The Evening Record, May 14, 1906

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The Evening Record, May 14, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





runucn MAfiAZiNES
MHiiiiimu LET 80
five or TNtM eXPLOMO AT
oiuoocmrr tooay.


_ >^»»WiLL EiiE(rr

Tbe parHkm wUl be two ataiica It
bHgbl and wUl baea a dIalBg room
and kUebew below and a dame* lloai
aboea. ll will be Ugblad wUb fdac^
iHc lampa. tbe power beiag faraMbed
hs Um dyaaam on board tba OolwBh
bin 4bAa aaaaoa. Tbe faaUdiag will be
kagiao and wUl tarBlab ample aoeom
modatloBa |br good-alnad paitlca. The
kmr pan will be ao arrawped Umt In
can* or rate pkmlc parttee can eai
their luacbea Uiei* aeewre from the


Tbe dork will be on tbe east aide
and wUI be
feet te leagth and
twaBty-femr feet wide at tbe and. An

AAASM an about a MONTH.

dhil Taa Migb ta Bim at a FrwBt—An-


---maaib or mar*. DwHiig tbat^lma.
Iwmdv* rapaim wItt ba mada ob ib*
plant BBd ^robBMy BbaaC fSjIM wfll

By Wlia to Iba Bvaatag Racord.
U. ft. Unrb
New York. Nay I4.~ JuM^pblDe Terpuny, etaied i
rmaora. tbe ebUd wtf* and allegad
tltr ihl* morning
be on* of Iba BKwt *inBed agali
ctealaraae wbo eear thed. U on trial of nml waa one of tbe
Howe down. **We
profU when coal
doable murder and the
price,- wtld Mr DarU. “aad tba n
ry will adun know
blaifiry <jf the 17 year-old palm weie very nuceannry. It i* the
economical time for na to abut
wham tbe pronecutor declared d*
Bd daatb la tb* eleriric cbalr at down and tborvfare we did no. The
m WAll#«to Th#f» M KMfOr m4 mpg Ming. Mb* atabbed her uncle. plant wBI b* Marled agn^a just a*
HI* WWf N*tf * M«rf«w CMP
Ualiano Ueggeo and bU wife. b«r jon aa poaetblc.Anthony Puboral. wbo ainre Jan. J
ber'a alater, to death, not aecreily
••** ThHifM it WM
btti openly Mb* nt lacked ber uncle, g* been anperinlandeut of tire plant
bla wife Inlerfs^ nod she killed ber. sday tendt-m-d bia reaiguailon to takP**<
UvM LttL
Hate egtwi. ^1*
Tbe defetue will Im- Inannlty pnalueMl
the time
by terrlbh- aufr»wlng tnnieted l»y ber m.t ye«I been oeenred iHirIng
Mr PisiKiml hn>
connected wlih
Kr Wlfp 1* tw BftPlM bmtc
tbe pUnt lNdh,na foreman and aupt«r
l|rt0i*f*rt. Om. M*y 14,-Tht.
he baa mad* many frP nd*
aur v*o tlirow* imi. 4 wiM pwilc •k4iri
urfvf to oes- bilu leave He
ff *fl*r 4 *'*torti tkU MiUBc wh**0
U ^ >H ftM-ldivI just what be Witt
RK •
* i^ tbe future.
like M
Cbai1t;- Wor. mUlwrlghi. ha* also
gf**l pu«<l#r m*s**i*** «r (k« UttUiB
realgned^aud baa a poalliim with
Mrulie CBrtriaKr oocoimB> laiuatt^
I be CTbarlevTdx augkr be<‘t fa* lory 7 le
tvo »Mm from th« oMUir of m« cii>
grs^ter part of lb<> fore* baa l»ern
•pploM TImi NilUlInc.
tpl**4 BkOttt
k*ps of iMwdvr
iMMipf tftr fRMMto Mb BUd ItH
HMkiAC or tb« «*rtb %*|| foil f.»r lhlrT>






**Mt* »«>Uik>u boapluJ .11
■fldpMrt. No lAiloAts ««r* tb«m
iMit lb* k**p*r mud bla wll* bud 4
Mrrow rmc*p*. ^ fur m. emu Ih*
tapmtd BO OB* wki klll*d by tbr *i
pkMlfiB BBd 4b* dBom* U not kBomm
tb* 4*Hwr*d bulWlBf* bmrdiy m
bitek could b« found BBd 4bM« b. m
bol* IB Tb!* frofMurtbtny nv* t**t Am*p
wb*r* Mb mlructuf* *Uiod.
THhiiH it mn Cmrthpobb*.
Mllforl. Comm., limy M
tjf, B mllvmy « wptu>* In m uLsnal iow< r
OB tb* Ne« Hal *u road. dropiM^^ dead
or b*art dl«^.e IbU •luutuln* \ IIU
HHilcepon ckidiMkm wblrb b* ti^

^V .

Dion KiiowiiwmuMO

MtfllH Cfittrfd Hit Groaot Jumt Abovt
^ th* HmH and COMfd Orob*r b
NcmMrfy JM*l#r, Waa fBUIl)r(M»Bl^.^lM^l*T4all.



I* iWbr. «ijfbi*rn iullo« Bway. Bin
4o«a Virr* brub** *ud tbr inl.-rloia

teipMt A Stoll* wHfblM fully

Can* Attracted Oraat AtUntlan and
Waa Attandnd by Urg* Cmwda of

Ily Wire in Ih* Evrnliis Record.
Rauli file l*arU\. MIcb.. Nuy H.—
ENmaid UruM. a
of New­
berry. was accidt-mally ahot and fa
tally wuuudswl while hunting by bU
a«sM»ibs«rt. Mis* UaiU* Hall. H* mat
down on a li»s and jokingly r*mark«l.
•*1 ntn read> to die.- bflHM Hall aimed tia Acre* of Rwmn Woiba. Storage
Buildinga and Warwbooaea W4re
a S3<^llbt«r Hfle at bira and pulled the
trigger, the Imll enu-riug above the
bear! and h- his noi ivgalned cou
belouaBe»a. Th«> git l did not know the
14Tre to the Kvetilng Racord.
gua «aa loaded Tl.ey were rngagod
HoWle. AU . May 14.-A great flr.*
to Marr> .
at Gulf PorL klisf. this morfUng d*atrojed alk acre* of rtwdn yarda. wart'
bouaea and ausmge building* la leas
ala hour*. The loss 1* a half






awding two buura In tb*
jury room Baturday afternoon the reum waa made with a verdict ol
•guilty aa charge.1- ami the Acme
egging caac then i
It* dtsin until
morning at lu «.• I.iek. when Ju«
lice Amll r Nerlliiger again «xiw
veiled cmirt fur the iwu n H|H.ndcnts.
Henuan Ik-nxieudi and JaiiieM l.Ulic;
l-lai h
lad WIN si iilciued
nne of g:.. with k ciHlicil at
arhineiit uf
ajdecs- U»r erja uK«H
Mrs. Jauiea LUliigwioit paid at once
fur iM^r aou while l^r« HenMeadi made
the ftlie,. The
alternative given in each caiw* wan
ninety days at the Helrolt bouae of
No raiu> of ^imph* aaHiili mid luiMery
01 ever iNH-upletl the ancntioii of Hu
:al c-uiiHs wbicb altracU-d auch wldefiprend Inlenwt from (but Hay and
Acme dUlrlct and Tiaverwe Cliy ns
well for the Jiiatlc** rxKMus of Amil/F
SVrlinger were entirely Inadi-qiial.- to
hold the large audience.
> J W. raichiii Ml no iitmc
to obtain an acquittal fur the
two young lada wbo were acciiaed of
ig a teacher beoanse of hla un
larlty. Their eonvicll/m end* the
ao far aa the law U ctmiM-rned.
but the Individual aenllmcnt of the
trf Acme, and Its teacher hi.-^
rtHHdved widespread notoriety which
lime aloiiK can wI|h- out
At dodiK-k I bla afternoon Mr* Ilea
atradi luld ber aon'a An*.


By Wire to the Bvenlng Record.
ITitcago. May 14 —Six men , wf-re
thrrtbly bum«Hl by the explosion td a
In the llliiitiis Stc<*| company^
ti>day. Two tons of molten steel
pouted In et* rv dlitH tion nmj that any
•ImnI alive is a miraclo. The pfeaeute of ismie unkiiowii c ht^iikal
f*<1 tin' Uit blent.


K and ft win be anitable for tbe land
PavlKan WIH B* Tmn Btmfeg In
tag of tbe bay line of boala and also
eight am
and Upper Flaor Will
tor tbe laiincbea. Tbe apliea nrv al
Be fee
rtwdy out and work will be rushed
(CuatUmed oa Third F^)
Captala Cbaries A We6b, manager
of tb* Trmveme Bay line of aleamerm.
left fur Charlevoix this morning to
complete arr^gewN-nts fur tbc» build­
ing of a dock at Dick Baaa<-tt« Istend.
Tbe steamboat twmipany has obiain«*l
ciintrol of the Island and will at one*
a pavillua and build a d«ck for



A man dfove in
milea lo Imy a
bUlof WanPaperofna. Said hitRelgkbbn
iwxMMMNided ttib atoiB aa oanying tba moat
oomptelB and alyHah lot of pi^:
IXteen'i that apeak ipiite waU^thSIwai-



in nrakwesr. diirU. iisArwsar awf
OTwything in (araiahingt thst ih*
puticolsr, RXinod nnd tMl*h4
di«Mer minirM. Oor goods
know bare bm emintmUy anfiaSa.
toiy in quality and- ptioo hatololore,’
and we propow and shall ara evory,
eodsavor possible not only to keep*
them ao, but to make improvemsatm
when* it is in our power to do it.

All rtdem of blcyclea are bereby
warned that begtening at aridnlgbt tonight tiding on the walks Is strictly
nnlawful and they will bo punished
Vor siH’b vkdallon
C. W Ashton. Chief of Police.

Not made by Armour
\ Co. ll h made in the
old counlr>' and is the
acknowledged standard
of Castile Soaps.
We have other good
Castile Soaps, some im­
ported and some domes­
tic, but if you wish the
hnest in the market ask
for Yarritu. Cut in live
ox. cakes by the man­

15 cents


OlWte and arty

Wbst could be more beoom.
ioRto » Ivht rammer govD
then a pair of Canvaa OxfonU. They’re dainty, they’re
cool an<1 eomforUble. The>-

and the priou ie .0 litth-gthat
A*vt‘ryom* can afTonl to have
a pair.



Union St. Clothlera.

Order for

%0Wf s

We'll send a man to take the measurements

Traverse City Mfg. Cft.

$K35r $l.50t

I AbMtroctM of Title
BetabiiabeB ftaa
• aio biaie eenkBMlIBIwi

With Us.

Stock doors delivered same day as ordered, Odd
doors and window screens in three days.

SUpp^ind Sandals for
i and Children.

Drag Store

Dog Catcher U Going Afttr All the
Untagged Canine* Said Chief
|U-were of ifie ih»R ctU-Uer. Ttiht in
the Mgn »*f ihu 4iraeh*. Chl*if of Ihdiee
A*htoii. as he ga,.eH a( the pmir untagge«i stm*t curs who are luunlug
the rbk of their live* every day. from
4J4.W on Mr. Ashton stated ibU aflerlo the K«-cord that fn»m ubw on
the dog catcher would be Usiklng after
unllwnsed dogs and If Pedro or Pansy.
^ny of the Hty |h*Ih failed to return
home at night, their tiwuers shinild gv»
the dug iNMinJ and look fc»i their e*
pet lal canine, a* in all prohahllity that
is where they would find them While
Uct ustd UligM last year was small.
klMMit as many were bagged as taggiHl.
eighty nln* d*»gs Uw* U'lng lh«- rate of
ailty against ninety oild who
>iaytd on with a $1 lag.

Jnsl A Few bays A|»

$«< Our Blindow

Barefoot Sandals for idrls
and Boys.
Wm B*w mem pe

For misses' aud diihln-u's s\immer wear we have many new
stylet in dainty Kboes. ami Sandals.
BABV SHOBSIortbebriglitest. Ijost aud smarbst baby

On. Umym


MmohmnW *

It’s Worth Reading About
Ladies apprcciste the value of a floiir
that will not increase their worries,
but which will be of great help in rub*
binR off the rough edges of household
duties. Hannah & Lay Co.'s "BEST"
Hour will give you eniire'satisfaction.

»rtwld«nt Aeeeevtlt Will Devote Fuc
th*r Attention to a*rvatorw Tillman and Chandler.

RuoM’VcIt will make a further ataUmem today reply ing to Senator* Till
and Chandler. He held a long
conference durhig the night with Secretarie* RBot and Taft and Senator
Dodge lasting two hour*.


Ye^ Stylish
Saturday was'
a great

Hat Day

Lay Co.
A Great Seller



Dettxdt. May 14.-AVheat-No. 2 n-1.
Sir: com.
oat*. SCVkc. Chicago. May
M%c; com. 4^\r: oala.
•y WlfB U> tba Krealng Rmcord.
Hast Buffalo. May 14.-CatHe-176:
;H*ir York.^Mar 14-Carl Schurt.
lower: ateera. IS.26U6.SS: cow*. $3.25
Spaetel to tb* Bracing Racord.
tba aotad publlclat. editor qf <\dlierV
lertochm. MIcb.. May 14.—A quiet ©4.25. Mog*-I0: .trong: all gradeea.
ibid a foTBiar cabliiei member, died at
ling wan celebrated Baturdav $€.S0©C.S0.
4;8i 4bk Morolng from b cnmpllcailoii
a. |€ !*0|#7: wethera. IS.
noon at the home of Mrw H
dW d iMiaaBa. H* waa 77 yean old. Tb*
KIrcblner wbaa ber aon Frank wna
. fbBaral
nulled in marriage with Uucllle Pol
lleoll. Tbe bride waa gowned
cream colored allk and m atlefided
by Mlm Laam HoabeU. while Umb
By Wlr*lotM*rmihigllaaard,
Klreblaer acted ba bant man After
N*w York. May 14-Tba «w
the as^nrlce a recepdoa waa |
of Mm JHfnwim Darla ramwipa *Ht jwblcii waa largely aUendod hr tbair
kal and ttaebaagad lodajr.
\mMmj \




From Charles ] stevcBS

jMLII;. tLJ::.

S' ■

Our Fine Suits
$16, $18, $20. $22


f -

Are hand tailored -have the bm
of trimmings and tbe fit and
stylo is perfect—See them.

No better lines in the city.

HasHii CjolMi^ Co.

Wkat T« tee Wtea '
. YmCMr Here

goto to he apttoti;
I Bgr Bit BM gat dtoeorcr,
ud m kgroto !to^ to kgP^ ikfww I
wkk* M a inag Akd ton;
M Miminnag, Ckgrtoa
boBere that
maa«ta toatUea aa now
dtotit grt riltid Bboty, who have ^ ^
torgfd down Vy too vliiago
Mai cwBli toaiato tn ton bottoan oCi
<ii. Mr. trafitowff BUtfd to too Itoc- JBn aea it mM to aU ton better Car
toatotlad aad aB ton wpraa far toe
MANIVrtl WM VtCTOR IN 0**LV m4 today toat maay of Ike hotol pro- •toca.
grletora tool tlml wtlb the ctoatog id tto tooHnat ayatam of maiScal pcac^
' THlfM ivvrrt.
a largo .aioao la Mortopim, tbc obbs tlcn that I kgow wf !■ ton tolaat. tort
wUt be dHerloriafo^ for BoC ton wwfgt It la^older Oiaa Hlp
MmI tMM WM M «•
T«wm ikaofleto who are Bor able to legaUyt pogratea. oldar toam Chlroo toe cenbar win BOI remain 1q p reoort mmr. Matnw taggkt U to ton tvwt
M la «w *Mt «l CmMUmi aa4
motonr wtoo ton aaw her UtMUitb
IMt toiber. wfn go
toMd iHittlag aomn Mljr pehton or lurid
eke toga) BBtttoB ol I
tony into* lu mogto. 1 know not In
wkat langBagn It waa aptoeB. tort 1
know that la BatUto It wuBid
By a aaoro of M lo U. the local
iikaol track togai dotoatod the
WhM Too WrtM .
Htokaetomlbayaialkodnal •mall WIW* ParwMt* AtC»cbaa Itaelf
«a oiua of th* run m Atofta
fftooid bold la tke drtrtog park Balar
adgtoi out tbe otoer day. toe
taktog hot threw irate
itomld be printed, for toe
«f« la ttor boot of eem
dUJoa aad dandto tbo togk wlad whieb MunUlag. Mich..* Mar H-A amall and Cnf lUb «re aUk«. but of to* writwlto too MwM paato otowV white pamtoe. which atlacbe* Unelf ma one# tola la ant true. Tbe caplUl

Mvamn win rmi



to tbe gUla of yhe flab la dtwtroylng letter T. for Inataace. la wrtitto la
wftoltoM at too te- Ike itolM IB tbe Addla lukea. noted Frnaea nud Italy Ukn C. Tba top
•trton U atadn an with ua. bat the
i of too 1
it • koar or brook t»pol Tko |«ni.
" downward atroke carvea to the right
wao *prtaiea tor Trarerae
totiwdoftotoelefL Oar C la tokeo
d)lag i^hortly there
^ abroad. Our T la t.nkea for I
rity Batarday far too ffrol iHae. tkoa
brew BtbIi aad a ib^ Amlatoiebtod, ifter. Yiwterday two mea cangbl kf.orJ. It U Impurtaat fberefore to print
laalead uf to wrHe pm|»er name* on
kb iraai captola. took iiat la Ike
letter*. A idler addrrmed in
ttloa ahewed that everIbfeo weight eveota While
f..r >n.l.c
t u^u
made an ewwOeat ahowtag la toe
I. - —If...
.h. ►•.L ! Tiwat wogkl be tkooght \i]r the rnm< h
tiMU OM Mwatr Tk# tl»f liMK for
' ••“'Tj wrf lu ««•
Jrih vry depart
Hm tmtpikm oC
pMlitoM ky Ui» form oa the kardlea. fhiUMng Uni to (iemic I* onkteomu.
of tbe |gnit«m.-e It would iw Immipn id •Ui# rlo*«a «»tiir4*ir both eveau bai wit rated oBt la the era!. IB tbU poMlon
toe I InaleaU of lu Ito T comp
iMit Ik cMMrtSoa vlik tMa U Ik hlgba f^ /BiBlat aroaad a honlle
! Thu* when Mr Tprot «-«lied for hla
tsUf^sttag to «i-W#r tk« fa«t that MoOarry and QeiHiell ria with rta\
; mall a aean'h of couunrtowut T w «»uld
Umi idtoomtt. mhtm grmi cry la«t
notolug iur blm. and hi* lett*r.
«sa «oHaumr tofm** vttl
r the FA would never be
with a ihlriyyard
Ok Uto ktoltor to toi»f ikrf»
load In the half. Walker aad WBItUig
kMftotoa to« todHIOM tB lU <
Tbe fart toar c<dofed r«ya may to
Mode the Bear Work.
twMjNkM duirtfu Mm io.ufM«ii repoated Ikeir atunt df a Week ago and g«ed a* an atmaatbartc u theinterratlag Bill WiBten
UMW bU w It to wave hla
npllt for Ike Bnrt placa la the high
to iMUt tM pfMOtllkiii. ^th
c. IbtUrd •treugtb' l»urluj; n i-amplug trip lu ilie
Ragvall of ManUtee bit off lh«
tfe* dMMXsrBta MttiMMttod p«Cltloii« In
Stvlterrlaud. The aiajkrattt* yigun* ooda Hill %vaatw»lly the Uxh-wt
ireeguarter* of the mile at a dmpUyed U frtuiple. conaivtlng of an ,
, the party. nmiUy bi* exu.
•fOTT dintlict r»r#pC the F^urlb. In
ratlllng pace and aprlated the la*t •lertrlc iBcandv^vnt lamp, w Mb a blue
i-oturadi-* told hUu timt If to
»0t B BlMln d»«»rtcl li Ibitr.. •
qnaf^ la good form, finuhlag
globe und
t;t>d a reltector. togetber with a ,
^ot kUI #ometolttg tbmlden time
akdk^^bUi oppoaeat*.
blue vHI oaed for covering tor facw of * they would imc k him off hooir Ito
tbe patient aad excluding all irucea of n^xt ujornlug Hill tomiweJ a rifle him!
telB in which the
•BV tow will be fulimittcd by the re
_ _
camp anw BUI mu
waa decUtrod laetiglhle. compMod la
pgMkMUi »re lho.e ,c|j|wntod In the
ard cUlma that after the pn- | „mg dun n agala aa fa*t aa be could
dMdually aad look awav five point*. tiaat baa attentively flxrd hit eyea on }
,mi ^looe behind lilm waa a toar.
pTMMrt BMiBie by UntoBM Vhn Akin.
Tke foUowing I. the *»ihimary:
AytlObBld J Peek, iaincB F. numer.
HMI-Tard Haab- Miller. Traverae to win become ahco
A. B Cook. C la. nia«fow. B’llfer
City; Pelfomm. Maalatee; King. Man which n amall aurglcal opemtUm -aui-h. I turutd and abol the U^ir. Wbe i the
SMMAM. TuwBiWBd A. Paly. Bel» V^V
far etamgle. a* the removal of a tooth uh-u could atop IttUgblng one of tb< ia
J«iki. Albert O. Heine. A. W. F»rr. O.
-BIU. what ou earth j.o*neAiM.,l
tamer Throw-AmHburbler. Tiar -cau to performed without cauatng '
C. MoBlli. IB Bddlllon to Ibiwe
to run that dl-iamv with th.- l-^.r
City; k'lelacbm-r. Fidlrr*, Trav­ tbe paUtot the allghteat paiii. Tbe j
tftoto «re tboM neBBlortol dtelrlrtn at
•wakeulng fnnn toe rffecta of the raya I
clone wbeii you might have killed
el *e Cllv
la quite gradual, and no daugeroua or | him uu tbe hill aiul aav»-d your bre.nh V'*
pfmm, Kent BBd kMlnaw cmmi
lUlfMlle Biia-Alway. ManlMee rrm unidnaaaut aymptom* are noticed. ] riU amlled iduwb. -What *The UHe of
Mrflarry, Traverae City. Snyder. Man -Terbulcal W«wl4 Magmalne.
| kllllug a tour lii lie- uiuuuluT.i. him!
toto M fTBBled by ttw< iiBte.
; lUKK>m: him lu wIm-u >uu can run Ulm
270 Yard I>a*h Miller. Traverae ^new Typewriter For toe BHwd. 1 InV he nsked. B<»*ton Herald
bar or petMkina fll««d. that Bbout one
CXtbiBl Oeuerol tJuentluT of »ank- j---------------- -------CM); King, ManUtee: I’eieraea. Mas
bBir to« repuhllcn ■ehalortBl CBhdl
fort, on toe authority of the rrankfort •
liuor. lemilUer V* Dirty,
dktot to Ike atat.* will 1w lu^lnatad iatee.
A of our own which we cx>»:
Pule Vault-Slater and Whiting tlldaakalla. reporta that XI. Du*aaud.
a rmu'h Inventor, haa luvouled a new j *lJer far ii^ore rlnaulv tluiu eulliu;
ktotor th> Bcw Mmary Uw.
Traverae City. *pllt f..i flral pUt'o; tyiwwriter for the bltoi: of which it i« i w III. our miKor* 1* Kmked upon by tl..mpectad toat It win enable them to ! W.M.r* n* tlllhy ihar 1*. tvaahli.g s.ur
; Tberw are'aT’kwm »<ia dof» in BludfMt of Maalatee look third.
write aad iwad In the aante manner hand* or fn.w hi a todu and. *tlll
tola «Uy toll BP unitl Batarday Bight \ High Hurdkw—King.
OBlF twtBty^M owner* kpd pnld it Tlto^ Traverae tt*it); Mohr. ManUt«e tad uoBer tbe tame coodltkioa aa thuao nmre, taking a bath wtom the water n<
who can aee. Tto apiwraiua U *up | not riumlng Tto cb-an.-r we iH^N.u.e.
Mato for Ikelr canlneeiu The
pUed with a raw of key*, and If cue. ; they *»>, the dirtier tl.e wnU-r we are
or* «r doBB BkoBid MW lhai iktor anl Oarry. Trkrerte City; lletehell. Trav two or more of them* key* am iwe^aed j wH*l.lug with mu^l ueee.^irlly l*- City.
mala are properly lagged a* ibere
down Wllb toe finger* the d4Wlrxd let- ; come, and evenloally we ale,. furtU a*
140 Yard Hath- Miller. Tra
Bp’ amch compitlni -that the, dog
tera or tbe deetred word appear#. Thia ' cleulined from wutrr w hu>h l* m. h.u,;er
«|g|MW will uiidoubiedly IwgiB work City; Feller*. Traverae nty; Mohr. hew typewriter wrfth key# 1# V> far toe ' rjeaa. A XliH>r tu wad. hi* hand* h**
mom perfect Inatrument whKh haa , llw wau^ iK.urrd from a 'cm I over
lb mnmi While Iht^w are a nu
DUcij* Tbn.w—AmtabiMhler. Trav ever Imea offered to tbe blind for writ-i them and uexer by any djnnce dip*
ct dMi that could well be npored. all
tag. It ran be rapidly o|«^l**l nmt i tlirni Into the dirty water. Tbe anme
bkoora of IhoM tbak they care lu keep er*e City; Fi-llera. Traverae City; fvmlabea a regabiT writing tbot tbe way in their toto*. The waik-r I*
ikmdd pay 'keir licence* ml one.
thrown owf their bodlea out of brlyld
High Jump-WhUlBi and Walker,
brtiaa IwwN and flow# away throiwh
Mcdd tfouble.
Uge of apodal I
•pill for ffrat pUre; no entry for Man
Iralea lu the luurbk- or tile floor. -.Mod
TW »anirbo took off hi* wlBh-r Utee.
____ _
TwnMlIe Run—Meflarry. Traverae
Baaatd* BaiurOay to keep In acrord
The lU^-varU OoM.
•IMP kith the oeaiher. Httor put aty; Snyder. ManUtee; OelcheH.
Ito lr.>n m»*# bttmtelMd with gold
fkiM back on agala yeolerdav ni
which U o\ iT one of tlie entramv# to
to ittortoff wUb a coki today.
toe Harvard coltete library it Jure Unlli
nty; Peteraon. ManUtee;
xv«# at toa Uute of the 17b'. .*i-icv ol
Miller. Traverae City.
abllVg Ttikeu rram a t'ctiiollc ehnp
el Hiere aniU»rmigbt ^to Ma**acbu#ett*
Brigd Jtmip-KIng. ManUiee; Whit
I from tWa bltberto In­
one of tite teK>iu of victor)', lu IKTT
lag. Traverae City
curable dlacgae
dwry Betoreed a Verdlot for $7S Oi
Wbwor. toe librarlnu of llnrShot Ful—Amtabttchler. Traverae
vard coiUtge librar)-. found It In . the
atM In the Sdwin t. Pratt va.
Lov**! ¥•#■* Vr^mm.
City: Fellera. Traverae Cllv; FleUch
cellar of to.' bli.-niry nud l.-.d It
Nelt Bye Caae,
They aat on the jyKl ,-.nh nnd and placed 4u tin* po'.lUm wblcb it m<»w
waft bod the rcil tuomi c lImbb.K aboio CK cuple V
Half Mile Relay-Traverae C^y.
the ir.**#.
!lo<tge gained overiweaiy year*
» = At d:M Baiorday-evealng i be .Jury
•nx)ve." whlaiHTed the aeutUuentoJ
la the treepa** ca*e of tolwla^^ »Tai the fliwi 210; Hunter and Thomaa held girl, “make* tto wsirld go ruuud.'' “
to. ItoU Byw rettimed a^ verdict foi lip their leml. and MUIw flnUhed
-Yen, darlingr whiapervd toe ardent
Ibt ptolhilff for $7f< damage*. They ning very atrong.
aultor. “buf. beat of ail. It make* the
FOR OUTSIDE door# use Calman'a
Ill the evewtag the vUliora wee
wore oul alK»ut taeni> mlnuteh The
arm go raiind.'^
Elastic Spar Varnish. S. E. .Walt A
And ev.-n the* tree# crunked their ap- Sons.
caae waa brouabt by Mr. Pi an a* ad lertaliied with a reception and dance
pravni fixmi the chilly awnmp*.—TUI (
-----------------------totolatrmtor of Uu- twiaie of K Ken at th»* Academy
ragi» l»ill.v -'^CW’C.
try a record WANT AO.
BBd wa* for the fuirpoM* of d«-t»-rmlu
tog the amoant of damage* en*u
Few are aware of the fact that
theweute by the alleged taking of tatierUl lor railroad Ue*. lUe damage# a watrb they have a very catwIUol
comiiBaa If yon wUh to nae wa
todBg placed at IliO K. 8. Pratt. for atich punnwea. all you have to do
Oaesar BImpaon and B. J. Morgan
la to |>o(nt the hour hand to the aun.
pcoiod a* wUBWiae* tor the plaintiff
WMto hrer Irerwon. who made the Ilea, tween the
.. gad Charle# McLalne. who appeared the faiw of the watch,
ga a
for the good character of each minute U warkiVI off. there m-ed
tot dfdendaat. Mel* Bye. iwcopled the be no diflirtilly |b twicoUtlag thU
For InataiiN-. auppoae yoB
.grtto«a ataad for the *ald defendant.
You may use one
pulled out .vour watch exactly
oVIoi^t la the afternoon, the Bgare II
these irons for two
ou the dial pUte would be doe auui
If tbe iKMir baud were facing the aun.
PfWf. c. T. omwn WiU gfM^t Them on
weeks, if not salisfac­
Hla Laland BaBort Proparty.
tor)' in every nspect
• Prof, a T. Orawn. formerly of thU
Ttie otieadt'al Monde ^haa very
gttg. toll now at Ml. PUnaani. who ly dUaHearvd from tbe eullgbten«d
we will gladly lake tt
mma a detlgblful aummer home at
gaxe of men. Ooc'e b|mui a time the
togd. la Ptoltolng to erect two aum yrUow and atrawfimy beaaty wna’
out,’ al no e.xpcnse to
mnr.BOlUgaa uo hla retort prapyrty taken at her owa coUrteg. bat now ft
tkto annadii. One he will ticcopv with IT aacua# to prtoltre aay BBeb decep-l
BU faaUly* while tke other will readi­ tVm. Bo|4iUltoattoa rwWa tba. boar.
up by phone
ly bo fwaied by aummer vUltora who Xo Maarattne. aaorb Urns fomtaide. eye .
can to dev*-lved. Her Itwtraua hair w
gre nmklng ‘comaani Inguirlea-tbla tea
woman's gUry and 1o arrive at. 11 abo
gOB for cottage# for the aummer. Mr. mart ritog to toe cHdor to wbirb ma­
Mfoodbridge of Indian* U alao plan- ture tuvnedber not. to abe baototo.
g|gg 40 ereet nnolher enitaee at Le
No beaotF
topA wkkA from oarly indIraUana. IaivFa apota wItbbBt brtrtyaL'
a BlgM of greot pffwge and

»• ••• li tw«r «f
jm wm pn^m toy tw f.rt inat
4H( cf UM

Th^ do tbe work qukklyud economically and
your kitchen is alwaj-s
cool. They are cheaper
to operate than a wood,
gas or gasoline More, and
if yoii knew how cheaply
you could b-jy one you
would not be without it.
Come in and look them
over and get our prices.

Wc tevc a Hnt-ebss
Tin Shop.


J. B. Palgc Electric Co.

Pay for It
as Yoq Cao.

htigktartMdk*MO—d bit iMnif Mt oIOmprtoa (ke«t7. W««—
py yoo with uiytkiac inai thm
oboi^tiMnpto Wotmt AiBiMtor; mm) k ixnoBkl iMp etwo will oaknae* yoatbUoM
|iri»« MO k littk lowor dual Uw.
•omUW .WalMs. W, «ot doly
•*wyoo»oiM.y on yu«reM|Kt, .«i in xlditiao «.
b-od (h« —jM libr^ tonoB,.
tbo* « iutUuiie yoo to geCeotf.
pel u<1 p»y for it in»o< h k way
Ui«t you kill mmt uiM tbo.

J. w.


Special Sale CM JaHkets
$5ii0 Md $5.50 Jackets.


ttarOn ••a o..«i.r.u.
For a feat of devteriiv and nerve It
w^M to dlittoult to aunm** to.»l of toe
Bo#je.niau of South Afnoa. who walk**
quletl) iq. to a puff ad.l.T and dclHk^
oratety m*i« hi* l#»fv f**»t «u Ua nec-k
In It* atrnggbw a. e*t*:.p»- nnd attcinpta
to bite Ita aiMiUnt the |K*i#ou gtaud
•ecretea a Urge aUMHiot of Hu* venom.
ThU U Jum wtot tor Bo#>eaman want#,
KllUag tba aoake. be eala the body and
uam tba pulauu for hia arrow*.

Huabaad Tndi^lSSbT'There* no
uae trying to dlagulae the fac t that yuu
grv amarter tliau 1 am, uiy dear. Wife
b'wUipUcvnU) ». n.e
Ticwr Ir-tMl
Who klioo* U*.
IfThe Jietiplc who kw.p dbirie* are
V toe they m'M-r pm Into tin mi the
IMuv* that wouW iMHkc Itou. U).**l In
tcrvxtlMK t*» other
In lh«' y**ani
tucH*n.e Hoalt.n tIb'lM'.


All up to $ii((in,



$10 and $11 Jackets.


tovkeir. Mmitm.
in a eulogy wrblcb apiwared to tbo
Cwtary Magnxtoe Jmil after Lowell'a
deoto are tbeae wonU: *TbU U l^wolTa legac y a* a patriot, uut the a»Hit|.
meat Xly country, right or wroug.*
but *My csiuutr) -It ahali never be
WTong If 1 can help it.* "


All the rest at 5S.50.

It s«fill .pay you to see
thr Jackrt^s and hreure ii
.. bjri'ain.

One lot at ha’f price


Try Record Want Ads

Beginning Wednesday
. ' for the balancer'of the week



We will give a

: :-f_

Muslin Underwear Sale.


Electric Irons

Jastcnnel* aad »ick
Mt Ike inttera y*a
▼ant. make a small
paymeat down. We
make, lay aad liae
ymir carpet.



Tori F»or Oen-b pi®ooijn*t
On All Our Great stock of
Muslin Underwear.
. .



Skirts Sell from 75c to $4
T ' ;■
Gowns sell from 50c to $4.50 ;
Corset Covers, sell from 10c to $1
Drawers sell from 25c to $1



I* rom the already remarkably low prices wr will
. give an additional Ten IVr Cent;


The styles are ^o dWrsified and the irinimingsi are so ciaint)*, , j .
One of the grraiesi stocks j-ou will see for many a day.
, ,- '




This is a Sale that NO One
Should Miss.
' ! /^V'

Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.




......... M



i^' -:

UIT 111


LOT 112
LOT 113

IftTlM sr

i '« lOT I8i

I n mwing

> la tte <dir. Mr. ■»W»«rtoy|;^
am tkt Colombte kad

Asbliiy li«ilM>At ttr nwltJjBrcb^k
S Q’riock platfoni mevtliic «w Mi.
MiA BUM WtUhi «Md Ua Seriiv
tuns leuoa ud Fred Bait«f ^oke oa
Bnadar Mool pkaics Mgw. tocU
Xh*i foarteea year* of Epwortb leastie
Ur« and prlvaii* partita. ModoJIglit

Rev. Mr. Coaiia the future 8
patroaatv and will OMke cvtry effort
IcfTae. There wax special
I to tee that tbl« mlrU maJmalced. U
the choir.
(deUmd. cbarteia cas be arraased aad
iczdoalre partlrs^luve the pUce fur
At the Aabury chnrrh. the momloj:
aervlre vaa in cbarRe of the Women**
U ju»t north Forrljtn MiMionary aodety. yeiterday
riaeriy If
I ins their annual thank offertas day.
trparmfed from the Uland by a channel •
Kennedy preached an
•lf«p onmigh for • nUImt w K’l„»k«ali»s
on -A/rtat." In
jthroagVbw in taU
.hr oronln* the Kpwortb U.*«e hnd
had termed ao that the two are coo chrrire of the rervlce. There wan apenecled and a peraon can walk diy rial lautdr hr the choir, the new cfsibod across- The i.-land takes lu flrera of the roeloiy were Installed and
name from the hermit who lived theie
Nve. ininrtpal of the HUh
y«r., uking tai. iiring by «•!>■ i
cxcvllent address.
iintlly srtilng nurrM. «i»iUncl ’
UU nputntlon .. . bem.1, «d
.r, , r..,, t. P. t ;:-m gnve . long
pnilng fr»m Inert c«-. II l« «11 i ji....,,,,,,.
,o .udU-ne.nt nrw nl In ^Cnlllopiln,
cix».:i il Un- rUuirh of Chri.l
.„n.c.rhrr.. In Ihf U» Angcit^t v.cln.|,„ j,,
It.-, Tbf ronlnlB. nbonl .hre. U„
....■«,n.!anMntN roffnmt,x...«bo.. „,,, ,,,
kv.„,.,I«I rhurrh. or
e of Ik;
I hrbltat
thi* church on fire. Thr church, thn
I speaker hjiI.I % l irh 1* mat Uumd by
Thf Mi nt]
r,;;: rraii-i
jcrtM'dR and Imcmal dNcenrlon b i*
f Tiawr/i- rt*y atifl I om- t.f ‘bt
cT »fcc bay •i Ju- Irl|. 1.1
h.3iu ru
I !?rr \y liitlj
II rn yesterday
J»rfU! «
of the lU-v. Deauu Coct
lln, ii»c f vonlr.g tiervln-s at the Con
lOfTiitit mw*’ lo take- lhflr-"fiU*nd giegailowU church were omitted
whllrTKsny raolr* will
bni on the i.hi- luoining service was in charge <»f
r«il:iniLlm. A plmcv <jf this :he R« V. John F Crane of the west
kinl xyHi afillUi^fi Iffj j.lriilCfc hm siira mho oeeupi«Nl thf'puliiU l«
mt tlftl aril (SMtaiii \Vt bli nhMMiee of the iioslur.
tv i*»«* ri^h’ kli3<1 oj a p«‘r^^»ii «» I • iii
The agf-l retired pastor, who is
rb.-iUM-. |i
nwilf^K ft; aiM that t.»t • kiMiidinr Ufv declining day* In
.Uuyv ltiH;r vi:i Ijc th*- iitiraciloii (or quiet Of .Ms bi.:;ie look ns his tevt
omn.iM4»f a.f >ouiii5t*r iHupU*.
11 |Vt« r
* Hut gr<m la -grace
Work wm U- rti*hfl ihruuRb on ihv ami l:i ihe knowledge of pur Lord and
liuiiaini;» autl lUv Ikuu Hue »111 op
tiavior. JesLU Christ, to Him be glory
|.» »cras4>n alnjot Ihi* oiitiaic of June.
both now and forever.”

LOT 230 !:

2*f7 an advcrtisictl are now bold

LOT 196
LOT 203



LOT 211

LOT 2li!

Tl». is Uss

LOT 214

Lll fi SALE!
These arc all ca^y selections and arc the

Handsomest Lsts^ak Heights
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, and (food lots arc
not easily obtaiiwhlc. These lots will be sold sepa­
rately. exceptinit IS'J. IKI. 1^4. which must be sold toKcthcr. All must ko for spot cash, and the prices
will be

The whole bunch of

if Mjid at one time and for cash down, would be

As the prii.e wouKI l>c made accordiiijjly and to allow
for holdtiiK as .in investment. Coine quick lor Uuikc
of Ku^.

IL* r*r«a.


can I find a inlrmr? I could never
think of goitig alcAg the street like
this! Wait h'rewntll 1 return "
And the porcli r].ju»*eni sllpiie«l offdo
the shadows, while tbs Udy cop went
Alii sox roi; hTovi>
to find a mliTor.-Clilcago News.
to receive the fnel. llv this rnt-ans the
GUMMOLl'S b'/ilis l»aine** >.!.in- area of the fire is greatly linreasod.
ch-pth U reduced. Air p.assc*
up fn*m the grate inio the Imjx nud
then<a* through the operturcH to the fire.
The piste at the Injitom of the a!r Im.x
serves ns a <Iam|HT wlilrb t&u U> luuvvm.. m-. !
In or out to control the amoitat of
ma*. 19 Miy.
^ t\ air
^ fed
ted 1to ihe fire.
Owing to the shalluwoess of the lUv
ood the general dlrtrlbuUon of air.
perfect coinhtwthm of the fnel U n

Also One Anfo Lot
in Bifchwood


.Frohtiojr East Hay S rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rotl< wide on north side for sircei. A
vcr>* dc>ifabk lot in this beautiful suburban S|»oi.

i m T. lAflS



eoBtiiH i>a.

Toq vnav

need any well toil yon six
Koobuge vhetherjou need
them or pot—whether yoa
bay or do not boy.


Examination Free.
Do not neglect your eve*—
they may neglect you later,
‘‘An ounce of preveaUon,”





nlway* n-.idr i.i tefl pt-oplH to hnik
niKMi ih«* wlue Avhile H I* ml.
Urn- no.rnliur lu- wa* in hi* m-sI hi
ic huUM* with II .w«irrie«l look »>u hi*
t c. I'l (III hi* «-xpr»-2o«ioii oiu- wotil l
IV*. JhK.ichf ho h,id nil the W4-ight of
on hi* prohlNtloiiist
The nnxbm* cast of hi*
iiintew.niK-e riHnaliu*! nnchntigi*! for
hAig wliilc. Kvjdeiitly the i-imirmiin
i nh diuli' li.pmr frame was wresUiug
Ith :i i.nd.lcm.
I’tnnllv lu-b-gjite Smitli of Arizona
Pill .(%( r t . Mr. F.M-iry'a d«-.k.
"What Oil I'ftrtli I* the matter*:"
n*k.Hl .Mr. .'-mllb.
•. Sperry rou»M*l liim.-'clf from Id*
pniiiful re6«-r>'.
"Well, von *M-e." lie‘l*'i:nii to cx| l.nin.
*ve a llilh- ll.juor bill o\er in the
Seinie. and
••W«dl. why ill thunder d«(n*t you
ly if:" broke In Mr. Smith.
Afl»^ the uuTrimcjit of the meml»r!*
in tlu- lieinliy had *iib*idetl Mr. Si-«-in
expHtneit (hut it wn* a Iegi«hitiv<- Idil
waiit4*l the si mile to insn md u
bill f.»r luim'in pun U.niH*l.*-Wasliiig.
tun Tillies,

Tiou* l-YemHi or KuglUh. t-ontlmuHl to
baniBM the handful ut Anicrieaus. As
the time for loweriug the obelisk
drew near their fiairiaUt feeling raaeU
eU a climax, aud Gorrliige U*gau to
fear *uiiue sort of \ hdeur.- w hlib might
damage tlie stone uml iirevt-ni It* slilpluent. A* we all kti«*w. it wuk pkaeiHl
on iruuniou* like n iwuinm. liirtnsl
over on Its hide aud lowered to Uh'
ud. after which 11 was rolled-on
camiuu ball* to tlie water's edge and
ahoviHl-lnto llie bold of (he HesKoug.
I-dry dis k.
ImrlMJr was a Itussiau s.juad
> mliniral a few days before
tht tlm« set fur toMcriug the otadiKk
sent i-ommauder Gorringe a indite
note Maying be was mm-li intenwted lu
bis U4ivel eugiueoring feat mid would
he pUw*4-d if be cxnild U* jH*rmltled to
wltneas it. G«iTTing»‘ rclurmMl
eourInS Hilt ion to the admiral and lx\s
stuff aiul tlmught iioihltig tiiort* aliout
er alH»ut
what the exclU-d KK>pllau mob inlgbl
do wl»4Mi If <amc faev to faii* wltli the
prosH-cl of h.Mutlt* hiHtorIral liva*


A fine assortment on hand.


Fancy Taffeta Silks



!|'111£Y arc the best silk
j ^ offer made in many a
(lay. They are the sea­
son’s best selling: colors and
•At dayiev.’ik on the apiK»iiifiHl d-«y * patterns. NotliihijL niore pop­
boats lonlnlnlng 1<*> lla**iali* jitit off ular for the'silk sferi ^
from the S4in.-idr«Mi of the whife exar suit. These are. also very
nad formed ii bolhiw square hIhjui the , .
, .
. .
olieir*k. Within w.-tv the Aiiieliean* ! KOOci for Shift WaiStS. IllC lot
and Ihe-adudnil. onuide k.wx.hI the |
not Uf^JC, and lllcbcsl fUimEgyptisu mob. liyhl
I. l.y (l»e bri* .
lllug RUKi-iaii loyouel*.
When th,. j ^CfS Will
olH-llHk wii* ri'ady a 4-nni,r of Ihe
\Vc especially Want VOU tO
s<iUHr.-.opem-d ami the huge •.i.rt
VVe know you
ed i«‘nw*rd on 11* Jounn-y to the Fall
tHl Klnle*. .Next duy the Itn**inn nd will ajjrce with us that they
miral sent nnolher |mi1h«. note to I 'om

the best things you have

courtesy in permlUing him to view the SCCn.
lowering t.f the otH-hsk. wlilelg he Kaid, |
he Irid v.-ry UiU« h eiij o
York Prqv-<.
^ -■ ————————




------- /:rz

____________________________ ^___________

The tol.ll leiTrth nf ntilway* In Jap I
an I* now o\. r
mih-s. The gnugV j
I* ihrtH- f<Hn »Ix Im he*—I.onilou Kngi- ,


to corns to our sforo and hoar the famous

risktwa For Kattlera.

Hunters have an Ininmlou* method
of capturing rattleHusk/w. whose oil Is


sharp srj'tbe. and when the raptik* Is
dlw-oi-ered. u«nnUy a*lcep near a loose
edffs of ro< k. It I* pn*lded more or les*
gently with the rod Uke any other
sleeper snddenly Interrupted, the snake
wakes up angry, makes a dart at the
uoarast imiatlng object. whUh is the
fish book dangling near h‘s bead from
th* end of the rod. and’very accomfnodaUngly allows the shan> book to pene­
iterinl redurtiem in the amount of trate Its Jaws. The man with the rod
1 • I smoke from a stove suppUed with ihU holds the entrapped reiitlle at a safe
» s.ldevlee. The Inventor of the nlr Ik>x is distance while Us comrade mores up
.O. Roulh 1 >1101*11111. and sev.-rs Che snake’s head from the
body. The Utter is then deposited In
a beg. and the hunters go in eenreh
of treeh game.
** c*»es uica.

thing be

ifYssCsinSec detriy
aecd gluM, If yom ton

A- L. Bochaat has hie boat ia the;
water for the wasoa. Mr. Baehaat
bsd t^ boaor oT havlag the oaly
Travers City.
Opp. Stalnb»rg-« Op*ra Housl*.
‘'Sunday** boat at tlu
club yerterdar. theerafl heiiMi *J
ttlate In every respect. Uowee
gut bold of some too high test
line which wouldn’t explode, courtOttcntly his engine wouldn'
awee Tblaw.
censequeaUy the wicked who owoe;!
tae OWIUk Prwss
Tca«1ier-A mirsrie is going agalM
boots ihst were not neat grinned ma *%• »»mwr.|
Bgrto kx Ike Amrrk^ws.
ti« natural
of thing*. Ara tulrallcloufly. "Pride *oeth before a fall.*
cle* .pcrfoniMHl tialry? Hriglil JU»f^
'til said, and *its better to Ite dirty and
Mmidahlp of ItossisuM for Aunricai- Yes'm. TeariM*r~Name one. Bright
go than clean and wonder why you will strike a more resitonslve ehord ifx Bi*y-Well, mamma flays thnt pa|« is
donl go.
this (XHiutry than the storj* of the at*- always turning night into daj.-Ufe.
Bert Winnie's engine has been In- tlon of a Rusidau admiral at AlexinNone ran tell where thedlaraont! gorti
*:alW but a defective coupling has drta, in Ko pl. wben Ueuteosui Comcaused a postponement of the launch- maader Gorrluge, I. s N., w hs about to In ctmibustlon. When buniM It
loaves no ash and not a trace of tbfl
mg He will call his craft "The in- to ship ibe oU-lisk (uow in Cculr.6l •kce brllllanl stone.
disn.*' The engine Is^an eight horse pork. New .York elt\> to the rutusl
^wi*r reversible Gray and Is fitted States." said an oW diplomatic ottlrlal.
PANBIB8. strong plants In fine va"The Kughsb and. Freo«b in Kgjpt
with a solid twenty-one inch Ih
didn't want Ibe weateru world to ba\e rlety. Paine's grivnlionsc. may H^t
bladed siK'od wheel.
an oU-llMk, aud etmiT iuiriguc soon
J. H. McGough ws;» running around iHTsuaibHl the klMHllve to refoind bis
the bsv yesterday for the first time gift. Gortiugi' had only a few men
this s4‘3son and firing salute* with his with htoi. but be met the vacllUllon of Plant now for
► khsu^f pljie whrn be recognise^ the khedlve l.y erecting a sto< kadc
^TlemU on shorv. Ills boa: has jeceni around the monuliili and high
.above it the star* and slrl^Hw.
!> In en oA orhauled and presents a fin
“Mulrt of l-k:.vptiaii*, iueiusi by eti-

l*rcd BaUeV* Togo shows a in-st
luin of >p«msl this vear. l^i season
she wsK 4X)uipot*d with a horse and a
bilf Fay A Bowen motor which was
rrm light to bring out all there was In
the boat. Till* year, a thre<*-horA.
Ecllpxo hss h.^ n InrtalU'd and Un- m a>
hh.-*.cu'!K Ihroiiph the water shorn* that
she ha.s ‘|H-4>d line's di-spitc her sht»r»
letii-ith. She
fitietl with a solkl
The snag at the raotuh of the river
ha* been marked with a rt'd fiag. Keep
to Ike octsidc of il.
Chsvh'9 Phelps MarUHl to Chicago
>vHh his ”2-foot launch again ye*
tcTd&y and left at norm at a speed of
aK*ut flfUHm miles an hour. It Ik vco
prwbable that be will make the trin
all right this lime a* the boat wav
III the a4xoi:;ie.uylng rngravfug 1* 11.
Iustrate.1 a novel device which 1* ap- safely nlmard tbe.llUn4>l*.
liUrahle to ranp s. stovea and
grutem aud uhleh alms to provide a
4-4inirol of ilie «lnfcft than
hi*ref>rore Ueu |»o-4..njh-. ihu^ elT** tlug
•I. llje dc\!i-»' h.1* Ihe
form 4»f .n Ikjv, *!iiaUer ut Ihe to|» than

.4* liarl.i." oui:l,! t« U> il«-M-rtt>l Im
sunnii.T for il,.u nir, and the lilulug riHfUi llkeu iMv
With haimmK-ks
and ensy rhiir* ii del’.ghlfnl V\Ut, nre
tiicrr Is pra(*ii(**ldi*. ntid a stay there
U niui-h lu »re hi allh giving iIhii in the
fonVJU>liiai.-.l sir of. a UMlrooui. M»uy
|»er*on« mmmlnji siM-itd the night on
tlie iMinli in Miiiiii:«-r. slid no: :i fi-xv
fiuil the air In tti-r ttn-ri' in uinn-r ;«No.
Tln-r** arc !-m Inti sud iNiTA h^w
luiie. I.h ;ik iMjn h. 4
to the *un
ha* its ilrawlatf kH. hm It
1 he U.Sdt
left oiMUi. while the oi!it-r llmt* *Me*
nnt»t-ii\«- hy tUaiMUig m.
Kprlug .ju*-k gr .w itig \in,-s.
Porrh nn* formetl 4if im liiu'd w.-im provided
furnliuri* l« now m.ikr In iimny wiyif-w. with ItAiig verl « j! a|ierturc>. The hot.
of the ho.\ i-« proi iih-J m:ih n *!kl
imltsPrg the iiulL^iM-muild.- to'
*•' I
llu-]»«irp^»>e of which wdl Ih
magartui**, eir. llanglng lug pk
!h fiiMverii and f4*nis ha>e n d«T- i pr.-semly «:.i
• devk c i* lenmnl*
Kver> thing i#- 1i»Im*| The ;.Ir h.6.\
ls:pla*-^\! on thi* gcitc of u ►Tovc.
avhich il in Hi*eiir«al liy lucsn* «if Ih;
It lliu* lakes np mosi of the spnee
llalliiiiore Min.
aipletl by. tl
the fi:i-l The
.iwlly *s^-jpletl
Her Weak Pelwc.
tin* jilr Ih»x m-* ch
a*he dream of siiffrak'e hr.d lieen n*alj |r.iHL There were f.mtale iKtllee. .\fier
I a diwperate Stmggle tme of the brave
lady i-oj** hf.d arrest^^d twoi»oreli climber- BiQvIe handctl.
• Ikm't darr to fesl*t r she hissed, "If
you do 1 ahall shtsi:
There was nu ouifttons cla-k.,
"Ikm‘1 Hlioot. lady:- maid one of Ibc
pbr*!h ellnj:*em suav« ly. "WeWont reslst. lint I Jnst w.anted to IHI yer-«Ut
during de row ycr hslr got i
yer li;:t .ain i on Kirplcht "
The Huy <x>p Cu*l:ed with


Jerry Ballhraa. the OMor iwhe?■ton. has placed on oeder
Traveree aty Motor Boot
for a tweoiy-ffre fM faniid
be cMaped wifb a emoM
and 11 le expected that while betoa
tee worthy aad oafr It wiU ohow
WM»ed. The boat will
•aished with oak decks aad aaltaUe





SoDsn’t Great Band nn<l l’r>or’« Fine Orchistra in llrilli.nnt
Overtnrea, StirriDg Mareliii. Dreamy W'allzeB, etc., etc.


There is hardly a king In christenden today whose wife does not overlop him by a head.
King Edward Is qi^te six inches
aborter than Queen Alexandra.
The egar Is cvertopi>ed a full bead
Vjr ike cflarina.
Kaiser tVllbelm is of the medium
htighL hut the Oermon taprem U tall,
and that U why the pmd kataer will
side hto wife, unless she olu while ho
ends. •
1*he kiag of Holy. MM and squat,
hardly toes up to the ahouMen of

the UU. athleiie Queen atoo.


and other (*elflbritify, du




I Sonars and Balla'ls by tlie FavI.rili-s i.f UioT

Anythii^^^^'p^tli^ in M^ic, l*»lh new and old, splcnAKD REMEMBER-Yon can Imvc all lhi« Mnsical
Entertainment in yocr homo, to enjoy whcfio\*er you feed lilui it,
for 08 litUe m« fl7. the price of VICTOR .tylo Z Rcooids 35e
each and upwardi. We selloulfiU on easy, terms.


Branch ISS E. Front St.. Traverse City



m 9M

NOW Is Your Furniture Chance.
tl.TOO Worth of CaM Goods Just Received.

hmmm ^ mn tor
M ten ate tel!


t atekka lo llie ai
ot tte teftear Drery
Plaal knte ia tte 1
W. Prtagto for a


I Mate tte Brick Ite tte

BEOROOII SUITS. Tboe ere^ aev, up-to-date Juuaiy putenn.


CkMMwi vitlifidnnn.aMb with look, fiaeioi. jd QQ
tatMa qawtor M«ad <mk-. •'7.60 ^we, aov.......-V^VO
Buffets. Sideboarda. Bedroom Suits.
A saving of at least tt^per cent by buying NOW

Curtains. Rope Portieres, Couch Covers
l>eitry Cunaios,
and I.ace Cunains.
These goods were sent on two weeks' approval,
pving^as time to select what are want and return the
H balance. 'Thb means to you—A very large line to se­
lect from, and new, up-to-date goods at factory cost
rather than to return them.
;Come and see what you can save, A few prices from our Furniture Department
and we are sore of your future trade.______ __________ .

The Globe
I throai^ tte city this monilac 4
wre trip to G
Mm. Apaa Crvc«tee ate too chtb inaplds While I ne the daochter will
teafi kA this afleraooa ror 'Ceatiml
rtter. Mrs. Martha
Late, after a rtok to the city with | naytoa of fieri in
j samorl Evans, who has been at Ui**
Mrv. Uman Cteary toft for W«l j uome of his son, Charlen Evans of Old
latoabi^ this MfurmoatL wbm Mh^j^lrnkm for nome lime, arrtved lo the
teH Btete a lew days with frtotes.
I dty this momlns aad later left for
Mtoa Mary Kroopa cd Nete-to-nranU. | waltoo. Grate ftopyis aad Qh'to polnis.
arte tea been In Gmte Kaplds for tte j
Eva Hinds retumte lo her
at Eiaoion this m^lng. aft
alteraooa aad later in tbe day droye
sister. Mtos May Hinds
10 ter team. Ehe expoeiM to mUlp
II. O. a^nt made a tHp to Walton
at the Harbor this aopeoa this moming^fdn buglMsA tvtumlng
M mat
mat ter
I eottace
later la the day.




Jtek. I

who apeni aa ladeimn*la ite tooth and wewt
has rctemed to this city
the day prmttof oU frtoads
Mmiry fieri of Benton Harbor, owhrr
vf a maanltkwfit aMe orrhard comprtolaa vliieiy acres, located at Old
MlaAoa. spent the nftemoon in the
my. whem te mmm ibis momtni;
after speodloc too mlui at the farm
toolftttf over the pmsperllve fmH
bods. Hr reports the eutellkms per
fact ate anticipates n ft^rroos se%
aoa. He win leave for Benton H^bor

time ia
ia tjtrttel
tidf vtoto

to tte momlna.
tir. A. J. Prescott of rhlrmso. whn
has bean spetelnc n short time s\
’ Tte Fines.’* Old Mission. Is In ihe
city this afcrmnoo lor a few hours
pmparalpry lo mumtoic this cvenlnf.
Osman Watson, son of Mrs John
cadbam of rj* F-ast Elghih strerl, r*.tvrvad lo tte tear Uis morning after
apoadtag three weeks In ihe^rlty with
Frof. C. T. Gmwn. who has te-en at
tetote looking over his resort proper
ly, spent the day in the eliy and whll •
brm vrlslted the High srbord He left
tote this sftenioon for hcane
Mr. and Mrs Jens 4*. FeterM-n sik iil
Ealurdsy ate Hunday as guest p cif
Fmf. and Mrs K. >larv» of lalaud
aad rrtaraed to iheir bom«' again this
Mr and Mrs Julm R Banlo went to
Omena Saturday afti*ni(Hjn to spend
Euteay at their cottage. nHurning to
ihU rii) again this morning.
Mrs KHubeth Vlrkers. mother of
Mrs. Cttills I). Alwny Jins arrived fr»un
bef hurae si Fa«ls. Kan . and will
time in the city vilib her
Tte Misses I

of ML Ftoasani
this morning after spending a sburi
time ia the dty with rv^latlves
Birbard EtHfms. father id Frofemsor
EtHfens, formerly of this eity. ariive«l
la tte city this morning from his home

at Bast l^nd
Miss Edmm Wsgner of lloed Gitv.
nrbo baa hern In the rlt> tl.i: past ten
days vrlaitlag friends, left this mor^tog
for Hartelib. Vbere she will visit te r
•toln^. Mm. Arthur IteHlbsni.
C. 4 Itoiton. prosoruting sttomey
for Uwlsaau county, neeompnnled b)
hb little dsugbt.*r. Kiln Hsyton. pasm»d

Talcum Powder
I Violet 1

Purifiet, •oftini*. »w««»wu
•od ptmerrmtiMnkw Oimt.
art vUne to motben (or
^ W .haviug. A»m».
lutoljIVe pormt material* of
pmvH aopwtorilyi"
CO. n
wvw w.
w.y.E.steeto, Mgv.

I MitoiifMflL,fms«mOIM. Mito. ■

Mr and Mrs. W. Lsngwortby. who
have been In the rlty with their daugh
ler. Mrs. U M. Whlttlmore. left this
aflemoan for FHoskey, where they
win spend Ibe. summer.
Mm. O. fliiller lias relumed home
after tso weeks' visit wHU IrlenUi hi


pwtelcteevt I. fi. /Gllben-s uffiot* at
tte High acbod Hiding tom
evening at 7:30. Tte meeting will be
for the pHTpooc iif^diseuBsliig wh
or not. Ite aluHl will ijnicrulir tbe
graduatingthis yiar.
Mm. Howard E. GUI of Norlhpoi t arrived lo the city this morning, where
she came to meet ter b ns band, wbr
went to Chicago a wcik ago to pur
chase his new slock of groceries and
dry goods to again enter the bin
competition of NorthiKirt. TIu* dry
goods nnd grocery htorc «f the late
lam GUI of Norlhpurt was
<*f the oldet.1 sior»*» in Nonhem Mich
igan and alter his death U be
the store of H. E. GUI. who last year
clos«^ <Hit the grocery and dry, goods
di parlmenl. relaliitoK nothing but
drug store and shen* dipartmeni
cvinnwllon with the postofflt^. which
has iMMu In the family a grvat many
ytwrs. .With the new Mock the GiU
store will W tiu* test located qf any
<m Waukaztat htriit.

Haxen Gardner has acrepie«I a i»ohIllou with Germaine Dro«. and hohlg
the transfer agency on the G. It
this city to Walton. Joe Hen
sen will in the future te employed
the barn *)wlng to the adUlUon of
Inige i.HH k ui horsca rercntly nrquii
by the Arm.
The. south side of the lots occup
by fiunnybauk hot.l and Peierty l*s
blacksmith shop arc being fllled Imlaj
with din owing to the encrtwrhlng of
the river Ihinigh the river Itself d.Knot change, causv-s a gradual sliding
uto llu- »1>er of the soil of th
Mr. and Mm. lUy feu-ciicr of ki:
West Sivvnth strt*eT mourn the loss n
a liny son who arrlvwi'ln the horn
yesterday morning Burial this mftei
xHi In Oak wood
The exciirhlon yi felerday on the Peif
Maivjueti.* for Grand Rapids. Munk
gon and other iKilnts was well patron
tot*d and the run both waya was made
In good time. The fair weather at Ihla
point was. however, no criterion
by. ju at Grand Rapids there v
dristilng rain The only resort opened
was N<»rth I*ark. bul Ret*d s l^ki
next Baturday and John lUll
park the folUmlng wtnk. The ret-jm
was made at 1; o clock, the train arn
Ing hen- aU.ui 11 last night. Amta‘S
f who look the* trip were; Mrs
John GrelUck and nlt*cc*. who remained
Iu03rand Rapids for a fea;^davs; Mix
I^Her Menegaii and son Charles, why
spent the day with her parents and
returned last night, accompanli-d
sister-in law. Mm. John Guilia
who will stand a week here! Mra.
John Lampsou spt'nt the day In Grand
ds: Mm. laatelle La Bonu spent
the day at Muakegon and relumed to'
the city on the excumlon; Mlaa Mam
Bauman took the trip to Grand
da: MUs Midge Ayem went down
oa the eacnmion and remained for
lew days; Mm. HoMlc Blakely went
Grand Rapids and remaini*d ovef for
few days and many rthera 4?n)oyt*d
the trip.
Tbe male lioard of examioera oC bar
bem will meet In ihU city May 23. The
h«*d9aarter. arJU he. at
Tile frtoods -of Alec Steinberg wlU
be pleased to learn that te u\galn
able to be op ate around.
The reguUr meeUng of the Qnaea
CRy BhHne. No. U. of the WTtlls
«hrtoe of Jeruaalem. wlU be held u>r evening at I odoch.
booh. Umwa h to
. WlUiam Bmwn. who was Jokon 1
ate goes after hla eowa. Several times ooaly 111 n week ago Wltft mala
oa bU rrturm te^ toaiid big ftah fever, to atlU eociftned to kto bed. but
oiagiitigm, y^ierday he landed a five U alowly improving.
Oermnlne Broa. reeeived a carload
ponad rainbow.
win b* a vtofUag of the Trav. of ftne boraea from aoattera Mtcklgan
yeaterday. The lot oovUtos boCk aad
sreek the follunliig

copied from J«?n* C. Pelersent A reeldonee for Jud Cameron of this city:
the Fiml Christian rhureh. Ml. 8lerling. Ill: a rolnnlal n^ldenre for WH
11am 11. Zuchike of Appleton. Wis.;
a AMmer hom«< for C. 11. filair of Co
lumltoa. Ohio, nte a residence for A.
H. tUllc^-nf^Rapid City. 8. U.
Tte sUram terge Edward Buckley
arrived at the Ji»hn (Ht dock ihU
mormlng on her second trip to ihl^
port Ibis spring. She has remained
all day.
Charh-s A. fimmu. who lias Un^n
employed at Allen, was lorcr d to le
turn home a few days ago on account
of a lAinful felon on his forefinger of
hU right hand. Two dwp lanHngs
have not tenm surgetont to turn the
trouble and another lancing will U*
Df«cc«*saary to-give tte* bone Inflamma­
tion drainage.
City BnglD.M-r William C-alduell «in
lay Ibe cement uafk on the east side
<»f North rnlod strsei, as ibo flrsl side­
walk lmprt>vem<*nt the work to Ugln
at once The old board «aJk U |»asl
repairing, and is almost a rlangeTous
walk at night.
*rh« Cnifunned Rank Knights of
Pythias will give a hop and box socUl
tomorrow evening In their hall, emh
la^y to bring a box with lunch for tmu.
A aoclal good time Is natlclpalid by
all who nttend.
The M. A K. K. excursion yesterday
for Munistee and intermediate points,
carried one hundred ate twenty pas
sengem. Tbi day wms enjoyahly spant
by all who lords advantage of the trip.
The MaccalH<cs of Old Mission eu
>oy.v! a regular old fashfoDed dane^
ate general good lime Saturday even
Ing in their ball. Refreshments and
good music mate tte* evening pnss
Art Winnie felt n bunch y t*st« rdav.
ao concluded to flsh Inside the city.
He only flsbed in the morning, but
when his creel wna emptied It was
found toat seven Ene speckled benu
tics were lying therein and two of
these were thirteen inches in length.
Mart MTnhie flshvvl up the BonMmnn
ate had a bite from inch a big one
that bis bod saappte off sEoarely and
the ftah got away.
- A fhrmer vbo Uvns mmr the Boardmaa Rhrsr Mtocirto Ugkt A Power
company 4lam haa gotten flve toi»e
Uoat this ammov to a P4>ve] way. He

Uor Marcaatito Ca,

Onmir GIM Waltar Iteior. Mr.
fteagto tea Avte tte Itlate lor tte
a W. teewf. mu Brtlaer ate
party vte are eomlas fron Detroit la
a Whli# slBaner were at Howan! City
at » o'etock today.
Stefiff Joteaoe took Harry Bradley
to tee Detrok teon of eorraoUco today.

Oeonte L. Criap-a notlier. wlio
•Mtoualy lU Friday ate kaUteUy teth
aeoralcia of Uie tear!, to tetter today
Mtoa Edith Jeanette Gray, daoshter
of A. P. Gray, and Cay F. CanBeM of
IshpeataMT. vUl be married tomorroo
Biornln* at the borne of the bride at
10 o’clock.

to Celebrate Event.

Sooday was oa off day tor Ite bnoeboU teams of Traverse Oly/ Tte
Cora Huaksra were ilcteatod by
Grawo. the Oval Wood Disk loom by
Thompsonvlllc aad tte Indepete
*t Copemlah.
Tkc Oora Huskera started oat yea
terdoy for a practice game with Grawn
with only Are men. They picked up
enoogk around tte Hty to ftU out the
team but aUll were aky a pUcter. Gib­
son was preoaed toto serrke but at
the end of tte sixth toatog had th
his arm ooL He was kept io tte
gome and the PoUto Di«gera made
over thirty hits. Despite this, until
the last Inning the Curia Huakem wei
ahead, losing the game In the lost Inntog. Score 7 to 6. Novak wot
lira! Tiaverse City man up am
lined It foit over the feot'C. securing
two basi-s. KriHipa also made a
base hit but tbe ball didn't go over the
fence. Baker, the new man on third,
played an excellent gome and node
thrw hits.
The opi ning gome will probably be
on Dt'comfkm day.
Played Poo* Ball.
The Oval Woew! Dish l«mm play
poor ball. The game was played at
Thompwmvillc and tju* bvwt the Trav­
erse City team nmld get was threy
runs while the Thompsonvilb team
scored eleven. The local batierv
Blackman. Covell and W'hite. They
will probably play with Grawn
Were Shut Out,
The IndeiH-ndents had the wtindluck
of all. They played at Co|N*misU yeslerdar and w bile the Ir opponents
tbe circle twin* the Traverse City nine
got nothing. Score 5 to 0. .

ay. May 16.
cightk annlveraary of tbe departure of
Coagpaay M. Thirty-fourth Michigan
of It
k-fl Travt*ra« City, and
are now .acattcr(*<1 aliout this
dozen weatem states. However, there
Ve a nooaiderahle number of ex-aol
diem aUll living here, and each year
Bince Itol they have come togriher on
May 16 fur a reunion and baoque'
LKtera arc. read from absent com
Iters, and Iby’czperiencca of the cam
paign are brought to mind. This yea
an itnuaually ptonaant time l. ahticl
jiaied. The commltt.H* lo charge has
tecum! Mooiagoe hall, and when th*
iKiys have tniked thenmehx»s hungry
lh4.*y will forhi a skirmish line and advaoeg on the City restaurant, where
the camp cook will have prepared an
cUlioraie banqutd. After disposing of
Old Preairf-nt Dead,
this an informal program will enter
By Wire to the Evening Record.*
tain them. The memters of the orlgl
Monroe. Mich., May H.~Rlchar
nal relk>f comraittrv*. J. W. Manner. V.
Nadeau, aged
the oldest resident
V. GUbert and Km. Wilhelm will be
in this section, died today.
the guests nf Company M. and all
men who have tuirne arniK In nrmy
llo«v UoJphlws Plsy*
navy since 18M are requl•^^c•d to Ik*
Tte waters of U»o gulf of California
ealtli Ihnu p


tm« is Bbundnal, and tbe gamy Spanloll mackerel is every where. The dd
pbln seems nioimreb of all the gulf.
ung W«fc a-d Mothjir PgueJ In tbe \!elnlty of tbe great isl.nnd of
Away Saturday Night at. Old
rnnneu they are eiu't»unleri*<I by the
Oiis sebool. romprising
many hundreds, wen? eurounlered by
tbe stejiincr on wbleb the w rilej- was a
Mm. Sarah A. Zang. og(*tl 22 y
wife of milk Zanp, a fanner .residing passengiT a sliort distance from the
at Old MIs.slon, paKw*d away Saturday beautiful l«iy of Esrondldo. T!»cy
a half ml!e distant wiien tliey obs4*r\ed
night from a brief attack of pneiinu.
«s going In tl»e opiH>slle dlroi-lloii. Sml
nla. leavlnt: a lm>-l.aiid. two little
deuly tbe leader*. In a clearly eviiuvnl
pareuth and four bnuhers and n ^Uier spirit of rollicking sea dog fun. turned
Mm. Zang wn« the HdeM of the family every one of them and gave ebase
of Mr. and.Mih. Thomas Saujwhrs the stronuT. It was pc*rfe<*tly evident
who-reside at the Mis.slon. wlit re Mr they eujo.vfsl the r»erfonnnnce ss 1
Saunders Is a successful fisherman as tl>e spectators. For a little while
The funerabocrurr«‘d this afu rncKm at the noise was deafening, as if a
sand gamins of the stre«-ts liad lieen
o’clock, the Rev. Mr. ChaM* olflclat turncHl htose In a go^as you please bath
ing. the service iK-ing hehl at the <>g boUM*. Tlien. having proved their abil­
dtTiBburg chim h v^hich was llllcd w Uh ity lo r«leh up with the steamer, they
friends and moumers for the deeeaKe 1 ns suddenly veerr<l and sped south­
Ralph Anderstm had charge of the ar ward.—Sunset Magazine.

Mra UvHa L^ver Was Laid Away to
Real Yeaterday.
The funeral of .Mrs. I.avlna U ver of
Grelllckville. wife of Alfred U*ver. ^
held from the Greilick school ho
yeaterday morning at 10 o’cltirk.
Rev. Shelley of Kefiwirk official Inglarge attendance of friends filled the
edifice while a profusion of flowers
tiflt*d to the high esteem In which the
oaed was held. Burial was In Oak
wood. The pall beai
Lt»w rey
Crain. Hew lit. Cole,
and Qroln.


rlUe Hast Inga, at the'Loodou Institute
of Hygiene.
-So far from night air b**lug noxious.
It 4>fteu carries only half tbe mlenvbes
if biHlrooin windows were always
open top and teitom. bronebla! trouolea
would be more rare, and tbe body
mate hardier and more capable of re
slating disease.
-Tbe scourge which cosU tbs world
2.00ao0u llvxw a year Is Uigely doe <0
tte breathing of Impura air. which cm
a auacepUblMgr to cokU. IndocM

cbtol 'catarrh. prorUtoa a babttafor ate tubatrls bacillus, and act­
ually foa
-To .te teolthy. • l*rga portion of
one’s tima oboold be spent In tte o|mo
Iwncn kgrIciUturaJ life to tte

coal brips to' ponote tte nir.
iite and to» to
m large extent r«
torfoga. In
Loodop mlooo 900 toot of oulpbor o»
burnt ovary day In tte forai of oonL

Thlrty-ooc years ago today Mr. nnd
Mrs. Joam W, Markham arrived la
Trmtersc City over the new Q. R. A I„
where Mr. Morkbom came to begin
tbe monuftetare of the brick which
was to be nsed In Ibe oontompUieJ
erection qf tbe large Hannah A La)'
meiennlile building, proponed by the
tote Perry Hannah the >*oar previous
when Mr. Markham bad visited the
northern rlUage while proepcctl
Reluming, he made arrangementa
locate here the followtte «prlng. and
feeling that It was not good^for man to
live alone. osp4ScUlly In tbe wilds of
northern Michigan, and oa be had a
coasely lassie ready to share hU for
tunes oajwherc be might cboom‘, he
was married at 2'orl Huron May 1
1«75. and two days later the happy
young couplo with grit, energy
good health struck Traverse City, on
their wedding our. They stayed
They lioardi'd at the old Bay house
until thfy were able to And
(Utlons -on the site- now- o<
the brieji fsetory, two miles west of
tbe city. The first brick plant which
was run by a horse and lu
parity was somewhere In the hjindrod
thousand brick per year. Now the
parity U 5.OO0.1V00 for the same time
and the power used Is steam. Not
finding a ready market for steady
work Mr. Markham conaldered leaving
bul P«*rry Hannah, who foresaw tte
future of his village, said **8lay. This
win l»c a brick town and you art* lioth
young. You can afford to waste a few
years of your life and await develop
menu.*’ And they did. and neither to­
day feelwnythlng bul gratitude for tbe
advice accepUtl and the opening which
the growing village afford<M). •Tl^eie
U no nUre ao acei>ptablc today." said
.Mr*. Markharaj “as the old home
where we have siH*dt our whole
rUtl life."
Thoimh the winter of 1R74-5 had
b<*eii exiremelv blticr. Mrs. Markham
said, vegetaflnn was much further
vanreHl than it U Knlay and the bark
v^ardness'of thU spring was a topic
for «liiicus>ion for'old resldenU who
rememlH*r season of drop snows ami
bllrrard* which were offset by mild
advunccKl spilngs so lacking this year
though tlie winter was oik*h and mild

At tte sQSfftotiea
Sophia tte anriea^t
bread in Greece to tetaff <
and tte oveaia are bring mnodetad m
te amdeni pton. lutte oldnrenn
1 ffre of branete* la klndtod in tte
where tte breed ti
baked, and tee of ordinary
that tewRtb. When tte oven la ouf.
firlenUy brated tte brushwood and
riodrra are raked oot and tbe brend
to put in Ihrir ptaee,
Tbe i*rinc«« to prerident of the |toricty for tte Proteetkm of ForeriOa nnd
It to in tbe Interest of Ibto ooclcty ttet
ber royal hlghnesa has labored to anb.
stitnte coke and other fftri for wood.
Tiu IT are In Athens alone about 9te
bakeiw* oreoa. and at least 55 of Item
have already been made over. TIlO
l*akcr* have been iversnsded to fbto
sie|» by argunvents of economy.- By
the old system 80 cents worth of wood
tttiuLred to bake 700 pounds of
bread, w hile the necevuuiry amount of
roke ran be purchased for 40 cents,
nie liakrrs pay for the loke about I

■ v'a

n*wo gentlemen were ^traveling In
one of the hill coantles of Kentucky
fot loofT ago. bound on au exploratlan
Xoc |.tif h pine. They had been driving
for two hours without cncoonterlng a
bumsn lielDR, when they came In sight,
of a rablu lu a clearing. It was v«y
still. Tbe hogs lay where they bad
faUeu, tte thiu cto.vbank mule gtaxed
'round and 'round In a great circle, to
•arc tte trouble of walking, and on©
Iran, tonk man, wboiw garnvento wets
tte color of tbe rtoybank mulew leamtl
against a tree mud Irt time roll by.
-Wonder If te can apeakr aak^eu©
traveler to the otter.
-Try hliiL" raid hla companion,
“How do you dor aald the norite
“Howdy r remarked the aoutherucr.
“Ploasaut country
“Fur them thri like* It.•a.Ivcd here nil your lifer
The aoutberuer *iwt iKSislvHy in tho

“I hope." said the vvoniau who wna
ordering a pair of sllp|M*rf made .*f
flowered satin, ‘that you will tell your
workm.*m l» wash Ills Imiid* tefore-lic
teglii* to iiinke th«**e up.”
-W.nsli hi* haiids:' repeatwt th«
clerk. “Wliy. madaiii. he never will
touc-h t!if*M‘ with hto bare hamls.*'
Then the fieri; nil
workmen employ«Kl In nmktiig slippers
of tiglit colors worli-d with wblto
glnvra on.
“l o to krop theiu cleaiir he con­
tinued. -I stoiuld sayJUey did. They
trv so hard that thry^ i-baiige IhHr
w hli.-f^ove,* tim-e time* a day.” Which
to tint Ku fantasilr a* It may seem, for'
if a >iMH*msker *011* material of this
kind the expense to him of refilaelng
rrogtarlc. «f rollir.rM.
the iiiati rial. In say uolhhig of the loss
IVfure YOU went abroad yoU heard of his time, uirtkra U worth JiK whlji^
that the Frrtjch propSp were' much If> woi’.i In
and kKi. ttenr-ctoim^
given to iH>liteness, but perhaps
at Ilia*..-.New York Press.
never heard aliout iHtlllemwa lu Hwltxerlaml.‘ You ar»* surprised as you wan
der nls.iit the vlllngra or over rountrv
Original LaxaUv© Cough Syrup


their hats lo
gen. mein herr.*’ and to bav© all tkc
little girU you mrol gr«’t .▼ou with
a sky smile and a swroi vuleed “Gulen
Of eourse you lift your bat In return, and you think it a pretty custom
until it lM»gtU!* to w-eary you to keep
bowing and iKrii lng and bowing to lUc
4-hIldnu. The iK-st iMirt of the ehll
dren's iK>2itemsH, however, as you di**
rover lo lie the case. Ih-* in the fari
that It Is not pronn'tiNl by hope of gain
An BMe
In a cave in the orjihans’ rourt of nn In other part.*» of Kuror>e many fM-ople
eastern oily one of the prinrlfuil wJt have smiled and fawn»*»l ufiou j-ou In FOR SALE U
<|mulltlon III
nesses was asked if he hadI any broth antici|>atiou of the Iw-stowa] of
CItz. plMKif 1:
Probably the only epamiry In Europe
ers or sisters
*i had a hrother,** he replied, “but he where there is n pgiUlldllty that y
tip may lie refused in Switzerland. Of WANTED- Vniing farmer wants neat
dletl I.VI yrors ago.
course tipv are not always rejected
1M»nl? A -huudi
houM krrjKr. Address X. Y., care
UM*re by any means, but i
agoT rohoed tbe Judge,
Il F H. .No-*;.
may 14-124*
you run neross Kwiaa ind
pIKsl n*huke for a iKissihle Jest
-Ves. I am telling you the truth. My
father was marrleil at nineteen
Jfif niatrhjjony.
of ap*. Within the yror a soi
Ijoru to hlui. who shortly afterward
He Read the SUntO.
died. IksHMuIng a widower l*efore he
Om» m.inilng two vOung women
was thirty, my father marrii*d again at tered file fvaltvUle grorory and after girls wanted to do folding. Hertbe age of twventy-flve. T was born some diseussiou bought a pound of
a!.l i.11'1 Rt-rord Co.
may 14-tf
yc*ar. 1 am at jiresent
dates, two iiouuds of ginger snaps^nd
( old. If yt>u will make the necea- two iMiiinds of crackers.
accordion pleating made to «r“fitoppiug at Mis* Gray’sr inquired
the clerk as be tied up the bundk*r
phone |!M.
“Yes.” s.ild one of the‘ young women.
ty-five and nineteen, the ages of my with evkleul surprise.
father st the lime of his rrspecllre
“Came about yesterday forenoonT’ FOR 5ALE OR EXCHANGE—For city
marriages, the result will U- exactly aald the clerk.
proiK-rty. meat market business. In“How did you knowr asked the oth
eluding flxturra. tools, stock, etc. In­
since my bro
er young woman eurloosly.
E. Front.
may 12-tf
“rm -well, I can moat generally
Aw E«TWtlss*s Ressoniww.
tell," said tbe clerk without glancing
Some yrara ago an Englishman wit at the objocu of hia mind readlmT as
coming down the river Nile. In Egypt te twitched a knot In the rtrlng. “You
on a Urge boat loaded with grain, and
The hottsekfeph' WBft lists
the birds came off from every vUtoge
and ate jte grain piled on tbe deck.
The En^hman asked the EgyptUn
captain of ftie boat. “Who owns
weather, and long as you didn’t come
«U today I knew for sure you couldn’t
Then the Engll
ask­ hare been here more’n ooe day. There
ed why te let tte blnto 4»t up tte meals to about the average.”—Yo-Jih^s.
grain. Tbe EgyptUn asked tbe EnglUhman. “Who made tbe birds r Tbe
Is the best housekeeper.
Englishman answered. -God.“
You shake the can till
EgyptUn asked whether grain was a
are white, pour
food which God intended blnto to eat
f. into a bowl, dip a cloth
Tte Engltobmon oatd It woo. Tte to ivortly passenger, a* be lighted an
in the liquids wnng it as
Effyptton sold. ‘XTan tte birds sow and obtoe cigar with a red and gold life
xntoe tte groin for tbemaelvear Tte
dry as you can and just
Engttobman oald. “They cannot" Then cerUlnly have It down flneJn Atlanta.
go OV5T. varnish or paimsaid tbe Egyptian: ^Ltt them eat GoS Itortng a three days’ sojourn there reed doors, woodwork* fur­
baa prortoid cBoogb tor boCb them onl centty they wouldn't let me siwod a




“IdaaL be something like Chicago."
Kjriaeid tte tla-ran drummer. ‘ Tlie

toai ttm© I was there they didn't let
baa adopted a regnUtioii bantabliuf Bto
ipgad a cenL ritter."
mnccant luoaictons from tte atreeto of -Sor'iiwatod
th© other, skvptital^Ttosto «te w4Mk In loxge eitlio god
UUMK ^ their ptoper oopply of frativ
to ©ren oo." conUnoed tte can
air by day Mioold moko miot of agt Any good things yon may ooe.
man. They held me up half a agnare
night by
oU tte ortoiown,-*
That wUI life bla load of labor
frora tha Aopot and took every coot 1
Like Rocky Mountain Tog
had away ftoo me."-;€IUraio Drily
JoknmDrugOo. Nm.


niture or linoleum. They
look Uke new. It will not
hurt the finest mahog­
any. Sold by


City Drug Store.



Ok, ftcNBft 9km ftlfftftift mmn m,__
•ft M4 tn« mm49 to to* afteoft4 wftto.
ftft fM v0 ftoiicft kf toft ttftwi to toft
•toftto «iftiftot fftiid. to toft kiiWtoft
«< fftftt m9»M, toftfft wftft ftftnMftd
toMcft •orli Wftft
ftftktefti to toft iMriUtoc of tftft ftoii.

raie lor ■anor .........................


BabUMW to toad May 1. 1K6
S *.mn
Street Dietrtot No. Sl
General repalre................ ...| SS7.
Clftaalag pareaieftt....
Weet Twelfth fttrofti ........




crftlft fttorftrt ovor to* Aftjrhrai croftk
Paid John BcafthMi on con­
•I ft ftoftft of MlJl Mil IJfttoft ftUM Mtoe^awM..............................
tract .......................................116,47674
Bftlaacft to fnui'uij hiiii 74i 41 Paid John Seankm (It per
•rft.ftlftft rftftli
I I.S73J7

Ito. hTuM
Wftft ■tofM
niM, tftlorftl Ito 1. tflftlHct Ho. ft,
Wftft MH ftt ft ooftt of |t,|ftl.fl U
mmU to ftkiHK No. • wftrt biilM ftt
4Mt Of |l,4toJL LfttoraU Wftto
to 4lfttrk9t Ho » ftt ft ooot of t^t.7C.
OIM fttoin fttooftft of ftftwor wftift IftSd
to. ftft iroft win ftou
to toft Uftftift to tbft gftftftiml ftftwftr
fftftC Tlift ftMto oftwor la WolUftgtQQ
•tooH Wftft alfto ooftflai
iftfoftft Btfttft
Tuft froftftBft ftHMWtf tbft Oftrftftfttft
UbfftiT btiHBIftf wftiw iBnrorod
root of MfiJi. ftftd tolft ftprtov f
taft bftguft Oft tkft ftlUftf toftldft
M Itoo ftlooft toft ftOHto fttdft of
Bftfftmng to thft tortog of Uftloft
■iroftt. frtMB tbo ftooto ftiid of UbIoo
•tiftfti biidgft to Tblriftftftto Btroftt, and
Oftftft fttioftt from BUtft fttrofti to toe
ftorlh side of Caae strooC bridge, toe
board deljr adrorttoed for bid* ae dl-

Ct halaare I
Oftft ftiill tax



m ISsssr.


7l«.fft Paid f^Jtttft ...............



Street DIetrkt Ne.


from apftclal
It roll..............
t tax received 1 real
bftlanre Majr I. 1»0«.

Oeoeral repalri ...
Boyd aveoue ..........
RftHt Bay boulevard
Gravel .................... .

Trmnftfer from \
I 1.753.(4
fund to ;»vor shortagft of
No. %
Bast Front fttxeet..............
General fttreet Ux for fttrect
and alley InterBocUona...
16 00

I Lgtii.} Length of \aiioos 8J xes of Pipe 1
Vame of Sewer.
llnfeetk to]8 ln3 ln!12to:i5 in!18in‘24tn!
Trunk No. 1..............
430j 3001
Lftt. No, 1. IM«t. No. 1.
Trunk No. 6................
Ijilcral No, 6..............
ljilermb>4o. 6..............
No. 8.
o. 1. nij
DlaL No. f.
Ekxt Front street ....
»! 515’
Wert Front street ...
Rail Stale atreet ....
Mlscellaneuot .............
Totali............ ............... . .1 _232W;2355:5CI5 C0W]3W^


ilag nf
hrld Mar 4lh. iW
Oeoftfftl Street Food.


- '









Paid tnlei^t on Mft.'irrai
National hank ..................
81.41 Paid Interest on note. State
SU.15 luianoe Vn fund Mv V.’ iio6

balaare May 1. 1105...
ft nlll tax ......................
Bftlftftce May 1. Ii0€..
Oentrai Bower Food.

106 85

Front 81.
Btaio 8t.

Travei>e City Mriling O
Kxlonelon todiemla Bi. i
l.ateral eewe r No. 5 ...
Trunk era er No., K ..
Straub Bro«. d AmloJc
Weet Front Ht.
•ewer No. €............ .
ulroel rulvort........
Lateral xewer No. 1, dUlrtcl
No. 8

106 IS
58 00
8.484 14

371 K5




170 84


■ . .r ■*.

707.. 4

I 2.663.TO
EftM State Street Improve

r«id ce»tr«?'But'!m7irriY.

lug I'o.. contractors.......... 1
lid Central BltulUhic Pav­
ing Co., etmtractors ..........
Ing Co no per cent guarPald Central Tillulltolc I'av2.6.5:. 15
ani<H*l ................................ ..
Paid for w'wer eonnccUons.
Paid fur inspeetlon ........ .
PaldW cement ..................
I*ald fur tile ................

r*ald ftH- mincoUaneous -----348.73
Balance in fund May d, 1006

iitK and lnlcrt‘kt .......... $24,001.73
x' 28 06 TraiiHfiT from general str<H*l
680.54 vfund ....................................... 4.442.15

Paid on n«ac. nm National
bank ...................................... I l.OOO.OO
Paid inicrest on nalp. First
National bank ........ .»
Paid Interest on note. First
SJ»26 0S
168 ?!»
ilonal bknk ....................
I.M3I5 Balaoi'e in fund May 1, 1306

I.S»}»9o; _ 140

.63! 338.70'
.851 126.6.'.’
2723 I
.441 237C.001
.74 187.221
1352.6 .85 1143.73!
632.51 .K5( 537.6.3!
44 I 1.30| 57.20f



Tr«nkfcr frt»m general etrert .$
Tr»n»f«T labor ot^cr acner




1903]Stale Si., brick with
1 stone curb ..................
13U3C«o«s S».., brick with
t stone curb ............ ..
|Total for yesr................
TiNly^HF^Ffani STT


OE., tyitiMEnic wiinj



281.00’$ J«fr.t»:$14982.3r
* k44»
I • I



28sW 563r.l 878!I2<»

____ j
10915.80] *'"65 j-1.15
Lift 6 1
> I 4271 1 .80 3416 KOI
1.80:21341.401 226
1.15 259.30; 13 t

2^ 234 0«| 12.6Ui 13127 6U
39! 5W 0or |2.O0| 25648.10

M il 23468 4b[ 5634 |
j$5575S:68!l2S47 ~t

*5! r.2r..Ool 22 77^6.5.51 .55
"l$1344JWi $ 77 371865337.25


( comb, curb A gmier^.l284Ml 122Vi

statement of

Wi I

“^e*w”^r^ila R PlnkhamVW <

L I. ..7..


At this time. mlao.eanerrs and tamofft
are more liable to begin their dsu»w
tivewrork. 8uchwamlngsym
asenae of anffobation. hot )toi
ainess. hcsidache. drrod of to
eeil, sounds in the oam, timi
piuiion of toe heart, sparkal

etable Coapoand is the world's grrai* t
the water worka. The esl remedy for woomn at this tryiic 4
tound lo the oBlo* ol U>e
E Pinkham's Vegetable Coift. ?
city clerk, rclallvc to the ccraetory ac­ **Lydla
pound invigorates and sirengtbeBS tha i,
count and cement wnlks wna made op femalft or^ism. and builds up the ;
from ftoinUons Tound In1 the dnid of- weakened nervoiasystem na fto^
When scsfcr taxoft
G. nylaad. of Chesterspread on general roll, four per cent tovm, Md^ to n letter to Mrs. Flak- i
should be added according to
ham. snya:
Hty charter, page scvcnty-plne.
nclude this DsarMiw. Plakhem:~
And the cIcrF did not Incli
1 Iwd bsra siWsrImr vdto a dtodftMmswk
amount to i
1306. tocivby bwlng $6U
1. district
dlKlHcl No. 6. 114 13
74: ti
it 74: i
nk s«*wcr
. 8. nrst
for special
r«r«pwUl wlTk« reordins thi.
impnivements bsve to'Cn paid out of porUnt period vromcn are invited to •.
the Impruvimciit funds. Tbo collcc- wriu- lo Mrs. Pinkham, Lyon. Masa
tbms rtH-rlvod fmm tax payers
She IK dauchteivindaw of................
count of this spccisl
Pinkham and I r turenty-Hvr years 1
have bii‘n crcditiHl with tbo lolercst
lo the H<-vcral Irapnoomcnt funda
dvice to free and ftlwaja
This interest fw> ctillectcd should be

Name of Brldcc.
West Fnint 8t. bridge.. ./iSH’tTWSIK'onrfvle bridge. 50 ft. span.
Oak A Fnmt St. culvert
3l|coiirrele, 6x8 ft.
114 ft. long.
381C\i«rrfte, 6x8 ft. opening. 45 ft. Umg.
6x8 ft. opening. 66 H. long.

I 2.H8J7
eoffti bare boea rftoelrftd ftftd offtfted
r, at ftft ftdioorftftd apecdal

a»d other Item*.
Mftft Mch Information.
• • snance of hU toatnidions.
the rarkraa departmeato tor
records, and found to nome
that no record bad been kepL It to
Imiioaalhle to aaeertalii the aBKMiBt of
Intertor and exterior, walks that have
been built during toe period covered
by this examination. NeUhftr can wc
tell as to the accuracy of the charges
made Tor extra care of loto, and other
such Hems brtonglng to the cemetery.

under toft difwctlon ,
tog tbft anaftoft i
As fto Kueh I
Bwdft of work done to prerkMU 2 hydrant
. I havft Included to tola »tole- 4 tomps ..
toe permanewt aldewalkt bnUt 8 levcla ..
to lt04. the bridges and enlvert. built
In 1M4 and i

tum€ ftt ft tnui «0i« for Itoift Vumt

.45 2535..3qI 15 1
||81S7 20 36 |



.|$6505.H:$2633.S1:I COSS.1742045.K8 $892.37t$17665.97jrniid.- wgiks, ‘>ds.T)"im>«!
lOutsIde walks. yds.t24350j
Alley .



Third: Aipeclal
Intereti accouftL
Fourth: A completn account of nH
tranxnctUmx pertaining to the cemw
8Ulh: A complete aUlement ahoukE
l»© pfcscniod to the city clerk of all
malorlals used by the atreet commlaaiooers. or any other parties using matertola belonging to the cHy of Tmv.
ersft aiy. snowing where used, nml
whnt ncoount toe same ftbouJd bft
Seven: All ordftrt ftbould bft drawn
upon tbft fundft received too benefit of
tbft ftcrvlcea and ftxpooaea.
Klghth: Tmnafera shoubl be mad«
onlly when one fund borrows from anNine
illng of tbft water
•partmcni pertaining to thftir
the deportments on toe first
The Fftdeml Audit Company, Limited.
Geo. A. Honiftr« Chnlrmftft.

Moved by Aldennnn Wtento that toe
report of tbft Moral Audit oofttpafty
bft received ftftd ptood ftft Eta.
Morad by Aldanma OOlfttt that toft
ways ftftd mftftftft eomUM— ftftd tbft
bft ftiHborlsftd to pim.
chara ..........
kJepit^ ofthe city.
tcomlng committee
be referred to the inoom
of toft BOXt oouoon vrmys and

4528o:$ .58 .
Woel Fnml 8t luiemortlooe
M359.47>$1806 8U‘$ 4259 69 $1092 70 $127.99 $11616 65’lni«He walks, vds..
Moved by Alderman Murray that
Km>A Kruot Hi. Io!offt«*lloo. 1.7MK0 Transfer tile cMher eex
lOiitsldc walks, yds.!
the <^unri| wdjoura.
Kn»t HUIr S4. Iiitvrvoct
jStrcct crf»«!.slng» ...|
funiU ................................
l*eld Oft iMirk*..................
lAllcy cros.slngs ;...!
Aport.iulalUm by rouncll.
Bridge ..............................
City Clerk.
Hirwl dteirirr No. I,...
I 1.783.53
threet dUtrIrt Nu. 2....
Annual Inventory of Beard of Public 4 mixing hoes (alK>ut)
ReceiptsL25 separaK'd from theCameftie Library Fund.
UirtrUt Nci. S...^
Cr. Balance May 1. 1305.,..$ 144.93
works. May 1st. 1906,
c pail.s for mortar
3fV» a rrctlii to a pp«t
dtMHd .No. 4....
;.ind makes
foriic pSirl MINKHAL SA1.TS
General Street DepartmenL
InKrlplIoB............................... I
8 50 Collected from special as2.(10 ***‘' **
be Croat
Hlit-vl dUirki No. 6..,.
■moot roll ...................... 1.638.60 Tool house and throe 50 ft.
Kelt of uric arid which drtrea
Hr. Balance May 1. 1105. a.
BtuiriHCo Ikvt Flout el
all rheumatic i*ains from the body. It
lots .......... ............................. $ 1.200.60
t 300
.60 prmements.
I 18O.C0
cords stone, n 84.00....
Trau^fri fteiKrral »4.0M'r.
change^ the r^Tmenla of the digestive
Front and
BtrttX to
7 ftprinklcrs. ^ $200.00........
Street districts
i>r. bjilamv Muj 1, lJk*5.
organs, making
stomach sfnmg.
Awimiinutlons by council., t 180 lio
1 ten ton steam roller.........
.-ns salts
AlMjve a?!. Mt. CIcm.-iiK
KaRs bhs no
order drawn on any
Lateral Sewer No. 1. Qiitnct Ne. 8.
1 20-h. p- cogiap....................
of ihc-scOand!? during the period cov- E-qiial for its ctmfrollng infloewre of
I sweeper ...................... ..
• fteceipto.
1^ this examination. This nictb- the livi r. giving a j»«*rf«*ct regularity
1 road grader..........................
Ikig Ux
n S^k-kccning Is of no value, un of flM- tM.sils whirb omirfds ft»r good
6 street cleaning carts. O
Krooi ibuv mill taa<...
kcft *to tond* May V.' 1306
. ^ ' LI the Ond of the fiscal year,
year, when
$8.06 .:.......... *.....................
........ ..
<ir evil the hi-sHh and happiness of
from toe funds.
1 plow
8.156.15 Team and dray
CV'toont welU ..r
MiacellaucHm* ........................
9 snow plows. O 84.00 ........
m;in. Mt. CiemenK salix to guaranTrmarfcr fivoi ^
1 trpek wagon........................
Transfer trunk sewer No 8.
Unil direct fnmi Mt. CIcuums. See
Traaafer from Wrwt Front
Hose repair outEl..................
Liat ihc words CARLSBAD OF AMERi been
5 picks, 0 I .75 .....
fiL Imp. luml......... ........
J-JJ 6 wbeelbarrovrs . .................
K*A to u|M»n the bottle. For sale by

Traaafer from bridge fund .
Lumber for forms and fencDelinquent Ux received from
Am.Tican drug Kture. ifannah A Lay s.
Itanxler from general aevor
county ireaxurcr ...............
practiced was Ihortjughly gone Into in J<dinK<»nV. Walt s and Bugbee's drug
.Traftftfftr f»o« bridge fund
Traftftter fiv<u »tn^ dlelrlrt
lAo ‘
preliminary repoit made you More.
may 11-61
^jsome time ago.,
No. 1.......... ..........................
airw djatrict
, The ledgers, pertaining to the funds.
Tools at Cftmetery.
No. 1........................... ........
snr© to our infarmers* bandy wagon
The Mk higsn State Board of Exaft^ •
iuirs of Barbers wUI hold the folkfwIng meet togs:
M*mday. May 21st, 1906. New CSietorvgmn hotel. Cbebbygan. Mich.
Tuesday. May 22ftd. 1966. Cuahmah
h*mrc. Petoskey, Mich.
Wednesday. May »rd,
nace hotel. Traverse dtp, IQch.
Tburiday. May 24th. liOi, Duabam
house. Manistee. Mich.
These ftmettogs will be held fv the.
purpose of examining all appticaaU

.... ......




■ •-■■-• - .r^



^ V'; .^v-i^-;- •


LBBaisnxs. ^ r

Hlaler. Flaw Sacer

li la a!l vtMd pA talk abagl b«|toW
I ham*hif and have ao ttea to colllvate
beamy habhs. Therefore they lahe
Rocky MonataU Tea,
Tea cr TaWc. Johamm D



M work doDc m a ssttslacler.aC
lonr nuLsncffB
All orders promptly attcfid- rsAvcjisc cfTY umom wxi^
ed to.
Kabooal rroUeUre HM- to«migl
hs WhoteMi h^ M tha iMffd

; eooM*^ igtmr aa 1
221 V« I M St. OL phtse 441
tmnw ta
doahig cbaitobr of
«w* TA Talc of Two CKiaS* a aloi^
hhacd oo the rrcach reroiolloa.*' ifdto bara aoear fgUgd. oMsmU to par- amq»iic tawkY of piles, woowda. and! 10011 A.
fM. SootL *Thc last tfege ta thr
cMider 4c!alcts the cMcmiM of aid
any OartoAthchetoioC amMiinr. A<i
He* mad* BIX. Trtrcne City
thr Hue of iheee eeademoed |p die ad*
mmocB fkmrly toward the guiiletlBA*
tbe haUUaa
la the eoer glaiiA coaat Urn vlcUm




•trlrkcn by
the twcaly third peia0% im Sae ataito
up ua tbe gUlotlae pUUorsn. Tbea.
lu quote D;ckeoa: *-The mui
many vemr. tbe uptaralag eC many
facra, ibv pretsing on af^maay lout
meps lu the ooukfns cf ttc crowd,
au tfaat It awoUa forward la a.
like ouf rrrat beavi- of w*M
Oaubea *wa>. Twenty -Ibnvi.' ’
IVUT. itevvir, agcl 7% and Mt-vi
Vldi* Smltl*. aged 2. b^h of Lvpw.r
were matrit-d by JusUce Wright.
U. H. Aplla uf Bay City *a>* that he
has no hiumiuo uf ir/ing Icy tbe *iat«*
eeoale, but be baa no cbjct llua* to the
ouuolv ircevuivndilp.
li. Carrick of CouUaaUuc
baa accepted the offer of the duperW
lemlcary of I be aNMnd* her* at Char*
Joilc to KurrccHl .M It JUrmelcc. ic


14 —Yale had aa
fta aatlrl|«ted in
tha dual aihicijc meet >lih
tVtMMaa oa Yale teld liatiirday
afteraeoiL the fMuU acuie belag 7t% tu
n% 9Pm^ Prtttoeloa proved to he «teau» bat had a good
haidiar hi AimMng. who aua ubth
h4Mi «pd lo whurdleea ertih eumpara
»l»e «♦»«. Two record* were bettered
this afletwooa. thr-M* being be |»olf
Saturday. Umm* l^g the pole
Vale took both la the aprlal* the
Yale mea moatly caw'd atantic them
Uero* aad Yale a dUiaace men pnaiod
Kra.*i«i«^ .V fUlCKc of Mclinc. mi m
aM>rt tkan a ma?ck fbr I*i 1nc4toa*».
b< j «jf ib«* bouhl- of reprukt ti»a;»vcj- in
la Ike twtrrolle event Kell), tbt only
IkkO aod lHh7. baa announced hto on
rttaaor carrying the urangv and black.
didacy (<*r tbe slate sonaUx
»eeii^ to be ouI.qI form.
MarquuUc. Ishpcmlng and K'trwa
ABB^Arior, IlirA.Miy M.-“Tb<- arc Ulna consldt^oil for fbo lorxUo
r«m. ll»>k>n ul urxt f«ir» toollMlI «ib uf a military co^imny to take the
te«t 1* n U a step taken witb the Idea place of ihc lruayi»^l oompan/ recent
. Irouwuod. bow ever
of aKImatoly aboUaklng all athletk rc- ly muaU^rCtl
kigaa aad Chicago. may md^c a 4boulug cod 501" bsck
Maitioa del4«atlou Into the raW*.
The Battle Cr*H k iMdice aix! looklnR
Into an odd burglary cam^ Thlevcr
entering G. A. Locke** groorv htor
to do with football, and 1 ex|»ecl tu in tbo aaat ind. p.i**ud by mouey i
a«j baneball aad track rclatitdiH rt- the cash drawer and other valuable^-,
and luadcd up with lacc powder, tooth
the aamo a* ever.«ta^ wid that he m^aa the only one paste, coraplexiou loUou* and toUc!
of the 15^art^nn;^Trof the athletic Koap. Entrance was effected by a rear
board who voted (i»r the letrutlou <d door and the fo»iiprint;. UkjK mure fom
the game beat fall and be waa e\ Inlne ihahynaxcullne
The eii^'ageniint 1» announced M
el> aon v to et'C the gaiiie called
.Miss Anna lU'j.'er Catnpl cll ol Yu. i
couldn’t aay that I cxpot ied tu re land and Chaile* Ralph Tle'.Kn:i d
the victory of laat fall, but 1 Eu*eland. La. MIh* CamplKill l.s .1
certainly wovld be glad to have the K4‘niur ill the U. of .M. and a Uatighlei
ce of making another try.* he of Hon. and Mm. John K
wil’ knuwD k'cluicr* at farmciH* hixii
velum wivHl
tuti'OM and In aUia Krauge work
TIchoul grad'jauMl Ja*t y«wr fnrm'Gli
vcl cHdlcgc and wtm find place In the
B(mtoii« M«|r 14—TnxtlUf horsr
lulereullcplate oratorical c«inti«t
drllshtcd over the ot w« ;f
•leaui aad TrolUy R«ag*.
re.M Udng MtciKau in hi he Inici
riuvt4e»cc that Uerv will be j*cIor
A new sort of bouie on wbw'ln la
Mi‘-» Cawjidiell
at Nsrmj(ftii»cn i*rk lbl»
an l about to come out of aoolberti raliforaluo, wa* fermcr!y u ; i .uicu a' (>lj\
nla. A doBiTlpHon of U given by the
Lt'lilac. too.
Tbe lire iu the lugii* bluck ei FI
Herald auggM lu aoma
that there will b<\
on Thursday wa* marked by hever.d
amaa rJrwH taeHliia. a rumUng mc^i niipfcta the vIda family pcrambulatora
rather peculiar oncorrencew When iho
iu« aad alaa« are aader ara^ tu ho!\ liHilcb roving bauda of gyi»ica have
flamec* reaebud the geneimi ufn..H! of
a »tale fair la the fall, with a auHaUk* M^dc familiar In aome part* of the
t^.^ya iba New York l‘oat. llie the IroQiiolH Cigar company the doc:,
raring iin.Rram
relltcdarijot^ ever, la armugivl for trav­ of tbe large clivk was forced op»'U
tht‘ heat and the bra;.?* rim on
Hprlaateld. O . May 14 -At a a
lag oC the lucal f^halca It waa ilcrMcd vreU r* hlg^twaya. It* Inventor. l»r. B. liitiet ^lde lot»M iie<l Irom ilie gla.^^.
UI May a liall caiae <«
2b f«r liu- M. iJivrremv. iKwerlU'* It thu*-. *‘lt It P «!nH*P‘ d i* tmighl about lilt; pluitmr:
built with.a frame coverW with can
bearfli ig Kina Kelly, the change vaa. There Ja a daor on each tide and I'l which Wi re a tacbi'd die liaiid
the cluck, the dnn piett
Witcher cif the t^trtngftcUl club O. f
dow oo anch end, to b
rorabwi. iuhli C4IIUUI and John Buy
at wlU. The liMWle baa an ml* 211 uiluuli'a of 7. In the private office
IV wVn
der.taare aa»ad aa.a hoMlMee to
center, ubfib divide* the living r»oin SoInliiK.. hU xmaff desk elo.K
make the namaary arraagaiaeau
DbiIm the eoanagratloa Uai M from the kitchen. In the eentt»r. hing* atgpiN'd at eaactiy the name flguic.«,
ed to the partition, la a Ubie on eaah aad ma* iinmsrktd by ihc heat,
aide, reattag on a caaler lable. Theea
the borne of Ma parrMa Ih Uat do tablet are aaed for gdryora wbea tuiw- fop ol ihe building the gravtd roof wa.n
wa* devlyoyed. all bough all bU rela ed op In tba ivartlthm and faateviett. ralMMt iu a long, xigrag rSdqc by aht at
' il«i^ eacaped. 1'hl* home wa* owmd The living roam cootnln* library expattsk'n. the ridgt' huvlug a riinijn
by King, who bad purrJiamxl It with abelrea and a wardrobe. In tbe bitch ap|H3Jance lo the mound made by*’;
natifig'froip hU talarlc* of the i«'‘i •a are the iwotry. cuphoard. gaaoPne mole. < xceut ibai it wa* alKi. '. :«tnc*<
atote aod nlnk. Tbe *eeta cxiendiag or tight locbch In heUhU While
tr^ paura.
Kallg la an Eagb*. and itH* Ka al ahmg tbe aldea are nflllred oo tbe prin* watching tbe. Utuc Mlaa Kditb lArk
Hple of foIdJiig Irtungea for 1-da. Tbe
halgt U luicUai the tM uefli to a»idvi comer* are arranged for carryltiS wa- b»tr»l wa* relum'd of her iKMrkt'tJMKc*
by a pickpochel. Hw lather, \V
aMAcy. Jdny M 4 ail off day in the
tw and oil. The fn»nt meat ran be ixvn
Oanirml leggiie acbwiule. niad tbi
vrrted Into a bed, with canvaa placed FaikliurKt. a deputy ahcrlir. wax
fgiuu amy take |ort Ui the ^ame. >Si* over It. It to arranged with adloatable of Hr olOceiy on duty at ihc fire.
imitbHdara have .act been arranged ox tracha aod whaHe Cor ataam aod trol
omH that lUaAanoutic Id that Uie gen ley earn. It can atoo bt drawn by
Fx-n lta* IU liMdf U no doubt c^Mhcraea ac tmllKI behlad atitomobllca.**
«ial admlMkw wUl kg;
A f^w amra eoch dericea for making It'Uu but i« it well fur n sane uuni t
comtertable nvul e**y i.'.ukc It « frtt»hy IhH.vil do :i bun
Cblraao. May^M -Ivimr ll»|i|ie. the the •wlm|il«‘
siay lodace a larger avunber of the over new* tmiii lUiy rikhI to biwell the mu
buy billiard aApert. won lit at prlae In wmrhoff to tahaioYhe read. A grpay * 4'b.*: of 1 u l.«rk by wi^tUng wlfl^
win Id vfwii enoagh. hot for ytmr <wiy ruMiPY nmrblJic c^r f« ni.\c bi'c Ic/* :
lod Saturday n4ht in Orchri ttopa tnetlrm enmprr It la jiiai as well banl n* rutlfiad tU* by KaliopUig iibuut
I* tUc:v>
tk!Oego gulloa! the (Canadian to fumtoh a fokllag bed nod a choice n ewutfl* tmvk>
ploa, captured i>o^>ni>d plar<'. The Ilbeai7 of Amhara whs have preached laulufp*. afitY alL In Uc'elo*;;ug ibc
xlw'w* alaRirum’ly> l»uc^ *
absat oat of doork
three player*, iknirge 8K*
woi-k. %%lth bl* Itralu «*»!> ucything by
woae the chamidonablp In the
Irving It. Jmitiitp a hnd«nbY’f The
it toaruammU in New York
notbm that the.atemgr bt:*lu('?x tugit
i Cara, the Praaeh rbamplon. and
Victor Uihm-o titan lu laborious will I*' Iwlicftltxl by dcvclopU.g lb •
•phnefar. mUahed with a triple neaa-attffered la cblWbood from coo mUfH'le* of a xicvcdorc I* lstH»-d
gch fdgyar iMnrhig woa ono gamc ttitttlloaal delicacy, wrote Ileury La aotbing wore tangible Uun wLd
loat Uuwa, Thaae Uree player* booohere. He kmd an Irish cook, who Ibaorising. I a fgvar of U U the a
iKm that pliywlcal <»f Iwutr rirength
t«4 aa equal dlvlaloa of third and bad learned bow to meat In tbe ren Ice apelli
Itb. Agflmd it i*
to Uw
of tbe Asqa of Jrrary or Oueniaey. «he
ioarthb mpoey. la the llaal game
ted **imwaeir-.ai4 ‘YVock’* gravy and £11(1 uodunabl«i'"r«et thnt inJUona of
•rdg^r Alght George Sutton defeated
tnrn win* Uke
Ukc no uiurr cxrrttoo than
r we to 14S.
tun* require Uva
BOt tltowlac tv i»rtor maid tor> <>«ir «'•«*' <>n»‘u«ry «v«.iiiiuOi
blu. ir
ihouKbt • iU«b nn»hol» l» VIr luM bwru uU agi; iUal.lhf
of the dlroctoi
i Nighty aasakma
fail tbal Ibi- avrrrp' nUgclc
uahgll gMoMatloi
the hpgrU- for all bH * aiul vigor. 1* *i*hlum
w«nk. ggd It la saU. aoM wUh which Iw ate of twr roast morr Uculthy than 4bc aviffwgc d4«k
a;rfl-ein»<'‘od bu*lnr« ms:i.
gad bound naafl*. She and Ug».

^ ••

<-iir'*~m The In- Prsmt the tactful friend aad aoerota
dlwctorK *o ir ct VHaor Hugo thiwtiffb tho groater
rnom*^ »>M UAtUrtf B«brt» w m of bla tlh^ eaiwar, wan *fn*d
ta Mwata tWtt Btawit. but tatUMtollr «
ta tab* ibbi
pmalorw At ha liMqd oh fham.beMMlMKor *»«bo»

menu of Iho pgai wmk «r t«i c
which might ha iUtagly SMarlltoi «a g
. TAMtom «l
has* bog* g
%9wum lOf thM* ptapih This boa
lly iitfflrf^"
1,^ S#aiMgi !• 4ht imr, and gqw
Ihry hir weartak aa ardjaarr 1 ‘
Ml wl.hata aad a» wlUtag to a

t«g paamia arwuhd^ taUto. wbkh was
gprohd for aagy iltaHpiaA admirers,
hahgeta oa gad tMtodm. Iktov moat
hgv* ggat g Msda 11
Tut trtthwit Miw'Su
sposli haea ml ftsa 14 fiqpmq ffa T
a atgik. Vlflv MW M»cd
hlamalf largely aad caihd for laara.

bUInlag r.^
Atlolf ScbJt.W. a Kwbw eaglMTr qf
atandlng. b»a Ju*'t pMrufed In seriral
coomrlca A device w biidi takes the
fdsre of the dlvtn ns rad of surTTstltlous tradltlaq
, .
It.c-9bx.tom cf g iii.r.gpriir ijecd^ Ag«

A mi ArruBgfd m .bm

jgjL This iimmiTwrat I*
the ffcld In which It to dwlrcd to kw*
valrr, and wbroever It passM over a,
hUdeti siwlAg the imuni*th' prodta
perform lupld ami livc.'y wcUtoikm.




..... -




darted at the
lag hook.
tlve police of the haosa of parltotucaL
with the cwmiutaslooer or depatj con»-

Train wiU leave
0*» a. m. See poster
fer paiOcehir*.
It: r. MucRer. G.

OR. O. C. CHASE, rwmored from m
m Wlibelm block to er aad
eew Slate Bank IwildbMk

. k. MOUUT. tit-ml




Fsr Gis at4 GisoUse Bnetse TffalUsi
la n«it, comi«cL' rvliaUlo ami
t fbok'nt It wrtiKb* Lwg, n.x'iipiiW kwi
iTicieucy Umo
apgoe and lias a greater cHi
rust and
i-any other lyfu i U- r mmte. 11
water proof. All iwris are egatly »coeaaiWe, Every iiart is intcichaDKAMoCaU for Booklot and Prlcwa.

laddam-for tbe .vemaan are
yoong—and travrralng iron rmttiu:;
l&irs. Ib«y grmlnaUy daw-eod to the
vauUa below. The walla are all painted
ar colored white, and under ibe gl.i-e
of tbe moOm electric Umjm. wbkh
brHltauUy lliuminate every iwirt of tb.'
vault*. It would be difficult Icr the
*!e*l ob>ect to remain undiacov
ered. Slowly tbe party* reaxcond* to
the prince*’ chamber. Uuu|ie un' wv
tiimed. parliaena are abouhler.Nt the
exon report* to tbe lord great v*baii»Iwrialu that tbe aecreh has Uyu well
and truly carried out and Uml the
bouaes of parliament can moicmbic in

Iieraonal liodyguard of lh» xoven'lgu*
of England. It atill relaitti* the p.c
iure*iiiw drew with the origiuul tUb'
of ye<nnen. whldj it wore under It*
first captain. John de \'cn\ earl of <»x
ford. The original duly of the «ori>s
wa* lo protect Uw king lu Imttle ,nnd
oUuYWiM*. aud be wsa OLrouipaiiied
hi* yeomen wta'revcr be Wimt.
ttve taken iiart
jc guard hav(
■yt'ouieii of the
Ulc and oiego and iu uio*t
rayol pageauu from the KleW of the
Cloth of Gold lo tbe openmg of i»arlia
uient. ’
Blieu hi*, maicety the king op -u*
parliament Ibo l»ecf caters will l»e In
close atunuance on the state c-oneb.
The uffiee of * apUin of tbe guard to a
IMditicwl ope aud cliauge* with Un- gor
cruuient. but the llrutruaut, tbe co•Ign. 5be cIcrU of tbe cbeqor. or aJ
l«ianl.*aud llie exon* are re^julred to
liave served lu Ibe army or marinea
luul have seen wor eervfcw. Tbe yeoloen nm*i have been Boucommlsaloocd
oOm* to 4be army or muuim* of «iv
prored and dtotiugutobed eervlce. gt»d
tbe afimlauneati. aa may be ImaxiDed.
are tbe moeC highly tirixed of any
which are open to old eoldtorw Tbe
yeomeu af Ibe gward are vmy freciuently coafouaded wlib tbe weitoara


bK. X a * luxT X noaaiM*;

jN’laeaa’ or pe^* robliig room and
await the oomiug of tbe yeomen of the
guant. coaalstlng of an exon, the aeigeaat maior and ten yeomen. On their
arrtral a imocesaioa to farmed. bcoikU
by the chlaf of police ia charge. l*arti*
aaaa are laid aside, aad each yeoman
to handed one of the name Ulttr oil
laaipa srhlch hare prohal}|y been in
mm from time Immetuortoi.

from duty.
Tbe iiMti llicn iwot'eed. ac«'ordin*: to
aneicot custom, to ibeofficYsor Mr.-xr*
Balialuy. the old firm of wine i;;,Tebant*. where by ^iKv;al jK'r:n:s<u).i
■iUU tin* k O':’*
ibe galhiul ycnmicu
lieaJtb lu lot* best iK*rtt. In ITiRi .the
firm of Ik'ltoiny nppbetl to the nniho^i
tto* of the buu*-'M of imrllaimsii to K|»eruittpHl to n'ul and uwe r.4 ivine «vb
lur* one iHTtu.u of the empty >nult4
This wn* gnilut'd, and tbe eusloui wm«
Initiated by the founder of ilw firm.
“Old Itellaniy.- w> to'nrraiig* the
ec^rcb Oiat ihe yeomen or'llie guard
abuuld briug it to au eu.l at the w .uc
MtorcM. Tbciv Ihe ttiii»ou:nvnieiu was
made. • All * wvlL * anti the guard, l-e
log drawn up. drank the king’* or
queen * be-alih lu Ik'llaiu.Vk «»ld
-God nave the klug.^’ The w ii.e cellars
have l>ci‘n n movcHj elacwliere. but I’uc
good i'UKtoui reiuniUM.
The yeoiiM'n of Ujc gmird are 11 iuo*t
ftKcluatluq InMltuiloii. the fln*t iH'nua
ueul iKKly guard of England s suV^teigus and the Ural iK'nuuticut o»r!i'« of
tra'.ncHl aoldicr* lu dur l»:M..jy. 1mllalcd iK'ihaps from the IScoltiKh gunr.1
of the Fn-nch king*, the i-onm was
farmed aa l*r back an,the year MSD.
When Henry VII. lauded in England
from Norutaudy he w.»* acx.:up*uied
by a *amU guard of EugliHli uud WeKi
who had idian-d hi* exile. 'Hjey wvt^
w Itb blui at Uosworth. and xarrouinled
by them he rverived the crou a of Eng

o«. r. J. MAC Nrrr-

at City Hook 8(mw
MBS. E. L. BONNEB^ hair 4-eemUg
er City Book 8mr«. Room
Traverse land and Loan Co..
Tbnrtell. Manager. Office. n*>m 1
Hamilica E Miltncen block.



OB. F, HOLOBWOBTM-«pm-iaj ^
toatkm to dtoea.^c* of tbe eye. mur
nose and thrmu. Glaoeea dried
Booma 7 and ff. H. A U MercaMU*
Co. bkHh. Bom pbooeo.

Camping outfits and ouiing
supplies of all kinds, the best
and lowest priced place lo buy is


Oft £. B. MINOB-Office Jiit amer
lean Drug Storsx Special alieaUoa
to eye. ear. nose and Uroat. Gtaaaes
tued. Rpib phones. Reeidenoe Ul.

S. F. Saxton Hardware Co’s
I horou^hbrcd spr rtfnnn know
how tsM luial it is 10 possess
tides of 1414eiiuine durability.
it is so easy to mar a day s sport
by pcor tackle or inferior lioods
that cannot bi!.de|'cnded upon

DB. A. H- HOLLIDAY. Gradual* Ta

r. tor. TMIRLBV, DeatteL

Over Bai^

clan and eurge^m. Hemovod in oftoes in Munsuo block ovar Baraoi
E Barrs, ritlteos phone W.

If you want Low Prices

ok LAWTON—Physlclaa and eon
geoa; of flic* In WUbfilm Mock, third
Boor with Drs. Bavryer.jmd Faobal-

If You Want Good Quality


If Quality is to be Considered
with the Price
We Can Get Your Business.

PIANO TUNINC-Satlafactton guar*oj<a'd F n. .Nicboto. srn sou»k


Eniun. Cltx pbont; llSll •

apr 13-tf

viY. Bricea rea*onable. OTBda wttk
O. P. Carver A Bm. Both pbemaa

Come and See US

OB.E.F.CHA8E-llomeopathtaL 04

J. E. Greilick Co.


Fine Interior Finish
h, JDoors and Mill Work
Lumber. Lath and ShingK
Plate and Window


Dr;w. J. Higgins



Fine Dental Work
SOR rroolS..


Tin Tnsvratrct




Office aOo



WitiH-'lm Bk>4,

Tiie Soufli^ Lumber Co.

BIS latolYB.

Trarerse City, iich.

the kipd that . . fit your 4oor« and »indows
at best prices. Deaters in all kinds
of buildinji material. Gel our prices and consider

dreea. but with tbe aamc
Tbe aScknaine of boef (

*■ '

our 8h>i iK-foro boying. Eitiiiiiitcs famishtd.
Oiroiotto: Biwt CrioM, l)(y Stuck.
Prompt DolWcfy.

Phone citizens


^Mlry Recoiiiilf Adsl



J. (t atfuXNAfnt

HttAlT fVllIC

Bl 9 Bant Front Bl

\Tp tMH

.■ffiei Of mciAi


pOMi t# b# #M «f frMdMI

;^rrr Perl^il rS^£3r?SH

mm.ii.u t»m.mttimm,t^t- nti

w* i.

«M itaMM •« *.«*«• t«* I
«■ IW iftww ■■« T •r«fc«i

«r ••« dt*

n- fl>
Ttr WfXnt tt IT-

«« ♦»


•Ht #f n Mit A# PM
«r • kM) 1 BMW*
t fW va i-iM.*'

■to *e a « itotoi



!»•», A. O. IIM.

MM year deg awmn ute tk# AilMiT
mmmn tM no cad ot a «M »Hag
lAeir pe-u diagArd (m UMiahMnit
drtUk after (mo daps’ rrpcleTa la tlw
paid tato mh oitp mjeekwjfm tba dellap that M?#d tba Uf» cf a pM. Mark
Crav rMBMibmd bU darcalY laippetolat ertar Itoto. -aex,* whoto bow-

wmus mwiD «ti «es

»—to M

•• Zp^m^ .• IW Wtt Mtol WW^ «te «Hr .(a>T
«M« <« fk* «Uf W4 '« t""P
***■»«-« “< »■>«■■»« M k«itaattOT to ilM> tmm U tU/M. •<. kr i
■—» •■ t»* toMk
|.« to -to tolytorOtotowpto^i?**^ *•«•*«»««


rnm rn m «Up. avay Mg ^ tb« tell

T.-«. TH fS^ BmH» •* <W!«*'MI*>««M «MlM *«ll«*a

cMitad la tor bto pat

TNEM TO death.

if iht totortoMkto of to





alert lux mrk*r.
It would vBot be correct to clos# g
dog editica wttimm apeakto* of tbt

”R*ner was tbe fiaeat dog '
j; /


«• UlOai.

Tbat c ver ran a race.

- MiMM Mt* rm liM M«ni «M «r fiM
iiMt I* Um
«*afli li»» U tmMfih iO*i<, M4 ««
k>t>Umgim§ u»thmtUfur athm
pmtdU iHiWUi*.
pmi^lk, gwmtUim mm
ftmhk’ mm4 Ifumiimg ti^ ili*li»^ovr
mft am psirlag of »I4 pnrtiM m
CMiA ma4
slMU. for 1W

^mnmm m thm UMh Mi «r^ <1 tlM
•ay Mi •• tee* teeiiw


Maiei IfMM. «• k# •apMM k
cli^ lar lie# pmrpom of pavlM !■

ww %.


brtit* o« Omo

•! tM acwtli


to ta#



Tvotfm iCfMl, Mi O# fKMiUaa b#^
iMftoi to Her «lly or <i<a#r


ertpg Uw 0CbPr tbirtp fMt. MM BmM#
■aiiM^ dfckkd tbat b* eagbt U» be
**Tbk to yiM Vaiagba of Cbkag#. 1
imaiDd^r U Mid M b* Uftrd Uto bat
•pd eiultod a mmkmam,

boiliiogt or ipoMk gnmieds Mi IM
•bk Mi (rooUM HpM Um tai»f«Nr«>
Mi Mtfiia of tali portl
Cmm Mi IfnioeTwlrofUL
aai b* H fiirtbfr rMolroi. Tbtt tb*

At mt htm OM arik kcmtli of
(im*n: «iul, koliil, 10 Itor. 4 foot
toiiekMiii«ktaOo|torroil. 1 kko

MmiIm of maklM Mli Him Mi
Mlac mu yotUm tmr iM


of |15.-

MiM b# MlMlK*^ to lb# Ul laytiex
•iMtorw of taii cUy al a apactoi
iloa aallMl for that fNerpoM by^bii


iMiorll. to br brhl la tba onoMU i
Hi IbU diy oa tba SU( 4ay of May
IM, fuM oar o*f0ocb p. an. to
o riorb |i 91. «ai aali day. aad that tba
alorb br aad hn^by U laatractei to
rauM* eeotlro %h M gtr#a tbrroof by

New Stock

portlox at Iraat l#o iaye Ufur
limr AsetJ for aaki alaeilua In rlx or

Eiwuih Said

Mra. C!atn# A
WytMloi. bad a aora tbruai
Ueblluf la b«r Uroai Ibat kapl bar ooueb

minutes Is-ftjre
rulce whlrb bad a turn b 4>f tbe pstemaJ
lu It remarked:

l a lelgbra oloap alieoa.
r aalo by all ifuMlata.


CALMAN S Inttroer »par la tha moat
iorabla varqUn maia. «. t. Wait A
may iiyi2t

2S8 (1st fiMt Street

Caela ianca. Foraalera ball. May 15.
SHAleK THKIOH aohi. gardtui
aleaieoi and! pluutbni. II J. Ikiyd.
iVaymaa; offirr Battoaa < bardvaro


Ki-duce the I.40H hour* yoo »|>end eacK yt-ar in the
kiuJiMi to l^iJOO And enjoy yountelf while there.

Cook With Gas
BuiUi your fire-with a match and kriepyour goml drew
on. No dirt. No a.het.

We Connect Stoves Free.
*Tr«iv*r««» Olby Oei« Oo.


and with our nuuiiu<r uf cutting tbciii
ap for your uUk. Beef, mutkui,
,tfuib, bam, port, vml and i»uhry. all
aalaatud with an ajre to leikkmm.
aadjniainaM. fr«ahnm and whole
aommuO. Meau Bt to eat every
day,MTved with oonrteay at Ihina
pticM at Ihia meat market With u.
ao Older ia too aa^ to he appoMiatador too large tor our capacity.

Any P«raon having backtehe. kidney
p4m w bladder trouble who will Uke two
or three Plne-ule* upon reUrIng ot ntgM
ehaU be relived before mominf.

SssrisariiaiKair*'“• 3i55S!

Pia.^ ekMka al tale fMeat aai aaabk Ow
|MaM> anf muwiy
*• *>* the «mMi tt Ika
nwurtlks. Tlwy aeotha tha atom el tha ilwame
MBhMMt eai erne *• IMtor e
to*K he^y aad aiabr. aad ha.

A tarty In a sa..-4|l




While the leglsteied dc^Ks are year:y

MU» Beaxle cli'librrately turiuHl lu
KmiL In tbe ui»|aMiiU dirti tUiU and ab.felt that be was auittlug aa be 4*011
*'Oue of tbe boys was kllUib but tb4*y
Uled twelve ludiam. and lu-lJ ibeli
round ull day.”
Wbat waa It to U-r wbeiUt-r uiie or
tbe Wbole four cxiwlaiys sere killed?
Indeed abe fouud beraelf^t wUb
Ins tbat kll liad Is^n wt|>ed out. 8be
bad^B Uu* allgbteat tilleiesl In tbe
affair uot tbat clay.
d over there In tbat c alley Is
Where a druxe of steers mu over and
trampkd tbe life out of two of 4.ur
We clldn l even Uud
tbelr buula ”
Mtoa Ucwle louke
ed atraigbt ahead

Bad luado BO retily.
Aud you wouldn't lielleve. would
Fou. that this Inilgultlkwut 4 reek we
are mo-hig was a mito wide and leu
fret deep Uat Iday? Wr l4Mt a tbuo
aand bead of atuck hi that (Waal ”
It waa anub after
8IUJ no rcidy
sji4b. aihd she meant to.thv bim
rbls Him* the slb nee lasted r..i itftiwo
es. and abe it was wbu l.rtvke It
at tost.
The Imtsiw liad ahk*d at a
4Xiyote dodging for eoxwr and atarieil
away on a teartog galbti
Tbe youug
man kcf»l ibeui on the trail, but niaAe
e allgblest tHTurt to clag-k tha
pac«. C>tt the cvulrary. be bummed a
ps««ator air aa ibcri toki clown h> ibair
Tbe vtoltur stood It as loug as
abe eould. mud then turned and ogdined:
H'an't yoo bm tbat tbe boraco ars
mpulug away?”
I bave ac«o It for aome time paat*'
be qnletly mfdled.
•Then why dou’t you atof. them?"
”i wUI if yoo ao wlab. bot a run of
few loltoa woo t bqit thru any.”
Abe did wtob It from the botumi of
bar brait. for tbe wc^rto was jumping
Itoe s goat, and It toedT both bands to
biSd her bat on ber bead, but abe grlttod ber lertb aad deelM to be amaab
ad Into Jam before abe would prefer
Tbe boraaa ran for tbiee
ar four inltoa and tbaa aoberM dow n.
and tbe yo«n« giri fait that abe bad
tbe ycHUig man agklu by not
Who to tbat nm yoo aeal to tbe
me after aaer abe aakcsl of ber
moAuata atoaemt bafore abe bad tab-

war. of Ca«t Eighth

Dog Dlrsctory.
Tweotxme 4H*gs are safe from tb«
Hiy iKUiiul at prerwnt. the tollowli^
being the* liMir
Heno K



to age.


bull dcirg.” who would ralhcT ride than

l.okUt coutta^, shepherd. Jim
\S> R. Caldwell, bull dug. Btomarclr.

My of the Slagle mUU owned by
tbe Kteel curporailou.
Tbe rail
*« siwmple.
«»tople. wUl
WUl U*
U- buUt
bum at
«t a
■ ccat
cc.t uf

• 'ery torgs
BiUttS bU-a of tbs amouut of mate­
rial whU-b It will taks to aapply these
mlUs to gained from tbe company's es
tlmate tbst fully a.OUU.OOO tout of Iron
CM wlU be required by tbs plant annu-

P. 1?







N**wfoundland. Tom.


John riirtsch; hound. Dan.

”Pat.” If be 4lar4H| l4V glv^ It away,


years of


George Kcwion. three dogs, two bttll


ex cry year c*ajd>. su evi n Rllxer 4lo11at
l4* ki-ep blm (mm ignciminUmn ileath.

lenlers. IVwey sud Chl.-f. and a Qoiw
d*in s»*Uet. C4Md«-y.
J M. Wilhelm and 8. Crain also |iaid

He N show lug his age aad Is stiff gn I
furc with rh4*unutliam aud Imicad of
d(*llvriiug the soft drinks ev4*ry day
piefers to k«wn the uff(c*e. while the






llceuaes. but

the dc*gi wc»re not


Mrs. i:isto P. Hannah. evK-ker s|maiel. -Frila.
Robert Dewar, large brown sbepard
Newf*mndland. Rover.
John W. Hmith. terrier, whits and

hr**wn. B*d,.
Water Works Pst Caixins.
l?harI,*M Weito. idack aad taa. Cuy,
mo the siory goc-n.
W. C Hull. Eugltoh
whilci bull dog. with lem4Ui spoK Tige.
was rsglsleieil a» the water w-4trkN
spaulal. .
tb»g, though he belcmged to Willard
Campbell. -(k>vertu»r.” as he
waYVlllw.1 *-h4i>henl. Shepherd,
mllcd. Kpcni tils time at ihe wdler
E W, la*hman. black snanlel. Kena
works and great I v 4*iiJ*.>ecl the hi.Hte
Should Have Taga.
After the rlty'H purchase c*f the plant.
Jamei Avery was fornu rly the city
’*Gio4-rnnr ' left with hln ma«^tei ami
scaxTiiger. vrhu*H* duty It wa** lo Ine.
hiM uante has dlHappeared from the
P«»«-nd all »mllc4*us*‘d dtigH and after
register, wheie all guod dugs' names
h<ihling them two 4U three 4toys ssiid
Many yoar* ago.


th*-ni ah.txK th*. unknown iimd with tba

A Ysllsr Oaro.
I and will be brought to to



walk, was duly entered cm tbe licensed


CCdhy. bull terrier. Hli

h«mn|f. Jack.


.\4*ars ago ' I'al." A. U Joyce's ”srhlte


A. R. McManus. Eivgltoh setter. Bato

tagged It to no idga tbat they have

b«J fM*.-:tslMii M lull at

asked Miss Heaslc aa she lurued to
kjuL tbe >ouug man aguare lu tbe«
• W.-U. uu. ■ be toluu 0 repll.1l
•*llieu >tAl iMiil iiv>t tkilher !o take
4-barge uf my beallb ”
That was wbat tbe buys would have
called a si-ttler.'aud It bung tbe youug
mu up fur tbe next teu mluutrn
i beu lu* HH-We agulii. lu.u ever. It w as
aa If toollilug bad bspiuiitil
**lt was on that bill over tbere.” be
ciUletb aald. us be iwUiUd wflb bla
whip, -tbat four of our im-u were sur
louudiil by srty ludUo warriors two
win. ago.” '

”Ruver." the propertv of Robert Dw

Hlonally he takes a trip on the soft

bolth. ,..u W* l«u ruu b.v. to .uid. I fouu'***
of roMtog about
about To-ixio
tubs of
of nUU
nUU Ba OkOntb.
44 tog
.o.(M) tubs
blm ttstoiu
ugslii today
•Jbe first of the* big rail mUls construct
”1-1 don't think M.”
^In tbe IMtts•^.Nx*. m-wr again. I'm su sorry
and I think think
aud It

. While the CMtoe pc^daltoa of Trav
cw aiy Is -not oa the Uecream*. the
4loiegies who UM year were given a
one year-, lease of towhU We numtoied lc.-« than aay vear f4»r the paM
ti-a yearm. but alneiy-f4wr buuaehobl
pets of the canine perauarlua being
registered, labeled and
lagged. wb«« tbe previous years near
ly two huadred dogs have at tlm4*s

clrlnk wagow atul en)ovM hU 4dd tlnu*

furoac^t aad sU fluUblng mllU, 1

amae other-^
Jtot are you going to---------------

iKt waslietxxvmsii. .Vmit IVtsy. While

CrntraJ Lragnrx.


-W bo to Ibis toau Tom?"
”Why, bes au okl Yale man and hf


And such a fuaay face.”
Tbto to tbe rfviacd edliloii aad fits

-Keep your bead. Mtos Vaogba. I
far this new steel plant
ooold poll blm down and end bto n»i
wUI bs tbe laigMl and tbe best
brrs. bot Ibrre to nerd of rsea maiw. oObUmml of iu kind la tbe work! Tbe
idMl to bring bum prlmapUy to serve
”W-wbal to Itr she asked aa abe'
Its product can be iuarkole4S
igeoemly la tbe aaai wa wcU aa
There are 0ve or aU la to tba west saya tbe New York Tiiaca.
rbaae «f at aad 1 am ractog tor tbat
Tbe fnrnaMa. ffolUug mUto aad Chib
bill with tbe vorksoa It t'ttM Ogbtlr. parto of tba tdant Itaelf wUl cover
aad don't be afrakL”
agaara mile, aud in addlHon tbe coi
After a tarrllk race for aaotber mlto pany owns tbuoaamto c»f actoa which
e amldcaly
aacldcaly piitod eepv trlU be used for a town site, for vut
Md. and iming tbe glH rntlmid y^rds and fur other faHlit^
from tbe. Mddle. Tom half ptiltoi km asaded to toaoxw tbe eAec'tlve openop tbe ateeii sKle of tbe bill to tbe tmo of tbto gtgmatk ptoat
Aftee tbe
uertlng of tbe dlrsctors Jodge & a
abetter of tbe rcK*ks.
•ni’e are aU right now.” be tbeerfi- Gary, cbwlnawu of ibe board chf dP
to mli. -But you kt*ep rrouebed down reccurs. after wbeun tbe town wbkb
tUI I bave a mtw* talk with Uwae noble U to ba belli up around ibis
plant to to be uamfd.
tad men”
uy -s pUua.
Tbe -talk” was bto Wlncberter. and
Tbe plant wUl consist of a Urg# M
before It was over be bad ktilcd one
furusves. opes
sad wounded aaotber. Tbelr less, to- grsgatlou of btoat
gecber with flu* aianu of the grliig. boartb ruraw4vs aud dolablng aiUU
seiil ftu* remalalmi ladtons a4*urr)ing hot tbe whole to to be ao tboithUgbly
eo-ewdiuated that It wlU, la fact.
At lb4* ranc-b buuw. after tbe amr>
bad Is^n told.
Ibwato waked tor
IM* Mitiad time

Ills tocM an Beet, his eye so kfWM,

ths 0#«s •? tbs Ts


liaiod May



the girl, and aba
deilrertd up tlie
ciMta wHb bar own Uiid Aba would
atoo-bare loadad ibe tni
rehlclf If Rbe bad been all
Aneb Na g bad foMuwed faat an tba
Ha of anttb No. 1
Wa. bave
bav ttflean atltop to drive, and
tbe road to ratbrr niegli** ol»aerved tbe

Liuiig snap as Ibey got aratt^.
.\orvf4r. RnubNuS!
IM or pftatrd kaai bill* •tatiMf tlw
-I take It tbat y*oo>iTe uerer rUiK
ttior aiei plaor <i boldlof aali rkc ed tbto aerfl4jn befbiar was remarked
iloa. tbo aiapuni of oMeaey to lie ralari aftwr tbe aUraee bad toated for a mile
•Xo.■bereraaM. Mi Ibr puriMKu. for arttlcb
*'Uat 1 trust you will gad auvelty
aali nm l« to iir oxio^miod. asul al»>
Hit pleaauri-.**
to rauM aali iw.ilt^- to lot inib
Mto« ttoaato kwkoJ atroiiitit abend
19 oiir or.worr of ib- ae^ apaprfa pob
fiiMl abut her teetli Itard
lUbod In aald rliy. and fhr not
It to tiue of <'oloo*4 Louf a bind
•aid tdrrtiun Ho poMitl and |iubll«ihtMl wtwtber abe etkbded tbe west or
•ball r^ain a (opy of fltln fffbiliitlon Tlw uiuu was iMkHituptuous. uud she
<11 fllLUH. niy Cld^k
It her sllfUCH lu U- a nut Iter sUUl>

fishing Tackle


iMM nady to nhebo baade? Tb# gtH
toMod Midtj Bt bfai Bad tllgbtto mM*
dad hmr bead, aad tbat was aaob Na 1.
fb# yoBBg laaB took It ao; bet. tboi«b
lea MlatBd «|h. b* did aM toM bto amlto.
**Yoa arUl giro mm ymmr rbacM
ptoaaa and I will
aboard, and we will I

•tfirci pobllc plaoaa fti aaltl rify. irrlt



frmo IM rnmk Hm of Simt#
•tM, aoi oo Itaeki# mrmm from tkm


Eire’s rsr,irrsisi2,,--.“

WM baMMlM abMg tb# pMtf
pat IMitP fMC avap tbe girl 1

MMiM «r OMW htnmmd kf Ue« l»it<r-

auaatli Mi

mmm. vm

bat batriM fatbv a dMla- • towUMto Itoltop (to toilt OH. »lto,4 atom to to «M I

MctfcHi mt trnmmu Mi #Nn« •• Cmi
•Mik Ml IM

«s« win e



aid of a line ahol

nine yearn aR«> oxvn.-d


This year Walt4m

SI ruble has the unw,*lcuiue duly,

xxsithiK f4*.r Un- ur.i. le she So»4gbt

“jml >eller dorg.” who was kieiwn as


be found, sbe 4.l.eerv4il a woolly lifnU


cag«*d and labeled, drivem. around tba




inunii dollar to


no 4log



w bifli upirturtil from uuder Ibe edh.'e

first divlskm uf tbs ludlwna ptoat k*i-p fits IISIU4* before the puhllc. Just city vwto as th*‘> d*i to larger cities,
TbU ore will be cHUiverted Into about Ihe Kunic. ills cpliaidi mo far. has iu>t «h.* apiu arance 4if the cliyii scavenger
of the IrtKl ttUd nsktd
”Ii Ibut oue of your ailldreu. Aunt AUOO.OOO tons of pig iron, which lb lMi*ti found hy the rleik's tlepirtuieut Mb.Mihl excite wide
liitcreMi In hU
turn will produce from k*.500,000 to
Dr K. I. Ashton at cm4* time owned
r4*aimi ton mich |u*i Mev4*raiice and all
2.700.000 tons uf stiisa. Every ton of
. -Uced, an’ nlsi honey.” Wjis tile recute
halml /4I41R
nanre.i g*»*Ml 4h as Mhould to* n4.llfled lb step
Iroikoru us4*d will lall for tbe eonsomp.

Indc-U. while he to Hiiistog their way,
tion of at least another ton of coal and
•'U but la Its iiatue?”
Ihe Itor
m»to,*s I hey lis\e Ih*
lU4r4bUe ain't go! iii^ iisms fel
Thi* wide, apofdecllc pug. ’^Buff." foi ttols to . how him when hi* calls.
Ibe erect Ion of tbe company 's pUuf
illss llosa,” Acini Betsy said.
trill require s vstt amouut of struc­ Tsai.v >ean owned by K K WllllaluK
rWby . It imiil t^
or ci years oM
tural steel, tbe praductloo of wblcb Jcdmil Ihe frl.-nilH who preceded hlui
Fortunalt Misaourtana.
scireU It 4»ugiit to liacs a name at Ibsl w III kcN-p some of the company's prea- la-i wlin**r l*e>4Uid the hunler atid ihr
ent mUls busy for many montba A
• When I was a druggist, at Uvonla.
am ” the tody »wl<1.
rc*gtoier where bto name aiHM'sred up Mo..' wrlti*H
T. J. Dwver.
now of
uriny of men will be employed
Aunt He*ay iimMeit.
Urayavllle. Mo., -three uf my customfor two years or mure In tbe cxwstruc­ on lung knows him no BUije.
*’l»at done wonltil me a whole lot
ly cured of cuntion of tbe plBub and wtwa It Is com
While* nnl writing oldtuaties of thi*
buu*-v. bit who' liNS." she siil^
Klng's New Dtscovertr.
pleled It w ill gi
xtinct canines of }4K*al residents, ti to
wbui Ab gcxliie d4i? My 4.ld msii. to
ud airtmg today. Oaa
bcoorid a pi.sslhillf y that C. L. nreJlh-k
4I4JI11* iise«t lip Mil de good iiumes 4Ci

. rr*

xe time owned a black, brown and
lie dwuir*. MU' njiw lUt chile ile. batter
wait Jwell one cb ttoiu illf. so be 4.4
white dog. UBim*d Don, who always
met river, tbe cuurse of wblcb U to bs
git bli limit*-.”--Sm-4i*»is Msgwxlui*.
changed so that the watenw-ay srtll fit knew Just when liU tag was due each
way Me Wm WlUr OUlksw
Don to no bmger on the list
to w ith ths couji»aiiy's ptoiui for ths dsA lerlsln New York man wlioi
Tstopment of tbe toud ymmortx tbs toks
Pa-fcsr PsrxninBlsn's Pants.
1-Mi.k acxMiiU 1« so fat Ibm it take
front aud tbs Calumet rivsr.
(Vrhspx in Justice tir the obsociulcs
sU liguies to mcitsme it. uk-iI to g
Iu addition to tbe Elgin. JoUet aud
the Isle Pains " oyriied hy Porker
• run ml hHikiiig
Eastern aud tbe other railroads owned
nneiloy be «cb
by Ibe Hteel corporatluu. the new Pennington. In former years, a passlip;
gsu's othie ami askiil tu se«- Mr. Kim;. plant will bs S4*rved by four great tall- word may to*
Mr. Morgan's ibarlty distributor.
PaniM” apiteared regularly at the cHv
ixmmI aystema. tbe Beuusylvaula. tbs
Ir. King is uot iu now.’ mUI mie .New York CVnlnd. tbe iUlilmoru and clerk's office and regtoiet^M. Ihe offlct*
o“If yuu will txMui* «n Ohio and tbe Wabash. Tbe Erie also
c»s**nt to lacking ln*niifonnatlon in
lime Ioui.o-i.»w you ii,«y Im iil.h patoss within easy euuU4H*tiuu of tbs
n*gard to him
Why hr- was dubluKl
tf» <*at« b bim. Mini |i.*^slbly be will be|n new ptoat Tbe Hteel ci>r|iorstlou wlU
(»ants.'‘ wxhrthei long or short, hlark
you M mile. ■
own vaWl rsUrosd yards to the west
or wlicthcr he* w*»re tianls st
11m sbicbliy ImiklQg imiii hioiigbl
except that he
It closing si-iitimv sounded raibcr w Ub all these railroad systems.
Tbe Uk4* 8bor« and Michigan South
Parker Peonliigton’H ”l>nls,' at
Tim Ilk y.m.” lo* ijalil. -yon sri vci v em of tbs Nek York CSutral system,
>si of |l |H*r )c*ar.
the Haltlicota and Ohio sud the Wa­
he ”Kcho" of thi.s was fonnd% the
”<»U, tUAl'M all right.” repliKd tto* bash areeugased In aherlng tbelr lines
hound tu-longing 10 W.'ll Dam.w.
•leik. 4i»ui|iiMsbMrately, -I’ve
l4*on In tbe uelgbl*ortiood of tbe new plant
broke myeedf ami you know boev'tt ao as tu avoid all gra4k* 4*ros»lbgs aud who lony IKO Uu;f Mark of Ihc llr.-n^
to make them fit >u I-tier with tbs Ins whic h I elongc'il to his "Echo.”
_ The abablM Im.kiug malt saw light Htetd'coiiiorMtion'M ♦k Ih uu* of coustrU4-8
Hull, with hto lUlle hlark
than in lanteet.
" be said, with a tiou. Itic* Hnltlmore pnd c»blo and the ccH'kc r spaniel -Dandy” was a familiar
lubbKts itownwtii'il glstiiv St hts own (jike Shore aud Mti'blguii Soutberu will >4-arly vtolicr at Ibe city clerk's office
tolbei. NU..^ tto*n the Sbubliy I Mik- Lavs a uulun statiuu lu tbe town of
and to
oppoKlilon to llith
lug mvii has 41HS411 to be shabby.— Gary. nuU the 1‘euusylraQUc aad tbs
Wtttosh W'tll have se|*arats stations of -Dandy” was the large* br..wn and
New York Hun.
while ' Bob” belonging
tbelr own.
Tbi* town of Gary. wbk*b primarily Vadc*r
Yes.” saUl tbe wail-looking eUto
wlH be tbe dwelllug pbii-e of the nwa
The sharp-no .ed INnnlrnaux ”FrHr.”
artcnulte with Ibe bamlle of gsrdea
ptout to expected owrosl hy C:«itig(> Molr. was piop**rl>
seeds, -my «elgbl*or barrow eil my He by ibe ulfiet-ra 4*f the Steel cvri*orallojt
ittflslt-ied last your, but with the re­
cubstor and k.*|*t It «l\ weeks. YVbi-u wltblu femr or five yt-ani to have a
imimlation of folly UW.UOU i«ople. moval of Mr. Muir to Canada. Trav-^
I asked blm for It be gor angry.**
4*rsc Citv looea the |1 surely and Cwn
”Y*uu di*ii*t say.” replliil tbe ix.udu- wbk*b wHI idace It lu the front rauk
of the amnller 4-liles of the miled^wdn Rets |h« dog and Ibe dollar.
tor on the ad-omiiMMlatiirti lr.*iiu.*'
Slates. This |»of>ulal4ou would
dd makwj
John R. Santo, while al
VN«4 onto that, the argiiuicut gid so
I Albnuy. j man. was never loo busy 1
warm we started to pummel one uiJOlb
IgHTi to to Iw
hgt there
hU Btllo
^ • titot
there were
were limes
limes when
er ocvr tbe fen4^.-‘

"Brownie” was to danger of the aoav
•Tbeii my wife aud bU wife l.K*k it
jxnger's rifli*. which would i^end blm at
ap aad mood there were balrplu# flviug______
ibe Steel corporation boa iwhappy hunt lug groaadi.
all over tbe .rard.”
ilkma from mauy dirac- fr >ni which no giSHl dt*g or bad* dog
rrlvllega mt aatabtlahln^ ever returns,
w^mraH^* to hlu lir* ***'“‘'*'^ baaka ^ atovx*s uf all klads la tbto
coorg.* Newton loves dogs, not dog.
-Taa. but aU II batched was tjouUto.'
-Ohlcafo ItoHr Xewa.

TW stMi »n«n<U « iu in

la tbf luarn uf Cary,
another nsme«l -Chief” mu
Ateraa. mbo bad tba rapuiatUm uf only mder
aader rwtrlelWaa
restrIctWas. a# that* tb# • hmintlful Gordon seller, ”Ooole>”
troaftog hto wife Very bndiy. vx a* uue 8ta#Icorpo(ptk>u
ooraaratlou w
ba 1ablet!) coatna Ay «aoic. owe tbelr long life to hU
w 4U
day talking to Otnick lu a aentlmaulal
wp uf tbe town.
jrhlMlv lo keep them qut of tb« dog
way la prmlaa of cunjugal fideltty aad
torn. -Tbe bi^babd.” ba
”wbo babavsn aakladto to Wa wife xkalways
aarto# to Wav# bto brnma tanad uvar
btobaid,” .
”Iu that cmasw- rapitod Qdmck. ”i
I "
Up Uto.
I WbitoQaIjrtUMrtliaCIlajli aap


to do am
I regart
King's Ni*w Discovery as the
iresl Cougb
and Cold
cure and )
iroal snd/loing healer. Guaranl#ml^ '
Job(Uui/Drug Co. E. II. Meads. C,'
Ibig^ Drug Co.. rtrugglMla.
d|l. Trial Udlle 10c.



line of Park

A Co s fifi
subdivision of .Trav
CItv. lo the
.11 h ind of SiMiih Ualofi
HtriH t hrtclge a
I my hands for
Ibe colleciUm
collecilou uf
the fifth toMtaUmeni.
together with the accniii! Interest on
sll uniald
to* paid bcl
bcfori* the first day of June








fail! I.1I bluiM lf UN an autb*irlty on
tbe gsuic. wrote a book abJut It and
sent a .ouv tu a well ktiowu ptoy«r.
■Hie l:4ti.*r replied: -Dear air, I btvs
read yot.r to*,.k with much Interest.
Tto* game yun »lem rlto* seems to be
■ good i*ut-. but I prefta' goif.”

NO t>OOD**






TOEMbatotoHifi IwitotaitoiE-





iBcbaa In diameter and aueaistemh
fMfii or le« fbkk. Baveraal abtn
iBi four lucbm ta diumetm aud with
fdaca ta ^ bacthtu fdr imunlut a m
M p^; akm have caac ar malm
juvaetf a diah Ul
atghtha tucLcw lu diameter, allowtog
tSMU between the edge uT

r gtnulng ni cocum.-«rrttca a
t of the 4'harkwton Meva
Cornier. The toxontor la J. T.
noier of Texaa.


BECAUSUi-Vour fam­
ily wantt and ncedi
one. h tcachen ihc
chtWn:ii to know mu»;c
played artistically and
blended correctly.
BECAlJSE-li. prcM-nt
value i» worthy of
much Klf. denial if
nee<l be to nave the

Sold on

Easy Payments.



r One OoHar
' Each Week'
Yon enjoy it while
fur it. 1'ho Uwl
Machimi on tvirth,
OoulhotiBiiutl m w nxxmli
io aelsH;! frt»iu
in nofl
bear th<*m.

p.E.HAIWBIt,Pr»K. \

?UliMr **• wrtU*-rw7 ^ |i«ary."
iokia TtemaM. m
B pliyrBlHAa, In na aildraM at
•. BnfUad. a^imw lhal oC
ttl vtiidwiB la tb4> ariirkS. aad Imt bai
had atparlvfMB^ vftb mtmi al ^ben.
ittKv A««»rtaaai tkhow tbf grmUU aaiT
jiy and <<«tbonlnam vlilrh br ctnUu
lio tb«> omirtMi at tbr Amarlraa unltna%(^itl4«. vbicb Baaire tbe BtmlMit*
franb and tMitbiiBteMir. vblia ib<> Bof
Ubbiaaa aiw tntaUicloallf Ur«J.
A^ht tbirtvflre yfam of eoallnu
otiB Wnriot* on tb<« faculty of ib«t ar%ard nHdlcal acbool. Dr. Hmry Pickeriag fViwdlirh, profeaBor of phrahilo^
ff and one of tb#^ bfBi kaovn authnii
t«ni in Ihi* raantrr on that uuhjoct,
to takf «-irt*cl at tb«
of ibe |ir<««ai ara4l«*p)ir year. TUe
raalcaailna baa.baoa awp(«<t
Duadlifb wa» born la 9tmum ApHI 4.
IMO. aa<l graduated from ilanarJ
twcniy-oac y««ar» lalor.
Favorable rc|»oTl baa been made by
the bouac Inralld p**nalon cowiuHloc
a bill lo grant (k*aeral W. ,W.
Ikidlt ) of liidlana a pnaaloo of |I0 \x>r
month Tl.c iH-m brUry b««aiii»* wldo
ly known in tbc pr«^W1«*nllal campaign
of Hikk III rough the • bU»cka of II vc*
If Her which bt» wrote. He b*al a leg
la tbu dvll war. and thimgh he U now
prwdirlpg law la Waahlngion It la
clalmisl that be cornea uadcr the b«»ad
of ' totally Incapariuiwr' and there
tore la rnllibtl to the maximum iwaBion.
Snowdon, wife and accMIN. Philip
rbUry of the laU>r me mber of ihn
Bilha|LH*«nTTSTnTTit for Blackburn. U
U alraoat aa eloquent a apeaker aa her
huabaud. wboao paaaloaaic aoal for
democracy the fully
fchao'a. Mra Snowdon la already a
familiar figure, In the lobby, where
[day by day ahe may b" aecu in watchfill aticndaiice noon herd bualtanJ.
Mr Himwdm Ik badly crlppb-d and la
iMitli iicivoiihly and phyalcally delicate
and hlH wife t^eemi. l.> live to aee that
hbi fiery apiril diM-a in it w ear out bia
fimll Uuly.
During Uie voting pa amefidmaota
pro|Mia*>d to the railway rate bill In the
aeaate fornif r Senator Pugh of Ala
baroa tmieiitl the chamlM r and took «
M-ai behind Ibmltnr Tillman. He wa..
quickly )olne<l bv Senator Morgan of
Albtiatiia and the two w«*re chatting
iMKi lbei when Sctirdor Pettiu of Ala
ma Piliifd the group. The c<»mblnel
Ihiee tiieii U 2ar. yeaiK,
ii5s»s.~uT the
PitKh KKG. Morgan K2 and INHtiu KTi
yeaia old. 'Thete’a a fine bunch of
Imya/* aabl H4*nator Ik verldge. thycungcat nnmdH-r of the w»nate. aa he

thoM or a now gin. but thara la a matlmianr cumb above the cjrUttte.
thnmgh which the Ueth of the rvvalT>
lag comb paaw ^The ranilt U that the

JiiKtlre Holroea U one of the moM
|N*<Millar Jiidgea the atipreme court haa
known. In order that he nmy
|(ii-j»etv4* liU mind fit*4‘ from dlatraiv
of Information and miwlnforma
Hist wotid Iniiair hU efficlenry
and wlwdom aa a jurtat be dm*» not al
^W4-If lo read the newapapera
One evening nTiutly he cbancad ta
me« t Senator C'ltue at a aoclal gather
II) the way.'* b»-aabl to Crane,
how iHVMir friend Cnrtla Oullil geiitnii
im* U he atni ikMitenanl go\ernof
•Why. mV riplUHl Crane, -be ha«
l<i n olecO'd govenmr*' "Great Scott?'
okclaimiNl Holmei., and lapM*.! Into a
ib-ep a|M<ll of m«HlitaUon.
Hiiiaior Dolllver. wanden^ into the
aiipreme ctnirt n>om the other day as
a dlvei>kui ft»»m the.vfrpbilng lagli
of folwlug the. rv*ceut debate unebaa
ingl* for thrtM> montba. Juallrc Mar
Ian haniien**d tonote hla pn^aenw
and aomi a i»agp brought a note to thr
ii-naior **1 am glad to aee vou ben*.*
It aafil. -You abouM come often to
learn what the law realiv la." “1 am
gtail to be here/* wrote the hcnatcw tn
a noli- which the 1»a«e carrbtil back
• Hut I am not aa hapoy here aa 1
vhould be. becauae there are ao many
na." In a few min
ute» another note came from the Juatlw. -There la oHen much goml law In
dkM-iitlng <»plnbma. It aald. "By the
way. 1 obaerv<‘ that the aenate luta
made Knox a committee to find out
w hat Hu wer meant tn hta Michigan
caae. Brewt r la from yonr clrmlt."
Stmaior 8-oit of Weal Vli^JoU hail
g mndktote f<>r office la hta aute and
phahed him vlgaroualy at the whbe
honiir. The opponeaU of Scott'a man
(lug up the fart lhai he wha not BO
exiuirplarf a clUxen na he might be
and bad a record. The prealdenl can
not think of appoln|^ auch a man
and told Scott ao. Later tbe prealdent
rent in tbe nqmlnaUon of Ben Danlela
of Artimia and wrote the (hrnoua lei
ter exhtmteg Danlela f^ having been
IB the pmUimiUan for aienttng a male.

,-vr. ..i.. . .

ptla^ Thu glT«i at a miilim tnfi at
STiimiiBdm^a racy ilph

Tkcreb iinntBlfccttniaaicnhr maBBtrerUartkutke WMCmnm. It Irtgs edek retarm
upon Mast hay. tit thet on Bmeeh
alreet. If oql^hy i»e loL Apply to

taor cmrmfiig MfiSd ^ tMa pfoc*
CM ka vary mwh iMckdr *ad.a^ mdMMiy
and la aaly aa^patmbla WANTEB-Anyone having
family cow for ankx Ad

Thoa T. Batea.


may 5^U

ll^f m>R SALE- Oeretml
waaltby darn. The aoft tifdd gIvaM
to M also rii#Q«atbi» fior Imraaaart Ilia WANTEO-To hire family raw boat
FOR SALE-Hlgh-irwIe ladlai' nhwL
or the caipat and for tecranaad hril^
ipr the aaaaon. aand deeeriptfcm
437 Monroe atreac
htey 8 U.;
nancy of ralaitnga. It la known aa
and prton. t. A. Jenklna. City, it V.
mo CASH will buy loU Itt. 183 and
184. Roee street. Oak Helshta aabWANTED TO
urb: ISO feet on Roee, IH Ihet on
waa nniMDea nKanvsy mw
Grove. 183 fbel on the allef. If eold
tng ablp la the world Tb* length of
before June IsL Tbia 4s a freat
the craD U 438 feat, bar breadth U hi
bargalb. A|»ply to Thoa T. Batea.
fact, aud aha la of 8,U» tooa^mrden.
Tbe veaoel la cooatrwctad of atanl. dla>
placaa 11.850 tuna of wntar aad la WANTEO-Wood lumert prefer a
aa a five maaled ahip. Uarato^
la familiar with other woodworkfore thr tergeat vamrU of this dqia.
( machinery. J. R. Orelllck Ca
calkd by mailnr men "wind Jammeia.May 7-tf TO RENT-Two unfurnished room*
wenr tlu» Garmaa ahlpa ITmiaam aad


autUble fur light housekeeping; aUo
oue tumlahed room,
€03 Weal
Seventh alreet.
may 9-if

•tiwugib of the lint oUalued hy the
two pytM^mae. that one tonld bortfly
Ull^ve that It W«a uot two reiy <ltf
feivnt gradea of cotton. The i»ivaerv-

hlr. ruUcr afao clxlu» oereral other
adrauta|p>ii for bla tin. It
. aa It will not clogvOf* I

dtuw lire by frlctmu ngalnat the Aba.
Tbe iviiuD ducw uot fall from the
feeder on lup of tbe wawa. but below
tbe gliiulug comb, to auutber ravolvlng
comb, w bleb tbmwa tbe <vtton throng
a third revolving comb, up lo the gin
alag comb, which catdica It In Ita hooka
aad carrkw tbe llm- tbrougb thoatation
ary comU whiTc it l» drawn from tbe
wed. A allcb or a tiail or a hatuiful of
dirt thruwu ibto tbe giu duea uot affect
lu oiierallumj I alike the aawa of a waw
glu, the gio
ald^ of the
eagihe^r a_
Tbe comb teeth aiw Indeiiendent of each
kewlUg machine
aeedle and noolher quickly p»t la lu

•rwey Klee »MW«Mr.
Innumerable fin* excattea have been
put upon tbe market., but the mojoriiy
are ao tou.plUated aa io. be uaekum
when ail eim-igmi ) re.|Ulrea their u«te.
Oue of ttie uiuat pni(*<lval baa been
paleuttHl by a .New York luvtHitor. an
Itlu.tmtlon or which U nhowu bc^reextcualble aud lompreaalble
poked of a uamt>rr of fiat atrip* luwlded feather. Tbe atriini are fc»rmed
cJ^a hollow noooombuatlble material.
O^end of the tire cacape la aaiwred
lo a aUllouary port of the building,
aud lu caiH* of firv tbe other end ta
throwu out uf tbe window. In iu nor-





muoiT Flag mtexn.
mal (oudltluu It will extend to a point
touiidurably above the ground. Under
the weight of a |#eraoa Uea^'i’udlng It
ev|mm!a tu a length aulfirleut to peruiU the um*r To juiaa band over baud
or allde down until he reactnw a aafk
Undlug. 11*.' atrliH. Ulug galvaoli4d.
they arv pre vented from ruaUng dr de^
U-rioraUng. while the Indlou tube al
Iowa tt eurrvut of air at all time* to
iMiaa through and tUua cannot eaally
beixmie overheated.'^
In uae a iwraon gruBlNi the tube aud
alldea down, the wtriiw being tint aud
leaving the tu.w Jual auificlenlly rt
to iiermit of au eway grip, while
aurfai'e ta not uneven enough to Injure
the banda. Tbe apeed with which a
party deacemU van be regulated read*
1 ao ka to form
the tube to Iwcom
ahoulder and preveutlng the banda
pamlng too quickly over the aurfacw.
Tbe tube tieiag comprMalhle. It wlU
occupy, wbeu uot In uae.
•r apace 4ban an ordluaU nqw capable
of «ccotuiUlahIug tbe aame object It
would alio be much mom durable than
tbaiope. '
Q. W. Fduu. poatmaator at RHrojton.
la., nauiiy Boat hla Hfe aad waa robbed
of all comfort, arcordlug to hla letter.
Which aaya: "Fur Xi> yeara 1 had
chronic' liver complaint, whldi led to
auch a tevere caae of faundlA that
even my finger nalla turned yellow:
me well tor eleven yenra.
for bllkmBB«M« neuralgia,
and all alomai*. liver

atorw. I# cenU.


I to ba Ibe limit of GIRL WANTED-For general house­
work. Mr*. W. P. Croteer, 282
alae of wind drtam vefaela.
Banrdman avenua
may 7-tf
Wmm fiawa
•OR RENT-Beot office rooms In the
the Partalaa for cited
A rrprearntathvr from New York aw
city: newly finished find papered;
lag and dying. Call 849 CiL
>oya uothlug better than to reiwnnt a
heated; hot and cold wau»r; Ih**LaprSItf
atory wbkh. he declaxva. be had from
daylighl rooms In city. Over Flral
an ofilclal In the pemOoo bureau. One
National bank. Inquire at Millikcii'a
day. wo the Ule ruua. Ihcsboranu waa BOY WANTED—To do. erranda and
office. Rent low.
may 94f
tbfwa alota, Joat
In rx^celpt uf au extraocdlnary commulearn printing trade. Only one who
ibcat braaa partltloua for cvlla.
ukatloo from the weal, ta which the
will appreciate a good opportunliy
Cut tbe tubing Into thirda by dlvld wrtier. among other thlagi^ made Ihto
FOR RENT-Farm 3 mllea norU
need apply. Herald and Record Co.
lag It up aa Imilcated lu tbe aketch. and. uatuunding atatenient:
Traveran City. Small house and
a^ 87-tf
uae abeet braaa for forming the iwll^
"I am now dmwlug a penaion of »
orchard. Other convenlencee. Chas
■oldeflug It to. Let our cell be four a muutb Utx^th tbe Lord baa prow
Norris. Nurriavllle.
apr 9 tf
and ooehalf luebea high <D». one five iwred me: au. being couvlucwd that 1 WANTED—Vktur heavy tensu to draw |
lumber: gpod wages; write or phone
and threeHiUBiierB tocitea high (Li and am not entitled uf right to Uda UMmey.
FOR RENT—Ten room bouae, 120 N.
the other eight luebea high,
Carp Lake Lumber Oa. Bingham.
1 dewire that,my name U* atrlckeu off
Spmoe 81, phone 35C.
may 1-tf
braaa cap four and ou*-alxuvuih tochca tbe ndl."
. aprSSlf
la dtomelcr. threaded, on tbe to|> and
Aa aoon aa the bureau recovered In
a uwwaure froiu this aUggx'ftug luteb
Ugcucc au iuxxwtlgaUou was aet on
To make tbe valve, drill
foot Tbe examiner lu tbe field rw
Iiorted aa follow a;
HAVING BOUGHT a heavier learn I
"I have Ibe Inioor to luform you that HORSES FOR SALE-1 have a few
am now ready for the dray bualnei*
good draft aud driving horuea.
through tbe bob*, as abuwu lu tbe tbe perwon who dealred that the nimn
of my frleadMud alranger*. Fred
aketch. Put & braaa apriiig iu bcblml be atHckeu from tbe penalou rvU Is
weight from l.uoo to 1.W0; pair of
Saxton. Cltlxena 533
Office 210
arat or valve dlak to forev It cl
good drivlag iMiule*. B. J. Morgan,
V In au iuaaue
Baal From St.
may Bfii
after ualng. then fnat»*u the k*ver
I haa been for i
ma> 10-U
arauml the valve, aa abown. and yonr
aiugle U*ll chime wblatle la comf
FOR SALE-Small place two mllea J. U. SMITH—Deieotiva Boraaa. Da*
TlUa wblailo pmdiKxa a luusk al bluat
tecilve work la all legltlmaU
A curiooa aeatbetlc regulation ooeura
from city; good frame building; Just
and can U* beurtl mudi further than lo tbe new buikilBg ordluaucea of the
brauchea. Suite MO. Power* Opera
Uc place for a counUy homa H. K.
tbe ordinary wbUtW. Fig J la an
city of Daruiatadt. Germany, promul*
House Bldg.. Gmnd RapM*. Mich.
Pnrrin Bt'FlrM NaiUmal bank.
aido view of tbe Iwll looking duw u fr
gated diirlug the paat yeer, saja thd
apr 87-U
tbe toil. Fig 3 abowa bow diak
Engineering .Vewa. ThU claoae forWd*
Into ibc bowl.
the Uae of "artlflcUl building mateFOR SALE—Hone* *t the Shllsoa MONEY TO LOAN—No tax cAanaa
laqoire of & McNamara. t%rk
Waahlngton. Cll. 705.
apr 27-lf
;*aiUw Jtwwt • Remegr Fwr laterPlace bo*aL
mliiwwt fr'ever.
FOR SALE- A floe n^aldeiu «• on Slate
The rout of gentian, often ua«»d aa
wlrofi. on iraviMl aection; \«t> dealr- FALMISTRY*
onic. la i^oualdcred lu many lualarl
Remember the future lies In yoo^
ttble; 50 root lot. house with all mod­
('ouuirtcsi aa a remedy ag^ilu«t Intir* than uti>lMiig? Oirla who take Hoi
band. * »clenllflc reading will reveaf
em luiprovemeutH. If you desire a
mittcut fever. HU)« s^ncmtific Ameri­ lUler'a K(« Ky Mounlalu Tea. 15 centH,
tbe true life's htetocy. Over SIT
home In this lecUon of the city Incan. EaiK^Ily la thla the caae In Cur^ UakmSL Bide aatimnea.
veatlgate. See M. \Y. Underwood.
alca In that ae<ntun of tbe lateud near Tea «.r Tabid* Johiiaon Drug Co.
may 7 2twk*
the town of Akria.^w hlch b tnfealed |
with malaria. Tbe InbaJtltanU retvuily
FOR fiALE-Summer cottage and lot IN THIS CITY?
protewtcHl vmUrnUy ngalnat the lulrodudlou of quinine on the p.nri of the
at Blrchwool Inqulra Aagu* Uhtf ao. 1 have ibe following ter sale,
medical outhorltk-a. dtvbtriUA' that they
CoU. •
apr 19 tf bargains, eveqr one
would not nliiHidou the n-iiaHly wbiih Llgb(-at fire dn«rtment water towor
HOUSE on Weal E^ySsuirBL
bad Imm ii uaed utmmg tbe lalaiulcra for
FOR SALE CHEAP—One gasoline en-|
conturlea namely, the gentiHii root une. Au order waa placed for tbh coa- . glue, 8 horse power, 1 single work
ellber j^wdered or aiiupty muallenUHl. atructlou of a alx inch aleel water idiw
HOUSES on Bast Teutb 8.L
Taneret dedarea that he haa extract­ from tbe gtouud to the roof, ao arNicely located.
321 BaywlreeL
ed from tlda root a hitherto imkitowu maged Uml four lluea of fire hoaa may
April 28 imo.
auUtttUee. which belong- to the ehem be attached at the roof noxtlo*. and
k-al claaalfleatum of glueoaea Tlila he atoamcra can naalat the city water de­
calla gi-niioiuerlua, ond cxiwrlmcnta lu partment pumiia by lapping the pliw FOR SALE-My borne *t Ul East
ANOTHER IIOU.SK on cor. Fnmt
Eighth St Desirable location; rem
Uk* laliuratory |irove that It posaenaea at the atrvel c'oniiecUon. With firemen
and Rose Sta.
the aame dekierioua action upon tho nhh? to *tund ou lop of the fourteen
sonable price. K II. Pope.
maln'ria baclllua-ua doea quinine. Here, atory building aud throw four groat
apr 17 tf
80 ACRES CUT OVER hardwood
then, we have auui^T example of how ati\>ama of watar U la eatlmated tbe
Iniid. level as a n.Hu. 2% miles flnom
riaka In
pular liuimel often aulU Ipate-i xvlth^
materlnllv luaur- FOR SALE—Furniture, bar room, fix­ town, of 500.
.vrtuU. .U.XU... .L.
of 1
tures and business of Hotel ColumANOTHER 40 ACRES 'cut over.
bis, A. Hebert.
roof atandpliHw for yenra. but the Imqx
Best Kind of imUIu Uatl. onljr t»c>
building la Umj Aral lo adopt tba aug
FOR SALE—No. 4 Smith Premier miles from market uhd perfectly lernL
-Look here." hhuuleil the Htormy tn
Ssilsfarfoiy term* will be made to
typewriter, almost new. W. B.-WU1dividual na he iu-he«l into the i.-al e^
any who wish to buy. Would acoepi
lams Co.
mar tl-lf
tale ot!iiv. -Uiieii you Mild 'me that
No fa.scinallon (>quaU that of a clear
city pmiH iiy in exchange for land.
auburt.HU UA yuu aald It xvii> aueh a hraintHl.
lovahlquire 521
beoutlful phiie It waa a lit alxide fur woman. Jum an there Ik mi picture
may ll-.1t
135 E. Ninth 8L.
falrlea and nymph-." .
like a hcauUful girl, HoUi-U-r a Rocky
Phone I0K8.
Traverpo CRjr.
-And buveu t you f«»uiid iny n—erMountain
tlou to l*e «t»Pr(Ntr n-k.Hl the aKetit.
-No. -ir; >nU almnld huve i
837 City.
May 94t
waa a fit al-ale for met niald*,-—Chl- Co.
cagj lUrily New a.
FOR SALE-Ladle*' Ubrary property
on Front street; &Lfoot front; terms
Deaths from Appendicitis
The iKt'ple
reasonable, dnqulre of.Mr*. C. J
decreaae In the same ratio that the be greattly «1lufmed over the fact that
may 9 tf
nae of Dr King's New Ufe Pills ln-{1 another idighl earthquake shock baa
They save yoxTfroni
_ _ felt In that cRy. says the Cdumbeen
and bring quick and palnleaa release' {j^“Hta^' For lit least
fit»m cunsUpailon aud the ills growing,
»oiucii of Aug. 31. HWd.
—Tbe greatest egg machine.
out of It Strength and vigor always,
<T,arleatou waa vlailcd by
for hatching |1 and S2 per thirteen.
I had the highest scoring pen of sny
bee Uru» Co.. <1™**!,^ !5c. Try «;a.
«uJ BueUjr Uiey ceMefl
variety in the rocmii poultry show.
ested in these goods.
Special prices on Idu of 50 and 100.
The Uneembnees the
W. H Umlor. 408 Fifth St.






8. H of S B M of Sec, Ifi. T. 27. N. R. S W.--fiO acrea.
K. H of N. E. W of Sec, 18. T. 27. N. R. 9 W.-30 ac^
W. H of R. W. ^ of >ec. 2. T. SO. N. R. 9 W.-fifi acres.
1 K.)k of a W. U of Sec. IL T. 30. N. a 9 W.—80 acrea.
Lot No. 1 «f Sec. 84. T. 28. N. a IS W\-38 40-100 acrea.
Lot Na 2 of Sec. 84. T. St. N. R. 13 W.—57 80-100 acrea. •'
N. H of 8 K M of Sea 84. T. 28. N. R. 13 W -80 acrea.
N. B. \4 of 8, W. H of Sec. 84. T. 28. N. R. IS W -40 ecraa.
• N. E. fraoHonal M of Bee. 8. T. 27. N. R. 13 W.-147 TfidOfi metm.
Come and nee lu or write ua for prieea.

Jolm F. Ott Lumber Cq. (

FOR BALE—WhUe WyaadoUes. Dusttaa BtralB, prize winners, flftenn
eggs far $2.00. R. C. ^ Legbomi.
eggs fifteen for fl.59. J- W. Zim­
merman 4 Son. 202 South DivUkm
mar 22^
$n CASH will buy lot llO. Hannah
avenne; Onk Heights suburb. 50xlC5
feet. If sold before June let. Apply
to Tho*. T. Bales.
IW 54f

I12S CASH wUl buy lot 188. lUnnnh
avenue. Oak HelghU anberb. 80aIS5
feet. If add before June lat- Apply
to Thoa. T. Batea
May Mf
tttt CASH wUI bey lot 239. Oteai
etiaet. Oak HeigliU enborb, Itelfifi
feet. If sold before imm lit. Apply
to tios. T. Batea
my Mf

Ladies' White Skirts,
with deep flounces and
two to foor rows of floe
lace and insertion. Our
75c and 95c line wiU
surprise yon.
Ladies’ Dtsw<-n. Tarim
styles, 83o and upwards.
Hkht Gowas. Isee and e»
flroidety trimiDed. Basaties at only 7fi<v she
Corset OoT^ the most set.



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