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The Evening Record, March 17, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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>3wl Tt
• Up Tp HMr
Of OoiKM to
MOlfOAY. MAKCll 17. l«Ot
Mn. K. Hanna of' DrtmlL biaa arb 1^—The Wtvkiy, rlr^-to lak. ctetvt of tte mUlnt+r
of Uic Boaron i*tor». 8h^
thova ttel t:.«» Mara of ovallpei
by Kiaa Hanlt-SaowerB rsportod dariac tte pna* voah klB.>o axpan propanv. and thar vlll
tba UbUmI of < bare tbair darvmornl la ftnr ctdar U
i-paaiud kat yoor (boro Vrro ».d(e
Moaa of vbicb IM von CataL
mrmtt Continuop to Fall and InWhen Vot* Is Tak*n Late Thta
Tte Marine taoopltal aamea anfaeUT aofr vbo fot (lir laaM. ae
oQBoaa a eaoe of >dacn. rrponed
. tans* Cold Frevsi(A
waa arar fan«cbl to jaatlca
FaMatytl fron Barfcelay. OblU . a England tuts Bought l77.eQB
Kov 0 lattor btaatriiod trum a i
aaborti ^ tea FnaeuM. TI4a
Animgin in America.
vlto-voold aaam to aatwar to
Mata oa tba lull OrraaiM Iba BaUiB
Moe of Jacob, to vbicb
Ttwafdtba Biaaii Tadar-BaM
iM Moa thua.aco b« aiolo____
««*U TrriM •> r»oH«« tar
la t aOuMM at tte Bmb-A
laaon (roa Ihfalan A IhatMr. bo(t
t'rte. tar nli.taa llama a
tlw bful (or bl. OVB naa and aold ilv
Tliare will bo o teoetlng of the UaiIt# otoMi that Iw teo Paet
>SMi Mab.Metl...t,iei.
- Gblago. MBrafa IT-Raporta froa
i«f«t>-d. bovt-vM. aod (aala U
i:-Today win Rank, Knlghla of Pythiaa. i»- Hi tvoeemia v, U,- *.ewd.
Ool—ip. KlMMPta. lb. ItafcMPm biadat; lo inafc. rtouutiioo ao (araa Btarfca tba floal otrtaBlk liotvaM ite awnvw ovaolag. Pulloviag tte tnei-tEngland haa
WiMitato Md U* BorUivtatIWn poMibla bo i« ooodi hack Iba
. ablp anbaldy Ull (urea. Tba oavata lag will be a party tad teaqoi i.
boagfai la Ute I'alted ffiate. and abl|K P. Pcrrta liaa jav rteMred a Mrtorr. toiiatar » poUnappo
Ibr (baiba ka|K for hb OVD bm. m4 opeuad an hoar earliar Itea uaal.
o Hooth AfriM Bluer it^litwia
> 7<«r& Uaitnai Uaac potaiam u> pay (■« il.« oua. tbai ha Tba taOBion today baa barn derutad load of tenoallng naohinery and two ntngof Ibe war Ihera.
te Moobad aad Iopb^ of oUl* oa tl>* Milt, aa aoou aa potalbla
almoot oailnly to tba dateta oiioo tte carluadf of boicgtaa
aa<I U.VMO uiBlea The agglygal-- l»14
Tte Mpriog Brook milk wagon node for Ihe aatmala waa
•Mww «>» b. bWTT. Froa (oar t.' TIm> iruiihn«a wbu a
ptiidlnit maanr.-. Tba rota vlll oooil ttat of MOV >•
riraa hi. oddraoa a* WWMi yMtvnwl, oar tbu afternoon and It la telterad Ibtagi llrely on BeteaUi otrivt yeaterday/-aa tba bene ran away and muKtk Raj>lda
that ibla bill will
Tba nuor that i. r.-iBMad I. an <id
Tba I.OOW eotemlttaa of tbo vbola tend Bilk bottlaa along the tm. i for
wnym. Bol Hub- dan«m
JaekMO V
rau aod lonka aa (boafb It wlfbl Dfan tte eunaidontlMi of tba rirrr
lia*. brau BMd aa a clcvrar. and tbo id teriwr apprvprlatlM MU. vhieh bowar-r.
A luarriam I. rifk-eie-t aboot the Tte tabor uaiMO of tk- city attended
la Muu 7MN M>d tb. rollrood uoOc Uada la niokMI and btekM.
topMOttooUy (anayoMl Th. ^tprlb- j,k*y----------.acrvit la bU lattrr
U a l-ody. aad newy war.- tbe liMaUI of Uravn will be one of fal floral iritetea wbioh atlMtod Uia
on PooMe and Uimt Nortboni boro that It
ba odriaobl. to boo.- ikparttef. Hu tnonda Miaaa in whloh the damward
aMMpradowbMl (at muIj |« twm tail Tb« raaot tea liad tte ood
,'FOR POllTICtl REISOtS are Mytng aothlnr
!■ »r hlUMrd otrioiao dittnoi »b4 irr.»iBduff oo a irnDd.UiDa. Jt will
held. The remalni Were takeu to
aa the Barrlage u baing k«|i( a j*o- OOBrilta. Mieb . for;ietartec«t.
A all otoM to <k> M niiadded 10 Iba v.llaetiou of ruHoo of
fond BTcret.
UltMfBiTof tb. .tom ohall alaw. Squli-rt A Bonnar.
Til. annoal Ibankeffrrlo* tea of the
tho blab vloU faM titod tta. MOV io
footea'a Miaatenary vviety of the
tb. OMoataltu aod (Mkod U la lolid
Plrat Mathodial chareii will be bald
taaOM mmmj loot doap. oota
hnuorfow evMxng'in tbr efaarcb pntttiBly Utad. Tb. tataptOoWT. *ha.
Kte.^W. L tenlnua wilt ooohoaa vadMlU laUlPK aad ta i«o«
But Strlkwrs in Bo*tpn Ar* bare k-ea inferred agaiuat P.iatmaa- tlnae bit .trrao|xiooe leclnre on In
or balov Bare OMrk
ter Uoroe of Ublotafo for dUBi»>lug
Keiurning to Work.
^try oSert U balna aoado by (bt
btaph.yea “for pollll.-al maoua. “The dia. with aivcial aj^enn- to tbr
of the poopia The lea will bo
(oai 10 koap Ita raaaaBfarii. vbo
Oivil aerTlseeOteiuii.aioa will iornallterTMi from 4 to T n'rloek. and tte
wM(VlniBad. vara avl vail fad. aad
l-'Ctara will hrgia at 7 .V>. - All are InfaibU rMPOO Iralua an- feolaf bald at
IT no WRBt.'
mod. PricM viU k- lt> eeaia for tte
I wliara tha BOaommodal Iona
Warrite Mm aratllna t
ernca (or iIkx loelnre and
art good, ratbar (baa Atemtd to mi
Maar 4ab ivkart Who
Milan- mta for the leetare tncfaildreti coder
IhM tbnogb vHhapoteibUity'of i-v Mr til nri|> lo tlw gMod
■ Hear Itatitate lien..
t year..
Uad ap Ivtwaon atatioua
T. U. MoMonot & <k liar« eeUbTl'teilte ll.l-l-. •
tba Hod Hiror Valley dlrl.ion of
tea Xonbon PmI&o. batvoaa Prank
Aagnat Uatrom write, (rots Baatlle. liahad abtBieh alore in oonnecilmi
nt'ibla luorning. Ttey an be
(art otal Wlanlpec, i. Millnly ataia ing pot to work a. fai4a> tb. .oltT- Wa.]., lo IUm Oatenaau. of tfat> city, with the praeent buitoeM- of tte P.
Botu. The braoel. atere wilt k- lo
dMd. lo kniuter
land.. inforMT-' being glr-, lo adrlae any |vnos of the wnteni
Ka.1 Pronl atraet. two
I Pritey nlirtit aod tte o
fer<-r type not i« noke Wathington Mle>l at
au to nan with
oendlUoaa on tbla dirialonan
Not all lb>- laeu vlll U- Ibetr daoliuation. Mr. Okrom. who dooraw'i-n of tba |PaBont. aiul will
k IB eharm of Hen MeMonaa, an eikoova by tbr tMOtal'offlcon bare. a. lakvn btak iiniunliately. Tben
ikdrilac ptlnlar. My.
parianeed painter and pa{ier hanger.
IxKBuiM- uf tliia tbooMod. of Job ooekMB. hare bean
4il*n by iba bordan o( al-A-l itel |«edroppel into Ikattloaiid Rrerel br Ite Painting aad taper lu^iog of all
vrrr IocciIk-i. •••i I In i ihnt- l<c
ooted Ite tea.y tnowtoll.
a and tbeae .Irang fclniU will k- ati.'uded lo. end a targe
I <
of fine tvpera will be here Itii.
^ ktaatnv of tte Uimi Northero^
er> are wilhoal work aad uiUioui
k Mnally bad. 1-b. liar >. ttod »|. tte
He MV. 11 I. no i-lace (or ■
ttfMybMwaan Utand Porka and tVlLWMtlng nun and adrim ereryune kancli .lore.
Ibe.tanoi0g party uf the OUnmwaa.
IkMn. N. D . a dlataao. ol about •.->
atfka. and all vitv. bara lawii^utt bo- f tlie AteCM Inv R..WIM M r
In at bcuae. Antoine Modberg, now whicli waa to tere kva held Tliora'
•ITul il lai' h. wll
yoad Paqra Thirty Vilea of vlr.udM f-tereb br It... >T. I. «.
- tbit oily neently reiartn-d fpafu day evening, will be held WedneMlay
• Ojun.; . iu1.!ioi.x »»«urx.. It alOM«ona botvaon Pargo aailUBaaalliteittU- and W* atoryoT Waahlni^M la eranlng inatcad. on aeoonnl of tlw
Wllk MOTutawoa VM...
leotore uf Prof. Ib-Motle Thanday
tan, N. D . aad all oonaiBulaB
Then-waa a goo<l aodien.-e taieual aa bitter aa ttei In Mr. Oattoni'a l.-t
wllb vBotani Dteota and Moni
Al SeatU. a lalvring man If be
laat .'raoliig to ii.ten lo Ibr niiteiun
Tba niteUug of the Prienda «ob
pokla hare baoa loot te Bare.- hna ary addreo. of Her. W. U
la gBtitag a job, laay reo- ive
eB 'a Mlaaleuary KWlaly will k-held
Iteaobjeclid India. |Tb.«ddreaa two dolUtB a day. bat living okpenaM
are ae high tliai Ibe grtvteoi oooeoay
an inijilriDg one. and vaa
the lionu-of Mra WlUlam WfigbL
*|M Ite Md oaiUit t. Blnb-d.
ad to will, th.- cloteel aitmtka moat bi oxerolaed in ordar to live on
that. Table bmrd . la .•&.(•> a we- k Tlie program will be In eiiarm of
Ber. E. Iloarard Brown, who will
Thr v.irfc »f Mary Read, of fthlo.
inoeni tb.- work for tbe AfrioBa.
vliooonkaetedleptvay while ui la-lk. high. Proo tJila orldtoee It woold
both in Afrtoa and la ABeriea. Spe
Itet abe had ll..- dlaeaae af- arvB that Ihe veol ta not ;>«(etable
i.y|.«r reinm to AneriM and tbcin n- Miobtgan. Don't “go wool, yoong
work of WUUt -R. Hotohkto. ta AfrlM
tarnad lo tba Itper*. wb.-n aha
aad Booker T. Waabington i'o ABerldoing a noble and rery .ucx-eaafst
^Utal W Ite g.raini ltex.nl
work, waa dmeribwi.
HMMlaea. Manh K-Haagalnn
Tk- St. Patriek'a .Day |irt«raio and
*ov opon. a gate.tertag blown ibe
oappor. irt'oa by 8t Pranria ehnreb,
Rowe.who tnreled Ibriiogli the____
loo onl of tl>a tay. Tl.r (^hloogo ood
vlU oi-oor ta tba City Opora Bow
Seller of Cr.>I Sh.Ks
KUwaakoa twaia and Uw Ann Arbor 0y tel ao ill Miri. briugiag wbok nlr Hr TMtefBi* ta tb. BMW*.
oveoing. Sapper will be »-rr<d
logoa 10 lUiriv
doMribaC aa ■
onr («Ttea an oiptoP^ oucn A laigo
Port KorM. March
IT-Jadge froa 6 o'olook. aad tk- pragram will
tbi< work of PoDitite KaBMitei.'
nwbat of flaharaao wer« in danger
hotfoag. who va. brought bopie (roa begin aboal B:IS.
' Whoo Iba ier want ool. bat all aoTbe ri-gctor mMttag of the city
widow, and U»- orphMx of India, aad nodon. Ohio, oo a qwoiil oar. it in
oagod. on dlConni Uland.
critioBl -eanditioii al hit boloe to coaneil vlll oeenr tide rTening.
If already conag (url.AX'of thalai.
Wcilm-siUi and T'hiitx*bi,
Tk-Bc-tlng of til. Clerk-e I'uioii.
l-ntlduig b.ill aa a atabir, day. U.- la anfferlag froB -Bright-. vhioh vaa to teee been held tala
Mjr.h null' and 2iHh. Erc-I li,
ain-x- iIm goreniaMii wooLd n.d perHeumann. ihc Tailor. 11,'» C'i.-v
eTooing. baa been pcMiaioed on o<
mat# iToorety are altm.
ai. ondianage
aanl of Ibe tllnon of tbe (reriaenl.
tta-ei, will have all H Rulwl
■ tllnatratad wUb a
tte Boyt Bond will give a couoMt
diooD view* which
W(wili-niim dis
1 front of the City Opora Hubb to
ri-le rery One.
play I'or b.lics aii.l i;cnl»- wear.
Oelroll-WbMt. S3*, and !«>, ; oorp. nlgbt before tte St Patrick e Day
Ker..Uui(iiiaii villoonlioue the Iw
1 j<hr«, you arc vcItihik hcif to
VB aad will iday aleo inz»de tte
' eieulng at llie annual
in»|Vrt the mail) -tivlcs and huntbM tiaooial Panacaii voold tea.- thank offering
^TVl^-wlihlll't audn^.
dr^-i of cloths shoa-n on ihtac
Tte elMmer ColoBbia case orot
il|^|1 In tte eomatead <i( tte depart- eV. For. Ign Mt
litetonary >oriety
fioa Bovort Harbor tale afwn
ijici ii! dates. Wc tell rioth inaHfktof ^emdo when hta inoeat
and will take e oargo lo tey (lolDti
tcrrial in ani •{iiantiu. a1sii tor
fMleocfa atell tere i-tpired. lieiienl
future dclivcn-.
rMMiii togtiliai vitl. OmomI Uttm
Leelie SBortbwaiU. vbo tee been
Ohioogo. March lA. iSatardayi—Re
bit a long oonfitenoe with Secn-iaty
R«M tint noralag on niliippiac
Mipte of potatoe. (or tba wank wtra very III at Hempfaiz. Tona.. arrired
- Satnrdgy night, aecompaaled by
■» Mrt In ezeota of ite.previon. vaek
and ; eon over Ian yMr. Price# vat« bit mother, vbo veal lo Moaphta to
odrucad Sr. with a better loMi and MT» for hlB. Ha It ftlU 111 a eery
Wnrk ...
Sqriere & Bonner are tertag taelr
■urrlna off tte Barket aad tte tiaoki
Mrty elMaad np Higher priOM terber idinp aad teib rooBt flntabed
Ig atatiM wera dieVBif Ihl.
tte Itaauea.
e eoontrr Inrreaaed faiBtn' de- ta a latlMT nnlqeo wag. Ttelr new
nag while attenpiiag in aracoa
AUhaoy. lad., klartb i
liroriM toward tte looL tel-v of (rout tea Iwoo put In. aad new tk y
• Pteldanad PlfBMu Olaaaor the crew of the anandad Wad
baring tbe (rant room painted a
Rnmla weea Balaly at Ml and aoc.
win killed thii BBonilag and Rogi. Tlieir boat waa opael.
vilb a few Mn of aztn Muey daitioo Tlrid green, with gtoM inpor.and ihe
•igrBltteBion asnoBaly Inlnred in b
fMT rooB it painted rad with rad
«TBC* on tte Bootbarv nad ncnr Ky
Seed nook t« in aeiira deoMtid and paiMT. Ooeof cbetetbraowlatokAt HMdao. ttaotey. March K. iuft!.
a» ainy aileo weal. The wroek
light aapply. Barlr Obko bring |l. ID
al lb.- iKuae of Mr. and Mn Oterie.
I Sqah-n bronglii troH Grand
andgl.SOand Rnoe and Tnaapba 80
Kaaaell. tbeir el.le.t daagfater. MogBaptda a flae old Gennaa ovoid,
iriTM PRIMCR BR««r *VIIA*I> gte. vaa gireo tii aorriage hi Mr. aod bte, with towo ckimlag to gat vblob haa born added to tte eario
Lorao CarUab- o< UMparia
TodM** reoelpta van- It can. In- eoUaottao of tte flm.
Unbr. .lat-y of the brida. acted a.
There will br a ragaki meoriag of
claoiag IK cart on Koribvoottm.
and Mr. Ban A'Utan aa
Solid as a rock, will
oata IB Bh Paal. 1 Mg on Wkeoaeta
ban Ban. Rer. O K ilabooek ,
Owtral aod • CM Ml Mkhlgan Oo«- TdD.
uot rip. need no rub
Rlnmth, March IT-Tlw OaoiorhThe eroood omimI oalloo hall of tte
k^ wHh Prtnre Uanty ahoatd. ar- of a few laiiBata (rtenda. afiM vhieta
bers. Money saved if
Tte iMKat VM 8TB. Bayte. beU
buontifal dtatavvaa a«-e<l The
rilii koiiff. Tbe yvytaCB rroB Bev
of P. baU Mooday orontag. March
ybu buy them.
faaiq^ pair Vara the raeipMo. of off ond boUert obovod co i
TmvteanBTMtfal. All abMri
Mtb. All KBlghti of Pytbtat and
luauyaaafal and braatlfol paaoMta. to talL onoptvbt* tbetr Moot vot*
tboir taBlIlM tariiod. BUlWoMta;
andtber kaie with the h-« viabm BOI. PaiT-of Ute artfralt vara oaai
Bieek la tianidi to Mter potau m ttel
.rfalt They loN for an rzin
Hon. B. W.
I —«Btfrriogaef tebt/lM. vteaaMlaiga.
trip aootb ihia Bocalug.
day from FUai, t^wo te «pmt Sota
Maith It-Ttera i
Bon. G. G. Ooroll voat to OtMid flay vita Mrc Baottaga Be wont in
HBOttaM ta OmH
Rophtathli ta««iag atMc w—ding NttooaBay on baMaoB tbla a~
teteiU tebtaM I OB tag. Monb K~Tte o
Tte gib an mm erotyvbMs oi D*
of Si Partlck-t*Day ta
B B. MUkvty kteoo tar Kov Mta tafloy ta ahom tht nmy tafllM.
vhieh tte lata qaooa tried u
York City m a hanrtad and epaotal Ita* thw tal Mb* taU U 8L PhMte'a
th« NorthwMt.
Upkda vltb a toMt tba( probabir
>aa aaaa bacM daya la tba
b viU bo
7Mn Ofto. Sqalon A Rinor had tbair
taubt abop btekoa late by bw^Wra.
aadaBBrnborof aabvUa mm otolaa TUoogb M^toioo Va. Mi
8<jpUn4 Uctiker 1«tc ne*l««4p
R^roadp TM Up Throughout
ForcM Lin* up Today o
y^ewill until .April ist, conduct the greatest
ala^hter Sale of the season, selling eventhing
m this department at cost and below—Crockwry, A^lassware. Lamps and ail Bazaar Goods
go aat wholesale. Now is the time to hi up fur
spring houseketfping,
CITY BIWK STORE, Hobart-Bccchcr Co. Props.
Shelving and Show Cases for sale.
l*-l iix iruliii.l 1--11
m Y. mniQi
an.I -Tx ti..; I.a. oajZx
ilut if vun l>u» tour
lii.l «111 al.idy u:ih w-u ihi.-iiih.mi Ihc ycai
ll yuu »cJi —•lui-tliin^ now <>u
to be We/! Dressed
Spring Suits
5ItW(i'5 BtllAlilt Wim STOIlt
Our stock of Malting is cuminenciitg to arrive.
W'e can show you some very catchy patterns in
both Japanese and Chincsi! goods at prices rang
ing from i2'.c to .ISC |»cr yard.. Our special
leader will be a oo puiind hand ttAlnied matting
at .toe the yaixf. Our line comprises such well
known brands as the l,aiiio. Honam. -Viceroy.
Imperial. Kioto and others. These mattings arc
pfactically our own iiui>ortation. as they are
shipped direct from the l>. Si Bonded Warehouse
at Seattle.AVash. Take'a look at these while
the stock is fresh:
l;j> uticic X..U . an ,j;ci lliv most rctl «lae
m.mc> m haii< v L-hii.i, Crx« km. lILixseit- Tm«arc, tiiaiiilcuatr, V\ ...Icnwarc, l.Aiii|c., H.r.im.
I t.dcTucar. ,l.a<-o. KmliM.-lmo-. Sizti.mm- im!
SoUimx. V..u-llncMhvl.cxl trade at
Ilyersmake~ Wen^s
$3.00 Shoes
The lasts, tbe stock, the workmanship—in
fact everything that is necessary to make
an easy, stylish, serviceable shoe can be
found in these. BETTER SEE' OUR
McNusua BIk,
Front Stnet.
4m >Tmil& kKiatb. vtA-mUt^, nuL, ko»Mt; itAt* it. i<li.
THE EraniiC KECOUIl uffiMTs ,wiu K -tt»r
• TMt «.
■r. WfarwaTe fOvorMe PromaHoHmi
■Wee a ataraer'e
Joy mot Hamm Mmr
am Ohrid
MTtne Steel ffsoge
At tbe Iowa*, pice ever qnatad.
Si LMit, Iterih n-«r. ■
Um»M aM Mr. a A. Am. tM- I loiowt Q. A. a BM. •
not. X. Mm A»x V. MM
The body is mMa «r cold, noml Meet ttcei, lined with aabca-
MtaHTt MM. taM •( •*•
Ml ■■art »Ula« CMfM. Md • M
MlMa«Mk«MS teoWM-aM-
weaker wkb oacb miwUi.
of tMuaeakiKliiBv«DmMM.tben«re
gmrn to ika aa^tjr of tobe
by an iana ImteE
apiM to'fla to omy wflp.
Maaktopyoa te
band rneted
nfreidiuip aleep.
The inind'a cootent keeps pme with tbe body'#
a tha pradaaato to tka a.
Jfck' women are invited, to
---------aad aiOatH
nrataTaUwa toatoto
Pteree bj- letta frtt t£
to tba MBf kakaa to tkto atau.
rttoTK*. and ao ofatan without
pMilr »»U»* Um UatMMM
Aotlw oa tba adrtoa of tba aWarwar tbe advice of a apecmliM in
feMv H va «■ kMa a “Mto"*
jraai U ara toa. tokaraa
ftottaL Mr. Swatoar to hortoi aato
jKCtakr to womoi.
ttoataill laapitortaaattkaratr.toi
■atoa a tboamad feat to to
toipaforaaaf maa will ayrt
Itet wa aa; Mmw tba paopli bow wa
M^iatr tba ora trow tba reck awd
, «Mm chief •!«
dlit. If wa oaa kata aiM <to a totU ,_J tba daedab, «ar. oarpaM torUaa
wa wlU atato ti aad haro a tor toad of toaagbt oat will to daatrojrd wktto
tha haaa. ptokartd. ptkr. partdi aad
ora tolppad to U froto tba stoat a*.
SMt fr* jmn
■Mi did aad (Mbc Urdt )■*• bMB
..................................... d la,*»rtoM pMU
nj «tor dart^ tba Fur. *'
•■That U}BM whai |ba Loatotoaa
tito wiU to raaiarad to tbr
lar. Tba wartklna flMi to ito lakn
Parphtot MpootltoB waato
do.'-aaidtoarhtofof Ibadai
toir daatnr tba othar dak. bat
aotaa Ikt food ao Ikat tba *an>#
towrIaaMr w»wa>ad
ftffU propOM toanraalMls
M MIM > MBp 10 tbM* diftadMUiM
ym to
ing clotet. niceiy iriaime.t with
^ niaeL
TMr an ■Dtac *beat It rtffti> ■»< il
oiSw la»UMao Mk* alartiM
doll. A taw atamptoa will to a foad
Ihtw. aad It to arldtat that tba Maatataa acpaaltoUaB tatasda to uk» Um>
PtoTT V. Powari owoar of lU.i OadillM Oallr Kawa.haa biNicbl tl<a Oad-
>d. ap^^^ tetaW'a erarX
Optn for tlx SnsM. Wllti'
Sto FunUil.
aalfarMM ot Ohlaago. to Vlawrd
Ttuvnutm . bbw
pMaltad pa>Uot7 te tba trot tton to
19 U tlraBulaled Sugar to.... $1
Blaaa far proaMi ea«illtoM to ptoaail
Pau to to pel obdar ocstraM for
so tba walvorollr aatborlUao. wbo an
ptatlM bafpeo Ootobto ifoa.
nldtobata aadalr awFoorapad tba
awarded Marek «to VtUtos O
tea A Oa far MW.Md TImco wan Mpadtotoba IwawiHiWi atapatoai•Iraaa hiddan for tke oeatiaat.
Tba Itaei sera see to tba toaUtattoo.
wUl to apfcaetoud.
at of Detroit to 1
aod Mtoi Maa Femaa m Imdy iaqbal.
bnd tba Hat. wbiak. waitapad hj
fbUm to aaaan a rUlt from Prli
Haarr to parttollr obmmrad by •*»
dolBlW aaaooaeaatwt
ikol Mtaa
SMm. tba mlaatauary wb>< waa cap-
mwlto mads over vsrioos dallcata
aators.wllbc^ aad tM anal ribbou
aMfriUsofbabykwd. They mada tbe
«and by Botparlaa lauidlta. U to ■«paar tban aooa to five a leetare. Tba
botUn laMtod "Milk." bat aantato-
mMpaaaeal la tonlf'd with naarata
far aaala aad II it alreailr aatand
MMaaadmwtopnrd tlia mlmltmatr
to aqaal to tba !*naatoh prtoOF.
IMa tuom of Ooonta B. Kenao far
par—pi to taktop aa» baaltliy taoporMMa. aM to bow abU (awalkaluaa
Wkaa It aomaa to raMlaf. kowavrr.
It will to dlConol
Tba arrtral of tka ralito waa a UtUa
.............. ..........................
t;<s«l prunes...................................
w-~. ■?
Ktopday. MIok.
M.aia Tharaday araatofwUl
M oar
w“™t:-TKssu’»'‘-'‘“ .a?’iair»4si'> **»i »"•
MR. Mtob.
iMtfar IM I
“qak*. mfa.
Mtbad to immttol to br alonawltk
aladm of tM bnlB. aM MMf of
TM foUowlaa lettor waarooeind:
Mmmpat fltotobaq flatarday aad to
Totoda. Ohio. Marob 14, IMM
1 Mp to aoBlom yoa a totter n.oeiTad tbto mnotop from Mr. Billy
------ ----
tlBMl- .U-lwlOun
Sr.ds;<. tsiWMiU'I.Y ■**
ehaioaur. aad bto pramliaa
Prof. DaMatm to a pnft
Hmo^ nptote.
l^tHKALXva I
. HSlsid:. sisr'jj f X
raailpatioa. aad II to aot tea ato
to my that bto aadtoaoa waa bald
traced from atoit to ttok'
mkea oot wf tM aaafc.
Ha waa over Ibrn daysoa
att. a PboMwdto Mptoaar. te benrTMtoaal ladpaa of tM ante af
a TM w
S30 A Front WIroot.
The glove is the finishing touch to a lady’s wardrobe. Your
Easter garments are all planned, many of them made, but
have you the gloves to match. Four fin'gers and a thumb do
not make a glove by any means, they are simply the parts
held together by quality, style, fit and individuality. Our,
gloves are the best that money can buy and jour guarantee
goes with every pair. That is why we sell so many.
Is one that can pot be equallecl for the money. Just One
Dollar. It is a dressed kid, two clasp button glove. .We
have it in alithe colors that ^ill match any dress material
that is sold. Pemember thisprice. $ 1.
faUowa and Bod Mte atoo voted
to and ante to Ute nUkoapli
Wyntt ta nM a mambar af altMr ar
te. Wyte laCl bto angina nl tM i
otal te* ktetetoan Ite waaknndt
xtod few woman Mt af bamtap Ml
totetMAtop-tbroaph a mnaa of fipi
«. —pfltebtoiamovi iM aMB
iton to IM POW whtob iwiotMoi
tetoflftl totol onoat IteotMl
stow. TM toflte oa whlab Mdm
ate M
nop. DerofOERCS
Is the dressy glqve. Ladles wear these because they make .
the hand look smaller, softer and prettier. These are un
dressed kid and we have all the different colors ever called
for. They are sold at the uniform price of $ 1.60. Our glove counter is «B popular counter the» days. Have you stops
ped there yet?
' ________
owspt by tM rwshtapi
SflWMfl Bayla. a Maw Task ptoi
Is the most popular glove. We have it in black, the browns
and ®rays and It sells for $ 1.75.
TM elty oooaoU of Kokamo. Lad.
bos Tolad o ptod medal to FmA Wy
day woaU be a gnat dmwlM Pard.
The FXpman ot tbe rtty of
flap ikip ynr amewai ta MO<ioi>.iii
aad ttratw at ibe rtty af .Kfw York.
ptorMad Car te baflpM. to MTJoujMd.
Pnctlal SMetoa
asoallaoi miaatol brra. mA tba
____ _________ _____ ,-jthodywli
t. tlwllM lUa.
y MoaatoSi Tm dkaa Ma
ns Fraw Street
tba trip aad was aaarty dmd wbao
May. at wbicl> tM laaal High aaliool toMlkaU ousptpasMfw two ease
athlatm will oompata for booata with M had ssM bto way to rani tbom.
la tM aacowd dapiQt
Chikbrs't Shm Otk .Tfi*. fUw. w»nli Sl.tllt, $1 Jfi and $1.6U
Is the neatest fitting, Ijest wearing glove for $ 1.50 that we
have ever had and we have It in all the fashionable colors,
laa aad foobably OadUlac aad PMaw dmU WlUi aboat 40 of them applto'
kayteraAald daywM bald Mn to tlsH that mj ted was tend to my
ThanwlUMampalaram---------Em Ibe boat of paltofaettoB to tbr
MBtobaa aad tl»a impm
It a Moa of Travorm Otoy TodM
1 anjoyod It <rary F. A A. M. tbto araal^ with weak
TBE WORTH OF tiM FOR...................... tUU
THE WORTH OF tt.5fl FOR.......................$»4S
THE WORTH OF $2.00 FOR..................... :$iM
fladarttopuan olarUtop*o.*M or<lt- otdm.
Uarfla J. Etowadipper of Fanms
aarythtokar. lito laotan waa aptly
Tiiwa. Qlty. wMl to Oblaapo to a aaek blltod
a bap of pstitooa to wtoa fHO
ily IM Modoatloa of bto own
the oib.y High orbooto. Then to i
nwmey if )'uu but the slMaes we iifi'et.
iM wte te Utoartoi: that M hsd
Clearaof e Sale is a b« «R- '
FMCbMpM lUrt «
tvalkM hair
ttod wltbeac tM waeaaMty of a toad
Jteaaw, a topatobia |iarfarmer who
Andrew Oatwteto. as tM ablet pate
lltoo arbeol Trerk Taaa
fltoia an belap lakaa to too High at tM Mew Yack Litotary etab, told
mwab piwllfied by Me wmay
aedtool toward ilw arpanlf "
Faak Bart.
Mr. JaakMa'alatirrtoaafoUowa;
U. Marob isih.iwt
the papll to aaeara aa ax.
^alpktof, “la order to aaaarv
matloB of food MWta.aa tM
|C. E. Schoolcraft* Co.
of tbr Aaaat aamban orar pivaa
Wood top aad Bartou. Hiakory Oor.
It smi>ly prun es this—that
-that means are are giving the public
mate lwgaRn.>MM>ethiag they want at a big sa«ing in pna.
Our t lcargnce |iri.-.-s are in lor** this week ami yoiill avc
TM etraator tbm tails tM
tbalectaro apanr|to Ibto ol^.
tePtl to take apositton bafen tlw
ibto tpaakar.iba Maaca, Oaarpla. TalyOK old BarMxM Flatobar-VoL »,
folate, advanoa iM left foot flimly,
aptaph. m>yt:
IM ax with both Mads
pasbtW; tMwddrr yaaroldPart>"A larpa aadlaaer froatod Prof.
law-VoL *2.
m. from K. J.
M Imwd three Ui
Ifotta at Waatoyaa Mapal laM iHphl
Ftokbock, MowaU, Mtob: th<- aU year
teito IM aaab rapUtor with mljtei
Tboaa wbo bmtf blm wall mate
of Mow linmale•U Lady Vloioria tad-VoL 4f. pa««
mood wky kU laalm aa a fmt
dn. tim O. P Martde. Howell,: tanr baa pana abroad orar' IM toad. itoL Repaas aBtUraaBllUebiatoad.
Br mada a fetaafal ptoa for tha for- Tba airwateetoam with tbo twtaarfc
inwo. beapkt
1^11 W
.aaiera .4 «Bli.
: temiwpwa Tl*a faven oonrtetod
Baal l.yaai . aa|w.tetrd by Mtoa
aolorad bwafcau. dacontod with
hciplx flawan. dolls, iwtstos awd toy
at tlid oiaMO buaaa tool atcttopsMsiali. swab as wwefl.r daps, fwav
eattatoly om ot tM dntetto araata
kUtSM aad ptok pipa
oftliaaPaMw. Mtoa FoamiM oami ‘
TM attettiae of tM poaMOae draa apiwrautly enknowa bat liar «
antswnt waa nllad tweawUy to aa
tarty nndltlon of tha trytag role
adrmtiaaarM wbloli Ims beaw appear
‘Lady ImMratampad Mrataaia
to varioM wawspapan eSartap fat
ooa of IM toodlw aepteoWoftM
to Hwah by a
Mtoa FortaaB-i aaa'*qatak. Mfa. aan. and owally toawart.,
mra won b dmai <d baaaiy
mstiiad." bow to open a aaik raptolar
mtodafaran amrap tM fatatol
wtthwas tM aid ot a bay. TMeltvaatlapmii of tbe aadtoaoa
te Mit to tbaae wbo nasltmd •*, la
Mm noaatly paokaaad ito lullowtoi
lam Pormao and a aapabto
The laetan of Frof. doha & Oo|lapU HUI Pam,
'll""..................... .....................
; It) n. Sack HiK kulwal....................'iU
mom of iMIt irIrllapaM-lutaBts-'
1 at tba play iiaa aot towaapfnqteily. wh“»b»‘f
wflnld ba sllawead by drwnpbte from
taa WOBM wore laeg froeki of wlilto
toply atraap aad wall
paiiy. A Mtotod Oar laad of aomry
luonth. .
uigi ciaiMi uw a cm ami Ml iHcii.
-f| —- ^----------■ as babtoa
Ptank Bart, to mid to to aa rkcaad-
ffi.tiU tknm arsi only $fi.iu per
HIM Dallr Uloto, whlab wnf^ paa-
of tbr balldtoR ia TO fart, tba floor
Abooi tba oaly
■aMaa of tbr dallr fiaU la 'that riM am to m.OOO aqMio fnl Oof baa- Friday.
rdmapa to a totaro to tM aaa of ana.
wkaa the Nawa wa> •tart^'- Tba diodaad thlrtr-d*a tOMot Ires i
tomry atallODery at tbr While Hoaat
Mow* to aow Ibe OGlr dallr to Oadil•tnl will to oaad to tba aMMOtl
to piece
too, whlab la mmgb at pnaael Botk
of the blaok-bontond p^M^aadrovrldafltoi ban (ITOD coud looal aarrica.
opM'whlab ria*aboaaBMd aiaoe the
bkttbaoltrto aoaroalr lai»r aooufb
daalb ot Praaltet MoKInlay.
far I wo Jaat aow.
With om food
promlead to
MUr Mwaiwpar. Oadlllae will have
ktod ot aoolaly twetloo
LpMO." Aaa at Stotobatp-a Onnd «wtM It Mada aad Mr. Powan wtU
drd to WaMthftaa Friday
aornw aipbt. Taaaday, Marek 11.
Mka aptod pap*r. and aaa which
Dlplpwata ami aoelal Jt^dan
Mr. ). r. OroabTaaAroklhaldCMIyla
.T .r; ;-S
Tba pMlod of oOatol etoviitop far
Tha anrapa balpht
iindy oven <kxa.
l«m eidte/coal or wood.
line range tor only flfiil.TS —
Sian<lar>i Tuoisloes..........................10c
■see. protoata that aonatbtap saat. Qi|U.WAn^> -M4L.Uri»'
dOM to iwatet tba aslracaltr "dabwi" tola a fasala a^Mtoarr-
aaite ot tbr elootrleltr boUdtof
Salt f’ork. per poon.1.............................Be
tiaw Ah adltortal, aftor aaiitop at'toaltoa to tbr prowtof aa»b
Mto ashlUt ■tnwtarao ot tba WatWa
U 51'irdOD foot
D my br to>d at Baam's aaady
wltbalMto br tba rotac toto of *>>•
OoaWaoi for tba eeiotToartM of tba
avallahto. oeatiarr to tow or ottot ,
wtoa. It la Ftotoato* to pat a atop to Blaatrialtr baUdtop. tba toird of the
Ihto ptoatln dad aattod afarta wlU
llwUl i».» yoa to ■^mtaaripato bto
UHiraaae wopaalttoa. w M wntoa all
iMdIflrayai ktod of pallrtoa
aompaoUk hr fofxoaawto an awqar^
I>r Pierce'a Pleasant Peltetscut
The BcaMiotlr liMtoilag M«pto'
tbs of wnwan atadaau at Mertbwaai
oten ilonr. large nickie name
diuincm and sick beadacte.
btWt at ‘lln" aaraa *»• aa^ **a‘«
WORT about Ilia apaea. rrapai
|nt skcB;
of hif^ rkwet, nickle handle on
of poltoiaa be wnm. aad wiU i
Make roar as
era atraadr to MOgraM for tba totoalam WIMMMII
vUI aot bade
lattooofatotoFtaiftolUaakd oMlian
pMMd ot gmm M iBpIdIr M In tkr
br Cto fold aad allTta stoto( »ao of
fMIfav raua. U alMt aTarr ^■ Oolcoada and Sbe aeppar attoan wtU
-t-n-y u MrUtan Mtohi«M
ban ibalr waabtoary to opantlaa to
mm taaka «aolal afforu l« |>Uai
tba aasa balldtag.
Tba miatoc aimm»
la Uh TVioa* atraaM; aad
bibli at tba Worid'a Pair wUl to tba
faMiaataad «aaot aad Urallaat ana
a potot to neara than to aaaaod aM oat br tba aatoM naato
\ickcl lra
nickle hantile on re%-al«-iag door
I Baara If r
lita. Sa ofa^dW laaaraair. do^l
tall to wobimaad mik II osar. Ha
toh took iitolWfli
Wlikto tba Uat
-Than will ka ptoMf at
roar stoe tolU to tba M« Mtotof aad « raara craaa |»toa ka«a baaa lakro
Matallarfr Halldto*.
H{oii^ batomx
tj% Lfj flacr, reacRsiir, kteb warm
•loM to tha aaoM aM Mrtos tka
comfort. There it so anxiety. «o
^ barlac tlM toM oiaaaad Iv
dread of tbe approachtep time of
hard vorh
Bacnmn BUtoatMtat
aahltol at
Mlien Me* Urtb boor
'All the (mwa to Wrato to faau pad
ItOr.- mU Mr. Mwidi
comes it u practically painlem. tbe
laMd aao ha radfttoi
at th» mtotoc
tecwvcf>- if rapid, and tbe mutfaer
Tba arpartMMM vU ba
dIaMM tn« wMak «a <
finds beneff abtmdanUy able to
aoti**>r « w«»tl«B-ai
nnnw her child.
vukttoavad to rtow. to Ika ocM> ton. to Mltoaaal fatmara ha«a mm
•• Fav
aptoataatMtoataaaM wo akoboi. amitber Ofaum. tscaine,
•ttoa wa fdtoaaaai aato to to htod
Il OetoMlaalaaaT tammj at toany other narcotic.
aad finished
Mark coameL
bealtbv appetite, ()niet aen-en. tod
• CMS wUl aoMOM al
idM|a«(IM MMg »d Ma»l
ti» board, which it held in ptoa
It doef thto .by a pm-mtai fntmiatkai te wUch dw nothm nds
bonwl/ pruwinp atroiiper intead of
•Ur •vmkum tette iiM •M bM
OOB WOTB-Mlllar'k P
TM fcrfttaiia iiiyi^gu^tllhi «fe lpe». iiqsp^t.-k^^cB'}^ m»».
IS HBmrss, mm wihj.
s M iMlcvMl: «bi’ risiiar ASsrKL
Tb* w bJI sod ««nr alDbr vmt
-------------------------------- sr St L#Asr
ara UsM. Mbr bsd
tier v«il sTMM, sad «Wb ibr inotertcr
arUcsIr bMhS •• as n<-oi» t«r reTw- |«SB« thraort «b* fcasM Un vtel
aappoMl it*M a ninfcat asd Mk
T»*. kbc wooM •b*
bark iBte ber seat. Tbe
• tbr rouinc of (Ms atm r*sr slo«r.
and then at.Bee. bm to
Blir ira* ahwrtRd la I
roBld net get her aitetutoo. Afwr
bnrd aalhlBC till a voter Iroea tbe faut BB tBStSBI uf t
raUed her li> Ibr |«rae«L Mr touked
Msdsm.----------------------... JOt tbie la M
Tbrr bad Iwea sUnt—ba bmaaa np will! a allgbl ablvrr. A tall bgoio a SlrkeL~
.L-k.l- .alarttiit to band it hai^
!. abe IP bs- toad la ttv aluKfer. Mtoiy abe tom.
nw-krtr abe earUlaied.
r hla BQod. 8br watrbad ttaa Uek'
‘HThat to
arts* are. and be eratrbed brr.
-It'a a
I the. esB^
floMralr be bnt orrr abd tPok baM or. lonie fumnl laio tbe rlnde uf
Ti^re V
a MOe an anwmd. tost
ar tbe bMTUr ladeb obaia chat baag ire Uglit.
tbla nnrj
I rid rad a* liter uwlanamd bet Back.
-IKa'froD koo^»eT“
Ir «lo lo
>Ysw eralp ki^ frova loager daU;.
Tbto vaa «o gkoatlr fleb«c Herr-' brcielr e»ri>(ed
It vUl na<ai to row feet before 1 com dltb. bin IrHiabk- deab aad Uaod. sad (lie Itrau rheik-and kept luw___ _
bark.at kto aide bUU aa raipir akeve. bbe the Md af her •)ourney.-dL LabIT
Rbe lacfbed Ugbtlr m abe aaH ■hbk Itork Is ber rbalr'lolib a filot t^»t-Ul•|■te^.
Tbat U Mklbd of jroa. to ae BCUga ery.
mj ebarw at to caU tben acolpe.’'
Be knelt beahle ber. bla (orml ralB
The yiwlle aoa of an army otoecr
He oTot oB bitterix: 'Too need »o( broken at algbl of ber .DuUea. Sbe
tosile a strange mixture <>f the btoinry
MBtmdkt M. for I bare vatrbed r««i
I kaow tbe blatorr of know hov tbe otferlBg of He did Bot af tleor^ U asbtogtm. ibe other day.
TtaRue railed vluring tbe atowaie ot
each one. Tbai aUerr ear to a rrUe of betng vaaben awar. aad 'br grew
ills yamiie. and lu rtiteetala Ibe cbll.
’ boatlac dare oa tbe Cbarteo aod of mgfa trued
divu aad hietin a IrwMiii of manly boaJpbJi Keadfick. «b» weot atiruad to
-Aileo. Alice.’ be i-rted. -J arree uraod petTiuiuai luld ile-m ibr fanmua
Birsii Lie brvkes faeert. Tbat cukl golf awaiit tu (ono bark.crliipledaal traa! etortea of tlie lltorty beU awl Ibr .-herdub to from tVIdiOg. Foot btaoler
tier to 1 aitaat ruu to tblnk ue dead rrbcB i ry tree. Tito « l<m of tbr eoldh-r wn
runas baler bOW. AU hare ptU
fa taitereuir.1. but gv>l tbe detail*
you the beart. i tbuugbt you did mill
bsilly t«la(e.| in bto bew.l Wbeti hto
Ir lAbBtr, an but tse. mraoge I aenl
sot rare. Ilul I conld uot Uar to go lather muftieil buoie be we. i.dd .g
■btfiihravar forever stlboul o^lsg )m> otHW tbr One eiuty the vUltur Iwd mU
Iler race rrs« tuibrd 'ritb aopietblsg
•. ao I alole ■•aei’—.
Ibe . fither of tils .viuotry.
brahtoa Are Ugbl aa abe lolrmipled Inbeve been a wvaderfiil mac.*
Teora atlll abuue In ber
tooted at bto fai'F. au abtt. aod veeiL sms.bed tbr liU* IV l-n wliti lit lllile
T wMptied
wMpiwd htm
be rlDV'y ■ieeve. b<T o« ii mbuoe Utvbet sbd hto (alh.y
l.lltog a liearltb tbe licbt or arfuetlilng tuorr Ibas *rttb a rbenr trvw forr i.-lltog
n luvrt |«trrfaiulltoi eviue lime to
[ tblags aoL—ttaeblafiou Kiar.
> kiu-ar liie irulb Wfnn- abe afxike,
and tbe miltijufv<d arm divn b« lu bla
aa be aabl. wlib a mdi. ■ M.i darllug.
8y UUTf WOffO
Baking Powder
Used in Millions of Hornet.
40 Years the Standard. A
Pure Cream 6f Tartar Pow
der. Superior to crciy other
known. Makes finest cake
and pastry, light, ilaky bis>
cutt, dplicious griddle cakes
—palatable and wholesome.
bhiBL ivy look Cm
uihI may Me< the caU.
is a piexm aM no I'eie’c.vn
c.vn rjt (okJ
mive<tud)i il villuiUi iiijnrr
Innr to bchb.
aol ballernd the dleakea vltl *p
but tbe raeeiBBtloa ot i^^laama trba
aay )«> e come' 10 oOBiaot arith tba
lirskeman liaa bran dlmcMd.
At byidi* tlie M year eld aeu of Wib.
Mrftlierry. died Frldar after a half
Til* Ubali.«c» Wiamn-arlub lute boor of terrible ooSvsUiOBa Hie raBult
Of ilttskuijf patt of tbe uiiknotPB
hpau Mala aada tbe ramjiiant i<t a
oeeiento of a taoKl*. |dekad up hr the
tea gilt, a narua b4 (boiM liaoUer
g|«m. Ttoa lot vaa tbe gift ot Bra «arel^''a>> btevray honefroa eche.il.
a u. Baaklax, Un. D. U. Kririii and A notn|«u1«i ot the ame age. life eoa
iSra A r. .Taatito. aad II will be U.e of Janina laivh-ae. drank fi«B tbe
•la uf tba aaw toapte to be butli Mtnir' bottle, and ;dooloei exptna* a»
teroogb tbe te.HU gift or Mia. l^i- bopi- of bla raoorery.
A yoBsg mao rrsidlng Bt Powera ragaeSaittli.
lyntl.v made a fine riollB <mt of a
Utto RioraBoe Boyer. ^ (avaiuent
^cag aooiet) lady o( l‘ort Haroii. <-igar l>ox. Ifv tiaed wire btkoB froB
a •erarti 'loor fur itrisge. aad hair
- A rrtib a ' ------ ‘-------- ----------cHwile.1 from a b<#r''< tall to dutke the how.
bwidwad bar 1
IlI- 'lfMed to play OB the rude laatnttmibU« ■ a ladderaad.islarod
'b< nl .with all the gaeto of a rin
Cendtnstd Hem
% el nii(blain.
Lack woode near Powers
I BN eBarbiwlI Chat while pme can
M.-adrtlle tbeologh»l aoBlaary of
aevor ha lirodBSed I.. Micblganr aiye
Ivaala le ooculdetBBg Dt. JoaOca. Atgor, is the Oisnd Raptda Her[Irooker •<( Ami Arbor feg Ita
aid. It takee too toog h- cnie to me- • >* "
ilradill. ecmiiiary ii
tarlty. Bat tlii. to of no ralm- eoaa*
ibaologital snboal la
^ o u. oco.
‘Dtly en.<Mrod
,»rUO IjSli™
h.d h... M
pb.. K.I n-u... .1...
.1U.1.. .T,
u.b^.U.|.U —
mire wi
l.uie tiM. aged 19 years. m«« aa
POBld be sgala oor^red with a einnlT
lawful dwill.m Omnd KapKU br tbe
BirBBtlle growth of ap
^ m tba qaaetloo
_ of ntl ___
Maninette freiglu trmio at Oikoaiera
tlw’iiobJom Hot Ttrtiere tMrs to
p.e l«y WBi
aeoaeattoB aa to the feanUdlltr'..f
bps car.
wi..m He got bol.l of U.e Iron «*,. of the oar
where, one.
■Mt ^
11? diiiike.v wu« ratber au nuax-lable
aiiliMal Binl aa. me aallellevl wliL wIdulna, hut Mfeu-d iiw ou far Iwyoud
brartitg of uiy r
laal be tboucLl fit to .larken
|ui.v. .ta L. ea. (hue walking
along I Iwgau 10 I'satulii. tbe
of UiJ |»a-ki-t and ><iuk out Diy
as aaaclilBi amar eiTli'Hie ui.iivgxr.
digneuily. "If y>.u were m.i going
aWB}. I aliutrid be itonurlglit angry
will >00 for enjllig »lMi IliJng. lo
Bie." Kbr i.ru.lH-d tbe ■■barii>«
y.ni Iblok
aerrouv Uubiw«
k.vp Uk-m.
ao euiall that I would k.v|>
trvpUic of my ■'uD>|u>-«t>}
I.} You
V. ilu not
Slaiiy atv Miuivnlrs
fnilu of dltlg.«l huulbig
In .tirio
abof». It to a bold.} »ltb me. a>
OUglll lo kuow. Illl. u«-w lil»e."
■be iH'ld tip an oddly . bleed snrer
boon. "1 idckiil up
Itomedes'i tbe
other da.v.~
HU Uiv bad aufteb.-d a. be detected
vjulvrr in b.T.vuk'r.
you aay. i tui guJug
rreu ‘niorv than tbat.
glTMi y ou a ebarm. There wvre aiwayi
ao' UilUy Olbere.
truui you. la t me lake tbe sllr«w bean
t teniir. Tb yon It to a OBail tblng.
b tor-V
tie ptnanL Sbe bad turned egaln
ta»l ..ir. II.. iiranHnallv nrnaril in °*°*t>*
I»>t bto bpld ber study of tbe Are.
..Uort J?... tiX
A 1..
"“r; Tbe ibidow derpened 00 hie face,
l„~ ■■-I.f,
,1.. »«wto I.UI
iweaed oror him. grladujg bto but be conUuued. wlib a forciid toogb:
-Ob. I will bring It baefc igaiu. aever
tar.' And wbo knewi but Ibst lu exUlarge. Tbe Ctodlllwi lUadle
perieovre lu canip aud on tbe batUewill perb.pi b. tii. ImartoetWe
thor bar. .boat Wii.tWl foel ot n-ide j *»>.pp.>l lb. I«y a few Lonri irerloM flcld may enbaDcc Itt valDe In
oa Midi which will be oaDt for ban-;"“"‘"If
to you lo ssfrty-’
Tbe girl turned mputolvely. • Yoa
SmT-olir LT .
ildaru of eanaod Jrsli Butt bad aal
e- W..A.A1B..O. lUHA. A- - ••rri
bMUB sgieedafasi hla aunt, Mri tV-' ■
BsUaSiultb fnrflOO damigve. alleglag aiietcoBcbt amaUiBx into hUI
J a' card.
Ws. the' naderalgaed. do h«aby
e to refond the moary on a bdfaouls Of Ureaae'a Wartaatad Syrd -«W .tf it JbUb to «ws yoBt
^a way-oar at North Laming. Ki<fd U«eni bottle to
baa a eompanioo la the ear who will
» b|B MrtBg hto illaeaa. 'Utoj '
t WAIT a «oir«
about not coining bti-k again. tVe
—your frtende ein t spare you.- «be
tmll.-d up'lD bto face si sbe fasteoed It
on bl« auleh chain. "For tbe aake Of
old times’ lint ebe knew tbil U
meant mure Ihan'tbat to blm.
.He marrbed kwiy with bit rrgtacBt
aad ebe waved o flag and ebeeeefl with
the rval- Afterward the wcaki atrrtcb<vl out ^to montba. poortuated by letBbIpboanl>nd finally
fruiD tbe I'bUliiplars.
hbe foegot-ber Intrreet In ber ebanu
•D<I berseir. It wai a new expertoaea.
Betweea 8wD diye abe went to Red
Cmi BeetlBge aad read war balleHna.
Me told becasU that it was her toufi
Sfe Jyave tb^m
aa abe wbl«|>eml. “We hJive IkuIi euf
Hb. tuuk a laniUlied beart trsitu a
Itlilem ruuud l»-e uerk aad eald In a
totw lutir mirthful, half e<T>»a.. -You
m>l B.ke<l lo Lave your .'lierDi
hack. Irtit 1 .ball gl«e It to you.. Take
Iwtier rare <tf II. for ILta time aiy
’Ms »r iIBcd and mlwlng."
It w«a bto reglBrnt. A,di
.dreadful f.«r
e tbe lilt of Ibr BlB-
V bile I'n. ibee mv-npleil
-Bplnl tbe doBkey li»>. who liad run uuuo-h-Mly ifter
me up llir aaloL eu.hlttol.v ruebrd op
aud wlifa hlowe urgnl my duukry
again at full a|ieed. 1 bad ouly llmi
gm>4> ibi- relu« aud away 1 wrol. U}
ttViiMii.-v 111] MOiiereil Iwhliul me aud
i ahoiilliig to the l«iy tovlentol.
Tbi-M- l»ya run a* fair ae Ibr thiu
k.-ye. and lo auewer lo ill my a<-oldlng
be replied. *Vr«, adeaue, you veer guv>I
dookey: be .wiled -Klylog ImtehuMinr "
Aud IlM-a to ke.il the buliue of tbe
tiume. uuoilef l.hiw lu urge bliu for
ward, lu a few ulnutoe I w ae ua the
hsuk ot tbe nvtr. lung befure my cumiwuluue, aod Ib.ni tbe liuy had tbe offroulii-y to aek fur tuu-kebemb for bm
lug gut me there Oru:
Amoug eOBiitry ttowlrii-al .vHupanI
SuprretIUulia are urure varied and r
tendid tliaii auioiig jurtrv>|>’lltBn
and ire uf lonrM- niurr lilliMlIy ainl reUgluualy adto-rod to. If on eiilerlag ■
town wlM-n- ib.- next ••istol ' to lu be
made a grav. vard to'vtoll-Ie on tbe
right ehle of the railway tra.k.
evuntry luuiiami'a b<-art ewella •
Chinese and Japanese - liii|>onalions. plain white
and fancy c^[ors in stripes and inlaid.
icna::........................ :...............
ped la caaree paper ws.
Rtort. anlebed with a 4
“3ust Ter
dl__.1___ **
18 an
We will
a Green Satin
with a purchase
of a
or more
(while they
to select your
Spring Hat.
Tie. Cloves.
■ Nothing but
the .
to show
Never anything
but the
to sell you.
Free to every
and Monday.
Our Spring Stock
The Detroit
'Evening News
and Morning
Is a record breaker in everydepartment
»Hats. Ties. Shirts. Gloves arriving
Hamilton « «
Clothing Co.
e.vlul rMi Tv> iww
Tbe Evening News
Association, arnma. am
inter# (jrai^d
Hr. Frank ban Frcsenis the Gifted
Emotional Actroa,
Supported ty J. HtAZIER CROSBY. JR. ind u ndniniUc
company, in a Gnnd Scenic Revival o(
'crtMlur arv«*«w, uru
Msder Andre.
Siwulh TrsvtoW rvy
Tbe nufortuotte
■■Wlniied ao many I'hltodrlpbto girU
orlng the Urvolutloii. wai someUilug
■ a ^1
Ibe little exhlMlIun of hli
Mncilflceit Warhrnbe. CMnplele Scenic £41
cty llimun Hcait.
autograpb poem, ratber graceful la lia
form and ratber fresh lu Its arottinem.
to ibnv. aud ■•e«ldr It are « auatwr of
Ibst the young mau cut.
Tbe poriu to dedicwtnl lu n young Wuman. ana If the line*
abv wa*
a'very liramlful
tboagb ebr
ba« beeti duM fur niany yean uow. Tbr
elUiowttrs are uf llrltlsb ATBiy utDrer*
W a* rlguruui aud full *f
• tbat slight turui uf art
•duilin. It wai Ma}or Abvire. by the Sr'.;. ..A,,
way. wbo loliited tbr wrucry amldntp
curtain uf Ibr uid Southw ark Ibealrr
lu South street, below Flftb.-rUla- Ss5^“
MtiI toetsry gem rerStoU tmsuew.
drlpbto Bvrmd.
- '
.7*- T
All grades, plain and printed, tip from............4i>c
e lu r
rufibr ,
I had tuund hto way wltUu.
.•V complete line of all wools, cotton chains, uo-
Buy the
Best and Be
tbe left uf the tvad be Iweume.
presera as b.- laktyi, tb.t fart 1
warulng Ihat hto ‘-buidlitru.’' WU
small durlug bto mgageDieut lu
pU<w. hucb a manager.*
give Hum.- iiiau or Uiy a fnw pa>a 1
liuertble rertaluty of bla tuiBe In
prim could tHl ber uotfalng. ttbe had
guewd It before. Dub vrae dead! And
knew tbit eomrhow'atl tba
•enllgbt had gone out aud left llfegrty
and bopeleea.
' UiT i-bala ebam wai dangling from Tte Sdtoe (H< Tile—Orcnnrk—
Ovemnia—FtiUic Streirth—
ber beil. and a iwlfi stab of reprviaeb
Treably—S h i k y~ Oistnarroused ber froa apalby. Sbe bad ta-eu
NoTOB-SUlUic PdlM-Vdkm
SO nnfecUag tlwt IsM aigbi. But. than,
sbe dM not know tbat sbe iuved bis.
Resl-Wdrk 1 Ttsk—K« Ufe—N«
Tbe ebain bruugbt It all bark toe rlvU.
Vlm-ICo Eiem-A Bad Cw41I.r-lbeflrellgbt and btofaer. .Hbr sb«
tlM-EtsQy C«red-Here'$ the
Up tbe gtlCtrrliig tbiDg In tbe deplbe Of
her treasure box. if sbe eouW ouly
Mta. Oal M. OHIatoe ot Chlbouu 6L.
bare burted memory with It!
Midi, aya: "1 ba*a baan
And BOW ■« tbe day* irrut by shs miweg.
roabled wtUi BarrouiaaB (or a losg
VBtrbed w«b B burrlble laientaess f«r
sBd wbM 1 law Dr. A. T(.
____j'e Harra PlUe adragtiaad I gut a
tbr beart to eoBe hack io ber. He
sahl. -If uuthtag should bsppea to box and Bsad Umb. Tmt did ma a
toe. It shall to emt back to you to
gbr knew tbat-wiBebow or other R lag n QBlatiac Md auBthing oCeea tm
would cHoe ba.-fc lo ber. ami It did.
- *
goCaalty SB tba ^----------creet car*. Octn
AllJJevndL- I
tbe Best Produetien of *’East Lpnae*’
Positiotfp tbat Bas Bean Presented
in years ««.«««««•
uuaieeaus t,jr Vdswt
.- S.ai M tbr tsuin
y. r.«»wto..-to« u •
« pm iM 1> aay
Tor Quick Results Cry a
Record Want Jfd
they Jfre Winners
ssrsrcisf^lir-ipi ^
tlto and t
__ JT&.T
Or. A. W. Gtoae'a Hi
Brand Rapids Tiimture ^
ODH MOVS-'lliUw'a F
toe geam. prarawto
wTSBto BBtogliB. Tteu ia
labU MtotottoB BMC sHeg.
ad to toa pBbito
to toAL PitoUtvaly gBBnntoad. Fftoa W “
mtumtK r&A
kappraad at that (hcrry M h«C Ihff
SaitW that taok fart la tfea s»—
imy aaMtaw wlH ha«a
Mdr a pewarfBl ffMd «ar«r t» U
UthaoUdara. Thr?
a paasoad .-Dru- for aaiaiHrtas
aa bad
VB Itaa^r I** taUtoff roB at.
Barrwa pteMad hla «a]W at tk»
Itama M had a bard .Jah fiw • (oat of tbr biU aad rilabrd ap la tha
crrr. Mr araa aaMda a( a Uab sad
flrl la <br M«t. Wadidu'l kaw ahevt
) ad atMil )4rfcrd thr haafcrt fall wha
«al al tm aad raolde i oad^ai
hr all or a awMra dIaroTMod a crladr.
'4tff Miad aot]|«tlir n- wfr^TUac
Hr «ai lianllj ri.ll t» M«.
|*n»ir. 1bo«h -IH- arha »M
•Mcb tu ka Wa »<abrr. aa<) wla^i hw
«!.<*• r..>r uj. from WalU Malla U
a raa|4r of >>*k« Harruii has
«ad •# s» off vMb (ilB
aalk/ afirr atn;
«Mo. aad T«o< ,««a1
r i>r Ibr plrla. awJ lb«
last sbd prstclrsi of ibr b>i. HI
t Book*. mualSMsI al Ibr csoi-fa.
n of bl» ilmr daddins brr.
r >»«
>»iM s'lib anfbud; abrarl
Ifr'd rhtiwr
I Ibr )ob '
rtf Irva'
d Ibr bora siokrd H is
Ida «ktl-'drrd aitf tbrr dbi
Oat Ularrrr «t«U norsl Ida a
aad Ihrsi. and •I»a. Joat brooHful
arr bow abr pbfrd LIU vbro br uas
. Mr’d rorarr fata aa lbs rrrai^a sad
•St bia falUns aluol tlk hast and
ahoM tollrsraod l<iwa a;>d minrrala
Mo vasB'l DO alowb mb nluratbm bsranr. Miosrrr «>aab'i. iboucL
araao't Isih'dc <»> 'u Harrw. Hr
bass Jodsrd l*rf raiairr fruw >
Vs rtdr ahd abas, abd lir an brr
4pVB drol card out cif tbr l»t a> obal
tbs asairrti paprra rail “a foulut of
tbs vUd and wouUr usal." Hr waa
^ Vrd W asHus a sin all llinl ai> lu
sHk aad falistoOB |>n<aJillns at a iralablr as aounbluf likr ibai.
Bm I waui r«U to aW» Ur tbr fraab- rtsalors Ibal alu'l a iiiatrb fur
tbr aols errry Hmr. Ulnm; didti-t
«an 111 rartus a ICBaa rarlblus f«r
Kama, but it pl<|iw«1 brs tlui ba aim
fuwbl aby. dbr JOat laid brrsrif out
to brlBS blu duirii.- BtMl »* *l- J'*“
khOO tbr old layliis al«ut iiLayiiiE
Wllb Brr.
Hr arumati iraa ronkitut fur Ibr
dtoabroa 1^. dtn-iun uiir aoiuaa
• (Binr Brat. Kb.- *•! on b. fur U-forr
Bunr o^a Hut HInmr naa ]ual
aUwt saline brr bran out utrr j-ount
rm oabb a oaMS or buounu.
trbsn bs «aa off on Ibr ranss
draopad.aod 1 dually u»k uy nopan'a
vkw of IL
Abd It got nr mad. luo-niad wlib
waa aaflnraBIHaa
Borrob. UIm
Ibna- brrr famlbllla.
WT carortsd orrr• II
■»d to V*s a
waa off brr frsd ]ual
To kiodrr brip lunttrm aloigi 1
(nil to bint |>mtr alruiig to blin. Rut It
waa dangssoaa bnalnraa. i i
hsorsr to poMlng lo luy cbrrta and
ontling wiib tbr tuukrr la my
. You ars. H.urou'd l>r<-ii >ulikd inui
Isaa right ak>ng.' for all tbr Iwya
on lu tV play, bin no nua •un-ftil
abooi oalag Ulsra. la-l mr tail you.
SBsrponcbm may br a tough lot. but
ws don't VDdy abeoi womro'a naurs
-oot good wotnrn'a nauira. kaatwl
o ibe bny onr day: “If yea
aa-l sorb aa Iblck bradrd. all
•. you'd Bsr 1VI
of brr fan
1 for
you. Wby don't you walk op to Im
Uks a man aad offsr to marry fanT'
Now, miBd you. 1 was only liimlns
dklnt iBtrod to gtrs no uBriiar a| atlbot tfaat boy was Burr quick wllb biB
gun. Lani: Tbs nasals leokrd aa !•'
aa oos of Ibsto caunoo mrr io II
^loo'l yoo STsr oar iVt Udj a nan
again la'Bocb a Mnnsr.'' braaya. “c
aU M yea V. lYI tom loov oa you
Tbsm laBy uoi luts brm inai bis
wiwda r« I admit 1 was kind of But'
rtsd. bat tVy tnrludr Lla mraning aU
ipBhaft. but bs waa gratlrr than srrr
afisr tbsL Bsekoo V pitied brr
•m. Woodned. I a*ruar. how « talcs
girt UV Vr eoold gst'to likii
■roaat rfaap Uks bUu. A man «Vs
bssa JUtad IB lorr la lbs damdsat ertttar that srss walksd.
Bs bagaa by Viag
thaogbtfal aV aitsatlrs. Ils rods tbs
raws most of tV tins, hot wfaso otta
cf tv bays eaaw In oo an smad Barram would vnd sontibiag V Hloarry-
“" “ S cvssr
X4 3. Hlnmvd of tV lotol Ovpvtor'a Dakn Va aatoVml
trem tV Aiaartet oaohoU of
A Vm With Sova Qoon Pmlhinii
■Ih «V nemmt com iff Macaa re Mar- tv OarpaaVa Uatoa at &L
tV. va of tV IilV eoeito wm eeltod wbtobtoaa loUiVi:
8L LooiA iCo.. afatefatoh. tarn.
apoa to onMtras a wtU coonl
TV foUowlac aRVrtas U tv sdOfnuaj wlU bt pamiurd to aatatala
itortol ookmaa of IV Bt. Loaia Die
a lantr •«* <« Cafibb—o waiaia to aimpte fnm wv darlaad to oos Bob-rr for tbr protaelJoa of tJacmaa a«- «t JVh MaffOb wtxVnl wortlaof Urn- paacdi of FobnagT «. MnprtoaB a
.t of Caan aa tVy astot
r* aad (stpprtty rtffhia la*««ad bj Itotiao. VI aablaet to tV feUowlag
r rreqaael torolBUoiiB la Ibr booth eoaditlv; “Bat tVtoid Vtoart 9olu> in thlB dig. to all Vildtag ttadaa
Tow ars ragBaated to htteg it to IV
MagM aVOl MW Vra power
all naobaam to year
or htortguge any A Uwas ka-la. anr
WrlL Ibrrr waa that rooiNMM'brr W9
tbs irss wltheot srsB hla sub—bs'd
abpbsd It a« vbsfi far atartrd to rilab
Vloma Vt jBit rscHrsd iv ttlir <
Ibr trunk —aod a LL_____ ..
Us hiod Issi and atlstrldas blsasir
to rsa> k IV bor'a dansfli
a. . Altbobgfc tV
bla .
BoM-a IV fassr ma V coaMB't rUv
Mt to I foransta only for IV
fatiu out V Budr up.bU mlDd to sliaks
rot of rlgbta gwanhisrd to
and only
Asrmao caiMlal aV rttlirwa. tl airrody
bill a
rwcialots of Bvr Tsnrto. aud ll U latsodr«un.
Than -K»r a raus of dodsins arooV rd lo alsadily Insrsaas tbU oumlirr.
dfflrhU Iwnw la 1V an|UlallloO •
Ibna lanrbim. Karroo via llcbt
ilr Am-fc and cWlng otalluo. Tha
artlis. but IV brar oaa tagrr
r la raimalocd In HsrIIB tVt DO
boOBd to nakr an sxaapis of IV «r«
will V maV to IV malMsfsllrr V d raushi lo fata orrVnl. Ahd
MBcs'or tV Bast In tV Wsol IVka.
•IV old drrll
rd lo'hsrp bnwsm Bayroo and bla fus Vcaaas II la luseded to V solirriy fv
drfsfwirr purpoosa aod DOC to arqoirs
all IV tuns
Wni, Ibna two Hrslrd about tbars irrrtbiry ' li k rtalmsd that tV ivprsa .bum timsa ontll Barton waa ^ •roialluna ot l*rtoss Itmry .and Ik.
roo Holklssi Vre coD»lDcrd IV eSiilsh playrd lo a fr«kals. Rui *1'
date at naiblagtv IVt oo curyn dsnu> or dk, aod Barrvo aoddraly f*
Silniarlf ilmd anxiMia lo llvr srsi
V bad brrn ihRiwrd doWB by B Sirl IB
inoa of a nola oltild got
bsrr ia torgs aanbrn with U>a oh>ae(
In bn way ca
play tbsir ssutrasaa CVn by ars
a Elatii’r tbr cfaBracIrc of tV win
tlH-y arr aVut lo sxamlnr si
treating Ibmi accordlwly. t>aktBS
waa tamous al Ihla. In a cats Is wbkb
bs waa sogagrd a
box drsaasd In
tv Vlgbl of fgabloa and wsartng a
alanVd wblts oscktls foMsd
fold. In an Iwtaul BrsUoa
Ibougb V Vd orvrr
wsrr bprn sod bird
pmvlrr.'' Crratly aaloMbsd al tbla
oi>snlng vmark. IV man admitted
Ibal bs waa. “Ezastly.~ obarrrsd tV
grsel crow sumlnsr In a lOBvrrsa*
llenal tour. “I knsw ll fium lbs ah•Iird Hr of year Dsrticlotb
TV ruara of lai
sissy psrBuo in t
alugir rxss|itl09 of tV i
wig>r.«. wUi-b followrd ihli rrjolodar
suDiidrirly rffsstrd tlrakJnr's purposs.
wlilili was lo put tbs will
•Iktr of Bgttalion and rool
fors towblug op tbr farU i
wbl<-b V had coats lo gits srldsocs.—
In grral i>n>rb booara of days g
U oo
In gnla
dl>bc* wesr Ittxtugbl In t|y srstanu la
full ammr. tuounlrd upon car
Vaniroacbn wliUo'a Vir nils of anetfasr train,
lodssd. we can last at
wsU bars an appaniua wbicb will op
to tv sogtot’a IsTcr aud
ilawtog tv tnU Vwn
Vlf mlls's dlannc
r wVn two trains
TVa followsd bis detailed plai
“kV exampk.- V said, “aoreoas '
wm lu pot a tranaaltisr on srtry
train, la IV soglnser’a cab fv cooTsalsDcs. Blocs tv aerial win or otbsr
form of ootstda rscstrtog appanina
couM V ptoved just ouUIV and tbs
eenb coonscUto maV through tV
pUqrd undsr tV
clocfcilka aiucbnsnt fv
esal and
keeping tv
Cuoataotly wbea tV trwlo was la n
Cion would V all tV apparalu* aec
sary to addlOoo to IV avrUv <
and local cirvuli."
Hark Twain oaa MimaetC.
Hark Twain la ao well known by bis
pseudonym that prupis frequently addrees tim at Ur. Twain oalil bla Mennty baa amom^ a aort of Jefcyll
Hyde qviliy. aV V doeas't ki
bimasir wbotber V la Mark Twain or
ftomnsl Oleowaa. It reatained for tV
ever logealous oat's Vy lo carry the
dual Ideolity tbeory lo Its uimoa
Ratper's IJlemry Ooaaltt called ■
tv BlirsMUnls al dU
waaud to ars was abasot. To make
arnrr look prresdsoss ovrr all tV
aure tVt hit rtolt aboold V reported
Mbrrv TVy Cloud probably on sasfa
aad VvlBf BO card with bim V gave
aids of iVlr lord. TV nrssr. It
both hit aamee to tV office boy. Tbit
was tv latter’s report lo hla aaperlsr:
pUrrd IV dtabst oa tV tabb.
“Ur. Ctomev wai here. He aald V
waaiod to ate Ufaik TwaV“
A lagoey
bu Brtta:
•^-S.-Df.Sr - “««W-
'W-Haw T«k
Have you seen the eiei;ant KING we are show-'
iniifor$2.»)> This is the
time totry KINGS. Doa t
you know it f Find it out
lixvc an of Rubei Bi«.‘ apntig
Her. Taylor Bononl.to an addtwaa
Wnolens on
sure, llfi Cam strccC
Vtcrs tv BraagaUcal Alltooea Moa
ohoald marry «r do uy- Vy. oallV aitooUoa to IV laet iVt
Ifatog bad.aV U le get twvtr iwabda Ifaa tfaaa ooi of w^ who are awnuilAgacim wars al tog toio tbu city are aaabto to oVato
so givta to IV taotatar'a iliros daogb
aad door for lUr.''
anpleyatofai v.isfBgs.
Ba nld tVl
hM; VI. -Hf aay ot tfaoas tom aamod tv eight af tfascaewdaof *
ftotolaa 6o OBytbtog.ladiffeMi.'' Vr BBto trytog to Bad a vaefafai apot to
porttou WM to V dlnood anoa
tV Socr of tv -old Vaxt* at Blv-
tV otfaarw—Vw Notoo fv MaiV.
toth and Loenat aiveta. for a aigtat't j
ftot, aSaotod him ao tlmt V wm aa-1
Sals of WUs'gPropMty-Kiaadulsirt abto to etoep Tbsee anw. V mid. i
Itampa. Htoy of tbam wtoe
gtory.—«: tVBie Ksp.. No tt.
aad akillod. yet eoald Aad
aotlilag to do.
"With ooaamoto id for ooly two
wafUeV WhUe losara wUiw arr tea tTw-lnao iheikuogfei cf toal wurn tkak
wmJ wlUnmroa iVwefuar .Mitoahw t-uo abUO. dVuw^ ihr Iu<p1> Dow
bolldtoffi tor Ibe Worid'a Fair 11 to;
tooltob (or maa to
Sook w
tbla oily i
wlM eotoro BOW.
■ao tv rtok ot tailing Into
Xbm ^abj^ wy taUiortto_^TWi^«m^ ritori yen iwajiww^l a I-aikarto^jjorr
otter dOaHtotiw.''
‘TV Mly'biras wV are ffoVtog
to tV Oity to tV Vv t)t World'a
Ik aoarcity
.. wor^* TV iwoaa oPlV eoaauy
aboold make a note of-Abto."
n iirt. — I. i.xieeay.
OI ....................
........ He- M.IX.
..•l.•u™^.|.>.•• V ottoerred.
e..y It to a vdiTu iutcnilob
11.- ..Ill a
burilv out over
wtOfb isalala the iii'igi’ -agTallrwU to elmiglVe and reentotoaS (V dlcwSlv* w-
llqoer to a mtoor,
that aoel. tuLoer
•-igbimo y.
old. hod a heavy board. oIMB drank
to aomiony wtlli bti faxfa>-r aa-l deftoilant. druok ligaor at
Uonie with
tV eenoeot of bto panou. abowed all
tV evidmos of maturity, and dafmdut was not infomiad of bto mioority.
iMufBciaat to aop-
|iort a otovietlto of IV offeaas of
llqacr too minor.—tol.Soalbwei
Bop. No. &
then-aii.vnbc flto.utni) 1
I l•■l■-g|-tl|•ll l» ll’S eklsp
.1 4W n
liig cirlgliiiiliij f-r ukiii Hm-v
agnlli Ik- lieu««l a cliiiiik uf brIOietoBe
inioiiPlv al 111- uimlTa-ndlin; tiaico.
'Ilui. after 1.11." I..' ail.lcil «l».nglilfoH.v. "I .luu'j know a- I Vv.- any
right I.. tluiiik ilial Ibal I am nut aa
U..alem 0..U
My i.re.lec«e..m gavr
ms a grenl .b-nl of awldaieV wiu,
roy iHlginal u.vUipi In
lll.-baid a
.Hill rialne wllb a grunt
diiMcl i-ir bto Inng-talU-d .oat.
V diiMr
IV aUuua|ilMr«
lleMrd ble plv *
nn] iriHlge.! puffing ■
l-ortbitMl I
»V 4EI-I-
RailrOBd—Fytghtcmng llora.-*
thoBgb a alotutc requinw ibe tdowipg
of a Uax>BWtj\s whtolle at a M-rtain
point for a eraoBlng, (tie eompuy will
liable fur th-- trigbiwiog
buna by a wtiiatie, if tV angineer
r..lls oi WaIH’ji<r juaf'rc-
«w aad itolixod tbfat ii would frigbi-
i ciieil and plaml <m aalr today
to him, io tlis atoetfad- Of a abowifag
Ka U.
3A A OO.
agatoaf tV Mobila^ad Ohio »»-iirr-«a
iVt B0 tooDvery oould V bad agatoit
imirlood ooaijaay for Tuaatog over a
Bay 'dc«
Tboiv coo V no prsaamp
Ito of Tuloe,
M Id
The new Ekaf TaffuU fur Lininss-alFsilk 300
--per yard.......... ..................... .....................
I'hc lloston Slorc.
that tojuy to auotVr at tin- <T>«aiBK
might Vva roaoitod from failure w
eosea of otbsr
etoaoMOf aaimato-BO Sootbem Ke|i.,
Dress 6(
Will V in TrgvriCe City March
l>hh xml 'Jifth. Kubel Rroo.’ rep
i.esier' S.
will have on iliapiay their enoriiKiiu ami tnacniliccnl iiv of uploiUic nobli)
Him Uaate Uaridiy of Qiaiid Hap
Ua to vVitog Mm KatVrioe Barry
suitings. ' All in*
\-iteil lo look iheiji over.
il. Hcuniann. ll.T Cam street.
Hra. Mtoats Imwreooeretnraed Fri
Extra values in Heavy Skirtini^s
day algbt from Ohleago.
O. 8.0avlatofiUitoaftemooafvPeloakey to tV iatorvota of tbs Unal D.
O. N. K. lodgs.
Us will visit Kalkakaa. Osotral l^e aod GbatUvou
Vfotu bU tMani.
^ tb( Boston Store
Bay Ohunfa of Obiaogo lain tbs
rity eaUtog oo old (rioDda.
D. R. OampVIl of Onwn ia to the
oUy today.
Ooorga Aab lafi loVy tat tV home
of bis PSUTOU ia wisoooain oo a vVt.
O B. HeUaaae wmil to Ofaioogo to
day on boedaesa
Ed Dtoomocsof Uapla Ony lata
wwB on buatodm tmtoy. ' r'
Hr. aad Hra. Ed Anaatroag of Sid
ore mouratog tV tom «ff
At a i>4nilar aunimer tewsl I
Jooepb G. liarUagum baa bssa
was .jitltr a .vl.Hiy uf Kvpiii-klaat
Dsetos so farw to Waaada.
Blaetsd pinHaot of tV Ooiaa Leagot
IBM mimiDcr.
One day the laudlurd
A aewlag ouchloe for IV aUa to
deb of niiladslidiU fur tV foorth
receai I'^eacb ooUeo. U la lateadad
fv tv tos of aurgeoBs. la rmare
k said to pooasaa tV
“kVllUau Henry tlobluwu died last
nest raluabk tkdin in iV world. It
U * Rtradiiartua wfakh fomsriy b»
Tills was Blgfacd Hamid Doagtaaa
aad U raloV bt flV
The landlord. Delkvlag
arlth IV rt^ V fasteto tbna
toeant of tmia rtomm of alckH Vrt« tVl suBir Kentmkton of fame Vil
Hlaa Jsonis BlIcbbSS Va '
Jim dvl bad iV vnu anuoamv
potota which eoly peoetn
polnlro bca) managsr of tV
wllb blacfc rules
■da and ate aot palafuL TVas catchea tv local taper,
af tv NaOooal Mscnlt com
around tV auuoooreatmt. Then V
ars aiBttod V tV maebtot. a apai
nttslun. 1*0. H V UIKborc takco
began to aak bla gorwta aV WUVm
pUcs of Vr (atbor. wV rs^-SDtly died. ofplWrattoadwlth tbeat wbicbi
Heury RutrtMoa waa. Nolsriy knew.
V fftotofoctoff fay beating R rad bof.
Ansr forty-tbrss <
Aflrr -a • bV h Vwoed oo IV landA asw Bower or nnots tilt of ratnsral h* arrvlcs Harm MsrTill___ _____________
lord. Kamid IMurtsm was I yoiB«
la aaawcr to a aammeoa of (V fa
p fueUiUla or a big famd niaalvr
tV Buotaa LatU
iMUatiV man wV Vd rVgrrt a
•f dram mors.
Us la aorarodsd bt Aftbw L afaaos va to tv boms of Opt
roMB. ilia father bad died aV UafBang* of tv Tweoty-Uird regtio
lsl■anddro^ hVki% wV has
UuoglBm toes Ula method of abIftA hag caned “HeUoT
tv IjitiB arUuol piiKs ma.
ndlakbaakH orrtp<<
aoaochig rttat V would net >olo <V
vaire afatwoe
hUwrry'a lap. “ils ssoi 'sm.' aaya
'foatlre rriaoy. tlaruld Deoglaaa Is a
Biwot pmrt Bssfclacr k
tv greaarr. and a oonart wnan
VOB VvmtVr.—LealsTnia CourlV
"*•- W
“Wtol?- told tl
tkrsc world
•alcfa V IV gM'B r»m
t. oos
of wbicb femerty b
8V MBt bark brr ivnfca tn Bai
ks M-qoeso
ot Naptaa. ahd
-Ka.V va. aad wVe Bama aaVd aw tt lu tV
"OaaY ran pat aeme aee at
aV ’poand to UV IV ebettko I |iui
HIvbaae wV boa aoue intHIigeacer
oa Itftk. osw. I tall yoa. ,
**TWa totsUlgeww eooogb at lUi
TV MCI nantiw V mantd off with
baaVt aod nds olgta iwaoty mile
«a«Mda tv esaefa. bat oat aa tv
aSTFamUy FUto an Urn hsto
and summer liv ofnew^noidtiea
to tv wlU peaaaaa fmtarrw of ofgswag enplemeo
With tv World's Fair.
paeali rity, bat ao ggaMtoa waa aak-
lassBlos Tells •
.1. JkDto
“1 Ws l>fcn working oa
■ Mdylog my
vsuUoB of rsltooBd
rsltouBd comolout fur a
tlmr,” Uartvul
twtitallis ot [.salcs's Wsi-kly.
dssd. wr arsairsody iwabing-torwBrd
tv work uf squlptiluf IV rallnada In
with my devk« for Juirt tbla
Vlglum with
“Yuu know." V wsul on. “that V
DCS ws Vd made cmalD adraocca lo
auliig nirwuigsa ll was uarliwa to try
I a|>ply IV apparatUB to rallmad
iraia^ l•nwues tt ia ikh only Bsumsary
amd different luusd warnluga V
iwrrii iralua mnnlv lu^^Hwsits ditto-lluaa but ll to ala«^j>i<oo»aarj to have
'an apparalna wbicb will work uuly fur
very abort distaucra and uu Tartbcr.
aay a half mils. But bum I Vvr rmchsd tv point wbsre tbcn-dllDcuItlea uu
longer sxial. and It la quilr pusaUilr
to rqoip all Iralua lo aueb^ niaonsr
2lSto2* KttSStoUftSJ
with a
that 8c. Lunta Va seoogb lab
kwtaat faonla of proper a
U waa Vld that Hagaa> or V tbla Una, aad that It to too
for wortlnjcnsB aad olVra to i
V wiUi roferanos lo tfaaa
if you cafi't CO
and we will fit it with R
b^utyofa KING.
WfalditoL KliaHiB____
Mvwupapara to oihsr t«wu aad OUR MOVB-MiUor'a PVf^oy.
eitlr. weald do wall to tofewn thalr
aflrr ananw. iV offafao- U not Iwr-
Totode. a
no parson to InborU vy cf Van
IkirtrslkiB la dsolrsd sa«ksUlly V
raoas tbs Hrriln goisremsiit now wo- nttoao. node by a hoBbaad to indfaoe
tbr mat.
te’a ptvsrty.
Ttuwr BBS a rock a fsir roda away dsmksB IV task of dliwcilog iV Os^ a nto of bU arUi
mlgrailoo o>wtc«nset m, itouib
of iV mlA
VI l<a>ksd birb SBOUffb to nuko It a
Ilsrstefora iV work '
swal pterr lo V oo. and V knrw srtt- AiDsrtca.
allra arra'i MuaBy atvb on IV rUob
partoipottof to tv nacottottonA perHn, erlllns akad aat* aw bta prssrDi gy
nits tbsm to V ooqdactod by Vr
mainly leisVtd is Indues Usmae smlniloru. Karrun bfoks for iV rwh.
Ibuhaod. eueav Ibe eoattaoi tbua
i brd li )nai abrad of iV W. gnnta to arllis In Orrmta seloiika ...
: If tVy SBBUOC V Induced to go iVrs. tnduaed, Vd aoospis Uir tmli of bla
and iVt'a all.
serTtora.-«4 N. Y. Vtiplsmcst.
to Bstlla In Boolb Amsrti'a.
Tbr mil wai
aV Informsd iVl tV Csnnaa
I.UI tbr air U rkar la Ibsor lu^a. a
floaoctsra wbo conatrULlrd tV Vsor•
if staal
Bargtory—Kridrav aa to Tii
aV roda luslao railway which la lV anbyset of
Baqitoiy. by Btatute of nom of tbs
IBwutd IV raoss Ibal lUy l*rcauas bsr
Biatoa. to a mtaa that moat V
bran saa lo iVl dlmilon. lauat
dloiMae .rf tbelr tolUed Vtwaan oasast vd aunnas
ibruosb IV Staasrs sV asrn iwo bterfc
I Invralor*. SV TV auprsme court of Utob bolds tVt
Bssrm uu IV blllaWr. ons on IO|. Of
•iBlih la mads ibal OsnnaDy Is net in tba on eve to ooi proved ^y svi<too.-s
iV rock aod ons gyrai
TVy lookrd fnnny. and aV sods orsr 1 puslIloB to offsr adsquair |■rv^scllon Ibal ^^(Idlag was robto-d Irtkov
o Usrmao raplul aod Inrstlmsou lo
and saw It waa a mao BUd a brer.
»«>p. at. aad ddUa. n.. where Uw
Koulb Amsrka and that lbs. Ureal.
Tbm aha rods nssm- and saw wV IV
.Nurtbm Vmraoslon railway might raeoida show that oo (V day in qneaU
fare bsilrr In -IV
-iV VtfOa •uf I'ullad tioa iV aua robe V 4-A8 A BL
tv dsfendafat alols in tbr daytime,
blatsa mpHallaia
ahr Vd a VIr lartal aluug to Vf aOddkluw. HarroB Irtsd lo ksr|> bsr awty
from dangrr, but aV rods rtghl'ep
BllUIn icoi-rr dUtturs. droppsd tbs
aqi orrr iVl tisar'a farad aa pmiy
plciurs aod Ibsa ast Vr pony do'
itr bill at a saoiv.
iirfisr Rarroa could gst bla gua aod
uii up lu tV grtssly IV iruii
sb.Ard plumb dead. And I rsrkon
rtgbt tbm and Ibrrr Barron dm-ldsd'
a -girt w V kvw w Vi to V fv a
iMwlrgrd tiy a griuly would wnr
a dms algfat Vtwr In this reobtry tVa
girl « bo lookrd prstty hrblod
Iwaatwlas. V oV Ulasrry BUsd tV
iMakrt alih rhsTTlsa again and sods
l«rk to tV raneb loTsU IV
and.jwo atooiv littr. wVb tV para»h .-uuir Ibrvugb “rounding up“ tV
■uiipka. aa far door obi's a yras, Ihsy
marrlrd. and I ain't asrrr biard
that Itarrou waa'aorry bs wsnt sfiv
am toferwV fron i
rrr tVi tv atllni
Pitocs Bsaty'a »laH to '
Imptrtant «
Was a Big Day
Instead of 18 clerks we should have
had about lOO to take care of the
trade. Will however try to get organ
ized so you can get waited on promptly next time you come. We feel very.
grateful to all who have taken so
much interest in making oiir opening' . ^
day such a grand success.
Cor. Front and Union Sfe.
Ttm vtt*
t>r c. B. L*wto.j
u€ « wbo left tb«
MBter al SapWm. aad two of tbr t«rtf «m CoioMi oarioci ud Ut wue.
It «w tlw talk abcaud tbe MfaiMr
itwt (tar w«n oa tbMr bridal .oor, bot
■*• *«(« «naUi>uoM wbr acoo
« V «M BM beUtwc n. It BW
dWortw* (k*t bt waa at t«aat artM
rw W amor, bat ata
aliofrttar too BMdatabUr («ra bndc.
vaa a WMoan about tw«BV-«l(l,i rrara
aM a»d aa Laad^aDr a oi.r aa ro<
woau iMWt la a wrwk a.tnrH. but It
Wta orldrat Halt ata had u> (uri^ rr.
otT «»n» that appoan-d oa tar farw.
^wlclrt twedan tafon-w.-roortad
Napin ata woaM hato ILmwl. tararif
♦TWtioard had not nr tarUunat-Wd
at hasd to atcp tar. hot ta did
■t>nik at tbr saUfr to aiir
li aa AmAcaa br r«ra of rticumata area tat bacn In tfala eoaatiT hmc
ataacb ta aba«b (ta AtanKaa idaa
of baser. ta« anmmer ha waa ta
Laadea <a a elatt and hapfwala« to
tan bttahrea with a man ee aa a»pcr floor of a tall bdidliw took tta
Hfr to reach hla eOre. Tta etarator
oae of tboae exeewdnir drilb»
ata BriUab aaair>. .-aD4 tta aMfl-Uka
procana aBBorrd tta Amerteanlaad
w. Tta aalr otter oecapaat of
car waa a middle a«ed lSi«llab, wttb a aaaiuicr of pacaUarlr
Eacflafa arnoaaiieBa. Tta maa from
Aaerhw reetared to addrem blm.
-I think 1 eookl make a crest !»•
prore^eat la ihla
ta mid.
The KnitHahmaa hioked aeOotalr Intar»«(ed.
Uowr-ta asked.
-Why.- tbe other Bah weal 0(h Td
make K CO faatrr br a tltaple little ah
lancemeat. rd atop tta Ufl alleceth.
ar a»d son tta bolhUw ap ata
The,. Fnirllthamn lookad allcbUr
tfa a eaae of rtetnoetjl.
Tta euioiwl
lacee crow lo odd. raataatle
atapee. Dome of then, bare an orer-
nitlirr rspetllBc
aat opmtte'bcr aea at table.
Torfce. a roaflf nan of twtaty. Mtha
ata attune, dropped tta apota with
wbh» ta had aatas hb pwrtdc* *ta.
taklnc a pair of taatea from a c!
bacBD u> tneUe them on hb feet.
Tou aia cMnc to ac« tba wttc^ X
BOppaae.'%ald hb motfaer
“Ann b M( a witefa.'' ba iepUad.
“H’mr aald bb motber. beclai
I clear tta ubb.' “She haa al h
tawltctad r«t”
Tta yoaac man aiada no reply.
lai ‘troabbd. Ba knew the repurta
enrreat abeat tbe Ctrl-who bad taadnated him ata waa aStatad by them.
Nererttabaa be want «n ptRUag bb
“Why do yon think ao. tnottarr
“No aucb tblnc at a Bible b U
found In ber bonae."
flCnree of hlida. Tb.or are eahtwIOe*
and tnrt fuarketaUe for |>ra<11ral uw.
Bad It waa Bot far three or four <Ura In irUuiulnE tlwm liuu ebape manr
acaair aponite* are oiiido wfalrb ara
that I fuatHi br and,leal wtaiv Hier
hard for rblMreo a alat.-a. for blarkhad COBO. Tber were orrvi>rtnc a i Ilia
Inc al»e* and In ualliic |a|ier. Tbe
la tta aaburba and aromlac tu ahua
rarr aiknrillns to alie,
paUMtr. I laet (be orWie-i 1*<> or
e of tbe larciet eponcef known
thm (lawa la mr walla. I«t W ha.k
<a III .\ew Y.U-k Hir. It la fan abipe
«d aUaiaiit Into mr race bmI tiiade la,
1 ««.iue three fe.1 lo diameter. Kor
alaa of oevoi.'nttlaa. Aboot (•-u dara practliwl uiw l(.l> worthleaa. but na an
exhibit It I* valiit-.! at IPu.
had padaod and i wa* out ou the mo
The Ikwt a|iofi/ei> are Imported from
Ula tale one dar »beii I asw tb^cj
tbe lledtlt-rraiH-iiii. althoucb Florida
nei apinwrblnk l>r a |«tb fr-iu '
prudiKao M-r> Hue Tati.llea. TbeM
rUht. Al the aalur UKwuint a *er<
lu prlie Titan a <eot to tUU
• maa eame op from the .lire.ik.ii
iMr, floe
town, and a mottant laiir Ibe three uf
iDieOB tame $»W a puu
oa were auaJlas ioi.-.itar u-«td.- a
UnebowMerlnanoiavlix-vant. fbacl brwt of ibeee ore aaed !o anntlral ofe
a>r ej-ro oo bolb aa tbe.r dn m- t.vnb- cntluua.
other ma>Qcea are the nuiDdmka
•o. Ttar paid o« the hwkt athtitloa
‘ to ita. but Iiowed Bllafallr ii. earb oth baft, tta elephant ear. trelret. craaa
er. and eorh t-baiund coko t«r ati fb- and abeep-a w.k,L wbleb U teat for
atMt at tber luoled Inlo esi-b uttair'a waabJoc- Tbe cheap epvncea are eaed
orM I entorbow felt that lb>7 lu.-w la waabJac Mirrlace* and l.j iwlot.-ra.
rarfa ottar. aod tta
t>.nni<A vartaoa Tadlaa
embanwaiRB ftw tu.- 1 ««■ m«.ai lo
Thor »**• drtroti awar to a rarrtaee
Wtaa Iba ataamor retabod tta
~l pretame tbe ladr U here iu Nopliw
pvaued tta moUier. pcttloc ber laws
la andoDlIj aa oU barhr+w, while ata
iaa wile."
pa* oo when (ta neocuaji-r llfled lib
faandJn iiruuw( and uul'tir fcaU-(o the
^ whlta of IflBS w
fia.Xew ^laad. In
rtecr Chartea cat crac
akatea to hb fact.
“AanHoJUaierwU! wreck yoaraaol."
Wtaa ta bad rrlaled ib* liu-td<«t. hr
‘ ‘It'a bOttilDE to tutfrbn tbia cou|ita
are. biU I re made ap mr inlivl
The Witch of file
Charles River
In tbe orisliinl Mlth-iueiiU In Itrlttab
Columbia II |kk-itllar ln«iitii(l«n o<
alobed Sila linn** for tin- r.*! men i
and llieii. Tlila waa the "ikdlati-b.
tblnc to II* eo fon-lcn. •-.■•n lo the
PuIm- of ableh It la liecolteu. that wa
have nil nord or |•h^i«■ to cive ita
meanlnc. U U a leant
tne at'tbe exiierw of antiie man who
or ured what lie deemi
conahlenhle 'n-ealib. and who dtultea
wa ol
rita nr vlllace. ile doaa
B*|iln-a iB a elijerialn-
I'erriTBl aroae ata went to tta door.
Aa be atood looklncoQt on to the
lit Ice that rorerta tbe rtver be wboddmd. fiomrtbinc tokl him that bb
fflothiT waa riebt-be bad better keep
awar fcBW Ahk Uollltter.
“And you wUI cu. mr boyT
“1 moat. 1 promlaed to co tonlcbb*
reretral went out to tta marctn of
the river, a few ruda dlatank ata
oo the h-o ;;lld«d away. It waa i
mile akair to Aan a borne, but tbe 1(0
waa a» am.ntb and bit llmtia ao long
aad aluewy that be .-overed tbe dlaun«r la a abort time. Ileaebinc tba
plaee. a but no larcer (ban hla <
Pcrrival knocked at tbe door and
admltled. Aun lived with brr cr»odfatber and cratambtber. who aat
on each aide of tbe great flreplaca
wanuinc tbeir banda.
Ann led ber
lover Into tbe kltcben.
Utile, wiry acoiv. with a while fact
and a pnifOBlon of Mark hair.
nu." aald J'erclval. "I waa ttalnklnc
while comlnc In wbat chapter
Barred le«ik U to be found Hie parable
of tbe pow er."
"1 don't know. l*ernvak”
“<;m the lUble and let aa find ouf
“Tbe lllhle U loaned, rerclval. Oomo
and »U by me." And. taklnc her lot'er*a
baiM. Bheattemiunl to draw bUil down
bcald.- bet on an .wke.i Iwui-b.
"Nut ao. .inn. 1 wu.uld nut .■
bouae where there la im Bible."
lie liuiwd froui ber and htrode to tba
door. Ann followiil him. irv Ing
ide Uui from bl* ■-.-tir*.-. IVrclval
before leavlnc be turned
1 bl* baud, ill a me
be waa drawn down and bla li]«
glued to bi-ra. It waa aa If a eaddeo
bad arlaen to sweep away
bla farulilea.
-l,et me cor’ be rrled. "1 wUI eomt
acatii w ben tbe lUble la returned.'
Hie menUoD of tbe ra>-red bpok
rill came bai-k to him. and.
Inc aw ay. be atacceted to tbe U-e end
"Oh, welir
Tba men l.adtnl awap from earti
citar fi» a mum.iil.
'nw etraaE.'C
w*a a ^nrl)...uui:.'r lum. <in.I hla
drcan. took* B^^i iiH-aiki^ wiff pne>ra
of a cenileiiuita It .•nm- i.i to,- (but
be innartk- ibdSualaiiil of Ita eb>plnc
WMuaa «•! ibS ta lui'.l followed In iiBVr l•e.•n knnwu lo thniu awar oueb
t_ pnmult. Oiil.r (lie nnO.liw of hi* pvi-a a Bum of Iiuin.-.V that lli.ir "ikdlueh"
tahJ I>r tbe tt|lraM raultifi nlihin lil» ^a 1-en el'.n lu.a huee aln-d IniUt
leeoiit. Illa^T ten* a« liii|u*dve a*
tlfe fmat, and I4aiike1<
1W 1.1
a maik anil'hl. .oh- n«
apeairne ^^frlnel M the .-liih. H.«
to|^*rl an^^er the llokl* for liaff «'
mta||e an*llx-ii lunird m'ol uo'tk'l:'
fell ofewaBiow.
Althouyb It waa alx tulles
One of Khetidan'a tah-* waa nf an
Irltbuiaii who iii.-t a llni.m. of the true taetue. (uUoalDC tbe roOte over
tbe Ui- waa amooib. It wus but four It
t5.iilnly." reidtal tbeculuwl. with Jobu Hull fatlem. ktatHllnc wit*
_________ at ttmea lo croai the ruiTeul
oi/leiu|.lairve uowd. apwbcri- there wtfr caps,
determined which route to take, but'
' HHtaam tint armed, bnl a* n
Itlr bland.
pTcaeutly.'hcariitc tbe aonnd of abates
aaTwidPaw lu Hit mnmhic."
“Allow jiH- to difr.-f with yer as' c the amootb surfart-. be looked
"TfaauLa-aa auon aM.T raiirl—
cUlan-.! tta C.-lt.
su\l Ibt-tr ta-blud blm came tbe
rou ran loak^lt .■umeiilent.
In ihh
"tim 1 Imve. raid uotbluc. alr.~ re
witch. MTtb fresh t Ijwr be turned bla
plied J.diu itu'l.
face la a atralgbt line with bla boms.
"In Ita mrnnllnir I ahaU niaki- all
"And a tmiu way tUuk a lie aa areU
Now and again be woOId turn to cast a
tatvoaarr arranm-u.-nf." enbbnd tbe
B puldbb ii." itentbled tbe puenatirrMed glance over bla abouldrr and
^ oolaael aa ta fiannien-,1 on.
rlou* IinH-mlaii.
are tbe atwlle figure of Auu Holllner
• ‘ Tbe other |i«ikedafl.T him r.B-awhile
•TVrIuii.a j.n. are krakliic for flehtr
coming after bUu. He kept
ata Ibeu lurtn-d to me and i|Ui-Ho>).
qiK-rl<-.l the llrltnli.
watch ahead tur breaks lu the ice and
“Were >BU II fellow |•a**euc•'r .if hla
-Allew- UH- iw .-mnidliDmt ye oo tba
' da tbe KuterticuV
qukkin-e* of y.T |»f.iiHlon." raid
yards wide and eaaQy jumped. After
i .'T.ea."
I'alrli-k. ibtvwlDc down bis raat. aud
be waa orer It be turned and watched
% !*Tb«i roo pnd>
pnd>aUr amleralaml. I Unit liter pll.-hed tu.
Ann pelt It. When abe reached
. «rttb to avwhl inihll. co**l|> a* uin-b at
. It. abe did not aeem to cbinge ber
■ poaalble. I ahall kill mill bere toniorttrokea
la tbe least, ralllnc acroaa '
» row miwnlnr M fll;
At a twbuuct gi\<‘u niTiiily in I'aria
■. see that II la luiHiral
by a Kit-in-h CuumeeB tb<- gurwia re. ■
"But tbe pulk-c'— I becau. wlien ta ccIveJ a
jumped, and bli
m punnier alao
-cheeked me wliiir
tbe ceal.T tif the table waa wUat
paaaed peer U, tbougb when
she react"Uooer «'U! Bilenee litem .and ebtaa peand lo ta a huce jijk- of rox-a,
ed the farther aide rctclral
K orer.
I>lndlr-li-t aie .-xiini y,>u. jnat l>.■r•we anup na* w-rrrd (he r
she ollppedand atacEered. Bnt'atlluie
Here la mr eard."
parted, dlaebaaiic a larcr birdeace.
be happened to have ibe Bible
Hortnc tbe flm half of tbe ereiiltu; 1 TbIa Midd.-n% upeniil. reveallnc a
mailraiii my mind t-. liate nothlnc for- beautiful .touoc lady adorn.-.! with lo bis mind, ata to this be at
tber lo do «lib Ita affnir. l-iii l-r-re
ber dls.-ottifltw. Al last they «-atoe to
wins*. Ube lemalned lu Imt atransa
aulac to lied Tde. hli-.l to fnlhif It lip.
tbe mala rift tn tbclr way, but a few
pcnlili.n durirc the dinner and IntroI . and (be aun bad inn lk-.-ii up aU.ie Ofbnudn-d yards from rerrlvsl s borne.
dueed ea.-b new dlab by aJaistac a
teee mlnui.a wlini I »*• nt tta U«,lTbrgrest yswnlng giilf sent icrtur to
drr. Cwld(M-II>a.vt.iu« B. <
bis bean: but. flxuv bla mlta ou tbe
aralkinc l«i-k and fonu, mi-I nfiiT a
boly book, be pot oo all apn-d ata went
n>a LMked Oat roe.Wamhee Oao.
hanchty bow hr cate tor ii» fiirtlier
"Hate y.iu e.er dou.- anytblDC to safely orer. Ann wit now ckwe bealientMe. Ita olW came up ten win- better (be ewntUllon of any pan of tta AM. lYesently be besrd s sbrtek ata
atea later, and they l>.wed tn eaWi oth- hBuuiD race!!-' aald (ta werr aerioua a si>1asb and “Help me. Perrlvsir
ar. Eacb bad a i-lBlid <-aar under hla
cry from the girl wbo bad bearm. and at ttay at<k>|k-.l ot-i- them t
"Of etntrwr I have." anawervd tba anirbrd blm eoatided atrsngrly bnman.
aleinied off nil |Mcra. Tb.r.- waa no
Tornlac. be skated bti-k. and there,
choke ur pwaltlotia
F:arli hia.h-d bl«
dinging to tta thin edge of tbe lee
awn weniain. and I aaw that Ik>i1i were
pearewt him. waa Ann, atnjgcllng to
cold bandied revulrera. Tl.ry were not
yeacb a place that would'not break un
taru nilnotea ccKluc rtwdy. and tln-n
der ber praaiwe. rercivat went to her.
my centleiueii iKUhled m ea. h ..ilu-r
foe any held out hla hasd ata n-acued ber.
and aaumeml dowu tv the n*-h mark- ^lettrv. but tb.' oUmT ilah wae iboa keeplw: bla mlud on the fllWe to pretac tta leoth pno-. I did ted i-ia.ily aainui.d up br ■>.: •idgrainmalh-.t'ui-.
also breaking tta lock Tben
hoow what waa n-qulrnl u( mr unili nlabuiuii: "i’ll. I urtU.'* L.- raid "are the two akalfd for hla borne.
both looked at me. Th>ni I ali-pia-d ate wit,-w. \Vh.-u:tbey'ii-l»d.tber-re
YVbeo klWrera Torte aaw tbe wllcb
aitdeiata counted. "Oo.—Iw«-lhiee- awfuL and wben itay're «to.d tbcy'ca coming in-dripping, ata held up ber
flter Tbe tw o r.-|auia were lil.-mted In saly tulddliiiK."-i’.ill Mall Gaaeue.
Ncvenb.-I.-Bi Ann waa pro
one. and aa folouel l..ijion droina-d
vided with dry dotbea. ata when ata
Mb weapon and aauk down (be other
bad drunk aometbinc bot and was
'IVrelval. go
me Wtait you flud In the pocket "
I'etMval did at ta wa* bid and
brooeht a amall volume. Turning over
rtMi eery mprh-'
Ita leaves 111] abe came lo tta place
Tta police called It a duel and were'
abe wlabed to find. Ann read:
aalUfled with my depowtllon. and tbe
"lodge not tbai ye be not Judged."
colonel waa borled in Napira. On tbe
■ tlvera of A(r1i-a bsve rererdral ata Aim were afterward
dey of (be futieral 1 aaw tbe lady drir- I«i-ullarttl.-«. Tbeyaeektba married, tbougb not antll ta bad promlac down to tbe wharf to take ilm
wt 1* fartl-eBt away from laed ber to Join Rocer inilUmi at
awamer for llnctand. and that waa tbrtr Bvurre; Tb.Hr .vwiew- Is altFayt rroddeoee Plantanona. wbeve moen
tta eud of IL laindou aortaiy had tta broki-u by falls, and Ibelr inotaba axe tlbcrml lellgloos riewa prevailed.
faaalp.bat a betrayed bnalland alaa atopiwd by ni
had bb iwreaca.
M. t)CAD.
Serraat—Yer; ta'a In tbe UIMry oy*
Ing tv write a hii.-r on a ww tjpawriter be baa just (wugbt.
Book .\geut (baallly.-t-ll call Bgala.
(biMeva'a riwr lo cieaaaaar.
Of lane aoree on mr little deagfaIt b a rommoc brilef lu aoatli Cep.
. 'a beta developed Into a eaae <d
•anr that U ebUdrea play aoMlera Buald iMSd " WTilee O. D. Ubill of
tarr ofl«j-la tbe attret there b a war MostanMwn. Tetm., b« Boeken'* Arcaadne. ata If tln-y play -fuoenir an ntea Salve oompletelv cared bar. Ii'a
taMetak- win come ov.-r tta hod. and a guamateta tmre foe Reaeaa. Tetter.
many dealta will reaulL Tta eehlor Salt Rboam. Wm|.loa. Setee. riaerw.
and PUaa. Only U oanu at Jas. Q.
'a and 1 £- Wait A Sons'. tta booae of an old mlaer In -bb nattve
taWB Ja Oennaar. Tta mber became
■neh axdted aad exdalnud. "I wUI
■at die r«(” and arndc eoaiplalot ta
tha maror that tta boya almld be ar-
Tbia u tta time to oae Rocky Mennmka Taa. Keepa you well all tba
year. Great blood life reeewor. 55
eta. Jaa. O. Johnsoo.
a. BKXDA A VO. '■
toBlflu par ptmtaL
Just a few of the places we have for sale, all desirable propert>- and some exceptionally good bargains just for aa
investment. i
Napoleon was auperatllloua al«u( tb*
way be pntoo bl* sKa-klugs. F'rederlrk
tta Great and (be gtvs( IVier of Ru*
aU werf aoperatllioua alnni dutens of
klarlborougb. I.uili a* Jack
Cburcblll and (be duke, was Bupeistl
(Ions BB well aa a tbW and a traitor.
Nearly all tbe IRuana were aupentl-.
doua and double cbwIerB In trllgiou.
Heary of Navarre was superaUtloua.
but that neter..kept-blui from a ibooaand tnfldoU(Fra.~ All tta- children of
Catbcrloe of kledicl were arared to
r Jo*t aa
WelL If Cromwell was i
peratltloii, bv kept It tu
York ITvra-.'
«B feta Baal Froot atMt . fiama
sMts bulidlag aad dsasUing tasaa
with good ban. aU wall noted.
OfcoieerwrUaltm aad Niaita Sta.
- Tsboildiag, large frame dtreUtag
A .ban.
. ______._______
a floe. -----------------------------aan be boogbt right.
«B feet Sta.
_______ __________________
aad Ueioo atMl. eaaUl dwelliog, a
*^*^**" ******- *
for your i
i and fii:, 1
lortbeaat ccraer of Welllngtee aad
bstar ptnel. email diraUlag. flae
lot. tmly SlKD. M foot lettamth Blmwoed avenac. 10 i
ur.r. Kta. Is la. H.SJS tr a-.—s» ter tta
oua. SLUOU.
-------------------------------- r of Baadolibaad
Xadiaon attest, large booae. Urge lot
wttb fruit trees and good gardea.
TliU om^ ta bought oo easy tenna f.g
bn. by
t.r.ata ttaUlac
°°Ro. Ill Railroad Are . verv nics
amaU cottage, water and a
|Ua>^^2»rtuBitr stu Is-pno *llp.ruma' ttaeOca
No. &a Weal 8tb Sl.Urge bouae. lot
TS foot front, easy mymetit. II.lea
-Vi fool lot. South Uubio atniet.!
small bouae.
Only |ino. 74 fool lot,
I6ih atTHTl. west.
gwt. Iaraan dwelllag.
A Mania. M. U
ru BvanaM.Ik.
Also (lie following la East Bar
townobip; Seettou tl. town t*. nags
- easy incmthly pay.
10 west, ae'4 ol ae',. nei; of ae’^ aad
----------- --------------—irabl* vaaaal lols.
s', ol a', ol iiw >4. Wbat srill yea
all iBWti of the city. Two on W'eal'
oa-v, an a Fv^< »<gift for any «M pan or pH of it?*
8(h elreet. very deeirable for
JsBOr. L<it
*v<it ua-7tt and W
» aad >0 acre lot* oo tta slat.- road HaUhU. 100 foe-----------------mth of Garfield Aw.. 00 <«sy (arms It and IB., blank 8. Baye
aad -very otaap.
... au offer oo aay of them.
martin & Evans
Houses to Kent and Money to Loan on Improved CityProperty.
FUblas For paelv*.
In India an lng>-nloua w-b.-me la praetied for UkTuf du.-k* on a line, which
la attarbed at vik- end to e flexible nick
atui-fc up Id the niu.l. the oiber raimiixvlng a (luul.le t»inl.-.l iM-.-dIe .if
*t had just mid good bvc to himi and
boue BUa.-ta-d tu ll. 1'lie Uller la t«ll
_r r-in duun. tbr atepa (rum my ofike
ed by atringiug ui*>ti It aome grains of Uugliiiu;. tlmrwiDg a joke over bis
com. ITeoently atougooUM-* Mr. Hu< k. ahuaUrr oa br aenl. He looked the
awallowa 'tta needle and Doda blma.-lf picture of liealtli aisl etfeogth. Tea
caidlve tta moment be tries tu lly imoulrs later 1 awa called to where be
uway. In olden times tta- cai»- r.«l U. rigid and aileni on tbe adL-sialk.
is life ha.1 been •suSrd out like a
flklH-rmen d<iH-oded largely for (Mil u|e
,ndlr - That was a (nrisltB (eoduiony
tbe to-afowl they i.iok on ili.-lr tuy-fore tta (uronrr. The verdict of the
To .-oKb them th.y threw out
eonrr'i jury wa*—r|»edof hean faiTiC Hues « lib bo-ka OU (ta- end, lo
V." The next <lav tbr tirraa chronicled
wbl.-b werv attached ebuoka of e.«l
« *u.|.lm Ukilig of awrll-kDuwncrtiliver. Tbe latter (luabd Iwcauae of tbr
n uiidrr Ita faniihar bra.1 ol "A Shuck
t.bey eoiitalnnl. ai>d luotres, gulls
(hr CoititnuDity." Thm Ibe "»tr«t"
and other l-lula awallositig Ib.-io were •*wo <vaw<r lu n-metubrr the ttua to
quickly pulled In. skinned and cbopiwd ewililL ukrn awjv.
Tha IS DO tancy xketeb. Kvery day
The Coroner's Verdict.
■ aosi PeaeMk.
Id tta old days a peacock wai per
haps Ibe must gurgeuua and dei-oratlve
dlab OU tta I'biistmaa lioBrd. ’This was
*»i capacity, should be luterettlag t.
'1 bad beeo ttooblrd wilji bean trouble
and catarrh of tbe alomarfa.’ wntr* MgW. U. MerrtuM. of Tvlerahurg. CUnoi.
Co.. Pnin.
"Had dncturwl fur aonir
tiaie srubout relief, then I liegaB to ukr
l>r. rirree'a Cfolileo Urdicwl Ihactn-erv.
1 look ervro bottles. Brfurr 1 l.rgaii hi
take it’J tcntkri ng
aid sub- /
Ufitk 1^6, 1 aa working ttcadiW an.l
ferl Uke a well uuo. 1 amJ yuu loaoy
Ih. l-irrce-aCoUm Medical IHwowrv
is a medicine sjgcullT draganl (u core
diaroars of tta atomach and other uigan*
of ducastion and aoUitioo and to jmntv
tta Mood. But Ibe iugreilirat* whi. ii
eotrriDto the -niacoverv - inclwle one
of tbe best bran tnuu-* known in ae.li.
cine. So while "(Hd.len Medical th.
pumping of ao a-lrouatr Mural sup)>h
ttar atuenorb and khtneralbiw im|iruLi
wbilr I cimimrnce-1 tugain
in MtvDgth and flesh, sod
stopped ermgldBg
away. 1 touk alaml six l*a
tiese>r the-G-ddeti Me.l..-al
I lerl Ilka a
difleienl ^1^0. I gladly
Wkat He KlaaeA.
Wra. He siyie-lt'a a pity y.m could
not bare beard that sermon taday.
Ur. Ike 8tyl»—After iwylDg for your
Sunday wanlrolie I bareu'l iiiuney
enough left to buy myself a drivul
thing to wear
Mra. IV Siyle-Tbat'a Just It. and
that sennon would bare made you
bluab r<g very abaroe. It sras on tbe
tVorahlp of Vita Ctotbea."
-New York JVeekl
:il rniai -iiee-l.
P V-'-SSil- ffiSS. ■3‘4S:
^vsuia Itacv n.-s Tusatliv Uw*. XM
rnisl airvea TeOyai-o Ku Wll.
OIlz-w.-M- rwMH<«.-.H,4la>.<11uro.'JS.
1- M<i»rATi;'als^r-.'.gTirt«^ im
kj. B-Ia'. awll-«oireras.ii4
Bom* t. Ha
I a TlloMfWO.S. M II OOw-lalUaiUleB
I. a Uiiiik.aia..-^ Il-am viollam..:io ,
Wrnle* Mr. IJmer Usier.
M Vuln. Jeffersirti Co . led.
" I Ifsn liesrt, stomach aisl
luaglniuMes. U'a* out able
to do soy work
1 ha.1 a
aetvTe <wugh azel liemur-
f.iwl wwa tUeu dr.-s—.1, stUff.-d
all kinds ..f guod iblng*. roaai.-d
and finally sewed Into lia akin, alill re
taining tbe bnilMm plumage.
beak wta gilded, and tbia didi. fit fur
king, waa pla.-ed u|»u tta- lal.le auJd
the blare of irumiwia and tbe raptnr:oui applause of tbe (vieleTw -r
lo all^flerers, for 1 kpow
-l-b-as^.lMlcA, l-UL*.
• -II.;. Uv'ta
* MWAN7riS. .lta^'^
DUNIniff pfijiawo*!
r'|**o-iuMe.siil. W tk'. KusloUPmmiCs
l.vti-aHiursoi.TuL.-rwfu*, Mkb.________
nu » M KTKVgKH. Hi..«rtaa and fttr-
o; ‘-vwiSaVwwte^. v-rtas:
Fbyaical aUvogth itinsde
froiD (uolI properly dirrstr.1
and aasimluied.
Bui the
sum ol phvsifal atn-sgth i* -T- W TniKUIV. iwstta Mnw taroM
made Bb ol the atreegib of
I . a Bari .J.-wli) pbiTT
esefa pnenrsl organ.
-man's ktrengtb i* made op
of bran atrragtb. liver
atreoglh. knlnev strength.
atrvBgth u cremed and »astaised be the nutnuon derived from
fooil. Hence it is eai. to eee that when
tbe floouicb and iU allied oegan* are di*-,
e-lioal lirofet
lii-ule<l the u
eased and tbe Dutruion of tbe body u re. duced. that lb' ' '
niesns wesknei
bean, “weak" ungi. 'svak* kidners.
KtakT» uauK powg.
Medical Ita
And when 'I-Hiblen
A msn wbo boa s
kl^ cugine.
covrry ' boa cured d
gives It a good track to run
test* its
acb and digestive
and unlriuve Uyeta.
.■4p«cilv and keepa well inside it. keeps
ativnith cotne* back to the bad^aiid
tta ooly way which
.1 alws'vs troperli- lubrimie-l and does
Wtalt tbe taihr »ee«e«.
.11 that
nt ia
• ‘p
--esiaUe to get tta beet naiUls
atrvt^ fan" be 'made, that ia’^by
-Papa." aald Tommy, "UUh- brottar
leaA frtcuon
hnppoae tta man
nutriuon denrrd (roin luu-I properl;
la a sreek old tomorrow. Isn't tar
.1* engine careleaa ot tbe water ia 'grated
'gested aud
and aosimi.....................
aoaimiUled. Hence diar
of heart, liver, lungs, kidtiri* aad ut!
tan* are cure,l by 'Coldea
"Let's you and me gtea blm a blrUtas is frrf]Den(lv tbr
O-iar be crowded tta engine up grade,
day preaent."
lad coupled BB extra car or twp 10 the
have Uieir origin *p
-Very well. What abatl It ber
lO-die was pulling, regardless'of the
me uiBeaaea 01 i r Minnacb and dtbn
"Iji'a buy blm a wic He needs
organs of digeatio
t that be wa* puUii|g every ounce of
that more than anything."
•ia on tbe engine it could bear. What
Sick pw^e an
fm. and ao o)>tain tta
uM you expe^ f A break down. En-- Pierce
by letter.,
giae lailore.
medical 'r^amon of a specialist without
coat or fee. All coereapcnidence held aa
“If I bad not been brougtat up a
Heart (allure coenea that way. Tta
*ri 1* little larger than a man'a fiat and
aUictlypnvateand meredlv
dean." aaya Ur. Hole of Ro<'be«ter.
Ita moot wonderful a* it i* tbe uwol AAlreaa Dr. R. V. I'ISerce. Buffalo. N.
“there are (bree other roealhuis 1
is to en
organs. In each tweety-foor
Tbe tnouve
motive for autatiinboo
aboohi have liked to tare follownl- delicsu
able tta dealer to make tbe little Skore
hours the -ioal heart moves app«
ler of B
of bounda. bead gar- maleU
profit paid oa tfae sale of less mentonoua
of blood,
which i* eqi
-r lo a large niuaiiy or a book- alent to about two barreta of blood every
'••hen a dealertdleraaf-“
r. 1 think (Jw last U tta beat ef- nour. awl this without teat or thw from
stitute medicine
le eUimlDx
jring il
il to
to be
be "jaat
flec of tta three."
na good "as'Chjlden MedKsl Diaeovery."!
tta first lirealh o( lofancy to tta Imt sigh
a expect when
lemcmbcr that be u
is tbe
tta -ooly peisoa wbe
of old age.
U-hat can you
CBS peaaiUy profit by I
r Mates.
i^dlcaa of (be
(br BUtmioo
which feeds (
well at every
Bis pcafit ia yoor Iosb.
Sunday School Tea
organ of tbe bodV
f Utat ran you
bttdren, alwsya reapnovT strv oku.
expect when ta crowds
owda tbl* dcbcate
r«Tommy Tmddlra-WelL
giBc to tbe ottefmest. hot wbot tappeoa
Deal boy a medical s
... .. down,
. ____ ....
And tbe
taart (ailu
can get one /rac. Dr. P*
Pierce's Commoo
Sunday Sebool Teacher fi
of bcort (ailmv wiU comisiic W -Sense Medicnl Adriser cmrtainiog is
-WlMl makes yoo think tbatT
be repeated uatil
(ban a^ttajUBB^ large pages ami o
Tommy Traddles-Ua fiyea Ua wUaaes—U^ehssgw
on teeclpt of Matupa to pay
of mailing eity.
Send ji one-cent
stamps for tbe volume is cloth bind
fUmpa for tta book
IT bean action at _ ___________ AiZtm Dr. K. V.
____ ________ flab. etc. L
The Jailer Jests.
“Whxl brought you bercT' aaked ita
temperance advocate wlio waa rlaUlng
tta iirlaou.
1 a srlfe beater." replied conrict
No. 4II1-I grulBy.
"AtHItber ease of llck-er," tnumuu-ed
tbe Jailer, wbo. dewplie his occupaUoa.
I mao of no little buuur.-l'bUsdelpbU Record.
!« a rich, racy Savor, and never
mss ntBBld. May be utod as a
PictCB." ■BfclOv N. Y.
Mar 5. lag
Train.ImveTrar.wwCuyas rnOowa:
' Orsnd BaiM.. Kabaiato*. tbkasa aad
F«*tW,gw..«-a.BiFer lirso-rBamds.k
Pere Marquette
Nee 8. IBri
Train, kwi- Tmi-OTwIllr s. fidkua. | .
or itrant |Ba*ail»' Iwtnst.
anSs.^. aui*io, m5aB.Aaup.ai
rw MiBk.^«. Hay Oly. Poet Baran. TuhAo
HKnatasfFroA.ewia m.. ll:Ma B.
]|.BW*w.i4>4iac«B sadMIlwaataw. «•
a. B.. tl»a B. * 0>p B.
r-eglA Bapvl. and g«lka.ka. Ta m. I*p.
B .« aip. B
rort-hsrlawttxaad Pawtaso. l«p.m. 4m
J CUIM. Asewi.TVBratsaCMy.
x?“.L‘tsra, cSLii RECORD
na poor mnaara beO la a ben ta tba
<kty of Brealan. Is tta pfortoca eg
Wadi, riaaiii. and bangt Is tta toww
'at Ota of tba dty dmretas. It
earn Jaly 17. Uflfl. aerardlu to historic
rooorda. It te told that a grrat bdl
fotnder of tfae place bad ntaamkan
to make tta flam efanreb bell ta bad
aver made.
Wbeo tta BWOJ was mdted. tta
fbonder withdrew far a few aocDenta.
teavlBC a boy to watch (be fomar*
and enjotnloc blm net to naeddle with
the enlch that bdd the prahen tnattLl.
bot tta boy disobeyed (ta <autloo.and
wbea ta aaw the neul tawing into
tta n»U be enUed (he fonader.
One of tta beat team la »—it InkTbe latter mated In and. serlsg as be «o«nabl{k lao aoroa. 5 mliea vaot of
tboogbt bis work of weeks uoddee and
ily. to>«-of Saetloat. town r.
bla mastarplece mined.-atruck the boy
, itwaaklpyacTeaandirfineeal.
ttvatuB with SO
SO tana '—
got* — ■— — —
I V—u .w tu—.a. .
« — LU— ■ and —
opeiM ItabHl was found to ;
be not ocly prrfen. but of marveloaa meat, large frame baseBOM bon.
wall watered ami la flae eendltleo
sweelneaa of (oov.
Umogi.oBt. Tbi* CM ta boogl.t for
Tba foomke gave hlmael
;Sn for acre, eoe-tbtrd down and Iwl
was tried and
to dralb. On tbe.day of his execution eaa ba divided lato two good W awe
tta betl was itug lo call people I
(arms srllb bnUdlng. all la eee 8D.
tend ebureb and offer a praycr.for tta TbU U known aa ibk Jaa Brown
bum. If yoo vaai a flae. productive
Bflbappy inaa'a aool. and frooi that
place here is your ubaoec.
obtained tta name of "tbe puoc Blanei
t (ana la Bingham town
1 eonat.v,
Age II
alltraUeb. bravy
with aloM basemeat, large bant. SflxlB
bail dings. 5ai
remarkable colncldenees
wKb rertaln daK-w of tta calendar. Tta It winter vrta.stt. good fences a
mid tl>ls atrleg
day of tbe month ou ^wblrb ta waa
will sake bl.sA
bom waa atrangrly lolerwoveij
milee from tta c
tbe daya of birtb and marriage-c
wife and Borne of bis rtalldren and
anvea. But lames wts au old foul wbo
as ailea earn
made love to young Bm-klngbam, wbo
M. (osru'dS,
email clearing, no
laogbol in bis far.- and tobW blm of range 10 west,
buildiuge. bot a bargialu at |NQ.
hU Jewels
ahoaldta taken «
talk 8*tt
Itch. Allan
A liYSTHy SOLYH) ametlrs
IWM tav
I vtarr tay
imriiwi am MV tar «t tk* ^
ta ^ tta aUta. kM'ta BuUcrd ttat
tt TO wtatv ftarr to •rtto* nitar
«lkaMMk. 'AU«taM Is tta tax vUk
a sMac to »L FM>
Mc«.~ aald a aOdlW la Nov Tack
U TO tar rvMt r»<« ttai
tMMta klM. ■ tM» tta( taapokr m
ISMt McrwASta ta^ tar rrr. n
hm vm tastdac Aartaf tta optrm.
«Mk Sta. naOm tar rtark oo brr
taaaatabvsrMMittaratl. tar^-
" M« ^ftly twrrrd ky ■ rvrtslu. •<«>-
•« M ta alaurM l>r tar «vs drwna.
Tta owM va. -rasat- Itarloftata
PW-tTkO PaaadRAima.
A hur hstms so tooms tbon s atrai
AilMa bar« Many ai
afar «B* ttar an
*i;rvad-»ta taat «* omiard
a taimaail; U(ktod rasa
•Traraitarr ata sraaarata. Tta
I. lakm to aaottar poom ata fsqalrta
uta a otatefc ot tta rooM ta Joal
___ left. ladkadflK.tta taalrtoa ar all
Ita ol.>arts In It. Hr ta allovta to look
It a tars far a alnoiP ata ttati reantred to taMSita tta eolor of Ita hair,
tta *7**- Ita fsoeral fo»to. ««•
Aflervald Is re^alrta to pick -sat
of tta fare froa amo
asTwal hnadrta otbam.
Id nluratln* tta tata tta atndett la
ptocta to a dark room to which ars
many mrloua ata uBnaoal ohjaeta.
fewla orer and ibso WT«sa a.
, a Mtow aaaabm. 'Vo ysa tata
ay -eoa ttass wta wlU abMd mt U
tof to pUTMlt of anbjects f«r ibetr art'
~ a Mr. Bonghtim ones raw a »aa
Iv to a fleM. ta cOrnbed tta db
Tidlas wnB and tafaa to akteeb blm.
Tte TO tao aueh for tta tnroUmtary
mo^el. wta atredf up to tbe arttot and
aaU. T>o yea know wbat t canid do
vOfe your 'T baram‘1 tiw aUctatest
idan.” Mr. Boofktoo atawered. wUb a
a-stiy <4 fH toak .afraid of i
U m«n.
Tta—s a a*U^»r arm of men tl
tarter «ta HkeTjwJa.
.k man wl^ to f.^ of tabbafs
owtriy.slwaya a rlemi\smatar.
Fferu of s W* fesai ars almam i
had aasdectm of a hb^ drunk.
but rroferahjoal pta|4*is dliueuid to csfiy a b
our .ruueu to tta bousa of a
bfT. to a dUratSfR pan of tta rtty. I
sttalooaty arotdod
d aay haato. iMunler-
chaek yon into
______not da tbax."
-Why not fo back to ytmi
plow, and in wbtotie for you U haH
One crairtorttus t*w+ *
■neUip to the !«- ...........—•
. dl.Tlnie wli-eto o
rest. «>>m (he a
ha> lu «erie lib
.V u»D
h>iies«i»e wbeo he It
to Ihr iwunnuy Ilf l—'l-b- ‘
make tnleicki*.
-It's imi-wallile to keep a emd man
down." .trbed tbe whale, as Jonah
pi,-kill up bl» bat stel de|<srted.
Till- aci-nre wuiiKin lu<i« luiiWlre to
srier a n-MU UtU---- »lie Uiililiene to eee
a -Nu udlLinauee" wleu on the diAS'—
To Mr. Boufbtoo'a aurrwtoe tta man
■Cb 1 had ta
obsTfO and half an boor later ws* dnly
•«M an valklsc la ita satyrs mod
ta at tbs end ot my route,. AU-auw
- «B- llnlatad plctoaurtua. alaartaa asMs to ascdd btiag
Vaast ata Marpvrtt'- •"•
-How mih'b wUI iber give yon
tors ata lanvil tar
avsj. ata
ma down by aoms rebMc. I
for thatT" ta ashed after critlcslly
tta* fMI oo WblttrlDorr IB tta l-mort.
BUB ■utalna OB the opposJle confs aorrerlQ* tta akitcb. -«Hi. alwmt
feta tata twiMd Covard -tar. bl« rfrs
with bis sysB flxsd Intoutly upon nw. fior tbe arttot Biwweml.
Axad iBtnarlr on 'tars- Kta Moatad.
bU povkrta and I'm baaj^dr tta aaioulabe,! t**w
Us tad bU h
•MgMI* aad lootad a«a»» «
_ but tta
aald. aanlchlnc hia brad to iien'lrkltfKite wnrablp to ainnetoed In ta ex
I Duticcd him ta suit- -I have tb plow two mol.lb« to-f<we T tln,-1. v.< shell Um- iiM-n-ur' BSrte wllb
TSB tta Bltabtsat dstalla. Onflta
WtoM tta Otats was nitad abd all
be oti
It to let bim tatair aema to tta darkfrum what 1 waa cotoa.
li^wk nut J aftvh.-Kbli-sifu
ata tbeo tell arbat they ars. vbM^
Nrrmbeksa hr did hot leas alabt of
dlamooda. ruWea or What not. TOato.
wand tar ataoltarb and ita oib.
me. 1 Lad out tons far when, in order
When ooe leurna that curates srs toef conras. an sxctctoe tor tta toon
M ta able to kok bark wUbont my de- omalnc ao mnob m.«v rapidly than
•e vatrtad
to .» .
raacod poplla
toarr. WUtt.
slCB bsli« auapccud. I atop|wd bsfocs tancBcsa. wondrt la exclb-d as to tbe
af ttato a-ak to h*r: litrt..llHHi*li
S shop wladow. alanvina rsorward out
A rcistbliiwn
of. oBalni to tbe ciublecnlb
vofs etatdaf with Mi* other. »<
sf tta corner of my eyr. 1 waa juat I
wbeu rnurprlaiuj: taJli-s of- plagr to nominalUta
la warty all tta lar*s rWle# of ^to
mu a venl to her. Then tta* all
tranaaet auHi utber
ofllcv-a. and
Ue man 1 was loofcliic f<
ftrsd llviuk-s-lou cletjcyuM-n wHUn* to city
aat. ata H serned at If tta rtatitr tta ttaalera tell tlcksta for sepamto
buainiwa aa mar propiTt* eniM before
Oi adt-cTllismeat lo tbls
marry them. An
It. will ta belli at Rieinbarr'a Urand
acta ..f a l»lay. Tta plays ats. aa a rule.
taiMB tad been inreed o«.
effect ajUM-atsd In Ito- to.iuVra riironl- Toesday eremog. March ». IWS. al
Wlator pasted Ibi.. summer.
of the pidw
Without doubt ta waa abadowUiC me. Cir lb March. 1”K Tbe lady wa-ralb. TrBOo-HoCk. Ward bn 1 will
III ta ei
WWasMOfr vent to tta seashore Tta ieralMTaad w
>ose lltue 1 watrbta him wilb om «r mnleutor ton- Tta cDrelc waa to tilled I.. ST delefateo: wart
d Ku 2 1
f-.ee.ief sflrT bls stTlTal at ballittw
eye ata lbs |iolksuiao
ta }-otioK. have s anuilt f.rtuiie. be well
tiMS ta strtWIed duvB^to tta liearh. _________srtib a aietarr thread
' *
'u uiuraU and R"od
They tasta
^Ttars. altUns otarr. a son nhUTella, ruunlntr tbrotMtb them.
trojiwr “aud ta Urtnly alia.-li.d
,rly ata sod Ute. ata toffs numtats
was tta tirl ta tad seen at tta ciprrs
Jnbn A. Loraoper, ,
■M take a dlfcssnl route. At one
•nt- bappy calobll»liii»-nt "
Cbsinnan Olty i:oaimUlee
Sta vas perttae far out vtarr tta v*. of performers are staploysd. SesM atu rune, when one was prstty omr. tuy
ilrto* waa not rteh-l»H»w fVai per an
K C Hilbert, Secretory.
•M ata tta Skr met, sta tan- ata rerj cheap, ata few people would cat* ybadowsr come up beolds me. and I
unu-bBt tta fair Ciije waa yolliii: snd
ttafs a gnm frf snnsWne sa Ita hart- to ait out tta whole perftomaors.
was sure w^uM bars iwoaed iny arrest
cable. Tbire eia-»<s
WAtito « Ar« f«Ks.
Tta rtwuli to that It to posatbls for a
aoB taaimke a sail. Kta wst akiM.
bad DIM Ita polkwman't bock bssu ta boullliy In the «llte>rlou I
Wbmsniarr would have iriren worlds amall sum to iMiy a tlrksi sbUUIdc tbs ward iia. while I at tta mme uwe
,y ta left al Ue Jnr <if tb-- Vid.iB
for aaisTO totake him to tar ata In- purchaser to see cos or two arU out uf turned iulo a different ntraet.
Vltb u..
Coffee ni-ime. Rimed, dlmled to'7.
tawi, * ta<s.w»si'ew>.
etaurr Wm. hot ta kiVew no one ttar*. dve or all. Tta c6tasq««" «» *■*
Inrlled lo paniclia
We alblltots of come all knew tta Z.- ConBden.'S waa i-nwI.M !•>- Ita
Bs tad cMD* to ta sloor sta fur rest. when tbs mrtain cotuea doVn after
localiftn of tta police statlom and tta
nee tbyl "Ita ntiiuwl KiTcy «
.iwefice warda
All throe oaaenaes.
Be TOird. mwetlB* that some of ^ act a larfs porttoo .>f tta andlsnee residences of tbe uSksrs.
r may ta depeml.nl u|ii>M."-U)n- to be beld on IMdas erenlDf. March
trtoDds would )«1B tar. nut they did IcaTes Ita bonas ata teats ars limacdl(Icluf ttat t waa psaalBf tta bouae duo Chronicle.
There will tarlecl.d lu eoch
pat. ata arilr Ita tatbltE «ta arose atrly Cakeu by Dewcomert wta bars
tbe chief of tta dtoirtet. it occuitvd
ward three memto'rt to aeire .«n Ibe
DR. W. J. HIGGINS' IiIcM-d.,*rmmv!ali,.u, f,it loUuoU unud went away. At the ptetta hlm-tl.- bssn waltloc for tta sta of tta act
me tci ptoy a desperaie fame.' 1 iscut commltoe for the ebaatnf year.
apd bars taken tlrkeltfor tbs next.
^Mrtad. EvWrutlr »ta rruieni'
■fhea-bairman and M-cistory of cash J|,-KA»IAlbV
Bolved to Muff my wati-ber lute tbe beiwra^.
Eren lu emta opera ata elaaalc drama
w.ird cwueca will crlify pramplly lo
IlcUltot lie was after tbe wruns un _______________ _
Tta naxt nximltiE be wtt at tta
by boldly enlertnc the boose. HJbat neero la Ibe toai lauujl.lllty In ihni ]>ru- itaw-en'IarT of He-cllf oommiltee.
le, of the deleaatsa el,«Ud lo
Bpantob tbratrra.
taarb tarly. wairtilii* for lier.
UjidFr bearen 1 was to du tbi-re I did gr«aaloti. No our baa I '.T M-nx ti,
At cams. « w., with a |«rty of atria
BIM know. Meuotlaf s few atetw, 1 aa ws can barn, a huiuuii to-Iutf ..f
renttoo to ta.hcld Tooaday
Oae Cold aased.
' pta an elderlr tuan. all In tathlna
tried tbe dour. It was lurked, bpt al Miteeolb Oeem Mu--1. \"i pot,- l.kaal ev.'nlnx. Marcl, X&. Itod.
toflc to loplc. wbrtbrr It tooebsa tta
nlta. Wbat armmetrr* Her tair. Intbe luouent was opem-d by a yoonf Cd t'au.-satoii and o,iue.«in bare I
It la alM re,]iIBvstsd that ,ncb wart
affalra of nailoBS or a cold to Ita taod.
mrni of tainc rolled noder
tAa liw»eaiMa,.srt*laU
tody In bat and wraps, erldenlly sliuut known lo ta»r laaue. M.iiiy jrara .
•lelegslinn elecu one mombar of tbe
Tbe ooortcUoa. aaya Tlt-Itltt. waa forettaaa nabnwalna ttablna ra
en-dnUiala; also nne
to corns out I Mrpiwd inaUe without }uai afler iLc cl-w uf Ita civil v
pool womi
/itrmmlBc down ber hark. i
i-t Ilf
wbeo Btobup Sew man via* u.lvn-'iitins
an Im-Katkm and chiocd tbe dour.
•amtUMfO woni by rrr* yount alrlt
"May I spiak with you <a OKMumiT' tta ainalcamatlim bleu In \<-w < >rleau<.
arreral dayp aiqiearsd oue waratof
WbUs balhlna- All Ita
one uf Ita mwn fanmvia i.byki.-lnna and
I asked, remortu* my bat.
wtlb bto half rlosHy crafipa^
Tta portnr door was open, sad
ctbuukistota of llial illj tdlm-O a rv
-Why. Ueunto." aaTd tta mlatnaa.
looked wistfolly Into fbe ronm nbe m.v ward of »!.'»«' to sii.r |-T«iri wlm
“whaisTer pomraaed you to harU|yoar
A rapubli,-an .•anens of rtoera r.
would Urins lu hU k-wowl,<toe a bum:>n
ttooed me to enter, then followed,
tog 111 ward No I will ta fteb
Ttavbeach waa ttalrlna. and few hair cut while you had aneb a '
belbs of one alxleeiilli Jnrro lii-»l No Omnec Itoll. thus atreyl. on Ends*
turned and fared ber. aiudriox by
darsd reotore tayonjl Ita Ijrtwkera. cour
Tbnt evening,
rxiseraloo what kind of a iierwm I bad Ota ever naliiMvl ib>- n-wnnl
March *1. Nuf, at
-V .a mum.- repUei '»»• naabaabed
Tta mao of tta party look tta fair oqs
to deal wllb. Then 1 spoke hi s low purtlcutori>rad>lei n« man lia« ever jet ..•elock Jut tin- pOTpoar of i-leotiug
by tta band ata led hrr.hej-.md tlwlr {Jsnula, -I do be Ukln' notice tbit loof
-lelegalc, tusticud a rcpeblioan ritv
4s|Mb. Paddnilf WbltlPimire saw him. while that whinlrer I hare me hair cut
rouvcnltoii oollc-d fur Tnertay cv.n
take a tad eowld. ao 1 tboufbt I
o«^B< In Ita water. Tta fair one
mg. Mat. li S... and iitw. for the nomldlreclIou.-AltoiilB f.ii.-llliltimx
n yoar keepl
.tad anae under. WHb all bla cHottaa. Balt that now. while 1 had tta eowld
luliou nf ramlidalrw lor wart offloe,
in aald wart, and ,m-h other hnsiDW
• n. WhlUruwre ptunai-d m ata tasuabt UD to me. U would be the tlam of all
-Ves: 1 am a BlblUat In this packn to r> and cet me balr enttto'
ST f>me bi-for>' the vwbcok
There la a man who 1, Jtlwara apoJ,.
ige ar* rerolntlonary documeuto. A
,i. h M. liaw.
They atota on the iwarh. Wblitemors done, tiv by that courae I would mss nan euttide baa been sbadowtnx me. ^tltig. aud wiiu. iuiy:
J. A. Loraagwr,
pif Juat ooe eowld. Do yon aee Ita
prsoenMa a |»ur app<-nranre In bis
\ t■W1l g
Rs will com* to to nake More that J be u: How tbniigbr
. K. R- MoCw.
of me reawmln’. munr
Mpplac etolbea. Tta fair oue lookta power o:
not what ta aunperta. Tta raonjt
Howard Iri^.
at bln whb an etpn-«iinn n< dlalreased
I ta Alberta. Batter than that— and oggrraolvv egnltoi. lie runi.itoJnal
tatted t>
ttat ta thouabt abe wretie.! ifaat ta
Utxxlnl. whose o
tad rn'rad ber. Ttau wllhnm a word
pa(a you on ll..- b-ft. l*<- km»-k» J».ir
I took B rerolver fltuu my |wckM.
aii raueut of toiera resivlof Ibanka ata turned ata ran aswy to with tbe liheraUmi of Ittty. to tme*
"If I am dtocorered Irylbit to save hot aa be banga by o fciin|. In the- car.
4ta tathlna tmuw. Tta man who bad anktd wbat be would base uafbt la you. it mrans ruin Tor me and my fc- be alts uli Jour t.ciilnil v, bat >b>-> b'* log m wardI No S Will be beld at
Second Ward City Hall. Blirm m atreel
taken tar NV..iid her .leplb liad le-en -aciiouL
Itar. He wooW CO to Siberia toatrod Dot do to call allciiaoii to b
b'ndav ev ning. Mareb rial lUd. al
'•One tblDC. at any rate. So all." redracxrd ,out of tta water, kn.1 WliliieIweedlQgT Kumc|lm.-e be tbr..
. .
f elect:f0 o'clock for Hie tnrpnee
more taw him ronilua l«annl him. pBid Mtxxlnl.“and that to aomeknowl"imr- mg rs drlegalea
-Vou at* rtihL" 1 replied. “I will
on "to-g." J«,iu.tlmiw ••
“ ' a oily
edta of aatrooomy.
A man laanw
I'lurn-al vcotiou oallcl
dot ask or accept anch a sacrifice." ^
7'a,-aitoy evunlug,
tack upon blm ata walked away. Tbo nollilUK If ta baa hot leuroed to won
I placed tta unixie of Ita rvvolerr
March z.Ml,.. and also foa Ita oomiuader. and asUwoomy. better than any
a In
naxt usantoa ta mw t'ta fair one bsln«
Ip my ite»Ulh and drew back the bam.
actotire. trarbea him a
and sorb oilier hoaiiieta aa
aaid ward,
drlTsa toward tta raUcoad etatloa. Aa*
Befcre 1 caoM pnll tbs trtffEcr >
mar cooic la fore ibe caneua
ate paaaed UmptaVefaided blm Wllb mystery and Brandeur of tta nnlr
felt a soft hand on my ann.
-^«w. a man wbo feels this will
Mar-b 11. im.
the mme |«lnrd glaiMV.
Gernuii |■byelclnll iv....innirnila to
-Utsio your pack***." »ta mid. "Itc
Thomas Motflton.
------ qnlckr
Winter i-aiw acatn. ata Wblllrmore. feel aomHhlDC «t U»
uniptJves Ita sDlpliur irv.vtiiicnL
K W, Haatioga.
who bad delrsted sm-lrly
lit bol- and mystery, and tten (or tbs firm
I atrtlsd tta atrlbts and unfoldc-d tbe Tbb runalata iu tUi- lallcnt living to
Jaa. Olllett.
lowneaa. plBWted turn Ita/Kay world, Ums be to a mao.paper. Tbe Ctrl, anoirhln* a doaen
n wberc one or two drama nf sol_ Oommlttee.
hoplof ttat be mlskt uint Utcjilrt who
boofca from tta library, lusaed them to
wbr as wspc
No. .'I.
had alanrbta bto whole briof. lie ap
put tbem to tta place of ibe
of rotera ri-ai
peared n traa rsrstiiu>tta. tails; ta
uts and tied np tbe Mckage 1
CRwaed Irrliatiou niid .-..ij-.;!!. Tbew
went to ibe opera, to mwsrta. rrrryhad not quite dntobed w^ there waa Boon dA-cTeoac. olid lm|>n>vi-invnt to
wbore where music srta t.. ta heard. A Obtnaman uf forty yaara.
a ring at tta doortali^browiog tbe rapidly felt, and cvvnnibtp vunw are of
ing. March 21. IWK, at Tan o'clock,
At tost, at a moalcal ealenalnm.-i
dmmeuls under tta aofa. tta yonng ten effected If the- Ui«a«- la iml loo fai;
lor the }«n«oraof electing ?» deletta borne of ooe uf bto most.InCImate
tody went to answer tbe anmraooa I
gstea to attend a tspUbUorai city ocmfrtenda. be MW ber. but wberel
anted mynelf oo tta aofa, bolding the
vouitoo colled fivrTusaday sventog,
Ubf alOM to a receaa. M loiiuerscd hepaekagn to my top. When tbe donr was
Mareb -r,. niid also for the nomination
htod cnrtatoa at almost to ta Itatoepeotd. I beard rokes In tta talk
of eaiididat.s for wart, amoea In mid
tar answered tta deemed son. YMs
baa discovered that luW liaic n la- ward, and aueb other bosinem aa ouy
ttocntohable; Alfbourt> be Was look
-Is tbe colonel at bomer
CuUar dislike to llic xalor uf pciqar- come l■•l^■^o Ita caucua
Uf for tar. wtas ta ftaiid tor |>e was
-No; my father la oot.ety
wM............................ TB.
ttacn completely stark. Itralctasttll
-1 am Ota of tbe oeeret polke.
W. W. Smith,
tOD-mtunlrd with pi-iqasuiiut oil In
BUD has come to bers wbooe name
DtosT Week.
opettluga made by the uilc-. sn.1 tbiy
-Itordoo me," to; said. “I am
la quite
First Bobuibanlto-I bear Ibat sH(hdo not show up ' ■
mined to aprak to you tace noder our
oubir m
tar of youn adopted ttat hired girt of
ilteuijM I
tta mice uliiBke
mutual frteta's n»f. tat I will ikK
btoaoaatogritarteatay with tta
oil 1a oi
asnll myself of tta prlrUefs. Unuain
-There to a dud tn tbe parks, a
lttamk]e.2oB'tci N- laril.
•etmblKwa cbucu, of voten rmidbars fur a few mtoutca and I
ranger from a frlcod of mine wbo baa
ingiu ward Na 4 will be Iwld
brtne him to intrndoes me."
aeut bla to muru aoDw booka I lent
Bom Bob. Betlloh. Lwolcr.
lievTO W. Irtidlo'a PO
■Wtt at
A niBdoo htkero aiuirtanl lu Rnra- on l^idsy ewDibg. M
hnrrtta away, fuuta tta Ikwi bi
delegates to
oVItak. to vleet
tay. «o ratUng vi> to bualDcm for blmbtoufbt btra to tta rsesst.
atiuad a reyobUean city ooovenltoo
asif. betbongbi Ulm of eatertug f.» tta
It TO empty.
(sUed for Toesday. Mac^ lu. aud also
Engllab' emumunlty sa wHI aa for tbe
In rain ta dniffed tta man tbroui
-stand up.- be mM.
for tbe nomiuatlooof can’-----------------tta rsaou tooktog for ber. Pta w
1 did as be comsasaded. and be Wive one. Wllb tbla covl In vU-w
wart oIRoea io mid ward,
not to any of tbe nwms bHow. Tb
aearetad ou. Not finding nnythlag to had tbe fuHoWlDg nullScatlon iwlnivd ether buaineas as may corns beforv tbe
rtoua to I
bla doorway: "lum Bux sullclta eaneo,.
waited In tta ball, aad lassetHly ata Mro. Kyelly to pottlag Into ber
• me. ta ontM tta package
Ue is a llrai ctoM
earns down, followed by ber maid.
• next dourr
Marcii M. iWt
and fouad tta bosks. He was not mtR J. Pulgbam.
' -Abr mid tie bust. "Now 1 un-Sot a hit MybuabaDdmysitwIU toSed. but there was aetblng for blm BrtUab hufer.*E. H. Popa.
deraUi^. That U I'lara Van CU-ve. an be aold by the otaiiff wiihln atx raoutta to do but srquteace. No oae It to be
kan. She to a draf mute."
lod fU ta ttar* to huy.--Cblcags trusted to Rtutoa. and eeen.lhls dangbgreat dl
tlere to an Hem from tort week's is
petlce official was suspected
moB. Its wma aratimiciy » I love. I.
nan. aa I could ore by bto sue of tta Cork Weekly. John writes
be was a pnrtical nun aitd
to Mary:
, rrpubliaoD muciia of TOlm
Dear M.rr-W, an all veer w,ll: onir Wart No.
wbat 11 would tatu ta tied lu voeu|ao
-I am asrry to bavo ta dMurb you."
will ta held at etato
Mllwr baa hyaiertra. TU“ ta, Ih' looih- street Primaty acbonl hoeraou Friday
wboffi.lbere waa sucb a Idigbt, Kor a
BKao wbat do yvMS do for a Uvtog)
ta mid to tar. rtjot when I coow to
.dw, and Jan« baa o bai-y. I ><ui>- >uu
al TJO
week ta auffered tunui*. tlveo made
-Ah. ymalr. yraalr; I ondentanda jm racoont tta nutter to your father I
Ts tk« aamo. Tour affwurtuiu- i.ruiiic. oventDg. March 21,
«'<-look, for Uia porpora of fdaettog 1<*
99 bto mind that tn go on through Ufs
«w. sir. Wbat 1 does for a Urta' la.
m sura ta will bear me out In wbat
Ovlegalea to attend a rv|ubUcas city
sulerlug without biT would ta worse my wife Wkea In waablo'."—Balumora
tare done. Good morulag.-ooDV.-Diiou caviled for Tooaday craeing,
ttan auSertng wllb tar. Then ta spent Jeslata OommeoL
Tbe narrator reuaed aad the llsieatr
March 2-'.. and also for tta oomtoBsome time studying the deaf mute alga
lion of iwodidatva for arart offloea in
toagnace- Tblanuolered. without cwllTbe name of this younf girir
rata ward, and «neb otlver bni^oeoi aa
tog In any one aa a go between, ta
-Not for my Ufe would 1 give IL"
Tialtor <U miueusj-R'by daot you
tray come h-fure th. CBUCpa.
arrote to bar. Inlinuttog that ta knew (« a giraSsT
-Ah. welL I eBBt btome you. Wbat
March 14, IMH.
-Tou think be coaM do tUum that «o
Wm. M. Smith,
of ber mtofortnne and begging to ta
MaDBgc(--CBn*t afford it They <
ordeird by our eblef to teave
praitted lo abare It srllb ber. When tm blgh.-Xowo aad Country.'
tta two met Ibe next evening at fat*
tbe euuutiT as aooa as I could do ra
baoM^ Wblttemore ootonlabed her l.y
Don't DM ateel kalvfu'fer eutdnff wnbout cgdttog attentleu. He feared tatbw wbeoever ta felt tike U."
rOL 1000 WATTS
---------------- - -1a;
tartni Wnr BmMc
U|U Id Pmr Cl.
ta ^ tar*r
nSu'toira' f«
. pire msuRAiicE
m. B; Hungcrlord
Contractor & Builder
—------iTmerstCtij VeimiwyllMilUl
and Iflfini8f)i, lU SMi $1.
DR. J. W. CAUNTLEr('.lT3o^..TBC F
Arrived Saturday, car load of
horses. Some heavy draft,
some farm chunks, a few nice
drivers: .weight from 900 to
1600 pounds. All stock guar
anteed as sold. I also have a
few heavy cheap work horses.
Also a few good lumber wag
ons, second hand, some heavy,
and some light. A few top bug
gies and spring wagons,
kindly give me a call.
Bdtoiaatog tar by ber own metbeU of
UMMBunlratton. They OMm Iwcame en■igsd. and when married Wbltiemora
tauad. Is bto aurprtoe, that her tutofortuM only draw tbem Hoser together
A man who waa Idrvi-llng to anutbmn vraws Nraa poablng bla marfatos
up a atsep MB when ta overtook a
pooMBt with a donkey cart. Tbr paHsot beast waa maklag l>Bt little prog....................... rna doiog Its ta
Mt band agalns* the hnfk of Ita cart
«Bd fflMtog Us marblDc wllb Ita
«r taml,. pu^ed
ao bard that tbe dOD.
a rearbrt the pesraK
bnni toto tbanka to hia beorfacter.
' f ywt indeed, mo.
M. -1 ntovoki never to
p tta bUl wHb
bunt toto IbfiBka to
-Yt mw amd of y
fiab. oymera. awestbraada ar taratoa.
Tta steel bUcksta aad glrau at
pteaaaat flavor.
If tbou Bit a maah
bllad; if B BmrtaL •
that to addlOoo to bHag to Joepardy
Id brtag
betog i
down tta poUce
myaetf. I wenid
our w
nodety. I made
su au tta ram uf our
ive tta ratae^aiglrt.
( to toavc
trade Nbtl
tartad (sr Amarlm.*
m Wa vurt.'-owcfl^ tmr-
number of i»op»* '»bo mind ttalr
-Brooklyn Ufa.
In •Itqoli* Roberts' coort. to FuNbb.
Ky.. rwceutly a buy Was p« «o Ibe
wliaera *Ui>d and In Bmmtato « ta
new rtie nature uf mu autb Ita Juaee totrarlewed blm as fonows:
-Dayuukaawtta uatara of aarnthr
-Hoat know wbettar
-WeO. If you shouid
you know whme you wsuid «s wbea
-We(L wbeu VS moved art tars pup
Mid If any Of oa died ta wuMd tata
as tack lo Arkaama and 1 reckon bo's
Hewltt-HaU tta world
bow (be utber batf Uvea.
orerertlinate tta
otmgb Boarly aU uiffbi
iOi«."srriira Hra Ohaa. ApplogBto
of AloiawlrtB. lad., "aad could hart
ly CM aay oiasfk
Workioa Xf «<
* a Dar.
Tbew'anorrrtfot---------------Ue woMera-Dr. Ktog't Mew
Pllto. Mllllona are always boy. —
tog Torpid Liver, Jaanater.
Nevv r gripe or weakeo.
SmoU. taaW
rt-J-ra a7^a SjrTwS
« Sou's.
TT|E H.^VE tEASE!) the'-^jrue building on ilie corner of Boardman Avc. and i-iast Eighth street,
and will carry on the businttss of carnage painting at
that location. W e will endeavor to give thorough sat
isfaction at IL^-ing prices. Cutters painted and stored
until fall, if desired. Mr. Strong is a tirsi-clas^ carriage
painter and will have Charge of all that class of work.
Mr. Pclberidt will look after the outside painting and
do all paper hanging personally '(vou all know what
that means—that >'6u will pet strictly llrst<lass workl.
If you wish estimates on.any kind of Painting. Taper
Hanging. Kalsomining. Graining, etc., drop us a posul,
or call up old phone ^3. eiti-z^ns' phone 527.
CfiT.^ Bghth aad Bogrdnaa Are.
Tnverse dfr. JUefc.
1 had raBoaiapUot
1 (tat U 1 sralkad a block I
oougb McbtfnUv aad spi
TH* ORKATS8T Bppetlrar toowb_______taL wbea all other msdleUiM
Boral Mattartta Soaea. ■ntur-'fbtita (brae •! 00 boRlM of Dr
S^Kow Dtsoorsty wholly curt
imondlcalaodUBOuada" ll‘a abr mi«BW( ena taka its
SBUBtaad la^tsMbloa.
Maple and other Hardwood Logt I
at our mill. Will pay highefit mar* I
kel prices. JOHNF. OTT & CO. ■
>3wl Tt
• Up Tp HMr
Of OoiKM to
MOlfOAY. MAKCll 17. l«Ot
Mn. K. Hanna of' DrtmlL biaa arb 1^—The Wtvkiy, rlr^-to lak. ctetvt of tte mUlnt+r
of Uic Boaron i*tor». 8h^
thova ttel t:.«» Mara of ovallpei
by Kiaa Hanlt-SaowerB rsportod dariac tte pna* voah klB.>o axpan propanv. and thar vlll
tba UbUmI of < bare tbair darvmornl la ftnr ctdar U
i-paaiud kat yoor (boro Vrro ».d(e
Moaa of vbicb IM von CataL
mrmtt Continuop to Fall and InWhen Vot* Is Tak*n Late Thta
Tte Marine taoopltal aamea anfaeUT aofr vbo fot (lir laaM. ae
oQBoaa a eaoe of >dacn. rrponed
. tans* Cold Frevsi(A
waa arar fan«cbl to jaatlca
FaMatytl fron Barfcelay. OblU . a England tuts Bought l77.eQB
Kov 0 lattor btaatriiod trum a i
aaborti ^ tea FnaeuM. TI4a
Animgin in America.
vlto-voold aaam to aatwar to
Mata oa tba lull OrraaiM Iba BaUiB
Moe of Jacob, to vbicb
Ttwafdtba Biaaii Tadar-BaM
iM Moa thua.aco b« aiolo____
««*U TrriM •> r»oH«« tar
la t aOuMM at tte Bmb-A
laaon (roa Ihfalan A IhatMr. bo(t
t'rte. tar nli.taa llama a
tlw bful (or bl. OVB naa and aold ilv
Tliare will bo o teoetlng of the UaiIt# otoMi that Iw teo Paet
>SMi Mab.Metl...t,iei.
- Gblago. MBrafa IT-Raporta froa
i«f«t>-d. bovt-vM. aod (aala U
i:-Today win Rank, Knlghla of Pythiaa. i»- Hi tvoeemia v, U,- *.ewd.
Ool—ip. KlMMPta. lb. ItafcMPm biadat; lo inafc. rtouutiioo ao (araa Btarfca tba floal otrtaBlk liotvaM ite awnvw ovaolag. Pulloviag tte tnei-tEngland haa
WiMitato Md U* BorUivtatIWn poMibla bo i« ooodi hack Iba
. ablp anbaldy Ull (urea. Tba oavata lag will be a party tad teaqoi i.
boagfai la Ute I'alted ffiate. and abl|K P. Pcrrta liaa jav rteMred a Mrtorr. toiiatar » poUnappo
Ibr (baiba ka|K for hb OVD bm. m4 opeuad an hoar earliar Itea uaal.
o Hooth AfriM Bluer it^litwia
> 7<«r& Uaitnai Uaac potaiam u> pay (■« il.« oua. tbai ha Tba taOBion today baa barn derutad load of tenoallng naohinery and two ntngof Ibe war Ihera.
te Moobad aad Iopb^ of oUl* oa tl>* Milt, aa aoou aa potalbla
almoot oailnly to tba dateta oiioo tte carluadf of boicgtaa
aa<I U.VMO uiBlea The agglygal-- l»14
Tte Mpriog Brook milk wagon node for Ihe aatmala waa
•Mww «>» b. bWTT. Froa (oar t.' TIm> iruiihn«a wbu a
ptiidlnit maanr.-. Tba rota vlll oooil ttat of MOV >•
riraa hi. oddraoa a* WWMi yMtvnwl, oar tbu afternoon and It la telterad Ibtagi llrely on BeteaUi otrivt yeaterday/-aa tba bene ran away and muKtk Raj>lda
that ibla bill will
Tba nuor that i. r.-iBMad I. an <id
Tba I.OOW eotemlttaa of tbo vbola tend Bilk bottlaa along the tm. i for
wnym. Bol Hub- dan«m
JaekMO V
rau aod lonka aa (boafb It wlfbl Dfan tte eunaidontlMi of tba rirrr
lia*. brau BMd aa a clcvrar. and tbo id teriwr apprvprlatlM MU. vhieh bowar-r.
A luarriam I. rifk-eie-t aboot the Tte tabor uaiMO of tk- city attended
la Muu 7MN M>d tb. rollrood uoOc Uada la niokMI and btekM.
topMOttooUy (anayoMl Th. ^tprlb- j,k*y----------.acrvit la bU lattrr
U a l-ody. aad newy war.- tbe liMaUI of Uravn will be one of fal floral iritetea wbioh atlMtod Uia
on PooMe and Uimt Nortboni boro that It
ba odriaobl. to boo.- ikparttef. Hu tnonda Miaaa in whloh the damward
aMMpradowbMl (at muIj |« twm tail Tb« raaot tea liad tte ood
,'FOR POllTICtl REISOtS are Mytng aothlnr
!■ »r hlUMrd otrioiao dittnoi »b4 irr.»iBduff oo a irnDd.UiDa. Jt will
held. The remalni Were takeu to
aa the Barrlage u baing k«|i( a j*o- OOBrilta. Mieb . for;ietartec«t.
A all otoM to <k> M niiadded 10 Iba v.llaetiou of ruHoo of
fond BTcret.
UltMfBiTof tb. .tom ohall alaw. Squli-rt A Bonnar.
Til. annoal Ibankeffrrlo* tea of the
tho blab vloU faM titod tta. MOV io
footea'a Miaatenary vviety of the
tb. OMoataltu aod (Mkod U la lolid
Plrat Mathodial chareii will be bald
taaOM mmmj loot doap. oota
hnuorfow evMxng'in tbr efaarcb pntttiBly Utad. Tb. tataptOoWT. *ha.
Kte.^W. L tenlnua wilt ooohoaa vadMlU laUlPK aad ta i«o«
But Strlkwrs in Bo*tpn Ar* bare k-ea inferred agaiuat P.iatmaa- tlnae bit .trrao|xiooe leclnre on In
or balov Bare OMrk
ter Uoroe of Ublotafo for dUBi»>lug
Keiurning to Work.
^try oSert U balna aoado by (bt
btaph.yea “for pollll.-al maoua. “The dia. with aivcial aj^enn- to tbr
of the poopia The lea will bo
(oai 10 koap Ita raaaaBfarii. vbo
Oivil aerTlseeOteiuii.aioa will iornallterTMi from 4 to T n'rloek. and tte
wM(VlniBad. vara avl vail fad. aad
l-'Ctara will hrgia at 7 .V>. - All are InfaibU rMPOO Iralua an- feolaf bald at
IT no WRBt.'
mod. PricM viU k- lt> eeaia for tte
I wliara tha BOaommodal Iona
Warrite Mm aratllna t
ernca (or iIkx loelnre and
art good, ratbar (baa Atemtd to mi
Maar 4ab ivkart Who
Milan- mta for the leetare tncfaildreti coder
IhM tbnogb vHhapoteibUity'of i-v Mr til nri|> lo tlw gMod
■ Hear Itatitate lien..
t year..
Uad ap Ivtwaon atatioua
T. U. MoMonot & <k liar« eeUbTl'teilte ll.l-l-. •
tba Hod Hiror Valley dlrl.ion of
tea Xonbon PmI&o. batvoaa Prank
Aagnat Uatrom write, (rots Baatlle. liahad abtBieh alore in oonnecilmi
nt'ibla luorning. Ttey an be
(art otal Wlanlpec, i. Millnly ataia ing pot to work a. fai4a> tb. .oltT- Wa.]., lo IUm Oatenaau. of tfat> city, with the praeent buitoeM- of tte P.
Botu. The braoel. atere wilt k- lo
dMd. lo kniuter
land.. inforMT-' being glr-, lo adrlae any |vnos of the wnteni
Ka.1 Pronl atraet. two
I Pritey nlirtit aod tte o
fer<-r type not i« noke Wathington Mle>l at
au to nan with
oendlUoaa on tbla dirialonan
Not all lb>- laeu vlll U- Ibetr daoliuation. Mr. Okrom. who dooraw'i-n of tba |PaBont. aiul will
k IB eharm of Hen MeMonaa, an eikoova by tbr tMOtal'offlcon bare. a. lakvn btak iiniunliately. Tben
ikdrilac ptlnlar. My.
parianeed painter and pa{ier hanger.
IxKBuiM- uf tliia tbooMod. of Job ooekMB. hare bean
4il*n by iba bordan o( al-A-l itel |«edroppel into Ikattloaiid Rrerel br Ite Painting aad taper lu^iog of all
vrrr IocciIk-i. •••i I In i ihnt- l<c
ooted Ite tea.y tnowtoll.
a and tbeae .Irang fclniU will k- ati.'uded lo. end a targe
I <
of fine tvpera will be here Itii.
^ ktaatnv of tte Uimi Northero^
er> are wilhoal work aad uiUioui
k Mnally bad. 1-b. liar >. ttod »|. tte
He MV. 11 I. no i-lace (or ■
ttfMybMwaan Utand Porka and tVlLWMtlng nun and adrim ereryune kancli .lore.
Ibe.tanoi0g party uf the OUnmwaa.
IkMn. N. D . a dlataao. ol about •.->
atfka. and all vitv. bara lawii^utt bo- f tlie AteCM Inv R..WIM M r
In at bcuae. Antoine Modberg, now whicli waa to tere kva held Tliora'
•ITul il lai' h. wll
yoad Paqra Thirty Vilea of vlr.udM f-tereb br It... >T. I. «.
- tbit oily neently reiartn-d fpafu day evening, will be held WedneMlay
• Ojun.; . iu1.!ioi.x »»«urx.. It alOM«ona botvaon Pargo aailUBaaalliteittU- and W* atoryoT Waahlni^M la eranlng inatcad. on aeoonnl of tlw
Wllk MOTutawoa VM...
leotore uf Prof. Ib-Motle Thanday
tan, N. D . aad all oonaiBulaB
Then-waa a goo<l aodien.-e taieual aa bitter aa ttei In Mr. Oattoni'a l.-t
wllb vBotani Dteota and Moni
Al SeatU. a lalvring man If be
laat .'raoliig to ii.ten lo Ibr niiteiun
Tba niteUug of the Prienda «ob
pokla hare baoa loot te Bare.- hna ary addreo. of Her. W. U
la gBtitag a job, laay reo- ive
eB 'a Mlaaleuary KWlaly will k-held
Iteaobjeclid India. |Tb.«ddreaa two dolUtB a day. bat living okpenaM
are ae high tliai Ibe grtvteoi oooeoay
an inijilriDg one. and vaa
the lionu-of Mra WlUlam WfigbL
*|M Ite Md oaiUit t. Blnb-d.
ad to will, th.- cloteel aitmtka moat bi oxerolaed in ordar to live on
that. Table bmrd . la .•&.(•> a we- k Tlie program will be In eiiarm of
Ber. E. Iloarard Brown, who will
Thr v.irfc »f Mary Read, of fthlo.
inoeni tb.- work for tbe AfrioBa.
vliooonkaetedleptvay while ui la-lk. high. Proo tJila orldtoee It woold
both in Afrtoa and la ABeriea. Spe
Itet abe had ll..- dlaeaae af- arvB that Ihe veol ta not ;>«(etable
i.y|.«r reinm to AneriM and tbcin n- Miobtgan. Don't “go wool, yoong
work of WUUt -R. Hotohkto. ta AfrlM
tarnad lo tba Itper*. wb.-n aha
aad Booker T. Waabington i'o ABerldoing a noble and rery .ucx-eaafst
^Utal W Ite g.raini ltex.nl
work, waa dmeribwi.
HMMlaea. Manh K-Haagalnn
Tk- St. Patriek'a .Day |irt«raio and
*ov opon. a gate.tertag blown ibe
oappor. irt'oa by 8t Pranria ehnreb,
Rowe.who tnreled Ibriiogli the____
loo onl of tl>a tay. Tl.r (^hloogo ood
vlU oi-oor ta tba City Opora Bow
Seller of Cr.>I Sh.Ks
KUwaakoa twaia and Uw Ann Arbor 0y tel ao ill Miri. briugiag wbok nlr Hr TMtefBi* ta tb. BMW*.
oveoing. Sapper will be »-rr<d
logoa 10 lUiriv
doMribaC aa ■
onr («Ttea an oiptoP^ oucn A laigo
Port KorM. March
IT-Jadge froa 6 o'olook. aad tk- pragram will
tbi< work of PoDitite KaBMitei.'
nwbat of flaharaao wer« in danger
hotfoag. who va. brought bopie (roa begin aboal B:IS.
' Whoo Iba ier want ool. bat all aoTbe ri-gctor mMttag of the city
widow, and U»- orphMx of India, aad nodon. Ohio, oo a qwoiil oar. it in
oagod. on dlConni Uland.
critioBl -eanditioii al hit boloe to coaneil vlll oeenr tide rTening.
If already conag (url.AX'of thalai.
Wcilm-siUi and T'hiitx*bi,
Tk-Bc-tlng of til. Clerk-e I'uioii.
l-ntlduig b.ill aa a atabir, day. U.- la anfferlag froB -Bright-. vhioh vaa to teee been held tala
Mjr.h null' and 2iHh. Erc-I li,
ain-x- iIm goreniaMii wooLd n.d perHeumann. ihc Tailor. 11,'» C'i.-v
eTooing. baa been pcMiaioed on o<
mat# iToorety are altm.
ai. ondianage
aanl of Ibe tllnon of tbe (reriaenl.
tta-ei, will have all H Rulwl
■ tllnatratad wUb a
tte Boyt Bond will give a couoMt
diooD view* which
W(wili-niim dis
1 front of the City Opora Hubb to
ri-le rery One.
play I'or b.lics aii.l i;cnl»- wear.
Oelroll-WbMt. S3*, and !«>, ; oorp. nlgbt before tte St Patrick e Day
Ker..Uui(iiiaii villoonlioue the Iw
1 j<hr«, you arc vcItihik hcif to
VB aad will iday aleo inz»de tte
' eieulng at llie annual
in»|Vrt the mail) -tivlcs and huntbM tiaooial Panacaii voold tea.- thank offering
^TVl^-wlihlll't audn^.
dr^-i of cloths shoa-n on ihtac
Tte elMmer ColoBbia case orot
il|^|1 In tte eomatead <i( tte depart- eV. For. Ign Mt
litetonary >oriety
fioa Bovort Harbor tale afwn
ijici ii! dates. Wc tell rioth inaHfktof ^emdo when hta inoeat
and will take e oargo lo tey (lolDti
tcrrial in ani •{iiantiu. a1sii tor
fMleocfa atell tere i-tpired. lieiienl
future dclivcn-.
rMMiii togtiliai vitl. OmomI Uttm
Leelie SBortbwaiU. vbo tee been
Ohioogo. March lA. iSatardayi—Re
bit a long oonfitenoe with Secn-iaty
R«M tint noralag on niliippiac
Mipte of potatoe. (or tba wank wtra very III at Hempfaiz. Tona.. arrired
- Satnrdgy night, aecompaaled by
■» Mrt In ezeota of ite.previon. vaek
and ; eon over Ian yMr. Price# vat« bit mother, vbo veal lo Moaphta to
odrucad Sr. with a better loMi and MT» for hlB. Ha It ftlU 111 a eery
Wnrk ...
Sqriere & Bonner are tertag taelr
■urrlna off tte Barket aad tte tiaoki
Mrty elMaad np Higher priOM terber idinp aad teib rooBt flntabed
Ig atatiM wera dieVBif Ihl.
tte Itaauea.
e eoontrr Inrreaaed faiBtn' de- ta a latlMT nnlqeo wag. Ttelr new
nag while attenpiiag in aracoa
AUhaoy. lad., klartb i
liroriM toward tte looL tel-v of (rout tea Iwoo put In. aad new tk y
• Pteldanad PlfBMu Olaaaor the crew of the anandad Wad
baring tbe (rant room painted a
Rnmla weea Balaly at Ml and aoc.
win killed thii BBonilag and Rogi. Tlieir boat waa opael.
vilb a few Mn of aztn Muey daitioo Tlrid green, with gtoM inpor.and ihe
•igrBltteBion asnoBaly Inlnred in b
fMT rooB it painted rad with rad
«TBC* on tte Bootbarv nad ncnr Ky
Seed nook t« in aeiira deoMtid and paiMT. Ooeof cbetetbraowlatokAt HMdao. ttaotey. March K. iuft!.
a» ainy aileo weal. The wroek
light aapply. Barlr Obko bring |l. ID
al lb.- iKuae of Mr. and Mn Oterie.
I Sqah-n bronglii troH Grand
andgl.SOand Rnoe and Tnaapba 80
Kaaaell. tbeir el.le.t daagfater. MogBaptda a flae old Gennaa ovoid,
iriTM PRIMCR BR««r *VIIA*I> gte. vaa gireo tii aorriage hi Mr. aod bte, with towo ckimlag to gat vblob haa born added to tte eario
Lorao CarUab- o< UMparia
TodM** reoelpta van- It can. In- eoUaottao of tte flm.
Unbr. .lat-y of the brida. acted a.
There will br a ragaki meoriag of
claoiag IK cart on Koribvoottm.
and Mr. Ban A'Utan aa
Solid as a rock, will
oata IB Bh Paal. 1 Mg on Wkeoaeta
ban Ban. Rer. O K ilabooek ,
Owtral aod • CM Ml Mkhlgan Oo«- TdD.
uot rip. need no rub
Rlnmth, March IT-Tlw OaoiorhThe eroood omimI oalloo hall of tte
k^ wHh Prtnre Uanty ahoatd. ar- of a few laiiBata (rtenda. afiM vhieta
bers. Money saved if
Tte iMKat VM 8TB. Bayte. beU
buontifal dtatavvaa a«-e<l The
rilii koiiff. Tbe yvytaCB rroB Bev
of P. baU Mooday orontag. March
ybu buy them.
faaiq^ pair Vara the raeipMo. of off ond boUert obovod co i
TmvteanBTMtfal. All abMri
Mtb. All KBlghti of Pytbtat and
luauyaaafal and braatlfol paaoMta. to talL onoptvbt* tbetr Moot vot*
tboir taBlIlM tariiod. BUlWoMta;
andtber kaie with the h-« viabm BOI. PaiT-of Ute artfralt vara oaai
Bieek la tianidi to Mter potau m ttel
.rfalt They loN for an rzin
Hon. B. W.
I —«Btfrriogaef tebt/lM. vteaaMlaiga.
trip aootb ihia Bocalug.
day from FUai, t^wo te «pmt Sota
Maith It-Ttera i
Bon. G. G. Ooroll voat to OtMid flay vita Mrc Baottaga Be wont in
HBOttaM ta OmH
Rophtathli ta««iag atMc w—ding NttooaBay on baMaoB tbla a~
teteiU tebtaM I OB tag. Monb K~Tte o
Tte gib an mm erotyvbMs oi D*
of Si Partlck-t*Day ta
B B. MUkvty kteoo tar Kov Mta tafloy ta ahom tht nmy tafllM.
vhieh tte lata qaooa tried u
York City m a hanrtad and epaotal Ita* thw tal Mb* taU U 8L PhMte'a
th« NorthwMt.
Upkda vltb a toMt tba( probabir
>aa aaaa bacM daya la tba
b viU bo
7Mn Ofto. Sqalon A Rinor had tbair
taubt abop btekoa late by bw^Wra.
aadaBBrnborof aabvUa mm otolaa TUoogb M^toioo Va. Mi
8<jpUn4 Uctiker 1«tc ne*l««4p
R^roadp TM Up Throughout
ForcM Lin* up Today o
y^ewill until .April ist, conduct the greatest
ala^hter Sale of the season, selling eventhing
m this department at cost and below—Crockwry, A^lassware. Lamps and ail Bazaar Goods
go aat wholesale. Now is the time to hi up fur
spring houseketfping,
CITY BIWK STORE, Hobart-Bccchcr Co. Props.
Shelving and Show Cases for sale.
l*-l iix iruliii.l 1--11
m Y. mniQi
an.I -Tx ti..; I.a. oajZx
ilut if vun l>u» tour
lii.l «111 al.idy u:ih w-u ihi.-iiih.mi Ihc ycai
ll yuu »cJi —•lui-tliin^ now <>u
to be We/! Dressed
Spring Suits
5ItW(i'5 BtllAlilt Wim STOIlt
Our stock of Malting is cuminenciitg to arrive.
W'e can show you some very catchy patterns in
both Japanese and Chincsi! goods at prices rang
ing from i2'.c to .ISC |»cr yard.. Our special
leader will be a oo puiind hand ttAlnied matting
at .toe the yaixf. Our line comprises such well
known brands as the l,aiiio. Honam. -Viceroy.
Imperial. Kioto and others. These mattings arc
pfactically our own iiui>ortation. as they are
shipped direct from the l>. Si Bonded Warehouse
at Seattle.AVash. Take'a look at these while
the stock is fresh:
l;j> uticic X..U . an ,j;ci lliv most rctl «lae
m.mc> m haii< v L-hii.i, Crx« km. lILixseit- Tm«arc, tiiaiiilcuatr, V\ ...Icnwarc, l.Aiii|c., H.r.im.
I t.dcTucar. ,l.a<-o. KmliM.-lmo-. Sizti.mm- im!
SoUimx. V..u-llncMhvl.cxl trade at
Ilyersmake~ Wen^s
$3.00 Shoes
The lasts, tbe stock, the workmanship—in
fact everything that is necessary to make
an easy, stylish, serviceable shoe can be
found in these. BETTER SEE' OUR
McNusua BIk,
Front Stnet.
4m >Tmil& kKiatb. vtA-mUt^, nuL, ko»Mt; itAt* it. i<li.
THE EraniiC KECOUIl uffiMTs ,wiu K -tt»r
• TMt «.
■r. WfarwaTe fOvorMe PromaHoHmi
■Wee a ataraer'e
Joy mot Hamm Mmr
am Ohrid
MTtne Steel ffsoge
At tbe Iowa*, pice ever qnatad.
Si LMit, Iterih n-«r. ■
Um»M aM Mr. a A. Am. tM- I loiowt Q. A. a BM. •
not. X. Mm A»x V. MM
The body is mMa «r cold, noml Meet ttcei, lined with aabca-
MtaHTt MM. taM •( •*•
Ml ■■art »Ula« CMfM. Md • M
MlMa«Mk«MS teoWM-aM-
weaker wkb oacb miwUi.
of tMuaeakiKliiBv«DmMM.tben«re
gmrn to ika aa^tjr of tobe
by an iana ImteE
apiM to'fla to omy wflp.
Maaktopyoa te
band rneted
nfreidiuip aleep.
The inind'a cootent keeps pme with tbe body'#
a tha pradaaato to tka a.
Jfck' women are invited, to
---------aad aiOatH
nrataTaUwa toatoto
Pteree bj- letta frtt t£
to tba MBf kakaa to tkto atau.
rttoTK*. and ao ofatan without
pMilr »»U»* Um UatMMM
Aotlw oa tba adrtoa of tba aWarwar tbe advice of a apecmliM in
feMv H va «■ kMa a “Mto"*
jraai U ara toa. tokaraa
ftottaL Mr. Swatoar to hortoi aato
jKCtakr to womoi.
ttoataill laapitortaaattkaratr.toi
■atoa a tboamad feat to to
toipaforaaaf maa will ayrt
Itet wa aa; Mmw tba paopli bow wa
M^iatr tba ora trow tba reck awd
, «Mm chief •!«
dlit. If wa oaa kata aiM <to a totU ,_J tba daedab, «ar. oarpaM torUaa
wa wlU atato ti aad haro a tor toad of toaagbt oat will to daatrojrd wktto
tha haaa. ptokartd. ptkr. partdi aad
ora tolppad to U froto tba stoat a*.
SMt fr* jmn
■Mi did aad (Mbc Urdt )■*• bMB
..................................... d la,*»rtoM pMU
nj «tor dart^ tba Fur. *'
•■That U}BM whai |ba Loatotoaa
tito wiU to raaiarad to tbr
lar. Tba wartklna flMi to ito lakn
Parphtot MpootltoB waato
do.'-aaidtoarhtofof Ibadai
toir daatnr tba othar dak. bat
aotaa Ikt food ao Ikat tba *an>#
towrIaaMr w»wa>ad
ftffU propOM toanraalMls
M MIM > MBp 10 tbM* diftadMUiM
ym to
ing clotet. niceiy iriaime.t with
^ niaeL
TMr an ■Dtac *beat It rtffti> ■»< il
oiSw la»UMao Mk* alartiM
doll. A taw atamptoa will to a foad
Ihtw. aad It to arldtat that tba Maatataa acpaaltoUaB tatasda to uk» Um>
PtoTT V. Powari owoar of lU.i OadillM Oallr Kawa.haa biNicbl tl<a Oad-
>d. ap^^^ tetaW'a erarX
Optn for tlx SnsM. Wllti'
Sto FunUil.
aalfarMM ot Ohlaago. to Vlawrd
Ttuvnutm . bbw
pMaltad pa>Uot7 te tba trot tton to
19 U tlraBulaled Sugar to.... $1
Blaaa far proaMi ea«illtoM to ptoaail
Pau to to pel obdar ocstraM for
so tba walvorollr aatborlUao. wbo an
ptatlM bafpeo Ootobto ifoa.
nldtobata aadalr awFoorapad tba
awarded Marek «to VtUtos O
tea A Oa far MW.Md TImco wan Mpadtotoba IwawiHiWi atapatoai•Iraaa hiddan for tke oeatiaat.
Tba Itaei sera see to tba toaUtattoo.
wUl to apfcaetoud.
at of Detroit to 1
aod Mtoi Maa Femaa m Imdy iaqbal.
bnd tba Hat. wbiak. waitapad hj
fbUm to aaaan a rUlt from Prli
Haarr to parttollr obmmrad by •*»
dolBlW aaaooaeaatwt
ikol Mtaa
SMm. tba mlaatauary wb>< waa cap-
mwlto mads over vsrioos dallcata
aators.wllbc^ aad tM anal ribbou
aMfriUsofbabykwd. They mada tbe
«and by Botparlaa lauidlta. U to ■«paar tban aooa to five a leetare. Tba
botUn laMtod "Milk." bat aantato-
mMpaaaeal la tonlf'd with naarata
far aaala aad II it alreailr aatand
MMaaadmwtopnrd tlia mlmltmatr
to aqaal to tba !*naatoh prtoOF.
IMa tuom of Ooonta B. Kenao far
par—pi to taktop aa» baaltliy taoporMMa. aM to bow abU (awalkaluaa
Wkaa It aomaa to raMlaf. kowavrr.
It will to dlConol
Tba arrtral of tka ralito waa a UtUa
.............. ..........................
t;<s«l prunes...................................
w-~. ■?
Ktopday. MIok.
M.aia Tharaday araatofwUl
M oar
w“™t:-TKssu’»'‘-'‘“ .a?’iair»4si'> **»i »"•
MR. Mtob.
iMtfar IM I
“qak*. mfa.
Mtbad to immttol to br alonawltk
aladm of tM bnlB. aM MMf of
TM foUowlaa lettor waarooeind:
Mmmpat fltotobaq flatarday aad to
Totoda. Ohio. Marob 14, IMM
1 Mp to aoBlom yoa a totter n.oeiTad tbto mnotop from Mr. Billy
------ ----
tlBMl- .U-lwlOun
Sr.ds;<. tsiWMiU'I.Y ■**
ehaioaur. aad bto pramliaa
Prof. DaMatm to a pnft
Hmo^ nptote.
l^tHKALXva I
. HSlsid:. sisr'jj f X
raailpatioa. aad II to aot tea ato
to my that bto aadtoaoa waa bald
traced from atoit to ttok'
mkea oot wf tM aaafc.
Ha waa over Ibrn daysoa
att. a PboMwdto Mptoaar. te benrTMtoaal ladpaa of tM ante af
a TM w
S30 A Front WIroot.
The glove is the finishing touch to a lady’s wardrobe. Your
Easter garments are all planned, many of them made, but
have you the gloves to match. Four fin'gers and a thumb do
not make a glove by any means, they are simply the parts
held together by quality, style, fit and individuality. Our,
gloves are the best that money can buy and jour guarantee
goes with every pair. That is why we sell so many.
Is one that can pot be equallecl for the money. Just One
Dollar. It is a dressed kid, two clasp button glove. .We
have it in alithe colors that ^ill match any dress material
that is sold. Pemember thisprice. $ 1.
faUowa and Bod Mte atoo voted
to and ante to Ute nUkoapli
Wyntt ta nM a mambar af altMr ar
te. Wyte laCl bto angina nl tM i
otal te* ktetetoan Ite waaknndt
xtod few woman Mt af bamtap Ml
totetMAtop-tbroaph a mnaa of fipi
«. —pfltebtoiamovi iM aMB
iton to IM POW whtob iwiotMoi
tetoflftl totol onoat IteotMl
stow. TM toflte oa whlab Mdm
ate M
nop. DerofOERCS
Is the dressy glqve. Ladles wear these because they make .
the hand look smaller, softer and prettier. These are un
dressed kid and we have all the different colors ever called
for. They are sold at the uniform price of $ 1.60. Our glove counter is «B popular counter the» days. Have you stops
ped there yet?
' ________
owspt by tM rwshtapi
SflWMfl Bayla. a Maw Task ptoi
Is the most popular glove. We have it in black, the browns
and ®rays and It sells for $ 1.75.
TM elty oooaoU of Kokamo. Lad.
bos Tolad o ptod medal to FmA Wy
day woaU be a gnat dmwlM Pard.
The FXpman ot tbe rtty of
flap ikip ynr amewai ta MO<ioi>.iii
aad ttratw at ibe rtty af .Kfw York.
ptorMad Car te baflpM. to MTJoujMd.
Pnctlal SMetoa
asoallaoi miaatol brra. mA tba
____ _________ _____ ,-jthodywli
t. tlwllM lUa.
y MoaatoSi Tm dkaa Ma
ns Fraw Street
tba trip aad was aaarty dmd wbao
May. at wbicl> tM laaal High aaliool toMlkaU ousptpasMfw two ease
athlatm will oompata for booata with M had ssM bto way to rani tbom.
la tM aacowd dapiQt
Chikbrs't Shm Otk .Tfi*. fUw. w»nli Sl.tllt, $1 Jfi and $1.6U
Is the neatest fitting, Ijest wearing glove for $ 1.50 that we
have ever had and we have It in all the fashionable colors,
laa aad foobably OadUlac aad PMaw dmU WlUi aboat 40 of them applto'
kayteraAald daywM bald Mn to tlsH that mj ted was tend to my
ThanwlUMampalaram---------Em Ibe boat of paltofaettoB to tbr
MBtobaa aad tl»a impm
It a Moa of Travorm Otoy TodM
1 anjoyod It <rary F. A A. M. tbto araal^ with weak
TBE WORTH OF tiM FOR...................... tUU
THE WORTH OF tt.5fl FOR.......................$»4S
THE WORTH OF $2.00 FOR..................... :$iM
fladarttopuan olarUtop*o.*M or<lt- otdm.
Uarfla J. Etowadipper of Fanms
aarythtokar. lito laotan waa aptly
Tiiwa. Qlty. wMl to Oblaapo to a aaek blltod
a bap of pstitooa to wtoa fHO
ily IM Modoatloa of bto own
the oib.y High orbooto. Then to i
nwmey if )'uu but the slMaes we iifi'et.
iM wte te Utoartoi: that M hsd
Clearaof e Sale is a b« «R- '
FMCbMpM lUrt «
tvalkM hair
ttod wltbeac tM waeaaMty of a toad
Jteaaw, a topatobia |iarfarmer who
Andrew Oatwteto. as tM ablet pate
lltoo arbeol Trerk Taaa
fltoia an belap lakaa to too High at tM Mew Yack Litotary etab, told
mwab piwllfied by Me wmay
aedtool toward ilw arpanlf "
Faak Bart.
Mr. JaakMa'alatirrtoaafoUowa;
U. Marob isih.iwt
the papll to aaeara aa ax.
^alpktof, “la order to aaaarv
matloB of food MWta.aa tM
|C. E. Schoolcraft* Co.
of tbr Aaaat aamban orar pivaa
Wood top aad Bartou. Hiakory Oor.
It smi>ly prun es this—that
-that means are are giving the public
mate lwgaRn.>MM>ethiag they want at a big sa«ing in pna.
Our t lcargnce |iri.-.-s are in lor** this week ami yoiill avc
TM etraator tbm tails tM
tbalectaro apanr|to Ibto ol^.
tePtl to take apositton bafen tlw
ibto tpaakar.iba Maaca, Oaarpla. TalyOK old BarMxM Flatobar-VoL »,
folate, advanoa iM left foot flimly,
aptaph. m>yt:
IM ax with both Mads
pasbtW; tMwddrr yaaroldPart>"A larpa aadlaaer froatod Prof.
law-VoL *2.
m. from K. J.
M Imwd three Ui
Ifotta at Waatoyaa Mapal laM iHphl
Ftokbock, MowaU, Mtob: th<- aU year
teito IM aaab rapUtor with mljtei
Tboaa wbo bmtf blm wall mate
of Mow linmale•U Lady Vloioria tad-VoL 4f. pa««
mood wky kU laalm aa a fmt
dn. tim O. P Martde. Howell,: tanr baa pana abroad orar' IM toad. itoL Repaas aBtUraaBllUebiatoad.
Br mada a fetaafal ptoa for tha for- Tba airwateetoam with tbo twtaarfc
inwo. beapkt
1^11 W
.aaiera .4 «Bli.
: temiwpwa Tl*a faven oonrtetod
Baal l.yaai . aa|w.tetrd by Mtoa
aolorad bwafcau. dacontod with
hciplx flawan. dolls, iwtstos awd toy
at tlid oiaMO buaaa tool atcttopsMsiali. swab as wwefl.r daps, fwav
eattatoly om ot tM dntetto araata
kUtSM aad ptok pipa
oftliaaPaMw. Mtoa FoamiM oami ‘
TM attettiae of tM poaMOae draa apiwrautly enknowa bat liar «
antswnt waa nllad tweawUy to aa
tarty nndltlon of tha trytag role
adrmtiaaarM wbloli Ims beaw appear
‘Lady ImMratampad Mrataaia
to varioM wawspapan eSartap fat
ooa of IM toodlw aepteoWoftM
to Hwah by a
Mtoa FortaaB-i aaa'*qatak. Mfa. aan. and owally toawart.,
mra won b dmai <d baaaiy
mstiiad." bow to open a aaik raptolar
mtodafaran amrap tM fatatol
wtthwas tM aid ot a bay. TMeltvaatlapmii of tbe aadtoaoa
te Mit to tbaae wbo nasltmd •*, la
Mm noaatly paokaaad ito lullowtoi
lam Pormao and a aapabto
The laetan of Frof. doha & Oo|lapU HUI Pam,
'll""..................... .....................
; It) n. Sack HiK kulwal....................'iU
mom of iMIt irIrllapaM-lutaBts-'
1 at tba play iiaa aot towaapfnqteily. wh“»b»‘f
wflnld ba sllawead by drwnpbte from
taa WOBM wore laeg froeki of wlilto
toply atraap aad wall
paiiy. A Mtotod Oar laad of aomry
luonth. .
uigi ciaiMi uw a cm ami Ml iHcii.
-f| —- ^----------■ as babtoa
Ptank Bart, to mid to to aa rkcaad-
ffi.tiU tknm arsi only $fi.iu per
HIM Dallr Uloto, whlab wnf^ paa-
of tbr balldtoR ia TO fart, tba floor
Abooi tba oaly
■aMaa of tbr dallr fiaU la 'that riM am to m.OOO aqMio fnl Oof baa- Friday.
rdmapa to a totaro to tM aaa of ana.
wkaa the Nawa wa> •tart^'- Tba diodaad thlrtr-d*a tOMot Ires i
tomry atallODery at tbr While Hoaat
Mow* to aow Ibe OGlr dallr to Oadil•tnl will to oaad to tba aMMOtl
to piece
too, whlab la mmgb at pnaael Botk
of the blaok-bontond p^M^aadrovrldafltoi ban (ITOD coud looal aarrica.
opM'whlab ria*aboaaBMd aiaoe the
bkttbaoltrto aoaroalr lai»r aooufb
daalb ot Praaltet MoKInlay.
far I wo Jaat aow.
With om food
promlead to
MUr Mwaiwpar. Oadlllae will have
ktod ot aoolaly twetloo
LpMO." Aaa at Stotobatp-a Onnd «wtM It Mada aad Mr. Powan wtU
drd to WaMthftaa Friday
aornw aipbt. Taaaday, Marek 11.
Mka aptod pap*r. and aaa which
Dlplpwata ami aoelal Jt^dan
Mr. ). r. OroabTaaAroklhaldCMIyla
.T .r; ;-S
Tba pMlod of oOatol etoviitop far
Tha anrapa balpht
iindy oven <kxa.
l«m eidte/coal or wood.
line range tor only flfiil.TS —
Sian<lar>i Tuoisloes..........................10c
■see. protoata that aonatbtap saat. Qi|U.WAn^> -M4L.Uri»'
dOM to iwatet tba aslracaltr "dabwi" tola a fasala a^Mtoarr-
aaite ot tbr elootrleltr boUdtof
Salt f’ork. per poon.1.............................Be
tiaw Ah adltortal, aftor aaiitop at'toaltoa to tbr prowtof aa»b
Mto ashlUt ■tnwtarao ot tba WatWa
U 51'irdOD foot
D my br to>d at Baam's aaady
wltbalMto br tba rotac toto of *>>•
OoaWaoi for tba eeiotToartM of tba
avallahto. oeatiarr to tow or ottot ,
wtoa. It la Ftotoato* to pat a atop to Blaatrialtr baUdtop. tba toird of the
Ihto ptoatln dad aattod afarta wlU
llwUl i».» yoa to ■^mtaaripato bto
UHiraaae wopaalttoa. w M wntoa all
iMdIflrayai ktod of pallrtoa
aompaoUk hr fofxoaawto an awqar^
I>r Pierce'a Pleasant Peltetscut
The BcaMiotlr liMtoilag M«pto'
tbs of wnwan atadaau at Mertbwaai
oten ilonr. large nickie name
diuincm and sick beadacte.
btWt at ‘lln" aaraa *»• aa^ **a‘«
WORT about Ilia apaea. rrapai
|nt skcB;
of hif^ rkwet, nickle handle on
of poltoiaa be wnm. aad wiU i
Make roar as
era atraadr to MOgraM for tba totoalam WIMMMII
vUI aot bade
lattooofatotoFtaiftolUaakd oMlian
pMMd ot gmm M iBpIdIr M In tkr
br Cto fold aad allTta stoto( »ao of
fMIfav raua. U alMt aTarr ^■ Oolcoada and Sbe aeppar attoan wtU
-t-n-y u MrUtan Mtohi«M
ban ibalr waabtoary to opantlaa to
mm taaka «aolal afforu l« |>Uai
tba aasa balldtag.
Tba miatoc aimm»
la Uh TVioa* atraaM; aad
bibli at tba Worid'a Pair wUl to tba
faMiaataad «aaot aad Urallaat ana
a potot to neara than to aaaaod aM oat br tba aatoM naato
\ickcl lra
nickle hantile on re%-al«-iag door
I Baara If r
lita. Sa ofa^dW laaaraair. do^l
tall to wobimaad mik II osar. Ha
toh took iitolWfli
Wlikto tba Uat
-Than will ka ptoMf at
roar stoe tolU to tba M« Mtotof aad « raara craaa |»toa ka«a baaa lakro
Matallarfr Halldto*.
H{oii^ batomx
tj% Lfj flacr, reacRsiir, kteb warm
•loM to tha aaoM aM Mrtos tka
comfort. There it so anxiety. «o
^ barlac tlM toM oiaaaad Iv
dread of tbe approachtep time of
hard vorh
Bacnmn BUtoatMtat
aahltol at
Mlien Me* Urtb boor
'All the (mwa to Wrato to faau pad
ItOr.- mU Mr. Mwidi
comes it u practically painlem. tbe
laMd aao ha radfttoi
at th» mtotoc
tecwvcf>- if rapid, and tbe mutfaer
Tba arpartMMM vU ba
dIaMM tn« wMak «a <
finds beneff abtmdanUy able to
aoti**>r « w«»tl«B-ai
nnnw her child.
vukttoavad to rtow. to Ika ocM> ton. to Mltoaaal fatmara ha«a mm
•• Fav
aptoataatMtoataaaM wo akoboi. amitber Ofaum. tscaine,
•ttoa wa fdtoaaaai aato to to htod
Il OetoMlaalaaaT tammj at toany other narcotic.
aad finished
Mark coameL
bealtbv appetite, ()niet aen-en. tod
• CMS wUl aoMOM al
idM|a«(IM MMg »d Ma»l
ti» board, which it held in ptoa
It doef thto .by a pm-mtai fntmiatkai te wUch dw nothm nds
bonwl/ pruwinp atroiiper intead of
•Ur •vmkum tette iiM •M bM
OOB WOTB-Mlllar'k P
TM fcrfttaiia iiiyi^gu^tllhi «fe lpe». iiqsp^t.-k^^cB'}^ m»».
IS HBmrss, mm wihj.
s M iMlcvMl: «bi’ risiiar ASsrKL
Tb* w bJI sod ««nr alDbr vmt
-------------------------------- sr St L#Asr
ara UsM. Mbr bsd
tier v«il sTMM, sad «Wb ibr inotertcr
arUcsIr bMhS •• as n<-oi» t«r reTw- |«SB« thraort «b* fcasM Un vtel
aappoMl it*M a ninfcat asd Mk
T»*. kbc wooM •b*
bark iBte ber seat. Tbe
• tbr rouinc of (Ms atm r*sr slo«r.
and then at.Bee. bm to
Blir ira* ahwrtRd la I
roBld net get her aitetutoo. Afwr
bnrd aalhlBC till a voter Iroea tbe faut BB tBStSBI uf t
raUed her li> Ibr |«rae«L Mr touked
Msdsm.----------------------... JOt tbie la M
Tbrr bad Iwea sUnt—ba bmaaa np will! a allgbl ablvrr. A tall bgoio a SlrkeL~
.L-k.l- .alarttiit to band it hai^
!. abe IP bs- toad la ttv aluKfer. Mtoiy abe tom.
nw-krtr abe earUlaied.
r hla BQod. 8br watrbad ttaa Uek'
‘HThat to
arts* are. and be eratrbed brr.
-It'a a
I the. esB^
floMralr be bnt orrr abd tPok baM or. lonie fumnl laio tbe rlnde uf
Ti^re V
a MOe an anwmd. tost
ar tbe bMTUr ladeb obaia chat baag ire Uglit.
tbla nnrj
I rid rad a* liter uwlanamd bet Back.
-IKa'froD koo^»eT“
Ir «lo lo
>Ysw eralp ki^ frova loager daU;.
Tbto vaa «o gkoatlr fleb«c Herr-' brcielr e»ri>(ed
It vUl na<ai to row feet before 1 com dltb. bin IrHiabk- deab aad Uaod. sad (lie Itrau rheik-and kept luw___ _
bark.at kto aide bUU aa raipir akeve. bbe the Md af her •)ourney.-dL LabIT
Rbe lacfbed Ugbtlr m abe aaH ■hbk Itork Is ber rbalr'lolib a filot t^»t-Ul•|■te^.
Tbat U Mklbd of jroa. to ae BCUga ery.
mj ebarw at to caU tben acolpe.’'
Be knelt beahle ber. bla (orml ralB
The yiwlle aoa of an army otoecr
He oTot oB bitterix: 'Too need »o( broken at algbl of ber .DuUea. Sbe
tosile a strange mixture <>f the btoinry
MBtmdkt M. for I bare vatrbed r««i
I kaow tbe blatorr of know hov tbe otferlBg of He did Bot af tleor^ U asbtogtm. ibe other day.
TtaRue railed vluring tbe atowaie ot
each one. Tbai aUerr ear to a rrUe of betng vaaben awar. aad 'br grew
ills yamiie. and lu rtiteetala Ibe cbll.
’ boatlac dare oa tbe Cbarteo aod of mgfa trued
divu aad hietin a IrwMiii of manly boaJpbJi Keadfick. «b» weot atiruad to
-Aileo. Alice.’ be i-rted. -J arree uraod petTiuiuai luld ile-m ibr fanmua
Birsii Lie brvkes faeert. Tbat cukl golf awaiit tu (ono bark.crliipledaal traa! etortea of tlie lltorty beU awl Ibr .-herdub to from tVIdiOg. Foot btaoler
tier to 1 aitaat ruu to tblnk ue dead rrbcB i ry tree. Tito « l<m of tbr eoldh-r wn
runas baler bOW. AU hare ptU
fa taitereuir.1. but gv>l tbe detail*
you the beart. i tbuugbt you did mill
bsilly t«la(e.| in bto bew.l Wbeti hto
Ir lAbBtr, an but tse. mraoge I aenl
sot rare. Ilul I conld uot Uar to go lather muftieil buoie be we. i.dd .g
■btfiihravar forever stlboul o^lsg )m> otHW tbr One eiuty the vUltur Iwd mU
Iler race rrs« tuibrd 'ritb aopietblsg
•. ao I alole ■•aei’—.
Ibe . fither of tils .viuotry.
brahtoa Are Ugbl aa abe lolrmipled Inbeve been a wvaderfiil mac.*
Teora atlll abuue In ber
tooted at bto fai'F. au abtt. aod veeiL sms.bed tbr liU* IV l-n wliti lit lllile
T wMptied
wMpiwd htm
be rlDV'y ■ieeve. b<T o« ii mbuoe Utvbet sbd hto (alh.y
l.lltog a liearltb tbe licbt or arfuetlilng tuorr Ibas *rttb a rbenr trvw forr i.-lltog
n luvrt |«trrfaiulltoi eviue lime to
[ tblags aoL—ttaeblafiou Kiar.
> kiu-ar liie irulb Wfnn- abe afxike,
and tbe miltijufv<d arm divn b« lu bla
aa be aabl. wlib a mdi. ■ M.i darllug.
8y UUTf WOffO
Baking Powder
Used in Millions of Hornet.
40 Years the Standard. A
Pure Cream 6f Tartar Pow
der. Superior to crciy other
known. Makes finest cake
and pastry, light, ilaky bis>
cutt, dplicious griddle cakes
—palatable and wholesome.
bhiBL ivy look Cm
uihI may Me< the caU.
is a piexm aM no I'eie’c.vn
c.vn rjt (okJ
mive<tud)i il villuiUi iiijnrr
Innr to bchb.
aol ballernd the dleakea vltl *p
but tbe raeeiBBtloa ot i^^laama trba
aay )«> e come' 10 oOBiaot arith tba
lirskeman liaa bran dlmcMd.
At byidi* tlie M year eld aeu of Wib.
Mrftlierry. died Frldar after a half
Til* Ubali.«c» Wiamn-arlub lute boor of terrible ooSvsUiOBa Hie raBult
Of ilttskuijf patt of tbe uiiknotPB
hpau Mala aada tbe ramjiiant i<t a
oeeiento of a taoKl*. |dekad up hr the
tea gilt, a narua b4 (boiM liaoUer
g|«m. Ttoa lot vaa tbe gift ot Bra «arel^''a>> btevray honefroa eche.il.
a u. Baaklax, Un. D. U. Kririii and A notn|«u1«i ot the ame age. life eoa
iSra A r. .Taatito. aad II will be U.e of Janina laivh-ae. drank fi«B tbe
•la uf tba aaw toapte to be butli Mtnir' bottle, and ;dooloei exptna* a»
teroogb tbe te.HU gift or Mia. l^i- bopi- of bla raoorery.
A yoBsg mao rrsidlng Bt Powera ragaeSaittli.
lyntl.v made a fine riollB <mt of a
Utto RioraBoe Boyer. ^ (avaiuent
^cag aooiet) lady o( l‘ort Haroii. <-igar l>ox. Ifv tiaed wire btkoB froB
a •erarti 'loor fur itrisge. aad hair
- A rrtib a ' ------ ‘-------- ----------cHwile.1 from a b<#r''< tall to dutke the how.
bwidwad bar 1
IlI- 'lfMed to play OB the rude laatnttmibU« ■ a ladderaad.islarod
'b< nl .with all the gaeto of a rin
Cendtnstd Hem
% el nii(blain.
Lack woode near Powers
I BN eBarbiwlI Chat while pme can
M.-adrtlle tbeologh»l aoBlaary of
aevor ha lirodBSed I.. Micblganr aiye
Ivaala le ooculdetBBg Dt. JoaOca. Atgor, is the Oisnd Raptda Her[Irooker •<( Ami Arbor feg Ita
aid. It takee too toog h- cnie to me- • >* "
ilradill. ecmiiiary ii
tarlty. Bat tlii. to of no ralm- eoaa*
ibaologital snboal la
^ o u. oco.
‘Dtly en.<Mrod
,»rUO IjSli™
h.d h... M
pb.. K.I n-u... .1...
.1U.1.. .T,
u.b^.U.|.U —
mire wi
l.uie tiM. aged 19 years. m«« aa
POBld be sgala oor^red with a einnlT
lawful dwill.m Omnd KapKU br tbe
BirBBtlle growth of ap
^ m tba qaaetloo
_ of ntl ___
Maninette freiglu trmio at Oikoaiera
tlw’iiobJom Hot Ttrtiere tMrs to
p.e l«y WBi
aeoaeattoB aa to the feanUdlltr'..f
bps car.
wi..m He got bol.l of U.e Iron «*,. of the oar
where, one.
■Mt ^
11? diiiike.v wu« ratber au nuax-lable
aiiliMal Binl aa. me aallellevl wliL wIdulna, hut Mfeu-d iiw ou far Iwyoud
brartitg of uiy r
laal be tboucLl fit to .larken
|ui.v. .ta L. ea. (hue walking
along I Iwgau 10 I'satulii. tbe
of UiJ |»a-ki-t and ><iuk out Diy
as aaaclilBi amar eiTli'Hie ui.iivgxr.
digneuily. "If y>.u were m.i going
aWB}. I aliutrid be itonurlglit angry
will >00 for enjllig »lMi IliJng. lo
Bie." Kbr i.ru.lH-d tbe ■■barii>«
y.ni Iblok
aerrouv Uubiw«
k.vp Uk-m.
ao euiall that I would k.v|>
trvpUic of my ■'uD>|u>-«t>}
I.} You
V. ilu not
Slaiiy atv Miuivnlrs
fnilu of dltlg.«l huulbig
In .tirio
abof». It to a bold.} »ltb me. a>
OUglll lo kuow. Illl. u«-w lil»e."
■be iH'ld tip an oddly . bleed snrer
boon. "1 idckiil up
Itomedes'i tbe
other da.v.~
HU Uiv bad aufteb.-d a. be detected
vjulvrr in b.T.vuk'r.
you aay. i tui guJug
rreu ‘niorv than tbat.
glTMi y ou a ebarm. There wvre aiwayi
ao' UilUy Olbere.
truui you. la t me lake tbe sllr«w bean
t teniir. Tb yon It to a OBail tblng.
b tor-V
tie ptnanL Sbe bad turned egaln
ta»l ..ir. II.. iiranHnallv nrnaril in °*°*t>*
I»>t bto bpld ber study of tbe Are.
..Uort J?... tiX
A 1..
"“r; Tbe ibidow derpened 00 hie face,
l„~ ■■-I.f,
,1.. »«wto I.UI
iweaed oror him. grladujg bto but be conUuued. wlib a forciid toogb:
-Ob. I will bring It baefc igaiu. aever
tar.' And wbo knewi but Ibst lu exUlarge. Tbe Ctodlllwi lUadle
perieovre lu canip aud on tbe batUewill perb.pi b. tii. ImartoetWe
thor bar. .boat Wii.tWl foel ot n-ide j *»>.pp.>l lb. I«y a few Lonri irerloM flcld may enbaDcc Itt valDe In
oa Midi which will be oaDt for ban-;"“"‘"If
to you lo ssfrty-’
Tbe girl turned mputolvely. • Yoa
SmT-olir LT .
ildaru of eanaod Jrsli Butt bad aal
e- W..A.A1B..O. lUHA. A- - ••rri
bMUB sgieedafasi hla aunt, Mri tV-' ■
BsUaSiultb fnrflOO damigve. alleglag aiietcoBcbt amaUiBx into hUI
J a' card.
Ws. the' naderalgaed. do h«aby
e to refond the moary on a bdfaouls Of Ureaae'a Wartaatad Syrd -«W .tf it JbUb to «ws yoBt
^a way-oar at North Laming. Ki<fd U«eni bottle to
baa a eompanioo la the ear who will
» b|B MrtBg hto illaeaa. 'Utoj '
t WAIT a «oir«
about not coining bti-k again. tVe
—your frtende ein t spare you.- «be
tmll.-d up'lD bto face si sbe fasteoed It
on bl« auleh chain. "For tbe aake Of
old times’ lint ebe knew tbil U
meant mure Ihan'tbat to blm.
.He marrbed kwiy with bit rrgtacBt
aad ebe waved o flag and ebeeeefl with
the rval- Afterward the wcaki atrrtcb<vl out ^to montba. poortuated by letBbIpboanl>nd finally
fruiD tbe I'bUliiplars.
hbe foegot-ber Intrreet In ber ebanu
•D<I berseir. It wai a new expertoaea.
Betweea 8wD diye abe went to Red
Cmi BeetlBge aad read war balleHna.
Me told becasU that it was her toufi
Sfe Jyave tb^m
aa abe wbl«|>eml. “We hJive IkuIi euf
Hb. tuuk a laniUlied beart trsitu a
Itlilem ruuud l»-e uerk aad eald In a
totw lutir mirthful, half e<T>»a.. -You
m>l B.ke<l lo Lave your .'lierDi
hack. Irtit 1 .ball gl«e It to you.. Take
Iwtier rare <tf II. for ILta time aiy
’Ms »r iIBcd and mlwlng."
It w«a bto reglBrnt. A,di
.dreadful f.«r
e tbe lilt of Ibr BlB-
V bile I'n. ibee mv-npleil
-Bplnl tbe doBkey li»>. who liad run uuuo-h-Mly ifter
me up llir aaloL eu.hlttol.v ruebrd op
aud wlifa hlowe urgnl my duukry
again at full a|ieed. 1 bad ouly llmi
gm>4> ibi- relu« aud away 1 wrol. U}
ttViiMii.-v 111] MOiiereil Iwhliul me aud
i ahoiilliig to the l«iy tovlentol.
Tbi-M- l»ya run a* fair ae Ibr thiu
k.-ye. and lo auewer lo ill my a<-oldlng
be replied. *Vr«, adeaue, you veer guv>I
dookey: be .wiled -Klylog ImtehuMinr "
Aud IlM-a to ke.il the buliue of tbe
tiume. uuoilef l.hiw lu urge bliu for
ward, lu a few ulnutoe I w ae ua the
hsuk ot tbe nvtr. lung befure my cumiwuluue, aod Ib.ni tbe liuy had tbe offroulii-y to aek fur tuu-kebemb for bm
lug gut me there Oru:
Amoug eOBiitry ttowlrii-al .vHupanI
SuprretIUulia are urure varied and r
tendid tliaii auioiig jurtrv>|>’lltBn
and ire uf lonrM- niurr lilliMlIy ainl reUgluualy adto-rod to. If on eiilerlag ■
town wlM-n- ib.- next ••istol ' to lu be
made a grav. vard to'vtoll-Ie on tbe
right ehle of the railway tra.k.
evuntry luuiiami'a b<-art ewella •
Chinese and Japanese - liii|>onalions. plain white
and fancy c^[ors in stripes and inlaid.
icna::........................ :...............
ped la caaree paper ws.
Rtort. anlebed with a 4
“3ust Ter
dl__.1___ **
18 an
We will
a Green Satin
with a purchase
of a
or more
(while they
to select your
Spring Hat.
Tie. Cloves.
■ Nothing but
the .
to show
Never anything
but the
to sell you.
Free to every
and Monday.
Our Spring Stock
The Detroit
'Evening News
and Morning
Is a record breaker in everydepartment
»Hats. Ties. Shirts. Gloves arriving
Hamilton « «
Clothing Co.
e.vlul rMi Tv> iww
Tbe Evening News
Association, arnma. am
inter# (jrai^d
Hr. Frank ban Frcsenis the Gifted
Emotional Actroa,
Supported ty J. HtAZIER CROSBY. JR. ind u ndniniUc
company, in a Gnnd Scenic Revival o(
'crtMlur arv«*«w, uru
Msder Andre.
Siwulh TrsvtoW rvy
Tbe nufortuotte
■■Wlniied ao many I'hltodrlpbto girU
orlng the Urvolutloii. wai someUilug
■ a ^1
Ibe little exhlMlIun of hli
Mncilflceit Warhrnbe. CMnplele Scenic £41
cty llimun Hcait.
autograpb poem, ratber graceful la lia
form and ratber fresh lu Its arottinem.
to ibnv. aud ■•e«ldr It are « auatwr of
Ibst the young mau cut.
Tbe poriu to dedicwtnl lu n young Wuman. ana If the line*
abv wa*
a'very liramlful
tboagb ebr
ba« beeti duM fur niany yean uow. Tbr
elUiowttrs are uf llrltlsb ATBiy utDrer*
W a* rlguruui aud full *f
• tbat slight turui uf art
•duilin. It wai Ma}or Abvire. by the Sr'.;. ..A,,
way. wbo loliited tbr wrucry amldntp
curtain uf Ibr uid Southw ark Ibealrr
lu South street, below Flftb.-rUla- Ss5^“
MtiI toetsry gem rerStoU tmsuew.
drlpbto Bvrmd.
- '
.7*- T
All grades, plain and printed, tip from............4i>c
e lu r
rufibr ,
I had tuund hto way wltUu.
.•V complete line of all wools, cotton chains, uo-
Buy the
Best and Be
tbe left uf the tvad be Iweume.
presera as b.- laktyi, tb.t fart 1
warulng Ihat hto ‘-buidlitru.’' WU
small durlug bto mgageDieut lu
pU<w. hucb a manager.*
give Hum.- iiiau or Uiy a fnw pa>a 1
liuertble rertaluty of bla tuiBe In
prim could tHl ber uotfalng. ttbe had
guewd It before. Dub vrae dead! And
knew tbit eomrhow'atl tba
•enllgbt had gone out aud left llfegrty
and bopeleea.
' UiT i-bala ebam wai dangling from Tte Sdtoe (H< Tile—Orcnnrk—
Ovemnia—FtiUic Streirth—
ber beil. and a iwlfi stab of reprviaeb
Treably—S h i k y~ Oistnarroused ber froa apalby. Sbe bad ta-eu
NoTOB-SUlUic PdlM-Vdkm
SO nnfecUag tlwt IsM aigbi. But. than,
sbe dM not know tbat sbe iuved bis.
Resl-Wdrk 1 Ttsk—K« Ufe—N«
Tbe ebain bruugbt It all bark toe rlvU.
Vlm-ICo Eiem-A Bad Cw41I.r-lbeflrellgbt and btofaer. .Hbr sb«
tlM-EtsQy C«red-Here'$ the
Up tbe gtlCtrrliig tbiDg In tbe deplbe Of
her treasure box. if sbe eouW ouly
Mta. Oal M. OHIatoe ot Chlbouu 6L.
bare burted memory with It!
Midi, aya: "1 ba*a baan
And BOW ■« tbe day* irrut by shs miweg.
roabled wtUi BarrouiaaB (or a losg
VBtrbed w«b B burrlble laientaess f«r
sBd wbM 1 law Dr. A. T(.
____j'e Harra PlUe adragtiaad I gut a
tbr beart to eoBe hack io ber. He
sahl. -If uuthtag should bsppea to box and Bsad Umb. Tmt did ma a
toe. It shall to emt back to you to
gbr knew tbat-wiBebow or other R lag n QBlatiac Md auBthing oCeea tm
would cHoe ba.-fc lo ber. ami It did.
- *
goCaalty SB tba ^----------creet car*. Octn
AllJJevndL- I
tbe Best Produetien of *’East Lpnae*’
Positiotfp tbat Bas Bean Presented
in years ««.«««««•
uuaieeaus t,jr Vdswt
.- S.ai M tbr tsuin
y. r.«»wto..-to« u •
« pm iM 1> aay
Tor Quick Results Cry a
Record Want Jfd
they Jfre Winners
ssrsrcisf^lir-ipi ^
tlto and t
__ JT&.T
Or. A. W. Gtoae'a Hi
Brand Rapids Tiimture ^
ODH MOVS-'lliUw'a F
toe geam. prarawto
wTSBto BBtogliB. Tteu ia
labU MtotottoB BMC sHeg.
ad to toa pBbito
to toAL PitoUtvaly gBBnntoad. Fftoa W “
mtumtK r&A
kappraad at that (hcrry M h«C Ihff
SaitW that taok fart la tfea s»—
imy aaMtaw wlH ha«a
Mdr a pewarfBl ffMd «ar«r t» U
UthaoUdara. Thr?
a paasoad .-Dru- for aaiaiHrtas
aa bad
VB Itaa^r I** taUtoff roB at.
Barrwa pteMad hla «a]W at tk»
Itama M had a bard .Jah fiw • (oat of tbr biU aad rilabrd ap la tha
crrr. Mr araa aaMda a( a Uab sad
flrl la <br M«t. Wadidu'l kaw ahevt
) ad atMil )4rfcrd thr haafcrt fall wha
«al al tm aad raolde i oad^ai
hr all or a awMra dIaroTMod a crladr.
'4tff Miad aot]|«tlir n- wfr^TUac
Hr «ai lianllj ri.ll t» M«.
|*n»ir. 1bo«h -IH- arha »M
•Mcb tu ka Wa »<abrr. aa<) wla^i hw
«!.<*• r..>r uj. from WalU Malla U
a raa|4r of >>*k« Harruii has
«ad •# s» off vMb (ilB
aalk/ afirr atn;
«Mo. aad T«o< ,««a1
r i>r Ibr plrla. awJ lb«
last sbd prstclrsi of ibr b>i. HI
t Book*. mualSMsI al Ibr csoi-fa.
n of bl» ilmr daddins brr.
r >»«
>»iM s'lib anfbud; abrarl
Ifr'd rhtiwr
I Ibr )ob '
rtf Irva'
d Ibr bora siokrd H is
Ida «ktl-'drrd aitf tbrr dbi
Oat Ularrrr «t«U norsl Ida a
aad Ihrsi. and •I»a. Joat brooHful
arr bow abr pbfrd LIU vbro br uas
. Mr’d rorarr fata aa lbs rrrai^a sad
•St bia falUns aluol tlk hast and
ahoM tollrsraod l<iwa a;>d minrrala
Mo vasB'l DO alowb mb nluratbm bsranr. Miosrrr «>aab'i. iboucL
araao't Isih'dc <»> 'u Harrw. Hr
bass Jodsrd l*rf raiairr fruw >
Vs rtdr ahd abas, abd lir an brr
4pVB drol card out cif tbr l»t a> obal
tbs asairrti paprra rail “a foulut of
tbs vUd and wouUr usal." Hr waa
^ Vrd W asHus a sin all llinl ai> lu
sHk aad falistoOB |>n<aJillns at a iralablr as aounbluf likr ibai.
Bm I waui r«U to aW» Ur tbr fraab- rtsalors Ibal alu'l a iiiatrb fur
tbr aols errry Hmr. Ulnm; didti-t
«an 111 rartus a ICBaa rarlblus f«r
Kama, but it pl<|iw«1 brs tlui ba aim
fuwbl aby. dbr JOat laid brrsrif out
to brlBS blu duirii.- BtMl »* *l- J'*“
khOO tbr old layliis al«ut iiLayiiiE
Wllb Brr.
Hr arumati iraa ronkitut fur Ibr
dtoabroa 1^. dtn-iun uiir aoiuaa
• (Binr Brat. Kb.- *•! on b. fur U-forr
Bunr o^a Hut HInmr naa ]ual
aUwt saline brr bran out utrr j-ount
rm oabb a oaMS or buounu.
trbsn bs «aa off on Ibr ranss
draopad.aod 1 dually u»k uy nopan'a
vkw of IL
Abd It got nr mad. luo-niad wlib
waa aaflnraBIHaa
Borrob. UIm
Ibna- brrr famlbllla.
WT carortsd orrr• II
■»d to V*s a
waa off brr frsd ]ual
To kiodrr brip lunttrm aloigi 1
(nil to bint |>mtr alruiig to blin. Rut It
waa dangssoaa bnalnraa. i i
hsorsr to poMlng lo luy cbrrta and
ontling wiib tbr tuukrr la my
. You ars. H.urou'd l>r<-ii >ulikd inui
Isaa right ak>ng.' for all tbr Iwya
on lu tV play, bin no nua •un-ftil
abooi oalag Ulsra. la-l mr tail you.
SBsrponcbm may br a tough lot. but
ws don't VDdy abeoi womro'a naurs
-oot good wotnrn'a nauira. kaatwl
o ibe bny onr day: “If yea
aa-l sorb aa Iblck bradrd. all
•. you'd Bsr 1VI
of brr fan
1 for
you. Wby don't you walk op to Im
Uks a man aad offsr to marry fanT'
Now, miBd you. 1 was only liimlns
dklnt iBtrod to gtrs no uBriiar a| atlbot tfaat boy was Burr quick wllb biB
gun. Lani: Tbs nasals leokrd aa !•'
aa oos of Ibsto caunoo mrr io II
^loo'l yoo STsr oar iVt Udj a nan
again la'Bocb a Mnnsr.'' braaya. “c
aU M yea V. lYI tom loov oa you
Tbsm laBy uoi luts brm inai bis
wiwda r« I admit 1 was kind of But'
rtsd. bat tVy tnrludr Lla mraning aU
ipBhaft. but bs waa gratlrr than srrr
afisr tbsL Bsekoo V pitied brr
•m. Woodned. I a*ruar. how « talcs
girt UV Vr eoold gst'to likii
■roaat rfaap Uks bUu. A man «Vs
bssa JUtad IB lorr la lbs damdsat ertttar that srss walksd.
Bs bagaa by Viag
thaogbtfal aV aitsatlrs. Ils rods tbs
raws most of tV tins, hot wfaso otta
cf tv bays eaaw In oo an smad Barram would vnd sontibiag V Hloarry-
“" “ S cvssr
X4 3. Hlnmvd of tV lotol Ovpvtor'a Dakn Va aatoVml
trem tV Aiaartet oaohoU of
A Vm With Sova Qoon Pmlhinii
■Ih «V nemmt com iff Macaa re Mar- tv OarpaaVa Uatoa at &L
tV. va of tV IilV eoeito wm eeltod wbtobtoaa loUiVi:
8L LooiA iCo.. afatefatoh. tarn.
apoa to onMtras a wtU coonl
TV foUowlac aRVrtas U tv sdOfnuaj wlU bt pamiurd to aatatala
itortol ookmaa of IV Bt. Loaia Die
a lantr •«* <« Cafibb—o waiaia to aimpte fnm wv darlaad to oos Bob-rr for tbr protaelJoa of tJacmaa a«- «t JVh MaffOb wtxVnl wortlaof Urn- paacdi of FobnagT «. MnprtoaB a
.t of Caan aa tVy astot
r* aad (stpprtty rtffhia la*««ad bj Itotiao. VI aablaet to tV feUowlag
r rreqaael torolBUoiiB la Ibr booth eoaditlv; “Bat tVtoid Vtoart 9olu> in thlB dig. to all Vildtag ttadaa
Tow ars ragBaated to htteg it to IV
MagM aVOl MW Vra power
all naobaam to year
or htortguge any A Uwas ka-la. anr
WrlL Ibrrr waa that rooiNMM'brr W9
tbs irss wltheot srsB hla sub—bs'd
abpbsd It a« vbsfi far atartrd to rilab
Vloma Vt jBit rscHrsd iv ttlir <
Ibr trunk —aod a LL_____ ..
Us hiod Issi and atlstrldas blsasir
to rsa> k IV bor'a dansfli
a. . Altbobgfc tV
bla .
BoM-a IV fassr ma V coaMB't rUv
Mt to I foransta only for IV
fatiu out V Budr up.bU mlDd to sliaks
rot of rlgbta gwanhisrd to
and only
Asrmao caiMlal aV rttlirwa. tl airrody
bill a
rwcialots of Bvr Tsnrto. aud ll U latsodr«un.
Than -K»r a raus of dodsins arooV rd lo alsadily Insrsaas tbU oumlirr.
dfflrhU Iwnw la 1V an|UlallloO •
Ibna lanrbim. Karroo via llcbt
ilr Am-fc and cWlng otalluo. Tha
artlis. but IV brar oaa tagrr
r la raimalocd In HsrIIB tVt DO
boOBd to nakr an sxaapis of IV «r«
will V maV to IV malMsfsllrr V d raushi lo fata orrVnl. Ahd
MBcs'or tV Bast In tV Wsol IVka.
•IV old drrll
rd lo'hsrp bnwsm Bayroo and bla fus Vcaaas II la luseded to V solirriy fv
drfsfwirr purpoosa aod DOC to arqoirs
all IV tuns
Wni, Ibna two Hrslrd about tbars irrrtbiry ' li k rtalmsd that tV ivprsa .bum timsa ontll Barton waa ^ •roialluna ot l*rtoss Itmry .and Ik.
roo Holklssi Vre coD»lDcrd IV eSiilsh playrd lo a fr«kals. Rui *1'
date at naiblagtv IVt oo curyn dsnu> or dk, aod Barrvo aoddraly f*
Silniarlf ilmd anxiMia lo llvr srsi
V bad brrn ihRiwrd doWB by B Sirl IB
inoa of a nola oltild got
bsrr ia torgs aanbrn with U>a oh>ae(
In bn way ca
play tbsir ssutrasaa CVn by ars
a Elatii’r tbr cfaBracIrc of tV win
tlH-y arr aVut lo sxamlnr si
treating Ibmi accordlwly. t>aktBS
waa tamous al Ihla. In a cats Is wbkb
bs waa sogagrd a
box drsaasd In
tv Vlgbl of fgabloa and wsartng a
alanVd wblts oscktls foMsd
fold. In an Iwtaul BrsUoa
Ibougb V Vd orvrr
wsrr bprn sod bird
pmvlrr.'' Crratly aaloMbsd al tbla
oi>snlng vmark. IV man admitted
Ibal bs waa. “Ezastly.~ obarrrsd tV
grsel crow sumlnsr In a lOBvrrsa*
llenal tour. “I knsw ll fium lbs ah•Iird Hr of year Dsrticlotb
TV ruara of lai
sissy psrBuo in t
alugir rxss|itl09 of tV i
wig>r.«. wUi-b followrd ihli rrjolodar
suDiidrirly rffsstrd tlrakJnr's purposs.
wlilili was lo put tbs will
•Iktr of Bgttalion and rool
fors towblug op tbr farU i
wbl<-b V had coats lo gits srldsocs.—
In grral i>n>rb booara of days g
U oo
In gnla
dl>bc* wesr Ittxtugbl In t|y srstanu la
full ammr. tuounlrd upon car
Vaniroacbn wliUo'a Vir nils of anetfasr train,
lodssd. we can last at
wsU bars an appaniua wbicb will op
to tv sogtot’a IsTcr aud
ilawtog tv tnU Vwn
Vlf mlls's dlannc
r wVn two trains
TVa followsd bis detailed plai
“kV exampk.- V said, “aoreoas '
wm lu pot a tranaaltisr on srtry
train, la IV soglnser’a cab fv cooTsalsDcs. Blocs tv aerial win or otbsr
form of ootstda rscstrtog appanina
couM V ptoved just ouUIV and tbs
eenb coonscUto maV through tV
pUqrd undsr tV
clocfcilka aiucbnsnt fv
esal and
keeping tv
Cuoataotly wbea tV trwlo was la n
Cion would V all tV apparalu* aec
sary to addlOoo to IV avrUv <
and local cirvuli."
Hark Twain oaa MimaetC.
Hark Twain la ao well known by bis
pseudonym that prupis frequently addrees tim at Ur. Twain oalil bla Mennty baa amom^ a aort of Jefcyll
Hyde qviliy. aV V doeas't ki
bimasir wbotber V la Mark Twain or
ftomnsl Oleowaa. It reatained for tV
ever logealous oat's Vy lo carry the
dual Ideolity tbeory lo Its uimoa
Ratper's IJlemry Ooaaltt called ■
tv BlirsMUnls al dU
waaud to ars was abasot. To make
arnrr look prresdsoss ovrr all tV
aure tVt hit rtolt aboold V reported
Mbrrv TVy Cloud probably on sasfa
aad VvlBf BO card with bim V gave
aids of iVlr lord. TV nrssr. It
both hit aamee to tV office boy. Tbit
was tv latter’s report lo hla aaperlsr:
pUrrd IV dtabst oa tV tabb.
“Ur. Ctomev wai here. He aald V
waaiod to ate Ufaik TwaV“
A lagoey
bu Brtta:
•^-S.-Df.Sr - “««W-
'W-Haw T«k
Have you seen the eiei;ant KING we are show-'
iniifor$2.»)> This is the
time totry KINGS. Doa t
you know it f Find it out
lixvc an of Rubei Bi«.‘ apntig
Her. Taylor Bononl.to an addtwaa
Wnolens on
sure, llfi Cam strccC
Vtcrs tv BraagaUcal Alltooea Moa
ohoald marry «r do uy- Vy. oallV aitooUoa to IV laet iVt
Ifatog bad.aV U le get twvtr iwabda Ifaa tfaaa ooi of w^ who are awnuilAgacim wars al tog toio tbu city are aaabto to oVato
so givta to IV taotatar'a iliros daogb
aad door for lUr.''
anpleyatofai v.isfBgs.
Ba nld tVl
hM; VI. -Hf aay ot tfaoas tom aamod tv eight af tfascaewdaof *
ftotolaa 6o OBytbtog.ladiffeMi.'' Vr BBto trytog to Bad a vaefafai apot to
porttou WM to V dlnood anoa
tV Socr of tv -old Vaxt* at Blv-
tV otfaarw—Vw Notoo fv MaiV.
toth and Loenat aiveta. for a aigtat't j
ftot, aSaotod him ao tlmt V wm aa-1
Sals of WUs'gPropMty-Kiaadulsirt abto to etoep Tbsee anw. V mid. i
Itampa. Htoy of tbam wtoe
gtory.—«: tVBie Ksp.. No tt.
aad akillod. yet eoald Aad
aotlilag to do.
"With ooaamoto id for ooly two
wafUeV WhUe losara wUiw arr tea tTw-lnao iheikuogfei cf toal wurn tkak
wmJ wlUnmroa iVwefuar .Mitoahw t-uo abUO. dVuw^ ihr Iu<p1> Dow
bolldtoffi tor Ibe Worid'a Fair 11 to;
tooltob (or maa to
Sook w
tbla oily i
wlM eotoro BOW.
■ao tv rtok ot tailing Into
Xbm ^abj^ wy taUiortto_^TWi^«m^ ritori yen iwajiww^l a I-aikarto^jjorr
otter dOaHtotiw.''
‘TV Mly'biras wV are ffoVtog
to tV Oity to tV Vv t)t World'a
Ik aoarcity
.. wor^* TV iwoaa oPlV eoaauy
aboold make a note of-Abto."
n iirt. — I. i.xieeay.
OI ....................
........ He- M.IX.
..•l.•u™^.|.>.•• V ottoerred.
e..y It to a vdiTu iutcnilob
11.- ..Ill a
burilv out over
wtOfb isalala the iii'igi’ -agTallrwU to elmiglVe and reentotoaS (V dlcwSlv* w-
llqoer to a mtoor,
that aoel. tuLoer
•-igbimo y.
old. hod a heavy board. oIMB drank
to aomiony wtlli bti faxfa>-r aa-l deftoilant. druok ligaor at
Uonie with
tV eenoeot of bto panou. abowed all
tV evidmos of maturity, and dafmdut was not infomiad of bto mioority.
iMufBciaat to aop-
|iort a otovietlto of IV offeaas of
llqacr too minor.—tol.Soalbwei
Bop. No. &
then-aii.vnbc flto.utni) 1
I l•■l■-g|-tl|•ll l» ll’S eklsp
.1 4W n
liig cirlgliiiiliij f-r ukiii Hm-v
agnlli Ik- lieu««l a cliiiiik uf brIOietoBe
inioiiPlv al 111- uimlTa-ndlin; tiaico.
'Ilui. after 1.11." I..' ail.lcil «l».nglilfoH.v. "I .luu'j know a- I Vv.- any
right I.. tluiiik ilial Ibal I am nut aa
U..alem 0..U
My i.re.lec«e..m gavr
ms a grenl .b-nl of awldaieV wiu,
roy iHlginal u.vUipi In
lll.-baid a
.Hill rialne wllb a grunt
diiMcl i-ir bto Inng-talU-d .oat.
V diiMr
IV aUuua|ilMr«
lleMrd ble plv *
nn] iriHlge.! puffing ■
l-ortbitMl I
»V 4EI-I-
RailrOBd—Fytghtcmng llora.-*
thoBgb a alotutc requinw ibe tdowipg
of a Uax>BWtj\s whtolle at a M-rtain
point for a eraoBlng, (tie eompuy will
liable fur th-- trigbiwiog
buna by a wtiiatie, if tV angineer
r..lls oi WaIH’ji<r juaf'rc-
«w aad itolixod tbfat ii would frigbi-
i ciieil and plaml <m aalr today
to him, io tlis atoetfad- Of a abowifag
Ka U.
3A A OO.
agatoaf tV Mobila^ad Ohio »»-iirr-«a
iVt B0 tooDvery oould V bad agatoit
imirlood ooaijaay for Tuaatog over a
Bay 'dc«
Tboiv coo V no prsaamp
Ito of Tuloe,
M Id
The new Ekaf TaffuU fur Lininss-alFsilk 300
--per yard.......... ..................... .....................
I'hc lloston Slorc.
that tojuy to auotVr at tin- <T>«aiBK
might Vva roaoitod from failure w
eosea of otbsr
etoaoMOf aaimato-BO Sootbem Ke|i.,
Dress 6(
Will V in TrgvriCe City March
l>hh xml 'Jifth. Kubel Rroo.’ rep
i.esier' S.
will have on iliapiay their enoriiKiiu ami tnacniliccnl iiv of uploiUic nobli)
Him Uaate Uaridiy of Qiaiid Hap
Ua to vVitog Mm KatVrioe Barry
suitings. ' All in*
\-iteil lo look iheiji over.
il. Hcuniann. ll.T Cam street.
Hra. Mtoats Imwreooeretnraed Fri
Extra values in Heavy Skirtini^s
day algbt from Ohleago.
O. 8.0avlatofiUitoaftemooafvPeloakey to tV iatorvota of tbs Unal D.
O. N. K. lodgs.
Us will visit Kalkakaa. Osotral l^e aod GbatUvou
Vfotu bU tMani.
^ tb( Boston Store
Bay Ohunfa of Obiaogo lain tbs
rity eaUtog oo old (rioDda.
D. R. OampVIl of Onwn ia to the
oUy today.
Ooorga Aab lafi loVy tat tV home
of bis PSUTOU ia wisoooain oo a vVt.
O B. HeUaaae wmil to Ofaioogo to
day on boedaesa
Ed Dtoomocsof Uapla Ony lata
wwB on buatodm tmtoy. ' r'
Hr. aad Hra. Ed Anaatroag of Sid
ore mouratog tV tom «ff
At a i>4nilar aunimer tewsl I
Jooepb G. liarUagum baa bssa
was .jitltr a .vl.Hiy uf Kvpiii-klaat
Dsetos so farw to Waaada.
Blaetsd pinHaot of tV Ooiaa Leagot
IBM mimiDcr.
One day the laudlurd
A aewlag ouchloe for IV aUa to
deb of niiladslidiU fur tV foorth
receai I'^eacb ooUeo. U la lateadad
fv tv tos of aurgeoBs. la rmare
k said to pooasaa tV
“kVllUau Henry tlobluwu died last
nest raluabk tkdin in iV world. It
U * Rtradiiartua wfakh fomsriy b»
Tills was Blgfacd Hamid Doagtaaa
aad U raloV bt flV
The landlord. Delkvlag
arlth IV rt^ V fasteto tbna
toeant of tmia rtomm of alckH Vrt« tVl suBir Kentmkton of fame Vil
Hlaa Jsonis BlIcbbSS Va '
Jim dvl bad iV vnu anuoamv
potota which eoly peoetn
polnlro bca) managsr of tV
wllb blacfc rules
■da and ate aot palafuL TVas catchea tv local taper,
af tv NaOooal Mscnlt com
around tV auuoooreatmt. Then V
ars aiBttod V tV maebtot. a apai
nttslun. 1*0. H V UIKborc takco
began to aak bla gorwta aV WUVm
pUcs of Vr (atbor. wV rs^-SDtly died. ofplWrattoadwlth tbeat wbicbi
Heury RutrtMoa waa. Nolsriy knew.
V fftotofoctoff fay beating R rad bof.
Ansr forty-tbrss <
Aflrr -a • bV h Vwoed oo IV landA asw Bower or nnots tilt of ratnsral h* arrvlcs Harm MsrTill___ _____________
lord. Kamid IMurtsm was I yoiB«
la aaawcr to a aammeoa of (V fa
p fueUiUla or a big famd niaalvr
tV Buotaa LatU
iMUatiV man wV Vd rVgrrt a
•f dram mors.
Us la aorarodsd bt Aftbw L afaaos va to tv boms of Opt
roMB. ilia father bad died aV UafBang* of tv Tweoty-Uird regtio
lsl■anddro^ hVki% wV has
UuoglBm toes Ula method of abIftA hag caned “HeUoT
tv IjitiB arUuol piiKs ma.
ndlakbaakH orrtp<<
aoaochig rttat V would net >olo <V
vaire afatwoe
hUwrry'a lap. “ils ssoi 'sm.' aaya
'foatlre rriaoy. tlaruld Deoglaaa Is a
Biwot pmrt Bssfclacr k
tv greaarr. and a oonart wnan
VOB VvmtVr.—LealsTnia CourlV
"*•- W
“Wtol?- told tl
tkrsc world
•alcfa V IV gM'B r»m
t. oos
of wbicb femerty b
8V MBt bark brr ivnfca tn Bai
ks M-qoeso
ot Naptaa. ahd
-Ka.V va. aad wVe Bama aaVd aw tt lu tV
"OaaY ran pat aeme aee at
aV ’poand to UV IV ebettko I |iui
HIvbaae wV boa aoue intHIigeacer
oa Itftk. osw. I tall yoa. ,
**TWa totsUlgeww eooogb at lUi
TV MCI nantiw V mantd off with
baaVt aod nds olgta iwaoty mile
«a«Mda tv esaefa. bat oat aa tv
aSTFamUy FUto an Urn hsto
and summer liv ofnew^noidtiea
to tv wlU peaaaaa fmtarrw of ofgswag enplemeo
With tv World's Fair.
paeali rity, bat ao ggaMtoa waa aak-
lassBlos Tells •
.1. JkDto
“1 Ws l>fcn working oa
■ Mdylog my
vsuUoB of rsltooBd
rsltouBd comolout fur a
tlmr,” Uartvul
twtitallis ot [.salcs's Wsi-kly.
dssd. wr arsairsody iwabing-torwBrd
tv work uf squlptiluf IV rallnada In
with my devk« for Juirt tbla
Vlglum with
“Yuu know." V wsul on. “that V
DCS ws Vd made cmalD adraocca lo
auliig nirwuigsa ll was uarliwa to try
I a|>ply IV apparatUB to rallmad
iraia^ l•nwues tt ia ikh only Bsumsary
amd different luusd warnluga V
iwrrii iralua mnnlv lu^^Hwsits ditto-lluaa but ll to ala«^j>i<oo»aarj to have
'an apparalna wbicb will work uuly fur
very abort distaucra and uu Tartbcr.
aay a half mils. But bum I Vvr rmchsd tv point wbsre tbcn-dllDcuItlea uu
longer sxial. and It la quilr pusaUilr
to rqoip all Iralua lo aueb^ niaonsr
2lSto2* KttSStoUftSJ
with a
that 8c. Lunta Va seoogb lab
kwtaat faonla of proper a
U waa Vld that Hagaa> or V tbla Una, aad that It to too
for wortlnjcnsB aad olVra to i
V wiUi roferanos lo tfaaa
if you cafi't CO
and we will fit it with R
b^utyofa KING.
WfalditoL KliaHiB____
Mvwupapara to oihsr t«wu aad OUR MOVB-MiUor'a PVf^oy.
eitlr. weald do wall to tofewn thalr
aflrr ananw. iV offafao- U not Iwr-
Totode. a
no parson to InborU vy cf Van
IkirtrslkiB la dsolrsd sa«ksUlly V
raoas tbs Hrriln goisremsiit now wo- nttoao. node by a hoBbaad to indfaoe
tbr mat.
te’a ptvsrty.
Ttuwr BBS a rock a fsir roda away dsmksB IV task of dliwcilog iV Os^ a nto of bU arUi
mlgrailoo o>wtc«nset m, itouib
of iV mlA
VI l<a>ksd birb SBOUffb to nuko It a
Ilsrstefora iV work '
swal pterr lo V oo. and V knrw srtt- AiDsrtca.
allra arra'i MuaBy atvb on IV rUob
partoipottof to tv nacottottonA perHn, erlllns akad aat* aw bta prssrDi gy
nits tbsm to V ooqdactod by Vr
mainly leisVtd is Indues Usmae smlniloru. Karrun bfoks for iV rwh.
Ibuhaod. eueav Ibe eoattaoi tbua
i brd li )nai abrad of iV W. gnnta to arllis In Orrmta seloiika ...
: If tVy SBBUOC V Induced to go iVrs. tnduaed, Vd aoospis Uir tmli of bla
and iVt'a all.
serTtora.-«4 N. Y. Vtiplsmcst.
to Bstlla In Boolb Amsrti'a.
Tbr mil wai
aV Informsd iVl tV Csnnaa
I.UI tbr air U rkar la Ibsor lu^a. a
floaoctsra wbo conatrULlrd tV Vsor•
if staal
Bargtory—Kridrav aa to Tii
aV roda luslao railway which la lV anbyset of
Baqitoiy. by Btatute of nom of tbs
IBwutd IV raoss Ibal lUy l*rcauas bsr
Biatoa. to a mtaa that moat V
bran saa lo iVl dlmilon. lauat
dloiMae .rf tbelr tolUed Vtwaan oasast vd aunnas
ibruosb IV Staasrs sV asrn iwo bterfc
I Invralor*. SV TV auprsme court of Utob bolds tVt
Bssrm uu IV blllaWr. ons on IO|. Of
•iBlih la mads ibal OsnnaDy Is net in tba on eve to ooi proved ^y svi<too.-s
iV rock aod ons gyrai
TVy lookrd fnnny. and aV sods orsr 1 puslIloB to offsr adsquair |■rv^scllon Ibal ^^(Idlag was robto-d Irtkov
o Usrmao raplul aod Inrstlmsou lo
and saw It waa a mao BUd a brer.
»«>p. at. aad ddUa. n.. where Uw
Koulb Amsrka and that lbs. Ureal.
Tbm aha rods nssm- and saw wV IV
.Nurtbm Vmraoslon railway might raeoida show that oo (V day in qneaU
fare bsilrr In -IV
-iV VtfOa •uf I'ullad tioa iV aua robe V 4-A8 A BL
tv dsfendafat alols in tbr daytime,
blatsa mpHallaia
ahr Vd a VIr lartal aluug to Vf aOddkluw. HarroB Irtsd lo ksr|> bsr awty
from dangrr, but aV rods rtghl'ep
BllUIn icoi-rr dUtturs. droppsd tbs
aqi orrr iVl tisar'a farad aa pmiy
plciurs aod Ibsa ast Vr pony do'
itr bill at a saoiv.
iirfisr Rarroa could gst bla gua aod
uii up lu tV grtssly IV iruii
sb.Ard plumb dead. And I rsrkon
rtgbt tbm and Ibrrr Barron dm-ldsd'
a -girt w V kvw w Vi to V fv a
iMwlrgrd tiy a griuly would wnr
a dms algfat Vtwr In this reobtry tVa
girl « bo lookrd prstty hrblod
Iwaatwlas. V oV Ulasrry BUsd tV
iMakrt alih rhsTTlsa again and sods
l«rk to tV raneb loTsU IV
and.jwo atooiv littr. wVb tV para»h .-uuir Ibrvugb “rounding up“ tV
■uiipka. aa far door obi's a yras, Ihsy
marrlrd. and I ain't asrrr biard
that Itarrou waa'aorry bs wsnt sfiv
am toferwV fron i
rrr tVi tv atllni
Pitocs Bsaty'a »laH to '
Imptrtant «
Was a Big Day
Instead of 18 clerks we should have
had about lOO to take care of the
trade. Will however try to get organ
ized so you can get waited on promptly next time you come. We feel very.
grateful to all who have taken so
much interest in making oiir opening' . ^
day such a grand success.
Cor. Front and Union Sfe.
Ttm vtt*
t>r c. B. L*wto.j
u€ « wbo left tb«
MBter al SapWm. aad two of tbr t«rtf «m CoioMi oarioci ud Ut wue.
It «w tlw talk abcaud tbe MfaiMr
itwt (tar w«n oa tbMr bridal .oor, bot
■*• *«(« «naUi>uoM wbr acoo
« V «M BM beUtwc n. It BW
dWortw* (k*t bt waa at t«aat artM
rw W amor, bat ata
aliofrttar too BMdatabUr («ra bndc.
vaa a WMoan about tw«BV-«l(l,i rrara
aM a»d aa Laad^aDr a oi.r aa ro<
woau iMWt la a wrwk a.tnrH. but It
Wta orldrat Halt ata had u> (uri^ rr.
otT «»n» that appoan-d oa tar farw.
^wlclrt twedan tafon-w.-roortad
Napin ata woaM hato ILmwl. tararif
♦TWtioard had not nr tarUunat-Wd
at hasd to atcp tar. hot ta did
■t>nik at tbr saUfr to aiir
li aa AmAcaa br r«ra of rticumata area tat bacn In tfala eoaatiT hmc
ataacb ta aba«b (ta AtanKaa idaa
of baser. ta« anmmer ha waa ta
Laadea <a a elatt and hapfwala« to
tan bttahrea with a man ee aa a»pcr floor of a tall bdidliw took tta
Hfr to reach hla eOre. Tta etarator
oae of tboae exeewdnir drilb»
ata BriUab aaair>. .-aD4 tta aMfl-Uka
procana aBBorrd tta Amerteanlaad
w. Tta aalr otter oecapaat of
car waa a middle a«ed lSi«llab, wttb a aaaiuicr of pacaUarlr
Eacflafa arnoaaiieBa. Tta maa from
Aaerhw reetared to addrem blm.
-I think 1 eookl make a crest !»•
prore^eat la ihla
ta mid.
The KnitHahmaa hioked aeOotalr Intar»«(ed.
Uowr-ta asked.
-Why.- tbe other Bah weal 0(h Td
make K CO faatrr br a tltaple little ah
lancemeat. rd atop tta Ufl alleceth.
ar a»d son tta bolhUw ap ata
The,. Fnirllthamn lookad allcbUr
tfa a eaae of rtetnoetjl.
Tta euioiwl
lacee crow lo odd. raataatle
atapee. Dome of then, bare an orer-
nitlirr rspetllBc
aat opmtte'bcr aea at table.
Torfce. a roaflf nan of twtaty. Mtha
ata attune, dropped tta apota with
wbh» ta had aatas hb pwrtdc* *ta.
taklnc a pair of taatea from a c!
bacBD u> tneUe them on hb feet.
Tou aia cMnc to ac« tba wttc^ X
BOppaae.'%ald hb motfaer
“Ann b M( a witefa.'' ba iepUad.
“H’mr aald bb motber. beclai
I clear tta ubb.' “She haa al h
tawltctad r«t”
Tta yoaac man aiada no reply.
lai ‘troabbd. Ba knew the repurta
enrreat abeat tbe Ctrl-who bad taadnated him ata waa aStatad by them.
Nererttabaa be want «n ptRUag bb
“Why do yon think ao. tnottarr
“No aucb tblnc at a Bible b U
found In ber bonae."
flCnree of hlida. Tb.or are eahtwIOe*
and tnrt fuarketaUe for |>ra<11ral uw.
Bad It waa Bot far three or four <Ura In irUuiulnE tlwm liuu ebape manr
acaair aponite* are oiiido wfalrb ara
that I fuatHi br and,leal wtaiv Hier
hard for rblMreo a alat.-a. for blarkhad COBO. Tber were orrvi>rtnc a i Ilia
Inc al»e* and In ualliic |a|ier. Tbe
la tta aaburba and aromlac tu ahua
rarr aiknrillns to alie,
paUMtr. I laet (be orWie-i 1*<> or
e of tbe larciet eponcef known
thm (lawa la mr walla. I«t W ha.k
<a III .\ew Y.U-k Hir. It la fan abipe
«d aUaiaiit Into mr race bmI tiiade la,
1 ««.iue three fe.1 lo diameter. Kor
alaa of oevoi.'nttlaa. Aboot (•-u dara practliwl uiw l(.l> worthleaa. but na an
exhibit It I* valiit-.! at IPu.
had padaod and i wa* out ou the mo
The Ikwt a|iofi/ei> are Imported from
Ula tale one dar »beii I asw tb^cj
tbe lledtlt-rraiH-iiii. althoucb Florida
nei apinwrblnk l>r a |«tb fr-iu '
prudiKao M-r> Hue Tati.llea. TbeM
rUht. Al the aalur UKwuint a *er<
lu prlie Titan a <eot to tUU
• maa eame op from the .lire.ik.ii
iMr, floe
town, and a mottant laiir Ibe three uf
iDieOB tame $»W a puu
oa were auaJlas ioi.-.itar u-«td.- a
UnebowMerlnanoiavlix-vant. fbacl brwt of ibeee ore aaed !o anntlral ofe
a>r ej-ro oo bolb aa tbe.r dn m- t.vnb- cntluua.
other ma>Qcea are the nuiDdmka
•o. Ttar paid o« the hwkt athtitloa
‘ to ita. but Iiowed Bllafallr ii. earb oth baft, tta elephant ear. trelret. craaa
er. and eorh t-baiund coko t«r ati fb- and abeep-a w.k,L wbleb U teat for
atMt at tber luoled Inlo esi-b uttair'a waabJoc- Tbe cheap epvncea are eaed
orM I entorbow felt that lb>7 lu.-w la waabJac Mirrlace* and l.j iwlot.-ra.
rarfa ottar. aod tta
t>.nni<A vartaoa Tadlaa
embanwaiRB ftw tu.- 1 ««■ m«.ai lo
Thor »**• drtroti awar to a rarrtaee
Wtaa Iba ataamor retabod tta
~l pretame tbe ladr U here iu Nopliw
pvaued tta moUier. pcttloc ber laws
la andoDlIj aa oU barhr+w, while ata
iaa wile."
pa* oo when (ta neocuaji-r llfled lib
faandJn iiruuw( and uul'tir fcaU-(o the
^ whlta of IflBS w
fia.Xew ^laad. In
rtecr Chartea cat crac
akatea to hb fact.
“AanHoJUaierwU! wreck yoaraaol."
Wtaa ta bad rrlaled ib* liu-td<«t. hr
‘ ‘It'a bOttilDE to tutfrbn tbia cou|ita
are. biU I re made ap mr inlivl
The Witch of file
Charles River
In tbe orisliinl Mlth-iueiiU In Itrlttab
Columbia II |kk-itllar ln«iitii(l«n o<
alobed Sila linn** for tin- r.*! men i
and llieii. Tlila waa the "ikdlati-b.
tblnc to II* eo fon-lcn. •-.■•n lo the
PuIm- of ableh It la liecolteu. that wa
have nil nord or |•h^i«■ to cive ita
meanlnc. U U a leant
tne at'tbe exiierw of antiie man who
or ured what lie deemi
conahlenhle 'n-ealib. and who dtultea
wa ol
rita nr vlllace. ile doaa
B*|iln-a iB a elijerialn-
I'erriTBl aroae ata went to tta door.
Aa be atood looklncoQt on to the
lit Ice that rorerta tbe rtver be wboddmd. fiomrtbinc tokl him that bb
fflothiT waa riebt-be bad better keep
awar fcBW Ahk Uollltter.
“And you wUI cu. mr boyT
“1 moat. 1 promlaed to co tonlcbb*
reretral went out to tta marctn of
the river, a few ruda dlatank ata
oo the h-o ;;lld«d away. It waa i
mile akair to Aan a borne, but tbe 1(0
waa a» am.ntb and bit llmtia ao long
aad aluewy that be .-overed tbe dlaun«r la a abort time. Ileaebinc tba
plaee. a but no larcer (ban hla <
Pcrrival knocked at tbe door and
admltled. Aun lived with brr cr»odfatber and cratambtber. who aat
on each aide of tbe great flreplaca
wanuinc tbeir banda.
Ann led ber
lover Into tbe kltcben.
Utile, wiry acoiv. with a while fact
and a pnifOBlon of Mark hair.
nu." aald J'erclval. "I waa ttalnklnc
while comlnc In wbat chapter
Barred le«ik U to be found Hie parable
of tbe pow er."
"1 don't know. l*ernvak”
“<;m the lUble and let aa find ouf
“Tbe lllhle U loaned, rerclval. Oomo
and »U by me." And. taklnc her lot'er*a
baiM. Bheattemiunl to draw bUil down
bcald.- bet on an .wke.i Iwui-b.
"Nut ao. .inn. 1 wu.uld nut .■
bouae where there la im Bible."
lie liuiwd froui ber and htrode to tba
door. Ann followiil him. irv Ing
ide Uui from bl* ■-.-tir*.-. IVrclval
before leavlnc be turned
1 bl* baud, ill a me
be waa drawn down and bla li]«
glued to bi-ra. It waa aa If a eaddeo
bad arlaen to sweep away
bla farulilea.
-l,et me cor’ be rrled. "1 wUI eomt
acatii w ben tbe lUble la returned.'
Hie menUoD of tbe ra>-red bpok
rill came bai-k to him. and.
Inc aw ay. be atacceted to tbe U-e end
"Oh, welir
Tba men l.adtnl awap from earti
citar fi» a mum.iil.
'nw etraaE.'C
w*a a ^nrl)...uui:.'r lum. <in.I hla
drcan. took* B^^i iiH-aiki^ wiff pne>ra
of a cenileiiuita It .•nm- i.i to,- (but
be innartk- ibdSualaiiil of Ita eb>plnc
WMuaa «•! ibS ta lui'.l followed In iiBVr l•e.•n knnwu lo thniu awar oueb
t_ pnmult. Oiil.r (lie nnO.liw of hi* pvi-a a Bum of Iiuin.-.V that lli.ir "ikdlueh"
tahJ I>r tbe tt|lraM raultifi nlihin lil» ^a 1-en el'.n lu.a huee aln-d IniUt
leeoiit. Illa^T ten* a« liii|u*dve a*
tlfe fmat, and I4aiike1<
1W 1.1
a maik anil'hl. .oh- n«
apeairne ^^frlnel M the .-liih. H.«
to|^*rl an^^er the llokl* for liaff «'
mta||e an*llx-ii lunird m'ol uo'tk'l:'
fell ofewaBiow.
Althouyb It waa alx tulles
One of Khetidan'a tah-* waa nf an
Irltbuiaii who iii.-t a llni.m. of the true taetue. (uUoalDC tbe roOte over
tbe Ui- waa amooib. It wus but four It
t5.iilnly." reidtal tbeculuwl. with Jobu Hull fatlem. ktatHllnc wit*
_________ at ttmea lo croai the ruiTeul
oi/leiu|.lairve uowd. apwbcri- there wtfr caps,
determined which route to take, but'
' HHtaam tint armed, bnl a* n
Itlr bland.
pTcaeutly.'hcariitc tbe aonnd of abates
aaTwidPaw lu Hit mnmhic."
“Allow jiH- to difr.-f with yer as' c the amootb surfart-. be looked
"TfaauLa-aa auon aM.T raiirl—
cUlan-.! tta C.-lt.
su\l Ibt-tr ta-blud blm came tbe
rou ran loak^lt .■umeiilent.
In ihh
"tim 1 Imve. raid uotbluc. alr.~ re
witch. MTtb fresh t Ijwr be turned bla
plied J.diu itu'l.
face la a atralgbt line with bla boms.
"In Ita mrnnllnir I ahaU niaki- all
"And a tmiu way tUuk a lie aa areU
Now and again be woOId turn to cast a
tatvoaarr arranm-u.-nf." enbbnd tbe
B puldbb ii." itentbled tbe puenatirrMed glance over bla abouldrr and
^ oolaael aa ta fiannien-,1 on.
rlou* IinH-mlaii.
are tbe atwlle figure of Auu Holllner
• ‘ Tbe other |i«ikedafl.T him r.B-awhile
•TVrIuii.a j.n. are krakliic for flehtr
coming after bUu. He kept
ata Ibeu lurtn-d to me and i|Ui-Ho>).
qiK-rl<-.l the llrltnli.
watch ahead tur breaks lu the ice and
“Were >BU II fellow |•a**euc•'r .if hla
-Allew- UH- iw .-mnidliDmt ye oo tba
' da tbe KuterticuV
qukkin-e* of y.T |»f.iiHlon." raid
yards wide and eaaQy jumped. After
i .'T.ea."
I'alrli-k. ibtvwlDc down bis raat. aud
be waa orer It be turned and watched
% !*Tb«i roo pnd>
pnd>aUr amleralaml. I Unit liter pll.-hed tu.
Ann pelt It. When abe reached
. «rttb to avwhl inihll. co**l|> a* uin-b at
. It. abe did not aeem to cbinge ber
■ poaalble. I ahall kill mill bere toniorttrokea
la tbe least, ralllnc acroaa '
» row miwnlnr M fll;
At a twbuuct gi\<‘u niTiiily in I'aria
■. see that II la luiHiral
by a Kit-in-h CuumeeB tb<- gurwia re. ■
"But tbe pulk-c'— I becau. wlien ta ccIveJ a
jumped, and bli
m punnier alao
-cheeked me wliiir
tbe ceal.T tif the table waa wUat
paaaed peer U, tbougb when
she react"Uooer «'U! Bilenee litem .and ebtaa peand lo ta a huce jijk- of rox-a,
ed the farther aide rctclral
K orer.
I>lndlr-li-t aie .-xiini y,>u. jnat l>.■r•we anup na* w-rrrd (he r
she ollppedand atacEered. Bnt'atlluie
Here la mr eard."
parted, dlaebaaiic a larcr birdeace.
be happened to have ibe Bible
Hortnc tbe flm half of tbe ereiiltu; 1 TbIa Midd.-n% upeniil. reveallnc a
mailraiii my mind t-. liate nothlnc for- beautiful .touoc lady adorn.-.! with lo bis mind, ata to this be at
tber lo do «lib Ita affnir. l-iii l-r-re
ber dls.-ottifltw. Al last they «-atoe to
wins*. Ube lemalned lu Imt atransa
aulac to lied Tde. hli-.l to fnlhif It lip.
tbe mala rift tn tbclr way, but a few
pcnlili.n durirc the dinner and IntroI . and (be aun bad inn lk-.-ii up aU.ie Ofbnudn-d yards from rerrlvsl s borne.
dueed ea.-b new dlab by aJaistac a
teee mlnui.a wlini I »*• nt tta U«,lTbrgrest yswnlng giilf sent icrtur to
drr. Cwld(M-II>a.vt.iu« B. <
bis bean: but. flxuv bla mlta ou tbe
aralkinc l«i-k and fonu, mi-I nfiiT a
boly book, be pot oo all apn-d ata went
n>a LMked Oat roe.Wamhee Oao.
hanchty bow hr cate tor ii» fiirtlier
"Hate y.iu e.er dou.- anytblDC to safely orer. Ann wit now ckwe bealientMe. Ita olW came up ten win- better (be ewntUllon of any pan of tta AM. lYesently be besrd s sbrtek ata
atea later, and they l>.wed tn eaWi oth- hBuuiD race!!-' aald (ta werr aerioua a si>1asb and “Help me. Perrlvsir
ar. Eacb bad a i-lBlid <-aar under hla
cry from the girl wbo bad bearm. and at ttay at<k>|k-.l ot-i- them t
"Of etntrwr I have." anawervd tba anirbrd blm eoatided atrsngrly bnman.
aleinied off nil |Mcra. Tb.r.- waa no
Tornlac. be skated bti-k. and there,
choke ur pwaltlotia
F:arli hia.h-d bl«
dinging to tta thin edge of tbe lee
awn weniain. and I aaw that Ik>i1i were
pearewt him. waa Ann, atnjgcllng to
cold bandied revulrera. Tl.ry were not
yeacb a place that would'not break un
taru nilnotea ccKluc rtwdy. and tln-n
der ber praaiwe. rercivat went to her.
my centleiueii iKUhled m ea. h ..ilu-r
foe any held out hla hasd ata n-acued ber.
and aaumeml dowu tv the n*-h mark- ^lettrv. but tb.' oUmT ilah wae iboa keeplw: bla mlud on the fllWe to pretac tta leoth pno-. I did ted i-ia.ily aainui.d up br ■>.: •idgrainmalh-.t'ui-.
also breaking tta lock Tben
hoow what waa n-qulrnl u( mr unili nlabuiuii: "i’ll. I urtU.'* L.- raid "are the two akalfd for hla borne.
both looked at me. Th>ni I ali-pia-d ate wit,-w. \Vh.-u:tbey'ii-l»d.tber-re
YVbeo klWrera Torte aaw tbe wllcb
aitdeiata counted. "Oo.—Iw«-lhiee- awfuL and wben itay're «to.d tbcy'ca coming in-dripping, ata held up ber
flter Tbe tw o r.-|auia were lil.-mted In saly tulddliiiK."-i’.ill Mall Gaaeue.
Ncvenb.-I.-Bi Ann waa pro
one. and aa folouel l..ijion droina-d
vided with dry dotbea. ata when ata
Mb weapon and aauk down (be other
bad drunk aometbinc bot and was
'IVrelval. go
me Wtait you flud In the pocket "
I'etMval did at ta wa* bid and
brooeht a amall volume. Turning over
rtMi eery mprh-'
Ita leaves 111] abe came lo tta place
Tta police called It a duel and were'
abe wlabed to find. Ann read:
aalUfled with my depowtllon. and tbe
"lodge not tbai ye be not Judged."
colonel waa borled in Napira. On tbe
■ tlvera of A(r1i-a bsve rererdral ata Aim were afterward
dey of (be futieral 1 aaw tbe lady drir- I«i-ullarttl.-«. Tbeyaeektba married, tbougb not antll ta bad promlac down to tbe wharf to take ilm
wt 1* fartl-eBt away from laed ber to Join Rocer inilUmi at
awamer for llnctand. and that waa tbrtr Bvurre; Tb.Hr .vwiew- Is altFayt rroddeoee Plantanona. wbeve moen
tta eud of IL laindou aortaiy had tta broki-u by falls, and Ibelr inotaba axe tlbcrml lellgloos riewa prevailed.
faaalp.bat a betrayed bnalland alaa atopiwd by ni
had bb iwreaca.
M. t)CAD.
Serraat—Yer; ta'a In tbe UIMry oy*
Ing tv write a hii.-r on a ww tjpawriter be baa just (wugbt.
Book .\geut (baallly.-t-ll call Bgala.
(biMeva'a riwr lo cieaaaaar.
Of lane aoree on mr little deagfaIt b a rommoc brilef lu aoatli Cep.
. 'a beta developed Into a eaae <d
•anr that U ebUdrea play aoMlera Buald iMSd " WTilee O. D. Ubill of
tarr ofl«j-la tbe attret there b a war MostanMwn. Tetm., b« Boeken'* Arcaadne. ata If tln-y play -fuoenir an ntea Salve oompletelv cared bar. Ii'a
taMetak- win come ov.-r tta hod. and a guamateta tmre foe Reaeaa. Tetter.
many dealta will reaulL Tta eehlor Salt Rboam. Wm|.loa. Setee. riaerw.
and PUaa. Only U oanu at Jas. Q.
'a and 1 £- Wait A Sons'. tta booae of an old mlaer In -bb nattve
taWB Ja Oennaar. Tta mber became
■neh axdted aad exdalnud. "I wUI
■at die r«(” and arndc eoaiplalot ta
tha maror that tta boya almld be ar-
Tbia u tta time to oae Rocky Mennmka Taa. Keepa you well all tba
year. Great blood life reeewor. 55
eta. Jaa. O. Johnsoo.
a. BKXDA A VO. '■
toBlflu par ptmtaL
Just a few of the places we have for sale, all desirable propert>- and some exceptionally good bargains just for aa
investment. i
Napoleon was auperatllloua al«u( tb*
way be pntoo bl* sKa-klugs. F'rederlrk
tta Great and (be gtvs( IVier of Ru*
aU werf aoperatllioua alnni dutens of
klarlborougb. I.uili a* Jack
Cburcblll and (be duke, was Bupeistl
(Ions BB well aa a tbW and a traitor.
Nearly all tbe IRuana were aupentl-.
doua and double cbwIerB In trllgiou.
Heary of Navarre was superaUtloua.
but that neter..kept-blui from a ibooaand tnfldoU(Fra.~ All tta- children of
Catbcrloe of kledicl were arared to
r Jo*t aa
WelL If Cromwell was i
peratltloii, bv kept It tu
York ITvra-.'
«B feta Baal Froot atMt . fiama
sMts bulidlag aad dsasUing tasaa
with good ban. aU wall noted.
OfcoieerwrUaltm aad Niaita Sta.
- Tsboildiag, large frame dtreUtag
A .ban.
. ______._______
a floe. -----------------------------aan be boogbt right.
«B feet Sta.
_______ __________________
aad Ueioo atMl. eaaUl dwelliog, a
*^*^**" ******- *
for your i
i and fii:, 1
lortbeaat ccraer of Welllngtee aad
bstar ptnel. email diraUlag. flae
lot. tmly SlKD. M foot lettamth Blmwoed avenac. 10 i
ur.r. Kta. Is la. H.SJS tr a-.—s» ter tta
oua. SLUOU.
-------------------------------- r of Baadolibaad
Xadiaon attest, large booae. Urge lot
wttb fruit trees and good gardea.
TliU om^ ta bought oo easy tenna f.g
bn. by
t.r.ata ttaUlac
°°Ro. Ill Railroad Are . verv nics
amaU cottage, water and a
|Ua>^^2»rtuBitr stu Is-pno *llp.ruma' ttaeOca
No. &a Weal 8tb Sl.Urge bouae. lot
TS foot front, easy mymetit. II.lea
-Vi fool lot. South Uubio atniet.!
small bouae.
Only |ino. 74 fool lot,
I6ih atTHTl. west.
gwt. Iaraan dwelllag.
A Mania. M. U
ru BvanaM.Ik.
Also (lie following la East Bar
townobip; Seettou tl. town t*. nags
- easy incmthly pay.
10 west, ae'4 ol ae',. nei; of ae’^ aad
----------- --------------—irabl* vaaaal lols.
s', ol a', ol iiw >4. Wbat srill yea
all iBWti of the city. Two on W'eal'
oa-v, an a Fv^< »<gift for any «M pan or pH of it?*
8(h elreet. very deeirable for
JsBOr. L<it
*v<it ua-7tt and W
» aad >0 acre lot* oo tta slat.- road HaUhU. 100 foe-----------------mth of Garfield Aw.. 00 <«sy (arms It and IB., blank 8. Baye
aad -very otaap.
... au offer oo aay of them.
martin & Evans
Houses to Kent and Money to Loan on Improved CityProperty.
FUblas For paelv*.
In India an lng>-nloua w-b.-me la praetied for UkTuf du.-k* on a line, which
la attarbed at vik- end to e flexible nick
atui-fc up Id the niu.l. the oiber raimiixvlng a (luul.le t»inl.-.l iM-.-dIe .if
*t had just mid good bvc to himi and
boue BUa.-ta-d tu ll. 1'lie Uller la t«ll
_r r-in duun. tbr atepa (rum my ofike
ed by atringiug ui*>ti It aome grains of Uugliiiu;. tlmrwiDg a joke over bis
com. ITeoently atougooUM-* Mr. Hu< k. ahuaUrr oa br aenl. He looked the
awallowa 'tta needle and Doda blma.-lf picture of liealtli aisl etfeogth. Tea
caidlve tta moment be tries tu lly imoulrs later 1 awa called to where be
uway. In olden times tta- cai»- r.«l U. rigid and aileni on tbe adL-sialk.
is life ha.1 been •suSrd out like a
flklH-rmen d<iH-oded largely for (Mil u|e
,ndlr - That was a (nrisltB (eoduiony
tbe to-afowl they i.iok on ili.-lr tuy-fore tta (uronrr. The verdict of the
To .-oKb them th.y threw out
eonrr'i jury wa*—r|»edof hean faiTiC Hues « lib bo-ka OU (ta- end, lo
V." The next <lav tbr tirraa chronicled
wbl.-b werv attached ebuoka of e.«l
« *u.|.lm Ukilig of awrll-kDuwncrtiliver. Tbe latter (luabd Iwcauae of tbr
n uiidrr Ita faniihar bra.1 ol "A Shuck
t.bey eoiitalnnl. ai>d luotres, gulls
(hr CoititnuDity." Thm Ibe "»tr«t"
and other l-lula awallositig Ib.-io were •*wo <vaw<r lu n-metubrr the ttua to
quickly pulled In. skinned and cbopiwd ewililL ukrn awjv.
Tha IS DO tancy xketeb. Kvery day
The Coroner's Verdict.
■ aosi PeaeMk.
Id tta old days a peacock wai per
haps Ibe must gurgeuua and dei-oratlve
dlab OU tta I'biistmaa lioBrd. ’This was
*»i capacity, should be luterettlag t.
'1 bad beeo ttooblrd wilji bean trouble
and catarrh of tbe alomarfa.’ wntr* MgW. U. MerrtuM. of Tvlerahurg. CUnoi.
Co.. Pnin.
"Had dncturwl fur aonir
tiaie srubout relief, then I liegaB to ukr
l>r. rirree'a Cfolileo Urdicwl Ihactn-erv.
1 look ervro bottles. Brfurr 1 l.rgaii hi
take it’J tcntkri ng
aid sub- /
Ufitk 1^6, 1 aa working ttcadiW an.l
ferl Uke a well uuo. 1 amJ yuu loaoy
Ih. l-irrce-aCoUm Medical IHwowrv
is a medicine sjgcullT draganl (u core
diaroars of tta atomach and other uigan*
of ducastion and aoUitioo and to jmntv
tta Mood. But Ibe iugreilirat* whi. ii
eotrriDto the -niacoverv - inclwle one
of tbe best bran tnuu-* known in ae.li.
cine. So while "(Hd.len Medical th.
pumping of ao a-lrouatr Mural sup)>h
ttar atuenorb and khtneralbiw im|iruLi
wbilr I cimimrnce-1 tugain
in MtvDgth and flesh, sod
stopped ermgldBg
away. 1 touk alaml six l*a
tiese>r the-G-ddeti Me.l..-al
I lerl Ilka a
difleienl ^1^0. I gladly
Wkat He KlaaeA.
Wra. He siyie-lt'a a pity y.m could
not bare beard that sermon taday.
Ur. Ike 8tyl»—After iwylDg for your
Sunday wanlrolie I bareu'l iiiuney
enough left to buy myself a drivul
thing to wear
Mra. IV Siyle-Tbat'a Just It. and
that sennon would bare made you
bluab r<g very abaroe. It sras on tbe
tVorahlp of Vita Ctotbea."
-New York JVeekl
:il rniai -iiee-l.
P V-'-SSil- ffiSS. ■3‘4S:
^vsuia Itacv n.-s Tusatliv Uw*. XM
rnisl airvea TeOyai-o Ku Wll.
OIlz-w.-M- rwMH<«.-.H,4la>.<11uro.'JS.
1- M<i»rATi;'als^r-.'.gTirt«^ im
kj. B-Ia'. awll-«oireras.ii4
Bom* t. Ha
I a TlloMfWO.S. M II OOw-lalUaiUleB
I. a Uiiiik.aia..-^ Il-am viollam..:io ,
Wrnle* Mr. IJmer Usier.
M Vuln. Jeffersirti Co . led.
" I Ifsn liesrt, stomach aisl
luaglniuMes. U'a* out able
to do soy work
1 ha.1 a
aetvTe <wugh azel liemur-
f.iwl wwa tUeu dr.-s—.1, stUff.-d
all kinds ..f guod iblng*. roaai.-d
and finally sewed Into lia akin, alill re
taining tbe bnilMm plumage.
beak wta gilded, and tbia didi. fit fur
king, waa pla.-ed u|»u tta- lal.le auJd
the blare of irumiwia and tbe raptnr:oui applause of tbe (vieleTw -r
lo all^flerers, for 1 kpow
-l-b-as^.lMlcA, l-UL*.
• -II.;. Uv'ta
* MWAN7riS. .lta^'^
DUNIniff pfijiawo*!
r'|**o-iuMe.siil. W tk'. KusloUPmmiCs
l.vti-aHiursoi.TuL.-rwfu*, Mkb.________
nu » M KTKVgKH. Hi..«rtaa and fttr-
o; ‘-vwiSaVwwte^. v-rtas:
Fbyaical aUvogth itinsde
froiD (uolI properly dirrstr.1
and aasimluied.
Bui the
sum ol phvsifal atn-sgth i* -T- W TniKUIV. iwstta Mnw taroM
made Bb ol the atreegib of
I . a Bari .J.-wli) pbiTT
esefa pnenrsl organ.
-man's ktrengtb i* made op
of bran atrragtb. liver
atreoglh. knlnev strength.
atrvBgth u cremed and »astaised be the nutnuon derived from
fooil. Hence it is eai. to eee that when
tbe floouicb and iU allied oegan* are di*-,
e-lioal lirofet
lii-ule<l the u
eased and tbe Dutruion of tbe body u re. duced. that lb' ' '
niesns wesknei
bean, “weak" ungi. 'svak* kidners.
KtakT» uauK powg.
Medical Ita
And when 'I-Hiblen
A msn wbo boa s
kl^ cugine.
covrry ' boa cured d
gives It a good track to run
test* its
acb and digestive
and unlriuve Uyeta.
.■4p«cilv and keepa well inside it. keeps
ativnith cotne* back to the bad^aiid
tta ooly way which
.1 alws'vs troperli- lubrimie-l and does
Wtalt tbe taihr »ee«e«.
.11 that
nt ia
• ‘p
--esiaUe to get tta beet naiUls
atrvt^ fan" be 'made, that ia’^by
-Papa." aald Tommy, "UUh- brottar
leaA frtcuon
hnppoae tta man
nutriuon denrrd (roin luu-I properl;
la a sreek old tomorrow. Isn't tar
.1* engine careleaa ot tbe water ia 'grated
'gested aud
and aosimi.....................
aoaimiUled. Hence diar
of heart, liver, lungs, kidtiri* aad ut!
tan* are cure,l by 'Coldea
"Let's you and me gtea blm a blrUtas is frrf]Den(lv tbr
O-iar be crowded tta engine up grade,
day preaent."
lad coupled BB extra car or twp 10 the
have Uieir origin *p
-Very well. What abatl It ber
lO-die was pulling, regardless'of the
me uiBeaaea 01 i r Minnacb and dtbn
"Iji'a buy blm a wic He needs
organs of digeatio
t that be wa* puUii|g every ounce of
that more than anything."
•ia on tbe engine it could bear. What
Sick pw^e an
fm. and ao o)>tain tta
uM you expe^ f A break down. En-- Pierce
by letter.,
giae lailore.
medical 'r^amon of a specialist without
coat or fee. All coereapcnidence held aa
“If I bad not been brougtat up a
Heart (allure coenea that way. Tta
*ri 1* little larger than a man'a fiat and
aUictlypnvateand meredlv
dean." aaya Ur. Hole of Ro<'be«ter.
Ita moot wonderful a* it i* tbe uwol AAlreaa Dr. R. V. I'ISerce. Buffalo. N.
“there are (bree other roealhuis 1
is to en
organs. In each tweety-foor
Tbe tnouve
motive for autatiinboo
aboohi have liked to tare follownl- delicsu
able tta dealer to make tbe little Skore
hours the -ioal heart moves app«
ler of B
of bounda. bead gar- maleU
profit paid oa tfae sale of less mentonoua
of blood,
which i* eqi
-r lo a large niuaiiy or a book- alent to about two barreta of blood every
'••hen a dealertdleraaf-“
r. 1 think (Jw last U tta beat ef- nour. awl this without teat or thw from
stitute medicine
le eUimlDx
jring il
il to
to be
be "jaat
flec of tta three."
na good "as'Chjlden MedKsl Diaeovery."!
tta first lirealh o( lofancy to tta Imt sigh
a expect when
lemcmbcr that be u
is tbe
tta -ooly peisoa wbe
of old age.
U-hat can you
CBS peaaiUy profit by I
r Mates.
i^dlcaa of (be
(br BUtmioo
which feeds (
well at every
Bis pcafit ia yoor Iosb.
Sunday School Tea
organ of tbe bodV
f Utat ran you
bttdren, alwsya reapnovT strv oku.
expect when ta crowds
owda tbl* dcbcate
r«Tommy Tmddlra-WelL
giBc to tbe ottefmest. hot wbot tappeoa
Deal boy a medical s
... .. down,
. ____ ....
And tbe
taart (ailu
can get one /rac. Dr. P*
Pierce's Commoo
Sunday Sebool Teacher fi
of bcort (ailmv wiU comisiic W -Sense Medicnl Adriser cmrtainiog is
-WlMl makes yoo think tbatT
be repeated uatil
(ban a^ttajUBB^ large pages ami o
Tommy Traddles-Ua fiyea Ua wUaaes—U^ehssgw
on teeclpt of Matupa to pay
of mailing eity.
Send ji one-cent
stamps for tbe volume is cloth bind
fUmpa for tta book
IT bean action at _ ___________ AiZtm Dr. K. V.
____ ________ flab. etc. L
The Jailer Jests.
“Whxl brought you bercT' aaked ita
temperance advocate wlio waa rlaUlng
tta iirlaou.
1 a srlfe beater." replied conrict
No. 4II1-I grulBy.
"AtHItber ease of llck-er," tnumuu-ed
tbe Jailer, wbo. dewplie his occupaUoa.
I mao of no little buuur.-l'bUsdelpbU Record.
!« a rich, racy Savor, and never
mss ntBBld. May be utod as a
PictCB." ■BfclOv N. Y.
Mar 5. lag
Train.ImveTrar.wwCuyas rnOowa:
' Orsnd BaiM.. Kabaiato*. tbkasa aad
F«*tW,gw..«-a.BiFer lirso-rBamds.k
Pere Marquette
Nee 8. IBri
Train, kwi- Tmi-OTwIllr s. fidkua. | .
or itrant |Ba*ail»' Iwtnst.
anSs.^. aui*io, m5aB.Aaup.ai
rw MiBk.^«. Hay Oly. Poet Baran. TuhAo
HKnatasfFroA.ewia m.. ll:Ma B.
]|.BW*w.i4>4iac«B sadMIlwaataw. «•
a. B.. tl»a B. * 0>p B.
r-eglA Bapvl. and g«lka.ka. Ta m. I*p.
B .« aip. B
rort-hsrlawttxaad Pawtaso. l«p.m. 4m
J CUIM. Asewi.TVBratsaCMy.
x?“.L‘tsra, cSLii RECORD
na poor mnaara beO la a ben ta tba
<kty of Brealan. Is tta pfortoca eg
Wadi, riaaiii. and bangt Is tta toww
'at Ota of tba dty dmretas. It
earn Jaly 17. Uflfl. aerardlu to historic
rooorda. It te told that a grrat bdl
fotnder of tfae place bad ntaamkan
to make tta flam efanreb bell ta bad
aver made.
Wbeo tta BWOJ was mdted. tta
fbonder withdrew far a few aocDenta.
teavlBC a boy to watch (be fomar*
and enjotnloc blm net to naeddle with
the enlch that bdd the prahen tnattLl.
bot tta boy disobeyed (ta <autloo.and
wbea ta aaw the neul tawing into
tta n»U be enUed (he fonader.
One of tta beat team la »—it InkTbe latter mated In and. serlsg as be «o«nabl{k lao aoroa. 5 mliea vaot of
tboogbt bis work of weeks uoddee and
ily. to>«-of Saetloat. town r.
bla mastarplece mined.-atruck the boy
, itwaaklpyacTeaandirfineeal.
ttvatuB with SO
SO tana '—
got* — ■— — —
I V—u .w tu—.a. .
« — LU— ■ and —
opeiM ItabHl was found to ;
be not ocly prrfen. but of marveloaa meat, large frame baseBOM bon.
wall watered ami la flae eendltleo
sweelneaa of (oov.
Umogi.oBt. Tbi* CM ta boogl.t for
Tba foomke gave hlmael
;Sn for acre, eoe-tbtrd down and Iwl
was tried and
to dralb. On tbe.day of his execution eaa ba divided lato two good W awe
tta betl was itug lo call people I
(arms srllb bnUdlng. all la eee 8D.
tend ebureb and offer a praycr.for tta TbU U known aa ibk Jaa Brown
bum. If yoo vaai a flae. productive
Bflbappy inaa'a aool. and frooi that
place here is your ubaoec.
obtained tta name of "tbe puoc Blanei
t (ana la Bingham town
1 eonat.v,
Age II
alltraUeb. bravy
with aloM basemeat, large bant. SflxlB
bail dings. 5ai
remarkable colncldenees
wKb rertaln daK-w of tta calendar. Tta It winter vrta.stt. good fences a
mid tl>ls atrleg
day of tbe month ou ^wblrb ta waa
will sake bl.sA
bom waa atrangrly lolerwoveij
milee from tta c
tbe daya of birtb and marriage-c
wife and Borne of bis rtalldren and
anvea. But lames wts au old foul wbo
as ailea earn
made love to young Bm-klngbam, wbo
M. (osru'dS,
email clearing, no
laogbol in bis far.- and tobW blm of range 10 west,
buildiuge. bot a bargialu at |NQ.
hU Jewels
ahoaldta taken «
talk 8*tt
Itch. Allan
A liYSTHy SOLYH) ametlrs
IWM tav
I vtarr tay
imriiwi am MV tar «t tk* ^
ta ^ tta aUta. kM'ta BuUcrd ttat
tt TO wtatv ftarr to •rtto* nitar
«lkaMMk. 'AU«taM Is tta tax vUk
a sMac to »L FM>
Mc«.~ aald a aOdlW la Nov Tack
U TO tar rvMt r»<« ttai
tMMta klM. ■ tM» tta( taapokr m
ISMt McrwASta ta^ tar rrr. n
hm vm tastdac Aartaf tta optrm.
«Mk Sta. naOm tar rtark oo brr
taaaatabvsrMMittaratl. tar^-
" M« ^ftly twrrrd ky ■ rvrtslu. •<«>-
•« M ta alaurM l>r tar «vs drwna.
Tta owM va. -rasat- Itarloftata
PW-tTkO PaaadRAima.
A hur hstms so tooms tbon s atrai
AilMa bar« Many ai
afar «B* ttar an
*i;rvad-»ta taat «* omiard
a taimaail; U(ktod rasa
•Traraitarr ata sraaarata. Tta
I. lakm to aaottar poom ata fsqalrta
uta a otatefc ot tta rooM ta Joal
___ left. ladkadflK.tta taalrtoa ar all
Ita ol.>arts In It. Hr ta allovta to look
It a tars far a alnoiP ata ttati reantred to taMSita tta eolor of Ita hair,
tta *7**- Ita fsoeral fo»to. ««•
Aflervald Is re^alrta to pick -sat
of tta fare froa amo
asTwal hnadrta otbam.
Id nluratln* tta tata tta atndett la
ptocta to a dark room to which ars
many mrloua ata uBnaoal ohjaeta.
fewla orer and ibso WT«sa a.
, a Mtow aaaabm. 'Vo ysa tata
ay -eoa ttass wta wlU abMd mt U
tof to pUTMlt of anbjects f«r ibetr art'
~ a Mr. Bonghtim ones raw a »aa
Iv to a fleM. ta cOrnbed tta db
Tidlas wnB and tafaa to akteeb blm.
Tte TO tao aueh for tta tnroUmtary
mo^el. wta atredf up to tbe arttot and
aaU. T>o yea know wbat t canid do
vOfe your 'T baram‘1 tiw aUctatest
idan.” Mr. Boofktoo atawered. wUb a
a-stiy <4 fH toak .afraid of i
U m«n.
Tta—s a a*U^»r arm of men tl
tarter «ta HkeTjwJa.
.k man wl^ to f.^ of tabbafs
owtriy.slwaya a rlemi\smatar.
Fferu of s W* fesai ars almam i
had aasdectm of a hb^ drunk.
but rroferahjoal pta|4*is dliueuid to csfiy a b
our .ruueu to tta bousa of a
bfT. to a dUratSfR pan of tta rtty. I
sttalooaty arotdod
d aay haato. iMunler-
chaek yon into
______not da tbax."
-Why not fo back to ytmi
plow, and in wbtotie for you U haH
One crairtorttus t*w+ *
■neUip to the !«- ...........—•
. dl.Tlnie wli-eto o
rest. «>>m (he a
ha> lu «erie lib
.V u»D
h>iies«i»e wbeo he It
to Ihr iwunnuy Ilf l—'l-b- ‘
make tnleicki*.
-It's imi-wallile to keep a emd man
down." .trbed tbe whale, as Jonah
pi,-kill up bl» bat stel de|<srted.
Till- aci-nre wuiiKin lu<i« luiiWlre to
srier a n-MU UtU---- »lie Uiililiene to eee
a -Nu udlLinauee" wleu on the diAS'—
To Mr. Boufbtoo'a aurrwtoe tta man
■Cb 1 had ta
obsTfO and half an boor later ws* dnly
•«M an valklsc la ita satyrs mod
ta at tbs end ot my route,. AU-auw
- «B- llnlatad plctoaurtua. alaartaa asMs to ascdd btiag
Vaast ata Marpvrtt'- •"•
-How mih'b wUI iber give yon
tors ata lanvil tar
avsj. ata
ma down by aoms rebMc. I
for thatT" ta ashed after critlcslly
tta* fMI oo WblttrlDorr IB tta l-mort.
BUB ■utalna OB the opposJle confs aorrerlQ* tta akitcb. -«Hi. alwmt
feta tata twiMd Covard -tar. bl« rfrs
with bis sysB flxsd Intoutly upon nw. fior tbe arttot Biwweml.
Axad iBtnarlr on 'tars- Kta Moatad.
bU povkrta and I'm baaj^dr tta aaioulabe,! t**w
Us tad bU h
•MgMI* aad lootad a«a»» «
_ but tta
aald. aanlchlnc hia brad to iien'lrkltfKite wnrablp to ainnetoed In ta ex
I Duticcd him ta suit- -I have tb plow two mol.lb« to-f<we T tln,-1. v.< shell Um- iiM-n-ur' BSrte wllb
TSB tta Bltabtsat dstalla. Onflta
WtoM tta Otats was nitad abd all
be oti
It to let bim tatair aema to tta darkfrum what 1 waa cotoa.
li^wk nut J aftvh.-Kbli-sifu
ata tbeo tell arbat they ars. vbM^
Nrrmbeksa hr did hot leas alabt of
dlamooda. ruWea or What not. TOato.
wand tar ataoltarb and ita oib.
me. 1 Lad out tons far when, in order
When ooe leurna that curates srs toef conras. an sxctctoe tor tta toon
M ta able to kok bark wUbont my de- omalnc ao mnob m.«v rapidly than
•e vatrtad
to .» .
raacod poplla
toarr. WUtt.
slCB bsli« auapccud. I atop|wd bsfocs tancBcsa. wondrt la exclb-d as to tbe
af ttato a-ak to h*r: litrt..llHHi*li
S shop wladow. alanvina rsorward out
A rcistbliiwn
of. oBalni to tbe ciublecnlb
vofs etatdaf with Mi* other. »<
sf tta corner of my eyr. 1 waa juat I
wbeu rnurprlaiuj: taJli-s of- plagr to nominalUta
la warty all tta lar*s rWle# of ^to
mu a venl to her. Then tta* all
tranaaet auHi utber
ofllcv-a. and
Ue man 1 was loofcliic f<
ftrsd llviuk-s-lou cletjcyuM-n wHUn* to city
aat. ata H serned at If tta rtatitr tta ttaalera tell tlcksta for sepamto
buainiwa aa mar propiTt* eniM before
Oi adt-cTllismeat lo tbls
marry them. An
It. will ta belli at Rieinbarr'a Urand
acta ..f a l»lay. Tta plays ats. aa a rule.
taiMB tad been inreed o«.
effect ajUM-atsd In Ito- to.iuVra riironl- Toesday eremog. March ». IWS. al
Wlator pasted Ibi.. summer.
of the pidw
Without doubt ta waa abadowUiC me. Cir lb March. 1”K Tbe lady wa-ralb. TrBOo-HoCk. Ward bn 1 will
III ta ei
WWasMOfr vent to tta seashore Tta ieralMTaad w
>ose lltue 1 watrbta him wilb om «r mnleutor ton- Tta cDrelc waa to tilled I.. ST delefateo: wart
d Ku 2 1
f-.ee.ief sflrT bls stTlTal at ballittw
eye ata lbs |iolksuiao
ta }-otioK. have s anuilt f.rtuiie. be well
tiMS ta strtWIed duvB^to tta liearh. _________srtib a aietarr thread
' *
'u uiuraU and R"od
They tasta
^Ttars. altUns otarr. a son nhUTella, ruunlntr tbrotMtb them.
trojiwr “aud ta Urtnly alia.-li.d
,rly ata sod Ute. ata toffs numtats
was tta tirl ta tad seen at tta ciprrs
Jnbn A. Loraoper, ,
■M take a dlfcssnl route. At one
•nt- bappy calobll»liii»-nt "
Cbsinnan Olty i:oaimUlee
Sta vas perttae far out vtarr tta v*. of performers are staploysd. SesM atu rune, when one was prstty omr. tuy
ilrto* waa not rteh-l»H»w fVai per an
K C Hilbert, Secretory.
•M ata tta Skr met, sta tan- ata rerj cheap, ata few people would cat* ybadowsr come up beolds me. and I
unu-bBt tta fair Ciije waa yolliii: snd
ttafs a gnm frf snnsWne sa Ita hart- to ait out tta whole perftomaors.
was sure w^uM bars iwoaed iny arrest
cable. Tbire eia-»<s
WAtito « Ar« f«Ks.
Tta rtwuli to that It to posatbls for a
aoB taaimke a sail. Kta wst akiM.
bad DIM Ita polkwman't bock bssu ta boullliy In the «llte>rlou I
Wbmsniarr would have iriren worlds amall sum to iMiy a tlrksi sbUUIdc tbs ward iia. while I at tta mme uwe
,y ta left al Ue Jnr <if tb-- Vid.iB
for aaisTO totake him to tar ata In- purchaser to see cos or two arU out uf turned iulo a different ntraet.
Vltb u..
Coffee ni-ime. Rimed, dlmled to'7.
tawi, * ta<s.w»si'ew>.
etaurr Wm. hot ta kiVew no one ttar*. dve or all. Tta c6tasq««" «» *■*
Inrlled lo paniclia
We alblltots of come all knew tta Z.- ConBden.'S waa i-nwI.M !•>- Ita
Bs tad cMD* to ta sloor sta fur rest. when tbs mrtain cotuea doVn after
localiftn of tta police statlom and tta
nee tbyl "Ita ntiiuwl KiTcy «
.iwefice warda
All throe oaaenaes.
Be TOird. mwetlB* that some of ^ act a larfs porttoo .>f tta andlsnee residences of tbe uSksrs.
r may ta depeml.nl u|ii>M."-U)n- to be beld on IMdas erenlDf. March
trtoDds would )«1B tar. nut they did IcaTes Ita bonas ata teats ars limacdl(Icluf ttat t waa psaalBf tta bouae duo Chronicle.
There will tarlecl.d lu eoch
pat. ata arilr Ita tatbltE «ta arose atrly Cakeu by Dewcomert wta bars
tbe chief of tta dtoirtet. it occuitvd
ward three memto'rt to aeire .«n Ibe
DR. W. J. HIGGINS' IiIcM-d.,*rmmv!ali,.u, f,it loUuoU unud went away. At the ptetta hlm-tl.- bssn waltloc for tta sta of tta act
me tci ptoy a desperaie fame.' 1 iscut commltoe for the ebaatnf year.
apd bars taken tlrkeltfor tbs next.
^Mrtad. EvWrutlr »ta rruieni'
■fhea-bairman and M-cistory of cash J|,-KA»IAlbV
Bolved to Muff my wati-ber lute tbe beiwra^.
Eren lu emta opera ata elaaalc drama
w.ird cwueca will crlify pramplly lo
IlcUltot lie was after tbe wruns un _______________ _
Tta naxt nximltiE be wtt at tta
by boldly enlertnc the boose. HJbat neero la Ibe toai lauujl.lllty In ihni ]>ru- itaw-en'IarT of He-cllf oommiltee.
le, of the deleaatsa el,«Ud lo
Bpantob tbratrra.
taarb tarly. wairtilii* for lier.
UjidFr bearen 1 was to du tbi-re I did gr«aaloti. No our baa I '.T M-nx ti,
At cams. « w., with a |«rty of atria
BIM know. Meuotlaf s few atetw, 1 aa ws can barn, a huiuuii to-Iutf ..f
renttoo to ta.hcld Tooaday
Oae Cold aased.
' pta an elderlr tuan. all In tathlna
tried tbe dour. It was lurked, bpt al Miteeolb Oeem Mu--1. \"i pot,- l.kaal ev.'nlnx. Marcl, X&. Itod.
toflc to loplc. wbrtbrr It tooebsa tta
nlta. Wbat armmetrr* Her tair. Intbe luouent was opem-d by a yoonf Cd t'au.-satoii and o,iue.«in bare I
It la alM re,]iIBvstsd that ,ncb wart
affalra of nailoBS or a cold to Ita taod.
mrni of tainc rolled noder
tAa liw»eaiMa,.srt*laU
tody In bat and wraps, erldenlly sliuut known lo ta»r laaue. M.iiiy jrara .
•lelegslinn elecu one mombar of tbe
Tbe ooortcUoa. aaya Tlt-Itltt. waa forettaaa nabnwalna ttablna ra
en-dnUiala; also nne
to corns out I Mrpiwd inaUe without }uai afler iLc cl-w uf Ita civil v
pool womi
/itrmmlBc down ber hark. i
i-t Ilf
wbeo Btobup Sew man via* u.lvn-'iitins
an Im-Katkm and chiocd tbe dour.
•amtUMfO woni by rrr* yount alrlt
"May I spiak with you <a OKMumiT' tta ainalcamatlim bleu In \<-w < >rleau<.
arreral dayp aiqiearsd oue waratof
WbUs balhlna- All Ita
one uf Ita mwn fanmvia i.byki.-lnna and
I asked, remortu* my bat.
wtlb bto half rlosHy crafipa^
Tta portnr door was open, sad
ctbuukistota of llial illj tdlm-O a rv
-Why. Ueunto." aaTd tta mlatnaa.
looked wistfolly Into fbe ronm nbe m.v ward of »!.'»«' to sii.r |-T«iri wlm
“whaisTer pomraaed you to harU|yoar
A rapubli,-an .•anens of rtoera r.
would Urins lu hU k-wowl,<toe a bum:>n
ttooed me to enter, then followed,
tog 111 ward No I will ta fteb
Ttavbeach waa ttalrlna. and few hair cut while you had aneb a '
belbs of one alxleeiilli Jnrro lii-»l No Omnec Itoll. thus atreyl. on Ends*
turned and fared ber. aiudriox by
darsd reotore tayonjl Ita Ijrtwkera. cour
Tbnt evening,
rxiseraloo what kind of a iierwm I bad Ota ever naliiMvl ib>- n-wnnl
March *1. Nuf, at
-V .a mum.- repUei '»»• naabaabed
Tta mao of tta party look tta fair oqs
to deal wllb. Then 1 spoke hi s low purtlcutori>rad>lei n« man lia« ever jet ..•elock Jut tin- pOTpoar of i-leotiug
by tta band ata led hrr.hej-.md tlwlr {Jsnula, -I do be Ukln' notice tbit loof
-lelegalc, tusticud a rcpeblioan ritv
4s|Mb. Paddnilf WbltlPimire saw him. while that whinlrer I hare me hair cut
rouvcnltoii oollc-d fur Tnertay cv.n
take a tad eowld. ao 1 tboufbt I
o«^B< In Ita water. Tta fair one
mg. Mat. li S... and iitw. for the nomldlreclIou.-AltoiilB f.ii.-llliltimx
n yoar keepl
.tad anae under. WHb all bla cHottaa. Balt that now. while 1 had tta eowld
luliou nf ramlidalrw lor wart offloe,
in aald wart, and ,m-h other hnsiDW
• n. WhlUruwre ptunai-d m ata tasuabt UD to me. U would be the tlam of all
-Ves: 1 am a BlblUat In this packn to r> and cet me balr enttto'
ST f>me bi-for>' the vwbcok
There la a man who 1, Jtlwara apoJ,.
ige ar* rerolntlonary documeuto. A
,i. h M. liaw.
They atota on the iwarh. Wblitemors done, tiv by that courae I would mss nan euttide baa been sbadowtnx me. ^tltig. aud wiiu. iuiy:
J. A. Loraagwr,
pif Juat ooe eowld. Do yon aee Ita
prsoenMa a |»ur app<-nranre In bis
\ t■W1l g
Rs will com* to to nake More that J be u: How tbniigbr
. K. R- MoCw.
of me reawmln’. munr
Mpplac etolbea. Tta fair oue lookta power o:
not what ta aunperta. Tta raonjt
Howard Iri^.
at bln whb an etpn-«iinn n< dlalreased
I ta Alberta. Batter than that— and oggrraolvv egnltoi. lie runi.itoJnal
tatted t>
ttat ta thouabt abe wretie.! ifaat ta
Utxxlnl. whose o
tad rn'rad ber. Ttau wllhnm a word
pa(a you on ll..- b-ft. l*<- km»-k» J».ir
I took B rerolver fltuu my |wckM.
aii raueut of toiera resivlof Ibanka ata turned ata ran aswy to with tbe liheraUmi of Ittty. to tme*
"If I am dtocorered Irylbit to save hot aa be banga by o fciin|. In the- car.
4ta tathlna tmuw. Tta man who bad anktd wbat be would base uafbt la you. it mrans ruin Tor me and my fc- be alts uli Jour t.ciilnil v, bat >b>-> b'* log m wardI No S Will be beld at
Second Ward City Hall. Blirm m atreel
taken tar NV..iid her .leplb liad le-en -aciiouL
Itar. He wooW CO to Siberia toatrod Dot do to call allciiaoii to b
b'ndav ev ning. Mareb rial lUd. al
'•One tblDC. at any rate. So all." redracxrd ,out of tta water, kn.1 WliliieIweedlQgT Kumc|lm.-e be tbr..
. .
f elect:f0 o'clock for Hie tnrpnee
more taw him ronilua l«annl him. pBid Mtxxlnl.“and that to aomeknowl"imr- mg rs drlegalea
-Vou at* rtihL" 1 replied. “I will
on "to-g." J«,iu.tlmiw ••
“ ' a oily
edta of aatrooomy.
A man laanw
I'lurn-al vcotiou oallcl
dot ask or accept anch a sacrifice." ^
7'a,-aitoy evunlug,
tack upon blm ata walked away. Tbo nollilUK If ta baa hot leuroed to won
I placed tta unixie of Ita rvvolerr
March z.Ml,.. and also foa Ita oomiuader. and asUwoomy. better than any
a In
naxt usantoa ta mw t'ta fair one bsln«
Ip my ite»Ulh and drew back the bam.
actotire. trarbea him a
and sorb oilier hoaiiieta aa
aaid ward,
drlTsa toward tta raUcoad etatloa. Aa*
Befcre 1 caoM pnll tbs trtffEcr >
mar cooic la fore ibe caneua
ate paaaed UmptaVefaided blm Wllb mystery and Brandeur of tta nnlr
felt a soft hand on my ann.
-^«w. a man wbo feels this will
Mar-b 11. im.
the mme |«lnrd glaiMV.
Gernuii |■byelclnll iv....innirnila to
-Utsio your pack***." »ta mid. "Itc
Thomas Motflton.
------ qnlckr
Winter i-aiw acatn. ata Wblllrmore. feel aomHhlDC «t U»
uniptJves Ita sDlpliur irv.vtiiicnL
K W, Haatioga.
who bad delrsted sm-lrly
lit bol- and mystery, and tten (or tbs firm
I atrtlsd tta atrlbts and unfoldc-d tbe Tbb runalata iu tUi- lallcnt living to
Jaa. Olllett.
lowneaa. plBWted turn Ita/Kay world, Ums be to a mao.paper. Tbe Ctrl, anoirhln* a doaen
n wberc one or two drama nf sol_ Oommlttee.
hoplof ttat be mlskt uint Utcjilrt who
boofca from tta library, lusaed them to
wbr as wspc
No. .'I.
had alanrbta bto whole briof. lie ap
put tbem to tta place of ibe
of rotera ri-ai
peared n traa rsrstiiu>tta. tails; ta
uts and tied np tbe Mckage 1
CRwaed Irrliatiou niid .-..ij-.;!!. Tbew
went to ibe opera, to mwsrta. rrrryhad not quite dntobed w^ there waa Boon dA-cTeoac. olid lm|>n>vi-invnt to
wbore where music srta t.. ta heard. A Obtnaman uf forty yaara.
a ring at tta doortali^browiog tbe rapidly felt, and cvvnnibtp vunw are of
ing. March 21. IWK, at Tan o'clock,
At tost, at a moalcal ealenalnm.-i
dmmeuls under tta aofa. tta yonng ten effected If the- Ui«a«- la iml loo fai;
lor the }«n«oraof electing ?» deletta borne of ooe uf bto most.InCImate
tody went to answer tbe anmraooa I
gstea to attend a tspUbUorai city ocmfrtenda. be MW ber. but wberel
anted mynelf oo tta aofa, bolding the
vouitoo colled fivrTusaday sventog,
Ubf alOM to a receaa. M loiiuerscd hepaekagn to my top. When tbe donr was
Mareb -r,. niid also for the nomination
htod cnrtatoa at almost to ta Itatoepeotd. I beard rokes In tta talk
of eaiididat.s for wart, amoea In mid
tar answered tta deemed son. YMs
baa discovered that luW liaic n la- ward, and aueb other bosinem aa ouy
ttocntohable; Alfbourt> be Was look
-Is tbe colonel at bomer
CuUar dislike to llic xalor uf pciqar- come l■•l^■^o Ita caucua
Uf for tar. wtas ta ftaiid tor |>e was
-No; my father la oot.ety
wM............................ TB.
ttacn completely stark. Itralctasttll
-1 am Ota of tbe oeeret polke.
W. W. Smith,
tOD-mtunlrd with pi-iqasuiiut oil In
BUD has come to bers wbooe name
DtosT Week.
opettluga made by the uilc-. sn.1 tbiy
-Itordoo me," to; said. “I am
la quite
First Bobuibanlto-I bear Ibat sH(hdo not show up ' ■
mined to aprak to you tace noder our
oubir m
tar of youn adopted ttat hired girt of
ilteuijM I
tta mice uliiBke
mutual frteta's n»f. tat I will ikK
btoaoaatogritarteatay with tta
oil 1a oi
asnll myself of tta prlrUefs. Unuain
-There to a dud tn tbe parks, a
lttamk]e.2oB'tci N- laril.
•etmblKwa cbucu, of voten rmidbars fur a few mtoutca and I
ranger from a frlcod of mine wbo baa
ingiu ward Na 4 will be Iwld
brtne him to intrndoes me."
aeut bla to muru aoDw booka I lent
Bom Bob. Betlloh. Lwolcr.
lievTO W. Irtidlo'a PO
■Wtt at
A niBdoo htkero aiuirtanl lu Rnra- on l^idsy ewDibg. M
hnrrtta away, fuuta tta Ikwi bi
delegates to
oVItak. to vleet
tay. «o ratUng vi> to bualDcm for blmbtoufbt btra to tta rsesst.
atiuad a reyobUean city ooovenltoo
asif. betbongbi Ulm of eatertug f.» tta
It TO empty.
(sUed for Toesday. Mac^ lu. aud also
Engllab' emumunlty sa wHI aa for tbe
In rain ta dniffed tta man tbroui
-stand up.- be mM.
for tbe nomiuatlooof can’-----------------tta rsaou tooktog for ber. Pta w
1 did as be comsasaded. and be Wive one. Wllb tbla covl In vU-w
wart oIRoea io mid ward,
not to any of tbe nwms bHow. Tb
aearetad ou. Not finding nnythlag to had tbe fuHoWlDg nullScatlon iwlnivd ether buaineas as may corns beforv tbe
rtoua to I
bla doorway: "lum Bux sullclta eaneo,.
waited In tta ball, aad lassetHly ata Mro. Kyelly to pottlag Into ber
• me. ta ontM tta package
Ue is a llrai ctoM
earns down, followed by ber maid.
• next dourr
Marcii M. iWt
and fouad tta bosks. He was not mtR J. Pulgbam.
' -Abr mid tie bust. "Now 1 un-Sot a hit MybuabaDdmysitwIU toSed. but there was aetblng for blm BrtUab hufer.*E. H. Popa.
deraUi^. That U I'lara Van CU-ve. an be aold by the otaiiff wiihln atx raoutta to do but srquteace. No oae It to be
kan. She to a draf mute."
lod fU ta ttar* to huy.--Cblcags trusted to Rtutoa. and eeen.lhls dangbgreat dl
tlere to an Hem from tort week's is
petlce official was suspected
moB. Its wma aratimiciy » I love. I.
nan. aa I could ore by bto sue of tta Cork Weekly. John writes
be was a pnrtical nun aitd
to Mary:
, rrpubliaoD muciia of TOlm
Dear M.rr-W, an all veer w,ll: onir Wart No.
wbat 11 would tatu ta tied lu voeu|ao
-I am asrry to bavo ta dMurb you."
will ta held at etato
Mllwr baa hyaiertra. TU“ ta, Ih' looih- street Primaty acbonl hoeraou Friday
wboffi.lbere waa sucb a Idigbt, Kor a
BKao wbat do yvMS do for a Uvtog)
ta mid to tar. rtjot when I coow to
.dw, and Jan« baa o bai-y. I ><ui>- >uu
al TJO
week ta auffered tunui*. tlveo made
-Ah. ymalr. yraalr; I ondentanda jm racoont tta nutter to your father I
Ts tk« aamo. Tour affwurtuiu- i.ruiiic. oventDg. March 21,
«'<-look, for Uia porpora of fdaettog 1<*
99 bto mind that tn go on through Ufs
«w. sir. Wbat 1 does for a Urta' la.
m sura ta will bear me out In wbat
Ovlegalea to attend a rv|ubUcas city
sulerlug without biT would ta worse my wife Wkea In waablo'."—Balumora
tare done. Good morulag.-ooDV.-Diiou caviled for Tooaday craeing,
ttan auSertng wllb tar. Then ta spent Jeslata OommeoL
Tbe narrator reuaed aad the llsieatr
March 2-'.. and also for tta oomtoBsome time studying the deaf mute alga
lion of iwodidatva for arart offloea in
toagnace- Tblanuolered. without cwllTbe name of this younf girir
rata ward, and «neb otlver bni^oeoi aa
tog In any one aa a go between, ta
-Not for my Ufe would 1 give IL"
Tialtor <U miueusj-R'by daot you
tray come h-fure th. CBUCpa.
arrote to bar. Inlinuttog that ta knew (« a giraSsT
-Ah. welL I eBBt btome you. Wbat
March 14, IMH.
-Tou think be coaM do tUum that «o
Wm. M. Smith,
of ber mtofortnne and begging to ta
MaDBgc(--CBn*t afford it They <
ordeird by our eblef to teave
praitted lo abare It srllb ber. When tm blgh.-Xowo aad Country.'
tta two met Ibe next evening at fat*
tbe euuutiT as aooa as I could do ra
baoM^ Wblttemore ootonlabed her l.y
Don't DM ateel kalvfu'fer eutdnff wnbout cgdttog attentleu. He feared tatbw wbeoever ta felt tike U."
rOL 1000 WATTS
---------------- - -1a;
tartni Wnr BmMc
U|U Id Pmr Cl.
ta ^ tar*r
nSu'toira' f«
. pire msuRAiicE
m. B; Hungcrlord
Contractor & Builder
—------iTmerstCtij VeimiwyllMilUl
and Iflfini8f)i, lU SMi $1.
DR. J. W. CAUNTLEr('.lT3o^..TBC F
Arrived Saturday, car load of
horses. Some heavy draft,
some farm chunks, a few nice
drivers: .weight from 900 to
1600 pounds. All stock guar
anteed as sold. I also have a
few heavy cheap work horses.
Also a few good lumber wag
ons, second hand, some heavy,
and some light. A few top bug
gies and spring wagons,
kindly give me a call.
Bdtoiaatog tar by ber own metbeU of
UMMBunlratton. They OMm Iwcame en■igsd. and when married Wbltiemora
tauad. Is bto aurprtoe, that her tutofortuM only draw tbem Hoser together
A man who waa Idrvi-llng to anutbmn vraws Nraa poablng bla marfatos
up a atsep MB when ta overtook a
pooMBt with a donkey cart. Tbr paHsot beast waa maklag l>Bt little prog....................... rna doiog Its ta
Mt band agalns* the hnfk of Ita cart
«Bd fflMtog Us marblDc wllb Ita
«r taml,. pu^ed
ao bard that tbe dOD.
a rearbrt the pesraK
bnni toto tbanka to hia beorfacter.
' f ywt indeed, mo.
M. -1 ntovoki never to
p tta bUl wHb
bunt toto IbfiBka to
-Yt mw amd of y
fiab. oymera. awestbraada ar taratoa.
Tta steel bUcksta aad glrau at
pteaaaat flavor.
If tbou Bit a maah
bllad; if B BmrtaL •
that to addlOoo to bHag to Joepardy
Id brtag
betog i
down tta poUce
myaetf. I wenid
our w
nodety. I made
su au tta ram uf our
ive tta ratae^aiglrt.
( to toavc
trade Nbtl
tartad (sr Amarlm.*
m Wa vurt.'-owcfl^ tmr-
number of i»op»* '»bo mind ttalr
-Brooklyn Ufa.
In •Itqoli* Roberts' coort. to FuNbb.
Ky.. rwceutly a buy Was p« «o Ibe
wliaera *Ui>d and In Bmmtato « ta
new rtie nature uf mu autb Ita Juaee totrarlewed blm as fonows:
-Dayuukaawtta uatara of aarnthr
-Hoat know wbettar
-WeO. If you shouid
you know whme you wsuid «s wbea
-We(L wbeu VS moved art tars pup
Mid If any Of oa died ta wuMd tata
as tack lo Arkaama and 1 reckon bo's
Hewltt-HaU tta world
bow (be utber batf Uvea.
orerertlinate tta
otmgb Boarly aU uiffbi
iOi«."srriira Hra Ohaa. ApplogBto
of AloiawlrtB. lad., "aad could hart
ly CM aay oiasfk
Workioa Xf «<
* a Dar.
Tbew'anorrrtfot---------------Ue woMera-Dr. Ktog't Mew
Pllto. Mllllona are always boy. —
tog Torpid Liver, Jaanater.
Nevv r gripe or weakeo.
SmoU. taaW
rt-J-ra a7^a SjrTwS
« Sou's.
TT|E H.^VE tEASE!) the'-^jrue building on ilie corner of Boardman Avc. and i-iast Eighth street,
and will carry on the businttss of carnage painting at
that location. W e will endeavor to give thorough sat
isfaction at IL^-ing prices. Cutters painted and stored
until fall, if desired. Mr. Strong is a tirsi-clas^ carriage
painter and will have Charge of all that class of work.
Mr. Pclberidt will look after the outside painting and
do all paper hanging personally '(vou all know what
that means—that >'6u will pet strictly llrst<lass workl.
If you wish estimates on.any kind of Painting. Taper
Hanging. Kalsomining. Graining, etc., drop us a posul,
or call up old phone ^3. eiti-z^ns' phone 527.
CfiT.^ Bghth aad Bogrdnaa Are.
Tnverse dfr. JUefc.
1 had raBoaiapUot
1 (tat U 1 sralkad a block I
oougb McbtfnUv aad spi
TH* ORKATS8T Bppetlrar toowb_______taL wbea all other msdleUiM
Boral Mattartta Soaea. ■ntur-'fbtita (brae •! 00 boRlM of Dr
S^Kow Dtsoorsty wholly curt
imondlcalaodUBOuada" ll‘a abr mi«BW( ena taka its
SBUBtaad la^tsMbloa.
Maple and other Hardwood Logt I
at our mill. Will pay highefit mar* I
kel prices. JOHNF. OTT & CO. ■
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