlon to tb» luar. at
.LxliU li hr ha» brtn vrn* g
iHspuUir and U not*
rsH .md trrm In omrrraa.
a ll« brt-\k.
Thr rltr plant roniiiliulw. nothin*
I himanufaclui^ of “ric«"
I Isar. tlr |min>i> but tio- name. -Rlrr"
talM-t uj: lK»-airht by thr rl.nimia
m. t ihaiilP of l-4:> l't and Turt»*y U
madr fn.iji only i-orfratly non irtromlngw of ilni-n ond na*otl\ roinre fmm
Kitall^b and Krrtu h li^lllN In rut*i*ianlltioi Ir, Kunii n and l-Yiinr-r.
Thr «>r!rbraioJ t'hln«H»r ri*-r paper ta
nuid.- from tldti wlltm i»f thv pttli from
I hr rami of a tree about five feet high.
A iih..n» Knlfr parm thr pith into rylliidt I. oT uniform thlrknfo*. a hU h ara
I hi It unrolhil and rnraata out Into ao
ittPiLl ‘ rii-r** txii'er.
I y ^Ihr * way. Ro'ptlan rigarallM
ron'jfki no y:r>ptUn totMu-co. for aimw
IhWt th<- tuIttvHtlon of thr tobatvo
plant ha*. In-rn. |.rohIbltrd.
1l Ip f ir
uoikm.tni.lil|. Qtid thr t uiing of thr bwf
t»i,it tilt fairs uru arr po Juolly cclrbratiei. but thr tolmrco thiy lin|iort
t u;n. r s-idH. ly from Turkt-y.




•ni. They glre tbom Ultk of tbMr
cocmmnlooahlp. ore dlaobfdlrnt and
dlmwMwctfnl and pot forth no effort to
make tbrtr doHlntng daya full of peoco
------ CTirtat did pot ao traot
HU motbor nor abould wo oo treot our
Tta fourth Mkd llffb wojda of tta
rmoa trocb ua ft l«aoo on tta oufforInga of Cbrlat. In the.fourth. “My
tlod. My Ood, why baat Thou foraaken
Mrr wo aee tbo full extent of HU
aoul Btiirortng. For a Umo God Him•.‘If. na Doodod to ta, waa bidden finm
Ifltu. Tbta waa the darkeat hour oo

ponlhle. Tta firth. *1 tblrat.*’ lUuo.
tnitea inirlat'a grt‘alfot idiyakwl tuffertug. He. bad ppfuoed tta rtnegar
mlugifd wUb myrrb boeauae It waa In­
tended to deoden HU pain, but now In
IIU groat pain lie did not refuiw tbo
vlpogar alone offered by the l.oman
•oldlera. ThU. however, would iiut alletiate IIU aufferlnga. He auffmil the
extremes agonleo on tta
oml all
na. Therefure we aliould lo^ c Him
and ta willing to aoffer for HIdt.
• Tta »lAlh and aorenth w^orda iMUcem
C'taUt’a death. Ita alxtb--It U flui latad--derUrea the compUilon of HU
llf^ wortr. Are we doing, aa He did,
tta work whieh G^d baa for up to do?
rke iwveoth, “F'ather. Into Thy banda
. I eommend My aplrlf* glvea up a
at Cbriat'a faith and aaauranco
tat tta fatare. Are we .m aaaured
ameornlikg our future? We ought to
bfv for we know neither tta day nor
Ita boar wbao we mnat face death.
laa. I, 18: Ex. xx. 12: Pa. xxllL 1-C:
Matt T, 44A8; rl. 12-15: xxvL 1W20:

Mr. Moody
> b»* Bible
at the Eftb I
tbia aenteoce: * lf God ta your partnw.
nu ke your pUua large.”
tairUtUn KadmiTor Impllea partnetahip with God, and CbrUtlan Endaaror caUa for idannliig on broafi tinea.
The tald of the aocleiy U Mm entire
We must not fem^ It U
and aay that lu efforta aball extend to
the memberablp of tta Indivldnnl
ehurch and no faitbar. Tta wpMX of

—waiim amssj


the light of tta World. The glory of
CTlirtatUn Endaax-or Ilea la tbU-lbat


portunfty; large pUoe plus portnerMilp
with God, and tta reault a glortoaa
^ultage and a bearenty Uaaaing. Jata

WL OtaDMCa ta Oortlaad Beta

Flwn paddiag waa orlgtoally ptam
porrMm. me -rswi tor br»kto«.

mrmiiad by Maui

I3y cathedral baa reoaaitly .
totmake an ODelnkabU ahip.


of tham art alato.





I^^^MWTp THt apwtllttll
rtotaap^tat Stick eMAMtcf
vraage or each aut «u toe potac nf a
An* abever and d|p Into ton mrtmp fo
na to cuat It tomrotafoy. Ttau lay
It oa a UghUr rila^ dlab .unto arid

Isfita. H# took the Mt vrito
\ af Me Mirnh.
» cS. vm will have U

tot I

ef toe alrir imlil*qb^Wolblig I
Mecwlng. 10:SO.
7:«t pi m.. ematag worab\pi
aeettag and evaagaiiafSe 1


TW f«»U UMlI W
tim OoA Who
mB Hamm,
-Allet Cr»rr

Umto «tf«.


QnaaiiMt tffiMorM to tlqr

• Umm to lav* Mid Umw HiaU

:- jr—,--.-.. :

: '^s“jxrrw*-':

«r tk* IK* akM.

A iflM
It >y*

liabb to pMfwne. The
ft proper ooptioto oT two roundo.
four and a half Beboo la dlanetop. nade or tiibk p|rfuned c
■no. ofter oil mjr gtfU wore conplot*
g coremd ] with; pab T
ed. one friend whom 1 erisbm to reid oQk orjtbe dortuM poi
menber. ftoye one writer, tad
•on. Tbeee thickly wadded dbcft are
feegotteu. There was mUe tb
together bolt emy round
fdoa oad l«M to
o gift 00 I went tad to the top or the uppermoftt b fttto tta pceoere* ^ooM. Wloetog o doo
a yeliow eilk cbryountbeninjn
or bir ftoeorfle fdboorTm vMdb I or Uie Ug criakly eort. wbkb can be
knew Ota woft
ftt aay nIOInery fttore. Mid­
oilf. wroppta tt In white eiepe poper. way or fta Bee Vrtlon oT t^ ngwr
tiod It witb ref tad green bibr ilb- djftf b atucbef a ftnoll loop cr «nk
tau tat enu b vifb ebrtanoo gmot* abd to the mfifi a tby ailk<eae
Ibgft. tad Ion one no gift vta
tta ed^ to be perfi
nore opne^fd.
am laid between the two. When tta
A wbl4 broon bolder b not 0 new opening b etoeed nad kept faetonef
Idta. bot'tta bolder b enloenUy until they are wanted.
taolid iomr
Mnudketcblef tag of RJbboo
Fbr 1W noklAg you will need twen- nad ODchet-taery wcHaan llkea a
dalaty reeepucb for her baadkertyvne bmn ilngo of nedlun ol
itaafk. Tbb one ke alwpb la the exOta opom 0f olbone omdbettati
ittale yet to ehMlagljr nltocUee and
•V tweiM «r
to nolnb.
, Croebet Un mgft and oc^w then oae bo Mido or nny color preTerted.
portloii la made of latb
together, olx for the top row. Bve for
the nett row. tour for tb* folkvlng. Hbbou foar lacbea wide ond to tbln
wu the croflbit top to aUaebed.
iS»aaooii. irinn Ollnrueewn^ogotbor. nnbe 0 o4n wItb the tbruod in To Make tbn toundatton cT tta caae.
toob ring eieept Oie outolde wr. cut a aquare of cardboard Ju»t big
to dltow oorertta witb tta rib­
Bew o plen of ^'ik to butefb oetoel
the loA4o>oii tbo bvvDB tb. Bun Hb bon tad betore corerlag lay over It a
perfumed wadding. When the
bon through tbo outolde ring*, put 0
bow of rtbboo on oocb comer tad one cardboard U eorered on both aidea
tta Hbbon long enough
bt the tatlen. ond Iran ueob ootner out a atrip
oew o ribbon with o bow ut the top to eatond mund aU ftar aidea after
the endft are jolnta. team the eoda
wfdi vblob to tang It
togetbtr iymly and neOtly. then oeertand one edge of«tba ribbon to the
POr the top of toe bag
Olio pmtir Igm tad u tomluuWe ond
ooorenleotiortlcle oboui the bone.
A bondg^iflb for.m tcoTdler and
one oaotly ^lade b a book of tourlob toe other by meana of double croebet
logo. Ten tag! ore fattened to a piece
if Inch. In tbift way
or decorated cardboard oad o poeug* forming a nartea if open aquarea.
role oord fohao the bnelL AbloUerb The drat row muri. of *eoaraa. be
looerted aett to the Cop cordboaid tor
tola toe ribbon Iterif. tta »ecconvenleacd in wrltliig and with twine ond itwr Into the font and ao on. the
added to ‘each tog the book b ready
wbkib aarvea aa a coo
nerttog Unk being caught Into toe

« %ml0i u
frtkMjb U itlMiovM au
111* dio #iHor:
o«Mi oC
«ni oof fboor. Ota «o Mlofo
oD lio6b o»0 tofoM #ttli fko opl^
ft 1^
tliM 00^ A lior
Wot to tor fctwy 1« «okt tW tfftt
oof fotoktlooicdto.
noO* Um «OtWo.
Durtot to* mob of tho toot tom of
Oroporotl— of* oro foHof lk*» «o|r
M foot
0M17 IsioriMi; wo oro
ortoo oofUr tiilfvoinlof to,.oontiaf
out ior 1^: VO nor te tofr^lfitl
lOot W 000 flTf 00 thr roMBbttooM
tp iHoofo; VO OMT ooM dr«UI tOo
omooo Ittoif to tinog 0 Hooo^ odgo
to4bo lobo tOot Uit jroor 000 OrngOt:
but vbol Iwifrf. vbol
Oft froo «v
lot our port In moklng U o fotftl
•00008 to of) vbooi V* moot?
A pietty Hub vnery bog b one of
•ttto wort to tbo foornlag oC oom
mt lofo Ado tv vbott 40J vltb bo^ ligbt given ooUa ^bbon nide to rep^^
itnpeiipod. Ttaeton bofvlre
pinooo.** •
Oortololf oU booo « good ftnpplx of
tbo boff or t^fb-vrittbd ond troo
Delb tor the
There wan a time when Ohriatmaa
But nalloft tike Une; tboT dOMooA
ft .npplx dt ftfmpoiltir ftid ihouibUul. dolb were eonaldmd appropriate
' beaft for otber*. ftud they lone their gms tor Utile gtilft oaly. Tbift year
virtue uileftft frofth ond froely glee®. everybody b Uabb to get pne of two
If VO oro li ggjgftr of Moblig the dolb la the CbrbUnaft atooklng: not
•eOftoo mo of boHot^^ fttrlTbig In netjewarilj of toe aUt-foiated aad
our gift moMm to outdo ooido one bbqoe face variety, but dalnlUy dmmeloe. or to poy book on obUgotloB- ed doUba. very aweet to look at and
tboro vm be no tlMO lor omlleo: the
mob Mf vwrloft vOl dfWi tbo gUd
A pretty Ifttto aaebet ptoenabtan b
ring lA Ibft b^ft. ud the fom will made of a dOII drce« In pnle Mae atlk
wear Hmo of oore.
and white tore and lU hand aewed In
Tike Une to keep the ftnlle ruody a blue aUk muff atnffed with wool,
to Aiftb out it eftch bumon toocb The OoU alia upon the dreaalng Ubie
B&ricb ooeb gift viU o double portion
boMft bar muA for toe plaa to be
of ftMlIee-vid tbon let poto nud etock la. Itolty makea a owruT
■oof vm lofteu tb# Wneft of grlot lito wiper wKb aatdiet powder, wrapped In
tMlfor flbiloo Ibr irtberk
cotton wool. atuffUd to bar oaqnatUab
Van la bo dogior of dupUeoUm cap. TtaptaaOpiraadoapAraMadd
0 game, ii
ttible to do vltb
tad and cream felt, one
tror gtftft. Out onnoo ore our own. aide bring rOne upon etvam color tad
.( i«U M«
MS ctaK««l» toe other craam upon roae. The rib>
Uc. «• *■>
nrilM Uk* ao oac tana are roe* tintai and the peawipet
Aw. K «» «ld. W»<«* ■**• <mr If nmde of two obtoag. piece* of frit
uAt» wM ••oOwr from awr l»i» »• cot to baU and tatobed wtM potota.
nwM. II* dew «U1 lIlvBlMte tb* Tta «olt‘a bund b tavad npoa tta loww
•ttl M »rri—>*mw. a* k* wy er ptoee*of Bit.
A unto Itaanaaa face peapa abovn
the tovnnder alto ribbtoi bag. tied tflib
ivfn^ ribtana. wboae ccatanU
non vfaddtog titod with vtolet
powtor. Vlalet aaebet powder
W ameU better la vIototdlAed
toat aa riov«- and new mowa
tttd dtta'WUeb bw l*M
t«iV* tlM IMV doAt bar. A wrtt*r bay eeama to give out more fragrance
la .* mMt SMiadM MU* Khat om rtan tucked to. a green aad white
tint born amr^bug dnt noaor cm
tbe ivm viluM tbot
tbog vMlve. )fbr IftM Cbrifttnoft Ob*

tied to a bag pf Ugbt green aaito ttanmad wttb itmattea nf ribbaa of the
119*0 oolor tad dtad wUb ctovar too*.
aoMnaabat Tha don doaa not rvgairt
a ptoca or alB Mote tbta flve Indbea
wMa and al^ Inctaa long totomkn
putoe a tnU bag. wblto a amaltor Mt
vorit* bind, oaf tvnbNrroC. toob^
green gmp* liny tbo biA mode Ob* of Milartil woald aorta galto aa writ
mag bMi «w tad of Making np
lltUe bdok Of o doom obuou of Mac
Piper In eMb vure urmiou to
ton. ADtal
• of an toe
fHmA Anovg ibe giBi veto Ibim wilb n lot of gva
gbiiod piigit m
>dw- abndaa of pink aOb. wtUi gman
IfitaA ^ gibpaa ato tota k a cto
nkiii^tvo bit>e fbTM ibd m bi


cbalna midway between tboae of toe
ling row. When a auficlent
r of cbaliii bare been crocheted
to make a depto of three Inchea. toe
top abould be ditidbad wkb a abell
border and a narrow ribbon thmaded
guftt briow to aenre aa a drawing
Btiing. In making bag* of toto aon
toe color aatoeted aboald be of toe
for toe dreas
!♦. la to be oaed with; Notolng U pret­
tier than one of cream while, the
crocheting bring of a darker ahade in
cream which la an effective plan.
BbJrt Wnlet Batten Bag—In thia
day of many nbtrt aralsu and many
attracUve nblri walat ptoa and button*
llUle bag ttat will keep them
_______ In readtoeaa for uae and auf
drieatiy nUracUve to be bung to toe
la quite eertldn to dnd n wricome. The very pretty lltile trifte
la itace tad bad tta origin
tn the clever brain if i Virginia girl.
The orlgHml ia white and yellow and
klny botterenpa.
but na kmg aa toe dowara bartnonlae
la color, they can be varied again and
ngnln. vouebuda beia^ uned with pink
violeu wito Invendfr. forget-mewola
wkb bine aad ao cml! In any enne toe
Ui.lle clrt6ea which Make toe tops of
the bag are of white llnea and it 1*
tola linen which la embroidered with

ea la diameter, each belag oorered
neatly with toe ribbof. The rtbboo for
tta aMen U two and a half Inobea wide
abould maaauri eieau Inebea
la laogtb. Eaob end idqulraa to be

ta^ fa two, tbaa fraed
Maat aad dried. At onmend nro al
wuya Bore to be found tbive *
aloaa foMStarly known aa tta
rnnri. Ttaat ugMbar with

tafloaatieri, Her. C. T. Steak rectar.

Cor. Waabtagtoa aai Park tuvite
Rev. 1. B. BtaaelL Pastor.

OU tta Arvt Sunday te tta teowto, then
at 11 :M a. m.
Morntag wervice and aarmoa. id:SO

Ohriatlaa Rudeaver. A:iO p m
•vuatag aervtoa.
JJ^M. a, fori Wudnaaday ta tot


he nuta. Stand ta a col
tt win harden quieki
wtaa very hard break trio
luiltie ea

above aerrtag aa eyea, toe one below
aa tta Mouth. Bound each eye
be diawn a white cireie and to the
of pure maple aymp.
caatur ef each Muat be attari
the sugar Into blia nnd put nil the inblaek aboe battoa. the ahaak
rr into n pan.
•dUy na it bona and
for tta parpoat and than tied Into
place.-The eye of tta eocoanut which when It win harden oa being dropped
fenan toe mouth muat be bored com Into Ice wnter.aUrlnngeoertnis qnnii
plririy out and dsipd wfto a plaee of tlty of black walnut menu broken Into
red doth cut In toe abape of a toague amaU biu. Pour Into a grenata pap
and made to protrude well. Tta bal) to tta depth of an Incb. nad when
cf twtae meat be placed In toe boOow cold break Into Irregular pieces. When
of tba toce and toe aad paaaed out the nuta are not added tu the mixture
the candy la excellent for the (
tbroudh tta Moutb and n aamll^ope
lag cut ta Urn tawgue. Tba baric
toe bead la then put Into plann and
mie cap of while mueHa edged wIto
agnr nllow halt n cup of strong
lace frin fonwn over the whole. T1
cold cuSne tad one cupfri ri awvri.
cep le pMaied at the top and la at­ cream. Bril the coffee and ungnr unUl
tached Arndy to tta bead by n
toey form a syrup.toen add tta c
of ftae wire paeead torougb two
and eonUnue holliag untn toa mixture
bored for toe purpoee. To to* top of hahrdena when dropped into Ice water
toe cap U aewad a taaml of brightly SUr ta a tcaapoowfal of butter and
h wril blaadad turn ah
olive oil.
whUe tbetc&lS fo #fodUy and t

I parfaeUy Arm.
To amke toe
coffee pulverlae a aufAclcnt quantity
to Ttrid two and a half heaping tablcapoonfula. Pot In to n coffee pot
over It one cupfpl of boiling
Chrtatmaa J^apkp rudge-rudge baa
become almoat a booacboM word, but water.
the aweelmeat can be. inverted InU
A Pretty CalamUr.
a holiday novelty by Introducing r
A act of picture post card* makes
of note wrltb ermoannt
The beat nuta for the purpom art pretty calendar, and at the aame time
pecaaa*tad BugUah iralnata. which U a souvenir of n place. I bought six
i. aaya a writer Ih Good Houaerequire to be aballed and
The oocoanut abould be pcrferily keeping, all different, taking care that
freab. ptalad tad cut Into tiny atrtpa. there abould be a good all
ti 1 found tont there ^
11 U nof pot^ tp ^ve the exact
quallly cf elltar toita or eocoanut. tor two montba of toe year on each
Burlng n small criendar. I
aa taatea vnry. but to get the beat
reaulU they aboard be In equal pto- armtod It. and after trimming the
lonvea I paated January nnd February
«ly need.
my Arat card, and ao on until the
good foundatloo nllow one and a half
otos were nil In Ibrir places. Then
to half
stnmg toe eardi on baby ribboa
a cupfnl of ereoa. Put bopi together
bring to a boll and toe premnt was
Cook unUl the ayrup.. aplna a hair very pretty ni
alae of a latg* Kbowed my friends out of town what
well inlxed beat un our town looked like.
Ul the mteture beglna to grain. 8Ur
in the Buia and eocoanut. turn Into
For toe Church Tret.]
greaaed pan and when it ia cool
In a mile town where the Sunday
yet not Arm. mark Into aquarea.
acboo) board could not afford to purthe mixture of nnU and eocoanut
chaae the fancy paper boxes for the
rot liked. eHber buttemuta or BngChrlatahsa candles, oae brUbt girt sug­
gested buying a aufAclent number of
are ofl« neatly
gaily colored paper uapkiua and a few
wrapped fa parafAne paper, and by
bolts of asam blading. The center* of
ia meant the candy la kept aoft.
the napkina were then AV«*
Molaaaea Candy-Meaaure one cup- candy the oornera caught together and
ful of Ugbt browi^gar and put In the toe seam btadtag tied around, the ef­
bla^ with two cupfula of New Or- fect being ftlmllar to a small round
olaaaro. a tcaapoonfii]
bag. Tta bright colors of the
and a tonp o' butter about napkin* and ribbons certainly were
oaetourth toe atae of an egg. BoU frretticr additiou to the Chriatm
t aOrring uaUl .the ayrup be- tree than the boxes would have been,
brittle wtan dropped Into Ice tad the entire expense was not quit
water. Thun pour In ahkllow.
one doltar.
gmaned paaa and let It atand until U
can be bandied comfortably, when toe,
For Safety PIfia.
delicate part of the proceaa beglna;
A gift which la very uaefut ia a hold­
» roe of a big book
er tor safety pins. It U made wbb
be candy,
candy.. To pro- three brass rlnga. each about two Inch­
on wbleb to bang toe
duce toe name raanha. each portion es In diameter, neatly covered with
should be wofbad by two people; one cloee crochet woto done ta allk. Of
ao boldtag toe banda aa to take the
place of tta book, tta other throwing la a lovely blue. These rings are aewcandy over them and poUtag it‘ ed to strips of Woe ribboa of varying
out.:bat taking enre never to twiat it.
lengtoa. one ring for each strip; toe
When too atlff
be worked fortlier free ends of toe ribbaa are gatoeied
str^ It vat ca a pastry board and
in a pretty biiw-knoh
break Into pieces.
Here ia aehance to dispose of tboae
PaaoQba—The awaatmeat la at toe

urad to toe main atrip aad a
lebyaaeeond row ofatiteb- beat whMUfoeaawutanta bc obtalaed.
eaeh size on tta ring ready for use.
tag half aa meb nearer tta folded
iugboliMriuSa.audk aa wab
without having to waH to quarrel with
ribbon between tbtae two
lab or black, butternuts, or
or three otoera that waal to come
net then be tatbered cloariy
ta aame time, aa Is ao often the
wt each adgv and ovarbtad two capfala of grated
caae when they are fold ta a tray.
to tta Ontaetaerad ctirian. “ ' oae cupful nf.
leavtag a fret apaea on each circla. and one of MUk. wito a level toaai
Wberu Traaa are i
fnl of buttar and one half plat of peof tta ribboa. Laaibr marrow ribboa
M tta gfanutatod •
eat tain two plaeaa jaacb tbroepnar. ta a pta and aUr MilU U 1
drier for a Gbriatmaa tree; toe ebBtara of a yard ta Mngkb. meat ba paaawere
told that Santa Clana would
.ngbUy brown. Tbaa add
ad tbrauBb tta onringa to uarre aa torn MUk. tta buttar and the 1
leorivs them In the roomy. tAddaab^utrtaga. aarii piece paaalng
aad boll ^ togkbar anU tba lowed bacben. where toey found Ibelr
igh both. . The eoda are dniabed
ptaned to toe rioeburitae. while
art forma what la knowa aa
wMb tatie bowa.
soft ball whan drappad ta cold wah
A Straw
Add tot nuts aad ad ruatll tta ayrv|^Si'«A
begtaa to thicken. Pour at oaea tauT paper draaaaa and Ibrir baada bad
dlpfi^ ta rri aealtag wax. The
^ aride uatll

8a^ Aobori and Bibla riaaa at

Soetal boura. aaeowd aad tourtb Wed-

Bvtataf aarvlee and aennon. 7:^ f

itTrSO. Sauti free.
All are welcoma to aU tta aarvioM

*^'we*k days and bolj days aa ap-

at Utta
• at A M
Rvenlog aermoa. 7:4iO p. m.
Ikdw maxa. C; high mass. 10:30; ves^
pers aad beuedlctloo. 7:M p m.
St. Francla Church—Corner Tenth
and Cast atreeU. Sunday—Low mass
as 7:M a. m.; high mass and aermoa
at iO:aO a. m.; vcapwa aad benedletloa at 7:1# p. m. Week daya-^Ser­
vices at 7:50 a, m.
Friends Church.
Ooipm gak aad Hflh atreeia.
Rev. Franklin Meroath. Rev. Mary
Moon Meredlto. paatora.
Meeting tor worahJp Sabhatb morn
tag. 10:10 a. m.
ool. 11:46 a. m.: John


A cordial wriooma to tbaaa

Chureh of Christ (Olscipiea.)
J. AUen Canby. mlnlatrr.
Sunday. 0:3o a. m.. qok-i hour.
Sunday. 10:30 a. m.. morning wor
hip. aerimio.
Sunday. 12 m.. Sunday arbool.
Sunday. 2:20 p. m . Junior C K.
Sunday. 6:30 p. m,. Intermediate C
; : senior C. B.
Sunday. 7 p. m.. erangell*llc *errlce
Tii«Klay. 7:30
and fourth wfM-k iXirca*
Wednoaday. 7: 3o p. m . every 0r»t
week of mouth C. W. B. M meeta
Thursday. 7:30 p. m.. union mid
week prayer meeting.
Friday. 7:30 p. m. Sunday school
teachers* meeting.
[•Icome to worship with tta ar­
at rangers, workingmen and the poor
Cor. Nlato aad Wadaworto 1
Rev. R. N. Uriaaple. Pnrior.
10:60 a. m, Moratag claaa ■
10:26 a* m*. moratag worth!
»n**r mM.


7:*e. evenia« «M|at awTioc.
Cborua choir maria for n
Thuraday at 4:60 p. m. ta tM cteuob
Midweek prajrvr Mtattag Tbriviay

I (Tiiirrh of rAiim—g«Tmon 1«:36.
a. m . The Vine and the ilranrtie*:**
i vangi Uatlc service 7. **On IMiat Are*
You Building?* ChrlMUin Endeavor
rally. S;30.
Cuahlone for Cvaryone.
Pincufthlooa arc always -bandy*' and
make aoccplable gifu. for one never
can have too many. A pretty and
dainty cusbioo seen tn a shop the oth­
er Aay was long and narrow, bordered
with a pale blue frijU and oewtiy pin­
ned on the top with colored ptaa was
a atrip of daloiy drawn tbroad work,
the threads being caught together
with pale pink cotton.
Another cuahUm aecw on the aame
table wa* amall and square, covered
with aml^r satin, ornameiited with
bow* worked ta heliotrope and white
silk A little box platted border of
heliotrope and white ribbon AnUhe*}
exqolsHe Utile gift, wbiefa wa*
«*ffectlve and nicely pnt together.
water-Uly cnsblon may be formed
by stiffened while arita petals earding a amatl ewter of yHlow allk.
tied aroopd af tta bane with gWea
yellow c<-nter nbould be
wen stvfM ta order to bold toe ploa.
Of oon^. tbl* cuablon does not
recommend Itaelf fr»r every day nae,
but It la a novelty nerertheleea. and
One other coshton. round nad fat
was made of shaded mauve velvet;
tta dalaty lace dolly plaaed over Itwas circular In form.
To make a really tiaefo] and pretty
plneushioa take 1

r. Ueaaas tfocblta. pastor.
Church pbooe No, 1166.
Our cburtAt 4s a tame for wurablp
and eervice. U you have ao ebureh
borne ta Traverie CKy, you are
natty tavHad fo come, gri aeqaa
fooadatlon for toe cnahl
ptaoe of cardboard about six inebea ta
vr,walt dfameter. and make a skirt of Agured
allk for tta doll that will Al about
te tta toe edgns of tta circular piece of card*
board; sew aeeurely. and Itaa All this
shirt with aawdaat. Pri ta tta doll
np to lu waist aad bring tta gatbernd
•Age around tta walat. aewtag It tfabtly. TMa ataffed skirt forma tta ptacusbloD. The body and bead of tta
doU may be dressed aa tanelful aa
yaaible A ebarmtag cuabioa of this



Moratag aarvloe.1^ .


Oor tatti* cfr: Kbia«’, Urn to Ml-

Bandar toornta* tM*ton In
Joalor C. E.. 3 p. m.
r C. E. 6:45 p. m.
Ooapel meeting. 7
Itag Tuesday evening
7 p. mPrayer tneetiim. 7:30 p. m.
Lnttor Dya BalnU (Reeryniito**.)
Preaching oo Sabbath both morning
and evening.
I ■;») «. ni . Rrllp,^Ut.TaiT noclriy.
AH are cordfaliy Invited and
corned to our a*-rvlcea.
m, Borlil
! Jl:li a. m.. Bunaar
Aabury M. E. Cbwrrii.
Preaching by Elder W.
Rev. W. H. Irwlp. pafetor.
i). imu of South Ikwrilman. All are
welwime Ui attend tbi- iwrirq*.
at 12 m.
Epworth league. €:3A p. m.
Church gravltlaa.
Bvmlog aerrice at 7:00 p. m.



L*4ln- UbniT 1»D«at.
Street, aear Oaaa atraat. Captala and
Mr*. Buuter* ta obarge. Pablie meallag* every nlgbt except Moadaj. Sun­
day. 11 a. in . boliusaa maeitag.


Qreehaway'a babies, aad Mmtber waa
a tittle genttewoMaa of bbaat tta year
1S46. wHb tar tee* maaCla aad sky-


Jaliid Mooi^
Snfered TwaW Yean Wrtb Indicealkm
-- A

Chocolate Bonbm
Cb ttmc. cm. plM»e mf.

>1 near lUfap /

gbi ftt tb#


M of»e« gm FOU •AL«—1
lKN»e. liirire lot, *L

WAfiTtO-«l#igb for llgbt d«tt«»7

ItAirro-Totf toM firMi

wk • tgMUMj. FMte t>7b
4fMA «ttmFmt 4L abn u»

CMa. pbOM »4 v« wm «o Cb«

gwig wi^fUkt ftHr. ■H
ttMMA BMr.
o«i I
I HAVl w the irinao, good na Raw.
that I wni aaU at a bargala. Oall

At Cba Maoa^ lie & Tttmc. aad aee
bOM aadfatMll fartkglara. 1.0.
nor M

by alaatfteicy: Rood to
la a tea plaaa af UM


heanb. Addtam J. J. Rartek,


WI NAVC hft(d«mr«
UgM AM mr FMltm Moflk and

8WBBT CRBAM. large or amall
la quaatttlaa. daHramd to aay part of
mUlloa fern
ImSTwomT'^^* cHy. Qiteca City Dairy Co. Oti.
lock aad mao ia Bkiasaa; llrery phone §79.
^ 2041
term fallr aqtitppad la Trarerae
Cltr. We bare R. E. aad aaw mini
alao a frw cbolee locatlbaa la eco
tral portloa of Trarerae Oty. We
bave gold aad ailrer ntaei la tbe
greateet mlafag dlatrlcl hi the world
—tbe Odd Pldd tHitrict. Herada.

andb^ boteU. aU ftmuy.

if Ibr aale
anywhere you
waat It Bat we bare noth
Dthlng w<
you that will equal the
Grand Timrerra
iteraa tegkm for aafe.
rare proaufala lotfaUnent. either to
purchaser or ai aaenrlty for loan.
We always bare a gUt edged sc-

917 Union Street. Trarerae City
Mich.. OU. phone 1219. CaU its
by^pbo^..o«. u b*. d.««
• pay the frdgbt.
FOR RALt OR RlNT-4iooae oa Caaa
•treet, near Twelflh atrtipt, <
rooam aad famana; aaw. Rbai
' A Hantar.
aor 194f

aofT-tf FOR


rOR tALC-148b-Oood new aetea
rano bmiM. Hb atraat. cioaa to

SS.-fSTitS..'^' •“
StSSSrO« tAtl-Two hir robM. two dellr.
ery M«lu. I BUapna eoMpoUait
«•!,. B. C.- I^ewto.

imtt of ftb .treet.


Price ‘tlMo!

117 UnbNi St, au.

HOUSE FOR RENT—Dr. Qauntlett.
HOUSE TO RENT-Cbeap. comer
OaiSeld and State. Inquire P^Q
dec €4f
HOUSE TO RENT or aelL Dr. Moon.
nor 3047
One aulte of Ihi


rOR tALt-14«0-nn«
. comer
of Boyd aad Float; S
botee; eaay taran; price |1200.
Wade Broa.. tlT Caioo itraat, ata.

Arc Your GrtlfcttoBS Slow
■SfefMI SOOSBRtS test

You Hare Gireu Up?
If jm luTe, kt ne colkcl
them for y«L
OU aoe^to nmmptly attnded
tosodleuimJce mooeyforyon

A. Pohoral

dty; Bctenty

rOR tALt—A combtnatloQ wood or
hot bUat oaal atove In flret cUm
coadltioa: worth UO; |io caih takti
It. Oao. Oabom. S44 8Utc 8t. CIt


FOR RENT—134 Lake Am.
141 B. Btfbth »treeC

»utr ecre tarn it


240 WaahiiiEtoii.




I have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, I wHi
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any­
body die. I have -farms
which are located frt>m four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.


ARBLM rOR tALW bate aome
cbolee aMdea la barreU for gale:

ra. B. J.
not tUf

Farms Ibr Sale

» city, Mich.. Sept 10, 1909.
oma. 029
I hare placed a aun
aor 3tKlf with A. Foborar. ar
tea. amay of them long ouUawed; but
jaat tbe aame Mr. Poboral brought the
dtUaqaente to tima aad prompt peS
Dr. B. U AahtoS. 1

i Taste of These is Sure
to Please
Hised ami
ths other
.... 12c

FOR tALt-Uaghty acre farm
ml lea wcat Norrtirille; four mtlaa
poat wrtee Tratam



ia.gO0. Wada Broa. S17
street, atx. phone 1219.


Iwgp in the i

SWEET, cir

FOR tAt.*-14T*-Fw<y
quarter mUe eeit of.llayteld:
of, Ma
alreet. CIU. phooe 1219.
FOB RAVl-14T9-nnt new tan room
boaa% anmer tot. oomar of Union
aad 14th atraala.; wUl taka 91.000
la goad talaa. traa and daar d an
comhrancea Traterse City protec*
tire. Caab prkw 92,900.
Bma, 917 Unkm atmet, Clla. ptema


^ 8ir,
FOR RALR-HTS-One bundrad and
maty acre farm alx mDaa Ham Hty.


(bia’tSi'! ‘sST’ Mb.'^b^M

; SZ' Alte ^ ‘'dl^d^ifc

nay. per tit...6c

Tta tow alAt teto to Ttota * ^
et Ho«k. sitoa ta too Haotoboto
M ta bar* taw a taaaetat aacIta oalT trwbla aaa that the
v*plaradootat«a,a.aadrttowd to slHr Os lw«w. laartoc tbna
aaUwttataar«taalhtotaK.U>chU7 than mia too or Uuaa taod vhiatSeru la the party aad by tboir aid the
lU wmm daaced oat-Freaqae tele
Tbe IbmRy of C. H. lUtteews of
this wlUiige -weighed to* Tbaradny
liag before mtlag Tbaakagirlag
SInaer. aad tbe four members of tbe
fuafly tipped the beam mt 1.927
ids. the daaghter. Mru. Ida Hale,
rlbattag 422 poaads toward the

aonaeod that the tunona EHo* Twtteh patfoi. ef DMioB. wbldi won the
graad prtra at Deaver. ba. agreed to
attead la a body. The big day of the
parade wiU be held. Brary ’e»ortw«
be made to oatdo all prevlou. parades
aad a Mg meaagerte has alrrady been
proaMeed. There are IhlrtynU lodgee

aKwtbly. It I. said that at leaM thirty
of the tblrtywls lodRM wUl attend
la a body. Locany. a doraa csaamlt-

ber of extraordinary featwaa. The
ranmads will be asked for a onwtare
roond4rtp rale.
Under a recent deeUkm of Uc
for Fred, who weigh, bat IIP poaad., MIebigaa rapreme court. Attorney
the other three woold aTarage ap fbIK Oeawal Bird baa rated that jcnatmeu
under which state primer, are tmt/ wetr-Paaterater Neera.
One of the teooben now eamteya
r be contlaaed
pboaograph 1a hi. atteiapi to show
odeau bow met to Mag wrong. Oae oBly eo tang a. there aie oonvtete si
record, for Instaace. ihows bow Cnraee ready skilled la thoee tradee. It being
lied hU C three yeers ago, and held Dlegal to teach mechanical trmdei.
hU Improvement In' reaching It now. la prim. This decision sad ruling
It ha. been Impoealble to obutn Caru- will bring tbe qoeetkio of private
k>'b police ooact -record.’*—Ann Arbor wortf for primooni before the sUte
leglalatnre* this winter In acute form
Governor Warner aad State Tree*- Tbe maaufacture of gardes tools lx
rer OtaMer eboold Telallale now by exempted from the rallng becnuai- the
asking ChaHle KlmBMrte a few qaea- chief MioldgaB supply eome. from oftt
tloni about the two deer he U alleged Mdo this state.
to b«ve rfioL-Bentoo Harbor NewaFire
Unooln J StHTen. .pent only a few
boars in DetroiL U be was looklag Birmingham Fire Insurance
earthquake and
for a model clD. U may be that he be> satisSed that be had Mmck the

Rear Admiral Peter
8. K. retlred;dl9d Thuraday of heart
aeaae. He was §9 ydam of age.
John Harm Rhodea. president of
the Greenwich Seringa hnnk. of New
York, died yerierdar. age «9 years.
Three notebooks, which formerly beaged to ShcMry. the poet, cootainlog autograph manuscript, were sold j
at Sotheby’s ThurMtey for $16,000.
May Hartlck. an oM-tlme opera sing­
er. who married an ItalUn nobleman,
the Marquis de Fro. got a vi
for 14.000 damages ag
the Metropolitan Street Rattway company of New Y'ork.
The death aentence of Jesse and MU
ton Rawlins have been commuted to
life Imprisonment. J. G. Rawlins,
father of Jesse and Milton Rawlins,
together with AU Moore, was executed
on Tuf^y last for the same crime,
the mdWSer of Winie and Carrie Carter
in July, 1906.
A party ori2^nsnrgeni^dera who
had gather^ at Puerta rtaU and who
were on thilr way to Lablga. were at­
tacked by tbe government forces. PerIco La Salla was killed and the rest
of the party arrested.
Springfield. Maas., has elected a
workingman s mayor. WlllUm K. Sanderson. Mayor-elect Sanderson is a
• boss’* In the yards of the Mam com­
pany. cat; manufacturers.
He has
worked for day wages all hU Ufe.
Railroad traffic throughout Iowa, the
Dakotas and mthera MtnneaoU was
considerably demoralised Thuraday on
of rain and snow.
Charles Manners, the opera alnger.
Is credited with being one OMhe finest
amateur mininera living. . HU creationa are aald to be equal to eome of
the beat Part, models
•State dinner. In boaor of the presi­
dent and Mrs. Rooaatelt wW begin
Dec. 19 with Vice Prealdent and Mra.
Falrbanka as boat and boateca. Tbe
cabinet mlnUtera aad their wive, will
follow In entertaining.
Tbe Uteri acquUUloa of the lmper>
tal Opera boaae of Vienna U a foramr
chimney aweep naaMd BUnate. Be

ncy of a rich curiomer at Stuttgart
aad hU voice attmeted the attention
of tbe boose owaer. who caurad It to
be trained.
Senator PeUns. the oldeat member
of oongreas. wbd was not weO at the
clow of lari Reason, was oae of the
first to mrrtre ea the opealag day at
k. to hU pet
phfmaa of triltag hte.
I* bood-to be a Bood on« It
to his advaneod yaarm
So few joba-io to
dam BW tt U nbtWV; tat H vtU ib Watelagtba
that Utea baa U amllahte
jta atrutace to m to eitar « in It U anantad htkr oE. Ooloaal
aUtonee, H ttar W te«a «0M bo- HiO. tor yearTh dteocfktie ma
tbe capltol. died lari summer aad left
•m Sir Btala eototo fe
Wo a daiaoeratic vacancy worth 9L999 a
yteR -RpectolmbadeaR9r”latheUl!e:
hot thare arm no mam
liactato* tt iaMdfriy h iifitar of drawiag pay.
I and pooHrr to aaibo Ibe bMd Nlae caafiteatra are U the ReU trhm


voun cHtuaTMAt


•latoBi Mata Uuy.




wiMcij ■

Beaator Depew called upon the prew
Idem to pay his reapecta the other
aroralng. Mr. Rooaevent said polite^
ly: -Senator, you appear to drink fronj
the Pierian aprlng of perpetual youth.7
-Ah." said Depi'w. raUing a waroi
IV Pope b/finger, “as I
says nothing about the spring beln^
perpetual, but anyhow we ve got that
prlng up in Pe<>k*k\\\r *lf you bavc,
said another senator In a hoarse aside.
-I’ll bet you’ve got a bunch of aiocK
in the explMtUg comp
given to you fot serving as a director.
wssim *r missis.
An offielal report of tbi* stale of ini>
noU U to tlje clTw-t that tbe pnidi^
tlon of mineral wealth In that stale
Ust .rear aggregated a total of fT.T.
MW.noo. of wlileh ICO.r^l.tKio SSB ^-osl
Clay n^iinm and Iluie»t»ue i-ome nejxl
to cosl In Importance. Tbe iK^uduetlp.
of Portland itmeut. wbb li has
one of the most lm|x»rtaiit fariom |U
ImlKIlng. U ln.Tciu.iug.
lu the l^ai
twenty-five yescH the prodncllon ' ol
eo.1 ta Illii>oU has IncnweeJ 5M» fKi
If the same rale of io.Trtiw
for suotber
lX*i.000.UVt short
ductloo In the I
creased 113 per <
vew a;;^
Is the

Alum. AbiuS 10. ISOS



. 4

. DtarStra^-**! tew BoflVrad merv tten tvanty ;«ra fron Inda
gtatlHk About vi^ttan iDontlM a(01 had crown M'moclMroiM tiM
I wok not de«t a crust of com brow! tad eotdd not tvtain UTttiiJ
onmyotoniKh. Mr bout would boot 00 fMt 1 oouU not iloop. «l
ttota I would nknota dmw douMo wits taJn in thoKlt of «y •tooto “
1 iota tw«>tr-fttv pounds; In fact I
up my mtod that I tauM I
livo but n tawt tota. wtton a frtud of ndM rocooxiwndod Ko
OyopopdnCuiv. IcootanfadtotrylttoploMehim«adrw»botUrll
onodoy. I nowwtaikinorithtalovofdidtamy WiMdbmWbtafar
botathtfauiforinonyyoxro. Kodoldidit I ktapn bottk ooi»Unt)ft
•ad wftfa ttdt bepinc Utot bumuiity wflljlN beoofifad.’*



I^odol for Dyspepsia


You «ni m cur hometa ou (hb
boot oppointod team* aod tom.
ouU You will DotiM it* ttyb
and^batitoeUoffa horoe bettor
tbM> oome other make*. 1( too
ezamine it cloaely yoo wiU ^
bow carefolly it u fiabbed and
mooDtisd, and if yon aak the owb’era llioy will tell you of ita atroBgt|i
and dnrahilily.
We carry a oompleto line of

lioita fnmbbinn tr«b.

(^ees City Implemest Co. •
1»E. Front 8k
Cik phone 751
BeU phone 102

One of the OHHtl |ie«-uUar thlngb In
the whole history of signs 1. the fiet.
tlist While all other sho|ik«s |K-ni wera
|iafrt>ri«ing the embryo painters. Ibe
tohaetsiuist always ealhti U|>ou the
wood <Trrer.on the ronliueut as wHI
AS In * 7hjgliind.
As long ago as
Klizabelh’s reign the wocslcn Ju.sp* of
the Blai'k Hoy was the favorite sign
oC the loUntx-o dralera. laiter ihe i u«tomaiT sign was the inghhmder. or a
figure of Fir Walter Italeigh.
In ITolIaud. for some strange r**atu»n.

Tlie underlying reasuu why m> moeh
timi ususllv elapses jbeCwem tl*e fillnt
of petition and Ibe brartag or trial is
dlvenv proeeedings m not ^reneratlk.
UiMlerslood.- remarked a Uwyrr wh|
makes a
Ulty of thU tharartfr oC
piwrih-c. -Perheps H Is wllhbi Ihe ell®
ele «of troth to say that In a luOodtf
of c-nses If em»er huslMifid or wl(#
w^Irhever side he plaintiff. shoulE
•stop. kok. and listen.' as It were, tht
trwi?ilc would he adiqsted out of eoqrt
rat Indy.
-As a role jodgea are lorMned to sf-

eienl Black Boy.

the suit.’

rbe pm
has ta

hrtroght to the lA>ndon aoologlral gardras from Afrim. It baa a ahaggy
coat, irt bUck ta color, with the lialr
hangiag over t|»a hand, like toJt^
The brad la qnlta baldi, and ft. ataefe
somewhat afemrmal for thla rmc^ it
rccrirea Ita cnrtooa name from the roetiltar fiuttnral aoond It makra. Tha
Mine alffnlfiea -the anlisAl ’ that


The Star of Hope
Your Cross Eyes
Can Be Cured.

sow aqppUedVlIh ^ wAlritatat packet
triepbone. the Invantion of an aaftMET aamad Briniett. and wife a littia

Can Ba Stralghtanad

n can bL reatored If you weau our apa
ud imMIc oSota. tbepo<aM
iwtraawot If ttaO t^totabUfh


to tbe Icorrecllon
Ubna la the refrartJrc media, off the circa,
y succqaaaa In T
Print With Pride to o
others had pronounced

413-414 Vllbclm Ba.'






detegatsooa. An afa
ad Wba tffeMteaCa wactey as 9U99

wrnmmft "$tt tfUhr lambHafa



yrk Core


Kedol (or Dyopopofa U tho onlj difwfaat or «
dlfoounto Itita vriU dicest aU clta*es of food. In'^ition to thU fac^
It conUint, in utimilative foim. tho croatota known tonic and raeoni
•MSto preportios. AU other di(ootaato. and dyi
Uckinf in laoonatruetiv^
dicata certain cUaota of food only, and are Uckirtf
Kodot far Dyapopaia b prepand at tba laboratory of E.
DoWtt & Co., ChMBo. and b adid by badinr dninbta •ntymimai

Qeiieral Hews I

dta wlth^Sw *“*T*ir n^i^r

Joapi SMifk

CwnmMott tt 0mgjH











WiiilUinrMB Qom



Hmaar taya Tbot'Ma ¥9U Fall Oat

Waa Known TWIrtar Jmnpad Baan


Blll'aiid Tbm» Oava tha Bharilf
the Blha


alaa. Oat Zl^aiibari oC tba
ia) atblaOe ooauaittaa oa tba
fttar waMir Mpit Mrtef m«ii board or oraiaaara aald paatacday that
in all pfObahlUty a rocowaadatloe
MMMfr U» ia IWnplwg Ea
nnW Amndan^iaW»
frooi oonpaUtlo
atblatle aporu
A atatamaat Biada by Praaldaoi
Hmt Y«rK Ok.
W todl*
▼MfM WgM la earacK* Tkaradajr at Blot that tba aalaeralty woold aot ba
la aay way If thara waa ao
tW aMrtH aaaaal ahov of tha AatommbO0 d|ib or Aamka la Ua Oraad aaeh a tblag aa Intaroollaglata atblat.
Ooattml PaJaoa.
Tha pmretM9m at tAa aock4r ala^ oa tba actioa of tba oommUtac.
mmt vara aot aaUraljr contaad to It haa baaa gaoaiaUy uadaratoi
football haa baaa oa proballoa at Har1 tjrpaa oT asall raa^ Tard this yaar It la uodaratood that
this aport will aot ba apacUlly touched


New York, D^E-*«nbe- Wad
deh. who
beea dolag the cot
Waa Thraubh

( In the role of a bar
r. had aa exciting axlechn. Pn.. Thursday.

It Is a aartou oSaoM In thaoptolofi
of tha boGrd of redaw of the NbU^oal
Trottlag aaaociatloo aa azpraaaad at a

wirier with forgattlng to pay a hoaid

ltaB%-a JBRA4 BaM, TMa. tBM]

Uoa. On«k( u4 osti. tSU^SSi


cT May inoiKrtj holden alio
bad bnaUe
thMiaDiarty iMaaaa ofaaiai.
Itoat bay ptapeity aatil you
have a«md aa ABSTSAOT OF
My abataoto are latiable aad

O. O. IWlofTann,



Beauty Pariors.

J. N. Martinek



httna, SkU^

As Exscutor or Trwstse under
wilts s truK ^pany ia advanUgemm. becaU of lU apacW

akin. eeaata^ vlUganoo. peraM gaad
It coats no Kara

M«k* yovMieelioo culy.



"Rube ’ however, had ao daaiiw |n
nsUtm to Berwick and . on the pretext
of arranging hU loOeL the consUhle
permitted him to go to his room. Bttt
Instead "Rube" left the hotel by a aide
door. Jumped Into an automobile and
» good his eacapa. The consuble



k Swto

la riprsssals J tj tbebotOmn of tho pin
whUe tho aky la tbo nppar crwiL IWa
ctods are ttko riothK which tho maid
-#ho Is daybteak-ls haaglag on tho
Una before the klngtiroim Is qp. The
money which the *%lng connto jx hla
conatmg hooot" are the anabeaao

ends the ao««. Is the annort or
end of day. The moon and moonbeams
are lepreoentod by the qtM«n aad her
Tba qoeetloB came op during the
•y. aad thas wo here tha whole
hearing of the ease of the Umers at a
day amply aemntad fur.
210 Stata Bank BuOdiag.
race U Tortt, Pa. thU fall. In this
race the liorae King Pin went the mile
heart and hand
Hip plen had come too late.
la t:lt, while tba timers oredJtad him
It's ever thus with people without
with harliig dona the dlataaea In
and. vim.
aad saylBg be woold capture the baseS:ll\4 or 2:11%.
vkj ba boagM aacb a km govarad.
Take Rocky Mountain Tea. dont get
Oaa of the Umars waa praaaat aad baa maa Uter.
MaaU oar ba «aa loM that It vaa fbr
left agmln.
that It
aaa oa bW aaaauy aatau oe Long
HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOthat had caused the change of the
lalaad. Ha vaa oT tba optaloa that by
horse's time. He recognised now. be
lU aaa ba ooold aaod to Iba naarby
said, that altboogh the practice of
chaaglaf times was In rogue through­
ba ooold by tba old
All Athletics of School Will Be Under
out tha aouthera PennsylranU tracks.
CKttrol of Board of Msinagere, ef
with the
Oaa. Oaorpa Moora Smith oT tba A.
Faculty and Studsnta.
C. A. abow eommtttaa aaptaaaad him- They Oppoaa th* Four^own fluic But
Want Two Foraiard Paaaaa In
(Formerly Of Chio.^0)
**Whlle we reaenre onr declskm until
mU aa astramely waU aattellad with
Umi abow to data aad aald that ap to
we meet In executlre seeatonr saH Herman Will Be the Bhort-Endar In
On# Scrtmmagt.
Room 6. First NaUonal Bank Building.
Mr. Johnaon. "yet I must tall yon that
Wadaaaday alfbt. Ua laUat &ia for
tha Batting But Hss Oaod Baac
A meeting of the Traverse City High (Over Mlllken's Store. Phone 8U-3.
ThU U a serious offense and we penal­
wbleh ha bad raealtad raporta from i
Ing Among
school Athletic assoclstkm was held
CItx.) '
tha boi ofboa,- fha paid attandaocaj somo Idea of the changa. that may ize others like It wbenerer we can get
at the school building last evening
Hslrdressing. Marcel Waving. Sham­
woold ba about 10 par eaat greater
football code befora an opportunity. We hare penaHsed
and the subject of a new consUtuUoo
tlma lor tha
may bargained from them so for twenty years.* They mur*
Tonopsh. Nev.. Dec. «.~-Eoforc the was brought up. Mr Nye auted that pooing, Dying. Bleaching. Slngelpg.
aay of tba dab's prairkms shows.
tha soggesUons made at the ametlng be suppressed, for they constitute
end of the week Tonopsh promises to there were so many things the msUer Manicuring. Pedicuring.
' Oaaarml Smith also aald that be has of the Hlddle Atlantic football com- grlerous Injury to the turf."
be the daffiest town that ever was. with the old consUtuUoD that It would Hand and Arm Massage. Electric.
The appeal of A . U Thomas, s
haaid woUlng hut fwUiaalaallc re- K
PehUsdelphU on the
Herman's dslly work hss started the
pons from tha aahfbitors and that he
Kary gama. owner.wss heard. He was expelled local sports going and Thursday ni^t be much easier to draw up a new one Vlfro and Water Massage. Scalp
? waa hiny oonriacad that tha plan
were In attendance by the trotting %s«ocUtloo for refus^ Gans got Into action and there Is no than to try to correct the old one. He Treniment. BBedrolysls.
boMIhg tha .how In the aarty pan of
camp. Prof. Ilennls. Joha lag to surt in the third heat of the tcUlag Just where the present enthu­ then presented to the members the
Uptodate MetbodA and Modem ap
Deormhar instaad of In January was Campbell. Carl Williams. Kul Dsshlel. 2:09 trot on 8ept. 12 last at the sute siasm over the flgbUng game will end. form of s constitution that in his pllance. nsed.
Judgment wonld suit the needs of the
the right one. Hsny of the heads of
„ corbln. all' tcW at Syracuse, N. Y. A formal
There U nothlag hut fight ulk to be school.
Hair goods and toilet requisites for

. factories had tdd him that they bad
football. The apology from Mr. Thomas to the rsri- heard. T few weaka back It was all
The first Important change over the sale.
wwer done so much buslnemi with
,^thertng discussed the rules, ons parties eoncomed was put In erl- slocks, but now It's all fight. From
old one was in regard to member
All questions concerning the Hair.
agaau before la ao short a-lime and'^^
Middle Atlantic committee dethe present outlook there will be little Formerly pnly members pf the High
The board of rerlew closed Us
Scalp. Psce. Hands and Feet cheer­
Uint raporta of
^ided to send to the general football
surprise If the coming contest V
Uglnntng to awarm into the offlees of eommittee the following suggestions: slons Thursday and finally disposed of marked by some of tha biggest betting school members but under fully answered personally or hy mail
the new laws a pupil In any public
tha dhow coasmlttas.
, Hfieen-ysrd penally be sab the cases of several persons connected ever known In the ring's history. Her­
school in the city is cJIgible to mem when accompanied by a self addressed
Tha acaae ouUldt Uie building Is at
the loss of the ball when with the Memphis gold cup Incident
man will bo short-ender,
sUmped envelope.
« lnApfadUag oba. aapaddly after dark. . forward psas hits the ground.
It look up tho temporary reluytate- ^
tbst several of the 61g mining
A Imard of managers is to !>c elect
• •
Dec. 4 6t.
HiadraiU of demoostratlag cars are
A majority farored The abolition of ment of George Spear.^ the drirer.l operators here are going to go down
after his expulsion several years ago. the line on him. and all becaur.e of the od which win be composed of two of
the faculty and three students. This
and expelled Spear under rule 15. sec­
Ing he made alnco he started board will have charge of the sched
tion 2. relsUve to the "doping" of training.
ullng of gamcM. of lobking after
whUh hava baaa used to bring their did not crpaa the line of i
horses. This case was brought before
Herman covered his reguUr outline
owners to visit the show, flome of
the board on behalf of ^he National of work Thursday, spending an hoar grounds and properly of | the aasoelaOpposed toJneroi
dtlon and have charge'of all tho
the demonstrating cars hsre even of downs in ten yard
Trotting association on account of
the g>‘mnaslum during the after­
Mnore startling color schemes thsn the
That linemen Ijc given the prlvjlege Spear's connection with the Smathvrs noon. He then took Trainer Ryan on
The election of officers !;»'ill be
cars on exhibition In the >u«ldliii. but of exchanging with the backs, ^jrovld- Lou DIllon-MaJor Delraar incident si for four rounds, which made things
the pslm for nnususl flnlshfhg Is most ed that such s shift will not produce Memphis. Tlie board also expelled, worth while for-the big crowd tbst two weeks l>cfore school closes which
fleers will hold office for one year.
generally awarded to a big Frayer- lam pisys.
under rule 15. Ed Saunders, the filled tho hall.
The charges for admission to the
MlUer. which has a aort of barberThe sbollUon of the rule prohlhUlng suble attendant, who In an affidavit
Msnsger Nste LewU decided that
pole effect atriping along the top of tsckllng below tho ki
presented in the Smstbers case, stated there shall be a "ladlew’ day" at the school games for students will be
Did yon ever think you
three-fifths the regular chhrge.
Thsl the five men on tho kfde line that he had administered "dope" to Herman camp. Yesterday was the
woukl tike to own a dia­
Any member to Uke part In an ath­
An enterprising firm has secured a be kept bsck throe yards from grid­ Lou Dillon at the' Instance of George day set for the women to see Herman
letic contest must b« a scholar of good
show window on the comer of l^ezing- iron.
W. Spears.
work ool. On that day no male spec­
It’i the beat inveatment
ton svenue and rorty-lhlrd strrH.
The case against Millard Saunders, tators were alfowcd to enter the gymIncreasing the lime of play to thirtythree or more studies during the se­
yon can make. For many
which Is kept brilllsnUy lllumlnnted nve-mlmite halves, and that time be brother of "Ed" Saunders, who. one of
naslnm. The main entrance to the
er in which be is competing. No
yeaia they have Ixi-n adand In which Is shown s very rscy snd taken out for distance penalties.
the witnesses d^larcd. had adminis­ hall was barred and the only entrance
- they will be
foreign lookini runabout, though the
Altolishlng tho second umpire's fa tered a certain mixture to the mare. to the building was throngh the stage
any other contest if sn >bJeclion is
worth more later.
OK la made to Detroit.
[»red claso*. elarifying under what Lou Dillon, together with draughia of door, which openp on a back street.
made by bis parents.
mdltions a man could recover the champame at the Memphis race, was
boy yonr friend a
The framework of the east side of
The board of managers shall not
(orwsrd pass.
diamond you will have the
the arena was placed Thursday and schedule any out of town games ex­
The case of the assoclstlon against work Is telng rushed on the other
ruling definitely protivtlng the
atiifaction of knowing
cept with school teams and they most
W. Lutree of London. Ohio, and Eltner
man catching a punt.
k will nqpiie many days have as rigid requirementa for players
that it ia increaaing in
Johnson of Decatur. Ind.. and their now befqre the main floor will be Invalue
SUgg on Ihs Changes.
as the local school has.
black gelding. Virgil C.. 2:17%. which closed with the side walls and it will
Coach SUgg of Chicago, western
In former years it has been neces­
took several rapes under the name not be'long after that when the rpof
them a lifetime.
'presenutive on the rules commltsary for some man (Mr. Kye) to back
"UtUe Dick." wpa settled by the ex­ will be in place.
pulsion of the men and the suspension
day or two since, and has gone on
oanreat aaaured that yon
all the responsibilities bijt now tho
of the horse. The alleged "ringing
Long Tennsases FIghL
record In regard to them. He ap­
are getting the l-wt poaa>occurred at 9n*ensburg and Imperial.
For twenty years W. L. Rawls, of board can take all such Betters Into
proves nearly all of the poinu made
ble valne for your money.
wn hands with the atbdent body
Bells. Tenn. fought nasal caurrh. He
by the easterners. The two things
We have many other
writes: *The swelling and aorenen In­
side my nose was fearful, till I began
that he objecu to priadpally are si
Uiat ooat
There Is some Ulk of combining the
•PPlyiDg Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the
lowing two forward passes to one
“And did you compliment tl
girls* asaociatlon with the one con­
scrimmage, and allowing the linemen ty belle In your latest effuslonT' ssknd tore surtecq; this caused the soreness trolled by the boys but this glrU are
It will be a pleaanreto
elllng to disappear, never to ^
to he drawn back five yards or lass to the srtist friend.
Best salve In exlatenoe. 2Sc at
t II(»5 better dff finaimlaliy than
give aa well aa toicodve.
help out the offense.. He agrees with
‘ Drug Oo.. Hannah Drug Store, the other body and aaem more than
•*Ah, yea." retdied the unbarler^
H. Menda. DmgglsU.
the eastern people that It U advlaaWe ban!. “1 referred to ber as s girl of tbf
able to control ihelr owa{ affairs ao
Bcrease the number of downs to alley “
they win probably rafuae [the inviugirl of the alley? Why. she wtn
for ten yards, a change whldt
Instrument for anrrejiisg tion extended by the boys.!
Yost has strongly favored, aad whi<* be bonified."
holes contains a coroj»a^
"Not St sll.
You see. she Is the
Will become nwssan « there la any
small rsmems and eleN-trle
a female bowling team.** pi
desire to reduce the number of scoremwrnrr thm Fsssler.
light, the w hole <’omieeted with a small
Ily ^>ws.
ess games that are being played.
*Jh\n is s very briHlsnt baby.- tald
adjustable rlock. so that the light may
Stsgg will attend the meeting of the
iH* turned on fur a given period after the proud mother. “He actually todrules committee in New York. He has
the apiwratiu has been lowered Into dies over tc the bookcase and opfM
works of all of tna great am
Just gone to Mndlavis, Ind.. for treat­
th* bole.
It lias been used in
ment for his rheumatism.
vTyhic a nnmlier of Irdes In Soatb Af­
-Then I'd can hhn I
has already been anggested by
rica and has luok-ed satisfactory. Botli vHed tbe friend of the thkilly.
Chicago athleHc leeders that a ban­
dip and deviation are recorded bj
-Bu^he UNiiby no cm
im ans of photographs of the |«stttxni
quet l.e held before the meet In honor
ef both a plWDli bob and a magnetic
of the Michigan athletes. It has been
needle at any desirvd fwint in the Ikkw
proposed that the "feed" be condnetefi
bole. The photograplia are taken by


T. A. iraJEUf





bnV Just tnoelvnd a fine

New Curs for Epilepey.
J. B. Walermaa. of Watertown. O.
Rural free dMIwory. wrttae: "My
epilepey. waa enrodhy Dr. King's now
ufe pma. She haa not had an attach
two yaara.- Boat body <
H^rada. dmg siaras.


A rsport comas from Germany of a
patent foe wtraleK alKtrlcnl •ppn*
ances by which atcam will be automaaeally abut off In two vameto that

pUlow earn laees. Tba pllkwr
ca^ laoM art of amptlona]
fine pattarai aad eoma in aU
widths from 1 to 7 tnebas. The
torchons are also In very pleas­
ing psttemi.

f meau; 40 and

I. O. Burn*
Yard nhd office Northern
-Michigan dock.

Both phone* 88.

Horses and Cows
For Sale
1 1600 tb. 9 ye* old m*ra.
Make fiiiLcla* tamn for
Inmber wood*. WiU *eU
1 lieantifnl, atamdard bred
brood mare, rare breeder
and in foal by T. W. W.
1 atyliah.gmitedaaddle bone,
a toppy driver.


Why sit in a cold room
when a little money spent
will keep it out?
Storm sash are jfuaranteed to pay for them­
selves in two years In
saving of fuel.
Get our priceb.
All kinds,of lumber and


SoutU Side

Lumber Co.
Boll 890

..FOR 1907..







At Mnieris
dec 4-tf

Order your





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