The Evening Record, January 06, 1902

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The Evening Record, January 06, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



SatndiTs Issue 1310
KlKl'U TSAB-Xa 1454


MORGAN BATES gmtu run. r. Bopkiaue Bttitk. tto WOULD CEDE
wttm trUo5>

ee)*ktmMd HtUt. mUmt Md iMtsm;
HwiitM MabU, •dilor ai Tb» 0»tkwfc. ••d oUMta aqMdlr w*U toowu.
TbMe jMB lorad kirn ft* kli lofty
eiwi»a(«. bMod idMM wd weaptiaa-




Soars WUI Not


lataaned Ua •§ w anaapta oC AmStriokon Wt« Ai^««y
today ftoa theomatof






ana, lad.. Oallv aiiafti Iba a
of UMtaa w4o knew Mo
L "Tberearaaftaat aaay wbo

DarlBC raoaat yaara Mr. Bataa apatrt
Hu BMn in Poor Hulth for
.3M tim U Kaw York Oily, wb«a
Btivarml Months
be waa always fraeiad iwltb tUs atBoat eerdlall^ is Utaniy otrelaa.
and a yaar ayo, «poa anweaa torlta-

In Wh*t*v4r Country Moy be



w aad UirSi Favoi- the CaOla* of

tioo.' ba was for oosaa tima tba^j
tead f«esl of Iba Oaotaiy Olab. tbs
soot axelaiiaa Uiataiy olab of that

aad tbs liittaM ataoeisHiWia

SptdalSak cf....
Oeomr. DM as tlw Ase or ion

Admiral Schley Will Push His
Case No

As oldest raaidoal td LeoMaos oenty. died otsis bomw In OoBterriUe
lost oronlu bt B o'oloefc; ot tbe aye
of 106 yeara. He bae beea a realdem
of Leelanas ooosty for the past SO
yaara, coming *0 Ooaterrille from
Mllwookeo wbero be hod Itrad for o
yoor or two afl«* bis arrisal from
Ooramar. wbero be sras bars: HU
family have all grown ap. oaty one of
Mm. Mia. Sbabriek, liviag Bear him.
The faaenU srtll be held bom tbe
Pollab eharob ot OeBterrilte tomor­
row moratng ot 9 o'elo^

DefiaMe .Terms of 1‘eMe Msir be
Acrert Vaea la >sar Fetare.



Tine Jirt Calendars.


^ Pnttr
to Kmd autCo.
Washiagtoe. Jaa. B-Admlal Sehlay
as in ooeferenes srith Praaldant
Hootevelt for nearly an hemr today
by appotntmret. aad it Is aadetateod
that tbe president Indaead tbe admir­
al to abandon fartborocUon routing
to bis port in tbe Santiago oompolgs.
ItUaleo andrratood tbot thero arill
be no eivil aetioe against tbe peblirtonof MacUy'fbook. The preeldent U determined that;tbe Imbroglio

By Trtsami* t-* tbs Bwwd.
ryaa Bataa. broibsi of Tboa. T.
Amsterdam. Jaa. 6—After a confer,
k. diad aaddealy at foot o'clobk
Mr. Bates was a intoand tbiakar. eaee of Boor leaders yoaterday. Boat Prank Zitka Killed Instantly
tday aftarasoe. of polBooaty
by a Pall
elear-oat, floteil writer and a man Afeat WeaaeU mdd: "U we are foreod
tte LeeDtette feetfte,
r steony ooDsiotlaaa. He was aoted toltwaoboald oortaialy cede tetriProd Elmondorf lends today ia the
amoay bis frtoeda as a fariillant eon- tory, bat we srtll not aarrendar oar
« aad did Doi reyaiB e
Record's oooterV for the free soboUrsetaaUotialUt, and one of these said iaoreraiffB IndepeadeDoe In wbat U
death Oi
•bip in tb'e latemational oorreapoBdtruly laateTenliif, "Be was a perfect left." Weaaele farther swue that
Bataa had baaa ib Mtlii>c~bealtb
Erayar aad Leyds are in tanr of oedD« echeoli of SotaalAeJiS^
ia aU plaoee aad at
»1 BMBtbe aad wblla his doath was
TTte vote now stands:
waiMtea mid of him that lay tetritory.
•ot eaiirely oaospaei^ Vf
Prod Elmendorf
be kaete more aboat mors thlays
bora ot bis faaily it trill be a irraat
A -Strait
ttaan aay man in tbe trl^ elrele of aeatlment tiers that dafiaUe
aarpriB to bis frisads. as only throe
B M. Slelmel
Hiemty men la wblob be mored. He IMooe in tbe Sooth AMosn traabls
days ar> l>« was ablo to stalk dowa
srlll be ognod apoo is the sot very
was a loyal, farase and traa a
kowB. Ha was takea saddoaly worse
He bad Jast stepped into tbe balldlag
loyal to hU frlaods. bmse to de wbat dUtMttBtan.
*lCtarday aftoniDoo aad
private boslatea at 6 -AO o'clock
■fail la atranyth aatii siriakon Baaday
smy borne, aad went to ste]> PHOP. 4- F- ’ TKOyil. Imteaa
is btm.
throogfa a door into tbe UvaloiT. bat
Deoeaied leasaa .two aUtera. Mra
DaiwaMd srae flfty-foar years of Jaiiat M. Baire ot Ohloaco. and Mra
made a mistake and stepped instead
MS. Ha oama to Trareias Oily la Mary B. Oortoa of OleraratUla N.
tbroagb tbe door opening to tbe boaeIBRI. aad while bis litaiary work eall- r., aad oae brother. Tboa T. Bataa
steim Heeadeovored l« catch
od biB to other aad broartor Balds, be
eartcd’le the Patee*.
blmaeK bat It was too Utte. Be fell
I this oily.
always oatl^ Tias< rte Oity bisbome
backwards, striking apon bit bead,
Tbe faaoml will take place from T TUtersi* W the Bmed
VatU a llttie taora tbaio a yaar ayo br ke inideDoe of Tboa T. Bates. 00
Detroit. Jan. «-lf the ootamittee ot aad borst a blood veeael lo a«ok, dy­
devoted Mat of bis tiiat .to literary
t o'cleek to
bonkers, la charge of tbe Brerott- ing almost lEStoaUy.
'.arask la Chtoaco ^ New Yor
br. Holliday and Coroner Chase
looro iiiterOBts agree, to dispoee ot
ow afternoon!'
^tetaroed bare last sriater
>'e anoomplete of tbe People's wan ealled. A Jtey teas empaneled
Mia aad to devote aU his tiiae to
Telei^one Oo.. one of tbe oonittiaeat and broagbl in a vetdict of
wriliwT4 veers of age
of tbe Evemt-Moore s^Mr. bates teas bon la Altauiy, K.
dloate, tbe twelve Ihoamnd Detroit and has been a resident of ibU city
Y.. May 4. 1817. He teas the mb of
•a^poriben wilt la all probability bay for the part » years. He leaves three
Bee. MsrriU Bslee, wbo sras'a loota- Two Young LadIbB Badly Hurt aad opoMM the plant
a oo-opom- soas. Frank aad Jameafof ibis city
laeet Methodist dlsiae ia New York,
aod Tony of Ohloago. and one dangbSaturday Evening
atate. bavinc somt«m] the niaistry
ter. Mr. niiBie Walton, with whom he
tbtealBlKt:: His father eras a probU borne till th.< time of bU
E>OopIe’s Oo. hero mys he naderei
BOBBted abolitionist aad was aelire Hr Fslls Ceissoi tte a Wire wrotebed the bonkers are srilliny to sell tbe deeth. HU wife has been dead for the
amid the stlrriac aeeaes preeedlag the
plant at ooat. Mayor Maybory favors pact 16 years.
etrlt star. Moryan Bstot was a
Tbe fooeial will be beld tomorrow
tbU oobemelas the Mlohiyaa Tele­
•epfaav of Idaal. Ooretwor Moryaa
phone Oo. rooenUy odsoaoed lu rates from.tbe nndertaklag rooms of W. S.
Itelas. the fooBder of the Uraad Tibs
Miss Margaret Waldos' and Min fifty per eenk
Anderson, wbo has charge of the fonataa Hamid, who was u twia l*oth«r -Ella 8wan srare tbe vletims Satarday
eral. ot V AO o'clock in tbe morning.
.' satinrall'
of Bev. Merritt Uatea lie eatetod eseBiag of the cowardly not of eoi
slioes. heavy sok-5. e\the ofBoe of the Omad Traseree Her­ dastard w^p eboald be made to fe
lealhei -an>l
ald when a boy had leaned the prlal- the ana ot the law with a very 4ve
making T*ey‘llsiancl ,
or'i tiade auder his aaole. He teas stroke. Min Waldon sras .the fimt
all thi,kniMrks
Policeman'’ Passed
foreman of-Uie ol!loo.fcif. eome limsi talfeT. and tbe mme caase led to the
four Bef van pi»e
Away Yesterday
Bobee^oeDlIy be . srrol ‘ to Detroit, eerloai Injary of Mite Swan a little
iheiii-vbere he in l»;o became manayer of later. '
the Job priatlay department of tbr
Miss Waldon. who boards with the
rian, Jan. 6-Jetse Booker, who
Adrertlter andbTribone. owned by Mliees Andersoo on tbe earner ot Seswas shot last night by J. B. FarrtngJamee S. Berlpp*. He raarrled 01am entb aad BohemU atreete. was borry
sbotoher from MiUn. died this
Doty of Ann Arbor'.w l«W. Miss
her sapper Saturday even
Farrington, some here last
Doty srut at that time^temry editor tOK from the mtllioery olore of Mim
light and mvr hi* wife aitUng ia the
of the Adrortteer and nibane. Ura Dohaaey, wbero stae bad. her drem.-alt, watcn-riMf. eear
Up of Hooker, at the home ot Hook­
Bate* attataed earlabl^distinelionia mnklny parlors, srheo. on the snOk
er's poronts. He eeeared tbe servioee
bar literary srork aad was noted for met of tbe residence of W. T. Snoa sheriff aod polleerasn aad went
bar ebtldien's slorlesaad sersea. Un. shall on Bohemia itroet. she fell in nem of three months, at the age of ^
tbe lioaae, where be fonod the two
that she did not at tbe yeara Stomachand long trooblet-wero.
Bates died In Ohlraffo in isi<5.
a eoBu*omUlng position. Parring.
time anderatand. She - sras. rendered the roase of bis deoth.and he has made
While slfll io tbe om
by the falU and lay then a gallant figfat for taU life ogatast dU- ton followed tbe sheriff iato the house
eer^r and Trtbane
His death. whlU not altogether
came owner of the Wyandotte Enter- on the smik for aoine time, thoagb nnexpeoted. will be aooe the lem and shot five times before he could be
ptopped. Four-of the sboU tort
priee. and aubMsiMn'Iy booyht tbe Jati bow long the roald not tell
deepl.T deplored by a host of frieoda effeet. Booker formerly worked for
Mareball Biauaman. wblob be pobhowever, and made her* way to Iba not only in UiU city bat tbroagboat Farrlngtoa at Milan. , Furring^
tlshed eeseml yearn.
tbe raglaB. where he was abo well owns a laige farm near that place.
In IHTS-W Mr. Bates was tbe editor hoiite, bat for the time was still M
by the ion that the ooald known. The' fiinenl will be beTd from
aad manaiter of tbe Janksoa Daily
tbe rosidnioe Wednoeday afternoaD,
OlltteB. doriny the aheetaoe of Hon. not tell what was tbe troable nor bow anJertbe aaipiooe of Trtveroi' City
Jamee O'Ooaaell ip Earo|.e. Other ■be had been injared.
Wlien she finally niooeeded In tell­ Teal Na 8T1, K. O. T. M.. of which
allalloe FoUewed br I
Mieblyan oewa|n|<en oooulmd worts
the daeeomid was a member.
of bis pen In Iboee daya In IWO he ing that the was lajorod by a faU oe
Nr. Blacken was a native ot Nor­
went to I'biwiyo where he • nyayed in tbe walk. Harvey AaderaoD. knowing way, and came to tUs ooantry SI
aewspapet wotk and where lie was a that Mim Swan woaid be cominrtbat yean ago, oetUing. with bU wife. »t
At tbeU regular mf<'tlngott January
prominent llyare In tbe profeesion way toon, want oat to roe if pomlbla Northport. Hen ha reaided for S3
9th the KaU*to of Pythias will inmany yearn K«r eeseml years be pob- what had oaaaed Mim Waldon'a fall
yoan.whea be nmor«d iritb ^1* fam­
Uah^ tbe .kmerioan Itenttry Jonmal. and prevent Mim Swan from a almUar ily to this cl^. wbero he has slnoe re- ■tali their ofBoen vl«>otod for tbe:i'D.
bow owned by his nephew. U. U. tnjary. He eras a little too lote, how­
aloe win be private, followed by 1
Batee. .formerly of this city. Later ever. tor Joet as he got oat and was
He loaves besides Us wife.' eight banquet and masioal aad literary en
aboat to call to Mtm Saran. who bad
oa he dented bl< tlme'to 1
ehildren. Mn. Reynold Bwaneoo od MrtalBraent for the Knights and th<-ii
Maded literary eSoris. wbteh Rained alreody tnrnad down the .walk on 8ohamU.itrmt. be mw bet falL He as- Uaaton. Mrs.. Woodrow of thU olty. famiUee. Lodge work will tmmraenoi
for him distinetioo as a writer.
for some time pterioas to three alstod her to tbe hooae.and then found OU O. Blacken, now Uviag in Wyom- at 7 AO sharp. Parlon open to ih.Uqt. Mrs. Walter Kelson of Ncirthpart. ladles at the same boar. A Urge at.
yaara ayo be was tlie manaylny-editor that the oanso of tbe troable
Mr. Jaaet Dobson. John M. Blacken. MDdaaee U expvotea as these events
eidi'oee wire
of the Lafayette. Ind.. Call, bat tbe
srork belny too eootainy for hta' watk.oDS end fastened to a stake driv- Mim Annie M. BUekao and MUs AW Imve provon very enjoyable to
10 tbe lot of Mr. SnashaU aad gall Blacken of tbUcity. AU of the lodge in portyooTE ,
hoalih. be aeretsd his conaectloa srilh
childMa except Ola O. Blaokmi will
ibeothw fastened to a tree oa
that paper.
TO i.irg IK Hsa corriK
be praaeat at tbe fanaraL
Last year bU Brat book, "Martin oaet side ot ^ walk. Tbe win
Brook." sras pObl£died by Harper & aboat isiaeibes from the walk, and- Mr. Blacken, up to tbe time of hU
last Ulnees. was night poUoemaa on
of New York.
I la Uarifert.
Brook" sms a aacoass from tto time terrible fall
Mias Waldon, ia addition to the ter- He was ^ipolated to tbe poaitlon by BrTUterarttelbeBaeanL
It Ml the pross aod telthit|f ihirW
rible shaking B^ aaSerod a badly Mayor Friedrich in the early fall of
days elybl ediliens bad been
Beaton Harbdr. Jaa 6—Camille,
IWO. and was an elBeieat mamter-of the nine year old daughter of|Oeo*ge
Baveml ediltons hare bm-o iisaed tealeed side oad tbe fraoiBseo
siBoa that time. This book is one of tbe bonea^t her otm. SU will be the foree till his last lllaeao
ChamberUin..o draggist of Elbrtford.
Mr. BUokea was an ^asoally ranBunu county, vras taken lU a
Uniee whose inflaeoei- does nnt wane, l*even»d Yrom work for a good
bat rather takei a firmer bold ap« while. Mise Saroa aaffered a severe irongand beUthy mai*-<DatUUa week age. and lart Friday to all apCHROSECUF ErtSElMlF
oarvoos shook, beside# having nne last iUneaa be had aew base sick .a
arm partially parslyaod by the fall. day in hi* Ufa Ba was
the furnrsL wbloh wnt to be beld
Brook" Harper ft Brvitbere have Both of the yoang ladles an someday. wen aU mada. bat daring Uat
verbUl in Korthpon, when be llred
mated roerally that tbrir rompaay wbat tetter today, thoagb they wan
Bight tbe child soddenly cosm to life,
aever pobllsbed'a biH>k wblob roeelvider the doctor's eare all d^ yea- foroTortwodaoodea WhentbeQ/B. wbils in bte casket and bids taU to
od more aalveraal praise from erilloe terdav. aad have by ao means loopv- ft L bramdi wm bUlt to thU elty.Mr. rooovsr. _____________
and tlie pablle. Tbe work was Um- toed from tbe effects ot theU hard Blacken had the contnot for bolldiag
we miU of the rood near Kingaiey.
raaalt of yean of thought aad study falU
Decaoaad was Inrarad for N.OOO In
of eoadUloDi wbiob bad. tried mee's
Tnvms City Tent No. 871. K. O. T. -iru— ir not Fstel 'accMsm at I
ao^s. anil iu seenee arero vividly
Amm Tsstertar.
drowb from real Ufe.;iargely from tbe
ways teody to sceotamodote anyooc
Br TUisrot* te tb« a-rort
life aad straggles ot his own father la AtSMteey USeurat at Mia
Deed ot US aarrlcos. whotevor might
t.b. Aan Jam «—Tertarday arisr1 hire taar carkaSi ot h«r aad mtMr tu
tbs groat fight tor hamaa rigbU la
«„B».-hK-h.| teiU retaU at WHIHX
be tbe ootnie of theU nted. aad geo Bomi tbs thirtssn ysar old Mm of Bathe quarter eealary Jast beforo the
OALEPBK'M. CaU—d -vneroos ID a fault. Tbe city police de­ perrior L. S. Steffotd of tUs town,
Morgan Bates was the aathor of
hta 'FhoarSJU
limdlag Uk gab. tte boU possUg
Msy lltarory prodaotlou which
ttetmgbUio appsr partof ths trigU
beosght him late promioanes and the Korthera* SooaritUs Co., amred
Tortr** Mirbiii
iBBg. iofllrtlag-* dangsraos If not
t Us
la Wartlngton this afteraoon.
HU death laoroa a
DmtoI*—Wbrtt. 96.10 9S>«: satw. mortal woo»4 Or. WOUam SU^.
stated that be wtU ask tbe United
day U ottewdli Urn.
I arort ot
67 •«; COM. eo«4SilatMi ispreme oonri for p«ml
Tolofto Tbcrt. 91?4.
The Pre-Invenloc> Sale 1* creto file a motion of mandomai or
64H: ««». 6ni:
«>“8 *
Doling tbe later year* of hU life>.9fi.
eats. 46%; port, $17.
ho mingled with Utenry mte end MVB 08 $7.»*aod ws vlU kits you
Tbe Boston Store.

rs^ef/oe No Masco ^«or •

..dobarttBeecInr ^
THE WEAiiffl iisay
o jHirchasc ffne NEW CLOTHING,. HATS.
HINGS at sui h kite figures a-v wc quote duriiq;oui


■ ,

Pi*e=Tnoentor^ Sale
Men's elegant (Jcrnian Beaver Overroats, plusJi hne«i, *20 values. ciH
down to $15,00. Men's "/irt.i " l isten.. $|.'51 alucs, |iaoii. Mca's
75c Ca|», all the ne» *haj«s. go at 5*h-.
LOOK. TWICKl 10 iloicnMi-n s revcrxiUlc Four-m-Hand Tk*.
swell «ujr. 61K-values. i>o*r 2.V. .\NV i'AlR OK I’AN'rS IS THE
Be sure anil see us. before you buy elscehca-. Wc posuivriy give
IBL grandest valuw ror the .lean muiiey. Wc allow no one to an^^11 ui,.qualiiy consiilcrciL



slS-'" S. Benda S> Eo.



Ytat't Utmtmbnmtt.


If you need a new Suit or Overcoat, it will
surely pay you to' look at the extraordin­
ary values we are now offerinR—Stylish,
desirable goods at GKNUINE BARGAIN







-rtji»r«f» DOWFU •

irte moNT' a


Jllfr^d U.






Us tuimoio and


Vlce^ fE.R DiUy:
Sec.. W. H. Foster:
Treaf., T60S. SmurtliwaUe.

mm w...:.

General Agents for purchasing, selling.or leastag
Real Estate, and everything pertaining thereto.
Will aid in promoting and
locating manufacturing enterprises.
We want the agency for sale of farming lands. timber lands and other real esute. and
purchasers for the same.
We want factories to locate and focatibns
for them—we want to ftpresent you
in all real estat; matters.
10.000 acres good farming lands for sale
on Easy Terms.' Abstracts procured and examinw
Titles perfected—correspondence solicited.

IW mVEK HI (0.

Traveise Ctty.

12* East From Street,


Is the name of a swell, tip-to-date shoe for
ladies. They are made, from the finest ma­
terial by skilled workmen and sold at a uni­

form price

$3.50 a Pair.
If you have been^paying four and five dollars a
j>air for shoes,- try a pair of DeLuxe and you
will find them as satisfactory in every respect-

McNamara Blk„ Fro«t

*■■ «T»iniG B»bo*», T*AV*a»« ciTr, MKau mwoat, jAKTTAwr e. i»Dfc




I CtaalDttMMuj


fnMB T. U1B AW I. ^ Mlic

cm OacebMM

of |M»«i OM M( kt «•
iM to tto «Wo oMniiciW ToUditr
ofhUpolMti. o«4 ttMtthor«*« tafrlagod br fooAi ■oiiiif^nA osd
wU br tooffcor, •>« glrl^ Mtieo
WlU bOMOd. «b«o
o»ab obooion ooMola oe fobo mMoof toot, la M fiTiac aocito «f
hli olatm ia foad ftltb. tbc owbot of
a lauat la .ootliic Oritbla bii
aad a ooart of oqaltr oaa lako iitirliof tbo aattaa oalr !• fooroat
1 aad falwAood -in rodMal
Bop. (Bov Tack. )Jad|oOota«K.
Ttelaat aad aalld
aad battery ee i

Focta«o . aaUoao ban triad
aahoM of twlotlaf tbo Llm'a laV
lalnoa. Uwroforo It la a
J to wlteoM tbat lanoM at tbo
tob>«et. Kodfard
BipMw Mkoa bold to twlot tbo aotfaor ocMaltr of tbo Lino aod at tbo
MMO ttMOpalUatbe kaolivltfa rlforBo erltleloM ibo Boon tlcnrnaaly.aad
ha* oOnod ap tbla«t Mcrilr in EorMtOD N^rfONAI. IMVB«rif RKT
■owo Oftbo Bnidu of o a I S.OMAMO lo.
MiiwiotOii BooOnOTooct Aa
Joa. «-Tbo foUowlair U
fnaa tbo Moaitbl; riaaaelal Pltoilar
Of John H. OadiftOa. baakota
“A Good Balioaal lDreotiD<
SfOtblng Ina than oee boadtod
yaaca ago tbo Uaiii>d Stetea paid tI^
«0,fl00 to Fcaaeo for aboot BN.OOO
agatoo mllaa lying «o*l of tbo Utiolaalpiif RItoc. vbieb ora* •on<' What ia
0X000* of tbo on« of the torrlury
Mtoaood la tbo onglnal' Uoltod
Btatao of AtooHea. Aboot 100.000 pooibool thla a
wUob oxtoadod frou tbo Oalf of
Moxloo to tbf Canadian bordar oa Ibo
•Mrtboad tbo Paeiflo oooaa on Ibo
WOOL Oal of tbl* area Umxo hare
%oaa cotatad, in vbolaor la fart, iix<
toon otataa aad torrlloriea. via: LoaU^
laM, Aikaaaao, Mlaaoori. Kaaada, Nobcaofca. Iowa, Miaaeoola. th.- two DakoOta. Colotado. VyoBinR. Waabiagtaa, Oregon, Idaho. Montana and InSte Tarrltory. Tbi* ia aboot onethird tbo aioa of .tbo/Unitod State*.
“Vaa the pnmluuw a wiae and pro’ Slabte one? A few Sgaro. will antwor
Iba gaaatlcB In IWU the popalatlaa
had gtOWB to OTor 14.700,000. Tbo
dMrtet iwodaeod that year tot.OOO.OeObaaboU of wheat. Tbo oora ]wodaet m nearly one-half tbat of tbe
oatice ooautry, aad the oat crop aboai
18 par ooot The leading agrtoallaral
paodaeta. Inotadlng wbeai. oora. oata.

tloa of bar tetelnlag to a
Ugal ..
for raid WToog* la hU erlU. la teUof tbU ivoBia*. ah* waived her
legal right* aad retralaad fiOB the
Hi* will b
and her admlaianM, aftar the
death, preetotod a elaln agalal hi*
for^060.000. wbiab wn refaoed.
> MtpealU waabaUtbat aacdi
loo la tb* wlU axttogalabad
ed. aod there waa notbiag oa wbleh
to boM a olalB agalaat tb* aaMB "
PaolftoBep. (Oali T8S.

M tb* dtoth of tbo late FMridaat XoTh* Mrlk* Btoatlon atBoiMloaa,
poSa. la to alarming tlmt large telaWBOBMiti of woep* have baea aoalelratod la aad abeat tiie olty. The
Brtkore new aaBbor SO,Oia
While haaliw la a oela* off Fort
HaBU«a.,X. T-. a driMcmaa oaplilUadafBll grown faaal*
fwoML BUMldtobetlMSMtfw
eanght In UiOM
i lUolBeL «T year* old. of
•t. PaaL Minn., wo* foaad
with bU throat ent. It la beUoved he ootoBlUad tb* *et He
U tba teal *«a» aod loan bool
aad wno a prominent and woaitliy
Fear robben Mow tbo vnalt of tlie
Bank of Oamdoa Point, Mo.. witi>
dynoall*. TIm axploalco atoaard tl>c
oltlaeaa aad a pl*o>>ed haul* will. tl«
robbtoa atoBOd Aftor oevore agUtlag
tlB robbtoi Sod aod Mdo good their
imp* oa 0 iBodoar.
rary iomaity
doa eorooor'o Joiy ia tl>* eoM of Bar­
on Cliaa Oealdro Bollloan. who waa
foaod allot la a mllroad earriage at
roogh Joaetioa.
Boro*, a lawyer. teatiOed
tlialthedacMaad wao* Frtoeli
aod oooenl geaeiel ia Oanada. 'Hi*
tatlior wa* oeereiary of tlie Fraiieh
kgaricB at WaaliiDgtoa aad aiamed
dangliwr of Senator Beoloo.
Mil* Beleo Millar Oonld, a member
of th* board of lady taanageri of Uie
ImalalBa Porolmae espoaitioe. aad a
party of foof or Are frilmd* will ar­
rive la SL Loaia over'Tthe Waboah
road on the aftornooa cfi^JMipary II
aadieaaiain the city util the fol-lag Taeedoy. Preaideat Praacla,
of tbe Lbaialaa
Oa. aad Mr* Fvaaei* have leadered
' Mlaa Ooold a reoeptioo at their reaidaM* for Satarday evealag. Jaanaty
Tlie MaBp>iU. 'Teaa.. medical col­
lage lia* for Mveral week* been experiateotiag wltb oa eBbalmlag Hold for
-*-‘->b great pomlbllltiei an poediotII U aaeerted thU diaoorety ia
rior to tb* embalmlDg pteparatioo* aaed by all tbe Egyptiaaa for

Baiting From Bale-A dealer waa en­
gaged la tbe Illegal mle of latoxieatlag liqaora On a oartoia day between
IS B. and 1 p. B.. he aold at hi* bar
loreeglaMoaot whlokay and a bottle
of Uqaor to a yoaag Boa, tbe at
plalntlSa Tbe eon wm ejeoted (roB
,a ttnibaboalSp. B.. and ininred by
reeling agalaat a paiaing aoglM aa' ba
waa attoBptlag to walk aloMt the
mok. Tbe MB bod aeat atoaey at
vartona ttme* to bia pareaU to be
naed^or the anpport of the bonaol '
aad it wa* Iwld. that tbe iotoxlei
being tbe proxlaato oaaa* of tb* lajory, tbe parent*were eaUtied tore
oorer ander a atataie giving a right
of aaUoD agalaat tbe teller of latosieaoto to nay one whoee BoaDa pf aopport wma Impaired by the nae of toA •eporable from Egyptian emtolii
iolorioaata. altboagh tba pareaU bad aad ft doM not eall for the awatha
baada^ la wblob all Egyptian
no legal right to leqnire Uvelreooto
iBlea wwe onoaaod. Tbe priaeloontribole to tbe oapport of tb* lamiaxparlmoat ap to tbl* time liaa
ly.-dl Nortbeatown Rep. (Moaa,
npM tbo body of a dog. wtaiefa
ladg* Boise* lOU.
treated SO da^ aga Toda
Murder—Premedltotloo.—To eoaati- look* at aatainl aa (a Ufa It U rigid,
tnte murder la the And degree, tbe bat la a pecfeotly aatardl poaa Tlie
petriflee tbe body. Kellber artonie oor etiyobnioe la aaed in tbe
C Burdor la the &i«

xrool prodnot alone waa «qaBl to the
oattae drat coat of tbe te^tory. The
ealaeof tbe tana aalmaU wna oror
•ttO.eoo.OOQ. looladeo iu miaml
prodaeta ire«« tt^.OOO.OOO of gold.tSO,
000.000 of aUrar and toot ol
ooal. There were 6.ni8
I ia IWO. aad aaarly
K,000 Bllaa of railway were^ia o
tloa. Tbe dcpoaitaMa the national
hooka wwe aaarly •OO.OOO.ono.
Xebtaaka aloae three are 4t: banka.
With depoalta of aboai ptt.OOO.OOO
'■Dndar tbe otiBalaa of American
oaomyaadia------------- -------_-----------flk.000.000 paid oat for tbe 'Ijonlatana
Parehato’ baa proved a^tly good
What woold yon think of yoar gronwy man if be aold yon wud for ragto? What do yon think of a dngplat,
wbo oSort yon a anbatilnte for tbe
UddiaOD 00*1 Rooky MonaUia Tea.
Ja* O. JobucB.'
Ur*. Jone*.I lx tbe
grrateet woman to xtlck to a fud 1 over
MW Ur*. Brown'-WJi.v. I tirver
beard any one'ear tlmi l•t•ro^•. Mr*.
Janee.—Can't belii that. It'* w>«il the
MB*. Ju(t eee hu» die lia* gone on
admlrtag tbat hDtoaud.or lien tlii'M
twenty year* and nif-


matioo of a dtattooi parpoae to kill

York. Jndg* Ctallooi S07.
Stole Kleotlco-latiBidaUMi
Voter*—Oodgrea* having no power to
pulah tbe iatlBidatioo of votei
porely atoto eleetioa*, wb«« the
daet i* not gronoded opoo rode, e
or prevloa* oondltlpa of aaevttade. tba
aet of tfoagreea wblob juvidto for tb*
aaffroge to whom tbe right 1* |gaaiaa
lead by tbe lUh aBMdaaat. U void
in it* applieatloo to atate eleot
aiuoe it inelade* within ita operation
offooaoi not grenaded open taee,
or., or prevloa* oondltian of aeritada.
—63 Imwyer* Report* Annotated
< By. I ttO._______________
I tbea* day* w
whan ovoryew* la be­
ef tb* drama,
Blag tbe d*r
ilia Inionaaly rafnaiilag to oil'for
three bonr* and -tborongbly *a}oy
olron. wbolaooBe play like *'Teuw
aee'tPardBer." wblob ia oBBonao*

Saallb tealonag. life reaewlbg oor- night. Tneaday. Jon. 7, at Steinberg'*
dlaL a Wplo fonlOe* the body and Oiand.
bmla aad eiopa tbe dine of deoar.
For tbe pMt five aeoaooa tbia playTWt'e what Rooky Moaai
•cored tlie
dooa U oeau. Jaa. O.
Tboma* AtWiDRun. of Knetand. wbo of tbe
helped »le|'he« Iniild «iV U.n-k.t. ody-jltaBOa oa Mar. It will long be
ha* beea arveoty ;;^'elll-* m * trsd.-* ud- reBeBbeted forth* able Baaaer
too, aod brad* tln>
lUt uf wblob eaob Indlvidaal Beaber of
. tbe Aualfduated eka-U'i.v iif Knplui pa«looUrly oapabla^oompany lauroata. Ue la HO yi«n of nge. and lia*
pc«M hU reapeotlto role. Tb* atdrawn beoeltt luunry from lb«- tni
tio^oa reoiaiaa nader tb* peraaaol
ter twepty-eereu year*.
of Phil Haat, wbo wUl pnTbe eltotrio aparfc goe* tbrongb
*eat tbe mb<‘. powarfal omnraay
toy TOla aad erery nerre. A iileaaant
foallM aweepi over the aoal alter tak- which bM la foTBer aeoooaa bOec
tag Re^ Xonnlalii
making IdeatlBed with lb* artlatle aad Saaaaged aad feeble. Jaa O. otoiaueoB of tb* pcodaetloa.
ptOBlamt feature U tb* introdnoioo
h devoted to tame, wbooe vooal toleetloai ore UMating, aad a rlUuli ..r two or three ooBpaiahl* in their aeoamey aod ImrRaw* In bi* TMvJrnii itmimue la not Boaieaa bleadlngtoe tnncfa for him. Ileiwivu 16U aod
; UBT he killed In bi** domain*
1AM deer. l.Tau cbatuula
and nacb
rx-TAngiymiiun CaUe of nilael*
•her game.
ba* a rharmlng young daughter wbo b
rt-cehliifc- Imt rdoioihm In Knora.
IVIh-d khe waa ■evetal yrnra youagvi
llieu alio It now brr fatin-r took bet
oa hi* kuee imp day and mM to ber:
Ouf Pre>Invcntor)- Sale ia great­
‘T’odky a man BikvdjDe if 1 wooM
ly aitpreciatetl, judging fn^
not *ell little brother. He oaU bt
woold give . me a room fnU of gold.
the ruth we had lUiurda)-. If
Stull I let blB bar* your little
you have been waiting for
The eblld abook her bead.
quciali, .wail no toogrr—the
*-Uni." porotoied her father. ^*'ib)ak
tine N ai hand. Rememlwr,
MW mneb BMoey tbla roou full of
gold wmM lie. Think bow Bitty
w« fUnd back of ev ery doUar’a
Uitag* yoo eenld bny with It. I>«T
wofth of goodi aold during ihU
roii tbtok' fd better let the nun
Utile brolberr
aak, tbe uinc a* if bought teg-.No." aaU tbe diMbter. *iet*akert>
■taiwThe Boaon Store.
him tm be 1a older, lie'll be wtotb
mot* Ibao."—Kew Yack TiBaa

ink John 8. JohaeoB. tbe valiant
Oaltod Sbim ottoer wbo a.year ago
laat Jane with* *qaM> of vola
•oldlm nvptnred tbe noted Ftllplao
gaaoral. HImb. for wfaieh be ei
aod the mpliBeota of hi* frionda U
a gaeel of Auditor Jehnatoo. of the
Milwaakoe. Benton Btobor A-Oolnm
Railroad at Beaton Harbor.
liioBL Jdbaaton U retleent regarding
hi* owB valor however aad la aa in
bwe UBighl ataowed blpiaell
to be M BodMK la demeanor aa be tl
geolal la dlsi^tiou. He aailed from
a Oetobw ISond arrived la New
York Olty a few day* ago.
A roaaatlo weddlag Wok olaee Fri­
day U Padooab, • Ey. James Waring,
ttngeonaly 111 Irith appeodloitU wa*
wedded w Miw Jenaie Terry of Dnlatb. Win Tbe ooople were to have
been Barried Wedaeeday at Duluth
bat Waring caddenly behaiae iQ tbe
daybefoca. A Mlegtam was eent to
tbe yonog lady-and shg reached then
Pope Leo has i

e TenieleW V
ene kaowa wbo baa ridden la tbe
(diBitteto*s aeat of a forty beewpowrr
Bacblne on a well kept conetry toad,
write* Henri Foarnler in January SoeBnt I do not plead fur tbo-auto> aa a picamire anrbtne.- 1 am
net a faddM. Tbe antaioeblle U r.

ig well to di> .tmerlcan*. altbongb 1 Iblak tt wDI find a perTnaaeot
^ In rcVTcelloo and *ii»rt. the fotnr* of tbe AOIomotibe dnea uui di-pi-nd
Ita nae by pleaeun- M-t-ker*. It*
great ooamerrlal valw l> ua y.t ap­
preciated even liy tbnae wb» are memt
irtilne. It la a greet time aarpr.
rvpnra “time —____—......................
anywbere elae In tbe wnrlii.' Tbe great
la tbelr race to get the
lateM new* Orsl .to dlKUal pen* of
tbclr ritlr* noW employ aotomobUp*
carry tbe |apcn from lb<- levwi■tm to the aewmianda. Th<-y trev.

tbe lajun-d mote aardy and gnlck:
to tbe aurgpoDa Tlw birgc *bu|>* ai
greatly Improvlnc tbclr cldlvery aer
Ice by using atitomnlMb„ Itrarad ot v
bicle* drawn by iMrera. TU- prubli-m
of transporting light rivli;tn als
Urge city like Sew Turk M l■•nc
ed by Ibo amamotilU-. smvt railways
bare tried It. but Ibey <vulJ iu<t do It
HMCc*ar>ilkr li^Bsi- of i|n- Inlcrfereooe wlllkposj^ngiT trafflo ami ibe Impooelblllty^of dellvrrltir goods away
from the few strvs-lV.nbive tracks ore
leld. An dcllycry wag-u
doee not have Its
I look 10 are all Ibp imlinnr.y work of
tiBOS|»n9tlon In tin- inTttI dm-s of tbe
world, such a* New Yorlw Isiiidoii.
Pari* and Obloago, <h<>ie uli|i»ut
borsea end I Ibbik tbe rbsiigc
made much soouie tbaii i|i—-t |s'>plc
have any Idea of. INi-ryibaig will Is'done wltb gn-ater dl>{alcb. llic slr,s-t<
will l>e less conp-Pinl nml. uswi Inipqnani of all. elenn; Thlt.k wlial a
crowded Iboniacbfan- like llnuidwii.v.
New York rtty. would
with mi
botwea to algbl, only iii-.i-r «
It bltbcr
nud juu'
epcedliig etkiut

We have Seen
Lots of Proof of
This. _
am* with as tbat tbat* la
wane than a feeUv of,
rMaltoda- Tfaerel*»o—ol
ol oar telbag yon that when oneb
way. it liasymptomoladlaMdon
diaoa of tbo *vttoB.
We would Ilka
to teU everyooe ia tblo
dty bow to-gdrsnag-tok* TtoM aa
ear gaanatea
- Viaol i* not s patent awdiriae. Every,
thing coBBlaed la it li printed on die
UMot each bottle. It doe* iavIganM,
d* flesh when flesh ti BeeM. aS
tm rich red blmsl. Vinol esanot do
ham because it vootalRs only tb* ingrrdleati that are meded to acoompUsh
good, namely, thr aetirt cuiativa
BMdldaal principles found to lb* hver of
tb* lire cod. Vinol difltfsfrtnaeod liver
oil toeamnrh at none of tbe gxea*e tba*
tastes so badly aud >ita *o detrimentally
a the dlgrsU
live oresns Is found In tt.
We bate r •— from what we have
rndoTM VlaoI aa we
______what it hss done in
BBoy cases wbeiv the ynUent baa bcM
down and dcblliutnl tad where tb*
pushed by it* nsr.
We also feel tun> that many peopto
have ukraVtoolwbowvn oath* verge
ofatevetepttsckol slrknrsa. and instead
of sulfering further ]«lo aad misery*
-quickly mtotvd tn bnjtb. lirreto
of many Irttei* eadorsiog Vinol:
■ Aa a airenglheoiBg innii . I will gladly
cay that Viaol is the best mrdicie* 1 ever
have taken or beard of. We have
tty as a
Jam AtncBsos. Mansfield. Ohio.
i have had oo modi



wbo trie* Tlnol qnl
is deUdona. tbat ■
r K. and agree
to aityoac‘the
the price they p^
fS^o*Vtt“'do BM AM
lately aatUfactory.

US! V.. J Mu-<-

Ceasel Cewerwl Celr Writes I

in Ibr latest mmsdUir n>.n
ed at WaWiInglon tbon- api-ara-a

Ws-lilr,s1-.n l-ir.,-1



ir:.r,; ,

oduolDg mall llquur* in llur'-is'.
k 'priml
y* Mr. It'olr. itos
kn.-wu In .\«ia
for many yior*. Init-ilK- arrrK-k pHduced I*.a brry llipilil, ami ili,- «.• (till­
ed Hie U-er did out Itnd favor
among thi- uatlxrv Thr Ititi-mor'i-biiii-.
that In the old pris-.-* onl.» al~-iil l‘>
per-i-ent of-tlo' rkv gormlnaii-d.
r-qunl aniouni fnlb-d lo t
lie JX IK-r •■<■01 dm-a.vol. tnmliiig ll
iKsI portion nud »«-iil)iuc In a
nowhoWneu- prudm'i,* K.v
the ni-w sruidu. wlih-h •-•in«l^t> •■ssi-nt i
tuny of a iiv"i‘nT.-nt «f t!i.- n,-.- ki.tltig'
five or six ilays i>f aliviiuiU'
and vxhlatlon at a uulf-mii
tnre. nrarly <-verj- grain of rliv I* f<-uud I
to liavc p-nulnafmL aiul the spruuix!
have grown alK*vi' Uric- ax lung ii«'
the rice grains. Tlic malt will tbi-.ii l«rvody to dry in llu- usual way or u-s-l
- -grecti" malt f,T '■.............
Isvr, splriis «r gl
lx id the ••pliikiii that,
tbe invvDllun mny lU't Ik- valiialih- in
life I'nlted Kiai.-s. wlien- tU.- pr<Klu.tloD of barli^y lx largo nml ili>- •v-t
comparatlvoly low. It «'-<-ni» JILi-ly to
cbesiien llm cixt of |ir«shi.-Uig mail
llqnora In Rurupe ami lin-nt Itrtialn.
where they are eonruimxl Iu xm L large

Prefe**ee Kewrr L. Breeee an the
t'nierv Mon.


whlob .Oalhelto ecbolan tbe department-of HuUct university, i

•Tbe cbest and the uwier ami luw. r
IlmlM of the ceaiiOK ninii will <-■
larger.'' prophrale* Trofi-u-.r liruiur.
dad* 11 "ooBanltors" ehoaea from acconlinc to ibc ri>ltod>^li>!ita Pm...
dlSereet eoBBtrte*.
•'and the future t
Sir Bmost OaoaoL as BnglUb met- cr than hht broil T pf tcKiny. The f
ofaart and flanaetor, wbo was ptoainent la Egyptian flaanoe. aod was
made a kaighi ooauBaadef of 8l Mlehnol and 8L George tor bla serrieea reacbetl.
and the ultra bninetle lyi-- win m.iila tbat Sold. U tb* porMa wbo has ■lanily decline. I'alfurmli.v vf ilw color
plaead $l.<l00,«00 at the dtopomi of of the eye* and the hair, hira.-»or. will
ElarBdwaid tor tbe aatobUdiaeDt of never lie B-acb<d. Tliryiau of tb.- fu­
a haupUai t» MBMBpMvaa
ture will bare superior fm-tb and balr.
- Dr. Royal B. Pioyft, who la dead Tbooght mtIdx machinery will relieve
aTXattaa.N. H.. £ways eUimed that
he waa tb* first Union aoldler to eaur
Rlohatond aftor Ita awTender. He waa
tbea a aklnaiataer ln~Ca C., Tblraace of one aex aod then of atioiluT."
toeatb New RampMilre volAateera


Weaknew and IU Healtb
Dvetcame by Vinol.


“Strunge men. far dlff'^reut frviii
tboee now living, will walk the earlli
1 a' special to ceotnMea to come. TlK y will I-- a

J. E. OreoB of Bk Loak^Mo., baa
plans aad apeolfioatioai of an airttlp,
the orfglnal diawtogt of wbleh be
tUtowweie atoloa troBbla nearly
10 yean age by a Fveoohiaaa aad tak­
en to Fibboo, where be mw olalBS,
tboy have beea letwodneed to tb*
etnft Md* laBoaa by Mr. Baatoa-DnmenL
Theano Gbrtor. wbo la aorvtog a W
yoar OMtone* to tb* Ohio intoon for
BnoafaMgbtor. may b* iMoaaod. A
BOB nooMd Waltor Wtagg.trtw ii oapposed to bar* eommitwd onieid* M
Pinsboif, Pn.. mat n lotwr to a
Biwampof to ttnl oily to wblob bo
omUmmd that bo kUlod a bob anmod
Blttlor at OtoMottU. tor wblA
orim Oartir wna oenvl^



Te Phetenvwah a ■■llOlea Oatlr.
It la reported. aAconllaB to the llnstOB Bodget. that a ramera Lax tiecn
placed ao aa to take each <hiy oue pictore of tbe fMw building uf the departmeet of'phyale* of tbc t'ortivll tinjvcrolty DOW being' conamicted. wltb tbe
^l*et of predpeinx brreaficr a moving
pleinr; of tbe building from iu begin•tog to its compleiloBw

rauenn waoei loog* an ■

^ 'Pwof Oar
Tnventorp Bargains.


Several diScveai ctyk* of aben c.

A lot of odd1 r^ifc worth 50c,
T5c. JI.
$1.60; SS.OU and $2.76 each, price*
now 42c, 66c. 76c. $1.W. $1.26 and
$2.19'eadi— Tbcto are. all har^aiim— than factors' prices.



>r«.mAwva:*t joHNR. SANTO





We Buarantee Jill Our Candies Strietif
Pure and Wholesome.......
Marie Cbooolatoc.
Vtlet^ Cbeeolato*.

uid Orange Btoeanm*
have no bqaal.

(■lksu« <vbwUBrallr nii.d-'

Wt nianutasturt
a Ccmplete Lint cf

Straub Bros. & Jtmiotte.

Made by the most skilled workmen in the
world. Just what you want for a gift fdr a
wedding, birthday. or afnniversary. The
handsomest goods we have had.



Rotary Chairs, Arm Chairs. Window Seats in all the odd,
fancy designs made in Flemish Oak, Golden Birch. Mahojgany. Golden Oak, Austria Oak, Bird’s Eye Maple. These
goods must be seen to be fully appreciated for their artistic
beauty and design.

, Dainty rockers, deftly planned, sooth you off to slumber
land. Made in Bird’s Eye Maple, Golden Oak, Austria Oak
Golden Birth. The most artistic designs that are made.
Prices from $4.75, $5.25, $5.75, $6.

Bring comfort to the user that lasts as long as the chair
and that’s a generation, if they are made as thoroughly as
these. Twenty different styles to select from. Prices from
$7.50 to $40.

BOOKCASE ANj> WRITING OESKS are all right, in style
in stock, in finish and most emphatically right in price. No
more convenient piece of furniture can be placed in the
home.. All manner of designs, sell from $ I 1.50 to $35.

That appeal to every one on account of their design, finish
character and richness. Those we show are made in either
solid Oak or Mahogany and upholstered in Turkish Tapes­
try. Sell.from $20 to $43.

'.7 ,irr7i7 s;‘ ^

iMomU* BOdiotoe for Ooagha.
Oolda. had all Throat and Lnag dia•naooonotttb. Tba first dotw bring*


OF MiaiICAN|’-;l7-,



■;l '

' .

At DMTitid IMI iprlL#
Immt taw ta9k mp ttair stota
Mrwa tta tUiar wmi ptaMHiiw ■
____________ ___ __________ ____
B. TtaMwri bom. Dwta* ita 1«m
^ Boath Bow mm. acta »
•Did «u> .U. fmamt <bo«fbt b>|,M. B« Iwrw awlb mA ttaw
«mM Fdw foiM boon. wppODtaf ebiidrw. bwldw tow taetten. ttaw
«bWtb«ool4 wwtbw.wooW h>*DD otvbowmltaU tbl«oltr. Bd ww,
MMtaC DffMl apoo tta bm Bat m- i. ,.|aMr br Bata, tart at tta ttM of
•atrttoM of tta itamBDtw. 11 dwrwt; au dmh vat Miplopad brtta Wil>. ttalltUf' boar taaaadDUuMLwbw.Oo-.tawUebUtlMtbIt too war* tor bi». a»d ta it Mill |ar u •
; iBD laaeraj vat Mto tauaiv
Tif frtwdi aad rolallf of TbrBit fnm tta rwrtdwiw. aadw tta dineBoyta a oot itBt tMidoDlof Dwf- ,itoa«tf H. I. OarMr. Bo*. W.-^
•old. ba*t fw oljtbl ywrt IvUorad, wrtfbt bad ehan« ot tta wrrtw.
btal doad. bat bt bat D»v. DOOM book
^ to tpMd ibt bolldoyt vltb
bit paepl*. :' am UFiYEITE RETURNS
I,b bu
*«ad aptowt likra Ttr*
J Boob
BOob all**.
allTt , .
Baa. U* it DOW a vtdl lodo ioBbor i
<“ b
Tta tolpoiwit ot iBBibOT troffl Kaftaav ftTcr daria« tta bomb of aa*iwm A. tafapotu aiTtTed froB tta
■attoa to I«00 ver« oely aboat 10.000,- talUppiaat Batordaf afMtaooa.vbwa
jCQO fuM Thn T<>e*lpu.. bow*o*. van tor tbi- paat Uma *oan h* bat beaa
tta Uqtrtt oa neoH. asoobttoir to tabitok PUiptoca Be taliatad ttaraa
II0,SM.«07 <•>«. at eOBjand vttb 76... raan a«o DeeeBber ,08. to Oo. A.
000.000 fMrt tta pwotoat twr. Aboel Third U. e. lofaatrr. aad bat bean
-^000.000 f(«t bare alroadf bwa psr- w.ltb tbaai abtll bit ditetarka DeeeBobatod ta dta|^,oB tbit rirrr for do- bertolatl.
Ma tat tad eooagh & tta PbUipUratT oott toatop.
Tta aaaoaaeetnaal
boaa Bodr piBwaad PiliplaM, and oalUttaUthat MtB Rote Barttoa. vbo it well laadt-'a beoto of o«abl*."He hat
been Tery boty e*w tioce bit ratan
a to jriiot, aad bta
la of -Kaaiea" to Qaa Vadlt at tbakiOR haadi vltb eld' frtondt vbo
I opm boat* to tbal eiljrtfait an Rtad to tea him back.
1. ta* liMD taledtod from tavoaipOva ladlM at tta- . Uaitad Statn to
Aftor a vaeattoa of ibrea vaafct. tbe
ta*a tbafr featar** adbrn tta aaw
eattaeer of tlit Ot daamBiQatioa ocvaell vill ouvl aflato tbU eTeotoit
retralar tattloa! For few vaeki or
vbtoh will tooe ta Iwaad b7 tba tterire ptaoedlof tbe--raeatiao" Jut
ataBaoL 8b<- U thf Botl popalor
aetfcm that »r*r ■(•iMtod id ttai elt* tataed. tbere vu a BMtlDR every
ereahut. tat tta calaadar it
aad OBda tha antioaaoamriat for lha
OratttDH^to tar Kliot trieadt vhila to amaired that the oily fattan
ttaa tkipped throe voeka
la that city
la tplK- of the taet that there hu
Boaw titnr Bjto toar drrr atoapod
tnm Baiie Ittapark at DetreiL Pri- bees plenty'of tiiaa to pile apvork,'
- daraoebf tba aaiaiala vat twa l/a there it little exeept roattoe butoew
oeta tald at Mba. tapaor ooabtr It OB tta table, altbooiib ttaaeeaaqjabillt bu beooBe ateoraaL
vaarwoirDiBad b; Ibt bcaDdaadap- tian
ptarad oalto taroe. The atbnr dotr
A Heap Mrwerr.
hla*» baea aeon roeantlr a wnd Klah
myitery why wemen endare
lake to tapn-r coDOty.
laokacbe. Htodaebe. Kenounett.At Pitot a toam of boraet and tvo
Helaneboly, PattUing.
■laifli louU of Jeo veal tbroDKh tta
id Oluy Spi
ored that Eleeirie
Bitter* vlU care
toe toto the rlrer Mday. SeTeial lee proved
troablM ! I toffered for yrar*
Mtwn vbo vere rldtop oo Die loadt anch
with kidney trooble,'' writes Mi*.
veto alao Rlrea a tatli. Tlie Codb ~>bebe Oberh-r. of Peteraoo. la..
»M reaened. tat ilia alelglia are at tta anda lame tack pained me to I
enaldnot dnei myaelf, tat Eleotrle
bottom of tlie rirer. ' '
wholly eund me. and. al'>Tlie aoDul meotiDR' of the Akiiae L. Bittori
tbongb Til vean old. I now am able to
d'Areambal aoeieiy of Detolt. vliteh do all my hooeework. " It ororoomet
vtll be held vitliln tlie nest tvo Oonttipaiion. improve* Appetiie.give*
voekt, viU be of parlioDlar totereat, nerfeol health. Ucly 50e at Jaa O.
Johnaon ‘and S. B. Walt A Bwu'
at- the dUpoBl of the d'Aoambal drag
« of io'daitry will be eonaidered.
It appear*-tliat tlie home, u it luw
Poblto property seem* to be a pri­
been ooadBDh-d. haa ootllTed Ita DM- vate snap at But Jordan. Local pa­
fatoeaa. The aooietyjvojvaeii branch- per* tell of tta hoM company finding
tok oat into a wider apUere and da- tbe bote piled |iromitoou*ly In .tbe
oiraa to tcnniiie talldinR over to bate faonae. »>me one liaving taken it
mma other charitable oritanlcattoii. not, need it, and pat it back withont
'*Tlie nnmber of mra eand for by tta drying or winding it up. ♦
liome hat dropped off ttreatllr in Ilia
toat too jran." aid .loUn W. Kal- State of Ohio, City of Toledo, - ^
ford, vho hat'bi-eB tap-rinlenent of
he i* I
ylia d'Araambal home for II y<
"A few yeort e«o ve liad aa hlRh aa of F. J
in the city -of Toledo, Ooanty and
4i man to the Vinter, vhih- toti win- Stole
aforeeald. and that mid firm
tor tliere vere oul.r 17. W.- hare only will lay.tbe *am of ONE HUNOBBO
fpar lamatea at prex-ffL. The liome OUlLaKS for each aad ever* nan of
that eaanol be cored by tbe
4t eeU-aapportinir. a« ve maiiafaetDre
Hall's Uatarrh Oore.
lajCt and oaiie ehtlra I voald like In
Sworn to before me ood inburitN^d
in my prea-noe <m thia^tb day oCOe*”lfaira Oatorr!
Jatorrh Oore it tak«> iotororricBita Ki.WTKti
P. J. Cheney * Oo.
Sold by DniaUto, TS
Hail'* Family PllUa
At the raeetiait of tbe Bioltarhood
of 8t PbbI yetleHay aflmoon. tta
fallovlnp ofReera wetr elected:
the Nortbeni Normal eehool at MarQnette. It 1* propoeed to moke active
rimento with the new vystera to

taiivistlsB lastoeoto to tta Oarm

antb tta dwth of Capttla BWtard

Mutual —

P. Leary a oaiaw fignr* paswa from
tta navy, wys tta New tork BetaM.
Be wu appointed ta tbe Naval Bead*•y aOMBB LCZ WABBBM
mr rtoa Maryland In twn and daring
tta civil war wu anacbed to the bloekadliM aqaadran at Clutrlrvun. H* wu
arxt beard of/pramiaestly at KanKV
■/ A. a. KM
dtting tta atmtig tJiura that cnUalHlrd when Utt toruOu of NW deMteyrd tta Oermae and Amer^psot
abtpe to tboae vatora
CtpUlD Lwry was tbea in rotomtsd Mary bad lived (ogellwr tbe lives of
fanners for twenty yrar* or mure and
of tta Adtma a IliUe rvMel <'
bad uern^ tad sn taitr's mteDodertype. Tbs Uermaa flagship
■tandlng. They tad no eblldrrti. hut
fumpatiy ws* all suAcieiit fi>r
vere troDhiou* ttotr* Id Samoa, but ib«
other, and si tbe age of foriy-flte
aattcDs n-iuv*ratrd l>y thi-lr warship*
were In Ibr Iv-d of beslto^and
to ttaee water* were ■upiiuaed (u oiaUVitboifl
regretA Tben (be serpent
UlD nrairsi puettlotn Tlie Adler om
day steamed |«sl tbr.Adsm* amj nalul- ctvfrt to. pc was tbe agent of ■ life
*Dce company.-and be snt down
strapped in lb<- thrmsu sblp's
wbere Mr*. I'leti-le-r
mam wu
wt a uUve rebel rbh-f. CaptolD
leturn tbe *81(11*.
L^'i ship <1
maader lowered a
and tteOermi
was to s<
-e luutui lusuraiier. Bt-Wl
taio Leary's reply was ctaraclert«Ur:
would proDi
TeU yoor eoumaodrr tbai tbe Unit­
ed Stole* due* not salole any vi-ssri vo- 85.000. -nie faraier's wife tad brard
of sneb things, but was o|>|>us>d to
gaged to tbe *l*ve trade."
' Aootber time, h-arulng tbit tbe Cer- UrCm, and ibe agent had i» talk fur
man man-of-war bed b-n tbe tartar ta two tong hours tarure be <ould seetue
boidiiard a fitft od bd IsUad luidef: ber pruuiliw to ‘talk 1u t>a ataut IL**
Ameriraa roiitrol to support of tier- That tUght slie did tMlk.^l.i.ueh wlthmany* ra'ndlilsir fur ^be SaDcen OUt.^i<uy bearrln It unj wu* iuu>-li re­
cfalprtalosblp. Captala I-cary gut tbe. lieved wluri tbe bu-baud turui-d to
little AdJDU DDd<-r war snd amrod off her and Mid. >, y
tbe Island as the l<omtardoi<-nt wa.* "Mnrv. It wLuli}/ta like flvln* to tbe
aliioDt 10 begin, ('■•vn-d for Si-llun. the faee Uf (b.- le-k I wuuldu t think
Unle reavel dsrl<-d lietwii-D (he tier- of aueli a ibing."
He had to iliiiik. boweter. The agent
man ship and tbe sbore. aud.D->t a gun eame
hn-'k agnlu. aiiJ i.gsiii. and ut
hngtb bi> |*-r!>i«l<-»e.v iviwlied li> r«-During-tbe Bpontob-Amerletia wsr
CaptolD I..rary eumusDded~rbe Sen
Praaelsep lo West iDdlsa wum. He
afterward wvs apintoted goe^>r nt
GUDi. wbleb'be ruhd as be aWl^ l&<
ship. He Te<|ulred (be utires to
tand fullun>-<l till- pkiu 'In tin- In-ld he
ry. ealled on the nira in perfurui a
found lilniiK'tr tv.... ..
wIhVImt hitain anrannt of work <-a<-h -lay and
1 w lie Would dll- ilr>4 aiid w bt-lbi'r
CTVD pteseribrd' liow iiiii'-li iwultry
uuld Ik- k-«1 i*iI i-} fur him to
aboDld lie tuslntatoed by ••tu-h rauU.v. build n^iK-w tarn uut of tU:it lii-uniliiv
mune.v ill enM- In- tvav tin''iiurvitor.
(Ill- w-ffi-. a* ►!«- »al |>-vlliig potaWe* f->r sup|*T utnl i-i-enltiE the oven
now uiid (lif-ii 111 liMik n the >-aklug bread, found- bi-rw-lf w-m.l.-riu:
CARRIES MIS OWN LIGHT what stM- slmuld do w Ith the farm and'
lat ntuiti-y lu
Jiu-ut-t- ShH b>
C«r^.-4r- ri-Oa m Wsr " «e*dl «
hreedu}*] ivr a will.!
la airvel t'or*.
1. aiHl <1* h
Hermann Sebmidl. n <-tin"-ntor«f si.
I In>urau<v be
Louis, ran.os bis ntr<-<-l <-nr lUuml ahull and Kolil:
tlon In bl* itM-ket. say* tlu- fhk- go
Jay l|e all right in yuttr e.tse. lint I
Onter (teeau. tVlH-n U<- gi-is uu bu
fbuuld took III 11 n* ■'n-iiurtalloir to
Mreet ear In tbe evening *>i
wife lo get rid uf me. Il>i>l>nnd*
tame, be lake* out hi* light and, jiny wil
lUau «.V
clamping It on tbe pllnsler uf tbe wlndos-. aetUes down lu bla seal
the. news uf the world. He w-.^* *iM-akiHE 1 lolly, but I
sowed 0 m*M. Out
e tta otbi-f pauM-ngi-iw taw i>
wife uf a neighbor drupix-d lu fur u
Sel■bmldt uys be In\<‘ii|<>d Ijl* *<1- gosalp, and of .-.mrsi- *;«■ wna told
utabh-. oefr folding <-nndle |Niwer about the Insurance polh-y. It struck
of Bbeer oelf defi-nae. TLc ber at first as a ginf Itd^. but two
llghia in tbe atre.-t eot^ ari so poor minute* hner she bidd .iip her tanda
during tbe busy Lour* uf Ibt- erculng and exclaimed:
tbat III- could not see lo rt-nd Ids paper.' . "Mary ric-trtter. *Io -juu know- whitt
be o«ld. lie found blnis. If dropidug you have dum-? Vou h:i«c prvjiari-cl
ticblud tbe band w ugoii. tie is a bD*y your tiwi.i graver
maii ood taa no iliue during tlic tlay "ta, but h->w you (nlkT
"Ye*, you ta«e. Ttii-r.- isn't a buaand la too tln-d at night lu nsid.
Itotber tlian aubwlt tu a gh*>my Jiuur band v-u the face-uf (hc.i-nrth who
on Ibt- enra Id Ibt- evening b.- si-l to wouldn't throw his wife down the cel­
work to tuke a light that he could lar stairs and break ber nei-k fur-8.Vcarry wiih him. He uiu-d a ploet- of 000. You won't ta atlvt* to see ThauksM]iper w-tre eigbt Incbes long, a brasa glvtog:"
tube, a lilet-e of old fashluiied furulturc Uert- was another seed, and that
and a wagon key. The first np|«enr- night for Ihv Ural time aliiee their mar­
auev uf the lamp on au J^lgbteeblh riage the fanner eou|>le felt siicjih-inn
■triet car the olbi-r evening lu Sl DJd- and thsiruvt. .\s they kU togeilier tlie
is treated a at-uaUun. U^-Jia au io- hnstand looked the
stoulam-otia bit nitb the luiaaougcr*
Oh the car. and St htuJdt la tblnklog of
going luto tbe bualnraa of maDufoK
turbig tbe lampt on a largt- at-alt-.

Betla IS ICeea os Klwalaa ‘igesesrMr UM. !• TheeJTbe city of Ltoculn. Nek. reccntlf
perfected plans for the erection of a
memorial to I'lusld.-nt UcElult-y In tbe
elaborate set of cblmtog
bclla to ta Idat-vd to tbe lately completed St. l-aul'a M'..............
McUii-dIri chnrcta
aaya thu-New York World. Tbe order
for-tbeir wanofaciare w-oa gin
company to Troy.' S. Y. They
coat gkOOtp Tbe fund for (brir purctaae rnuc aa voluntary sutiwTlptloni
from the people of l.toeoln. William J.
Bryan talng one of tbe suhncrlberK.
Tbe Jargi-s.t of tbe 1«-lls weighs an
even tou, and they range fruni that to
one of lUo ponnila. Each day tbe liyiuB
"Nearer. My Hod. to Thiv." will bo

on tarYaff-mtar/tar-k Triamwr. and
abe utisved sorb servama of fear that
tbe tramp.on tta highway wta bsord
ber did not darv gv. to ber OMlstaara
aatll be tad anonnoned betp At amotbev lime abe slipped us tta eeUar
fUtri. aad afirv much tesklag aboM
abe dlfiroveml a peseta Moor and teram
fared It op aa legal proof of tta hootand'a pUDBtoc. Uve. u«st aad ««•
flOency tad flown oat of tbe window,
and Ita nelgbtera aagHy shook itair
bMda and nhsrrvad itat Ibey verb
t>re[inrc*J to bear of oa avfol tragedy
any day.
One ntobt the hnstand woke np wttb
a chill of fear,
be Kiw bl* wll
with a huieber knife raiaed to alrike.
He fiincsl ber U-sltle bim aod sremIngly fast aaleei-. but be detenulo<-d lo
pass the rest of tlie night on ilie bay
In the tarn. Hr }ia‘I *<-ar<vIy left Ibe
bouse when tbi- site wuke up. Sta
tad driiamed of Imlng tacked to plc-ecs
With the ax. nijd ber .htrstand'a sN
aenei- seemeil to ta proof that be bad
.goneout nfltv the weapon Pbewonid
baffle blm by biding in the carriage
abed until mortilng. It ttM-refarr tappened Itat wtaUe bo wat skirting tbe
duck j>ood on Ibe right to rea.-b |be
bora sbe wa* skirting It oa Ita k-fr to
rvarh Ibeenrriage bi>nw. and presently
they came togelb<-rrin Ita daraness.
".MurckTer:". she •tauted n* she
'turned to flee. ,
“Munk-ressr be abooted as be stori­
ed tairk.
Them talh went sUppIng-do<rn the
tank. <-lawtog and elutrliing at taeb
otlHir. ami bronght tip with a great
soii*e. in .tta pond. Wet and bedrag­
gled. they eHoilK-d out oa otoaolle
mik>K. and whBe sIh- sp.-Dt the tvnialnbe night *bii-erinc. iiml'
bnslK-. ami womh-rlhg
would kill !»er St lb- 6rat l-hm or cblip
ber tip by di-gives he ssron the dtior*!■■(> au>l tusdi- up 111* liilml lo sitlnwl
te thi- wUlioui fortbi-r delay.
Murnlng lad e»UM-. and ibe'pair tad
JOKt et-nfrnnled earb other wlii-n a
aelghl-or who was iiasslog baited at
the gate lo say;
"Hello. Jake. tatw. you iM-ard tta. new»r
"Xu." wak Ibe reply.
"Ain't you
Mary tnsurrd In tbe
Sure Itoy Lire)lusuratira-n^m|Bioyr
-Wrii. slN-'s busted Iilgher-n a kite..
nd your |H>liv.v.ahi't _wutb caraeubs."
"Xlie's bimiid f-r Mm-T <)i>rr1<-d Ja-

":j-.t a d«nie.l ritl."
“Then—tb'-u, (WUH- here. Mary, eume
lOd kI*B me." said the liustauil at be
0|M-oed hU-uniiA '
" Teara lo tiie like you nilglit ta glad'
of the bust up." n-markc-d the nrigbjr.

•-Dumed If J aln'tr replied Jacab.
with Irani to Ills eyes.
lul su'm I r iKiblK-d t^e irtfe a* abe
threw 1k-t arm* nmuml hi* is* k.




2S Ptr Ctnt Off on what Is Uft of our
Lanfp, Weturts aad Jardialtits.
Cadi**' and ewidrtn'* Undtriatar
m*n’* Htavy Sea and Pants
Iladta'mabt Dresses and Wrapi)«ra

Clearing Sale Prices
Vou 0an Becduie
r. an Urcbitect
Vtr-Kl«iaalifT t-.r a t-.*uik.c stural Drswin* fn thr lnt.-niatu«-al

•d. br rewdy t- K.-p IdI- a


UJ 1>. aiv>w.runlr.eol<-faBrce. Ham lo fata—CutoutattAchc<l (»u|>>n and luail or luinn it
l» the tiusines* otTicc nf the
Kat-h cuu]Kin inu-l
taat the name of the
whom yem wish to viilc.

Si. and He.

A Pcee PcofiMtosal V'

Don't'Ins- yoer dmMtioti. Don't
thiuk l■•cdnlu- you did not get a good
edacatlon when young, yon con o<-ver
get om' <
Y/bu CBU get an ednoalion now, tbal
wiljl t nabie you to rise in life-Joat aa
auivly and Just as high as if yon went
away -to eolk-ge.
Youeto gels prcrfcssicmal educstiOD right at home, in s|vre moments,
and without a momi-nl'- loss of time
Irom your ptv**enl work. It will not
cost .yooa eeot: all tbe text bc»ks
win be fiiraitlipd free, and even s
valushle a<-t of tottrnments to as- lii
(he scodie* of (he eoarae and after*
ward* in y-or iwofeasion.
It all depends on you to get- tbe
nio«( Tof-*,'' snd secure the Fre-Sebolanhip to Mechanical nr Archi
(neturel Drawing to (he famous Inlernatio.nal Ci-rretpoDdeoee i^ool* of
ScnotoD Pa.. which tbe .Beoord will
give Bwny on Februarf 16th, 1X02.

Tbe other olBoert ^ appointiTe.
aad the appoinuneati tare not yei
Ixiak* more altrsctive toon housewerk
fame of Booklen'* Arnloa Salve
heea made. InilKUatioD of offlo^
fur a soman, t-ut it is also eveo more
e be*t to tbe'vrorld. extend*
vlU oocur. with tome form of pleatexhanwing. The work is often done
. the earth. It'■ ita one perfect
under liigti pressure, and tbs hri^tners
oat areaiBK no« yet deoldnl niion. a lioaler of Onl*. Oo«m Barn*. Brntoee,
nl the vM-ssii-l Urc
weak from Kedneeday ereoing.
Sonv. Scalu. Boila Uloer*. 1
fiutoe-l cheek* uf
Aebe*. Pain* and aU Skin Erapth
t tbe *UeRli\c derk
Only tol*!Uble Pile core. *5o a
! imiie.
at Jaa U. Johnson'* and 8. B. Wall
. ness
A million Jbu hnnrded Ifaoamnd ^ Son*'.
Auguslua Si. (JaudoDA the .Imermiu'
: hr.dll
dollar* la aiakod oo tta life of itamk
Oiand lUven'* Jail now hu only srolpku- has Im-n sekvit-d to make the :
H. -IVeTey, prealdent of the. Hearey
heroic figure of I'orneU fur tbe muuu-)
Qrato oompany. MinneapoHa. Utnn.. one oeentut. Tbe etooe pile fau meut lu be ereeleil lu Dublin, says i
tionswbat shall
said of thuse »
formerly of Bioos City. It., wiw )yDarjier's Literary liussl)i. Y’he surk
section. . ____
sullef from *om__
must be eompteled to five yean aud
to|t near death to the ^ Aadi^totn an1y diKcaaesan-l who
will coit from 840.0UU to tod.iAU. Uf I
' nek. Oblaago
Hea-ny a^d Oeorge
tola sum tbere iia* already Imvu sub­
liaL'ksche, and
Vanderbilt an the only tirelhao in
cvhrr pain* day
the United State! atrryiDit tingle mil- times needs a powerfol.-Wrutio. psr- scribed OO.WM. It will Ik- kiug tafure !
teu by ids
Ida emnlKi
bu taen explodU; for Dr. rarnell is foigotteu
llw-dollar life Inninnee polieiea. gativesdll
ging'sTtow Life Pillawhich are per­ He tad that todrOuibh^uali
No sek woman
indrauabk^ualiiy uf
Pearey took oat tbe |iollcy tvo year* fectly harmless, gently nitoolato liv­ knlgUihoed wiitcb
ahiiuUl neclec-t the
eoJeta*^ nian
man to the •'nrBt«t3ii».s:' nc KK<>i-Tia>
■b eoJe*g'a
. KTSHTEli l-Sl A.
nieana of cure for
a'go.poying 8*8,000 iiremiam eonaally. er. and bowel* to expel \poisneont'
ora him to i
matter, erii«;,ta
cleasee tta ,,^'tom'E^:
lystem aad '
■ cldt-d tbat in ea»e ..f bis Ocinh she womanly discsses
Only John Vanaamker oarriet mor< ^.ten
lately' care CootUpation and
Sic-n-art j would sundy marry again. She'd have
lataranoe than he doea He oame U Hea^rta; Only »5c at Jaa Q. John- O'Rrk-D'B "Life: uf Chark-s
rarnell" (Barper'aI) Mr. t-_...... .. _ ..... ............... - Bioax City la ISA* rrUh 8800. tater son's aad 8. E. Wait & Sou'
quoted aa aaytog of I*anicll-"That'lt with lltaral I
• he embarked ta tbe grain butoeaa tore*.
name, that very •markatde. ibkTtap- I come some piat
aad originated tbe "cleTator Una”
Tbe Pete Marqaette railroad f-----I
ante. • * • Uu the chine
Cbloe agent and annp be^ u|i as n prite.
Ytpy and antapi>r uaiuc.
ayaipm of handUag grain, and i« nov pony at Grand Lodge, are ereettog- Hat uf Irish patrloi* 1 place htoi with 'Sbe might i-osKltilr en-et. a llfteeii dolv«nb
wtat U eaired a eoal eleVBlor to tbelr or
Daniel. u-CooUflU"
PanieU I lar behdalotK-over " grave. Imi she
Tta Immenae life poIlciM held by yardA It U built of hravy tlmW] •• *»irtvd to Ulasuevto eemrl'ery, Dub-j witoldn'l go
dollar blgber. and the
ttaaa three atarevd l«*ineat raeo.aftor with ahingled roof and U txpecW^i
elotbe* be left tabtod would ta glM-n
tharoaffa luvefUgatlonof all llfeeem. lo eoal an engine to aboot throe
to aome nelghbcw's lylrtd iiiaii InaU-oJ
Celeetial Dlslsurr1 of being preaerved and wt-fd over.
paoiea. vere taken oni in tbe Uniul
When Utolaler Wu was askrd why I Tboughta as bard and bitter iMsacd Corisar C. Kook, poatvtiKrg. OnaavSorg Ca,
Ufa tnnranee Oo of New York, of
A CAIliy.
ta woold not accept tb.- chair of ori- Ihrongb Ita mind of Ihe wife. Jacob
vbtoh Uarry Bayne* of thU city it
Ve. the tutdenlgned. do ; hereby cetal IJleratnre at Columbia unlrerally, tad always l<eeo kind amt-lnclng. hut
agrw to refand toe mcmey on a 60- be reldled by asking six other qatw tbkre tad pever lieen gu.tkX) at slake
earn bottle of'Oraeaie'* Vanaoied Syr- .ttonk Hr. Wu'B diplomacy, aaya tta : before. With her out of tta way and
Waahingtoa Eveolng Ttuea la of • .that money In band he wouM repaint
the bouse, get a new tcnim of borsea.
boy a top baggy and cut a great avell.
and abe eraa AgBrvd oat wbo be would
take for bia Bccood wife. They weat
da'* pte-tovaniofy
to tad In an nntappy frame of mind,
Bactoriolcvlita at toe Amartean So­
two or three time* duriug (be
Watoh J. V. SLATER'S ad. for. and
ciety of Natorallato to leesiOB at Ohihargaln* to Hoosa PDrDlatajDR 0«od* Bight each woke np and wuiidered
aboot hot lead being poored toto bnaeogo declare tbat tome fctodi of gorma doitog toU iDventory Bm
band*' r«rv and wivo* being suiuthiTed
have aoeh aa uUpatoy tor vator that I
they aotnally>MDmilanleide tOMoape Cdlman's lnt*rk>r Spar la tta with iCIoira a* they *k-|rt.
Tbe next four wm-k* were wrelebed
tta flold. ney proclaim aa an eetoboes. Not a meal did the hosbend alt
liibod fact Itat water U to itaaU an ONB-FOORTH OFF cm aU. Otothing down to wltboot woodertog If the food
agent deadly lo many kind* of germk
A tot of odd
SDitA or drink lih'd been *prtjikl«l or mixed
tor*, aadol
•» H wtto poteoB. and hardly an boor paaoed
and that mlU alao taa daatraetlve attriban* within ttoeir.
that tbe wife waa not on ber goord
ngatoat oome sodden anaefc on tar life.
THE FAnt-Janaary
Qm 4v. too.^ltttaata dqstWvM to



Sand far Circular giring full information
fa fka mhaua
Sehalarthips to HAHQLD C. WdLK'eH, Local Agant. Cil/ Book Stare
Building, Trararta Cit/, Mich.

it -.r«M «..q ..M »
-vi'li-ui .uir-iu.K 1-enr S' l"S«l iBirn— illK^iiafoel *tlerwkmL-- Wbllr i-nisn- .-Kti-r sr. >.m <rrrfr.ns ib-ll..wxli> of what nlawr Ibst
n.w1 Klll-.->.l vc'hj l-t'-C' ;> ur ■.i-mK -i h» l--n aM. l.. ai.|>.K.ot (b-t<pid> Ihsw
tasi(.»ll>p-m>-<iKirKnitt.ern>.nt. mikKibc t-u Ki>a b.kpvi.Kitsr rraa sUuetwrDaoplrb-.i«. of,wo t.Pilbrtwtt,-

(ben tskr KIB-4T Osthirtt*. Thai suit rrL- tnr s (iisr. bwl s C'sltartte. pwf*
aadwinrle. win.KKi •.wkm U.- -Uge-IlTr sa-t lb>« tb» .wgsiw wlU tsfl^
Au Ifa-er w--rk M sU.

that will Kt'iwk T»ar tr-uM-p <t< th- n(M war. Rimkiac <br lirar. wUeb iP Ita Ml <g
tii-.t u-di.wb tf-<,iB..ra.ri,r-.B.|ibr ^Ip-Kir. .K^ovi. .t e«ir>e >D that tta (sod
ran tp- i.r..ti*.rU -wrppt tnr -a-o-'o tb-- lir.e ip-r(umjp iKr (unrlli-fi* Ibst sslure Intiwdad
liph-.uM. Kurta B..<b<ii>n>smn



b-wt lar^To-'f^BioiBarh. I•m«l b-m1 h<vr iroci



tomorrow ttigbtt
tiKsdap, Jan. 7.
SjieciaUeng^cment of the bea.uifn)

tennessee *s Pardmr

.K bean uon- of the hills, fdnnded on Bret Hane's (anxMa ronweei
Staged identicall}- with that of the original prodnetion U the Boototi
Museum and Uth St. 1'hcatre. New York.
The finefl male (]tianette wt the dramatic stage..
No Advanraoo fri Itor-fooat
SB* VO. 7So.


[ art, MMm„

Bflfk* Uader Pttoe (Mae Pre>
' 4«f^F«rGfcatW^.


■}apnd bUi^ iMi«n*nkMn«r
law WMMkO ■» flMtfHd iMt M.



«(tha artp wwbtlpdw.


M( • flha^
«ip«rac. bn»
CM (tet oonkd not ba doM by

WetfttyTTitfl^hnn% Pte Pw
AmcrfcB to TcacB BritooB.


■MA 0< BiidA alM to Bant,
h^today ttom tha BagAaS A tha

riA watt V. Athlaaen. >■

B«D«, !•.

AlfaM MoaAy. an Engltabman who


mada'a haga forttna to Ibe 8eAb AdcleoB diamond BAda la going to ^oai
part A H to a ptcnilar faablon. writaa

BbdMll. OUla BirUaU.

ntfwa of apanWIc aad pnaimlKlc
lUTiU-- an hrid br people of eepertCM aad ona Ibe sIsdi of Ibe tian
Tba fallavlac Jann wara A
an «U netiadletarr aad oumdla*. totey by Oonaty 01«fc WalMr. BhaelS
M ttat fbe tratb It dnplr bMdea.
dlar and JaattOM U. W. Oa*taa
-WbUe at Bbaactial I »«« diaeaor- .
ttobart Bamay fee tha naxt m
Bcad by what 1 Itaraed. Tbe <*WDe*e.
cd olraalt aanrt, wbleh aanoMaa ^tela ^«*tan to iht powet*. ^en. It M
Fabenary A
trae.------- -f edv-u U aorro# for tha
Harria O. Batlar, Otatto Inka: Bwaad ftrr***** i«r the (aton. but
aiarlT an wen aabile. aad ibeir la- maDHapatoUngUka: Jahn Wlnahby aefaolan ewaU nadUy •Mb. Mayhald; JaaaphLofiA Fmba baat ntofctkpat oa ibe pnwen.aad dim; Bmiy Byaca. P«lnaala:Baa«aU
appaiitil of tbe dark patt.
I pforta- H. Bald, Ualaa; FiaM Baaia, WUtaaataly tbe aiaaan are naaUe to rrad valar: tL A- Foa. Firm Ward, Ttarla^iirlal odlcta. each nUare tp-'na <Warm CIW; Fnak Bldrad. Bif d
pMdeat Dpoa a arbolaf or two aide to
K. U CWtar, Tbitd wvii
latarprrt eeeb edict ae feertred.
-Tb«. top. i obaemd that tbe rhi- TfaoMa Bbaae. Faaith ward: Oarld
aaaa |oTCniiBeot wai opealy riuUiiDK BerkAlia. FUth ward: Hapa PhllUpa.
Aamt; WUIlaan Wbaat, Blair; Imaia
tbe proTlalooi of the iMtiiu-ol. Tbou
Mate of boatloadi of araall arme aad AlBitla. Bam Bay; Fmak Jchi
aBmaoItlOO'tem panlOK weekly op FUa Inka: John Dawaaa. Oaid
the Iandiaek*aa«.
FMW. Sklnnitr. Urant: O. & Ot■ belat eslarxed aixi worked day and
tlngar. Groan Inka; Banry Kingdoa,
BlCbL Caryoem of eaplotlert wen be■ lac ronlred. and tbe dowayer bad iaaoed laatroctloae to all oSIrlala to ncapeiate tbe art»y and to lofonn her
to tbe Sybllay alrenmh of each dlrlBtae and tbe time r.-.|ulnel i» conceiitnta tba fome el a ytren point. Then
ware and are many other uuiwomlalOf
(eauina wblob w.-lylwd heavily ui>oa
tba BUbda of Ibote inlemt.-d.
-On the other band. Ibr dowayer bat
laooed relunUrlly aereral ediru of
daddedly refarTiiatory elitrarter. and
tba atfltbd* of botb oarlalt'and people
ta better than erer lwf<^ known.
Hocb apprebmaloD waa fell ae to the
period of trnnalUon In rvklny fwtn
forelyo mlllury control to Cblnrae cor.
enunent. yet tbe rbance waa made In
perfect order, and I'eklnc la now aa
qalet and pharefal at tny diy could be.
Hm aeldlert wbo onder (iejo-ral Nleh
ware Bcfatlnf at Imwc latl year
(Wd tba roada and are at »lly and
Maadly at |<oaalble. while tbe peo|.la
generally wekoaie tbe forelener and
CMOwnfa bla work.
~L«rgo banda of Hotm atlU t-xlat
Ud aaet. bot tbey are now known aa'
rabola. robbeea, elc. and. In fact tbey
prey opea all alike, while tbe aubUm
Wbo toofbt wHb {bem Ipefo
nboottbeBOeatcbl. Tbe nacUla meet
■a wKb every alMw of friendlh
•ad an doing Ibelr nttncoi to Aid ua In
•ettUng Cblneee clalint and
nor work. There never w-ni
feet freedop between CblneM- and fw^gben.
-My own rlewa take a median)
Mttra^ I moat Ix-Heve lUt tbe rml la
bot yet and that wltbln ten yenra and
poaaibly wltbln fire alrtfr will ncalii be
tbe order and a war will eneuc Ibe like
ad which tbe w.wld baa iK-v.r known.
Eor eratortra China bai lw<-n luaklng
rape*ted ■tiempla to etiwl tbe forrlpi. er, cacb tlaw praflltne by |«ti ei|iertaoee. eoch lltne with more iM.wer and
anffaaa. c«eb time lieltrr etjul|4>ed «nd
batter planned. Ulu- la wiw prvjiarlns
at never before boylne vaat uutntlllea

BryoB Holdawotlh and Oart Boaghton ratonad to tha

K. A. G. A lam-

•tog loday^_____________________
Miaa Agaaa Platt A ObdUlne to rtoIting tbe family A W. J. Moody tor a
few daya ^____________________
TW» W ti ar Ih. I4UI*

the WMda forulab. aueb at aromt and
Tbara A but little w^t grown In
that loeallty. ahd ibe/coni erop baa alwtym been tbe' rble^aopfee of auataTUa year the com |M-rltbed In tbo ut•ol, and whole Orlda failed lb yield
area a bnabel ot nuUbloa. Tbe rattle
and hi«B had to be aold In the
pari ot tba anramer becaaae of a
ad deed tor wintering tltem. and tba
cold waatbar baa foond ibv eoontry
Ailppad of Hre atork aa never befoia.
A ■oral rbuuithrontoi.
1W qnaan od Boamanla. alwaya fall
•d good werka. A aakl bow lu be
aAMf bwwtf In tbe mere liberal dia.
MbaOea of kigb ctata tbtatere throogb•A hw iWaIn
Bbe baa .bad a >
hat Mt aittaUe playboaae eooitroetadanharcnaUtgroandafortbebi
•d tht dlHrtet roand tVlaaeh.

Wtjm V
H. -A


and baa* beeama tmprcaaed ao greatly
with Ameriean metboda ot baADcaa
aad ot commercial edneaUon that ha
pnrpaiM to aend part ot England to
•ebnol to tbe CAted BUlen. paying
o«t ot hlf own poAet.

> OcmgiWtoBoMl Ladlaa' Aid 8owboodld.
blegrum la aa foUovrs;



Tmepina toulaooo.
Tbe men-bant uf fifty yeara ago be­
lieved that baalnraa could oA be leanoi Py educational proceaaea. aaya" a
writer In Bocccaa Tbe acbooi wbleb
propoaH to tracb bualncaa Wba lookA
upou with atnplcioo. It adreritaed to
do tbe ImpoaalUe. Tba tricka A tba

Tbe ea-

Jacob H. Baltb report* follswtnt: t>urW Bcout nanr DapaCo. Samar. Dml SL
fall Atandanee to da- Captain rranek n. Scl>oeff*l. wtU d*taramrnl ol oablacn taan. Cnpaar E.


TtSTena Boj Hira. Ka 71. are reqaaatad to moot ot thato hall for drUl csniallle* oecurred.
KlIleil-AerTvont John P. Swuhet
TfaarMay wftonioaa. A 1 o'olook. per*] J*me* Gsughan. Privsin
Idriy the newly atoAad M*rra. 6-rsnk UcAndrew. Joari
WvUim. C.-orCT BaUrord and one
Btoan andgovdA
tVounded-^CapialD FraDCt* . ..____
Tbe tnaacal A Mra. Kale Bloharda Usbilv. t'aVporal John II. KuaoHL rrv
str* tunlel L. MrPhrrseo. Gears* t'lfxwaa Imld from tha Bapetot ebuota yea- top, 1 ■ ■
leiMy Atamoim. Bar. W. T. Woodpropvrtv Iml. —......... -.....................................
IMI M-terrlj. lAna* delavhmenl nullpBpeedal maattoga b««ma at the Smiond Malbodtot obwoh Uat eToning. mrine for wounded and n-motioa.*"**^
Tbe rabb-crani frnni lleDeral Cbatne
and wUl aonttone Al tUa. week, exof Sci>t
Id wbicb be antiuQticed tbe
ai A- of foropany
Ninth InfanTbe wmk ot prayer U betog obuur Ualaiiglifa. Miutta tlamar. was
•arvad by Uie BaptlA Anuob. and
DM bvi* etartllng that the dl*|tatch
'meettoga wiU baheld aratyerantog
toiUweak exeept Satorda.v.
: tor. and Mra

EvexyWy sranu iL


da—thai'a why we Are csttii^

prices to.
A goods

atmek by the
tbe boy
you meet on tbe atreeirfl^ It bright­
er and better Infortued than tbe boy
you meet to Engtond. A brighter boy
will'grow Into a brigbtA man.
-I iMtlae of course tbat America If
only on aecoBBt ot ber wondvrfol tuttnla bound to be a migbty
•lion In the future, bttt I
think tbera Is room for Uirat Britain,
too. and the decision I draw from tbo
itage America to gaining so ateadUy U that Great Briulo innat
Ameriean ilnea, ttiat our red tape, tradIUoo and rested Interesla oligbl aa fu
as poaribto to be' pnt od one side and
tbat tbU country sbonid step out with
tba spirit ot tba age. which ta-prag-


WiU oeoar toaorrow Atenoon at tbe
1 A Uw



Fifth and Dlrtotoe atMU.


All t

ban are aiged to be preaent.
AU-iaaabm A Traverae City Tatil
Ka'i^-ara leqaeated to maeiai tbe

John Learell. nooomimnie.1 by.
arifa and youngen toe. will leave
day tAO trip to-Spokane to
ibalr oldA aooa.


Should tliey And

ollmato more suited to

their health

than Miebigaa tbey will locate there.
Tbe ladlA A the BaptUi church
will aerre aappA Tuaaday ereniDg
the baaement of the oharah: |iriA. 16
Tbe Annul meeting of the Ladtw'
LiWy AawMiation is being held tbit

Tnc Boaton Store.

To our nomcroA
custADcn A the jost
few areelu.
You'^vc pfled 'op
a big holiday
trade for til—how big? ■
Well, It nma up

Tbe bout lu*u*l Iwenly-alx
round*. At tbe end lliey were all.tired
foramiin of
th< bat Pelioeffcl. Cniaalii Kcltoetiel *
riKviA'iK in bri-onl wllb bl* scbuol day
coAary department, left todar fA
ncbleveuieul*. Aid bis sbuwlm;
Qbioago, to ataend the great fnrnltnre
rugaueiiieiit in the I'lilllppinnl la Do
exhibltiAi and pureliaae tlie nM< •nrprl*«- to hi* frleiHl*..
spring'atook of fnrnltore for tbe Han
Caplalti N-liueffer* liimie 1* lu KwbUb A I*y Meroantile t’^o.cater. X. 1.
He i* u s-u A folonel
Claranoe M^in of Grant *ir>-ct hat rtaiii-l* .t. Scbueffel of lliat cit]-.
bet it reported' aa

anyway—arc are satis­

John Tremaine. A Fonniain City,
Ind., Imt oome to - ibis city to attend
tbe Traverse'Oltr Bnaineat College of
Prof. C. R. Dookeray. .
E. P. Green went to Harbor SitriiiKs
today oa bnati
Mfai Lucy Gannett retnrns lo Ann
ArbA tomorrow morutog. where tbe
will reaumb her mnalAl etudica

Wilka of

East Jordan,


haa been tfa; goMt of bA airier, Mra.
M Litaey of West Front

taraed home today.
G. G. Baica of Chicago arrived
town today to attend the funeial of
hla nnole, Morgan Bate*,

wbo died





mid Fred Mnaton retureed today

to tbe Univereiiy of

Mibhlgan M Ann ArbAWUUam SopA bat returned Atcr


vaeatiwi in Maniateo.

HU etodio srill be

are bigger thii^
to attain in the future.
What abom
New Year's Cifis?
B.^RG.AINS we’ve grt.



^air<- u( h. U. Oaiu|-l^.l

l«e U

-po BUNT -FU
I at Bl «-.*>

pBBkXT-ata».*.i rraatwe la^ri

*1 tk.'





T valla, l*-<l

kjtONgT TO U»AN-aMMw mnsM.


^OKK^^iAN-He taa li*^ pal in






.ll.lfartu.ll L
Consul Geueral Ma*«ti seiida from
Berlin to tbe *iate •li-|iartUH-ht al
Wariiluglon a irau-jatl.iu uf a reiwit
by, Ibe l:u|HTlal to-allb officer on tbe
•ncccaaful rewulto of Ibe <ip> n air treattneut uf <Mt».um|itl>in In Cerninny. This
rei«>rt wa* re<|Ui'*l<-J fur ibi- l*<ue0t of
tbo luariue bwijlLal M-rvIce. nud u ropy
has bi*u >eiii lu iIk- aurgi-un ceiKtal.
i-*rk *Ml Wo,*
Ur. Ma*ou ih.ich tbat tbe *u.vvna of
this tr>aluH iit,l.aH .-au-ed Ibe eri-cllon
of ,a hir=.- miiMN'riuf .wiiil.IlRbineiita to
jtleniiaoy—»isi.v. whb
tbe »;iriug uf I'.*il. In-aluui*t bait tbe
CBH-* tbe |>aUeulH lui.l Wii *ick fur
W» tluiu a j<-ar I-f.-n- apjdylag tor
BdmlsNi.-n to tbe lOMiiutlMui. Tbe av­
erage ■il.uraiiou 'of maimeiit wa* Oi'4 |
day* fA ea.-b iBitb-iit, leila n« to tbe |
final re»nll* abow that «>f esi-h bondrial I
pailvut* treated S7.7 |ier o-ut were iio j
totapnowKc ab.
ebanpvl-n* eoted or lnipro'e«l. RR per-!
rent b ft aiiiini|>rv>ve<l.:: I |>-r rent wero *43 FRONT ST.' BOOMS 1. lands
------------------wor*e. rii.1 uue lalf of 1 |N-r cent died. I
Tlie faviiralile r*-*ull* wv
M-s >ultoble
Ailca aoath A elty. lmrg« frame rvAW. AAW.U MIIU.S nawal areaua
•ateful Miei-lletl of
bonae and large frame ban. About
tor Tienimeiil in Ibe lii*lllutluii*.
Al uder oultivatlon and all good
Tpo full lest «if tbe tv|»rl
i-|ierl aM«i
M*v tat. IHSMUpareBuoaMaak•Oil. Low priea.
tbe imblir le-allb ivporiR ef Dec.
BALE. i«0—New ilx room house
auivl I'.v the marine bukplial
Eaaytarma, lovr’price. Prioe. $880.

BurAui Rhir Elictrle



Lodge Na IH were inatoUed Saturday
aranlng hy .Mtaa Liuie Retoke. O. 1).
K. Q.-Mia. Mary A Ctonfield.

Varder-Mre. Ubbie Thonon.
Oondaotor-Mra. Anna Light.
O. O.-Mra Kellto Martin.


Lowpriea. Prtoe. 13.600.

fOR SALE, »4^1torge bouea on
North 8ptuoe atreev Urge barn,
large lot AU large exoopt price.
Tliat'i cat in tlfo- Prioo, $860.


Tbo tPo*l rcumrl.
FOR SALE. B3I—Hotel and feiwUare.
bold lu Ibe world
ill U- Tom John27 room, artealan water, Urge lot.
will tde .hoaee and lot part pay
eon's Wbun JiU pluiis are cumplcted.
Prioe. $4600.
Mr.' JobUMiQ baa reuuvl a residenn- at
TBUMHNINColumliu*. o. during tbe coiulug act- FOR SALE. «>-6ood aeveo i------•luu of the li-ctobilure. koj* the Ni-w
, boaaa. Urge lot,8enth Spruce atreet. )-uce*.-Bril xM. korUHTn ca.
York Kvrulug JiHirual. Tbe leu repreJaat north of Sixth atraet. Low
price for eaah. Price, $W.
•mlallv<-s wild tbe M-iiators friim Cuyaboga county an- le uiaku mi lil* family, FOR SALE. *»>-Mlee little bouea
and be will pcyivide tbeiu wlib all tbe
■mall ban,
East Front atreet
comforti of Lome, lucludtog lh*-lr fqod.
rooma and appropriate Mx-lal divcc> P*K8. OAANkB a MW ANTON Mpwl*l a*
ilayor Joliu*on baa m-vcral of bit
taxailuii matter* lu place befurv Ibe
IcgiKlauirc. and lUeol-Ja-l of bis Innoratitiu Is tbat .be imiy bavv aecrat
meetings of tbe kgtslalura. The-booae
reiiK-i) 1* tbat of the late Mayor C G.
Cultlus. a veo* conmiudlous ivsldence.

Baay tonaa Price $800.
OlBoe open every eranlif tUl $ p

You have n» 60 to 100 per
cent, contractor’s profits to pay
ou this property, it is all listed
■at its lowest cash value, owned
by honest people and sold at an
A Tver Thai Prodarrs Milk.
honest pripe.
A grow ing wonder It tbe<-ow tree of
Always on tho bustle, always
South Atuerlca. wbleb Is credited with
yfriding n birhal Quid wbicb to ralor. {lad to see you.
Make more
toolc anil nuirillvr property eloaely ra- sales, have larger lisU thao all
•enitiles tlm offertog* of .your DiilknianIt form* large forests in some dlstrirta tha rest put together.

R. & to Y. G.-M^ .NetHa Ifookfamily tmd
-panlon of bla life and laborw It was •toted, la to apply A parUament next IT. .
tbe aamc In that day In all Iradra. but AWlan fA pow^p'fo construct a comcooditlona are changed. Tbe votaine plHa ayatem of DUdergrauud tubes fA
A bualneaa now tranaaeted and tbe Blrmtogtam. 'Tbe name of Ur. Ycrkea UNDERWEAR at SSe. 60c. T6e np to
SVOO. All aiact ara here. 8. Benda
metboda In vogue In offlcca. atoree' and la mentlooed to cooneettoo with tbe
ot Venexocla and la mneb prixml for its.
(ariortea make It tmpoaalbte for tba aebesia. aaya tbe London Express. Tbe
product. _____________________ ,
baalneoa man A today to afford time money nteiamry fA tbe ondertaktog '
fur tbe ceoerA traiolag A blii clerkx leportA to bare been %i^rante«d i
Mere Llabt la Barai.
and aaalatanta. Tbe shop to tbe pUea randy, and Meaora. UUward * Co. ot
Petroleum bas hoea discovered
where training most be 6m4 ratbar Blrmto^m bare been Instmcti
£gn>t. and light of otber kind*, aaya
Iban-aongbL Tbna In many oecupa- tbe matter. Experts aiate that an Atbe SI. Louis Ulobe-Iteawcral. Is |
That yon save at least 2-> per
aoos It baa become neceasaiy to sub- factlre ayatem vronid -coat at koit f2.nally briaking ibrongh.
cent on everything you purchase
Mtute practical tralntog to tbe aebocia fioadoa in a few weeks aurveyors wUl
during our I’re-lnvcntory Sale?
tA tbe teaching
fermcriy gino be seat dews to plan works and auThe Boston Store.
tVma Tba ayatem prapoaed U on the
thraogb «xperlan«*.-Patrott KaTribuna
L. L. A.
fori. Gcr

L. 8. to V. O.—Miaa Ctoa Daria.

• -•*—•***^***'

srrEisssuE-^ ^

■ Hem* m Homo Ba Lealalalurv t'aa

The following offioen of Rebekab

martin & eoans

Ughtud Ntir Ci.


Ohaplato—Mra. Ada Blladean.

land money and ynn borrow

•a a^apt that atyle ot erafi tTlie aarem way to get rich Is to
ihlMll MAC twtaweo EngUnd «
qall Witig itoor.
■■Mil, and baa connracted a 'mo
K.UVW of. habit baa a great daal to
haat dAlgawl for tbia panimlar p-.
do with tbe way omne people g
naan Thia hat becti abowa A workktrlng eacb other.
H-beu a larky maa gets It Into Ua
ha hi^ ta teUnat lo tbe arbeme.
Tha-oMt to la bo fameoed to a raUc baad tbai be la a great maa W to dne
«ndttam watk lu way bark and farib to ioae hto Inck^
It-a -norae lo btoarii yonr hair than
A a Mifiini depth tmdrr tbe aarfaco.
Tha ndramage eUlmad tor ibb kind lo wear a wig. bot yon could offer •
ad A aanieo la that the dtoromferta BiUlhMi dollars- icwaA fA • srotaan
with bsir on her baad wbo waaU
•graa with -««. and yaa'd navA And
hA.—New y«* naaa


.the preseat, but there



V. 0.-Mra.'AitoaLamly.
vfbtcb to pecuUrly adapted
Reoordtog aeocuiy-Mra Saloma
to aeultre ayealgbt
To a qneatioo wbetbra Ibe wearing BUer.
ot tbe sl^e eyegian vraa not so mneb
Piuaoclal leoratoiy-Mra.
a aeceaaRy aa a fopplab fad Abe re-, E. Braam.
poner recrirA tbe reply tbel of 100
Tnaranr-Mra. KcUie L. Jobnaon.
n>en wearing monodea ibera would be
R S. to K. O.—Mrs. Ctora Dean.
perfaapa abont tvrenty wearing plain
L. 8. toN. O.-Mra. DeEtto Mcmpturiy fA ontamenL Tbe real would
require tbe nra of Ibe monecle to help
tba defective tight of one or the othA




He waa aooompanied by
•toglo Kreatoao Kubit to ConUna ia jMterday.
Acato ta LondM.
the stater A the deceased. Mr*. Jan
A London Express repreAntallvi
ette M Haira
dtocorered tbe tnierestlng fart that tbe
Edgar Keith retnraed to ludianapo
raooAle to alowly cunilng UaA again.
111 today.
Not since tba daya ot Major IVDdeaDla
and tbe Iran D«ke. whom tbe obi
dier tried to copy, bai there been any­
thing like tbe vogue wbicb to nos
ling to In single cyeglatacH.
Some wbo claim to know trace tbe
origin ot tbe new faabloo to 'the toct
that officers aerrlng In South Africa
have found them very aerrkeablr: Ali­
en pw them down to a revival aiGxfotd and Cambridge.
At-tbe caubkaliffleat of Uesara lUma
of Bond stnet. wbo fA.yeara have sup­
plied tbe elKe wItbtowOAiea. tbe
porter vraa InforiDed that tbe t
crake baa been to progreac for «
It U an undoubtA fact lUt

detije and were ruabed from anibneb by a beat y force of
•arapw aruu-d with bulo*. It
fight to a finish belwoen Iwyunet and
bolo. Ca|4.-iiu i-rank IbbAff.-l baa won
dlailuctiuD im -.rtber o>x-n*l»nt iban This
Just n-iNin
New York
Ourinc tin- Spantob AniAlnn war
Scboeffcl wa* oa of tbe .Brat lo gain
theautuuiltA Nao Joan hill, and In tbe
rcUrf of tb- l*eklng I.TSllon bo
the vat) of tlH- da*b of tbe Niulb wbicb
regTmeut It* cummatHler and
other brave
Capum KclioiJrcrH ivvvinl Gimretl
ruiiilucntty m tbr’lnvesligatlon ogfee
«.f fadet IbiOi at West
lirvugld out the fart tbat
be uu< lb,- only graitoate of West
I'olnt wli-i liad wblH«-d every uppi
cln** iiinii anaiiiid bliu while a cadi
at the illlltulT ae
Durim; bi*~fuur
Cadet Sebu<'ffri wblplHvI with bis lltia
a vabole i-laiw uf Iblriy u
Une day

Harry QardtoA has aooei^ a posi-


Umdty glHol ib* Bom


tloo to tbe Boaton Store

iwbai Improved lodav.

.• tviqsinU . ,«*i lumi
BmwdcradaMv* t-tnaarnki-b______________

line bny now dfir-

well into the.the foA


been very

IfytM are io need

ing our ^c>Inventari Sale.

AmA Wood are tbe

Aid SoaletT A the Priendi enuAi

We want

to inventorv' monc)’ innead A

AII are

pnioaU A a doe eight poond girl.
Tba Mgalar meeting A tbe Imdica'




klBi-uaiuani. M. i'., ba> « ftmd
of g.Kiil stiirlev uf cbllilreu'o wlttlil«m>. "iJix n>ri>tmaa" be aaya. ~I
•vai> ut a uerliiig A wbool rbildrea to
Hefore going away 1
Now, buya mind you
iluu'l get Into tnmblr or mlaclrtef befun- next Cbrlinmaa.' to «bk-b tbe
i-blbliwn replied:
Hame to you. airr
■liirolbm aa to wbe^ the Nile
<Mie auiwer
war: 'In UtWfO
-1 bellevo tbat tbe fault llet^aome1‘ark ’ ..tnolbcv
waa aaked:
-tVbrre are iIh- ni.iot famoua volcanoet where to our Auratlonal syaiem.
III Kiiro|>er to wtil.-b be yepltod: 'In cannot
auil* Cotixirrab.'
Mue of Ibe little onea were
Our mining lo SoDlb Af­
ItivM-rvlng. Here are aome; rica prsctlAlly waa a failure until
-A taitmm tv mabtng abnt up to a Amerino eaglnran made uur goldIk>x '
A i«wUmNi to a mao that a
flalda tbe ancccA tbat tbey are. It to
letMlv In your fret, and AD optlwtot Eagflab money, bn American bralna.
mail that atlemto |i> your eyea.' 'Ihla
-We expect that tbe commlaaloD will
i> wbat a little girl' wrote of tbe
Sail*- Uw. -l-^lward ill. weaM have toara bera Just At^'ibe buuae of romiMen klug If bla motber bad been a mocs rtoes to AiAuat A next year-so a*
manAgain: -King
U«try Vil. to suit tbe lertatotors wbo will br of
likeil plenty A m>Hiey and pleoty A tbe parly at well aa to arrive on tb<
wire*, and died A nliwra on tbe leg*.' eonttoeei aono afiA the o|R-nliig of tP
-lira**.- ao«werevl one little child, te aebooto. Thence tbe rummUalunera w :
What you're got to keep off.' Another rtolt tbe UallA Bute*, where they will
wrotr: 'Tin- iiuirrlagr <-ualom ot tbe my to aU tbe prinrinal cltlv*. Tbey
ancient Creek* oa* thi*. lhal a
win toqulrr not only laio t^uratlon. but
lunrrlcl only i.ue wife.
Into all AmeriesD metboda of
a muiiuiiuiy."'—Londoa
mme and toduatry. Tbe comuiiiwIoB
srtU he abaeot from bera probably
abou^ four laootba."
Lleenae to Wepr tolbboaa.


klo.. a mottaArkauaat line,
three at a re-

PttA from London. Be baa apent a
good deal ot ttme traeAlng to America

other day hla plan
meeting prtAded over by I»ril Beay,
chairman A tbe London acbooi boanJ.
and iDClndtog sir Jeabua Fitch. eBirf
iDAWCUr of tralAng collcgeot Sidney
Webb and Dr. W. Uanwtt. rtaalnnan
aad aeccAary rcapectlvely A tbc tecta1 of tbe LtmdoD
eoanty coondL
-I have Uareled ptactlcany lu all
Lnag lMo;-Joaaph Wabbw.Hayflald; parta of tbe United Slatea." aaid Ur.
John Baldwin. Paradlm; johnlnidln. Moaely. ’-and everything I have aeen'
aaatuea me that Amerira to getilng far
PaalnmiU; John Dewey. Pantdlaa.
ahead of oa -In myi^ay to America

There atlll exlata In London a bylaw
which furbldi a caak of beer to be ankMded' betweea certain boura. but no
menlbm to made of eaaka containing
any other Ibiiior.
Lureme baa on Ita atatute booka a
a correct l«*U.
tow which I* iK>t enforced., It proUblu hau of more than rigWeen loebea
focee'aml i
In diameter. forUda the uae of artifteto)
II r«aul(lni
Sowera and Imparled featbera and or-'
dera that a lleenae of 7S e^ta a yaar
pire, at a terrible cool.
•hall Iw paid for the right to wear rib“To offaet thiy are ibe enllsbli-ninent bona or allk or game.
that baa come to many tnlnda. iIk- |viw.
•r of tbe refonn perty and |bo Cbrlt' ttaa laflnence that It now mi cnat. ride a bicycle lo the atrevU wlibout a
Tbeaa may gndtially prevail and auy certlOcate of proficiency. Ladlea ratnt
tha power of auperallllon uml Igno- be able to mount and dtomoant tram
ranee. Uod grant 1C The whole aitiu- bolb aldea ol their wbrala abow that
tloe la ao eomplet, the arputnenU
tbey can turn coniera and ride In and
bath aldea ao y-oncluttve. that no a
out Iwtweeo a nnmber of dnmmlea.
can aay what It or it to be;"
All cycUato an pbotognphA by the
police, and tbU pbotograpb to fitted
Into a little book ronUlDlog tbe nilea
for cycling to tbe cliy. For thto book
twnaea Many to the rycllata moat then pay IIJIO. Be•Idea Ibto a hu^ brmaa number baa to
nnbolai I
noO Aeerat.
DaaUtDtloa ain-h tt to neceuliait be worn cooapicuo.tuly pUced on tha
baudlfi bar of tba machloA^tray 8t»preaapt and groerout relief U ntd
Mlat Id Oiark coun^r.
ttlDona region near the
•aya tha Kanaaa City
eompleU It Ibe famine
•ait of tlM kmc

a ataS cemapobdcA of tbe New York

RcAAtFsMaaA rracatnreewl

an to tMr ptoAa.

AU oUeew. Eaaida and mabanof

B. B. O^Mb. Otaad OMc, Baaal
la Dorthcra CkSaa. vrltM tbtw
( ibe pmpBt Oteppar. IHlh OlUatt.
to. the
Ue BaBMted. Blabetoi Hwhall. Bay
■ la U»
DoUla WyMaafk Maa WU____ ( iba attaatloa a p*al *•!
•on. Bay Wynkaop. i. WkkaabU ahd
ca«M be irrictcBi with ruvilrai
■MU«a*TMTpoUitorr»r«. Botb tb« FTBok Walton.


Va an Aa
toaphapkeBBi i
W. W. KlmaaU On.

School op«ad agato thto mAalac
•ftA tha hoUdaym. with aU A tba


wfUba Mkad B. 8.. and •!» that
A. &
Vnn «k» aiiiajnl tha



so oaa knewAbowit got thara.

AMead ■iithr A Pond n Can
•idadte taafcon nil tlaa tm tint
AM. QaMtoenHwbAdnthntttma

^akvabt «, im


Don*t Yoiu Know


242 Frost Street


BoUia M H

-r W. THIBLBT, tVi
I , a brl * Jewriry*!

t!f SriV^ B*ffY*i^ii'




Tbe allaged anperuatoral
______ powen
tba AvenU
ot tbe AvruUt son
• myet
which haa
Ibe aeveoth day and
aaraAb A lAdlee year A tbe Jews
la a rate to poliit. Bat there ara alto
tbo Sevan wtae asaa. the aeraa wasdeft A tbe wertd. the afrea lamps A
ardAectnra. the orroo
aeraa atatera and tbe aaven
last bring an obrloua

Oiling and Repair Shop over



wm boy and tell second hand har-


•ytoeo-M IT, CMtome-aw ead erdw


JOHH F. on A GO.

netaes and while repairing will aupcusomm with harneaa while
tbein it being cared far.


A for patients c

have opened a Hareeat'Cleaning,



OflanlMha^, Il3»tti».
OoN^ Be Fooled)

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