The Evening Record, January 31, 1902

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The Evening Record, January 31, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




of Oolns toFi»».





I «LKr cAn


r to B...I Ml

4M Mm IMVteht AAm^ T

M.MM .TMIto M. .TMI^
Tb. MfaMi ohiUrM et Ttemw
Asalrat City todcy mllod ih» MeKlatey Rhoolvor Is Grantsd for Zion
wfcrloIf—dHaM, which adMto
P*rrtn8tOfl All In
Lacs Industrtss
tb. «.« ^.TioMly Ml la Mk
(Mi ti tU.« eoetrltaMd by
o^Uatm. Thi* brtaga th. 1___
HEFERSE «p u data to U»e nrj gntUying

of fw th. BMortel MU

CHM ho BmSMo Om wta*.
bUtb.4oMn-af B.8
eioMd lU tU« of MmotUmm la Mm .aak.TniTm.Oiiy. eOBtribotloo
PBRlaffM trial tbti merslac- At th. «t iM -thaatlOO aa4 U ta b.llm4
alM a Moclaa by th. ttfutm to 0
tbroawfrMthelBfy .aDd 41«bai
. 'ih. lOlMv. oa tb. irrooad. UmI ii '
WM sot pRMod that Hookco 41.4 fre« '
th. ylMol WOUdl. WM OWT


oTte 4tfwMto thojary. elaiailac
that IM wooK prof, that PUrlaftoa
WM a TletlB of tMporary iaMaity. Northport Commtttoa Dovlao a
msm4 by broeaiBg ofor lb. allntaNow Plhn to Cot Railroad
tiaa ofhU wlf.-.AffMtlodi by yooag
a. lawto a. Ammm
to MmU. to to .
awiMto. to la VMi

pcMWttoAy.froa 1


plaa 'to defray tbe
MpuMof Mesrtog'
f Ua right of way
tbrtagb tbe townahlp of lealaaaa fw
' thoTraTH > City, lAciaaa. AMaaUtKptoBy.


PISASiirs Party

Oto KUM. tw. ratoUy IMn. aM
fMiMM SMir HMt to PiarMr.
iM KtoW.
BrTehrmih toltoStedto.
Xtattabarg, X. V. JaiL Bl-to a
frtghtfal eehtoli* aaldwt at K«mTIU. 1.M Btghi. WUfrto OraTM wm
tootoacly klUto.aad bU ilitor Batoal,
aad Bdllh BsUry probably talaUy toJarad. Thm ww. atoe yoaag peo(d«
OB tb. bebtoad aad olfaer. mot. to

Ataai to laa'BaM.


Ua Ktotfapon Ltoder raatato. tbU:
rtgbt of way coold be Mouto.


Imr, aad tbm batog bo way of
nalltoiur OB Ibea. th. coauaitto. daeidto tb. oDiy thtog to do la to daclara tbe boed Ian. off and proeato
to apportioB Ua na of $11,000 aaroog
tb. taxpayer. t)f tb. towaahip aod
Mbmil tb. aaeeata for tbair approTbL ThU will dUpoM of tia bond
qatotloD Mtlrely. Tb.oMBBltu. baa
oopitol the Dana, of all laxpayaa iato a book with their aaaaed ratoatioBA a lato pw Mt
Ua $11,000

MTwl.wlth tbo^MoUl aMBlath.
«ato of the Ilk.’ Olab latt aight and
aatU aftor atdalght tb. AM aad
walttnwB. kA* buy- TbeMa
VBifliwlyMmd and the dlAa. ««U
impatad aad of th. b«L Aftor tfa.
ptoteMM a M(«. aaater of aoaha. with thMr wiTM aad otha awabm of tlwlr faaUto. look Mppa la
At Evsry PoiiM In ths Local tb. oafA Tbediaiag looa wa. h>
omrdod that the beoa rttiaraltlii
- Controvorsy
WM tamd to arraag. for wraa) tahlat la da parlor abor..
Od. party of a fioa Ufawn, bwd4M. TMw MM IM. OMM MM A by Obtc CaapbaU aod O. A Brig»IMIII M.MII1 OaiOlOOAOO
haa» occoptod lb. Uag ooBtw table la
to BIM M mtb>. SM. OM^
tfa. dlBiag rooBL Tbe
wbleh tb. oaf. la
owdoctod U
OOOto OMb ftoa;^
ap to dato aad tb. wrrloi-a.'good a*
OUwao. Ju. 81-Jadc Talay to­ a«y Brat o&m iMtoaraat, mad to •
day haadad down a daelMw lath. taapoto. bMtar.tbaB ■
Ztoa law tMtomhip apfdloatloD of
Baaa.1 BtmoMa
All lb. nltot
piayMte toRtaatod. ••Dr.” Oowle
boiac OB TWTj polak
loadditioB to tb. ^yoiattag of a
MlTer. Jedf. Tatoy hold, that Storrsngsd for by Ssniors
U oaUtlad to ftOO.OOO la aoofc
aod that Dowi. moM pay to Mn.
BtoTMim'. wtato $60,000, of wbleh
mrrd pentaleB. Tli. laer inda.-


Tbo Mior elaa* of tb. High abeol
baVaanmogod lorSBOtfato ratortatoMt that promlda to be M good to
Itil Itoa M WM the preMBtotioB of tbe

Itoiaaad to it for two night. Tbla
tin. tbeoatortotonant planned by tb.
ibm of tU elaM U a oeoowt, the
U to be protodod by
'’Btowart A Btofftoa' orabotora.
Hsnry At Outs
The eoBeart will oooar at tb. City
Opera Hoato ffrtday ..aotog. P.bra,
ary >1. aad will bo girao for Uir b>-aaflt of the High Beboot aaoaal u be
iMBMlthU year by tb. moior oUm
m Sa Ba Ptowto.
qMoTal committee that baa
to Tttomwh to (to Benwd.
ohMgaof UWarrangeBieBU for tb.
Tb. Bag«e. JiA II—Baaor. of te- coaoeit to Otoade Carter, Bwio Oolby
Bototoa. Tioketo wtU b.
Mwed dlfferoioM btoween Qtaai
Wiltamina and Prtooe Haiiry,bar ooo- aold la adrane. by lb« .tadaot of tbe
ara eurrwt bam. Jt to Katod High Mbool, aad the mle will.
that^the esdmrori of Dowagm Qomb to a taw day.
The progtam will b. fariod. It to
Bdom to draw tba royal ooople toare net neettog with neoM not yet deoldad }aat wtot >it wilt e
PriaM Haory haaegato gta. to Hmk- atot of. bot (bm wiU to oretaMtra e
Itoborg. bU BBoetoial born., on as to- toot^a a hujn mto. a eon>.' mto,
ptono mto. iwMibly e atriag qe^t
raiutoa ahat ap to ^
le paUoa and ra- ud et imal two eelaettoa* by e mela
faaM to aee aoybody.



wbie). aaiB.
Dr.XerrerAea Arbor Be* Dtoeemr
way of two bptoa.UM ant note for Iwlf
Maw BewMr TbM Work
tbe aabaol to ba da. oa th. ooWpIeWoBdrr. la MoOletoo.
UOB of Ibr rallnad aad the other ooto
lotto toewd- ■
to bo da. Us aMBlba laUr. la tbii
Ann Arbor. Jen. 81—DE. Kory to*
way the payment of half tb. am
London. Jen. tl-Eitoben« today
a gent killer wbleh be ba.
will not rose aalll Ui aootli. aftv ropert* that Oenerel Pmoli baa cap” HchaatriUito
Ifae road to to opcratioo. tba* gtrlag taradM mmbm ofroaohe*. o«<
tbe doDor tbe b. aedu wBMwbat to be mando. which to now eoopl.tely mt- tomady oa pattooto mff.rtog with
bowel troablc at tbe Galrenlty boadmlrad from Ui. road. Tbe rat. ol
aTAMDiKU or oowTSOTAxra
lilial. Tl>. temlto ar. eoBiidered reIt to
p.-r ewt OB the Talea
iM bdng rapid. The
dormnUy atta^ed Ooloael Danota th.
C—MWtoa tor 'ftm '
Ito'a foro. at Atnma kraaL Tb.
rmllMd on, tbit rato will aboat corer Bom wm ropalMd bat Oolonel DamKoUowtog are the Maadtog* of the tM *BB>.
olto WM klltod.
Toriou madldaiaa to Um Baoord'a
TTim it BOtbtog obligatory aboat
oohcaat far th* frw aUtolatablp to tb* ■tffBlag Uiem notm or oatertog lato
. laiMBaUoMl OotTMpoadM
A ttarrtog. Ueeam bat bma giaaied 0. Ttolr Twto*e Trar OU
tbto agTMmmt. It to left aotlrely to
af Baraotoo. Pa
aarh todifidnal'a eboioe m to whMb' to rrmsk Bnbrlg nod Mto. Haleo
tb. ramllr. Kfllm. Urn Foatm Mi
Tb* Maadtog. today are:
arbawiUpiybtoabar«orBot Tbto
lilk. Stolawl
•M Camlm lOem. of Otbrn
XlM Doagharty of tba Foorth grad,
toabmlauly tte laat oUaea and If
Cterla. A. Bttalt ................
wa tall to wrariag U>a right of war of tbe BnoHmaa ATmm Kbool, to. s( Ttoarreto to tta Bmwd.
and the ataonat aakad for by tbto goB. to her home to Blk BnpAd. for a Sjatogflcld. Ohio. Jaa 81—loaa
Botbod tb. tocldaat wiU b. elewd *a-< toon TacaUoa. Xra. Kimmlok to Tamar, aged 18, ha*
Uw pat potooa to tlie ooffM boiler ud
Urely. Ttito maw b* d*l*raiiMd,bow. suing ber plm dnrtog bn afaMBoa.
Brief fnaatel aerrloM wm bald maawl Ui. doatb of her fotur mbthMr
twar. witbto Uw sast thirty daya
Mm are all mda payabla oaly tbto BMntog OTv Uia tamtoa of lira Mra. Ooorge Tamw, ud the eriUoal
OB oondiiioBiaad BBlaM tb. ralltaad A A Bowmrd at tto bom of Mr. and Ulaaia <4^ Mr. Tamar and two cliUoempaay comply with tb. oondltioBt Mra F. B. Mooro, aftor which the drU-btoaSk. ''The bora had beu
ftrrmt - Me <!eelrmtolee at
Uiey wilt be aaU and TOld. Tbm to body WM tokoB to Saglmw for ietw- fairing." _______________
DO eliaaoe to b. takaa.
It to almply MOL
BVKtnain suctrrv.
It to reportod.tbat Slanloy A Toong A drigbtfal A^ar party for twaWc
op to yoa BOW. a. todlrldaaU, to my
LoBdOB, Jaa. 81-Tbarhar* p<-r.irt- wbeibar yoa will doyoortoaio. W. tore odd tbair atm at Oedsr to par- WM giran toil araatog by Ito Htoaa*
mt report, that OMeral Dawet bM do not ooDildtt Uito to tb. Bator, of
Bralyn ud Oraoe Morgu ia honor of
Tba win of tto late Mo(|m> Bata, Mra Fred Boorw of Kanmt City.
bam oaptaied. Tlimr 1. eo eondraait to a good boUnam m<alaUoB. which, by tba paytoaai of a wa* admitted V) probate today.
tlOB to tb* report M yM. .
Ma The dtolag tabls wm bauUftlstaall aeiB. wa .ball hare aUabUabad
The Knlgfato of tto Loyal Omrd ly deoarated In rad ud ptok, enranMOTon CAsa coLi.ins
railroad aad car fcrty that wlU add wHI hold a qieeial maettog tbto
UoB.^tboae oolon mrmnding tlia
waatih and Talar to .Vm act. of tog la Mootagaa hall All maabm minor emiarpiaoo on trhleh wm n
Usd-to La.laBaa couty. tbe etga- m aigod to to pnMoL
it* in faTor of biTtog a car ferry
All Kalgfat. of Pythlat tooald raet Xortfaport. end e tallroed tbroagh mamber tto aoclal aad tonotog party
Oraad Raplda Jaa. $l-Two Motor Ualaaea ooaaly baTe all bam prt- iMld to tbolr Oanl* Hall, tbto maTbm ar. nes. agatou It, all lag. Jaaaary II, aad tmka it a potoi .(alter of M.ioor rma An oUbwato
ear* net in a head oa coUtotoB OB
Wmllhy aTana* tht. ao<w Metemm admit lU gtwt ralac aad <«b ba ae- to attoeA BUbetato^praparMloa. bar.‘ oearM diasar wm wrrad. after wtlab
Briggi and Praaitor wm mrioaUy coradbyti, pw coat of tba ammrd bam made tor tto mot ud a pUaa- tto party attmdad tto ttoatra. Tto
Will yoo tak. 11 or ralaci UI Urn- for all to aMarod.
gaari. wm Mm BooTar, Dr. asd
it? 9elok acUoe to tf.e.mry. Tbt
Tbm will ba ae Maatlsgof tto Mra F. P. lAwloa. tto Mlm. Clara
to -aqaaUr dtohribetad and daarlag claa. of Prof. DKlotomroe. at Poud ud Ploruoa Raamttol. ud
iboald bi set rhawfatly ud wltboat Ptratot’a hall toaorttiw.
Ito Umm. Lam Tttu, Balpb BaaDtoralt, Jao. $l-WlUia« B^hm.
Tto latul aoa of Jemph Pohl to latt. B«i Montaga., Or. W. H. 1
PMtoiMBt taaidmt of Dmrhon. died •‘Tbeae who bare nght of-^T will Twy sllA.
ban aad Dr. J. M Storua
thtotooiBtog M a TMoll of beiag na fa. oelled BB^by a eosmltto* of sMghGouty Trmmror George tooward
down by a auriag. la« vTaBiBg.
ATaiymJoyabU aariwiw writ leabon ead cUtonu and putan JaMto. to laid ap with tto mampa y
Maeh mu to batog bma^i is ar- dmd Mra J. M. Bobbtoi lari
will be giTm eU.
Ttow*. Mvtota
'Th. book. ooBtototog tb._____ eiy day by tto tantore of tto rtotolty tag fay tor aalghbor* and trianda it
hr Mrm to ta. Bmo.
bar birthday. -Tto cTantog wa.
and TBlaattom with tb. .Mnt of
aad *7«,; con.
to wolal Tlrittog,
-------------to tlBad at Kahl worfe. to parcbariagtaachof Uip Roao
8am. bmattfal
Broa ttm. wbm yea ^ d_„
Toto4fr-Wbmt,'BT aad $e>..
rmdmd by Mlw Lama Sproal,
at a glaae. wbat yoBT
u. OtU
Th* rtgalar maattog of th* boa^
OhUago-Wbmt, 77»,; oom, «Sl
paMto wocha WtU to bald tbtoorm- afiw whtoh aamrtail aakm ato aoffm
mto,«^.:park, $1A80; lard. IBM.
mrraA Borne bautUhl aad Tala
mrta of pMittooa ere beii« olr- able praamti wm giTan. Thom prea"Tba tight of way and fhmg.
irm Mr. aad Mra 8|«ml ud
INym IL Jadkto. <a Otasd Baplda olalma. if any, «U1 b. mttlad tor oat ealatod lakUr* to Um mtlar eit pardai^tw. Ml. aad Mra Blpaa and
- eaeU wiU haT. u
•I »to $11.000 to be mlmd.
to at Jha Wbittog.
■tdm. Tto toamt to OM daagtoir. Mr. ud Mra Bodgaa Mr.
8. A XaBTOB of fiote to to «» elty
aAiag that tbto eoaaoU aad Ito to- amt Mra B«mmge. Mt. and Mra
oomlag body pMg. ttommlTo. to Ito Dago. Mr. and Mra Bolkad. Mto
J. P. AUm, omeaUTa qs^al for
poUeyof bamg ttopartog paid by Bdita Pmool^. Mr. Ttaa Plmaa.
tto absUtag propwiy owsm aad hST■eoMy of Vtor Ttsb. to to tb. eity,
tag Ito ohailm toaagadbyltoM
wbm ha ba. BMtotod Bm>Mta *


___ X'Zir



D.F. to

‘Fortune’s Wheel”
A doaipcive aoiy oflifc on the St. Laareoce River Etc, be­
fore ud daring the Civfl War, by Miv Martha C«y of
loag winter evenioga

A good book to read these

For Mle at the City Book Store.

dobart, Beecher O., Proprs.



Plttoborg. Jan. II—Tbe Blddl.
bttolMn aad tl.tor aoeoapUa.. Kia.
Stofal. are atoMM wiUtto Ui. law*,
toatebm Btopr. night Uny will probably be to raMody. Tbe tiffloMi are
sow elnt. OB Iheir naU amr Ooopar.towa. aad tbair oapt are aaem. now to
to Is a BWtUr of^ly a few boara

Tptaaa, to* local agmto, to aloaUg
•pmmtsd bsUnm tsih. $M*.f
uw hsNMl Usd «« sMBNMm. ■

Alpma. Jaa 8l-li to allrgad that
City«r Bagm to abori ILCIOO.
Ha ba. bma atoriag for three wmka
John McTkar. etorfc to dmrg. of Uia
oOoa, tofemd to torn orcr tbe hooka
eaah, ate., utU Bag.u^a meeamor to
^pototad. The lav epbold. him to
till, eoarm. The eoadition of tto
Snaaea. of tto city to eakaowa HaRU' wioeroaor wUl to appointed Mon­
day algbt._______________

Lot No. 1—115 Suit*, fteers, Oven-oats-choke........... $10.00

- ...AT...

They arc perfect fitteik end
and made in the tame snappy
ttylec as the higbea prided foot­
wear. They formerly sold at


1-md.T iB PIBC rDBOrmr-nr old RBBd

to suggest to you how to get
the most for a little money
and get first class quality
too. Come to us—you have
been buying on the old sys­
tem loog enough. Get out
of the old rut and do your
buying on upTto-date prin­
We will show )-Aj how—
for instance: here is a list
of goods you cannot dupli­
cate at any store in town—
they are spot cash 'prices
and we are spot cash dealso bring the money

Lot No. i-^6'ud»S finea Putt—choice
Lot Na 3—tS imported Conluroy Puts—dxnce.........


Loi Na 4-12.50 and |2"Stiff or Soft Hats—<imcc ....
Lot Na- 6-f2.85 ud |2 Otoet-or Milieos-eboice....

1 60

Lot Na C—5«c swell Four-in-Hand Ties—choice.,.........
Lot Na 7—$4 Duck Coats iheepline.1—choice..............


Lot No. 8-4J5c Untouderetn\'hiteShirt»-choi€».........
Lot Na «—gl.26 ud ;i.50 Capa. aU bc« rtjle*—choice
Lot No. lW-t60c Uaiher Su*peoders-<boiee................

O 26





mmm pfinDit DtPimi m


Take a.lvantagc of it by buying Goods for the present ud for lutuie
use at the lowest price* ever offere.1 in on NEW. CLEAN,

During ibis sale we offer our entire.stock of Laisps at

Our entire itock of Fucy China ai

Our entire atock ol Tinware and Gnutitenfe at

LtMt Soap. 7 tan
Baa Mira


12 tan

Jana Soap, 8 ban



Our emire stock of Crotkery at


2Se \



Ten pie^^amber Sets, assorted decorations, regukr

But Bnautatad Sagai- 20-!bt. t1.
Ongon Prvaat

.... lOe

Oliras in bv/t. par guart







. .-


tiiTitPtiii um nom
FAY S. EAinJH, Propr.
hPbBMllt. ■«



Same in twelve piece sets, regular price tSM. now at

Note the low prices'on above two heisL

AU winter good*, such as I,adie*’ ud Cent*’ Vnderwear, Ladies'.
Muses ud Children’s Mittens. Indies’ ud Gents' Wool Hose, Boys'
Slocking Capa, which are useful for this cold weather, you cu find
here, and at the losrest prices in the city. Do your trading at tbe
New Store ud uve money.



Colonial Last.

Heavy extended soles.

Leather lined—
a-winter and
wet weath^ shoe.
Veiy swdl-

AllftfUNlhll '
sold in this dty.


LADIES' DoogoU Shoes, wide, easy lasts, doth top. low ^ |
heebwdwamilined-were $1.60. now............ C|> | «
LADIF.S' BesTcr Rid. nest lasts, cloth tops, warn Itaed
with cap and medium sret^l M4e,were $LS6 now
1.ADIES- Kid Shoe% very dressy lasts, warm Itnedw«$2,now.........................
WE OFFPR YOU a saving of fix» SSc toll.





TaB}snDmio?tBOOKO, tratumb arr, ucb« fiuday, jaxvamt si. isi




Ofctabw wu u
mdr *itk ib( pwoi M BB7 c«wt»r
la the waaL Sba waa a fla«. i^Mtad
Siri aad ted teau af frtetea aai adBima. »a|»rtallr »“■«* ite ^loiig
Mil. Boat or vboB wm la ter Ttth
ter and ad
wtea «o«M ter* geaa
aarvtet* nad«r ber lIad«r*bl^ Altea
Tnniaii. wte on*d a raorb. *a^
at a ball tall ia tore orlib ter aW
M {Inc 00 Ueimlalt* Baa. offmd btaiaalf
{to ter tetara tte araalac’* rarairj wa*
•■•-■laBiBbML Tte aaxt Boralnc. or. ratter.
lltewrmtMnRI, Mb-r
V tte text aflmooik. te avok* vlth
Cirr CiRCCtATo*


------ _--- ^

by WbtteUw
BaU. far bU teagbtac., Alloa B
eMk. to ottate tea eorrtati«a of Kisg

Ote tteatetd tead of wild botaaa
that bare btte tsaalag otcr
•eotean Utah diitrt for yteta teet
OUy. lows, to te told at aactitm.
Eatbartaa C. MaoKm of Wiatiirop,
MsB . tea Isradad tma more of tte


Owteta traaa eorToapoodooU aad
•fiUMi^i at tte Mat* ter* oadte^
aaad to plaor Ooramte BUw oo tte
rattrad Uat. aad to that and Boo. Jaitm S Stent fate a«Bta b*ea bttMcte
fartb for tte gateraatertal am
Maa. It ia altef.^ i>»> Mr. Bteite it
willlac abd tb^t oe* lenn it aamolaat
far Oaramar Bite. WteMrtr maj
te Ite raal laalte of tb<- aitoaUia,
Oartraar BUa it pUlalr wotriad.
HMawkUaBte. Jte O'OoaaoU toalan
•UUte to ^ ooaMdarad. Hen. Ora
& Bartoo of Pralt Rider, ataodt

fated* af rarlou dtJiartaMBtA
S»4te <
aall will eSrr off<«Ur« opi»tUtee
thbTaar. ..

latte altr
Mb eatet of oMlliox aad tte qaaraaMm U bteOBlac aa erarrda; affair.
Tat wUh aU ttear eaaia tte daatte
BM a BlateaB, tte dtetb nte telac
teaafa Uat ttea la iaan>. diwaca* not
aaaalil*rr<( daaearooa The rico*.! of
tte paat, tewarar. It taacblac effoeate tte aalterlllaa art ri«1dlr an
U( .thr rate of tte bralUi A-.
awL Trararaa OII7 It fortanai* la
AOt terlac liad Mf Rerioaa raaaltt
traai (far oaoM fam. faat ttet aheold
-aat drter aayoue frota aldlac tte
haaIlfaoaotr*aoBaofa'at]XMBlbl« b;
ctetrrlac tte eatabUtbod rate rrU-

rom» pt’i.t.op orsara
*‘Wtaa W* Vtttf
r*(9 l«*Mr-uaR- lira
Mate to (bo
■otjl/ teM KraalBB.
*'Wtea Wa Weio Twaot; OimC'
tte taiaeipal raaar tba( ffUod Uw liotab trltb oat of (own garata hairveo
lag. ' Tbare waa a n-r; larco nuiaboi
of paepU proaeat (mu artffiilx'rlBC
tows* aad MUm. ABoag ttein, unat
nd wboB stWBdrd' tte play at Btolnbare'* RToad lait orooiac. wen Mr.
Mid Mra M. RaadaU aad Bfoaie T.
Maadallwnf Bardlearlle;
Brows of LrUad; Dr. aad Mr*. I'laUak aad Mr. aad Mtx A. E. B.-mac
<r of Majda CMy: Mr. aad Mr*. Jerry
SaUlraa aad Mr. aad Mra Ofaarl.-a
BUl^aad ftBlly «r Oedar; D. R.
ObBptell and lady. Byrno Matthrwi
ted wUa. O. A. Brlgbani and wifr.
H- B. MeOnwu and Wife. Dermda
Onatel aad Udy. Praak OaaaeU aad
lady, a O. BartA^aad wife. D. W.
Bajaolda aad wifr (iad John Henet
Qtaviii Oeorv* Bachaat and O. H.
Oaok of latwloebis. Mr. aad Mr*. 3.
a Loarka. Mr. aad Mra Kuceo*
Orate Mr. sad Mra OUe> Uodc**.
ted Mr. ud Mra O S Beader »i
PtfaUka: O. H. Oav aad wife »t
Otte Harw aad K E. Daily and wife

« tndaeiic* of bra a
wtaleb It WDOM bet be wi*e for titter
to make good. .
N'aoey ted been cangtit by tbe-tesdMcne nochBaa. Rbe waa abocted ta
rc^re TrsBaa'
pnod to abow bee feeUaga. 8te dladalaed to make any reply. Latra ate
bnrd that a party of TrWBaa a frteada
from tbe rati were apeodlng
B(r wlih him aud tbeo Ibat be had
teeome engaged lo owe of ibeni.
One alghi In fteptetnlier after tbe de­
parture of bit mend*. Iqrlodlng bla
fiancee. Truman beard borneo* boof*
wltbout and. coing to bl* window, law
a Doniber of rowboya Burroiibdlag hi*
tenae. Al tbe aame lime ibeee wa* a
lond knock. Going Inm ibe tell, be
Miened (be door, and who abould enier
hot Nancy I-oltard; ftbe ibes at>4 tl
informed blm that be abouM eltber
marry bee or ber mead* wonld
him off and make way with him. Traman declmed at flrvt. hit wben Nancy
enlM ber aupporler. be aaw l.y ibHr
look* Ibtl they would do
than tbeir Mol might bare wlabed. He
yielded. A ptraoo wbe
hrougbi wlih iba |iarty wa* called, asd
the maiTlBce took place.
3i*ce. Tbe
I nr bride,
-00m ttet abe bad
aficr aaaurlbg tbe groom
furtber.claim npon
at tbe bead of ber
Wben Tnimaii eatne 10 expUli
matter 10 bl* fiancee, abr decided te
break wlib blm. He at ooce went
abrcMd. Belug a aeniltive man. be
eeuld not ahake off ibe tneUncbely of

had eUlmed blm or tbe aupport abe
waa entitled lo by Uw aa hie wife, be
would bare baled ber. A* It wba be
fell that gsawing at tbe heart a man
may feel at being ararned by a woman.
t be rrcelred a I
etna po*<tnark
tte name of a legal firm prinied lo tbe
corner. Opening it. be read ibat Hra
Traman dealred tbe fins te wrttc ''
that *be regretted brr pa*( actldo with
ragard to him and If be dealred a '
Torce abe would oppoae no obatacle
tbe way of obialnlng It.
Traman at once aomlaed that bl*
wife dealred a dlraree In order to
ry agnln. Tbe pain tte •naplclte
hrougbi atartled him. Tbeii U occurred
to hltn to turn tbe Ubles on ber.
returned to America and lo bl* ranch,
wbrre be learned that abe wa* n
leg atieniion from a <ouug
of tbe firm wbo ted wriilen him at ber
leqitrRt. On tbe afleruonu <if hi
riral be aent a note 10 ber. eaylng that
If abe wooM rUIt blm that erealJ
bl*'ranch be iteugtft Uie math
tbeir aeparatlte might be adjiwted.
Then he paced tbe reramU till tbe hour
appointed, wben Nancy came gallopIng down tbe road. When the bad dlamounled. be led ber Into tbe ball wbeta
abe bad forced blm m mirr.r ber. tbm
turned aod aald:
*'Y<>ii wUb tbia dlraree In order ta
marry William rierce of Ibe Uw firm

tbe iiiaiicr aa you dldr
‘•Ur. lletre wrote you.
wb»t lie nld."

ranted S/dlroi
c It. When y
wtiiied to marr.r me. .rou compelled
me. Now-' **1 bare alws.r* regretted doing aa."
abe lotempted.
• Now you wuh to be fire to marry
•one one elae. 1 not only propooe ttet
you aball not do te hof—be drew
rerolrer-“lf yon will sot agree lo lira
B. Xeatakl. Jaiwn't aiirrial rotaDla- lo tbii bouae with me. t« endure th
Maarr of fonlm rshibli* (ur tbr' fair •ICbt of me rrery day. I will kill yoa.
-la thUforrerenger
al Uaaka la I0U3. will abortly arrm In
(te t’nl(ad B(a((a from Oennaoy aud
bi* rffort* ta lotrmt Ataerlrnn
“Ilccanae 1 lore yoo.
■anafamrart In Ji|iaa‘* rnt*rpri»r.
Nanry began lo away.
Miy Ite New York TIoim. .Vii<»rdloc (»
latnrlcwi (bat be baa ctrra abroad. It itigbt ber. and abe fell Into hU arara
•'Nancy, give op Ibla mirrUge.
la Ua IldtOllob to bair Ibe I'liKM
SMtra, Ueraiany and «>reat lintalii my wife in fact aa well aa lo law."
"I bare no Idea of marrUge." ate
MaM at InduitrlRl rlvalt at Onkt from
MarrA lora !■ thr md «r iiR<<r»ik)«. •aid.
-Tbcn wtet doea tbU mraar
lac July.
Ultberto bMluetrUI rxbibiilcHi* In JaIMO, wblrb hue (or miii.v .reom Inr-ii
’baM at (be iMlod. of iwler a d.ssdr. on hi* own reapoaslblllt.e.''
*’.\Dd you lore me noiwitbatan
bare boro exrlORhriy iiatloual In eharacter. and. altbaiwb iIm- ruBiiic fair al my treatment of youV
“Ye*. But how can .rou erer lo
Oaaka will ditpla.r jR|<anew 111*1111(3.-torera al their iM-ot. U la'ate thr liitrii. Woman wbo ha* pot aneb an IndU
non of tbe coivrnmruL.40 eiKvursce upon your
“let ui forget all that. It waa ay
. eOBpetlUou aiuoiic iIh-bi b> RlNirlnx
wbat kSsrofiean ami .\Ben<-aii mnnu- fault that led to .chgra nere U a
himte already prepared for ua. and wa
fattmn tere acrooipitBbnl.
What Japan I* tu<»( anxlmu u> lure hare only 10 .lake iicaanUon of It.
ttklMtrd at Ouka Ir tfliat Uerarni.r.
SocUbd aod tbe railed Btilra are dolag la neard to mat iniidie work*tte ntlUxatktti of water iRiwer for elec­ riage. Itelng by compuUloa. waa no
tric pUala. ranat buUdlnc. tbe ute of marriage at all There waa a- grand
M*el In the ereell.m of tnilldliie* and werldlng. whMi was attended by tbe
trldgea. tanoHInc and el.vtnral trae- eowiMiya wbo bad efleUted at tbe ftnt
.ttoo. Jnal now Ibe elllra p( Tukro,
Qaafca. Yoketema. NBcaaaU aod lli'ro- groom -by tte baa
telma. ahbaagh abtedy BU|i|die.l wiib •Uted OB ktelDg tbe brMe.
watarwerkA Irarr nm.-b to W dealr.R]
la tbe way at aaoMatkio.



baa Isreatad a bow plow, tb
r featote of white U alli^ to te
ttet it wiU Ml tbroogh a drift of
arsM or pate^ bow aboat M tMlly
aa tte maalilM sow is sae ramoea
Ugbl ddfl.
Tte MW darioa firal
brrak* «p the U* aad Miow with raeoletng Mitart. aflar white tte ebTbe Cboauw railroad wlU tear a
baby white wsa fosad ateadoMd «
Maaf licanaaaldt El Baoo, Ok.,
Friday. Tbe child wa* lafi ia a trot
laahaaket white waa wdl aappliad
elotblog tad a annlBg
battle filed with milk. Oa tte haadle
of tte hateet wa* a Bote aayiag:
BU: pUaaalak* b
teatexi Balkra*' Tte eowdneter teltgrapted to tte eoapaar'a baa
tw* aod waa told to take tb* b
tte oaxt atatioo. Later te u-eeired a
Bcaaaga ordering him to retain
aoBloB cf tin- IsfaDt, a* the road Irnd
deelded to adept it. ralae aod edneata
. It U BOW Is a bnepital lo Wh-liita
Bausud eoekmaeleiaro
eos on tte tnoapoft MrClellaa <
■lie arrirod at Mew Yofk from tbe
Phllippiae* Ibat tte B>-raieM of a rat
kill them off b^uT^ tindanger of ibelr carryiag diasae. Tbe
Fbilipptaa rata bare hair m-arly an
iMfa long and Ite «t*r rat of tbe eatte
wa* aa imtnatiaa, fallow Btaanrlng
OTtr two fact froM hit noae to hi*
At Bpokaaa thirty year old Han*
ooagar Ima baecTln a by|m«‘c
erer aince Tbnraday of Uat week.
mOhow* who ta to blama and pbyaiblate rty that snleaR tbe perw« wbo
pel him to Bleep remora* nta infiocana then- 1* no telling wben be wilt
wska ap.
Dr. Angnatln Tbompaao of BoalM
clalB* be te* dtaeorared the Bcfrl*bt
inlcwglng boBan life to liO rrara
Di. TbompaoB «y* that te baa "
atad a ateHarity H tte forae* of aaiaal Ufa from the aaBc materiab ttet
axUt ia faod." and
ttea* foasM in n combtoed form into
Ite boi^. (Iieroby iq reisroroe tte
wrr.- oenter.
"1 can lake
wboec aerre oeati-r i* weakeni-d aod
raetora bUa to tewltb. I teve dona it
for baadnda I did it for rnymlf. '
Ootirdad by two doip, tbe body of
II year eld hoy wa* feann by two
farmen m tte banka of a tBall erei-k
••ren b11** from WlnfieM. Kaaraa.
Tbe boy, tl aeamed. bad WandarM
•way froB h<uaa with bii dog, and.
loaiiig bia way, wsa froaes to diath.
Thar* wsa no elew to tbe boy> iden­
BeMsee of the rveeni aeixare of
H.OQO ia bogs* aUrer at Raoo^Porto
Bieo. butaaB in tows ta ani^ded.
Tbe Berebanta of Poboe refaae to aeoept any aUrer eola* of Uia dntea of
ISM. I8W. I«00 and iWR. 1
tarfeit doltan ar* poorly exerted,
hot tte allagad aporiou* haJri-a and





rVKjULg in rU
ojr toW. RKRV9 lo l.Aa
a Loaa iV


OiunJ To«,-cv
Tn-.^-c^ 1.

IlHlOlro I( Orrm-O> e Uriimx
. V, >aU Rt Idr

*j*UBg.VT-n,«a«At:).-l'reei (tr-R-i.


MIm Kellie Befel. wbe Iffi her
boBeai Mnocla, lad., foaryear* ago
te aeek her fortune in tbi- nortbweet.
tetarned thta wwk a* Mra Oolrin
worth tUOOO.OOOlB baroWd'
rigbL She want from Indiana lo Seal,
tla aad fitB Ite-ra to Uh- gold field*
of Ataaka, and arrlr.-d at Dwi
City wilboal a erat. 8te tbwa
oorte a pnaitioti Ip a r^amaraal at $K> H”'“
a weak, aad wban tbe ropnrta from
Koaaa'raaobad bar tbi- left for ttet
place. A* tOM aa ate rraobed K<
into tb* eoal baalnaaa,
tboagh eartaia agaata got a oorner on
tte aaiirv Bpplr. OMtraotiBg for it
at M a tod. Ste imwidtauly ralate
tta tviea te flW iwr ion. Witt the
proeiwda from tte eoal earner tbe por- ___ ^SCELLANEOUS
ib>T of ^OWCT Tt^iAR^eJax M
mtaeaaad *l>e ta sow partaee tn fifty
foor eUtaaa qolrln B«mm. a riali
t^ORET TO UUN <-« nel rMah. aay
mineral Hamiw City.
Witt tte girl'* boalaee* aattoda. and
they ware married Jaat before ate
Marted hM>k to bra old boma
"Boaaoa Bljrawlar. IT yean old. waa
fenaa dtad on tte floor of O. a
Brnrsa' groeary, Ohioue, wb<-r<' he
worked. 11 waa hta;tt^ to opu tte
> in' tte taoMag. Tb* •tor*'*
wa* foond andcT bit body. He
bad beea aboi by borgUra
Tte Mattodlata of tadiaaa bar. sndagtakaa tte raactiM of a Mrgi- pbllTate (tegrialRi. 1*1—1
oom)|60.000 aad
to tera aa eadowmaet of flSOO.OOO.
aite* atdy *r Whihr *MIdee Ca. Me*—*, w U. H
••U. Oer irRte



Dont Bc Fooleoi

DMcb 1‘aw-

Tbe ladla* girfag tte Da<
PraaMtet Snoaereli
ptwred that Blaetrio Bitaar* will onr*.
Archibald wara walking up W»i«-nit..................................
11 t>i^ te^tuiS of teTteadM^M
I aaffmte for yBia
aUaak la Waahlngtou when a guei ••(
.r I tbe Banr
manr taqmaaU
taqiroU for
IseltaticBa lavtBd wblaked off tbe Inr'* bat aMl^lMd* ibat it woaU U-too a«*ll to Witt kldiMy tTMbla.- write Mra
taak U.aalllng along tbe Udewalk. .t |aoromauidata 1^ Buoafnctahly. Thay
l telsvUlRMIte------------------------------ •
*— o»' •-«—
HttU colored hoy <-ba*ed ibe bat
Warste II to Ibe owner, a«y* tbe ma. and. al- ;^f“
Tart World. Tbe imldeul and Arebl* romiaiiy .with a faaaatifal Oanate Btaaraa wteUy


• »;Ji.*5r{Ksar‘aJr

a L mjm

• Uiatb*

TbU and tteCicI ttet t
bare lakaa ebaiga of tte «

5T* '*teS^tai

wSagM^^tM^ »c5te?ai^
>teac ate .R. B. Valt * Sou'


These\cold days. Can be done cheaper now than any other
season of the year. We will help you do this by giving you
a big share of our profits. We will make S^E
F^mOES on Heaters for the next few days.

And it is ^onomical in burning, fuel, and just now very
economicahin price.

Heater is a good stove to own. Has many good friends al­
ready. We hope to have it make more.

Are being made on ail our heaters that will be to your inter­
est to investigate at once. No better time than tomorrow
morning. The sooner you see them the sooner you will have
a thoroughly warmed and; evenly heated hous^ The^
prices will not last long, neither will our stock of stoves.




Woman’s Woi»k
in prqjaring appetizing and
iidmlesome food i» lightened by
dds famous.bal^ powder.

Liglit Bisctfit
Dainty Pastfies
pFine Pfiidings
Absolutely pure. It adds
healthful qualito to the food.

Biaking Powder
siluable .4 n.* I.«*s -

There a
made fn«n alum, but they^e ea
haimfut to bemith. Thru
asuiiKeiu and cauieriaing tjualiues
dangerous eleniml ti '

« euwMa c«., lee wiutaH ar.. mw voaa.
eav^ by wall diggers. On the tamk of
tbe 8bUwaaa.« Hear, luatrby, a eeln
i I eropa not. and when Mr. King rana
I j abort of ooal be filU up a wag<« load
from the aoriaoe of tbe groond.
When young Charley Heed'ifalthfnl
fos bonnd name tnennrterlng home at
It la aononneed that ibe urganlra- Dackereille. wltliont the boy, Otaarli
ttoe of n new eompany to ■■stabllafi a Heed. _
ar.. wondered where the yontliKnowlog tbe boy

Condensed Hews

^ of niitblganjl

-ha the largeat la Miebumn. a. II i. to,
IwlwIraihaalMof Umon.- i.owr«n,pp«henal»e. Tbreo
ntngalAl^ »to^
and Inaestlgatlon relo Wrw.ilOO II 1. claimed ilrnt than. 1,..,,^,he fmiMlrat Charley did not
la water power ou the alte of Ibe
r>«ob ibi borne of David
Wlleoii, mar
Port HooUao. wbltber be waa bonnd.
while Ihi'-ftilgbliorbood of Obeloygatf Tbe d.« had railed at an
abonndi in aproee. mmlork. jack farm bense on lila way bank
pl»a. and otbi r wood ued la making loliereil for a Umy. ami ibea retaraed
lo tbia plao-. If tbef ii anything
Tbe larga nnmber of tnow owla be deri.ved from tbe oundnet of tbe
mptarml in aorthera ,Mle1>igaii ihl. eiilmtl. sumi'Uiiitf l> amiaa with ibe
wlntfg ta eacitiiig a goi^d flrnl of euriHis father bii* startl'd
oMtr among tatidamilsta and tiodeaU hoDi him up.
at uatoral faliloey . doow owla
Mias Uttie Hill, tbe Id year old
qatia eommini farther north, bat Jnat Irl who oommttlad inlelde at KaUwhy they aboold Itwve tbelr iipnlien
homaa to eome down into thia pari of dealre to be bnrled in a whlia dieao,
tba noaairy ia'a m^tiary. Tbe aporti- and lo hare e while lieane dlmwa by
maedo ao< like chem.aa they kill white faoreea Mlaa Hill's pareoU will
May qnall and fHgliten man> oiben follow ool her deeln's for a white
• away. .
foneret. In aihlltioa lo being bnried
Dr. B. V. JeaaJaeqoet. a 8wlm.wbo In n whlM dreea and (-arrled to
teonlly motrf to Uwoaao from De­ grare in a while hearer drawn b.r
troit. baa an tarenUon wbieb looal whim boteea. tbe Uidy will lay In
Jawelert ooasider worth afortuaa. lu white cAaei, tbe grate lined wit
a deriee for out nog nut watrh wbeela wbth' lilies, and nothing bnl wbihand Ibe aeeret la geardid corefnliy. flowera atrewn on the oaiket.
Tba eld tssn rialaia lata liouae baa
igne wai frosan in tbe
twiee been enli red ID an atiempi to woodamwr Hldnsw. Mioh.. Monday
■Mmre po—salnii of it.
Dr. Vn.
TTm- A. rryr,
Krye, ijwiior
(twi'or of Ibe
Last ipriog a oal belonging
Oeutral Meihodla*. ehnr^ of Imnsleg. Yorkrllle woman brought a yonug
aud'formerly of Trarerw- Clty.preaob- bird borne In >U month. The lady biok
probably the moa« remarkable eer- pity on IIk- bird, and reeeoiag It frw
moo erer heard In Miebigan. baring imay. plaeed U In a cage- Alimg. in
forMa aabjeei. "Ohitatlaaili Vladl- the tall ebe liberated it «a the eberee
caind By It. Knemlea" A Inry was of Onll lake. Imt tbe next moralngil
neleeud of repreaenutire cUlu-nabui
back at her door waiting lo be
Me of whom waa a member of hie Uken In. Bb<- pot U bmk ir the eage.
choreli. and inoet of lliem wcri- not'
haa ainee aliowii no dealre to be
■ambers ol any cdibrcli. lo hear Ibe free ugaln. The bird ti of an uteatimooy which Ih> offered from il>r
apeeiea. bat from iu brilliaBi
srrlllBgi of noted oiibrltor.-rs 'from A. plnmage Is iboogtat tp be from
D. Ifl> down to tiie prew-nl time, to
tropical i-oantry.
jKore liU aairrttoD On ilte Inry there
lore, foor law
It lais XsUa.
, two of whom -were-el Jc^gea
noeawell known aiate is>lltlrlan,
terera srboea longa are aora and
a college profea or. and two baslneoa
MS -well known in the> c:
city. Tbe
ir the doc- aad not alwaya nora. Don't be an
rerdict tta* onaniniuua for
exile when Dr. Elngi' New Diae
lot'a oouteutlen.
oooinmp^on will e
Battle Creek la long ou l>eallh fedd
faotoriea and tneb tbingn. bot the lolalllble
madielne for Oongfaa.
Oolda, and all Throat and Lang dlanasoi on esffth. The fint doee brings
eoneeea they ere unable lo hare their
......... nae. At Jaa. __________
saw gewna made.
8. E. Walt ft Booa Prioa SOo
Brety bottle gaaianMedL
Bobart Bidm. reiwraeoialire of tbe
Obtoago ayndlcate. is in CadiUae.
n waa notiead
paying tbe Pottasratomir Indians
their ahare of the money for Ih^ rM- Is Ormsd Bsren asd-rtcImiT ea Mon­
day of title week. The gtossd waa
orratloa In t'bleago. which/<
eorered srllb Mow of yellosrlah Uaga.
cMtly told. There aiv jibontp
iyyw« stndrnta saertbe It to the teOMt
D this rIcLnity. S
end .^e rolnasio
will reeeire IIOO.
A etoek oompauy will
formed to lease the farm of Pi<Mr
• of Oliilkded Paae,
King, sear Owoaao. and woek tbeeeal i;ii
______________ .______ offfrosnsgUM.
depoaitt there. A rein two nnd a half ru lotre my wife and croee tlie sea,
lias be wuliool
witlioni Bo^ Monsfaeltblok. lOD feel dosm. and anothar
Jaa O. JolMen.
fire foot relu at ItO fn-t haa been lo-



^Anorwo Ti)wicft»vortqng|ei

As a reesti of the mild wisM no-'
lets and other ajirlag flosrera hare be­
gan to nppenr In the eoaih of Eng­

ae the beet In tbe world. axtMda
roand tbe Mrth. Ii'a tbe one psrfeet
healer of Oeta. Corse. Bama Bratees.
U Bkls Eiapttone.
eara «5e Vte

mil kladi nnd nU at IK ErMt elrae
■■ ■

That waavhat «t«tt oot fOti him.
Tbrrv «u uuthlag alrtking about Jim.
>«d to rearh an oolatrmUnc
in all thlnga. from, bia familr
dfrte. wbare be was fifth of alno chU4fMi. to the TtHago aporta. wberv ba
dlfUngnlalted hlmarif.
Ue traa uot tall tor hia age Lke Tim.
hia oidett brother, who was alrea^ a
nUlkO an>reniiee to the Ulackamltb at
Bergen MUls. nor bad be errr bora
aacta a J<>U.r. omoo fared l>ru«iite as
BUIy. «bou tbe eltr f1>Ik« alwa.ea
8to|<|>ed to urn lie u|k>u with surb eipreaaiuos a> "Now Itiri be alie rotect
11^ cliapr orZ-ralmer Cos ought
really tu are that l-oyr
At artii»t Jim uerer reai-bed tbe bead
of tdi (HtM uor did be rter drop wltb
aickeiilog thud t<> Its fi«>t. Aa Ida
teartier'exprnMed It. be di.1 bl« work
Jwt about tlueeHioaneie. Wben aud*
deo rathHrophe fnreed bli. idaymatra
aeteiil bim as a aulwlltule la tbe
Uaeball nine, be was tbe ol.)eet of eonstaut attention at tbe baud* of ibv cap­
tain. and |4ay as hard a* be might that
*Tbeaty~ ludivblual was InreuanRy
ralllag. 'T'lay luill. Jimmy, play ball!"
Creii wbeu the big liotHde.l went lo
pterea on Iteeiuer'a bllU ami half tbe
boya were Uken to tbe baapUal, Jim
tradfed borne afoot and bli mother
■jWell. thank goodlier. It wai Jea'
Jim! If It'd l»en Tim or rred. now.
he'd 'a' broken a leg. knocked out hia
tacUi or had bis bm k broke for life,
bot Jlm"hhe paoeed eloquently. .Va tuoal
Jim bad alruck Uh- iWHiinai. Three
ou bla fare, a sprained linger and
an ugly l>rulae on one knee completed
bU Injariee. ao a pliysl.jao waa not
called, and tbe utual maternal remobjutgatlonl to refrain from "l•nlll•lng"
In tbe future.
lllif all tbeae tbloga hoMsmsf wben
Jim waa yuuu^, very young, and^t^.
fore a iiarty of ca|i
that Uh- lake liryuml Itcrgeu klUla

JDAtaa caaiMT aU abotn it. too, aad
warned thM aMntr animal to be rrody
far the
to arms at any momena
Oae day while borrylng beck to the
cnrreaari from dinner hr’ had woiked
hlmarlf np to a fine pitch mt esithatbe tbrlUlDg siinatka
he WBS rooaed rmm hit rrrerWa by
frightened acreema end tbe hoof beat*
cf a galloping bone. He rco Into tbe
danty BtraM. lo face a plnuglng bone.
Banging on to tbe reins In tbe phaeton
sras tbe colored maM! Tbe prlnceea
sms DOC to Iw seen. lYohoMy ebe waa
crouching In (nror at ibc feet of ber
aerrant. CooM be do K wUbont tbe
Arabian ebarger? AU this paeerd
throngb bU mind In a flash. The next
tnetant be was clingtng to tbe brkUe
of tbe maddeoed bont—Cbeo darknem!
When be sroke. be wee lying lo a
ttrange room with a while capped
sane beixUus orer him. She felt lila
fofebnd wltb.ber cool haml and gave
blm Bomelhlnc to drink, snwctbliig ixdd
and delicious. Next Came.Ibe doctor,
who ssld-il him many lUvaome iioeaUona ami hi' muilM-r. wl>o rrM a
great <li-al sod >al<l iqrr lliilc. which

Chartse -tt. Dow Tottt of Srw Waw

at Ibc Ditiib annual bangotg of the
Manafaeinrera' amociaOoo of New
Terfc. trhich waa held tbe other night
nys tbe New York Tlnwo. at the
L'nloo Leogoe clnb. Brooklm.
"Too will aooD be 4ble." be said, to
file diaiwtehe* Id Hrnuklyn to be *k«l
to ehipa far out at eta."
He declared that 1^ Is Impoettble to
Steel Mareunl mr«£ige«. as many beUeve. aa eroding ai>A receiving luatmmenta are Inncd in Uarmoni. and there
la a pooBibimy of Inflolle eorablnatloe
in tuning lU saW:
"The laois:i<m
ahlt« on tbe anon*
srtJI soou euuie to an end. ^blpo. too.
win be kept safe by a tiny Instrument
to wrm ibeni of tbe appi'iai-b of other
aby[is. Tnicl on raliwa>s «dl I>r made
Inflnllrlr anfer. as rxrry vngloe cab
Insirumeiil and be Able
to talk wllb trains on ibr ruad ahead
and U-hlnd II. Armlea and nailes Will
move nmlrr wlrrlewi orders.
‘Tbe Asaoelaird i*rrsa^-ill he able to
buliclln uirmiges in Chicago t-> l<e sent
Intuotaiieotialy 'ami enliM-hleutly lo a
tbonund AnH-el<-iiii ntirm UareonI
may bare nntsix-ii'd ibe greal aeiivt of
tbe unlverae. and your ab»)a and facloHcp may t-e run s.s.ii by Impulere
from the coalOrida of Weet VtrgtnU.
It may 1-e a puieui T.irec which wlU
bring aUmt an IdiIumHbI reruloUoa

they b
long tj
Ulk. and then be recalled II all—
tba priDcew. llie Ua<-fc serrant and tbe
plunging Imrve. Ami be ncslerstood
better why his back a. b.-d a.i.
Souieltuw tbe ache never stoiq<ed
nlgbt or day. aud Jliu was Is-giniilng
to weary of It. One day In- oMoulaUed
eV exelalmltig:
"Say! t'm.klnd of swcry I made op
that play. I thought it would tw fWI
to ride Ibe .Vraldau charger and aaro
tbe pHiiccsa. lull Ii'a lasting auch a
long lime."
At flnit Ibe uurae tbougbi be was
dellrloui agalu. but wben abe bad nakv
a few queatloos abc uundertiood
lAter lo Ibe day abe paid n vlaii
to tbe
dent of tbe Widlal
and told bliu all almui tbe prlnceea. The Remedy That We
Ibr Ba-n«nt end lU- .\rablan charger.
Recommend To Be
Tbe veo' next day tin- pijmvaa with i
buapllal. 8lKTaken Alter Sickness
was .g seHuus 'young lualdoo. whi
was well, btvaute some day kbe wui
hate a large aefhtr
manage. - K


Is Vinol, It Pro­
motes Strength and
Quick Recovery.

"Non, remember, w hatrt <-r .else you
say be must uol know that It was only
tbei-olorvNl glri be raxed. I tbIuW IIt-Ii
would break ins heart."
Tbe |■riD<vHu■ oraliled Iht brad wisely
and lutveil i>Bi-k tbe leers. Kbe did not
know why she fell like ecyliig. extvp’
, that abe bail mvn somelbtug like tears
: In the nurs-'a eyes, aiid eveu ber father
bad rurueO away bl> bead ome or
, Cwiie durlug tbe tvmfervmv.
; Jiiii idiiKMl slKHlte,! wdb drllgbl
' wlieu Ih- siitv m-c. Kill* wniv llte dress
>bi- llkivl Is-s! of all-while lawn wilb
eu SH'C
laee lUlU
Ibid PU.IW
fn-r ■■n-tlv.. soouiueis
Biid uniiK. Idiu- rlldions mid a ruMtriuiniitl bat. They*ialknl it all over.
: aii'l w Ih-ii she ross- lu'go be said i-beorl-

Tba worst part <■! bring si.k Is the
getting sratl. That is the tiuw wbea
patlenca Is a virtue.
The aoBetar <won..t sea Ir.-m dsy to day
that any ateangth is gauwd.- The appetita Is tiJul: tbe hours drag wearily and
it aec'ins that Nature would never be able
to rMumr her natural course.
Nature finds hard work aiirr tlirlvjwir.
'e has IWli
g.dng through
tng proceaa kbe
hwii g>dng
to do much more without aid. Klir i-ro-s
out for l»ei^
l>e!^ Wr know at such umea
Vino is of great avsisuacp.
We have ysistsd oursrlvev roncarniny^
thescirolilicartaiA Ibai titskr> whro
VmoluUkentnm lbcs)Mcm.*\Vcw..uld
gUd t.t t
r.l.:- .a..

a bad manv opi—rtunlliei
notice the ra%ulttbai'bks. aetuaUy I
bed whei...........
baa been u
Thme results have alwaya Iwn
cu.ty. t-flen
often astounding
mstound. •-v.-o to uv
II you are grilnig w*-ll from any
princess tnukioiibletry Yinol. You will clcap betlei:
iijIpM. nml siart'sl in hrav<1v:
your appetite will iiuproic. stid,
"Von nnm't going lurt-k to the ear. a'l. that which yon rat will more r
roUM-1 for aw bile. My luiiui Is going assimilate. It will U--i.l, a .lav .
you Will realise your
lo lake you to town v hh us- lu ativlbrr—nnntl>er .hospital wlmiv they keep
Isiys w-ilb hurt luirks. T'lw-re's tbe
that U. that suchaoi
loveliest ilwtor Ibwv. 1 know him, and
ihI let us at least ctMleavor
endeavor to c.nvince
Ih-'s golug to pill your l>ark In a hint,
.-atiu-ildoaTiy.s- •
in., .s'ucharontervation
plaster l«aria i-ase, niul I iii coming to
lliwa U a lett. r.iviniamlng
M harm.
erery single day. it's right VinoU
.U from Mr. Isaac rliamialgne of
rloac to our bnuae."
Keciic.N.H. Hsssvs:
that 1 eodona
Jim bad grown strangely •lulel, and
TlnoL My liiUe girl Cork, after a hard
ow he turned to her wlalfiilly:
.* ofscarlWfev.-t
of s'carl«fevi-t tookit
U»-kit wilh the very
“Will I have to slny this-thir way taa*
on ntixccm WHO
best results. 1 do not believe she wuuM
rc-ry much longery
ever have recovered II it had not been I.
TIm- pmic-sii look u fresh grip on tbe VluoL she was so .weak. Now she is I
____ - kbe
.... still ._11
the very b.-sl of hesltli."
T wc goaninaa Viaol aad
eiiiTouael. with sii|ierb Ilona.
IT ostricbrs
iniud. will
tota Jim lost all interest lu ulber day an.l bring you l-ooka and flowers
pteta uUslactlon U not given.
and ibliigs';"
Iblnga. and every s|«iv monicnl
apent In wntehtng the giddy whirls of
tbe nierry go round aud Its |>alrous. _
riieii <-aiue Ibe dny of ila.i >. w In-n tbe
ontwe had »o skillfully i>arrli
muuuced that be wo« tired
tlous on tbla kuhject. Tben be turned
r^fe and w «• going back to Oar to the prluccks. Then- were lean In
elly. iilsihay was i>leture<l-»n Ibe fare hercyif. I'ould tliey be for liliu? He
palled lilDiM-If logeilw-r like n youug
of the i.roprb
lUbil llie
e heart of Jhu. who stuod aoldler. and gn^ for her baud.
".Vo, I shan't lulml It-at-nll."
il'i2 the dalUr pnUsblng of the
e prluc-ks forget how
bow etatcly
golden cliarinia. .knd. Is-sl
Iw>i of all. It Tlii-u IUa atoiy UkiI: prlnresa sbouUI l>r. Bfae
was vai-alloD seaiwo:
Dmwliig on a su|qdy uf lau-iit energy forgot tfiat ber father waa prealdrnt of
a hank aud that Jlm'a father waa only
srbb-U he did nut iln-um be
a flreinan In tbe Uergen iniKs. Kbe
JID apiiTuachnI the |irviirtelor.
d b^ flq
rub up tbe animals
cbarioia and rolleei ibc tickets, and ^"Vpoljv-w- regularly hruve |>rlucc.
boU on tbe little oitea ibtt's afraid, JUuuiy, and I'm glad I'm your |>rlu<waa.
Imleed I n
and"Ula list of acroiDpllsbaieois came lo
Tcwieh Laate.
, ImAutiiuI AksoiliiK-nl of I
wllb abrewd but not unkindly eyes.
R«v>l,'h mliilsler was startled by
New Sjirin^ UrcNv ilooth, |
the original Hews ..f a not >ery skillKintistmg of Krcni'h I'
here pretty airady. a'nd I guM you'll fill ploHiiiHii whom be bad Just hired.
Itciiick. PruncICus -Mixed I
do If yuor Coikt are willing and won't 11c nolli-ed that the futrowa uere far
I’gnctians ami Mohair* i;i I
pull you off lu-du Juba around botue. from straight and said:
Tbe uulforui will m you pivtty well
all ilic now claim) shatk’s |
"Jlilpi. yer timis are i,a near siiwucbt
ava-tliat Is. na like TnuimU-'s wark."
anti at the mpular ]gii c— I
Tamuile Is-liig ibe incrsim wbo bad
im-v lously plo« e.1 ibi- gle»«-.
publielty. Before the first week bad
•Tammle dhlua ken bla wark." ob•lapsed, be mted Into bis nook aa nat- aened tbe man ruoUy as be turned bla
wally aa if l»^ had Imvo Id itic abow team about. "Yc see. when tbe drilla
boalueM all bis life, lie could lean, ■U crortit tba aun gets lu ou a’ aide*,
with easy DonclialaDee agaliiat tba ■a' ao ye get early uttlea."
^ JOB—Two
-Two |iiccct
5ii in. I
ItsJa of tbe carrousel aa It wbirled
ill Wool l)c Beil
round at a mad {lace. tic bad a uante Bawwta of OiaiaMMs tar Catarrb T
and .lark yjrc)' cmly, wonlr |
for every animal lu tbe circle. And bla
aa mi-reuy will eurvly deatroy the
nnlfonu and poliabed ibe hnitc
of tmell and oompletely d.M&ge
they looked like new .
Tbe dlaiy cxlatruce be l«l might tih- whole lyab-B wb<-n entering
bare caused It. but. somehow. Jim com- through Ibe mnoona aurfaeea Bneh
abonld never bo nard eicep*
Benced <o dream dreams aud to'are
rUlooa. Tbe c^rlMss were «<
mddrn by on preaerlptlMa from n potallh-pfayal4R inch Black Silk M'arp I
uty 5^1
eiaaa. aa tbi- ■*—»t“ they will do U
tilon'a—a beautiful light I
rrocka. fiower trli
Tiftfied Lhats and M fold to the good yon esui pnaaihlf
tatinc for xummer gowns, at I
gay ribbons, wbo came
doriTc from them. Ball f Caianh
ner rialtori. And Jim was always tbe
kAigbt wbo would oome day eemme
them, when tba oatrk-b aboukl stretch
dlr<«t]y npon the blood and mi____
rar^wof the syn<-& In bnylug
i, or tbe lion, stlffeolog bla
HaU'a Oatatrb (
tall. Bbonld leap straight orer tba
beads of tbe gaping spectators. Jira
would fly after them on bis Aratdan O^ay^ft Oo.~ TaaUmMttTi^
^Snld by drnggiata. priea T6c per botwhen Angnst ratne panting
Hall'a Family Pllte are tha Nat
down It waa not a matter of fairy
petneesara. hut just one prioceaa wbo
rode a U«a every afientooa. with a
Manrks- T. O'Omtnor 4a tba Unllad
WBiehlDl Mid seated In tbe chartet
bahlod ber. Jim felt that their peol- Btarna Oeoaral BaarwUlng-Barrlaa for
tlnm abould be revetwe<l.
with a gay tnrhan and carrylac ba loeatad than tor lha nazt taai '—
apaar oboold monat the Ucn. vhUa
tba pctacw iB la Ma^lad whHa wlU

Ramflton w«
We find an unuMally large number- of
single suits—one lo
\bree of ^ kii.d-odd
pmts.'etc., which «e
place on sale at a
price to make quick
sales—none of these
are marked at more
than seventy -five
cents on the dollar.
We want to make a
“clean sweep’of them
before spring geods

75c Vd

. .


59c Vd

$1.00 Vd

1H mil

gnttartng wlagt abrndd alt Mthrcaad

tin IN HI
k«I null palltiu
It iMnali gins.

I^amilton a «
€lotbina Co.

I will have a carload of Horses
here February 13. The last car­
load of horses 1 brought here
did not last long. I closed them
out in fifteen days— Of course, i
bring the best horses into this
market, if some of the other
dealers have a u^od horse may­
be they got him in trade from
those which I sold about ten
years ago. This load will weigh
all the way from 1200 to 1700
pounds, each. SEE THEM IN



Biifiit, Omciatt,
Id Di't



m$S HELEN nui,



o'T OI*nn


Nmw VorW Ufte* KnRirtfll ^ubllo.


TO-NIGHT, Jan. 31


<WlirillT MEM AND

I a^ Sad- Tba
TrtmA fuS»w*d Uw I7WK fM t* tk«



{Mrt»w VM WMl«r •/ Maraata
«ad ar aD Ualf.
Kapeiaaa Aoarad atMa baat aa a aa»«lcr a*d a toaAar la tte raw>al>a aT
▲MtaflRa.' Wkaabatart ibt a*«ar ta
k ta tba jri«at«r. UUM Mta
at Ua caa la a brttlaM IMI
f nBialCB at iwratr Aara ba daRBfc»rt»lUp*^
atfvrfd aa Aaatrtaa am; af dlUMD•a a war kwd- Tb* vaatWr waa alar®; aad cwM. Sa• r vajr l>a
fuaed in bS
lanto of tba
about wUeb
aorb of r»nanrr and bat

Wbaa tba II
t In ITM to fniib tba
AoatrUo powar In Ital;. tba udda wwa
two la aoa la faaor of tba Aoatrlan alHm. Kapolaoo blataalt waa oe trUL
Aflar poaolac Iba Alpi b; rara atniatr
ba taoad hlawalf appraarhlna two

kiiaa and bannc tba abonar tiaa for
Mtcblaf ta a laurtloa. To Iraat Iba
miaa ann;.bafora It could 1» ra-anfarrad waa tba franah pmblao; to
baap tba Kmcb on tba fattbar alda of
tba rtr« Adda tba AaaMati problam.
A atreoi brtdfa 30U faH la lancib waa
.tba bay to both proMama.
A battarr of foortaan Aaatrtan rab
, nt~ rr aa; aon; acrnnaiA otbm ibir|p-*aa ptaniad 00 iha faribar alda le
flay bp«i tba atrartura. and to naMvat
tbaaa than waa a linr of troopa «.»Oo
•trow. After drirluk Hr» Atiaman
roar caard oat of tba town Na|roiaon
plaead arilftarf eo lire bdfhu In tba
raar of tba brldpa and..................................
. The AiutMina 111 lurn boDbaidad UodI to dure oot tba Fraach.
TWa wuat croaa. lat It coat what U
M/." aald Kapolaon.
A.aolld atoralok colninn of t.OOO
groaadlara wai maaaMl naar tba baad
«r tba batdpa. wtib a baitalloa of 80u
raittaaam. or lifbt lafaotr.r, In front.
Tba ranka wara tba riart nbllli of Ilia
brldfa and ware no arranarrl Ibil
tba ward "Forwardr tba laadlnc •
dona eoold whral from llia-orar of the
rampart wall, cron* tba abot rtddan
ipaea aroaad tbe Bitrwa; at a nlaxla
iprtlic and Iban tuakr tba run aloii(
tba canatway to Ibe Auatrlsn nlila oulla
froa liwB daniar. M|iolaon want
amoay tba tluopa and n|rok
mrokr aaroamctac ward!.
Ii waa tba r

labka that aociaiiad tba name of "I.lttto Oarporal."
t alkiul ••
lallanfi irv
Tba feramdal tkiallanf

tba brtdfa. Tba rnral tank waul
Uka a row of fralu alalka liafora Ibe
reaper, tba cvlooin alaBCcrad and rrrlad backward, and ilw raliaiit amia-

fbain. To rrown ell. Nn|»lcnn placed
hlmaair at (bdr brad, and la. aid.
ceBerali —Carvonl. Dnllrnuicnr, I
tbiar. Uaaacna and lAnurs-rurbo
bla aide.
Forwinl aealn. IhU lima
orar tba baapa of dead l..llca ilial
ebokrd Iba paaaafe. and a nub'k run.

a allot fmni ibe Audrtaba takloy affect, eirnrt ni iIm- |ioiul
where tba^lootie wbeHcl to inkr Ibe
fffM leap.
Tlia Amirlan Bnllletlaia
abaodMiad tba- cune ti»iiiiil>'. and.
wttbevt billlos nt tbe front line. Ibe
ebarflBC pranadlere nielicd up tbe bill
le attack Ibc eeraml. Tlil>, ino. enra
way. aad dllbln a few nihmtiw
(ba Frrorh laodnl 011 ibr .knelrlan
bank of Ibc rlter ibr rntlra ariuy of ibe
aniM waa raniilnc to ibe rear
St tba battle of Ibc pyraralde Nbi«.
laoa aealn carrlct^ali liefora blm by
boldpeea, Tbe Bfrptlan caonoi
la bU pathway at Ibe croaalBi
Nile, abd baaaw Ibit Ibry were In auttabary rrou
Id only
attalgbt ahead. Fomiini; bln line
uearcb up oa (be flank and avoid li
flra, bla colnniBB ran upon die kianicioka Okvkiry of Uittad Bey. Napoleon
allowad Iba flarca bnreemcn In ride
tra. Meani
(laaa to aland faat. To Ibr dliUlon In
n«nt of tba pyranlde be eieUlmed.
"Boldlara, fraia }.on lofiy aanimlik forty coetorlaa loot
00k down upon yon." Tba
aqnaraa atood ibe ibock
lock IIlka lorlarlblea. and at a aw^p tlir Onrat l<o4y of
n upon earth
I, TiewInR Ibe wracLi of


, “Coni
aMAflMBke bena to iny Frmcb I
try I eonld bara reckenrd nyarif
f)at Mar«nr> in 1800 wi. ttw
battlt of Napoleon'! career. Wbat fCbi' b wu to Grant Uatenfo wee40 Na~ am BUkib wa. atved by. tbe opttaa yrrlral of a dlrlalon of aup.
■ -wbao all aeeinad loac ao. too.
^ MareiWO. Had Bbllob ended ae at 00a
MMBt aeatbed probaUa Grant wonhl
bara dropped Into obacarily. and tba
BBBa with Napoleon bad ^Teo(a tooa
afloat Urn.
*' On tba OMmioror Ju^M. 1800, Nnpolaaa'a army waa at tbaSMaa of
aaadrla. all oteapt the dlrlalon o
aalk ttet bad bean diapatebed to Nirtl
ta bead off the AuiirUn eolDoin of
Uabis oa the aootb. Two dlrieloM
of rreech. 8,000 atrenc. trader Tictar. &.000 niidef Laonea.
raFb caralry- &iW atronc. eoTcred HaPMffa. A cavalry brtcade oodar Rrllw-aaa ebarfcd tba Aaatrtaiia and
iWSii*. abd tbe Aoetrlane In ■ .
IWfbam carTw4 Uarenco- pattlni; tba
H all ataoc tba line. Nipekm M ta tba OM Utatd of 800 rabWA bat tba imwnai csvnifT
tba& A Bin^aa of riaettta elao led

Oa tba
Odd of AaatMlIti tba aDtaconMa »at«
80.000 a olda. Tba alliaa attarkad both
Ffasrb Saoka at ooca. airtwally atrippiW IbHr rauar on iba batvbU ad
{‘raitaa of lufaetr; aod tnollac to
tbrir foot to bold tbaei.
aokad Moott bow laac li wooM taka Iba
Fraacb lofaBir; la tba rallaj to mah
tba baicbia of PiataaB. *^aDir winnao. alra. HbaU 1 fo forwardr “Ka:
wait twrat; ailaittrt. Wbao tba awa«; ti maklac a faloa aioTa. baaaf la­
ri blin.''
flras to Baolt at •
a'dorfc. RM aoldlara wara oampalM
to ellapb a ataati hill to raaab tba uMauadfT
Iba <

t Iba adreoclny llnea.
The aawAi a enrprtae. and tba outrr
roufoslon, fidlowecl by Iba loipetuc
Fl«oc-li cavalry on tba'lefl nf Soult'a
colnmn. Napoleon led Ibc ravalry la
peraon and. l•econ]ll>■ ezrlirtl. pul la
bla Uat reeervem.
Ueanwhlla tba In­
fantry Biidcr Boult etormad tbe Utt
line on (be lirlybtt nf Prataan aod
bunt aaotuMbaynoe. Tbe lull In Iba
flriiiy ronaad llir 101110 auAka <0 roU
away, abd ■( iha abock of «
bad already dldodyed ibe mill (ha vrU
wbicb all tbe mornloy bad obscured tba
•tort of day was rent opon. Iten H
that Naiwicon aaw and yrrttad
"Iba ana of Aoaterllia"
NaiKdroB'. maeirrpirev of .tratayy
waa la Ibr campalyo of 1806. when Be
tHI upon ll>e proud rnwalan klaydea
with a Mow ibal brougbi tba maoarrby
of 1-rcdertck Ibe Greet nadar iba vtetalayr of a new Charlematna. MarchIny rapidly upon HerllD, ba found Iba
road bk>rke>l tl Jena by I'haie Hobanlobe wllb on.niu men. Tbe l-ruealant
wcie on Ibe plaint behind ibe belybte
«bkb were ao
tteeii as 10 be
corrrtiiy a poibway up ibr deep eldr.
Nainleoo cut s rosd la one nlytat anil
aawM ni»n a rock do.nbP -aoldlen,
wttb their rannon. I'nder
foy Laonre tbrtut forward bla dlrli
Tbe canuonade ecaltrrcd ibr foy. dle.cloalnc lu liubralobe BU.OUU l--rewb
Byalnal bit tIu.OD). l-aanea was ebaefccd for a lime aod aleo Anycrean. Bonli
and Nry. Al Ju u'vluck Napoleon ant

l*nis«ltB column wae broken. Iba lluaa
rouied. and lO.UOO drad and wounded
Uy on Iba Beld. NapolaoD put bla force
In puraull. drirlpg ibc apamy In ao oplay at bla ntarcy.
Watrrttw. on (he French aide.
.Vtpaleoolc from aiart 10 anlab. nil bot
Ibe lock. The pUn wae to yet bet^
tVallioyton aud Mlucbcr and osa tbam
up piecemeal, ila yot baiwa^ them
and narrowly enie
aileaad deotrnyiny Bl«would Have bean no tVatertoe. A Un­
der tliat cutaed (be delay of 4 corpa
rebbe<l Napoleon of (riompb at IJyny.
and Grouchy'# failure (o keep Blochar
from yolny 10 Wrlllnyion'e aid at Wa­
terloo wai tba laet blow. Allday.whlla
eiruyyllDy to dWodye IVemnyioo fraa
and U Ilaya Batata. Kabattle off on iba rtybi a
column pierced WaHlnytoB'e line,
be reaervee wbicfa abonld hare
rtlBcbed ihe builoeae were abacot
tlandlny off Blucbcr. Finally BlucbeFa
IfOdlny corps airurk ibe wavertay
French at La Uaya Batate. and tba last
die wai catt for ,Napoleon on iba BaM
ef Waterloo.
Gkonoi U Kiiwro.

Tbe BMt aztcnalre ceoMUry in tte
wartd U tbkt at -Boae. in which over
ACOQ.OOO bnaan batayi bare teea ta(•tied.
Mart Tweleto Oiwt MaAMy.
Tbe bualnaei.Dieibode of inUlabm
canse np for dlacuanton at a rectal IIIcrai> yatbertey
IVIUlam Dtau Hnw^
at1> and Mark Twain were aaewy

'1 wain with no vurruev ronmaoi. 0O(
br eban't jnake a boly abow ef aa
lib hU vulyar ad

n be mad# ceoaUctc



a BOO pace* and baited- :
the epot aad ordered aa
tack, at tba aanra tlaa aaadUw Kali
«aa wttb 800 bona ^aa tbe Aaatrtaa

8s Sbm Mu OlUI.

Avon a A eiEsnu m.

• or nwoer aa« Maaa I







rrewb baapiui in Saw Tork.' PnnI
Blaaei <Mat CFBaili la rapidly rwarar
liw froa the affacte of tba oparatloa for
few daynapA
Ha refamd to blaaflf as tba
«pan man In New Tork' twa days after
patalnx trader iba aorfaoe a knife. Now
ba baa wrl^aa bla espertaneaa far tba

In Loodon. after advenlatay for
cbet recelred an appUrattao froa
todividiul wbo aid ba reffolrta »a
woyrw Tbe roamlttea
know (be rvaeoe for oa
, propaaal. aod laaraa^tbtt tte cnoffl-

t pcoapdy fojoctad bla eff-

It U «te iMhtao ta Ml? Ufb w
ha bawra-lt
bMTd aw rnlfeoad obb tall anotbar ta
dapot op Iba Boa tba otbar day:
•^a ptefcad np a new Irtabmaa
eoaatry aa' aat bla ta
BktaawhNi op eaaati
week brmkla' on a (
wbM bla aa' aa wa* OB tba train
■a away aa aw of tbeta Boantata
yradn. an' tba ftret Iblay we knowed
ate wai Bytn' down tbe track at aboot
ntaety allaa aa boor, with notbln' In
Sfht btR tbe dlicb an- (ba happy but.
ta' ganidi, wba* we coma to tba awA.
I twtatad 'aa down an baid aa I could
aU aloai (be tope, an' ita-o of a kuddai
1 MB Mika cnwlln- aksac toward tba
M of the can oa all fonra.
wttb bla face (ba color of allk. 1
tbeoybt be was fatrla' ready to yaap.
aa- 1 aaa bis Anlab If be did.
"'Mika/ I taya. Tor baarraa wka
dao-t Jampr
"Ba rlampa bla flnyfta on tba nraOta- beard to ylra Ua a cteDce to
roond an- lookin’ at me

Nrw Totk JoorML Ha aaye;
-^Wbao a aootb or aa aye I decided a*

tapin' an- aa makln' mooay
New Tark paparm abort of In- u feat aa 1 aar-rorttabd Urefotaewaof aiitar for tbair raadera. pobTbU brooybi
A BMlao Traaelairaa.
■a acorea of latiara fraoi cranka fadLittle KmerBoo—Mamma. 1
dtatk. bambiin. (aJib bealara aod tbe
like. "Give up aln." aon>a wrote, "and maryinal notr in alucidanonvt ibis azwblrb I obeartr frequently
yoawlllbaall rtybi."
•Try ay cote," wraie cbarUlana.
other of (bla cUee aald: "Have you CUtalra.Mad bydrotbarapyl Wlib bot water 1
can brtnf an a crlala itet will satilt
Mamma-“WUU Uled Iwealh," my
in. commooly occore ta fairy
p tut. I received Me of tl
ad adrtee. end yrallc loo- A faddist Yoor father often rctui-De from pUcatorlal
eznuwlnu. with Iwicd hreate.
WTOia: -Do ooi auball 10 Iba cn»al
knife of a anryeoa. Out of a baodrod Tte pbnaa In eueb iDitaovr*, however,
people opcraied on arveety die: tte oth­ baa DO slynlflrancc ae applyiny lo tba
allure ite B»b. tint la
er thirty art Dtalinad for lifr.‘ly an. elssilv lerni of dublnui
lynorao.* and prejudice yo no furmaanlny and a
Now. dear reader. If you are sure
that taaatblny le wrany wiib any pan ciuaeof tbeBanrilon wfalrb It lu.saloof yoor anaioay do ,noi baallalt to fd by customary uuye In fairy
>-oniprebcnd. Kmarhave dona 10 yourealf wbat you wquM
ordrr yonr yardauer 10 do 10 your - tool
XJllle EibertoB-rirfaelly. mamma.under Iba nae clrcnaatancea
Hare iha daaayad, broken or drad
branebao taken off: rnminy-tbat l».
avyery—It tbe eimpleet, ebarteat. safeot and eoreat remedy.
If yonr
It. If:
• wrony. off «
d tbreiien* 10 bacoiua a
kill yon. OtL-Wifi (ba
toll etop
Iricted part. TbaCa yonr
only chance.
I anil say 1 waa net afraid
operatlou. 1 eon always aobalt to tbe
inevitable, aa I opce aald to a v<
nyly maa wbo aald be was ylad
make ay acquaintance becaose be bad
beea toW 1 looked very mocb like Urn.
I prepared myself cbeerfolly for many
days, to at 10 be strony and welt and
ylva tbe enryeon and m.vaetf a. ynod
a chance at I could.
Wbat does an opei
even aueb a lony aod danyeroua one as
quIaG.T. idaatantly. and by and by
wake np. ITbcn you da wake up.
Inquire if tbe Italny ta done, and
. too feel no pain,


My operation laated two buura. end I
wae Dtidrr Mbrr from 2;4S to S p. m. I
elapt aonndly all niyfat. Tba nrrt
Iny I wai reaillny iba papan ii
All I rtfn remember le that when 1
woke from ay enforced aleep I bad
vayne Met I waa in.a yreenlab. foyty
' tbe
•*e dllI betid, te in
ttnee. many aoft colcre wblaiierlny;
-Belle: HMIe; Wake up: How do
yon faeir
Tbe day aftn- tba operation
teaapooDfnte of ebirken broth every
two boom, tte fallowiny day tableWoonfnlA tbe next day ayya and milk
and tbe bait aocb meela
yean I ted oot dreamed of permlltlny
oyadf to try.
My dear rrlanda, I c.
my la not Improved, bot I
decollate draoa. aod t teal t bin
ylveo a new laata of -Ufa, ef be^
OparatloM ara abaeliilMy free from
danycr. Tte o«ly tblny la that yerms
Bay yet at yom. b« thla danytaidoee
net aytat vltb tba BarvMoua praeantteu of Btarlltaatlon and antlaapUcs
which are taken by tba anryeena of toAky/
I have bSM ta tbe rrabrt boteUal


la ovenoB wllb offoota now
woew tteb avac. Bveir day teov rail

KatnUef tteOttrOpiM
Bentab OhltaM te Pekton cfaw
with tte “Philosophy -nf tedte"
bw Maanfor Bnaall e( tte CM- abowtaghaw teebqfe ta MiatltaTi.
by S. W. Dodd*, M-^.
“The OoneoBtab hooM Mtaf ltelM.M. nrrnttaB ef Yonib” a* Utaaanted 19 BtTiUMMdbta cc^oMy ptayod to a AAaUna Patti, by Jaa 1.. Oante
tail* intltaBi ttera lata uiybt. aad
teat tte pla? ta a food am ta tea
talteir ftalatimi to Dia«te^
tends of a food rotapany.

and aaU foods oe>:tea:i

tte nowaboy.

fob of tte tanuaraaa apeotalTtatUa
te ayteta who pla.v tea
old oooptat. “WaU tale mj terior
aaye tea spider to tte fly." yN boman
is tba tame cvaiyoteia.

evta. MV CM doUor a




cd tte popolor

Traattatat tetee -a----

rate te 11

plays of tea
and it iwonta 1

by Dr. P*li( L.
and 1
AayowfraataethlsUaaak- New Ttak oity. Tte' ploy wiU te te tee cvencatay of alcwbolta tete
pawaivr. wap.'hf deiny
pnarttod tela avatany in tte Oity its. on iHaitataal Tba editor oomMta*
**How to BeeoBM
na teo^’
Btrenc, “ “Kodt
eoorta tevy ovMs tea elty Uomm fas OpMaHoMb __________
itlia te a oommem


byaaUnycmotdeza. The earoM cd tte
boy niiaioeaire ta Mataae

Whan tte enrtata

Stotabacf' Grand laal ovantay testa
ly li a eorlooi ease of a bey if bla
wore very few vnennt
Im-iia flcNsta* tte Wbta Wa Ware Twenty One" Wba
Ha iitramlly eula
laealend by cm of tte tacycct andi
mlllloo* by yeitlff* op boyos Jolat
oftte aaaaen.
stock coBiBbies. He eeew floatod bla
of tte play ta vcfT uachtaff. Tte In
bead, by tccytay tea naiOM of Daway
itan acoond a cutatnet mndt
P. llctyaa aad nobody ooamod
bytoor Mteda to a dying tatter to
a womao WTo(a to
can fo* hta son.
One of tte foor aaDawcy.wteo ba aonmwd that te had
ite boidan of tbe
ooTor beard of tba fellow. I wowder
ty. and hta ten* frienda. cqllad tte
If tartaor* weald ever taka notes tbai
TVinlty.aid blta ta ovary way a tbair
way. And to tlitnk iba bast ftnaapewar.
Tbe boy bate ranotaea bmmwe of Boeum and ovaa Lowdoe
ropayatl^ ktadneaara ad
oboald b< to ataiply takow U aabUbnoetacten ty bocoBilBf a r^K
toondlay. It cte only bo axplainod by
a of tbe fast A*l aud eoMolt
Uiat mystairleos power om mind baa
over onotter.
dmreta wte takas ndvantog* o(. hta taNow 1 d« not tay tela, teal I am
ndeenra.. Tte aitaatlw ylvw caose
over wise from otben.
Many ytart
te'aiatr«« and worry atacny tee tear
I waa plainly cheated by a broUi
(rltoda. bnl b^ppUy tte
■flaw 00 a land deal to tee tone
lyoci nil
11 right
of ISCkK ll waa a aeriona
Tlia aotito of tte pay ta faU cd

-----------and StalitaM^
Tantllattaood.OeUan. Fraqoeta
Maaia, eto
A Bew ^iMtaMBt^lte
ByKtaMcd OhUdiraod." cendaeled
y Mr. Atakcm Bonalay, U Ukay to •
prov* cd gnat tatenat.In tte iwe*.
tot aunbta. Moteeteocl. Itedtag tea
Baby and Answer* to aotaeraaa in-qailM li takto a
‘BoaohdaeTta^tTvater i

which tl

tl abtold have _ ..
This U CB the wl
tte btat


apany. 483 Plfib Ave,. New Y'<»k.

teart tattaest aad tte acrideaa cd tte
ta toochtay.
yal tlir real value was not tbete.


aame man oomr bara itaee and took
ontoflbU oily some rs.wn 'on

iatrodMCi tte Trinity,

Tte flzM Mt

tall dayi
we will offer
choice of
Solid (;old
Kings tegular price
from $4.50
10 $6.50at $3.05.
Come and see

Plaatay, ctaBMcaly caltad Baddtaa.
OoL Milas Qrabam. Doctor Tatmae*

olive specnlatii.m.

i have neve* heard MoOrath. and Riteaid Uanw, tba
of any onr y<-tltay any rataraa
latter belay tte ccatral Bfora. imparWelt, farmer*, tba store paddlan
iBWatod by Walter Walkar.
Bli eoewen bera (aat rear aad tbe cloak ped­
copticB of tte part taaztromelv elaver
dler* ar> doe bara lOOn.
Ate yoa
and hta work dtaplayi aioeptioaal talready ayaln to give tteni yoar notes?
tota. Hta aottaf ta of Ite flnlahed
H. Voerbi
sort, aad bit ItaparaoantloB rtreaytb-

by atremt peraoMl cterablariaA .y»«l iiaiiirv<l. i-av.v culiic German
J. Botita aa Waddles
llvloc lu-I'bh-a'yo aakivl bla .tuierlcWD
a yood portraval of
itat„ pick om eniiK- llllb- iireiwDt for
y«atal Bayllib lord. Tte otter* in
ortny on laryviy ta tbe blniiry of oilv<r bla aloicr Id iIh- »I>1 <»nutr}’. 11<-bad tte Trtnity, John T. Barkcand K. R.
*quaiKli-n->l bla fcrtuin'. eajaTV llecit very ditiuiu
Tiltoa, ^v* aacwUant portrayal* of
onMIcraM. bin bta elfP-r Htlll liad
wa# born on ttepl. a ISW; lie won
larta. Tte fbar Indmli* is
battle of Duubar Kepi. 3. l«r,0; iba
itaaneas of tte days wbn tte.v
Worreaier Kepi. :i. nr.l. anti be dl«l bail •■n-'lb'd li to n omifurtalilr
Tbe .1iu>-rl<-au wlh- kiww iH.lbluy of wera towntysrae which rovaali tte
Bept. A 1ik'>8. ftul We have lalely come
ber hIXer 111 taw, ami XnacrooB Mime rulnt-ldeiii-eii <if lU
Of tte play.
Ibe llujilaitoiie of ln-r own fluaucce oa
which, to far aa *e know, Iwve 1
loMlta Dorothy Taonaat aaPby:
W.-I1 a. Ibc dlftirultr of .-Ii.KmIuc B gift lit Brloaea (te comiany baa a alar c
been botlced before. Tbe numlicr
aaams to have had fatal Infloenee oa for a elranci-v. Iliii Xic went l« a rvMiaa Tennant ta
tbe Blaarta Robert It., ibr Brel Ktii- poellory for wnitiun's work and'~Tli*captivattny. yraoefol and 1
art kloy, dird In
Jaiue. II waa rovcml ihcrv n ila-liity liac «if cbaiuela
e ill both faee and form.
killed at Ibe.aleye of ItuzUurebr t'aa- leatbrr v-tuhroldi-nX wlib wrvalba of
carried the part of RiyUta lu an ta
tla. 1488: Mary, queen ef
wae forcelmci^-i

ti Risriu, HUSTUB JEnlia

babeaded to Fotberliu.-a,v. l.Vt.S (new om- woivl^ .\l<q»-y." In hidb-alc lie uaa
alylei; Jamre VII ill. ..f Kpulaudl a» a M-vivt imn.'- l<< l>c woni al>»m tbe
wai detbmnevl In btoft; •Kminy l'rlnce neck lu irav,-hiie. '
It wvtinX nil liiiMxv-nl liltle cift. but
Charlie died In ICune-. ITlhl. eud with
Urn died.Ibe tax |k'I"-« "L <be Jarob- I'rtiz •talxvvl Hllli •Ml-.-lil w l«-i< lie aaw
it. -.Vch. Gm- verj ll.iUcV be <Tiivl "I
would tuil wrlti- :iu<l ask Imt ui>: Uut
pallaa Dewravitr•Mouey' ami •f..rj:rti...ii-.l,- a.-h. It ta
"Ob. Uoraee," wtlle.1 lil« youoywife. Ibe nxnl hianiiriil n-iiilii<l<T:"
"1 bare Jux fnnixl oui that .\Jaz. onr
Ilia wife. wIki had Uoi Ihousht «f Ibe
baaoUfoI Aoynra cat. baa lieeii Iradluy 'msiii-r.' hi (liai lli:lil. |nvti-Me<l aud
a double llfe!~
would fall! Itave u hlilield On- |>rvM-Dt.
"Tbat makra clcble<-n. I aupieiae.- bill Krllz- wire llriii
ll waa a-ni to
mM Nnrare.
"Wbnl luie he lae-n do G>riiiaiiy-ai t'hriaiuma.
few w.rk* taler o -Iile.lanllalcheck
"You know I let him oot every luorn
Iny. bacauae be aeem* to want l« m
and puy out of tliaire. Well, i have
dlacoverad that be yOea over lu the
BobloMDS and pil* iheiu feed bliu and
I «f iA>id
pat blm
Cblcayo Tribune.
l(a)>dw«.'b tl•al iiobb-


The Welrl Sat.
BMal not*, tte |•rndne<■.of ibe an-ca
used ate inaatic

gaiiildiiii; l•.•■lae la very ««uel thing
wliJi ldui>. bihI .til ilx- faH'hiatlou of
play had fnrcoili-n failiruc aixl hniigrr
for iiKirv thno llve-iixl iwa-my hours.

playeil more tlvaii the ordinary talent.'
The ramainder ot tbe oompany were


lu tbair variona parto

Tbe reenwot irotoge in tte bands of
Alban Dnrrta waa not sa itrbug oa tte
pun warroatmL

Tte young auui was

Mortply equal -lo ibe role, aliboagb
bla work waa
While the )>taM waa dita|ipulnUog to
toiua of tte aadtaaoe. It toast be rethat MBw of (te oomiaay,
eaxa-clany Mr. WaUw and

Mta* Ton-

841 rnOKT 8T.

br Ftoriwa wn

For Sale. MM—M fex -front 011 Preat
atrvvt. JcX eax of Fork
Two good
bnlldlDg* rent for
FOB SALK, lex-ti.; fm froal oa
Front eirevt, ecotral locaiioa, offer­
ed at aboot MO per m-nl of Ita valoa.
Pric 74 doltan i»r foot front.
Prte.- per f.«t rS-OO.

FOR SALE, m>4-Oood new. Xz r
I llackcnaack. ?
bonae. large
lot. ---------Siztb Itrect.
itrect. low

- price. Easy b-rma Priee
Prloe 81000.
marked. ••Flflecn
FOR SAUE. VM-Larg.' new hoae*.
lo play a cornel."
lot, good
ployad by tbe lurper and wroiiclK Ii
barn. Wrat Tenth atraaL
A tarflun-HMsl
>a-r and Iw.. Xi.v-a of ■•Tend •-tapplug
gain. Pne*8lloa
tlx'lll lojn-llx-r f-*r II1C ante ‘>f eziaall- bta pulpit, and then be played bymoa
Moaeom of Ecvinomlv Ilotany al Kew «qu-y be tli-xi rnvitxuialy ou ll aa tteagb be had beau lo couslanl FOR SALE. «n-8arbrr abop. (hta"
neorathere fa a walklny atlek made of
The nena'of hta •ll^vvi-ry ataiu ajiivad.
taty toota. Outral location. Primnota. allcad. niuunted or *upi>oried on hud uacclab |>a|ai'. ehiUK the iirwly
an Iron eenicr.
toreotaal niorM-l bta lnMiie. laaim-albed Leceb'a origlital aurpriaco. Lax anmlie put au electric fan beblnd ibe FOB SALE. VBM—Ixrg* modern lioose,
It to Ills muniry aa ole- >•( Ibe most
"Ton know." aald Hie oraiiy nutaw:.
"that man la deoeemled ft
flea." anawered ibe «
"and Ida deaceat baa been very
1 crvdl
edit tbat

iBiiHiriant* ac-la .if Ids adudnlairathin.WaablnciuD Tliuc-».

Bci-ele - 1 wa. eiirprlaisl when Mr. a.ktsi me lu lunrry blm.>lwdy elac wha,-Ohio
■tau- Journal.

n who la doBev. Juxua I'lrnnrri. trtllrd In
Bex herlowti. Mils ., a bunilnsl year*
aeu, oucc isi<roi1sl. a workmau. for
rwoariug wdilU- Ix- wa- |d<-»lue a new
guea. .von'sl auearrMr. Ft^warsl hN'k ilie plun und bur...................................laully del

pqlph to ken> bliiiseir cool and placed
paliu kwf fans In ^cry Beat of tba
ebureb f«r tbe benefit of bta congrega-

TIee PvM *traw.
A Watblogion mao bai atrnrt a rtcb
Idea. At Imx It will make blm Hcb If
thluc* pan out a. be ezpccis. Tber*
are aixut eo.OQO.oiu railroad tlea uaad
in (he Fulled Kitire In a year, .and
each tie coxa the rood aboot T9 canto.
Irop and xonc caunot be used, as they
have DO ciaxiclty. so woeX bat rraatacd ta Ibe only iblity available. Now
the Waablnglontan cornea forward
with a macblne wbicti wilt make ttaa
from atraw. tbe cbeepex Biatetial In
tbe world, and tbe lira w

tm- si^aiiiyawu,
Tbc.v are made by a aecrot KM very
cheap proccaa

tbrasboM of death.
Tba tely t
Tblnk to* Why. 1 know tba ilmo
oat dell toy
ba went thronyb iwelve ainriea In le«
which otaoy of m woMd
In any otbar caaa. if ^oo ar* wtony than a mtanla."
“Graclona: Wbao waa tbaiTaaywbara. dont aoffar. Taka
'. he ls-ca«i lantlDg:
“When' the clevaiar lir6ke,"-rblUTice—oak tte wryooe to rid
MS- Ihe like; 1 neve
what makaa year Ilf# mlarraMt
felpbla Preaedid aec Ibe like: - Wlx-ti be bad gona
Make up yoor alod and do oot at
onis- anuiikl llx- field be x^qml.
brtsilbh-ss. and msM.
t when ba
"Tberv. you MV 1 dhln-t.flod It nccaafcs yon to lie down to ba put to alacp
My to him:
ilranlisl (be other man, "but
ayar askad tbe maylXrate.
"Thanks: after yeo."
~8nr*. yonr honor, be wasn't a ptgm- -you-ve tc4d iixuvii Ofly lira. Yon mM
T. 3. HoBdarxm ef DotroH, agvot
you never illd are Ibc like, and you
leal wreck till after he gme m
Mark Twatato loteat Moatta
saw It all tlx- lime-I waa plowin'."— te tte Pidallty Motaal Idfc InoarMark Twain has added two new black eye." replied tte compla
aaee Oo. ta in tte elty from DelieiL
Yomh-e Oomitanloq.
Maximi te tte worM-a alraady valoa- wtre.-ezchanya.


ynrticai yoMo to coBdocL'C-f

-Tba reason be la »■ Irrllable ta bacanaa te ta taethlny." rz|‘lalned tba
fond isotbar.
-Indeedr mnarted Mr. OMhatcU.
wiahlny to apftaar taarnad. "And
wtes will It ba balrlder-Nt. Loola
DiasT «e< tba reedlt.
T waa sorry 1 sent Ellen aneb.SB
azpcnalve waddlny pteaeni."
"Why war* your
"Why. aba went and pUced them on
ite doDor's corda."
-PblladtipfaU Bnllctla

A addkT obaen'i t vcMiarlly undcryo a Mirylcal «i)iarwn<
of hta aram.

.. .. . will laU yeo h
yet rirb. hot they tevta'i Use
idalB why tba? didaX

Wha ,W.

totataraw laUdariwa wUl ptaoo
If a Otak orrnplaa a poaUloo «f treat an tala 40 tenilMMi rtafA r««nlar
ba tmm alwnya And ptaoty of otbar
B.ta wte are wOttay ta be trwatad.

OOe* opaa every evutag tiU 8 p.

Yui hin no 50 to 100 pe(
c«nt contractor’s profits to psy
ou this property. It is 8ll listed
ot its lowest cuh vslue, owned
by honest psople end sold at on
honest price.
Always on tbe hustle, alwiys
fiid to see you. Hake more
soles, hove larger lists kbse all
the rest put together.

242 Front Street

is sold under a positive guarantee to cure Rheumatism. Catarrh or
any Stomach.^ Liver pr Kidney Disease.
, Female Weakness aj^d Irregularities prornptiy relieved and per­
manently cured. Don’t miss this opportunity to set the<

Htgular $100 BoMts for 4St, or 3 Bottlts for $I.2S.
/Try it today. It is our loss if it fails to cure.

Tte mly yood yooay bum deaae-t
irwtaolata a Isi a( tettere and ptetw



Priee. gl.UO

FOB BALE. »7-Flnr new bona*. JO
roeinji. lox ftaiahed.large lo(,Unloa
atT»ei.'’A No. 1 treperty.
foondation. good large baoe».«i.
low prlea. Prica 8I«0.


to do wTony wbao peopie
are loeklay" and "No real yeotlaman
will tail tbe asked truih lo tba pfeoaoe* of ladiaa" Tbaoe nnyyeta ef wia.
DotsMe .Barreled Datcetire Btorr/
which U completed tot
Boabar.ef Harp^cta-'^ayattae.
Academy la so pleased wlib
tteoa oaw witticisms tbit It la morod
Steywt tba pobllcattoe of a "Mart
Ttrata-a Own Boob of Maxtma.f wbMi

HOOKS 1. flwnd 8

uanl. are far above tte average eecn
in Tnvarw Oily.

vied lo Ibr laMe. ll

tbeoi forty oparatleDs bate been .
faRnad. aod avaty 00a boa beee ooce
titaful. even tadodtay a few parform-

lllrla are always ttytay to coovi
jaoay aeo that two ran-t live ae
paoatveiy ai owe.

m partabt* aMba BaM. "all wac
r DcmIz bad reached Ibe
m aad wna m tba dbect road ateo*
vMcb tba AMtTtaaa wetw BarrbttK.
A ataryud aad a eoradatd bid fate n>aa


Che l^annab $ Cay mercantile Company

I Bvnura bk»bp, TXATnaa cnr, migh, psioat,

jaxuabt si, sms


...AND l-IIMENS...



Our sharp price cutting knife has cut deeper than ever before. Never have we offered
such a strong list of bristling bargains as you will find here Saturday and the following
days, in Dainty Undermuslin, Table Linens and Napkins, Towels an^i Toweling, Sheetsand
Sheeting, Pillow Cases and Pillow Cottons, Bed Spreads, Etc. Our facilities for buying-are
so aggressive and far-reaching that we are enabled to provide many a bargain that can­
not possibly be duplicated elsewhere.

liim' Muslin Gowns

-08 Cambric Mar8U=ritt.),c« trimmed.
Muslin corset covers, lace
.trimmed....... .....................

rucked yoke, embroidery trimmed Cambric gown, hemstitched, yoke
—good .muslin, full sizes.
tucked, tucks extended down the
i^to 17—at per garment.
garment—a neatly hemstitched
ruffle, nicely trimmed, 1 -OfY
only.......................... ..
Ladies' Muslin Gown, good quality,
tucked yoke, deep swiss ruffle
around collar and sleeves. 7Q
an elegant gown at.......... •! v Ladies’round necked night gown
be slipped
ipped over the nead.
Muslin gow*n, made of best muslin ' known as the Vassar „
in fine cluster collar aqd sleeves.
mona sleeve, pink or 1 CQ
trimmed with fine embroidery—
blue trimmed—price-•
a gown you will appre- 1
ciate special value...
ONH LOT LADIES' GOWNS that sold in stock at
W. but they are slightly soiled, but won- OQ
derful values at
L.^DIES'SKIRTS-Good quality Muslin. 16 inch
tnufl flounce and dust ruffle, 5 rows hemstitching
and six narrow tucks
a wonder ^ QQ
LADIES' MATCHKD^SUITS.consisting of Corsit
Covers. Gowns. Drawers and Skirts.

Cambric Marguerite. I'rench front,
lace trimmed—our leader

iviss Marguerite, tucked all over]
ruffle and lace trimmings, bead­
ing and with ribbons, at RD
Cambric Marguerite, French^^ont,
four rows insertion down 'uont.
tucked back, lace trimmed neck Perfect dreams of beauty 1 RH
and slcev«^-big bwgain
at from 7.SC to..............



Made of good Cambric, mull ruf­
fle. fo^r rows hemstitching, three
wide tucks, six narrow tucks
:ks, open
or closed, all sizes

At only 50c.

Muslin Drawers

Hemstitched ruffle, six rows ti
ing. umbrella style

Lace Curtains

Towels and Toweling

Piles and piles of new -Lace Curtains, and such val­

Large Bath Towels, 10x40. at................................ Hk:
aox4a at.................................................
23x36 at...................
24*54 at........................... ...... iOc
Towels at 3c, 5c and........ ............................... .
Huck towels 18x24 at-----................. ..................... li»c
Huck towels. 20x40 at.............. .
Eluant lines at 23c and.............

Hundreds of kinds and qualities to choose from.
Arabian Curtains wilt be strong this season, also
Irish Point and Brussels Net. Big Fine of Muslin
and Ruffled Net Curuins for your bed room win­
dows. We offer better values than ever before^t

SI.D0TD $12.50
Curtain Nets and Muslins by the yard
assortment from

i splendid

lOc to 50c the Yard

Swiss ruffle on neck a.nd QR
sfeeves................................ • W
Cambric Marguerite. French front,
embroidery trimmed neck and
sleeves. 8 clusters of tucks
front and back, at

Cambric Marguerite, h
mull rufile- a jwrfeci bea'
uty at only

Qply 25c the.pair.

ues ~a description of the Jine would fill this page.

1 R

Satih Damask .toweU. hemstitched or fringed.
all pure linen............ ....................................... ^5c
F'ine hemstitched satin damask towels at 50c,
75c and....................................
Toweling at 3c, 5c yc- loc. i2j^c, 15c. iScand- '.’.^c
Ask for hand made Russian crash glass towel^
ing at 6c, 8c,.10c and 12c a yard. It will
pay you to stock up for a year.

itlOc Hll ISC

Children's Combination Waist and Skirt just what
you have been looking for—50 and 75c.
CmLDREN’S IDEAL WAlSTS-a real necessity
BABY'S SILK SHIRTS-Baby Wool Shirts. 75c
■ and $1.00.
Swiss ruffle, six rows of tucking, lace trimmed '
—50c. ,
this line over before you do your sewing. You
may change your mind.
a.U«* OmA
»I.OO »r>a 7S<

Teble Linens end Nepkins

Bed Spreads
to new Bed Spreads j\ist opened up today, that
you would have to pay $1.25 for elseMARSEILLES SPREADS-the kind
you have to pay $3.50 for, at................


This is the time of year to replenish your linen
stock. Great piles of new linens and napkins qre
being put on sale for this'event.



tern qXiilts, extra heavy: extra value-. •
BED .............................


TUBING, at prices that will suit every pocket.


Napkins to match.-

SATIN DAM.ASK.atl pure linen, beautiful new
designs, at soc. 75^. up to $2.50, with napkins to
SOME BROKEN LINES of Napkins at oatia
special prices-BE SURE AND SEE THIS

Ready Made Sheets and Pillow Cases

36x42 at 10c; 36x45 at 10c, 36x45 at 15c; Hemstitched at 18 and 25c: Sheets Ready Made at 50 and 60c; Hemstiched, 81 x90 at 68c, 90x99 at 85c; Defender Brand Hemstitched,' in sets, two pillow covers and top sheet, cases
38x45, she^ 81 x90, at $2.50.

U$ual i O’PerGenfDlscountwillbeGivennfEverything in White Goods except yd. Wide Gonee and 3c Towels




-.‘W ^;

I sTBlrtae BfeooKD. TtiAy

■ Cmr«IUOB,FBaA.T,JAXtrAKT^Sl,l«Q«.




M« to coMdl rooM. Ju- M. >*•>.
(MM »
^ OMTSt P. o*m-

sss.yss'pj^ri^i^ a!
to tk* dv «( Tr»*«*i CWT.
All ck« tgU. pMtB of W*. M4* wd

8. plat o( Tnverw CMg.
north on anld eantor tine to the
iTllO. I»
I. ud M* 1. \ t. L
,. .. 7. «.l-d »*. !.«.?«. •»« - _____________dtke
n d Mnaaah. Lnr d Co'A Blevwtfc addtUaa. tburi MMMty -nkng tke aontk
Ml 71 and to to the pUoa o<
It. ia Una^.'Lar d Dot.

MMrt:' Lou 1. t. t. 4. S. •. 7. ■. >


amdt. ,___.—,.


* MtMM cl M( r«K*l>r ud •«»>»
H »Mi|y
MMf MUM Md Ju>. 1*.
(roa tfc» eitj
M A*dr««*4^ CMiiu ABdarMD *m
M»wl»d «*d
KrtmM to dt>
ML riiaiilrttlw nf 'T—1‘ * ' •«• tt rwid to rataau ot us pyJd y

AMo a ptoee of Und dancribod aa fok
Inwa: Beandad oa tke wwt hg lot '
d Hannah. Uj d Ob-a ■at ............
Alee a pleea of Uad dMOlH
RMA. am He aarth hr Bar
,we: CemueaclH at thn i
oerof Prut aad UaUa ntrMa ia M the OAK br eaatac Una •
d Huuk. Lar d Of. lunai uk- plat d Tnrcrm OKr. If
■ to Barker Kreak. on tba
h kr the north dock line of tbn
1.18 aad 14. U Haaaak. Imr

AH that pnn or pAreei of lud boaadad w (oDova; On tho' aontt br the
aortb line d Hannah. Laj d 00*0

**l(llMtaAld HuUltoatbsVtluUs
ta rtuKud.
« Cp'a Ttaii
u feUovi;
Tu»—AMamcs lUMliem. CsapMl. SMtr. OlUctt. BoMktf. CvulMS. Kuud. OarrUMi ud CcehlU.

It extended nortkerir to antd dock
laid Itonaah. Lar d Ook. Tkird wk line.
eolved. further, that anld pUU.
dlviatoa. ikenee aaat alwg Mild aorU
line 80 feet, tbenoa wolh pwaDnl to
line of Cue KioM to tbe aortl
ilioe of ProBl Blroet. tkeaeo woK nlug
(tonxMEn—Aeeordlag U rour ..
ud d the prepoMd improvee of■ Prut
M *(net
,rth line

lMtfBCU«a> U.Uu UK rmUm d Ui« to plare of begiutag.
nd the
meat and
(he dlKriet to bo awtmal
CKi OomrtI,
b»»« Kid
--------------- tlu WKI
Alao a pUea of Uad U Bnnnnb. tar
M» keM kooM U Nr» Ji
And that (ba aommoe eonnell of anld
MCMK bidder, (or tU-0»xoUMUd tbr
I at tho aoatb ritr wlU maM .at tke eonndl rooma
Md aBoaBt BBd mdltMl ike mbm - wfwi eoraet of let 1 la aald ubdiviMw. la aald cKr on Peb. 4.1P08. at 7 o'clock
tka »ta dtpariueai (aad.
. to hMr ud eonnider any ob)oc
running tbaeee weK albag Prut atroK
SI feet, tbaace aonk paralM to Cam Uew thereto ud that kotloa «f an-sb
Ciiu. M. Bcoa,
a by pi
•ireK to tba north Uao of Hanaab. banrlag ha i
aiy ClerkDaiLT Eaole ud
Lar d Cok. Third aubdIvUloa St (aet
Mmd br Aid. BMiher that ibr more or Uoa. tbeaco eaA il faM.4k«e» evening Record, natrapapera of anid
' OB lU.
math ahiBg Ike wut Use of Mid Ul L ritr. ud that all renelmion* harMo
fora made In euSkt tbarvwitb be and
IS.7S feet to pUce of hagtaalag.
»r rMcUdad.
AUe a place of Uad U Haaaah, Lay
Jaa. ». 1*»(.
AU. OoebUn tbnt tba nofr
i Oo-i Third aabdlviatoa. deeertbM ae
Tc Ike Seaarable. Ike Mcfor mad C'lt» fpllowi: CemiBUcfmg at tbe aootb IBUOA he ndopiad.
COMcU of U« r«|r of rrmomne. wvet comer of lot I. la Mid wbdlvlOnrrUd.
lulag ibeoee wok aloag tkc\ Teaa—Aldermen HnaMIten. Camp
bM. Oaimjaii*—The BBderatgBKMo
• «kaa was referred (be taattrr of par
pcM. Renn^.
ehaalH a ateam Ore eagtae (or Trar V la Mid aabdiTlalu. to Ue aortb ^ Nora—Nona.
MW CJtr. bag leave to rWMN that par lae tbenof. ICd (eot, awre or Ima 144. Baaovad. tl^t the pUu ud dU
MAM to Mid laKrvdIoaA ther bare Lbeoce ewt aloag tbe aortb Uae of Mid mmi. pUttA npaclftcatlona aod vatl
pvehkaed from the Amerieaa Klre lutidlvlalm 80 feet to the aortbwaK maua of tba Burd of Public Work*
■Klae Oo. ,o( ClarJaBatl. Ohio, oae
for tba grading nnd poring of Com
MnropollUB KMU dre eo
•troot from the ooutb Una et Front
_ tl.TW. That aald OBglne baa
A bo a piece of Uad la Huaak, Lar
WUeaead to the dtr (b good ahapt aad S Oe-e. Thtid aabdlrUlu. dMefIbad
SudaM'il'tr^'rhlef of the Are de
It aad bla aaalataat. aed tofbt

ee followa: BegluUg
Be^uUg at Uc
the aulbweK
oraer of lot t. la-.Mld nbdlvUUn.

eUng the cut line of lot S. 84A foot.
Or leea. to the -aortb line of Mid
(bean mK akmg Mi l
aortb Uae of Mid ubdlvUtoa. 40 feet.
Dortbwm comer of lot P. tbeaee
aUng the wmI Uae of lot »
II. IMt. reMeetlrelr. beariDg S per
ewt aaaual Uierartr were gleoB to ibe
piece of lud la Mid Haaaab.
auu Bask of Ttarerae CItr. Mirk., for Ur d Co-A Third eubdlvialm. dowrik
the batobea.
ed a* followa: Bcgiaelu at tke aootb
. rorper of lot 18.
IS, la Mid tubdlJoin W. pATTiin, Hajrdr.
rUloa, thesce aortb SO feet
OBaa H. tteaa. CItr Clerk.
aertb llBe of aald aobdlrUloa. tbaacc
■ Jforad br Aid. Coeklla that Ibe re
art aloBg the north lUa of aald Rb
pan be racelred aed plarad bo file.
llTlaiOB tS («et to the waK Uae of
wMt line of Park atreot to tbe aortb
Taaiaaea Citt. Mlrh.
line of ^Soat atreet. tbeaee weK aloag
Jao. 17. 1*07.
be aortb Uae of proat itroK 81 feel
(■ IroaKe
r riiauiI
Stt. Wa dOharebrcerUfr'lethenHiB
dl of aald clir that tbe following l> no
aeearaie areouDt of ibe roat of repair* y» depoolted with tbe cJtr eleik foi
B Kraeu aad tbe roniartiriloa there lublir examlaattu, end that aetle*
kcreof ud of tbe propoacd Improv-;
Ike eipeaee thereof, aad tbe rtreei or
place where aorb material wap aaed
that the Common CoanctLof Ml
Saadlng walki""^.. .......................t
-Ity will meet at tbe.Ceuell roomt
ClaarlBg broab aod itumi»
lid rllr. OB Pcb. 4.1M8. pt 7 o'clock
from Kreeie and allerA ...
0 U
1 to bear ud cualder ur objec
Drawtag aaad lomarket elle.. U Cl
thereto Ud that BoUce of anek
Ofawiag bruah.Ido)....................
I *l
trlng be given
6 4J
DnwiBg MOW OB ptreeta..
1 weekt.
la. In Tinla Del
14 71 tCrealag Record,
. .. ___
noeallM >»«. ........................
LerellBg aoow oo Proai and
and that all roooltitlou bereW
fore made Ii
Bar aireeU ................................... - 7 7t

Gbopplag tee trow tralka........
•reH' eelnded.
Ubor OB o«ee for uarkei
Moved br Aid. Bougher that the rw
Bite............................................. 14 *0 alulion be adopted.
/ .
IS oo
PUlu atone.................................
4 76
Yeaa—Aldermen .Hamilton. Camp
•»ll, Sleder. OIUotL Bougher. CuaaUg.
ham. Round. Oarrteu ud Covblin.
Uber at ^emeterr. I
Badmas aervlrsa. .
I«8 Reeolved that (be pUU ud dU
Btoae. d.ll oordA ■toee. 1.S6 «ordi. ..
iramA pUnA apedOeAtlOM ud eaUn si maiee of tbe board of Pabllc
Public Werka ((or
■MM, «A eordA ■
I tt so
Total.........................................................$J10 87
O. P. CaariB. Cbbiraun.
CB4A M. Bbm. Clark.
Moved br Aid. ItamtUoB that tbe ae
eOBBU ba allowed aod ordere drawn on
Ika aavoral (unda for tbe ameuBii.
Teaa—Aldermen .llamlliun, Camp
Ml. Sleder. aillett. Bougher. Cunning
hiM. loud. Onrrlaon and Corhiln

r. B. ukrm.


>e north end of South Uatoa etroet
rtdge. rataanlttod br aald Beard of
are keroby received
Reaelved. ranker that tbe cuaell
(bat (aid Ki


J. W. MiLUKBR. Preaideni.
- Qtr.
I. J. P^ui'K. BaerturrAlao a piec* of Uad dnecrlbed ad t
Commtneliig at tbe nonbai
Merod br Aid Round tknt ^ bllli
ba allatrad ud rharged to the water romcr of Union ud Front nroatA
iM feM, tbaace
leaK pnmllel to Prut Hreet 804 feeA
. 1. loud. OarrIaoB and Corhlm.
Kara eWue.
of J. K. NaUoB.. peond
If tl
tba M. * K.
tm tlLM. trelght bill of
1. iand HU of
B. InOroBd Oo. (or tii.
John M. Bli
•ud tare
e amooDting
..............Ad and rend.
. br
. Aid.
d. Boogtir
that the bllla
b* Allowed ud ordere dltwa on the
wmova! fnde (or tb*
TiAa—Aldermen lUmlKon, I'amp


Ibenoe aeuib
perallel to
• Vnloa
180 feet, thenre wut aloag tbe nonb
line of Prut Krvet 800 feet to place
of beginning
Tbe waM 4 faet et lot
II and all of lot It In Hunab. Ur
d Co'A Se.
(hat pan Or parrel of Uad iring
of Hanaab, Ur d Oo'a Saeud ank
dlUaloB, bouadwl aa follow*: On tba
t br Ualoa KrtM. oa tke north
br the
ihe dork
di • line,

akmg the aootb beak

nreK u.
nil In tba city of Tmv
^ty: Lou
d. 7. 8,-^. 10. 11. 18
arce City:
Ud 18. of block 4: -Lou. 1^8. 8. 4. 4. It.
(4. 14. I7.ud II«( blMk\7: Ma'4. 7.
9. 4. Id. 11. 18, 18. 14 and Wu block
1: lota 1. 8. 8, 4. 4. ]«. 17. 18. 14 and
20. In block 4: all In (he plat of Travvrw atr.
Renolvod. turtber, that aald pUu
and eatimatei
i tbe ritr rUrk (or
nubile examination, and that noUce
'hereof ud of the propoacd Improve
meet and the dtKrtct to be anaeaaed
a above dealnated ud preaerlbed
_ COOBCII of raid
ind that tbe
■lir will mee
be eounril rooma In
Mid rItr oa Feb. 4. 1402. at 7 o'clock
?. m., to hear ud conelder any objecIlona thervto and that noUca of curb
bMrlns be glren br
waeki to Till Dl
Daav Bmhx nnd
...____that nil reaolulloBa beraio
fore made In conSlct iberewltb be and
ire hereby i
Moved by Aid. Round that the reeolutlon ^adopted.
Yes»—Aldermai. Hamllion, Camp
• "

excnaod'fronr voting.
Reaelved that l^e pUtA dUgrauit.

(be north line of Bute Krmt oubmlited
by aald
arid Board of Public Worke at :be
tke couril be and tU
laK meeting of U
___ J arokoraby laealvad.
Ruelvod. further, that the council
that Mid atreet
erltk bri^ or l
In width, ud that (be following terrltory be dcnlguted ud eeublUbed w
I ter tke grading aeJ

11. 18. 14 ud 14, la Meek 4. ud Ma
I. 8. 8. 4. 4. It. 11. 14, 14 ud 14. In
^k 11: nil In. tke pUt of Tra^verte
R^vad, (artber, that anld plate.

public asamIuUon. ud that i

above dMiguled ud preaerlbed. <.nd
that tbe Oemmea Council of aald^itv
will meK at be eounril rooma in
Pab. 4. 1P08. at 7 o'clock p.
tc bear ud conaldcr ur obUMloM
tberete and that notice of aurb bearing
be gtvM by pnbUMtlos (or two weekf

berewitb br and are bereby reaclndad.
Moved by AM. Hemllun tba; the
oioUon he adopted wltb the addition of
Ur innmdam or maradam
Tana—AUermec Hamilton. Campball. Sleder. Olllctt. Boogtaey. Cunning-



I. Reud, OnrrtaoB and CorbUn
Rculved that (be pUta a«<f
na, ^ana apecIScatieot ud wilM of tbe Board of Publle Weiki
be earn I
Krwt to tbe eaK line of Boardman
avanne. anbraittod by Mid Board of
pnMle Werka at tbe Uat meetUg of
the coancll be ud tbe aame are bere-

of Boardmu river, aw tke eaM by tkv
_________B that aald Ki
coaler Uae of bUeb 4. pUt of T:
with brick or amhalt. Id feet In width,
and that tke foljprly territory be

AUo a plaee of Und U Banaak. Ur
d Co'A Blevaath addKloe. done ~ '
aa (ollowt: Oetamanelag at a u___
on tba HMtkaaK eo«Mr of Barker and
an of the Board of PwbHr Worke Vnl
_ KrtoU,
running thanee
tke grndlM and paving of Prom aloag Barker Hreet 8814 taM. tkaaee
_ K from the M« line of Union jutbarir aloag the M
MOM Id the oaM line of Park otrwt. of Hanub, Ur d 0»trBtovwlh add!dWMttUd br Mid Beard of Public
Vorta at Ike UK meoUag of the connK Unenf
_ . .
.Jeag the
Ml kt and nr* kerebr recMvad.
le of Uahm Mrwt to pMw cl keBMAHod. (OtkM. that the wuNI
mmmmi Vui «M Miom he pawd

SO. Bwgy
puta yd

racommaad (hat aald Kreet ba paved
with brick or wpbalt
' "
fret lo width, nnd that the (oUowIng
territory be deatguied and eaubllabri
. .

M wHh brick or wpWt pavaBUt*4«
ud that tba follewlat

I for tbe grading
paving of aald atrvet, all ia the
•Hr of TraverM Qtr.
All the lou. paru of loU, lude ud
-mlaca dewribed aa follow*: Lett
I. :. 8. 4 and 4. la block 4: lou .. ^
J. 4, 4. iC. 17 and IS. Id block 4: leU
s. 6. 7. I. ». Id. 11 and 18. In block 8.
put of Traveraa Oltr; Uu 1. 8. 8. 4. S
1 and 7. lUDnak Ur d Ce'a Pourtli
tubdlvlrtoa; Iota 1. 8. 8. 4. 4. 4. 7. S.
>. 10. II. i: and IS. Hannah Uy d
.'oa Piftb KibdltUMB. aad leU 1. 4*.
<H and that parfoTut Tl wbicb He*
•Ul of the ceater line of block 8. oiig
■ plai of Traverec CUr. If MlcndeJ
•rtberly to OarUnd MreM.. Ina 1Han
>h. Ur d Co'A Bleventh addlUoa
•rtb 8M feet of lot 18. in bleck 4. plat
»m 71

TaavgaaB Crnr. Mick .
Jan. IS. 1*02.
tke Maaoeable. (ha MeiK>r end City
Oeuadl af tte CUt of Trorort:
ait. Mlchttmn:
SM. OttnucMU—Pleaw par the (ol
lowing hint ud ritprge to the City
Wntor Work!:
Mtahlgnn Brnaa A Iron .Worka.|2B7
J. H. Bbniu..........................................
■Mala o( Jawaa A. Monroe...
OUaus' Talepkona Co................... - 8 DC
•Mkdard Oil Co., ipar lo 11.
J. Morgu)
mcrnt Broa................................
' 8 iHt



I af (to Ctv «f

. .

for the grading and paring
of Mid Kroot. aU In the city of Tmverae
Lott 1. I. I. 4. (. «. 7. f. 4 ud
l^lB Mock 4: Ma 11. IL 18. Ii. 14.
14. IT and tl. U Mock 4?^^ II. 18.
It. 14. 14. It. 17. It. 14 and t«. U bU.-x
loM L I. I.......................
I. 4. 7. 4 and__ .
bteek 7;^ t. B. 14. W. 14. U. II. 14
U. bM II. U Neck 11; tatA 1. t. 8.
4.1.1. 7 nnd I. 4a Mock SI; all In tke

that tke CoMoa Council of mM riir
wtll moH at tba eeanell roeaa la aald
dtr on Peb. 4.1M8. at 7 o'elsek p. m.,
tQ hMr and csnaider ur obj^oiti
tkof«to and that nntfee of anrh b'artng
be givna br paUtaBtiea. (w two uree.l.AIn 'Tab Dan.T Kmu and Bveotng
Baeord. nawapapew of mM cItr. aad

Tk«f* U n Germu Icgnd of n gM
vke wwldnecrpt Bonritor vboi
not ontrttn her. Litbe and Beet aa abe
ake wwa very aaxlowa that they
WAA atar ronM «M have tUauncad
■hosM aeo eiKTtblng to advantag*
and toat evaa Ue benelf dedd make

Ma It tboogb It U luMlble
bout for a racer to rnu very faat,’ Ber­
tha Gerhart waa very alender.jM
eln were bard, and abe vrua UU (or a
voMu. btving grent length of Umb
treen the knee to (be hip. Her face,
without aolmailob while at
abe waa being ebaaed br a aoRor grew
bright, her cyea gliKened. and her Upa
wore a rerpetukl aioUe. She waa CUtlBanJIy lookloc back, and When abe
did ao txT poivoer tuned oo with Inovaaed apeed./ la tUa way the giri
led him (o-yCilow ber ao long aa nay
Krengib rematne-l to him. ao tMt at
Uat. vben be Mnk duwn beaten In tbe
In danger of death fram
A namber of yuong fellov
b8\) ran
the race wltb ber only to be tired ont
white Omha'a eodurattc* Beemed to
give her greater fleetneM tbe kttger
abe raa. .vner one of ber pnraalng
•Bllora bnd died of b»H falltue tbe
I by Mid Board vt I'ubi
Worka at tba UK meeting
baron on wboae domain the lived that
emncil be ud tbe aame arc hereby
ber ap in a tower lu bu eanie
npoo the repreoeotattona of ber nrigbter. that tbe connci; bora that tbe vra* a wltcK derided
Reaolved. (nrtker.
aald erect b* paved
tbnt abe abonld be banied at tbe nuke.
wltb macadam. 80 (evt la width, an-:
Tbe Mron bad-n *o». uawaM. allghtly
Ume. a great atadeot. Knowledge 1*
di*trlct to be aateaaed fdr tbe grad­ of aoperaUtloA and Oawald ridicnied
ing and paring of anld atreet. all tbe charge of witchcraft. He gained
In tbeclty ofTraveraeClty:. Lotel.8., aeceoi to Itertba'a cell, fell In love with
8, 4, I. 4. 7. I. 9. 10. ll. 18 and 18. i- her and. bi« paaaion Mng returned,
bkdk I; Ma 1. 8. 8. 4. 4. 4. 7 and *, begged til* father'* pcmilaaioD to
la Mock 0. of Hnannk. I.ny d t'o'i. ry ber. The Iwruii waa burrUled nnd.
in order to opparate bl* apn from tbe
It. in block 18: loU I. 8. 3. urlteb. ordered him Xu go for a eI. 4. 4. 7 ud 8. in Mock 18; lot* 1 Z. of aludy to tbe I'nivi-nrfty of PartA
1, 4. 4. 4. 7 ud 8.1b Mock IS. and lot*
Bat 0*w-ald waa ao idiMlaaie nnd made
4. 10. 11. 12. 18. 14. 14 nd 14. In kIJi-t
Ma fath.-r a. rouvb trouble that the
14: all In the put of TraveraeCiiy
Reaolved. farther, tbit wldv plua. baron, who w-a* growlnE old and
llagram*. apeclfMtioa* and eriimatee acqaently weakening. Onally cimaented

that............................................ .....

eonftlet tkatwwlth be ud are h>rrbr
HovW bv AM. flam'lien that ihc
woada *7nr BtacAdam’' or *-maet<-vB.~
ha Uaertad In the raariattw ana that
•be width of roadway be 40 '••• mauad of 84 fvK.
Moved br Aid. Coeklla that the rcoolu-.loa Ik adopted w ameidad.
Yean—Aldcmea Hapdhem. Camp
ball. Sleder. QUMt. Bougher. Cuulag
' Garriaon and CochUa.
8U. Reooirad that the pUu.dUtraniA
pUni. RcciSeat onx and eaUma'** of
the Board of Publle Worka (or lb*
gndlng and paving of Bute atr«<
from the-mK line of Boardman avenue

e rity (
ind thi
thereof and of Ibe proponed Improve by cba>iog and •■atrtilng her hlreaelf.
mem and tbe dlatrlct to Iw axoeaeed a* The luirvo onlv vlrlil.ri to e<i.-li
above deaignaled and prearribed.
after hi* aon hud d.-.-lar.-a that If not
. -_____
tbe Common
mcH of ■aald rlt> aucreaiful Jbe conaecllou. no far a* be
win meetet tbe raunril room*. In uld vra* mnii4iie>l. eli-mUl lie i-iiile.!. Tba
’'-Ity. on 4>b 4. 1MI2. i
4«ron alwi In«l*t<*l lha) Reel ha abooU
br lul.l (hat If eh.- .-aralwd (hU
the ahi'ulJ U- *-t at libmy and troa'bled no fanlier. If cnaglil. ahe ma
at the alake. In llil* way the t
Ing Record, newapiper* of laid t'liy.
and all rwolntloo* heretofore made ther h«|Kd io -eaen|M> a witrh for
eonfllrt Iberewltb
be and arc daughter tn-law..
ra.-e came on.
While walllBg
hereby rearinded.
Moved by AM. Cochlln that ;he
'for tbe aigtini to atari. Rertlui atuod a
lutloo be adopted with (he aJdItli
doieii yard* In ndvu.v of her wultor.
tbe word* "or Itr macadam.'’
looking at liiu wtihetuelam-lioly e.vea
reui.tiilH-Tlng tlinl thI* Ihe .rtily luai
idermen lUmill
ahi- hfld <-v.T lov.d *li<- iiio*( r*rape d
bell, Sleder. Olllctt, Uaiutbey. Cunmne
Inn-lii-rlif.-. •Mwtilil. wli •. with the eibam. Round, flarrlwiti ml Coi-hl.u.
Cepllon of hi* Itilin-in-**. wii*-»f
tlfol llgure ait.1 fa<v. ilirew all tin- love
IJquor l-ond of William C.elnrk will)
0. E Wynkoop and Kmk WUbelm a* be felt Inlo n |•l.■odlng l-*>k w-bU-h aald.
“Tleld t- me and .l.-atl,"' WhenjI
lurietle*. waa prewnled and read.
Inr-Mi dn'u- liU upler. Itie alglial. tl
Moved by Aid Sleder that Ibe 1
rann.'T* *(1111.-1. It.-rilui al.fl'liic off
be referred lo the <nmmlttee »i
aUwl.T.'Imt iilnibl.i, like n f*wn. OeCarried.
wald widi a llmiaug mitt, ahowlng
Moved by Aid Coofalln (bat (h>
-puuily lh*l K «
d*r of bualnni* be rebnrta .if riatHUiiK him to cBteh h.f tiiili-* -lie |K-niil|ted.
• /
krei'liig but
Citv. MUh..
a dlat.iD.K- iibi-ed of liltii
Jan, 80. ISO?
tlti7>l»c ofi.ii to look at him. m
To (Sc NeaonsbIr (ba Vofr o«d «'it»
of tbe C«/y
Irnif'r lldngl.v. but a* If to Iwg hi. f.irglv--------for not |«-milltliig him t-i .-al.-h
rUt. jri.blpoue
Though o-nul.l wn* not |*K-mllted
r.K\n.»:«iA ^We. your t-omnill
tee on rialma and aecounta recommend .iqK-nk.lo her. 1:.- pl.-aile-l with every
feature .rf lit* fa.v for her t.. yield.
that a rebate of |4.M> be alUwe.1 Mi
Thacker a* per b1l|^of^Mr. Montague.
Tb.n *he wuold look at iilin repruai-h.
folly, to'whleh he .. .........I re|'ly with
the aatne exi>rc**1oii n« l••fl>^e, a»lf to
II. P. CAurar-U.
My. "lie mine and -.He"'
Reriha rau on. -aleiiy* l.-iidlng her
Moved by AM. Boughey that tbe re lover by n few- itri*. ami H *.-.-med that,
pert be accepted knd adopted.
like her former aullor*. Im w n* *ure In
the-end to .Ink down exiiau.ied. Tbe
Moved by Aid'Sleder that the i-ouu
otflobk.-r*. luor.' tlliiii ev.v o.iivliiced
ell Bdibum.
that t!ie girl xv»* n-w-lieh. n|i|M-eli-d to
tbe luiron to put im eml to (lie nneunal
rii»- M n.:i4i«.
conteal. .\im1 now (hi? aaw OtwaM
' •
City Clerk
draw hla dkggi'r. the hill «»f whieb tvaecilih-d Ji .TKWA and Imld It up Iwfore
th-nba'a eye*.
W*. the udoralgBod. do barebv
"U.allowing hep' the eroaa." Mid
agtaa to rafnad tba money on a 40- thn|KK.|>lr. "If ahe la a wlleh. abe wlU
nut bottUof Otuna’a Wanuled Svr- Knk down at viuv."
npoT Tbr if It Ihib to onre youA - But Berth* only loofce.1 the
oongh or oold.
Wo alao gutut
melaiirholy out of b.-r eye*, ratting
kboMt bottle to prove Mtlifaoto
them U|iw*M. a* If lii pra.ver.- Then
Oawald l.ilnled lln-«faicger at hltlinri.
"If ahe* a wli.-li." IW |ir«q.le auM
MW. "ahe'II throw a ai.-ll U|K>n biio to
make him .Irive It into bla Iweaiil "
fwneW ErebiwWA
But Beribn. wheti abe raw It waa her
Tbe oM-IIuk- lunt-IIMa euuelilem: life <.r her lover'* that uiuirt U- given
rarrtd eyelowe the only *->« allow
np. alark.mtKl her |uice. running aldwer
and alower. o*w*ld .-nviilnR nearer,
U hadn't ciirvc.1 r.velimwA »tu‘wa‘o't till at Uin I^hr .loppe.!. tottered and fell
exactly tbuucbt a idai-k eb.-.-p. i>m eli* back Into hi* anuH.
Tbctioi great about arow"She'a an ougel from benven
down to l.le»a Ibe young heir 1
K Btveere -br liai and detlea auy one to Uronyr
"i have given my life for y<
dta|W-.- li.-r aaamlon.—CLI.-ago Hally
aald Bertha In dea|ia)r.
••T..U have aatfd y..ur life t.y your
BiawB to jttomt.
proff.-rrd Mcridre nnd will Iw my
TbaMd idM that tbe body ■
ttmaa naadt n povarful. dnatie.
dnatir parThe buroD waa pl.-aned both B
gMlve niU hM bM exploded; for Dr.
^Ta NawLlfe PUlAwbidh are per- devotion of the girl for hi* non a______
that •on * wladoui. Sow that Ue waa
that nbe wd* a witch be
or, ud - bovoU
________ tba lyitom ud abi-odrelrumod Bertha n» a daugbiiT and
oora OooatIpntloB ud Blek prc'lalmed luaiiy da.v*o( featirltiea for
Only 86c at Jaa. O. John- the w i-ddlnt:. A* .ak.u aa It waa
MS'a ud B. B. -WnM * Sana' dmg •auimaled he turned over the cat
bit e*latea nud.the welfare of bU
leuaiitry lo'Oawald. who. though
belered liefore, waa now ndoivd by
Bertha apcDI her life In dia
coverlngand mlnlaterl^g to Ibelr t
and *oou cam.- to t* n« mueb lirloved
hoilian.l. Many n jK-raon
cnard of witchcraft appenh-d to i
and uuitiy a one w-a* **ved hy ber InHandy. WIiAi'a MniMy doia'? iW
tennalUoQ (torn a liorrilile death atibe
t moUior. WliAi'e
~l)Ai'a Motl
Mother doin'?
Kake. She at la»t <wme to lie railed

tog." ake MM apMogetkAl.
bare had an my baK tmt. ,TUs U
only my second keaA bat yon can are
tbe other when you go out, far I al
w»yt keep K la tke front room.*
** Sorely eneagb. on taking tkeir Rave,
tbe riritora wery piMed throngh tke
front roeni. antljbere to the tagMe of
(be meUdeon. when a btovy pm ba- entpe/ona, ccgcp a.
Kge veil wwa earefnUy lifted, a nMiy
waved half piece wwe to be aeen. tbe IfghfaA dMUdruff,
hMtcM- bMt "tranLburna, qtuA reJief


vJd liorea.


Tbe good mtototer of a Beottlab pai- uUaeptic.
60 eis.. Gtia-- -•<<
irii bad onea apon a time a gioBt vuh
Md couple to becoom iMtttoP ftoBaUhr JeAO.J*aneoa mod Bankoe
a Mshora.TiwMe** (Mr. Mien.
CTA which (hey were to nowlte eager
to carry onL
After mack pryKng.
Uyliig down
AB.Hartla.M D
as a condltka that they abooM be al­
lowed to keep a horile of -AoM Kirk*
'for medicinal porpooeA Abo« a fort,
night afterward John began to feel hU
bn be
termtoed not to be tbe Snt to give
in another week, bowerer. be colIgpacd entirety. ‘Jekny. womnn." bo /'>HAHagKlJUK'a Hsn^ MaMdm and
Mid. "I've an awfa' pnla la my held.
Ye mlrbt gle-me a wee dnpple an' are
gla It'll dee me any inM.*
"Well. cadHMA* abe ivpilfd- "ye're
OKTV Ute o*^ askin’, for ever Kn' (bat
bMU cam' Into tbe booee I've been
bothered aae wT pains I' my brid't Ja
done, an’ tberv's nae,dnpple lert."

martin S Eoans


Tbe bug Bible wae printed In 1b«l
by the aatbority of Rdvanl VI. and
lU cortority Ues in (be rendering of
tbe flftb jerae of tbe MDriy-drK
PMlm. wbleh. at we knovA toda
'Wbon skatt OK be afrabl for ibe terBlelb by day," bot In Ibe shore verBkM ran. "Mo (boo absH not nedo to
be afiwtd of any bnggee by nigbt."
Luillrrooa ai tbU aoundA It la not
logtcally wltkuot JaatlAeatlon.
"Bug* is derived from tbe WoUb
"liwg" wbicb mMBt a boheoWU or
terrifying iqierier, a algnlDratloniraceday-"lingbear"—and Khakeepegre once
or twice use* tbe word tn ttats primary
arose..notably wtaeo be nu^eo (Ismlet
My. “Koch bugs and gatiUns la my




Mih.M t. «m«*u BaKtlaia
UucS Bnan.aasUam Ma

Pine Cbiww.
47ne riilna needa care In wasblag
and dryfiu; and should never be pUced
to nenoni or Indifferent bandA Treat.

should be put lo tbe tub at one time,
tbe eoap abonld lie made Into soda be­
fore putting anything In. and the wa­
ter muK lie very warm, not bol. Fi­
nally rinse Id water Ihafa ]oK lb*
aame-warm. A good supply of due,
soft towel* I* a iieeeaKly, aod. tboa
equliHwd. (be wasbing «f i-blna Is not
a harti Uak. China will ahloe beautlfully If wiped out of clear vami

rmArii'i iluava-k». Mrll aa.omc*

Ve.MicW a«4 I noa, naam-v > tia<* (MLaoktan awg Ueela*.
' There la niu.-b In kii.iw-liig h-iw
see *]gb(A The diam-et and akillful
peyadn. when coofrooted with a varie­
ty of attractlonA will twrefully select
tbMC that are for him the l>pet and
then will ilrvtae mean* lu are them
With the least wear and tear,
tberv are exvIUble pecqde who aet
to see ever.vtblng. tire (bemaelves ouL
see only half of anytblac and are dIaMllafled 111 tbeend.
Kmmtir m flood Tblan.
"Did .von aay that bair reMorrr It 8
good ibIngV' Baked tbe |«trun.
"Yca" anawered tlw l«riwr. with
tome allgbt bealUtloD: "It'a a good
thing. We sell several .botilea a week
•( a dolIXr a IMtle. ”
"Bill how do you know li'a a good

I . a briaJ.-wrirr ex-re

OfBoa over City "Bock Sion.
Honn: PtollAm,*to4p.m.
7 «- 8 pm. -Bell 'phon<L4ll, Cll.

UtowMiwiMUMwtIr PHM.

"Becauae the proSt ou every bottle
Is 7b centA’'—B'aahlngUn Star:

PERE Marquette
"B'tao ia that t
aUndlQg over there? " Inquired an old
genih-man of a rich oM lady at a party.
•Thafa my aunla-law. He's a very
brilliant yonng tnaa: made a large forlane by tbe law.
"Indgcdr said (tw old
now's that

rw OraaS BaetdA DMnnv. iwatoa. ChRafe
•a w«M. am*
II R*. ■ •-«***imbMM. Mr (tir. Pwt H*>*a. **m .


I zz::c:

the mteh ABgrt.


J. KlHul.A«*al 1


to inveadgate found rbe pig to bed be­
tween two white BbeetA with Ha bead
on a pllkiv and Its body rovreed wUk
a white lace cotuterpanA



She abonld uke hla aame.
OM BacbeM-JnK ao. Tbe poor fel­
low ought to be allowed to keep aomeIblag be can call bla oara.-Sl. Ixmt#
Bepubllt ________________


Tia. A- A S » v»* Coeam**

man seldom tmltara bow few d
bit remarka are worth repMtlag aatU
be baa conversed wltb a deaf pcaasai.



........ t.i.a--?£^“



rotweta cover oaedaotb of the metfam of tba caitb and ooe qaaftar of

Qoisn .tone uf Knglayd w-


love it l.n

on It.
I. Oalmu's BUs& B. Wnlt *

Eteev M.utheni *inte dckU more
artu.d. aii.l Ore<I* ibelii for at 1«bK
nlur iwHitii* la the year. Tin- lum of
w Iwlotu i* to nuke tiioee r(Ml* tbe goals
of our pbUanlhnipy. our liatrhdl
and nor legbdatluu
If. tbe geolleid4o of tb* Snalbem Kdtxwltoiml an
•o<-lalivn caa help forwanl (lie ^cU>
It of tbone adraaugea
uur aoutbetn yenib (b4y wUl Snd
loiue and v^operatloa wtierever
they gn vtUita our bonlerA tVe alncerely trust that aiicb U tbe work iBej

tnL—AtUnU OwiHItatlM.

A dtotlnguiahiKl cavalry lender
Odre at a dinner lahy 70 which be
TralB-twveTrsvwwOir a* (ettow*:
had hei-o iavltfd aa tbe gacat of '
Per Oraod tMftdm. Eil.aiaarK-, Iblaaga mad
BeaMe bim waa a Mtaarioa v
-■rtWarUAtmA >
with hair of raves black, who rbdeiy
Icitcrfupted tbe converaarMi by gaklag
tM- warriar why It waa that hla beard
waa atU Mark. wtDe bR hair
Hmlag gray.
B'itk great poltteoaM tbe old Mb
dter twaed toward ber.
iafactovT anawer.
poMlbiy. tbe raaaod R that 1 have
Med ay btwia a UttR man thu I

bava my jaw."—LMdM <nt.Bta..


■ BTanire sBOOBDwTftAV:


Br Ann b- iMumLi.

X. M tod ImM u Mbnll.
' tor for n tiW('. 8te fUwvd V t.
r oa Mcbt. U*
’'Toa'i. mb . Uttk mUr of a wmbto. aa' K't ralala' idtetoorto’- ite
MB nid ctoanif.
~l AldB*l bare aar uabrHU baadr.
to* Hid torir- fTto l*« wOTd «a* aayaaJtd to abMd tor pormr. inu tor
ctotn rfern aad sbia/wanml )arkrf
«BT. « tto to
*Ta>brrUaa ai. ^ipperj ibiBfa.
to drj." tald tto mb raruuracladr.
•m’hra,y«i VBM -ftt Itor
It waa a wlad drirvB ralu. «»d to
lavarrd (to untorll* oo tor aXV
ward «e tto ffTMl toatlaf drep* I
Mt a borri Mualloa ot tolnc abrittrad. bad a aob r<iBr IS tor ibrcai
to* aUppMt aud to raufliit tor
•to had atlMfd
MBf liDM tofor*.
bal so ea* had (rtol nrr tor.
Ml wbjr *to >rtBl«b(rBid tot *1



the glilB tsIklM dbMt It at gMS.
*lay>e filng- TWFu t. h. a hH '
lo*"*Thee /a. as' Ha'S ga. hM* a(
Mt." TWrr bad bats a Bight ba«Stteai. b« to rosM sM dtHppilat tW
is tor pelt tscs.
Tto detlcbt Is Fsltt'a */h lugsld Wh
tea tto tanuUds aad tto/ mi laiH
tbaa nasal that eetalag Mklag tbBr
Ttora da/a tB Satstda/r Faith ttaad ta a uolrer of aeileipaUas. gto Ht
Istr e*rb sighi rnrhtablsc her
Hotbe*. evH to tto ribbon* an her
Hilar tot. which ri.ll/ knked better
wbH the/ were larsed.
ganuda/'i ikies e.nM not bar. bMF
bloer or Ito air cooler and nrwUr.
FaUb mat tto da/ with meb a radkat
(are that I.uke tiBllrer regarded tor
with astuabbfd aallsfactloB
He tod

alaaire dimplr* pla/rd at bide asd seek
la tor amall ruuad rbln
“Yob UlUe silic of a one." to ertad
glaefidty. "what, /ou Wes dola' to
/oaraeirY I'd ought to have put M H/
while duck trtwmera an' balled ahlitr
For replf Fallb clMd os tiptse and
planed a liny Irtincp of plska os Ito
lapel of bis i-oarar brows roit
r pats rMilraned l.l
r. Hr looked sbo« k
HoUlteT'a fare.
SDHall/. Tea. to would icre barttofc uieng tb* ptcaore errkrf*. Be
cmild.inakr aoBie ricuH. Bbe would
so( mliul. asd tod totre Ito ticket and
go and l••'••r lome back.
TbrM- tbougbla lomM-nli-d Luke ai
the/ wi-nl <di-tto siMblra cunackHi.that be waa wronglag the girl iB
tbariug Ibe day's idra.ute wllb her.
He bad mrasl II to to oal/ a bright
QM In brr dull llfr. Now to suddesl/
reeaUrd tto barrier tbal arpamled bin
worldwlik- from I'altb. >
Tb.- »irr«m .,f proph- bound for tto
wharf Ihli-tamd
A ataowll/ dletoad
wotuBii Imwn-u >wo men atared at
-ni and o|iruly Jrrrrd~ Kbe tindgkl
three bunt
b«r «|enloq. a
talo loud Uugbicr
“ilidd on. Illilc inllr of a ■•iir. Don't
hurry ao." Luke muttered, ■bulling as

are. Hr bad net a
nan/ a day.
“No. ou; we

Kto had torrr rattod falai Luk* to­
forr. ilia bair furoM-d.parpoH to tors
•tar* to It* a((iM»t .od aatuac *>o^ bark raalato-d.
toatd* bha laiMiaatl}. Kbr itonilibi
I.ord ba><- Mtc/. I iorr tb« llul*
( bub ai tor «
isllr vf a mjrV’ cniaon) (to mao lu bta
Oto w«t Uorfc aad toU of BDuttor
Hour* lat«4 on (be botw-sard (rip ba
tto/ Irdtrrawl toforr rlltor apwto dUmrrrrrI tbal Faith torrd faloi. Tto/
acalB. ‘nii'B n wa. the- uiau.
wm; ainlox ah>D<- In a tomrr ot tto
Td oucbl to IptMHlw-. ai/arlf.
drrk'. and In- read It rlrarl/ In brr purr
b*Hkla. k«ardl) "I lu l.i
imni (air
(ai-r Tu draw brr tdoor and
bold brr Bu fulrrrrl How raa/a thing
*rsi Fallb I'ritie.’' waa (to rrapunaa. H woold to: And what did aU tto
’'Falib. Tfaai'aa akvauuudlu'aaiur.'* mt uf ibe World tnallrr?
b* BtnTBDrrd. .
-Fallb knkrd Bfa/lr.
tto lato frll awa.r. tto iwak of
“l-i-r alwa/a tbousbi li dtradfall/ cbln and Ito toUowa In brr irmplr*.
old faahioitrd. but 1 didn't lulud to­ How (rail aud aHgbt ato waa to «M
rioar It waa rnindinoltor'* sanK-."
tor bivad akmr: Tto tboughi o« hi*
Ttani /ou’rr b»i fulk*. Hi* Wta/. I
abotddiri know buw (Itat Mt.”
'Ixird bare tnerry! i.awd bare mer*■1 did bivr.
I lia<rlT'l a«/ D«w. cyr- liU soul pray.-d (or him.
Arre arm'l an/ Irft."'
Tbe oieniuer mnrvd It* iaodlng place.
Tto ratrb In brr loar roirr arrsird ts
' Ibe sbriU vole-.! Ibrang crowded
(rouble Idikr. Hr cliau/id Ibr ti>pl<-.
nl Ibe gangjilauk. Tto man and
“Wbat d'/ou aa/ /our la.l naiur waa,
•hr“IVtilr-Faith IVtilr." ito anawrird. and nearer, with bla lip* aet to grim
Hr waa lookina down fcisdl/ lata b«T Unr*. Hr was ggbiltig a 'lbttp battle,
amall. pairi bui raitor M<.i fa.v
lie tod girrii blinaeir till the ■IHater
“irm! 1 /rTkon tto-/ (or/ut lu |wt touched shore to tvacb a decision.
Ito r Jn »L"
Tbe libbon to Mae water umwed.
*-n-bal Yr ^ Itrr ptiaab-d Iniioernr.
Now It was a thread
Mdr him laupb In a Id/, brallb} wa/.
Fallb lau/brd. t<». Intulununl/. TtaH Uke boh! <
wrrr paulng a l•M■s'r<•w vl li-iKUi-oia tbref-Jump:that tord tto ■•triiM ul In drraoi/ aurLuke Dolllref
• ollltct recognised the ga/.
paulon. k'alili iiu|i>d
uw wtd- reckieM \obe. It tod made tbe d
dlswa/ In ibr row,
eonl of bl* w hole-life. KbouU to let
*Tbla ain't /our tom. la li r tto big
Mn aakrd, r/ing Ito alrvrturr wttb
A cry of horror sad a woman's atarlak
toMrei diafator.
to paiB roaa tomaltamunsl/.
*‘X«; It'* sbrrr I Bto|i.~ Faith anstarted to brr feet, white and abaklag.
ewrird qubH/. n>n»-k>u. Iliai *to

brr rootu waa in (ruiil.
to rauld mv
tto |>nl of rod grrauliiu. and Itar
Whilr runaln w blrb Ih-IihoI oui ausir.
AI Ito (mill door lli. y Ivih aloMrd.
•ad Fallb look<<d up at blui ab/l/.
"I'm errr m murh iddteml. klr.-

“It ain't an/ibing much.
Yon taet
rlgbt bare an' w-ali for me.**
Ha plow ed bit wa/ to Tbe bHt't *dg*
and look non toik at (to thira craatod
Tto woman'*
fomaa's bold,
bold. handaoms
■ toroed upward and Ibe re­

nte later I.uke weal back to
Fallb. and hi* fare, oofleonl and grare.
wa* Ito (ace of a jfree man
Yet If
oal/ to were sure be tod decided that
qoetIloB before Ito acrtdent to|f|teOedl
«ood In Ito alll iff a'd.airwiy
"rt .-.Mild to tore derided II wroogl/t
to rioard It pmarptly
“You luor little mile of a onr.~ to
'tVrIl. I dn-larr K-it alirt 'tl<>n)rd'
ratnla'r to I-Tliil. -Xow, w toii did cried leoderi/. “/ou look acared to
«Htb: It'* sU orer. Three people gat
that happmr
|n tto aprlng twilight* whi<-b f.dlow- bnn. hot ttoy're-better now." SbS
ad. Umwo two wnrkrra Rh-i, si lint a* wa* dinging arrronal/ to bU strong
U b/ I'haar* aud itirb a* If by mutual arm. and her Irnh chattered.
altranloD. Tbr/ lolirn-d »u ttoir wg/ stooped and klaaed bee groily. “You
bemr (mia
irvia work,
nor*. *i
nod tto girl gtrw Ir** little mite (rf a one." lie cri.d. “Ton
tesrl/. wbik tto a
to i-ouat
ttto care of you the rr*t of your Ufar
>r Lukr.-

abort timr tbr/ walkrd togrlbrr. Uotr'
aame KtMcwct.
OTrr, hr toramr aDibllkm* lu luakr biT
rkerdto—Wbat make* von think that
amlk In rrtum. Tbr <air «.-ra*n>o*
Wbro hr aogdtotrd that lliry |«aa U-- ^Uamanofmeui?
/ead Ito IrnraM-Dt aud all oa the
GoUtug-.Wea be has a uteri/ u/u
baarbr* la lh« piwmroadr and walcb and a.wlr/-bused.
Ito aunart oo tto wairr Fallb narked
aa tvd Irtirr daya on l>< r isliaatar.
It did sot oorur t.. huui«l. ^g l.ukr
Dollltrr that dangi-r lurkrd In throe
quirt tuomreu. Tto mlir iifV-aaMiian bopte- «»e day last week, todnlgtd In
Wbe lai brtidr bin loukid liain>r-to a aeriea to gind-aainre<, lerrimlnatlkrd to uakr brr •|ukl faiv brichlru
Ilona abqut tbe (eudencic* v( each to
•or dh) It orrurlo k-alib that abr lotrd refralu from spendlHi; money. On*
Idm-ato waa alaipl/ runirot pbes to Mthl to tto otb^:
graduated hli gr«wt iwrt- to brra ot
dou'i blame yon 1
UlM quietl/ to brr »b the prom- It la In ibr (aaillr. >V|
esAr. 8be loM bitu fiankl/ of bee
fattor wbeu
beu to nn
two a- gtoce
aarl/ eounlr/ life, tto draib uf tto
s 00 • lose that If a U
falka aad tor rfforti to earn her lira- settled
ed In tbe *og*r totrei ba used i
b the fly. dUM bU feel off wit
•htod la tb* great rli/. but Luke Dob
uom.-Bbd let It go."
gTir sew Hofce of bit past. Bar Ufa.
“Kor* Hid tto oiber. •Ton neeUat
V c^ortaaa. waa eaviabte at rompaied getcbe«i>. -Your (alber wwi a farmer
la bli.
I i-au rvniemlu-r wb>n to rateed toe*,
made iboa* poor bee* work hard
•petag mpi lain antaner tolorc the/
day. aud. not uttafled be croaked
and Ibe/ togas to watch tb*
tbem w1ib lightning bug* and mad*
It partlea frun
work nlgbta."
water is isy tbein
-Tbal'* right - hM Ibe flm goodBla." Fallb ukl Idl/ one eteslsg. buBiiinvIly
illy -Tto
'Tto ukl man was a thrif.

*Aad I new trail/ boUda/ed.' J dost
ggtl da/a <« *boUda^.' do /our
“M/ gx. loo." aa>weerd Unke. "Da/a
iC alst tto right kind. Wad ought
«* b7 ov Kasd at (to cesnls* art(elr.
Flttb'a teM klsdled -with gcatte h-


*im wliny^MAnu*an?rttt^
weed M iwodiMvd sanwbeertea bad
Tbeo they tod A drlakc-CUcagn

“1 Will Love
You Alwaoe*


Tto HHt graphic aad draaitUe aosaust to tto tortbia *r*Ma to tto r»COnstaaL)
I to added is tto ts/hw «to dtoiutar la tto Part araana tnssal to tto Kew Tort Central wOtw*/.
•XsT. lawto St
When tto rw ear to a gomb Norwalk
sqsall/tree.’■Lawn ksgto at dlteu
is RSthSL- Ons to tto IBHt strtklsg train waa tea lata b> a tlblte PUIh
sxaaplH to tto Istur Is tto 1st* to s tnilB. waaiglTVn b/ Acting BntuUoa
F. I'M*! to ■ •
ltdde* No. S and Ucatanant tVtllUm
Omni tto Mastsl* da Ls Fa/etls
had aa asuta la AaTergsa. la tto
n*«M to baacb asd ctomaat scar b/
dwelt mea wbo followed era*/ tsH*9
Usg. Ttoer were egapetu,
wopdea aboa nskara aad Mkera to
daptostds asd Ulba, taBdN rbarcoal
bnrsee* aad resta gatbamu. TbH*
PMpla dwelt la UtHr roAe butt, toUlt«
Bde b/ Bde. aad wbas work waa oth
to tto da/■ B^uag
D^agUag la tbair b/Itbs


Tto (.'totattaa BihWth HeteHM
I* tweoty-ane year, otd today. It to*
imrbrd lU majontr and I* worth/ tto
• of aU apoo Ita {
achlrTri^te asd It* future .
Twenly-onr yrwr* ago today cBer.
Fimn.-i> £. Clark. «a nsknowa. to•cw mlolstrr of ^rial of Portland.
Jir,. gaiberrd Ow^young {.rople to hi*
ctaun-h tugetlHT tto> hr lulghl
laa tbmi f<u- arrtkv “fur fbrIB and
tto •■fauiTb -' W'im .-onU hare torwi
ed of tto fanvacblug eenaeqnrneu. of
that meelingl in tbr |>n>vldeoce dt
God (be Dioremenl tbete started grew
to rnst /Boportloim.
It In-iWHa a
Woridw klr tauveuM-ul and Ibr name to
tia founder a bousebuM name ibroogbtfOt VI
llul wluii has (.nirlstun Cndeadone lu twentynme yettrsT Itelag baa
been lis kwdlns elutrailrristl.-. It to*
been ealted “tbr ehurrb at work." and
erery line of etaorv-b work has felt Ibe
Indu-uie uf this great |>rvTlden1tel

r A. klurpby. and be to* got mora
Ml eoarage aud nefte ibau any man
Y MW. Both to bl* leg* and arms
I broken, to aeaned to be hurt lataraall/. and blood
HI waa as srpbaa bo/, callI* ptaioaed bangad Sj hte
log half out uf Oto of (to windows.
V told to a wedge
rsptlOB of Deralaoa. awnalag lacking UUIDBIingtedteg.
nib la bla but under a mnaket on tto to tana to atug. bl*
bas magnllled loyalty - toy.
waU to kepi a pletora of Uarle Ao- teas, aiB be cuuUu'l muve.
tto Arat mau tbal I uw. and be was
tolBMle. and bit aalgbbar* aald lasgb- tto last suSerer removed from tto ally t (•bri»t. to Ibe cburcb. to tbe
Ibte. to Ibr uikiweek senloH of tbt
lagl/ (hat be was la lore wlib tbs wreck. Bnt in all tbal time be nerer Bible.
cburcb. Cbrisllaa Litdeaxw, tbungt
qnani. Uae da/ Oesml Ufa/etta, made a wblnipn- and was calm and M Itewerfol lu liaelf. bo* etv aougbl
while rialtlBg Ui raiaie. toM ibcH peo­ coaoidHale of utbert from Drat to last to kSe Bigbt of llfrif In order that It
ple bow tbe «m« at VarHille* pta/«4
“We Cbmqied our way tu blm. aud
might be loyal
('hrist ami HI*
tto pans of tsUlH*. sbrpbrrd*. mltkI at
a we-l
‘ IbuTw-e
coaldoT get ebun-b.' Its motto l« "Fur t'brisl *nd
laaM* and tto like, each drcMcd to him, out for aume Ume we (■■tened
tbe fburcb." *i>4 Its life ha* |iroved
tto rbsnner aHoxsed. all wen
rope under bl* arai|>lt* and bolsud blm tto apiimiirlaieiMwa of it* uMitliv la
woMen aboeo, iba qnaea Isclnded.
op Into an caster |>u*llh>n.
na n«e wbeu lb«ie has l•■.•o ludlffer"Wtotr Hid Daraaon.'wbo was
“All that be hIiI tu u* wa*. 'i
f. doubt ami disloyally tto young
Milng. “Tbe qnrra wnr w-oodco Uka you to take me unt aa suoa ay you pemd
lilcvrA'brtob-inlouibav'e bmj
can, as tbe imtu I* very great.'
aorgeon from Huuaevrlt buspltal
2. n bas magnilted FbrlslUn oeerice.
“If I make tor a palr.’win yon taka came along and care Muttdiy a by|>o- -Tb- I’bristlan Lndeavor movetaeot ba*
them to torr
dermic In/rctloii of marpblue. l.atir we U-ri. ■ iinMlk-al unnemenl. it baa en'“Ccrtaialy. If yon maka iham gi>* found a cnahloD aud placed It uadee
nwDgh for her."
bla back. He was very gralefnl for
baa taught ttom
lo'Aarergnr tbe penHnt uke* a Ibis and said calmly; Ttoaik you. gen­
Mvi-d to serra; it
pair of gb* wooden aboe* for bl* bald*, tlemen. Tliat make* me much easier. , has cdui-al'-d
out ulil/ to H/
wto truaanre* them ibrougb Ufa Darn, Ottaaaa Doi oi>e-Oflb as liadl
lly burt-aa heUtvl ' but t<. do tbe wlU of tto
son art to work to make *ocb a ftetr. ,waa /elted and temu^ but be never p,,h,T. IB be*v.-u. LndeavWer* bare
They ware to cbeBnut. goely carred. teat blsVrve fur ao-lnsii
fed -Ibe huncry. gl'cu drink to tto
aad on tto (oa of HCb wa* a heart en­
a\loi of berelim display­ (hinriy. cluibcd ibe naked and Tialtcd
circled wllb raya above which were ed oo that car. We round a you
tbe sick abd lm|>ritoncd. Only etrmlty
Ito letter* “T. T- I- V.- Usrwion to
> idnloned uuder m Uas* of stuff
Itarlf will n-veal
them to Ito ebateoa ai>d gave them
floor. He waa badly burt. Near to this orCHUlaatloa'Ioitb In tbe ebatvb
tto marqula
blm was lying a young woman ateo se- atK) oat -r tin- ebnrt-b. It bas Indeed
tofayretr took tto aaboto. and wbea
been' lie- --<-liur\-h at Work." and Its
to HW Ito Irtteea “T. T.
work bn* l--en IdcMed ami owned by
amlled. for be knew ftolr Malag. tto young man w-as rvacblng bvte wltb
whlcb wraa written oo tbe Hboto to all a Dewsiaper fannluf tbe steam away
3. It to*
istian feltto elimtaiit brides 111 Anr<Tgto.-^r* from (be womau'i far*.
lowshlp. B<
Tto fire cbapbiiDS.. Kaibcr Kniitb ctonKier. it bn* lieongbrtbc Cbrlfllan
saaured tbrtr maker that to would fu'leil bl* iirunilM- to give (tom
and Mr. Wakcly. worked In (be
deiHiniliuilluun l•«••lbe^ ns never be­
queeu. Hamiua went to bl* but and helping tbe rlcllma as fast aa they fore It luis isiicbl and |<ractlccd tbe
nndemeaib bl* ■•unrali traced
' reached. Une girl. MIm Daisy troll.iTb.a.l of nil t'brIslUii* In J<
lera to bad carved ou l>e kal>ot*. Gen­ gcolt. WB* found lying u>tuh (to body Christ; it luiB led FbrisTlaii* of aU dedead man. Bulb of her leg* were
eral l.ariiye.lle M-t out for I'arii and
ilnuiloiis III kiK'W eai-b
ulbcr bcltc/r
ii-b irtbcr_______
Versalllea. wber.- to found broken. On.rKbcr *lde of bee wa* (to and (bus E'-iH-niusl
•ttonce, to■ V.
fraternal spirit
tbe queen la l)ie TrUouu and iwetotiled 1>ody of a dead uiBu
b--i* iitivto liefiiie l•eoll found
“Kto was suffering terribly, but cou- In our ctiun li kfi-.
bee w llb Ibe Bbuea.
Marie Antolueite w»* greatly pleaaed trslled ber*el( apleiidldly. Kbe was
ii.^.iaed iNtwutuil dvroUon
wllb tto preM-m. real couulr/ HboU calm all the time, and wben at last w*
I...... Itelly lllble reading
able to move brr alio oajd lo me. and imyer liKM- b>vii developed, and
nude eiqweUlIy for tor- Kbe uodrri-ery careful to keeii uiy f«^ cov- the cumnsTaliuu servl.-.- linn kd ibouBlood tint Ibe been Murtmoded by
ared up.' Cbsplaln Smlib helped to lift Uiids tu M new Idea, and pmrtlcc of
meant tbe letter* "T. T. U Vr'
•Sbe asked tto luarqul*
ninir watuv.ji.
"■Taliucral tout* 1* rlda* (I will
Fivb- lx. Ill; Mint. V. Id; John U. 4;
teve you all my llfei. ll U tto latoistloiii. xil 1. 2: Iv, 21; I Cur. x, 31: iv.
to -Vuvcrsuc. A* one would exproM It.
c.d. 111, .IT; Jn* •, 22 27: Kev. xxll.
roll tbs Festive tueVrsoea.
tbe Fieucb would to. 'Je t'*lmeTal
louie la vie."’ Tto inarqul* laughed
Jainea.l,. O'Neill, an Amciirau. wbo
aa be thus luterpreied Haratoo'* mea- baa been In tto rblllpplm-a fur twu
yrwrs, telU an
ll -nil 'tliinwlils uinv nut be dlulTbe quern did not Uugb. .On tto
I Uiey uivsl a cetilral punwae.
contrary, abe waa .very seriotis. bring
fill- -'111 iiiiiy nut float adrift II
lily toucbAl with tbe love to tto
ncisls all oil. tier Our tbuucUts take
albple (Tcati
the ilIrvvUuii -if <inr work* Ku It la a
"IVwr Yellow:" ato utd.. "Tto saboU
pp'Verb of wisdom which nay* “Tom
are a trifle large (or me.'but so u
of tb* I'blUdaIpbla TImea. “It li niK thy woH;a unto Uic Lord, and lliy
tbe ■•rtter for tbe reward tbry will
supposad to be a bed. but it look* vtr/ thiiuulilt sbiill to twtalillslie.1." <*iir
Ulo." Tbqn abe artdqwred In tbe HT much Uka a bearse wltliout Ibe glaat tliKUi;hl< nrv cuuimUti-d to the Hauie
to tto moceH de Laubelle. wbo took aide* aud wbrel* It I* entirely In
iUut our, works an-, niid It Is for the
Ito ubeis aad went out. ftte aooa re- dosed w-ilb's heavy wire . s<-rern, iraliilncof ilKiutoit and Inw-anl
tnnted. bowerer. brlnglog them with through which tbe air Sod* It very
mt works lire siip|>lli>l.
bT fliled with goldplecoaL
bard 10 peitetraiv. You ar* informed
wif. and lli.r
“Maniula." ato uid. ->lace this gold that Ibis aerv-en U placed bp the ma­
1 a box and aeud It to tto cobbler, chine to keep out cockroaches, which made si'llUli. ••oidlnually nieauer aud
with tto queen's tbanka."
In that country are adellcwte Utile aul- UnxtnMi-:’ Tin-n-iH-oe Olid salva('iou of
rdiouglits and mind an- the cnmniKLafayette procured a bandaome box, mal about eight Incbe* long, though
.ofonr works to the Loril. doing ibciu
put ibe gold lu II and sent It to Dara- perfectly birtuleaa. You crawl Into
Him. eun-ulllug ilUii al
00 at Aurergto.
tbe machine at Ibe end a* a coffin Is
Then came Ibe rerolutlOD.
o a bearae and clo*« the gate all that we propo-H- to do; \li*i lie may
to ttoceatral aulborlty of 'ui
•tarmed tto palace to VriHiUea.
beblud TOO. Tto bottom of
Marqul* dc U Fayette was Indict^ chine la mad* of cane Uke tbe •ectlug wboni (be gatbertog of ouj
Tto king, queen and (tofr citlldren of ■ cbalr. Tb* bcdclolblog roaaliU of BbaU to.-IVteiHl.
placed uadH guard. Darasoo a aingl* atocL Tb* toad of tb* canwe
bnrd wltb angtilab what had befallen —1 should Hj petaou-wbo'
Mr*. Hnguld i|itv«iiii'ii( nf the Koclhis Idol. He Utleaed to every bit to, Bleep (DoUc* I-H/ Mestres'
ety for llic. I'tvv^iillon of crucll
eagerly, becoming more and moro
■la upoo
Aaluialsi—.My lUer < liildmi I love
gloea/ aa tbe fortunes of tbe toyal
luattsd chicken fHtbeiw of the con- auliuals. I hc><-r imticr anyr iilrcumlrcti
family decUned. Finally be beard that alstencr of an oak tree: Tbe macbli
staih-cs hurt ou
II have a f*D(toy bad tieen taken to tbe Temple. 1* very effecllve *o far ai keepliq
lly uf iicl looil-. I loT<- till
Ihi-ui *o (bat I
One momlog boob after, bl* but was tbe roacbM 1* concerned, but In •
caU'b I
empiy. Both hi* muoket aad bit pic- respecu 1 euaxlder It a loul failure.
incsBo. aUssUs. alu'l


him. bewldew Ito goldiOocH tbe
had arat him Hwed In bte vest Tbe
plctore to had bung atoood bit neck,
knowing that if dlBCoreeed wltb tbe
UkeneH to tto bated Bonrboa queen
«D bla person to w^tUd to. aiT““'“'*
and meet tbe fat* of a royalist.
tra rated by'night. bUlngln tbe woods
by day. Finally, on (to ITtb of October.
1710. worn with fatigue and Ulaeoa.
BaxUlte ba mat a
to whom ba aUed tto way to tto Tcm-Why do yen go tbeeer asked tto
To reaette the qnean."
Tbe Anstriant Sto wa* exacwtgd
Maddened by
grief and rage. Daraxon ralaed bla
laaket. but brfor* to could Ore tto
airuck him, laying him on
tto parement. (bea abouted;
A crowd galbecod and. to dlacqrH
the ranatr/mka-a Idenllt/. SHreted
bits, flndlag ou/bla brnst tto picimu
to tbe queen ^tfa the foaKtusplriotia
tetters on It T. T. L Vf • With yells
ttoy carried the |«or cobbler to tto
leer Srine aad threw blm In.
Thus died (bla ataapte HTatlrr to AqTtrsae. wbo lored-A qneeo and daroA

-twJnn tribe, but I was afraid to makc
Ib* mlore. and ao rigged myeelt up a
aback more like an Americaa bed.
I obaerved." coetlnaed Ur. O'Neill,
“was In a little town In (be Boutbeni
pan of Lnsou. Tbe people of that cotarauatty. In spile of tto An>crionii lovasion and tbe epori* of oar govcniucni
Wng about a higher degree of clrlUxaUna. still ladalge la tbrir old
tom of performing tbclr moniliig ablu
Hon! at tbe town
ra punii
pump. Any uiumli
between 6 and 7 o'clock you will ffiid
upward of 100 people—Fltlpinus-butb(hat well. Although that a«ctloo of tto coauiry Is thickly spriokled
wltb Furopean* and AmcrlcauA oo at­
tempt bas beeu made to atollsh tto
In fad It baa come to be
looked upon almost aa a acred right."

rmfraaor Fluu-Ie* Wllaon baa anouneed to tbe Itoyal society a new de•nalaatloB of tbe temi>erature of tbe
which, wllb due alluirance fur
•light unsToMable errorw I* glared
3.444 441 degrees F.. ays a Oolde dis­
patch from London to the Chicago In­
ter Ocean. .If the probable atmorpUan
of tto sun's iwdteled beet by tu own
illowed Jor. the
temperature of tto /ua'i body U placed
at 3.006 :-S degree*
degree* F. rrofeeaor tVUbegan bl*

Blm wbo i-aa be dom- tto


aaa to wiuii«
Btoalac* to dlagutoe at r lemNOSi- htonurae
tgg Up Mil*.
bte fur a M of prufaally.
“If you Wl* yov aaU*.- ato said,
The awtatneH of rereeige ofiea
“you wUl awatl out like an air halkwa
sour* a Bun a dtopdaltloa.
aad btuvL"
No wnHBB raa euttlrstr bet- mlsd
Tto amall boy britered. took toed
aad ber comptexloa almuiuofoialy.
and didst'Ute Us Mils say more.
Tbe more paias boom people take to Tto small toy went to a cbUdM-a
•bow off Ito more pains tbey gteo party, wbrre to stood and cased af tto
I taetater to a genla wto dto;« a lot of tklags that are aliwady


I Cm,1IUOB, raXDAT* fAtrVAMt SI. isi

hoateH tto aame mlnatM la al
TbH to qiak*..
“Yon htta fBH Mlla,“ to hIA



looH kabia m Mtb-

r-mode man neiwr
graWag bl* maker.


Lord Koglas was la ^
CHaea to wa* so auMtogtetaM ^
tto prwfsBtty
hit BMW that ta^ bad
tto aeegent* of unr reglmeat tab*
d*WB aamesof itomewwbousedcHv.

Charity t* like unto a gtrer: the ar«p“
tto ten Bolae It Mkew
Twemy-four boor* paned and at tha
Hay tto Ml- •renlog ponde tbe ad/utaat reported
t to forgci.ibat abe la Mn. Ust Auu guliiy mru were oo tto parafc
grooad Tbr rolouri wo* very wntIC
WndMg Mktth a maa fiiU-tat -1 taU yon ihst tbe eamamadec-to
(toy bare another name for ll tu old
dde< bad eouHalited of tbetowatly
word* be beard la ns* aianog yoa!
The Lned kweita a etoerfnl glverw
and so doew eveey maa. woman aad Load Baglan nU to wa* dtagusled by
to put ■
child M ewnh.
ye bear?
to ll.
IL o
bearl «
tVhat do yon omaa.
* 1/ou ailby--------r ,!
tUany swear wmd*
bleb oat blnrtsd tto
Ibet—merely t
I mattir of (wa.
; ‘a »**' “«>■' of.
t^aagei. Tto etooael g
-----------------------------aa/ttaiHt hut b MlH i
II red
to tbe featate who was luiaW to a*.!
*~ In
“ (be
*"• fi
eerulii Ibe .-ost of tor
‘“d (Jefemd tbr
:'bli-og» Dallv New*
; cago Dally Nora.

wtektekss*SUM, rtoM.iiAmmo


Ito*.tola CUboiWr,


. Msaiss Ito besr. «i ite* Is ItossBlri
•• Ihst tto bwd

ToowtUflad tbursa viU torn
I Tr/stsia'asa tosiaTUmdttollhtete tto














^MOfBT •'T.


wmur Luvme home or losing m time from work
SBrl ci(t-e sn.t Bv. urv.ta* f-r*..s. b.4*r»hiplii
. Hrh;A* "t Hi-nBt >B. P*. to br *lr>w by U
gsrued lu tii* presue rrtiiai
: *uto by /Mirwsry IV liut
iXi iruslify >usr—IM.T
li.w In tb.' drsfunerauBi ut ■
ni-Je^.a.'-bsU-sl n.cksursh
It vnfl IHi- r.Ki truru ui lu M a<i
yoursttf fur Ibr pusui.«. Yia wUlstwdy
sn.1 Aatoi.t.. Usn-yntriirtoMl <*.«k uU r-wdy toarorirta
WkttevorkincsvsdrmftoMa.riSi wtU'b* sslsiu r*wlUarUy wuh
•ry sBdri^ msthiidi.. yMinvurk will W ladiV end yu* vnU akr* |4.«ly «t iltos U>*
tostody W'chseKwlor*isrtnrslr«g1Be<*1a« Tu* willbs<*4( la yuer |«wsrterw
te Ibr U«bep| ragiu'-nnag Muois.
yauBotklni Yb* Hsraed ulU *('“('« both Ibv/too Hin-4*rHlp sad
I uf Ursfuaa IssUVMseu to t»-. Brst la tbr cum* sad dM 1* tbe
If It U ytier eautee to bee
ke nroenl mil r r* yue • r>«* gebstermipui Anhlunord Orsirl

To tbe Taxinyar* of tto City of Tibt.
erse (Jity:

The tax roll* for tbe ooUeotiou of
the suie and eoonty taxes for tbe year
1901. and for the delinu>
t aohool
ud cl^ taxo* aad apectal
bsod* for o

' ______la
m be my office (ore ire Hid
taxM from now until FeL..
;bruary I.
1901. on cMb week day from '8 o'mock
toll;80latbe (Brenoou and from 1
o'oloek antll 4 o'clock la tto afterOa all aute and eotmty tax payed
bofore JaaaarT IQ. the regular fee of
r ceui *
oolleotioB wlU to
____ „.J. aad_______________ ____________ _
unpaid January 10th. there will be
charged a fee of 4 per eeat for oolleetton. Fenaliy od della(|oeat city and
nob doUar of tbe amouat
of Hid tax.
Offieo la room I. Herald balldlag.
Dated Dtwembar 1. IVOI.
Peter Warsburg.
City Treasaror.
OA3-C1NB 1* a guaranteed care <or
rbeamatixm. cntariab and any-Mom•leydi
aeb. Uvw or kidney
d>aiM Regalar gl.O) bottin oalv 44e today at
BffiLMamollleCo'SBioro. 14T8-t(.


Hom fa Fafa—Cut out attachVOTING COUPON
rd coupon and mail or bring it
to the butincH office o< the fame
Each coujion muM,
bear the name of.lhe perwn for H- W #•...
whom you wish to voic.^-''

faaW fot ^iroofv fifing fall infnmtatiaa f
Sdnlnnkift to HtKOLB £. WHUOl. Lneal Mgani. Gil, Bank SHm
BaiMinf, Trarona Cit/, Mitk.

(iH li
B. J. Mirgii, at PiNW Lhuy StiWi! bc„ .

II for patientt nm-.

del irextident.

When you want a carriag^e
for Funeral, Wedding pr to
Make Calls, or want to come
come down town, call up No.
3. both 'phones.

If you want a Bus for Large or
Small party. 1 have them for
you. Satisfaction guaranteed
and prices as low as good work
can be done.'


OfOanlMnvr, llOSliti Sl

Fire insurance-»*
L w. usmr unr

Maple and other Hardwood Logs ■
at our mill. Will pay hiBhest mar- I
ket prices. JOHN F. OTT & CO. I

I can, MiQB^

fbuaY, jakuabt si. isos

• ■' y.



$25.00 FOR
..... 15.00
20.80 FOR
r5.00 FOR...... ... V.... 11.25
12.00 FOR
... 7.50
8.50 FOR..... ... ... . 8.38
7.50 F0R . . . . .... 5.63

... $16.50
$22.00 FOR
20.00 FOR.
I8.00JOR- :.. :
15.00 F0R ^::^ ^ ^
12.00 FOR.........
10.00/ FOR
8.50 FOR........

. i


MEN'S single suits

$20.00 FOR


15.00 FOR......


18.00 FOR

12.08 FOR...


f0.00 FOR


- 8.00 FOR






For Goods
that sold at
from two
dollars to
four dollars.



5.00 FOB ........... 3.50
44)0 FOB . .......... 3.00
1.75 FOB .

that .
38c Goods
sold for
from fifty
48c to ninety
68c cents a pair.






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