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The Evening Record, August 25, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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this evening record
rBA.TBit8B cmr. men.
Ml u. lb* tormaac B-oerd
OUw Haran. Mkh.. Am*.
Smi Upon by Strlkors and Boat
•n WUh Cluba
Oaciinas to Discuss Subjsct
fa-aarim acatkma ow Slaaptm Bear
Point and flonth Mnnlkon Inland bare
Gbpt. John]
RuaMlI 8a«a 8aya Morgan Can
End tha Strika
But Will Sail in a Fsw Wssks
Not for Hla Health Nor aa
unanU for tba bnlldlm of the
boat honaaa for tba Emikb anrfboaka.
oca for the ttoatb Manilon aUtioo on
tba Inland,
a ootdoo
Oalr aboal 40 i
Tbay ir
atrlkera. btoAtoo wUb e
back. A aaaibrr of U
undergo anrgtoal treatment
» tortkaCi. A. R.
M-Raaaall 8aga
a Hla Ueroiee lu Nationel
bnlvea and in gila Inatnaoa nnam**
Waablngtoo. D U . Ang. lf.-Unc!e
a liare beab mnda to gtra tba
ana tba beat ,tlma of thalr llraa Sam iro’t ao near a bankraiH aa acme
aupimaiMl It ia true that ao far
Ooramor Bliaa will ba pmaaot and
dellrer an addmaa.
Senator J O tbia yaar be baa eipanded aomeUiing
like 8l0.000.0u0 mom Uian bia rmmlpU.
non‘a llagahlp. and tbe reply, "Aooe|4
aanender" from the fore truck of^tbe
Prairie. Commander Plllabory’a flag*
abiiK Tbe Uttle betwewi Uie Mae. or
defending aqnadroo. and th. while, or
attnokiog a.|nadrron. wa^ thus quick
ly ended, eight mile. aonUi uf That*
• har’^Uland. Tbe en^uiv bad moat
aignally failed to make a harbor, hav
log for ita objective Salem
A prepooderanof of fighting aU. ugh, r.-latbe lively 84 polnta mpmeented l.y the
to tba and Praald. nl Mlloball aaamnl
. The tenta will ba ahippad lo
obaarad tbia momlm oo«i
night nod tomorrow the poat will go,
took no atook In tba rci«rt that Uia nl«nt fifty alrom. nooompanied by
man ara waakanluff and ara willing to
•mbara of tba Woman‘> K.llaf
ratum to work.
imtoqoa. Am*
Blrikara broka
out at louiafonl ibla »«iming and bant
non anioo man Ban KItna. a dapnty.
waa baatan natm^rcifnllj whila t«ard*
iiif a trollay oar for work
Aug. i5-Tna
oommlttaa of tba Public allianoa of
tbiB oity which wailad on Hanatora
goayand Panroaa at Atlantic I'lty
laat wark and urgad tbai^ to naa Ibair
good omoaa to bring about arbitration
to tba ooal atrika parfromad a like
laiaaion lo tbia city ynat^ywbao it
oallad on Praaidant llltcb. ll and raqnaatod bin. to oooparato wltb tba
Pnnnvlvauia aaMtora In hrtnging
about a aattU mant of tba atrika.
Mltobrll aaid ba would do anjtbim
that waa lumonabla to brim obout an
adjnatmant and ha furni.hod tha
wltb tba aUtlallCB of tha
atrika from tlia niinara' |ioint of % it*w.
wbi< b warn
to tbi
gnay Ian nigi.t
llaalalon. Pa. Aug JJ. J D Me
Oarthy. ohalfman. and MatU.ow l^
and Harry hilrarmau. macnlmra of tba
aiaoutira commllloa of tba Paoult- a
allianoa of lUaaltoo. want to New
York yaatarday lo rjUbaror to put In
to believe that no ^ueb cuUmity la in game of naval Btrategy waa l>roagbi to
an end, it having covered a period of
Tne noelpta from ouatoma dulh-a nnoroaingtoil. aleepleee night, of anxduring tl»e ait weeka of tbe current
florol year have eaoeeded tboae of cor*
responding period of laat year by aev*
aral mllhoim
Laat year thay wem
|a;i.0Ui*.ia). while thia year they w.-m
8»l.0U0,uuQ, an inoreaae that waa alio*
gelhar uneipeoted. The tr. aaury offl*
Morm t'alleauk
Befura Two BlorXa J
oiala can not acoount fv>r the increaae.
UHlay Mia. Lucia Welgand.
neitb. r can they or anbyody elae form
of Mr. and Mra Herman
ao eatliuBle %a to how long it will
Aooording to the contract which
Welgand of this oity. and Dr. Uoy ooiitinue
At any rule, it aeema aafe Mr. iPrange hav with the city he
Lincoln Noye». were unita^I in
to give up tbe idro of a deflolt at tbe would not be compelled to roll and
riage at Orace Kpi-Kopal ohnreh. iu end of Uie fveaent year, and that ia
pat in tbe filler of the block tlniahed
tbe pmMiiloe of a few intimate frienda
until another block ia flniahed. But the
jnat What the omicalChave done.
Tba chan, el waa prettily deoomted
The reduction in rooelpta Usmuae of diaaatUfaotion of the property owner., I
with pink and while caruationa
the mpea! of tbe war Ua will amount at tbe delay hav been
banka of palma. and Uie c.rvmony
to 80.S.OOO.UUU anuualy. but if tbe un* that tbe board of public workv have |
waa aolemulbMl by tbe motor. Rer. O. preoMenttNl increaae of Uie few weeka
laaiated that tbe block be completed ^
T Hlont. tbe w.Hiding march I
of the pmeent yroroontlnutw tiirough
ce. Mr. Prange. haa waived hiv 1
pUyed by Prof W. H Steffena The
objeotioov. altboogh tbe ooht of keej
oot the yior. Uiib will all ba
uabera wem t>T O
A Good and l>r. aod more, lintil it la known whether
lug a bired roller ben- longer than
J. Y Oaiiavan. Mlaa Gmtoben Hnr
tbe uegoiiiation. for the Panama can aotoally r^uiiud would U* consider
muth of Peoria, llL. waa brld...mald. al will have progreaaed far t nongb no
After a couferenoe with
and Howard Iriab of tbia otiy.
that the 84“.OOU.OUO will be required Book of tbe board of public wot
man. Tbe bride and bndeamald wem
for that purpose during the preeeot this morning. Mr. Prauge ngre<«i
al^plT. but eaqnialtely goume
year, it la not, however, poealble for
ngnge tbe uae of a five-ton roller
wliite. Mlto Weigaud wcarlm a white tbe tmarury officlaU to oorreoUy or rom Maniatee
Mr Hook teleiihoned
obiffon bat, wltb oelrlcb feaUiera
nnderatandlngly pmdicl whether the hem tbiv luurnioKand vraa notified
Miaa llarmutb a while and pink hat treaanry will show a auiplna or a that the roller Iwould be ehlpjied at
She oarriml a large bouquet of pink defloit at tbe end of the year
With OSOK When It reaobea here it will be
and while aweet proa
oot the Panama expenditure it will bat a few day. before tbe block be*
At the oonolnaioo of Uie oemmony
be an addition to our pmwml wirploa.
ween Park and Oaae elreeU will be
weddlm brrokfaal waa aervedat tbe
With it. it la eatimnted that tbe re*
borne of tbe bride, only the Imi
oripu and expeodllnma will nbont
Fe Roelerort aUU.
ale reUtivea helm pre***ot U*
By IVOefTBiA to Um RacuM
Mra Noye. left on Uie afternoon O.
to oiwralion aoma plan lookim u>
•armioatioti of tlie Btrlka
They de
olina to make public t\u>it plan or to
aay whom they bopa to aaa in tb.* in.
Tl.e Paopla'a alliance la R & L train Tor Oolumbin.Ma. wbem
the groom hue be*>n appointed profeaeor
of OpbUinlmlc. and Antal Surgery In
Sbanandonh. Pn . Ang 25-Raporta the Uniremlty of Miaeourl. Dr. Good
mc'iradat brigade baadqnnrtara yea hna nlao been appointed bonne aurgeon
yearn when be waa oa tbe medirol ainff
of tbe Hofthoni Michigan AayUm.
nil of whom ioin in aineem cxmgmtnUiona and bant wiabea. Many beauU*
fnl {irmeuU teetify to tbe eateem in
which both am bald.
talaed at boca l.ato TM* tv«»a.
Dr. Klemtng Oairow. of
noeompnniad by Hon A. O. Wheeler. ivereity of Miobigaa, wboaa naaiataoi
United Sutea Mandial for
Waal, Dr. Noyea baa been for a oonide ol
ana Dlatrlct of Mtcbigaa. S M. Lem year., and Dr. and Mra G. W. Law
on. collacior of enatoma aad Jaa A.
Ooya, mvenaa ooUactor. of Umnd
Rapida. will arrira tonight and the
imrty will be mitartaiued dorim Uaia
weak at tba anmmar borne of United
Smiaa Diatriot Attorney U. O. Oovell.
at Lorn
f'MowN jawsbu nobii
r-f— That Uam* W*ro Piiaem4 of to
Par naaia'B itobb
Lkboa. Am tb-;A ooartfmnotlon.
MJ g^iaa that tba crown )ownU warn
twmliy told to eovar
Sobk Tba jawala.
n big royal
ba aaja. Imit* b4«i
wplimd by imllntkiaa
died yesterday
wnaeanaed by genmal debility. Tbe
fnneral waa held this afternoon from
the ebnrob In WilUamaburg and Uie
body will Iw interred in the oemalery
Bigbl aad aaoning at the beaaufnl
borne of HsBntnr Lodge. The pred*
dent WiU wmak In Boeten this even*
Kid an
tent and
JInd fcu’ll
Silks! Silks!! Silks!!!
Stt »ur Win
Wash Silks, th9 50c kind at
Foulard Silks, the 75c kind at SOC
Sprineand Fall Jackets in Bld:k and
Brown Cheviot, the latest style—
to cl(»e out. $6*00
New goods arriving daily, do not fall
to visit our store whether you wish
to buy or not and see all the nice
goods that we are receiving.
A new line of
Some Very Nobby Styles. Choice Values.
as stvIiNh, scfM. cable, comtiinahlc xhoi*s zs a five dol*
1.U bill wouhl buv anywhere
III the bnd.
THE GENTLEMAN wbohnemy oopy
Xn. O. B. B«U It tUlUac Dt. ami
tn. aUUMij et lakt Aaa.
. . jg
mg a dollar and a half,
Bup WalhOotrs'
Awar Vmtordar.
baraed Saturday eftonmoo It waa not
Lynn, Ang.
red for n large nmoani and tbe
veil lennmad bU New KaglaBd loar
dona WiU inU banvily npoa tbe owner.
tbUnftenooa, after gpmidlag n quiet
have no objections to xav-
varpeatarB* I’alou.
The handU factory at Homeetead
Next thine to Giving Tbem Awayl
» will be a apeoial mceui
Montagna ball
all Monday
MoJSy <eveniug.
85. at 8 o’clock. All ai
an or*
beprveent. M. R McFarland,
ganlaer from beadqnatora will addreai
oa Noo-noioo onrpentan arc alao in
vtcd to attend. Signed.
AAMroee TOero Troleirt.
lo xc-
ue lo do xo. lirr. It you
Denver. Aug. 25-Tbe ebab of Per*
at bia home In Wllliamaburg.
86 years old and death
ITultad Stntaa Senator J. I'. Bur*
rowa avrlmd in tba city tbia morolm
htf vout shoes than
« uic as gixMlUiocx lor $3.60
>uu can contin
aU left for ('alia, todar.
Kphrtnm Dnuka, one of Uie old piotarday abowad the entiru naUimcIte In tbe boupitnl In oonnectlon with
necra of thin county, died Sntur
coal Said to be very quiet BHgadier tbe nnlramlly and laft today lo enter
Ilia home In Kitigvley of dropay
Uaoeml Oobin anid that a aetUement upon bia new duUea tbera.
canned waa W yenrv of age and hna
While Mra Noyea baa only lired in
of tba Btrtke uppeara to blm to ba na
liwMS^bero for tbe pant twaoty-five
far off aa whan be arrived ham nanrly Uila oity n few yrom. her circle of
yrora The faoeral waa held thia af
fonr waaka ago The troopa will in all frleuda in only limited by her Hat of
ternoon from tba "
probability remain here ontil the noqnalntanoea. and Dr. Noyea nlw*
der Uie dlrwjtion of W
made n boat of frionda daring tbe
atrika cornea to an end
nthtr p»f fS.OO
Fall and Win-tor
hirrv, llBttera and FumlU»ri» lu II.- M*jr.ty.The Amrfkan Clt.rrn
boat, bad overwhelmed .the 45 pomU
repreeeoted by tbe auxiliary oruleer.
Prairie, Panther aad Snppty.
apeak from a tbeoretio atandixiiut. the '
white aqnadfoo waa entlr-ly de.troy*
ed by Uie gona of Uie dch iidiug bat*
UeaJiipe. Thun on tbd fourth night tbe
Uonal," from/Hror Admiral tliggin*
Sebart Beeeber c:e. « « Prep.
is now on exhibition here. Come in and have
your measure Uken by an Expert-MR. WIL
KELLY & CO., of Louisville. Ky. A i>erfect
lit is guaranteed or the clothes are ours. Mr,
Simmons will be here until Friday. Come now
and have first choice of exclusive patterns.
aaja It la J. P Morjan a datj to and
tbaooaiatrika. Ha|C» mid: -llorfM
lathagraou^l man lo tba finaooUl
world, aad^^tbromb U.U fad that
ha oan brim an ami lo tba coal atrika will alao ba praaant and will glre bot tbe oollook now ia Uiat by
Ilia InflaaM U ao vraat U-ii all that Ulka to the aoldiara. Srarythim baa
la aaeaairy la for blm to daolara bb bean done to make tbia tba md laiiar
tola4 on tba aabjiH t. and If It farora
l In the bialorj of C3antml Lake trne that beoanac of Uie mpenl of tbe
dalarmlaaUoB of tba atrlkara it would mid that a big auoeaaB will ba aoomd
reruona taaea and tbe heavy ap*
not ba lorn bafora tba mlnara would la a fomgooa oonoInBlon.
proprlatlona made by ooagmaa. tmaa
raaunaa work."
omoiaU hare feared that they
MePeraon Poat, Ha 18. O. A. K .
Wllkeabarra. Auk
«&-Today. ba* of tbia oly. held a maeling Saturday
t eoon be confronted wiU. n
ffionlnjr tba letb waok of tba atrika. aftamoon to arrange for the at* brovy deSoit. bot that fear baa now
abowa boUi aidaa datormlnad to flffbt tandnnoa of the poat at tba anoamp* vanlabed. and them ia every maaon
lard, fi.M
U Tl«r of tf»eatTwpi»AeM.
tWMm tb« war d.|wrtau«> aad him
aalfhiarUlt In aa ollleUl onpnolty
Rockport. Man. . Aogn.t 2i-Tha
atadln ebanga of hanrt oo tba
of the dapnrtmant
Ha mpllad naval anarch iwoblem oo the New
Informniion in that ragard would England coat waa terminaPNl at :^ :8u
hare to eooM from the war depart* yeaterday mornltig by the •ignnl.
had aaaamad a quin aapaet ttbtiriff
Jacob la oa tha aoaae With dapatla. begin at that place tomorrow and c^*
aad no fartbar iroablr la aipiotad an- tinna thraa daya
laaa aaoibar attempt la mada to .tart
Oanlral Lake never dona thlnga b^
Detrolt-Wheat. T:\ aad78;eorS
WlUlam R-Ricbarda, of thia city.
Tba fnnaral waa held thia aftersooo 86; oata, 85^.
Toledo^Whaat. 78*^ aad 7**4from the oonrt hoaaeN Rev Demon
Obioag^Wbeat, 7SS: corn.
Ooohlin omolaUm
The Baatern Star
U wu ractMMd to OaiMnl HIIm.
tots and SdieeiHr CeocU at m
ba. not yet been determined.
Also Congrwooman Darrogh
and Senator Burrows
Heboaob waa takao to tba Hatrltoa
wbara ba lira daaperat
At 10 o*eloek ararrib
waa tbe oauee of |-------------------------------To4ar*B MerSma.
Up«tol to Tl»- Br««lcw SMtl.
work oo both booaaa R. J B Naw*
itoo. Aug. 25-Oaamml Mllaa aa*
oaiaS 8\; pork. 817
lodgn nttesded in a body.
eomba. of Maniataa. baa tba eontmot
iiaa Uiat bawlll nail for tba Phil*
and 810.
for tba araetioo of both.
ipfdnaa within n few waaka Wban
naked if ba waa going la hU olBelal aooal qnaUtkea warn graaty appraoiatcapacity, ba mpUad: "Wall, Vm not
iroiDK « . tourUt. uIUmt ub I toia.
to. mj IMIUI
I «D»ot un BBlil 1
nappad bjr Um atrUm
Naw Vork, Abk
by the family in the oonrt booae
waa oaly n faw dnya ago that Mra ter U atlll tlie .object
Tbe Record nbont two weeka ago
Biehnrda waa takao ■oddnnly iU. and
Msoa theo abe failed impidly
At flrrt aanonnoed that tba new line would
get out of tbe city along the ahora
re her health, bat when n aboriginally planned, but whether
lofpoyaieianawnabeld it over indeprndeot right of wayor wltb*
that abe waa too weak to in Uie right of way of the M. A K. S
Tnmiciiaa ateck a! Tndlan Baa«
nflleu>tgB>BH—ro4 br ^
from Dm’* !>*•*
Bdwin P. Baeon.
lani to auparinlaodaoto of eon
4100. la bam to inko abnrga of tba
.Am. «
Anna M. Rlehnida. wife of J. Q
Rlohsrda. tha Janitor of the ooanly
oonrt honan.
died enrlj yematdny railway company nod the T. O U A
M. relaUre to tbe ngbt of army of
for tba
dm AkBT Point
to ba
ad In tba bay bam. ab&t fiOO faat
I to tor TWr
bondat a-vuvst m, ibos.
ifck tiamift
tjUb^ko»iiii-^ ittatwt u. i»ot.
SS’SxS fia»f«/ Dwts
of 1J)t Uforid
TRAVERSE CITY. MICHIGAN ateld not allow aaah lowi
laVoU aad MaalMaatB taka
Stnirit TklktiM to tlM FMit-nie
Vlrtics Bf Dr. A. W. CkMscH i
KerTePflbTBtoto a Few
War4s bj (toe
A harrowing boUdi
red Friday at Filey.
€an you Rnd Koont
Tor anothtr Stand in pour douse?
Mow that Joba Plarpewt Mcr«mi
TMK. T lATfS AND J. V. fUMieil
S, W.MANNKN. MItor i
tMML A. mwidmm
*r I
fur HmrwUtr
rsKUM. WAKNKii«rn«k
iDANIBl. Mc4>(lV oTKr.
r«r ABiiltor
PSlUi%* r. PO%¥KKH wf w.
U.Mr.1Al.AJIi of Jo
cSAKI«B« a.
Rt^AfflMI i\ MorrAi
UA\'IP CJ. t’llANPl.KIt. '
Osl«r oX
E, U. Al.LVX
Afisr niTicwing tlA finauciml mUuh
tion to
Ihrouirhout llir rouii
try %md •hofriujr tli« ttinumo* of tiit
bi»; oorpor»fio»
dMU Bpoo Wall atroet. ll. Dry Olewi
InhU UH w«*ak’. flnaooial nriaw
**Tba iTMiaral Imainaaa aitaatioi
ooutinaaa aatiaraotory. From U»e %re*l
irlowiat mwoouU are i«oai\ m1 of trade*
proapaoU. a* a raaolt of Uie biK oon
cropk In Uio taut e&poctatlona an
inocB tao larmles aud atrlkaa liaye ax
aroiBMl a dalarrani affaol. The m.oU
ia ptomlaad a
than laat yaar. wlum the
did harm Kallroad
both continue to drmonatratc the
ooBBtry’a vnaU artiritiea; and ao far
than are few aima if anr.sof patxlnc
tion liaalnir outrun nmaumptlou. euol
aa an* uaually Uh* fimt wamlnjra of
eooaomlo taaetlon. If pradanoe ami
moderation can only hare their pro
par away unlnh-rruptad, there is m
UUiair how loojf the preaent era of
pcoaparUy wiU continue. But both of
thanqaaUtiea art* euiiuently ueot *
nry In thaaetiniaa”
Dr. Tarleion
U. Bean, aotltix chief of ttie depart
ment. Mr. Pitirhot ii chief of the di
riaion of foreatrr in llie Department
of Affrloulture at Waahinicton and ia a
man who haa done more, perh^tta
than all othera to deria^ a practh*al
policy for the iweaerration and extanaloa of the foreaU of this country. Ur
la a irraduate of Yale Unlveralty aud
aabaaquent to hU irraduatioa studied
fonatry la the beat aohools of K
ntarn to thU country he waa placed
in ebarve of the Biltmore esu
waMeni North Oarolina, where he
danloped and applied for ixwhaiw tin*
ftiBk time in America the practical
mathods of manairioit larm prirata
fonata. He also formulated the b,at
maaawrea for aeourlnit and preaerrinf
tba larfe foraat arvas tn the atate of
Mew York. Ha waa appointed ciiief of
tba Diriaioo of Foraatry .in the De
playing on tbe wtodom of tba nU9 taken in depmlag
cut Off Vy the inflowing uid King Coal and aubaUtutlng IWukl
tide aad drowned before tbeir moth- fuel aa food for bar farnaesA
tbe baaeh had
bnacht to b«wr to aottlo tbo dimoalty.
She reached port with her paint work
aloa tha Mfb prlea or ooal will briav
frvab and bar decks as cicun as those
aaffenr.tr lo thoanadcof working paoof a weU scrubbed yacht. Oflkero and
waa dnaaased and no benta
pie .. waUaa topotrariaoa Udaatriaa
oot elf boalnen unUl tha aonaal prioe
tbe new focL
Weucbell of tha Unitrd Btetro navy,
at a reMUA Tba oldest ahUd who U chief engineer of the cruiser
oovKRXMBirr i.vTBitricwtac K
a faUle attan^A to save tha Boston and who was detailed by tbe
yoangaatena by holdiag it ap la nU
arma Thoaa who attampad to roach
I himself as delighted
tha children had narrow aaoapaa
with the liner’s bchai
New York, Aaf. »-Praeld«ot from drowning.
**1 wUl make my r*
At IBast Urerpool. O.. a atranga department and of
KooeeTaltwiil ba aak«?d to call a speolal
aaartOB of coognai to taoa aotlao to wnan appeared on the floor at the into deuils in rrgard to this mktter
ward tba coal atrlka This waa dacid. dancing pavlUiOO at Bock Bprings fur pttbiicBtkm.*’ be said. **1 can my
edatamaatiBgyaatardayof tha Can park daring aa intarmiaalon batwaaa this much, however, and 1 apeak from
daaoee tbe other night Bhe prooead- experience gained thruugb careful observatluo througbout tbe voyage that
Uia JIOO.OOO worfcingmaa. A maaa edto tbe center of tbe floor, knelt fuel oil. so far as the Martpom la con
BMwtinjt under tba anapioea of the U- and raUing her haada. prayed farraot- cerned. U a eompleta aocresA TIk- n^
bor aalaoa of Kaw Yo* city and ri- ly. Tba crowd atood In perfect ailanoa suits obUlncd on this royage will be
cinity will be held at which reaolu- until ebe had finished, and crept away
tiooa will ba adopted argin« Pnal- as silently as she oama Tbe dauoe
dent IhMiaeTaU to Immadialoly oaU than reaumed. The praying woman
Tbe Msripom used only two boilers
oMurraaa to meat aad debate on plans waa an East Liverpool mother who
auapect«<d that ber danghtar waa at througbout tbe voyage, and there was
which will brine tim atrlke to
never a hitch from start to finish. The
tha dance.
Mis. Beaaley of New York, who U passengers expreaaed tbemaelTrs as de
lighted with a state of affairs wlUcb
1» years old. and pretty, went for a made jk—lble rapid transportation and
ridr on her bicycle and after climbing au absence of dirt aud amoke. From
Parmere* PrMly AeweUrtoa Will Uatb a ateep hill eat down to rest under u tbe oil furnacm tbere la no odor, and
ohaeuot tree. Bhe waa enjoying the tbe cleanliness exiata to tbe almost
e err«reOoo4TI««Amni.Hmh.
beaatiful eoenery wlien lier Beat was depths of tbe big liner. Faaseugera
The Karmen• Kriandly Aaeoclation
interruph d by a tramp. Ha demanded
of Norward. Oharleroix county. wiU
money and ataited to graap bar arm.
boldiU ftnt aunnal plooio at tliat
Mlaa Baealay jumped to ber fe< t. uud Ing tbeir garmimU aollrd or of bring
plmw Tiinreday. in Whila Birch
as be pot out his hand, aaiaad it aad
Tbe V
Grove There will ba moaic. a bal
gura It a twiat that cauw*d the fellow watebed
game aad n|fuiy featnraa to attrad
to cry oot with paiu. The young piping world, and Its suceeaii. It Is lieauyooa who wisliea to take adrantaip
woman liad boxed with bar brother, Ueved. wlU mean tbe conversion to «U
of iW
and tlic next moaanl she gave the bornerm of a Urge uuuiUt of vessels
tramp the aurpriaa of his life by land and tbs abandonment of coal as fnel
**A Koyal BUra.*'will ba aeen ai in a Btinging left-hander on ills ohin. by tbe morcantlla marlnA G. 8. Gruu
8tclnbarg*a Uraml next Wednesday, As be staggered backward she follow d«a one of tbe paUmtees of tbe oil
Aog. t7. The Grand Kapida Herald of ed it np wlUi a blow from the shoul burning system used on the Mariposa,
made the trip to TablH and back for
Aug 18. auid. :
der that sent him to grass. Then she the purpuae of watching tbe aystem in
•Gordon A BaaaAt’a 'A Koyal mounted ber bicycle and finished ber iwmctlcal operatiuA His verdict Is
SUve.’ which opaoad ut tba Qraod ride.
moat favorable.
Imat night, la a aioal airiking produoMrs. Sarah Bohumaoher. age 70
No attemiK was made to crowd the
tion in many waya. Tbe pUy Itaalf i. yean, was found dead in her room and steamship at all. but abe made the
full of intaraating oharaeten
bar dangbter. Martha waa wandariug i^omewsrd Vi.yage lu 10 dsyA k’l b.Hirs
Uie company that praaeou it is felly about tba house in u liulf nmaad ©on and 10 minutes.
es mid that Mrs.
had died from starvation. SNAKE AS A COW MILKER.
s.* faithfully portray■ tbe char
tmamelK r said that ab.
of the Mexican Indian of early and ber mother were too proud to tell
daya aa we have learned to know
any one of tbeir improveHshed condi
* aurkiog 1
A blarka
able people tJirooKli book
tion and tiiat for several daya neither
tua luiprule
work in had had a moaL It is mid the Bclm- able, but
In Puliuer.
the part may be described as nothing machera have well-to-do relatives in klaaA.theutberday.aud w the fumirecent milk
short of electrifying. Helene Kiake. Philadelpliia ami in Virginin 111- era feel tbat H«* mystery
former Grand Kapda girl aa laadorc liealUi had rendereil MarUia. the sole stealings bat lieeu cb-nredk say. tbe
Do Oro. waa aooorded au oraUm by support of ber widowed mother, un .North Adams <Mass.» lleral
A- J. Bridge*, who travels
her frends, and it lia doubtful if she able to work for several weeka
ter (Pa.) mill aupidles o*n
would not have met wlUi as h«sarty
Lightning struck tbe burn of Ste driviug th
noeiAion if ahe bad not bean known phen Lemrle. south of Mishawaka. lowu aud
turv a
iiere. During her abort career of
Imt. Albert Kinztc and wife, uieghyean on the atage she haa made inpid bon, awakened their cUnghter Marga
progress, and tboae who aat i
ret tiiat ahe might see ibe fire. Blic
her laat night stepped to tbe window, threw up bat retitlle, nibbled tbe graaa ber« aud
prophesied triumphs tar ber In
liauda. and with a gasp mnk back
8.sin tbe snake darted upward and
Margaret NevUie. as dt«d from the skock. Mrs. Henry fastened itself to tbe cow. drawing in
Countess Inex !>e Oro. made a dlatlnct Johnaon. another neighbor, in run tbe fluid
Its life delH-nded UJK)U it.
in every acene in which ahe p«rtl ning to the fire fell down a atairwav. Mr. Brt.l
ridges watebed tbe iM-rfi
ctpat«Ml. and ber work* waa oertainly hv^Aking both arms and injuring hertried to get a close ole
shed., and
that of ail artist. Than was not
aelf internally. Jesse Mtlh r. anothei
1 away.
ed iH»tMn
In the
I way. 'Tbe cow i
weak oharactnr nor one poorly dot farmer, in aa attempt to save the
in tbe play and the attraction meri
stock from the barn, waa oviTcome leaat disturbed over the reptile’s iireaand went on nlbbUn'g the grasA
and donbtless will dxaw ovowdv aad feU unpouciooa under the flames. ence
For a long time the Palmer farioeru
housoa at every performanccc duria He waa rescued, but may die as a re have thought that their rows were
It remains four nighU with sulk
milked while In tbe pasture by trampA
- Mayor Koight of Buffao. has iaaoe«] as many times tbe aulmals would give
a proclamattoo anggestiug that Bun but little milk, Isitb at night and uiurnKartdy ouUidc of opera are snch day.
ptember 14. the fisrt anniver- lug. Tbe pastures In many <wses Imve
melwlioos voices fouud lu Uie theatri ^ of tbe death of Prosident McKin U-en watebed. l.ut no men could Iw
cal ivofesstoo. aa are beard in the mu lay. memorial aarvices be held in all aeen. aud the next morning It waa tbe
Bloal siieclalttcs Introdnoed In -A tbe chnrobaa in Buffalo, aad that tbs old story
IVvil s Lane.*’ which will U* acen al dty be drapad with Ih. flag of out
turs who breed cows In tbe center of
Bb lnU rg a Grand tonight. The fav ooontry He haa appolnhKl a oommitl- the viUagc
nrt that the anImaU
iirite K1 More Blaten will t« aeen in feaa to arrange for the other aprcial have only
gliing two quart, of
|in«miuent ]sms and will itilrodnoe
where they ahoukl have given
obatWTunoes flttiug to the oroasioo
It w aa reported tbat
i. oo« of th.- He tunher snggeata tiiat on the day
I of the season And following the Annivermry. aiiecial
exeraiaea be held in the poblto achoola
Mrs. Lanza Hankins, of Riohmoml.
rhy^Mmm. HmmX TUr.1t
Va. last week buried her pet dog in , Tbe dlacovery of tbe btackanake In a
It tv miller ets.I III the ,>*«r of
sij lu tiivti.- th.- |Hi\\«-rs of KuroiM- to s u lot adjoining Oakwood cemetery. new rule baa cunaed the Palmer cow
on Indulrinl trusts
He Is Siie planned Ui inlar it uloogsidc ber owners to pUn anake bunts with a
the Im-uU of the IWu hirgevt tlUstS ill father s grave in tiie oamatery. bat glim deteroiiuaUon to exterminate the
the moH.1 Hie ItiilMTijI machine and tba uathorities refused permis
lheUnK,.laiichnn li They .ovu b.Mw oeu
them mure i.rois rty than all our Indus An undertaker and aeTeral carriage
trill •'••nMiiatluns do. utul in mIdUlou loads of friends were preaenf.
NaUl la tbe garden colony of South
th. i .Haim i.i o%oi the Usli.-*. and soulv
Afrii-a. wlUi poaalbUlUe. of tbe must
of ti... Ii.|..al.ltaiits of the empire. Tliey
farreacblug kind lu every dlrectiuii.
employ no union lMls.r.
If tln-j dis
a curreapondent of tbe London
n iii.mii for a gits tion or lusuborHardly any really
dlnaiton th.y .MiiiJ»^aic his proisrt} reach the diseased jwtion of th.- ear. Great Thought
niMl tiM- man dlss.pis-ars. They settle There Is oniT one way lo cure dsuf- poor iieopie are to be aeen. Everybody
Mi ll. V
ihi simple uieth.sJ of liU nesa. and that is by oonstitutioua]
Iiii; or i..iiil»liln»: the strll.Ts. Tii.-v remediea Dcafnees is oauaad by an
0^11 millions of a.rev of the In-st land inflamed condition of tbe mucous lin ed. Id order lo t«XKDOte tbat we are
III the .>.uiitr>
r..mpare»l to th. ui ..ur ing of tile Suatuehian Tube. Wln o
stionc-si .'on^.rathmv are as foet.l this luU- IS inaflmed yon Iiave u i
:iih1 11^ ims t .niv a% Hi.. Now York l.iis«- bllog aoond or imperfect hearing,
when it is entirely closed. Oeafnaas u
lall team
Hartford Tlm.-s
the raaatt, and unless tbe inflamma
ither. Yes. one package makt*s tion cun l»e taken oot and this tube aa a moat eligible territory fur your
two oaartt of baby medicine Bee reatove.1 to its normal cooditSon, bear workingmen to aelect If they want lo
direotiona There ts uotiiing just aa Ingwill U- destroyed forever; nim emigratA It la a flrat rate field for tbe
good for babies and chiidron as Rocky oases oot of ten are oanaad bi •rdlnary Artlaam Tbere la not f tetter
Mountain Tea. 3&a Jaa G. John Catarrh, which is nothing but an S In the whole empire, ao far as 1 can
fl^ condition of tbe mucous rorraaa will ba aakad to lalarfara. It
We will give One Hundred Dollars
It seems to me that women are not for any case of Deafness (oanaed by
Tbe countess of DiKUey lias made a
only advanciag. aa a sex. more rapidly oamrrh) tbat cannot be cured by
than men. but ure ulao exmlng u fur liaU s^^larrh Cure. Bend for circu- eucceeaful eoaay in tbe art of Jewelry
designing end baa reernUy brought out
more potent Inlloeno.* for the gel
™V.ToiM»y ft Co.. Toledo. O
a medallion In gold mounted to wear
aa a p^-ndant. commemorative of tbe
wild creutura secretiveness that waa
reotontloo of peace, aaya tbe Loodoo
for so very long their Iwat aafeguard
Telegraph. Aa. cbalrwomau of the
le savagery of (be stronger
CMitral bureau for tbe employment of
women Lady Dudley takes great t»Tla
tcreot in its progreeA and tbe mcdolO . R. ft L
lA They are not any longer
Oommeocing Sunday. June SHlt. ez- lioo is now being aold for lu beoeflk
curoion Uokela to Petoakey at fl.OB for
rom^tri^ Tr^n laavea k:40A ;
I.All PKIllOttU J
*a E. Momy Agl
Mat l.kw bf i»oml.
mM kutMi arn lath* iropaad
taMagar plaat {awataN abMaaUal
malM. Tb«a U no doaM that aaOalMt aaraar>
)» aMalae.1. aad
wilfc»ha.niMiy;>aah aad Ibe ia- --------o( aMaa local oapUal Ibe ea-
1 BadievllU, Ky.. was eurioua to
I the mum of the vaat improveI ia the health of Mva E P.
;takar. arho had for a long time
rod motold aafferiog from a
US 25.^.
TRR FORESTERS will gira a pmluaairo pedzo party at tbatr k2l
M^lndiaa are umdinliy Urtond to
Mza E J. .Hadakur.
If so. don't Irt this chance slip by as wc were
ver>‘ fnruinate in this large purchase of stands.
You will tind them the best values ever offeretl.
I’inish anti design suitable for the parlor.
kauwu. of Na fit Loouat ak. Big
Buplda. ■iya:**law(
1 » feel
amlnTlS!* A‘**5r75Jl?s Nf^ve^^Ihui
advartiaad and recommended so highly
trial, aad got a boA I could note ihe
good effaeta in a very short time, aud
only took about three-quarters of the
l^till my nervousness dtspprared
They toned up luy >ystem aud 1 am
anjoyiag bettor health than 1 have for
some time. To mv 1 eiMlt*rse
mildly rxirrssea
think of ik *
Dr. A W. (Thmse’a N.Tve Pills an
sold at 60o a box at dealers or Dr. A
W. Ohaae Mv-dicim Co . Buffslo. N.
loji. nu c Urge sixii.l, shelf un.icrhcath Un Usika ff
vK \<L\H:rs, Ibvlir. nu all iial, nu c goUen luudi. only / m^U
l. ike cm haWicnrIi
lawcd legs 24x24.
ami is all Oak, lop
^ IS very irctty imita
tion .juartcTcvl oak. nuc ^ q Inradcd rim around lop ^1.0^
Like cut. S.!.d Oak
r.oUcn tims). IGxir.
I lop. .Shell u.ulci-
Grand Rainda New York S|
liaring Cirand iUpids I'nloo B
iw.-w a. ui.,
0! I'nnonoviitti
but one half day to th.-husim-m mai
in making the trip; ihrongh^sl*^^per.
and ateamera din ct.
Go cm trains leaving Traverae I'ltv
»A m. Monday. Ti
day aad
sd Friday,
wid 8:^6 p m’ Tbum
day. RaU-s
Rate 1:1.76 one way.
round Uip.
F. A. MttctieU. ii. V. Aet
H. W. f>unniagham. Agi,
N.i nrc.l lo M.tfcl Horn lm.it.
Ikm’t l<*l ihc air ^;rt sl.i^n.int
.icalc .1 lirrtve. Put m mir
0/ inorr <»l om itr'-k «n friliii.;
ELECTRIC FANS m umr H.lfive. Mou orhoiim. All ol n«*w
xn.1 |KTlru t * imsiriuiion
oablage. »ks. heail.cucumdoa«n: Wat. r nM-lons. »k
Hepeatinq Shoe Bargains
durable varnish trade
f t» l ex l*ey..r*.
. . ________
U-i-tiag «eiil UktM. ,Mt , %.-r>
tXm\ tt%uu j
uMtil Nuv*-ii>U-r I. ler. Immu »■
k i.ii
I..T. •».-.« m»l fr,Mu 1 '
Ul II a» o>i.- k II.
o'.-ltji k until 4 O.
k III lit. :.ri«
.-r «•> li j
texm.rrtueiBu.tf un|«i.l .e. ». io.-a.l-r |.i.«n.l
until <S-l.4«-r Ut. B i- njill% .4
i-r .^^.l I...
,-i.Um-U.Mi Bill U- .-hxr.;..! IH. Bit U*.- r. •
unimul ..II 1X I.4-T Ut.
.4 ‘
-ni l.-r .-•41-.'lfu Bill U .'t.Au:-«l
llui lar.!xm nMi-iin;-s air m*t
tiui xmi
tJii’l wcai, but .lie Ohn-s ..I H.c s.-jM„»aMc
aii.i I.»h . m, 1,. ht m ani;lil.
new U-.1 llial uM^luli .vn ! «.|.| -.tvIcN-fhol xic
'I’llCMaiC well Iii.kIc 4*1 rxtcH. nl stin k .vn.l 41c \civ m i\» c.vblt-. * 'I ficsc
jic S4MI1C lit out t U-.iiam c ‘..lie pin c*
$ 1.50
SHOES NOW..... $1.98
SHOES NOW..... $1.08
SHOES NOW..... $1.38
$ .98
.*s«'c lliciii in out sliow wiiiiiow.
Jt. 5. Trpntan,
School Begins Sept 2.
Gel reatly for it. He fully prep.Yrtcl. This is the
heatl(|uarters for
School Honks ami School Supplies. We p.iy spf*dal atlrnlion to rvrry ner<l of
the teacher. th<* scholar ami the district school. Oiir schools are th** b« st ni
Michigan—We’ll help you keep them so.
Scbofll Books
All the text books used in the city
schools and many of the district schools.
We order on sh*>rtest notict! any Uuik
not in stock. School books are on the
second floor in the crockery and c.arpet department.
.\ sphublid st«>tk of both hard ami
soft paper tablets. The rovers are es
pecially design***! for this s**ason. Th*!re
are three si/**s at 5c ami the same at
IOC. and an endless variety of covers
and papers.
eomposition Books
Fhese have become an absolute
necessity in school. Wc carry the
greatest assortment in both end and
side fold, and they sell at 5c and loc.
Always used, it’s hard to tell all
the styles, but we hav<* th*‘m at ic, 2c.
3c. 5C and loc. Hiose with rubbers
and those without, hard h ad. soft lead,
roumi, square ami hexagon.
Red holders, black holders, swell
and straii'ht, rubber and wood, ic, 5c
and IOC. Can’t help but write with
Fine pens and -coarse pens. Fhe
Probate stub, the 04S Falcon for busi
ness. No. 444 for- school and 2$ other
kinds, IOC the dozen.
That will eras** and. not leave a
black or shiny siirfaie; Rubber era
sers at IC. 2c. 5c. ink and pencil com
bined IOC. steel eras«*rs at 1 sc ami 25c.
Wood rulers foot long or two feet
5c. IOC. rubber rulers for 'oookkeping
25c, 35c. 40c: straight rubber, hard rub
ber o^r^^cxible.
Foolscap, legal cap; letter paper
and half sheets, bookkeeping blanks
and all the accessories that are ncces-
For blackboard and drawing use.
colored and white; colored lead 4>encils
and oil crayons for map drawing 5c and
GIVEN ON THE WONDERKUL I'lANOLA .v<r>- 4ay until further notice.
Concerts will be given in the Furniture Department on the ground floor from 10
to 11 a. m. and 2 to 3 p. m. and are entirely, free. You are cordially invited to
hear this wonderful instrument.
.iiaariu.T. AimdOT at. un.
the C*t»kUta there Is s
n «s the Ksmtershffl.
rh flows the K»sur»kia flRek.
way UtwM the base ai^i tbs
mlt Is a pulBt caDed Faws'a
On either aide of the creek a reck
ds some thirty feet abore the bed.
irmted edfe frem edge by some flfteen feet The spot U hidden among
the trees, and one passing along the
road near by would scarcely find It un
less Instrnrled where to look fur It
There are many erpUnatlons as to
why tt is catted Pawn's Leap. Which of
these is correct Is hard to tdt One ghr-
Condensed Hews
w of Wicbigan
larlal was noalallo
waaaantto the alats
eonflnna tbs opinion. Tbs Udgs from
whieh tns stone was taken U on land
owBod by Hon. A. Batlara, sa*llaa*
tenant goTsmor. and, baing dirwrtlj
on the laks shore, is rsndsrad doahlj
▼alaabls. Tbs quarry U extenslTe
and is massifs at a depth of but ten
feet Kapsrts say this is one of tbs
moat TaloahUf%ida of building Hoos
ia lbs alats. aA will be dsf sloped at
id her bad kept heir shape perfeeUy. The soil ia wbioh the casket
aa barted was graraL
Tba Laasing.Sagar Oo. baa oontraeted to sell one.balf of Ow mghr beet
palp prodaoed to Ohio partias. who
wiU aae it for stock faediag. Heretofora the palp |bas bean gtran away,
bat after this year tha indicatioas are
that it will baft a raady mle las its
Aprodaning qaaUtlas become better
Tpatlaatl had the lowest death rale
daring Jaly ef any eity la the state.
I were only two deaths dortag
CmmlOmt All
Tba Boys Band agonrlsm on tb«
aamarOolamUa Banday night was
patrooiad by an immuao tTowd. The
aala of tiakau had to be etopped, and
many liad to remain behind, the liinil
of the oapacity of the boat being too
sail for the crowd.
TO aare Use ChUS
■KMtaiiy prlos. are not waatod by
loears of horaaflesh. Tlis team baa
a boodoo whieh oannol ha abakan off.
A month or 10 agoMra. Oarfer Bmsdley aod aoo Prod were both killedlaa
rmaawaj whiU drtf ing this team and
laalBatanlaj Jamm Woodward.while
loading hay bad the team ran away
with him apd^ died three days afforward.
Z. H.
baa inf itod the townr, |vaa
ship of Ue^r.
|Vaa varan
Baran ooaa
40 pay him fllOO) for a boras whieh 1
into a dlloh by tha roadside and died
iBlU atragglea to extrloate itaell
Tba dib h was ao oloae to Uie road
that a torn out ooold not be made
wlthont r’ttlnff into it and was also
▼ery deep and irrown to the top with
a think growth of weeds.
LoU:^tantone. an actiaea with the
Wallaoe ciroua. ia mlaalng. When the
oiroua reached Manistee it aeama that
Lola’s loTsr. al«> a rtng porlormar.
•sTared his oooaootioo with the orgmalaatioo Ootooldent with his diaap
liaaimnoe a nnmber of his
, mlaaad Tslaable
was tboaglit that be had
toloio bis sweetheart and that they
« »aldI l<leare together.
At Marshall Pred Barhla. agad
aboot 30 years, a tloamiU. by tiadi
and a half witted fallow, has myater
du.ppMW-1. H, vu «ploj
.1 Ui. Koldtnc B»th Tab Oo.awl oo
r working aboat
30 mlaatea. He has . not beta naan
aioee. Tlie offloers are making an
effort to aaoeriain hi^
The Werford Ooanty «
ttatlora* aaaooiatloo will bold Its aa
uoal eouampmont ai
her Ifl. 17 sad 13
man. both cif U and military aalbori
Ilea will be pr«^i and glTs addram•a. KmIi fsleran and hla family wiU
be aaiiUed to free tenting faolUtiea
great preparations for tba efent.
The Ana Arbor Argoa raoords that
the old Oabome prlfsie barlal groaod.
nt«r Oaborne s MllU. has beea
ed to Poraat UUl oaw»lBry. One of
Uie oaaketa. oonulnlng the remains of
Mias Oabome. who died ofer 40 years
ago, was opeaad and the remains ware
foand in a remarkable state of preeerraUon. A gentieman who attendad
her fanecal stated that she lookedas
natnral as oo thp day she was bartod.
Kran tba flowers that were plane
rttaa lU quick onre exceeded all her
bopaa It works woodera in Bores,
Braiaea. akin Kapcloaa. Outs. Bures
Boalda PUea. Me. Oare gaaren
by B. K. Walt A Boos and Jaa.
Johnaon dreggiala
P. A. Btaart of Marshall, the well
sown dyspepsia Ublet milUonalre.
has oaaaed 1740 shade trees to be set
oat in Chat oily sinoe iWfl. He has
rdered 600 trees to be set out
What a Tale li Tsllf.
If that mirror of years aliowa a
bed. mllow oompelxioD. a Jaonlook, moth patobea and blolohes
the blood, give clear
tkma of the organ of i.*ind b.-gan to
W Inveatlgated with accuracy, says
writer In the London i*hror»lcle. Tbe
neral coiAsensus of « r-in'AO!i kAwllxca
hat we terra “mind" In the prefrenUl
bre of the breln. i.et hy anotlwr
acbool of thinker* H>e hinder lobaa
have been credited wUh performing
our highest cerebral duHea. Tbe bah
anre of erideuce. I should say. la da
ily in^ faxor of the furuier view,
and recent research.-s and <d.-w-rvatlana
by Dr. iniclpa. an Aucriren investiga
tor. would apjiear to aa>Bt In rtrcnglhreing tbe opinion that tbe moat Impose
tant portloo «f the brain U its anterior
regloiL In the course of the Invcatlga
Ooos In question some
cbm of
brain Injury and disease were exam
ined. In all save two It was noted that
Ixrterfereno- of extensive nature with
the prrfrentiil region reauUed in a«ioua dlaturUucr* of Ibe mental facol
dea. I^ess aexerv injury produced U-ss
marked effets. Th.-se faLl» parallel
the researches of oiher luxestlgalprs.
and they
rses of Idiocy
what is t
of dex elopment
of the frenUl kdM of the brain.
Aa to the rrlailve-lmiHjrtanre of the
two lubes or ha lx es «if tl»e R-crel«-UUi oc
Chief l.raln mas* m..^l of us knoxv that
each half governs the x.pis».lle side of
the Usly and thru, as xve arc right
Lnn.h-d m» wc mnv Is- caih-l left
brslneil. The snis-rt.-rify lu fun.-tlonal
lUir»rtniMv of our Irfi lawlu Is noC
questioned, and It U therefore Inierswl
lug to Lod Dr. rbeli- Insisting from
the tesultk of Lis It.XR-stlgatluna that
our left Irtwln lois- Is really the Intel
lectual half. The right half. It Is add
ed. Is reiwhie of sust.lining severe In
Jury without mnrke.1 mental effects
acin*uut of Ka
mi hutn-d. hut
fn.m’ h.ve. A viMing hraxe. I>.*aplng
\Vnt*T. lN>cnui«‘ di-wt****^!^}* i-tinuiured
of h.v and Uicged her father to give
her to hltu ill luarrtage. Of r»iurse iIm?
offer XX as de«1lnt-d
One day KutrliAS.
a.xxmi|uinletl i.y l.er fiiwn. climbed to
tbe t..p of WlAUl is .wiled Preflle ftM-k
and stood looking down Into Kaaters
kill .luxe. Oi.iKAsile xvere HIkIi |wsk
and Hound Top. to the left and aouih
broad atrH.h of cuntry and tbe
beautiful lluihiou river.
Ihe only
sound* xxer>- llie sxxnylng of tbe trvs
iu the wind and the tumbUng of the
waters In the creek Im-Iow.
Suddenly Krilrlna was slartle.1 by a
rustle iu tbe huN.li.-s aU.ut her. and
lAwplug Water stAsal iH-slde h.T. He
plredtNd his i-aus.
firmly put him
wild, thn-nteiilng that If she |H-rsl*ted
In her rcfumil he would Jump with her
In his arms off I he pr,-. Iphv.
ahuxxR.d such tiled r»-K..luilun that Ka
trlna xxas ouiD-iralmtl to lem|s*rlie
with him and ngre,-d lu take the
<-.msld.Tatlon. Then Leaping
ter Into <-,msld.T
WatRT t.K.k her i
Indian vtlluge
abAirt dlst.nncv fn.m the rvs-k.
The little fawn. accustom.-Rl only to
white iHs.ple. was far mure frightened
than Katrina nt the grim savages.
At Dowaglac beautiful vines
tag Holy Maternity oharoh have been
ly eat. tbe brmnebaa being eef
i lu.Ksnge ftf the fawn's
artberoota. TimreUa penal
: giving It
fife ye
years in priaon or a fine of Hon
ty of five
$60 for auob
that It WA.uld make fi»r home,
her iKicket was n l.lt of pai*.T. and.
«»a. INwr. No.
dipping a iw.lul.M stick Into tH-rrlea.
Klie had Ju-t ...mm. lun-il li
ahe wrote. * ln leaping Water's |iow
keeping, with Hie Isudat.le Intention of
As the fawn was leaving tbe vll
pa) lug ready money U|H.n all o
lage lA^plug Water repU-d the hit o
alons. and she entR-red
hlghvla.MA paisT aU.ut Ms nei-k and gave chase.
pof^terer's sIhhi t.i purx-hase a chick
r«D.k.v aide of the clovi
SO. Kha selected one. and while she UxundeNl the Slend.-r h-gg.xl fawn, and
waa fumbllog Iq her isw'kRt f.H- her
1.-HM niml.ly xvent the young Indian,
purae tbe ahopman tmUtely luAiulrt.d
might «-asllx haxe M-nt an arrow*
-tih. dear no I* she Imllgiiantly re Into Us h *ar1; hut. thougli he was a
plied. -I wish to i»ay for It imwT'trlna K.vrhI. So he followed «.xt-r the
natural laxths made hy the ralna.
treading on the atom-s. tlie tangled
roots, here and tbi-re sinking In soft
U ia the
. The
hid the fawn from
visit, cxhlb
Itiag at the store of B. Benda A Co. a him. tliADUgh he could bear It crashing
line at waalana. repreaaaUng a stock throogh the underbrush, and now and
again he caught a glimiMw of Us dun
body or a white SiKit
sisit on its mil. Tba
ual. having U>-n tainiHl. bad
Kvary man wt»o
of Its natural agility, and by
sad alrioUy up-lo
It reached the U>Hr.ui of the
nigh cxUaustetl. whUe
llDA BeUaralapln today or
or- 1-aplng Water
oan Blrlklng tbe cr.vk wliere the two rocks
order aoyHilng from a alBgla veal to a form a cha*m. the fawn waa moving
$76 dteaa suit. Mr. Banda Inritaa all so swiftly that there was nothing for
hit patrons and every man In town to it but to Jump, (liitherlug what
strength waa left It shut to the edge
of the hither r\>ok ard. rencentratlng
its strength Into one terrlflc leap, lighted on the rock l--yood. There It fell
Meanwhile Huliau Van Santvuort had
left his home with hla gun In stwrch of
■VenK Clothe. Wrings, each.
4-Huart Daiij paio. pel dot..
hare lived In the regkm since the origi
nal Imtch erttlement ia as foHows:
In the early days IilKrtch Van Pelt
came from Holland and eeiUed at the
foot of Kaatermklll clove. Just above
what Is now relied lllmvlUe. Ilia
dauirlitcr. Kslrlna (at the time the
family came to the muontalns she w as
ruurterii years ADldi. was a verttaNo height was too
steep f.w iK-r to rliuih. IH* cliff SO shnil4 but she CI.UU1 rtsnd uism Its edge
»ve«L In vslu her |isrvuts tried to
keep her St Ixime. wsridug l«*r sgsimrt
the wild liessts or. worse, the Iwllsua
who were moving nwtlessly up and
down the skies of tlw forest covered
intslns. She did not fear the lieaata,
and as fur the IndUna whenever ahe
she came home loaded with
blrrh bark l•SBketa. bend«-d bucksUn
« hes or SOUK? variety of trlnkH.
hfu Katrina had grown to be a
symniHrlrel girl of twenty, a numl»cr
of Butch families Lad m-ttlrd near by.
tbe Van Bantr«iurts. on a cliff
V now bang tbe dwetllnga com
prising Twilight Park. tIuUan Van
luurt waa like Katrina, a natural
ier. He met her one day bealds
the Kaaterskill fall, and ft was tlnve snpiDort of tkU fact. Indeed, i
that he wcAs-d her and their troth waa
3-piDC Tex or Codec pou each.
l>o You Get the Detroit
Sunday Kcws-Trlbunc
You'd better
Rop Id lift S$mm
-Waat" aJ* ar» r«w4 rurefany try
A 9x12 foot Smyrna Rug, Oriental
designs »nd colorings, weU worth
$16.00, sale price........... $|3.CX)
9x12 Best Tapestry Rug
Sak pnee.......................
104x12 fi. Heavy all wou
Rug. Sale price...........
9x9 fu Pro BrusseU Rug
71x9 tt. Fnngexl Rug
Sale price......................
30x66 m. Smjrea Rug
Sale price.....................
30x56 in. Smyrna Rug
Sale price.......................
A bandsome
Guarantee I
See thtn »t
ROL-K PORTIERSclosio)! out price—each
... Bos' S«J.
girl at HuU4
y^A^XTDx Lsu
tellect lias
no s. use U-.-U
irx to the hraln.
surate with the lu.’urx
s s-h.-r at Park f
on the U.DI1UU R.f the gnat.-r imj-.r
tan.-e ..f t.ur left l.rah. uml ..ii the th.^>
ry tiuil s.x.re Injun.-, xihi.h do not
prodiK-e Utter meftnl hreakdi.xxn rR*nUy
mght a-sS* r-s
luvolxe the right Mh-. ih«- pux/Ung cx*ostitutmn of the I raln max U- eipUliied
In isitl at hsM. Hut the last word has
not yet Us-n said toncernliig lU- l.raln's
waxs ami xxoik.
Injurh-s ,.f H*c left
half d.. n..t alwaxs pn-It,.e s.-il..us
eC«-.ts as reg.nnU t!.
li.etd.il life,
while we I.«xe had s-ll.e phx-..h.gists
Insisting that we l.axe nsllx two
Woolen Suits, $2.75 values.
Sale j.nce only...................
| .59
2-piet e Fancy stripe Duck suits
Sale jirke ool)...................
'2-picce Fancy stripe Duck Suits
Sale price only....................
brains and H»aL while the |.-ft l..l.e Is
the Jekxll of the h.teileet. tlw ri;:ht. OU
OK-aslon at h-asl. Is apt t*. ph:y Hm
|isrt of Hyde.
A fa»smating thei«7
this, hut one to which s..iH-r m i. nee la
UUl likely to iipis-nd Its iu.prini.vtur.
A NTIQA-H.-v.eal
WIii .
It W.vs midnight, .^mhl. nlx
Ad.nn rrsi.I. mv th. rc xx.,- a ,r:
a scri.-s of li..wK. uihI om- «
iMlghU.rs. pas-lng by. li.-ar.I fh
of the h..tm.- u-* language th:
he thiiml.
netgiiU..-h.HMl She
atup|H>l. ran up to th.
d.s.r. and.
pressing the hulfi.n. Imteiud ,ageily
at the siK-aking tuU-.
"What in th.w..rld Is xour lin-hand d..ing. ' si..askeil. as the d(ilivi xolec of Lxe In
quired tier errnnd.
,"Oh. ' replhvl Lxe. •he l^ merely
raUli g fain. "It r.-.|iiires stn.ng Ian
guasre to raise a . hlld like that.”
And thus an expret-slon was (-oliied
which pri.miNM-N. t.. «.utla>t history.—
Portland On-goiilaii.
Cambric, GrayTBlicklmd Browo
Sale price i<r yJ.............
rtcalinc. sale price per yd
iggin. Drab and Black
Sale ifice per yd..................... 06 J
Ciooxl blatk ami while sliirtini;
Sale imce jarr yd........................051
Heavy blue an.l white shirting
Sale jirire |«rr yard....................O&i
Black an.l White shirting, hne
suiiRC. sale price per yd... .071
Blue Dcniiii, good weight
Sale price |>cr ^!........................ 07i
Blue Denim. Knox-Km-AU-Out
Sale fwicc per yd................. .091
Outing kTannel, stnM
Sale i-nce JKT yd........... 07-.031
Outing Flannel, white
Sale iiricc i»er yd... .05J-.04J
Clip these prucs out if inlcicslct!.
These quotations will not appear in
print after Monday, Aug. 25lh.
when you reach this jK>ini. If you
don't you're taking chance*. It'a
the aome all through life. Look
back to last summer and remember
how you xufTi rrd w ith that old coal
atove m xuur Lilt hen.’ T ook forxcard to this aunimer and then make
up your m'md if you hadn't better
tall and ace uv jTi tty aoon.
TraTBfSB City 6bs Co.
Brovnell’s Economy
Wartin & €vans
Ottos. %C B rreat HL
lo- ftaiue ml stov e. Urss-1
a a. .M« buardmau Aveui
That is tbe heartfelt cry of many a
mother who secs her beloved child wart,lt it so a
rbK r U* iiarHWoKTM-Hpsrtal atU-aUuw
LJ Ut amssri 4g PYP. t«r. DUBS aad UiruaL
B-DfitWsl liaums 7 BDfl Ml. * L. r
Cu I4.-X_____
. ,o
0,o,.d C
One of the rrsnlt.
of the BOB of Hr
Prescriptlow p r e -
on tbe opposite side. Heating some an
The Mission of
The University
Economy Store
TURK, SB our •yaleni of auua and atuM auJ \XR*rlds
is rushing l»»ward unmeaauitHl spaoc.
achievemenu that astound the inteUigence and mas
Urv of font's that paralyze the imagination are of everyday occur
ronch What is to guide thU headlong wnd atupeudout movement t
I answer, that sound jiidgiiu'nt whose highest type b common
that Bcholarlv learning whose rii>est fruit is wisdom and THAT
To promote all these tlie univeraitiea exist and are endowed. To
pour out into the body politic men and women so equipped » their
delight as it is their duty. The universities are not perfect, Thev
are not alwavi as efficient as they ahonld be. They b«*ar their share
of human fiiultT, follv and iudiscretioiL BUT TIIEIR TRADI-
thougbi to get a dccr and made hla
way lu the direction the sound was
mQvlng As It apprxDachcd him he approachRsl It. iKDih finally rracblng tbe
ic plare at the same moment. Kaa'a fawn fell at HuUan's feet, and
In a moment he had seen and read tbe
bad be dt.Dc so when
Leaping Water emerged frecn tbe
trees. .Hullan, maddened at Hie In
dian'a action, raised bU gun and ahot
him dead.
The same evening a jiarty of ecttlcra
vlalted the Indian village and now that
Leaping Water was dead Ud no dlf
S'evertbeAcuity In i
less Hie Incident waa t
aubaequeut kooUllth
my Other ^ildrra
ate sickly except
this one. and I took
your ‘ Fax-orite Prracriptmn ’ thi* time ' All the child'* •treufth comes from the
mother • Favorite Pretcription ’ gives the
mother strenrth to give her child.
There is no alcohol iu • Favorite Pre
no anbatitute for •Favorite Pte- There u nothmg - ju*t aa good Invited to
Pierre, by letter, frre.
coohdemiaL Addrcaa Dr.
talo. N Y.
il for what Dr ISerre *
a cwvdmrct a rhsrasr whwk waa taktag away
Five Dr. Pierce'* Commoe Senae Medical Adriacr is aent free on receipt of
«at«r Ii.wr »rrf.4tl. awl cisUtw. at i>»4 Mis^
sioit U K Hniikmsn.«»kl Missluo.
pUKN^^ BoOMi to reel.
uruidN-xh at JCI
O. •». OAfVVaCM
>Vh«T..KKNT-W P..
HTT o5S£:
aauNKvn) IxiaK-c i
^Editor S. A. Brown, of
^ tegoir of tb. Bt* 0>d rutat
triad Blselrlc BitSsre whiah balpad
bar at anea. and. aftsr aa*s« tear ‘
ppeHto. StoiBMh
Uv«r tm-
nHi ittejt
By Carl H. Kipf
Bit or M T.rl«r brforr bte
eMM. For ioMULU», hr Lad jcruwn up
to l» fwrtitj^ario 3»ar» old mud bad
bdtom^ a farOMT'a blr«d man: hr had
almoat W«oid» «-nrar«l to dUr fannrr'i
^dmhttr and rull> mjEar*^ to aaocb
or'a: hr had rrad a doa-n lovr mv^h^
takaii thr prtsr at a apelllni;
jhcoroMl to idar thr accordion and writ
ra»c op from thr c*i
loakod at him in a
-Zoh. you can
mpiMHd! TIh.
mmmrr boardrr!
I oo, though 1 nlwavM t**ll
, ,n*In* tu haiifirn
to oa. Yto, It'a a yoona woman, an'
ahr'a »oUi' to auy a
Zrb. With
-Good lookin'r li
a IlftI# morr Infcrm.
Ilandaomr at a i.lrtOTr.- rc|.llrd hla
machcr. -Vra. air; ahr'a thr handaoiu.
rat dirt I brllrvr I rr« r
Siu 'm got
hrowB hair an* blur ryra an* t.-th aa
white aa chalk. An' when ahr lauirlia
It'a lik* thr Jlnclr of alrlichlirlU. SSrU.
doa't you want to »rt it l.-A at hrrr
-I alat dyln’ to. but I auppoac It
would be Hlkrtt to rail oo h«T an*
■ort of welcome her to thr inH^'hlrirhood.**
t>f coorae It would, of conn--. Vm,
you'd better drraa up a bit after aupper
00* to orrr. an* If you want nnv ex
roar you can aak Mra. J?lieM«.n to lend
loe her nntmeK rrater.**
An hour Utrr, dn*«»e<l in IiIn Kunday
rhdbeu. Zeb wallu^l nt.r to the oth.-r
farmhouar. Farmer Kl.eld^.n hadn*t tin
lahed mllklnit yH. mid hl« wife wn«
oUU waahlnjf dlahca. but on the i^.n h
aat tho youny woman with teeth a«
whlta aa chalk. On the w.ty o\er Zrl>
had bam pnfMrtny a little rptweh of
wrUwr. and be Intembd to lift hH
hat kiMMhakr
after the Intent
faafaloii. When be came u|K»n the aum
mrr hoarder, howenr. he waa knm k
rd out Hr who liad.etu.al up without
a tramor before IW |«.ple at a apeH
tny match found Ida b.-art tl.uni|.liii;
and hU throat dry aa lie abeal le for.
»udB‘t wurrv. 1 bcBrrr F4 !■» Id
ire you aiarry thla ylrL**
of Spirits Were
-1 brtorw IM turn fa** kd lUfUai aa How
hr aaUBUrad away to ihiak thl^
Takes For Noted Lawyer.
over. As he waa goiay orrr the case
la hla mted tt ace—ad to him that hr
wm» aamewhat haadkappad by belay
myayed to Laura Lattlmer. Hr would
doo'a. ao.t laalrrmloy Zrb caUed ^
» j
lio|^ that ahr waa aajoylay
rrrr. and after ulkiny witb Farmer
Hbeldoo for an buur aU.ui tl>e crops
be wmt homr. He was looklny and
fcrilny ylom. but hla mother aald:
-ZeW.y. yem don't understand glrla
an* shy.
Jokin’her. Too Just
keep riyhl on
oa as youaredoln*.**
you i
Uekejrton. Brery
rery momlny he seat
bouijnec yatherwd with hia own
hands, and ex cry erealny he cmlled.
H.Kuetlu«-a the mmnier iMwrder w.t on
the larrh with Mr. and Mm. Hhcldon.
hut the only remark she errr made to
him waa to nsk If there were snj
besm In tl»e nelyhlMsimc-l. lie
«d hit molber'a rosy ilew s and fell la
lore. Also for alx oiyhta In arn'ceoalon
he playitJ the accordion In rnmt of
Three w«a>ka had |taa«M^l. and he waa
msklny up hla mind to pn-M thlny« a
little fiH.n*. when Mm. Fheldon Informed him aa he handetl In a bouquet
blm-d that the summer IsiardiT liad
left Th.re was no meaaaye f..r hlmno fare well. Mrs. Hbeldon even bad
the cTiielfy to say that hla name had
w Ith (
mother tried to aay aoineihlny trinaolUig. but hr fruae h.T with a look and
liaaiml on to the barn, lie Intended to
liam; bImiN-lf: but. U lny unable to llnd
a tope nnd resllxlm; that a chain would
hurt t.s> much, be gave up the Idea
nml wiin.ler.sl down into the et.rnOeld.
An hour Infer bla fond motli.T found
low .md n a.|unHh np|«ir.-nlly luilntr na
M-n(inel over bla aluml*em. Site w I|ms1
a tear fnim the corn.r of bla eye and
-I*.air. |aior Z<‘bby: He rnn't under;
stand that tbia ylrl went iiw n> Imswust
she waa afraid she waa failin’ In love
with him-
onr one evenliiK.
The little ylrl at
tracted attention with le-r <|tieetluoa
and answerIt was when th.- **ar
ntich.il Klght.vnth stn-et that the ellmnx was r.*a. h.-l. At Ihnl |-.lnt the
ear mak.-a a bing atop U•f.•r.• pulliny
bill. It was while the ear was
aUm aiMl belpbwaneee. lunl elie pltUd
him and broke tin- iMlnful eltuation by
-Did you come here to aee Mr'8l.e|.
don about hues or i
-N^jo. marm,- elamiuere.1 Z.b no
I pull.Ml (be top off
a wewL He badn t
-klaybr you are a n latlve or eoin.‘
thlnyr contlnueil the U.imler.
marm.** came the n*|»ly
acaln. with a det.Tiidniillon i.* kl.k
hlmaelf all over ll.e rmi.l f..r n-|.e«tlng
thr unfortunate won!
Then roeued a italnful |««uim-. The
boarder rteked to an.l fn. mi.l I.N.ke.I
orrr Zeb*a h«*ad. and 7a‘U eUin.'.l Ida
wrlyht from one foot to the titlier and
tried hla lewt to yet rid of Ida bonda
Hr anally drew a bin*; bnwili. etrulKhimed up and aatd:
-I—I bofie you’ll low HlHdd.m'a i*or-
-Yea. 1 bo|a. aa- abe n plWd.
Mn.. X.
the nodher of the bright little girl to
her fri. nd.
-Ye-; -he I- U-autlful,** aHM-ntcd the
The little ylrl was looking out of the
w Imlow alt. r the figure Hirolied up the
hill. IT.- i.tly *.he lurn.-l In her iw-at.
’•Hay. mamma, you I.Hik Just like that
lad..•IM 1. deary* a-k.-l the mother
Just •xaetly-all *erpt the bead.”
The little girl U atlll w.tnderlng why
the earful «if t—iple laughed —Kanaoa
rity Journal.
Uwlrk mrtstrna.
-An ln<|U«i.t la quite an event, even
in a city.- said the man wh.. had made
a trip lhr..ugh the Uekwr,-Hla of Wla
.«mialn. "but they don't lake much Intere-t In them In the lumln-r eampa,
I waa at o eauip when a mow Jog rolUM
off a lint «wr and orrr a man and
ma-hed him flat. It w na Just at noun,
and iiot—ly was dl-1-.-.-d t.i lose any
to n yang, -we’^r gut to yet this thluy
over w Ith befoTi* wr yu to dinner. 81*
of you stand artiuad.*
-8lx of the
a elrrle. and
'Now. then, tbere-a the log aad
tluit*a lull, and as Itlll couldn't roll
over the log we uui-t lake It that the
l..g rolhHl over him
Verdhi ..f the
Jury is that he came to hla death by
a.-. ld. nt and will l»r burled after quitting time tonight, and now lH*s ImfW
dIniHT. ahd may heaven rest Ida soul
-I like the plsm-,- said Mr. NewUwed. -but the raUruad fare It |wr«y
hlgh."Itut. surely.” fwplled bis bride. **the
raUroad vvmpsny will fix thst for you
when tlwy know.”
"When they know whsir
”l'Ut you're the tuau who bought
that share of their atock.”-PhUadel-
After thlnklny mattera over for
awhile Zad. almuat nm.luded tliat hr
had. and he In^gan to feel wn, r. If he
had made au linprea.loii, then he mu.it
folWw It Ufi. aa waa alwnya d.wie In
He yut an Idea Uk a -fob
lowcrt* before be ahi>t. and m it ni.»m
log beforw breakfaat \w on* at the
Bhaldoo kitchen doiir with a Ixmouet
Ways •rag# WorM.
Tt la n.y geo.'rally know n that any
a..me ui.f.rese,.ii accklenl aurh aa
might «-asHy «vur In Iravellug or
mls-liig N I rain, should find herself
al.we In .Nrw Y.wk at night would be
pU.s^l iti a 1
tuld bar about It. * you did just rtyhi
ThMU wauB’t auy use in aaylu* any
Uldf. Tou BCtud uhy ub* coy. b«'
For o l-alotlaur Woa Mrt.
l*r»__________ ..
-It u a strange but a.iuak foci that
she Would mil Iw odmltied to any ho
tel. nItiHiugh obviously a gentlewomaB
and i--rfe.tly able to |s*y her way.
Thai « masiuline atranyer mhoold be
aide wlilM.ut any trouble to Hud com-
ally true that a w«.man w bo -mlybtb#
saUoaa thst weukd .
but tu acqnire the right to bea
ludglny in au onUnary way w«
Un|Hiwable.”-Chlcago Jeumal.
CMiaa Claim Lechof has n
t>sr house ka Maanelima aft
nth U Mumoe and
quested to meet m the poM rooms u>mofiow at 12 odock. prepared
Another erideoce of the value of
adveitmnf has been experienced by
Mn. Wm Braadk
On Saturday ihe
advertised the kim of a ooosiden
sum of mooey. and this moruiug
disoovered it concealed in her ck
ir«. The roO of bins was wrapped in
^handkerchief; snd pbc
rialtora from the other world, aplrtt
oommaoleatloiia and aplrtt paloUayw
Mr. Xllsaon. an exp<’rt photographar
ami a aonbeliever In sidrltualiam. had
excnitlooal opportunities for atudjlay
the reUlIona of mediums with tha ooeo
great conwratlon lawyer, who aacrlficed hla fortune and pnifessioual repoution oiion the altar of hit faith,
account of certain happenlnga in the Marsh bouaeludd at
Mlddlrtown. N. y.. which came under
hla own olwervatlon.
Ills atory fol
y nc«|u
Mr. Marsh hbIn IKC..
I waa then a photographer at Middletown. N
h-cted by Mr. Marsh to do photographic
him U-cauac I was a Swede
and Bupismedly
aU I made for Mr. Marsh alsmt $.VXW
worth of photographs of different aplrItuaBsttr ph«-n«mena. |«ilutlugn. lettera. ai.lrtts. Hr. When I first met Mr.
Marsh, he was llviny with the Iluyler
family on Ib-nton avenue. Middletown.
Adjoining the house he had
creeled hla fanKma ’nemple.”
I wna first employ.^ by Mr. Marsh
to make flashlight plviunw of splrlu
producvHl by I*rofcaaur Arch*-r. wbo
waa at that time giving atwncea fur
Mr. Marah and hla frleudw The firat
Bight I to..k the i.btures I waa sta
tioned in front of some laco curtalna
oiipoalle an ois-nlny w^^e the atippoaed spirits were to appear. Tlie aplrIts that api-wred Included those of
Ilamrsea I.. Uameae. II.. M.suw. Joaeph and several others. The Illusion
greatly startled tom,
develojdng the ncinu
tivea 1 notb'ed that the is-ards of aoinc
of the spirits tuid ticvo careleaaly ad
Home time had elapsed before I made
thla diaeuvery. and prior to that, so
perfect had been the lllualon. 1 waa al
most cunvlne«-d there was something
real al>out thew* spirit maclfestatloos.
The reasuu I did not make the discov
ery sooner was that bw a time I was
not i-Tmltted to takrt the negathea
from the house. They w«-re supisis«*d
to Iw devel«|s-l then- under the direc
tion of Mr. Muyl.T. who had formerly
been a pbomgrnpber. l.nt.-r 1 dlso.verv*d that some of the eff«-Ms shown In
the negutivea I'ould have iN-en pro
duced only by mpid maidpulatlon of
costume and fiwture.
Mr. Marah and l*n.feasor Archer feU
out. The rcaaon was that
Isfled with
Mr. Marsh waa unwilling to |«iy the
exorbitant fees deuiandiHl. After the
falUny out l‘rofes»Mir Areher. with
of US
In Mr Jessup's photugrnph galbry
how he had entered U-hUid the hi.v
curtains, crawleil on his Immts ami
km-w front ohe side to the other. d«iiilied the vnrtoua disguises and apiwared
aa the dlff.
ture Mrs. Iluvicr. who apiuirentl;
great Infliiemx. civ.-r Mr. Marsh. l..ld
him that he would U- aide to correSfs.nd with tlios.* In the -pint worbX
One of these spirit lettera 1 fiartlmhir
Geo. £. Pray and family are
ing this week at Island Lak
Barker Creek.
Myrtle Rc)TK)lds of 842 East 8ih
street was remembered very
ly Saturday by a number ofher friends
oo the occasion of her birthday.
Among those present were the Missel
LilUc Hendricks, NcUie Gallagher,
Fred and Iva Dean, Ruth Reynolds,
Ulde Ne
that ahe I
lestlal I
meiidous siMtrtiueiil the spiritual ball
room waa, giving Its dimeusloua
1 photographed all of the l*ls l>eh«r
paintings for Mr. Marsh, and. though
I am not a iMimol-seur. several of
them apiieared to me to U* genuine
works of art. warranting. 1 should say.
the exi-Midllure of fully fbaMss) of
the fTuO.lssi o Ulch Mrs. l»ls Ivtsir ob
tallied for their produetUm. How
these pUiures w»ie prudui't-d Is an old
story and m-»-l not !-• rejs-ated here.
One of the paintings 1 pliotograpbed.
which U now in the gallery In the
Tl^ Mt mla for
will open tomoTTOu
*A Royal Slave-
When . tnnr, w.-s as ss It alway. i
firv-Jilm a
At the daiKX Suurd»y night in
Foresters hall, loaie one took a hat
by mistake. The party is requesicvl
to leave the hat with Geo. Boon.
*■ ^*
"Yea.-beanawered. huareely.-I fear
^ every aenae of the word, this la the
n.: r.
.Ii:- a rtp,- oU mre enne
i U. X.- -MMe i-Jt I.* d,.1.1.1 -It :.reui..l
n -«.• ibeir ri..-t •mK.-ii s-i'ua
of this city
allowing only one
Miss Boolmski. who has been Uu
yueet of Mrs. Frederick YJ. Flneb f«
the past month, baa returned borne U
Grand Rapida
Mra Joseph K. Baker and dauybtei
Jennie, and yrandohlld, of Chicago
are visiting Mrs. Frederich K. Find
of *» South Union street, also Mra
Kasiou Finch of Keal.
Freeborn Crerdlner and eon Harry oi
Seventh street went to their ootUgt
at Oerp Lake this mom ing and wll
enjoy a week’s outing.
Miss Jessie Rosooe has return*-^
from a week’s visit in Manistee.
Mr. and Mrs. August Bauman lefi
this morning oo a trip to Ohiaoyo.
Mr. aad Mrs. W. Armstroay. wbc
have been stayluy witb Mrs. C. H.
Page of 8tete street have left for a
trip inoludiug ManiaUe. Ludiugton
and Milwaukee.
Ray Kellogg of Morenei is the gneal
of Harry Roaoos of Wadsworth street.
Mrs. James Moody left this momluc
fof a trip to Benton Harbor. 8i Jo
sepb and Obicago.
L. Roeooe and family of W,
Yarasll of Delta, O.
Pere Marquette
Train, t-ar- Trmv-r-r «My a* 1
Hurua. Tui«l«
Heealoo Batarday night
hit At one time there were two Ce
prepared to look after the wmau of
dar men on bases with no one out and
the patroos of the plaoe. Mr. Key is
it looked as though Cedar was certain
of scoring but Uie next three men
went down oo strtke-onta Deveodorf
first olaas ami
pUyed aa errorless game at short
Irvlay Manmy took a party of boys
making some phenomenal sto|is. also
oonaaaUoy of Olaad Poaad, Robert
a doubU with no assist The batteries
Obaec and Heber Bloat over to Omeaa
this momtof la C. E. Morrmy’a yaohl were Blaokbum and
Ross and Kestler.
Venaa The party will be at the Clo
Mt« BU-IU Oool*7 of folodo. O,. li
here for e two weeks visit wiili liei
sister. Mrs. Paul Fisher.
c. u MrunsT
the tjaeeo Oitys liad S eooret to Uieir
esadit while the Cedar team took
o«l VooalMwac.
I r..rKU Kaiua-. Kolko-S. a»4
roU 0*1.1 |Vt..k.^T
Mrs. 11. M. Padden, President
McPherson Relief Oiqi was
hxpjuly surpriscl by the U«l.es of that
bringing with them well filletl baskets
The afternoon was s|jcnl with games
and a social lime, after which tables
were spread on the lawn» 24 licing
Mrs. Sarah Vader in a few
Well chosen words
Padden. m Itclualf
l>eautifu1 chain for glasses, also a
fing dish to which she res|-mded in
appropriate wor.ls.
number of ladle# Krl.lay afterno..n in
honor of her sister. Mra Tom .Shield,
of Grand Rapids. A very pltwmnt
time waa enJoye<l by all preaent and
delielooa refreahmenU were -rved
by the hosteaa
Fine Music. Songs. Dances and Spcciailics
Ihrr're C alrlilav Hla KUh.
- Chef of Police John Rennie, exMayor W. W. Smith. Will and Jay
Smith made a floe catch of fish while
trolling tin Kaat Bay. They caught
'I clcplionc 112 al onrc h.r scalx
four nice Mackinaw trout one of
which was particularly large. At the
time it was taken they luei
oat about
«00 feet of line and the ex mayor
Uiongh be hml snagged a n. sd l..«d in
some way. He csII.mI to th.- b»g fire
chief to stop the engine of U.e Imat
and commenced reeling in the line,
ard it was not until all bat the la-t
hundred ftwi was taken in tliat Mr
Smitn discovered that he was dealing
with something very umoh alive in
stead of a dead head.
They had a
lively time Uuding the fish, bot he
waa so securely hooked that he could
not get away.
Mr and Mra K O. Ooniptoa am!
Miss Maude Comptoo went to Peios
key yesterday on the excursioo. Mra
Comptoo and daughter remained foi
a sliort vUik
Mra. B.
Bracken ol
Washington street went to PeUwkej
Rev. and Mrr. Hugh Kennedy weal
to Oarp Lake today for a day ‘a fishing.
Tomorrow they will go to Empire,
wberu Mr. Kennedy will be ooe pi
the speakers at the Epworth Leagus
Mr. aad Mrs. Bert Miller went tc
Omeaa yeeterday for a short visit.
They rstaraed this afternoon.
Oharles Roeenthal of the Boston
Here we gathered sn.und lilni. Imp.
ng to bear m.nie |H-arK of wlv4iuiu.
or well we know that He- truly gr. al
irh prone to guide ux. in th.- pr.-i-r
l.ltfalU whi. b
untrained feet.
"It'« iin atnHloUM game- be t-oiUlu
"I -at at that lahle for !hr.-«un. and im-v.t held l- tl.T tluiu a
" f, rifi-T.'.
baan't got
name, held i
the whole
Btore returned yesterday from Kew
York, where he purchased a large
which he and Mr*. Avery will spend
at the r pleasant country home south
of the city.
J. Shmglevleckcr and C A. Coles,
old fnends of Dr. Moon are here
hom Audoboo, la., looking for investments in real estate.
Prof. C F. Horst has gone t
inaw. Bay Cily and Detroit,
be gone all the week.
P. C Gilbeit Vent
today on bosincMw
Mr.and MraWm. Breilhaupt formerly
Steinberg's Brand Opera douse
Uledtieiday, Jiugust 27tb
Thm Pommrfu! Sc9nic Succbss
Jl Ho^alSlavt
been \4siting friend in the cUy, left
ihU noon for Grand RapivU where *he
has a fine posiiioo in the school*.
The mother of the three uaattmetlve daughters stepped from thetruln.
followed by the father.
-t'nkes we get the glris engaged
here.- abc aald la a whUiar "there Is
Ipon lb-* ample Uwo the pater
counted nlDHy-eight glria.
In the
mlddW atoud Ihe loae aummer man.
aaaw^^ rIghty-aliH. quratloo. at
No matter l.ew tkl.t a jrlrl *
' ^* «r»»d^,*.Kn4(em,,..Onrtnnau-ud I»
are -he nev,-r likes to arkmm »«lpe Hh- |
great game,
The All Foob* Club went flsblai
yeeterday up the river aad eaayb
aomethloy besides the train. Kalpl
HaMlayt hooked fifty aloe ooee. Ra]
Wait got tlilrty, while Julius Palin
got about fifteen, because be did no
fish all the time.
KsUwoaoa. nmA i%k«gi>
An «i*lla*.!i uii a nujii's torultstone! For lvo*k»y aad M»rktn-w<iiv.s w*.«.
never imlicit.^ that be ma. a l«re.
Fvei-ml j-hsu -.mU. u. »Wt Wms-. ii is
Rev. Millard Brekford has ret urnevl to Urbana, 0„ after a visit with
A. \\\ Jahraus anti fnnilv.
Frank Key. who has parohaacd the
Little Tavern reetaarma
qauatlty of fall and wintar goods.
burned almost to the edges of Its hand
Mrs. Louis Bevemoa aad daughter
some frame. The manner of Its hum- Kstber of Buttons Bay are guasU of
Itiy lllustratiw the arts employed to Mra Jack Reid.
delude Mr. Marsh.
Mrs, F. Beckel aad ohlldrmi aad
At a seance he had suddenly demand
Mrs Bbapirm of Chicago, mother
ed a painting. The demand took the
medium and her a-slstants by surprise. aad sister of Mrs. P. Baadlemaa. are
They had no iwlntlng In nwdlueaa. hut hers oo a vlsll,
. aad Mra Oliver LmfWve came
they could not afford to raise a doubt
Id the mind of Mr. Marsh by a fallurw up from OadiUao yaesrday for a visit
A quick winetl man In the gatbertny
\Ux their daaghter. Mrs. Ray Wail
lieyau to swear In a loud voli'e. Thla
Wshstar street.
distracted the nttenUon of all hands for
Bert Wilhelm ahvl MiUon Smurth.
a moment or tw.\ and another quick
wait left this rooming for the northern
ly appllt^ some pboapb«»rut to a near
of the ilxte where they will look
by iwlntlng.
The picture began to
bum. and the medium announced that up Und.
IB a retiuke from the spirit world
Misi Fannie Taylor, formerly a
for the liUaphemy which had dlsyrscrd teacher in the cily school*, who has
the Baltimore American, wbetbe
Bert winter will be a bouaebold
altj or a pubUc curiosity.
Jnasxt me
John Proben was j
City base hall Uam went
Eveljn Ijingworlhy and
Brownie to Osdar City yesterday ;to take veag- Wlfi:Hirx Voaaw I
ekpee oo th» team at that place for the
I liavr » l,»U U..1-H Neat U.
a A. Stiles brings the Record defeat they gave tne local team a few
choice apples ol the Astrachan vari- weeks ago. It was a red hot contest
from the start and when the smoke
K which speak wt
cleared away at ihe cud of the niuUi
fruii this season
Diny Mra Ada Hoi
lirar mend klsrsh-1 know
sonsllf re-j-jnslble f.«- the pU
f**«S wV”
" ioilsor- of «.r
t often toW wUlK.u! ssying a
Mia FloRDce H«(im rettmed
yesterday from an extended visit in
Fnnkfoft and Manistee.
Larmtx Mlaaoo of 21 rerrtaa arr inside her bdL
Boe. Jersey City, waa for a conaSdrra- slipped down inside the
Mr. ami Mr*. Frank Tavlor, Mr.
ble period rmployed by thr Utr Lutlwr
Mn. Broschb^ed it to be knt un- ami Mr*. John JLuUnan and M
fL Marah. thr famoua a|.lr1tuallrt, to
MUhur>\ O, arc
tU she discovered it by accident
7.*--.^^:? At:;
of Batura for blaatup
UBXloualy awaltial h
Ar told her what bat]
-Now. Zrbby, you
Ud. That ylrl aaw
liaahful an*
modeat you waa. an*
like you nil
tha better for It. 1
t a ynnd.T
chicken that you made an
p had Uitun.
Hr did Bot appear at Sheldon'o tiuit
ureoloc. aa one of the cows wva tulaa.
IBC. but next day. aeclng the summer
bourdar In the orchard, he made an cx
CUBS to craaa K and come fatv to riuw
wlU hur htahL Hbe bowed a little
coldly Inatnad of rxieoding N.th bauds
uhd rxpraaalnff her d. light o%^r the
beltyhockA half of which w,^. idi.k
and half white, and he alnioat lo«t hU
wlta ayaln.
When no words would
cumr. hr cUmlaxl an amde tn>^ Khuok
doWB about a iMiahel ot liard. yreea
uppleu for her. and tbouch lie reallaed
that he had burst one auai>mder In de
hr manayed to Uft hla hat
h uway 1wUboiit falUny down.
•r WbrB U
fr mid
AH taembexi </
G. A. R.. whomtend to ytu»d the
CBOuapiDart at Central Laky arc re-
Ml hBd
U Smith. Mbs
Fmd S«uR> lock in the
^oht to Hus citj comploio with all tho Original Sconary,
Iffacts, and Cast as prodacad in Mam York.
ASH HV .M« m i.SUirtlT.
THE tkIkt.EOUs l AlAt E < »F THE KIM..
EkL I’l
In lZ> THE
l.\ MATl
Most BewllderlfiK Display of Scenic Embollahmonla
2—Carloads Scenery EffecU-2
30 - OAST OR - 30
aeviBo pstcaa
On your ouUldE doors use Oal.
maa*s KlasMe Bpnr Varnish. fVfet
kf—oorrodgf Wmf$ mSd fmmimm,
____________ 1€30-if
/ TkrfWn, Star/ of Looo. Main. Passion, intrigoo. Boaongo.
Dowotion ondHotoxc Daring.
PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c.
this evening record
rBA.TBit8B cmr. men.
Ml u. lb* tormaac B-oerd
OUw Haran. Mkh.. Am*.
Smi Upon by Strlkors and Boat
•n WUh Cluba
Oaciinas to Discuss Subjsct
fa-aarim acatkma ow Slaaptm Bear
Point and flonth Mnnlkon Inland bare
Gbpt. John]
RuaMlI 8a«a 8aya Morgan Can
End tha Strika
But Will Sail in a Fsw Wssks
Not for Hla Health Nor aa
unanU for tba bnlldlm of the
boat honaaa for tba Emikb anrfboaka.
oca for the ttoatb Manilon aUtioo on
tba Inland,
a ootdoo
Oalr aboal 40 i
Tbay ir
atrlkera. btoAtoo wUb e
back. A aaaibrr of U
undergo anrgtoal treatment
» tortkaCi. A. R.
M-Raaaall 8aga
a Hla Ueroiee lu Nationel
bnlvea and in gila Inatnaoa nnam**
Waablngtoo. D U . Ang. lf.-Unc!e
a liare beab mnda to gtra tba
ana tba beat ,tlma of thalr llraa Sam iro’t ao near a bankraiH aa acme
aupimaiMl It ia true that ao far
Ooramor Bliaa will ba pmaaot and
dellrer an addmaa.
Senator J O tbia yaar be baa eipanded aomeUiing
like 8l0.000.0u0 mom Uian bia rmmlpU.
non‘a llagahlp. and tbe reply, "Aooe|4
aanender" from the fore truck of^tbe
Prairie. Commander Plllabory’a flag*
abiiK Tbe Uttle betwewi Uie Mae. or
defending aqnadroo. and th. while, or
attnokiog a.|nadrron. wa^ thus quick
ly ended, eight mile. aonUi uf That*
• har’^Uland. Tbe en^uiv bad moat
aignally failed to make a harbor, hav
log for ita objective Salem
A prepooderanof of fighting aU. ugh, r.-latbe lively 84 polnta mpmeented l.y the
to tba and Praald. nl Mlloball aaamnl
. The tenta will ba ahippad lo
obaarad tbia momlm oo«i
night nod tomorrow the poat will go,
took no atook In tba rci«rt that Uia nl«nt fifty alrom. nooompanied by
man ara waakanluff and ara willing to
•mbara of tba Woman‘> K.llaf
ratum to work.
imtoqoa. Am*
Blrikara broka
out at louiafonl ibla »«iming and bant
non anioo man Ban KItna. a dapnty.
waa baatan natm^rcifnllj whila t«ard*
iiif a trollay oar for work
Aug. i5-Tna
oommlttaa of tba Public allianoa of
tbiB oity which wailad on Hanatora
goayand Panroaa at Atlantic I'lty
laat wark and urgad tbai^ to naa Ibair
good omoaa to bring about arbitration
to tba ooal atrika parfromad a like
laiaaion lo tbia city ynat^ywbao it
oallad on Praaidant llltcb. ll and raqnaatod bin. to oooparato wltb tba
Pnnnvlvauia aaMtora In hrtnging
about a aattU mant of tba atrika.
Mltobrll aaid ba would do anjtbim
that waa lumonabla to brim obout an
adjnatmant and ha furni.hod tha
wltb tba aUtlallCB of tha
atrika from tlia niinara' |ioint of % it*w.
wbi< b warn
to tbi
gnay Ian nigi.t
llaalalon. Pa. Aug JJ. J D Me
Oarthy. ohalfman. and MatU.ow l^
and Harry hilrarmau. macnlmra of tba
aiaoutira commllloa of tba Paoult- a
allianoa of lUaaltoo. want to New
York yaatarday lo rjUbaror to put In
to believe that no ^ueb cuUmity la in game of naval Btrategy waa l>roagbi to
an end, it having covered a period of
Tne noelpta from ouatoma dulh-a nnoroaingtoil. aleepleee night, of anxduring tl»e ait weeka of tbe current
florol year have eaoeeded tboae of cor*
responding period of laat year by aev*
aral mllhoim
Laat year thay wem
|a;i.0Ui*.ia). while thia year they w.-m
8»l.0U0,uuQ, an inoreaae that waa alio*
gelhar uneipeoted. The tr. aaury offl*
Morm t'alleauk
Befura Two BlorXa J
oiala can not acoount fv>r the increaae.
UHlay Mia. Lucia Welgand.
neitb. r can they or anbyody elae form
of Mr. and Mra Herman
ao eatliuBle %a to how long it will
Aooording to the contract which
Welgand of this oity. and Dr. Uoy ooiitinue
At any rule, it aeema aafe Mr. iPrange hav with the city he
Lincoln Noye». were unita^I in
to give up tbe idro of a deflolt at tbe would not be compelled to roll and
riage at Orace Kpi-Kopal ohnreh. iu end of Uie fveaent year, and that ia
pat in tbe filler of the block tlniahed
tbe pmMiiloe of a few intimate frienda
until another block ia flniahed. But the
jnat What the omicalChave done.
Tba chan, el waa prettily deoomted
The reduction in rooelpta Usmuae of diaaatUfaotion of the property owner., I
with pink and while caruationa
the mpea! of tbe war Ua will amount at tbe delay hav been
banka of palma. and Uie c.rvmony
to 80.S.OOO.UUU anuualy. but if tbe un* that tbe board of public workv have |
waa aolemulbMl by tbe motor. Rer. O. preoMenttNl increaae of Uie few weeka
laaiated that tbe block be completed ^
T Hlont. tbe w.Hiding march I
of the pmeent yroroontlnutw tiirough
ce. Mr. Prange. haa waived hiv 1
pUyed by Prof W. H Steffena The
objeotioov. altboogh tbe ooht of keej
oot the yior. Uiib will all ba
uabera wem t>T O
A Good and l>r. aod more, lintil it la known whether
lug a bired roller ben- longer than
J. Y Oaiiavan. Mlaa Gmtoben Hnr
tbe uegoiiiation. for the Panama can aotoally r^uiiud would U* consider
muth of Peoria, llL. waa brld...mald. al will have progreaaed far t nongb no
After a couferenoe with
and Howard Iriab of tbia otiy.
that the 84“.OOU.OUO will be required Book of tbe board of public wot
man. Tbe bride and bndeamald wem
for that purpose during the preeeot this morning. Mr. Prauge ngre<«i
al^plT. but eaqnialtely goume
year, it la not, however, poealble for
ngnge tbe uae of a five-ton roller
wliite. Mlto Weigaud wcarlm a white tbe tmarury officlaU to oorreoUy or rom Maniatee
Mr Hook teleiihoned
obiffon bat, wltb oelrlcb feaUiera
nnderatandlngly pmdicl whether the hem tbiv luurnioKand vraa notified
Miaa llarmutb a while and pink hat treaanry will show a auiplna or a that the roller Iwould be ehlpjied at
She oarriml a large bouquet of pink defloit at tbe end of the year
With OSOK When It reaobea here it will be
and while aweet proa
oot the Panama expenditure it will bat a few day. before tbe block be*
At the oonolnaioo of Uie oemmony
be an addition to our pmwml wirploa.
ween Park and Oaae elreeU will be
weddlm brrokfaal waa aervedat tbe
With it. it la eatimnted that tbe re*
borne of tbe bride, only the Imi
oripu and expeodllnma will nbont
Fe Roelerort aUU.
ale reUtivea helm pre***ot U*
By IVOefTBiA to Um RacuM
Mra Noye. left on Uie afternoon O.
to oiwralion aoma plan lookim u>
•armioatioti of tlie Btrlka
They de
olina to make public t\u>it plan or to
aay whom they bopa to aaa in tb.* in.
Tl.e Paopla'a alliance la R & L train Tor Oolumbin.Ma. wbem
the groom hue be*>n appointed profeaeor
of OpbUinlmlc. and Antal Surgery In
Sbanandonh. Pn . Ang 25-Raporta the Uniremlty of Miaeourl. Dr. Good
mc'iradat brigade baadqnnrtara yea hna nlao been appointed bonne aurgeon
yearn when be waa oa tbe medirol ainff
of tbe Hofthoni Michigan AayUm.
nil of whom ioin in aineem cxmgmtnUiona and bant wiabea. Many beauU*
fnl {irmeuU teetify to tbe eateem in
which both am bald.
talaed at boca l.ato TM* tv«»a.
Dr. Klemtng Oairow. of
noeompnniad by Hon A. O. Wheeler. ivereity of Miobigaa, wboaa naaiataoi
United Sutea Mandial for
Waal, Dr. Noyea baa been for a oonide ol
ana Dlatrlct of Mtcbigaa. S M. Lem year., and Dr. and Mra G. W. Law
on. collacior of enatoma aad Jaa A.
Ooya, mvenaa ooUactor. of Umnd
Rapida. will arrira tonight and the
imrty will be mitartaiued dorim Uaia
weak at tba anmmar borne of United
Smiaa Diatriot Attorney U. O. Oovell.
at Lorn
f'MowN jawsbu nobii
r-f— That Uam* W*ro Piiaem4 of to
Par naaia'B itobb
Lkboa. Am tb-;A ooartfmnotlon.
MJ g^iaa that tba crown )ownU warn
twmliy told to eovar
Sobk Tba jawala.
n big royal
ba aaja. Imit* b4«i
wplimd by imllntkiaa
died yesterday
wnaeanaed by genmal debility. Tbe
fnneral waa held this afternoon from
the ebnrob In WilUamaburg and Uie
body will Iw interred in the oemalery
Bigbl aad aaoning at the beaaufnl
borne of HsBntnr Lodge. The pred*
dent WiU wmak In Boeten this even*
Kid an
tent and
JInd fcu’ll
Silks! Silks!! Silks!!!
Stt »ur Win
Wash Silks, th9 50c kind at
Foulard Silks, the 75c kind at SOC
Sprineand Fall Jackets in Bld:k and
Brown Cheviot, the latest style—
to cl(»e out. $6*00
New goods arriving daily, do not fall
to visit our store whether you wish
to buy or not and see all the nice
goods that we are receiving.
A new line of
Some Very Nobby Styles. Choice Values.
as stvIiNh, scfM. cable, comtiinahlc xhoi*s zs a five dol*
1.U bill wouhl buv anywhere
III the bnd.
THE GENTLEMAN wbohnemy oopy
Xn. O. B. B«U It tUlUac Dt. ami
tn. aUUMij et lakt Aaa.
. . jg
mg a dollar and a half,
Bup WalhOotrs'
Awar Vmtordar.
baraed Saturday eftonmoo It waa not
Lynn, Ang.
red for n large nmoani and tbe
veil lennmad bU New KaglaBd loar
dona WiU inU banvily npoa tbe owner.
tbUnftenooa, after gpmidlag n quiet
have no objections to xav-
varpeatarB* I’alou.
The handU factory at Homeetead
Next thine to Giving Tbem Awayl
» will be a apeoial mceui
Montagna ball
all Monday
MoJSy <eveniug.
85. at 8 o’clock. All ai
an or*
beprveent. M. R McFarland,
ganlaer from beadqnatora will addreai
oa Noo-noioo onrpentan arc alao in
vtcd to attend. Signed.
AAMroee TOero Troleirt.
lo xc-
ue lo do xo. lirr. It you
Denver. Aug. 25-Tbe ebab of Per*
at bia home In Wllliamaburg.
86 years old and death
ITultad Stntaa Senator J. I'. Bur*
rowa avrlmd in tba city tbia morolm
htf vout shoes than
« uic as gixMlUiocx lor $3.60
>uu can contin
aU left for ('alia, todar.
Kphrtnm Dnuka, one of Uie old piotarday abowad the entiru naUimcIte In tbe boupitnl In oonnectlon with
necra of thin county, died Sntur
coal Said to be very quiet BHgadier tbe nnlramlly and laft today lo enter
Ilia home In Kitigvley of dropay
Uaoeml Oobin anid that a aetUement upon bia new duUea tbera.
canned waa W yenrv of age and hna
While Mra Noyea baa only lired in
of tba Btrtke uppeara to blm to ba na
liwMS^bero for tbe pant twaoty-five
far off aa whan be arrived ham nanrly Uila oity n few yrom. her circle of
yrora The faoeral waa held thia af
fonr waaka ago The troopa will in all frleuda in only limited by her Hat of
ternoon from tba "
probability remain here ontil the noqnalntanoea. and Dr. Noyea nlw*
der Uie dlrwjtion of W
made n boat of frionda daring tbe
atrika cornea to an end
nthtr p»f fS.OO
Fall and Win-tor
hirrv, llBttera and FumlU»ri» lu II.- M*jr.ty.The Amrfkan Clt.rrn
boat, bad overwhelmed .the 45 pomU
repreeeoted by tbe auxiliary oruleer.
Prairie, Panther aad Snppty.
apeak from a tbeoretio atandixiiut. the '
white aqnadfoo waa entlr-ly de.troy*
ed by Uie gona of Uie dch iidiug bat*
UeaJiipe. Thun on tbd fourth night tbe
Uonal," from/Hror Admiral tliggin*
Sebart Beeeber c:e. « « Prep.
is now on exhibition here. Come in and have
your measure Uken by an Expert-MR. WIL
KELLY & CO., of Louisville. Ky. A i>erfect
lit is guaranteed or the clothes are ours. Mr,
Simmons will be here until Friday. Come now
and have first choice of exclusive patterns.
aaja It la J. P Morjan a datj to and
tbaooaiatrika. Ha|C» mid: -llorfM
lathagraou^l man lo tba finaooUl
world, aad^^tbromb U.U fad that
ha oan brim an ami lo tba coal atrika will alao ba praaant and will glre bot tbe oollook now ia Uiat by
Ilia InflaaM U ao vraat U-ii all that Ulka to the aoldiara. Srarythim baa
la aaeaairy la for blm to daolara bb bean done to make tbia tba md laiiar
tola4 on tba aabjiH t. and If It farora
l In the bialorj of C3antml Lake trne that beoanac of Uie mpenl of tbe
dalarmlaaUoB of tba atrlkara it would mid that a big auoeaaB will ba aoomd
reruona taaea and tbe heavy ap*
not ba lorn bafora tba mlnara would la a fomgooa oonoInBlon.
proprlatlona made by ooagmaa. tmaa
raaunaa work."
omoiaU hare feared that they
MePeraon Poat, Ha 18. O. A. K .
Wllkeabarra. Auk
«&-Today. ba* of tbia oly. held a maeling Saturday
t eoon be confronted wiU. n
ffionlnjr tba letb waok of tba atrika. aftamoon to arrange for the at* brovy deSoit. bot that fear baa now
abowa boUi aidaa datormlnad to flffbt tandnnoa of the poat at tba anoamp* vanlabed. and them ia every maaon
lard, fi.M
U Tl«r of tf»eatTwpi»AeM.
tWMm tb« war d.|wrtau«> aad him
aalfhiarUlt In aa ollleUl onpnolty
Rockport. Man. . Aogn.t 2i-Tha
atadln ebanga of hanrt oo tba
of the dapnrtmant
Ha mpllad naval anarch iwoblem oo the New
Informniion in that ragard would England coat waa terminaPNl at :^ :8u
hare to eooM from the war depart* yeaterday mornltig by the •ignnl.
had aaaamad a quin aapaet ttbtiriff
Jacob la oa tha aoaae With dapatla. begin at that place tomorrow and c^*
aad no fartbar iroablr la aipiotad an- tinna thraa daya
laaa aaoibar attempt la mada to .tart
Oanlral Lake never dona thlnga b^
Detrolt-Wheat. T:\ aad78;eorS
WlUlam R-Ricbarda, of thia city.
Tba fnnaral waa held thia aftersooo 86; oata, 85^.
Toledo^Whaat. 78*^ aad 7**4from the oonrt hoaaeN Rev Demon
Obioag^Wbeat, 7SS: corn.
Ooohlin omolaUm
The Baatern Star
U wu ractMMd to OaiMnl HIIm.
tots and SdieeiHr CeocU at m
ba. not yet been determined.
Also Congrwooman Darrogh
and Senator Burrows
Heboaob waa takao to tba Hatrltoa
wbara ba lira daaperat
At 10 o*eloek ararrib
waa tbe oauee of |-------------------------------To4ar*B MerSma.
Up«tol to Tl»- Br««lcw SMtl.
work oo both booaaa R. J B Naw*
itoo. Aug. 25-Oaamml Mllaa aa*
oaiaS 8\; pork. 817
lodgn nttesded in a body.
eomba. of Maniataa. baa tba eontmot
iiaa Uiat bawlll nail for tba Phil*
and 810.
for tba araetioo of both.
ipfdnaa within n few waaka Wban
naked if ba waa going la hU olBelal aooal qnaUtkea warn graaty appraoiatcapacity, ba mpUad: "Wall, Vm not
iroiDK « . tourUt. uIUmt ub I toia.
to. mj IMIUI
I «D»ot un BBlil 1
nappad bjr Um atrUm
Naw Vork, Abk
by the family in the oonrt booae
waa oaly n faw dnya ago that Mra ter U atlll tlie .object
Tbe Record nbont two weeka ago
Biehnrda waa takao ■oddnnly iU. and
Msoa theo abe failed impidly
At flrrt aanonnoed that tba new line would
get out of tbe city along the ahora
re her health, bat when n aboriginally planned, but whether
lofpoyaieianawnabeld it over indeprndeot right of wayor wltb*
that abe waa too weak to in Uie right of way of the M. A K. S
Tnmiciiaa ateck a! Tndlan Baa«
nflleu>tgB>BH—ro4 br ^
from Dm’* !>*•*
Bdwin P. Baeon.
lani to auparinlaodaoto of eon
4100. la bam to inko abnrga of tba
.Am. «
Anna M. Rlehnida. wife of J. Q
Rlohsrda. tha Janitor of the ooanly
oonrt honan.
died enrlj yematdny railway company nod the T. O U A
M. relaUre to tbe ngbt of army of
for tba
dm AkBT Point
to ba
ad In tba bay bam. ab&t fiOO faat
I to tor TWr
bondat a-vuvst m, ibos.
ifck tiamift
tjUb^ko»iiii-^ ittatwt u. i»ot.
SS’SxS fia»f«/ Dwts
of 1J)t Uforid
TRAVERSE CITY. MICHIGAN ateld not allow aaah lowi
laVoU aad MaalMaatB taka
Stnirit TklktiM to tlM FMit-nie
Vlrtics Bf Dr. A. W. CkMscH i
KerTePflbTBtoto a Few
War4s bj (toe
A harrowing boUdi
red Friday at Filey.
€an you Rnd Koont
Tor anothtr Stand in pour douse?
Mow that Joba Plarpewt Mcr«mi
TMK. T lATfS AND J. V. fUMieil
S, W.MANNKN. MItor i
tMML A. mwidmm
*r I
fur HmrwUtr
rsKUM. WAKNKii«rn«k
iDANIBl. Mc4>(lV oTKr.
r«r ABiiltor
PSlUi%* r. PO%¥KKH wf w.
U.Mr.1Al.AJIi of Jo
cSAKI«B« a.
Rt^AfflMI i\ MorrAi
UA\'IP CJ. t’llANPl.KIt. '
Osl«r oX
E, U. Al.LVX
Afisr niTicwing tlA finauciml mUuh
tion to
Ihrouirhout llir rouii
try %md •hofriujr tli« ttinumo* of tiit
bi»; oorpor»fio»
dMU Bpoo Wall atroet. ll. Dry Olewi
InhU UH w«*ak’. flnaooial nriaw
**Tba iTMiaral Imainaaa aitaatioi
ooutinaaa aatiaraotory. From U»e %re*l
irlowiat mwoouU are i«oai\ m1 of trade*
proapaoU. a* a raaolt of Uie biK oon
cropk In Uio taut e&poctatlona an
inocB tao larmles aud atrlkaa liaye ax
aroiBMl a dalarrani affaol. The m.oU
ia ptomlaad a
than laat yaar. wlum the
did harm Kallroad
both continue to drmonatratc the
ooBBtry’a vnaU artiritiea; and ao far
than are few aima if anr.sof patxlnc
tion liaalnir outrun nmaumptlou. euol
aa an* uaually Uh* fimt wamlnjra of
eooaomlo taaetlon. If pradanoe ami
moderation can only hare their pro
par away unlnh-rruptad, there is m
UUiair how loojf the preaent era of
pcoaparUy wiU continue. But both of
thanqaaUtiea art* euiiuently ueot *
nry In thaaetiniaa”
Dr. Tarleion
U. Bean, aotltix chief of ttie depart
ment. Mr. Pitirhot ii chief of the di
riaion of foreatrr in llie Department
of Affrloulture at Waahinicton and ia a
man who haa done more, perh^tta
than all othera to deria^ a practh*al
policy for the iweaerration and extanaloa of the foreaU of this country. Ur
la a irraduate of Yale Unlveralty aud
aabaaquent to hU irraduatioa studied
fonatry la the beat aohools of K
ntarn to thU country he waa placed
in ebarve of the Biltmore esu
waMeni North Oarolina, where he
danloped and applied for ixwhaiw tin*
ftiBk time in America the practical
mathods of manairioit larm prirata
fonata. He also formulated the b,at
maaawrea for aeourlnit and preaerrinf
tba larfe foraat arvas tn the atate of
Mew York. Ha waa appointed ciiief of
tba Diriaioo of Foraatry .in the De
playing on tbe wtodom of tba nU9 taken in depmlag
cut Off Vy the inflowing uid King Coal and aubaUtutlng IWukl
tide aad drowned before tbeir moth- fuel aa food for bar farnaesA
tbe baaeh had
bnacht to b«wr to aottlo tbo dimoalty.
She reached port with her paint work
aloa tha Mfb prlea or ooal will briav
frvab and bar decks as cicun as those
aaffenr.tr lo thoanadcof working paoof a weU scrubbed yacht. Oflkero and
waa dnaaased and no benta
pie .. waUaa topotrariaoa Udaatriaa
oot elf boalnen unUl tha aonaal prioe
tbe new focL
Weucbell of tha Unitrd Btetro navy,
at a reMUA Tba oldest ahUd who U chief engineer of the cruiser
oovKRXMBirr i.vTBitricwtac K
a faUle attan^A to save tha Boston and who was detailed by tbe
yoangaatena by holdiag it ap la nU
arma Thoaa who attampad to roach
I himself as delighted
tha children had narrow aaoapaa
with the liner’s bchai
New York, Aaf. »-Praeld«ot from drowning.
**1 wUl make my r*
At IBast Urerpool. O.. a atranga department and of
KooeeTaltwiil ba aak«?d to call a speolal
aaartOB of coognai to taoa aotlao to wnan appeared on the floor at the into deuils in rrgard to this mktter
ward tba coal atrlka This waa dacid. dancing pavlUiOO at Bock Bprings fur pttbiicBtkm.*’ be said. **1 can my
edatamaatiBgyaatardayof tha Can park daring aa intarmiaalon batwaaa this much, however, and 1 apeak from
daaoee tbe other night Bhe prooead- experience gained thruugb careful observatluo througbout tbe voyage that
Uia JIOO.OOO worfcingmaa. A maaa edto tbe center of tbe floor, knelt fuel oil. so far as the Martpom la con
BMwtinjt under tba anapioea of the U- and raUing her haada. prayed farraot- cerned. U a eompleta aocresA TIk- n^
bor aalaoa of Kaw Yo* city and ri- ly. Tba crowd atood In perfect ailanoa suits obUlncd on this royage will be
cinity will be held at which reaolu- until ebe had finished, and crept away
tiooa will ba adopted argin« Pnal- as silently as she oama Tbe dauoe
dent IhMiaeTaU to Immadialoly oaU than reaumed. The praying woman
Tbe Msripom used only two boilers
oMurraaa to meat aad debate on plans waa an East Liverpool mother who
auapect«<d that ber danghtar waa at througbout tbe voyage, and there was
which will brine tim atrlke to
never a hitch from start to finish. The
tha dance.
Mis. Beaaley of New York, who U passengers expreaaed tbemaelTrs as de
lighted with a state of affairs wlUcb
1» years old. and pretty, went for a made jk—lble rapid transportation and
ridr on her bicycle and after climbing au absence of dirt aud amoke. From
Parmere* PrMly AeweUrtoa Will Uatb a ateep hill eat down to rest under u tbe oil furnacm tbere la no odor, and
ohaeuot tree. Bhe waa enjoying the tbe cleanliness exiata to tbe almost
e err«reOoo4TI««Amni.Hmh.
beaatiful eoenery wlien lier Beat was depths of tbe big liner. Faaseugera
The Karmen• Kriandly Aaeoclation
interruph d by a tramp. Ha demanded
of Norward. Oharleroix county. wiU
money and ataited to graap bar arm.
boldiU ftnt aunnal plooio at tliat
Mlaa Baealay jumped to ber fe< t. uud Ing tbeir garmimU aollrd or of bring
plmw Tiinreday. in Whila Birch
as be pot out his hand, aaiaad it aad
Tbe V
Grove There will ba moaic. a bal
gura It a twiat that cauw*d the fellow watebed
game aad n|fuiy featnraa to attrad
to cry oot with paiu. The young piping world, and Its suceeaii. It Is lieauyooa who wisliea to take adrantaip
woman liad boxed with bar brother, Ueved. wlU mean tbe conversion to «U
of iW
and tlic next moaanl she gave the bornerm of a Urge uuuiUt of vessels
tramp the aurpriaa of his life by land and tbs abandonment of coal as fnel
**A Koyal BUra.*'will ba aeen ai in a Btinging left-hander on ills ohin. by tbe morcantlla marlnA G. 8. Gruu
8tclnbarg*a Uraml next Wednesday, As be staggered backward she follow d«a one of tbe paUmtees of tbe oil
Aog. t7. The Grand Kapida Herald of ed it np wlUi a blow from the shoul burning system used on the Mariposa,
made the trip to TablH and back for
Aug 18. auid. :
der that sent him to grass. Then she the purpuae of watching tbe aystem in
•Gordon A BaaaAt’a 'A Koyal mounted ber bicycle and finished ber iwmctlcal operatiuA His verdict Is
SUve.’ which opaoad ut tba Qraod ride.
moat favorable.
Imat night, la a aioal airiking produoMrs. Sarah Bohumaoher. age 70
No attemiK was made to crowd the
tion in many waya. Tbe pUy Itaalf i. yean, was found dead in her room and steamship at all. but abe made the
full of intaraating oharaeten
bar dangbter. Martha waa wandariug i^omewsrd Vi.yage lu 10 dsyA k’l b.Hirs
Uie company that praaeou it is felly about tba house in u liulf nmaad ©on and 10 minutes.
es mid that Mrs.
had died from starvation. SNAKE AS A COW MILKER.
s.* faithfully portray■ tbe char
tmamelK r said that ab.
of the Mexican Indian of early and ber mother were too proud to tell
daya aa we have learned to know
any one of tbeir improveHshed condi
* aurkiog 1
A blarka
able people tJirooKli book
tion and tiiat for several daya neither
tua luiprule
work in had had a moaL It is mid the Bclm- able, but
In Puliuer.
the part may be described as nothing machera have well-to-do relatives in klaaA.theutberday.aud w the fumirecent milk
short of electrifying. Helene Kiake. Philadelpliia ami in Virginin 111- era feel tbat H«* mystery
former Grand Kapda girl aa laadorc liealUi had rendereil MarUia. the sole stealings bat lieeu cb-nredk say. tbe
Do Oro. waa aooorded au oraUm by support of ber widowed mother, un .North Adams <Mass.» lleral
A- J. Bridge*, who travels
her frends, and it lia doubtful if she able to work for several weeka
ter (Pa.) mill aupidles o*n
would not have met wlUi as h«sarty
Lightning struck tbe burn of Ste driviug th
noeiAion if ahe bad not bean known phen Lemrle. south of Mishawaka. lowu aud
turv a
iiere. During her abort career of
Imt. Albert Kinztc and wife, uieghyean on the atage she haa made inpid bon, awakened their cUnghter Marga
progress, and tboae who aat i
ret tiiat ahe might see ibe fire. Blic
her laat night stepped to tbe window, threw up bat retitlle, nibbled tbe graaa ber« aud
prophesied triumphs tar ber In
liauda. and with a gasp mnk back
8.sin tbe snake darted upward and
Margaret NevUie. as dt«d from the skock. Mrs. Henry fastened itself to tbe cow. drawing in
Countess Inex !>e Oro. made a dlatlnct Johnaon. another neighbor, in run tbe fluid
Its life delH-nded UJK)U it.
in every acene in which ahe p«rtl ning to the fire fell down a atairwav. Mr. Brt.l
ridges watebed tbe iM-rfi
ctpat«Ml. and ber work* waa oertainly hv^Aking both arms and injuring hertried to get a close ole
shed., and
that of ail artist. Than was not
aelf internally. Jesse Mtlh r. anothei
1 away.
ed iH»tMn
In the
I way. 'Tbe cow i
weak oharactnr nor one poorly dot farmer, in aa attempt to save the
in tbe play and the attraction meri
stock from the barn, waa oviTcome leaat disturbed over the reptile’s iireaand went on nlbbUn'g the grasA
and donbtless will dxaw ovowdv aad feU unpouciooa under the flames. ence
For a long time the Palmer farioeru
housoa at every performanccc duria He waa rescued, but may die as a re have thought that their rows were
It remains four nighU with sulk
milked while In tbe pasture by trampA
- Mayor Koight of Buffao. has iaaoe«] as many times tbe aulmals would give
a proclamattoo anggestiug that Bun but little milk, Isitb at night and uiurnKartdy ouUidc of opera are snch day.
ptember 14. the fisrt anniver- lug. Tbe pastures In many <wses Imve
melwlioos voices fouud lu Uie theatri ^ of tbe death of Prosident McKin U-en watebed. l.ut no men could Iw
cal ivofesstoo. aa are beard in the mu lay. memorial aarvices be held in all aeen. aud the next morning It waa tbe
Bloal siieclalttcs Introdnoed In -A tbe chnrobaa in Buffalo, aad that tbs old story
IVvil s Lane.*’ which will U* acen al dty be drapad with Ih. flag of out
turs who breed cows In tbe center of
Bb lnU rg a Grand tonight. The fav ooontry He haa appolnhKl a oommitl- the viUagc
nrt that the anImaU
iirite K1 More Blaten will t« aeen in feaa to arrange for the other aprcial have only
gliing two quart, of
|in«miuent ]sms and will itilrodnoe
where they ahoukl have given
obatWTunoes flttiug to the oroasioo
It w aa reported tbat
i. oo« of th.- He tunher snggeata tiiat on the day
I of the season And following the Annivermry. aiiecial
exeraiaea be held in the poblto achoola
Mrs. Lanza Hankins, of Riohmoml.
rhy^Mmm. HmmX TUr.1t
Va. last week buried her pet dog in , Tbe dlacovery of tbe btackanake In a
It tv miller ets.I III the ,>*«r of
sij lu tiivti.- th.- |Hi\\«-rs of KuroiM- to s u lot adjoining Oakwood cemetery. new rule baa cunaed the Palmer cow
on Indulrinl trusts
He Is Siie planned Ui inlar it uloogsidc ber owners to pUn anake bunts with a
the Im-uU of the IWu hirgevt tlUstS ill father s grave in tiie oamatery. bat glim deteroiiuaUon to exterminate the
the moH.1 Hie ItiilMTijI machine and tba uathorities refused permis
lheUnK,.laiichnn li They .ovu b.Mw oeu
them mure i.rois rty than all our Indus An undertaker and aeTeral carriage
trill •'••nMiiatluns do. utul in mIdUlou loads of friends were preaenf.
NaUl la tbe garden colony of South
th. i .Haim i.i o%oi the Usli.-*. and soulv
Afrii-a. wlUi poaalbUlUe. of tbe must
of ti... Ii.|..al.ltaiits of the empire. Tliey
farreacblug kind lu every dlrectiuii.
employ no union lMls.r.
If tln-j dis
a curreapondent of tbe London
n iii.mii for a gits tion or lusuborHardly any really
dlnaiton th.y .MiiiJ»^aic his proisrt} reach the diseased jwtion of th.- ear. Great Thought
niMl tiM- man dlss.pis-ars. They settle There Is oniT one way lo cure dsuf- poor iieopie are to be aeen. Everybody
Mi ll. V
ihi simple uieth.sJ of liU nesa. and that is by oonstitutioua]
Iiii; or i..iiil»liln»: the strll.Ts. Tii.-v remediea Dcafnees is oauaad by an
0^11 millions of a.rev of the In-st land inflamed condition of tbe mucous lin ed. Id order lo t«XKDOte tbat we are
III the .>.uiitr>
r..mpare»l to th. ui ..ur ing of tile Suatuehian Tube. Wln o
stionc-si .'on^.rathmv are as foet.l this luU- IS inaflmed yon Iiave u i
:iih1 11^ ims t .niv a% Hi.. Now York l.iis«- bllog aoond or imperfect hearing,
when it is entirely closed. Oeafnaas u
lall team
Hartford Tlm.-s
the raaatt, and unless tbe inflamma
ither. Yes. one package makt*s tion cun l»e taken oot and this tube aa a moat eligible territory fur your
two oaartt of baby medicine Bee reatove.1 to its normal cooditSon, bear workingmen to aelect If they want lo
direotiona There ts uotiiing just aa Ingwill U- destroyed forever; nim emigratA It la a flrat rate field for tbe
good for babies and chiidron as Rocky oases oot of ten are oanaad bi •rdlnary Artlaam Tbere la not f tetter
Mountain Tea. 3&a Jaa G. John Catarrh, which is nothing but an S In the whole empire, ao far as 1 can
fl^ condition of tbe mucous rorraaa will ba aakad to lalarfara. It
We will give One Hundred Dollars
It seems to me that women are not for any case of Deafness (oanaed by
Tbe countess of DiKUey lias made a
only advanciag. aa a sex. more rapidly oamrrh) tbat cannot be cured by
than men. but ure ulao exmlng u fur liaU s^^larrh Cure. Bend for circu- eucceeaful eoaay in tbe art of Jewelry
designing end baa reernUy brought out
more potent Inlloeno.* for the gel
™V.ToiM»y ft Co.. Toledo. O
a medallion In gold mounted to wear
aa a p^-ndant. commemorative of tbe
wild creutura secretiveness that waa
reotontloo of peace, aaya tbe Loodoo
for so very long their Iwat aafeguard
Telegraph. Aa. cbalrwomau of the
le savagery of (be stronger
CMitral bureau for tbe employment of
women Lady Dudley takes great t»Tla
tcreot in its progreeA and tbe mcdolO . R. ft L
lA They are not any longer
Oommeocing Sunday. June SHlt. ez- lioo is now being aold for lu beoeflk
curoion Uokela to Petoakey at fl.OB for
rom^tri^ Tr^n laavea k:40A ;
I.All PKIllOttU J
*a E. Momy Agl
Mat l.kw bf i»oml.
mM kutMi arn lath* iropaad
taMagar plaat {awataN abMaaUal
malM. Tb«a U no doaM that aaOalMt aaraar>
)» aMalae.1. aad
wilfc»ha.niMiy;>aah aad Ibe ia- --------o( aMaa local oapUal Ibe ea-
1 BadievllU, Ky.. was eurioua to
I the mum of the vaat improveI ia the health of Mva E P.
;takar. arho had for a long time
rod motold aafferiog from a
US 25.^.
TRR FORESTERS will gira a pmluaairo pedzo party at tbatr k2l
M^lndiaa are umdinliy Urtond to
Mza E J. .Hadakur.
If so. don't Irt this chance slip by as wc were
ver>‘ fnruinate in this large purchase of stands.
You will tind them the best values ever offeretl.
I’inish anti design suitable for the parlor.
kauwu. of Na fit Loouat ak. Big
Buplda. ■iya:**law(
1 » feel
amlnTlS!* A‘**5r75Jl?s Nf^ve^^Ihui
advartiaad and recommended so highly
trial, aad got a boA I could note ihe
good effaeta in a very short time, aud
only took about three-quarters of the
l^till my nervousness dtspprared
They toned up luy >ystem aud 1 am
anjoyiag bettor health than 1 have for
some time. To mv 1 eiMlt*rse
mildly rxirrssea
think of ik *
Dr. A W. (Thmse’a N.Tve Pills an
sold at 60o a box at dealers or Dr. A
W. Ohaae Mv-dicim Co . Buffslo. N.
loji. nu c Urge sixii.l, shelf un.icrhcath Un Usika ff
vK \<L\H:rs, Ibvlir. nu all iial, nu c goUen luudi. only / m^U
l. ike cm haWicnrIi
lawcd legs 24x24.
ami is all Oak, lop
^ IS very irctty imita
tion .juartcTcvl oak. nuc ^ q Inradcd rim around lop ^1.0^
Like cut. S.!.d Oak
r.oUcn tims). IGxir.
I lop. .Shell u.ulci-
Grand Rainda New York S|
liaring Cirand iUpids I'nloo B
iw.-w a. ui.,
0! I'nnonoviitti
but one half day to th.-husim-m mai
in making the trip; ihrongh^sl*^^per.
and ateamera din ct.
Go cm trains leaving Traverae I'ltv
»A m. Monday. Ti
day aad
sd Friday,
wid 8:^6 p m’ Tbum
day. RaU-s
Rate 1:1.76 one way.
round Uip.
F. A. MttctieU. ii. V. Aet
H. W. f>unniagham. Agi,
N.i nrc.l lo M.tfcl Horn lm.it.
Ikm’t l<*l ihc air ^;rt sl.i^n.int
.icalc .1 lirrtve. Put m mir
0/ inorr <»l om itr'-k «n friliii.;
ELECTRIC FANS m umr H.lfive. Mou orhoiim. All ol n«*w
xn.1 |KTlru t * imsiriuiion
oablage. »ks. heail.cucumdoa«n: Wat. r nM-lons. »k
Hepeatinq Shoe Bargains
durable varnish trade
f t» l ex l*ey..r*.
. . ________
U-i-tiag «eiil UktM. ,Mt , %.-r>
tXm\ tt%uu j
uMtil Nuv*-ii>U-r I. ler. Immu »■
k i.ii
I..T. •».-.« m»l fr,Mu 1 '
Ul II a» o>i.- k II.
o'.-ltji k until 4 O.
k III lit. :.ri«
.-r «•> li j
texm.rrtueiBu.tf un|«i.l .e. ». io.-a.l-r |.i.«n.l
until <S-l.4«-r Ut. B i- njill% .4
i-r .^^.l I...
,-i.Um-U.Mi Bill U- .-hxr.;..! IH. Bit U*.- r. •
unimul ..II 1X I.4-T Ut.
.4 ‘
-ni l.-r .-•41-.'lfu Bill U .'t.Au:-«l
llui lar.!xm nMi-iin;-s air m*t
tiui xmi
tJii’l wcai, but .lie Ohn-s ..I H.c s.-jM„»aMc
aii.i I.»h . m, 1,. ht m ani;lil.
new U-.1 llial uM^luli .vn ! «.|.| -.tvIcN-fhol xic
'I’llCMaiC well Iii.kIc 4*1 rxtcH. nl stin k .vn.l 41c \civ m i\» c.vblt-. * 'I ficsc
jic S4MI1C lit out t U-.iiam c ‘..lie pin c*
$ 1.50
SHOES NOW..... $1.98
SHOES NOW..... $1.08
SHOES NOW..... $1.38
$ .98
.*s«'c lliciii in out sliow wiiiiiow.
Jt. 5. Trpntan,
School Begins Sept 2.
Gel reatly for it. He fully prep.Yrtcl. This is the
heatl(|uarters for
School Honks ami School Supplies. We p.iy spf*dal atlrnlion to rvrry ner<l of
the teacher. th<* scholar ami the district school. Oiir schools are th** b« st ni
Michigan—We’ll help you keep them so.
Scbofll Books
All the text books used in the city
schools and many of the district schools.
We order on sh*>rtest notict! any Uuik
not in stock. School books are on the
second floor in the crockery and c.arpet department.
.\ sphublid st«>tk of both hard ami
soft paper tablets. The rovers are es
pecially design***! for this s**ason. Th*!re
are three si/**s at 5c ami the same at
IOC. and an endless variety of covers
and papers.
eomposition Books
Fhese have become an absolute
necessity in school. Wc carry the
greatest assortment in both end and
side fold, and they sell at 5c and loc.
Always used, it’s hard to tell all
the styles, but we hav<* th*‘m at ic, 2c.
3c. 5C and loc. Hiose with rubbers
and those without, hard h ad. soft lead,
roumi, square ami hexagon.
Red holders, black holders, swell
and straii'ht, rubber and wood, ic, 5c
and IOC. Can’t help but write with
Fine pens and -coarse pens. Fhe
Probate stub, the 04S Falcon for busi
ness. No. 444 for- school and 2$ other
kinds, IOC the dozen.
That will eras** and. not leave a
black or shiny siirfaie; Rubber era
sers at IC. 2c. 5c. ink and pencil com
bined IOC. steel eras«*rs at 1 sc ami 25c.
Wood rulers foot long or two feet
5c. IOC. rubber rulers for 'oookkeping
25c, 35c. 40c: straight rubber, hard rub
ber o^r^^cxible.
Foolscap, legal cap; letter paper
and half sheets, bookkeeping blanks
and all the accessories that are ncces-
For blackboard and drawing use.
colored and white; colored lead 4>encils
and oil crayons for map drawing 5c and
GIVEN ON THE WONDERKUL I'lANOLA .v<r>- 4ay until further notice.
Concerts will be given in the Furniture Department on the ground floor from 10
to 11 a. m. and 2 to 3 p. m. and are entirely, free. You are cordially invited to
hear this wonderful instrument.
.iiaariu.T. AimdOT at. un.
the C*t»kUta there Is s
n «s the Ksmtershffl.
rh flows the K»sur»kia flRek.
way UtwM the base ai^i tbs
mlt Is a pulBt caDed Faws'a
On either aide of the creek a reck
ds some thirty feet abore the bed.
irmted edfe frem edge by some flfteen feet The spot U hidden among
the trees, and one passing along the
road near by would scarcely find It un
less Instrnrled where to look fur It
There are many erpUnatlons as to
why tt is catted Pawn's Leap. Which of
these is correct Is hard to tdt One ghr-
Condensed Hews
w of Wicbigan
larlal was noalallo
waaaantto the alats
eonflnna tbs opinion. Tbs Udgs from
whieh tns stone was taken U on land
owBod by Hon. A. Batlara, sa*llaa*
tenant goTsmor. and, baing dirwrtlj
on the laks shore, is rsndsrad doahlj
▼alaabls. Tbs quarry U extenslTe
and is massifs at a depth of but ten
feet Kapsrts say this is one of tbs
moat TaloahUf%ida of building Hoos
ia lbs alats. aA will be dsf sloped at
id her bad kept heir shape perfeeUy. The soil ia wbioh the casket
aa barted was graraL
Tba Laasing.Sagar Oo. baa oontraeted to sell one.balf of Ow mghr beet
palp prodaoed to Ohio partias. who
wiU aae it for stock faediag. Heretofora the palp |bas bean gtran away,
bat after this year tha indicatioas are
that it will baft a raady mle las its
Aprodaning qaaUtlas become better
Tpatlaatl had the lowest death rale
daring Jaly ef any eity la the state.
I were only two deaths dortag
CmmlOmt All
Tba Boys Band agonrlsm on tb«
aamarOolamUa Banday night was
patrooiad by an immuao tTowd. The
aala of tiakau had to be etopped, and
many liad to remain behind, the liinil
of the oapacity of the boat being too
sail for the crowd.
TO aare Use ChUS
■KMtaiiy prlos. are not waatod by
loears of horaaflesh. Tlis team baa
a boodoo whieh oannol ha abakan off.
A month or 10 agoMra. Oarfer Bmsdley aod aoo Prod were both killedlaa
rmaawaj whiU drtf ing this team and
laalBatanlaj Jamm Woodward.while
loading hay bad the team ran away
with him apd^ died three days afforward.
Z. H.
baa inf itod the townr, |vaa
ship of Ue^r.
|Vaa varan
Baran ooaa
40 pay him fllOO) for a boras whieh 1
into a dlloh by tha roadside and died
iBlU atragglea to extrloate itaell
Tba dib h was ao oloae to Uie road
that a torn out ooold not be made
wlthont r’ttlnff into it and was also
▼ery deep and irrown to the top with
a think growth of weeds.
LoU:^tantone. an actiaea with the
Wallaoe ciroua. ia mlaalng. When the
oiroua reached Manistee it aeama that
Lola’s loTsr. al«> a rtng porlormar.
•sTared his oooaootioo with the orgmalaatioo Ootooldent with his diaap
liaaimnoe a nnmber of his
, mlaaad Tslaable
was tboaglit that be had
toloio bis sweetheart and that they
« »aldI l<leare together.
At Marshall Pred Barhla. agad
aboot 30 years, a tloamiU. by tiadi
and a half witted fallow, has myater
du.ppMW-1. H, vu «ploj
.1 Ui. Koldtnc B»th Tab Oo.awl oo
r working aboat
30 mlaatea. He has . not beta naan
aioee. Tlie offloers are making an
effort to aaoeriain hi^
The Werford Ooanty «
ttatlora* aaaooiatloo will bold Its aa
uoal eouampmont ai
her Ifl. 17 sad 13
man. both cif U and military aalbori
Ilea will be pr«^i and glTs addram•a. KmIi fsleran and hla family wiU
be aaiiUed to free tenting faolUtiea
great preparations for tba efent.
The Ana Arbor Argoa raoords that
the old Oabome prlfsie barlal groaod.
nt«r Oaborne s MllU. has beea
ed to Poraat UUl oaw»lBry. One of
Uie oaaketa. oonulnlng the remains of
Mias Oabome. who died ofer 40 years
ago, was opeaad and the remains ware
foand in a remarkable state of preeerraUon. A gentieman who attendad
her fanecal stated that she lookedas
natnral as oo thp day she was bartod.
Kran tba flowers that were plane
rttaa lU quick onre exceeded all her
bopaa It works woodera in Bores,
Braiaea. akin Kapcloaa. Outs. Bures
Boalda PUea. Me. Oare gaaren
by B. K. Walt A Boos and Jaa.
Johnaon dreggiala
P. A. Btaart of Marshall, the well
sown dyspepsia Ublet milUonalre.
has oaaaed 1740 shade trees to be set
oat in Chat oily sinoe iWfl. He has
rdered 600 trees to be set out
What a Tale li Tsllf.
If that mirror of years aliowa a
bed. mllow oompelxioD. a Jaonlook, moth patobea and blolohes
the blood, give clear
tkma of the organ of i.*ind b.-gan to
W Inveatlgated with accuracy, says
writer In the London i*hror»lcle. Tbe
neral coiAsensus of « r-in'AO!i kAwllxca
hat we terra “mind" In the prefrenUl
bre of the breln. i.et hy anotlwr
acbool of thinker* H>e hinder lobaa
have been credited wUh performing
our highest cerebral duHea. Tbe bah
anre of erideuce. I should say. la da
ily in^ faxor of the furuier view,
and recent research.-s and <d.-w-rvatlana
by Dr. iniclpa. an Aucriren investiga
tor. would apjiear to aa>Bt In rtrcnglhreing tbe opinion that tbe moat Impose
tant portloo «f the brain U its anterior
regloiL In the course of the Invcatlga
Ooos In question some
cbm of
brain Injury and disease were exam
ined. In all save two It was noted that
Ixrterfereno- of extensive nature with
the prrfrentiil region reauUed in a«ioua dlaturUucr* of Ibe mental facol
dea. I^ess aexerv injury produced U-ss
marked effets. Th.-se faLl» parallel
the researches of oiher luxestlgalprs.
and they
rses of Idiocy
what is t
of dex elopment
of the frenUl kdM of the brain.
Aa to the rrlailve-lmiHjrtanre of the
two lubes or ha lx es «if tl»e R-crel«-UUi oc
Chief l.raln mas* m..^l of us knoxv that
each half governs the x.pis».lle side of
the Usly and thru, as xve arc right
Lnn.h-d m» wc mnv Is- caih-l left
brslneil. The snis-rt.-rify lu fun.-tlonal
lUir»rtniMv of our Irfi lawlu Is noC
questioned, and It U therefore Inierswl
lug to Lod Dr. rbeli- Insisting from
the tesultk of Lis It.XR-stlgatluna that
our left Irtwln lois- Is really the Intel
lectual half. The right half. It Is add
ed. Is reiwhie of sust.lining severe In
Jury without mnrke.1 mental effects
acin*uut of Ka
mi hutn-d. hut
fn.m’ h.ve. A viMing hraxe. I>.*aplng
\Vnt*T. lN>cnui«‘ di-wt****^!^}* i-tinuiured
of h.v and Uicged her father to give
her to hltu ill luarrtage. Of r»iurse iIm?
offer XX as de«1lnt-d
One day KutrliAS.
a.xxmi|uinletl i.y l.er fiiwn. climbed to
tbe t..p of WlAUl is .wiled Preflle ftM-k
and stood looking down Into Kaaters
kill .luxe. Oi.iKAsile xvere HIkIi |wsk
and Hound Top. to the left and aouih
broad atrH.h of cuntry and tbe
beautiful lluihiou river.
Ihe only
sound* xxer>- llie sxxnylng of tbe trvs
iu the wind and the tumbUng of the
waters In the creek Im-Iow.
Suddenly Krilrlna was slartle.1 by a
rustle iu tbe huN.li.-s aU.ut her. and
lAwplug Water stAsal iH-slde h.T. He
plredtNd his i-aus.
firmly put him
wild, thn-nteiilng that If she |H-rsl*ted
In her rcfumil he would Jump with her
In his arms off I he pr,-. Iphv.
ahuxxR.d such tiled r»-K..luilun that Ka
trlna xxas ouiD-iralmtl to lem|s*rlie
with him and ngre,-d lu take the
<-.msld.Tatlon. Then Leaping
ter Into <-,msld.T
WatRT t.K.k her i
Indian vtlluge
abAirt dlst.nncv fn.m the rvs-k.
The little fawn. accustom.-Rl only to
white iHs.ple. was far mure frightened
than Katrina nt the grim savages.
At Dowaglac beautiful vines
tag Holy Maternity oharoh have been
ly eat. tbe brmnebaa being eef
i lu.Ksnge ftf the fawn's
artberoota. TimreUa penal
: giving It
fife ye
years in priaon or a fine of Hon
ty of five
$60 for auob
that It WA.uld make fi»r home,
her iKicket was n l.lt of pai*.T. and.
«»a. INwr. No.
dipping a iw.lul.M stick Into tH-rrlea.
Klie had Ju-t ...mm. lun-il li
ahe wrote. * ln leaping Water's |iow
keeping, with Hie Isudat.le Intention of
As the fawn was leaving tbe vll
pa) lug ready money U|H.n all o
lage lA^plug Water repU-d the hit o
alons. and she entR-red
hlghvla.MA paisT aU.ut Ms nei-k and gave chase.
pof^terer's sIhhi t.i purx-hase a chick
r«D.k.v aide of the clovi
SO. Kha selected one. and while she UxundeNl the Slend.-r h-gg.xl fawn, and
waa fumbllog Iq her isw'kRt f.H- her
1.-HM niml.ly xvent the young Indian,
purae tbe ahopman tmUtely luAiulrt.d
might «-asllx haxe M-nt an arrow*
-tih. dear no I* she Imllgiiantly re Into Us h *ar1; hut. thougli he was a
plied. -I wish to i»ay for It imwT'trlna K.vrhI. So he followed «.xt-r the
natural laxths made hy the ralna.
treading on the atom-s. tlie tangled
roots, here and tbi-re sinking In soft
U ia the
. The
hid the fawn from
visit, cxhlb
Itiag at the store of B. Benda A Co. a him. tliADUgh he could bear It crashing
line at waalana. repreaaaUng a stock throogh the underbrush, and now and
again he caught a glimiMw of Us dun
body or a white SiKit
sisit on its mil. Tba
ual. having U>-n tainiHl. bad
Kvary man wt»o
of Its natural agility, and by
sad alrioUy up-lo
It reached the U>Hr.ui of the
nigh cxUaustetl. whUe
llDA BeUaralapln today or
or- 1-aplng Water
oan Blrlklng tbe cr.vk wliere the two rocks
order aoyHilng from a alBgla veal to a form a cha*m. the fawn waa moving
$76 dteaa suit. Mr. Banda Inritaa all so swiftly that there was nothing for
hit patrons and every man In town to it but to Jump, (liitherlug what
strength waa left It shut to the edge
of the hither r\>ok ard. rencentratlng
its strength Into one terrlflc leap, lighted on the rock l--yood. There It fell
Meanwhile Huliau Van Santvuort had
left his home with hla gun In stwrch of
■VenK Clothe. Wrings, each.
4-Huart Daiij paio. pel dot..
hare lived In the regkm since the origi
nal Imtch erttlement ia as foHows:
In the early days IilKrtch Van Pelt
came from Holland and eeiUed at the
foot of Kaatermklll clove. Just above
what Is now relied lllmvlUe. Ilia
dauirlitcr. Kslrlna (at the time the
family came to the muontalns she w as
ruurterii years ADldi. was a verttaNo height was too
steep f.w iK-r to rliuih. IH* cliff SO shnil4 but she CI.UU1 rtsnd uism Its edge
»ve«L In vslu her |isrvuts tried to
keep her St Ixime. wsridug l«*r sgsimrt
the wild liessts or. worse, the Iwllsua
who were moving nwtlessly up and
down the skies of tlw forest covered
intslns. She did not fear the lieaata,
and as fur the IndUna whenever ahe
she came home loaded with
blrrh bark l•SBketa. bend«-d bucksUn
« hes or SOUK? variety of trlnkH.
hfu Katrina had grown to be a
symniHrlrel girl of twenty, a numl»cr
of Butch families Lad m-ttlrd near by.
tbe Van Bantr«iurts. on a cliff
V now bang tbe dwetllnga com
prising Twilight Park. tIuUan Van
luurt waa like Katrina, a natural
ier. He met her one day bealds
the Kaaterskill fall, and ft was tlnve snpiDort of tkU fact. Indeed, i
that he wcAs-d her and their troth waa
3-piDC Tex or Codec pou each.
l>o You Get the Detroit
Sunday Kcws-Trlbunc
You'd better
Rop Id lift S$mm
-Waat" aJ* ar» r«w4 rurefany try
A 9x12 foot Smyrna Rug, Oriental
designs »nd colorings, weU worth
$16.00, sale price........... $|3.CX)
9x12 Best Tapestry Rug
Sak pnee.......................
104x12 fi. Heavy all wou
Rug. Sale price...........
9x9 fu Pro BrusseU Rug
71x9 tt. Fnngexl Rug
Sale price......................
30x66 m. Smjrea Rug
Sale price.....................
30x56 in. Smyrna Rug
Sale price.......................
A bandsome
Guarantee I
See thtn »t
ROL-K PORTIERSclosio)! out price—each
... Bos' S«J.
girl at HuU4
y^A^XTDx Lsu
tellect lias
no s. use U-.-U
irx to the hraln.
surate with the lu.’urx
s s-h.-r at Park f
on the U.DI1UU R.f the gnat.-r imj-.r
tan.-e ..f t.ur left l.rah. uml ..ii the th.^>
ry tiuil s.x.re Injun.-, xihi.h do not
prodiK-e Utter meftnl hreakdi.xxn rR*nUy
mght a-sS* r-s
luvolxe the right Mh-. ih«- pux/Ung cx*ostitutmn of the I raln max U- eipUliied
In isitl at hsM. Hut the last word has
not yet Us-n said toncernliig lU- l.raln's
waxs ami xxoik.
Injurh-s ,.f H*c left
half d.. n..t alwaxs pn-It,.e s.-il..us
eC«-.ts as reg.nnU t!.
li.etd.il life,
while we I.«xe had s-ll.e phx-..h.gists
Insisting that we l.axe nsllx two
Woolen Suits, $2.75 values.
Sale j.nce only...................
| .59
2-piet e Fancy stripe Duck suits
Sale jirke ool)...................
'2-picce Fancy stripe Duck Suits
Sale price only....................
brains and H»aL while the |.-ft l..l.e Is
the Jekxll of the h.teileet. tlw ri;:ht. OU
OK-aslon at h-asl. Is apt t*. ph:y Hm
|isrt of Hyde.
A fa»smating thei«7
this, hut one to which s..iH-r m i. nee la
UUl likely to iipis-nd Its iu.prini.vtur.
A NTIQA-H.-v.eal
WIii .
It W.vs midnight, .^mhl. nlx
Ad.nn rrsi.I. mv th. rc xx.,- a ,r:
a scri.-s of li..wK. uihI om- «
iMlghU.rs. pas-lng by. li.-ar.I fh
of the h..tm.- u-* language th:
he thiiml.
netgiiU..-h.HMl She
atup|H>l. ran up to th.
d.s.r. and.
pressing the hulfi.n. Imteiud ,ageily
at the siK-aking tuU-.
"What in th.w..rld Is xour lin-hand d..ing. ' si..askeil. as the d(ilivi xolec of Lxe In
quired tier errnnd.
,"Oh. ' replhvl Lxe. •he l^ merely
raUli g fain. "It r.-.|iiires stn.ng Ian
guasre to raise a . hlld like that.”
And thus an expret-slon was (-oliied
which pri.miNM-N. t.. «.utla>t history.—
Portland On-goiilaii.
Cambric, GrayTBlicklmd Browo
Sale price i<r yJ.............
rtcalinc. sale price per yd
iggin. Drab and Black
Sale ifice per yd..................... 06 J
Ciooxl blatk ami while sliirtini;
Sale imce jarr yd........................051
Heavy blue an.l white shirting
Sale jirire |«rr yard....................O&i
Black an.l White shirting, hne
suiiRC. sale price per yd... .071
Blue Dcniiii, good weight
Sale price |>cr ^!........................ 07i
Blue Denim. Knox-Km-AU-Out
Sale fwicc per yd................. .091
Outing kTannel, stnM
Sale i-nce JKT yd........... 07-.031
Outing Flannel, white
Sale iiricc i»er yd... .05J-.04J
Clip these prucs out if inlcicslct!.
These quotations will not appear in
print after Monday, Aug. 25lh.
when you reach this jK>ini. If you
don't you're taking chance*. It'a
the aome all through life. Look
back to last summer and remember
how you xufTi rrd w ith that old coal
atove m xuur Lilt hen.’ T ook forxcard to this aunimer and then make
up your m'md if you hadn't better
tall and ace uv jTi tty aoon.
TraTBfSB City 6bs Co.
Brovnell’s Economy
Wartin & €vans
Ottos. %C B rreat HL
lo- ftaiue ml stov e. Urss-1
a a. .M« buardmau Aveui
That is tbe heartfelt cry of many a
mother who secs her beloved child wart,lt it so a
rbK r U* iiarHWoKTM-Hpsrtal atU-aUuw
LJ Ut amssri 4g PYP. t«r. DUBS aad UiruaL
B-DfitWsl liaums 7 BDfl Ml. * L. r
Cu I4.-X_____
. ,o
0,o,.d C
One of the rrsnlt.
of the BOB of Hr
Prescriptlow p r e -
on tbe opposite side. Heating some an
The Mission of
The University
Economy Store
TURK, SB our •yaleni of auua and atuM auJ \XR*rlds
is rushing l»»ward unmeaauitHl spaoc.
achievemenu that astound the inteUigence and mas
Urv of font's that paralyze the imagination are of everyday occur
ronch What is to guide thU headlong wnd atupeudout movement t
I answer, that sound jiidgiiu'nt whose highest type b common
that Bcholarlv learning whose rii>est fruit is wisdom and THAT
To promote all these tlie univeraitiea exist and are endowed. To
pour out into the body politic men and women so equipped » their
delight as it is their duty. The universities are not perfect, Thev
are not alwavi as efficient as they ahonld be. They b«*ar their share
of human fiiultT, follv and iudiscretioiL BUT TIIEIR TRADI-
thougbi to get a dccr and made hla
way lu the direction the sound was
mQvlng As It apprxDachcd him he approachRsl It. iKDih finally rracblng tbe
ic plare at the same moment. Kaa'a fawn fell at HuUan's feet, and
In a moment he had seen and read tbe
bad be dt.Dc so when
Leaping Water emerged frecn tbe
trees. .Hullan, maddened at Hie In
dian'a action, raised bU gun and ahot
him dead.
The same evening a jiarty of ecttlcra
vlalted the Indian village and now that
Leaping Water was dead Ud no dlf
S'evertbeAcuity In i
less Hie Incident waa t
aubaequeut kooUllth
my Other ^ildrra
ate sickly except
this one. and I took
your ‘ Fax-orite Prracriptmn ’ thi* time ' All the child'* •treufth comes from the
mother • Favorite Pretcription ’ gives the
mother strenrth to give her child.
There is no alcohol iu • Favorite Pre
no anbatitute for •Favorite Pte- There u nothmg - ju*t aa good Invited to
Pierre, by letter, frre.
coohdemiaL Addrcaa Dr.
talo. N Y.
il for what Dr ISerre *
a cwvdmrct a rhsrasr whwk waa taktag away
Five Dr. Pierce'* Commoe Senae Medical Adriacr is aent free on receipt of
«at«r Ii.wr »rrf.4tl. awl cisUtw. at i>»4 Mis^
sioit U K Hniikmsn.«»kl Missluo.
pUKN^^ BoOMi to reel.
uruidN-xh at JCI
O. •». OAfVVaCM
>Vh«T..KKNT-W P..
HTT o5S£:
aauNKvn) IxiaK-c i
^Editor S. A. Brown, of
^ tegoir of tb. Bt* 0>d rutat
triad Blselrlc BitSsre whiah balpad
bar at anea. and. aftsr aa*s« tear ‘
ppeHto. StoiBMh
Uv«r tm-
nHi ittejt
By Carl H. Kipf
Bit or M T.rl«r brforr bte
eMM. For ioMULU», hr Lad jcruwn up
to l» fwrtitj^ario 3»ar» old mud bad
bdtom^ a farOMT'a blr«d man: hr had
almoat W«oid» «-nrar«l to dUr fannrr'i
^dmhttr and rull> mjEar*^ to aaocb
or'a: hr had rrad a doa-n lovr mv^h^
takaii thr prtsr at a apelllni;
jhcoroMl to idar thr accordion and writ
ra»c op from thr c*i
loakod at him in a
-Zoh. you can
mpiMHd! TIh.
mmmrr boardrr!
I oo, though 1 nlwavM t**ll
, ,n*In* tu haiifirn
to oa. Yto, It'a a yoona woman, an'
ahr'a »oUi' to auy a
Zrb. With
-Good lookin'r li
a IlftI# morr Infcrm.
Ilandaomr at a i.lrtOTr.- rc|.llrd hla
machcr. -Vra. air; ahr'a thr handaoiu.
rat dirt I brllrvr I rr« r
Siu 'm got
hrowB hair an* blur ryra an* t.-th aa
white aa chalk. An' when ahr lauirlia
It'a lik* thr Jlnclr of alrlichlirlU. SSrU.
doa't you want to »rt it l.-A at hrrr
-I alat dyln’ to. but I auppoac It
would be Hlkrtt to rail oo h«T an*
■ort of welcome her to thr inH^'hlrirhood.**
t>f coorae It would, of conn--. Vm,
you'd better drraa up a bit after aupper
00* to orrr. an* If you want nnv ex
roar you can aak Mra. J?lieM«.n to lend
loe her nntmeK rrater.**
An hour Utrr, dn*«»e<l in IiIn Kunday
rhdbeu. Zeb wallu^l nt.r to the oth.-r
farmhouar. Farmer Kl.eld^.n hadn*t tin
lahed mllklnit yH. mid hl« wife wn«
oUU waahlnjf dlahca. but on the i^.n h
aat tho youny woman with teeth a«
whlta aa chalk. On the w.ty o\er Zrl>
had bam pnfMrtny a little rptweh of
wrUwr. and be Intembd to lift hH
hat kiMMhakr
after the Intent
faafaloii. When be came u|K»n the aum
mrr hoarder, howenr. he waa knm k
rd out Hr who liad.etu.al up without
a tramor before IW |«.ple at a apeH
tny match found Ida b.-art tl.uni|.liii;
and hU throat dry aa lie abeal le for.
»udB‘t wurrv. 1 bcBrrr F4 !■» Id
ire you aiarry thla ylrL**
of Spirits Were
-1 brtorw IM turn fa** kd lUfUai aa How
hr aaUBUrad away to ihiak thl^
Takes For Noted Lawyer.
over. As he waa goiay orrr the case
la hla mted tt ace—ad to him that hr
wm» aamewhat haadkappad by belay
myayed to Laura Lattlmer. Hr would
doo'a. ao.t laalrrmloy Zrb caUed ^
» j
lio|^ that ahr waa aajoylay
rrrr. and after ulkiny witb Farmer
Hbeldoo for an buur aU.ui tl>e crops
be wmt homr. He was looklny and
fcrilny ylom. but hla mother aald:
-ZeW.y. yem don't understand glrla
an* shy.
Jokin’her. Too Just
keep riyhl on
oa as youaredoln*.**
you i
Uekejrton. Brery
rery momlny he seat
bouijnec yatherwd with hia own
hands, and ex cry erealny he cmlled.
H.Kuetlu«-a the mmnier iMwrder w.t on
the larrh with Mr. and Mm. Hhcldon.
hut the only remark she errr made to
him waa to nsk If there were snj
besm In tl»e nelyhlMsimc-l. lie
«d hit molber'a rosy ilew s and fell la
lore. Also for alx oiyhta In arn'ceoalon
he playitJ the accordion In rnmt of
Three w«a>ka had |taa«M^l. and he waa
msklny up hla mind to pn-M thlny« a
little fiH.n*. when Mm. Fheldon Informed him aa he handetl In a bouquet
blm-d that the summer IsiardiT liad
left Th.re was no meaaaye f..r hlmno fare well. Mrs. Hbeldon even bad
the cTiielfy to say that hla name had
w Ith (
mother tried to aay aoineihlny trinaolUig. but hr fruae h.T with a look and
liaaiml on to the barn, lie Intended to
liam; bImiN-lf: but. U lny unable to llnd
a tope nnd resllxlm; that a chain would
hurt t.s> much, be gave up the Idea
nml wiin.ler.sl down into the et.rnOeld.
An hour Infer bla fond motli.T found
low .md n a.|unHh np|«ir.-nlly luilntr na
M-n(inel over bla aluml*em. Site w I|ms1
a tear fnim the corn.r of bla eye and
-I*.air. |aior Z<‘bby: He rnn't under;
stand that tbia ylrl went iiw n> Imswust
she waa afraid she waa failin’ In love
with him-
onr one evenliiK.
The little ylrl at
tracted attention with le-r <|tieetluoa
and answerIt was when th.- **ar
ntich.il Klght.vnth stn-et that the ellmnx was r.*a. h.-l. At Ihnl |-.lnt the
ear mak.-a a bing atop U•f.•r.• pulliny
bill. It was while the ear was
aUm aiMl belpbwaneee. lunl elie pltUd
him and broke tin- iMlnful eltuation by
-Did you come here to aee Mr'8l.e|.
don about hues or i
-N^jo. marm,- elamiuere.1 Z.b no
I pull.Ml (be top off
a wewL He badn t
-klaybr you are a n latlve or eoin.‘
thlnyr contlnueil the U.imler.
marm.** came the n*|»ly
acaln. with a det.Tiidniillon i.* kl.k
hlmaelf all over ll.e rmi.l f..r n-|.e«tlng
thr unfortunate won!
Then roeued a italnful |««uim-. The
boarder rteked to an.l fn. mi.l I.N.ke.I
orrr Zeb*a h«*ad. and 7a‘U eUin.'.l Ida
wrlyht from one foot to the titlier and
tried hla lewt to yet rid of Ida bonda
Hr anally drew a bin*; bnwili. etrulKhimed up and aatd:
-I—I bofie you’ll low HlHdd.m'a i*or-
-Yea. 1 bo|a. aa- abe n plWd.
Mn.. X.
the nodher of the bright little girl to
her fri. nd.
-Ye-; -he I- U-autlful,** aHM-ntcd the
The little ylrl was looking out of the
w Imlow alt. r the figure Hirolied up the
hill. IT.- i.tly *.he lurn.-l In her iw-at.
’•Hay. mamma, you I.Hik Just like that
lad..•IM 1. deary* a-k.-l the mother
Just •xaetly-all *erpt the bead.”
The little girl U atlll w.tnderlng why
the earful «if t—iple laughed —Kanaoa
rity Journal.
Uwlrk mrtstrna.
-An ln<|U«i.t la quite an event, even
in a city.- said the man wh.. had made
a trip lhr..ugh the Uekwr,-Hla of Wla
.«mialn. "but they don't lake much Intere-t In them In the lumln-r eampa,
I waa at o eauip when a mow Jog rolUM
off a lint «wr and orrr a man and
ma-hed him flat. It w na Just at noun,
and iiot—ly was dl-1-.-.-d t.i lose any
to n yang, -we’^r gut to yet this thluy
over w Ith befoTi* wr yu to dinner. 81*
of you stand artiuad.*
-8lx of the
a elrrle. and
'Now. then, tbere-a the log aad
tluit*a lull, and as Itlll couldn't roll
over the log we uui-t lake It that the
l..g rolhHl over him
Verdhi ..f the
Jury is that he came to hla death by
a.-. ld. nt and will l»r burled after quitting time tonight, and now lH*s ImfW
dIniHT. ahd may heaven rest Ida soul
-I like the plsm-,- said Mr. NewUwed. -but the raUruad fare It |wr«y
hlgh."Itut. surely.” fwplled bis bride. **the
raUroad vvmpsny will fix thst for you
when tlwy know.”
"When they know whsir
”l'Ut you're the tuau who bought
that share of their atock.”-PhUadel-
After thlnklny mattera over for
awhile Zad. almuat nm.luded tliat hr
had. and he In^gan to feel wn, r. If he
had made au linprea.loii, then he mu.it
folWw It Ufi. aa waa alwnya d.wie In
He yut an Idea Uk a -fob
lowcrt* before be ahi>t. and m it ni.»m
log beforw breakfaat \w on* at the
Bhaldoo kitchen doiir with a Ixmouet
Ways •rag# WorM.
Tt la n.y geo.'rally know n that any
a..me ui.f.rese,.ii accklenl aurh aa
might «-asHy «vur In Iravellug or
mls-liig N I rain, should find herself
al.we In .Nrw Y.wk at night would be
pU.s^l iti a 1
tuld bar about It. * you did just rtyhi
ThMU wauB’t auy use in aaylu* any
Uldf. Tou BCtud uhy ub* coy. b«'
For o l-alotlaur Woa Mrt.
l*r»__________ ..
-It u a strange but a.iuak foci that
she Would mil Iw odmltied to any ho
tel. nItiHiugh obviously a gentlewomaB
and i--rfe.tly able to |s*y her way.
Thai « masiuline atranyer mhoold be
aide wlilM.ut any trouble to Hud com-
ally true that a w«.man w bo -mlybtb#
saUoaa thst weukd .
but tu acqnire the right to bea
ludglny in au onUnary way w«
Un|Hiwable.”-Chlcago Jeumal.
CMiaa Claim Lechof has n
t>sr house ka Maanelima aft
nth U Mumoe and
quested to meet m the poM rooms u>mofiow at 12 odock. prepared
Another erideoce of the value of
adveitmnf has been experienced by
Mn. Wm Braadk
On Saturday ihe
advertised the kim of a ooosiden
sum of mooey. and this moruiug
disoovered it concealed in her ck
ir«. The roO of bins was wrapped in
^handkerchief; snd pbc
rialtora from the other world, aplrtt
oommaoleatloiia and aplrtt paloUayw
Mr. Xllsaon. an exp<’rt photographar
ami a aonbeliever In sidrltualiam. had
excnitlooal opportunities for atudjlay
the reUlIona of mediums with tha ooeo
great conwratlon lawyer, who aacrlficed hla fortune and pnifessioual repoution oiion the altar of hit faith,
account of certain happenlnga in the Marsh bouaeludd at
Mlddlrtown. N. y.. which came under
hla own olwervatlon.
Ills atory fol
y nc«|u
Mr. Marsh hbIn IKC..
I waa then a photographer at Middletown. N
h-cted by Mr. Marsh to do photographic
him U-cauac I was a Swede
and Bupismedly
aU I made for Mr. Marsh alsmt $.VXW
worth of photographs of different aplrItuaBsttr ph«-n«mena. |«ilutlugn. lettera. ai.lrtts. Hr. When I first met Mr.
Marsh, he was llviny with the Iluyler
family on Ib-nton avenue. Middletown.
Adjoining the house he had
creeled hla fanKma ’nemple.”
I wna first employ.^ by Mr. Marsh
to make flashlight plviunw of splrlu
producvHl by I*rofcaaur Arch*-r. wbo
waa at that time giving atwncea fur
Mr. Marah and hla frleudw The firat
Bight I to..k the i.btures I waa sta
tioned in front of some laco curtalna
oiipoalle an ois-nlny w^^e the atippoaed spirits were to appear. Tlie aplrIts that api-wred Included those of
Ilamrsea I.. Uameae. II.. M.suw. Joaeph and several others. The Illusion
greatly startled tom,
develojdng the ncinu
tivea 1 notb'ed that the is-ards of aoinc
of the spirits tuid ticvo careleaaly ad
Home time had elapsed before I made
thla diaeuvery. and prior to that, so
perfect had been the lllualon. 1 waa al
most cunvlne«-d there was something
real al>out thew* spirit maclfestatloos.
The reasuu I did not make the discov
ery sooner was that bw a time I was
not i-Tmltted to takrt the negathea
from the house. They w«-re supisis«*d
to Iw devel«|s-l then- under the direc
tion of Mr. Muyl.T. who had formerly
been a pbomgrnpber. l.nt.-r 1 dlso.verv*d that some of the eff«-Ms shown In
the negutivea I'ould have iN-en pro
duced only by mpid maidpulatlon of
costume and fiwture.
Mr. Marah and l*n.feasor Archer feU
out. The rcaaon was that
Isfled with
Mr. Marsh waa unwilling to |«iy the
exorbitant fees deuiandiHl. After the
falUny out l‘rofes»Mir Areher. with
of US
In Mr Jessup's photugrnph galbry
how he had entered U-hUid the hi.v
curtains, crawleil on his Immts ami
km-w front ohe side to the other. d«iiilied the vnrtoua disguises and apiwared
aa the dlff.
ture Mrs. Iluvicr. who apiuirentl;
great Infliiemx. civ.-r Mr. Marsh. l..ld
him that he would U- aide to correSfs.nd with tlios.* In the -pint worbX
One of these spirit lettera 1 fiartlmhir
Geo. £. Pray and family are
ing this week at Island Lak
Barker Creek.
Myrtle Rc)TK)lds of 842 East 8ih
street was remembered very
ly Saturday by a number ofher friends
oo the occasion of her birthday.
Among those present were the Missel
LilUc Hendricks, NcUie Gallagher,
Fred and Iva Dean, Ruth Reynolds,
Ulde Ne
that ahe I
lestlal I
meiidous siMtrtiueiil the spiritual ball
room waa, giving Its dimeusloua
1 photographed all of the l*ls l>eh«r
paintings for Mr. Marsh, and. though
I am not a iMimol-seur. several of
them apiieared to me to U* genuine
works of art. warranting. 1 should say.
the exi-Midllure of fully fbaMss) of
the fTuO.lssi o Ulch Mrs. l»ls Ivtsir ob
tallied for their produetUm. How
these pUiures w»ie prudui't-d Is an old
story and m-»-l not !-• rejs-ated here.
One of the paintings 1 pliotograpbed.
which U now in the gallery In the
Tl^ Mt mla for
will open tomoTTOu
*A Royal Slave-
When . tnnr, w.-s as ss It alway. i
firv-Jilm a
At the daiKX Suurd»y night in
Foresters hall, loaie one took a hat
by mistake. The party is requesicvl
to leave the hat with Geo. Boon.
*■ ^*
"Yea.-beanawered. huareely.-I fear
^ every aenae of the word, this la the
n.: r.
.Ii:- a rtp,- oU mre enne
i U. X.- -MMe i-Jt I.* d,.1.1.1 -It :.reui..l
n -«.• ibeir ri..-t •mK.-ii s-i'ua
of this city
allowing only one
Miss Boolmski. who has been Uu
yueet of Mrs. Frederick YJ. Flneb f«
the past month, baa returned borne U
Grand Rapida
Mra Joseph K. Baker and dauybtei
Jennie, and yrandohlld, of Chicago
are visiting Mrs. Frederich K. Find
of *» South Union street, also Mra
Kasiou Finch of Keal.
Freeborn Crerdlner and eon Harry oi
Seventh street went to their ootUgt
at Oerp Lake this mom ing and wll
enjoy a week’s outing.
Miss Jessie Rosooe has return*-^
from a week’s visit in Manistee.
Mr. and Mrs. August Bauman lefi
this morning oo a trip to Ohiaoyo.
Mr. aad Mrs. W. Armstroay. wbc
have been stayluy witb Mrs. C. H.
Page of 8tete street have left for a
trip inoludiug ManiaUe. Ludiugton
and Milwaukee.
Ray Kellogg of Morenei is the gneal
of Harry Roaoos of Wadsworth street.
Mrs. James Moody left this momluc
fof a trip to Benton Harbor. 8i Jo
sepb and Obicago.
L. Roeooe and family of W,
Yarasll of Delta, O.
Pere Marquette
Train, t-ar- Trmv-r-r «My a* 1
Hurua. Tui«l«
Heealoo Batarday night
hit At one time there were two Ce
prepared to look after the wmau of
dar men on bases with no one out and
the patroos of the plaoe. Mr. Key is
it looked as though Cedar was certain
of scoring but Uie next three men
went down oo strtke-onta Deveodorf
first olaas ami
pUyed aa errorless game at short
Irvlay Manmy took a party of boys
making some phenomenal sto|is. also
oonaaaUoy of Olaad Poaad, Robert
a doubU with no assist The batteries
Obaec and Heber Bloat over to Omeaa
this momtof la C. E. Morrmy’a yaohl were Blaokbum and
Ross and Kestler.
Venaa The party will be at the Clo
Mt« BU-IU Oool*7 of folodo. O,. li
here for e two weeks visit wiili liei
sister. Mrs. Paul Fisher.
c. u MrunsT
the tjaeeo Oitys liad S eooret to Uieir
esadit while the Cedar team took
o«l VooalMwac.
I r..rKU Kaiua-. Kolko-S. a»4
roU 0*1.1 |Vt..k.^T
Mrs. 11. M. Padden, President
McPherson Relief Oiqi was
hxpjuly surpriscl by the U«l.es of that
bringing with them well filletl baskets
The afternoon was s|jcnl with games
and a social lime, after which tables
were spread on the lawn» 24 licing
Mrs. Sarah Vader in a few
Well chosen words
Padden. m Itclualf
l>eautifu1 chain for glasses, also a
fing dish to which she res|-mded in
appropriate wor.ls.
number of ladle# Krl.lay afterno..n in
honor of her sister. Mra Tom .Shield,
of Grand Rapids. A very pltwmnt
time waa enJoye<l by all preaent and
delielooa refreahmenU were -rved
by the hosteaa
Fine Music. Songs. Dances and Spcciailics
Ihrr're C alrlilav Hla KUh.
- Chef of Police John Rennie, exMayor W. W. Smith. Will and Jay
Smith made a floe catch of fish while
trolling tin Kaat Bay. They caught
'I clcplionc 112 al onrc h.r scalx
four nice Mackinaw trout one of
which was particularly large. At the
time it was taken they luei
oat about
«00 feet of line and the ex mayor
Uiongh be hml snagged a n. sd l..«d in
some way. He csII.mI to th.- b»g fire
chief to stop the engine of U.e Imat
and commenced reeling in the line,
ard it was not until all bat the la-t
hundred ftwi was taken in tliat Mr
Smitn discovered that he was dealing
with something very umoh alive in
stead of a dead head.
They had a
lively time Uuding the fish, bot he
waa so securely hooked that he could
not get away.
Mr and Mra K O. Ooniptoa am!
Miss Maude Comptoo went to Peios
key yesterday on the excursioo. Mra
Comptoo and daughter remained foi
a sliort vUik
Mra. B.
Bracken ol
Washington street went to PeUwkej
Rev. and Mrr. Hugh Kennedy weal
to Oarp Lake today for a day ‘a fishing.
Tomorrow they will go to Empire,
wberu Mr. Kennedy will be ooe pi
the speakers at the Epworth Leagus
Mr. aad Mrs. Bert Miller went tc
Omeaa yeeterday for a short visit.
They rstaraed this afternoon.
Oharles Roeenthal of the Boston
Here we gathered sn.und lilni. Imp.
ng to bear m.nie |H-arK of wlv4iuiu.
or well we know that He- truly gr. al
irh prone to guide ux. in th.- pr.-i-r
l.ltfalU whi. b
untrained feet.
"It'« iin atnHloUM game- be t-oiUlu
"I -at at that lahle for !hr.-«un. and im-v.t held l- tl.T tluiu a
" f, rifi-T.'.
baan't got
name, held i
the whole
Btore returned yesterday from Kew
York, where he purchased a large
which he and Mr*. Avery will spend
at the r pleasant country home south
of the city.
J. Shmglevleckcr and C A. Coles,
old fnends of Dr. Moon are here
hom Audoboo, la., looking for investments in real estate.
Prof. C F. Horst has gone t
inaw. Bay Cily and Detroit,
be gone all the week.
P. C Gilbeit Vent
today on bosincMw
Mr.and MraWm. Breilhaupt formerly
Steinberg's Brand Opera douse
Uledtieiday, Jiugust 27tb
Thm Pommrfu! Sc9nic Succbss
Jl Ho^alSlavt
been \4siting friend in the cUy, left
ihU noon for Grand RapivU where *he
has a fine posiiioo in the school*.
The mother of the three uaattmetlve daughters stepped from thetruln.
followed by the father.
-t'nkes we get the glris engaged
here.- abc aald la a whUiar "there Is
Ipon lb-* ample Uwo the pater
counted nlDHy-eight glria.
In the
mlddW atoud Ihe loae aummer man.
aaaw^^ rIghty-aliH. quratloo. at
No matter l.ew tkl.t a jrlrl *
' ^* «r»»d^,*.Kn4(em,,..Onrtnnau-ud I»
are -he nev,-r likes to arkmm »«lpe Hh- |
great game,
The All Foob* Club went flsblai
yeeterday up the river aad eaayb
aomethloy besides the train. Kalpl
HaMlayt hooked fifty aloe ooee. Ra]
Wait got tlilrty, while Julius Palin
got about fifteen, because be did no
fish all the time.
KsUwoaoa. nmA i%k«gi>
An «i*lla*.!i uii a nujii's torultstone! For lvo*k»y aad M»rktn-w<iiv.s w*.«.
never imlicit.^ that be ma. a l«re.
Fvei-ml j-hsu -.mU. u. »Wt Wms-. ii is
Rev. Millard Brekford has ret urnevl to Urbana, 0„ after a visit with
A. \\\ Jahraus anti fnnilv.
Frank Key. who has parohaacd the
Little Tavern reetaarma
qauatlty of fall and wintar goods.
burned almost to the edges of Its hand
Mrs. Louis Bevemoa aad daughter
some frame. The manner of Its hum- Kstber of Buttons Bay are guasU of
Itiy lllustratiw the arts employed to Mra Jack Reid.
delude Mr. Marsh.
Mrs, F. Beckel aad ohlldrmi aad
At a seance he had suddenly demand
Mrs Bbapirm of Chicago, mother
ed a painting. The demand took the
medium and her a-slstants by surprise. aad sister of Mrs. P. Baadlemaa. are
They had no iwlntlng In nwdlueaa. hut hers oo a vlsll,
. aad Mra Oliver LmfWve came
they could not afford to raise a doubt
Id the mind of Mr. Marsh by a fallurw up from OadiUao yaesrday for a visit
A quick winetl man In the gatbertny
\Ux their daaghter. Mrs. Ray Wail
lieyau to swear In a loud voli'e. Thla
Wshstar street.
distracted the nttenUon of all hands for
Bert Wilhelm ahvl MiUon Smurth.
a moment or tw.\ and another quick
wait left this rooming for the northern
ly appllt^ some pboapb«»rut to a near
of the ilxte where they will look
by iwlntlng.
The picture began to
bum. and the medium announced that up Und.
IB a retiuke from the spirit world
Misi Fannie Taylor, formerly a
for the liUaphemy which had dlsyrscrd teacher in the cily school*, who has
the Baltimore American, wbetbe
Bert winter will be a bouaebold
altj or a pubUc curiosity.
Jnasxt me
John Proben was j
City base hall Uam went
Eveljn Ijingworlhy and
Brownie to Osdar City yesterday ;to take veag- Wlfi:Hirx Voaaw I
ekpee oo th» team at that place for the
I liavr » l,»U U..1-H Neat U.
a A. Stiles brings the Record defeat they gave tne local team a few
choice apples ol the Astrachan vari- weeks ago. It was a red hot contest
from the start and when the smoke
K which speak wt
cleared away at ihe cud of the niuUi
fruii this season
Diny Mra Ada Hoi
lirar mend klsrsh-1 know
sonsllf re-j-jnslble f.«- the pU
f**«S wV”
" ioilsor- of «.r
t often toW wUlK.u! ssying a
Mia FloRDce H«(im rettmed
yesterday from an extended visit in
Fnnkfoft and Manistee.
Larmtx Mlaaoo of 21 rerrtaa arr inside her bdL
Boe. Jersey City, waa for a conaSdrra- slipped down inside the
Mr. ami Mr*. Frank Tavlor, Mr.
ble period rmployed by thr Utr Lutlwr
Mn. Broschb^ed it to be knt un- ami Mr*. John JLuUnan and M
fL Marah. thr famoua a|.lr1tuallrt, to
MUhur>\ O, arc
tU she discovered it by accident
7.*--.^^:? At:;
of Batura for blaatup
UBXloualy awaltial h
Ar told her what bat]
-Now. Zrbby, you
Ud. That ylrl aaw
liaahful an*
modeat you waa. an*
like you nil
tha better for It. 1
t a ynnd.T
chicken that you made an
p had Uitun.
Hr did Bot appear at Sheldon'o tiuit
ureoloc. aa one of the cows wva tulaa.
IBC. but next day. aeclng the summer
bourdar In the orchard, he made an cx
CUBS to craaa K and come fatv to riuw
wlU hur htahL Hbe bowed a little
coldly Inatnad of rxieoding N.th bauds
uhd rxpraaalnff her d. light o%^r the
beltyhockA half of which w,^. idi.k
and half white, and he alnioat lo«t hU
wlta ayaln.
When no words would
cumr. hr cUmlaxl an amde tn>^ Khuok
doWB about a iMiahel ot liard. yreea
uppleu for her. and tbouch lie reallaed
that he had burst one auai>mder In de
hr manayed to Uft hla hat
h uway 1wUboiit falUny down.
•r WbrB U
fr mid
AH taembexi </
G. A. R.. whomtend to ytu»d the
CBOuapiDart at Central Laky arc re-
Ml hBd
U Smith. Mbs
Fmd S«uR> lock in the
^oht to Hus citj comploio with all tho Original Sconary,
Iffacts, and Cast as prodacad in Mam York.
ASH HV .M« m i.SUirtlT.
THE tkIkt.EOUs l AlAt E < »F THE KIM..
EkL I’l
In lZ> THE
l.\ MATl
Most BewllderlfiK Display of Scenic Embollahmonla
2—Carloads Scenery EffecU-2
30 - OAST OR - 30
aeviBo pstcaa
On your ouUldE doors use Oal.
maa*s KlasMe Bpnr Varnish. fVfet
kf—oorrodgf Wmf$ mSd fmmimm,
____________ 1€30-if
/ TkrfWn, Star/ of Looo. Main. Passion, intrigoo. Boaongo.
Dowotion ondHotoxc Daring.
PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c.
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