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The Evening Record, October 03, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
^5^3' THE EVt^iKO RECORD •p>Oi«l Tal^ap^ S*rvlo« Up To Hour
““•?iSrT"S«:'“T;!APPEAL OF
Testimony for Hargrsves Bo
gun ThJ* Morning
OofondonCo Altornoyo OopenO
for His Acquittal
met miners and operators
( o aaroT raloa aaa fUaaa WMS
or miam Boldswa^a.
Tkla Afkaruaaa at tSa MaaClaa ef
tba yrommm'm Clab.
The ieatiog capacity of the bsll wsa
tMsrlBg a^o^bt rsabad iatottebed-j
sad foaad ^1* wife las fit;'por Settlement Of the Great An- taxed thUsfteruoon st th* meeting of
the Womsn'd Clnb. which ws* in
nia knMa. ud^b!^lothlar^ obowa
thracite Coal Strike
charge of Mr*. Cbsrlte a Vader of tba
that the moat of the blood 1* cpoa
Moslo, Art sad LUaistsxe diviaioii.
the kBM* sad tba lower psrt gf tbe
----------Tbe atsdy of Qerasa msMe give* Am
opportssily for an intereetlng proCTsm. s* nearly all tbe world'* great
CMSsiclsD* have been from that connKsrgravaa araa out. Ha ruabea in sad
tad* hi. wife grosalag apoa the floor In White House et I 1 O'clock try. The program for ”the afternoon
dealt entirely with (ierman miuieiana
This Morning
and the flkit paper, by Mi*. J. K. Oil
. *r>eol to *bow that these phyMolsn*
laspie. tnoelied siKm tbe oompoaer* of
don't entirely kauw tbe osoaa of her
tba OlaaMe period 8ba spoke briefly
desth. We egpect to abow farther
that the teettmony of tbe phyelolsna
of the work of Bach. Handel. Glnck.
U sU goee* work, sad they do not
Haydn. Mc^rt and
agree in tbalr teatimony."
Mr. Pstehia slao atsted to tba jary
that tbadafanaaaspaetad to ahow that
Herbert F. Bosgbay haa coodadad a
deal by which ba beoomaa tba owaer
of tba aoothaaat eoraar of Caioa aad
ta, formerly owned by WUllam Holdaworth The lot puruhaaad
ia iSxldO feet in aixe. and ia oooapied
by the Holdaworth Imilding oow oo
ilt ia a
vuluabla piece of property, a very
goodbniineaa location and be oooaidyear, to U- occupied by the Lnlarpnae |
groi'ery. who hold a h aae for two or j
three y,-ar« longer. After that leaae |
exprire, Mr. Booughev may occniiy it j
himirlf. though ne haa not fuUy decid,-a what diaiKwitiou he will makaj
TIm cm of Um pi^opl* la tb« Bar.
loflloted tba wound* on b«
' ffSVM trial oloMd at W
Ihit nora
lag. sad aflar a fear laoiaaoU tba de- •oa by bar own hsnd
(OooUnsed oa third pagei
Mr*. Oharlaa 8 Vader’a anbject was
"German Composera of the Romantic
kfe," aad ahe treated In a very delightfol manner tbU moat Intereating
i InteraMinjr derelopnaai*
lieriod in tbe msrioal hiatory of
Vice thi* very mnaioal people. The paper
tb« attampu of Mr*. llarifra?M to kill
NichoUa, Doffy sad wat lutoaedto with the gtvwteet inbaraelf br«:ao*« of joaloaty aod tae
icreat. Mr* Yadar touobed aepocially
cfforu of Um proaroniioo -to *bow that Warn Carefully Considered at i Faliey, srrivid st tbe White Uooae j npoD the Uvea, work* and eharacteriaSt 10:W. having come by atreet osr.
Bargrarra paid too maoh attrntioa to
tie* of .Kebubert. Schomann. MendrlMeeting Last Evening
Tbe miner* wore soft ahiru sad there
eeobo. Obopln, Meyerbieer, Weber and
ws* s absrpoootrsat between tbalr spthe affaou of ao rplleptlo attack apoa
a p*raoa aad vhether a orime coeid 4i4er<a*a aa4 HImSw* of Cka BoarduT
Tbe last paper of the afternoon was
who arrived by carriage* at 11. stttred
hare baoa ooamitti d bj a par*oo
Water C'^umlaaloaar* Talked Mat
In conventional morning dreaa. Proa- by Mra A J. Baobaat. her aobjeot
while oader *acb ao attack aod hr
Modem German Compoaera.
ter U«M> lafarMilr.
ident Hooaeveit received tbe gentlekaow oothlug of the clroomrtaooe*.
paper ahowed mnob study, and
'cordially and immediately the
The oiwolog addr. «■ of Mr Patchio
A joint meeting of tbe member, of j
waa replete with intrreating thing*.
to ‘the jurj ind».
that he lelie* the board of water oommiaaiooera aod party went into oooferenoe.
of Johannea Brahma. Max
spon three th« »riH« to prove tha^noo the rooooil waa held Uat evening, and I la a.l«lreaaiog the conference the Brach. Hana Von Below, Karl K,-in
jpreaul.-nt aaid; “I apesk for neither
eaaoeof hi* cU.- ji;
of the need of
‘,*ohe. Hrlnn.h Hofmann. Herman
gu; aaoood. .aicide: third, a third
pabhe. 1 disclaim any right or GoeU. Joaepb Rhelnberg.'r. F,*rdiriand
liartf who mlKht have committed the t^U„d ov, r. informallly bat earefally.
Hiller, Otto Singer. Raff aod other*
It ai-emod to be the unanimoa* opinion daty to intervtue upon legal ground*, whose name* ar,- well known to atnTh* pnrixiM of the defi«n*e i* given that new pompa are an abeolote nee,-*- bat urgency and the larrilde nature denU of mnaia
by Mr Paiohm *obvtatiti%ny a* fol ally for neit yaar. and the manner in of the caUuUoi^ie pendiug over a
The mnaical jirogrum waa very line,
low*. la hi* talk to the jury .
which the pump aeleoted la to be ae- lirge ponum of our people in the aad waa greatly enjoyed. It locladwl
Yoo ma?. from a autement made b? , ared waa the only qaeallon that ahape of a winteV fuel famine impel* the folowlDg nnmbora:
ny bn
BNiemed to oe«.d any extended , onaid- me to belu ve that my doty require*
Vooal aolo . "I know that my Reto yoa, have been
m,. to uae whatever inflaeno^ 1 pereration.
,le4-mrr Liveth." from the "Me*.
^laelhing of a mh
It will require probably five moothi aonally can do, to bring to ao
^oa took hi« word« to a literal
•Uh." by Mrs A. H. Hollhlay. with
tag. H.i uud he wool I atk yoa to de- after the pump la ordered before it airik,.
by Mra. W. D. C.
e gravi
terialoe from ip-en lt.« u*. who waa can arrive and
goUty of tbe killlog of Mr*. Iljr.
I lam
Vooal aolo. "Ave MarU," by Schngrava* That la a qoeetioo, gro
•trained to iniiiit that each one of
men of the jary. that haa ao bo.lioem tial that ac tion be take a at soon as poi
O. E. Herat, with
to a
yoar mloda. You M sible, aa that the new pamp may 1m yoo realixe the. heavy burden of re- aorompaniment by Mra I. B Gilbert.
tletermlna a
aot a worn
all ready for the aaaaon in the spring •poniibitiiy n|«u him. We are upon
I’itno sclcctioni. fr,>m the mo Vro
oatl^. who w«* ga
„ illv of
tbe threahold of winter, with alraa<ly
i exiatiug a coal famiue. all the future composcrx, by Mrt. C F.. Hale.
TV. for yoB aaleotion of the kind of immp to be j
Song from' Schumann, by Chat
.0 tut« end.
parchaM*d. Thi* will pronably bo \ terrora of which we oau hardly yet Skclchcr. with accomfianimcnt bv
ate. In my jadgment the ait>rM to letl eotindy to the Judgment of
It ha< b.H'0
yuar mind bavond a rt-aaotiable doubt board of wat. r romlaaicnera It a,
imperativi iy teqnirea that you Mra. Ha
that John A Htrgrivea in the nn,‘
pon tl,e common plane of the
persm wlio o mM |K,a«ibty havr b.M»o i
should be bonded to ‘
public Wjih all
guilty of her ,b ail,. ani iln,t be did itj
ncr, byl>. W. Steman with aicom-lih a deiiueruie iiuri»
jev pomp when pur^
itmi U»rre be imluniincni by Trot. \V. H.*SteMt-nN
The matt,*r will come up for
re.umj.tu.n of oi- ration. in
der until the
------...... ...... .
invite a dta*
it la expected, at the next!
rUFKF haa joat received |
wnn killed by ih- me,-ting of tbe l ouacll Monday eveTMH, w.s
ot youf ee|e*ctive
copiea of the song "Jual go 'war 1
3 your patriot
party •scoured of the crime, I i th«t
and lei me aleep." which baa Imh-u
that killing waa d. iiN r.te, r
' general good.
oui of prim form nine, owing lo a
l.tedH.id with a hat
lawanit bet we,-u the comTioseT and ,
.taalioe adiirehoQuh:
muBic wnt, r.
lt>HJ if
Mr^. f). r. l^arvcr cnlcrla^ncd
gs%e copies of hia remark* to each
Weei|wct to atiow to you. gentlelends yesterday aftcrmKjn i
the conference and augof ibe jury. In the tir^\ idare. rw f.u
iUrgravet had alisiduUdy honor ol Mrs. Jo^cjihinc .Scctoi , gcated an adjournment until 8 p ni ON TUESDAY, Oct. Tih. excursion
tliatJobnA il
ticket* will be sold to Baffnlo. Nso motive for lint hurnhlrcri
.\npda, Ind. who has hcc
to give th© gentlemen time to think
Y via Oetoit aod Wabnah R. K at
which be ia charged We e
Mrv, Frank Car ^^
______ her
, MMcr.
aitoaliou. At 11
the pro.
fl.t.IU an,l to Uh veland via Detroit
min'a cliaracbT
r to TOO. that: itii« ...______
waaanch that iin man ran «iy aught short tunc.
Ihe house
'ci^ iCenf. gut.l. left the building,
and Detroit A Cleveland Naviga
tion Line at |
against it. and that in Hie coarse of [prctlilv ilcvoraicl w.ih bxTl>cmcs ana, rouinqon. Oct. 8-That the mlm ra
not later than
.brooKhoa. tW. TalWbnulyWluv.
There »ere
SfMl Cidir ISe at Cold Storage L
•••••'. IUr„«„,.n,l Mrs. I. .M.; ^cuu! C«mel. oe,.3-Kverr.hieg i»--------------------------------------------------- ''
*"*' i. .1BI.1 l.. re tcUy. The .triker. .re |----------- ----■I
wL itoia. cr«f .n.t it »nr doobl.
» «•»
R»'"' to
..oteruiuiuR hi«hboi». th.i they wlll|
I into her mind, .he wenld eh.wt wh» .houlil Iw winner, .Mi^ lUrnum
gntiu->i concvMUui. tntouRb Um In- Tu;b.
1 kU.%, v.se. K
-------- ..
\VF. AkF.STIl.l
will '.bol’Vh.T‘'Mi"’-H« ; •»''
i -r *n- <pwTM w«m™i.lly .fr.tdoi, ttUbi Nor. .\ikcn. who <v tlL Shew,11.1«.j
have been up m ibM room \^t* will ^ec her husband, who is m Chicago
^--on.U w.I! !„v. .omor-;
making thrrau that
-------------------.he would ---------row b»r Richmond
------ *fora
visit. Iwatcrj ('hicago—Wheat. 7t»|: corn, A^:
tUe iMW
her own life and tn.i
tn*i ahe woold he cx|»ects
c*i»ect8 lo
! goto! \Valparaiso,
alpaiaiso. In,l.
In,I. loait
loats. rViif:V»^; w
l»ork. <15.75; lard, $S.b5
j.-l OtlNluK-s t.,r................
We expect to ahow to you j Washington where she will visit for a
«,lwa*n‘of the jory. that time, afterward going on to Boston
___________ of tha b-d in thi. bed ^hcre »hc will study until Christmas.
Christ----ooonpied bv Mra Hargravea waa
a window.
'Shb j
iMIt of t
___ ____________
lp*!il?^LOTiS^t^fau'OUB LIBTB of tS.OO men'a
Z«sr Sb«a L dU^itioTto W
g«A in qoolily. ont aod 1
^ j,,
j,„ j, „
iiwt a day nmy l«* «.t for Um* fun* The u,w tor's inqUmp to do
IS thf
lU mum,*■ was
th»- fitnb,-i i xpUiui!
’Dim Mirt* SuniLiy U U- all' r.»ii:ht;
rr h, # ..ml.K*eU u» W bnufi ITlUuy.<-bi.-u;,-u I-O.I.
m. .V H. HoiUdar «» Henri in
The w F“eir
uaies- Bikek aerceriiea Unaenkins. $i .25 values.
Hooded and Raffled...............................
Udles-Fl4nneJWaltts,SOc,T5c,$l.$i.50lo...... 3.00
Walklnr s|iim and l>re» SUrts. $2.50 too.oo
Fleeced Uned Wrappers. 75c, $1.00, $l J5 to...... 2.00
Our^stock is complete, the assortmentjs fine, the quality is super
fine. Our prices are reasonable.
Fnl’VI..^K snuF. HOrSF.
Boys’ Astrachan Ret fers very stylish, at $3.50, S4 and
S5. Boys’ ulsters^boys’ knee
pants. l>oys’ fancy skirts,
boys' blouse waists at 25c.
Boys’ waists at 50c anti Si.
Boy’s sweaters, nice lin
boys’ fleeced undf*r\vea?
25c. Boys’ wool ribbt fl and
what is called Buckskin un
derwear. all at lowest prices.
•ay.do vouknowthai al^didu t do Hr will be 00 hand.
TolU*wm*:,Numluy i««tt,uU h,T
Do yon know tliat she didn t mwm to
p,nal action m regani lo having an pruibir ** fm.. t.,L ' Wbv.l.nlmoU
cMf oat her
p«l on by Mr. Knowles and ,l© miatr,>s. thi# i- ,V.lv Mund.v!
Alfred U*
revolver and John Uargravea had Mrs, H. Montague.
locked It np in a box and ahe weor Dr L Swanton hw removei bom
ju,v... ivmuvio. k* r. Hh* U.-inildhun
and hnAeit «»*•;«
*l[ <^12 Washington street to 40»; West ,,„udld:.t.. |.*r i:.0,Tt,..r ,.f ivnu**.vlI vauin. «m,. v.:d a ormm iK.pular IT
not iod It We expert to ahow. geu-i l»rficers and trustees of the D. O. t mvvci,M-i,t
M,r.* t.- *.*viir ul a
tleinen of ibwjnry. If Mvw Hargrave. K. K. arc requcstcl to be present m given tin,,. Sim,- ,.n, tnilhU bl^ atfor any puiiL,*, wha
- .
other neraon
nrr«o into
i„.o that
«». bo.,.*w"\b“-;''':..^-;’,,t:sin"«
H iht
tf ihe
Htkftm ttw r»tr. Will tptt Saturda/
mtnting. tTEmBEKSS DHY BOOBS tllD
$.7 00 shoes lor............... .$3 00
72 am! T-ZL corn,
Vo!c!,._Whcai. 73'an,! 73J.
Black and Red $pet$
$4.«Hian.l <:i .'.(ishtvcAfor. ..$2.50
1 «.>• ,.t nJJ. c„.... ■ iou~-1.,.. i..
at r»-»idrn**r. 318 \\. ii;hSt. Itrl! Pb.im-.
____ ___________
Tod«x*a Mark#**
All tbe Kewesl FaU Stapes,
all the most popular leathers
"'°'''^'"1^tFBANK FRIH
i«.«,. h.i i i.i. "id r^.«
*wna occupied The tvd room *lown f
ilalia waa oacapiel. Somn mao. ihi# j Mrs. L L King left for Chicago,
l>obart Beecher €o.
r.f Ij,
di« b'lrh t n.-.d.. M
Tonr^ ‘'‘■'“■'■“"'""S'"'’''
New York
>- rny will tn<-e-t .lb 7tirw<Ur »n1 •
.. .n, „iber^,“ ;W M'S. yit- Holhilay. the ,mreU.'„„
glass tiKith-pick hoMcr. Rc- coufi-rrii
____ .
which this murder ing a
DiDR Pr«idrtlt
I thr ritf of Tmvrtwp
who »rr
ooutd ba accwnntrd for. Wr ,«*pect to ficshiiicnU were serve! consisling of Kooicvelt inopo^lo refer tbe whole
ahow to yoo that it i. a fad known,'.....
........ . aka. cotfet, <.bv«
of the anto medical acii'iioe that any iM-raon
anbjact to atUrke of ,<pil,>pflT are lia
? court a» arbitrator.
urNamsr. * bail on rr,i
r brain
ble to havo thHirmu.il and i
tbi r rumored
Mitcbell aaaented Jn
deterlormt4Ml. it weaki-i.^ t »• ini**llnct
land the oiwratora aakad for tlmr to liiih. •hiud w.i^.intlw- C 8 p. > hall at
kene ih»> will iwwi'r W,-.xi»-ct
No a3*
I'tkion *trww-,.
UwIu aiqMirin ^
The .juartcrly meeting «t the La- diacna. the m,
In tbd- r. or*h Ward. In tij.--.Mspinr brniar No
of the jurv. that at thi# vrry time ,lies* l.ibrarv .Assscialion will not l>c j lAmehingtoo
when Mra’Hargravt-. w*. ktllrd and held loinorma.
fen iu'ewaar
>al.l inr*-t lurwof tbw H,ianl« «f U. fft-Trati..ti
«.nvoca..on of iraver*!
will Iw ti|>-n from ~ »>l«w-a tn Ihi- nr*ri(»4t un
in tbi- afi.-rnuun «>f
oovi'ring from th,* cfferi# nf ,»oe of Citv A'haptcr, No. 102, K. A. M. totboM vary flta; tli4i if ihia dead wa# 1 „,.Ht.
in wlm.wiT wh.-rr«rf. I bar.- h-r,-niil« a 1
Mr. Bert Mullen and Miss Rose my hau.1 tlu« Xnlday «g<v-tubrr, A l>. natt
Aihlis were happily mamed Iasi cv di
ihtvai.pib HiO at
< l. rk.
0.1 ha bi'for,. AI ; Rev. W L. Laufn?an ar
ms larniiy jng aal the liome of F,l Bonner, on
laeka, and,*r
old no
DO more hold
mighty God. you #hoold
it the Fir
>mng tn
F.ighth Mrech
The ceremony
I was iMrilormc'l by Justice Vcrly in
There was a goovi attcn»Uncc an*! a the presence ot a ruunber of friends
ABlmmcacemwUm*1 SUmtert Swnl BmIb «
15c. 20c. 25c, 35c. 40c and 50c ud'
• aew cditMa «rMme •flhe Ute CoprdcU Soots at
75 cents.
is what touches the “spot” with stylish dressers. Ifs
the **eoronation” at $12.50 for young men and
$15.00 for men wearing sizes 36 to 44. Don’t buy a
Suit or Ooarceat nntil you have seen onr line tf
famous Rochester makes.
^ -iSI.75 $2 $2.50
isrr'io o)?:™ ir H^rrX
nttlKeny Book store
In stylish Square eut Com Button Sack Suita
Everylhinn about these
new fall styles
suggest superiority of
fit—harmony of
of design—When
you get into them
you don’t want to get
out. Exceptionally
good values at
$iooo, $12.00. $15.00
$1800 to $22.00*
ttuii! iFatnat. ooNsia • t«ot.
nil CTHIBG MC0M>.i.
' ^1
!^.Ty"«,0M«««i‘” °rf“
SS j
.bility.ta. 1-4 the 4ixrctU» |
^ ^^
rSBD M. WAU>iKU«r<»aaioitO.
r m»V> TrM«»fW
IfAHIKL. Me(^% of KeiK.
’^plKttk'lTKUWKHi* or Wetfore.
VvABhU A. Bt-AIBor JacaeM.
Ji5 a!*^^ I1.I»CV or Veal
Per Moirt nt PnUlr la^tmciloaUiKUie A. r AI.1. of CaihM
The rooM delightful and pictures juc
of the New Kngland home
••Shore Acrc«,” < ooliuuc* to grow ;n
IKij.uUrity-'lrom year lo year, and tiic
|iro6t4 gained through this single work
ha%c brought indrj»en<lcncc to Mr.
Herne* family.
The wdl-koown
l.rt, Mr. Hamlm Garland, has
ared “Shore Acres"
to the
IKiems of James Whiicoinb Kdey.
-J.tkc them," sa>t Mr Garland, “it
^sic% by indirection jusi as com
mon folk* do in hfc. It expresses
sorrow, not b) dircaion, but by liic
ichoking voice and bv the tremble in
the chin, and its humor is sjiontan-
DAVID ti. <;nAKDI.KIt.
'yarBttoiw-erPtotoUFBAMK Wr..Wll4IOM.
SiBO. B. C lUISh.
UBO. w. < turn
For Otmmtj Baiwjor-.
K. II. Al-I-Y'M
Willard Hleami of the Adrian Timet
hae bolted again and now declares
that be will not^npiiort L T Hnrmnd
for gorenior Mr. Stewmt at firtt
and native to the grou|»5 irom
which il procecils
UughtcT aboun.K ami something
sweet and solemn runs through the
It has repose in il»
ai t ion.
Tin: actor* conic and gc
•Aricssly or busily, like living figures.
There is no center of the stage,' n.
declamations, no asides, no solilojuics,
almost nothing to make against veritv
h has no villain, no wronged ^*oman,
no hero, no highfalutin’*sjxrech in it
em ire length. nolKxly is killed, nobo.l>
tails down cellar with a jiiano; and
>ct the play has achieved a rcmaikablc suc cess " I or this 5cas4in’s j>roduc turn »if ••Shore Ac re*" Mr. Kneest
.Mltcrt has furnished entirely new
The acting c<tm|»any m
eludes all of tlie old favontes. .A
ihr.roughU hrst-<la« protluction o
Ire given ai
Stcmlrcig’s Grand next Thursday
fair. Trmly the d*^»oi*raU at* hat
i«C a hard time It woald aare a lot
i, n,
of worry and oampaign fandt i
.Stcmlrcrg’s i
AaBMMrata woald . ooewd# defeat and tomiwTow Ysentng,
Tlie big inelo
baw to the tuevitoUr. The rraalt drama enjoyed runs of six and iivi
WiU U ih# aaiDc^ so far aa U.e
months rcsjicctivcly in New \ ork and
ChuAgo, and it is pronounced
\ci of Its class. The Slot} has to dc»
wijh the foruincs ol a certa^i young
Thr* MeflKlM al
«>f i}..- -c ermi l^xrd Wuodstock.Ja manly, whe
dewumlitstioi.1. t«u lo r»-.^.fd lh»- fe«i KngUsli s|>ortsiuan, who loves sport
that oor
• ),} II,.. |.a.J.iral
l(rt siiort’s sake, but a ho gets himsell
ti<<r u ito^«>tiiiiic t(.or< iiiniinit to nil
into a light place b) rc< klcss betting.
is that iMi itoitiv niiubi,t> urr vni
NcH only lias he in* urrcil some hcav>
otbrr «(Malloii»
T«ii {XT .'••III «.
debts ol honor, but the brother ol Im
ordained c WpinM-f, ii, i.iw ilttHM
U4W arr #-i»4:ue.'d lit 'r.wk oi|,.r
swcethcail has forged ms name to i
the pestoml w tiU«- stlU crflnt* m
bill lor several iliouvands, a liability
log wit bout nijf r«-|s*rlr«l uinc.*
lor. Not only err buniy l.ecinp il,r • huh, lor the sake ot the voung
mlaUtry for «-oi»r oiijrr irrsi,. I,
..f ladGs lain.ly, Woodstock chivaltousl)
MTTlre In Ibr kltik'cW.ti, l»ol II »* sm
assumes, ('ompletc rum now stares
known that III! I.isii.brs oY iMi^llir
him in the face, and alien he is oticr
hare attracted
cd a great sum lo present his marc
Chnreh llc-onoiuUt.
running a great race for* which she i
an odds on favorite, Uic temptation i
lb Ihr U-f yr:,r
t«o lb. counc loo great tor any but a luclodramatir
atifi. of Kiroif.M^.I .KI .Won l.acr takm hero lo dcclme. but, ol course WockIup a .|u«liit .usi..ni. TI,.- imcm, U 1
slotk without hesitation spurns
«r .^illdrvi, pUMbg in il..- .|rcx i. in
and happily all goes well at the in
apiwrcutb alinb-s. iiiamH-r.
evitable hmsh
Mis Iioim* mins back
l.fUHst «|>|M,Ub
Ills fortune, restores him his name
the ho,, gat
si bin,
gin a riiitetWu in .born. ..f wUilul estates, and l»cst of all, his ladv love;
of his fiancee
1 bry stsri In wlib
raluabh lnr.»rmMti..n hIhmit ibr litr of strangles the unjir,nriplctl woman
KhakrB|xwrr. tb.- d«irs of ill. birth whose instigation the hill is forged,
and deaib a|i»
and a half dorm
and makes wav with himself, thereby
JudUiously x. bM'lrd .irutoas ate lui
removing the most <»bjrctiorublc
aa Ito-si r.|»rrm.tiinllves of bU a
Tb# |*erf.H^u.aii.v .I.MM. aitb a rrmli the characters in a manner altogether
lion of no- fan.on.» Miw<raln .iwr il.r new to iRe stage trailiium
grave -Vurs.-.! t.e lie‘WIHi«er.«1
a llre.1 »oi.v
1b.- inn.. |4a, i- i
feel; not an Inf.mt k*rt. «*nl of ili
When lliry bnir 0ai*l.rd ibr, ...nnimv
atandinp In <• rlnp. nnii.* niHl |.lmd
lag. and the anj*eal of iln ir . ,e* i
hauit ibe rts|t..r nnl-*- be pUr.
pemiy tlcbl aroiiml ibe circle.—Louis
ville Poat.
TALK about KWEATERS~see our
line; It pau (hem all in tne tliade.
bOoloft OO. S. Benda aOo
We ODdeiwand the busoes end >'0« «»» depend apoo «hM we «y.
Mich., or R. W. Inoot. C. P. A.
Mich. >
a» pt. 10-11.17 a).|4 ?7-Oct 1 ^ A
just like cot. 42 mdi iqusrr
top, heavy b»ie, 4 nicely
shaped legs, wfll seat ten peo
ple. Our price is .
OanSOBi feymitm mill to
^ “
Wait’i DrygStcrm^ 82~4i'
w*^^ris?s‘v£i'zjr^ £rr
The |
carryinif^ it away in a wa
,„|ti» co.loo.1 T.ylor »1«.S0 whui b.
1. will eo.1 him .boot
m« urn."*!-., ,H«r
l.-m 4*
lOil tf
timet that much- ...___
to replace
------------------------------ ^------------cue ever Ihouphfooal would be ! W
for iewelrr. but that it what it ummrnmi.
being done in Chioago theae day ' ^IKh WAKTKD-Por r«o<m baammwurk.
Fakir, are offering
genuine black iiiliy K I* e
diAmondatiokpin.” atlfioenUapieoe.
______ __
The - black diamond.- were Inmp. of ^ANTia>-oo«l>ri for
nnrd coal fartmmd to waabed gold W wota Mrs.u.cfj^Utc.iwPark
AKClilBAt-D B. DARHACillorOreUet.
«ole ibr <!.«.
polette. the alMhiof aaker.
thtrt h Mrktsf bcUag, wt am phase ram athk
'not bare to worry abont
Bot hi. fond illation U pone,
! ••r'k. Bnt hi. food ill
• lor the bnrglart, who ti»amed tilter- lU
Mim OwopboU wuTik.'S’.^rif I *•««»>
Tueaday, |
teara 0««»d
Oily to Cler ‘
dflhlo, SIS
Its S&.
Tiokete itoodfor SDdaytr Partio.
lof the prodaotlonladroeerenearta
, 5, illl lin„ tU imilng |»rt tbU
.^ininp. that of Oatpard
umituni Depaitment
~ | ,'-'!arga^".i.af?SL£^
“ i__I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
ioTcn of III# city win be
Taylor and
___________ ____________
oei iB fom tbU mifaif to
Of Eonaaa-;»««»*®lhelrboiae in Philadelphia I
jdy/’Which wiU he.pea«Biadintbe|tt> And l^bjra
Talaable aUrar.
jcity Optra hocM by Mr. Uwwfe F ,
Jewelry had laia whore;
Koowlee. MUa Bootle Bowoaa Oa®p.
nu. WAKTSZ>--At ttt Btaie
the Uiieeeo ooold hardly help oeoiiif
hot none of It had beoa taken. ^
i, iThe barpUrt were after blfger pame
of 111 •
Mr. Koowleo. who
When Mr. Taylor
,wia..u»....o4«or«of m.„woj.
m in th.-ir craralt Along with
plot were sold badge, reading
Most Bust ch^ Trust or the
Tratt Will Bust tV
-oU KA1.K-A
Edward hrank Edward, of Bowdle
D . was injured in a praclioe gsnn
of football at the unirt-nily aod will
■ fractured and m.
body it paralyzed.
Mrt. Era Devoe of Isssi Syracuse.
an up-to-date girl, altiiough
.b. 1. 100 ,«x old. Sb. W«...
bicycle, at the hales to be behind the
..r n nus/s Mn-. Oi.woj. ua k Kn«»
My family,
timea. -My
family,- the aaya
- - ——
t£ 4>H HKNT>M«sU>ni ¥ rx->ix>
J think I d better not 1 ave » pou
one, and maybe it would look queer E.ti*
to tea the mother of a U year old girl ~
whlrbngoua wheel. ”
The member, of the Old Towb Mer
chaots* and Mnoufaclu^i-rs* aaaocia- ri.,«Uon cfs Baltimore, who hare jutt re >'
tuned from a junket
, v;tmoot. j t'J.'LiM!:,''.
^ ,
MCi-tf j
Maine and New Hamrwhin-.•. indolged
indolged !
in a tnowball bottle on the iummtt
of |7uK>AUC-r. LtsMl /fTr h-iSto..
lit of
Mount Wathington. The ground
envureo with euow several inches deep
l out H*I.K-A-.mf.--ou».i.rr .Mi .-ik-Br vum-h
in miil August.
Comn-n.li.r Bo.»r» F. F«tt. tl,« , jjd ^ lu.'sU.o, Thto ^
arctic rxplor. r, aays it is bit belief ib. ncht
mju,*, .nmU »o,.i-*i
that the arctic region it one of the
»■ i. h-rtb. l no,,
best iilooet on earth for p^ rxons afflictU Kmc. XXI resakUn
107.- U
1 with imlmonary diaeaset.
At Lincoln City. Ind.. a monument pAU^ y>B
hj-j. »n<l I..O.J
to Nancy Hanks Lincoln, mother of
Abraham Lincoln, wa* dedicated
Monday and notwithstanding the ditAgreeable weather tbe largest crowd
tliat ever gathered lu the county witCl IR HAI.K ^»B KgXT~El.i:»ul~mDS rc«^
otremouiea The stone r
,-n«Uv-v w.U, two ms. |.Ur,». b»U« sboTr
tor the monument was taken from tbe
old bate of the Al^bam Lli.ooln
ODoment at Springfield, 11
Ker Dr Edward Everett Hale of
Bouton was asked to iK-rre on a wmimitle.. O! „ v.niy t<ve for the purposi*
of trying to^-ttb- the coal strike. He
cuted himself on the ground of Ins
advanced age, but Writes a letb-r in
which he declares that “the strike
i,. bringing near, r tl,e inevitable solo- Uid 'KTo RKNT-«t* W. s,l, »lrr.t. latton-tho control or iiraciical owner- II 4jtur^-st I9i N #pro4'« str.«<t. (Vtioau.',
shl]i of the mines by the state of
Pennsylvania or ultimately by the
l. sU,
>rw pbom iAi. U04 ll
oation. lo a republican goverument 4.^
KKNT-Third n,»r. fruoi ktoM-no-ntT^
It It not i^tsible. at it is not right,
rnutum .rf S.«uud no J- .rf nt'W
that twenty men. or fiO.lxiO men. shall
control a supply* which the good God V. fyjtolru-L or CtoM. W dWm.
has given for msukind. Take oare that
OUiTTOl4EKT--W.J.“cYvtswr>~ ~
your commute doe. not ally itaelf
with the twenty or with the 50.0iK).MISCELLANEOUS
-S3.75 up
....... $4.85
A ven large line of Extenaioo Tables Irom................
(! Solid Oak, cane seat, high back, dining chairs lor.
j.'W, SuTEirs House FumisHiiie Store
Ars Irmr erf
Our Fall Styles
Here arc shoes that tell of Health, romforl,
IxMtg Wear and I'cticct Character. No aigument is necessary liecatise the gtxnl qualities
are apparcntr—will keep out < oKl ami damp arc aiiraclivelv pul together and look as wdlas
they lecl. Mv name is Mami»cil on cverv shoe
which means a guarantee to our lostimicr*.
10 Sewtt of Woodorfuf Bomutf
m So/oeio^ Cost of PJoyrt.
35e,50e,75c. BiiSutsSI.
Sec them in oiir sliow window.
Seal tale at box uttice Knday
evening ftom 7 to SiltO o’clock
and all day SaiunUy.
A^S. F^flYMAN. Praetical SbMnan
RTlU lx- S-U-Wl Thnn^r ^ KmUy on •rramnt
Dressy Comfort in
Wen's Tall Coats
When it comes to comfort, m<^n as a usual thin;;, don’t care a
i'vr what the cost is. They want the goods and if the comfort
is there it is iheir's. Our Fall Overcoats include three thintjs
-comfort, quality and exceedingly low prices. Then men like
this slock because of the ureal assortment one is always sure
of getting sizes—ordinary sizes and unusual si/c-s—
both large and ^malL
Is an elegant coat —as tine a coal as any tailor ever
turned out—in fact an expert tailor did make this
All the workmen that make these goods are expert
tailors, only difference they work for this firm in
stead of| for themselves. We please everyone be: have the different prices that cannot help
but plyaie. You can spend $io (and get a dandy)
—or go to $42.00 for the very best.
-IkltoH- In Wan '
< tuK S Il.-ux.- In Kansas
ue.i-d.4: M- Payi.e Is^
n>i:r* l-rt^ «,...rge .\d.-s
.StillsII ..r Suhl."
at the WijiM. Wuiei
m).!.1. Win Si* >11
a gOMCX' TU UlAN^hi rrdl«st«t4i. No Iax
fVl cUoto . Fstehm A CrtAwer. ,
VHi lino
iA/K I'AYILV* wsrk~afed ItT^ceoi
l-Mitura Ih.s-k F.sst
- 451,
Tlie High school footliAll team will
to Peunkey idiiTorrow to pUy the
What about
. ;s&
•I....IS. .\de W«s in M. Gms the
Otb.v ;;i4hT f- r Ih- lii>t iF-rformaiiee of
il;.!., ..f Sulu.’" >:.M Mr Paine
I., .1 iv;.*4^,.T «f the Kansas i ily Klar.
II.- r.-ius^ 1 1,* .liter a l«>x n.»d wit in
.11- ..f Ih •'..n lHS-iia «hairs. \U-^\.W
N.-Ui. r ku, w Mr Ad. liefer.- the first
S.1 ea- o.er one t f the lalkallve w-ighl.4*w>.d
’• 1 kto..»V thsirgi- Ade i.f5 Well. 1
kiww hiin III i h!.ns:.» veais
y.m sff that ..Id f. ll-n sitting alone In
that ls*x; XV. ;i. ihid's ui\ old friend
Ade-The reul Ade liMikcd tnunrd the tmx
and aiw nn old luuu with long side
whii-kers-*I»..j« es.’ as Ade.-alls il„ m
Ni.w. Ade
a ehufi shaved f,ov and
|.s.ks y.iuus
The talkative neishiwr
rnllhsi ..I, ui.I.I the piny «.is efide.1
Tossh.y.- he an id t . his friend i lao-t
go 04. r to that J-ox :ti>d shake Imtids
with my frieH.l, tieorge Ade.*“
Tan Bat?
You’ve seen our display window, of couse, but did you take
^ime to step inside—that costs nothing. It’s a pleasure to show
the new $3.00 and $4 c» Longley Hat and you can get the ex
treme of style and a good fit. A hat for every head and a
price for every pocketbook.
Sell tbe Besr
100 acre* knoa*n as the Steele or
Ncciharo farm. One of the bc« in
Grantl l*ravcr*c county,
Benda A Co
.iwHOitaic^w i :• to.
ulb >VL0u=i;ik.
V •
V-.- ''F
Light Biscuits;
Light Cakes;
Light Pastry;
Light Hearts,• Quichas^a^Wink!
, rAlA4t, OOtOBU I, IMM
lOowtlMad ffuu first page i
IW. Oavweraa Kwtlrpsr
Afur tho fweau joularday afiumoon
a good daal of flma was eanaumad in
Breadmakers are often placed at sea
by the extravagant promises that are
made by manufacturers of some
grades of flour. Promises not al
ways fulfilled. The lady's salvation
depends largely on her own judge
ment. which is. use the BK3T
Manufactured by
mm mmmMmmmmmmm
iBtUdd ibMbaprMMran that Bargarrag was aab}aal to epilsptio fits.
Httaadtotolba priseoar bare oou of
tboM spdils aboet tea years ago. It
^ at tbaCfnrmef tba witness and
Harnaraa was aaatod in a baggy wtma
orur back and Uy
Mr. Baaarff* aarriad kim
tuatlUMif wbieb
oorared tba uma
to the hoaya. plnead him oa tba bad
grouid. praotloally. as former toatl.
and applied oaaipbor to bis tomplaa
mony regarding tba natura of tba
Hafitmves roasataod in this eondltion
wounds npon the parson of Mra Harfor aboat an hoar. Os rtgaining ooagtaeaa and their probanla affect.
aoioaonaasbaaiifiaMad waak for ooma
After a wbUa, bowarar. E. B. Pgatt
Ham. Mochiag aba af iaipartoooa
broagbt op tba ambddot of apilapqy.
srat .galbaraff from tostimooy of Mr.
Tba witaaaa taaclfiad that ba liad bad
aema aspanauia with paopla miblact
to aplleptic fits. Ila said that tbara
yras a dtfferanoe batwem eiiilei>Uc fits
and opiUpCic insanity, bot thst the
Bbariff Onandlor was rooaUad aod
flla frequenUy Ud to inmnlty. He
lapaatod bis
iuted that as a mle ibr sabjeot U not
gard to examining Hargraves’bands
ooowdous daring ouch an atta. k. He
and andar the finger nalU for aridenthan deeorlbad the symptoms of an
aplleptic attack as rigidity of# tbe
muselas and limbs, frothing of tbe
month and nnoonsoioaenets. Tbe wit
ness believed ti.at it wonld not be
IKweible for a person having an ndlepFollowing tbe addreaa of Mr. PatohIh fit to tell afterward what happaoed.
in Mra Ktu Hill arrived Krlestify.
Mr. Kaichln obieclrd to tbe taitiBbe was a witness of the people, hot
Wlea le tbe girl whose eeoee of m il mouy beoaoee ibeii- was nothing npon
had been agreed that the delenae
Diaraat promiits her to take Kooky which to
tbe question asked by
should go 00 with its oaee find tout
tfoontain Tea. It fills bar fall of Mr. Pratt
Mr. ‘ PrsU argned that
tbe evidencr of this witurss for tbe
there ha^i l>*-ro nothing to show that
people oould be rt-oeived wbao she
lUrgmves had liad an ej.!!. |ilio fit
At houtb lUeen by the up** ttlng of that momiug. but the r. npoodent liad
Mra Hill was a aUter of Mi> Hara lamp darliig a wedding sums r Kdoa ststrd to a witness whst bad takim
gravea. Tba witnaas bad not^een at
Kcrw.y w«s palnfolly barne.1,
her plmx- in U.e hriroam betwen-n him and
tbe Hargtavi-s noaaa aiuoo January,
olotblng having oaoght. F.dna VViu. his wife, which was a suiemeni of
Mra Haigiavua bad been at her
throp was also benird In tli.* rflort to fact. and. heargoed. idmtssible. Tba
objrction was ow rruled by the court. bouse twice.
help Mlac Krrsey.
Mra Hill testified that in Mareli
Then Mr Pratt asked tb© witness If
It moves the world. Makes y«n one tn th. etat. Hargraves appeared to Mra Hargraves oompUiurd to her of
well—kerps you well It eooUies thr be on the morning in question would John's treatment of her. Bbe-voicad
bowels, imrgee the eyetem of all im
simitar oosnpUlnU in AprlL But tba
parities. eariohes thr blood. eradioat«-s t*e Ifkely to have bad an epileptic fir. wltneas never aaw any HI tnwtment
Aocorling to the opinion of tbe
by Uargrares and was emphatic hi her
I be oould 1 t have had such ■
statement that Mrs Hargraves never
ill treated John, according to her per
iJuder cross eramination the witness
Mnoe last ^«turday O. O. Oisbopof
sUted that It usually requires some sonal knowledge.
Lodi, baa baaa Jiving on is.rridg* and
On oruaa examiuatUm Mr. Patchin
Hme for a victim of an epih piio fit to
tKUtled milk
This is owing to his
tned to show tnal the witness and her
recover his faculties
S4-t of teeth being held as erourity by
Mr pAiciiinaskw if cue niigiit noti'om* sister did not got along well together.
the Ororra isdir- court for a flio- of
Tne WitneM bt*oame rnttledand* denial
mil a onmi «>r do some unusual thing
|6 Imiiuerd on him for Wing Intoii.
and after having such a fit not remem that they ever bad tronble.
oated. Thr Ueth oooetltuted H.shop's
This closed the tosilmohy for the j
ber at all wiiat had taken plaoi
Ciitirr aeet-u. and Wen- ar«'e]4ed by
witness stated that a naml»er of oaaes
tb. fxdioe justloa.
of that cliararler have he.*ii cited.
% of mkhigitt
Tliotmor siooe of tb. orw poblic
libfwj. tk* jclfl of Audrow (Wfle
Harbor, will be UId Tms
4bj. October
oo.li-r.the Maaonlo ao
Tha II04
Victor M. iiorr
will dallvor Ibe orattou
IIIgb otnoars
tba Maaoole frgtanill> are eipeol
ad.looUdiM Neal McMlIlao of Oraod
Rapida. praod maater. The |«bli«
acbooU will be olosHi Taeadaj afiaraooo and the bosiocM boow s will fwy
bomagti from f antil 4 o oook duritg
tba eacroisca
Hf eota of 77a fur to 9m affalust.
Oaoasn Im. refused to buy ao la.OOO
•lie for tlia
public bulldlag
wblub Ihc^laat oougr»^ss grautri tbe
As two thirds majurity Is re
quired 00 aucli prtijiosllicm It was Icwt
by Iba narrow margUi of rerun trolae.
Tba oaaee of defeat WM (llaaitUfuotlOO 4>f the west side beoausa me eltt«na not looaudoo Main ^tn^t iustrwd
of SuobMfa. Tbe Kast side proimna
Ao loduliula by refusing lo pave West
Main atreal. an imiirovamant badly
baadod. and a dr|>loral.ln strife la in
Many Utuberwen of tbc aUto opera, ting eamia in the norlbarn woods are
to mloiH atfingent moMorrs thu year
« sferl. t sesut l«- < er^.
apphoatlooa. as they cun
«m "l"J
siuead 1 rom tb*-
are the ls--r
Durkee, living near tlalcsburg, is barvtMitlag bis second iTop of
raspberrie*. wbicli a*v of etccpi
quality. The yield eomparus favoiably with the first, which was above
tiic average.
HU i.ir- la IWII
ad that ihs buntiug d asoii is opm
Nov H to mi. iticlosivr. in each year,
axoept on tiie Ulend of iiois lUauo.
and tne cooutlee of l^iiiei r. Huron.
Hold l.y di
Hells' Family
Umber oamfis.
Hportsmeo nisy be glad to be remind,
AUagau. Ottawa and st Ulair. wbera
daar oannot be hunted until HKid
peraou <wn kill mure than tbrtw deer
in nuy one year
No |ier.on oan haul
4anr witbont first procuring a bonier s
Reeidimt license 75o: non
mnldeni license $.*i
r.«- of dog. lu
butting, porsoiiigor killing 0,-i.r. and
"1 juii aeemci to have gone all lo
pleoea” writ.-- Alfred
of UrI
fare. Tei , 'Piliousoess and a lame
liad made lif. a burden
oouldn'i eat orahM p and
and felt I
out to work wheo I iM-gau
Hitters, but they
use Klei-irio
Nov J ah. p like
anything, have gained
Id enjoy hsrdwork.”
iH-siiti and new
life to weak, sickly, run down firoiq.!e
at Jas. li J
son and K H. Mead s drag stores
in a playful acoefU
lasession of a Umji Charles
tba killing of any Uwu tn the spotted
noat or any deer in the fo4 . oat
The nee of any artificial
IT* year old boy accidental-
light in haotlng. pursolng or killing
daar ta nalawfai
No deer or portion
or a daor can be Uwfally ahipped
Vlthoat a Uiwnee tag acoom)wnies
roronHkin Kruptioas.
Look With horror
lUoiobea. Bores Pimples Tbev doo'l
have them. Our will any ooe who uses
Buokh o’s Arnica Balve
It gloHfies
the fac-. Lcsema or Balt Kheam
vantah befou- It
It cores sore liiis.
i ped hands, chilblains
f.ir Piles
at Jas U Johns
K. H. Mead's drug stores
The heavy rains have comj
raintd the bean
crop in O
It Is estimate d that
mo up to at least tauLOnu loss
UiUu m*
<>M of^Ueatk’s Jaws
StnlcM T*lk aaa to Ibt Potot
' n« Virtues of Dr. ChtK i Nerre
' Hilt r»141«* Pew Worto
bj Oae Who Knows.
\li.s l‘l..r-i>r- llolNiM rewUHtal.
your friunds in Soutbesii
Illinois. Indiana. Ohio mn
mad good
return until October
full particulars.
r^m. W. r. UTRAKUWaf5,'faniHvlT
to mat. ue to-toUmrat |>Ua or wifi build
Leave Traverse City Sun.Uy, IMobcr .'.tli, Jil H o'clock a. m..
Aaausl Okie Fan
Daylight run through the Soo .River
on the ladies.
tlic fmol trips
Tickets ran lic purt hascd now at Ikick Of
fice ami licrths rcscrvcxl.
’ iinniEn wm. trm$. co.
I Pni.M> Nil. 3G
ana Iht* condition moo* intt'nse.
Hargraves did not get along as
Tnere was no regularity in iht* atpleasant ly as they might hare done.
tacks, but the witneM bad known
The witness saw thing, she did not
them to ooour a week apart, and Hsrbo right.
Mra Hargraveu
gra\es bad been subject to the flU
a g.md di*al of Hargraves*
daring bU manhood.
treatment of her and of his ooudoot
The conrt sustained Mr Pratt V t*b
towards Mrs. Woodman.
jecuou to lesUmony relating to whst
Mr. Patcbiu then t.H.k the witnesa
oocarrfKl at the home of Mrs Hill
Miss Helmet, never heard Mra Har
a visit of the wife M accused
graves complain of her husband until
alAbat place
Mts Wmuim^e.-im.*. Then she was
on tbe croM examination thr witill and irriiamr.
DM staled that tbe last attack she
On tbe re direct examination tbe
knew^Jobn to have was when he was
witness stated that Mrs. Hargraves
fwoovenng form
the measles, six
complained of Hargraves being awa?
ytoTi -ffo.
uig» ta Tlo v were at the home of the
Dortiig tbe several atUoks he never.
wltneas on last Tiianksgiviog. John
■bowwd Tiolunt signs, bat was unoouoallml upon
Woodman, who
soious and appan ntly Incaiiable of ao*
lived neit door, both before and after
llon.altogethcr in Uyeacssbe knew of
his having about
flu. They sea m
Patchiu moved to strike out the tesed to affect bis memory not had no
timony regarding the visits to Mrs.
other effect on his mind.
Woodman unless an improper mottre
The WitneM tesuHtd that she and
was shown
1 he conrt sustained the
*r liosbaud si‘parau*d about :: or 4
hits afiir John Irfi homr
Th© witoesf sUled ttiat Mra HarMr. Patohin objected to tei.timooy
grave. crifKi nearly all the time on
relativi- to unfriendly reUtious U*tbe day of the dinner.
twevn the rrsixoedent and bis fsther
Tbe witness knew of several timeu
The obj-ctioa w.^- sustained.
tbe respondent uulled on Mrs. Wood
Huriniuth© ar.^wks the respondrtit
man. hut the court sast.*iined Mr.
tver did is r.ui.al violence to him
Paiebin's ohjactions to the testimanj#
self or any other piason, Mr. Patchin *s
The witness did not
know that
objection to this testimony was sniiMrs
Hargraves was jealous of any
oaa lot ot Diciis
<;ck>-K ]»rcltysliadcs
-US!able for saists;
aKii l.lai k ami dark
co!*iK for tlrcvscs
rroH-dr -
diligently U
Tublic t:ood-will ijrows slowly, when secured
that told for Ic:^
it is a treasure without price, to be carefully^
than <UH».
and judicously fostered. Therefore we keep''
constant guard—on goods and prices -and
s e to it that this column s news ts always exactly' in
ance with facts.
Black Petticoats a! $1.25
Cwo other numbers
of Exceptional value also go on sale at $l RO and
Shirt maists
The American Express brought us another lot of fine shirt
waists this morning You’ll want one if you go on the excur
sion next week.
mbife Brliiiantinc UlaistT
with black Tolka Dots, made up in one of the
a beauty: sells at $303. Some very elegant
made up in the new way, and will make the
at $5 to $7. You’ll want one of these waists
them: only one or two of a kind.
B*ro.r<l. ►
r of Mrs
new shapes: is
Basket Cloth,
silk step back,
when you see
•peak in- reply to a question of the
witness, bot five minnSto later he
asked tta WitneM to tend for bis
J.Xa V iselakg TsMitoS.
will take hundreds of you away next
week. Of course you wil^ want some
thing new to wear.
n new Suit
•><«««- **«
just over srfaura any badbabita
Never knew
llargtoves alept. Mra Hakgravui
in good.btollb except fee her crippled make may thiw
Hargrmvee. tat mboat tbe Ittb or SOtb
Their trualmeoi of each
the room upstaizs.
this hnc. SI/
same as wc sold last
>car at
a gar-
Today we put on sale Ten Ibozen
l|)ozen Black mercerized rctticuats,
made of a fine quality, douljle
jl le seams
seal all over, sixteen stitches
to the inch, thin narrow rut|les
Litlles on
or deep i2*in. llounce- each
rullle headed with stitched' band. We bought this skirt to
sell at $i.50.but decided to make a stir with it at $1.25. If you
want one. you’ll have to get it soon for they will go quick.
Mra Par
people who
fore, was here sworn. The witness
was at tne Hargraves bouse on tbe
morning of April 2!sl. Bhe obeerved
Hargraves aod Mrs. Imke in tta sitling
room. Ha^raws
P.«. h„ i «hrw ai D«*hu Th. WIU.M.
not one i»iex^ in the
dt 69c
. |;aimcnt-^ Odd lot
dt 69c
Jt re-
The fastest .ailing article 1 hare tbe witness to tell of the
mr siora.” writ**, druggist C T iws which caused the jealoosy of Mra
ith of Dsvu. Kv.. -IS Dr King's
Hargraves towards Mrs.
Tbe W ltneas was willing to tell all mother and bis ooosin. Tbe wUoeH
about it. but the objections of Mr when eta first entored. thought Har
graves was oboking and she lovrered
Patohiii were sustained by the court.
tne pillow under his taad.
mands more room. We shall
have xoroethii^ of importance
to to) later on.—Hamilton
Clothing C<x
)KONATlON i^UIT.^^-The new,*st in gnutlemeirs clothing. fil J fiO
and Ilk U)
Made hr Rlsck and
N. V. Sold exeln^
i & Go
uDoonscions, blood and water coming
out of bis monib. He remained in
Miss Kiurenoe Holmes tostitiiHl that
quin d some time for him
she was a school teacher and llial Mra
hu facultuss. ite had no oilmr
Hargraves irus her aunt
Hbe was at
witu.-sr lit* irfi
'Hargmves house aix>u^>H) minutes
when bt* was 21 to work in Travt rse'
of .April. Thew ituos saw
Mrs. Ilargm^ ..s on the Wednesday
Pratt objeclt'd lo btaring evi... Mr.
Harat uce regarding subsequent fits.
graves' left arm whs helt>less iud had
Thv objection was sustained by Ibt*
been Ml several mouths. Hhc Was ct»m>nrt who was willing llmt the mattor
jH'lled to have h« ip
sister of witshould be presented Uter.
m ss and Mrs Woodman had helped
Oontinnlng. the witneM said she
her; ths latter was therefrom the last
hatl seen similar attacks while tbe rcof .Sepiemls-r loth.* middle of Novem
was visiting at her home.
The latter attacks w re more severe
I he witneM test ifled that Mr. and
larxe eolb-t.*. «
Maria Hargraves.
John ViaeUky testified ttat be lived
give them a trial, and got a box A y. ^ n^g. gustaniee sstisfactUHi or •hiiw. was sworn jest before tbe clou near tbe Hargraves reeidenoe and had
taald note tbe go»i cff%*ote ia a very refund price
10 cu ' tng hour
Tbe wiioom was at tta known tbe tamily about ihreu years.
rice Trtsl bottles
K bOo an d #1.
Tile witoeto oould see tta Hazgravus
house plainly froto bis
Never knew that tbe respoodemt had
.y.jyd.aO.» rl^
aniving in I ravcise Cil) IVctlncSilay morning at 7 o’clock.
tliat oonditiun half au hour.
friend to her
Mr. Pratt tried
lua.k.f, • •1M« of
Bou could curry out ibe deception.
stsemed verr near
stocuaob and
rom a seven*
1 suffered witb
years.” writes PMuse. Hurhani. N.
O.. ”l>r. King' New Life Pills saved
my life and gave perfect health ”
Best t^lls on cusTtb and onlv <V at ! other woman.
Jaa U. Johnson ami F. H *Meaa^.
Patc'uin drew out of the wit
drug at*‘n s.
ness that. Hargraves was agent for
some book house and be had arranged
Mr Uamegh. according to bis ow n
with Mra Woodman to canraiis for
UBiniUtioo mane to a friend, has ie
him. Tiie wiinees euw
m nty given away nearly liJ OfiD.iAK)
spoudent bad always •be^-n a good
' . Mti B. J.
tra.tion conies fn.m bealib and the
bleb spirits li.Hdent to iis ,*nJovineni.
Tbe evoluiioii of sm b
women i*ain
easily Ih* iu* i-
•mm Vm ia Skt ms ivSB PASTS «• hIUh «w-
r j c
come t»
.......... as wHl us I., men. u
f..r n MHiiid Usly und
much i lt-arer kixml.iige us to bow fur
muMUlar sireiigtli Is to l*e rvgunled
aa an imlicntloii M robust henltli,
writes A «*..iiitlbutur to the Woman's
Home <'oiit]wniou. I're^b air. nioderntlon. rdertsmv r.nd liitiTi-si are fundaim-nt.il nllk*- for m.-n and women In
the proni.itioM ..f iH-uHli tlirough |rtiysi.al di-v*-h.pui«-nt. tine eiinnoi Imt
In* hnp^..s«Hl^wllh 1»M- gn*«ter proloiiion-. of line
jM*alihy girls and
XI. turn Oi.e non Iii«-,.|n at s. hool and
Th.* dtiy of 1
‘ t^ile. fragile
girl. Stil>jei t to faints.
Wednesdav, Oct 1st. fi.VO0 round
sd trip to Tolmlo. good to return on any
tbe respondent, testified Uiat .lubu tisd
The w itness never heard of s
regular train until Nov. 1st HHI8..,
jesirt of age
t!atarrb U a bl^d or o*u»stitunonal case where the ishtient liad been abli I a fit when lie was
disease, and in order to cure it vou to tell ot his act tons during an attack. wnuh h, w« «<.r.ly<.uoo»™l,hVw
must take .internal remidies
and lay on the 'D L. S. A: M. S. and Del. 80. KailAsked by Mr
l*ratt If o la-reon in pcrfecll
i'aurrb Onre is Uken iuterualiv and
that state could plan to commit ao nn- floor
K. A. Milchel. Q P. Agt
sUte fifteen or twenty minntes.
uanal act. such us to go and find a
quack mediotnr.
clnb. to nse it aod then hide the wea father lifted,bim on tbe bed and be
t physicians in
ot hours
lie of
He did . HOT SOUPS at our fountain.
pon again, the wiin. as said U might laid there a couple
yr-trs, and is a rrg
Drug Stora.
im-scrlptlon... it Is compOM'd of tb. be possible hut hs did not think it
Is-Ki tonics known, combined with the probable.
best blood punfli^rs. acitng directly on
• If a jw rsiiu was familiar with epi
the luuouus soifetx»B Thr trrfeqt iHun
hinatioo of the two ln|rr«dleats is leptic oooditloos could be simulate
stairs, and apoo going
what proilacsssuch woudriful results that conditionV asked Mr. Pratt.
Hmd for trstimo The witness did n..t think that a p.*r- lying on Uu* floor, 10 a rigid sute ana
in curing I’s irrh
In tba fight agaloet amallpoi. which
oanaad aerioos trouble last eeasen.
BwUa bate bc^u drtermlued ajKiii
Wjtlcb it la brill vedwrlll be elfeonvr
the dieeaaa
sdmg. It Is required that men be ntuls free
ore bring hired; that
eaoh oamp bev' a.iur Isolated boilding
or double welled tent in which to
take care of oontai.ioDs caers . that all
nnmpa where emelliiot has eiUted Ur.
Ibnrooghly disinfecli d. and that all
peraona oprretiiiR rem|M
. money due from wegee fioiu employes
Who mey be ill wiiii suiell|m& until
tliay are core i
It u cieimrd that llie
The witn* .s nev. r had any persaual
know. dge of a case of that kind, how
touktur. ikt told. **TkM*t tojr htolnuto” Bu tovhtoa abort tlmu lotto
at HanalorakT’a
mod baard tar
toy ata mould drown or klU tanaU.
Tta wltnasa oerar know oaytbiog
tooro of any moplautooimuto km tta
imtoUy. Ba baaid Mn. Bai«imTaa on
thmt oooaaiom maa omomthUta mtomo
tat did mot know ugmlmat wbooa
Om tta oroaa oxnminmtitoi Mr: Ptott
mskad tbe witnaaa If ta did not know
Mra. Bmigrmwaa waa m fdoma woman
and did not mae caotona langmagm.
Be ^idtod that ata maad potona Inngmaga that tlma but be talkutod uta
bad not preriony praertead tta babit.
Tba raatimooy was not oomplatad
a; the noon hour, bot aa ba did not
Ilka to apare tba tune for fun bur toa
timony ba aanouuoed that ha would
not be back aft ar dinner. Tba eoun
snggeatad that this daterminatinn ba
Twoonuidared. Thereupon tbe witnaaa
stated tliat there was not aonay
enough tobira himtoratmrn. Then
tba oomrt oimtad that if tba witnaaa
wms not in tta court room mt I AT ba
would find bimaaU in jail
(Contlnned on fourth puga)
ta toW btoaetoaieillek'e toctery mad
This illuatrxtioaabows
one of our natty
$i0 3adi«ls
a Walking Skirt and Waist or a new
Jacket or Fur. Kid Cloves, etc, Wc
can save you money and giv^ you just
what you want
MTCikB lim
r.«f Ui^ 1 wm vttk
A iMty ami
To mttlvwte tbe olfactory nervro *^y
tbe arttotlc ■uinlpiitoiloa of perfnmaa
t, and
racy dreoay and
ttomaion by a certatu raiex action
may uod to k«Y tbe bean la a certain
Mail limu 0t BiUiU treoMiy tbln auteriaU dealsiMNl atoBoat
Mi toijr 9t
cwUfwiy wrUb an ryr lo deiwraUre ri
» of t*J» lH«v
ns lu ln»t»U»4Won. fed. They ewraUy bare for .solidity
•DMbtn:. o the abape of a joke, lo
wblcb iiM- real to anacbed, and tbto
r «Ahcr« In n Wcl
banK» MB tons aa Ibe wearer wtobr*
Tbr apiinratiia
tm toe inns lo ihr bottow of Uw b«v n.ileiof u» be. Kobw reach ’.ut Wt
* lU- oibem CaU
I at
*»i nf a Hlano wirr,
even l-vond.
to nMd on a«^i of iu Bumftfc
nd other tbln
but the Roa
net «ltb an api41e«tkrti of aoino
bla*>k Ut'T art on In motif* topka
tbere iaa hah hrt aUleh IrtMla
Itaolf well to thla kind of inmmlus,
tnmd ottf au«Uon to UreOjrtns
ani the
a cave tearfa the w alat
I- a sreNl iHHMOiltitoa and Humad to lift It
wiai^ it np^nM.1^ of
tw wUo abuvkl !-•
%Vr low
cred. Um ratoM) li. but*tt rausUt asalu
\Vr mwwtrd tbe ^na-r-*
and at tost U»« dp.nlsr tuo.i bav«
mwf rtoar of tl*r ol-inn-tba. fur
Um«w wa. no u»orr trouUto. ito- luatro
Mil ««todni aafrijr to Hm* Burfi.^
Tba iradae uartl «u ll.i- «^al.«
twciatoled of a i-lr of
a hi* h anoon aa tba tonnol |Mlut of itn' drrds«*
atrwf* wm- rabwaad fn.ui an ojmii
•HtoW and rbaaMi a. raidiiK «|- a niaU
pnrtloo of tiH* iMdtom. 1 wan In rhars«^
of tba work wb«j U«- liH.tnuu««l waa
fwtowd aud Ofa-uid !»>a a-x-n- »»»tb Ib^
Mai Intrrrat aa.K. Ho- uaiurr
itoUmlMi of Iba boltum I -la.uw iml
Wbat waa iny aatoolabim i»l to aro not
a iMirtlcW of thr mud I
Inatmd a halnda aud a sold lorkrt.
Ibr latlrr only alUrtilly tarnlaW I
wfMttCd tbr caaa win. m> |-nl.iilf«. for
tt ittaid llsbtljr. and out dr..|.|a*d a lUl
C^tblnpaiaw. On »l.r aJd^
tbr bn k
at waa a dajiu*wH.vin. of a nan on
Ibr olb<« a woHiau
Tbe only nplanation I hair
tiaru able t« makr f<a tbr Irlivjctni: up
Of tboar arllclfw la tluit I In- dr.nla'o walowm^l tUrousb mmi.** ot-nli.K In a
wmk lalu a plarr whrrr tinwera rlnard by atrlklm; a aurfacr on
wrblcb tba artklr rraird.
Now. 1 am awarr that fair
1‘rvildaoca or wbatrvrr wr rb.-o-. t« call
the auiawuaiural dlrr«*ili.i: i-.ocr la
continually wvrklna oni all aOrU of
Urobleoia Id tbr uuol unliraixl of oaia
Wbat the drawing' op of tlnw*. like
n«mea from ona of the d«i«wi |mrla
Of tbe octwii meant 1 iva- very cut loin.
tu know . I lookid the bH-kel t.n r t urv
fully U» tbc b«»|»e of dndlns
•Hi. n I took the
but WWB dla
and luifoldrd It.
lud l-«»-n tluhtly
' cluaed.
I.ut otbeia hole 1
la. of vehet. aUk ap
[xleed almoai auytl^ui: that
ThU U to |4»
Ith hit-, and rtilffon accor1‘rrtty lihUm lK,wa with
mala can Iw art iii front al eueb
The imU-iit l|.
luatrati-i ba. tbe juke ,4 UU< k laffeU.
while tie- UaXj U of^ mull, with
vi.rhiya of bU.-k Uee aioui.d tl«- Um.ni. The.e are no akH iea. the plaited
rutile of the ailk mull ItUiiu: tl»4dr
Tbia palcmt U woin ov.^- a faint pink
.lalral <liea«. whlrh liidl.wn-* tl»al we
pUu of the tucked akin.
Th. eiupb.j
. npi-r iwrt
•ip f.dl tr^'T
M->ry rulluea- around
well lik.-l nod ». ofa- evrt
The aklrt In qnea
rtffht m
explained to luw that w hat 1 bad done
wwuki wot oevur one lime In a, xeral
tnllUona. vben»ui»un ahe rvluetautly
coimeiited to foro|:o tor i»n»>i'ct. I nne
tlnufd*iuy connection with the tl.h
but durliu: many ,Tenm’
Wtwk ill deep aea eoundluga never after
ward drew from llo* .-vau a Uuium
anything hut mini I have xinue to InItova that in finding the Imkrt I
BUme fur the acid, ut to the |cc«l
dent’a |u.rty ec m. likely to fall in the
•ame way that It did In the ea*e of the
Aral human 1 rouble The mutumian
cm the truUey «wr aaya the drix«r <»f
tbe carriage wa* at fault, while
tatoiw aay the UMitumMu wn* at fauH
to dririug bl* car at Irtriflr -ixeed Rat
H la aaid the nomen In the «-ar were
nrging ibe^molorroau to -iei her go."
no that Uey might get a good vh w
•f tba prealdeutial iwriy. And *e the
blame again faU* ultimately ou the
a to*t rewort . of
—Isa Anireira Her
HI ilml
1 Hetiy
^ well ll
kind or thin luuterlnl
UHt at the premiit Ufuueiit Ho- -luu
r M jlea are^all * .n.t” uimV Ho- rail
ek M»me elever inxentl.ui u ill U
.bown lo k«*p up lutereat. The pretll
llo- iMl.lOl^
uc- lu-l U..I
• ailk -hiri V
wjth Ur. k
The i.tffcCa dn**-*-- ale»w a create!
varleix of
and they ;re rr-nllx
ilaliity nnd iTi-plx fro-h and amiiiuery
1..01*. elilffoii and i^airow xelxrt anil
rlhUm- aio emidowd to trim them
Manx of thea.->te loek*-! mid hnv»
hu>e li... rtlon
While and ld.iek India
-Ilka aiv al-ti amom; the iM‘w«>at of tie*
aUlunuT dlcaai-a to le* made %ip WUh
ahlrt waMa.
The hlmk oi.ea arw
trliuineil laxlahly with white L-u*e. and
vkv voraa India ailk I- c—l value lii
White drvavv b.m1U lo l-tl *.i t|Ui. kly
tiuit ll U a cwl t—m to timl a ailk thni
wtll WR-h and h-d^ all right when It U
done Yt.u ciunot tell that th.-.- iudia
*llk* have l—*n xvw-hed. for ih.«v al
WNja|i«.k m-w
K.a* ruiuilaitil aklrt* .julte a fnd hn*
de...lot*-d f.o- im.halr nnd .l.-llk-nm* In
pla.v ..r WH*h good* Th.-ae .ina- th.y aloil du*t a.. w.-lU aud th.-y.
thonch lne\|«*ii«lve. alwax - hv.k dr.—y
Th.-y are off.T.-d In luanv .>.lor- Jii-t
now. mi.y blue NMng tt..- tlrat . h..|ii*.
with l.lnrk*nud gray u.-\l
Th.- *klrt*
are iu.id.- up xvlth a -tu.iml floim.v,
and -utiic have cu.v.inl roxva „f ^.-|v.<
tw aaliii ril.U.n a.-w.d an.uixd ti e U.ttom Th.* .kin* are ihU llnd
TU.*C* ate *U*Ul.-Ulu- .plUe R* prelly
aa ailk nnd In a..ine rea|iiia more dr
alrahh* for everyday «kl-i*
t aaw
in whi. h the w-c.f U ailk nud ih.ni^.ilr. Th.*y
They wen* In cemu.
rm Tarm-t. cd.
rral -luub- of
gray. i»j..l and luivy blue and black
The red and gamrt an* quite new 1»
thl* faiirlc. hut the crt*am la tbe hand
*otm**t «if all The alcUb iiii.'e run fifty
hu h.** w Ide nnd *.*11 for fern :*» 1.. n
centa per yard. Th.*j make tip well
and vx hen wvq*u with a trim and pretty
ahlrt walat are att that one can dealre.
Hear Bemic Kow<
Serpolettein K'himea’* tonight
fitao to Moa B
In oonibo the teteamMy of bto 4
tog yoarw
bare tbe com
!To Rtral That of Which J. P.
Morgan Is tbe Head.
**Kueh AU apiairati
I hut tu and Mmie
Our of the toodliitf lulertM- In »L
Uouto aud S<«|bxi.vt.ru whkl. I- rta»
uf the Ooold itn.ia-rtha. Infrt m.d a ivIKWicr in Wall atrrrt that at the annoal mrrtlug of that axa»rm Mr. chmld
will aalmdt a propurtttou to excb*uj:e
a b per rent bond for Ibr eutirr outataiHlUig |ax-ft*m*d atm k of the road.'
Thr M. Ir-HiUand bouibwvatcru Uaiiway i*omjiany uwna l.:rrf*^md.*a of r»*ixi.
aud It haa a eapiul d
invfeired aud
o! .xtmmon
an»H‘k. It h.;* iblhiH-a lU the Wealcrh
luktu oulldum. on Ihuadway. where
Mr. tJould make- m- Ue«d.iUartrra
Th.iv we,v imtux ,umoi> In Wall
atrxvt aa to Mr. toidd’a plana, but no
dvttuitc delalU w.ie g.VT-n out. I’hr
atorj that
;..uld li.tei..l- to form a
uew b.4d)ug 4Nuu|».iny to tak.- over the
ac-Vii'lli.v «»f all hi- liu.v.
Till* «'uuiii..u> i- to I-- kiM.xMi j.» tbe
TfHu-M>.i.tiu. in;.l N.-. uriin-- cmiiwnv
mn.l i* l« be fvu.nx-a wlt.ag Uh- llui** of
the \onb<tn .*to*nrnn-- .-..uriMtnyr-furwbub Mr Mi4Tgau aWl—I autl tu
wbu-b be prartU-ally uuli.-l tU«* ilnut
NiTtlK-iu, .\4*nberu l*acim- nml Bur
iiugiott. Tbe pUi. i- to
lH>..duud al.H k of tbe u. w 0.1..1U..J lu t x
Change f.a- the a**.*urlll.- of tl.e aubaldry liuva. TUea.- I.u.v afx tbe Ml»
•ill I'aclflc, WalM.aU. W.-i.tu Maryud. Wilding ami lot We Krb*. bb
Lmla aiKl Southwe-t.-m. lulcrnaHoma
and tirvRt N.wtln-ru. T.-xm- aud I'aclfIV.vivru aud l»rti-
He didn’t know of him ever’haTing ed hilcly. aud tlo i
more than thaaa two. Both of thaae olU Uetu.uiMr.Ue
r *far laTfuUi
ooourrad alKmt eight yaaip ago with •‘un la* <'..iu»*lned to an artlailc entity
almltor to a unl aly or a pie**.* of d«au iniereal of ten day* bet^emx.
Tha wiiuaaa teitlftad that both Bar- aiTlpllve mu-ic ll will n‘iuaiii for tbe
ictwvea and hto wife oomplaiaad of tbe audien.v 1*. decide Wheih.e the at
treatment of encli oi hi r, and aptienred
u- ull of lb.- iir.*f.*iT.il
to lire anbnpiil y
Upon tba eroaa
.i.tuiKiuy. Thi-ar linca
examination tbe wilneaa anid that
ru*..u* inpltal luxeatlUrgtnTaa would be in a fit fifteen A Part- I —balfa la fbe Walter mt
aud oxer
mlUv ornui.L
in WaU atreet
minntea and it wonid taka him half
an boar to t»wer Ha woald abi»w Iu the .vrchitwtural I’.cii^d f..r S«*ie that tbe n-crt.1 actlou ..f J. I* M..rgan
iru-t lu the
no aigaa of Tiolenoe. bot would np t**ml-T rime < ahoeii.v d.--. riU** M.
w;,t.. tl.uart the
imfaxel a remarkaUe eaiald.-hinenl in
jracl* Tbla 1- UIM* of the ima.1 llltfr- plan* of Mr. ib.uld i.. ba-.v a way Into
l aatlMuay of yira- I
New V..rk ov.-r the Ibwdli.g. Tbe at.iry
w-»u,.a .f«r b..
from llaltlM..<v tb;il trulbc rat.*- bad
rr.4i.g.-l U IW ...1, I be U.-adll.g
bubud Tb,. wilb... iMld of
Matylni..! ba* lN*eu ul-uoeaiiuK an attaok of wbicn Uargraraa l.u-lmv- piaeti.v-d th.r. ll
lutely dcnl.ib All ain*i.g.-im-nia baxe
waa the victim She deacribed the t.T of a great rtvdlt hem.been
condition of Hargrave- at .hat lime. aiim u-uallx *bi,*-l.fih ..f
lu-te«d ..r lH*li.g frUiKlly tbe IM.n
He waa niterly belplea# ’
•Tivanta ralir.nd I* d.-t.-riulmil to Ugbt
. may re.pi
On orcMa exaiamation aaid ah«- bad tiou-etodd Kx*aU
ould t.. the v.-ry L.at du.b. The
e iMiUti
heard of trouble btlween Mr* nnd
I- I.iurv bitt.-r ibau «-x.-r U-foi^-.
Mrw Hargmvea. bnt ihto wna atrioken
tern haa
reminj apprrcl- Tbe UI.U In tl.l* gr.-al l«Ub- of mil
b.» are alll.M w iib i:.*»rgc
out on an objection by Mr Palchin.
l.y 1lH.th rich aiK^i—ir. ^id ll la
Joar|>li Tkial a«r«m.
euM..iaer^ haxe are J.dm I». au.l Will.au. lb-k.-f.-lb r.
t.d ihil
E. H. Harhm.nu. Ja.-.b ll- S. luff. I nitJoia idt Thiel, who lived on tlie oor- pUiml onl.-r- with tthe llrm. And
Siut.-S. n«u.r W A C lark. Il.-ury
ner oppoeite tbe Hargrave# honee. wrae chik- are emid..x.il
Krb-k. tbe Sl Htrv br..il.. r-. xvbo 4i.u
ord.*!*-. w ill. U a mom
calh*d to teallfy He bad known Harlrx4 the UiKk I*la..d, nud W.lluiu. IMi
in tfu- emir-c .if a year
ry Siuiib. wb.. J..iuUx x.iib J.d.u 1».
llork.-f.*U.-r i* tb.- larg. M In Ub r .d Sb
l‘a«l *UH*k Uu-.ll .*iage nud Kubn.
cmly thrwe or four time# daring hto
Loci. A C*K are nl*<» w lib il.e «;..uld luaoqaalatanoe He ncTer knew of auy «,ia onl.*r i^m.v
I be M. r. auiile Tru-t
tremble at the Hmrgrarea bouee,
calhTj arc 2->* i
the K.|U.t:.l4e Lib aud tbe
akc their
[ationairity lM.uk.
Tbe i.rim li.nl fm-P.r- in tbe r.-uuNylMra Thirl teBlitled that Mrs Har.
;.tl..u i.r.* A. J. fa-Malt.
grarea eiatted her nearly every day
VandtTblU. c b-meut
and abe fre<inently oalled on Mra. iaiMdhHl fur M iMif.ij.-I d.-*« not mdl
CJiiatoui of tbe Am«rleau IUk*. J. l*U-rgrarea Uargraree nnd bix wife ck.ih*-«, uudrtlinen and oihiT artlflea l-mt Miwgan. Marviu llugbitt, tbe
were good to caob otlicr. She eome* ‘llrv.Hj to bU cu-t.m..*r-, i.ut give- m iTninpi Shlrd.uildlng comiouy aud the
ime. talked about John and anid be
^ o^
iWal Teb-grapl. 4iuu|aiuy, xvltb CUiw
P. Baker, the Pir-t N.itloual lu.uk and
waa awful roxhI to her Mra HarV..r axich
he ba* bu-iu.-the Nalloma Bank uf C*on.mer.>-.
gravee liad told tbe witaeea quite gOLxda he iMj a vm
often that ah * wanird to kiU berm*lf. •fir by tb.* we
Mduring tbe winter She waa afraid of
• I
4.1. tbe
going to tbe aaylom. Tbe wilneaa
aaid that Mra Hargravea oalleil cm her
on the Friday nlgui pretioua te the
aUeged ^rttor. 8be wa- In good
amrileniilPated the wna going to tbe
Maooabee partyr that night <with Har8**x.*ral m..re iTua-lan u..bl.vArlll
vlall IU.- I'nlt.-xl Siatvi Tb. y «.v <\.unt
ra. llarrraveB ItrvJUa
Mra Lake teetified that Mr* Hargrave# vlaiL d her houee daily, two or
Tl..- witoeaa atoo called
nearly every .lay on Mr* Hargrarea
Tbe wltueae heard Mra Hargrmvee nae
guage onoe when ahe had
hurt her crippled arm. Mra Har*
grarea waa a chnroh member and It
al.ooked tbe wiineae a luUe.
Rrmtt aaked tbe wilneaa to tell
what worda Mr* Uargrmvea uaed
Mr. Patohin ohj.*cle.l to the teatl
toony. but the oourt ruled that the
wiineae muat anxwer if the
tion ao iumiated uniexa tha tcatlmony
ratoting to tbe incident waa atrioken
ont The teatimony waa therefore
atHcken out and an exception taken.
Referring to the night that Mra
Uargravea attempted euiolde, tbe witstated that Mr* Hargrarea told
uiat ahe
ion. that be lored Mra
von Tl.-b* Wiiukb-r. I'.mut Ad.-U-Tt
vcm Klrn.ua*i.ff. 4'.»uni A x.m I*».m
takis tV»Uiit v.m V»-m-l.*rlT and iL.n.ii
von Uuhl.*. ivi.nvi.uiixr-- ..f ;.ri-i.»
cratlc IVua-iau l...u-.v w le". art- .-.lU
study auflal .-.mdUKa.- and ..i.v-rxc tl..*
m.*lbiHl« ii»4il b.ie in .Tlu.-..nug it»e
son* of leading AuM-ricau l..iullie-r
Pount von J'l.-lc war do tin- r.-|-«ilug
to bU *4.ver.-ign. i’.uu.i xui. Sb r-ioi|.n
ba* fauiily .>uiti.*.-lb.u- In tbe l ulled
SuteTkr C «»a.laa lirroa..
rreiaraUona for .he Ir-v
iU. the gtlJ are u«..lrr wa> .
ItuaX) lelloa. a.Mius -Uii.l*
A- lta> K-cIbv flat* au-l punia
Th-v have .tonned the |udd«d etotbea
And lha ahl.ld* for ear a.-l nu-c.
-Chime* of Normandy" City Opera
Oan Loudon nx Orcnichcaux in
Houto. tonight.
“Chime*,*’ tonighv.
See Gea F. Kncmlet as K^atpard
InUrlor Spar. Is th#
Cay Operq Hnuae.
Hre you leolilitfl lor
We are offering a very desirable
and pretty line of Prairie firaxx
Bimiture at Factory Prices. Come
in and make selections now. while
our stock is large. «
ii muoiiuiif mill
stop and Consideraifvantage of Buying
Your Ladies, Winter
Garments ofus
Our showifu* of L.-uHpv*
Furs t-ir.. rt prt-srnis th^* nr*u*.*sl
iiu! latrst
produrtions by the in*»st npted minufarUin rs
in America. Every iiann^nl is H» ^» intly linrfi,
app»*aranre that is mr.rv than attractive. : : ;
This b» ingr niir First I'all D-spUv vir h-tvr not
a siniih* 1,1 St srason s tfarm* nt
Kvr rvthinir is
new. and our purchases 1»» in^ exrr't.Tion.ibv
lartre tfivinj us the insidr prices it rndhlr-s us
to quite vou priers which are oi>taine-H in no
Other wav
Ltadiua nmnbtrs—fS, fS, JW, fl2, $!S, fIS.
Tun up to $50.00
........ —-s'
Cali and see whether wishing to buy or not.
two Strouq Dumbtrs lu
that are unnutchAbW. We have gone
through our mammoth slock aad i>*ckct1 out the best numbers ad placexl
them on sale lor a few .lay* at the cxtraordinerv pri^e^
mm li M
Silks.. Drus8M<te.
Don’t Forgtl
that Saturday is
Bemnant Day!
Short ktigths from week’s scll.n
We find it bette»^ to let them go
the end of the week than to allow
them to accumulate They arc of
little value to us but at the pnees
we p’ace on them they arc of ex
traordinary worth to the purchaser.
l.engths from
lo 7 >*ards. C^ashmeres. Serges. Cheviots. Venetians,
Broadcloths, Plaids, ('hecks and
ttaw Oraotoy aattWd It.
trimiTird and hnished a»'d has a rit hnf'ss in
So arrero to teat of bravrn
Ona would think tha oaaaon'a oa,
Put they ra only practicing
matter agreed to refer It lo Horace
Oreetoy. Aa be waa out of the rite,
tbe qoeetlou vraa telecrapbed to bho.
-Are there any ivew»r GreetoT
Ttaib« ..y St-bU.
•“iblSsnl.*- TrawfMCIll.i.
Aa’ lh«y re airtrtng lor the goal.
•Ttrttvr Say,’^
Interv-tlug exampica of the <
Inoonvrt UIM of worda. Ac
Newa •The totmt Dewa
Better aay: -Tl»e totert new
New*, wlth^
It j
Wltb tL-
1110 li
Back and forward h-r- an.1 ih-ra.
All around Ihr field ll^r. tear;
Down they tumble »r .hey nae.
Pteking mod trot., ear- -nJ eyaw
Panting ruffing, -till they rara
It appeared at tbe teceaa tbto afternoon that the dafenoe will conolade
tto teatiaony cither tbto erenlng or
toteorrow morning Tbo proeoomtkm
wiU begin the toatimony of leb
•a anon aa tbe teaimony of defen
all in. ODd the oddremea c^ the otlor*
neye will probably begin tomorrow
otCityOpeni Hook.
this season’s make and the most styl
ish clothing of the dav. .Mmoat cverv
kind of cloth is represirnted
istsu of val1 up to $15,
highest grade
of goods, elegantly amde. ever) stitch
of them IS guaranVedd. Perfect in ht,
as stylish ax clothM can be. Wc guar
antee them in every respect. If they
were not good clothes we could act
back them up with our repoiatioo.
See a few of them in the display
window. Step in and let us show bow
perfectly our dothes fit. lA>ok close
ly and sec bovr ixamstaking the makers
have been with all the minute details.
These prices are for a few dava only.
Belter think about that new suit—
ihmk quKik.
They are trar.ng ui> th« dirt.
Kunnlng. f-lUng aeuu.g hurt
Dr. L.awtoa TMlIkaa-
Dr r. P Lawton waa tto called
by tbe defence to giro exp
mony In regard to epilepay and Ita
effeou npem Ihoee who are aahject to
n^erelWe. W.tW
K. XWOerMH W lib Homo., to ;$ec Mttt Ha*kell
TIm- mum at Urorc- <;oaM rmm tbe
,«L W.U «!».-« l.-lle.m. (.ortiiMU
great eveuta tu thr niUrvtad world, aaya
tbe New York World. The lirai work
Mr. Vkmkl wiU uudertaWr wlU he the
rebalalitatiun of the arb-unik-a of all uf
bla rooda prior to the lormatlou of hto
ScfOuM- of KoCBiildrtOlli^
i ItolNka w TOto Ettmto
A BlTTLi: or RAOIQAD tllGA !di.*tton.ry
! dl-taiK--
arae.1 acuml. tlie. }amited
l«4t 1. -oer.-d w iib b.--. and a la.li.l.d
>.Ae I. •untilab.l with It. Tl*e whole
t city Km
goUm to ha a iMrfnme eancert at tbe
am on CK*L 14. *aa expert
ulMi. cMtocert.'* a* it* anihum modartly put It. and a aocceatoun af
a.rtU» will be aquirted aboot tbe bMI
r.-r tbe audience au adefjcly that
|.reaeiit will think ttoy are in
Japan, aayra the New York vwrreapoBKi
qMUOwa pat him by oownml.
.mt of the c ’hkwso Tribune
Wltaom atwtod that ba had known
Iraat the amnagemeni of the cooHaxsrmvra for aereiwl yanra on nn
•hdy - A
cma oad^ooa Uto Inatoo dU
fnimtboMof Mr. HMRfnrM in tint
kS thuoe preoeot to bellere when
tba Uuor aid not nm lobneeQ or A
WlUwaa nimutod qMmditoK mneb of tlM'j auiff certain arxtmaa that they are
rraily Uwnapurted aewaoally to the
hto linm in •niocna
.'hryaantbemum klngxlom. That the
Mr M B Pmtt nakad witnoaa If bluntetl ulfactory nervea of the I*hUla
rben be aedd gooda for tba Vnilai tinea may be peranaded If lajaaRilr tbe
lintea Mrrchaadiaa Co to bU P
lliuakui wiu be beliwd out by tbe aaatotance of two celabav«Ml a aolo
>rcareo. be did not i^ii timm
danr«T.* who wlU perform while the
it waa tba United Btetea gotram
iltai ba rapreaanted nnd If tboy did la^fumea arr brtng aqidrted.
Tbe pemma in charge ot tbe amug«BOt pvobnae tbay wonid 1^ ratnma
menic for tbe occaaloa bare tbla to
lo Poland ThU nwted tba rialbil
liaa cf tbe Mdlanoa and tba ir o tba
•Jt i% a well kuowi. acirotlflc
wit^t u. who onma rery nanr telling tlcxl .alor
Imineai^ 1*
tor. Pratt that ba waa oarelai
huumu utiud nrt unlike tboae
handling tha tmlb
• E.ery one baa experienced that
Wttnaaa repaated bU atatamai
haaioK aean Mra Uargrmvea cm tba -mell auddeuly aWTrclaled. |HTbapa
itreat awinging bar arma and acting Kouie llqwcr that grew In the old homeatead wW we ajieul uUT t^dhlbood
BB if abe ware inaaoa. After as
day a. aeuda bock ta«f a train .d thought
lilt with Mr. Pratl about n coin
to ai'enea c^ tbe paat more rapidly and
uoo ba bad had at raoem with hto mon- vividly than any oilier art mevllwife, tba witaem wai ezonaad and le- urn It aeem* airaiige that a a.*nae ao
markad aa he h ft the au.d that b« raally exHtetl ba* U^ n left In a i.rlmllive and d«»rnianf a^ate, aa our olfac
waa glad of it.
Prank Boardaley for whom Mr. Har- tory nrtx«-a umK>uhi.*dly euuhl la* cuUI
loaiHb au . Xteiil thaj an arti-l a
nnvea hod worked cm .^-reral oooa- vated
uunipnlaiion of la-rfuu.e* wodd yield
kioB- in a»e jamt twelve jiwra, waa a-ttotic ph-a«una -Inillar t« mn-le
tba next witnaaa aud teatitted aa to
bariug on two diffaiwnt oooaaicma.
Fbat thlwbila Uargravaa waa working for hun.
B«ao the defendant tmra epileptic fita
tbr worda beluu a* ekar a- tbe «lyv
tbty were written, »aiier* luHH*lc*-!y
Marred; but cuoukIi a«Tv ckar to eii
able me to con-trui t the folU.alnc
Nra York Jun- r., liM
1 bar- ihU tU> n.-rrie.l Kicar Ooy
, Hunt aiul KllaatH-ih r.ri.e. kl-iunrlU
A.VTIIO.W 1\»T\V1N^ l». If
I aaa dl-ap|K.U.I«d I lull the writing
did not tell of aoiue
or falw Huidaonim 1 tiuit I mt»;bt bccome, by ll* iKaoeaalou. «u lu»trmneul
Of JUatlec. lloweVtT. I put tie* ll llikrt
and the |iap<r in my trunk till l rrtumrtl to .New York Then 1 hunted
fur ralsar tiuy lluut nml KkriilH-th
•amen blanatlekl
1 found neither,
for they ware l.oth dead What l dhl
And waa a inwnddaiu:htei. KlUuilHtli
blaiirneld Hunt, a bo aun luakiiu: a
acant llTlns by t.wehliu: uiu-h
Ih r
aiiay td the family waa that h.T m-aiul
father, Uunt. the oulj a.n» of bl- jiar
eula. had run aaoy with r.llaaUth
Manafleld After hi- death a tou-lii
claimed a fanu In Unrknu of wdikh
Hunt wa. the oann. on the Eruvii.d
that lluut had nerer Um'U luank-rl
Kllaal^eth Matianeld Hunt had k’une
alwtfad toatudy uiu-ie. bin aa« return
Ins to claim brt bu-l-rmr. pr..|*Hy
When ahe a a* a ixn ked oft the .\H4ue.Vftrt all. ther*» waa an Imi-.rtai.t
feature to mj Itml TIm. farm In Hnr
< torn bad i:row n to W wtuili iimiv tlian
iAtoMMkin. and I'.IttaU-tU Man-ticld
Hunt waa th«> teaal belt The only evi
denee of the mairlaKe of her trraiid
mother bad cone d uiu off the Ax«.r<w.
dnrtid to the t'anarbw ami ttad l-cii
OaUrtl up by nm after It Imd UtHv Im
meraed nearly half a ismtury.
It wa» the moat natural thluc lii the
world llial I, a yoiim: M-ufitUt wl
•ttalumenta had pn-lm'tsl the local
demv whirl. MU- Hum - . mmh n
«d. abould im.T»wt iin-<lf m the
loratkHi of biw fortune. I furuUh.d
tbe tucana m^Mwaarj lo WcUi ault
asaluat the ownera of tlo- m.w dlud.d
|ira|ierty. and <Minifromt-4« were^unde
Wbleb fiafUHl up a toli^ of $l.J4.Vaai.
or aUful a fourth of the %«lue of the
pruifrrty. Mia. llui.t m.-ut,d on dlxid
lUK what ahe ry-vlv«xl wHh iim«. but 1
doidlned to accept any |*.rtU«i of It.
telUtvg her that If ahe would ao-epi
lurtead abe wrtikl make
T '*“ild
py. HbeaKrei«dto thei'm
after we were married. tiuprewa«sl aa
•be waa with the iMuerlt. a«xruhis
fram iWpaea wwmdim;*. abe w.utid to
it out au ei|»edHmu. mU for the pur
atudylns tbe Iniitum of the aea.
without al
NMM< aifd lnri;e
The yoke tua
mo#l0ur#bl# vamish mad#.
Sale of RitoiTns
Sale of Rings
50g<dd fined Set Rings; bou^t
about 250 of them for almost a
song, wh.le ihev last 10c.
■ttil tetDAt OOtOBkU B IBM
m view «f I
Cte Pwrtlete
StKDS a Document That Re-
Ob vlpdy dajra. wten
ODitM SoMlcr aM Wife.
-Xovm BcoUa. 1 have alwnya bcohl
• rvtM, hmt
m’lih • smlW uT UtiArmtm oo hla
and aeek tbe narfulneaa of dual, aaja
nuHTMl fealttroc I»rr»klrul lUiuMnelt
4k:UUd «a4
9 parOMi for • 4lr>
teouora a Helatend In tte Bt Umla
GlotK^Hamerwwt. A erlentlat tella oa
that If there were abaulotrly no dnat
lo tbe air tte path of a wunbeam would
Iw totally buck. Sw the aurface of
tte earth the atmoapbrrr U full of
conne particle# which rrfleot aU the
raya and bene, produce no one cokr
At Martinique, fur Inaunce. tbe air
MTUr tnmt ihe t oitMl iMitr* aruo.
Mg'S lU Nrw York JtHiraal.
Cte Lla 6mk lo Ua Wlirary at Oyatar
Ba/ wara acmd a domtu or inorv Uaa
abaKa of |«|iar ai*d aerdoiMM. TU
papar waa aoiaa. tt»e aaralopaa agdareTlwy axtiated a d«-nca»e ndnr of mlfBooatta. aad Iba luiiiUBrritiug waa a
Wllb Cba aaall# b<UI cm t.ta face-,
HaampraidH-r raiur
Tbr i»rr.UJM»t
apoka raitkllj. Ttie- Btfuo^rai.Lcr wrnl
out. mun*ad lb a frw iolnut«<B with a
tytrtrrUtcm iia|»ar. aud lirutolk It Ittara
aouo aiimarra lo ^mW. black Mirrm.
Tba pappT waa
hold l^masrrt. 6a
od Stataa artny.
rure^l Ibe
r ••tliUt-r.
and bark to lirt^mvlllr raiur I juumert.
and tbera waa a wrdtUua iJroeuvUlea
local ueoraiiaiHT |irii»t»**l a %ery iirHty
uoUca about tba rt-lurucd aohlUr and
bla iHida.
urorr epooleta and wbo
Ijiimuert aa a deaiTtcr.
luurnini^ after wartl. aa
bride waa fiouiinf iJiinoic *bl
faat coffw. a coriNiral c'ttuie Inlu tbc
booae and pot a heavy tend 00 ibe deaerter.
. Tbe liride.'left aluiie. wept and waa
laiuiuiert Waa acuteia'rd.
bbe went to Waabiuaton and tiiinl to
a«« iVealdent iloaaevelt and the ae«Te
Ury of war. Tbt n alie wrote to tbc
Ibe i«wldrut.
Finally tbe aecnnary
told tbe prealdent almul It. and Mr.
IbMNMvrrlt read tbe bttrra. II-? foririd
tbe affalra of sUle. readlua tbe heart
atullcd all
aud be aeiitly
tbe wblle la- dlrlnted tlie |mrdoii to
bla a.^rrtary. He waa auilllu* when
be atiri
•llm %m Prims a«lt.
Thouiaa Aiifua. Utt.r Ynowu
Itllud Tom. Wbu baa U-eti a« lltiu; new a
fiapera at the IVnnoUunla rallr<iad
ferry, Twt-uty third atnn t, fur the U»t
yeara, exin-ricnct-*! the liappWwt
r Ytck
bla Ilf
Kuument of bli
*u|irviue court
Herald, wlum Ui
ebanrea with taring r.w|N.ualble for bla
luaa of alghL
Fur thirtcm yeara mind Tom ualtcd
for tbla day. and It inlidit in vcr have
urrlied had n<*t iniaricw M. Kcbaab a
fewr moutba ago gl\en Uitu a t^w d.d
lar bin Ut a new»iia|*er. Hit- lui.ncy Itclog uaed by mind Tom to cmpluy a
Tba defeiidant waa William J. Jung
Itng of 41 Orient eii-nne. Jeraty t’lty.
On Aug 7.1MU. Angua. nut tbeii blind.
%raa arated on the attM.p of bla bonie
In Fine atrtM. Jerwy flty. when Jungllng aakfd btin to amell the omtentii ttf
U bottlcL Jangling aald the U4tlt- t>.n
Ulued perfume, but It waa tilled wlib
•tnmg aplrlta uf amimmU. and aa .\ngna waa alamt to take a whiff the for
mer threw tbe lli)at«l Into bla-faca.
Angua waa Winded
Angoa wnooki have aueil f.o- datnaftw
than, bat Jungling bad little
Peef Tvwat Afarr t^emllker.
It la rumttreil in the b-aihcr dtaiiirt
tbat on tbe axmipleliou of tbe l»eef
waa M> crmiauied with Ite-iu after tbr
Arat eruption ttet tte enn rt»e p^r
ferUy while.
Afur tte nUU greater KraVatoa ex
ploaloo tte duet waa dlaarmluated ao
tbk'kly and au far tbat tbe aunaeu all
round the world glowed atrangvly fur
nearty threa yeeia. Thto came rblefly from the aolcanlr gUaa that waa
ground to Inipalpeble powder and
thrown up many tnllea, where It waa
taujrbt by tbe rurrema of air that aa
Hi raaila WU*
llaina. tloBcrtwra lalaocl.
It mraot very arrat baw»li»«-i ft.r
tbe mrltar of the Mirra 00 iLv blur
ntfuooftte acnitrd fwiirr. Wbcu IjiiuBMrt MiUated mad «aa artil lo l*iirio
flkUk aU berauar of ao oulbural of
Aarjr potrkMlaiii. be fooud down tbrro
to tba tropica Jbat be uae^ lo lay
aoraka otgbu aUrlu* at tUe bljf, aiUrr
mooci, utterly u»i*rral4r I^Mouar be
or blndrwiM. Wten one tblaltf of
wtet tte longa iBtelo ooroj mtumf,
one waniatontaptmMUdffr But ttet
WMld etmfly odd tn tte wid e huge
cuUecCkm OBotter Uftle dite beep to
be blown ntom by tte wtnda.
Umrr ! la moch becter 10 '‘wve off
BBaibema Aod tefflo at tte otter end
uayaa lloMap
Trtbuna, will aH to w«wk aojulrlng
principal bwtht'r comiwnh-a. In
dttdlng tbe oo caUed tmaU. the .\merl.
CPB Hide and l^tbcr aud the TnH.d
Sutea Usatber ruu|uiny. The leather
PM know tbat tbe beef men ba\e tbe
kuthcr trade pmcnlraUy at tia-lr mer
cy. aa tte copiblnallon will have *-.m
of tbe rnren bide output of the
rolled fftatea. aiuuuntlng to l•etween
7,oOauOO and » maiuBi mttli- hld«-a an
BoaUy TbU prudiu^ ba» an aggr^-gate
ralor of over f7:i,tMl,iWU. The Imef
PM dealre cuntrul of tbe big b-alb<T
truata In order to a*x-are tbe full re
tarn opoo the bklew The^. Intereata
tere Bt different tlmea lieeo etigaged
IB tbe loBtter boiloeaa. and even now
■wtft A Co. eonirol the National iMlbor company, which la eiteoal%*ely eB-
to tte unning of Imtter.
tbe earth turned cauaed It 13 Iw com
pletely rodrt'led by tbie powdery a«b
Bven tbe ordinary aimaet.
bowev«T, la produc'd by the aun ••b 11
lug through dlflen-ui drnallh^ of ^aiHaaiMl dii.l, the iwrtU lea b. lug amii.gtd
and rearranged by air currenla that
wblle tte anti aluka make ibe dlapUy
rbiitige with orvry moment, and we
oae tbla glory of form and «t.hr main
^Wben- there la little duet tte air la
blue, aud tbua we get Uh- pute tint of
• aly Une.- .\a the du-l d-«rv.i«ra the
deirth of blue lm-reaa*-«*. *k> tiMt from
moutiUIn toiM or In the i-eutral I'aelilr a deeiM-r l.lue la aren, nml iMlham
ua<\tiahut» ha^e aetually leeii made ao
high that the beavemi^|.i«'are.l al
uiuMt bla4-k. the Bell of our uimuapnore
could g«n I
Of the luAuy probleuia ubUh I
agea liave Imffltal the Inventive genl
of mati that of the roiiatruetIon of
v;-aM l w-bh-h w ill not aluk la one of t
n.i*at »n»pr.rtau!
Hmb an m>enti
w..uld mean amiually the anMng
tbouaanda of li\.-a and uilllluna
aahle froui Ibe fmt that
.pull old Ni-plutie of many
Aiul now two yonng IVenebinen.
MM I*aul Mam-bln and loula lU.n
iTivux. lune tamMrurto^l a mtalel of a
««-*.ael vvhh h, tX la eotilUlelitl>>ea*H-rted,
eiuuiot aliik. In all reainala. a.iya Hie
.New Vurk Tlmea. eie«iit f*»r the fart
lh.1t they Imxe given a wider ajpUea
tu.ii to Hie iirimiidea already demon
the dlvlaiui/of
atriitial offer-llv
a v,-.ail imo dinrereiii iN.mpartmeuu
l.y woti-rprvM.f loirtltloiia th«-y tnirc
^ln»ek out t»n new and hlHoTti* unex
plonHl llm-*.
In the model which they have con
alnieKsI there m>e |.HWlet! lu the lUte
rl.M ..f tlM. ahtp two row> vA^i^ror
wai.TpnMif tanka. wbl«-l»
the v.-aM-l floating after l^J^Uaiou
The^ 'rtualera** do nut .|ulte real h He
Uittoui. and lMw.a-ii them and
tb.- aide walla there ta a ai^ire o
four yarda.
If the ablp were to run agaliia
deii a,vfid l^iuk or rock, the
w'oiild nmalu Intact and umlamaged
even If Luge bolea wi-re tocn In Hhlual:i bulk. Tbedlmeml.Hia of the fliwt
era aa well aa their numla*r are ati pn»leu^ilonale that even ahould the water
the ahjp the bulk Would Mill remai
fl»*.tlug. wlHi the upiver de.k aud tb
riavf. of tba floater# above tbe water
tain depth wbtni
rcvvnlly. hgieutiata and CVIaTU t 40 luive lii»iH-. t*-d
the Imalel aav that Ibe lnvr nit»ra teva
apparenllv w.lv.^ the i»rtihleni. at leaat
In tkt-tiry. but aome of them are ake|v
th at iia to tbe iiractical value of tbe In-
It baa ihW Imao no long, aaya a w
lu Hie New York lI.Tald. but
many of ua retiiemW when a ph-i
allk In tte Fnlted Htatea meant ai
Kllkwdhna. mulberry Uwvea. rocoooa
ATid tbe iwodurl of the Utter uaed to
f irry u* lo thought over tbe A!Untie,
or a. atm longer journey over tte l*a
t i|k\ but tlM-reliaa Iweu a great ebanga
lu ail of tbu.
our c'on-uniptlon of allk baa Ix^n In
ereaalng wonderfully, until now It re
qulrea #l33.uuu.OOU worth to aui»ply
tbe deuiaud fur one year, but tbe
we uae. lu other wonla. we Imjvort
Wurth and make fluT.UOO.two worth at home c«. b year.
llila great Induatry-which la atUl
tte great tide to tte tej of Fwidy
hn4 a dnatot to MO it. 1 tevo ted
alxty foot
airr to Me U again."
"Why BOtr
-Boraiiae I 4k»Y woBt lo be remtodcd that I have been a fool."
-1 alwaya like to hear fool# tell of
their fully." ,
-I joined a party iximprlMUg Mr. and
Mrw. lulerwood. 'lum liKlerwood.
Ibeir auu. and Mood fnderwood. tboir
daughter. We*-account of the tklo
or Mlaa I wkTw
No lulerrupUuna. plcaae. If you want
to bear Ite atgry. We reacted ooe of
tteae lllUe Canuck aeacoatt town#
oarly In the BMMlng. and after
and X tbo
faat Mlaa
we would take a atpolt We bad <
aa there waa no
lOeu we concluded to go and
here were flats
oogh. and
laud oeathey wm- eovered with al
acd. bot no water. We aaontcred
DOg until we met a mau. whom we
ked which way wua tte toy, then
loaaed on lu the direction be iwluted.
lie called to ua:
- ‘V^m Te noi going tbefeT
- H ertainly. Whynoir
"Tl’a a little bite lu tbe
" Tjite In tbt clajH Why. man. ira
not 10 In tbe m..n»Mig.- Bill the tide will te cvm.tng to
vrtee lUt. a J. Budlopg of.Aatej
WJ, a. 1. “wtet B UwmmgMy good
J —We are right here
to make our guaran
tee good.
•pd iBUBble pmdlelpe 1 foud 1b Bo
They muud me ol
jBPPdloe BPd liver troablee ttet ted
MPged IM grmt wBffenBg for pmay
Hustlings EASY •«
»Jeweler PAYMENT
RhoummUm „
bla way. Mlaa ( udtTWOud womh-r.-d
what be tvmid mean, and we walked
ou. Ijiter I alui.|H-d lo eiatulne acme
aoaweevl. and lu facing tbe direv-Uoa
ffhiu which we had *vm.e I aaw tbat
the man wai teAlng lock at u••Ttet Hilow aceiua lu U- mightily
liitereoievl In lu,* 1 remarked |*eevUhly.
•• Ttey talk almui Yauk«-a teiiig i’arUrti*,*
•'rbey’re mithlng lo thcM» ranadlon»i'
-We raml.hnl on. aiilllliig tte dcU
eloua all tme geta on u wait water
making a v^>Ilection of abella aud av-awev< Imt iu.t gittlng a eight of tbe
fcea. We muat Itave gtme a mile and a
luilf from the hotel over the dauip nil
I l.y overflowing water
ird a sound like dutaut
- %\ot a ch»ud to te aeeu,* I replied,
awwplng the sky with my eytw.
•Tljere were M.me v-atlle ba< k of ua.
and we notlevil that they all turned
and traveled Inland, some of tbe amaller one* liaMeiilug Ih.-lr aianil na they
pro^ecdcHl till ttheir gall rtwebed a gni
- ‘I wonder w hr ttet w agon la com
ing >0 furlouhiy.’ remnrki-d Mlaa In-
Dr. Iman’s
Pain Toblets
with the new F.rrct Form and l'riore<s gowns
F»t your nev «
ao Erect Form and it wiU be a masu nocvc oi gra« ard eUtMCe.
from |i up, H your dealer cannot supply you s^nd dirvct lo
■MPWBW ^Parker. Mhco
Pi vo
WEINGARTEN BROS.. 377.379 Brwidway. New Vt
V ^e;SrT<..rhrtcAnt»‘.ri'-rHrr<'^'‘''^’ ltFrr-tl =«a.
Ac«rt nvluS v tu
Thm immn m^dlolnrn Co^
MWM aa»IM. MM.
t-. me
»'! rvii p. ^-Kijn'.
l\cOm.dJUm<U. K.U
^•4^ lV-UA*krj at>U Usrkiussi
IW tiratui
A’huTMi .it »»P II.
Kor P.-tv-k. > ao.t )Urkih.s «lly 4 .** p m
Tram. Arnvr in Trax
* S«s and Park HVr.«'t«.
N. HKviWK,
O. tesr H»ii-u
catch tl.XWhsa lahan at the rtght
i: AVr* xiALAkiArTOo;
29c. at yaurdrugglat'a. If hacan't aupply ysu. send nrlca fflroct ts .
-•Why. Ifa the man vcl,
tervwted In uaV exclaimed
METEt’S MEDICIPft CO., 2te-264 W. Braaiway. New Tark.'
1 Indt-r-
Tt.-trambiavmgal 11 to a lu. amt arriving
al I
If , i.xlailT
- *So It la, 1 w under If he's ('iiming
to Inv Ite ua to bU bouw.’ 1; tv|dlevl.
making nn effort to te facetloua,
- -t^uetblng must te Hie matter.’
Treiw-nHy the tiwm. drawing a four
nested wagon, swung urx.und U>slda
ua aud atopjHil, Our Interested friend
JumiH-d out. o|H-n«l <be door and told
ua I., gel In.
• -WLal a the burryT I asked, stand
lug slock aim
-•Hurry, you alupld aaa! The tide’s
•1 caat a glance st-award and saw a
great white wall -of tumbling water
muting like a twetdy tbousaud dollar
automobile. 1 mixed Mlaa Foderwood.
Iirtwl brr bodily Into tbe carrUge and
rullwl lu after her. and with my legs
•till sticking out of the dwr the borsca
started shon-tte^ The driver Ushed
bu burwew amnboultHl at them, while
uoW' and agalu 1 cast a glaiuv tebliid.
and even now 1 want to put my teuda
tefore my eye# to shut out Hull borrtble pursuing monster. MKai I’uderw ood
loukt-d back onte. but neter again”—
-She clung to y ou pretty close, didu t
aber* suggested tbe UsteuvT.
-Ttefa uoihlng to do with tbe alory." replied the uarrator. ‘ Ves; It baa.
too." be add.1l. w lib a sudden burst uf
feel tte ooW wat.T iKWilug agaluai my
teck. Tbe driver was making for a
rise lo tbe ground, aud It waa neck
and ueck tetwd-n us aud tbe surf
whl.b should reach It first. The driver
swore, tbe man Uwhle him sat with
fvdded arms aud the omers of bto
mouth drawu dowu. while I was endeavortng lo calm Ml** Underwood.
We reached tbe
yrr of foam
-Md Mlsa U
-On your shoulder, of course.”
-The man who ted w»me for us bad
supponwl on mw-tlng u* tbsi we knew
all aliout tbe tide. Furtunately. just
as they gave us up fur lost, the wagoB
came by. and be took ifewaeasioo of tt."-1 auppoas you said lo Mlsa Under
wood:‘'l.lke should mate with likp
Twro fools would te a good match.* "
-How did you know tbatl It’s eg-
All mam ton-trains bav* parl..r and aWe|>iSK
cars attacb-d.
Anom.,. .d.H u<ia-4
C. K. MUERAY. Agca^L^
m. m. (ii ^!
K-pt. ». IMTralasl.avsTraY.es. City as fnlkms
Fbr Orand BapAda. Datroli. Tsisdo. Chleage
asdwsst. SlBa m.. 11M a. w . SrtO p w
for Maskar». BsJ
Port Boma. Tsiadc
Dsirolt sad aasl. • m a B . II Al m ».
Pur Maateas. Lwdtagsos aad Milwaakaa. e«
aw., nxua ai. S:«)p im.
To Detroit and Toledo t& OO. Chi-
ty And cconoiiy, there seems to
be no queslion whatever
minds of our 200 consumets, and
h compArison\ of quality and ex
cellence of light, together with
QBH OABNBi • toW^ANTO^ l^sri^al. Agant. Trararaa City
^man. Ut£a^sr kYrat^toaal Bank. CaU
ly for healing small rooms, »>tFiccs, bathrooms, etc., when heat
time card
vast decrease of cost, wdl con
vince the most skeptical man he
makes no misiakc in installing
gas in his ptcniiNcs.
-\sidc from
its merits for cooking and light
ing, gas can be used intermittent
rcHA8«.li D.-tewial
NoOoa to Tax I*ajrsra.
Thr tax rolU for tb» coUci-tnui of Kh.iJ and
>.B B TiA OoeantM
nas uwttl Korwnbar I. lAC. from e o elork ua-
taxMirnnatamg un|a»d oa Hn»lemtx-r Ut .aad
is required promptly, and for a
limited time.
Our heatcre being
as easily rontrolIe<!
ranges full efficiency being dev cl-
t'jtctl on the instant, the cx|ven‘c
ceasing at moment of turning off
as our
Nursery- burners arc also a
great convenience in the house,
while for bathroom puqK»scs our
“Humphry Instantaneous Water
Heater*’15 the acme ol ‘jKriicction.
Appliances of all descTip-
lions on show and tor sale at c»ur
office 223 R Front street,
te-r lOo
BDardsaR Rivir Elictrlc
Ligtit and Powir Ca.
jK^ar^at Trararaa City at It Ma w
n. w. nnwitikroBAM.
0! rimoTJoviiiit
No need lo suffer fr<» hexu
or more of our desk or ceding
6cc, store or home,
design and perfect construction
I a>4^‘.di4>.r-4aW. |
A few wyrvls !
^ SBrseryoftheByawBdPiumir
W OtoMMB Specialty.
K.B.CUAJHN, Frapp.
TolktrottaMl PMwrm Pt.oo. TIa 6.H.
dy low roBBd trip rate to
00. Ohloapo te.00, will te giwo
<Jet tih. To Bichmopd 1b4 . Ooi
i4tte n«B lUeklaow Oily to Big
%pl4«. Get fall iploromtloo of G. na4 te OhlMPO iff 00. «b Got. tte
oohho BlMom bvw tte oorpriee of nil
men. 8«k‘MU women aud COOO Bctly what 1 did any. Singular ttet
children la 4»-mUte with $82,000.10) yon aboold tere atmek tbe Idenrtcpl
Joa O Johonoo.
\Vc buy direct
from malers anvl
hanvUe ool> the best
A Mflor fr..m Ib-'Kr.nyir*- which
has Just retueoed from ibe war. tern awcwtaTY.vws.tStY:
York trolley car with
buua and crullers and then poured but
watei^over a i.qvcom isildler.
Evldently tbla tar w ai disgusted With tte
ladylike way In whlth Ite rti-ent
Hluoted aiHl wautrd lu
.New Yorkers a real taste of wtel
nation’s sailors vwu do.—Buffalo Ex-
1- Out {inc« are
away below the ag
ents* pnccs.
Sweeter tten the breath of morn it
the breath of tte girl who takw
Thrrc reasems wrby
you abouM buy from
tu instcjul ol a pcvL
Not "msnmsdo'’* bvit nature's gift for
the cure of Constipation, whether
chronic or acute. Action natural—fvo
pain.-no gripe. At your Druggist.
Large bottle. 35c.; small bottle. 10c,
N ow is your chance
to buy clocks on
the easy (>ayment
plan—Do you want
to buy that way?
We’re ready for
i. vm
omctAi. i^IdKafebbM
or Tb. ote
SW, Slater v
•iwei or aba cftF ar
toi tko ettj Oommai
bold ta tba m ta roMHk Mdbday.
by O. P,
O P. Darvai
brick from aaat Una of Park atrewt to
the aM UM of UalOB atraat.
twff ftftd tour mulfaauM mtn imMimg
*tMM oTiT tb« vkto Uwit wHh no mp^
IMfrm «b)m cHImt tlum U. .J^ow tbitr
porvlSfTMl Ulr 1:* iLe rir«r hrbt at
toj. ink Xh» «*!•
»tai»dlu« MOM
«r UK WMtilbfU«Uu ffuartte. «U wh
coMcteiH «r tli» fact Ui«t tlM!lr utdfmun w**^ raodrird .firr tbr
BrtUidi UB4*Ti lu ibr riiffu «.f Cieurs*
^■kr* all la i
•Bpb for Mnk
Sba bad alirajra 4o*i|c^ f.*r ai*«^tora.
«Bd now that aba iiad #^ui.h*rHd Itir
fbct Oiat ab- bad a*
bar nip of joj wat OUhJ io o\«-lkiw.
Ing. Thm bauaa lu arbb h aba lhad had
baloftfad to an old Ainarirau faaillj
whlrti had lone nt<» Upaad Into bopa^
laaa Uukropiry.
Tha max of Mra UHum to i«^«rMkt na Iha daaraodaiii of rrvoluikm-
-•hall I aaod In Jny f .ujily n^^irtlar
•ha aahad of tba a«TH.^r> of ibr urrtar.
-II will ool hr
wa. Ibr
mdr. MVa bava y^Mir imtu*-. and U
win ha au aaay to
out all atKrtit
y«,IBjdaarMra MHtoi..*
Un. Mallou wii- o»ar«vmia with
aexatlocj a wi-ak lalrr nlM-u atw* rrCMdtad nollfiinlliHi fn»ni !l»- *.r»nd a*smai7 that h*T apfdlratb4i r.wld not
U gniotad for Iba r««ai*B that bar an
•aalor.ColuoH llaliitinilc«^ Taiilon.had
haaa ao uufortui^ala a* to ba^a ooiiiMlldad a rnrlmaot irf Ilaaaiaua.
Ob tbia diaapMi»ln»aiit IIm‘ l»au«b
tart of tba jN-n-iiMl l^olufWrtt bad
ham fouiahal ai^ Mr. Juiuia llrnry
Ifcdtofi l^nmo tba fii-i rnrant of a
haw rUplar. AuoaalAr. frutu tba
I of tba UoiiP4‘ ware aaHba bud Irtiraluiaa,! tba old
ho«»r on Iba c»uuVtrt» of Iba tunroi*oIta. for It wa. aaid that tjn.nal to^.ri^t
Waablneton had <an.w n~ d It a. Wa
It wtt. fur fiom . r*»iu
. 1 ba aalioottbbr ara ioufli»ad to
tba wirlhero hatoUpbara. and north of
reraa. they ara a^arywl^ara abuu
dant wlH*ra .alUbla malar, ora found.
Norlli Aiiiarirn ab.na not f.-mar
are now ra»x»»fnlk«-d by fabiliyulicbit..
ttoiua of Iba .p.i b-.. aM|i.-< billy tba Inr
far oio^. ara iii.rliia i
and an
IIvine ami i.'rumlue In tbc
tarlnu fraab malar 4»uly to ►pawn.
Hurl, ara iha t^v ai.<-« la. of aulinon of
tha mnit noat of Amarlra
htill olli
ara llva lu Iha amalbT rivar. aud run
Bine lTm»k.. anlarine Uiaa or tba ara
aa ..^m.lon .oTva«, but luK h.bllu.ny
dome m.- Kurb are rnn.ir «»f tba ui>v
cia. «»f tn»ul of Iba c**b«*ra aaltno nnd
inbar.. ajpUn. -nrr Uka
ttabaa. appriMo hine tba .b..ra or aniar
Ine bniok. In iba .immnme •^.•*011. at
otbar tm,a. rallrine to .la. ,h., mau-r.
Of tWma ara tba mbUnj.b.-. nud bar
rlne* of tW* pra.t l«k.» and north
umr: City. MIth..
Sept 16th. 1902.
He Uun
UuH >rah\
>rabU, fib Jtfoyor and Citp
of ivoicr.c
Vuukuil of
(Jem emeu — We. >our r-ommlttee
reiummend the placlug of a light on
the cwner of DjtUl in and Wevenlh
iur*^ u for the Ih ueiii of ibe N rlhe n
Mbhigan Iniaue ^.yium. In adddlon
to thok« gr nied IMvl.lon and Tenth
au 1 liiOkltiu aiKl Kirhtli .tr«<eu
uu*. W. LaamK.
(lui. A SnauNn.
Jojia r. Ott,
r tnmitiee ou public l.ghting
Mo^ed by Alderman Cuun.ngham
that the re**ommendatlon be adopted.
Alderman Hamilton. Ott. Sled.r. tiillett. CunhiDgnam. Wilhelm. Mo
<’luMke>. (..nrdi*
and Stearns.
To fk. //oN oabb-. fk, Mui/or and Cify
.oukiil of thv r.4i, of TioverBt
f.fV. .l/uA
Tot tJciillenun
We. the imderalgned
r.-«ldeni fn^hoder.. residing on or
iiepr KivbUt stre«t. in the aUd city.
bereb> pel tbui >our hon table U>dy to
gram.|*ermiH l' « t<. the »V.:e M.rquHte
.ailruad i-omiiany. to tunstruct. build,
liitish and maintain a side trark from
tttf main t ac k «if wiid rHIroad com
pany. In said iSiy
Commenc.ng at a
ISiiui altout ;.0 ivi't *outh « f the aoulh
lino of IU>t Kighth etr*^t. and eontiuulng them^ in a no*rih w«lcrly
dlr.^ti n along the r.gbt of way of
Mid radroad ( « a iok^ Fighth siireei.
t« 1 |Ki:nt ou thr side of sa d right of
way oppo.U« or near a point on aald
richl id wky known a. “Secilon 0k30.Ih* ui*- ac OH. Ijake avenue In a north
we-terly dlrcitlou to the north Umnda:% brif of lot on*-; theme through Iota
om- and two tl and 2l to the we.t
Urtindary line of lot iwo-f block eight.
A Co/s nrat addition to
the vt.iage 4m»w Hi
City. Mbhigan. -vnd your petllionera
wi I ever pray. etc..
South Side bumUT t o.. P. Kyaelka.
I. < 0 (.well. H tJriltUh. W. F. Wool-
Tv the HomorobU. the M^fOr mmd dtp
Coj^^f ik^ CUp Of Trooamr
Taamme Cirr. Mich,
Sept U. Ih02.
«o the Momorabir. 1V Mopor and CUp
Vouncii of the dtp of Traoert
CUpt Mick.i
76€. OaBO«Da«:-W. your committee
W’. Pierce and afur due conaideratton
would report favorably on the a^niv
and r«»aaaMBd that a llcenae be grant
ed to him.
Reepectfuny BUbiWUed.
K.‘ WiiUcuu!
FraMl Hamilton.
Moved by Alderman GlUm that the
report be accepted and adopted. Car-
Section 0630; thmice nenwa Lake Ave.
in a noth westerly d.rectlon to the
north boundary hne of lot one: thence
tbroogh lot one and two to the weet
We recommend vaat the prayer of
the p titionen be granted, and aald
IVre Marqueue Railroad Company ba
authonied and permitted lo
bu lil and mdnuln axld ai
under the lupenrlalvo of the aty
Council, and further r commend that
an ordinance gevveming the conatmetlon and malntenamv* of said aide
Itmck be pas-ed by said Council; ProTided, the said rail
switch or
i'i?irk.“?uMlng from the right of
o way
4>f aald
aald rail rend fompany*. ma^n track
TaA%i.iua: Cnv. Mich..
Sept 16th. l»o:.
To the Honorable, the Mapor end Ctip
Council of the Citp of Traverat
it E St 6:igbth atrm
Cxtp. Mich.:
yard known as
direction i> *ne
707. Gentlemen:—Your committee to ihv Fu
whom waa referred the petition dt C.
JoHij-ii Slo«
E McManus to bull 1 a shed on the rvar
F. Hawiltox.
of hla property on Front aireet re
G». W. Lako
apt*rtfully rejKirt that permUalon be
granted and ihe ahed built under the
dir .tion of the bre chief.
Moved by Alderman Glllett that the
John F. Orr.
Mayor apjiolbt a committee of five lo
meoi w ih the cillxena on Eighth otroet
W. K. Moox.
irertly Int unrated, lo conalder and
Commliifw on Ore and water.
side track
liter c
M /ied by AlderroamMcauakey that
the report be anepud and adopted. ried.
The Mayo.' appointed aa such comTo Ike Honi^rablc, the Mopor and Citp oillttH. AldcTmeii (Jllletl, Sleder. Moon,
Vouncxl Of fee K\tp of T^oacrac uit and .su-am*
TUh. No. 1. G ntlemcn:—Your comTkaxlio.1. City. Mlcb..
miltc. appointed at the laat meeting u
S pi. 12. 1902.
confer wllh Mr. Hannah and the
SiNtemeni of Board o. Public Works;
l^il.e.' l.tbrary AaaoiMOtloo regardlUK
•Til W doberHo certify to theCounthe prop .li-d libra y site. reiK>rt as
tl uf Hw d < itv that the following la an
follows: That many of the ladiea who
4cunUr ;icr uni of the cost of repalH
have iH-en. and are now very favorable
on etre4*tfi and the conmnnlion there
tow ard clfe’ Ing a site to plai*e the new
of. thv amount of mat* rial uaad or la
library upon, ere prevented from ao
bor !•<*: formed.
doing, from the fa* I th:l Mr C*rneg e
Sprliikliiig.......................................... I
liutlcte. by a letP r from his .w reian
Geiu-ral repair...............................
that he h not favorubly dis|Ki«'d to
hav ng other interests joined In the iJra%4-llng and raking In on E.
Klghlh Mr.**!...............................
prvpowed building
Gritding and graveling Franklin
tlon With Mr.
Htreei............ ................................
todiy he refuses to consider ih- pro
(JrayHi^ .nd level tig on Hall
tuned pur.h lu* of the laud west of
the bulldinir rite offered on Sixth
ue4-l. he may l-ol l*r ;
WreuHj for ^p^^I
he n nhwcwt *orner 1 ring on Wad*^
H.>*k f 'r roller.
korlh *tr4S'l. even if hlH .should Ik*
<; neru dMuingv .. . .
Front.... ---l-uitmg In Unln
might puce ou CV4TU1U public building. /"‘^yJararThU jiollthwr ,.ked the
to the meiropolU.
j cam a.w*T. adhertng .trlcUy to hi. liat
-If you only bkd aonie warlike farprinted guiwtiona.
.1 . W
Ing man. -I don't
iKom home aliKo t
-Mlo# did not begin lighting
tha Unlcno nnd elrU
V- I
It hsa been ahown by taatiug that
I the Biddle of the
atmigar than that wnda
^ ^ it ■■Ml
Toul............. ..
ten per ctni,.Toul.................................
ToUl for Front sl^t
IMo'tioo *to
be »
ly he t____
uit renewal, and
walks acros* alley on
ccccccccccccct::^^ r^iok-jc
Killing for walks..............
IjilK.r on East FYc-nt Rt....
Analvslii of loivlng ptch..
Rep.irlog tool b<»uai%-------lAU.r at cemetery.--- ... -
itepa rs Ic roller..................
Engineer for roller.....
Care of park................... ,
Bundle' for tool house.;
IN/Irs. R. NA/. Oo name re.
Board Water
Yatrr CommlsMioneni.
E J. IVnuiii M,
Yeas- Alderman Hamilton, Otl. Sled•. GlUeli: Cunningham. Wilhelm. Me.
luskey. lArdle. Mcxiii and Stearns.
Hill of J. H. Blomshleld for 1216.75
r J* rv.n-H renler4^1 in July was pre
Rodmen.................... *-'..!**
P vlng Inspe ior......;. .
: tongs,
hth f*>. scales.:..
irs to sprlnk.pra..
t>uU aad ihln •jmamm wr« ihH IocIihW in (ln«Mi>Aktnv «x>ur*r
I wiU be at Room Ski. 3rd floor, Wilhelm blot k, Sat unlay, Oct,*
11th, from 3 to C p. ro., all wishing to take this course j»leasc call
713. By AJdermaii J. M. GlBelt.
Ii4* a reiudved by the common ('ouncil
f th«* Cay of Trav rse City, that CIvd
:ngmw- J H. Blomahleld be and 1*
ereby inatructed to cause plana and
'anvas for covers..
t*!*'. |.nni^ iMtna-tire.
Moved by
'hi* bill be allowed. Carried.
Y«wa Alderman Hamlltuu. Ott. Sled
er, GllleU. Cunningham. WihIHm. Me
CluMkey. latrdie. Mmo and Stourna
Nay*, none
ring crcHiM t
on markei
itlsnc and gravH nn Weat
Tenth street................................
r velluK Mape street..^...
* arlng up. I*ark on Front...
uving Mime iTush r bln..........
roache* to |*avrmem on
Uos* Ht recta-----G:avH. 420 M* at IOC............
Ashes. 166 Ids at 10c..................
iinilK-r. ro:.T ft at 8-.60..........
rav f r-moving pUnk for
.overlnr Front siren arroaa
Pirk siren.............................. ..
iwir.ng side w-ilks.---------- sl»o . 12* hr* at oi»c,.... ,,
Charle: M. Beer*. Clerk.
that tbe
Moved l.y Alderman OU
alHtat ment In- rw^lvrd. the accounts
lowfHl jiaU ami chargM to the .everal funda Carried
Oi., 0«
“16 *'*P*
Do. _
, per sQi;
ronatru.-ud that the floor ayalem will
arry a permanent pavement of brick
or a-vhali, or any other Indcatructlble
HiirtaMml NaoruJ
lon.Jl. 1
That the engineer ahall ocnaider the
iirnl 1*1
ii Imt f*»r ci-uir
oecoasarry. width of a permanent
Ht India
rhannel and have In r ew th<* uae of
mWcuH TT on Sept.
4iuch channel for the operation of navll*r4.r4-HH.,r
caUon contingent thereto.
,l.d IiMliiral |di‘l.m«,i.by
Be It further reaolved that aucb matlniuai
llU life ba* b.
Plans and esUmatos h<. aubmtUei! in an Imluiii
time to submit to the electors, the pro dei..U-d tl
ijaitEn to raise by bonding the retvd amount to construct said bridge.
Moved by Alderman Cunningham
'hat tbr- resolution be adopted, t^rted.
Yeas AWermao Hamilton. Ott. Sled
*r t..llett, Cunningham. W'ihlelm. McCluakey. I^ardie. Mo n and Sloima,
Nay* no
n Ordinance to amend
7 uf an rUlnance enl tied: “A Ordl
provide for the appointment
of City'^Scavenge and prescribing du
Be t ordlined by the City Com
vf Traverse City:
8e<Tlon 1. That aectlon seven of
arllnance ; ntIUed -An ordlna
provide for the appointment < ^Ry
aravengera. a nd prescribing
16tb. 1901
luiiw'. approved August 16t±
i^e and la hereby amend d to read «
T. Kor OIMUI IMI MTh .nd
,r»ry |.rlv-«f dmin. .Ink. t»uU. pri.y
does not exceed five barrel*, of five
-ubif f«i e ch. aald a-Mvenger ahall
Sqpt. 15. 1902
1 of eighty cenu per
Mapikr and Citp barrel; and for cleaning each aad even
dtp of Troverae
fclmw ini^ bills and
C'aldwHl Al.cudan. ......... .L
.Mudlev k Barclay........ ..............>>^2.02
Piurburg Meter Co.
Eagle Pn-s.
B R. E Luh
MU h. Brah» k Iron Works.
O Nlel 0.1 k Paint Co.............
j k G eUl k Co.........................
r S. Cast Iron Ppe Co...
FrsncI* Olell .:....................
Columbia Transfer Oo- -.. -
um-li-ir *ff.-*t,
M..%»nl by AUU^mnu .'ib^bT. that the
illriAUrt- b
and adopted,
irrl *1
1. Ott, Sled
IhlHm. Mclovk* y. Ijiruu- Mo ii aud Slivima
<ay. numNEW msi.Nhc*».
Ih. liquor b mi <.f Fr-aik k Robin
mil with C, M l*arkor ami John T.
^iiUHhall as > un tlos w-as pivs4*ntrd and
Moved by Ald.-rmaii Cunningham
hat Ih iM.nd iM- r. ferred to lhe c^un
nlucf on llr..c.s.-H with pawer to act.
Y*sm. Aid ruuiM 11 milion. On, Sl**d-r. GllleU. Ciimmighum. WihIHm. Mc'luskey. .MiH>n and Mearns. (9»
Nh>h Alderman l.urdie
Miive.1 by Ald.-rman Gu.eit that th*
Jhlef uf lYdi.t- deUiil a man to art as
.anilttry and bre |» Ii* e. to l*e on duly
a lung as the * hlef, tn h a Judgment.
Mov»il by Ald**niian
olin. 11 a*l)mi
Ad.iilonal |.ap r.- fll* d in the C.ty
Clerk K -ofTlre.
RrtHiriof t*mniiiic on eatimau-
•unninghsm. Wilhelm. 1
ami Steams.
dtp, AfkAipoa:
All Udi« d(»iring a knowlcdjfc of ('uitin^; ami Fiumg
garments, either for making their own dresocs 1 the ilrr
ing trade, cannot afibrd to miss the most thorough course ever
given in this Ime of work. My class will be organizcil here Oct.
13, complete instruction in ten da>a (8 hours each tlav). You
1 be able t
fngure after taking
Moved by Alderman Wilhelm lhal
e account* he |iald and charg d to
the water fund. Carrie 1.
I»taulhi: 'ahbi^ to HVVlIltiglon
ruas U rotten
inmg power;
Is at each ap
tlon and
he aame tend
ive away.
Several j>I j
. pa and vtrtnger. vrlll In
ife roadway to ih * pubited travel ncroea
reps ra will have
4* ft slraignt curb at 63i^.
and making
douse Tumishing Store.
”3 76
IliggruK bir ^1
W. Slater^sW
Gw*. W. r^AMwe.
...... ........
Ks? i'sr?-;? .r ssi i
WE CAN furnish your house complete: Furniture,
Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Dishes, Shades. Curtains.
Draperies, or anything you need in your home^ on
easy payments. IF THERE IS ANYTHING yoii
GROCERIES, we have made arrangementt with a
RELIABLE stoi^ herc,to save you some monc}’ and
give you HONEST goods.
to the^v^age inow cliyi of Tra
would no: 9.1.1 to the
l*arbB|i. tbr malrda*i ui.d uu»t Un
propiT. The committ c
prea.Ua of tba nmuy onuout.-d luaiu
brary Trustee visited and measured
orlaa that the tmtalar <nrrb*« «mny
Iho gjound today; an adjourned meef
with him from truval In tba ra.l U tba.
tng wac also held this afteruo m. The
rMH»lbt*tloii of tba «-auia| <-nruvaita
i-omiume** w-re nut umnlmw-u* In the
wblib ha ba. aiK-tmiiiand at nlebt.
i»#-'.:re to delay final action on the site
Out of tba bimk darkna.. U board
Ihe majority pn-M’Ut at dhe roeeiinp
I of . heavy ball,
bowetfr. U-ll ved that it would be Is-t
ler to defer action for a short t me and
kfoamfuully and mitb |wrfiHi r.guUriiy
therefore aak thy rt.un< il g am further
of llaratluM 11 imundm i.'mdually .mall.
lime for 4-onalderatiin.
Ine iwmrar ami looUar urn! ihtUuihi
Fbsnk Hauil
mlngllne mllb Iba touaa of .mall.T
W E. M*s*v.
bell, algnalliie Iba rear e«nrd of Iba
aaina caravan. Tba Me M II 1. tba In
Wenla and alam. of U.a brndlne r.mal
a lour.
Thwium. '
Hut. naartr and b>ud«-r n. tba kouud
Sept. 16. 1902.
U-i'iHua.. not aiiotbrr .4.und and not a
To the Horukrable. t . Mapor and dtp
rlalbla object apl«aar» t»i aaaompaliy it
Cosnol 0/ the l':lv Of T'Oterae
fioddanly. and mltboui Iba .llebla.t
7014. ^ No ^ *\lentlemen
warnliie. tbara lumn. out of tba vlark*
deregned memoer* of the c
-ir Toi
oeam like tUa apparUloii of a phantom
’ k
on the Ixiratlou of aI Ubrary J
ablp. tba f..nu of tba captain of the
HI. .p4m<y tread round, mt Wm W Thlrll.y. It Thirlby. R. W. careful c nsideratlon
fortabla dwalllnc
Huand. J. M. Hueilmant I. J. A. Monianod Mrm. Maltuu frt»w n«tl uj»<iu iut»darii aoflly on Iba animdlj Mini, and I
rry Hannah on
ImpruM'ioaiila Tba
%^ara i;iad
ercat urine of lli.ktM ebu.il. tb
sixth stre<‘i for the location of the
oally fUb^l mllh atranya mnn*. froin
laut prtK^^lon .talk, by .ml U 1
i«rt that
that in
In our
helm. A. J ivieriyl. KllJah Mllla Jaa Carnegie l.ibrnry. do r. I*ort
nntigua .W>,.. and tba bu.bime nai lowed up lu tba nlylit -*T*cr.l. and tha p::.Rlet n. J. It Mui.en. X. A Nelwn. eatimallon tbe aa:d offer should be
Mlcatad a. a i.rpatu.1 .brina to tba raclan klva.tloii li t; Millar August lleitne', h. 1>. Ma accepted at once and the kUydf and
CatbfT of bi. o.uniry. *Ib. ia m... an
ill Fr.nk lleUi^. J. Vv. Travla. Clerk aulhoriied to Uke the nec'eaaary
oak out on tba lawn mbbb a youne
:i.'ko* HuHlma^f J. A. Snyder. W. at PS for the transfer of aald free alie.
awlnant plo.b-Uu of I^i
Kraorb olBoar b»d pUmn.1 Tbita wa.
so as not to delay unneceaasrlly the
Miiody. J.»hn Thacker.
Moved by A derman Ott that the buBding of aaid^ library building.
Blao hN^tatrly aim .upi«*m^1 to bava who maa rcmarkaMa f»r tx>ntlnulne
, i,tion l*e r»--^ ivetl a^plmsM on file. This has been before the people a^
lalta to Id. rich iMitlaiiU after ba
haaoj»Uaa«l tbt ra In It. mf.trny by Ilia
long that they demand lhal the qu*
hand, of tba yra.t Itl.ri.i..r bUuw*!!. bad turned tbalr diaordar. out of doom.
either one way or
tlon ah>ul
Tba Iwmaa lM*<mma tba Il■•ad.|nnr1l1s of atlcudM a Udy «*f same .•eleUrlty Ir
the other.
tba l»augbtar» of tba rai|H iu.l Kiolu- the world of w It f*s- Xixvt^ im.nth* aflei
•luskev. Ijirii . Mo..n and Siearna
Res|>ertfully subi
larly si.yeil
thNb BiMl no. tbaia
Ulk of aa- her rt*covcry
J. M. Giujrrr
rr. he
lartlnc Mr. Malt..n
tb.- t-raiid ra- her until, lu
Joiix F. Orr.
iMhig f.H- of 5
gant of tba order In tba lMt.-»l htataa.
Sept. 16. 1902.
Th.m* T. Bat
Wiwry «*f hU evp*'‘'*Ue call,
Tba oegBulMtU.il luul yrM.i* and Mrm
t Cify
Mas. A. H Pi
To the No
of Trme
Ualtoo wa. «ue«eM In ii.fiktiiK |.t- and concluding that to lessen the fee
•oum d 0/
Blatrot avomaU of b«T unworlbliu-M t« would U* to low* the visitor, .he Ten
bo tba baud of kOiU a diMtncuUhi-d lontl to give him 4 guinea, at the con
l^Mlemeu -We i» rewlth submit rep!>rt*^No.S ^accepting tbe free all^
our einslderailon. estimate numbody. Tba ra4v,,llon mbiab .Ih- m.a elusion of 111. nett call.
He looked
autlouslj in hit hand, then on the
glTlue on tba day |.r«M>.Mme tba au
cnr\*vt and stood for some time lo ants in ihU C tv. and we would recMoved by Alderman Hamilton a# an
dent emitarrasauieiit.
amendm nt ihai report No. 1 be ac
-Have you b-t anythlngT* Ingnlrvd ommend the payment of the
4 and 4'ondlUons of repted and adapted
cording to the
t wbh him
c >nli
* Why. matUiu,
I thought I had droyrndar ^eb rlroum.iau
l*e<!fu.ly submitted.
Yeas - Alderman Hamilton. MrClus
bar mind U|«n aucb Urea uud.iftui,.. it ped a guinea
ad Moon. i4 >
IlOA It OF PI ai.ic WORKS.
ey. l-ar
Wa aicaadlnely dlrti..daful to bar lhal
mUtakr In the
-It U only
ruAH. M UixitH. Clerk
Tiran OU, Gilleit. 81eder.
poane Jol.u Hun.i.n .lauiKl
In air.- rejHned
Wilhelm and Stenma
Tnatunu: Cn
bla attrotiou. to b.r d.uehtar. Unlial who have dn
S pt. 12. 1902.
hlaltoo bad Ida., of bar
and .ha
The ducta
Original motion waa carried
Honorable IWrrd of Publ
bad on oa^aml «.'r.*lon. attnvmMHl un- Tlaita
Yraa-Aldirman Hamilton. Ott. Oil
u rraverte Oly Mich.
eit. Rleder. Cunningham. Wilhelm
■yiopatbHIc iH>iukun ..f tin* H.ugbtar.
ibmit eati
-I herew 111
C.rntlemen :--!
dri'luskey. Isu-dle. Moan and Steams
loo atreea
9f tba IVri'«*tu.l KwdiitU.n Kbr bad
mate Na 6 on VTont and
Tho aa. M. Pattei^u. the new i
improvement, as loPow*:
tor fn.m Col.wsa**.
Front atr et. private property
kistwn In hl« stale'for the freitii
k.rw H, yda. of brick 4 n con
MHtoo could altrlbufr only to the inffo
2. 19U2- Carried.
Crete, at 11.76............................•
•ecc of young Mr. Huustan, Hr made wllh which l>e chamre. hi* 1*011110..
le. thr Mopor and Citp
irt »u Vd*. of bnck with I r
fraabing aoiU which be called by a pa Within Hie Ust eight yrnr. be
the ftp of r/OTcrae
Aller.'at 11^2..........................
triotic name. The title w— embhuKmed
r.trrfi curbatesc...............
of jtben a 1». im .rat acnim l-eeUbw
•o the fcticaa along many
____ ,
Itiee on Bridges begs
: porting iikii-iMUdent KhwI tU keta at
rBltetiad. To Mra MeHou tl
honorable body
' varUniH imie« lu lu-m«-i
lu Wsib192.00,
have inapcted and. together
Fou catch basluk at 14* (»0
Lhe bridge an
mm river on West l-'ront street, ana
;nteise ons 768 *q
ory •triln. There wa. Richard UaMo^ |
..^nKnamrr hod been put on to
find that the aald bridge la inadequau
Uirk on rumrete al^
s«r IVrkloa. for Inrtancr. wbb fulfilled
,W ehn-ilon dl.trUi iu which
1340-50 and unsafe for the travel which of ne•ACry coodltlon of eligibility. He waa l Mr PaMcn-m llve»l He rang thebeU
t ^ dUTCt deoomdaot of one who bad of the magnllK'eot PatterHou borne at
WAilowed the fiirtuncw of the CoBtS- the 4orncr of l^etiUayltanUi and
2S2r2my" iTe w.. rich and hi. ^aevculh avenue, and of the sable
wa. actually thinking of furdemanded the
yowr eouittm
QU «e RaUroad Oo , 10 coortmet. bnlld.
flWMi and BuOntaia a aide track from
the m in t-wck <f aad railroad comMoved by Aldmu^ thaitba^Bilk
in aald city. commcBctiie at a
point about 60 feat aootb aa
be to the Booth lino
line of Bam
BIgbch atneet. in aald city, and eoolinulng thence In • north wfaarrly dl^ Cuanioebam. WOhalm. Mo r ctoB oe and along the rtgbt of way
Lardie. Mo « and Stenrna
Of .aid mllroad company ncroa. Bait
Eighth street to a point on tha aids of
jumr or ooMMitvcas.
FttlU Ml of Jay OranMui and
MWaa for 1 I aldawalic oo tba aM
alda of Pina •tipac. baewaan lOtb and
pth atrvwu. waa prtmeot^ and road.
AhtarmaB Mocm that tha
. In tba c«htar of tba snmi* wa.
referred to tha cooaittaa
Jamaa Hanry Maltoo. the bn.Und of
the vnnpoeUrm tngrui, a whita wblaI haDarolant parton. waltlne to
r«nd an a«od. jallowad papar.
-Tbia bouaa tMAog now rompMad.'
ba rand. -|. Khenenn lloiitlnirtun. wlah read, referrad
Pt'eaU and walk..
Pd.Uon of tha Grand Raplda
Ine Co i* deposit buildlae
maienal lu the <tro t wa. praaantad
faw Jtmrm bava lOMad. yat tbat* tv °M^d by Aldanaan Mm that tha
patltlon ba graatad. Carriad.
arvrral bundrtd atll idaor.^ and**—
Alderman oledar now appeared and
Mr*. Malloti rnabrd fornanL too Uta
to atop bar buabawl Had ha known
the routanta of that paiwr and lha n*n- aaklne tbn the amount paid tor bnlld^
niornn-. Wbirb It Uwa ha n.uUl not
mer ou Franklin atreet ba re
«%a anad witb .aab ratuarkabla lark funded to him
if dlpbituary
Moved by Aid rtnan Hamilton that
Ha beard Ut.T tha rtan . of a laarfol
be •ommunbatiem be referred to the
roinau wW» aat In a r«»ui nrawn w ith
ommltiaa on aawerk. CarrUd.
and aeod jo|-*r. and atlll fa.
:ol. patltlon of Smith A Price and
o«iood will. Ilia d.-<xiratlona of tha % |». Hquira. for a .blawalk lo front
iMiat dnoairou. rarafHbH. Io aU bar Jf their blmk on I nmu .treat waa
Uya A 4^ln Mr. I‘arklnm who bad praM-nt d and read.
Moved by Alderm;.o AVlIhelm that
foand fha aarrat .iflne by an^.laut,
t*e ermuiad. CVirrtt^. •
bad juat Ukat. a Iwaty ami aiKd<.KaUc
Va«.-Alderman Hamilton. Otl. fiied
laara. and umbr tlK- «wk I.-I-1 M. lion
. (iiH-tt. Cunningham. Wilhelm. McUKkfy. Ijirilia. Mo n .nd Steam*N.ya—None.
•; Communbatlon from K. C. Deeond .ak ne that uixas paid on bla
father', estate by him. a. guaidlan.
be refund d
MfUmi by Alderman Hamilton that
e r^imuni.atlon be referred to the
Che Practical Bouse
Moved by Aldarmaa Wllh
the report be aocepiod and
3- E'i
i conlenu removed
I and does not ex
4eed ten t of live cubic f el
ea b. aald
drain, vnk. vault, pnvy
tmea. of ^woman*. happiBcaa or nuaerr. The dull, sunken eye,
aaSering, With the dull eye ^ uanally the sallow, sunken cheek, the drawn
mouth, the shrunken form—tbc whole
woman's beauty marred by tbe
Sick women aie invited to consult Dr.
R. V. Pioci. BulUlo. N. Y.
mid w veng r shall receive the sum
of^Klxty^flve cenu per barrel;
no; be required to cl an any privaU
drain, sink, vauiuprlvy w
farther or
m than two doBara
de for re
hauling away the contenU
out and ruBcmd.
sum of fifty cenu for each one hor«
wagon load^ or part of load, and
Uy con-
be cdty.
^5^3' THE EVt^iKO RECORD •p>Oi«l Tal^ap^ S*rvlo« Up To Hour
““•?iSrT"S«:'“T;!APPEAL OF
Testimony for Hargrsves Bo
gun ThJ* Morning
OofondonCo Altornoyo OopenO
for His Acquittal
met miners and operators
( o aaroT raloa aaa fUaaa WMS
or miam Boldswa^a.
Tkla Afkaruaaa at tSa MaaClaa ef
tba yrommm'm Clab.
The ieatiog capacity of the bsll wsa
tMsrlBg a^o^bt rsabad iatottebed-j
sad foaad ^1* wife las fit;'por Settlement Of the Great An- taxed thUsfteruoon st th* meeting of
the Womsn'd Clnb. which ws* in
nia knMa. ud^b!^lothlar^ obowa
thracite Coal Strike
charge of Mr*. Cbsrlte a Vader of tba
that the moat of the blood 1* cpoa
Moslo, Art sad LUaistsxe diviaioii.
the kBM* sad tba lower psrt gf tbe
----------Tbe atsdy of Qerasa msMe give* Am
opportssily for an intereetlng proCTsm. s* nearly all tbe world'* great
CMSsiclsD* have been from that connKsrgravaa araa out. Ha ruabea in sad
tad* hi. wife grosalag apoa the floor In White House et I 1 O'clock try. The program for ”the afternoon
dealt entirely with (ierman miuieiana
This Morning
and the flkit paper, by Mi*. J. K. Oil
. *r>eol to *bow that these phyMolsn*
laspie. tnoelied siKm tbe oompoaer* of
don't entirely kauw tbe osoaa of her
tba OlaaMe period 8ba spoke briefly
desth. We egpect to abow farther
that the teettmony of tbe phyelolsna
of the work of Bach. Handel. Glnck.
U sU goee* work, sad they do not
Haydn. Mc^rt and
agree in tbalr teatimony."
Mr. Pstehia slao atsted to tba jary
that tbadafanaaaspaetad to ahow that
Herbert F. Bosgbay haa coodadad a
deal by which ba beoomaa tba owaer
of tba aoothaaat eoraar of Caioa aad
ta, formerly owned by WUllam Holdaworth The lot puruhaaad
ia iSxldO feet in aixe. and ia oooapied
by the Holdaworth Imilding oow oo
ilt ia a
vuluabla piece of property, a very
goodbniineaa location and be oooaidyear, to U- occupied by the Lnlarpnae |
groi'ery. who hold a h aae for two or j
three y,-ar« longer. After that leaae |
exprire, Mr. Booughev may occniiy it j
himirlf. though ne haa not fuUy decid,-a what diaiKwitiou he will makaj
TIm cm of Um pi^opl* la tb« Bar.
loflloted tba wound* on b«
' ffSVM trial oloMd at W
Ihit nora
lag. sad aflar a fear laoiaaoU tba de- •oa by bar own hsnd
(OooUnsed oa third pagei
Mr*. Oharlaa 8 Vader’a anbject was
"German Composera of the Romantic
kfe," aad ahe treated In a very delightfol manner tbU moat Intereating
i InteraMinjr derelopnaai*
lieriod in tbe msrioal hiatory of
Vice thi* very mnaioal people. The paper
tb« attampu of Mr*. llarifra?M to kill
NichoUa, Doffy sad wat lutoaedto with the gtvwteet inbaraelf br«:ao*« of joaloaty aod tae
icreat. Mr* Yadar touobed aepocially
cfforu of Um proaroniioo -to *bow that Warn Carefully Considered at i Faliey, srrivid st tbe White Uooae j npoD the Uvea, work* and eharacteriaSt 10:W. having come by atreet osr.
Bargrarra paid too maoh attrntioa to
tie* of .Kebubert. Schomann. MendrlMeeting Last Evening
Tbe miner* wore soft ahiru sad there
eeobo. Obopln, Meyerbieer, Weber and
ws* s absrpoootrsat between tbalr spthe affaou of ao rplleptlo attack apoa
a p*raoa aad vhether a orime coeid 4i4er<a*a aa4 HImSw* of Cka BoarduT
Tbe last paper of the afternoon was
who arrived by carriage* at 11. stttred
hare baoa ooamitti d bj a par*oo
Water C'^umlaaloaar* Talked Mat
In conventional morning dreaa. Proa- by Mra A J. Baobaat. her aobjeot
while oader *acb ao attack aod hr
Modem German Compoaera.
ter U«M> lafarMilr.
ident Hooaeveit received tbe gentlekaow oothlug of the clroomrtaooe*.
paper ahowed mnob study, and
'cordially and immediately the
The oiwolog addr. «■ of Mr Patchio
A joint meeting of tbe member, of j
waa replete with intrreating thing*.
to ‘the jurj ind».
that he lelie* the board of water oommiaaiooera aod party went into oooferenoe.
of Johannea Brahma. Max
spon three th« »riH« to prove tha^noo the rooooil waa held Uat evening, and I la a.l«lreaaiog the conference the Brach. Hana Von Below, Karl K,-in
jpreaul.-nt aaid; “I apesk for neither
eaaoeof hi* cU.- ji;
of the need of
‘,*ohe. Hrlnn.h Hofmann. Herman
gu; aaoood. .aicide: third, a third
pabhe. 1 disclaim any right or GoeU. Joaepb Rhelnberg.'r. F,*rdiriand
liartf who mlKht have committed the t^U„d ov, r. informallly bat earefally.
Hiller, Otto Singer. Raff aod other*
It ai-emod to be the unanimoa* opinion daty to intervtue upon legal ground*, whose name* ar,- well known to atnTh* pnrixiM of the defi«n*e i* given that new pompa are an abeolote nee,-*- bat urgency and the larrilde nature denU of mnaia
by Mr Paiohm *obvtatiti%ny a* fol ally for neit yaar. and the manner in of the caUuUoi^ie pendiug over a
The mnaical jirogrum waa very line,
low*. la hi* talk to the jury .
which the pump aeleoted la to be ae- lirge ponum of our people in the aad waa greatly enjoyed. It locladwl
Yoo ma?. from a autement made b? , ared waa the only qaeallon that ahape of a winteV fuel famine impel* the folowlDg nnmbora:
ny bn
BNiemed to oe«.d any extended , onaid- me to belu ve that my doty require*
Vooal aolo . "I know that my Reto yoa, have been
m,. to uae whatever inflaeno^ 1 pereration.
,le4-mrr Liveth." from the "Me*.
^laelhing of a mh
It will require probably five moothi aonally can do, to bring to ao
^oa took hi« word« to a literal
•Uh." by Mrs A. H. Hollhlay. with
tag. H.i uud he wool I atk yoa to de- after the pump la ordered before it airik,.
by Mra. W. D. C.
e gravi
terialoe from ip-en lt.« u*. who waa can arrive and
goUty of tbe killlog of Mr*. Iljr.
I lam
Vooal aolo. "Ave MarU," by Schngrava* That la a qoeetioo, gro
•trained to iniiiit that each one of
men of the jary. that haa ao bo.lioem tial that ac tion be take a at soon as poi
O. E. Herat, with
to a
yoar mloda. You M sible, aa that the new pamp may 1m yoo realixe the. heavy burden of re- aorompaniment by Mra I. B Gilbert.
tletermlna a
aot a worn
all ready for the aaaaon in the spring •poniibitiiy n|«u him. We are upon
I’itno sclcctioni. fr,>m the mo Vro
oatl^. who w«* ga
„ illv of
tbe threahold of winter, with alraa<ly
i exiatiug a coal famiue. all the future composcrx, by Mrt. C F.. Hale.
TV. for yoB aaleotion of the kind of immp to be j
Song from' Schumann, by Chat
.0 tut« end.
parchaM*d. Thi* will pronably bo \ terrora of which we oau hardly yet Skclchcr. with accomfianimcnt bv
ate. In my jadgment the ait>rM to letl eotindy to the Judgment of
It ha< b.H'0
yuar mind bavond a rt-aaotiable doubt board of wat. r romlaaicnera It a,
imperativi iy teqnirea that you Mra. Ha
that John A Htrgrivea in the nn,‘
pon tl,e common plane of the
persm wlio o mM |K,a«ibty havr b.M»o i
should be bonded to ‘
public Wjih all
guilty of her ,b ail,. ani iln,t be did itj
ncr, byl>. W. Steman with aicom-lih a deiiueruie iiuri»
jev pomp when pur^
itmi U»rre be imluniincni by Trot. \V. H.*SteMt-nN
The matt,*r will come up for
re.umj.tu.n of oi- ration. in
der until the
------...... ...... .
invite a dta*
it la expected, at the next!
rUFKF haa joat received |
wnn killed by ih- me,-ting of tbe l ouacll Monday eveTMH, w.s
ot youf ee|e*ctive
copiea of the song "Jual go 'war 1
3 your patriot
party •scoured of the crime, I i th«t
and lei me aleep." which baa Imh-u
that killing waa d. iiN r.te, r
' general good.
oui of prim form nine, owing lo a
l.tedH.id with a hat
lawanit bet we,-u the comTioseT and ,
.taalioe adiirehoQuh:
muBic wnt, r.
lt>HJ if
Mr^. f). r. l^arvcr cnlcrla^ncd
gs%e copies of hia remark* to each
Weei|wct to atiow to you. gentlelends yesterday aftcrmKjn i
the conference and augof ibe jury. In the tir^\ idare. rw f.u
iUrgravet had alisiduUdy honor ol Mrs. Jo^cjihinc .Scctoi , gcated an adjournment until 8 p ni ON TUESDAY, Oct. Tih. excursion
tliatJobnA il
ticket* will be sold to Baffnlo. Nso motive for lint hurnhlrcri
.\npda, Ind. who has hcc
to give th© gentlemen time to think
Y via Oetoit aod Wabnah R. K at
which be ia charged We e
Mrv, Frank Car ^^
______ her
, MMcr.
aitoaliou. At 11
the pro.
fl.t.IU an,l to Uh veland via Detroit
min'a cliaracbT
r to TOO. that: itii« ...______
waaanch that iin man ran «iy aught short tunc.
Ihe house
'ci^ iCenf. gut.l. left the building,
and Detroit A Cleveland Naviga
tion Line at |
against it. and that in Hie coarse of [prctlilv ilcvoraicl w.ih bxTl>cmcs ana, rouinqon. Oct. 8-That the mlm ra
not later than
.brooKhoa. tW. TalWbnulyWluv.
There »ere
SfMl Cidir ISe at Cold Storage L
•••••'. IUr„«„,.n,l Mrs. I. .M.; ^cuu! C«mel. oe,.3-Kverr.hieg i»--------------------------------------------------- ''
*"*' i. .1BI.1 l.. re tcUy. The .triker. .re |----------- ----■I
wL itoia. cr«f .n.t it »nr doobl.
» «•»
R»'"' to
..oteruiuiuR hi«hboi». th.i they wlll|
I into her mind, .he wenld eh.wt wh» .houlil Iw winner, .Mi^ lUrnum
gntiu->i concvMUui. tntouRb Um In- Tu;b.
1 kU.%, v.se. K
-------- ..
\VF. AkF.STIl.l
will '.bol’Vh.T‘'Mi"’-H« ; •»''
i -r *n- <pwTM w«m™i.lly .fr.tdoi, ttUbi Nor. .\ikcn. who <v tlL Shew,11.1«.j
have been up m ibM room \^t* will ^ec her husband, who is m Chicago
^--on.U w.I! !„v. .omor-;
making thrrau that
-------------------.he would ---------row b»r Richmond
------ *fora
visit. Iwatcrj ('hicago—Wheat. 7t»|: corn, A^:
tUe iMW
her own life and tn.i
tn*i ahe woold he cx|»ects
c*i»ect8 lo
! goto! \Valparaiso,
alpaiaiso. In,l.
In,I. loait
loats. rViif:V»^; w
l»ork. <15.75; lard, $S.b5
j.-l OtlNluK-s t.,r................
We expect to ahow to you j Washington where she will visit for a
«,lwa*n‘of the jory. that time, afterward going on to Boston
___________ of tha b-d in thi. bed ^hcre »hc will study until Christmas.
Christ----ooonpied bv Mra Hargravea waa
a window.
'Shb j
iMIt of t
___ ____________
lp*!il?^LOTiS^t^fau'OUB LIBTB of tS.OO men'a
Z«sr Sb«a L dU^itioTto W
g«A in qoolily. ont aod 1
^ j,,
j,„ j, „
iiwt a day nmy l«* «.t for Um* fun* The u,w tor's inqUmp to do
IS thf
lU mum,*■ was
th»- fitnb,-i i xpUiui!
’Dim Mirt* SuniLiy U U- all' r.»ii:ht;
rr h, # ..ml.K*eU u» W bnufi ITlUuy.<-bi.-u;,-u I-O.I.
m. .V H. HoiUdar «» Henri in
The w F“eir
uaies- Bikek aerceriiea Unaenkins. $i .25 values.
Hooded and Raffled...............................
Udles-Fl4nneJWaltts,SOc,T5c,$l.$i.50lo...... 3.00
Walklnr s|iim and l>re» SUrts. $2.50 too.oo
Fleeced Uned Wrappers. 75c, $1.00, $l J5 to...... 2.00
Our^stock is complete, the assortmentjs fine, the quality is super
fine. Our prices are reasonable.
Fnl’VI..^K snuF. HOrSF.
Boys’ Astrachan Ret fers very stylish, at $3.50, S4 and
S5. Boys’ ulsters^boys’ knee
pants. l>oys’ fancy skirts,
boys' blouse waists at 25c.
Boys’ waists at 50c anti Si.
Boy’s sweaters, nice lin
boys’ fleeced undf*r\vea?
25c. Boys’ wool ribbt fl and
what is called Buckskin un
derwear. all at lowest prices.
•ay.do vouknowthai al^didu t do Hr will be 00 hand.
TolU*wm*:,Numluy i««tt,uU h,T
Do yon know tliat she didn t mwm to
p,nal action m regani lo having an pruibir ** fm.. t.,L ' Wbv.l.nlmoU
cMf oat her
p«l on by Mr. Knowles and ,l© miatr,>s. thi# i- ,V.lv Mund.v!
Alfred U*
revolver and John Uargravea had Mrs, H. Montague.
locked It np in a box and ahe weor Dr L Swanton hw removei bom
ju,v... ivmuvio. k* r. Hh* U.-inildhun
and hnAeit «»*•;«
*l[ <^12 Washington street to 40»; West ,,„udld:.t.. |.*r i:.0,Tt,..r ,.f ivnu**.vlI vauin. «m,. v.:d a ormm iK.pular IT
not iod It We expert to ahow. geu-i l»rficers and trustees of the D. O. t mvvci,M-i,t
M,r.* t.- *.*viir ul a
tleinen of ibwjnry. If Mvw Hargrave. K. K. arc requcstcl to be present m given tin,,. Sim,- ,.n, tnilhU bl^ atfor any puiiL,*, wha
- .
other neraon
nrr«o into
i„.o that
«». bo.,.*w"\b“-;''':..^-;’,,t:sin"«
H iht
tf ihe
Htkftm ttw r»tr. Will tptt Saturda/
mtnting. tTEmBEKSS DHY BOOBS tllD
$.7 00 shoes lor............... .$3 00
72 am! T-ZL corn,
Vo!c!,._Whcai. 73'an,! 73J.
Black and Red $pet$
$4.«Hian.l <:i .'.(ishtvcAfor. ..$2.50
1 «.>• ,.t nJJ. c„.... ■ iou~-1.,.. i..
at r»-»idrn**r. 318 \\. ii;hSt. Itrl! Pb.im-.
____ ___________
Tod«x*a Mark#**
All tbe Kewesl FaU Stapes,
all the most popular leathers
"'°'''^'"1^tFBANK FRIH
i«.«,. h.i i i.i. "id r^.«
*wna occupied The tvd room *lown f
ilalia waa oacapiel. Somn mao. ihi# j Mrs. L L King left for Chicago,
l>obart Beecher €o.
r.f Ij,
di« b'lrh t n.-.d.. M
Tonr^ ‘'‘■'“■'■“"'""S'"'’''
New York
>- rny will tn<-e-t .lb 7tirw<Ur »n1 •
.. .n, „iber^,“ ;W M'S. yit- Holhilay. the ,mreU.'„„
glass tiKith-pick hoMcr. Rc- coufi-rrii
____ .
which this murder ing a
DiDR Pr«idrtlt
I thr ritf of Tmvrtwp
who »rr
ooutd ba accwnntrd for. Wr ,«*pect to ficshiiicnU were serve! consisling of Kooicvelt inopo^lo refer tbe whole
ahow to yoo that it i. a fad known,'.....
........ . aka. cotfet, <.bv«
of the anto medical acii'iioe that any iM-raon
anbjact to atUrke of ,<pil,>pflT are lia
? court a» arbitrator.
urNamsr. * bail on rr,i
r brain
ble to havo thHirmu.il and i
tbi r rumored
Mitcbell aaaented Jn
deterlormt4Ml. it weaki-i.^ t »• ini**llnct
land the oiwratora aakad for tlmr to liiih. •hiud w.i^.intlw- C 8 p. > hall at
kene ih»> will iwwi'r W,-.xi»-ct
No a3*
I'tkion *trww-,.
UwIu aiqMirin ^
The .juartcrly meeting «t the La- diacna. the m,
In tbd- r. or*h Ward. In tij.--.Mspinr brniar No
of the jurv. that at thi# vrry time ,lies* l.ibrarv .Assscialion will not l>c j lAmehingtoo
when Mra’Hargravt-. w*. ktllrd and held loinorma.
fen iu'ewaar
>al.l inr*-t lurwof tbw H,ianl« «f U. fft-Trati..ti
«.nvoca..on of iraver*!
will Iw ti|>-n from ~ »>l«w-a tn Ihi- nr*ri(»4t un
in tbi- afi.-rnuun «>f
oovi'ring from th,* cfferi# nf ,»oe of Citv A'haptcr, No. 102, K. A. M. totboM vary flta; tli4i if ihia dead wa# 1 „,.Ht.
in wlm.wiT wh.-rr«rf. I bar.- h-r,-niil« a 1
Mr. Bert Mullen and Miss Rose my hau.1 tlu« Xnlday «g<v-tubrr, A l>. natt
Aihlis were happily mamed Iasi cv di
ihtvai.pib HiO at
< l. rk.
0.1 ha bi'for,. AI ; Rev. W L. Laufn?an ar
ms larniiy jng aal the liome of F,l Bonner, on
laeka, and,*r
old no
DO more hold
mighty God. you #hoold
it the Fir
>mng tn
F.ighth Mrech
The ceremony
I was iMrilormc'l by Justice Vcrly in
There was a goovi attcn»Uncc an*! a the presence ot a ruunber of friends
ABlmmcacemwUm*1 SUmtert Swnl BmIb «
15c. 20c. 25c, 35c. 40c and 50c ud'
• aew cditMa «rMme •flhe Ute CoprdcU Soots at
75 cents.
is what touches the “spot” with stylish dressers. Ifs
the **eoronation” at $12.50 for young men and
$15.00 for men wearing sizes 36 to 44. Don’t buy a
Suit or Ooarceat nntil you have seen onr line tf
famous Rochester makes.
^ -iSI.75 $2 $2.50
isrr'io o)?:™ ir H^rrX
nttlKeny Book store
In stylish Square eut Com Button Sack Suita
Everylhinn about these
new fall styles
suggest superiority of
fit—harmony of
of design—When
you get into them
you don’t want to get
out. Exceptionally
good values at
$iooo, $12.00. $15.00
$1800 to $22.00*
ttuii! iFatnat. ooNsia • t«ot.
nil CTHIBG MC0M>.i.
' ^1
!^.Ty"«,0M«««i‘” °rf“
SS j
.bility.ta. 1-4 the 4ixrctU» |
^ ^^
rSBD M. WAU>iKU«r<»aaioitO.
r m»V> TrM«»fW
IfAHIKL. Me(^% of KeiK.
’^plKttk'lTKUWKHi* or Wetfore.
VvABhU A. Bt-AIBor JacaeM.
Ji5 a!*^^ I1.I»CV or Veal
Per Moirt nt PnUlr la^tmciloaUiKUie A. r AI.1. of CaihM
The rooM delightful and pictures juc
of the New Kngland home
••Shore Acrc«,” < ooliuuc* to grow ;n
IKij.uUrity-'lrom year lo year, and tiic
|iro6t4 gained through this single work
ha%c brought indrj»en<lcncc to Mr.
Herne* family.
The wdl-koown
l.rt, Mr. Hamlm Garland, has
ared “Shore Acres"
to the
IKiems of James Whiicoinb Kdey.
-J.tkc them," sa>t Mr Garland, “it
^sic% by indirection jusi as com
mon folk* do in hfc. It expresses
sorrow, not b) dircaion, but by liic
ichoking voice and bv the tremble in
the chin, and its humor is sjiontan-
DAVID ti. <;nAKDI.KIt.
'yarBttoiw-erPtotoUFBAMK Wr..Wll4IOM.
SiBO. B. C lUISh.
UBO. w. < turn
For Otmmtj Baiwjor-.
K. II. Al-I-Y'M
Willard Hleami of the Adrian Timet
hae bolted again and now declares
that be will not^npiiort L T Hnrmnd
for gorenior Mr. Stewmt at firtt
and native to the grou|»5 irom
which il procecils
UughtcT aboun.K ami something
sweet and solemn runs through the
It has repose in il»
ai t ion.
Tin: actor* conic and gc
•Aricssly or busily, like living figures.
There is no center of the stage,' n.
declamations, no asides, no solilojuics,
almost nothing to make against veritv
h has no villain, no wronged ^*oman,
no hero, no highfalutin’*sjxrech in it
em ire length. nolKxly is killed, nobo.l>
tails down cellar with a jiiano; and
>ct the play has achieved a rcmaikablc suc cess " I or this 5cas4in’s j>roduc turn »if ••Shore Ac re*" Mr. Kneest
.Mltcrt has furnished entirely new
The acting c<tm|»any m
eludes all of tlie old favontes. .A
ihr.roughU hrst-<la« protluction o
Ire given ai
Stcmlrcig’s Grand next Thursday
fair. Trmly the d*^»oi*raU at* hat
i«C a hard time It woald aare a lot
i, n,
of worry and oampaign fandt i
.Stcmlrcrg’s i
AaBMMrata woald . ooewd# defeat and tomiwTow Ysentng,
Tlie big inelo
baw to the tuevitoUr. The rraalt drama enjoyed runs of six and iivi
WiU U ih# aaiDc^ so far aa U.e
months rcsjicctivcly in New \ ork and
ChuAgo, and it is pronounced
\ci of Its class. The Slot} has to dc»
wijh the foruincs ol a certa^i young
Thr* MeflKlM al
«>f i}..- -c ermi l^xrd Wuodstock.Ja manly, whe
dewumlitstioi.1. t«u lo r»-.^.fd lh»- fe«i KngUsli s|>ortsiuan, who loves sport
that oor
• ),} II,.. |.a.J.iral
l(rt siiort’s sake, but a ho gets himsell
ti<<r u ito^«>tiiiiic t(.or< iiiniinit to nil
into a light place b) rc< klcss betting.
is that iMi itoitiv niiubi,t> urr vni
NcH only lias he in* urrcil some hcav>
otbrr «(Malloii»
T«ii {XT .'••III «.
debts ol honor, but the brother ol Im
ordained c WpinM-f, ii, i.iw ilttHM
U4W arr #-i»4:ue.'d lit 'r.wk oi|,.r
swcethcail has forged ms name to i
the pestoml w tiU«- stlU crflnt* m
bill lor several iliouvands, a liability
log wit bout nijf r«-|s*rlr«l uinc.*
lor. Not only err buniy l.ecinp il,r • huh, lor the sake ot the voung
mlaUtry for «-oi»r oiijrr irrsi,. I,
..f ladGs lain.ly, Woodstock chivaltousl)
MTTlre In Ibr kltik'cW.ti, l»ol II »* sm
assumes, ('ompletc rum now stares
known that III! I.isii.brs oY iMi^llir
him in the face, and alien he is oticr
hare attracted
cd a great sum lo present his marc
Chnreh llc-onoiuUt.
running a great race for* which she i
an odds on favorite, Uic temptation i
lb Ihr U-f yr:,r
t«o lb. counc loo great tor any but a luclodramatir
atifi. of Kiroif.M^.I .KI .Won l.acr takm hero lo dcclme. but, ol course WockIup a .|u«liit .usi..ni. TI,.- imcm, U 1
slotk without hesitation spurns
«r .^illdrvi, pUMbg in il..- .|rcx i. in
and happily all goes well at the in
apiwrcutb alinb-s. iiiamH-r.
evitable hmsh
Mis Iioim* mins back
l.fUHst «|>|M,Ub
Ills fortune, restores him his name
the ho,, gat
si bin,
gin a riiitetWu in .born. ..f wUilul estates, and l»cst of all, his ladv love;
of his fiancee
1 bry stsri In wlib
raluabh lnr.»rmMti..n hIhmit ibr litr of strangles the unjir,nriplctl woman
KhakrB|xwrr. tb.- d«irs of ill. birth whose instigation the hill is forged,
and deaib a|i»
and a half dorm
and makes wav with himself, thereby
JudUiously x. bM'lrd .irutoas ate lui
removing the most <»bjrctiorublc
aa Ito-si r.|»rrm.tiinllves of bU a
Tb# |*erf.H^u.aii.v .I.MM. aitb a rrmli the characters in a manner altogether
lion of no- fan.on.» Miw<raln .iwr il.r new to iRe stage trailiium
grave -Vurs.-.! t.e lie‘WIHi«er.«1
a llre.1 »oi.v
1b.- inn.. |4a, i- i
feel; not an Inf.mt k*rt. «*nl of ili
When lliry bnir 0ai*l.rd ibr, ...nnimv
atandinp In <• rlnp. nnii.* niHl |.lmd
lag. and the anj*eal of iln ir . ,e* i
hauit ibe rts|t..r nnl-*- be pUr.
pemiy tlcbl aroiiml ibe circle.—Louis
ville Poat.
TALK about KWEATERS~see our
line; It pau (hem all in tne tliade.
bOoloft OO. S. Benda aOo
We ODdeiwand the busoes end >'0« «»» depend apoo «hM we «y.
Mich., or R. W. Inoot. C. P. A.
Mich. >
a» pt. 10-11.17 a).|4 ?7-Oct 1 ^ A
just like cot. 42 mdi iqusrr
top, heavy b»ie, 4 nicely
shaped legs, wfll seat ten peo
ple. Our price is .
OanSOBi feymitm mill to
^ “
Wait’i DrygStcrm^ 82~4i'
w*^^ris?s‘v£i'zjr^ £rr
The |
carryinif^ it away in a wa
,„|ti» co.loo.1 T.ylor »1«.S0 whui b.
1. will eo.1 him .boot
m« urn."*!-., ,H«r
l.-m 4*
lOil tf
timet that much- ...___
to replace
------------------------------ ^------------cue ever Ihouphfooal would be ! W
for iewelrr. but that it what it ummrnmi.
being done in Chioago theae day ' ^IKh WAKTKD-Por r«o<m baammwurk.
Fakir, are offering
genuine black iiiliy K I* e
diAmondatiokpin.” atlfioenUapieoe.
______ __
The - black diamond.- were Inmp. of ^ANTia>-oo«l>ri for
nnrd coal fartmmd to waabed gold W wota Mrs.u.cfj^Utc.iwPark
AKClilBAt-D B. DARHACillorOreUet.
«ole ibr <!.«.
polette. the alMhiof aaker.
thtrt h Mrktsf bcUag, wt am phase ram athk
'not bare to worry abont
Bot hi. fond illation U pone,
! ••r'k. Bnt hi. food ill
• lor the bnrglart, who ti»amed tilter- lU
Mim OwopboU wuTik.'S’.^rif I *•««»>
Tueaday, |
teara 0««»d
Oily to Cler ‘
dflhlo, SIS
Its S&.
Tiokete itoodfor SDdaytr Partio.
lof the prodaotlonladroeerenearta
, 5, illl lin„ tU imilng |»rt tbU
.^ininp. that of Oatpard
umituni Depaitment
~ | ,'-'!arga^".i.af?SL£^
“ i__I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
ioTcn of III# city win be
Taylor and
___________ ____________
oei iB fom tbU mifaif to
Of Eonaaa-;»««»*®lhelrboiae in Philadelphia I
jdy/’Which wiU he.pea«Biadintbe|tt> And l^bjra
Talaable aUrar.
jcity Optra hocM by Mr. Uwwfe F ,
Jewelry had laia whore;
Koowlee. MUa Bootle Bowoaa Oa®p.
nu. WAKTSZ>--At ttt Btaie
the Uiieeeo ooold hardly help oeoiiif
hot none of It had beoa taken. ^
i, iThe barpUrt were after blfger pame
of 111 •
Mr. Koowleo. who
When Mr. Taylor
,wia..u»....o4«or«of m.„woj.
m in th.-ir craralt Along with
plot were sold badge, reading
Most Bust ch^ Trust or the
Tratt Will Bust tV
-oU KA1.K-A
Edward hrank Edward, of Bowdle
D . was injured in a praclioe gsnn
of football at the unirt-nily aod will
■ fractured and m.
body it paralyzed.
Mrt. Era Devoe of Isssi Syracuse.
an up-to-date girl, altiiough
.b. 1. 100 ,«x old. Sb. W«...
bicycle, at the hales to be behind the
..r n nus/s Mn-. Oi.woj. ua k Kn«»
My family,
timea. -My
family,- the aaya
- - ——
t£ 4>H HKNT>M«sU>ni ¥ rx->ix>
J think I d better not 1 ave » pou
one, and maybe it would look queer E.ti*
to tea the mother of a U year old girl ~
whlrbngoua wheel. ”
The member, of the Old Towb Mer
chaots* and Mnoufaclu^i-rs* aaaocia- ri.,«Uon cfs Baltimore, who hare jutt re >'
tuned from a junket
, v;tmoot. j t'J.'LiM!:,''.
^ ,
MCi-tf j
Maine and New Hamrwhin-.•. indolged
indolged !
in a tnowball bottle on the iummtt
of |7uK>AUC-r. LtsMl /fTr h-iSto..
lit of
Mount Wathington. The ground
envureo with euow several inches deep
l out H*I.K-A-.mf.--ou».i.rr .Mi .-ik-Br vum-h
in miil August.
Comn-n.li.r Bo.»r» F. F«tt. tl,« , jjd ^ lu.'sU.o, Thto ^
arctic rxplor. r, aays it is bit belief ib. ncht
mju,*, .nmU »o,.i-*i
that the arctic region it one of the
»■ i. h-rtb. l no,,
best iilooet on earth for p^ rxons afflictU Kmc. XXI resakUn
107.- U
1 with imlmonary diaeaset.
At Lincoln City. Ind.. a monument pAU^ y>B
hj-j. »n<l I..O.J
to Nancy Hanks Lincoln, mother of
Abraham Lincoln, wa* dedicated
Monday and notwithstanding the ditAgreeable weather tbe largest crowd
tliat ever gathered lu the county witCl IR HAI.K ^»B KgXT~El.i:»ul~mDS rc«^
otremouiea The stone r
,-n«Uv-v w.U, two ms. |.Ur,». b»U« sboTr
tor the monument was taken from tbe
old bate of the Al^bam Lli.ooln
ODoment at Springfield, 11
Ker Dr Edward Everett Hale of
Bouton was asked to iK-rre on a wmimitle.. O! „ v.niy t<ve for the purposi*
of trying to^-ttb- the coal strike. He
cuted himself on the ground of Ins
advanced age, but Writes a letb-r in
which he declares that “the strike
i,. bringing near, r tl,e inevitable solo- Uid 'KTo RKNT-«t* W. s,l, »lrr.t. latton-tho control or iiraciical owner- II 4jtur^-st I9i N #pro4'« str.«<t. (Vtioau.',
shl]i of the mines by the state of
Pennsylvania or ultimately by the
l. sU,
>rw pbom iAi. U04 ll
oation. lo a republican goverument 4.^
KKNT-Third n,»r. fruoi ktoM-no-ntT^
It It not i^tsible. at it is not right,
rnutum .rf S.«uud no J- .rf nt'W
that twenty men. or fiO.lxiO men. shall
control a supply* which the good God V. fyjtolru-L or CtoM. W dWm.
has given for msukind. Take oare that
OUiTTOl4EKT--W.J.“cYvtswr>~ ~
your commute doe. not ally itaelf
with the twenty or with the 50.0iK).MISCELLANEOUS
-S3.75 up
....... $4.85
A ven large line of Extenaioo Tables Irom................
(! Solid Oak, cane seat, high back, dining chairs lor.
j.'W, SuTEirs House FumisHiiie Store
Ars Irmr erf
Our Fall Styles
Here arc shoes that tell of Health, romforl,
IxMtg Wear and I'cticct Character. No aigument is necessary liecatise the gtxnl qualities
are apparcntr—will keep out < oKl ami damp arc aiiraclivelv pul together and look as wdlas
they lecl. Mv name is Mami»cil on cverv shoe
which means a guarantee to our lostimicr*.
10 Sewtt of Woodorfuf Bomutf
m So/oeio^ Cost of PJoyrt.
35e,50e,75c. BiiSutsSI.
Sec them in oiir sliow window.
Seal tale at box uttice Knday
evening ftom 7 to SiltO o’clock
and all day SaiunUy.
A^S. F^flYMAN. Praetical SbMnan
RTlU lx- S-U-Wl Thnn^r ^ KmUy on •rramnt
Dressy Comfort in
Wen's Tall Coats
When it comes to comfort, m<^n as a usual thin;;, don’t care a
i'vr what the cost is. They want the goods and if the comfort
is there it is iheir's. Our Fall Overcoats include three thintjs
-comfort, quality and exceedingly low prices. Then men like
this slock because of the ureal assortment one is always sure
of getting sizes—ordinary sizes and unusual si/c-s—
both large and ^malL
Is an elegant coat —as tine a coal as any tailor ever
turned out—in fact an expert tailor did make this
All the workmen that make these goods are expert
tailors, only difference they work for this firm in
stead of| for themselves. We please everyone be: have the different prices that cannot help
but plyaie. You can spend $io (and get a dandy)
—or go to $42.00 for the very best.
-IkltoH- In Wan '
< tuK S Il.-ux.- In Kansas
ue.i-d.4: M- Payi.e Is^
n>i:r* l-rt^ «,...rge .\d.-s
.StillsII ..r Suhl."
at the WijiM. Wuiei
m).!.1. Win Si* >11
a gOMCX' TU UlAN^hi rrdl«st«t4i. No Iax
fVl cUoto . Fstehm A CrtAwer. ,
VHi lino
iA/K I'AYILV* wsrk~afed ItT^ceoi
l-Mitura Ih.s-k F.sst
- 451,
Tlie High school footliAll team will
to Peunkey idiiTorrow to pUy the
What about
. ;s&
•I....IS. .\de W«s in M. Gms the
Otb.v ;;i4hT f- r Ih- lii>t iF-rformaiiee of
il;.!., ..f Sulu.’" >:.M Mr Paine
I., .1 iv;.*4^,.T «f the Kansas i ily Klar.
II.- r.-ius^ 1 1,* .liter a l«>x n.»d wit in
.11- ..f Ih •'..n lHS-iia «hairs. \U-^\.W
N.-Ui. r ku, w Mr Ad. liefer.- the first
S.1 ea- o.er one t f the lalkallve w-ighl.4*w>.d
’• 1 kto..»V thsirgi- Ade i.f5 Well. 1
kiww hiin III i h!.ns:.» veais
y.m sff that ..Id f. ll-n sitting alone In
that ls*x; XV. ;i. ihid's ui\ old friend
Ade-The reul Ade liMikcd tnunrd the tmx
and aiw nn old luuu with long side
whii-kers-*I»..j« es.’ as Ade.-alls il„ m
Ni.w. Ade
a ehufi shaved f,ov and
|.s.ks y.iuus
The talkative neishiwr
rnllhsi ..I, ui.I.I the piny «.is efide.1
Tossh.y.- he an id t . his friend i lao-t
go 04. r to that J-ox :ti>d shake Imtids
with my frieH.l, tieorge Ade.*“
Tan Bat?
You’ve seen our display window, of couse, but did you take
^ime to step inside—that costs nothing. It’s a pleasure to show
the new $3.00 and $4 c» Longley Hat and you can get the ex
treme of style and a good fit. A hat for every head and a
price for every pocketbook.
Sell tbe Besr
100 acre* knoa*n as the Steele or
Ncciharo farm. One of the bc« in
Grantl l*ravcr*c county,
Benda A Co
.iwHOitaic^w i :• to.
ulb >VL0u=i;ik.
V •
V-.- ''F
Light Biscuits;
Light Cakes;
Light Pastry;
Light Hearts,• Quichas^a^Wink!
, rAlA4t, OOtOBU I, IMM
lOowtlMad ffuu first page i
IW. Oavweraa Kwtlrpsr
Afur tho fweau joularday afiumoon
a good daal of flma was eanaumad in
Breadmakers are often placed at sea
by the extravagant promises that are
made by manufacturers of some
grades of flour. Promises not al
ways fulfilled. The lady's salvation
depends largely on her own judge
ment. which is. use the BK3T
Manufactured by
mm mmmMmmmmmmm
iBtUdd ibMbaprMMran that Bargarrag was aab}aal to epilsptio fits.
Httaadtotolba priseoar bare oou of
tboM spdils aboet tea years ago. It
^ at tbaCfnrmef tba witness and
Harnaraa was aaatod in a baggy wtma
orur back and Uy
Mr. Baaarff* aarriad kim
tuatlUMif wbieb
oorared tba uma
to the hoaya. plnead him oa tba bad
grouid. praotloally. as former toatl.
and applied oaaipbor to bis tomplaa
mony regarding tba natura of tba
Hafitmves roasataod in this eondltion
wounds npon the parson of Mra Harfor aboat an hoar. Os rtgaining ooagtaeaa and their probanla affect.
aoioaonaasbaaiifiaMad waak for ooma
After a wbUa, bowarar. E. B. Pgatt
Ham. Mochiag aba af iaipartoooa
broagbt op tba ambddot of apilapqy.
srat .galbaraff from tostimooy of Mr.
Tba witaaaa taaclfiad that ba liad bad
aema aspanauia with paopla miblact
to aplleptic fits. Ila said that tbara
yras a dtfferanoe batwem eiiilei>Uc fits
and opiUpCic insanity, bot thst the
Bbariff Onandlor was rooaUad aod
flla frequenUy Ud to inmnlty. He
lapaatod bis
iuted that as a mle ibr sabjeot U not
gard to examining Hargraves’bands
ooowdous daring ouch an atta. k. He
and andar the finger nalU for aridenthan deeorlbad the symptoms of an
aplleptic attack as rigidity of# tbe
muselas and limbs, frothing of tbe
month and nnoonsoioaenets. Tbe wit
ness believed ti.at it wonld not be
IKweible for a person having an ndlepFollowing tbe addreaa of Mr. PatohIh fit to tell afterward what happaoed.
in Mra Ktu Hill arrived Krlestify.
Mr. Kaichln obieclrd to tbe taitiBbe was a witness of the people, hot
Wlea le tbe girl whose eeoee of m il mouy beoaoee ibeii- was nothing npon
had been agreed that the delenae
Diaraat promiits her to take Kooky which to
tbe question asked by
should go 00 with its oaee find tout
tfoontain Tea. It fills bar fall of Mr. Pratt
Mr. ‘ PrsU argned that
tbe evidencr of this witurss for tbe
there ha^i l>*-ro nothing to show that
people oould be rt-oeived wbao she
lUrgmves had liad an ej.!!. |ilio fit
At houtb lUeen by the up** ttlng of that momiug. but the r. npoodent liad
Mra Hill was a aUter of Mi> Hara lamp darliig a wedding sums r Kdoa ststrd to a witness whst bad takim
gravea. Tba witnaas bad not^een at
Kcrw.y w«s palnfolly barne.1,
her plmx- in U.e hriroam betwen-n him and
tbe Hargtavi-s noaaa aiuoo January,
olotblng having oaoght. F.dna VViu. his wife, which was a suiemeni of
Mra Haigiavua bad been at her
throp was also benird In tli.* rflort to fact. and. heargoed. idmtssible. Tba
objrction was ow rruled by the court. bouse twice.
help Mlac Krrsey.
Mra Hill testified that in Mareli
Then Mr Pratt asked tb© witness If
It moves the world. Makes y«n one tn th. etat. Hargraves appeared to Mra Hargraves oompUiurd to her of
well—kerps you well It eooUies thr be on the morning in question would John's treatment of her. Bbe-voicad
bowels, imrgee the eyetem of all im
simitar oosnpUlnU in AprlL But tba
parities. eariohes thr blood. eradioat«-s t*e Ifkely to have bad an epileptic fir. wltneas never aaw any HI tnwtment
Aocorling to the opinion of tbe
by Uargrares and was emphatic hi her
I be oould 1 t have had such ■
statement that Mrs Hargraves never
ill treated John, according to her per
iJuder cross eramination the witness
Mnoe last ^«turday O. O. Oisbopof
sUted that It usually requires some sonal knowledge.
Lodi, baa baaa Jiving on is.rridg* and
On oruaa examiuatUm Mr. Patchin
Hme for a victim of an epih piio fit to
tKUtled milk
This is owing to his
tned to show tnal the witness and her
recover his faculties
S4-t of teeth being held as erourity by
Mr pAiciiinaskw if cue niigiit noti'om* sister did not got along well together.
the Ororra isdir- court for a flio- of
Tne WitneM bt*oame rnttledand* denial
mil a onmi «>r do some unusual thing
|6 Imiiuerd on him for Wing Intoii.
and after having such a fit not remem that they ever bad tronble.
oated. Thr Ueth oooetltuted H.shop's
This closed the tosilmohy for the j
ber at all wiiat had taken plaoi
Ciitirr aeet-u. and Wen- ar«'e]4ed by
witness stated that a naml»er of oaaes
tb. fxdioe justloa.
of that cliararler have he.*ii cited.
% of mkhigitt
Tliotmor siooe of tb. orw poblic
libfwj. tk* jclfl of Audrow (Wfle
Harbor, will be UId Tms
4bj. October
oo.li-r.the Maaonlo ao
Tha II04
Victor M. iiorr
will dallvor Ibe orattou
IIIgb otnoars
tba Maaoole frgtanill> are eipeol
ad.looUdiM Neal McMlIlao of Oraod
Rapida. praod maater. The |«bli«
acbooU will be olosHi Taeadaj afiaraooo and the bosiocM boow s will fwy
bomagti from f antil 4 o oook duritg
tba eacroisca
Hf eota of 77a fur to 9m affalust.
Oaoasn Im. refused to buy ao la.OOO
•lie for tlia
public bulldlag
wblub Ihc^laat oougr»^ss grautri tbe
As two thirds majurity Is re
quired 00 aucli prtijiosllicm It was Icwt
by Iba narrow margUi of rerun trolae.
Tba oaaee of defeat WM (llaaitUfuotlOO 4>f the west side beoausa me eltt«na not looaudoo Main ^tn^t iustrwd
of SuobMfa. Tbe Kast side proimna
Ao loduliula by refusing lo pave West
Main atreal. an imiirovamant badly
baadod. and a dr|>loral.ln strife la in
Many Utuberwen of tbc aUto opera, ting eamia in the norlbarn woods are
to mloiH atfingent moMorrs thu year
« sferl. t sesut l«- < er^.
apphoatlooa. as they cun
«m "l"J
siuead 1 rom tb*-
are the ls--r
Durkee, living near tlalcsburg, is barvtMitlag bis second iTop of
raspberrie*. wbicli a*v of etccpi
quality. The yield eomparus favoiably with the first, which was above
tiic average.
HU i.ir- la IWII
ad that ihs buntiug d asoii is opm
Nov H to mi. iticlosivr. in each year,
axoept on tiie Ulend of iiois lUauo.
and tne cooutlee of l^iiiei r. Huron.
Hold l.y di
Hells' Family
Umber oamfis.
Hportsmeo nisy be glad to be remind,
AUagau. Ottawa and st Ulair. wbera
daar oannot be hunted until HKid
peraou <wn kill mure than tbrtw deer
in nuy one year
No |ier.on oan haul
4anr witbont first procuring a bonier s
Reeidimt license 75o: non
mnldeni license $.*i
r.«- of dog. lu
butting, porsoiiigor killing 0,-i.r. and
"1 juii aeemci to have gone all lo
pleoea” writ.-- Alfred
of UrI
fare. Tei , 'Piliousoess and a lame
liad made lif. a burden
oouldn'i eat orahM p and
and felt I
out to work wheo I iM-gau
Hitters, but they
use Klei-irio
Nov J ah. p like
anything, have gained
Id enjoy hsrdwork.”
iH-siiti and new
life to weak, sickly, run down firoiq.!e
at Jas. li J
son and K H. Mead s drag stores
in a playful acoefU
lasession of a Umji Charles
tba killing of any Uwu tn the spotted
noat or any deer in the fo4 . oat
The nee of any artificial
IT* year old boy accidental-
light in haotlng. pursolng or killing
daar ta nalawfai
No deer or portion
or a daor can be Uwfally ahipped
Vlthoat a Uiwnee tag acoom)wnies
roronHkin Kruptioas.
Look With horror
lUoiobea. Bores Pimples Tbev doo'l
have them. Our will any ooe who uses
Buokh o’s Arnica Balve
It gloHfies
the fac-. Lcsema or Balt Kheam
vantah befou- It
It cores sore liiis.
i ped hands, chilblains
f.ir Piles
at Jas U Johns
K. H. Mead's drug stores
The heavy rains have comj
raintd the bean
crop in O
It Is estimate d that
mo up to at least tauLOnu loss
UiUu m*
<>M of^Ueatk’s Jaws
StnlcM T*lk aaa to Ibt Potot
' n« Virtues of Dr. ChtK i Nerre
' Hilt r»141«* Pew Worto
bj Oae Who Knows.
\li.s l‘l..r-i>r- llolNiM rewUHtal.
your friunds in Soutbesii
Illinois. Indiana. Ohio mn
mad good
return until October
full particulars.
r^m. W. r. UTRAKUWaf5,'faniHvlT
to mat. ue to-toUmrat |>Ua or wifi build
Leave Traverse City Sun.Uy, IMobcr .'.tli, Jil H o'clock a. m..
Aaausl Okie Fan
Daylight run through the Soo .River
on the ladies.
tlic fmol trips
Tickets ran lic purt hascd now at Ikick Of
fice ami licrths rcscrvcxl.
’ iinniEn wm. trm$. co.
I Pni.M> Nil. 3G
ana Iht* condition moo* intt'nse.
Hargraves did not get along as
Tnere was no regularity in iht* atpleasant ly as they might hare done.
tacks, but the witneM bad known
The witness saw thing, she did not
them to ooour a week apart, and Hsrbo right.
Mra Hargraveu
gra\es bad been subject to the flU
a g.md di*al of Hargraves*
daring bU manhood.
treatment of her and of his ooudoot
The conrt sustained Mr Pratt V t*b
towards Mrs. Woodman.
jecuou to lesUmony relating to whst
Mr. Patcbiu then t.H.k the witnesa
oocarrfKl at the home of Mrs Hill
Miss Helmet, never heard Mra Har
a visit of the wife M accused
graves complain of her husband until
alAbat place
Mts Wmuim^e.-im.*. Then she was
on tbe croM examination thr witill and irriiamr.
DM staled that tbe last attack she
On tbe re direct examination tbe
knew^Jobn to have was when he was
witness stated that Mrs. Hargraves
fwoovenng form
the measles, six
complained of Hargraves being awa?
ytoTi -ffo.
uig» ta Tlo v were at the home of the
Dortiig tbe several atUoks he never.
wltneas on last Tiianksgiviog. John
■bowwd Tiolunt signs, bat was unoouoallml upon
Woodman, who
soious and appan ntly Incaiiable of ao*
lived neit door, both before and after
llon.altogethcr in Uyeacssbe knew of
his having about
flu. They sea m
Patchiu moved to strike out the tesed to affect bis memory not had no
timony regarding the visits to Mrs.
other effect on his mind.
Woodman unless an improper mottre
The WitneM tesuHtd that she and
was shown
1 he conrt sustained the
*r liosbaud si‘parau*d about :: or 4
hits afiir John Irfi homr
Th© witoesf sUled ttiat Mra HarMr. Patohin objected to tei.timooy
grave. crifKi nearly all the time on
relativi- to unfriendly reUtious U*tbe day of the dinner.
twevn the rrsixoedent and bis fsther
Tbe witness knew of several timeu
The obj-ctioa w.^- sustained.
tbe respondent uulled on Mrs. Wood
Huriniuth© ar.^wks the respondrtit
man. hut the court sast.*iined Mr.
tver did is r.ui.al violence to him
Paiebin's ohjactions to the testimanj#
self or any other piason, Mr. Patchin *s
The witness did not
know that
objection to this testimony was sniiMrs
Hargraves was jealous of any
oaa lot ot Diciis
<;ck>-K ]»rcltysliadcs
-US!able for saists;
aKii l.lai k ami dark
co!*iK for tlrcvscs
rroH-dr -
diligently U
Tublic t:ood-will ijrows slowly, when secured
that told for Ic:^
it is a treasure without price, to be carefully^
than <UH».
and judicously fostered. Therefore we keep''
constant guard—on goods and prices -and
s e to it that this column s news ts always exactly' in
ance with facts.
Black Petticoats a! $1.25
Cwo other numbers
of Exceptional value also go on sale at $l RO and
Shirt maists
The American Express brought us another lot of fine shirt
waists this morning You’ll want one if you go on the excur
sion next week.
mbife Brliiiantinc UlaistT
with black Tolka Dots, made up in one of the
a beauty: sells at $303. Some very elegant
made up in the new way, and will make the
at $5 to $7. You’ll want one of these waists
them: only one or two of a kind.
B*ro.r<l. ►
r of Mrs
new shapes: is
Basket Cloth,
silk step back,
when you see
•peak in- reply to a question of the
witness, bot five minnSto later he
asked tta WitneM to tend for bis
J.Xa V iselakg TsMitoS.
will take hundreds of you away next
week. Of course you wil^ want some
thing new to wear.
n new Suit
•><«««- **«
just over srfaura any badbabita
Never knew
llargtoves alept. Mra Hakgravui
in good.btollb except fee her crippled make may thiw
Hargrmvee. tat mboat tbe Ittb or SOtb
Their trualmeoi of each
the room upstaizs.
this hnc. SI/
same as wc sold last
>car at
a gar-
Today we put on sale Ten Ibozen
l|)ozen Black mercerized rctticuats,
made of a fine quality, douljle
jl le seams
seal all over, sixteen stitches
to the inch, thin narrow rut|les
Litlles on
or deep i2*in. llounce- each
rullle headed with stitched' band. We bought this skirt to
sell at $i.50.but decided to make a stir with it at $1.25. If you
want one. you’ll have to get it soon for they will go quick.
Mra Par
people who
fore, was here sworn. The witness
was at tne Hargraves bouse on tbe
morning of April 2!sl. Bhe obeerved
Hargraves aod Mrs. Imke in tta sitling
room. Ha^raws
P.«. h„ i «hrw ai D«*hu Th. WIU.M.
not one i»iex^ in the
dt 69c
. |;aimcnt-^ Odd lot
dt 69c
Jt re-
The fastest .ailing article 1 hare tbe witness to tell of the
mr siora.” writ**, druggist C T iws which caused the jealoosy of Mra
ith of Dsvu. Kv.. -IS Dr King's
Hargraves towards Mrs.
Tbe W ltneas was willing to tell all mother and bis ooosin. Tbe wUoeH
about it. but the objections of Mr when eta first entored. thought Har
graves was oboking and she lovrered
Patohiii were sustained by the court.
tne pillow under his taad.
mands more room. We shall
have xoroethii^ of importance
to to) later on.—Hamilton
Clothing C<x
)KONATlON i^UIT.^^-The new,*st in gnutlemeirs clothing. fil J fiO
and Ilk U)
Made hr Rlsck and
N. V. Sold exeln^
i & Go
uDoonscions, blood and water coming
out of bis monib. He remained in
Miss Kiurenoe Holmes tostitiiHl that
quin d some time for him
she was a school teacher and llial Mra
hu facultuss. ite had no oilmr
Hargraves irus her aunt
Hbe was at
witu.-sr lit* irfi
'Hargmves house aix>u^>H) minutes
when bt* was 21 to work in Travt rse'
of .April. Thew ituos saw
Mrs. Ilargm^ ..s on the Wednesday
Pratt objeclt'd lo btaring evi... Mr.
Harat uce regarding subsequent fits.
graves' left arm whs helt>less iud had
Thv objection was sustained by Ibt*
been Ml several mouths. Hhc Was ct»m>nrt who was willing llmt the mattor
jH'lled to have h« ip
sister of witshould be presented Uter.
m ss and Mrs Woodman had helped
Oontinnlng. the witneM said she
her; ths latter was therefrom the last
hatl seen similar attacks while tbe rcof .Sepiemls-r loth.* middle of Novem
was visiting at her home.
The latter attacks w re more severe
I he witneM test ifled that Mr. and
larxe eolb-t.*. «
Maria Hargraves.
John ViaeUky testified ttat be lived
give them a trial, and got a box A y. ^ n^g. gustaniee sstisfactUHi or •hiiw. was sworn jest before tbe clou near tbe Hargraves reeidenoe and had
taald note tbe go»i cff%*ote ia a very refund price
10 cu ' tng hour
Tbe wiioom was at tta known tbe tamily about ihreu years.
rice Trtsl bottles
K bOo an d #1.
Tile witoeto oould see tta Hazgravus
house plainly froto bis
Never knew that tbe respoodemt had
.y.jyd.aO.» rl^
aniving in I ravcise Cil) IVctlncSilay morning at 7 o’clock.
tliat oonditiun half au hour.
friend to her
Mr. Pratt tried
lua.k.f, • •1M« of
Bou could curry out ibe deception.
stsemed verr near
stocuaob and
rom a seven*
1 suffered witb
years.” writes PMuse. Hurhani. N.
O.. ”l>r. King' New Life Pills saved
my life and gave perfect health ”
Best t^lls on cusTtb and onlv <V at ! other woman.
Jaa U. Johnson ami F. H *Meaa^.
Patc'uin drew out of the wit
drug at*‘n s.
ness that. Hargraves was agent for
some book house and be had arranged
Mr Uamegh. according to bis ow n
with Mra Woodman to canraiis for
UBiniUtioo mane to a friend, has ie
him. Tiie wiinees euw
m nty given away nearly liJ OfiD.iAK)
spoudent bad always •be^-n a good
' . Mti B. J.
tra.tion conies fn.m bealib and the
bleb spirits li.Hdent to iis ,*nJovineni.
Tbe evoluiioii of sm b
women i*ain
easily Ih* iu* i-
•mm Vm ia Skt ms ivSB PASTS «• hIUh «w-
r j c
come t»
.......... as wHl us I., men. u
f..r n MHiiid Usly und
much i lt-arer kixml.iige us to bow fur
muMUlar sireiigtli Is to l*e rvgunled
aa an imlicntloii M robust henltli,
writes A «*..iiitlbutur to the Woman's
Home <'oiit]wniou. I're^b air. nioderntlon. rdertsmv r.nd liitiTi-si are fundaim-nt.il nllk*- for m.-n and women In
the proni.itioM ..f iH-uHli tlirough |rtiysi.al di-v*-h.pui«-nt. tine eiinnoi Imt
In* hnp^..s«Hl^wllh 1»M- gn*«ter proloiiion-. of line
jM*alihy girls and
XI. turn Oi.e non Iii«-,.|n at s. hool and
Th.* dtiy of 1
‘ t^ile. fragile
girl. Stil>jei t to faints.
Wednesdav, Oct 1st. fi.VO0 round
sd trip to Tolmlo. good to return on any
tbe respondent, testified Uiat .lubu tisd
The w itness never heard of s
regular train until Nov. 1st HHI8..,
jesirt of age
t!atarrb U a bl^d or o*u»stitunonal case where the ishtient liad been abli I a fit when lie was
disease, and in order to cure it vou to tell ot his act tons during an attack. wnuh h, w« «<.r.ly<.uoo»™l,hVw
must take .internal remidies
and lay on the 'D L. S. A: M. S. and Del. 80. KailAsked by Mr
l*ratt If o la-reon in pcrfecll
i'aurrb Onre is Uken iuterualiv and
that state could plan to commit ao nn- floor
K. A. Milchel. Q P. Agt
sUte fifteen or twenty minntes.
uanal act. such us to go and find a
quack mediotnr.
clnb. to nse it aod then hide the wea father lifted,bim on tbe bed and be
t physicians in
ot hours
lie of
He did . HOT SOUPS at our fountain.
pon again, the wiin. as said U might laid there a couple
yr-trs, and is a rrg
Drug Stora.
im-scrlptlon... it Is compOM'd of tb. be possible hut hs did not think it
Is-Ki tonics known, combined with the probable.
best blood punfli^rs. acitng directly on
• If a jw rsiiu was familiar with epi
the luuouus soifetx»B Thr trrfeqt iHun
hinatioo of the two ln|rr«dleats is leptic oooditloos could be simulate
stairs, and apoo going
what proilacsssuch woudriful results that conditionV asked Mr. Pratt.
Hmd for trstimo The witness did n..t think that a p.*r- lying on Uu* floor, 10 a rigid sute ana
in curing I’s irrh
In tba fight agaloet amallpoi. which
oanaad aerioos trouble last eeasen.
BwUa bate bc^u drtermlued ajKiii
Wjtlcb it la brill vedwrlll be elfeonvr
the dieeaaa
sdmg. It Is required that men be ntuls free
ore bring hired; that
eaoh oamp bev' a.iur Isolated boilding
or double welled tent in which to
take care of oontai.ioDs caers . that all
nnmpa where emelliiot has eiUted Ur.
Ibnrooghly disinfecli d. and that all
peraona oprretiiiR rem|M
. money due from wegee fioiu employes
Who mey be ill wiiii suiell|m& until
tliay are core i
It u cieimrd that llie
The witn* .s nev. r had any persaual
know. dge of a case of that kind, how
touktur. ikt told. **TkM*t tojr htolnuto” Bu tovhtoa abort tlmu lotto
at HanalorakT’a
mod baard tar
toy ata mould drown or klU tanaU.
Tta wltnasa oerar know oaytbiog
tooro of any moplautooimuto km tta
imtoUy. Ba baaid Mn. Bai«imTaa on
thmt oooaaiom maa omomthUta mtomo
tat did mot know ugmlmat wbooa
Om tta oroaa oxnminmtitoi Mr: Ptott
mskad tbe witnaaa If ta did not know
Mra. Bmigrmwaa waa m fdoma woman
and did not mae caotona langmagm.
Be ^idtod that ata maad potona Inngmaga that tlma but be talkutod uta
bad not preriony praertead tta babit.
Tba raatimooy was not oomplatad
a; the noon hour, bot aa ba did not
Ilka to apare tba tune for fun bur toa
timony ba aanouuoed that ha would
not be back aft ar dinner. Tba eoun
snggeatad that this daterminatinn ba
Twoonuidared. Thereupon tbe witnaaa
stated tliat there was not aonay
enough tobira himtoratmrn. Then
tba oomrt oimtad that if tba witnaaa
wms not in tta court room mt I AT ba
would find bimaaU in jail
(Contlnned on fourth puga)
ta toW btoaetoaieillek'e toctery mad
This illuatrxtioaabows
one of our natty
$i0 3adi«ls
a Walking Skirt and Waist or a new
Jacket or Fur. Kid Cloves, etc, Wc
can save you money and giv^ you just
what you want
MTCikB lim
r.«f Ui^ 1 wm vttk
A iMty ami
To mttlvwte tbe olfactory nervro *^y
tbe arttotlc ■uinlpiitoiloa of perfnmaa
t, and
racy dreoay and
ttomaion by a certatu raiex action
may uod to k«Y tbe bean la a certain
Mail limu 0t BiUiU treoMiy tbln auteriaU dealsiMNl atoBoat
Mi toijr 9t
cwUfwiy wrUb an ryr lo deiwraUre ri
» of t*J» lH«v
ns lu ln»t»U»4Won. fed. They ewraUy bare for .solidity
•DMbtn:. o the abape of a joke, lo
wblcb iiM- real to anacbed, and tbto
r «Ahcr« In n Wcl
banK» MB tons aa Ibe wearer wtobr*
Tbr apiinratiia
tm toe inns lo ihr bottow of Uw b«v n.ileiof u» be. Kobw reach ’.ut Wt
* lU- oibem CaU
I at
*»i nf a Hlano wirr,
even l-vond.
to nMd on a«^i of iu Bumftfc
nd other tbln
but the Roa
net «ltb an api41e«tkrti of aoino
bla*>k Ut'T art on In motif* topka
tbere iaa hah hrt aUleh IrtMla
Itaolf well to thla kind of inmmlus,
tnmd ottf au«Uon to UreOjrtns
ani the
a cave tearfa the w alat
I- a sreNl iHHMOiltitoa and Humad to lift It
wiai^ it np^nM.1^ of
tw wUo abuvkl !-•
%Vr low
cred. Um ratoM) li. but*tt rausUt asalu
\Vr mwwtrd tbe ^na-r-*
and at tost U»« dp.nlsr tuo.i bav«
mwf rtoar of tl*r ol-inn-tba. fur
Um«w wa. no u»orr trouUto. ito- luatro
Mil ««todni aafrijr to Hm* Burfi.^
Tba iradae uartl «u ll.i- «^al.«
twciatoled of a i-lr of
a hi* h anoon aa tba tonnol |Mlut of itn' drrds«*
atrwf* wm- rabwaad fn.ui an ojmii
•HtoW and rbaaMi a. raidiiK «|- a niaU
pnrtloo of tiH* iMdtom. 1 wan In rhars«^
of tba work wb«j U«- liH.tnuu««l waa
fwtowd aud Ofa-uid !»>a a-x-n- »»»tb Ib^
Mai Intrrrat aa.K. Ho- uaiurr
itoUmlMi of Iba boltum I -la.uw iml
Wbat waa iny aatoolabim i»l to aro not
a iMirtlcW of thr mud I
Inatmd a halnda aud a sold lorkrt.
Ibr latlrr only alUrtilly tarnlaW I
wfMttCd tbr caaa win. m> |-nl.iilf«. for
tt ittaid llsbtljr. and out dr..|.|a*d a lUl
C^tblnpaiaw. On »l.r aJd^
tbr bn k
at waa a dajiu*wH.vin. of a nan on
Ibr olb<« a woHiau
Tbe only nplanation I hair
tiaru able t« makr f<a tbr Irlivjctni: up
Of tboar arllclfw la tluit I In- dr.nla'o walowm^l tUrousb mmi.** ot-nli.K In a
wmk lalu a plarr whrrr tinwera rlnard by atrlklm; a aurfacr on
wrblcb tba artklr rraird.
Now. 1 am awarr that fair
1‘rvildaoca or wbatrvrr wr rb.-o-. t« call
the auiawuaiural dlrr«*ili.i: i-.ocr la
continually wvrklna oni all aOrU of
Urobleoia Id tbr uuol unliraixl of oaia
Wbat the drawing' op of tlnw*. like
n«mea from ona of the d«i«wi |mrla
Of tbe octwii meant 1 iva- very cut loin.
tu know . I lookid the bH-kel t.n r t urv
fully U» tbc b«»|»e of dndlns
•Hi. n I took the
but WWB dla
and luifoldrd It.
lud l-«»-n tluhtly
' cluaed.
I.ut otbeia hole 1
la. of vehet. aUk ap
[xleed almoai auytl^ui: that
ThU U to |4»
Ith hit-, and rtilffon accor1‘rrtty lihUm lK,wa with
mala can Iw art iii front al eueb
The imU-iit l|.
luatrati-i ba. tbe juke ,4 UU< k laffeU.
while tie- UaXj U of^ mull, with
vi.rhiya of bU.-k Uee aioui.d tl«- Um.ni. The.e are no akH iea. the plaited
rutile of the ailk mull ItUiiu: tl»4dr
Tbia palcmt U woin ov.^- a faint pink
.lalral <liea«. whlrh liidl.wn-* tl»al we
pUu of the tucked akin.
Th. eiupb.j
. npi-r iwrt
•ip f.dl tr^'T
M->ry rulluea- around
well lik.-l nod ». ofa- evrt
The aklrt In qnea
rtffht m
explained to luw that w hat 1 bad done
wwuki wot oevur one lime In a, xeral
tnllUona. vben»ui»un ahe rvluetautly
coimeiited to foro|:o tor i»n»>i'ct. I nne
tlnufd*iuy connection with the tl.h
but durliu: many ,Tenm’
Wtwk ill deep aea eoundluga never after
ward drew from llo* .-vau a Uuium
anything hut mini I have xinue to InItova that in finding the Imkrt I
BUme fur the acid, ut to the |cc«l
dent’a |u.rty ec m. likely to fall in the
•ame way that It did In the ea*e of the
Aral human 1 rouble The mutumian
cm the truUey «wr aaya the drix«r <»f
tbe carriage wa* at fault, while
tatoiw aay the UMitumMu wn* at fauH
to dririug bl* car at Irtriflr -ixeed Rat
H la aaid the nomen In the «-ar were
nrging ibe^molorroau to -iei her go."
no that Uey might get a good vh w
•f tba prealdeutial iwriy. And *e the
blame again faU* ultimately ou the
a to*t rewort . of
—Isa Anireira Her
HI ilml
1 Hetiy
^ well ll
kind or thin luuterlnl
UHt at the premiit Ufuueiit Ho- -luu
r M jlea are^all * .n.t” uimV Ho- rail
ek M»me elever inxentl.ui u ill U
.bown lo k«*p up lutereat. The pretll
llo- iMl.lOl^
uc- lu-l U..I
• ailk -hiri V
wjth Ur. k
The i.tffcCa dn**-*-- ale»w a create!
varleix of
and they ;re rr-nllx
ilaliity nnd iTi-plx fro-h and amiiiuery
1..01*. elilffoii and i^airow xelxrt anil
rlhUm- aio emidowd to trim them
Manx of thea.->te loek*-! mid hnv»
hu>e li... rtlon
While and ld.iek India
-Ilka aiv al-ti amom; the iM‘w«>at of tie*
aUlunuT dlcaai-a to le* made %ip WUh
ahlrt waMa.
The hlmk oi.ea arw
trliuineil laxlahly with white L-u*e. and
vkv voraa India ailk I- c—l value lii
White drvavv b.m1U lo l-tl *.i t|Ui. kly
tiuit ll U a cwl t—m to timl a ailk thni
wtll WR-h and h-d^ all right when It U
done Yt.u ciunot tell that th.-.- iudia
*llk* have l—*n xvw-hed. for ih.«v al
WNja|i«.k m-w
K.a* ruiuilaitil aklrt* .julte a fnd hn*
de...lot*-d f.o- im.halr nnd .l.-llk-nm* In
pla.v ..r WH*h good* Th.-ae .ina- th.y aloil du*t a.. w.-lU aud th.-y.
thonch lne\|«*ii«lve. alwax - hv.k dr.—y
Th.-y are off.T.-d In luanv .>.lor- Jii-t
now. mi.y blue NMng tt..- tlrat . h..|ii*.
with l.lnrk*nud gray u.-\l
Th.- *klrt*
are iu.id.- up xvlth a -tu.iml floim.v,
and -utiic have cu.v.inl roxva „f ^.-|v.<
tw aaliii ril.U.n a.-w.d an.uixd ti e U.ttom Th.* .kin* are ihU llnd
TU.*C* ate *U*Ul.-Ulu- .plUe R* prelly
aa ailk nnd In a..ine rea|iiia more dr
alrahh* for everyday «kl-i*
t aaw
in whi. h the w-c.f U ailk nud ih.ni^.ilr. Th.*y
They wen* In cemu.
rm Tarm-t. cd.
rral -luub- of
gray. i»j..l and luivy blue and black
The red and gamrt an* quite new 1»
thl* faiirlc. hut the crt*am la tbe hand
*otm**t «if all The alcUb iiii.'e run fifty
hu h.** w Ide nnd *.*11 for fern :*» 1.. n
centa per yard. Th.*j make tip well
and vx hen wvq*u with a trim and pretty
ahlrt walat are att that one can dealre.
Hear Bemic Kow<
Serpolettein K'himea’* tonight
fitao to Moa B
In oonibo the teteamMy of bto 4
tog yoarw
bare tbe com
!To Rtral That of Which J. P.
Morgan Is tbe Head.
**Kueh AU apiairati
I hut tu and Mmie
Our of the toodliitf lulertM- In »L
Uouto aud S<«|bxi.vt.ru whkl. I- rta»
uf the Ooold itn.ia-rtha. Infrt m.d a ivIKWicr in Wall atrrrt that at the annoal mrrtlug of that axa»rm Mr. chmld
will aalmdt a propurtttou to excb*uj:e
a b per rent bond for Ibr eutirr outataiHlUig |ax-ft*m*d atm k of the road.'
Thr M. Ir-HiUand bouibwvatcru Uaiiway i*omjiany uwna l.:rrf*^md.*a of r»*ixi.
aud It haa a eapiul d
invfeired aud
o! .xtmmon
an»H‘k. It h.;* iblhiH-a lU the Wealcrh
luktu oulldum. on Ihuadway. where
Mr. tJould make- m- Ue«d.iUartrra
Th.iv we,v imtux ,umoi> In Wall
atrxvt aa to Mr. toidd’a plana, but no
dvttuitc delalU w.ie g.VT-n out. I’hr
atorj that
;..uld li.tei..l- to form a
uew b.4d)ug 4Nuu|».iny to tak.- over the
ac-Vii'lli.v «»f all hi- liu.v.
Till* «'uuiii..u> i- to I-- kiM.xMi j.» tbe
TfHu-M>.i.tiu. in;.l N.-. uriin-- cmiiwnv
mn.l i* l« be fvu.nx-a wlt.ag Uh- llui** of
the \onb<tn .*to*nrnn-- .-..uriMtnyr-furwbub Mr Mi4Tgau aWl—I autl tu
wbu-b be prartU-ally uuli.-l tU«* ilnut
NiTtlK-iu, .\4*nberu l*acim- nml Bur
iiugiott. Tbe pUi. i- to
lH>..duud al.H k of tbe u. w 0.1..1U..J lu t x
Change f.a- the a**.*urlll.- of tl.e aubaldry liuva. TUea.- I.u.v afx tbe Ml»
•ill I'aclflc, WalM.aU. W.-i.tu Maryud. Wilding ami lot We Krb*. bb
Lmla aiKl Southwe-t.-m. lulcrnaHoma
and tirvRt N.wtln-ru. T.-xm- aud I'aclfIV.vivru aud l»rti-
He didn’t know of him ever’haTing ed hilcly. aud tlo i
more than thaaa two. Both of thaae olU Uetu.uiMr.Ue
r *far laTfuUi
ooourrad alKmt eight yaaip ago with •‘un la* <'..iu»*lned to an artlailc entity
almltor to a unl aly or a pie**.* of d«au iniereal of ten day* bet^emx.
Tha wiiuaaa teitlftad that both Bar- aiTlpllve mu-ic ll will n‘iuaiii for tbe
ictwvea and hto wife oomplaiaad of tbe audien.v 1*. decide Wheih.e the at
treatment of encli oi hi r, and aptienred
u- ull of lb.- iir.*f.*iT.il
to lire anbnpiil y
Upon tba eroaa
.i.tuiKiuy. Thi-ar linca
examination tbe wilneaa anid that
ru*..u* inpltal luxeatlUrgtnTaa would be in a fit fifteen A Part- I —balfa la fbe Walter mt
aud oxer
mlUv ornui.L
in WaU atreet
minntea and it wonid taka him half
an boar to t»wer Ha woald abi»w Iu the .vrchitwtural I’.cii^d f..r S«*ie that tbe n-crt.1 actlou ..f J. I* M..rgan
iru-t lu the
no aigaa of Tiolenoe. bot would np t**ml-T rime < ahoeii.v d.--. riU** M.
w;,t.. tl.uart the
imfaxel a remarkaUe eaiald.-hinenl in
jracl* Tbla 1- UIM* of the ima.1 llltfr- plan* of Mr. ib.uld i.. ba-.v a way Into
l aatlMuay of yira- I
New V..rk ov.-r the Ibwdli.g. Tbe at.iry
w-»u,.a .f«r b..
from llaltlM..<v tb;il trulbc rat.*- bad
rr.4i.g.-l U IW ...1, I be U.-adll.g
bubud Tb,. wilb... iMld of
Matylni..! ba* lN*eu ul-uoeaiiuK an attaok of wbicn Uargraraa l.u-lmv- piaeti.v-d th.r. ll
lutely dcnl.ib All ain*i.g.-im-nia baxe
waa the victim She deacribed the t.T of a great rtvdlt hem.been
condition of Hargrave- at .hat lime. aiim u-uallx *bi,*-l.fih ..f
lu-te«d ..r lH*li.g frUiKlly tbe IM.n
He waa niterly belplea# ’
•Tivanta ralir.nd I* d.-t.-riulmil to Ugbt
. may re.pi
On orcMa exaiamation aaid ah«- bad tiou-etodd Kx*aU
ould t.. the v.-ry L.at du.b. The
e iMiUti
heard of trouble btlween Mr* nnd
I- I.iurv bitt.-r ibau «-x.-r U-foi^-.
Mrw Hargmvea. bnt ihto wna atrioken
tern haa
reminj apprrcl- Tbe UI.U In tl.l* gr.-al l«Ub- of mil
b.» are alll.M w iib i:.*»rgc
out on an objection by Mr Palchin.
l.y 1lH.th rich aiK^i—ir. ^id ll la
Joar|>li Tkial a«r«m.
euM..iaer^ haxe are J.dm I». au.l Will.au. lb-k.-f.-lb r.
t.d ihil
E. H. Harhm.nu. Ja.-.b ll- S. luff. I nitJoia idt Thiel, who lived on tlie oor- pUiml onl.-r- with tthe llrm. And
Siut.-S. n«u.r W A C lark. Il.-ury
ner oppoeite tbe Hargrave# honee. wrae chik- are emid..x.il
Krb-k. tbe Sl Htrv br..il.. r-. xvbo 4i.u
ord.*!*-. w ill. U a mom
calh*d to teallfy He bad known Harlrx4 the UiKk I*la..d, nud W.lluiu. IMi
in tfu- emir-c .if a year
ry Siuiib. wb.. J..iuUx x.iib J.d.u 1».
llork.-f.*U.-r i* tb.- larg. M In Ub r .d Sb
l‘a«l *UH*k Uu-.ll .*iage nud Kubn.
cmly thrwe or four time# daring hto
Loci. A C*K are nl*<» w lib il.e «;..uld luaoqaalatanoe He ncTer knew of auy «,ia onl.*r i^m.v
I be M. r. auiile Tru-t
tremble at the Hmrgrarea bouee,
calhTj arc 2->* i
the K.|U.t:.l4e Lib aud tbe
akc their
[ationairity lM.uk.
Tbe i.rim li.nl fm-P.r- in tbe r.-uuNylMra Thirl teBlitled that Mrs Har.
;.tl..u i.r.* A. J. fa-Malt.
grarea eiatted her nearly every day
VandtTblU. c b-meut
and abe fre<inently oalled on Mra. iaiMdhHl fur M iMif.ij.-I d.-*« not mdl
CJiiatoui of tbe Am«rleau IUk*. J. l*U-rgrarea Uargraree nnd bix wife ck.ih*-«, uudrtlinen and oihiT artlflea l-mt Miwgan. Marviu llugbitt, tbe
were good to caob otlicr. She eome* ‘llrv.Hj to bU cu-t.m..*r-, i.ut give- m iTninpi Shlrd.uildlng comiouy aud the
ime. talked about John and anid be
^ o^
iWal Teb-grapl. 4iuu|aiuy, xvltb CUiw
P. Baker, the Pir-t N.itloual lu.uk and
waa awful roxhI to her Mra HarV..r axich
he ba* bu-iu.-the Nalloma Bank uf C*on.mer.>-.
gravee liad told tbe witaeea quite gOLxda he iMj a vm
often that ah * wanird to kiU berm*lf. •fir by tb.* we
Mduring tbe winter She waa afraid of
• I
4.1. tbe
going to tbe aaylom. Tbe wilneaa
aaid that Mra Hargravea oalleil cm her
on the Friday nlgui pretioua te the
aUeged ^rttor. 8be wa- In good
amrileniilPated the wna going to tbe
Maooabee partyr that night <with Har8**x.*ral m..re iTua-lan u..bl.vArlll
vlall IU.- I'nlt.-xl Siatvi Tb. y «.v <\.unt
ra. llarrraveB ItrvJUa
Mra Lake teetified that Mr* Hargrave# vlaiL d her houee daily, two or
Tl..- witoeaa atoo called
nearly every .lay on Mr* Hargrarea
Tbe wltueae heard Mra Hargrmvee nae
guage onoe when ahe had
hurt her crippled arm. Mra Har*
grarea waa a chnroh member and It
al.ooked tbe wiineae a luUe.
Rrmtt aaked tbe wilneaa to tell
what worda Mr* Uargrmvea uaed
Mr. Patohin ohj.*cle.l to the teatl
toony. but the oourt ruled that the
wiineae muat anxwer if the
tion ao iumiated uniexa tha tcatlmony
ratoting to tbe incident waa atrioken
ont The teatimony waa therefore
atHcken out and an exception taken.
Referring to the night that Mra
Uargravea attempted euiolde, tbe witstated that Mr* Hargrarea told
uiat ahe
ion. that be lored Mra
von Tl.-b* Wiiukb-r. I'.mut Ad.-U-Tt
vcm Klrn.ua*i.ff. 4'.»uni A x.m I*».m
takis tV»Uiit v.m V»-m-l.*rlT and iL.n.ii
von Uuhl.*. ivi.nvi.uiixr-- ..f ;.ri-i.»
cratlc IVua-iau l...u-.v w le". art- .-.lU
study auflal .-.mdUKa.- and ..i.v-rxc tl..*
m.*lbiHl« ii»4il b.ie in .Tlu.-..nug it»e
son* of leading AuM-ricau l..iullie-r
Pount von J'l.-lc war do tin- r.-|-«ilug
to bU *4.ver.-ign. i’.uu.i xui. Sb r-ioi|.n
ba* fauiily .>uiti.*.-lb.u- In tbe l ulled
SuteTkr C «»a.laa lirroa..
rreiaraUona for .he Ir-v
iU. the gtlJ are u«..lrr wa> .
ItuaX) lelloa. a.Mius -Uii.l*
A- lta> K-cIbv flat* au-l punia
Th-v have .tonned the |udd«d etotbea
And lha ahl.ld* for ear a.-l nu-c.
-Chime* of Normandy" City Opera
Oan Loudon nx Orcnichcaux in
Houto. tonight.
“Chime*,*’ tonighv.
See Gea F. Kncmlet as K^atpard
InUrlor Spar. Is th#
Cay Operq Hnuae.
Hre you leolilitfl lor
We are offering a very desirable
and pretty line of Prairie firaxx
Bimiture at Factory Prices. Come
in and make selections now. while
our stock is large. «
ii muoiiuiif mill
stop and Consideraifvantage of Buying
Your Ladies, Winter
Garments ofus
Our showifu* of L.-uHpv*
Furs t-ir.. rt prt-srnis th^* nr*u*.*sl
iiu! latrst
produrtions by the in*»st npted minufarUin rs
in America. Every iiann^nl is H» ^» intly linrfi,
app»*aranre that is mr.rv than attractive. : : ;
This b» ingr niir First I'all D-spUv vir h-tvr not
a siniih* 1,1 St srason s tfarm* nt
Kvr rvthinir is
new. and our purchases 1»» in^ exrr't.Tion.ibv
lartre tfivinj us the insidr prices it rndhlr-s us
to quite vou priers which are oi>taine-H in no
Other wav
Ltadiua nmnbtrs—fS, fS, JW, fl2, $!S, fIS.
Tun up to $50.00
........ —-s'
Cali and see whether wishing to buy or not.
two Strouq Dumbtrs lu
that are unnutchAbW. We have gone
through our mammoth slock aad i>*ckct1 out the best numbers ad placexl
them on sale lor a few .lay* at the cxtraordinerv pri^e^
mm li M
Silks.. Drus8M<te.
Don’t Forgtl
that Saturday is
Bemnant Day!
Short ktigths from week’s scll.n
We find it bette»^ to let them go
the end of the week than to allow
them to accumulate They arc of
little value to us but at the pnees
we p’ace on them they arc of ex
traordinary worth to the purchaser.
l.engths from
lo 7 >*ards. C^ashmeres. Serges. Cheviots. Venetians,
Broadcloths, Plaids, ('hecks and
ttaw Oraotoy aattWd It.
trimiTird and hnished a»'d has a rit hnf'ss in
So arrero to teat of bravrn
Ona would think tha oaaaon'a oa,
Put they ra only practicing
matter agreed to refer It lo Horace
Oreetoy. Aa be waa out of the rite,
tbe qoeetlou vraa telecrapbed to bho.
-Are there any ivew»r GreetoT
Ttaib« ..y St-bU.
•“iblSsnl.*- TrawfMCIll.i.
Aa’ lh«y re airtrtng lor the goal.
•Ttrttvr Say,’^
Interv-tlug exampica of the <
Inoonvrt UIM of worda. Ac
Newa •The totmt Dewa
Better aay: -Tl»e totert new
New*, wlth^
It j
Wltb tL-
1110 li
Back and forward h-r- an.1 ih-ra.
All around Ihr field ll^r. tear;
Down they tumble »r .hey nae.
Pteking mod trot., ear- -nJ eyaw
Panting ruffing, -till they rara
It appeared at tbe teceaa tbto afternoon that the dafenoe will conolade
tto teatiaony cither tbto erenlng or
toteorrow morning Tbo proeoomtkm
wiU begin the toatimony of leb
•a anon aa tbe teaimony of defen
all in. ODd the oddremea c^ the otlor*
neye will probably begin tomorrow
otCityOpeni Hook.
this season’s make and the most styl
ish clothing of the dav. .Mmoat cverv
kind of cloth is represirnted
istsu of val1 up to $15,
highest grade
of goods, elegantly amde. ever) stitch
of them IS guaranVedd. Perfect in ht,
as stylish ax clothM can be. Wc guar
antee them in every respect. If they
were not good clothes we could act
back them up with our repoiatioo.
See a few of them in the display
window. Step in and let us show bow
perfectly our dothes fit. lA>ok close
ly and sec bovr ixamstaking the makers
have been with all the minute details.
These prices are for a few dava only.
Belter think about that new suit—
ihmk quKik.
They are trar.ng ui> th« dirt.
Kunnlng. f-lUng aeuu.g hurt
Dr. L.awtoa TMlIkaa-
Dr r. P Lawton waa tto called
by tbe defence to giro exp
mony In regard to epilepay and Ita
effeou npem Ihoee who are aahject to
n^erelWe. W.tW
K. XWOerMH W lib Homo., to ;$ec Mttt Ha*kell
TIm- mum at Urorc- <;oaM rmm tbe
,«L W.U «!».-« l.-lle.m. (.ortiiMU
great eveuta tu thr niUrvtad world, aaya
tbe New York World. The lirai work
Mr. Vkmkl wiU uudertaWr wlU he the
rebalalitatiun of the arb-unik-a of all uf
bla rooda prior to the lormatlou of hto
ScfOuM- of KoCBiildrtOlli^
i ItolNka w TOto Ettmto
A BlTTLi: or RAOIQAD tllGA !di.*tton.ry
! dl-taiK--
arae.1 acuml. tlie. }amited
l«4t 1. -oer.-d w iib b.--. and a la.li.l.d
>.Ae I. •untilab.l with It. Tl*e whole
t city Km
goUm to ha a iMrfnme eancert at tbe
am on CK*L 14. *aa expert
ulMi. cMtocert.'* a* it* anihum modartly put It. and a aocceatoun af
a.rtU» will be aquirted aboot tbe bMI
r.-r tbe audience au adefjcly that
|.reaeiit will think ttoy are in
Japan, aayra the New York vwrreapoBKi
qMUOwa pat him by oownml.
.mt of the c ’hkwso Tribune
Wltaom atwtod that ba had known
Iraat the amnagemeni of the cooHaxsrmvra for aereiwl yanra on nn
•hdy - A
cma oad^ooa Uto Inatoo dU
fnimtboMof Mr. HMRfnrM in tint
kS thuoe preoeot to bellere when
tba Uuor aid not nm lobneeQ or A
WlUwaa nimutod qMmditoK mneb of tlM'j auiff certain arxtmaa that they are
rraily Uwnapurted aewaoally to the
hto linm in •niocna
.'hryaantbemum klngxlom. That the
Mr M B Pmtt nakad witnoaa If bluntetl ulfactory nervea of the I*hUla
rben be aedd gooda for tba Vnilai tinea may be peranaded If lajaaRilr tbe
lintea Mrrchaadiaa Co to bU P
lliuakui wiu be beliwd out by tbe aaatotance of two celabav«Ml a aolo
>rcareo. be did not i^ii timm
danr«T.* who wlU perform while the
it waa tba United Btetea gotram
iltai ba rapreaanted nnd If tboy did la^fumea arr brtng aqidrted.
Tbe pemma in charge ot tbe amug«BOt pvobnae tbay wonid 1^ ratnma
menic for tbe occaaloa bare tbla to
lo Poland ThU nwted tba rialbil
liaa cf tbe Mdlanoa and tba ir o tba
•Jt i% a well kuowi. acirotlflc
wit^t u. who onma rery nanr telling tlcxl .alor
Imineai^ 1*
tor. Pratt that ba waa oarelai
huumu utiud nrt unlike tboae
handling tha tmlb
• E.ery one baa experienced that
Wttnaaa repaated bU atatamai
haaioK aean Mra Uargrmvea cm tba -mell auddeuly aWTrclaled. |HTbapa
itreat awinging bar arma and acting Kouie llqwcr that grew In the old homeatead wW we ajieul uUT t^dhlbood
BB if abe ware inaaoa. After as
day a. aeuda bock ta«f a train .d thought
lilt with Mr. Pratl about n coin
to ai'enea c^ tbe paat more rapidly and
uoo ba bad had at raoem with hto mon- vividly than any oilier art mevllwife, tba witaem wai ezonaad and le- urn It aeem* airaiige that a a.*nae ao
markad aa he h ft the au.d that b« raally exHtetl ba* U^ n left In a i.rlmllive and d«»rnianf a^ate, aa our olfac
waa glad of it.
Prank Boardaley for whom Mr. Har- tory nrtx«-a umK>uhi.*dly euuhl la* cuUI
loaiHb au . Xteiil thaj an arti-l a
nnvea hod worked cm .^-reral oooa- vated
uunipnlaiion of la-rfuu.e* wodd yield
kioB- in a»e jamt twelve jiwra, waa a-ttotic ph-a«una -Inillar t« mn-le
tba next witnaaa aud teatitted aa to
bariug on two diffaiwnt oooaaicma.
Fbat thlwbila Uargravaa waa working for hun.
B«ao the defendant tmra epileptic fita
tbr worda beluu a* ekar a- tbe «lyv
tbty were written, »aiier* luHH*lc*-!y
Marred; but cuoukIi a«Tv ckar to eii
able me to con-trui t the folU.alnc
Nra York Jun- r., liM
1 bar- ihU tU> n.-rrie.l Kicar Ooy
, Hunt aiul KllaatH-ih r.ri.e. kl-iunrlU
A.VTIIO.W 1\»T\V1N^ l». If
I aaa dl-ap|K.U.I«d I lull the writing
did not tell of aoiue
or falw Huidaonim 1 tiuit I mt»;bt bccome, by ll* iKaoeaalou. «u lu»trmneul
Of JUatlec. lloweVtT. I put tie* ll llikrt
and the |iap<r in my trunk till l rrtumrtl to .New York Then 1 hunted
fur ralsar tiuy lluut nml KkriilH-th
•amen blanatlekl
1 found neither,
for they ware l.oth dead What l dhl
And waa a inwnddaiu:htei. KlUuilHtli
blaiirneld Hunt, a bo aun luakiiu: a
acant llTlns by t.wehliu: uiu-h
Ih r
aiiay td the family waa that h.T m-aiul
father, Uunt. the oulj a.n» of bl- jiar
eula. had run aaoy with r.llaaUth
Manafleld After hi- death a tou-lii
claimed a fanu In Unrknu of wdikh
Hunt wa. the oann. on the Eruvii.d
that lluut had nerer Um'U luank-rl
Kllaal^eth Matianeld Hunt had k’une
alwtfad toatudy uiu-ie. bin aa« return
Ins to claim brt bu-l-rmr. pr..|*Hy
When ahe a a* a ixn ked oft the .\H4ue.Vftrt all. ther*» waa an Imi-.rtai.t
feature to mj Itml TIm. farm In Hnr
< torn bad i:row n to W wtuili iimiv tlian
iAtoMMkin. and I'.IttaU-tU Man-ticld
Hunt waa th«> teaal belt The only evi
denee of the mairlaKe of her trraiid
mother bad cone d uiu off the Ax«.r<w.
dnrtid to the t'anarbw ami ttad l-cii
OaUrtl up by nm after It Imd UtHv Im
meraed nearly half a ismtury.
It wa» the moat natural thluc lii the
world llial I, a yoiim: M-ufitUt wl
•ttalumenta had pn-lm'tsl the local
demv whirl. MU- Hum - . mmh n
«d. abould im.T»wt iin-<lf m the
loratkHi of biw fortune. I furuUh.d
tbe tucana m^Mwaarj lo WcUi ault
asaluat the ownera of tlo- m.w dlud.d
|ira|ierty. and <Minifromt-4« were^unde
Wbleb fiafUHl up a toli^ of $l.J4.Vaai.
or aUful a fourth of the %«lue of the
pruifrrty. Mia. llui.t m.-ut,d on dlxid
lUK what ahe ry-vlv«xl wHh iim«. but 1
doidlned to accept any |*.rtU«i of It.
telUtvg her that If ahe would ao-epi
lurtead abe wrtikl make
T '*“ild
py. HbeaKrei«dto thei'm
after we were married. tiuprewa«sl aa
•be waa with the iMuerlt. a«xruhis
fram iWpaea wwmdim;*. abe w.utid to
it out au ei|»edHmu. mU for the pur
atudylns tbe Iniitum of the aea.
without al
NMM< aifd lnri;e
The yoke tua
mo#l0ur#bl# vamish mad#.
Sale of RitoiTns
Sale of Rings
50g<dd fined Set Rings; bou^t
about 250 of them for almost a
song, wh.le ihev last 10c.
■ttil tetDAt OOtOBkU B IBM
m view «f I
Cte Pwrtlete
StKDS a Document That Re-
Ob vlpdy dajra. wten
ODitM SoMlcr aM Wife.
-Xovm BcoUa. 1 have alwnya bcohl
• rvtM, hmt
m’lih • smlW uT UtiArmtm oo hla
and aeek tbe narfulneaa of dual, aaja
nuHTMl fealttroc I»rr»klrul lUiuMnelt
4k:UUd «a4
9 parOMi for • 4lr>
teouora a Helatend In tte Bt Umla
GlotK^Hamerwwt. A erlentlat tella oa
that If there were abaulotrly no dnat
lo tbe air tte path of a wunbeam would
Iw totally buck. Sw the aurface of
tte earth the atmoapbrrr U full of
conne particle# which rrfleot aU the
raya and bene, produce no one cokr
At Martinique, fur Inaunce. tbe air
MTUr tnmt ihe t oitMl iMitr* aruo.
Mg'S lU Nrw York JtHiraal.
Cte Lla 6mk lo Ua Wlirary at Oyatar
Ba/ wara acmd a domtu or inorv Uaa
abaKa of |«|iar ai*d aerdoiMM. TU
papar waa aoiaa. tt»e aaralopaa agdareTlwy axtiated a d«-nca»e ndnr of mlfBooatta. aad Iba luiiiUBrritiug waa a
Wllb Cba aaall# b<UI cm t.ta face-,
HaampraidH-r raiur
Tbr i»rr.UJM»t
apoka raitkllj. Ttie- Btfuo^rai.Lcr wrnl
out. mun*ad lb a frw iolnut«<B with a
tytrtrrUtcm iia|»ar. aud lirutolk It Ittara
aouo aiimarra lo ^mW. black Mirrm.
Tba pappT waa
hold l^masrrt. 6a
od Stataa artny.
rure^l Ibe
r ••tliUt-r.
and bark to lirt^mvlllr raiur I juumert.
and tbera waa a wrdtUua iJroeuvUlea
local ueoraiiaiHT |irii»t»**l a %ery iirHty
uoUca about tba rt-lurucd aohlUr and
bla iHida.
urorr epooleta and wbo
Ijiimuert aa a deaiTtcr.
luurnini^ after wartl. aa
bride waa fiouiinf iJiinoic *bl
faat coffw. a coriNiral c'ttuie Inlu tbc
booae and pot a heavy tend 00 ibe deaerter.
. Tbe liride.'left aluiie. wept and waa
laiuiuiert Waa acuteia'rd.
bbe went to Waabiuaton and tiiinl to
a«« iVealdent iloaaevelt and the ae«Te
Ury of war. Tbt n alie wrote to tbc
Ibe i«wldrut.
Finally tbe aecnnary
told tbe prealdent almul It. and Mr.
IbMNMvrrlt read tbe bttrra. II-? foririd
tbe affalra of sUle. readlua tbe heart
atullcd all
aud be aeiitly
tbe wblle la- dlrlnted tlie |mrdoii to
bla a.^rrtary. He waa auilllu* when
be atiri
•llm %m Prims a«lt.
Thouiaa Aiifua. Utt.r Ynowu
Itllud Tom. Wbu baa U-eti a« lltiu; new a
fiapera at the IVnnoUunla rallr<iad
ferry, Twt-uty third atnn t, fur the U»t
yeara, exin-ricnct-*! the liappWwt
r Ytck
bla Ilf
Kuument of bli
*u|irviue court
Herald, wlum Ui
ebanrea with taring r.w|N.ualble for bla
luaa of alghL
Fur thirtcm yeara mind Tom ualtcd
for tbla day. and It inlidit in vcr have
urrlied had n<*t iniaricw M. Kcbaab a
fewr moutba ago gl\en Uitu a t^w d.d
lar bin Ut a new»iia|*er. Hit- lui.ncy Itclog uaed by mind Tom to cmpluy a
Tba defeiidant waa William J. Jung
Itng of 41 Orient eii-nne. Jeraty t’lty.
On Aug 7.1MU. Angua. nut tbeii blind.
%raa arated on the attM.p of bla bonie
In Fine atrtM. Jerwy flty. when Jungllng aakfd btin to amell the omtentii ttf
U bottlcL Jangling aald the U4tlt- t>.n
Ulued perfume, but It waa tilled wlib
•tnmg aplrlta uf amimmU. and aa .\ngna waa alamt to take a whiff the for
mer threw tbe lli)at«l Into bla-faca.
Angua waa Winded
Angoa wnooki have aueil f.o- datnaftw
than, bat Jungling bad little
Peef Tvwat Afarr t^emllker.
It la rumttreil in the b-aihcr dtaiiirt
tbat on tbe axmipleliou of tbe l»eef
waa M> crmiauied with Ite-iu after tbr
Arat eruption ttet tte enn rt»e p^r
ferUy while.
Afur tte nUU greater KraVatoa ex
ploaloo tte duet waa dlaarmluated ao
tbk'kly and au far tbat tbe aunaeu all
round the world glowed atrangvly fur
nearty threa yeeia. Thto came rblefly from the aolcanlr gUaa that waa
ground to Inipalpeble powder and
thrown up many tnllea, where It waa
taujrbt by tbe rurrema of air that aa
Hi raaila WU*
llaina. tloBcrtwra lalaocl.
It mraot very arrat baw»li»«-i ft.r
tbe mrltar of the Mirra 00 iLv blur
ntfuooftte acnitrd fwiirr. Wbcu IjiiuBMrt MiUated mad «aa artil lo l*iirio
flkUk aU berauar of ao oulbural of
Aarjr potrkMlaiii. be fooud down tbrro
to tba tropica Jbat be uae^ lo lay
aoraka otgbu aUrlu* at tUe bljf, aiUrr
mooci, utterly u»i*rral4r I^Mouar be
or blndrwiM. Wten one tblaltf of
wtet tte longa iBtelo ooroj mtumf,
one waniatontaptmMUdffr But ttet
WMld etmfly odd tn tte wid e huge
cuUecCkm OBotter Uftle dite beep to
be blown ntom by tte wtnda.
Umrr ! la moch becter 10 '‘wve off
BBaibema Aod tefflo at tte otter end
uayaa lloMap
Trtbuna, will aH to w«wk aojulrlng
principal bwtht'r comiwnh-a. In
dttdlng tbe oo caUed tmaU. the .\merl.
CPB Hide and l^tbcr aud the TnH.d
Sutea Usatber ruu|uiny. The leather
PM know tbat tbe beef men ba\e tbe
kuthcr trade pmcnlraUy at tia-lr mer
cy. aa tte copiblnallon will have *-.m
of tbe rnren bide output of the
rolled fftatea. aiuuuntlng to l•etween
7,oOauOO and » maiuBi mttli- hld«-a an
BoaUy TbU prudiu^ ba» an aggr^-gate
ralor of over f7:i,tMl,iWU. The Imef
PM dealre cuntrul of tbe big b-alb<T
truata In order to a*x-are tbe full re
tarn opoo the bklew The^. Intereata
tere Bt different tlmea lieeo etigaged
IB tbe loBtter boiloeaa. and even now
■wtft A Co. eonirol the National iMlbor company, which la eiteoal%*ely eB-
to tte unning of Imtter.
tbe earth turned cauaed It 13 Iw com
pletely rodrt'led by tbie powdery a«b
Bven tbe ordinary aimaet.
bowev«T, la produc'd by the aun ••b 11
lug through dlflen-ui drnallh^ of ^aiHaaiMl dii.l, the iwrtU lea b. lug amii.gtd
and rearranged by air currenla that
wblle tte anti aluka make ibe dlapUy
rbiitige with orvry moment, and we
oae tbla glory of form and «t.hr main
^Wben- there la little duet tte air la
blue, aud tbua we get Uh- pute tint of
• aly Une.- .\a the du-l d-«rv.i«ra the
deirth of blue lm-reaa*-«*. *k> tiMt from
moutiUIn toiM or In the i-eutral I'aelilr a deeiM-r l.lue la aren, nml iMlham
ua<\tiahut» ha^e aetually leeii made ao
high that the beavemi^|.i«'are.l al
uiuMt bla4-k. the Bell of our uimuapnore
could g«n I
Of the luAuy probleuia ubUh I
agea liave Imffltal the Inventive genl
of mati that of the roiiatruetIon of
v;-aM l w-bh-h w ill not aluk la one of t
n.i*at »n»pr.rtau!
Hmb an m>enti
w..uld mean amiually the anMng
tbouaanda of li\.-a and uilllluna
aahle froui Ibe fmt that
.pull old Ni-plutie of many
Aiul now two yonng IVenebinen.
MM I*aul Mam-bln and loula lU.n
iTivux. lune tamMrurto^l a mtalel of a
««-*.ael vvhh h, tX la eotilUlelitl>>ea*H-rted,
eiuuiot aliik. In all reainala. a.iya Hie
.New Vurk Tlmea. eie«iit f*»r the fart
lh.1t they Imxe given a wider ajpUea
tu.ii to Hie iirimiidea already demon
the dlvlaiui/of
atriitial offer-llv
a v,-.ail imo dinrereiii iN.mpartmeuu
l.y woti-rprvM.f loirtltloiia th«-y tnirc
^ln»ek out t»n new and hlHoTti* unex
plonHl llm-*.
In the model which they have con
alnieKsI there m>e |.HWlet! lu the lUte
rl.M ..f tlM. ahtp two row> vA^i^ror
wai.TpnMif tanka. wbl«-l»
the v.-aM-l floating after l^J^Uaiou
The^ 'rtualera** do nut .|ulte real h He
Uittoui. and lMw.a-ii them and
tb.- aide walla there ta a ai^ire o
four yarda.
If the ablp were to run agaliia
deii a,vfid l^iuk or rock, the
w'oiild nmalu Intact and umlamaged
even If Luge bolea wi-re tocn In Hhlual:i bulk. Tbedlmeml.Hia of the fliwt
era aa well aa their numla*r are ati pn»leu^ilonale that even ahould the water
the ahjp the bulk Would Mill remai
fl»*.tlug. wlHi the upiver de.k aud tb
riavf. of tba floater# above tbe water
tain depth wbtni
rcvvnlly. hgieutiata and CVIaTU t 40 luive lii»iH-. t*-d
the Imalel aav that Ibe lnvr nit»ra teva
apparenllv w.lv.^ the i»rtihleni. at leaat
In tkt-tiry. but aome of them are ake|v
th at iia to tbe iiractical value of tbe In-
It baa ihW Imao no long, aaya a w
lu Hie New York lI.Tald. but
many of ua retiiemW when a ph-i
allk In tte Fnlted Htatea meant ai
Kllkwdhna. mulberry Uwvea. rocoooa
ATid tbe iwodurl of the Utter uaed to
f irry u* lo thought over tbe A!Untie,
or a. atm longer journey over tte l*a
t i|k\ but tlM-reliaa Iweu a great ebanga
lu ail of tbu.
our c'on-uniptlon of allk baa Ix^n In
ereaalng wonderfully, until now It re
qulrea #l33.uuu.OOU worth to aui»ply
tbe deuiaud fur one year, but tbe
we uae. lu other wonla. we Imjvort
Wurth and make fluT.UOO.two worth at home c«. b year.
llila great Induatry-which la atUl
tte great tide to tte tej of Fwidy
hn4 a dnatot to MO it. 1 tevo ted
alxty foot
airr to Me U again."
"Why BOtr
-Boraiiae I 4k»Y woBt lo be remtodcd that I have been a fool."
-1 alwaya like to hear fool# tell of
their fully." ,
-I joined a party iximprlMUg Mr. and
Mrw. lulerwood. 'lum liKlerwood.
Ibeir auu. and Mood fnderwood. tboir
daughter. We*-account of the tklo
or Mlaa I wkTw
No lulerrupUuna. plcaae. If you want
to bear Ite atgry. We reacted ooe of
tteae lllUe Canuck aeacoatt town#
oarly In the BMMlng. and after
and X tbo
faat Mlaa
we would take a atpolt We bad <
aa there waa no
lOeu we concluded to go and
here were flats
oogh. and
laud oeathey wm- eovered with al
acd. bot no water. We aaontcred
DOg until we met a mau. whom we
ked which way wua tte toy, then
loaaed on lu the direction be iwluted.
lie called to ua:
- ‘V^m Te noi going tbefeT
- H ertainly. Whynoir
"Tl’a a little bite lu tbe
" Tjite In tbt clajH Why. man. ira
not 10 In tbe m..n»Mig.- Bill the tide will te cvm.tng to
vrtee lUt. a J. Budlopg of.Aatej
WJ, a. 1. “wtet B UwmmgMy good
J —We are right here
to make our guaran
tee good.
•pd iBUBble pmdlelpe 1 foud 1b Bo
They muud me ol
jBPPdloe BPd liver troablee ttet ted
MPged IM grmt wBffenBg for pmay
Hustlings EASY •«
»Jeweler PAYMENT
RhoummUm „
bla way. Mlaa ( udtTWOud womh-r.-d
what be tvmid mean, and we walked
ou. Ijiter I alui.|H-d lo eiatulne acme
aoaweevl. and lu facing tbe direv-Uoa
ffhiu which we had *vm.e I aaw tbat
the man wai teAlng lock at u••Ttet Hilow aceiua lu U- mightily
liitereoievl In lu,* 1 remarked |*eevUhly.
•• Ttey talk almui Yauk«-a teiiig i’arUrti*,*
•'rbey’re mithlng lo thcM» ranadlon»i'
-We raml.hnl on. aiilllliig tte dcU
eloua all tme geta on u wait water
making a v^>Ilection of abella aud av-awev< Imt iu.t gittlng a eight of tbe
fcea. We muat Itave gtme a mile and a
luilf from the hotel over the dauip nil
I l.y overflowing water
ird a sound like dutaut
- %\ot a ch»ud to te aeeu,* I replied,
awwplng the sky with my eytw.
•Tljere were M.me v-atlle ba< k of ua.
and we notlevil that they all turned
and traveled Inland, some of tbe amaller one* liaMeiilug Ih.-lr aianil na they
pro^ecdcHl till ttheir gall rtwebed a gni
- ‘I wonder w hr ttet w agon la com
ing >0 furlouhiy.’ remnrki-d Mlaa In-
Dr. Iman’s
Pain Toblets
with the new F.rrct Form and l'riore<s gowns
F»t your nev «
ao Erect Form and it wiU be a masu nocvc oi gra« ard eUtMCe.
from |i up, H your dealer cannot supply you s^nd dirvct lo
■MPWBW ^Parker. Mhco
Pi vo
WEINGARTEN BROS.. 377.379 Brwidway. New Vt
V ^e;SrT<..rhrtcAnt»‘.ri'-rHrr<'^'‘''^’ ltFrr-tl =«a.
Ac«rt nvluS v tu
Thm immn m^dlolnrn Co^
MWM aa»IM. MM.
t-. me
»'! rvii p. ^-Kijn'.
l\cOm.dJUm<U. K.U
^•4^ lV-UA*krj at>U Usrkiussi
IW tiratui
A’huTMi .it »»P II.
Kor P.-tv-k. > ao.t )Urkih.s «lly 4 .** p m
Tram. Arnvr in Trax
* S«s and Park HVr.«'t«.
N. HKviWK,
O. tesr H»ii-u
catch tl.XWhsa lahan at the rtght
i: AVr* xiALAkiArTOo;
29c. at yaurdrugglat'a. If hacan't aupply ysu. send nrlca fflroct ts .
-•Why. Ifa the man vcl,
tervwted In uaV exclaimed
METEt’S MEDICIPft CO., 2te-264 W. Braaiway. New Tark.'
1 Indt-r-
Tt.-trambiavmgal 11 to a lu. amt arriving
al I
If , i.xlailT
- *So It la, 1 w under If he's ('iiming
to Inv Ite ua to bU bouw.’ 1; tv|dlevl.
making nn effort to te facetloua,
- -t^uetblng must te Hie matter.’
Treiw-nHy the tiwm. drawing a four
nested wagon, swung urx.und U>slda
ua aud atopjHil, Our Interested friend
JumiH-d out. o|H-n«l <be door and told
ua I., gel In.
• -WLal a the burryT I asked, stand
lug slock aim
-•Hurry, you alupld aaa! The tide’s
•1 caat a glance st-award and saw a
great white wall -of tumbling water
muting like a twetdy tbousaud dollar
automobile. 1 mixed Mlaa Foderwood.
Iirtwl brr bodily Into tbe carrUge and
rullwl lu after her. and with my legs
•till sticking out of the dwr the borsca
started shon-tte^ The driver Ushed
bu burwew amnboultHl at them, while
uoW' and agalu 1 cast a glaiuv tebliid.
and even now 1 want to put my teuda
tefore my eye# to shut out Hull borrtble pursuing monster. MKai I’uderw ood
loukt-d back onte. but neter again”—
-She clung to y ou pretty close, didu t
aber* suggested tbe UsteuvT.
-Ttefa uoihlng to do with tbe alory." replied the uarrator. ‘ Ves; It baa.
too." be add.1l. w lib a sudden burst uf
feel tte ooW wat.T iKWilug agaluai my
teck. Tbe driver was making for a
rise lo tbe ground, aud It waa neck
and ueck tetwd-n us aud tbe surf
whl.b should reach It first. The driver
swore, tbe man Uwhle him sat with
fvdded arms aud the omers of bto
mouth drawu dowu. while I was endeavortng lo calm Ml** Underwood.
We reached tbe
yrr of foam
-Md Mlsa U
-On your shoulder, of course.”
-The man who ted w»me for us bad
supponwl on mw-tlng u* tbsi we knew
all aliout tbe tide. Furtunately. just
as they gave us up fur lost, the wagoB
came by. and be took ifewaeasioo of tt."-1 auppoas you said lo Mlsa Under
wood:‘'l.lke should mate with likp
Twro fools would te a good match.* "
-How did you know tbatl It’s eg-
All mam ton-trains bav* parl..r and aWe|>iSK
cars attacb-d.
Anom.,. .d.H u<ia-4
C. K. MUERAY. Agca^L^
m. m. (ii ^!
K-pt. ». IMTralasl.avsTraY.es. City as fnlkms
Fbr Orand BapAda. Datroli. Tsisdo. Chleage
asdwsst. SlBa m.. 11M a. w . SrtO p w
for Maskar». BsJ
Port Boma. Tsiadc
Dsirolt sad aasl. • m a B . II Al m ».
Pur Maateas. Lwdtagsos aad Milwaakaa. e«
aw., nxua ai. S:«)p im.
To Detroit and Toledo t& OO. Chi-
ty And cconoiiy, there seems to
be no queslion whatever
minds of our 200 consumets, and
h compArison\ of quality and ex
cellence of light, together with
QBH OABNBi • toW^ANTO^ l^sri^al. Agant. Trararaa City
^man. Ut£a^sr kYrat^toaal Bank. CaU
ly for healing small rooms, »>tFiccs, bathrooms, etc., when heat
time card
vast decrease of cost, wdl con
vince the most skeptical man he
makes no misiakc in installing
gas in his ptcniiNcs.
-\sidc from
its merits for cooking and light
ing, gas can be used intermittent
rcHA8«.li D.-tewial
NoOoa to Tax I*ajrsra.
Thr tax rolU for tb» coUci-tnui of Kh.iJ and
>.B B TiA OoeantM
nas uwttl Korwnbar I. lAC. from e o elork ua-
taxMirnnatamg un|a»d oa Hn»lemtx-r Ut .aad
is required promptly, and for a
limited time.
Our heatcre being
as easily rontrolIe<!
ranges full efficiency being dev cl-
t'jtctl on the instant, the cx|ven‘c
ceasing at moment of turning off
as our
Nursery- burners arc also a
great convenience in the house,
while for bathroom puqK»scs our
“Humphry Instantaneous Water
Heater*’15 the acme ol ‘jKriicction.
Appliances of all descTip-
lions on show and tor sale at c»ur
office 223 R Front street,
te-r lOo
BDardsaR Rivir Elictrlc
Ligtit and Powir Ca.
jK^ar^at Trararaa City at It Ma w
n. w. nnwitikroBAM.
0! rimoTJoviiiit
No need lo suffer fr<» hexu
or more of our desk or ceding
6cc, store or home,
design and perfect construction
I a>4^‘.di4>.r-4aW. |
A few wyrvls !
^ SBrseryoftheByawBdPiumir
W OtoMMB Specialty.
K.B.CUAJHN, Frapp.
TolktrottaMl PMwrm Pt.oo. TIa 6.H.
dy low roBBd trip rate to
00. Ohloapo te.00, will te giwo
<Jet tih. To Bichmopd 1b4 . Ooi
i4tte n«B lUeklaow Oily to Big
%pl4«. Get fall iploromtloo of G. na4 te OhlMPO iff 00. «b Got. tte
oohho BlMom bvw tte oorpriee of nil
men. 8«k‘MU women aud COOO Bctly what 1 did any. Singular ttet
children la 4»-mUte with $82,000.10) yon aboold tere atmek tbe Idenrtcpl
Joa O Johonoo.
\Vc buy direct
from malers anvl
hanvUe ool> the best
A Mflor fr..m Ib-'Kr.nyir*- which
has Just retueoed from ibe war. tern awcwtaTY.vws.tStY:
York trolley car with
buua and crullers and then poured but
watei^over a i.qvcom isildler.
Evldently tbla tar w ai disgusted With tte
ladylike way In whlth Ite rti-ent
Hluoted aiHl wautrd lu
.New Yorkers a real taste of wtel
nation’s sailors vwu do.—Buffalo Ex-
1- Out {inc« are
away below the ag
ents* pnccs.
Sweeter tten the breath of morn it
the breath of tte girl who takw
Thrrc reasems wrby
you abouM buy from
tu instcjul ol a pcvL
Not "msnmsdo'’* bvit nature's gift for
the cure of Constipation, whether
chronic or acute. Action natural—fvo
pain.-no gripe. At your Druggist.
Large bottle. 35c.; small bottle. 10c,
N ow is your chance
to buy clocks on
the easy (>ayment
plan—Do you want
to buy that way?
We’re ready for
i. vm
omctAi. i^IdKafebbM
or Tb. ote
SW, Slater v
•iwei or aba cftF ar
toi tko ettj Oommai
bold ta tba m ta roMHk Mdbday.
by O. P,
O P. Darvai
brick from aaat Una of Park atrewt to
the aM UM of UalOB atraat.
twff ftftd tour mulfaauM mtn imMimg
*tMM oTiT tb« vkto Uwit wHh no mp^
IMfrm «b)m cHImt tlum U. .J^ow tbitr
porvlSfTMl Ulr 1:* iLe rir«r hrbt at
toj. ink Xh» «*!•
»tai»dlu« MOM
«r UK WMtilbfU«Uu ffuartte. «U wh
coMcteiH «r tli» fact Ui«t tlM!lr utdfmun w**^ raodrird .firr tbr
BrtUidi UB4*Ti lu ibr riiffu «.f Cieurs*
^■kr* all la i
•Bpb for Mnk
Sba bad alirajra 4o*i|c^ f.*r ai*«^tora.
«Bd now that aba iiad #^ui.h*rHd Itir
fbct Oiat ab- bad a*
bar nip of joj wat OUhJ io o\«-lkiw.
Ing. Thm bauaa lu arbb h aba lhad had
baloftfad to an old Ainarirau faaillj
whlrti had lone nt<» Upaad Into bopa^
laaa Uukropiry.
Tha max of Mra UHum to i«^«rMkt na Iha daaraodaiii of rrvoluikm-
-•hall I aaod In Jny f .ujily n^^irtlar
•ha aahad of tba a«TH.^r> of ibr urrtar.
-II will ool hr
wa. Ibr
mdr. MVa bava y^Mir imtu*-. and U
win ha au aaay to
out all atKrtit
y«,IBjdaarMra MHtoi..*
Un. Mallou wii- o»ar«vmia with
aexatlocj a wi-ak lalrr nlM-u atw* rrCMdtad nollfiinlliHi fn»ni !l»- *.r»nd a*smai7 that h*T apfdlratb4i r.wld not
U gniotad for Iba r««ai*B that bar an
•aalor.ColuoH llaliitinilc«^ Taiilon.had
haaa ao uufortui^ala a* to ba^a ooiiiMlldad a rnrlmaot irf Ilaaaiaua.
Ob tbia diaapMi»ln»aiit IIm‘ l»au«b
tart of tba jN-n-iiMl l^olufWrtt bad
ham fouiahal ai^ Mr. Juiuia llrnry
Ifcdtofi l^nmo tba fii-i rnrant of a
haw rUplar. AuoaalAr. frutu tba
I of tba UoiiP4‘ ware aaHba bud Irtiraluiaa,! tba old
ho«»r on Iba c»uuVtrt» of Iba tunroi*oIta. for It wa. aaid that tjn.nal to^.ri^t
Waablneton had <an.w n~ d It a. Wa
It wtt. fur fiom . r*»iu
. 1 ba aalioottbbr ara ioufli»ad to
tba wirlhero hatoUpbara. and north of
reraa. they ara a^arywl^ara abuu
dant wlH*ra .alUbla malar, ora found.
Norlli Aiiiarirn ab.na not f.-mar
are now ra»x»»fnlk«-d by fabiliyulicbit..
ttoiua of Iba .p.i b-.. aM|i.-< billy tba Inr
far oio^. ara iii.rliia i
and an
IIvine ami i.'rumlue In tbc
tarlnu fraab malar 4»uly to ►pawn.
Hurl, ara iha t^v ai.<-« la. of aulinon of
tha mnit noat of Amarlra
htill olli
ara llva lu Iha amalbT rivar. aud run
Bine lTm»k.. anlarine Uiaa or tba ara
aa ..^m.lon .oTva«, but luK h.bllu.ny
dome m.- Kurb are rnn.ir «»f tba ui>v
cia. «»f tn»ul of Iba c**b«*ra aaltno nnd
inbar.. ajpUn. -nrr Uka
ttabaa. appriMo hine tba .b..ra or aniar
Ine bniok. In iba .immnme •^.•*011. at
otbar tm,a. rallrine to .la. ,h., mau-r.
Of tWma ara tba mbUnj.b.-. nud bar
rlne* of tW* pra.t l«k.» and north
umr: City. MIth..
Sept 16th. 1902.
He Uun
UuH >rah\
>rabU, fib Jtfoyor and Citp
of ivoicr.c
Vuukuil of
(Jem emeu — We. >our r-ommlttee
reiummend the placlug of a light on
the cwner of DjtUl in and Wevenlh
iur*^ u for the Ih ueiii of ibe N rlhe n
Mbhigan Iniaue ^.yium. In adddlon
to thok« gr nied IMvl.lon and Tenth
au 1 liiOkltiu aiKl Kirhtli .tr«<eu
uu*. W. LaamK.
(lui. A SnauNn.
Jojia r. Ott,
r tnmitiee ou public l.ghting
Mo^ed by Alderman Cuun.ngham
that the re**ommendatlon be adopted.
Alderman Hamilton. Ott. Sled.r. tiillett. CunhiDgnam. Wilhelm. Mo
<’luMke>. (..nrdi*
and Stearns.
To fk. //oN oabb-. fk, Mui/or and Cify
.oukiil of thv r.4i, of TioverBt
f.fV. .l/uA
Tot tJciillenun
We. the imderalgned
r.-«ldeni fn^hoder.. residing on or
iiepr KivbUt stre«t. in the aUd city.
bereb> pel tbui >our hon table U>dy to
gram.|*ermiH l' « t<. the »V.:e M.rquHte
.ailruad i-omiiany. to tunstruct. build,
liitish and maintain a side trark from
tttf main t ac k «if wiid rHIroad com
pany. In said iSiy
Commenc.ng at a
ISiiui altout ;.0 ivi't *outh « f the aoulh
lino of IU>t Kighth etr*^t. and eontiuulng them^ in a no*rih w«lcrly
dlr.^ti n along the r.gbt of way of
Mid radroad ( « a iok^ Fighth siireei.
t« 1 |Ki:nt ou thr side of sa d right of
way oppo.U« or near a point on aald
richl id wky known a. “Secilon 0k30.Ih* ui*- ac OH. Ijake avenue In a north
we-terly dlrcitlou to the north Umnda:% brif of lot on*-; theme through Iota
om- and two tl and 2l to the we.t
Urtindary line of lot iwo-f block eight.
A Co/s nrat addition to
the vt.iage 4m»w Hi
City. Mbhigan. -vnd your petllionera
wi I ever pray. etc..
South Side bumUT t o.. P. Kyaelka.
I. < 0 (.well. H tJriltUh. W. F. Wool-
Tv the HomorobU. the M^fOr mmd dtp
Coj^^f ik^ CUp Of Trooamr
Taamme Cirr. Mich,
Sept U. Ih02.
«o the Momorabir. 1V Mopor and CUp
Vouncii of the dtp of Traoert
CUpt Mick.i
76€. OaBO«Da«:-W. your committee
W’. Pierce and afur due conaideratton
would report favorably on the a^niv
and r«»aaaMBd that a llcenae be grant
ed to him.
Reepectfuny BUbiWUed.
K.‘ WiiUcuu!
FraMl Hamilton.
Moved by Alderman GlUm that the
report be accepted and adopted. Car-
Section 0630; thmice nenwa Lake Ave.
in a noth westerly d.rectlon to the
north boundary hne of lot one: thence
tbroogh lot one and two to the weet
We recommend vaat the prayer of
the p titionen be granted, and aald
IVre Marqueue Railroad Company ba
authonied and permitted lo
bu lil and mdnuln axld ai
under the lupenrlalvo of the aty
Council, and further r commend that
an ordinance gevveming the conatmetlon and malntenamv* of said aide
Itmck be pas-ed by said Council; ProTided, the said rail
switch or
i'i?irk.“?uMlng from the right of
o way
4>f aald
aald rail rend fompany*. ma^n track
TaA%i.iua: Cnv. Mich..
Sept 16th. l»o:.
To the Honorable, the Mapor end Ctip
Council of the Citp of Traverat
it E St 6:igbth atrm
Cxtp. Mich.:
yard known as
direction i> *ne
707. Gentlemen:—Your committee to ihv Fu
whom waa referred the petition dt C.
JoHij-ii Slo«
E McManus to bull 1 a shed on the rvar
F. Hawiltox.
of hla property on Front aireet re
G». W. Lako
apt*rtfully rejKirt that permUalon be
granted and ihe ahed built under the
dir .tion of the bre chief.
Moved by Alderman Glllett that the
John F. Orr.
Mayor apjiolbt a committee of five lo
meoi w ih the cillxena on Eighth otroet
W. K. Moox.
irertly Int unrated, lo conalder and
Commliifw on Ore and water.
side track
liter c
M /ied by AlderroamMcauakey that
the report be anepud and adopted. ried.
The Mayo.' appointed aa such comTo Ike Honi^rablc, the Mopor and Citp oillttH. AldcTmeii (Jllletl, Sleder. Moon,
Vouncxl Of fee K\tp of T^oacrac uit and .su-am*
TUh. No. 1. G ntlemcn:—Your comTkaxlio.1. City. Mlcb..
miltc. appointed at the laat meeting u
S pi. 12. 1902.
confer wllh Mr. Hannah and the
SiNtemeni of Board o. Public Works;
l^il.e.' l.tbrary AaaoiMOtloo regardlUK
•Til W doberHo certify to theCounthe prop .li-d libra y site. reiK>rt as
tl uf Hw d < itv that the following la an
follows: That many of the ladiea who
4cunUr ;icr uni of the cost of repalH
have iH-en. and are now very favorable
on etre4*tfi and the conmnnlion there
tow ard clfe’ Ing a site to plai*e the new
of. thv amount of mat* rial uaad or la
library upon, ere prevented from ao
bor !•<*: formed.
doing, from the fa* I th:l Mr C*rneg e
Sprliikliiig.......................................... I
liutlcte. by a letP r from his .w reian
Geiu-ral repair...............................
that he h not favorubly dis|Ki«'d to
hav ng other interests joined In the iJra%4-llng and raking In on E.
Klghlh Mr.**!...............................
prvpowed building
Gritding and graveling Franklin
tlon With Mr.
Htreei............ ................................
todiy he refuses to consider ih- pro
(JrayHi^ .nd level tig on Hall
tuned pur.h lu* of the laud west of
the bulldinir rite offered on Sixth
ue4-l. he may l-ol l*r ;
WreuHj for ^p^^I
he n nhwcwt *orner 1 ring on Wad*^
H.>*k f 'r roller.
korlh *tr4S'l. even if hlH .should Ik*
<; neru dMuingv .. . .
Front.... ---l-uitmg In Unln
might puce ou CV4TU1U public building. /"‘^yJararThU jiollthwr ,.ked the
to the meiropolU.
j cam a.w*T. adhertng .trlcUy to hi. liat
-If you only bkd aonie warlike farprinted guiwtiona.
.1 . W
Ing man. -I don't
iKom home aliKo t
-Mlo# did not begin lighting
tha Unlcno nnd elrU
V- I
It hsa been ahown by taatiug that
I the Biddle of the
atmigar than that wnda
^ ^ it ■■Ml
Toul............. ..
ten per ctni,.Toul.................................
ToUl for Front sl^t
IMo'tioo *to
be »
ly he t____
uit renewal, and
walks acros* alley on
ccccccccccccct::^^ r^iok-jc
Killing for walks..............
IjilK.r on East FYc-nt Rt....
Analvslii of loivlng ptch..
Rep.irlog tool b<»uai%-------lAU.r at cemetery.--- ... -
itepa rs Ic roller..................
Engineer for roller.....
Care of park................... ,
Bundle' for tool house.;
IN/Irs. R. NA/. Oo name re.
Board Water
Yatrr CommlsMioneni.
E J. IVnuiii M,
Yeas- Alderman Hamilton, Otl. Sled•. GlUeli: Cunningham. Wilhelm. Me.
luskey. lArdle. Mcxiii and Stearns.
Hill of J. H. Blomshleld for 1216.75
r J* rv.n-H renler4^1 in July was pre
Rodmen.................... *-'..!**
P vlng Inspe ior......;. .
: tongs,
hth f*>. scales.:..
irs to sprlnk.pra..
t>uU aad ihln •jmamm wr« ihH IocIihW in (ln«Mi>Aktnv «x>ur*r
I wiU be at Room Ski. 3rd floor, Wilhelm blot k, Sat unlay, Oct,*
11th, from 3 to C p. ro., all wishing to take this course j»leasc call
713. By AJdermaii J. M. GlBelt.
Ii4* a reiudved by the common ('ouncil
f th«* Cay of Trav rse City, that CIvd
:ngmw- J H. Blomahleld be and 1*
ereby inatructed to cause plana and
'anvas for covers..
t*!*'. |.nni^ iMtna-tire.
Moved by
'hi* bill be allowed. Carried.
Y«wa Alderman Hamlltuu. Ott. Sled
er, GllleU. Cunningham. WihIHm. Me
CluMkey. latrdie. Mmo and Stourna
Nay*, none
ring crcHiM t
on markei
itlsnc and gravH nn Weat
Tenth street................................
r velluK Mape street..^...
* arlng up. I*ark on Front...
uving Mime iTush r bln..........
roache* to |*avrmem on
Uos* Ht recta-----G:avH. 420 M* at IOC............
Ashes. 166 Ids at 10c..................
iinilK-r. ro:.T ft at 8-.60..........
rav f r-moving pUnk for
.overlnr Front siren arroaa
Pirk siren.............................. ..
iwir.ng side w-ilks.---------- sl»o . 12* hr* at oi»c,.... ,,
Charle: M. Beer*. Clerk.
that tbe
Moved l.y Alderman OU
alHtat ment In- rw^lvrd. the accounts
lowfHl jiaU ami chargM to the .everal funda Carried
Oi., 0«
“16 *'*P*
Do. _
, per sQi;
ronatru.-ud that the floor ayalem will
arry a permanent pavement of brick
or a-vhali, or any other Indcatructlble
HiirtaMml NaoruJ
lon.Jl. 1
That the engineer ahall ocnaider the
iirnl 1*1
ii Imt f*»r ci-uir
oecoasarry. width of a permanent
Ht India
rhannel and have In r ew th<* uae of
mWcuH TT on Sept.
4iuch channel for the operation of navll*r4.r4-HH.,r
caUon contingent thereto.
,l.d IiMliiral |di‘l.m«,i.by
Be It further reaolved that aucb matlniuai
llU life ba* b.
Plans and esUmatos h<. aubmtUei! in an Imluiii
time to submit to the electors, the pro dei..U-d tl
ijaitEn to raise by bonding the retvd amount to construct said bridge.
Moved by Alderman Cunningham
'hat tbr- resolution be adopted, t^rted.
Yeas AWermao Hamilton. Ott. Sled
*r t..llett, Cunningham. W'ihlelm. McCluakey. I^ardie. Mo n and Sloima,
Nay* no
n Ordinance to amend
7 uf an rUlnance enl tied: “A Ordl
provide for the appointment
of City'^Scavenge and prescribing du
Be t ordlined by the City Com
vf Traverse City:
8e<Tlon 1. That aectlon seven of
arllnance ; ntIUed -An ordlna
provide for the appointment < ^Ry
aravengera. a nd prescribing
16tb. 1901
luiiw'. approved August 16t±
i^e and la hereby amend d to read «
T. Kor OIMUI IMI MTh .nd
,r»ry |.rlv-«f dmin. .Ink. t»uU. pri.y
does not exceed five barrel*, of five
-ubif f«i e ch. aald a-Mvenger ahall
Sqpt. 15. 1902
1 of eighty cenu per
Mapikr and Citp barrel; and for cleaning each aad even
dtp of Troverae
fclmw ini^ bills and
C'aldwHl Al.cudan. ......... .L
.Mudlev k Barclay........ ..............>>^2.02
Piurburg Meter Co.
Eagle Pn-s.
B R. E Luh
MU h. Brah» k Iron Works.
O Nlel 0.1 k Paint Co.............
j k G eUl k Co.........................
r S. Cast Iron Ppe Co...
FrsncI* Olell .:....................
Columbia Transfer Oo- -.. -
um-li-ir *ff.-*t,
M..%»nl by AUU^mnu .'ib^bT. that the
illriAUrt- b
and adopted,
irrl *1
1. Ott, Sled
IhlHm. Mclovk* y. Ijiruu- Mo ii aud Slivima
<ay. numNEW msi.Nhc*».
Ih. liquor b mi <.f Fr-aik k Robin
mil with C, M l*arkor ami John T.
^iiUHhall as > un tlos w-as pivs4*ntrd and
Moved by Ald.-rmaii Cunningham
hat Ih iM.nd iM- r. ferred to lhe c^un
nlucf on llr..c.s.-H with pawer to act.
Y*sm. Aid ruuiM 11 milion. On, Sl**d-r. GllleU. Ciimmighum. WihIHm. Mc'luskey. .MiH>n and Mearns. (9»
Nh>h Alderman l.urdie
Miive.1 by Ald.-rman Gu.eit that th*
Jhlef uf lYdi.t- deUiil a man to art as
.anilttry and bre |» Ii* e. to l*e on duly
a lung as the * hlef, tn h a Judgment.
Mov»il by Ald**niian
olin. 11 a*l)mi
Ad.iilonal |.ap r.- fll* d in the C.ty
Clerk K -ofTlre.
RrtHiriof t*mniiiic on eatimau-
•unninghsm. Wilhelm. 1
ami Steams.
dtp, AfkAipoa:
All Udi« d(»iring a knowlcdjfc of ('uitin^; ami Fiumg
garments, either for making their own dresocs 1 the ilrr
ing trade, cannot afibrd to miss the most thorough course ever
given in this Ime of work. My class will be organizcil here Oct.
13, complete instruction in ten da>a (8 hours each tlav). You
1 be able t
fngure after taking
Moved by Alderman Wilhelm lhal
e account* he |iald and charg d to
the water fund. Carrie 1.
I»taulhi: 'ahbi^ to HVVlIltiglon
ruas U rotten
inmg power;
Is at each ap
tlon and
he aame tend
ive away.
Several j>I j
. pa and vtrtnger. vrlll In
ife roadway to ih * pubited travel ncroea
reps ra will have
4* ft slraignt curb at 63i^.
and making
douse Tumishing Store.
”3 76
IliggruK bir ^1
W. Slater^sW
Gw*. W. r^AMwe.
...... ........
Ks? i'sr?-;? .r ssi i
WE CAN furnish your house complete: Furniture,
Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Dishes, Shades. Curtains.
Draperies, or anything you need in your home^ on
easy payments. IF THERE IS ANYTHING yoii
GROCERIES, we have made arrangementt with a
RELIABLE stoi^ herc,to save you some monc}’ and
give you HONEST goods.
to the^v^age inow cliyi of Tra
would no: 9.1.1 to the
l*arbB|i. tbr malrda*i ui.d uu»t Un
propiT. The committ c
prea.Ua of tba nmuy onuout.-d luaiu
brary Trustee visited and measured
orlaa that the tmtalar <nrrb*« «mny
Iho gjound today; an adjourned meef
with him from truval In tba ra.l U tba.
tng wac also held this afteruo m. The
rMH»lbt*tloii of tba «-auia| <-nruvaita
i-omiume** w-re nut umnlmw-u* In the
wblib ha ba. aiK-tmiiiand at nlebt.
i»#-'.:re to delay final action on the site
Out of tba bimk darkna.. U board
Ihe majority pn-M’Ut at dhe roeeiinp
I of . heavy ball,
bowetfr. U-ll ved that it would be Is-t
ler to defer action for a short t me and
kfoamfuully and mitb |wrfiHi r.guUriiy
therefore aak thy rt.un< il g am further
of llaratluM 11 imundm i.'mdually .mall.
lime for 4-onalderatiin.
Ine iwmrar ami looUar urn! ihtUuihi
Fbsnk Hauil
mlngllne mllb Iba touaa of .mall.T
W E. M*s*v.
bell, algnalliie Iba rear e«nrd of Iba
aaina caravan. Tba Me M II 1. tba In
Wenla and alam. of U.a brndlne r.mal
a lour.
Thwium. '
Hut. naartr and b>ud«-r n. tba kouud
Sept. 16. 1902.
U-i'iHua.. not aiiotbrr .4.und and not a
To the Horukrable. t . Mapor and dtp
rlalbla object apl«aar» t»i aaaompaliy it
Cosnol 0/ the l':lv Of T'Oterae
fioddanly. and mltboui Iba .llebla.t
7014. ^ No ^ *\lentlemen
warnliie. tbara lumn. out of tba vlark*
deregned memoer* of the c
-ir Toi
oeam like tUa apparUloii of a phantom
’ k
on the Ixiratlou of aI Ubrary J
ablp. tba f..nu of tba captain of the
HI. .p4m<y tread round, mt Wm W Thlrll.y. It Thirlby. R. W. careful c nsideratlon
fortabla dwalllnc
Huand. J. M. Hueilmant I. J. A. Monianod Mrm. Maltuu frt»w n«tl uj»<iu iut»darii aoflly on Iba animdlj Mini, and I
rry Hannah on
ImpruM'ioaiila Tba
%^ara i;iad
ercat urine of lli.ktM ebu.il. tb
sixth stre<‘i for the location of the
oally fUb^l mllh atranya mnn*. froin
laut prtK^^lon .talk, by .ml U 1
i«rt that
that in
In our
helm. A. J ivieriyl. KllJah Mllla Jaa Carnegie l.ibrnry. do r. I*ort
nntigua .W>,.. and tba bu.bime nai lowed up lu tba nlylit -*T*cr.l. and tha p::.Rlet n. J. It Mui.en. X. A Nelwn. eatimallon tbe aa:d offer should be
Mlcatad a. a i.rpatu.1 .brina to tba raclan klva.tloii li t; Millar August lleitne', h. 1>. Ma accepted at once and the kUydf and
CatbfT of bi. o.uniry. *Ib. ia m... an
ill Fr.nk lleUi^. J. Vv. Travla. Clerk aulhoriied to Uke the nec'eaaary
oak out on tba lawn mbbb a youne
:i.'ko* HuHlma^f J. A. Snyder. W. at PS for the transfer of aald free alie.
awlnant plo.b-Uu of I^i
Kraorb olBoar b»d pUmn.1 Tbita wa.
so as not to delay unneceaasrlly the
Miiody. J.»hn Thacker.
Moved by A derman Ott that the buBding of aaid^ library building.
Blao hN^tatrly aim .upi«*m^1 to bava who maa rcmarkaMa f»r tx>ntlnulne
, i,tion l*e r»--^ ivetl a^plmsM on file. This has been before the people a^
lalta to Id. rich iMitlaiiU after ba
haaoj»Uaa«l tbt ra In It. mf.trny by Ilia
long that they demand lhal the qu*
hand, of tba yra.t Itl.ri.i..r bUuw*!!. bad turned tbalr diaordar. out of doom.
either one way or
tlon ah>ul
Tba Iwmaa lM*<mma tba Il■•ad.|nnr1l1s of atlcudM a Udy «*f same .•eleUrlty Ir
the other.
tba l»augbtar» of tba rai|H iu.l Kiolu- the world of w It f*s- Xixvt^ im.nth* aflei
•luskev. Ijirii . Mo..n and Siearna
Res|>ertfully subi
larly si.yeil
thNb BiMl no. tbaia
Ulk of aa- her rt*covcry
J. M. Giujrrr
rr. he
lartlnc Mr. Malt..n
tb.- t-raiid ra- her until, lu
Joiix F. Orr.
iMhig f.H- of 5
gant of tba order In tba lMt.-»l htataa.
Sept. 16. 1902.
Th.m* T. Bat
Wiwry «*f hU evp*'‘'*Ue call,
Tba oegBulMtU.il luul yrM.i* and Mrm
t Cify
Mas. A. H Pi
To the No
of Trme
Ualtoo wa. «ue«eM In ii.fiktiiK |.t- and concluding that to lessen the fee
•oum d 0/
Blatrot avomaU of b«T unworlbliu-M t« would U* to low* the visitor, .he Ten
bo tba baud of kOiU a diMtncuUhi-d lontl to give him 4 guinea, at the con
l^Mlemeu -We i» rewlth submit rep!>rt*^No.S ^accepting tbe free all^
our einslderailon. estimate numbody. Tba ra4v,,llon mbiab .Ih- m.a elusion of 111. nett call.
He looked
autlouslj in hit hand, then on the
glTlue on tba day |.r«M>.Mme tba au
cnr\*vt and stood for some time lo ants in ihU C tv. and we would recMoved by Alderman Hamilton a# an
dent emitarrasauieiit.
amendm nt ihai report No. 1 be ac
-Have you b-t anythlngT* Ingnlrvd ommend the payment of the
4 and 4'ondlUons of repted and adapted
cording to the
t wbh him
c >nli
* Why. matUiu,
I thought I had droyrndar ^eb rlroum.iau
l*e<!fu.ly submitted.
Yeas - Alderman Hamilton. MrClus
bar mind U|«n aucb Urea uud.iftui,.. it ped a guinea
ad Moon. i4 >
IlOA It OF PI ai.ic WORKS.
ey. l-ar
Wa aicaadlnely dlrti..daful to bar lhal
mUtakr In the
-It U only
ruAH. M UixitH. Clerk
Tiran OU, Gilleit. 81eder.
poane Jol.u Hun.i.n .lauiKl
In air.- rejHned
Wilhelm and Stenma
Tnatunu: Cn
bla attrotiou. to b.r d.uehtar. Unlial who have dn
S pt. 12. 1902.
hlaltoo bad Ida., of bar
and .ha
The ducta
Original motion waa carried
Honorable IWrrd of Publ
bad on oa^aml «.'r.*lon. attnvmMHl un- Tlaita
Yraa-Aldirman Hamilton. Ott. Oil
u rraverte Oly Mich.
eit. Rleder. Cunningham. Wilhelm
■yiopatbHIc iH>iukun ..f tin* H.ugbtar.
ibmit eati
-I herew 111
C.rntlemen :--!
dri'luskey. Isu-dle. Moan and Steams
loo atreea
9f tba IVri'«*tu.l KwdiitU.n Kbr bad
mate Na 6 on VTont and
Tho aa. M. Pattei^u. the new i
improvement, as loPow*:
tor fn.m Col.wsa**.
Front atr et. private property
kistwn In hl« stale'for the freitii
k.rw H, yda. of brick 4 n con
MHtoo could altrlbufr only to the inffo
2. 19U2- Carried.
Crete, at 11.76............................•
•ecc of young Mr. Huustan, Hr made wllh which l>e chamre. hi* 1*011110..
le. thr Mopor and Citp
irt »u Vd*. of bnck with I r
fraabing aoiU which be called by a pa Within Hie Ust eight yrnr. be
the ftp of r/OTcrae
Aller.'at 11^2..........................
triotic name. The title w— embhuKmed
r.trrfi curbatesc...............
of jtben a 1». im .rat acnim l-eeUbw
•o the fcticaa along many
____ ,
Itiee on Bridges begs
: porting iikii-iMUdent KhwI tU keta at
rBltetiad. To Mra MeHou tl
honorable body
' varUniH imie« lu lu-m«-i
lu Wsib192.00,
have inapcted and. together
Fou catch basluk at 14* (»0
Lhe bridge an
mm river on West l-'ront street, ana
;nteise ons 768 *q
ory •triln. There wa. Richard UaMo^ |
..^nKnamrr hod been put on to
find that the aald bridge la inadequau
Uirk on rumrete al^
s«r IVrkloa. for Inrtancr. wbb fulfilled
,W ehn-ilon dl.trUi iu which
1340-50 and unsafe for the travel which of ne•ACry coodltlon of eligibility. He waa l Mr PaMcn-m llve»l He rang thebeU
t ^ dUTCt deoomdaot of one who bad of the magnllK'eot PatterHou borne at
WAilowed the fiirtuncw of the CoBtS- the 4orncr of l^etiUayltanUi and
2S2r2my" iTe w.. rich and hi. ^aevculh avenue, and of the sable
wa. actually thinking of furdemanded the
yowr eouittm
QU «e RaUroad Oo , 10 coortmet. bnlld.
flWMi and BuOntaia a aide track from
the m in t-wck <f aad railroad comMoved by Aldmu^ thaitba^Bilk
in aald city. commcBctiie at a
point about 60 feat aootb aa
be to the Booth lino
line of Bam
BIgbch atneet. in aald city, and eoolinulng thence In • north wfaarrly dl^ Cuanioebam. WOhalm. Mo r ctoB oe and along the rtgbt of way
Lardie. Mo « and Stenrna
Of .aid mllroad company ncroa. Bait
Eighth street to a point on tha aids of
jumr or ooMMitvcas.
FttlU Ml of Jay OranMui and
MWaa for 1 I aldawalic oo tba aM
alda of Pina •tipac. baewaan lOtb and
pth atrvwu. waa prtmeot^ and road.
AhtarmaB Mocm that tha
. In tba c«htar of tba snmi* wa.
referred to tha cooaittaa
Jamaa Hanry Maltoo. the bn.Und of
the vnnpoeUrm tngrui, a whita wblaI haDarolant parton. waltlne to
r«nd an a«od. jallowad papar.
-Tbia bouaa tMAog now rompMad.'
ba rand. -|. Khenenn lloiitlnirtun. wlah read, referrad
Pt'eaU and walk..
Pd.Uon of tha Grand Raplda
Ine Co i* deposit buildlae
maienal lu the <tro t wa. praaantad
faw Jtmrm bava lOMad. yat tbat* tv °M^d by Aldanaan Mm that tha
patltlon ba graatad. Carriad.
arvrral bundrtd atll idaor.^ and**—
Alderman oledar now appeared and
Mr*. Malloti rnabrd fornanL too Uta
to atop bar buabawl Had ha known
the routanta of that paiwr and lha n*n- aaklne tbn the amount paid tor bnlld^
niornn-. Wbirb It Uwa ha n.uUl not
mer ou Franklin atreet ba re
«%a anad witb .aab ratuarkabla lark funded to him
if dlpbituary
Moved by Aid rtnan Hamilton that
Ha beard Ut.T tha rtan . of a laarfol
be •ommunbatiem be referred to the
roinau wW» aat In a r«»ui nrawn w ith
ommltiaa on aawerk. CarrUd.
and aeod jo|-*r. and atlll fa.
:ol. patltlon of Smith A Price and
o«iood will. Ilia d.-<xiratlona of tha % |». Hquira. for a .blawalk lo front
iMiat dnoairou. rarafHbH. Io aU bar Jf their blmk on I nmu .treat waa
Uya A 4^ln Mr. I‘arklnm who bad praM-nt d and read.
Moved by Alderm;.o AVlIhelm that
foand fha aarrat .iflne by an^.laut,
t*e ermuiad. CVirrtt^. •
bad juat Ukat. a Iwaty ami aiKd<.KaUc
Va«.-Alderman Hamilton. Otl. fiied
laara. and umbr tlK- «wk I.-I-1 M. lion
. (iiH-tt. Cunningham. Wilhelm. McUKkfy. Ijirilia. Mo n .nd Steam*N.ya—None.
•; Communbatlon from K. C. Deeond .ak ne that uixas paid on bla
father', estate by him. a. guaidlan.
be refund d
MfUmi by Alderman Hamilton that
e r^imuni.atlon be referred to the
Che Practical Bouse
Moved by Aldarmaa Wllh
the report be aocepiod and
3- E'i
i conlenu removed
I and does not ex
4eed ten t of live cubic f el
ea b. aald
drain, vnk. vault, pnvy
tmea. of ^woman*. happiBcaa or nuaerr. The dull, sunken eye,
aaSering, With the dull eye ^ uanally the sallow, sunken cheek, the drawn
mouth, the shrunken form—tbc whole
woman's beauty marred by tbe
Sick women aie invited to consult Dr.
R. V. Pioci. BulUlo. N. Y.
mid w veng r shall receive the sum
of^Klxty^flve cenu per barrel;
no; be required to cl an any privaU
drain, sink, vauiuprlvy w
farther or
m than two doBara
de for re
hauling away the contenU
out and ruBcmd.
sum of fifty cenu for each one hor«
wagon load^ or part of load, and
Uy con-
be cdty.
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