The Evening Record, December 26, 1906

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The Evening Record, December 26, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



n muiK nM m

i Nav Tork. Oto. to--ri« AAtoAA*.
AM a kabr. «HA AAtroMBA to a
la a toartoanr MMtoaat totaa* al It
CAmla* *tf**«. Tk* paato toitok**
*«aM. «MA *Mh Utaal* U^tMt

ama AUMBtat "

U to UM MiUtr W Firm* e.

•y Wirt ta tk# Ittaiat 1
Now Vt»m Oae.

mfUto la a atoto af kynatic awr
aa praUmii by wkat la tot

Tka pa^kaca waa glrta tala jtba eaa
•TMitil UMm» ttATEt AH- tody or CapUlB WaUr by tbji AM^
fuvio wnom cof«mmaoen.

toUy at tka 'Cartoto by tka

By Wira to tba SraaiaK BmioH
Naw York. Dae, M—Tba
ataaaar Uoitad Aataa arrtrt

IF TOC haea
vkaat Hoar yoo win ba
Irtaanad with lOBAL
aad wiater flour. M
mad pastry.

Aa toa Thaw today.


rutoltoed to toa Cvaaiaf Daaard
W to aami aaah day by d. I. Walt
WIONttOAV, DCC. 2t. liOt.

^ ^ ^ Aceutto MINO
total laapa

haa*A at Damm Mtaat tkl. Mxatoc. AtSOOM AiHK
toM# M bmm lmn»«d to d«iuk. TMf
ihP tieUmm of a lUfti
wkldi Imm kM vorklaf Mcrailjr la
mtmiti rmn aad kM coo

Monday night the raeeeury
dropped to S abeve aero, a record
fer th a year.
Fair tonight: Thuraday fair exaept anew in north partlen; alight

and net set

of any store reveab a
number of articles which
should be told, whether
or no a profit can be reWe begin our inven­
tory today and we will
find such itenw, and if
you would like lonie bar­
gains drop in on ut dur­
ing the next few days and
aak for our

bkv paaMi

•M Mgkt llMT VM Tulaad br
atpalprtoai ira wklcIT buraad out In
tk# latartar vklBa Uia boat Ujr at tha
M er mMa aUkai. On# wUaf»
aaya tka boat W ira4 by two formar

Oor Ato<-k WBB Unto ^nd
Bltboogb we sold mote tilippors tbso evi-r lioforo tlio | aeBOrtment i» still fairiy Rooil.
Wo Bre B< Uu>K «u oitra (good

Dau IfoCBM. Dae. H.-Thtwa bu*l.
PPM blocka M rarty atraat ww
bmad tkla Homlat. Loaa flM.oM.


lafliMaM Aabaal tMiaak Tf
•MpkAAAAA to a OatoM Mai


By Wire to the Vraatat Baaord.,
Cbtoaco. Dae. M.—' lly. bot yonVa
roach - ekclaimed Mra. Bnina Gant
maa on aa uadartalcpr*# alab latt
night wblla aba waa bainc prapaiwd
lor baitol aftor two doctors bad algaad
a carUdoaia of bar death. The uadar
tabar lalapboaad for the police aa
aoioa aa ha nieovered tha power, of
apaacih. BaCora . they arrlTed Iffa.
OaidBUui had pot on bar clptbaa mad
waa alartlag for home.

«r ttk MW e k» latartotad hac.
rnt a ■tiMKWiai loM a porlloa o(
tk. «Utto «M» at hi. rlfht haad
thUtoamlaC. ‘
kaa ato bOM la a
*« OB hi. tarto kaaU of ika allir aa.
«a* hoMlac obB-aaray froaa lb. ta.i
lU. BMnilDB. iMthor am of th.
-aata. nitoto al him AirUwUy to nanv bt. riAAtar*. Th* Bta AttAtaptotf to hoM to OA. boa AAirt»ii
ibA otbor bot lb. I«l.r AitiukAa blai
•ttb bit IM-Ib. lAklaa ..boot AA tach
A« tbA •ai.r botor. tta. ACiay *a.

Mawday Afiamaan Had a Laiif.
dlaw Jaumty.
A numbar of Trarerae City people
left on tha If. A N. B. Monday altar,
noon for Manlataa to apead Christ,
mat. The train left hera on time but
tnatiaul of arrlTlng at Maalatae at
«:U It waa some time after • oclock
/ whw the trail
in. At Oopemlah
i \ there wm a alight wait but at Kalera
tha aaglia data oat and they laid
ihbra about an boar. The journey
>pa tomi iweamad and four miles
V yrara oaowad la thirty mtnotea. When
tba irmla raatoad Chief an aagtne was
aaat oat from Maataiee aad towed
them la.
^lUp dadtoa Met with Fainful Aaeldtid to
Winp dddara of hmla suffered a
, painful Injury to Wa Itot band yaetar.
day whUa at arbrb la the IH»re
ffUHU Ttotad boaaa.
Tha maa to a boOarmalier aad waa
at fba tima at hortc oa a daamr
: eoBMOvt Whao a portkm of the froai
flf tba boiler faU and eangbt tte <
her uadar h. fha haad waa badly
cfwtoad aad Maditt iraai t^to home
wbare he <«a be oared fo^o a I

H. O. JBptt Bf 'iinto. * toSBt HBB
H. a Jerat M tbB Riw Bt bbim. a
jATBt bBB itoIrBS ftoto IbA ann. the


Hid tvlffbMly ipant Its Whda Lift
In tha Watar Malaa to Travaraa
Clty» twaia Aimiad In a Vary

Would Uae dUte Law to FrevtM
mna waahbg out a whUkf Tiottlc
Qf^t Nonnam From Itauing
Mooday crrnlng H. W. Pierce d>»*w a
IM.000.000 New ttock.
-ihlaer minnow about two Inches In
IfBgtb from a tap in bU saloon.
Tim Back of tkc bottle waa about an
Incher la dlamet^ while tha mouth of
Oaaaral Young has tba papers ready
to eUrt an lajunotloa eoH to prevani
tha Great Northera'a laaae of IGO.OdO.
Oto new stock. Tba lajunctloo li
under the new sute law reoulHng thr
rat of the slate railroad commis

laches ef dnaw la Le
and dank.

Vbao Urn flah slipped Into the l*otlle
Mr. Pierce thought that a pencil bad
dToppad from hta.pookto and fallen
Into the flaak but on Inspection found
a real litre Ash swimming around. The
eves of the minnow were ootrered wlil^
a white Aim and It had oTidenily been
In tht water mains for some. time.
The Ash was the center of attmc
tlon for some time but yesterdsy
round Its way l|j^o a cat’s


By Wl^ to the Erenlng RMiord.
pdoa. Dec. fd—There are twe •uainaat Aaaaciata to tha Latt R. W.
Round Paaaed Away In HoapiUl
laches of anew la tba slreeto today
at Fort Moron.
aad m country districts the tnUni
are dalayad. A deire storm Is rsgini
France* Round received a tele
OB tha coast aad the ateamer Hkel
want ashore and aaak. The lift gram Monday afternoon announcing
that John Rudge. her brothrr in-law.
aaerra look the crew off.
was dead In Port Huron. Mrs. Round
had ao knowledge that be waa ill and
hla death which occurred In a hocpiui
waa a great shock to her. She left ImRAAty Bf ABtoBUnt PaH«t Tvltor At midlattoy tor Port Huron.
at LauIa *AAk Waa PtotAvBfBS
John Rudge waa about S3 years of
IB AbsMb. Tbbbb.
age and learet tour daughters. He
was quite well known hero, hsTlng
Bt WII* to tb« EtmiIbs Reeort.
be<m a bnslnces asMclate of the late
ICBnaBB CIO. Mo. DAt M -BrR, W. Round all his Hie,
IWAM SLiOO ABd P.tes BlOiMI b]T W.
C.' ABdATBOA. totwwr AArtilMtTAylas
tAiiAr or tbe nm nauoaai bA.k h«*.
hAA bm> fnoM lA AmiIb. Taibs. A»Wattar M. Falga Hac Rented Maughty
derao. li bb4^ Bir»t hweT
iutlding and Will Rapair and
Cart for Autamabllea.




Walter N. Paige has rented the
lower ttoor to the Bougbey building at
the coroer to Cass and Unloo street*
aad wUI opea a garage there about
Jaa. 1. IPto.
Mr. Paiga will BMoe hU aatomobUe
aaltbf a raeajwar la tbe aoftbarw nan aad Uaach supply stock into tba
of Kampa
tba goaanor win baiMiag aad tt up a mtoaroom aad toplBM tba aatira aaltoib<M^ tea. A gaaeral repair haalaeas wfll
be c^aaiad aad alorage to oar*
bood uBffar martial taw '
made a apaelalty. Mr. Palga Is local
agiat tor 4ba kUiwall car uA will
Punarol bartoaa.

davcffwr wai Frobabiy Ftoga ^
4loa to Mtotltoippl aa tha Raatot

Mr. Jnynt ba* BOt yto ffmlAad
he wni do to fbd fuiHPa bat will taka
u cbort mat bafora aaikarttlag lb aay Tba fbamrto to Mbit Abm RIaa was
baM from ffu rraaela dbarob tbto
other hoatoa**.

THOn tbat am apilag wheat
fer bmad win be ooavlaeod by uae

marim nortEt M la tba papar

Oiaat Drfiala'ibIrC Tba preffuey In the faraat toad iftp paf emit trial to TpKAL*sprtag wheat
I la Amertaa la two or tbraa itoNa •oro itoa ioika Into tba gimtoff than tbat it to aapertor to aay «a tba
Mar tbaa tbat to Oraat Mtol


Mea’s Fancy
supper* at

Dnii Store

For Hoilday Cooking I
The finest Flour is an absolute essential,
especially for cakes and pastry.
‘•BEST" brand is a flour that never yet
has been surpassed for all round baking.
Its flavor is fine and delicatc. it has fine
body, and is full of those nutritious qualities
so desirable in a family flour. TRY IT.


- Store ol meaty tor thlsOass

Make it a return Gift

If there is some friend.that you wrould like to
make a.retum gift to for N^-Vears' come
here; while our Christmas trade was exceUent
we have some yery snappy good things left
that your friends would appreciate.
Just now we are offering some exceptional,
values in Suits and Overcoats that we know ^
will interesr you.

Store Open this Evening.

You can get
these for 75c

Rnkcoa ^
CkkMD. DWt

s s AT THE s s


P ^teh ha waa aiillra- Tht


Holiday Goods
Cily Bcbk Store


tot nMrd daprat" ia^adilch tot pallaa
by ardwaaa fyaatlaiilni lad toa vktim
to baflava ha aaaMfiUiad thf crtoM.

I OMMMW^ am r»*^ OM
•mo to OMtof* toto Tw» Mat,m*r CMptolfAt At* ..............
tAtoy** rit**.


tfiw fioMa

l«K0« Omi IMOSHK I linBt K IRNT.

, or THM MAO 0«tll
•Wimio TO eCATH.


Tuviiiw errv. mmhmam, wtsMsoAv. otcKUHR n. im

6 PAOn


Lay Co

Our $3.00 Boot is the Ska'ting Boot for
women. It is staunch, warm and com­
fortable and well adapted for
storm srear.
en Blao. .lust the thing l<> bol.1
UM w

Bachant & Rosdoe.

Complete Housekeeping
1 New Piano
Jl Kimball Organ
1 Small Office Saffe
Blacksmith Toole
Will Sell aijy^f the above cheap ,

Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.

Telephon^rOfTicc, Citizens 32; Bell 169.



‘ mi


We lM»e ariBMl hniMiitd dolUn
worth of oi»old
«ewill«cll ktadr
would rMterr*«^ coat out of
tbem BOW than to car^tbem
carnLti>eia over.
.and *5 value., nS« $ll; Jtt.
J>5. ISSO. iStoaBd 18.T6
, ,
Come yand look them over.
EaAc«t kbs A caagr PB3SM

JaMS-s; !i i‘

youihfi^ gfl UtothM
m wood >t bibM> orals

eoid. Wwidis. yoo ssoe tte
Uhur of bandliag Um wood
and Uvs yo«r boose aaim

THwmrti- at the Ofned mto Md Hm
alteatom ead recelted the pmlee el her home fhia morming tPlth the hody
m epecto^^to
l ^
heya were gtrea hearty eeeoe

II ably and wrtL
the aothor of toe
IBM R. the 1
meeh credit, HU
— W. Uim. ^

r ‘



aee Oaiiltoer la the ’reehe- part
ntae made
. ptaHiita lifL tf y«n^ were eaUreiy la Vhegtag wHh the
mur and hie make ap wee eleo
I li
m tohltk la the pert of Hago.
im4 if ytf hM »M yt mtmti mm)
the haMdiheek. had a ^fflealt
MMM W M ffM «r MIA
ter het it ffae handled mach
here He doahled aa
Vm rnm^im tt«t
the heObcp. ta the lart art and did
MacatMwMw* tM
will in the ightor chantotor. a
pMM hr <k* |M»I. €t tb* 0-tM
aa Ralph Darrow handled hM
SlatM. U bWlMMy • a
In a ttoy aeeeptahle maam
In • bm«M dMMtg*. Itattbnpran- part
deed aa did alae Ohailea Aagertlee
<«t pne* In 4li«lrt— %■<■«■» At* Wj aa the vlUalk. Dick Dwyer wma
IcaMnc ttwrew ptMMIloa to
sUy M( <i^«ton (h. tntb. U to to played by Dare CanoU and Prank
aa tke eherifl and the dortor
bo bojfc< Mirow. tbnl U>o e«fo pro- Barter
Tory good, eapeclally ta the for
aotbo* «m Mt bo • rhnnio ct poltt- waa
Roheru la hU part
rmurngutaou. Tb. otoooto. «r mer part,
One of the hlU of the
piece wae Charlea Augnatlnea

only. f»w«r tiM mfiil

f'tsr IMfbt ««» »oold bo
• bta ond tbo A»0fto0B
Movppoosbnptly«» W<AM« ■onp ot Uto paeon
«oaM be oCeetanl. bat tbo roiMdy

» to bfwrtnt ta

ful stttdMiU o( oar |
hmry floe or 111
loot of the Tounc pflTiJege. should fol
hnr Wim to e^t their rt^wm oo the
oC Ukmo poMesM^l of thhl rtsht.
•While the Te«IU of neglect may not
to the note tertoui poMthlllUee
for oar comoBent of the people In
I too Blaflh o< tiKiee mom entlooi orer
1 the olUioUoo. It WDOW not be at all

Mich. Dec. a-mie Carp
w company U todlag aer
ml ear leads of amhe ft>r Mantai
Oarpe Lake U enUrely froaea
TkU to the earUart it hae ff
wrer to tre yeaxA and partlee havi
nnmenead to eraea It on flooL
Frank Holonhky waa a visitor ta
town Thoreday.
AT Hockatad apeni two •aya of
this week In Traverae CUy aa a gneal
of rrtativea.
Ulaa Haxel Metaald id Trnreree
CUy ta rtaiiiag Ura. Itoer Hoidiatod
ihia week.
Ooa Brkaoa drove to Saltans Bay
Herb Booghey waa In town .Tbnra^
day looking after the Intererta of the
Carp Lake Lamber eompany.
Mrs. Goa Brkaon to on the sick list.
Arthur Dellon ha. gone to PhlUp
lielmforU*. camp near Glen Arbor to
keep books for the Carp Lake Lum-

The boyi ehoold feel prood of their
UeroantUe company.
The ineid^ul ead brtweea the acU
James Rahler of Bpyae Palis, wMile waa faralahed hp Mlaa Lota tamed home today and will take a Job
Atmaa la k rery pleaaing manner.
am forempo of the banking crew for
The Cronp' wiU play KIngaley In the the Carp Lake Lumber oompaay at

pootfbmuee of flWMHW from that dl


The report that the pofwlatl
Qolflfleild. Ner^ U wnlaralltig U cm
phatkmUr denied. If the totm U any
thing Ilka Ita name It vonld cefUInly
be proUjr hard to taidoee people
Casper Whitney now having pIcM
hia all Amertoaa footbatl lean
aenaim coa eafely be regaide

Special to the Brenlng
I Cl^. Mft
U holding
CRirlafSaa chureh.
Fred Rltoet wad to
on boal
laa Tueeday.
lira. Oea Marrtiall went to Dk
Rapida TwiMay.
Lewid Inrure went to Traverae
City Toetday.
Urn. Moree waa in Alkhn Tueaday
Ortn Huichina and non Cnare went
to Trmrc/ae City Wedneaday.
Hugh Miner left Wedneaday for
vUit with frtenda at IhompeoprU
He will also vlalt In Alma .and 81
Louia befotw returning.
Mra. Beagull of Cblcagn. wbd haa
bm rUlilng her aUter. UnL^^acob^
eon of this
Harry Hargrr atarted eoeth W’edneeday for a rtalt with frteadt and
retatiTM in Ohto.
Darld Odualitf ha
work at Law Wayn.
A team helonging to Jake Cinietaar,
l>eeame frilcBtened at the train Wdd
ncedajr morning and ran away ecaU

passed, it s time
to get out the reeoluUona of last
and polish Uuan up for the coming packagee along the alreet, they ran on
some amooth ice In front of liew
new year.
Way*a atom and neither horw betdk
Bhod both were thrown to the gvoond
Gold tnrtey today.
and became eo eotangied Ja the
haroeaa that they had to be nahltchrd
before they eould get up.
Iphriatman Kvt Weddhit at thi.
anmnar decided to have them ahod
•f tolifi Pfallley.
before starting boa>e.
Ghaifea H. Bwaneon and Miaa Ulna
Lee Packer is very elck at thia
^Ibr neto vnUed la marriage at 4 writing with symptom, of appends
o'fock hteflay afternoon nt the cltia. Dr. Don decker la ‘ attc
home of Ifr. nnd Urn. John FfOtfley
S» Binto attorto the Umr. J. A. Cnhy
of the Charoh of Chrtit offlel
They wiU make their home am
E. W.
•tony ttoaeh tcheol Raperto'
fMj ee
Report Ibr^tbe Btony Beach e^
for the tooath on^ Dec. tl:

Nomher of days taartH. It.
Nomheg aanolled. St.
Nnmher rtrnvei away, T.
Neither ahMt nor tardy dutli
nKmtoi-J^:rnh.oto Bifiibel. IMy t
Dalay Qrahh. XllUan Wllaoa. Mel
WUeon, Bndolph
Ralph M

And acorn the lllUe days that pam
Uke angeU on the wind!
Kaoh tumtog round a small, awe
Aa beautiful aa near.
Be<«uae R 1. so small a face
We wlU not aee It clear.

The Hew Year.
1 saw on the kilia of the morning
The form of the New Tear artoe.
He stood Uhe a etatae adoratog .
The wertd iHth a bnekgronad of
'here were eoarago aad graee to hto

dwrtog tkA/mth. 18.
;VHorton, teacher


And hope la his gkirioas eyes.
came from Time’s boundleos forever.
He said, with a voice like a song,
^me aa a frUnd to endeavor.
1 came aa a toe to all wrong.
To the md and afraid f bring courage

I bring yod 1


than im-


Ight than

To R^erybody^
and now that th^ Christmas
reach you dean hands and toad on
buytof la over you’ll have time to rtto the lands
Where the lilies of peace are In tend to the oceda of your TKBTH!
Gome here for Filing. Crown or
Bridge work—an examination do*»a not
neccsaartly mean that you roust have
work done, but It's well to have the
It bjelated ef OwtorA Fterttog teeth examined rtsgubrly.
Price fhvt be once rtopped at an bumnbln in Mbaoorl nnd asked for
cr. Tbe good Wife of the boose
thrown into a flnttcr of rsiite: over cntrttalnlng her dtottognlfbfd goeat. and j.refuse with si^lo.
gtos for the not very temidlng mens,
conidatlng of com dodgers, boiled colDENTISTS
Urda. and trbeat coffee iwertrtled with
Mm. The hungry rtfleer afo
heurtny of the coaree food, bnt not
StaU Bank
rcUahtng the over sweet coffee, iasAnI


And so It turns from uahnd goes
Away In sad disdain.
-The Ideer fa«p«>l tb^* l«y«l hostess.
Though we would give our Uvea for It. -Cntch roe sklmjiln’ your awictenln’.’as
she tilbsl the mulasses jug upwnr*!
It never eomea again.
while sinlier ropes of ‘swwtenln’ over.
fl'>Wfxl cup and sancer and threatened
Three prtrea ha%’e been offered by doth.
the German govemmeut for the beat
-WTiy- (ml haalartkwllyl *ihst cof.
fleld kitchens available for army
fee wflbld lie none too good for Oet>.
and it la stipulated that every such enil IMce If twsa all mobsaear—
outfit must be small enough to carry klemphua News-Sclmlter.
on a borne, with apace left for the
driver’s luggage and forago^fur the
The prluHple of choice abould In gen­
eral foliow the taste or need of the
friend for whom you are aelectiiig a
Japaneae fashions In dress
U also well now and
hardly changed ta the past twent;
Aing a volume <
frieud’a habitual line. We are often
Long Fight.
thankful to a frtand who has flrawn us
PV»r twenty years W. L. Rawls of ont of our manUl sheep tracks. There
are a few wrrttevs that stand aa per­
Drtlt. Han. foQght nasal catarrh
manent figures ta the modem literary
writes: *The swening and son
workS-wTluws rtho have gitwn out
toalde my noto waa fearful, till I be^ aemtoal Ifleas that seed and beautify
gan applying Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
to the sore surface: this caused the
Emerson and^nctorRugo. UotU a libra­
sorenea. and .welling to dlaappear. ry posocsoes at least the best vrtltlngB
never to return.- Beat salve In exist of tksre flv> man It b sadly deficient
ence. » cents at Bugbee Drug Oo.. Ton nre doing kingly aerrlce when you
Haaaah Drug Store. Frank H. Meads. make these men known to any thonglit*

A New Tw AnoDneement
tut wiU attnet
___it ii our fixed iatentioa to do
Utter than ever forboteeeand tbeir
driven in hgmeeeand Other egnme
eqnipmento. PMt petrooe know
bow mnU that
leoonUaUetojUdse of «U

to a
there wre htz hoRtoed women
live hy Joumallam In Ungfand. t
hondrad In Oertnaar and two
aaad one hundred and alnety-three in
toe United Btatee.

U6 a Fnnt St

Portable Table Lamps

and see.






brfure taking inveotory the first of the
year, for onfe week we will make a bi«
reduction on all our jfoods.

It ^ill be

worth your while to call and see u*.

^ur Credit Is Good
Yolfr Reliable Furoitore Store,

Grand Rapids Fumitnre Ca
m S. South Union Street

“THE BIG STORE’-Dealers in Eirerylhing

tubers tbe KHcbm'
is Fumlsbsd i
happy. Every lady in Traverse City can have ihii Ihappmets. and we
do a lot of helping, if you give us the chance—in ihii ay

TU work of tU lutohen
oan be wade a pkmsnre if
ycNi have the BeorMuy erlidestodowith The-Big
8tor«'** carries everything
needed and w-e snxdy save
money for you.

were invented to uove steps.
There are ^ msitt things
neeaed m bAingandUisY
sboald always he on hand.
We have seme new ootnbinstkms - regoUr labor
savers, places lor eveiy-^
riling. These sell horn
$6.75 to 21.00.

TUt’a a quMT word—

J. a Pai,»
Electric Co.

Inventory Sale

TIib Hannah & lay Mercantile Ce.



We liave ail



tear otI yoar page of old errors
And hide them away In *nme’s

Don’t Forget

OoaewMdsM tUsaoa.
darfol bestef.

mSuSSr. 1


a ahoM bo
Ttov at tbo ont-


Med ap over the trtephoae to 1

MSm, vidwo, and tU
bommrife Us aeed I<w.
ekese enrries eo rnnmiwto a
sloek. UisalMkaBip^



A plaoc for creiythiDg—
the pans and kettk* and
tpidnsaadaU other oook.

They aro wprth every cent
of “it-



are «> budy to *1>at things


sod spites MidotiMrtliiae*
nice. Toa sUnldUveoM

Hare an kindso(Water:

th^ PrioM from $3A0

•XLEANiBSThat i. what you mffljU*
mope, broom*. Krahfa^


» styk Oe,


lU paUa
iatd; Oe;«tant

tU ^am. iIn^ hamate,
nm*. bhdac and UmUa.


as tha dock atriksa tba magic
of twalva. cMVBctliig tba old I
an on tba olAtima atory of tba klag new. maid iraaU Mend nd
a **gode Maw Tear and sesy o’
of Catbay. In kaapteg wUh tbe fas^
Uval tba dacornttaas ware ia white tbas!- Than tba door Is «
tkm lrrVl€*c aUt«r Mid the
to let tha Old Tear ovt and tba New
gynfiMW. W. O. HoMeran «f La
Tear to. while ^ asa gvasu go oot
Plata. JloL
apart waro bnadrsds aad baadiada of to can on thair acqitolntaiios
alHpa <f wbMa crop# papar. tbe give thas the -irat fooLV Lovers
wans and wtadows wiara diapad'la taka tba opportnaltj to call upon tbdr
tbcBxta. This CBStos to sodifiad
wbHa ciotb wblla aprtgs of boily laat
haa.baan adopted to
color to tba acbeoa. la tba caah


dteaar wa# amaiad Jqr Mn. Ot*
ntmr. vtodi waa irMUjr aajara4 ta
^ daal ca^aeHjr. Mr. aad Mrs. |latlh
away art vary popilar yoaaf ptoff


waa a toiga white cross oa a 9um
wttb w«U doves aad wbRa ioww
wblla ia tba eantar of Iba areb waa
larga aDvar sur.
A pfwpw of raeMatloas aad aoags
aad a abort addrsas by tba p
Wantad an tatra waraglvaa. Tba oaoal troat wai
ntobad by tba Sunday acbooL
Larga dttok and Ha Get Ona

Ymm§ Paapla Warn UaMad m Mai^
rtafi at Hama af •rWa*a Paranta
aa CUrl^ Baa.


music of

people oaM aarvaau Into tba street
or go tbaauelvas. Just after the mid­
night hours, io aak the .names of the
persons they meat. These. It U eon
calved, will be tha Individuals whom
senders will severaUy sarry.
r baabful Rnaaton lover. It Is said,
spaadad himself In hto sdt by
« enre to ba tba first mmn bis
tody s maid met. A pretty Roaston
family etnaapai to that which slgaal^
ixas tba New Year s advent. At
L each member of the Ru

Cbiaf of PgUer Aabtoa praaeota^
tba poltoa fbrcB wltb aew bOltaa Moo
Mlaa Caadtla L^iaa Bolkaiai aod day alfbt wb^ are
Oay M Mxaw of tkla cUy vara tboaa need by tba oCleani In toner
aaltad ia manlaaa at Uia boma of tba dtlaa. Oaaoritbeforaabaaofiaaas*
bar wftb a klsa. begianlag with the
laida'a OMtbar la Mualia«oa on Cbrtat- preaaed a daMra for an extra ton*
the boose.* nnd then they remaa ava. Tlia data oT tba waddlat dub aad be tot It A baeebaU bat
Ire after gravely wtoUag one nnotber
Ud baaa kaat a aacrat altboosh tba was daooratadTiB red and btoefc with Drunk Arraatad Mlmaalf. Triad Himhappy New Year.
fiiaoda of tba ooupH arara almoat car* hto aaaia painM iipoa H aad now the
The Danes greet tba coming of the
Ten Osya In Jail.
Uia ibat It araa to ba In tba oaar fu- imruly bad baGer look ool wbtoi they
ew year with a tremaodous volley oi
a»a a atiek of that daecripUoa aplaia.
At mldnigbt tba smtcli
aauad'MlNall apapaiwd at saBOB.
Mra. Di^ioac to ampUyad aa ataaod* proacbtod a* Ibey oaa aaaora tbeub
caaaoondlng shakes old Copen
'rapbar at tba Plm Natloiia) bank aad aetvaa that tbm to m
bsgan to lU Very fboadatlons. And
Mr. Mjoag la oaraar of tba Qtiaan
He arrosted hlmaatf. tried himself and that is carUlBly a doubtfal atu
^Clly dalnr. Tbay arlll ratode la tbaf
lh Intended to he
Minced a santanoa npon his own
dky. Both Tvmp pwpto bara imuiy
Maada arbo will wtab tbau uaeb bap^ flalativaa and rHanda Wsro EnUr- person of ten days In jail- Then be pllment. practised by the
inded of the firemen that they fire Off guna nnd pUtols imder the
Ulnad Yaaiwday at tha Haena af
fteaaa tbrtusbotit tbHr waddad life.
bedroom windows of their friends m
New Year s narenndes. at the dawn of
a year s natal day.
A very plaaaant Chrtotmu was an
B figured U oot that
ioyed mt the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
Much more pleasing are the wnlchJoseph Wllbelni. 411 South Union
night customs of the people at FTankter Wera Uallad la I
F in f year. whOa a
street thirty-two guosU oonsistlag of
on tba Main and other dUas of
OB an average only
ratattoas and near friends batng pras^
Rlrfna and In Bwiuartond. Oa
ent. Card playlnx and muiOc were forty-nine pounds n year.
New Year*! eve family parties are
. At the raMdrocr of the bride In
the features of the day. A quartet conCloeks are manufaclarad In various the feature in the majority of bouse^raad. JUpIda yaatentoy afleraooo
alatlni! of Bzra Banker. Ra}'. and parts of the empire of .Japan to such bolds, feasting, games, and songs bektoa Vlaala Brown aod Cbartoa Por­
Archie MagnMn and Bert Damo fur­ an extent that the ImpartaUoa of all ing the programme. When the great
ter ware igiltad In narrtoxe. «olnfc
nished the music.
but the very ebeapoat kind has been bells of the cgjtbedrnls toll the first
imm thaije to Chicago, where they
A bounteooa dinner and supper slopped. Amertcaa inov|ea)anU are ex stroke of midnight, every window Is
anil make their borne.
were served to which all ^Id full Jus­
ImlUtad. but the springs are opened wide. People losn from the
Mlia Biwwn to well and favorably
tice. RefroahmenU were also served
casements to voice the general greet­
rted from the United States.
bnowa U thU dty. bdm a araduata
all day.
ing. At the last stroke the windows
of tba local High acbool aod waa forThe bouse was decorated with rod
are closed nnd n midnight hush dcsuarty employ at MllUken'a store.
and white ribbons, holly and canta
•nds over lUL
'Tba groou ta'alao a formar Traverse
tlons while over the table there waa a I
The approach of the new year is the
beaotiful Christmas bell. The boat |
TAKE this op. signal for great feasting and merryand hostess were the reclplonU of I W
China. And they are very
pohunhy of wish- miserableIn who
Btoay baautirnl presents and1 the
not Join, for two
all our patrons a or three days atdoleast,
paay departed late In the evening, all
in the general
having enjoyed themselves very muck.
gayetles of the .only holiday season
festival begins
Nothfne Doing.
Just towhow how tight the lid is on
cises at the midnight that closes the
old year. There are offering*. InsenseIndian Brown of Buttons Bay. one of
h:30 a. m, and concluded wUh the the most consist ent drimkardM In the
which tost Ull daylight. Ibe temple.
cTenlng acrric«i at 7;30. were attend Grand Traverse region, tried evcr>
belBg lighted np. the pagodas mnmlned by a lance numbe/ of people. The nnloon nnd drug store In the city yes^
ated. and candles act up before the dotentoy but waa as sober as a Judge
mostic Idols In every boose. As soon
and folly in keepiBg with the spirit of at night
as the day appears. tIsUs of eonthe day. the beautiful musical pro­
gratutotions are paid and received.
gram bdog earallently given.
and>*ew Year's gifu ni^Bcnt to parti­
friends, always accompanied by
a visiting card of red paper, on which
are written the name of the donor and
a list of the presents sent. These
Is't usually of silks, fine tea, sweet-





Vtolins. Guitars,
t Mandolins. Banios

One Dollar Per Week
Ws have the greatest <
_ ^ a imnMosl instrwmeat There ta no moro deslrnl
If peraoa shonldbe able to pl^
that give.
^ _
or acoeptabla
What could be
for Cbriatmaa,ffr your boy or gIrL than oae of the following:
VIOLfN aotito, axtra good vnlne at «S--lnelodUM
ease aad bow.
GUITAR oatito. IS. 17. etc.
mandolin oalfita. IS apwards.
A good BANJO, made by S. 8. ffiewart. ft.
A Bamitoe Ftmtik CORNCT^Srst^toai aad gaai^
toed, at Itf.

le mikes—ISc
to HAS.
AUTOMARPS-fl.«. 14 to f7-M.
MUSIC ROLLS—Extra value at SOe. Fine preseotatloa Music RoHs In vmrioos leathers and colora.

GrinneU Bros. iStSSS^

tVavetecOto Snsm M MBilto Bms., DtM. OPEN EVENDiGS.



toys. and other trifles suited to the
That to m significant and wonder­
fully impressive watrtt-nlght service
that takes place In Eskimo land. As
might be expected. It bus not - lU
counterpart toiywbere. Where the
nights are six months loag. It Is diffi­
cult to recognise the ndvanl of the
year. But the patient Eskimos
[ watch IL They oome
BOW buU and lee caves

eras s targe crowd on the streets M«t*
day might, there wss bst UtUe drank
Oae loae drank rsposed the
house sad be eras oonwled esriy to
the sfteraooa. There was
desl of boUday booae dtotriboted but
those srob became tonked were quiet
aad kept off the strertr
The bay wss ab sa
yesterday sfiernooa. but Looto Farm
lee was the only oae oat for a Christ­
mas launch ride.
O. U Lsrkias Is the father of s
seven pound baby girt who arrived at
hto home tost evening.
and Mretya Jlasblow
Amhrooe Milks'and
srere married by J
G W. Curtis
Born to Mr. and Mrs. 8. T,
s baby boy.
Joseph Myers of Fife Lake wss ii
the city today.
Dr. J. W. GaunUett and wU
Christmas at Qk Rapids with Dr. J. C.
The fire department went back onto
wheels this afternoon. The slelghtoR
is very poor throughout the c^^y.
The session of the Knights of
Pythias tomoriow evening will br
t to the tost meet

of the
of the
lodges which will be held In this city
Jsn. 9.
The dance given by the Frsternsl
Order of Eagles in Foresters* ball last
evening was s very plensant affsl
There were about sixty couples pres­
ent and they tripped the light fantssCbarles Heck, the Iranafer man. has
gone to Grand Rapids, where be win
Mccept a fine position. He has been
in the employ of Germaine Bros, for
the past six years and has mnny
friends to the city to wish him
cess In hto new field.

Mil., PrICM.
cawhuk port, ptr bb)......|Ig.»
ctrtof pofk,p^bbl.... 18.00
after ALU U to quality. >vw qual­
Ham. per Ib........ ................... .
ity and oBlformlty that wins In tba
Lard, per lb..........................1101*
end. One trial of IDEAL products
will convince you that they are the
rredh ft8b.pmlh..... .
Poultry, per lb....................... .13012V6
Tuikeym................................... .
.JO \ Swltaerland to punished wlOi^a
which to fncresaed Aaily uuUws tho
Ducks ........ ... ............... ........... .
Geese ..................................... .
child is Ul—to which case, of course,
Potatoes .......... ....................... .35040
he Is free to sUy at home.
Apptoe ................................... .40000
Celery, targi sulks..*......... ..
TRY a sack of IDEAL buckwheat,
celery, small sullu. 3 for... .
graham, rye and whole whret flour or
Lettuce, per lb................. .
granulated meal. You will bo pleased
Oranges, per dox..............
aod get your mooey s worth.
Lemons, per do*....,.............. .
Butter, creamery, per ».... ..33035
Among the Btoutoa. and also with
Butter, dairy, per Ib.............. .25028
the naUve of UkI New Hebrided. hiss­
Chreee. per lb........................ ..17011
ing to a fign of applause.
Eggs, per dox......................... .28030
SsH. per bbl........................... .
IF YOU like the taste of baritwbial
Hay, per ton........................ 112013
and a nice Ught cake, use IDEAL
Cora, per bu........................... ,

Special Reductions

Fa>- E. Crawford spent Christmas
lih hU nxuher. retorolng to Grand
Rapids last evening.
Mrs. Alms Smith who has been the
guest of Mrs. HatUe Strong returned
borne to Grand Rapids Monday.
Lou Birdsell left yesterday for
croft, where he will Join the Olivet
College Glee Club tonight for a three
weeks tour.
Presiding Elder Hetller left
Koswiek and Bingham toda>-, having
concluded the third quarterly mcclIng at the EvangeHcal church.

On all iHnncnIa stUI oa tanS.
Now is me time to bny, as year­
ly the whole wlater Is sOU
ahead, and sach a chance to
save docs not come everyday.
Come la and see what we
can do Iw yon.


I* find two great bargains left.
Regular |5S0 Knabe upright, good as
now. $450. Also one Klmbnll upright
for 1150. Etosy payments, GrtnoelJ
Bros., corner Front nad Cass streeu.
dec 26-4t
IDEAL prodocu arc of the highest
ouallty If your grocer does not furnlah
them call up the mill. Both phones


.tired in womsa’s gannenUu They gain
entrance to every Igloo In the village,
ng with absoUite aOeace and
atr Ud Acme OB Pm Mvcry. extingotobing every vmdlgc
ot light and Bra as they go. Wbeo
there 'is not a sparic of flame leCr In
the commiiaity. they panne In soi
Then with imprei
•LOBT—to one of the stores Dec. 84. i
ceremooies they kindle n Mb
roU of bins.' Suitable reward wfll
from which tapers are taken to n
be paid for return to Record office.
the fires and Ughts throogbout the


' Vrl

E. WfflieliR

Sons Valuable Hints
by the KtmbsH Music House. We represent three of - the Urgest i
filrms to the irad^ W. W. Kimball Co., Lyon A Hcsly. and the BdlHint No. 1—Buy your pUno from some bonse that has
as a vital
interest In sstlsfykig the public on pianosseU good
pianos ia order to conUnue In bosiaess.
. Hint Mo. 2—Be nre the-boose you deal witb knows whsi apisno
really Is. nnd does mol consider H simply a pleee of funillara. and.
therefore aU right If it does not coeae imgtaed.|
Hint No. 8—Do not plaoe any dependence kipon the tmUmoototo
fra unknown i^oi^wbo may Imow sbsointely oothlag of muskn]
Htot No. 4—iBvertlmtoI nny **frqBderfnr* offers very cnrefnlly.
e U no anvtog
ssvlBg li
ia buying cheap, Inferior goods lor n
lees price ibsa :
lust pay for standard goods.
Hint Na 5-Bewsre
5—Beware of the -Judging,
“Jodglng- s^i
s-p IUno- In yoor^ owndmmeides. As a matter of to«t. nearly all inferior






«nwa M »Mi Mi I
br BfBMK Bf bli bMBl
bM Miib9 baia Mba <

^ At

_ I -~-

»• tew rnmmnw^
te ll» ■■rwit. M

btaa CbaataaMdtrpB. <
M dam, ad a BkHta wana «Bd Bf 1

•» cf«n4h^ ti» #BM vtermr it
PWri^yliB. m ipv«if. ifcy t»
•i flM w Mmt. iwi IB rBMr tor.
lo • BBAta
HfB. PBr
mam* klgB ivB b ih» IBB

rflh^BAXB vafclBt BB IBM If B«
m «MI vttli tlir BTBrtA TW
Bfl BP B BrwnrlBff^ IW CTBH.
prytyiy « yy lirty >B^B»

a< ttaa um^
mT? «M M MMM
M t?pra«- ^
act. n* Mom w* wNMa MO rat* taettaftataBaftbalMA

n!rM^B^Li??t bb

rsr sutiTJSTS4


B^ SSl



^ BBd Vifll IbB BBt of BZPBMITB BB.

BllSb^ BB BdYBraBir*
Ite ABft b«lB. MBMir B BMirl«|
Ob bb BBBt rBib. tbBfvrofB. H»c ••
giBdBW. BBV ^ mokm tm Bad tbB tmrk I DBB^ BbdB« bB wbcBbid la
■WBt BBd dHRara. n»alBltaBfi
«t sM. «7b4 th» laanidir far a
tmA MbtPOkr, tkm traltBi wp witk
B wMbat f plwttad tBtmatBttBB. H#
M no dfiBd ar tW BBlkM BMtBf.



: >





Iwt B fllBtidIjr IBOBd. Ul« THn. B»BB1B
irMb tbr BnaftBl imtBBrky oMbe rat- fruaa tbB WBBd«verhad apBiill^
ikt bbbbob. lK,M IB tbB VMI# atra:><
* pB^tbit nmi Bad «TBv bot BPBd, to takB braatb bo looked
a autocbtf BbapB that ao I


boofB b» fBTB rbanrair. bet ta tb»
BtamOB tbto WBB BB BbbBOVB iBB.
bt BBd tbB b»bU of
CBBiB. IbbocbbUj bB rB»B ep, bb fliB Uood alckBtiBd blai. and In a kind
•• BIMWtIOm till bB of trrror bt turned away. Par a tow
WB9 tiarlili(%w*fBCt of tbB OM
itinc muBwatB ba stated aboet bb
nttb rrtraat. and ttaa, andlnp It bad
tbt iBttflr bBBacBd bbMb17 bbMa Hkb frown batBral to btm. be foraoak It
B ball BtBod Btrmlcbt up bb bbi blad and poBhad oaward on tba odpe of
k«a Bad Bcrock at btoi Uka



Com te OiM B>jr

t Crip in Two Day*


!ad far vftb bb BbBl Bbad bBBb. Tba j^Mbra BMriftaccT bbA ^ bbmbm
bark WBB jaat BilblB Cbt IBBBf dBB«y «r CBBI to do. TbB BBBRB of tbB BOdB
rtbbBor IbB bloir. Hb eaa«lit tba ««p>
bar tmarc bb too bBBt of tot M«b
BBd tbB forwBitf petal of tbB BbBBMar
Bad WBOt doBB BB If BB BSpIdBifB bab
bl bad BtniHi bte. Mora bo eoflid
BTBB Btirto fita tbB Btalta was npm

Man b not tbc only tiring crratnrB
that aharea, Tba bonnuif, a Itouth
Amerlran blfd. Ukra a tfr> aharc w
olarfy. The* txsuBot baa lonf blnr tall
fratlim.. Karli <)bIII Is adorned frani
basB to ttp witb soft Urn down. Tbb
arraniTrtiirBt itir blrtl dUUllBa. Tbarrfnrr with Ita dharp beak 1C nlpa the
qnllb bara from the baea out to abont
an «nrb from tba tip, wbrrr Jt main*
taliw a near oral of aaft blnr wbbkar.
artloB soaai alUjr on tba bonallllrr tban
artlon In rcjrulariy erraphif liare bln
rbraka and chin, wblla be matiitaUis
1 on hia ii|>i cr lip an oral of aoTl baJr
not uiibkB tha boomoTs tail oval_
nttabuff ITraa.

Uttla Bran ^ WbarB flctkai. Jaakf
bmall Jack-Pa aaya It a a story fbat
BBdi kgr aaylnf -thay dparrlad and

k nntaridlad tonfoa b tba ^


ioda. Aa BBftoara astimatea tbat tbara
li iBOBfb OB tba aorfara to pradM» 100
ort^btada, wbicb Sta at ftabt an.
tana daby for aaranty^Ara yoaiB.
fba to and tamm tba mata blada and
b amtad tadha raoam ta tba Block, ao
that Ita aniar iaca lbs Saab witb tbe
adga of tba atock. Tha abort Uade
tbOB forms two wtafo. tfimg on opWmWmmMwiPmmMark Twala wma talktaf of war poattr aldaa of tba roala Mada. Ont
and tbt banUhlpa and priratlons of of tbara wlBcs b aqoare. ao that lu
of tba
r ba aald, *V«llBd one
y. BO
day on a woman wbo bad two <
Tbay wara Bgly liMa bnitaa. and, i
tbay rama near blBu tba mao pn
tba main Vtada.
tb*?m /mt of tba way witb bb fa
in naa tba try<aqnara may
- T pieeaiTa. sir," aba said, loo ara
ifmtaBt tbe adfo of a
not raty faod of dofs.*
"Tha roan atarted In snrprba.
timbar may ba markad nloof tbe
"Tm not food of doirsr ba axBdfa of tba main btadn^ tbt otbar
Vblmid. *Wliy. madam. I ata i
than twanty of than, durlni? tba absf face of tba timber akmf tba ad«a of
wlof. If a baral cut b to
of Parb."-Harpcr s Wackly.
ba mada. tha timbar b markad akmr
tba fneltoBd adca of tba otM wtof.
e tba otaar fae» of
kmf tbe odfB of

dghty woman out of cve^
hundred have some organic
weakness which causes in­
flammation, ulceration and
caurrhal conditions.
Have you tried hot douches
of PAXTINE Toilet Antiseptic for this?
It is marvellously successful
In removing these troubles.
This is because it was
compounded by an eminent
Boston physician who knew
his business.

When the try-aqnam b nard In tba
ordinary way tba Wliifi wlU not be

*nmd*t^ a prot^M.
n or thb trywamara am MaamB.

nicke-W«iJ. It e an orer with old
klnbhr now.
WlckB->Very cbarlUbb of yon to
aay that.
Illcke-CharlUbb? Tba mon’e deaA



There arc ihrcc men Inrho play the most important part in the present crisis in France
between the Roman Catholic church and Uie stale. On the left is Cardinal Richard, Arch­
bishop of Paris, and head of a Catholic church* in France, at the top on the right is Cardinal
Rompolla, one of the members of the Sacred college, whom many people regard as a real
p ower behind the ihrone at the Vatican. Below is a picture of the French prime minister,
Clcmenccau, who is separating the affairs of ihc church and state of France. M.
Clemcnceau is particularly interesting to Americans on the fact that he married aii Ameri­
can woman.

J. ft. Waterman, of W'alertow4, O..
Rural free delivery, writes: '"My
dauBhter, afflicted for years (WUb
epilepsy, was cured by Dr. Klny*s new
UfePin*. She has not had an attack
for ovar two yaara." Best body cleanaers and life giving tonic plIU on earth.
fSc at Buftbea Drag Go.. Hannah Drag
Store. Frank H. Meads, drug atonoa.

"I toM my son wl.m lir wrat to
Wni«Iilnffton not to Wnfcte IiIh time tm
Iby HchfHlule- water on or befora
Ml id tlir farmer wboMIk'c. 31, 1906. to nave discount.
BOP bad iM^ n vloi-U^i to mogn-s-*.
W. R. Caldwell, Snpt .
-ViTy poo.1 advbf." elimicled H»c
wise old iM Ujit*w. “Wl»«i I was


the onW boodle."

SHBI.VINO for aah? cl eap at tbe
Glidie store-a old stand. Inqalra of
A. itf scntbal.
idee 22-31

Be 6n Hand to Get Yoni*
Share Saturday
and Monday

Si^urday, l^ceflA^ 29 > ^ V
BhiiAf kvebil^^e

pto^ ra laive libics and marlcea
' '

OniMMrii to DttiMHlii
Udmi- Tim> the wtiMBas ap of Ihc

'Be. on wna eaily Stflird*j%;Dec.

be given over to a big

31 cent Sale

.& jr- ■

iilk^hr a>y ra ta^aadreiecmbcr
cads ofevc^.

'■! i-

Moiilfla^ Dcccmb^



'Hils day being the SlMday Oeecmbcr. aad ihe last kay af the year, we ied
fhb We want to do aodtdliliif extrw>rdtiiary~.soiiicllilBg M yam will
rcmeodicr. We will place over every table tai Ihe eealcr aide a H-ccat akpk
' 0afheaetable8 wc wm jHt^:sm(B. Dress Goods, ^
flaancls. Talde Uaera. Kail tladcawear. Fancy Uacas fhal
| ,
. aie sUfibiy.; asitoi;;. taBB^
Tops^ dthpr ‘
to carry over tarts the acst year.

«iiu yo«A au|K ts miak
,i:. BE.gN-gW® EftWV.WJSiDAV.
RdllhMtft M Cailib ibd IbdWitttrt MS#k^ dlgdii fW:^




JS‘Om ^:TW0w' BIG :]OAYS
thte wm ra desire ■NTCl



Everyttiiiig In Odds aAd
Ends Must Go

& ^


imwmtf Mtm
tmeiurint a sUi^ I


£t UlA "*

4imt, tlS 8. fth BL. at Un8^ IIo.

Wward Trtckrtt, fire warden aad
fonaarty chief of the Are departaiMt poUg to bar charity work on |ha oast
la Kaaaas CRy. retired a few days aide of the c4ty- MU. Wallavwmta U
ago aad for tlm trat time ta thirty*
of her nocH^
oae yaaiu aaaaad aa entire alght at but bu Etwo up m
pleasures for her

kokn fran tt IB 1 MM. froM « !•
t MMlNIt.
. .
4m 17«
WANT!IV-ntol.g fMM Ktrl at
MM 1014.


lAea girt.
4ae € «

WA*rrt»^ToM aJ^ ^«Mla
Itaai aa4 saka Uka aav. La4l<
wofk a aMflUaty. Partaiaa D,
WkfkA HI a rraat 8t Call M
Otta. pkoM aad va win 40 tka raat




«At «>ai
t PMt t» t^t iaitj. ttHiaiiw

fo«ir uilM

H.uao. Wail# Braa.. Ill
«iMl. CIU. phuoa mt
TOR «AUK-UU-Oood M« •
ran* bouM. (th stTMt. dOM





rbolM bpiUr* by biwbda 1m i
Orl.*.- OohlM., BMwtaiA Orw^
IblA T«lK»bobkl.A. Penu
Talaaa SwmU. VaaoMn. a J.
aav K4t

Ii M

N. T.
trict for oaaaful yaara Ima takai
light la phtylas the rale td I
Clans to tka pages aad telipboae aad
teksrmgli hofw of the kottaa. TkU
>oar. as amnl. hia girta to tka y<
atari eoMdalad of M and IS
OokMl Andma la worth ISI.00I.400.
isada out ot the maaslkrtara of pap*
•Akrakaai Sltanaar. oae of tlip moat
famous phHaatkroptsu In the west,
has gone to ORWbmla for the sr
on acoonnt of his health. Hit I
Is la Wsverly. Iowa, but his charities
have been dlMrtkoted all orer the
aad kagl liaOal^ aB taratahad. la eotnrtry. He is noor working to eaUbliMi a home for exiled RusaUn
Jews at 8t. PaOI. Me has already beMowed tn Yarlout ways more than tn the aeaate wtag U that they
he ran to accommodsta senators, no
also a few cboioa locaUoM In caoter who tbe other pasaengera may
Xkr. Adelaide Wallerstein. rich.
traJ portloa of Trayaraa atjr. Wa
ha. Mr. Fattna never allowa tkU rula
kara 9M aad aBrar maaa la tka
graataat mikto ^riet la tka world af her ala«aat Hmr Toth home Into to ka onfMad M» hla oaon. nhraga io
—tka Orld Field Distrtct. Nerada. a physician's offlce. Here ake devote, Btractlag tka wiaa to tat other passes
.We bava gold aad allrar mlaaa la abont six hours a da.v to practicing gem off wharavertbey wia& to alight
Colorada In fart, wa kava proper*



waaMt. But wa haJa^cJhlL *w«
can offer yon that wlU eqi^ tka
Orand Trmyaraa Ragloa for aafa.
sure profluhle taTaatment. aitkar to
purehaaar or as eacdrity far loaD.
Wa always bare a gilt edged aaimrtiy for yoar Maaay aad wa aK
way. kara tk« May for gilt edged

The crrok* wouW raihor do grllhout
a few meals than inlaa a Buod opera
with a One cast, nor doe« tUU adadrm*
ble spirit merely apply to tbe mlddlt
dasaes. M«uy a rhsrmlag little tTeola
tatb orbo might polat to a Martgay
on her cacwtchem would not heal*
tnta If hard praasad to do bar own
baniPweTk In ardor to be able to bloaaom out at night In her |»upcr placa.
radiant aad csquUlba. la a kwecrllk* at
the opera. It matter, little la New
Orleaaa to what naforttmata atralU
adrendty may hare driven a hidy.
even thangh M>e tnnr do typewriting
IOUM4 TO.RCNT-BmI Taatk St.; far peapla wham ake meets aoelally.
alM oM comer ^'^oat aad Roaa. A, there are eooogb noble adnded paople
of the aactea VMlme who vriU help Lm
P. IlnellmaBtal.
to fbrgat the plarh af poverty aad sea
that ake rvedVM the gre.
atkm. This Labred chlv.
the moat marked aad en


TOR EALE—1«0—Om baadrad aad HOUSt FOR MNT—I>r. Oaoatlett.

TOR »AL«-14T*-mtr AM. tm

Hr Henry IttIm. tka Bnfllah actor,
NOUS* TO RINT-Ckaap. cwrwar
iMd aad BUta. lapalra P. Q. once wanted a white borm to nse la
OM of bla aeenaa. bat no wkito bocut
Maaaa. Ill Oaaa.
dee M
that was soitabl.conM ba pat Attest

IF. for aay reason, your grocer doss
not furnish you with IDBAL products,
call up the min. we will see that yws
rOBJIAL^-^-rioe aaw trP TW lU U, Both pkoaca.
dec Mf
atraat, CIU. phooa im.


ooMkiaMaa tVarane Cfiy prtidaethra. Caah ortca 11.000.
Broa^ tlT UbKmi street, au. phawa
FOR 4ALC~14n~Lar«a aigkt ixmb

> SS=.2S!
2T ^5c.*SU*^aS‘£;E


daedtotokdt ..


I. O. Horcin>ate»si

akrm«th aad beahh to tvory
ortaaeftbabody. BBtoTasladb*


this trkit to anwe wiU cuU Mr. B.
tbe totter told I a wsrer
temper of Mr.
tbst be mid rolBe
Tufts. Tbe wsgrr
the two repslred to Mr. Tufts* ptoiw.
Mr. R. asked lo see aamplvf of men
aoUlugs. Mr. Tufts paodmed ple<
after piece of cloth, until the supply
was exhausted, and Mr. B.; selecUog
one. said. “I will take Just 1
worth of this.* Mr Tufts took a peauy |from hto
pocket, and. placiiig It npon the cloth,
vrltb a pleoe of chalk drew M outUae
apQB tJa- cloth and cut ont n piece of
It, aad with th. .
to Mr. B.
^The wager was paid.—Bcfatoa H«^



1 was la cantlnM pate. After
asttef my bmrt was afseted
aad I had smsthacteg smmttoM.
TVS wettoi af EadM cuni ma.


ft mSUECHW 0

buildlnffs of the boaid af gnpervlaors
of Osand Traverse eonnty wH receivo oaalod bids at th# oHce of tko
coonty dock for toridaklac 150 cords
of four toot baceh aad laaplo body
wood, ffood. dean, round dtA dm
to four iBchoa la diaiaotacj betaff ae*
copied; the aame to eompain toenrably with wood noor pM ^
yard; wood to kn Adkros^ at aad
pUod oa court koose po^ betotn
April 1. 1P4T.
Also S5 cords dgkteen
srood, freo 4
ho bids win ha opaand Dsje. H at 1

c4ant paaettoa nf Han ateaitktoctoff nstr
-Ba tor tka wtollr totoBlw ItlsMld

•Ml te rM ted «M Rot XM l«>r
Jtohoo Oaaoor aad AagaatM tori tka
emperor. Rka
that It was
poaMhte to haratoo mack dattccy aad


t laaklaffatgnn and watt*


coaunlttee roaorras Ika right to
any aad an Mdt.

Full line of Smokers' b(icics
Don't foraet Skidoo Cimrs

Birdsell & Owen
144 K. Fivmt bSt

rnmm m awto o> ite WMorJM
Mib towMirMteof teoMMyo#
A c kvamd cw. tkkmn u & A



Order yoor


1 tor hto extreme cnnrtaqr
denllaff with trylat


Tbe Rev. Rum
Vetromlte. aa
Ua priest mho was tl
msny years at Eastport
weU knows tor hto mto


\ ■

to aipakd—suraQ aad put up
•famatthahaart Thitarowda
tka haart aad kdariama urkk
ka aetton. cauatoff thortaaas cf
kcaaik. palpitalton of tha haaik

Iretond. he visited tbe Wt>0»ing Well
•*1404 Model K. Wlntuo.- full lea
naa. hi. owu regnlarly omplayed me- at Kllterney with two pla|a. eMerly
ttoinlc.. tRut wheenany laveutur em aplaatera. ilHMe tbe weU
•« «dd Iber top. gsi. lamp., extra outer ca»
|ilo»^ any mwkaalc to rrdm-e id. la- Irish woman, who looked u^ into Mr. teffs. Car to llrM<tos. cuaditioa.
ventUm to prm'Ure. la tlds sea
Olcott s haaffsome face and asked:
corpomtlou omploycd to build a ^*
torr be
Ion. I12S0.
be aa amplqyea a. to tbe Im entar. If
One '“1404 Elmore Touring Car.^
there arlMs any controversy aa to who
with Cape Top aod Gur Laropa. Iiolhi.
smdf the Inveotiou-tliat Is. as to
whether the eciployw or the employee
He iKilubd to the two spmators.
T4 Farrar 8t.
Datrolt. Mich.
made the larentlou-tbe pceanm
tmd at a little dtotoacc. nkd snh
to that tbe enipldm madeit^ aad the
-Don't yon ooe, 1 hove j torn
emfdoy<fe mtot abow by coorh
proof that he made the Inrentioi
-Ah. then. It's the grace O' God
fbrr hto ctolm will he eatertaU
yoa*re wlshln' tor.- replied tbe sym­
Bdwla J. rriadle la Eagtawertaf I
pathetic old womaa.-Boekmtor

■Whtn m <ke rhun-b wlMMuptoltMl

twt«.CM«.r ■:



donktodlamr weldhtMd mm com*

FOR kALS—14T1—It neraa twn
WMlWtOAg- diBit tel

ploy the .WII of aotne ooe elie* acnmlly
to cooalrort the lat'cntlan. A complete
inventive an voaslM« of a mental con
eeptlon of tbe laventioo. tollowtd hg 1
radortloo ttf the imendoa to fwsettae
If an omiUogar forma a eemplete men
tal coneeptmn «f the Invention amd
then ha. hia emple>ee eoMtme
thins he baa conceived, tka etzv
la regarded as the Inventor. The m*

ttlgkt cliange Its rontlM. A young
lady of hto coMmgutloa once araed



n rreWMce la tUa

la urea caneindad.
ht Hr Henry eald
» trwetod the natmal wee net ftac*

m*n# OwM aa aWipWrerW SneaMtaaif
Many au InrentoFU not a mechaale
and 1. not even Md8<*Umtly practk-al to
sro^ont ^ delalla of

NO DANQBl nf typhoid If ytm
-Not at ah. Hr Henry. I aaenre you;
milk. Qnaan City Daky
na cxceUcnt tone la anery way. Why.
Ota. tot C7A
nor iMf 1 rade him atokt nftor alght. and all I
had to compteta of was that ba wooM

Notice to the Tsxpayura of the Ctty of
Travutos City:
MOM fMadatido; aaey lemiaa Pilea
The tax rolls tor the eoUectk
jljlDO, Va4e Bna« ilf Ualaa wU
tka state aad eouaty tmxae for tka
^ pkoaa im.
year )MC and for tka delinaaant
Hd wad city taxes aad apacii
aUtr acre farm
msMia tor aald year kauekeon
sad ta any hands tor eoUaetlon
will ba in aty ofkca to iweaiva
taxes from now until Fek. l. ifffT. on
enck waak day from t oktook to U:to
o'clack In ika tofunoon Mi tiwto 1
etoek to 4 o>clock la tka mtenn
Oa all state and connty tana pnId
awakaif pallaa eRg marM; tlMO before Jaaaary 14. the ramUr Ida at
l»er cant tor eoOaetton wUl ba
and on an toxan paM o
loa gfUaat. Oltab pkaaa tm.
after January lA He«n will hn
ckarsed n toe of fMr par «ent tor oto
auu atraat.
tka atiaac FfW aoBM »

«Rb toad k TbMetfc4*b ^
IH. lUntMnv. Otar ••d'tthm
iUp*. It data bMk to m&

bnllt on land that la aalOact to ,-one
rad luaer «wtt iwnt tka kmd eras
ad hg Caspar Wiatsr. hraaa button
oCkctMof PhtedHpkU. The rad
tost rent kaa been pnid to tbe madeh
phU daacendanu of Ca^mr wWi
aoma janm The moat aalkl*
aarmnea was In IWS. wbrni thirty
imlaant. rklladetphla WldUiu at*
londad tka aarvWo and werajpald IB7
Idea more than a little la appui
Ha was bom la BeOavine. K. J.. aad rad rasas la payment of oijranru of
at aa early a«a oallalad la the amy
Mn Fagu. daaertbad aa -i ffanUo
aad served on the fmntlur. being s
man f^I^^
grant friend of KRGarm. Ha earred
daring the VexlcnB war na wall na the aartg colonial psrtad. He pMan
civil war and has tired ta Washluffton aaubikik a fanAsl bnmny akmi
number of yanii.
TnlpebotAao la ITS. Bverg deed of
It la ffeaerally agreed among
pnata of the gallarioa at the cnpilol
that the moat poUta and aoeommodnt
Ing mamher of the aeonta U Mr. Fattus of Alabama, agaff U. One of the

TOR RAkt OR RENTWAMTB^ir 7«M k»T« aay icIaA «r
wk ii
«ai» iWi«»% »


Farms for Sals
1 have a number of Kood
farms, all the wa^ from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property, I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can s^i you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any­
body else. I have farms
which are located from (our
to 20 miles from Travetw.
City, all good improved land.
;ir yon bare good lend Ishm
1 will bay them.


lo&H R Santo laoW'ashingta., OH. phone rt4:
■mm Ito l. Otr Opws Boom Bteto

General iDsaraBCt

Hev WOMlH nttb, Thnme City

Alt TevCrilcdhis Stop
■myw ■fMwii mt

Tm toe GtfCi w
ir yn km. kt aaedhet
^ tkeahrm
teMllMaX M^lar yM

A. Pohoral

of var aader Ceptala cafiarvaid Ad- _
mb kmws —ammr
mhab Cosher aad oa tho Uadaa^tod
--------------- msipiAmlT.mSTL.^
rnrimpm^wimmSm^mmmm^ Om.O,E,CHAMK,fmmmrn4timmm§^

isat niamw 11 i
foslgkt pareoU aaf
htaiy BookBim

mmirng qr FMUq Mom. OUbm Mo.
tn aqd Augm PorlM. to oomMot
Mio for B etifo hornm^, thm oo«altt<
foMo B0f1o*«tf. tBBSMm am tboir toUpfl «M to Ml 4tilrm6 ml tfco
IBB cbIM for Mt rtifojr Blcht. Tlirjr
kBTo BO fotUt I# iBd with tho pro.
poMi cfoh MbM. ho^ thojr fool thqt
thMriiiiiwMfoilii booqoBcmi

Now If Timrofoe Oiy. OadHIae. PV
toakey. Maatoteo aad ioearmi other
dtloo aoar by eoald orgaalxo a h
aad pot ooam level headed baa
maa at Ita . head why woahSa

ta tho fftag ta Baa Pramdmo
no haa tho repatatkm of hotag
vor totoreo. qaick wfttod. aecivo.
tial apd op to ovary trick of tho
. Oa the coast hs sajoya aa oa-






Washlagtoa atrooL Ctta. phono 21C.
BM] phono M.
T. W. TMIRLkv, Donttot
»im 4 Ma Jowolry


»xir Wttt Dfc*.- mU m

"sad 1 oa^ gsre yoa that hiss Ihrniigh


Dr. M la AihliB, DiMML

The "MmaH’
doable otvoMd
M for OM «p to »

Poor^TlfiSr'wtia*] oMlor
tar oM ow, K hone power

AU Mtel dtae dwtah.

chntd mm hnMm.


f haowlsdffssf ths Isw

lli^drth Sf Bsniy Whto
Mlaw to to hr csishratsd on Fsh. P7
bff ths CMmhfkfos ITIsfoMisI gfotofyIt to hoped, wa hs prtssrvsd la B-

AokforfoU puticoknof

SdN-CamdStaK BMt



^er of the

Why fit in a cold room
when n little money apent
wiUkeep it out?

Would nwko . fi- Chri.1—
p^t for ..»«nVr of th.

Storm tash are Ruarahteed to pay for them*
aelvet in two years in
•aving of fuel.


Get our prices.

Hie Old ReUBble
SlK>c Howe.

All kinds of lumber and
interior finish.


Sonth Side
Lumber Co.

» gaarantoad. ^ Kim
Bouaa. QU. pho^tM.
pat ta mortgagoa. Bmmeo for aalo.
Inqaira of & McNaasaHk Park

O. P. Carver 4 Bro. Both i
DR. 1. 1. THIROBY-4pocla] attoa
thrn to dtooasoo of cbtldron. Boom
dPf BtaU Bank bldg. Both phonoa

of p, mset svory ThanW
lag. Ktv Mtoson biedk. 0. & Wsl-


Nahoaal ProUeUvo Lo^
moot la Woodmaa haO oa tbo third
Taoaday of each month at T:» p. 9L
Abram Bcith. proMdeat; Oaylo
Orissrold. ■aerotary; Kottio e Gray,
Oct SACt
4 A. M, moou oa Monday ovonMg
oa or botoro Om tsl! of tho moon.
atT:ltp.m. M. K. HaskaU. •
tary. Bmor D. Whttn. W. M.


s m-


eiteolotkn of wmter.
Metal bodiM.

ARTHUII HOLUOAYr M. ^PhyMdaa aad Borgaon. RomoVod to ofAcot la Moasoa block oswr Barnam OnllnDdi
ADsrra atlsona pbooo ^




in your Cbrictmu gividk; or MmeoM yoo
had foisoUMi re-Mi.
bemi yon.

Too can wqawre that. aU
righL Maka a return gift
for New Y-ra.



We hare plenty of kUI*.
and .von —a make it —pen.
tire or im-xpenai—. Either
way we have the sooda. )

i. N. Maitinek

Traverse Ctfy
Gas Co.

Josspb Slthr & SonYosr Dally UvtoO


it tot- foqsticothoi

pmtjr fUf. attli • anM

“A ftoaept mAp

' ntmmaim,

NO LOA^IB-^lraqd
Elbs. M wMeh he ssys:
Travorso Laad aad Uqp Oa, r
"On arrlrlag sloogslds 1 tmmedJ
wsat up tho side ^ the UadssaU
^«tML Maaamr.
ir. OCAflLfgaait
rscoivs tht ssfocror oo ths qs
dsek. Ut took hto hst off sad bowed
ts the oMrsrs. who were all ai
Mod oo the deck. He sum sfierward
wevt forward to tho forscssUe sasoag
ths people, sad I foaad him thorn
iBt OtAghornm.
vsadag with thoss smoag them who
Bodsratood s Uttto PtsocIl"
It seems orldoat that Napolson task
palas to tacrattote himself tvlth ths
toatloa to dtaoaaoa of tho eye. oar.
crev of ths radaoafod during the roy
aooo aad throat Olaoooa ittad.
age from Prejoa
Roeebery re
Over Jobaaon drag gtofo. Both
"When be (Napolsoai left the I n
daaatfd. which cOaveyt^ him to Elba
the bsstsors!a.‘oa behalf of the shtpri
made coiapaay. bad srighcd him Img lifi OIL K. B. MINOB-OTAeo OTor Amoif
aad Pfospertty I* tbe Isto of ttU auC
to art. oar. nook aad throat Olasoos
Attad. BOU phoeoa. RoMdaaeo fit

rJ have made ap my mlad to Aght
» Bfoch Ao«. IT. IhOS. in :n\
agala aad will food aay vMta man t.
m worUr» locord.
sly lowa opaa to the Oiaata. and eral proosat Napotoaa made oo lesr
CO VlfBBiU rail im i|i
tho hsn
Thto tole«ram to the'Aret "geaulne last seadoa almost pot
blUlarda oa a SxlO table, mak
•Igaed' natemeat glvMi out by the
as approsrhlog bis ssrenOetb yeoi
aA bsrtag bsea ssvMal dmso worn
tao4 to Nov Tofit M 1MS> It vaa
I remember Emptsgs wett. He was
PMM tho KaMkorboeifofa.'
Used iho team to Its dtoerodU. very pogator with Margate,
Mr. Uarolm. ae 1 saw him oroo
Nauilfig Nelm vaa boro la Oopm.
> are a nnmbsr of nloo follows aad oot of bis admirers present^
hapoa, l>«iaiark. ^ino S. im. He U morning la the carpet aUppoia be woco
srltb a folly eqaippsd saHbsst. e
$ loot TM toc^o. high.
be called tbe Old Priead. «a wbMi I
tailor coold make iwahy At bio gaaat also follows whose maaaors plainly have freqaeoUy sailed oet to tbe Goodbony frame, was a beomiy oaea^ Ar Indicate lack of breeding or consider^
ore. Ibetootlaeorhielifovraadlmpto atlon for the feelings or oplalaas of
^ovH Uolfoaii. the rreach chivilM.
t would hare seemed a troadmUl
It of'aa. He was aa early rtoer.
fo ihtfoMlUattoa. with the olMrtca^. Wheal came oa doty at A M tho mora.
Womsa Form Bifto Cliih.
of vrJiooe mctale tod loetallolda He lag bo was oftoa already drmoed aad
tlcnlarly toad of Itausa cookery
foactadoe aa tho roaolt of thooe rt- loading la the Uhrmry. There was a
Kalamasoo. Mich.. Dec. 26.—Sev­ day bs aad Dr. BUlrolh. tbe Omlaeat
loarfhoe that there oxiau ao
big table near the crater of the room. eral wosien of Kalaim^ have or- Aastrtoa sargeoo. visited Herr WIch
lafaolaaeo vhleh oaaaot he diet
sod ths Kslamasoo Ladles' Rifle maan la Rome aad were Invited to a
The ebalittloa of
Aad the book? We hart an
breakfast alto romaaa. Tbe host's
to very
o fwodaca yet beard of tbe pcoskSeat a foodaeea for
cask. Mors. BM ber preCtlsst. and tbs
he lafortated Betirm
Molfoaa hae dtottUod 40U graaia of
|ho«t tho wlatar. The ofAceri
Iroa la tweaCy ■aaatoe with aa eleetrle taiy maatoo by
thosghto were oa the vtoads he had
of tho orgaatoatiOB are as follows:
corroat of lJUOO afoporeo at a preooare while ttiey wore
jostsofoysd. laiovtolhj^ bo raised
of no eoka. la all caoea the eapora from Oettytborg.
Prosldsat—Mrs. E. A. Lampbler.
tbe qaesttoa whether If was not bto
of the Bietoli eoodeoee la the fona of be kept cablaet meetloge walUag
Vlea Prosideot—Mrs. A. D. Parley. daty to take back srltb him to Geta cftatalUae dmt. pooofoali« all the while he reed them tbe lateet of Petnr
Booceury-Mrs, Ostmaa.
many a srife srbo cooM prevkie ao ad­
leom V. Nasby e witttetoma. It was
a mosl as Mora. Finally WlcbTimsoerer-Mn.
vhea rodocKt to the form of powder tbe Bible wblcb I saw him readlag
laatirvctor^Srrieaat E. A. Lamp- maan. with asock ssrioasaoos. present­
Molewui’e experlOMiita throw light oa
ed himself to Mora as a snitor for ber
the prohaUe teatmtore of the ana.
behalf of s great Gennan art­
vhfoe IroB aad the other chemical cle^
ist Moreover, be Is a mnaiclaar he
Will l^vs Foa Chaos.
laeata oxtot la the atate of rapor: The
explained, "and yoo sorely are food of
inaxUutun tetaperatiire of the elcculc
Aaae. Mich,. Dec. 26-A
maelc. for yoo slag sboqt tbe boost
( TW OaaUdawer. .
r to ochedaM for I
all day. Wbat say yooT’ Mora's snOf the weed **caoliAower'* a writer
It win be condi^ed by the Peek ssrer sras ctooeic. 8he looked at Wkbaad hy fraritatloa aa the aaa It U in the Umdoa Chronicle says: *Tlie
ftrs, who bave%ered two prtsea. mana. then at Brabme from top to foe
prohaNe that the temperature of ebol modern epelHag to artlActol. aad If we
lltno of the olemeato there to higher were to write It aa we proooooce It No loa wm be charged for tbe eattffv and. srith an energetic gostarc. rspbed.
"Beoo romaaa. aaU al Fsate Botto,
VoUyAower.* vo hhoMd be taklag a lag Of dogs.
thaa oa the earth.
dovoota II tempio dl Vcota.aoa
step bark la the aataral dlrccckm. *Oo.
IrAoore.* os they spelled It la the slg.
A new method of atorlllxlag milk, iv- leenth cantory. bdags oot the trae
lading of tho refotiMes name-.
nu^oi**|lifhriV^*rt?i riu^T^lwif •Aowered embhage -W belag aa old "He ABs man with drvad. They
tag and doea aoc deotroy aay of Ito e» word for cabbage and toryt- rapeo- qnaU before him.
They cant call
The method l< asld sooting tbe Preach *AocV or ‘Aeari* their soato their owa la his iwoseaco.
allttoe Aowered. Bat hecaam la lAtia K was Altogether be amkro me thlak of a . Bocaaao he is wcsltby. Benafor
called Voandera* it began tb be writ- waiter 1 oare mid la the west
Clark of Montana haa to stand for a
fceaated. Ooe gram
^of ^ tea Yoltodorlo* or VoUyAorie* la
"In a small western town maa.v groat deaL Bart Is one he to saptlsh. protvbly by drhbofate aoslmlta years ago I pnt op at tbe Palace hotel, posed to bs rvspoaslbto for. sad prob­
Ooo to tbe Latin, and ermtaally
"I was amlgned to a room. There ably be blmoelf tboogbt It a fairly
caa be kepta kia« tllBf «n«i to uM lo»1V thoagh sUU
was ao water nor towels Im tbe rosas. good stoiy when bt dlocovervd It in
iarad hy tra^wBw. %^t It eaaaot be -----------Jeaawhlle tbe oero«,
aad I raag.
sa ladtaa territory aewmaper:
dmak vatll It haa^fefoii warmad aad a
-Tbsfe s pretty Mg sqaAaV
"There was BO reply.
dnip of a catalytic aahataaoe added.
again and yet apln merked the oeastor. while gash
IV. Bfhftiic ba» prored that light baa
sa ladtoa territory specimen . "It re­
a barmnu effect apaa milk, whethar
minds ase of
ateffltoMl bol or cold, aad be reMh
to have been exblMtsd at ooe of the
maafo that It aboold be kept la a dark
—Did yea HagT he said la a ram- coa«y fairs back borne.
Ths man
ptaca me lAj^ mr
illag voies.
that raised It was an eaterpHsiag fel­
" T did.’ 1 aaaerarsd.
low. and be had foaad oot la son
••WML dsat Bo It agala.* said ths
cMod apt fobiilM aay
waltsr. srith a aseaactng scowL aa ho
cara. T»e afari coachee aad raaa which ssssoo was foswtaa to s etoes. Tht wltbdrew."-New York Trtbaas.
are to H UP^aally aubatltated wlU game was ctom. aad Laage tod off la
^H^m wSJS^!*^2 M *drira \
bare the groat adraatage of aoata- the elghthL taalim with a two bagger.
hmg srsy to tswa vrdr i
ffamfoabimy aa veil a> that of mate Anson srsat to bat aad told down a
atabhon hfoMCaveo to eollapao la ttom
B drawisd to I
;r.tAto gardmmr tadnlgtoig
rhat wssthr o
ta Aad that the milk which had se^
camalstod la tbs agaash hsd bssa



daoatod wmmt forward mmA fOOrsrssd
vtth ths mllsn M whsl he calle W MBt. ff. L. BONNKITB ha^ drmdMg
asrt of Mam srhtoli ms^^svo ^
over CRy Book B^ Dsam
ItaBaa or Proach. or pethaps s
taro of both. Ittojcsftalathst nW
looa dld aot spook
AMIL F. NCBLINOER. LAWyCBMoney to Maa. tli State
bnUdiag. CUtocasphoaoiHA.

^Ulac to a good have ban I
Caiapaiga far Cloaa Ball Is tharp
Petoekey to a Mg oae la the au
rahk at Nwahar sf MsOrav
time while Maaltee heo. la yoaia
gooe by. aapportod a good t
m olhor ,
In nao wHh tbe aevoreadlng camp
Traveroo City woa't take a back
thBi thw ottfoBk BBd board (
alga tor Moaa baseball to a demaad
for aay of thooe ochore whea
► made by the Mg leagas cishs
awakoaed. th^ a a Maeh.
m»A tUv mj
of 1M7 that the players coadoci them
Tblak oa thto over might.
tlMf vnmmrn i»
seivea properly wheiu travetlag will
OHMT tho BtMn of the
thMr dabs, ao matter whether thej
ohth Bfo‘iMMuetod.
are qg. ar off tbe Held. Tbe deport
meat of the Olanu last year to te
spoaslble for the attentloo tbe asattn
to to be givea by magaateo aad maaa
' will Agola tfiler tho King.

? TII£SEra»GS?



expenses won’t mount up ao
large if your meat bill bean
our name and "
top. Mm
item, to be
it as small as possible
eot with the Serving of
cutt of tender meats.




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