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The Evening Record, July 29, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
H itttr Evening record i'°^i°«'^i
»UpTo Hour
mfsp« tkat
M. * V. B
to wad a Ua* iato ioelMoo
to dltart traW to Maaioter. he
aWoHL *‘lt lathe
loo.*' heoald.
•oa»er. aad whoa the Uae If Wilt
two ttaiaf wUl ho nia to iWoaa ftooi Big Tim. I.
Ensinaer Hubball SUtaa Rl^ht
of Way Mattar is AdJusM
TfSTono Oilf OTOfj daj.
**NowtWt the right of waj dilBWUyUWoatto be ooOlod 1 mmj •»
well giro ooiae detaito idea of the
plaoi of ^ coiapaay logardiag Lee
' tha City
way the people
Arransamant Which Has Baan
Will ^mmk IJmm
roa<U in
thU city
allhongh It U
declared tliat the main points hare
been dtKUtled npon. eatiefaclory to
both oonioniee. Th« plan enggiotwl
u a motnal arrangeoient by which the
traini of the T. O L A M ehall paaa
over the tracki of the 11. A N. K. oot
of the city and to Hatch e oroeeing or
near that point
Oh'.r Kogtoecr J. J
linbbell of the
M A N. K. imm^d Uirongh thie city
Ihii morning nud lu an
with the Keoord aothoriz«>d the abot^
etati aent for poblioation.
Mr. llahbell etatee Uiat ncgotUtione
to the ahoee end were begun in the
UtU^nortof June. 11 H. Methaany
Other Attractions
fUil M.aera iinoUey and Donglae
had aom^ oorreepondcnoe or an intar
view In which a piopoaitioo for the T.
a L A M. to nee the M. A N. K.
trade waa cliMOMed. There wae rooei.lerablc Uiecu^iun over the method
of tuakiug thejiroiMecd arrangement,
hot Mr. HuhN-n eUtee tliat it wae fin
ally agreed that th«^ T. O. U A M.
ehould iwy a lamp enm for the right
to neo the track, of tin* M AN. K.
and hear half the estumee of maiide-
Our 30 Bfijs* CdebntlM Stic fipcaed with t Rish! It's the
BEST show of BEST Clothing that bang* the BEST jiciqdc
to our store
Benda always performs what he advertises^
wella la oonaiiUred, U.will l*e seen
Hmta liit'e ettm cost iu aiiippiiig
the M. A K. K ami K H
will be wmh while "
of the T. O. L A M. will meet in IhU
Albert Wilson has Agreed to give
oily tomorrow to lake ench further
the M. A N. K. terminal facilitiea on
ac t ion af may l»e deemed neo aearr.
opertr. where a depot
will be belli and aoitable docki conIt waa etated by Mr. HubUll that
inoted for the nee of tbeoompany.
iKilh •id.'f 111 the right of way contro
It U the lUtfpose of the M A N. K
yeray eec'mod to think iliat tiwns time
i pofh thU proiecct nutil completed,
to gel togoiher and ec Itle the dimonlid Mr Uubbell aiai.a thai be be
ty. He further aialed that hiioom lieves the reeort boaineea of
pauy had not attempted to obatruct
will be
greetly tiimoUted
the progrt^ of the new line by refm
and oot in the lenat detract
form, aad ladioatiaa. ai- for a fnat :>**'•
*“»•• •“ *«««
! gallon fast enough -fur any
JI man's
iUs 1« b.A Tn.ik.U..
. UiW-A It • ,.UT I.U*
fine Imnd oonleat.
in which eome
entriee have already be«^ made, bicy
cle racing with good ash prises, no
Exact Time of Coronation Car
end of etivet games, with any quanti
not-bo Known
ty of amusement for the p'ople who
llruwa Tudat.
* VOrttihl*- CouchJ
Tl- o—of ll.. ^..I. ARAio.l Al«.
OnltUh of M.Tll. ld towo.l.1,% „ory
,h. L.O* w.ll no. dri., oo
went to the jury III Justice
< i (.oronaiion dav "
conrt at 4 :l& o’clock this afternoon.
ing. hitting him over ifie head with a
whilUe tree and iti a t^nod struggle
biting a goodly piMe oot of the lobe
of hii* father's left ear.
The tronble
grew out of diffloaltie. over the culti
vation of the laud of th*
. Ider
from Has city will indooe looaiderable bofineflf.
If all the pUuf in coosldemiion I On the m.wnlngof tbe
the eucounter.
shall matore the retort interests of the MU not having dooe any work
inty will espeneace a
ard the fulfilliug of the ovmtrmct
Taking thia
for two w.*eks, uoL*ording to his fath
er's teetlmouy. Alex, eeme and harimmar v isitora
ueased the horse, to take it away.
While the details of tbs projiofed The older man told him to leav.* the
ittlement of tbs right of way mat
horse, and went out to the gale,
are not closed, it eeems now reem
which tbe younger man was about to
oroaaiug llieir right of way.
nhW ceruin thnt there will be no fur- pam through to the road H.-re the enAtaHil TSal I eat HWf.
If the meeting to- oouater occurred
old. r man
row reeuUf taUsfartorily the trial claimvthat be waa reaching for the
Io freaking of the erecthm of tbi
coal fhfsla on the aUtfe near the M of the t'oodemnatiou snit which hat bridle of the boree, wlu u th.- won hit
A N. K round houfe. Mr. linbbell been pending will not be necesaary. him over tbe h. ad with Hie whitrtealthough Mr. Hubbell Udieve« u will trM, more than i*uc . got him down
be iHcd anyhow, in order to * aubliih and bit hi. ear as noted
the ftroctnn- until there waa
Tlie son
eome i«inta of Uw and a prec
aide a«furaur*> iliai a aatiafact
claims that the fblber was making an
which will be of yslns to erery rail attack upon him. that Hie blow with
rangemeut could lu«
for t
road doing bosinsfs in the sUte.
liiMi to nei* the present tracki
the .whiW. Uee was struck in a-lf de
cane the M. A N K aaa
fense and that before the biting of
the ear. the father bad tep.-aledly at
yiew of it Hie M A N
K baa
dently d.>cided tliat it would be i
better for that Hue to allow the c
their iracka Hum to liateanoUier lino,
controlled t.y eom.v
imv4Mi to bile hU son.
Tbe case baa occupied imwt of
onre could W kept until
witbont additional cliaige. Iwt under
day befon Justice Brown.
n»Mt n.l.a«. »> wnu • d»y lor Moh
r.r U ch.t«*d for o poriod of thirty
d.y«. .-...d oftor th.t > chw of »l »
d»y ontll tho <«r. or. oolooded ood
UverpooL July AK-Tbe Poet today
states that tbe Duke of Marlborough,
n ioortMl
Itodw thU roliii* Oio oool
who married Oousuela Vauderbitt is
con on hond wonld hoT. oool the M.&
about to be appolated to an offioe
K. a noorfy *10 o doy .f «orrl«l oror
gnat la Its eoolal if not in its politi- By Twl-crapk U» Sb- B«x.rd
tb. trot of AnmM. Thot
eal character
If he is not made lord
mm MOh tout. wo. loodo In ptotUloc
Ohioago. July «i»-Charles Warren
Uoatooaat of Ireland tbe Post sqys he
o oool e>td hero.
wiU get tbe governor gooeraiship of
Aidtd wl.01 h. hod to .oy oboot tho
Globe Savings bank and
notonrnta nlxlro to dlnriniootioM
of the University of Illinois,
in tnicbt toto. o«ola«t tbi. city
who iu lV>»mber. was eenteaoed to
the peuiteoriary. was relmmed from
gooddmdof taUuloogtbal li.*..*
Joliet prieosi tody ou a writ of habeas
unnllable informatioa prlatod
oorpua. The petition for babcaa corW Were.
to projudloe the public agaluM Urn ^
pas wae haoed oa tbe wmteotioti that
V. W. Goble, who WiU heffia FriA K. K. He elated that U would be
day the woth of earrier on the imral
and eeahmoed to the pealtesittary for
tlw height of foUy for his oompaoy to
AiJISLleagaUmtUiU olty. - U U fne deUrery route to MmpUI—. Is
.rSaooth ae poeMhto fnea the
Mimea Sadie aad Kitrrl
Shirt Waist values at... | C '
.Nuit values at........................ 6.(
Shut \aulcs at............ ..
Ncwland Mat values at.3.(
I Men’s Pants talucsat.T................3.J
1 Men's Un.lerw ear valuer at................. C
I Link Curt Button ^
Ar. frt. s.1. ..r baikdivda .4
TfAV-r.. . Uy m.-n TATaLK
m t--rf.>tl«
. t’lufurLktlr ao
l Kurm-bm l« Hi.
. tb-
A t!k. .l 4Ur Util I-Uk- B..
I. *i..r -h.— in anj .».cr is
Un-tll Sa^cirdaky NieKt:
Alfred V.
W8 Offer
Silk Waists
percent discount off from
their already reduced prices
It will certainly pay you to
...H.i. MK>r>
TIIK Ol.l» ST.\NI»
We lyave two
livlt. and ..nc
lOvl*J tent
a bn .'am.
I •.♦-’i.
If you want
lOvlJ tent left,
rrucnf ll'.ir, tent SH.lir. and
-Xpply to
3. m. BlahtsUe
Strictly Trtsh*
fy»mt 6r0wu.
25c ptr DcztK....
_ _ _
plaining w itn. as. grt^w out of a per-1-----------------------------------------------------------------------eoual cnoonnt. r some weeks ago. in
which*theeon gave the father a thraali !
thia |iro)eot will be a benefit to Trav- OS. of the team wb« o the son waa not
Oity. aa the train serv ioe to and
i**f too importaat a point to be
» Men's
everything at Cm Rates!
hen we see the Imd V.f Mcrchandisc some lellows are oftcring - we canm>i emphasue the tact t.M
strongly that all is N EW at
and battery case
; j-xilLOU tho crowd totheCreat ‘'ywhich Alexander liriaUh is defendant i
^h.iie Sale nt The IMolio Knt.lao
and hia father. Itngh Urittilb. is com- j
Grocery old stand
from the bosloeef ol the other lines r.rifflth. which the young, r man waa
entering that territory. On the con- to do on ;harea. The oimtract showed
mry he oonaidera that it will aid that there waa an agreement to thia
other llnea
Ue hellevef also, that effect, that the fattier waa t.< hxve the
UfoetmL IiwastothUoompaay.ia. shape to mako the wmrk of
tasMletofflre thU city the rary bnt
this erehlK oA we
« ««•■■■• •»’' ""heUa
»*“- »>««»«> •« cb«ic. wt-
u eialt'd further that
tavtem h a eondithm "
Monroe at short. Novotny un
will be in. a full iwogram of atraight
Hiletio aimrtA. iu which a number
Aelde from the reeort ooaeid.^ra
if toutnea h:*\e already been made.,
tioof. Mr. Habbell detailed eome of
the entire day to close with a grand I
tlie plane In oooeidermtlon in » combsH. which will be eiijovt i bv huod-1
mercial way. He mid: "There are
Mid their
reds of th. Uboriug
WhichiHavo Been Issued to tho
aereml Man iftee partlef who bold
families, aa well at otli»*ra iu Hi»- cil>
large traoU of timber *in the ocirth»*m
Abbey Ceremonial
and «-oo|itry.
pemnwla. Tbi. timber might W ont
The t>UHineas men are ei{iected to
ont by millf eftebllehed in tbeir Imrrangt^ IluaU. making extriiaive «-xte yicloity. hot a« Urge miUe
hiblta of their goods, eaian^ially IhiweT
Klaa VVtIII'ra
nuiou mauufactun
itonsiTo nit wcllo it will b.
every labor union iu the city will !
at I be
.kf \V««lailnl.ter Heacre profimble to traneport the
have a float, and the onion men will |
logs to Manlatae than toeaw Hiem on
tnm out en masse to make Hie day a |
the ground. Thia ia expUlned by the
Hf T. l-,:r«-.ht . lb- K.w ..r.i
great encoesa.
that the operation of the ealt
The aocoeiut of latt year's
Loudon, July «»~Admiaaion tickiia
I oonaumcf a yaet amonnt of re
tiou angnrs well for the i xx asoX this to the abbey oervmouy of coronation .
fuse from the milU which would go
yem'a plana.
were issued today. They l-wr no date.
IS thuf disponed of An
Tbt^ eolicitiug committ»>e will v i.it : The tickets are causing considerable |
D made to tow nome of
tbe bomincaa men iu the unar futurtv ' ooaimeui aa on the fact* of them thev ,
thia tlmlmr from the upper peninaula
I a demonetrmtiou aa ia plauuiMl jahow omcial nncertainty as to wheth-'
to ManUtae. hot It baa been fonml to
will cost money, hut
It the liberality of Lf ii may luo: ti- i .-ce-.-arr to again
be n dnngerona iiroc^ng. Last year
Trav. rae City
ueas lueu ia pro- pt>g,j.oue ilie cemuc uy
a raft of S.OtiO.tW feet of loga waa
verbial, and they will uu doubt furBinuiughHiu. England.
July W
loft, and owing to Hie diatance and
iiuh Ihe mceaaary funrta
|Ti,e IV*, ,.k.lay snys: "There ip h
large eiiianae of oi«n lake that plan
! growing coiiviciiou iliat the king will
lias been abandoned.
Imop at the d.anerv of Weptminatet:
ned to towthee.' loga in large rafu di-------- ------j Abls y oil the . ve of the coronatior.
reot to Omena bay. a shorter aad more
baonruBefur WMrb Ah.vaiMtor Ur.aub retomiDg thither toi a iieruKl of rest
direct water rente and a much safer
vva. Tri.^ Hcr..r*- .lu.iice
after Hm cerrmonv. No special de-•
Krom Omena the loga will be
ing to grant right of way jglvilegee
oyer the Uml on the hay shore, hot
rather to protect their own iolereeta
in view of future develo|«ueiii and
Weinem nquin meni. of the M A N
B. He aai.l. "Of course, aa the city
increase., in ante it will In- luoKiaaibh
for ev. ry railroad tarhich aeeka entnmoc to come into the city o%er an
iiideiKmdent track
and it uontd be
agaiiiat the iniennta of the city
€ity « Book « Store
IslMt auiob. of ttwelty »r.
______ a .
w, A.
^Jlsuigwortby-Whind tbe bat. North in
oeiebmti^* ev^'r bTldTn j ^
Kvrrvihing that's ncctlcvl you
Will find here.
the street at a time.
Union street, it will be rememUr-
nanoi^ of the |.irtion oyer which the
in w line eliall run. Tine leaving been
ehipiied on oars to ManiKlee.
derided n|«n the minor detaiU of the
may seem to U an eipensiye method.
arrangement Wt*re
left to a future
great demand.
I ed. met the north aide of Kront etreet
reo-mtly in a game H»at waa won by
the latter, the a^re beiug : to 4 Bat
I now they think tbvy can beat both
I sides of the street at once
om< lale of both
loinarrow to die
oneeml certain ileUilf,
In stock DOW. The manufacturers until now have
l»cen almost imabie to hU ewders on account of
home in Yiwilanti. He expects to ntteod the normal there next year.
udM of Kroot
At the
Page property at Omeaa. Mr. Uabbell
elated that the pW» wae porcliaeed evening a soliciting o
ted. and a oaiivava will now
.hyn. wbh h bar. b--n U
Albert WlUoo of Maaielee. who
n.-rWe d<. not fall at the,
WUdlng. aad he made for th.- urt^Shary funds to
leal mldut.‘ the right of w^oootro. ^r«>l a large eammer hotel eimllar to make the celebrmHon th« am ooehs that
remy b*'tw«^ the Trmrt.ree Olty. Lee
it is hoja<d it will be
at Pmnkforb
tbe featoree planucnl are a
lanan A Manletlqne and M
A N. K
largn iMBtiee oaa go for a doy. to etay
railway oompenie. will be eettled to c?er aigfal. or to epead Bnndsyt and
the niotnal eatlefafltoo of Wtb eon- get dinner, or otherwiee miiqy the op
porinaitiee which will be affordMl for
it U eUU<d tliat there will be a
ch*U«i«.* boUi
tbi. pah of tb. .tolc. «>d U-.r
I “»•«•
oa»al. bavr a.m»«l ,..tty d.lla.1. |«»
the other way -"
NewSle BetWrurOeMea
Pltnlf of Bast Bill 6<»ds
Ja.t «bu tb. Prout »tx»t pUtw.
will do I. probkoiaiical. bat tb.
chances me that they will want to
play the Union street hoys cm* aide of
Coder the propooed armoge
Regarding the mle of the Abel T.
plvcr. uf
d.y. tb. Rom. to tak. plao. ou tb.
Tw.lftb .OMI KToauda.t 4o’clock.
J>y dmwlag thU
f Mtlwaakee aad
aboet 5 o'cloob io the afternoon and
U in Omeiia early la tb« morning.
Kqaally qniok aad mtUfactory tmatportatloa facilitlee will be afforded
in Proicrass Savaral Waaks
hocf by mil to Chleago. for the por-
Jaly »-Dnring a
Kd Boyer left hia morning for hU
MoaioleotoMilwaakeo. with eooooo
i"Bi,bty 1*1.' • They i*v.. Moonliiic-
hare eoatool of a ftooBboat liae from
T.C.. L. & M. Will Get Out of
by |
the Labor Union*
fire iu Lienooc Brothers paiat aad glass
store HiUVnoming. five fiismea were
Tbe loee is »3U0.00U.
Bl— ea PMeCw.
BT TO.«rui4a «o tbe Bowwa
Wr kuadh r»U *our
7rom SOe to ft.95.
Ja.| U-- tliior f.,r « anpina
rhtUlr. u
IS .\ i.l UvAM l I « ‘I > VIl^
KVlTh'N. AM. HKH V 11“\
II\V. l;l 11
-11 s .M>‘l I 11- lin KIM
h\i I IS iiH i;r>i ii\\....\
n \.‘i irv nioia:
I KU 1_n,
and tlkforxl-- K.-xo-rml
c.n.a. ikua Uno^
db Mk Mk Mb iM Mk Mb iM
Tin V. U»d.
I- w
If you net-.! tumble's
al.mc, here ym w;ll
lin.l alai^casvurtn
'/) to sL-lctt Iroin. sonic
heap as
ZhrScandupIclOc each
OpM tkis EfiBiMi.
You'd 6m
a Dollar «
to be comfortable all surpmer
7/f>Mr«rr « «
Do not forget tbi South Side Store.
--wouldn’t you?
A dollar shirt waistpair Linen pantsFine Straw Hat-
We do not claim lhal we are perfection,
but we do claim that we sell the Best Mer
chandise in Traverse City for' the Lowest
prices. We will mention a few bargains:
$t> Waists at $T.35. $?> Waists at $3.H9
Wash waists at 25 to 3.S percent discount
50 bolts Fancy Ribbon at *25 percent dis
count. very stylish, all fancy silk waistings
and summer goods at big discounts, wool
dress goods and remnants on our front ta
ble at closing out prices. ::::::
Negligee ShirtAny one of these will give
you more than a
dollar’s worth of comfortget rid of your dollar and
be Comfortable.......................
U be it abmni a sign toon appa
r su|q-)yiitg lie ir hv.i».. > -
Extra heavy Linen Crash
o tlKlirc* joom^y from Arch,
•affel to E rilUre »boot Ifio mile*
lh« otm«t;of Urn ^'hiU ML
half wmy oo tlmlr j«
of wolTThe
CfETElM. Mint llou if II.ET ton
Mllotrihrr they woold nil fall
Clm.lotlK. rmreooo. bmmu. deciowl
to onat lota M U> which .hooW fr*t
\rnre tbr .ledfo Md deUy them
The heroic eooe refoeml to pertm
their father to dmw a lot
The llrrt
lot fen on the yoonreat and ha jamr
ed oot. knife in hand, hot the deUy
vaa only abort. Ataia a lot w eaat
and the aeoood aon jaaped ont
About 40 wo1t*-i continued the chaae
and. implorin* hm fallier to drive
quickly, the reinaininit Idevoted aon
jumiied. Th*' thre^ drlaya are-l Hie
Tehicka. furniture, barneea and food
for man and lieatt Every atore wO!
have to W rtatocked. In abort, alt eotenirtM a III W atarted anew, and It
wUI not U* poaalble to pet pooda Into
the Interior faat enonph to meet tha
dinuand that will arbM*.
All natkiue are awaltlnp thia trade
and are iirejorlnp f-r It by eaUbllahInp direct llnea of ocean
tatlon-aU natluna except the I'nlted
matea. wbkb, other tl
■loual frelLbt ateuuoT. hat no direct
coinumnh-aiioii with CajH* t'olooj. Ih
calling the attention of the »Ut<
J SttST-rSl!
p.>rtuuttles. runsul IJcucral bingham
at Csis- Tow n mays:
Th- riMlol matte ships to this part of
th- worW more tbsn tvrl^- aa much good*
as an) other country, -sr-pl Vir-at Urllsln U> hsv« bnrn s#tvllna to Kouth
rt.« sn Imm-nss soM-unl of the male
r-uulr-d to carry on the war. and this
a.^-uoni-d f.rf much of our lircrw
It U said
lotlationa have heon in )coirrew>
time between oflloiala of the
krae City.
LeeJanaa A Mania
and Maiiiat4M> A Northeaatem
adjaatment of the dimoultlea of riphi
of way which have liiu reated tlie lab
ile for aeveral monlha
It appeara that the officiala Imve
bach ftmanally a* tlinp topether until
a fwoiwaitioo ha«
agraad upon wbert Iry the T. O. U. A
trarka <
lirtllsh rule in their own oonnuy.
» city limita and
Sun Jowi. CoaU Rica, submarine
to iiateli*a eroaalmror near Umt poinL
roarings r<^semhling thunder are fnChUf Koirineer Hnhbell of Uie M. «
qDeiitlr heard and in Alujoela. a town
K. E. ta anlborlty for the aUtement
eleven and ona half mllns distant.
that thweia little or nodonbdtlmt
Th.-y are believed to Ik. caused by
the neirotUtiooa will be oomplvUMl
the Poaa volcano,
nineteen mRiw
tomorrow when the oOloUla aball
gnantities of
of the
moot and arranpe i
ashes luive fallen at San P.-dro, a village near the volcano.
and muha
MBrrtDit humuittT.
Tea. ak cenU.
Roekj SoonUlB
Jas. U. Johnson
witii till- other he b.«r.-d holes through
his liands and tore ois n Ills h-ft side
over his lieart. Wh.-n diacovereii.
a-rvha In ti*- l:rmsh army;
y^ANTia^laainc n-sa
"" “ ai
KtnWi.lcnrs |wr var.l 2c
0! rnnonom
N.. luv.l l.» >utli-r it.i
fiou't It-l the a r -.-t-t
. U-.UC X l.u-i-. t. Pm m one
ot Inote ol nm .\-vk «u criling
ELE-CTKIC FANS m )o«, oi
mv. stoic 4M i.onu . .\il «.| I
.k*sign .iml j-ctUi; i oiistnM II..U
Y.m shoul.l sec
.|K.*rs, - al-vo
lluk.uv Brand
Bine 1
Brownie Oveialls
.......... “ 19c
thsl iw^ui-ed by th- Arifenllns bu*-l. tUlunlsy July iwmAur. X J li.oeii)
New Zealsnd or Austrwlls New
aoai Augi*
tlmlH-r Is t^slnly as .ood aa
rr of llwl txdony. the
WANTWi f..r r*«-rs»
.. In a si.wh In t'aps
T.w« r..r.
n<l» said that hi* |«-..ple probauaie this trad- in the future.
H. aI.<.1 l*(l» will UMI- n*
ur-U-. Amc-v t-r >.uiUl.i.ir * -h- l l....t- ...
O. F»yOARVe»
A new line -.t
Sheep aa«
rwr A
t allle la
The Aim-rlean fanii tlmt was drawn
uia.a,to supply
and umU-a durIng tbe wur in 8<.ulh Africa Is to
drawn u|s.n again to rt-pnlr the havoc
A Large line of kitchen Cupboards
newt of thia dty. and that the aug-
toa M. 4k N. B. have fonght tba affarta of lha T, a. L. 4k M. to get crar
tWy TUatriry
1,1 ui-
Omk»iv-v«Am wow
Ombirvo^m rvow
OmbirvoAm rvow
gra.lc C.»rscl s<» ictcniU a-lvcrlisc-l in
the L.i.lics‘ ll.»me
Journal an.l oihcr j*»pul.ir maga/inc-L
Our inln».luelorv pure
Within the Uat five yearn ftwty(-m uw aent by
I Bkiglaad to .tody
l,at e^ |s*r van! | -2c
at only 90cWc have jiiM rc«'civc
other lot ..f the .Vim.ts-.U- high
n^JnakmiBl of tba dittcnlty irgarding
right of way. will be received with
gnMienMoD by Travane Oity baaipuM men nnd citlaana gannmly. If
now olienng a :«»» «mJi Simm.t
pur.'h.M.l t. M». ..IfIX.
(..O «U1
always he In d-rosnd. ihouah
qusntm-s thsn st |M^es-nl. Inde
s dlff.r-nt m-tbisl of f-rmlna U
here lltls couniry will to-ver he
raise n-orly eiiouah to supply Ui
hut wh. n ih-re u M lonarr s d.-mand for
army suppllrs from th- t'oUed Hist«e our
import* li.to Houih Afii.a will probably
di« r-es« to th-lr normal voluin- or nearly
atr«-tohed ont in imiUtion of a |hwsoii
I tr<T HululmJawsU-h charm. msrkM
. Iv carrUnl In I
nailed to th.- cr.wa The nail liad to
be TV-moved from his f-cl with twiwxera. He d.wan't a.;em to f.-el any Id to the ll*t of dlnm-aisdls
Umo Into iMlanau connty. :tud eien twin. U«ing in a sUte .»f religions ec lures, aays the t t. L.uis lleruhlie,
liich a shupiH-r may
devliv l.y
bafora the T. C. ,U A M. wm deliu. stasy ami r. |«Uiug -passages from the
s them
ring up the nl.-keU as
itoly decided upon. plan, w, re
life of Christ.
and thus k.-ep evact tat. on her fiuaoformatarial Improvemenu which are
A Ie<-hnica1 .-ommisslon lias ordered clnl status. Als-i the cotutmTelal
dalalted lo another oolomn. The pUn the demolition of ;the Hanto hlefano eler by a simple wagging ..f th- fluger
of timnaiiortattoa of timber fron
pays a h-.t.-l bill may avoid
clock tower. Venice wnioh has aliovm when
upper panlnanU b. Manistee by way sign, of c-llaiiae. Several lionaes also
racking ..rde;.l ..f fllllng out
ta ex)iense ac«'..unt.
of Omena appear, to la^ a reammahlr have IsM-ti ordered to tw d. molisbed
I Invent
iHK*ket c
<-asl> reglsl.f
he isK-ket
argmmeol or Uie exl.-utsoo of the line and other iweoautionary measures have
l.y Ell 7.1
lo that point; vrhlclt. in addition lo been taken
Tl.r-e hamlred thonaand
^»rd In amuunla
J.TKB1NO uid .
raaort IrafUo from tin- west would irive volumfM. of the library in the dnoal The register '
eueh up to a total
not has than 5
a haary impetu. to the bu.in. a. of iwla.-e are l.-lng removed aa danger la
U*f..re n-m-ttlng 111 dimeti
tbe line.
feared to the twek facade of the pal- It Is -Jhs Ineh.-S l-.ng and
Tha owners of tie- Mani.tee A
Morthanatem are |.r<H:reaaive bu.inea.
The animal iwotectlve asMlation
man and have not k eu blind to the Intends to introdare a law putting a little. On the fa<v is the n-glster.
first tw.. Ii.dlrat.irs !--lng for d.Hl
f«mllhatU.eT. C.. L AM. would
tax on oaU.
“Cats will be treated
gat Into thia city by some means un tietter by their owners when they and the third for oiita On tm- rev.
side Is the key for regld.-rlng
have to |iay for them, and as taxed
woald be foUf for them to wmsid. r .-ats must wear a badge, feline, can
for a moment any plan which would
*Klng W
at will.’
block the new aotonu^i*^- At the mme says the aocietr
his demowartl’s great is.puUrlty
lima it la good heuinam principle for
cratl.' spirit, his unpn
It IS steted that the jails along ih
writes byd
a, bnainem man lo protect hla own
novthweateni U*rder of this country
faUre Inlereata aa far as possible.
are fHling up with t'hinamen
Tbii la evidently wbat the M A N
smnggled th.-ir way inside the Pnite<l
B bna beau doing rtght along. TravSuies and were afterward d.-l4
raaaOityia too Imiwrtant n point for
and capture.!. Wholesale deporU
tbe MauUtee line to ignore; and the
of these tVleatiala ar« |«omised in radU^l of his subjects e».uld dealrw
ownara of that lin, know that aa well
Tl.e i:S.ph‘ think of Hm as a -good
tbe near fntme.
fr-llow.- a man of the wtwid vAth tact
aa anyone else. Rather than attemiH
At UI. Pes rslmrg by way of exprei
cxiwri.-m-e. kindliness and an Instinct
tha nnreaaooable plan
of diverting
mint Medical Utudent Kolomalxeff for saying and d,»lng tbe right thing
baainam from thU city to Manistee,
hatched ont a chick by carrying tlie at the right moment, This U the is»poit woold be to their intereaU to cater
lar view of King IMward. H may or
egg nnder his left ana for eigi
to tbia city aa far as poasibla. There
daya The hea atndent and chick are may not he tbe right one; hut the fart
aeama to be differenoea of oplonton aa
that nlnety^lght out of every bun.
much admlfod In wiientiflc oirclea
to whether thU has been •dona The
dred fMs.ple btdd It gives tbe measuri
At Oopenhagwi July Its Owwr Mad- of tlte auxIHy and aollcltude with
Manlatae line offlcUla claim that they
bavahadno Intantioo of attempting sen, the aoveliat. fell down a flight which the iirogres. of hU illoeaa M
being watched.
the dlanairona policy of tl.rowlng bnsl
naaa tewnida Maalahw to the d. trt- atnuigeld to dMth by hi. high oollar.
Banxia. the Venetian pianlai. Iiai
gaalkm to that affact U acarc ly wor- rompletad the unheard of task ol
thraMilng the piano M* boor, without
inlarmption. sleep or w>lid food. "
only aack.^ up a bottle of wine and a
thnoBdaladboth tinea have {come cupful of bonllion through a attow
ingathm tor a mmtnal and aatlatootory Two -of tbe prixe Jury went inaana.
Have you SC en them ? Flour Hins. Siujar liins.
Knead Board. Work Fable, etc., all tombiiied!
Have you heard about the Low rricesonihem
diiriui; this s;ilei'............................................
Bleachcl Cotton isrr vatd 4c
ani! upwards.
An(dher U .*f th<e.e fast sell
ing Rugs just Tcceive-l Wc are
Theaoare ormted by the boUdiiiK
|f the story of Captain Alsric Anof the H. & N. K. coal ahed on Uie
•rm.ii, an old milor who lives at
propoaed T. O. L.. A M rlphi of way
arinette, Wis., U-true, the •‘Flying
evidently but an imapinliry
friiclit, aa U»e Intereated part tea are Dutchman- lias ahifte.1 its aoene of
i.m^rom the AUuutio of Ur.en
mid to have virtually arpeed upon a
V. OapUin And. rw>n says that late
aattlament kforv the aheilB wenL..UIS Ch.lK'-lmiiMerut. Mr. Wll-on. kimI U-Iww ; I— Im.u*-. i.as>i.M-r kiU-h-n, -*.-ll
on Uie night of July
while Uiere ac-retary of agriculture. Ims n-celvtsl a water n.«r tc».^.ia. sml coh-rn.st OU Mi
aul. 11 It hnokiusn. »iU MiwS-s.. Mu
It liaa always bwn conTede<l by waa wwroely a capfull of wind stir. h-tter from K. 11. tiol.liT, a j-rouilnenl
of the Orni.ge Fnv Ht«tr. slat
Travane City boalnew men and rail
ing thnt there is itlivady a heavy de
way oflloiala that it would be for the Ihrongn me .ws
boat IntOTMU of tie- ciij for the Lee. U.e direction of Cnen inland. She
Uh- Orange I'rve SUte. fi»r she.-p and
lanM ooanty line lo k“ ««« orrr the sailed with great speed, heading doe
cattle for hn-tnllng. dairy and alaugh
M. A K. K. tracks and if tloa can be west, until within forty rods of th.arranged a great auooni of annoyance coast, when she anddenly tacked and
1 luring the war. Mr. Colder writes,
due south
At this moment, the Doers were eomiH-lhsl to kill ih.-lr
will be saved aa well aa Inwvy e\|a-na.
t'jvpiuin And. nwm-.mya. the crew rush live sUH-k fi.r sulrsNi.n.-.- and that
to the new line.
A good deal has been amid and ed. wild with yells, toward the wheel th.-y wen- unahle to care f.»r their
hons«v 111 a few moments the sliip herds <w their cn»i«i. As a result tlie
pMnted ouHng lb. pa>.i month regard
log the alleged olwtmctiveattitud.- of ituiiHl from aigi.l, headed in th.- .lirec- farms have well nigh Us-n strlpis-d of
Uve stiH-k of all kinds, and Uu- .l.-mand
the M. & K. K. In the meant in., it lion of the Pesl.tigo reef.
Is atrtmgly In favtir of s.-eurlng Ameri
SMmatliat negMiiationa have laM-u in
At Paris a criminal lunatic was
cun at.H-k f.M- the nmg.-s. fe.-d sulla
program whloh the geoetal pnhllc
found nailed to the Boor of his cell and dairi.-s. Mr. r.ohl.-r h:<s also In l^ol’r-KTn KKST -W. P.t'ruhwr
been ignorant of. Mr. HuMh-11 d. . by his f.-el. with a gash in his left formed the ae,-ivtary of agrt.-iilturc
flUrea tbai too mnch has be. n said in side. The man imagined him»-lf te
thert- is a large demand for maLOST
Ibis direction aa the line he rviir».M'uia tie the Messiah and M-cnriiig two rus i-hlm-ry and agricullural Imid.-im-nts of
haa bad oo intent ion of hlooklng the ty naiU .Irove «me of tl..-m through all kinds to rv-pla.v the supply tliat
new railroad: but rather a d.-tremma liiu .-rosiM-d feet into the floor, while 0«*stroyed during the iuv>greiui of the
tlou lb protect its own interest., to •
manner to prer.-nt oomplteat ions ii
tba fntore and avoid ruetrtnloo.
whloh would Interfere with the de
BovV Waists 9c a^.l uimar.ls,
Iji.lles’ Shin Watsls 20c ^nd
Ribbo^v»r.l. 14c »"-l «1“
A banaleea aabalaAoe that dHvea
r :.u*r.r*rr‘
cl that trad, dlrilly Instsad
the hand* of our cKni^-tllorw
As Itrlilah auhj-«-is will have a irreat war
del>t to I«y they very nstorally think
that the trade of Houlh Afrha Ulonss to
them and will 1-sve nothin, undone to rw
isln It. We cannot ala ays iUt^ui solely
on the suiM-rlor uuslHy of <mr a.«.4a
ilrest-r -ff-rt on our lutrl U iieoesiisry.
InCants* Bonnets 5C »*>il n|vwanU.
Cents’ Hosieiy, 3C an-l
l.adies’ Hostetv. 5C an.l u|>wor-ls.
Misses' Ciauze \ ois 3c ^n-l
Aopi Mam Mart, a native of India,
who baa reaid. d in San Kranclaco as
far back ae the memory of the white
Is dead at U.e age of ISO.
Anpi Mam Mari liad a moat romantic
Acemding to tlie atory of hi.
life, told aevenl years ago. before
his mind became qlonded. be waa the
of an Indian iVinon and wa. kid
uapi-d wlien h* was achildaud Uk. ii
lo th.- Hawaiian island.. Then* he
lived for some years, a slave to a
Chinese plaut4-t. and filially came to
Talifoniia ma a folgtive.
From a
MaUy on a miling voaael be learned
that his father ami brotlKTs liad siient
in tr^i lug to trace him and bad
Bmvlly met diwth in
resistance to
per yard....................................Q9c
Gents* While Laumleml
Shins :«c to......................... 85c
Lace Curtains, per pair
and upaar^b.........................33c
W. Ollffe and
Economy Store
241 Front St.
It is a capital idea to buy our stylish garments. Wc
guarantee a perfect fit and know the price will suit.
We have suits from $4.00 to $30.00 and as we have
suited hundreds of customers, we can surely suit you.
They are well cut. well tailored, swell suits, made
from cloths of the latest patterns, in the best manner.
Is where you find the largest assortments, the best
goods and the lowest prices. No question about the
superiority of the "Twentieth Century" Boys’ Clotning. It is hard to put, values into cold type, but
mothers, if you would just SEE-these splendid suits
you would then know why we talk so strongly about
them. '
Js a tie purchased from our great stock of strictly
new goods. The "Colonial Cravat” is the latest and
it finds ready sale. Other ndw goods constantly add
ed. If a tie is wanted, we sell it every time, no mat
ter what your taste is or how exacting your demands.
Our two great lines. 25c and 50c. are the popular
goods. Ties suitable for any occasion.
You ever wore? Buy a Longley and you go well
hatted. Our men’s hats are the talk of the town.
Price, quality and fitting quality are the best selling
qualities. We sell hats from $1.00 to $5.00. How
about it?
GIVEN ON THE WONDERFUL PIANOLA every day until further notice.
Concerts will be given in the Furniture Department on the ground floor from lo
to 11 a. m. and 2 to 3 p. ra. and are entirely free. You are cordially invited to
hear this wonderful instrument. .
Ton Mj aalaet yov on
travkmsk oitv, miom.
^ ^'':
fttB imDrdra BaooBD «RA.TKBsa cett, men.
Ccttdtnstd Dtws
» of WichigM.
of thair fatlihff •Jidflit » pn>b^
daalo tha fool that they bad bean
wgbiag thair fboaa ka water aiiaad
with frofs tor* t* 9rdar to aamra
Walter Walls of If loblgaa Olty was
killad by a wiatbboaad Ptec Marqaatte ttaio at Blrtete& It is bau»M of ^mn> dirr mat tm» ooe
IteTodba was aalaaiioa tba track. A
at Urn hatua of iVUr If ohjui. rMidinir
aaraa niiUi* o'lrtbwt^t of *^*tiimn
A blMiA aptdar baa worm a wob
AGtaad Harm asai who has foliM-i acroM. a»4 io a »wary i
lowad tba oU adaga. 'taka ears of
saarfi tlM word Mardar” aftpm
ads will taka
fdaialf that U«aa U aaaa acM tU
other day. and i»ld hu fas to tha
mlalstar who Ued tba kaot, 910. all
oHiaol Iw mada oat. Tba »)4«lar la la tba ooppar ooa-oeat plaeaa
baar apfwrMilj eoapUtiac iU t
Hawioa Gard. a wall-to do fanaar.
Tba wab la a aoartw of roHosI^ to T&ysars old. diad PHday. Ha bad
tha aalffUxwbood aad rlolatty. kaad. bma a rasidaot of Volaaia iowasbip.
rada of pmpla Mrluir rlawad It Mia Cass eoonty. 78 years
Mohaa/wUo ftrat dlaeovrtad tha ffd
Mot all tba wbsat has baaq ralaad
dor aod lu wort, la rarj o^aob all
by tba eitraordinary waathar Ibis
ad aad 1. prriwrlair to ^ta
mmgnar. Horace OI la. of
Ilagaa oeaaty. tbrmabad
tba tfodact of thraa fields last weak,
1(*» faat aad the yield of all three was orrr
lawo o»r«Hoir a ajmfa of ftO by Itt
lay rally l/Wi aparrowa ll«at fall
forty basbels to tbs acre.
abmda traaa wharr lOey war ahrl
Tbs morals of tha residaats of Zee
dorluir a MtiUc atx>rm
laad aiDst be of tha botboose rariaty.
Homa of tha brlda wera
An "Uncle Tom's Oabla ’ oomisuiy
aaoat of Ui«m ware ooiy ata
was refaM^ a Unease to play in the
lioy fcatliered a haak*<tful aad atartad rillage beoaaae it was feared It was
for the otMiaty clerk '. olBoii. atpaetiaf
ratliar pecalUr stab*
I Uiat tba Uw of affairs has reeeally oome to tight
had l»^co repMlM
w The city
ally pan bases a large amoanrtf tools■
A Unrif^aoU^y of l»oakarda 1. to be aad other naoeemry articles for use in
e«ubllihad la Altr»r ooaaty,
repairing tba streets, boildiag sewers,
Moili.lfir. oo laod. parobaaed
fixing part-meat. ale. It now derel
ope that a Urge amoaut of tbeae tools
have aniirelj disappeared. Prirata
Indlrtdaals are In tba habit of borrowing them with the resalt that
they never are rataroad aad tba oltr
I- ■
A lirakenan cat a train atandinir on
a sidetrack at t’anier. Meoon
fwouty. fnand a Jag in one of tba
nar*. and U Iiik at that atomeat tarj
thirsty for tha .toffn.oally aMOoUtad
with Jaga. ha took a rikkI UIr drink.
It wasn't whlskty. howaror, bat
romaldehyde, aad the brakeauMi lirad
ouly a few boars aftarwars
Mlnhliran people know that Grand
Kapida Is ooa «tf ttta world’s fomllBra
oealars. bat probably faw of I
bar« any Idea of Ue maRaitoda of
tha city , bu.luess 111 this sUta. As
an aya o|ieo.^ It inlgbt ba atatad
that the ordara bookt^l by local waaBfsctorrr. daring tha aaml-aunaal rs
hibition aaason just closiaK aigoont
Glia old soldier Is faaliiig iretty
good nowadays Um one at Hyroa who
has just Ustn granbul a iioosloa of $30
a monUi. aod who gets back pay for
tiiirty yaara, making tlie snag little
sum of
Two young women of Holland. wb<i
hare tieen nuder tha care of a Grand
ILapids oculist for sereral weeks, admiiu^d to limlr |wr*-au tbwt
Prom tba fiosittoo of a millooalre
ifutwrman to a cell lu the Vermill
ion county jail, in brief la the life
story of Hamilton Koroe. an inmate
of the National Soldiers' borne at
Uanrille. HI . who was arrested on
the charge of etaaltng a watob Kight
ago Koroe was ooe of the weelibiaat and moet Inflaantial lambermeu
In Miobigaii.
Cun Club Shoot Occurrod arxl
Medal Was Lost
When WlUiam Marrelll waat to sleep!
In the We^ne toog dab boom on the;
KoartbofJaly aad slept throughoat;
the slioot, there was no ooe that en i
than A W. I
■ Willit-'s tarn to laagh. |
Toere is no ooe more iotemsied in
the regular aboois of the Trareree
City Rod & Uon Glob than Urn said
Peck. He was oat of the city last
Friday, and be telephoned in to find
when the sboot was to be polled off. 1
Then be made every effort to gel |
here, incloding a twelve mile drive
■*o\er the burning aauds "
Just after dinner, be thought he
would take a nap to steady bis ner
ves. after tb« strenuous eff«»rta to gel
to the shoot, for lie was wearing the
olah medal for high gun. and did not
pmjKiee to |wrt wUli It.
He gave bis wife injunctions to
w aken him In ph nty of time for the
shoot, which wss to occur at 4
menl, •• nvation aud »|*t-cialtiea. The
And of coarse she would.
Hut site went to call on a neighbor. oo^fctruciion u good and llic dialogue
and did not return. Meanwhile, Mr. eiiappy; ih.- comely amuMng. and
Peck lay on his |ieaoefal oouoh, and the itituatimiR di-tinctly dramatic.
dreamed of big drug sales and grow The play i«‘iu four art* aud r.^|uiren
Ing salaries and diamond gun me.Uls ten .c tie. for the nu fol ding of tin fil
and scores of 2,'i straight, thrice re pitory. iN-Hdea an cKcrllt-iit «i»>t of j
peated. Wlien be floally awoke, and lirtnolpnU as twenty suiteruumerarit«
prepared to go to the shoot, be look
ed at bis ticker and found that it was
6 o'clock and getting later « very minuU'.
To complete bis dlsoomfllure. Kd
1 ph.xwrighl. win.
ir..|H- i.ot Jong Hcu.
Brcisrh telephoned to him and aaked
blm to kindly bring tie- club meoal
111 ford, t urn.. wMn i • ht» faih.r ^
for high gun down town as the said
Kd Brosch wante.1 to we.or it
UcmmI. h- P)H|.t ;dliie-l nil hl^ |. .-l.r«’ ,
Mr Peck did not say much, as be c.mMrutting i>.iddh-tM..-iti« «>n tin l .-ii
did not have time before tb«- fuse cm liili|gtoli iht-r. light nt the {••••I «•! the j
2^ I Perfection
i„^,i II... KUhi.-Cf
tvs.t ts.
Poolar Urra Sal—ea Get iotaeCluj
Is ii.tir do/
ka| The,..,,
w's resort on Trar
ng lu most soccessful season in murk
eight ylara, having bad up to this
ll> >it til.il.-TH III III.Ume:
The new arrlvsls are T. J Pelikan
aad wife. Miss Kmma Tabor. Miss
Gertrnde Htrlker. Mrs. Oarl West, lenifi.i-t •.
and Prof H. J. Jacoby, all of iChica Wlfllh. I th.f
An. *h. I i.^t.ni.i.tJ a fair Ml t-iifr. rlnR
go; and Mr and Mrs. M. Gexik of
Traverse Oily. Many more are ex- endt.ittl ».» 111. e ;n .1 U-a-|.t mii n .\uTtb
iiected for Uie nioiiUi of Angosi. linkt.lH prntrle dm in:: .a idbrard
><lMrn< u.-r.- fl.a- (..Id mild live cT
Mngwaa never better. Some flue
hee were made during the |wi.t
I why a druggist offers you i
« fur the Madieoii Medioim
Go's K«K3ky MounUin Tea^ l>o*'S be
love von or is be after tbe bigger
k it over. Jas tJ. Jobu-
Congimsmen Ilratwol-. of Jflnm^
A now play by th. aatbor of "In siwlu. has s tr%mi l.n«W uu bU farm
Old Keatmrky." and "Tlie Batmr- ami Is tbc otil> iTUatf uenrr of trout
With g.dd epuU lu the tnllM Sutra.
Then thev vanished ws will all Krapban." entitled "The Burglar aad the
Waif." comas to glMnberg's Grand
r of the world.
Opera House next Monday. Aog. ^ It j a 'magic''ramadyT lionltTelscIHdty
is a clever blending of com.-dy. —oti-! ^
Jotemon and & B. Wait Jk
lie .prui
IfM.li lln- .Un-l...
Sfii..k‘i g a I. imn.iik.^I
coM,--! tv
hill from Mark TumIii'n h..n»f
When j
rUllctIf had m.-idi- lo^ inaik in Nt.w
nd g.d rhh In* hndt n rtH.iny
llt.lj Itrittr • It
twlh^l I
It tdll.n.- t^.Mld
on iHMtd al-o
inokii.g p.iil..i and a hdlMld
n..t.- II..Ml
II VMII...UI d.|s ii.lnig .
( u IngiMi.d t-npi.iiii
«;dh-tl.- ^I..|.p.-I oil tl
!./-|..\v «;rnnl H toinh.
gin .tipW I.. II In- Mni
1 f ^
1. .
t. k
■ tUtiih.iig
id r.*wU.al« nil. In
.nrhig avvav iltgnig. «l..rhf.
► i::h(
Latey sterred la Imndon bananas hs
eonld not dlgast hU food. Early nse •
of Dr. Klng^ Ksw Ufe PllU would
havs savad him. They strangthrn
the stomaoh, aid digestion, promote
Bold by Jas. Q. Johns
Walt A Boos, dragflsla.
I'he most important thing to the buying public is reliability, correct styles and prices.
1 he Milliken guarantee goes with everything bought at this store. Money back if
you are not satisfied.
iJ. W.Millken
Summer Clearance
at very intends!ing prices.
of Wash Goods. Shirt Waists, and hun
dreds of things throughout the store
He yar.l fm what's left in colorctl Dimities
Orgamhes, Ijiutis, lUlistcs etc. that was
solil all season at 15*, clearance price... Qc
l‘». van! Ivrt'all the Linens am! Ginghams.
AiMuit ten st>les left. You know what this
means to us but that's nothing to you.
I hey were Aik an»l nS* : ilcaiance |iri< e. | 9c ;
l»a.k iolors. (tlxKl . ount, xlrataiicc |«uc
IHc yanl fvir iinjHiitr.l Dmiilics Swixses Organ<iir^. Scoti h < • ingliatiis. l.ace Stri{tcd
Dimities an.! Lawns; tins season's 25c* to
4IK hue; rleaiam e piice.......................- .. | 9c
Aliout three dozen adored waists that weic
Remnants of Dress floods
and Silks
36 in. Percales
Shirt Ofaists
r-K .clea,am e ,«.. <•.............................. 29c
FOk-R DO/.KN ColoiexI Waists, weie $1
an.l $1.25, clear«,ce price......................... 75c
MX vir.U.M Dins r.xKxlx .ml Silk, ftnb
ami nr»-. li-Ii fit>m the Uxt lew weeks’ sell-
.ne; all go at Jnsi OBC-HtU of the Ret«Ur Price: ougl.t u. 1* ot mlcest to you.
eurtain Swiss
;h; in. wi.le. white with blue, green, yellow
am! le*! stmics. only h*ui pietcs left; sv»lt!
alnavs at 2.--h-aiam .• ,«l. e
| 5C
ehambray Pittieoats
.\Umt one .lon-n left, just the thing thislime
«.1 yeai; will wash am! wear well; was 75«',
1 learance jirn ................................................. 49c
-Vll the $0aml$7 waists at clearance pt.. ,- 4.75
W.VI.KINt; SKIRT.S- .M«.ut 5tl of them
that u,U at $.5. clearance |«i.e..............3.75
Others >n the saioc pro|s.rtion. Itettei I.«.k
this up ifs immey m )o«t j,. kct. Clear
ance ,wiCe ,m all su.ts iml jackets.
Ap,J,.|ue lau-cs. wr.le w.Jth. white only. 5«c
ar..l IKK. values, cleatance prree ................| 9c
RlBBONS-N.«. \ 7,11 at... ^................
RIBBONS—l.xtraipiahty,No. Htlal l>rryd. |8c
Slr|> in wh«*n you arc down town and let us show you the goods - no trouble, you knr
Cbi$ Store will be Closed Friday JUternoon,
............................................ “-i.h.,a....r............
first genuine Lockhart “Mill End” Sale that opened in our store today is the palW pable hit in our history. All store records are being broken. Great crowds came to
our store at the opening hour and continued to grow until every available foot of floor
space was packed with anxious buyers and we were forced to close and lock the doors
ta keep tee crowds out.
>MILL ENDS are the left over short lengths of the cloth maker. They are what remain when an even roll is ready
to be shipped. There is no waste in the mercantile world. The scrap iron of the moulder, the chips of the
carpenter the clippings of the publisher and the cuttings of the cigar maker all have a place in the stock of salable
goods. More bales, boxes, crates and barrels are being opened for tomorrow’s mighty selling. BRING YOUR
_____________________________ ^
crrr. vnaL. TmnAT. jolt to. iww.
JLI> riONSkB cos
UB. upoa U ue U Mr
rosrelU rvrmmij m€
»r« raloelcM. why hart a
But Mr. Hamilton Bollovafi City
Should be ProtM^tod.
It U Electridty HtroetMd bf
a ruEL ounm>
Thera art font good eMdidaiea. nU
romlornt men of the eoanty. who
bnae annonneed tbemaalTaa na enadldatra for the ofiloe of regiamrof deeda
leoerd O. a Moffatk wbo will
for. Thorr wbo with to OTooerd
Mr. MoSbtt nrr Ftank Wilaoci of Paradiaa. <5. M. Hager of Unloo. Frank
Hamlin of BUlr. and A J DeVrira of
%Kf€mr,tbm luagut U dUl iml Hurk Ui
twCljr in turnlnc ibc n
TU y Uid
. Ml eves UMKb ilM- irun m.|-t*d4nl uu4ir tbr mr ur mo l«rt <>f ii Th.^
Mla« M c«rtrc41M
«.>. tUe
OMaco Bceord iitTohl. All U.u touk
trian wlUin U« f.«i mud. 1 f«r.
noaanrtitliK nU
*•“ • track
UO M Ions. Tbc csr went nrtuxS nitd
rMUMl tbr tnrk. t«rk
wnrd. fa«t tir »low. at II..- will of llu
nfwrntcjr. n bu w.»rk..d
gW Irrer. AtHl l« atop U no Irfrakn
VOTY nrrdrd.
of *tr«rt
There will be no oppo«ilion to ib.nomination of Robert
Waller for
:y clerk nor to Ue-o W. Sb
for tn-aaurer.both being eoooodrd
ond terma
. City Atsomry Oea tt Croaa ia the
only candielala yet annowioed to auc
r. H
Pratt at pr©.4«niing attor
At to many of tba otbar objaetkma
noted by Mr. Olbba. It la aimpiy idle
to antartnte tbam aa rani.
The net ondar wblcb tba company
organiaad waa not mnda clmr or
I From rum Weed Oirw Ula
known to tba council until the day of
the Inat maaUug. It waa coaslderw]
unwlaa for tba city to grunt n frnnchtac under an net that would free tbU
company from local tnxaUon. and al
Kecr-nt public qooiaUons from aooM low other coodltlona to be impoaad npreiu.rk* made In private ccnveraallot
us by aucb nn net. Under n Street
Railway act. the council granted a
dde *4
franrhlaa. and. notwltbatandlng the
a nsw and
clause relating to the oMigatioo to
r of n atreet
build the Old Mtaaion -railway, which
City and to
eUttse Mr. Olbba obJecU to. It baa VfmmM N<A Aec««A tli« l»e»nre*Uie
Of grant
Iw^n-mada one of me condltlona upon
fran- which thla atreet railway franebiae
chtae jxxii giving them priority of should be granted. If thla franebiae
right to enter the tlly. Third. I hare
had no other soropany in the hackevident fact that it wl.l
Detroit, July »-Jurig»- Yapie wires
gr und for whom I hire been working not he U-tauae of a loo stringent fran
►ham- or form. Fvdirtb. I chiae offered. It will be a good way the D. iroit Today from Memdoo that
1 hny^a
b the company and for the out for the company, a lime to unload
I out of politics and would rot
tbelr effort* to place the the burden on Traverae City, bni the aooepk the demoormti. guberoatoriwl
liaena will not. 1 believe, carry any
for a few dolUra.
i Is apparentt that tkit cvmpam
w ► ao aatiafactory to the comjcaaentativc
that they urgt-d ata renewal by
polled ont c.r thu field for n rroomlna
oun. II. That ordinance cooulned
lion there will Ur not bar tiominalion far realer realricliona than the prea
The preae-nt ordlnam e has one
for the legia'-toro.
Hon. Jaa R
V ohjecllonahle dauae to the
Monroe ia the only candidate yet m.*ui. whl. h was not in the old or
___ _____________
so that up to the time the
Owner can reoover same by calling at
bis rvSd because of an obnoxious fran Record offioa.vpeovitg pro|ieriy and
hise. It waa admitted by Mr. Oihba
paying for this notice
hat up to the umr of the requml to
Mr. Waller B*^t-r.
enew the old franchise. It had
agent for lhe*‘Ilnrslar and the Waif,'*
which comes to Sieuil--rg*s Graud
e matter bec ause of Ihia
ake hold e
tlauae. aare
I attractiioo.
City in the lnt*-re.
•hta *n». wan then-ln n>n!alned. but cvtndUJons upon wl
f for**Th
The aclratM-e sab
m ter
ohj-e te^i to until Ihe objeellon
Mr olij
iruhprrtive negotiators will build the
Ide■ Ten
Terminal fa. ility riauae fur other
■ which ap
wad. does not hang upon paving with Rorglar md the
The idviug quea
rccadK." was pul in
n the- tia. ks and one foot ^omKide. and jH-ars here next M
Aug 4.
lion. Ihe hlghw: »y fund, or any other )ot uiHiU the rlausr relaiite to ter
at the box
r new ordinance was minal faeulltii-a for proKpec-live
office of SteinWrg's Grand
ads If the e*wudltioaa upon
All about Ihe city the a-itt spit or
to built are that
Mb. Thla poWlc trrt, BfT. r uumy that
made with »|.|«iriina u*..rr
endr. led tbr liirmtuT. I*. W.
who U apiairmtl) a otnarrTatlvr me
cbnnlc and rU^rtati, to may: * We «1
tber harr the l.lgiteirt thluu i: *u»: *4 MotwlMtUoT IIU IWwl* !• laelMk.l
riar n-4hlnc «l -U. And I am e..n
Tlncad that wr have the »;wtem whleli
wUl do iway^wltU the troUer. ot.-r
band or «inderKn>und.Tbr fnndantrnlal ld»w of tl»r nrw
ajatein la -no cut a nM.tw ln two." Thi
ala<1ro tnagnrta form .m.-half «.f tlir
notur and arr |4ar«<.l In the irruund In oorder a oonrt this morning, one Jury,
a Uor half way Utw.^-« the tmrka. men haring n-coren-d from hla sick
one up
It wa.-i then that many
Frauk i\ Ptogree. broti.er of
Tbr alh.*r part, the aniintnr.-. 1
.hje* tl «»- were rcrorded dealgntarbad leupthwl^e l.. II..- l-.tt..in of tlir .he lab- governor and rioe prcMdent ..d to foment pul.llt oicinion.
this wiled- s^tlon. this **Terof the defon. t CitrSaviuK«^nnk. was
faaC and ao atti*h«l that the enl
I faeility'* clause, rests the main
aalled lo the stand
Tne witness redlaarUy are within an In. 1. »f tli
tlon to tne ordinance I will here
Kb-d the post|>otiement of the examiof tbr mamrC
Itut the prl
re|ieal that I know of n . other com
nntion of h.-uk books from January.
w-«-klng ;i fr-n hi>e at the pres
iine. hut with the proluiblllti«-a of
tba trolley ear mt»tor la that Ih.*. h>nro lisM.until six months *\ter at the sug
gestion of Andrews On July l« Pmgreeir.jnd Andrews Indebted to thbeokinthe at*»n of |;S»0.l X
Pingrse mid bo would reaifca if the
tudehtodness rras not cltUred. Andrews mid: •*A** right. 1 won’t take
the iircsidency. If yon want to bust
U»e lumL. go rhewd ” Pingree said at
that time that the Au(*rows item was
coiriecl into the ease end he didn’t
turn tbr WhrHa. The new ear I
proprlh^ by IlH. friction ..f the .c
with the track, l.nt hy the \u^
Ihich nmiroei
with main
latrd and IwtiiirInK . leciri. Ity ftoi
power houar. In fart, the eh^ ln.
Mta are rolla of wire iimcnellr.
tba Hrctrleliy niimliii: throinrh '
know of And-ews
having an
tbrm Ihr luaKi.eia an- met nine
In other wunU. they nn- ik.I In fh
cult r*t^ whrii the car c-omea
thi- next in years. 1 shall endeavor
have the city s interiwts guarde<l. no
»t no ror|Kirai;..n sliall lu Id the lull•»' • f power in our streets.
Another action relative to pivlng
ide tne rails und one foot outside,
ils Is a rua«. mary rule, not only in
ihlKun. but m otller states, and in
lull-r pIaT--s as wvM as lar*e.
not a relic of the mm but a product
Hu- pre-ent. This custom is well eaidl-ch-d.
the exi>«-r|ence in
innnii ipau.bs have determined this
cording to i-darlty
l«alUvr. and then a
la the ac-heiue for
and uaklnc It run
ltl.« !!.«.■
ronci-ssious in the
ly. whUo by expel 1
icutily and nniioylng
fur Ibr
wnrd by a poaltlve tuagm-t In Ihe
on ncconnt of the- n-i.. lllnc i.'n
Uka iiolea. In thla e-oun.-eUou the
a •‘commutator.** w hi.-h k.>-pa ehau*:mj:
tbr iwlarlty of th.- f.-.t k.c that th
dura ncH iret “atm-k * li.enev. i
oiwrator of tier e-ar e-nn with one
pie uioveinent of hla on.- b ver ai
or rrve-rae the- m«ee-in.-nt ln<t.-a.l.
The great aavli
n the Inventor
claliua la in the amount of .-h .1
lie aaya a.-\e‘iii\ tiv.
with the pn-ae-ut tndicy ayate-ui i
ty.ftve aiiiiHtva are nsjuinsi f..
car. He aaya th.* aavlng la e-evil will lie
morse than one half. It 1-- nl-*o e h
that the cara c-nn t«* run fn?-teT
trolley rara iNsnuim- they an- ii1
under peTfee-t ceeiitn.1. Tlie-y e-:in
Jump the Irne-k Inc-aUM- there,
he elaust- in the oniiname las
Stephens will rettun here in a few
days to look after the details of b-rroinal f.vciUtiea here.
It is prohtible
that negotiations will be entered into
with the O. K & 1 for entrance over
their tracks irto th^ city.
racks shall
hrslM T«»t*v WPS NolsM^-*
ch- Ute luilliocaire John W. Mackey
was O'lebtabHl at St. Many’s cathidral tocUy. A large congregation, in-
wtwieat. Wsm ea w.Hkv. Hat
1 dan't raqatn- a ain^ fork; a rlntr 111
l«> ■» r.no crvlnc. l-ul .1th r...
the tools of vthers.
July ft»-The atudenla of
the Miles Bnalnesa ('ollege who struck^
hies bad sued his
returned to their
desks this morning
Mrs. Miles fays
bill for dirorru.
which have rnsulw-.antial aid
the begii
i-hher by pr
Tkrw- Klllrd. Maar laj.rrd a»4
Klooded Wlik Wafer.
By Tebvnma %> tta B«ar4.
ba morv aarcaatb
quickly. T
nd in my oflirial capacH
York, JulyaF-Au electric
to |g»ve railroael traekt for corpora
Ktorm bneke over this citT last ev«>s- tions to whom we have given a 30lug. killing UueH- peraona. ininring year franrhis*-. even though the proflu
may Ih- am 1! at flrst. I shall be si
in yiei.Ung tut: but I will lend
cff;rts. as in toe past. In my prhmte
eaieae;ty. la ene-ourage amb a pobllc
enterprise. V
Ihe enterprise la i
Detroit-Whmi. 90, bid Tl‘4
Ibirty years is a loog period. 10
year* longer than the franebiae with
nf'.i.; oata. «i.
the late Mr. Campbell, fire to 10 junra
Tolrdo-UTw-at, both :i\.
f given and
this under conBlona were befive ymr financial conceaa 3^e^ term would be
•t«.av :iafd. $ia«s
______ -Ym. ym,-ropH#d the I
“*nw. for Inatance. 1 don l kne
tkt d«rll you arv.-
Kq. ft., or l.C€l
lUaaawU TUvIr Itsaka
of C)*e evening. Mi«s 1.orei=» lA-nning
ton and Mi»* Gran- Jav
inning the
lUtrd and
Kefrestiment* were w-rved Inter in the
inteiesting fraturea of the p.tn
ao«l ti was regretted by all that
time could not be given to Uiia
Miss Atjdie Sobu , nl.-rlaim-.l last
^ evening a nomU r of her young ladv
friends iu htmorof h.-r cousin. Mi>#
Ila Higgins, who is visiting her freiii
the pro
isrliaiu more frequently than
in the sUte.ns in addi 1
tiun tj K V. t^Kdilin's sii<? Mr llol-j
b-y*a talks Miss Hammond spoke on
Junior work st tlie dislnct lurvtmg
and Miss Babw gave a talk on Inter
medial*- work in tin- Junior ^.-gni-.i.
E iworth Heights is nl»^lly sitLut*d
for such n gaii.eriiig.
Tne gruumls
are iden!. the higii sand duns* iK-ii.g
covered by a liealuilal hardwoewi
Mr. rod Mra J. W. MiUilt-n and forest, aud tin- couagr. bar. a 'won
aou James will b-ave today f,ir a nov dei.'ul outlook for niil.-i to lb.- ii..rtb
el and ileliglitful trolly trill tlirou^li audm.uthov.r laike Micbiraii
Epwo.lli Ass-iubly which oc-opie.
to Ih-troit. fn.m tliere to T.dcd.i, nu.l tl.e inoMtli of Augsut has a f-ie array
by tU- same route to
I'.ufTslo, m of sjs-skers. end tin- asM-mblr ball is
which tliey will be Joined by Mr. and centrally KH»l.*d in s fine gn.ve. and
Mrw McKean o' Grrn.l lUpida Tliey will aocommiHiHie a large number.
will visit New Yjrk before return The duiunir rurs from Ludington
ererr few niirirte*. and the ride was
The meeting of the Hridg- Jiuild a pi -oMant fiwtur.* o' the visit to th.*
era’ misaionaty society of the C-ongr.
.ielegni.-s from a'I *»\.»r the state.
gmtiooal church will h- held at tlie
The citii-eMs of Lodingion h-ft noth
homt- of Miss Mabel Rates. 4!:i Wash mg undone for tl.e comfort of iheir
ington street, tomorrow evening al guest#, who one end all ivre nneni: :m o'clock, instead of nt the home of mocs m their rx|.n-*sion* of pleasure
Miaa Hammond, as previomly au- at tbetr hospitable .‘otert.i‘imiei.t
nouuoed. A book review coucx-rning
Through lire couru-sy of the m» mber*
the experienoes of tw.i Anu-ncr-i girls of the life mving si U ion a fiM.-.xbiIn Japan will N- given instead of the
usual iirogram.
All young IvUes of . r unti*u«l pl.Hxsare was a U
Mde on the largest car f.-i
the guvKt of
ti snit of th^^C
I A N. E
Fill. S.X-.
mm. m 4
okiui.-;al so.ncs.
Dozens of ScnMfli.nal S<-ciK\
menu for the oonv.-ntion an<
Rev. William Heath of
treei for bri. k and
cadaiii. Theal«ve
burg ia in the city today.
-Uncle Dr-i- Wl.ii.|de is
udd other rads have received bonuses.
i*hy not this one'* Why tun he liberal
Kith this eommny as we have be*-n In
he past with other e-omieaulesT
-e-ply to thie> I wii: say; first, as to the
mp.iny’K inabdli
ice yeais for their are usiome-d portion
of the paving. 1 am not uh\e lo dete
e ither the tinam iai rc-sponsibilit
e*r ahllU
By T*4acrai>h Sa »k* BmotU.
is b th feeble rid insrne. H. r l.earing will occur Angu*t 4.
tbwxrge Hoyt is trkiug hi* vacation
from his duties in the *tor.- of A. J.
Wilhelm, r-id he r*id F. A
Ksrl are
enjoying a few dav%* fishing frip up
the Little Manistee
The vb-ws teken at t amp M. luc.*'..
will be groui*-d and made up into an
i whuli will mrlean integrating
W ide for I
inti, live
is. to my mind, u d-al thoughlfuil:
with the- . iiy'K valuable franchises am
grant such only after full con.-eldera
lion of its pre-seni and future worth,
and to not .•-.rier away jts 3uyea
fran. hi-ea on the plea of |Kx>r return
rst few years, or on the plei
•f pr moi e-r* who may. by insinuaiion
avowal, dee Lre ' a hold up
Mr. and Mrs. L.-vl T Pennington
ecit.'Ttaine*! a parly of friends last
evening in honor of Miss Ada I-. Wat
ers, .St their home ou Kiiitb str*. I.
IVogresiMve flinrh w:t-i ti-.
m-eive-d mud
quvaiiou boxes gav
the solving of many
Mrs i. H. Burkoolder of Mi iton 11
I'jrk Mr.^«-t. M.int to State, macad
II. 4lM».
Total running feet, macadam. fi.OOO.
ii\- likely to leave in the next
tear.-, baw-d uih*u an estimate h
late-r pr diired.
SeHHind. li has Wn slated tha
omiiany cannot afforu to do thU work
July »-At a m.^eling of
Powell, wbo lass-d away July 1
Deoaaaed lead been a rewid* at of Cedar
ingtou. will go down in history as
Run for over r> years, and vaa nnlof the most pnotical ones in the
ve-r»ally respected and, hi;:hly es
annals of Ihe state-. Toe- program was
He was a Maat.^ Mamm.
DfHl with this in mind, and the
and imst ktand cf th.- L O O P. II.*
nmnd Uble tai>es which formed a
leaves tuauv fr.. n Is seed relatives iu
large part of each day s program were
this lurt e.f the slate to mount his
along the line of trmctiosl wors In all
Ute branebe-s of the- society.
Omternoon was devoted largely to junKVKNTU IK not IKTV.
Uuile.1 Slate*.
The cl.airman of H e ex. co
mittoe who ha.1 ch;irg.- of all
w-rioiu .-d l.y I he- ah A
Further In regard
h has l»een mbataled that
to ih.- lhv«r.l
the Anchor line held tmUy the ch
ThiTT jCt^i^^termrlon
wawUw-r a blaxlnc hot.
.iVkeoi! brick. kuO.
Ixmdon. July ys-Requiem maaa for
harmony working agreement '
Morgan ahipjdng trust.
A .
of 5 per cent war decidt-d
Mr. CUM...; has rlaim*-.! that the full
roKi of p.ving cr. fe.-t of track along
Mm K. Crain of (>dar Run has roeeived word from Jonesboroogh. Ind.,
of the death ©f her uncle, C^iarlea F.
The spiritual part of the
not overlooked, and the
dresaby K.-v Ernest Bounier Allen of*
Toledo. Ohm,ou the first evening.gave ;
tl.e key note to tl>e entir. conve.ition. | ,
Miss Miuich. state •e.-relary ol Imli-;*^
ana.gnve a b. Iprol address tl.e follow- i
mg. veiling. Mr. ttiewart of Chicago, j
tin.. *.f the ablest talkers on gootl citi- j
/.-nship 111 the country, occupied the 1® ® “
next ev. ning. and a talk on l*alestiue 1 S /
dinanoe faces Ihe
th< by Itie d.ati of tiie U-ettlogical d. |urt- Icitv i
notices having been posted in al nient of Chicago University form.-d;
a*>rts of conspicuous p'%o*-s atavut llie a fitting ovmclosion to Ih.- oonvenUem. j
The Moniing Watch, conducb-d by ,
Anna M
Iluiler. of South Grat
C B Newman.D. D . o( D. troit. was I M.^ti
one of the most h. l|»ful ami inspiring
street, was taken to tlie asylum thi
enlitin. Truvmoniiog on an emergency order
aid and
f r slrcH-l railway us*-,
UK., on th.s point reads; “Th
all le of KU. n p.ittern and kind
I lie approved bv the council. '
bbs wanted it to read: -The
hall Ih- of ih»- most approved
It is cjiiite like ly that in the
of his C1.1UM- we would be
>«i.h'.itor B<b»u
I thtS**h"''
hy in the future, at
let the cllix.-nH say
, detlrahleaad fiiae
il aid to this ent-r-
I name the kinds of leaving simply
to m.ke an approximate .-Htimate of
ihe COM to tbc *ompan> ;
Fr nt sire.-!. weM of Union l-^
•ridg.-. running f. n. bilck. Kuo. '
Union str.-.t. R.mih of bridge to
By T.-k-gr.,* n. the
bhaafullr cete
f prote,-tin
will be eon»deted in a few days from
I ev. ry < Ity ought to lie very careful
a ]siiut two miUw south of WiIHamsto pin railway «-uni|»anies d- wn to slml
burg. we*t to thii city, striking the
rc-qulrvtn. nis.‘
Again. * J>oine of
t;. R. * ’ a little
ra is uscHl in this c ity are not of
most modern tym- and it w. aid
U-tter If wc h.»d In-en slrlc
ci Hiaing t
in this regard.river aonth of th«- lake.
with du«t ail liwh trie k »
I mmt> It* rc
Ight to frame an ordlJust, r.-as-nalile. sufll
10 <-i»nie This RunaRt--s my most sau
gulne aniicipa-.ioiis. Ihe following
-tr<-ts hate Ix-en granb-d in this fran
.bise and in all proliability the p..viug
within Ike m-xt fixe .v..irs. th.- cost of
the amount or imvemeul may U- ub- ut
in Sta a«
I kwr Ik rool and eWy. ti
know the cend
|»roper avenue by w
Vic President Durand of tin Alintying
from a letter received
aa.GayIoi^ & W«-sb-*ii, has bem masa «ity < lerk in a city in MIehlgan
ibg an invaatigAtiou of the coadittcms
not *M» large as ours, he says;
‘In thjs
nmr the city relative to terminal ar . jtv we have ohligatc-d the street rati
rangements for hU lift-. The survey
eluding t'l*-eiice Mackey. I'riocess
Oolouua. the adopted
tughb-r of tlie
millionaire, r id Vniled Sutea Am
rtraw or blue,
a a QuaUty or fla>w 1 am
etter afford to wal
guard iheae^pri%^
ihrr safe
Itm If til
few doll
whether on
i.srlurd.V NVtwtern Kstlway
amall atonige liattrr>. wliu-h la the- only
alrrtric-al d.-vler aU.ve *;r.»und. the
Urtty of the fret of the ar.uatnn
ControUrd. The nt»ult la ttuit a iKedtlve
or north fnet of the nnu ilun- it*
poaltton wlH-re It la la in*; dni^ci
from burdens of
UStomary nature, that Ihe haUnevr exf
tower lu and along the treels of Trav
lay in the hands of
years when the
ry is markc-d
h lines of rails
tig lo IravMive Oiy.
ars thereon shall fonie
is and kucHk for admlKsion and Ubilged lu pay exorbil
er or he e-ompelled to build, making
iCpwu.Sk niabtsDeaH WIU
uierlr of this n
his ex.-cuttre a
lie was .-lecie.1 .
clori- Hale at n.e Gl.ibe
Dave Oampbeli went to Ttmmpaon
ville today on business.
Revs Comptou seems 10 U- iun.rv.T
ing in health since Sunday. Her im
provemeut is slow, but it **>«-niK to b<
the Whiting
T have re
J:m>es H. Shelby
tamed to tlieir home in Evart after a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Oitb*
Mias Celia Umlor, a sister of Mrs
Oihba. retnrnea with them for a
KU. il
II ..dvised ordinance, if I know how to
week’s visit.
Mi«i Nellie Coyne went to Mnske
gmi this moroiiig
Ha.ry Gibbs luw. returned from a
trij>to MiiinHSOta. Canada e-i-i othei
pls^ west and north.
He visiU'd th.
Our preepro
cUuse Gold Roof mine during in. trip.
that afJer the city coBKumwi
Hate Hill lias n^turned from .St.
uaily. the price of Louts. Mo. He has been a work in
•ubic feet, shall be
Cadillac for some time since hit reI hat after
.war* when thi* fraiuhiae turn to this state, arriving in tbiii
iHH-ome* valuable, shall they share in a city Batruday night. He says that
The principle of the * hlghway " fund
there is no end of work nt St. Looia
Aldermen Steder and Moon and
membera of the Utfnrd of public
works Baez and Alley are nttending
Now. ao far as giving fUnasial aid
state good roads oonrentiun al
to this rvad in Traverse City and to
Ih- I'ut up to the clilzen* of Traverse
Mr. and Mra H. Kord and son Carl
City when the time Is ripe for it; hut have Just returned from a two weeks'
so far :iB a prop*-r ordinance to grant
visit to South Bend. Ind.. and other
this company, iei the toundi make
such pro|H-r pr visions/or the present
its Hurdie Pennock of Chicago. ii
and the future, as will protect the
city* interests. Do oot confound the the guest of her sister. Mrs ElUtwo pr. iHwilions.
Then if Mr. Gibbs worth Hale.
cannot hulld * road, let him admit that
Chief Enigneer J. J. Hnbbell of the
It Is a proposition too nn.-ertaln of
profit, too hazardous for capitalists to Manistee
undertake at this particular time,
bring the rapitalisu to the front and
K. Henderson of CmliUac. i»aaed
Pla.-e the burden where it belongs. In through here today 00 his way to at1M years this ordinance will be criti teodoircnit court at Bellaire. Mr.
vised by the-people for some omissions aud Mrw Heoderaoo have Just return
made therein. Under an crdlivant-e
that is completely satisfactory to Mr. ing Boston, New York and Newport.
GIMm. after reading his objections At the Utter pUoe they visited their
thereto, the present eouncilmen then aoo Dave, wbo ia chief gunner's mate
living will re<-eive public censure for iu one of the big naval veesela
Sufferidforover 10 years
. airons^oT^Tave^IIi^y^
This is righi and proper .nd
Us . ntmg . ust .mary in other places.
yielding to bb proposition. It I* fair
to say that, while there has been adif-
man evidented
no final dlvisinsinu-
-'-If the Irish wiint f. rule IrelamI
they ahoQld more out of the rountry -What go(H] would that dor
-Why. then some other firople would
-WTiy. then tt veold be no triek at
Tha Troveraa Bay Sewing Oirole
Chat tba Irish have nobody to rale hat
wiU not go to Sattons Bay tomomw
^^they can't rale them."
have oa aoooant of Ulaaaa
Grand Rapids, Mich.
. -qlLdIT'
Dr. Iman’s Ladies’ Restorative
. iMich.
THK im.xn mkdici.nkco.
Grand Kapids. .Mich..
Dear D.ciok: I havr bern thinkinc
; for some time that I otmht to write yon
did me such worlds of good. I sidferc d
such untold agonies with my menses, and female comidaints.
for over ten years, that death would have been a relief to me.
1 took doctors' medicine and several kinds of Patent Medi
cine. but they all availed me nothing. 1 am so thankful that
I learned about DR. IMAN'S RKSTORATIVK that I want
to recommend it to any woman suffering from thew: terrible
Mrs. L. Moks
teiTteiB cnlr.
IMa. Tbita wm a ihabl^ lookla*
•aniagi by tbi
The m m m
Van Cortland
qoM aad 1
tmd an lodlrldujiJ b>n>e«l Wa*.
aoQ srbom I iiM*w to be Arckto
^ Van f ortlaod o rain. Tba nrw^
paim Lad liiforwMl iim- tbat VanCortSaad and hla bride were auj^luc at
tbte born, and 1 abotdd ooc tberrforo
bare lieen imnirla*n to arr the raM
bad 1 not rrad Ibat tbe nmltlmlllioo
■ nialdnc bta i
paid I, rbeckinif
, -I bope that 1
ter today.Van OniaiHl la l«dter
The lirtde bad fallen 111 on tbe way
ap from .\ew|«ort and bad been oodrr
a donor's care during tl.e flrat two
days of iH-r unlarky lM.neyn.or,ti.
Wa«am J«m|-sl aa If I bad atork a
pin Into bitn. and at brat 1 tbouabt be
did not rororiilte me. but be c.tb.red
. bla wtta amssllly.
-Vra. air; mocb tirtter. air. Ibank
y«m.- be anid. -Hbe'll noon be qnlte
Tlw newapaper reporla were really
alanulnir.- aaKUHe alance.1 awhoualy toward tbe
parl.«- d.«- of the ault from which be
liad Jnat emeriTfsl
cry alamilnjc.- be nald
I to patM on. but at that
a plaea on tba railroad twelre mlka
oot of Newport wbotw Mr. Via Oortland'i prlrau car wao walttag. Bo
bad eacafed tbeae roomi ta tbla botet
1 bldi In tben for
aglaad that hi 4
dia aad be at peace.
• *1 ten you, WaaMi.* oaldtba. T'ea
aaen my prlrata aSalra In print till I
^wt can't itaad It any more, but tbere'a
no aorape. Tba teportera bare foond
o«t an about
I fbat ba bad taia
bar io itrmlgbt out. «od ibe wrote a
vary affecting xmte. WcB. I Juat tried
to think wbat Mr. Van CoctUiid aroald
tboimbt 1 ought to aeo tbe girl, and I
•«» araanT aa jooBg aa 1 bad been
led to believe, but 1 aald to myactf
that tbe mother depending on her
would be tbe older and feebler on that
acroont. So I agreed to aay a few
worda. As a matter of fact, ahe did
moat ct the Ulklng at firat and took it
an down in her noteUs.k. I sra. afraid
on bleyclei. Wbat can I doT
-Ricbt tbccw I got an InaplraHon. 1
almom wlab 1 hadn't now. but for a
time It looked Uke tbe making of me.
- *Wby not bare aomebody elie go la
tba earrlager aald L 'Let the retsat
era foUow tbe wrong partlea. ai»d when
they're iU out of tbe way you can go
where you pleoae.*
-Tbafa grratr be exclaimed. ‘But
eoaMug tbla oue and that one. but
tbarr waa alwaya auuie ob>*etlon. 1W
pie that might be truUng didn't bare
tbe right aiipearance. It waa eaay to
get a mao or a woman w bo could pUy
tbe part but to get a mau atsl a wom
an waa a dtlTereut matter.
-Finally Mr. Van CurtUnd atruck
tbe desk that be was aUndiug by ao
bard that tbe Ink bottle Jumped up In
to tbe air.
- ‘la It a fart* aald be. that you are
going to marry my alater'a majdr
-I answered that I boj-sl to aome
day. 8he bad given me her fimiulae.
Tbe fact waa that we bad aln-ady g^
Ills vulci- came In a iwsp.
-l-or tbe low of lu-aveM don't tell on
iner be rrletl. -It * It s all rlrlil.1\ ell. I'tu Ilf no ti
iliMsl. -Vim are .
ter of fan. and at .th.nt iiHnnetit he
bxAeil much more like a ireutlcman
than Im- did like a -ceiitb luao'a ren
tleuian.-You're r«t uic.- be aald
-You ran
nilB row Hut wbat'a Hie diffcrencel
I've ruined niyaclf already. Hut I'vr
done my Is^t to a«rve .Mr Va
land, my l.-r.
•equal to It;
done U-tter If i luidu t Ns i, a.» wwled
about MlUlr. Hut with that and all
tbe rest--\Vbo fa Millie. If I may venture to
loqulrer aald J.
-8bc la my wife, air." aald he. -She
lisa Yan Owlland’a maid.
I you tbe whole atory:
-I waa parking up H»e laat of Mr.
Van a»rtland'a tldujra that bo was to
take with biro on Ida honeymtam Jourcey. The w taldhiK luvakfast waa nearly OV.T downstairs I mold In-ar the
carrlai^w of the aw,-II people that bad
cocne from the cliurcb to tbe tioq|w
•tlrrlnK aliout In the prouuds as If It
was time ttfbe poliu:.
•TTiefi In come tbe bride and briderrouro-rtirbl Into the room where I
pencil In two and cTat-ktsl her Unger
Joints mure or leas while 1 talked.
Aflerwanl she bejured ni,-. for Ltr
motber's sake, not to IHI anyt>ody else,
and of course 1 said 1 wouldn't.
Suddenly be turned to
matA ti s«t nwmjr n««Uy wM
ewrybody knew
VI. i
u* the tUa-liW
dl go on into luv
olum,-*. for I niu .
kmleiiA 1* niy
bh.f r,-,-r.-,t,..n.
"Tl.e ll.ld of the
tbe future'^
qmwllon Is ail lute,
ub-* Verne b*aiie,| forward and
"I do
imiued gently on Hn- tllMr
il.li.k lh..re will 1*. ni.v i.ov.I* or
Van rurtlaiid':"
•'•lliey're in I'lM-li.M. at II..- Dr,ail.-:
Inn. nn.br my i.a,I.,- n-plnsl
wblsi-r. -rve- writ ten to him. bnl lb
II *-7
■teoke. and I'm aearty dying for It. I
wouldn't do It here fur fear a whiff of
It might get Id there and annoy her. 1
went out on tbe fire escape to smoke
yeatrrday. and two m»-n phot,
me from amiai the stre»-t. It . drvad
I re sat op two nighty
tbe fitwr UK»t of H>e time. Ah. rui a
w rv-ck. sir; tbafa w ha Ham. And that
se that eapa
caps tbe
-No. 1 do mvt H.lnk so. Nature will
always sway Ho* world, and It 1* man'a
nature to fight for supremacy, no mat
1,-r bow deadly the .vmlllet may lie-
Bat. afterhll. what you mat
to know fa whether it salts
yao. not wlKther it salts mow
^ ^
'lark er.*-i.*l an ob*.-rvatlo„ |ow,-r on
he slMWe of Ot*,-go lake, two mlloa
from her home. '| he tower 1* 'JIM feet
high, and from It a vU a of the eutlra
lake may Ih- had.
Senabu- Thoma
York received lii
bealtb. Tbe same rule whi.-h appUea
to roUBlcliBl aanitatlon w -U .teo apply
to peraooal aanltatkag and tbe danger
of dlamme may be forv*taU«l by fiuah
Ing out lids •wwermge sy steo, wlib an
excraa of water, oaya G. T. I'almer.
M. D.. lu Good Housekeeping. Juat
as truly as tbr gatberlug of fUth from
the city In tbe "newt-rage veins" en
dangers tbe lives of tbe tnbabltanta.
ao tbe puls,.i,s generated by the bodily
aetabolism. collected In Ibe excretory
orgsDA wUI Jeopardlxe Ibe Uvea of tbe
BdUlons of inbabltanta of tba bodytbe Uvlng ccUa Every actioo of mus
cle or of nerve U accompanied by tbe
deatmcHon of cells wblcb If not ellni
Inated will accumuUte like cUnken.
Aside from tbe mere "choking of tbe
floea" we must bear In mind that tbe
barm, but which If reUlned wUI.be
producHve of disease. Such a iK,iaon
te uric acid, which Is charged Justly
with causing rheumaUsm. gout, cooatant Leadaclu-*. dlzzineiu and a train
of other symptoms, and It must be
•ecu that if tbe aiVumuUtlon of refuse
te the cause of such coodltluus the lug
leal mean* of ,-ure Is Its €‘llmluatiuu.
Other T»rudu<*ts of metal«»llsm" create
their /own types of disease, and all may
be pii^venled by the free use of water.
A U-glnuIng of kidney troubb* Uea
In the Tact Hiat |«>pb.. esinxlally w<v
men, do not ,lrmk enough water. They
pour dow n tumldcrs of ice water as an
acixuniaulmeut to a meal but that Is
worse than no water. Ibe chill prevent
Hefei firia \%lll Be KskaaBteS
la Tmeal>.a*r Year*.
U imiKei-ilde to pn-dlet With any
raey the duration of mining It, the
.vat.Tsrand dUtrhl by n-a-on e*
pcvhilly of Hie imb-l, rmluate factor of
.ite. at wbleh explollallon w 111 be
carrUsJ on. say* John Hava Hammond
in the KnglmsTtug Magazine. It may
,Herv.*l. U.wever. that the tendeuto exploit the aurlfer,.,!* areas aa
rapidly a* |*is*lhh- and that etiglneeruetlaHl* aie all adopted with tbs^
end 1,1 view.
:l.e explulint.on of the ,b-lHT b-V. not ,lelMV,*l IH-Uding the proving
of the ground lying als.ve. but is raron .-oneurreiitly with Hit- ,-xploliaof the higle-r horizon* of the
1. the iiMltiMrial Ilf,- of Ho- dl*trlrt
of ,-our*,-. !*• com*siK,ndingly
1,-i.e.l. The working of lower grade
U. a Army wtU lectnrsC Train
o; Mk
g T.OO
MOXTBE Yt..4yi'R..
, v «fa ^
The above rat4M are offered
trains leaving Traverse City on Wedmw^y^ Angoat fith. HWJ. going via
Ohoioe of rontes from Detroit aa
To Ntegam Falls.
Via Wabash ;Kailroad.
Via D, iron A Buffalo Hummer (via
To Alexandria Bav:
I Via Wabash k. R. to Niagara
ludlr.* t le^.moter of kidney dlscane. A
FalU; New York Oeatral U Olavtumbler of water alpta-d lu tlie morn
ton. N. Y.: Tbonaand Islands. H B.
lug Immediately on rialug aud anotbcf
Oo. to Ali-zmndria Bav.
Via Detroit A Boffalo Bteamer to
at night are ret-ommeudtxl by pbyal
Buffalo; New York Central R. K.
cUn*. Try to drink us little water as
to Clayton; Thonaand Ulaoda; B. B.
possible with meals, but take a glasa
Oo. to Alexandrta Bay.
ful half au boar to an hour before eat
Ing. Tbla rule iieralsted In day after To Toronto and Montreal:
Via Oanadteii Pacific R’j to deatiday. montb after month, the cmplcx
Ion will Improve aud the general health
For fall partionlara regarding tima
Water drunk with meala
Crains through to deatlnaHoo,
should be alpiHHj aa weU aa Uken apar
checking of lagitegr. relnrn limit,
p A.
28-» ao_____________________
Tickets on oale Aug. 1st to 8ih good
retnrolng nntil Hepk SOth, aooount of
the K. F. biennial meeting.
ojan to all. whether K. P. 'a or noL
at office for further (lartleulara.
attached Io each avd of
oiqflue*. the valve* U-l„g conm*-led
by m,*an* of le*ll cranka and linkwork
tea tiller.
When the Hlh-r Is re*tlng ,*-i,trally.
ao equal supply of sl.-am enter* «-*ch
1,1.* retlu.x* the *upof steam, so that the {.roia'ikr ac
hat imrlb-uhir engine re
volve* Iijor,- slowly, the rotary motion
s hicb the tiller Is moved
nomic eottdlth.ns or other lireumV-S. would tend to lu,‘n-a*,*d lon
gevity of tho InduMry. Hut w, r« 1
cull.Hl uism to expn-ss an opinion I
ould estimate the/uiun* duration of
pruUtalde o|N-ratlou* on
In the dlMri. t al b s* rat
twenty live y,*ars.
A r*U..n%l
U*o,roeiit ,4 Jjmom
n W* nh,..p tHTr*,:*- , uuio
< Stu-ii|iotbH' Ut*<slur« tur
rba( IB Ballet PrMf.
of the t'oimslle Francal.se, lu I'arl*. aud Mr. St. John Gaff
ney of New York have l,.trodu.-ed a
fashion in walstv-oat* at a noUbte
dinner at whh-h many American* wera
prest-nU say* the .\evv York Evening
Journal. Hoth of Ih,**,* p,*utlemen api*ared wearing M,*-l wai-ti-oal*.
TU,-se garm,-nt*t are a ,-urlou* revival
of the UKHle of n„*liH‘vallsm temi»ered
with mtsleru elegaiic-. The walstcoaU
are elaU.rat.-ly eml.ro,,l,Ted aud. white
pliable and light, are bulb-t pr,H,f One
►p, ,ik,-rs al tbe dinner warned
Gaffu,-v to bi'vvare b-sl J. P. Morgan
organlx,* a sl»s-l wal*t,-oat trust, espedaUy a* Hm-k- waistcoat.* are now tbe
lonameat to Africao Heroes.
n.,Mj.-l of the mau*oIeum which
Cc-H l;le*l,-s d.-sinxl to Ih- envted for
luyf Allan WlNon -.nd hi* |wrty. who
were iun*Hi0T,>d by King Lole^igula'a
for«-es In MulaU-l.Iand In ifatoInT.
l*<tO. ha* lH*-n cre,tetl tcn,|H.n,rily on
the Tham.-s emb:,nkm,-nt. in Ix>ndon.
say* the I'hloig.. Tribune. The mauso
I,‘U,U w 111 Ih. ,x,nMru. led of « bl.n-k of
granite which twl fb«».000. It I* en
t,fed by innKslve cop|H-r doors on four
sld.-*. At tlK* t,.p Luge loinels are los,Tted. The w hole w ill Ih? surmount.'d
by a ,-oIoNKal figure, prolaibly that ot
Kolloo of Bloavwrgs.
Tl,e disieib b of a commiiMilou by tb#
Rritl-h guvenixmnit to Investigate th#
"sb*-ping alckn.-**" In I'ganda
bow to tlm>w I
‘ light on one of the
lahtdie* know n. Tha
charact,-ii*tl,‘ f,‘ature of tbe diseaae.
Tsk^th-IMO* n^U R * I furdrsiMl Boih
Bow's Thisf
We off4>r One HnndrtNl Dollars Re-
Y. J.'Cheney AOa. PropA.Toledo. G
Orood BoeMs
abe to oarry oot any obligailooa made
by their firm.
Weet & Traax. Wholeeale Druggists,
HaU’s Oatarrh Care is taken Iner
Ball-. Famllj PilU «« Uh
aary. ways
that h * tirUes very hlghl;
counterpart of the sp.sm that ba* been
used for l.«ra, year* in anoint
ruler* of Gn*at Britain.
Masons. 8w eden. has a woman's fixe
defwirtment. \Td> strung.
Harri,«n Uandolph of Virginia baa
been vbooen as presidvut of the I'niversity of Arkauxa*.
Tv»n‘h„n Isreof any pattern can now
lie made by ,.im- ma. hlm-. owing tu a
reixTOt Invention In Vienna,
stanily gaUiering
: :ll. 1 mav afbT
-ru ten ymi bow that Happened.**
•aid Waanon. with a groan. "I'd
-•WaBaoo,* aaya be, •you're amart fuped aU aorta of pftems from newapaand berr'a where you're inH to proro per mmi-tbey am»t them «p In tbe beIL If ywo d,i. ItTl l*e a pretty penny glDnlnc at tbe rate of two a minutefrom a
when ak»g came
tnT«orp»*'keL Youk
that abe was yoosg
and tbe only tupr.
Her editor bad
•Wbat'a tbe troubleT - And be told ma.
Tt maa that be bad made arr
a. bis fellow towmtmeu «Uj^, l>-IKV
r*-,KVBsna.llou from
,-ran author, writes
Lsalb,-r St-wking taW
In 1«M MrA rUrk erected a gym
apoudent of Ibe l^oodon MalL
^ I Interurf nasium ftvr the young men of tbe vtfinglish admirer* of the man to know lap-. In PM* she bad built a brownatone building dlmtly ot>poslte tbe
*al lu Bp|--aran.-e be Is exactly wbat
gvmt,aslum. aud this she Keseuted to
ie auibor of bis lss*ks should 1-*.
the V. M. r. A. In It U a library, and
Uf middle belgl.t. whit.- haired SUd
ery U-ok that gc»e* on the sbelres la
ruddy fa,x-l. Jules Verne look* like a
sea capt-vin who l* siwudln-g the aolumn of a well lilled life on shore. Al- pul.lie.
Mr*. ri.nrk b-ad* a very quiet Ilf.
though s.-t ,-nty four years old. suffer>|M-iidiug txKisld«*rabla
ng from ,-alara,^ and l.ime In one leg
her exU-nslra
be waa shot In the foot by a mad of the time driving
be qKN'aBlol.ully ap|»eara lu tb«
man some >ear* ago,, tbe old geutle.H- a morning dr
luau U hearty lu manner and brightly
lUelv few laller*
In all Hh* w,«-ld# doing A
uMum for
Ik*-„ MrA i'lark'
He met me w 1th an e\pr,-s!-ion of great y,*»r* to attend S.T
il a little
chaita-l iip.*n b.r ow n premis,**. w here
of tiH- nnmlMT of tb
of the family asmediatsLlj aft.T iRe king's oiMMTition. seml.le
S.-rvh*e are cHidm ted regu
UM U-en n-ading, larly by tbe K. V. Dr. D.rd. au Eplsts 1 found It very
.ty y,-ar
rh-rgjniau over eighty
y,ar* of
dliU.-ull to ,ln,w blin on to talk alH>ul
biuiM-lf. Uf be ^,-111*1 getting informa.hunh
.0,1 to supphlng it,-vteinJve rvad. r. 11. t
"I iv.vlly would miH-b ratlH*r Inter« elalining b., f;,i,.r
lew >ou Hiap be lntervl,-w,-d." be said. dom I* Mr
-I. at a public enV*-*. 1 supiMMK- 1 may ,>mslder my
f,-'* work as nearly Uulsb,-,!. I am at
at the d.-dh atory luTV
ttrk now on my bundrvvlib volume,
L.f H»e building* tf oil,,
and in the nature of thing* I doubt brance* wl.h h she pr. *,-nl
nie another. lage. On sueb i*-ca5lo„B i
In fart, my f.wl.h- , r ,-wlght pn-xent* me from her h.m.c. mingle*
from doing inor#^
a day J„M me
nil Ibe wo,Id's new*
Some time ago work was dull In
eight? four of my bnndr,*!
'o..|H rMowu. and In order to provide
puhli,.!,.*! so far.
■mplov n.ent for the Idle workmen Mrs.
hiU-oal*. »*» that, of ,*.un*.*. ten or
e of them are v,r\ likely to l,e
|wM.thumous. 1 work exin-m.-Iy qul.-k
whrn 1 am In h-alth. and if
r..r s atarart whirl. 1 m
"It Is Ibo tirvt anlborltath.- word on
1b.- subj- l.** »«»l«l i **1 b- I,alio,, has
lH>*n wailing.*'
"What will Mr. Vnn 4'orlland do to
m«-r* Ih- gi^-an.-L •'r,n w ailing to l„ nr
fro,,, hitu now. I've got
Btorklirykers and ntllnuad ni,-n U-gging
me to deny lb,> Ini.rvlew. but 1 won't.
Mr. Van rorMan.l will U- ca/y. bul be
wouldi.'l ask
to .T.iwl 0,11 of It by
laying tbe bL-,,,..bum.-, w. II fori
v'o. I «b» not think th«-re will t*> any
ri.ev Will U* Mipidal.t.d iillogethrr by the daily ro wspaiw-r. whirb^
aln-a.Iy ih»w lak,-n siirh a grip of
the live* of the pn.gn-^slve nutlonA**
Hut the romanrt, " I said, 'the noethe U.-rriptlve M.h-v. the slorv blA
tort.' and the Mory psyrh.-|..gieal';"
"They win all dlwtpiwar. " aiI.1 M.
I II]. and
'erne. "They an- I...I m*'.-**ary. and
to UM
lb.- Is what I read;
veil now their m.Tli and th.-lr liiter,-*l
n. ceure
Jr.:.,., ..f J.l,;:,„
re fast d.x-llnlng A* hlstorie r«*NTds
• TC.-V b-.- k„~k.J Nerth.-ri
tbe world win tile It* i,ew*ieiiHirs.
ewspajHT writers !,uv,* barinsl to
.« I r.
• our^.•^> ..i
dor , verv»lny ,‘Vents *,» well that to
read, them will give isoiierity a truer
||.,« J.a
,.„|..rna,ursl wl- pleliwe lh.m tbe blslorie or d,-serl|»l.ve
Jom to
n JoM nc IU,
.v,-t .vmhi do. and a* for the iu.v,-l
I d Jot.-' u i.,\ if. ,ii-V J
si\en n.«
tl.. I..u»;h
V...I IM.,-, I- .1 Uit^r \\»r Tsychologi.-rtl. th.it will Ms.n ,s-as,. to
tbsit I Bfr. Me
l.» Mrs W m-aom.
be and will die of liinnltl.m In your
own Ilf.‘time."
Here M. Jub-s Verne p.l exelt.sL "I
alow, sr,>JI,lng I,. lh,s w.-tl.l
I II look
til s.s>md to no living man." be <t1.*S.
will. n,e In an gisnl ml-bes
11 my adnilraHoii of the gr.-atesi |*sychohorlsl the world has ever ki...vvn.
-T»nn t f.s-.r-l to m- nJ #non. >
de Maui^issant. and
like all
genlUM-s. for,.*aw Hm trend of
in Idea* .*ind disxl* and wrote bis'
stories In the smallest p.svihle comimss. i:aeb one xtt IV Maumnss-nnl'a
soul studh-* Is a i-one,.utn,t,*l lozenge
at w
of psyehology.
aelf a
"The De Mauims5.-u.l- who will d.my be,
Ilght the w..rld in year* t.. ,*.me will
"L'ul.-ss it I
raid I'd get
found out by not spend
do s,» in the nnws|K,|M‘r* of the d.ny
tiig enough. Aud Millie can't eat any left ln"-rbl
ud iK»t In Vidum,-*. am! they will, aa
thing I'Ut dry toast nor drink anything I
you nevv>ivn|*-r me,i e\pr.-** It. cry*
but lw* f lew. I've been mlseral.le. mis
talllze the psyebology of Ho- w.wld lU
erable. air. I never tbouglit my honey
pri-sldent which they live by 'writing up' the
moon would be like IblA
of Hm- rrc-i..b <'bnml--r of lHi»utiei
«lay to dav ev.-nts. The re.-il |.*y,-b.dogy
Great bearens!
Why. a-e bow I'm
reiireiu-ntod I ran.-.- at Ibe |N-a,v eoii
of life Is tn II* new *, and more truth fixed. That doctor d.s-sn't know any
gress at The Hague, and galn.-d tl.er
Truth with n Idg T can W ratb.T.sl
thing. He's an old fnddyduddy; that's
a reputsll.m as a diplomat. He hn
the |«llee court stiwv. tbe rail
what be lA But 1 don't dare to aeud
Iwc-n mlnist-r of imbluinsirmtiot
way ac-ddeiit.
out for a good, cheap doctor tbafa had
He is an orai.ir and
all il.
Ing* ,.f tbe en.
arts of the tralm-d i«»rlu,n„-nlary
le future t
s|H-aker. To M. De-.ban.|. wbum hr
has U-ateu In bis new oill.e. be »
-I swx-t-i-d >ou; I Shull I.. ver ni-lacv lisychologlcal m.wal In a garh of fic
"You mention laittb-s. You do not
Blep out Into tbe ball, tbe reporters arr
think, then.that In
oa top of me.
Why. I can't ereu
Hs-rof lb,- day
fore wberrtn "Mr. Van t'ortland' had
been quoted aa posltlvHy denying tbe
mory. iwevi,nisly leelb-vM by every
body. that tbe C. B. aud N. railroad
waa. ‘Arrtik.- aayu abe to blm. Tbli would alHSM-b tbe Northern IKspatch
mak<« me iswltlv,dy III. It aimUa
Hoe. This denial bad tiem taken aa
erylhliu:.' Mr. Van CortUud ahuuk
aotbentle. and tbe Old N*b-k
Oat at vme of tbe wludows and I could raUwd with tbe atoek markK
•ay anythin*.
trnm Cli«W oC4
Tbe getwrosia |tbllantbropy of Miw
Alfred k'urnlng Clark's Uu boabaad la
giving the nuage of Oooperatown. K,
Y^ many public tmpcvraoeuU axMl bCT
contiuttance along tbe same lavlab
lines has mdeaivd her to every resi
dent. aays tbe New York World. A
Uwotlful inrk marking the location
Dar of Xasel. I. All b«t Ewded. of tbe laome of James Fenlinora CooptfT In the emter of Ibe village was
•« lb*
WaeM. Ho
the gift
years ago of Mrs. iTark,
Clolaao. Win He C«to«oUM Iw ibo wince etiCT cement to Bishop Potter of
■•Area DaUy ra»er.
J jcew Ytwk has Just beru announced.
I bad not M. Jules Verne's addrem | On tbe spot where tbe wrlter-a bouse
Van CortUnd'a roualn.
gyman and waa among thf
downatalra. and we were
Mr. Van CortUud gave me $2.
wedding pr«-M-ut and yiroiulsr
different and bmeb U-tler
. IIP with a MHvlnl delU.ry bttn and
otinie canls n|H.n a ira\.
Waamui l»».iV tbi iii mid irave tbe mTVaut a M!v.t didlar as a f.s*. wbk-b
jrnwtiH-as MirprlMHl iim- and also tbe rerlpUiit. who chukcHl lilmaeir wltb
tbanka. lie l«ick.«d away, atumbllntf
rldk iihiusly uism n rut:, mnl Just then
a alow and dlKulllisl vol.'i* Uhlnd u«
-1 will rail acalii nls.ut .*1 oVhsk.
Mr. Van Cortlaiul, tbou;;b the rt.ndltUm of the iwtlcnt l« ao imicb Ituprured
. tliat It w ill bardly la- n.si..w«iry .*•
It was Dr
klarahall Wlittlnc. a
poui|Miiia old pb\sU lnti of Hie faabloo*
able Hack Hay dlatjin. and be addrcaiH-,1 Hie rvinark to W asa^ti. w lw
did not reply. The d.H-tor. w lib a curtly tM>w. walked towanl Hie elevator.
I lomcl an eye ii|a>n tV valet, and
-be was aa nd as a U.lh-d lolwter.
-Waaaon.** aald I. **wbat doe« tbli
Remukable Prophecy by
Jules Verne.
necM^arj .
wedding- all tbe flowera and Jewela
and flue clutbea-bad tak<-o tbe heart
out of iKXb of ua. Homebow we felt
aa If poor people didn't bare any right
to gK married. You aee. we Imd It aU
under our eyea, and it waa quite a
atraln. You may not oodcraUnd It air.
but It wag.
-Welt I'Te told you enough ao that
you can uuderaUnd tbe reat I'm H>e
aame height and build aa Mr. Van
CortUnd. and MlUle baa golden bair
Journey, or bis boneymuon Journey, to
be more exact for we t.s>k tbe ababby
carrUge at tbe eaat door and tbe aiw
cUI car and thla outfit of awful umg
nlflcruce liere. and exeryliotly’ was
fooled. Ttiey fixed ns up with tbeir
clotbea. and-welt air. you're msm tbe
-Mnile waa taken III cm I be train,
and ahe hasn't Inn-n able In bold li.-r
head up Muee we're been here.
ment of
eat tbe
dinner that wr ordc-red when we got
evening, and you ought to
have Been that dinner! Millie cried at
aigbt of It and took to her !s-d. ihs>t
Isn't It bard luck7
Mr. Van
I soon found Ibat It w as quite
: In that alurjk So I
touD^T. mr it, ism
Bickneoa or "negro letbargy" 1> • dead
ly dim'oae Wbicb bus been long known
lu we*t Afrk-a. but bas recently travaA
ad along the Kongo Into UgandA
Mundiy le-Ing alck and alone In his
cat.in. Iburau volunteered to Ukt care
of him. The i.atl.-nl bad l*een gKHng
very little *b*-p. so tbe doctor left
some ivowden and told Hogan to give
Murphy one about bedUme.
F. A- MllchalL O.
W. Onnningham. Aft.
^w-t^SXna«. 11:11 a.m.»eig.m.
fUr Mwa^. Bsy City. Port Baraa. TsMe
Dstrsita»dowt.atea».. Il:»am.
when he rrtunwd Man
*a Z Ummj, Ad
,Mf if f—m fit M a* eHjh
ParOharleeslaaad FMooksy.
tmt if €ffm
h tht eit/.
.TCTB8DAT%^17t^T S9. ICOS.
JOHM w. wmi
Hr w.. oi^.inproiiii«li4f to
boMioMm am (Wvmndrd rxarUr vtat
waa dur fnuD tbo-r al4r to f«ij. Tbcrt
or k-aa fiVtkm be-
Sone That Slum Whj the Boatan King Wjls Lored.
M fllM> «f B*r
atiaa kmva oT
MaUjr for omtij tUiny y«r».. t^yn iv
Um> Nrw York Juuritul
any dlffcrtmt a* a n
a orrrr <auard lUiii to fu
tMidrd to Ur aurthW.c
Ha m^a aU«Trl«-inl and natural In
OTcryUdnc Ur did. ai^ Uprctanar. or %»Uat .WtadniM. rail *Vut
ttodoodo*,ona araoln* In tUr r««rl.r office I
calim to flod
atudyinr an ordinary
•rfeoolUook. ilr did not f.iit It nHny.
UK knrt on atodylng and frankly a«id:
-I narer rwN-lvrd ima-U *-du<-at.on. and
1 bate to I.UI In in> U i»urr l.our>.
tlifiip. I w.ai.-r and nrt.r Uad fa
rlUtVa for lmpr..»inii iny inln.1. and
would aoourr Unvr a d.'.-.-ni . liirntlon
than an tUl. wriji^h.Ula imrae lya^hraya «n"-t and Ur
bad a UvHy TTIU-of liun...r
rtiinra of <’Ur*drrr <
l.unH.nat of a
trr Hull, wbo
foartrr of a rrc
of Hull
To Ida t
■Mory for
|,nial^.u.rr Ur
-la aUa young
-Nallbar." wnatUr m-h.
-Tbm wr inuat Im Ip Imt^ by nil
t jmrily of U.i
dM i.ut aff...! tUr anjMTkirltr of Urr
ntloi. f»r Urr
and UU
•yn.iwtUy f.H- U*t and U-gging Urr to
lUr fr.H. .w of il.r .-abh- fa '
Ira whic h l.r 4H.nUolhHl during lUe
nr«H «.f iM-r
.rii John W . klurkay w.a-k*Hl aa )
lK...r I.U..H.I min.H-. Ur wan nUaja
ul to put by . n..ugh w hrn br yH.uhl 1
.ut bln. In « i««ilil..n to r. Ur an ui
-.r!.inlly whm it ..fTm-d, «r. saving
liat, to Uatr Mm.i tUll.g laid away
I rainy day. rayw l!.r Sun rr.udm-o
NVw« I>-Urr,
:iy n eUilin on tin- l ealU. |wter
llrU woik.Hl at 11
nnd IV.n a.. Ur might 1
falntrr and b.lnlrr.
II '* "''*1*' UU
lonriy 4-abin onr rainy n.ght, .up|wr*
hHi*. rrudlng. hy hU U...1 t.,lh.w caudlr,
wht. h Ur U^d
lK>rr.ov.H| fn.in a ho*dly and aiir
gln.H-r. AUnr tu* UoUr of tUr
itir u kn.rt k on tUr d«i.»r. Andy ll«*p.rth. k.H-|rt-r of tU- Alt S.MJU
Tho,up*..n . liar. alnggrriHl In. Ula
auMd by
erul thing*.
•A John Mallou'* Uaik. and lUi-d a
IWgObir aUowam-r «.f gr.an-rhH.
rha. ,ar
AMOtb. Mr. Mnthm on.-.- t..l I n.«. tl.at
tble account avmigtHl
Wbeu times w.Te dull on
be made ft a mlr t«*glv». inn
» IH. w i»rk.
-I rau*t do tt. bUliop. It U not right
to tbe atockbiJd.m to put on n.rn
■rbeti tbrrr 1* no wiwk. llna ben fain
«y? nve cl.lldn n. you *n> ? Well,
bare la a tboumind to k.H-f. tUiu
tbrtwgb tbe wintiT. nnd If thingn pi. k
up IB tbe aj.rtiig 1 w 111 Uav4- n plain- for
A bill ca^ to bill, iniwonally for
A fuoerml. Tfla man wni. blow 1. up In
tbt Vtrgtota, Hr Imd i.o U-gn w hri. be
wma buiM. ainl U i>wt
If Ur Und
iMArtbrokeu. Mackay cnlbHl ami conBOlad her with tlw aaaumnci- that Urr
A^bAAd was all right and nuint hnrr
■Maid tbe money. -You know.-said
ba. -that ba bad a great habit of Irav
r Atamt In UU rlotUm and bn
id.Hl that way.
in bla pockrtn Id aomc of bla
I In tbe rloa.H be left
■ba iookad In vahg and
I aaUl. -l^ook there.
Aid AO after be went out and foumk'
aaarly 0.000. tbe amount of tbe nUortmfA. Bba apMwd tbr door to trll blm
tba giaat newt, but be waa a Idock
asrar. altoktog akmg in tbe abatluwa
•ad andding obaervatlon as if be had
|«at coosaalttaA a burglary-
A MiOm.
wblrb orerlook IVKtlaod. Beblad blm
be forcat and hla paaC tbe llttla
cabin by tbr rlrer. wltb bla dugoot
Uauhd up oo the bank, bla traps and
Nhlng polea and battered moxxle loadig riflr; before blm-wbat?
Tie- nfienwon aon flung iu luffllooaa
arm. Into tbe city, while the foreat be
hind waa becHMuIng dark with tia own
aba<U>wa. TIrt* future bad come to hiin
In tl.e gold of Ula rrenlng. Uut It waa
;Ue foiure c»f bla dreama Already ba
awful am.
But pt.k.T Un i limply luck, li'a ac
Before snillug for S«>uih .vfri.-a cor
0t the youngiT Ikrtf l.aih-.H, J. de
arc protlucts
Buys a
8-Day SlrikinR
•tir Lttrrwtwrr mt Ibr VTwr.
ra. formerly ntioriM i general of
tbe (Grange k*n-e Ktate and a iH-amHl
bad forgiven the loatifuny whm aoa# figUttT. w bo w as a iiiiM.iH r in IUtiuq
be Und brought
da, s|*.ke rei-euay at the I nk... Square
only U!« ••f.Hrtlh " nnd the h lt.T wbirh a
iotel iu New Y..rk of li.r d. v..;i..n 4.f
pnKalng trupiMT Imd left at hla cabin.
he IUht M.ldier*.
ind frd ihrt kilty day and night with
TUc «M.r wa« to go with him Into bis
-It is the only manful thing to ac
railroad aUarra In block*.
future to Ite-idumt. polecab;" tbe oth:*t with all ihto you va mU»rd thr IhrlU
cept facts as we find ibeui m.wib-nthat mu yw In tba bush
« tl.r magic key which would
Tal de VillU-rs said n* a reirt.n.T of
ojwn tlM* wny.
be New Y.Tk rou.uieiv.aI AdvertimT.
h.nd l-em the «t»e grief of bla
-and that wr have dt.i.4-. but it lias reOh. Mr. rterpoot Morran. you may
d aliuust gnvili*r .-..urag.- ihaii for
tbe tk-n-v*Hi lirnrge on tin- iKitib ii.-ld.
to him waa only a
wukrd whrn you Iowa,
My one i-oiiH4.latloii now. and UuI.hhI
oral thing, like bn-.-ith
i-n psHjplr ahufflr atock* and tnind* all through tl.e w.-ury siruggb-.
cer If be
or m h ncc. \N hat
been the thought tlmt, whih- I
Urunl. and or!
wakr the brru.
high In rank were
ta*y. or l.rlng
Whrn th* poker carda go round tha tbr lH.ur ..f m-eil.
re many
In tlM* I..W4-H1 ruukH, wlHj
I hT t*ha*^hilH
amillfwl atrtck may
make tha others drop.
wtTe rx-ady for any trial and nm.fraid.
,rart tlml luid l.rulard
Their dexotiou has U- n the H..stalnmg
Mr. rirrponl Morgan,
powrr lUn.ugh the long Hire.- years.
UHH.-s*? It waa only
Never were the worn. 1. of a dUirt-iMN-d
dm naturally, without
lint cninr I
hue gamra a* you.
...try mon* dexole»l. m.i ..nly la the
rffoii. Hr wi
der H>u»i«in.y Slid sup|rt.ri so until
11 you, with
ml to th.-m, but in r.mg!..-r and m.Tr
Uand--Nim. 1
active serxhv. M’l.eu th. War l-n.ke
out. the IUht wou.4-n xv. n- not ..nly
-for U«rn de
Ilr had tmd no rlia
M-xvlng ami Mitehtng. but ploxving ami
•Imply luck. It a a*l.
rue mualc.tilling the farm* a* w.-ll.
Tbce is
iiow tt was all here lii the
many an li.Htamv of a wife M-ndlug
which IM- held no tightly In Ula Imnd. LONDON CLUB OF PILGRiMS bax-k t«. thr ranks h. r dlsi-..nr:ig«-«l and
deserting huMaind a U-tt.r and braver
ami, though wl.Hr front wna Mralii.g
hew Awglf^-Awrrlra
man others I have known wl.o. rath
thickly inio 1
aiarlrd by K.IrA Mr..
cr than let th.-lr caiile fall Inu. the
ug iNWH4-HHh.il €,f Ilia Ilinbii, Ur wf nt
TUr Ni-w* York llrmld a Et
hands 4.f tin* rm-my. Imx.- rull..w.-.| ihr
II the alojK- aa cagrriy and i
fHlUh.n pul.llHUi-w the followin,
army f.T days like the lloi an ma
d4-nily aa a fM hoollN.y on Ula Hrat J
Ita I,4»ndoii e,.mwpondei.t:
trx.n. xoti miy. wi... d.-1-.iieiMd l..-r
y Into the worhl of h-an.lng.
A luiH-tlng wn* Urhl at tin•on* to the laitllelleld with this fare
Inly one.. In forc In 1.1* life had
Uolrl lUr olUiT day A* take t
well; •Krium with >our sl.l. Ids or up
.rxiN-ciiHl tH.ine t-i him. fl.taa) f
airjw f.T I Ur fiTiuathm of an
on then. • Yr«. Ihat I* quite tn.e.
r very cHtatr that waa n-apunalUle Amrii.wn club to Ur known
tJemTal Ji»n-pU WUih-Ut
lo do 4.nr
fin- tUla Ictb-r. Half «.f It had gonr I'ligrlm*.
pn*ld.< Mr. II. E. V. Hrlit
S4..:th Af
dly aa an Incentive Ui a '*f»HHll
m-iTet..ry. and
1 o..rd, 4.f
rt.nb-Nt.- nod Utile lierre. who In.
I. Mr. Hamilton Me the Traii-xiial St
earrh-d off the fMipuhir vote nnd ao wo
Mahon «.f the llrlt- the lN.rtj .1. of t
Ii.U.r I..at fall* tc
)lh.T ll.Tcford. Mr U* will In- q.lietl nnd r..lil.i'ullx U..ne.
•crvalory of Mualc for UI.h -.-ducat, Frank A. Mui.s«-y and Mr.'Jaun-a Mt'The term i'KNT111.” Ilnt'a th..ughta n-VTH-d tO Honald sis.ke In umimiUll.-d praise of
.""s.-I.i^-mLt w,-1I .!U
the M.U.- but id
a hr wi-iit d..wn tl.r ah.iM-. and be the Id.a und wi re in fsv..r of Immedl tlUgulslH-s tN-tv -II ...nr txv4. main
M.1.* l.elug taken for the orgnul
retMihiHl that a«.ine of tlil.4 gr.nl.-r forkm.xvH but lUil. U,
If a lb
«l.nulil fl..w- ov.T Into the future xatU.n of the clBb.
hr U a IbHT; If txvo I .i.guag.-.
4.rganltatl4.il c1.mmltt.-4- wn* air
iKHjr •hoi-iiiukrr'a *on.
South Afrlean.’
Tl.er.- nr.- ...a
Iiolnl.Hl. iN.nHlMlng of ib-nernl Wln-dthis latt.T rlnss aimd.g i.x and
Whrn III- ri-iiiiu-d thr ahlewnlk* of
<.l..nel Mahon nnd M.-H-^rs. Hrll
are well able |.. t..k.- np work ii
le gn at city, lij^ wmt im.rr slowly,
talu. Hubhlnson und IlUHsell. which
line of H.-|en.-4- ..r Industry.
.r hr trl.Hl to tnke hi* hat off to every
as emiH.ivenHl t*. fratm-Like your fnth.-rs in the .la
i:.d nrllele.
of tie-i.uriH.H.-s of
177rt. tie hn.l but an nniralm-.l
w hl. h w ill U- sut.
of men. but in thU ng.- of lehr
muted nl a m.-elii
-able nnd imi. hliH- gun It 1
i.nn UnpiM-iiiNl to ghim-e nt hliig he ly. I.4.nl ItoU-rts w 111 U- ask.-l to pr.for I. r:.xx I.n.
dn.pi.cd Ula gate to tlu* shh-walk. and side nt this gathering.
than In fon.i.T .-t-nturieH
lilld liN.ktHl 1.1 him l.r atopiMHl
At llrM the lH-i.dquart.-rs will In- m
f..ught our tight, ami Is It not the higha* tl.ough irmly to rntrr Into .-..ncT
-hi-d only ill Nexv York nud Ixmd thing In the w..rhl b
iiatti-tl a dog. nnd tUr
but with the gn.wth of the club
. a cniise. wm-iher It U- right or
dog tunii-tl aud fi.llowtHl him. At an
, h.-s are likely to U- I.H-aUnl at
Tong. that It Is n J,.y b. r
FnrK Ib-rlHi. fhlcago and Washing
ir it’! I am sure It Is
pitirr. nml
.MemlN-rs of the elub m-isl not
-Then* may be 4pilt.- a
iilld turniNl and follow.-l him uho.
u, c.Tis..rllv U‘ r.-sld.M.t» of Ihr .itU-s
- many
in* 4.f tills war. for the
Hut nt length he n-achr.1 thr place when- the l.ead-imirt.-rs are UH-aled,
d of the
leli xvho Ii.n glxeabh-ue,
ndh-nti-d by tl.r letter lu.d wan rr.-t-lr- Pul <*ni. <>»me frxuu all ovit dlff*-rvut
iruggle, nn.l will. One lit
••d with tnarki-d c'..n*hh-n.ilon by the
,«n In 8..UII. Afrl.a I k....xx wb
who ro4M. ns Ih- eiilrrril.
hone who Imve express.^
glad you cjinir ho promptly." U.eir desire to iNivuie im-mlNT* are his hlsb.ry uHn.N.1 .-..mplele, W.srxen.lrl.ymsb.rsbH. o... In 4...
>cr .Olid drf.-r. ntSally. -I suphe right rev.re„a blshoj. ..f IVrth.
.u uiuliTstaud vvbat n large eai A. Mun- iKNly of priH4....-rs has wmii.-„
Marslmlt stirring war H..ngs. The Fh..t Is t
II.- felh.xv, you kiH.xv. nli.l
bvm’r'd fou.Han’. me fink letter
nlMead. Mr. 11. E. V. llrltlaln. Mr.
nageablr If y..u un.hrMiind
llerlrtTt Ingrum. Mr. Alfred Stuart.
•^Yea, two Uundn-d tlwusaml.” dwell Mr. Jos.pl. Aud.TH..n. Mr. Lindsay but h.- Is a v.-ry f.s-Hng mnn. ei
ing fondly on each wonl. -Il.-re; sui- IlusNqdl. Lieutenant tioveruur Timothy m.t always mt xery *b n...nHtnitlx4
|N>S4. you take tUU chair while I tX
1„ W.HKlruff, Mr. J..hn t\ Wilson. Jr; have iH-anl h..w my cs.mra.b-* ns
l.y Hinging th
plain the matter In drlalh”
i;.-neral Jos.-ph Wln-ebT-. Folouel Ma
psaln.. It XX..*
lUit sal down d.lli.li-mly. placing Ula hon. Mr tbsTge T. Wlhsm. Mr. Ham
at uiH.n tl.r il.K.r 11 nd the -f.-sille.Mct-.Tinlck. Mr. Fliaunn-y M. no vain thing elth.-r: It xx..s l.eartfell
ncnwi* hi* kiMH-H. Tlii-n n* tUr lawyer
H..n. r. S. Ib.lls. Mr M. and iv.nn-tli* to S4N- the Ms.n-s «.f lightin prisi.n walls elH.-rful ami n*nlked Ills thoughts went straying uut
C and Mr. James McHod•Igmsl m. matt.-r xxi.at th.lr fab*.
till, the gulib-u futuu*. to thr wunderEv.-ry. morning i.n.1 .-x.-nlng Ihnnigh
ul knowliHlgr that was ei.mlng to l.lm
le war at sunriM- nn.l HUi.-N-t xxe
nd to little Plem- learning to play the
h.-ld prayers nn.l .-h.iiibsl H..nie
fiNHllo- In the right way. Now and
hen n sentence of the law jiT drifted T»« Mar Br taBt to Br Rr»d Err M.ng «.r psalm ns did I'n'iiiw.-ll s army
on Mnrston .M.s.r or iMiinlvirb.ii. It
L«a*. Sa>* W. K. OatliHr.
i.to Uia reverie. ..ml smldmly he
fon-ign.-r>. l-ut It
sprang to l.la f.vt with hi* eyea bUa‘•Khuki-HiN-nre nnd Homer are not Im
oxal sb.ve.
-Wha' dat you say? Tell me 'jfln,
quick.- he demal.il.tL
he flaw In the wllir tbe
law>4-r nskiHl blandly. -Yes. that la
w hat gives yon the money. Lucky flaw,
1 K-iy.man Tats.. like monej
i Marie, oti'y l.r mak«
slip 111 Ue will? Me gel U.m dat way,
' dryly.
Is your*. I'viTythliig
nU.x4-Uv.rdItat reachiHl down and pIckM up Ida
ay* lu..
mortals, and I ahould iM* bllti rlydlaapntlve h. ltH.-lf. I.ut ma.hl*.lnt.Nl If they were,” fvxlU William
Normau riutlirle. director of the CliiIhe Hkh-s.
clunatl conf.-n-n.'e ..f art and lllei:a- Kami Ihnwit
ture at the I’nlviTsUy of Chlmg... the
right nnd an- .s.nb
other aflerumm. «.>• the I-VHad, Iphla
,hI faithful to ..m
X the 4-n.l amt nn-I h..iM* that In the near futuri-.
ill so Im falthful to the
pW.x’r In'lia tastes and a.in.mpllsh
mrnts that Shak.-Hp4-:.re will In- h.dd
u.illt to n-ad. I h-iH- the literary w.Tld
will advamv a-» rapidly that SI
sptsire and lluu.er will not only
8 K
(O.i stndI plant,
plant. and It. Bioch of W
made four move*
xjH-i’t.-d to last
del. Is exjH-i
I elH-ss ga
thr Kansas flty Htar.
The gamr I* playrd l.y h-itrr and It rtqulrrs about fourti' -n day* for a U-tb-r
to im*« iNdw rrn ranton and Wa
Tbe men an* plajlng for a i«ixe of
$5,00ik offered by Charles R
w ho 1* n-latnl to lN>lh of tin
L..ynl daught.TS of VussAr think
college gn.ui.ds aU.ut iN-rfeii, says
New Yflrk ITcsa but m/II. Hart,
greatest apple grower of Ducbcaa c
ty. N. Y, and a pnxgrtwslvr borUcub
lurlst, thinks that w hrn thr new acbool
of agriculture Is establUhed 00 tbe
■ar It ought to dress
the principles of up to date laaff.
-Wa-cI.- was the n-siH.UHe. • f..r the
food we lui- IH. <*all lu .s.mplaln. but
we maun nay were a l.lt f4-.iMsl o*
th4-*r mw-nerul w ub-rs." New York
Traverse City 6as Co.
price $4.00.
Our price,
Sunday Excursions
!>:xi!y m..n.ing co iit-.i....-.tf.Mn 1
SVahlalai.lx xMe-n- v...i wiU.^H.n.
Sunday Rates-^Round Trip
To Neahl*Tw.Tnt«T - 25c
To Ornon.T
ToNorthport - 75c
Ab-r loo
Bianlaai Riiir Eliciric
Light and Powir Go.
He. m.- *1-.nt It. I HiU Isi.kl v.m *
-.nlrH-1 > ..ri.i-a |..J- tX
«|rt« Hi. .titoii-lr«-«. hsrif.- ti.-l
M. I*. Ill NdK.ttVoltll.
ror-Hx nn-iKHtunU,
*t It 4* I4. * ..
A Vr,-l 4-U-.si.«nr »n.l K.nthrtr lbs...v.M.r.r
Dainty Summer
M. U
martin & Evans
Told of E.aUod-. XrB Errmlrr.
A few ycurH «g.. Mr Arthur J. Rah
four. wh.. has Just M..s-4H-,hrt| to tUr
premlerHhlp xrf lireat lirltnlu on the
retirement of hi* urn h-. I^.nl Sahs
bury, bad •..me of l.ls pr..u.i...-nt *upI*.rteni from his Sxs.tch e».nHUtu.-my
as gue*t* at a |H.llth al Ivum|U. t lu l^ondun. -lH-*lnHi» Ihat th.-y *h..uhl .-nj..y
UM-m*4-lvr* to the utn....-l. he .Ilnsi.sl
that ihey In- kept Hupplhsl with the
fliirst of rhaiu|Migne.
In tie- is.urse
fkw Chnviif S.-i»v
wSdonJrWtr*** *
CMWtPT ^•r«b mt fbr Tewaar
Ar BwMwrA-Wark V Ar
Qaletly aw« Palthtwlly ~ Dr
Murrsn. It may b# an
Who iiHmey iong to." be driuaiMSed
shandy that thr lawyer mo\rd I
nd pla.x-sl a chair in fn.nl of him, -do
aw or or man Tatro? Im law say gib
r; ol* mail Tatro say git. Ulni
Marie UuUr' And wHUoui Mopping tc
p.'.rley fuiihrr wixnis Hat sirmb- con
Tlir total niin.l»rr ».f farm* in
Tbe sun was U-Ulnd the Uills, and In
Imma U glv.n at -222.22... t.f *
lai-e of its golden Uvkouing then* wna
P2!».|2T urr oiH-ratin! by whliin. nml
only duM. uiiIv«tihiI shadow, plrrci J
IM.irCt b.v ix.h.riHl farnn-r*.
Ucrv nud tUiT»« by tlie electric lights of
M* city. In the woods the dnrkm-M
AS witlmut break,
nikrti quietly into
iwpihI. O
Ul* cabin,
Dd hU traps and flsldng poles, and the
wttrrrd auuxxir londiug rifle. Ur womd
go back to Uicm.
PECKt Km w aaraEHTs'
m*k« a •uwlaUt-aiid dn
( h*i.. r4»r w—r«.
r..ral arek.I.nlnH nrr vrrr |H^j.ular
for w o.nrn Thr nrw ahninn. arr
fon.i «.f luMH-ta or a turtlr w Itb a gold
head nnd b-gm.
wiLLBEruTHrm. to nv sinx.
II you fink i
lawyer Iih.I
rn. l.Mppy t.. sny tiuit tl.r m‘a
|onU wa. a Mi.H-nug that Audi
lUi.ir S.H irmiH-mfr n* a pan*..!.
lUnt br did Ihr n.n.dy thing and |Uild
«.a. k .-v.-ry .nmt 4.f the fio.uM wiit of
h-Kii xlrlumiH n.rnM |h> k-ta.
CenerAI De Vniiers Tea* of Oie
OuUool. For His Peopte.
Plnaod atood oo ooe of tbe bffla
MS* Kla^arM t* • Slwr.
TorL < 4Kni«^rUI Adrerli»T r iau-a tL«- folloains atory of ona
of John W. Mnrkay-a d.-rd*:
fm onr
«L.ti Miur. Krtnbrirh ma* aln^liiK In «.|«to at t<an
FraiH-i^ *!i^ Iramrd «.f I Ur rrttU-al
ootidition of Urr tm yrar-aW aon,
wh*m4- .1- tU occum^l f—fi aftrrward
!n !>i.
.... Til.- »lnx:.T m!.Ud r%rry
«laj ... Urr Uo»I«iihI In I»r.*a.U.n for Id»N.u! tUr l-.Va o.n<Jitk.n.
TUr fart la-mtrd lu thr ^an KranrUrf-o
tur rjr of JuUn W.
Mnrkay. v-!h» aa» lU<ti In lUat city.
Ur bad
Muh*. H* u.I.rU U
-Aboot fl»e Uuiidn-d **
-All rlgUl.- Ur aald. draw Inc Ul.*
Cbarktaiok. -How aUall wr dUIdr Ur
-Too fomtob tha »U.^k and I will ky. w hi. I. %vi.H nn.h r hU akin; tl.r olU
•ttiiply tlwKtonf» on lUr int.-r.'ra wt-n* two vidr. of iMcon ni.d a ftack
Hr grlMMd At tuia. iind It U * x
f ihoir. whl*:U weight^ i.U alHmld«Ta
plaload tbat It Aanor«l but a vro|.« r
nd hand..
oacT««atS<Ni of tba girt rom-kU rlnc .. .r
••.I..hn." h.- aald. -yi.u nr\.-r aiaMit a
rropactlra toroCDM. lb* dn«
olli.r ov.T tny Iwtr »»r any other loir
rback for flra liODdriHl. itnd na I b-ft
I ihr camp, nud ilmt aU^w* >..ur gu.*l
tba room ha called uw Imrk.
- t.ar. but the iH.ya 1. II nn* you n- In
Waatrd ta But II
nrd luck, nnd 1 ki...w n n.nu wh.
-Now. 1 don't want any o,.r b. know
IH- one. line*, w.nirililng to kin-p
or tUU; tell Urr you *4.ni It."
g.ilng " And I.e tUn-w on the rough
1 rtiiUrd that all.- would know iM-tbT. thair I Ur KJH k of tl.Mjr :.n.l two sldtHi of
ADd ttim ba w UUia rrd In a . liurklr.
Hr r. lab.iHl tl.r whKky.
-We can lay It on «.ld Mian.t.; t. ll In r
«a g.MMl many >r;.ra latrr. tvUe
llharon aent It. aiwl w Uni Ur »r. lH Urr
lia.l iH .H.m,.
ri. h ...an. tUn.
Irtlrr of t&nka Ik» w.iii't ki.oxv whnt
II inri lb pw..nh. gonrin UraltU.
bit bltu."
rn.Hh.Hl In apinl. l...ji.glng among thr
1 prumlaed to do ao. but tUoticUt tt
.wd ..f h..;a h-K» on.-H who hang like
baat to let brr know wUrrr tbr tm.nry
-a alM.llI thr hn..gU.l.- ..f thr atta k
came from, and a o.uplr of d«y« nfbr
rkrt, M.gr..lraH f-r th.-in.
1 aaw Markny atandliig In front of tUe
Hrlh*. Ai.dvr' cri.d -bd.n.drl
Courier offlrr n'lnllng a lHt.-r nt.d rryVo.i don't n.ran l.. a:;y >o.i t
luf like a arU.N.llH.y.
Urr i.H-r aald Ihr brokrn man.
-•Yoa’reAldnbUM on nw,* Ur aald.
•ilrmrmlar ).‘U'- l.iugh.d the milobaking tbr bttrr In iny farr. •ll.-rr.
ionahr. • Vo.i U ! 1 d... and Ihn
read fUl*.* It wna n vrr; tou. binc bd
ind bn.H.n tm.. Ilr.d.rr
trr. written by a r. nru'.I w..mnn wbo«e
bean fully nm.r...lair4l tUr klndtu-^*.
-ril cnrrj >4.11.11 hmivlr.Hl ol
Before I bad tvai hrtl tt..> iH.tton. ..f tl.r
page my eyea wrrr iuoUI.m.Iiic, end
haal 4-n..«gh. John. Y.*u'\i* r. aimed
Mackay. wbo atuttm-.! nl tl..- Iluw.
tl.r from la 11
broke In with: 1 Imt.-. .t .t «Ty .t>
••Ui.ru 1 ti ll >011.''
youraelf. you luxtatlr. nnd
luiw you
U.lt hr w..uld..-t a.
Unlike If
He then bUmed me for not doing ns
i hn|.|aniHl
I agnwd and aald that Ur would kiur k
liiiu.iri' |».it hU nrn. thmugU I1«iv
off a coo|4r of Uundrrd tl.r n. vt tiiur
Ih'a nnd l.a.k him up to hU otll
1 called oo him for rluirlty. Ilr wan aa
good aa UU word. TU.rr wiia iitiotUrr
aUnlUr caar. and 1 rall.d ..ii Markuy.
He took out $3u.i In gn. nba. k,. and
-llrnrat InJUIlV
-Now.^trll that woipan tlmt Kluimn
aent tUla tuonry and 1 Uavr kii.e-k.d
-All light. Therr’a no usi* trying to
off $2.^) for the wny y.m nn.d Ih.
Ucl|. >on In aba-ka
Y..u'n- a gambler,
nnd w hi-i. tl.4- frvrr grta bold of you
you w im’t llMeii to n.^.r nn>Ualy rla.-.
AU Si.uU waa n Ural ratr wha.u. 1.1
. I•■H| ll.' U
y.ni knrw b..w to run U. Tlial'a yoi
Hkn* quirt.”
fonr. ni arnd I»i. k l».y out to find
I am.unl IkmiU In tl.r
g.aal plaiv. nn.l >ou ,.»t y.-una-lf b
Atotrca* iKwt^ltal and. thinking It |.ubllr
hind tl.r bar. . omr l.a. k In t wda> a
peopeny. was gUtinlru: ov.^r If.
:j .-VI p'n.eutJiea abowed that kla.-kny
At Ibr Uo.tr npiadiibHl Mr. I>cy at
about f5.UU) a month. Sbtrr rr.Hb.rrka
Hepw..rtl. w.-rr th.-ntook the lx*ok Uaatily nnd n..k.Hl inr to
••Urn-." Kd.l yir Ma. kay. drawing
aarer mention tl.r ninoimt Mn
ctMH-k. -liirr.'a #p..«■*». Amly. l«hk
gave, aa be l»ld brr If br rv.T U
*lrw. k an AI pl.n.v oi. Markrl Mr.vt
of It br would di»«H..,tlnur thr a1
Yon ,-;n. buy It :...d 1.
IM-:, If ihhhI
l.-fl to atmid a run of I
U*. K«h‘p till* U.I Hr tor 1
• ml .%ouil In- ;.U right
If >ou don't
I hoiH* >01, will for you
fflatreea Ur qulrlly plmnnl thr nant.Hi
'rhc.w.um s4-.i-a.n l.n„^s
.I.-1...1...K I.n m.i.jne .ind
t ist, iH.X4-ll.esm jeu4*l.
b...Met .U..1 X..1I sIh.uM
I guest eM.sls
to.- 4 .. i.i,. k
». 11 4 I..
in \V.ib h
nU r*P. I.AWTON 4m».-e r.«.m »w. i..-w
U W.U..-m.
H.^r. V w. U^*^rn . rjiu
r\K P lirHbKY. K M . W. I>. HirtS-U! *tUs.
L/ ti.o. U>.nrt>miHM «.f «utii«-a *»a cbiiair-n
f.»r 4rr«tni»-iit «.f .li-
I..4.1U S .l.e! Ih-M T.l
l.cejs-is i..r vciillt-.m i.
N.-a things
Rfii'.g Us your w.it« Ins
iiesl ft-Mills
reliable w4Mkmcii.
Barnum &
llUA-S.VJ*., r.»ul.SKY. IVU.L«..41U»-^. >
Jewelers - SilTersffliths
tlon o
year* I
fact tcHj
dlon. «.y* the |‘blla.lelphla
Time*. While the nntlxe |«.pulntlon
of African d.-*.s-nt, whh-h wa* always
an element of 1.0104- li..|*»rtan.s-. Iia»
probably kept |uee with 11m- natural
rath, of growth. It ha* lately !ss-n quite
tuU.rdlnated l.y the migration of uegroea from the aouth. nml nt the pn»M*ar» to be
ent time thU 1
ir t A**ir
the friaDda of Mr*. U FWse. of UiwrsBO< Kml They knew sho bad bwa
UMbls to lears her bod ia asm ysara
oolw. atoohls ey«a, •nl ha iwfferad OA aooooat of kidiisy aad liver trouble.
»«R8. C. E. HORST
dootors. \mt without bmaftt. Then ba
trtrtw, rt VNIrt mmA
•ad U Urn* nMotti I
drwggM I* ><wMr
T.yjswfcStT'rr^ ■
H itttr Evening record i'°^i°«'^i
»UpTo Hour
mfsp« tkat
M. * V. B
to wad a Ua* iato ioelMoo
to dltart traW to Maaioter. he
aWoHL *‘lt lathe
loo.*' heoald.
•oa»er. aad whoa the Uae If Wilt
two ttaiaf wUl ho nia to iWoaa ftooi Big Tim. I.
Ensinaer Hubball SUtaa Rl^ht
of Way Mattar is AdJusM
TfSTono Oilf OTOfj daj.
**NowtWt the right of waj dilBWUyUWoatto be ooOlod 1 mmj •»
well giro ooiae detaito idea of the
plaoi of ^ coiapaay logardiag Lee
' tha City
way the people
Arransamant Which Has Baan
Will ^mmk IJmm
roa<U in
thU city
allhongh It U
declared tliat the main points hare
been dtKUtled npon. eatiefaclory to
both oonioniee. Th« plan enggiotwl
u a motnal arrangeoient by which the
traini of the T. O L A M ehall paaa
over the tracki of the 11. A N. K. oot
of the city and to Hatch e oroeeing or
near that point
Oh'.r Kogtoecr J. J
linbbell of the
M A N. K. imm^d Uirongh thie city
Ihii morning nud lu an
with the Keoord aothoriz«>d the abot^
etati aent for poblioation.
Mr. llahbell etatee Uiat ncgotUtione
to the ahoee end were begun in the
UtU^nortof June. 11 H. Methaany
Other Attractions
fUil M.aera iinoUey and Donglae
had aom^ oorreepondcnoe or an intar
view In which a piopoaitioo for the T.
a L A M. to nee the M. A N. K.
trade waa cliMOMed. There wae rooei.lerablc Uiecu^iun over the method
of tuakiug thejiroiMecd arrangement,
hot Mr. HuhN-n eUtee tliat it wae fin
ally agreed that th«^ T. O. U A M.
ehould iwy a lamp enm for the right
to neo the track, of tin* M AN. K.
and hear half the estumee of maiide-
Our 30 Bfijs* CdebntlM Stic fipcaed with t Rish! It's the
BEST show of BEST Clothing that bang* the BEST jiciqdc
to our store
Benda always performs what he advertises^
wella la oonaiiUred, U.will l*e seen
Hmta liit'e ettm cost iu aiiippiiig
the M. A K. K ami K H
will be wmh while "
of the T. O. L A M. will meet in IhU
Albert Wilson has Agreed to give
oily tomorrow to lake ench further
the M. A N. K. terminal facilitiea on
ac t ion af may l»e deemed neo aearr.
opertr. where a depot
will be belli and aoitable docki conIt waa etated by Mr. HubUll that
inoted for the nee of tbeoompany.
iKilh •id.'f 111 the right of way contro
It U the lUtfpose of the M A N. K
yeray eec'mod to think iliat tiwns time
i pofh thU proiecct nutil completed,
to gel togoiher and ec Itle the dimonlid Mr Uubbell aiai.a thai be be
ty. He further aialed that hiioom lieves the reeort boaineea of
pauy had not attempted to obatruct
will be
greetly tiimoUted
the progrt^ of the new line by refm
and oot in the lenat detract
form, aad ladioatiaa. ai- for a fnat :>**'•
*“»•• •“ *«««
! gallon fast enough -fur any
JI man's
iUs 1« b.A Tn.ik.U..
. UiW-A It • ,.UT I.U*
fine Imnd oonleat.
in which eome
entriee have already be«^ made, bicy
cle racing with good ash prises, no
Exact Time of Coronation Car
end of etivet games, with any quanti
not-bo Known
ty of amusement for the p'ople who
llruwa Tudat.
* VOrttihl*- CouchJ
Tl- o—of ll.. ^..I. ARAio.l Al«.
OnltUh of M.Tll. ld towo.l.1,% „ory
,h. L.O* w.ll no. dri., oo
went to the jury III Justice
< i (.oronaiion dav "
conrt at 4 :l& o’clock this afternoon.
ing. hitting him over ifie head with a
whilUe tree and iti a t^nod struggle
biting a goodly piMe oot of the lobe
of hii* father's left ear.
The tronble
grew out of diffloaltie. over the culti
vation of the laud of th*
. Ider
from Has city will indooe looaiderable bofineflf.
If all the pUuf in coosldemiion I On the m.wnlngof tbe
the eucounter.
shall matore the retort interests of the MU not having dooe any work
inty will espeneace a
ard the fulfilliug of the ovmtrmct
Taking thia
for two w.*eks, uoL*ording to his fath
er's teetlmouy. Alex, eeme and harimmar v isitora
ueased the horse, to take it away.
While the details of tbs projiofed The older man told him to leav.* the
ittlement of tbs right of way mat
horse, and went out to the gale,
are not closed, it eeems now reem
which tbe younger man was about to
oroaaiug llieir right of way.
nhW ceruin thnt there will be no fur- pam through to the road H.-re the enAtaHil TSal I eat HWf.
If the meeting to- oouater occurred
old. r man
row reeuUf taUsfartorily the trial claimvthat be waa reaching for the
Io freaking of the erecthm of tbi
coal fhfsla on the aUtfe near the M of the t'oodemnatiou snit which hat bridle of the boree, wlu u th.- won hit
A N. K round houfe. Mr. linbbell been pending will not be necesaary. him over tbe h. ad with Hie whitrtealthough Mr. Hubbell Udieve« u will trM, more than i*uc . got him down
be iHcd anyhow, in order to * aubliih and bit hi. ear as noted
the ftroctnn- until there waa
Tlie son
eome i«inta of Uw and a prec
aide a«furaur*> iliai a aatiafact
claims that the fblber was making an
which will be of yslns to erery rail attack upon him. that Hie blow with
rangemeut could lu«
for t
road doing bosinsfs in the sUte.
liiMi to nei* the present tracki
the .whiW. Uee was struck in a-lf de
cane the M. A N K aaa
fense and that before the biting of
the ear. the father bad tep.-aledly at
yiew of it Hie M A N
K baa
dently d.>cided tliat it would be i
better for that Hue to allow the c
their iracka Hum to liateanoUier lino,
controlled t.y eom.v
imv4Mi to bile hU son.
Tbe case baa occupied imwt of
onre could W kept until
witbont additional cliaige. Iwt under
day befon Justice Brown.
n»Mt n.l.a«. »> wnu • d»y lor Moh
r.r U ch.t«*d for o poriod of thirty
d.y«. .-...d oftor th.t > chw of »l »
d»y ontll tho <«r. or. oolooded ood
UverpooL July AK-Tbe Poet today
states that tbe Duke of Marlborough,
n ioortMl
Itodw thU roliii* Oio oool
who married Oousuela Vauderbitt is
con on hond wonld hoT. oool the M.&
about to be appolated to an offioe
K. a noorfy *10 o doy .f «orrl«l oror
gnat la Its eoolal if not in its politi- By Twl-crapk U» Sb- B«x.rd
tb. trot of AnmM. Thot
eal character
If he is not made lord
mm MOh tout. wo. loodo In ptotUloc
Ohioago. July «i»-Charles Warren
Uoatooaat of Ireland tbe Post sqys he
o oool e>td hero.
wiU get tbe governor gooeraiship of
Aidtd wl.01 h. hod to .oy oboot tho
Globe Savings bank and
notonrnta nlxlro to dlnriniootioM
of the University of Illinois,
in tnicbt toto. o«ola«t tbi. city
who iu lV>»mber. was eenteaoed to
the peuiteoriary. was relmmed from
gooddmdof taUuloogtbal li.*..*
Joliet prieosi tody ou a writ of habeas
unnllable informatioa prlatod
oorpua. The petition for babcaa corW Were.
to projudloe the public agaluM Urn ^
pas wae haoed oa tbe wmteotioti that
V. W. Goble, who WiU heffia FriA K. K. He elated that U would be
day the woth of earrier on the imral
and eeahmoed to the pealtesittary for
tlw height of foUy for his oompaoy to
AiJISLleagaUmtUiU olty. - U U fne deUrery route to MmpUI—. Is
.rSaooth ae poeMhto fnea the
Mimea Sadie aad Kitrrl
Shirt Waist values at... | C '
.Nuit values at........................ 6.(
Shut \aulcs at............ ..
Ncwland Mat values at.3.(
I Men’s Pants talucsat.T................3.J
1 Men's Un.lerw ear valuer at................. C
I Link Curt Button ^
Ar. frt. s.1. ..r baikdivda .4
TfAV-r.. . Uy m.-n TATaLK
m t--rf.>tl«
. t’lufurLktlr ao
l Kurm-bm l« Hi.
. tb-
A t!k. .l 4Ur Util I-Uk- B..
I. *i..r -h.— in anj .».cr is
Un-tll Sa^cirdaky NieKt:
Alfred V.
W8 Offer
Silk Waists
percent discount off from
their already reduced prices
It will certainly pay you to
...H.i. MK>r>
TIIK Ol.l» ST.\NI»
We lyave two
livlt. and ..nc
lOvl*J tent
a bn .'am.
I •.♦-’i.
If you want
lOvlJ tent left,
rrucnf ll'.ir, tent SH.lir. and
-Xpply to
3. m. BlahtsUe
Strictly Trtsh*
fy»mt 6r0wu.
25c ptr DcztK....
_ _ _
plaining w itn. as. grt^w out of a per-1-----------------------------------------------------------------------eoual cnoonnt. r some weeks ago. in
which*theeon gave the father a thraali !
thia |iro)eot will be a benefit to Trav- OS. of the team wb« o the son waa not
Oity. aa the train serv ioe to and
i**f too importaat a point to be
» Men's
everything at Cm Rates!
hen we see the Imd V.f Mcrchandisc some lellows are oftcring - we canm>i emphasue the tact t.M
strongly that all is N EW at
and battery case
; j-xilLOU tho crowd totheCreat ‘'ywhich Alexander liriaUh is defendant i
^h.iie Sale nt The IMolio Knt.lao
and hia father. Itngh Urittilb. is com- j
Grocery old stand
from the bosloeef ol the other lines r.rifflth. which the young, r man waa
entering that territory. On the con- to do on ;harea. The oimtract showed
mry he oonaidera that it will aid that there waa an agreement to thia
other llnea
Ue hellevef also, that effect, that the fattier waa t.< hxve the
UfoetmL IiwastothUoompaay.ia. shape to mako the wmrk of
tasMletofflre thU city the rary bnt
this erehlK oA we
« ««•■■■• •»’' ""heUa
»*“- »>««»«> •« cb«ic. wt-
u eialt'd further that
tavtem h a eondithm "
Monroe at short. Novotny un
will be in. a full iwogram of atraight
Hiletio aimrtA. iu which a number
Aelde from the reeort ooaeid.^ra
if toutnea h:*\e already been made.,
tioof. Mr. Habbell detailed eome of
the entire day to close with a grand I
tlie plane In oooeidermtlon in » combsH. which will be eiijovt i bv huod-1
mercial way. He mid: "There are
Mid their
reds of th. Uboriug
WhichiHavo Been Issued to tho
aereml Man iftee partlef who bold
families, aa well at otli»*ra iu Hi»- cil>
large traoU of timber *in the ocirth»*m
Abbey Ceremonial
and «-oo|itry.
pemnwla. Tbi. timber might W ont
The t>UHineas men are ei{iected to
ont by millf eftebllehed in tbeir Imrrangt^ IluaU. making extriiaive «-xte yicloity. hot a« Urge miUe
hiblta of their goods, eaian^ially IhiweT
Klaa VVtIII'ra
nuiou mauufactun
itonsiTo nit wcllo it will b.
every labor union iu the city will !
at I be
.kf \V««lailnl.ter Heacre profimble to traneport the
have a float, and the onion men will |
logs to Manlatae than toeaw Hiem on
tnm out en masse to make Hie day a |
the ground. Thia ia expUlned by the
Hf T. l-,:r«-.ht . lb- K.w ..r.i
great encoesa.
that the operation of the ealt
The aocoeiut of latt year's
Loudon, July «»~Admiaaion tickiia
I oonaumcf a yaet amonnt of re
tiou angnrs well for the i xx asoX this to the abbey oervmouy of coronation .
fuse from the milU which would go
yem'a plana.
were issued today. They l-wr no date.
IS thuf disponed of An
Tbt^ eolicitiug committ»>e will v i.it : The tickets are causing considerable |
D made to tow nome of
tbe bomincaa men iu the unar futurtv ' ooaimeui aa on the fact* of them thev ,
thia tlmlmr from the upper peninaula
I a demonetrmtiou aa ia plauuiMl jahow omcial nncertainty as to wheth-'
to ManUtae. hot It baa been fonml to
will cost money, hut
It the liberality of Lf ii may luo: ti- i .-ce-.-arr to again
be n dnngerona iiroc^ng. Last year
Trav. rae City
ueas lueu ia pro- pt>g,j.oue ilie cemuc uy
a raft of S.OtiO.tW feet of loga waa
verbial, and they will uu doubt furBinuiughHiu. England.
July W
loft, and owing to Hie diatance and
iiuh Ihe mceaaary funrta
|Ti,e IV*, ,.k.lay snys: "There ip h
large eiiianae of oi«n lake that plan
! growing coiiviciiou iliat the king will
lias been abandoned.
Imop at the d.anerv of Weptminatet:
ned to towthee.' loga in large rafu di-------- ------j Abls y oil the . ve of the coronatior.
reot to Omena bay. a shorter aad more
baonruBefur WMrb Ah.vaiMtor Ur.aub retomiDg thither toi a iieruKl of rest
direct water rente and a much safer
vva. Tri.^ Hcr..r*- .lu.iice
after Hm cerrmonv. No special de-•
Krom Omena the loga will be
ing to grant right of way jglvilegee
oyer the Uml on the hay shore, hot
rather to protect their own iolereeta
in view of future develo|«ueiii and
Weinem nquin meni. of the M A N
B. He aai.l. "Of course, aa the city
increase., in ante it will In- luoKiaaibh
for ev. ry railroad tarhich aeeka entnmoc to come into the city o%er an
iiideiKmdent track
and it uontd be
agaiiiat the iniennta of the city
€ity « Book « Store
IslMt auiob. of ttwelty »r.
______ a .
w, A.
^Jlsuigwortby-Whind tbe bat. North in
oeiebmti^* ev^'r bTldTn j ^
Kvrrvihing that's ncctlcvl you
Will find here.
the street at a time.
Union street, it will be rememUr-
nanoi^ of the |.irtion oyer which the
in w line eliall run. Tine leaving been
ehipiied on oars to ManiKlee.
derided n|«n the minor detaiU of the
may seem to U an eipensiye method.
arrangement Wt*re
left to a future
great demand.
I ed. met the north aide of Kront etreet
reo-mtly in a game H»at waa won by
the latter, the a^re beiug : to 4 Bat
I now they think tbvy can beat both
I sides of the street at once
om< lale of both
loinarrow to die
oneeml certain ileUilf,
In stock DOW. The manufacturers until now have
l»cen almost imabie to hU ewders on account of
home in Yiwilanti. He expects to ntteod the normal there next year.
udM of Kroot
At the
Page property at Omeaa. Mr. Uabbell
elated that the pW» wae porcliaeed evening a soliciting o
ted. and a oaiivava will now
.hyn. wbh h bar. b--n U
Albert WlUoo of Maaielee. who
n.-rWe d<. not fall at the,
WUdlng. aad he made for th.- urt^Shary funds to
leal mldut.‘ the right of w^oootro. ^r«>l a large eammer hotel eimllar to make the celebrmHon th« am ooehs that
remy b*'tw«^ the Trmrt.ree Olty. Lee
it is hoja<d it will be
at Pmnkforb
tbe featoree planucnl are a
lanan A Manletlqne and M
A N. K
largn iMBtiee oaa go for a doy. to etay
railway oompenie. will be eettled to c?er aigfal. or to epead Bnndsyt and
the niotnal eatlefafltoo of Wtb eon- get dinner, or otherwiee miiqy the op
porinaitiee which will be affordMl for
it U eUU<d tliat there will be a
ch*U«i«.* boUi
tbi. pah of tb. .tolc. «>d U-.r
I “»•«•
oa»al. bavr a.m»«l ,..tty d.lla.1. |«»
the other way -"
NewSle BetWrurOeMea
Pltnlf of Bast Bill 6<»ds
Ja.t «bu tb. Prout »tx»t pUtw.
will do I. probkoiaiical. bat tb.
chances me that they will want to
play the Union street hoys cm* aide of
Coder the propooed armoge
Regarding the mle of the Abel T.
plvcr. uf
d.y. tb. Rom. to tak. plao. ou tb.
Tw.lftb .OMI KToauda.t 4o’clock.
J>y dmwlag thU
f Mtlwaakee aad
aboet 5 o'cloob io the afternoon and
U in Omeiia early la tb« morning.
Kqaally qniok aad mtUfactory tmatportatloa facilitlee will be afforded
in Proicrass Savaral Waaks
hocf by mil to Chleago. for the por-
Jaly »-Dnring a
Kd Boyer left hia morning for hU
MoaioleotoMilwaakeo. with eooooo
i"Bi,bty 1*1.' • They i*v.. Moonliiic-
hare eoatool of a ftooBboat liae from
T.C.. L. & M. Will Get Out of
by |
the Labor Union*
fire iu Lienooc Brothers paiat aad glass
store HiUVnoming. five fiismea were
Tbe loee is »3U0.00U.
Bl— ea PMeCw.
BT TO.«rui4a «o tbe Bowwa
Wr kuadh r»U *our
7rom SOe to ft.95.
Ja.| U-- tliior f.,r « anpina
rhtUlr. u
IS .\ i.l UvAM l I « ‘I > VIl^
KVlTh'N. AM. HKH V 11“\
II\V. l;l 11
-11 s .M>‘l I 11- lin KIM
h\i I IS iiH i;r>i ii\\....\
n \.‘i irv nioia:
I KU 1_n,
and tlkforxl-- K.-xo-rml
c.n.a. ikua Uno^
db Mk Mk Mb iM Mk Mb iM
Tin V. U»d.
I- w
If you net-.! tumble's
al.mc, here ym w;ll
lin.l alai^casvurtn
'/) to sL-lctt Iroin. sonic
heap as
ZhrScandupIclOc each
OpM tkis EfiBiMi.
You'd 6m
a Dollar «
to be comfortable all surpmer
7/f>Mr«rr « «
Do not forget tbi South Side Store.
--wouldn’t you?
A dollar shirt waistpair Linen pantsFine Straw Hat-
We do not claim lhal we are perfection,
but we do claim that we sell the Best Mer
chandise in Traverse City for' the Lowest
prices. We will mention a few bargains:
$t> Waists at $T.35. $?> Waists at $3.H9
Wash waists at 25 to 3.S percent discount
50 bolts Fancy Ribbon at *25 percent dis
count. very stylish, all fancy silk waistings
and summer goods at big discounts, wool
dress goods and remnants on our front ta
ble at closing out prices. ::::::
Negligee ShirtAny one of these will give
you more than a
dollar’s worth of comfortget rid of your dollar and
be Comfortable.......................
U be it abmni a sign toon appa
r su|q-)yiitg lie ir hv.i».. > -
Extra heavy Linen Crash
o tlKlirc* joom^y from Arch,
•affel to E rilUre »boot Ifio mile*
lh« otm«t;of Urn ^'hiU ML
half wmy oo tlmlr j«
of wolTThe
CfETElM. Mint llou if II.ET ton
Mllotrihrr they woold nil fall
Clm.lotlK. rmreooo. bmmu. deciowl
to onat lota M U> which .hooW fr*t
\rnre tbr .ledfo Md deUy them
The heroic eooe refoeml to pertm
their father to dmw a lot
The llrrt
lot fen on the yoonreat and ha jamr
ed oot. knife in hand, hot the deUy
vaa only abort. Ataia a lot w eaat
and the aeoood aon jaaped ont
About 40 wo1t*-i continued the chaae
and. implorin* hm fallier to drive
quickly, the reinaininit Idevoted aon
jumiied. Th*' thre^ drlaya are-l Hie
Tehicka. furniture, barneea and food
for man and lieatt Every atore wO!
have to W rtatocked. In abort, alt eotenirtM a III W atarted anew, and It
wUI not U* poaalble to pet pooda Into
the Interior faat enonph to meet tha
dinuand that will arbM*.
All natkiue are awaltlnp thia trade
and are iirejorlnp f-r It by eaUbllahInp direct llnea of ocean
tatlon-aU natluna except the I'nlted
matea. wbkb, other tl
■loual frelLbt ateuuoT. hat no direct
coinumnh-aiioii with CajH* t'olooj. Ih
calling the attention of the »Ut<
J SttST-rSl!
p.>rtuuttles. runsul IJcucral bingham
at Csis- Tow n mays:
Th- riMlol matte ships to this part of
th- worW more tbsn tvrl^- aa much good*
as an) other country, -sr-pl Vir-at Urllsln U> hsv« bnrn s#tvllna to Kouth
rt.« sn Imm-nss soM-unl of the male
r-uulr-d to carry on the war. and this
a.^-uoni-d f.rf much of our lircrw
It U said
lotlationa have heon in )coirrew>
time between oflloiala of the
krae City.
LeeJanaa A Mania
and Maiiiat4M> A Northeaatem
adjaatment of the dimoultlea of riphi
of way which have liiu reated tlie lab
ile for aeveral monlha
It appeara that the officiala Imve
bach ftmanally a* tlinp topether until
a fwoiwaitioo ha«
agraad upon wbert Iry the T. O. U. A
trarka <
lirtllsh rule in their own oonnuy.
» city limita and
Sun Jowi. CoaU Rica, submarine
to iiateli*a eroaalmror near Umt poinL
roarings r<^semhling thunder are fnChUf Koirineer Hnhbell of Uie M. «
qDeiitlr heard and in Alujoela. a town
K. E. ta anlborlty for the aUtement
eleven and ona half mllns distant.
that thweia little or nodonbdtlmt
Th.-y are believed to Ik. caused by
the neirotUtiooa will be oomplvUMl
the Poaa volcano,
nineteen mRiw
tomorrow when the oOloUla aball
gnantities of
of the
moot and arranpe i
ashes luive fallen at San P.-dro, a village near the volcano.
and muha
MBrrtDit humuittT.
Tea. ak cenU.
Roekj SoonUlB
Jas. U. Johnson
witii till- other he b.«r.-d holes through
his liands and tore ois n Ills h-ft side
over his lieart. Wh.-n diacovereii.
a-rvha In ti*- l:rmsh army;
y^ANTia^laainc n-sa
"" “ ai
KtnWi.lcnrs |wr var.l 2c
0! rnnonom
N.. luv.l l.» >utli-r it.i
fiou't It-l the a r -.-t-t
. U-.UC X l.u-i-. t. Pm m one
ot Inote ol nm .\-vk «u criling
ELE-CTKIC FANS m )o«, oi
mv. stoic 4M i.onu . .\il «.| I
.k*sign .iml j-ctUi; i oiistnM II..U
Y.m shoul.l sec
.|K.*rs, - al-vo
lluk.uv Brand
Bine 1
Brownie Oveialls
.......... “ 19c
thsl iw^ui-ed by th- Arifenllns bu*-l. tUlunlsy July iwmAur. X J li.oeii)
New Zealsnd or Austrwlls New
aoai Augi*
tlmlH-r Is t^slnly as .ood aa
rr of llwl txdony. the
WANTWi f..r r*«-rs»
.. In a si.wh In t'aps
T.w« r..r.
n<l» said that hi* |«-..ple probauaie this trad- in the future.
H. aI.<.1 l*(l» will UMI- n*
ur-U-. Amc-v t-r >.uiUl.i.ir * -h- l l....t- ...
O. F»yOARVe»
A new line -.t
Sheep aa«
rwr A
t allle la
The Aim-rlean fanii tlmt was drawn
uia.a,to supply
and umU-a durIng tbe wur in 8<.ulh Africa Is to
drawn u|s.n again to rt-pnlr the havoc
A Large line of kitchen Cupboards
newt of thia dty. and that the aug-
toa M. 4k N. B. have fonght tba affarta of lha T, a. L. 4k M. to get crar
tWy TUatriry
1,1 ui-
Omk»iv-v«Am wow
Ombirvo^m rvow
OmbirvoAm rvow
gra.lc C.»rscl s<» ictcniU a-lvcrlisc-l in
the L.i.lics‘ ll.»me
Journal an.l oihcr j*»pul.ir maga/inc-L
Our inln».luelorv pure
Within the Uat five yearn ftwty(-m uw aent by
I Bkiglaad to .tody
l,at e^ |s*r van! | -2c
at only 90cWc have jiiM rc«'civc
other lot ..f the .Vim.ts-.U- high
n^JnakmiBl of tba dittcnlty irgarding
right of way. will be received with
gnMienMoD by Travane Oity baaipuM men nnd citlaana gannmly. If
now olienng a :«»» «mJi Simm.t
pur.'h.M.l t. M». ..IfIX.
(..O «U1
always he In d-rosnd. ihouah
qusntm-s thsn st |M^es-nl. Inde
s dlff.r-nt m-tbisl of f-rmlna U
here lltls couniry will to-ver he
raise n-orly eiiouah to supply Ui
hut wh. n ih-re u M lonarr s d.-mand for
army suppllrs from th- t'oUed Hist«e our
import* li.to Houih Afii.a will probably
di« r-es« to th-lr normal voluin- or nearly
atr«-tohed ont in imiUtion of a |hwsoii
I tr<T HululmJawsU-h charm. msrkM
. Iv carrUnl In I
nailed to th.- cr.wa The nail liad to
be TV-moved from his f-cl with twiwxera. He d.wan't a.;em to f.-el any Id to the ll*t of dlnm-aisdls
Umo Into iMlanau connty. :tud eien twin. U«ing in a sUte .»f religions ec lures, aays the t t. L.uis lleruhlie,
liich a shupiH-r may
devliv l.y
bafora the T. C. ,U A M. wm deliu. stasy ami r. |«Uiug -passages from the
s them
ring up the nl.-keU as
itoly decided upon. plan, w, re
life of Christ.
and thus k.-ep evact tat. on her fiuaoformatarial Improvemenu which are
A Ie<-hnica1 .-ommisslon lias ordered clnl status. Als-i the cotutmTelal
dalalted lo another oolomn. The pUn the demolition of ;the Hanto hlefano eler by a simple wagging ..f th- fluger
of timnaiiortattoa of timber fron
pays a h-.t.-l bill may avoid
clock tower. Venice wnioh has aliovm when
upper panlnanU b. Manistee by way sign, of c-llaiiae. Several lionaes also
racking ..rde;.l ..f fllllng out
ta ex)iense ac«'..unt.
of Omena appear, to la^ a reammahlr have IsM-ti ordered to tw d. molisbed
I Invent
iHK*ket c
<-asl> reglsl.f
he isK-ket
argmmeol or Uie exl.-utsoo of the line and other iweoautionary measures have
l.y Ell 7.1
lo that point; vrhlclt. in addition lo been taken
Tl.r-e hamlred thonaand
^»rd In amuunla
J.TKB1NO uid .
raaort IrafUo from tin- west would irive volumfM. of the library in the dnoal The register '
eueh up to a total
not has than 5
a haary impetu. to the bu.in. a. of iwla.-e are l.-lng removed aa danger la
U*f..re n-m-ttlng 111 dimeti
tbe line.
feared to the twek facade of the pal- It Is -Jhs Ineh.-S l-.ng and
Tha owners of tie- Mani.tee A
Morthanatem are |.r<H:reaaive bu.inea.
The animal iwotectlve asMlation
man and have not k eu blind to the Intends to introdare a law putting a little. On the fa<v is the n-glster.
first tw.. Ii.dlrat.irs !--lng for d.Hl
f«mllhatU.eT. C.. L AM. would
tax on oaU.
“Cats will be treated
gat Into thia city by some means un tietter by their owners when they and the third for oiita On tm- rev.
side Is the key for regld.-rlng
have to |iay for them, and as taxed
woald be foUf for them to wmsid. r .-ats must wear a badge, feline, can
for a moment any plan which would
*Klng W
at will.’
block the new aotonu^i*^- At the mme says the aocietr
his demowartl’s great is.puUrlty
lima it la good heuinam principle for
cratl.' spirit, his unpn
It IS steted that the jails along ih
writes byd
a, bnainem man lo protect hla own
novthweateni U*rder of this country
faUre Inlereata aa far as possible.
are fHling up with t'hinamen
Tbii la evidently wbat the M A N
smnggled th.-ir way inside the Pnite<l
B bna beau doing rtght along. TravSuies and were afterward d.-l4
raaaOityia too Imiwrtant n point for
and capture.!. Wholesale deporU
tbe MauUtee line to ignore; and the
of these tVleatiala ar« |«omised in radU^l of his subjects e».uld dealrw
ownara of that lin, know that aa well
Tl.e i:S.ph‘ think of Hm as a -good
tbe near fntme.
fr-llow.- a man of the wtwid vAth tact
aa anyone else. Rather than attemiH
At UI. Pes rslmrg by way of exprei
cxiwri.-m-e. kindliness and an Instinct
tha nnreaaooable plan
of diverting
mint Medical Utudent Kolomalxeff for saying and d,»lng tbe right thing
baainam from thU city to Manistee,
hatched ont a chick by carrying tlie at the right moment, This U the is»poit woold be to their intereaU to cater
lar view of King IMward. H may or
egg nnder his left ana for eigi
to tbia city aa far as poasibla. There
daya The hea atndent and chick are may not he tbe right one; hut the fart
aeama to be differenoea of oplonton aa
that nlnety^lght out of every bun.
much admlfod In wiientiflc oirclea
to whether thU has been •dona The
dred fMs.ple btdd It gives tbe measuri
At Oopenhagwi July Its Owwr Mad- of tlte auxIHy and aollcltude with
Manlatae line offlcUla claim that they
bavahadno Intantioo of attempting sen, the aoveliat. fell down a flight which the iirogres. of hU illoeaa M
being watched.
the dlanairona policy of tl.rowlng bnsl
naaa tewnida Maalahw to the d. trt- atnuigeld to dMth by hi. high oollar.
Banxia. the Venetian pianlai. Iiai
gaalkm to that affact U acarc ly wor- rompletad the unheard of task ol
thraMilng the piano M* boor, without
inlarmption. sleep or w>lid food. "
only aack.^ up a bottle of wine and a
thnoBdaladboth tinea have {come cupful of bonllion through a attow
ingathm tor a mmtnal and aatlatootory Two -of tbe prixe Jury went inaana.
Have you SC en them ? Flour Hins. Siujar liins.
Knead Board. Work Fable, etc., all tombiiied!
Have you heard about the Low rricesonihem
diiriui; this s;ilei'............................................
Bleachcl Cotton isrr vatd 4c
ani! upwards.
An(dher U .*f th<e.e fast sell
ing Rugs just Tcceive-l Wc are
Theaoare ormted by the boUdiiiK
|f the story of Captain Alsric Anof the H. & N. K. coal ahed on Uie
•rm.ii, an old milor who lives at
propoaed T. O. L.. A M rlphi of way
arinette, Wis., U-true, the •‘Flying
evidently but an imapinliry
friiclit, aa U»e Intereated part tea are Dutchman- lias ahifte.1 its aoene of
i.m^rom the AUuutio of Ur.en
mid to have virtually arpeed upon a
V. OapUin And. rw>n says that late
aattlament kforv the aheilB wenL..UIS Ch.lK'-lmiiMerut. Mr. Wll-on. kimI U-Iww ; I— Im.u*-. i.as>i.M-r kiU-h-n, -*.-ll
on Uie night of July
while Uiere ac-retary of agriculture. Ims n-celvtsl a water n.«r tc».^.ia. sml coh-rn.st OU Mi
aul. 11 It hnokiusn. »iU MiwS-s.. Mu
It liaa always bwn conTede<l by waa wwroely a capfull of wind stir. h-tter from K. 11. tiol.liT, a j-rouilnenl
of the Orni.ge Fnv Ht«tr. slat
Travane City boalnew men and rail
ing thnt there is itlivady a heavy de
way oflloiala that it would be for the Ihrongn me .ws
boat IntOTMU of tie- ciij for the Lee. U.e direction of Cnen inland. She
Uh- Orange I'rve SUte. fi»r she.-p and
lanM ooanty line lo k“ ««« orrr the sailed with great speed, heading doe
cattle for hn-tnllng. dairy and alaugh
M. A K. K. tracks and if tloa can be west, until within forty rods of th.arranged a great auooni of annoyance coast, when she anddenly tacked and
1 luring the war. Mr. Colder writes,
due south
At this moment, the Doers were eomiH-lhsl to kill ih.-lr
will be saved aa well aa Inwvy e\|a-na.
t'jvpiuin And. nwm-.mya. the crew rush live sUH-k fi.r sulrsNi.n.-.- and that
to the new line.
A good deal has been amid and ed. wild with yells, toward the wheel th.-y wen- unahle to care f.»r their
hons«v 111 a few moments the sliip herds <w their cn»i«i. As a result tlie
pMnted ouHng lb. pa>.i month regard
log the alleged olwtmctiveattitud.- of ituiiHl from aigi.l, headed in th.- .lirec- farms have well nigh Us-n strlpis-d of
Uve stiH-k of all kinds, and Uu- .l.-mand
the M. & K. K. In the meant in., it lion of the Pesl.tigo reef.
Is atrtmgly In favtir of s.-eurlng Ameri
SMmatliat negMiiationa have laM-u in
At Paris a criminal lunatic was
cun at.H-k f.M- the nmg.-s. fe.-d sulla
program whloh the geoetal pnhllc
found nailed to the Boor of his cell and dairi.-s. Mr. r.ohl.-r h:<s also In l^ol’r-KTn KKST -W. P.t'ruhwr
been ignorant of. Mr. HuMh-11 d. . by his f.-el. with a gash in his left formed the ae,-ivtary of agrt.-iilturc
flUrea tbai too mnch has be. n said in side. The man imagined him»-lf te
thert- is a large demand for maLOST
Ibis direction aa the line he rviir».M'uia tie the Messiah and M-cnriiig two rus i-hlm-ry and agricullural Imid.-im-nts of
haa bad oo intent ion of hlooklng the ty naiU .Irove «me of tl..-m through all kinds to rv-pla.v the supply tliat
new railroad: but rather a d.-tremma liiu .-rosiM-d feet into the floor, while 0«*stroyed during the iuv>greiui of the
tlou lb protect its own interest., to •
manner to prer.-nt oomplteat ions ii
tba fntore and avoid ruetrtnloo.
whloh would Interfere with the de
BovV Waists 9c a^.l uimar.ls,
Iji.lles’ Shin Watsls 20c ^nd
Ribbo^v»r.l. 14c »"-l «1“
A banaleea aabalaAoe that dHvea
r :.u*r.r*rr‘
cl that trad, dlrilly Instsad
the hand* of our cKni^-tllorw
As Itrlilah auhj-«-is will have a irreat war
del>t to I«y they very nstorally think
that the trade of Houlh Afrha Ulonss to
them and will 1-sve nothin, undone to rw
isln It. We cannot ala ays iUt^ui solely
on the suiM-rlor uuslHy of <mr a.«.4a
ilrest-r -ff-rt on our lutrl U iieoesiisry.
InCants* Bonnets 5C »*>il n|vwanU.
Cents’ Hosieiy, 3C an-l
l.adies’ Hostetv. 5C an.l u|>wor-ls.
Misses' Ciauze \ ois 3c ^n-l
Aopi Mam Mart, a native of India,
who baa reaid. d in San Kranclaco as
far back ae the memory of the white
Is dead at U.e age of ISO.
Anpi Mam Mari liad a moat romantic
Acemding to tlie atory of hi.
life, told aevenl years ago. before
his mind became qlonded. be waa the
of an Indian iVinon and wa. kid
uapi-d wlien h* was achildaud Uk. ii
lo th.- Hawaiian island.. Then* he
lived for some years, a slave to a
Chinese plaut4-t. and filially came to
Talifoniia ma a folgtive.
From a
MaUy on a miling voaael be learned
that his father ami brotlKTs liad siient
in tr^i lug to trace him and bad
Bmvlly met diwth in
resistance to
per yard....................................Q9c
Gents* While Laumleml
Shins :«c to......................... 85c
Lace Curtains, per pair
and upaar^b.........................33c
W. Ollffe and
Economy Store
241 Front St.
It is a capital idea to buy our stylish garments. Wc
guarantee a perfect fit and know the price will suit.
We have suits from $4.00 to $30.00 and as we have
suited hundreds of customers, we can surely suit you.
They are well cut. well tailored, swell suits, made
from cloths of the latest patterns, in the best manner.
Is where you find the largest assortments, the best
goods and the lowest prices. No question about the
superiority of the "Twentieth Century" Boys’ Clotning. It is hard to put, values into cold type, but
mothers, if you would just SEE-these splendid suits
you would then know why we talk so strongly about
them. '
Js a tie purchased from our great stock of strictly
new goods. The "Colonial Cravat” is the latest and
it finds ready sale. Other ndw goods constantly add
ed. If a tie is wanted, we sell it every time, no mat
ter what your taste is or how exacting your demands.
Our two great lines. 25c and 50c. are the popular
goods. Ties suitable for any occasion.
You ever wore? Buy a Longley and you go well
hatted. Our men’s hats are the talk of the town.
Price, quality and fitting quality are the best selling
qualities. We sell hats from $1.00 to $5.00. How
about it?
GIVEN ON THE WONDERFUL PIANOLA every day until further notice.
Concerts will be given in the Furniture Department on the ground floor from lo
to 11 a. m. and 2 to 3 p. ra. and are entirely free. You are cordially invited to
hear this wonderful instrument. .
Ton Mj aalaet yov on
travkmsk oitv, miom.
^ ^'':
fttB imDrdra BaooBD «RA.TKBsa cett, men.
Ccttdtnstd Dtws
» of WichigM.
of thair fatlihff •Jidflit » pn>b^
daalo tha fool that they bad bean
wgbiag thair fboaa ka water aiiaad
with frofs tor* t* 9rdar to aamra
Walter Walls of If loblgaa Olty was
killad by a wiatbboaad Ptec Marqaatte ttaio at Blrtete& It is bau»M of ^mn> dirr mat tm» ooe
IteTodba was aalaaiioa tba track. A
at Urn hatua of iVUr If ohjui. rMidinir
aaraa niiUi* o'lrtbwt^t of *^*tiimn
A blMiA aptdar baa worm a wob
AGtaad Harm asai who has foliM-i acroM. a»4 io a »wary i
lowad tba oU adaga. 'taka ears of
saarfi tlM word Mardar” aftpm
ads will taka
fdaialf that U«aa U aaaa acM tU
other day. and i»ld hu fas to tha
mlalstar who Ued tba kaot, 910. all
oHiaol Iw mada oat. Tba »)4«lar la la tba ooppar ooa-oeat plaeaa
baar apfwrMilj eoapUtiac iU t
Hawioa Gard. a wall-to do fanaar.
Tba wab la a aoartw of roHosI^ to T&ysars old. diad PHday. Ha bad
tha aalffUxwbood aad rlolatty. kaad. bma a rasidaot of Volaaia iowasbip.
rada of pmpla Mrluir rlawad It Mia Cass eoonty. 78 years
Mohaa/wUo ftrat dlaeovrtad tha ffd
Mot all tba wbsat has baaq ralaad
dor aod lu wort, la rarj o^aob all
by tba eitraordinary waathar Ibis
ad aad 1. prriwrlair to ^ta
mmgnar. Horace OI la. of
Ilagaa oeaaty. tbrmabad
tba tfodact of thraa fields last weak,
1(*» faat aad the yield of all three was orrr
lawo o»r«Hoir a ajmfa of ftO by Itt
lay rally l/Wi aparrowa ll«at fall
forty basbels to tbs acre.
abmda traaa wharr lOey war ahrl
Tbs morals of tha residaats of Zee
dorluir a MtiUc atx>rm
laad aiDst be of tha botboose rariaty.
Homa of tha brlda wera
An "Uncle Tom's Oabla ’ oomisuiy
aaoat of Ui«m ware ooiy ata
was refaM^ a Unease to play in the
lioy fcatliered a haak*<tful aad atartad rillage beoaaae it was feared It was
for the otMiaty clerk '. olBoii. atpaetiaf
ratliar pecalUr stab*
I Uiat tba Uw of affairs has reeeally oome to tight
had l»^co repMlM
w The city
ally pan bases a large amoanrtf tools■
A Unrif^aoU^y of l»oakarda 1. to be aad other naoeemry articles for use in
e«ubllihad la Altr»r ooaaty,
repairing tba streets, boildiag sewers,
Moili.lfir. oo laod. parobaaed
fixing part-meat. ale. It now derel
ope that a Urge amoaut of tbeae tools
have aniirelj disappeared. Prirata
Indlrtdaals are In tba habit of borrowing them with the resalt that
they never are rataroad aad tba oltr
I- ■
A lirakenan cat a train atandinir on
a sidetrack at t’anier. Meoon
fwouty. fnand a Jag in one of tba
nar*. and U Iiik at that atomeat tarj
thirsty for tha .toffn.oally aMOoUtad
with Jaga. ha took a rikkI UIr drink.
It wasn't whlskty. howaror, bat
romaldehyde, aad the brakeauMi lirad
ouly a few boars aftarwars
Mlnhliran people know that Grand
Kapida Is ooa «tf ttta world’s fomllBra
oealars. bat probably faw of I
bar« any Idea of Ue maRaitoda of
tha city , bu.luess 111 this sUta. As
an aya o|ieo.^ It inlgbt ba atatad
that the ordara bookt^l by local waaBfsctorrr. daring tha aaml-aunaal rs
hibition aaason just closiaK aigoont
Glia old soldier Is faaliiig iretty
good nowadays Um one at Hyroa who
has just Ustn granbul a iioosloa of $30
a monUi. aod who gets back pay for
tiiirty yaara, making tlie snag little
sum of
Two young women of Holland. wb<i
hare tieen nuder tha care of a Grand
ILapids oculist for sereral weeks, admiiu^d to limlr |wr*-au tbwt
Prom tba fiosittoo of a millooalre
ifutwrman to a cell lu the Vermill
ion county jail, in brief la the life
story of Hamilton Koroe. an inmate
of the National Soldiers' borne at
Uanrille. HI . who was arrested on
the charge of etaaltng a watob Kight
ago Koroe was ooe of the weelibiaat and moet Inflaantial lambermeu
In Miobigaii.
Cun Club Shoot Occurrod arxl
Medal Was Lost
When WlUiam Marrelll waat to sleep!
In the We^ne toog dab boom on the;
KoartbofJaly aad slept throughoat;
the slioot, there was no ooe that en i
than A W. I
■ Willit-'s tarn to laagh. |
Toere is no ooe more iotemsied in
the regular aboois of the Trareree
City Rod & Uon Glob than Urn said
Peck. He was oat of the city last
Friday, and be telephoned in to find
when the sboot was to be polled off. 1
Then be made every effort to gel |
here, incloding a twelve mile drive
■*o\er the burning aauds "
Just after dinner, be thought he
would take a nap to steady bis ner
ves. after tb« strenuous eff«»rta to gel
to the shoot, for lie was wearing the
olah medal for high gun. and did not
pmjKiee to |wrt wUli It.
He gave bis wife injunctions to
w aken him In ph nty of time for the
shoot, which wss to occur at 4
menl, •• nvation aud »|*t-cialtiea. The
And of coarse she would.
Hut site went to call on a neighbor. oo^fctruciion u good and llic dialogue
and did not return. Meanwhile, Mr. eiiappy; ih.- comely amuMng. and
Peck lay on his |ieaoefal oouoh, and the itituatimiR di-tinctly dramatic.
dreamed of big drug sales and grow The play i«‘iu four art* aud r.^|uiren
Ing salaries and diamond gun me.Uls ten .c tie. for the nu fol ding of tin fil
and scores of 2,'i straight, thrice re pitory. iN-Hdea an cKcrllt-iit «i»>t of j
peated. Wlien be floally awoke, and lirtnolpnU as twenty suiteruumerarit«
prepared to go to the shoot, be look
ed at bis ticker and found that it was
6 o'clock and getting later « very minuU'.
To complete bis dlsoomfllure. Kd
1 ph.xwrighl. win.
ir..|H- i.ot Jong Hcu.
Brcisrh telephoned to him and aaked
blm to kindly bring tie- club meoal
111 ford, t urn.. wMn i • ht» faih.r ^
for high gun down town as the said
Kd Brosch wante.1 to we.or it
UcmmI. h- P)H|.t ;dliie-l nil hl^ |. .-l.r«’ ,
Mr Peck did not say much, as be c.mMrutting i>.iddh-tM..-iti« «>n tin l .-ii
did not have time before tb«- fuse cm liili|gtoli iht-r. light nt the {••••I «•! the j
2^ I Perfection
i„^,i II... KUhi.-Cf
tvs.t ts.
Poolar Urra Sal—ea Get iotaeCluj
Is ii.tir do/
ka| The,..,,
w's resort on Trar
ng lu most soccessful season in murk
eight ylara, having bad up to this
ll> >it til.il.-TH III III.Ume:
The new arrlvsls are T. J Pelikan
aad wife. Miss Kmma Tabor. Miss
Gertrnde Htrlker. Mrs. Oarl West, lenifi.i-t •.
and Prof H. J. Jacoby, all of iChica Wlfllh. I th.f
An. *h. I i.^t.ni.i.tJ a fair Ml t-iifr. rlnR
go; and Mr and Mrs. M. Gexik of
Traverse Oily. Many more are ex- endt.ittl ».» 111. e ;n .1 U-a-|.t mii n .\uTtb
iiected for Uie nioiiUi of Angosi. linkt.lH prntrle dm in:: .a idbrard
><lMrn< u.-r.- fl.a- (..Id mild live cT
Mngwaa never better. Some flue
hee were made during the |wi.t
I why a druggist offers you i
« fur the Madieoii Medioim
Go's K«K3ky MounUin Tea^ l>o*'S be
love von or is be after tbe bigger
k it over. Jas tJ. Jobu-
Congimsmen Ilratwol-. of Jflnm^
A now play by th. aatbor of "In siwlu. has s tr%mi l.n«W uu bU farm
Old Keatmrky." and "Tlie Batmr- ami Is tbc otil> iTUatf uenrr of trout
With g.dd epuU lu the tnllM Sutra.
Then thev vanished ws will all Krapban." entitled "The Burglar aad the
Waif." comas to glMnberg's Grand
r of the world.
Opera House next Monday. Aog. ^ It j a 'magic''ramadyT lionltTelscIHdty
is a clever blending of com.-dy. —oti-! ^
Jotemon and & B. Wait Jk
lie .prui
IfM.li lln- .Un-l...
Sfii..k‘i g a I. imn.iik.^I
coM,--! tv
hill from Mark TumIii'n h..n»f
When j
rUllctIf had m.-idi- lo^ inaik in Nt.w
nd g.d rhh In* hndt n rtH.iny
llt.lj Itrittr • It
twlh^l I
It tdll.n.- t^.Mld
on iHMtd al-o
inokii.g p.iil..i and a hdlMld
n..t.- II..Ml
II VMII...UI d.|s ii.lnig .
( u IngiMi.d t-npi.iiii
«;dh-tl.- ^I..|.p.-I oil tl
!./-|..\v «;rnnl H toinh.
gin .tipW I.. II In- Mni
1 f ^
1. .
t. k
■ tUtiih.iig
id r.*wU.al« nil. In
.nrhig avvav iltgnig. «l..rhf.
► i::h(
Latey sterred la Imndon bananas hs
eonld not dlgast hU food. Early nse •
of Dr. Klng^ Ksw Ufe PllU would
havs savad him. They strangthrn
the stomaoh, aid digestion, promote
Bold by Jas. Q. Johns
Walt A Boos, dragflsla.
I'he most important thing to the buying public is reliability, correct styles and prices.
1 he Milliken guarantee goes with everything bought at this store. Money back if
you are not satisfied.
iJ. W.Millken
Summer Clearance
at very intends!ing prices.
of Wash Goods. Shirt Waists, and hun
dreds of things throughout the store
He yar.l fm what's left in colorctl Dimities
Orgamhes, Ijiutis, lUlistcs etc. that was
solil all season at 15*, clearance price... Qc
l‘». van! Ivrt'all the Linens am! Ginghams.
AiMuit ten st>les left. You know what this
means to us but that's nothing to you.
I hey were Aik an»l nS* : ilcaiance |iri< e. | 9c ;
l»a.k iolors. (tlxKl . ount, xlrataiicc |«uc
IHc yanl fvir iinjHiitr.l Dmiilics Swixses Organ<iir^. Scoti h < • ingliatiis. l.ace Stri{tcd
Dimities an.! Lawns; tins season's 25c* to
4IK hue; rleaiam e piice.......................- .. | 9c
Aliout three dozen adored waists that weic
Remnants of Dress floods
and Silks
36 in. Percales
Shirt Ofaists
r-K .clea,am e ,«.. <•.............................. 29c
FOk-R DO/.KN ColoiexI Waists, weie $1
an.l $1.25, clear«,ce price......................... 75c
MX vir.U.M Dins r.xKxlx .ml Silk, ftnb
ami nr»-. li-Ii fit>m the Uxt lew weeks’ sell-
.ne; all go at Jnsi OBC-HtU of the Ret«Ur Price: ougl.t u. 1* ot mlcest to you.
eurtain Swiss
;h; in. wi.le. white with blue, green, yellow
am! le*! stmics. only h*ui pietcs left; sv»lt!
alnavs at 2.--h-aiam .• ,«l. e
| 5C
ehambray Pittieoats
.\Umt one .lon-n left, just the thing thislime
«.1 yeai; will wash am! wear well; was 75«',
1 learance jirn ................................................. 49c
-Vll the $0aml$7 waists at clearance pt.. ,- 4.75
W.VI.KINt; SKIRT.S- .M«.ut 5tl of them
that u,U at $.5. clearance |«i.e..............3.75
Others >n the saioc pro|s.rtion. Itettei I.«.k
this up ifs immey m )o«t j,. kct. Clear
ance ,wiCe ,m all su.ts iml jackets.
Ap,J,.|ue lau-cs. wr.le w.Jth. white only. 5«c
ar..l IKK. values, cleatance prree ................| 9c
RlBBONS-N.«. \ 7,11 at... ^................
RIBBONS—l.xtraipiahty,No. Htlal l>rryd. |8c
Slr|> in wh«*n you arc down town and let us show you the goods - no trouble, you knr
Cbi$ Store will be Closed Friday JUternoon,
............................................ “-i.h.,a....r............
first genuine Lockhart “Mill End” Sale that opened in our store today is the palW pable hit in our history. All store records are being broken. Great crowds came to
our store at the opening hour and continued to grow until every available foot of floor
space was packed with anxious buyers and we were forced to close and lock the doors
ta keep tee crowds out.
>MILL ENDS are the left over short lengths of the cloth maker. They are what remain when an even roll is ready
to be shipped. There is no waste in the mercantile world. The scrap iron of the moulder, the chips of the
carpenter the clippings of the publisher and the cuttings of the cigar maker all have a place in the stock of salable
goods. More bales, boxes, crates and barrels are being opened for tomorrow’s mighty selling. BRING YOUR
_____________________________ ^
crrr. vnaL. TmnAT. jolt to. iww.
JLI> riONSkB cos
UB. upoa U ue U Mr
rosrelU rvrmmij m€
»r« raloelcM. why hart a
But Mr. Hamilton Bollovafi City
Should be ProtM^tod.
It U Electridty HtroetMd bf
a ruEL ounm>
Thera art font good eMdidaiea. nU
romlornt men of the eoanty. who
bnae annonneed tbemaalTaa na enadldatra for the ofiloe of regiamrof deeda
leoerd O. a Moffatk wbo will
for. Thorr wbo with to OTooerd
Mr. MoSbtt nrr Ftank Wilaoci of Paradiaa. <5. M. Hager of Unloo. Frank
Hamlin of BUlr. and A J DeVrira of
%Kf€mr,tbm luagut U dUl iml Hurk Ui
twCljr in turnlnc ibc n
TU y Uid
. Ml eves UMKb ilM- irun m.|-t*d4nl uu4ir tbr mr ur mo l«rt <>f ii Th.^
Mla« M c«rtrc41M
«.>. tUe
OMaco Bceord iitTohl. All U.u touk
trian wlUin U« f.«i mud. 1 f«r.
noaanrtitliK nU
*•“ • track
UO M Ions. Tbc csr went nrtuxS nitd
rMUMl tbr tnrk. t«rk
wnrd. fa«t tir »low. at II..- will of llu
nfwrntcjr. n bu w.»rk..d
gW Irrer. AtHl l« atop U no Irfrakn
VOTY nrrdrd.
of *tr«rt
There will be no oppo«ilion to ib.nomination of Robert
Waller for
:y clerk nor to Ue-o W. Sb
for tn-aaurer.both being eoooodrd
ond terma
. City Atsomry Oea tt Croaa ia the
only candielala yet annowioed to auc
r. H
Pratt at pr©.4«niing attor
At to many of tba otbar objaetkma
noted by Mr. Olbba. It la aimpiy idle
to antartnte tbam aa rani.
The net ondar wblcb tba company
organiaad waa not mnda clmr or
I From rum Weed Oirw Ula
known to tba council until the day of
the Inat maaUug. It waa coaslderw]
unwlaa for tba city to grunt n frnnchtac under an net that would free tbU
company from local tnxaUon. and al
Kecr-nt public qooiaUons from aooM low other coodltlona to be impoaad npreiu.rk* made In private ccnveraallot
us by aucb nn net. Under n Street
Railway act. the council granted a
dde *4
franrhlaa. and. notwltbatandlng the
a nsw and
clause relating to the oMigatioo to
r of n atreet
build the Old Mtaaion -railway, which
City and to
eUttse Mr. Olbba obJecU to. It baa VfmmM N<A Aec««A tli« l»e»nre*Uie
Of grant
Iw^n-mada one of me condltlona upon
fran- which thla atreet railway franebiae
chtae jxxii giving them priority of should be granted. If thla franebiae
right to enter the tlly. Third. I hare
had no other soropany in the hackevident fact that it wl.l
Detroit, July »-Jurig»- Yapie wires
gr und for whom I hire been working not he U-tauae of a loo stringent fran
►ham- or form. Fvdirtb. I chiae offered. It will be a good way the D. iroit Today from Memdoo that
1 hny^a
b the company and for the out for the company, a lime to unload
I out of politics and would rot
tbelr effort* to place the the burden on Traverae City, bni the aooepk the demoormti. guberoatoriwl
liaena will not. 1 believe, carry any
for a few dolUra.
i Is apparentt that tkit cvmpam
w ► ao aatiafactory to the comjcaaentativc
that they urgt-d ata renewal by
polled ont c.r thu field for n rroomlna
oun. II. That ordinance cooulned
lion there will Ur not bar tiominalion far realer realricliona than the prea
The preae-nt ordlnam e has one
for the legia'-toro.
Hon. Jaa R
V ohjecllonahle dauae to the
Monroe ia the only candidate yet m.*ui. whl. h was not in the old or
___ _____________
so that up to the time the
Owner can reoover same by calling at
bis rvSd because of an obnoxious fran Record offioa.vpeovitg pro|ieriy and
hise. It waa admitted by Mr. Oihba
paying for this notice
hat up to the umr of the requml to
Mr. Waller B*^t-r.
enew the old franchise. It had
agent for lhe*‘Ilnrslar and the Waif,'*
which comes to Sieuil--rg*s Graud
e matter bec ause of Ihia
ake hold e
tlauae. aare
I attractiioo.
City in the lnt*-re.
•hta *n». wan then-ln n>n!alned. but cvtndUJons upon wl
f for**Th
The aclratM-e sab
m ter
ohj-e te^i to until Ihe objeellon
Mr olij
iruhprrtive negotiators will build the
Ide■ Ten
Terminal fa. ility riauae fur other
■ which ap
wad. does not hang upon paving with Rorglar md the
The idviug quea
rccadK." was pul in
n the- tia. ks and one foot ^omKide. and jH-ars here next M
Aug 4.
lion. Ihe hlghw: »y fund, or any other )ot uiHiU the rlausr relaiite to ter
at the box
r new ordinance was minal faeulltii-a for proKpec-live
office of SteinWrg's Grand
ads If the e*wudltioaa upon
All about Ihe city the a-itt spit or
to built are that
Mb. Thla poWlc trrt, BfT. r uumy that
made with »|.|«iriina u*..rr
endr. led tbr liirmtuT. I*. W.
who U apiairmtl) a otnarrTatlvr me
cbnnlc and rU^rtati, to may: * We «1
tber harr the l.lgiteirt thluu i: *u»: *4 MotwlMtUoT IIU IWwl* !• laelMk.l
riar n-4hlnc «l -U. And I am e..n
Tlncad that wr have the »;wtem whleli
wUl do iway^wltU the troUer. ot.-r
band or «inderKn>und.Tbr fnndantrnlal ld»w of tl»r nrw
ajatein la -no cut a nM.tw ln two." Thi
ala<1ro tnagnrta form .m.-half «.f tlir
notur and arr |4ar«<.l In the irruund In oorder a oonrt this morning, one Jury,
a Uor half way Utw.^-« the tmrka. men haring n-coren-d from hla sick
one up
It wa.-i then that many
Frauk i\ Ptogree. broti.er of
Tbr alh.*r part, the aniintnr.-. 1
.hje* tl «»- were rcrorded dealgntarbad leupthwl^e l.. II..- l-.tt..in of tlir .he lab- governor and rioe prcMdent ..d to foment pul.llt oicinion.
this wiled- s^tlon. this **Terof the defon. t CitrSaviuK«^nnk. was
faaC and ao atti*h«l that the enl
I faeility'* clause, rests the main
aalled lo the stand
Tne witness redlaarUy are within an In. 1. »f tli
tlon to tne ordinance I will here
Kb-d the post|>otiement of the examiof tbr mamrC
Itut the prl
re|ieal that I know of n . other com
nntion of h.-uk books from January.
w-«-klng ;i fr-n hi>e at the pres
iine. hut with the proluiblllti«-a of
tba trolley ear mt»tor la that Ih.*. h>nro lisM.until six months *\ter at the sug
gestion of Andrews On July l« Pmgreeir.jnd Andrews Indebted to thbeokinthe at*»n of |;S»0.l X
Pingrse mid bo would reaifca if the
tudehtodness rras not cltUred. Andrews mid: •*A** right. 1 won’t take
the iircsidency. If yon want to bust
U»e lumL. go rhewd ” Pingree said at
that time that the Au(*rows item was
coiriecl into the ease end he didn’t
turn tbr WhrHa. The new ear I
proprlh^ by IlH. friction ..f the .c
with the track, l.nt hy the \u^
Ihich nmiroei
with main
latrd and IwtiiirInK . leciri. Ity ftoi
power houar. In fart, the eh^ ln.
Mta are rolla of wire iimcnellr.
tba Hrctrleliy niimliii: throinrh '
know of And-ews
having an
tbrm Ihr luaKi.eia an- met nine
In other wunU. they nn- ik.I In fh
cult r*t^ whrii the car c-omea
thi- next in years. 1 shall endeavor
have the city s interiwts guarde<l. no
»t no ror|Kirai;..n sliall lu Id the lull•»' • f power in our streets.
Another action relative to pivlng
ide tne rails und one foot outside,
ils Is a rua«. mary rule, not only in
ihlKun. but m otller states, and in
lull-r pIaT--s as wvM as lar*e.
not a relic of the mm but a product
Hu- pre-ent. This custom is well eaidl-ch-d.
the exi>«-r|ence in
innnii ipau.bs have determined this
cording to i-darlty
l«alUvr. and then a
la the ac-heiue for
and uaklnc It run
ltl.« !!.«.■
ronci-ssious in the
ly. whUo by expel 1
icutily and nniioylng
fur Ibr
wnrd by a poaltlve tuagm-t In Ihe
on ncconnt of the- n-i.. lllnc i.'n
Uka iiolea. In thla e-oun.-eUou the
a •‘commutator.** w hi.-h k.>-pa ehau*:mj:
tbr iwlarlty of th.- f.-.t k.c that th
dura ncH iret “atm-k * li.enev. i
oiwrator of tier e-ar e-nn with one
pie uioveinent of hla on.- b ver ai
or rrve-rae the- m«ee-in.-nt ln<t.-a.l.
The great aavli
n the Inventor
claliua la in the amount of .-h .1
lie aaya a.-\e‘iii\ tiv.
with the pn-ae-ut tndicy ayate-ui i
ty.ftve aiiiiHtva are nsjuinsi f..
car. He aaya th.* aavlng la e-evil will lie
morse than one half. It 1-- nl-*o e h
that the cara c-nn t«* run fn?-teT
trolley rara iNsnuim- they an- ii1
under peTfee-t ceeiitn.1. Tlie-y e-:in
Jump the Irne-k Inc-aUM- there,
he elaust- in the oniiname las
Stephens will rettun here in a few
days to look after the details of b-rroinal f.vciUtiea here.
It is prohtible
that negotiations will be entered into
with the O. K & 1 for entrance over
their tracks irto th^ city.
racks shall
hrslM T«»t*v WPS NolsM^-*
ch- Ute luilliocaire John W. Mackey
was O'lebtabHl at St. Many’s cathidral tocUy. A large congregation, in-
wtwieat. Wsm ea w.Hkv. Hat
1 dan't raqatn- a ain^ fork; a rlntr 111
l«> ■» r.no crvlnc. l-ul .1th r...
the tools of vthers.
July ft»-The atudenla of
the Miles Bnalnesa ('ollege who struck^
hies bad sued his
returned to their
desks this morning
Mrs. Miles fays
bill for dirorru.
which have rnsulw-.antial aid
the begii
i-hher by pr
Tkrw- Klllrd. Maar laj.rrd a»4
Klooded Wlik Wafer.
By Tebvnma %> tta B«ar4.
ba morv aarcaatb
quickly. T
nd in my oflirial capacH
York, JulyaF-Au electric
to |g»ve railroael traekt for corpora
Ktorm bneke over this citT last ev«>s- tions to whom we have given a 30lug. killing UueH- peraona. ininring year franrhis*-. even though the proflu
may Ih- am 1! at flrst. I shall be si
in yiei.Ung tut: but I will lend
cff;rts. as in toe past. In my prhmte
eaieae;ty. la ene-ourage amb a pobllc
enterprise. V
Ihe enterprise la i
Detroit-Whmi. 90, bid Tl‘4
Ibirty years is a loog period. 10
year* longer than the franebiae with
nf'.i.; oata. «i.
the late Mr. Campbell, fire to 10 junra
Tolrdo-UTw-at, both :i\.
f given and
this under conBlona were befive ymr financial conceaa 3^e^ term would be
•t«.av :iafd. $ia«s
______ -Ym. ym,-ropH#d the I
“*nw. for Inatance. 1 don l kne
tkt d«rll you arv.-
Kq. ft., or l.C€l
lUaaawU TUvIr Itsaka
of C)*e evening. Mi«s 1.orei=» lA-nning
ton and Mi»* Gran- Jav
inning the
lUtrd and
Kefrestiment* were w-rved Inter in the
inteiesting fraturea of the p.tn
ao«l ti was regretted by all that
time could not be given to Uiia
Miss Atjdie Sobu , nl.-rlaim-.l last
^ evening a nomU r of her young ladv
friends iu htmorof h.-r cousin. Mi>#
Ila Higgins, who is visiting her freiii
the pro
isrliaiu more frequently than
in the sUte.ns in addi 1
tiun tj K V. t^Kdilin's sii<? Mr llol-j
b-y*a talks Miss Hammond spoke on
Junior work st tlie dislnct lurvtmg
and Miss Babw gave a talk on Inter
medial*- work in tin- Junior ^.-gni-.i.
E iworth Heights is nl»^lly sitLut*d
for such n gaii.eriiig.
Tne gruumls
are iden!. the higii sand duns* iK-ii.g
covered by a liealuilal hardwoewi
Mr. rod Mra J. W. MiUilt-n and forest, aud tin- couagr. bar. a 'won
aou James will b-ave today f,ir a nov dei.'ul outlook for niil.-i to lb.- ii..rtb
el and ileliglitful trolly trill tlirou^li audm.uthov.r laike Micbiraii
Epwo.lli Ass-iubly which oc-opie.
to Ih-troit. fn.m tliere to T.dcd.i, nu.l tl.e inoMtli of Augsut has a f-ie array
by tU- same route to
I'.ufTslo, m of sjs-skers. end tin- asM-mblr ball is
which tliey will be Joined by Mr. and centrally KH»l.*d in s fine gn.ve. and
Mrw McKean o' Grrn.l lUpida Tliey will aocommiHiHie a large number.
will visit New Yjrk before return The duiunir rurs from Ludington
ererr few niirirte*. and the ride was
The meeting of the Hridg- Jiuild a pi -oMant fiwtur.* o' the visit to th.*
era’ misaionaty society of the C-ongr.
.ielegni.-s from a'I *»\.»r the state.
gmtiooal church will h- held at tlie
The citii-eMs of Lodingion h-ft noth
homt- of Miss Mabel Rates. 4!:i Wash mg undone for tl.e comfort of iheir
ington street, tomorrow evening al guest#, who one end all ivre nneni: :m o'clock, instead of nt the home of mocs m their rx|.n-*sion* of pleasure
Miaa Hammond, as previomly au- at tbetr hospitable .‘otert.i‘imiei.t
nouuoed. A book review coucx-rning
Through lire couru-sy of the m» mber*
the experienoes of tw.i Anu-ncr-i girls of the life mving si U ion a fiM.-.xbiIn Japan will N- given instead of the
usual iirogram.
All young IvUes of . r unti*u«l pl.Hxsare was a U
Mde on the largest car f.-i
the guvKt of
ti snit of th^^C
I A N. E
Fill. S.X-.
mm. m 4
okiui.-;al so.ncs.
Dozens of ScnMfli.nal S<-ciK\
menu for the oonv.-ntion an<
Rev. William Heath of
treei for bri. k and
cadaiii. Theal«ve
burg ia in the city today.
-Uncle Dr-i- Wl.ii.|de is
udd other rads have received bonuses.
i*hy not this one'* Why tun he liberal
Kith this eommny as we have be*-n In
he past with other e-omieaulesT
-e-ply to thie> I wii: say; first, as to the
mp.iny’K inabdli
ice yeais for their are usiome-d portion
of the paving. 1 am not uh\e lo dete
e ither the tinam iai rc-sponsibilit
e*r ahllU
By T*4acrai>h Sa »k* BmotU.
is b th feeble rid insrne. H. r l.earing will occur Angu*t 4.
tbwxrge Hoyt is trkiug hi* vacation
from his duties in the *tor.- of A. J.
Wilhelm, r-id he r*id F. A
Ksrl are
enjoying a few dav%* fishing frip up
the Little Manistee
The vb-ws teken at t amp M. luc.*'..
will be groui*-d and made up into an
i whuli will mrlean integrating
W ide for I
inti, live
is. to my mind, u d-al thoughlfuil:
with the- . iiy'K valuable franchises am
grant such only after full con.-eldera
lion of its pre-seni and future worth,
and to not .•-.rier away jts 3uyea
fran. hi-ea on the plea of |Kx>r return
rst few years, or on the plei
•f pr moi e-r* who may. by insinuaiion
avowal, dee Lre ' a hold up
Mr. and Mrs. L.-vl T Pennington
ecit.'Ttaine*! a parly of friends last
evening in honor of Miss Ada I-. Wat
ers, .St their home ou Kiiitb str*. I.
IVogresiMve flinrh w:t-i ti-.
m-eive-d mud
quvaiiou boxes gav
the solving of many
Mrs i. H. Burkoolder of Mi iton 11
I'jrk Mr.^«-t. M.int to State, macad
II. 4lM».
Total running feet, macadam. fi.OOO.
ii\- likely to leave in the next
tear.-, baw-d uih*u an estimate h
late-r pr diired.
SeHHind. li has Wn slated tha
omiiany cannot afforu to do thU work
July »-At a m.^eling of
Powell, wbo lass-d away July 1
Deoaaaed lead been a rewid* at of Cedar
ingtou. will go down in history as
Run for over r> years, and vaa nnlof the most pnotical ones in the
ve-r»ally respected and, hi;:hly es
annals of Ihe state-. Toe- program was
He was a Maat.^ Mamm.
DfHl with this in mind, and the
and imst ktand cf th.- L O O P. II.*
nmnd Uble tai>es which formed a
leaves tuauv fr.. n Is seed relatives iu
large part of each day s program were
this lurt e.f the slate to mount his
along the line of trmctiosl wors In all
Ute branebe-s of the- society.
Omternoon was devoted largely to junKVKNTU IK not IKTV.
Uuile.1 Slate*.
The cl.airman of H e ex. co
mittoe who ha.1 ch;irg.- of all
w-rioiu .-d l.y I he- ah A
Further In regard
h has l»een mbataled that
to ih.- lhv«r.l
the Anchor line held tmUy the ch
ThiTT jCt^i^^termrlon
wawUw-r a blaxlnc hot.
.iVkeoi! brick. kuO.
Ixmdon. July ys-Requiem maaa for
harmony working agreement '
Morgan ahipjdng trust.
A .
of 5 per cent war decidt-d
Mr. CUM...; has rlaim*-.! that the full
roKi of p.ving cr. fe.-t of track along
Mm K. Crain of (>dar Run has roeeived word from Jonesboroogh. Ind.,
of the death ©f her uncle, C^iarlea F.
The spiritual part of the
not overlooked, and the
dresaby K.-v Ernest Bounier Allen of*
Toledo. Ohm,ou the first evening.gave ;
tl.e key note to tl>e entir. conve.ition. | ,
Miss Miuich. state •e.-relary ol Imli-;*^
ana.gnve a b. Iprol address tl.e follow- i
mg. veiling. Mr. ttiewart of Chicago, j
tin.. *.f the ablest talkers on gootl citi- j
/.-nship 111 the country, occupied the 1® ® “
next ev. ning. and a talk on l*alestiue 1 S /
dinanoe faces Ihe
th< by Itie d.ati of tiie U-ettlogical d. |urt- Icitv i
notices having been posted in al nient of Chicago University form.-d;
a*>rts of conspicuous p'%o*-s atavut llie a fitting ovmclosion to Ih.- oonvenUem. j
The Moniing Watch, conducb-d by ,
Anna M
Iluiler. of South Grat
C B Newman.D. D . o( D. troit. was I M.^ti
one of the most h. l|»ful ami inspiring
street, was taken to tlie asylum thi
enlitin. Truvmoniiog on an emergency order
aid and
f r slrcH-l railway us*-,
UK., on th.s point reads; “Th
all le of KU. n p.ittern and kind
I lie approved bv the council. '
bbs wanted it to read: -The
hall Ih- of ih»- most approved
It is cjiiite like ly that in the
of his C1.1UM- we would be
>«i.h'.itor B<b»u
I thtS**h"''
hy in the future, at
let the cllix.-nH say
, detlrahleaad fiiae
il aid to this ent-r-
I name the kinds of leaving simply
to m.ke an approximate .-Htimate of
ihe COM to tbc *ompan> ;
Fr nt sire.-!. weM of Union l-^
•ridg.-. running f. n. bilck. Kuo. '
Union str.-.t. R.mih of bridge to
By T.-k-gr.,* n. the
bhaafullr cete
f prote,-tin
will be eon»deted in a few days from
I ev. ry < Ity ought to lie very careful
a ]siiut two miUw south of WiIHamsto pin railway «-uni|»anies d- wn to slml
burg. we*t to thii city, striking the
rc-qulrvtn. nis.‘
Again. * J>oine of
t;. R. * ’ a little
ra is uscHl in this c ity are not of
most modern tym- and it w. aid
U-tter If wc h.»d In-en slrlc
ci Hiaing t
in this regard.river aonth of th«- lake.
with du«t ail liwh trie k »
I mmt> It* rc
Ight to frame an ordlJust, r.-as-nalile. sufll
10 <-i»nie This RunaRt--s my most sau
gulne aniicipa-.ioiis. Ihe following
-tr<-ts hate Ix-en granb-d in this fran
.bise and in all proliability the p..viug
within Ike m-xt fixe .v..irs. th.- cost of
the amount or imvemeul may U- ub- ut
in Sta a«
I kwr Ik rool and eWy. ti
know the cend
|»roper avenue by w
Vic President Durand of tin Alintying
from a letter received
aa.GayIoi^ & W«-sb-*ii, has bem masa «ity < lerk in a city in MIehlgan
ibg an invaatigAtiou of the coadittcms
not *M» large as ours, he says;
‘In thjs
nmr the city relative to terminal ar . jtv we have ohligatc-d the street rati
rangements for hU lift-. The survey
eluding t'l*-eiice Mackey. I'riocess
Oolouua. the adopted
tughb-r of tlie
millionaire, r id Vniled Sutea Am
rtraw or blue,
a a QuaUty or fla>w 1 am
etter afford to wal
guard iheae^pri%^
ihrr safe
Itm If til
few doll
whether on
i.srlurd.V NVtwtern Kstlway
amall atonige liattrr>. wliu-h la the- only
alrrtric-al d.-vler aU.ve *;r.»und. the
Urtty of the fret of the ar.uatnn
ControUrd. The nt»ult la ttuit a iKedtlve
or north fnet of the nnu ilun- it*
poaltton wlH-re It la la in*; dni^ci
from burdens of
UStomary nature, that Ihe haUnevr exf
tower lu and along the treels of Trav
lay in the hands of
years when the
ry is markc-d
h lines of rails
tig lo IravMive Oiy.
ars thereon shall fonie
is and kucHk for admlKsion and Ubilged lu pay exorbil
er or he e-ompelled to build, making
iCpwu.Sk niabtsDeaH WIU
uierlr of this n
his ex.-cuttre a
lie was .-lecie.1 .
clori- Hale at n.e Gl.ibe
Dave Oampbeli went to Ttmmpaon
ville today on business.
Revs Comptou seems 10 U- iun.rv.T
ing in health since Sunday. Her im
provemeut is slow, but it **>«-niK to b<
the Whiting
T have re
J:m>es H. Shelby
tamed to tlieir home in Evart after a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Oitb*
Mias Celia Umlor, a sister of Mrs
Oihba. retnrnea with them for a
KU. il
II ..dvised ordinance, if I know how to
week’s visit.
Mi«i Nellie Coyne went to Mnske
gmi this moroiiig
Ha.ry Gibbs luw. returned from a
trij>to MiiinHSOta. Canada e-i-i othei
pls^ west and north.
He visiU'd th.
Our preepro
cUuse Gold Roof mine during in. trip.
that afJer the city coBKumwi
Hate Hill lias n^turned from .St.
uaily. the price of Louts. Mo. He has been a work in
•ubic feet, shall be
Cadillac for some time since hit reI hat after
.war* when thi* fraiuhiae turn to this state, arriving in tbiii
iHH-ome* valuable, shall they share in a city Batruday night. He says that
The principle of the * hlghway " fund
there is no end of work nt St. Looia
Aldermen Steder and Moon and
membera of the Utfnrd of public
works Baez and Alley are nttending
Now. ao far as giving fUnasial aid
state good roads oonrentiun al
to this rvad in Traverse City and to
Ih- I'ut up to the clilzen* of Traverse
Mr. and Mra H. Kord and son Carl
City when the time Is ripe for it; hut have Just returned from a two weeks'
so far :iB a prop*-r ordinance to grant
visit to South Bend. Ind.. and other
this company, iei the toundi make
such pro|H-r pr visions/or the present
its Hurdie Pennock of Chicago. ii
and the future, as will protect the
city* interests. Do oot confound the the guest of her sister. Mrs ElUtwo pr. iHwilions.
Then if Mr. Gibbs worth Hale.
cannot hulld * road, let him admit that
Chief Enigneer J. J. Hnbbell of the
It Is a proposition too nn.-ertaln of
profit, too hazardous for capitalists to Manistee
undertake at this particular time,
bring the rapitalisu to the front and
K. Henderson of CmliUac. i»aaed
Pla.-e the burden where it belongs. In through here today 00 his way to at1M years this ordinance will be criti teodoircnit court at Bellaire. Mr.
vised by the-people for some omissions aud Mrw Heoderaoo have Just return
made therein. Under an crdlivant-e
that is completely satisfactory to Mr. ing Boston, New York and Newport.
GIMm. after reading his objections At the Utter pUoe they visited their
thereto, the present eouncilmen then aoo Dave, wbo ia chief gunner's mate
living will re<-eive public censure for iu one of the big naval veesela
Sufferidforover 10 years
. airons^oT^Tave^IIi^y^
This is righi and proper .nd
Us . ntmg . ust .mary in other places.
yielding to bb proposition. It I* fair
to say that, while there has been adif-
man evidented
no final dlvisinsinu-
-'-If the Irish wiint f. rule IrelamI
they ahoQld more out of the rountry -What go(H] would that dor
-Why. then some other firople would
-WTiy. then tt veold be no triek at
Tha Troveraa Bay Sewing Oirole
Chat tba Irish have nobody to rale hat
wiU not go to Sattons Bay tomomw
^^they can't rale them."
have oa aoooant of Ulaaaa
Grand Rapids, Mich.
. -qlLdIT'
Dr. Iman’s Ladies’ Restorative
. iMich.
THK im.xn mkdici.nkco.
Grand Kapids. .Mich..
Dear D.ciok: I havr bern thinkinc
; for some time that I otmht to write yon
did me such worlds of good. I sidferc d
such untold agonies with my menses, and female comidaints.
for over ten years, that death would have been a relief to me.
1 took doctors' medicine and several kinds of Patent Medi
cine. but they all availed me nothing. 1 am so thankful that
I learned about DR. IMAN'S RKSTORATIVK that I want
to recommend it to any woman suffering from thew: terrible
Mrs. L. Moks
teiTteiB cnlr.
IMa. Tbita wm a ihabl^ lookla*
•aniagi by tbi
The m m m
Van Cortland
qoM aad 1
tmd an lodlrldujiJ b>n>e«l Wa*.
aoQ srbom I iiM*w to be Arckto
^ Van f ortlaod o rain. Tba nrw^
paim Lad liiforwMl iim- tbat VanCortSaad and hla bride were auj^luc at
tbte born, and 1 abotdd ooc tberrforo
bare lieen imnirla*n to arr the raM
bad 1 not rrad Ibat tbe nmltlmlllioo
■ nialdnc bta i
paid I, rbeckinif
, -I bope that 1
ter today.Van OniaiHl la l«dter
The lirtde bad fallen 111 on tbe way
ap from .\ew|«ort and bad been oodrr
a donor's care during tl.e flrat two
days of iH-r unlarky lM.neyn.or,ti.
Wa«am J«m|-sl aa If I bad atork a
pin Into bitn. and at brat 1 tbouabt be
did not rororiilte me. but be c.tb.red
. bla wtta amssllly.
-Vra. air; mocb tirtter. air. Ibank
y«m.- be anid. -Hbe'll noon be qnlte
Tlw newapaper reporla were really
alanulnir.- aaKUHe alance.1 awhoualy toward tbe
parl.«- d.«- of the ault from which be
liad Jnat emeriTfsl
cry alamilnjc.- be nald
I to patM on. but at that
a plaea on tba railroad twelre mlka
oot of Newport wbotw Mr. Via Oortland'i prlrau car wao walttag. Bo
bad eacafed tbeae roomi ta tbla botet
1 bldi In tben for
aglaad that hi 4
dia aad be at peace.
• *1 ten you, WaaMi.* oaldtba. T'ea
aaen my prlrata aSalra In print till I
^wt can't itaad It any more, but tbere'a
no aorape. Tba teportera bare foond
o«t an about
I fbat ba bad taia
bar io itrmlgbt out. «od ibe wrote a
vary affecting xmte. WcB. I Juat tried
to think wbat Mr. Van CoctUiid aroald
tboimbt 1 ought to aeo tbe girl, and I
•«» araanT aa jooBg aa 1 bad been
led to believe, but 1 aald to myactf
that tbe mother depending on her
would be tbe older and feebler on that
acroont. So I agreed to aay a few
worda. As a matter of fact, ahe did
moat ct the Ulklng at firat and took it
an down in her noteUs.k. I sra. afraid
on bleyclei. Wbat can I doT
-Ricbt tbccw I got an InaplraHon. 1
almom wlab 1 hadn't now. but for a
time It looked Uke tbe making of me.
- *Wby not bare aomebody elie go la
tba earrlager aald L 'Let the retsat
era foUow tbe wrong partlea. ai»d when
they're iU out of tbe way you can go
where you pleoae.*
-Tbafa grratr be exclaimed. ‘But
eoaMug tbla oue and that one. but
tbarr waa alwaya auuie ob>*etlon. 1W
pie that might be truUng didn't bare
tbe right aiipearance. It waa eaay to
get a mao or a woman w bo could pUy
tbe part but to get a mau atsl a wom
an waa a dtlTereut matter.
-Finally Mr. Van CurtUnd atruck
tbe desk that be was aUndiug by ao
bard that tbe Ink bottle Jumped up In
to tbe air.
- ‘la It a fart* aald be. that you are
going to marry my alater'a majdr
-I answered that I boj-sl to aome
day. 8he bad given me her fimiulae.
Tbe fact waa that we bad aln-ady g^
Ills vulci- came In a iwsp.
-l-or tbe low of lu-aveM don't tell on
iner be rrletl. -It * It s all rlrlil.1\ ell. I'tu Ilf no ti
iliMsl. -Vim are .
ter of fan. and at .th.nt iiHnnetit he
bxAeil much more like a ireutlcman
than Im- did like a -ceiitb luao'a ren
tleuian.-You're r«t uic.- be aald
-You ran
nilB row Hut wbat'a Hie diffcrencel
I've ruined niyaclf already. Hut I'vr
done my Is^t to a«rve .Mr Va
land, my l.-r.
•equal to It;
done U-tter If i luidu t Ns i, a.» wwled
about MlUlr. Hut with that and all
tbe rest--\Vbo fa Millie. If I may venture to
loqulrer aald J.
-8bc la my wife, air." aald he. -She
lisa Yan Owlland’a maid.
I you tbe whole atory:
-I waa parking up H»e laat of Mr.
Van a»rtland'a tldujra that bo was to
take with biro on Ida honeymtam Jourcey. The w taldhiK luvakfast waa nearly OV.T downstairs I mold In-ar the
carrlai^w of the aw,-II people that bad
cocne from the cliurcb to tbe tioq|w
•tlrrlnK aliout In the prouuds as If It
was time ttfbe poliu:.
•TTiefi In come tbe bride and briderrouro-rtirbl Into the room where I
pencil In two and cTat-ktsl her Unger
Joints mure or leas while 1 talked.
Aflerwanl she bejured ni,-. for Ltr
motber's sake, not to IHI anyt>ody else,
and of course 1 said 1 wouldn't.
Suddenly be turned to
matA ti s«t nwmjr n««Uy wM
ewrybody knew
VI. i
u* the tUa-liW
dl go on into luv
olum,-*. for I niu .
kmleiiA 1* niy
bh.f r,-,-r.-,t,..n.
"Tl.e ll.ld of the
tbe future'^
qmwllon Is ail lute,
ub-* Verne b*aiie,| forward and
"I do
imiued gently on Hn- tllMr
il.li.k lh..re will 1*. ni.v i.ov.I* or
Van rurtlaiid':"
•'•lliey're in I'lM-li.M. at II..- Dr,ail.-:
Inn. nn.br my i.a,I.,- n-plnsl
wblsi-r. -rve- writ ten to him. bnl lb
II *-7
■teoke. and I'm aearty dying for It. I
wouldn't do It here fur fear a whiff of
It might get Id there and annoy her. 1
went out on tbe fire escape to smoke
yeatrrday. and two m»-n phot,
me from amiai the stre»-t. It . drvad
I re sat op two nighty
tbe fitwr UK»t of H>e time. Ah. rui a
w rv-ck. sir; tbafa w ha Ham. And that
se that eapa
caps tbe
-No. 1 do mvt H.lnk so. Nature will
always sway Ho* world, and It 1* man'a
nature to fight for supremacy, no mat
1,-r bow deadly the .vmlllet may lie-
Bat. afterhll. what you mat
to know fa whether it salts
yao. not wlKther it salts mow
^ ^
'lark er.*-i.*l an ob*.-rvatlo„ |ow,-r on
he slMWe of Ot*,-go lake, two mlloa
from her home. '| he tower 1* 'JIM feet
high, and from It a vU a of the eutlra
lake may Ih- had.
Senabu- Thoma
York received lii
bealtb. Tbe same rule whi.-h appUea
to roUBlcliBl aanitatlon w -U .teo apply
to peraooal aanltatkag and tbe danger
of dlamme may be forv*taU«l by fiuah
Ing out lids •wwermge sy steo, wlib an
excraa of water, oaya G. T. I'almer.
M. D.. lu Good Housekeeping. Juat
as truly as tbr gatberlug of fUth from
the city In tbe "newt-rage veins" en
dangers tbe lives of tbe tnbabltanta.
ao tbe puls,.i,s generated by the bodily
aetabolism. collected In Ibe excretory
orgsDA wUI Jeopardlxe Ibe Uvea of tbe
BdUlons of inbabltanta of tba bodytbe Uvlng ccUa Every actioo of mus
cle or of nerve U accompanied by tbe
deatmcHon of cells wblcb If not ellni
Inated will accumuUte like cUnken.
Aside from tbe mere "choking of tbe
floea" we must bear In mind that tbe
barm, but which If reUlned wUI.be
producHve of disease. Such a iK,iaon
te uric acid, which Is charged Justly
with causing rheumaUsm. gout, cooatant Leadaclu-*. dlzzineiu and a train
of other symptoms, and It must be
•ecu that if tbe aiVumuUtlon of refuse
te the cause of such coodltluus the lug
leal mean* of ,-ure Is Its €‘llmluatiuu.
Other T»rudu<*ts of metal«»llsm" create
their /own types of disease, and all may
be pii^venled by the free use of water.
A U-glnuIng of kidney troubb* Uea
In the Tact Hiat |«>pb.. esinxlally w<v
men, do not ,lrmk enough water. They
pour dow n tumldcrs of ice water as an
acixuniaulmeut to a meal but that Is
worse than no water. Ibe chill prevent
Hefei firia \%lll Be KskaaBteS
la Tmeal>.a*r Year*.
U imiKei-ilde to pn-dlet With any
raey the duration of mining It, the
.vat.Tsrand dUtrhl by n-a-on e*
pcvhilly of Hie imb-l, rmluate factor of
.ite. at wbleh explollallon w 111 be
carrUsJ on. say* John Hava Hammond
in the KnglmsTtug Magazine. It may
,Herv.*l. U.wever. that the tendeuto exploit the aurlfer,.,!* areas aa
rapidly a* |*is*lhh- and that etiglneeruetlaHl* aie all adopted with tbs^
end 1,1 view.
:l.e explulint.on of the ,b-lHT b-V. not ,lelMV,*l IH-Uding the proving
of the ground lying als.ve. but is raron .-oneurreiitly with Hit- ,-xploliaof the higle-r horizon* of the
1. the iiMltiMrial Ilf,- of Ho- dl*trlrt
of ,-our*,-. !*• com*siK,ndingly
1,-i.e.l. The working of lower grade
U. a Army wtU lectnrsC Train
o; Mk
g T.OO
MOXTBE Yt..4yi'R..
, v «fa ^
The above rat4M are offered
trains leaving Traverse City on Wedmw^y^ Angoat fith. HWJ. going via
Ohoioe of rontes from Detroit aa
To Ntegam Falls.
Via Wabash ;Kailroad.
Via D, iron A Buffalo Hummer (via
To Alexandria Bav:
I Via Wabash k. R. to Niagara
ludlr.* t le^.moter of kidney dlscane. A
FalU; New York Oeatral U Olavtumbler of water alpta-d lu tlie morn
ton. N. Y.: Tbonaand Islands. H B.
lug Immediately on rialug aud anotbcf
Oo. to Ali-zmndria Bav.
Via Detroit A Boffalo Bteamer to
at night are ret-ommeudtxl by pbyal
Buffalo; New York Central R. K.
cUn*. Try to drink us little water as
to Clayton; Thonaand Ulaoda; B. B.
possible with meals, but take a glasa
Oo. to Alexandrta Bay.
ful half au boar to an hour before eat
Ing. Tbla rule iieralsted In day after To Toronto and Montreal:
Via Oanadteii Pacific R’j to deatiday. montb after month, the cmplcx
Ion will Improve aud the general health
For fall partionlara regarding tima
Water drunk with meala
Crains through to deatlnaHoo,
should be alpiHHj aa weU aa Uken apar
checking of lagitegr. relnrn limit,
p A.
28-» ao_____________________
Tickets on oale Aug. 1st to 8ih good
retnrolng nntil Hepk SOth, aooount of
the K. F. biennial meeting.
ojan to all. whether K. P. 'a or noL
at office for further (lartleulara.
attached Io each avd of
oiqflue*. the valve* U-l„g conm*-led
by m,*an* of le*ll cranka and linkwork
tea tiller.
When the Hlh-r Is re*tlng ,*-i,trally.
ao equal supply of sl.-am enter* «-*ch
1,1.* retlu.x* the *upof steam, so that the {.roia'ikr ac
hat imrlb-uhir engine re
volve* Iijor,- slowly, the rotary motion
s hicb the tiller Is moved
nomic eottdlth.ns or other lireumV-S. would tend to lu,‘n-a*,*d lon
gevity of tho InduMry. Hut w, r« 1
cull.Hl uism to expn-ss an opinion I
ould estimate the/uiun* duration of
pruUtalde o|N-ratlou* on
In the dlMri. t al b s* rat
twenty live y,*ars.
A r*U..n%l
U*o,roeiit ,4 Jjmom
n W* nh,..p tHTr*,:*- , uuio
< Stu-ii|iotbH' Ut*<slur« tur
rba( IB Ballet PrMf.
of the t'oimslle Francal.se, lu I'arl*. aud Mr. St. John Gaff
ney of New York have l,.trodu.-ed a
fashion in walstv-oat* at a noUbte
dinner at whh-h many American* wera
prest-nU say* the .\evv York Evening
Journal. Hoth of Ih,**,* p,*utlemen api*ared wearing M,*-l wai-ti-oal*.
TU,-se garm,-nt*t are a ,-urlou* revival
of the UKHle of n„*liH‘vallsm temi»ered
with mtsleru elegaiic-. The walstcoaU
are elaU.rat.-ly eml.ro,,l,Ted aud. white
pliable and light, are bulb-t pr,H,f One
►p, ,ik,-rs al tbe dinner warned
Gaffu,-v to bi'vvare b-sl J. P. Morgan
organlx,* a sl»s-l wal*t,-oat trust, espedaUy a* Hm-k- waistcoat.* are now tbe
lonameat to Africao Heroes.
n.,Mj.-l of the mau*oIeum which
Cc-H l;le*l,-s d.-sinxl to Ih- envted for
luyf Allan WlNon -.nd hi* |wrty. who
were iun*Hi0T,>d by King Lole^igula'a
for«-es In MulaU-l.Iand In ifatoInT.
l*<tO. ha* lH*-n cre,tetl tcn,|H.n,rily on
the Tham.-s emb:,nkm,-nt. in Ix>ndon.
say* the I'hloig.. Tribune. The mauso
I,‘U,U w 111 Ih. ,x,nMru. led of « bl.n-k of
granite which twl fb«».000. It I* en
t,fed by innKslve cop|H-r doors on four
sld.-*. At tlK* t,.p Luge loinels are los,Tted. The w hole w ill Ih? surmount.'d
by a ,-oIoNKal figure, prolaibly that ot
Kolloo of Bloavwrgs.
Tl,e disieib b of a commiiMilou by tb#
Rritl-h guvenixmnit to Investigate th#
"sb*-ping alckn.-**" In I'ganda
bow to tlm>w I
‘ light on one of the
lahtdie* know n. Tha
charact,-ii*tl,‘ f,‘ature of tbe diseaae.
Tsk^th-IMO* n^U R * I furdrsiMl Boih
Bow's Thisf
We off4>r One HnndrtNl Dollars Re-
Y. J.'Cheney AOa. PropA.Toledo. G
Orood BoeMs
abe to oarry oot any obligailooa made
by their firm.
Weet & Traax. Wholeeale Druggists,
HaU’s Oatarrh Care is taken Iner
Ball-. Famllj PilU «« Uh
aary. ways
that h * tirUes very hlghl;
counterpart of the sp.sm that ba* been
used for l.«ra, year* in anoint
ruler* of Gn*at Britain.
Masons. 8w eden. has a woman's fixe
defwirtment. \Td> strung.
Harri,«n Uandolph of Virginia baa
been vbooen as presidvut of the I'niversity of Arkauxa*.
Tv»n‘h„n Isreof any pattern can now
lie made by ,.im- ma. hlm-. owing tu a
reixTOt Invention In Vienna,
stanily gaUiering
: :ll. 1 mav afbT
-ru ten ymi bow that Happened.**
•aid Waanon. with a groan. "I'd
-•WaBaoo,* aaya be, •you're amart fuped aU aorta of pftems from newapaand berr'a where you're inH to proro per mmi-tbey am»t them «p In tbe beIL If ywo d,i. ItTl l*e a pretty penny glDnlnc at tbe rate of two a minutefrom a
when ak»g came
tnT«orp»*'keL Youk
that abe was yoosg
and tbe only tupr.
Her editor bad
•Wbat'a tbe troubleT - And be told ma.
Tt maa that be bad made arr
a. bis fellow towmtmeu «Uj^, l>-IKV
r*-,KVBsna.llou from
,-ran author, writes
Lsalb,-r St-wking taW
In 1«M MrA rUrk erected a gym
apoudent of Ibe l^oodon MalL
^ I Interurf nasium ftvr the young men of tbe vtfinglish admirer* of the man to know lap-. In PM* she bad built a brownatone building dlmtly ot>poslte tbe
*al lu Bp|--aran.-e be Is exactly wbat
gvmt,aslum. aud this she Keseuted to
ie auibor of bis lss*ks should 1-*.
the V. M. r. A. In It U a library, and
Uf middle belgl.t. whit.- haired SUd
ery U-ok that gc»e* on the sbelres la
ruddy fa,x-l. Jules Verne look* like a
sea capt-vin who l* siwudln-g the aolumn of a well lilled life on shore. Al- pul.lie.
Mr*. ri.nrk b-ad* a very quiet Ilf.
though s.-t ,-nty four years old. suffer>|M-iidiug txKisld«*rabla
ng from ,-alara,^ and l.ime In one leg
her exU-nslra
be waa shot In the foot by a mad of the time driving
be qKN'aBlol.ully ap|»eara lu tb«
man some >ear* ago,, tbe old geutle.H- a morning dr
luau U hearty lu manner and brightly
lUelv few laller*
In all Hh* w,«-ld# doing A
uMum for
Ik*-„ MrA i'lark'
He met me w 1th an e\pr,-s!-ion of great y,*»r* to attend S.T
il a little
chaita-l iip.*n b.r ow n premis,**. w here
of tiH- nnmlMT of tb
of the family asmediatsLlj aft.T iRe king's oiMMTition. seml.le
S.-rvh*e are cHidm ted regu
UM U-en n-ading, larly by tbe K. V. Dr. D.rd. au Eplsts 1 found It very
.ty y,-ar
rh-rgjniau over eighty
y,ar* of
dliU.-ull to ,ln,w blin on to talk alH>ul
biuiM-lf. Uf be ^,-111*1 getting informa.hunh
.0,1 to supphlng it,-vteinJve rvad. r. 11. t
"I iv.vlly would miH-b ratlH*r Inter« elalining b., f;,i,.r
lew >ou Hiap be lntervl,-w,-d." be said. dom I* Mr
-I. at a public enV*-*. 1 supiMMK- 1 may ,>mslder my
f,-'* work as nearly Uulsb,-,!. I am at
at the d.-dh atory luTV
ttrk now on my bundrvvlib volume,
L.f H»e building* tf oil,,
and in the nature of thing* I doubt brance* wl.h h she pr. *,-nl
nie another. lage. On sueb i*-ca5lo„B i
In fart, my f.wl.h- , r ,-wlght pn-xent* me from her h.m.c. mingle*
from doing inor#^
a day J„M me
nil Ibe wo,Id's new*
Some time ago work was dull In
eight? four of my bnndr,*!
'o..|H rMowu. and In order to provide
puhli,.!,.*! so far.
■mplov n.ent for the Idle workmen Mrs.
hiU-oal*. »*» that, of ,*.un*.*. ten or
e of them are v,r\ likely to l,e
|wM.thumous. 1 work exin-m.-Iy qul.-k
whrn 1 am In h-alth. and if
r..r s atarart whirl. 1 m
"It Is Ibo tirvt anlborltath.- word on
1b.- subj- l.** »«»l«l i **1 b- I,alio,, has
lH>*n wailing.*'
"What will Mr. Vnn 4'orlland do to
m«-r* Ih- gi^-an.-L •'r,n w ailing to l„ nr
fro,,, hitu now. I've got
Btorklirykers and ntllnuad ni,-n U-gging
me to deny lb,> Ini.rvlew. but 1 won't.
Mr. Van rorMan.l will U- ca/y. bul be
wouldi.'l ask
to .T.iwl 0,11 of It by
laying tbe bL-,,,..bum.-, w. II fori
v'o. I «b» not think th«-re will t*> any
ri.ev Will U* Mipidal.t.d iillogethrr by the daily ro wspaiw-r. whirb^
aln-a.Iy ih»w lak,-n siirh a grip of
the live* of the pn.gn-^slve nutlonA**
Hut the romanrt, " I said, 'the noethe U.-rriptlve M.h-v. the slorv blA
tort.' and the Mory psyrh.-|..gieal';"
"They win all dlwtpiwar. " aiI.1 M.
I II]. and
'erne. "They an- I...I m*'.-**ary. and
to UM
lb.- Is what I read;
veil now their m.Tli and th.-lr liiter,-*l
n. ceure
Jr.:.,., ..f J.l,;:,„
re fast d.x-llnlng A* hlstorie r«*NTds
• TC.-V b-.- k„~k.J Nerth.-ri
tbe world win tile It* i,ew*ieiiHirs.
ewspajHT writers !,uv,* barinsl to
.« I r.
• our^.•^> ..i
dor , verv»lny ,‘Vents *,» well that to
read, them will give isoiierity a truer
||.,« J.a
,.„|..rna,ursl wl- pleliwe lh.m tbe blslorie or d,-serl|»l.ve
Jom to
n JoM nc IU,
.v,-t .vmhi do. and a* for the iu.v,-l
I d Jot.-' u i.,\ if. ,ii-V J
si\en n.«
tl.. I..u»;h
V...I IM.,-, I- .1 Uit^r \\»r Tsychologi.-rtl. th.it will Ms.n ,s-as,. to
tbsit I Bfr. Me
l.» Mrs W m-aom.
be and will die of liinnltl.m In your
own Ilf.‘time."
Here M. Jub-s Verne p.l exelt.sL "I
alow, sr,>JI,lng I,. lh,s w.-tl.l
I II look
til s.s>md to no living man." be <t1.*S.
will. n,e In an gisnl ml-bes
11 my adnilraHoii of the gr.-atesi |*sychohorlsl the world has ever ki...vvn.
-T»nn t f.s-.r-l to m- nJ #non. >
de Maui^issant. and
like all
genlUM-s. for,.*aw Hm trend of
in Idea* .*ind disxl* and wrote bis'
stories In the smallest p.svihle comimss. i:aeb one xtt IV Maumnss-nnl'a
soul studh-* Is a i-one,.utn,t,*l lozenge
at w
of psyehology.
aelf a
"The De Mauims5.-u.l- who will d.my be,
Ilght the w..rld in year* t.. ,*.me will
"L'ul.-ss it I
raid I'd get
found out by not spend
do s,» in the nnws|K,|M‘r* of the d.ny
tiig enough. Aud Millie can't eat any left ln"-rbl
ud iK»t In Vidum,-*. am! they will, aa
thing I'Ut dry toast nor drink anything I
you nevv>ivn|*-r me,i e\pr.-** It. cry*
but lw* f lew. I've been mlseral.le. mis
talllze the psyebology of Ho- w.wld lU
erable. air. I never tbouglit my honey
pri-sldent which they live by 'writing up' the
moon would be like IblA
of Hm- rrc-i..b <'bnml--r of lHi»utiei
«lay to dav ev.-nts. The re.-il |.*y,-b.dogy
Great bearens!
Why. a-e bow I'm
reiireiu-ntod I ran.-.- at Ibe |N-a,v eoii
of life Is tn II* new *, and more truth fixed. That doctor d.s-sn't know any
gress at The Hague, and galn.-d tl.er
Truth with n Idg T can W ratb.T.sl
thing. He's an old fnddyduddy; that's
a reputsll.m as a diplomat. He hn
the |«llee court stiwv. tbe rail
what be lA But 1 don't dare to aeud
Iwc-n mlnist-r of imbluinsirmtiot
way ac-ddeiit.
out for a good, cheap doctor tbafa had
He is an orai.ir and
all il.
Ing* ,.f tbe en.
arts of the tralm-d i«»rlu,n„-nlary
le future t
s|H-aker. To M. De-.ban.|. wbum hr
has U-ateu In bis new oill.e. be »
-I swx-t-i-d >ou; I Shull I.. ver ni-lacv lisychologlcal m.wal In a garh of fic
"You mention laittb-s. You do not
Blep out Into tbe ball, tbe reporters arr
think, then.that In
oa top of me.
Why. I can't ereu
Hs-rof lb,- day
fore wberrtn "Mr. Van t'ortland' had
been quoted aa posltlvHy denying tbe
mory. iwevi,nisly leelb-vM by every
body. that tbe C. B. aud N. railroad
waa. ‘Arrtik.- aayu abe to blm. Tbli would alHSM-b tbe Northern IKspatch
mak<« me iswltlv,dy III. It aimUa
Hoe. This denial bad tiem taken aa
erylhliu:.' Mr. Van CortUud ahuuk
aotbentle. and tbe Old N*b-k
Oat at vme of tbe wludows and I could raUwd with tbe atoek markK
•ay anythin*.
trnm Cli«W oC4
Tbe getwrosia |tbllantbropy of Miw
Alfred k'urnlng Clark's Uu boabaad la
giving the nuage of Oooperatown. K,
Y^ many public tmpcvraoeuU axMl bCT
contiuttance along tbe same lavlab
lines has mdeaivd her to every resi
dent. aays tbe New York World. A
Uwotlful inrk marking the location
Dar of Xasel. I. All b«t Ewded. of tbe laome of James Fenlinora CooptfT In the emter of Ibe village was
•« lb*
WaeM. Ho
the gift
years ago of Mrs. iTark,
Clolaao. Win He C«to«oUM Iw ibo wince etiCT cement to Bishop Potter of
■•Area DaUy ra»er.
J jcew Ytwk has Just beru announced.
I bad not M. Jules Verne's addrem | On tbe spot where tbe wrlter-a bouse
Van CortUnd'a roualn.
gyman and waa among thf
downatalra. and we were
Mr. Van CortUud gave me $2.
wedding pr«-M-ut and yiroiulsr
different and bmeb U-tler
. IIP with a MHvlnl delU.ry bttn and
otinie canls n|H.n a ira\.
Waamui l»».iV tbi iii mid irave tbe mTVaut a M!v.t didlar as a f.s*. wbk-b
jrnwtiH-as MirprlMHl iim- and also tbe rerlpUiit. who chukcHl lilmaeir wltb
tbanka. lie l«ick.«d away, atumbllntf
rldk iihiusly uism n rut:, mnl Just then
a alow and dlKulllisl vol.'i* Uhlnd u«
-1 will rail acalii nls.ut .*1 oVhsk.
Mr. Van Cortlaiul, tbou;;b the rt.ndltUm of the iwtlcnt l« ao imicb Ituprured
. tliat It w ill bardly la- n.si..w«iry .*•
It was Dr
klarahall Wlittlnc. a
poui|Miiia old pb\sU lnti of Hie faabloo*
able Hack Hay dlatjin. and be addrcaiH-,1 Hie rvinark to W asa^ti. w lw
did not reply. The d.H-tor. w lib a curtly tM>w. walked towanl Hie elevator.
I lomcl an eye ii|a>n tV valet, and
-be was aa nd as a U.lh-d lolwter.
-Waaaon.** aald I. **wbat doe« tbli
Remukable Prophecy by
Jules Verne.
necM^arj .
wedding- all tbe flowera and Jewela
and flue clutbea-bad tak<-o tbe heart
out of iKXb of ua. Homebow we felt
aa If poor people didn't bare any right
to gK married. You aee. we Imd It aU
under our eyea, and it waa quite a
atraln. You may not oodcraUnd It air.
but It wag.
-Welt I'Te told you enough ao that
you can uuderaUnd tbe reat I'm H>e
aame height and build aa Mr. Van
CortUnd. and MlUle baa golden bair
Journey, or bis boneymuon Journey, to
be more exact for we t.s>k tbe ababby
carrUge at tbe eaat door and tbe aiw
cUI car and thla outfit of awful umg
nlflcruce liere. and exeryliotly’ was
fooled. Ttiey fixed ns up with tbeir
clotbea. and-welt air. you're msm tbe
-Mnile waa taken III cm I be train,
and ahe hasn't Inn-n able In bold li.-r
head up Muee we're been here.
ment of
eat tbe
dinner that wr ordc-red when we got
evening, and you ought to
have Been that dinner! Millie cried at
aigbt of It and took to her !s-d. ihs>t
Isn't It bard luck7
Mr. Van
I soon found Ibat It w as quite
: In that alurjk So I
touD^T. mr it, ism
Bickneoa or "negro letbargy" 1> • dead
ly dim'oae Wbicb bus been long known
lu we*t Afrk-a. but bas recently travaA
ad along the Kongo Into UgandA
Mundiy le-Ing alck and alone In his
cat.in. Iburau volunteered to Ukt care
of him. The i.atl.-nl bad l*een gKHng
very little *b*-p. so tbe doctor left
some ivowden and told Hogan to give
Murphy one about bedUme.
F. A- MllchalL O.
W. Onnningham. Aft.
^w-t^SXna«. 11:11 a.m.»eig.m.
fUr Mwa^. Bsy City. Port Baraa. TsMe
Dstrsita»dowt.atea».. Il:»am.
when he rrtunwd Man
*a Z Ummj, Ad
,Mf if f—m fit M a* eHjh
ParOharleeslaaad FMooksy.
tmt if €ffm
h tht eit/.
.TCTB8DAT%^17t^T S9. ICOS.
JOHM w. wmi
Hr w.. oi^.inproiiii«li4f to
boMioMm am (Wvmndrd rxarUr vtat
waa dur fnuD tbo-r al4r to f«ij. Tbcrt
or k-aa fiVtkm be-
Sone That Slum Whj the Boatan King Wjls Lored.
M fllM> «f B*r
atiaa kmva oT
MaUjr for omtij tUiny y«r».. t^yn iv
Um> Nrw York Juuritul
any dlffcrtmt a* a n
a orrrr <auard lUiii to fu
tMidrd to Ur aurthW.c
Ha m^a aU«Trl«-inl and natural In
OTcryUdnc Ur did. ai^ Uprctanar. or %»Uat .WtadniM. rail *Vut
ttodoodo*,ona araoln* In tUr r««rl.r office I
calim to flod
atudyinr an ordinary
•rfeoolUook. ilr did not f.iit It nHny.
UK knrt on atodylng and frankly a«id:
-I narer rwN-lvrd ima-U *-du<-at.on. and
1 bate to I.UI In in> U i»urr l.our>.
tlifiip. I w.ai.-r and nrt.r Uad fa
rlUtVa for lmpr..»inii iny inln.1. and
would aoourr Unvr a d.'.-.-ni . liirntlon
than an tUl. wriji^h.Ula imrae lya^hraya «n"-t and Ur
bad a UvHy TTIU-of liun...r
rtiinra of <’Ur*drrr <
l.unH.nat of a
trr Hull, wbo
foartrr of a rrc
of Hull
To Ida t
■Mory for
|,nial^.u.rr Ur
-la aUa young
-Nallbar." wnatUr m-h.
-Tbm wr inuat Im Ip Imt^ by nil
t jmrily of U.i
dM i.ut aff...! tUr anjMTkirltr of Urr
ntloi. f»r Urr
and UU
•yn.iwtUy f.H- U*t and U-gging Urr to
lUr fr.H. .w of il.r .-abh- fa '
Ira whic h l.r 4H.nUolhHl during lUe
nr«H «.f iM-r
.rii John W . klurkay w.a-k*Hl aa )
lK...r I.U..H.I min.H-. Ur wan nUaja
ul to put by . n..ugh w hrn br yH.uhl 1
.ut bln. In « i««ilil..n to r. Ur an ui
-.r!.inlly whm it ..fTm-d, «r. saving
liat, to Uatr Mm.i tUll.g laid away
I rainy day. rayw l!.r Sun rr.udm-o
NVw« I>-Urr,
:iy n eUilin on tin- l ealU. |wter
llrU woik.Hl at 11
nnd IV.n a.. Ur might 1
falntrr and b.lnlrr.
II '* "''*1*' UU
lonriy 4-abin onr rainy n.ght, .up|wr*
hHi*. rrudlng. hy hU U...1 t.,lh.w caudlr,
wht. h Ur U^d
lK>rr.ov.H| fn.in a ho*dly and aiir
gln.H-r. AUnr tu* UoUr of tUr
itir u kn.rt k on tUr d«i.»r. Andy ll«*p.rth. k.H-|rt-r of tU- Alt S.MJU
Tho,up*..n . liar. alnggrriHl In. Ula
auMd by
erul thing*.
•A John Mallou'* Uaik. and lUi-d a
IWgObir aUowam-r «.f gr.an-rhH.
rha. ,ar
AMOtb. Mr. Mnthm on.-.- t..l I n.«. tl.at
tble account avmigtHl
Wbeu times w.Te dull on
be made ft a mlr t«*glv». inn
» IH. w i»rk.
-I rau*t do tt. bUliop. It U not right
to tbe atockbiJd.m to put on n.rn
■rbeti tbrrr 1* no wiwk. llna ben fain
«y? nve cl.lldn n. you *n> ? Well,
bare la a tboumind to k.H-f. tUiu
tbrtwgb tbe wintiT. nnd If thingn pi. k
up IB tbe aj.rtiig 1 w 111 Uav4- n plain- for
A bill ca^ to bill, iniwonally for
A fuoerml. Tfla man wni. blow 1. up In
tbt Vtrgtota, Hr Imd i.o U-gn w hri. be
wma buiM. ainl U i>wt
If Ur Und
iMArtbrokeu. Mackay cnlbHl ami conBOlad her with tlw aaaumnci- that Urr
A^bAAd was all right and nuint hnrr
■Maid tbe money. -You know.-said
ba. -that ba bad a great habit of Irav
r Atamt In UU rlotUm and bn
id.Hl that way.
in bla pockrtn Id aomc of bla
I In tbe rloa.H be left
■ba iookad In vahg and
I aaUl. -l^ook there.
Aid AO after be went out and foumk'
aaarly 0.000. tbe amount of tbe nUortmfA. Bba apMwd tbr door to trll blm
tba giaat newt, but be waa a Idock
asrar. altoktog akmg in tbe abatluwa
•ad andding obaervatlon as if be had
|«at coosaalttaA a burglary-
A MiOm.
wblrb orerlook IVKtlaod. Beblad blm
be forcat and hla paaC tbe llttla
cabin by tbr rlrer. wltb bla dugoot
Uauhd up oo the bank, bla traps and
Nhlng polea and battered moxxle loadig riflr; before blm-wbat?
Tie- nfienwon aon flung iu luffllooaa
arm. Into tbe city, while the foreat be
hind waa becHMuIng dark with tia own
aba<U>wa. TIrt* future bad come to hiin
In tl.e gold of Ula rrenlng. Uut It waa
;Ue foiure c»f bla dreama Already ba
awful am.
But pt.k.T Un i limply luck, li'a ac
Before snillug for S«>uih .vfri.-a cor
0t the youngiT Ikrtf l.aih-.H, J. de
arc protlucts
Buys a
8-Day SlrikinR
•tir Lttrrwtwrr mt Ibr VTwr.
ra. formerly ntioriM i general of
tbe (Grange k*n-e Ktate and a iH-amHl
bad forgiven the loatifuny whm aoa# figUttT. w bo w as a iiiiM.iH r in IUtiuq
be Und brought
da, s|*.ke rei-euay at the I nk... Square
only U!« ••f.Hrtlh " nnd the h lt.T wbirh a
iotel iu New Y..rk of li.r d. v..;i..n 4.f
pnKalng trupiMT Imd left at hla cabin.
he IUht M.ldier*.
ind frd ihrt kilty day and night with
TUc «M.r wa« to go with him Into bis
-It is the only manful thing to ac
railroad aUarra In block*.
future to Ite-idumt. polecab;" tbe oth:*t with all ihto you va mU»rd thr IhrlU
cept facts as we find ibeui m.wib-nthat mu yw In tba bush
« tl.r magic key which would
Tal de VillU-rs said n* a reirt.n.T of
ojwn tlM* wny.
be New Y.Tk rou.uieiv.aI AdvertimT.
h.nd l-em the «t»e grief of bla
-and that wr have dt.i.4-. but it lias reOh. Mr. rterpoot Morran. you may
d aliuust gnvili*r .-..urag.- ihaii for
tbe tk-n-v*Hi lirnrge on tin- iKitib ii.-ld.
to him waa only a
wukrd whrn you Iowa,
My one i-oiiH4.latloii now. and UuI.hhI
oral thing, like bn-.-ith
i-n psHjplr ahufflr atock* and tnind* all through tl.e w.-ury siruggb-.
cer If be
or m h ncc. \N hat
been the thought tlmt, whih- I
Urunl. and or!
wakr the brru.
high In rank were
ta*y. or l.rlng
Whrn th* poker carda go round tha tbr lH.ur ..f m-eil.
re many
In tlM* I..W4-H1 ruukH, wlHj
I hT t*ha*^hilH
amillfwl atrtck may
make tha others drop.
wtTe rx-ady for any trial and nm.fraid.
,rart tlml luid l.rulard
Their dexotiou has U- n the H..stalnmg
Mr. rirrponl Morgan,
powrr lUn.ugh the long Hire.- years.
UHH.-s*? It waa only
Never were the worn. 1. of a dUirt-iMN-d
dm naturally, without
lint cninr I
hue gamra a* you.
...try mon* dexole»l. m.i ..nly la the
rffoii. Hr wi
der H>u»i«in.y Slid sup|rt.ri so until
11 you, with
ml to th.-m, but in r.mg!..-r and m.Tr
Uand--Nim. 1
active serxhv. M’l.eu th. War l-n.ke
out. the IUht wou.4-n xv. n- not ..nly
-for U«rn de
Ilr had tmd no rlia
M-xvlng ami Mitehtng. but ploxving ami
•Imply luck. It a a*l.
rue mualc.tilling the farm* a* w.-ll.
Tbce is
iiow tt was all here lii the
many an li.Htamv of a wife M-ndlug
which IM- held no tightly In Ula Imnd. LONDON CLUB OF PILGRiMS bax-k t«. thr ranks h. r dlsi-..nr:ig«-«l and
deserting huMaind a U-tt.r and braver
ami, though wl.Hr front wna Mralii.g
hew Awglf^-Awrrlra
man others I have known wl.o. rath
thickly inio 1
aiarlrd by K.IrA Mr..
cr than let th.-lr caiile fall Inu. the
ug iNWH4-HHh.il €,f Ilia Ilinbii, Ur wf nt
TUr Ni-w* York llrmld a Et
hands 4.f tin* rm-my. Imx.- rull..w.-.| ihr
II the alojK- aa cagrriy and i
fHlUh.n pul.llHUi-w the followin,
army f.T days like the lloi an ma
d4-nily aa a fM hoollN.y on Ula Hrat J
Ita I,4»ndoii e,.mwpondei.t:
trx.n. xoti miy. wi... d.-1-.iieiMd l..-r
y Into the worhl of h-an.lng.
A luiH-tlng wn* Urhl at tin•on* to the laitllelleld with this fare
Inly one.. In forc In 1.1* life had
Uolrl lUr olUiT day A* take t
well; •Krium with >our sl.l. Ids or up
.rxiN-ciiHl tH.ine t-i him. fl.taa) f
airjw f.T I Ur fiTiuathm of an
on then. • Yr«. Ihat I* quite tn.e.
r very cHtatr that waa n-apunalUle Amrii.wn club to Ur known
tJemTal Ji»n-pU WUih-Ut
lo do 4.nr
fin- tUla Ictb-r. Half «.f It had gonr I'ligrlm*.
pn*ld.< Mr. II. E. V. Hrlit
S4..:th Af
dly aa an Incentive Ui a '*f»HHll
m-iTet..ry. and
1 o..rd, 4.f
rt.nb-Nt.- nod Utile lierre. who In.
I. Mr. Hamilton Me the Traii-xiial St
earrh-d off the fMipuhir vote nnd ao wo
Mahon «.f the llrlt- the lN.rtj .1. of t
Ii.U.r I..at fall* tc
)lh.T ll.Tcford. Mr U* will In- q.lietl nnd r..lil.i'ullx U..ne.
•crvalory of Mualc for UI.h -.-ducat, Frank A. Mui.s«-y and Mr.'Jaun-a Mt'The term i'KNT111.” Ilnt'a th..ughta n-VTH-d tO Honald sis.ke In umimiUll.-d praise of
.""s.-I.i^-mLt w,-1I .!U
the M.U.- but id
a hr wi-iit d..wn tl.r ah.iM-. and be the Id.a und wi re in fsv..r of Immedl tlUgulslH-s tN-tv -II ...nr txv4. main
M.1.* l.elug taken for the orgnul
retMihiHl that a«.ine of tlil.4 gr.nl.-r forkm.xvH but lUil. U,
If a lb
«l.nulil fl..w- ov.T Into the future xatU.n of the clBb.
hr U a IbHT; If txvo I .i.guag.-.
4.rganltatl4.il c1.mmltt.-4- wn* air
iKHjr •hoi-iiiukrr'a *on.
South Afrlean.’
Tl.er.- nr.- ...a
Iiolnl.Hl. iN.nHlMlng of ib-nernl Wln-dthis latt.T rlnss aimd.g i.x and
Whrn III- ri-iiiiu-d thr ahlewnlk* of
<.l..nel Mahon nnd M.-H-^rs. Hrll
are well able |.. t..k.- np work ii
le gn at city, lij^ wmt im.rr slowly,
talu. Hubhlnson und IlUHsell. which
line of H.-|en.-4- ..r Industry.
.r hr trl.Hl to tnke hi* hat off to every
as emiH.ivenHl t*. fratm-Like your fnth.-rs in the .la
i:.d nrllele.
of tie-i.uriH.H.-s of
177rt. tie hn.l but an nniralm-.l
w hl. h w ill U- sut.
of men. but in thU ng.- of lehr
muted nl a m.-elii
-able nnd imi. hliH- gun It 1
i.nn UnpiM-iiiNl to ghim-e nt hliig he ly. I.4.nl ItoU-rts w 111 U- ask.-l to pr.for I. r:.xx I.n.
dn.pi.cd Ula gate to tlu* shh-walk. and side nt this gathering.
than In fon.i.T .-t-nturieH
lilld liN.ktHl 1.1 him l.r atopiMHl
At llrM the lH-i.dquart.-rs will In- m
f..ught our tight, ami Is It not the higha* tl.ough irmly to rntrr Into .-..ncT
-hi-d only ill Nexv York nud Ixmd thing In the w..rhl b
iiatti-tl a dog. nnd tUr
but with the gn.wth of the club
. a cniise. wm-iher It U- right or
dog tunii-tl aud fi.llowtHl him. At an
, h.-s are likely to U- I.H-aUnl at
Tong. that It Is n J,.y b. r
FnrK Ib-rlHi. fhlcago and Washing
ir it’! I am sure It Is
pitirr. nml
.MemlN-rs of the elub m-isl not
-Then* may be 4pilt.- a
iilld turniNl and follow.-l him uho.
u, c.Tis..rllv U‘ r.-sld.M.t» of Ihr .itU-s
- many
in* 4.f tills war. for the
Hut nt length he n-achr.1 thr place when- the l.ead-imirt.-rs are UH-aled,
d of the
leli xvho Ii.n glxeabh-ue,
ndh-nti-d by tl.r letter lu.d wan rr.-t-lr- Pul <*ni. <>»me frxuu all ovit dlff*-rvut
iruggle, nn.l will. One lit
••d with tnarki-d c'..n*hh-n.ilon by the
,«n In 8..UII. Afrl.a I k....xx wb
who ro4M. ns Ih- eiilrrril.
hone who Imve express.^
glad you cjinir ho promptly." U.eir desire to iNivuie im-mlNT* are his hlsb.ry uHn.N.1 .-..mplele, W.srxen.lrl.ymsb.rsbH. o... In 4...
>cr .Olid drf.-r. ntSally. -I suphe right rev.re„a blshoj. ..f IVrth.
.u uiuliTstaud vvbat n large eai A. Mun- iKNly of priH4....-rs has wmii.-„
Marslmlt stirring war H..ngs. The Fh..t Is t
II.- felh.xv, you kiH.xv. nli.l
bvm’r'd fou.Han’. me fink letter
nlMead. Mr. 11. E. V. llrltlaln. Mr.
nageablr If y..u un.hrMiind
llerlrtTt Ingrum. Mr. Alfred Stuart.
•^Yea, two Uundn-d tlwusaml.” dwell Mr. Jos.pl. Aud.TH..n. Mr. Lindsay but h.- Is a v.-ry f.s-Hng mnn. ei
ing fondly on each wonl. -Il.-re; sui- IlusNqdl. Lieutenant tioveruur Timothy m.t always mt xery *b n...nHtnitlx4
|N>S4. you take tUU chair while I tX
1„ W.HKlruff, Mr. J..hn t\ Wilson. Jr; have iH-anl h..w my cs.mra.b-* ns
l.y Hinging th
plain the matter In drlalh”
i;.-neral Jos.-ph Wln-ebT-. Folouel Ma
psaln.. It XX..*
lUit sal down d.lli.li-mly. placing Ula hon. Mr tbsTge T. Wlhsm. Mr. Ham
at uiH.n tl.r il.K.r 11 nd the -f.-sille.Mct-.Tinlck. Mr. Fliaunn-y M. no vain thing elth.-r: It xx..s l.eartfell
ncnwi* hi* kiMH-H. Tlii-n n* tUr lawyer
H..n. r. S. Ib.lls. Mr M. and iv.nn-tli* to S4N- the Ms.n-s «.f lightin prisi.n walls elH.-rful ami n*nlked Ills thoughts went straying uut
C and Mr. James McHod•Igmsl m. matt.-r xxi.at th.lr fab*.
till, the gulib-u futuu*. to thr wunderEv.-ry. morning i.n.1 .-x.-nlng Ihnnigh
ul knowliHlgr that was ei.mlng to l.lm
le war at sunriM- nn.l HUi.-N-t xxe
nd to little Plem- learning to play the
h.-ld prayers nn.l .-h.iiibsl H..nie
fiNHllo- In the right way. Now and
hen n sentence of the law jiT drifted T»« Mar Br taBt to Br Rr»d Err M.ng «.r psalm ns did I'n'iiiw.-ll s army
on Mnrston .M.s.r or iMiinlvirb.ii. It
L«a*. Sa>* W. K. OatliHr.
i.to Uia reverie. ..ml smldmly he
fon-ign.-r>. l-ut It
sprang to l.la f.vt with hi* eyea bUa‘•Khuki-HiN-nre nnd Homer are not Im
oxal sb.ve.
-Wha' dat you say? Tell me 'jfln,
quick.- he demal.il.tL
he flaw In the wllir tbe
law>4-r nskiHl blandly. -Yes. that la
w hat gives yon the money. Lucky flaw,
1 K-iy.man Tats.. like monej
i Marie, oti'y l.r mak«
slip 111 Ue will? Me gel U.m dat way,
' dryly.
Is your*. I'viTythliig
nU.x4-Uv.rdItat reachiHl down and pIckM up Ida
ay* lu..
mortals, and I ahould iM* bllti rlydlaapntlve h. ltH.-lf. I.ut ma.hl*.lnt.Nl If they were,” fvxlU William
Normau riutlirle. director of the CliiIhe Hkh-s.
clunatl conf.-n-n.'e ..f art and lllei:a- Kami Ihnwit
ture at the I’nlviTsUy of Chlmg... the
right nnd an- .s.nb
other aflerumm. «.>• the I-VHad, Iphla
,hI faithful to ..m
X the 4-n.l amt nn-I h..iM* that In the near futuri-.
ill so Im falthful to the
pW.x’r In'lia tastes and a.in.mpllsh
mrnts that Shak.-Hp4-:.re will In- h.dd
u.illt to n-ad. I h-iH- the literary w.Tld
will advamv a-» rapidly that SI
sptsire and lluu.er will not only
8 K
(O.i stndI plant,
plant. and It. Bioch of W
made four move*
xjH-i’t.-d to last
del. Is exjH-i
I elH-ss ga
thr Kansas flty Htar.
The gamr I* playrd l.y h-itrr and It rtqulrrs about fourti' -n day* for a U-tb-r
to im*« iNdw rrn ranton and Wa
Tbe men an* plajlng for a i«ixe of
$5,00ik offered by Charles R
w ho 1* n-latnl to lN>lh of tin
L..ynl daught.TS of VussAr think
college gn.ui.ds aU.ut iN-rfeii, says
New Yflrk ITcsa but m/II. Hart,
greatest apple grower of Ducbcaa c
ty. N. Y, and a pnxgrtwslvr borUcub
lurlst, thinks that w hrn thr new acbool
of agriculture Is establUhed 00 tbe
■ar It ought to dress
the principles of up to date laaff.
-Wa-cI.- was the n-siH.UHe. • f..r the
food we lui- IH. <*all lu .s.mplaln. but
we maun nay were a l.lt f4-.iMsl o*
th4-*r mw-nerul w ub-rs." New York
Traverse City 6as Co.
price $4.00.
Our price,
Sunday Excursions
!>:xi!y m..n.ing co iit-.i....-.tf.Mn 1
SVahlalai.lx xMe-n- v...i wiU.^H.n.
Sunday Rates-^Round Trip
To Neahl*Tw.Tnt«T - 25c
To Ornon.T
ToNorthport - 75c
Ab-r loo
Bianlaai Riiir Eliciric
Light and Powir Go.
He. m.- *1-.nt It. I HiU Isi.kl v.m *
-.nlrH-1 > ..ri.i-a |..J- tX
«|rt« Hi. .titoii-lr«-«. hsrif.- ti.-l
M. I*. Ill NdK.ttVoltll.
ror-Hx nn-iKHtunU,
*t It 4* I4. * ..
A Vr,-l 4-U-.si.«nr »n.l K.nthrtr lbs...v.M.r.r
Dainty Summer
M. U
martin & Evans
Told of E.aUod-. XrB Errmlrr.
A few ycurH «g.. Mr Arthur J. Rah
four. wh.. has Just M..s-4H-,hrt| to tUr
premlerHhlp xrf lireat lirltnlu on the
retirement of hi* urn h-. I^.nl Sahs
bury, bad •..me of l.ls pr..u.i...-nt *upI*.rteni from his Sxs.tch e».nHUtu.-my
as gue*t* at a |H.llth al Ivum|U. t lu l^ondun. -lH-*lnHi» Ihat th.-y *h..uhl .-nj..y
UM-m*4-lvr* to the utn....-l. he .Ilnsi.sl
that ihey In- kept Hupplhsl with the
fliirst of rhaiu|Migne.
In tie- is.urse
fkw Chnviif S.-i»v
wSdonJrWtr*** *
CMWtPT ^•r«b mt fbr Tewaar
Ar BwMwrA-Wark V Ar
Qaletly aw« Palthtwlly ~ Dr
Murrsn. It may b# an
Who iiHmey iong to." be driuaiMSed
shandy that thr lawyer mo\rd I
nd pla.x-sl a chair in fn.nl of him, -do
aw or or man Tatro? Im law say gib
r; ol* mail Tatro say git. Ulni
Marie UuUr' And wHUoui Mopping tc
p.'.rley fuiihrr wixnis Hat sirmb- con
Tlir total niin.l»rr ».f farm* in
Tbe sun was U-Ulnd the Uills, and In
Imma U glv.n at -222.22... t.f *
lai-e of its golden Uvkouing then* wna
P2!».|2T urr oiH-ratin! by whliin. nml
only duM. uiiIv«tihiI shadow, plrrci J
IM.irCt b.v ix.h.riHl farnn-r*.
Ucrv nud tUiT»« by tlie electric lights of
M* city. In the woods the dnrkm-M
AS witlmut break,
nikrti quietly into
iwpihI. O
Ul* cabin,
Dd hU traps and flsldng poles, and the
wttrrrd auuxxir londiug rifle. Ur womd
go back to Uicm.
PECKt Km w aaraEHTs'
m*k« a •uwlaUt-aiid dn
( h*i.. r4»r w—r«.
r..ral arek.I.nlnH nrr vrrr |H^j.ular
for w o.nrn Thr nrw ahninn. arr
fon.i «.f luMH-ta or a turtlr w Itb a gold
head nnd b-gm.
wiLLBEruTHrm. to nv sinx.
II you fink i
lawyer Iih.I
rn. l.Mppy t.. sny tiuit tl.r m‘a
|onU wa. a Mi.H-nug that Audi
lUi.ir S.H irmiH-mfr n* a pan*..!.
lUnt br did Ihr n.n.dy thing and |Uild
«.a. k .-v.-ry .nmt 4.f the fio.uM wiit of
h-Kii xlrlumiH n.rnM |h> k-ta.
CenerAI De Vniiers Tea* of Oie
OuUool. For His Peopte.
Plnaod atood oo ooe of tbe bffla
MS* Kla^arM t* • Slwr.
TorL < 4Kni«^rUI Adrerli»T r iau-a tL«- folloains atory of ona
of John W. Mnrkay-a d.-rd*:
fm onr
«L.ti Miur. Krtnbrirh ma* aln^liiK In «.|«to at t<an
FraiH-i^ *!i^ Iramrd «.f I Ur rrttU-al
ootidition of Urr tm yrar-aW aon,
wh*m4- .1- tU occum^l f—fi aftrrward
!n !>i.
.... Til.- »lnx:.T m!.Ud r%rry
«laj ... Urr Uo»I«iihI In I»r.*a.U.n for Id»N.u! tUr l-.Va o.n<Jitk.n.
TUr fart la-mtrd lu thr ^an KranrUrf-o
tur rjr of JuUn W.
Mnrkay. v-!h» aa» lU<ti In lUat city.
Ur bad
Muh*. H* u.I.rU U
-Aboot fl»e Uuiidn-d **
-All rlgUl.- Ur aald. draw Inc Ul.*
Cbarktaiok. -How aUall wr dUIdr Ur
-Too fomtob tha »U.^k and I will ky. w hi. I. %vi.H nn.h r hU akin; tl.r olU
•ttiiply tlwKtonf» on lUr int.-r.'ra wt-n* two vidr. of iMcon ni.d a ftack
Hr grlMMd At tuia. iind It U * x
f ihoir. whl*:U weight^ i.U alHmld«Ta
plaload tbat It Aanor«l but a vro|.« r
nd hand..
oacT««atS<Ni of tba girt rom-kU rlnc .. .r
••.I..hn." h.- aald. -yi.u nr\.-r aiaMit a
rropactlra toroCDM. lb* dn«
olli.r ov.T tny Iwtr »»r any other loir
rback for flra liODdriHl. itnd na I b-ft
I ihr camp, nud ilmt aU^w* >..ur gu.*l
tba room ha called uw Imrk.
- t.ar. but the iH.ya 1. II nn* you n- In
Waatrd ta But II
nrd luck, nnd 1 ki...w n n.nu wh.
-Now. 1 don't want any o,.r b. know
IH- one. line*, w.nirililng to kin-p
or tUU; tell Urr you *4.ni It."
g.ilng " And I.e tUn-w on the rough
1 rtiiUrd that all.- would know iM-tbT. thair I Ur KJH k of tl.Mjr :.n.l two sldtHi of
ADd ttim ba w UUia rrd In a . liurklr.
Hr r. lab.iHl tl.r whKky.
-We can lay It on «.ld Mian.t.; t. ll In r
«a g.MMl many >r;.ra latrr. tvUe
llharon aent It. aiwl w Uni Ur »r. lH Urr
lia.l iH .H.m,.
ri. h ...an. tUn.
Irtlrr of t&nka Ik» w.iii't ki.oxv whnt
II inri lb pw..nh. gonrin UraltU.
bit bltu."
rn.Hh.Hl In apinl. l...ji.glng among thr
1 prumlaed to do ao. but tUoticUt tt
.wd ..f h..;a h-K» on.-H who hang like
baat to let brr know wUrrr tbr tm.nry
-a alM.llI thr hn..gU.l.- ..f thr atta k
came from, and a o.uplr of d«y« nfbr
rkrt, M.gr..lraH f-r th.-in.
1 aaw Markny atandliig In front of tUe
Hrlh*. Ai.dvr' cri.d -bd.n.drl
Courier offlrr n'lnllng a lHt.-r nt.d rryVo.i don't n.ran l.. a:;y >o.i t
luf like a arU.N.llH.y.
Urr i.H-r aald Ihr brokrn man.
-•Yoa’reAldnbUM on nw,* Ur aald.
•ilrmrmlar ).‘U'- l.iugh.d the milobaking tbr bttrr In iny farr. •ll.-rr.
ionahr. • Vo.i U ! 1 d... and Ihn
read fUl*.* It wna n vrr; tou. binc bd
ind bn.H.n tm.. Ilr.d.rr
trr. written by a r. nru'.I w..mnn wbo«e
bean fully nm.r...lair4l tUr klndtu-^*.
-ril cnrrj >4.11.11 hmivlr.Hl ol
Before I bad tvai hrtl tt..> iH.tton. ..f tl.r
page my eyea wrrr iuoUI.m.Iiic, end
haal 4-n..«gh. John. Y.*u'\i* r. aimed
Mackay. wbo atuttm-.! nl tl..- Iluw.
tl.r from la 11
broke In with: 1 Imt.-. .t .t «Ty .t>
••Ui.ru 1 ti ll >011.''
youraelf. you luxtatlr. nnd
luiw you
U.lt hr w..uld..-t a.
Unlike If
He then bUmed me for not doing ns
i hn|.|aniHl
I agnwd and aald that Ur would kiur k
liiiu.iri' |».it hU nrn. thmugU I1«iv
off a coo|4r of Uundrrd tl.r n. vt tiiur
Ih'a nnd l.a.k him up to hU otll
1 called oo him for rluirlty. Ilr wan aa
good aa UU word. TU.rr wiia iitiotUrr
aUnlUr caar. and 1 rall.d ..ii Markuy.
He took out $3u.i In gn. nba. k,. and
-llrnrat InJUIlV
-Now.^trll that woipan tlmt Kluimn
aent tUla tuonry and 1 Uavr kii.e-k.d
-All light. Therr’a no usi* trying to
off $2.^) for the wny y.m nn.d Ih.
Ucl|. >on In aba-ka
Y..u'n- a gambler,
nnd w hi-i. tl.4- frvrr grta bold of you
you w im’t llMeii to n.^.r nn>Ualy rla.-.
AU Si.uU waa n Ural ratr wha.u. 1.1
. I•■H| ll.' U
y.ni knrw b..w to run U. Tlial'a yoi
Hkn* quirt.”
fonr. ni arnd I»i. k l».y out to find
I am.unl IkmiU In tl.r
g.aal plaiv. nn.l >ou ,.»t y.-una-lf b
Atotrca* iKwt^ltal and. thinking It |.ubllr
hind tl.r bar. . omr l.a. k In t wda> a
peopeny. was gUtinlru: ov.^r If.
:j .-VI p'n.eutJiea abowed that kla.-kny
At Ibr Uo.tr npiadiibHl Mr. I>cy at
about f5.UU) a month. Sbtrr rr.Hb.rrka
Hepw..rtl. w.-rr th.-ntook the lx*ok Uaatily nnd n..k.Hl inr to
••Urn-." Kd.l yir Ma. kay. drawing
aarer mention tl.r ninoimt Mn
ctMH-k. -liirr.'a #p..«■*». Amly. l«hk
gave, aa be l»ld brr If br rv.T U
*lrw. k an AI pl.n.v oi. Markrl Mr.vt
of It br would di»«H..,tlnur thr a1
Yon ,-;n. buy It :...d 1.
IM-:, If ihhhI
l.-fl to atmid a run of I
U*. K«h‘p till* U.I Hr tor 1
• ml .%ouil In- ;.U right
If >ou don't
I hoiH* >01, will for you
fflatreea Ur qulrlly plmnnl thr nant.Hi
'rhc.w.um s4-.i-a.n l.n„^s
.I.-1...1...K I.n m.i.jne .ind
t ist, iH.X4-ll.esm jeu4*l.
b...Met .U..1 X..1I sIh.uM
I guest eM.sls
to.- 4 .. i.i,. k
». 11 4 I..
in \V.ib h
nU r*P. I.AWTON 4m».-e r.«.m »w. i..-w
U W.U..-m.
H.^r. V w. U^*^rn . rjiu
r\K P lirHbKY. K M . W. I>. HirtS-U! *tUs.
L/ ti.o. U>.nrt>miHM «.f «utii«-a *»a cbiiair-n
f.»r 4rr«tni»-iit «.f .li-
I..4.1U S .l.e! Ih-M T.l
l.cejs-is i..r vciillt-.m i.
N.-a things
Rfii'.g Us your w.it« Ins
iiesl ft-Mills
reliable w4Mkmcii.
Barnum &
llUA-S.VJ*., r.»ul.SKY. IVU.L«..41U»-^. >
Jewelers - SilTersffliths
tlon o
year* I
fact tcHj
dlon. «.y* the |‘blla.lelphla
Time*. While the nntlxe |«.pulntlon
of African d.-*.s-nt, whh-h wa* always
an element of 1.0104- li..|*»rtan.s-. Iia»
probably kept |uee with 11m- natural
rath, of growth. It ha* lately !ss-n quite
tuU.rdlnated l.y the migration of uegroea from the aouth. nml nt the pn»M*ar» to be
ent time thU 1
ir t A**ir
the friaDda of Mr*. U FWse. of UiwrsBO< Kml They knew sho bad bwa
UMbls to lears her bod ia asm ysara
oolw. atoohls ey«a, •nl ha iwfferad OA aooooat of kidiisy aad liver trouble.
»«R8. C. E. HORST
dootors. \mt without bmaftt. Then ba
trtrtw, rt VNIrt mmA
•ad U Urn* nMotti I
drwggM I* ><wMr
T.yjswfcStT'rr^ ■
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