The Evening Record, January 17, 1902

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The Evening Record, January 17, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Tcstcrtars Issue 1450


or Ootnc to Ptms.

Bar st Ludlncton


By Prompt AdUoh of Lw
Ufa Bavara^
BMifej.ate bmi. •



OalaM, Jtm.
17—Tba ToplaB Said to Havw RaaultAd in
baUdMgatUbaUadM waaoBtlialy
Hwavy Lena of .Llfa
dntreyad by Bn early ihla
bn balldlav wan badly
laelA wlU naeh |«l.000. aa feUowa
O. Taataaiaa. Cn,«00i The Lake Uad(W OeepaiBtira Oo.. IH.COO; Toplaa
•l.flOD According to tha City of MaxaiBg, 9IA00O;
iaata A Oraak, aU parttaUy
loo Tatagram

Metheeny end Keuffmen Have

win ba • TaSM V*M.

Bought Another Line

Laredo. Tam, 4aa. 17—Tbr
■artbwMiMW eaU-Ta Maalae Tal«na nya that Bab baadnd wan klUad by aa aartbqaaka at
k Tnaana twr. t
Obilpaaelago. etaU of OdSrraro. yaatarday.
Oea of tba meat Importaal nil
Oily of Masioa Jaa. I'—A vary aadnla
hai lafcM plaea U tba
waeaf^aaka waa gaoatal Ibroaghof Mlablgaa U reoaet yean waa
It Mib npabUo yeatarday.
plated is Detroit yaateiAiy wbao tba mage waa daaa to -boaa
a> aUaro Pow of Um torarr-a
oaUn capilal atoek of Iba Manlttlgaa Maay wan daativad la dlManat
A Mtttbwaalorn imllnmd waa par-' i«ru of tba Miath of Um rapoblta
rMi»«g liigta ood tba ihaaed by DaaUt W. KaaliBaa of MareaaaadlBtba
dMka of ttaa tail aMMM» on owoah qaatu. aod a R. Matbaay. aearatary fBB-Bmarloan eoagma wblab Waa la
Wia Ux' 1«7 worn. Ttao tanat
Of Um Onad Bapidi A ladlaBB railtoodad vtili HO loM uf arretaw
Tba amiyBay will ba notgaaPoar diaUaet teedka of-a
ibaUUaef IbaMi
■book thU ally at ft :K yeatarday afiarMarqaMta A Martbare. with a aapl- aooa. Tbe aboefcj wen vary aharp aad
tallmtiaa of BLtKn.OOO.
Iba balldloga awayad paraapUbly.
It U ballarad Uml tba IWtyIraola Tbeanada of paraeoa ratbed fraai
nllroad la babtad tba pro)aat, aaA
1 aad dwalUagi late tba aUddla
that It U naebiag oat far tba iitm an of Iba atreala tor nteiy, oad maoy
Daatt Bavaraly With Speech of reglaaa af bmUmib Mlablgaa thraagb knell la prayw.
Iba Oraad Rapidi A ladlam, wblab it
Talagnpb polaa baot Ilka inaa la a
Kins Edward
Already awaa aad acairoU.
gala and tba moat manlva boUdlugi
The fell aignlftnaor aad magaluda warp ihakan. Tbara bad aot fora toag
tlaa baae ao m-tmb aa aartbqnaka
oat aatll
BldMaUoa that Maaira KaaftaaB aad
own tba Tnaena Olty,
fwiy Mo. • wtaS oaUn at ft o'eloe*
M» aontog. Hm «*ro«k o taw. ImS
kar hM4«v
fall ow to tOa
MTtta alda oflha MTili f«rr taar«,
vhM Mm ma aoaUUd U M fxM of


Uadao. Joa. i;-Atur tba apaaob
'traa Um tbtaea bad baeo romolly
rnd U tba boo* of uomaaaa ya

Laaataa P-apto Daairab to lUa
Fallaa la Tbatr BdoHo I-

baao BOaad aad aaoobdad, tba
indair. Sir. Uaory Oaapball BoBoarBOB, apoba. la a>-aanl K>rBa. agalatt
tba eoana of tba govaruaMDl b> (tooUi
Afriaa. Bigtag ooBeiUattoo la pUw of
tafiitr forar. Ha aid tba noM. to a
larga anaan. was traa of Inlood,
«ban Um gararoisaet at taaaaet vai

■ Of ao wllaa. Then ari aplaadld
harbort al Mortbport aad at MaalaUqea, n ndarlag It iwaalbla to ran oar
fanlaa balwana tba two potnU all
wlotar lueg with parfoat nfety. Tba
Tnvam Ouy. Ualaaaa A HaaUUqoe
aUo lapa a vary rich larrltory and Um
local bailoaaa. both fraigbland paaeoanlae.‘'aadorgad tba ado|>Uan of aaager, will be very large.
tba BMat Ubaral |«ograai toward InlOBd.
U tba booaa of lotda Bari Hproear
(Ubonl.>arlilolslBg tbaaddnaa, aid
Uat wbtla ba notyslaad iba lapoal- Acting PreBldentSchaJkburgi
bttity Of graatlBg tba Bear daaaodi
Oompleina to Sellebury
far lBdapaoA<aea, be dejirwiatad IbI aamodrr.
Hu lordabl|> Btgad Iba gorerBaast to
I•cm8taa tba Boon aaloootay aioUlar
to that iioaMiiad by tba gorarBaeou
of AoatnlU ood Oaoado.
Tba tawalai. Ued aallibory. wbaaa ^
adST Jaa. 17-Lord KUoIitaar
^OBtraBoa loto tba boaae war gnetad
' farwardtM a letter from aoUag
witb baariy applaaai-.aid ba waa glad pnaldaai Bohalkbatger to Praalar
to haar Karl Biwat-ar vont an
bary la wbloh Iba aotlag mala wbleb. biA th.' t■remiBr. had baas d.-nt ooaplalBs of the tnwtaMat aoaqaaally aud waiiarlDgly ooiidemn oordad Boar woman ia the eanoaatntion oampa Lord Ktibhaaer. nplyIt war galto Uae tbal tbara waa Bo iBgto Um latter, offered to aaad alt
ponlbihiy of gnattog tba Boon loda- th.> women and ehildran wbo wen
paednoea. Netibat waa it tba gonfii- wllUag to leave il>a eaapa to Sobalkaaot'a baiiaaaa. after baiag gtalaU borger that tha lattor algfat mat
looaty ailaokad. (o iofoia tba Boan UMmaabanwdl.
OB wbat lartBa tbay woold ba forgtrOB. aaiiaalally alooe iba Bo< n ^ not
yal aipnaaad a wlab to b- fotgUaB "
Btr wmiaa VatnoB Uarooorl < L>bbr Ur. J- It. Maaana of TUa
Mall by aiaoktng ibr tDiitiat^ of
Kir PHarlpal Teptr oT
narttal law la t'«i« Oolany.Aad by
aocaalog iba gonmaoBi of^gt^ly
Poaiiar.Jaa 17-Gov. filiaaaUaadad
aaet^ of traatoar of'^loblgaa
laau b^ ynlarday. Tbegovmor daolared ■•aaltivaly that than vrlll
nary, wbo am ta tba BMal mlllnni ba DO tpeaUl aanlaaof ib<- lagialatan
U>U year, aaleaa aomeOUag anasiiwatMr. OtaaabarUtD daelarad that Bir ed aboald happen wbloh will donaad
Wlllaa Tatnao Uaieoort oogbt
aaa. Ha alao aimnad btaaaU ai
bara plaoad a qwiUoB of aaoh import vary wall plaaaad wlUt tba week ba­
«ia tbafWBOt bb
by tba aqyli
Ha pcMoadad to }niUfy abaolnwly.tba
I aaaaaal latoibal
la tba traataaa' Beating.
aottOB of Iba Oapa ooloBy.
Then were aboot flfiy people to atMr. Obambarlala aid ba did not
are a anap for legal o>>liilaea oe oea laadaaaa at Um
I of tba vartoaa I
alda or tba olbar. that tba goraftt
tbais of tba BtoM board of eomabad to dal with U>a aaorgaBoy
thatu had foUowad U>a aatTMal tloiu aad ebarltiaa The next martpneltM of aU oooBtrta Ha aid al- lag wlU ba bald al Um Tnvaraa Olty
ae Utat tba gorartUBat of Oa|ia Ool- aaylata.
A paper rwtd by Dr. J. D. Maaaca,
of Traverae Oily, aaUUad' Baaaarah
york U tba Aaylam" faranAad
prlaelpal te^e far diaaaaalee.
Aon Womb Xaar Caomaa Vlallia aT It appnn that Dr. H. O. KUagnaa,
wlatoBi ta Dr. T. O. Taagbaa, «f
Qa locMaa.
Iba Uatvantty of Mlahigu. tea r»r
OadillBa. Job IT-Mra 3. Taylet. bb ■Igoadaa atala paitel^t. aad tba
aged wonao wbo llvaa witb bar aoa. gaaanl aablaol of jatbolagy waa dieWUIU Tbyl"obarry Otova town oaiaad.
ahlp. waa aoaldaoiaUy abot by bar
teagbiM-U-law. Tbr *iotis of Iba
Boaltet waa to tba dlBlng room, aad
laaalBg. Jaa. lT-Ma}or Mania L.
bar ^agtaiM-lB-law waa U on odiedB BaatorofAaa Arbor baa raalgwdaa
tag room elaaBlBg tba gBB wUob abi aargaoa of tba Plrat ragtaant of
did act know waa laadad. Tba taaUal,
a tS-eaUbra. paaaad thraagb tba
Tte fetor la cte Cnlgbt oMaa of Um
wall aad atraok Mra Taylor la' tba
>«a Marqaanaan mearalag tba loaa
loft aide. taBieliBg a paUfal. bat
af tbair daariy beloved eOea eat
Toba, wbo dapartod iteaa alaa llvaa
wui n L
ai.ftJO o'olaab tbit aiwiag
lb*i . W^lagtae.
IT-ValMoa fBBMal waa A*ld ibU afmrwea
DowBoy ad tba iblp balMlBcdna that lo-aloaL________________



yaobt aaaoaaiad tbUaftaraooa that
ibe^ of tba loBMUag baa taaae


XeatlB. Jaa. IT-Two olUaeaB ofaaUag attomptod aaielda laal algbl
while maatally dnaaged.
- of tba
Mood B. Paap Oo. of this oily,oat
ihroai la Um oily boapUal wblla teapora^r tnaaa, Mn. Aaaa Oiddtngi
dnakNodlne while deanondaat over
ily tronblaa Praapt roedleol atlaadaaaa nvad bolb.


17. 190t.


And Hw PasBAd Part of thw
WIN Darren.
Night In tha Coop
WlU Dairaw started tbna 'beaisi
jdgatma thU mntoag f* Uaalag.j
Tin bfrda warn nlaand at f;it Uaalr Uttla Tlaa al tba I
o'eloak traa tte aawrt haaar aqaan,
■apnamasofa geod-alnd co
aft bad gatbarad to aaa Um atari.
Tharv waa a lively little ttom at tba
Tbara wan two old blrda oad one
Oaai atnat aaglaa beam ahont ID
yaaag oaa. Tbry anaa ^ tte air. o'aloek last avaaiag. Baa Kooh, wbo
alnlad araaad tte eeait hcan, and
was aapleyad to watob tte G. R. A
lag a pant nraap took a tan
L paybar, earns to tba aaglaa
■d ovar tte bay. Tbaa tbay
aad teaSlad a ravolvar that be ear­
IcM to eight f«r a Uar, bat aota
ned In a way to aaka tba otBoaca foal
imand. and tar aaa^ly ao boar
eaa Some of Um peUoa iboa^t
kapt flylag aboat.aaaitiaaa baiag oat
Uai Koeb ahowad ryaptoai of aleoof eight tor It alaatoa at a tlma, bat
lavltrd to
alwayi ntaning » tha vielnlty of
pat op tba gu. bat deetlaed Uir Invi
tha soon boaaa.
toUaa.' Tbm be vne lavHad to Inva
At but tbay rose high In tha olr aad Um angina boaaa, and again daeltaad,
took a baa Uaa for Uio aoathwW
Oblaf Baaale aaaUiad Kla to dapart- .
Koeb did BOt like tbu. aad it U
lalaad nada eoma haaUledamoaatnfiaaa with the rwolvar, wban Mr.
Nww Cowommwnt Ordwr to In­ Baaala took the gnn away from him.
aad as Koeb nill aaanyd dtamiUBad.
diana Makwa Trouble
hr was plaead ia tbaooop for
of medimaao.
AboBi three ct'eloek thU
M Maa Maw
hr araasad Obl<-f BaantaaBd told bla
aaaa Tba)r War. D
t}>at ha would like to go oa daty at
Iba pay ear. Mr. BaaaU thoo^
ttet te waa BOW ■afleleaU.v aobar to
Waahlatgta, Jaa. 17—The ocd>-r U- attood 10 hU datlos; ao -ba
led by Um ladlaa baraae Uat ladlu anal oat thair balr, oaan palatTO MMB 010DtX0«
Umir faera and atop tbair war
daaeaa baa mat with nbeUlaa from
aavaral brlbaa aud tbnaU to atop tba
ratloaa teye been mt wltft dlaqalal
Tha govCbdillao. Mlob.. Jaa. n-Ex-Llaat.
Gov. J. Wight Olddlngt. wbo liaa
bean a naidaal bim for 1» yaati, baa
daeldad to leave this olty for Tneaea.
c inley memorial fund Aria. Be U at preaaat Irotonnc la'
eba aaat. bat will ntarn in a few
rbaM CUUna Hvatlag tba' CoMH- werka to move hU gooda, to Tneant.
bwtUa TbU Monlar-Total Amoom He baa beany repaaMmiiva of tbia
•aeUoo of the ataie at the aanata two
aabeertliM Ir UWa U flT.MS.
Tba iteool obildraoawelled tba Mo- lennA and alao liaotonaat-gavaraor.
Klnlay Mamariia fond Uilt a<unlug Hia removal traa Jbe city la a gnat
to Iba estaoi of M-«>. whtob. with loaa, both pulitieally and aoeially.
Olbar ooatrlboloea aakaa -Um loul
gn.BS. The following an tTie aab•ortpUoas up lo noon Aoday. roeelved
loaaly nparud
ft) Tft
Bobool ablldraa
ft 60
L. M Bennett
Geo. H. Oraa
I 00
P. r. Oner

Voo'll Bad tbia
Trade Mark oo
the tola of av-





Tba ataadlag today la Um Broord'a
eoetaat far tba free drawing aebolarabip la tba latenaUoaal OorraquodBabooUof BerMtoa. Pa.. liM
Obarlaa A Strait....;.................. IIN
Mika Btotaal.
Pnd SIwaadarf

aaaa Part Owner

ivar. Jaa. IT-CMM Jaatoa
MaRlUof tbaaBgnaacoanof Britlab Oolaabia. died Mat alghL

Cat ua prey* ta yau tba trutb at
yauiMka no parHeiia VMaaate


wuyioiiTuism iKn. MHTS

are yours at ^ off and many at
off from former low
prices. Such a proposition will not be overlooked
the shrewd buyer.

S. BENDA 8cLeading

New Ties just in 25c to 50c

Sptcial in Jltw Spring 6oods

novelty Olaislfng eiotb
75 tints ptr fard.

STM’S miiDtPiiiiM m
t : s t < ( t I I

«OMT »T.


Pres., Ge«. C. WUcc:
Vice Pres., E. R. DiUy;
Sec., W. H. Foaen
Treas., Tlos. SmortliwaUe..


General Agents tor purchasing, selling or Jeaung
Real Estate, and everything pertaining thereto.
Will aid in promoting and
locating manufacturing enterprises.
We want the ageo<^ ior sale of (arming lands,
timber lands and other real estate, and
purchasers for the same.
We want factories to locate and locations
for them—we want to repi^nt you
in all real estate matters.
104m acres good farming lands for tale
mi Easyy 1Terms. Abstracts procured and examioed.


M (HMD inn Diytim (o.

Fni^I people.'those who;
look for exceptional oppor-:
tuniiies to supply their needs
present or prospective, will
profit by these ^sh Prices
(or Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of this week:

129 East Froot Street.

/ fr/ Utih CmHrnf.

Trarerse Cltr



Styqr. 11

1 Jg/yrg^Pwiaada C*M0Mf .IS
. JS

/ A ««d/af AmRW......................09


1 AdrayM-PrwM«,ver)r Iktge ./•
/*5#eo«f PM/or.. ............ .40
1 » IS^miMf— far........... It

These prices poritively bold
good only (or the last three
days of this week.


MHblBte OUr, Jaa. IT-Jote BtakST'ff'.Tlif'!:
•rd. tte wlta maidam. wm te^te MTS.UIU,. IWmEIM
.yiK——. —

« vnhrmlaorsBW Is

TCMWMS OOWM tete-telg


M Mr «Mf
Sarbor Bprlaga. ^iA., Jaa. 17Davld O'Oaaaor baa aold
Oval Agliaior, to FMar OaapbaU aad
Cbixala Vlibtr of OhatiaWx. Tba
•AftOO. Tba MW owwm
will at oaaa taka the atMor to ObarlavoU aad
, .
^ganuay to plaatef ter on a traigbt
aad r ~r^r~
<nm iter* to Pear
arlalaad.____________ _

, IB aoalb portfca-toM ,0 blab Bootk





*••••*» dobart-Beecher

Id light aad dark effaeia-wambted fast eolara-

I olenyaan tevlag idaadad B7Tvbcraabtc«b.B.oon.
Deirali. Jaa. . 17—AldtTBan Robott
to nSng Urn aaiU to obtain
Barrie for many years a power In Dauolt pBlitloa, died thU aornlag of


kwk kt Uie
mad utofal goods in our Em window
al 10c cadi, worth up to 95c—nolhii^ cenpaiet vrith
it ta this secfkxi.


Oa «Up-aabaUr BUI Taka*, br- a
WHet PaHr viu.
By TUwraah ta tba BMcrd.
WaablBgtoa,, Jaa. IT-Tte aaaato
oqmaUtot^ca oomarra.- today, by a
nr T«Uera|>h U tba BaeorA
•triot party vole, dlneiod Cbalmaa
Delrail. Jaa. IT—Bav. O. P. B. Prye to make a favorable report to
Howard, raoeotly niaaaad tem an the aenate fm_ bU bill pravldlng
ptailendaiy. vraa tbit morning Aibaidlaa for Aaeriraa ibipa

nay Oananl Ohaaa aad Dapaiy Oaaa
Waidaa Bnwiivr appaand befon
OMBalaaluaet of Navigation Ohaa.
barlalB today and nrgod that the Baa
lapnaed by tba enatoar eoUaoior at
Grand Harea oa Um tag on which
Bnwator aad bla alda ebatod aad
aaiaed tba Oblngo teblag taga ttei
wen violaUag -aiato fiUilag >wi ml
aaldA The ooaBlaaloai-r../<Uoland
ttet tba flaa waa aawarBiAad aad it
will ba aaaoeled aa aocm at tba legal

the Incomparable
Special Sale



Plaa lapaito oa the PtahU* Taa '


For Ladies. Beautiful models with that refined
grace and elegance so much admired by those
who dress with strict nea^ess aad propriety.
' Minor's Monogram Shoes are all one price—

$3.60 PER PAIR

Tftt^OLP dBUAAtA \

6UL.Fn>ot Street


tHB armUb lttoosik, TBAtviu ott, mic&, nxoAT.


MUteMd iuMlil
M*. «M tatlj «M«a It «n V^XtoMMriM hMlMC
bM M «I«M* «< MMo tsMMt. !••
iM tmaernm wUk w



▲flar dt^teblag a ablplead at
^ aoUian t« Soatb Afriaa Orul
Bdtata lawadlatolp Ubu ap Uw mlyr a( PUM aacolbuui aiala. KU;
aUlad «bat iba «ad of ibe war with
lha Boan y ai Iwad a*aia. bal u
Ihau y a dauM u *M wbiob aad. Ii
wu pcafaabir U.oo»».l adalubla le tatafana tba Brltiab army at tba froai
- MUCKLATMa AvuaiAaoNa

a a Sbaw. guana feraBU ef tba
Miebigaa Trypboaa Oo. of tbe Oiaad
Baplda dlatrlai
looklag afyr tba weak la ptograB
tba loaal ayatra aad arraaglag for
BOW work. Aavwof^ra
wort cotey kMiagafiar tba Uau ^
uwubla wack.,aadlbe
matalUo Uaw for aeraral long
dlatuu oouaptloa tor aaw

Maaoa of tbe LradlngtOB
ehaaga, wbo oaa« to look orer ibe
aiu PI.ATS WLAaa ■

•aaa^alhaatoad Waaaa. '
At «w aaaul saaliaccd Um BHAau li
Oaky Va A tba foUawlat

fluacital aaatalary-Jaaaph Mqlaea.
■iiMdUf aaanlaiy-O. B. Bo-

Oapaiy-BuMlI VaadMtip.
Alycwu AapaO-Ody MeOanr.
tala tba
■uUof WBfaa For 'briok work^a
auJa y 8iad at «t oeaU aa bov. a
ulu of ftra oaoU ca tbf boor. Tbr
.way te atoM work Uat yaar WM«T>,
owtabat 40 euy bu bpaa paid right
Bkog aad tba aeaU wu flmd at that
Ma. Tbr ray pw bbar for plaaMtng

> WtaOaw la mol af I
' iBto yaaiorday afUraou Fay
HaBliii of tba Balarpriaa gTOoary d
uratad that tba big plate gloM wladaw la (be frut of tba atora wu bad*
ty cmokad.a btufc lU or oigbl fM to
yngtb raaalag alaag tba uB «4a of
tba glaat, uaraat tba door. The gteu
ooo of tbo largaM ia tawa, aad
wu worth aboat gwa It wu laund.
Jut bow tbo break oeurrad ab ou
kaowa Oeorfo Wlaato had bau dooso lattarlag u tba gUu ud
flalabad hU work aboat m
boar before the brM wu diaoor•rood, ud tba gtau wu all right
tbaa. Tim y only OM pIlMoatha
gliMt that kwki ataUu thoagb It
bad baw atraok with boythlag.

r !■ acBOOL

PlTM QraB at Oab mb
Yaatarday tba paruu of dUldru
ia tlia drat giada.of tba Oak Park
■ohool ware glru a ^ial laritaUeo
to be frawat dariag tlie aftotaooa to
wa the Mtaal loliool wofk. TwMty
of tbe
» prauut, ud Bw tbe a
•obool work. They ware gi
plaaaad with tbe work dooa.
la probably all of tbo other prlBary
gtadw of tba acbooU. aad partafa ia
•oaa of tba gtaaaykr gradB Ibli idu
eru"opMday"foFparuy wUl be
Are yu werklag In adUtuBful oo- oairiad oat. that tbe patrou ol Ibe
•ehoob Bay hare u opportully to
oapattu, at emaU wagaa, baeaBaa yoa
eee tbo aecaal aehoel work in prokbow of oo way to obaage you ooeopatloo and liunaar year loooaa>
Tbera y a way by wbleb yoa ou
lyawllbya year to a aalartiol iro■taBkBal poalllon at doebla yoor pc«a,«M wagu li will iioteoal ^oao
out. «or raqalra yu to l<«ra beiaa
or loot M boar't vicaa. Tlrat. qaalIfF tor a poaitiu u dratUmao. As Indicated By A Hacking
tbroagbiha Fraa ttobolarablp la maCough.
ahabioal or ArobllMitaral Drafting la
Tba teWnaUooal OexTupudwee
•Mela of Seraatoo. Pa., whlob Ibe
Booart U egerlug la tbe Bdacat
TetlagOutdat Tfati will tak.'aboat
Wbu yea haea a coagb yu are aow•U BUtha after yoa begia atadyiag.
Tbu yea eu eaally ombib a poallioa
Do aet let yoaieeleea got ia tbb eeodlte a duftiog room at a good aali^.
Uoa. CeBaandtoUtoueadytaitall
If yoar. aiabittoa potau atlli bigbar yea wky va know Viael U tba beat tblag
Md yu wuld Ilka to rier to the lo- tbit yoa eu taka tor a haeklag ooogh
•raUTaaod laflaeatlal profwtloa of
OuoltbagnaMat rewadU ' ' '
oeoUtootara.'or ateobaaloal or eleetri- •TW ban pmerltMd by pbyeli
•al wgUtarlag, yoo ou b»P on oeoiaaipUeB OJto air waatiiv dl_______
oil. Tea know bow dbureeabla
■ladytag at boBo, ia tpare /fioM. aod II liHear
ta taka. Wa bare aetaaliy wu
thwa aaod be ao UbU to ^whai yoo paopla wbo weald latber take tbelr
OM atlaU oteept that nTby yoar chaaeeathutotakatbatBedlelna. Now
OWa aBbItioa. Vote early ud otien. with Ylaol toll to aU dlB*ml. To ba
aura U owai Hi «alu to toa (aet that
It euWlaa laabIgUy ecaeaotiatad iom
Bvgvra IN aot-igrv
tba Tolaabla madMari peoparttoa that
■ AbaBlnr of tbe friudi of Miw haw made cod liew oU (aBoua lor aaeb
Hit boy garo brt a HtUa aarpriee dtoauB. but let u laailef yoa itat
aal ontoalB aay oi' or giwai to
la fta abape of a fatowall party WedBokaa toa old Iom of cod Dwr oU i
aaMy oeulag. Mlu KuU leeua
oaaby aad ohaa eo lapowiby i
Ma weak tor Kalkuka to be gua
Ylaol If yoa ■
wwa CtBO. daBoa. Dairb della
Mobd reftoabBuy waratlir order

Tba Naw^ork Praw, tba Boat arilUal of llw wtlra ooaatry. Iwa i
wwda of pral-a for Mr. R. V.
WoM'a AaUgbtfal ooiaady. *'Whw
WaWara Tw.aaty-Oaa.’’ whicli Maeagar BUUbarg baa aaeotad, by apaeUl
> data bera
Twraru Olty balog tbe oaly i>Uee to
tby part of tba aBU to gat M.
Tba Bow York Mall aad BttwoM
/wya: "It y tba work of a maalar
' band. It tOBpte tba tear to fall opoo
tba Up of toogblor. "


Vinol Will Cure
Lung Affectiene*


r raiaad aad a

Obiaf Jariloa Barford of OkbOmu.
hulaaMu order to tba affari thU
U toaira ba uly ou ultwad ohUd of
ubool age ia a aebool dlitriri, tba
ulhoriHu But prorlda a
Bboel heua aM tauhar. Tbit order
lafcw la tba utirt torritory, aod arlU
proeaTOty arpaulra to the rariona
Bi Biutor Baory U. Oary of Oaa
tariaad. Md..'ofaalrBu oTtba Vaitod
ttu to the Wia-ABori.
to tbe 01tyoCMpjtl(«>
bafora toariag for boi
gift ef •lOO.OOQ to hU uly grudna,
fow daya ago. ny baby it toa
au of Jolie T. OaTia. of Btotot. W.
Ya.. tbafoTBor aeaator'i oaly aoo.
Tba rold wnibar bu no affaet or
too wars bean of Bor. Jolia P. Bay
dar, puior ef the Mriptog Bead Ou
— ‘
■ at Ole
J., oxoM to toeiuw iu wamtli for
hninaalty. A tbtoly elad. tolrertog
BU aeoMtod hlB u tl>a atrut aad
told a piUfal tato of
nSwlu. Tba tararaad gntloBu
wuw toulyd tbatiyruwrad by
out aad raat aad gave it to tt>a
Tbaa. battutog by orareoU tigbUy
abut btoi, be prooaadad u by way
8aeuly-fl«a baadred BoMa y Uta
•ntowta of tba ury dapaMMOt oBOlay of too aaBbar of tokua for ruogaltlu whleii are to bo ordered for
toa oBoan ud bu wbo participated
to tly awBOtobla Waal ladlu uM
oampaiga ef tba Spulah-ABarieu
war. A t
WlU be b
wu to tbal oaspaiga.

Obarboott, wu for half lha trip to
toa aauwM aad a Urga pan ot her
tge to almoat euHut
I wlth otlier retaelii <
too aboiw. Tba tliip wu iwulicpUy
Aainytad by toa amtspy of Oarrie
Hatiu. a yoaag weaiu of Btoghanpir. Y.. MlB AUee Wurar. ^
a a eruada agoiuat eeady auna.
wbieh tba regard! as.Bore lanafnl
tbe aaady im. bat her oratede wai
hrooght to a anddaa ud by u nniyio.
patheUo polieeaaa.
Mitt Wearer
Mdaflae of nob porportiui toa?
bar tdau of refomiag (he world by
blotnag ut too caady atore tofator
hare bau Traatly BOdlBad.
PieliBtoary work bu bau eem
of toe largeM ud
loagul ^totog taauU in tbe world
naor Joann. AtoM Tbe taaaal wUl
er 8.000 tnl lug aad wlU ba
•toned u toa baato auto of Ji
ud ru toto the Buotolnt to up a
largo aamber of clalmt to toe BUre*
Bow baato. A larga bIU wlU ba bailt
u tba baaob if it eu bo opeiawd tlia
yoar runA It it nld Ibe taaaela
wiUcoetto toa aelghborbeed offi.-

King Bdward ii to be preetolmad
•Bpanrof ladin at Dalbi u Ju. 1. toe pruuoa ef the rtearoy ud
toe ladlu prtoou aaJ tbataiaapoe•IblUlT that toaprlBoa of Wain or
tba daka of Oonaangbt may atUad
tbefoaetlu u bUmaleatJ't totorTbe elaotrie spark
throogb «e•ty rato aad aeaiy aarra: A plaanai
jouf^ agad aad foab^ Ju O.


Baperti frcmi a taiga iiAlfci
Bibwaal aad Outrol Taua li
Bl^t toll ef bnry Mu TacatayHooen oouty, the dowapMW to«
aad Mra Btraag, Dalay Stroog. Mr. IBatbafMto^AnlBtolt ^wlU for 16 boota, tbs Brat tato to b(
•ad Mra lUlria SoiUh. Walter
food, to that clto ayttaa will taka
•wUh. Mr. ud Mra Bula May Ba- ap all toa alaBaati to aawy to atokaitoh
ak. Mu WlUu. Mud Yoaag, Bra red blood aod Arm fleab.
The old idu itat toe body ____
Whaa toil to due tba doota of tba
Toaag. AUla BuuBforo,
are eloM agalut eouaapitiB. Mbu Boodt a pewwtal. droatto. porOwiBa. ;iiuUa Wright. Her. T. P, lyttoB
aad aay aiUtlag IttlBUoa or -*Ttmii1
mtntbim will ba enrad.
Tboaaa Mottu. Stillwater.
Ta AtteU (i«enf»ir M«niu.
•aya; “Mycmadwmhatbv
“HygraadwBbatbv Mblad
A daligatlu of Bambara of tba wuh
a bad cooA latath ata laaaoM Mi
FHudi oharu left tbU moulag on
*• O. B. *. L for Mutoa to attud ^r«^*ef t/l^ ‘Im^J^'A?
•u'a aad B. K Walt « Beu'
M Friudi qaartarl.T Boottag there. aay la that it pnradjail toeBrilletoaha
Heaow fariinuchbatBc.aad
wwa Bar. X. Howard Brown, -Mdad.
li oengh hB dlBuBM.”
br. V. R. Fiakuna. JaiDM BUott
A. J. BbrllMB. tba erJaWotod epH■ad Bor. HaMa Baldwia. wb« go
•lu of Quad Bapita. will be to
fWB Ma city. B. J. Bari ftua Loag
Tutww Olty tm Tiwday. Ju. S7
IMi aad Bar. J. P. Wbita frea Ma- tatowta iMwMMtajtBtaMtMy to 1^ lablrbu all wbe baVa'^uS
BHOtW. _______________


Hra Ohariu Barry of Maple Oily
AM yaoterdayM her boBa, attar a
Bba yaru a baabaad

taw ui


bad alwaya ban paaouaad u a bay
with • baratog doabe to rwt tbo ntohabttod iMeu ef tbo w«a« ud aftrr
betog padutad to Battetoe raaelTed
to uead a aonun to that way botore
OMUtog down to tuttke. I
Dnw, Where 1 foud • pany argaato
togtoririttbaCnlorade, I wtatoritad
to yta and wu aou u tbe way. grui
ly cxbUaratad at tbe preapen before

rVlpo ^

Wbu wa ruebed tba oRreme Unit
Bowda yoaUfc*
ByMeg. l^r'wbaa It wu *
Tba Maw Yota Beoloclul aeatoty. of wbat wu ton tobaWted ooaatry.
parfaelly. Bow aaay bwurad wlU udurer to tare rnuTiw oatob« to aoBlwcro aad bockalOa
iiely exhanwed. aad that dreadad
- _ja woaU. gladly Waawia tba lAauHul goBO priwm ta aoaiheasip OM araatog and asked if word

bmaa to be whit-eloa ef thalr loM aaaa. 1 weald giro an Aluka. to iutada IbaAMku wa eaniad a laedletoa cbett Ub Ut- perad amou fneoda That'i a roaunoo
BiMfflt waba taeaadof mr
tba Kau pulauM aad tba tla daogbttr. tea ynn of age, waa Ul. atocy. familiar to ibt people of rvay
aad daagbM who dlad Mat ;
81. BUu and and ba wuted aoiaatUiig to clra ber.
There'! uwto« Worv which ooght to
the bud of Yakutu tay, lacladiu toobgb ba dldat aeen to know wbat be ai wutolv kaown u Ibe Aorr of diaKadiak lakad.
earn, and that it tbe «orv of tbr rnrea
eScrird b>-tbe nae of Dr. iWe-a Golden
Touaarow aftaneu tba Oc
For tbo paM weak Jaoob Wuvar, a
Diwm-ery. tooochitia. ashma.
w\li gl«a aa opu Butlag la OBaaga tdoWB, agod 40 ytan, of Lower IU lookad at lu with ao axpR
ball at tha taataUadoa tbalr oOoan. Bueu. Fb.. bu bau auagod. it y t iwtlef aad graUtada that 1 ahall arr- of the luQgv an.1__other
___ .ocmi
formac'of *'diacaac
Wa teviy tbay Maodt aad WlU tera •aid. U dlcriag bU ow> gura u a r forget. He led nw to bU cabln. a which afirrt the mpiralorv argaiu. an
blaak raaotda for taklag rolaa
naay apM M«r by dwaUiag. Ba baMnliral lhaeoverv .*
ibwa parb^ Tba ra- Uaru by ud y BMW. aad to sake
-Oalr I.e rN
-oleuwtll haglrt
•rrry t tBiDk I
ttat ba wUl laerira proper fercr.
U. Voatbo
Wbat wat owded tooM a
banal, bupnparta by
f -t •
aieht aad wa« rowrieOtd tu aife «d
The oputU !• balag waUta oot with of eaiefn) naraloc. bat tbe
star TSLkPBoKB worn
iroil II
lug. .» mat I mgh^
ua at baa
•11 (lac Imr. hek aiahl •ud dar. k>r
WBOuBla gnalto.

CMUlM U tp m»1bM tiM- l««Uff
piMM M th« MMrtol y cbt quaOnordUMMk*. TlMDetMOTMor
Am jMm
ttw «w ef
MMfc M tlM eb^ape* Ma mott 6v•bl*. Hava
Hawerer, M-Ibr pavl^ qua• abla.
' ttaayMlUl
y MlU U lu luiptuef. Oidliye
hu • vaad «Ml of nmby tbmi.
Vav tut Tiaranw Olty hu gnppM
arilb lbaaab>utMd Ui
» aaiallu.,p<abapa wr alfbi fltr
toma aaiubU pelcum Ui








arigbber wat twenty Vlles away aod
\f mrbed wonM not likely be araflabte. I knew that toe only rhao
tbe ehlld't-(l/e wfa for oie to remain
with ber natU tbe bad pataed tbe
erlalL To do tbit I qiost abaodon my
trip to tba Celondu. for It wot ont of
qaestiu for me to tblnk.of followtog to
tbe party tbrougb a
draft, with dlrectioDi
yid c
for tbelr nae. ibra told tbe father and
motber what wat requlml.
yenag in tbe profeaalon. aitd tbe ap­
pealing look Ibey both gu>e me broke
down my intention In leave tbrai.
nw my party more on without me the
next morning, remained with tbe rblld
tiU abe wae on tbe way to n-covery.
then returued to tbe
tog.-tbe faiber—John t>rang<T wat bU
name-^pok my band aod. looking
me wltb atraiige dreamy ryi-a. aalJ
“Stranger. If yon erer need belp to
nre your life, f will be there.
It wat twelra yeaia l>e(orc I got an
opportunity n> make auuibt-r attempt
to TltU Ibe far weet. TIdt lltoe I

FMfcPtaMBnalCtoBJu. >Tlb to

•h saw •
Bk. >0 tM IVKe->Coiam

ea «wr

In addition to the many spocial things wo
wears offering at spaclal pricasy WE ADD
TWO today that will prove to be the best
thing we have yet offei^ at the price.


Aboui tsrenty dosen Udtes' Ribbed Wool Pants
ud Vests tbu have sold at qoc a garment—This
lot will be closed out at 49€ • gstWHil.

Dress Doeds Xemnants
To make short work oP whaVs left and get the
room lor new spring goods that's piling'tn on us,
we have marked.them at just HALF PRICE.


IW. I•ic^c*•a Common Scale Medical
'Ceipt of aUmpi

FibejmsuraNoe-»L W. USTHia' UEKf


l Uea •ir.r-t (rum U»- auatk ha.. i4 Bar
irnt to thr uunb nd .< Hoolh I'nkai atreH

' Ttocb>n of rkolia aad Vueai Na^


BpM toe toeing. I«faare* never been
aMe 10 bring myaelf to tbelr oplnlou.
r: 8POTT18IV
Beory yur a toiga noBbar of poor
•offeean wbeei langa ora aora ud
laefcod with oeo^ are arged t<rge to
uottar olimato. Bat tbU U ooatly
and aot alwaya aoxa. Dod'I be u
uUa wbu Dr. Ktogi' Baw DIkotmy far ocuoupriu will onia
yoa at boBO.
ll'a toa moat

&!'S.jr¥SS. SoSTSl.







- ““ DR. W. J. HIGGINS

AUtbrlo >.{>lr.Uto>ai«l (vnotoe
aUilliBaaB-l (r<«l>ncKerttbrrBdr .gUeM.o
All Ibr krt*. nn. <.( luu. tuid. UH)
•bultlug ud (nujUB«.a nib.r .Kb
>lrj.e truB thr ...uib l»r>< rr.i
ib<rbcetk bar •■(liiau.
_AB thr Wt., nrt.
h4*. Ukth t

AT too

extra aupply. but falh->l. atnl
obliged to tun wlib iml lw»
kegt. bne ilung on ra< b tide of a luick
borae. .The aupply wat a-plenty If wc
got tbrangb on tluw,
Caiman’s ^Inleriy^ S^r U toe
We bad gone bni
when oar guide wa
Inslated bn returning. Oue of tbe jueii
of the party declared that be knew the
way jwrfectly and would pilot
torengb. 4 told him to go pbeatl.
day we rode over deeert |>laIot
which tbeeea-atuellber tree m.r aLrub,
uol a thing to break for a iiii>ni<-»i tbe
beat of the aun. In the* afUTnimn I
noticed our rolujmvr guide looking
about blni. crtdonll.v f.c Inuduiarkn.
and with a troubled ex|<re<u>n>u.
“Shall wc get water In lime fur tu|>perr’ I atked blm.
•'Oh. yea. In time for topper, eure,"
Tbe auD bang, a great nnind liall of
tad Are. on the boiixun. and ibere were
DO algna of ilmlier. Tbe day faded
Into duat. and there waa'tiauglii alnut
ua or beforo ui tare a de«-Ia(e pteln.
Tbe black night came on. We were
The aan rote round and red. fore­
warning ua of a bnrhlng day. At noon
we drank llw late dtw|> of water we
potsreaed. Wlwn tbe tlery ball aank
agalB In toe wcet. we bad iM-gun l<i
3Bffcc.elie panga of Ihlmt. Anulber
day. and our coubae waa marked by
toe hedlvs of men and aulmiila.
left tbe^eim puahing
our9A for
■ a diatant rlcw of lim

. That night I lay apart frum Um> reel
tUnklog of tbe borne Utat
hope to aea again, my wife, my cbiidr^ Tbe haddeat thought waa wbat
would be tbelr grief If they knew
wUhln a Tew boon I abonid die la tbe
•gonlea of thirat
Then 1 beard a low voice:
“Doctor. I am berer'
I anaa and tbinagb tbe gloom aaw a
>an In aombrero aad bockaklii beck
celiig me. I could not dlnlngulab Wa
featnrea. but I knew ft waa Jolin Orauger. tVakenIng my compauIoniL
rected them to follow me. I die
tall them tbit before me wat a guide,
•Itber in tbe Oeab or lu tbe eplrlt. wbo
bad once Bid to me. *«trai
rangi-r. If you
ever need betp to
>ur life. I will
be tbere.*’
For bonri I kM >ny eyea on tbe flgnre before me. Now and ^gaiu tome
member of Ibe perty mnetj luuac for
real. Then 1 Ion algbt of our gnide
When we moved on. tbrte be waa a
•badowy Tonn. barely diatinct eoougb
for ma to diaUnguUb blm from tbr
At laat I turned
my bead to look for a alga of day
When I looked agala before
flgore bad ranlabed.
Lowering my ryea to my feet, tbete
wai a aprtog of water: ■
I bare qwot yean trying to diaeeeer
If John Granger waa at tbe time Bllre
or dead wlibout avail. I aubmltted
tbe rate to a medical aoeirty of which
' am-n member, and it waa


i'arh Mr-uH (r..a thr Bmib bw<d Frani
■■trrrt tu lb.. o<u1b tin.
Htsir Urter. hair
WnUrpcMiMlmiUxS. (Virt-terk (<e*Tf£blw
— —priy^^toU


TLa But dam totoga
wUl ba tlBd MMIBully al ^ •auawaarto.
..a:------ a.------------------------- .. ^
BodeuM pclau facial •iSrnileo to
Mtaltol «U At Ju. a
•b. tot.

■n ihuucht
•tan'.o* lET



n'Bh'WBgP RV

Surteii Rim ElietriE
U{lt aid Pmr Cl.



The good, wearable kind, that can be de­
pended upon, that is ttte GRAY BROS. LA­
DIES’ FINE SHOES. They are worn by all
women who want a shoe that fits perfectly,
are fashionable and are comfortable. These
are made in three grades, $3.00, $3.50 and
$4.00. Our sales demonstrate the fact that
good shoes always find ready sale. We have
sold many, but we want more women to
wear the easiest shoe they ever had on.

Those who are bn their feet all day in the
office, the store, at the factory or on the
street, want a shoe that is built for perfect
ease and durability. Thatisthe“Hu-man-ic”
Shoe. It is made in five kinds of leatherand
retails at $4-00 the pair. This is a shoe that
fits every part of the foot at once; no stiff
places, no hard curves, just' comfort every
moment you wear them. Always the most
up-to-date styles. Bi)r i I* B Mi iif pm w BMiit -

I BYaaroTo
■ ililU lto». ba—aaM>iitotobaa
•wbaBkto«LaaptopMd.M« «ba
NT ^ aiwtog wuxam m

fCfMkiistd Dtws
• aWl^gan

run 10 BB 01 A PAID I0AI£
ptototaw* la tba aautr l«r fonp

baT^sSJ^ '35512

1 CMoatta AahaO *• Vaka

la tba Now Veak Ucrald'a aparial toMra from Parla tba other day appaarad
a rcaatBO of tbaatrkal nawa aod comBODt of (ba boor writtaa by M. rtarra
OM^dM^^kBrn myMir.'tat^ta^e Vatm. to which ba rafarrad lu tba aaBimn wbaUy euad ma. and. al- tabllahmaet la New York of a tbaatrr
Ihimiti n yaara eld. 1 mow am abla to
S^myLmaawoak.” It oraratoM •a a “rary happy Waa.’
to Bariln. Uome. BruaaeU aod Cairo
•a batlax a coupany of f'raacb ac­
ton. while New Ywk bad ao aucb the­
ater for Ka ratarulanM-Dt Tba loltlaMra J. Taylor, as aped lady of ire. bowarrr. aaM kl. Vetxr. maet
from Aawrica. .
Obanr Oiora. Waxfoed aoaaty. waa nmr
The lalUatha la now anboaiiccd by
aooldwiaUy toot by bar daagfatar-labiw. Mra WlUla Tylar. Mra. Tylar
be aaubllabad la Naw York by
rdaaBltiff tba cw> and did bot My. Cbarlea KrvboiaQ. wKb a k>anto
fcoow tt waa loanad. Tba baU wtot
throat tba waU bafort' atrlklaf Ka
rletlm. Tba wuoml la mm naewaaarily

A npaat waa r<T«lTad at Port Uora* Wadoaatoy that HB(b
died la Booth Afriaa. 1_._______
• formarly reaidad la Port Bor<m aad
Be Olalr. aad waol loBuatb AMaa
aboBl Iba tlaaa tba war kroka om.
Lottan wblab baaa
from btm iadlmia Jlmt ba Imd bam
pwimid iBloSat^ by tba Boon.
O. O. Paokar. of i
tortaialacblibrotbar.'Blobatd Paok
ar or Babdoak;. O., «boai ba bat «ot
••aa bafoaa Ib (vaatr-Bra ;<«M. Tba
too aartb. li'a too cm pntfaet
ataatiair «a« braatbi ■hoot by- Mn. reoMd
haab* of OaU, Ootaa, Ba/M. Braiaaa,
■ _•- f^br aukaova n> bar hatbaad. aad Borae Kealoa BofU. Dleara Paloaa
1 Taaadar. wlilob «•• Aabaa Palatbiid aU Bkla Sraptloea
Only iDtaUlbta Pita anro. Wo a boa
Mr. Faakar'a *i
M.’t 7. StoBt of Adriaa, kba 6. V. at Jaa. O. Johiiaaa'a.abd B. E. Walt
BalleaU^ of Alma aod Mra O. &
Harllaad oT Coral an andoebiad; Iba
oUaal trio of uipiru la MleblRU If
aot la tba wi^bl They .ara aaw 71 taa. ara dyiag off at a rapid rata, of
yaara o|d aad all of ihem ara watt and oenaamptlouand otbar dlaaaaat,owio(
lm«aly to tba axpoaara toay era aabta a atato of al«gr vbteh Mdt fair
•■abla tbam lo add aaratal yaara laora
d of .atalariy axUu
Cpiill I
Ibli (rio. Mobelaa, SIkka aad Anala
Bakar. bora la Uttawa eoaniy,' waia
>. tba aadan
faalUaad to ba tba oldMt lirlof trfp> lb vafaadtl
mooay <ma«0. . . .-aaBa'a War
Wanaatod 8yrlaii In tba atata Tbit trialty baa
aoraaad (ba pttlod at bryaara. wilb
ouailaalDgKoadbaaltb. Parb^^.- W-eeatbetUatoc
baM la ordar of aaa ara (ba tbraa aobt --------, rafandad.
of 'Wmi<« Oarpao(ar, bow of Waif<ad i Jaa. o. juHMauK. Buaami * aoxbobo.
oooDty. Dam’Bald. Uaawaa eoBaty.
Y*" *
aUlminc tba diaUiiaUon of baritui
Miohlfaii la tba itiMmi bi«u ^robHaatoalf blrtbplaoa. Tbay ara aow duolBC ateto in tba Union, and eaaboat 10 Tiwra of a«a. .
uaelly teraa oat bnirof tba astlxa
. At Oread iUptda toe loealfanlc
prop in toa ooautiy. n>U teat
aaaaan U aow at Ka baiffbt. wub nypr haii bean azeeptloually taefimble to
<00 bayaranad aalUra f^.ta arery part, Ow farmery wbo hara ttoaad liBOO.OOO
ef toa onaatry. A feint emnoot of, huabala of baena in tba ateta. toa mayulteda of (ha armta mey ba'
------------------------ I
Utalbad by ibtaietamaot (bat. in tba
Ohio. OKy of Tolodo. <
aaracel farnltara aznoaitien belldlnea
Imaaa oooniy, •
» “■
<e la a ooDiblnad tta la tiie aealor pertser of the flni
totniodatriae orar -1.000.000
1.000,000 i.ieere of* *’
' Cbeaay A Oo.. dola« boalneea
V. J.
faot Of
_____ _^MBo rantad. and
eity of Toledo. Gouty ud



areiaxa. On Utto beau K la Bjcnrad, eatarrh that eunoi baaw27by toa
toat«IM.O00 baa been eipaudad JoM 10*»»fTh Cara,
Sworn M tofora tnc aad aabaerlbcd
for tba pnrpiiaa t>f aaoBrlnx i
la tay preacnee on thU-«lh day of Da
whlto to axblblt.
Wblla Iba Oaotral Uiebl«au Coal, '’£dl a0^tai^hO«ii> la lakao tolar
' Oil A Oaa Co. area makiuc a taat for oally ud Beta diraetiy on the blood
ooal naor Aahlay (be
a feat of porawhil
dapto of SW feet. Tba oaw Bod ia
Uall'a FarnHy PiUa ara toa bato
aof( aaoatb to guiry ^o
ud there la talk of a local aMp—y
Notice to Tan
to oyiarata^ Tba orerlyiaR roo(( ta

I Aftorv* fcicnewrt^tmM



Kstod Mutoger to P.bhWMi
' Freoeb Tbedtcf Is New Ycrk.

•UmHw *• tos«<« tb*lr timhm
MttI th«T kft«« eu
•U «b* tl«bw.M4 tkM ■b—dcB the*
vUI iiid
U thtf or tiMf HfeiM ikU p««r, pr»TtM Ife* IcnrMtalp •»(! oMBtr tnMmn«o (Mr daiy. As hm«4»
•d at (IH Um ■
M tt wUvfai
to eal or n»o«* tiator fraa asp
toad la (b* Mato aftor Jaaaary 10 U
mr ymt aalaw all lasM «a»toad
aiBlaM w«t> laad lave bMo paU.
Tba laaatolp inaaaiiinato aatboriaad to ««fWM lb« Uw bbHI •Mb tlno
oa tba dalla^BMl lai ratoras lava

>08 feat tbBk. 10 fact faeiny a rary
hari^ranil^wbleb wnald aak<
aittaai^y ytod root to work udi
Tba papparaiat todbairy ia fnias
to hara a «ra| ranral In Moorlud
tow«tolp.^Bakk|toii(;o..Mha eomtoy
oaafon- Soma yaara ayo u Inmenaa
amount tba oil waa yrowii tbate,
tall lower Uia yrawara
■^1 iMd otbar Ilm4. ud tba indueI IB B^that areiion fyll tojanetinUy


To tto^ Taxpayen of tBb City of Ttar.
tolb for toa ooUactloi of
tba atata ud eouty taxea for toa year
IWt. ud for tba delilMBeBt aehool
ud oltT taxea ud aprcial aeaeamDanta
for mid year hare barn placed Ui my
buda for eolleoUon.
1 wilt ba in my oOoe to leeelae mid
Lzea from now aMU Fabraary 1.
XH. OD each weak day from 8«'cleek
1 II iW la tbe romnoob and trom 1
o'etoek util 4 o'olook to toa aftor-

■ dtir, auoB, fbidat. JAinuBr it. laot.

aa ttlSSS. wbra
Krueb eampaay
bira. ar later, when tba JnlcBct aad
Drirat compuy played In tor tittle
tomter attacbed ta Nitahi-a Oardaa. ar
la un aad taw
atqipoftata of dramailc aad oparetlc affltlre, aaefa aa tba Wa Aivutaa UaiWhen you wadi a CAiriAge
moet. Maratoll O. Botorti aad tviniam
Bntlar Doaenh. bnOt tba PTmeb Umo- for FuDenI, Wedding or to
tertakoartaanth adert.
tba otbar baad. tbrtr toa MAke CaUs, or wAnt to copiei
baaa ao aoom>e«i% adralW-a Ib iBtmto come down town, caII up No.
la toa Praocta lascufc asd iba kVeoeb'
etayr by Amarteaaa Twaaty Amer­ i. both 'phones.
icana apeak FrrMch wbara two did
k-reoch elaie draw now lo
Naw York ibaaten ae tbay coaU aot
tare pmcDdrd lo do (ban. Tbarrfore If you want a Bus for Itorge or
and yrealar cUanirtr hae braa
bolh up for Iba aapport of a k-raoch Small party. I have them for
tbaatrr. Ur. kYatamu hie (be prayret you. Satisfaction guaranteed
la (Bind. To tore li
and prices as low as good work
klm. la to tore it |o I
«u my MOW le itiat I may Iw eoutad I CAn ^ done.
Ob to eobaertUa to aarfa a p»«n Ae to j
Uw exact pUca I etoU BU la M-wea
to me latar about that.''
Mmw Mmy Mttowiamw
I haw hior carlrad. .r hv aad eKir. to
cw. vUrh I wtU jettll U WUCtABAlAPUCto CallmdeAto..
huThotoBA MtoamchlhBtrart.

(HUHB lit HfifSi






If. ^


What woald yoa think of year yre-'
oaiy M U be eold yea mnd for aait-:
ar? What do yoa think of a draxyltt. ^
wbo offori yea a eabaUtaw fortbei'
Madlecn Oo'e Hooky Moutoin Tea. 1.
Jaa Q. Johnaea.


« omr udetaritoof Roealaat
r Mew Yaar-e reeaptitm lotA t
•toa to axpraee to Ute Ualtod Statos


- Buys a good
' round dollar’s worth
of goods from
our Men’s or Boys’
Ulster, Overcoat
or Reefer stock.
Other goods
at bargain prices
from our
Annual. Inventory
clean up.
Gall and tell
us your troubles.


reperte whici/ (bey eoaetutl.e
eeired of the food feeltox in -the
Unitud State# toward Bamia.




c. irkti-anm.
Jaa O. Johneon.
elale.1 with Mr. kYuhiuan la aU
pn>l«liimy- (lint 1*. If pn-epal orcotla- MACCABEES AMD LADY MAOO.
Uooa (111 not fall (btvueh -will ba Mr.
BEB8 eboold remember ibemei-l
at Stotobcix e Onnd Fmdaycwl
klauHca Urau ae an lntaraeti<d pany
In tba plan wild U. t'uuetaat Cooualle
la the artlatlC dlrcctlun of tba bouaa.
Mr. kYohiuan will ylva ovit oae of hla
Naw York tbeebTe to the eompany
and makadt a iwnDenent boiue fur
toe k-rearta draine la New York.
"It le a plBn.'- aeld Ur. KntbinaB to a
raportar. “lluil bee loHy lieati In my
nilad. Saw Yotk. ynwt co«mopollUD
city In. drmende the licet that


.-V (..If T\ laij.nir


HIM.............. .


:duoatiOimai_ voting GONTEST.

Parte, Berlla, Vlpiimi. Hume and other
eapllala produced on lu Iminlii. It baa
ticrinnii tlwnucrm In-tv. atnV why
I French lliretcr ae well. ceinTlally
when It ie mucmlirrcd (bat the eUBC
Of k-niiK-e and Atacrlon are In cluee
toticb: tUat the Gellle playe arc prodocfd bere with erret eucreee and Iradinx
Frrarb ai-lora are heartily welrvaied
and draw crowded bounce?.
"Ererywherc one Imre Preurb epo>:
km In New York. Fmirh-recitnb and
lerturee are 0rco In faiblouablc drawInypoma. Hareanl, Yale and other collacee cItt playa In Frenrh. and wbcp
‘L'Alclon’ wae played here and.llbrellaryeet mie. i

In New York? I l•eIleTe-au, and .1 am
coins to undertake It.
••It will not be done, bowever. in any.
bair end balf wey, That eert of Ibinc
iweer buceeede In New York. 1
aotblns In tnltid but tbe beet when tbie
company It fonBed. I dent went an.e
acton (hat ouslit to Icate kYaace. bnt
Oa alt atata ud oouty tax payed tboee who cenaut well lie apared. I
rfeni Juaarr 10. tba reyalar fee of hope to have Ur. Mniirlre Ci
.ae par oeat for oollaoUoo will ba fated with me In tbe project and bave
oharyod, ud m
B all
" taxea n-n
talked It orer with him. In fart. It
,' ___
lOtb,, ___
J will
be be wlio lirousbt me and M. t.'o>|UeUti tu; charyed a fee of 4 per out for eolleo- cetber while 1 waa ahruad. and I bate
, (loo. Penalty u daUnqaut city ud naked U. CoquellD to uke (be ortlcUe
I eebool tuee ud epaelal aetawmuta. dircctloD of tbe buuee and to act bitsiroenUu oaeh dollar of toe amout •elf If lie will. 1 ex|>ect abortly lo liave
<ofmtd tax.
Coqoclln'e deSnlte aoawcr. aad I
gOoe la room I, Herald balldlny.
truft It win be ‘Yen.' ”
Aeked wUeb of hla tbeetera wouldbe deroU-d to lb* new project. Mr
Ficbman aald be preferred not to men­
tion tb* name at prew-nt but that it
trample oa It. bat It wifi come op woald be one of tbe beet of ble booeca.
emlUny every time Oalmu'a Elaa.
“Yce." eald Ur. Urau wben be waa
-• Floor VainUb.- & E. Walt A
Baked aa to ble loterret In tbe eetabI
Uebment of a k-reoeb theater In New
York. -yen. Mr. lYnbman and 1 bare
lalktd tbe matter over, and t am free
to any at Once that I aball be Uapp'y le
Bttbacrtbe to aoeb a project, ^r. k-robrnan. U. Co(]uellu and I oift and dlaenawd it tosrtber. and
ire all much
latrreatrd in the matter. Mme. Uertibaidt. too. baa been of tbe o|dulon that
permaneot kYencb theater In an EnxUeh aprekliis dty like London or New
York aboold bee eMaldlabcd.
_____ ____________
wuh her lo Bocb a pUn for Umdon.
playlnt In tbe eompany beraelf now
and asalB.
“At (0 tbe duUan and eeats of aneb
ab lUMlcruklns ea Ur. Frobmaii propoare. aa to whether U would Iw a paylas atfalrat once. 1 an not luepered to
my. But abouW not aentlroeou anlatlc
•< n^.ainklna Itobnr.wbM
tympathy. play aotiie pan la our ibeatrtcal Urea? KbouM me not reettue
•eoirtbllit to sire ibla gitat city ao de-Mrabte u Innoratloo-aD tanoraUea at
kaat for ithls geoeratlon aa a theater


The Record will present to the person getting the most votes by Feb. 15. 1902, a Free Scholar­
ship in Mechanical or Architectural Drawing, in the International Correspondence Schools, of

Scranton. Pa. Through a few months- Hudy vou can (jualify lo Ik- a li.edtanical or archiictnural tlrafiaman; then toji cu easily get a pomition; and Uy further «u<lr, arhile working at drafiins. yau can .lualify to be an architect, or a mechanical or electrical engineer .

Form No. a

•OMAN-rON, ^A.

200,000 STUDENTS.



THOS. J. FOSTER. President.
Time RIed

EEED the following advertisement an^ agree to )
vote for your^ffvorite.
^ ^ ,j
ur fevorite.

Jiinj CrUtH/mn I in




J f A too.

- Tilt, •nam a.








tabsnef For let me aaaure yoo that
the beatoftranalatlunA. (be beat of for•Afu
_B apfakUts
ap«akUts adore
adore, cannot five
sive tbe
fall relue to n Ptroch iday.
. “I bare hnd mocfa exprrtence myaelf
! tn brlnylttf Freoeb ptoyrra* to New
I Tetk. both In drama aad U«bt operd: taa. from tba middle aremthw. wbea I
bad a comedy compeny bere. to my
latm CovocUn-Uerahardt lour. I «ndwtoand tbe altnaUen pretty w«a
It woald be ImpoaWble to expect
ttot tba Fraach roloay bn* eeold aappwt aato a theater. It wooU ba telly
to toak f«r aaefa a nault. ato 1 my

wlto Mint ttor* ta Max ibttnM amMB


ynw TA IfflTC Cutoutattached Coupon and mail orbring it tothe
null lU lUiC business office of the Record. Each Coupon must
bear the name of the person for whom you wish to vote. The records
of the competitors will be shown in thepaper every issue.and votes.will tt.miW*.
be received until to p. m. Feb. I5..1902.
Send for Circular giving full Information pertainlng-to the above Scholarehlps 'ig.

Harold E. Walker, Local Agant, City Book Store Baiidiag,


tiBar tba tiata. tool
aa a faaca. Tha tl

u« toan. B*
OM oC Iba f
Mat raosn on tb* na«. H« w%
<M( T aid adKbt tarr bMs ulW taa4
ka Mt aiMvad UcMIr- Hr vai aa
Pa^ .Bld. tkat If c-Trr hr fHI
dnra it wmM UU tUn. Il«
tttm, MT«Ma
aad aa apola«»Ue
Mila. VBfamattHr for bltaartf aad
Mi friwidi, ha M4
_ . Paapt* Mid ha loal It oTlrn.
Baaar aftM wlabad b» aouki toaa It
paiMasntl/. Ila vaa llkrtr wh«te awldMlj aa(Cf«d to do tblosa whlrt. caaao4 Mn ■abtpp]' dara aod alaatOata
Mghta of rtgm.
B« tr a Ban aaM ralmlr >>4 dlapa<
Mtaatalr *-Uanr7.1 deo't care far jvi
t hato r«« fer iba hw buacrr koaad
that iva ara. Too dcllchl to ptMtIah
haapU. aad I tlilak I can oUmb all ortf
ra«r baaLand bear frnma”-

Biaia prapaii for tba falL
Bartac a«raod t» Agbt fair. Brarr
vnaM not break bia arofd. tboocb bli
wntbttigbt cbokc falni.
Ob the ere of r ivenidrnllal clcnlan
Baarr eatWcd a JUilc b«tci after a
haid ran aricb tbe teaeral mauger’i
•Oadai aad foaad a i«rlr of workltig■WB talktng polincu. U bm llnirr bad
> lone band

BiaBBg. bM 1
chekaty tUe*
hsaa as era alaar.
aaaaib aad cy af the baaba At
la kBVM B «Mr an glara daB fleafli <
thaavnbiiy whaala aafl tha lev
arefl Mara af tha ali|B—. aafl that «a oifl/Sn gear Oa hmla M. bama
eamd wOl pat yoa to Mm* Hba tha
patter e« tala ga a raad ar tha aoHfl af
ttat raa
haroM naeMafl bay whew yaa'ta Ir- AM m
faw la tbe baynaw. Naab bad
a«a ar twice, aafl Baaey aa
They bad crawled flava w«l
MOre af tba foot of tha bUI whaa Maab And V K raa. Bare ragtead, that hal
brake tha atlllaeaa: “Wave, wapo! Leak
oat there! Slop ‘cr. aiap 'err
yaa caaMt aaiea oar seat
ia«l TOT awanew a» «w aaiBa. a*
cur earn a* aangkt. re« taak?
Bp the new OM aC Dutchmen, you ale

lUkmt^arU.. .M cbBtrM «.

at a bad brtdfle. her wbena |
ronad tbe oiber way aad a flaed a
going M of ber aurfc.
. “Well." Bid Henry wbeo they bad
(•f&e to a atap. “what la ur
“1 doa-l are aotbln'.” aald Maab.
peering tbraagb bla wtadaw^
”WeIL didn't yea By ntapr*
n aeree aald aotbln’,
-Noab. do yoo want to dier
-Xo. air.”
TBaiter. Ilearyr abeaiafl tba band
fataketnan m>a tba top of tba train.
“I daa't know. Did yaa ate a^

“Hid yoa bear anytblacr
“Tee: tieanl Neah yell to yoa taatep
“Tome oat of there. Neabr
“I won’t coBe out. neary. 'canw
you’ll kill aw. I won’t take a Ikkln'
wbeo I alB*l daw n.abin’ "

fibe could not Botc tbc flflran loada
tbit were behind ber-tbai bad Hlabed tbc bill with tbe help of two o(brr
'nea-<M> there ebe bad te auad na-

otTt arz KorniN . ’
■ Irlabiu
. .* wllb I

"Ot’Bi a DlBiBirmtr
*Be’oi L" aald llrarr. "Niiakcr*
"OrmaalrtahiDann‘a> aat.‘“Yatfre a d— Dotebmanr

"1 rida'maat of ibe tlmc."
*^n Ot bla ll<4i auar I'otcbmin
that rtdaa.*“Wetl, I cneaa tlut luihiia me."
Tba Blfhl clerk reaic out fiMiii bla
littia bok bad locked tbc door. TImim
wbo vrra to lakr ibe lari of
baUntt bant) «> pUc tbc .bain ii|>
areaad tbe alure eblcli abuMl in tbc
■awdaat floor aud had )aai liceii Br<ti
Ufl that dar to Jake tbc NutcuiUr
ahUI aa tbe air.
U waa UDdrratood that (brre almnd
ba ao kicking or blllns. iiui ibai tbc
flffat voald not iMxveaarll;- ond
aren lag vub a kinickdoM n


had recorrred
rred from tbc fatlgnc
c <pf a
latar Henry Uy innlrr tbc Irtabtuau,
bM biding both of bl> wrlala.
**Tatl'ra licked.’' nald llonr>.
“01 know m. .Bo’re }qu."
“Bn 1 don't know it. "
“Tba Bora foot you.” .
Tba men tried to langb. but
It -tber
aoaldB't make toneb of a
la of It
In Tlew of Ibe way tlwir
-tVIII we gttJipV’
“Jaat aa you aay.”
Than Henry releaaed tbe big black
aadtb'a wHata. and tbev foti. g..i tc
tbalr feat.
Ueory waa a aiglii te are. but tbc
IrlabUD could not era bltu

** 'atfll wu^mIiT'
nay war* atmii for war *r *■
tbaV eeuairy uak tbea a
TM watt, tbe kita. tn* rlT*rkanM **4 by reMt.

to MEETto TOtolT

It, ;

HA J. S. Bma if MflMO Owte la

A. J. r Mb Mfl Da A. J. Mm
nail of Bocthport ara in ^ Mty «o-

at «talnbar«% Grand

DMfmuhrayfMB WeMiMghni i
.tho.^. B. &
M.- w« be tM


which hna

flaring the raoAt fllatorfBue. boa
Joat b*A ordered btoumi Oape Ben

AU ivMVfitlMiintn aasplatafl te W MAtavidlo, to aarva u fla^pof
tha Mg Biirt^ afl Manabaai and the Boatb AtlAtla otaliWL

wbeu the two light enfllaea
ea that
bad betpcvl Henry u> tbe hlU went by
tiH-y eliook the grade, and the Buab
•lid oul' ami dnw a to tbe Mtom of tba
gulcb M> feet i>eiow.
When Ibe trabiBea and
bad*mnte down aad ateell at ibe edge
of Hie lircak. little "nm Orady rtaaaed
■ Noab. you dirty fared drvU.’' aald
nigb lleary. “cama here an' M Be bag

It wnaM lie eaiy to eiplalB Hawtboror'a peculiar letnperameDt after
tbe niodeni faabloa by refatelK
bi-redlty and eovlreatnenl. No doubt
tberr wma a atralb of erceoirkily
ilte fainll.r. Me hlnaeW telle of a coualn wbo made a apllteea out of tba
akull of .bli cormy. ami It le qbIhibI
a draccDdant ot Ibe old I'urltaa

luollier-a life, hU^ybood ca Lake Selagii, where, aa ba aaya. ba Bnt gel'
“curemi babit of aolltude.” and
long ycart during wbleb be lived a
hcrtuii In Balen.
But after all ibear riiemal matt
nd even tba effect of heredity, ao
• wc ran taUwm tl. eiplaln little
nolblDg. A ibotMaml other men sight
bare written bla boekt If-tbair aenrea
lay In aurb aaifcedeaia Behind It aliwai Ibe deBOOir force of Ibe Ban btstHf. tbc eeertaitlog nyetety ot gaalaa
lubaUtlag bla brain and rboealng bla
'* an eieinplar aad inirrpmer af
lovlolable ladlTldiHllty la wblefc
r pain and glory
eaiate -raul
-Paul KIbct More In AtlaaUr
Monthly. _____
The Bevll’* Kaetl.



Bna a WIteov af Muakagou b kae



nnfl Otant lady Banord Kaapar Bower
will ba in the pity Aii arealng on the

wU. Low priaa

,tOtm tookmt
bU Aral papBi tooMag tovufl taaOB.
lag A ABBlflA oittua. thla son

Prtaa. M.I0Q.


■BfftBBa. low pate. F(te,|flsa

FORBAUl. Mg-Urgo h^ a
.Barth Biawa Moot, luga ban.
Ralph ABdaraoa toMy taoalvad hit
A lAiga dnIagadM
Aaa I
Hortkpon thla taeuMon by boat, nnd amio caattflaaM u a UoAud omb
JOR 8AU. Ml-Boeal aafl taiaitarw
Mg flalMBMAa wlU nlaa ba hwe tna ar andar tba nav law.
S7 loOB. iTtoolab .wamr, laiga lot.
fiallnlia. Blk Roidda. Sattcaa Boy.


WilUamabaig. MnpU Oity.Oimwn and

baaldca t>|nmBtnUvt>
In town today.
Dr. KnaalAd tnai to KUgalay <m


And V tl Wlae, amt Bagland. ta IjiUa Alao ba givw by otkar MneAbaaannd
areeau tnm BM wmm.
aarwol flna aalaatlotii will be aanig by
Tau tkat BtUaTaa
niajlm. tbangh.
The iMMrtlilBg 'elTct-ta of bot wat
da qanrtat aoB|«aad • of . Ofanrle.
Oad'a faith, the aaal la alov?
OraarUtt widar by tha hatdlBca at • ala- A. Bkelnhar. K. K. Vkia. Boa Obb- abould l«- more graerwlly known,
ureful h
- •
nler. feeWar talk.
herlain aad W. P. Croieir.
h la raiiwaa where no emogtk li. and
Tba paanroafl will not ba rmiaiiad
yau. tae. ahall fret tba yak*
and BO adtuiaMoB fee will ba etaigad Indtgreiiuu. A glare of hut water
aad tbcu will wurV m. a|i<n-<-i
" Bbm nor ikatr fBBlliai^
good: but a etcadj- baMI uf Itol uaicr
ly that I
drIakluK, ••m-c f.irtucd aad auUtm-tl
ildwey hto
uoutba Wurki
tularlj' f
btea aa sMBw. M am ga. far. 1
am gravu a maa."
la I vepi far wilhelB. ihaugh I dta
m warn rae Jan.
e ■)••» M mnimneei I aai paal
Byr baartag time.
ware ta krvoc my araoua eMU
■ual am hafota bre petma
LoDdiB. Jnn. 17-A alrong balU-f
b M raotaea aa (be yUlow tor tba ten.
beard conaletcd of
rabbit itba
aw. feearad brecr
caure of ibe aboil, om- h.-at<v. one o
la na eoaefart la tba atchnna but my taar
■•*4 eayUva'a bnadl
bwkrr (a Preneb t-ook<. a 1-y and
raopaood katwau tba Uwdlng dug. 1 oDcf abut nim- anipe at a abol.
It ll nal far yau. O Kn^ixl. ta give aa
Boon nnd tba Brttiab goveniBant.
hut tbIa waa In South America,
VTa hava gaM (h* tala IWM evar by tbi
8o«th Afrion dloeU roaa in empn- were «u ib<- L-njuud. and ibry
iky with tba npart*. Tha akaei nn- •bot for the i*id. 1 hat-.- nwd
Mm of whni wu -going on ii not eptalaiuan <i>ol tlaroii Uuiichai
hIk> abet a ■■iiuildrlMv- and a butterfly
t>aeo*am^l^aulf're^gtar7. high ti known.
wniiiaa nalo <M.
rlgbl und left, and Indeed aometlmn a
Wb<-tkar wknt waa paaing be-Mary AuaCla la Imad af floaaBna
larin- l>onjbl<-la-e doea for an luatantwaeii tbc Boan nod tba Brltiab gov:
latHVHia accoud kuk aueiAUionli. like
rrABai.c onn bo uraad penoe negotin- a dietant advaiu-liu; grouac.'}uat aa.
Uoaa. or -whnt will be tbalr reeoU can R-lieii on Ibr aim fur mirlrldgca, tbe
osly tnaatn ipaealntioe lor tba |yra- Ot-ldfarea luvnalliig tbc li.-dgc oDa
At. Tba''•took igobnnga evidently
iwl,'>'b uf Ibe gun.
•'In-mualaiMVB eouietlUM-a i
Ukaa n hopnfnl vlaw of the oolouBe.
N. T, hnaband at iblrtaen wlraa baa.
cur uut abudliig. .t frUiMl walklug
It U nanaancad. Jut aelartad bla fearIliK- down a.turnip Dctrl uw a alarticd
taanik in tba paraon of Dorothy A|
burv rum'ilug fuel oiid airelgbt tuwaid
Weed of Bridgeport. Conn, wbeu let­
liiiii up a furr<in'. Hi- aliMal aiilL wait­
ter pleaaaa tbe doctor, uye tba New HcceoOou Tauaeeitl l« tba Umire lma<
ing for her to tiiru. but lb.- ban- with
Tark Bveolng Joorul. Bar cobbuoI'hor taviilinr >l>li-ii illil iioi an- biinaud
Kreulag by
Iba tirnllcmcu
d pluiiip iigulual hia.abln,
of Iba HaH.
IHiig liccai-ir uH>l vcr.v- n-rkiualy lirulaA bard of imdy Baffnlora, No.
g h!a l.-g l\<ntilgl>l!.v
Ukan ber ceoaeni for granted. Her
hAab-tb orgaulatd WLifa ib<-follow­
letter randa ne followi:
ing cilBoen:
f tbe ('ewllpea.
My Daar flw-l raaa Of your alefanuM
M.-Mra. G. W. Olbeou.
•U am. aaaad, aarry far you, and I bare
area* up my mlua la mnu. To aay Ibal
Hos.-Ura. A. B. Ourtia
I am taM ar aMwty naaida but mildly ac
Iiavc m-Lorul iliiH-a baiidh-d Ibem. after
8.-Xn 3. H. Uaaon.
nnaaaa it i am nalibar light ear dark;
tbHr bonda
rcmuinl. w ltl.oal tbe
a—Kre- DohB.
hare bgbt bream hair, brawn eyta. Poaclaw* ivalurlug any (vault. It la tbe
nia aay ibay talk.
M. R. P.-KIbO Xntlbawe.
Am are faat tall,
M. L. r-BimT'Haaalcr.
uepauada Hmli
. k Would It ao
|■ul••-u lulga II
1. O.-MIreKdttb Rotacll.
eu that dayt I
llrpat I ovi-r
waa eleven inebra
O. G -Mlm Joule Vbacloob.
At neaaMil I a
Icagtli. a gn-wmimc cn-atuiv. A iilta
La da Mt lire ht I. Hay
Maungara Mra.
Tmotwlm-. Mr*.
I and I
fratu Dili- <>r tbU iflzc «i>nld u»a<t likely
Wboclqok Ad Miw M. J. Ounta
B I1UII1 111 WLWk
DanoTuv Aaitaa v
Tbc larmitol.v.vllioneb In* |«>wrra of
Dr. Vann wae a tong lima In decid­
cffciiM- nre iiolbiiig.-likc ltm~- of the
ing. Ow otbar letter nleo 'cnpiivaicd
Laat evening the gi ntleiuan of ib» •cjiniioii ur ivull|inl. »•.. liowerev. a
Wm. It wne fram U W,. 13 l.ev*rat
uiutv uuiaipiilar i-luimi-icr iliiiu ellbcr.
fttoat, Rraakllne. Matt., tbe wrttar of odor gave n rauption Ad faAqoat
Tba AtertAlnmcat eon., The horror of tbc~- birgc apldi-re «-iiteewbleb ndmlttad aba wae not beautiful. tha Indiae.
taliied li.v maiiv ja-.qilc la i-urluua and
mlttee wnieb aiTBngad for the e
Tba dogtor aunrad ber Ibat'wae
un*iv.iuiitoMp I liaieavt-ii AuNlraUan
obJacOoit. Aa ba wuiedJ a toeing ar
OM eoapoaed of & U. PaBlin,
I-uabnicK, olio In cucr.viljy hfe eratcrB4A Before aattllng upoi
.poo A data f
B Burke, and WillUm Biewnri
Iba wadding ba eipeHa in hru.frau a Thatennlag way «p.Lii in dAclng. ly acciiinl to iiiuU-n-laiul danger, turn
a-Lllc na ^ bImvI oI the aigbl of u
dinging Ad A eujovable program. ■goall ”|a-." aa tiny culled IL—
Tba BuSaliwe aud tbeir taBlllae. *TwiuMt»'J..nnial
vitb n number of inritad guuta weie
Pavurublc rulul.
paaaAt. Dr. Harrli-tt M OartanogH.
"1VII1 tbr-rc Ih- Bill- honor for tbc lUA
of th.- aoiaama ofltoara. w*» pruWbo dlacuven the Iiorib laiieT‘Oetalnlj. He will U- n great Ufa
gvgjrra in wK ig rv
Hie armament contlati
-A iffe Averr
A very dallgfatfol beiarte party
many deadly wrapiaa. wbleb be uaed
Ciidorera will ceaae goMg
givA In tba Park Place parlor ya
Id bli caraer u a buoter.
“My flrat tweire wire* were fair and^^UnooB by Mra W. 0. Holden lhei».“-rbl.-ago Xewa

Bargains before

your eie*.
FOR BALE. lO-^Oood aovA
^ Jaat BWtt of aizth Mte*LM
Sjate te aaM Prtoa. rCQ.
FOR flALR. N»-Vte Uttle boau
■aaU kara. Em F
Toohdiet Blk.
Kagymnaa FHultn.
Ofloa avaa avaty itwIib tUllR



You hflfe m SO te 100 per
cent, coitrecter’e profiU to pay
0(1 this property. It is til listed
ot its lowest eesh velue, owaed
by honest poeple and sold at an
-honest priea.
Always on the hostla, always
|lad (0 see you. Make aera
eales, have larger lists thee ill
tba rest put togathar.






RcflOs Pest tae Freseat Free.


1. Q.FtT oRMlTlZED

lovely woBMa and




lay. ai ream kute kredireitt Sure doua


F. g Huuugua.



Hm V im.

TraluirereTreretrerityre tutkrea
Far Upum.g ...............

rw^Orre^itomda. Kotomtoo. *u4 CIUre«u.


ireire amre *1 Trenrer CLty *1 4 10*. m..
impm aadTBw m
a—tb fn*

and Mra J. V. Melntoah. aulitcd by
tbe Mimu Evelyn Ad Oraoa MorgA,

name 1 will net nreotlon. 8beU living
today.. It I ware to meat all my daIn any other pU<


im m

MlmOnra Poond Ad Mira Lo«le

u(>mtr» Anniy •> a

Aboot 74 ladlat were |au-

At, Ad tb.- aftarnooa wu ipAt moet



Swaia c>p-

torad tbc flrat inre. while Mra Wlrr there. 1 ahall depart gAd raoaivad tbe Muaolaiien.
alone iou,


ookta Ad bAbui wen-

ot my dacaaaad wlrra would ntbef
havt me ba bappy than plodding
araoxid tba world atooe. l-betafare 1


« SSNT'Monre
.m Uoteld *n«^ red

<’ k Ml.aRAT.
: L LOi rVOOD.
O V * T *.
Uraud hafiM




«.funmcc bret. lalti.



Datrolt-WbAi,and 8b‘,: ooni.

t°JK’itr5iisr-rsj: sr



Dr. JoUehl Takamloe. i
idgbt U knewQ
Ibe '^derH’■ knell.” It beUg tbe notion
awake, llewafrrobabl^.uudaalrn*. that when ChriM waa'bam Iba flarll Faa«A’a
blaodiBi aargery Ibrangb tbe madlthaacb It wae only Uf3 in tbe evenBB of a chemical roBpealttoo called
iBfl. when be went dowLts the laillotn
adioAlln. By tba tocnl appllratloa of
ar tba aannlauo ritcr under iIh- ih>io.
noM No. luT. 11 would haw-.^>u>e to
,TT>c t'ulky
motor rare ofm tba oea
tba WM Iblng In tbe end. a.loc|i or fef».»|io-lal teniplBtlnBa ta people wbo ba peefortpad. it la
aar aad aye wlthoop^ba apIlUag of
awake, for you reoiemt>cr bow tlie mdrop of'blood. tVoi baa ll bare dem
fliM waa rat o« ib« train bj a blfl
onatratad that tbc dlacovery la i
bawldar that abn down Utc uioantalo
■mat powaTfol madlclnc kMwa aad
wttb tbe tpeed of a reiinon Iwll

aame time. It may ha aald. I
Maab bad cone to aleei< on Henry
: agpeaalre. At praarai It coata 4
two ar three cliaea, awl lletiry. Iielofl Bade to bold alBoet aanblttg. and rw
ingn a grain, w f l.4«k>/pMnd.
acnet even artth blnieeir. would aund porte kty tkat a lot of dntlable iplrtta
U hcliif got tbraagb free, ao aneb ao
It lulgbi b-ad blui ____
. traahle. Ha had taken Noah by tba
It appeal
mtk aoea and bad aald. wlib tile teeth
Both Oaramny and Pranea are
ebauffenra are i
«t and bla ataei Uua eyra flaehing flra
Nfllng mdanta to Imaftca. wya tha
Mba a ttallay wbarl: “Noab. I like yon. atnplee wJU be Bada.-«hleBg« J
Mow Tark Warid. to toara tha coojflfflTaa ara aba«t tbe beet fellow 1 cm
tlA af tha verb “B haatla”
•bw. bat. flora yof. If yoa eree go ta
Bear aa tbia engtoe acaln I’ll break
Une. llBbenine Anelert. a Praaebfaalstwe.“
Iba yean Ht7»-lBfl» Iba toll
romau. wbo favari aaaal rigbu far
^ar Naab m Aaking Uka an anIt daala recotdrd In luly <
roBcu. ba* Ut opon a aavel way nf
flaa. far ha knm bow High Hetry waa
tMflwil and be promleed nem to
poitagv eiainpe tapreaent a ydong
ating ber bo»d an a Ubtat
Abaat 4 a'ctact ooc aioAliifl they
ire tbe
vara eanlhg down tbe BMunaib oa
Data pslBO. bre^bt In from i
. ftbe rai
fMshL It waa a war* nirlag atomrtUarata
aunip* wbleb abnw A. are thrtrtiig In Ariaou and aa
Mf. Tbe freat had gooa oat af tbe
era CaUteala.

OblAga. Jan.


rival* were flttOA aar*
na. I can A 8k
MlnblgA OAtnL



Kortbwaaift care


Trading wan a trid* more active,
but at low prior, lb.- t^Uk of tha rata
being batwaau TDo Ad 7Se iot fairly
good atoek.
Fancy brisga son sAcy. bot tba
it Aob tn Ibe dally arri'
aU U M Mall that it All little Ogora


Diseases of Sk^.i . lui Scflip,
eraptioDs, eexema, old so/yg,
itching, dflndrag; flcA/dfl,
haras, quick relief in Piles.
Clran and cooling. V^-iable
Albeptic. 50 cts. Cuaraijlced



iS'S is

..... 1!S ,:t

luSre.'vwll^a'B '.
OnyA ..

who beheve U efloal rigtata tn aflU m*
■ there aiaaBM tn each latter, alfla
^ aide, with Ike aBcMI nUBp-^:MApe lM<y Nava.


martin & Spans

"wAoi BROS.
242 Freat Street

U«U**t(Aa*l'iT*ykuate.D*lrea«. -------- -




M> aka pinnr at Haira focmerty ot KarBoM. la aarvBtalnhBff-a Otnnd npa> konae tkia log A this Ahip, and bla friaada M
i>Mliig. Dapoty Orent OaBaamlB thia vianity will ba inBrvetid la tha

*Tha pglBelpnl fentara of tka avwag
ft waa I tn«t »*eot*a tbalr rlfli
wiU ka tba nflflraaaea of Orau Ooabaldly dan* with >Uy-.
te Boyniow and Oraai lady BooI flM^arm ta are tlma a*, but I abtf
oed Kaapar Bover, bot addraaai wUI

ABong tba faBoua balla of Dawatarg. TorkaUra, BMlaad. la ooc known
at ”BUck Tou nf Bootbtll.” which waa
to Ibe eburrb in agpUUoa of

and lawly. <^et aa a Quaker, gnllclcaa
aad flood. Uul .Nc«b bad one <lri>UiraWe waakncaa.
lie n.u>l not aiay

■J. Thv Md baen we tba rtad.
BitBhfl Ihh Mil. far farty-tlflM boon,
■hfl Maab vaa Mhlw tba (fltet a« Mi


lady Miewbaa.


■or* of biBierif.- He looked ahead
where 4w- bradllgtal eboee
tbtn Itaieatb nf aieel that lamed threw
rare away and dlaappre
a bigb rock.
By'.Ible t
wralb bad cooled down,
another word be |ni( Ibe lever farward, rrlcaacd tbe alrbrakea. aod tba
tnin mnred forward again.
tbc Mg bUrk engine pot
round ihe curve, wbl<d> wae to llaary’a
aide, Ibe citglotwr aaw a great black
gap In tbe track, over which tbe
ralle «ai
Toliv ibla tliw. and Noab. Iieliig wide
awake, went out Into tbe nlgbt. In
tbe tueanilue 4I0 waa boUiag and
attalDlng against tbe heavy train that
kept 'abovtng ber merer artd neater


tmjnamam wmmam ea»4


II «

Yu. A. A. fl a. vu. Oaraaiaa.


•mi* br JaO. JAMOU aud BuAre
AlloaAra.TrarereaChr. Mtca.


intbalrada Arrival* are falx. Waatb
A baa tniMd Aids, tat loBiarararua
an not low enodgb to



Sale* were 1 car oboioa Rnnli at
T»o. I aor Ane-BartaAba at Tflo, I car
good at 1M. 1



at TOe. 1

car lAg All iMd wbiB at no. I car
aad Rwali at lOo. l oar

.WtWm Fay y-ott

Bwaa.a*yOO.rmfluna. tnia
at tA a*at. • a* *. m.. 11 a *. m

WUI mtbk mmBJ tapalar pMa tar

Tha aeala of wagra afloptad bv tbe
a M. L D. Ha g te tha year it u
foUown: Briok work, 4« caU per


3. a



TmwiaiiWrtMiiBtpM OONT Be Foolcdi
•COTT * MINO. Provrv.


fieri accoiBmodfltkni far pfltiecrtt no-

OBoa ever Oily Book Btea Boon:
• M II A B.. • todB B.. 7 to fl
PL B. BaU 'phAa dR Ot. ‘phama UO


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