The Evening Record, October 02, 1902

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The Evening Record, October 02, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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EPILEPSY ' wTlSriSr^titniA la tu

rooB whm U go4 th«« aai thM l»


IntroduoMl In th« HanravM
Trial This Morning

It Would 8oom From Quootlono
AMcod by Oofonho

tht ipaotatati la arMw>aadhy tha tact
that hlHMit h aaora. »oaUr wom.
hriag thatrdlaliaraaaarjdaraadaat
aithar la tha eoart rooia or la tha aar*

Moat mt yialafday aftarooca waa da*
TOlad to aapart laaclmoay hy Dr.
Eraat aad tha taatlmoor of Sbariff
Ohaadlar aad Dapoif Orayaom whlah
waa fayplaiiMalad by Uia latroduoloa
of tha blood? garwaau of Mr Bargraraa had Ihoaa of Mr*. Hai«ra?Mi
Thia vaa a vrawaoma taatmra. bat oaa
whlah aaaoMd to hara a mairoatlo at*
traotioa f«r tlia crowd la tha eoart
rotitA aav ilamant waa iatrodacad at
thla aMralBff** aaaaioa. HoTaattraly
ae«. bat a faalara which *a«vaata
that tha dafaaaa will act ralj apoa the
aalMda tbaory to alaar tha aoeaaed
of tha aharga agaiaat him. Udaad it
aaaau apparant that tha aalolda thoary
iaaatiraly arplodad
Darlnf tha oroaa axamiaatloa of Dr.
H. B. Oaroar thla moraloff tha acbjaot
of thaafraotoracepilaptlo fit apoa a
paiaoa waa adroitly broufhi oat b7
Mr. Patchla. although tha broaeoa>
tloa Tlgoroaaly ob)oetad to tha latredaotloa of that olaaa of aridaoae at
thU tiam aa it had act baaa ahowa
that Bargiaraa had aa aa opileptie at<
tack oo tba momlBg of tha allairad
oriaia. Tha coart orcrralad tha obJaotlco: bat allowod tha paopia to
oroaa aaamlaa tha witar*. apoa tha
taatimooy irlvao oo thli rubjeot.
Tba dofenaa aureeeood in brtnaing
oat the fact that a prraon under an at­
tack of epllepay might commit a aerioaa ortme auK noi know at the tima
what ha war doing, iu other word*
would ba bejuod tha lofloanoa aad
away of raaaon. Ooualderabla time
waa irlran to thla phaae of tha teaii.
atony and it w*. finally dropped.
Tha teatlmoay In daull a* glrcn
daoa the intarmiaaloa yeatarday aftar-

BhaHff Ohaadlcr tmtifiad thal hr
waa called tc tha Hargrare beam by
Ooraacr Ohaar oo tha morning of tha
death of Mra- liargmraa la tabitaaea tb* taattmony of the abaHff ralntlTa to ih# appaaranoa of tbo room*
eorrobomlad thr taattmony of tba praTha witaaa. taatlftad that Uargrara.
»hnngud hi* clolba* bafora ha left tha
beam oa that morning and that tha

Moai. Mk cm paau aad dmwart
Tto vilatM %mtiUd%Umt BarfimTet
morad hU cOothlag »l hi* TcqcmL
Mr. Phiehla oh)ecladleaUllM«e*moay lalatlag t4> th* «MOm M
rooad that 11 VM takw from tha
i»d wlthoU aollioMioa that tba
MlMt iroaM ha mmI la aridaaoa

Ar« Raportad In Various Parts
of Anthrsclta Raglon

Than Fly Toward tha Woods
Nwr Scranton

aad Mr. PaMhla noted aa axoeptloB.
Oaaur Btaraaa waa the bmb called
iaa SiM CarTfacfceoa
y Mra. Elalaar to go to the hoaae of
largraTM oa the day of .the allaged
The wilBcm waa at the boa
Scraatoa. Pa.. Oct t -The atrUere
JO a. au that thaa. When U.e witand aoldiera were both under fire laat
aM reached there only Bargrarei
la thehoam. Ha locked in the bed- Bight for the ftret time alnoc the Thtrtaaath regimaat wai oalled into ear.
room aad aaw tba body OB tha flo
Tloe. At an early hoar thU moralng
• witBcaa mid to Hargr
-If* a bad deed to happen la yoar Oo. •*Q** were atoaed by the atnken
Mr Hatgiare*. la aha dmdl aad oaa aoldlar waa etrnek but not
Ba mid, •Ye*. aha*a dead, bat tliaf* aafloaaly ialared. The aamilanta then
Ifled toward, the wood*
he voratof if*
Scranton. Ps. Od-Joha Mallea,
(Ooatiaaed on third page).
A non anion miner, after either belac
slnbbed to death or rendered anooamlotu. waa placed oo the atreet cat
ed apQl where the re
nact in a i
Mayor and Council Summon- naina ware gronod to piece by the
policy. Mnllen fur eoma tima hai
•d on Sidetrack Matter
baoD workuAi ic f.a Oarbocdala oolliory.
Many aota of Tiolcnoo are reported
> l.Mmoa.«tal..aaek rrom varioa. parU of tba 'atate.
Bbonaodoah. Pa., Oct. 1-Tha atrik
»ra through Bhanaodoah and Mabonoy
Oacar V. Carter, mayor ol the city, rallayi are happy over tha proapaot of
the city council, the Pcrc Marquette sn early aettlemant of the atrike
Tamaqna Pa-, Oct. r—Today thr
Railroad' com|»any and■ George

It wenUcaam that tha gaocn Oitlea
me ap agaiaet It, and wlU have to MowYo?k. Oct S-John Cudahy,
^ n gaam agalaat a Travarw Oily thabaadofthe Oadahy Packing Oa
mua fat to ba got togathar or haul of Chicago, haa otgaairfd a new rabIowa their flag. For aoma ttma A. bar truat. Tha capith U tobafi&.*
Oonilla. tha fruit man on Front ooo.OOO and tha com pany wlU be
IthatthoQooanl known aa the Para Rnbbar Co.
C!itica are not ao fact hat that they i
ganteaaally bmtm by ai
from thU city. Mr. Got
brother who pltohaa ball
Im hinmalf haa aelod aa
thaacBoa. H* now wanla to play the
Qaoon OUiaa for $50 a aide, at aa
mrly a dale aa oanreniont. He hat
DhaUongad tbam to oaeh a game, and
U in oamaat aad ready to pot ap bis
money at any time. Ba mya that he
wlU pick hi* team truan TraTaraa City
playm who are not aMmbera of the
Qaom City ream.
And BOW the question naturally
ariaaa, what are the goaan Cltia*
going to do about itV


Lanlie arc now under ihi
the |uinful nccLardie
ccmity of waiting at Icasi
least until Octo­
l>cforc building ai
any sidetracks
ber 2H l>cfure
to the warehouse of George W. Ijudic. C. M. Prall. William Ixiudon cl
al. have filed their statement of the
ca*e with Judge Mayne, and he has
act October 38 as the date for the
bearing. Meanwhile the council is
rcalrainctl Irom granting jicnnission
for the laying of the sidetrack. 1‘. C.
GiU>ort i* attorney for the complain­
ts in the case.___________


arreaisof people pick
log coal from lU banka Among the
Dnmt>er arraatad waa J*me^ liagbaa,
looUUatlo oandidati- for oougreaa
Wilkeabarre. Pa.. Got. k~John
Mltohcll will Imre at firt- thla after
noon for Waiihlngton to attend th<
White Honaa' conference. MItobal
aaid. -I don’t mre to make any prtdioiona. but the atrikera will alaai
firm anlaaa a daclaion la reached foi
arbitration, ttian we will gladly ao
oejd the Terdlol.”
NVUkaabarre, Pa.. Dot «-At thr«
thla morning II men were arreatad a
Plrmonth I7 Bhenff Jaoona and tlopn
tiea on a cliarge or noting. The
are Bald nmler fl.OOO Pail each.

iswiitCito ISeitCililStinpl


the poaaaaaion of tbr wltnaaa eiaoa that
Uma The wlUiaaa alao atatad that
he had had thr oaatod? of the mw
naadlc and jar oonlaialng tha laryn*
since the pmllmlnary asamlnatlwL
The wltaaia alao tmilfird that it
waa ha who caot Orayaon afiartba key
U tha poaaacaten of Mr* Lake. a.
Omyma laatlficd in tha momlnt.
JohnLamaon. managurof the Qnaan
The wUaccacmiad that tha apparact
hlood on the a-w handle wraa fraahai City hnoe ball team, baa arranged for
a game batwaan tba fast loam of Kal­
at the tlm# It waa found than now.
kaska. who defeated tha Qnaan Cltia#
vaalarday. and tba wall known
Tha wilnaaa here prodaoad tba TbompaonvilU team. Tba game la to
nlnlhlng worn by Hargravoa bafora take place in thU city next Tnaaday
lha Sheriff funehad tha houaa and Uotobor 7th. and it should draw the
which ha fomovad at that time
Mr. Patohlo objected to tba Intro- thU aaaaoB. Tha TbompaonvilU
dMlton of tba clothing unlaa* it was team U too wall known to require
ItetifiaA Tba objection was over- any eommani Tha Kalhaaka team is
fam. Thalr battery U Booker and
vulad and an exception noted
Spioar, two of tha Cialeot now out of

B shown aad several
Umw <Mrk opoU ware ahowa on them
Tba wilBoaa tmrtiflad that tha ataina
wmo Mood, hut Patohln objected.
M thofu mm nothing to prove that the

Tba annual meeting of tba Womi
Foreign Miasionary society of the I
First Mathodiat ohnroh waa held yea- <
tarday afternoon. Tha anxinal report I
ahowa that axoellaot work haa been |
dona d^ng tba past year, $160 baring)
been raiaad.and tent to rarions mia■loo fields;.
Tl.a following officers ware rLot ns WE give you VALUE RECEIVED,
for tba enanlng ymr:
Prmid<mt-Mrs. £ U Kellogg.
Firat Vice Preside nt-Mrs >
VicV _
Third vio« Frr.idfoi-Mr., w K ;THE HEW SI AND
rorresponding Bocretarr-Urs. B


Trmaarar-Mrs. D B. Titus
Kaoording Sacreian-Mrs. .
The society now lias a membership
of 60, witn good programs, good meet­
ings and gopa attendance.
The umbrella draa*n the other even­
ing at the Park Place barber sliop is'
awaiting the call of N<n 17, whidi was
the lucky number. * Holders of other
numbers should keep them, as anoth­
er drawing will be held if No. IT does
turn up within the v
)N TUESDAY, Ooi 7th.
tiokato will bee sold to Bnffnlo. N.
Y. via Detoit and WatAsh K K. at
13.8& and lo UleT^lsud via Detroit
and lUtroit & OleveUnd NsTiga-1

Afw Belsa Mad* toy (k* t^Ars* NaUoaal
BMS-Total f '«*t urC'kmace* ^VI^
to* Atooat a5.tMH>.

The repair* of tba First National
Bank are now wall along and when
finished, will pUca it among tha best
equipped hanks onlalda tlia larger
Tha back room, formerly used as the
direolors’ room, is being changed to a
safety vault for enstomer*’ oaa. This
vault U of n^em fire and burglar
iwoof oonstmolibn and iHiolppad witn
mfety boxes of Ulast pattern, opened
by a maater key worked in ooanactioo
with tha ouatomer owning the bo*.
Thla vault ia of anfficlent alas to admlt tha sUiring of package^ of any ordinary siae.
Tba regular bank vanll has bean enUrged at tha rear ioeraasing its floor
space by about 40 aquaru feet
making Urge st^SIga

yrdl enroll pvpiU
violm at the .Vailriiiv «if
Cilv Uiwr* Huu-te hi*ii k. ur

which ha* heretofore
bean rented as a barber shop, is being
ebangad to a directors' room and furnistiad with bath, Uvatory, cloaal
and wardrobe for the use of the bank
The entrance to this room ia
from the interior offiot*. doing away
with ilia onuida stairway which will
ba repUoe.i hy oemeot walk aoroaa the
onttra front
Tba main office wfll l>e considerably
oonnU-r arrmngarnanU



Tho vHtnooa taottfled that the otair.
door, which will W Tn keeping with
s Win Net ArerH
wmu tlie color of blood. The ahlrt
tba other ImprovamanU
WM alao aliown and dark atalna were
Tba aotire coal of the improvaa
«pon It aUo.
will he in the nelghUorhood of $5.00D.
HargniVM did not tell the witneaa
but they are made neoeasary lo aohov bU wife earn* to her death. Tha .At the democratic convention yessodate the inorsatUg bnsfneaa ci
lerdayAmil F.Nerlingcr wax nominated
vltnaM daeeribed tl.a position of tl.a
mnk. Arohiteot F. K Moore baa
for circuit court coenmixtiooer. Mr.
body tlie me aa other witneaaaa liad
Nerlinger ix a republican and is at a ebarge of the work.
Tbepraaaat offioars of tba bank axv:
loatoknow by what anthonty the
On tha oroaa examination tho witdemocrals used his name. He lUtes John T. Brodla, preaidaol; B. J.
mmm oloted that ha oxamtned U.a
(an. and Frank HamUon. vice
that he it a staunch republican and is
hMda of the aoouaad on that morning
prualdenia: Frank Walton. eaakUr;
hut found no blood on thorn. Bo known aa ouch.
Lm F. Titus, nariatant CMbiar; with
mMboI toll liow long tlie otolna on
m. u. K,Uon p«rtJic*u«. lu-i.
the gnnoMti hod bm on thorn. They
E. H«mmona. bookkMpw. EUnmrth
looked tekor now Urnn they did than.
dnwlMt, ud Bttiy
Tbo witnoH IdooUfiad ilia hair
qrhloh hod boon intiodnood InovidmmMMModihatllhndlmln Mia Rok Addis of Sooth Aim,
hiooBMMiy rinoo tho day of tho aUi«- Mich..*iU be minicdItha



221 Trent St.

Are you less than iS years of age and do you want
$».oo? If yourc not. this won’t imprest you. H
you are. come and ask for our little booklet which teils
you how to get the Thousand. There is no ca’ch or
sell about this—it’s a genuine offer of that large sum.
and someone will get it. A handsome button free to
each Contestant. Come Today.

n Alfred U* Trledrlcb ^


the aav-

t-asbiar's officx*
anUrgad to admit of tha aaaUtant eashler's deak being placed in it'
Tha gla.« and wicket work will ba ramoved f|om the front office pUoing
noth offices within easy reach of ibe
the fastest kind of ball will ba
wboo 4ha teams meat oo Twelfth pnhUo The door at tha end of tba
lobby will be ebangad to an aroh fitatrwat jmxk Tuaaday at S UiO o'clock



W. r. M. SacAasa of Firm MeUc

WUkOar »«w I'artac.

W. P. Galkina, member ot tht
board of pabliu work*, ralaraad laat
night aooompaulad by bia wife, from
aa estandad trip wblob baa conaamad
about a month. While abaani Mr.
Qalklna r iaited Maw York. Chioage
sad aararml other large oiliaa and
look oapaoUl pain* to in.pacl imblh
Improfcmaai.. aapi-olally tha atrtvti
and paving. In oomparing other pfvt,
menu with thal
thU city Mr. Cal
kin. atalaa that wa havr apparently
a firat blaaa job and one which u ii
aooofd with oar noada. both as to ma
tarial and method of Uylng. Aa U
ttia curb and crown, ha find* many
laid In a aim!I it la balieTad
» took parUoanarrow airaeU In
portion* and oommonted
upon them faToxably. Mr. fslkina
wblob will be of valaa to him aa a
member of the board of poblio work*




Boys' Astrachan Keefers—
very stylish, at $3.50, S4 i^nd
$5. Boys’ ulsters, boys’ knee
pants, boys’ fancy shirts,
boys’ blouse waists at 25c.
Boys* waists at 50c and $1.
Boy’s sweaters, nice Im
boys* fleeced underweai
25c. Boys’ wool ribbed and
what is called Buckskin un­
derwear, all al lowest prices.



One Of

Everything about these
new fall styles
suggest superiority of
fit—harmony of
of design—When
you get into them
you don’t want to get
out. Exceptionally
good values at
^1000. $iJ.oo.$i5«>
$1800 to $2J.OO.


i OM or UM %rlttk«t



ton htoo timt «hBT coltod him I
BiM forthefBBthotwootatttlto
the modKiDe. Hto wit woo folljr eQui
to hto otm. It woo hord to ooy wMe
did hto pottoato the MB rood, oii
oo he olwoyo sore hto boot of
000 tho ootbnok
rook ooooRod oad the oome time, they
Jnot oo I
the totolef XoBiloaadMmy eoch
doe ofhito I •
tornm of Miofo wm tho
V. 1.17tOOMO bOlBg fOoold the dortor. 1t*o for wortlac peo­
Ooo hoBdrod ohd twoirty hooooo o«t ple.* "—Atlonta CooodtmioiL
of lfi.aomprtoiactho TiUo«o of Toobaik. BimIod Mood, hoto hooo
odiOthogOOBB. Tb0aiOMOOO10d||phOF.HABBt.IgBFALMl»T.wm |

r^Thtrt to BO I

t« be

«• bodjr or________

•ad tItoT •>» liBod wtdi oiUn. bn»eo«o
•ad to
COM wiU fur. The ooi<
« trlnaod to oo aioiij dlfferM
tbot It
r tbo iBOBttoB or tbrfo oU. tort tOo
uKuIrncimSlmm kM medoUtoB.

** ^j^uiOir T. mum «f mmimmw,
^AJjS^mAmJLMD dC Mdp««M*.

•^••"^^iSL iMCOY f *..14


•€ JMkM.

• MORrdo(ldMD«
. KBI.LBT •r 1









S; 1 '


Tutaig. OUQtarttt. I«*.

Mr. and Mn. Brown, of Kaw York,
reputed to ba milliooairao. bara adoptad Jeok Cook, thf boy iraaohar who
baa baen ptaaohlng thronghoat Qraat
Britain Utaly. Tha yodih’o work haa
anthnaed tha Bcotoh ohurehaa mora
than any thing aiaoe the daya of
Dwight.L. Moody.
MiU hao adraaoed one-half oaot
qwt at whdaaala in New York city.
Anotbar riae will go into affaot in tha
naar future. Thio U tho third ad▼aaee from oummar prioea. The reaaoo for thio Incraaoe io the high prloo
of haef laol opring,
many fhrmero oold lot cattle they
othorwioe woald hare kept for milkin*.

good to rataia aatU October
ITth. iaelaaltra. ABk agaata c
hUtofcwfaU^mOM ^ p
Sapt fMS.27-Oot-t-».4




MUSIC------ —
ta. j w. oair. and lUoM


Seat talc at box office Friday
evening from 7 to 8:30 o’clock
and all day Saturday.



Perhaps one of the most important
ot the theatrical offerings for thU season, is the successful l^ondon roclo•‘Sporting Life,’ which comes
to Steinberg’s Grand i
OcL 4th. Much in the way of merit
--"“Clionand rts
and Chicago
justify ibe
that it is the
important melodramatic presentment
ever made in this countT}-. The fact
may be remor.Hl ot will ond o bich col­
lar .uUNtltutcd. There are many varl- that there are no leas than 10 different scenes gives s^t^ular ^ _

FtS! !2Sai«t:.S!Ri^;

tbaro ora not
along the .blcld
idea of the magnitude necessary
. aomeahouldba front, with fnMC tn the middle. The
to produce the iUusion. A faithful
oooold to dooaaaally If collar In fh.l i-n.c to high nud of mll- reproduction of the vast grounds of
It.rj* rigidll.v. A .Urtt Immiuo of the
bskt-su W. ta
.tuff rreebre oU around, but lo the E«rs p>urt Exhibition,
View of the Covent Garden by night, M q«ur. mi m S, flume* Mr**i.
•luAbcd at the bock.
.\ny of the winter irtkoil. may be ihemteriorofihe National Sporting
letl In thto blouw. but unle-i It to Club, and the Ki»som Downs race
mode of velvet or velutina It looka
oonttory aTrauge
bert matching the .kirt. The sUvvee
U test the
In p-.
nuiv Ike blubop vnib nay pc-ferred stage of the theatre to the limit of iu
tat block, of oiBce. In the cily thcuffit. «ir they may l*e left flowing capacity. The excellence of the cast
^MDble .mall oj»en home l«i
Many rxkWR of miichlne .tltchlng arc is assut^ by the number of tamiliar
•tocoore of atructure. and
put on tbe-K- blouiH*.. They on- t.t be
found In a circle. There la no daiigcr wttru 0- .tH.t. and w!U lie valuslde names onfhe program, and it cannot
•f accident from fnlllriK to catch Ihrne long into winter with the addition of a be disputctl that no previous melo­
primitive lift.. No one In a hurry .mull fur iHvk |deci\ on mild day. a drama has ever been in more cajuiblc
feather .«• chiffon l»a will add the hands.
Kllght extr. wsrmtb required.
► ho. lo choow l»etwccu lo.lng time
It is not generally known that when
In tl»e llluMretlon there ore .1
Mr. Jas. .V Herne wrote ••Shore
wver.1 f«.hlouoblc fd-iKw. one I
Acres,” it was with g view of haring
i nUitt jacket auug ot the back, w
there are three .moll totw. ch
the plav fvoduced at the Boston
itltched like the rret. There oin*
Museunl. He had the great come­
rKH-ket lld» **for lookiL** The oh
dian, William Warren, in his-mind
ire txmt .baite. .. ore tbee of t«
for the character of Nathaniel Berry
Ihr drtbetw only the o|H-n re.-fer boo
and hoped he would himself be aUowihoited iMilnt. for cuffo.
ed to play the part of the brother.
coDtiol the moat
(ooctiems of the !
abort jockets Marlin Berry.
These facto about the ongmal plans
tem. Amon« the symptom* <
ire well adopted to moat of them,
l umel. bolr. cheviot, tweed and crore- of Mr. Heme help lo account for the
exhatiationare* -Irain
netted .tuff* ore all oultoblc. The verv truthful and mteresling character
Fag/* Mental I>cpreaaion. Irrougher
of Martin Berry. It is but natural
litabiUty, InaomiSa. Pnmtrmvery abort jacket, whicb look. b«%t la that an actor-dikmaiisl who goes to
tkm, H>*dtoU. Headadie.
smooth faced moiefUl. BUck eta mine nature’s sources lor his material
Fluohed Face. CoW Hands
to rich and elegaiit and * w«wr. for­
ever.** .\ new xlltellne with very thick should gel just a little doser to the
long hairs to offered In oil the oreDon o truth in developing a character design­
•thadeA and entire eolU are eomettmen ed lor his own mterpretatioo than in
other pans ot his pUy. •
made of It.
Mr. Heme, like many other disming critics, thou^t Mr. Wi
T** Mll«»Ur*uoU
the greatest
this country
In llorrtoon town«blp. nrer klomwo has yet produced and he would have
City. lod.. there to an area ten by one been only too happy
hav^ pUyed
mile In extent that to now on unbrok­
en oewn of corn, which wUl yield
••Shore Acres” eventually produced at
100 acre* knoam aa tbeStedear
from eighty i
n the Museum, but it was long after
iBbatst totbe nerroos s>*8tem.
acre, l ulil recently thto area
One of the
- - undreloed. mareby wUdemcM know; ^Warren^
ODOBty, ^
JohnFifty Tabletff
aoB, one of the managers of the pood
s of this beautiful American tooth of the dtr.
For 25 CbiiU
fnrsA recalls that after the dvU war


The Nerves





a aa ten yeara
and other anl-




mod oSolodod Coot of Ph/oro.

3Se,50€j5e. BnSiatsSI.

/offhcp^Tirn^^p*^ P'isS522-k)rt:sr£'s2r8T


A. S. FRYMAN. PticttuI Shioaii
lawwU ta

\AFiAKIro Yoaor mrnrnmM


l-.Ull-e.rt pu. w wtu todld
>«Ui. Pto-Fn*. IWUy uKl fl-rec
rMlacs -4 A C. L—rfci* groMry. TJ.
.Ko wa tl. a. BUMOBBrOBD.

Too may oaloot

your ou

Htrklifiin Blgck.


•od aMke. tat it i. ..dont ttat tb«
pMplo wiU opproT. tta ooune of

rlhlng eery
Tbmu io oomethlng
eer fomiUor
abouti tho domooTutlo
domoorotlo county
•aoh yaor. And it lo »!
» pleoaura to
•coin ao many lime hooor^
ilnjlooeacf dlotlnciion. But It
adte that tl»a domocM hara not
au^hoandldataatofoorouBd. Yeo• tM%y thay aalaaUd a lapuWloan for
w ^olr^t eourt eommiaiiOBar. Thio io


10 Semm of Woodorfuf Boout/

MtattaMl riclil to lutMftM ill th.



SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.Hcrevetaouttat tell of Hcdth. Comfort.
Loo*Wev «ad Perleet Ctancier. No ugnment it taoemrr becioc the good • <ii»litie»
ere appuem—will keep out coM aod dampare atttactivelv pul together and look u wellu
they feel. My name ii rtamped oo erery dwe
which meant a guaiaalec lo oar couumeta.


The game of bate ball yeotarday batwaan tba.Quaen Oitiaa and Kaklaoka
won by the Utter by a eoore of 6
too. butooatly erroro onthe part of
the Quean Oltiea gava their o

uajo. «. CBA««

I f! •
P ^ ’


Our Fall Styles



•ao. W. Cl-BTU.



S« them in our ohow window.


M,t .S«»tiT. if taM«U«O.MUOO
Wkloh av tad to attl. »troobl.
wlileh ent ptomia of taiog m> artOU u
M ua.
oBat a.
tta o.....
Mtion-. tarioa.




oould ba found. Tha laU aloDt i
doeot jrt ood OM oBd there o o|W
14o*et4oug. It tookjarah
or toof of hcBYy out embroidery. Tho flO da/o to dig OBt tha amaa
toaalL A yemr ago a band and otbar
tento ore the dorter obodeo of
MO of a oUailar oraalaro war.
brown, like oknnt or pine morten ood
1 ia the Mme ragioo and tha two
with « «Ul. .0.0.. ara«flufBoiaBt to raatore tha BMoaiTa
root l*Dedt of lonely womouo oj^
BaaMKmd. lad.. apaoUl
«aroDre. Bot they on- wn eo hlch ol
they w««e, ood they oet cl*»er oround
•ral mcatha ago Frank 1
the fore. They ore oU bordered with amt with an aoeidaBt that eomplolaly
for of oome kind. Oo oome of the black daatroyad hu haaring In ana aar, Ha
telret ond .Ilk coot, there ore Boraltoreo of white taee. Tbl. to not oo ro- triad all kind# of ramadlaa without
op. While painting a faw dayo
fiord o. the block BoUoon. or the JKtod trlmmlns it the .Ilk lewld.. Hllk ago ha fall off a ataidaddar and the
amtache 1. .. broutlful a romltnre oo paint boekat atraok him oa top of the
Hto daafaaao immedlaUely dto.
otiy one could require «* o yelret inirThe neat oudHiondy foUJ.rkH.
•ome loinu of odromoire orer «ii yet
•bcirt «*ool to
front, belnf
If fit the flfilo fortnrm to o|»en
nrorly to tlw* w.toi, ond the odffeo oie
«ltrlM*d. The front topo to the right
ond fatten, with o fly
wHh tonro
.moke |H*».rl buttoniL Till, to coo
cred Tity .mart and to to Jm- worn c
a .klrt «»f the aame matrrinl The
tra flu«-and ik.IIc1 broadcloth, arc m
llk.*d for thto Htylc. but whli.^.rd and
of the cloM. twUl. are alM> uard
uae ahape. wlU win favor with
the younger la.lle.. The Glbw>n fold
oo the thouldera li the dtotlngnl.hlog
feature, with the alileld frtmt oml'lhc
fiat coMor ond rever.. whh h. however,


ta iftaal/



f*m «»•

Vf nadoiUiu) dw bubui »d ypo <*> depeod npon «tat w« uj.

tap? i7u-n-fLU-a;-DM * i

srrsr?s*r2i:_^ I ~rHEHn=S I

•Ok aialL ftoM «r tide iMOiiUfitl oppltqiM wort to Mwipcooiio ood obowo
p porttoolorlj well on veirrt.
Anir oil. tlKNifli. ootbluB to 00 net
on tHtK oo jetted tfUnmlas. Rotoe oT





Boporto from SylroB Ib Omtoal I iM'pho.oem
Kobooo mjo that ploeo woo rbu.od
dOTOlopod UtOI

Ctrrr h

iu i-’- UjA


that Carpet 4
And of course wisay
wisa; this is the best place-you ex­
pect us to say so^that’s
our business. But the best
of it is you'll say so yourself after you have seen the
new Fail Carpets. The Ingrains especially are the
best we have had. The colors are more pleasing
and the patterns somewhat smaller and they satisfy
our customers at once. Better be one of them.
These are the very best all wool and we lay them on
the floor for 65c the yard.

Jf Splendid Dm on ^
Bod^ Brussels
Tapestrys^Moquettesand Royal Wilton Velvets in
the newest designs and the richest, most elegant
colorings. No year have they been so striking. It
is advisable to make your selection NOW. Later on
you will not have so good a selection, and we will be
much busier.

Beautiful Draperies
j That fairly outshine any display we have ever had.
(j^he newest Ideas In every line. The Oriental
stripes. Persian designs. Navajo Indian Draperies.
Turkish Patterns, just the things for archways, cozy
corners. “Dens.” Puts the finishing touch to any
room, giving it that rich artistic effect. Particular
attention has been paid to this line, and we are
i . justly proud of it. Prices can’t help but please.
- from $2.00 the pair for some beautiful goodato the
most elaborate at $ 16.00.

travk—ww oitv. miom.



BttlrkWMs imouk

yaitec^iii—it cte
It sms tbT wltaasswboeaasedbls
daagbtar ko Islspbsms Dr. Oban.
Tbs wltBsesiirsd oa tbscormsrop^
posits tbs Bmimrosbomss.
Ahkad If tbers was maob bolts
GralHok *s fMiory, lbs vHmoss mid bs

dSTUIOB. m4 Mis. OMm & Tad«r
viU IM tks leste. Tksfncnmwill
•*OnsB OoMpoMUoftbsOlsMie
IS^**-Mis. J. F. GiUe^te.
Bol^Mrs. A. H. BoUidsj.
tS« l«od-‘-Mrs. Oh>riss<Vsdsr.
• VmsX sol4>-MnL a E. Horst.
VftollB oolo->Mr. D. W. SIsvwl.

DMt-MissstOUrs sad Boosts F«1

\C0ndtnstd Rtws \
bead.of Ksaaedale. Tsx., **nad sooa
hm dsoUtod MK to ooospt A>
felt like a new man.*' InfaUible in
awM«is*s profforod gtft of 90.000 for
m poblte Uhnij. Tbs oFsr WM Mh
oopisd lost sprier bot tbs oooMll ood
oittasas bsTs boia aasbis to sfrts «p.
oo a oils for tbs boildtof
s to«>.
yard employe who wae reliered of the
9tt that was hiddsB in his trunk Ust
Friday Bight, awoke yeetsrday moraiboold bs srsolsdlfsllsd
iBg to Bad the earii BBdsr hie pUlow.
tbs ssoston ot the sldsrnisB Isai srsnla«. sod tbs itbrsrj will

A om4 dot scars prsTsils la Asblsy
sod sarroaadljw ooontry. Booday
aftsnooe a strange do«. mffsrisp
fiom rsMss. nui smock lo tbs towo.
Mtiof a lores oomber ot dofs. Tbs
AAimal was porsasd until a Uls boar
Baadey aiebt by sersral mon aad was
Baallj raa down in tbs
Tbs ooaatnr Dstwsea
bad Qsiaoy for the post two wssk
has bssa atsrolly alirs wUli onobss
A wssk oiro lost Soadoy soossoik.
klUsd Bios largs ^look oaakss. aad
otrsiohsd thsm across tbs wbssl
tamko Horses were so frifbtsasd
that they bad to be driren by oa tbs
, laadsids. Hlooe lost Tbsrsday a forasr aasssd Herbert Lusk, has killed
10 larpe blue rooers.
. ■oasurioe over sir feet
Thfss years a«o Lofsyette Post of
Mortb Adorns, while sloppiue around
la bis swamp loud, notloed a peculiar
bond of ^ growlne wild, soys tbs
Detroit TribaBo. He liod serer ssso
or bad any broad of oats Hke it aad to
. $ssl II. ptossnrod the seed wblob bs
. sowed, and tbs past ssasoD banrsstod
a crop of *00 bushels of the straii«s
▼arioly. A sample sent to the anrioallatal collefte was eiamined by Uie
faoalty in solemn session assembled,
aad they reported that the wild oat
was a strunifer to them It is a white
oat aad rsry larire and prolific.
EEperlmonU are beinir made at the
aaUeralty for the iwrpoee of cheapoaiair cas Hpht For two years there
has been a ecbolanhip siren hj the
Mlnhicun One aseoclation, espeolally
for a sradnate stodent wtio should
spend all bis time on this work. ThU
year M. E. Miller is the holder cf the
soboralship. Be has spent the snmamr loTestl«uUn|r in large gae oonaarasof the week He has returned
aad the ebssaleal profeesors expect to
solrolhs problem with the aid or hU
Tbs object is to

Tbsre Is not almond of oonl. hard
or soft, for sals in Bsnton Harbor or
8k Josspb. aad dsalsrs bare refnsed
to SBlsnaln any ordsrs wbatersr.
Oas dsalar whs had plaosd aa ot^sr
for 40 oars recelrsd word yssterday

At Petoskey Manager Perry bae hie
large hotel open all winter for the no:ioB of gneete. Heretofore
D open only in the earn
TbU U n eignifioaat oommentar:
loo the
tbe grof
growing importaaoe of Petoekey
witoeas testified tlist he never saw
Mrs. Hargraree treat Hargraves with
Wise U tbe girl wboee eense of self anything but kindneea.
Tne wiuiess knew Mrs. Orlnnell
bat did not know that Hargraves vis
rigor aad there U alwa:
heart for yon. Jae. U. .
ited her. neltlier did be know Mra
bad beard her siKiken
Tbe Wexford-Lake dlstrlcs ooc
OB BomiBated Dr. Earl Fairbanks of
Lake oomnty on tbe third ballot for
Not Uonwi tor kifW.

len*s AxBioa Balee

will be mnto
tbe Boo oB tbe eteamet Illinois, learing this port at 9 o'clock next Sunday
The Uhnois
wiU make this port on tbU trip withoot faiL Tbe exonrsion will reach
here on tl*e retnm Wednesday morn­
ing at 7 o'clock, and smtee will be tbe
mme as on the last trip.
with local appUsatloBS. as they can
not rsaeb tbe seat of tbe dieeaee.
Catarrh is a blood or ooBstUnUonat
disease, and in order to cure it you
must take intsnml fomediee. Hall* •
Catarrh Core is mken iolemallr aad
nets dlreollT on tbe blood nod mnoous
Hairs catarrh Cure is not
a qaaok msdioiae. It was prescribed
by one of tbs best physicians in this
best tooios known, oomblnsd with tbs
best blood purifiers, noting dlrsotly on
the muoons surfsoss Tbe perfect oombtnation of tbe two iugredienU is
prodooss such wonderful rssulU
iring Catarrh. Bead for tsstlmo-

F. J. Cbensy & Co., Props.,
Toledo. O.
ml tbs pressot time. Many rosidsnlB
Bold by druggisU. price 76o
droTS Into tbs oonntrr Bondsy and
Halls' Family Pills are tbe best
bought all of the wood piles in sight,
paying 9k7» and 0tH*r cord.
THERE are other FouBtaln Pens b.w
sides tbe Waterman, but they don't
conn! mneh in any case, and not at
aU of yon want tbe VERT BEST.
eveb wuzf
For tale by Bugbes A Roxburg.

AWnnT'Rwic W


Wedneedar. Oot lek $5.00 fonud
trip to Toleao. good to return oo any
legnlar train until Kor. let 1901
D. L. 8. * M. 8. Mid DM. 8e. EMIF. A.


HOT $0Un mt»»r
Drtf St»r».

Q. P. A«t.


Breadmakers are often placed at sea
by the extravagant promises that are
made by manufacturers of some
grades of flour. Promises not al­
ways fulfilled. The lady’s salvation
depends largely on her own judge­
ment, which is. use the OKST


Tbo witasss tsotiiod as to tbs looatloB of tasboassiulatiratoUsdistaaes frbos tbs streets aad alloy,
boass. bs said, stood aboat U
from Oedsr street mA aboat 140
feet from tbe alley.
After witasss had opokea to Barfiaros tbs lattsr'asksd him to s(
la the kitchen store, wliicb Im
did. He found two etiekt of s
wood in tlie store with kindling aadsr
tnem. ready to light.
ilaass bed sssa Mrs. Hsrffrarss
nbont a week before that Ume. He
not seen any one going in or eomout and aerer saw any disturb. Mra. Lake snisred the sluing
I soon after witosee reached t
aad she mt on the ooneh beeids Hargtarae.
The witness knew Mrs. HnrgiaTSS*
XL It wae his pictnrs that
plaslied with blood. The pi
stood near whets it appsarsd ia tbs
ofiaph of tbs room, ^ioh was
ra tbe witness. Did not know or
aoy one else being in the hones e
Argraree and hie wife.
Tlie witosee wae then taksa by Mr.
Patch in for eroes examination.
The witossa saw a pool of blood oa
the floor. He dee rtbed the position
of the body «« the floor and euted
tlmt the door woold open about 1(
M. enough to admit him aidewiea
Wltoees did not know who was
most frequent risltor at the Hargraree
house. He aerer saw any trouble between them. Hargiurea appeared to
treat hU wife kindly. Be occasionally
risltod tlie house. Kerer knew Har­
graves to have any bad habits or low


tided that be met Depntv Oruyeoo on
Front street The Utter asked him to
a walk with him. They went
then to the Hargraves boost, where
Orayeoa searched tbe house Tbe
MS saw Orayeoa find the mw
handle under tiie woodshed eteps.
Oruyson took tbe stick to the office of
Dr. Chase.
The witness examined the baoale
and stated that it did not now look ns
boogh there was as mnoh blood on it
a« there was when it was found.
There were also bgirs on it at that
Tbe wiuii^ corroborated tbe teetllooy of Orayeon as to tbe manner of
the finding of the stick.
The witness did not remember
whether it was In tbe forenoon or
The court here adjourned for the
Dr. UaiW* TeMiaour Today.
Dr. Gamer took tbe stand this morn­
ing oa the op^g of tbe court and on
being qneetdlfd by attorney Pratt
euted that be bad been called to tbe
raves' hones on tbe morning of
tbe tragedy to assUt Dri. Chase aad
Evans in the autopsy. When he arriv­
ed he found the body of Mrs. Hiw*
graves oo the bed in the bedroom.
He notioed that portions of tne carpet
mtoiuted with blood, and that
there were spUshes of blood on the
lode. burean. walls and in fact
aU over tbe room. Tbe body of Mrs
Hargravee eras covered with blood,
parUonUrly tbe bead, tbe hair being
in a matted maaa Ko careful exam!Ml of tbe remains was made by
in the'bedroom. The body was
n to tbe kitobun aad laid on a
Uble, whore tbe autopsy sms perform­
ed. Dr. Oamer removed clothing
from tbe body, consisting only of a
woolen shirt and drasrers and blnek
■tockinga He sms not sore whether
leie sms a corset or nok
After the clothing sms removed a
lorough examination of the body
sraa made, oommenoing at the lower
exiremilica Bmises were found on
tbs legs, tbe lingers of the right band
flexed aad the right arm dislocated at
tbe elbow. A marked oontasion was
also found over tbe right eye. tne
skin nroond being disoolored and
lenandtbeorgsnoloeed. Oo tbe
book of tbe head were dieoovored a
Eier of oau in tbe eoalp. and n de­
ed fracture whiob penetrated tbe
eknlL The temporal bone sms fonnd
ave tosuim d a slight
e thrtut sras fonhd scratoned and
dioolored and tbe left side of tbe
larynx was punctured und orueh^
evidently from preeeure. Tbe lipe aad
m^ooos membrane of tbe month bad
amnmed a bine color. Tbe larynx
sras removed and found clotted with
blood and in n
TbU organ sras prodaoed and sras
praoHoally etili in Uiekame eon
mans on the throat, tbe
gbt, nay have bsM nude by
SB ftngera. bntbe eonld not be

Tbs snwknnila.MaBtfnB tesrit.
nsR aod with dbaaSdofnRigBify
log gloR bs ihonght bt oonld dIaesR
oAstiw to Its anilhoa with
dried blaod. Thenndsiniol
toown and leoevsiaad 97 tbe do>
tor and be prsnsesesd tbaatnina to be
bloadstolna Tbe sritnecs atatod that
atoiT to the larraz sras aaM
Tbe larynx be said

____^ on a hormit plan.
HaM novar atop for a frland(y amlla.
_ MtnidfladalonMinhIamoodyatyla
TW --Foroa- ona day waa aarvad to himStooa than thay oau him -Suimy Jim.-

. Gamsr said it would ba possikU
for tbs wonnds on Mie. Haigravee*
head to h%ve been Uflicted 97 tl>*
weapon Iprodneed in oonst. but the
nature of u sround srould depsud ia a
s oo tbe oburmtor of the blow.


of the srounds upon horeelf. but
tbe Injury to the larynx, she eoald not


Be also said it would be possible for
tbe srtmnds lobnve been oansed a
time by Mrs. Hargravee being
d by tbe throat and dashed ag
bard surfacev Tbe A
tboegbtil impoesibU that ^ Har­
gravee oouid have Uved more than
tew aeeonds at leaat after tba presaaie
la hU<

tbU injury <

tifiad that be bad kn
five years.
for life i
stated that be bad and that
apondent was rejeoled beoanse be laid
be sras eabjwt to epileptic flu.
ThU was about three years age
In rsspoBssto a question by Mr.
stobia, tbs sritaese sUted that it
us not unusual for an enlleptto to
commit deeds of violence during aa
epileptic attack and not know what be
bad done, or reaUse wbat be was
doing, being beyond tbe sway of rea** Would it be possible for n pt*reou
nnder each an attack to commit socb
crime at it is alleged caneed tbe
deathof Mrs. Hargraves:*'
Mr. Pratt objected to the question
Ksanse thU U a matter not brought
out on tbe direct examinatioo. tiie
propar time to brinz out this element
being under the defense and oot at
this time. While libereepoodeatmsy
have been subject to epileptic flSe^o
fact bad yet been brooght oot to show
that aooosed liad one of thes*-fiu at
that time.
The court allowed the queetitm to
stund. stating that it was not his de
sire to restrict the defense bat be allosred the proseoution to oroM exam­
ine oo the qoeetioo.
Tbe witness then replied that it
might be possible for eueh a crime to
have been committed during an .epiUpUo attack
The witnam could not from personal
knowledge state that tbe sight of
blood would throw a person subject
to suob flu into an epileptio state.
Tbe witness stated that it is a fact
known to medical science that tlie
preoantions of padding rooms and
ling comers of furoiture, U necr to prevent insane persons from
doing violence to themeelvea. It U
also knosm that Insane persons often
dUpUy great cunning In planning lo
injnrs themselves.
TmOmam, of caUTof
bhief of Polios John Rennie was
ill^ after tbe morning intermission.
Tbe witnem was called to tbe Hargrave bouM oa tbe morning of April
81st by tbe abmiff. He also fonno
Hafgiuvus lying on the oonoh in tbe
body of Mrs. Hargraves
and tbe nppeuranoe of the room, eubae deeeribed 9y other witle opoke to Hargraves after
Mrs. Lake bud left tbe mom. In refrom E. & Pratt
mlutive to wbat passed between tbe
witnem i
••John Rid: *Tbis U awful; it U
bad. Isa bad thing for me.' I said;
This is u bad deed, John, how did it
ippen?' *'
Here Mr. Patchln interposed an ob­
jection. arguing that any etatement
by the respondent at that time
not competent as be might have
nnder fear and excitement, and
was in the presence of an officer of the
Mr. Pratt f xpUined that tbe sUUmaat of Hargravee was not taken as a
miOD. but a statuxneni of fact.
wbioh was perfectly admUsaUe.
Tbe court overruled the objection.
Tbe witness then eUtwl that ne
held out no Indnoemenl |o tbe aoonsed
to make a statemwit. Mr. Bennie
then reUted wbat Hargraves told him
relative to wbat happened In tbe bedJobn said hU wife had called him
to help her to drees. After be bad as■Uted bar to get her underolothiog oo
she told him to build a fire in tbe
len. Before be bad oompUwd
Bg u fire bo breid a noire in tbe
»m. He resbod back and foned
Hnigrmvee on tbe floor in n vio­
lent eoDditlOD. 8b e exclaimed,
*Tbey*re after me!' Be rushed 0

rim. She mtaod him before obe bad
got on her foet and pulled him down
upon tbe floor, both faUIng together.
After a ecruggU be releueed himself
nadeeonpedte tbe cittiBgroore e
befeU nneoneoioue. Wbenben
et« d be wrel und oai d MruEleti
asked by Mr. Pratt wbat the raenlt of
mmb UOaries as tbaos tractnres Si
be noted emine
which loeeed Uko blood. Tbe etoine
Bright or ssigbt not eaasenneonse
ireplubi tobeeeen. Be uleo
no« or that tbaj Right or sigh
to tbe tiree the blood etotned doiblng

••1 bsT« Istely Uen using’Fores* aad find tt tbe meet peUuble of say
owerifiMdlbsvet^evtrledrVhecadytreobUrith liaUiailt Is eodehetuus
one never knows when to stop caUag.
-------> M .D.. Dartkmur. Mess.**

blood oo tb, door ud .plubM on tfa.
walls and fnralture. The frame of
tbe picture rested against, tbe com­
mode but the picture wui lying on
tbe floor.
The witness testified that Omyson
found the iron nttaobment to the rew
handle wbiU he (the witsere), Gray­
son and Mr. CroUcr were at tbe Bargraves bourn together.
On tbe cross examination tbe wttness told of his aoqnnintunoe with tbe
ng’s 4-«>i
r-s physl.
y. from
end died. ws. c
sixty feet long.

epiHurlng la

been! before a *^Tialn judgr
The rhirf witness w»« n w
who ap|iear«ri to tcv-tlfy to tbe sUejted
.Now. nuidsm.” Is-gan the K.
reiMut the slanderous s
.-rends nt on this
lb.- d.-remlsnt



spiiesred to be sn epUeptIr lit. At
“t>h, they ar
other limes he would spperently be
normal. The anln|iey showed Ibsf tbe ble iB-rson to Inwrr
«s s\,e l<n.k.d IndlimsDlly at
tofieworm bed distended tbe organs
and caused such twessnrr on the ten­ tbe hnrrist«-r. ,
Then. ’ «.ui the K. r .-..-.xlngly
dons and ligaments connected with the
Just nhisiHT il>eiu t<
dUtresmd on tbe morning of tbe al­ spinal column and eplnal cord that tbe
leged crime. He told the witoere
that he was relied in the morning by
his wife, as be was late.
The defense wont over again tbe
testimony of the witness relative to
the struggle in tb.- bedroom but nothiog new was bmught out
The witncM accompanied Grayson
to the jail when be showed the rew
^Continued on fonrth page)


lichitol uad t'BlqM i

Addreaa of . weloome-Mra. Edgar
Responae-Prot L B. Gilbert.
Vocal aolo-Mlm Ballantyue, with
ucoompaniment by Mrs. Gilbert.
Talk oo Missionary Curios-M. R
Talk by Rev. D. Oochlin.
Vooal aolo-Mre Howt. with ueoompaniment by Mrs. Gibert,
At the conclusion bCthe pregfum
the gueau found tbeir original boatand boats, and
ebooolnte und wafers were served.




HiV: ;u-i




of the public schools last evening, ia
church parlors, and a very picasevening was spent 9y alL The
dieted with
room .was eUborutely
flags of aU nations, from tbe O. E.
of M B Holley, and was urrangod to carry out tbe idea of a stutu
C. E. convent Ion. Ksch oommittea bud
special part of tbe oooventioo
work assigned to Uiem. The gnaata,
oa entering, were met by a rreeptlon
committee, aod after tbeir wrapt were
laid aaide, were eaoorted to tbe regiatratioa table, where reoh was given n
card with her name in gold lettering.
From here they were taken to the
kslgnment Uble, where each was
given a ribbon badge, the color de­
termining which oommittee they
should first be taken to. T^uboya of
the IntermedUle aociety acted as
When all had arrived and been aaaigned. the guesu of each oommitte
naked to move to another oummikle. later In the evening reveral
being oomMned. In thia
aU beoame thoroughly
With the members df the aociety and
with each other.
Later a program was given, every
number of which was thoroughly ened. It was as follows:
iolln duet. Miss Bessie Fulghum
and Master Louis Holliday, with
piaao acoompunimant by Mias OUre




r Traverse City Sun<Uy, October 5ih, at 9 o’clock a. m.,
arriving in Traverse, City Wednesday morning at 7 o’clock.
Daylight run through the Soo River - one of the fmcsl tripa
on the Lakes. Tickets can be porchasc<l now at Dock Of­
fice and berths resened. Those intending lo take this trip
should procure their tickeU not lalcr than Friday, the 3rd.



Our Clothing


Wc cannot afford to sell
trash. We cannot afford'
to deal otherwise than
honorably by every body.
We are in business to
stay, and our ambition
continually spurs us on to
greater effort. As the
representative in this city
of L. Adler. Bros. & Co..
Rochester - made, ready
to wear, we are able to
furnish our customers
with the handsomest and
most reliable make of
clothing that is anywhere
produced. Many of the
most particular men hcic
are wearing it and they
will tell you that it is just
- as satisfactory to them as
clothing which they have
hatj^made to measure at
W—-*““^doubIe what they have
paid us. We like to sell
“Adler" made clothic*
b^use it means greater
reputatkm tor us.


e Wilhtlm


Cor. Troatoaiaaioo.




' : ' '..i'

i uU
Biak or
■1^ to

to tbo

AM «t tiM dtapoMl of tbe »rmot A
pony WM IU<W op. tocJ«Un« Mr. MardDdalc's 6AUghttt LUx aod licr flaocc.
Om aftcnoM vlOla tke pkaaore
mmkjen wwn kmaflnf oo tbe qturttr
Me la wkte chair* Mr. MartUaUi*

*TlMr« ar* Tarioot kind* of conic
M.- miA Hmk. -^ttcrius iu weight
trem a few ponod* to •eieral too*.
The ortofW^ or ei«lit l«sied tUh, U noC
fdoad la the lars«t aUe. It 1* the
•QOld. with hi* too ama or trotaclea
that fiowa to the grMtert oiacoltoda.
Two or bl* anna differ arraUf la
ooiBOttoao orer fonj feet la leoath.
whUa tho aborter are oolr elereo.
-What a terrlflc moonerr- raclaliaed
Ulr Manladaie. aboddertoc.
Tba animal.- rootlnned the proTfoaor. “rarelx more* farward, prohlmaelf backward b/ drlrln* oat
of defetiae 1. a larife
qoanmj oT^ck ink, wblrb be expel*
from hla body at the approach of dan
ptr. doahtlcoa wltb the expe<latioQ of
comwaltnc bimadf.#
-Will wo aee anj of Ibeoe Urre
ooaar aakod Ward.
•W# are ffoln# wb«e tb4 i*«' e
found.- replied Book.
A few dajra Uter tbe yaebt
abonadloff l
at bad b«^ liafled reported
hannx aeeo a few very lanrr
aa none had come tu the surface no
correct Idea could l*e fcArmed of ihdr
•lae. It wa* not long before all except
Profeaaor ttoak tlnd of looking at tbe
amall apeclmena tbai were caught and
turned their atteollob to aucb amuaetneots aa are to be found on board a
yacbL Tbe banka of Newfoundland
ar* noted for lUb, and nnlilnB wa» the
order of tba day. I*rofe*ni.*r Iioak miboxed an eoorrooua aunglawi. awung lu
a plToUl frame, and tlxei! U to tbe
CUBwale. Then he threw th«* Avincrn
tratod raya of tbe aun far down Into
tba water to k»<A for aiKHdiucna.
when tbe wind bad
away and the beat
was cooaiderable aU the ynebtamen
aara tbe lover* and tbe profesaor i

' waa working with bla auug
curred to UJy Martlndale. wlio waa a
rentureamno girl, to move out on to
tba bowaprit. Hbe bad not lime to get
•afaly seated wlibn then- waa a lerrUlc
tog oo ber Unc. and. b-lng her Ulaoea. abe fell overboerd Tbe hooked
Bab swam away with tbe line, which
waa wound about Mlaa Uly. dragging


reap.i. <L*.i with tha allagod orima in
nny way.
Tbm tha larynx wna alao offer d in
eridanaa and the dafenae objected oo
tha ground that there had been noth­
ing to allow that the reapondent wa*
raapooaibla for tha Inj ary that the avldanee tended to ahow. Tbe court orermlad both abjeotiona and the dafenae
noted e*oepliaA.r.
Mr*, rior* Lake** T**ilwoar.
Mr* Lake waa ooe ofrtbe peraoni
eallad to tba BargrmTM Wne on the
morning of April Hat.
Tbe wltoam knew Mra. Il.irgravti
aareml yeara ago. when ahe waa Mra
Murrell, and
tha aoqoaintsnoa a year ago. ^'itoeaa atalad that
when the tried to enter the bedroom
it would open only aboot 6 or t
Incbea 8h* moked through the open
ing and mw the body on the floor,
daw a great qnantUy o. blood and
Mra. HargtoTM Igy in a large pool ol
blood, and appaotod to be dead.
Whan aha turnad hack ahe mw Har
grarea on the ooacb.
Mrs. Lake mid in answer to qnaa
tiona by Mr Pratt tiiat aha wna ono*
np ataira In Hargrarea* houae and liad
made tba bed In one of tba badroomi
there. Tba next time abe aotered
thia room waa during tlie autopay oc
tba morning of tha dmU. of Mrs. Har.
graTea when aha and othera ware rvqoaatad by Mr. Pratt to racala down
ataira. Witoem notioed tbe bed on
ihla oooaainn. and it had tiie appearanoe of haring been oooupled. 8be
nlao mw Mr. ami Mra Hargrarea on
8andayerenlng preceding tbe tragedy,
between 5:80 end «KX) p. m. Both Mr.
and Mra Hargrarea complained ol
ibea on thia night Mr.
I only about ten minntai
nothing unnaual in the
She nator mw Mr* Hargrare* allv*
after thU. and did not **m- Mr Hargrave* again ontil tne next morn inn
when ahe mw him on the oooch.
^ritncaa apoke to Mr. Hargrarea ai
thia time but toderad DO anawor. \U
didn’t aaam to understand She mb
bad Mr-Hangaraa’ tomplaa and wrlati
baeanae abe mid that waa tbe treat
ment Mra. Bargrarei bad aatd aht
oaed when Mr Hargrave* had eplh-p
tio flu, which abe mid her huabam!




r'; •

niOkMwmwetk far Hilsr

(Oimtf Id tnm third png»|
andU io Hmsmrm Md aafc>ad tba to.
U daaanHiic the blood alnUo ohool application of electric power to
tha bodroM tba wltMm atotod poMtitoiythatthm* wm no blood on th*
o of tha eommodo, but on oootb- garded ae novel or
orport «of It.
Uve; m6s Frank U.
Magaslne. Tbe cm
tod that ha nmtotod in an exnmlid offer an otiject
« of toe room for tba purpoaa of
ag out if Mrs. Bargnroa might worth carefulI atody U lu the a
have reoelred bmr wounds by ihlUng bmoty. tbe arcbltrctuml charm onfl
aeoae of fltneaa which they have tmTba witoom mid whoo Onjnoo lortod to the autlona, tbe hrldgea and
bowed the reopooihaal tho mw hondla rven the ordinary overhead vUdoct
aectloo* of tbe new road. In Germany
he wi^ n-kod him Vhocould
of public uate ar*
throw nny U|ht open tha crime Tba never permitted to be neglected or foi^
mapcmdmit daid ho did not want tp gotten. Where tbe new Berlin lln*
.Mh to the oOeer. booanae thay poaae* through a public square It to on
soUd and artistically designed mason­
flaw lS*"p«aoooiloo offarad the ry, Tbe above ground atatlona are of
mw ImndU and plaea of iron na rrl- atone, ati'el and gUaa. no two aUke,
but each ai.eclally di-slgned to At not
only tbe rwiulnamenta of traflto otthat
point, hot the adjacent building* as

•ye waa following tbe focnaed rays of
tbe aun, excised:
-Alien! Alleor abHeked tbe girl
-Boak! Here! Quick!" cried Ward
inatoad of jumping aft.-r bl* llanree.
What bad canaed tbe pmfcwwr** ex­
clamation waa a ten armed rutUellab
laxUy awlmmlng toward tbe yacht.
Uklng Iu everytbliu: In tin* ahaiA of
food that came In Ita way. Hwnliowl
Mlaa Uly** bait. It rnove.1 along the
ymcbt'a aide from stem to atem
dlaUnce of about thirty feel, towing
tba poor girl who waa aiiataliied by WM with him. at the request of aomi
atr under bor jteulcoaia. It waa not one, whom ahe did not remember
long before tbe flab nwcUml a point oiv 8be did not bathe hia hand* or face.
In reply to Mr. Patebin, witnea
atated that ahe flrvt begmi to oall oi
lump for Mlaa Martlndale. bl* *econd
Mr*. Hargrarea in September anc
to find aom* mean* to paralyxe ‘
that Mra. Hargrarea ofton oompUio
cuttleflkh and detach her. Aa
monster floated under tbe focuaed edof berbuaband boing away. 8h<
rays, bla graat arm* moving languidly alao tbranteoed <« oua oooaion to gt
like the oars of a drlfUng man of war's and jump in the bay. aa the had loa
boat. Boak. catlmatlng for the ivfnir her boaband’a affooHon aod there wa
tloo of tbe water, tunied the my* nothing for ht r to live for. , Anothe
•trmlght into tbe flab a right
time aba said abe had a rerolTer an^
Btoatly a black cloud K*uitl from tbe
would blow out her brolua She ala
great oral l»ody, and In bw» than
at anotber time told witnaas that Join
minute the water alwut It waa
buck aa Ink. This the pri.fc*»or bad had looked up the revolver ao alie
oould not hurt herself. Mr*. Lake
not calcuUltsl u|ion. The fldi.
•rtous of flangrr. had pl*«t'.l line
said that Mra Hargraves often oame
tba defensive, and now tluit It
to her bouse when ber husband was
larlslblo tbe work of detaching Uly •way at night, onoe aa late aa mid­
waa more dlftcall than ever.
night. On one of theae vlaiU ahe bad
inaced In poaltU.n to be ii«mI nt any
moment waa a gigantic net of amnll thrown beraelf again*! the door casing
and telrphone box. enuing her bead
wire cable atrnnd.. with apiuiratu*
and drawing blood, and waa prevented
throwing It. it wa* on Inveuiion
from further injuring herself by the
Professor Husk and had lM*en c
atmeted and fixed to tbe yarht** ■
witneaa Mrs. Lake and Mra Har­
for tbe purpose of taking ainvlm
graves were alone oo thia night. Witof Urge cuttleflah. 7'be captain of
neks atau d that oo some of them viaraefat bad come ap. and liu*k. |m>Iui
ito Mr*. Hargraves would become very
to tbe iiil cloud in tbe water, signaled exeiied and pace Uie floor and cry.
. The i^ptaiu
the net l-y a Mr*. Lstke thought that Mr*. Har­
ver. gu
grave* wa* of a jealous diapoanioo
oecood lerer a* It fell, covering tbe i
face at tbe Ink cloud, where the net and Itad never heard her complain of
by Mr. Hargraves other
aank out of sight. Mt^nwtiUe. Husk,
drawing hi* pocketknlfe. JuiuimkI into
Bing away from Lome
tba ocean, swam for Ml** Martin
cut tba flabllue and iKire her
ya^ where they were drawn on
hoard by one of tbe crew.
The cotUeflab Ucked water with
inch force a* to tear the net In many
ptaem. bat was held until It could l>e
klllad. It vrMfbad two tend a half tons,
» auted
and lit loofar teotaclea war* fnrtyee waa
the yacht rrturnW! to port
indioating that dealh had
tfrarr waa a cbauft la tba matrimonial baes enued by choking, in hia opiff.
procramma. Mlaa Lily Martlndala ion. though be would not state poti•ara bar flanea tba -dead cut" durtnf
tbt ratura voya«a. and wban abe tively whioh had eanaed 'Slath. tbe
wounds to tbe head or eboking. In
hla opinion, howmr. it waa the latter which iroaltod fataUy.
OBtKUhBM UvD M>tr T*ar«.
A gang of men were put to work on
Oatiirhaa liva to tba aya of al»oul
sixty taara: It ha* l»aan found that Front atneel today, starting at Park,
and going the length of the pavement.
tbe etlmate of tbe Paclflc aut
•r Cap* ConceiKdon U at
wHh brooms and the street cleaning
•daptod to tbe Afrimn oatrtrh. The parai>hcrnalia necessary to give the
balmy rilmale of ('allfoml* penuiia
street a thorough cleaning.
ii daoBaod and range In value from See-Chimes” oi Normandy” Friday
flO to 1100 a pound. No more easy
at City Opera House.
•ccupaUoD can be eoterrd Into, and
Mrs Wm.



friends, in the!

which a 1* act.
Tbe whole maaagenieut of the enterprlMf from aurt to finish lllnatrate* tba
wla.-. firm control which tl*e munidpalily t.f Ib-rlJn maintain* over corporatious which SKk for fram hlK*-* at Ita
band*. Aa one example among many
other* of the result of such control tbe
wesn-m bram h of the new line from
tbe Nollendorfer plat* to riiarlottenhurg pa«*e* through a
of broad.
linmlNoue iMmlevanl* In the new and
cholt'est rwJdem-e |Mirtlon of the city.
There was abundant rtxun for a via­
duct along tbe broad «'eniml esplanade
lH>twe«-n tbe driveway*, and to have
built it a* surli w«>uld have aaveil millinn* of mark* But the ov»rl»ead rou
aimctiou, however artistically *b**igned. and tlu nwr ami ni*h'of train*
would have defaced *uch a nelgblwrIkk*<1. Tbe c»*inpnuy waa.
tHmiiH lIed to lower the grade from
Nollendorfer plat* w«suward. un
run Hie Uuilevard and kep out
sight and le-aring thenct f..rward «
reaching Hie ultimate teniiinu*
In running ihX* tuuml |m*t the


The Lady Bn&loes wiU meet in
Tbe We-que-to^Ctob House bas
tfadr ban tomorrow erennig at 7 JO
o’clock. AHmembcr» are mged to been efatod far the ttowm. Although
be present m there it busmem ofim- the wenther this fommer has been
very cold and untottled thishasbeen
ooe of the moM sooccssfoi seasons in
thkhmory of the Qub. Tbe mem­
excmikm to the Soo,
bership roO has been increased to 186
and the weekly entertainments have
ed both «eU UKI happr. though aotne
were to indnjtriow that they regrett-

The infam Child Of Mr. and Mii.
I.D. Hobto. died last evening and
was buried this afternoon. The little
one weighed bat two and a half
pounds at birth.
Miss Lorena Pennington went to
Interlocben this morning with a stock
of hats for Mrs. Bene Place.
Martin Brown of Leland returned
from Crmid Rapid, yesterday.
Mist Roth E. EUswonh. a graduate
nurse of Ann Arbor, is visiting Mbs
Ada L. Waters,
Mits Mamie Campeau left >TSter.
day morning for a visst in Toledo.
Prof. DeCommerce’s calico hop
will take place this evening in the
.\n members are urged to be pres­
ent at the meeting of tbe Knighu ol
Pv’thias this cv’ening as the matter oi
having an opera put oo by George F.
Knowles and Mi« CaropbeU wiU be

A number of repairs and improve­
ments have been made this season
and it it hoped that next season wiU
aee the booK put in the condition it
For some winters past, after the
bouse wmckMed.h was broken into
and walls defaced, windows broken,
and depredations in general cow
ted. canting oo little expense to put it
into diape again. The directori of
thednb have decided that tbt -fuU
penalties of the Uw shall be meter
out to any parties detected in enter
ing the house without permistior
from the directors, Victor MonUthe house and grounds.
Should any oi the stockholders desire to enter the building, by applying
to thc president or secretary permis­
sion may be obtained.

Detroit—WTieai. 72 and 724; c®”'.
61; oau 88
The city football team will prac­
Chicago-Wheat. 69j|; com, 484;
tice tomorrow evening at the comer oats. 81i; pork. $15.16; lard. $a824
ol Seventn and Pine sueeu.
Every and $8.26J.
member of the team should be on
E. F. Gallagher of the Traverse
The schooner Burt Barnes is at tKe City Gas Co. is in the dty from Ionia.
Ott dock taking on a largo of edg­
ings for Manitowoc.
Music lorar* q| tbe city •» looking
Dr. W. F. Slrangways, formerly asfarward with plcnaure to tbe preaeotatioD of ’’Ohimea of Kotmandy” by
throat to the Oiica^o Poljxlinic
Gfaorge r. Know lea nnd Mias Bemie
totad byaoomDiana. Mr. Koewle*
but the engincr* and w.arkn.rn ,.-r. | be confined to those organs.
*ererei1. That whole iMH-tlon of the
line ia now flnl*h«'d. the exeavated
rhamiel la walled. r»H'fe.l with earth
nwllng on steel girtb-r* and arche* of
masonry and surfacr-d with gravel«<d
walks, to l-e plnnt.Hl with *hade tre<-*
a* l>efon* the work iM-gaii.
Je^el’a ^rUt-ery ef m nluth Sewer.
Dr. Javnl of the Fn nch Annli-my of
M.illoim*. w ho i* ►Igliih-K*. d.-nl.-N that
natmv- ix.miHni^itt-» l.lliuln.-?-- I.y Ui

Star I.ln»T Ht-drlr. wa*
"Chiincs” U City Ne«


l.IhMl an
libue- in n ►Ixih w-u*4.. whh l. I* latent
in nil i* i>..n^. Thi*
whirh ha*
l-ell calhtl the
of uU%X»vh'^. art*
I y ih«* i*T»N-|»!lon of <>-rtaln warm nnd
liuh flnlt** vitiraiiun*. The M'lit
M-iiM* l-( lM*lii*v«<d to lit* {ilan-d

thrti fiimou-^ inutioii of Bniml. .
It I* not. liow«-v«T. *att’sfBHor
only Ten dnv* ago The knI*or MTIIwlrn II. hi not *o huge. !i,.l.-i-.l. a*
the I i-Alrie Mil *iie 1^ imx>ui|>aral.I>
I seventeen. The'day*
Kncland owned the fastest


the Korestera ia ordered not to receivo <
tM last day of each

1678 »t

Dr. .V H. HoUiday as Henri
••Chimes”. Friday night.

the iH^nn: «'
In the world

A. lloUHO . *omo diffinili
ill Hie far im’.uHi.
where It 1* wortli only nUmt 1(> i
a lifliTel
TIm* l.unier ii.*i i.nly g
nt«n g«* for e»»ii*iumpHon. but di
*UnultaiHH,u*ly the n*iih.nlt eoniF
In the crude oil. This aKpImlt 1* v
nearly $3 a barn l

man flag, and
R vHr>* sorry For floors use Oalman’s Elastic
floor varnish
flgun*. cA cn f t he ehlpplng tnwf* v.w*el* are ns-koinMl n* N Ing what they
Hear dem
What bcDs,’
lely llrlHi
ide I* lei
-Chimes of Normandy,” Friday
the line* uhWh mvr
night, ________________
of ndvertiarmeiu*.—Umdon Mnll.

d ’.Chimes of Normandy” Citv Opera
»rth I House. Friday. Oct 3.

liracs" Friday night.


W. CLIFKE baa just received
oorl^ of tbe aoDg “Juat go ’way
and let me sleep.” which baa been

muaio writer.
j Sec Geo. F. Knowlc* as ’‘GasjMud”
in-Chimes.” City Ojicra House, Dan Loudon as Grcnichcaux
-Chimes,” Friday night.


Wc arc pleased to announce that we have completed ar­
rangements by which we are made exclusive agents in our
city for the new “Dorothy Dodd” Shoe that is now caus­
ing so big a sensation all over the country.
. “Dorothy Dodd” shoes arc remarkablefor more than “dis­
tinctive beauty” and “faultless fit.”—they arc built upon
specifications furnished by a woman who has made a study
of women’s requirements. They are a woman’s idea of
“the perfect shoe.”
All the knowledge and facilities of this house have been
exerted with a view to testing the claims of the “Dotothy
Dodd” Shoe.
We find that it not only possesses “that subtle something
thatdifts it above the common place,” but that it is so eas­
ily superior in all the points of beauty, of fittipg qualities
and of value^thai wc give it our unqualified (nd^emetit.

Our First

**Dorotby Dodd** Openind Display


Tiiday and Saturday, Oct S-4
Yout attendance upon that occasion will afford us pleasure
and you tbe opportunity to see these much-talkedof shoes.
$4,000 are to be distributed in prizes to wearers of "Dor­
othy Dodd” Shoes.
ask for rARTicuLARs



tin Boston Store



rowto oTthe smm» ^ evoiac.
nierewin be a meeting of tbe


We are offering a very, desirable
and pretty line of Prairk 6raaa
yamitur* at Factory Prices. Come
in And make selections now, while
dur stock is large, w w w w






lor everybody

You’d think so when you sec the stock. This is
cloak weather—there’s a snap to the a*ir—there’s
a snap to the business. This department is right
on the jump just now, and such values as these
will keep it jumping.

Cadies* 27 inch Jacket
Made of good quality Kersey, lined throughout
with good mercerized lining, storm or coat col­
lar—Caster, Navy. Brown .and Black ^

Cadies* 27 inch Jacket
All wool Kersey, good serge lining, strapped and
stitched storm or coat collar—cannot O
be matched, all colors only...................... U-UU

Cadies’27 inch Sachet
All wool American Woolen Mills Kersey, full
satin lined, finely tailored — Tan, Caster, Navy.
Cardinal. Brown and Black. Small dealers would
have to get Siooo for such a coat—at ^
this store...........................................................
• •tJK/
Same coat with more work at $8.50.

Cadies* 27 inch Jacket.
Best all wool Kersey-;-made up in five different
styles—Skinner’s Satin Lining—the best coat on

........ 10.00-

in Dress
Exists more largely in
The making of • what one
wears than many are inclin­
ed to admit. It is often said
that a fine figure can wear
anything, but there is no
figure fine enough to ignore
cut and finish in suits and
wraps. The makers of the
WRAPS, while recognizing
the value of high class mat­
erial and using them, lay their especial claim to
consideration on the fact that no line of ready
made garments are of so modish design and so
beautifully finished.
c suit here
ucic illustrated
utU9WAtc:vi is
so thoroughly
VAiuiuu^tiiy aiuefti
and1 sensible as to win its way any whcrc.'Of cxccllcut and finish, they come in black, navy
and1 fancy mixtures and are suiuble 1 pi OO
onu occasion—Price ................. lO.UU
for any
Others at $10 to $35.

Fresh Air for the Babies!
1$ essential to their health and a Go-Cart is
necessary (or their comfort. We have just
pUced on our floor a beautiful line of............

Recliniiffl 6o*0art$
In all the Newest Styles, in handsome de­
signs and rich upholsterings. heavy sti»l ‘
geat^ enamel finish, rubber tired wheeb,
rubber hub cap, patent foot brake, adjustable
foot and back at prices from

$11.25 to $25.00
Your OrodlWIo Oooa.




■to widlihil


maloQ wfck bfaiastf. It pasa wttbanf
aaytog that to la la lam. and Jim waa
teak to hlamslf. at Isaai oa that qaaa-

s*askd witb PncKtt tbe
New a^nbSc Hu Wade.



ABhoagh aa dadalta ttea tod bam
iaad apoB formaa Klagaler^ 4
tara. Bortae OH laadacMrely that tor
atay waa caodag to aa and. Ttofo
of farrwea li
Jto teMTt^^Of
»• mMcmm tor bU tomdoei tmn to
tteKwMltoM«r- sraa ooKy aix weoko old. to dataraMai
to tako tto deoperata otap. Bow.

tofd faf«<d. tto atrm, that marUort of
tto kltrbm. tto acouira of laxity, waa
a mlUkm rriuovaa from Motto, tbe appla ctoatod. tbe amlllag. whb
arlactiliir ta tor ryra aad tbr cdbm
oaberllpa. Bortofi tbooabt tto rb

Wtol woodar. ttoo. that ibiao or four
oraalnffa laur. wbwi Borton waa raUr
lac tto bom aad fuobd MoOie to tto
doaky baU U^btlaa tto Ump. boat
tlptm tbat dimpM cbto aad klaa tto
tonuay IJpal
•-niara for your good looka, M<4to.«
to aald and want utiaufra tbrer atc|«
at a time, la the nor be bmrd a
atlfiad abrlak that dird away to a aoft
cbuckla. Aa be drraMd to amlkd
compUemUy at bituaclf lu tto glaaa.
Bartoo dlord oat that evenlac. At
breakfast aext luomluc to fouad a
acrood Manila. Ura. Uiwdon apiiarr matter worth
other matters
iDd. Turutne to brr bastoud.
*^Jlm must illue borne this
1 want him to mt^rt Etta.
ton, •*ta my cooal
atay wltja us tore for i^mdtitb or two.
8to Is a charming girt. Yoo U like b«w
awfully. Jim. Now. to aure and to to
dme for dliioer*
Bnrtoa was iwlltely Interested. Ms
did not look forwsnl to tbe prospect
With any great J<»y. Mrs. Lowdon*a
friends were usually a duty to blm
and torolred more attemion than to
waaattlmiw wlUlngtoglre UIs meettag wftb EtU Kingsley that r\rntng.
bi»werer. pul matters at once on an en­
tirely different footing. lUrely bad
her Uugb fontold pleasant thlngm.
Her amlle «rss wunetltme In reaerry.

lie waa a little alow, a trifle Im*

op. Tto nmatic waa oat of tbe qocoOoa. tto flippaat too extrema oo tto
oCbcc Mde, tto abrupt too uawtac. tto
roundabout beyugd bis compasa.
Ttorafors to planoad wbai to toUered
to toa alyla of bis own.
Aa waa phiylag tto plaaoL lit
laanlag negligently at tbe aide.
1 puppaaa you art looking forward
to tto apaaliar of tto grand opora
aoar to laqalrod. with deiitisrati
tontkm to dlscwrer tto date of tor de-


-Ko; that U one of my dlaapi
menta. 1 leave oo Monday.Jim araa alloDt for awhile. It waa
part of bla plan.
-1 atoll to Tiry aorry. It Is a ptty
yoB will not rmnain to New Yo^ altogetber - -Thank yoa. You are very kind:
bia. with a frank amlle Into bla ejra.
Laconcertad Jim aomewtot. Ue bad
axpectod a reply with a -why” to IL
lie tried It again.
-I wlab you could remata.-But I can l.-




-1 aboold like tto right to keep you

Mrs. Mundiy of Ctmlral park is not a
wash tady. but a bipj^.puumus. says
the New Y«irk Time*. She lives In a
tub. th/refure. or something like one.
and she has a male uamM CalljOi mud
a baby hlin»o uamed l/>tus. The’re­
doed. and 1 think I would like to ac- moval of the family fn.iu suniimT to
}t you-now. keep your dlaiance. winter ijuarters made a scene to'w hich
aae-irpathos and comedy w«re oddly min
If! Yes: If whatr
If you comply with the condlllona.
pmnuilr. prate of |.IIcl,fort£. lu
Doyoudrtnkr ..
lb. luinte of Ihr ki»p.T. I'.llpK murh
-No.against bis will, was luUured to tako
••Ooud! You don’t atay out late at up bl* qmirttv* In tin- Hon liouw* tank.
nigbtr '
Then more i.hkI* fun-k-d Mr* Morphy
•No,to Join her male. The trouble tame
-Excellent! And. 1 tuidmuc. If 1 mar­ w hen IxJtuA who Is n very likely child
ried you. you’d never kiss tbe maUr’
and has tM*ver |h^*u iiart«'d fn.m hi*
-Nercrr aald Jim feoentlj.
mother, wa* pu^lu a s«-|inrnte Inuk.
uy a liere you are. plenae. Have
The tartwvisl Mr*. Murphy oisue,!
you ever 1 iaaed tbe maWr
wide biT «wv«nious jaw* and <*omWhat! Kiaaed berr cried Burtou philmnl blutvly. She tbrasbul nlsMit
M todlgnaUdu at tbe Impu- wililiy aud Is-llowed llk.< n huge cow
in rigb
tatlon oo hU taste.
lobUHl of Its calf and sllog' ther be­
-No! Mollle. 1 mean I hear she ^
haved with su<h feminine lemiwstuvery attracU%e glrl.”
he very Hons grew unBurtoo was atiout to floumW Into i easy. The
irlug of the Hull* only
confession and an exiiUnatloh. but i
«Vk-d mothiv mure frauEtta’a eye aaved him. -.No.’
8he plunged m.^v madly and !*el
he declared aiouily. -| never kiaao^ low«sl more loudly, while IsMu* added
MolUc. I klaaoil your
Hell I her to hlagrms.,(
-1 torer debited up that klaa against
lU that they <
your character.” abe told him. -be.
i* mmudi'd id
cauae I knew from tto way you did It at mlduighl.
that It waa tbe flrat attempt,” i
And now JU

tbe most paibetJc friendshipa
HP existed tolwivb animal*. In tbia
certain mine there was a cat w Uleb bad
Uved to the uud,-rgTouud siaMcs for a
great number of years. It was alwaya
to to found 111 the staU toluoglng to
old donkey when the auUual waa
resting from its tabors aud would very
often sccomi-tiy the fmkey lu lu
working joumeya a mile uiidiTground,
One day. owUig to tlA carelessm-sa
of lU driver to unloading lu the i»our
iM*vere alralu
nd was unable after to do Ita dally
work. For nearly a couide of we<*ka
to agony lu Its atabie.

For tto protivtlun of
»e Chloigo aud Northwi-*iem rt«d
may U- fort^xl to huul a bridal car on
one of It* ea*tl»ouiid tniiu*. says a
dl*i»ati*h from rrt> iiur!. III. ThU train
B iiumtHTiHl l.’s; and leavtw this city
very wwkda^ evening at 0:15 aud
arrives lu t'hleago at IU;10. It has
iK-en e*tlmat«M .tliat thU train carries
wetbUug iiartles niid bridal fuilrs
any oihtT ston run train tu tto
middle we*t.
’Tlieiv wa* stn-wii on tbe 0ts»r of the
ir the oils r day suffleleni rhT to fill
bushel iiM-nsure, aud the iiaekage
racks were hung with old slnWof evy sloe and kixid. The seats and the
udowa wen* festtioucd with white
.iH.ns. aud at eaeh station there
would come In through the o|>en wlusht»wcrs of rii'e and handfuls of
ctawlars setting forth tbe tasrX
s i^ly wiHliU**! |*alr were about

would drive It away, but It would
atealthlly attal back agalu. and when
the donkey died aa a rvsult of Ita in­
juries tto cat began to bowl pltirnlly
und wrould not be comfortiHL
this reason tto cowpaur thinks
Hut tto climax came when they
ere taking the doukey’a carcasa to It would to a gmsl plan to loa<I the
tbe surface. Tto cat began to scratch blissful ivairs lu oiw .*ar. which would
and fly at tbe men who were removing to i»roi»erty tatotol aud dectiraled aud
here ordinary |iaas<*DgerB would not
It to aucb an extent that It had to be
c unceremoiflously disturU*d

portant and ploaaanllj w rious. They
talked books. pU>s. Imelnoss and
borm Mlaa Kingsley was from Kentacky. It was a botcbiiotib of ronTaraatkm. llunou felt that be had ac­
quitted blms.‘ir melU l.m there llugered an uneasy consciousness that
Mlsa Kingsley was •‘guying” blm when
to talked up to tbe dlgully of bis thlrty three yrars,
-You moat be awfuMy prim. Mr. Burtoo,- abe remarked suddeoly. apparaotly atgopua of nothing in iiarUcular.
-Prlta!'* to echoed. momrnUrtly shakon out of bta aeir I
ft; I
iioaa! Why do you think that
•^h. I dou i know. It Just
tbrongb my mind that you never do
anything fiivolous.”
Mra. and Mr. Ix>wdon Uughfd. and
Barton, a faint tint on bis face, looked
at bis plate and laughed t«i.
A firw daya later
four went to
tto theater. On tbe way borne Mlaa
Klngaley waa frankly condemnatory
of tto pUj. -Tbe tonx" ahe told Hurtoo. -waa to begin with, a fo<d. and to
tto next pUce rm aOPe be wasn't Imlf
aa good aa be waa pictured. There
areut aueb men lltlng o6w. except It
be to Kentucky. Mm who pretend to
that aort of standard there are to plen-

obUee of tbe^nteruatlonal club at
tadeo Baden. a pig race waa held
be Ifitabeim race course. Tbe pigs
were trained by being fed once daily
foe a fortnight at a certain ajmi cn
tbe race course. On tto day of tto
event tbe antmsls were let loose by
artPT (allaa swlncberdi a few
pacea from the feeding
toward tto
arranged according to tto rrgula
of tbe turf, and each pig was palmed
Ua own color-red. grreu. blue body
aad yellow head. etc. Tbe slgbt was
IntensHy amoalag and one not uaslly

elves Ckeek to Cmm^mmy amO WUt
The memlK'rs of Jneksou
mm Engine
comi»ony. a vuli
auUatlou of
Tarrytown. N. \\, the ottav nighu aayi
country scat. Khe gave a chi*ck
for «PH) to to sddtnl to the fund for
the purchase of a new* chemltwl engtoe.
Fhe siKkke «.f building a clubhouse
for the use of the ilmnen. When she
asked If they would make w of such
bulling, there was a great chorus of

.Miss r.oold said she might tmlld the
lubhouse nenr Wotsly Crtwi.-tto man­
ual training home bw toys which sto
mntotains uear l.yndhurst. Miss r.ould
has given uniform* to the employees
A faUure of John W. Cates to an- on her place, ^aud they have formed
awer a letter baa caused rmlwrrasaIneut In the home of a nxwrter for
of the aflemoon papers. ’This re-

„ ,

vih'efulh be went to* Id* h«»me and
| told hi. wife, who on the ssme day partmeot hap been fairly ffoodtd with
requeett for copies, aay* a Washington
>dded to bl* gtH.1 fortune t>v
roerewpondenl. R«wr Admiral Kenney,
m-i».ui)d toy.
Ing him with
tto toby after Mr. tto paymaster fetMwal of tbe nary,
who prepared It. bas had time for little
Oates.” dectannl the
etae'than anawertng ibcse requeata
Tto demand baa been ao great that tbe
odiUoala ‘

i.laB*tloaB> hla wife even made estimates on tb
of tto cxi»ectcd i
how to invest tto
Bat neither letter nor clwck came
aax aa a ptace of todtoage. Ha retort- aad DOW the reporter says: -I hare
named tbe baby 'John tv. Oates' and
ad tanghlhgly. -Too woakto’t haw him
ktaa b«r to tbe prcaeoce of her mta- atands te. I don't
w wbettor
AL^tes a middle
la B'illlam.
Alloa Klagaley bad bcaa to tbe boose
W Iter. YVblskera. Waterly
joM one month when Bwtoa went
tbroogb the operatloo of pcraoaal
atocktaktog^ -You’re not a Uulda
Tbe Amertcaa girta wimae patottogi
Adoata. Jim.” be told himaelf. -bat jou
aaam to be a decant tairljr good laoktoi are axhlbltod to tbe Paris aakm tbIa
amt af ebage aoamdiag to
tto luaM wbeo I

ideat ralma gave tbe
cocreapoodeat of tbe New York Tribune an
toterrlew. to the coorae of which he
-Onr flnt foor montha of artf gov­
ernment haa been aa eucceeofnl at any
ooecooid expect We hare paid all ex
penaes of government and have a ear
pitta. Everything la aiming amotahU
and to my entire aattafactlon.A statement of Preeldent Palma to
legard to the rrtenOon of United
Btatea artmeryrnen In Voho wlU be of
great totoresl In tto United Btatee and
partlcqlariy to Washington pfll
Ue said:
-It wiU be a eoorve of gratitude and
rejoicing for the Cnton iirople when
Che American iroo|si are aD withdrawn, and 1 hope It wlU be
They are not needed. Their preaentx}
baa a bad moral efftrt It looks t<
aome as thoagb the United Butc» gov
ernment hat no roufldenre to the abilIty of tto CNiUns to lualntato p<wce
Tbe .old vrtfran
arab^eellng as Ibe aald this,
to to mlsuoderntood.'
be added. **We aiv grateful to tb<
Amerliana. but tto |»eojUe cannot ftr^l
free wttb American woldlers aU around
them. They
oa from ootolders. and if they ever are
they conld be quickly dispatched tore.
Our artUlery force, when Increased to
fl.nno men. wlU be anfflcleiit for tbe
I*nwldent 1*01010 said to bo,H-d
favorable aclion by tto l ulled Slates
senate at the coming sessiuu. TU- to
Mrtlou of a C'oban ptauk lu ili»- llepuUlraii pisiform In several staim be
considers an augury for tto M>ee»»»* «»f
rrctpro.*sl lueasunw. -Bui.- be sold,
-we want oo rtnlprociiy that will af
feet onr commenv with uiber ix.uu
triea. Our jH»rts iuuhi to o|*-u to th«
world, and we most foster «*oi,mi.-rel:«l
tvlatloos with every «*mmlry. Tbe red
proclty measure luma to of e<|ual tou
efll to both countriesTbe chief ev.-eutlve i* sttnlylng.hi
tenuil taxes In f»»nn‘ in «tli.*r repub
lies, lie totcods reconimeiiding in
tenuil taxes ou cigars, clgan-ttm. w luei
and ollHV luxuru**. Tbe tax will bt
alight, but suBlrlent to rato- large rev
In the matter of the
I of |o:..iiuo.
000. lu w
dent a free hand to art. II
-Tto iNjrruwliig «»f so large
Is a K.TI0US quistlou fur Fuiui. aud I
lr»t carefully 4♦ it U forv dellmt
what to do. (
decide to iKNTow. t
fulllll nil

It eeaia tbe rotartm er tbe tart (SO.teUlOO to witama barao racli« la
America each gear, mare tbaa half aa
mocb aa waa votad by ooagrma for tbe
preeecotkm of tbe war wttb Spala.
-Tbia vast amaoiit €ocam oat of packom

S. W, Slater '
i Che Practical Boitte
Furaisher *

Parlsklosrr sf
ArebWUlion Estewdeg CoBNiwtslsIlos*.

Archbishop F.ton John M. Furh y enjoys a gootl story as %vell a* the next,
says tto .New York Tluio. ami wIh*u
|»a**lng a soeial hour some: I me* rt‘CMmuls hi* rxiHTlemn**. .\t :i dimur
given to the Vi*ry Kev.'Heau I.iags lu
Yonkers several weeks ago the bishop
related the following to tto «leto tation
of the asst-nibled gueals;
-It wa* shortly after I had to**n
made vicar gmeml. or iuou*lguor»*“I do
not remember whlch-wbeu an actnl
Irlshwouiao cm*uuutered me on tbe
street. Sbe was a gmgl old soul aud
liad l^u a member of our iiarlsh
church fur years. Cru*plng me by the
baud, ahe remarked:
- *Oh. father, and anre tto Ixird blcaa
>-ou. 1 toar they gave you a rise.'
-I n*jUied that her luformatlou was
-•Well.' ato reapoDdtHl, -an' I’m
iSTeased for that. Ifa youraelf that deserves the rise.”
-I thanked tbe good woman smccroly and wa. about to leave her when,
rtlU bolding my band, she r^'iaarked:
- ’An- aU I hope la that tto next rise
they give you will to to heaven.* ”

Tbe -thirty days- grace to meet bllla
1s nnknown. Everything 1.
Is spot <
aad tbe money rolls into
Into tbe trtm
tog day to tbe dose af each meetlag.
in order to aecare tbia golden flow (11
that is reqnlred are a few acfva of
land, a graigl stand, a betting ring and
a fence. Tbe pulOic fnmlsb tbe rest.
Tto dlffema racing aasoctatlona to
this State are' Itecomlng enofmonaiy
weaUliy. Ttoy are required to pay Into
the state trtasurr a tax of 5 per cant
on the gross rt^vipts. Tto rrvenne la
so .gnat, however, they bai^ ppOce
Each sssoctatloo pays Us atockboldera’ 10 per cent on ttoir tuddlnga.
Twenty aud 25 per cent could eaaUy be
paid fnmi the amount cleared at each
meeting, hut tto directors of each dnb
think It Bdwiaalde not to declare too
big a dlvldentl. and tbe sturplos ta In­
vested to gilt edge secnrltlea.

Greeutowii** eoetux^b mill 1* doing a
mshing buKlue*. now. gnyn an Indianmpolla dl*|vttch. and this fart bas
Bf-wed Inbn-t in the puxxling qoestlon of what thi* big Industry really
ta. It ha* bet*tm.e tbe corncob ernter
of tto liooKier .state, but little more ta
known of w but iK'txMue* of tto product
from tbe
thsu when the buaiueH
started up three yewr* ago.
It U said the conicubs are ground
luto meal. This vxpUnaUon ta by no
to date none but eiuplogeea b»
gnlucd neee** tu the Isulldlngs. and mU
they kuotr I* that ttoy grind up tbe
cornrtMss draw their lay aud ask no

caiisrtty. The ruiimr 1* tliat tbe
cobs siv grouud up Into three grades
of Uieol. The liae*l Is *ald to go
•omr kind of shredded blseiiU, the sec­
ond or rf*| grade to the eastern bre
erte* for tbe tx>lariiig of bwr. and I
third or mlxesl grade luto n mlxtu
X)Tu and
klueh secrecy aitf>ud* the shipment
of -.HSTma.- u* the tow ii*iH*»ple
<x*me to < nll It. The ground ivn
on* s^iekt*! ni> and <*,tried sUmrU
walling «ir* w ith «s great |iree«
aa marks ibe oirryiiig of <*un
from tto ireiiMtry «t Washington.

,n lllustmtlou of llu**. ll Sage'.
de^ilv to keep lu close tourl
K going oil In tlM- tinaucial
II Mr.*‘i bn.ker ten, this:
An lmi*.nMui uMw-tlug w«* M-h.-duUn!
Hit a diiy on w lil. h Mr. Sage wa* an
lly busy, iiud when to srrived at
the designated plac be dclltorstloui
were over iiml all the luirticliwut, had
I'm* the t.lcphoiie a* be
woujd. Mr. Sage could tmt get in
mutiicatlun w iih any of them. Know­
ing that one of thcMe who had ntleodeddhe gnthcrlng {mimmsI the plate at
mldw'eek ser^it't* lu n church near h
home, Mr. Sag** w»i»t there, lie dW
nc»t wait for the cb^e of the senlce.
buU taking a seat on
which hi* arjualulamv |tfi«*ed. he
WBltiHl until be <*ame along with the
putt* and a* to put a dollar hill ou
renin rkc*t!:
“Edward, what did you fellows do
down theree today? 1 did not f
to time
The g,*mlcman *iK>kcu to smiU-d and
took the wrllcKi opj.ortutflty to Inform
Mr. Sage of w liat

WE CAN furnish your houaie complete: Furniture,
Cupets. Stoves, Ranses. Dishes. Shades. Curtains,
Draperies, or anythinc you need in your home, on
easy payments. IF THERE IS ANYTHING yotr
GROCERIES, we have made arrangemenO with a
RELIABLEistore save you some money and
give you HONEST goods.


S W, Slater*s
Boust Tumishittg Stm.
•to l.eidi<
An Udici detiring A knowledge of Cutting and Fitting tadicx'
pnnentx, cither for making their own dresses or tlic dressmak­
ing trade, cannot afford to mbs the most thorough course ever
given in thb Ime of work. My dam wiU be organixed here Oct,
la. complete initniction in ten da)i (8 hours each day). You
win be able to cut any gonncnl you kc. also be aUc to fit any
fiigure offer taking ^b course.

sarsaol lartaiiMVB <1
I will be U Room 816, 3Hfloor, Wilhelm bloclc, SatoixUr, Oct.
11th, (iom 2 to 6 )i. m.. aU withiog to take thit coone pletue calL

IMIrs. R. NAy. Ownam^r*.


OYER THE UE. „rrr=-jr
of Haalth,
. Ktbn I* . rary wiK ud cmeftd moth.

tioo of the body, cannot be perfects at­
tained. Only part of iba food rate'n is
coo verted inlq nutrilion, and the body b
but partly nourished. Ycl Uie body b

for yran nner korw be bed • Momurh.
it performed ita work ao perfectly. Soma
day after Mting he ha* Vlittle sour or
bitter rising in the throat. He doe* not

and Kenrral debiliir. Whes tbe
eswd storaacb b ctu^ by -Coldco I
icsl Diwxn-cry.- the food b dig^ i
assimilated and in tbe form « ootoi
tbe strength and vigor of

Mme I'utii and Mine. Nordica met
goi 10 woTK m tne oreaxw, ana by chance the oth*T day at St, Morltx.
ow. When 1 can go to school. 1 m goto* Switxcrlnuil. and In n Jiffy they were
» gtK all tto arlioolln- I can and not
ig the aetjiuilntnnee of bygone
» 00 no strike, aud tbsfs what all of yearn, says a Paris dispatch..
.•’It 1* ace* slm*e we meiT exclaimed
be fa Faltl.
“I know It.- replied Mme. Nordlcm.
-but you don't look a day oklar.”
ae. I*attl bliwbtHl and put ber arm
around Mme. NoWieVy wal*L The
leglatature bas decided that piugi«ng two diva* then lunched ti>getb*T oierBbonld come under tbe ban of the taw, rily, and afterward they posed for a
Hong with pool and blUtaid tabtaa. as
Then ttoy separated, pep
well aa ronletta.


viewed s few week* ego t»y

in the pounds and ounces «
which are rapidlv regained. Tbe only
wav to which physical strength can ba
nuda b
JnJ iu allied^orgmnsa^bconseouenlly tbcie b a dafly
losaot strength- When Dr.
Pierce's Gq)drn Medical Dbcok-erv cure* tto diseases of
the stomach and other organa of digestion and notrithe body b adequately nour-1 will express my thanks
toyou for ibekind^wWice
you have given me in regard
to my case,* writes Mbs
Came J. Wharton, of I>mia.
vsni. SprtLsvUwnia Co., Va
-When 1 UTOU to you last
spring I wa* in a terriljle
State of health. Had given
up all hope of ever being l«tter. I spjl up my food all tbe

“Dear «r: If
‘A day’s workr
the maker
of enj
payment of piled tto
I we win reached for hta bat and
yon.-- tbe toterrlew waa at oa

sick headache every other
wondering. He becomes staeplem. loms
work. Some day he collapse*,drop*down
perhap* at his task and when be comes to
timseVf in bad be b seriously ill He b
paving the penalty for hi* hcedlcsanesa
:alUTe*s warning*. Ulienevcr there

ier the strain oi losing^my food
y. I was not able to haw a
physician attend me. U.t had twd a
great deal in vour book* of what your
medicine bad done for others, so I wrote
you and got Silrice. Bought two
brttlesof ‘Golden Me.lical plscor^'

and nuimiva tract*.

Dbeaae unle**

say it ha* ret made an enttreew of me.

The wise man or woman wfll take no
risks but will attend to tbe firW^p-

Mmrefully read tbe books you sect im
and ahall alw*%A speak a gooil weed foi
the 'Golden Mcluad Diw^vary» when
ever I haw a chance.
«Yon can publish thb if you think |i
worth while. It might induce aome oot

1. but I believe xoui
what you have aaid of

r which
has cured thousands of people who

of other* that 1 was todneed to by it ]
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov
tog fully nourished ta bu&t np s
wind flih, not with flab^ frt^

Ava.. |^t^ O^
fi^ly lost faith in toem aU. T waa ao

tiany itre*-orne qm-^ttljiia and
arrears. To tbe great aurpriae of bla
which, -to tl.r Irteri'lewed.
employes a check for tto amoont ar- seemed decidedly laUHriloent. Final­
ly to wound up
-Now. Mr Cot
letter ran as follow.:

he ought not to-do aomething- for himaalThm to does not get any &tber than

Prlsia f>«asa.* Msfsal Agmlrmtlos.


after eating, a distrem to the region of the stomachy and periisp^e is

The Prower Tkla* la Hat*.

A New' V».rk h.itler fn.m whuae Judgraent there i,*» no hppeal say* that the
BOY STOPS SCHOOL STRIKE thing to w ear this year Is a high crown
and uamjw brim. Makers of cheap
laaUta Tkat Fanils Taks Adrsatscr hut* may c\agg*r.)le thl, style and
make It ridiculous. I ut a well made hat
Condy McCole. nine years old. a In the m w bl<xk iTomiiw* to tocomc
breaker boy. stopiw^l the strike of a
liar Scdi hat* of tto luinama
couple of buiKlm.1 pupils at the HUlard Grove s«* this city, aay, a
Wllkeaharre (I'a.i »ii*|mtch. by-a w bolc- dow* and are exp**cted to Itecome pop•ome bit of advltv. The pu|dU w»vt* uUr Staler*, in a grueqy way It may
going to JiMxe
toHwuM* *<.me of be stattvl that men'* lull* wUl present
the children had relative* working at

worth on bl* flnq day be wa. told to


In this atata alooe ncarty (1800(00
Is spent daring ^ racing season, tem
April JZ to Nov. 15. to raatotato tbe alx

tog fund aud iiu. rt^M •

A yontb -was



aroaad tbr rartoaa tiaeka of the cooatry la tieta of m»ad. aaja tbe New
York comepoodcaa of tbe 8L Laali

vsf. BmMm. Molto «M rMUj aa At*
^'SwtM^tod toM lirlna wttli tto
4m tar a aontor of r«ir« and tod ml%aj« bm rmrdod m ooeof tto fatal­
ly. BO BBodi att. lodocd. tliat bla ml po^tlBO. itot of a tioofdar. waa topC i»
tto tocMroood.
Tto Unrdom did not Uto to Udak of
ttomdres aa -torpln* boaidcra*- az»d
aaw oofoaacio for a daacaot la tto aodal aealo almply toeanaa Jim Burlom
ttoir old frlrod. Ur#d wltli ttom la
thlB oomfortaUo boma and bora a lefltlaaU bat fixed abara of tto cx-



metaacboly an«F depreaardr*Couk^ not


It cares through Uie stomach dUeaan
and ita alltetl organa,
dealer offers a anbatitalr fa
Medical Ducoverr,* rmwtnbr
-Golto Medio*
that the sole motive of solatitiitioii ts t>
enable him to make the Uttle more pwfi
paid by tiie mle of kaa meritmfomHop
civmr AWAY.



BamTUj Art Treated by the
Rattnin Gomament

fiome of #he army ofilear* In WaabIngton am lo a auteaf aalnd oTcr tba
nnmbm af ebangaa la nntfcmi wbkb
hara bean Impcaad npon them during
tba laat few year*, aaya the Washing*
ton oacToapondant of the New Tark
Kvening PoaC. Faw wfU aocape abort
af flOO or fUO agpenae for the lateat
iBodtflcntlona. Tbla la a Urge block
totakaontofa aaUry which ta not ex*


8 Jewm, aboot wboai ««ra.
•aja tba New York ErciUoc Vtmi, are
fmta wtUcb ea»e to tbcae aborts, lo
1900 lAJve Bombc^ <«f tbem lud to be
#MlaA adialaatoD to tbe «x>autr7.
tUa aouer EUla Ulaud aoiboiitira
bad to aaod back muaUra ut tben bemmm thrj w«e» drain ou or dtaaaaed.
alt eart Mr. lUj a motire for making
tbat tba power* wbicb are rtsiMNiaible
lor tba aklalanrr of lioomaoU abaJI
Sannui^^^i^liB Jrwa by bard

' wbat tbe rmiK! Htatr* la
iBtamtad In U that U mhall onl I
toad with Boomanla * outcairt*
tte I
•iBtt a field 1

coaalTe at
Tbe iHiU of tbe army ulloring ia
done by two coocema In tbU city. Tbe
bead of one of tb»e la a thrifty tool
who fvalUca tbe difficulty a yooag offi*
err often baa in making both cods meat
and the uaeUeaueat of trying to colUct WIU f«r mlUiary clothing by aulu
at Uw. eapocUUy If tbe debtor la
•umewbera oo tbe appoaite aide of tbe
globe. He has lo UU aafe now pmmlaaory notes for more than fldO.Ouu ow*
tog him by lleuienanu who have bad
lo mortgage aU months* salary lu gH a
proper oufllt.
Tbl* tailor baa adopted a abrvwd deTice of aecurtag bU debts by lusuran<-e
iwUciea. Au^cer opens an acxnmnt
and then take* out an Insurance. |*»licy
fur fitfiO. payabU to bis own esuie.
and pledges It with tbe tailor aa coUat*
erml security.
Tbe tailor Ukea bit
note for tbe baUnce due from time to
time, charge* C per cent Interest and
leU the thing run. If tbe uffleve InbtTlu a legacy from bit aunt or marrU*
a rich wife, be |siys. as a rule, aa
promptly aa poaallUe. but If be U killed
lo actlcm or diet of cb.»bf% tbe c-redltor
does not bare to lie awake ulgbta woo.
dfTlng where bit money la coming
Meanwhile bla inveetroenl In
tbe I^cer la bringing him a cumuUllre
Income. Tbe only person who suffers
by this arrangement U tbe widow.

-It s a crew." ah& tbe eld«.
-No; It's an eagle.It was ncitber. but a little paper tiallooo. which came nearer and nenier.
deoeeodlng ae it came. tUl It fell at the
feet of tbe yoimcer man. He picked
It up and found tbat lu shape was
that of a heart. Tied to tt was a note
WTttten In i ftaulnlne baud:
1st of this b« a man. a gmtlsU lbs
ihlrty rwsrs of age. lei him
addreased to bunorlf. My fatber dosa
koopa me abut up
his ooumry asw?at
L. You. good rtr.
r help me.
O, R.
After reading tbe mesasge tbe young
man bandml ItAmlUngly to Ida father,
who read It and returned It to bla *oo
without sharing In Ml amusement.
Tear It up. * be aahU **Tbe persoo
wbo wrote it Is doubtless very young
and Las been impelled to do ao by
bating her natural Instincts interfered
wiib. Between the ages of fifteen and
twenty a young girl should 1^ handled
t U quite III
has atied unwisely.!*
Young Henry TlK>r|»c looked aurprised at hi* father s mtIous tone and
instead of tearing up tbe note put It
lu his |>ocket. The two wi»nt home for
dinner, and tbe ejOsode wa* not again
mentioned betw«*n th«.m. Nevertbeleaa
It had made a dee|) Imiinwalou on the
young man. Hr did not rest till he had
rUlled U wlK-re be learned that
Owendolcn lUlbbuu. an only
Hved with her fathfT. a widowtT, la
the center of a large eatale. aurround*


Boooiailla helped the Ruealaiu It. tbe
Tvto^Roaalaii war lo 1K77. wvrd Ilua•la Indeed at tbe alece of l>levna and
wbM peace came prorUlined heraelf
ladapaodeot of tbe auaenlnty of Turbn and aaked tbat U.e ronjrreaa at
Barilo fire ber reroanltlun
Ileacooafield waa ao lofioeoce In tbat cumcreM.
and before Boomanla*» rrqueat wa« ac-


D*t any prrann
abaU not be alleged
1 or larapadlty
•a a croond for e*cl
lo aattcra relating to tber eniormeDt
enioTment of
nni and poiuical Hcbta. admlaabm to
pobUc ettploymentx function* and
booora or tbe exerrliK* of tbe varlou*
profaaaloQa and tnduiitri«*«. a« well n*
snaiantaeliif tbat all fon*Umeni nb-ill
bttraalwbwllboutcUMUnctloo of creed,
Tbla waa Impowd uiK.n Itoumanla
la tbe way tbat tbe riatt amendment
waa Impoi^ upon Cuba. Ube accviUed
It aod then dlaresanled It. until tbe lUt
of ber dIacrImlualU.n* ba» reai-b.d
Jew* are not admitted there to tbe
practice of Uw. Tbey are regarded,
tboQirb ceoturle* In tbe country, iia
**alleoa oot aubject to fnrelim protecUon.* To become natunilUed tuuly ioo
out of tbe dOU.dUO are cltlxenel earb ai>pUcaot baa to be laiwMd by imrUameub
One of tbe aebool inwmmara. Illuatratlog a rule of ayuux. aaya. “Vuu must
not bellere tbe word of n Jew even
when be la at the point of death:** an
other aay*. **Gloabo|Mi are ke|d by Jewa,
who. like leecbe*. smk the McmmI of
paaaaoU by eutklng tbein to drunkeu'
Jewlab acbooU were clowd In isie»

tbe Hebrew Sabbath). Jewish commu
DlUca were deprived of onlrol of the.
boabar meat ux oo which tb. lr iM-bo..l*
aod eburebe* larrcly deismded
1887 It waa decretd that Jew* ab.Hibl
ba admitted to public wbool* only
afUr the Iioumaiil.nn. liad Ih^u ae
coBBOdated. In mo they wm' ex
eluded for lielnj; alien*, but could en
ter If there waa n*.in up.»o |iayment of
a fee. The university, free to Houma*
olana. charged 30u franc* a year to
allena. Though admltteil to the army,
tbe Jewa, U>lng aUeu*. did not, like

Mf*. naoua, the wife of the aenator.
took a baud in a labor controrcray and
aocceedad lo winning tbe good will of
«T*ry oxember of tbe ialntera* union,
aay* a Cleveland ai*xMal. .V house on
BoMell areooe which Is owned tiy tbe
BMUtor was being retwlntetl. and a
force of alxteen men employed by a
. oootractor was at work tbiee.
BMtt did not brloug to the union, and
their employer would not rinxignlxe tbe
Unloo ottcUls discussed (be matter
Ttlday night aod decided to do aomtthing.
It waa deemed advisable to
aaod a committee to ace Senator Han
fia, hot aa be waa out of town tW com
Bitter called on Mrs. Hanna Instead
When abe bad beard tbe complaint,
aba ordered her carriage, drove to tbe
honaa and ordered tbe painters to t'twse
work, Tbey obeyed ber. and later evary ooa of them Joined the onion, tbelr

hmhmr I^eader Mer«r ef Duklls.
Tbit offlea of lord mayor of Dublin is
to ba fined In 190X for tbe first time,
by a rcpccacnUUve of lat»or. .kldcrman
r of tbe trades coun<*U
g been selected aa tbe
aocpe—r of Mr. TlmolUy Harrington.
M. P., tbe prrarat lord mayor. Dui»*
llB*a lord mayor recdTca an allowance
of fAOOO a year, with realdenea In tbe

Brtlllssi Career sf Uesteaaat r*yer.
Brsl Oaaavr la
JVan an Inmnie of the 5olrtlcrs*. Or*
pbana* bdhie In Illoomlngton. III., aay*
a aiMHlal from tl»at place to tbe fblcago Record Hcrabl, to tbe poet of la**t

la an interwilng o
vUU of Jmlge (then rougreeamau)
Tbomna F. *ni»tou of Bloomington to
tbe Institution In l^TT resulted in bU
notice of the boy.
He learned H»at
young l*t>\cr was tbe son of a I’nlon
aoldbT killed during the war.
mother bad dlfd from grief over tbe
loss of ber busbantl.
Judge Tipton was able to arcur* bU
appointm«nit by 1‘resldent ilayee to
tbe Naval academy at AuuapolU
against tbe op|*«ltloo of the IlllnoU
delegation In oongreea. who bad *electrd another youth.
I*oycr graduated fifth In bit cUaa.
Slm-e tben hi* car»*»r baa been brib
Hunt. He performtHl a heroic reecoe
of law inmates from a burning build*
ing at .Norfolk. Va. He gradually atiraetinl nttenlUm to himself by his nc-

is a lairas
He bnd a ctmspU uou* |»art In tbe re­
coil naval inaneuver*.
He has liecn
in charge of the four guns lu tbe ft»rwanl turret of the United butes, l»at*
Ueablp Kearsarge.
The lieutenant and Wa men are tbe
ackmm-b*lg(*d crack gunner* of tbe
iMTvk*c. and the nvord made by them
will Ih* the mark alK»ve which ev»Ty
other crew will seek to shoot. During
tbe recent target practhw of tbe sbl|ia
of AiliuJral Hlgglnson's'squadron they
uuide llirtv tiull*e3i** w Itli one of tho
Iblrltvn inch gun* at a range of a mile,
* n'cord unsurpassed In tbe stTvlce.

Winiain rrosKman of l*sw Paw waa
Bciiultted of a**ault with Intent to kiU
Orville l4‘wls of l.awton. with whom
Crossman iimureb'd over tbe latter’a
wife, a KL Joseph (MIch.i dlsimtcb
to tbe CbliWgo Itev'onl Herald.
Oronaman shot l^wis lu tbe side aft*
er a quarrel a few wt*eks ago. For two
weeks tbe autborllles cliased Crosamau
thn>ugb wood*, and be was finally cai>*
tured by Sheriff Bbipman.
While on tbe stand l^wls admitted
tbat be bad paid <*roasman
for bU
wife. He stated that be con«tdered It
a legal bargain, but Crossman became
disaatisfiixj and caused trouble. reaoU*

Tbst 014 Straw Uat.
Ttm# to art rid
Of that straw lid
M hlch months ago
Was whito ss *now.
But DOW Is brown
»'rom litn to crow*.
An ugly thing
But tit to fling
Among th* usrlrss trash
For Which wo cough up cash
To somo poor wagonorr
Who U tnak* It dissftposr.
rnrsw hat’s crown Is rent;
It* rim Is Mdiy boot.
All stlfrntw* gon*
And downward dAwn.'
Tho luind that one* was bright
Is painful to th* sight.
For ther* ar* blou and stains
Of summer s dust and ralno;
And streaking* hors and thrr*
On ribbon one* so fair
Show that In gutter* rtl*
Oft rollsd that one* now tUs.
For often that atrsw Ud
From off Ita waarer slid
And. whlls he clutched at atr.
Went aalllng on for fair.
And when at Uat ‘twss cwught
It boro soother grimy bioU

vt'fy rich,
desired to irawunll the bulk of hU es­
tate through tbe male line by leaving
it to Us ueiibew and preferred that
bU daugbier abouUl never marry and
for fear of litigation over
the 1:
Henry UriUxl a mrvaui to uke tbe
note be bad received lUrougb tbe bal­
loon to the .vuung lady, with one fnua
hlmwlf which wua very delicately
and sym|«itlieUcall3- diavvn. To this
he rvHvlved a reply, and in time a
meeting was appointed lo uke place
by moonlight at u part of tbe wall
farthest from the house and iiaaslng
through a w ood. The young man waa
to ptvvlUe a ladder lor hlmaelf. the
young lady waa to mount by means of
a large box. and they were lo make
each other’s acquainunce at tbe top of
tbe wrmU. Tbe young man found the girl
attractive, feminine, a true lady. His
father was right. She bad acted indis­
creetly only iH^-auiK- ber natural insUncta bad Iwu blocked at too lendvT
an age f«r hiT to reallxe wbat she had
There were a numlH-r td meclluga
-over the garden wall.*’ and two hearts
liecame lutertw lu»«d. But It was !mpossIUe that tbe affair should go fur­
ther. The girl dared not Inform her
father of her actUu and It* tvu*«queniva. and tbe young man. know ing
that she must l*e an belnwa. though
be wouldcU* wealthy hlm*t*lf. would
uut tUnk of marriage exen-pt by the
most bouorabU- nud o|*eii appnwubtw.
Both, U-lug opjH.*M to n clandestine
finally gained
strength to agree lo a seim
separation. Hen­
ry Tbon»e went
bis dc|iar
It was alKJUt a year after
t«T from hii
lure that be reevived a
father telling b!m tbat be had ar
rangv^ a match for him which. If he
found It pleasing, would be of great
advantage In uniting two ImiKvrtapt
luteroats. He was to know nothing
al*out tbe lady. m>t oven her name, un
111 tbey bad met. Tben. If tbey were
mutually pleasad with one another,
each should have all the InforiuaUon
they desired aliont the othtT. Henry,
not caring w bom be married so hmg aa
bo was dd>rived of Us lore. cuUM Uted
and a few month* Lnter returned to
Amnica and Informed his father that


It wm give you a clear head and a sound body.
It keeps j’our liver acting and j-onr sjrstem in
perfect condition.
For sale at >-onr DruggisL
Lai^ bottle, 35

» to aml]
rs that 1

In sems way new got
Of that eld ptayod out

If you marry tbla
girl, you must add anoihiT nan
your own. tbe two to W cvmnected with
• hyphen.**
-And wbat ia tbe name to be added?**
-Balbbun.-Wbat? It tbe girl Gwendolen Rath

liSR Bnpida.


We buy direct
from makers and
handle only the best


l»eok Bn*... druinritts of Grand Rap­
ids. Mlcb.. have manuiaciuied *‘Feck’s
Kmg of Ointmeuts” t<r many year*.
It taa proved so valuable lu huudreda
of cases In curing i>ersUtent fever
iorc*. that a wider field U desired in
order tbat tbe afflicted may avafl
tbetuseUe* of lu great efficiency.
Ihcy have on tile many ?
of letters from all paru of the couniiy-. t-iK-aklng lu tbe mgb.**t




with tbe new Erect
i it will be a mattcrpiece of
aa Erect Form
your ffyoa
dealer cannot aupi'ly you send diruct to

WEINGAKTEN BROS.. 37747^ Br^wsy. New Tc
, rther conrt can take tV f»Uc* oMSe W. B. Rrwt Font. Ace*r* no .ub-t int

rut -

L Mama. M. O.

S. B. Brsas. U.

martin & Goans

boU*. old ulcers and all kinds
8 dlsAWSiw.
It Is alto equally

OOo*. » B. Fraat M.
ttie roiimls to find a remodr that would
all.ny the intolerable Itching. T%v.>-oun(N*
glass Jar. only ‘^.V. Satisfaction guar

*!t m. ■ w cstX

In Kf«-t Hna. >. UAC.
Trsia* l**r. Tr*v. rw Oty a* follow*
For^<}r^ Kn;«idA. KsUm***<. and Fort Wnynr

»o » P- *»- b«»h ’J»baa* VK aew

Fte IVUMkiy sxmI M*ckm*w Oty lIJO n n>
FurOrsnd KsnidiA. l»rm Jt, F.s-l W*ynrnnd
CincinnsU 11 Ic*. lu
F.w tirsnd Bsovd*. pctiXAtt. KsU»s»h. sad
For PftAMkiy and Msckmsw t ‘iiy 4 jn p. m
Tnun-i Amvr tn Trsvrtx nt.v
Fnun^liichm .ad. I>rtn4t sad Grand

Th.’train Uwvinr at llfia n» aod amnni
at l:iup. m. is«laily.



PERE Marquette
Hept .m. WOk
TralaalaaYsTraesrssCttyas foUowa:
Fer Oraad Bapids. DsSrWV. TSdsdo. Cblsaco
aBdwsaS.ta)a.&.. 11 JO a. aa. »r40 p. m
fhr Moakana. Bay City. Ptart Baroa. Tolado
Detroit and aas4.«.-aD a m . 11 J)a a.

garviing gas and its uses may not

be amiss.
As to ^ts effidcocy,
convenience, readiness, rcliability and ccoi^iy, thtre seems to
be no qu stio



minds of ou 2iW consumers, tnd
a com|ioris< n of quality ami ex-

a.m.. lUDam . »;«0p. a.

ceUence of light,


together w|ih

vast decrease bf cost, will convmce the most skeptical man he
makes no mistake in installing
Aside from
lUlmerits lor cooking and lightitlcnting, gas can be used m


ly for healing small


ces, bathrooms, etc.


, offi­

as easily controUed as our gas
ranges full efficiency being dev clon the instant, the expense
ceasing at moment of turning off
Nursery boiners are also a
great convenience in the house,
while for bathroom purposes our
••Humphry Instantaneous Water
Heater” is the acme ol perfcctiofL
Appliances of all desenpmshow
office 223 E.







when heat

is required promptly, and for a
limited time.
Our heaters being

we bad Invr,
You *ee the i
-But GweodoWn-I mean Mlaa R
Imu”-How did you know her name
Gwendolen Rathbunr
-I>o you pemember tbe paper bal
and tbe note?**
Tlf course. We have in^n speaking
nf them.**
-Well 1. too, felt a sympathy with
the young Udy. I *ougbt her. «od-






0! rimvun


ion of O. R. & L agoBta or Q L.

1- Our prices are
away below the agenu* price*.

Every home
should have a
nice clock.
lower than
you have e\-er
had goods oflered to you—
, Come and see
—prove for

For WaawAa, tarsw. Cwt*. Bams*
Batts. nnA Kaklag FUes.

d fou
In rival
al proiK'rtles.


Three reasocn why
you should boy from
us instead ol a pedefler—


Japanese Chinese. Forto Ricans and
iw.itering. which are cUsaed as other
foreigners. The tabulation of teacher*
give# Hawaiian. rart-Hawallan. Amer­
ican. British. <;erman. Fr»‘nch, Bel­
gium. ScaodlnaUan. Fortuguese, Japaneae. Chinene aod others. The Japaneae and Chinese teachers are tM»t em­
ployed in the public miiool* of the ter­
ritory. but are engac«nl In private
acb«K>I«. The main l«dy of tbe teacbera In Ibe public m UHds are American.
Uavv ailan ami BriiUh.—Honolulu Star.

• She la. How did you kuow*** But this cousin to whom tbe esUte
U to go at Mr. Ralhbun’. deathr
-He It dcaiU
You and your
wlU Inherit tbe estate under tbe j
-How did you come to know 1
-Do you rememtxT tbe balloon
the noteattachedr

-For tho nomo r«Moo tbat yon conBntadtodothOBiDe.-

Now b your chance
to buy clocks on
the easy naymeot
pUn-»Do you want that way?
WVre ready for

=i!i EASY ^ Hustling^ EASY -


kg.^ftw ^ cm


3 —We arc right here
to make our guaran­
tee good

'B. r. UOrnA^OmLrtm Atm*.

O. nrat l. AaLsaal Bscwrslow

WV. a. L. ••what athoronghlyrKsd
nndiaUahla madloine 1 fonad in Be*
laairta Bittara Tbey onrad me of
iaudiaannd Utot troohleaUaU^


Tbere Is no place in the arc
where snob various nationalities, a
lucb widely dlffenmt lactw can
in ao small an are*. It Is ti
tbe maluUnd tueb rac'ea are
to be found, but not a
Fekr people reallxe bow
natkmalitle* are to Im* found in our
t to one natlonaUty. Tbe rtatfa

Bold urchlM ae* It^
' When tbry

A PaM*a NeMe Aet.

No need to suffer fnm heat
Doo^l let the air gc^ stagnant


—create a brreic. Put in one
or more of ournlcsk Vneilmg
ELBCnUC FANS in your of6ce.*tore or borne. All of new






8«t|«tT Of tfat-Kj* Uld


-a?srSOTr-*sri5E** -

JOHN R.SANTO —asasiwsss— ’

I B&.00. Tta O. B.
T» lUekmooO an« Rsewm



ew.hasuks&sm A. D. TYLER

Q*t fnU tafewBillon tf O.
X arnmk



rorCbwWnUAIld fMoAn.

•*1 want all tba world to know,”
wiilaa Bar. a J. Bodlong of Aaha*

of Si


out for bird# wer*

a B. Mmaar. A#iBt.

■ .-T*



oFFict iusjar



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