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The Evening Record, April 12, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
ays SANE
Aammrortaaaaoaaw wdie* i>aM
m Wtlbriw rnmk a* mm a*
■rwh Cm b* ■■■im.
itUmt T. Baoaab ha* told two Iota
Lfindon !• Silnvd by Rumor* of a* Ualrn aMl. wbtab dbpaam a( aU Confoaood Murdoror PoUod on
of im Ualm Mraal aida od tlM OaUm
Hi* iMonlty Oodg*
End of Boor Wor
mapmrwi.lob mboagbl Maatiw
Oaa of tlo lota, u fwt froata aUrp. waa boagbt
br rardlaaad Laamtr. Jr., im prtaa
balag *l«a foot troaL Tba ethar
lot. ad)olalag iba aaw WUmtai Mote
•ut Nothing Mod* PuWlo .** to aad oaaiMBd >7 CmapOrU'i taooad Will Now ProkMtbly Bntor Ploa
mad ■tera.waa boagbt bp B M MoUo
of Ouilty
th* Mooting
aitmiamprioa Tbam wtU m a IS
toot altar batwaaa Mr. Moblo’* lot
B AftataBai II Jodaa Mmam^ oimt.
■■ tmm Omm m Hm Tmb aad tm WilbalB Moofc
Mt. MoMd will Bora hb tBokaWaam Kamna Wa AM......... .....
■ Bm* wmm
gngA galWr Uta im BON aaw oomlawb iBa CtalB aT taamCr
plad bp Mr. OaotebaU.
Mr. Laalam wtll baild a two itB?
Ate balUMag m imaatoteaf Ma p7 Ttewrate «*tb* award.
Imitw^ Ap1ll»-B«—wof mrir allap paai aa mm aa m caa anaoga to
D.troli, April ll-MIUlar wmfoaad
tm brick/wblab U raty amree mm bp asparta. Ba WtU probablp
pMca ta BmI* Afnok «>tk «bl«k
tkmMtU tsIU aroupd «n«*l laUrw
plead tailtp title afbrmoa aad m
mm mMixf fcardiig later- >
BBitlmad m ta tB». amt'te Jatetoo uatgbi. '
lUta joacpiwt oa iba oppaMB aid* OatMlt, April It. kteo-imazptata
M boor hM«n> im MMCUg *m mUm
a OTVd . Riband oa Dovalii« itrmt.' of l>.t ttrml. a faw dapa ago ia lU will report oa tha Baltp'of MiUar
tm Mmbor* «OTV iTrua vub Bmord. will auka mtldiag brite ta laB teU aftanMoC
ttaai tariot lawii taa abort ttaa
{Mrolt, Airll lA-PrafaaMr MiUar.
obMra TlM MMlMf
Biog Bdoord artlrte to boodoo
tiw cwfamad Bardaw of Cbiria Jobdm afMnoM. hatlag bam ioalUr
—I arralgaM tiila Bontag U
rdar’a ooari aad plmdad ate
Lrntefc April
l»-Tm rnMort
gallir bp riaaofi of tamatip. Jadga
Marpbp apfwtatad two Badloal ax.
■■■Mag iaatag lr« thaa lira boon.
BoUitagaiia lu dl«>*Mtaa or dmia- KnIghU Tomptar
(•aria to dalteBtaa oa to MtUar’a aimloavoi diralgad vbau li.« .moUiw
Happy . Cathoring
BdMwg. ApAI l*-Tba BfMteg
Mawi aar* >1 mi II fnoi a rMMMa
aaimnir tmi U. Boon vlll ofar Is
rcBBiaa. White am Oaaarim
Mr te«a Itwir arvi if il U ptaraa
oaarar tm Vma.
Claim* H* Wa* Juatiflod In
Mat a laoBiMfal gormmaal will m
Tm KntgbM Taafter aemr da aaj>
■alabiumd ie Brnlb Afitea bj im
Kitting NatlvoaL
tbiag br faalraa. aad imlr j»f*f Uat
araatag ta tlia Maaoate ta^ roooti
Caati MafUal t 'aaa Umrd
. AprU 10. ItetaridjtapaUa aoM teat bm bam mU ta
* Bam badmi bald a ai
-T»ambarr of halirm
la aldwar *mt teMaiter aftmaoM tel* oilp
m Water.
aad MOta tador- Vobfte b altowad of mrotal y<«r* ag& Tba
JifU. April II—Major Uttlaioa'
forlora aad tea targe UU whtab waa
«e m mamai aaaapl imteUgaM
brigbtaaad W. VTalUr of lb* Bartaa eorpa who
with bmatlfal oaraalloat and tea 1* miog irint bp OOort Barttal (oo tit*
daaetag mu waa aMwiaialT diapad fbarge of Buoatiag tUniar aatira*
wiUi flairi. Oaa of tm flarat poliabad ’hll* oa trial addtmiad the t-oari tola mailaa» af mtaaaai.
hardwood floon ta tm oIIt ha* lut tr
'llM rraai War. INmm aad Paa
im BCjor *aid m wai altbar right
broa ptoori ta tm l•all, addiog graatrwraog ta .bU aoUeo* and added
Ip le im pimmra of tm dauama
Tm maatban of tm Maaoota bataf imcm daaitod to olt* Im pre^oau
Wadumiwi. April IT-Plitaatial Bltp oad lhatr lodlm wma tho gaaoB white eoB* aador tlirtiaadef bU
m*a. B* alladed to the meal
tacraiarr Oaado of BatdAga'd prar- of tha Baifbta TaBplar. aad tin apatoo Urge for
la<«, U a rapdrt «a4a pa*>>b ^ tm
and eald I.e had n
Ibat 1Q0.000 lambiuau of tbr iroi'
1 Sodgat ta 1
laM of Baiangaa, baaoa. m*« pmtol>
ad br war. dUaam and'Marratioi pUc-e.
Tba 8lr Buigbla r*eal**d titt-lr ttaalag. tee Bsjte Bid tmi lafM br
•laaa im Anmlcaa omqaMl of ti>e
renot* to feU aalfona. aad after all waa with tha liritUh foroe* ta Bgrpt.
Hilllpplada_________ '
had arrired the grand Ban-h Otok wliar.- Arab* «a{dar*d ptekato of iUapnaltlPrll g KIM. AI*I*I«IVKII
|ila<A whirl! mw jortlelpalwl la bp gal oaralrr. deoaplBtad tee prtaooar*
th* air Kitlghu aad th*tr Uihfia eol.r, and pUoad their beadi on polea
k«l a Btlliaat aiid.Mriklar ftarwarda alt the Arab* who ware
t^l w*rt- teat wlteoal trial
During im oOBpalga ta laitm tea
th* KalghU aod the
hlMB BBtUatad the dead aoB locWailagtea. April It—Tm wpon of Mmra of Iba ladles a«kleg a pletare
tarod tee wedadad.
of mate bmaip. as th* lotrioal*
aoafanoa oo Iha pori olteoa owroprlwUm a taaaUo wa* eapnmd b<- wa*
aMoaUII #ai laid War* lh« laiiaU
.-a.«Btad iBBodtatalp wlthoal refer*
tall Mmiag aad agraad l& Mr. Ma> Umiaagb wlili TIte Ita* waa haadrd
the oam of
aaa gara aaeraaor tmi aMiu Will ha bp KBtami Ooauaaaddr W. W. BbIUi.
tee iTOOia of ermy mtloe ta Obtaa.
labH at ibU oaalaa lo pUaa tm mU and hi* wif*. who wi-ra followi^ bp
Wa* dartag th* teim week* m
tiwoOtaw* oad Paat BBtowt Oob.
(g raral froa driirrrr taall bcnra n
tea ABorioam teare. Hat
tsaadera' and BaBlari of the order,
mr thail Iraetlau of tba po»t»ilea d
OB* teiag oooanad later, wha*
with tiwlr ladtaa At Ui* eaoalulou
aa ao longer ta ooBtnaad. Ho
of the aarch tec danctag bamiae gmat>** Bade aad he bad every
*ial..aad eoatiaaedantU a Uie hear,
ring BBsta telbR famUbad bp right to milrTe^ihsi hU aot* were mpdiewan * Btagaaa fell o
An claborat.- bBnqe<'i waa tcrrrd ta
he larr' dta^ hall bp E. K. Broera appeoTod bp;tbo** Of otem ationa
It U iBpoaalblr to roooelva ante
<if Tbc Liui* Tarcm. tb* traptUif
Doirbeia. Micdi.. Apdl ll-rUl
hi-rp a* tiiaiot th* oatlve* of
ha«-« baak waa roblod liartaVrii vlaadsaod esMim
kid the Bajor. "Tbaproral.
farorabl* oobbcoL Tte ladica
CT." etld
atgbl br eraokoi««. Hov taaeli tbr
blood oad ban- aa appetite for
tklaraa ir»l Iba baak will aoi «iatr.
waaun earrUeg* of th* haBa>t/^«dp.
It U mUaiad llial Ihr rt«altag« Will
aaK^tto brivaaa *4.000 aad teOOa their Hell daooratiooa of r*d earaa- Tliaa*:Beod* elole OapiatB-^^ll'i
eUm ring. Oiled the soldier*' i>odle*
Thr robbrn taatdad bi> tbe baakwla- UouA aailUs. and rondelatata with
Wltli-pam aad Jetlp aad aitaaptod to
daw* 08 im lerida aftar gatatog aaBDrdor Bp ooBiaand. 1 shot
.1 tlBB. I
Waa» aad Bamad iha malt
boamtip thoogbt tbeo tloiA 1 wa*
afWr driUlog lain tm adM.!.
aaUooa. aa w.-ll aa.tea olbar dooora- right, and 1 bailer* ao now. Keltic
tinoa. aad alee the aakn for tb* boa- BP poepi* nor tea world will bellero
A1(UTURn I i foMKIKg
qaat. Tb* aaaa wa* aa taltawi:
>etoma>ardmm.Uapteiu Arihnr X. Marta. Baris*
« oraMb. ItoararndWlBOi
orpa. rrtnaaattag Major Wallet, te
fomatal amtaoni Trr‘r*~‘—* tiot
WalUr'saetiotkawai »JaatlBed bptBarOUoagA April U-Portp-Bre BCaarial law. qaettag i
tmtaiari aad wboUml* dmlate In
rim on tea sabJecL
Bte, doors aad wladow Mtadt n-preAt til* rtam of imarganM
tong Ilk* gatwla fron out of tm
- Batiag |lt«W,<«> 'capital, ara aboot clip wmr tee foUowtw gto Xalgbbe mtcaa* tee geomal fmllng
to aatar talo a roahtaa to aoBbltah a a^thelr Udloe: Willard Bmllh. Mia* tm.tmali of tm trial wiU be tiw aamala of irUoa. A Boettag ii oall.-d Biiai Bailll.. CliarIcToU. Ma aad qalttal of tee amjer.
foraou Tbandap ta Ohicagb Tm Mra A. r. OaBoroB. Mr. aad Mrs.
talmaaBd «rouaie Mtaated ta am- O. WaUbtmbt. Mr. aad Mra^Oop
aral bugs riti** of tee ooealrp.
Brown. Omtral Joke; Dr. oitd Mn.
Oakoil. A>M1 l»-Mra Harwood
lold tea poUm kadap imi teo bod ta«
adbpJBBa gm aald that whaa tea
waa with Jaom ^ waabat taapaim.
bla far mr oeMbte. B
aha baliatm ter paUm m»» tee right
l^otod Olvlno will not Rocovor
Watetagtoo. April.Jl-Tmd*alhot
TalBCg* it axpaoted cap BOBiwt
Ba m* baeo anoaowdow for thirn
tepa Tm roageatioB of tm baata loa
Doielmied. TbrphptietaaampliawlU
|Om awap witbeet regatalag oaarcloamem, No raBaJtm tea Lbrata
who write the word* “Walk
IKet Shoe*1 more than
20U time* uo a |io»ia! can!
ai per okS ]cuc oltn. *e
will give 10 If R CENT.
niSCUrST on am |.a.r
utthoei ll^- mi) eelcU
bcfajre A|oit 2H ne*L
April ll-Tb* proai.
dmi today aigaad tea tOTBia* tairopml biU white cela of mBe RO.OSS.000 from im aaautl tabome of te*
DetroU-Wbaat. (tiaad gO^^c
r. J. nallte. MapU OUT. Mr. oad
Mrs Jerry Balllraa. Mr. aad Mia. PO; cat*.
Toledfr-Wbmt. 80S asd ».
rtaakShaiar. Mr. and Mra A. W.
flkloago-Wbml. nS; pora..<
KlUam. Mr. and Mrs. Wb. Ilea aad
mta4l: putk.*l«8IS;»aid.^.r
blar. Oadmr Ml*. WbltaBa,
■oath Ana: Mr. nd Mia QUo. V.
. Toledo. April lt-9wlng to UU
BVKimik aoctSTi'.
WllltaBa MaaiCB
paor baalte of Hapot Jeem m l> eooiMt arrolv oBoat tblrCp Breed
• coauadtie** mrlag te* part? ta
Mdartag ratlriag froB oablta Ufa. charge war* as faUowe:
Mra. Sproel'i frtaad* mUed oa bm
OaUm acme deetdad teaaga for im
rmp aarnpromdlp la help her eaUhtetm lakm ptaaa Jma* will mot m
brsB mr Ord Hrtedap aaalrmmp.
aaadidala a^a.
Tba ermtag waa *pmt pUptag
MIb Lmoc Bproal aBtattataed
TahaM Sr VMM.
teartowd with a
k. Im orccB md caba*
Boaa. April ll-Tm rattoan l.aa
aairad aad ta tiw wm oaaU boara.of
daeidad that Aiteblahep Feafaaa aad
tm Boiatag tiwy departed wlahtag
BUhapMaldMOaelad rigbtip regardH. a Jopnt, Htaak rritertte. K. tiialr heaiam awap bappp tteama of
tm dUpaB With Vbtbar OxowUp
ILA TATMAK baa Borad hU tamr*11. third -
( blmaa Itetaao Maeam.
Chicago, AprH 11—<rrlday>-Atrlrale were SI con oo Nortwaaten.
taoladtag S Bkri at bUtamth aHvet. 4
mn oo Bi. Paul. 7 mr* oo Mltelgaa
Oeutral. I oare oo Wlacoaata Outtal ,
Bi Wabate.S can oii'Barltagtaa,
ion ImkeBlkon- and t.tOD eaoki
frOB Ml. htgaa hp bemv the Bret of
tee aeosoB.
_7bme waa a good trad* Cad a Btb
Biarhet. Local baper* an taking bold
trmiy aad paplag miter prteee.
Few atiae are OBde miow 80e, and a
itp aboT* teat flgara. erm for
Ageod maapeanate
mfle<l ■
oOBtag with two to focr Tarietlm
Tbm 1* a talUag oH
ta tm oeiatd.- deaBBd for Hacked
etook aad ears loaded for poioU'Ukat
reqclrc etook ta moks are lietng
dellTere^her*.- Bapidla* on traok are
aot Ui^.
- ,
Balea were I ear ebaloe Itaial* at
re. I ran tBaU RaraU at BSo. I oar
Blaed 83<-. I S^t 8So. I oar teekdd
tad at 8*0. I ear aaoked long white at
M City today. 7«
Bap dtp. Mite.. iBuad sore pollcla* Oaring the paar tllDl thaa aap
oteer atak aad aeeldawt eoapaap
ta Mltelgaa. M. R. TataBa.
g«at ____________ ___
M. te. TATMAH hai aored bU taaur.
-anm ofltae to room ail, third Boot
writing tbe aliovc ward*
the grealcti number of
limet we will give a pair
ofl.adiei’cr Uendeaea'*
S8.&» Walk-Otet Shoe*
J.'ffteiBh. M a DwprcA 1. te.
M. B. TATMteH tee Borad hi* ii
iK’wuna srtr=.K,"Ts sirss. us =as.-:ii:
ll't a dandy and no mitiake—fkJ centa
genuine ATHI.KTIC (tuff
i^.OO. How
about the NKWLAMt H.M'. $.1, $2,
NKtii.U'.KK SMlR-rS. We will wail fur you tint
evening until lO'Sn. .
UMbrdlss SM ts tSAt
LinitD V. mn
Seller of Walk-Oven and Otliei
See our new line,
handsome effects,
There are some
Prices from &Oc
SMttbtrq's Hellibk Dtparlmtnt Shrt
DO YOUR business::
Did Vou Know
That we are headquarters for all the little thinj^
in the way of Draperies and Cushions that go to
make the home beautiful.
That we can jilcatc pou in
Myle. •]iu)iit'and iwioc of
a piano or organ,
good* are matle right and
ever)' |nirdkaser it a aaiiefictl purchaier. Our Ucti>r)- jrice* ami eat) lenii*
will lurcly interett )-ou—
Come in andece the good*
01* carry * grad** et DieyNi
I’ure White GdoK Down. Bite, i6xi6 lo 34X.4,
at boc to $1.35 each.
Cirey Down, sizes i6xi6 to 34x34. at 45c to $i4»
Manilla Down or Silk 1-Toss, 16x16 10.34x44 at
3W to 6^c each.
ITLLOW COVERS. 35c to $3do each.
ITLLOW CORDS and Drapery- Fringes in a
■ large variety.
Jl Ittegnmctiit line «l Silkallat*
10 an* If* p«r yard.
Twilled Reps. .,Cretohnes. Art Denims, Printed
V'elours. .Jute and Cotton T apestries, Mercerized
I'apcstrics and Printed Hurlaps. in endless pro
fusion on our main .door.
»vr HAVE i.A« K« riiTAix otiiet< nttua to maT.
T 01. mniiken.
85 cue* jeat receirei) uil itUcol on ule, icdu<nnp a big bite of morileii oct*
' title And while lincil granite arare. Tike pfkc* on tbovc gouib are, at usual,
the hteeti miheeny. In adtlhion lo OI X LOW PRICKS wc give yoa
The Uieat imjirovetl gaaoline. engine
on lhe-m*tket,.no cranking up « re20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT
qnired, ha* center weighi crank thaft,
Oo aliove gooilt u well aa on evetythii^ you boy at oar Bore. STOP ANIl
ha* rolan
engine urn* U*t <*
OfNce with Jackawi Cesay-Cu
THINK the bigbaving you are ofTeroLbere jiM now and take advantage o(
tiow, J. 2 and 8 c>lmdet. For further
Both 1‘tiooe* 141.
the greateti talc ever ofl'eretHn the city, ai
pankulan *ec our agent,
Parcel and
Tbe Only Eenway Stem
afda) Me wiD *eU
M. R. ---------- . UmI
ContMl cloaes TuwUt,
Ajcil lR;*l7p.nk.
tmaoacteBoegiTm bp tiw Doafey
Berm wlU m Taasdap ermtag at
meondaWtel baa
pmatm sT atdMW am Mte. McKlalar.
April U—Tm hoaa*
mtep lamad tm bUI CMtiag Mb.
kk iKk courm aoa -ntt
FcBlIr Oaro .bam TaU m >
aap aSaot. ^ faBilp m** m
told to rerign ali bop*. Hit aoo a
dao^tlan am a:
7*be best oil opaque cloth—the kind that holds its color.
- The best roller—the kind that blwa)** workt—and the
proper adjustment is combined in every ooe of our
msde to ortler window shades. We uke the measure
and hang them without'e^tra.charge.
af Ohiaago_______________
.wrnn.B BXUBT Boamr. w
wmaTMaaCwid I
Proapl Ikdiveiy
They know no equals—very few can be
as rivals. They show all those
careful thoughts in designing and mak*
iog that are so pleasing to particular
men. See them at our store.
McNamara BUu
^aamTWBtimmmoomD,'«kArMnmotTt, ikxc&. katubday. aiu it. im>.
k R4tiONAL eone
M ■totm.-X D.
k S. Smas
tDmtio s‘€Mm
fetSp In and see the Beautiful
Iron Beds Aye are selling for
cutes lytetunktl^ In the only effective
Ml JMlBliy MlMlitf 1
way—by~ftmoving: the cause.
ioi.-no pottdi •
twu. Mu.i-4. n* »TMic» t»t«TMt Un SEE IF niMITT tMEE WITk IL
•mttti I ilw. teihiattrMto
wurnm a Qw»*iii. WII^WI
■MM • MMl to lb* MfMt ■
tl ^wtoM MW MW.
‘ — toyoiL
----------~~— ---------- —MUy giTO
IUt V1I«7 a WrtfU, IMW*.
MmIV MTrtM w w A
BiW> wtoel M MM.
(MMM BbAmvot pwyw MM
They arr four feel six ‘inches high, have contimieas
posts, very latest designs, soy *iic or color—white,
apple green, olive or blue. Best thing on themarket fog
the nume)-. We have lots of cheaper oors—any sigfc
with beat woven wire flpringfi. complete for
We also have a few rtiore ol those line high grade bedi
at nearly one-half price—last >-cai;‘s styles—»w are dot
ing them out at less than iactory cost.
CirMA WMlBU BeB«TB<«r. You vooViMTe to take
It Twy long, ^ you .TOt to take a good Of
cored thooeapai of people
CPTOhoca FallA O, Mar. 4. oi.
Sr. Auams Rehidt Co.,
SL Albant, Vt
GuTLibKM :-4 am very thankfnl I hare at last dtacooeied a remedy
umatUm for tweitty
core ttf rbeomatiim. 1 have had rhcumatUm
tw^; years, and for
pa.t fourteen year* I have audcrcdJ pain constantly (rum the top of
head to the lip <k toy l<>r\ and lurr the past threeyrart I bad i>ern
onable to oleep very much and would be more tired when 1 would get
up in (he nmonttng than when ( would retire. After taking Smiih'*
•AToa three weekf the pain
p-=- entirely
GascN Muuktain RcaovAToa
, BwOMlMlMd TtBMi Umw pm
and 1 can now deep well and (eel like a aew^man. 1 am rc^' glad t
kr filial la w fti iMk Um Bm. W. T. WPPlhaPM. laWM..
reebmoend it to other* and gireall the informalion any one desirci
k tbi tlA. PMTll M Mdl BMM,
(Signed) Cha*. £. OsTfAWbUL
b*llW (PM ImpU IPMtlMl llpypOiM
muieoM. UaMltka wUm
MbHIi’i «r«eA
t dte tIwU. tbt froPkM*
BTMlai MWiM al7i0& Sabjoet,
litlelbr----A Uttio Uawa.
iwoontiy. It ii R Vermoat medicine—
PntM Mirtai at tka alMO of Ika
I «ltb U* fuiac laa Valaablf
TM IMripM Mt> WMk «tu •»■
■ Ml *• f«Mlt f«MM
cm^ MwiM PI iiw.
j(tht«MMt!wMMiwia Bp
^ «M«pl ntaM, it «MM M MiniirTMlMi all iKMIMI oaf (Iw
|m Ih* tMlMPI if |M*Mt iP (kta CMMl
pokUc M *11 ov MrrMm
BUwMk fPPTM ■Mtlai ThmrpUj
r^it^u>nji;i KwaCTBab.THoiipao>ikbaSTlwUBo.lviUiM -■** ****••
fOr. mpnn B. fff«
ennonter*—made of the roots and herbs
P^te«alPPL Wbal Uthe ‘AU^aw'porSaUr laUtad to tboM
________ MintRln SiBto. It wu formarly the prqpr Mtt U Um (liU oaaaot la OTTifM. ^
of a man who hsd< seither the expertenoe nor the
PMP ttwtaripwMMi 0117
ittm- to
introdooe irthroaf
__ jughont
— oc^t^, but was
r U U eMMS PPl VOU Plapwl Rot. Haifa SwBa|7. IMiar.
with iti great snooeei In his own
k a patpow aad. Um* »«UI b* OUMMotla|at«:ap aa __
. . is within sTerybodn resc^
Moralai owrloa at 10«L TImmp
n K «!*«• »< 0
' of iMl Ml for MtfiM lUa
>Tbo]lae>M of tl.o OoopoJ Hop
I ttPM (!•«• win boa
kiMMliy of iPWMMd room anl (aetl **Suia7 oofaool ai U
Spportfa Uaiao at I
snd theioog Ust of dangerons disesses
tUM fot Ibo an> dopartMPl
BfMlM aooTtioMtVBa fkaaio, trooblai in moee orgsas.
TbaMaaitr Blad. Bartfa IoHmtnUaiaedlolQrU bitter than anything ilM fbr ttan iPootkAtit tsa
fftM bwM «Uk a oMi hall al>alala»
of roots and bate wliOM ourattve pr^aitt lariabMlutely
UMaf ruUw lUula bao alroalj .Aoatdlal wolMoMfcr 70a at all
g^Wa ai. polBt.ao a rood
nmci ioottao and Man to U hmApoL.
tarp^mm^rupm. TbUUa
Matnii^ own viteubla rMaadiat^y o
{■MUfUBoMH bOlPwiaiMd
liohaalatl. oUbdard Um
n>at la the diObrenoi, and a
If anybody in your Ilunlly to WMk. alciaj^g^aiUnc. dragging around
In a halCdead oonditlon aU the ttma and not oMmlng u> gotany'bitirr,
fbr. Wa. laafnaa. iMlor.
batoo quick IntPtUni Hold of Mnlih'.Vrrea Aounialo
Xmmb of ■aaio aro loabiai forward
OloM BMMtlai ata JO.
■ mTTntrr It will 40 tot you what It nerar toiU to do for othr-r 111«V d.<-k». H..
Wootalp at I0:W. Borwaa t.
^llbMMdof piMBBTafala aaUolpa
...d t« Mkj I
<u, TnwMinv.
foa to Um oMoon to ho itroa bj HMtroo if Ufa. Mo. t "
headoj nboot at It.
Wi ktMOlntily gnarantM thto inodieine. Thu to Minothinc wo »n*t
Itawatt * RuBmc' caJutUa Xprll
Jaabr LiB|P0 al A
doIbranythingilM: thattotouy.ifyouatandlnneed ofa medieino EDISON Talking Maohlaes. •oeided
- tfao
i/. la
woak <
Keoord*. ebrei mesle aa.l netfoa
Ibo.Ollr Upon UcMo aoUto _
' mdtod tor ale
ter, nndjLflt BiU to beoiSt you you can hare your mpn«ry back.
tTHfle. ISU Proot Btri-eL
fM of Ih. Hl|h fofaool Loeidro * Ufa Worth UrlBl?"
NMohaaio to boar, of rroalai
■laili eoMO. Vfalcih win boooMpn*All^ ootdlaU7 InrlbU lo tho oorMkMl («» wbiefa aa admtaUoa fo. of
MljViHliWinboohBnod forotfa
bnwi-r. pteked ap Ibe envelop, afb-t
■ aad IK
mtva of persons bad peared over It
MPta hU te.tbo heoM that oaobr
pod fouoJ tutde aeeuHlies re|ireaeal
^4 fit Alt oaMW.aad rtrtj oMt la
___ .._joaloo al TJda ■
lagku.voa He oaned It to KsUy.
Ao hoow U a|p04 MO Mr AlaeoaHoraiaK aorrieo aad Mfaa at
HiUvr & Co . bn>krrs io Walt Mirel.
Mrl Me OM Who karoo mHo Aoald I0;*k
audUw-y'mld lU-p-curUtes bad
■la. «hU opfMrtuUr » hoar Btowon
, prouil«->l for a loan. A uiuuie later
* IHotoM- eroha«n. wl>lcfa luui al
Atl are ourdblly larltad to tb.«o
an eaoitvd moMangvr buy rosbed ti
potoemw- doiMltlBMit forfaiddloi
^«7 tafcao taak wlA tkO'hwt o>i
«» of >h. malU w the tVMpto .eapplv and aid lie lied lost Uirm, Tl.u took
«■faoorfa of faHat-AtWwIglM 1
Al BtfialwHnM la Um otaU.
Loose. UO laiBlMe rtrw-t, Ghtea|o. er« i.Srnd Hr /..dluer ilH> reward
TIm otMlIwt cMOon |wo|TaM iItm Ra«>..71u>iaaa P. UUob. raator.
(« fiaaduliiut BM of Uto naila Ttw He derliUNi tl.
A thoB aadorltw aorptooa of Ha
looe lllabt of fSOTier
■I.MM of thb eoMmwas to mhI
•wlMcrlaB iMt wlator oMtoo ifao 01Haater aobMl at lA
pltreoBs'liae ie.l eudi-d. TbeMrts he
aoUoPM of tfao ooaoM to ho |lr«i
long u adword Soiuera. of HtantoD.
Jbreb li, aal m car who loroo the
Bnabr B^Mror. ft:4«
olM Of BoUo paa afotd W ■!■
Bropiai Mrrleo al 7. Bofalnit, all who apidted. Penuos aaiwsrini Ind.. aand were taken to Uanalee.Tto..
were lafaraed tlM Uwv mnat read K> wberr Mr- burner* It .pnodlna the
A Aopa^ftaawUl far 00 rarlal a. "WI.7laa>aOhrtaUaa."
Thinda7 eraalair taajor bmUox al MPtafor farther inrarMtiiN< Tiuy winter. The bird, ww.- releued and
AploawaU laoUa
tbra rreelTed a foaatala put with la- arrived home la goofl order, making 1
•ttwetlaa* to write letton to tbeb flight u( VOO mile* ia.lUb1.v-.ii honra
CoaMootlal I'rtrnd -t‘in
jBoeph Hoale. of OoppleUon. OnL
trlMd. aad (Metre ooaalalaaa i«
•hMt tbi. BMoaow hoUf for (ho pub~ ilaoau w wocUilp wlA a. aM all i«ui mid.
pal up at itie Normandie hotel In Sar
,1k- loeO. Uaro jou
«oro. wortliCbM aad Ub poor.
n» total Talaaiioa of the tote FbU- nia and net being aoenMomed to tUiplip D. AraoiT'. estate in Uhieago and ingwilb alight in thr room, bl.-w
Hot. D. Oiohlia. paator.
New York baa
brea amred aL It oni She gas befeiry reUrieg. The nest
edt l-To t
Tho aarrlow both ■oralax aad aaoBoto 10 •U.TEl.lOa, aad to a laifr morning eitentloo was called 10 his
a ta man tbaa tbot. i'ro
pulrlM all .oTor atj di.trlrt. aad It o^ly^^U^faa donbad^BMb aa- eatiut eoMbU of pereooal preperty. TiOD fay th. Btrcng anell of
woa‘1 aCact IU7 rhaecoo fur ouutbor if Um exeaUM
la addltiop to the abore taaed na. Hoele'e body was foaad cold
tana In tho ollibtaat dciroo.-Ctiteaia poatwL Thep
there to Maw real «HaM ta lUtoeto The vletlm was a farmer.
WlU bo:
aad etawherw. the value of wnleh to
Parmer Henry O. OatMlman of Win.
PbaW PoMOiar.
net itven. - Mr. Aiaoar left pnoti- ited. Conn., who eayi be made "a
eaUy aU of hto eMau- ■ lilt widow. pile of meney’-laA year w-lllng ap.
Hit. Mo7 Vokat wao otan boro Bo|>Htm. Look aato Uo-Pala
Malvtoa, aad hi. tea. J. Ogdea Ar- plee bearlag a beet piotare of MeKlatoBfaor t. Itoo. U har «rl|laal ohataoley, hsf boighi one of the flueet fruit
tar of-nur" to**117friMirm 80I0. "JMoa. Soria. U in Morar.
> pnlrteflreii
orchards to Umt vietoily. He aye he
lodia,- paorlHi • «0PlM fait
Morl^Kla Kaaohaokp.
tho BMW Mil:
Soraoi. Tho Xlalaliy of KaU& . la Tarry ooBaiy.-Teaaa. It fan. swept wiU have the head of Pieeideat
OhrbI u Atboi-Piatt.
over a wetka 40 inlliwHaag aad 90 RoorevoU, MoaMd wtlU a .looob
H.raa. . Loro to tho Ohiwb- allaewlde. hnrntog .the giwM and hat. oalUoid on all hto fralt She eoa
I aad Hlw
it TIII7 1< aa I
TikM lifaMt lata a jartapM
nl^Qirelal aaob will Vroadaro. aanycptUe. The daakge hat alrandy tog aaaon. «sS.s1».h trfreee lo dieclose hto proe.ee for making pleturee
«7 whioh b 0lrtkla|l7 fotebloi.
b7 Hlaoao KiMherokj. Brorrtt. Doo- reaobed •M.OOa
The meaber* of lb* ladspMdant ooanttoa._________ '
U«t» MwplaT. "HfaoBBabpAfo poo. Ora7. aad Maaa gkole^
Drwa ebrpeof WtlUaasport. Pa., reToo?*' Hl« Vokoa U wld to har.A woman to tbie elty to so afiw
Hra. Wolloo. idaalM. T&^ofla|
lart that ato hot adtalfahlrWill bo (a tho patohan of bow hyau tareed Wedneeday froa Ni.bei, whae aleroWe that ebe-will net eit
they parttolpaied ia a teoeiiioa
chair, nnlea It hae brea waehr.l
boika. Pkaaa ooao tPopaiod.
■aao (W. Ma. a KI.HIo.
•oUltr retatalag froa live Phttlp- " k-ky MoBDtolB TVa. Hi
oento. Jaa O. Johnioa
Tho auMl olooUoa of Boor 0<
a. Bpaobd a^^ br:
Ma • ocwarrod hot orealoi. aad n
oaltod te tho MlaotlM if Boa J. W.
Bar aot IJoataoj Al
' Ma.aa4aharbo VU- A. HoMaaoi aad char
•praag froa a tore tewnrd their earUod b. wUh Yoa-Ohmt ebotz.
riage. With aaarU and blaalng .-yea
Ul U» .Klaiof
.Klai of OIocT la-Ohma
Ibe beast honnded forward aad the
will alM br*for ttw
alHoUaad, wlA Joooph Bataor aa al- by’iSr hooka
allkaa drmaaur, who beat the drna
wteb thmadwem. blow* Btartled by
Ike not. the wild wt Mdied. (bm
tho 4Htaa it BaaMtsho mU Nor
late the wooda
folk arr aot. of oiMno. ilip 0017 wror'jmr of the mophoiir loavn who will
Jeha Staaea. of Brertl^ Sm.. hae
, -hiTo BO wKo to aorooipaap floNt to
etoven ghlldren aad fifty-one gaadthi caraaaHoa. bat tbw wif ho th«
ehUdrea, and great-granddiltdrea la
wolf doiwo pmoDt la that iMalUoa
hto faally there Im been hot one
who will iinrbo hwoduarj ri|hta
dtpib. tiat of hto wUe. la more thia
Tkpa. Um duko of Mduooad. orhMo
fifty yeeaw. He never lea a chUd anr
dalM to con? (ho orwarr with tfao
a giMdenlld and U flft.T yean yret* a New Spring Ijae Via Kid Hah, Sa
loro oa that onaatoo hat Wo
WWid. ■ a wMowor. bM bo b____
doeeor revet ereoeed bto dooretop no
tin Calf Bih, Kangaroo Calf Bab
U| tho ^00 to bb aea. litd Uarefa. <w
hb fnalMa. Lord anAastoB. br b>k
-a Two IMlah Worth of
BHahetli Whtttla Pickard. wUe of
cbJ g—bPia. 00 tfao a«Ml MbbwMO
Beaail L Plekatd. to dead at har neortd A. with tbo oMlorUr u( faia i»m.
■arotp • opMtator la ibo abboj «• tbo
IdwM at Boston. Bar taUier was the
•orwttal day. The -YtfbU- of th.
TMegir kmtbar U Jaho Orerelref
<«ika if IL AHbaa. a faarWtsr of XL
woOi waload at the hnt cuart mt
aaMb.ref the poat'e hnnahol
daabary. Of tsu yrer. eb* be* mkJbP. HlhMo Barb it OPbha. Bob.
anapsh Uieiwt la the twaaorvatton
and ear* ■ Whlutor'* btothpbue ta
oflegilimsle farce, May \'.ic\ Chsile* W. howvr, John F. .Want,
ami a number of olhm well Ln.mm fur artisti. ev. clicncr areiii the '
com)ian>. Mr. Kii-e's atirai-itmi is Vinnin,; av high |wai*c fus-khe | T'
manner of pretmiatimi x% fy the ackiHwleagv.1 n>cl^t of the
comedy ileelf.
to Ua
-ed to
Porttlvoly gnonnlred.
... .:is::ir.s'3S.7~ri;.'5’;'s,'S.'
Gtntnl Htios "1
That great line of the celebrated
1-!%^ Leonard cleanable Regrigerator.
We'^ have always carried these
goods, but never in our history have
I we had such an • assortment to se
lect from. Absolutely every style
that can be thought of. Prices from
$7.25 to $29. Ice chests from $6.25 to
$12.50. It is advisable to see them now
while the stock is complete.. We surprise
every one who sees them. ,
ao aTVUEa
fa tfiAOPAmthof al A 8b.
gAiUwK bW an 7MO|w thaa bar
Goods from the Mknknqn Stofll A aaaU tataae wre ktokad at
arr anirii^' daily. S.lc will
the «ef.
the Sehaam
annooncitl ai eoao ai goods
W airaagrd. The Bosioo Sm4^|
Staf|. TknaAw. ta a eetled yellM e
Something entirely new. It is hard to prop
erly describe them. We want-^you to see
theiVi for yourself. Then there isJ:he Detroit
Vapor Stove, with either two, three or four
burners. You can place them on top of your
range or stove and it Idoks like a part of the
big stove. They make the housewife’s sum
mer work a positive pleasure. See them at
once. Prices are from .$8 to $27.50.
Will soon be n^ded. The warm days mean
clean up your front yard and make your
garden. The sooner the better. We have
all the tools necessary of the very best qual
ity Eind prices are always the lowest. No
hardware store in northern Michigan is so
well stocked.
l(liDradi.«iuMnin-)iH«; Bcm^vranAT. Ann. ia i«
Are much in demand just now.
We shall tryto keep sizes In pur
line as complete as possible—
*8.60. S10.S12. SIS.
From $25.00 down.
Ccndtnsed litws
» ef mcblgm
of hU.iai«)>tiOB. Bad Botaword
btord from bis
util a oeopl
wesfca arn,
dllOfroB Boottle.
be aasi bit wife
A few ^ totor
be lolBiBod bone.
Be WB* to Iba far
oil darlBf Ua BfcaiBeo bBt
Gall and
them—orily best to
show yoLL Made by H* S. & M.
or Stein-Bloch Co.
Charleir Mam tfaUad <w t
IMd B« onto.
____ '.L'-iz-d
cptoBBUoo of bi* atogntor bmmb.
Tiw bMvr low to to* an»r iwto
ffroot sroat waa vary si
Mto iMt wMk («B* taa Uto ID bo.crf H<- aiBply ivtaraod bone wboB be Ohorloy Boraa arao drivlag his BOi
r»attatn»i slrto wUl boU away
•>r touaftl lo loatx-TjBBD. bat ll will ured of atoytog away.
vary rapid boaaa ;aloBg tbs s
at SMlnbagff'a Orand nan HoBday
toe reaatl ef b dreBS a large
Irtlpoat till’torsMMi. vid •arMtollr
od. Joat aa too aniotol ateppad apoB
■vanng.April Ulh, wb*a toe laagfclag to be nproarioualy fanny. .-Tb* plaor
t. ia moot •■•apa.
croaatsg. a aproM yeong -ssB wBd
wriitoB for laogUng parpewa
■aeeraa of tbr drasaUo
tiltoe WM r*ry dry np Uwtfa. bal tlw gaBtaed for tor ]
raa joS onMaiag toa atnwi aatd.
lu Mnagea. Mr. Myreo B.
MleblgaD aed ladlatia.
■MW. whieli )>M iu«lwd.j«|i{dly, will
Vail, harry Bp. Oharloyi ot I'U "Wbeaeilaby Are Yoa*" wlU be pro*--- -arlooaly etasplated aakICO* lone WM* toward b*mktoff Uw
Ibrow yoor eld wagon viglit over yoor
BOdlaal aoUag* for a doeliy Welliagtoa K. Bon of BagiMw,
r too taff-tlaa ang- tor's dlpoloioa. for be doolaro* that
Ui-'b.. asd toelodr a Basbrr <.r locsl
ll WM b»B«bi est to « dr
Wbaa'-toldClsrUy. ai ba awpof ItoilUetoU bright
b* boa disAwrarod k aara eon for to*
Tm yean .m«>.
atOtMd lUindf tfatowtok thotUw Oitoaaler*.
ped tbn arsKoe aqaaroly oo too «
aot faroa balonga to ttot rafinod ordar bine* and all other fors* of deapemd
wit* Irti toe l,a.bo»d OB «oe ooca«ioa JiMM-a. a fami<^r liTlog to what la bow
Ua did Bot look arohod. never
popalanaml by ProbHtoUgBB rmX fletda. diaased toA COM a Rlasoe to oilher olda
for BO Otbar raoKiB Um that be hod
It wa* wrilMo by Mack E
Whose Baby An-To* r"
Bvr of oil Ctarted la the aMriaew
ktoaod bto owu Bottwr to tov pm»wca
ot«woo yoBBg Baa walled.
'nwB be Bwaa, aatour of "Brown'a in Town"
Tba plaoa a^oondr U awrootaiiagly
ralb-y. Aewtag aoolfa torougfa toe deoidad that nwa.‘’ee 'bis"
<d hU wtfa
anddeab with toe ladrietoo* adree. ,_____
_ attoationa. brand new fokea.
KatoMiono now hm laa. eaiei of aiair aad tuodiiBc tbe BonbaBal our- torDed 001 lato toe mod. oad walked luraaof
a napid yoang artl»c and buand
'and brilliant
aplgranit. Mlaa M«v
-------------^-r-------------------------------------of lodtana. wot tor loaroe of (be
I tocn-pMor
reaiid toe rtf.
frtoad* baaoBB of to* anexparied ap- ■ Vok.-a aad Mr. Olsa W. Howim supUblDoU npply. BBd toot 10 yeara,
Aa be Bepprd opoD ton walk s
peaiaao* of aa tanooanl baby la hu j porwd by a clever ootnpony oi faroenra
woold elapar brfwe payiug welUj
• - - ,
I otoar aide of U>a atreet.wl«i hi* thlna stadio. Tbs plot taa venmld* Chin-{will interpavl tor pier*.'
lid he Mek.
expevto 'Weal
bavo^ip^^ Oharlev sid ■•Qlddop" u
qaaruiilBe li to rleld' ttaai atoll oarnan have boee ordered to reeeir* no fowd fiam
al(sgtoe‘u,el.or.e. and-drovn OB.
Aad mb.
bill! bu»' 1 had gh'bn his plau* tu llw
■oil froto toe ptoeorded houea Moat I^tory .tltoo^ tolbe
rvuiili-rfrltm. D«w douhllrea lirlirdiig
of toe oaaM ore Ilgl.L
Bm Oharloy aerer Ballad.
that I ««■ lu «x>llu.ivu aitb Ihrm. Aft
Aa a raaab of a vole ukea no (be
rv awbllr luy t-ui|i>u>vr raun- out and
qoaoUou UoBitoy, Itojr .eoanir will ft-cenlly tor 10 yOBi mp-ralUiOB hold
lookid oie oier crttirally. Tbrii niihTbu now being ruuiovod,
tolar «i.axi for lb* porpoae of beildvul a nurd bv Botletnd my guard tu
aadoatisfaetory nwiUe reealved.workl*'
Kamd liaadr
Ukr-im-lu JaH.
IBC 0 deteatbto boapltol for (be owe,
WIob Voanara
Tea: 1 har* retired from tor detaeily vffoil* to get ao latervirw with
o( toaoae |iattou}a wlw aaaaot bn m- Ima bs« began to eairnral in lh«8t i
live bBSIneaa Wben a man la bruagbt bliu were frailk-M. Whm 1 wa* ur
eoMtoodoto.! ot toe lUie toalUotioiii.
to trial Tor bla owu mnrdrr. It I* priB* laik-tird. I fuuud that I wa* (luincrd
Btoalay HoUtoirrr. need It yeoro, bIot Ul. ■«»
S.hx.1 o. Conn. tarie.evidence that be b not fitted lo a-llb liriDg vue uf my owu u>or<b-i> ra
toaplnd to wraok B llift Kout iwaeeii-, ita .u .wi. ... ....1, „,r,
I a-uuid bate taugbn] at l■'lllg ar
aoiiBHon la the oalondar. Btoblbant dow n crimlnala.
■BT troto 01 Nile* Tboreday by i>1b«.
«-0»rd of my oa-n uoitov lipd ik<i tin1 bad cuurclrrd a great fSBry fur ib*
iof B fnion pOBl ’ln BO o'lirtebr pA>l- gaa U now .off. ring from aa . pidrmlo
(imrully i-r proving my Idrutiiy ■•rni
detective acTTlce froB reading atsat
tioB betoenii tor Ur. on B Irealir or-syitrri.ina rtispi.-araiioea, arveral
apparviit All tbe eddrinv na« agulliat
iMHicq and ftberlork llulmr* aud nil- 1 »•*■ moving fr»ta pluvi-10 |iU.i--wblob aiona U9waclBo ertwk. bI tl>e baiag roeerdM anwly ovary day.
ileai repolaiiCB. and tbe only
A oocimnut. joal ai it waa ool frOBOBUktm (if (be oilT. A e(<olloB foret9too*laa.-Dtwliotokestoe aebolor- delrvmlnrd to make It my l>u«lDr*a I nndav at leawoiwalias iKHibilroa Ibr
ri|if<-t<<<l til dlvo.irr iiripr.* it
■toB Urkllr (ilarorered tbn itopB tew iht tree, has barn ram-trad toroagb ahip le tor atinal >v>a* of tbe books aerOrrO a fob lu Cbkagu. hut was dl*iiir
wiibln a. wivk f»r.*tu|>Mly. WM a cU-or ca»r that I n-a* n •ountrr.
BliBBtaa faefoie
Holton of SanltScr. Uari^.
gtilug away ■ plan to trap I dm of fi-lliv. utrl ii-w I aras a l.iirgUr aUil a
•IT for toa ooarw. do eliarge at all
couiilcrfcitrra Ihwrivrd tu muk* eu- inunhwr. sud. w|ul «>u>lr l| dunhly
Ule. Tbeboy.
aoaf»*Bn.t IoUm-V
bring Bade for toe inatraetioD. Tlia
n^il Dail.-r offer of toe frw. erbolan-bips U Un- otlMT trtaL 1 went tu Kt. l.oul». bat 1 Irriluiing to luv. I bad luunl.-nd sy• toolcbt IbBi ho- Bflcuid.-d
bad gatiwd aurb an ODeorbhle yepBla- ,
Hr it told t<i ■» B
tled a* fc> tune, and tlioae wlip dealr* tion among a.tectlvea (bit 1 cuficKidvd } • «■*** Rtoolb* hi fall « hii.- tbe po
gtor Biobigaa
*•111 to Iba reT.- Woltliig fur nil- lu turn op.
ake advantpge of it |^d writ*
fom -dtoul a year ag,.. but tor aoib.;
to Hr.' Bagel at one*.
ProvUion la erele all ir*v<‘s of my furuu'r r,Mied ' **‘'’■"’'‘“‘“*'5
oriUee torn e.«ld .to BOIhlog *iu,, l*W»rmUona for a targr.ai.d profltoWr Bade for the paysenl of llie cost of by chaiigiog Oiy uamc. I'ruB iVltlLau ] *«»»• "‘nl I bud l■rt-I■ *,-.-11 In S.-w York.
.Vvw Mrl.-an.
his aad iwtoraa.1 hlB to hiaisnott. *:*''•* "“•^*^*“*
Tbe icio, wbiob material in laaiallBeiato if toe VsI
TbeiMlioa sea an on a atrlke, and''*’'-''
l«i..gv. t. toe. deni baa not tor money w pay it all
It wa* ratber a dangrrua* work and i
‘ur" »*« f«‘w aiel
Iba toresaa. who Isd fortBoately re-'
“<• “«•
toe Use toe ooorae la taken. ...
B proUably It w». giM-nl*'"^
drUjJi.g m iii.T*
faaad to go o«t. happened to be going
*• P«»
jgvT wliboul cmleallala.
body was dbeuivrHl. (aullUted a)
over ^ aeetioB of ll.r mad slope. ! "
'*" ^or saay arwona
infurmatlou bad been tireiighl In that!
*»m"d -coentrinn. I gave np lu
Ulbaewtar toe irain would larei
' .
a gang of robber* bad Ibefr beodqiuc I ‘‘•••I'airlime (bat I
ttn In a dive near tbe river froul. and I It wa* al«ut this V““'
ranr fur Bio.ium.
Wiliam M(t>mbrr, nt Kealoti. waa by (b. kUdlaon Mr.Ii> tae Oo.
If b«
1 waa a*DI out to lQvv»tlgale tbr plar* rr nllb (hue- vT (he gang »
l>eeti arn-si.-d. »-a» brotighi (u trial A
baiwod oat of hooea and boiur owhir ••-V'
bai goi aoiuethlnR Joat aa
Urotfv rayn ba* sold to Ura -A. J. and report. If the mm wbo bad tieea .vuung erinilnsl lawyer came (0 By n-ll
entering boiues for Ibe last aunth
totoefart that. lli.lra.'.of Rivlugaii
WbllO of Balllr Creek, for ilea P.
tlirr.-. I waa ^ipoaed lo gala and proposed-lu tike ay nee I *a*r
Bbm of Bre by 1. lephonr--------*•Bniat. of Xltwankn. S.1KU aere* of
Inkllug.of tbe feet ui>un which Uut he ua> suinH as ■ «lilp and eu
BoBbort of toe family tan to tl>a Bre
Willlau Tluunpeow. aged M, a&Mr- land in Uateo and KaM Bav town- Ibe polke would be warraotral to mak gaged blni. Then I tukl hire niv atary
By Us H.-d. waa kUled .» Mitolwll'a mUl-at alitps. Il>e MoHderalioo being IIO.COO.
ing • dvoreut atMl amvtloc tbe la- Wbellier he (iHleved rue or aot'l don't
Ubm tor deportBeat reaebed lift Jeanhiga Tbora<Uy menlng. A fel
know, tul le- pretended 1h.M be did.
E^an ef ton tran ia heavy blaek mark B*«iw.
boos* Uie Bn- wa* beyond mtrot
Till* Bsi hi* lliw of Oi-fenw: lie
low workman e- cidratally ateppvd on
Than U a brisk dsBand for
iMvased Bbabblly. at an early hour la
Afh^ tweoly yeara sapaialloB Joha tbr Ileum klekrr wUeb I brSwa toe
lie Borolng l went to toe aalouu. foupd prov(>rt l■■.v^n<1 a doutd lloiiNL_T>a* Deltola blnek Back lead along tbe BontdIhi-T WIIMsni lilark ll(W Tbonui. While,
Kraaer and bla wife of Beaton Har- lags on the ■.•arriaga.
A loBaVack Ban river, to be oaed in ooonerttoB it open aud wutuu as bard a looking
ivier Kruwn: that at Ihy lia* of
h». daeided laat rvenlng InooBnitiBre Tlumiiwon and broka bla »e**.^
with toa bdjoiDlng pUlna land tor lot as ever oenl to Jail, ttiaggering to tbe murder I aa* •uimd s.h.-p at a
Ufa over again a* young lorera. Ifiatbe bar. 1 .-allrd for a drink.
graatnff pupoavu Hra. Vbile a
bvlel and bad waki-ni-d i-:ir:< In the
to kee)! my een aud i-yea o|ieiL bat deaao is a fanner of
Oar diisr Os- oHii. ss does. :v.. eteas bcrdaaa in |wrt. on Ci«ok*d.
■plte ay threadbare ciuthr* I oas opul morning and atarted for (h<- leat wiita
BOI bbUI bow have tlie Bwn ac.i'wite liomr ineilmriii
Spider and Rranir lake*, and torn U ted for a
■ Ugbta Ibe tnlentlon of euiur »'•
roaided uder one roof 1
?ara. if ^ take
tweoly 1«‘"‘ gtmranter
|1 bad gut uiigh-d lip «:ili liiv IWoc' ,tltorky_ Uoniiialn Tea. MmliwaiMed.. loiu. talk of locating rmrl* rpi toeas
. .
Oo.. Uadu
aboulder. Uuli-k Bi I
a pan nf my shin
aU. Ubbte,4be iwoBlneBI Ing-lj^rti
out of ay coat, and In tbe darkurs*
A Vmv aw Time.
aa* ac(jolUed. PTlt tbe Id'i for wlthas rooBly (arsM^. who diian>.«nd ;........... .......
.-...TTT:------- --—. . .
Iba man mold not tetl a* from oar of;
Wedneaday avealng. April ZSrd. U bla uwo Buinbef. klaklng for Ibe door.
*•* fm look cii-rr cent I bad.
lb* Srd dav of UohamB A. H. im I raabed out. IvBvIng ay real In Ibe
Five dollars down to 5Dc.
You will find here something
that will please you. No
other season when you will need
protection from rain so
often as now.
u.. „.k...
.l.h™,. ,1,1„ hi. .It. cum.h-. Inwrlor Spu
or daagfatrr toe aUghtcal liittBMiOB
Boel datable varatab Bad*
U Ih.
All Pytotan*
in Uiis iieek of
wood* are aotiffed by pralasatioB
toai tbe caravan ba* siartod oo a -v«ry
bot trail aeroM toe Oaeert of Mioblgag
for to* Plain of Qrand Travgr** and
Umt it U dn* to roaoh to* OaaU of
Travero* City on that date, wba*
ImlU Rookb T<Ti-mple of toe Eulgbw
of Kb
iD. O. E. K.I will be
A very Ug Use wiU b*
going 00 In to* City of
Travotae c«
band* of Boe of them, a part of my
ahlrt witb another, aud Jure down tbe
atrrat toward toe river, followed by tbe
•to .-...^.M-nln.UW
gang, tleelng a atramtaat tied to the
wharf. I dasbed aboard. By tbta lima
Ibere were nuaeroai pohee mlgualB
>R. ...vkirk s. m. u
and my puraoera deolsted. on Uwrboat
Hi 11 o'etod *. B.. sad rruCD 1
all were asleep escept a watebman. lo »ll«u.-tokp,-...rf^
t VL'itzbcao.
wbem I confided tbe fart*, and be per
mined ae tu remain.
: ~
moctiiog a party M polkvaMB |“
came aboard aad arveated me. TUa 1
^ m to 5r*iS7-SK iri'S!'.
dal*, and wv adrlm all Pytotona
who can atand it
ttal Imke Torvh.
l-OR 1 111-; Ni;.\T I tN 1).1^^S WE WILL ll.WE
I Complete line of cut Car|M!t Sample**, comprisii^
Crown Wiltons. Jlartfar<ls. Axminsters, Velvet*. ‘
Hotly Bnmds and Tapestries.
Grand Rapkte Fur. Co.i!
In eaiahllablng my Idcstliy. I aaked to,
be token to tbe detective oSv-c with
which I wa* conbected. and my request i
------------------------- ^ite^’toa^ wa* granted, n-beo w* eatervd.
Thorv U (bIt owe way m (bm ikat- chief wa* lo co&verMttoii with a i
neaa. and toot la by eeaatitatiotBl wboae bark was tmad toward Bt, bet
Ocafncaa is eaaaed Uf M wboto voire aoanded fanJltor. ^'bes
adltieo of the Boeona Ua- (be two bad finlabcd and tuned lo
I rrcocDlzed lo tbe speakrT tbe aan
____ nb* gi'U 'InffaMed yoa hava * wbo bad given m tb* Job la which I
roBbllng aonad or iBporferi bsorlBg.
and when it U eatiHry closed daofla tbs raaalt. and oaleB tba u- irtp tbr c<
«M b* tokaa obi and thU tbe two detectlrea. pceetnting ratber a
tobr rastored to its aorvU eoBdiOoB,
boorlBgwiU__________ ___________________
to* Boat iBpBtoat taaBbar *g
cosas OBI of *m ar* oaosad by eatatik.
boBoe. naod* tb* baal aaop tar It*
wUob is BOtlitag bat
one Ef tbe gang wbo Bade away with boto. «b* faa« Toilet Powder*. Md in
Ur. WbUe Ian nigbi.*'
Wo wUl gl
-ncllo. BUftr aald Rif fortaer em-_.iiv toot ton BM be eorwl 5^ plojvr. "Wbai are you dulw bwa?"
Qeee wa* a Buddie, neknewntewa Bad Pra^rod food*. Wa ha*B b foil
^>0BMirbU«K 4*Bd for ■Black. I bad gl^ iv toB* to ay Ua* Bf toe baat BBiifaewrad to andprvaent employer a* White.
tobte prioea Ka«ban cBarBty«|«Bi
"Toa fit* aMakvB ia to* yraBi.*'!
oto Pmuiprlii nta»r*»aat. W*Ba*
Ht looked me over fi«B bead to foot. •riy tbe iBiato OtBgB Toa Witt tad
Briar wbkb to took By amptoyte into o«r prteva Ufca oar EBoda..■-pag■tar.■
• bito iMd foTBltog uMiw. Mm
OBBod-la ■*•«■* ha wwfiMkg
wamihon Clothing Co,
Baby’s Coming
Our 0or$ct DepL
is now stocked with tbe leading
makes on the market. We wish
to cal! your special attention to:
Tpn styles at
$2.50 to
Othensuchasthe “W.-e.." -O.
D..' Royal Worcester, ct^ ai
50c. SiAJO and $1.50. Shown iaall tbe new raateriaU, nt
TUiibeim's Dew Stofo.
, wtm, UTCxiuT, A.nzt it. itat
i^tw. at
of wa
•MK. MVPVON m. mtom ^mmmmKii
Loados udCmtlanKaJ Pwen
DfaKon U.
AO tkp h»H iwwr (•ruritw In Dm•» wwdvT eo» aaaacvavwt.
hH AtlasOe portt M
(hr BblpMM'of applM to Boropr tMa
The rarti bw dpal cawarU w«
•iMftlr W oakrd U tanra otr««« afMl
Blefaatd VocMW.
*Mo«m mto aivMoi
Th* OilitwwU SUM tmw. B •
■o mmrnir 4m AmtleH-o ladwMrteJ
M( doll tfao kooa tatcMC tod oM*hiMiB vttb vUrh II M Ttowod Oh
ChM «I40 of UM AtlMdA M*
4cm Oivouh.
rm tamumem. <
tmttmir m LomAm dolly dowmp«' to
day k«t coMofew MM rMorraeo to Iko
U a MtMh oad a half aitlcM Tha
CMly Chreotel^dlaclMa tha attar lo
adaqMty or Bwllah data eoBparad
frith ABorMu apartMola.
“W# a» wbola aocyelopadlaa bi
tha Umo la tha aelaim or «at trelldIm.” aayao wrltar la Ibla smpct. -^od
parhapa »o rtty U tha world tan show
M ear doddaoey and tbrir rai *Moro aCactiTtly tbaa Now York.*
OaeUaDlBC. tha wrllor polat* oat
that data ara lot la .Saw Yort
yaafa Maaa. hot that oqpa la roalod la
Uadoo tor iaaa than thrra or era
. yaara.
Tha Now York roola. '
at* raally tower thaa tha Loodoa raote
owlBf to tha fact that tha Lcatdae
laadtoeda IMat oa ascaoalT* and ooBaataaa refolra bela« aaoeotad by tha tm
Htmlon tliiir of Uh OlK«r•nd b; Fnwiu Doctor.
Sdootlott Tbol Cum
Enry Koowo Allmoot
WoBd«rf«i CurM ara Effected
That^fli Liha Minclaa Par
fenaad-TlM Sacrat af Loaf
Ufa ef Oldaa Tjnaa
tola tha eliy.
i;Q MBcNchoy. rcsldawee; Dr. AMBRIOAK RKUCP BOOISTV. at
MnB. at. OUmb e«d Ktaa Kottio
B., Ol.,.
Barloy. rntdaoBe; P. C. Uaoi. r*M•Owr TboBMa aad "Bmy“
etea danag the yoar ilOl thaa aaw
aeCaaa at Codar W* M tkc Wbllla*
dmes: Kol^ Lasbor A Bhlagto Oa.
whOe walklac ep Broadway <tto>
otbar Btoh aad acridrat ea^MT
Tha aaw Kally akoat toUar boa ar^
MWilaaa • M. S. ThtMa. ton!
a Of tbr fecMt'e play. nto»Vil-iriM torthaoUT.
_______am ptayhif at Wallaek-a
haMCdOMallMkoMthecwaataotl TB Haaoab * Lay
Tbe Irat aliawbocTin of tbs i
phMBd M bwodway tbMM-. wbecrMr.aodlto.aaila>an. aadwiulcoday rMi**d]a earlM .of barbod bora arirod. bat amwbarry ehoi_____
Ur. ThoMaa with a rtew to
wiU mmt be renoa oa M kaWae of; We have jus doaed a deal where
Mto «MU Hmdw.
. vir* aod aeelbar of auad
teohlar bla oBa|wlac to t
in we become owner, of
Mm Fred C*l*wr aad ehUdrao of |' Tha laicrwetima m Maa>c*i ataia- tbe city 1
Eliiplac Btoaty aad tbe
$>i.OUU sock of general «
8a«toaw art viilttat taiaa*M aad bwy for •• iTboaa baby Aro To*
chaiidue frocn a merchant to the
of orerythiad, aa
aouthsn pan of the sate
Mn. Tm Ochkob hM #Mk»ad traa tba OMpaay aoe all tbatr
very low ^unr. Sale will Iw
e«7 aad^ offsota
tepUed Me. arlMtlbBicBcpida.
meed to near futtne. BaKit oT DOTCtty
Mr. md Mta. T. H. A Ttafta aad
Foot, -bet froM Ih# polot
ThMwill haa ipiilil ■aotiagof
The Boson Store.
tfa tba aana Mika Una Tiacaa wlUaiart Taiiday
la the book. why. -Om* h
tboKaIcbM cd FytblntUa
old eticy.
Tha fad
for a Tiall at tbau aid hoM ia Bag- to ooafar tbe aeeowd don**
toaobea th* rbBd. aad
. Mr. Ttagaa wUl tmtm aboet
-That'a aereity emm .
tbo Middle Of Ja»a. bat Mra. Ttoicaa
rd Ur. Tbeeuo
-4 *0 br«rd aotblht
Myra. CbdwwU, wbo baa than la
cAA-ept Mortoe erbere ibo cMM toarbrd
tbe (odMtber elner t played enall
didataa ter taliiaciaa
It Trover** Baqd.
: laara today
l«ru ae aa aMtpar la abow*. naay
Yredaeeday. aod to makiag ngld
fn WaalUdn. lad
yefca •fo.'.-New York TrW*»a»thtoa. will bold a mmo—da yarty la
L. V. Tonheia af OldaAaaatt. Ohto.
aiima of Cedar bad
to tha gwaal of a A Qtoscy'aad fanlTht* n the beto loontato Pen
AjwU 15th. 'Erory sueiaber aad tody , niaor rM<
1 ftM ber toti'^ye
ma.le.;A Written pur«««« to
Udia*, m»u WKWolog
Md Mlaaloa w*a aT
Aubfuw Btervr. while oot 1* Bai **4. C. ;0m
gnen With every pa add.
to bring a box with
The EaMer aaeie will be rapeatad
tbe WhUtag today.
imoclwo rwmotly. rUlIed
laaobfnr twa
relag a* tbr noagregir
bpuee or ao old fHend. a yeatlenau
mntoa Um. Wirt aad daai
the Cuek9
Mger Barry of U.e Miobino tolct IIHeh eilraetkia. Tbe bewteM erl- of OadM wara ta tba city today.
drally took yreat pride, la
UraBADalmaa. the aow bA
M eaehaage bet* U* received orJoaapb Atabar of Old Mtoalea w*a
tbe fttmlablBci oT wbkb
der* for addlttoaol mclilUc loag dto- arm. Uve opeood tUlr'abopea Ueiem
la tbe oily today.
aad beatKItbl and cave erery erl> teleUoow troo tU foUowiag: etrvwl In the Oslmas blcwk aad ax*
Mr* J. V. Dlekeiwiaa *s
drace oT laate aad trdae
Park Plaea t. Hamiltoa OlotblagOo.. ready for^baalaeo*.
Soloa w*M la the «ity coday.
Bierce, wbo ba* aa eye fur tbr boaaWtUiM Bralthaapt baa
CfaL' save anetlated praloe to everytrMO trip toMlIwaakaa OhUaga
Tbf RhRiMly l» Free to All Who
htac be saw.'
-But.*- be aaid. -I an aerry to ae* Clerotoad aad oUw oitiaa
8«od Nama and AddiM*
that yotn- beuar. beaadfal.aa K Aa.
& K. Harthaai aad Mr*. A. B. Per
Ifiar yaarmed vmtUtt
tocka oae onaateot wblrb ao liUh' ry Ure irtanod from Oalltnoto.
_irio« Ipto tbe daily rm
bonoe abobid bo wIlboDt.* ■
where they bare apart tl.a wlaiar.
fmt*. *a wall a* foUowltiji
-Wbat !• tbatr abe aiked.
Mr* P. A. OlaaaeB will go to Onoe
parlMota la tbe -realrai____________ pirtoiiely,
. today to acay wltb bar hoebaad wbo
i^aboo. Dr. Janoa W. Kidd. mS
“A pld-“ replied Ur. Blerc*.
Baltaa baUdlbt. Fort Wayaa. Ud..
f to tbora reoolrtag treo—nt for tbe
anflefled rba<-kle.
Tauntain Pen
Miss Vokes. Mr. Charles W. Bowser. Mr. John
F. Ward, a Clever Supporting Company, and
Three Real Live Babies, in •
Tlie bustrM' eyre eporkled.
-II did.- «be aaM. Indlcbaatt
Obleaga, retaroad bona today.
A L. BacUat waa caaied le aoatban Miehigaa today by tlio nrioaa illnon ot bto tolber.
. .
Maay )odgt« regard J. U OeroM a*
• Mroagee attM la acolptore tUn la
polattog. hi* polychroM cutoenr*
bout of irery. cteot. tolrer cad goU
UTlBg occted c creaatloa
PeweMM Per PMerW rewUloa
The rich ebarebe* of Bew York her*
laangaratedlberoatoB of taMnc large
fmda far Ibe beoUt of tU famllleo of
mlaWtra wU may dto la tbe baraeca
WboB Dr. Babcock, pcator of tb* Brick
Ptwabyterton ehorcli. died In Italy. Ida
I of ibej
ta the elty today.
Mtoo Mottle Aytomcth of Ba
oMocaad aadliiag tin books
OMpUmntod *«—g" OIbU oe Um
next Week will be
Uoa. oemgU oolda. aathna. oatofth.
hrcoUltto aad aU affootiau of tU
thraat, ladgr or aay rital ggoca ar*
aMl^wraroaoM ia^^a^Mdhaf ttoao
BayOlty. MiU. toned more peUels* dariag tU year IWI tUa aay
...the Tirst national Bank...
of Travers City, you will ac.juirc habits of iliiitl.
Every jerrson. -
M Starttr-CalHt*’eownt
.uiu, value* u,, to $14.............
Sflk Kagton* $K».$15and......................................................... .................
sak Skint, value, up to »«. for........................
........................... 0.00
■ aloe* up to $», for
Lmlie.' Silk F.IOO Jmikett. $10, $7.50 and.......................................
1. imenK p^d on Savtng. PepORitv
Account. »eceive<1
SecMUl Stamr-Umbrellas
on favinable tenas pat-able on demand.
At less than cost. To make mom for (be immenM tpring Mock we
must ckne all now on hanil
Tbeae sacrificed price* will do it
Cbt Speut DoHor
7s a Cost Tritud, Soue Tortoer
SOcl'rebreUa*........................... 24c
$3.60 and $4 Umbrelto..$2.48
$1.60 I'mbrellM................. ;79c
$4.60 an.1 $6 Umbrelto*.
$160fmbrdtof ........................... $1.19
Snk Paraaolvtlightl)' toiled, cold tost leaxm « $S and $3.60 .. 98c
^ ------------ la
tvings Bank,
U<>L>‘gm>u> uooim
nmaaiA*. p>—r irv
hM lUUNlRV **«•
which the
Natiorol Rank ha. arranged to « ttribule among it* caslomen
and frienda
Tbe bank safe i. an o.idiud and co}n>eteJ .ted
bank with combination lock, and is highly amamental andfonvenient.
AU .izc. ol coins can be put into it.
CWrd Slarttr-earptl*
H... .n i»P~.cd oo, cnx '
Uu •
7*#»e Baitki will U Ucoeff to «ich of our depoutora as dedre
them, or lo an) {lenoo who wUhe. to have one, and will dcpo.it with
us $6.
Credit for thi. mm will be given in a pas. book, aud the de-
l-lkrf -bom »
...I peteoa* oweiag eUUeot aad
lottiag them ran at larg* matt Uce-
(icsii rouM not In.- withdrawn until the Bank i. returned in gonl order. -
In consideration of our loaning you a Bank, it » undemtood that you
will depuil ybi^earning, with us at leas once a mooth.
Itt iffrmifb^M.
Y’on ha\ e in your borne a bank always open
Youcand^in snail amounts you would not take to
J. B^tonr^a^m
any bank, thus preventing you fitim ^sending them.
both ’pbmie*. Ko «
, Yeartk $tari*r-4Uan Pap*r
10.1HW roib more just }>Uced iu Sock.
M. a TATMAK Ua moved hto'taaaraao* oOU- to rarnt Sll. Utod
Boor WUUU block.
REMXMaKB tU Mlal daacc at Far
racac* hall Batardoy omlag.^ ^
M. a TATMAM U* mevml bto tnar-:
aao* oAeato mm III. third'
WUUU btook.
BOT8 oettoB evcfUlrta. light t
dark at nmwm^ZUFMaaa
a a TATMAK taaa moved hi* 1^
aao* cOe* to room VI. thM floor
WllUlm bkiek.
bcoUt of Mro Porvaa widow of tb*
■cT. Oaargi T. Porvea wbo area la
af tut cbarck for
We are aelliDg
dieaiwr than any one eU in the ciiy—doing a
Money keiu^
loosely near at hand affords a continuous temptation to wastofulneu.'
You cannot shake or get money out, as we bold tbe key, conraiuently
)-oudo what ^t>u ought—bring or Knd the bank to a, have itt content,
counted and placed to j-our credit, wbere h wiQ be a commual re
minder, tngittg you to add more to iL
Fmi) suncr-mmtMrv
Tbe rare bvgaiu we are offering in tbi* dejmrtment are riot duplicaled anytrikere.
We want you to cee the lovely hat*.we offer you
ai $i. $3. $3,60. $4 and $5.
Tboae V $7.60. $l«. $16 are bahdMitae beyond demriicioa
*|iOW¥T TO.Loan re
rml yam**, wtto
Or**4tv»*w«* Inad ••* Laan (V
Many }ienon$ wase in a hfe-
lime enou^ to make them independenL
fw CaUfwa. Thi. i* om of tbe beat plan* ever derumd for en.
cvKin^ag economy and frngaltty in diildren, as moocy once placed in
the tale cannot be taken oot except at our oftce, aisd there it nus
be depose
«•/ Mmm 4f Vmw.
rule to drop *
into it every dav, and you will be aSooiabed and ddigbted at tbe doae
Socdal. la Every Dt
Zht Boston StorCt
of the year to
bow touch y^ bav« awwimlaied.
Nobody nve.
to large amoon^ everybody can aave, to snail amotmtt put aside
>'o one b above taring.
•MiwfM rnmrhwmawtk* tbat any sums cf mooey that they
may not wiib to depoaite to the Home Saringi Banks may be brought td
w, depomted and credited on their past books the same as any crdL
nary tarings aoconat.
• '
)oung or old, .houtd keep one,
Cspital, S50,000. Surplus »md Profits. S2S,000.
footings, $5$0;000.
Ladie.- Jackets, Broadcloth and VerveUn, $.5, $.4.80 ami.
paridra tb* Mttlfo cyatea. blood mad
Uaaao*. raatocca a bornol aerve powaad a atata of ^eel
aad at oboa To tU
doctor all lyiteae are alike and eqaallyaffeeted by this grat -BUt^ at
Ufa. ' Bead for tU remedy today. It
to free to every aoflerer.
Sms* wl
yoa waat to U oatwd of aad tbe
remedy for it wiU b*
fro# by
letarn mall.
m klM'IVi. » SHIN..-
With Us
Rarer ItoySktrU. value, up to $4.60, for.................................
Panlal iM^ato. loeoMtor alacla.
7t's wbat fou Saot, not what fou€ani
that rtlakts Wealth.
6ala Oleek
Notice the Window Display. ««»«(«•'«
10 tUir (aalUaaaad friaadiia parfeet
baaltb. RhaeMUan. aearalgla, atonacb. baart. liver, kldaey, blood aad
a^ls dtoaoMa aod bladder troebles dtoa* by magic. Unudacbea, bacA-
IBM t*
lUreto ahaolataly ao rtok to loa.
Bom of lU ear** eltad are recy r*.
nerUhto, *ad Ut for loHabto witaenea woald hardly U aodlted. TU
loM U*a Mown away oratohia aad
walked abeot after two or three triala
-ruptoncu oowfto
tbe city today.
Mtoa UatB.Votoa of Noetbpert waa
tU atartUng
tbe allzlr of life,
TUI be to able
wtlb IM aid of a Myalarioae eoaBooad. kaowo oaly to blBoalf. twodaeod aa a xoaall of tbs yean U
baa apaat la Mrohiag for Usto proeioot tUe.fflviBg boaa. to eoro aay
and evoty dtoaaae that to >001(0 to
tU boMa body. Tbar* to »o deabt
a u. aaklog
of tbs dootor'e eara
elalamd tbe
____ U to daily aCtoUak aoaau to
ban hUvOat vary ctroogly. TU tUory wUoh U adraaM to oaa of i
oa aad baaad «a naad aepartaaea
nodical pnetloo ef anay yaara.
Mota netblng to try ibla reaaifcab
■Blirir of Ufa.”aa U ealto II. f
bo aeodi It free to aay ooe wU to
VAf **'TKI»—tMlSul.
II. B. xBhku bai loMod bii-ofiet^
room til. aew WilbeUbleec.
Ooorg* OltMBl aad wife of Ma|4e
BARKER f.n»tlw bille«rtl).
u' 'phem* Ka Ml placed ia to reel-
City ww* latU city today.
David Stobor of Sattms Bay to la
Ua Blada at tha UrttUb aatoalat
Bm** reniaUM aUiu* of (be tote
toReeaa PtoUrtek to aow conptotad
Tarto WUl opro aa April 50 Its e»r«Mttoo of amdere decoraUva art. wlib
Bwitob woiure of letoar* are revlvlag tba oldeo emptoycaeat of oeedlewcrh wtth Bwr* aad more aeoL
A nttami nenorlal ta Job* Baakla
vm taU tU Bhap* of a mnaroin. plctno gaMry aod library at BoarorllM.
a**r BlnalDgUib.
A aattob*l coaaarvatory of art to *nr
tetosd la Camda. and Bir Wilfrid Uo.
- gnat
-b ah IBMI-
of Monhport.
Isa great eonscntoi^e,uj
Will be seen here next Monday. April 14.
Mr* A. (lardaaer and aoa. wbo
Ur* boaa tpaadlaig tbe wiaior In
Tha Dally hlaU raeorda tha arrlral
at dauthawaptao of a lantr party of
AabMteaa ahip rl Tatar*, loportrd by a
anUM dm far tha porpoae of ‘^uwlag tba deateb workmre baw to do lt~
Tba Ubar aarUf paawtaatto rtrttar
with which M AMtleaaa at* aqalp
teeraailDf rooa oot only la tbU caootiy. bkt la Ftaoc*. Omnaiiy. Aoetri*.
BwaU aad wbarorcr riot tbara '
Cfpoctbbliy oe tba coatlaooL*'
Tha diar. caaaaaUaf aa iba rrcotit
Wladaar racaa. aaya;
-Ooa «mld bat fall to none* bow,
aoMptottly tba Amncaa aaot ba* roiue
lata racM. oo ««cb ao that li poaltltoly atrikaa tba oyt aa old wbaa a }ock«y
rtdaa ta tba old taabtoaod otyto.Jadytaa troo tbe EofiUb papera
ttwaalraa. Ataartcaa aopanertiy la aaMCfrtM asttwda traa tba rradto to tbo
MV*. Th# Mofwtac Loader ba* * tone
artlrto 00 tbe adrertlariDooi or an
Attadcaa nadartaker Ui Tbe Tinea
lie oCmb to dlBlalrr aod atalp botaa tbe
bodtoo at odtoef* and Mb hllkd lb
laooroabla Me.
Mr* Arrllto Per
ecolag. mklag
waa ia the oily tlito
tU M. * K. K for Empire. '
-Methldf irtll ho doM of aay foal'
ralwc,'* tha wrltar eeodwdao. *^tu
Loodoo taMDia' protacOoo laarM faraad. with tha dewbla objrct of
tfwaafortlac tbe towdtotda aad arcUtarU to Kaw York aad thro fordat
than ta lira la the data Ibry |al:
AaatbM toadoa papar rtprlau fnuD
a dwlaa iwrtaw doUlla of a pUtL. by
wbtob ABartoabcaal tokupplaatliK tba
ttMMa aittoto la dwltaaflaed.
AeaM«iC ta thia aatboHiy. Iai«* waratmamm wUl baballl at aortbani Frrarb
paau for tha punnaa or aturtDc i
■arUaa Aaatleae coal aad atootor
_ ^brtdd.
<dcaal UlckO) fraoMbewa
•f* or rroaeb aad H<
la aloe Bald that aa a»cn>H£
aC I mac* * lae ter uwaall
Ft*ach porta aad tba 8w1m frooilcr
haa baaa a«iwad afoa.
' -Tbla" aay* tba Laodoa dally, la aaaibM anapto at bow tba Aaicrlcaiw
•r* o«atia« tba Bnctlah froB tba BotapaaaMrhat'
Tba aalvar«al plalot
ralced by Tba KrralnB Slandart.
*AM<^b ladbabcaa.’' It aaya. *wppaar laat bow to pcrrada tb# wboto
at Karopo. U Aaierlcaii botM do aot
carry all bofsr* theta yrt. An>«rk»o
rtdloa. Abboftoaa tradlaa. Atuorlea*
haM daatlatfy aad. ahall w* add.
A Farce, by Mark E. Swan,
Written for Laughing Purposes Only.
ofOcneral J
____ ____ ____ _
goods, hrgety
las tensoB’i trerrhatc . af a very
low6giira 8«mwBbeptoeed
on tale OB Wamtoat Fkierto
I amuid iitaonvvBAT
BroDad taacne la a dita which to Ciw
t It la arMom btoUed: ita Ait la
fftad oat af it aad^apala aanbad toto
It by lo(« ipamrtoK la a wttar foB
CmvMl h>4) lafawd »•
«.«SU« b«M«t I tad Amm nunIV*
« vnCMtao. 1 IMi kl« dta
mj etata.
with klm. tat *llh
pMtac from the Utewr
to ita drkwtac mn. I Uten^ B»■■ CtamO of tar taihn'* tacMtoa.
teto* bta M Bor* (toiMtar* to tta
IvodDrUrtecM of Utmiw* ttaa tar
<Mtar. taR »ta totad tor *ad vaolad
toi^ aid to* «Rlr. ttr tar btotaad.
-StavM vc*Mb7i« iMrowsrtobt. tat
1 tad to> touatloe «f BWTTTtoc a dri
irta WMld frrl »bn ata toarrtod to*
(tat ata »mW ta rMtota *• Mpixrt
-Atataos UtMtB^' sta told lo n>*.
•nata a potottoa to fattar'a oOc*. aud
jui via r» w*a.”
-I tor* UM*«l«r. and *o Iom •• I
tar* hoim ot mterrm I *ro«ld bm >■atltata to atabdoD IL
Ton asd 1
voald ta«b R*m aorta a row* "
-ftatapa 7on are rtobl." *br nn><»rd
ttatoftatfalto- *^'or tad bntrr i*>l
raw abIBtr to pk*** ita pobDr ^
I VFM avar wtatatox ttal-Emma
Iraa aoi ae prarfleaL Nercrttatoai I
dauctotoad toabtd* br brr.vWmL I
tad tatotad a aoTKi vbirb 1 .knn «■*■
aa pata a pto«a of vork ai I ma rapabtaardotor U tad tta frrabtMo* of
Tooth to It. and tta plan aSordod Joat
Mcb appartaaltlca a* mj ablUltoa soai
Madad. . 1 dMMtntoad lo oa* rrrrj *f.
Kn to aacof* lla v«bUrattoo and ataod
or faU to Utataiw* on lla aumo* or
falliir*. 1 triad half a itoaaB publlataara bafor* nr work. •Ttaa lUDd of
I'ata.*' waa -arraptrd.
Than I apaat
arrrral wtrk* r*adlM Ita proof*
tta tltoe U wa* pnURabfd I tad apai.i
a yaar orrlttoc ti. aU bobUi* >rii*iiv
It and tta foat of iwo r««rn ertuna n
toto print. If paid ai tta* rair of (tou
a nxwtb for nr lalmr. 1 would rrraha
sa.«ua Bbonhl'lba nork ba a cn«t
Oftom 1 ntobt makr n* tum-ta aa Ca>., duo. { bad a atroiiK fonruttoo itaai II
vaaM b* a aurcM Tta book-walpBallrlaniirbad. At
tta aod Of lb* Irat iitoBib 1 Iniulrad
of tta (BbHatar wbat tba to^ tad
baaa and wa* told tbat l>i< ro|m bad
Mr royally ou tito
• a* I try niocb
Tbr aatviHl atotilii Iba
aalaa drwnwd to CMO ropir* I «a*Tuo-
bsd |«id larr*!) aftr* tolud on tbc
Ohalraa of Uiokatora* for a ymr or
toorr. TbMt aauir January aud i-'rlr
fvadr to Uka to iW iKOobto raJItta of
bnalnraa.' llaiuui'B ryra dllad wllb
-Walt.*-ata told. TtalaUaYoryduli
atoanti fto book*. I binr. iNThapa tbr
Mb* will ta tarttar In iIm- ajirtnc, wbas
paopto b*(la ibalr lisbt aoinnirr rrad1 waa raady lo raich at a atraw and
aoarlodad to lake bar adrliV.
(to* day UwanI Iba and of Marrb I
waa aurprlaad tv m*4ta a bola frboi
nr pobllabrr* tbat Itac aab* of Tba
Hand of Kata- tad. aitoilnil) pU-kad
■p aod a oaw rdllioii tad barn unl<T‘
•d. lu May t wa* turonurd (tiat tba
Urond adllbin had Iraorxbaoalad aud
a ibird va* lo i>rrai>. I wa* daiipbttol.
-Tta lUnd of f'au-- I* wurktoa out p
etraar for tor." I . xrLalibad. “I atall
IWlow tta ptoNtohm I tor*.'
Ooa tblac. bowaiar. 1 oollld itotW
darnUlid-ablla otu- adlliuu afirr auotbar waa l•al■to aold and I waa dally
•spartlna to ba Itolnltol out l» club*
and drowlnc ruom* aa tba oaw litarary
. Bitbl irwant ararywhat* wltbonl aartt-
na. I aarad ita bit of l-oioT o««* ta*
tawd miuiphanlly
Barlnc <d..i>a »> wall OiiniM Mlly. t
toadr n|i my mind iti apc<«i iiu- aumia<-r
to tba tooutolba Willi llmiun
trier an
•UtoJabb ooUtic I rrtnnu'd lo ita- rlty
•tpaiUbc tv Bml aoma n-Til fr-iui luy
pobllabarn a* to tta ualr* nf Tlia
Hand of J-'air.” Amonc iba numaroii*
tottara at ny roona iban- wa* ootbluc
bbobt tbr book. 1 <wllad on Iba i-uta
..'baban, wbo tookad tta luallar up for
*** aud rrportad a Mb of Ora mi<n-t
allMO tbalr Uat ptatao’aut.
Tb>- InfortoaUuB arii-d u|«>n lua Uk* a ir.ld
ataowrr tatli on a r> Intar nxirtitoe.
Ul NoifUita-r PUtinia ratm*^ Sa
fer* bar arrlial I «n>la ay pnbllabara
- ft* Ibfonualluu and rt-aHvad lta followliia it,.l,
- Titan bar* b*ao no aola* of Tb* It*a>l
or Pblr" alur* Auaurt. Tbc vary |>t-<-ulur
laaapl&i of ibir Wk t>r tbr taniir n>a
jiatotal nr bayond oitoaura. In ibr <aaa
'of an narrte *•- uruoUy *all from an. m
two Ibouaand rctMaa ohi« Iba work It laauto Tbro It Iba UuU Bain* In taror
-a aol
raln.«danl with iBcr* (ir Irai
UW tola* ara
toto abost ih. n
ra of a
a and u
tmlbad about by Iba
pnMto .
I took tbl* latter to Stoma. Sta mod
It and tumrd to to* witb « Knot dtof
of ayiniwthy in bar kind a.rr*. "I am
«t laoat Ktad tbat yob trii-d tbr akiarttbwt. Tun wUI ba tta bniar diiirl tu
Wtofc to anolbrr flalA1 •olatad bar falbrr'a rOBnUBK ruum.
That wa* Bfiaati >aan apo. lla ba* rvUnd. and 1 am at tbr band of tta bualMaa. SataOtly my wlfa and I ib-aldad
IbtooraJiito a Ursar bonaa. Uaklac a
prottBlnan' tOMf orr* tta booa* to a**
nrbai (««M ba dmpoaad of I aona opon
a box of tiookA 1 mllad Biy wlfa.
“My Amt." I nakciL -wrtat U 1a tbat
bax*•Tbat U Tb* Hiad of l-aia’ tbat
r yoo.
ta all di*>
aiKMaa* <,aairaato-la to broil
erar a bad of enala (It U'too fat fur
tbai>. bat ta a vary tar erao. Cot tta
tame la tta Boat dalUwtoiy tbla abcM
pDoainia. rajMttoK tta rtad.
plara* rtooc tapMbv IB a fine win
Uoilar. liar* U ora* a drlRitBC pu
bH la a bol eraa.
It raqulna to
ba ninwd toal oar*. Tba fat wtatrb
Call* Into tta paa makao ascrilaat
rlpplBK* for frylnf poutoaa.
Irralti tba taoon as taewo paper.
If yoo wtob to ■*** mir* Harr wttb
tbla. *|inekla tta Haw wtib pappa*
aoe *alt. roll It la Boar aud fry baowa
■* taron drlpfdac*- Itaiii with a
««rtad mwl of tanm no lop of mra
ptarr of Uaar. Bacon a* anvad by tb*
aaaraKa annk. wall aoakad Id grrmar,
la tta n>o*l ladlftoXUdaor food: wbaa
kmUcI ratal ‘u tta ovan. n to a dlab
ttal nay l>a aarvtd arae for a rfalld of
taro ymrs with impnnlly. AokmicaII
topto Itor VM *a«MBB« A»*a tt.
CMOtoaM tor too*, a. m. toort*.
The CbrtodaB Ufa to a cnaMut toCtoTita aod ciTtaK. W* n«Mv* fcaat
blBBlaM fruB God dally and an *xp*et*d la man to cm aad oaaa B
fiT* mate God.' Not that God aard*
aw dfta. bat tbat w* and to aako
Dartd-a axrlaBAdaa. “Wpat
atatl I rradar sate ita Lord for all Hto
beardur &oda aa nbo la *nry hmiV
Btm tba idol worabiplaB beatbaa ta
all ac«* tara fdt tta otoaatloa of tbla
aawtlBtfat and haw raapooded B
r*><r or tad.
to*a in Rncllali. '
“Ur. notibln*.- aald ta.
TblTV vra* no knawar.
“Mr, ItobbloA" la a all«blly touder
Still no rvpi.v.
“Ah." Mid Iba to*truct«r. with a
qoSK amllr. ‘-rusu* to tblok of It. It ta
ratbar early for n^lna."
Tbl* to < 'urrviit IJteralDn-'* aamlotb
of tta tolv Xlu*c* Colt Tyb-r. « ho Inter
beramr iwofcwir .>f blrt.e.v at foraelL and It *bow* bIm lu Iba i-li-aaiac
Uebt of a n.»n wbo could ta Uirtobly
at a Cray and cbearlvts Imur-ao
aman fwt. If cm. atnp. i.. miwldrr an
loatruct-r'* pn>vocatM>ii* to momlnc
was orictJially * "•r and
toller pliin-d vndto tbr fomnT. They
jrrrv aliiiply tta Ant and to«t bHlm of
the iJiiin w.uvl ••dtu-».il4»" »~m>»«.wiib
Ita nlKti of ckclaiuiitlon >w ll■l•TJl-clion
a waa obJc(1liiDnblr and abooTd Iw
cut oot.
Tfca Claataal Cork.
\\1im Uartio I.uibcr told ealdr the
monk * cloibca M bh-b had up l» tbat
time toon bto caHk tb* alcclor of SoxbUo a plH-r of blnrk cloth,
a at the tlnfc court faeblon.
and l.miMT Iwd a suit made of it BOrurdliik' to tbc |■rcVBlllDX iruC .of tb*
time. Ilia iinpita followed bto example,
and bi-un-rortb black l*-mnic lUc dlw
«>r cliTl.-al k-nrli It
wa* not. bowcM-r, for many yi-ar* aflrraard Hut Ita cut of a vl.Tcymati's
Palm LMf mcia*.
lo tba palm rcc1tiii-.>r ita Amara
river ibetT I* a trita whoaa liifaiii* arc
cradlad In t«>m Ivavaa. A kJiicla~~lraf
turoad up round tta edeta, accopdiw to
nativ* i-UBlom. tuaWr* a .upltbl mllla
and ou uv-ca*toti dor* *arvko aa a balb.
Ktroac cord* an- faGtloaed from Iba
Ohm of auotb.-r kind of lalni by « bleb
tta Mar cradle U euapouded'uiolcr
aiMl tb* wind rwfca ibv baby
“Natorr." >nlO Ml** Miami Snara.
*M«e*n‘ nrt-bar make wnllla' la vnln.“
“Well.- anawered Mr. KraMu* link'
lay. “It ancnetliii.-* m-rm* to me dal dar
I* a Wti-M kit «' animal* walkin'
Oaa of tta t'aamtdoyrd-l wlab 1
bad OMoey anoueb ao I ationidn't bba*
10 work for a living
.Vnoibcr of Thvm—So do I. In that
<*a*. you know. Il would ta ao »•*> to
C«t a job.-Boavoa Trnaacrlpt.
ta lov* wiib your
“Yua were a» ruoltoh.''aba *1
-Cbicaco 1-oat.
Ateobonr pccraBMO, maBafactored
by mtarmttoc aleobol with tta odor of.
cwrtmto frulta or flewen, wm mad* a*.
Mriy a* tta tooitocatb enstury.
Pladltatot mad. mat ct O. m.
iavTiitti* 4U9«mti(*.T,
—OF Tacoma
I wave aiTlalv for y
Tbo exampl* of Ohdal aboold alao
bo 0 aOmulaa to Cbdatlao rtrlac. Paol
tnfotn to this axaBpla tn bl* appaal to
tta Oodolblaa* for tta fnlflUmoot of
tbalr baoaaotoat obllfftlotia.
kaow tbr XT*c» of oar Itad Jasoa
Cbrtat. tboL thooKb Ha wa* rich, yet
fer yttor tokra Ue barama peer tbat
ttaoneb bl* pDiTTty mlcbt bccoOM
. b.'fBBl ato» uwd tta axatopl*
and matbod of tta Uaradoalaa* to prorok* tta t'ortnlblau* to tta food work
B*xl tu rrran lu «
of llbrralliy. TLooxh In attetka aad
to poaarty. ttay cam liberally and
ladtou Panrw Bttalw.
«>a aoiiuloiad with Indtoa roa. wfcltoKly 10 Itair aaady tovthrao after
bavlnc Btvaa ttamadr** to Ohriat.
local know of lb* pratalaaem tbat
fcattan ta!tl Id lb* rallctotn bad ao- la all tbMa .diarannlaikn ttay aboold
rtaLrafc-tuonlr* of tta rad man. Par- admnlate all t'hrtaUaiiB to tocnoBd
tb-atody amnux tba N*Tt}on and m>
....................Taaument taw of Klttac I*
abHM ara Itaw- plumr ao|l>iacD* tiotla'-ad In bare Tba utiwiat alBrai y f* oadealAadly “ayatoamiir aad ptnportkaata." "Cpoo the Brat day, of Ata
tot arary om of you Uy-by him
.VII aU>ul any |•oaldo town may ta
e* as God talb |iroepat«d hla."
am <mn-rDlly wblttb-d stlrkA catdi
with a tuft of downy fraltM-n. caaar- In tb* Old TaotattaDt dtopaOMtton tbo
ally abltr nmu. IiouimI at lU- top of IL low raqulrad that a laatb ba fltoa to
Tbay ara imiyrr ilb-k* and ara .tolt* tta Itad. but Ibis rale of Itoura U tb*
auriooi a* tta t-rayrr wtarl* of ------------- tow to ba found opoo tta anbtba Saw Imlamrat. It doritui and tta papa* prayara of tb*
oa*>'. 1 ba ftottam, atlrk aa4 Bau- cdarM to favor of oyataoiailc «lTto« to
aer of lyinc tb* fMitar* vary acnitd* prepertloD aa God l.lmaaa «*.
Inc to Ita nMore of tta tnyar. Tb* law to fkrlptnral. Joat aod
Indian «l*> wbdM-a to aak a favor of It makrt U pmalbla for all tba ebUdraa
'tb* “Iruro" piopam bl* fralbar of God to meat tbalr obllcalloao ta tbla
Kirb and poor alike can r*r
pnyrr WHb rr«al awioay. Tban. tak; it l0 a |•rvprr *pot. b* pwy* to olarly toy aaldr a pmiM>r1too of wbat
tbaaa above, owl. piaotlOK Ala atick. God clam them for tta aupport of Hto
11* of cbarl
• Icaraa II lo ranllnoa bl* patltloa.
If God c
rin b*v* but mu* to
Onc nw Frbrtiary memtoc an la■troilor In Iba L'ntvrralty ot Mk-blean W* may have tta Joy ot civloc Hbetalwaa raliluc Ibr roll of ait & o'clock O’ to 111* i-*u*a and klnxdoui. In aaj
Day tabne, man aad baa
rrfouiad by tbr di-panmaot orrun
HmUotod atOBs. par ectd
mbblaallonA At Kota- tbrrr I* a la-l
Blnek lava dirt, west of
pbanr ax<-tanea wbirb. at .tta artii <
Ortebar U*l. bad MTU *uli*«TU>ara.
Bob to
Tbarr I* a taiat>boaa intnk ami.
Olay m
Mb Mil VaBOfCk
arwltobla batwaau K«l<c aad Tokyo, a _____ dt Oaa stmt
etotaara of 371 mltaa; Kota awl Yuko
OoMm* CMTOl Mto p
hatoa. 330 mlla*; Kota- awl NaK»ya.
llMk toatroBMrta awl Attiar* arr
•wbrf by tb* ■BTfroBMl.-nttabws
■ara'a fancy d '
aacta (waB to t*VMl fato or tar tdestUy
bafor* entos op Bain to tta* nddac
Mre. SctarBcrhoro
tb* ouppaf room and took bl* place
wblto to wu away. A coaB paaaed
bar. a man to tta dram of a Torktob
paaha. wbo car* tta aaova of a proBlnmt rttlian. Jade* MctatoaB. bat ai
bto voice aoaadad aafamlltor tta tody
•nipmad bim. Tlairwatoc to co op
ataln while moB of lb* ftaat* ware at
•oppar, *ta saw tta paaha to tar beda catbertnc up low piece* of Jawua bar dtaislnc ease. Kiac* ibera
I BO una alar oo tta! Boer, tba
■ terrifled. eapectolly
y a* tta taata.
toe of tbaottllac her. nowave*, ate
the ocraaloo.
^ judee.-ab* axetoUaad. “Too
have cot toto tb* wrooc diemiv
“Oh. DO. Tba caaUaoM-B'a room 1* at
tta other and of tta balL“TLauk ya. ma'am.
I mane I'm
obtoacad lu ya for tta IqfarauUoa.
ru Jtoi ct la ihrra a blL'
“Wben you com* down, lyrant to totrodora you to aaBt* of my frl*fidA~
“I'll, ta with ya in wan mumaot. I'D
cu DOW.’ atMad Iba paalia. wbo aaddrtdy remambrraii llmt tba rebtoc
room* ware loo falfb above crooad to
earapr from a window and preferred
to take bw ebaace* oo Ibe main Boor.
Un. SebenDarbom bad a prttblam to
•give, bta did not dare lu detmua.-e
tbi* man for fear, lu des)>prallon. ta
W5mld kiU *001* of IUmh- who alterapt•d lu Uke bim. Beoidto. ata did not
wtob (u mar bar ImM by a dtoacreeabto
aptouda. Sba did nid rvro datr let him
I enlWtoMn aa tb* Btths
«od when tta Aobme M
•aod tb* an rarely er** atoepi' Awuk«tad at 2 a B. to tn ttair baft *Wda.”
ar tabu, they atari at daybreak to Uft
tbe** truwto aad remove tbe orendebt
catch, rebolttoc tta boot* acal^ Ttar*
are about EMb books to taadle. aad
this often uumdii oatll eveettde. when
tbe buats.row back. After
.tta d«Tk to pitod bleb wttb tb* ctnurtoc toaa of fltt. T* evlaceeate tbi* aad
stow It m tta boM krepa them untU
inidiilcht. when ttay aaateb am boo- or
tweaf ato’rp.
8om* can g* wMboot uMep for a
week. Others will rob um tobacco to
their eye* ao that tta pain may keep
them wakefol a few boar* hmeer Otb<e« acaiB will work till ttay drop freau
abcee • xbauanua aad sleep a* they Ue
until aroused by comrades. .1 t'blacae
torture to to keep iM wliboui sleep,
and -tankluc” doealthto to sa-eilrtit
to mllafy even tbe uiuB exactlac <>MBlil. Tta men alecp to tbrlr underdottonc. Wbru above dec-kA ttay rea
oeeer leave off tbelr oUsklUA fur •« tbe
Banka It to rurely Bar. Utot aad avok
fuerall sad. tta ricctoc aad mils drip
wbUt always.—Atoalee'a.
55SS53SHS sTbS
a mn. bo. ttMt
*SSSSr?S£~=“"= .
*£s£-'S.=:s2-fSKS: —-
Oa uoe iMTuakm at Athy. srbete Cnaoa riUrvlr. tta’EncIlsb divine, wa*
Uica slailupcd. ta q-** v’sllvd t-y tta
arctablsbop, whom ta luducvd tu vtolt
a new ruder bonae wbirb had Jut bcea
vqwoed Id ike totereut* of truspcraoce.
Naturally III* dtotiBcntobed curst was
aervfd «lib a sample cup of cnlTee. lla
U^ beta,
laslcd II. while CkDOB Bap.i aod Ita
QiauBCvr malted'III
lary uf cummeOjUtluu.
Tbe cup
wu hastily art aside by tbr btolve^
wbo . Jai-ulatail, wiib pruiutieed sad uiiutouLable vmpkasl*
Tbro the mamevT sudilenV rvmemiMTed. “OJi. your yrare.” be ex|>t*lned.
tax of lusmbrs fell luto ita ode*
lank itil* moreliD, stnl I did not tiiluk
tt rIebt to waste *11 tbe cooieDts uf II."
“If your erace will voinc acala,”
promised t*aiM>n ttocoi. Intcrpoolac
quickly. “I faltbfr"' ---------—'----------mairfalem cup of o
faiiif M
Lamm madCtlhetmi
ita *,11 ,
., VWu. — V«, Sw.
ervt wltbout bto kaowMder. liar Brat
Ibowbl nai lo s’^td bar bualiana but
aha'kaew that amonc *u many Ibl*
wa* a matter of vluiDca. lUachlnc tta -borincs. free from rnuj. are used to Indmwinx ruom with bar evmpaulen. *b* (Trase tbe l•rtcbtne•s of Ibe ditptoy
TfnUy.- f<
*aw III* tval Judk-r Mcbrlaili aiTSO* oadpredun-tbeCblm-w-Bri-. MTieutbe
Ibe ruum In bto oUiclal rata, tn lleu-of rorket t-xplodv* upTn ibr air. tbe bnebt
Tta reflex toflurut-r of ctvlnc la a
poolllra blr*alBc and aX|iark-Dca. It la eualuiD*. aad carryme bl* mask la bl* and varliulorevl sjiark* are jiiMdixYdL^'y
a protutor of God* word, which, ilka hand. I'atrbluc bto ryr. ■!•* tackooed Ibror BIlRc* Bi they Icalte In the 'ixycru.
all Ilia otbar pruiolara. will not fall of.
“JoacK^ ati* Mid when ta raacbrd
t'opper fllluc* and (v>p|u-r b*I|'
falflllairuL “lla tbat at>wrtta apaftocimed lo prudoce cre<-olsfa tin]*. .'
aball reap aI»o a|i*rlnc>y. and ta
BOOMS V AKO 10. R. ft E B!AX)K
btotlier. lla cive* bto n*D>a a* Jude* btuv I* made wjib tluc flliu;.-*.
. It aowatb bouotlfiilly aball fnap atoo
bouDllfally.’' Tb.; raflri liiBurcico of Nlcbfkon. tbooiV*bF 1* In Ita coaluiu*- CrtTOlsb liul mlib mucli ■iihAv I* iiadr
|iovr«y - iwvarty In of a TurtUb |<aaba."
icr and
burclar. atamiaerlOK. “Ikirema
of Btrnutto
a* Jude* MarUaod.“ '
0vlBC I
“I'ltMu wberar a*ked Jodca NMbel-' Ucbl 1* atou^niade by tta Mila of tarifrtrwls. In Joy, In inoca and lu the
btoaalncB of itod. GIvluc btowow twice ooo. -n^err I* ao Jude* Marklaad to
tbat It bimaca bim wbu elm and
JoiaoaaHIk. Bolb Ph,*i-« Trav«fu*<-H)
p*s»elea ai id* Bad.
“Ob. I'm fruiD away out waai-Tahim that rvcaltaa, “En-ry man acTVIIItoiu Ita (-oaqueror wa* a m.iii of
cotdiuc aa ba purpoaatb In bl* been, oo
•Tacoota." repealed thr lady medlta- very erms babll uf Indy apd «i il|C
Irt biBi
alrce of Maoirs wa* bun by ibe ivar.
lux of to* bunie. ita |■omm•-l of ibe
ClWTMddle airiklux Ibe iltix In Ibe alatoCrlataU.'
atauc MAPiito*.
“Tt-a. ma am. 1 knew bim tafon- y# ttH-D'and eunaluc lajurles fn-oi wbb-h
Gan. xxrtll. a0-»: Ix-v. xiall. 30AI:
few days ilefure bis
Merc married. W* waa'ceeat t«l* to
tom. xvfll. W. 111. St: Nall. xiu. 10-12:
death hr «*» deaerted by all bt« atturn days.’
MaL tu. 7-12: Matt. \1. 1-4; John Ul. Id;
“Whn* did yon Body lawr aikad leodania. mbo alolv aud varrletl »lf
A*u U. 4A -to: IX. 3.'-: rbd. Iv. 13-17.
cveu Ibe cvvcrlitx* uf Ibv lied oa m hivb
Keep your eyes on
. THE RACYCLEdon't forget iL
Absolutdy twenty*
seven per cent eaiier
J propelled than a b y_
wheel made. Three
yean guarantee.
Call and look them
over at 314 S. Union
Mivb* tl tba Blcbt OpIHITb* oplrii to tta yonac man that
aya. “I win make tta Imil that to to
ta mad* oT my Ufa:~ tbat to tired wilb
emulation of tba cryat awl noble charrtaiora: *'
actara of btoiory and lltvralora;
■y to^nh
esya. “I will not soil
wbat U low sad mesa In
D lili^ 1 WUI
ny tboncbii toward tta bUth and
arrrtoadtiK: 1 will keep my mlad fraab
sad clear; 1 will put my fiat opon
tta throo* that God ba* act a|> wUhln
me; I win rule aud not ta ruled: I wl(t
ta atronc and not weak; I will rtsa up
«ul of Iba Blacnaat valley* and braetba
tba put* air of ibe tnountalu tope: i
will ta able 10 look every man to.tbe
“lAW. la 111 1 Mudlad law to tb*
oalieaBty^et maae*''—
“Wabo't It under Jud** Lim-br a*k•d ttiM toterrocatorto help him out.
• “Now. I'm thlnklD' It vra* Jndc*
Tty Ita lady * look* aad tta repilea of
Judec Marklaad of Tacoma Jade*
Nirbebwm bad by Ibti tim* token to
tba alluatbm.
“Ikin't slay bare. Mm. Bebanaapbore,” b* *ald.
“Your- cueaU need
you. I'D (rare. Judea UarfclaDd aad 1
Vlll talk shop awhlM."
pboned tu tb* police bUUoq. It was
but a few mlDUtn befor* a coupl* of
men stepped hito (be ball.
aod at the Mme time Ibe twto Jodc**
emercud from tbediawlncroom. Jadee
Nlctaelaoa carefully kwpk« his Uvtber of tta brocL tafora bim, Tban tbe
two judem aad tbe two poll reman
Keedful Tbr pe«*«ite*. draraat Lord.
TIvM p*oe* and toBfon to aSurd;
Nerdful Thy promtov le tapart
Fraab tif* and viacr le mr brarl
Auerliaii aulbi>r>. uu bw* llwii Knc
Itob. aomelimv* auDer fur Ita aln* of
tbe primer. .V Hue of >lr. Atdrlrb*
wbiefa urlxlually read ~A puivni medi
cine roc Kod* aud men" m*» inl*i<rinlcd
”A latent mrdb-liir.” etc. And Mr. Ai
wa* oioi-t
mood be wrote to oue of bi* |•oem*
“Now Ibe old wound* break oiit Bfrfsb”
and was borritled to lead tbat be had
Mid ".Sow tbe old Wutnaa break* oat
Knbbiti* <*beatlnc ai-rem tbe cardeu
fCDce lo bl* next door aelcbbari-lli.
tbere! Vl'bxt are yon buryinc In that
Nrlcbbnr-Ob. I’m JuB rei>tontlnc
KKDcof my emrden aeeda.
- Kubblna-Gardeo acedA ebl ISmka
Btatma prior P
quarter* at ibe paulirE
Sctarmerborti-t ball prue
. Ksedfnl art Thou tn be mr at*T
TTiroucb all Ufr'e tons and iborny ny.
Mcr W m dmih Tboc'll nvedful b*
64B ea*tCl«1vth Su'eeL
Batchen ud Sanaice iUkerv
Dont Be Fooledi
Take tta CMBa..*nclaB
ROCKT ■ouirraiN tca
Mar kUM
Port w*,*r. t .N*. ■
rtsssu. Uownta. W L*Bs
ParOfsta a*Mto. t.tota.iiR
c. K inmnkT.
a. P. • T. A.
tn. Bs ntmgerford
Centracter & BuiUtr PER^MARQIJETne
Xwv. X.MB
Trsls. l*s*vTvs»w<my«* adtowsP«r OraM laBto- Mrat. TB*M CtoRM
Wbila 1 tee* Bk« tta Oittoaa'a
talo^ea* out of my tuiUMimi 1 haea
in Ball
. J
rPtaM*,. KwAUBw Uty ■
llBsaH«mpRUB* arrivs at Tisv**** Oly a* XBa. aw. .
IBpB ataTBp. m
mmiiagjaar ^4d^wrssta_*tn, tu ta
Partajs^*l*ailat *aR atam Ml *Mab bsof
eSf irs;. JiViiiS.’!.
all ktote and oil at UT rnat atou*
J. M. itaWtoak.
“Dob ata play wbtotr
“Km Sb* makM tbe wotb wort of K
ou ever Mw.”-rbfladel|ibla ftalMto.
j*a caoldBi Bav* I
r •* raal emd.
U be'd had iMbtoc Klaa. Kbay'ro
»**nA* have found a
». tta BBttonlffMd. do bB«ta
r. Ktoc’t
Ktoc’t tarri^ aaoB^: btt Baak^'a^
bimliic to tba bod.v to Dr.
_...* to rafoBdtto maaay «■»«•Now Life PiUa, wbieb patilt**ly ooiu
OMtbMktoafOtwM-aVbRaBBdOoMtlmxioa. Stok Baadaoho. PintDBoa. ‘SwSio^^luiaftok Perw'aad ito' tta bMt aalTU to tba wwU. Prlo* mpef Tu U il taUa to euro
u eold.
A«aa and aU
Uv*r aod ~
Famly auc*iabl*: aerar
Baud fata lo fac%
_____ « In Rl raol'a calbcdral. -_________
“Go-d evcblQC. Martto.“ aaU tb*
<df Iba traaca of ('brirt. a* tlld tba Icooleal judee to vta of i
oclast* to Yorkmlnstcr. or bnrl afilD*t
“You-r* JOB to time. 1
due* you lo
coma. Hr ■tudlrd tow under Jodc*
noma to every conimunliy wboM pride
Lynch and ba* raoe to o* to irarn a
and bate aad debauchery Xra rafiroved
few more P-4DIS to tbe profeoBoa.
wUlcb tt
Take uS bto luaak.*’
A BtauW ■l••fabl* Bad.
uon on Ita mouat
Tbe removal Pavaatod tta features ot
Loul* Nl.. Bfier baviux by open marIt It vvin *UD^at
a* ucly a hwklnc villain aa ever ueea- dee or aecnrt amaialtallqn rid 'BlinsrIf
a aamr
pled a call
oftbeniostpowerfOl aoblilty of Kruace.
Bill Murphyr axctolaw^ died In miserable fear. taCcloc bto pbyttapuHcrmaa.
alctou lo do aoovetblBK for btm. Iiortoc
God 4«cr««d U.-CtarlsUan UmM.
remarked tba. Jade*, hto UB day* be aeat for 8l. I'caartt of
“wlien we toot mat I iblak I wa* pay- Itonla and offered bUa aatold riebra to
toe you Ibe compUmeoc to provide
id« you totercede witb bravea for a fartber
a 1* alwav* true to tba beat
ary for
with quarten to tbe
^ lie.
1. No man van
ten yrofo.
Six muatii* only bavtoc
kMWledc* of riebt witl
etopaed. I coaelode you war* dumtto«f cuUl. TVbaa be cue* aca>n«t bto COOBfd with tb* board.”
“Dollar ea a half fer- a marrtoce UaclaBce. be (ooaot eraa rc*i>ec1 btm”U* broke Jail laM weak." remarted
Mer eictolmed Ibe colceed *ppllBaU.-B*v. Georev Rcbaffar. I*. D.
“We’v* bM-a watebtoc for caat Then, tarafne to tta bride lobo.
doc* yoo tbiak I l* wotb ur'
“ wa* tb* reply, “bit do c
jMna rnenv* It on my tuort
aamer asked tta Jodc* of tb* prtaooTto*( Thau ih* on* tbioa a*edfut an
I emdd trcM all ihm** parted »*.
’Palib. It's tbc only oam I knew, yuar-Attoau Cooatitauua.'
likely lo pam >* TSto boa*e.“
”T«ai bav* a coed Beomry. I'll ftx
MatdfDl M
N«*dful ta T»U iBdatovDi car*.
uy aame ou your mlad atfil b*«a* next
Nerdtvd Thr all pevvalUi« iwaytT,
D1CBSX1XA8 at U par mat d
iW toU him that ta waa waatad to
I carr, tacau BAxiraDAT,
■he U wtoe ap tto tafta M tto b
t wa*I to
"Ato ea. If -paa wfl aaiaai an.
-Uother'er OectW
Bow da paa
TMI g to tora • kwtato
knew OMiwrt aanwr
■ «M U Us hM> M tw
-Becaaae I happaa ta to tor toetbp0m mr • laiiiwi. Mb* firt* mn
ar~ *ks Ito aaiariJ itplp.
totoMd to tor ttar Wtto to KM mmf
-Ber brother; l>lckr
ttaA. M 1 •ckaavtodto ttoc J to uto
-Vea. Dkk. at year tarvlM.
Itat I aa M fatoff to dl* an aU maid
aoa. a* I tore bU oace or twK
W0m$ aO to*e an.^Ttr ttou 1 r ' '
for*. If yiM win aacaa* m l wfB r>
ato baat tbeat" He paaacd rwlfUp
A to*nr pnl «r toaiMar ciwtto tUa
throacb the battoooaa ato a BOBfut
toBr. fw tlw ap(«k«f. Mar wndinc. laicr ato beard War fecUnc bis way
«M a favsHto wttfc tto ftri* as «*U
aleac tto ball to hire. Matoara' ^
•a toto. < Mar aadlun wav* a vra«p <K
-Can It to Dleh. or oocbt l to civa
I------- 1 vaanao «M kad airiTvd that
anaUnor Before ato cate* to a daBar Cm a *toit wlU tkair caUat* <Maadokiti ato beard Mn. Matoera axrlaln
Mb. Oartto Maadaaa.
-Wa ahan ka«r a( ro" pmrttaK
"Why. IMckI What do paa B*<
ItoBWgk tto wood* ant with I>trk'B
coaias bom at fbl* amt of alcbt!
fUa aaar paar atoahbr. tookiaa far
W* aU tboaefat you woold reanla
Baa. I aai9oa*.‘ Bid Orrtla. ■Yat
Hoeuna for anotber noath."
totoadawB « raaUUaa. flrta. R I* Ua
"(/elia aa toveatara." Bartaai
«* WWW m bad it ww totoad plmbkMay aa ato dropped to aleep half an
Ito to tto tocntof.- lad tto a>amhour later. “But to think that! threattoatoal ilmii loa was rlaasd bp a
*Md to atoot tto Bwa Qettla U aa
•cattaalto of gwiWt to tbeir diSrmI
aniloaa for m to mreyr
atoll pat roe toeKht.* Ibrtlc ramait-
"lOke bln! Wbit Bo yea
D a«rar aU
pamtotto bewUderto ctrL
mw. aad at wa aia }ato a »rtl* «raw«"Why. dUm pou try to brine bln
a« I ato ptoc to pat JOB to hit
dvwD wHb yonr revolTer, tto way yoa
ll toa toto waU fotolpalad. ao I
mM you liileeded to cH your I
toaa eat i
" tiertle ■
' with a Be*
"I naturally
laptlon of t
It waa a cob at loro at Ante
Kevee dnrtac tto followlaf i
% tor ahoatlaa, Br tto war. <1
era May ato Dkk tofettor that Oe^
M«-to* atow r«a aoBftliJof."
tie.. Ito lactleaa. did not appeor with
>ne aenaeleea remark about tun
■to wHb aalr tto atab of a tricfer.
^ wkat «a r«a cany that with
«Ult ato averyUlnc coonaetto with
n*r manner to Dick became dally bm
^•‘atara away bofftoia wtoo 1
ato ctdlly. Be wai
tow ttota.’* tapllad Mar. dltobrlac
deainlr a* to how to could ploaao brr.
tto laaoPtat waapoB wblcb tor ainall
laM coaBdod la bla
tototor tod dropped IB aa a Juko while
"8o you are really In loro, with
atyaa paeUet tor tntto.
ato are de^wrato becasoe ato will
i« daofer W paar bobavo DothlDf to aay to youT waa her
2 toataitod br ttoa tore." taaibad
I eidamtloa. TeU ber ao.
*S)o* Mrar fcMwa." Mid Map. wttb
a powt aed a shrto of her aboeldert.
aaato tod* tor toad atplrt and tewwd
> acted so proBpUy on ber advice
that Gertie toard the welcome
Ibat very alcbt la a todtipn con-
'But, Ob. Oertle," Hay wblapoed.
Ttoaa tom later, wtoo tto wtol*
half Uuchlac. half crplas. "bow could
toaaetotd waa ata|>ped In atoep. a
»u teas* me ao all tto timer
ram Baa walked ratUdlr froai Ito
-My friend." wai the oracular refato la tto frpu entrnace of tto Manepoase. "for all yoor bravery with
data iMldMia. drew a Mlrbkrp froo
cun I doo-t believe that .yen would
have bactod yoor huabato U I had uot
mad* peu think pm did not want tu."
Children toUcT* ao cuutorollp wbat
they bear that U they do not bear ac«’
mraiely ttolr
odd ato
talMlj m af tto
wakMc BOM*. ,hUce btvo
bNacbt atom caWratkn aad have
tooa so alurtd la anmram bp tto
fhaUef that ttolr cvtclaal wtid iMattvM weald Call to knew thrB Tea
wttb hit wmHcrfal
a waltalDc Bemtoe
apul i«, imb
"Ikar* M Bocb extmmJ drarpUM
la tto wwld. of ceura*.’ aalil. a aua
so tto way downi.iirn, -l.ul III
waxer that It all tto aeRdrcvpUun
aiea pracD-w -roMd to weii-W I.
tot they aafrw tf '
to MS 1-wasdoutledoecaarl awf.(A! lo alt at NaabvUSe for tbe parpaa*
of trpinc caaea uf deUngueacy that bad
occamd ta tto Anuy of Ito Cambto-
"Yoa." osid tto Other ann
"Ud you notice bb face cksM-lyr,
"Ob. yea; pole. yi-Uuv cuuipb-xlua.*
’That's (br on*. WcIL I had to beat
whot to was mlkinc atawn i-> that man
ritUnc bp Wm. torsaae tto-y mii beWad Be. Tto pale .vuanc men eaki
he. had JuM moved In fnmi tto -.nl-urto
~to saM R was nil non-rsuir tlivt (to
kfak One yovac fellow. 8i*c<ut MU-tua Tro>p. w bo was brouebt befere as,
racaced my atiraaoB (to 'momeat I
of tto family.
asir Wm. Uls toarliu was aoldlertp.
It Is no doalit ttto that may a tak
sad L'S countenance buee (to Mamp of
tones by tto tall of may an anlml.
a flrwic character, lie eras ebarced
Tto waltzlnc bobs* iwobaUy bat tbU
With drsrrtiMi <o tbe'^ca.v.
ta view; as Us mlD object In Hf*
U * d.A.p;s«rstor
appears to to to catch aud lareotiratc
V BHlU1ll>I..SI>-i I
bk owe toll, (to ronlorthn* and cprsremnn'Oi was la |wuxlBlty\) (to Oicr
Borb tod beahb In all my
thno to wuk-fa to ladulces dnrlnc tto
(•sletati-V. totcT on tto cu^uand a(bad two* lerriUy iM mij ih
pooersa brine decidedly nnlqur.
lark’-d aud Sunwiwd a snasli iwdy of
ev iWs be wanled'sMhiAC l<
cnantep; R witi oaw ■» unn-li luun tto eVK-ni.v. taklt« a auiiilWur leiounthey are dIPtcent to cwdlaary dances toaltbfnl
Itbfnl In town.'*
eta. atouix tbrai tto b.v-um^ HIs MoIn (tot ttoy waits bead te toll,
-WeU. wbal's the JMlnl of all ItitoT ry was that ut. Ibe rveoinc W bl> dki-t half m>tl.-<- b!m. 1 appraranev to had p-li.i.-d out to bk
-Oh. yoo dldnlac 00 qnkkly tbal It la dldtonll to tell
ltl« n-ontli Iw.!
.! a ivrl
-I. It
wbcf* one bectos and the other endt.
la Oto- cnci-rr. bis mwe ea . sl-Chl
Tto facalty of walulnc k
Iwttctod up at al ocw s:dfor (to yooac mice of this tarkty
rartain bad der-Ured that tb.Tv sss ao
kfl eye tort a toil dns,p.
evince a iradency to* apln as Kam at
enemy tear. Tr.»i. oS.-ml lo rale cmU
riMlene 5ehd—tbal yuun:
they are old eooocfa to Buto atoot. and to toe had fa.Hal |uin
and recu.m.llei. Tto rainaUi'cave, his
There are oo apewlal nurklnca io'^^ 'raue iin blni uhlW- to tud •sit In • consent
Tti«|. bad IM xwne tar l•rfure
waRMne mica, (boueb (top cad to tto sut"Uri» -an-to- UsmeK It el! uo tto
worn called npui. freun (to rear to
toir-de.vi.tlon la a nnsR dan- | tUITen-ler. Hr had rkhhw Iwtween the
dlSetval cvlura.
C<rc«s rnrtn. duiit .voo *rc»~
i.e's CTdetl.s
Tto other man smiled and aatd bt
Bw.—IMrult t're* 1‘reuB.
pae of tto most r
Ml to- Imd tad Ik. sB.-b-warn1nc and
Tkwv OF mlARFST.
I'lyceburceuala.'" written by a W(
ad iMt i:i\< ti tto ssrevant le-rnilssloa
a.n- ..(.aaro |»-li.i riri.'* at
r <wd--rs I,, wout. Tto iiisll.-r rested
urc naliiratut named BeliHncvr
on a> .iiLWii.-n
.;u.wii..n ••( torsruy
^vrsrily Isiwern Ito
mi. ITolwblj Very few CDplea are
1 existence, os Ibr %utbor drwtroyed
two men. Tto ec-al)- wa> tun.i-d acalnst
it I* -ski K.nc 4-.duiir.l «-l!l nri pa
Utbol beruoldcet
atvbsed l.r tto iMv.ludnc .d a
tu V.
.n .e|..,-b' ►•■•-reiKM BI*
orfup of i«ip.T.f.rtitsl lu to* kiispsack
oa wbleb was wrillen, "Miv-t nc loTh.- »i.v..to .d fn»HT.-olcvk i4ty
nlchl ai II..' toUtfc S'.
tl.r on a levA l<(l •lo.ra. a* Wis l-een
It S'., rsd slctsvl. and a. tbe'
Cfval .
Ole.wu Id .S|sTlbnw.t.
hiddeo (torn to a unarvy. to which
bandwr<l«ii3 wa. lusi.lfcsC.v .ll.culscd
Tto kine id Grej-e cmly a** <;n>ek
• bey (bra eiiltred (be prvrfeaaor. tWbr- wbn. alwulnt.-lv nc-emarT.
ft w-s. l.-ius..!)-).- I-. i.-ll «-to-il>.-r the
lacvr was oterjoyed by ao rich a Bnd erallp talk- In Phudleb
Writer «a. limn
n..innn Alltotlate
and tod oo ou^ddon of Ito trick, atss. iui 1
sss. I tl*v ,lis-u.;ii;c * S. Wrill.-O Ito l-vWtloB
tboueb many of the foosUa wee* of a
very croteoi|0e ebararter.
tto bulky trywsur.- eud.-u.
j ''
«« -kRlaln II.,.
II* took bio treasoieo be
TbcGcrtnetauf n.lc«r..
In ' L’Jlr™!'"'Jl' T
etoborats drawing pf them and wrul* *ll_«.1..n.,.t,r
..-vfl.mal- 1 •/'''^»''l Bid ttotl to hs.l f.wiaed
A aBlnolo deocrIpOoo of each, at well Hr. .-.•-n tis- .VnM-ri.«ti.. I.» 2's>o
I ***'■ •''■lualM'oto* <'f a y.onc .v.iiniry
exhaustive commeoury filled
wRb Incenlous and plausible tbeorlc*.
B-ton br bad publUbcd tto Umk. tto I nW j.tMuv .lurmi: ito .vil n,r l•"‘'
Jokers n>orraa(d.''aD<l tbett. of rvuraw
...ryli.-HM-i-rral tobuOi-ld j ll*»l to w:i» fntiiMl Bi;.nj-ae,.l ».-i.ici.ce.|
the profesrar did bit utmual to -aup1 bIWM-U.
M awa. he
'jvl.iyisthw .il.I.'l. rvimlwed
fis- of Ills J;ii'..«v'iMV
•■|1i-n''v a lovtty
It s.vn..sra »vt> wiiiriiranil un
Tbe lor* tor beauty uf a 8*i
lint I'Uve .if evident on a hl.-li
man aotuetimre deceomtea Into eroelJU-lce
ty. The very trued for aboe-l stalurv la
red t-> u.c a y.'iy natural rAiiari f.
pu'u pou. and ibe on-.
iubucnl ..lie r.i make nn.hr (He Hr
deralacd man tunat perfuree bawKne a
iwofeaakioal Jeette or kwe all buld
w.hiT.1 to
swlHp. A younc man who bad Wist bi*
ana In battle was beartlemly Jeered by
a l.-rriMe wrajs- to had cut
a croup uf laucblag clrU. I lulrrfcrvd
inhli t>ebair.
I , J ralh-d on tto piicral oimuaii.Une.
"lie wuuM Mt to like tbab" i sahL
, tofure wboni Ito .■-nli.'t .
If ,t were not fur hhi bravery,"
with Uoinenta. EIcctrtcIty
: Bp|w.>fBl. and (uM him (li.vi I r.-aml
"Uh. pra." they Bid. "but be leokl *0
; an It
bitn ii.r In^
"lie loocbt to pour defroar. po
Tto »'
Cralrrulcrealuresr’ 1 cried.
“True eouncU." Itop replied. "I
uau wltbout tooutp 1* cuutemptibl*.'"
f.eUe-ut.d tohl i.ir (tat Itov were
rO'lirP Macaatoe.
r '•£
' -
s lao-tnvBl f^ the cap.
Trvadi u-aa pameo^ for aa aeraoe to
bad t«-cW cum. .Hied a* Ito almpicwt
way ««t W a T»e:iy am*' aad made
Mr. lierl* . I k (to
capulaorWcorntway. Ooker's rvote- oBokioc car ou bis trip down koB
MariOD. kis— wtor* be liv*A wbM
to was aermted by a stBnflvr.
"An- you." asM (hto |iiHtrBai
CtoerruUy oootBc him Of bp Hr. -IWils' sldr...'-are yue Mr.--------mbM
•Tbwe la oor creot diffefenre bo a celebrated doc fsto-tev.
"1 am uot." Mr. Iwvls replied.cal»
twi .a real love o^ stiwp-touk lure."
ty eawoeb. Icnewluc that to- tod ftoto
ato- aald nwietfirfly.
p bti Meevr
whh b lulcl.t cssUy ta
Bade ta aaalbilair this
-Wbat 1. R?" to asked
-I am Mr. iNt.ls-^Blrii
"Is Ibe cam of r*«l love yoo caaT
ard lUrdlDc Iwls."
tara o»*t to ito Us| rU|drr and-And
r bsefc arltb.
Tto spontoc I
uol bum .Ito stury is culna lu cud be an'Sir «f drfemu-v auu awe.
"Do you mnaa lu way." to bM,
f.«e you letxalt yumeif lu I.eculue l»
, "that yofi ar* tto- b«>bsu<l uf Ura. Da-.'
trevoievi lo It."
via. Ibe owner uf \\ •w.bvae'a Jamnot
--I l.rUeve.'- to murtwd IboacbtfMVm«lad to know-yen Tlmfs tto fi*-'
ly. "ttoit wuuiaa's cirkadly aari la.|«- eC bair—l.ot Mr. Itoyia had vuto
(wm* a-cnild hod ber tu WWa al/tto kbcd.-IttUluirc Db««f-b
wtuetc end of a lamnre If ato- .xhiU"
"Uii.v. .d cwuvw-.- she aosaered
'Vaa'i ,v..n s.-e to*a much'
It k writ kis.sii itat rh.irical cafv
lUfWe d.-ncbUal II w.mU lie i.. |w^ rento of rsireuiely blab fr.v|tw-u.-y i-aa
wiita uuiTism- and eud wilb eutin- to tasecd tlin.iurU (to- bnmsu systeB
wilbuul aul ilauc-twos ur any perevpHe ^ishWed the owner deeply and tilde rife.--.
sUsiii^ bead. It U so bold ftr tbe teutl. II.'- voltece.w.wld to falaL 1-bk
toaty uuis.-uiirM- mind to foOuw tto
IlCbt feuliuue fanciem—Cbbaco roeC
the tora-kd llmt tto rie.-lrh-fly p
> ( blta (to year boclos in I'eb
m.-r Ito surface of tbe Ivdy wi
pen.n..i|na U. U. Hurdler sw.1 k
_e«tu!UiHl awed half a BiUlkiB ITifM- nmii-- ta..- lo.tollBoli-d I
-am tn-es toot ChrMUBA
aiul nmvi.'.i mwo It t.> i
Tto sutc uf Saw York bas
.ki .iilei.... uf S.i'-iu-iu.. Tbi-lr lijMiUia ts
tlwIiiM Ito .-yidanatl.w ..iciresled
4i.-n>iau}. at tto eud «rf tlac. wilt K%|sTlinent« als.wed Ihsl i.isb-freuuen.')’ .virrt-nis w.-ri- fsiil to tto rwl.
have • staudlac army uf -£«.*■>■. imo
live pr.-wW.-in. of Ito 'rult-a I>R. tbecRates b
tale been uf
t thwi.h'trlsb
Tacums. '.Vasil.. U AJiV
le« fnini
New A.** bytto- wtoWt.^ Pml.I--, aud It
takes llT tow
lu firt tiMTI-.
Japan mw |si.m.isea the hea.tost
and Ois-st l*mtoslil]i afioet.' lip- Mk
kSB. uf lh.'JU. tuns ilUpUiv-BM-el.
^A lllwarv <.f IMBbi yfiiui.v. aU
rrltlen h.
I,. s.uis-n; was V-tt t-.i khuet
Ksj.viiiMw. Whv died n.v-uUy bi Bt
‘Vienrrel KII.-h.-WT Laa Jis* Scot as
on .mler f.w a ih-w i>|i. wrR.v." Bid
tto l.«ad uf Ito- •■stal.lUbui. ..I
"Th.-Ji We bed U-ll.-t slai; l.> «-uwalnnl s sp-'l»l ...s- at oisv." .-drisrd
■■Hni why a ri<e"ls» MV have M.-by
• Ves. I.UI tto' c.-isrel w.iikl niKwef
dale .we wllb tto- wnni -n-si.f set op
su Him II .oul.1 l>- Wl.llel. with uu*
key." - t'lHiaa.. Dull. N.-w,
oMv Kssi
A usist siw. *«U' h.
twcsiBsw. beta bad Hoad Raeso*. ihs esw «
i. taws t.'ta.uesw oUsw sctavdwiv Ito't "WW
WM cvstin Tien’s Mmethmrw'wr ks.taa
Hill Cwro the Worst ^oo ot Uy.
'r-oattvs* tewn- SssrW
Ln-s,r“^br“;2ri'.‘sV;ruU"«R'-mi b.'.*iu»ri.-ra f..r tbr
“S-.'.viri:',..’™ •-upn|svs In
to tto Tits.], case, aisl I - iiiovt
iiiovt I
rWcssistbeiiU Siri
siri that
thsi !•. Ii- sltrr the .arstr
ry of a alBdUr ebUdlab
statolnc of aonto U told by
school learhcr..
Tto lufaat cUb waa 'redUnc tto
CbrUlmat Icaaoa. SU-yeartod Uarokl
irst called aponlO tell tto atory of tto
Bsvlour'* tdrlb.
"Well." to becau. "the
alcbt <Mnc ttolr aHthmelle vrbvo Ito ancatt cam*""But atop. Harold." Inter .
puxxlrd tearber. "and tell me wbat yoa
tncao by Ih
■ "Wrll.” replied Darold. h don't see
bow Ibry cvuld do arlthmeUc in tto
dark, but Ibat'e wbat they were dotne."
-'.Sow think. Ilsrold." Bid tto tearb
er. "sod tell tto story as nearly at yoa
esn Id tto wurda of Ito Bible."
*»ua> Moeaoa I wju. aaoorr
BekU"Ma paetot epaoed tto doer and allp"AUdiBc" tad aoaadod to bM atj
pod la to cautloasir that be could not "dlrldluc." and dlvldlnc waa -slulnc
tor# tooa toafd ted aap on* bm tbeir aritbmeUc."
awato. U* pauaed to tto toU a bm>Baat to tone op bis hat and ttonlis^
Peondalent Jewein
Mieatir ap Ito broad caipotad atalra
Ud aoftlr tried tto door of tto rouu
la which tto hoaband baater waa rrpaaliic. Sapptaaaliic an ejactitotloe at
BadR« It lorfcad. tto pooac nun ttwaaed In them and siDce (toy p
ad awap. but paased apato at tto toad
the property of tiuiamoc pn
aP tto atalra.
chaiectertsflc color of a cenalne
"1 fanm tto tothnwm. They map Jewel the ewtodlec has It not only In bit
hate left that oaloctcd." lie retraced
dye cat c
kl* atopc pasatos tto batted doer atM)
Inferior cut evtak
tiTtac a second oo* a IRUs farttor ruby, a emerald or a sapphire, alnce
dawn tbp ball. n*ta to wa* aacceaa'
rat and. paaatop tbroafb tto balb^ Bhadr. wUI* Wea de IWrla ImlUte* abroota. to aatarad tto room of tto olcep- •olDIrly that of the Bpphlre and anllif ttn
9 that of tto emerald,
*Ve*or that door waa locked.- be
ftaod. however, can be md*
aaid albod as to lighted tto pma. Then
• complicated by oslnc ceoulne
to Mt down hi an essj chair farlnc tto
Mar bad toon In a lifbi slert> wb<
. Bar toac wm triad wd waa
a dtappiac
toeft tato a d*M wtoa ah* toard tto
tothrooB dour epeo and ainw leane
tl«B it to bar own (oook
"Who caa It tor ato aald to brtaalf
ato wu aboet to caU UarOa'a aaaa
wtoa tto latrwdar atrwck a Batch and
■to MW that K waa a man.
"A bafftarr ato theaebt
OarttaMh) ttora wa* im dancerr
■Ida and dyeinc them arltb tto coneMoadlDC aalUn* dyes, (bareby nWac
tbftr ralue leafvld.
dim.-ull tu recuculac this fraud beeanae
Ito color of ouch a welt corroded Jewel
no loacer be waatod oe everwltb
bof water. Only tto blMchliic power
OBoUebt Bicbt after a time bmI^
tWr aM cai waa polrrtad at hla haad
tod a faaiUlaa voice called:
"Dual BOV* or 1 wlU ahooO Tbtww
ap roar bandtl rve Ut a amaltar abJaci ihaa you aany a Utne."
Tto barcUr pained, bat did hot
throw up bla baada aad tto plri la
tto bed. reallalnc tto
bar waapoa. bacBB to weafcN ato arlBk
ab* war* not ao oottraip at his mrcy.
*1 bac roar pudM"- cam tNB tto
KM naed to totoc a fatbw.
ne woBra never can caavtoca
tbeeueelves that every Ban who Is pm
ttiF to them km
t irytnc la wMtT
them. •
Tto woMia wbo'btowo bow to bcaO
Mtok dooaw-t heed to reod aM(
anMcd to bow lo Bake a tmppy
—Kew Yark Prasa.
8* KbCHIs
.. ._
. -Wi-Ill>l
tbriU Wi)h-«II r>-,is.n. It
..I tis- bJ.H.d Is.o the klJsr}..
can brruh-l
0«»V Ul-' ;-tvso1ler .\s I (ul.| iiulliini:
>"> r-'n* i-k.Tt.-n.-o »*
! Iimvmv .-y.vi.l bh> p-inark Whet, one
• -.......
r Andrew'Burdr. a l-anhuslai
.. al btlu. for be lm|wla»ued (to
less writer In tto Tuwer. where only
dealb releamd Mm
, a concert twtiwe
Ito |•allraIa of an Itiasuc iHwplial and
was amaluc a nuiulse to a raltor
mouruffil cadence and a oubdued re
frain. Tto amUenev. with the Iwet uf
Cuiid boiDur, MH'b at Invariably chsrac.
terlxee Ito audlenrce at ibis particular
bcwiillat. beard It lo the bitter end. aud
-bcB Its last vote bad dhd aVsy
old lady with a vlnooot and dlculAcd
air of reCuociUatloB on btw face iwpiNvl,
>. Bid rvt^renl
ly. -O Lord, f^v*
A wbat tbry dur
■•elots of kfassnea.
younc baUCB with a penchant for
Blue was explalnJnc at Imstb ibe
many dtScuHle* abr encountered^
putaulnc tor fad. "I really am a farm
er." ato rroteried. and ibra added
r. --attboacb it must becunfeaeed that ato
almeot all I ptont 1 luae.*
■cla dlfferinc from me."
ooBly rwjotoed tor
.T..to Iw.l l-en
rsvmmrwbvl hy Ilua. 1V1..I OPlpryi-d
Ito. |«|mts aisl went
-.......... ........
-i—> «-»fI 111.,Its T.-sk ami s-nirsi 1 bate irstrd • w.vks
w .vks Gi-'. Were p-turievl. n lyb on iriun. Itauc «. rl-w-alk patowt. wW
_ J! j..,
1 l-ef.-re tl.e . x.v UIH-II w.vs (h I.vk"' l-la.'r
' an •■iii|se.i'iS-r.-:id.v1 hy t'ai‘l,iiu <>•(•*
. uns uu.i< k.-l. uihI Ito cap.piiu descfl. li'i; b's •viiMiii.viid, p.vl lu III.' rritr.
Tbetv l.'ii.a ..oH ••IN' .nln r ..fll.*r Kco
Hit w'iiii tto-cviitiany stwi Ic
weukliiic. tto- iii.vi stock Inueili.r aud |
w JIli.MU ti l.-n.l.'r'b.w> off the riM-iiiy.
;:i .i.l..fr.'k.r 1 m.wi.d Ito
totii.r h. III.' k'‘-t«'rjl.
k-if.-rul. a<l.tiis
m>U.is If to
p.'.' otl' 1 t.sip's i-Mt u'luh Ini
(to to|s- ib.ii m.i.iriliiiit: iin^hi
,iw hvl.1
taii'J.. iIm-iv miH IIS .v.ari
‘try ('.ppiaiii fn-kir. hihI Ib.-re was on
.; Ilu|.rr3ljti- UTih r t-. »U<s4 tormwat
■| Tn-.p. At IIn' t.-iNTj.ls auci.-rsIluB T
'.ls;:.d i'r..kvr ito.l «.-k.d L'lin If
d,d n-t 1.4».' suuv luniNT lufi.n
>«»* It aacmBrat tetmdy tor tw i
tto-trial. I f.wud lum
I. atvj a Kivwl luatt tur tbs hiuud I d'.URvl. ttcur.b di-sislmleut. auJ left
After eh* Botel*.
"Uf* k a bsRIe." bM Ibe axe
"In which aoote art aroObded""And bank rsableta." totnntpted tto
Jokcsmlth. "arc ooually reported ai
»U yoo
wbo hate yog b to conriode they babe
bad taote.-Atrialaaa tikto.
wbat iMl faaad oat abaat Urn.
Waabod dowa> Blocnpb Um wbiob
Oka*, a KlUa. of LBbaa. H.. tod M
t. ■•Htaadt^ walai daop la top
bk eeld ovd wemgt.
It grew want
daily. VImUp tto beat docOc
' AkkLII*b..Stau Oltpato---add I badCbmawptlM aad oeald
_l Hvm
TbM I Imm aslac Dr.
ElW'a Saw Dlaetiiofj aad was wbol----------- "toMt battlaa." Poatttoato
"Oh. to-B am sf tto poUto Utor — aU Utod MMilBi laekte Bttaor* baa ao rival M satob. TWtbsB.
mitw Ckactao, OoMaaMafi
gMtod tto dit,
t toe yaar pardaa. bat t 4H Mt A K. WaU * 80M BBl 4aa O. Jato- ______ A md tjmmrnmbi
^aaw tM MB «TM aceaptod. Kscaae
Maplttr-^nil oth'T I lar.lw.Hxl 1-oj^
at our mill
\\ ill i>.i> .iichi-st mar-
k.'t prir.-n.
Joll.N J-.Ol I'sS: LU-
M* 0OC0 0OVr (wtam * yomr wot*,"
-na Tonk
has ato.t-va pot v. a ve. Ih.u'wii
‘ h m wiiU.un cniiiiiii: aiiyil.ine.
aim sFTvn- Ie.1 In Mrwd..i v IIK Aj Tto p-m ral made Up hi-mind lo
Isio a*t kula oMm v.-IK- a nein ami tr» t '.v.k.r al c
wai.N-y ftoaismitsm |..r 1-1 vratw. He I Tbc i-.-urt iiiH. <'n»l..r w o» l.riWL-bl
hr.-Utbi Iw
f-rv U. .vii\l.-i.vl
uf i.'nBrilNv btmI acn....... ...................................■■■—■................
siuat p-TwsI hon-lp-sl O-.lJafs. hut Is aiUU- , t.-ikvvl tu U' disti.i-oe-d fnuu Ito siTili-e.
.•I aU b* tvawlsrd ab iB.alri. AithIsliuK i
aa Ibe toilers W.'TV- fiwsanbal
Mab aliebikm
alisbikm Waa dirreied
d.reri/U |.>
h> CU.rU
Cl.irla T--Bk.
ibe Sek
ark rWeatbsilsBi
raeMtnsilani rare,
ruTe, asd alier taMs( l.< th"'. cra.-rnl f.ir bat ujiwu.al to scut
l-nr P^skis be Mt al—ul well, fla ruslli.ued sub II usUl be had Takes alne
parkaeba. and Mure that Ills*, shkh sss
ai.iulha ac»,
ac>>, be
M baa-s-'t Ml a<rwrsn(rtM-M■ ailam. Mr. H->-tv she had tara ndurvO
to a aketaus, has adbce Isrtvaued IT. |ha.
U watakl. be turiber siatef Ihst be raa
pw.r Ike als«e staleaMM h. Lie rui-
A kHtaa Betoet.
lAdy Wsrtley Mootacu. cm of FfiyIsud's moot tollUaui «i
rope'a -undylac batred to tto fudua Inc
mauntr; Tto puck vrbo wai defurmed
and very dark and addicivd to uuesdonliic everybody, one* asked tor to define
8to defined It
i -a tittle, crooked, black tblni
Tam, ^ “
M ato l .»ia Icim BiawMB 1 doaT
__ ....^______ ... rbe-iBiallsiu. '
.ll-.rts Tui.k
bs. toes
W. t.'iin.l
I.'iin.l thr
th lest
M.k bsr
nV setka th* sasae wsr Is all wlul to o.uIJ .
• r>iniiatlun by
ot tWeasataB^ atkh aa* Guniy.
tllluiii. die ted
tu-nie. ,.r as.
rr waaai-mparwaua
Ihal wunM ao askhlr ami auiel.r enrv aa |
thla It c.>Blaloa W.I is.le.bou ur liunrt.>as.,
him. Tb.-.r .htli.'Uliy was. ilrat. that
did ■>'•( klHllt I.uW. I.. cu nbiNtt it.
Be aatv aad oe. the ilcki wady, as M ta ' and. *is'-u,1. ili.'iv was tiu utBivT In tbe
In hi. p
The mast ftal-vmte hm.k ever ntPaa ap i finalh .l.s id
9 ^-tfc-r
....... .
Wtoo yon have It R'a laaapeelty;
wbee the atbee
toa had toaaod npoo the tod and fortack.
Cattta to pa away. MRly tto ailpped
.\beat the dm a Baa kMm aatd
tor hand down crer the bedaprrsd antotoc a hMband to baa to to«la W
«h waa tacky I forcet to pat R
away." aha tfaoacht as ato taw tto
batetar Bakla* hUnaatf at boew. ~B#
taMdi M take at hit tooea her* and
then tab tto toaae."
As ato can* la thU cowctsaloc the
barflar «roaa and tmad toward tto
bad. A task tt aarprla* ftaatod oear
Mt fica. bat bafac* to could Bora tto
Ootbsm. New Vurk'e allat. wa* orlclaally applied to Ibe Manbattaa tiiwi
In derlaivci. douUteae beranae of aoeiK
wm. Bslsrvuaa
aa Bhoat yuar yam.
train | c-mc
slatr, i
nii-iidiu.'... Tn-I.
________ -.................... ....
Don't use soap for your cleaning.
eoto OUST
la nxn 'conTeoient. cheaper and better than Soap
at any price. It softens hard water, lessen'e labor
and Injures nothing.
-j »bra to'w,*«s
j captiir.-d ito teiiipiatlon to pt blto out
The Greatest Catarrh Cure, no matter wherelt effects you, in the Head, l-ungs. Stomach, Bowels.
Kidneys or Bladder. Nature's Great Assistant in building up and cleansing the systerh. Formula
on every bottle, recommended by the best medical talent. Best stomach and bowel regulator.
Pleasant to take. Noi only gives instant relief, but CURES ALL BLOOD DISEASES.
ays SANE
Aammrortaaaaoaaw wdie* i>aM
m Wtlbriw rnmk a* mm a*
■rwh Cm b* ■■■im.
itUmt T. Baoaab ha* told two Iota
Lfindon !• Silnvd by Rumor* of a* Ualrn aMl. wbtab dbpaam a( aU Confoaood Murdoror PoUod on
of im Ualm Mraal aida od tlM OaUm
Hi* iMonlty Oodg*
End of Boor Wor
mapmrwi.lob mboagbl Maatiw
Oaa of tlo lota, u fwt froata aUrp. waa boagbt
br rardlaaad Laamtr. Jr., im prtaa
balag *l«a foot troaL Tba ethar
lot. ad)olalag iba aaw WUmtai Mote
•ut Nothing Mod* PuWlo .** to aad oaaiMBd >7 CmapOrU'i taooad Will Now ProkMtbly Bntor Ploa
mad ■tera.waa boagbt bp B M MoUo
of Ouilty
th* Mooting
aitmiamprioa Tbam wtU m a IS
toot altar batwaaa Mr. Moblo’* lot
B AftataBai II Jodaa Mmam^ oimt.
■■ tmm Omm m Hm Tmb aad tm WilbalB Moofc
Mt. MoMd will Bora hb tBokaWaam Kamna Wa AM......... .....
■ Bm* wmm
gngA galWr Uta im BON aaw oomlawb iBa CtalB aT taamCr
plad bp Mr. OaotebaU.
Mr. Laalam wtll baild a two itB?
Ate balUMag m imaatoteaf Ma p7 Ttewrate «*tb* award.
Imitw^ Ap1ll»-B«—wof mrir allap paai aa mm aa m caa anaoga to
D.troli, April ll-MIUlar wmfoaad
tm brick/wblab U raty amree mm bp asparta. Ba WtU probablp
pMca ta BmI* Afnok «>tk «bl«k
tkmMtU tsIU aroupd «n«*l laUrw
plead tailtp title afbrmoa aad m
mm mMixf fcardiig later- >
BBitlmad m ta tB». amt'te Jatetoo uatgbi. '
lUta joacpiwt oa iba oppaMB aid* OatMlt, April It. kteo-imazptata
M boor hM«n> im MMCUg *m mUm
a OTVd . Riband oa Dovalii« itrmt.' of l>.t ttrml. a faw dapa ago ia lU will report oa tha Baltp'of MiUar
tm Mmbor* «OTV iTrua vub Bmord. will auka mtldiag brite ta laB teU aftanMoC
ttaai tariot lawii taa abort ttaa
{Mrolt, Airll lA-PrafaaMr MiUar.
obMra TlM MMlMf
Biog Bdoord artlrte to boodoo
tiw cwfamad Bardaw of Cbiria Jobdm afMnoM. hatlag bam ioalUr
—I arralgaM tiila Bontag U
rdar’a ooari aad plmdad ate
Lrntefc April
l»-Tm rnMort
gallir bp riaaofi of tamatip. Jadga
Marpbp apfwtatad two Badloal ax.
■■■Mag iaatag lr« thaa lira boon.
BoUitagaiia lu dl«>*Mtaa or dmia- KnIghU Tomptar
(•aria to dalteBtaa oa to MtUar’a aimloavoi diralgad vbau li.« .moUiw
Happy . Cathoring
BdMwg. ApAI l*-Tba BfMteg
Mawi aar* >1 mi II fnoi a rMMMa
aaimnir tmi U. Boon vlll ofar Is
rcBBiaa. White am Oaaarim
Mr te«a Itwir arvi if il U ptaraa
oaarar tm Vma.
Claim* H* Wa* Juatiflod In
Mat a laoBiMfal gormmaal will m
Tm KntgbM Taafter aemr da aaj>
■alabiumd ie Brnlb Afitea bj im
Kitting NatlvoaL
tbiag br faalraa. aad imlr j»f*f Uat
araatag ta tlia Maaoate ta^ roooti
Caati MafUal t 'aaa Umrd
. AprU 10. ItetaridjtapaUa aoM teat bm bam mU ta
* Bam badmi bald a ai
-T»ambarr of halirm
la aldwar *mt teMaiter aftmaoM tel* oilp
m Water.
aad MOta tador- Vobfte b altowad of mrotal y<«r* ag& Tba
JifU. April II—Major Uttlaioa'
forlora aad tea targe UU whtab waa
«e m mamai aaaapl imteUgaM
brigbtaaad W. VTalUr of lb* Bartaa eorpa who
with bmatlfal oaraalloat and tea 1* miog irint bp OOort Barttal (oo tit*
daaetag mu waa aMwiaialT diapad fbarge of Buoatiag tUniar aatira*
wiUi flairi. Oaa of tm flarat poliabad ’hll* oa trial addtmiad the t-oari tola mailaa» af mtaaaai.
hardwood floon ta tm oIIt ha* lut tr
'llM rraai War. INmm aad Paa
im BCjor *aid m wai altbar right
broa ptoori ta tm l•all, addiog graatrwraog ta .bU aoUeo* and added
Ip le im pimmra of tm dauama
Tm maatban of tm Maaoota bataf imcm daaitod to olt* Im pre^oau
Wadumiwi. April IT-Plitaatial Bltp oad lhatr lodlm wma tho gaaoB white eoB* aador tlirtiaadef bU
m*a. B* alladed to the meal
tacraiarr Oaado of BatdAga'd prar- of tha Baifbta TaBplar. aad tin apatoo Urge for
la<«, U a rapdrt «a4a pa*>>b ^ tm
and eald I.e had n
Ibat 1Q0.000 lambiuau of tbr iroi'
1 Sodgat ta 1
laM of Baiangaa, baaoa. m*« pmtol>
ad br war. dUaam and'Marratioi pUc-e.
Tba 8lr Buigbla r*eal**d titt-lr ttaalag. tee Bsjte Bid tmi lafM br
•laaa im Anmlcaa omqaMl of ti>e
renot* to feU aalfona. aad after all waa with tha liritUh foroe* ta Bgrpt.
Hilllpplada_________ '
had arrired the grand Ban-h Otok wliar.- Arab* «a{dar*d ptekato of iUapnaltlPrll g KIM. AI*I*I«IVKII
|ila<A whirl! mw jortlelpalwl la bp gal oaralrr. deoaplBtad tee prtaooar*
th* air Kitlghu aad th*tr Uihfia eol.r, and pUoad their beadi on polea
k«l a Btlliaat aiid.Mriklar ftarwarda alt the Arab* who ware
t^l w*rt- teat wlteoal trial
During im oOBpalga ta laitm tea
th* KalghU aod the
hlMB BBtUatad the dead aoB locWailagtea. April It—Tm wpon of Mmra of Iba ladles a«kleg a pletare
tarod tee wedadad.
of mate bmaip. as th* lotrioal*
aoafanoa oo Iha pori olteoa owroprlwUm a taaaUo wa* eapnmd b<- wa*
aMoaUII #ai laid War* lh« laiiaU
.-a.«Btad iBBodtatalp wlthoal refer*
tall Mmiag aad agraad l& Mr. Ma> Umiaagb wlili TIte Ita* waa haadrd
the oam of
aaa gara aaeraaor tmi aMiu Will ha bp KBtami Ooauaaaddr W. W. BbIUi.
tee iTOOia of ermy mtloe ta Obtaa.
labH at ibU oaalaa lo pUaa tm mU and hi* wif*. who wi-ra followi^ bp
Wa* dartag th* teim week* m
tiwoOtaw* oad Paat BBtowt Oob.
(g raral froa driirrrr taall bcnra n
tea ABorioam teare. Hat
tsaadera' and BaBlari of the order,
mr thail Iraetlau of tba po»t»ilea d
OB* teiag oooanad later, wha*
with tiwlr ladtaa At Ui* eaoalulou
aa ao longer ta ooBtnaad. Ho
of the aarch tec danctag bamiae gmat>** Bade aad he bad every
*ial..aad eoatiaaedantU a Uie hear,
ring BBsta telbR famUbad bp right to milrTe^ihsi hU aot* were mpdiewan * Btagaaa fell o
An claborat.- bBnqe<'i waa tcrrrd ta
he larr' dta^ hall bp E. K. Broera appeoTod bp;tbo** Of otem ationa
It U iBpoaalblr to roooelva ante
<if Tbc Liui* Tarcm. tb* traptUif
Doirbeia. Micdi.. Apdl ll-rUl
hi-rp a* tiiaiot th* oatlve* of
ha«-« baak waa roblod liartaVrii vlaadsaod esMim
kid the Bajor. "Tbaproral.
farorabl* oobbcoL Tte ladica
CT." etld
atgbl br eraokoi««. Hov taaeli tbr
blood oad ban- aa appetite for
tklaraa ir»l Iba baak will aoi «iatr.
waaun earrUeg* of th* haBa>t/^«dp.
It U mUaiad llial Ihr rt«altag« Will
aaK^tto brivaaa *4.000 aad teOOa their Hell daooratiooa of r*d earaa- Tliaa*:Beod* elole OapiatB-^^ll'i
eUm ring. Oiled the soldier*' i>odle*
Thr robbrn taatdad bi> tbe baakwla- UouA aailUs. and rondelatata with
Wltli-pam aad Jetlp aad aitaaptod to
daw* 08 im lerida aftar gatatog aaBDrdor Bp ooBiaand. 1 shot
.1 tlBB. I
Waa» aad Bamad iha malt
boamtip thoogbt tbeo tloiA 1 wa*
afWr driUlog lain tm adM.!.
aaUooa. aa w.-ll aa.tea olbar dooora- right, and 1 bailer* ao now. Keltic
tinoa. aad alee the aakn for tb* boa- BP poepi* nor tea world will bellero
A1(UTURn I i foMKIKg
qaat. Tb* aaaa wa* aa taltawi:
>etoma>ardmm.Uapteiu Arihnr X. Marta. Baris*
« oraMb. ItoararndWlBOi
orpa. rrtnaaattag Major Wallet, te
fomatal amtaoni Trr‘r*~‘—* tiot
WalUr'saetiotkawai »JaatlBed bptBarOUoagA April U-Portp-Bre BCaarial law. qaettag i
tmtaiari aad wboUml* dmlate In
rim on tea sabJecL
Bte, doors aad wladow Mtadt n-preAt til* rtam of imarganM
tong Ilk* gatwla fron out of tm
- Batiag |lt«W,<«> 'capital, ara aboot clip wmr tee foUowtw gto Xalgbbe mtcaa* tee geomal fmllng
to aatar talo a roahtaa to aoBbltah a a^thelr Udloe: Willard Bmllh. Mia* tm.tmali of tm trial wiU be tiw aamala of irUoa. A Boettag ii oall.-d Biiai Bailll.. CliarIcToU. Ma aad qalttal of tee amjer.
foraou Tbandap ta Ohicagb Tm Mra A. r. OaBoroB. Mr. aad Mrs.
talmaaBd «rouaie Mtaated ta am- O. WaUbtmbt. Mr. aad Mra^Oop
aral bugs riti** of tee ooealrp.
Brown. Omtral Joke; Dr. oitd Mn.
Oakoil. A>M1 l»-Mra Harwood
lold tea poUm kadap imi teo bod ta«
adbpJBBa gm aald that whaa tea
waa with Jaom ^ waabat taapaim.
bla far mr oeMbte. B
aha baliatm ter paUm m»» tee right
l^otod Olvlno will not Rocovor
Watetagtoo. April.Jl-Tmd*alhot
TalBCg* it axpaoted cap BOBiwt
Ba m* baeo anoaowdow for thirn
tepa Tm roageatioB of tm baata loa
Doielmied. TbrphptietaaampliawlU
|Om awap witbeet regatalag oaarcloamem, No raBaJtm tea Lbrata
who write the word* “Walk
IKet Shoe*1 more than
20U time* uo a |io»ia! can!
ai per okS ]cuc oltn. *e
will give 10 If R CENT.
niSCUrST on am |.a.r
utthoei ll^- mi) eelcU
bcfajre A|oit 2H ne*L
April ll-Tb* proai.
dmi today aigaad tea tOTBia* tairopml biU white cela of mBe RO.OSS.000 from im aaautl tabome of te*
DetroU-Wbaat. (tiaad gO^^c
r. J. nallte. MapU OUT. Mr. oad
Mrs Jerry Balllraa. Mr. aad Mia. PO; cat*.
Toledfr-Wbmt. 80S asd ».
rtaakShaiar. Mr. and Mra A. W.
flkloago-Wbml. nS; pora..<
KlUam. Mr. and Mrs. Wb. Ilea aad
mta4l: putk.*l«8IS;»aid.^.r
blar. Oadmr Ml*. WbltaBa,
■oath Ana: Mr. nd Mia QUo. V.
. Toledo. April lt-9wlng to UU
BVKimik aoctSTi'.
WllltaBa MaaiCB
paor baalte of Hapot Jeem m l> eooiMt arrolv oBoat tblrCp Breed
• coauadtie** mrlag te* part? ta
Mdartag ratlriag froB oablta Ufa. charge war* as faUowe:
Mra. Sproel'i frtaad* mUed oa bm
OaUm acme deetdad teaaga for im
rmp aarnpromdlp la help her eaUhtetm lakm ptaaa Jma* will mot m
brsB mr Ord Hrtedap aaalrmmp.
aaadidala a^a.
Tba ermtag waa *pmt pUptag
MIb Lmoc Bproal aBtattataed
TahaM Sr VMM.
teartowd with a
k. Im orccB md caba*
Boaa. April ll-Tm rattoan l.aa
aairad aad ta tiw wm oaaU boara.of
daeidad that Aiteblahep Feafaaa aad
tm Boiatag tiwy departed wlahtag
BUhapMaldMOaelad rigbtip regardH. a Jopnt, Htaak rritertte. K. tiialr heaiam awap bappp tteama of
tm dUpaB With Vbtbar OxowUp
ILA TATMAK baa Borad hU tamr*11. third -
( blmaa Itetaao Maeam.
Chicago, AprH 11—<rrlday>-Atrlrale were SI con oo Nortwaaten.
taoladtag S Bkri at bUtamth aHvet. 4
mn oo Bi. Paul. 7 mr* oo Mltelgaa
Oeutral. I oare oo Wlacoaata Outtal ,
Bi Wabate.S can oii'Barltagtaa,
ion ImkeBlkon- and t.tOD eaoki
frOB Ml. htgaa hp bemv the Bret of
tee aeosoB.
_7bme waa a good trad* Cad a Btb
Biarhet. Local baper* an taking bold
trmiy aad paplag miter prteee.
Few atiae are OBde miow 80e, and a
itp aboT* teat flgara. erm for
Ageod maapeanate
mfle<l ■
oOBtag with two to focr Tarietlm
Tbm 1* a talUag oH
ta tm oeiatd.- deaBBd for Hacked
etook aad ears loaded for poioU'Ukat
reqclrc etook ta moks are lietng
dellTere^her*.- Bapidla* on traok are
aot Ui^.
- ,
Balea were I ear ebaloe Itaial* at
re. I ran tBaU RaraU at BSo. I oar
Blaed 83<-. I S^t 8So. I oar teekdd
tad at 8*0. I ear aaoked long white at
M City today. 7«
Bap dtp. Mite.. iBuad sore pollcla* Oaring the paar tllDl thaa aap
oteer atak aad aeeldawt eoapaap
ta Mltelgaa. M. R. TataBa.
g«at ____________ ___
M. te. TATMAH hai aored bU taaur.
-anm ofltae to room ail, third Boot
writing tbe aliovc ward*
the grealcti number of
limet we will give a pair
ofl.adiei’cr Uendeaea'*
S8.&» Walk-Otet Shoe*
J.'ffteiBh. M a DwprcA 1. te.
M. B. TATMteH tee Borad hi* ii
iK’wuna srtr=.K,"Ts sirss. us =as.-:ii:
ll't a dandy and no mitiake—fkJ centa
genuine ATHI.KTIC (tuff
i^.OO. How
about the NKWLAMt H.M'. $.1, $2,
NKtii.U'.KK SMlR-rS. We will wail fur you tint
evening until lO'Sn. .
UMbrdlss SM ts tSAt
LinitD V. mn
Seller of Walk-Oven and Otliei
See our new line,
handsome effects,
There are some
Prices from &Oc
SMttbtrq's Hellibk Dtparlmtnt Shrt
DO YOUR business::
Did Vou Know
That we are headquarters for all the little thinj^
in the way of Draperies and Cushions that go to
make the home beautiful.
That we can jilcatc pou in
Myle. •]iu)iit'and iwioc of
a piano or organ,
good* are matle right and
ever)' |nirdkaser it a aaiiefictl purchaier. Our Ucti>r)- jrice* ami eat) lenii*
will lurcly interett )-ou—
Come in andece the good*
01* carry * grad** et DieyNi
I’ure White GdoK Down. Bite, i6xi6 lo 34X.4,
at boc to $1.35 each.
Cirey Down, sizes i6xi6 to 34x34. at 45c to $i4»
Manilla Down or Silk 1-Toss, 16x16 10.34x44 at
3W to 6^c each.
ITLLOW COVERS. 35c to $3do each.
ITLLOW CORDS and Drapery- Fringes in a
■ large variety.
Jl Ittegnmctiit line «l Silkallat*
10 an* If* p«r yard.
Twilled Reps. .,Cretohnes. Art Denims, Printed
V'elours. .Jute and Cotton T apestries, Mercerized
I'apcstrics and Printed Hurlaps. in endless pro
fusion on our main .door.
»vr HAVE i.A« K« riiTAix otiiet< nttua to maT.
T 01. mniiken.
85 cue* jeat receirei) uil itUcol on ule, icdu<nnp a big bite of morileii oct*
' title And while lincil granite arare. Tike pfkc* on tbovc gouib are, at usual,
the hteeti miheeny. In adtlhion lo OI X LOW PRICKS wc give yoa
The Uieat imjirovetl gaaoline. engine
on lhe-m*tket,.no cranking up « re20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT
qnired, ha* center weighi crank thaft,
Oo aliove gooilt u well aa on evetythii^ you boy at oar Bore. STOP ANIl
ha* rolan
engine urn* U*t <*
OfNce with Jackawi Cesay-Cu
THINK the bigbaving you are ofTeroLbere jiM now and take advantage o(
tiow, J. 2 and 8 c>lmdet. For further
Both 1‘tiooe* 141.
the greateti talc ever ofl'eretHn the city, ai
pankulan *ec our agent,
Parcel and
Tbe Only Eenway Stem
afda) Me wiD *eU
M. R. ---------- . UmI
ContMl cloaes TuwUt,
Ajcil lR;*l7p.nk.
tmaoacteBoegiTm bp tiw Doafey
Berm wlU m Taasdap ermtag at
meondaWtel baa
pmatm sT atdMW am Mte. McKlalar.
April U—Tm hoaa*
mtep lamad tm bUI CMtiag Mb.
kk iKk courm aoa -ntt
FcBlIr Oaro .bam TaU m >
aap aSaot. ^ faBilp m** m
told to rerign ali bop*. Hit aoo a
dao^tlan am a:
7*be best oil opaque cloth—the kind that holds its color.
- The best roller—the kind that blwa)** workt—and the
proper adjustment is combined in every ooe of our
msde to ortler window shades. We uke the measure
and hang them without'e^tra.charge.
af Ohiaago_______________
.wrnn.B BXUBT Boamr. w
wmaTMaaCwid I
Proapl Ikdiveiy
They know no equals—very few can be
as rivals. They show all those
careful thoughts in designing and mak*
iog that are so pleasing to particular
men. See them at our store.
McNamara BUu
^aamTWBtimmmoomD,'«kArMnmotTt, ikxc&. katubday. aiu it. im>.
k R4tiONAL eone
M ■totm.-X D.
k S. Smas
tDmtio s‘€Mm
fetSp In and see the Beautiful
Iron Beds Aye are selling for
cutes lytetunktl^ In the only effective
Ml JMlBliy MlMlitf 1
way—by~ftmoving: the cause.
ioi.-no pottdi •
twu. Mu.i-4. n* »TMic» t»t«TMt Un SEE IF niMITT tMEE WITk IL
•mttti I ilw. teihiattrMto
wurnm a Qw»*iii. WII^WI
■MM • MMl to lb* MfMt ■
tl ^wtoM MW MW.
‘ — toyoiL
----------~~— ---------- —MUy giTO
IUt V1I«7 a WrtfU, IMW*.
MmIV MTrtM w w A
BiW> wtoel M MM.
(MMM BbAmvot pwyw MM
They arr four feel six ‘inches high, have contimieas
posts, very latest designs, soy *iic or color—white,
apple green, olive or blue. Best thing on themarket fog
the nume)-. We have lots of cheaper oors—any sigfc
with beat woven wire flpringfi. complete for
We also have a few rtiore ol those line high grade bedi
at nearly one-half price—last >-cai;‘s styles—»w are dot
ing them out at less than iactory cost.
CirMA WMlBU BeB«TB<«r. You vooViMTe to take
It Twy long, ^ you .TOt to take a good Of
cored thooeapai of people
CPTOhoca FallA O, Mar. 4. oi.
Sr. Auams Rehidt Co.,
SL Albant, Vt
GuTLibKM :-4 am very thankfnl I hare at last dtacooeied a remedy
umatUm for tweitty
core ttf rbeomatiim. 1 have had rhcumatUm
tw^; years, and for
pa.t fourteen year* I have audcrcdJ pain constantly (rum the top of
head to the lip <k toy l<>r\ and lurr the past threeyrart I bad i>ern
onable to oleep very much and would be more tired when 1 would get
up in (he nmonttng than when ( would retire. After taking Smiih'*
•AToa three weekf the pain
p-=- entirely
GascN Muuktain RcaovAToa
, BwOMlMlMd TtBMi Umw pm
and 1 can now deep well and (eel like a aew^man. 1 am rc^' glad t
kr filial la w fti iMk Um Bm. W. T. WPPlhaPM. laWM..
reebmoend it to other* and gireall the informalion any one desirci
k tbi tlA. PMTll M Mdl BMM,
(Signed) Cha*. £. OsTfAWbUL
b*llW (PM ImpU IPMtlMl llpypOiM
muieoM. UaMltka wUm
MbHIi’i «r«eA
t dte tIwU. tbt froPkM*
BTMlai MWiM al7i0& Sabjoet,
litlelbr----A Uttio Uawa.
iwoontiy. It ii R Vermoat medicine—
PntM Mirtai at tka alMO of Ika
I «ltb U* fuiac laa Valaablf
TM IMripM Mt> WMk «tu •»■
■ Ml *• f«Mlt f«MM
cm^ MwiM PI iiw.
j(tht«MMt!wMMiwia Bp
^ «M«pl ntaM, it «MM M MiniirTMlMi all iKMIMI oaf (Iw
|m Ih* tMlMPI if |M*Mt iP (kta CMMl
pokUc M *11 ov MrrMm
BUwMk fPPTM ■Mtlai ThmrpUj
r^it^u>nji;i KwaCTBab.THoiipao>ikbaSTlwUBo.lviUiM -■** ****••
fOr. mpnn B. fff«
ennonter*—made of the roots and herbs
P^te«alPPL Wbal Uthe ‘AU^aw'porSaUr laUtad to tboM
________ MintRln SiBto. It wu formarly the prqpr Mtt U Um (liU oaaaot la OTTifM. ^
of a man who hsd< seither the expertenoe nor the
PMP ttwtaripwMMi 0117
ittm- to
introdooe irthroaf
__ jughont
— oc^t^, but was
r U U eMMS PPl VOU Plapwl Rot. Haifa SwBa|7. IMiar.
with iti great snooeei In his own
k a patpow aad. Um* »«UI b* OUMMotla|at«:ap aa __
. . is within sTerybodn resc^
Moralai owrloa at 10«L TImmp
n K «!*«• »< 0
' of iMl Ml for MtfiM lUa
>Tbo]lae>M of tl.o OoopoJ Hop
I ttPM (!•«• win boa
kiMMliy of iPWMMd room anl (aetl **Suia7 oofaool ai U
Spportfa Uaiao at I
snd theioog Ust of dangerons disesses
tUM fot Ibo an> dopartMPl
BfMlM aooTtioMtVBa fkaaio, trooblai in moee orgsas.
TbaMaaitr Blad. Bartfa IoHmtnUaiaedlolQrU bitter than anything ilM fbr ttan iPootkAtit tsa
fftM bwM «Uk a oMi hall al>alala»
of roots and bate wliOM ourattve pr^aitt lariabMlutely
UMaf ruUw lUula bao alroalj .Aoatdlal wolMoMfcr 70a at all
g^Wa ai. polBt.ao a rood
nmci ioottao and Man to U hmApoL.
tarp^mm^rupm. TbUUa
Matnii^ own viteubla rMaadiat^y o
{■MUfUBoMH bOlPwiaiMd
liohaalatl. oUbdard Um
n>at la the diObrenoi, and a
If anybody in your Ilunlly to WMk. alciaj^g^aiUnc. dragging around
In a halCdead oonditlon aU the ttma and not oMmlng u> gotany'bitirr,
fbr. Wa. laafnaa. iMlor.
batoo quick IntPtUni Hold of Mnlih'.Vrrea Aounialo
Xmmb of ■aaio aro loabiai forward
OloM BMMtlai ata JO.
■ mTTntrr It will 40 tot you what It nerar toiU to do for othr-r 111«V d.<-k». H..
Wootalp at I0:W. Borwaa t.
^llbMMdof piMBBTafala aaUolpa
...d t« Mkj I
<u, TnwMinv.
foa to Um oMoon to ho itroa bj HMtroo if Ufa. Mo. t "
headoj nboot at It.
Wi ktMOlntily gnarantM thto inodieine. Thu to Minothinc wo »n*t
Itawatt * RuBmc' caJutUa Xprll
Jaabr LiB|P0 al A
doIbranythingilM: thattotouy.ifyouatandlnneed ofa medieino EDISON Talking Maohlaes. •oeided
- tfao
i/. la
woak <
Keoord*. ebrei mesle aa.l netfoa
Ibo.Ollr Upon UcMo aoUto _
' mdtod tor ale
ter, nndjLflt BiU to beoiSt you you can hare your mpn«ry back.
tTHfle. ISU Proot Btri-eL
fM of Ih. Hl|h fofaool Loeidro * Ufa Worth UrlBl?"
NMohaaio to boar, of rroalai
■laili eoMO. Vfalcih win boooMpn*All^ ootdlaU7 InrlbU lo tho oorMkMl («» wbiefa aa admtaUoa fo. of
MljViHliWinboohBnod forotfa
bnwi-r. pteked ap Ibe envelop, afb-t
■ aad IK
mtva of persons bad peared over It
MPta hU te.tbo heoM that oaobr
pod fouoJ tutde aeeuHlies re|ireaeal
^4 fit Alt oaMW.aad rtrtj oMt la
___ .._joaloo al TJda ■
lagku.voa He oaned It to KsUy.
Ao hoow U a|p04 MO Mr AlaeoaHoraiaK aorrieo aad Mfaa at
HiUvr & Co . bn>krrs io Walt Mirel.
Mrl Me OM Who karoo mHo Aoald I0;*k
audUw-y'mld lU-p-curUtes bad
■la. «hU opfMrtuUr » hoar Btowon
, prouil«->l for a loan. A uiuuie later
* IHotoM- eroha«n. wl>lcfa luui al
Atl are ourdblly larltad to tb.«o
an eaoitvd moMangvr buy rosbed ti
potoemw- doiMltlBMit forfaiddloi
^«7 tafcao taak wlA tkO'hwt o>i
«» of >h. malU w the tVMpto .eapplv and aid lie lied lost Uirm, Tl.u took
«■faoorfa of faHat-AtWwIglM 1
Al BtfialwHnM la Um otaU.
Loose. UO laiBlMe rtrw-t, Ghtea|o. er« i.Srnd Hr /..dluer ilH> reward
TIm otMlIwt cMOon |wo|TaM iItm Ra«>..71u>iaaa P. UUob. raator.
(« fiaaduliiut BM of Uto naila Ttw He derliUNi tl.
A thoB aadorltw aorptooa of Ha
looe lllabt of fSOTier
■I.MM of thb eoMmwas to mhI
•wlMcrlaB iMt wlator oMtoo ifao 01Haater aobMl at lA
pltreoBs'liae ie.l eudi-d. TbeMrts he
aoUoPM of tfao ooaoM to ho |lr«i
long u adword Soiuera. of HtantoD.
Jbreb li, aal m car who loroo the
Bnabr B^Mror. ft:4«
olM Of BoUo paa afotd W ■!■
Bropiai Mrrleo al 7. Bofalnit, all who apidted. Penuos aaiwsrini Ind.. aand were taken to Uanalee.Tto..
were lafaraed tlM Uwv mnat read K> wberr Mr- burner* It .pnodlna the
A Aopa^ftaawUl far 00 rarlal a. "WI.7laa>aOhrtaUaa."
Thinda7 eraalair taajor bmUox al MPtafor farther inrarMtiiN< Tiuy winter. The bird, ww.- releued and
AploawaU laoUa
tbra rreelTed a foaatala put with la- arrived home la goofl order, making 1
•ttwetlaa* to write letton to tbeb flight u( VOO mile* ia.lUb1.v-.ii honra
CoaMootlal I'rtrnd -t‘in
jBoeph Hoale. of OoppleUon. OnL
trlMd. aad (Metre ooaalalaaa i«
•hMt tbi. BMoaow hoUf for (ho pub~ ilaoau w wocUilp wlA a. aM all i«ui mid.
pal up at itie Normandie hotel In Sar
,1k- loeO. Uaro jou
«oro. wortliCbM aad Ub poor.
n» total Talaaiioa of the tote FbU- nia and net being aoenMomed to tUiplip D. AraoiT'. estate in Uhieago and ingwilb alight in thr room, bl.-w
Hot. D. Oiohlia. paator.
New York baa
brea amred aL It oni She gas befeiry reUrieg. The nest
edt l-To t
Tho aarrlow both ■oralax aad aaoBoto 10 •U.TEl.lOa, aad to a laifr morning eitentloo was called 10 his
a ta man tbaa tbot. i'ro
pulrlM all .oTor atj di.trlrt. aad It o^ly^^U^faa donbad^BMb aa- eatiut eoMbU of pereooal preperty. TiOD fay th. Btrcng anell of
woa‘1 aCact IU7 rhaecoo fur ouutbor if Um exeaUM
la addltiop to the abore taaed na. Hoele'e body was foaad cold
tana In tho ollibtaat dciroo.-Ctiteaia poatwL Thep
there to Maw real «HaM ta lUtoeto The vletlm was a farmer.
WlU bo:
aad etawherw. the value of wnleh to
Parmer Henry O. OatMlman of Win.
PbaW PoMOiar.
net itven. - Mr. Aiaoar left pnoti- ited. Conn., who eayi be made "a
eaUy aU of hto eMau- ■ lilt widow. pile of meney’-laA year w-lllng ap.
Hit. Mo7 Vokat wao otan boro Bo|>Htm. Look aato Uo-Pala
Malvtoa, aad hi. tea. J. Ogdea Ar- plee bearlag a beet piotare of MeKlatoBfaor t. Itoo. U har «rl|laal ohataoley, hsf boighi one of the flueet fruit
tar of-nur" to**117friMirm 80I0. "JMoa. Soria. U in Morar.
> pnlrteflreii
orchards to Umt vietoily. He aye he
lodia,- paorlHi • «0PlM fait
Morl^Kla Kaaohaokp.
tho BMW Mil:
Soraoi. Tho Xlalaliy of KaU& . la Tarry ooBaiy.-Teaaa. It fan. swept wiU have the head of Pieeideat
OhrbI u Atboi-Piatt.
over a wetka 40 inlliwHaag aad 90 RoorevoU, MoaMd wtlU a .looob
H.raa. . Loro to tho Ohiwb- allaewlde. hnrntog .the giwM and hat. oalUoid on all hto fralt She eoa
I aad Hlw
it TIII7 1< aa I
TikM lifaMt lata a jartapM
nl^Qirelal aaob will Vroadaro. aanycptUe. The daakge hat alrandy tog aaaon. «sS.s1».h trfreee lo dieclose hto proe.ee for making pleturee
«7 whioh b 0lrtkla|l7 fotebloi.
b7 Hlaoao KiMherokj. Brorrtt. Doo- reaobed •M.OOa
The meaber* of lb* ladspMdant ooanttoa._________ '
U«t» MwplaT. "HfaoBBabpAfo poo. Ora7. aad Maaa gkole^
Drwa ebrpeof WtlUaasport. Pa., reToo?*' Hl« Vokoa U wld to har.A woman to tbie elty to so afiw
Hra. Wolloo. idaalM. T&^ofla|
lart that ato hot adtalfahlrWill bo (a tho patohan of bow hyau tareed Wedneeday froa Ni.bei, whae aleroWe that ebe-will net eit
they parttolpaied ia a teoeiiioa
chair, nnlea It hae brea waehr.l
boika. Pkaaa ooao tPopaiod.
■aao (W. Ma. a KI.HIo.
•oUltr retatalag froa live Phttlp- " k-ky MoBDtolB TVa. Hi
oento. Jaa O. Johnioa
Tho auMl olooUoa of Boor 0<
a. Bpaobd a^^ br:
Ma • ocwarrod hot orealoi. aad n
oaltod te tho MlaotlM if Boa J. W.
Bar aot IJoataoj Al
' Ma.aa4aharbo VU- A. HoMaaoi aad char
•praag froa a tore tewnrd their earUod b. wUh Yoa-Ohmt ebotz.
riage. With aaarU and blaalng .-yea
Ul U» .Klaiof
.Klai of OIocT la-Ohma
Ibe beast honnded forward aad the
will alM br*for ttw
alHoUaad, wlA Joooph Bataor aa al- by’iSr hooka
allkaa drmaaur, who beat the drna
wteb thmadwem. blow* Btartled by
Ike not. the wild wt Mdied. (bm
tho 4Htaa it BaaMtsho mU Nor
late the wooda
folk arr aot. of oiMno. ilip 0017 wror'jmr of the mophoiir loavn who will
Jeha Staaea. of Brertl^ Sm.. hae
, -hiTo BO wKo to aorooipaap floNt to
etoven ghlldren aad fifty-one gaadthi caraaaHoa. bat tbw wif ho th«
ehUdrea, and great-granddiltdrea la
wolf doiwo pmoDt la that iMalUoa
hto faally there Im been hot one
who will iinrbo hwoduarj ri|hta
dtpib. tiat of hto wUe. la more thia
Tkpa. Um duko of Mduooad. orhMo
fifty yeeaw. He never lea a chUd anr
dalM to con? (ho orwarr with tfao
a giMdenlld and U flft.T yean yret* a New Spring Ijae Via Kid Hah, Sa
loro oa that onaatoo hat Wo
WWid. ■ a wMowor. bM bo b____
doeeor revet ereoeed bto dooretop no
tin Calf Bih, Kangaroo Calf Bab
U| tho ^00 to bb aea. litd Uarefa. <w
hb fnalMa. Lord anAastoB. br b>k
-a Two IMlah Worth of
BHahetli Whtttla Pickard. wUe of
cbJ g—bPia. 00 tfao a«Ml MbbwMO
Beaail L Plekatd. to dead at har neortd A. with tbo oMlorUr u( faia i»m.
■arotp • opMtator la ibo abboj «• tbo
IdwM at Boston. Bar taUier was the
•orwttal day. The -YtfbU- of th.
TMegir kmtbar U Jaho Orerelref
<«ika if IL AHbaa. a faarWtsr of XL
woOi waload at the hnt cuart mt
aaMb.ref the poat'e hnnahol
daabary. Of tsu yrer. eb* be* mkJbP. HlhMo Barb it OPbha. Bob.
anapsh Uieiwt la the twaaorvatton
and ear* ■ Whlutor'* btothpbue ta
oflegilimsle farce, May \'.ic\ Chsile* W. howvr, John F. .Want,
ami a number of olhm well Ln.mm fur artisti. ev. clicncr areiii the '
com)ian>. Mr. Kii-e's atirai-itmi is Vinnin,; av high |wai*c fus-khe | T'
manner of pretmiatimi x% fy the ackiHwleagv.1 n>cl^t of the
comedy ileelf.
to Ua
-ed to
Porttlvoly gnonnlred.
... .:is::ir.s'3S.7~ri;.'5’;'s,'S.'
Gtntnl Htios "1
That great line of the celebrated
1-!%^ Leonard cleanable Regrigerator.
We'^ have always carried these
goods, but never in our history have
I we had such an • assortment to se
lect from. Absolutely every style
that can be thought of. Prices from
$7.25 to $29. Ice chests from $6.25 to
$12.50. It is advisable to see them now
while the stock is complete.. We surprise
every one who sees them. ,
ao aTVUEa
fa tfiAOPAmthof al A 8b.
gAiUwK bW an 7MO|w thaa bar
Goods from the Mknknqn Stofll A aaaU tataae wre ktokad at
arr anirii^' daily. S.lc will
the «ef.
the Sehaam
annooncitl ai eoao ai goods
W airaagrd. The Bosioo Sm4^|
Staf|. TknaAw. ta a eetled yellM e
Something entirely new. It is hard to prop
erly describe them. We want-^you to see
theiVi for yourself. Then there isJ:he Detroit
Vapor Stove, with either two, three or four
burners. You can place them on top of your
range or stove and it Idoks like a part of the
big stove. They make the housewife’s sum
mer work a positive pleasure. See them at
once. Prices are from .$8 to $27.50.
Will soon be n^ded. The warm days mean
clean up your front yard and make your
garden. The sooner the better. We have
all the tools necessary of the very best qual
ity Eind prices are always the lowest. No
hardware store in northern Michigan is so
well stocked.
l(liDradi.«iuMnin-)iH«; Bcm^vranAT. Ann. ia i«
Are much in demand just now.
We shall tryto keep sizes In pur
line as complete as possible—
*8.60. S10.S12. SIS.
From $25.00 down.
Ccndtnsed litws
» ef mcblgm
of hU.iai«)>tiOB. Bad Botaword
btord from bis
util a oeopl
wesfca arn,
dllOfroB Boottle.
be aasi bit wife
A few ^ totor
be lolBiBod bone.
Be WB* to Iba far
oil darlBf Ua BfcaiBeo bBt
Gall and
them—orily best to
show yoLL Made by H* S. & M.
or Stein-Bloch Co.
Charleir Mam tfaUad <w t
IMd B« onto.
____ '.L'-iz-d
cptoBBUoo of bi* atogntor bmmb.
Tiw bMvr low to to* an»r iwto
ffroot sroat waa vary si
Mto iMt wMk («B* taa Uto ID bo.crf H<- aiBply ivtaraod bone wboB be Ohorloy Boraa arao drivlag his BOi
r»attatn»i slrto wUl boU away
•>r touaftl lo loatx-TjBBD. bat ll will ured of atoytog away.
vary rapid boaaa ;aloBg tbs s
at SMlnbagff'a Orand nan HoBday
toe reaatl ef b dreBS a large
Irtlpoat till’torsMMi. vid •arMtollr
od. Joat aa too aniotol ateppad apoB
■vanng.April Ulh, wb*a toe laagfclag to be nproarioualy fanny. .-Tb* plaor
t. ia moot •■•apa.
croaatsg. a aproM yeong -ssB wBd
wriitoB for laogUng parpewa
■aeeraa of tbr drasaUo
tiltoe WM r*ry dry np Uwtfa. bal tlw gaBtaed for tor ]
raa joS onMaiag toa atnwi aatd.
lu Mnagea. Mr. Myreo B.
MleblgaD aed ladlatia.
■MW. whieli )>M iu«lwd.j«|i{dly, will
Vail, harry Bp. Oharloyi ot I'U "Wbeaeilaby Are Yoa*" wlU be pro*--- -arlooaly etasplated aakICO* lone WM* toward b*mktoff Uw
Ibrow yoor eld wagon viglit over yoor
BOdlaal aoUag* for a doeliy Welliagtoa K. Bon of BagiMw,
r too taff-tlaa ang- tor's dlpoloioa. for be doolaro* that
Ui-'b.. asd toelodr a Basbrr <.r locsl
ll WM b»B«bi est to « dr
Wbaa'-toldClsrUy. ai ba awpof ItoilUetoU bright
b* boa disAwrarod k aara eon for to*
Tm yean .m«>.
atOtMd lUindf tfatowtok thotUw Oitoaaler*.
ped tbn arsKoe aqaaroly oo too «
aot faroa balonga to ttot rafinod ordar bine* and all other fors* of deapemd
wit* Irti toe l,a.bo»d OB «oe ooca«ioa JiMM-a. a fami<^r liTlog to what la bow
Ua did Bot look arohod. never
popalanaml by ProbHtoUgBB rmX fletda. diaased toA COM a Rlasoe to oilher olda
for BO Otbar raoKiB Um that be hod
It wa* wrilMo by Mack E
Whose Baby An-To* r"
Bvr of oil Ctarted la the aMriaew
ktoaod bto owu Bottwr to tov pm»wca
ot«woo yoBBg Baa walled.
'nwB be Bwaa, aatour of "Brown'a in Town"
Tba plaoa a^oondr U awrootaiiagly
ralb-y. Aewtag aoolfa torougfa toe deoidad that nwa.‘’ee 'bis"
<d hU wtfa
anddeab with toe ladrietoo* adree. ,_____
_ attoationa. brand new fokea.
KatoMiono now hm laa. eaiei of aiair aad tuodiiBc tbe BonbaBal our- torDed 001 lato toe mod. oad walked luraaof
a napid yoang artl»c and buand
'and brilliant
aplgranit. Mlaa M«v
-------------^-r-------------------------------------of lodtana. wot tor loaroe of (be
I tocn-pMor
reaiid toe rtf.
frtoad* baaoBB of to* anexparied ap- ■ Vok.-a aad Mr. Olsa W. Howim supUblDoU npply. BBd toot 10 yeara,
Aa be Bepprd opoD ton walk s
peaiaao* of aa tanooanl baby la hu j porwd by a clever ootnpony oi faroenra
woold elapar brfwe payiug welUj
• - - ,
I otoar aide of U>a atreet.wl«i hi* thlna stadio. Tbs plot taa venmld* Chin-{will interpavl tor pier*.'
lid he Mek.
expevto 'Weal
bavo^ip^^ Oharlev sid ■•Qlddop" u
qaaruiilBe li to rleld' ttaai atoll oarnan have boee ordered to reeeir* no fowd fiam
al(sgtoe‘u,el.or.e. and-drovn OB.
Aad mb.
bill! bu»' 1 had gh'bn his plau* tu llw
■oil froto toe ptoeorded houea Moat I^tory .tltoo^ tolbe
rvuiili-rfrltm. D«w douhllrea lirlirdiig
of toe oaaM ore Ilgl.L
Bm Oharloy aerer Ballad.
that I ««■ lu «x>llu.ivu aitb Ihrm. Aft
Aa a raaab of a vole ukea no (be
rv awbllr luy t-ui|i>u>vr raun- out and
qoaoUou UoBitoy, Itojr .eoanir will ft-cenlly tor 10 yOBi mp-ralUiOB hold
lookid oie oier crttirally. Tbrii niihTbu now being ruuiovod,
tolar «i.axi for lb* porpoae of beildvul a nurd bv Botletnd my guard tu
aadoatisfaetory nwiUe reealved.workl*'
Kamd liaadr
Ukr-im-lu JaH.
IBC 0 deteatbto boapltol for (be owe,
WIob Voanara
Tea: 1 har* retired from tor detaeily vffoil* to get ao latervirw with
o( toaoae |iattou}a wlw aaaaot bn m- Ima bs« began to eairnral in lh«8t i
live bBSIneaa Wben a man la bruagbt bliu were frailk-M. Whm 1 wa* ur
eoMtoodoto.! ot toe lUie toalUotioiii.
to trial Tor bla owu mnrdrr. It I* priB* laik-tird. I fuuud that I wa* (luincrd
Btoalay HoUtoirrr. need It yeoro, bIot Ul. ■«»
S.hx.1 o. Conn. tarie.evidence that be b not fitted lo a-llb liriDg vue uf my owu u>or<b-i> ra
toaplnd to wraok B llift Kout iwaeeii-, ita .u .wi. ... ....1, „,r,
I a-uuid bate taugbn] at l■'lllg ar
aoiiBHon la the oalondar. Btoblbant dow n crimlnala.
■BT troto 01 Nile* Tboreday by i>1b«.
«-0»rd of my oa-n uoitov lipd ik<i tin1 bad cuurclrrd a great fSBry fur ib*
iof B fnion pOBl ’ln BO o'lirtebr pA>l- gaa U now .off. ring from aa . pidrmlo
(imrully i-r proving my Idrutiiy ■•rni
detective acTTlce froB reading atsat
tioB betoenii tor Ur. on B Irealir or-syitrri.ina rtispi.-araiioea, arveral
apparviit All tbe eddrinv na« agulliat
iMHicq and ftberlork llulmr* aud nil- 1 »•*■ moving fr»ta pluvi-10 |iU.i--wblob aiona U9waclBo ertwk. bI tl>e baiag roeerdM anwly ovary day.
ileai repolaiiCB. and tbe only
A oocimnut. joal ai it waa ool frOBOBUktm (if (be oilT. A e(<olloB foret9too*laa.-Dtwliotokestoe aebolor- delrvmlnrd to make It my l>u«lDr*a I nndav at leawoiwalias iKHibilroa Ibr
ri|if<-t<<<l til dlvo.irr iiripr.* it
■toB Urkllr (ilarorered tbn itopB tew iht tree, has barn ram-trad toroagb ahip le tor atinal >v>a* of tbe books aerOrrO a fob lu Cbkagu. hut was dl*iiir
wiibln a. wivk f»r.*tu|>Mly. WM a cU-or ca»r that I n-a* n •ountrr.
BliBBtaa faefoie
Holton of SanltScr. Uari^.
gtilug away ■ plan to trap I dm of fi-lliv. utrl ii-w I aras a l.iirgUr aUil a
•IT for toa ooarw. do eliarge at all
couiilcrfcitrra Ihwrivrd tu muk* eu- inunhwr. sud. w|ul «>u>lr l| dunhly
Ule. Tbeboy.
aoaf»*Bn.t IoUm-V
bring Bade for toe inatraetioD. Tlia
n^il Dail.-r offer of toe frw. erbolan-bips U Un- otlMT trtaL 1 went tu Kt. l.oul». bat 1 Irriluiing to luv. I bad luunl.-nd sy• toolcbt IbBi ho- Bflcuid.-d
bad gatiwd aurb an ODeorbhle yepBla- ,
Hr it told t<i ■» B
tled a* fc> tune, and tlioae wlip dealr* tion among a.tectlvea (bit 1 cuficKidvd } • «■*** Rtoolb* hi fall « hii.- tbe po
gtor Biobigaa
*•111 to Iba reT.- Woltliig fur nil- lu turn op.
ake advantpge of it |^d writ*
fom -dtoul a year ag,.. but tor aoib.;
to Hr.' Bagel at one*.
ProvUion la erele all ir*v<‘s of my furuu'r r,Mied ' **‘'’■"’'‘“‘“*'5
oriUee torn e.«ld .to BOIhlog *iu,, l*W»rmUona for a targr.ai.d profltoWr Bade for the paysenl of llie cost of by chaiigiog Oiy uamc. I'ruB iVltlLau ] *«»»• "‘nl I bud l■rt-I■ *,-.-11 In S.-w York.
.Vvw Mrl.-an.
his aad iwtoraa.1 hlB to hiaisnott. *:*''•* "“•^*^*“*
Tbe icio, wbiob material in laaiallBeiato if toe VsI
TbeiMlioa sea an on a atrlke, and''*’'-''
l«i..gv. t. toe. deni baa not tor money w pay it all
It wa* ratber a dangrrua* work and i
‘ur" »*« f«‘w aiel
Iba toresaa. who Isd fortBoately re-'
“<• “«•
toe Use toe ooorae la taken. ...
B proUably It w». giM-nl*'"^
drUjJi.g m iii.T*
faaad to go o«t. happened to be going
*• P«»
jgvT wliboul cmleallala.
body was dbeuivrHl. (aullUted a)
over ^ aeetioB of ll.r mad slope. ! "
'*" ^or saay arwona
infurmatlou bad been tireiighl In that!
*»m"d -coentrinn. I gave np lu
Ulbaewtar toe irain would larei
' .
a gang of robber* bad Ibefr beodqiuc I ‘‘•••I'airlime (bat I
ttn In a dive near tbe river froul. and I It wa* al«ut this V““'
ranr fur Bio.ium.
Wiliam M(t>mbrr, nt Kealoti. waa by (b. kUdlaon Mr.Ii> tae Oo.
If b«
1 waa a*DI out to lQvv»tlgale tbr plar* rr nllb (hue- vT (he gang »
l>eeti arn-si.-d. »-a» brotighi (u trial A
baiwod oat of hooea and boiur owhir ••-V'
bai goi aoiuethlnR Joat aa
Urotfv rayn ba* sold to Ura -A. J. and report. If the mm wbo bad tieea .vuung erinilnsl lawyer came (0 By n-ll
entering boiues for Ibe last aunth
totoefart that. lli.lra.'.of Rivlugaii
WbllO of Balllr Creek, for ilea P.
tlirr.-. I waa ^ipoaed lo gala and proposed-lu tike ay nee I *a*r
Bbm of Bre by 1. lephonr--------*•Bniat. of Xltwankn. S.1KU aere* of
Inkllug.of tbe feet ui>un which Uut he ua> suinH as ■ «lilp and eu
BoBbort of toe family tan to tl>a Bre
Willlau Tluunpeow. aged M, a&Mr- land in Uateo and KaM Bav town- Ibe polke would be warraotral to mak gaged blni. Then I tukl hire niv atary
By Us H.-d. waa kUled .» Mitolwll'a mUl-at alitps. Il>e MoHderalioo being IIO.COO.
ing • dvoreut atMl amvtloc tbe la- Wbellier he (iHleved rue or aot'l don't
Ubm tor deportBeat reaebed lift Jeanhiga Tbora<Uy menlng. A fel
know, tul le- pretended 1h.M be did.
E^an ef ton tran ia heavy blaek mark B*«iw.
boos* Uie Bn- wa* beyond mtrot
Till* Bsi hi* lliw of Oi-fenw: lie
low workman e- cidratally ateppvd on
Than U a brisk dsBand for
iMvased Bbabblly. at an early hour la
Afh^ tweoly yeara sapaialloB Joha tbr Ileum klekrr wUeb I brSwa toe
lie Borolng l went to toe aalouu. foupd prov(>rt l■■.v^n<1 a doutd lloiiNL_T>a* Deltola blnek Back lead along tbe BontdIhi-T WIIMsni lilark ll(W Tbonui. While,
Kraaer and bla wife of Beaton Har- lags on the ■.•arriaga.
A loBaVack Ban river, to be oaed in ooonerttoB it open aud wutuu as bard a looking
ivier Kruwn: that at Ihy lia* of
h». daeided laat rvenlng InooBnitiBre Tlumiiwon and broka bla »e**.^
with toa bdjoiDlng pUlna land tor lot as ever oenl to Jail, ttiaggering to tbe murder I aa* •uimd s.h.-p at a
Ufa over again a* young lorera. Ifiatbe bar. 1 .-allrd for a drink.
graatnff pupoavu Hra. Vbile a
bvlel and bad waki-ni-d i-:ir:< In the
to kee)! my een aud i-yea o|ieiL bat deaao is a fanner of
Oar diisr Os- oHii. ss does. :v.. eteas bcrdaaa in |wrt. on Ci«ok*d.
■plte ay threadbare ciuthr* I oas opul morning and atarted for (h<- leat wiita
BOI bbUI bow have tlie Bwn ac.i'wite liomr ineilmriii
Spider and Rranir lake*, and torn U ted for a
■ Ugbta Ibe tnlentlon of euiur »'•
roaided uder one roof 1
?ara. if ^ take
tweoly 1«‘"‘ gtmranter
|1 bad gut uiigh-d lip «:ili liiv IWoc' ,tltorky_ Uoniiialn Tea. MmliwaiMed.. loiu. talk of locating rmrl* rpi toeas
. .
Oo.. Uadu
aboulder. Uuli-k Bi I
a pan nf my shin
aU. Ubbte,4be iwoBlneBI Ing-lj^rti
out of ay coat, and In tbe darkurs*
A Vmv aw Time.
aa* ac(jolUed. PTlt tbe Id'i for wlthas rooBly (arsM^. who diian>.«nd ;........... .......
.-...TTT:------- --—. . .
Iba man mold not tetl a* from oar of;
Wedneaday avealng. April ZSrd. U bla uwo Buinbef. klaklng for Ibe door.
*•* fm look cii-rr cent I bad.
lb* Srd dav of UohamB A. H. im I raabed out. IvBvIng ay real In Ibe
Five dollars down to 5Dc.
You will find here something
that will please you. No
other season when you will need
protection from rain so
often as now.
u.. „.k...
.l.h™,. ,1,1„ hi. .It. cum.h-. Inwrlor Spu
or daagfatrr toe aUghtcal liittBMiOB
Boel datable varatab Bad*
U Ih.
All Pytotan*
in Uiis iieek of
wood* are aotiffed by pralasatioB
toai tbe caravan ba* siartod oo a -v«ry
bot trail aeroM toe Oaeert of Mioblgag
for to* Plain of Qrand Travgr** and
Umt it U dn* to roaoh to* OaaU of
Travero* City on that date, wba*
ImlU Rookb T<Ti-mple of toe Eulgbw
of Kb
iD. O. E. K.I will be
A very Ug Use wiU b*
going 00 In to* City of
Travotae c«
band* of Boe of them, a part of my
ahlrt witb another, aud Jure down tbe
atrrat toward toe river, followed by tbe
•to .-...^.M-nln.UW
gang, tleelng a atramtaat tied to the
wharf. I dasbed aboard. By tbta lima
Ibere were nuaeroai pohee mlgualB
>R. ...vkirk s. m. u
and my puraoera deolsted. on Uwrboat
Hi 11 o'etod *. B.. sad rruCD 1
all were asleep escept a watebman. lo »ll«u.-tokp,-...rf^
t VL'itzbcao.
wbem I confided tbe fart*, and be per
mined ae tu remain.
: ~
moctiiog a party M polkvaMB |“
came aboard aad arveated me. TUa 1
^ m to 5r*iS7-SK iri'S!'.
dal*, and wv adrlm all Pytotona
who can atand it
ttal Imke Torvh.
l-OR 1 111-; Ni;.\T I tN 1).1^^S WE WILL ll.WE
I Complete line of cut Car|M!t Sample**, comprisii^
Crown Wiltons. Jlartfar<ls. Axminsters, Velvet*. ‘
Hotly Bnmds and Tapestries.
Grand Rapkte Fur. Co.i!
In eaiahllablng my Idcstliy. I aaked to,
be token to tbe detective oSv-c with
which I wa* conbected. and my request i
------------------------- ^ite^’toa^ wa* granted, n-beo w* eatervd.
Thorv U (bIt owe way m (bm ikat- chief wa* lo co&verMttoii with a i
neaa. and toot la by eeaatitatiotBl wboae bark was tmad toward Bt, bet
Ocafncaa is eaaaed Uf M wboto voire aoanded fanJltor. ^'bes
adltieo of the Boeona Ua- (be two bad finlabcd and tuned lo
I rrcocDlzed lo tbe speakrT tbe aan
____ nb* gi'U 'InffaMed yoa hava * wbo bad given m tb* Job la which I
roBbllng aonad or iBporferi bsorlBg.
and when it U eatiHry closed daofla tbs raaalt. and oaleB tba u- irtp tbr c<
«M b* tokaa obi and thU tbe two detectlrea. pceetnting ratber a
tobr rastored to its aorvU eoBdiOoB,
boorlBgwiU__________ ___________________
to* Boat iBpBtoat taaBbar *g
cosas OBI of *m ar* oaosad by eatatik.
boBoe. naod* tb* baal aaop tar It*
wUob is BOtlitag bat
one Ef tbe gang wbo Bade away with boto. «b* faa« Toilet Powder*. Md in
Ur. WbUe Ian nigbi.*'
Wo wUl gl
-ncllo. BUftr aald Rif fortaer em-_.iiv toot ton BM be eorwl 5^ plojvr. "Wbai are you dulw bwa?"
Qeee wa* a Buddie, neknewntewa Bad Pra^rod food*. Wa ha*B b foil
^>0BMirbU«K 4*Bd for ■Black. I bad gl^ iv toB* to ay Ua* Bf toe baat BBiifaewrad to andprvaent employer a* White.
tobte prioea Ka«ban cBarBty«|«Bi
"Toa fit* aMakvB ia to* yraBi.*'!
oto Pmuiprlii nta»r*»aat. W*Ba*
Ht looked me over fi«B bead to foot. •riy tbe iBiato OtBgB Toa Witt tad
Briar wbkb to took By amptoyte into o«r prteva Ufca oar EBoda..■-pag■tar.■
• bito iMd foTBltog uMiw. Mm
OBBod-la ■*•«■* ha wwfiMkg
wamihon Clothing Co,
Baby’s Coming
Our 0or$ct DepL
is now stocked with tbe leading
makes on the market. We wish
to cal! your special attention to:
Tpn styles at
$2.50 to
Othensuchasthe “W.-e.." -O.
D..' Royal Worcester, ct^ ai
50c. SiAJO and $1.50. Shown iaall tbe new raateriaU, nt
TUiibeim's Dew Stofo.
, wtm, UTCxiuT, A.nzt it. itat
i^tw. at
of wa
•MK. MVPVON m. mtom ^mmmmKii
Loados udCmtlanKaJ Pwen
DfaKon U.
AO tkp h»H iwwr (•ruritw In Dm•» wwdvT eo» aaaacvavwt.
hH AtlasOe portt M
(hr BblpMM'of applM to Boropr tMa
The rarti bw dpal cawarU w«
•iMftlr W oakrd U tanra otr««« afMl
Blefaatd VocMW.
*Mo«m mto aivMoi
Th* OilitwwU SUM tmw. B •
■o mmrnir 4m AmtleH-o ladwMrteJ
M( doll tfao kooa tatcMC tod oM*hiMiB vttb vUrh II M Ttowod Oh
ChM «I40 of UM AtlMdA M*
4cm Oivouh.
rm tamumem. <
tmttmir m LomAm dolly dowmp«' to
day k«t coMofew MM rMorraeo to Iko
U a MtMh oad a half aitlcM Tha
CMly Chreotel^dlaclMa tha attar lo
adaqMty or Bwllah data eoBparad
frith ABorMu apartMola.
“W# a» wbola aocyelopadlaa bi
tha Umo la tha aelaim or «at trelldIm.” aayao wrltar la Ibla smpct. -^od
parhapa »o rtty U tha world tan show
M ear doddaoey and tbrir rai *Moro aCactiTtly tbaa Now York.*
OaeUaDlBC. tha wrllor polat* oat
that data ara lot la .Saw Yort
yaafa Maaa. hot that oqpa la roalod la
Uadoo tor iaaa than thrra or era
. yaara.
Tha Now York roola. '
at* raally tower thaa tha Loodoa raote
owlBf to tha fact that tha Lcatdae
laadtoeda IMat oa ascaoalT* and ooBaataaa refolra bela« aaoeotad by tha tm
Htmlon tliiir of Uh OlK«r•nd b; Fnwiu Doctor.
Sdootlott Tbol Cum
Enry Koowo Allmoot
WoBd«rf«i CurM ara Effected
That^fli Liha Minclaa Par
fenaad-TlM Sacrat af Loaf
Ufa ef Oldaa Tjnaa
tola tha eliy.
i;Q MBcNchoy. rcsldawee; Dr. AMBRIOAK RKUCP BOOISTV. at
MnB. at. OUmb e«d Ktaa Kottio
B., Ol.,.
Barloy. rntdaoBe; P. C. Uaoi. r*M•Owr TboBMa aad "Bmy“
etea danag the yoar ilOl thaa aaw
aeCaaa at Codar W* M tkc Wbllla*
dmes: Kol^ Lasbor A Bhlagto Oa.
whOe walklac ep Broadway <tto>
otbar Btoh aad acridrat ea^MT
Tha aaw Kally akoat toUar boa ar^
MWilaaa • M. S. ThtMa. ton!
a Of tbr fecMt'e play. nto»Vil-iriM torthaoUT.
_______am ptayhif at Wallaek-a
haMCdOMallMkoMthecwaataotl TB Haaoab * Lay
Tbe Irat aliawbocTin of tbs i
phMBd M bwodway tbMM-. wbecrMr.aodlto.aaila>an. aadwiulcoday rMi**d]a earlM .of barbod bora arirod. bat amwbarry ehoi_____
Ur. ThoMaa with a rtew to
wiU mmt be renoa oa M kaWae of; We have jus doaed a deal where
Mto «MU Hmdw.
. vir* aod aeelbar of auad
teohlar bla oBa|wlac to t
in we become owner, of
Mm Fred C*l*wr aad ehUdrao of |' Tha laicrwetima m Maa>c*i ataia- tbe city 1
Eliiplac Btoaty aad tbe
$>i.OUU sock of general «
8a«toaw art viilttat taiaa*M aad bwy for •• iTboaa baby Aro To*
chaiidue frocn a merchant to the
of orerythiad, aa
aouthsn pan of the sate
Mn. Tm Ochkob hM #Mk»ad traa tba OMpaay aoe all tbatr
very low ^unr. Sale will Iw
e«7 aad^ offsota
tepUed Me. arlMtlbBicBcpida.
meed to near futtne. BaKit oT DOTCtty
Mr. md Mta. T. H. A Ttafta aad
Foot, -bet froM Ih# polot
ThMwill haa ipiilil ■aotiagof
The Boson Store.
tfa tba aana Mika Una Tiacaa wlUaiart Taiiday
la the book. why. -Om* h
tboKaIcbM cd FytblntUa
old eticy.
Tha fad
for a Tiall at tbau aid hoM ia Bag- to ooafar tbe aeeowd don**
toaobea th* rbBd. aad
. Mr. Ttagaa wUl tmtm aboet
-That'a aereity emm .
tbo Middle Of Ja»a. bat Mra. Ttoicaa
rd Ur. Tbeeuo
-4 *0 br«rd aotblht
Myra. CbdwwU, wbo baa than la
cAA-ept Mortoe erbere ibo cMM toarbrd
tbe (odMtber elner t played enall
didataa ter taliiaciaa
It Trover** Baqd.
: laara today
l«ru ae aa aMtpar la abow*. naay
Yredaeeday. aod to makiag ngld
fn WaalUdn. lad
yefca •fo.'.-New York TrW*»a»thtoa. will bold a mmo—da yarty la
L. V. Tonheia af OldaAaaatt. Ohto.
aiima of Cedar bad
to tha gwaal of a A Qtoscy'aad fanlTht* n the beto loontato Pen
AjwU 15th. 'Erory sueiaber aad tody , niaor rM<
1 ftM ber toti'^ye
ma.le.;A Written pur«««« to
Udia*, m»u WKWolog
Md Mlaaloa w*a aT
Aubfuw Btervr. while oot 1* Bai **4. C. ;0m
gnen With every pa add.
to bring a box with
The EaMer aaeie will be rapeatad
tbe WhUtag today.
imoclwo rwmotly. rUlIed
laaobfnr twa
relag a* tbr noagregir
bpuee or ao old fHend. a yeatlenau
mntoa Um. Wirt aad daai
the Cuek9
Mger Barry of U.e Miobino tolct IIHeh eilraetkia. Tbe bewteM erl- of OadM wara ta tba city today.
drally took yreat pride, la
UraBADalmaa. the aow bA
M eaehaage bet* U* received orJoaapb Atabar of Old Mtoalea w*a
tbe fttmlablBci oT wbkb
der* for addlttoaol mclilUc loag dto- arm. Uve opeood tUlr'abopea Ueiem
la tbe oily today.
aad beatKItbl and cave erery erl> teleUoow troo tU foUowiag: etrvwl In the Oslmas blcwk aad ax*
Mr* J. V. Dlekeiwiaa *s
drace oT laate aad trdae
Park Plaea t. Hamiltoa OlotblagOo.. ready for^baalaeo*.
Soloa w*M la the «ity coday.
Bierce, wbo ba* aa eye fur tbr boaaWtUiM Bralthaapt baa
CfaL' save anetlated praloe to everytrMO trip toMlIwaakaa OhUaga
Tbf RhRiMly l» Free to All Who
htac be saw.'
-But.*- be aaid. -I an aerry to ae* Clerotoad aad oUw oitiaa
8«od Nama and AddiM*
that yotn- beuar. beaadfal.aa K Aa.
& K. Harthaai aad Mr*. A. B. Per
Ifiar yaarmed vmtUtt
tocka oae onaateot wblrb ao liUh' ry Ure irtanod from Oalltnoto.
_irio« Ipto tbe daily rm
bonoe abobid bo wIlboDt.* ■
where they bare apart tl.a wlaiar.
fmt*. *a wall a* foUowltiji
-Wbat !• tbatr abe aiked.
Mr* P. A. OlaaaeB will go to Onoe
parlMota la tbe -realrai____________ pirtoiiely,
. today to acay wltb bar hoebaad wbo
i^aboo. Dr. Janoa W. Kidd. mS
“A pld-“ replied Ur. Blerc*.
Baltaa baUdlbt. Fort Wayaa. Ud..
f to tbora reoolrtag treo—nt for tbe
anflefled rba<-kle.
Tauntain Pen
Miss Vokes. Mr. Charles W. Bowser. Mr. John
F. Ward, a Clever Supporting Company, and
Three Real Live Babies, in •
Tlie bustrM' eyre eporkled.
-II did.- «be aaM. Indlcbaatt
Obleaga, retaroad bona today.
A L. BacUat waa caaied le aoatban Miehigaa today by tlio nrioaa illnon ot bto tolber.
. .
Maay )odgt« regard J. U OeroM a*
• Mroagee attM la acolptore tUn la
polattog. hi* polychroM cutoenr*
bout of irery. cteot. tolrer cad goU
UTlBg occted c creaatloa
PeweMM Per PMerW rewUloa
The rich ebarebe* of Bew York her*
laangaratedlberoatoB of taMnc large
fmda far Ibe beoUt of tU famllleo of
mlaWtra wU may dto la tbe baraeca
WboB Dr. Babcock, pcator of tb* Brick
Ptwabyterton ehorcli. died In Italy. Ida
I of ibej
ta the elty today.
Mtoo Mottle Aytomcth of Ba
oMocaad aadliiag tin books
OMpUmntod *«—g" OIbU oe Um
next Week will be
Uoa. oemgU oolda. aathna. oatofth.
hrcoUltto aad aU affootiau of tU
thraat, ladgr or aay rital ggoca ar*
aMl^wraroaoM ia^^a^Mdhaf ttoao
BayOlty. MiU. toned more peUels* dariag tU year IWI tUa aay
...the Tirst national Bank...
of Travers City, you will ac.juirc habits of iliiitl.
Every jerrson. -
M Starttr-CalHt*’eownt
.uiu, value* u,, to $14.............
Sflk Kagton* $K».$15and......................................................... .................
sak Skint, value, up to »«. for........................
........................... 0.00
■ aloe* up to $», for
Lmlie.' Silk F.IOO Jmikett. $10, $7.50 and.......................................
1. imenK p^d on Savtng. PepORitv
Account. »eceive<1
SecMUl Stamr-Umbrellas
on favinable tenas pat-able on demand.
At less than cost. To make mom for (be immenM tpring Mock we
must ckne all now on hanil
Tbeae sacrificed price* will do it
Cbt Speut DoHor
7s a Cost Tritud, Soue Tortoer
SOcl'rebreUa*........................... 24c
$3.60 and $4 Umbrelto..$2.48
$1.60 I'mbrellM................. ;79c
$4.60 an.1 $6 Umbrelto*.
$160fmbrdtof ........................... $1.19
Snk Paraaolvtlightl)' toiled, cold tost leaxm « $S and $3.60 .. 98c
^ ------------ la
tvings Bank,
U<>L>‘gm>u> uooim
nmaaiA*. p>—r irv
hM lUUNlRV **«•
which the
Natiorol Rank ha. arranged to « ttribule among it* caslomen
and frienda
Tbe bank safe i. an o.idiud and co}n>eteJ .ted
bank with combination lock, and is highly amamental andfonvenient.
AU .izc. ol coins can be put into it.
CWrd Slarttr-earptl*
H... .n i»P~.cd oo, cnx '
Uu •
7*#»e Baitki will U Ucoeff to «ich of our depoutora as dedre
them, or lo an) {lenoo who wUhe. to have one, and will dcpo.it with
us $6.
Credit for thi. mm will be given in a pas. book, aud the de-
l-lkrf -bom »
...I peteoa* oweiag eUUeot aad
lottiag them ran at larg* matt Uce-
(icsii rouM not In.- withdrawn until the Bank i. returned in gonl order. -
In consideration of our loaning you a Bank, it » undemtood that you
will depuil ybi^earning, with us at leas once a mooth.
Itt iffrmifb^M.
Y’on ha\ e in your borne a bank always open
Youcand^in snail amounts you would not take to
J. B^tonr^a^m
any bank, thus preventing you fitim ^sending them.
both ’pbmie*. Ko «
, Yeartk $tari*r-4Uan Pap*r
10.1HW roib more just }>Uced iu Sock.
M. a TATMAK Ua moved hto'taaaraao* oOU- to rarnt Sll. Utod
Boor WUUU block.
REMXMaKB tU Mlal daacc at Far
racac* hall Batardoy omlag.^ ^
M. a TATMAM U* mevml bto tnar-:
aao* oAeato mm III. third'
WUUU btook.
BOT8 oettoB evcfUlrta. light t
dark at nmwm^ZUFMaaa
a a TATMAK taaa moved hi* 1^
aao* cOe* to room VI. thM floor
WllUlm bkiek.
bcoUt of Mro Porvaa widow of tb*
■cT. Oaargi T. Porvea wbo area la
af tut cbarck for
We are aelliDg
dieaiwr than any one eU in the ciiy—doing a
Money keiu^
loosely near at hand affords a continuous temptation to wastofulneu.'
You cannot shake or get money out, as we bold tbe key, conraiuently
)-oudo what ^t>u ought—bring or Knd the bank to a, have itt content,
counted and placed to j-our credit, wbere h wiQ be a commual re
minder, tngittg you to add more to iL
Fmi) suncr-mmtMrv
Tbe rare bvgaiu we are offering in tbi* dejmrtment are riot duplicaled anytrikere.
We want you to cee the lovely hat*.we offer you
ai $i. $3. $3,60. $4 and $5.
Tboae V $7.60. $l«. $16 are bahdMitae beyond demriicioa
*|iOW¥T TO.Loan re
rml yam**, wtto
Or**4tv»*w«* Inad ••* Laan (V
Many }ienon$ wase in a hfe-
lime enou^ to make them independenL
fw CaUfwa. Thi. i* om of tbe beat plan* ever derumd for en.
cvKin^ag economy and frngaltty in diildren, as moocy once placed in
the tale cannot be taken oot except at our oftce, aisd there it nus
be depose
«•/ Mmm 4f Vmw.
rule to drop *
into it every dav, and you will be aSooiabed and ddigbted at tbe doae
Socdal. la Every Dt
Zht Boston StorCt
of the year to
bow touch y^ bav« awwimlaied.
Nobody nve.
to large amoon^ everybody can aave, to snail amotmtt put aside
>'o one b above taring.
•MiwfM rnmrhwmawtk* tbat any sums cf mooey that they
may not wiib to depoaite to the Home Saringi Banks may be brought td
w, depomted and credited on their past books the same as any crdL
nary tarings aoconat.
• '
)oung or old, .houtd keep one,
Cspital, S50,000. Surplus »md Profits. S2S,000.
footings, $5$0;000.
Ladie.- Jackets, Broadcloth and VerveUn, $.5, $.4.80 ami.
paridra tb* Mttlfo cyatea. blood mad
Uaaao*. raatocca a bornol aerve powaad a atata of ^eel
aad at oboa To tU
doctor all lyiteae are alike and eqaallyaffeeted by this grat -BUt^ at
Ufa. ' Bead for tU remedy today. It
to free to every aoflerer.
Sms* wl
yoa waat to U oatwd of aad tbe
remedy for it wiU b*
fro# by
letarn mall.
m klM'IVi. » SHIN..-
With Us
Rarer ItoySktrU. value, up to $4.60, for.................................
Panlal iM^ato. loeoMtor alacla.
7t's wbat fou Saot, not what fou€ani
that rtlakts Wealth.
6ala Oleek
Notice the Window Display. ««»«(«•'«
10 tUir (aalUaaaad friaadiia parfeet
baaltb. RhaeMUan. aearalgla, atonacb. baart. liver, kldaey, blood aad
a^ls dtoaoMa aod bladder troebles dtoa* by magic. Unudacbea, bacA-
IBM t*
lUreto ahaolataly ao rtok to loa.
Bom of lU ear** eltad are recy r*.
nerUhto, *ad Ut for loHabto witaenea woald hardly U aodlted. TU
loM U*a Mown away oratohia aad
walked abeot after two or three triala
-ruptoncu oowfto
tbe city today.
Mtoa UatB.Votoa of Noetbpert waa
tU atartUng
tbe allzlr of life,
TUI be to able
wtlb IM aid of a Myalarioae eoaBooad. kaowo oaly to blBoalf. twodaeod aa a xoaall of tbs yean U
baa apaat la Mrohiag for Usto proeioot tUe.fflviBg boaa. to eoro aay
and evoty dtoaaae that to >001(0 to
tU boMa body. Tbar* to »o deabt
a u. aaklog
of tbs dootor'e eara
elalamd tbe
____ U to daily aCtoUak aoaau to
ban hUvOat vary ctroogly. TU tUory wUoh U adraaM to oaa of i
oa aad baaad «a naad aepartaaea
nodical pnetloo ef anay yaara.
Mota netblng to try ibla reaaifcab
■Blirir of Ufa.”aa U ealto II. f
bo aeodi It free to aay ooe wU to
VAf **'TKI»—tMlSul.
II. B. xBhku bai loMod bii-ofiet^
room til. aew WilbeUbleec.
Ooorg* OltMBl aad wife of Ma|4e
BARKER f.n»tlw bille«rtl).
u' 'phem* Ka Ml placed ia to reel-
City ww* latU city today.
David Stobor of Sattms Bay to la
Ua Blada at tha UrttUb aatoalat
Bm** reniaUM aUiu* of (be tote
toReeaa PtoUrtek to aow conptotad
Tarto WUl opro aa April 50 Its e»r«Mttoo of amdere decoraUva art. wlib
Bwitob woiure of letoar* are revlvlag tba oldeo emptoycaeat of oeedlewcrh wtth Bwr* aad more aeoL
A nttami nenorlal ta Job* Baakla
vm taU tU Bhap* of a mnaroin. plctno gaMry aod library at BoarorllM.
a**r BlnalDgUib.
A aattob*l coaaarvatory of art to *nr
tetosd la Camda. and Bir Wilfrid Uo.
- gnat
-b ah IBMI-
of Monhport.
Isa great eonscntoi^e,uj
Will be seen here next Monday. April 14.
Mr* A. (lardaaer and aoa. wbo
Ur* boaa tpaadlaig tbe wiaior In
Tha Dally hlaU raeorda tha arrlral
at dauthawaptao of a lantr party of
AabMteaa ahip rl Tatar*, loportrd by a
anUM dm far tha porpoae of ‘^uwlag tba deateb workmre baw to do lt~
Tba Ubar aarUf paawtaatto rtrttar
with which M AMtleaaa at* aqalp
teeraailDf rooa oot only la tbU caootiy. bkt la Ftaoc*. Omnaiiy. Aoetri*.
BwaU aad wbarorcr riot tbara '
Cfpoctbbliy oe tba coatlaooL*'
Tha diar. caaaaaUaf aa iba rrcotit
Wladaar racaa. aaya;
-Ooa «mld bat fall to none* bow,
aoMptottly tba Amncaa aaot ba* roiue
lata racM. oo ««cb ao that li poaltltoly atrikaa tba oyt aa old wbaa a }ock«y
rtdaa ta tba old taabtoaod otyto.Jadytaa troo tbe EofiUb papera
ttwaalraa. Ataartcaa aopanertiy la aaMCfrtM asttwda traa tba rradto to tbo
MV*. Th# Mofwtac Loader ba* * tone
artlrto 00 tbe adrertlariDooi or an
Attadcaa nadartaker Ui Tbe Tinea
lie oCmb to dlBlalrr aod atalp botaa tbe
bodtoo at odtoef* and Mb hllkd lb
laooroabla Me.
Mr* Arrllto Per
ecolag. mklag
waa ia the oily tlito
tU M. * K. K for Empire. '
-Methldf irtll ho doM of aay foal'
ralwc,'* tha wrltar eeodwdao. *^tu
Loodoo taMDia' protacOoo laarM faraad. with tha dewbla objrct of
tfwaafortlac tbe towdtotda aad arcUtarU to Kaw York aad thro fordat
than ta lira la the data Ibry |al:
AaatbM toadoa papar rtprlau fnuD
a dwlaa iwrtaw doUlla of a pUtL. by
wbtob ABartoabcaal tokupplaatliK tba
ttMMa aittoto la dwltaaflaed.
AeaM«iC ta thia aatboHiy. Iai«* waratmamm wUl baballl at aortbani Frrarb
paau for tha punnaa or aturtDc i
■arUaa Aaatleae coal aad atootor
_ ^brtdd.
<dcaal UlckO) fraoMbewa
•f* or rroaeb aad H<
la aloe Bald that aa a»cn>H£
aC I mac* * lae ter uwaall
Ft*ach porta aad tba 8w1m frooilcr
haa baaa a«iwad afoa.
' -Tbla" aay* tba Laodoa dally, la aaaibM anapto at bow tba Aaicrlcaiw
•r* o«atia« tba Bnctlah froB tba BotapaaaMrhat'
Tba aalvar«al plalot
ralced by Tba KrralnB Slandart.
*AM<^b ladbabcaa.’' It aaya. *wppaar laat bow to pcrrada tb# wboto
at Karopo. U Aaierlcaii botM do aot
carry all bofsr* theta yrt. An>«rk»o
rtdloa. Abboftoaa tradlaa. Atuorlea*
haM daatlatfy aad. ahall w* add.
A Farce, by Mark E. Swan,
Written for Laughing Purposes Only.
ofOcneral J
____ ____ ____ _
goods, hrgety
las tensoB’i trerrhatc . af a very
low6giira 8«mwBbeptoeed
on tale OB Wamtoat Fkierto
I amuid iitaonvvBAT
BroDad taacne la a dita which to Ciw
t It la arMom btoUed: ita Ait la
fftad oat af it aad^apala aanbad toto
It by lo(« ipamrtoK la a wttar foB
CmvMl h>4) lafawd »•
«.«SU« b«M«t I tad Amm nunIV*
« vnCMtao. 1 IMi kl« dta
mj etata.
with klm. tat *llh
pMtac from the Utewr
to ita drkwtac mn. I Uten^ B»■■ CtamO of tar taihn'* tacMtoa.
teto* bta M Bor* (toiMtar* to tta
IvodDrUrtecM of Utmiw* ttaa tar
<Mtar. taR »ta totad tor *ad vaolad
toi^ aid to* «Rlr. ttr tar btotaad.
-StavM vc*Mb7i« iMrowsrtobt. tat
1 tad to> touatloe «f BWTTTtoc a dri
irta WMld frrl »bn ata toarrtod to*
(tat ata »mW ta rMtota *• Mpixrt
-Atataos UtMtB^' sta told lo n>*.
•nata a potottoa to fattar'a oOc*. aud
jui via r» w*a.”
-I tor* UM*«l«r. and *o Iom •• I
tar* hoim ot mterrm I *ro«ld bm >■atltata to atabdoD IL
Ton asd 1
voald ta«b R*m aorta a row* "
-ftatapa 7on are rtobl." *br nn><»rd
ttatoftatfalto- *^'or tad bntrr i*>l
raw abIBtr to pk*** ita pobDr ^
I VFM avar wtatatox ttal-Emma
Iraa aoi ae prarfleaL Nercrttatoai I
dauctotoad toabtd* br brr.vWmL I
tad tatotad a aoTKi vbirb 1 .knn «■*■
aa pata a pto«a of vork ai I ma rapabtaardotor U tad tta frrabtMo* of
Tooth to It. and tta plan aSordod Joat
Mcb appartaaltlca a* mj ablUltoa soai
Madad. . 1 dMMtntoad lo oa* rrrrj *f.
Kn to aacof* lla v«bUrattoo and ataod
or faU to Utataiw* on lla aumo* or
falliir*. 1 triad half a itoaaB publlataara bafor* nr work. •Ttaa lUDd of
I'ata.*' waa -arraptrd.
Than I apaat
arrrral wtrk* r*adlM Ita proof*
tta tltoe U wa* pnURabfd I tad apai.i
a yaar orrlttoc ti. aU bobUi* >rii*iiv
It and tta foat of iwo r««rn ertuna n
toto print. If paid ai tta* rair of (tou
a nxwtb for nr lalmr. 1 would rrraha
sa.«ua Bbonhl'lba nork ba a cn«t
Oftom 1 ntobt makr n* tum-ta aa Ca>., duo. { bad a atroiiK fonruttoo itaai II
vaaM b* a aurcM Tta book-walpBallrlaniirbad. At
tta aod Of lb* Irat iitoBib 1 Iniulrad
of tta (BbHatar wbat tba to^ tad
baaa and wa* told tbat l>i< ro|m bad
Mr royally ou tito
• a* I try niocb
Tbr aatviHl atotilii Iba
aalaa drwnwd to CMO ropir* I «a*Tuo-
bsd |«id larr*!) aftr* tolud on tbc
Ohalraa of Uiokatora* for a ymr or
toorr. TbMt aauir January aud i-'rlr
fvadr to Uka to iW iKOobto raJItta of
bnalnraa.' llaiuui'B ryra dllad wllb
-Walt.*-ata told. TtalaUaYoryduli
atoanti fto book*. I binr. iNThapa tbr
Mb* will ta tarttar In iIm- ajirtnc, wbas
paopto b*(la ibalr lisbt aoinnirr rrad1 waa raady lo raich at a atraw and
aoarlodad to lake bar adrliV.
(to* day UwanI Iba and of Marrb I
waa aurprlaad tv m*4ta a bola frboi
nr pobllabrr* tbat Itac aab* of Tba
Hand of Kata- tad. aitoilnil) pU-kad
■p aod a oaw rdllioii tad barn unl<T‘
•d. lu May t wa* turonurd (tiat tba
Urond adllbin had Iraorxbaoalad aud
a ibird va* lo i>rrai>. I wa* daiipbttol.
-Tta lUnd of f'au-- I* wurktoa out p
etraar for tor." I . xrLalibad. “I atall
IWlow tta ptoNtohm I tor*.'
Ooa tblac. bowaiar. 1 oollld itotW
darnUlid-ablla otu- adlliuu afirr auotbar waa l•al■to aold and I waa dally
•spartlna to ba Itolnltol out l» club*
and drowlnc ruom* aa tba oaw litarary
. Bitbl irwant ararywhat* wltbonl aartt-
na. I aarad ita bit of l-oioT o««* ta*
tawd miuiphanlly
Barlnc <d..i>a »> wall OiiniM Mlly. t
toadr n|i my mind iti apc<«i iiu- aumia<-r
to tba tooutolba Willi llmiun
trier an
•UtoJabb ooUtic I rrtnnu'd lo ita- rlty
•tpaiUbc tv Bml aoma n-Til fr-iui luy
pobllabarn a* to tta ualr* nf Tlia
Hand of J-'air.” Amonc iba numaroii*
tottara at ny roona iban- wa* ootbluc
bbobt tbr book. 1 <wllad on Iba i-uta
..'baban, wbo tookad tta luallar up for
*** aud rrportad a Mb of Ora mi<n-t
allMO tbalr Uat ptatao’aut.
Tb>- InfortoaUuB arii-d u|«>n lua Uk* a ir.ld
ataowrr tatli on a r> Intar nxirtitoe.
Ul NoifUita-r PUtinia ratm*^ Sa
fer* bar arrlial I «n>la ay pnbllabara
- ft* Ibfonualluu and rt-aHvad lta followliia it,.l,
- Titan bar* b*ao no aola* of Tb* It*a>l
or Pblr" alur* Auaurt. Tbc vary |>t-<-ulur
laaapl&i of ibir Wk t>r tbr taniir n>a
jiatotal nr bayond oitoaura. In ibr <aaa
'of an narrte *•- uruoUy *all from an. m
two Ibouaand rctMaa ohi« Iba work It laauto Tbro It Iba UuU Bain* In taror
-a aol
raln.«danl with iBcr* (ir Irai
UW tola* ara
toto abost ih. n
ra of a
a and u
tmlbad about by Iba
pnMto .
I took tbl* latter to Stoma. Sta mod
It and tumrd to to* witb « Knot dtof
of ayiniwthy in bar kind a.rr*. "I am
«t laoat Ktad tbat yob trii-d tbr akiarttbwt. Tun wUI ba tta bniar diiirl tu
Wtofc to anolbrr flalA1 •olatad bar falbrr'a rOBnUBK ruum.
That wa* Bfiaati >aan apo. lla ba* rvUnd. and 1 am at tbr band of tta bualMaa. SataOtly my wlfa and I ib-aldad
IbtooraJiito a Ursar bonaa. Uaklac a
prottBlnan' tOMf orr* tta booa* to a**
nrbai (««M ba dmpoaad of I aona opon
a box of tiookA 1 mllad Biy wlfa.
“My Amt." I nakciL -wrtat U 1a tbat
bax*•Tbat U Tb* Hiad of l-aia’ tbat
r yoo.
ta all di*>
aiKMaa* <,aairaato-la to broil
erar a bad of enala (It U'too fat fur
tbai>. bat ta a vary tar erao. Cot tta
tame la tta Boat dalUwtoiy tbla abcM
pDoainia. rajMttoK tta rtad.
plara* rtooc tapMbv IB a fine win
Uoilar. liar* U ora* a drlRitBC pu
bH la a bol eraa.
It raqulna to
ba ninwd toal oar*. Tba fat wtatrb
Call* Into tta paa makao ascrilaat
rlpplBK* for frylnf poutoaa.
Irralti tba taoon as taewo paper.
If yoo wtob to ■*** mir* Harr wttb
tbla. *|inekla tta Haw wtib pappa*
aoe *alt. roll It la Boar aud fry baowa
■* taron drlpfdac*- Itaiii with a
««rtad mwl of tanm no lop of mra
ptarr of Uaar. Bacon a* anvad by tb*
aaaraKa annk. wall aoakad Id grrmar,
la tta n>o*l ladlftoXUdaor food: wbaa
kmUcI ratal ‘u tta ovan. n to a dlab
ttal nay l>a aarvtd arae for a rfalld of
taro ymrs with impnnlly. AokmicaII
topto Itor VM *a«MBB« A»*a tt.
CMOtoaM tor too*, a. m. toort*.
The CbrtodaB Ufa to a cnaMut toCtoTita aod ciTtaK. W* n«Mv* fcaat
blBBlaM fruB God dally and an *xp*et*d la man to cm aad oaaa B
fiT* mate God.' Not that God aard*
aw dfta. bat tbat w* and to aako
Dartd-a axrlaBAdaa. “Wpat
atatl I rradar sate ita Lord for all Hto
beardur &oda aa nbo la *nry hmiV
Btm tba idol worabiplaB beatbaa ta
all ac«* tara fdt tta otoaatloa of tbla
aawtlBtfat and haw raapooded B
r*><r or tad.
to*a in Rncllali. '
“Ur. notibln*.- aald ta.
TblTV vra* no knawar.
“Mr, ItobbloA" la a all«blly touder
Still no rvpi.v.
“Ah." Mid Iba to*truct«r. with a
qoSK amllr. ‘-rusu* to tblok of It. It ta
ratbar early for n^lna."
Tbl* to < 'urrviit IJteralDn-'* aamlotb
of tta tolv Xlu*c* Colt Tyb-r. « ho Inter
beramr iwofcwir .>f blrt.e.v at foraelL and It *bow* bIm lu Iba i-li-aaiac
Uebt of a n.»n wbo could ta Uirtobly
at a Cray and cbearlvts Imur-ao
aman fwt. If cm. atnp. i.. miwldrr an
loatruct-r'* pn>vocatM>ii* to momlnc
was orictJially * "•r and
toller pliin-d vndto tbr fomnT. They
jrrrv aliiiply tta Ant and to«t bHlm of
the iJiiin w.uvl ••dtu-».il4»" »~m>»«.wiib
Ita nlKti of ckclaiuiitlon >w ll■l•TJl-clion
a waa obJc(1liiDnblr and abooTd Iw
cut oot.
Tfca Claataal Cork.
\\1im Uartio I.uibcr told ealdr the
monk * cloibca M bh-b had up l» tbat
time toon bto caHk tb* alcclor of SoxbUo a plH-r of blnrk cloth,
a at the tlnfc court faeblon.
and l.miMT Iwd a suit made of it BOrurdliik' to tbc |■rcVBlllDX iruC .of tb*
time. Ilia iinpita followed bto example,
and bi-un-rortb black l*-mnic lUc dlw
«>r cliTl.-al k-nrli It
wa* not. bowcM-r, for many yi-ar* aflrraard Hut Ita cut of a vl.Tcymati's
Palm LMf mcia*.
lo tba palm rcc1tiii-.>r ita Amara
river ibetT I* a trita whoaa liifaiii* arc
cradlad In t«>m Ivavaa. A kJiicla~~lraf
turoad up round tta edeta, accopdiw to
nativ* i-UBlom. tuaWr* a .upltbl mllla
and ou uv-ca*toti dor* *arvko aa a balb.
Ktroac cord* an- faGtloaed from Iba
Ohm of auotb.-r kind of lalni by « bleb
tta Mar cradle U euapouded'uiolcr
aiMl tb* wind rwfca ibv baby
“Natorr." >nlO Ml** Miami Snara.
*M«e*n‘ nrt-bar make wnllla' la vnln.“
“Well.- anawered Mr. KraMu* link'
lay. “It ancnetliii.-* m-rm* to me dal dar
I* a Wti-M kit «' animal* walkin'
Oaa of tta t'aamtdoyrd-l wlab 1
bad OMoey anoueb ao I ationidn't bba*
10 work for a living
.Vnoibcr of Thvm—So do I. In that
<*a*. you know. Il would ta ao »•*> to
C«t a job.-Boavoa Trnaacrlpt.
ta lov* wiib your
“Yua were a» ruoltoh.''aba *1
-Cbicaco 1-oat.
Ateobonr pccraBMO, maBafactored
by mtarmttoc aleobol with tta odor of.
cwrtmto frulta or flewen, wm mad* a*.
Mriy a* tta tooitocatb enstury.
Pladltatot mad. mat ct O. m.
iavTiitti* 4U9«mti(*.T,
—OF Tacoma
I wave aiTlalv for y
Tbo exampl* of Ohdal aboold alao
bo 0 aOmulaa to Cbdatlao rtrlac. Paol
tnfotn to this axaBpla tn bl* appaal to
tta Oodolblaa* for tta fnlflUmoot of
tbalr baoaaotoat obllfftlotia.
kaow tbr XT*c» of oar Itad Jasoa
Cbrtat. tboL thooKb Ha wa* rich, yet
fer yttor tokra Ue barama peer tbat
ttaoneb bl* pDiTTty mlcbt bccoOM
. b.'fBBl ato» uwd tta axatopl*
and matbod of tta Uaradoalaa* to prorok* tta t'ortnlblau* to tta food work
B*xl tu rrran lu «
of llbrralliy. TLooxh In attetka aad
to poaarty. ttay cam liberally and
ladtou Panrw Bttalw.
«>a aoiiuloiad with Indtoa roa. wfcltoKly 10 Itair aaady tovthrao after
bavlnc Btvaa ttamadr** to Ohriat.
local know of lb* pratalaaem tbat
fcattan ta!tl Id lb* rallctotn bad ao- la all tbMa .diarannlaikn ttay aboold
rtaLrafc-tuonlr* of tta rad man. Par- admnlate all t'hrtaUaiiB to tocnoBd
tb-atody amnux tba N*Tt}on and m>
....................Taaument taw of Klttac I*
abHM ara Itaw- plumr ao|l>iacD* tiotla'-ad In bare Tba utiwiat alBrai y f* oadealAadly “ayatoamiir aad ptnportkaata." "Cpoo the Brat day, of Ata
tot arary om of you Uy-by him
.VII aU>ul any |•oaldo town may ta
e* as God talb |iroepat«d hla."
am <mn-rDlly wblttb-d stlrkA catdi
with a tuft of downy fraltM-n. caaar- In tb* Old TaotattaDt dtopaOMtton tbo
ally abltr nmu. IiouimI at lU- top of IL low raqulrad that a laatb ba fltoa to
Tbay ara imiyrr ilb-k* and ara .tolt* tta Itad. but Ibis rale of Itoura U tb*
auriooi a* tta t-rayrr wtarl* of ------------- tow to ba found opoo tta anbtba Saw Imlamrat. It doritui and tta papa* prayara of tb*
oa*>'. 1 ba ftottam, atlrk aa4 Bau- cdarM to favor of oyataoiailc «lTto« to
aer of lyinc tb* fMitar* vary acnitd* prepertloD aa God l.lmaaa «*.
Inc to Ita nMore of tta tnyar. Tb* law to fkrlptnral. Joat aod
Indian «l*> wbdM-a to aak a favor of It makrt U pmalbla for all tba ebUdraa
'tb* “Iruro" piopam bl* fralbar of God to meat tbalr obllcalloao ta tbla
Kirb and poor alike can r*r
pnyrr WHb rr«al awioay. Tban. tak; it l0 a |•rvprr *pot. b* pwy* to olarly toy aaldr a pmiM>r1too of wbat
tbaaa above, owl. piaotlOK Ala atick. God clam them for tta aupport of Hto
11* of cbarl
• Icaraa II lo ranllnoa bl* patltloa.
If God c
rin b*v* but mu* to
Onc nw Frbrtiary memtoc an la■troilor In Iba L'ntvrralty ot Mk-blean W* may have tta Joy ot civloc Hbetalwaa raliluc Ibr roll of ait & o'clock O’ to 111* i-*u*a and klnxdoui. In aaj
Day tabne, man aad baa
rrfouiad by tbr di-panmaot orrun
HmUotod atOBs. par ectd
mbblaallonA At Kota- tbrrr I* a la-l
Blnek lava dirt, west of
pbanr ax<-tanea wbirb. at .tta artii <
Ortebar U*l. bad MTU *uli*«TU>ara.
Bob to
Tbarr I* a taiat>boaa intnk ami.
Olay m
Mb Mil VaBOfCk
arwltobla batwaau K«l<c aad Tokyo, a _____ dt Oaa stmt
etotaara of 371 mltaa; Kota awl Yuko
OoMm* CMTOl Mto p
hatoa. 330 mlla*; Kota- awl NaK»ya.
llMk toatroBMrta awl Attiar* arr
•wbrf by tb* ■BTfroBMl.-nttabws
■ara'a fancy d '
aacta (waB to t*VMl fato or tar tdestUy
bafor* entos op Bain to tta* nddac
Mre. SctarBcrhoro
tb* ouppaf room and took bl* place
wblto to wu away. A coaB paaaed
bar. a man to tta dram of a Torktob
paaha. wbo car* tta aaova of a proBlnmt rttlian. Jade* MctatoaB. bat ai
bto voice aoaadad aafamlltor tta tody
•nipmad bim. Tlairwatoc to co op
ataln while moB of lb* ftaat* ware at
•oppar, *ta saw tta paaha to tar beda catbertnc up low piece* of Jawua bar dtaislnc ease. Kiac* ibera
I BO una alar oo tta! Boer, tba
■ terrifled. eapectolly
y a* tta taata.
toe of tbaottllac her. nowave*, ate
the ocraaloo.
^ judee.-ab* axetoUaad. “Too
have cot toto tb* wrooc diemiv
“Oh. DO. Tba caaUaoM-B'a room 1* at
tta other and of tta balL“TLauk ya. ma'am.
I mane I'm
obtoacad lu ya for tta IqfarauUoa.
ru Jtoi ct la ihrra a blL'
“Wben you com* down, lyrant to totrodora you to aaBt* of my frl*fidA~
“I'll, ta with ya in wan mumaot. I'D
cu DOW.’ atMad Iba paalia. wbo aaddrtdy remambrraii llmt tba rebtoc
room* ware loo falfb above crooad to
earapr from a window and preferred
to take bw ebaace* oo Ibe main Boor.
Un. SebenDarbom bad a prttblam to
•give, bta did not dare lu detmua.-e
tbi* man for fear, lu des)>prallon. ta
W5mld kiU *001* of IUmh- who alterapt•d lu Uke bim. Beoidto. ata did not
wtob (u mar bar ImM by a dtoacreeabto
aptouda. Sba did nid rvro datr let him
I enlWtoMn aa tb* Btths
«od when tta Aobme M
•aod tb* an rarely er** atoepi' Awuk«tad at 2 a B. to tn ttair baft *Wda.”
ar tabu, they atari at daybreak to Uft
tbe** truwto aad remove tbe orendebt
catch, rebolttoc tta boot* acal^ Ttar*
are about EMb books to taadle. aad
this often uumdii oatll eveettde. when
tbe buats.row back. After
.tta d«Tk to pitod bleb wttb tb* ctnurtoc toaa of fltt. T* evlaceeate tbi* aad
stow It m tta boM krepa them untU
inidiilcht. when ttay aaateb am boo- or
tweaf ato’rp.
8om* can g* wMboot uMep for a
week. Others will rob um tobacco to
their eye* ao that tta pain may keep
them wakefol a few boar* hmeer Otb<e« acaiB will work till ttay drop freau
abcee • xbauanua aad sleep a* they Ue
until aroused by comrades. .1 t'blacae
torture to to keep iM wliboui sleep,
and -tankluc” doealthto to sa-eilrtit
to mllafy even tbe uiuB exactlac <>MBlil. Tta men alecp to tbrlr underdottonc. Wbru above dec-kA ttay rea
oeeer leave off tbelr oUsklUA fur •« tbe
Banka It to rurely Bar. Utot aad avok
fuerall sad. tta ricctoc aad mils drip
wbUt always.—Atoalee'a.
55SS53SHS sTbS
a mn. bo. ttMt
*SSSSr?S£~=“"= .
*£s£-'S.=:s2-fSKS: —-
Oa uoe iMTuakm at Athy. srbete Cnaoa riUrvlr. tta’EncIlsb divine, wa*
Uica slailupcd. ta q-** v’sllvd t-y tta
arctablsbop, whom ta luducvd tu vtolt
a new ruder bonae wbirb had Jut bcea
vqwoed Id ike totereut* of truspcraoce.
Naturally III* dtotiBcntobed curst was
aervfd «lib a sample cup of cnlTee. lla
U^ beta,
laslcd II. while CkDOB Bap.i aod Ita
QiauBCvr malted'III
lary uf cummeOjUtluu.
Tbe cup
wu hastily art aside by tbr btolve^
wbo . Jai-ulatail, wiib pruiutieed sad uiiutouLable vmpkasl*
Tbro the mamevT sudilenV rvmemiMTed. “OJi. your yrare.” be ex|>t*lned.
tax of lusmbrs fell luto ita ode*
lank itil* moreliD, stnl I did not tiiluk
tt rIebt to waste *11 tbe cooieDts uf II."
“If your erace will voinc acala,”
promised t*aiM>n ttocoi. Intcrpoolac
quickly. “I faltbfr"' ---------—'----------mairfalem cup of o
faiiif M
Lamm madCtlhetmi
ita *,11 ,
., VWu. — V«, Sw.
ervt wltbout bto kaowMder. liar Brat
Ibowbl nai lo s’^td bar bualiana but
aha'kaew that amonc *u many Ibl*
wa* a matter of vluiDca. lUachlnc tta -borincs. free from rnuj. are used to Indmwinx ruom with bar evmpaulen. *b* (Trase tbe l•rtcbtne•s of Ibe ditptoy
TfnUy.- f<
*aw III* tval Judk-r Mcbrlaili aiTSO* oadpredun-tbeCblm-w-Bri-. MTieutbe
Ibe ruum In bto oUiclal rata, tn lleu-of rorket t-xplodv* upTn ibr air. tbe bnebt
Tta reflex toflurut-r of ctvlnc la a
poolllra blr*alBc and aX|iark-Dca. It la eualuiD*. aad carryme bl* mask la bl* and varliulorevl sjiark* are jiiMdixYdL^'y
a protutor of God* word, which, ilka hand. I'atrbluc bto ryr. ■!•* tackooed Ibror BIlRc* Bi they Icalte In the 'ixycru.
all Ilia otbar pruiolara. will not fall of.
“JoacK^ ati* Mid when ta raacbrd
t'opper fllluc* and (v>p|u-r b*I|'
falflllairuL “lla tbat at>wrtta apaftocimed lo prudoce cre<-olsfa tin]*. .'
aball reap aI»o a|i*rlnc>y. and ta
BOOMS V AKO 10. R. ft E B!AX)K
btotlier. lla cive* bto n*D>a a* Jude* btuv I* made wjib tluc flliu;.-*.
. It aowatb bouotlfiilly aball fnap atoo
bouDllfally.’' Tb.; raflri liiBurcico of Nlcbfkon. tbooiV*bF 1* In Ita coaluiu*- CrtTOlsb liul mlib mucli ■iihAv I* iiadr
|iovr«y - iwvarty In of a TurtUb |<aaba."
icr and
burclar. atamiaerlOK. “Ikirema
of Btrnutto
a* Jude* MarUaod.“ '
0vlBC I
“I'ltMu wberar a*ked Jodca NMbel-' Ucbl 1* atou^niade by tta Mila of tarifrtrwls. In Joy, In inoca and lu the
btoaalncB of itod. GIvluc btowow twice ooo. -n^err I* ao Jude* Marklaad to
tbat It bimaca bim wbu elm and
JoiaoaaHIk. Bolb Ph,*i-« Trav«fu*<-H)
p*s»elea ai id* Bad.
“Ob. I'm fruiD away out waai-Tahim that rvcaltaa, “En-ry man acTVIIItoiu Ita (-oaqueror wa* a m.iii of
cotdiuc aa ba purpoaatb In bl* been, oo
•Tacoota." repealed thr lady medlta- very erms babll uf Indy apd «i il|C
Irt biBi
alrce of Maoirs wa* bun by ibe ivar.
lux of to* bunie. ita |■omm•-l of ibe
ClWTMddle airiklux Ibe iltix In Ibe alatoCrlataU.'
atauc MAPiito*.
“Tt-a. ma am. 1 knew bim tafon- y# ttH-D'and eunaluc lajurles fn-oi wbb-h
Gan. xxrtll. a0-»: Ix-v. xiall. 30AI:
few days ilefure bis
Merc married. W* waa'ceeat t«l* to
tom. xvfll. W. 111. St: Nall. xiu. 10-12:
death hr «*» deaerted by all bt« atturn days.’
MaL tu. 7-12: Matt. \1. 1-4; John Ul. Id;
“Whn* did yon Body lawr aikad leodania. mbo alolv aud varrletl »lf
A*u U. 4A -to: IX. 3.'-: rbd. Iv. 13-17.
cveu Ibe cvvcrlitx* uf Ibv lied oa m hivb
Keep your eyes on
. THE RACYCLEdon't forget iL
Absolutdy twenty*
seven per cent eaiier
J propelled than a b y_
wheel made. Three
yean guarantee.
Call and look them
over at 314 S. Union
Mivb* tl tba Blcbt OpIHITb* oplrii to tta yonac man that
aya. “I win make tta Imil that to to
ta mad* oT my Ufa:~ tbat to tired wilb
emulation of tba cryat awl noble charrtaiora: *'
actara of btoiory and lltvralora;
■y to^nh
esya. “I will not soil
wbat U low sad mesa In
D lili^ 1 WUI
ny tboncbii toward tta bUth and
arrrtoadtiK: 1 will keep my mlad fraab
sad clear; 1 will put my fiat opon
tta throo* that God ba* act a|> wUhln
me; I win rule aud not ta ruled: I wl(t
ta atronc and not weak; I will rtsa up
«ul of Iba Blacnaat valley* and braetba
tba put* air of ibe tnountalu tope: i
will ta able 10 look every man to.tbe
“lAW. la 111 1 Mudlad law to tb*
oalieaBty^et maae*''—
“Wabo't It under Jud** Lim-br a*k•d ttiM toterrocatorto help him out.
• “Now. I'm thlnklD' It vra* Jndc*
Tty Ita lady * look* aad tta repilea of
Judec Marklaad of Tacoma Jade*
Nirbebwm bad by Ibti tim* token to
tba alluatbm.
“Ikin't slay bare. Mm. Bebanaapbore,” b* *ald.
“Your- cueaU need
you. I'D (rare. Judea UarfclaDd aad 1
Vlll talk shop awhlM."
pboned tu tb* police bUUoq. It was
but a few mlDUtn befor* a coupl* of
men stepped hito (be ball.
aod at the Mme time Ibe twto Jodc**
emercud from tbediawlncroom. Jadee
Nlctaelaoa carefully kwpk« his Uvtber of tta brocL tafora bim, Tban tbe
two judem aad tbe two poll reman
Keedful Tbr pe«*«ite*. draraat Lord.
TIvM p*oe* and toBfon to aSurd;
Nerdful Thy promtov le tapart
Fraab tif* and viacr le mr brarl
Auerliaii aulbi>r>. uu bw* llwii Knc
Itob. aomelimv* auDer fur Ita aln* of
tbe primer. .V Hue of >lr. Atdrlrb*
wbiefa urlxlually read ~A puivni medi
cine roc Kod* aud men" m*» inl*i<rinlcd
”A latent mrdb-liir.” etc. And Mr. Ai
wa* oioi-t
mood be wrote to oue of bi* |•oem*
“Now Ibe old wound* break oiit Bfrfsb”
and was borritled to lead tbat be had
Mid ".Sow tbe old Wutnaa break* oat
Knbbiti* <*beatlnc ai-rem tbe cardeu
fCDce lo bl* next door aelcbbari-lli.
tbere! Vl'bxt are yon buryinc In that
Nrlcbbnr-Ob. I’m JuB rei>tontlnc
KKDcof my emrden aeeda.
- Kubblna-Gardeo acedA ebl ISmka
Btatma prior P
quarter* at ibe paulirE
Sctarmerborti-t ball prue
. Ksedfnl art Thou tn be mr at*T
TTiroucb all Ufr'e tons and iborny ny.
Mcr W m dmih Tboc'll nvedful b*
64B ea*tCl«1vth Su'eeL
Batchen ud Sanaice iUkerv
Dont Be Fooledi
Take tta CMBa..*nclaB
ROCKT ■ouirraiN tca
Mar kUM
Port w*,*r. t .N*. ■
rtsssu. Uownta. W L*Bs
ParOfsta a*Mto. t.tota.iiR
c. K inmnkT.
a. P. • T. A.
tn. Bs ntmgerford
Centracter & BuiUtr PER^MARQIJETne
Xwv. X.MB
Trsls. l*s*vTvs»w<my«* adtowsP«r OraM laBto- Mrat. TB*M CtoRM
Wbila 1 tee* Bk« tta Oittoaa'a
talo^ea* out of my tuiUMimi 1 haea
in Ball
. J
rPtaM*,. KwAUBw Uty ■
llBsaH«mpRUB* arrivs at Tisv**** Oly a* XBa. aw. .
IBpB ataTBp. m
mmiiagjaar ^4d^wrssta_*tn, tu ta
Partajs^*l*ailat *aR atam Ml *Mab bsof
eSf irs;. JiViiiS.’!.
all ktote and oil at UT rnat atou*
J. M. itaWtoak.
“Dob ata play wbtotr
“Km Sb* makM tbe wotb wort of K
ou ever Mw.”-rbfladel|ibla ftalMto.
j*a caoldBi Bav* I
r •* raal emd.
U be'd had iMbtoc Klaa. Kbay'ro
»**nA* have found a
». tta BBttonlffMd. do bB«ta
r. Ktoc’t
Ktoc’t tarri^ aaoB^: btt Baak^'a^
bimliic to tba bod.v to Dr.
_...* to rafoBdtto maaay «■»«•Now Life PiUa, wbieb patilt**ly ooiu
OMtbMktoafOtwM-aVbRaBBdOoMtlmxioa. Stok Baadaoho. PintDBoa. ‘SwSio^^luiaftok Perw'aad ito' tta bMt aalTU to tba wwU. Prlo* mpef Tu U il taUa to euro
u eold.
A«aa and aU
Uv*r aod ~
Famly auc*iabl*: aerar
Baud fata lo fac%
_____ « In Rl raol'a calbcdral. -_________
“Go-d evcblQC. Martto.“ aaU tb*
<df Iba traaca of ('brirt. a* tlld tba Icooleal judee to vta of i
oclast* to Yorkmlnstcr. or bnrl afilD*t
“You-r* JOB to time. 1
due* you lo
coma. Hr ■tudlrd tow under Jodc*
noma to every conimunliy wboM pride
Lynch and ba* raoe to o* to irarn a
and bate aad debauchery Xra rafiroved
few more P-4DIS to tbe profeoBoa.
wUlcb tt
Take uS bto luaak.*’
A BtauW ■l••fabl* Bad.
uon on Ita mouat
Tbe removal Pavaatod tta features ot
Loul* Nl.. Bfier baviux by open marIt It vvin *UD^at
a* ucly a hwklnc villain aa ever ueea- dee or aecnrt amaialtallqn rid 'BlinsrIf
a aamr
pled a call
oftbeniostpowerfOl aoblilty of Kruace.
Bill Murphyr axctolaw^ died In miserable fear. taCcloc bto pbyttapuHcrmaa.
alctou lo do aoovetblBK for btm. Iiortoc
God 4«cr««d U.-CtarlsUan UmM.
remarked tba. Jade*, hto UB day* be aeat for 8l. I'caartt of
“wlien we toot mat I iblak I wa* pay- Itonla and offered bUa aatold riebra to
toe you Ibe compUmeoc to provide
id« you totercede witb bravea for a fartber
a 1* alwav* true to tba beat
ary for
with quarten to tbe
^ lie.
1. No man van
ten yrofo.
Six muatii* only bavtoc
kMWledc* of riebt witl
etopaed. I coaelode you war* dumtto«f cuUl. TVbaa be cue* aca>n«t bto COOBfd with tb* board.”
“Dollar ea a half fer- a marrtoce UaclaBce. be (ooaot eraa rc*i>ec1 btm”U* broke Jail laM weak." remarted
Mer eictolmed Ibe colceed *ppllBaU.-B*v. Georev Rcbaffar. I*. D.
“We’v* bM-a watebtoc for caat Then, tarafne to tta bride lobo.
doc* yoo tbiak I l* wotb ur'
“ wa* tb* reply, “bit do c
jMna rnenv* It on my tuort
aamer asked tta Jodc* of tb* prtaooTto*( Thau ih* on* tbioa a*edfut an
I emdd trcM all ihm** parted »*.
’Palib. It's tbc only oam I knew, yuar-Attoau Cooatitauua.'
likely lo pam >* TSto boa*e.“
”T«ai bav* a coed Beomry. I'll ftx
MatdfDl M
N«*dful ta T»U iBdatovDi car*.
uy aame ou your mlad atfil b*«a* next
Nerdtvd Thr all pevvalUi« iwaytT,
D1CBSX1XA8 at U par mat d
iW toU him that ta waa waatad to
I carr, tacau BAxiraDAT,
■he U wtoe ap tto tafta M tto b
t wa*I to
"Ato ea. If -paa wfl aaiaai an.
-Uother'er OectW
Bow da paa
TMI g to tora • kwtato
knew OMiwrt aanwr
■ «M U Us hM> M tw
-Becaaae I happaa ta to tor toetbp0m mr • laiiiwi. Mb* firt* mn
ar~ *ks Ito aaiariJ itplp.
totoMd to tor ttar Wtto to KM mmf
-Ber brother; l>lckr
ttaA. M 1 •ckaavtodto ttoc J to uto
-Vea. Dkk. at year tarvlM.
Itat I aa M fatoff to dl* an aU maid
aoa. a* I tore bU oace or twK
W0m$ aO to*e an.^Ttr ttou 1 r ' '
for*. If yiM win aacaa* m l wfB r>
ato baat tbeat" He paaacd rwlfUp
A to*nr pnl «r toaiMar ciwtto tUa
throacb the battoooaa ato a BOBfut
toBr. fw tlw ap(«k«f. Mar wndinc. laicr ato beard War fecUnc bis way
«M a favsHto wttfc tto ftri* as «*U
aleac tto ball to hire. Matoara' ^
•a toto. < Mar aadlun wav* a vra«p <K
-Can It to Dleh. or oocbt l to civa
I------- 1 vaanao «M kad airiTvd that
anaUnor Before ato cate* to a daBar Cm a *toit wlU tkair caUat* <Maadokiti ato beard Mn. Matoera axrlaln
Mb. Oartto Maadaaa.
-Wa ahan ka«r a( ro" pmrttaK
"Why. IMckI What do paa B*<
ItoBWgk tto wood* ant with I>trk'B
coaias bom at fbl* amt of alcbt!
fUa aaar paar atoahbr. tookiaa far
W* aU tboaefat you woold reanla
Baa. I aai9oa*.‘ Bid Orrtla. ■Yat
Hoeuna for anotber noath."
totoadawB « raaUUaa. flrta. R I* Ua
"(/elia aa toveatara." Bartaai
«* WWW m bad it ww totoad plmbkMay aa ato dropped to aleep half an
Ito to tto tocntof.- lad tto a>amhour later. “But to think that! threattoatoal ilmii loa was rlaasd bp a
*Md to atoot tto Bwa Qettla U aa
•cattaalto of gwiWt to tbeir diSrmI
aniloaa for m to mreyr
atoll pat roe toeKht.* Ibrtlc ramait-
"lOke bln! Wbit Bo yea
D a«rar aU
pamtotto bewUderto ctrL
mw. aad at wa aia }ato a »rtl* «raw«"Why. dUm pou try to brine bln
a« I ato ptoc to pat JOB to hit
dvwD wHb yonr revolTer, tto way yoa
ll toa toto waU fotolpalad. ao I
mM you liileeded to cH your I
toaa eat i
" tiertle ■
' with a Be*
"I naturally
laptlon of t
It waa a cob at loro at Ante
Kevee dnrtac tto followlaf i
% tor ahoatlaa, Br tto war. <1
era May ato Dkk tofettor that Oe^
M«-to* atow r«a aoBftliJof."
tie.. Ito lactleaa. did not appeor with
>ne aenaeleea remark about tun
■to wHb aalr tto atab of a tricfer.
^ wkat «a r«a cany that with
«Ult ato averyUlnc coonaetto with
n*r manner to Dick became dally bm
^•‘atara away bofftoia wtoo 1
ato ctdlly. Be wai
tow ttota.’* tapllad Mar. dltobrlac
deainlr a* to how to could ploaao brr.
tto laaoPtat waapoB wblcb tor ainall
laM coaBdod la bla
tototor tod dropped IB aa a Juko while
"8o you are really In loro, with
atyaa paeUet tor tntto.
ato are de^wrato becasoe ato will
i« daofer W paar bobavo DothlDf to aay to youT waa her
2 toataitod br ttoa tore." taaibad
I eidamtloa. TeU ber ao.
*S)o* Mrar fcMwa." Mid Map. wttb
a powt aed a shrto of her aboeldert.
aaato tod* tor toad atplrt and tewwd
> acted so proBpUy on ber advice
that Gertie toard the welcome
Ibat very alcbt la a todtipn con-
'But, Ob. Oertle," Hay wblapoed.
Ttoaa tom later, wtoo tto wtol*
half Uuchlac. half crplas. "bow could
toaaetotd waa ata|>ped In atoep. a
»u teas* me ao all tto timer
ram Baa walked ratUdlr froai Ito
-My friend." wai the oracular refato la tto frpu entrnace of tto Manepoase. "for all yoor bravery with
data iMldMia. drew a Mlrbkrp froo
cun I doo-t believe that .yen would
have bactod yoor huabato U I had uot
mad* peu think pm did not want tu."
Children toUcT* ao cuutorollp wbat
they bear that U they do not bear ac«’
mraiely ttolr
odd ato
talMlj m af tto
wakMc BOM*. ,hUce btvo
bNacbt atom caWratkn aad have
tooa so alurtd la anmram bp tto
fhaUef that ttolr cvtclaal wtid iMattvM weald Call to knew thrB Tea
wttb hit wmHcrfal
a waltalDc Bemtoe
apul i«, imb
"Ikar* M Bocb extmmJ drarpUM
la tto wwld. of ceura*.’ aalil. a aua
so tto way downi.iirn, -l.ul III
waxer that It all tto aeRdrcvpUun
aiea pracD-w -roMd to weii-W I.
tot they aafrw tf '
to MS 1-wasdoutledoecaarl awf.(A! lo alt at NaabvUSe for tbe parpaa*
of trpinc caaea uf deUngueacy that bad
occamd ta tto Anuy of Ito Cambto-
"Yoa." osid tto Other ann
"Ud you notice bb face cksM-lyr,
"Ob. yea; pole. yi-Uuv cuuipb-xlua.*
’That's (br on*. WcIL I had to beat
whot to was mlkinc atawn i-> that man
ritUnc bp Wm. torsaae tto-y mii beWad Be. Tto pale .vuanc men eaki
he. had JuM moved In fnmi tto -.nl-urto
~to saM R was nil non-rsuir tlivt (to
kfak One yovac fellow. 8i*c<ut MU-tua Tro>p. w bo was brouebt befere as,
racaced my atiraaoB (to 'momeat I
of tto family.
asir Wm. Uls toarliu was aoldlertp.
It Is no doalit ttto that may a tak
sad L'S countenance buee (to Mamp of
tones by tto tall of may an anlml.
a flrwic character, lie eras ebarced
Tto waltzlnc bobs* iwobaUy bat tbU
With drsrrtiMi <o tbe'^ca.v.
ta view; as Us mlD object In Hf*
U * d.A.p;s«rstor
appears to to to catch aud lareotiratc
V BHlU1ll>I..SI>-i I
bk owe toll, (to ronlorthn* and cprsremnn'Oi was la |wuxlBlty\) (to Oicr
Borb tod beahb In all my
thno to wuk-fa to ladulces dnrlnc tto
(•sletati-V. totcT on tto cu^uand a(bad two* lerriUy iM mij ih
pooersa brine decidedly nnlqur.
lark’-d aud Sunwiwd a snasli iwdy of
ev iWs be wanled'sMhiAC l<
cnantep; R witi oaw ■» unn-li luun tto eVK-ni.v. taklt« a auiiilWur leiounthey are dIPtcent to cwdlaary dances toaltbfnl
Itbfnl In town.'*
eta. atouix tbrai tto b.v-um^ HIs MoIn (tot ttoy waits bead te toll,
-WeU. wbal's the JMlnl of all ItitoT ry was that ut. Ibe rveoinc W bl> dki-t half m>tl.-<- b!m. 1 appraranev to had p-li.i.-d out to bk
-Oh. yoo dldnlac 00 qnkkly tbal It la dldtonll to tell
ltl« n-ontli Iw.!
.! a ivrl
-I. It
wbcf* one bectos and the other endt.
la Oto- cnci-rr. bis mwe ea . sl-Chl
Tto facalty of walulnc k
Iwttctod up at al ocw s:dfor (to yooac mice of this tarkty
rartain bad der-Ured that tb.Tv sss ao
kfl eye tort a toil dns,p.
evince a iradency to* apln as Kam at
enemy tear. Tr.»i. oS.-ml lo rale cmU
riMlene 5ehd—tbal yuun:
they are old eooocfa to Buto atoot. and to toe had fa.Hal |uin
and recu.m.llei. Tto rainaUi'cave, his
There are oo apewlal nurklnca io'^^ 'raue iin blni uhlW- to tud •sit In • consent
Tti«|. bad IM xwne tar l•rfure
waRMne mica, (boueb (top cad to tto sut"Uri» -an-to- UsmeK It el! uo tto
worn called npui. freun (to rear to
toir-de.vi.tlon la a nnsR dan- | tUITen-ler. Hr had rkhhw Iwtween the
dlSetval cvlura.
C<rc«s rnrtn. duiit .voo *rc»~
i.e's CTdetl.s
Tto other man smiled and aatd bt
Bw.—IMrult t're* 1‘reuB.
pae of tto most r
Ml to- Imd tad Ik. sB.-b-warn1nc and
Tkwv OF mlARFST.
I'lyceburceuala.'" written by a W(
ad iMt i:i\< ti tto ssrevant le-rnilssloa
a.n- ..(.aaro |»-li.i riri.'* at
r <wd--rs I,, wout. Tto iiisll.-r rested
urc naliiratut named BeliHncvr
on a> .iiLWii.-n
.;u.wii..n ••( torsruy
^vrsrily Isiwern Ito
mi. ITolwblj Very few CDplea are
1 existence, os Ibr %utbor drwtroyed
two men. Tto ec-al)- wa> tun.i-d acalnst
it I* -ski K.nc 4-.duiir.l «-l!l nri pa
Utbol beruoldcet
atvbsed l.r tto iMv.ludnc .d a
tu V.
.n .e|..,-b' ►•■•-reiKM BI*
orfup of i«ip.T.f.rtitsl lu to* kiispsack
oa wbleb was wrillen, "Miv-t nc loTh.- »i.v..to .d fn»HT.-olcvk i4ty
nlchl ai II..' toUtfc S'.
tl.r on a levA l<(l •lo.ra. a* Wis l-een
It S'., rsd slctsvl. and a. tbe'
Cfval .
Ole.wu Id .S|sTlbnw.t.
hiddeo (torn to a unarvy. to which
bandwr<l«ii3 wa. lusi.lfcsC.v .ll.culscd
Tto kine id Grej-e cmly a** <;n>ek
• bey (bra eiiltred (be prvrfeaaor. tWbr- wbn. alwulnt.-lv nc-emarT.
ft w-s. l.-ius..!)-).- I-. i.-ll «-to-il>.-r the
lacvr was oterjoyed by ao rich a Bnd erallp talk- In Phudleb
Writer «a. limn
n..innn Alltotlate
and tod oo ou^ddon of Ito trick, atss. iui 1
sss. I tl*v ,lis-u.;ii;c * S. Wrill.-O Ito l-vWtloB
tboueb many of the foosUa wee* of a
very croteoi|0e ebararter.
tto bulky trywsur.- eud.-u.
j ''
«« -kRlaln II.,.
II* took bio treasoieo be
TbcGcrtnetauf n.lc«r..
In ' L’Jlr™!'"'Jl' T
etoborats drawing pf them and wrul* *ll_«.1..n.,.t,r
..-vfl.mal- 1 •/'''^»''l Bid ttotl to hs.l f.wiaed
A aBlnolo deocrIpOoo of each, at well Hr. .-.•-n tis- .VnM-ri.«ti.. I.» 2's>o
I ***'■ •''■lualM'oto* <'f a y.onc .v.iiniry
exhaustive commeoury filled
wRb Incenlous and plausible tbeorlc*.
B-ton br bad publUbcd tto Umk. tto I nW j.tMuv .lurmi: ito .vil n,r l•"‘'
Jokers n>orraa(d.''aD<l tbett. of rvuraw
...ryli.-HM-i-rral tobuOi-ld j ll*»l to w:i» fntiiMl Bi;.nj-ae,.l ».-i.ici.ce.|
the profesrar did bit utmual to -aup1 bIWM-U.
M awa. he
'jvl.iyisthw .il.I.'l. rvimlwed
fis- of Ills J;ii'..«v'iMV
•■|1i-n''v a lovtty
It s.vn..sra »vt> wiiiriiranil un
Tbe lor* tor beauty uf a 8*i
lint I'Uve .if evident on a hl.-li
man aotuetimre deceomtea Into eroelJU-lce
ty. The very trued for aboe-l stalurv la
red t-> u.c a y.'iy natural rAiiari f.
pu'u pou. and ibe on-.
iubucnl ..lie r.i make nn.hr (He Hr
deralacd man tunat perfuree bawKne a
iwofeaakioal Jeette or kwe all buld
w.hiT.1 to
swlHp. A younc man who bad Wist bi*
ana In battle was beartlemly Jeered by
a l.-rriMe wrajs- to had cut
a croup uf laucblag clrU. I lulrrfcrvd
inhli t>ebair.
I , J ralh-d on tto piicral oimuaii.Une.
"lie wuuM Mt to like tbab" i sahL
, tofure wboni Ito .■-nli.'t .
If ,t were not fur hhi bravery,"
with Uoinenta. EIcctrtcIty
: Bp|w.>fBl. and (uM him (li.vi I r.-aml
"Uh. pra." they Bid. "but be leokl *0
; an It
bitn ii.r In^
"lie loocbt to pour defroar. po
Tto »'
Cralrrulcrealuresr’ 1 cried.
“True eouncU." Itop replied. "I
uau wltbout tooutp 1* cuutemptibl*.'"
f.eUe-ut.d tohl i.ir (tat Itov were
rO'lirP Macaatoe.
r '•£
' -
s lao-tnvBl f^ the cap.
Trvadi u-aa pameo^ for aa aeraoe to
bad t«-cW cum. .Hied a* Ito almpicwt
way ««t W a T»e:iy am*' aad made
Mr. lierl* . I k (to
capulaorWcorntway. Ooker's rvote- oBokioc car ou bis trip down koB
MariOD. kis— wtor* be liv*A wbM
to was aermted by a stBnflvr.
"An- you." asM (hto |iiHtrBai
CtoerruUy oootBc him Of bp Hr. -IWils' sldr...'-are yue Mr.--------mbM
•Tbwe la oor creot diffefenre bo a celebrated doc fsto-tev.
"1 am uot." Mr. Iwvls replied.cal»
twi .a real love o^ stiwp-touk lure."
ty eawoeb. Icnewluc that to- tod ftoto
ato- aald nwietfirfly.
p bti Meevr
whh b lulcl.t cssUy ta
Bade ta aaalbilair this
-Wbat 1. R?" to asked
-I am Mr. iNt.ls-^Blrii
"Is Ibe cam of r*«l love yoo caaT
ard lUrdlDc Iwls."
tara o»*t to ito Us| rU|drr and-And
r bsefc arltb.
Tto spontoc I
uol bum .Ito stury is culna lu cud be an'Sir «f drfemu-v auu awe.
"Do you mnaa lu way." to bM,
f.«e you letxalt yumeif lu I.eculue l»
, "that yofi ar* tto- b«>bsu<l uf Ura. Da-.'
trevoievi lo It."
via. Ibe owner uf \\ •w.bvae'a Jamnot
--I l.rUeve.'- to murtwd IboacbtfMVm«lad to know-yen Tlmfs tto fi*-'
ly. "ttoit wuuiaa's cirkadly aari la.|«- eC bair—l.ot Mr. Itoyia had vuto
(wm* a-cnild hod ber tu WWa al/tto kbcd.-IttUluirc Db««f-b
wtuetc end of a lamnre If ato- .xhiU"
"Uii.v. .d cwuvw-.- she aosaered
'Vaa'i ,v..n s.-e to*a much'
It k writ kis.sii itat rh.irical cafv
lUfWe d.-ncbUal II w.mU lie i.. |w^ rento of rsireuiely blab fr.v|tw-u.-y i-aa
wiita uuiTism- and eud wilb eutin- to tasecd tlin.iurU (to- bnmsu systeB
wilbuul aul ilauc-twos ur any perevpHe ^ishWed the owner deeply and tilde rife.--.
sUsiii^ bead. It U so bold ftr tbe teutl. II.'- voltece.w.wld to falaL 1-bk
toaty uuis.-uiirM- mind to foOuw tto
IlCbt feuliuue fanciem—Cbbaco roeC
the tora-kd llmt tto rie.-lrh-fly p
> ( blta (to year boclos in I'eb
m.-r Ito surface of tbe Ivdy wi
pen.n..i|na U. U. Hurdler sw.1 k
_e«tu!UiHl awed half a BiUlkiB ITifM- nmii-- ta..- lo.tollBoli-d I
-am tn-es toot ChrMUBA
aiul nmvi.'.i mwo It t.> i
Tto sutc uf Saw York bas
.ki .iilei.... uf S.i'-iu-iu.. Tbi-lr lijMiUia ts
tlwIiiM Ito .-yidanatl.w ..iciresled
4i.-n>iau}. at tto eud «rf tlac. wilt K%|sTlinent« als.wed Ihsl i.isb-freuuen.')’ .virrt-nis w.-ri- fsiil to tto rwl.
have • staudlac army uf -£«.*■>■. imo
live pr.-wW.-in. of Ito 'rult-a I>R. tbecRates b
tale been uf
t thwi.h'trlsb
Tacums. '.Vasil.. U AJiV
le« fnini
New A.** bytto- wtoWt.^ Pml.I--, aud It
takes llT tow
lu firt tiMTI-.
Japan mw |si.m.isea the hea.tost
and Ois-st l*mtoslil]i afioet.' lip- Mk
kSB. uf lh.'JU. tuns ilUpUiv-BM-el.
^A lllwarv <.f IMBbi yfiiui.v. aU
rrltlen h.
I,. s.uis-n; was V-tt t-.i khuet
Ksj.viiiMw. Whv died n.v-uUy bi Bt
‘Vienrrel KII.-h.-WT Laa Jis* Scot as
on .mler f.w a ih-w i>|i. wrR.v." Bid
tto l.«ad uf Ito- •■stal.lUbui. ..I
"Th.-Ji We bed U-ll.-t slai; l.> «-uwalnnl s sp-'l»l ...s- at oisv." .-drisrd
■■Hni why a ri<e"ls» MV have M.-by
• Ves. I.UI tto' c.-isrel w.iikl niKwef
dale .we wllb tto- wnni -n-si.f set op
su Him II .oul.1 l>- Wl.llel. with uu*
key." - t'lHiaa.. Dull. N.-w,
oMv Kssi
A usist siw. *«U' h.
twcsiBsw. beta bad Hoad Raeso*. ihs esw «
i. taws t.'ta.uesw oUsw sctavdwiv Ito't "WW
WM cvstin Tien’s Mmethmrw'wr ks.taa
Hill Cwro the Worst ^oo ot Uy.
'r-oattvs* tewn- SssrW
Ln-s,r“^br“;2ri'.‘sV;ruU"«R'-mi b.'.*iu»ri.-ra f..r tbr
“S-.'.viri:',..’™ •-upn|svs In
to tto Tits.], case, aisl I - iiiovt
iiiovt I
rWcssistbeiiU Siri
siri that
thsi !•. Ii- sltrr the .arstr
ry of a alBdUr ebUdlab
statolnc of aonto U told by
school learhcr..
Tto lufaat cUb waa 'redUnc tto
CbrUlmat Icaaoa. SU-yeartod Uarokl
irst called aponlO tell tto atory of tto
Bsvlour'* tdrlb.
"Well." to becau. "the
alcbt <Mnc ttolr aHthmelle vrbvo Ito ancatt cam*""But atop. Harold." Inter .
puxxlrd tearber. "and tell me wbat yoa
tncao by Ih
■ "Wrll.” replied Darold. h don't see
bow Ibry cvuld do arlthmeUc in tto
dark, but Ibat'e wbat they were dotne."
-'.Sow think. Ilsrold." Bid tto tearb
er. "sod tell tto story as nearly at yoa
esn Id tto wurda of Ito Bible."
*»ua> Moeaoa I wju. aaoorr
BekU"Ma paetot epaoed tto doer and allp"AUdiBc" tad aoaadod to bM atj
pod la to cautloasir that be could not "dlrldluc." and dlvldlnc waa -slulnc
tor# tooa toafd ted aap on* bm tbeir aritbmeUc."
awato. U* pauaed to tto toU a bm>Baat to tone op bis hat and ttonlis^
Peondalent Jewein
Mieatir ap Ito broad caipotad atalra
Ud aoftlr tried tto door of tto rouu
la which tto hoaband baater waa rrpaaliic. Sapptaaaliic an ejactitotloe at
BadR« It lorfcad. tto pooac nun ttwaaed In them and siDce (toy p
ad awap. but paased apato at tto toad
the property of tiuiamoc pn
aP tto atalra.
chaiectertsflc color of a cenalne
"1 fanm tto tothnwm. They map Jewel the ewtodlec has It not only In bit
hate left that oaloctcd." lie retraced
dye cat c
kl* atopc pasatos tto batted doer atM)
Inferior cut evtak
tiTtac a second oo* a IRUs farttor ruby, a emerald or a sapphire, alnce
dawn tbp ball. n*ta to wa* aacceaa'
rat and. paaatop tbroafb tto balb^ Bhadr. wUI* Wea de IWrla ImlUte* abroota. to aatarad tto room of tto olcep- •olDIrly that of the Bpphlre and anllif ttn
9 that of tto emerald,
*Ve*or that door waa locked.- be
ftaod. however, can be md*
aaid albod as to lighted tto pma. Then
• complicated by oslnc ceoulne
to Mt down hi an essj chair farlnc tto
Mar bad toon In a lifbi slert> wb<
. Bar toac wm triad wd waa
a dtappiac
toeft tato a d*M wtoa ah* toard tto
tothrooB dour epeo and ainw leane
tl«B it to bar own (oook
"Who caa It tor ato aald to brtaalf
ato wu aboet to caU UarOa'a aaaa
wtoa tto latrwdar atrwck a Batch and
■to MW that K waa a man.
"A bafftarr ato theaebt
OarttaMh) ttora wa* im dancerr
■Ida and dyeinc them arltb tto coneMoadlDC aalUn* dyes, (bareby nWac
tbftr ralue leafvld.
dim.-ull tu recuculac this fraud beeanae
Ito color of ouch a welt corroded Jewel
no loacer be waatod oe everwltb
bof water. Only tto blMchliic power
OBoUebt Bicbt after a time bmI^
tWr aM cai waa polrrtad at hla haad
tod a faaiUlaa voice called:
"Dual BOV* or 1 wlU ahooO Tbtww
ap roar bandtl rve Ut a amaltar abJaci ihaa you aany a Utne."
Tto barcUr pained, bat did hot
throw up bla baada aad tto plri la
tto bed. reallalnc tto
bar waapoa. bacBB to weafcN ato arlBk
ab* war* not ao oottraip at his mrcy.
*1 bac roar pudM"- cam tNB tto
KM naed to totoc a fatbw.
ne woBra never can caavtoca
tbeeueelves that every Ban who Is pm
ttiF to them km
t irytnc la wMtT
them. •
Tto woMia wbo'btowo bow to bcaO
Mtok dooaw-t heed to reod aM(
anMcd to bow lo Bake a tmppy
—Kew Yark Prasa.
8* KbCHIs
.. ._
. -Wi-Ill>l
tbriU Wi)h-«II r>-,is.n. It
..I tis- bJ.H.d Is.o the klJsr}..
can brruh-l
0«»V Ul-' ;-tvso1ler .\s I (ul.| iiulliini:
>"> r-'n* i-k.Tt.-n.-o »*
! Iimvmv .-y.vi.l bh> p-inark Whet, one
• -.......
r Andrew'Burdr. a l-anhuslai
.. al btlu. for be lm|wla»ued (to
less writer In tto Tuwer. where only
dealb releamd Mm
, a concert twtiwe
Ito |•allraIa of an Itiasuc iHwplial and
was amaluc a nuiulse to a raltor
mouruffil cadence and a oubdued re
frain. Tto amUenev. with the Iwet uf
Cuiid boiDur, MH'b at Invariably chsrac.
terlxee Ito audlenrce at ibis particular
bcwiillat. beard It lo the bitter end. aud
-bcB Its last vote bad dhd aVsy
old lady with a vlnooot and dlculAcd
air of reCuociUatloB on btw face iwpiNvl,
>. Bid rvt^renl
ly. -O Lord, f^v*
A wbat tbry dur
■•elots of kfassnea.
younc baUCB with a penchant for
Blue was explalnJnc at Imstb ibe
many dtScuHle* abr encountered^
putaulnc tor fad. "I really am a farm
er." ato rroteried. and ibra added
r. --attboacb it must becunfeaeed that ato
almeot all I ptont 1 luae.*
■cla dlfferinc from me."
ooBly rwjotoed tor
.T..to Iw.l l-en
rsvmmrwbvl hy Ilua. 1V1..I OPlpryi-d
Ito. |«|mts aisl went
-.......... ........
-i—> «-»fI 111.,Its T.-sk ami s-nirsi 1 bate irstrd • w.vks
w .vks Gi-'. Were p-turievl. n lyb on iriun. Itauc «. rl-w-alk patowt. wW
_ J! j..,
1 l-ef.-re tl.e . x.v UIH-II w.vs (h I.vk"' l-la.'r
' an •■iii|se.i'iS-r.-:id.v1 hy t'ai‘l,iiu <>•(•*
. uns uu.i< k.-l. uihI Ito cap.piiu descfl. li'i; b's •viiMiii.viid, p.vl lu III.' rritr.
Tbetv l.'ii.a ..oH ••IN' .nln r ..fll.*r Kco
Hit w'iiii tto-cviitiany stwi Ic
weukliiic. tto- iii.vi stock Inueili.r aud |
w JIli.MU ti l.-n.l.'r'b.w> off the riM-iiiy.
;:i .i.l..fr.'k.r 1 m.wi.d Ito
totii.r h. III.' k'‘-t«'rjl.
k-if.-rul. a<l.tiis
m>U.is If to
p.'.' otl' 1 t.sip's i-Mt u'luh Ini
(to to|s- ib.ii m.i.iriliiiit: iin^hi
,iw hvl.1
taii'J.. iIm-iv miH IIS .v.ari
‘try ('.ppiaiii fn-kir. hihI Ib.-re was on
.; Ilu|.rr3ljti- UTih r t-. »U<s4 tormwat
■| Tn-.p. At IIn' t.-iNTj.ls auci.-rsIluB T
'.ls;:.d i'r..kvr ito.l «.-k.d L'lin If
d,d n-t 1.4».' suuv luniNT lufi.n
>«»* It aacmBrat tetmdy tor tw i
tto-trial. I f.wud lum
I. atvj a Kivwl luatt tur tbs hiuud I d'.URvl. ttcur.b di-sislmleut. auJ left
After eh* Botel*.
"Uf* k a bsRIe." bM Ibe axe
"In which aoote art aroObded""And bank rsableta." totnntpted tto
Jokcsmlth. "arc ooually reported ai
»U yoo
wbo hate yog b to conriode they babe
bad taote.-Atrialaaa tikto.
wbat iMl faaad oat abaat Urn.
Waabod dowa> Blocnpb Um wbiob
Oka*, a KlUa. of LBbaa. H.. tod M
t. ■•Htaadt^ walai daop la top
bk eeld ovd wemgt.
It grew want
daily. VImUp tto beat docOc
' AkkLII*b..Stau Oltpato---add I badCbmawptlM aad oeald
_l Hvm
TbM I Imm aslac Dr.
ElW'a Saw Dlaetiiofj aad was wbol----------- "toMt battlaa." Poatttoato
"Oh. to-B am sf tto poUto Utor — aU Utod MMilBi laekte Bttaor* baa ao rival M satob. TWtbsB.
mitw Ckactao, OoMaaMafi
gMtod tto dit,
t toe yaar pardaa. bat t 4H Mt A K. WaU * 80M BBl 4aa O. Jato- ______ A md tjmmrnmbi
^aaw tM MB «TM aceaptod. Kscaae
Maplttr-^nil oth'T I lar.lw.Hxl 1-oj^
at our mill
\\ ill i>.i> .iichi-st mar-
k.'t prir.-n.
Joll.N J-.Ol I'sS: LU-
M* 0OC0 0OVr (wtam * yomr wot*,"
-na Tonk
has ato.t-va pot v. a ve. Ih.u'wii
‘ h m wiiU.un cniiiiiii: aiiyil.ine.
aim sFTvn- Ie.1 In Mrwd..i v IIK Aj Tto p-m ral made Up hi-mind lo
Isio a*t kula oMm v.-IK- a nein ami tr» t '.v.k.r al c
wai.N-y ftoaismitsm |..r 1-1 vratw. He I Tbc i-.-urt iiiH. <'n»l..r w o» l.riWL-bl
hr.-Utbi Iw
f-rv U. .vii\l.-i.vl
uf i.'nBrilNv btmI acn....... ...................................■■■—■................
siuat p-TwsI hon-lp-sl O-.lJafs. hut Is aiUU- , t.-ikvvl tu U' disti.i-oe-d fnuu Ito siTili-e.
.•I aU b* tvawlsrd ab iB.alri. AithIsliuK i
aa Ibe toilers W.'TV- fiwsanbal
Mab aliebikm
alisbikm Waa dirreied
d.reri/U |.>
h> CU.rU
Cl.irla T--Bk.
ibe Sek
ark rWeatbsilsBi
raeMtnsilani rare,
ruTe, asd alier taMs( l.< th"'. cra.-rnl f.ir bat ujiwu.al to scut
l-nr P^skis be Mt al—ul well, fla ruslli.ued sub II usUl be had Takes alne
parkaeba. and Mure that Ills*, shkh sss
ai.iulha ac»,
ac>>, be
M baa-s-'t Ml a<rwrsn(rtM-M■ ailam. Mr. H->-tv she had tara ndurvO
to a aketaus, has adbce Isrtvaued IT. |ha.
U watakl. be turiber siatef Ihst be raa
pw.r Ike als«e staleaMM h. Lie rui-
A kHtaa Betoet.
lAdy Wsrtley Mootacu. cm of FfiyIsud's moot tollUaui «i
rope'a -undylac batred to tto fudua Inc
mauntr; Tto puck vrbo wai defurmed
and very dark and addicivd to uuesdonliic everybody, one* asked tor to define
8to defined It
i -a tittle, crooked, black tblni
Tam, ^ “
M ato l .»ia Icim BiawMB 1 doaT
__ ....^______ ... rbe-iBiallsiu. '
.ll-.rts Tui.k
bs. toes
W. t.'iin.l
I.'iin.l thr
th lest
M.k bsr
nV setka th* sasae wsr Is all wlul to o.uIJ .
• r>iniiatlun by
ot tWeasataB^ atkh aa* Guniy.
tllluiii. die ted
tu-nie. ,.r as.
rr waaai-mparwaua
Ihal wunM ao askhlr ami auiel.r enrv aa |
thla It c.>Blaloa W.I is.le.bou ur liunrt.>as.,
him. Tb.-.r .htli.'Uliy was. ilrat. that
did ■>'•( klHllt I.uW. I.. cu nbiNtt it.
Be aatv aad oe. the ilcki wady, as M ta ' and. *is'-u,1. ili.'iv was tiu utBivT In tbe
In hi. p
The mast ftal-vmte hm.k ever ntPaa ap i finalh .l.s id
9 ^-tfc-r
....... .
Wtoo yon have It R'a laaapeelty;
wbee the atbee
toa had toaaod npoo the tod and fortack.
Cattta to pa away. MRly tto ailpped
.\beat the dm a Baa kMm aatd
tor hand down crer the bedaprrsd antotoc a hMband to baa to to«la W
«h waa tacky I forcet to pat R
away." aha tfaoacht as ato taw tto
batetar Bakla* hUnaatf at boew. ~B#
taMdi M take at hit tooea her* and
then tab tto toaae."
As ato can* la thU cowctsaloc the
barflar «roaa and tmad toward tto
bad. A task tt aarprla* ftaatod oear
Mt fica. bat bafac* to could Bora tto
Ootbsm. New Vurk'e allat. wa* orlclaally applied to Ibe Manbattaa tiiwi
In derlaivci. douUteae beranae of aoeiK
wm. Bslsrvuaa
aa Bhoat yuar yam.
train | c-mc
slatr, i
nii-iidiu.'... Tn-I.
________ -.................... ....
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