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The Evening Record, November 13, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Y»T«mMr8 W8UB
on urns gut |s,000
bold bwinoler.
By Wire to ib© EsEming llccord
Loa Aagckw. Nog. U —At a special
that wa» way he elect loo It was vou^ to annex tbr trr HE WAb AMERICAN WH^LEbALE
rPory betwoea tbU city and Ban
rodra. tacladlag aW»1 Park* and the
mclag lOaai of tbs Ua Aafrias Jockey
Obtained Block From Grand Tr»verae
SI « •XASSk L»
club wblcb fa Dftmi^t nadcr tbe furls,
and Artaene Mining Company by
NifAit WhSA Hs Wm tsnt ts tht
dietkm or tbo city; ordlaaace wblcb
Fraud—Had Whole buit Caee
ibits pool aontlig. Tbe stHp an
Fu^l of btocks to bHI.
d U half a mHo wide.
8|»sclsl '<4> tbs Brs«tec Bmt«
m lUpAds. Ukk^ Not ».->Tbc
bodr or Bar Bbte vss touMl la Uh
bar at 7 o-elock tbU aiotmliif ■
ibeosMii works.,lie bad beeau
al»es last aicbt aad.au owe ka
wbat bad bacmau oC blm aaUHbe fi
lag or bit bodr aolrod tbe srsterr.
Bble was ri ycais old aad was la
tba amiOo} oT Powers « Coir. About
c o'clock Ust C'teulnK be bad brea
s«wt to the dock to sack potatoes for
tbv lUiaoAs aad that was ihr last
or biia alirc. WTwii be didn't return
alarai was fult aad a aearcb was B
for bttt iMit be could not b* fooad
Yt U aapposed that ibe yunag mao
malkrd of Ibe dock la th« darkm-ss.
Tb« body was bNUid about balfa mlU
bolov tbe camrai works baU burti'd In
tbr sand, ibo uadertow bavlng carried
It ibrw!. ll« had compleled bU work
aad bis am^Js was carefully piansl in
the lapel of his cost. The body i
taken to Ik© t^criakcr'a.
Wbea tb© yonag man didn't ret
last Blfbt bis molbcr. who was ill. U*
csBM rery amrons and when tbe in w%
of bis dumb was broki-u to her rbc
wag ullorly prostralcd and Is In such
a rmdUkm today that It Is dA:11eve<l
that abr will die.
Tbr yonof mao was an only soo and
was olio of tb« beat Ihoagbt of young
tnea ia the vUlacc. Bright and steady,
be wws a comfOn to bis parents. Be.
ytmnger sister. The fiim ral will i»rob.
ably be TbtIWday.
Machinery Is tor ti>e New Lock Fsc^
tory—Orders on Hand Already for
s Larpe Quantity of Door
Locks-lndust^y Will Grow.
of Hie
t:dward Payxtm.
Pttjaon Mauufactiirfcg <’i>niiianv
rt’tnrtied from Cblcapo. where hr
U, puiThuse mpcUUK-O Yor the urw
lo^k fartoiy to be ^lartid bi iv lu a
►hurt lime. \lr I'a.vKm hl«t«-». that
the heavier inachlut-ry will bv sUlm»^d
fttUM Chicago toioofrow and will»UiUNtalhHl as soou as jsrraui:* in* nt^
U' made for a suitable building fur^a
factory, wrbicb will iu* wiiUin a vt'ry
few days.
Ur. PujTtoo wa*. vfry busy > UIU- lu
Chicago, willing up jils prlvule affairs,
so os to In- tn'-o ami jglvi bis • ntlro atti iiUou to the lario^ In
iit>. lU
MaUiL that
nin.ilm r> lu.irkH In
(lilrago U rtiHip sf.d HiMl iV \Ui>
very dirScutt to MH iir*- nuu-htin ry. t.ut
he has finally Miccc ileil in uhiaiulng
Ibe ncceanary equlpnimt, \W lta>. <*»•
dors on bund for a. large, quaixiiy ef
door bK'kK. and Ju.4l a.n soon as Un
fariory b> ready a forre of ^urkmm
DR. HARRY RODMAN SfNT fUt- will bo given steady |v mployuicni. Tbii*
Industry pnmilMt^ tb l*o one of gnat
lni|tortance and futuK» growth Ih siiiv.
Mr. Payiou ba?* t>Lvd many yi-ari^ in the
hsrdware specUTty j btulmtss and I*
well and favorably Inu” u auiung the
dealers In the coinnioUitii^ which the
iipuny will nismifaetiire in this city,
comes lu this city
as a bul‘lue>^ man and Is diH-Umsi
bi- one ul Iho bci*l Imrdwatv
Sia Months Uter She Diod in Hi SIKH laity im u in l|ie tx)uuiry. H.Anma--Wift of Conpmgallonal
stale* that th.* pisbt will prulMhly
Minister in Rockford. I1l„ Shot
abodt the first of IHHecMlf While Deranped.
By Wire to the l>onlog Uocord
Buffalo. Ko\
i:;.-l>r. llsny
Hodman sbni a bulloi into hU JinUn
last night la bis suite,
stnMt. and died one hour later. IkKpoodeaey over tbe death ul bis wile
ts tb© sopposed caubA*. l>r. Rodman
camo from New York
be had a
largo ptwctic©. Ho mar'fw Miss Wei
man. a aura© in JxHKemoB buepitat.
lUebiBOOd: Va*. where she nurMhl him
tbixHigb a dangerous lUncaa.
axmthw Uter ab© expired In his arms
tn tbo PreabrlcrUn boapltal.
Clergyman's Wife a Buicide*
. Rockford. III.. Nov. 13.—Mrs. H. M
sajder. wife of tbe pastor of^U Soioad Confirogatiooal church, eommlited
aaldbo at her borne on North Main
aUect. The corooer> verdict was
that abo shot hemlf while deranged
by a Kmg Ulmws.
Cbarb* W Ntu-lou we* UMind over
to tb* T«.l. tU* o f«sl« far graiiU Jury
at fhkragu H4.iurda» ami if.thf ;*H* ga
ilopfc liiaUt- ugaiiibl him are pu>w u i»
mill lueun that b<- mill enjoy a long
)oum In piisoto. tbv toebntea! ebaig*
agvll^l him b»iiig frmuluhJMi uim- of
th" ai:illt>'. Thomas Huiurthwalle ut
tldh^ePy mas tb«- principal milut>«- in
Iho <a« and ho wa« liroughi lu
through tho pils4iuor seeming
shurvK of tireud Tr»v.-T*- mid Arisona
mining yi.k'K mliliout-th*- fcwmallty «<f
(oylug for Ih* Ul
Abtnil imo yosr.- ago Mr Snmrth
wall* risiittd a K tier from lb*- Aim ilean Wludosalo Urok* lagr o.uuMJiy
hKwUNl at Klnili-a. N Y. This sai.l
that tho c*«un«any ma^ dtaliiig iu
slocks, .siierl.nllv mm mlniiig sUsks
miilrh m*-ru nondlvidond jinMng hut
which v« n* cupahlo of do\i lopiumit.
Ttio CJrand Trat*-rs< and Aii.*«*nu «^*m
pauy hm! iK.n r.-romii.ondod i* tin
tliui and iho> do. iu d MHTlflr da’a in
regard to ihv pr«>p<ny.
Tho n-ijulrod liiluriuaiioo ma> Im*
nlshid and nothing mn< hiar»l inuii
tho Atnorfeau \Vb**lo.s;.h- • Iht.k* rag >
rxitnpatiy fur soviual iiioisths miifn a
lettor canu Iitmi Tut* do. O . ihl- In-ing
also fnmi th. Amorlcaii Wiml.-siilo
litokorug*'c*»0)|Kiii%. with tho iiifornia
tlon that Uh- oniiipaiix had loumvod
from Elmira mid now oroupii-d orbi*.
lu Toledo. Tills lottoi ^tal«M that tbdau *aenl by ilio Grand Tiw^orM- anfl
Arlxmts company had »h^ii carofull.'
examined and ihr pniporty bsiad
over. Rverytlilng luul Js t u found • xacily aa ivp.iwcnu-d. .said th. Vttei .
(Continued on Third Pag*’.!
man electrt-cutc«l in the .nilar
of liiF hunic by gripping a luc mir.O
lie mss found hsuglng to the wit.. b»d
ly bmiic-.l and .Uud, He ms,. m*|>nh.r.
Uiiig txvll .•iltir..!.-.! IU lour Inn-ungt^
American mdlce
askSMilnatc Victor Kpimanuel. It was
siso UwmiHl that the plot wa.'« halchcil
In New Jci>cy to 1^11 the .Uikc ami
rts of AkLvta
NOT MOVED but am still located in
the Wilhelm block,
nev 13-tf
A O. Tyler. Oenf.l.
All Kinds
far received from ^be Erie railroad
xn i«
unanlinuba for a
tbe nmd givteg part or all demaaded
by tho men.
By Wim to tb© Drening Record
Caracas. Nov. 13.—It is bcMt-rtd tb*
aerioos UlaoM of President Cbstro Is
responsible for the reroluUoaary out
breaks In different paiV of tbe rvimb- Officials Are NSw Ctmdncsd Tluit Bert
Bcwlsy Killed Edward Edpar and
IkL It hi feared there wlU U an upHt and Wr^ Buicidtd.
rialag all o\w tbo oooniry In event of
bU death.
By Wire to the CvetOag Becurd.
Owooo. Mlcb.. Not. IS,—Tbe autbori
lAtroll. Not. It.—tfi-hcal-No. 2 |vd. ties are now convinced that Bi’rt
Scelcr kUbid Bdwmtd Gdgar and that
78c; com. OHc: oohL t7Ve«Odoago. Nov. it.—Wheat—Decem- be aad bU wife committed suicide with
strychnine. Dewey Seeley was enilrebor. 74c; com. A2%c: oata. tlHc.
ToUda O.. Nov. U —Whoat-Cssb. l3 tenoeeat of any ©oonecUon with tbo
TCV; com. fSUc: oits. SCUc.
I Foreword I
l’.rKLidmg oar UoUdor Good* for UturnKm.
Thi« *ill be an *xorlleat plooc to por^Me KiftF
^VnmidetiMol Chui* th*t >-oo oui **re a wbob lot of
Fair, pmtlt west wind.
Fair tonlpht: Wodnaaday. min t
“T\ Mt conpleto line of Book#. Gainea. UoUa. Tojr*. FamY
Gooda-tbe LioJolanic)« tliatappeal toyoor flood ta*te**.1
your ^ketWk.
A^tch f. r date of formal Holitlay optminK
t* eowumrfy and i
City Book store
L£E TRAIN €u$bioii Sole
Coim.tt» W.th Ch C4se Tram—Ettort*
of Boatd of Trade for Better bervice Have Been AcUd on by ^
the Railroad Company.
At a .'jw>ci;i»l nio. ung «4 III** iMiard «>f
dir.K’i.irs'of *hv. hoard <*f irado y.-sii-rd.i> n/u-miv.n, th- following .-iimniiiidtaiidn S!om C L |..M km.Hsl. g. ijond
: I r.,1.
r ap-m ot th
KMd. w.sh t.msld*-n41
"Grand TUpids. MUi*
".Ml J tv. Ilann. ff.
.*'S«'cr*‘i;try Tnt;*-!*'** City Ri*iird
"Tru%. i M Ciiy. Mh h
lHa> Isir- K‘ f. ittiig io **ur oorn
! iHkiidi-nc** r’lallv*- i*. tiulii si iHic*.
"Wo Ikiv.- iH-on-.sir.Mdoiiiig Iho matlov c.in fiilly. lint bi foN- aiiUliif at a
ilolinltc d*cisiou. moytM Ilk.* to have
your «Hdnk»n n* to whoib«T the fotlom
Ing mould is* KatiafarUiry tu your jk-o
(CoiiltnuiM on Third I*agc/)
The Hobart Go. prop
for men arc dlstlDctly difl«*i*al
from those for summer, se U
your outer cl^hlng. Corns In
and see the RMcst If >uo wonU
be ia the mode from toe t,. n* ;
msicb ‘your new suit miia
prop, r shirts, tltw. scarfs. c<xkb.
Kknes and ilu* Ukc.
i baixgc in shape, too. We ba\r
the. last tbe msnufaclmcrs
for Comfort
Very few pi.*|jlo uc'ler*
•land Itbo tlilTcrencv and ad
vajitafret of a "Ctubion bola'
Shoe ot er the onlinary m*.de
bIjos*. They are made with an
ndditiunai inaok* of Idl^CuYerc4 WliE ItmbbbUu making a
cushion that conforms to the
pirfivlly, and
V^ ew^ld like to have both
1 olios and i;<titlemen see
Ihcio, then we ll leave it lo
you fu* t • their a*Ivantaja’
over uUiersh**e»
Bubeck ^ Hoyt
Tnion Ht ('lothicr*.
So are the new elyU*s iuTKEAI).
K.\SV ^hofi*. ami thi* wonim mho
wciurs Treadeasyn has very liltlu in
hvir from tho ooM as far ns lu r fwl
iirv t'ODa niwl, Iwauso Tnmilrasy
Slioos have <*ork ins«»f«w that knep in ■
the uaturd warmth of the fe*M and
kocp out the coM ami wet.
^ V
•Uwajr* $.! riO the pnir.
t^’c srr now prrmanr.itly iivwted
in thr WilhHin block.
Ois. Snrier & Pnkalligai
In Asking
you to p lour
Lumber and
There is No Magic
U ff.rv starling tohoiM or
ri’iibir is a dotibh* atm.
in ihe accomplishments of our
"Best” Flour
First—It’s nioro businoss for us.
Second IVh UittLT Lumber. Lath, Kloorin^, .Shingles,
Maumals foi
for you.
Mill Work ami Boihlinc MaUmals
our figuitM, but show you
We Dot only gladly give yon c
the <|ua1ity of «’*oh ailicle im lmlcd in our ostiinaio.
Cedar Wood, $1.26 a Load
sack K^ar^tced.
Lay Co.
. Corner Lake Avc. and Tenth ^t.
Cilirens pho^e‘i'J •
Bell phone lh‘.i
'VV. L. BRO\V.\. Manager.
Deputy Sheriff Killed by Thief Whom
He Caught .n Act-Robber Es.
cuped With Plunder.
Ily Win* lo 111.- Ev. ulug iii'ctinr
NVm York. N..\, 1.1.—Ik puty Sb. rIfT.
Eupr nc Crlpplcy of IV
iMsin.-. im ..i
American Anarchists Hatched Pot to I'onghKct p it. b.un.l ;i lim^htr ran
Put lutian Rutcr Out of
narking th*- offit'c t.f I. E Cumn>. Thr
the Vmy. •
t.uiglar hlmi Cripid* v d* ud. gstlirit-d
up hlH pluiiO.-r ami ct»c;qM'd '
- ,
Rv Wire to tbe Eviulug
Sof: m.HHl U now ai^itlrlally hsid
Nstdes. Nuv. IS.-iisbrb I Lsuretio
l*uttcTson. N. J.. ttnsrchlM. w»> aiviiicaiiiring.
t^ntm vc<
iMImi.. BM CaM Fmal BE
FurMaM bi tb*
up t* BMn aaeb day by B. C. Walt
Barometer faUmp ffbJB.
Maximum temperature for past 24
A. 8. CaiUe^oet H.e Life by Gripping
a Live Wire .n the Cellar cf
other Arrivals ©—'0*0—©
Extra fjValues
Fifteen Dollar
All Wool
Worsted Suits
Justin ,
This Time
Inlaid Linoleum
The kindti^at alway*^ loc^ the same in
good h-at'y grade—but slight imiierfection in
the pattern, until sold at
You duu't Deed to guebs again when
yon are lookiug for best values in
Ly for the prtce-Our stock
etlBuTb Syrinp^ Fountain byf^
a#ff*Hot Water Bottles
s is th*
mast ccipplet* in tow
from 50c to tZM.
W* puaranue all
Ooeda to
iw on* to replace it if
I not at
Suits From $7.50 to
And sei- our line
ill Overcoats and Underwear
Hce oar line* ud yoaH not be
aMortiaeut or Taluee
A sq. yard. Worth 40c a
yard more
See It Tonight
)fBL .TRXveiisc cmr.
Tuesday, n^mkr
2L!!:^J®2“!p»*n »it MCCESI
-:i« -
(Me's orieiigi
A Word to the Wise
Hot Blast
ImMft setrr iutM
Ike Howe
i4yrW mUch »imc«r kt tV Crawl
Cole’* OriKinJ HolBlMt
it pmeliv^slly one piece ax>d
DYi—W ereaaw. <kP FUdrtwrs^
I (Maw.) IMUy Kcw» *f Oct. ll». i«y*: |
J rOm: of tkc Urgvat audienror of c1m-‘
ttcel oolUr eoooecting the
rairlr. tf
— prmy.
j .'raaoQ vaa prevoni at city hall laai
elbow draft to lUglKkJy oftbo
•««fjabcfa kasglnr
stove makes the only
. ioint
wm tdtifk 2MQ0 PPMuda Each and :nifktj^ vitact, the fine moriiii; pKs
I tk« eoMraoT
Traciiet Patter
| Tnraa uf U^aka
Hava. The uuu r *
for cast iroo and sltxil
sltxJ Uint
) to Ike enter
does not opiA by the nctioo
ef 4U0d0 Pa^nd*.
aklSa tka watkiyw on ike etage trare
of the beat, and Ksdi nir
U>c Y. kL
gwr Ladifv
LadJtv MxtUao
•rrened b, Mnit awS am ptek awl;
This <x»llar is pntentctl and
C. A- Kvr^ aeal la the larju* hail wa.
Kre«a awl tke koaet at Ml Uirc
ean U? u^-d only on Cok s
and there Vrn* maay in th^‘
N<n 13.—The
llnm- color*. The affair vat Ike*
Orii^nal Hot Blast -'^um s
**aBtaiDB parij*' girea by Ike Tvta- P«».ru»iila lUUruMd ku
Come in and are this won*
•Thf i-t pulatlou made lo the jian b.r
a^ltr» po».T (ji^tartiamt at Attowim
iM^k O-atary rfali aad ihU popular
dcrful Jivalrr. *
Mr. Homo va> n sufllrl.'uf fmarvBlettu
«TT|aaltattau cmaJolv uutdid litelf lo
iUglM which win U the UrgeM and Mo as*ur% the |h
Uat etealagt affair, aurpaatlnc all
heartol loctimotlrt* the PeuiwjlvaBUi and In thi* ib. y vert not disappoint
thf-ir prtnloot Spe r^<cvrda
has •rver ronsimcud 6r utUixed forMnL The vlcv« dUplayt-d last night
There were aboot IW couplca pre*
Us regular freight s- ivie.*
| were all m*v «mea'to a KUchburr an
cat ao<l dauHas va. ladalaed ia uaiil
The ph-iK-ni standard H«h couaoll-1 Uicnee. Wing leo-niJy iauuJuc -d by
m. The tntt*kr mat ruralabed by
dalkm lypC- haa a healing surfaou.of Mr. Hove. Thai tb.y were apprccl-j
Biewart'• alx-pteee orchcatra and tike
«i42 squarv fiM't.. and ha» a cyllndei Uusl «as vbown by U»r froquetu ai>-i
ererytbla* eliK* van rtiry |iU;h clatt
•fturk: ihe dlametCn- of lt> driving j lOau^. The laipie tiudleuce rcmaineil;
injb*-r of
Meb-clioat wire In
whe. i* is
lnc-h«^. Us tiwrllve powrri tbronirhoui the eveniim and *nh\vt-d
troduerd and thi*e verr'' all co)oyrO
Is ki.OtV) p«,uiid-. and vbeii lu voikinr | • v* i> iiun:be: cki »!••• j.ri'gjvni.
o (he utaMMM. Tlu- mdiOc va* aiven
Tlu *hov
v« ry diff. ient in-iu UrII aack a maaaer that daurtiip vn* i»« ar^i i wdirb.-.
Thr ai’v eni: !».->. vhkh vill l.t ‘‘x j ,^rti|„ary snnvlug pirtuie shov> The Vesuvius wa* also finely »li
•ffaii vliatva*n<r un! cverj iiMniljcr
furlmcnttU lor tb. Uiue.
Liiovo VM vi. sbovu l». i night are taken
a, the l.sblng ^^m* ***^'
In oni* of flu* hiVt-r Ikjxcs. do<-oiau U
sill ha\c a h.sUtug suifact- of
^aii *,e.- the Ixrge rod ladiig
j »• rt. tn.oi; and has lisaiiv s;ultu viib the club c«jlor». piuicb vaa
squares fHx-t. evUnders 34x3a. and Ui. ; |.e „ fn^u, the oov.n and place in * j'ir*** »»-i an r-UHno. to
ihrouKlMMM the ovtnilup hr fv«
dlart.ni-r of Ihtdr four iwnderous drtvj,^,. y,,,. can Iv
the Mda^h of iheU-^^^-'s »ne ^..e sh.m i.aiUC. ladUt. If the auluinn nany**
eeni,uily bit .1
InelK-s. or •CUnier and ihi
- t»l iLr lU-hei ‘
niiirton for Jho ft*»i of the iwv ihg whi-cbi will bi
tuiypr than tli.- pre.»*‘nl stand
In Il»e menagerie .^cetie Ob.- can pi^MuU with ib< . ausfiene. Urn: v|i
a'rff. Tfl»- ii4‘w engim w|| have a
In: lioiiH and tig%-rs nesM-d tia- pcrtorBianef- Uet night and
: the
rffSHtCe p:iw. r ..f IS.'***** isuinds.
hsr«- wuol.l U- assuunl of a en»wdisl
lali. In w<wMna «»rder. about
inials h*ok. l.c’al au»l this .-reii.;: Is house. r.vtv-t pieiuiv Is eleau and
These .U:4iHe V.lll Is- used foi IIm- wuimul doubt ene of the linesi e\* i i js-rf.-et and ai** wo.-th s*-* di::.'’
h»*i.\.v fnlght s4Tv»r«-. Tln y are a r«- dispiayt-d «hi cauvaic The tmpllon <if|
An Expert Opinion.
the Irf-ineuduti* de^nd
A gi-iitb-man. .u-<-*nni«iubvl »*> a laand the grxming'teudi'nry to
1 for
Mirlte d«»g. visUtvl the sui.llo.«u a ri*fnlght wlUi
lug artist Tiiere wa-< a tih ture on the
g»*ai4’r tnpidiiy. The *-lvU>eut ol;
lajicl. aad the dog Is-gau tu bark luCam Ebre Banners Anuounemo the aim*- Is incnuMAngly Importani In j
riou^ly «t It *’Natup mny lu- rt'Hoi]
lature of the Delegation and ^ nioderii rallrnadlng. The^i w ‘engliH s ]
lyoa. .-diei- all.” .-aid ili»- gentleman '
aiv t-uustivict»'d w'ith a view lu IncrraN-^
WherY They Were Boimd for.
j -The Ih-si .-Udemv of the faUhfuInet-h
tug Ihu MM*«-d at which the lH<a\> |
I with which you have iwinlixl iImI dog
freight tiaiiiK may move. «sis cuilU j
In the IwAgiuund Is the e.vjnestnos
The -rtuiida} 8rhf*d SjHvial- left c»v**r tin* iH-w loa grade freight Urn-.:
i with whieb my tlug barks at him *
iWs inumlng at 1«:35 over ih- Pin- to wlilcli Ho- «-..uipany purpm-es ini
!-BiU that ibirl a dug.” .said tin aitist.
Jdarquelle. Ther«‘ wer»> iwenlf-ltve UUK- to dellLxt all uf U* heavy luu |
] fusiiiiig: -it V a euw *• 1 he gE-ulJemau
dt-li-gntes In^he party vbo buardetl iiage. This. lucnaisi- In spr-ed wlli |
I was nouplu.siwHl for a uumieut. but he
the sixcbil ciir liete and tiny were make a gr«aler mmiU-r of cars a»^il |
I quickly r» pllcHl. “Well, the dog'a e.vvs
piv< ed«-tl yesu rday by alnjiit a dozen. able taeh day and will niateriall.v In-j
IaniHtter than uikiC: he never did]
The <-ar bpre Uunji*r.s auiiouucing the Crease tin- C4uuiuttiy'.s facilllli-s T»»i !
natiiie uf the dtii-miUun and where handling freight to the advamiig»i *u\
well a< shildSMs.
tlM-y weiv UiUiuJ for The Rev. U. .N. eunsmiHTThe Itri’ish nue t-uiu «-tuitauo* over
akbaaHbar al tlia I
•aHttlaii la pM 1
um far lhaaa aaa
Iwva flat alraaSy
tfa aa at oaot. Tba#a U
far frafalae
fhaa lhaaa tlflA
natural ia aaloHat. kaautlfiil bi daflfa and faa ahaltaa af tba aHtiiial
oil palatlata. Call at tha Raeacd offlea wMla aalagtiona art good and pick
Raaiaiabar thay aaal you iiafhlift.
Bvary man aubacribtr who win aand
la tha amouat af hla aiibaertpllan wlU
raaaiva ana af thaaa baaiitifut aoiivanlrs frua by ratum malU Act prompt
ly hafaca thay an all goua.
It vlU be Bated In onotlicf column
that C. U Lockvorxl. acneral pa.Hiwv.
Icar a««Qt of the C. it & I. lallruail
hat made a propoHitlou lo ilirTjoarU of
trada for Improved train Kinlci In th.
inamlBg. The burlTUH-^ nn ii id Trav.rao aty will appn-rla!c iln* . %W.ut
dealra of ibo G. K. A 1. It U. company
to «lTa Travtrrae CUy Uu* ver> U**t
aenrlco that condlUunh vill varram.
At the prcM-nt Unit- then* ia iio early
momlDf train out of Trarerve CUy
eteept on Mondays, which la a prwii
iDOonvaulauec to the tmvi-ilni: men
erbo eoaM bore and those who llvr
bare at well at werebantH of ihi- city
In the propoatUou uf U>- O. K. A 1. n
peraoo can leave inn at
in lU.
momlag. roachluj; draud luidd.-* a»
10;U. aad rctnru. huvinp Unuid Unp
Ida at 6 ociock, reaching Tra\erw
(Tty at ll:05 p. m. Thl^ will penuii
ihoM who dealn* lo go to Untnd Ra|i
Ida Id the morning to spend aufflclei^i
fimo for ordinary huhlne*»i and return
I be MUBe night. ThU tivln atxi givch
ottlck aonnecUonH with trtlna on the
i'm Marqnelte and WlrhlKiui iVnirul.
and aonth and to rhlcag^. Thi
train wych leaves h* n- at T.:::.". In the
raomlnf arrtvea In Chlrngu m f :5o p
m.. learing CtUcagu at 1:1S p. m . vUl
arrive la Traverve City nt llmO p in.
making a quick trip in the lUy liun
that arllJ be appreciated
Thli matter waa tak«-u up b>'.Uir
board of Iradri after the diMxwiilmi
mow fbai the U. U. A
la wOU^g to glfe U-. N tor morning
strap kata vuv lirsi btetd of m
^Bglaad duriag the r»-ign 4if gm-i-n
ISUabetk. There U ^ m-urd vhich
ahowf that during tlse^n ien of Jam
1. bord William Hovard paid Ih. then
Urge turn of
for tvo straw hat*
Tb« belioirope la reeummcmlcd aa
lever cur«\
:i|»le was ih«* uiily jnlnitdiT wlai
left frttm this city ibis morning. There
a iiumlx-i <»r oiiKif town dele
gates In the iiarly.
Special t j the lAtnmg IP^-sird.
N\>r.‘u titv. .Mich. N»iv I.I.—Mra
,ina lUilton and daughter, lllntw^e.
^ ^he lionBt^^if, IxM^aUBo,
Was Tendered the Rev, C. T. Soul at
ty <of,
'it ciui I*? used in aueli
aueb a varu
Charlevoix Last Evening—
were celling on lileml.K
Final Sermon.
Tbo‘ BM'ch.ntir kind III
Tile Mi-^AS
isliaclivi* llavor. just ibe ri;;bt|
l^sl evening th«- Rev. C. T. Sluu* Bimii (knnn.- aiH’uditJ tin* .!amv
|priii>orlipii of fat and b^n nieat.j
hsid the final avrvkv of his mlnisti.v Tlioiup'Hiuvilh Ktid-.iy uigln
IbiuuL-r atid ,moro|
lu tbe mlsjuoii at Chaiievoii which has p flue linn. •
lUnti you cm tin it 1*y
U-4‘n under his care for several vi^ar*
Ijiw relict: llaugiinmu hua muied
,_i___ ._
nd WHS u ndervtl u rs*?e|»lhm afti i
hou^«- jiiM va.-al.-l by Ralph hnml
n« M-rvIr** at tlo- ho).|»ItnliJe‘houu of Sliiimon-.
. ;
Ir. and Mrs. Hart Is,Bedford. ,\
Win .Mmiuld. ihi- ivnnilar l.-aVlKi.iige Iiuinls I of tile eougregatloii a^
im:ving iimi S. J. i:rlc->V hciu-t .• *
•intded iiii;.‘tlier xUh many members
Tin- I’r.dy .Marc.ilHH-K cnty-rtaiiit ii j
*.f the other chunhi-a and their i«is Igidlt-K llhinchaid and ITancIs^i ti:; ^___
to wi..h Mr. Stout (iod-siaxM In Wallin and IgidU - .sindl and Kcanv
bis dl*.iant. field of labor. Refn-sh CopemVIl. Sxniitiav: aNo
LS were a«TVed during tin- evening.
-y <if (iraio
1‘ ront ami Cass
*. aad Mi> Kd. tiiH-myei hi»'‘
tmnrd l»ack Irom tnuciuiuiU, wUen-I
gg 13 iurhi i* long ami !«• iuchf-itln-v bale Iki-ii the |uiM >.-ar - j
lu diamci. r, wuh a Khell nearly «n»• Mary rollllowt-r ha* ttiovc«l| to
quarier yf an Inch thick, wa* rxhihlled
e«h.r Run.
thi- liviuiun> .»f uiitmel WetuiT
Ralph Simmon* of
gvnemnn-ni at th»- WorldV f'air
calling on friend.* lu tuwai Saturday.
It t» an <*gg uf the apyurui* and «aa
Mr* C IKmnii of Moutagne. and!
ier*nitly purcliaM-*! iu 1»ari- by IV. K.
Mt>. Mary l^ugl.rin i4 Cadllla*-. wl.oj
W. Tim, of till- SmlthMXiiau U«tUuhim- l*«-n viviUug thiirMsUr. Mi*.|
lion. Speellm•n^ of th»-i.e t-gj->
John Fay. r-funuxl bom.- Friday.
very lan*. having aukl in.l-x>odo
Mr*. Prank Miller vl*ii.-d friend*|
high ai. ll.ixM 1'ompara.J with other
at CopemUh Friday.
vgga. acme Idea of lU Immeniaty may
Jamew Seigler i* loouiig on to Jot
he had. It will hold the coutenta of
NciudVt faim two mile* from town.
hlx out rich egga.^or 14S hon a egg*.
Mr. and .Mr*. David iilckcy virited
JO.iMXi humming bird * v-ggx. Utilo
their datighb-r. Mr*. Biua Coniell
Known of the WrdK from which th4-*e
Copemi*h Monday and TnwxU.t
egg* «x>im
Moat of the eggs nre
Mr*. Ktilr TInhIsk vUltc-d ,^,^:YOrRK.\LI/.E
round In the saiitK and vwump* lu tin*
Emiua Simmon* at Copem’sl Frii'a.v
imrt of Madamscar. Om
*. Mjesily of Clean Jnatmn
Mf>: a Coym and S J. Cr.nei la.\
-HiniJctinn with Teeth Ex treetioD.
wa.v found afloat ou the
tla il hou*.** newly pa.ut» «i .v
Crow nine
or Bridgw?
ewean. alter a hurricane, bobbing aegnwtir iwpivvew their Un k*
. .. , .
.j. .
tbit olfiee
where every jinleiu'ly up and Uuwn with the wave*.
First NatiMal Baik
Couebes! Cbucbcs!
Couches !
,Wt; have inMilock an imineiibc line of Couches. Parlor
Suites and Odd Parlor pieces that ntc wi^ to reduce
in order to make room for our fall good^- To enable
ns to do this we are goinj; to place them
• before the piiblie for a short time at
25 per cent Off
* iJ
'■ .....
DANCINT; party at the Campbell
block. Friday. Nov. it:
BkOe 4irrhe*ira.^
nov 13-«i
Clenn &tui fSaaitary before
S/aU Dauk JStu* ii.tc
Do You_Use Light
or Power?
Yoi? Then you mvd cur tuperior ek-ctric liKlrk a^d power ter\
IlB adi^niaget are t-o many,
it£ de£ecU--if any*hk) tlight that
iu liio inlcTcgt of efficienc-y and
^ooDoBBy >^-uire4t to yonrat-l! to
get onr free eilhnatc tlifs very^day.
Better see us at once, as this offer only laMs a few
days, and the stioner you come the better variety you
will havt! to sfK cr from.
If it’s the money you are thinking of, don’t let that
stop you. You ean pay later.
Your Credit Is Always Good
‘ at Your Reliable Purniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 South Union Street
Three Latest Novels
A Oreat Traat For All Book Uevoro
The Book Division. /
Has made arraniiements with one of the largest publishini: houses by which they
receive the fifteenth of every monih an absolutely nriN copyrigh: novel right from
the pen .of some noted author.
A new copyright is sold the world over for $1 50, bui by
this new contract we have entered into we handle these
clusively for 1 raverse City and sell them at the
books e.\clusively
jf prircof
unheard of
pri< cof
hi* reevtery .
Von onghl to know more
about the rlu*puc». cubvenlence aBd anfety of our
Bev Baooey order*. There U
no noro MUafhetory wBy of
bmUUbs moncT througfi the
By the wbt our
rmtM IPO thnee urdert are
lent Uikta thoee rhniied by
the poet oCSce or the vy
jtwo niilJlon volumes of printed IviukE
and mauuKTlpts. which are stored
upon forty nillea of s-belvinr.
“Quick Meal”
MH O# Lo
i«Mdi art Mat fHvafi
Look vbes y-oa «iU. •»] m alto
you ideto.'Ut if you orv • omoT
fol, iHticahr baycr youaHII never
bo Mli«8ea vith uuyUung in niBft,i-oMtrectiOD thort of •
' .1
Fifty 0«nt3 a Voluma
These are some of the best selling novels of tlie day, written by xhc most
popular authors of the country, hound in fine cloth binding—colored illustrations by
the niust noted artists. Itvery' book bears our own imprint.
We offer you today four most readable books.
•‘The Man Between”.
“A Rock in the Baltic”
J{y Uobort liarr .
A slorj- Uial nially is tlif bi-sl from this liot. 3
autbo-. Not a diy |Kige in the liook. Liston
Til* New York World: Robert Barrs now
i»-»vol proiuists to lie the talk of two foullnoots.
ThoNtrw York Son: A «*apital story for u
train or any sort of n journey
A ruttliug
rbilad* Ipbia Xurlb Auierioau
of molem
Boston Hcrall
It is like a n fresbiinr
on a sultry tiny.
“Doc Cordon"
The Lady Evelyn.*’
By' JSlax Fopth-rtoii
Tbisn*.led author bas truly (excelled him: in ibis most deligblful story
York World:
Thi-iis the novel
that wiU make Iho critics sit up and \ake nctioo.
Baltimore American. Tbe masteipipc of
this Camciis English novelist.
Si. Louis Post Dibpbtcb: Tliere is not a
iplac© or unexciting line in the wjiole
Columbus DispaU’b: A defigbtful
tliro* the whole story.
By Amtha E Barr.
An iuWusely interesting story of the iodety
mail who comos Iiclweeu tbe good hearted minislemnd bislx»iUiful wife.
New York World; No more startling story
has b©**o written
Boston Hcndd: Amelia Barr’s greatest
romantic novel
Pittsburg Dispatch: In tbe auUioris Uppiest vein
Boffdlo Times: Will be read, re-resd and
Hannah & Lay
Mercantila Co
IJy M*ry K Wdkin».Frepm«i.
This gifted writer is seen at
every chapter of ibis most readfft
the author^ latest snooess.
Punadelr^is North Amerw.
baffles the reader's ingenoity and maintains the
inlcr^wt to tbe v oiy end.
Baltimor-i Atnerioau: Fkr and sway tbe
best work of Mrs. Ffeeman.^ .
PitUbujg DispMch’: Ttis ically giwU
novel of hnman interest, charming lore ioierest, extraordinary action and deepest mystery
“The Rig store”
’fjt A
tlUVMMt c«tv.
UtlT MO un TMU
cowomoi iMsnuN g
It la hmewr
g»me nil ^
nOir Mis Us. »*, so* M*l*« Oafflse m. »:Ii *. su «o *•
Trstsn* <*y. Usrtsr
•* *=»
« si. SfriTtss Orssd KssMs Ik* MSS*
“ —*• **•'**
■«***■« ■**y
ao# m Mmw
UOM «toi tk* rnktos cswni SSA
MSMSM» Miss Icsitsc OK
«kr SI II:IS a. «. Tkl* Mis sssU
QfB0« mafMt for KahiMiw
Mid Chiamo at 12:#1 ara.
M ao«r. arrirtac KalamaToo at ltd?
] p. m. aad mw^co at 4::^ p. m.
-nw. raid
ao napomailtr for
rra to »H r««alar traldaai ml
aa wc- mid idvf bat itr
'piu*. ne*«rt«rl.
VM *r
at that poiat. raorarta
ooold. of mrar. aipp into the autlOB
MM M€ut^ h0 tumM rmli i^ta
aad fit a .andwich and a cwp «f cof>
2 Tfco oialiM am rar Bl«>r aad Kra•'Korlbdwwad. oar uain *So. 0. aov
M <4U#a. aM M Mualo. a porIrartop Otaod Rapid, at ( p
arrttrlap at C^Ulac at k:45 p. au to bo
tended tbfwQph to Trarrrsc City. ar>
pa. Tiny am aoi talcao ap
ritriap at thaf point at 1I;0C p. m. TMa
» HaiM« toof
^ tram ha. mnectioaa at Oribd Rap^k
rMaa) aad
IMiowrd. eatyj
with Hkidran Cewiral and Pere Mar
"aa oAca'aa* paprra mom hr takm qurtv* train, frotn Detroit. Tobdo.
etc., and wlih oor train leavlap CbP
-I aanMapH«hrd r^rrythlnp I oai o«i(
capo at 1:15 p m.
Bky flHa aKmUas.
In the morainp. of rarac. If
vrr>- rarty. borwe do mot me boa’ we
japtMUiH^ lo aa. dn ibr aartooa
could ptMObly make h later. ThI.
aob irraoftr. ffUdafiar. copprr
train woald alUrar panmnpera to >we
Traverar City la U»e mominp and
briar a Ml Mild and afim load *
reach flilrapn at 4 :!A the Mune nfierMr.BdirataM that fhr rmaltr ra
noon; rcturninp. they Could leave Chltna* a* iba aiMm af a barbor arblrli capo at 1:15 p. B. and reach Traverm
aroald ioat abapa of tbr farprat tna. City the aame nipht
aaaa tMm to vttbia a frv rm of ^ibr
*‘I would I be plad to have y<w write
waR.‘ AAOtb^ abipplap adraiuapr
me fully tqKm receipt of thi. letter.
arlg bo bad la tbr aprter «bf« tbr fOr>r
wbed»»T the above arranip'owmf a‘dul*
fnmml rafhray vbirb la aov ondrr
aeeeptablc to yonr people
aaaMmrfltM. «« paaa aw ibr claim
• Yourm tmly.
Ha la hMii In hi. pralaoa <d tbr mn
-C. U Lockwood.
try aad paopU and think, that Norvaf
tUnc'ral Passeuper Apeot/*
will rapidly forpa ahead aa a cr>m»rr.
It will be noted by thl* correpood
rial aatioa. Thr mtnrn trip, which i>r eoco that the board of trade ba. been
bHida aloar. wa. on lb# aiaamcr Pmn •ndearbrinp to Mwtirr betttw train mraqnymala ^ the Haaibarp American Tire onl of Traverae City In the early
llaa. aa^ aowir wy roupli wmt her wa. momtnp. It will aim Iw* noted that
klap theca fire daya (he omrlalf of the G. R. d I. railroad
are de.irtiu» of plvhiK Traver^to C»ty
tbi‘ rer> lK?.t train mrvire that modiA micb takiai tf» tbr top of Mont tion. a1l| a-arrant.
>»ADcMr|ll Bain thirty^* aoootida In
The Keenly was amhorl7e<l to
tweoty4ocir htwra. , Tho.thlnncM of
p.walrh rtiwy and b ad. of Tnirerm City of the pmiiOKe of the
G. H. 4 I. io pive »M‘Uer train servioe
mid to staie to him that this service
mill bi‘ of ipreal b«*tn‘ni to Trav«*rKO
• la^fdrr to metwJ on a con
. ..
I Them haa'bm patimt^ hy a Grr-
Sloriaa of John O.
binhs;^hleh by Miolr tiipploK
Even since John D. Rockefeller be*
,«r will betray r^imc an boooraiy member of the
American iTcaa Hiimoriata* aaaoctaThe moPi'etp<^?*v.» Uor iDsioufar- lion fctorlejj more or less apocryphal
huvo iKHoianoat n pardlup him. H
limpd 1o4AT*y
ai |l.rWM a yard.
I. iH'plnnln^ to l»e .nuarHTird that mroe
of I hi m have heiui lnvi>nt« d by hla
filiow humnristK. Ono of the )at«^
refiTK ti» an occasion last summer
mii.il hi. Entertained a Ini of slum
cblldnMi atlhi?; kIocU farm near ri. veland. Mr IU»rk..f.Har p.v.- each of
riiem nmiiup rWh.T thlnps some milk
to drink, part of u at h>a.t Ulnp the
product of b $2.Eis) prim cow. *'Bom
If ¥<« Wbli ootil Ihb Uat
ilo you like HT’ ho asked mbeii they
Miyi you wodH ha?®1noiicdr
bad IlniHhi'd.
U*s fine! - respond
oao«gb to «n hrotUid. will
e.t one Ittib* fellow, mho kihUnl. nn.«r
ymir Pick onl lonio irifU
n ihouphtfal 'rmuse. *i mi.ht «»ur
^ boir —th#y*U keep. How
ralU man Lep' .a row! *
|“aa:d«. I
' Gifts
. would II MAKlOruK SKT
- * do? . W«« have eomo &ict>
W.T. BoabarMh «pr
rraracM Uly. Mir]
To Inwirtl accuracy, naval ehr
t«*rs art' ketd on iev
A Cblnest pentloman often prcMHUi
his Inlendeti-bride ailh n pair oi pe*»ae
and they nne repard.tl as emblt-ms cd
conjupnl Odvllty
WlfHEK a man prpfmirsto make
WW hitparchMenC a wifitor Sait
or OvervtUt. hia pereoptioD of
. Quality may
by a PRICE
which looks nttniotiveto him.
U it aa mech tho thiui-i that
cannot bo aeon nk ihoae that can that
count for QrAUT\*.
Avoid ihc Unkown
in Faver^f the Known.
We can Save You Roney
by srIliBS you
A Suh
oi* Overcoat
~ iiioaa sHinaooi
ore bNac halt by the I
BritU and win berwbi
trial la eowrinded.
B nsracT MittEB
A^^ahmand ahm phofipbatebakiiigpowdm.The
label law requires that all
the ingredieiits be named
on die labds* . Look out
for die ahim compounds.
TMohi WRte • CMU Clieliaa Dog MM
BaloeraflcItL CoL, Nor. Il.-Maj.
Jackaon. Micb, Nor. 13.-Tbe forty
Ocm, wmSarn Rafoa Sbaflur. C. S. A.,
dxth anaal meetiap of the Mlcblfpih FRITZ CARTER HAS ROUCMT OUT reared, died of 12:45 ». m. yaM^dCFJ. M,
ipn a three darT onaioo bm thia
trick, hit tan An low, twevly milca
monUap with oror IJOO prcMt abd
sooth of thU eMy. afwr on Ulneaa of
5f» more expected. It wlU be the It In Chav ^ Him
liw seven daya. despito the best medical
larpvvit cooveotloa ever held In Jack
nUMitiaa avaBabic In Califoreio.
■OB. The enUre day waa taken up
While reiurnlng from the poUi^ las:
with an Uuiitute cocMliicted by Mlm
Tirntday. be contracted a sllglit cold
Joaephlae L. Baldwin of Newark. N. Y
wMe^ oogmented on IndlspoaHkm. He
mta il Carter has bought
J. M failed to
and intestinal o6lie was con
(be post five yenni Mr. BMheolee boa
f o'clock but mm« In
bben the dMtrict agent of the United inch a mmdltkm that an operation
States Ifeokh and JUMmt com
would milr have hoateoed death.
of AMfinaw tnd hoa wortrod op a targe
Oen. Rbalter was bom ia Ralomasoo
order for i.dOh .hare, of atock In lot. bu?^im*sa whieh* Mr. Carter mill take county. JAIch.. Oct. Ifi. 1«36. He en
listed in the cUil mrmr oa first lieuten
of l.Odd ahare. each. Them were .uppound to be for Amo. L. Welt, of Lon procreaalTe youog man he mill on ant and iTcrired honorable mention
for bravery, bring honorably dU
doo. Enp Tke Idiler waa very plausi
Aa dlttrh^ octmt Mr.
charged in ISfiS only to caliat again
ble and aald ihat remlltanoea would he
im»4e a. moo a. rbe atoek was dellv hav« Hilrge of nine rantlea and oa Mttjor. He moa capltned and aenrod
tmt) months in tke Tohmna Ubby
ered In England and the mone> reami collectors. Mr. Carter boa direct prAaon. Aftir hla oschange be was
celvod from there.
charge of tbfwe and hit duties and reIn order to make
lonslWHUea mill
ORlin diochnrfed April Ifi. 1K4.
riihmltUd a prope
osoof Mr.
The next day he was mode cokmel and
lttp ,aiis.etM of aJtioui t.10>M0 In personal
Mn Carter mdll main the office In
property and office furniture valued at the giate Bonk bonding; Toom 5fiT. hia promo! loo to brevet brigadier general was dated March M. 1845.
The mitod Btotea Health and Aoci
AftfT iheVlTlI war bo remained in
Bverythlnp looked .rcpnlar
dent company la a siroog concern and the service and in lkS7 was made brig
and the local oompony plaaacd with has 1200.000 Michigan atock at Lan
adier general. When the mar with
the tbonpht that an BnpUab
Spain broke out be was sent to CuU
wa« takinp the matter up mnt the 'Mr. Carter is an ambitious youog
in command of the American forces.
stock aa requeted
man and staris in business wlih
He retired on Oct. 1C. 15fS?. having
arge number of friends to miah him renctoj ihe age limit.
Before thU could become due
f^phlc ordi-r came for 7.000
share, for Oeorpe K. Adams, aim of
London. Eok
The Companion sew ing «)Ci.Hy wUl
meet rnlih Mrs. DUl on rronl atreet
At tbih point the local company de
Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
f-rmlniHl that they mould InvestUmte
e ib. y l.d any more of the stock
Boro, to Mr. and Mrs. WillUm
Milton ETmuithmaite accerdlUKly
^IriMmo. a daughter.
went to Toledo. O.. to look up ibe finn
The Companion of FOrri^tera will
He ncjdecie<l lo take a personal ad
g]\e a card paity a; FY>n-Htcr's hall
>v»# Ffwd
dn.soi. thinking (hat he co’ild emsily
ou U%-dne*-dny e vening. Nov. 11. All
ficfeeo RacoimeMa Refmaed to
locale the company but when he got to
Foresters and frlendK are invlf«d.
. fielj M.m Lkpior.
Toledo he was unable lo do so. mlTho ladi«^ of the Bapti»d church
tbouirh hv looked over the htreel
will m<H-t in the basc-jiiont of the
whereon It mas sail to be locatvvl. N.j
lx>rln Ware of Gramn m-a^ (toed $Z church on Wodnewloy afternoon .it 2
one knew anything about sndh a firm
and costs aimsinting to I1.5'*
o’clock. AU mi-mlKT.i are rvqucj.u*<l
hut be thought ^hlH waa reasonable In
Judge Umlor this morning hocanac
to lK‘ pres4nt.
asmiieh os th.-y hod Just moved there
got dnink yesterday and tnslited
The Rev. Jof.eph Dutton of (be First
from Toledo. ^
vning tho<4ty.
Methodist church mill prooch at the
Being unable to find the brokers be
The man ucrum'ulatod a JOK of no revival at tho Evangelical church to
put a letter lo the postoffic- and nmn proportions during* fho day
celvvsl a telegram asking him to t
uhoul i o’clock In iLe attontoon di
The CongregntloniU Lndiea Aid
to Did roll to the Rusia'll housi' which
into Frcfl Wurzburg’s sakjon.
xn.N- at the home of Mrs.
he did. The pepjon mho signed the
' Bt.ntc and Iluion. Mr. Wurzbury O. r. Mnffsif w,•dne^dfty afternono.
tclegrRb ma<^ not there. Imi whlh
mfuMNi to soil thl* man liquor o
A full attendance Is di-*ilrr«l n.< there
Smuribwmite mas waiting be m
hU Intoxicated condition. Warx- rn-m hr work for all.
man come to the nigi.Hter and look it
ov.M. He accosted him and
The f.teamer Crescent arriviHl In
rtplnlf»p of things in general In flocnl
stranger aiatiri that his name
language. The omuer didn’t Ilk.. tbU the city thin morning with a cargo of
Harris and that he mas in the employ
caunid good.; for the MuHsleman
net imd started lo put the
of the hrokernge firm hut the princler^- romiinuy.
The rresc<Tit
p-ik m-er.‘ ih EticJaud morklng up a big
dfH'-ri’t 10..1 like Ihe trim exrunaon
d. :J.
sbm-.>d tbriMigh thi* kIshf screeo .nt fbe h<wi that It one#* wav. Her aeawms
and the boat
.Cave Him Booda.
t end of the bar. brc.iklifg a large
r.hnVs if.
The stock matii'r was hmarbed and pl.^.> of rolorwl glas.^
Two telephone linemen got In a mix
the man
ver>' plausibly, stating
up on Slate strreH this morning and
that the stock was a good one and
An Accidont.
a few minutes. |i look.yl as
fusy to sell. Voluntarily, ho hrough
.M.iny of you use blue sUiiouery for
up the matter of recurlty. saying that
ur letters, hut did yo<i evec kbo I bough there would be an Interesting
it mas tml natural that the Grand (hat ifKjnvmtion mas owing to a won bout but lo th.‘ dlsnppolnlmetit of the
Traverse g Ari/tona Mining mmpan> an ? Til.* wife of a le^adlng paper maks Fpnetaiors. the men ».t-ttled the maffr
mould mant to make au investigation of England.back In the eighteenth cen by .irhit ration or rather by argiif.ring
The rr-gi:lar monthly mr-cting of th^At thl3 point he produced hetm-een five tury mas poaiang thmugh the plan
H. M. R. of the First M. R church
and six thousand dolI.%r< mnrth of
day when she dropped a Wg blue
held in the church parlo.-*
tioodK mhleh he gave Mr. Rnmrthwalte. Ug iDio a vat of luilp. Nobody hav win
telling him to hold thesu uni 11 the Ing s.‘en the aecidwii. she condnded Wf'dmjhda>' aflernoon at 2:.TA ft'Tiock.
Mrs. Museelinan of 521 Washington
Klf>ok mas poll! for. exmiUng an agree
say nothing aUwi If. fearing her
mem to that «-frrct. the agn'cmeht hu«*band*s displeasure. When the paper rir<«ct, invites tbe ladles of the
rresh>'lerlan chureh and congnutatioo
IxiiiK In duplicate.
from that vat came out it mraa blur
>eet with her for a social hour
.Mr. Rmunhmaite came on to Trav iOKteod of white, to (be great mysHfl
erse City and deposlUHl the bonds in .alion of the morkmen and tho anger IW'dnesd.Hy aftiumoou at
The Rathbone 8i*»en* will give a
the safety deposit vault of the com of Hit manufietnrcr.
card party and a potlncW supper at the
TA-ben ft waa sent to I»ndoo the
Knlght.s of I*>uhlaH hall tnmorromshrewd seller saw that the paQCr
BoMa Wera WortKIeaa.
..ijing to whirh .nil knights and their
The stock was M»nt and time passeil piark.ri • dam.ngcyl” mms really atlrac
and nothing ams hiwrd from Jt. Let
Charles F. Smurthwaite hit this
InvenUon. sold It for double the
ters Iwought forth the fart that the
morning for Arizona, where he mill
membem of the company were in Eng price of white paper, aad ordered look after Ihe Interests of the Grand
In vain Mr. E-sies and his
land hut inters there brought no re
Travenu' 4 Arizona Mining company’s
sponw‘. So far an the local company workmen experimented, unUI Mrs.
ests during the winter.
was eono-rced the matter mras closed FMes told about the Woe cloth bag. mints mill »k» Improved greatly and
inasmuch :..v they couldnT do anything and then the problem mma solved. Wuo
It upon a pa.ring boaU at once.
about the .Mock because ibey w^uldnT paper conld be made in plenty at
The Woman’s Forrign MlaaJoaary
great profit l»ecauso Estes held the
get their hands, on It.
►doty of tie First Mrihodlat church
On Oct. 1 the company received a secn i. and, theref^ bad a mohbpo- held a recepUoo at the borne of Mrs.
K tier fn»m a Chlcaim broker. Buttle l,y l.v. The probawmi^ aro that he forM. Kellogg on Washington str.w »
uame. asking If that same stock wa.<; gave bis wife's
this afu rooon for Mrs. J. W. Morrow,
transferable on the books of the com the story dcr-s not include lhat state- who m-lll soon Ir-ave the city.
pany. Mr. Bmurthwaite replied that It
The meeting of the Men’s club mill
But Itisi a«i like os not be gave. Mer
mas not inoamueh as It had been ob• held at S o’clock this evening in
good sliding UTanse it might not
laine.i by fraud.
Stem-art’s academy. Dr. F. P. Lamrtou
.Vothing further mraa board until last have i limed out well.
will be the rp»^«v and tbe sub)ecl
wivk. Joat oa Mr. Smurthwolte rem1H be “How Typhoid kUy Be Elimh
Thi. Ruhslao populat
lanii-d from Mllwauket*. be rocehed a
rated.” Tbe public Is invited.
aommoos to go to Chicago and icatH^^ lid natlonalitbw. the three ’great
The board of county canvaisc-r*. In
and be found that the man who was in
session this triernoon.
the lolls waa the American Wboleaalc
A jv-tlHoo for the determining of
Rrokeragr company.
The Chicago
beirs in the E. L. Lyon estate was
broker. Buttle, had advertised to buy
filed In Probate court'today by Walter
atocha and Norton had showed up with
a anlt co.se full, among them being the
■ Tbe admlnlatrator'a final .account lu
Grand Trarerse and Arixona Mining
the John Vorty estate was filed tofUs.
company stocka. Mr. 8mnrtbmraitc>
Tbe Primary Buaday Bebool Union
Mndy lo 8ntUe*s mcMitage resulted in FOR fiALt-A few artiriem oLbouwf^ mrill meet at ibo library, building to^
Norton’s arteml.
bold fomlture. Apfdy Rev. C. T. morrow Bight At 7 p. m. to give those
Tbc tonimony diaeloMd the fact
Btout Boardmoa And Btote. .
who wisb lo otteod tbe coocm on the
that Norton bod buen doing business
. Bor 12-11
toclm rimrw a ifinmoe to aaea# Imch
in a rtjoming home l£ Toledo and that
ttorilBga. iB ooo week echoes from
the $400 mrorth of office furnluiro Bated FOR BALE-A fcw^ialrof OoMeo Sea.
in the property achednlo consisted of a
bright Bmtams at prtoas timi ore - who caa are urged to be preaeot at
siand. a chair and a bed.
righu OoBie and ace them or call both meetings
The moll carrier, however, temifled
atx. pbURe f!52. Lewis DcMtar il24
that he had delivered oa high ma
Rc^Bakmu Powder,
pure, cream ri
or tartar baldns po^
and the best that can be made.
60r 15.000 STOCK SHARES
Too Late To Classfy
A klliplne ParUaincnt.
The prr^deni la preparlr.:
deem hit premise mode to U v ttatlp.'
I pine people through amrec
j that they shall have n parti taent of
j thrir own. conditioned upon t *.rir good
.behavior for a itvtn of yeai i. S*vn'! taiT Toft himself will procfs d to thp
Mrs. Louise Pffannenschmldt will
\ Pbllilipliiea next spring to wl ness tbe
leave ihu afternoon for Detroit
; inKtaUoUoo of tho now form t .* governgone ene weed.'
'ment, Tbe prealdent will d ovt
Until quite recunily In Uruguay the j PblUppIne oomBlS4;ion to ex.
ttl* of bMo. *« tb,. oaly part of tbo I
»«r M.rrb r:.
Mias Miaow Fall retwroed home
>'esterday morning after a three
mreek’s stny in Elk Rnplds
Mlsa Louise Kltcher left for
mroeks’ vUlt at her home in Mu«;ke
C...O in.n«,T tha,
any c«h. i’Jt toowTaT
!-n.l, body I. to uk- ou r a'i
j live powers ben'toforo v tei Ised by
tbe ITtllipplne commlsi-loa in all that
part of the arrhipelingo cot :nhablt«sl
liy .Moros or oon-Cnristian tribe*i.
The IdilUpplne p.x>p!e arc .-xpocUng
t.<«ieiits that ciiunot at on« o be realiz.-d. among*them Ijolng the exteoIn Slam the nnmtKr of rooms In a ► l<*n of tho franchl.-e.’
It U pointed out hei^ that ihU Is
bouse, of windows or d<iors In a roan,
even of rungs on n ladder, must nJ rot ^»o^slhl^» for the nason that iho
ways be odd. Even numWs am coo lum- provides tlmi the voter must lie at
U-ast 22 years of,age. able lo read aud
Kidcrfrtl unlucky
write .iiher Hiomlsb or EngllBh/ivr
very ho( muM omn propx'riy or muM hare t>c«*h
Ikrberr. say tbui during
*»fftee bolder under the SpanUh gov
wave th»*y do 20 p^ <v-nt
nrsiK than In the wlntrr. as a man’s <'rommt. The a!;Mp;‘.dy or Irgp.Ivard grows faster in hot we<iihcr HHure mill eonrlst of two boiiMv. to t>«»
than when It is comfoiiable
*known as the Phllii.lie o*nimUj.ioxi
and the FbHlpiune ;u.‘-enibly. the Litter
l*al..- Ilaron bolds
ciirlo-iH record [ tfi
of not less than :m) nor w>re
In having more Isl.mdH thmi any other! iban lO^i
1 that
l.nke. n has at PwM 3.»oq. l/>ogb the prei»Mit «immi .siou uUl be
Kith*, in Ireland, has .IMt .slamis.—I od In the upper bouse..
Chicago Journal.
The smallest thlng^wllh'a
U the sinorapau. a litth
’itle fi(;h reoently
discovered by srieoUsts In the PhUlp
pine islands. It mcuutures ogout halt
an Inch In length.
1 In DoUvia the natives of the Inlerior
Card of Thankv.
Wo txlfch to ext.-nd OMi IM irifelt i
, of :i Ire**, whii h
first w,ok«k.I ia
(luinks IP thxna- wbov,. kind .'.riioixv
and then tM^tten utii:) plUtd*-.
!iFld- n< •! fn»r sorrow during ttu* iP
r.»>*s and death of our sf.n <*arl. We
The Chev(o pacodu in Bun
are civpfrlally grateful u, ihose whf»,
tinge rocking i4ore
|,< nt the Wuiiful Ilov.ers am! io all j
mho gave us eomfon and Hyiiipaihv. ■ ”” «”'dh
O. Nclwin and F.i
l'oi;,onous moJIuf^ks purify the wa
. tor in Which Ib. y lire.
One Day Only
Wednesday Bargains
Wc will give twice a^wel^ WEHNliSD.^Y
For Tomorrow
Bora' Coriluroy Knee. Pants,
Clark tan. Sold ibo world
For Wednetday
Bt. a*t
10 COM* Ladio.’ SIOTO or
plain Bnbbi-rt, freali from
7.7 Single BlankMa, fnlllO I
aiM. heavily fleeced
only. ««ch..
gowM. , KeKolar7oand8c
Sr, InbuiU' Boaiekin Coals,
in white aad grey, worth
Lidice’ 60.fleece lined, upe
Aljore tpecimli not told to ehlldn n.
No tclepbooeor mail oideri rer#ivnl
V See Wfplty In Wert Front Window
V' v
;T, TUMOaV. lypvEMMR 1*. tM*.
M «{ dii« att.
mmt aC^^fwieMr. ^ 4^-1
«r iMd «grM «m lito
. iMdUt ^trnam' htmmf tkt
] thoM* ®f
mmd tm vortty
sSS5Wi» mA
M4Urt€rir «Ti|H»telMllML
ln«M te W
struck Ida a»l hrtmt^.
hazier is thorn «-«r.txfes wlwrp it % • Im
rcnvtaH^ a-ye tlw iim »|^
VHMfsQr pw<i<i-iyi «»« mlttivtiid br.1 lb* optic acrro
tHe mmml
eooiet a pfidlBs of pMCo »al leotlc-1 Uysrof tlM*rwu:a k »icUtloM: aw^iK^olt
aoK. 0«r 8cirrra*lrr
«oir { & <»lkd Ui*- -idiod
frmtHtfoi .uMrpCiblBtr. Umu son of | Whcu Uiis malliMi i
la whkk oar tbatoii* UMiadiac a.x
at bottom, fan tli^ oeM or oar wrakma aaa of oar r^tyoical la^riorlty.
Vlilcb toll m> M tber lea} to overawo. l»y a ptoad and. Iniiabi^ xoaak.
.W0a-t OBd
Tba laorr tliat we fool nom-lre* d!a
anaod la Iba tM of atuck the more
e tog^^y
are we
tortwoU by fbe inufina t4*
Ua^klrHltr er!»« in rb*. vi!o t*f It.
tbarW.y diik^n:U.ir a haU«ioraj
^ mJaaie «oom^iasK in the Aicoof Ita
. Tlw. tl^h,
«*d Luxot^ W tbc
I volley, turaa aal4cu sUnt il« inolliiak i«
Tbo* ita M*i»- i
troai adramairp m tbe uarhidlum it
>« not able, like the p«riM|diiaalaiua. to
loove tbooe e>e*c. yet
talrea that ae one atuein «• wHb lin* are all or«r it« two.
fxauirj. raarafe broDowp Uie aiOK* power of aeeinr lu « i,.
ftoifoJ. Ibe man' hrtrartahie. In |*ro- .
PMtkm ai oar tn^iamaly territW to-1
* ~
SUPPM* You|Lik« Good Be«f7
Who aiM'nHi' Yoa‘u‘^ mtM
nukh if rm
r» 4ofiH
4«iH oH for yonr
I [onr ioa
hoxea bodoii oip rhoppimi blooka.
hmiUmijaa atM«tbw ?o«r
wbolo faai$ whM jtoa Imy of ns
Try onr 8#uw Krant n»d
Smoked Fith.
Real Estate and Coans
127 Trout Stntt
trwtrst Qfy, ■ ■ i*
I Tribaie y» tOe %r« aji dtoUna. n
4Ml>ale t kimmmm trnrnftmt mmA m
”n«> fiu-l }• Uiat ,f «rr ..x;imlw ourkoltoa well we :«o«t rnuk wuraelvoa
raalty r.ouroa tbe mo>l unpttv
irnttil. the m«ai nakorl. iho inoM frag.
1^ ,i«. »<* briufc. a..rt tin.v,d 1-^
,.^rr - --
heap len or twenty thMiKuiKl ilmr« tbe
wcSgbt of lU body wuiaatt spi^amitty
IruMtivonlt-nrlng it. ^tVmviaer Ump caek• iutii r, tliv least mhiuit uS »Ik» ImvOow,
^xnd widgix what it i« a Ido to vsiry l«e*
furr the r\ua^ of is* «t*b»n.. n crack
or the easing*.
it* r-t^ xxIuRK yh^ld.
A* for ttie resistiiitce of Vm- Kiag t>«*‘
tic. it Ik. so 10
,v ■}.
Is «'<»tii|»arisrt:i. th**ref«»i\i. *xv aud tbo
.. our
Lot. I12S per foot front. 82 feet ....................................... ............... 118.250
Bant, Dotlre lot .
........ ;. .. .. 2.500
35 HorwM. IrW ebch.. ,. .............. ........... .
. .
......... S.270
Thrte Hacks........... . .......
........................ 1.000
Three Wagonettee .. ..i.___
Twantytwm Buggies....wV
...., .:.
Twrenty Single Hernem .1 ....... .. ... ... .. ...
Ten Double Hsmtse ... L.......
Twenty Cutters .......L
Robes. Blankets. HslUr«» Whips..and three sealed
Amo..nt at fair valuaticn ... .i............ ....
That I* what the prviperly Seuiva at tMuos placed accorillni; tn
wlist slmUar |>rur»eny eau be bcMiitht fbr, ta fact wr dotobt If you ran
proflue;' ItA/Hpuil fo» ih, vami- aniouni of mf^n.-y, but ot^ price, .ns 11^;ual on .^I1 py»t*»'filea we baitJle. is piai sNuit thn'c-fifjlhr whsf iho
oHu r fellow n-l h. Tudur t.nud this U not a foix'cd f4.lc.ia^d is not an
imprxjdtetAe »*roi‘'ii,x; «;» the contrary ll*la one of tlir bt'n? psy lnr:
ptvpertleg In one of the bc%t cltle'» In the Mate, hut fiti offered ff«r
*dil » for thi* Milt' mi]d only n-awn tJml f.wner eon no? htarnl the
wt^; and atumiioa iu«f'a»4arlly r«iQuired by n hu»tD<<«s <xf thla kind.
Another rett«on Ik he ha a burnt y moosh. madx' mat of this idtme bnaimws. to fako a few yx^ar^ rest. hone«. make* the low |»rtcr of four
teen thousand dollars for tbe prepi rty. ak above m«^4io«I. .md the
eetaWlahcM trade of one of the bent lUx-ry and sales bards In
Trice. f14,00a
miles sooth of olty ml TompklnW Comers, located
oorner. dimet road to Kiat^ley. only sis
One of the best mar
keu In this regioo. EightyWres under cblliratlon. Oood pew bouse
atODa fonbdatlob; good ham. wrlnd mill bnd th41 water; farm level
bbd aoU eabboi be beat. This farm is accaally worth M low vwiua
Uob, Bfty ddlUrs par mere. Omr prioB if uken soon tbUty-iwo i.i2r
dolism per bcrr. Price $S.im
Remember, reader, we bare property of all kinds, miprovea and
unlmpcpred. City. Suburban, Tlmlxer and Pmnus. We are always 00
the lasldc price. We can give you prices on other property equal for
value with the altove, and we wish to ntaie to ymu and a »asr will
proTC that we nn» right, that any inTtpcriy in Traverse City or viclnlir that Is oBervd at prloas almlUr to what we offer y»>a sHU show
you a profit on Inrreaaeii valnatian of at least fifty per oent, aad your
mr>uvy placod where li Ik absolutely sali\ A warranty deed nnd
in ifrx i title to a good piw «xf real «'nl»te is the bast ct«f<ifieair of d.‘
J/J-U any eno e;tn hjive
il' -a .
la ta iwlve Ibe Motra, aaba Tlaelf bow
h'^^^Eomr i<»weT>i.nr>f#:
tboboat wUl «i<l. U bal win tbla pom.
_ .... ..
»•• tipeiaU.\n iuu»o»ved i'latni.. oaire iwpih uL
•111. k.lr«t .m,<cMwi iHtttw..
pnideat taatioet /do atamld Uie crUia Ir draigoed fur i1h- u-r of .-arpeute
bon Ihioujrt.ut.l and au
fiu Lal
Lai |^*ird.
i^Birtl. .An oMun,«,i lo
iu;ik.‘r» :;iul oilar w.Halwcirkera,
aa) itjoui. tthriLtr hbraiv, 4iwbe foofn. foilor. m U.1
cnt.Al l.y r.o.il
naxm. I xrry izr^p aarranird. W.uc u. our r
la tbe U.ur
U/ur ia
vt dauBer.
dauerr. 1 >o» «»ur iam,..**.,. v
aerttcr b acM at your dealrr *.
lieciull t|W.ok atMl
Vfuit'iil ritJuAtnomi of tla* jawa. fo^*
, umro aoofma te tiaily me dbnaUaed it
'o. <.r u<.al tlmi an*
Ibe rontrol of affalw and from j,,
tbe aemreme
tbat iri^n m
fnln.niiuc ai
l‘:Ai of
What rvai^lulion Xiill It tnke? y„>tnUk-j«w a Ktxx! .l*. TIm- Inltor
P*W»«l.tr i.mak. .Hs.» lh„ McKIn
I'r*.;*! r'titlmr' I’ata
Atla-rr la It lo atrike at tb«' ey. <, tb«*
f..rm.'! xv ih r t ?i. t
arv !
.*^lh i*'r:hitMt. .Mo..
- inalhwl fi'v
•tODdteU. the no.*., lla^ trmpk-a. tbo
.... t,; ‘.m. Hi.
« tnloii onniK h.*r liM«;; \,^ s<
«hfi(.k xvlwii
‘ ;
s d.si. M-a d*xx i
SprliiLV d ,.v. r
"Whv do
t flbuL'O". lr% t»» i.iske
the roniitry beta •« n ih.—• txv..
a re;.iil.ilio« ••• jtak.d tbi' p,v!n!. r.
ntit tltointandK of ntli.r inemUT* of Uo’
Tl. snvn lu‘* I.Ml |.b.iaiithr)i4«'.*’ on *
fottiule S. X who d.^rxxe f. Is- onr.4leil
.nr aiivIllarii-A t.t Mr. UipIliic K ...nr. • xv.r.d 11.0 wm-UJa.i. "lie thinks R.
hr.^ no iiood 1
of ••ru;..*'iaU| C.-nll. m. u.~ "\»ul th.-U, xsoukl b - .-m i.L;«r.v t* lb.' vxi.iUl's ar- •
simI fia- all he kiH.w-; lougaiilthtiy ejn
K» t;.-.' lo Ijjixo tin I'libll. .XHI>
fr.*m the Woii nu in 1 inb xxh<» U k!uTirr
suutfK like a laai'vfiil flnw. r Ir *ttj Ul*
*:ai.llr r. ie:,li,.t H... n.., .. ..f
ai.il lim-gv n.ur.l.r.-i'i. to tin- xx..man in iriii' "’ - \Vnx',.i.;i.oi Si ..
Meal hilt .wrtslu xhioiy*. The gr.»iK4n.t
tlih-aC'.. who
.a usticof It.aliait
losull enjinot imp.vlr lus Imtuigi-nt
. hTiii.'r.i. W
saiiie. iVsitwtdy lie awaits ih.* first
ot xx<>nu-!i xvlio nr ••n::.it:.al
set of vk»ieiKv mid t« able !-• ra.x to all
in tbo I tiiliKl
that uffted him. "I'htu fur sluitl you
Wln rex.T III I lUlK fil.'.t to
Ordf-r yonr
gxv und no furthtT/’ A Mngkt uoit:i xvrp»i
movemect .loti* ilM'
luiu ba. «i-o
tluT.' W..UU.U
«i«o b fuln* impies*
make thb nu.x . um iit> He w-UKeK evett
liarbu: o^l»lnil^.-T.rbiiual
» .4 »# i »!*,»
FOfI tALE-Rlifhly^wn frx'f front on Huite mr«^. botwei'A Cn'^
anil Union. n»!u« p, r fiait front n: iwr other property la eloao viciaUy.
Oni' Hnn«trr<l and Twenty Ove UoIlarK. Uarn eovertaic etitiro lot.
wodiu eoKi at hwai I wenty Uvr ImmireJ dollant. Thlily-flvo hora«>«t.
\Txtoe DRi li .me )ini:<iixHl nnd Pf ty ipiHart*. Tbr«'A* hneki wonh at leaai
onr th.m»«ihd doU.ra. Thn'o Wapont'iteH worth nl leaM aevx'n huu
fired ftollarii. Twenty-two Ixupclee w;orlh at lea?<l Ttshy-tlTo doUara
eaeh. Tw«nty Hinatf* Hamels, xvoitli :*t l.aM f<«oli Awilte diJIar*., Ti-n
double Hameaa. tuemy dolUr^ a m i. Twvnty eiiHer.i, Wf*iih ;it ic.st
twenty dollar* f^teh. - All RoI»ck. niank*-tK. ilAltem. \^HxIpn. Uxo and
ihire aeatf'd flolgli^.. ne.. value ut le.aM h\x hunilrfM dollars. 8mn
mnr> of whole:
.«,.....c. o., ™.!».vc»r.r,rr
8anaa«c4iimli^ daily.
made Bro$«
\ on Heater
iiindred^ of ihousaTKis novr in u * rnd c vmj innfetn aitisfaciior, I VfiactHm Oil Heatry-v r lutpivi
with the antoleWas ae\all thti the n .r-.' tmpiitn. A
inal wtU convince the
^kepl i:al. *1 um tK- wii-k z^t inch
m low as^li fan—ihcfw*^ lu.
r. (o»r> interne he^ii.
Too fini,be«-.-ftukel and ja|u i. Ihass oil loam
bcaottftrfly cmk.vsed. Mulds 4 cuans of . oil am!
burnt») hour'. Lver>* he*u r wananti-vl. It not at
>ouT dealer 1 wnie to our ncAfr i a.M tj. y for drstnipmr rirmlar.
f >1 • J
w:xnn awJ coay ih.‘ ro«>m< ai»i lulKi a}^
that the heii fri>nj the other rtoxes or furbare faih no rx'ich, Inhere it do other
tiaoiJx . tit A''ean arvJi»;mple bi Cbc
L rt V.ir
|«»werful bniu* tlM* S«.XVJVlm
It* raexl aui*
Ha- iHTloj.lubalrnuM. :i li»h in- '
hnhlllnc the eiisM.t %it s'hloa. 3r.irttn.
ludtu. the Mntsvau oretiltH-Ungo «nd
; Afrbw.
ol’kUVTirrs <ib
Jb- paxxl ik rmrmallx prr^*
.•.I b> n 4|,rui:: agsin-t lUn ►h.'.iil.. but
in pr.viibil xxliii a luin.ll.' v.b.'ivby It
nwy Is* vxltlnlr.twn vvli.'u.'xer d.nxired.
Ib-orlftK acnluKl the ..p]x>..U' sl.b* of th.Atiisuk I- a .^ui «*’4. wiiwr. U iournaled
iu tbe IkmIx |M.r!i.ui of tin- .iaxx- iA|.
. In u*.- ib.- voi k ij u* . b.u.iKsI 1^
1».umk1 acabi't tiu- hx.-l J..a. nml llit'n
.-am t.in.isl iii.'.ar.l.
FIl' 1. 1b.- u.oxanl- jj.xx may Is-
CVUJOK out on Hie
thii> evihtiug
tor the gi-.-:(U r p..rli«ju of it-, lile iu :iu
eletL. at x\ huh. ».x“»rding in the natuix* of Iblugv .night t.. b,. fuial i.» It.
Thx- lavxM of .-xoUiHou Iwvr. houever.
ei.noeuily prit«rv<l il f.n- 11*. ^K^ uUar
moile of i:ie. Its -ill .^Wiiex ere eo
u il abdudou* the sue
“ camw *“
a Muantlty t4^ wabT
lu I
.a i.p 1.
j«'v .\fi. r th«* jaxv ]iu« N t -t.ljUK
It Ik b*;^r.l by uinxlru; doauJ H... ,
b verd
d‘»l lo
th.-|*.Kiekn. sle.ix ii .n f ig. V
It Will In- uotni-d that Hh- .nm drowK
tbe J.xx
t-Hlil.v tuxxard Hm- Kl,*nk.
but Hinl if tn-.x.-x »,u Hi - lo>tb»-.l |uwl
.» nibruui *11.1 llui! uk Ho* U lower
sIfui the fMiint win-r.- He- tutu engage*
*»»e xliauk tbe J*xx is dxvniig iipwar.1
ltd In.•> child: Tniu-IM.^ b.T A T dr Malt.n^ lu
t!«- bc.i. of om__________
.Sir tborsA-v tuge. which luvseots olUy
4 s. rl.'* of
j .tnrt' b.uiii wUli the flager ilpv.
j Vnxv. it .< agaUiKt lhl« siflL-k aud in
.^.h.'tvM ms-iiUif. wUlt-h wsiemhle* au
, sljurtive effort of nature, simmxt thH
l.iiUMl orgmnisui. i ruwi witnb life trnxls
I la wsewpa oti rve, X side, lint we hsre
.x*utri.>Kl weapoi.K .w|aibic of lumi*
hilating us exei. if x.o
1h*iSbulnuK .inn.4- «ase. the' i.Mdlgiou*
} Ktrength fiiul th.' iiu ixxllble viullfy of
the must imlesinn tU.le mnevts.
W. .hsxe here it mat be agreed, a
very eurlouK eisl s very iUMX>ncertiug
Hberrsiiou, uu initial folly, iieeullar to
^ i!a huioui. ra.e, rt.at ic«e*. uu liKcea«ug ihiily. lo mvier to tvtnii. to ibe
folU.xx-,Kl •Iv- «ili other lit
I iianiriil
w.rx.c... 1..CM-------------------
I. O. Burris
This Report U Made Up Dally. Tl
Record le Not Responsible for
Cheages In Prices.
Belling Price.
n^l........... f l« «l
\ Uhl Jilnl uflltv- Xnrih«-m
ip^ti ik.>
1. p!:nr<^ :M
Rye flour, H. K. ft Cn.’s Dcrt.
Meal. U. I., fi: Co. s Cest.........
F. ed. II . U A ro ’s Ib tii........
K;;;;' . p* ;
Codfli^h. per pouml........ .
Lard, per pound.............. .
Ibitl. r. p. r iHiUinl.......... ..
Creamery IJiiti. r. per pouml . 30
.Cheese, per pound....................
■Jilh Sfinl .Annual Tour
Oala, |H T buuhel......................
New j.niato. r. prr lujsbet....
Timothy Reel .........................
Salt, per imllir................ .
' i:\ KR Miwi:^
Bran, per 100............... .
r«»uiii.v ...
........... * . .
Spring ehieken ............ '. i....
Clover seed
Buying Katas of Ira^sraa CnyDe«.«r« A Bird S Iv> r VicW of iht!
■ nppbworld tod.iy. Siirrinir urcnfi^
Wednesday Night
IMov. 14
Lyoian H, Howe't
of hivtorir imprest of yts*
l^'amott..u m.* U.eu provided f.>r
Ton.l.:i-etb..d,.v..,.,be.'dm I.-xxt I*
llWenUe. for t'nutluued use .-'buig ivr KWtmg tip sud the p.Ar1 dnr.u «iif of
!;? i
le.n line* haa s« deratoped lu peetoml
wlih. II..- te.-lh .m
Hh- e,x-*ture use* then. .* eUauk. «* .vhoxvn l-y 1
t<-r. per
PCI i-uind.
proxHlid b> oar o«n Umhw.
^ .unwiKlng Kig. L
NVeur mntikhid
l-ftrs. ,M - -I.
rate of apt-ixi. Ii* t-x.-s ure very large
imuu, tbf “ b
Her- It e. euiK tn n:.* llial fxw.-r Buckwheat
•J; 4M£fi/C/l^-fnt9rcoft0giaf§ Bo€t /tecrhu'k.iw, spiiug
Hiet»-.i!l aiMi lu . h-xv- ;;T:sI te*-tb to tb<»
liiu-rt..|.-ubi.Hlr; xx..m.-ii ilW to Hen*
Irnji. th.- ft<t *b MiW K -IB.'- for all our
' MOBwir-SH Jumping.
xvimii- 1e dn li.-u.
lUKHlA of
ju-tk-e and rc\ulvi ''>llll*-EU,hu>tt ai mart in Taat
CttUe ............
reuov A wi*. r r-i •• x lookl yorbal SU.V I "
lUber mode of ^-ortilHtt
;:Jl lrr.‘nilsfL 1
HCIBRS-Tunnaf Fitting.
.1 laws of i
i.le .-rime agalm.t the .
Cow* ........
•«:H SPMIK..ftoyalWaJiing
the MjeKk-A.
He 4'Vl of a few ue*.
Calves ............
.05 ITtL r- Eruption of Fatur.ut.
.-.hniiM thUK ocxje.xl.lu
.OSH MEECE-OI/mpieean
KpreaiUntr and putt mg ititi*
n mtti
of futtur Kiri, kru
t of humnn lift-.
M\i BBGLMHD-^HenJer/tegeii^
£RGl»0O..Henltf t
Meanxxliih- lb.' .'tudy of lK..\iug g?Tr*
-.............tW£0in—Hef^ettin9 tee. Ntl , n- <'L.<flK'iit le*K«.-.K iu Immnity mid j
-g i
MBD Mjitirr OTH^s. ^
rHi.ixxd a «ni;..*svbai aiarmiog ligl't tip l
n.s.ru i
•xB tlie birfettm.- ei fMime of our m-ist j
f;nx t Mliw.
Nov. i:i Jj 10 .
Tallow .......... ..
v.Uuiblr iUKtiiHiK \Vc s sii lawix'-ve i
iNo. 1-Cured hide*..
Hiat i!» all that .•mKxMija the UM^.of
;.Mn. 2-^urad Hidas.
•mr^biLbK-^ ;;nux. dexterity, muacular
ioraea kldM...........
'trcwlU. iVKiKtan.-.- to islii-we hare !
K-.ink to the lox» .-Ki mixk of tbe mam- j
und? or hstrarhUuK. FroBi thb- Mot
.4 view. In a trr-U .x.u.a-:r«! hleraix-hy. |
xrc *boulU Ik- rutlllcd U>
IIL. Cmr*4 ipf 7^a^ Xfur S„
"" " I" '
1 bull, the bile of t».;- ilog. are BMS-bRiil. t
.*Ux u-.a auatomic-aliy |K-rfeet. It xrould
I- iiupoKsJWe to luipruve. bv tb.- moat j
lertiMxi le^uiK. th.Hr btMlInrTtVe iuhu- j
m-r u4 i**iTiff tln *r uaicr.vl w. npou*. •
Uuc w,-. tl,e -twmxluhin*.** flu- pmudeit j
«4 Hm- prittuluv*. «A%. mm Luou Uuxr to ,
Ktrikr a trtoxv x. .Hi oar
WV do nat/
•‘xvn know xxULdi
U th»- xxejp. ,
-XU .vf our klml.
I-'v.k at txAo drv iiu n. tvo
xrbo rooie to Mmx^. NutUtng fxrttbl be ]
moo- plHa!.k-. After a
and .Ifi- ■
a lory brund«id«utault* and tkrc.H« !
ile-y »«-iai- ra.-lt.«uh--r by He- throj.! rimI *
hair, make f.bxx trtfb iN’.r fivi. with *
ilK-Ir kano m ran-lom. IUt.‘ each other, r
-X IXI.HI e h f.*ber. g. t em;;nglcd Ul 1
E. \V. Rosr Mcetp-;* Co.. St. LooIjl M.
lh-.tr .Six: •- !t is a v.urre ol plr..'ajc for tne |x yv-rrflf yon to n-.r ny pktnrC
e and alter cored 1^- "/Kklo,- ao.1 u tell w ICu
lu * /I
dtd for me. 1
ckrxorrxi thx» c.vxc of <Acae) pimpli-v lor %t% }cutt soil *p-nt orterul buadrad
«kSlan wi-Ui ph- dcIxoK ami rpeciaW Tha is<*r- mix*-, and erraaw 1 OMd. tbs
xrof«. »r face bscam^ to UaJtoNeiM recomoard-d * ZEMQT EigM
20. and H .s»e nf thj-n,
h'k<ag an arm far »cr&r< .
aad moat often tmo spar- <
blow*. .\ur wvuld Ua- oumUt ever end ;
«Ud uoi the itx-acfaeront kuir^. evokad j
t>y the dl*grtxi>s of the tBcoiigmi>os ]
,,i i“lf it happened lyman H.
Howe has it.”
I*ho«o of King Rhanb Thai of
am. who earned one of hU whes to bu
Yours reiytnilir,
I 'ookaawrsao and aoLO av (
I MCHM .■ais~*|
FOR R^T—Vew. modcni. -U-roum
boow. rM Slate 0trvT.-L lo^n:
Rlvwaidc Flat*
nor 12^
flmsanlag man dropped dnd Wbib- WEBT* ibat the act of remgresa hawBng Xaw. however. It is BeWutn that
Rrer|Rdk#4«#iMR> #aklik##
AMikrtsacQ blown oat. h#
kM*Mf car at dap#.
Tbcee an* E» arflca of Hedrtc later Ike da#k «f kis reoa. Ua prrelMa fiRR# la oOru rvltn^msh^xl acrid#
rOR SAL£->I«» rM !•» MoRU moose TO REWT-Ai » W. Tcath
IdO yevw tram pom
R#reng drato ur#icgadiRay k©
. ihai
iRgalir W. L. iNwau. 215 W. TeRlk. urban railway In tbe date.
an l» mmS
...... t««.
,Hancock boy die. of lajurtei^rtv gnpRT be aa iRdkm te tk©
WAMT1#~I».« l« tmt iMT^ofll TO-).
«« .m RR MntMsr
ceivA^d In football game.
•1 pn Rwd. Trmvme CM/ f)iMA
CRH OR mHankii. M
When Kklrr Haggard «
Rural mau carrier at Stands clid»ik
lUTMoRtr. Mkt.
I’BtoR St.
RRT U*ft
porsoR laiartid U Rccbkni there.
—kU,-! te«4Mto«k,toM«Kk
W x:v
Sdickigan Central abopi at Manbatl onUy ugly, mwa boo© of his fovoriteje
WANT10->lte are lio,. tR hiRn.
badly crippkd tor lacb oC meebRRir.. playthiaga and mlao of tbe other chll* j
Xltes giri died from orcrdoac qf dren in the tomOy. An «M Rwrae naed
klRirfRv rr4 staRUt-i md«r IMnsc^ Rtoe<ile MgkU. iU.
IRE kr rcArrI pneik^ tm tkm;
U A Hr. 1 MoridRR. Orii
ROW dtoeeretT. frbkii b Ukel/ to beadneke tel#ts coataixUng #r>xh 40 crU 4bU doll “8b©- RRd la lator
yewrm tbe noveUst borronrrd the nam©
rt«mrE. Write
r Inpoftant prartical lesolta. ba« nine.
I Riade Iw Dr A. 1. Day. fdnaert/
ror IfiR .fRUiWiu CRn»’« rnd
Haj City baby lA^ra in ambubmee for the herotne ct kts most famont
Hchool. U»44< K AAlllilR4 RVefiRI
wklli mollnr was being hurried U»;
George H, Alien, w^ recently brok©
Ror (^u>r-4)i«r»
BsDvln woman, aged El ycari. |»K* worM s rv«6rd W wwBdag pom
baked batch of bread and did big Land s End to Johg Otireat's-Rcart/
tSaaaaRd wtek for a daca^. Ultbrrto tbrj
WAftTt0-»> liu/
cburuHig to aid ebareh fund.
acb. binetjr pppiie.
brra able ta make tbe dam. but ner
Ijm mfitw-lR aevenicvn day*, U a
baat« PRd tro to
good booar and bam. < aitbevt babMra. aad tSe babble* n
To opmi rau rimbrr tracts D. 4 M. rtvetariaR. a tllcloRg toetoUlcr and a
ROT iu4i<
• C.- A«egf^.
WaiM Bma.
uetad It aadro far me# pRfpmm.
rallaay wUl baDd bmnch lim* from aoRSDok^r. HU at«rage tor tkr la# ^
Alix^u u> Doj^e City.
two days c4 hU long tramp was eighty. [
WAMTtfl—)Ur^ lor liTRRcfa of
Wolf Creek cal ciUUmUd aUlg> eight and a half mike a jDy.
iOR. «re «l«h to locstv liRre !■ Trat
iM oUt birthday Uali week and cniobes
&tnnHl Putnam of N«*w Salem.!
«w CRr. AddfRM. wltk iWRmior*
ralk wiib U-st'of ttu.
Maas., p kiiisman of Cvn. lira©! Pal*
TIir Morrf- WImRowIt Uorrc. CIr
u ropt W. Buyd at,, j Banuto. CaU
Saginaw man atutupi«A2 wokuW by Ram. who directed the conttnriiUl
fnr price. Wade Brpr.
lemiwraturr of 2.««» Urgit^ F.‘ M itb Uking whUkr and poison, bul polioctrouiw at Bttaker IIUI. and d( GtTL
____ ______________
tbb ^MxuDoa the perfect qnnrtx man sar.M him. In lail he tried to
WAwr^l^ruJyRig^ R^gTi ptano
Ruins Pninam. chief engineer of
hang himself with cbaln.
^ERMllRR iRRRtki AMTM. J . \% . FOA SALS—mS-Tblijlr aeree two
Washington’ii army, cekbraled hU j
imWa Wkicb render
lloRor. Midi.
Biggest hotel in Mttaiaiag has been on© han-irrdth birthday r«-*Urddy. He
purchastd by Cievvland CUSs Iron haa voted at nim-tevn presWentlal
aad id _reel.te.ee to beat. A eleb of
WOOD WAMTC0*WciRkl Qko to buj
compau} hah n ttKxbded and equlpp<d lelsctlons. thr first vote Udng cast for
t»rxt orrbartlif In tbU vicinlri. Call C^la flam mi/ be put in a eefr
SliceR or IrmH/ cards ol tTOlbot
for price. M’ade DroeJ 12? FroDt 01. cad the aafe ren^aln *• fireproof as If for an a«»uciaUun. This company fur Johu Quiiicy Atlamj, in 1^2k.
Art bardRood. Jkppii to J. W.
uUhes industry of town.
iTtif. Paul Milyoukuv. the famous |
lURRctt. ItccorU ofSw.
oct »-ti
Iby^ause ih* ManUt«*4^* common coua- RaaaUm liberal u|sm w bom tbe gov*' ga»
ROM SAi^-lMT-Si leaf froM os dews -Redlands CHrogtapb.
6f BA A» Btuwo
eU one viwr ago nppropi isl«d nKrtii*}
for the purpos< ofjiucreHslog tb» sala death, dt Uvsutsl a sz'rite of lecinrea In
riea of thi.< chit/ of poiiv* and fire chief Boston at the ti'wUl inMllute In Ifui. atRRdanI aemtrd to tbe gas bracket
and mipporNar a b©U abaped tbe*
it; cash Rill hay lot IIP. llaaiuU
aud then uiglctlod to rahe their fcala He wav conimrU'd with fbe UMHometR moolat directly or©r the burmr. Tieamor. Oak Ilriabta aoburb.
iWtfal dldflbatlRg potot la the asoet jpembram* of Ibe nom by tbr poll-n of riv* until
wtxkH ago. Ald«*rmau in ItusxU for a oJU^tltutkw and left
lug arm.
fbd. IT aold tx fon? Doc. 1. Appl/ to
oadan, pragMMtee dt/ ta taatral
This mmibrane is n# C. A. Wool has glviut notkv that hr thU Axmutry suddenly last year In vbicb a belt crank lever Ih pivoted
Thox, T. Ilaiat.
meblgaa; aaMakla tor aaj daai of eqaaD/ .ensfUre in sll persons; there will begin' Ugal pnoce.dings agalc:^ order lo confer with the hadera of One iarm of tbe lever Is v€vy
ksdMW. Odl tor priet. Wade ire nsny who sre loustnie from hay the* mayor and cit> rkik If th* > sign th,- liU.,1 »a.icjuvnt.
■ I*
bjr m
WANTIO-Yoar aoUcd garmaoU to
Broa. m nnsl «L Tratefie Cttx.
Dierermt pollen, bsve not tbe
K.'h. r IWtnur.l \»Ui;l;«u,
''*e of tto Uwnn^l- Th.
cbivks for the iuc^w»M.d fialark-s tit , «iaa« tad taaka Ilka new. Ladlra* MMS. aiMa-phtma^in^
| J.TDT,L^o.*:rFjiitf the opiiilou of th«- city aitoiu. y iJ.v.st.1 UII tlK KnsU.h • .lian ~-r 1-.
^ ibTLlrilrBSR. %o Bd
work R apactalt/. IWriaUa Djrr
j.ucli payuicut wald U* legal
Ulbcr specie i. %cr.v .t tive. llM- ItTl.it.a.ita« « B.«rt au«t»oa. bB,
wofU ai: K. r»i gt cau iii
provided wr|th an anxiliary valve of
The Womta's Civic Imprvremeni ph-niy of humor. t>nre at Trinity colCIU. ^booa and we wU do tba re#. rOR MENT-UuUdUig *x>rucr 8Utb
0Ctt4l utiU I'liiou stivct. KultiWu lor hotel gny kind Al present 114 p’snts sre league of KalamsznAhas extonikd an U-C4. famhriiige. he wa^ studying u,e pjpt*©! type. Tlie
Housin’, plriuiv
He.pry VIII. valve rvnia on a hmirnl pl«le. and the
irposoe. jwi^. known to karo toxic pollen: srbeat rym InviisThm to Governor Wanur to at•M*hat wonW you do. as a J.wult. if hU lait# camea an arm wrklrh ©ngage* Ott. J. Or M lUtT XTtUBBLOOM
»lua gi%cM after Nov. IWb. ^pply sod s large uomber of jnamlna form U iitl ;i m«<‘tui;; of ihe Mult board of maj.*.iv
4KII of »b. c^uvn.r,*Mk»pgvrarmof the bell creok lever.
(Yni-. Prochatlui. Jr. ;
nur b-tf a partof ibciu. II is pomlblc by ii “ cluirilx*s and eori»Rlioii». wliicb will
OBaa#MdWtlhat#IiMc • a. # ©a M
The board WiU bo ibe gueai id the
Mnwl. near Twaiftb Mrr»*f, «*lKUt I HAVE « flue pisiM..; good fis U4 w.
Wh«. lt,1.U»x Ih* »•ta
• » m. t ta • aairtagi g#H#m
tb, luuu.. I .^1,,
1, a„,
leaiHie. Th*- novozuor w|ii be asked I«.U. . 1«
toiiaui and rurtuuv; ii. *. Hb« rmaii
WreRaanFaa GNlaans WenaR.
ihiil 1 will mil at ail*nrc»Iii, Catlj
R«a Toma mm4 Ms* rnmam.
Kn ib-rii'l; < <.iiitlainl I*. iiE<-l.l of tb, hiniP'd 4*l«|. i. nlwl to wm U,4 Huhtei,
imm: IT.tf
at ibe l^w. l."0 k:.|Vroni. »nd
j A beoteb .orgeou riH-cully twlied al* Ui : peak on ihv* work in Micblgmn and
X. 1. York, total. rl> Volt.m1 tii.u-s au(illai7 'bU,. Tb, (>UI, U brid uf
immo aitd pet full pariknilirs. J. C. tmtlon to tbr coautMtion between aa
Oii!il«t. r to llx'pl. Brti.r uf book. Biol for « moomit or lwo..or uotll lb, it«r
FOR $ALt->Store and k>t i-omcr
uperrd for mouth Mltb carioto* teeth by all chatiuhle instUtttiOBK.
KroRt aud Ook atrivta;
Ofllclals of tbo M. 4 G. R. ruUroud t»B«/iuo arll.J.« .m fonleo Ira.a “““bi *» BBI-MHlrirt l*.r tb, b«tl .uA
diM-am- Hr d»lud
c cftee*. in each of which aunouuco the payment of the l2k5.»kAi «.d dipk.«BC,-. bBs i- U« aoUd.-d ;j2‘»k^^LTn:.t7a7 .«:*‘ISTII.U*
burinraa locatlOB; flat npataim; tt» CASH wm bn/ tot m Qraat
ere In verj l.sd coodltloa. bonded iaUi Umlness aud thv* intontlop b, .bo mn,.. bovorautob. of hi.
etraiL Oak UelgbU aaboib. MxlSk 1""
ere soft andwpoagj . bleed of iko ounpaiiy to Imihl au oxrcnalgR rnotlo?! to U nn offletr of the Leglc^
poaltion. Now. whoukl tbe soMt. If sold before Kov. JsL Apply
while tiny drops of pos
of Honor. Mr. pcnfleld was created « flame Iw extiuguished tbe lhenuo#s'
»a/S4f roold hr prwsml out from ibeir u sr of tho road to May county, lu
.Miikcfl cklla for 3uum‘lf nuJ
•125 CASH'will bur !t* 1f«. Hannah
chevali.-r of th* «ud* r on N« w Year
irouW «v.iifrori. p^rmliUng the 1#li
»-------- ---------------------------------------------- ;.ins Tbe breath bad a mmr well, and ;“““
— •
buyofuKc at idl limtn.
nmiur. Oak HdgbU aubarto. UMltt FOR SALE—Tlilriy.firc acres on Un- »he fvmplexion ws. of a muddy, wiHow |
lo retuui to its normal poel
day. llto;. Six yrers ago Mr. PieifP ]
ptvbalJy Uginnlrg uu tbv
hM, If aold licforc Dec. 1. Appl/ to
Kp ilclav. aa I Itavo ibe
the ' teUNiou early lu the spring, surreys won the. gold tnedul uf thr
hm aliwl. proUmged time. The lM*«t finl.
iwrtng for these
Tboa. T. Bate*.
iHerv of ^ub1JrhlUl property
y to plat Brst stej* was to purify the mouth and having bocu complcHcd uud right of Acad' U.y. II. has also re-c* i .d nusecth.d back remly.
riw. cutting off the flow of go
Into lots lu thla vlcinlt.r; Rtl level;
^ t^Kidillon. Fueb » way hiwui'od over the laripr part of lut reus Kurujiean decoraikins.
Saliarm liou yjiuii or no
close to acbooU. factories,
FOR SALE. 1471eSUtb
pwwdurr. iRitelher with suiubD ton- ‘ the territory luat year.
<ine of main buhluesa ;>trt
Rtoam beat. batk. elactrio uad gaa
brmirlit j SiHiielhiug unique lu limberingoj-r- lu .New York. If ,M . klKTlaliy «.Ur ■,
one hundaHl aud sixty rods of |iavcd
llgbta. In fa4't modern, up to dale
poll lent of ruiou sires t.
If you sbaut s pcrfcR't retwery.
, Call “Sr___
tb.-o.iM.lv. vtu tbr r«...uc of
„„ „ „..b-u.,™.,.
A U'lrgulB. (p‘t after this. Wade I
I2t kYont 8t. oct b-U want
iritd this icasRu hj; the Tr^ Cwk tionul prvbb n)., urr lot. t. Kt. d
llro!'.. 1277 I'ronl «t
Strike BrMksrs.
Mauufncfurliig comp;‘ny CT- Trent In all tluit M... rluronw. Ma.k«> ba«
lorui.l.ii.y., bb, i, sooct 4tf
FOB MLf-14»-HoUl aad fnnU^
Cux-K. Al a
m-u u mlks north uuemu).--.. it, tb... Ilf., nml tbr luf,,„g
,u„.,b»...lM.r nft«tare, bar and t#area: ataaU town
,,rrri..* out that tdr,
. « f Jowu cables are U iug luslalled ior |.ru.,b..i.ts wbUb ,b- bu. ...aUr in tb. ,
my Imusebidd
tkm to Travetao City; good pajlag FOR
A »oui;iii.
Tliui. tb-mil.
cood'* Including U-ds furniture Iw*Ule Oh* trouble, niHljih.- i)urpo.sc of (suixeying Hk* luga pullii- vl -Ht) III lU.-i'i
placR of propcrl/; call lur price.
. , for
purity ing work goi-s right on. Bret |
^Uer and thus doing away frir-ml
.Ma« ku>
of the vioM re«Di. w-hirh im T»©riiap«
Wads Urw.. 127 r«mt 8U Traierw
u r M5UP*
niTi. ks Hi ‘o-i
pretlie# rrsmi of .nil. are .-overe-d
<; tf dir;
Cny. Ukh, ClUxeni pbooo Ifll. 1
torore. si.e J., quoted
* \pre «>ing with FreniHi ta|*e*iry lu llie deAign of
iec|. grud« » on Ixjlh Hides
Flunk II. Meads
auf Mil
Mroam. The span will b*» B^wriy l.»nw» Uie huiH tha* lo r examph- will spur wl:;. lt violets prenlumlnale The .Imp
FOR EALE—1421—Four aad oRe^alf
acres nil Improved; gt»od house,
fvi'i and It Is celiiual«*d that 2.t»m) fivt other wtinuii of W.allh all -oxer Jhe »ry ©n tbr dressing table is
FOR SALC-1472-Six a.*r.*v on. half
1 kiB© tire!
t i.um iM»s of xioleta.
small Urn. small ort hard. AU good
active iiii.-renrt in
of logs will U omveyed from om* Unk
At a certain rhurcb It U the
mile city limits.
Call fur prire
ami mauve lildo^p U *Insheu to ih- tb©
garden ground. Tr.o cows, one hun irg iwtoiu at a inarrhife fo
Itrmi.. 1277 XYont 8l.
o*i H it
to the other at u single trip. Au eti- f ducal ioual
dred and fifty chickeas. three hogs,
haiiglngji of tl'c IhrI ss v.'eji as tbe
chTgy ninn to kiss the bride after iha'riu-and si
Hf nal©r TMliuan was .retn nUy talk
pJaut of ample power
bunas, household
tnamim»ili IxHtfe of
.FOR SALE CMEAF-Oim healing
JUMt tbo pexquaition lor
A .roung Isdy who wa« for tlx work assigned will Ijc in nadl ing til his tihinil vebeniant luaunf^r. violet |*crfuip*- is n*»f forgie.N-n.—New
i wants Just enough ground
to be msrrtert to tbe ehim h did
More; good Ss new ; will hurtr ww»J
Till c-o:r..T.->a»u»n -hreiUeind , to 'l>4* Vert Press.
for operations ehonl:
Office 005 New Wilbg^m Block.
?!S;.o.h, renl»T of the cltv to get not rrliah the preapeH. and ir-trmfitl iie^K
or I'Ottl. Call at 120 i: Weviniih.
tetotujv. \ friend « xisjxtulktj.U with
OiUgeiif* phono 0^2
prefll. With her pros|w»4ivc Isnshaml. when n nkIn extra time to
nov 12 21
. P tell tim d lrryginan
to tho Kdward Hiure tlw svnat'^r. ray.ng li was •*hardly a
4»Poper managemecit this spot of Ux i
Sew Rules.
ground will earn th© saUry of an j that tobe did not wish him to kis« her.! LbrnUr oouii>on> of Chicago iuTcntiiv placi- fur Hueh a dlM'Uv«ion.” "invabc
•*l*RiH tb- 1K*1P
Pace the imur
FOR SALE-1470-40
aer.>«, three
ordinary book kw'pcr, clerk or me-j Tix- young bridcgroui did as dlrcct«-d. cut of Iumb*T and nil kinds for negt don’t UIL HO murk, - said the waniiugi ",r7T. '
quarters mile mill. cUy lluiita. All
chanic. Owner go* tbe -roams.- L -v
sskl tbe young Scar. The cut will amount to 4;.WP.- vole. I. imuucd TiUmou. Talk;- ’‘I'lLv
iimlwrculUrarimi: aUmfsU hundred
avily 1
hence offer at low price. Wade PrtM.,1 j„,}y ^
aitpeared. -did
f.,. . lu
n, ^uuj uuuiUrh. aud will in brUtouird. -ni Ulk », ntoch Bhcb•dld .vou
.vou t#*:i
U«rlng p«i^h trees; tew acres i»ola'■“'’''rrf.fr'S; Prof. p. H'. CUac, In.tnictor
irinn In the IJtM. “I
127 Front street. Trw^ City. tur^,>rzy1nun that 1 did not wi.i,
toiw. Call tor ptiec.
Wade Urea..
♦.•vei and mbere-ver I please*.^ I would oif y that order.
208 Pronl Street
volvo'a consideration of aUiut
Mich, atlxcna phone I2J
to kiss no*
127 lYonl «t.
oct 6 tf
‘Keftfle! .W1
Jtme 21-tf
Whsi re uMHi hare CbiUren'i clg# Sgtorday. 10*
The dva! ito the Jsrgk-st ixxotlatcd llko to SVC the man who can keep nn
“Oil. yes.12 4L m. AdulU’ rlatg Monday,
at the hred of the lak»*s In many from talking! ’ i can! ’* camo a voice
••And what did to* say^
FOB MALE-IESS-Resltocn ^ BaM i goR SALE-1445-Haniware #ock U
“is ItTvot a vlol.if
ofthc nrn rat© 7:;i0-yp.
AggcmUy, Monday
**llr said that In that k:aso hr would monthV and is of »-sp.x*ial rlguiCcancc from the crowd. Tillman tunu-d and
Nialk at. cloen ta; large rooma; | ^ aark^ town within ten nUlee charge onlr half the tninal fer/ — bccauH4 life Mock is for H*o7 luanufac- glared aLffUi him. The® bis eye law to
uigbL To^ibono Citizong UM.
ll was fortuni-ic^for Hie young mag
largR boiiM; laig© hA;
prloe; of Travereo Oty. Only hardware. W.-Bkls Ts>rrru>htuiv and dc-liv«Ty. The Tower com caught iIh: hjoaker. Ito pretended to thfvl !;r was l.earily imddrel.
A Na 1 property: easy terms; call Masy teraa. Owner la other basl*
pany’s mlllb arc, located at Tower, on quail. Thu laugh Wf-oi round and thr
tor price. Wade Bret., 127 Front new. Call for Invoice and tenna. \tTKU you’re- hre>k«\ im- girls are- sli.v the McMiba Iren rfUig»* aud Uur pcoduct critiriil sMuatIuu wun savod. Tb© man
! 8t- ClUeua pboa« lilt.
j ,r«d, Bro*. 1»T Trcmt mnH. Tt»t. They turn and fly as you coiao nluh U tdiiupHd mor the Iron lUtige rail who bed buried the dnfiant “1 can!’ j
Brace up. old man. ^lM»w• some pha-k.
MM Otj. Hick. Cttlim PkOM Take
Rocky Mountain
‘twH: road to the doclLH at Two Harbor*. was Dr. T. T. Moore. Tillman’s mc-I
Kin.»;^Jc.^ ^UvU.. .Nov *.*.
change your luckUmc
The% company *H mtire* cat of Korwny
VilUp' of Kingsley L gol«K to ih'YUe
OR aALC—14(7—Swu«cr«
plJK^for tbo prreent season was pur
I2.00U iamdr and wi>h Wdi on some
.Maes !• t«tt lu rkoM.
„Ngd g Cleat Call.
ohaHKl ISKt spring by the Kdward
as follows:
•*Fmh rcaaoning,*- »‘nld Genrrnl F. nine*
Bad aprlv: all ^ wril; good lOa- appk' urckards! good how«e
^ I2.00U payahh to Id ymr:-, lutcrcsi m BBW WILBBLM SLOCK
voh^Inf tlR mlmU*Sra
D. Cirant. In a mUtiary atgnincnL **rr
a* large a« my hand from
payable annanlly. or ll.hw javaUc In
Uoa: clow to Mkoel. cboreb aad
of mJ*)ds ©>c Ilf tbe rrawonlng of old Cor
A Yaar nr Blood.
daughters hip . was prevantod by tfa^ S years. Il.btri at Iho tmd of 10 yrors,
•awt raaort os Dock lake; call tor wsUm*. c-wl for price. Wade Bros.,
l«ral Faiidhorsl.
The year Dsc wUl lung be remem- apRikmlkio
uf Bnekleira Arnica
(irlea. Wade Uroa. m Froet m. 127 Front
oct 6-tf
bcjxM lu tb<’ bom<* of F. K. Tack\4. Solve, says A. C. SlRdul, of lHWiH4 luterei-t ihuyuble annually, or
for fo 3ycara, with htlcrest payOf
CItSeas iSoM Ul». ' aw Mf
dr’lling a Inlrhm' raw rexTiiits.
M\ Va. “PcrsUUut uec uf the aalve
whirh flowf^ ^o copiously from Mr. coimtRtely enrod ft.r cures Cuts. I able auuually.
** ‘Why K ft.* be snkl to a
FOR SALE-&14U—8S feet on 8taU.
roR taut—c»iyu»c Iuhoo.
155 feet on Park, directly oppowlte hkoUng «hep That tl»e blade of your very R«ir. lb- wrUci^: -8.were bicwd
»"‘ “■
With power, machinery aud tools;
Park Ttoco hotel, cotmer lot: fqU* sal^ h ctirxrel instead of straight V inc from the lungs and a frifMluL Dru;; Store.
----------- -----1 By order of village council.
’• The blatlr U <mrxed.* the recruit exmeh hod breught ase # deatbV daqA
able tor any cla^ of balaeM; tor
t Ufnui taking Dr. Kliig% Kbw
j uov 12dt
L. C. McDonald. Ckrk.
U^eir and wales stable eoold wA, he .‘4Bvwrre«1. ‘in order fo give more force wboR
Dlacov* r> for ConaumiitioR. witk fibt
Ihrcu reUnMdt ami a great
Ua floor with BgiiDns^Oi^-i!.
beaicR: central IocrHor; troet and to the l low .*
for a general repair busiu<
*“Non«eoM». said Jibe «vrpo:sL The tour honk's I
aide entrance: best lucaUon In city
will sell for llJtH*; a
s.« thm>
thii4> has proven iw‘mMacRU.<^
for first da# hotel: hard to esO* l.Ltde U 4 cnre1 so as to fit the wwb- mid
cured.” (htaranteed
Gitarameed foi
for Sore Lungs.
snap for aouic one: owner In isjur
note value hut is^erod way below
. 0. P. CARVER A BrtO.^
htwilh. Address i. J. Itorick. Ox
what It h worth at preseui tfime; you got ll into the curved stwhbarfiford. Mich.
nov 7*tf
Hioiv. rri:x; M«c
;i*c and tl^JtT^al^hof
caU for price. Wade Bros.. Trav yoo Wlot.* •*- X:xfch«ngr.
K2:--?c;5f srtn
B. J. Morgan’s Hack
and Baggage Line
0CO. n. Jarvif
201 frsat ftrssi
Horst’s Dao^ Academy.
*^*****^ ftrrrfSar^rnryty*' *****
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
Horses For Sale at
S126 CASH wilt buy Wt 22d. Giwnt
Htre-et. Oak Heights suburb. iVxHdi
feet, if sold iM'forc Doc. 1. Apply to
Thus. T. Kati'ii-
ers CUy . m Freni 8L CitUeni
pbooe 121F.
aug 24X
> loped girl or wo
man will be beocftUi-d by Uklng Hoi
lteict> Rocky Mountain Tea. It is on**
crevaieet known
* strong healthy
ablets. E5 cents.
l>rug Co.
blanket. UHwcon cam!/ factory aad
. peach. cMon vaH#r<
Johnwon dnig store 7'riday after
awaaoQ. This Is one of tbv Enowt
noon Return to Record office.
aitnated spots of gvoe
nor to 2t r.!VolcrtioRai7 soUUer. She Is I
of Traverae City: ooa
Traerriic Clt.v, pc-nla
LOST-L#dles- gold watch and fot. HKENT carriage to any pan of the
Both have lalMal JT*
Mart ciQ-. CIL phone M,
nov 10*12t
at Bccord office and reocirc reward.
Wmle Bros, 127 Fnmt 1
fioDccr LiTciy SnWe
Diek-Now. if I were UttrafF T
rtdlfte somthlng on ©or Idrt
DoRy-I don’t dunhc IL
Dick—Wh# «» TOO Cblnk 1 wonltr
Mir—1 tWRk For wwald fwaRg©!
th,u yon wire a gwore.
The nvorage
bnsf and baa Ro Urn©
to gnjtkliv b# b#Hk g
Johnson Dreg CtK
Thcreiifn acasoo ix over. I have a kk 6( horses for
hale—gootl farm stock—weight 1,000
to l.‘XX) potuufe.
A few good famtly and gtentlcmen’s dnvipg hones.
hone, weight 1.20apoiiida. A
Wfflosdiiasge ior ^ixtrs^
Kindly gii-c me a call.
Order your I
Coal li
cm. momctm.
I .i
TW Brr. rraah M. KMty\ trM
f the Cfiareh SMBs Bs|y AageM. fie.
at aty BMBBtoML
A Cooaectlrm aewwpaprr editor
mm n rsallv weak.
^Pm omr
Qtmtrn An
Nor. la^Tbc talT
Utr U f^iiirlrwiu fooCtoU t«*m U
r^y for lU tm Ug gB»c uC Ur rc«r
«Ulck li lo lie pUy«4 oa rrmakIHi
ftifd seit tiUr^ irlU Ur Lnlrer
an/of IMIgea. Tbt
fio iraet of Ue
Uat Ur apfiroMb
UHi SUM 'vtU frar sM trembllAg.
AlUcMgk tlMT luvr MA bad ooe-batf
Ue lalbrbn tbb fali ibat tbrj did a
3 aar acu aUfortoae ba* ilogsod tb«4r
aa ptniateotl) aa ever.
AmLIac Uia atatoa
olaiBi aajr totant
Uair ovpoaeau wtU bard h*ck Ulea
Tba BMliMii of tbe umm itac« u
rrooT aaoaih of Feaa a mkoMa. Tb«
wblcb baa baeo Uc vutof^Wr ape
3 ear. |»rcv|ooa to Ue gane mlU
Lalajeite Ur map vbo U lo pUy quar
tarbaesk agalaat Mlcblgan and Coradl
baa Mi only Bot pUytd a gunc, for
rtBMlraBla Ula jrcar. bui baa »rvrr
plared aa> klad of footbaU oa any
rotieta laam. Tbe coaeboa bIU give
tbla j«ib to clUer KolnaU or laiarPBce, ^ Sbeblr. I>ec and LuVX w.nv
HM OBtriiOi UcT fallrd (u make
good. BoU XalBaU and Uwreoce
are members of Peim s IntcrculUirtaic
cbamploiiahJp basketball tram. Tbry
an p^ollarlx expert In passing the
ball. eepoDlbMr oa tbe torvrard pass.
BBd in caiiblaf and returning punts.
Bat .irhai Ue; wlli do lo a game Is
another natter.
• Tbero are taro oib«-r very weak
, ape^ jn^Ur Inm. The placing pf
lioUmback, tbe star center, at foiliBck has oompiilod tbo rarbus to put
a ppM and vary light man her*-. The
man who is near bbldbig down the >ob
la Payar. tbe rbaopkm mlddlrweigbt
vresUar. Dvyor hardly wHghs 170
POUI^ Bot be passes tbo buU well
and poasoaacs great atrvngtb. If ho
rails to i^e good bla plaae wlU be
lahm by Gnstou. who is a iblfUer and
beatier man. but has had no experitncsi lo this position. TiMTe will b»*
no changes la reun’s gnards. Ziegler
at right and Gallagher at left guard
maka a thorougmy mtlsfaciory pair.
fUmllatiy the coaclns want xH>thiug
U’llcr than Draper at lep f;tcklo. Hut
J.qvcry. at right Uckle, In wh up lo
ibe standard reoairi«d. lie Is being
bard prrasad by OaaioiL
On the two ends U'%eoe and ‘Star
lett aro dxtnrea. Both are svterans
from last year, and, although their
mx>rk has slnmpod a mue of late, they
are eertaln to play Uelr game when
the Ume comos.
In the back dcld everjihlng Is
r«‘n« wrlth tba vxcepUoo of quartern
l«ek. KelnaU ^i>ms to have the bet
ter of tbo aifttmoBt with Lawn-nce
bnt^job* bocauae of tbo gnuater experi
naco bad in hla preparatory daj>.
•Mka Ara Blrofig f>oint.
FOIwtH's brokoQ band has mendiNl
to such an extent that he «ill be able
to play his usu^gamo at left halfback. With Captain Unx-oo a? right
haU. the Quakers will have a pair of
backa that aboold bo .ibie to mon
thaa btdd their, owa against Michigan
The ahiniDg of llolleBbaftt from ecu
<»T to fallback hai worked a gnwt Im
provfmeni In Ue back field. Hollcn
back U a groat kleker. and can catch
tUr un. But bis chief ad.antagJ is
kU ablllly to ran wiU the ball,
phood hulfback taxi years ago. and
would have pla^xd It kxsi fall bad be
not brokeo bU leg. Ho fils into the
rollback position naurally. and. be^
canec of hlo great speini. frequently
ge ta aw ay for long runs.
Tbe real wcokneaa of the tea:
due to ftp alow dctxlopmont. The men
ttoi taly got Blartod Ulor than most of
tboir rivAls. but Ue perfectioa of tbe.
tout »xA
4*ta)C(l by tbo lack of
a kwtbair raoural.
wastud Bcarig five works* experiment
tng with quarUrbacks.
Btiek to Old Game.
bctwiBl Bcw formations bsvc been
learoed. bot the forward pass
roaAy Uc only new play the team has
OMfoBoa Cam^ bo Cured
T8s FMhan Ftoyw^.
have learBed SO mile that Is BOW.
and have dtptoded too mock cm the
old style of attwrk whick doco Bot gwia
gtornm omsIstoMly under Ue teie
After t£e MteWgaB game is played
PsmasytvaBla wfil sc« Bare Cornea '•ceirta*' Woo at Wo^4io.ton9 Club
Ovor the ^’LoaforY* hy It «ns
to Uttr, la Uo twelve years Uat Pena
and Cornell kave betn mossing on Ue
gridinm the lUncons have won hot a
single game. This ttam they wiU hrlag
down OBe^of the best tesmm IB the his.
loo of Ue. uBlvertfty. nad to their
pr»sritt demoralixcd shape, the QuakUc Ve
ers are a good bit nlarmod.
In which Uc Scouts—Irving Murray.
Abe Itodunaa and Dr. S. 8. 8miU—
won wer Ue Umfers-Alfind Moore.
Harry Parker and Bra NonUgtH —by
II pias. Three games were
first wvni to tbe Loafers
Official fit Wing averages of the pU> • by the good Btargin of £7 pins but in
r. la the KsOobsI kwgoo bare >nst the next the Scoots swung back get*
era coBipUed by lYcaideot H. C. flag a lutal of 4& amrv than did their
opponrau. Tbe Uat game was cxcit
only Bien who have participate^ In ing and well bowHd. The Scouts
knocked down thirty more than did
tflera or more games.
Dan MrOana of Niw York led all tbe Loafers and therefore won out by
Uo llrKt baMmsu *if the National ci^Ux n pfnK.
•^liat Is that, fatherr
'That, my son. is a football pUycr.**
-What U a football, tdayer.
-Uc U n Doy with IbBg hair, a
littw cap and some brulsew.rGTiy does be have Uus--.
-So Ue 'girls w in tbiak him a
hero, a brutal hero."
-Why does he wear *uch doUcs.
fatber?-So that when the* oUers lump
no him and an try »o bit him at
oner, thi* sounds of the struggle
GunitedllqiorCire ^
Wagfw-I bear old Miserly has no-
AMCIL F. NCflUMaCR. LAWVM- hraast ef R - he eald.
As the ceagrefattaa fs.q*rd. he
warrd tn the air e fieewmeat. ofoMd
and raekd to toeraiMe o court «d«.
-Yee. I mcon IL**' he coatfoued. a* if
Trmverse Land and Loam On, P. ta kUl anyHagMteg
pelatfog thtooigh eae of the eUfoHt
TbufUU. Maaagrr. Office, mm t
HamOfoa fi MRUkBa bkKk. .
-Thet etlry oot there has Ura
pared and the city has sued me for
the sHer BMoey.**
Dr. a B. Chase; Sfote
; a big fin* In a ncBtshy town. Arrirtiig
. St t!i** pUifv the reporter found gmt
: snss>.-« of fianic pouring fruw tbr bur
fai-torr hciW ng Uv smed nonrfosed
: sxui dklnl huvkw what to dvx riially
> be *ntt ht.-k t^y th. yfibr th * tele
f gtwu:. Tlave airnid aod lb*- lire iI huroiag benxdy. XVUt ri«ll I d«r
W. Eighth 8L ettx. phOBB TtL
1 <.if
It*' ws^ >- ut lo writf i;;:
tbe nre. Inn It wvn iH»n
Islv ;«»r t!e
aft r:ic »:: edHior. lh«« eiliii-r aaJ » » mOR. F. MOLOSWORTH--Spratal ak
IL vg -.Mthr 1 »- ,’riwlh.
~*ti! Kv. V
tontlon to dUeaara of Uo eye. car.
tl»e ft«l^»wlng npl.v:
im; . Ur^
nose and UroaL Clnmra fitted.
r?jr T:ri
t! . '.KktUV n-.al ;u»r ‘ i * “
Over Johnaon drug store. BoU
New W-K Till .U’.phones.
K^osi Several color..
Makp your aeleollou enriy.
In Brooches, Bracelets,
and Crosses
Boullful Hid
‘‘le Table fSt Umitlelhomme"
only iH-ing tb.ai' smuk.-s
have inilute.1 man in all other ways,
even m-quiring a fondness for llquorM,
imt they nev.-r could to? taugUi amok
Ing. .Smoking is .n dintlneily muwc’s
lln«- pleafctm . and when man has a
g.wd cigar like Wadsworth Bros*
Chkos In bl» mo’jlh. he Ih care fr-.ami Pi.Mjy for any trouble. 8 K. Wait
k .SoiiH. tlK local oipnth for Chico-,
ray that many of thilr lawyer curtoni•*rs will not take a difflciUt case tmiil
thin hate a to>x of C*bioi>K at band
Prom pure en>oynieiiT .iny lover of a
good cigar can to- no more inrfectly
satUHed than with a Wadaworth Uru--.'
t;w to R. L\ Walt £ Ron* drug atoto
t.Hjoy and sells I uue of tbe«« elcau
Havana filled eigars. The price. 5c.
Mialgbt. will not frighten you
* of P., meet every Thursday Gen
ing. New Munron block. C- B. Wal
ler. C. C.
|6hn R. Santo
Look forwartl to tlio
• HolKliys and inspeot the
big line of juirelry I carry.
J. N Martinek
217 E. FroiH'Et
General Insurance
Kew WtndB BUk
TmtYcne Ctty
Moom Kc. L City Upmo Uosm btom
Arc Your Collections Slow
Farips for Sale
1 have a number of good
farms, all the way from 4016
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good properly, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
UU acooiuiU promptly uttuudea.
to »nd I am make mooi'y tor you a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any
body else. 1 have farms
Colleclipu Agt*U‘7’
Hamilton which arc located from four
Clolbing Co.
to 20 miles from Traverse
HtYc yra accoaats tttt
You Have Given Up?
If you have, let me coUect
them for yon.
A. Pohoral
TRAVERSE CITY LEGION. No. 139National Protective la?gio& will
TrutiTM- City. Mleh . Bept. 10, 190€.
met I tn Woodman Loll on Ue Uird
I bate placed a uumUr of accounU
Toewlay of each monU at 7;30 p. m
Abram SmlU. preaidcol; Caylt with A. roboral * agency for eoHertGriswold. aecreUry; Nettie C. Gray, lon. many of them .tong outlawed; but
Oct. 26-tf Jnat the wme Mr. rohorat broogbt Ue
delinquenis to time and prompt setr
TRAVERSE CITY LODGE. No. 222. F. tlemenla
L. Axhton, Denlfot
A A. M.. nectE cn Monday eteniag
on or before the full of Uo moon,
at 7:50 p. m. M. E. Uaakell. aecro
lary. Elmer E. *Whllc. W. M.
City, all good improved land.
210 Waibinglou,
Cil. plion.? 771
O. c. MOFFATT—Abstract*? of ililc
21V Sixi!.- Bunk building.
6 Hral KaUonal Bash »df. CW
ten* phone fi«.
. aag S4f
A. J.MCPHAIL, DeatUL Orar Jobs
son drug store. BaU yhoBS SSM
rings; Qtx. €€f^2 rfofi.
OR. F. J. MAC NETT—FrmetJee lialted to EYE EAR. NOBE. THROAT
xndnniNGOFOLASSBfi. Officf
502 Wilhelm block. Citiscmi phone
nan e xpBriukce. Now locatod wtU
tbe drink bablt.
Grlnnell Bros.
The guarsnoo gfren wiU each packnge thorooMly proteeu tbe buyer.
OR. O. E. CHASE, removed from Sfifi
Onto# Is la two forms: Na i tor MMo Irene Afoafoy. tbe New £ct. m WDbelm block to 4«7 and 40fi
•tent use and No. 2 for those who land sopcBBo who rtcratly made bar
srisb to be cured. $1 a box. MaU or- appeatanoe fo LoBdsB
ders fined. Tbe Orrine pi. Wash
J. B. MARTIH-PhyMctoa aad Sur
Ingtoc. D. C.. or Johnson Drug Co. .
geon Office 2<>5 East Froot street
j :i: state Bank haMtog. Ottoena
CrifitM Gvfgles
K. fo a rsicr fall of patboa
urn hr hod a oonffoateo to make,
aii^ as woD make a ,-tean
DR. E. B. MINOIto-Offiew BTcr Ai
can Drug Blore. Special attei
fhtnaW to tio alllT fur serious <o&akl
lo cjx*. oar. aose. and UroaL Olaases
eratloa. Pvra to irw:wrf of tin- i»ro
fitted. Buth phones. Residence GU
-Can I be a foorimll player, too.
fewsip'nal and Im amide Vstf^-tw U
Sixth etieeL
fatbiTfw«Hikl to- at^uiti If it w«ve not so rruH
“No. rixHldie. I win g.-t you a
rod mallmant
llK-te to ii«> «-*•« OR. W. E. MOON-.PhOBM,
place in a foundry. Y*ki wont ha%c
«-*‘lval*h« rxrm«e for ’tptdyiug t»» tl'e
Cftx. Ib7; DeU fl. Reridmic
hL:rk drum* and ts:rai*:te aty tr«Bt*
Waehfogton etroet, Oti. phci
n«-i»t vih:i*b i_'n**r»-«
nhtf. r.jtii’1
and iml’stor. It-.- R..uth h s - r- tev*
e* Ihr lijtivto uf it*, detrar
Iriff :«ni>*ib>. It to i r i.-th-BlI; desxl T. W. THIRLx>'. DraUat. Ovrr Bar
ti;o of -acsHl rvads. uf we!l|«vrd
Bum A Barl*s jewelry store. BoU
M It nun*’ lalde a’*^*«*v^ h- euJ
phoBOs T09.
Oewm Town Ceotset.
• < **\«-’remt*« of rul..*bi*’i»d. •'rgan
The ten mao contest which wws
Clark, the Case school punter. Is atjrnrn#«i*«el> cm^uI. If t|»* y « iti ARTHUR HOLLIDAY, M. 0.-PhysL
pulled off at the WUklnsoo A Rosser
t^lBg much fame as a plac- and not werk fm- tto-miu-lees atol H*Hr
cUn and Surgeon. Rcaaovod to at
alleys, although full of toierosl. was
drop kicker.
ficce in Munson Mock over Baniua
* au si lra*t to made te
not as well rolled as was last w i<efc:.
A tsodQta on laiekles. Leaded by an
A Barl V. ClUxeu phone SS5.
No high scorco ww made and Cor- end. Is a favorite play of W.ih Yale an!
betl took first monej- by high score of
West IVjiul.lhU yisir.
MARRY fi. HARNER-Kxpert pfoao
191 and an average of 17y. JoHus Ula-Y’ u 1-ere. Jsntes'** exi lafoed tho
Ralph Davis, the famous lortn-r eu.l
tuner and actlou regutator. Satis
nie came in for second wiU a high of
w the
ior ,sii.
uf the lYiocetoo Uwim is coaching the s^nmworkrr. v isiting
taclkm fmaranuHd.. W'ltb Kimball
177 and averaged lor Ue Uree games
-Ye^'m.- i’ri:.d the tKYW prto.W.
Tigers ID Uckting and handling pouts.
Music House. CUx. phone 2C4.
whk w‘sv lb u»r iHimlarv.
Pa. ptos.
Bd. Iiilloo. the great quarterback of
*‘tVe’l wcM. I «vrt.nlulv am snr, Princeton, b no: sp.stly, but U elusive.
P’tt in mortgagee. Housee 1
e:r* I, ii5u'.!i.. or 1 veuUiu*! be.
lUJI uno me DLUU J^ke »tahl has ^msl Ue imnols fjerc.*’
Inquire of
McNamaia. Park
-----------{squad and will assist in coaching the
PUcc LoU!
*>’.• «m.- T.i„.
!^\‘:::porUi...bau,...a.b...nmado French Proverb That Prove* Itself
vt-r. Prices reaaooable. Office viU
-----------I in the O. S r. Ucun. ld. C.ii.M.n re
O. P. Carver 4t Bro. BoU pboneo.
True in Traveree City.
jpUct** Stolp at right half and Trary b
Eleven Is Stron
phioed at fulUouk
E. L. THIROfiY-Speclal attra
Th* r«a French proverb. 'Tobac
tosmll Will, Play at Left End. I Wt*si Point has the hardest schedtlon to dlMwaoB of children. Room
c*» L the friend of man.** that la monOfficials Are Announced.
julc of any other eastern eleven this trii’- than th.' average. M.^n is the
4U9 SUte Bank bldg. Both phones
kac^Ois with Ue most txtnionliiiary
mark of .995. McCann made bot
eight emirw all during the season in
acc«*pting Mir chances.
' The second bSMmia of the k*«gue
were led by Lew Ritchie of Pittsbarg.
Rlfchic sccepted a total of 792
chances with but tweoty-Mven errors,
giving him a ptreratage of .9G<. which
i» very fair lor a second l»SMUuan.
Lrads in Three Ssektra
Arndt of 8t. l4)uU vriis easily the
load»T of the third basemen. wIU a
per cralage of .965. However. Ah»dt
did not play In a.** groat a number of
games as a numlier at Ue other third
Ksekerv. He aceplad 2W chances with
B uHal of nine errors, giving him n
rcentuge of •H;*.*’..
The shortstops were letl* hy Joe l
Tinker of Chicago and McBride of
Loulh. each with a Kretwtage of .9I4.J
TioKer accipted »(»5 chances with 45 j
errors.'as compared with McBridea;
521 ehautv.s and r.e errors Tinker has!
*-MiddlJ^ * will Is- pisved iHc. I.
b.«.«.rratlc,.hort.lup.bul bU
Ann Arbor. MU-b. Nov :;.-Co.rh | „ ,,
«o:k Uiiitn* Ibi- wiiiKm Jiutl iluiihi'd,
r»-luro* d fnMu l^•nD.>•lvalua ,
,na, ,fc,. „. w j-nnw- »HI no W
.mm,* bim a. our uf tbo U-.t moupund., and a, n, Immvdiauly to >b«-j ^Wn :.t Im >a « ..aill thr ,..a*..a. dav
In tbe
In tbe outfield. Oossler of Chicago
their ^'a^s^ty loiters.
and Marshall of New York malntaincMi game with the -scrulH. * SatunUy.
- CoacU tr.eim Wnnn r of CornMl
is-rftei |srcentag«w. accepting HI and
CailU* room is lisnk<*d with tlowiT.5 m at Uls hf»me in I^ca. N. Y., and it
32 «-hanciH. rvNp*-ctlvrly. This leases from the diffennl 'Irai;, - and eluU, js fosn-d that unh^ h»- l> able tu b*
Jimmie Kheckard of (lilcago us h-adcr.
Will as individual tnaiks of esbH*m. wi:h
:h Tluteam in a short time it will
with a in rcc Dtage of .91*6. He made
seriou.s M'lhack fur CtimeU's
Yo«i says he not only regrets Curtis*
but four enors during the entire seafrom the standpoint <»f .me
*“ Iho remaining gaiuev.
accepllug a total of 2M chauctw. of hiv Ux-l men lost. h«t ns a p. rMmn! j <.‘'*»»b'r Sheldon of the Ohio SUte
Thomm* of Philadelphia c*veu made n friend. H.*alM. savs that Wfore1o.nv>*»*
t« don hl.s
U4tcr recunl than ihh*. finishing tin Itig for ;*euusylvania he in»trurtcd foottuiU tegs for
with a’peit'enlage of .9X6. hav C'unis not to go Into tbe game with
ing aecviHi*d :i57 cUanc«-s and making Ue scruU. hut dot s not blame either,
but five «Yrrun-.
the mm who tackled him or CurtU Ux ii out of tlic
Bowmrman Haads Catchers.
lU>wermau of New vTork ranked
Coat'h Yost Is Wue over the prospect ‘
bigheM among the catchers with a
age of .984. H4* was closidy fol- of the i-omlDg game with U«*
s>>.** .saying that they Uowt*d up Cate of Frigid Condition of Pedal Ex
wcd \o .lohnny Kling of Chir;.Rb.
tremities Developed When They
who flnlsh«»d wlih a p^'roxilage of .982, strong and that tbt* quarterback which
Hoard of Nuffer,
::s»; chances and has appiared weak in the earlier part
made tilx errop-. ns eima»arvd with
Jimmy Nuffer. who was to coach the
CuiiU* place at left will U> taken Bast Jurdam t« ani for their l»attle w ith
Kllng's C5S ehau<H-s and twelve iTrort^
Jleuihach of Chicago was the pre by LowtII. hut Yost say:, he is greatly Pi^oskvy Baiurday jawa d thr\»tjgh the
mier pitcher of tbe National k*agu< put cut by Ue aecidral. as he Ipid city on his way honw this morning. He
idtchlng inVientagi* of >2C. Tbt been graining CunU to play * loosf stah*d that uh«n petoskev h^md oi
big Chicago* twlrler won nineteen quarter.** and be will not have time to hi.*. pr*-N.nc<* and his work in i:ast JorgxBH*s during th»- :«^soa niiU lost but train LowdI into Ue plays hr has d.-Mi Hj.Ntwv.n the srhivls
four eontrsts. Browm of the same lHH.u guarding all season and training i wa. imniedi.nteiv canct h^I
the fsmuu.H Mordtx-ai. was «oc- ot which Curtis*was lo h<* tin* center,
«»nd In the ranks with a fan'cniagi* of
Brown pltelHsl thirty-two games, by former Center Ch.-meni. and Pat
-T l.ntr
kM n» B
fire ivr l*rY>k. i, ’n’t :ia . .*iid iti*- -.vllor.
winning twvnly.edx „f them and losing liek will not In- in the game.
*rhe rooters are plaiiulnr to make a -It w»M In Ks*.**’*«. and 'he !i*n*nniT v a»
«/iit of s ua.iit. Tlie i<atit- ^ <trw
LunUgreu of Chicago ranked fourth good showing and will lio- the m.*vt
.■»l*r;i.^« •trallii* Mtnmnh-. They -W!
among Ue leagues piirhcm and from FVitj field to the hall tomurruw
r»i*'»it in plt*«-*ii to loan-u. and «Ua*
PMsler of the iv^mc team ranked afternoon to cb«vr thtu team on the piorfv. tboy
disjw— of «Khrrwlve
fifth, showing bow w«l tlK^ Windy way from j ractice.
tbrrov Into t^e bin for tm J.
Mr. Baird tayw Ik* doewn'i think
City twirh rs far.*d during tb»- season.
“Mirnimy *.nrr*'!!k'- ttnd’T. bin »»*•
McGinnity of N«w York woo tbe Uere V ill he I(H* rooters on band to go a gUa«tlv fuel. It i’* a- gha^My a fuel
U»*y buiT. m
foevst gam«^ of any twirier during the with Ue loam at the rate of I192SO xa tls- »htve lawn*
each for f»re>.
sivison. with a total of twenty
%|ett>fle5. He alao managed to lose The team will le.nve Wednesday
night fo- West rh*-ter. where they
twelve game
groat CJiristie Matthew.-ou won will nay for practue until Ui final
T Lnre l>een tn tannery towna
a total of twenty-two games and lost struggle take* place.
wben* tbe fuel i* le.ilbcr < bU»«, ThK
twtdvo cuBtest.H.
The officials lor the game were an- fuel *mells
ii»tu hig. rolld
There was not a Chicago pitcher noinicc-d todaj as follows: A. W. Ktl- tixj. fortnln
ly, Princeton, t
Langford. Trin 1 chtuik* wtmt have to be hn?l;e rp with
who lost more games th;m be
of them ranking well above Uc .300 ID. referee; D. L FuIU. Brown, head the poker every little while.
-In Rrittoh ColmidjU.. vrto're li*h to
nf plentiful as Sir. toey hnrn drttd tisb
Cl^go Lunds to Field,
vt ln-n there's n-» w ood L-mdy . Tbe
cam Itolditig. Chicago,was Uc
<iU la the flth cause* them tn lejm
leader of Uo National league, w iu a
wen. bnf the wmell of tbi« fish fuH
Ww vtMild not tinder any dreamala*t to lio white mar's taste**
DUge of >69. PilUburg was
staocea endorae a rumedy for Ue enre
ood. fdlowiag olom'ly on Chicago's
of Uo drink habit unui we had abbo>
hi*»U with a porccBtagc of .964.
hiielf aatiaiod ouraolres that It did
New York was oeirt and then lolall cUlBwd for it. Orrine Is the only
lowxrd ClDcinnaO. St. Lcmla. Philad
core for Ue drink,ba»»H Uat wc know
lihia and Boston in the order naaod
of and Ue ooly one that we ever knew
Druhot of aocInnaU led all the
King psear ef Sweden tores noUIng
of that bad enough merit to be aoW more folds quial and letoure momenta
pitchers of the Katlooaa
tmdvw a poalthe guarantee to refund than to inptBTtoe on the organ.
fielding poreratage. with a mark of
Ue money If It doe* net cure. It has
l. 000: be managing lo keep a clean
stood tbe teat of years of use and we
know of Bmay wboBi It baa cured of
too. as a taam. made Ue
i of My dob to Ue leagm*. Uey
gutting M7 mlsplays. TUt team
number of chances.
M of a wM.
Why sit in .
when a little
Japanese Basjeets
make wry Uioful ami a<tv pU
Wc* have juiit
fin. naaortmont of ibcee
goods in
Fancy Work Baakuta.
Wnato Paper Bfiskota,
LiuAdi Baeketa,
■ikI Yviou 6u>c7 boxes.
MOO with ulk tope with
selves in two year^ In
saving of fuel.
Get our prices.
All kinds of lumber and
interior finish.
^ 1
Y»T«mMr8 W8UB
on urns gut |s,000
bold bwinoler.
By Wire to ib© EsEming llccord
Loa Aagckw. Nog. U —At a special
that wa» way he elect loo It was vou^ to annex tbr trr HE WAb AMERICAN WH^LEbALE
rPory betwoea tbU city and Ban
rodra. tacladlag aW»1 Park* and the
mclag lOaai of tbs Ua Aafrias Jockey
Obtained Block From Grand Tr»verae
SI « •XASSk L»
club wblcb fa Dftmi^t nadcr tbe furls,
and Artaene Mining Company by
NifAit WhSA Hs Wm tsnt ts tht
dietkm or tbo city; ordlaaace wblcb
Fraud—Had Whole buit Caee
ibits pool aontlig. Tbe stHp an
Fu^l of btocks to bHI.
d U half a mHo wide.
8|»sclsl '<4> tbs Brs«tec Bmt«
m lUpAds. Ukk^ Not ».->Tbc
bodr or Bar Bbte vss touMl la Uh
bar at 7 o-elock tbU aiotmliif ■
ibeosMii works.,lie bad beeau
al»es last aicbt aad.au owe ka
wbat bad bacmau oC blm aaUHbe fi
lag or bit bodr aolrod tbe srsterr.
Bble was ri ycais old aad was la
tba amiOo} oT Powers « Coir. About
c o'clock Ust C'teulnK be bad brea
s«wt to the dock to sack potatoes for
tbv lUiaoAs aad that was ihr last
or biia alirc. WTwii be didn't return
alarai was fult aad a aearcb was B
for bttt iMit be could not b* fooad
Yt U aapposed that ibe yunag mao
malkrd of Ibe dock la th« darkm-ss.
Tb« body was bNUid about balfa mlU
bolov tbe camrai works baU burti'd In
tbr sand, ibo uadertow bavlng carried
It ibrw!. ll« had compleled bU work
aad bis am^Js was carefully piansl in
the lapel of his cost. The body i
taken to Ik© t^criakcr'a.
Wbea tb© yonag man didn't ret
last Blfbt bis molbcr. who was ill. U*
csBM rery amrons and when tbe in w%
of bis dumb was broki-u to her rbc
wag ullorly prostralcd and Is In such
a rmdUkm today that It Is dA:11eve<l
that abr will die.
Tbr yonof mao was an only soo and
was olio of tb« beat Ihoagbt of young
tnea ia the vUlacc. Bright and steady,
be wws a comfOn to bis parents. Be.
ytmnger sister. The fiim ral will i»rob.
ably be TbtIWday.
Machinery Is tor ti>e New Lock Fsc^
tory—Orders on Hand Already for
s Larpe Quantity of Door
Locks-lndust^y Will Grow.
of Hie
t:dward Payxtm.
Pttjaon Mauufactiirfcg <’i>niiianv
rt’tnrtied from Cblcapo. where hr
U, puiThuse mpcUUK-O Yor the urw
lo^k fartoiy to be ^lartid bi iv lu a
►hurt lime. \lr I'a.vKm hl«t«-». that
the heavier inachlut-ry will bv sUlm»^d
fttUM Chicago toioofrow and will»UiUNtalhHl as soou as jsrraui:* in* nt^
U' made for a suitable building fur^a
factory, wrbicb will iu* wiiUin a vt'ry
few days.
Ur. PujTtoo wa*. vfry busy > UIU- lu
Chicago, willing up jils prlvule affairs,
so os to In- tn'-o ami jglvi bis • ntlro atti iiUou to the lario^ In
iit>. lU
MaUiL that
nin.ilm r> lu.irkH In
(lilrago U rtiHip sf.d HiMl iV \Ui>
very dirScutt to MH iir*- nuu-htin ry. t.ut
he has finally Miccc ileil in uhiaiulng
Ibe ncceanary equlpnimt, \W lta>. <*»•
dors on bund for a. large, quaixiiy ef
door bK'kK. and Ju.4l a.n soon as Un
fariory b> ready a forre of ^urkmm
DR. HARRY RODMAN SfNT fUt- will bo given steady |v mployuicni. Tbii*
Industry pnmilMt^ tb l*o one of gnat
lni|tortance and futuK» growth Ih siiiv.
Mr. Payiou ba?* t>Lvd many yi-ari^ in the
hsrdware specUTty j btulmtss and I*
well and favorably Inu” u auiung the
dealers In the coinnioUitii^ which the
iipuny will nismifaetiire in this city,
comes lu this city
as a bul‘lue>^ man and Is diH-Umsi
bi- one ul Iho bci*l Imrdwatv
Sia Months Uter She Diod in Hi SIKH laity im u in l|ie tx)uuiry. H.Anma--Wift of Conpmgallonal
stale* that th.* pisbt will prulMhly
Minister in Rockford. I1l„ Shot
abodt the first of IHHecMlf While Deranped.
By Wire to the l>onlog Uocord
Buffalo. Ko\
i:;.-l>r. llsny
Hodman sbni a bulloi into hU JinUn
last night la bis suite,
stnMt. and died one hour later. IkKpoodeaey over tbe death ul bis wile
ts tb© sopposed caubA*. l>r. Rodman
camo from New York
be had a
largo ptwctic©. Ho mar'fw Miss Wei
man. a aura© in JxHKemoB buepitat.
lUebiBOOd: Va*. where she nurMhl him
tbixHigb a dangerous lUncaa.
axmthw Uter ab© expired In his arms
tn tbo PreabrlcrUn boapltal.
Clergyman's Wife a Buicide*
. Rockford. III.. Nov. 13.—Mrs. H. M
sajder. wife of tbe pastor of^U Soioad Confirogatiooal church, eommlited
aaldbo at her borne on North Main
aUect. The corooer> verdict was
that abo shot hemlf while deranged
by a Kmg Ulmws.
Cbarb* W Ntu-lou we* UMind over
to tb* T«.l. tU* o f«sl« far graiiU Jury
at fhkragu H4.iurda» ami if.thf ;*H* ga
ilopfc liiaUt- ugaiiibl him are pu>w u i»
mill lueun that b<- mill enjoy a long
)oum In piisoto. tbv toebntea! ebaig*
agvll^l him b»iiig frmuluhJMi uim- of
th" ai:illt>'. Thomas Huiurthwalle ut
tldh^ePy mas tb«- principal milut>«- in
Iho <a« and ho wa« liroughi lu
through tho pils4iuor seeming
shurvK of tireud Tr»v.-T*- mid Arisona
mining yi.k'K mliliout-th*- fcwmallty «<f
(oylug for Ih* Ul
Abtnil imo yosr.- ago Mr Snmrth
wall* risiittd a K tier from lb*- Aim ilean Wludosalo Urok* lagr o.uuMJiy
hKwUNl at Klnili-a. N Y. This sai.l
that tho c*«un«any ma^ dtaliiig iu
slocks, .siierl.nllv mm mlniiig sUsks
miilrh m*-ru nondlvidond jinMng hut
which v« n* cupahlo of do\i lopiumit.
Ttio CJrand Trat*-rs< and Aii.*«*nu «^*m
pauy hm! iK.n r.-romii.ondod i* tin
tliui and iho> do. iu d MHTlflr da’a in
regard to ihv pr«>p<ny.
Tho n-ijulrod liiluriuaiioo ma> Im*
nlshid and nothing mn< hiar»l inuii
tho Atnorfeau \Vb**lo.s;.h- • Iht.k* rag >
rxitnpatiy fur soviual iiioisths miifn a
lettor canu Iitmi Tut* do. O . ihl- In-ing
also fnmi th. Amorlcaii Wiml.-siilo
litokorug*'c*»0)|Kiii%. with tho iiifornia
tlon that Uh- oniiipaiix had loumvod
from Elmira mid now oroupii-d orbi*.
lu Toledo. Tills lottoi ^tal«M that tbdau *aenl by ilio Grand Tiw^orM- anfl
Arlxmts company had »h^ii carofull.'
examined and ihr pniporty bsiad
over. Rverytlilng luul Js t u found • xacily aa ivp.iwcnu-d. .said th. Vttei .
(Continued on Third Pag*’.!
man electrt-cutc«l in the .nilar
of liiF hunic by gripping a luc mir.O
lie mss found hsuglng to the wit.. b»d
ly bmiic-.l and .Uud, He ms,. m*|>nh.r.
Uiiig txvll .•iltir..!.-.! IU lour Inn-ungt^
American mdlce
askSMilnatc Victor Kpimanuel. It was
siso UwmiHl that the plot wa.'« halchcil
In New Jci>cy to 1^11 the .Uikc ami
rts of AkLvta
NOT MOVED but am still located in
the Wilhelm block,
nev 13-tf
A O. Tyler. Oenf.l.
All Kinds
far received from ^be Erie railroad
xn i«
unanlinuba for a
tbe nmd givteg part or all demaaded
by tho men.
By Wim to tb© Drening Record
Caracas. Nov. 13.—It is bcMt-rtd tb*
aerioos UlaoM of President Cbstro Is
responsible for the reroluUoaary out
breaks In different paiV of tbe rvimb- Officials Are NSw Ctmdncsd Tluit Bert
Bcwlsy Killed Edward Edpar and
IkL It hi feared there wlU U an upHt and Wr^ Buicidtd.
rialag all o\w tbo oooniry In event of
bU death.
By Wire to the CvetOag Becurd.
Owooo. Mlcb.. Not. IS,—Tbe autbori
lAtroll. Not. It.—tfi-hcal-No. 2 |vd. ties are now convinced that Bi’rt
Scelcr kUbid Bdwmtd Gdgar and that
78c; com. OHc: oohL t7Ve«Odoago. Nov. it.—Wheat—Decem- be aad bU wife committed suicide with
strychnine. Dewey Seeley was enilrebor. 74c; com. A2%c: oata. tlHc.
ToUda O.. Nov. U —Whoat-Cssb. l3 tenoeeat of any ©oonecUon with tbo
TCV; com. fSUc: oits. SCUc.
I Foreword I
l’.rKLidmg oar UoUdor Good* for UturnKm.
Thi« *ill be an *xorlleat plooc to por^Me KiftF
^VnmidetiMol Chui* th*t >-oo oui **re a wbob lot of
Fair, pmtlt west wind.
Fair tonlpht: Wodnaaday. min t
“T\ Mt conpleto line of Book#. Gainea. UoUa. Tojr*. FamY
Gooda-tbe LioJolanic)« tliatappeal toyoor flood ta*te**.1
your ^ketWk.
A^tch f. r date of formal Holitlay optminK
t* eowumrfy and i
City Book store
L£E TRAIN €u$bioii Sole
Coim.tt» W.th Ch C4se Tram—Ettort*
of Boatd of Trade for Better bervice Have Been AcUd on by ^
the Railroad Company.
At a .'jw>ci;i»l nio. ung «4 III** iMiard «>f
dir.K’i.irs'of *hv. hoard <*f irado y.-sii-rd.i> n/u-miv.n, th- following .-iimniiiidtaiidn S!om C L |..M km.Hsl. g. ijond
: I r.,1.
r ap-m ot th
KMd. w.sh t.msld*-n41
"Grand TUpids. MUi*
".Ml J tv. Ilann. ff.
.*'S«'cr*‘i;try Tnt;*-!*'** City Ri*iird
"Tru%. i M Ciiy. Mh h
lHa> Isir- K‘ f. ittiig io **ur oorn
! iHkiidi-nc** r’lallv*- i*. tiulii si iHic*.
"Wo Ikiv.- iH-on-.sir.Mdoiiiig Iho matlov c.in fiilly. lint bi foN- aiiUliif at a
ilolinltc d*cisiou. moytM Ilk.* to have
your «Hdnk»n n* to whoib«T the fotlom
Ing mould is* KatiafarUiry tu your jk-o
(CoiiltnuiM on Third I*agc/)
The Hobart Go. prop
for men arc dlstlDctly difl«*i*al
from those for summer, se U
your outer cl^hlng. Corns In
and see the RMcst If >uo wonU
be ia the mode from toe t,. n* ;
msicb ‘your new suit miia
prop, r shirts, tltw. scarfs. c<xkb.
Kknes and ilu* Ukc.
i baixgc in shape, too. We ba\r
the. last tbe msnufaclmcrs
for Comfort
Very few pi.*|jlo uc'ler*
•land Itbo tlilTcrencv and ad
vajitafret of a "Ctubion bola'
Shoe ot er the onlinary m*.de
bIjos*. They are made with an
ndditiunai inaok* of Idl^CuYerc4 WliE ItmbbbUu making a
cushion that conforms to the
pirfivlly, and
V^ ew^ld like to have both
1 olios and i;<titlemen see
Ihcio, then we ll leave it lo
you fu* t • their a*Ivantaja’
over uUiersh**e»
Bubeck ^ Hoyt
Tnion Ht ('lothicr*.
So are the new elyU*s iuTKEAI).
K.\SV ^hofi*. ami thi* wonim mho
wciurs Treadeasyn has very liltlu in
hvir from tho ooM as far ns lu r fwl
iirv t'ODa niwl, Iwauso Tnmilrasy
Slioos have <*ork ins«»f«w that knep in ■
the uaturd warmth of the fe*M and
kocp out the coM ami wet.
^ V
•Uwajr* $.! riO the pnir.
t^’c srr now prrmanr.itly iivwted
in thr WilhHin block.
Ois. Snrier & Pnkalligai
In Asking
you to p lour
Lumber and
There is No Magic
U ff.rv starling tohoiM or
ri’iibir is a dotibh* atm.
in ihe accomplishments of our
"Best” Flour
First—It’s nioro businoss for us.
Second IVh UittLT Lumber. Lath, Kloorin^, .Shingles,
Maumals foi
for you.
Mill Work ami Boihlinc MaUmals
our figuitM, but show you
We Dot only gladly give yon c
the <|ua1ity of «’*oh ailicle im lmlcd in our ostiinaio.
Cedar Wood, $1.26 a Load
sack K^ar^tced.
Lay Co.
. Corner Lake Avc. and Tenth ^t.
Cilirens pho^e‘i'J •
Bell phone lh‘.i
'VV. L. BRO\V.\. Manager.
Deputy Sheriff Killed by Thief Whom
He Caught .n Act-Robber Es.
cuped With Plunder.
Ily Win* lo 111.- Ev. ulug iii'ctinr
NVm York. N..\, 1.1.—Ik puty Sb. rIfT.
Eupr nc Crlpplcy of IV
iMsin.-. im ..i
American Anarchists Hatched Pot to I'onghKct p it. b.un.l ;i lim^htr ran
Put lutian Rutcr Out of
narking th*- offit'c t.f I. E Cumn>. Thr
the Vmy. •
t.uiglar hlmi Cripid* v d* ud. gstlirit-d
up hlH pluiiO.-r ami ct»c;qM'd '
- ,
Rv Wire to tbe Eviulug
Sof: m.HHl U now ai^itlrlally hsid
Nstdes. Nuv. IS.-iisbrb I Lsuretio
l*uttcTson. N. J.. ttnsrchlM. w»> aiviiicaiiiring.
t^ntm vc<
iMImi.. BM CaM Fmal BE
FurMaM bi tb*
up t* BMn aaeb day by B. C. Walt
Barometer faUmp ffbJB.
Maximum temperature for past 24
A. 8. CaiUe^oet H.e Life by Gripping
a Live Wire .n the Cellar cf
other Arrivals ©—'0*0—©
Extra fjValues
Fifteen Dollar
All Wool
Worsted Suits
Justin ,
This Time
Inlaid Linoleum
The kindti^at alway*^ loc^ the same in
good h-at'y grade—but slight imiierfection in
the pattern, until sold at
You duu't Deed to guebs again when
yon are lookiug for best values in
Ly for the prtce-Our stock
etlBuTb Syrinp^ Fountain byf^
a#ff*Hot Water Bottles
s is th*
mast ccipplet* in tow
from 50c to tZM.
W* puaranue all
Ooeda to
iw on* to replace it if
I not at
Suits From $7.50 to
And sei- our line
ill Overcoats and Underwear
Hce oar line* ud yoaH not be
aMortiaeut or Taluee
A sq. yard. Worth 40c a
yard more
See It Tonight
)fBL .TRXveiisc cmr.
Tuesday, n^mkr
2L!!:^J®2“!p»*n »it MCCESI
-:i« -
(Me's orieiigi
A Word to the Wise
Hot Blast
ImMft setrr iutM
Ike Howe
i4yrW mUch »imc«r kt tV Crawl
Cole’* OriKinJ HolBlMt
it pmeliv^slly one piece ax>d
DYi—W ereaaw. <kP FUdrtwrs^
I (Maw.) IMUy Kcw» *f Oct. ll». i«y*: |
J rOm: of tkc Urgvat audienror of c1m-‘
ttcel oolUr eoooecting the
rairlr. tf
— prmy.
j .'raaoQ vaa prevoni at city hall laai
elbow draft to lUglKkJy oftbo
•««fjabcfa kasglnr
stove makes the only
. ioint
wm tdtifk 2MQ0 PPMuda Each and :nifktj^ vitact, the fine moriiii; pKs
I tk« eoMraoT
Traciiet Patter
| Tnraa uf U^aka
Hava. The uuu r *
for cast iroo and sltxil
sltxJ Uint
) to Ike enter
does not opiA by the nctioo
ef 4U0d0 Pa^nd*.
aklSa tka watkiyw on ike etage trare
of the beat, and Ksdi nir
U>c Y. kL
gwr Ladifv
LadJtv MxtUao
•rrened b, Mnit awS am ptek awl;
This <x»llar is pntentctl and
C. A- Kvr^ aeal la the larju* hail wa.
Kre«a awl tke koaet at Ml Uirc
ean U? u^-d only on Cok s
and there Vrn* maay in th^‘
N<n 13.—The
llnm- color*. The affair vat Ike*
Orii^nal Hot Blast -'^um s
**aBtaiDB parij*' girea by Ike Tvta- P«».ru»iila lUUruMd ku
Come in and are this won*
•Thf i-t pulatlou made lo the jian b.r
a^ltr» po».T (ji^tartiamt at Attowim
iM^k O-atary rfali aad ihU popular
dcrful Jivalrr. *
Mr. Homo va> n sufllrl.'uf fmarvBlettu
«TT|aaltattau cmaJolv uutdid litelf lo
iUglM which win U the UrgeM and Mo as*ur% the |h
Uat etealagt affair, aurpaatlnc all
heartol loctimotlrt* the PeuiwjlvaBUi and In thi* ib. y vert not disappoint
thf-ir prtnloot Spe r^<cvrda
has •rver ronsimcud 6r utUixed forMnL The vlcv« dUplayt-d last night
There were aboot IW couplca pre*
Us regular freight s- ivie.*
| were all m*v «mea'to a KUchburr an
cat ao<l dauHas va. ladalaed ia uaiil
The ph-iK-ni standard H«h couaoll-1 Uicnee. Wing leo-niJy iauuJuc -d by
m. The tntt*kr mat ruralabed by
dalkm lypC- haa a healing surfaou.of Mr. Hove. Thai tb.y were apprccl-j
Biewart'• alx-pteee orchcatra and tike
«i42 squarv fiM't.. and ha» a cyllndei Uusl «as vbown by U»r froquetu ai>-i
ererytbla* eliK* van rtiry |iU;h clatt
•fturk: ihe dlametCn- of lt> driving j lOau^. The laipie tiudleuce rcmaineil;
injb*-r of
Meb-clioat wire In
whe. i* is
lnc-h«^. Us tiwrllve powrri tbronirhoui the eveniim and *nh\vt-d
troduerd and thi*e verr'' all co)oyrO
Is ki.OtV) p«,uiid-. and vbeii lu voikinr | • v* i> iiun:be: cki »!••• j.ri'gjvni.
o (he utaMMM. Tlu- mdiOc va* aiven
Tlu *hov
v« ry diff. ient in-iu UrII aack a maaaer that daurtiip vn* i»« ar^i i wdirb.-.
Thr ai’v eni: !».->. vhkh vill l.t ‘‘x j ,^rti|„ary snnvlug pirtuie shov> The Vesuvius wa* also finely »li
•ffaii vliatva*n<r un! cverj iiMniljcr
furlmcnttU lor tb. Uiue.
Liiovo VM vi. sbovu l». i night are taken
a, the l.sblng ^^m* ***^'
In oni* of flu* hiVt-r Ikjxcs. do<-oiau U
sill ha\c a h.sUtug suifact- of
^aii *,e.- the Ixrge rod ladiig
j »• rt. tn.oi; and has lisaiiv s;ultu viib the club c«jlor». piuicb vaa
squares fHx-t. evUnders 34x3a. and Ui. ; |.e „ fn^u, the oov.n and place in * j'ir*** »»-i an r-UHno. to
ihrouKlMMM the ovtnilup hr fv«
dlart.ni-r of Ihtdr four iwnderous drtvj,^,. y,,,. can Iv
the Mda^h of iheU-^^^-'s »ne ^..e sh.m i.aiUC. ladUt. If the auluinn nany**
eeni,uily bit .1
InelK-s. or •CUnier and ihi
- t»l iLr lU-hei ‘
niiirton for Jho ft*»i of the iwv ihg whi-cbi will bi
tuiypr than tli.- pre.»*‘nl stand
In Il»e menagerie .^cetie Ob.- can pi^MuU with ib< . ausfiene. Urn: v|i
a'rff. Tfl»- ii4‘w engim w|| have a
In: lioiiH and tig%-rs nesM-d tia- pcrtorBianef- Uet night and
: the
rffSHtCe p:iw. r ..f IS.'***** isuinds.
hsr«- wuol.l U- assuunl of a en»wdisl
lali. In w<wMna «»rder. about
inials h*ok. l.c’al au»l this .-reii.;: Is house. r.vtv-t pieiuiv Is eleau and
These .U:4iHe V.lll Is- used foi IIm- wuimul doubt ene of the linesi e\* i i js-rf.-et and ai** wo.-th s*-* di::.'’
h»*i.\.v fnlght s4Tv»r«-. Tln y are a r«- dispiayt-d «hi cauvaic The tmpllon <if|
An Expert Opinion.
the Irf-ineuduti* de^nd
A gi-iitb-man. .u-<-*nni«iubvl »*> a laand the grxming'teudi'nry to
1 for
Mirlte d«»g. visUtvl the sui.llo.«u a ri*fnlght wlUi
lug artist Tiiere wa-< a tih ture on the
g»*ai4’r tnpidiiy. The *-lvU>eut ol;
lajicl. aad the dog Is-gau tu bark luCam Ebre Banners Anuounemo the aim*- Is incnuMAngly Importani In j
riou^ly «t It *’Natup mny lu- rt'Hoi]
lature of the Delegation and ^ nioderii rallrnadlng. The^i w ‘engliH s ]
lyoa. .-diei- all.” .-aid ili»- gentleman '
aiv t-uustivict»'d w'ith a view lu IncrraN-^
WherY They Were Boimd for.
j -The Ih-si .-Udemv of the faUhfuInet-h
tug Ihu MM*«-d at which the lH<a\> |
I with which you have iwinlixl iImI dog
freight tiaiiiK may move. «sis cuilU j
In the IwAgiuund Is the e.vjnestnos
The -rtuiida} 8rhf*d SjHvial- left c»v**r tin* iH-w loa grade freight Urn-.:
i with whieb my tlug barks at him *
iWs inumlng at 1«:35 over ih- Pin- to wlilcli Ho- «-..uipany purpm-es ini
!-BiU that ibirl a dug.” .said tin aitist.
Jdarquelle. Ther«‘ wer»> iwenlf-ltve UUK- to dellLxt all uf U* heavy luu |
] fusiiiiig: -it V a euw *• 1 he gE-ulJemau
dt-li-gntes In^he party vbo buardetl iiage. This. lucnaisi- In spr-ed wlli |
I was nouplu.siwHl for a uumieut. but he
the sixcbil ciir liete and tiny were make a gr«aler mmiU-r of cars a»^il |
I quickly r» pllcHl. “Well, the dog'a e.vvs
piv< ed«-tl yesu rday by alnjiit a dozen. able taeh day and will niateriall.v In-j
IaniHtter than uikiC: he never did]
The <-ar bpre Uunji*r.s auiiouucing the Crease tin- C4uuiuttiy'.s facilllli-s T»»i !
natiiie uf the dtii-miUun and where handling freight to the advamiig»i *u\
well a< shildSMs.
tlM-y weiv UiUiuJ for The Rev. U. .N. eunsmiHTThe Itri’ish nue t-uiu «-tuitauo* over
akbaaHbar al tlia I
•aHttlaii la pM 1
um far lhaaa aaa
Iwva flat alraaSy
tfa aa at oaot. Tba#a U
far frafalae
fhaa lhaaa tlflA
natural ia aaloHat. kaautlfiil bi daflfa and faa ahaltaa af tba aHtiiial
oil palatlata. Call at tha Raeacd offlea wMla aalagtiona art good and pick
Raaiaiabar thay aaal you iiafhlift.
Bvary man aubacribtr who win aand
la tha amouat af hla aiibaertpllan wlU
raaaiva ana af thaaa baaiitifut aoiivanlrs frua by ratum malU Act prompt
ly hafaca thay an all goua.
It vlU be Bated In onotlicf column
that C. U Lockvorxl. acneral pa.Hiwv.
Icar a««Qt of the C. it & I. lallruail
hat made a propoHitlou lo ilirTjoarU of
trada for Improved train Kinlci In th.
inamlBg. The burlTUH-^ nn ii id Trav.rao aty will appn-rla!c iln* . %W.ut
dealra of ibo G. K. A 1. It U. company
to «lTa Travtrrae CUy Uu* ver> U**t
aenrlco that condlUunh vill varram.
At the prcM-nt Unit- then* ia iio early
momlDf train out of Trarerve CUy
eteept on Mondays, which la a prwii
iDOonvaulauec to the tmvi-ilni: men
erbo eoaM bore and those who llvr
bare at well at werebantH of ihi- city
In the propoatUou uf U>- O. K. A 1. n
peraoo can leave inn at
in lU.
momlag. roachluj; draud luidd.-* a»
10;U. aad rctnru. huvinp Unuid Unp
Ida at 6 ociock, reaching Tra\erw
(Tty at ll:05 p. m. Thl^ will penuii
ihoM who dealn* lo go to Untnd Ra|i
Ida Id the morning to spend aufflclei^i
fimo for ordinary huhlne*»i and return
I be MUBe night. ThU tivln atxi givch
ottlck aonnecUonH with trtlna on the
i'm Marqnelte and WlrhlKiui iVnirul.
and aonth and to rhlcag^. Thi
train wych leaves h* n- at T.:::.". In the
raomlnf arrtvea In Chlrngu m f :5o p
m.. learing CtUcagu at 1:1S p. m . vUl
arrive la Traverve City nt llmO p in.
making a quick trip in the lUy liun
that arllJ be appreciated
Thli matter waa tak«-u up b>'.Uir
board of Iradri after the diMxwiilmi
mow fbai the U. U. A
la wOU^g to glfe U-. N tor morning
strap kata vuv lirsi btetd of m
^Bglaad duriag the r»-ign 4if gm-i-n
ISUabetk. There U ^ m-urd vhich
ahowf that during tlse^n ien of Jam
1. bord William Hovard paid Ih. then
Urge turn of
for tvo straw hat*
Tb« belioirope la reeummcmlcd aa
lever cur«\
:i|»le was ih«* uiily jnlnitdiT wlai
left frttm this city ibis morning. There
a iiumlx-i <»r oiiKif town dele
gates In the iiarly.
Special t j the lAtnmg IP^-sird.
N\>r.‘u titv. .Mich. N»iv I.I.—Mra
,ina lUilton and daughter, lllntw^e.
^ ^he lionBt^^if, IxM^aUBo,
Was Tendered the Rev, C. T. Soul at
ty <of,
'it ciui I*? used in aueli
aueb a varu
Charlevoix Last Evening—
were celling on lileml.K
Final Sermon.
Tbo‘ BM'ch.ntir kind III
Tile Mi-^AS
isliaclivi* llavor. just ibe ri;;bt|
l^sl evening th«- Rev. C. T. Sluu* Bimii (knnn.- aiH’uditJ tin* .!amv
|priii>orlipii of fat and b^n nieat.j
hsid the final avrvkv of his mlnisti.v Tlioiup'Hiuvilh Ktid-.iy uigln
IbiuuL-r atid ,moro|
lu tbe mlsjuoii at Chaiievoii which has p flue linn. •
lUnti you cm tin it 1*y
U-4‘n under his care for several vi^ar*
Ijiw relict: llaugiinmu hua muied
,_i___ ._
nd WHS u ndervtl u rs*?e|»lhm afti i
hou^«- jiiM va.-al.-l by Ralph hnml
n« M-rvIr** at tlo- ho).|»ItnliJe‘houu of Sliiimon-.
. ;
Ir. and Mrs. Hart Is,Bedford. ,\
Win .Mmiuld. ihi- ivnnilar l.-aVlKi.iige Iiuinls I of tile eougregatloii a^
im:ving iimi S. J. i:rlc->V hciu-t .• *
•intded iiii;.‘tlier xUh many members
Tin- I’r.dy .Marc.ilHH-K cnty-rtaiiit ii j
*.f the other chunhi-a and their i«is Igidlt-K llhinchaid and ITancIs^i ti:; ^___
to wi..h Mr. Stout (iod-siaxM In Wallin and IgidU - .sindl and Kcanv
bis dl*.iant. field of labor. Refn-sh CopemVIl. Sxniitiav: aNo
LS were a«TVed during tin- evening.
-y <if (iraio
1‘ ront ami Cass
*. aad Mi> Kd. tiiH-myei hi»'‘
tmnrd l»ack Irom tnuciuiuiU, wUen-I
gg 13 iurhi i* long ami !«• iuchf-itln-v bale Iki-ii the |uiM >.-ar - j
lu diamci. r, wuh a Khell nearly «n»• Mary rollllowt-r ha* ttiovc«l| to
quarier yf an Inch thick, wa* rxhihlled
e«h.r Run.
thi- liviuiun> .»f uiitmel WetuiT
Ralph Simmon* of
gvnemnn-ni at th»- WorldV f'air
calling on friend.* lu tuwai Saturday.
It t» an <*gg uf the apyurui* and «aa
Mr* C IKmnii of Moutagne. and!
ier*nitly purcliaM-*! iu 1»ari- by IV. K.
Mt>. Mary l^ugl.rin i4 Cadllla*-. wl.oj
W. Tim, of till- SmlthMXiiau U«tUuhim- l*«-n viviUug thiirMsUr. Mi*.|
lion. Speellm•n^ of th»-i.e t-gj->
John Fay. r-funuxl bom.- Friday.
very lan*. having aukl in.l-x>odo
Mr*. Prank Miller vl*ii.-d friend*|
high ai. ll.ixM 1'ompara.J with other
at CopemUh Friday.
vgga. acme Idea of lU Immeniaty may
Jamew Seigler i* loouiig on to Jot
he had. It will hold the coutenta of
NciudVt faim two mile* from town.
hlx out rich egga.^or 14S hon a egg*.
Mr. and .Mr*. David iilckcy virited
JO.iMXi humming bird * v-ggx. Utilo
their datighb-r. Mr*. Biua Coniell
Known of the WrdK from which th4-*e
Copemi*h Monday and TnwxU.t
egg* «x>im
Moat of the eggs nre
Mr*. Ktilr TInhIsk vUltc-d ,^,^:YOrRK.\LI/.E
round In the saiitK and vwump* lu tin*
Emiua Simmon* at Copem’sl Frii'a.v
imrt of Madamscar. Om
*. Mjesily of Clean Jnatmn
Mf>: a Coym and S J. Cr.nei la.\
-HiniJctinn with Teeth Ex treetioD.
wa.v found afloat ou the
tla il hou*.** newly pa.ut» «i .v
Crow nine
or Bridgw?
ewean. alter a hurricane, bobbing aegnwtir iwpivvew their Un k*
. .. , .
.j. .
tbit olfiee
where every jinleiu'ly up and Uuwn with the wave*.
First NatiMal Baik
Couebes! Cbucbcs!
Couches !
,Wt; have inMilock an imineiibc line of Couches. Parlor
Suites and Odd Parlor pieces that ntc wi^ to reduce
in order to make room for our fall good^- To enable
ns to do this we are goinj; to place them
• before the piiblie for a short time at
25 per cent Off
* iJ
'■ .....
DANCINT; party at the Campbell
block. Friday. Nov. it:
BkOe 4irrhe*ira.^
nov 13-«i
Clenn &tui fSaaitary before
S/aU Dauk JStu* ii.tc
Do You_Use Light
or Power?
Yoi? Then you mvd cur tuperior ek-ctric liKlrk a^d power ter\
IlB adi^niaget are t-o many,
it£ de£ecU--if any*hk) tlight that
iu liio inlcTcgt of efficienc-y and
^ooDoBBy >^-uire4t to yonrat-l! to
get onr free eilhnatc tlifs very^day.
Better see us at once, as this offer only laMs a few
days, and the stioner you come the better variety you
will havt! to sfK cr from.
If it’s the money you are thinking of, don’t let that
stop you. You ean pay later.
Your Credit Is Always Good
‘ at Your Reliable Purniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 South Union Street
Three Latest Novels
A Oreat Traat For All Book Uevoro
The Book Division. /
Has made arraniiements with one of the largest publishini: houses by which they
receive the fifteenth of every monih an absolutely nriN copyrigh: novel right from
the pen .of some noted author.
A new copyright is sold the world over for $1 50, bui by
this new contract we have entered into we handle these
clusively for 1 raverse City and sell them at the
books e.\clusively
jf prircof
unheard of
pri< cof
hi* reevtery .
Von onghl to know more
about the rlu*puc». cubvenlence aBd anfety of our
Bev Baooey order*. There U
no noro MUafhetory wBy of
bmUUbs moncT througfi the
By the wbt our
rmtM IPO thnee urdert are
lent Uikta thoee rhniied by
the poet oCSce or the vy
jtwo niilJlon volumes of printed IviukE
and mauuKTlpts. which are stored
upon forty nillea of s-belvinr.
“Quick Meal”
MH O# Lo
i«Mdi art Mat fHvafi
Look vbes y-oa «iU. •»] m alto
you ideto.'Ut if you orv • omoT
fol, iHticahr baycr youaHII never
bo Mli«8ea vith uuyUung in niBft,i-oMtrectiOD thort of •
' .1
Fifty 0«nt3 a Voluma
These are some of the best selling novels of tlie day, written by xhc most
popular authors of the country, hound in fine cloth binding—colored illustrations by
the niust noted artists. Itvery' book bears our own imprint.
We offer you today four most readable books.
•‘The Man Between”.
“A Rock in the Baltic”
J{y Uobort liarr .
A slorj- Uial nially is tlif bi-sl from this liot. 3
autbo-. Not a diy |Kige in the liook. Liston
Til* New York World: Robert Barrs now
i»-»vol proiuists to lie the talk of two foullnoots.
ThoNtrw York Son: A «*apital story for u
train or any sort of n journey
A ruttliug
rbilad* Ipbia Xurlb Auierioau
of molem
Boston Hcrall
It is like a n fresbiinr
on a sultry tiny.
“Doc Cordon"
The Lady Evelyn.*’
By' JSlax Fopth-rtoii
Tbisn*.led author bas truly (excelled him: in ibis most deligblful story
York World:
Thi-iis the novel
that wiU make Iho critics sit up and \ake nctioo.
Baltimore American. Tbe masteipipc of
this Camciis English novelist.
Si. Louis Post Dibpbtcb: Tliere is not a
iplac© or unexciting line in the wjiole
Columbus DispaU’b: A defigbtful
tliro* the whole story.
By Amtha E Barr.
An iuWusely interesting story of the iodety
mail who comos Iiclweeu tbe good hearted minislemnd bislx»iUiful wife.
New York World; No more startling story
has b©**o written
Boston Hcndd: Amelia Barr’s greatest
romantic novel
Pittsburg Dispatch: In tbe auUioris Uppiest vein
Boffdlo Times: Will be read, re-resd and
Hannah & Lay
Mercantila Co
IJy M*ry K Wdkin».Frepm«i.
This gifted writer is seen at
every chapter of ibis most readfft
the author^ latest snooess.
Punadelr^is North Amerw.
baffles the reader's ingenoity and maintains the
inlcr^wt to tbe v oiy end.
Baltimor-i Atnerioau: Fkr and sway tbe
best work of Mrs. Ffeeman.^ .
PitUbujg DispMch’: Ttis ically giwU
novel of hnman interest, charming lore ioierest, extraordinary action and deepest mystery
“The Rig store”
’fjt A
tlUVMMt c«tv.
UtlT MO un TMU
cowomoi iMsnuN g
It la hmewr
g»me nil ^
nOir Mis Us. »*, so* M*l*« Oafflse m. »:Ii *. su «o *•
Trstsn* <*y. Usrtsr
•* *=»
« si. SfriTtss Orssd KssMs Ik* MSS*
“ —*• **•'**
■«***■« ■**y
ao# m Mmw
UOM «toi tk* rnktos cswni SSA
MSMSM» Miss Icsitsc OK
«kr SI II:IS a. «. Tkl* Mis sssU
QfB0« mafMt for KahiMiw
Mid Chiamo at 12:#1 ara.
M ao«r. arrirtac KalamaToo at ltd?
] p. m. aad mw^co at 4::^ p. m.
-nw. raid
ao napomailtr for
rra to »H r««alar traldaai ml
aa wc- mid idvf bat itr
'piu*. ne*«rt«rl.
VM *r
at that poiat. raorarta
ooold. of mrar. aipp into the autlOB
MM M€ut^ h0 tumM rmli i^ta
aad fit a .andwich and a cwp «f cof>
2 Tfco oialiM am rar Bl«>r aad Kra•'Korlbdwwad. oar uain *So. 0. aov
M <4U#a. aM M Mualo. a porIrartop Otaod Rapid, at ( p
arrttrlap at C^Ulac at k:45 p. au to bo
tended tbfwQph to Trarrrsc City. ar>
pa. Tiny am aoi talcao ap
ritriap at thaf point at 1I;0C p. m. TMa
» HaiM« toof
^ tram ha. mnectioaa at Oribd Rap^k
rMaa) aad
IMiowrd. eatyj
with Hkidran Cewiral and Pere Mar
"aa oAca'aa* paprra mom hr takm qurtv* train, frotn Detroit. Tobdo.
etc., and wlih oor train leavlap CbP
-I aanMapH«hrd r^rrythlnp I oai o«i(
capo at 1:15 p m.
Bky flHa aKmUas.
In the morainp. of rarac. If
vrr>- rarty. borwe do mot me boa’ we
japtMUiH^ lo aa. dn ibr aartooa
could ptMObly make h later. ThI.
aob irraoftr. ffUdafiar. copprr
train woald alUrar panmnpera to >we
Traverar City la U»e mominp and
briar a Ml Mild and afim load *
reach flilrapn at 4 :!A the Mune nfierMr.BdirataM that fhr rmaltr ra
noon; rcturninp. they Could leave Chltna* a* iba aiMm af a barbor arblrli capo at 1:15 p. B. and reach Traverm
aroald ioat abapa of tbr farprat tna. City the aame nipht
aaaa tMm to vttbia a frv rm of ^ibr
*‘I would I be plad to have y<w write
waR.‘ AAOtb^ abipplap adraiuapr
me fully tqKm receipt of thi. letter.
arlg bo bad la tbr aprter «bf« tbr fOr>r
wbed»»T the above arranip'owmf a‘dul*
fnmml rafhray vbirb la aov ondrr
aeeeptablc to yonr people
aaaMmrfltM. «« paaa aw ibr claim
• Yourm tmly.
Ha la hMii In hi. pralaoa <d tbr mn
-C. U Lockwood.
try aad paopU and think, that Norvaf
tUnc'ral Passeuper Apeot/*
will rapidly forpa ahead aa a cr>m»rr.
It will be noted by thl* correpood
rial aatioa. Thr mtnrn trip, which i>r eoco that the board of trade ba. been
bHida aloar. wa. on lb# aiaamcr Pmn •ndearbrinp to Mwtirr betttw train mraqnymala ^ the Haaibarp American Tire onl of Traverae City In the early
llaa. aa^ aowir wy roupli wmt her wa. momtnp. It will aim Iw* noted that
klap theca fire daya (he omrlalf of the G. R. d I. railroad
are de.irtiu» of plvhiK Traver^to C»ty
tbi‘ rer> lK?.t train mrvire that modiA micb takiai tf» tbr top of Mont tion. a1l| a-arrant.
>»ADcMr|ll Bain thirty^* aoootida In
The Keenly was amhorl7e<l to
tweoty4ocir htwra. , Tho.thlnncM of
p.walrh rtiwy and b ad. of Tnirerm City of the pmiiOKe of the
G. H. 4 I. io pive »M‘Uer train servioe
mid to staie to him that this service
mill bi‘ of ipreal b«*tn‘ni to Trav«*rKO
• la^fdrr to metwJ on a con
. ..
I Them haa'bm patimt^ hy a Grr-
Sloriaa of John O.
binhs;^hleh by Miolr tiipploK
Even since John D. Rockefeller be*
,«r will betray r^imc an boooraiy member of the
American iTcaa Hiimoriata* aaaoctaThe moPi'etp<^?*v.» Uor iDsioufar- lion fctorlejj more or less apocryphal
huvo iKHoianoat n pardlup him. H
limpd 1o4AT*y
ai |l.rWM a yard.
I. iH'plnnln^ to l»e .nuarHTird that mroe
of I hi m have heiui lnvi>nt« d by hla
filiow humnristK. Ono of the )at«^
refiTK ti» an occasion last summer
mii.il hi. Entertained a Ini of slum
cblldnMi atlhi?; kIocU farm near ri. veland. Mr IU»rk..f.Har p.v.- each of
riiem nmiiup rWh.T thlnps some milk
to drink, part of u at h>a.t Ulnp the
product of b $2.Eis) prim cow. *'Bom
If ¥<« Wbli ootil Ihb Uat
ilo you like HT’ ho asked mbeii they
Miyi you wodH ha?®1noiicdr
bad IlniHhi'd.
U*s fine! - respond
oao«gb to «n hrotUid. will
e.t one Ittib* fellow, mho kihUnl. nn.«r
ymir Pick onl lonio irifU
n ihouphtfal 'rmuse. *i mi.ht «»ur
^ boir —th#y*U keep. How
ralU man Lep' .a row! *
|“aa:d«. I
' Gifts
. would II MAKlOruK SKT
- * do? . W«« have eomo &ict>
W.T. BoabarMh «pr
rraracM Uly. Mir]
To Inwirtl accuracy, naval ehr
t«*rs art' ketd on iev
A Cblnest pentloman often prcMHUi
his Inlendeti-bride ailh n pair oi pe*»ae
and they nne repard.tl as emblt-ms cd
conjupnl Odvllty
WlfHEK a man prpfmirsto make
WW hitparchMenC a wifitor Sait
or OvervtUt. hia pereoptioD of
. Quality may
by a PRICE
which looks nttniotiveto him.
U it aa mech tho thiui-i that
cannot bo aeon nk ihoae that can that
count for QrAUT\*.
Avoid ihc Unkown
in Faver^f the Known.
We can Save You Roney
by srIliBS you
A Suh
oi* Overcoat
~ iiioaa sHinaooi
ore bNac halt by the I
BritU and win berwbi
trial la eowrinded.
B nsracT MittEB
A^^ahmand ahm phofipbatebakiiigpowdm.The
label law requires that all
the ingredieiits be named
on die labds* . Look out
for die ahim compounds.
TMohi WRte • CMU Clieliaa Dog MM
BaloeraflcItL CoL, Nor. Il.-Maj.
Jackaon. Micb, Nor. 13.-Tbe forty
Ocm, wmSarn Rafoa Sbaflur. C. S. A.,
dxth anaal meetiap of the Mlcblfpih FRITZ CARTER HAS ROUCMT OUT reared, died of 12:45 ». m. yaM^dCFJ. M,
ipn a three darT onaioo bm thia
trick, hit tan An low, twevly milca
monUap with oror IJOO prcMt abd
sooth of thU eMy. afwr on Ulneaa of
5f» more expected. It wlU be the It In Chav ^ Him
liw seven daya. despito the best medical
larpvvit cooveotloa ever held In Jack
nUMitiaa avaBabic In Califoreio.
■OB. The enUre day waa taken up
While reiurnlng from the poUi^ las:
with an Uuiitute cocMliicted by Mlm
Tirntday. be contracted a sllglit cold
Joaephlae L. Baldwin of Newark. N. Y
wMe^ oogmented on IndlspoaHkm. He
mta il Carter has bought
J. M failed to
and intestinal o6lie was con
(be post five yenni Mr. BMheolee boa
f o'clock but mm« In
bben the dMtrict agent of the United inch a mmdltkm that an operation
States Ifeokh and JUMmt com
would milr have hoateoed death.
of AMfinaw tnd hoa wortrod op a targe
Oen. Rbalter was bom ia Ralomasoo
order for i.dOh .hare, of atock In lot. bu?^im*sa whieh* Mr. Carter mill take county. JAIch.. Oct. Ifi. 1«36. He en
listed in the cUil mrmr oa first lieuten
of l.Odd ahare. each. Them were .uppound to be for Amo. L. Welt, of Lon procreaalTe youog man he mill on ant and iTcrired honorable mention
for bravery, bring honorably dU
doo. Enp Tke Idiler waa very plausi
Aa dlttrh^ octmt Mr.
charged in ISfiS only to caliat again
ble and aald ihat remlltanoea would he
im»4e a. moo a. rbe atoek was dellv hav« Hilrge of nine rantlea and oa Mttjor. He moa capltned and aenrod
tmt) months in tke Tohmna Ubby
ered In England and the mone> reami collectors. Mr. Carter boa direct prAaon. Aftir hla oschange be was
celvod from there.
charge of tbfwe and hit duties and reIn order to make
lonslWHUea mill
ORlin diochnrfed April Ifi. 1K4.
riihmltUd a prope
osoof Mr.
The next day he was mode cokmel and
lttp ,aiis.etM of aJtioui t.10>M0 In personal
Mn Carter mdll main the office In
property and office furniture valued at the giate Bonk bonding; Toom 5fiT. hia promo! loo to brevet brigadier general was dated March M. 1845.
The mitod Btotea Health and Aoci
AftfT iheVlTlI war bo remained in
Bverythlnp looked .rcpnlar
dent company la a siroog concern and the service and in lkS7 was made brig
and the local oompony plaaacd with has 1200.000 Michigan atock at Lan
adier general. When the mar with
the tbonpht that an BnpUab
Spain broke out be was sent to CuU
wa« takinp the matter up mnt the 'Mr. Carter is an ambitious youog
in command of the American forces.
stock aa requeted
man and staris in business wlih
He retired on Oct. 1C. 15fS?. having
arge number of friends to miah him renctoj ihe age limit.
Before thU could become due
f^phlc ordi-r came for 7.000
share, for Oeorpe K. Adams, aim of
London. Eok
The Companion sew ing «)Ci.Hy wUl
meet rnlih Mrs. DUl on rronl atreet
At tbih point the local company de
Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
f-rmlniHl that they mould InvestUmte
e ib. y l.d any more of the stock
Boro, to Mr. and Mrs. WillUm
Milton ETmuithmaite accerdlUKly
^IriMmo. a daughter.
went to Toledo. O.. to look up ibe finn
The Companion of FOrri^tera will
He ncjdecie<l lo take a personal ad
g]\e a card paity a; FY>n-Htcr's hall
>v»# Ffwd
dn.soi. thinking (hat he co’ild emsily
ou U%-dne*-dny e vening. Nov. 11. All
ficfeeo RacoimeMa Refmaed to
locale the company but when he got to
Foresters and frlendK are invlf«d.
. fielj M.m Lkpior.
Toledo he was unable lo do so. mlTho ladi«^ of the Bapti»d church
tbouirh hv looked over the htreel
will m<H-t in the basc-jiiont of the
whereon It mas sail to be locatvvl. N.j
lx>rln Ware of Gramn m-a^ (toed $Z church on Wodnewloy afternoon .it 2
one knew anything about sndh a firm
and costs aimsinting to I1.5'*
o’clock. AU mi-mlKT.i are rvqucj.u*<l
hut be thought ^hlH waa reasonable In
Judge Umlor this morning hocanac
to lK‘ pres4nt.
asmiieh os th.-y hod Just moved there
got dnink yesterday and tnslited
The Rev. Jof.eph Dutton of (be First
from Toledo. ^
vning tho<4ty.
Methodist church mill prooch at the
Being unable to find the brokers be
The man ucrum'ulatod a JOK of no revival at tho Evangelical church to
put a letter lo the postoffic- and nmn proportions during* fho day
celvvsl a telegram asking him to t
uhoul i o’clock In iLe attontoon di
The CongregntloniU Lndiea Aid
to Did roll to the Rusia'll housi' which
into Frcfl Wurzburg’s sakjon.
xn.N- at the home of Mrs.
he did. The pepjon mho signed the
' Bt.ntc and Iluion. Mr. Wurzbury O. r. Mnffsif w,•dne^dfty afternono.
tclegrRb ma<^ not there. Imi whlh
mfuMNi to soil thl* man liquor o
A full attendance Is di-*ilrr«l n.< there
Smuribwmite mas waiting be m
hU Intoxicated condition. Warx- rn-m hr work for all.
man come to the nigi.Hter and look it
ov.M. He accosted him and
The f.teamer Crescent arriviHl In
rtplnlf»p of things in general In flocnl
stranger aiatiri that his name
language. The omuer didn’t Ilk.. tbU the city thin morning with a cargo of
Harris and that he mas in the employ
caunid good.; for the MuHsleman
net imd started lo put the
of the hrokernge firm hut the princler^- romiinuy.
The rresc<Tit
p-ik m-er.‘ ih EticJaud morklng up a big
dfH'-ri’t 10..1 like Ihe trim exrunaon
d. :J.
sbm-.>d tbriMigh thi* kIshf screeo .nt fbe h<wi that It one#* wav. Her aeawms
and the boat
.Cave Him Booda.
t end of the bar. brc.iklifg a large
r.hnVs if.
The stock matii'r was hmarbed and pl.^.> of rolorwl glas.^
Two telephone linemen got In a mix
the man
ver>' plausibly, stating
up on Slate strreH this morning and
that the stock was a good one and
An Accidont.
a few minutes. |i look.yl as
fusy to sell. Voluntarily, ho hrough
.M.iny of you use blue sUiiouery for
up the matter of recurlty. saying that
ur letters, hut did yo<i evec kbo I bough there would be an Interesting
it mas tml natural that the Grand (hat ifKjnvmtion mas owing to a won bout but lo th.‘ dlsnppolnlmetit of the
Traverse g Ari/tona Mining mmpan> an ? Til.* wife of a le^adlng paper maks Fpnetaiors. the men ».t-ttled the maffr
mould mant to make au investigation of England.back In the eighteenth cen by .irhit ration or rather by argiif.ring
The rr-gi:lar monthly mr-cting of th^At thl3 point he produced hetm-een five tury mas poaiang thmugh the plan
H. M. R. of the First M. R church
and six thousand dolI.%r< mnrth of
day when she dropped a Wg blue
held in the church parlo.-*
tioodK mhleh he gave Mr. Rnmrthwalte. Ug iDio a vat of luilp. Nobody hav win
telling him to hold thesu uni 11 the Ing s.‘en the aecidwii. she condnded Wf'dmjhda>' aflernoon at 2:.TA ft'Tiock.
Mrs. Museelinan of 521 Washington
Klf>ok mas poll! for. exmiUng an agree
say nothing aUwi If. fearing her
mem to that «-frrct. the agn'cmeht hu«*band*s displeasure. When the paper rir<«ct, invites tbe ladles of the
rresh>'lerlan chureh and congnutatioo
IxiiiK In duplicate.
from that vat came out it mraa blur
>eet with her for a social hour
.Mr. Rmunhmaite came on to Trav iOKteod of white, to (be great mysHfl
erse City and deposlUHl the bonds in .alion of the morkmen and tho anger IW'dnesd.Hy aftiumoou at
The Rathbone 8i*»en* will give a
the safety deposit vault of the com of Hit manufietnrcr.
card party and a potlncW supper at the
TA-ben ft waa sent to I»ndoo the
Knlght.s of I*>uhlaH hall tnmorromshrewd seller saw that the paQCr
BoMa Wera WortKIeaa.
..ijing to whirh .nil knights and their
The stock was M»nt and time passeil piark.ri • dam.ngcyl” mms really atlrac
and nothing ams hiwrd from Jt. Let
Charles F. Smurthwaite hit this
InvenUon. sold It for double the
ters Iwought forth the fart that the
morning for Arizona, where he mill
membem of the company were in Eng price of white paper, aad ordered look after Ihe Interests of the Grand
In vain Mr. E-sies and his
land hut inters there brought no re
Travenu' 4 Arizona Mining company’s
sponw‘. So far an the local company workmen experimented, unUI Mrs.
ests during the winter.
was eono-rced the matter mras closed FMes told about the Woe cloth bag. mints mill »k» Improved greatly and
inasmuch :..v they couldnT do anything and then the problem mma solved. Wuo
It upon a pa.ring boaU at once.
about the .Mock because ibey w^uldnT paper conld be made in plenty at
The Woman’s Forrign MlaaJoaary
great profit l»ecauso Estes held the
get their hands, on It.
►doty of tie First Mrihodlat church
On Oct. 1 the company received a secn i. and, theref^ bad a mohbpo- held a recepUoo at the borne of Mrs.
K tier fn»m a Chlcaim broker. Buttle l,y l.v. The probawmi^ aro that he forM. Kellogg on Washington str.w »
uame. asking If that same stock wa.<; gave bis wife's
this afu rooon for Mrs. J. W. Morrow,
transferable on the books of the com the story dcr-s not include lhat state- who m-lll soon Ir-ave the city.
pany. Mr. Bmurthwaite replied that It
The meeting of the Men’s club mill
But Itisi a«i like os not be gave. Mer
mas not inoamueh as It had been ob• held at S o’clock this evening in
good sliding UTanse it might not
laine.i by fraud.
Stem-art’s academy. Dr. F. P. Lamrtou
.Vothing further mraa board until last have i limed out well.
will be the rp»^«v and tbe sub)ecl
wivk. Joat oa Mr. Smurthwolte rem1H be “How Typhoid kUy Be Elimh
Thi. Ruhslao populat
lanii-d from Mllwauket*. be rocehed a
rated.” Tbe public Is invited.
aommoos to go to Chicago and icatH^^ lid natlonalitbw. the three ’great
The board of county canvaisc-r*. In
and be found that the man who was in
session this triernoon.
the lolls waa the American Wboleaalc
A jv-tlHoo for the determining of
Rrokeragr company.
The Chicago
beirs in the E. L. Lyon estate was
broker. Buttle, had advertised to buy
filed In Probate court'today by Walter
atocha and Norton had showed up with
a anlt co.se full, among them being the
■ Tbe admlnlatrator'a final .account lu
Grand Trarerse and Arixona Mining
the John Vorty estate was filed tofUs.
company stocka. Mr. 8mnrtbmraitc>
Tbe Primary Buaday Bebool Union
Mndy lo 8ntUe*s mcMitage resulted in FOR fiALt-A few artiriem oLbouwf^ mrill meet at ibo library, building to^
Norton’s arteml.
bold fomlture. Apfdy Rev. C. T. morrow Bight At 7 p. m. to give those
Tbc tonimony diaeloMd the fact
Btout Boardmoa And Btote. .
who wisb lo otteod tbe coocm on the
that Norton bod buen doing business
. Bor 12-11
toclm rimrw a ifinmoe to aaea# Imch
in a rtjoming home l£ Toledo and that
ttorilBga. iB ooo week echoes from
the $400 mrorth of office furnluiro Bated FOR BALE-A fcw^ialrof OoMeo Sea.
in the property achednlo consisted of a
bright Bmtams at prtoas timi ore - who caa are urged to be preaeot at
siand. a chair and a bed.
righu OoBie and ace them or call both meetings
The moll carrier, however, temifled
atx. pbURe f!52. Lewis DcMtar il24
that he had delivered oa high ma
Rc^Bakmu Powder,
pure, cream ri
or tartar baldns po^
and the best that can be made.
60r 15.000 STOCK SHARES
Too Late To Classfy
A klliplne ParUaincnt.
The prr^deni la preparlr.:
deem hit premise mode to U v ttatlp.'
I pine people through amrec
j that they shall have n parti taent of
j thrir own. conditioned upon t *.rir good
.behavior for a itvtn of yeai i. S*vn'! taiT Toft himself will procfs d to thp
Mrs. Louise Pffannenschmldt will
\ Pbllilipliiea next spring to wl ness tbe
leave ihu afternoon for Detroit
; inKtaUoUoo of tho now form t .* governgone ene weed.'
'ment, Tbe prealdent will d ovt
Until quite recunily In Uruguay the j PblUppIne oomBlS4;ion to ex.
ttl* of bMo. *« tb,. oaly part of tbo I
»«r M.rrb r:.
Mias Miaow Fall retwroed home
>'esterday morning after a three
mreek’s stny in Elk Rnplds
Mlsa Louise Kltcher left for
mroeks’ vUlt at her home in Mu«;ke
C...O in.n«,T tha,
any c«h. i’Jt toowTaT
!-n.l, body I. to uk- ou r a'i
j live powers ben'toforo v tei Ised by
tbe ITtllipplne commlsi-loa in all that
part of the arrhipelingo cot :nhablt«sl
liy .Moros or oon-Cnristian tribe*i.
The IdilUpplne p.x>p!e arc .-xpocUng
t.<«ieiits that ciiunot at on« o be realiz.-d. among*them Ijolng the exteoIn Slam the nnmtKr of rooms In a ► l<*n of tho franchl.-e.’
It U pointed out hei^ that ihU Is
bouse, of windows or d<iors In a roan,
even of rungs on n ladder, must nJ rot ^»o^slhl^» for the nason that iho
ways be odd. Even numWs am coo lum- provides tlmi the voter must lie at
U-ast 22 years of,age. able lo read aud
Kidcrfrtl unlucky
write .iiher Hiomlsb or EngllBh/ivr
very ho( muM omn propx'riy or muM hare t>c«*h
Ikrberr. say tbui during
*»fftee bolder under the SpanUh gov
wave th»*y do 20 p^ <v-nt
nrsiK than In the wlntrr. as a man’s <'rommt. The a!;Mp;‘.dy or Irgp.Ivard grows faster in hot we<iihcr HHure mill eonrlst of two boiiMv. to t>«»
than when It is comfoiiable
*known as the Phllii.lie o*nimUj.ioxi
and the FbHlpiune ;u.‘-enibly. the Litter
l*al..- Ilaron bolds
ciirlo-iH record [ tfi
of not less than :m) nor w>re
In having more Isl.mdH thmi any other! iban lO^i
1 that
l.nke. n has at PwM 3.»oq. l/>ogb the prei»Mit «immi .siou uUl be
Kith*, in Ireland, has .IMt .slamis.—I od In the upper bouse..
Chicago Journal.
The smallest thlng^wllh'a
U the sinorapau. a litth
’itle fi(;h reoently
discovered by srieoUsts In the PhUlp
pine islands. It mcuutures ogout halt
an Inch In length.
1 In DoUvia the natives of the Inlerior
Card of Thankv.
Wo txlfch to ext.-nd OMi IM irifelt i
, of :i Ire**, whii h
first w,ok«k.I ia
(luinks IP thxna- wbov,. kind .'.riioixv
and then tM^tten utii:) plUtd*-.
!iFld- n< •! fn»r sorrow during ttu* iP
r.»>*s and death of our sf.n <*arl. We
The Chev(o pacodu in Bun
are civpfrlally grateful u, ihose whf»,
tinge rocking i4ore
|,< nt the Wuiiful Ilov.ers am! io all j
mho gave us eomfon and Hyiiipaihv. ■ ”” «”'dh
O. Nclwin and F.i
l'oi;,onous moJIuf^ks purify the wa
. tor in Which Ib. y lire.
One Day Only
Wednesday Bargains
Wc will give twice a^wel^ WEHNliSD.^Y
For Tomorrow
Bora' Coriluroy Knee. Pants,
Clark tan. Sold ibo world
For Wednetday
Bt. a*t
10 COM* Ladio.’ SIOTO or
plain Bnbbi-rt, freali from
7.7 Single BlankMa, fnlllO I
aiM. heavily fleeced
only. ««ch..
gowM. , KeKolar7oand8c
Sr, InbuiU' Boaiekin Coals,
in white aad grey, worth
Lidice’ 60.fleece lined, upe
Aljore tpecimli not told to ehlldn n.
No tclepbooeor mail oideri rer#ivnl
V See Wfplty In Wert Front Window
V' v
;T, TUMOaV. lypvEMMR 1*. tM*.
M «{ dii« att.
mmt aC^^fwieMr. ^ 4^-1
«r iMd «grM «m lito
. iMdUt ^trnam' htmmf tkt
] thoM* ®f
mmd tm vortty
sSS5Wi» mA
M4Urt€rir «Ti|H»telMllML
ln«M te W
struck Ida a»l hrtmt^.
hazier is thorn «-«r.txfes wlwrp it % • Im
rcnvtaH^ a-ye tlw iim »|^
VHMfsQr pw<i<i-iyi «»« mlttivtiid br.1 lb* optic acrro
tHe mmml
eooiet a pfidlBs of pMCo »al leotlc-1 Uysrof tlM*rwu:a k »icUtloM: aw^iK^olt
aoK. 0«r 8cirrra*lrr
«oir { & <»lkd Ui*- -idiod
frmtHtfoi .uMrpCiblBtr. Umu son of | Whcu Uiis malliMi i
la whkk oar tbatoii* UMiadiac a.x
at bottom, fan tli^ oeM or oar wrakma aaa of oar r^tyoical la^riorlty.
Vlilcb toll m> M tber lea} to overawo. l»y a ptoad and. Iniiabi^ xoaak.
.W0a-t OBd
Tba laorr tliat we fool nom-lre* d!a
anaod la Iba tM of atuck the more
e tog^^y
are we
tortwoU by fbe inufina t4*
Ua^klrHltr er!»« in rb*. vi!o t*f It.
tbarW.y diik^n:U.ir a haU«ioraj
^ mJaaie «oom^iasK in the Aicoof Ita
. Tlw. tl^h,
«*d Luxot^ W tbc
I volley, turaa aal4cu sUnt il« inolliiak i«
Tbo* ita M*i»- i
troai adramairp m tbe uarhidlum it
>« not able, like the p«riM|diiaalaiua. to
loove tbooe e>e*c. yet
talrea that ae one atuein «• wHb lin* are all or«r it« two.
fxauirj. raarafe broDowp Uie aiOK* power of aeeinr lu « i,.
ftoifoJ. Ibe man' hrtrartahie. In |*ro- .
PMtkm ai oar tn^iamaly territW to-1
* ~
SUPPM* You|Lik« Good Be«f7
Who aiM'nHi' Yoa‘u‘^ mtM
nukh if rm
r» 4ofiH
4«iH oH for yonr
I [onr ioa
hoxea bodoii oip rhoppimi blooka.
hmiUmijaa atM«tbw ?o«r
wbolo faai$ whM jtoa Imy of ns
Try onr 8#uw Krant n»d
Smoked Fith.
Real Estate and Coans
127 Trout Stntt
trwtrst Qfy, ■ ■ i*
I Tribaie y» tOe %r« aji dtoUna. n
4Ml>ale t kimmmm trnrnftmt mmA m
”n«> fiu-l }• Uiat ,f «rr ..x;imlw ourkoltoa well we :«o«t rnuk wuraelvoa
raalty r.ouroa tbe mo>l unpttv
irnttil. the m«ai nakorl. iho inoM frag.
1^ ,i«. »<* briufc. a..rt tin.v,d 1-^
,.^rr - --
heap len or twenty thMiKuiKl ilmr« tbe
wcSgbt of lU body wuiaatt spi^amitty
IruMtivonlt-nrlng it. ^tVmviaer Ump caek• iutii r, tliv least mhiuit uS »Ik» ImvOow,
^xnd widgix what it i« a Ido to vsiry l«e*
furr the r\ua^ of is* «t*b»n.. n crack
or the easing*.
it* r-t^ xxIuRK yh^ld.
A* for ttie resistiiitce of Vm- Kiag t>«*‘
tic. it Ik. so 10
,v ■}.
Is «'<»tii|»arisrt:i. th**ref«»i\i. *xv aud tbo
.. our
Lot. I12S per foot front. 82 feet ....................................... ............... 118.250
Bant, Dotlre lot .
........ ;. .. .. 2.500
35 HorwM. IrW ebch.. ,. .............. ........... .
. .
......... S.270
Thrte Hacks........... . .......
........................ 1.000
Three Wagonettee .. ..i.___
Twantytwm Buggies....wV
...., .:.
Twrenty Single Hernem .1 ....... .. ... ... .. ...
Ten Double Hsmtse ... L.......
Twenty Cutters .......L
Robes. Blankets. HslUr«» Whips..and three sealed
Amo..nt at fair valuaticn ... .i............ ....
That I* what the prviperly Seuiva at tMuos placed accorillni; tn
wlist slmUar |>rur»eny eau be bcMiitht fbr, ta fact wr dotobt If you ran
proflue;' ItA/Hpuil fo» ih, vami- aniouni of mf^n.-y, but ot^ price, .ns 11^;ual on .^I1 py»t*»'filea we baitJle. is piai sNuit thn'c-fifjlhr whsf iho
oHu r fellow n-l h. Tudur t.nud this U not a foix'cd f4.lc.ia^d is not an
imprxjdtetAe »*roi‘'ii,x; «;» the contrary ll*la one of tlir bt'n? psy lnr:
ptvpertleg In one of the bc%t cltle'» In the Mate, hut fiti offered ff«r
*dil » for thi* Milt' mi]d only n-awn tJml f.wner eon no? htarnl the
wt^; and atumiioa iu«f'a»4arlly r«iQuired by n hu»tD<<«s <xf thla kind.
Another rett«on Ik he ha a burnt y moosh. madx' mat of this idtme bnaimws. to fako a few yx^ar^ rest. hone«. make* the low |»rtcr of four
teen thousand dollars for tbe prepi rty. ak above m«^4io«I. .md the
eetaWlahcM trade of one of the bent lUx-ry and sales bards In
Trice. f14,00a
miles sooth of olty ml TompklnW Comers, located
oorner. dimet road to Kiat^ley. only sis
One of the best mar
keu In this regioo. EightyWres under cblliratlon. Oood pew bouse
atODa fonbdatlob; good ham. wrlnd mill bnd th41 water; farm level
bbd aoU eabboi be beat. This farm is accaally worth M low vwiua
Uob, Bfty ddlUrs par mere. Omr prioB if uken soon tbUty-iwo i.i2r
dolism per bcrr. Price $S.im
Remember, reader, we bare property of all kinds, miprovea and
unlmpcpred. City. Suburban, Tlmlxer and Pmnus. We are always 00
the lasldc price. We can give you prices on other property equal for
value with the altove, and we wish to ntaie to ymu and a »asr will
proTC that we nn» right, that any inTtpcriy in Traverse City or viclnlir that Is oBervd at prloas almlUr to what we offer y»>a sHU show
you a profit on Inrreaaeii valnatian of at least fifty per oent, aad your
mr>uvy placod where li Ik absolutely sali\ A warranty deed nnd
in ifrx i title to a good piw «xf real «'nl»te is the bast ct«f<ifieair of d.‘
J/J-U any eno e;tn hjive
il' -a .
la ta iwlve Ibe Motra, aaba Tlaelf bow
h'^^^Eomr i<»weT>i.nr>f#:
tboboat wUl «i<l. U bal win tbla pom.
_ .... ..
»•• tipeiaU.\n iuu»o»ved i'latni.. oaire iwpih uL
•111. k.lr«t .m,<cMwi iHtttw..
pnideat taatioet /do atamld Uie crUia Ir draigoed fur i1h- u-r of .-arpeute
bon Ihioujrt.ut.l and au
fiu Lal
Lai |^*ird.
i^Birtl. .An oMun,«,i lo
iu;ik.‘r» :;iul oilar w.Halwcirkera,
aa) itjoui. tthriLtr hbraiv, 4iwbe foofn. foilor. m U.1
cnt.Al l.y r.o.il
naxm. I xrry izr^p aarranird. W.uc u. our r
la tbe U.ur
U/ur ia
vt dauBer.
dauerr. 1 >o» «»ur iam,..**.,. v
aerttcr b acM at your dealrr *.
lieciull t|W.ok atMl
Vfuit'iil ritJuAtnomi of tla* jawa. fo^*
, umro aoofma te tiaily me dbnaUaed it
'o. <.r u<.al tlmi an*
Ibe rontrol of affalw and from j,,
tbe aemreme
tbat iri^n m
fnln.niiuc ai
l‘:Ai of
What rvai^lulion Xiill It tnke? y„>tnUk-j«w a Ktxx! .l*. TIm- Inltor
P*W»«l.tr i.mak. .Hs.» lh„ McKIn
I'r*.;*! r'titlmr' I’ata
Atla-rr la It lo atrike at tb«' ey. <, tb«*
f..rm.'! xv ih r t ?i. t
arv !
.*^lh i*'r:hitMt. .Mo..
- inalhwl fi'v
•tODdteU. the no.*., lla^ trmpk-a. tbo
.... t,; ‘.m. Hi.
« tnloii onniK h.*r liM«;; \,^ s<
«hfi(.k xvlwii
‘ ;
s d.si. M-a d*xx i
SprliiLV d ,.v. r
"Whv do
t flbuL'O". lr% t»» i.iske
the roniitry beta •« n ih.—• txv..
a re;.iil.ilio« ••• jtak.d tbi' p,v!n!. r.
ntit tltointandK of ntli.r inemUT* of Uo’
Tl. snvn lu‘* I.Ml |.b.iaiithr)i4«'.*’ on *
fottiule S. X who d.^rxxe f. Is- onr.4leil
.nr aiivIllarii-A t.t Mr. UipIliic K ...nr. • xv.r.d 11.0 wm-UJa.i. "lie thinks R.
hr.^ no iiood 1
of ••ru;..*'iaU| C.-nll. m. u.~ "\»ul th.-U, xsoukl b - .-m i.L;«r.v t* lb.' vxi.iUl's ar- •
simI fia- all he kiH.w-; lougaiilthtiy ejn
K» t;.-.' lo Ijjixo tin I'libll. .XHI>
fr.*m the Woii nu in 1 inb xxh<» U k!uTirr
suutfK like a laai'vfiil flnw. r Ir *ttj Ul*
*:ai.llr r. ie:,li,.t H... n.., .. ..f
ai.il lim-gv n.ur.l.r.-i'i. to tin- xx..man in iriii' "’ - \Vnx',.i.;i.oi Si ..
Meal hilt .wrtslu xhioiy*. The gr.»iK4n.t
tlih-aC'.. who
.a usticof It.aliait
losull enjinot imp.vlr lus Imtuigi-nt
. hTiii.'r.i. W
saiiie. iVsitwtdy lie awaits ih.* first
ot xx<>nu-!i xvlio nr ••n::.it:.al
set of vk»ieiKv mid t« able !-• ra.x to all
in tbo I tiiliKl
that uffted him. "I'htu fur sluitl you
Wln rex.T III I lUlK fil.'.t to
Ordf-r yonr
gxv und no furthtT/’ A Mngkt uoit:i xvrp»i
movemect .loti* ilM'
luiu ba. «i-o
tluT.' W..UU.U
«i«o b fuln* impies*
make thb nu.x . um iit> He w-UKeK evett
liarbu: o^l»lnil^.-T.rbiiual
» .4 »# i »!*,»
FOfI tALE-Rlifhly^wn frx'f front on Huite mr«^. botwei'A Cn'^
anil Union. n»!u« p, r fiait front n: iwr other property la eloao viciaUy.
Oni' Hnn«trr<l and Twenty Ove UoIlarK. Uarn eovertaic etitiro lot.
wodiu eoKi at hwai I wenty Uvr ImmireJ dollant. Thlily-flvo hora«>«t.
\Txtoe DRi li .me )ini:<iixHl nnd Pf ty ipiHart*. Tbr«'A* hneki wonh at leaai
onr th.m»«ihd doU.ra. Thn'o Wapont'iteH worth nl leaM aevx'n huu
fired ftollarii. Twenty-two Ixupclee w;orlh at lea?<l Ttshy-tlTo doUara
eaeh. Tw«nty Hinatf* Hamels, xvoitli :*t l.aM f<«oli Awilte diJIar*., Ti-n
double Hameaa. tuemy dolUr^ a m i. Twvnty eiiHer.i, Wf*iih ;it ic.st
twenty dollar* f^teh. - All RoI»ck. niank*-tK. ilAltem. \^HxIpn. Uxo and
ihire aeatf'd flolgli^.. ne.. value ut le.aM h\x hunilrfM dollars. 8mn
mnr> of whole:
.«,.....c. o., ™.!».vc»r.r,rr
8anaa«c4iimli^ daily.
made Bro$«
\ on Heater
iiindred^ of ihousaTKis novr in u * rnd c vmj innfetn aitisfaciior, I VfiactHm Oil Heatry-v r lutpivi
with the antoleWas ae\all thti the n .r-.' tmpiitn. A
inal wtU convince the
^kepl i:al. *1 um tK- wii-k z^t inch
m low as^li fan—ihcfw*^ lu.
r. (o»r> interne he^ii.
Too fini,be«-.-ftukel and ja|u i. Ihass oil loam
bcaottftrfly cmk.vsed. Mulds 4 cuans of . oil am!
burnt») hour'. Lver>* he*u r wananti-vl. It not at
>ouT dealer 1 wnie to our ncAfr i a.M tj. y for drstnipmr rirmlar.
f >1 • J
w:xnn awJ coay ih.‘ ro«>m< ai»i lulKi a}^
that the heii fri>nj the other rtoxes or furbare faih no rx'ich, Inhere it do other
tiaoiJx . tit A''ean arvJi»;mple bi Cbc
L rt V.ir
|«»werful bniu* tlM* S«.XVJVlm
It* raexl aui*
Ha- iHTloj.lubalrnuM. :i li»h in- '
hnhlllnc the eiisM.t %it s'hloa. 3r.irttn.
ludtu. the Mntsvau oretiltH-Ungo «nd
; Afrbw.
ol’kUVTirrs <ib
Jb- paxxl ik rmrmallx prr^*
.•.I b> n 4|,rui:: agsin-t lUn ►h.'.iil.. but
in pr.viibil xxliii a luin.ll.' v.b.'ivby It
nwy Is* vxltlnlr.twn vvli.'u.'xer d.nxired.
Ib-orlftK acnluKl the ..p]x>..U' sl.b* of th.Atiisuk I- a .^ui «*’4. wiiwr. U iournaled
iu tbe IkmIx |M.r!i.ui of tin- .iaxx- iA|.
. In u*.- ib.- voi k ij u* . b.u.iKsI 1^
1».umk1 acabi't tiu- hx.-l J..a. nml llit'n
.-am t.in.isl iii.'.ar.l.
FIl' 1. 1b.- u.oxanl- jj.xx may Is-
CVUJOK out on Hie
thii> evihtiug
tor the gi-.-:(U r p..rli«ju of it-, lile iu :iu
eletL. at x\ huh. ».x“»rding in the natuix* of Iblugv .night t.. b,. fuial i.» It.
Thx- lavxM of .-xoUiHou Iwvr. houever.
ei.noeuily prit«rv<l il f.n- 11*. ^K^ uUar
moile of i:ie. Its -ill .^Wiiex ere eo
u il abdudou* the sue
“ camw *“
a Muantlty t4^ wabT
lu I
.a i.p 1.
j«'v .\fi. r th«* jaxv ]iu« N t -t.ljUK
It Ik b*;^r.l by uinxlru; doauJ H... ,
b verd
d‘»l lo
th.-|*.Kiekn. sle.ix ii .n f ig. V
It Will In- uotni-d that Hh- .nm drowK
tbe J.xx
t-Hlil.v tuxxard Hm- Kl,*nk.
but Hinl if tn-.x.-x »,u Hi - lo>tb»-.l |uwl
.» nibruui *11.1 llui! uk Ho* U lower
sIfui the fMiint win-r.- He- tutu engage*
*»»e xliauk tbe J*xx is dxvniig iipwar.1
ltd In.•> child: Tniu-IM.^ b.T A T dr Malt.n^ lu
t!«- bc.i. of om__________
.Sir tborsA-v tuge. which luvseots olUy
4 s. rl.'* of
j .tnrt' b.uiii wUli the flager ilpv.
j Vnxv. it .< agaUiKt lhl« siflL-k aud in
.^.h.'tvM ms-iiUif. wUlt-h wsiemhle* au
, sljurtive effort of nature, simmxt thH
l.iiUMl orgmnisui. i ruwi witnb life trnxls
I la wsewpa oti rve, X side, lint we hsre
.x*utri.>Kl weapoi.K .w|aibic of lumi*
hilating us exei. if x.o
1h*iSbulnuK .inn.4- «ase. the' i.Mdlgiou*
} Ktrength fiiul th.' iiu ixxllble viullfy of
the must imlesinn tU.le mnevts.
W. .hsxe here it mat be agreed, a
very eurlouK eisl s very iUMX>ncertiug
Hberrsiiou, uu initial folly, iieeullar to
^ i!a huioui. ra.e, rt.at ic«e*. uu liKcea«ug ihiily. lo mvier to tvtnii. to ibe
folU.xx-,Kl •Iv- «ili other lit
I iianiriil
w.rx.c... 1..CM-------------------
I. O. Burris
This Report U Made Up Dally. Tl
Record le Not Responsible for
Cheages In Prices.
Belling Price.
n^l........... f l« «l
\ Uhl Jilnl uflltv- Xnrih«-m
ip^ti ik.>
1. p!:nr<^ :M
Rye flour, H. K. ft Cn.’s Dcrt.
Meal. U. I., fi: Co. s Cest.........
F. ed. II . U A ro ’s Ib tii........
K;;;;' . p* ;
Codfli^h. per pouml........ .
Lard, per pound.............. .
Ibitl. r. p. r iHiUinl.......... ..
Creamery IJiiti. r. per pouml . 30
.Cheese, per pound....................
■Jilh Sfinl .Annual Tour
Oala, |H T buuhel......................
New j.niato. r. prr lujsbet....
Timothy Reel .........................
Salt, per imllir................ .
' i:\ KR Miwi:^
Bran, per 100............... .
r«»uiii.v ...
........... * . .
Spring ehieken ............ '. i....
Clover seed
Buying Katas of Ira^sraa CnyDe«.«r« A Bird S Iv> r VicW of iht!
■ nppbworld tod.iy. Siirrinir urcnfi^
Wednesday Night
IMov. 14
Lyoian H, Howe't
of hivtorir imprest of yts*
l^'amott..u m.* U.eu provided f.>r
Ton.l.:i-etb..d,.v..,.,be.'dm I.-xxt I*
llWenUe. for t'nutluued use .-'buig ivr KWtmg tip sud the p.Ar1 dnr.u «iif of
!;? i
le.n line* haa s« deratoped lu peetoml
wlih. II..- te.-lh .m
Hh- e,x-*ture use* then. .* eUauk. «* .vhoxvn l-y 1
t<-r. per
PCI i-uind.
proxHlid b> oar o«n Umhw.
^ .unwiKlng Kig. L
NVeur mntikhid
l-ftrs. ,M - -I.
rate of apt-ixi. Ii* t-x.-s ure very large
imuu, tbf “ b
Her- It e. euiK tn n:.* llial fxw.-r Buckwheat
•J; 4M£fi/C/l^-fnt9rcoft0giaf§ Bo€t /tecrhu'k.iw, spiiug
Hiet»-.i!l aiMi lu . h-xv- ;;T:sI te*-tb to tb<»
liiu-rt..|.-ubi.Hlr; xx..m.-ii ilW to Hen*
Irnji. th.- ft<t *b MiW K -IB.'- for all our
' MOBwir-SH Jumping.
xvimii- 1e dn li.-u.
lUKHlA of
ju-tk-e and rc\ulvi ''>llll*-EU,hu>tt ai mart in Taat
CttUe ............
reuov A wi*. r r-i •• x lookl yorbal SU.V I "
lUber mode of ^-ortilHtt
;:Jl lrr.‘nilsfL 1
HCIBRS-Tunnaf Fitting.
.1 laws of i
i.le .-rime agalm.t the .
Cow* ........
•«:H SPMIK..ftoyalWaJiing
the MjeKk-A.
He 4'Vl of a few ue*.
Calves ............
.05 ITtL r- Eruption of Fatur.ut.
.-.hniiM thUK ocxje.xl.lu
.OSH MEECE-OI/mpieean
KpreaiUntr and putt mg ititi*
n mtti
of futtur Kiri, kru
t of humnn lift-.
M\i BBGLMHD-^HenJer/tegeii^
£RGl»0O..Henltf t
Meanxxliih- lb.' .'tudy of lK..\iug g?Tr*
-.............tW£0in—Hef^ettin9 tee. Ntl , n- <'L.<flK'iit le*K«.-.K iu Immnity mid j
-g i
MBD Mjitirr OTH^s. ^
rHi.ixxd a «ni;..*svbai aiarmiog ligl't tip l
n.s.ru i
•xB tlie birfettm.- ei fMime of our m-ist j
f;nx t Mliw.
Nov. i:i Jj 10 .
Tallow .......... ..
v.Uuiblr iUKtiiHiK \Vc s sii lawix'-ve i
iNo. 1-Cured hide*..
Hiat i!» all that .•mKxMija the UM^.of
;.Mn. 2-^urad Hidas.
•mr^biLbK-^ ;;nux. dexterity, muacular
ioraea kldM...........
'trcwlU. iVKiKtan.-.- to islii-we hare !
K-.ink to the lox» .-Ki mixk of tbe mam- j
und? or hstrarhUuK. FroBi thb- Mot
.4 view. In a trr-U .x.u.a-:r«! hleraix-hy. |
xrc *boulU Ik- rutlllcd U>
IIL. Cmr*4 ipf 7^a^ Xfur S„
"" " I" '
1 bull, the bile of t».;- ilog. are BMS-bRiil. t
.*Ux u-.a auatomic-aliy |K-rfeet. It xrould
I- iiupoKsJWe to luipruve. bv tb.- moat j
lertiMxi le^uiK. th.Hr btMlInrTtVe iuhu- j
m-r u4 i**iTiff tln *r uaicr.vl w. npou*. •
Uuc w,-. tl,e -twmxluhin*.** flu- pmudeit j
«4 Hm- prittuluv*. «A%. mm Luou Uuxr to ,
Ktrikr a trtoxv x. .Hi oar
WV do nat/
•‘xvn know xxULdi
U th»- xxejp. ,
-XU .vf our klml.
I-'v.k at txAo drv iiu n. tvo
xrbo rooie to Mmx^. NutUtng fxrttbl be ]
moo- plHa!.k-. After a
and .Ifi- ■
a lory brund«id«utault* and tkrc.H« !
ile-y »«-iai- ra.-lt.«uh--r by He- throj.! rimI *
hair, make f.bxx trtfb iN’.r fivi. with *
ilK-Ir kano m ran-lom. IUt.‘ each other, r
-X IXI.HI e h f.*ber. g. t em;;nglcd Ul 1
E. \V. Rosr Mcetp-;* Co.. St. LooIjl M.
lh-.tr .Six: •- !t is a v.urre ol plr..'ajc for tne |x yv-rrflf yon to n-.r ny pktnrC
e and alter cored 1^- "/Kklo,- ao.1 u tell w ICu
lu * /I
dtd for me. 1
ckrxorrxi thx» c.vxc of <Acae) pimpli-v lor %t% }cutt soil *p-nt orterul buadrad
«kSlan wi-Ui ph- dcIxoK ami rpeciaW Tha is<*r- mix*-, and erraaw 1 OMd. tbs
xrof«. »r face bscam^ to UaJtoNeiM recomoard-d * ZEMQT EigM
20. and H .s»e nf thj-n,
h'k<ag an arm far »cr&r< .
aad moat often tmo spar- <
blow*. .\ur wvuld Ua- oumUt ever end ;
«Ud uoi the itx-acfaeront kuir^. evokad j
t>y the dl*grtxi>s of the tBcoiigmi>os ]
,,i i“lf it happened lyman H.
Howe has it.”
I*ho«o of King Rhanb Thai of
am. who earned one of hU whes to bu
Yours reiytnilir,
I 'ookaawrsao and aoLO av (
I MCHM .■ais~*|
FOR R^T—Vew. modcni. -U-roum
boow. rM Slate 0trvT.-L lo^n:
Rlvwaidc Flat*
nor 12^
flmsanlag man dropped dnd Wbib- WEBT* ibat the act of remgresa hawBng Xaw. however. It is BeWutn that
Rrer|Rdk#4«#iMR> #aklik##
AMikrtsacQ blown oat. h#
kM*Mf car at dap#.
Tbcee an* E» arflca of Hedrtc later Ike da#k «f kis reoa. Ua prrelMa fiRR# la oOru rvltn^msh^xl acrid#
rOR SAL£->I«» rM !•» MoRU moose TO REWT-Ai » W. Tcath
IdO yevw tram pom
R#reng drato ur#icgadiRay k©
. ihai
iRgalir W. L. iNwau. 215 W. TeRlk. urban railway In tbe date.
an l» mmS
...... t««.
,Hancock boy die. of lajurtei^rtv gnpRT be aa iRdkm te tk©
WAMT1#~I».« l« tmt iMT^ofll TO-).
«« .m RR MntMsr
ceivA^d In football game.
•1 pn Rwd. Trmvme CM/ f)iMA
CRH OR mHankii. M
When Kklrr Haggard «
Rural mau carrier at Stands clid»ik
lUTMoRtr. Mkt.
I’BtoR St.
RRT U*ft
porsoR laiartid U Rccbkni there.
—kU,-! te«4Mto«k,toM«Kk
W x:v
Sdickigan Central abopi at Manbatl onUy ugly, mwa boo© of his fovoriteje
WANT10->lte are lio,. tR hiRn.
badly crippkd tor lacb oC meebRRir.. playthiaga and mlao of tbe other chll* j
Xltes giri died from orcrdoac qf dren in the tomOy. An «M Rwrae naed
klRirfRv rr4 staRUt-i md«r IMnsc^ Rtoe<ile MgkU. iU.
IRE kr rcArrI pneik^ tm tkm;
U A Hr. 1 MoridRR. Orii
ROW dtoeeretT. frbkii b Ukel/ to beadneke tel#ts coataixUng #r>xh 40 crU 4bU doll “8b©- RRd la lator
yewrm tbe noveUst borronrrd the nam©
rt«mrE. Write
r Inpoftant prartical lesolta. ba« nine.
I Riade Iw Dr A. 1. Day. fdnaert/
ror IfiR .fRUiWiu CRn»’« rnd
Haj City baby lA^ra in ambubmee for the herotne ct kts most famont
Hchool. U»44< K AAlllilR4 RVefiRI
wklli mollnr was being hurried U»;
George H, Alien, w^ recently brok©
Ror (^u>r-4)i«r»
BsDvln woman, aged El ycari. |»K* worM s rv«6rd W wwBdag pom
baked batch of bread and did big Land s End to Johg Otireat's-Rcart/
tSaaaaRd wtek for a daca^. Ultbrrto tbrj
WAftTt0-»> liu/
cburuHig to aid ebareh fund.
acb. binetjr pppiie.
brra able ta make tbe dam. but ner
Ijm mfitw-lR aevenicvn day*, U a
baat« PRd tro to
good booar and bam. < aitbevt babMra. aad tSe babble* n
To opmi rau rimbrr tracts D. 4 M. rtvetariaR. a tllcloRg toetoUlcr and a
ROT iu4i<
• C.- A«egf^.
WaiM Bma.
uetad It aadro far me# pRfpmm.
rallaay wUl baDd bmnch lim* from aoRSDok^r. HU at«rage tor tkr la# ^
Alix^u u> Doj^e City.
two days c4 hU long tramp was eighty. [
WAMTtfl—)Ur^ lor liTRRcfa of
Wolf Creek cal ciUUmUd aUlg> eight and a half mike a jDy.
iOR. «re «l«h to locstv liRre !■ Trat
iM oUt birthday Uali week and cniobes
&tnnHl Putnam of N«*w Salem.!
«w CRr. AddfRM. wltk iWRmior*
ralk wiib U-st'of ttu.
Maas., p kiiisman of Cvn. lira©! Pal*
TIir Morrf- WImRowIt Uorrc. CIr
u ropt W. Buyd at,, j Banuto. CaU
Saginaw man atutupi«A2 wokuW by Ram. who directed the conttnriiUl
fnr price. Wade Brpr.
lemiwraturr of 2.««» Urgit^ F.‘ M itb Uking whUkr and poison, bul polioctrouiw at Bttaker IIUI. and d( GtTL
____ ______________
tbb ^MxuDoa the perfect qnnrtx man sar.M him. In lail he tried to
WAwr^l^ruJyRig^ R^gTi ptano
Ruins Pninam. chief engineer of
hang himself with cbaln.
^ERMllRR iRRRtki AMTM. J . \% . FOA SALS—mS-Tblijlr aeree two
Washington’ii army, cekbraled hU j
imWa Wkicb render
lloRor. Midi.
Biggest hotel in Mttaiaiag has been on© han-irrdth birthday r«-*Urddy. He
purchastd by Cievvland CUSs Iron haa voted at nim-tevn presWentlal
aad id _reel.te.ee to beat. A eleb of
WOOD WAMTC0*WciRkl Qko to buj
compau} hah n ttKxbded and equlpp<d lelsctlons. thr first vote Udng cast for
t»rxt orrbartlif In tbU vicinlri. Call C^la flam mi/ be put in a eefr
SliceR or IrmH/ cards ol tTOlbot
for price. M’ade DroeJ 12? FroDt 01. cad the aafe ren^aln *• fireproof as If for an a«»uciaUun. This company fur Johu Quiiicy Atlamj, in 1^2k.
Art bardRood. Jkppii to J. W.
uUhes industry of town.
iTtif. Paul Milyoukuv. the famous |
lURRctt. ItccorU ofSw.
oct »-ti
Iby^ause ih* ManUt«*4^* common coua- RaaaUm liberal u|sm w bom tbe gov*' ga»
ROM SAi^-lMT-Si leaf froM os dews -Redlands CHrogtapb.
6f BA A» Btuwo
eU one viwr ago nppropi isl«d nKrtii*}
for the purpos< ofjiucreHslog tb» sala death, dt Uvsutsl a sz'rite of lecinrea In
riea of thi.< chit/ of poiiv* and fire chief Boston at the ti'wUl inMllute In Ifui. atRRdanI aemtrd to tbe gas bracket
and mipporNar a b©U abaped tbe*
it; cash Rill hay lot IIP. llaaiuU
aud then uiglctlod to rahe their fcala He wav conimrU'd with fbe UMHometR moolat directly or©r the burmr. Tieamor. Oak Ilriabta aoburb.
iWtfal dldflbatlRg potot la the asoet jpembram* of Ibe nom by tbr poll-n of riv* until
wtxkH ago. Ald«*rmau in ItusxU for a oJU^tltutkw and left
lug arm.
fbd. IT aold tx fon? Doc. 1. Appl/ to
oadan, pragMMtee dt/ ta taatral
This mmibrane is n# C. A. Wool has glviut notkv that hr thU Axmutry suddenly last year In vbicb a belt crank lever Ih pivoted
Thox, T. Ilaiat.
meblgaa; aaMakla tor aaj daai of eqaaD/ .ensfUre in sll persons; there will begin' Ugal pnoce.dings agalc:^ order lo confer with the hadera of One iarm of tbe lever Is v€vy
ksdMW. Odl tor priet. Wade ire nsny who sre loustnie from hay the* mayor and cit> rkik If th* > sign th,- liU.,1 »a.icjuvnt.
■ I*
bjr m
WANTIO-Yoar aoUcd garmaoU to
Broa. m nnsl «L Tratefie Cttx.
Dierermt pollen, bsve not tbe
K.'h. r IWtnur.l \»Ui;l;«u,
''*e of tto Uwnn^l- Th.
cbivks for the iuc^w»M.d fialark-s tit , «iaa« tad taaka Ilka new. Ladlra* MMS. aiMa-phtma^in^
| J.TDT,L^o.*:rFjiitf the opiiilou of th«- city aitoiu. y iJ.v.st.1 UII tlK KnsU.h • .lian ~-r 1-.
^ ibTLlrilrBSR. %o Bd
work R apactalt/. IWriaUa Djrr
j.ucli payuicut wald U* legal
Ulbcr specie i. %cr.v .t tive. llM- ItTl.it.a.ita« « B.«rt au«t»oa. bB,
wofU ai: K. r»i gt cau iii
provided wr|th an anxiliary valve of
The Womta's Civic Imprvremeni ph-niy of humor. t>nre at Trinity colCIU. ^booa and we wU do tba re#. rOR MENT-UuUdUig *x>rucr 8Utb
0Ctt4l utiU I'liiou stivct. KultiWu lor hotel gny kind Al present 114 p’snts sre league of KalamsznAhas extonikd an U-C4. famhriiige. he wa^ studying u,e pjpt*©! type. Tlie
Housin’, plriuiv
He.pry VIII. valve rvnia on a hmirnl pl«le. and the
irposoe. jwi^. known to karo toxic pollen: srbeat rym InviisThm to Governor Wanur to at•M*hat wonW you do. as a J.wult. if hU lait# camea an arm wrklrh ©ngage* Ott. J. Or M lUtT XTtUBBLOOM
»lua gi%cM after Nov. IWb. ^pply sod s large uomber of jnamlna form U iitl ;i m«<‘tui;; of ihe Mult board of maj.*.iv
4KII of »b. c^uvn.r,*Mk»pgvrarmof the bell creok lever.
(Yni-. Prochatlui. Jr. ;
nur b-tf a partof ibciu. II is pomlblc by ii “ cluirilx*s and eori»Rlioii». wliicb will
OBaa#MdWtlhat#IiMc • a. # ©a M
The board WiU bo ibe gueai id the
Mnwl. near Twaiftb Mrr»*f, «*lKUt I HAVE « flue pisiM..; good fis U4 w.
Wh«. lt,1.U»x Ih* »•ta
• » m. t ta • aairtagi g#H#m
tb, luuu.. I .^1,,
1, a„,
leaiHie. Th*- novozuor w|ii be asked I«.U. . 1«
toiiaui and rurtuuv; ii. *. Hb« rmaii
WreRaanFaa GNlaans WenaR.
ihiil 1 will mil at ail*nrc»Iii, Catlj
R«a Toma mm4 Ms* rnmam.
Kn ib-rii'l; < <.iiitlainl I*. iiE<-l.l of tb, hiniP'd 4*l«|. i. nlwl to wm U,4 Huhtei,
imm: IT.tf
at ibe l^w. l."0 k:.|Vroni. »nd
j A beoteb .orgeou riH-cully twlied al* Ui : peak on ihv* work in Micblgmn and
X. 1. York, total. rl> Volt.m1 tii.u-s au(illai7 'bU,. Tb, (>UI, U brid uf
immo aitd pet full pariknilirs. J. C. tmtlon to tbr coautMtion between aa
Oii!il«t. r to llx'pl. Brti.r uf book. Biol for « moomit or lwo..or uotll lb, it«r
FOR $ALt->Store and k>t i-omcr
uperrd for mouth Mltb carioto* teeth by all chatiuhle instUtttiOBK.
KroRt aud Ook atrivta;
Ofllclals of tbo M. 4 G. R. ruUroud t»B«/iuo arll.J.« .m fonleo Ira.a “““bi *» BBI-MHlrirt l*.r tb, b«tl .uA
diM-am- Hr d»lud
c cftee*. in each of which aunouuco the payment of the l2k5.»kAi «.d dipk.«BC,-. bBs i- U« aoUd.-d ;j2‘»k^^LTn:.t7a7 .«:*‘ISTII.U*
burinraa locatlOB; flat npataim; tt» CASH wm bn/ tot m Qraat
ere In verj l.sd coodltloa. bonded iaUi Umlness aud thv* intontlop b, .bo mn,.. bovorautob. of hi.
etraiL Oak UelgbU aaboib. MxlSk 1""
ere soft andwpoagj . bleed of iko ounpaiiy to Imihl au oxrcnalgR rnotlo?! to U nn offletr of the Leglc^
poaltion. Now. whoukl tbe soMt. If sold before Kov. JsL Apply
while tiny drops of pos
of Honor. Mr. pcnfleld was created « flame Iw extiuguished tbe lhenuo#s'
»a/S4f roold hr prwsml out from ibeir u sr of tho road to May county, lu
.Miikcfl cklla for 3uum‘lf nuJ
•125 CASH'will bur !t* 1f«. Hannah
chevali.-r of th* «ud* r on N« w Year
irouW «v.iifrori. p^rmliUng the 1#li
»-------- ---------------------------------------------- ;.ins Tbe breath bad a mmr well, and ;“““
— •
buyofuKc at idl limtn.
nmiur. Oak HdgbU aubarto. UMltt FOR SALE—Tlilriy.firc acres on Un- »he fvmplexion ws. of a muddy, wiHow |
lo retuui to its normal poel
day. llto;. Six yrers ago Mr. PieifP ]
ptvbalJy Uginnlrg uu tbv
hM, If aold licforc Dec. 1. Appl/ to
Kp ilclav. aa I Itavo ibe
the ' teUNiou early lu the spring, surreys won the. gold tnedul uf thr
hm aliwl. proUmged time. The lM*«t finl.
iwrtng for these
Tboa. T. Bate*.
iHerv of ^ub1JrhlUl property
y to plat Brst stej* was to purify the mouth and having bocu complcHcd uud right of Acad' U.y. II. has also re-c* i .d nusecth.d back remly.
riw. cutting off the flow of go
Into lots lu thla vlcinlt.r; Rtl level;
^ t^Kidillon. Fueb » way hiwui'od over the laripr part of lut reus Kurujiean decoraikins.
Saliarm liou yjiuii or no
close to acbooU. factories,
FOR SALE. 1471eSUtb
pwwdurr. iRitelher with suiubD ton- ‘ the territory luat year.
<ine of main buhluesa ;>trt
Rtoam beat. batk. elactrio uad gaa
brmirlit j SiHiielhiug unique lu limberingoj-r- lu .New York. If ,M . klKTlaliy «.Ur ■,
one hundaHl aud sixty rods of |iavcd
llgbta. In fa4't modern, up to dale
poll lent of ruiou sires t.
If you sbaut s pcrfcR't retwery.
, Call “Sr___
tb.-o.iM.lv. vtu tbr r«...uc of
„„ „ „..b-u.,™.,.
A U'lrgulB. (p‘t after this. Wade I
I2t kYont 8t. oct b-U want
iritd this icasRu hj; the Tr^ Cwk tionul prvbb n)., urr lot. t. Kt. d
llro!'.. 1277 I'ronl «t
Strike BrMksrs.
Mauufncfurliig comp;‘ny CT- Trent In all tluit M... rluronw. Ma.k«> ba«
lorui.l.ii.y., bb, i, sooct 4tf
FOB MLf-14»-HoUl aad fnnU^
Cux-K. Al a
m-u u mlks north uuemu).--.. it, tb... Ilf., nml tbr luf,,„g
,u„.,b»...lM.r nft«tare, bar and t#area: ataaU town
,,rrri..* out that tdr,
. « f Jowu cables are U iug luslalled ior |.ru.,b..i.ts wbUb ,b- bu. ...aUr in tb. ,
my Imusebidd
tkm to Travetao City; good pajlag FOR
A »oui;iii.
Tliui. tb-mil.
cood'* Including U-ds furniture Iw*Ule Oh* trouble, niHljih.- i)urpo.sc of (suixeying Hk* luga pullii- vl -Ht) III lU.-i'i
placR of propcrl/; call lur price.
. , for
purity ing work goi-s right on. Bret |
^Uer and thus doing away frir-ml
.Ma« ku>
of the vioM re«Di. w-hirh im T»©riiap«
Wads Urw.. 127 r«mt 8U Traierw
u r M5UP*
niTi. ks Hi ‘o-i
pretlie# rrsmi of .nil. are .-overe-d
<; tf dir;
Cny. Ukh, ClUxeni pbooo Ifll. 1
torore. si.e J., quoted
* \pre «>ing with FreniHi ta|*e*iry lu llie deAign of
iec|. grud« » on Ixjlh Hides
Flunk II. Meads
auf Mil
Mroam. The span will b*» B^wriy l.»nw» Uie huiH tha* lo r examph- will spur wl:;. lt violets prenlumlnale The .Imp
FOR EALE—1421—Four aad oRe^alf
acres nil Improved; gt»od house,
fvi'i and It Is celiiual«*d that 2.t»m) fivt other wtinuii of W.allh all -oxer Jhe »ry ©n tbr dressing table is
FOR SALC-1472-Six a.*r.*v on. half
1 kiB© tire!
t i.um iM»s of xioleta.
small Urn. small ort hard. AU good
active iiii.-renrt in
of logs will U omveyed from om* Unk
At a certain rhurcb It U the
mile city limits.
Call fur prire
ami mauve lildo^p U *Insheu to ih- tb©
garden ground. Tr.o cows, one hun irg iwtoiu at a inarrhife fo
Itrmi.. 1277 XYont 8l.
o*i H it
to the other at u single trip. Au eti- f ducal ioual
dred and fifty chickeas. three hogs,
haiiglngji of tl'c IhrI ss v.'eji as tbe
chTgy ninn to kiss the bride after iha'riu-and si
Hf nal©r TMliuan was .retn nUy talk
pJaut of ample power
bunas, household
tnamim»ili IxHtfe of
.FOR SALE CMEAF-Oim healing
JUMt tbo pexquaition lor
A .roung Isdy who wa« for tlx work assigned will Ijc in nadl ing til his tihinil vebeniant luaunf^r. violet |*crfuip*- is n*»f forgie.N-n.—New
i wants Just enough ground
to be msrrtert to tbe ehim h did
More; good Ss new ; will hurtr ww»J
Till c-o:r..T.->a»u»n -hreiUeind , to 'l>4* Vert Press.
for operations ehonl:
Office 005 New Wilbg^m Block.
?!S;.o.h, renl»T of the cltv to get not rrliah the preapeH. and ir-trmfitl iie^K
or I'Ottl. Call at 120 i: Weviniih.
tetotujv. \ friend « xisjxtulktj.U with
OiUgeiif* phono 0^2
prefll. With her pros|w»4ivc Isnshaml. when n nkIn extra time to
nov 12 21
. P tell tim d lrryginan
to tho Kdward Hiure tlw svnat'^r. ray.ng li was •*hardly a
4»Poper managemecit this spot of Ux i
Sew Rules.
ground will earn th© saUry of an j that tobe did not wish him to kis« her.! LbrnUr oouii>on> of Chicago iuTcntiiv placi- fur Hueh a dlM'Uv«ion.” "invabc
•*l*RiH tb- 1K*1P
Pace the imur
FOR SALE-1470-40
aer.>«, three
ordinary book kw'pcr, clerk or me-j Tix- young bridcgroui did as dlrcct«-d. cut of Iumb*T and nil kinds for negt don’t UIL HO murk, - said the waniiugi ",r7T. '
quarters mile mill. cUy lluiita. All
chanic. Owner go* tbe -roams.- L -v
sskl tbe young Scar. The cut will amount to 4;.WP.- vole. I. imuucd TiUmou. Talk;- ’‘I'lLv
iimlwrculUrarimi: aUmfsU hundred
avily 1
hence offer at low price. Wade PrtM.,1 j„,}y ^
aitpeared. -did
f.,. . lu
n, ^uuj uuuiUrh. aud will in brUtouird. -ni Ulk », ntoch Bhcb•dld .vou
.vou t#*:i
U«rlng p«i^h trees; tew acres i»ola'■“'’''rrf.fr'S; Prof. p. H'. CUac, In.tnictor
irinn In the IJtM. “I
127 Front street. Trw^ City. tur^,>rzy1nun that 1 did not wi.i,
toiw. Call tor ptiec.
Wade Urea..
♦.•vei and mbere-ver I please*.^ I would oif y that order.
208 Pronl Street
volvo'a consideration of aUiut
Mich, atlxcna phone I2J
to kiss no*
127 lYonl «t.
oct 6 tf
‘Keftfle! .W1
Jtme 21-tf
Whsi re uMHi hare CbiUren'i clg# Sgtorday. 10*
The dva! ito the Jsrgk-st ixxotlatcd llko to SVC the man who can keep nn
“Oil. yes.12 4L m. AdulU’ rlatg Monday,
at the hred of the lak»*s In many from talking! ’ i can! ’* camo a voice
••And what did to* say^
FOB MALE-IESS-Resltocn ^ BaM i goR SALE-1445-Haniware #ock U
“is ItTvot a vlol.if
ofthc nrn rat© 7:;i0-yp.
AggcmUy, Monday
**llr said that In that k:aso hr would monthV and is of »-sp.x*ial rlguiCcancc from the crowd. Tillman tunu-d and
Nialk at. cloen ta; large rooma; | ^ aark^ town within ten nUlee charge onlr half the tninal fer/ — bccauH4 life Mock is for H*o7 luanufac- glared aLffUi him. The® bis eye law to
uigbL To^ibono Citizong UM.
ll was fortuni-ic^for Hie young mag
largR boiiM; laig© hA;
prloe; of Travereo Oty. Only hardware. W.-Bkls Ts>rrru>htuiv and dc-liv«Ty. The Tower com caught iIh: hjoaker. Ito pretended to thfvl !;r was l.earily imddrel.
A Na 1 property: easy terms; call Masy teraa. Owner la other basl*
pany’s mlllb arc, located at Tower, on quail. Thu laugh Wf-oi round and thr
tor price. Wade Bret., 127 Front new. Call for Invoice and tenna. \tTKU you’re- hre>k«\ im- girls are- sli.v the McMiba Iren rfUig»* aud Uur pcoduct critiriil sMuatIuu wun savod. Tb© man
! 8t- ClUeua pboa« lilt.
j ,r«d, Bro*. 1»T Trcmt mnH. Tt»t. They turn and fly as you coiao nluh U tdiiupHd mor the Iron lUtige rail who bed buried the dnfiant “1 can!’ j
Brace up. old man. ^lM»w• some pha-k.
MM Otj. Hick. Cttlim PkOM Take
Rocky Mountain
‘twH: road to the doclLH at Two Harbor*. was Dr. T. T. Moore. Tillman’s mc-I
Kin.»;^Jc.^ ^UvU.. .Nov *.*.
change your luckUmc
The% company *H mtire* cat of Korwny
VilUp' of Kingsley L gol«K to ih'YUe
OR aALC—14(7—Swu«cr«
plJK^for tbo prreent season was pur
I2.00U iamdr and wi>h Wdi on some
.Maes !• t«tt lu rkoM.
„Ngd g Cleat Call.
ohaHKl ISKt spring by the Kdward
as follows:
•*Fmh rcaaoning,*- »‘nld Genrrnl F. nine*
Bad aprlv: all ^ wril; good lOa- appk' urckards! good how«e
^ I2.00U payahh to Id ymr:-, lutcrcsi m BBW WILBBLM SLOCK
voh^Inf tlR mlmU*Sra
D. Cirant. In a mUtiary atgnincnL **rr
a* large a« my hand from
payable annanlly. or ll.hw javaUc In
Uoa: clow to Mkoel. cboreb aad
of mJ*)ds ©>c Ilf tbe rrawonlng of old Cor
A Yaar nr Blood.
daughters hip . was prevantod by tfa^ S years. Il.btri at Iho tmd of 10 yrors,
•awt raaort os Dock lake; call tor wsUm*. c-wl for price. Wade Bros.,
l«ral Faiidhorsl.
The year Dsc wUl lung be remem- apRikmlkio
uf Bnekleira Arnica
(irlea. Wade Uroa. m Froet m. 127 Front
oct 6-tf
bcjxM lu tb<’ bom<* of F. K. Tack\4. Solve, says A. C. SlRdul, of lHWiH4 luterei-t ihuyuble annually, or
for fo 3ycara, with htlcrest payOf
CItSeas iSoM Ul». ' aw Mf
dr’lling a Inlrhm' raw rexTiiits.
M\ Va. “PcrsUUut uec uf the aalve
whirh flowf^ ^o copiously from Mr. coimtRtely enrod ft.r cures Cuts. I able auuually.
** ‘Why K ft.* be snkl to a
FOR SALE-&14U—8S feet on 8taU.
roR taut—c»iyu»c Iuhoo.
155 feet on Park, directly oppowlte hkoUng «hep That tl»e blade of your very R«ir. lb- wrUci^: -8.were bicwd
»"‘ “■
With power, machinery aud tools;
Park Ttoco hotel, cotmer lot: fqU* sal^ h ctirxrel instead of straight V inc from the lungs and a frifMluL Dru;; Store.
----------- -----1 By order of village council.
’• The blatlr U <mrxed.* the recruit exmeh hod breught ase # deatbV daqA
able tor any cla^ of balaeM; tor
t Ufnui taking Dr. Kliig% Kbw
j uov 12dt
L. C. McDonald. Ckrk.
U^eir and wales stable eoold wA, he .‘4Bvwrre«1. ‘in order fo give more force wboR
Dlacov* r> for ConaumiitioR. witk fibt
Ihrcu reUnMdt ami a great
Ua floor with BgiiDns^Oi^-i!.
beaicR: central IocrHor; troet and to the l low .*
for a general repair busiu<
*“Non«eoM». said Jibe «vrpo:sL The tour honk's I
aide entrance: best lucaUon In city
will sell for llJtH*; a
s.« thm>
thii4> has proven iw‘mMacRU.<^
for first da# hotel: hard to esO* l.Ltde U 4 cnre1 so as to fit the wwb- mid
cured.” (htaranteed
Gitarameed foi
for Sore Lungs.
snap for aouic one: owner In isjur
note value hut is^erod way below
. 0. P. CARVER A BrtO.^
htwilh. Address i. J. Itorick. Ox
what It h worth at preseui tfime; you got ll into the curved stwhbarfiford. Mich.
nov 7*tf
Hioiv. rri:x; M«c
;i*c and tl^JtT^al^hof
caU for price. Wade Bros.. Trav yoo Wlot.* •*- X:xfch«ngr.
K2:--?c;5f srtn
B. J. Morgan’s Hack
and Baggage Line
0CO. n. Jarvif
201 frsat ftrssi
Horst’s Dao^ Academy.
*^*****^ ftrrrfSar^rnryty*' *****
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
Horses For Sale at
S126 CASH wilt buy Wt 22d. Giwnt
Htre-et. Oak Heights suburb. iVxHdi
feet, if sold iM'forc Doc. 1. Apply to
Thus. T. Kati'ii-
ers CUy . m Freni 8L CitUeni
pbooe 121F.
aug 24X
> loped girl or wo
man will be beocftUi-d by Uklng Hoi
lteict> Rocky Mountain Tea. It is on**
crevaieet known
* strong healthy
ablets. E5 cents.
l>rug Co.
blanket. UHwcon cam!/ factory aad
. peach. cMon vaH#r<
Johnwon dnig store 7'riday after
awaaoQ. This Is one of tbv Enowt
noon Return to Record office.
aitnated spots of gvoe
nor to 2t r.!VolcrtioRai7 soUUer. She Is I
of Traverae City: ooa
Traerriic Clt.v, pc-nla
LOST-L#dles- gold watch and fot. HKENT carriage to any pan of the
Both have lalMal JT*
Mart ciQ-. CIL phone M,
nov 10*12t
at Bccord office and reocirc reward.
Wmle Bros, 127 Fnmt 1
fioDccr LiTciy SnWe
Diek-Now. if I were UttrafF T
rtdlfte somthlng on ©or Idrt
DoRy-I don’t dunhc IL
Dick—Wh# «» TOO Cblnk 1 wonltr
Mir—1 tWRk For wwald fwaRg©!
th,u yon wire a gwore.
The nvorage
bnsf and baa Ro Urn©
to gnjtkliv b# b#Hk g
Johnson Dreg CtK
Thcreiifn acasoo ix over. I have a kk 6( horses for
hale—gootl farm stock—weight 1,000
to l.‘XX) potuufe.
A few good famtly and gtentlcmen’s dnvipg hones.
hone, weight 1.20apoiiida. A
Wfflosdiiasge ior ^ixtrs^
Kindly gii-c me a call.
Order your I
Coal li
cm. momctm.
I .i
TW Brr. rraah M. KMty\ trM
f the Cfiareh SMBs Bs|y AageM. fie.
at aty BMBBtoML
A Cooaectlrm aewwpaprr editor
mm n rsallv weak.
^Pm omr
Qtmtrn An
Nor. la^Tbc talT
Utr U f^iiirlrwiu fooCtoU t«*m U
r^y for lU tm Ug gB»c uC Ur rc«r
«Ulck li lo lie pUy«4 oa rrmakIHi
ftifd seit tiUr^ irlU Ur Lnlrer
an/of IMIgea. Tbt
fio iraet of Ue
Uat Ur apfiroMb
UHi SUM 'vtU frar sM trembllAg.
AlUcMgk tlMT luvr MA bad ooe-batf
Ue lalbrbn tbb fali ibat tbrj did a
3 aar acu aUfortoae ba* ilogsod tb«4r
aa ptniateotl) aa ever.
AmLIac Uia atatoa
olaiBi aajr totant
Uair ovpoaeau wtU bard h*ck Ulea
Tba BMliMii of tbe umm itac« u
rrooT aaoaih of Feaa a mkoMa. Tb«
wblcb baa baeo Uc vutof^Wr ape
3 ear. |»rcv|ooa to Ue gane mlU
Lalajeite Ur map vbo U lo pUy quar
tarbaesk agalaat Mlcblgan and Coradl
baa Mi only Bot pUytd a gunc, for
rtBMlraBla Ula jrcar. bui baa »rvrr
plared aa> klad of footbaU oa any
rotieta laam. Tbe coaeboa bIU give
tbla j«ib to clUer KolnaU or laiarPBce, ^ Sbeblr. I>ec and LuVX w.nv
HM OBtriiOi UcT fallrd (u make
good. BoU XalBaU and Uwreoce
are members of Peim s IntcrculUirtaic
cbamploiiahJp basketball tram. Tbry
an p^ollarlx expert In passing the
ball. eepoDlbMr oa tbe torvrard pass.
BBd in caiiblaf and returning punts.
Bat .irhai Ue; wlli do lo a game Is
another natter.
• Tbero are taro oib«-r very weak
, ape^ jn^Ur Inm. The placing pf
lioUmback, tbe star center, at foiliBck has oompiilod tbo rarbus to put
a ppM and vary light man her*-. The
man who is near bbldbig down the >ob
la Payar. tbe rbaopkm mlddlrweigbt
vresUar. Dvyor hardly wHghs 170
POUI^ Bot be passes tbo buU well
and poasoaacs great atrvngtb. If ho
rails to i^e good bla plaae wlU be
lahm by Gnstou. who is a iblfUer and
beatier man. but has had no experitncsi lo this position. TiMTe will b»*
no changes la reun’s gnards. Ziegler
at right and Gallagher at left guard
maka a thorougmy mtlsfaciory pair.
fUmllatiy the coaclns want xH>thiug
U’llcr than Draper at lep f;tcklo. Hut
J.qvcry. at right Uckle, In wh up lo
ibe standard reoairi«d. lie Is being
bard prrasad by OaaioiL
On the two ends U'%eoe and ‘Star
lett aro dxtnrea. Both are svterans
from last year, and, although their
mx>rk has slnmpod a mue of late, they
are eertaln to play Uelr game when
the Ume comos.
In the back dcld everjihlng Is
r«‘n« wrlth tba vxcepUoo of quartern
l«ek. KelnaU ^i>ms to have the bet
ter of tbo aifttmoBt with Lawn-nce
bnt^job* bocauae of tbo gnuater experi
naco bad in hla preparatory daj>.
•Mka Ara Blrofig f>oint.
FOIwtH's brokoQ band has mendiNl
to such an extent that he «ill be able
to play his usu^gamo at left halfback. With Captain Unx-oo a? right
haU. the Quakers will have a pair of
backa that aboold bo .ibie to mon
thaa btdd their, owa against Michigan
The ahiniDg of llolleBbaftt from ecu
<»T to fallback hai worked a gnwt Im
provfmeni In Ue back field. Hollcn
back U a groat kleker. and can catch
tUr un. But bis chief ad.antagJ is
kU ablllly to ran wiU the ball,
phood hulfback taxi years ago. and
would have pla^xd It kxsi fall bad be
not brokeo bU leg. Ho fils into the
rollback position naurally. and. be^
canec of hlo great speini. frequently
ge ta aw ay for long runs.
Tbe real wcokneaa of the tea:
due to ftp alow dctxlopmont. The men
ttoi taly got Blartod Ulor than most of
tboir rivAls. but Ue perfectioa of tbe.
tout »xA
4*ta)C(l by tbo lack of
a kwtbair raoural.
wastud Bcarig five works* experiment
tng with quarUrbacks.
Btiek to Old Game.
bctwiBl Bcw formations bsvc been
learoed. bot the forward pass
roaAy Uc only new play the team has
OMfoBoa Cam^ bo Cured
T8s FMhan Ftoyw^.
have learBed SO mile that Is BOW.
and have dtptoded too mock cm the
old style of attwrk whick doco Bot gwia
gtornm omsIstoMly under Ue teie
After t£e MteWgaB game is played
PsmasytvaBla wfil sc« Bare Cornea '•ceirta*' Woo at Wo^4io.ton9 Club
Ovor the ^’LoaforY* hy It «ns
to Uttr, la Uo twelve years Uat Pena
and Cornell kave betn mossing on Ue
gridinm the lUncons have won hot a
single game. This ttam they wiU hrlag
down OBe^of the best tesmm IB the his.
loo of Ue. uBlvertfty. nad to their
pr»sritt demoralixcd shape, the QuakUc Ve
ers are a good bit nlarmod.
In which Uc Scouts—Irving Murray.
Abe Itodunaa and Dr. S. 8. 8miU—
won wer Ue Umfers-Alfind Moore.
Harry Parker and Bra NonUgtH —by
II pias. Three games were
first wvni to tbe Loafers
Official fit Wing averages of the pU> • by the good Btargin of £7 pins but in
r. la the KsOobsI kwgoo bare >nst the next the Scoots swung back get*
era coBipUed by lYcaideot H. C. flag a lutal of 4& amrv than did their
opponrau. Tbe Uat game was cxcit
only Bien who have participate^ In ing and well bowHd. The Scouts
knocked down thirty more than did
tflera or more games.
Dan MrOana of Niw York led all tbe Loafers and therefore won out by
Uo llrKt baMmsu *if the National ci^Ux n pfnK.
•^liat Is that, fatherr
'That, my son. is a football pUycr.**
-What U a football, tdayer.
-Uc U n Doy with IbBg hair, a
littw cap and some brulsew.rGTiy does be have Uus--.
-So Ue 'girls w in tbiak him a
hero, a brutal hero."
-Why does he wear *uch doUcs.
fatber?-So that when the* oUers lump
no him and an try »o bit him at
oner, thi* sounds of the struggle
GunitedllqiorCire ^
Wagfw-I bear old Miserly has no-
AMCIL F. NCflUMaCR. LAWVM- hraast ef R - he eald.
As the ceagrefattaa fs.q*rd. he
warrd tn the air e fieewmeat. ofoMd
and raekd to toeraiMe o court «d«.
-Yee. I mcon IL**' he coatfoued. a* if
Trmverse Land and Loam On, P. ta kUl anyHagMteg
pelatfog thtooigh eae of the eUfoHt
TbufUU. Maaagrr. Office, mm t
HamOfoa fi MRUkBa bkKk. .
-Thet etlry oot there has Ura
pared and the city has sued me for
the sHer BMoey.**
Dr. a B. Chase; Sfote
; a big fin* In a ncBtshy town. Arrirtiig
. St t!i** pUifv the reporter found gmt
: snss>.-« of fianic pouring fruw tbr bur
fai-torr hciW ng Uv smed nonrfosed
: sxui dklnl huvkw what to dvx riially
> be *ntt ht.-k t^y th. yfibr th * tele
f gtwu:. Tlave airnid aod lb*- lire iI huroiag benxdy. XVUt ri«ll I d«r
W. Eighth 8L ettx. phOBB TtL
1 <.if
It*' ws^ >- ut lo writf i;;:
tbe nre. Inn It wvn iH»n
Islv ;«»r t!e
aft r:ic »:: edHior. lh«« eiliii-r aaJ » » mOR. F. MOLOSWORTH--Spratal ak
IL vg -.Mthr 1 »- ,’riwlh.
~*ti! Kv. V
tontlon to dUeaara of Uo eye. car.
tl»e ft«l^»wlng npl.v:
im; . Ur^
nose and UroaL Clnmra fitted.
r?jr T:ri
t! . '.KktUV n-.al ;u»r ‘ i * “
Over Johnaon drug store. BoU
New W-K Till .U’.phones.
K^osi Several color..
Makp your aeleollou enriy.
In Brooches, Bracelets,
and Crosses
Boullful Hid
‘‘le Table fSt Umitlelhomme"
only iH-ing tb.ai' smuk.-s
have inilute.1 man in all other ways,
even m-quiring a fondness for llquorM,
imt they nev.-r could to? taugUi amok
Ing. .Smoking is .n dintlneily muwc’s
lln«- pleafctm . and when man has a
g.wd cigar like Wadsworth Bros*
Chkos In bl» mo’jlh. he Ih care fr-.ami Pi.Mjy for any trouble. 8 K. Wait
k .SoiiH. tlK local oipnth for Chico-,
ray that many of thilr lawyer curtoni•*rs will not take a difflciUt case tmiil
thin hate a to>x of C*bioi>K at band
Prom pure en>oynieiiT .iny lover of a
good cigar can to- no more inrfectly
satUHed than with a Wadaworth Uru--.'
t;w to R. L\ Walt £ Ron* drug atoto
t.Hjoy and sells I uue of tbe«« elcau
Havana filled eigars. The price. 5c.
Mialgbt. will not frighten you
* of P., meet every Thursday Gen
ing. New Munron block. C- B. Wal
ler. C. C.
|6hn R. Santo
Look forwartl to tlio
• HolKliys and inspeot the
big line of juirelry I carry.
J. N Martinek
217 E. FroiH'Et
General Insurance
Kew WtndB BUk
TmtYcne Ctty
Moom Kc. L City Upmo Uosm btom
Arc Your Collections Slow
Farips for Sale
1 have a number of good
farms, all the way from 4016
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good properly, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
UU acooiuiU promptly uttuudea.
to »nd I am make mooi'y tor you a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any
body else. 1 have farms
Colleclipu Agt*U‘7’
Hamilton which arc located from four
Clolbing Co.
to 20 miles from Traverse
HtYc yra accoaats tttt
You Have Given Up?
If you have, let me coUect
them for yon.
A. Pohoral
TRAVERSE CITY LEGION. No. 139National Protective la?gio& will
TrutiTM- City. Mleh . Bept. 10, 190€.
met I tn Woodman Loll on Ue Uird
I bate placed a uumUr of accounU
Toewlay of each monU at 7;30 p. m
Abram SmlU. preaidcol; Caylt with A. roboral * agency for eoHertGriswold. aecreUry; Nettie C. Gray, lon. many of them .tong outlawed; but
Oct. 26-tf Jnat the wme Mr. rohorat broogbt Ue
delinquenis to time and prompt setr
TRAVERSE CITY LODGE. No. 222. F. tlemenla
L. Axhton, Denlfot
A A. M.. nectE cn Monday eteniag
on or before the full of Uo moon,
at 7:50 p. m. M. E. Uaakell. aecro
lary. Elmer E. *Whllc. W. M.
City, all good improved land.
210 Waibinglou,
Cil. plion.? 771
O. c. MOFFATT—Abstract*? of ililc
21V Sixi!.- Bunk building.
6 Hral KaUonal Bash »df. CW
ten* phone fi«.
. aag S4f
A. J.MCPHAIL, DeatUL Orar Jobs
son drug store. BaU yhoBS SSM
rings; Qtx. €€f^2 rfofi.
OR. F. J. MAC NETT—FrmetJee lialted to EYE EAR. NOBE. THROAT
xndnniNGOFOLASSBfi. Officf
502 Wilhelm block. Citiscmi phone
nan e xpBriukce. Now locatod wtU
tbe drink bablt.
Grlnnell Bros.
The guarsnoo gfren wiU each packnge thorooMly proteeu tbe buyer.
OR. O. E. CHASE, removed from Sfifi
Onto# Is la two forms: Na i tor MMo Irene Afoafoy. tbe New £ct. m WDbelm block to 4«7 and 40fi
•tent use and No. 2 for those who land sopcBBo who rtcratly made bar
srisb to be cured. $1 a box. MaU or- appeatanoe fo LoBdsB
ders fined. Tbe Orrine pi. Wash
J. B. MARTIH-PhyMctoa aad Sur
Ingtoc. D. C.. or Johnson Drug Co. .
geon Office 2<>5 East Froot street
j :i: state Bank haMtog. Ottoena
CrifitM Gvfgles
K. fo a rsicr fall of patboa
urn hr hod a oonffoateo to make,
aii^ as woD make a ,-tean
DR. E. B. MINOIto-Offiew BTcr Ai
can Drug Blore. Special attei
fhtnaW to tio alllT fur serious <o&akl
lo cjx*. oar. aose. and UroaL Olaases
eratloa. Pvra to irw:wrf of tin- i»ro
fitted. Buth phones. Residence GU
-Can I be a foorimll player, too.
fewsip'nal and Im amide Vstf^-tw U
Sixth etieeL
fatbiTfw«Hikl to- at^uiti If it w«ve not so rruH
“No. rixHldie. I win g.-t you a
rod mallmant
llK-te to ii«> «-*•« OR. W. E. MOON-.PhOBM,
place in a foundry. Y*ki wont ha%c
«-*‘lval*h« rxrm«e for ’tptdyiug t»» tl'e
Cftx. Ib7; DeU fl. Reridmic
hL:rk drum* and ts:rai*:te aty tr«Bt*
Waehfogton etroet, Oti. phci
n«-i»t vih:i*b i_'n**r»-«
nhtf. r.jtii’1
and iml’stor. It-.- R..uth h s - r- tev*
e* Ihr lijtivto uf it*, detrar
Iriff :«ni>*ib>. It to i r i.-th-BlI; desxl T. W. THIRLx>'. DraUat. Ovrr Bar
ti;o of -acsHl rvads. uf we!l|«vrd
Bum A Barl*s jewelry store. BoU
M It nun*’ lalde a’*^*«*v^ h- euJ
phoBOs T09.
Oewm Town Ceotset.
• < **\«-’remt*« of rul..*bi*’i»d. •'rgan
The ten mao contest which wws
Clark, the Case school punter. Is atjrnrn#«i*«el> cm^uI. If t|»* y « iti ARTHUR HOLLIDAY, M. 0.-PhysL
pulled off at the WUklnsoo A Rosser
t^lBg much fame as a plac- and not werk fm- tto-miu-lees atol H*Hr
cUn and Surgeon. Rcaaovod to at
alleys, although full of toierosl. was
drop kicker.
ficce in Munson Mock over Baniua
* au si lra*t to made te
not as well rolled as was last w i<efc:.
A tsodQta on laiekles. Leaded by an
A Barl V. ClUxeu phone SS5.
No high scorco ww made and Cor- end. Is a favorite play of W.ih Yale an!
betl took first monej- by high score of
West IVjiul.lhU yisir.
MARRY fi. HARNER-Kxpert pfoao
191 and an average of 17y. JoHus Ula-Y’ u 1-ere. Jsntes'** exi lafoed tho
Ralph Davis, the famous lortn-r eu.l
tuner and actlou regutator. Satis
nie came in for second wiU a high of
w the
ior ,sii.
uf the lYiocetoo Uwim is coaching the s^nmworkrr. v isiting
taclkm fmaranuHd.. W'ltb Kimball
177 and averaged lor Ue Uree games
-Ye^'m.- i’ri:.d the tKYW prto.W.
Tigers ID Uckting and handling pouts.
Music House. CUx. phone 2C4.
whk w‘sv lb u»r iHimlarv.
Pa. ptos.
Bd. Iiilloo. the great quarterback of
*‘tVe’l wcM. I «vrt.nlulv am snr, Princeton, b no: sp.stly, but U elusive.
P’tt in mortgagee. Housee 1
e:r* I, ii5u'.!i.. or 1 veuUiu*! be.
lUJI uno me DLUU J^ke »tahl has ^msl Ue imnols fjerc.*’
Inquire of
McNamaia. Park
-----------{squad and will assist in coaching the
PUcc LoU!
*>’.• «m.- T.i„.
!^\‘:::porUi...bau,...a.b...nmado French Proverb That Prove* Itself
vt-r. Prices reaaooable. Office viU
-----------I in the O. S r. Ucun. ld. C.ii.M.n re
O. P. Carver 4t Bro. BoU pboneo.
True in Traveree City.
jpUct** Stolp at right half and Trary b
Eleven Is Stron
phioed at fulUouk
E. L. THIROfiY-Speclal attra
Th* r«a French proverb. 'Tobac
tosmll Will, Play at Left End. I Wt*si Point has the hardest schedtlon to dlMwaoB of children. Room
c*» L the friend of man.** that la monOfficials Are Announced.
julc of any other eastern eleven this trii’- than th.' average. M.^n is the
4U9 SUte Bank bldg. Both phones
kac^Ois with Ue most txtnionliiiary
mark of .995. McCann made bot
eight emirw all during the season in
acc«*pting Mir chances.
' The second bSMmia of the k*«gue
were led by Lew Ritchie of Pittsbarg.
Rlfchic sccepted a total of 792
chances with but tweoty-Mven errors,
giving him a ptreratage of .9G<. which
i» very fair lor a second l»SMUuan.
Lrads in Three Ssektra
Arndt of 8t. l4)uU vriis easily the
load»T of the third basemen. wIU a
per cralage of .965. However. Ah»dt
did not play In a.** groat a number of
games as a numlier at Ue other third
Ksekerv. He aceplad 2W chances with
B uHal of nine errors, giving him n
rcentuge of •H;*.*’..
The shortstops were letl* hy Joe l
Tinker of Chicago and McBride of
Loulh. each with a Kretwtage of .9I4.J
TioKer accipted »(»5 chances with 45 j
errors.'as compared with McBridea;
521 ehautv.s and r.e errors Tinker has!
*-MiddlJ^ * will Is- pisved iHc. I.
b.«.«.rratlc,.hort.lup.bul bU
Ann Arbor. MU-b. Nov :;.-Co.rh | „ ,,
«o:k Uiiitn* Ibi- wiiiKm Jiutl iluiihi'd,
r»-luro* d fnMu l^•nD.>•lvalua ,
,na, ,fc,. „. w j-nnw- »HI no W
.mm,* bim a. our uf tbo U-.t moupund., and a, n, Immvdiauly to >b«-j ^Wn :.t Im >a « ..aill thr ,..a*..a. dav
In tbe
In tbe outfield. Oossler of Chicago
their ^'a^s^ty loiters.
and Marshall of New York malntaincMi game with the -scrulH. * SatunUy.
- CoacU tr.eim Wnnn r of CornMl
is-rftei |srcentag«w. accepting HI and
CailU* room is lisnk<*d with tlowiT.5 m at Uls hf»me in I^ca. N. Y., and it
32 «-hanciH. rvNp*-ctlvrly. This leases from the diffennl 'Irai;, - and eluU, js fosn-d that unh^ h»- l> able tu b*
Jimmie Kheckard of (lilcago us h-adcr.
Will as individual tnaiks of esbH*m. wi:h
:h Tluteam in a short time it will
with a in rcc Dtage of .91*6. He made
seriou.s M'lhack fur CtimeU's
Yo«i says he not only regrets Curtis*
but four enors during the entire seafrom the standpoint <»f .me
*“ Iho remaining gaiuev.
accepllug a total of 2M chauctw. of hiv Ux-l men lost. h«t ns a p. rMmn! j <.‘'*»»b'r Sheldon of the Ohio SUte
Thomm* of Philadelphia c*veu made n friend. H.*alM. savs that Wfore1o.nv>*»*
t« don hl.s
U4tcr recunl than ihh*. finishing tin Itig for ;*euusylvania he in»trurtcd foottuiU tegs for
with a’peit'enlage of .9X6. hav C'unis not to go Into tbe game with
ing aecviHi*d :i57 cUanc«-s and making Ue scruU. hut dot s not blame either,
but five «Yrrun-.
the mm who tackled him or CurtU Ux ii out of tlic
Bowmrman Haads Catchers.
lU>wermau of New vTork ranked
Coat'h Yost Is Wue over the prospect ‘
bigheM among the catchers with a
age of .984. H4* was closidy fol- of the i-omlDg game with U«*
s>>.** .saying that they Uowt*d up Cate of Frigid Condition of Pedal Ex
wcd \o .lohnny Kling of Chir;.Rb.
tremities Developed When They
who flnlsh«»d wlih a p^'roxilage of .982, strong and that tbt* quarterback which
Hoard of Nuffer,
::s»; chances and has appiared weak in the earlier part
made tilx errop-. ns eima»arvd with
Jimmy Nuffer. who was to coach the
CuiiU* place at left will U> taken Bast Jurdam t« ani for their l»attle w ith
Kllng's C5S ehau<H-s and twelve iTrort^
Jleuihach of Chicago was the pre by LowtII. hut Yost say:, he is greatly Pi^oskvy Baiurday jawa d thr\»tjgh the
mier pitcher of tbe National k*agu< put cut by Ue aecidral. as he Ipid city on his way honw this morning. He
idtchlng inVientagi* of >2C. Tbt been graining CunU to play * loosf stah*d that uh«n petoskev h^md oi
big Chicago* twlrler won nineteen quarter.** and be will not have time to hi.*. pr*-N.nc<* and his work in i:ast JorgxBH*s during th»- :«^soa niiU lost but train LowdI into Ue plays hr has d.-Mi Hj.Ntwv.n the srhivls
four eontrsts. Browm of the same lHH.u guarding all season and training i wa. imniedi.nteiv canct h^I
the fsmuu.H Mordtx-ai. was «oc- ot which Curtis*was lo h<* tin* center,
«»nd In the ranks with a fan'cniagi* of
Brown pltelHsl thirty-two games, by former Center Ch.-meni. and Pat
-T l.ntr
kM n» B
fire ivr l*rY>k. i, ’n’t :ia . .*iid iti*- -.vllor.
winning twvnly.edx „f them and losing liek will not In- in the game.
*rhe rooters are plaiiulnr to make a -It w»M In Ks*.**’*«. and 'he !i*n*nniT v a»
«/iit of s ua.iit. Tlie i<atit- ^ <trw
LunUgreu of Chicago ranked fourth good showing and will lio- the m.*vt
.■»l*r;i.^« •trallii* Mtnmnh-. They -W!
among Ue leagues piirhcm and from FVitj field to the hall tomurruw
r»i*'»it in plt*«-*ii to loan-u. and «Ua*
PMsler of the iv^mc team ranked afternoon to cb«vr thtu team on the piorfv. tboy
disjw— of «Khrrwlve
fifth, showing bow w«l tlK^ Windy way from j ractice.
tbrrov Into t^e bin for tm J.
Mr. Baird tayw Ik* doewn'i think
City twirh rs far.*d during tb»- season.
“Mirnimy *.nrr*'!!k'- ttnd’T. bin »»*•
McGinnity of N«w York woo tbe Uere V ill he I(H* rooters on band to go a gUa«tlv fuel. It i’* a- gha^My a fuel
U»*y buiT. m
foevst gam«^ of any twirier during the with Ue loam at the rate of I192SO xa tls- »htve lawn*
each for f»re>.
sivison. with a total of twenty
%|ett>fle5. He alao managed to lose The team will le.nve Wednesday
night fo- West rh*-ter. where they
twelve game
groat CJiristie Matthew.-ou won will nay for practue until Ui final
T Lnre l>een tn tannery towna
a total of twenty-two games and lost struggle take* place.
wben* tbe fuel i* le.ilbcr < bU»«, ThK
twtdvo cuBtest.H.
The officials lor the game were an- fuel *mells
ii»tu hig. rolld
There was not a Chicago pitcher noinicc-d todaj as follows: A. W. Ktl- tixj. fortnln
ly, Princeton, t
Langford. Trin 1 chtuik* wtmt have to be hn?l;e rp with
who lost more games th;m be
of them ranking well above Uc .300 ID. referee; D. L FuIU. Brown, head the poker every little while.
-In Rrittoh ColmidjU.. vrto're li*h to
nf plentiful as Sir. toey hnrn drttd tisb
Cl^go Lunds to Field,
vt ln-n there's n-» w ood L-mdy . Tbe
cam Itolditig. Chicago,was Uc
<iU la the flth cause* them tn lejm
leader of Uo National league, w iu a
wen. bnf the wmell of tbi« fish fuH
Ww vtMild not tinder any dreamala*t to lio white mar's taste**
DUge of >69. PilUburg was
staocea endorae a rumedy for Ue enre
ood. fdlowiag olom'ly on Chicago's
of Uo drink habit unui we had abbo>
hi*»U with a porccBtagc of .964.
hiielf aatiaiod ouraolres that It did
New York was oeirt and then lolall cUlBwd for it. Orrine Is the only
lowxrd ClDcinnaO. St. Lcmla. Philad
core for Ue drink,ba»»H Uat wc know
lihia and Boston in the order naaod
of and Ue ooly one that we ever knew
Druhot of aocInnaU led all the
King psear ef Sweden tores noUIng
of that bad enough merit to be aoW more folds quial and letoure momenta
pitchers of the Katlooaa
tmdvw a poalthe guarantee to refund than to inptBTtoe on the organ.
fielding poreratage. with a mark of
Ue money If It doe* net cure. It has
l. 000: be managing lo keep a clean
stood tbe teat of years of use and we
know of Bmay wboBi It baa cured of
too. as a taam. made Ue
i of My dob to Ue leagm*. Uey
gutting M7 mlsplays. TUt team
number of chances.
M of a wM.
Why sit in .
when a little
Japanese Basjeets
make wry Uioful ami a<tv pU
Wc* have juiit
fin. naaortmont of ibcee
goods in
Fancy Work Baakuta.
Wnato Paper Bfiskota,
LiuAdi Baeketa,
■ikI Yviou 6u>c7 boxes.
MOO with ulk tope with
selves in two year^ In
saving of fuel.
Get our prices.
All kinds of lumber and
interior finish.
^ 1
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