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The Evening Record, January 06, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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— .1
MumaM or WMtUT
. C-rA slate depart- MRS. WtaSNART THEN WENT TO CbtaT or FaNoT Wao oa Hand to Ste
Tbat Ho PMteftod Himooir tea
VtU pfohablr.
MtO MimY.
!• ihm MMf um
»r win
Mrs. Wlooliart Told tbo HoopRal A
tbartttoa That Ho Wao SvPortep
ta« 9r«iiif lUioK
If ioMMM^mo.
Mt IN’ tfeoMM
tao proMot iMMlAl UroMm Is tho
ooyr iM
Mot III ante.
, Jn. l.-^t to roportod that M.
oC fbnnr Koortio BUmlstor oC
Piwtor Wmo footontojr hMl a loof
bttorvtoor vtth Promtor Roortor la ro>
fM te tin propoaod oow Rontaa loan
^ tMiMM finMa. BooTtor. after
Aaaapolte Jaa. S-l
o tail adtedCteoat or tbo telly Portsnoatb. K H^ Srat claxa. vbo
aSairo oT a & Taa Atotlae aad vlft vas tried for tbe alted baatag of
h ban booa betere tbo poUeo fbr Isaac N. McCrary of Calvort. Texas,
aad Gaylord Church of Nev Albany,
when tbe bead of the family and bto lad., baa bean aegamed. The vardlec
hter moved out of tboir boase and sraa generally expected by tbe public.
Umh up tbeir realdeace la tbe east caA
Gblar of Pnlloa Aablon vaa oa bead
at tbe resASanee to aee that cvffytblag
Mr*. W. L. Ayen of Old Mtoaloa
moved as U aboeld. B. B. Vaa AlstlM drove tato tbe aty tbto atecn
took only a partial division of the fur. take the afternoon train for Rapid
alture or tbat vbleb bad belonged to City, vbera she wfll vlalt a dai
him before tbe laat marriage. The Mrs. Orilla Hooper, aad a eon. Percy |
varraat vaa aot aarvad oa blm yea- AyeriL She vlU be gone tvo ve
terday but only tbe formal eomplatet
vas lodged la the Recorder's eourt
upon srhlcb he Immedistely signified
his InteaUon to settle tbe dlfScully sn J
leave home.
^ J. W. Jackeoa of tbto city recolTod.
toll onalag. tbo RIcbBMad Hroalag
Item, dated Tharaday. Jan. 4. vbtoh
ooatalae tbe folloving acooont of the
arrival aad death of Grant Wtoehan.
vbo toft thto city vlth hto vlfe and
bartoador. Jaaoe
Mrs. a 8Ug returned to Empire
after apeadlng a fev days la tbe city.
*Tbo death or Oraat
Kte place at Hold Manorial
at S o ciock tbto teoralag under uaBOO. to being laroetlftefrala From AdMalog Roporo Not
gated by Ooronor Mateloy today. Late
to Anovor or Loovt the Room
tbto afloraoea aa antopay vaa held at
and Rowo yrouldnT Oo.
bmaat of Wllaoa A PobhBoyer to datenaia# tbe
cauae of deaU.
By Wire to tbo Mvoalag Baoord.
No,«e<laD't mH bun. bat
**Wlabhart vaa a hIoob kaaper of
Nov Tote. Jaa,
Yeatafday hto
larlag a
vordy U
to pnpue tonie yoniMlf
Rove, eooaaof for Hoary
aald to be RTlaabarra bartender,
aad OQBaUaaloBor Saabo
ADdifto we OAD helpjoo
brought him to RIchmbnd. arriving at
out Wt* have
: : : :
tbto aftamooo to aave the 1:40 o'clock yeaterday afternoon.
Wiaabart was uBoonacAoua vben the
bearing from
tioa. Roare obtoeted to certala quaa- tralB arrived aad vaa removed la the
tkma aad directed Rogora aot to an* cUy ambttlaaee to the hospital.
"After explaining at the boapital
Raabora told Rove bo bad no
right to do ao aad that W bo paratoted tbat her husband had Brtpbl'a diaaase
gild there is Doqnootiott but
tCoatlBaod cm Third Page.)
ba voald ban to leave tbe room.
Rove aald ba voold coatiaiio to adSMOUBS
vtoa the vltaaaa and Raabora directhave a few of WRIGHTS
CALBHDARS left and will
be pleated to give them to
anj one intereotod in
Wright's Smoke. The Condeimed Smoke oomee in >
CHARM MADE SV JACOD RUSTlarge bottle it ;
te tte IMM or
DiO. II tola sum
Tlie diary tliat lasts fine fern h called
We make
mi M «n im ims
CaofM Him.
Bpoctolto tho BToaliif lUoard.
Nov Weifon,^lllclu Jho- «.-ltoy.
■KMd DarU, afod IT. vaa caught If a
talUag tm aad laataatljr hilled leotordajr aftoraooiL
Ho vaa the ton of WUItoai J. C.
XtoTia. vho lives one nlle aouthvMt
of Nov Worford. aad vaa cutttog
vood arlth hto li-ToaMild hrothor. Tk«
hejra tndortook to fell a troo abent
olghtaaa tachoa la dIaaMtor. It vu
leaalag aad vhaa the aav attack a
nttaa plaeo. the tree apning bate.
'\Hie bogra eadoaTorod ao get out of
the vajr bat Rajrteoad. ta ruaalag. atuabled over a log aad fell, the tree atrftlag oa top or hlBi. eruahlag htn betvooB It aad the taf.
Hto brothor at oaoo tma to hlai aal
ooToral othani vho vora ta the vlctoIty. Daath had booa Inataataaeoui.
howTOf. Alteoagh the toroo vaa te^
riblT cruahod. otarr Hb botag tort
from the Tortrabro. Ue face vaa aot
lajurod aad aoWhor^aore the arva o*
tots brohoa.
. —^
The bof vaa tooaeat. Industrtooa an j
aMMHou aad had anar fHeada. Tb<
thaariJ aofrlee vtU be Suadagr at 3 Annual Etoelion Waa Hold Laai Evanp. M. froB the IXadi^oa ehorch ai
teg and Tbto Waa Fallawad by
b camp met last evaalng aad
atoeted otttcara for the aaaalag year
^ •
PtoaaaM Ttott at the taptiat'ChiirDh^
)aad altar tba vote vaa cteplated ram
patrad to the City raataufmaL where
rmj llttto chlldroa fron the pri- ley enjoyed a deUcloaa gab aupper.
atei7 aad latenphdiate dopartaaat of
Tba follovlag oficere vere elected:
the Rapttot Baategr ochool eaJopM a H. I. Kaapp, captain: George Ttorback.
aodal tlate yateardaj aftoraooa ta the
It; Herbert Gage, adjutant;
parlon of tho ctoareh vhich vero light, Otto Xyselka. quartermaatei-. Robert
•d vlth lapoaooa toatoraa lor the oe- Walter, ebaplata. Tbe reUaf eommn. caahBL mat Oraoo Haatlaga had the tee, vteteb vaa appelated. ooMato of
atalr la ohargo aad to boa to duo the tea following: Albart Novo|ay. fw
doUghtfai t|MO vhich all participated tea yaaie: Dr. T. W. Tbhrlby. two
la. Uag table von aamuaded vtth
I vbo aalaimd the tappar provided. Tbto to tba taliSal I
tog or which vUl later baeoma a
vblob vlU ba aagaalaad Maoctotkia comprtateg both
beaatiful child lay aa thoogb aatocp
ta bto cradle, aanouaded by exquisite
tag aarvloes vere ooadocted by the
Rev. a CochUn. vbo spoke words of
otby aad comfort. Mrs. A. H.
Holliday aad Mre. C. P. Back laag
tbe lad's favorite aoag. "Jeveto,** aad
Some Time Well Uadeteuad.**
Tbe burial, la charge of W. a Anwooo. vaa in Oakvood oametery.
bharo banka of flowers aeemad to
ebaage vlater into aummer for tbe
It to doubtful If any dhlld in town
anreo uampaau aao mma miaa
y.^jOmapwu have juM ratuimad from a
tbaaa weaka' vtolt with vetotlvea ta ^
I of poopla aad by young
i aveat aasUa aad vtaalag
stoppufl bto cab to get a amlla. aad
alaoa bp death tbe bouae baa been
Tlolted by acorea of chlldraa vbo are
roddtMd by bja
Ha vlU ha
mjaaad by ovary oo# vbo kaav him.
to taarol oanrioa of Mrs. D. R
wffl ba bald Monday aftenmoo
at f oYlote fhMB the borne.
And so U our Celebrated Kno Wet Trousers. WUl
keep you dry ia rab or tnowi and warm i
weather, also Sprasue’s Russian Vests,____
treble ^ the rold. They have a double breasted
about the neck,* thus
most thorough throat and lung
We Are Agents For
2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00
AT75C WomeB'aFeltaboea
OomoKHi Senae toe, leather
eole-flannel lined.
AT Me Women'a
Jnliettee, for trimmed, eer>
^ral colon to eeloot tmm.
Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shfngle Tit^vber.
At 9L98 Women’e PEtent
leather drem ehoea, worth
$2.60to».75-an extiaor.
dinaiy ralne
By Wife to tbe Bvaalag Record.
Cbleogo. Jan. 6.-^acob Ruilman.
aged 41, prealdcnl of the JeEcrson Ice
EXPLOSION TOOK PLACE AT THE company, suicided by shooting In his
offloa this morning. Dr. Benne. his
phyrictaa. claims the act vas due to
the alleged peraecntlons of tbe soTWaoty Men Were Injured In Wlllev called "Ice trust." vho have In the
last year tearged Rustman exorbitant
SpHnpa. Windeve Ware Sreken
prioas for goods he vas compelled to
and Furniture Moved by the
buy from them to flft contracts. He
lost Urge sums consequently, aggregaUag several hundred thousand dol
By Wire to the Bveaing Record.
loago. Jan. d-Rlx moil vere killed
and tventy Injnrod tbto moralag vhen
large quanUty of dynamite exploded
la the elone quarries of Dobe* A lanka of Ftawsra Around tha Qrova
aid. Bear Gary. I1L According
of LRtla Oaarga Daapraa Thomptbe police aa attempt sraa being ma
aan-Funarul Thto Aftarnoon.
to tbav the frosea ezploolvoa, aad la
tbe operatloa tbe eoacueekm fblk
Tha boiDe of Dr. abd Mrs. 1. A
u tveety miles eaay sray felt tbe
k. la WUlov Rprlaga. via
with frtaads vho came to take their
• -brokea and furalture moved by loviBg fareveU of little George. Tbe
ciNiON mTmmmr-
ATSSc Cbildreu’
Shoes, laoe, pateDt Upa.
bea\7 or light aolea.
Allaped That Ha Loat Several Hundivd
Thauaand Dellsni aa a Raault and
Thto Morning He Suletead
by Shooting.
Ow VMt Wm Caatb
•avo mooey on your bill if
you come here.
n't the email aaTingtihai
fiU the pmno-it'e right bur
ing at the right place that ac
oompliibeathiaeod. Touom
Condensed Smoke
A nmMiagaUana little hook that eaa be «ad
ecaseoUMporaataadeBind. Aak to aae whatwenoa.
aider a 6ne artkile in tfe diary Uaa.
o. o. MormTT
fPo f mom panni
te Ml tbo whim
nbMracta of TItIo
Dn. Sneyte 4
Craversf €ily lUlg. €o.
lR*M>aM tmtf I
Citmvna Pteu. BSi BnU.
W.L.Brwn. Munaimr.
16 inches long. WiU deliver lj< cords for $2.60
Joha F. Ott Ltimb^ Co.
errz. PHONE 844
MCoetoiiptosad inoliiding taebs dollar eqsto
at ab(m> diMoont-Brakan maea «mpd ns to make
aaamifleetoclaaniipatoek. BOMB 8PLKin>ID
■ •
^ on the purchase of an
COME while the se
lection IS good
Hamilton clothing co.
We witk t^ r^nce our
omcsm or nkw chattu
laXiskerc. Start a Mvii«Baccooet.
tkoagh atman one, aad ^anbtemljr
add toittliAtwfeead»c“r*5ayd*y~ w
I «f the Maaenle
m Maynaird of Charlotte. aasMed
h - usfteir
by Ormto Worthy Matron Man
r. Maora af Bay GMjr. who Mtod la the
the inaUUatkm of the lodge. TraVarae
Chy>lmptar esempUSed the wor^t. thU
betog the aecoad time that they have
to aaeh n eapasigr and the gsw
TfM •Illy W1Q< to rMCli
n* tMrfBnlmiM or Iho routo im
plOMit eoapur to • Yorr Impoiunt
tklw ter TroYCTMt dif. Tb« proMO!
ptartdMidm sro Uw bm knovn bosl
MM MB la tee eMp aad YTlUi «
9»fMUiel the tadiurtry can not help
Uklag lu propw pure.
Th« toiUr drmvbhck to the pon
to tteee peet vma the Uck of tefftdcii;
worittop oepitol. The exeeUence aMt«
prtMSbcto VM ffenerally recosnUed and
the foods Biibt with a ready sale but
the haadieap was such that prompt deItwiee wef^nmp^lble and the plant
<xml4 eot be kept nmnUf stei
By Ihereninf the capital stock this
dlUcttlty U
htader the plant from runaothtei tohl
ntof all the year round.
In Umee past, the plant has em
ployed as high as sixty men and It U
now thought that this will be increawMi
to at least loO mra m tbe future,
though the works'have been Idle for
there are 112.000 worth oa
the hooka and despite the lateness
It Is very probable that
tlonal orders can be
cared to keep busy until next season,
allhougk It U not expected that the
tncreased force will bo put on at pres
The concern has not only a Urge do
neeUc trade, but many orders have
been received from foreign lands. Gor
nany. South AfHdi and Australli
hatng the principal ones. In these
ooanUea, the goods hate foamf favor
and with more well directed effort
could he made very profitable.
With a standard product, for which
there Is a steady and Increastng de
mand. the outlook for the fnttnne is
trary bright and It Is an excellenr thing
for the city that sufflcUni capital ha«
taknn bold of the project to enable It
to handle all the bnslness that caa be
K • IS
The best way to make business con
dltlons poor U to assume that they
will be so. to reduce orders, to sten
'advertising, and to permit of a general
lack of enterprtaa. Manistee dealers
should rcallxe that the old saw W
days are gone, and there Is no need
for aUeplng until spring. Bv erj seaaoa baa Its own pccuIUr hcmmIs. and
while aprtng and fall are necessarily
the most acUve. It Is possible to make
httslaeaa ooaditloos fairly good all
winter by adopting up-to-date methods.
If the same attitude of rrstfulncas
were In vogue, all over the Unltihl
States In winter, as here in M^ntsteo.
there would in* a puanclal panto of tho
worst kind In leas than thirty dajs.-ManUtce News.____________
The local ambera of the chapter
wore expeettog to at
lead the eeramoakte at AesMt. as
•f U a CurtU and Mr*.
I. Mclatosh. twmity-elghl la all Uktag
the trtp which started at e:S0. f?ve
rigs made the joeraey. the c
e at • o’cloek. where the
abuse with light
filled with the charter members and
MS who were about to enter
tbe taatalUtlou.
The grork of InstalUUou and «
pllflcatkbB. occupied the Ume until
when the vlaltors and t
bers of ibo new chaptor repaired to
dining room balow sad partook
feast of good things. The dl
I was elaboralcly dt^^Hsted for
the ooBkMkm, feslooaa of nations
U bunting beUg set off !>j
CkrUtmas green and holly, the whole
being both artistic and pretty. Tho
dining tables fairly groaned «nd»»r the
weight of the bounteous supper which
had been provided for the visiting del
egmtlotts by the local lodge. Roast and
baked chicken, tongue, bam. but
baked beans, salads to variety were
provided In superabundanre. while
pickles, hot coffee. Jelliea. biscuits.
and an.^dlem variety of
rakea were on the me^ which ma.le
up the spread so greatly eujoyed by
the Traverse City ehapler.
Acme can Justly be proud of the
tcrtalnment of the si ling delegations
wbo arrived home during tbe early
^btirs or the mornjng.
Twf^ty-elg!iL_-»embeni constltulo
H^iaplcr which has the follow
Ing officers;
Worthy matron. Mrs. Jennie Hoxic.
W’orthy Patron. W. M. Beard.
Associate matron. Mra. Bertha
Secretary. Mrs. Roso Hoxlo.
Titsasurer. R. A. Wilbur.
Conductress. Mrs. Anna Wilbur.
AssocUte conductress, Mr*. »
Chaplain. Mr*. Ubhlo Stttes.
Ada. Miss Noralnne Beard.
Ruth. Mrs. Emma Steadman.
Esther. Mrs Bertha O'Brien.
Martha. Mrs. Rose Glendenlng.
Elcctar Mrs. Anna Giirr.
Sentinel. J. D. Steadman.
Warder. M. M. Welch.
Horace Maynard and Mrs. Margi
T. Moore left for their r€»speci
homes on the early mornln gtrain.
opeot M account, Interwt. com
pounded •emi-annually, aUowed on
open Wednesday Eyadiifs 7 to 830
$ t $ 111 ttttiiiittS
CHABOE yesterday.
Price; literature. Mr*. W. E. Martin.
Mesdame* J. W. Patchin. H. Montague and A. B. Cook were apiK>lut» d as
a committee to draft reflations on
the death of Mrs. D. E. Carter, who
wa* a charter member of the club and
much loved by the club women.
Mrs. J. F. Gillespie gave some
thoughts about the new rear, which
she took from the works of Mrs. M. E.
C. Rates.
Quostlon May Be Submitted to People
A hot stove pipe paaalog through the
ctdling in Cbe home of EL C. Lowing gi
1057 Webster etreet caused the depart
ment a long, hard run and aliout 150
worth of damage to tbe houre and fur
niture last nlpbt.
The alarm was turned in shortly
after 5 o’clock and by the timu th«*
department arrived on the scene the
blaze was beginning do ahow through
toe side of the house. The chemical
was u*ed.
May Live 100 Year*.
lie. Me., now
nie Duncan of Haynesville
70 years old. .She •writes;
Bitters curevl me of Chronic
Chronic D>Mieps1a
2<» yc-iirs
made me
am ears interest and sUll be as inneta at yonr com
mand as Is yon kc|>t it in yonr wallet Brlnj or stnd •
ittonsandcet a Certifleate of heposit. When yon
want the money yon can xet it. tocether with the in
terest It has cjmtd.
The seaU-iniiiut interest his been atdlted to onr
SiTinrs nepositors, and idU be entered on ibeir
books on presentition.
aad to do so we have
PRICE. If you want a
heating stove sre can save
Srou some money. We
have some cxcepiiLinally
goad birgains just now.
Come in and see them.
A perfect Air Ti^t, joat Ifte cot,
boS> made cf boiler aUtot aad hcmrily
Uned. aolMl o»t top aad topawiiiR f
Aeok dfmfl with j
ONLY $4.75
SaoM stsve wtik cast sUn tase - 1
ai4aicUe leakers...... ».W»
IsMstmwttkeulskkt tar. nicUe lealers aaiMe A?;
heavy cutftsat feed tar............ .........................
voun oMKoiT .im oooo
Wliotesale and Retail-Yoor Jtoikble Home Furnklier
Dress Goods
Special Prim Darhif Onr Rnnnai Sale
All 25c goods for.............
Tlic Tjidy—Why *lon t reu go to
wrork and earn .vour living?
The Tramp-.VxIn’ yore punlmi.
ma’nm: but ef kIHi penis as me went
ter work dere’d liemorc work frr th’
The Iji'dy—R-tiy. bow’s tliat':
Ttie Trami>—I»e noosinper jnke
writers would starve ter death, ma’.nm':
ONE TO n\-B OOUaARS saved on We all has our tmew In dHi world
the purchase of an overcoat: depend* ma’am.—Chicago Dally Newa.
uiK>i> the price.
jaa 6-2t
HamiUon CloUiing Ca
ChristfflMtirlp oITt-n no bettd*r opjiortanily than can
Iwfoiina in the Diamond
•1. ciffar. One line of tlu«c
favoriWs wii braces all sizoe,
and there if not one but
what wonld Ik? troasored
and prized by any *‘lowr
of the w.ixL-
All 1.35 goods for....................
All 1.50 goods for............................. Lto
All 1.75 goods for............ ..................... I.to
All 2.00 goods for........... .................. . I.7»
One lot of goods worth from $lJOO to $1.50 per
yard, to close out at 5'Jc per yard
B. 3. Olilbelm
.\I1<1 olhf T oiKoo Bupplic'S? Every biuiincm 6rm wants iomc new euppliw tin- firot of
evcr> jcar. \\ c are lu re to supply that want.
of every kin<l. Lotlgrrs, Journals, records, in full leather binJinyf, in ranvatf ami
leather or marbUil boanl, any size of book and any number of p.nt;<-s.
larvr«‘ «*r small, hard paper or soft paper, in<h*xed or plain, «iieii at the end or sid^ for
pencil or is-n, in cloth cover or full leather.
fdinj: < as« s nr iii.hxes. all kinds of invohx; Ijooks ami iWiuii aevim^, invoice files, leltor
dii»s. si>itidies nml letter !x»xcf, spm'go cups and lin^'er dampeners,
Rulc-n*. ink .latfls. p!.p. r w.-iubts. pin
iviprr f.vstrm-ns r.iW»-r Unile. peii.il and
ink erasers, ste<*l erasers and ruling pej^ Molting pads, thumb tacks.
general debility and bodily wcakncE*
Sold on a guarantev' at Johnson Drug
Co.. F. H. Mead*. C. A. Bugbee Drug
Co. drug stores. Price only 5<>c.
BKwt relUlile and pleasant laxative I
have found." Best for the Stomach.
Three llUlc babies wrero ne»Ued in bod.
LJver and BoaeU. Giisrsnteed by B. Reynolds 8t.. Springfield. III., says; •Til
Winiam. WUIIe and Bm,"
Johnson Drug C\>.. F H. Mesds. C. A •I regard It one of the abnoluie n«set
Bugbee Dnig-C^ druggists. ,.2l>c.
eltles of houM'kceping." Guarantee Wld^wa* her sinUe. for IripleU U1C7
by Johnson Drug Co.. F. H. Meant. C
A. Bugbee Drug Co., druggists. 25c.
She lay* her good lock to Rocky Mt^n
lain Tea. (Great baby roi*dlHne.j
Johnson Drug Co.
Roblnaeo Today.
) The lire department responded to &
j telephone caH at 7:30 thU mornlnr,
Club Will Hold Social
’ I fnira the house owned by Mrs F. R
iCrrifin aad occupied by Al»e Robinson
I at 427 Stole street.
js The chimney bad been burning on*
Literature was the snbject at tin 'land the woodwork about It had been
Woman-* club meeting yesterday. Mr*. t4g afire. The total damage is small at^
Q E Bougbey was leader for the afternoon and delivered a roost Interesting addition In tho i
I as a kitchen
paper on Banjaroln Frankling. phltos.v As the fire wa
pher and sUtesman. in which she and roof the s
bronchi oot bto phllo«.phtail
...hormtoo unuor.,«rr cu.
point and his great Influenoe as a lag «»f wocsiwtirk had to be done.
statesman. Mrs. Boughey was preceded
Then- was |I.och» insurance on the I
by Mrs. W. H. Dralor. wbo spoke oii
Jonathan Edwards and Colton Mather,
their liv«*» and a review of their works.
Mrs. W. H. Steffens. acc<impanled
by Mrs. Lton'F. Titus, nuderod Ger
ald Lancs Tatiers" in a mo.-t pleasCiinnell Brothers—Ao»i»t.
tag manner.
Uitlo Miss-- Ruth
anU Enpa0cd.
Boughey then reclto<l a selection and
responded to a hearty encore. The
J W. niff. iuana;;ur <»f Griiinell
regular roll call wa* answered yester I'.rothors, ro|vnrf« that thoir l>u^inc^<
day by a quotation from Poor UirhardV for the new jrx.- is starting viry satl.-Almanac and was followed by a red- faclorily.
tation rwodered by Mias Wllhelmloi
A* Mr. Cliffe has not i-ntirely n
Shane, who also responded to an eJi- gaint'd his strength sinct.* his nv-ent
core. The current evenLs were in sickness he has engaged the asslsiance
charge of Mm. H. Montague.
of Mes5Ts. J. S. Sturtevant and Jay
The clnb will hold It* soplal afle.- Griniud. spt'^lal state sab -nvn. of !>•
noon Jan. 15. tbe feature of which will
l>e a pundy mu.'^ical program. An
Their as>t»rlnu*nl «if pianots at Uimission*^foe of ten centa ' will be pri“.'^ent lime is the most compb te in
charged and the ladles of the city arc seycral years and any one cuniempla^
Invited to attend. This gives the ing the purchaac of a piano would d;>
ladle* who are not enrolled as club well by calling soon before the jussork
members a chance to attend the club ment is reduced.
The following program corarollle^'
for the coming year wa* api>ointed:
Science and edncatloo. Mrs. A. W.
Peck: history and biography. Mrs. J. Hot Stove Pipe Caused a Lota to E. C.
Lowing—Chemical Used to ExC. Morgan: mnsic and art. Mrs. R. J.
Petoskey. Jan. 6.—Loyal E. Knappen
of Grand Rapids. specUJ counsel for
the Emmet county liuard of supenriaors« advises the tsiarri that its lease of
the cliy hall Is valid, but that it cannot
compel the city connell to enlarge the
jail. A large element cm the board fa
vora submitting the question of the Petoskey
iodsman Ran
TwIq in
removal of the county w'at at th«
His Nostril.
spring eleciion.
Pelosker. Jan.
Charles Reberg.
a woodsman near I*rto.«ker, accldentxUBeau the Music Cure.
To kiM-p the iKHly in tune." writes
ly ran a twig into hi* nostril. It sevHalf the World Wonders
Mrs. Mar> Brown. 20 lAfayette plaoe,
TypL-writor ribbons, m.imiscript covcr8,‘l>iil>cr f.isfoni-rB. r«rE>on pi|H-r.
. ''\V
Tho Intost ib-vicc for rapid duplicating, when von want moiB thiin one O^y of • jettor,
distrramordrawim:. It is tho aimpWt of nH duplicat;.ra|, \Ne arc-sole iigeolC He
sun and see- it. Tho price is only
Arnold a, Thoinaa, Staffonl, in 1 oz hotll«, half pint, pint or quart, in bhick, bluoblack, cr.pying orml.
of ovorv kind to suit all manner of arriUng. fine or .wiracj atob or half atub.^acbool.
office or Ixrak use.
A remploto stock of Richmoml & Backus atwolntohr'oorrort legal Idinka, deeds, mortgages, leases, discharge of mortgage, «U jnstice and oironif court blanks. '
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
atkifAti m
jy*?»I m
Danny ootort with Ahtott to tto
•ttoat door or tto hoBilOB to wtoen to
has kSa tooilOL Watadtoonitdlacto
In an apan car and hid aatod to Ah^ alNM dw »*al» «f W» tal
bott tort had oflt aoaeoeded In atttoctTU
m *pc rxifl
nif hta attotolon. Beyond a donht tto
#U WA» II mM«trr b#
M indindaal with him waa tto bnrf^
iI 4Mir «r {u 0 to hto P>rM. tort «ific»
hand a prtra waa oat Tto
lii UigiQi to rtrroi
tranter that to In 1
to tor
llnim Wt
«Mct «M ll
JL •»«■*•
ttoi to iHtt.locord *TM
Ob iib occAstob.
a um> to-»»i*
I tair « doltar.
WW§ Vt
tort WV t« (to
ff«|pb Ml or Ito POHWC ttOd pOMfd tt
to mr. Asktof wtottor 1 kurv tto free.
1 liflitli i mii torttolt of i tttoo or
Abortt ftotr r«M. • toito. aotonaliod
ctyyiico rttotofUf ttil imi tM
M to Ito M^Lio^liid i Atoll
X tooold Mjr at oora vrto U»a mao war
md %I1M f toa torK lUtD, tmt tto Un*
prioate TitortMi m npMix to It liad
tY Milt WAIttCR
edj^ to
Mt tnm tto wtedow 1 aaw only toro 'h P, Covay of Hotrar ^
tottAt iMa PowHI i4i 1 Midtoly faaai igURo or mam I coold hart mad*
oath that thmwmnrt toa dann. tto gamt waa
no far aa 1 waa
»y VltUiTiEHEitY
tod 4to idMavt of
Ud I, “tod
“ODd rrt'’,
tto gtoUnmui.- told
-Aod y#t
tM I>waU to t
,MBM «rltli ttilt. I
IMitoad. **!(!• (to.____
toro Mto tom. iod loeratljr. But
-How dkl you coma by kla plrtucar
n mM
aciftolotABcw of EJbert
toytoldorttoMtotoMrrtca. Wactmt
lo to qolta^Ttomr. Today I mat him
OB tto atnwt aod I aatod him bow ha
toppatMid to to bora, tor 1 bad uodar•food that to wto locfitod In Plttaburf
or thrMboot Ha told to waa lookluf
«r a maa-fto Danny Ulltort In brief.
Danny. I rafrat to atata. la a bnrflnr.*!
“1*11 bat ha’s a food ona- aald 1.
toodylntf tha iibotorraph.
-Hy firland toybold.” continued Towill, -gare tna certain dlatreaoful daUlla
or Hr. Olltort’a career, and eaparinDy
of toa mart recant ^randarlnfi from tto
patto of peace. About a year ago br
re In A1
nan aa to waa learlug the
am hippy to aay that the
tto actnt to tto ottor aldt of fto doon
which had bam dened tto IntoinUhat
go qtfttXy bad I been dlapoato of
that Pewen had molred go hint of
to «ad lb* door obst. Br obook It br
tto knob and called my name in rain.
It win he admitted that my friend
tod canaonahto eatme to think that to
bad met wllh oomething mraaiial in tto
way of an ciaparieiiee. Billy Abbott
poprtidtd to aaptnrt Danny Oitottt had
whUt wt ntt onr dUraar. and wa*tpant
tto-reward many timaa and to Increaatngly nttractira waya ovar tha cdffea.
Him Knight, tndaad. ttprtatad a cat^
tain pity for tto maa. If ha had takan
ttp an ocrupattoo to aidnont aa that of
poBlng to mtm at latot hart trted to
mtlfy bit Ufa. Any tuggartlcm of hart
Wai wtodom from on high to Powall.
“irtol do you thtokr aald ha. tom
lag to ma
“I think Danny to protobly planning
aooltor robbery/' mKI I.
“But to can t rob nilly Abbott.** protnttad ItortlL “Not arm a landlord
eon rob Billy for more than tha flrat
two montha. Than Billy beg'ina to rob
tto landlonl. and prtanuUy ha baa to
“Ua*a getttog
*,* - fM Mtoa
Bto. Knight **Hfa taken
«p a lAjly cIgTar
cl»Trr lUie of work-fid pot
boiling. 1 moan, lie to making daalgua
for BUtlonary and that aort of thing.
The laat time X waa In bto atudlo to
waa working on tha dealgn for a chock,
nad'lt waa rery artlatic In lu way.*'
“A ctockr cried iWtt. “Ahal That
exptolna It/'
fell to dtocnmlng tto poealbn.
crime to that directum and
had erolred many ImpiMalbla achemca
whereby Danny tlllbert could win
weolth by ataallng tbe dealgn of aomebody's
cheek wsru
when mm
Mlaa evoigui.
Knigbt Inter
^ ua by annottneing that It waa
? for her to dh home. We walked
withI tor to where aha Ifred. and from
•croM tba atreat we watched tbe light
door to bant that I felt the floor
flare In bar window aa a algn that all
tremble uuder me. auil while be pmwaa well.
par|?tl for another nwiault the ebrir alow•Do you know.** aald I'cwell. “tbere'e ly aud ailently uiM^msl.
ofn big city that
aometblug lu the Ufe.
From Powcira poaltlon be louktsl
“SSTm S !=‘
l^;r‘of^nr^wUUd. n,u.t Ua«
dUturiH^ tbe
(to aspaeutkio of liti p
tto aOtor la not yet rocg»n»* nkd ttiare
fa a r^ard of about |l4ES0 for the caiv
turaof Daimy.”
> “ss;
and when my amotion bad auffldauily
onbaldad I atared bmirrlly at tba pictnre of Danny Ollbert.
“ira a moral cerUluty tbnt^ bara
•con thla fallow within a month.** uld 1.
They do uot si>cak tba same languagt.
Pownll waa aqiiaUy it^rtalu on bto think tha name tbougbts-c
own iiart. and be aald that, slngotoriy h**»»f* the use of kicking! l waul to
anongh. X waa aaMMtotad closrty In hla protect bar: that's all. I just
watcb and guard her erery hour.
mind with the ragusly reroomb
t with rtI hayatbai
fanl to yon.** I rtJoiDsd. Au4 It was
me. **Bnt It may be only th« rcsemhtonea. You'll admit that bis rety
touch tto aam^ type of dan>«mdo that
you are.'*
ludaad, though Danny GlllMit'a face
dlscloeed a remarkable dagpca of pore
ra... U.^
< tbe cluiu<>as lu Ibat brief |mu»e hi- eye
‘ was attrnctwl by a shluliig ohjeet on
U^U. tbe « lu.I..w
I the wall U'sk
okl eutto-H. a part of Hilly's hnphnximt
oughtn't to bare said 1
Ihe next Instant Powell
Lefs go and sx^ If wo can fiml Billy ! acros- the room. The twb men sprang
tore breo 10 oVIjrk wb.u wt- \
„h,_v .rri.. uu ii..v
onw to tbo bnlldloe wbwv Billy u.id
i,rij.j„0uKo. »ii.l wIiI.Id n frao
bU .luaio. Tb«* WM really “»thm of a «o«ma tb. y bn.l r...-ovor«l
•t all of OBdlbs blm. for be lived In ' ,1^...,..... But meeiiwhllo Powell bad
tbe ■nbitrlM. and tbla wm u bualoei. ; ,0, tbe .word, mud be n.u.t have looked
bloek in wbleb be bad cettbllahed bl. des,H>rately formidable, bla tall and
workaboi*. The door wm locked; tbe
form outlined
ball waa dark. Tbere wti no bell, oud
lu all tbe front of Uie itrueime only a
o^^^ed wmo
mukle wlodow WM Ulumlnauvl. Hd.
aud a eroan.
wa. on tbe lu^Miid floor above tbe ]
• door and was lettered with a dantlri's I was as happily lusi'lra*! as aver In my
^algu. Blit whan wa wralkad around to
i Uie skle there wa* a light sure enough, .
tin Billy'* window upon*tba third floor ,„v legv. aud wUh all my force I kicked
at tb«* oxtrame end.
jtbat man'* feat from under him. 'Ito
We called, but wllbout hope that he ^ rt^uh was Indt-ioribahly i>crfa. t. The
woukl bear our voice* amid the thou* mnu turned e«tiiiplet«*ly upside down
sand noises of the rsatieas city. Then jami siruek uiH^n ids l.ead l»e*lde me.
i IMwell broke nff s small fragment j ndled aerosa bis iKsly. l.m he made* no
from a worn curbstone and threw it moveme nt lie lay limp iH'iie.ath me.
with a good aim a.» that It glanced from
At the* same. Instant Towell's miglity
•the sash, but without much noise, so Unu swung tbe old eutUiKs. and If the
I far ns waaould judge. Instantly, bow. j wea]>on had uot tarm*d a little Lu his
eviT, the light In the studio was exUa- i hand X think be would have cut Id* o|>just j pjnent liHgtbwise Into two pkves.
gulahcd. EvklenUy Billy
1 the , Half a minute later my mouth
leaving, and
inirner to tbe
al flr*t with unqueslbnlng confidence,
then with cHmslderahle surprise. Half turned up. nml we examined our two
iHisscd. and be did not appear; ; prisoners. Tlie victim of my prowess
ID hour iHisi
; wa* already reviving and
nor wa* hi* Indow lighted.
Preocntly the dentist appeared al the I cured with tbe^s* taken from my
to him wc explalnetl tbe *!t- own Itiuha. but tbe man whom Powell
-WBT. Tas. 1 a^ow TBi MAii.-aiin ma
lud. 'had struck doom needed no such at
mdmttl>ek*crugP.\U wa* scnm'ly cam
tcntlon. We knelt lieride blm, end It
,bU r.<^;r^UWell .
?uuuU .ur..yto cs that Danny GUtbe burglar, bad g^ne to hU aeto accentuate Ua* revelation i»f hi* ap• cDimicuam««. however. d«q>U *
Mas of my frlenl's
geiUicst poaalbimies. for. Just then wc
instratloos In tto magsxlnca.
a soatonaalt to tto air wltbom a run.
he can clear the bar at six fee* with
a ruaaiag jomp. and U equally good at
a auadlag jaap. When getting ready
fv a big contest he takes life very
easily. He gom to bto at an early
boor-«artyAt least, for a music baU
anlst>-aad he is up addn after th*:
lark to the motbtog.
He does a UtUe wresUIng aad then
idwtakes a gmiefal physical culture
oourae. Walking is a tovorite form
of rm^eailon with Hackenschmldt.
whDe as for food during the Ume he U
gottlog fll. he believes to plenty of
wholesome meat, not foigetUng sweetmenu, which, he has stated, tend w
make men strong and powerful.
Madrall. quite a'contrasl to the Rus
sian In appearance, does not get nearly so much adipose tissue off when he
U read>- t^Vrtrestle In any of hi*
matches. He. loo. Is an eater of
sweet meat*. He does, a fair amount
of wrestling with bU paribers. DlfMarried People In Evidence at We^e- flcult to defeat he certainly Is. for hi*
render him practically Immov
tong Club Lift Evening.
Tl>o dance al the Wr-qiu tong club able when on the defensive, while hi*
houHc lam evening was a very pleaaant! oiiy-golng oriental method of getting
affair. In addition to the young pao-| ready does not tend to gal hU poundLie there were a number of lb**,age down.
married folks pn^nexxl and] Madrall Ik not n weight lifter, ho
they bad aa eaJo>-ahlo a time aa any j does not favor that mcth»>d when
Of the oihera. Stewart A Steffens' or-1 preparing for a ctmteat, but that he Is
poaaeaaad of enormous atrength waa
proved when he mat and defeated Tom
Jrnklns. the Amcrlcin champion. Hla
fractured cllujw. an Injurv' suatalne.1
I Hwlft. whose sa when he first mat llarkcnschraldt. has
It I* reWlto of I
tiricnl wit funiliOito many of tbe
1 net Impaired his powers; he is as good
In the liUtiirj* of with hlB right as with his left
possible that any of the cotoges wHI
na Hensen. who has been
allow lu athletes to stay away that
very 111. is better at this writing.
kmg during examination time.
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Blaricon of
“None of the athletic club* to the
a few days wltb
middle west." he Htld. “will to repr.-hl.K pafent'. Mr and Mr*. J. Van BUrlaented In the game*."
<-on, of this place.
Bad Year for Hereemen.
The M. E. churvh has s now toll.
It d<*e*n't look the lirlgUtew possi
J<H> Rilling and wife have moved
ble year ft»r the hor-emen. Memphis
some time ago announcc-i! that, a* a hark to their farm in Eden.
rvBult of the hew Tanm-HKiv law. K
wo'^d make no 'aftempt to conduci
harness rac<>* this fall, aud would ask
Tonight, at Sielnb^'rg's Grand opera
no lime from the Grand Circuit
splendid musical extrava
steward*. Indtanaimli*. a U>*b Im
portant point, hut <me that ha* con ganza, “The Wizard of Or..'’ with It*
ducted good sport, both thoroughbred gn-al leanty chorus, superb sc«-nio
and harness racing, now comes to the cquipnn ni and coraple;<* electrical and
fore with the statement that It* rarlnc mi'chanical auxiliary, will to seen and
aasoclaiion has disbanded. Omeninr enjoyed by amu.*<-menl lovers of thla
Hanly'* altitude on Iho pool wlllns rlfy and surrounding towns.
The engagement Is an cv<mt of conmatter explain* the action. Tlie cliv
hi*t*8 conflderahk* money, and it* citi sldcrahle Impartane*- as,the attraction
zens much di%*erslun, as a result if Is one of the to*t over tiecured for
City. The special cars and
the gtJvernor’r iMmltlon.
the mechanical force with the company
They Must Have a Losing Team.
The Marinette. WIs.. school iMsrd arrived nt S:l& this morning from Cad
.,W,t tn I,.
l..vlae »- P™-'- •«»"■
illac nnd the mnipany profM-r, mariy
ntired for the night, tbe rap at ill* door! bodily powers arc even grcati r now has abolBhed foot toll from the school
hv resolullcn. The resalutlon also re*“ 25 this aftersoon brougtil blm to a window over | than they were a year or more ago.
jaiN.n, Bherythlng i« now in
rites that Interscholaitic foodball
looking the cx|H-ciant couidc. Leaning I
Well-Known Horses,
and limb and nnt r‘^'‘
Performance which will begin
out of It aud over them aud learning I
y„rk. Jan. C.-ICntrlcs to the dangerou!
cHmdurlve to moral tipllfilng of mem iI sharp at R:.lo tonight.
-J taroar'^Th.^."
which deed .1 mldnUht
Tbn.. pnS^dtiit ihcni “hmd andlTu«dt.v. had noi all hccji rccdvcl
Wife." he ndded the following rhyth-; here up tr Thtirsday night, but then
mical e1ftlM»ratlon of the Hcrlpture• tra* every Indication tint each event
“Wlml God bath Joined together let nol^^aaid attract a notable array of tlim
put asunder:
I mighbrcji.. The Hrighton handle aj
Herr, under
^ of
the richest event of it* Kind
" run in thl* ciiunlry. has received fifty
Bin tht* I
t rone but I
nominations so far. Including some ot
fr put tht. I
I (he tost horse* In training. The com
plete Brighton II*; Is a* follows:
Plaatiwa For IX lairr.
Bad News. Whimsical. Ormondalc.
In planting for wluter com fort must
rei-elve tbe first lonslderntlDU. The rude Roman OoUl. Ormonde's Right. Go Be
wind must have It* f.>rce broken tween. HermI*. Stalwart. Dolly Span
Till* may to m-iompIlKbea !>y planting ker. Blandy. U^rd of the Vale. Tiptoe.
vergre-en* for wind breuks. But
iK-l t. atuln .hr ''“J ”'
Glortflir. Kin*’. Tn.phy. redara.mm
formal iin.-.y
criivc n<e out- BuUufi. The lirket. Ort Well*. Artful.
wbU-h 1* ohoii
building* Kljonid to placed to do pnrt.of Burgomaster. IVnerse, Rose of Gold,
irk. lint *0 n« not to show tool Aucassln. Hoi Shut. Abdell. Knight
plainly that thl* was In view. Between Errant. Klamexha. Oak Duke. Flis*.
the ImlklliHC* groups of evergroeus may Ml** Crawford, InquUltlve. Merry
to plaetNl so as to make n pleasing va l,ark; Bull's E>e. Agile. King Henry.
rlct: . «dd a U*a:ily of (lu-Ir own nnd Astronomer, Alwln. B.rsor.by. IX-Ihl.
cfftH-tunlly c-omplele the wind breiiUlng
Kurokl, Bohemian. Wild Mint. V<»n
northern state*
rirouM. lu
fidrtbw-est wind lathe enemy whose ns-! Tromp. Tanya. Timber, Santa Catxsanlts must to guat^led against. But Ht»we have severe wind* from the u»»rlbj The entrio* for the Brooklyn re
and northeast, aud these point* rtioukli^pivcHl so far are not so numenm*. but
aUo to -ffcvtuallv covere,:. ttoud in Garden Magazine.
-------next few days. So far the Brooklyn
It has l*ecn fonnd that hydrogen per- j
oxide ari* on
photographic plate In
D<‘lhl. Van Tromp. Kurokl. Bohi
a %vny kimllar
lltht. ricture* may mton. HermlK. Stalwart, The Picket.
to t;iken I y it* use.
IW-. g:he
the nature of the Olst-au. Walerllghi. Holschcr. Or
iuflm-iuv pror»H-i!iiig fmm the iH-roxld*- monde's Bight. Go BotwtH-n. Lord of the
tr uot mith-r>ito-Hl: thl* add* our more
to the nlnnkly numerous :uiU ptiz^dlug Vale. Blandy, Tiptfn-. Rosehen. JaeQuln. Oxford. Whimsical, PuIsuk, Ad••ema»ujth*u*.*'
tbc#fflces of Cort kgaiid. dealer In dtomonda.
Tbis fact
. little
mt to^riUctoed tbtro for any ecoea. jihonkl fsel better. X hadim scrioot ajh
my ptaasuro to aanocnc* to tto
tricUv of behavior. Jack lorod her. • pebenston. surely not for my own company that tto newt trorti (to
poor fellow, and his Atof joy and pridt Mfcty. I stepped into tbe room as IpHal regarding Daaiqr OObett 'Vgs to-
er in my life, and
raa infolded, aa tt
countable anas, an
dly tilona bad me
A rope bmpin to
bera of the team, but on the conlrarj* j
Us tendency Is to promote lying, cheat-1
Ing. toUlng. Hvallag and cimaequent
Prof. Harry Davidson will open hU
dancing *ch»K>l SaturdaN. Jan. fi. |W(K.
Muggsy and Tod.
Will ti«ch all kind* of round rance.s.
New York. Jan. f..--John McQraw.
any kind you wlRh. aftenunm and
manager of the world'* champlonRhl i
giant*, and Tod SInan. the grea’est evening from 4 to t: and from 7 to li:30.
jockey of hi* time, have completixl ar- at the Forester* hall. The regular pairangt'uient* ft»r th«‘ <qH-tiliiR of a hi!- tie* will take place al 8:3u. The prlc»
Ihird aud pool j»ariur nt Forty-s«*eiini| fur the ttfiernocm teaching will be 50c
stn-et nnd Bmmlway In the 'room a pupil. Ill the evening 35c a pupil.
made famous by the Iste Frank Ives No aiMTiator* allowed at all.
W. A. Helm.
when he wa* the champion uf the jan 2 kT
“Wanted, a Mrong
i o dj .h.
McGraw and Sloan wlP operate fif
is>a »dteen table*. The table* ^t\\ to works
u an
oT art and the highest priced ever vertlsement which appcaredf
placed in a Millard rtioni In the world. Engll-^h newspaper the oitor day.
Autos Ruin Roads.
Tn-nton. Jan. f..—Sistr Road Com
mlRsloner B. C. Hutchinson, in bis an
nual report to Governor Stoke*, recom
mends radical restriction* agalnKi outomohlh*s In order to protect and aave
the Male's roads. He think* the law]
should prohlidl armored tlrep, chain |
tires and bkiwer*. He ato> advocates
a tax on untrkmehllcH In pro|K»rtion .o
Mon who havo bad oxperionoe
their iK»w4-r to destroy the roails.
It iuviguriitt-*. strengthens and
lulhls up. It ki-ep you in condition,
ihyslcally. mentally and morally,
'hat * what HoMUler'a Rocky Mounaln T<« w ill d«* 3.5 cent*. Tea or Tahr-tK. Johnson Drtfg Co.
CALMAN*8 IriJnrIer Spar Vamiah la
noat dorabla for.all intarier wovk.
irmmbte. Tton at Amy
ft|toa w draak (b Danay-s toatlh
adl refonaadon In Itot atfld rad torew whUh JaUo ss^ by
Lock Box 75, DstroiL Micb.
Real Estate.
tonic, like
' It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink
ft to a pm harmlesa: mtdicinal tonic, made from vesetafato
indents,i. which relieve
'tomMe pain and distress, such as headache,
hibkaefae. bowel ache, dizziness. chiBs. »
scanty or profuse meoatniaHoo. draalng down pains, etc.
It to a building, atret^-making medicine for
nradiclne that to certata to do you good. Try it
Sold by evwy dn«gesl in Sl.OO'W^
Wishing Yen a dappp and Prosptms
TUw Ytar
We again ask that wc may be favored with your
Oar 1906 Calendars arc somewhere on the road,
having been shipped some time ajfo, we regret that
they are not on hand ready for distribution.
Thanking you for past favors, we remain,
W. dustings & Sm -
**For atoea taldag Gafflrt I bav*
Saioad 35 t«..aiidtti in bartar haailh
Record ^Want Ads Pay
iron molding and wlib
tire willing to work in oiien
Hhopa, can fiml slcady <*mployment under yearly c»nlr;icla at rates ranging fi
to t-lM
b> addre.S8iug
.-s-SJ,--------He bad sv*en a
“Ufht have falton oot.
lining her farther and tortbor abort 'the next fnstant I
tbe toern or socli topea as bto worldly seemed to me. in u
wtodom would permit blm to indulge, strong as Iron. Di
> was by tto winrtnlpe.
the way of county deputtoa to
Michigan are aa followa: <W. Mbeck. Fennrllle; B. F. Marra. Barrien
Springe; H. Braratt !>iUla.
Harbor: I. P. Corey. Honor; Prank
Scabury. Quincy: Chartea K. Pattltt
a; L. H. Allan. Orld; Irrlng E.
:cn. OUtel: Ira Mordoeh. Baton
Rapida: Dan B. Buraa. Petoekay; John
Wallington, Sarankc; A. Atria
maaoo: Murrai Bailey. Big
llapkto: E. L. Woodward. Howgfd
City: Jamae H. Frank. Muakegon; 8.
a. Allan. Fremont: C. M. lUnoaa. Hoitoad: Thomaa Hammond. Spring
1l!c etftlc depot let arc aa followa:
Theodore Trudcll, Bay City: Fred K.
Ptobrr. Detroit: R. C. Voght. Becaaa
ba: Charlae D. l>HTh.Paw Paw; Chaa.
Smith. Bell Branch: Henry U Avery.
Mount CiemcnB: Sldm-y E. norar.
Three lU I era; Isaac Blocm. Kntoma-
Special to the Bvenlng Raeonl,
Honor. Mich.. Jan. tL—Mrm. Johnann,
yet who has been visiting her daughter.
Mr*. 8. Clark of this place, relarnto
le her borne at Fremont tost Toeaday.
Mr. aad Mrs. Brittoo. wto bawe been
TiaiUag friends aad rfdatlrea^a tbe
to the Olympic gnitos. nt Athena, April southera part of the aiate. retffi tod to
12. though to May tt. The date Is too their home In Platte last Wedneaday.
Mr and Mrs. K. Chcsshlr were Traveariy for Americana to get outdoor
irainlng. It is maid. Aside from this, erse CUy vUltors but Monday.
Lizzie Miller of Etoplre la spring
the cream of the athletic world U In
few days with Mr*. J. Wyse of this
tbe colleges, and with the colleg*>
meets coming ua U would be impossl- place.
The scarlet fever patients are Imble to attend.
“A track team would spend abOm proring.
Nr. and Mrs.* Ik C^^key of Homcv
tlx weeks on a trip to Atheo*.*’ said
B'. H. Uglnger. president of the Cen steiid siK-nt New Tear's with her par
tral A. A. r.. UM night, “The me i ent*. Mr. and Mi>. J. A*an Blarloon.
would spend about two week* «m the of ihU place.
Mr*. M. Neff is 111.
journey, and with a week to loosi-n up
Thl- Rev. Herbert of Benzonla wa*
and another for the meet, the six week*
Thurswould easily to spent. It Is bard I v
•ile used to leave a key hung up' ' In the wall of the room there waa
aDugsldc the iwslng.'' said I, “By promblng excavation which In the
..—. We’n look in and -M..
; Jove, ...
it** here!
see ----------a few more hours would ha
•«*. .w„,.,
.BtoKnlgbL MnatmurcraB.
•alL tomw King. Co
Saalt 8!€. Marie. Mlc
Artful nad Tbnya.
Late Oamt Warden Chaj
WItii name except
dae table
«d tto ktog list uC )
anme horacn hate been entered In
t for the year. Ctoftoa Madrall was bsataa by tbe BassUa aubnrhan. bat n fall list la not
Hoyt of Grand Hareii Jr
ttor met trader Qraeoo-ltomn
' ‘ ‘ deputy.
SMt Bmk Bmmi,
a taart U4 aiaUt
.M Oil kM-
A NiuR acusKBrn
Tea dollars oecasionany deposi-
cr tlM .SrciriBg Itoeord vM
of ilio taUi »do Ijmmhmr «hb|Mr a»d iM^mia rcmtljr vUlud It by
|•TtuUfl■ of tb« flMBagw. W. W. Farr.
Tb« teipmCMit
to tbe esUr«
ptoat tfprliMr lb# pift jroir 1. y«ry
tntkMd «b4 too locr^Mt to dio bwlpm doapMtrmte thAt tb* ptoat bms
ibo .uuMU of Mr. Farr that too oiupot i».l
bM dovbtod 4aniir tbo put ymr to
tbo Mi ofltoedvo ertoeoco lh«t this
ooapoay has bwa operated upon pn>groulre Itaos.
The faeionr acm to roHy aqoJppei
.with the auft aiodara Baoblaory and
erery toellltjr tar taralag oat rapidly
•ret <daas Mb la tbo prodoetloa of
Ita ootpat Horttotofo. Idr. Parr has
■put eooaidoffaMo of bis Ubm to the
oatoldo mrbdU bat tbo baalaou has
laeroaaod ao f^y. that alawat bis
Mtrt tUDo to roqairod at the boau»
ofbeo. Owtog to the groortb of the
buolaeos the conpaay baa oecored tbo
OMTlcea of TbOM Bolator Of Saginaw,
who roptaaiu tbo ooaBpaay on the
itMUL Mr. Bototor to bart now and has
eoauaeacod bto dnUoi.
Dortag tbo past year the South Side
Lambor eonpaay baa bandied 1.000
aarloads. Of tbta, 700 oailaada of ou
' tdai woib baa been rocolrod gad
abippod. Tbo company baa bad a largi
, taoreaao to tbo Uno of porch work, la
tortor lalabtnga for atorao and real
trmdo to tbto Uao eateada ibfougbout
aortbora Michigan, the local work
betog quite beary. Doting the year
the ccuapany baa ahlppod 200 cartoadi
of tm abooka and ^qqgs for which
they hare a ateady market, and a
growing trade.
In tlmee gone by the shaylnga ol
fartorlea of this character have been
conaam^ to a certain extent by them
Bolvea for fuel, a Urge quantity, how
ever, going to waste. This company
has oUlised OUs waste materUI an.l
flnds a nmdy market for It. Durini
the year fifty carloads have been
shipped abroad bealdea large quanii
lies which have been used locally for
stable bedding, and Is cheapi-r than
straw for that purpoao.
Mr. Parr baa made a great succeai
of the Imatneaa ever ainco he became
Ita manager and prldea himself upon
having one of the finest equipped fac
roiies of this kind In the state of Mich
Igan. and ih^re to every reason to be
lieve that he to justified in his opinion.
Plans tor Futura.
The company baa extensive plana
for the future which are now under
contlderaUon and which will likely
matecialtoe In the near future. They
contemplate adding a flooring plant
which win \ttetem^be\r worklnj^orcc
from thirty to fifty people, “The bullJ.
Ing they contemplate for this purpose
will occupy a strip of land about 600
feet long on the cast If suitable arrangemenu can be made with the Pere
Marquette Railroad company, y^hlle
this to not absolutely definite, ft to
nnder serious consideration and Mr.
Parr bellevea that the plan will materlaltoe in’the near future. *
TMs to one of the local Industrie^t
wbich.haa bad a considerable iDcrt*asc
during the year and which has added
to the Industrial population of the
city, and Ita future growth will offer
ndditlonal employment for local labor.
thc markets.
«... .M.
that her hnaband bad two broUkars la
Hanry conaty. and that abe bad writtan to them to coma nad taka cara of
bliuaraba wnawablatodoao. 8be
ataiad \toat wben aba beard aocblag
from^^tbem abe decided to coem to
Rtobmoiirwnd. leave btm at tbe boapltaL Her bnabead bad. abe elated,
been sick tor eome time, and abe
stated that during tbe trip to Rlcb
*The strange acUons of the woman
i^lorally aroused some.auaplcton. and
while It is considered probable that
death was due to natural causes. It
was deemed advisable by Coroner
Markley to bold an antopay. No re
ply has been received to tbe meeeage
which » lent to Mrs. Wtoehart at
the address she left, announcing the
death of her husband.Due to Natural Ceueee.
The Itei
fallowing eoconnt of the autopsy:
^At^tbe antopay held over the body
of GraiH Wleehartjbo died at Reid
MemoriaK^^pnir^ly yesterday
momlna. Ooroner Markley found that
death waa doe to natural caimee. Tbe
direct cause of dmth waa found to be
mperinduced by chronic
alcobollam. which bad affected various
of the body, especially thc
“The autopsy waa held' yesterday
afternoon at the undertaking eaUl>Itohment of Wilson A Pobimeyer. No
a foond that death resuited from other than natural causes.
The stomach waa removed and this
morning nn analysis of its contents
showed that It contained no poison
other than that caused by excessive
Indulgence In alcohoMc liquors. The
body was taken to Hagarstown an<i
the funeral will be held at the
of the brother of the deceased at that
“Mrs. Wiaehart waa noiifltHl yester
day morning of the death of her busband and she replied by telegram that
she would return to Richmond at
Before' leaving Richmond she notified
Dr. Kinsey, the attending physician,
that she would bo at the Lor
hotel at Indianapolis and the telcgran:
sent to her at that place was received.
Mrs. Wtoehart arrived In the city last
night. accompanbMl by James McGin
nis. the man who accompanied ^sehart and hto wife to Richmond. Mc
Ginnis was Wisehart s bartender
“On their arrival in this city last
bight. Mrs. Wtoehart and McGinnis
were both taken before the co
and they explained fully all the cir
cumstances In connecUon with the
bringing of Wlsehart to this city. Mrs.
Wtoehart stated thst before leaving
Traverse City she telegraphed to her
husband's brother to meet* her there.
As he did not do so, there was noth
Ing for her to do but to have him taken
to thc bosplui. She said that hto con
dition was no worse than It had been
on several previous occasions and she
did not think there was any Immf
danger. She aald that she had an
aunt at Indiapapolit and decided to g-i
there and remain a fern* days.
“McGinnis suted that he accompanled Mrs, Wlsehart to Indianapolis
because he Intended going to lill
before returning to hto home. On
learning of Wlsehari’s death he came
back to Richmond to assist in arrang
Ing for thc funeraL”
The funeral, which to announced at
taking place at Che home of a brother,
wlU be held at the home of Ell Wisehart, who resides at Hagarstown. An
other brother Samuel, lives at Millevllle. Ind.. and still another at FV>rt
Wayne. Two brothers were recenUy
In thU clty rislting Mr. Wlsehart
he became serkmslj III. The family
are strict Duakar^a
Chicago. " Jan.
fi7Mc; com. 44Hc; baU. fi2Mc; pork.
•12J0; lard.,17.62: riba. VM.
Bast Buffalo. Jan. 6.-Cattle AcUve.
•tfong. CaIvcs-AcUve. firm. Sheep
—AcUve. higher. Uogs-^tcedy. easy.
Detroit. Jan. E-WTieat. S7c; eorn,
Mrs. J. W. JackaoB stated to thc
46%c: oats, 34c.
Recofd today that the tomlly of Mr.
Toledo. O. ^Jan. g.-Whoat—May.
Of Richmoad and If they did not mee:
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wtoehart Itwaa because
they were so bitterly opposed to the
CUT to the qnlck—aU overcoats.
Hamilton Ctothlng Co. laloon business wOilch he had chosen
to follow la Travers* Oty. Mr. JackKon wired bis brother. OU Just prevl.
wii to Mr. and Mrn. WIsehartls leaving
10 they had aafficteat aodee of the
cxMBlag. Mr*. MeasUA. who was a
to the borne of Mr. wad Mm. J.
BOY WAHTED~T0 40 enmi
W. Jackaoa laat aamawr. la a aieoe of
wrok about printing office,
Grant Wlsehart^
and Record Co.
Tbe aalooB bars to cloeed today.
WANTED—At once, compete
for general housework. Jin Robert
B. Wallen. 631 Webster etM.
last nl|bt*a bllfxard played havoc
with the G. R. A I. andT. C. L. A M.
burying them to plncea atx oeight feet deep with enow.- The rood
south, although there to plenty of the
1. la dear enough to permit
travel but tbe going In some plac
rather slow. But It to up on
Northport branch where the trouble
Tbe train dM to arrive la this
dty at •:» a. m. arrived over three
hours late this afternoon after being
stock In tbe drifts five times. The
stop was at Keswick, where It
over forty-five mlnntes to dig the
m out but at
full hour and a half. TbU sld* of
Bingham there were three ito^s
easary. the worst being just north of
Hntche’s Crossing. When the train
arrived the ongtoe looked Uke a biige
the drifts
op as high as the coach window
The Unto doe to arrived from the
sooth at 9:15. arrived at 12:1G. but
the delay was due to a alight wreck
Cadillac rather
left at 12:50 Instea^l
of 11:10.
8.eew Plow Window* 8roktfi.
The M. A /i. BL passenger which to
due In this city at 8:14 arrived over an
hour late this morning on ncoount of
last night 's
The cuu were so full of snow that
the train waited stolon for the
plow which came on from Interlochen.
The plow preceded the train and th*'
snow was so heavy that the
were broken.
Billiard Hall Owned by Ctorenc* Aidrich of This Cfty Was Burm
at Clslrt.
News was received In this city yes
terday by Mr. and Mrs. Luther Aidrich of the burning of the pool and bil
liard room* at Clare, owned by their
son. aarence. who began bui
there about a year ago. The lost to
complete, the stock betog valued
I2ji00. while the Insurance to but
IL500. A defccUve gasoline lUohtlng
plant caused the blaze but owl
the phone service of the state being
out of order, no particulars so far have
been obtainable. Clarence Aldrich Is
a Traverse City boy, having cumc
with hto parents from Northi»rt fif
teen years ago and has many fi
who will sympathize with him to the
The rigs of the fire department wer#.
put on runners this morning as iani
night's storm made^lelghlng a sure
thing and ruined tbe wheeling.
A merry slel^ride party of twenty
young people drove over from Ek
Rapids laat evening and wen
guests of Charles Pease of Webster
The annual meeting of the Union
Missionary association will be held
in C;e Disciples church, comer Cass
and Eighth streets, Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock sharp. The dcvoUoaals
will be in charge of Miss Barney. Mrs.
Cooper will give an address on thc
work among the Indiana fipecial
muaic. A' cordial inviiation li
tended to all interested to this great
A apecial InvUatlon is extended to
the people of F^wood to attend thc
service at the Pourt^th Street M. K.
church tomorrow morning. The s
ject wm be “Good Fight of Fslth.'
The ^ecutlve committee of the
proposed Uncoto club will meet in the
council rrooms tonight at 8 o'clock
perfect tbe oi^anlzatkm. appoint the
neceasarj oofimnueea and make other
wary arrangemeou for the
quet to take place Feb. 9.
On account of the death of Mm D.
E. Carter the aannal meeting of the
Ladles' Ubrary anoctotUm which was
to have been held Monday afternoon.
Been poetpoaed nntH R o'clock
sras made of “panel, sawge. gartm
chibolks (jsoag waion). leek, bonum
wajOtm, feael A tpa treasca (erraaesi,
raw.isaasajmiNuali^: toT«-Awastot
hem rienev pike hesu. pluck hem smale
with thyn boodc. A myng (mlxl hma
Judge WtUtom Umlor to confined to vrril with raws otie. Lay oo vynegar
bU home today by nineea.
A aalt. A serve It focth.“
rork .aMma to hare beaa the farcrSheriff Chariee Johnaoa. who has
Ite meat with the Bagttohmen of this
been eoafiaed to hto home for ser
days to oat today for the first time.
one remembers tbeir taate for apka,
A. A. Reiser of Petoskey waa la the
city yesterday.
E. R. Dally of Empire tranmuAed
business in the city yeaterday.
H. & oau was to the city ymtMdv
IbolUng after buatoem totercsta.G. M. Fhrrto of Charlevoix waa In
the city yesterday aa a gaeaLat Park
Mrs. George Becker left tbto mom
ing for Manlsfoe. where she will spen l
two weeks.
Alfred Moore left thto morning for
Ann Arbor after spending tbe Christ
mss holldsys in thc city. tss Msrths Hewitt returned to
Cedar Run thto morning, where she
will resume her duties as teacher.
Myrtle DanforCh, who has been
Hmdlng the holiday vacation with
relatives at Rapid City, relumed to
her hpme todaj.
Lynn Carter and wife of Grand Rap
ids arrived in the city today to sltni'l
the funeral of Mrs. D. E. Carter, which
occurs on Monday.
Mrs. L. Bloom of Ludington passed
hrough the clly today on her return
lome after spending some time at
Maple City with her son. Chsries
The Misses Grace Beck^ of Dexter
and Ruth ^-heeler of Mt, Pleamnt
paaaed through tbe city thto morning
to Empire after spending Xhe\T vaca
tions at home
J. Pennington has returned from a
visit to Wabash. Ind.. Detroit and
Saranac. Mich.. acAmipanied by hto
daughter. Mrs. II. W. HUer. who »V,\
visit for some days.
Newton N. Beach and mother. Mrs.
M. E. Beacft. returned to their home
In Pontiac this rooming after spendtog
‘ time with the family of C.X Ebner of Webster street.’
Miss Kan Ganes. who has just com
pleted an apprenUceshlp in the mllUneiy trade with the Wood Sisters' par
lors. left thto noon for Detroit, where
she will enter the wholesale house of
Mitchell. Moody. Garton A Co. She
will make a short visit with Grand
Rapids friends on her way.
Dennis Hoxsle of Acme arrived iu
the city this noon on a short business
trip and be states that every hen withradius of catching distance, runs
at sight since the great slaughter yes
terday in honor of the Installation and
supper which was given by the Acme
end of tbe Masons.
Miss Ruth Jackson and Bemice and
Harold Stlnsoo of Kingsley returned
to their home this noon after spendtog a week with Register of Deeds
Wilson In this city.
wc uMitkmed to OM of .the 18fi
reclpoB. Ooetoamaiwdattbaiibpularily of the whato. grampos. senU swan.
CTsne. heron and peacock. Tbe swan
was served up to royal style and vows
of chlvahT arere made upoo It It waa
akewered and roosted to a sitting j>oa
tore: Bay tbe dlrectioat; -Make a Ftiff
bed of paste aboot the thUi:ue« of
your thumb, color It gneo. comb tt
out and It will look like a meadow oC
green grass. Take yoor swan and gild
him over with gold; then hare a kind
of loose, fiytog closk of a vennIUon
color within and painted with oniii
without; then art the swan upon thto
bed. cover ooms part of him with tbs
cloak, atick about him amall batmera
upon mile
k* sticks,
atlcki, the banners iwlnttvl
with the arms most j
persons scaled at the Uble.“
At a grand* feast wbeo Edward I.
eldest son. on the c\ c of
expedltloos, two swans
ed with a flourish of. trum|K ts.
them thc king swore in the present
God nnd the todies that h<* would
nrcngc the death of John^omyn aud
the perfidy of Rolwrt Brace.
But. to spile of the poimlarlty of Gm
swan' for great occnaioua. ft waa (he
psatock whltii. to the romantic Iangunge of the age of chivalry, waa “the
food of lovcvii and the moat of klugs.“
He appeared on tbe festal IkmiM with
his gorp*ous feathered skin skewon4
nroond bis rtmated Iwdy.
One very popular concoction was
called “larU of flesh.'' aud the quaint
recipe reads: “Take veal Ysodc aud
grind It small. Take hard ayren yiuida
(boiled cgpo A ygrouude A tht*iw
to put pmnes hoole. dates ycarv<*d.
pyni-s tsceil found to pines, ctmes. comroon to Ilalyi A mUIns. rorTauc«e. bool
spicea. A iwwder. aalt. sugur A make
a Ilttcll eomn. A do thto fur* thereto.
A take A serve It forth.” Another
much riehiTtart was made thus: “Bray
the iwrk amale In a mortar. Take
fyggc* A boil them temlre to small nto.
A bray them. A lendre cheese therewith. A iHiHier. aalt A sarou. Then
take sugar, ayren (eggs). A flour A
make a paste with a roller, thuime
make thereof smaTe pelleta A fry them
brauu to clean grece.“
Though the oyster was known and
eaten to the fourteenth century. It
thought to lark flavor, so they* seethed
It to wine with ground almonds and
rice, powdered ginger, sugar and ui:ice.
A curious thing about old cookery
booka U their silence couc-eming .|uantlty. Take pigges yacalded;*' “lake
eely*.“ “take tvmynges or mbhlta.'* to
aU the lufonnatlon which la given.
BetrthmU 1« R.lUaA
In certain parts of Holland wbeo
oung man thinks he love* a girl be
Kks her for a match to light hi* cigar
at tbe door of the beloved one's home.
This I* done to let the parent* know
that something, I* Inteudcr. and If the
visit to repeated pnd tho same thing
occurs uo doubt Is left In the mind* of
tbe girl's parenu. nnd they immcHllately proceed to Investigate the young
man's character nnd nntccedcnU.
Wben he call* a thltxl time, they am
prepared to giro Mni an answer. If his
suit to looked uiK>n favorably, be to giv
en n inntch. If refused, he prwluee*
hto own inutcli. lights hi* cigar nod
walks away. If n favorable answer Ui
given, be steps forwnnl and Joins liauds
with the girl. While the engagement Is
by DO means a settled fnet even at this
Important sUge. it to stated ns a tmth
that If. on the occasion of the young
man's third visit, his InsmoraU offers
n’iiimeM of KmIgiitaooA
tild questions of finance
Into the conalderatlon of tbe eligibility
of these upon whom the British sover
eign woukl confer the distinction of
knighthood, and there arc many who
might DM* tbe coveted prefix “Sir*’ did
they possess a larger to.-oroe. It is,
roughly »p»‘aklng. a rale that knight
hood shall not be eonferrrd upon nny
one who has not an Income of at least
(Ui.000 upon which to maintain his
knightly dignity, while a baronet, be
fore his amUon, m
found to have an Income of at least
950.000 a year, but must furtber be
able to porchase a <^nntry seat and be canceled.
able to suitably provide for hto eldeet
Perhapn^he qoe
orld is that of Namg Harm, the
of the royal faml^ ^Um. Thto clty^
peculiarity Ucs
fact that
and children atooa.
It to to tbe center of Bangkok, has high
walls aronnd It. and to Its poputoUoa
Dr. Jenkins,* master of Bsllol college, of ajW) them to not a atogle mmi,
the king occaalonally pays a
Oxford, one day slipped and foil to foe
Tbe name Kang Harm means
street and lay where be had tumbled.
women." .There are shops,
Two undergraduate* ran hotfoot to asa. temples, foes
slst him. but fooae who watctied saw
_ _
them draw back, vtiito the master cea- avenue*, parka, lake*.
|i ball of Jortlee. jodgea. exeittouedBeatolD Wcklng hto treadwwm
legs to foe air. Another man cadm cmi^. v60ce, gnmrals and adklkn^
akaig and then tbe great a^ goT up.
waetbeeaplanatfoa: MBtofoe
The smUe that wnat coaee off.“
graduates were ahect fo act him In'aU Slam ^ caa entar tbla dtr la
toat a marker to the one that Gm
tbaUac. It la tbe baoM of*la (am07
A. W. Jahraua to wearing today. That's
^ «t Iba (aadU a( the Idac baCoea,
right. “Qraadpa-Jahrans, the ap|
bim. Tba niltr a( Bbua Bar bar. at
(rbeaald. T will I
Mr wtraa aa ba plaaaaa. BMb wtCa
b« awn <*Ildiaa and alarea-tbeiB
of a chamtog UtUe nlaei»uad daa^ ad to my feet by a maatcr <
a aaaU ettr ia I
ter laat alght at-the home of Mr. and
Mm H. E. Perrin.
Thefo win be a party this evening
UBtQ idU, 9x12 BmseM tan:
at Tmverae Lake reeort at Shetland $ll.rS,the $ITM U4
to honor of Pkak Atkiaaon's twentyDam laM 9x13 Innclt Rtgr.
first birthday and a aumber from thto
cHy are pianntog to atteiM. George
tars, me |ir.(W aa< $tt oo Ual
J. w. aouzE*
for a buslnesa capital or
i agg for old age. sicks of employment, or
gaacics that aU are sahjoct Ul
With only one dollar you can
start a Savings account with ua.
We pay three per cent toterest,
eompounded twice a year, or U
dealtod. we will Issue Interest
bearing certificates at the same
At StetaOwTi Crw4
Okts Hmm
Tblif Mitiul (iirifagna
8uperb Sa>nic Production
prices 50c,r5c, $!;Box
Tlieae goods are made from
special aslected clay poaseaatog
certain hqpt
ri-aisllng properUtss not found to the ordinary
cheap atone and earthenware.
They are the handaomest
dIshea on the market, having a
nice white glaring Inalde and a
beautiful term cotu brown
glaring oulalde.
We are now ahuwing them to a
.varleif of rhap* * and sizes at
thu small price of
nif n tars on
Bee them In our east window.
setts $1 JO
Huny if you want aeats
am gnre I have got
jnst what yon are
looking for in a
Tbe fit of Hickqr A
SVotman Co. Clothing
ie »hnt lelle them.
SMtfk Stock
Our £lcai1tid Up
Sale 1$ Itow bn
■ ’i
Cadies' Pres de Sole Pettieoato
24 inch Accordian Pleated Flounce
Extra full, worth 2.00 at
Everything in Furs at Sweeping Reductions
5.00 valnea for J.fiO. , ".SO and 8.00 valuea for 4 75
10.00 4loea far 4.75
Short Jackets
10.00 >-aln*<a for 4.90.
Cadies!, Cotid easts, empire sad lllster
10.00 vJn« for 4.W. IT-Ooind 16.00 vain-ior ij#. .
17.00 a.Kl 30.00 valuo. for ItSe.
125 i $30 vnlnta I»je
€. omh^m
I meam, tmvcmm env.
wchmam. mtummy. MmMimr %,
€l)e €oenind Record's Up-to-Da)e Rhistrated Feature
CHwaTpyw ptoEAveit.
Brides of the White House During the Past Century
ao diacraatly that the pubUc was shral
completaly hoodwinked. On the moniH
toff of the waddliv the New York Trib
une primed as its laadlx« editorial paraaraph: **PleakUnt Tyler arrived to our
dty by the mail train from Baltimore
toatalsht. Wecouldalraagtiaoiathla
errand thia way. but ft la unoormected
with paBUca. ahd wu wool tntiadw
Pleaaam dreams to htm.Tha ae%*enth wedding at the White
OM*. «McU haa bM
lo ulM liaM ta
Mlal •viBt of tiM adiftirrtlaw
«t Wa
to ta* ««ae«chr»
(tao and M to»
only daughter NelUe and AlgartHmXr! thankafflrtoff mad sntitoda to « that
&«^inan of good fam He baa bMB so ckiarly and fiarty
ferad to aa to the foapal aad that tho '
promtae baa bm glrra by tba MaMar
amt thirty years Utinaeir that tboaewboaarkiiiaU tod. ,
rhter had become
That tba todlBff oC CbHat abooid ^
rxac^llve mansion, an
aatarally and neceatarilj ebaai# the
to make the affair
sir an oc- Ufa caaaot be doabtad or dkpatod. aad
iwsiott long to b
r«l. The we uay well aak ouiwelTaB tba Qocaw^lQg was the
tlow of the topic. I\'hat ebaage towid
known at the national cuplul
Ending Christ maka to oar Uraat
fore or since. The east room
1. Flndtog Obriat abooid ebtagt tbm
toward Ufa. Without aacb a cbaafl
several htmdred gurota.
the notablaa at the capital, werv prei- It la alwototcly prored that Chrtot baa
anu The Rev. O. H. Tlffan>. pastor of aot been found, t^rtatlanlty la a Ufa.
It to tbe life of the Lord Jeaoa Cbriat
to tbe human heart. No man can be
come a Cbriatlaa witboal bartog a
ebanga of beaft. tUftel Hbatolf aald
dosen atreet uri-lilna aith wlileh young to Nlcodanwa. -Ye muat be bora
Jraae Orant Was In some may affUlated again.- Tbe toward motlraa and priamanaged to evade the guards and ush dpka of our live* must be complately
cbaugid by our becoming Cbriatlana.
ers and to creep In and were w1ln<
of the ceremony and partakers of as
2. Finding Cbriat ebauges tbe out
much of the aubsequeiit gissl cheer as
they could manage to appropriate unde
ward life.
co\ er of the general hubbuV of gayeiy. If a man be boooat. U simply a repitr
one of the most notable weddings
that ever otvurred In the White House dnrttoo of tbe tbougbu of bla heart.
was llmt of tliovi r Cleveland and HU eooAort to toaplrod by tbe modraa
France* Folsom In ISiS. Although Mr. and the |»rlnrlp4e* which gotrem him
T>ler might easUy have obtained, the within. Before wr have found iMat
disiiiictltiiL having married during hi* we may Ure for aelf or for tbe world
Mr. Cleveland
or for many other things, but witoa
chief maglatr
omt‘ we have found Him our Urea, laup the c.
ge to undertake
the lnno\'atloti. The oom waa forty- wardly and outwardly, mast abaototenine years of age. and t
bride a as ly be cooaecrated to Him. He la the
le*s thin half a* old The
rtdinir took iwuri of great |«1ce which when tbe
man found he aokl all other gema to
place In the blue room ar
the quietest and most unpretentious order that be might have this iMoe. He
functl.ms ever held in ihe pre*ldrntlal la the hidden treasure whh^ whan a
resldeiu'e. The bride and her mother man fonad he gave bla all that It might
came U> the rapllal u few days before be bU. Otriat demands eollre conaeIhe wedding and l.wk apartmenU at a cration. and notblug abort of that will
hotel After the «eremon> the happy
pair went f»*r their humyinoon to Ihe U aatlafartory to Him.
Hare we found (lirlst? If no. do our
preHldent’M eatoto of I>4-er Park, in the
Uvea show U> Aa we look Into oOf to
ward Uvea, conalder our thoughts and
The i.iat wedding which took
the White House‘was that of a
Mrs. McKinley, a daughter of tJeneral
Hastings, am! a youiia tifllcir in the
rmud Htat«-s nriny. This event also
came off to the blue room, and the Mc- look upon our outward Uvea can they
Klnl. ys eiiiertalned a huge'company of say of us that we show by our acta
the Immediate friends of the young cou that we have been ^
ple. This in brief |* the ator>* of the nmarkiibly few nnirriagr* which liave
1 Ills futiiiiy
The BrllUh I
Bev. KvHyii U. Haaar has recently
UBV aBHrmiaa
aai«bur XiMva M
onlf six w>dati«B to tiM atnictoife Afur thal U
was ttoitjr FtogP b«fA «notto»r oc-
were married In tha WhlU Hooae. one
of them to Lewla Randolph, the arandaon of Jaffacaon. and the other to Cap
tain Bolton, a youna na%wl oOlcwr.
tha Ofr«f|»nr. Thto partltralar ooapto
Kliaabetli. third daiMThter of Prealdent
Mod^b^ltoi ftoura of tho Anarkmn Tyler, waa marrtad to William Waller
mgi0 whigh the aklllfo] rrimch malm
Into iha carpat of ih# Wu# of the aaacullve manidon on Jan. 11.
lit:. ThU weddlna waa a rery rrand
affair, all the dlplocnaUc circle and vovTb^Mmopsr wmm'worr atoipto The rmment ofBcUla appaaiinv In brmra ar
Itoa. 9. i^wtor of m. John * rhuivh ray The brtde a-aa nineteen yearn of
aae and accordtnc to the teatlinony of
one who waa preaent nookad aurpHaiR«.knat braacbM and ahoe boeklea. Insly lo\‘aly In her white aatln weddins
la tba
of XII
#own and kms. blond veil, her face llieoropanyM Cotorol
ermliy corar^l with blitobea and dimfor Hha gtotoclltm
plea." In after yaara her Hdeat aon,
lla waa oMrrad to i
frooU but chanc William, jcalanrd from Waat Point and
ad hto mljd aad ra« w«4.
anterad tlx* Confederate army. He mar
tba White ried durlna the civil war the younecot
At of DalU L.ewto. tha alater of tlie wife of Jefferaon Da\ia,
I old frtond of Praaldant and the weddlna occurred In the ezecu. and Alphooaa de I-agot, than llva manalon of the Confederacy at
aacrrtanrtof tb« Frandh lc«atlon. after
ward toUSatrr. The oaremoar waa parPraaldeni Tyler waa married for tha
fbrmad bf Father Matthewa of 8u I*at- aacood Uma durln*, his term of office,
rlck*a church <Roman Catholic) In the but the ceremony did not take place at
praaanoa bf thr.prraldfnt. tha diplomat- the White llouae. At the aae of flftyalx the^ffpnlal and witty T>ier. last of
A Few Interesting Pictures From Far and Near
The grave of the American poet.
Josepli Rodman Drake, shown In the
John Ib*g*rs Ifegemaii. president of
tlx- MetrMf«»IltMn Ufe ItiMuratice com
pany of .\>w Y«irk. rtnelve* an annual
aalar>* of llOv.OOU. and he testlfnd re-
been cho-en priwldent of tbe Brittob
National Council of Cbrtatlan Endeav
or. Hlaboii Haase to a non of the late
Blaho|» A. C-. Haaiie. and waa odocatod
In Fnlneck
acbooL After
studying at tbe
ed for several
yeora aa o mat
ter to tXraceblll
school, near
BaUymcna. and
for a abort time
IShawe at tba
miaskiu oflka to
BisHor HAsag or ma>- was ordained lb
1W3. and bii
^ “•
the cougregnUoua at Ktogswood. GracehlU. Hlrfickl
and Bedford. He baa now been sta
tioned at the last namea place for ovar
tan j^ra. UJa Hunday evening aervIcee there and bla Bible leadings are
attended by tliriatUna of many de
largely to this by
of rebates on
in other ways
know n to the shrewd fluancl. r. Tndustrial Insurance." so catied. Issa fea-
mile from the East river. Now the
Americau Scenic and Htstoric Preser
vation society proposes that the old.
jsts alx
' kind.
_ The new union station noi
I course of erecUon
aa may
•The Culprit 1-^" 1* entlUcd to a more seen from the sketch of the
erior herewith glvei
re of gr
general recognition than hga been given architoctunil beauty. It will
pass th^ Capitol In very other dimension
to him by his fellow Americans.
c^pt height. It la built of wl
completed, about S14.00k.000. The grand tutoaeoger concourse Is TtB feet In
length and ISO feet In width and far exceeds In size anything ever construe!
for. Ihe same punM>ae. 'The site of the great terminal structure la very near t
Capitol, the front of ito
the station factog the northwest corner of that buUdli
and neither is belltthd I
1 chiefly by llahermen and market gardaom and It owea lu
to the fact that It was the blithptoca and aarly home of Plus
^ to humble life ufitU tto ilsing fortmiso of the eldest son
The trade of toothsUlner. followed to
eastern Asia. 1* as old a calling a* any.
The native* prefer black teeth to the
wbetber. to his 6plnkm. the <
Endeavor convention waa a beueSt to
the city. The Utar wished to print the
reply aa bearing upon the tnvlUiUou for
the llfUT ronventioo that Seattle waa
The following reply, sent
Timonu*. we reprint from
more American. It la llidlcatlre of the
resulu of a ChrUtUa Endeavor convcntloa when !
as this certainly waa:
Editor ffcatlto Star. ie>
The freak apedmen of
Held com herewith Ulusirsted was grown at
Webster. Mo. Instead of
oach of which grew Into
and petfscUy tormed. The
Mrgeat of the trio to a
foot to length aad of uaThe .pkgiuw ^wa the harbor «f Dtofaa. gif-Gr«eian city from which moat o/tbe currants raised to titot
country are ahipped All Mr the visid.' TbgnAmclxr iff AtO aa to tha targagl port ^ 'Jiaace and to now a plaet
of abogf SO.Oto tahaMtantaL MoaC ofjbe hugsM are one atorr
on aoeount of I
reglou. The town la ballt on low aad letol ffMnd and la aoc
durtag tha padttos «od ahtopiiM OOMOR.
The gweir—il^af (IffBBigsig bss
sJtr.trrss.-irs ■
In Winter venther t MtDttcker doss sot travel
nbrat the streets is search of a hosie to reat He
loWsthimfh the vsst comas if The Eveaisf keot
ord. ToicaicettfoodteawthyidTerthlBr.
Mi m* fTP»«B tor. ft»r. far
fruit Cfon. TH* mdiJl»»CM
M 9mM id Mi a sr»i k»
Mm ♦m M ^
MddMI MieU
MMlf ajii m
tkti Ml iMt Mr H «M «Mhr*«e
IM ttai IM ta M laportMi Cwsuir
w tM
Mrs. nnra CartK agr 74. wm
snaynr of Omarroiw Kan., for tkroj^
la credited with having
tttj fran naaknq^ WANTED FOR ARMY^hle bodied
aad S; citisMu of the United
Mrs. Cnrtla. who dM last BcptrmM
Stataa. of good character aad tetoperaie haMu who can ^ealC rM
I or ih» coming, jmr
t«D OKMitlM of tftoU. VmU
M^naiMMifB^^Onaa lUpkU
M MTHoi at Uookcm Too
fihiiMli Drag Cbl
lac 10 bo aMTflod. bat «boo JooUoo
Oootarboao wao obooi to tie Ibo ka«C
lioeee Toood be bad loet ibe llconae.
He bod road Ibe prockmt document
mcMf ttMOo aad vaatod ibe juoUoe to
mam «Mm ia bU roatombraaoe of tb#
HeoM. rjpur moncd to Grand
KoM. oeonrod aaoibor lleoaae and
wool back to Moakecoa and wotv
Afior iwoolf^o^r r«tra of botr oer
v»ee..wlUdi lacladed Ibe Toara of Bag
taav*a groateit aolIrlUr In lumter.
AT017 A Co/a big planing mill at Bag
iaaw vtll BD ooi of buoloeai exlatenoe
«1tb tbe bloanag of ibo abuinloerii
wbifUe tnalgbt Tbe Ann la com. poiod or W. T. Ooopor of Baginav and
W. A. Aretr of petrolt. Ladtof bunlaeoa la tbe only raamm giroa. M%n
■ger Cooper, mbo baa ^ont a lifelima in tbe himbtr bualneaa. will open
arebiticural ofdcea in Baglnaw. >
fllgbt U roiaming to Robert Begole,
tbo young " Ypal Ann coodnetor who
M aoddooly atrleben blind on bla car
laat woolu
Tbe body of Reuben Cobotb. old
bnnter oad tmppor. waa fonnd In tbe
bayou mi Bell. Preooue lale oounly. He
bad fallen into an air bole oroaalng
appU to raemUtog eftoar. 1
MONEY TO LOAN ■-We tax alaM
Whiting. TravcTM CJty. Mich.
povery if Mrs. MoUfe Holt of this
laea Umra aal If
pla»,- writes J. a R. Hooper. Wood*
tord. Tenn.. “she waa ao wanted by
conghlag up pwas from her laaga. Doe- WANTED—A reptaaeolaUve for aa
tors declared her end eo near that her
family had watched by her bedside
western Michigan-with headquarters
Ibrly-elfht hdors: when, at my uigeDt
In this city. Ample opportunity for
requert Dr. Klng’e New Dteeovery was
advancement. Address H. C. Cox.
given her. wtth-ihe aatcmlahlng result
4HM11 Houseman building. Gran
that laoprovement began, and coa*
tinned untU she finally completely re
Raplda. Mich.
jan S-if
covered, and la a healthy woman today.- Qnaranteed cure far oottgha and WANTEO-tO men at
| naRtfthk
colda lOc and ll.ou at Johnaon Drug
wood. Apply at Traverse City Brick
Co.. F. H. Meads. C. A. Bugbee Drag
Co.. Keystone. Mich.
jan 2-€t | Wh have and oBer ibr Mle tha HO
Co., dmggista Trial bottle lOc.
iwtoc list of real estate, it la all <
for light
housekreidiig; any number, though
soul-wInnlng aeoslon. Parenti please! a. m. Neal week revival eenrlcca will
no leas than three. Communl
take notlcc-Saiurday night. unUad j be cooUmied with a Standard Bearers Thia rapart la «ada «p dally. Tha Re
prayer and atudy of the Bible school [and Young Puopie’a rally on
aofd la wet reepaatibla far ahaagea
comer Front and Casa streets.
leaaon with the children. The week of evening.
S. E. Wait ^ Sons
Amiiilcan Dfo^ Co.
er will be obw^rved every nlgbl | a membership
smbershlp meeting will be held
Spectal to tbe Evening Record.
next week. Theme. -He Shall Bap-1 .t the Friends cbuich Sunday. Jan. 14.
Cedar. Mich, Dec. 6.—Albert Car tlie You With the Holy Ghost and j io;jo a. m. It la desired that every
llngton. aaalatant at the depot, spent With Fire.- Aak God to supply all ol | member be present,
few days of laat week with bis par
Church of Christ. Scientist. 10:30
ante at Glen lUven, returning laat Frl
At the First Methodist church to-jm.; «nblccl, -Tmth.- This subject
morrow the subject will be. “Some i meins mue*? to the wc-ld. Ts tru«b
Mra. Geo. Clement of Maple City OomnyDn Faults.- In tbe evening, j .imply that which Is ao? Is one
passed through town laat Friday for a ‘The Truth in Re^rd to Future Pun- underatM that truth is only another
days’ shopping In Traverse C*ly.
lahment.” The music is In charge of! tx«me for fact, A deeper Insight reJohn White of Colon waa to town
Mr. Skelcher. Clams mecUng at
veals truth to be God. the unchangelast Saturday.
After a wjN>k’a Mailoa school com
menced In tbo grammar doparimoot
Toeaday morning.
lira. J. A. Pennington was a Travema city visitor on Friday laat.
Mra. D. M. Bright andJier graadaon.
Ekra Winters, of Traverse City, who Is
home on blt-vataQlon from Olivet col
lege. spwt New eVar t day with F. J.
Bright and family.
Mra. John Nolan did shopping In
Traverse City on ’Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. AlUngton of
aple City spent New Year’s day In
Of Ax-nto and Chronic Rbenmatism. Arthritei Def.irnmus.
town with friends.
Gout, Spraint, Sciatica, Myalgia. NciiritU, Nenralgia, Variooac;
Marshal Farrant of BnrdlckvIIIFinding her bnatmnd In jail on s
Uk-ora, I'iloa, Uric Acid Diatlicai* and other diiturlKtiicoa of
rbnrie of lareeny ao orerwbelmed Mra ransacted bualneaa in town last ’Tues
Metaboliam. General and Local lukvtion. Skin Diaearaa. Liver.
Fioraoce Morrpy of Lanalng with grief day.
W. Oolmer. formerly of this place,
Stomach nnd Boirol tronWoa, Lting tronblc-a, Kidn^ and Blad
tbal abe attempted to end ber life with
polaoo. Murray^ alaly-llTe daya lu now of Indiana. Is shaking bands with
der difficuUiea, Kervona Exiiauation. Nenraatbenia, Diaaaaes of
old Trleods again.
tbe Female Pelvic Organa, ParnlyaU and Cannera. If you are
Mra. Wm. BlnckbursT was to Trav
Alfred Gale of Saglu
auffering with any dia»«ae and have been unable to get the defrom the home of bla parenU, Mrw and erse Oty laat Wednesday.
aired reanlU by drug th«tment, call and aee the Doctor. ConH. Boughey of Txmverae aty paamd
Mra. A. Gale; fire yeara ago and It
aiiltation Prc*-.
waa believed that be waa dead. Now thivjugh town laat Tuesday, looking
a letter baa pome from tbe boy that after his buaincaa Interests In Uie
he la with Uncle aam*t army In the
J. Bright and family went In
, A beer bottle cooUInlng an eaploalv Traverse City Monday night.
A R Belltoger of Maple City was In
eraa thrown through the window of
Uiau on Tuoaday.
inltua Priem‘a aaloon at Sag
The New Year’s dance held In. the
, about 3 a. m.. wrecking the Interior of
. tbe place. Rred Bricault, owner of ball was well attended and enjoyed by
the building. Iblnka the -Black H
Chaa. Bloom of Maple City passed
la after him. aa an attempt waa made
thriHigh here*, enroute to Traverse
to Are tbe place on Nov. €.
AJtbOttgb John Horton of Flint haa CJty, on Thursday.
Clint Richards of Tmverse City wa.s
conXeaaed blmaelf a **dope fiend- and
acknowledged that be waa -faking In town Tuesday.
M. A. Culver U able to be out again.
nhen be told, tbe story that bis halfTbe anow plow went through to
aUler. Marie HarU. waa tbo victim of
the myaterioua Hamlltaii. Ontl. murder, Pmvemont on Tbursda>.
Mlaa Agnet Malm is visiting In
and he one of \be murderera, the auIbortUea are holding him until Ihc Pruvemunt with ber slater. Mra. FYcd
wbMbi^ut of Marie Harts are deter Otto.
Ctdar Church Notaa,
Topic for next Sunday evening’s ser
Tbe toga Balvpr and J. M. Reid,
owned by the Reid Wrecking company mon. ’Tbo Saloon-What U itr
The quarterly consecration anl
of Bamla. OciU kave arrived at Hol
land to try and . release the aieamcr cximninnlon senlres, wore held at the
Argo. A large ateam pomp was put church Sunday evt-uini:.
The pastor prt»slded at the ai
It lina allowi.l your w««k t^yi's to grow weaker; tlios*' reaboard and tbe work of dredging th«^
The business meeting of the church on
ehann^^ the ateamer baa» begun.
l**at«l b.'otliicht'S oontinne to wreck yonr nervous system;
df the 5bor« Wednesday evening last. There was
Argo la glthln 4Q0
weak, wi>aker, wnak.'st has lieeu the story.
and baa atood lib aio™ ven* well, good attendance and the meeting was
althongb ber upper works have l>een harmonious throughout. The official
\A/H V MOT ”>»k'-'»New Ytsirs Resolution an.I
damaged by the heavy aeaa. This is
W n I l\\J I „all at omv to have Your Eyts ThorUe third attempt to releaae tbe Argo. Clerk. Roy Hannaford; treasurer, Kl
Tbo death of Mra. Looena King at mer Billman: deaeona. Jno White.
Hudaon was atrangely followed by that Blswortb BUlman. Mrs. Chaa. Billman;
of her eon. Thomas W. 8. Belcher, lu tmsteea. M. A. Colvei. Roy Hanna
indlanapolla. Ind. He waa In ordi ford. Tboa Good; organist. Miss
Tbe Traverse City Eye Specialists.
nary beallb when tbe meaaage of tbo Ma>*me 8ulH\-an.
dMitb of bU motbar rMCbed him. but
Suite dl8-d 1-4 WilholmBloolc
TmvwrM City. Mich.
was greatly proetrated and before a
Church Brcvitica.
doctor arrived was dead. He waa forThe Sunday morning service at tbe
merlj a raalMt of Hudaon a well- Aabnry Metbodtst Eplscotml church
known meale teacher, bat for eereral win l>e a reception to the offlpers and
year baa been In tbe muak business teachers of the Sunday achocL A spe
In IndlanapoUa.
cial invitation Is extended to the parCarrie Nation II baa atmek Marshall, enu to be preaeau The revival aei^
fib# arrived Tbuieday and at once vlcea which have been In progress the
atarted la to make the roenda of tbe peat week will be contiaued durlag
aalogai. 8ke refaeed to reveal ber the week. Services each evcaing ex
IdeaUty. 8be la a woman eotwwbat cept Satarday.
advaaoed tn age aad wears a red aba^
Ohorch of Christ—Plan to attend
over her bead. She carried a amali the gnlet hour service at »;S0. This
t# Ac diinpics; »ad strongest cf all writing magrip, which made tbe aaloonke^n flTM Lordl day of the new ftcr may
chi.nca- it tlocs l>cttcr work, tioct it quicker, lasts
■bake la their boola. fearing she might
I incr.-, anti
-in the long nm than ai.y
Jerk oat a hatchet. A good, aironc tha spirit of worahlp and prayer. Bi>
typcATiting i::ach’nc. Itiv
temperance lecture was handed out tr on time. Mormtiig medUkUon. 10;30.
all In t^ ^aaloona abe visited, but abr *tW»k„al Thtee Thtega.- Let m.
See the World
As Others See it
Are You Golnr to Rcrlect Your Eyes Another Year?
Has ProcraslinatlOD
Bone for Yon?
ofcbly EzamlBca Free!
DR. P. A. WOLFE, Prep. DU B. L. PAULSON. Assistant
Smith Preihmr
The World's Best Typewriter
attempted ao danms«-
____ .
Premier Typewriter Compan]r
, 74CrlbWol4lSL
«Ji « .
- r.f?iNCLttt.
work. Mr^ T. A. PennhmlTegon.
j Nu tit.
Sixth street. Inquire at Wood SisHouse and 1lot. Ml Sixth 8t
Bonaa and lot. 8. W. cor. WahfitM
icra millinery.
doc M-if
WANTED—Work by day of any de^
Wayne and Bav Sta.
acrlpUon; pr.-fer nursing. M2 E.
I lots on Bproea atreat. batvate
dec 12 vf Whyne and Bay Sti.
Lot 71. and honat. Oak Hai^
Oaa of the baat locattoaa to tite eltf
WANTED-lUmcteea lo oil and pob
or tarrounding country for hOM% 4
Uh. Fred Fuller. 143 E. Tenth.
■eras of land. laTga hoosa^ oor. Bag
nor 2Mf aad Raasdell Bta.
U to 14 arrai land to BUawoai towH
•hip. about I mBa from city IbattA
Will Bteke a good maricai gardaa.
3 40‘i m mllaa east of Cadar Mum.
Lu8T—From wagon, package of mer
4 40‘s IH mllaa wart of Oadar Ram.
chandise addressed to W. P. Need
Thera la conaldarabla taw tlnbav
ham; wcfgbt about 4 Ibx. Return and plamty of wood tlahw cm this
Boll I ‘
to American Express company and
receive reward.
Jan 4 2t*
Has Opened Offices in the State Bank Bulldinc
Start the New Year
have a large aUendi^ at the Bihlr
school and Mtoavor mfctings. both
You win
l^y la rrmge,, .
pot or onmptoxton whitewash. True
t ttke Hon service. Eva
i of Ufa wpd Their 8o
I beaeUBar. U
iohimna Drag
1. I..M
amt lat.hara m
m. 44S WaM Bight alyaat Priaa
H4M. aaadhlrd dawa, katoana to
wait porbhaaar. Ihtilrb Ui
^ atiaat. or addra. laha dtfWk
CBieboygaa. Mich.
ian t*
LOrr—I.ac«* collar wHh gold horse
•hoc pin set with |>earla. l.etwecn
Eighth street and Foresters hall on
Hers*n Yoor Opporiunity.
Cats. Return to Angus McColl and
At considerable expeSM wo have
receive reward.
jan 4 tf fitted up a practical and op-to^late op
tical room. Wc have InaialhMl the
tatoat snoaliflc inrtruments for cor
recting d. fecTlve vl-loo. aJ«> the most
modern « !«Ttrical marhlner>* for lens
FOR RENT—A fumUhed alore
gtkod location. For particulars apply cnlilng ind grinding. There Is wl
other in tltulUm of this kind In this
to John Armytroiig. Alden. Mich.
part of the «Hmntry.
jan C-€t
We op- n an optical room to the• pubMnuday. Jan Mh. Prof. A. i.
FOR RENT—T)pcwrlter. almost new
Reasonable rental by week oi
month. Call 43C Webrtcr afreet, or wo have iM-en taking s|H*clif Jnstnicat oiir optic
will he present
telephone 23.
jan 4-3f
full1 week. Jan. Sth te
Invi.usiy extend an
mb. V
bile to atti
tatlon to the public
jan 2-!f I opening KemenilM r that wt exanUnS
def.^ilve sight abaolutelf
____________ _ and teM all def
will be pleased
on North Elm•n 4;f defi-cllve
win in-a them projM-rly. .
the date ind place. Rastall’s jewelry
Jsri sth to lllh.
HOU8E for rent. 901 Stale atrccl. 1
R. W.JRasiall.
rooms; small barn. |8 per month.
B J. Morgan.
dec 7-tf
Have You Defectm Eve Sight?
A busy world this and a
very busy a^e. We cannot
be posted on all iliii^ around
us—too boay.
there are things we need to
know. In the matter of purchasing your piano you are
too busy to shop around and
look the matter up. Tbe
simplest way is the KIMBALL WAY - It saves time;
it saves your nerves. No “palienee triod^’ in the Kimball
OFFICE ROOMS for rent WllbM®
block, comer t>ont and Union.
Dov 29 If
properly a.|C3-acre fruit farm dVx
miles from clD; worth |3.&0u. in
80-acrb farin 10 miles from city
worth 11.250.
Jehu Arrosirotg.
Alden. Mich.
jan fi4;i
1 oxen. 4
• copy of Ih. Mo
B«tk rh*M* •«■ 44.
a J. ktorjjml-tf
words and Mosir.
Simply this:-Cot out the
mbove coupon aud mail it to
lis, and we’ll send you useful
piano information that you
can look over and atndy in
the quiet of your own home.
Y'ou waut to know al>out
repuUtiou aud wearing tiuality; you a*ant to know about
the} piano
plane that is best suited
for this particular dim
abont the giuirantee and what
it means, Y’ou want to Auiow
about our “little payment
plan that makes piano buying
easy.” mod above and beyond
all you want lo know about
Msdcri Sjsum of PiEBO
SdllBt WkiaSEYCfi
Tmi HMcy...
Drop in any day mod beta
tbo Uieat KimbmU Pianoplmyer. Free concerts daily.
s. a aiANf».npwr.
JAN. 3,1906
With a cario«I of line
IwouUaaviiefonn.'Woranyooa in nwt ot • Horae to
eome and boy now. aa Hortra are aoi^ and wfll bebigbarUmn
ever a little later on.
Thia will be the fineat lot I bare ever braBghtbeee, Md I
invite people to ooMMi aee them,
LedTHE nroiARA
EOtiSE lok 31
Wk, I, K, *fc!
tha daloty tUam
raamrid tor
ffrlsr-fha thodght awd cart are IhV-
hdiii «a thair hrtaghw m. tk wmr-
• O* <k* «Mr « a* tataM Mi MlV. kjr H»»:
Tk* kMW to M |M». Mjrwv. lor
Smtool ft ott hMM. mM late lit*
ncMld top irooBi tk* eon« Mi
PMM it tk* Mar,
WIMM ath*r Upf M*t k*r* pM**i
on«ft btfM:
SIkmM pm tkrott^ tlM sMvmy of
ffttiMtef llgfat.
Wbore iol»s^ M Mttt Md •
Rtef 0Ot R warn wilooai with ti
ABd trtttogly mr:
for iho hopa!**
-Htn't a i
Ah. what If UMjr thoeldT What If
poor hop or Mtea
WhoM eroaa o ar th* thfoahoM which
sarha oat ih# IMa
TwUt TlfUa aa4 rk*. twl*i poraaM
Aad tWMro aO hit laaoc
Oh. whai If UMW rto^ld, boeaaao jvl
aad I*
iMo tlio daya aad lha mmthM aad
th« jroan harry hy.
Ara tea boay with caraa aad wtthllfea
TO awka niaad oar haarthitooa
Idaoa for tha hoya?
Tbara'a a plaea for Um hoyt.
will find It aooMwhar
Aad IfoarowahoaMawrf
por tha tooch Of their
TheyH tad It. aad tad It. alas! la
lOd M ifl^ao of ita aad tha glUtaf of Tica;
And with heartachaa aad loastaga wa
pay a dear prtoa
Ptor tha saiUni of gala that oar Ufatiaa aaiploya.
If wa tan la proTidlag a place for tha
A pMi for tha boya-f^
Ai aaraa aattla down roaad oar ahari
aartWy way.
Dool lat 111 foirat. by oor kind, loving
To show wo^remambar tbair
aad aaada;
Though oor aoale mhy ba vaiad Vlth
IMMcom o( ll^
ABi «ora witk binUMU aai Mllac .Hi .trti*,
.Our k«ui* will k**p ToantH-J.Br
Urad haart aad nlaa—
U wa give tba« a placa la tbeir in^
aaraioet abriaa ;
Aad to llfaa late.1 boor twUI ba ana
of oor >oy.
Thai wa haap a ei
for tba boye.
^-Boptoo TranicriiL
Tha Lyttal toy.
Boinrtlma there baa a lyttal Iwy
That wolda aot ranna and play.
Aad halploaa Ukr that Uttla tyke
Ben allwmia In tbd way.
••Ooe. maka yoo *atty with tha raal.
Hfi weary labdaf cfWd:
littt. wHh a feoara ha awldht bar «owi
And hong nnUll bar plde.
That boy did love bU tooder wall
Which apoke him lairr. I wean;
Up lovad foataad aad bold barbaad
And kn her with bis eea;
Ills roeaet Maatod in the croft,
.toBU tori oabaadad 4ay.-Ba wolde not gaa. bou tarrying aoa.
Oodda loveth eblldrta aUd^^^glrtl
Hit tbnme wBb aoeha aa fhaM.
Aad ha doth amlla la alalaahoa whll
They clader at HB kneaa;
And aometiiae. whaa Ha lookad oa
And waleiidd the bairas at play,
lie kenned sfm Joy a lyttal boy
Ben allwaB 4b tba way.
Aad thea
fait her heart
She hiaMd echa diff tni Ihe baa gray
Tha ahaaa h« aaa » wbra:
No bairn let bold aatUl bar gown
Hor played apoa tha ffbore.<Mdt*s waa the Joy; a lyttal boy
Rmito the way ae mora!
Bageaa PMd.
d a w .“TTTTTws
The childhood shows the man
Aa raoralng aBcnrs tba ddy.
Ihiaf B ooaaldavad good aMgk
Chthopa? If It aay woadar that tBBr
grow op arfthewl tha pratty ways
«Mih girta aaaa ioatlBetSvOly to
«alra: that thair hoada aad faat wttm
phBMy la tha way. aad that tidy
hiitt CO Oidoy tha atiaat hactar thM
chaydoUMlrhaiia? ThaMtharMd
tha fhtharfara B thara^ lift tha aaiM
M dvar. had an that B aaadad B aoiw
aaidaa atraiM of WaM or daagar to
aaS It forth, ar parhaaa aoM alaipB
MBaiar. oBfh aa B gtraa la tha I0lowiBg asoiOaat artida from tha
LadBa* Wortd:
-What B to ba doaa with tba boys?
Tba aaBy. tha awkward, tha Caadortag
aad tiwahaartad boys? Tba boys who
fbnat to taka off thair bau whaa they
eema lato tha hooaa. to aiap doBUy
aad cloaa tha doors gaatly? la fhet.
tha boya who bava aot pat bioamiBad
Into man. Joalors?
**Wa kaow of some famlUas wbare
almost avarythlag^ doaa for tha
daaghtara. aad oomUtaUvcly llttla fOr
tba aoBi. Peopla have a atranga wa>
of fargaettag that mea are mada oot
of boys, and tbit tba caralaaa. romplag. roagh l^tle fallows wbo seora a
CMn, wbo^ walk two alias to see
a gaaa of baseball, and yet are too
Urad to aaooH tbair sisten* InUmate
girl maads oae block, may yet til
tba protoaat's diair. or be at tba
bead of aoM great commercial ladaatry.
Taojb a boy trat of all that iraa
BiaBUnasa Is always real gantlenaaa:
that tba bouse Is just as much for blm
as It Is for anyone. Make his room
jtleaaaat; tl It np with what a boy
llkaa bast. Jail as you have flUed up
bB alaier-f with the trttes dear to a
glrt*s heart. A boy's nature demands
pratty thtaga-tba retnament. of life,
jnst aa moeb as does a girl's The
boy may have a ‘tbeer way* of Blow
ing bis appraetotloo of these things,
bot ha has It Just the same, and It It
a vary Important part of the work
which mothen and slsten have to
perform, to develop a love for tha
baanUfal. the tiae. tba geatle and the
laodar. In the boy's heart.
he afraid, metbers. of sentimentallxhic a 11|tla_jwer yoor aons.
aad don’t ^ wfiwld. Bsters. of going
on Uie slraau with your lyothers. and
of appaallag to all that B manly and
ffae hi their natorea. Boys develop
woadaifiilly nndar a eoursa of treat
ment which Includes comradeship
with sisters, a lltUa *lcanlng on* from
mother, and tba eapoctatlon from
arary one that they will ba wail bred.
conrtaoiis and tma. Help tba boys
toward a hadnom door
Always kaoek at any
eallre aad eatoa betora U gRms OreKM., I ta*. trtoi M wris'oi wtik
it Mrrlag K. putlj tecMM It to
^MdltaMtobfOMMaf V
OM, Mi VOlOj b«MM It to itak
art dMdy achap moi RBhta
to Bm^dpaea of a gaatiamaa. bot to
a flat baat aad a deep. fall, roa
bratfi hay of thasa B almoat aapar- nice lander meat and we are eery fioad
of it. Wa Ilka It in any way save
. Toe can’t Ulak of aU i
ly boiled: la that cm It B taw
ntorm thO tame office, enfi
a? Do yoa tidak of foldte your
wed to the bottle of eapply for anas acroas the obeat? No. It U a
ar oald Roy. aa a copy, aaatly dry to be vary palatable. As a toaaDorcas Aid aodety meela wary aaa>
to on another ooeaaloa. Aflerthe
Make tb#M Utegs hablU and yoo oad and tourth Wednaadiff t iaeh
ad by a tn»wrltar. waa pBoad la datloB tor aaveril Bade dlabes of the
Ihrer, howafver. It B irat ptata boOad. aeld B oat of the vM or boCtle toe Bb
i*t aeed to tbtaBof them; yoa will
hfea than ap? Ko. Tbaoa are
thh eonmoB mJas of aodaty that wbicb are cut rery this aad fried
Hera aro toar other hlnU whBb
r MUaaMUi obaervaa. Too will quickly la plenty of graeae, of which s
-Welcome to worship friU aa ito
KMid be babltx: Keep Ue back of Ue
not Rad year j
feaiag fa oaa of browa gravy U thea amde.
»ek eloee to Ue back of Ue collar at
A vartatloa of the pBln fried Uver.
1 possible Umes. Alwmyt carry Ue
PM M. K. CharM.
"WeU. bat be B a maa!** aald Roy.
cbest farther to the front than any
that are left on tba aad parts, B to ran
ay be reaMved from ooUoa or i
other part of the anterior body. Draw
M^M yrtp*. 10:M o. a.
And yon do not wish to ba a manly all aoeh plecea tbroogb a meal chop len goods with chtorotonn. First cov the abdomen In and up a hundred
per, mix la aaX to salt the taato. and er Ue spot WlU oUve oil or butter
I eaih day. Take a dosen. deep,
An old bookcase set on Ue kitchen slow braatbs a doten times each day.
Roy aaJd aothlag. but It was noticed
lat tba rulaa were pUoed very cara- of floor to about half a cupfol of the table, back to Ue wall, makes a very Tb do Ueee exercises properly <
»Thursday 'iu4*:fiap.
d moat then form into mtle
KtabB Imitation of a kitcbeit looeely. Ton cannot do them properly
ftflTy la bis drawer.
Some montbt have line* passed, and pats; roll In floor, and fry. A Varia- cabinet and saves many steps.
TO romove Ue smell df cooking pour
laRb baa had fbe fdeasnra eff baar- Uon of this Is to mix with half as
Ing repaatedly tha remark, "What a much breed emmbs as you have meat, toto a pint of boiling water a few
W. T. Woodbonio. Paator.
Her Hottr'a Work,
manly. Boughifnl mua nephew yon bind together with a beaten egg. or drops of oU of Uvender. Open the win
Morning. 10:80.
with a lltUe flour and water stirred to dow of the n»m and carry the basin
stale to the court exactly
Roll Into balls, and fry brown
i! a few limes, la a few mti
what yoo did between 8 and 9 o’clock
IndeepfaL 1 have also put a few po sll odor of cooking will have dlsapr morning.” said a lawtatoes tbroogb the chopper, aslng raw
yer to a delicate looking llule woman
. mixed them in. and fried la tha
Instead of nslng towels, the corner In the witneas box.
Prayer meeting on Thnraday grito
Mothars as Doctors.
usual manner of making cro^nettes. of an apron or a newspaper folded to
ig at 7:80.
In famlllas of children, many small
said after, a moment's
All are eofrUally Invltad to the nor
Another way Is to Uke the boiled Itn hot articles from the stove, make
Iments. to say nothing of acridenta.
”1 washed my two children
meat, mince, and treat as for ordinary holders, large and small, fancy or
lasUnUy present themselvaa for
and got them ready for school, and
plain, with loops on to hang by when
amelioration and relief, and the Inex
Boned lived coarsely chopped op not In tisc. Those for Ironing wiU sewed s buuon cm Johnny’s ooat. and
Cor. NlnU and Wadsworth atJaato.
peilaaoad mother or tha forgetful ooo
ended a rent in NelUe's dross.
Id covered with a milk gravy makes aa Interlining of leather cut from the
Rev. R. N. Holsaple, Pastor.
finds haraalf helpless In what Is raalb
-Then I tidied np my sitting •room,
a dish that goes nicely with broad or top of an old shoe, will keep the heat
10:00 a. m., morning Mm maatlag.
a trtfllag emergamT. Sock may find
10:80 a. BU. BtorniBg vornhlp, nor
boUod poUloes. A nice sandwich Is from the hand. Holders make sen and made two beds, snd watered my
> auggestiona of value In what fol
plants, and glanced over the non.
prepared by adding to finely minced slble, useful gifts, at any Ume of Ue
12:00, Sanday aehoot
boiled liver some sort of a salad dress year, and they will bring yonr thonghtTo begin with euU-for If there
ing and spices to salt the taste—In ful kindness to the receiver as often
•n I dusted my parlor and set
boys in the family there will be
7:00. evening gospel servk*.
tho manner of deviled
things to rights In It. snd washed
5 sbe uses them,
knives, and hoyt. knives and cuts sre
Chorus eholr moats for rehaaraal
ADotbor nice filling Is with
lamp chimneys and combed my rbursday at 4:00 p. m. In Ua ehurOh.
Do you use a dlshcloU of rlnj
nseparahla irto-^doirt put cob
the finely minced moat and half as
Midweek prayer moating Thuraday
ean the kettles, frying pans and baby's hair and sewed a button on one
webs on theB to stop tha bleedlag.
much each of minced boiled egg and such things? If not. you do not know of her mile shoes; and then 1 swept
Modem enlightenment does BO! tahgh
minced pickle. Put the pickle through what a help It Is. Just try one and
passage and brushed and put away
at this; It standi aghast. Cobwebs are
1. •
the chopper first, and follow at once you frill never be without It again
the children's Sunday cloUes and
webs, as well, and dust Is bacwith the meat and egg. as It will not
To keep surer bright with Ue least wrote a note to Johnny^s teacher ask
Corner Oak aad Fifth atreota.
terta-ladcn, as wa all kaow, and to be
do to leave the vinegar on lb© metal trouble U should always be washed In ing her to excuse him for not being at
Edgar U Refioa. pastor.
avoided. The cry of modem surgery
Mlneed boiled liver may be turned In very hot smter. well-eoftened with school on Friday.
Meeting for worship. 10:20 a. m.
Is for chemical cloanlinM. and the
Sunday school. 11:45 a. nu; C J.
to a frying pan. lightly buttered, and borax Instead of soap. While yet
"Then 1 fed my canary and clean^l
lad man of whoan who binds
Helm. Sup
when piping liot through It will be warm a brisk nibbing every second
off tho breakfast
Md P^vo Ur
brown crusted on the bottom, "a U third day Iwth a chamois will keep
grocery man an order and swept
Senior C. R. *:1S p. m.
eobweba, over a Tresh cut as a healing
omelet." This Is nice with mashed In good condition, and make the week around Uc back door, aad Urn I sat
7:30 p. m.
cy. Is a candidate for Blooming
lag. 7 p.
down and rested a few minutes before
ly cleaning an easy task.—Selected.
dale. Pressure will stop the bleeding.
Baked liver Is a novelty with some,
the clock struck 9. That's all."—THIf It U not arterUl. and wlU help that
but It is far superior to the boiled
Whether an artery has been tampered
tide, as It keeps Juicy if rightly han
A special Invitation to traveling men
with or not Is shown by the way the
and those who have never attended a
dled. If you have no roaster, be iur<
bleeda A pumping fiow
Three Htlpt.
Quaker church.
to keep th© pan In which It Is roast bread'dver night. Drain thoroughly In
steady sponUng stream Indicate that
It may be of Interest to those who
Ing well covered. A few long-sliced mimilng. Add two eggs, one-fourtl
m. Pram firmly, while the near
have a quantity of silver to care for to
raw potatoea may be placed around ieaspoonfnl salt, on© teaspoon Ian
know that after silver forks and
est physician Is summoned.
the liver In the baking pan, and by and butter mixed, flour to make a stifl
Church phone No.
spoons hsve been clesned. If they sre
Itor ordinary cuts, even tboaa which
the time the potatoes sre jliorcagh1> halier, aad one teaspoon baking pow
Our church Is a home for worship
put Into a Mats fruit ean and the top and sm^rlce. If you have no cbulroh
bleed profuaaly, firp praasura right
done the moat will be likely to be der. Drop on a well battered pan far
put on UghUy so as to exclude the home in Traverse City, yon are earn
Rulaa far tha Raya.
ready for the table, also.
enough apart so they will not touch.
air. the Mlver will not 'uniBh as long estly Invited to come, get acquainted,
A writer In a recent magaxlne symAs a hash, with ccld chopped pota- Bake In a quick oven. Eat with syrup
work and worship with us. A)
as the can Is kept closed. In this way and
palhltas In a whole-hearted way with hot water, draw tba edges together
welcome to all. lnircKlMyow|rBndiu/
Iocs, this meat may be used success -Exchange.
much time is saved, also much hard Greet tho strangers. If a stranger, viir
tha boys, yet feels that they are often and put strips of court or surgeon's
fully. A lime left, finely minced, msy
SonUera Corn Cake-Pour boiling work.
and meet th© pastor.
7 * ,
too carelasa of tha little nlcetBs that plaster across. Strips should be usei!
bo used with codfish for balls. In water <n*cr one pint of cornmo
servlcm announond B Ue
lal servlcm
mark a gentleman, be ha young or oHL Instead cf a single plM to afford
Uke many other housekeepers I bad
fact, there Is no use ever to throw make a stiff batter. Beat unUI very
Ramambaring that as Uia twig B In for any pus that should gather. The
Regular eervlees as follows:
away a scrap of It. Calf liver Is nice, smooU. add half a teaspoonful of salt a groat deal of trouble In baking
dined, ao win tha tree ba. she gives washing U especially naoessaiy' i
but seems flatter In taste than that of and two well beaten eggs and fry slow
©rmon. Choir under direction of Mrs.
the cut Is made by glass or tin. lest
aoma useful btnu as follows;
the more mature animal. Hog liver U ly on a thick griddle till rery brown, which required the crust to be baked *llns.
Poor falJowt! How they get hec any bit of foreign material remain in
relished by some. also, bot 1 do not in oakto tho size of muffins. A couple bc?fore filling. I overcame the diffi
12 m.. 1 unday school. If
tored and scolded and snubbed, and
consider any other variety equal U of tableapoooruls of milk will hasten culty. however, by simply baking the attending. Join tho home d
how continual Is the rubbing and pol
crust on the bottom of the pie Hn. or
the l>ecf.
the browning process —Woman's Mag
of Chris^lsn ito^ravo
Uhtng and drilllnir. which every mem hold Tappanlng, Let rold watc^ mn
1 have left for the last a most novel aztne.
bar of U»e family faaB at liberty to on the burned part as soon as poi
press Uo crust on firmly, and I aro
way of serving this part oi;^the an
Oatmeal Cakes—Mix throe cups of Kure If this way is once tried It will Choir nndor dlrecUon of Mr. Bkelcher.
on the principle that an egg cooks
and one that Is solely my own inven
oatmeal frith one cup of flour, i
No wonder their opposition is after It is taken from the fire, unless
Thuraday. 7:30 p. nu. prayer tod
be used in preference to Ue old fashtion. I call It -SIver hearts.- To
conference meeting.
spoonful of salt and two tcaspoonfnls loned way.
Is quickly chiliad. The best and
arcsised aad they begin to fee) that
make them, cut from the thickest part
Friday. 7:00 p. m.. Mayflower club.
of baking powder.' Into a pint and
«t conveiilant home dressing for a
every ama's band Is against them,
For removing greare spot* and other
of the llvor crosswise slices, which
half of scalding milk stir 6he Ubl»‘whan after all If they were only. In a bum is cotton batUqg satarated with
soiled places from clothing, gasoline
will be a sort of long oval. Skewer
spoonful of sugar and three scant
sweet oil.
quiet way. Informed of what waj
will be found much more effective if
the^e into cornucopia shape, fill with
Cor. Waahlngton aad Park ftraato.
tabBspoonfuls of batter, and. when
Fbr toothache It Is wise to ask your
pacted of them, aad their maanaess
used In connection wlU common laun
any desired dressing, then turn ovei
this Is dissolved stir Into the meal and
daatBt for a^Vastrlptlon of ae
appealed to. they would readily ew
dry soap. Wet the cloth with which
the nap and skewer It down In place
Bible school at noon.
fall lato tlae,
you Intend to clean thc.^arni«il In th'j
Roast these (It will not take over'fif
Cbriatlgn Endeavor. 8:80 p. WL
turn upon the floored pastry board and
Ro Iboaght "Aontla M.** aa she pretort. aad heap tha bottle on 1
garollne. timn rub ly^ Uc soap. In
Evening eenriee. 7:80 p. m.
teen minutes In a hot oven), Uke ont
roll Into a aheet Cot Into rounds
applying always with a camel's hair
pointed oot Iho following mlee tor
W. M. 8.. first Wednaaday Im Ua
fact, use Just aa yoo.;Would uto soap
the skewers, and serve on a hot platand bake on a ■oapstone griddle, turn
UtUo twelre-yearold nephew, who wms briih. Tha rackleas use of dlloroform
and water. anbatltuU^ gasoline for
Ur. They will keep their shape beanlag aa Uey brown.—Chicago Record
other powerful drugs with tho
tha ’'light of her eyes,** If not atways
watcr.-Ladlea’ World!
tlfully. and are really a hantfeome dlxh
nesdays la Ue month at 2: 80 p^ ^
the'Joy of her heart, for though i Angers or oa cotton or wbrse, by tip. tor the table. If rightly done they
Qtrick Waffles-No form of hot cake
Prayer meeting Tknrsday avtolng
good oaiured. amlaMe boy In the math ping up the bottle In the mouth. Is to wlU be crisp on the ouUlde. with a de Is so dellclotls or ao healUfuI as the
at 7:00. Beats free.
All are welcome to all Ua sarricar
ha would offend against tha "propria
llclous brown taste, and the Inner part waffle, tor the ream that It u always
Never pierce meat while cooking oi
tide** fraqaeatly.
of the meat and dressing vrlll be
Ue Juice wm escape.
Fenrtoeiith Btraat M. B. CImnH
f famines and abacasaea In the ear
first coose manners for tha street
steamlttgly tender. A gravy may be io# urto eggs, one tabBtoooaful of
Rev. L. B. Carpenter, paator.
of more or Bet severity follow every
•Hat lifted In m^ng "goodby**
melted hotter, one fablespoahf
made of the ttquor Bft in the pan.
Class maeUng. 9:45 a. m.
basin In a pan of cold srater over thr
Ume of taking cold. U the child Is white gravy Is best with these.— ■alt. oae pint ft floor and two tea•How do jtw dafire. When the water boUs Ue milk
old eaongh to hold bis head linthe Phrm and nraside.
Hat Hlled whmi offering k teal la
spoonfuls of Rtoal baking powder. Bin
er pcatUoa. geatia syriaglag with
car or la achaOeledgtBf a favor.
the saH and the baking powder WIU
If a sngary crust Is desired on mer
n. tacmasfng to hot, water. Is a
Keep step with any one you sralk
the flour, beat the eggs wlthoat sep^
Hew to Tl# Comforta.''
Ingne, sUt powderod sugar over It be ^^er maatlng. Thursday gtanlfii
great relief. Bvery mother of very
When ready to Ue oomtorta, Uy my arating until very Ught, add the milk
rotihg children knows that thte Is Im method, says a writer U Good House- then tiB flaor. aad mix all togatlmr an- fore It Is placed In Ue oven.nnd have
Always precede a 4ady ap at
Ue latter eoM.
The Bsivatlen Army.
ibla BKh them; the HUB bead !• keeping. I can Ue them this way In tfi pmtRtly smooU. Beat rigoi
laA aak her If ytm may precede her.
Wben fiavorittf aoup. never iroe pow
LadBa' Uhrafy bnlldlmg. rrmi
patsiBff through a crowd or public turned and tsrUted aad the water goes the time usually UkM tor framlir for eeveral mUiatoe and balra la bot.
dered aptoen, na Uer'torm a aedlmenl street, arar Cam atroto CapUla iRd
Tdke the llaiBgi aevea or alffht yaiAs woU greaaad wafB lra«s.-Ntor Idea at ton btotoqi of Ue plate and spoil Mrs. Boaters la ohargs. Pnhkk manL
Into tha ear. Oh a hold alght. too. at of print remnant, lay It <m a pleee of
Rat off the momeal yoa eat
Inga every night except Monday. 8gB
street door and when yoa at^ Into a midnight the operation Is aot feasible. carpet or lirge rag. wrong side np.
A llitla aweai oU healed In a i
and pin. Now place half of tto hata
UuLat a Bdy paas Irat always, ui
tilt nhoBt two po«i4i—mi M wfiy.
im added, poured upon a bit of then oover With a aeeoiid layer the
nrot Mlee aalktoat eabbbge aad
m aakt yoa to praeeda her.
la the parlor staad tm every lady cotton, will usually afford relief. Whan other way. Now earatoUy pBoa the oook la plaatydd Viter, nfttll very teadaf. Drala. aad to a mBHua
B the room B aeated, aBo older peoupper aide, aa laoothly aa pqa
^ «fj; StuH. ttm l« «)■
1,; J
tar. la which a UUB powdared horade and remove the ptos whleh hate held bead of eabbigi add tom plat of iwtot
uorner tfoaromu stvbbv saa
•Be If a Bdy combi ta aRer yoa are add has baaa dBfiolved. My be used the IlBlag to the earpet-pttUliig them craam. Rtoaa It Ms up tomove
ral times a day. aad wber
■mud aad. auad tlQ m# takea a aaa*.
through both lUI^ aad cover aad tim ire. add a beaplig taaspooa
ble BMM to be over, a phydeBa riw. iwnohlag wan nader to toenit^ tonr, nilrtod amooU In a little ooM
stralghi la the fhea
ooffbt to make dh hsaaBaatloa to
WM mtan er hamg ipokaa
Ahem, very loag pins era renalatta. mOk. aSS^jjito before serving ponr
. UtlddBa PM thimgh a door trst, oat the^. PariMfts art reaUitng that NOW roU a^ oae aMo or tha efimlBR over It a has OOP or vinegar. Ut tt
freqamu aaaal dad aaral ttoabBa are and pBoo the wMe on the dining got hot, aot hoiltog. abd nenre at ooee. **slLvMhMlM«MMIk.dM.H
■thadlhg iaida tor tham.
B fhd dpOhg toam lake year teat not tha>BnBlM ehUd affvcUoas Uiat Ulfioor bafi. When one fSto B tlM. R B werr mBa viU the mam draea- 12:00 M.
ate to V dapacted aad hmibo&d. toil It ap While antoHiag the oppo- Bg altoa. hdHiit iMMfii tha laito of Brenlng aarvlce and aermon at f :0C
aftir ladBa aad elden.
Raver pBy wUh a kalfa, torfc or
■Itoond. Bo enra to hnve Iho limig oaainovtr: hM tha Ttoagar makaa *
MrtlaUT tarlM to tkM* Mr
firmly toitenod to the carpet or rag. aaoUar difh oCIt antltoly.-HBichnato-
Brntor SumST SiSoi\
ittmm mmmimwm^i
rjL'f» Mt Uk* our
At X
hfo haa fot«r»ad to har achool at mg
BapMi. aflar Mdhig tha hoUiara
with har parMU. Mr. aad Mn. Ma&a
Mr. aad Mra. a 8. Klag took la the
daaea at NaaM Cicr Moadar oMlag.
Kala Maitia riattad har paroau la
ThMpMrillo Batardar araalag.
Nab aad Carl Bra wara orar fron
Mat paat «a hara addad aa aiaeh hiAial Noatrlk b bid ap vlth a
aawaai oatataadtiig if «a aacarad la naaahad toa. eaaaad hr a log rolUof
tha pMtoBa dl MO hr tha Mataal oa it while at work at Carl Byc a
UN. Tha adhlrMtaU of a lifatM;
tr Ndfod hr ordiaarr aiaadarda. haro
aro all betTka acariat ferar (
haaa eroodad lato that period of NorlaoB poarm. I haliara aqr raUfouaat
Mra. J. H. Martla of Thompaaorillt
rialtad har daaghtor bat vaak.
IMhlar. all prohMa afaBpior.**
Mrm. Baagluaaa b rialUag at ;hc
BMt aaau Nr wlras at MOlatoao. home of O. r. VolUaar aad MUr.
, lt 4. whoa roatlag ho«M U tha do
Mad of Oaorva M. Ooihard. a laadNrd. Bb hla adrariMaoBt raada: |
Stoves, from an ex
cellent quality of
Hocking Valley Coal.
It is easy to handle
end a good burner.
Try a ton and be
b TNBtM ban «B the thbd TBag.
by «C Back mmSk al t:il b M.
OMi B. Tadar; pMdiBt: Garb
OtbBoU. memrnrj; Nactb C Otar.
dMtroat Mf
A A. M^ MOU oa MoBday OM^
OB or hMOra tha ton of tha Boao.
atf:ilBU. M. K. HaakaO. adM
tary.MMrb White. W.M.
’ Trtd^Matk ®
Id aape of the Itogllata arboob
rrmrk b now tangbt liy mcoiia of a
The machine dellvert
aelert ettecimmii of French oratory
and aong». and b eatmnely |io|iabr
with the chTAmi. w hoae accent b said
to make rapid progrtea. GertminaBt
Inapectom apprurc of It.
That newly elected member of the
Ohio legG^tUTe w bo b gofng to spend
In eoUegr the time between hb elecy gry* MbM and Ml 1
Uon and the beglnDlng of the seaaloo
We have brurd so often the demand
that the arhoter be made ioio tbe pollUrian that R b a eertain relief to sot
\be piocoes rerdrwd and tbe polltlrian
4. M« llliMlIllMllltMi
turn Into a achobr. It might be worth
wblleto eidnbllah a school In rach state
for legbbtors-elecf. where they eotild
born the rodlmrats of tbelr art. We
wonder If tbe Ohio menilier’s graduate •If 9mut rrmmt «t.
«• •talee
oonrse will be acre|»Ced by bb col
leagues aa tbe CQUlralent of a year-s
•crrlce at the capHoL—New York
Rveolng Post.
whara the badara openly adriaad
tkalr toibwara to pot Bharmaa Ball
oni of tha way. I alwaya go armad
BOW. aad I ihlak 1 ahall gire a good
At the Epworth league meeting last
aoocmnt of aiyarif wkao the Ume
comaa.” rormar Oor. Jamaa Peabody Sunday night we were highly favorec
aaya that ha haa racalvad maar threat* with music from some of the younf
of the Pomooi orchestra.
aalng lettera.
The rrick eradicate of mimooalre
pomiebDi. IB Ua datermlnatloB
alert A. M. JaalOon mayor of pitu!|
burg, b said b have raised a
palga baiVel of IWO.OOO. They
to buy pp tbe PltUburg l^eader. aad Bpccbl to Use Bvenlng Record.
offered, tt Is said ll.joo.ooo for the
Bpeactr. Mich.. Jan. •^Born, tc
paper, which opposed Prick and hit Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoaaler. a baby girl
crowd pomioally. Tbe value of fran*
chlses tor obtatad aad undergrooad
Arlle Gr
umed to GraiK*
railways and ImprovemenU of the Rapids Wednesday.
Pennsylvaab railroad Is estimated at
Mrs. O’Brien spent Saturday and
in.OPOAM. The Prick crowd can se Sunday with her daughter. Mrs. Ella
em thaae ooaceaalons If lb can elect Welch, at Morrison's camp.
a Bugror and a new council.
Miss L. M. Nbble and Mias Tuck
One million women have signed pc* gave a New Year’s dinner to a com
Utloaa for Ue eipulslon of Senator paay of their, friends.
Reed BoMot of Utah.
Will McBlrath. who has been very
PrboB tor Ufa tor habitual criminals sick. Is able to be about again. •
Is the ToeommendatlOD of the Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Murphy wav
board of state chkrlUes to the legisla In Kalkaska Monday.
Archie Waggot is moving to Kal
Uaraectaated pupils to the number kaaka this week. Mra. Waggot b en
of BOO have been barred from the pub gaged to help her uncle. Marion Har
lic seboob of Lock Haven. Pa., and In court. In hla photograph gallery.
eoaaeqadncc the teachers have little
Mr. and Mrs. McBralh entertained
to do. At tha prtaury school In tha a company of young peopb New
Plrat srard. taught by Mb> Da Prank. Vear-s evening.
In which tortydour pupUa were en
Jack Anderson was in town Tues
rolbd. apt a alagb oBe reoulaa.
dny In the Interest of the 8t. Loulv
Qeorge F. Baar. praaMeat of the Hoop nnd SUve company of Rapl>l
Phftadelphb 4 Roadlag. has jaat pu^ City.
chased flOO worth of mileage books
The Young People's Utermry club
for his five Biarrtad daughters. It Is met Inst evening with Mrs. aara Mr
the irst Ume la the world’s hbtory of Barath.
nOlroad wBaagaBriot a railroad preal
John Morrison baa begun hb alelgh
deal has hMight Uekets for hb tom* haul from hb camps to 8pe
ny. •
where he loads Ue logs on to
‘•You rrHaadiNpld bear.** rplaytolly Thb looks like more work in Bpen
aald Willie Btbkb,^agi^
yearm. to car.
The only erdteBieol In town today
hU brother AlbedL aged lA while
playlag bear hunters tn their tother*s was caused by Byrq^ BuUoa'a team
raid at Upper Bad NBck. near Pough nmalng away. It rA about t
keepab. N. T.. Tuesday. Then «*IUle quaiteri of a mile, smashing the
pointed a ravolror he held at Albeit sleigh to pieces and puttlag the algh
and pulled the trigger. The re^wlver horae out of businaas for a whUe.
went off aad a bullet pbreed Use
Was. Peterson of Bharao and John
breast of AlbWL aad he will db.
Haines of Trmverae City ate their din
Wy Rev. Pr. Boytaa. the Irish pro- ner at Hotel Bpeneer the Jrd Inat,
John Martin and wife of Bhatronl
Ylaolal of Urn Rodamptortat Order,
who has beoa oa a riali to Auaumlb. spent Now Tear's day with hb aade. |
K U b uaderatood. abount to found a Jaa. Potanoa. of Ub plaop.
Bectkm K. A. 4 Watt of a newl
large maaaatary la Urn PhUlppInca.
It b aald to be probabM Uat several
BedeoMSoriau at gcoMt attaeM to
Whta • Dotw (N. H.) »a» aaieM
Aaatrallaa aoBaatorba wUl aocom
My Fr. Boytaa oa hb mbaioa. aad glaatiBg hla gala btaaa, be left the
WIU romala la the FhUlpplaaa when bag eiMlalBlw tbe Ml.ot«r eted to
tbe grata bealdc a tree. He foead tbe
the hegae Uiere had bM opened.
hag the ether deg talr toolid te the
4oha. WfmaM aad Haaiy Mock,
gtaoad. Tbe bettaa lajar of beeaa
wealthy heothoN of Daria cooaty. K had aphKrt«J, aad tbe roots embaddad
C.. wore la lovo with Nellb Depaas. thenaetres la the tarf.
4tt WIST raen snuT
gpaebF to the BMlag Beeord.
Pono^ MIdL. Jan. A—Mrm. Car
roH aad daaghtar BUa hare haeo rle^
iUng rabUrea la OadlUac for tha paai
Mka Nina Duffy rislted b Cadillac
a coople of dare thb week.
Mba Lana Ball cetanad hoBia Ban
day. aftor a few dtya* Ttelt with
frbnda la Weiford and Oraat town
Mba McLoaa of ThoaipooBTllla vU
iCtd friaoda in town orar Soaday.
Mba Marlon Phalpa had BeaaooU
riallora one day last weak.
The tea-oanl sapper glTca by the
Ladlee’ Aid aodety Wadaeaday eren
lag bad to be poatpooed oa account oi
the atoTBL
Mrs. Arthur BUrer rlallad her par
aau at Onekama last week.
L. L. Duffy etarted Thiumday for i
two weeks’ visit In Toledo.
James Orlner of thb pboe and Mir.
maache Burton of Meslek were untin
in marriage last Thursday night. The>
^va the beat wishes of their friends
nbht-eerrlcee were held ai
the hoB>^ Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Bab
wid pra-
EM tta Hoar Tort
Ufa iMBuy Joha A. McCall wroca
tha parM of m aarrtea aa praaMaat.
I hart aMa aiiatahai It la got aaar
to ha taarroat arhoB faelBg BToat pM
Ma 4aAjr. Mj arrora prohabir aaaai
SMUr la M todar ihaa Char aaoBi to
MOM tatarahly |aal critic. Mr
SB '
la fcaaa thi
au. Mr deal Uka tha atalrs. they
waat aoBM wtadowa whara thara arc*
aoaa^aad daaTrtlka thaai vhaa tka
mrpmrnr pau iham b. Thar aorar.
%arar Ilka tha waU paper.**
Ooa. BhorgM BaU. tha bbodthlretr
CobcBda aUltUrr kafu. ^ Mdad the
groat ubara' atrika by daporUag the
laadara. aad other Ruaaiaa uetboda.
M ha haa hM thraataaad with the
huaa fata that orartook ionaar Oor.
•taoBbarf of Idaho, orbo waa Mown to
pNeaa by a dymaaflla bonb aa ha anfarad hb gatp gatarday alght -SUianlaberra aMaatBatloa waa tha work
of utaara.** aald Oaa. Balk **1 am
Burkad tor tha aama fata. I do* not
Buralr aaopoet thU; 1 know It I have
^ an. r
iwn* mm m Mit
M M Mfc ^ fW
trio to gat roair aa thoaMi ha «m to;
Mktas M n M IM tippii M it
MU. MM «f tkM MmI MB la
OovBjr** canPi m Ma» MaMa. Daat
IMB Mt Oavajrli lapMatlaa It. M
tlu fM or tkM M a nilo. Mr a
Hfi. Bair Medb tkt
M BaM «fdi vBllafB. OmagM fa
a BrtBoa, ttoBik. flav MB ftvo a BM oUct Mk«a MtlM ■> in !!■»■■
a ili W oM. Tto M4 waHar al'
italMMf Mga
thla U attaodad to hr tha uaa. 1 aai
Urod of pattlaoat aororaaMt.** Oar.
hard aara tt aaad to ha aaar to raat
hooaaa. hat boo tha BroaM vaat ao
do ao
faaatag Mt ka b golag to oat thaoi
OatOfhblllt. **|flMtfBattOBM.aara Oathard.
will let tha hooaea
mwiuak mtviimv, mnumiv
John R. Santo
ThU U the time to buy weddingRiftnlSfor c«nt ^
COBBtaU thiough the etora
P. 6w—Remember our op
tical openinff. with Prof.
Hhellman pf Gmixl RapuiA
8th to i:uh. ^
Kew Willem BUh
epM hOBM block. Room A
HastaWs srr
Nt A. M. HOLUMV. ondaala T»
Cb Simtitr
placod IB my bands for collection.
1 win be in my office to r««elve aald
taxes from now until Feb. 1. INN. on
eaoh week day from t o’clock
Ue forenoon an^. from
o'clock la the afternoon.
vn UOOD**
ORa LAWTPN«-nyMgy^^M ^
'St^«S^rr“ 1"!* *th(S»ta
• go««itk
charged a fee of four per cent for eollection. Penalty on ddlnquent city
and achool taxes and special asaeas4 cent on each dollar of tbe
of aald tax.
JOS Bute Bank
Fine Dental Work
6as Kaaac
Dec. 1. IMi.
2.00 Down
Bpocial attenUon kitco to
ditcaaeg of Um eyC
With Dr. t. A. Thompaon
pi|i: IS"
The handaomoat and moat conven
ient EITCflCN CAllifKT on the
market. Solid Oak fionta, Mouae
and dual proof Roller bearing Flour
We manufacture them and make
low prioea.
btlorat prioes oonaiatMit
wm SBE uuRa a.
OR. I. L. TMIRLBY-Bpaalal BtMm
tloo U> dbaaaaa of ehOdraB. Roam
4M State bank bldg. BoRBfteBaa.
Tin Tttsuraact
Office SOS Nev WOheljn Block,
Banta CUut U on his annoal cmiae to beatow good
thingt on hU many frienda.
If you think of giving tome
of your married ohildrai|
the material for a hotmeag
aChfiatmag pteaentgpleBae
bearua in mmd^ooniieo-
0. P. Ovvar aad Br«. aDU giaBaa
Ot^JFe^CHAgff-HamaopalhML OA
araa GRty. MM4. OttMaaa phoaa IM
DmmBorawamhuHia. • n. m. ta n
Im I n. «. f to • avamaaa BM«m
aryahiiptoa OBaum h«a4a.
sBaiL^^udia >. Ma«tMa,M Id
W. TULLER cun eatlmute your Umber.
Reference Traverae City MXg, Co,
ef nl. 110,000 worth of timber
tvought during November and Da
ev mber. M n dny. Interlock.
Wood I Wood! ss:-%sss!:r:
Ion deck
TriTtru Otj
Notice to the Tnxpayera of Ue aty of
Travorne City:
The tax roib tor Ue ooUecUon of
the aute nnd eounty Uxee for Ue
nnd for Ue delinquent
1 city taxea nnd apecUl as
General Insorante
^2.00 D»ER L.OAD
eco. n. Jans
201 fraaf Straaf
J.AII«ltOB 6B0,W.artrBTHI
********H?t5!5a»L53p^ IfcaaH
Oval Wood Bisb Co.
m. tr, aara ratiiis
t daiMa lar aMMvIac «M<b
.• ■ •- -J .'i. . 5.-.-
— .1
MumaM or WMtUT
. C-rA slate depart- MRS. WtaSNART THEN WENT TO CbtaT or FaNoT Wao oa Hand to Ste
Tbat Ho PMteftod Himooir tea
VtU pfohablr.
MtO MimY.
!• ihm MMf um
»r win
Mrs. Wlooliart Told tbo HoopRal A
tbartttoa That Ho Wao SvPortep
ta« 9r«iiif lUioK
If ioMMM^mo.
Mt IN’ tfeoMM
tao proMot iMMlAl UroMm Is tho
ooyr iM
Mot III ante.
, Jn. l.-^t to roportod that M.
oC fbnnr Koortio BUmlstor oC
Piwtor Wmo footontojr hMl a loof
bttorvtoor vtth Promtor Roortor la ro>
fM te tin propoaod oow Rontaa loan
^ tMiMM finMa. BooTtor. after
Aaaapolte Jaa. S-l
o tail adtedCteoat or tbo telly Portsnoatb. K H^ Srat claxa. vbo
aSairo oT a & Taa Atotlae aad vlft vas tried for tbe alted baatag of
h ban booa betere tbo poUeo fbr Isaac N. McCrary of Calvort. Texas,
aad Gaylord Church of Nev Albany,
when tbe bead of the family and bto lad., baa bean aegamed. The vardlec
hter moved out of tboir boase and sraa generally expected by tbe public.
Umh up tbeir realdeace la tbe east caA
Gblar of Pnlloa Aablon vaa oa bead
at tbe resASanee to aee that cvffytblag
Mr*. W. L. Ayen of Old Mtoaloa
moved as U aboeld. B. B. Vaa AlstlM drove tato tbe aty tbto atecn
took only a partial division of the fur. take the afternoon train for Rapid
alture or tbat vbleb bad belonged to City, vbera she wfll vlalt a dai
him before tbe laat marriage. The Mrs. Orilla Hooper, aad a eon. Percy |
varraat vaa aot aarvad oa blm yea- AyeriL She vlU be gone tvo ve
terday but only tbe formal eomplatet
vas lodged la the Recorder's eourt
upon srhlcb he Immedistely signified
his InteaUon to settle tbe dlfScully sn J
leave home.
^ J. W. Jackeoa of tbto city recolTod.
toll onalag. tbo RIcbBMad Hroalag
Item, dated Tharaday. Jan. 4. vbtoh
ooatalae tbe folloving acooont of the
arrival aad death of Grant Wtoehan.
vbo toft thto city vlth hto vlfe and
bartoador. Jaaoe
Mrs. a 8Ug returned to Empire
after apeadlng a fev days la tbe city.
*Tbo death or Oraat
Kte place at Hold Manorial
at S o ciock tbto teoralag under uaBOO. to being laroetlftefrala From AdMalog Roporo Not
gated by Ooronor Mateloy today. Late
to Anovor or Loovt the Room
tbto afloraoea aa antopay vaa held at
and Rowo yrouldnT Oo.
bmaat of Wllaoa A PobhBoyer to datenaia# tbe
cauae of deaU.
By Wire to tbo Mvoalag Baoord.
No,«e<laD't mH bun. bat
**Wlabhart vaa a hIoob kaaper of
Nov Tote. Jaa,
Yeatafday hto
larlag a
vordy U
to pnpue tonie yoniMlf
Rove, eooaaof for Hoary
aald to be RTlaabarra bartender,
aad OQBaUaaloBor Saabo
ADdifto we OAD helpjoo
brought him to RIchmbnd. arriving at
out Wt* have
: : : :
tbto aftamooo to aave the 1:40 o'clock yeaterday afternoon.
Wiaabart was uBoonacAoua vben the
bearing from
tioa. Roare obtoeted to certala quaa- tralB arrived aad vaa removed la the
tkma aad directed Rogora aot to an* cUy ambttlaaee to the hospital.
"After explaining at the boapital
Raabora told Rove bo bad no
right to do ao aad that W bo paratoted tbat her husband had Brtpbl'a diaaase
gild there is Doqnootiott but
tCoatlBaod cm Third Page.)
ba voald ban to leave tbe room.
Rove aald ba voold coatiaiio to adSMOUBS
vtoa the vltaaaa and Raabora directhave a few of WRIGHTS
CALBHDARS left and will
be pleated to give them to
anj one intereotod in
Wright's Smoke. The Condeimed Smoke oomee in >
CHARM MADE SV JACOD RUSTlarge bottle it ;
te tte IMM or
DiO. II tola sum
Tlie diary tliat lasts fine fern h called
We make
mi M «n im ims
CaofM Him.
Bpoctolto tho BToaliif lUoard.
Nov Weifon,^lllclu Jho- «.-ltoy.
■KMd DarU, afod IT. vaa caught If a
talUag tm aad laataatljr hilled leotordajr aftoraooiL
Ho vaa the ton of WUItoai J. C.
XtoTia. vho lives one nlle aouthvMt
of Nov Worford. aad vaa cutttog
vood arlth hto li-ToaMild hrothor. Tk«
hejra tndortook to fell a troo abent
olghtaaa tachoa la dIaaMtor. It vu
leaalag aad vhaa the aav attack a
nttaa plaeo. the tree apning bate.
'\Hie bogra eadoaTorod ao get out of
the vajr bat Rajrteoad. ta ruaalag. atuabled over a log aad fell, the tree atrftlag oa top or hlBi. eruahlag htn betvooB It aad the taf.
Hto brothor at oaoo tma to hlai aal
ooToral othani vho vora ta the vlctoIty. Daath had booa Inataataaeoui.
howTOf. Alteoagh the toroo vaa te^
riblT cruahod. otarr Hb botag tort
from the Tortrabro. Ue face vaa aot
lajurod aad aoWhor^aore the arva o*
tots brohoa.
. —^
The bof vaa tooaeat. Industrtooa an j
aMMHou aad had anar fHeada. Tb<
thaariJ aofrlee vtU be Suadagr at 3 Annual Etoelion Waa Hold Laai Evanp. M. froB the IXadi^oa ehorch ai
teg and Tbto Waa Fallawad by
b camp met last evaalng aad
atoeted otttcara for the aaaalag year
^ •
PtoaaaM Ttott at the taptiat'ChiirDh^
)aad altar tba vote vaa cteplated ram
patrad to the City raataufmaL where
rmj llttto chlldroa fron the pri- ley enjoyed a deUcloaa gab aupper.
atei7 aad latenphdiate dopartaaat of
Tba follovlag oficere vere elected:
the Rapttot Baategr ochool eaJopM a H. I. Kaapp, captain: George Ttorback.
aodal tlate yateardaj aftoraooa ta the
It; Herbert Gage, adjutant;
parlon of tho ctoareh vhich vero light, Otto Xyselka. quartermaatei-. Robert
•d vlth lapoaooa toatoraa lor the oe- Walter, ebaplata. Tbe reUaf eommn. caahBL mat Oraoo Haatlaga had the tee, vteteb vaa appelated. ooMato of
atalr la ohargo aad to boa to duo the tea following: Albart Novo|ay. fw
doUghtfai t|MO vhich all participated tea yaaie: Dr. T. W. Tbhrlby. two
la. Uag table von aamuaded vtth
I vbo aalaimd the tappar provided. Tbto to tba taliSal I
tog or which vUl later baeoma a
vblob vlU ba aagaalaad Maoctotkia comprtateg both
beaatiful child lay aa thoogb aatocp
ta bto cradle, aanouaded by exquisite
tag aarvloes vere ooadocted by the
Rev. a CochUn. vbo spoke words of
otby aad comfort. Mrs. A. H.
Holliday aad Mre. C. P. Back laag
tbe lad's favorite aoag. "Jeveto,** aad
Some Time Well Uadeteuad.**
Tbe burial, la charge of W. a Anwooo. vaa in Oakvood oametery.
bharo banka of flowers aeemad to
ebaage vlater into aummer for tbe
It to doubtful If any dhlld in town
anreo uampaau aao mma miaa
y.^jOmapwu have juM ratuimad from a
tbaaa weaka' vtolt with vetotlvea ta ^
I of poopla aad by young
i aveat aasUa aad vtaalag
stoppufl bto cab to get a amlla. aad
alaoa bp death tbe bouae baa been
Tlolted by acorea of chlldraa vbo are
roddtMd by bja
Ha vlU ha
mjaaad by ovary oo# vbo kaav him.
to taarol oanrioa of Mrs. D. R
wffl ba bald Monday aftenmoo
at f oYlote fhMB the borne.
And so U our Celebrated Kno Wet Trousers. WUl
keep you dry ia rab or tnowi and warm i
weather, also Sprasue’s Russian Vests,____
treble ^ the rold. They have a double breasted
about the neck,* thus
most thorough throat and lung
We Are Agents For
2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00
AT75C WomeB'aFeltaboea
OomoKHi Senae toe, leather
eole-flannel lined.
AT Me Women'a
Jnliettee, for trimmed, eer>
^ral colon to eeloot tmm.
Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shfngle Tit^vber.
At 9L98 Women’e PEtent
leather drem ehoea, worth
$2.60to».75-an extiaor.
dinaiy ralne
By Wife to tbe Bvaalag Record.
Cbleogo. Jan. 6.-^acob Ruilman.
aged 41, prealdcnl of the JeEcrson Ice
EXPLOSION TOOK PLACE AT THE company, suicided by shooting In his
offloa this morning. Dr. Benne. his
phyrictaa. claims the act vas due to
the alleged peraecntlons of tbe soTWaoty Men Were Injured In Wlllev called "Ice trust." vho have In the
last year tearged Rustman exorbitant
SpHnpa. Windeve Ware Sreken
prioas for goods he vas compelled to
and Furniture Moved by the
buy from them to flft contracts. He
lost Urge sums consequently, aggregaUag several hundred thousand dol
By Wire to the Bveaing Record.
loago. Jan. d-Rlx moil vere killed
and tventy Injnrod tbto moralag vhen
large quanUty of dynamite exploded
la the elone quarries of Dobe* A lanka of Ftawsra Around tha Qrova
aid. Bear Gary. I1L According
of LRtla Oaarga Daapraa Thomptbe police aa attempt sraa being ma
aan-Funarul Thto Aftarnoon.
to tbav the frosea ezploolvoa, aad la
tbe operatloa tbe eoacueekm fblk
Tha boiDe of Dr. abd Mrs. 1. A
u tveety miles eaay sray felt tbe
k. la WUlov Rprlaga. via
with frtaads vho came to take their
• -brokea and furalture moved by loviBg fareveU of little George. Tbe
ciNiON mTmmmr-
ATSSc Cbildreu’
Shoes, laoe, pateDt Upa.
bea\7 or light aolea.
Allaped That Ha Loat Several Hundivd
Thauaand Dellsni aa a Raault and
Thto Morning He Suletead
by Shooting.
Ow VMt Wm Caatb
•avo mooey on your bill if
you come here.
n't the email aaTingtihai
fiU the pmno-it'e right bur
ing at the right place that ac
oompliibeathiaeod. Touom
Condensed Smoke
A nmMiagaUana little hook that eaa be «ad
ecaseoUMporaataadeBind. Aak to aae whatwenoa.
aider a 6ne artkile in tfe diary Uaa.
o. o. MormTT
fPo f mom panni
te Ml tbo whim
nbMracta of TItIo
Dn. Sneyte 4
Craversf €ily lUlg. €o.
lR*M>aM tmtf I
Citmvna Pteu. BSi BnU.
W.L.Brwn. Munaimr.
16 inches long. WiU deliver lj< cords for $2.60
Joha F. Ott Ltimb^ Co.
errz. PHONE 844
MCoetoiiptosad inoliiding taebs dollar eqsto
at ab(m> diMoont-Brakan maea «mpd ns to make
aaamifleetoclaaniipatoek. BOMB 8PLKin>ID
■ •
^ on the purchase of an
COME while the se
lection IS good
Hamilton clothing co.
We witk t^ r^nce our
omcsm or nkw chattu
laXiskerc. Start a Mvii«Baccooet.
tkoagh atman one, aad ^anbtemljr
add toittliAtwfeead»c“r*5ayd*y~ w
I «f the Maaenle
m Maynaird of Charlotte. aasMed
h - usfteir
by Ormto Worthy Matron Man
r. Maora af Bay GMjr. who Mtod la the
the inaUUatkm of the lodge. TraVarae
Chy>lmptar esempUSed the wor^t. thU
betog the aecoad time that they have
to aaeh n eapasigr and the gsw
TfM •Illy W1Q< to rMCli
n* tMrfBnlmiM or Iho routo im
plOMit eoapur to • Yorr Impoiunt
tklw ter TroYCTMt dif. Tb« proMO!
ptartdMidm sro Uw bm knovn bosl
MM MB la tee eMp aad YTlUi «
9»fMUiel the tadiurtry can not help
Uklag lu propw pure.
Th« toiUr drmvbhck to the pon
to tteee peet vma the Uck of tefftdcii;
worittop oepitol. The exeeUence aMt«
prtMSbcto VM ffenerally recosnUed and
the foods Biibt with a ready sale but
the haadieap was such that prompt deItwiee wef^nmp^lble and the plant
<xml4 eot be kept nmnUf stei
By Ihereninf the capital stock this
dlUcttlty U
htader the plant from runaothtei tohl
ntof all the year round.
In Umee past, the plant has em
ployed as high as sixty men and It U
now thought that this will be increawMi
to at least loO mra m tbe future,
though the works'have been Idle for
there are 112.000 worth oa
the hooka and despite the lateness
It Is very probable that
tlonal orders can be
cared to keep busy until next season,
allhougk It U not expected that the
tncreased force will bo put on at pres
The concern has not only a Urge do
neeUc trade, but many orders have
been received from foreign lands. Gor
nany. South AfHdi and Australli
hatng the principal ones. In these
ooanUea, the goods hate foamf favor
and with more well directed effort
could he made very profitable.
With a standard product, for which
there Is a steady and Increastng de
mand. the outlook for the fnttnne is
trary bright and It Is an excellenr thing
for the city that sufflcUni capital ha«
taknn bold of the project to enable It
to handle all the bnslness that caa be
K • IS
The best way to make business con
dltlons poor U to assume that they
will be so. to reduce orders, to sten
'advertising, and to permit of a general
lack of enterprtaa. Manistee dealers
should rcallxe that the old saw W
days are gone, and there Is no need
for aUeplng until spring. Bv erj seaaoa baa Its own pccuIUr hcmmIs. and
while aprtng and fall are necessarily
the most acUve. It Is possible to make
httslaeaa ooaditloos fairly good all
winter by adopting up-to-date methods.
If the same attitude of rrstfulncas
were In vogue, all over the Unltihl
States In winter, as here in M^ntsteo.
there would in* a puanclal panto of tho
worst kind In leas than thirty dajs.-ManUtce News.____________
The local ambera of the chapter
wore expeettog to at
lead the eeramoakte at AesMt. as
•f U a CurtU and Mr*.
I. Mclatosh. twmity-elghl la all Uktag
the trtp which started at e:S0. f?ve
rigs made the joeraey. the c
e at • o’cloek. where the
abuse with light
filled with the charter members and
MS who were about to enter
tbe taatalUtlou.
The grork of InstalUUou and «
pllflcatkbB. occupied the Ume until
when the vlaltors and t
bers of ibo new chaptor repaired to
dining room balow sad partook
feast of good things. The dl
I was elaboralcly dt^^Hsted for
the ooBkMkm, feslooaa of nations
U bunting beUg set off !>j
CkrUtmas green and holly, the whole
being both artistic and pretty. Tho
dining tables fairly groaned «nd»»r the
weight of the bounteous supper which
had been provided for the visiting del
egmtlotts by the local lodge. Roast and
baked chicken, tongue, bam. but
baked beans, salads to variety were
provided In superabundanre. while
pickles, hot coffee. Jelliea. biscuits.
and an.^dlem variety of
rakea were on the me^ which ma.le
up the spread so greatly eujoyed by
the Traverse City ehapler.
Acme can Justly be proud of the
tcrtalnment of the si ling delegations
wbo arrived home during tbe early
^btirs or the mornjng.
Twf^ty-elg!iL_-»embeni constltulo
H^iaplcr which has the follow
Ing officers;
Worthy matron. Mrs. Jennie Hoxic.
W’orthy Patron. W. M. Beard.
Associate matron. Mra. Bertha
Secretary. Mrs. Roso Hoxlo.
Titsasurer. R. A. Wilbur.
Conductress. Mrs. Anna Wilbur.
AssocUte conductress, Mr*. »
Chaplain. Mr*. Ubhlo Stttes.
Ada. Miss Noralnne Beard.
Ruth. Mrs. Emma Steadman.
Esther. Mrs Bertha O'Brien.
Martha. Mrs. Rose Glendenlng.
Elcctar Mrs. Anna Giirr.
Sentinel. J. D. Steadman.
Warder. M. M. Welch.
Horace Maynard and Mrs. Margi
T. Moore left for their r€»speci
homes on the early mornln gtrain.
opeot M account, Interwt. com
pounded •emi-annually, aUowed on
open Wednesday Eyadiifs 7 to 830
$ t $ 111 ttttiiiittS
CHABOE yesterday.
Price; literature. Mr*. W. E. Martin.
Mesdame* J. W. Patchin. H. Montague and A. B. Cook were apiK>lut» d as
a committee to draft reflations on
the death of Mrs. D. E. Carter, who
wa* a charter member of the club and
much loved by the club women.
Mrs. J. F. Gillespie gave some
thoughts about the new rear, which
she took from the works of Mrs. M. E.
C. Rates.
Quostlon May Be Submitted to People
A hot stove pipe paaalog through the
ctdling in Cbe home of EL C. Lowing gi
1057 Webster etreet caused the depart
ment a long, hard run and aliout 150
worth of damage to tbe houre and fur
niture last nlpbt.
The alarm was turned in shortly
after 5 o’clock and by the timu th«*
department arrived on the scene the
blaze was beginning do ahow through
toe side of the house. The chemical
was u*ed.
May Live 100 Year*.
lie. Me., now
nie Duncan of Haynesville
70 years old. .She •writes;
Bitters curevl me of Chronic
Chronic D>Mieps1a
2<» yc-iirs
made me
am ears interest and sUll be as inneta at yonr com
mand as Is yon kc|>t it in yonr wallet Brlnj or stnd •
ittonsandcet a Certifleate of heposit. When yon
want the money yon can xet it. tocether with the in
terest It has cjmtd.
The seaU-iniiiut interest his been atdlted to onr
SiTinrs nepositors, and idU be entered on ibeir
books on presentition.
aad to do so we have
PRICE. If you want a
heating stove sre can save
Srou some money. We
have some cxcepiiLinally
goad birgains just now.
Come in and see them.
A perfect Air Ti^t, joat Ifte cot,
boS> made cf boiler aUtot aad hcmrily
Uned. aolMl o»t top aad topawiiiR f
Aeok dfmfl with j
ONLY $4.75
SaoM stsve wtik cast sUn tase - 1
ai4aicUe leakers...... ».W»
IsMstmwttkeulskkt tar. nicUe lealers aaiMe A?;
heavy cutftsat feed tar............ .........................
voun oMKoiT .im oooo
Wliotesale and Retail-Yoor Jtoikble Home Furnklier
Dress Goods
Special Prim Darhif Onr Rnnnai Sale
All 25c goods for.............
Tlic Tjidy—Why *lon t reu go to
wrork and earn .vour living?
The Tramp-.VxIn’ yore punlmi.
ma’nm: but ef kIHi penis as me went
ter work dere’d liemorc work frr th’
The Iji'dy—R-tiy. bow’s tliat':
Ttie Trami>—I»e noosinper jnke
writers would starve ter death, ma’.nm':
ONE TO n\-B OOUaARS saved on We all has our tmew In dHi world
the purchase of an overcoat: depend* ma’am.—Chicago Dally Newa.
uiK>i> the price.
jaa 6-2t
HamiUon CloUiing Ca
ChristfflMtirlp oITt-n no bettd*r opjiortanily than can
Iwfoiina in the Diamond
•1. ciffar. One line of tlu«c
favoriWs wii braces all sizoe,
and there if not one but
what wonld Ik? troasored
and prized by any *‘lowr
of the w.ixL-
All 1.35 goods for....................
All 1.50 goods for............................. Lto
All 1.75 goods for............ ..................... I.to
All 2.00 goods for........... .................. . I.7»
One lot of goods worth from $lJOO to $1.50 per
yard, to close out at 5'Jc per yard
B. 3. Olilbelm
.\I1<1 olhf T oiKoo Bupplic'S? Every biuiincm 6rm wants iomc new euppliw tin- firot of
evcr> jcar. \\ c are lu re to supply that want.
of every kin<l. Lotlgrrs, Journals, records, in full leather binJinyf, in ranvatf ami
leather or marbUil boanl, any size of book and any number of p.nt;<-s.
larvr«‘ «*r small, hard paper or soft paper, in<h*xed or plain, «iieii at the end or sid^ for
pencil or is-n, in cloth cover or full leather.
fdinj: < as« s nr iii.hxes. all kinds of invohx; Ijooks ami iWiuii aevim^, invoice files, leltor
dii»s. si>itidies nml letter !x»xcf, spm'go cups and lin^'er dampeners,
Rulc-n*. ink .latfls. p!.p. r w.-iubts. pin
iviprr f.vstrm-ns r.iW»-r Unile. peii.il and
ink erasers, ste<*l erasers and ruling pej^ Molting pads, thumb tacks.
general debility and bodily wcakncE*
Sold on a guarantev' at Johnson Drug
Co.. F. H. Mead*. C. A. Bugbee Drug
Co. drug stores. Price only 5<>c.
BKwt relUlile and pleasant laxative I
have found." Best for the Stomach.
Three llUlc babies wrero ne»Ued in bod.
LJver and BoaeU. Giisrsnteed by B. Reynolds 8t.. Springfield. III., says; •Til
Winiam. WUIIe and Bm,"
Johnson Drug C\>.. F H. Mesds. C. A •I regard It one of the abnoluie n«set
Bugbee Dnig-C^ druggists. ,.2l>c.
eltles of houM'kceping." Guarantee Wld^wa* her sinUe. for IripleU U1C7
by Johnson Drug Co.. F. H. Meant. C
A. Bugbee Drug Co., druggists. 25c.
She lay* her good lock to Rocky Mt^n
lain Tea. (Great baby roi*dlHne.j
Johnson Drug Co.
Roblnaeo Today.
) The lire department responded to &
j telephone caH at 7:30 thU mornlnr,
Club Will Hold Social
’ I fnira the house owned by Mrs F. R
iCrrifin aad occupied by Al»e Robinson
I at 427 Stole street.
js The chimney bad been burning on*
Literature was the snbject at tin 'land the woodwork about It had been
Woman-* club meeting yesterday. Mr*. t4g afire. The total damage is small at^
Q E Bougbey was leader for the afternoon and delivered a roost Interesting addition In tho i
I as a kitchen
paper on Banjaroln Frankling. phltos.v As the fire wa
pher and sUtesman. in which she and roof the s
bronchi oot bto phllo«.phtail
...hormtoo unuor.,«rr cu.
point and his great Influenoe as a lag «»f wocsiwtirk had to be done.
statesman. Mrs. Boughey was preceded
Then- was |I.och» insurance on the I
by Mrs. W. H. Dralor. wbo spoke oii
Jonathan Edwards and Colton Mather,
their liv«*» and a review of their works.
Mrs. W. H. Steffens. acc<impanled
by Mrs. Lton'F. Titus, nuderod Ger
ald Lancs Tatiers" in a mo.-t pleasCiinnell Brothers—Ao»i»t.
tag manner.
Uitlo Miss-- Ruth
anU Enpa0cd.
Boughey then reclto<l a selection and
responded to a hearty encore. The
J W. niff. iuana;;ur <»f Griiinell
regular roll call wa* answered yester I'.rothors, ro|vnrf« that thoir l>u^inc^<
day by a quotation from Poor UirhardV for the new jrx.- is starting viry satl.-Almanac and was followed by a red- faclorily.
tation rwodered by Mias Wllhelmloi
A* Mr. Cliffe has not i-ntirely n
Shane, who also responded to an eJi- gaint'd his strength sinct.* his nv-ent
core. The current evenLs were in sickness he has engaged the asslsiance
charge of Mm. H. Montague.
of Mes5Ts. J. S. Sturtevant and Jay
The clnb will hold It* soplal afle.- Griniud. spt'^lal state sab -nvn. of !>•
noon Jan. 15. tbe feature of which will
l>e a pundy mu.'^ical program. An
Their as>t»rlnu*nl «if pianots at Uimission*^foe of ten centa ' will be pri“.'^ent lime is the most compb te in
charged and the ladles of the city arc seycral years and any one cuniempla^
Invited to attend. This gives the ing the purchaac of a piano would d;>
ladle* who are not enrolled as club well by calling soon before the jussork
members a chance to attend the club ment is reduced.
The following program corarollle^'
for the coming year wa* api>ointed:
Science and edncatloo. Mrs. A. W.
Peck: history and biography. Mrs. J. Hot Stove Pipe Caused a Lota to E. C.
Lowing—Chemical Used to ExC. Morgan: mnsic and art. Mrs. R. J.
Petoskey. Jan. 6.—Loyal E. Knappen
of Grand Rapids. specUJ counsel for
the Emmet county liuard of supenriaors« advises the tsiarri that its lease of
the cliy hall Is valid, but that it cannot
compel the city connell to enlarge the
jail. A large element cm the board fa
vora submitting the question of the Petoskey
iodsman Ran
TwIq in
removal of the county w'at at th«
His Nostril.
spring eleciion.
Pelosker. Jan.
Charles Reberg.
a woodsman near I*rto.«ker, accldentxUBeau the Music Cure.
To kiM-p the iKHly in tune." writes
ly ran a twig into hi* nostril. It sevHalf the World Wonders
Mrs. Mar> Brown. 20 lAfayette plaoe,
TypL-writor ribbons, m.imiscript covcr8,‘l>iil>cr f.isfoni-rB. r«rE>on pi|H-r.
. ''\V
Tho Intost ib-vicc for rapid duplicating, when von want moiB thiin one O^y of • jettor,
distrramordrawim:. It is tho aimpWt of nH duplicat;.ra|, \Ne arc-sole iigeolC He
sun and see- it. Tho price is only
Arnold a, Thoinaa, Staffonl, in 1 oz hotll«, half pint, pint or quart, in bhick, bluoblack, cr.pying orml.
of ovorv kind to suit all manner of arriUng. fine or .wiracj atob or half atub.^acbool.
office or Ixrak use.
A remploto stock of Richmoml & Backus atwolntohr'oorrort legal Idinka, deeds, mortgages, leases, discharge of mortgage, «U jnstice and oironif court blanks. '
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
atkifAti m
jy*?»I m
Danny ootort with Ahtott to tto
•ttoat door or tto hoBilOB to wtoen to
has kSa tooilOL Watadtoonitdlacto
In an apan car and hid aatod to Ah^ alNM dw »*al» «f W» tal
bott tort had oflt aoaeoeded In atttoctTU
m *pc rxifl
nif hta attotolon. Beyond a donht tto
#U WA» II mM«trr b#
M indindaal with him waa tto bnrf^
iI 4Mir «r {u 0 to hto P>rM. tort «ific»
hand a prtra waa oat Tto
lii UigiQi to rtrroi
tranter that to In 1
to tor
llnim Wt
«Mct «M ll
JL •»«■*•
ttoi to iHtt.locord *TM
Ob iib occAstob.
a um> to-»»i*
I tair « doltar.
WW§ Vt
tort WV t« (to
ff«|pb Ml or Ito POHWC ttOd pOMfd tt
to mr. Asktof wtottor 1 kurv tto free.
1 liflitli i mii torttolt of i tttoo or
Abortt ftotr r«M. • toito. aotonaliod
ctyyiico rttotofUf ttil imi tM
M to Ito M^Lio^liid i Atoll
X tooold Mjr at oora vrto U»a mao war
md %I1M f toa torK lUtD, tmt tto Un*
prioate TitortMi m npMix to It liad
tY Milt WAIttCR
edj^ to
Mt tnm tto wtedow 1 aaw only toro 'h P, Covay of Hotrar ^
tottAt iMa PowHI i4i 1 Midtoly faaai igURo or mam I coold hart mad*
oath that thmwmnrt toa dann. tto gamt waa
no far aa 1 waa
»y VltUiTiEHEitY
tod 4to idMavt of
Ud I, “tod
“ODd rrt'’,
tto gtoUnmui.- told
-Aod y#t
tM I>waU to t
,MBM «rltli ttilt. I
IMitoad. **!(!• (to.____
toro Mto tom. iod loeratljr. But
-How dkl you coma by kla plrtucar
n mM
aciftolotABcw of EJbert
toytoldorttoMtotoMrrtca. Wactmt
lo to qolta^Ttomr. Today I mat him
OB tto atnwt aod I aatod him bow ha
toppatMid to to bora, tor 1 bad uodar•food that to wto locfitod In Plttaburf
or thrMboot Ha told to waa lookluf
«r a maa-fto Danny Ulltort In brief.
Danny. I rafrat to atata. la a bnrflnr.*!
“1*11 bat ha’s a food ona- aald 1.
toodylntf tha iibotorraph.
-Hy firland toybold.” continued Towill, -gare tna certain dlatreaoful daUlla
or Hr. Olltort’a career, and eaparinDy
of toa mart recant ^randarlnfi from tto
patto of peace. About a year ago br
re In A1
nan aa to waa learlug the
am hippy to aay that the
tto actnt to tto ottor aldt of fto doon
which had bam dened tto IntoinUhat
go qtfttXy bad I been dlapoato of
that Pewen had molred go hint of
to «ad lb* door obst. Br obook It br
tto knob and called my name in rain.
It win he admitted that my friend
tod canaonahto eatme to think that to
bad met wllh oomething mraaiial in tto
way of an ciaparieiiee. Billy Abbott
poprtidtd to aaptnrt Danny Oitottt had
whUt wt ntt onr dUraar. and wa*tpant
tto-reward many timaa and to Increaatngly nttractira waya ovar tha cdffea.
Him Knight, tndaad. ttprtatad a cat^
tain pity for tto maa. If ha had takan
ttp an ocrupattoo to aidnont aa that of
poBlng to mtm at latot hart trted to
mtlfy bit Ufa. Any tuggartlcm of hart
Wai wtodom from on high to Powall.
“irtol do you thtokr aald ha. tom
lag to ma
“I think Danny to protobly planning
aooltor robbery/' mKI I.
“But to can t rob nilly Abbott.** protnttad ItortlL “Not arm a landlord
eon rob Billy for more than tha flrat
two montha. Than Billy beg'ina to rob
tto landlonl. and prtanuUy ha baa to
“Ua*a getttog
*,* - fM Mtoa
Bto. Knight **Hfa taken
«p a lAjly cIgTar
cl»Trr lUie of work-fid pot
boiling. 1 moan, lie to making daalgua
for BUtlonary and that aort of thing.
The laat time X waa In bto atudlo to
waa working on tha dealgn for a chock,
nad'lt waa rery artlatic In lu way.*'
“A ctockr cried iWtt. “Ahal That
exptolna It/'
fell to dtocnmlng tto poealbn.
crime to that directum and
had erolred many ImpiMalbla achemca
whereby Danny tlllbert could win
weolth by ataallng tbe dealgn of aomebody's
cheek wsru
when mm
Mlaa evoigui.
Knigbt Inter
^ ua by annottneing that It waa
? for her to dh home. We walked
withI tor to where aha Ifred. and from
•croM tba atreat we watched tbe light
door to bant that I felt the floor
flare In bar window aa a algn that all
tremble uuder me. auil while be pmwaa well.
par|?tl for another nwiault the ebrir alow•Do you know.** aald I'cwell. “tbere'e ly aud ailently uiM^msl.
ofn big city that
aometblug lu the Ufe.
From Powcira poaltlon be louktsl
“SSTm S !=‘
l^;r‘of^nr^wUUd. n,u.t Ua«
dUturiH^ tbe
(to aspaeutkio of liti p
tto aOtor la not yet rocg»n»* nkd ttiare
fa a r^ard of about |l4ES0 for the caiv
turaof Daimy.”
> “ss;
and when my amotion bad auffldauily
onbaldad I atared bmirrlly at tba pictnre of Danny Ollbert.
“ira a moral cerUluty tbnt^ bara
•con thla fallow within a month.** uld 1.
They do uot si>cak tba same languagt.
Pownll waa aqiiaUy it^rtalu on bto think tha name tbougbts-c
own iiart. and be aald that, slngotoriy h**»»f* the use of kicking! l waul to
anongh. X waa aaMMtotad closrty In hla protect bar: that's all. I just
watcb and guard her erery hour.
mind with the ragusly reroomb
t with rtI hayatbai
fanl to yon.** I rtJoiDsd. Au4 It was
me. **Bnt It may be only th« rcsemhtonea. You'll admit that bis rety
touch tto aam^ type of dan>«mdo that
you are.'*
ludaad, though Danny GlllMit'a face
dlscloeed a remarkable dagpca of pore
ra... U.^
< tbe cluiu<>as lu Ibat brief |mu»e hi- eye
‘ was attrnctwl by a shluliig ohjeet on
U^U. tbe « lu.I..w
I the wall U'sk
okl eutto-H. a part of Hilly's hnphnximt
oughtn't to bare said 1
Ihe next Instant Powell
Lefs go and sx^ If wo can fiml Billy ! acros- the room. The twb men sprang
tore breo 10 oVIjrk wb.u wt- \
„h,_v .rri.. uu ii..v
onw to tbo bnlldloe wbwv Billy u.id
i,rij.j„0uKo. »ii.l wIiI.Id n frao
bU .luaio. Tb«* WM really “»thm of a «o«ma tb. y bn.l r...-ovor«l
•t all of OBdlbs blm. for be lived In ' ,1^...,..... But meeiiwhllo Powell bad
tbe ■nbitrlM. and tbla wm u bualoei. ; ,0, tbe .word, mud be n.u.t have looked
bloek in wbleb be bad cettbllahed bl. des,H>rately formidable, bla tall and
workaboi*. The door wm locked; tbe
form outlined
ball waa dark. Tbere wti no bell, oud
lu all tbe front of Uie itrueime only a
o^^^ed wmo
mukle wlodow WM Ulumlnauvl. Hd.
aud a eroan.
wa. on tbe lu^Miid floor above tbe ]
• door and was lettered with a dantlri's I was as happily lusi'lra*! as aver In my
^algu. Blit whan wa wralkad around to
i Uie skle there wa* a light sure enough, .
tin Billy'* window upon*tba third floor ,„v legv. aud wUh all my force I kicked
at tb«* oxtrame end.
jtbat man'* feat from under him. 'Ito
We called, but wllbout hope that he ^ rt^uh was Indt-ioribahly i>crfa. t. The
woukl bear our voice* amid the thou* mnu turned e«tiiiplet«*ly upside down
sand noises of the rsatieas city. Then jami siruek uiH^n ids l.ead l»e*lde me.
i IMwell broke nff s small fragment j ndled aerosa bis iKsly. l.m he made* no
from a worn curbstone and threw it moveme nt lie lay limp iH'iie.ath me.
with a good aim a.» that It glanced from
At the* same. Instant Towell's miglity
•the sash, but without much noise, so Unu swung tbe old eutUiKs. and If the
I far ns waaould judge. Instantly, bow. j wea]>on had uot tarm*d a little Lu his
eviT, the light In the studio was exUa- i hand X think be would have cut Id* o|>just j pjnent liHgtbwise Into two pkves.
gulahcd. EvklenUy Billy
1 the , Half a minute later my mouth
leaving, and
inirner to tbe
al flr*t with unqueslbnlng confidence,
then with cHmslderahle surprise. Half turned up. nml we examined our two
iHisscd. and be did not appear; ; prisoners. Tlie victim of my prowess
ID hour iHisi
; wa* already reviving and
nor wa* hi* Indow lighted.
Preocntly the dentist appeared al the I cured with tbe^s* taken from my
to him wc explalnetl tbe *!t- own Itiuha. but tbe man whom Powell
-WBT. Tas. 1 a^ow TBi MAii.-aiin ma
lud. 'had struck doom needed no such at
mdmttl>ek*crugP.\U wa* scnm'ly cam
tcntlon. We knelt lieride blm, end It
,bU r.<^;r^UWell .
?uuuU .ur..yto cs that Danny GUtbe burglar, bad g^ne to hU aeto accentuate Ua* revelation i»f hi* ap• cDimicuam««. however. d«q>U *
Mas of my frlenl's
geiUicst poaalbimies. for. Just then wc
instratloos In tto magsxlnca.
a soatonaalt to tto air wltbom a run.
he can clear the bar at six fee* with
a ruaaiag jomp. and U equally good at
a auadlag jaap. When getting ready
fv a big contest he takes life very
easily. He gom to bto at an early
boor-«artyAt least, for a music baU
anlst>-aad he is up addn after th*:
lark to the motbtog.
He does a UtUe wresUIng aad then
idwtakes a gmiefal physical culture
oourae. Walking is a tovorite form
of rm^eailon with Hackenschmldt.
whDe as for food during the Ume he U
gottlog fll. he believes to plenty of
wholesome meat, not foigetUng sweetmenu, which, he has stated, tend w
make men strong and powerful.
Madrall. quite a'contrasl to the Rus
sian In appearance, does not get nearly so much adipose tissue off when he
U read>- t^Vrtrestle In any of hi*
matches. He. loo. Is an eater of
sweet meat*. He does, a fair amount
of wrestling with bU paribers. DlfMarried People In Evidence at We^e- flcult to defeat he certainly Is. for hi*
render him practically Immov
tong Club Lift Evening.
Tl>o dance al the Wr-qiu tong club able when on the defensive, while hi*
houHc lam evening was a very pleaaant! oiiy-golng oriental method of getting
affair. In addition to the young pao-| ready does not tend to gal hU poundLie there were a number of lb**,age down.
married folks pn^nexxl and] Madrall Ik not n weight lifter, ho
they bad aa eaJo>-ahlo a time aa any j does not favor that mcth»>d when
Of the oihera. Stewart A Steffens' or-1 preparing for a ctmteat, but that he Is
poaaeaaad of enormous atrength waa
proved when he mat and defeated Tom
Jrnklns. the Amcrlcin champion. Hla
fractured cllujw. an Injurv' suatalne.1
I Hwlft. whose sa when he first mat llarkcnschraldt. has
It I* reWlto of I
tiricnl wit funiliOito many of tbe
1 net Impaired his powers; he is as good
In the liUtiirj* of with hlB right as with his left
possible that any of the cotoges wHI
na Hensen. who has been
allow lu athletes to stay away that
very 111. is better at this writing.
kmg during examination time.
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Blaricon of
“None of the athletic club* to the
a few days wltb
middle west." he Htld. “will to repr.-hl.K pafent'. Mr and Mr*. J. Van BUrlaented In the game*."
<-on, of this place.
Bad Year for Hereemen.
The M. E. churvh has s now toll.
It d<*e*n't look the lirlgUtew possi
J<H> Rilling and wife have moved
ble year ft»r the hor-emen. Memphis
some time ago announcc-i! that, a* a hark to their farm in Eden.
rvBult of the hew Tanm-HKiv law. K
wo'^d make no 'aftempt to conduci
harness rac<>* this fall, aud would ask
Tonight, at Sielnb^'rg's Grand opera
no lime from the Grand Circuit
splendid musical extrava
steward*. Indtanaimli*. a U>*b Im
portant point, hut <me that ha* con ganza, “The Wizard of Or..'’ with It*
ducted good sport, both thoroughbred gn-al leanty chorus, superb sc«-nio
and harness racing, now comes to the cquipnn ni and coraple;<* electrical and
fore with the statement that It* rarlnc mi'chanical auxiliary, will to seen and
aasoclaiion has disbanded. Omeninr enjoyed by amu.*<-menl lovers of thla
Hanly'* altitude on Iho pool wlllns rlfy and surrounding towns.
The engagement Is an cv<mt of conmatter explain* the action. Tlie cliv
hi*t*8 conflderahk* money, and it* citi sldcrahle Impartane*- as,the attraction
zens much di%*erslun, as a result if Is one of the to*t over tiecured for
City. The special cars and
the gtJvernor’r iMmltlon.
the mechanical force with the company
They Must Have a Losing Team.
The Marinette. WIs.. school iMsrd arrived nt S:l& this morning from Cad
.,W,t tn I,.
l..vlae »- P™-'- •«»"■
illac nnd the mnipany profM-r, mariy
ntired for the night, tbe rap at ill* door! bodily powers arc even grcati r now has abolBhed foot toll from the school
hv resolullcn. The resalutlon also re*“ 25 this aftersoon brougtil blm to a window over | than they were a year or more ago.
jaiN.n, Bherythlng i« now in
rites that Interscholaitic foodball
looking the cx|H-ciant couidc. Leaning I
Well-Known Horses,
and limb and nnt r‘^'‘
Performance which will begin
out of It aud over them aud learning I
y„rk. Jan. C.-ICntrlcs to the dangerou!
cHmdurlve to moral tipllfilng of mem iI sharp at R:.lo tonight.
-J taroar'^Th.^."
which deed .1 mldnUht
Tbn.. pnS^dtiit ihcni “hmd andlTu«dt.v. had noi all hccji rccdvcl
Wife." he ndded the following rhyth-; here up tr Thtirsday night, but then
mical e1ftlM»ratlon of the Hcrlpture• tra* every Indication tint each event
“Wlml God bath Joined together let nol^^aaid attract a notable array of tlim
put asunder:
I mighbrcji.. The Hrighton handle aj
Herr, under
^ of
the richest event of it* Kind
" run in thl* ciiunlry. has received fifty
Bin tht* I
t rone but I
nominations so far. Including some ot
fr put tht. I
I (he tost horse* In training. The com
plete Brighton II*; Is a* follows:
Plaatiwa For IX lairr.
Bad News. Whimsical. Ormondalc.
In planting for wluter com fort must
rei-elve tbe first lonslderntlDU. The rude Roman OoUl. Ormonde's Right. Go Be
wind must have It* f.>rce broken tween. HermI*. Stalwart. Dolly Span
Till* may to m-iompIlKbea !>y planting ker. Blandy. U^rd of the Vale. Tiptoe.
vergre-en* for wind breuks. But
iK-l t. atuln .hr ''“J ”'
Glortflir. Kin*’. Tn.phy. redara.mm
formal iin.-.y
criivc n<e out- BuUufi. The lirket. Ort Well*. Artful.
wbU-h 1* ohoii
building* Kljonid to placed to do pnrt.of Burgomaster. IVnerse, Rose of Gold,
irk. lint *0 n« not to show tool Aucassln. Hoi Shut. Abdell. Knight
plainly that thl* was In view. Between Errant. Klamexha. Oak Duke. Flis*.
the ImlklliHC* groups of evergroeus may Ml** Crawford, InquUltlve. Merry
to plaetNl so as to make n pleasing va l,ark; Bull's E>e. Agile. King Henry.
rlct: . «dd a U*a:ily of (lu-Ir own nnd Astronomer, Alwln. B.rsor.by. IX-Ihl.
cfftH-tunlly c-omplele the wind breiiUlng
Kurokl, Bohemian. Wild Mint. V<»n
northern state*
rirouM. lu
fidrtbw-est wind lathe enemy whose ns-! Tromp. Tanya. Timber, Santa Catxsanlts must to guat^led against. But Ht»we have severe wind* from the u»»rlbj The entrio* for the Brooklyn re
and northeast, aud these point* rtioukli^pivcHl so far are not so numenm*. but
aUo to -ffcvtuallv covere,:. ttoud in Garden Magazine.
-------next few days. So far the Brooklyn
It has l*ecn fonnd that hydrogen per- j
oxide ari* on
photographic plate In
D<‘lhl. Van Tromp. Kurokl. Bohi
a %vny kimllar
lltht. ricture* may mton. HermlK. Stalwart, The Picket.
to t;iken I y it* use.
IW-. g:he
the nature of the Olst-au. Walerllghi. Holschcr. Or
iuflm-iuv pror»H-i!iiig fmm the iH-roxld*- monde's Bight. Go BotwtH-n. Lord of the
tr uot mith-r>ito-Hl: thl* add* our more
to the nlnnkly numerous :uiU ptiz^dlug Vale. Blandy, Tiptfn-. Rosehen. JaeQuln. Oxford. Whimsical, PuIsuk, Ad••ema»ujth*u*.*'
tbc#fflces of Cort kgaiid. dealer In dtomonda.
Tbis fact
. little
mt to^riUctoed tbtro for any ecoea. jihonkl fsel better. X hadim scrioot ajh
my ptaasuro to aanocnc* to tto
tricUv of behavior. Jack lorod her. • pebenston. surely not for my own company that tto newt trorti (to
poor fellow, and his Atof joy and pridt Mfcty. I stepped into tbe room as IpHal regarding Daaiqr OObett 'Vgs to-
er in my life, and
raa infolded, aa tt
countable anas, an
dly tilona bad me
A rope bmpin to
bera of the team, but on the conlrarj* j
Us tendency Is to promote lying, cheat-1
Ing. toUlng. Hvallag and cimaequent
Prof. Harry Davidson will open hU
dancing *ch»K>l SaturdaN. Jan. fi. |W(K.
Muggsy and Tod.
Will ti«ch all kind* of round rance.s.
New York. Jan. f..--John McQraw.
any kind you wlRh. aftenunm and
manager of the world'* champlonRhl i
giant*, and Tod SInan. the grea’est evening from 4 to t: and from 7 to li:30.
jockey of hi* time, have completixl ar- at the Forester* hall. The regular pairangt'uient* ft»r th«‘ <qH-tiliiR of a hi!- tie* will take place al 8:3u. The prlc»
Ihird aud pool j»ariur nt Forty-s«*eiini| fur the ttfiernocm teaching will be 50c
stn-et nnd Bmmlway In the 'room a pupil. Ill the evening 35c a pupil.
made famous by the Iste Frank Ives No aiMTiator* allowed at all.
W. A. Helm.
when he wa* the champion uf the jan 2 kT
“Wanted, a Mrong
i o dj .h.
McGraw and Sloan wlP operate fif
is>a »dteen table*. The table* ^t\\ to works
u an
oT art and the highest priced ever vertlsement which appcaredf
placed in a Millard rtioni In the world. Engll-^h newspaper the oitor day.
Autos Ruin Roads.
Tn-nton. Jan. f..—Sistr Road Com
mlRsloner B. C. Hutchinson, in bis an
nual report to Governor Stoke*, recom
mends radical restriction* agalnKi outomohlh*s In order to protect and aave
the Male's roads. He think* the law]
should prohlidl armored tlrep, chain |
tires and bkiwer*. He ato> advocates
a tax on untrkmehllcH In pro|K»rtion .o
Mon who havo bad oxperionoe
their iK»w4-r to destroy the roails.
It iuviguriitt-*. strengthens and
lulhls up. It ki-ep you in condition,
ihyslcally. mentally and morally,
'hat * what HoMUler'a Rocky Mounaln T<« w ill d«* 3.5 cent*. Tea or Tahr-tK. Johnson Drtfg Co.
CALMAN*8 IriJnrIer Spar Vamiah la
noat dorabla for.all intarier wovk.
irmmbte. Tton at Amy
ft|toa w draak (b Danay-s toatlh
adl refonaadon In Itot atfld rad torew whUh JaUo ss^ by
Lock Box 75, DstroiL Micb.
Real Estate.
tonic, like
' It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink
ft to a pm harmlesa: mtdicinal tonic, made from vesetafato
indents,i. which relieve
'tomMe pain and distress, such as headache,
hibkaefae. bowel ache, dizziness. chiBs. »
scanty or profuse meoatniaHoo. draalng down pains, etc.
It to a building, atret^-making medicine for
nradiclne that to certata to do you good. Try it
Sold by evwy dn«gesl in Sl.OO'W^
Wishing Yen a dappp and Prosptms
TUw Ytar
We again ask that wc may be favored with your
Oar 1906 Calendars arc somewhere on the road,
having been shipped some time ajfo, we regret that
they are not on hand ready for distribution.
Thanking you for past favors, we remain,
W. dustings & Sm -
**For atoea taldag Gafflrt I bav*
Saioad 35 t«..aiidtti in bartar haailh
Record ^Want Ads Pay
iron molding and wlib
tire willing to work in oiien
Hhopa, can fiml slcady <*mployment under yearly c»nlr;icla at rates ranging fi
to t-lM
b> addre.S8iug
.-s-SJ,--------He bad sv*en a
“Ufht have falton oot.
lining her farther and tortbor abort 'the next fnstant I
tbe toern or socli topea as bto worldly seemed to me. in u
wtodom would permit blm to indulge, strong as Iron. Di
> was by tto winrtnlpe.
the way of county deputtoa to
Michigan are aa followa: <W. Mbeck. Fennrllle; B. F. Marra. Barrien
Springe; H. Braratt !>iUla.
Harbor: I. P. Corey. Honor; Prank
Scabury. Quincy: Chartea K. Pattltt
a; L. H. Allan. Orld; Irrlng E.
:cn. OUtel: Ira Mordoeh. Baton
Rapida: Dan B. Buraa. Petoekay; John
Wallington, Sarankc; A. Atria
maaoo: Murrai Bailey. Big
llapkto: E. L. Woodward. Howgfd
City: Jamae H. Frank. Muakegon; 8.
a. Allan. Fremont: C. M. lUnoaa. Hoitoad: Thomaa Hammond. Spring
1l!c etftlc depot let arc aa followa:
Theodore Trudcll, Bay City: Fred K.
Ptobrr. Detroit: R. C. Voght. Becaaa
ba: Charlae D. l>HTh.Paw Paw; Chaa.
Smith. Bell Branch: Henry U Avery.
Mount CiemcnB: Sldm-y E. norar.
Three lU I era; Isaac Blocm. Kntoma-
Special to the Bvenlng Raeonl,
Honor. Mich.. Jan. tL—Mrm. Johnann,
yet who has been visiting her daughter.
Mr*. 8. Clark of this place, relarnto
le her borne at Fremont tost Toeaday.
Mr. aad Mrs. Brittoo. wto bawe been
TiaiUag friends aad rfdatlrea^a tbe
to the Olympic gnitos. nt Athena, April southera part of the aiate. retffi tod to
12. though to May tt. The date Is too their home In Platte last Wedneaday.
Mr and Mrs. K. Chcsshlr were Traveariy for Americana to get outdoor
irainlng. It is maid. Aside from this, erse CUy vUltors but Monday.
Lizzie Miller of Etoplre la spring
the cream of the athletic world U In
few days with Mr*. J. Wyse of this
tbe colleges, and with the colleg*>
meets coming ua U would be impossl- place.
The scarlet fever patients are Imble to attend.
“A track team would spend abOm proring.
Nr. and Mrs.* Ik C^^key of Homcv
tlx weeks on a trip to Atheo*.*’ said
B'. H. Uglnger. president of the Cen steiid siK-nt New Tear's with her par
tral A. A. r.. UM night, “The me i ent*. Mr. and Mi>. J. A*an Blarloon.
would spend about two week* «m the of ihU place.
Mr*. M. Neff is 111.
journey, and with a week to loosi-n up
Thl- Rev. Herbert of Benzonla wa*
and another for the meet, the six week*
Thurswould easily to spent. It Is bard I v
•ile used to leave a key hung up' ' In the wall of the room there waa
aDugsldc the iwslng.'' said I, “By promblng excavation which In the
..—. We’n look in and -M..
; Jove, ...
it** here!
see ----------a few more hours would ha
•«*. .w„,.,
.BtoKnlgbL MnatmurcraB.
•alL tomw King. Co
Saalt 8!€. Marie. Mlc
Artful nad Tbnya.
Late Oamt Warden Chaj
WItii name except
dae table
«d tto ktog list uC )
anme horacn hate been entered In
t for the year. Ctoftoa Madrall was bsataa by tbe BassUa aubnrhan. bat n fall list la not
Hoyt of Grand Hareii Jr
ttor met trader Qraeoo-ltomn
' ‘ ‘ deputy.
SMt Bmk Bmmi,
a taart U4 aiaUt
.M Oil kM-
A NiuR acusKBrn
Tea dollars oecasionany deposi-
cr tlM .SrciriBg Itoeord vM
of ilio taUi »do Ijmmhmr «hb|Mr a»d iM^mia rcmtljr vUlud It by
|•TtuUfl■ of tb« flMBagw. W. W. Farr.
Tb« teipmCMit
to tbe esUr«
ptoat tfprliMr lb# pift jroir 1. y«ry
tntkMd «b4 too locr^Mt to dio bwlpm doapMtrmte thAt tb* ptoat bms
ibo .uuMU of Mr. Farr that too oiupot i».l
bM dovbtod 4aniir tbo put ymr to
tbo Mi ofltoedvo ertoeoco lh«t this
ooapoay has bwa operated upon pn>groulre Itaos.
The faeionr acm to roHy aqoJppei
.with the auft aiodara Baoblaory and
erery toellltjr tar taralag oat rapidly
•ret <daas Mb la tbo prodoetloa of
Ita ootpat Horttotofo. Idr. Parr has
■put eooaidoffaMo of bis Ubm to the
oatoldo mrbdU bat tbo baalaou has
laeroaaod ao f^y. that alawat bis
Mtrt tUDo to roqairod at the boau»
ofbeo. Owtog to the groortb of the
buolaeos the conpaay baa oecored tbo
OMTlcea of TbOM Bolator Of Saginaw,
who roptaaiu tbo ooaBpaay on the
itMUL Mr. Bototor to bart now and has
eoauaeacod bto dnUoi.
Dortag tbo past year the South Side
Lambor eonpaay baa bandied 1.000
aarloads. Of tbta, 700 oailaada of ou
' tdai woib baa been rocolrod gad
abippod. Tbo company baa bad a largi
, taoreaao to tbo Uno of porch work, la
tortor lalabtnga for atorao and real
trmdo to tbto Uao eateada ibfougbout
aortbora Michigan, the local work
betog quite beary. Doting the year
the ccuapany baa ahlppod 200 cartoadi
of tm abooka and ^qqgs for which
they hare a ateady market, and a
growing trade.
In tlmee gone by the shaylnga ol
fartorlea of this character have been
conaam^ to a certain extent by them
Bolvea for fuel, a Urge quantity, how
ever, going to waste. This company
has oUlised OUs waste materUI an.l
flnds a nmdy market for It. Durini
the year fifty carloads have been
shipped abroad bealdea large quanii
lies which have been used locally for
stable bedding, and Is cheapi-r than
straw for that purpoao.
Mr. Parr baa made a great succeai
of the Imatneaa ever ainco he became
Ita manager and prldea himself upon
having one of the finest equipped fac
roiies of this kind In the state of Mich
Igan. and ih^re to every reason to be
lieve that he to justified in his opinion.
Plans tor Futura.
The company baa extensive plana
for the future which are now under
contlderaUon and which will likely
matecialtoe In the near future. They
contemplate adding a flooring plant
which win \ttetem^be\r worklnj^orcc
from thirty to fifty people, “The bullJ.
Ing they contemplate for this purpose
will occupy a strip of land about 600
feet long on the cast If suitable arrangemenu can be made with the Pere
Marquette Railroad company, y^hlle
this to not absolutely definite, ft to
nnder serious consideration and Mr.
Parr bellevea that the plan will materlaltoe in’the near future. *
TMs to one of the local Industrie^t
wbich.haa bad a considerable iDcrt*asc
during the year and which has added
to the Industrial population of the
city, and Ita future growth will offer
ndditlonal employment for local labor.
thc markets.
«... .M.
that her hnaband bad two broUkars la
Hanry conaty. and that abe bad writtan to them to coma nad taka cara of
bliuaraba wnawablatodoao. 8be
ataiad \toat wben aba beard aocblag
from^^tbem abe decided to coem to
Rtobmoiirwnd. leave btm at tbe boapltaL Her bnabead bad. abe elated,
been sick tor eome time, and abe
stated that during tbe trip to Rlcb
*The strange acUons of the woman
i^lorally aroused some.auaplcton. and
while It is considered probable that
death was due to natural causes. It
was deemed advisable by Coroner
Markley to bold an antopay. No re
ply has been received to tbe meeeage
which » lent to Mrs. Wtoehart at
the address she left, announcing the
death of her husband.Due to Natural Ceueee.
The Itei
fallowing eoconnt of the autopsy:
^At^tbe antopay held over the body
of GraiH Wleehartjbo died at Reid
MemoriaK^^pnir^ly yesterday
momlna. Ooroner Markley found that
death waa doe to natural caimee. Tbe
direct cause of dmth waa found to be
mperinduced by chronic
alcobollam. which bad affected various
of the body, especially thc
“The autopsy waa held' yesterday
afternoon at the undertaking eaUl>Itohment of Wilson A Pobimeyer. No
a foond that death resuited from other than natural causes.
The stomach waa removed and this
morning nn analysis of its contents
showed that It contained no poison
other than that caused by excessive
Indulgence In alcohoMc liquors. The
body was taken to Hagarstown an<i
the funeral will be held at the
of the brother of the deceased at that
“Mrs. Wiaehart waa noiifltHl yester
day morning of the death of her busband and she replied by telegram that
she would return to Richmond at
Before' leaving Richmond she notified
Dr. Kinsey, the attending physician,
that she would bo at the Lor
hotel at Indianapolis and the telcgran:
sent to her at that place was received.
Mrs. Wtoehart arrived In the city last
night. accompanbMl by James McGin
nis. the man who accompanied ^sehart and hto wife to Richmond. Mc
Ginnis was Wisehart s bartender
“On their arrival in this city last
bight. Mrs. Wtoehart and McGinnis
were both taken before the co
and they explained fully all the cir
cumstances In connecUon with the
bringing of Wlsehart to this city. Mrs.
Wtoehart stated thst before leaving
Traverse City she telegraphed to her
husband's brother to meet* her there.
As he did not do so, there was noth
Ing for her to do but to have him taken
to thc bosplui. She said that hto con
dition was no worse than It had been
on several previous occasions and she
did not think there was any Immf
danger. She aald that she had an
aunt at Indiapapolit and decided to g-i
there and remain a fern* days.
“McGinnis suted that he accompanled Mrs, Wlsehart to Indianapolis
because he Intended going to lill
before returning to hto home. On
learning of Wlsehari’s death he came
back to Richmond to assist in arrang
Ing for thc funeraL”
The funeral, which to announced at
taking place at Che home of a brother,
wlU be held at the home of Ell Wisehart, who resides at Hagarstown. An
other brother Samuel, lives at Millevllle. Ind.. and still another at FV>rt
Wayne. Two brothers were recenUy
In thU clty rislting Mr. Wlsehart
he became serkmslj III. The family
are strict Duakar^a
Chicago. " Jan.
fi7Mc; com. 44Hc; baU. fi2Mc; pork.
•12J0; lard.,17.62: riba. VM.
Bast Buffalo. Jan. 6.-Cattle AcUve.
•tfong. CaIvcs-AcUve. firm. Sheep
—AcUve. higher. Uogs-^tcedy. easy.
Detroit. Jan. E-WTieat. S7c; eorn,
Mrs. J. W. JackaoB stated to thc
46%c: oats, 34c.
Recofd today that the tomlly of Mr.
Toledo. O. ^Jan. g.-Whoat—May.
Of Richmoad and If they did not mee:
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wtoehart Itwaa because
they were so bitterly opposed to the
CUT to the qnlck—aU overcoats.
Hamilton Ctothlng Co. laloon business wOilch he had chosen
to follow la Travers* Oty. Mr. JackKon wired bis brother. OU Just prevl.
wii to Mr. and Mrn. WIsehartls leaving
10 they had aafficteat aodee of the
cxMBlag. Mr*. MeasUA. who was a
to the borne of Mr. wad Mm. J.
BOY WAHTED~T0 40 enmi
W. Jackaoa laat aamawr. la a aieoe of
wrok about printing office,
Grant Wlsehart^
and Record Co.
Tbe aalooB bars to cloeed today.
WANTED—At once, compete
for general housework. Jin Robert
B. Wallen. 631 Webster etM.
last nl|bt*a bllfxard played havoc
with the G. R. A I. andT. C. L. A M.
burying them to plncea atx oeight feet deep with enow.- The rood
south, although there to plenty of the
1. la dear enough to permit
travel but tbe going In some plac
rather slow. But It to up on
Northport branch where the trouble
Tbe train dM to arrive la this
dty at •:» a. m. arrived over three
hours late this afternoon after being
stock In tbe drifts five times. The
stop was at Keswick, where It
over forty-five mlnntes to dig the
m out but at
full hour and a half. TbU sld* of
Bingham there were three ito^s
easary. the worst being just north of
Hntche’s Crossing. When the train
arrived the ongtoe looked Uke a biige
the drifts
op as high as the coach window
The Unto doe to arrived from the
sooth at 9:15. arrived at 12:1G. but
the delay was due to a alight wreck
Cadillac rather
left at 12:50 Instea^l
of 11:10.
8.eew Plow Window* 8roktfi.
The M. A /i. BL passenger which to
due In this city at 8:14 arrived over an
hour late this morning on ncoount of
last night 's
The cuu were so full of snow that
the train waited stolon for the
plow which came on from Interlochen.
The plow preceded the train and th*'
snow was so heavy that the
were broken.
Billiard Hall Owned by Ctorenc* Aidrich of This Cfty Was Burm
at Clslrt.
News was received In this city yes
terday by Mr. and Mrs. Luther Aidrich of the burning of the pool and bil
liard room* at Clare, owned by their
son. aarence. who began bui
there about a year ago. The lost to
complete, the stock betog valued
I2ji00. while the Insurance to but
IL500. A defccUve gasoline lUohtlng
plant caused the blaze but owl
the phone service of the state being
out of order, no particulars so far have
been obtainable. Clarence Aldrich Is
a Traverse City boy, having cumc
with hto parents from Northi»rt fif
teen years ago and has many fi
who will sympathize with him to the
The rigs of the fire department wer#.
put on runners this morning as iani
night's storm made^lelghlng a sure
thing and ruined tbe wheeling.
A merry slel^ride party of twenty
young people drove over from Ek
Rapids laat evening and wen
guests of Charles Pease of Webster
The annual meeting of the Union
Missionary association will be held
in C;e Disciples church, comer Cass
and Eighth streets, Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock sharp. The dcvoUoaals
will be in charge of Miss Barney. Mrs.
Cooper will give an address on thc
work among the Indiana fipecial
muaic. A' cordial inviiation li
tended to all interested to this great
A apecial InvUatlon is extended to
the people of F^wood to attend thc
service at the Pourt^th Street M. K.
church tomorrow morning. The s
ject wm be “Good Fight of Fslth.'
The ^ecutlve committee of the
proposed Uncoto club will meet in the
council rrooms tonight at 8 o'clock
perfect tbe oi^anlzatkm. appoint the
neceasarj oofimnueea and make other
wary arrangemeou for the
quet to take place Feb. 9.
On account of the death of Mm D.
E. Carter the aannal meeting of the
Ladles' Ubrary anoctotUm which was
to have been held Monday afternoon.
Been poetpoaed nntH R o'clock
sras made of “panel, sawge. gartm
chibolks (jsoag waion). leek, bonum
wajOtm, feael A tpa treasca (erraaesi,
raw.isaasajmiNuali^: toT«-Awastot
hem rienev pike hesu. pluck hem smale
with thyn boodc. A myng (mlxl hma
Judge WtUtom Umlor to confined to vrril with raws otie. Lay oo vynegar
bU home today by nineea.
A aalt. A serve It focth.“
rork .aMma to hare beaa the farcrSheriff Chariee Johnaoa. who has
Ite meat with the Bagttohmen of this
been eoafiaed to hto home for ser
days to oat today for the first time.
one remembers tbeir taate for apka,
A. A. Reiser of Petoskey waa la the
city yesterday.
E. R. Dally of Empire tranmuAed
business in the city yeaterday.
H. & oau was to the city ymtMdv
IbolUng after buatoem totercsta.G. M. Fhrrto of Charlevoix waa In
the city yesterday aa a gaeaLat Park
Mrs. George Becker left tbto mom
ing for Manlsfoe. where she will spen l
two weeks.
Alfred Moore left thto morning for
Ann Arbor after spending tbe Christ
mss holldsys in thc city. tss Msrths Hewitt returned to
Cedar Run thto morning, where she
will resume her duties as teacher.
Myrtle DanforCh, who has been
Hmdlng the holiday vacation with
relatives at Rapid City, relumed to
her hpme todaj.
Lynn Carter and wife of Grand Rap
ids arrived in the city today to sltni'l
the funeral of Mrs. D. E. Carter, which
occurs on Monday.
Mrs. L. Bloom of Ludington passed
hrough the clly today on her return
lome after spending some time at
Maple City with her son. Chsries
The Misses Grace Beck^ of Dexter
and Ruth ^-heeler of Mt, Pleamnt
paaaed through tbe city thto morning
to Empire after spending Xhe\T vaca
tions at home
J. Pennington has returned from a
visit to Wabash. Ind.. Detroit and
Saranac. Mich.. acAmipanied by hto
daughter. Mrs. II. W. HUer. who »V,\
visit for some days.
Newton N. Beach and mother. Mrs.
M. E. Beacft. returned to their home
In Pontiac this rooming after spendtog
‘ time with the family of C.X Ebner of Webster street.’
Miss Kan Ganes. who has just com
pleted an apprenUceshlp in the mllUneiy trade with the Wood Sisters' par
lors. left thto noon for Detroit, where
she will enter the wholesale house of
Mitchell. Moody. Garton A Co. She
will make a short visit with Grand
Rapids friends on her way.
Dennis Hoxsle of Acme arrived iu
the city this noon on a short business
trip and be states that every hen withradius of catching distance, runs
at sight since the great slaughter yes
terday in honor of the Installation and
supper which was given by the Acme
end of tbe Masons.
Miss Ruth Jackson and Bemice and
Harold Stlnsoo of Kingsley returned
to their home this noon after spendtog a week with Register of Deeds
Wilson In this city.
wc uMitkmed to OM of .the 18fi
reclpoB. Ooetoamaiwdattbaiibpularily of the whato. grampos. senU swan.
CTsne. heron and peacock. Tbe swan
was served up to royal style and vows
of chlvahT arere made upoo It It waa
akewered and roosted to a sitting j>oa
tore: Bay tbe dlrectioat; -Make a Ftiff
bed of paste aboot the thUi:ue« of
your thumb, color It gneo. comb tt
out and It will look like a meadow oC
green grass. Take yoor swan and gild
him over with gold; then hare a kind
of loose, fiytog closk of a vennIUon
color within and painted with oniii
without; then art the swan upon thto
bed. cover ooms part of him with tbs
cloak, atick about him amall batmera
upon mile
k* sticks,
atlcki, the banners iwlnttvl
with the arms most j
persons scaled at the Uble.“
At a grand* feast wbeo Edward I.
eldest son. on the c\ c of
expedltloos, two swans
ed with a flourish of. trum|K ts.
them thc king swore in the present
God nnd the todies that h<* would
nrcngc the death of John^omyn aud
the perfidy of Rolwrt Brace.
But. to spile of the poimlarlty of Gm
swan' for great occnaioua. ft waa (he
psatock whltii. to the romantic Iangunge of the age of chivalry, waa “the
food of lovcvii and the moat of klugs.“
He appeared on tbe festal IkmiM with
his gorp*ous feathered skin skewon4
nroond bis rtmated Iwdy.
One very popular concoction was
called “larU of flesh.'' aud the quaint
recipe reads: “Take veal Ysodc aud
grind It small. Take hard ayren yiuida
(boiled cgpo A ygrouude A tht*iw
to put pmnes hoole. dates ycarv<*d.
pyni-s tsceil found to pines, ctmes. comroon to Ilalyi A mUIns. rorTauc«e. bool
spicea. A iwwder. aalt. sugur A make
a Ilttcll eomn. A do thto fur* thereto.
A take A serve It forth.” Another
much riehiTtart was made thus: “Bray
the iwrk amale In a mortar. Take
fyggc* A boil them temlre to small nto.
A bray them. A lendre cheese therewith. A iHiHier. aalt A sarou. Then
take sugar, ayren (eggs). A flour A
make a paste with a roller, thuime
make thereof smaTe pelleta A fry them
brauu to clean grece.“
Though the oyster was known and
eaten to the fourteenth century. It
thought to lark flavor, so they* seethed
It to wine with ground almonds and
rice, powdered ginger, sugar and ui:ice.
A curious thing about old cookery
booka U their silence couc-eming .|uantlty. Take pigges yacalded;*' “lake
eely*.“ “take tvmynges or mbhlta.'* to
aU the lufonnatlon which la given.
BetrthmU 1« R.lUaA
In certain parts of Holland wbeo
oung man thinks he love* a girl be
Kks her for a match to light hi* cigar
at tbe door of the beloved one's home.
This I* done to let the parent* know
that something, I* Inteudcr. and If the
visit to repeated pnd tho same thing
occurs uo doubt Is left In the mind* of
tbe girl's parenu. nnd they immcHllately proceed to Investigate the young
man's character nnd nntccedcnU.
Wben he call* a thltxl time, they am
prepared to giro Mni an answer. If his
suit to looked uiK>n favorably, be to giv
en n inntch. If refused, he prwluee*
hto own inutcli. lights hi* cigar nod
walks away. If n favorable answer Ui
given, be steps forwnnl and Joins liauds
with the girl. While the engagement Is
by DO means a settled fnet even at this
Important sUge. it to stated ns a tmth
that If. on the occasion of the young
man's third visit, his InsmoraU offers
n’iiimeM of KmIgiitaooA
tild questions of finance
Into the conalderatlon of tbe eligibility
of these upon whom the British sover
eign woukl confer the distinction of
knighthood, and there arc many who
might DM* tbe coveted prefix “Sir*’ did
they possess a larger to.-oroe. It is,
roughly »p»‘aklng. a rale that knight
hood shall not be eonferrrd upon nny
one who has not an Income of at least
(Ui.000 upon which to maintain his
knightly dignity, while a baronet, be
fore his amUon, m
found to have an Income of at least
950.000 a year, but must furtber be
able to porchase a <^nntry seat and be canceled.
able to suitably provide for hto eldeet
Perhapn^he qoe
orld is that of Namg Harm, the
of the royal faml^ ^Um. Thto clty^
peculiarity Ucs
fact that
and children atooa.
It to to tbe center of Bangkok, has high
walls aronnd It. and to Its poputoUoa
Dr. Jenkins,* master of Bsllol college, of ajW) them to not a atogle mmi,
the king occaalonally pays a
Oxford, one day slipped and foil to foe
Tbe name Kang Harm means
street and lay where be had tumbled.
women." .There are shops,
Two undergraduate* ran hotfoot to asa. temples, foes
slst him. but fooae who watctied saw
_ _
them draw back, vtiito the master cea- avenue*, parka, lake*.
|i ball of Jortlee. jodgea. exeittouedBeatolD Wcklng hto treadwwm
legs to foe air. Another man cadm cmi^. v60ce, gnmrals and adklkn^
akaig and then tbe great a^ goT up.
waetbeeaplanatfoa: MBtofoe
The smUe that wnat coaee off.“
graduates were ahect fo act him In'aU Slam ^ caa entar tbla dtr la
toat a marker to the one that Gm
tbaUac. It la tbe baoM of*la (am07
A. W. Jahraua to wearing today. That's
^ «t Iba (aadU a( the Idac baCoea,
right. “Qraadpa-Jahrans, the ap|
bim. Tba niltr a( Bbua Bar bar. at
(rbeaald. T will I
Mr wtraa aa ba plaaaaa. BMb wtCa
b« awn <*Ildiaa and alarea-tbeiB
of a chamtog UtUe nlaei»uad daa^ ad to my feet by a maatcr <
a aaaU ettr ia I
ter laat alght at-the home of Mr. and
Mm H. E. Perrin.
Thefo win be a party this evening
UBtQ idU, 9x12 BmseM tan:
at Tmverae Lake reeort at Shetland $ll.rS,the $ITM U4
to honor of Pkak Atkiaaon's twentyDam laM 9x13 Innclt Rtgr.
first birthday and a aumber from thto
cHy are pianntog to atteiM. George
tars, me |ir.(W aa< $tt oo Ual
J. w. aouzE*
for a buslnesa capital or
i agg for old age. sicks of employment, or
gaacics that aU are sahjoct Ul
With only one dollar you can
start a Savings account with ua.
We pay three per cent toterest,
eompounded twice a year, or U
dealtod. we will Issue Interest
bearing certificates at the same
At StetaOwTi Crw4
Okts Hmm
Tblif Mitiul (iirifagna
8uperb Sa>nic Production
prices 50c,r5c, $!;Box
Tlieae goods are made from
special aslected clay poaseaatog
certain hqpt
ri-aisllng properUtss not found to the ordinary
cheap atone and earthenware.
They are the handaomest
dIshea on the market, having a
nice white glaring Inalde and a
beautiful term cotu brown
glaring oulalde.
We are now ahuwing them to a
.varleif of rhap* * and sizes at
thu small price of
nif n tars on
Bee them In our east window.
setts $1 JO
Huny if you want aeats
am gnre I have got
jnst what yon are
looking for in a
Tbe fit of Hickqr A
SVotman Co. Clothing
ie »hnt lelle them.
SMtfk Stock
Our £lcai1tid Up
Sale 1$ Itow bn
■ ’i
Cadies' Pres de Sole Pettieoato
24 inch Accordian Pleated Flounce
Extra full, worth 2.00 at
Everything in Furs at Sweeping Reductions
5.00 valnea for J.fiO. , ".SO and 8.00 valuea for 4 75
10.00 4loea far 4.75
Short Jackets
10.00 >-aln*<a for 4.90.
Cadies!, Cotid easts, empire sad lllster
10.00 vJn« for 4.W. IT-Ooind 16.00 vain-ior ij#. .
17.00 a.Kl 30.00 valuo. for ItSe.
125 i $30 vnlnta I»je
€. omh^m
I meam, tmvcmm env.
wchmam. mtummy. MmMimr %,
€l)e €oenind Record's Up-to-Da)e Rhistrated Feature
CHwaTpyw ptoEAveit.
Brides of the White House During the Past Century
ao diacraatly that the pubUc was shral
completaly hoodwinked. On the moniH
toff of the waddliv the New York Trib
une primed as its laadlx« editorial paraaraph: **PleakUnt Tyler arrived to our
dty by the mail train from Baltimore
toatalsht. Wecouldalraagtiaoiathla
errand thia way. but ft la unoormected
with paBUca. ahd wu wool tntiadw
Pleaaam dreams to htm.Tha ae%*enth wedding at the White
OM*. «McU haa bM
lo ulM liaM ta
Mlal •viBt of tiM adiftirrtlaw
«t Wa
to ta* ««ae«chr»
(tao and M to»
only daughter NelUe and AlgartHmXr! thankafflrtoff mad sntitoda to « that
&«^inan of good fam He baa bMB so ckiarly and fiarty
ferad to aa to the foapal aad that tho '
promtae baa bm glrra by tba MaMar
amt thirty years Utinaeir that tboaewboaarkiiiaU tod. ,
rhter had become
That tba todlBff oC CbHat abooid ^
rxac^llve mansion, an
aatarally and neceatarilj ebaai# the
to make the affair
sir an oc- Ufa caaaot be doabtad or dkpatod. aad
iwsiott long to b
r«l. The we uay well aak ouiwelTaB tba Qocaw^lQg was the
tlow of the topic. I\'hat ebaage towid
known at the national cuplul
Ending Christ maka to oar Uraat
fore or since. The east room
1. Flndtog Obriat abooid ebtagt tbm
toward Ufa. Without aacb a cbaafl
several htmdred gurota.
the notablaa at the capital, werv prei- It la alwototcly prored that Chrtot baa
anu The Rev. O. H. Tlffan>. pastor of aot been found, t^rtatlanlty la a Ufa.
It to tbe life of the Lord Jeaoa Cbriat
to tbe human heart. No man can be
come a Cbriatlaa witboal bartog a
ebanga of beaft. tUftel Hbatolf aald
dosen atreet uri-lilna aith wlileh young to Nlcodanwa. -Ye muat be bora
Jraae Orant Was In some may affUlated again.- Tbe toward motlraa and priamanaged to evade the guards and ush dpka of our live* must be complately
cbaugid by our becoming Cbriatlana.
ers and to creep In and were w1ln<
of the ceremony and partakers of as
2. Finding Cbriat ebauges tbe out
much of the aubsequeiit gissl cheer as
they could manage to appropriate unde
ward life.
co\ er of the general hubbuV of gayeiy. If a man be boooat. U simply a repitr
one of the most notable weddings
that ever otvurred In the White House dnrttoo of tbe tbougbu of bla heart.
was llmt of tliovi r Cleveland and HU eooAort to toaplrod by tbe modraa
France* Folsom In ISiS. Although Mr. and the |»rlnrlp4e* which gotrem him
T>ler might easUy have obtained, the within. Before wr have found iMat
disiiiictltiiL having married during hi* we may Ure for aelf or for tbe world
Mr. Cleveland
or for many other things, but witoa
chief maglatr
omt‘ we have found Him our Urea, laup the c.
ge to undertake
the lnno\'atloti. The oom waa forty- wardly and outwardly, mast abaototenine years of age. and t
bride a as ly be cooaecrated to Him. He la the
le*s thin half a* old The
rtdinir took iwuri of great |«1ce which when tbe
man found he aokl all other gema to
place In the blue room ar
the quietest and most unpretentious order that be might have this iMoe. He
functl.ms ever held in ihe pre*ldrntlal la the hidden treasure whh^ whan a
resldeiu'e. The bride and her mother man fonad he gave bla all that It might
came U> the rapllal u few days before be bU. Otriat demands eollre conaeIhe wedding and l.wk apartmenU at a cration. and notblug abort of that will
hotel After the «eremon> the happy
pair went f»*r their humyinoon to Ihe U aatlafartory to Him.
Hare we found (lirlst? If no. do our
preHldent’M eatoto of I>4-er Park, in the
Uvea show U> Aa we look Into oOf to
ward Uvea, conalder our thoughts and
The i.iat wedding which took
the White House‘was that of a
Mrs. McKinley, a daughter of tJeneral
Hastings, am! a youiia tifllcir in the
rmud Htat«-s nriny. This event also
came off to the blue room, and the Mc- look upon our outward Uvea can they
Klnl. ys eiiiertalned a huge'company of say of us that we show by our acta
the Immediate friends of the young cou that we have been ^
ple. This in brief |* the ator>* of the nmarkiibly few nnirriagr* which liave
1 Ills futiiiiy
The BrllUh I
Bev. KvHyii U. Haaar has recently
UBV aBHrmiaa
aai«bur XiMva M
onlf six w>dati«B to tiM atnictoife Afur thal U
was ttoitjr FtogP b«fA «notto»r oc-
were married In tha WhlU Hooae. one
of them to Lewla Randolph, the arandaon of Jaffacaon. and the other to Cap
tain Bolton, a youna na%wl oOlcwr.
tha Ofr«f|»nr. Thto partltralar ooapto
Kliaabetli. third daiMThter of Prealdent
Mod^b^ltoi ftoura of tho Anarkmn Tyler, waa marrtad to William Waller
mgi0 whigh the aklllfo] rrimch malm
Into iha carpat of ih# Wu# of the aaacullve manidon on Jan. 11.
lit:. ThU weddlna waa a rery rrand
affair, all the dlplocnaUc circle and vovTb^Mmopsr wmm'worr atoipto The rmment ofBcUla appaaiinv In brmra ar
Itoa. 9. i^wtor of m. John * rhuivh ray The brtde a-aa nineteen yearn of
aae and accordtnc to the teatlinony of
one who waa preaent nookad aurpHaiR«.knat braacbM and ahoe boeklea. Insly lo\‘aly In her white aatln weddins
la tba
of XII
#own and kms. blond veil, her face llieoropanyM Cotorol
ermliy corar^l with blitobea and dimfor Hha gtotoclltm
plea." In after yaara her Hdeat aon,
lla waa oMrrad to i
frooU but chanc William, jcalanrd from Waat Point and
ad hto mljd aad ra« w«4.
anterad tlx* Confederate army. He mar
tba White ried durlna the civil war the younecot
At of DalU L.ewto. tha alater of tlie wife of Jefferaon Da\ia,
I old frtond of Praaldant and the weddlna occurred In the ezecu. and Alphooaa de I-agot, than llva manalon of the Confederacy at
aacrrtanrtof tb« Frandh lc«atlon. after
ward toUSatrr. The oaremoar waa parPraaldeni Tyler waa married for tha
fbrmad bf Father Matthewa of 8u I*at- aacood Uma durln*, his term of office,
rlck*a church <Roman Catholic) In the but the ceremony did not take place at
praaanoa bf thr.prraldfnt. tha diplomat- the White llouae. At the aae of flftyalx the^ffpnlal and witty T>ier. last of
A Few Interesting Pictures From Far and Near
The grave of the American poet.
Josepli Rodman Drake, shown In the
John Ib*g*rs Ifegemaii. president of
tlx- MetrMf«»IltMn Ufe ItiMuratice com
pany of .\>w Y«irk. rtnelve* an annual
aalar>* of llOv.OOU. and he testlfnd re-
been cho-en priwldent of tbe Brittob
National Council of Cbrtatlan Endeav
or. Hlaboii Haase to a non of the late
Blaho|» A. C-. Haaiie. and waa odocatod
In Fnlneck
acbooL After
studying at tbe
ed for several
yeora aa o mat
ter to tXraceblll
school, near
BaUymcna. and
for a abort time
IShawe at tba
miaskiu oflka to
BisHor HAsag or ma>- was ordained lb
1W3. and bii
^ “•
the cougregnUoua at Ktogswood. GracehlU. Hlrfickl
and Bedford. He baa now been sta
tioned at the last namea place for ovar
tan j^ra. UJa Hunday evening aervIcee there and bla Bible leadings are
attended by tliriatUna of many de
largely to this by
of rebates on
in other ways
know n to the shrewd fluancl. r. Tndustrial Insurance." so catied. Issa fea-
mile from the East river. Now the
Americau Scenic and Htstoric Preser
vation society proposes that the old.
jsts alx
' kind.
_ The new union station noi
I course of erecUon
aa may
•The Culprit 1-^" 1* entlUcd to a more seen from the sketch of the
erior herewith glvei
re of gr
general recognition than hga been given architoctunil beauty. It will
pass th^ Capitol In very other dimension
to him by his fellow Americans.
c^pt height. It la built of wl
completed, about S14.00k.000. The grand tutoaeoger concourse Is TtB feet In
length and ISO feet In width and far exceeds In size anything ever construe!
for. Ihe same punM>ae. 'The site of the great terminal structure la very near t
Capitol, the front of ito
the station factog the northwest corner of that buUdli
and neither is belltthd I
1 chiefly by llahermen and market gardaom and It owea lu
to the fact that It was the blithptoca and aarly home of Plus
^ to humble life ufitU tto ilsing fortmiso of the eldest son
The trade of toothsUlner. followed to
eastern Asia. 1* as old a calling a* any.
The native* prefer black teeth to the
wbetber. to his 6plnkm. the <
Endeavor convention waa a beueSt to
the city. The Utar wished to print the
reply aa bearing upon the tnvlUiUou for
the llfUT ronventioo that Seattle waa
The following reply, sent
Timonu*. we reprint from
more American. It la llidlcatlre of the
resulu of a ChrUtUa Endeavor convcntloa when !
as this certainly waa:
Editor ffcatlto Star. ie>
The freak apedmen of
Held com herewith Ulusirsted was grown at
Webster. Mo. Instead of
oach of which grew Into
and petfscUy tormed. The
Mrgeat of the trio to a
foot to length aad of uaThe .pkgiuw ^wa the harbor «f Dtofaa. gif-Gr«eian city from which moat o/tbe currants raised to titot
country are ahipped All Mr the visid.' TbgnAmclxr iff AtO aa to tha targagl port ^ 'Jiaace and to now a plaet
of abogf SO.Oto tahaMtantaL MoaC ofjbe hugsM are one atorr
on aoeount of I
reglou. The town la ballt on low aad letol ffMnd and la aoc
durtag tha padttos «od ahtopiiM OOMOR.
The gweir—il^af (IffBBigsig bss
sJtr.trrss.-irs ■
In Winter venther t MtDttcker doss sot travel
nbrat the streets is search of a hosie to reat He
loWsthimfh the vsst comas if The Eveaisf keot
ord. ToicaicettfoodteawthyidTerthlBr.
Mi m* fTP»«B tor. ft»r. far
fruit Cfon. TH* mdiJl»»CM
M 9mM id Mi a sr»i k»
Mm ♦m M ^
MddMI MieU
MMlf ajii m
tkti Ml iMt Mr H «M «Mhr*«e
IM ttai IM ta M laportMi Cwsuir
w tM
Mrs. nnra CartK agr 74. wm
snaynr of Omarroiw Kan., for tkroj^
la credited with having
tttj fran naaknq^ WANTED FOR ARMY^hle bodied
aad S; citisMu of the United
Mrs. Cnrtla. who dM last BcptrmM
Stataa. of good character aad tetoperaie haMu who can ^ealC rM
I or ih» coming, jmr
t«D OKMitlM of tftoU. VmU
M^naiMMifB^^Onaa lUpkU
M MTHoi at Uookcm Too
fihiiMli Drag Cbl
lac 10 bo aMTflod. bat «boo JooUoo
Oootarboao wao obooi to tie Ibo ka«C
lioeee Toood be bad loet ibe llconae.
He bod road Ibe prockmt document
mcMf ttMOo aad vaatod ibe juoUoe to
mam «Mm ia bU roatombraaoe of tb#
HeoM. rjpur moncd to Grand
KoM. oeonrod aaoibor lleoaae and
wool back to Moakecoa and wotv
Afior iwoolf^o^r r«tra of botr oer
v»ee..wlUdi lacladed Ibe Toara of Bag
taav*a groateit aolIrlUr In lumter.
AT017 A Co/a big planing mill at Bag
iaaw vtll BD ooi of buoloeai exlatenoe
«1tb tbe bloanag of ibo abuinloerii
wbifUe tnalgbt Tbe Ann la com. poiod or W. T. Ooopor of Baginav and
W. A. Aretr of petrolt. Ladtof bunlaeoa la tbe only raamm giroa. M%n
■ger Cooper, mbo baa ^ont a lifelima in tbe himbtr bualneaa. will open
arebiticural ofdcea in Baglnaw. >
fllgbt U roiaming to Robert Begole,
tbo young " Ypal Ann coodnetor who
M aoddooly atrleben blind on bla car
laat woolu
Tbe body of Reuben Cobotb. old
bnnter oad tmppor. waa fonnd In tbe
bayou mi Bell. Preooue lale oounly. He
bad fallen into an air bole oroaalng
appU to raemUtog eftoar. 1
MONEY TO LOAN ■-We tax alaM
Whiting. TravcTM CJty. Mich.
povery if Mrs. MoUfe Holt of this
laea Umra aal If
pla»,- writes J. a R. Hooper. Wood*
tord. Tenn.. “she waa ao wanted by
conghlag up pwas from her laaga. Doe- WANTED—A reptaaeolaUve for aa
tors declared her end eo near that her
family had watched by her bedside
western Michigan-with headquarters
Ibrly-elfht hdors: when, at my uigeDt
In this city. Ample opportunity for
requert Dr. Klng’e New Dteeovery was
advancement. Address H. C. Cox.
given her. wtth-ihe aatcmlahlng result
4HM11 Houseman building. Gran
that laoprovement began, and coa*
tinned untU she finally completely re
Raplda. Mich.
jan S-if
covered, and la a healthy woman today.- Qnaranteed cure far oottgha and WANTEO-tO men at
| naRtfthk
colda lOc and ll.ou at Johnaon Drug
wood. Apply at Traverse City Brick
Co.. F. H. Meads. C. A. Bugbee Drag
Co.. Keystone. Mich.
jan 2-€t | Wh have and oBer ibr Mle tha HO
Co., dmggista Trial bottle lOc.
iwtoc list of real estate, it la all <
for light
housekreidiig; any number, though
soul-wInnlng aeoslon. Parenti please! a. m. Neal week revival eenrlcca will
no leas than three. Communl
take notlcc-Saiurday night. unUad j be cooUmied with a Standard Bearers Thia rapart la «ada «p dally. Tha Re
prayer and atudy of the Bible school [and Young Puopie’a rally on
aofd la wet reepaatibla far ahaagea
comer Front and Casa streets.
leaaon with the children. The week of evening.
S. E. Wait ^ Sons
Amiiilcan Dfo^ Co.
er will be obw^rved every nlgbl | a membership
smbershlp meeting will be held
Spectal to tbe Evening Record.
next week. Theme. -He Shall Bap-1 .t the Friends cbuich Sunday. Jan. 14.
Cedar. Mich, Dec. 6.—Albert Car tlie You With the Holy Ghost and j io;jo a. m. It la desired that every
llngton. aaalatant at the depot, spent With Fire.- Aak God to supply all ol | member be present,
few days of laat week with bis par
Church of Christ. Scientist. 10:30
ante at Glen lUven, returning laat Frl
At the First Methodist church to-jm.; «nblccl, -Tmth.- This subject
morrow the subject will be. “Some i meins mue*? to the wc-ld. Ts tru«b
Mra. Geo. Clement of Maple City OomnyDn Faults.- In tbe evening, j .imply that which Is ao? Is one
passed through town laat Friday for a ‘The Truth in Re^rd to Future Pun- underatM that truth is only another
days’ shopping In Traverse C*ly.
lahment.” The music is In charge of! tx«me for fact, A deeper Insight reJohn White of Colon waa to town
Mr. Skelcher. Clams mecUng at
veals truth to be God. the unchangelast Saturday.
After a wjN>k’a Mailoa school com
menced In tbo grammar doparimoot
Toeaday morning.
lira. J. A. Pennington was a Travema city visitor on Friday laat.
Mra. D. M. Bright andJier graadaon.
Ekra Winters, of Traverse City, who Is
home on blt-vataQlon from Olivet col
lege. spwt New eVar t day with F. J.
Bright and family.
Mra. John Nolan did shopping In
Traverse City on ’Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. AlUngton of
aple City spent New Year’s day In
Of Ax-nto and Chronic Rbenmatism. Arthritei Def.irnmus.
town with friends.
Gout, Spraint, Sciatica, Myalgia. NciiritU, Nenralgia, Variooac;
Marshal Farrant of BnrdlckvIIIFinding her bnatmnd In jail on s
Uk-ora, I'iloa, Uric Acid Diatlicai* and other diiturlKtiicoa of
rbnrie of lareeny ao orerwbelmed Mra ransacted bualneaa in town last ’Tues
Metaboliam. General and Local lukvtion. Skin Diaearaa. Liver.
Fioraoce Morrpy of Lanalng with grief day.
W. Oolmer. formerly of this place,
Stomach nnd Boirol tronWoa, Lting tronblc-a, Kidn^ and Blad
tbal abe attempted to end ber life with
polaoo. Murray^ alaly-llTe daya lu now of Indiana. Is shaking bands with
der difficuUiea, Kervona Exiiauation. Nenraatbenia, Diaaaaes of
old Trleods again.
tbe Female Pelvic Organa, ParnlyaU and Cannera. If you are
Mra. Wm. BlnckbursT was to Trav
Alfred Gale of Saglu
auffering with any dia»«ae and have been unable to get the defrom the home of bla parenU, Mrw and erse Oty laat Wednesday.
aired reanlU by drug th«tment, call and aee the Doctor. ConH. Boughey of Txmverae aty paamd
Mra. A. Gale; fire yeara ago and It
aiiltation Prc*-.
waa believed that be waa dead. Now thivjugh town laat Tuesday, looking
a letter baa pome from tbe boy that after his buaincaa Interests In Uie
he la with Uncle aam*t army In the
J. Bright and family went In
, A beer bottle cooUInlng an eaploalv Traverse City Monday night.
A R Belltoger of Maple City was In
eraa thrown through the window of
Uiau on Tuoaday.
inltua Priem‘a aaloon at Sag
The New Year’s dance held In. the
, about 3 a. m.. wrecking the Interior of
. tbe place. Rred Bricault, owner of ball was well attended and enjoyed by
the building. Iblnka the -Black H
Chaa. Bloom of Maple City passed
la after him. aa an attempt waa made
thriHigh here*, enroute to Traverse
to Are tbe place on Nov. €.
AJtbOttgb John Horton of Flint haa CJty, on Thursday.
Clint Richards of Tmverse City wa.s
conXeaaed blmaelf a **dope fiend- and
acknowledged that be waa -faking In town Tuesday.
M. A. Culver U able to be out again.
nhen be told, tbe story that bis halfTbe anow plow went through to
aUler. Marie HarU. waa tbo victim of
the myaterioua Hamlltaii. Ontl. murder, Pmvemont on Tbursda>.
Mlaa Agnet Malm is visiting In
and he one of \be murderera, the auIbortUea are holding him until Ihc Pruvemunt with ber slater. Mra. FYcd
wbMbi^ut of Marie Harts are deter Otto.
Ctdar Church Notaa,
Topic for next Sunday evening’s ser
Tbe toga Balvpr and J. M. Reid,
owned by the Reid Wrecking company mon. ’Tbo Saloon-What U itr
The quarterly consecration anl
of Bamla. OciU kave arrived at Hol
land to try and . release the aieamcr cximninnlon senlres, wore held at the
Argo. A large ateam pomp was put church Sunday evt-uini:.
The pastor prt»slded at the ai
It lina allowi.l your w««k t^yi's to grow weaker; tlios*' reaboard and tbe work of dredging th«^
The business meeting of the church on
ehann^^ the ateamer baa» begun.
l**at«l b.'otliicht'S oontinne to wreck yonr nervous system;
df the 5bor« Wednesday evening last. There was
Argo la glthln 4Q0
weak, wi>aker, wnak.'st has lieeu the story.
and baa atood lib aio™ ven* well, good attendance and the meeting was
althongb ber upper works have l>een harmonious throughout. The official
\A/H V MOT ”>»k'-'»New Ytsirs Resolution an.I
damaged by the heavy aeaa. This is
W n I l\\J I „all at omv to have Your Eyts ThorUe third attempt to releaae tbe Argo. Clerk. Roy Hannaford; treasurer, Kl
Tbo death of Mra. Looena King at mer Billman: deaeona. Jno White.
Hudaon was atrangely followed by that Blswortb BUlman. Mrs. Chaa. Billman;
of her eon. Thomas W. 8. Belcher, lu tmsteea. M. A. Colvei. Roy Hanna
indlanapolla. Ind. He waa In ordi ford. Tboa Good; organist. Miss
Tbe Traverse City Eye Specialists.
nary beallb when tbe meaaage of tbo Ma>*me 8ulH\-an.
dMitb of bU motbar rMCbed him. but
Suite dl8-d 1-4 WilholmBloolc
TmvwrM City. Mich.
was greatly proetrated and before a
Church Brcvitica.
doctor arrived was dead. He waa forThe Sunday morning service at tbe
merlj a raalMt of Hudaon a well- Aabnry Metbodtst Eplscotml church
known meale teacher, bat for eereral win l>e a reception to the offlpers and
year baa been In tbe muak business teachers of the Sunday achocL A spe
In IndlanapoUa.
cial invitation Is extended to the parCarrie Nation II baa atmek Marshall, enu to be preaeau The revival aei^
fib# arrived Tbuieday and at once vlcea which have been In progress the
atarted la to make the roenda of tbe peat week will be contiaued durlag
aalogai. 8ke refaeed to reveal ber the week. Services each evcaing ex
IdeaUty. 8be la a woman eotwwbat cept Satarday.
advaaoed tn age aad wears a red aba^
Ohorch of Christ—Plan to attend
over her bead. She carried a amali the gnlet hour service at »;S0. This
t# Ac diinpics; »ad strongest cf all writing magrip, which made tbe aaloonke^n flTM Lordl day of the new ftcr may
chi.nca- it tlocs l>cttcr work, tioct it quicker, lasts
■bake la their boola. fearing she might
I incr.-, anti
-in the long nm than ai.y
Jerk oat a hatchet. A good, aironc tha spirit of worahlp and prayer. Bi>
typcATiting i::ach’nc. Itiv
temperance lecture was handed out tr on time. Mormtiig medUkUon. 10;30.
all In t^ ^aaloona abe visited, but abr *tW»k„al Thtee Thtega.- Let m.
See the World
As Others See it
Are You Golnr to Rcrlect Your Eyes Another Year?
Has ProcraslinatlOD
Bone for Yon?
ofcbly EzamlBca Free!
DR. P. A. WOLFE, Prep. DU B. L. PAULSON. Assistant
Smith Preihmr
The World's Best Typewriter
attempted ao danms«-
____ .
Premier Typewriter Compan]r
, 74CrlbWol4lSL
«Ji « .
- r.f?iNCLttt.
work. Mr^ T. A. PennhmlTegon.
j Nu tit.
Sixth street. Inquire at Wood SisHouse and 1lot. Ml Sixth 8t
Bonaa and lot. 8. W. cor. WahfitM
icra millinery.
doc M-if
WANTED—Work by day of any de^
Wayne and Bav Sta.
acrlpUon; pr.-fer nursing. M2 E.
I lots on Bproea atreat. batvate
dec 12 vf Whyne and Bay Sti.
Lot 71. and honat. Oak Hai^
Oaa of the baat locattoaa to tite eltf
WANTED-lUmcteea lo oil and pob
or tarrounding country for hOM% 4
Uh. Fred Fuller. 143 E. Tenth.
■eras of land. laTga hoosa^ oor. Bag
nor 2Mf aad Raasdell Bta.
U to 14 arrai land to BUawoai towH
•hip. about I mBa from city IbattA
Will Bteke a good maricai gardaa.
3 40‘i m mllaa east of Cadar Mum.
Lu8T—From wagon, package of mer
4 40‘s IH mllaa wart of Oadar Ram.
chandise addressed to W. P. Need
Thera la conaldarabla taw tlnbav
ham; wcfgbt about 4 Ibx. Return and plamty of wood tlahw cm this
Boll I ‘
to American Express company and
receive reward.
Jan 4 2t*
Has Opened Offices in the State Bank Bulldinc
Start the New Year
have a large aUendi^ at the Bihlr
school and Mtoavor mfctings. both
You win
l^y la rrmge,, .
pot or onmptoxton whitewash. True
t ttke Hon service. Eva
i of Ufa wpd Their 8o
I beaeUBar. U
iohimna Drag
1. I..M
amt lat.hara m
m. 44S WaM Bight alyaat Priaa
H4M. aaadhlrd dawa, katoana to
wait porbhaaar. Ihtilrb Ui
^ atiaat. or addra. laha dtfWk
CBieboygaa. Mich.
ian t*
LOrr—I.ac«* collar wHh gold horse
•hoc pin set with |>earla. l.etwecn
Eighth street and Foresters hall on
Hers*n Yoor Opporiunity.
Cats. Return to Angus McColl and
At considerable expeSM wo have
receive reward.
jan 4 tf fitted up a practical and op-to^late op
tical room. Wc have InaialhMl the
tatoat snoaliflc inrtruments for cor
recting d. fecTlve vl-loo. aJ«> the most
modern « !«Ttrical marhlner>* for lens
FOR RENT—A fumUhed alore
gtkod location. For particulars apply cnlilng ind grinding. There Is wl
other in tltulUm of this kind In this
to John Armytroiig. Alden. Mich.
part of the «Hmntry.
jan C-€t
We op- n an optical room to the• pubMnuday. Jan Mh. Prof. A. i.
FOR RENT—T)pcwrlter. almost new
Reasonable rental by week oi
month. Call 43C Webrtcr afreet, or wo have iM-en taking s|H*clif Jnstnicat oiir optic
will he present
telephone 23.
jan 4-3f
full1 week. Jan. Sth te
Invi.usiy extend an
mb. V
bile to atti
tatlon to the public
jan 2-!f I opening KemenilM r that wt exanUnS
def.^ilve sight abaolutelf
____________ _ and teM all def
will be pleased
on North Elm•n 4;f defi-cllve
win in-a them projM-rly. .
the date ind place. Rastall’s jewelry
Jsri sth to lllh.
HOU8E for rent. 901 Stale atrccl. 1
R. W.JRasiall.
rooms; small barn. |8 per month.
B J. Morgan.
dec 7-tf
Have You Defectm Eve Sight?
A busy world this and a
very busy a^e. We cannot
be posted on all iliii^ around
us—too boay.
there are things we need to
know. In the matter of purchasing your piano you are
too busy to shop around and
look the matter up. Tbe
simplest way is the KIMBALL WAY - It saves time;
it saves your nerves. No “palienee triod^’ in the Kimball
OFFICE ROOMS for rent WllbM®
block, comer t>ont and Union.
Dov 29 If
properly a.|C3-acre fruit farm dVx
miles from clD; worth |3.&0u. in
80-acrb farin 10 miles from city
worth 11.250.
Jehu Arrosirotg.
Alden. Mich.
jan fi4;i
1 oxen. 4
• copy of Ih. Mo
B«tk rh*M* •«■ 44.
a J. ktorjjml-tf
words and Mosir.
Simply this:-Cot out the
mbove coupon aud mail it to
lis, and we’ll send you useful
piano information that you
can look over and atndy in
the quiet of your own home.
Y'ou waut to know al>out
repuUtiou aud wearing tiuality; you a*ant to know about
the} piano
plane that is best suited
for this particular dim
abont the giuirantee and what
it means, Y’ou want to Auiow
about our “little payment
plan that makes piano buying
easy.” mod above and beyond
all you want lo know about
Msdcri Sjsum of PiEBO
SdllBt WkiaSEYCfi
Tmi HMcy...
Drop in any day mod beta
tbo Uieat KimbmU Pianoplmyer. Free concerts daily.
s. a aiANf».npwr.
JAN. 3,1906
With a cario«I of line
IwouUaaviiefonn.'Woranyooa in nwt ot • Horae to
eome and boy now. aa Hortra are aoi^ and wfll bebigbarUmn
ever a little later on.
Thia will be the fineat lot I bare ever braBghtbeee, Md I
invite people to ooMMi aee them,
LedTHE nroiARA
EOtiSE lok 31
Wk, I, K, *fc!
tha daloty tUam
raamrid tor
ffrlsr-fha thodght awd cart are IhV-
hdiii «a thair hrtaghw m. tk wmr-
• O* <k* «Mr « a* tataM Mi MlV. kjr H»»:
Tk* kMW to M |M». Mjrwv. lor
Smtool ft ott hMM. mM late lit*
ncMld top irooBi tk* eon« Mi
PMM it tk* Mar,
WIMM ath*r Upf M*t k*r* pM**i
on«ft btfM:
SIkmM pm tkrott^ tlM sMvmy of
ffttiMtef llgfat.
Wbore iol»s^ M Mttt Md •
Rtef 0Ot R warn wilooai with ti
ABd trtttogly mr:
for iho hopa!**
-Htn't a i
Ah. what If UMjr thoeldT What If
poor hop or Mtea
WhoM eroaa o ar th* thfoahoM which
sarha oat ih# IMa
TwUt TlfUa aa4 rk*. twl*i poraaM
Aad tWMro aO hit laaoc
Oh. whai If UMW rto^ld, boeaaao jvl
aad I*
iMo tlio daya aad lha mmthM aad
th« jroan harry hy.
Ara tea boay with caraa aad wtthllfea
TO awka niaad oar haarthitooa
Idaoa for tha hoya?
Tbara'a a plaea for Um hoyt.
will find It aooMwhar
Aad IfoarowahoaMawrf
por tha tooch Of their
TheyH tad It. aad tad It. alas! la
lOd M ifl^ao of ita aad tha glUtaf of Tica;
And with heartachaa aad loastaga wa
pay a dear prtoa
Ptor tha saiUni of gala that oar Ufatiaa aaiploya.
If wa tan la proTidlag a place for tha
A pMi for tha boya-f^
Ai aaraa aattla down roaad oar ahari
aartWy way.
Dool lat 111 foirat. by oor kind, loving
To show wo^remambar tbair
aad aaada;
Though oor aoale mhy ba vaiad Vlth
IMMcom o( ll^
ABi «ora witk binUMU aai Mllac .Hi .trti*,
.Our k«ui* will k**p ToantH-J.Br
Urad haart aad nlaa—
U wa give tba« a placa la tbeir in^
aaraioet abriaa ;
Aad to llfaa late.1 boor twUI ba ana
of oor >oy.
Thai wa haap a ei
for tba boye.
^-Boptoo TranicriiL
Tha Lyttal toy.
Boinrtlma there baa a lyttal Iwy
That wolda aot ranna and play.
Aad halploaa Ukr that Uttla tyke
Ben allwmia In tbd way.
••Ooe. maka yoo *atty with tha raal.
Hfi weary labdaf cfWd:
littt. wHh a feoara ha awldht bar «owi
And hong nnUll bar plde.
That boy did love bU tooder wall
Which apoke him lairr. I wean;
Up lovad foataad aad bold barbaad
And kn her with bis eea;
Ills roeaet Maatod in the croft,
.toBU tori oabaadad 4ay.-Ba wolde not gaa. bou tarrying aoa.
Oodda loveth eblldrta aUd^^^glrtl
Hit tbnme wBb aoeha aa fhaM.
Aad ha doth amlla la alalaahoa whll
They clader at HB kneaa;
And aometiiae. whaa Ha lookad oa
And waleiidd the bairas at play,
lie kenned sfm Joy a lyttal boy
Ben allwaB 4b tba way.
Aad thea
fait her heart
She hiaMd echa diff tni Ihe baa gray
Tha ahaaa h« aaa » wbra:
No bairn let bold aatUl bar gown
Hor played apoa tha ffbore.<Mdt*s waa the Joy; a lyttal boy
Rmito the way ae mora!
Bageaa PMd.
d a w .“TTTTTws
The childhood shows the man
Aa raoralng aBcnrs tba ddy.
Ihiaf B ooaaldavad good aMgk
Chthopa? If It aay woadar that tBBr
grow op arfthewl tha pratty ways
«Mih girta aaaa ioatlBetSvOly to
«alra: that thair hoada aad faat wttm
phBMy la tha way. aad that tidy
hiitt CO Oidoy tha atiaat hactar thM
chaydoUMlrhaiia? ThaMtharMd
tha fhtharfara B thara^ lift tha aaiM
M dvar. had an that B aaadad B aoiw
aaidaa atraiM of WaM or daagar to
aaS It forth, ar parhaaa aoM alaipB
MBaiar. oBfh aa B gtraa la tha I0lowiBg asoiOaat artida from tha
LadBa* Wortd:
-What B to ba doaa with tba boys?
Tba aaBy. tha awkward, tha Caadortag
aad tiwahaartad boys? Tba boys who
fbnat to taka off thair bau whaa they
eema lato tha hooaa. to aiap doBUy
aad cloaa tha doors gaatly? la fhet.
tha boya who bava aot pat bioamiBad
Into man. Joalors?
**Wa kaow of some famlUas wbare
almost avarythlag^ doaa for tha
daaghtara. aad oomUtaUvcly llttla fOr
tba aoBi. Peopla have a atranga wa>
of fargaettag that mea are mada oot
of boys, and tbit tba caralaaa. romplag. roagh l^tle fallows wbo seora a
CMn, wbo^ walk two alias to see
a gaaa of baseball, and yet are too
Urad to aaooH tbair sisten* InUmate
girl maads oae block, may yet til
tba protoaat's diair. or be at tba
bead of aoM great commercial ladaatry.
Taojb a boy trat of all that iraa
BiaBUnasa Is always real gantlenaaa:
that tba bouse Is just as much for blm
as It Is for anyone. Make his room
jtleaaaat; tl It np with what a boy
llkaa bast. Jail as you have flUed up
bB alaier-f with the trttes dear to a
glrt*s heart. A boy's nature demands
pratty thtaga-tba retnament. of life,
jnst aa moeb as does a girl's The
boy may have a ‘tbeer way* of Blow
ing bis appraetotloo of these things,
bot ha has It Just the same, and It It
a vary Important part of the work
which mothen and slsten have to
perform, to develop a love for tha
baanUfal. the tiae. tba geatle and the
laodar. In the boy's heart.
he afraid, metbers. of sentimentallxhic a 11|tla_jwer yoor aons.
aad don’t ^ wfiwld. Bsters. of going
on Uie slraau with your lyothers. and
of appaallag to all that B manly and
ffae hi their natorea. Boys develop
woadaifiilly nndar a eoursa of treat
ment which Includes comradeship
with sisters, a lltUa *lcanlng on* from
mother, and tba eapoctatlon from
arary one that they will ba wail bred.
conrtaoiis and tma. Help tba boys
toward a hadnom door
Always kaoek at any
eallre aad eatoa betora U gRms OreKM., I ta*. trtoi M wris'oi wtik
it Mrrlag K. putlj tecMM It to
^MdltaMtobfOMMaf V
OM, Mi VOlOj b«MM It to itak
art dMdy achap moi RBhta
to Bm^dpaea of a gaatiamaa. bot to
a flat baat aad a deep. fall, roa
bratfi hay of thasa B almoat aapar- nice lander meat and we are eery fioad
of it. Wa Ilka It in any way save
. Toe can’t Ulak of aU i
ly boiled: la that cm It B taw
ntorm thO tame office, enfi
a? Do yoa tidak of foldte your
wed to the bottle of eapply for anas acroas the obeat? No. It U a
ar oald Roy. aa a copy, aaatly dry to be vary palatable. As a toaaDorcas Aid aodety meela wary aaa>
to on another ooeaaloa. Aflerthe
Make tb#M Utegs hablU and yoo oad and tourth Wednaadiff t iaeh
ad by a tn»wrltar. waa pBoad la datloB tor aaveril Bade dlabes of the
Ihrer, howafver. It B irat ptata boOad. aeld B oat of the vM or boCtle toe Bb
i*t aeed to tbtaBof them; yoa will
hfea than ap? Ko. Tbaoa are
thh eonmoB mJas of aodaty that wbicb are cut rery this aad fried
Hera aro toar other hlnU whBb
r MUaaMUi obaervaa. Too will quickly la plenty of graeae, of which s
-Welcome to worship friU aa ito
KMid be babltx: Keep Ue back of Ue
not Rad year j
feaiag fa oaa of browa gravy U thea amde.
»ek eloee to Ue back of Ue collar at
A vartatloa of the pBln fried Uver.
1 possible Umes. Alwmyt carry Ue
PM M. K. CharM.
"WeU. bat be B a maa!** aald Roy.
cbest farther to the front than any
that are left on tba aad parts, B to ran
ay be reaMved from ooUoa or i
other part of the anterior body. Draw
M^M yrtp*. 10:M o. a.
And yon do not wish to ba a manly all aoeh plecea tbroogb a meal chop len goods with chtorotonn. First cov the abdomen In and up a hundred
per, mix la aaX to salt the taato. and er Ue spot WlU oUve oil or butter
I eaih day. Take a dosen. deep,
An old bookcase set on Ue kitchen slow braatbs a doten times each day.
Roy aaJd aothlag. but It was noticed
lat tba rulaa were pUoed very cara- of floor to about half a cupfol of the table, back to Ue wall, makes a very Tb do Ueee exercises properly <
»Thursday 'iu4*:fiap.
d moat then form into mtle
KtabB Imitation of a kitcbeit looeely. Ton cannot do them properly
ftflTy la bis drawer.
Some montbt have line* passed, and pats; roll In floor, and fry. A Varia- cabinet and saves many steps.
TO romove Ue smell df cooking pour
laRb baa had fbe fdeasnra eff baar- Uon of this Is to mix with half as
Ing repaatedly tha remark, "What a much breed emmbs as you have meat, toto a pint of boiling water a few
W. T. Woodbonio. Paator.
Her Hottr'a Work,
manly. Boughifnl mua nephew yon bind together with a beaten egg. or drops of oU of Uvender. Open the win
Morning. 10:80.
with a lltUe flour and water stirred to dow of the n»m and carry the basin
stale to the court exactly
Roll Into balls, and fry brown
i! a few limes, la a few mti
what yoo did between 8 and 9 o’clock
IndeepfaL 1 have also put a few po sll odor of cooking will have dlsapr morning.” said a lawtatoes tbroogb the chopper, aslng raw
yer to a delicate looking llule woman
. mixed them in. and fried la tha
Instead of nslng towels, the corner In the witneas box.
Prayer meeting on Thnraday grito
Mothars as Doctors.
usual manner of making cro^nettes. of an apron or a newspaper folded to
ig at 7:80.
In famlllas of children, many small
said after, a moment's
All are eofrUally Invltad to the nor
Another way Is to Uke the boiled Itn hot articles from the stove, make
Iments. to say nothing of acridenta.
”1 washed my two children
meat, mince, and treat as for ordinary holders, large and small, fancy or
lasUnUy present themselvaa for
and got them ready for school, and
plain, with loops on to hang by when
amelioration and relief, and the Inex
Boned lived coarsely chopped op not In tisc. Those for Ironing wiU sewed s buuon cm Johnny’s ooat. and
Cor. NlnU and Wadsworth atJaato.
peilaaoad mother or tha forgetful ooo
ended a rent in NelUe's dross.
Id covered with a milk gravy makes aa Interlining of leather cut from the
Rev. R. N. Holsaple, Pastor.
finds haraalf helpless In what Is raalb
-Then I tidied np my sitting •room,
a dish that goes nicely with broad or top of an old shoe, will keep the heat
10:00 a. m., morning Mm maatlag.
a trtfllag emergamT. Sock may find
10:80 a. BU. BtorniBg vornhlp, nor
boUod poUloes. A nice sandwich Is from the hand. Holders make sen and made two beds, snd watered my
> auggestiona of value In what fol
plants, and glanced over the non.
prepared by adding to finely minced slble, useful gifts, at any Ume of Ue
12:00, Sanday aehoot
boiled liver some sort of a salad dress year, and they will bring yonr thonghtTo begin with euU-for If there
ing and spices to salt the taste—In ful kindness to the receiver as often
•n I dusted my parlor and set
boys in the family there will be
7:00. evening gospel servk*.
tho manner of deviled
things to rights In It. snd washed
5 sbe uses them,
knives, and hoyt. knives and cuts sre
Chorus eholr moats for rehaaraal
ADotbor nice filling Is with
lamp chimneys and combed my rbursday at 4:00 p. m. In Ua ehurOh.
Do you use a dlshcloU of rlnj
nseparahla irto-^doirt put cob
the finely minced moat and half as
Midweek prayer moating Thuraday
ean the kettles, frying pans and baby's hair and sewed a button on one
webs on theB to stop tha bleedlag.
much each of minced boiled egg and such things? If not. you do not know of her mile shoes; and then 1 swept
Modem enlightenment does BO! tahgh
minced pickle. Put the pickle through what a help It Is. Just try one and
passage and brushed and put away
at this; It standi aghast. Cobwebs are
1. •
the chopper first, and follow at once you frill never be without It again
the children's Sunday cloUes and
webs, as well, and dust Is bacwith the meat and egg. as It will not
To keep surer bright with Ue least wrote a note to Johnny^s teacher ask
Corner Oak aad Fifth atreota.
terta-ladcn, as wa all kaow, and to be
do to leave the vinegar on lb© metal trouble U should always be washed In ing her to excuse him for not being at
Edgar U Refioa. pastor.
avoided. The cry of modem surgery
Mlneed boiled liver may be turned In very hot smter. well-eoftened with school on Friday.
Meeting for worship. 10:20 a. m.
Is for chemical cloanlinM. and the
Sunday school. 11:45 a. nu; C J.
to a frying pan. lightly buttered, and borax Instead of soap. While yet
"Then 1 fed my canary and clean^l
lad man of whoan who binds
Helm. Sup
when piping liot through It will be warm a brisk nibbing every second
off tho breakfast
Md P^vo Ur
brown crusted on the bottom, "a U third day Iwth a chamois will keep
grocery man an order and swept
Senior C. R. *:1S p. m.
eobweba, over a Tresh cut as a healing
omelet." This Is nice with mashed In good condition, and make the week around Uc back door, aad Urn I sat
7:30 p. m.
cy. Is a candidate for Blooming
lag. 7 p.
down and rested a few minutes before
ly cleaning an easy task.—Selected.
dale. Pressure will stop the bleeding.
Baked liver Is a novelty with some,
the clock struck 9. That's all."—THIf It U not arterUl. and wlU help that
but It is far superior to the boiled
Whether an artery has been tampered
tide, as It keeps Juicy if rightly han
A special Invitation to traveling men
with or not Is shown by the way the
and those who have never attended a
dled. If you have no roaster, be iur<
bleeda A pumping fiow
Three Htlpt.
Quaker church.
to keep th© pan In which It Is roast bread'dver night. Drain thoroughly In
steady sponUng stream Indicate that
It may be of Interest to those who
Ing well covered. A few long-sliced mimilng. Add two eggs, one-fourtl
m. Pram firmly, while the near
have a quantity of silver to care for to
raw potatoea may be placed around ieaspoonfnl salt, on© teaspoon Ian
know that after silver forks and
est physician Is summoned.
the liver In the baking pan, and by and butter mixed, flour to make a stifl
Church phone No.
spoons hsve been clesned. If they sre
Itor ordinary cuts, even tboaa which
the time the potatoes sre jliorcagh1> halier, aad one teaspoon baking pow
Our church Is a home for worship
put Into a Mats fruit ean and the top and sm^rlce. If you have no cbulroh
bleed profuaaly, firp praasura right
done the moat will be likely to be der. Drop on a well battered pan far
put on UghUy so as to exclude the home in Traverse City, yon are earn
Rulaa far tha Raya.
ready for the table, also.
enough apart so they will not touch.
air. the Mlver will not 'uniBh as long estly Invited to come, get acquainted,
A writer In a recent magaxlne symAs a hash, with ccld chopped pota- Bake In a quick oven. Eat with syrup
work and worship with us. A)
as the can Is kept closed. In this way and
palhltas In a whole-hearted way with hot water, draw tba edges together
welcome to all. lnircKlMyow|rBndiu/
Iocs, this meat may be used success -Exchange.
much time is saved, also much hard Greet tho strangers. If a stranger, viir
tha boys, yet feels that they are often and put strips of court or surgeon's
fully. A lime left, finely minced, msy
SonUera Corn Cake-Pour boiling work.
and meet th© pastor.
7 * ,
too carelasa of tha little nlcetBs that plaster across. Strips should be usei!
bo used with codfish for balls. In water <n*cr one pint of cornmo
servlcm announond B Ue
lal servlcm
mark a gentleman, be ha young or oHL Instead cf a single plM to afford
Uke many other housekeepers I bad
fact, there Is no use ever to throw make a stiff batter. Beat unUI very
Ramambaring that as Uia twig B In for any pus that should gather. The
Regular eervlees as follows:
away a scrap of It. Calf liver Is nice, smooU. add half a teaspoonful of salt a groat deal of trouble In baking
dined, ao win tha tree ba. she gives washing U especially naoessaiy' i
but seems flatter In taste than that of and two well beaten eggs and fry slow
©rmon. Choir under direction of Mrs.
the cut Is made by glass or tin. lest
aoma useful btnu as follows;
the more mature animal. Hog liver U ly on a thick griddle till rery brown, which required the crust to be baked *llns.
Poor falJowt! How they get hec any bit of foreign material remain in
relished by some. also, bot 1 do not in oakto tho size of muffins. A couple bc?fore filling. I overcame the diffi
12 m.. 1 unday school. If
tored and scolded and snubbed, and
consider any other variety equal U of tableapoooruls of milk will hasten culty. however, by simply baking the attending. Join tho home d
how continual Is the rubbing and pol
crust on the bottom of the pie Hn. or
the l>ecf.
the browning process —Woman's Mag
of Chris^lsn ito^ravo
Uhtng and drilllnir. which every mem hold Tappanlng, Let rold watc^ mn
1 have left for the last a most novel aztne.
bar of U»e family faaB at liberty to on the burned part as soon as poi
press Uo crust on firmly, and I aro
way of serving this part oi;^the an
Oatmeal Cakes—Mix throe cups of Kure If this way is once tried It will Choir nndor dlrecUon of Mr. Bkelcher.
on the principle that an egg cooks
and one that Is solely my own inven
oatmeal frith one cup of flour, i
No wonder their opposition is after It is taken from the fire, unless
Thuraday. 7:30 p. nu. prayer tod
be used in preference to Ue old fashtion. I call It -SIver hearts.- To
conference meeting.
spoonful of salt and two tcaspoonfnls loned way.
Is quickly chiliad. The best and
arcsised aad they begin to fee) that
make them, cut from the thickest part
Friday. 7:00 p. m.. Mayflower club.
of baking powder.' Into a pint and
«t conveiilant home dressing for a
every ama's band Is against them,
For removing greare spot* and other
of the llvor crosswise slices, which
half of scalding milk stir 6he Ubl»‘whan after all If they were only. In a bum is cotton batUqg satarated with
soiled places from clothing, gasoline
will be a sort of long oval. Skewer
spoonful of sugar and three scant
sweet oil.
quiet way. Informed of what waj
will be found much more effective if
the^e into cornucopia shape, fill with
Cor. Waahlngton aad Park ftraato.
tabBspoonfuls of batter, and. when
Fbr toothache It Is wise to ask your
pacted of them, aad their maanaess
used In connection wlU common laun
any desired dressing, then turn ovei
this Is dissolved stir Into the meal and
daatBt for a^Vastrlptlon of ae
appealed to. they would readily ew
dry soap. Wet the cloth with which
the nap and skewer It down In place
Bible school at noon.
fall lato tlae,
you Intend to clean thc.^arni«il In th'j
Roast these (It will not take over'fif
Cbriatlgn Endeavor. 8:80 p. WL
turn upon the floored pastry board and
Ro Iboaght "Aontla M.** aa she pretort. aad heap tha bottle on 1
garollne. timn rub ly^ Uc soap. In
Evening eenriee. 7:80 p. m.
teen minutes In a hot oven), Uke ont
roll Into a aheet Cot Into rounds
applying always with a camel's hair
pointed oot Iho following mlee tor
W. M. 8.. first Wednaaday Im Ua
fact, use Just aa yoo.;Would uto soap
the skewers, and serve on a hot platand bake on a ■oapstone griddle, turn
UtUo twelre-yearold nephew, who wms briih. Tha rackleas use of dlloroform
and water. anbatltuU^ gasoline for
Ur. They will keep their shape beanlag aa Uey brown.—Chicago Record
other powerful drugs with tho
tha ’'light of her eyes,** If not atways
watcr.-Ladlea’ World!
tlfully. and are really a hantfeome dlxh
nesdays la Ue month at 2: 80 p^ ^
the'Joy of her heart, for though i Angers or oa cotton or wbrse, by tip. tor the table. If rightly done they
Qtrick Waffles-No form of hot cake
Prayer meeting Tknrsday avtolng
good oaiured. amlaMe boy In the math ping up the bottle In the mouth. Is to wlU be crisp on the ouUlde. with a de Is so dellclotls or ao healUfuI as the
at 7:00. Beats free.
All are welcome to all Ua sarricar
ha would offend against tha "propria
llclous brown taste, and the Inner part waffle, tor the ream that It u always
Never pierce meat while cooking oi
tide** fraqaeatly.
of the meat and dressing vrlll be
Ue Juice wm escape.
Fenrtoeiith Btraat M. B. CImnH
f famines and abacasaea In the ear
first coose manners for tha street
steamlttgly tender. A gravy may be io# urto eggs, one tabBtoooaful of
Rev. L. B. Carpenter, paator.
of more or Bet severity follow every
•Hat lifted In m^ng "goodby**
melted hotter, one fablespoahf
made of the ttquor Bft in the pan.
Class maeUng. 9:45 a. m.
basin In a pan of cold srater over thr
Ume of taking cold. U the child Is white gravy Is best with these.— ■alt. oae pint ft floor and two tea•How do jtw dafire. When the water boUs Ue milk
old eaongh to hold bis head linthe Phrm and nraside.
Hat Hlled whmi offering k teal la
spoonfuls of Rtoal baking powder. Bin
er pcatUoa. geatia syriaglag with
car or la achaOeledgtBf a favor.
the saH and the baking powder WIU
If a sngary crust Is desired on mer
n. tacmasfng to hot, water. Is a
Keep step with any one you sralk
the flour, beat the eggs wlthoat sep^
Hew to Tl# Comforta.''
Ingne, sUt powderod sugar over It be ^^er maatlng. Thursday gtanlfii
great relief. Bvery mother of very
When ready to Ue oomtorta, Uy my arating until very Ught, add the milk
rotihg children knows that thte Is Im method, says a writer U Good House- then tiB flaor. aad mix all togatlmr an- fore It Is placed In Ue oven.nnd have
Always precede a 4ady ap at
Ue latter eoM.
The Bsivatlen Army.
ibla BKh them; the HUB bead !• keeping. I can Ue them this way In tfi pmtRtly smooU. Beat rigoi
laA aak her If ytm may precede her.
Wben fiavorittf aoup. never iroe pow
LadBa' Uhrafy bnlldlmg. rrmi
patsiBff through a crowd or public turned and tsrUted aad the water goes the time usually UkM tor framlir for eeveral mUiatoe and balra la bot.
dered aptoen, na Uer'torm a aedlmenl street, arar Cam atroto CapUla iRd
Tdke the llaiBgi aevea or alffht yaiAs woU greaaad wafB lra«s.-Ntor Idea at ton btotoqi of Ue plate and spoil Mrs. Boaters la ohargs. Pnhkk manL
Into tha ear. Oh a hold alght. too. at of print remnant, lay It <m a pleee of
Rat off the momeal yoa eat
Inga every night except Monday. 8gB
street door and when yoa at^ Into a midnight the operation Is aot feasible. carpet or lirge rag. wrong side np.
A llitla aweai oU healed In a i
and pin. Now place half of tto hata
UuLat a Bdy paas Irat always, ui
tilt nhoBt two po«i4i—mi M wfiy.
im added, poured upon a bit of then oover With a aeeoiid layer the
nrot Mlee aalktoat eabbbge aad
m aakt yoa to praeeda her.
la the parlor staad tm every lady cotton, will usually afford relief. Whan other way. Now earatoUy pBoa the oook la plaatydd Viter, nfttll very teadaf. Drala. aad to a mBHua
B the room B aeated, aBo older peoupper aide, aa laoothly aa pqa
^ «fj; StuH. ttm l« «)■
1,; J
tar. la which a UUB powdared horade and remove the ptos whleh hate held bead of eabbigi add tom plat of iwtot
uorner tfoaromu stvbbv saa
•Be If a Bdy combi ta aRer yoa are add has baaa dBfiolved. My be used the IlBlag to the earpet-pttUliig them craam. Rtoaa It Ms up tomove
ral times a day. aad wber
■mud aad. auad tlQ m# takea a aaa*.
through both lUI^ aad cover aad tim ire. add a beaplig taaspooa
ble BMM to be over, a phydeBa riw. iwnohlag wan nader to toenit^ tonr, nilrtod amooU In a little ooM
stralghi la the fhea
ooffbt to make dh hsaaBaatloa to
WM mtan er hamg ipokaa
Ahem, very loag pins era renalatta. mOk. aSS^jjito before serving ponr
. UtlddBa PM thimgh a door trst, oat the^. PariMfts art reaUitng that NOW roU a^ oae aMo or tha efimlBR over It a has OOP or vinegar. Ut tt
freqamu aaaal dad aaral ttoabBa are and pBoo the wMe on the dining got hot, aot hoiltog. abd nenre at ooee. **slLvMhMlM«MMIk.dM.H
■thadlhg iaida tor tham.
B fhd dpOhg toam lake year teat not tha>BnBlM ehUd affvcUoas Uiat Ulfioor bafi. When one fSto B tlM. R B werr mBa viU the mam draea- 12:00 M.
ate to V dapacted aad hmibo&d. toil It ap While antoHiag the oppo- Bg altoa. hdHiit iMMfii tha laito of Brenlng aarvlce and aermon at f :0C
aftir ladBa aad elden.
Raver pBy wUh a kalfa, torfc or
■Itoond. Bo enra to hnve Iho limig oaainovtr: hM tha Ttoagar makaa *
MrtlaUT tarlM to tkM* Mr
firmly toitenod to the carpet or rag. aaoUar difh oCIt antltoly.-HBichnato-
Brntor SumST SiSoi\
ittmm mmmimwm^i
rjL'f» Mt Uk* our
At X
hfo haa fot«r»ad to har achool at mg
BapMi. aflar Mdhig tha hoUiara
with har parMU. Mr. aad Mn. Ma&a
Mr. aad Mra. a 8. Klag took la the
daaea at NaaM Cicr Moadar oMlag.
Kala Maitia riattad har paroau la
ThMpMrillo Batardar araalag.
Nab aad Carl Bra wara orar fron
Mat paat «a hara addad aa aiaeh hiAial Noatrlk b bid ap vlth a
aawaai oatataadtiig if «a aacarad la naaahad toa. eaaaad hr a log rolUof
tha pMtoBa dl MO hr tha Mataal oa it while at work at Carl Byc a
UN. Tha adhlrMtaU of a lifatM;
tr Ndfod hr ordiaarr aiaadarda. haro
aro all betTka acariat ferar (
haaa eroodad lato that period of NorlaoB poarm. I haliara aqr raUfouaat
Mra. J. H. Martla of Thompaaorillt
rialtad har daaghtor bat vaak.
IMhlar. all prohMa afaBpior.**
Mrm. Baagluaaa b rialUag at ;hc
BMt aaau Nr wlras at MOlatoao. home of O. r. VolUaar aad MUr.
, lt 4. whoa roatlag ho«M U tha do
Mad of Oaorva M. Ooihard. a laadNrd. Bb hla adrariMaoBt raada: |
Stoves, from an ex
cellent quality of
Hocking Valley Coal.
It is easy to handle
end a good burner.
Try a ton and be
b TNBtM ban «B the thbd TBag.
by «C Back mmSk al t:il b M.
OMi B. Tadar; pMdiBt: Garb
OtbBoU. memrnrj; Nactb C Otar.
dMtroat Mf
A A. M^ MOU oa MoBday OM^
OB or hMOra tha ton of tha Boao.
atf:ilBU. M. K. HaakaO. adM
tary.MMrb White. W.M.
’ Trtd^Matk ®
Id aape of the Itogllata arboob
rrmrk b now tangbt liy mcoiia of a
The machine dellvert
aelert ettecimmii of French oratory
and aong». and b eatmnely |io|iabr
with the chTAmi. w hoae accent b said
to make rapid progrtea. GertminaBt
Inapectom apprurc of It.
That newly elected member of the
Ohio legG^tUTe w bo b gofng to spend
In eoUegr the time between hb elecy gry* MbM and Ml 1
Uon and the beglnDlng of the seaaloo
We have brurd so often the demand
that the arhoter be made ioio tbe pollUrian that R b a eertain relief to sot
\be piocoes rerdrwd and tbe polltlrian
4. M« llliMlIllMllltMi
turn Into a achobr. It might be worth
wblleto eidnbllah a school In rach state
for legbbtors-elecf. where they eotild
born the rodlmrats of tbelr art. We
wonder If tbe Ohio menilier’s graduate •If 9mut rrmmt «t.
«• •talee
oonrse will be acre|»Ced by bb col
leagues aa tbe CQUlralent of a year-s
•crrlce at the capHoL—New York
Rveolng Post.
whara the badara openly adriaad
tkalr toibwara to pot Bharmaa Ball
oni of tha way. I alwaya go armad
BOW. aad I ihlak 1 ahall gire a good
At the Epworth league meeting last
aoocmnt of aiyarif wkao the Ume
comaa.” rormar Oor. Jamaa Peabody Sunday night we were highly favorec
aaya that ha haa racalvad maar threat* with music from some of the younf
of the Pomooi orchestra.
aalng lettera.
The rrick eradicate of mimooalre
pomiebDi. IB Ua datermlnatloB
alert A. M. JaalOon mayor of pitu!|
burg, b said b have raised a
palga baiVel of IWO.OOO. They
to buy pp tbe PltUburg l^eader. aad Bpccbl to Use Bvenlng Record.
offered, tt Is said ll.joo.ooo for the
Bpeactr. Mich.. Jan. •^Born, tc
paper, which opposed Prick and hit Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoaaler. a baby girl
crowd pomioally. Tbe value of fran*
chlses tor obtatad aad undergrooad
Arlle Gr
umed to GraiK*
railways and ImprovemenU of the Rapids Wednesday.
Pennsylvaab railroad Is estimated at
Mrs. O’Brien spent Saturday and
in.OPOAM. The Prick crowd can se Sunday with her daughter. Mrs. Ella
em thaae ooaceaalons If lb can elect Welch, at Morrison's camp.
a Bugror and a new council.
Miss L. M. Nbble and Mias Tuck
One million women have signed pc* gave a New Year’s dinner to a com
Utloaa for Ue eipulslon of Senator paay of their, friends.
Reed BoMot of Utah.
Will McBlrath. who has been very
PrboB tor Ufa tor habitual criminals sick. Is able to be about again. •
Is the ToeommendatlOD of the Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Murphy wav
board of state chkrlUes to the legisla In Kalkaska Monday.
Archie Waggot is moving to Kal
Uaraectaated pupils to the number kaaka this week. Mra. Waggot b en
of BOO have been barred from the pub gaged to help her uncle. Marion Har
lic seboob of Lock Haven. Pa., and In court. In hla photograph gallery.
eoaaeqadncc the teachers have little
Mr. and Mrs. McBralh entertained
to do. At tha prtaury school In tha a company of young peopb New
Plrat srard. taught by Mb> Da Prank. Vear-s evening.
In which tortydour pupUa were en
Jack Anderson was in town Tues
rolbd. apt a alagb oBe reoulaa.
dny In the Interest of the 8t. Loulv
Qeorge F. Baar. praaMeat of the Hoop nnd SUve company of Rapl>l
Phftadelphb 4 Roadlag. has jaat pu^ City.
chased flOO worth of mileage books
The Young People's Utermry club
for his five Biarrtad daughters. It Is met Inst evening with Mrs. aara Mr
the irst Ume la the world’s hbtory of Barath.
nOlroad wBaagaBriot a railroad preal
John Morrison baa begun hb alelgh
deal has hMight Uekets for hb tom* haul from hb camps to 8pe
ny. •
where he loads Ue logs on to
‘•You rrHaadiNpld bear.** rplaytolly Thb looks like more work in Bpen
aald Willie Btbkb,^agi^
yearm. to car.
The only erdteBieol In town today
hU brother AlbedL aged lA while
playlag bear hunters tn their tother*s was caused by Byrq^ BuUoa'a team
raid at Upper Bad NBck. near Pough nmalng away. It rA about t
keepab. N. T.. Tuesday. Then «*IUle quaiteri of a mile, smashing the
pointed a ravolror he held at Albeit sleigh to pieces and puttlag the algh
and pulled the trigger. The re^wlver horae out of businaas for a whUe.
went off aad a bullet pbreed Use
Was. Peterson of Bharao and John
breast of AlbWL aad he will db.
Haines of Trmverae City ate their din
Wy Rev. Pr. Boytaa. the Irish pro- ner at Hotel Bpeneer the Jrd Inat,
John Martin and wife of Bhatronl
Ylaolal of Urn Rodamptortat Order,
who has beoa oa a riali to Auaumlb. spent Now Tear's day with hb aade. |
K U b uaderatood. abount to found a Jaa. Potanoa. of Ub plaop.
Bectkm K. A. 4 Watt of a newl
large maaaatary la Urn PhUlppInca.
It b aald to be probabM Uat several
BedeoMSoriau at gcoMt attaeM to
Whta • Dotw (N. H.) »a» aaieM
Aaatrallaa aoBaatorba wUl aocom
My Fr. Boytaa oa hb mbaioa. aad glaatiBg hla gala btaaa, be left the
WIU romala la the FhUlpplaaa when bag eiMlalBlw tbe Ml.ot«r eted to
tbe grata bealdc a tree. He foead tbe
the hegae Uiere had bM opened.
hag the ether deg talr toolid te the
4oha. WfmaM aad Haaiy Mock,
gtaoad. Tbe bettaa lajar of beeaa
wealthy heothoN of Daria cooaty. K had aphKrt«J, aad tbe roots embaddad
C.. wore la lovo with Nellb Depaas. thenaetres la the tarf.
4tt WIST raen snuT
gpaebF to the BMlag Beeord.
Pono^ MIdL. Jan. A—Mrm. Car
roH aad daaghtar BUa hare haeo rle^
iUng rabUrea la OadlUac for tha paai
Mka Nina Duffy rislted b Cadillac
a coople of dare thb week.
Mba Lana Ball cetanad hoBia Ban
day. aftor a few dtya* Ttelt with
frbnda la Weiford and Oraat town
Mba McLoaa of ThoaipooBTllla vU
iCtd friaoda in town orar Soaday.
Mba Marlon Phalpa had BeaaooU
riallora one day last weak.
The tea-oanl sapper glTca by the
Ladlee’ Aid aodety Wadaeaday eren
lag bad to be poatpooed oa account oi
the atoTBL
Mrs. Arthur BUrer rlallad her par
aau at Onekama last week.
L. L. Duffy etarted Thiumday for i
two weeks’ visit In Toledo.
James Orlner of thb pboe and Mir.
maache Burton of Meslek were untin
in marriage last Thursday night. The>
^va the beat wishes of their friends
nbht-eerrlcee were held ai
the hoB>^ Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Bab
wid pra-
EM tta Hoar Tort
Ufa iMBuy Joha A. McCall wroca
tha parM of m aarrtea aa praaMaat.
I hart aMa aiiatahai It la got aaar
to ha taarroat arhoB faelBg BToat pM
Ma 4aAjr. Mj arrora prohabir aaaai
SMUr la M todar ihaa Char aaoBi to
MOM tatarahly |aal critic. Mr
SB '
la fcaaa thi
au. Mr deal Uka tha atalrs. they
waat aoBM wtadowa whara thara arc*
aoaa^aad daaTrtlka thaai vhaa tka
mrpmrnr pau iham b. Thar aorar.
%arar Ilka tha waU paper.**
Ooa. BhorgM BaU. tha bbodthlretr
CobcBda aUltUrr kafu. ^ Mdad the
groat ubara' atrika by daporUag the
laadara. aad other Ruaaiaa uetboda.
M ha haa hM thraataaad with the
huaa fata that orartook ionaar Oor.
•taoBbarf of Idaho, orbo waa Mown to
pNeaa by a dymaaflla bonb aa ha anfarad hb gatp gatarday alght -SUianlaberra aMaatBatloa waa tha work
of utaara.** aald Oaa. Balk **1 am
Burkad tor tha aama fata. I do* not
Buralr aaopoet thU; 1 know It I have
^ an. r
iwn* mm m Mit
M M Mfc ^ fW
trio to gat roair aa thoaMi ha «m to;
Mktas M n M IM tippii M it
MU. MM «f tkM MmI MB la
OovBjr** canPi m Ma» MaMa. Daat
IMB Mt Oavajrli lapMatlaa It. M
tlu fM or tkM M a nilo. Mr a
Hfi. Bair Medb tkt
M BaM «fdi vBllafB. OmagM fa
a BrtBoa, ttoBik. flav MB ftvo a BM oUct Mk«a MtlM ■> in !!■»■■
a ili W oM. Tto M4 waHar al'
italMMf Mga
thla U attaodad to hr tha uaa. 1 aai
Urod of pattlaoat aororaaMt.** Oar.
hard aara tt aaad to ha aaar to raat
hooaaa. hat boo tha BroaM vaat ao
do ao
faaatag Mt ka b golag to oat thaoi
OatOfhblllt. **|flMtfBattOBM.aara Oathard.
will let tha hooaea
mwiuak mtviimv, mnumiv
John R. Santo
ThU U the time to buy weddingRiftnlSfor c«nt ^
COBBtaU thiough the etora
P. 6w—Remember our op
tical openinff. with Prof.
Hhellman pf Gmixl RapuiA
8th to i:uh. ^
Kew Willem BUh
epM hOBM block. Room A
HastaWs srr
Nt A. M. HOLUMV. ondaala T»
Cb Simtitr
placod IB my bands for collection.
1 win be in my office to r««elve aald
taxes from now until Feb. 1. INN. on
eaoh week day from t o’clock
Ue forenoon an^. from
o'clock la the afternoon.
vn UOOD**
ORa LAWTPN«-nyMgy^^M ^
'St^«S^rr“ 1"!* *th(S»ta
• go««itk
charged a fee of four per cent for eollection. Penalty on ddlnquent city
and achool taxes and special asaeas4 cent on each dollar of tbe
of aald tax.
JOS Bute Bank
Fine Dental Work
6as Kaaac
Dec. 1. IMi.
2.00 Down
Bpocial attenUon kitco to
ditcaaeg of Um eyC
With Dr. t. A. Thompaon
pi|i: IS"
The handaomoat and moat conven
ient EITCflCN CAllifKT on the
market. Solid Oak fionta, Mouae
and dual proof Roller bearing Flour
We manufacture them and make
low prioea.
btlorat prioes oonaiatMit
wm SBE uuRa a.
OR. I. L. TMIRLBY-Bpaalal BtMm
tloo U> dbaaaaa of ehOdraB. Roam
4M State bank bldg. BoRBfteBaa.
Tin Tttsuraact
Office SOS Nev WOheljn Block,
Banta CUut U on his annoal cmiae to beatow good
thingt on hU many frienda.
If you think of giving tome
of your married ohildrai|
the material for a hotmeag
aChfiatmag pteaentgpleBae
bearua in mmd^ooniieo-
0. P. Ovvar aad Br«. aDU giaBaa
Ot^JFe^CHAgff-HamaopalhML OA
araa GRty. MM4. OttMaaa phoaa IM
DmmBorawamhuHia. • n. m. ta n
Im I n. «. f to • avamaaa BM«m
aryahiiptoa OBaum h«a4a.
sBaiL^^udia >. Ma«tMa,M Id
W. TULLER cun eatlmute your Umber.
Reference Traverae City MXg, Co,
ef nl. 110,000 worth of timber
tvought during November and Da
ev mber. M n dny. Interlock.
Wood I Wood! ss:-%sss!:r:
Ion deck
TriTtru Otj
Notice to the Tnxpayera of Ue aty of
Travorne City:
The tax roib tor Ue ooUecUon of
the aute nnd eounty Uxee for Ue
nnd for Ue delinquent
1 city taxea nnd apecUl as
General Insorante
^2.00 D»ER L.OAD
eco. n. Jans
201 fraaf Straaf
J.AII«ltOB 6B0,W.artrBTHI
********H?t5!5a»L53p^ IfcaaH
Oval Wood Bisb Co.
m. tr, aara ratiiis
t daiMa lar aMMvIac «M<b
.• ■ •- -J .'i. . 5.-.-
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