The Evening Record, January 04, 1902

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The Evening Record, January 04, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



j T«)«»r«ph BaryMM .Op T Ho«r



of V*bM«r *u«at.

T*na th« SCory of tha *76.000
Boodle Fund


Ured two boor*

Aal TWwaf PAmm TMlor <

eampaay'* acaet la


kaar Aseeated to ei.tlB.US.

■uaw atena* a* UewafM. Tbaacb

Oroad Bopld*,' Ulob..

laat qaerter. ap to Jaa.


Cbildree’e and MieiP* Warm
Shoe*, reduced to SOC. OOC.
75c. DOc-

•aehblctoe. Jaa. 4—Tb* w*r deHaay here laOd ap tiae* tbe
pATtBant bat laoalTod fraa tbe PbU- 8r*t dey. Tboee wbc paid before tfaet
Ipplae* oople* of a reBarkable jcocla- day reeeired a rabete uf teapM.eaet,
mallOB •ifoad wllb tbe aeae* of ala* wbloh U worth sTlDC- Watar Skert
elty. to wbotn tbe aewi of bar aaddan
ot tbea itBted a*
}*alb will ooB* a* a cr«*l abook.
twiac la United Bsta* Bllliary *e*.
uae liine aroid tbe poMibUity of
Tie*, arglac AiaerieaB aoldier* to d*> beriac tbelr water eat o8.
aad debt f« tbe ••liberty MSk
O. OartU. Bar. W. T. W<
a.ll bare ebarr* of lb* aerrlee.

.J)obart-Betehir ^
WEATitR aar-aars'a:..a==.*asr‘ “ *"

let. acc**.

caiedli.Sll.OS. wblefa U eearly twothlM* of the eBoaal due for ibeqnar-

Bopilat cbercli Baadoy oturBOOO
t :S6 o’olocA. ondor tb* direetioa of U

OthareosplaM **B«aUae «a* apraac
_-Ui th* tadlctsaot o*«a* lou y**t*fdoy

W» rftar fda t*te*e* rf ear oAepaaf esserfMeaf af M4LF mC£.

De yoo suffer with cold
feet when we are seUIhg
Warm Footwear at sacb
j,ow Prices ?

Tha tosl aBioeal paid M t^wity
waaarSr for watar rata* for tbe eor-

old oad >**?•• one daafbter,

T. y.

WachlactoB wa*


A an aSiM b* VaHM

Jl Prtttf tttm Ytsr's Ptmtmbman.


Oo. tbi* stnlBc It wa* deAailaly dealded to oCar tbe oaMl propty to
tbe dalMd SsiM for •kCi.OOO.OOa Tb*

wmlru tor Watn Bats to Ple« et la*

8b* w*» forty.*li[bl


Tine Jlrt Calendars.
cikhlad to aabslt Hi* tcepeainoa lo

Mr* am. oad o Utile itaadebnd.
FodmoI •tmtm will b* h*ld ot tb*



nor. 3. T. wrYbowe. i**wi

Oa Tbondoy <

r*ta^ bos*, iblaklac
rid* woaid sak* b*r f**l batter, bet
>b* «M token wllb o *0*10** otioek
of tb* boon, oad oaly



Faria. Jaa. *-At a saadac od tba
director* of tbe FaB-Astrisa Caaal


bwd bM- r*aiAt poorly for
tlMO. Md bod tMB tpMdlaa
doyt rrUh ber friood. Mrt. J. B. lak«.



Wn- KM* Blohwdw dM *«7 ladLatpst ••ntetion In Grand dMl7 »l bar boa* with bcr daacbMr. American Soldier* er
Bill, of lUadolpa
to Oeeert
Rapid* Watar Scandal
Mrawl, Tbwndsr malac. wfMr •alUMM of ealy • eoapla of boon.


aa’e Warm Bbee*.


m*A|| missHt and you will ceruinly be sorry
will I unless you buy your CLOTHIRG riffbt
I 1111 now—during our Prclnvcntory Sale.
■ W W ONE-FOUTH OFF onall of our Suits.
Overcoats. Ulsters. Reefers and Pants for Men and
Boys. Such chances, only Benda gives Everything
new: No old stock, which is dear at aoy price.


RIebanU bad saay .frlendi in


V. MoeLaod to lb* lotor.

astlaa a* o wIMo for tb* people.
TbUoetlon took tb* braath of the
atto*a*r* for tb* defoaMi away,
It wa* aatiraly aa*ipe*t*A Tb* <



HxsUeod bo* taraad ast*'*

Brer *iB« bit ai^


lac” Flllpla^.
Oaaeral OteSee. tbooch ooBrlaoed

Pour SulldlriBS Destroyed and
Uthere Gutted


that taey Mfcaed under foree. itiftn*.
U»ed them e* oowarde, nswertby ot

tb* for-


nvtii MMrb eSt.UOOwtU

bank Wbaaa worrylac bU Ilf* away
H* alway* bor* the beet repaStloo be


Joaa laUlnc lato tb* bum with 8*1*.
barr aaraatodlaaof tb*all*c*dboodle



Oe* A«CM*< Ber* T

DaoBtar, MIeh., Jaa. 4—Tb* wars
fBBd, aad tM dliffrao* Wt bla keaaOberUt A. Strait added anytber 100
a* 1.0W look* a doi«B 7*az* old Br* D*star baa m*s la year* braka
rote* to bU coaat la the Baoo^.le
8aa Fraaeleoo. Jaa. 4
•r than b* did a f*w atoetb* ayo aad oat la tb* Fair <lor* at mldalebt.
HI for tte eefaolarahip Id M la- li*t iHaed by tba ateaai
U bai a fbeat of bU fonaar athUile
two catted by Sr* or waUr.
, P*..
Oalif.. Jea. 4—Noee
Frt«Ddi bar* repeatedly aryed hlo barbed w*re: MeOBbar’a Fair tier*:
the Bieeiac reft* or boat* nppaaad
tosakaa .elaaa braaat of tb* wltole OotaB ■i*tara, ratSaiaat, Hr* Barbold tbe rarrlTonof the wracked tblp
aSair, bat b* alway* tteadCaatly ,ia- oett. bealih foodstora: WtatH'i bar*

■l*t*d list be bad.aolhinc to tell and
WM Dot callty «r aayihioc. 81aea tbe

WalU dfelU

booU aod aboa*.




HeOBber. la at-

Iran iiUAitu rtKAO*

•emptlag to eacape, fell dowa iUlr*
from tbe aaooad itory aad wa* IntarA eoaple of w
e> Ibat ManUed'i ■lellr lajaxad bat it I* tboaebt not

cat* would b* lb* arxl to bi> tried and

tbe new yeww.

He weal to tb* proaee.


I'alAM I* Parer

betoeT tb* lalaad*

a obame d^aSaireeal Oanet*. Herr

w Rea lAuwB br


.r He- MM I*

Pilcda Ballaui.



Piaeldent Oeetro e note in which tbe
Oerosa claim* ocainit Veaesnela are

owned by tbe mlaUlerof jnttioe, pab- cleerly deOaeci end in which a Itmlt
ItebM ao adltorlal today, depretatlac of time if Hi* for Preetdeat CkMtro'*

Bllnc attorney aad In the prawnre of
Proaeoator Brown and AatUUnt War^ the demand for a pleblaolte on tbe
told all lb* detail* of hi* eomirollon ■abject of the sle of tbe DeaUh W<<*t

D*wer thereta
At tbe

ludir* baeed on tbe eeme prlttlec* be-

with the cr*al hoodie oaee.

the bandiag of the note in queetlon

to tbe Veaezaelaa .
ly with the baudllac Of tbe ro.OOO
eooddered aa nlllmatalD from Oerwhich R. F. Uate* awore Id a depnei- Oene* by oricln. b
tympathy. while tbe people ta- laany. etooo the note doe* not oODUln
tloa taken in Nyw York, be reeeired
hebitiDft the Danieb Weet Indie* *i«
not eren ei^wkla*
Ur. Taylor cmwtl.T necroe*.
aware oe tbegtaad her., list he re­ Dxatih, and add* Ibat •nob a oompaHInjorioi
eeired tbe mooey ead cere* etroaa-


ipper houH, 1* oontroHed by the op-

feat the! tbe cualectlou of

Ihe jnm-

aeHoB wa* ebeolalely
H. TeltcraiA t» lb. Bemed.
He al*o elate*
a that the reoeipt from
LoodoB. Jan. 4-Lord Kit43h«ner reOawatq hliimelf for the ST.S.OIO we*
porti tbet Otmetal Brno* Hamilton,
ebowD to liiB jeat'before tlie crand
who baa been opetatiac eaet of Ermejary met A* Oele* aerer reoalred
II. .iDoe December ti. ha* captared
tbe mooey from him he nerer care
lOO Born iDoladlac Uenenl Baa*
The uoe need In the
of tb* taeroM of tbe xrer
BeUbary mel, MaoLeod aeye. we*
ol IWl.
d for the
Mr. Maotaod deale* that R.- F.


bate September 18.IW0. e*

emted la tbe Oele* depnaitloa. Tbi*
t* the dele fixed by Ibe jletenee ta tbe
Belibary trial aa that opoa wbloh
Uele* came here, wander*^- alone
b ayareeWB.
aboai tbe elty. took laneb

ty of floaoclal help.

The city coal

eopply i* in dancer.



Merter. MHao-ri.
Bf Telmmpb toOto Btourd.

Tbeanaaal meeting of tbe Imdie.'




Jau. 4-Al tbe Scott

ooantT-laiik here the eafe xra* blow:
tbi* moniliig end ixrelre liaiiilrod dollere in *ilrer end tboamndi bf doHer*
In gold end oomiiey. ell tbe mone.r
in the bank, were taken. Official* re-

tey alterDooD et t o’oloefc.

A fall al-

General Agents for purchasing. scHiog or leasing '
Real Estate, and ever>’thing.pertaining thereto.
Will aid in promoting and
locating manufacturing enterprises.
We wantthe agency for sale of farming lands,
timber lands aad other real estate, and
purchasers for the same.
We want factories to locate and locations
for them—we want to represent you
in all real estate matters.
10,000 acres good farming lands for sale
on Easy Terms. Abstracts procured and examined. Titles perfected—correspondence solicited.

foee to gire tbe emoant.

teodaaoe 1* 4e«ired.
Ml** Anna Hanliag Van

Pelt died

el tbe home of her patcale. Pwi* Haod Aaae C. Van Pelt, 788 FaUerton
At*. . Chledgo. on Deoembar Srd. after

Hererford, Mae* .

Jan. 4—Mi.

Oeorge Ooodwla. lirlng here,
found d«md In tbelr room today.
>C bees aeeidentally aephyxiated

Mr. Van Pelt and hi*

family bare many friead* la tbit elty.
who will extend their elnoere lympe

Br TH«r-|d. to Ibr Btowd-

taa* 8&S;oet*. »>,.

William Baxaaid be* eooepted po*i


Toledo—Wbrat.'SbV to 8»\.
Chleego-Wbeet. 8S‘,:

tioo* for himeeir. xrtfe aad daacblf* oet*.
: pork. 117.42',: lerd. |tS
in ybe Memll Hoaee at Otawa -and
.. .
cineing oat Ooloml
> -III DraMlae will leare for that pUee Moaday.
Oiapbopboae* record* at $8.80 per
U. U Uarter in iwOl fanlibed more
doaaa. Sereral bnadred* to eeleet
caaket* iban any prerioni year i
'. W. KimimUOa

Was a Winner

Bln Moath'* Be*

imnt on Monroe itieet aad__ bofUed

Tbe local agency of tbe W. W. Kim
ba«A to New York with tbe mooey. •o.McKinnou. tbe Henu* man. belDg
ball Ca did e larger botlneae daring
Tbi* part of tb* eoafeMlon plaoe* rlaeted a* iiwaker of tbSsboaee and
F^hker xrlll egcanlM tbeeenate. tb* taoaht of D*e«mber the^ any oth­
boUi H. A. Taylor and R. F. Oele* in
er moalb elape tbe el|i
a recy aaearieble poeltloa.
ibeaceaeyta tbi* elty.
It t* expected DOW that Meclwod
»e** in idaao* alone sre* «&.800 for tbe
xriU be cmaled Immanlly.lbe ■
tingle Bostb, and tbe baeineM la
HrtiUh War OHr* I
xra* cmaled OarmeD aad Oer
smallM toetrameali and fiaaio
aad that tbe eaer BCSABel him wtU be
Tbe peoeecaUoo xrtll
aek that the MeOarry eaa* be pat ea
next end tbe trial will (wobably beem
aexl week.

Loedoa. Jen. 4-Tb* war aOp* 1*
oneideriac.tb* adrmbiUty of aapply-

Witae**** wlU be maob

tb* laBe aa Id tbe Selibary
with tbe ooafeealOD of MaoLeod. who In Boatb Aflioa, ei elxty per cent of
haadled tb* moaey, thiaf* look
ot rolantaersa^ euDaed
darker for MoUerty and yoanc TsyJtw by dafeettre molam
thaa they bare before.


wUl wk* tlm oOc* of teereteiy of thE



still bust' filling orders for
those h^ graAle


(-bkane PWbao Merkm.

(lianos and'organs.

Cblotfu. Jaa. 4-AiTiTali yaatarday


though buxines* gets

m St. PbaO. 6 can oa MloblgaD Oaa-

quiet after the Christmas
shopping, we expect


good trade this mJhih.
It I* a |>leasuie to sell

Tbe Mikei tree Maady.
a* baeome cold and trada in ear lota
Sunk* in store an Ubeaal

Kimball gootU because

and tba principal baaineaa U la a
amaU way tram atone Holden of imr

erety cuttotaer is atbfied—he knoirs he 1^
value receiv^

tot* were buy fiitag ibem to lanraat
tramfreexiag. Then an go

to tkr Ensird.

tnaeaiy January 84.

Wc did a fine buiiness
in December and are

rare 18 can oa MecthweMen. 8 can

wae UgbL

.‘.J A-.tJ-.

int (iiiii MD:t nmt

xracee aad *bcrter heorw
Tbe eiriken ere deiersilDed and will bare plen­




9* r«*ON*r *T.

Library Aeeociatloe will beheld Mod-

thy to them in ibetr lot*
new eenoelletloB maeblne


Bay City.. Jen. i-Flfty <m»X team•tan *traek tbi* momlnc for blcber


•hort tUaeaa


CAMPBELL BROS. Ifclilffii.*'-

Bt TUkarmph to tb« BwMd.

A dellcblfal litUe dancing parly
Tbe etory now told by MacLeod 1* poeiUem. b*i it wUl andoabtadly Cfnthat be took tbe aoaey from tbe box eeal to tbe »le of tbe Ulead to tbe xra* c»»en ^ • number of tbe yonag
The ri|r«i*C. or Den- meo of tbe elty U*t ereniag la the
oa or ehoui Aajtael saapd peld Itorer Uolled BSlo*.
Academy. The maeie xra* fatnlibod
*0 Isat K. Balabary, rBeelrlac a ra- Ub parliament, will r
by Blexrart A Sleffeo*' orehestra.
oelpi Iberefore. ead that he aerer ery 10.



il*.; Uoo* ItHkIaa.

hi* enbHqaeBt oinee. Tbe •ditorUU bow*y*r, eooepM
e epplieelloe of tbe Hoaroe deoteedUae of it
TbU mooey wa*
iM to the UaaUh Weet ladle* aad
twoaebt here Jaly S&. iwn. by R. F.
Little Imara Heok, tbe one aad
Oatea and plaeed la box 711 at tbe doe* not faror tbe-propckal to tram
half year old daBgbter of Mr., abd
Mi« Ulanda toOermeny in-eiohenite
Hlehlcee Troel company’* ranlt
Mr*. W. Heck of Soatb Union etreet,
At tb* lime the money we* *o for Sohletwgt. a daeby of tbe Blue- cot a pla etack in her tliroal ye*t*rplaoed Uete* made HaeLeod bli depa- (lorn of DeaBUrk. oonqaered by tbe
4 JO o’clock. Od
■ aad Pnstlen* ia IW8A4.
ty aad wroH oo the depotll eoatraot a
in a aerioB* ooDdiiioa.- Dr. Hoioobdllloo that tbe boa wa* not lo be ead in 1884 mer*ed in tbe aew Pru*- llday wa* oalled. who eaeceaefally
apeoed except la tbe prewcoe of Uae- •lea twovlaoe of Sohleewlc-HoUtein. BOTcd the pin. end U t* Iboocbt no
' Lead aad blBHlt.
On the *aitH< day
■erlou effecU wlU follow.
The lendalac. or
tbt* eoedlllon we* rernked, learlnc •elect the iaUnd*

ataleBaet lead* to tbe roacoaloo lhal

come as nm.cvsan,, iii every well-order- i

Baj (.-Ur's aapAdr Tbi-aHa»4-Btrih»f«

eiaailel aooooai of

tamed tbe money or aoy tw>t <>{
orer to R. V. Uele*. TbI* ewrepl

has ccasetl a Iuxuq., ami has U- j *

lUAI. TEAMaTaKi* itrRtKB


MacUeod lo open >he box et will.

U whai the Ucuionils ot niwlrm lif.-

lixvt mxilc.Uic Tcli-plKme.
Kor busi­
Jea. 4—Foot eectloc ness, social Bivl dumestic purjKASes, it

a a head ear aad tbe oemlnc tralo cl-household. As waier .w gas.
wa* ooooealed by tbe jteam of a (tell, the loral tnana(;er to explain the ed freiebt oa tbe olher timok.
is forms of'

« lien TUitUAT

mWM^ lilt otPimni JM


eencAT train oo tbe Barlincton
lominir.. They were coiac to work

from HaeLaod and dellrered to Heory
A Taylor la New

If you need a new Suit or Overcoat, it will
surely pay you to look at the extraordin­
ary values we are now pfTering—Stylish,
desirable goods at GENUINE BARGAIN

a Nolo


rbe MUMer

year Ibat Ka«L*o<l laadaacleali breax
of lb* wbol* aSalr.on lb* nlcbt when



(b41n <-r Ui|.
ri»<-a-r ..
1T> —

> now atendntc. h
are, eabla ]



Mred V.

been beard from


B*it week.
llWaaOB lb* iMl nlchl of tbe old

> alway* Bade for

I Uou


POtlBed bin to be prepared to foOP



Lilt il Rikbin II Cit Prten.

Tbe hope «f flndiac the aafortaaetei
U ptactioally Bb^dooad. A* tbe fle-

lUay adjolBlDc
need. Tb* lo** It 9».000. with llfbl

leloUoB «f 8aUbn<y b* bat
w* doWDea*l than arar aad fwn
d that
would ootmnii

*bop: SIsad,

For the Real Bargains you've got to see

ObUdrMU and MUnea
Jerny Lmcio* 65 and


a Aaotker Bar* <Slr SB are

Bf TWltwwih to the BMd

SreCIAL FOR HUS EVERilie-Mwiti tki bws 8 al iO, m
m pick aq Hat II NT stiri at HALF PRICE. RmTs that?

Woniea'* Ten • Baltoa
Orer|[BU«»2Bc. 50c
Women-* BUek Jener
Lepcin* 90c.

Regarding the Wreck of the
wAua Walla

their ooi

taat poTlBC taller of tb* Old Natioaal



Mleblcaa Oeatral tnok*,bat obml
. _j kUled. and four tartoaaly in- tirely little ta faacy.
8alaa wan l w naad
at TEo.
jared ta a xneek aa the PanBaylranla
ear good BartaBka at . He, 8
mltwoy near Baag Hollow d^jlng lb*
BarUaki BtTk.

figure xritb
I b*m bmr cortoed* <4 k*r aa* Boce to
I vfU rMef) el WSOLBULEPBICA OaUudawtor.

Hit QMi mvtiKt mi t
Traverse City.

129 East Rtmt Street.

$2.00 SHOES
You are looking for, look here. The enap and
go that many a more expensive shoe lacks can
be found in our $2 shoes. Look bere^tefore
you buy and you. will buy here.

L« us
ao in­

strument. We can save
j-ou dollars.


K aET«aBO.Mcr>aiP>«w*A

McNamara Blk, Front Stinet.

IfME T. «MB ME 1V. lAMer

d (to pwwl ■aanat la a royal
Ito yoM«SM*d datotoBasemi Uim UM,m» OcMr wUl to
m. wto whfU Inaltag labriy
IMMbyatoaBd. BaUJaatto
to tto Mto te FiiMiifc Okto, MM- 1—Otoaga.aBdhle watriaOT. wbM
it doM take paloa. wiU to to groat Hcmd M to la aaxt heir to tto
Ototoatoy w« ip—<nu (to vttov at
BIC Batrito. vtoM Kr OlotoBtoy to roa^ qaoaa to BoUaad. Ha baa


H Xtet aMm*j

likl^ a aoBM to (toatotoy. Ttoy
wUlMMn totto ivrlac aad
tmmM ta Tm««rw City.

totoatotor* d*ito« (to «*«al tm-

TBB riLiriBO

(to aatlTii to tto P^pitoa totaada
ato utoi to f«tef ttovafb tto DaaaoMalta yraM raiatira to tha latobltaata


MtQr to (to Dallad Siaaaa. toaUaa
mail to toeoMa Asarteaa ettlaiM. Tto toat aattority opce thto
aaktoat an ttoaa who an
aatoaat with ttoa, aad than an
MyvoU tocrwa
arto by Ibto aaaaaa hara bacoan abla
ba Jadffa to tto ehanelar of tto' sa
ttfMaad to vbal
vbai ttoy a
aadv tto laflaMraa cf i
OaL OonaUaa Oardaar. traU kaovn
ta MleUfaa aad laTntaneOliy.wto
haa for two yaan baae fovanor of
Tayahaa pforUea.haa toaa latlnataly

aattoa. la a noato lattar to WUtofd
▲. Baiitfa. adllor to tto CbartoToii
Baattaal. Ootosal Oaidnar nyi
•*HMy (ptak BafUih aad nad oar
I aadappcaotala
fha pMtlOB aad eoadlHoa to (to aagro ia (to Callad SMiaa aooially.
Ttoy faar far (to faMn. Itoy kaow
tow Bofliahataa tnat aatlaa HUdoea

____ilag rriaoan Baatrlca to (
Oetaig Md Ootbp. Kiag Bdward't
yoaagtoaea.aadtto daagbtar to tto
Oratol Dato Taldtnir.-Plttabarg

tor Mn. W. O. Law.
aad Xt. Oaletoatoy. «to toa toM
Ttobnan an fioeklag to
vilh/. O.Jotoaaa faraaM'
(tooltlaa to tto topa to oblaiilag
jmm. toa a toat to frtoada
to ordar to
M to tto aawly wadded pair.
Thtogt tororaaetod aaoh aa
' rltiaa at tto rUNO ROUND TRIP TICMTS toga to Qobaa an nrioaaly
oonatdartog a propoatloa to opm a dog totobDBaoea rnmim Ttoa ^ -^toel
ory to order to {woparty Mopan tto

I to im, Witoa few
t. by aa mllwaya to (to oaa-

Thto rale wUl eSeot Tnreroa City
aa wall aa other potota toaehad by tto
OtaadBatoda A ladiaaa and the Banlatea A Wortheaatera, aadtoroaftar
nobd trip tlokala exeapt apoa.rogalarlyhdT —-------------------

tha peat dre
baa boea drthar Q Aialoe'a adnlrTetuiaeaea-a Pard: adtobttooM
1 tob tto oooniry paopla aadar plaa
" Oaa to Bnt Barta’a n
to patrloOwB than (o go (o week.
‘'TH iMdMi aad (to iataUimat thU play. Tto aeaM U laid to Kara« an with aa Maay da. aad (ha ImproaeiTa faaton to Ito
draaaa U tha heart atery it (alto It U
W^Kl'ftafll oarpromlaaa,fOiton a tala (tot woald ba totaroattog U lu
- “ la ttoy toaa ao tone boea daoalv
.bytbalrfomariiiaaMn. n>e Oom- thickly bottled eaVlroaBaat aad iia
detoCPMt wort lowarda tolaraal U eabaaead by tortog Itoa
good fealtag.
whan (boy are. Tto atery laltoto
$ tobon to (Ua body to naa it b
Tto paopla a
^ baUbra la aa. ao( onatod toto aalL Ba
too (abMlaalon; ottorwln wa toaa
toad a parpetaal' naoiattoe wbteh bat tto fact to bU daalaa bad I
id daaaata' fcapt from (to Uttlaglrl by a o
(Ida to ttoaa Uada, aa aa ammata re­
to abbar lettar.aad aead bar aeeay
Mna. Tha aaooath aSorta to tto
tag aroaad ta (to Unitod Siataa aa nto Hoak (ha aad hawa to bar aft­
garde ttoaa Ulaada. Wbtla
er her arriral at Band BIU an ladlat war with (toat it waa, of eonna. eroaaly pathetic. Bar platonic partoar patriotic daty to iia. bat bow (tot Donhlp with tha ■

waan laacUoally at peaoa, wa ahoald DMlar," Oalab Swan, aad tto
opaak (tom (to ataodpolat of frteada. riaga to Swan'e baatoaor, partaar to
.-■loantraly aay that the longer 1 an adranmrea* with a laaoaUy broth,
am bare, tto mon 1 Ilka them aod or. U (to Ibeina which tto rmaatodar
-I MB oaa good ttaia ^n them. 1 tore totto narratlTa htogaa open. Tto
MW bean two yaan to tbit provtoca, tooe to tha play U pan throogbonk
aad kaeW ararr Flltptoo of proml the atory it ulqna, (to altaatloaa laMate to It. I tore rliltad arery
paaUo aad aoaia to them two or throe aoma aad ndnad. tto pathoo natnral
— otaying daya at a time.
eooTtoetoir aad (to ol
"1^ prortoea U ITft mllaa long by (hriUiiMr aad not orardnwa.
ahaalde mllaa wide, lam to dally eompany baa not been materially
aoatoat with aU olanea, aad 1 eao my
trathfoUy (hat to totaUlgoaee, bdooatteaaad nltoamaat to akatuart; to tbortoon Moand.
Tto Band BIU
ptoty aad mommy, (to FiUptoea an
wlU ba toatd In new aeUeahead to altbar.bUkieaaa or Cabana, tloat aad mj^alflaoct toaBle eSaeto
botog woU aeqontotad with both of win entojwe tto oompUtaaam to (to
(to Uttar paoplo..Tto nttraotloa li nadar



laat a(anlng npon L. Beatty,
the Unaman to (to OttUaaa' TalapbonaOo. Abeot U frlaada oallad at
home OB Eaal Front atraet, aad a
waa apaat Ha waa
away from hla home at tto tlma, aad
after hia triaada had
tornltan tlU to ooold ooaroaly neogalaa bU own boMa. to wai aaat for.
ntUoMi etolr waa giraa him ao
mto to tto oeoaaloa ly tto OttToUpboM On., aad aaettor
chair waa praaaalad by tto frlaada
who wen prooaaL

tTtus Of urmterr.

rob. 18, 1901

A. R. Brener Co..,
Gentlement—I have
tised coke Dandruff
Cure for the past
rear and found It *n
excellent prepar*tion.

It abaulJ l>e mawnhered that
garenimenl n«f>. tta exl«l<aM-r le tto
eohaeut of tftp ml-opirm.ieil.
Tb<Tr are eight |Miten( mr<lictait
BrailI In tbli t-ouetry
t-ouixr} wMrh
whli-b aona
1 gjno.iaa) ni-b in adrartlalng.
year tb
t (he twenty
leeralitea to
lany. lu linii
- i»wer idini at (be ft. Loola
lll'ia win I* the largeal In tto
world: and oxm-lar the power to Sl.OOD
The Bret enbouttaa
In (tala eoontry wna fiwn Uomor'a
itlao.1 to (be Bottaty In New York, laid

Fg Tush;, Jiiunr 7lt

g in Toilet Waarc onraelrea. only U Ulm.-Loey lur.

by ttotr eboleo aad haro -told
Him OUrt not to roolgn nadar nay
Tto dootera my ttoy
tod DO ohiaortoB to Him OUrt nan
to tto hoapllnl atna. bnt that
ttoy wUl not praetlee Bbdor bar dtraetiim.
Tattler. a-8yanrold krottlng horoe
In BloomBald. N. J.. hai aanod a
iloa aa aa aerobatl^ ^ .groom
fo^ (to animal donblto a'p in a
bU right bind hoof in hia
Tto toree’i Uwa wna
na nanbla to awm Bfforu
da to pry TnttUr’. mooth
open with n CMwbnr. bnt wan n
eomfnL A hUekaatttb nad three olhwan nenl for. The atnll wna
imrtly ton down In order to nlUw
to wort la. and after an bov’a
Thttlor wna Banlly axirlenled
from hla peonllar poallloa.
Oiont Kortharn railway baa beUnaora to Ito Oentrnl Weat. with tbe
objato lo rlaw to aeonring tbo^u
aattUn for Nontora Mlanoaota and

Tto araw •> <tae Awwela.
No aweeter ac^ no rlrbt<r Uenedlctlnn. erarfbillUd (be air of eanb tban
that of W angeU of Belblebem!
“Peace on earlh" U aurety a gift of
toaveo. Tbia la tbe world of alii. and
00 peoce. like lu IVIme. Bmle -no
room Id tbe Idb.’' Emully. haired,
mordrr. redbanded war. are (be
■ml fralla Ilf alu. Peai-e.. like Iia
Prince, I, a atrauger and a i>rel.-« and
fltnagglen for a plntw and a tome end
0 Uugdom on eanb. How wrung end
happy are we In onr roufideiK-e (tut
one day "peace ebsll How a> «
oad rigbleuuane- aa Ibe wave. ..f tbe
I ■•eetteO.
Sot la 1 tbdrawtog fitiin
It in'kee
orid. u your
.-Ep&opil H

eooaitotmbU AU the wtadowa
to tto azplooiOB woro
tol^ BUiUlal atadaott an mapeetad to oommlttiag tto oatrnga.. Fif.
baro baao amot^
Dallad SmtarAmba^dorWhlta at.
tmaa4 Bmparor WlUUm'aMow Taar'a
at Barlla. Tto kalmr ntamd to Proaldaal fioomvoil'a me*-'
la mom approeUtlTa tana*, mytag tbat Hr. BoooareU “eTldaaUy

Out of Ih* du*t a rtsdow.
Then a ei-ark:
Out of Ih* rinud a sllenee.
Tlwn'* lark:

$1.19 EACH

Jcbifson's Drug Store.



80 VtA»




8COTTA MINC. Prepra.
NutbWut-lainarw*To the Taxjiay rn of the City of Ttar- HciK acctxniiKNiation* For |>xiicni* ti
erne Oilv ;
(ler (rnalmenl.
The ux roll, for the rolledti____
IDOl. and for the <lelit>qi
and CUT uxee and au-cul .
for loiil Tear baTc .br<-D plaoad ui my
hand* for eoUectloo.
1 will be to my ofBoa totecaiTe mid
Uxe» from now nniil Febrnary I,
ma. on each week day from I* o’clock
to U '.:i0 In tbe ton-Doou and ironi I
o'clock nntil 4o>loek In ibf^'Ular-


^daiirfic HaicricaL

(Metnl hlliaiiT. H3 Sliti SI.

Wt Buarantte Hit Our Candies Strieflf
Pure and Wbelesome.......
Wt tnonufofture
a CompUtt Uat of

Parorile Cbipt.
Hermada SweeU.
and Onnge Biaaaoi

Straub Bros. & JhnioUe.

The compounding of prescriptions exactly as
as they are ordered by the physician, the sell­
ing of^the best and purest drugs is our especial
aim. We want to become more useful to you
in this line. A Registered Pharmacist always
in charge.

Patent Medicines

A fuH line of everything in this line.

Xoilel: Ar-tioles

All the different kinds a person needs. Tooth brushes, hair
brushes, combs, Florida Water. Fuller’s Earth, Sozodont. Rubifoam, Tooth Paste.


Obt cf ibe deal

; fumed Soap. Pure Castile Soap.
: the cake.

tn that the fineX humor fn-<iu<
li|U. of
Hia majaety aoaeptad aad
1 illuktrstlon uf (be
of tbe
tiooa and good wUbmn
ig rnnm; bad a lUblmby r
"•MatJima. Witt ore the siaiwr
"•The atar*. my child, are the Ancel
Otbrirr* lamps. Krery night at twb
llgfat tbe angel fllea out of tbe gate of
Paradlae with a lon-b aud ligbu all
r to PiaoldMt
“On the following
g erenlng a xofm
HoKlnUy wbaa to wae rtM. waa yaems and (be Ilgldlarday daeUnd iamco aad aaat to aa darkened the faeareos
aw tbe fmr of the
ID (u her motbar.
Daeldttm^ oldam Odd axeltlmlDg:
Tallow U tto Dallad Bmtm. la- dead
" ‘Uanima. I tblak the angel U goat Bmm Barbaia, OaL Ha waa bora
U Warn Vtaflau ■ yoan ago aad be
oama a mombar to Fnmkltn lodge at
Wtoaling on Jnaa i:. 1BS8<^
AOhlOige Bxm totjomUla
ttaet for aa ItTifattoa oaaal to i«a The Ubor Inrolr^ in potting qi
nlpa Into capaiilea U akUled and coa
tnm WaUU aad flan Fblipa. Tax., to a ceata a doon capasles. accortlug i
a New York denggUt.

At Baldly ailk woarlag bagaa in
ba Daw faetmy to Balding Broa. A
Oo. Hew Tmr’a Av. Twenty yaida
Ito famt to BaekUa't Araka totra to Utole warn Ortm Rm tto looma.
M tto bam U tto world, axtaada aad wort wlU to partod aloagoa fall
(Imo bofMftot. Xaehlaory womb t'olorade the ronal ayolem fer'tr*
rlgnlkm <epreaeotn an Wla.r of
Soataa BeUa. Dloan, FaUaa. MO U-talBg pUood U tto pUaL
tSi.Ouo.ntn. ami aeeerarmllik)ii
Fataa aad tol Bkla ~
to Und'are aniodled with nater aa
The oenn need to ba rootid
tlmo la UfchH a MbotUaU for tto
abeot aa deep at lu deepen aa
BartyHonamU Toa made
On-FODBTB aad MM mte. . .. gaaalM
higheto montonlu an high. It
V tto MadUoa MadUtm Oa 3. O.
BOW toen pewred to to half aa <
Otola-tbU ta. «a.SM toot


JS: STSSa^'—■"

We have a few ihat are Oi,;h-Iv
marred and dacnaip d in
that we wiah lu close out. a< d

. Tooah
derm. PertiuMry.
>pa hpoogea.
Oomba. Braebaa,
Wa hara alao
ipleta (took of Prt

-- all (Ule aod coonty Uxea paid
rv Jannarr
Jaaaarr 10,
10. the regular
fee of
ma per teal for oollr
-liarsed. aod on all
Will be
iUBi-1 Jannarr
The Beet Bplrilnal «■<
rliarged' a.fee
-He of 4 i-eT ceui for colleoAntoni: all (lx- ►i-irltual'gu.
XI. Penalty bo deltnqnent city and
]om our ttuvetauU Ji-eUe 1«
bool tai<-* and i|>e«ial aaaniaiut-ot*.
senlaon each dollar of iheamonnl
Un- ui'ul
*ald tox.
(lie prr*>-lice uf the eaiiuIntimate
- - Id Imom 1. Hi-mid building,
paled Di.n.|uber 1. U«il.
hla aoul. Jenna tinii<-> lo liav.- a ]-h
of ill* <>au ibal ba* iki iiarulM In I
aod a-Uleh bui ik> i-n.-f *uv«- In t-x:
• nod
rlebcr. ^'taih- lln- pulil
tbrongta the bourn- in (be I-u\v dayUnie. Ibis guc*t ker|« Hi* r»>ui, but
In the quiet bont* He sit* wUh «*.
lake Him llu- confldaut of our
Crete, but lu tbi- lyid lii- u-li* u* (king*
lv.-« M-e l(ii\e iHit kiumu.
Wc torn to Hlu'.fnr b<-I|>. Inn tlinl lie
list prombied wbit w- w.-n- oU-ut to
atk. We dei-lan- a g-oJ lutrntU-fl. uiily
rruicmbcr tbat II nn* ilia kiico-*tioo. in* inr~-mv Is nn im-«1*ilble
coudcninatlon of wningilniiu:. a l-erpctual iusidration of uH! duliiK-Cbnn-hmiiB.

FlnMB Bany Shoppor Uaaed oat
tto mb window wbiU hU naU wna
at fall tpaad naar Albaqaargaa. N.
X, aad waa daotoUMted fay an Irea
A maak«babIy tto <aly oaa la
Ito Uniud Bmtaa. U on raota to Cfaloago. Tto anlmnl waa oaptared la Alaifcn Uat lUrob. for lu owner*,
tteaar*. PorloUt A Fraimer, abloago.
It U DO fflootha old.
aboal tto oiia to n Jeraay ball aod
aiandlaf tto wlp wall
WUdhorm mnnt U tbe prlaelpnl nrtteUof food for tto aaottoa
(ba daoart dlatrieu of tbe raUroada in
________ whb~11v«-« l>i liiuiwlf l>eaoathara Omh, aooordlngto repata qoeatba bl* own folly nnil p.i\.-riv mid
h ooma from there, na neetion Deannca for his nionitmcnt. Il>- bus
benefited noliodj. while be lm« .Iwurfo it la tto only frnah t^ui ob.
a-anxxl hi* own i«)\v.-r». and
oraaeiens stone or luariile. bi>ne>i-r
la for WillUm latlslily eu|.i>lled to msrti his r.-«tlng
place, ooc
doe, uim
blm no nouer.
boui«-. jit
He un»
bii. u.w
Jaofcaoa. a
J.,wbo baa baw left IIO.OOO by bii In blmncir. he bs« died in bliux-If. and
all that he lea«<-s In inctiKirj <if blmaUtti
self speak* no wont i-f pnlec In bis
A bomb waa exploded Wadoaoda* bebalf. no word of juslltl.-ntlon.
oodM tto balooay to tto paUaa to (to 1* ao true life. It 1* the wottH of
Oiaad Dake CUaatantlBa. Tbe exploTben- are
lionoooamdat a moiBaat whan the In (his world for w-rvlei-. lie who
ware tbroogod with gnaata. A wla-Iy uses them enricbe, l-nb b
rocc and himself and. dylug. U-arat
panto foUowod. fani nobody
blasts graiilte and
lalarad, ttioagfa tto damage dona waa


Here is a special chair for the
mone^Ftne high back, bra^
arms, cane seat, well made, fine
finish—a first class chair for----

AnatiHl il Tiilit trticin

Whoa Or. Him Xordook Obkrt
olaetad toad to Ito Maff to phyolelaa

trill sell them at H .Al.F TKICE.

Ter Ladits Tair

tral btaiaa aad to (to a
Para XaiqaaUa road waa aot a |aitj
lo tto agratBiawt tbat oeapaay baa
lie laaad trip Urton to
BlcblMB «1ib tto aioopdOM to tlak
eta lo aegtoew. Bay Oily, Port BarU>waU aad Uraad HaToo tnm
Oraad Baidda.
annadaoely after a nearing orllb
(ha offlotoU to (to other reada tooeb<
tog tbaae potota. who aleo leiato tto
pinitooot naktog roaad Wlp
to tfaoaa potota. Ihoogfa It la adBlited
that it U ooly the qaaatlae to a few
moeths wtoa erea ttoaa wlU ba eat


Salhlan bnt HU
Kotblag bat the amlag up of hla
«wn will ■epnrntt-a man from bla trae
tlte la God. Aad In tbe atrang Iangnaga to nn old writer. -Notlitng burnfrt in brtl b« naif wlU." Tbe bnmaa
will moR be bannoDlied with ibe 1)1
Tine will, tbe bomao eplrit luual be
nalted to tbe Dlrlne aplrit. or bopclesi
We toee Toilet Arliclea and Propardlmoler orertakea tbe «iol. To accom. alloo* rieli and rare The maay yaan
pUab thU reatontwn U tbe work of .(be of expeneom- which we bate bad tn
tnrblble CbrUt wlibtn u>l Ilia ttplrlt
emhled n« to aeleot
brooda niwoya over tbe rbno^
will meetwilh tbe
he peblie. Onr
ar reatleoa Uteo-reatleu ai

UadM tto rooaat i ototoa to tto
> to SiagBdword'a
ato ttoOaa- aetlTa Intaroot in tto .oramde ogalaat'
mptloB. a phlUaihropUt. who
with tto wiiboaUaaamo w^ttold. haa pUoad

BOW to (to flaU an robbait aad bad
(liiiilbi Md (to nmaaaw to tto

Dveyi ann-<-ly ao
liy of the inmc
au,000.0(K> toat of ora -will hare la-rn
taorad thla aMaeo from (be lake ore
r«gloo. The axtraonlliury di-mi
di-mand f<r
Iron «n la allniulallog bcwlnr
Ito toDgea and far Into l(rm>li .Mrn-rl>«. Blaau abovHn of ini».toD •■aiwi'lty
handle Ibfa orv ellli altu<»( uftnu-.ilooa epeed. Ktenrir Uaulago- U
aUUad Uka nomber of Liliim.—Cbli

__________________ ferth at the farokea tome to Mary and Uarttaa aad
Hew are
to If (to
tean atart. will eoaceal them. They
tUak b la OBmanl) U rry. They do
aad erMeoee to a gmi benr
afnld to a man who d«o n
how to cry. The Cbiin of the text «
mla______ Look at (bat deep Utae to
tenn opened by the two woida to (be
eraagellat.-Jeo««awep(r U-bold Cbrtet
on the ooly day to lltai early triimipb
marebtng on Jeramlrai. tbe gtliierfog
domea ebUiernted by tbe Ulading rain
ct unn In
eyea and uo Uli i-bnh.
He beheld (be i-ity He wej.t
•rer it. O mah of tbe many trUU. O
woman of tbe lieanbreok. why do you
act toorh HlmV-Taimage. ‘

Prices are trom 5 to 25 cents

Don’t Have Colds
When you can cure them in 24 hours with Hill’s Cascai
mide Quinin&at 25c, Or Winter’s Instant Cure for a quai
White Pine and Spruce.

Chapped Hands
are cured and made soft and white with our‘‘Ccwling Cream,
sold in bulk at 5c the oz. We carry several kinds of most ex­
cellent hand and face lotions.

of the very finest. Sold in any way youwant it. By the ounce,
or in the fancy cut glass bottles, put up in handsome silk lined
boxes, sell from 25c to $3 the box.

of every kind-all kinds of bath sponges. ^11 kinds of plasters, in
fact a complete stock of Druggists' Sundries.



Tt was as tbe tremUr.

dtflBg moat o< the
ciTfl war VH (ta pmonal amtstnnt of
Bdwto U. SlutiM. toe tomoM war
aoemuy.' One day Ltoeoto aen« for
Jayta to com* to tbe White Uomw
"My boy.“ stad b».""tbere to a torttk-1
vmM like to tare yon took at.”
Jayne picked up the totter and found
It was froM Uenrral DU. it eoorryed
tbr tofervattoo that seveml Federal
prtoeaera had cacaprd from Ubby prlaOB wttb tbr aid of Abbir tirvea. a wo-

A ws

Mood U tba deer of tbe botwe, loekins
at a duiant tsMm of smoke that trad­
ed la tbe Ay. tbs aotobe of tbe outbound ptuoenccr train. Rbe Uatened «•
tbe banb erwOM of tbecvira.and

“Rlcfc tad DO ilfbi to brine “• to
bow wilUniB^
A man drwe Inte tbe yard, tbd bU
faenr lo tbe wbect of Ibe
came toward tbe bomw. -Iioa’t ya*
knew me. Kaler be oslled tondly. to
be beard aborc tb* wind.
-tVhy. Oeofpe tillbrrt. Js It jonr
she exrlafnMd. ftbe brld ont ber .hand.
“How did yon ever tanM lo ■« beir?
Come rlxbl tote tbe boiwr. Uick'a foot
la town for eoal “
Tbe man followed Ut into tbe
room uf Ibe bouse, wbleli served tbo

AUSE of Its low price Ivory Soap Is
Ijwhhin the reach of all. Besides its bw
____ lloost It has the advanuge that it Is
entirely satlsiactory for so many varied use^
tt will Jo Jthe work of a half doien kinds
of soap ea(^ blended for a special purpose.

I. of Hoairh. {

Aeublr purpose uf parlcM- snd fcUrbeo.
In one corner stood tbr-siovr: above R
a tunc sbeir covered with m-stly arallopnl |«|■en. ou wbh-b stood Ibe lamps
and llDware. \ safe a1lb perforated
tin d<«ra «as In aootbw comer.

dariiijt lbs llte.ttua of ao tnyalld
sBDt. tha welfare of whan aba fail ia
dBir boond lo look afiar.

Aboal a

ynwaro Ibe iDTalld Mr died, aad
Iheo odI* after the lapaa of
ilhs did the bride maka triad tba

tsUe with a rvd i-uvcr made
the |•rlur.
•Too see. I’m trarelliis f«r • xrocery
boose.” Ibe tuau sakl. slttlac down,
-nod 1 nikkr IlnnsluB non. and your
folks ssld I lunst Iw sure lo cuine out
and see you. Iluw an-you iloIncT”
“lKilu«~ ICate cried. ocoraruU) lookIDR aniuDtl tin- room, ‘‘t'an'l yuu seeT
UaklDK just muiwb to kn-p is ul and
body locctber—coni U cents and we'ra
nine iDiba from market.”
“Why don’t you i-oiw liock homer

bean of ber laitbUl lovar by Malag
Ui lb* tnub.
“ Ibe
taof no acrons mmbo vail eesatno. i
At Cadillac toe ontleti have be(«D
4mi ia his trapii. in tba veeds 1 ’ tbair OBDual task oa Olao lakat of
tbla ooaolr. ^ich foai to ibov tliet j
urti etorlog lea.
Fire tbooa-

I’d xn wild eiaylOK lierc.
lau cau •!'■ altHiK Is-tter’u s wonisa.”
••Arc you <tnnluxr’'be a.k<-.l.
Klic IsIms) a niuiui-UI .inilxbiriiinx
tnlilc. ’ V.-v, I’ll xo.”
tba iiidsatrioee iUtle aolioaU »>»iand ttna will be eat ilils winter for- abe esid decndveiy. • an- a
few iblox* I mwd take. l•llI I can be
[-ady In luilf an Imur.”
laetloa afforded by the Itaae law is;
Last aaaaon tba onttliw
“U s -tikk*' tJ«irx«' •albsl
8bc laid her bat aiiil cbiak on Ibe
bav.lnc ttood cffeet.
!and steirlnK dio not beirlo nnUl
Tui rlad I iuik.-.! 4l«- l.rca.1 and
Oaorca B. Walker, tbd eaahler of | utter part of Jannary.antUha ice
tba Mawbarry bank
who dl»pp«ared, ,i,iok,r than now. There Is but iuOa diii-d apple plr* thU luorolnx.” she
tboiixlit. ’ Ucu ntv K) li<-l|4.-ss atsiiil
a Ukett.
boow-work. I iiiusi leave seme wcnl
Ilia ttlaeorery of a
s of aoa<e:
« tl|u^ Hayward. a«ad b7. died in
of uiii-re I’m xuiie.
I xuees be lias,
I of dollar! la ilia bank’s',u, refertuatory at looU New Yaar’i trieil til Ik- gimsl tu iiic, lull lie has no
feeds, bna writisw from Mexleu to; day yrom blood lutaontoir.
Hayward rlxbl lu kei-p me ben-.”
the preeldeat of Hie bank offarlDB to,
In Mewfl Id. OoKaua
Hlic found a slHvt of the Iblii blue
twtnrn and make scabnistltnUonaa be.lnoanty. end war cant from that eoon- llniil ti8|M-r4>n wLlcb she bed so uftca
«aa and to snhail lo poolehmenl !,» Noyeubar 11. IWil. to aarra a nine written III bcrfulks. Sb<-mi down uO
tbe lie.1 with tlH- Ink Untie on a cLnIr
I Is Bl»eo as the reatoD : moothi’ seounoe for eabeulinc the
Hear Ith k.” she wmie, tbeu
fnr au offer.
; Innds of thade[»rtDeal TnaMy forebasllly crtwseil 'll •nil ninl. Uvaa
Tba C%arlevoli ('-oorler sa<i on ' noon liarward was hrlplDR l« bololiar
;l<-k.” Then sbe was niotlonlees f..r
Wbal It aUlBt Is food nnlhoniy ihel; ho*s at the reformatory. In t^ftin« a
iba Pare kUrqnalie will shortly bnlldlhoR
ibn Rnnibral slick shp^d.
last sbe wrote; *Hi^rre't]lUien Is
tba twenty -Dre milea of road


baud. brnlsioR IL

Hayward on tba back of


Tba sklo was not

tirdkeu, but in
bonn. In aplU of
larert and nortbem Hicliiinui from the beet tnadloal atti-adanee. be died,
t, oomiiiit Ihroovb
TindleA-JnokeoD'islnok eoDpemRa
cliinit Ui« main
-xhlbit nt the fUn-Amerltmn Rxpoel

at Rapid City.
kdatbaw Conway, uf Flint, was ei

tlon at BnSalo reoeirad the hlybesi
award-lbe medal for tnperlor sxoel-

roaia to tba bonu of bit m-pbew lenoe
Tbla is pleaaloic to BalUlre
where be vaa-to be tbr Rneat of Aonor people from Ibe faol Ibai tbe eure
at a New Year’s dlnnar. and where and boope-all the artlolee of tbe ex­
' his frlaadt and relalires
bled avaltlnji hU ooniin«.

bibit that the

In U«- Uiere-wen from tbe mtlli at that
yard Be wai anddenly wkim with e plaoe. Tlie hnodlee wan from tbe
oonirblac apell aodaniilnrad a blood faeiory of tbe ooapaay at Alba, aiao
kaaeaeL He expired almost InaUDllt. In AnWim ooonty.
dylDf within sifbt of tbtiae who were
Ikeep MysSsrs.
to naUHain him.
WbaS tba family of Jatnei R SineUit, a retired tamer near New Hadana,

ratamed from the home of a

tajr a oradit tor TlRmre Ora protaolion.

■ ‘

Eraryoae in Boyne Falli who owns

pie room and exolnelyaiua. Tbe-oouo
oil room Uwary ualernlly forntehert Sinta oMthlo. Olty of Toledo, i ^
and daeosatad and baa ample aoooiu

Frnok ?°*Obwy'Mkea an oa'tb that
■edationa fortba aldetmM. offloer. be Is tin- senior partner of tbe-Arm
be pnbli)
The issmiaea
of F. J. rhenrr A-Oo.. doiof bosinoM
tll^annnsl in tba city of Toledo. Oonnty and
d for ae*e
Suto Bfoneald. and ihnf aeld firm
Will pay ihi- som of ONE HUNDRED
Paonllar and U
dollars for eaeh and every ease of
eaiarrb that cuooi be ennj ^ the
nse of Hall’s Oaurrb dbre.
Svfocp to before me and snbsoritied
Hilae aofaeol. and T. R Towel
tn m.T iweernoe
I Cth day nf Dabanker of (^leafo. vhldi ooonrtad
eember. A. O. IKW.
Hall’i Catarrh Oare is taken IntotNiiat tbit weak. Thirtaaa yean aRo
tbay beenme aemnd. hot tba ynan« nally and aeta dtrwUy nn tbe Mood
and aaooQS tnrfaeas of U
lady wonld not eonoani to be taarried Send for MtUmonlali '
F. J. Obeney A Oo.. Toledo. O.
Bold by DrncRlsu. 72e.
AUU'a Family Flits are Ibe best.


ri.AK 1‘BitiomvAiA.

TroaMe Happily

here und Is culnx lo Irfid me nion.-y to
jiiim- uu. 1 canin-t stand It here
Itiuxer. I lni|>e you sill furtive
me. for I Anow yuu l>i«i
Rond to lui- and'
She threw down her |i^ ami ran Into
the kllcheo. UeorRo
irtv- sKssl
-<KSl lu tbe doorway Siunklot and looLlox
■kinx ddown
asked without
tunili _
“Oil. t can't to!” abe cried huskily.
“I can’t foV He baa duoe bis best,
would Iw wlokrd when be lias worked
•0 tanl. I’oor Blck:" Sbe s«t down
and ci'vered ber fan- with ber hantbC
”.Ulr«bt."lleorBeauswvn-d. “I was
wlUInt to take you; tmt If you think
you'd Iwiter not. tbat'a nil riebt. 1
dou’t want to Itlcrfere. hs I said \ffore.”


■■ ■ ’’i-.S-vsys

a cnn Is onl butloR for a black fox
At Hanletee the city olTln.a were
whieb was aaan In' Ibe rlelnllT nopBoad Tnaraday In the Fowler blook.
'oantly. Tbe Ain of enoh an animal
They an In the bean of t be bailaess
le.eald to be worth npwnrds of 9100,
taotKwot Ibe eltr, eUbonlely for.
banes- tbe paneial dtaln to eaptnie
hUbed and five all

ScltJ Almy. -Eje SItbl
Poor—Herrtf Upset—GeoerlUj NAsenUe—Tears of

AM waimtypesim

“Now. my boy.- aald Ibe prealdcat.
”1 doaT know wtal I abvnkl aay to
tpy raaral wbo would atvnl that letter
and bare a bUI paaavd ihrougb tongreoa to grant 2)U.i«»> to tbe relief of
«>«ew Tsrh BsraM.
Abbie Greeo."
Ur. Javuc “stole tbe
letter.” and tbe pnt day U>ib liranrf>es
To tan- your mnnuuring and leptn- of coogreaa paMrd The blU 10 crant
tag. It would a.-cm lUil you are tbe llO.WKi to AbUle Green. Tbe r.dtowlox
KUiM Inooceel aoul living Aod thet It- monilug "HoDevt Abe’ arnt far iayue
to great loJuaUie that you are net ad- ngalxL
“I told yon t dhto’l knew what I
nbonld aay.” be aaM. a.-|ib a twinkle 1a
Vks wonaip aot
Tksi kMsly ma^

tleeiHnx with you.
mni with tbe bumllliy <if Ibe jirudlgal
son. “Fstbi-c, I lisve sinned against

me, at others lalin.
.ts a ve«s<
l liavc some «o>- al Ihe helm 1

eu Bkirar, lliose nisi take
Cbrtsi f-ir Ibe |>l)ot m-ver drICi or x-t
ablimm-knl- BV uiuei lisv.- falih tn
rurlsi and Hddliy lo llu -aiiee
idfaslly folloiv |li- «1U
guide us Mfely Ihiuuxb Ihi-HlnJig.-vm of
tbis world to iln- IdirlH-r of In-av.-n.
tbi-re to n-<s'lvc ilo- n-wani lutnnlsral
tolthriil. -Th- if.-u faiihfiil 1111m
deaiL. Blttl 1 V'lll Kill' 'hiv a cn'sn of
riiltodclplila 1,1-dsiT.
Th* rail •( Heavea.
It I* tod the ................nisi Inil ih.- u«efnl nr* that <v.uiits Iiinst for tlcl ami
tVe live In a hii>y. silrrtns time,
•ad dulh-s i-n-s.
pliyshwl. iiMmiat and
giout corrgl.-s
I p and doJlix It IbS
call of bvaveu aud'cKrth.-rtvabyte-

■OB Oog-LoTsa.
f the «
e RTWud chi
pel of Jesus Ubrlsi I. thui li tiuikcs •
man fedi ibat be l< a Is-mx of miaclly
and worth, om- wbnui ii«si h.vcs and
carea for. dealn-s.lo nsl.v-ui and sate
and purvoara lu do great, tbiugs by,
ewtuing not ib« ewu tba' prweess o(
nia grace lDTolr(a.-^vaDg>'llvt.

Faith, arenrdluc to tbe tlednltlon In
tbe catechism. Is iint unlr a clear
knowledgt- of what Cod has rt-veslcd
In tbe gospel, liut also n hearty trust
wrought 111 us by the Holy Spirit that
we arc really aaved by gmrv lUrougb
our laird Jeaua Chris). 'Thla Issoiuca

It is a mystery wbf woman raden

ilaiiRlitar, wbare they.had been spend- .
leeUio b
tni New Year’s day. they fonnd Ur sneb tmohles
’ I aofferad for y»«n
(tljl«atrdea<l. A few uotnenU before with kidney tronble." writes Urt.
Hhebe Onerler. of Paterson,
be bad been serii drlrinii bis eov nrar
"and a lame Iwok pained me so 1
tbe honae.
mold not dross myself, bat Kleotric
Uanieipal owoenip seams to have Billers wholly onnd me. and. al'prerad a snooeas si Otaarleroix. Froin Ihonirh 72 years old. 1 now am able to
do all my lionsework.’’ It ereroomes
Uarab 1 to Deoembyr 1. IWl. Ibe nei
Ooasilimiiim. improree Appatite.itiTos
eaninire of tbe eleotrie llphl plant perfeet health. Only 20e at Jas. O.
ware |l .KU. not laelndinit a eredU fui j^naoo and 8. K. Wall A Sons'
atreai Iljcblinii. and Ibe net eamlnys drnff store.
of ibe.waiar worke pt.OOO. not iaelnd

■too said tttok as tbe fset of
bto-'s astoataoce was well knoarn. abe
bad been otiUged 10 flrw from lUebmond and ei-en then waa an ber way
10 WasbUtgtua ae tbr -flag of trace


Consemptlvea, s
laooy to weak Ini
eapaetiv. will find in H
for Jannary n very ivaell________ ______
able pa|irr on H
vrIubic Home Treat­
ment. by Dr. Felix L. OswalA and
How to Eularge the Chest, by Dr. W.
R a IwtacB. very tally llUsiintod.
tn Ibe PbiloeoidiT of ^ing. Dr. 8 .
W. Dodds eoasiders food and stima-

bUxi- and turn lo a white xboat.
■be crumbled with tbe isjkiw. When
tbe bouse bad token ou Us ordinary
look, alie pot tbe teakettle ou tbe stove
and set tbe table (or eupper. As ebe
|dn sbe smiled. -Sbe
was to eat them, after all.
Tbe wind bad Robe 'with fbe inn. and
it was dusk when abe beard Ibe aoubd
wberfL Sbe took tbe lantern from
tbe bleb abelf, lit It aud act out for
tbe bom.
"Is that poQ. Rickr abe called.
Kate held tbe lantern while ber buaaud fed bis boraea.
Then they walked toRetber
beuae. Tbroneb the open door a block
of llRbt fell on tbe cround. and wllt^
tbe red tablecloth and white dlabca
Sene (ileaMut and cbeerfol.
• I’ve Rot eome Rood uewa ala” Rick
aald acroae Ibe table at he briped btm•elf to a tblid cut of pie. “Old man
Shuts wauls to buy this farm: aays be
don’t like the way my land touRes out
tbe comer of bis nectlon, He will take
mortRace and Rive me 2000
It ala:t much, but we dm ro
back borne
ame a
Rln ov.r agal
nan feU a'decent
and Ubor.
Kate told ber bead 00 tbe table and
becan to cry.
“tVby. aU. ain’t you tlckledr be aik“1 did It beratme I tbo^t tbto.
was no place for you.’
“I am awfnl piMwd." abe anawered.
“but 1 was ao tired I thought mebbo
yon didn’t care.”
light tbe wind came ap and
OFt tbe eomatolks creaking sod rus­
tling wllk a tboutand wbispera, but
they astd to Kate. “Yenri By. years fiyffoodby. goodby." Now tbe whlspm of
tbe wind was eweet to her os abe toy
listening. Tears fly. years fiy-goodby. goodby.-

R FlelAmr rMidinff
r tbs D.
Makes tbe fire of life bom with a
* M. depot. Lowell. _______
"For oema lima had bean botberad the Byctesse of ublldboed. bv Dr. sHMyglow. BetawsitaROldan.tapor laoa with narroonosa wbloh Bmma^K. WalkM. ^ Annrete to Ooeaffeeiad my TtelOD.
ln« ae if psrticles wan losalitr
my eyes
I irot.
a box of Dr. Otaasa's
Narre Bill, and tbay did nm a itraai bv the raulere of IL_______
ibis ma«i
_______ _
6ml of rwd. InTiRonliMt me aad which oo«bl tohavi
have a wide olmalarallarlaf tbe aeme of tbeU blpb t«o- tlea. Price. 10 oents • copy, or a> a
aUn. I hare no boalutloa In msmdinc ibam."
L. W. Obaea'e
_ I. A.
Nem Plllo 1
•old at bOo fc box at dealers or Or. A
The regntor montbly nwetlng of tbs
W. Chase UadlolnaOo.. Baffatn, H.
tootberbood of 81. Panl «U1 ta bold
it aad
aad sitm
Bw. Ml pertrall
OMWV afkMnoee at • o’oloiDk, erilh
D. are MO
•IA. W.



and have congiisa art on It.
Now. I’ve uuide u|i my mind wbal to
You go denim to No. — .—
BlierL RCl Alible tim-n. take her down
to CUaae at the Irmaiiry. and don't you
tot ber^ iiuni she get* that money.”New ttrlrans Tlmc-ltoDHicral.

Indebted lu Tby Juslb
mywlf tbe rouraxe t<i dlsi-bsrge tbe
debt. If It were left-111 ihe. I should
deceive. I abould niton-. 1 should be­
tray myaeir. \ IlutTliy iiien-irul baod
awnllovrlaa OoM Water.
exemtrs wbal'l ahonld iiexT have tad
One of ibi- moat ts-acfli-lal fentures of
tbe courage m do. It «'-irre.-t« me In a sea Iwih !• iIm- mIi nsirr luadwv
love. Cram also Ihst 1 iiisv ewlura lenily aaalhiw-d.hy IcH'.-rs, It Isa
with paticui-e Its ssluiary >•-rm-tloos. .wotHlerftil i«Kilr for Ibe llior, siomacb
If a stiuu-r has a Jnvi luJignuihui aud kidto-ts.
In iilsiiy cw-m-s Ii «ID
t-lliuusiH-ss « him all ili'ux prt'iianlI Ihmc (iilhsl. ii U issniltorly-ef.
bad axed
fi-Cllte lu uKllnnry t-as<-a««,f liidigeollOD.
aloce sbe tame wmt.
Isonh-nsl stouiach and liixHiiuto and
-Hick never seems to tlili
bss Ii
■Mta. 1 iluu’l Ibluk wr'vr
c r>i money
results In losiiy •
let alone
emiusb Cc

tea.oewilr. ktolp* U>*t hM*man u

aary lo eonneol LmiIb aad Htrnlfoid
and tbns make a direol ronte to Char-


r«v bvr. da yee ly —

» Pardmr

to f-ach one of
world besides. It I
It la free nulwllhsunding Its Inestlvalue. Aasunsl coufideiii'el ImpUmetl by tbe Splm’s upcratlon. work­
ing tn Ibe gracious i«vtT of the gow
pel. as jmacbed aud taughu to tu be
exerclied under tbe divine command
coming takJia tu iK-lleve.
D'bat is
ibat would not lie revjulr^. it
la a preclooa gift and a bh-sw-d |wlvHege and liuty to keep faith In lively
exercise. — IMonord t'burcb Vletaen-

sedailie |>r<-|H-ni<-s. j| tioiri hurt anylitol.t
luibssi IW.< -r lhr>v hh: s«-allows of It would l«i<.r i«»(llti- Is-ti^
■ I____ .....
..# ___
■■ i_-r'7r
u ulne bslbi-ni
olil uf
if come, a iwLitiihlc nr leiiiptliig doan
» luUc. hut
Iiellhi-t to ..piiiiliie or ealie
lit ;iellhi-t
11 •^-hhni If o

SI ail .s-iv
II nl-iui h
blpiiu-ir ciiioiistr wlilitl whenever hie
pbygicsl itir- hBiilsni Iss-rnnes tbe least
lill di-rani.-tsL-tVnBhiiigl..ri

oylng. “BxreUkirr' Falter nut by tbe
way. even tboogb It be fuH of stum­
bling placea. Let these only give fresb
Impeina and determlnaton )to win tbe

Taiwan unrMsertobls with Ihair stow^ha. They c
a way to avod the pams and tb* atoeptou nchts___ _
Help your stomach perform iis unusual task by taking a

t chrenK dyspepaia.

Kutskoldk Tablet
• only comptot* dgmtor. afier your late dinner, or your half-chewed
luncheon, [yo matter nos. long you have been r jffaru« from aour stomach.
■MS. pains consbpat«n. biiiousseas. iw uy of _in*_cvidene« of d«
Pries !S an
S.-Jl cut lu

*l« O-iWVMS S*s«to
beosM. I.w


Seek Helief!
s ■■rtow dfert to bowflt thaw



tovtoj they wfl tvastoslly «rtar sS. Thsy
pww'w«n« md went «vwy dsy. At As
ptrtodrf BtaMnwttoa s cemm to ssadtoty
losqpttoh tacMdsadodwrsztorMlIsfWcss
sad U to slw th< awto tsvartok tksw fsr I
devstoptasM M
ts-ptfws whkb

lut torwRat
of tom*to dtosssto. Atawt totoasl rtltof caa
to Hamdby Uw uw •(

It wHI rtltoyt yea rigM to yew awa heoia.
SUlywHocxeyt Ito tosthneoy W Hn. BtMlw
n aad tosBy seek rttof today T Al Ang|Ui

OlInghit.siMs Iilitc<v.iiiimi..s, fiur
forcfslbers - siol Imb-rd .nir imri-iiia
—let calv<-s l.hs-il shiwly lo ih-niU. uu
Ihi- Unswv that In mi .ilh.v wiiv .-.luld
while UK-ot to- scrur^. and later mii
cnlw-B w ere IJrd one day ami LU|e>l tbe
nett. Now. every one knows thni a
cfiir can Is- illh-d in a buiuum- iiuiiimy
and the >enl uiiide Just |.S'gnul. and.
Roperell.v e|«-aklug. uiiiointo Ldh-d for
fisjd lisvii tos-li put out of tin- way lu
a much more liniuuiie luainii-r Ijuiii for
nicriy: lim lolisicsa ar- silll loruin-d
lug Ihst. while formerly Ihi-y *
cluslvcly todleil lo iliwlb,
boiled aud some arc hralh-d. tVbh h |

preasitm In si'ienklnc ns well as In sing .
tng. tbe variety of tone would l>e very I
agrccalile 10 tbe llsi.-m-r. iUuy [K-ople
find the isomMonon* tune uhsI In ev i
rryday c-mvcrwatloti verr Irritating*
and would lull w lib deligbt any niclb-1
pd wIilch.wouKl tend toward tireaklngl
this tIrcaiKiie Mioeucsi. Even l>eaaly|
t aaie tbla monutoiiy !
from cnudemmillnn. It Is like atrikl
clit 'O'
c key uf a musical Insiruiucut
•r again. The teaehlng
X of clo.
cullun abould
•hould to
l>e of aid lu this dlree-1
tlon or tbe iwactice of reading akmd.
Btriring to give proper eipreoslon lu
each •entenee.-DctroU New e-Trtbuuc.

“What I
“Blackboard era'

Ihlngir’ asked the
•a.” aald tbe ahop-

^‘*•1 don't waul nnylblug Ibat win
eraifi a btockboarfL 1 want a chalk
“That’s wbil 1 meant. These are
■balk mark cratero. Auyihlug riser'
1 IK-Uclls."

tlan pilgrim to journeying to a beauti­
ful cuuntiT. bright nod annoy, where
aD Is iieaccaDd Joy audlove. Tfau life
to mocb
make It. aud tbe
banlrst life may be a suulll iiatli when
tbe Sun of '
it. for there no gloom cun suy. Tbe
(Mye may oeem “dark and dreary.*
many cf them, but they will come to an

. Men of Irregular Habits

lyllnders with
ipbitc uD tbe Inside of them. WUi
;y du as wellV-fhlrago Tribune.
ahoAlag UauBs.
At a dnel tbe i-ouibstsDta discharged
tbclr pistols wltbuui rilccL wherenpoD
uDS oMbe
posed tbsl Ibe doeltols should Sbak
To this tbe other acMOd objected as

You £att Bdcome
an JIrcbitect
tor..,,u.l f, r..r.,.-m.,., .. ,1-.
tarsi lirs.ln* in .............................. si
iK sr-ui>rac i.Ksild In
Will., aorkins St drstUBirst scuil Mtor.. y-ioruslodr arviiuciarsaad so
riw b-tbs(>r»BiaMr laMn.mX'si.hjl.ei...r tekr up ihr l.iuin-Mig emtesrUss M
UukiiQi You sill vioil) SI Inane la aiwrr <ia.r. snd wbeB v c«r rosmi-la Sato


ihn«gh tto yrermbolartojlivto MH-bsiural Umwias uS-nd se
II nlUn.>t OM Kxisclfat. I
andMl—uww'b ir. li. drsliin,

the UnsiBV .miSiii. week Kitila Ibr o
u vrdlJa- nma yoo lr.v of riiar»».

#•• f* F«f*—Uuioutatlai lic<l cou|K>h
rou|K>h an<! mail pt
y>r bring
the businev. ulflcc of the


bje h ij>u}a>n luuvl
bear .the name nf the .]s;reon fer

Sf. and #p.

whiMii you «kiU: to vole.


Tire- of the i iHnf«lilors will be shown it
sue. and V
far Cirtalar giriitf. full iafarmalivi paHaiiiiuf ta tka mtaaa

SeUcnlii^ If miicu),c. WAU£H, Imt t^t. CH,
BuiMiag. Trarafta City, Miei^




If ye faint noL”-Kptocopal Iteconler.
Ootdoor Penee.
Bay* fears sail wsertoo vexed yent
Oo out emoac the tree*.
Think: lie who
WUIH* net well
weU protect

Tho Rrlars Trip.
I*Bssenger (oo-ttraiuer cn rout
Enropei—Tbe steomgr sppears to b*
empty. Don’t cmlgranis ever leiu:

back In the first eabtn.-t.*blcngo N
When beavaa'B
I # tor*
tor e'emin
Ata tUnh how Ood hlu Umeed
Dess asms 00* ncera or alight yeut
•land forth stoeag tb* hi"
ir Uto.
tUmemher. Ood Will right row.
Do taag, tena aarrewe grtoee youT
Loek4iaward to •— -—
AaithMk; Nan
■ -Cbrwuaa Eadeavw VatM.

A small damsel of tvrelve wbo dis­
liked boys wrote an eoaay upon them,
-in which sbe said. “If I had my way,
half tbs boys lu tbe worn wonld be
drtsandtbietberhBir irould-tadoils.flate hurts tbe lister moM
v-n yoMself and expect <
fee'. tbe bnn.-Natlonnl k


B<m taolva U nfflng at Takouba
and Tlolnlty.
tantod tbeir

8omo (anaon


Ur ttat tba law prorldta • pwaalty of
to loarlM ubortad •vita vblob
dta nt obntoM.


Into (ta

woods for do^ to davonr, not ksov-

Di«t food npoe tbe






by <w nrwiavenUba.

Only those bora desf SR Incatabto.

». wnwAV. or . . ,«



CMtoieM. -totoavattoelvvsrMofArefsvM Itieakitorw trreiwem. 1 wtnnan ^>S>

w Pardntr

■gbesttottotov. vwt rellrtly
MW) fovea
Ike sXrcwavar;

oatTloB aM ^tand tba diaoMa ptoMla-

stoMli waMiBR a«ny
•j. laittoM niRthto. mt-






^ ^

. I

■aOQBBk ««AT

BOTtmC«»per Mu ProdocM M
Bplpa«as^ C«tea4ar.

tMak I'm sMac t.
ara two fclada al pUata i

-Wbaa yoa ara toof aod- tbty>a
Aon and tbeyts rMos. Ifa beU.
-A WaU araac pitot la bod wbo. tbsd

> Um Uwmb
IMttaL bOt tlM U'
PrMadJ <X tkt
» (Mtlrcd
tUi mwuT pcodaeUoB
and ik«r dMiu* tiwt Mr. Ui
U • lMk« «C otewtan la a dacUad

ad IB au»ic and araantattd wltb darteaa wWeb praaaot a eotnpleta allaaarr of tiMt vtairtpoal ot apenOatloa
■rhlcb Uiraatanad net naoj dafi a*»
ta aatntt tha aatbar. Eobtaaonad sp­
aa tba ttty<wo idbkta. ana for aaefe
mafe <a tba raar 1902. U a lotpasnl
a< wU asd wladetB. bunwr. aareaa*
sad iba pUloaopby ot azparitM* ludar tba caption -TlckfT Talk."
Bacaot happcolact od tba Stock E>
cbaafo ora rafctrad to. and Ur. Latr
ass baa tenodsead a propbcry cosaaratbd tba fatora of cartalo oacsrlUaa
ivWdi will ba ot lotmat to tba floao<U1 world. Notblu mart orsala tbaa
tba LaaM caloDdar baa tbui far ap­
pend. Tba UbMs rarelra ppoo all•r rtasa, wbleh la torn art

datoaSsa boUjr
ooa aod of tba bar a bon U
cnorblBf atUisda farloc a
tba etbar anramlty.
as It la a
▲bora tba bar tod
tba tapa
. of a Btoefc ticker, and aecorad at tba
apox by a rlac. Is which arv loirrwoa wlabboor. a boraeaboe aud tba
if Wall atioac Upon
__________ .
B Inarribad
tbia darlea la clooa ImltatloB of the
otban art famlUarL
-Krw Terfc Stock Biehaocr. Dac. 3L
U02. A.C.T. (Amalsamatrd Copper).
D Bssar). 113: U.
ibly ratted 8t*tra Steal),

Ib an atnboc'a iwte Mr.
^aloa that ba eotnpletad hb calendar,
srhleb cootalaB a maxim for aarb day
oC-tba comlos year. In foor daya on a
wafer wtth a mend. Tba introdortorytoaitoUowi:
Whan yon rtad
art uomud te *b)«ilJ*TU'ainhar,'feattaI«>
Btlr It iWtili ho*
ta “uar toam oai.
Danas tba rteeat oeppw nu
o* artry eoa fesowa tht ttekn
tta bMl ta dnrt DatloiOan* li
SMO aooMUad br tb« tulpbur i
tktr*. a pfalk
la bli oplBloi
tax the "IK-krtwMO no* aod New Tear
Ikkor talk a Bematbtof ftr
*^KItuUcbt atnick bm ae beIn* to food
that I aald. -Why not. ao4 prist It ta s
talwdar and bate It rMdy for Chiyi-at l» at^MMM*danna
dak botin in the four da>e
Here it le ae Cbrutmi
Cka at tba ■■Uebar" aa<

Mr. IdWMO. la Introdnctas bte i
Ima tor Janaary. say* tbera ara tbrea
(aadaiDtnlala ot aleck apccolattoa.
wblcb ba daacribca at foUowa:
~nnt.—Tbka wbai comes to yos aa
tbessh yon llhed IL Nercr for aa In■taat toctet It's a fame of rbance, and.
wblla Ifa free, no one la cotupelird to
ease tato It
**8acood.—\Tbee yen looe, Uta otber
fellow wlaa. atM be U aa murb coUlled
taaa yen.
«Tblrd.-Doo't rail afalnet Wall
street bteatwa It lo time seta il>c eotlia ftaka tbroafh It* eoumilaatoa.
Wall atraat la the famekeetier aod retarea. AH loteremlof famea must wlU
aad do bare ibem.
Wall airect waa
tbaca bafora yo« were bom and will be
attar yoo ara daBd.-*
la cennccUeo with the aotbor's char
aettrlaatloa ot blmaelt aa the “ticker.''
tbaaa estneta from hla calendar are Intaraatlbt In view of tbe battle royal
wblefa taced'demly until tba bolltUya
batwaan tba eonteodliis farces In '
copper Indnatry:
“WaU atreet U now tbe exact center
of tba nblrenc. lluo a shatl a
Broadway tbrooeb tba world and It
-wlU coma out'at tba comer ot Wall
aad Bread etreata
If tlie abaft It
mada of United Statea atrel and auBdaot on li used, tbe slobc will pyrpei'
oally teedet aronod it wltbout frlctioo
Ko. 26 Broadway la tba bendqua
of tba Staodard Oil company. :
Moftan B Co.'B oOcas are at Wall aod
Brood streata.
la llsbtar relo Mr. Lasraoo dcecHbra
tba pltfalla of wicctilaUon. I'or each
day of tba year ba baa produced

traeta were cboaen at random by
portar for tba KawTroek Uetald who
sraa penalttad to Inapect tbe c'ft cnlaadar tbe other day:
“On New Taai'a aea Father ■n»e and
tbe newbera cbenib meet la Trtalty
ckareb to make delircrlca. Tbe meat*
iBf pMca la so appeoprlata one. At tba
foot of Wall atreet it tba rlrer, at tba
brad Trlaltya ctaTcyard and la tba
mlddla tba Stock Bzebaoce.
"How morTriona it tbe tape
bold ena aod la yonr Sneera; tba i
■ arenad and beyond tbe last lap
Tba letters and flfures used ta tba
taasnasa of tba tape ara Tcry few. yat
they was baU to ».000i000 dlff.

L Wbea yen locata one by strlktarlttl
t. they ablft to mooiber aaebortof.
Wall atraat ca dry days amoaas it
asif'by aoaktoc tbe pobUc: alae oa ws<
Ova and atber days.
I to iratu <

dbaetora ars dOatery to operattof <

of atoktny kla own craft. M '
for oalraia.
“Moat WaU atreet mmors
folly prepared itinerary.
“’Nothtof soeceed* Ilka
accept ioaide Infermatton.
“Wall atreet adrlce to free, and tt to
srertb It.
“Tbe pabBe brlnfs tta weaKb te WaU
atreet. and. owtef te tbe friettontoat
wortln* of tbe moat perfect Sntnetol
ayatem to tbe werM. It can at any Uma
pet back iu eriulraleet to one form ar
anetber. oiaally anotbar.
-Eaeta day a mUltoo abarea
bonpbt aod aold for tba poWlc. -WaU
street recMrea fSO.OOO to com
alooa. yrt tboae who abbnld know
ter aay brokers are not prodoerts.
“Ofitinjea a few yarda of tape coolalna mora blttary tbao all of tba ro|.
omea of a Uacnolay or a Bancron“Wben yos psmMe In atocka It to
yea apalnst tbe wsrM-ooe mind
aptlnat mlUIpnt.
There are many pblloaepbei
Wall atreet. hot they're all broke.
Tbe ticker erery day at qnarter
paet 2 tella tbe ciellBa the tlBto. It
appreetotea that tbey bad watebea
earlier In tbe pame.
“Tbe tlckrr bleats more Urea than
mm and esida eomblned.
“A swarm of-tMes rMted tbe Stork
Exrbaope. Imt were so aabamed of
tbelr' Inaetlrlty that tbey left to
“Almeot any pool malbemBtieal aya>
tem can beat tbe ticker to a olandttlll
—before 10 and after 3.
“If tbe paVden of Bdeo bad been In
Well street Adam would nerer bare
pot eren a bile of the apple.
“Artotolle roust bare been dlrflnp
srtih tbe rape when be nid the world
sraa made up of two kindt ot peoptorllars and Itora.
•Ticker}-, ilckar}-.
The Umbs ran *f\.. --------Tba stack It turned, mud iha Uistw sM
ABd DOW ibry n all te hack.
"AliDOtt all direeiora of . modctii
trt&ia are yaebtsmeo. Tb/
tnsts' capital aSordt moortop the year

■'A lie weU toM to WaU slieet la the



Ratiasattoa at lbs l*thiato- CtonsU
Timlr tbs Them*.
Tbe London Teleprspb printed «
poem by Sir Edwin Arnold apropos of
tbe rsliecatloD ot tbe Istbmton treaty,
lie defdcti Balboa wllh tbe Spanish
steel "red in hto coouaertap
Tlewlnp tbe raeldc ocean and thanktop the qneen of bearen for the plori•na pierdon. Epnr bnntttdd yesrepaaa,
and Nature it represrnled In tbe sai
spot, saylnp:
^ ^

ttetpated the otber d
................ .
» la tea bamao. aaya
tba New Terfc WorbL From oysters to
eadtaa tba party walked three mllea. A
Weary WDHarn foDowtd them and par­
took of tba food tbtoft at tba bark


Ml—Im smtUs a* lO:ao.
'RUJabapoaML Ctormal "

^ Buni Bunis

“I btowa Into Boperm
algbt dortaetba wwk oas^ i
eaoaph to ebaw baeaktaat food. CaUa
at a benae on Luat araaot and asks
for a ImndotR. Olrl plrea ma a howl
*000! Alni
soya I.' Thai't
Bee. o. O. Bath, pasinr.
top today.' says abe. a
M—Ing wntiblp and aesmaa
aenp to slienre.

t an Inqalry into tbe auay rtoTL
or tbe etty «< Xarwtcta. arbicfc ogUantog fartbar Naward 1900 tbe _ jBia Ofuni per ai—m. a sam
rigid, neck ar bta flytag hmaa. aoala. ogaal to a dtatribotlno of Kto per bead
pepoUtkai: RWe mrioro brlag tbe atomal is tbe uadc ot Itr
qoMts eomr te UgbL Ooe pkma dsoor.
strength and speed, be mw ooly
for esampie. left meaey to' Aad fagEtatoe. tbeogbt only <g Etalae.
Adla piseea Ibe road wss Uke s rained
beqoewt wa* f.w redeem tog par­
stalroiae. tbr kcH pikr hryood aepstaken taio s-*ver) by HariaUT pi'
lattd from tbe psUy ualy by s tear rates,
.\nolbrr fnixl ns* for aasMSteoe wall. Here EUloe wooM pay Inc master wiwTrta and “youBg men
far ber rsabaess with ber Ufr aaleos get I lug np tbe ira-le of wmted wear­
sba fell Irfore they rrnebed Ibe wall, ing" Norwich. .-It one rime prewmlaeni In weuvliig. h>* ihK mow a stogie
for tbe runaway woald certainly toap
weav.T. and tbe .-harity cemmtoRoato drstTncUon.
cquv to ai.pnq.rtoie ibb poriir*
Into tbe broad white road Ibe mors ------he-iueel to wbuUrdhlpa al Ibe
sbM Uke s llrtog ptn)ectllo-aod mods Terbnleal tnethnte
In tbto way tba
for tbe sraU srltb Ibe Ibondrr of bdofS
behind ber. Taking ibe ol-Urle. aba
aw^ed riom tbe fenw of equine bab-

tbe toaplratloo ..
stated by tbe chance to bee attttnda
toward bla Rikt she Imagined him te
be tbe man wbo bad curiied her fright­
ened borae In tbe park.
Bpringlug from tl
That waa Ibe moment.
up to tbe overban. ___________
YlnccBI's horse erssbed npon tbe
BTMlog sarrloe at 7;».
ber unlMned aMtnsi tbe autuc
mare, sod Isnb ankitoto r««M frtRi
On aeeoaal nf puser'a illaea Bov. •cape. Arm.aud erect 0|«u l»er own tbe sbork. Tbe fncUIre went ecer tbe
B. Smith will 'paaoh.
wan. but Etoloe was mtr In Ibe ansa
of N'liicent. II* fo.u prortaleoUally
A eordUl welooma for aU to tbaaa
te ber side, tdoabinc rriinson. as be si- alipped from ib^lmi|>.
ways did In ber presence, with tba bard pub lu keei> ber frosn Ripping to
tbonebt of tba He be was octiue besry tbe etouihI.
Bar. B. Howard Brotrp. paMor. .
upon him.
Ue bronl ber mutter Inceberenlly;
BlbU sebool at
le tbrir creclinc was tbe l-rcvlty bf
“I did n 00 pun<uee-lu *ee—ir yo
M—lag aMTiee at II o' elook.
good fellowsblp. lie swunc Into tl^ attaalty would do ll-snd she sk
8ab)Mt. 'Bidritaal Power."
aaddle. aod she smiled at Id* strrogtb really tan sway. Ok. Vloewnir An
Joaior Eadaaror at A
•Od aRliiy. Purely, sbe tbonebt. If ba tout tbey dune tqpiber « bile Ibe delChrUtUa Sadtaror >.1 6:41
were not her ppeserver be lu«l been nge puurrd U|a>o them.
Brwiing aarriea at 7 o'elojk. Sab- raoR wonderfully to i-toy ft.e
part. Pbe w.^ sailsfled to lu-lleve
yoet. ‘‘Tiapt of tba Deril."
•There they come at ta*i.~ hM Mr
Plaaebtog at Ifaa NwadUb cAareh al Jm. whatever the violent sLepHrIsm 1 Buford, with salUfsclkm sod retrib
of her AUDI Bofnpt.
tkm mlnsilug In her looes.
"Ue te
She Rudh-d him as they n.le along, Ropld-tu.|.-i«r. svul be cannot deny
TUgan—I pablia valoooM to all
bnt be wa* tike tbe sphttw, imrroda- iite prorf, j now have,- ‘
ooi aarrloaa
Stiaagm to tba alqr
ble- .tsalu she t.. dravr him | Two ralu *.«ked Uenres monnted tba
ara iariiad to wnrablp wUb a*.
forth rcgardliic bis pillant d>-.-d.
R<XIM8 i. 3 oed 3
'atrtw and rsiiie Into tbe bouse. Uka •43 FBOST 8T.
rWbsl rasilc }t>u
an av.-nclngwi.eeJ. Mrs. tlufurd barred
after ^our (t'letidid T she que*. Ibalr eutno.-r to Ho- m.nry.
FOB SALE. 96I-H) acre form____
milee wnth of c-ily. Loige frai
band «Im- brio a photograph, to Ibe
booR and targe frame bon.
other au o|«-n letter.
“Mr. Vliw-ent Ueirlll. I IM-Here yoo
^'t^^^n.Mdaermoa. IO:K>
Lewtwvew Pnee; 33.500.
call yonnu-lfr
FO^A^. kSO-N^w
“That to my name." waa hls
Easy terms, low' irtee Price, pad.
“I may Inform yon. sU-. that tbe de,1ecllvrs whom I enipk>ye.ktu And
FOB HALE. M3-Urcs hrmro oa
North Si.nne street. Isrgi- hors.
ml Mviiq <if my ulere declare that
t oordUUy tarUed 1
Urge lot. All Urge rtoeit leioe.
you sr.- .Imply
TItal's rnt to two
Price. 3850
liHlludiu.1 III tills l.irlralt." SIm> ilrew
iK-rw If up •.-.rral hi. tiew "The
OB SALE. «l —Hotel aod foRiliore.
27 room. anoRan water. Urge lot.
iiie li.-TM liiMi. out to Is- * poor denixen
oust BtaaUag at 9:30. .
will take hense and lot |.H jmj
• ole Mi*|w<-tnl .-r
Prior. 31500.
10 AO—Worahip.
ol uii\:i>ii. lu pobllclly
■Wbat U Power. ■'
ILroUk'li f.wr i.r Hie |s>ll..-. Tbst Is FOR SALE. M-Uood seven room
bouse. Urge lot.SoolbSpreoestreet.
Knaday sebool at U.
unable lu ■•••ate and
)sst north nf Sistfa MieeL L«w
|jr.q.-rl> iywKr.1 bitu.
.My juanger
price for cash
P«oe. 3^
nl«*- . uiif.biuDAi.- blunder has plarrd
Joalor Epworth Laogne at «.
KlaiiM- III s ui.wt awkward p^lca•eR SALE. W3-Nloe little boose
Epwortb Laogne at & :-U.
small bon. E.s*
Front smat.
*«1. she has been your
TKD-WQtobip. tormootopie. 'Hew
Easy leraU. Prtae 3MIU.
two map took tba aerraon."
Klslne i3i.|ieiV
It Mra. Iluf.u^l e
OfBee open every eveetog till 8 p.
<-barek of carts* iOisrlpls*>
Itliiiml reitiiu-~-l.-sslT;
Bar. Tbomaa P. UUom, paator.
"And II-w. Mr. MffTlIl. wUsI hare
yi-ii t.. sav f..r j.iurtelf?"
Horsing at 10
8abp«t—“Ptay• ViD.-.nt s gluiire fell to Ibe floor,
ar." ThaBrsttoa tartea of sarmone 1
w lien- tv :ii. r «v It. lanlng fruu
m Tpstamest ebnreb.
In iiiiHldy i-ud.lbw.
■■w.-n. ............ i-rfeelly frank. Mra.
• toei. t; i
Iliif.rtil. we.sen- .-aught In a frigbtful
Aorm Slid sought tbelier at tbe Ueib
V. p. a c^E.
odist Iiarwonace. and—and while we
Union meeting at 6:1.V
I 4r«Te tberr we



hotter. - Tabka uoeenle.’
•Wbete'a de taladT •Ob. we alet serr.
top DO tolad toitoy.* aay* she. -Dto la a
ftmoj psme.-11'toka.
“I watts till lie swell hnneh cornea
oat. and 1 dees de ttompaen act natu
we pita to anotber place oa Farwell
arenoe. and I lonehes op tbe hack door
aa before. Girl picew me a salad baadout and wafers.. Gee! Wafers: Ttok
ot It: Tanka torrty wotusn.' m;
srid a low bow. Two Inmp* to me
fee. pleaae.- -We ain't sefclnp no
fee.' says de plH. and 1 pmrtid* (>
“By dis time I'm trellDP real swell
and lanpnld. and wben de smart bnneh
comet lo a boose on Unrse atenue I
Ibn aski for coffee, and I ptia It. wld
Ice cream and rake.
“When the sWaporr boneb cornea
•at. dey beptos tn talk aUibt Rampedinp. and I pits sore. I ete|is np to
one of de dodes and I says. 'How ahent
de dpsra aod de ibinenrar l>e dode
takes H all ripBl end plrea roe a torrt.
and den I makes a boiler
“•Ob. we ain't rldlnp in ei
day.' says de dnde.'^'DIa was
T part?. It's de lalesC
presalte tUnnnw r»rk.
\5yyalka lo pit
t'lup-lii Bnperw
"•I walks t» keep mine down.' says
I. and de dude toopbs and pires me a
nickel for cor fare. 'Don't talk with
that coarse man any more. Perey.'
one of de ladles, and de bunch walks
“I'm rinklup of wlntcitop la IU«ers






ir.;L: '




Thi »m 1 cars
ToN'unra da Baibas oeuM net keep
■iwin (rum bsr sUs. New must 1
•pe* sweep
Te Urssr toarcia. Ibeuph her own s
Here on thl* ridps 1 ds torts is fissh

Already baa Mra. Rnoaereli's rerolotion to faablont recclred approra
a word, aettop to concert wljb Ibe ladlea of the cabinet. Mrs. Rooaerelt.tai
deeldtd npon a new dinner wrap, acrordtop to a diRaicb from New York
That^whlc^to dUpsrUd I abah briap le Ibe Philadelphia Preat. It It deRpned
to be wen at Ubie and la qoHe appro­
The SM '
....................... ..
priate with a drcolleta pown. Mra.
kbalJ Unk la less, and tber* waa tor os
Whiir^laad and CelnmMa. qaltUap
Ktowd aod 1*1 to tbs sapsr wattrs tbsta.

panore can be made a peoetal fatblon.
but tbe Idea la aU ripbt '■
Here to a deacripUoo ot tbe coat: Ma­
terial. mito brocade, liberty RIk. cre^
A llussitr In Claha.'
Melroae nrfc. a Cbicapo snbub. da cbtoe or taffeta: Itolnp. soft qnllled
silk fleece or aatto: trlmmlnp. lace, oahat a new clnb. popularly known
tbe lip clnb. mya tbe New York TTIb- tricb fealbers. marabout cbiffon. er­
nnc. Tbe tie that Mnda tbe membera mine. yet or ateel: collar cut low aod
roc wbat ruffled with tore or cbiffon: abape. dol­
-bop Ss- man effect cut to at Ibe back, with
Terr leeae aleerea to tbe ritxiw: Icnptb
lD'a.“ Tbe preRdent
Park Sartops bank. Ferdlntod OnSaa- midway bRween tbe wolR aod knees.
becke. Is pfealdeSi of tba riob. “We
aball bold aeaalont each -week." '
After n
sayv 'and i>orfc will be tbe ont
alloy of a
peered. BRween time*, too. we tot oa
been made wKb wblcb nalto. aUplea
otber toMt than p«^'
aad tadta can be made to compets
trith copper, say* Hardware. Among
otber adrantage* claimed'
I tbe result of practice s
material to that H to not affected by
tbe wealbcr and^n
' aa {be as to'laying rtsK llatog tanka, etc. Aa
reaolc of tbe. mortar practice at Fort tbe alloy to DoocanoRre and BonpRtoDona. tbe sew nalto ongbt to
faror among maken of tefrlgei
race cottmpe near tbe fort* waa
t rolna^ Its wtodoiro aud chla- and other artMet used for food
age. Wben tbe dtfferM^ in point of
nnmbrr and weight to token tote
---------- ----------------------- to prpp tbe bnlldaWeraikui. It to seen that
top to prerent Its toppling orer. Win. arc about 4 caats s pound ebeopdowk In acores of tesidences and aomer tbao copper aaito.. It Is not Inttoded
mer cottagea
tbe_ rape akm
ta put tbein to eompettUon with
■ary Reel Mils.



i 1

C.V b. M. and '
Krentog al 7.

.dabiMt. '■ Will


Old B<ok StosdV'
badUnloo Bible oUaa from 7:30 to

CbaptanWandr nt Matlbaw.

Welooma Ib wotohlp with na an

workingman or <1 tba ismr.

Tbe bretbrap are eersaatly reqoaal
edw baoa timaai all ertbeae tar


ic womanly fuihOstency

Hias ChrisHne P*ue bats returned
banteml h.T.
your burse, was tbirv? iv-sldi-s. I did
nm sliq. the Uorse '•
7OU.elH? laughed gayly. lu-Herlng la
Im anew. n-J<*1liig his
A diachilmer
ba knew she would.

You hflve no 50 to 100 per
cent contrector's prorits to pay
ou this property. It is >11 listed
at its lowest cish vilue, owned,
hr honest people and sold et in
honest price.
Always on the hustle, alwiys
|lad to see you. Mike more
silos, hive lirger lists'thin ill
the rest put toeither.

from apeaidtog ber soeetlaa at her
bonie to Almoat.


Too Baird, wbo hoa beM speediog

242 Front Street

bU socaUoo at hla boiM to Willi
borg, has retnned to tbU eiiy.
Mim Emma Woedmoa retoned from
Pww Paw loR ereoiag. where

Bar. W. T, WoodhooR-. poRor.
Morstog.. 10:3a 8nb)act. ''Ecceniogameot for tbe FMthtoL "

boon spsndiDg ber holiday *o«*
H. G. Oognne of Konbpert
wished tl

Tba Lord's Sopper srill ba obaaned

lesUiOuny of her younger and more roRiter Lvelyiu' Monwv.-r. sbe
Offering for tba Mintotar * Aid Soete- could nut fucget the iwrsisleiit skeptlcisui of her sunt, n bu openly brai«led
Sunday aM>ool at IS.
Vincent at a fraud.
B. Y. P. U. at 6:43.
Leader. Him
Sbe tried to put hi-r doubts aside.
Sbe scooted tbe Dotloa that Vlnceat
Edith Oibba.
Eratsiagat 7KX). Bpeelal aerrioe for would Roop to false iiretehM'. And yet
smiled so oddly:
flnt Snnday to (ba mw year.
at tba oloaaof tba raoratog

married; th^t li




PiayR-maeling aaob araalag daring


the city on bnsiiieei today.
Bobert Walter, tbe eonety eieik. re
toned Uat ereoiag from a rialt with
hit poTRita at Fife Lake.
Lealia MeWeihy retarned

Reads Ps3i aod Prescm.Fret.

te Loa-

stog today after apenditig hls mveat
wllh bis puMts .iwwr Oiawn. a
WiU mome hU stmdlea to tbe Agri-


enltnral Oeilege.
' Wayne L. Watora rMnned to hit


•ehoolat Tnha tiRar. a fur spoodtog

enraged by Ibe lingering
As ibongb e
long blasts of cl.imnc wind
of autumn, ton
•wept down from the west nu.1 north,
AU an oenlalUy toritad to tbe aer- shrieking snd roaring among tbe hills
reign of anutber
(ba weak (Satnrday vxoap(adi t««lo.
Ding at 7:80.

hla raeation to tbit city.
Mrs. Oarrta M. Oonnsray sros asom
Ijud before Jnd^ of Probate Loros


l-Bs we.

ito (hit nbntog and aa order tomed
odmlttiog ber to tbe osylnia.

Bar. D. Cochlin, pallor.

y^AKTIb^^iut^Usadry Rris* <1
beateo down upon Hit- face of Ibe
Tbe offering wiU flelds by sugry scouts of the t.-mpeR
bung quivering to one terrlDed 41oy St
recUon. Across ibe ground like routed
ablad mutotera and tbeir famiUea.
armies tonomerahle eoinpaules of dried Pl..n Two of Ibem srv iherv now. and
Mkwdny aebool at noon. Sbenld yon
lesreo scurried madly U-fore the Here* and three bave been thrte. I'be «-r«wi
oot bate a plaoa in tba Saaday aobooU'
Inrsder. The inourtiful trees bent low. | prince Is at prew-nl
Start to Btndy tbe Bible with tba new Al tast tbe dotty road was mbtOed : of
I'rince A.Wlwn .Is tusking
wllb raindrop*, aod In tbe sir w as tbe ! WIP
• training ship
Junior Cbriatton Eadaaror aoeiaty odor of motsteoed earth.
at a.'
Elaine wa* riding ahead, and her
tai tasis .lew*
Cbriatton Endenror pace wa* alow. Behind her t lncent
marveled that Rie did net |.reoa ber
aoeiaty at 4:30.
OALK-Ilsv sad
ss BusU
tare to a falter galL for they wero
Yoong People a soolaiy of (Artotton
■III far from a place of sheliv-r.
Bndearfg 6:45.
On tbe brow of a 'shan. decHrlty
Snnday arantog goapel meattog at
abe checked the resiire Kliir. Betow
Uta ehnnh aboold baa home for aU Ibe country rood wound tortuously onefOod'a children.
tll It Joined acutely wlib a brood w blu
bntinaM man. rich or poor-all ara pike.
VIncsot. orertsklog her. waa
ocfdtolly toritad aad will be aqnaUy Startled by the ebangod «-sprcs*lon oe
wnlaoae to bogto tba new year with ber face. She raised bar whip bigb In
Yon have (oled up
CBrlatton worMtlp with ua If yon air Jott aa tbe black dome iplIL rw
|_|<K.'W LVI BStcT « W.4«.r sWM b
a big holiday
veollog a nnlrerte of lire. Tbe crotb
n <|Sir>«tUe-l..etaMBllut*i
bate no ether ohnr^ home.
of thunder and tbe crnci blow from
trade far IU—ho. bk?
U lOiin-M
FIrR risshrtseiee.
Elaine's whip fell Rmnltaorously.'snd'
Wdl, tt nuta.iip
Bar Wiley E. Wrii^t, pnawr.
bIgb strung beast rase upon ber
well into the'thefaiiT
M—tog aarrioe ni lOJOe'elook.
rear boofx suiiouary. bat a-trembto.
. * figure colsnm
Tbe dean fore limbs bung moUonlem
BiUe MbMi at noA
Cfarlstiaa Eadaaeflr Prayw meattog
fted? \of. far
Vincent cried out boarsRy.. b
at 5:46 p.m.
the present, but there
Etoliie sgalD OR S tbe Whip, sod IJ
Brening mrrtoe at ' o'eioek. .
are bigger things ,
Insl we
A oosdtot welooma to nU.
to Rtaio in tbe future.
OommaDioo and reeaptiea of n

bon at



ha for mtoiaterUl nllef-aidlng dto-




•oddeoly rent tbe bulging clondt w-ltb
streak of Same. Eluding ^Im. tb^
“Yen.- aald Ur. t.-umros. “wa nlmsddened maro' plonged down Up
waya attend tbe grand opera."
“What forT', tbe man who grade. A Cry from EUloe was bens
hack to blm. , Tbe mar* wss beyood
known nothing but boRSem.
"Out ot a slri.4 regard
for tbe ber coofroL
Alrsqdy Vtocent bad spurred on bta
truth. My dsugtiten w ant lo be aide
to say they bave beard' all tbe great •teed to poraalt Tbs brave animal
caogbt tbe man'a RdfU. tt was a feor-

to tbe

w Pardner

wttbaot eeaaamsg 'my wUh-’-CM-

I'csnirL HIS*. A

Tbutoday areoiag j«r.-r aeatlog I

srobllag n flb
tsstul Wsms-.
-Blenoerbsswt.’' said Mrs. Bllpptos.
"t fbln^'Sto^to a*^5gbty
trry mncL to tbeir
a he was about to start down-town,
.rbarne—fbto getttog the Chrtoi
can yea let nw btee a Unie mooer
aboftosra Ratted eariy."
Oooega M. MeVottay
to mn tbe boose with to4syr .
“I oaed lo tbiak so. too."
“Yon can bare JoK SO ccnts.“ be (dty troM OiBWB today.
“Used tor Don't yon think sol.. .
Wbat pamiMe oblccUea can there ba yowled, fllagtnp tbe ceU at ber and
' - tbe door behind btm m be
to tt? Think wbai an adraatagt tt
mngt ba to bare tbe women atart la wm SB
_________way. BUpglna." aald a
My alaag abont tbe end of Norambtr.
“ Tba theory* aU right bat my wife friend wbo dropped Into hls pUea ot
an boor or two Uter, “wP
tried It UR year. She began bar
Obrtttmaa -obepplaf before Tbaaks:. “it ta

■ ebueaawttbtbeai
“Wall abe was atm dswntosra AgMTbv ara mra axeapUoat and wbta dia- tag wttb tbs mab at tba UR mUato.
}1R tbs aarne."

..ON A..

Ohws toiiriig al 9HA

America owes much of lu
wealth. 'Wben a stock bas adranceO to
piablbKIre blpfa flruteo. ilqpbte tba
capltolliailoD and repeat.'
“Wben Wall street lK>ld> a buaklnp al fouml that Hie .-.miprviuusr foods
would appeal to a certain poriloa
bee. Inalders pet sll tbr red
•'A straddle Is a sort of Titlf sister. tbe public eren where there was
moiber-to-Uw bride—00c of tboae pnx- abundance of leRtnrsnts ef the oj
lUnp ftetlures a bo don't know wheth­
tshlold resisurani.
er to pn back to ma. elope with brotbThere will he to cooiiecilon siilh the
erdn-law or settle down and Iw prim.
tvRsuranl a department for the sale of
“Hark. hark, the d<«* do bark.
Th* co«>*r* are tuBhUnp dews:,
tbe Wilea cans and paokapea to wblcb
^wr* ars seme with baps and 1st* with tbe compressed food is pul np 'for tbe
Tbe foUowlDp'blll of fare has Item
Upon tbe frontlsplere of tl>e calendar
prepami by ibe pro>erii>r and
appeals tbto Inacrlptlon. “E A 0_M B
ritown as a sample of wbai conU be
fnmlabed to satisfy tbe spiietltes and
t be orertooked."
ansuto tbe worfclnp sirenpth of
rarUlIOD of a derlce by wblcb brokers
pu rlliarni who may diwlre to adopt tbe
to anbmllUnp aUlements ot apeculallri
traprored mclbod of eailos.
accoama to rllenta limit tbelt llablUty.





WhR about
New Year's Gifts.>


BARGAINS we’rt got.

kOOK toSloea-

joav F. on; * oa

OANciMO ctjsee *■■* ■*—«-r
Usht. ChUdfsa's Oms Ossasdoy sftweim bsm t to4PHve(*liras ssy
bsto.W Tbs Imliy. lidii r1


Prof. DnConsmoree

■ BTiaoM mmmmn, cbatbmb <arT. mm, «atct«i>at»

jaxvamt k x*m

This Store Was Gloseil Ail Day Friday, Jan. 3nl, To Enahia lls To MARK All GOODS POWH For This (iBprecailBntBil Esent!


HEI'S WEARtSlES For the Cadies!
Ladies Waists NEnamoi




NcKligOe Shirt* for men—
$2.60 value* 61.25. Uth-




Waist Cloths
Indading ,U the Ule« effect.

SHlKTS-for the wcU
dreued man. $1.50 vallo cloie at 08c.

All wool Checkei Overohiru, full site, regular
price $1.60—all goal 98r.

The cold of winter is yet to come. It will pay you to invest for next
winter. A saving of from 25 to 50 percent, you ought hot overlook.

Is Whan the Biggest Sacrifices are Made.

We don’t like to do^itC'but we realize thatthe only way to close the

.............. 98c
‘X'ltol!h"‘pi.S5,!^to‘’“.‘’7 59c

Hcavv, fleece lirrol, re­
duced' from $1 to 6Ur.
The 60c kind go at .20y.

Hv^^rmritc WeVe stacked all of our
V T LI V^Ud 13 best values ranging in
price up to $22 and
them at a uni- ][^2,03
form price of

Another Good One

Tfiere are Vicunas, Meltons, Irish I'riwc
and Kerseys—all elegantly tailored and .

A Broken Lot


Smart Suits

The Boys Are In It

Men’s Fur Coats



10(1 Sample (lannents, all
wool, calucs range up to.
$3.60-they now go at 76<-



Our entire line including .Astrachan
Cloth top with fur lining,

Big Money Saved I


The balance of the Fomout Hoerfheim $5 and $C >Shs>e5, nlightly
water Mvaked-]>rice $2.48 and..2.98
k'ou should see them—FToersheim
Colt ^kin,^'ici Kid and Ox-bloods,
Well Shoes, olightlv water soikcil,
$3.60 values................................. 1.48,
Ijilies' Beaver ami >’elvet turfled
Slipjiers. $1 values to dose......... 48c
Misses' re.1 and black Beaver leather
soled Slipiwrs to dose at.............. 38c
Misses' Crochet Slippers lambs wool
soles, to dose at................................ 69C
ladie*' and Men's 6ne Beaver but­
ton CaitOTs, 6Uc values
| 2iC
l.adies' hand mode Crochet SUppers
lamii- wool soles, silk bows—to
dose at.................................................. 76c


ChOdRtt’i Kotunl and CoaMb hair
underwear, lize* up to lodiei 66c
v^ue*, to dc»e, tiA..........................30

RbsM SIss Ml

Orth^wit for.,...................................... 76
lonespoodtng price* on oil other

OM Fntt itOM Piiw

200 pain—roluei ntviiv
up io$4tocloM at.........

r two pair* for.........................................25

I.2S, I.B9,1.UI. 2.U.

Mi«*e* and cbiidten'* fleece Uoed.
ribbed hoM. Alt*ize>-q>eciai..


HNt 3-flKI Sits,
Ml mmi.

Medium wout cor«eu in block and
grej-. weU stayed, our regular 60c
srilm, to dose at ...........................


Men's well tailored,
d. pure all wool suits
in Cassmerc, Cheviot and Worsteds,
SiO and S12 values, to .close
at this sale..............................

Ymg Mn'iMi CMb

On oil our genuine Cut Class.
Earthen Ware, Statuorv oml

Slash Pocket*. Rrrete
Culfv—the »tylnh coot thii
teosoo St ttae-Fsarth Oft

Neck Ribbons

. of 150 Men’s strictly ail wool suits, of
honest make--good fitters, desirable
fabrics, all sizes -it’s a snap
for you.......................... ..........


l.alcst weaves and styles, faultlessly
made—actual value $iS to $22—that's
^ what you would pay for the same values
in other stores—during this


ilcavy- Wt»l RiW>cd I n'det*hin», former jnirr 75r
to c-loce 3!*e.


TUrmalilHiIttiFIniilWitirStKk stock quickly is to cut the prices—the big^br the cut the quicker they
go. These will go quick.
Your CKanco

Fatn lot cfl the Foaom
RooMBe «>d ChoBei«e.
$2.60 and SI'lwts, lost
jesn' Rrlao, to ck»e ti
'S6c and $L60.


Stop and Think

35c guaranteed to wear.


Men'* iienvy woclit wool
■ocki, extra qienal t-cai.
far 26c. Men’* 2$c bfock
C**hinere Sock*.


Dregs Goods
Primed Henttetto*, wo* S5c, (ockMe
at a.............-...................................
All wool, ptoidv ionserly *old op to
€9<—now we oik you....................
IxM of Wool llrem <k>od« iiKladiag
{•lain and mixed \'enetion, Chevi­
ot*. black and navy Homesiiuns,
reduced from COc to.....................
Im|iorl^ hlcrfioir Melrote, 64-in.
mixed and plain Veoetioo*, our
big sellers at 85c. to doie at___

t-lake Cheviot*, readily sold early
in xeaoon at $1.50, to dote at,.. 69c



Trtncb Tlaiwtl Waists

fmar SMUTS ’
Belt Quality Percale,
MOfcbed boiofD, $1 >-aluc«
goat 60c.


16 and Wc nlna go at 8c

Cbempa thou the good* by Uteyvd.

Yhat has no equal—a genuine bona-fide sale with no frills—a plain
marked down price bargain giving sale. We are compelled to do it.
the Mercehxed Sot^ luckeU
It is not our choice—we must have more room for our rnammoth Aloo
b*A and front, tl.OOk^ne* to
spring stocks that are already beginning to arrive.
clooe at
...................................... 48
SO Po.r Gon^. of our entire stock consists of winter tloo value* to done at........................ 08
weight goods, all this season's purchase. Notwithstanding the im­
mense trade we enjoyed this fall we are still overstocked. We are $2.60 V
forced to dispose of these goods at asacrifice as every available space i«oo /........................ :
m^st be used for new stodks.

Four Ply—ill «)!«. c<jual
ay ISc coIUi.

Small kM—SI.5U kind tu
doteWc. I>esiraUe col­
on and poiiema.


Frock Suits

thost Stflisb Beits
ITie wide one* with fani:y buckle*,
$1.60 and *2.00 values to rlose..

, Our entire line of these suits in colors,
all wool Worsted -our former prices
were $ioand $12,your choice

- 7.98


Ladies’ and Misses' Tailor Made Shits, from the cheapest to the best

UOIIoniil HIIbm)
$2iHI Street Hot*. .. 60c
Children'* 60c Toms. 26c



Aslracliiui and Oimcliilla
Coats and Vests
All wool and wool serge lin^d-.-actual
value $10 and S12,—our I’l
•- Inventory prior-.



SKJxlHI made of excelient
quality mudin, fully vrorth
75c. thi* tale 4fk.


Small lot of Hemp to clooe
out at 9<- the vard.
Kokmdyke Brtissel*i chart
lengths, l(k the yard.
Best Sujicr I-owcls, 49c
the yard.

staple Goods


20*1 yd. « ffd. ,|,..lily bmw.
sheeting, 6c values.........................
WO J-.U *-hue Shaker Flahnd, act u-.
«c heavy white Shaker Kanncl.........

..oubic fold l-ercojegood 2nd heavy

All Go At One-Half Off.


L-adies* Short Jackets, last years’ styles, some all silk'lined,
values up to $7.00, for............................................................
Ladies’ New Style Jackets, $6.00 values to close at ............... $3.S0
Ladies' Coats, ail wool Kersey, all silk lined, $7.50 values for. $^9S
Ladies’ and Misses’ Skirts-no «t§erve, everything goes ati>4 Off



ALL FURS and ALL CAPES go at................................................ 1*4 Off
DON’T, PONDER-these won’t be with us long._______


Kxcejitionally Good Tap­
yard 4Bc
Remnants of Matting at
Half l*rire.


Small lot* to clo*e at, per
double rol'., Ic.
Other* including some gilts
l>er double roll 16c volue* ;(c and 6c.


That have no parallel. Everything when placed on this floor is a bargain.' Now that every price has been cut i to
i they are Bargains on Bargains. It will be a busy place when we open our door Saturday morning. Come early.
.l^by* Sllkffoods
White aod colors. $i-00 valut-s to close at 39 * -.48

BMiek eai $tocklngs
Fleece lined, 25c values.ior.............. ..

-............. 15

Misses and children’s heavy 1 ibbed ^ool hose,
19c.. reduced to................................................... ' -lO
Ladies'black iieece lined, fast color hose, to
close at.............................................. ...................

Hep-y Outing Flannel Waists, cheap at


Bnwb Skirt Bfhdinfl
Per yard...................... •’................................................l>2

Ladies Camel Hair garments, silk trimmed,
sold everywhere at 1.00. Sale price-^----- .69

tarpit Kemnant for Ktifls
300 remnants of ingrain carpet in iM and 1^
yd lengths, worth up to 40c per yd, to close,
each ........................................................................... 1?

Sample Union Suita
For Ladies, all wool, regular $2J» and $2.25
values, now. go at................................ 9Sc and 1.23




aiall Paptr. Border
Worth 3C «nd jc per yd--lo dose, per roll-.. • .m

A lot of mi>ses and childrens .Astrachan and
Corduroy Tams. 50c values reduced to............... 24



1000 yds figured Denim.isc quality.......... .........


ebnUrtiT* UnderwMr. '
Natural wool and camels hair, also scarlet
wool, values up to 60c mostly large sizes sale
price--.......................................................15 and .29

Odd lots of ladles .$300 hand turned Shoes,
coin toe..................................................................
Fine Beaver foxed shoes S1.50 reduced to....
Men's Felt Slippers and misses Felt Shoes 75c
kind, cut down to . -...................................
Ladies Felt Shoes, .kid foxed, also serge foxed
aod fur trimmed Julietts $rand $1.35 values
Ladies velvet, fur trimmed and fine beaver fur
trimmed JuliettSi $1.50 values..........................
Ladies dongola foxed Shoes, good value at


Small quantity of men's Boston fine Jersey
cloth top arctics to close at.................................. ^9
Ladies' one buckle arctics, good quality.......... ,35
Men’s one buckle duck luml«rmans arctics.
Goodyear Glove brand. $2;po values to close .98
Ladies 3 and 4 buckle first ^ality arctics Rood .
value $.1.50, to close........................ ....................... 73
Men’s 4 buckle arctics, Goodyear Glove brand
to close at.................... ...................................... 1.25
Men's Storm iMaskas to close at^........................50

15c wooF Socks.............. ........................................ .<i9
Children's 75c wool Sweaters................................. 32


Cadits’ m»dM KM flIOMS


Small lot of men's all wool Suits in
che'viotsand fancy worsted, worth up to $7.50
to close at....................$2.50, $3.50, $3.98 and 5.00

Ail colors to close at ... ......................................... .28


High grade, nearly all 60 in. wide. 3J4 yd long,
worth up to $300 pair to close at each, 19, 49, .65


Double fold Worsted and diagonal dress fab­
rics. was i8c, this sale........................................ .9>i
Spc. 36 in. novelty dress goods including blacks .15

1 case fine sundard Prints 5 and 6c values-----2>*
Factory remnants of Pound Goods including
Percales. Cretons, Prints. Flanneletts etc.
- per bundle $i.25.equals about per yd..............Sji

Red seal, fine quality Ginghams, regular 10
and .123^■ igoods, sale price..................................



Ctatber BIoms
Values to $1.00 to close at........................ 15,19,^.49


Men^ high grade Misfit Coats and Vests made
to Bell up to $18.00, your choice...................... 4.48

eonct Snavc
T'SO corsets to go at less than manufacturers
cost, 50 and 60c grades......................... 24 and .35
$ioogrades-.-............................................ 48and .69

Go at ONE FOURTH OFF—no reserve.



Cac* eurtafn*
WoolKntt ffPMls
For children.......... ........................................................10

TOYB l-A AND l-a OF-F"
Men's boys’ and children's high grade winter
caps, worth up to 75c, to close at.......... 12,19, .25



«n ■fMBMO «»PftMl>i0O4T1i^ Cttr,. klttL,^ ■AtPEPAV. JAinFABT 4, ItOi

vSnSTvr. 1
vtat ftll of 'MO ■■fi.’
Mi TUmiI KleMu PecUrjr. who nMHii M the Mtflat (*R that.tir wm*



While the rtrehT Ueft*h PaOl t»»
Oenter UMaa PnaetMO la UM «m
« lu helgbt It Tme maie fcaava that




My MMhBTaB waa agpretad tBB
Ita cny. and 1 WM atttlag lattaasmBB batah wsMta for biB. A Baa-apgraoMMt wtaB 1 recogtaaed aa oce of
tbe attasdanta at the ln«ne a#ylnB a
few BOea away.
“Hara yoa aioa anyihlag of a yonsg
Baa aboM bet* wbo doeant bdosg tn
tta pBcer ta naked.
“Ko. Wbaidoeatalooklfter
Mack bair ahd eyca
with a glitter la them. He

Engllab town. It
uble. bat Bi-tta
of FttbcrTlme It la tta
Boot iBpcfUm apot on tbe eunh. Ua
tiBc b is erery kmgiiade of tbe glebe,
asd erery Uod. excepting Speln. Pigibe
tagxi end BnaBa.
BneBa. mcaante*
narhllan. No navlgaior os
dSly to witbont Oromwlcb tlmr ta ;
MgU. and every town and pwgraphl- ‘
_ Ha dieunre east
cal point______________
to known by
... ,rm-r Cmn
frasi. the lilWMoleh
Uremwicb ntlH'TOoboerra-!'

Aak tbe time: and tbe answer to al-

fttr leatlsgcUlege I
r ^ coBod at ose of tta Geraas
lUea. IchoarBaMelbcrg. which



r»#aiw -Stt«. ri. Bt
a. au. :. a. Mali. nU. tf
i)B the Ann Kabtaib of tta
II to approprtaie to «ndy. firut. tblsta
Life to mode op o^Basy


In ttacoe daya waa tta beat knows, and
apart had «iTta rant
took * tbcw yean' eonrar. I folded
la to ta lightly
■paa htiae. ratti «i
one of tta corpa and la Ume ^eexme
of Ufa
arben abe apeke at fpllpira:
ISTolred In acreral iRudeni dnHa.
1 had loat tolofaed alaclac -HoBja.
■<^<fcMW»M*lrt.tb«T«fe. W*B.
tVtaa I left Hel.l. llierB. rsbere I bad
B««et Beae.* laat Tfandar «t«91bb
to ta
I vM r>« )or. I'm
trhea a oire lookiaf oU gntleoMa.
tl ;en more biKTeet in tbe email aword
Mr. Baltic nbbed bU banda coDptaMaced first with ptben aerood: That
aa Ootewwr
than my atsdiea. 1 »M>i>rd b> Paris betta tUnga
enttendea. began cott^tolaUDg Be.
fore returning i.> Ato.rba. wlih a clew
"-?«• aaa.-^ he. “Ae la a rear. ai
which elwoU .time fim is Ufe to
of a atades be leaned dowa. pot
mw Krencb Ptwlnc
OB this
•MhMj mr. la tbe fan btoooi. U tv
aroODd B>e. divw ne op ta
Ject might lead n» to give
bin and klaoed me. He wM. Hme.
hloi. and 1 dost w
yAuwl* to that wblcb U of kuat ImporPatti. I may nerer aee yoo agelit'bat
Wleb tlmr. In Great Britain. TU lgitmi .
watc-bluc tta pui>ila fener a
uprr at Ibe exprune of that wblcb to
be|p 11.' and betcre I knew It
and llolland yon get tbe tlrreeutcb , rnietvd awl afier taAtuc on for awhile
If be coBeo. wOl .yoo plenae telebe waa klaBag me. Wbra a geoUatime. One hour ^01* Greenulrb Ume propi-wed to lake tta fella wttb tta
Uj^r aa be trotted brlaklr don the
mao. aDd.Boch a alee <dd geaUeBan, pbesamer
mtot in Germany. Anatita lluDgan. j prlnoltiaL' Brtiyon itimK-nled nnd i
mull are wanting twriiiDlDC ttair llicn.
-So. ITl bMe la tta attic.'
goromr of a great atate.
irk. Italy. Pwtelen. N«Rway and aatonlalml. oa we all were. a< Ibe ati
Ahdtboi laedltaUii- Ur. BratiM Bat­
^ean ruined bto llf^y tntllag to apTbe keeper bad aenreriy gone wtas 1
ee quick that one haa sA
ger'a akUI. After .Hanning bto adverinvctoli. wtat sbonU have bees or
tle tarMd hla nepa to the caakM that
aw a man la tta dlatascc comlsg np
time to ate and DO Usb to objecL what
Two banra ahead of Greenwlcb It
Urn Impurtaore In dito UCr. and many
urtihm hla bearta Jetrel-lJ. Ptber
tbe road. Great taareot: Could it be
adopted in Bulgaria.
tbe baaae when- Mlae klrTtllU
moib-rn Itoatu are fidlowli^ In bto fixntta isaase man? l aiood my ground
1 guard, made
'Tbe followlsg dUlegne os tbe aabTurkey In Eur«H>e- Kigbt' Ibnra ahead aoa to ptoce hlniwtlf
nMHiiiiin llTin
tanrely to ace If be asawered tta de- oCGreenwtcfa a|>pUea Is tbe Pblllp)oct between Mme. OerBe^ sod a iwone brilUant stroke after stoRber and \3nte loplix! Tv-feresret anstaat aer•
the fiwrt door waa. opt-n. aiar Mr.
oalptloe tin ta came wltbls a dlaotmplset. Nine bonrm before the Grcen- at la«t len a'ebaik mark «f a figut
porter wbo bad interrlewod tar waa
cM jblugi Itat aboqld rome first Is
BMUc walked eonplatawtlr >n. wtth
iMtlng diausce. Be wan walUsg rap­
wlefa Ume la sard Is Auotralto
thh air of a tnan wbo feHa lUaihHf
our Hv,w.
idly and B riled a ault cate. To my
Ten hooti ahead of Oi.'euwlcb to c^- recily ovrr tW bearL
UndeM Report(T-l anppeoe. MbC.
J. fta klngdotii of God abogld come
eatIrHr a
bemr ta walked atnlgbt to the
dal in Victoria, tyneentbind and Tae•Vlciw Menvir' exclaimed aereral
Oeraier. yoa bare beard aboot that
flrot "Siek ye Brat ita kingdom of
llllh 11 ap-the Kalra.
and entered. I pcerwl with
_______Tta Vnitrd Slaieo. Canada and I ^no
. iwcMWt with Ibe name
kiaalng affair Iwtween Oorernor t'rlP
God ayiil Ilto rbcbteMiMima. and all
*<l>ear cM. Ill Kite her
rtrengtb of rialoa at faU btlr.
teoden and Patt!'
Mexico have adopted tta Oftt oevAtll 1 breath.
tbeae ILIngt shall ta ad.1.^1
oiil Mr.Wtk IP blmaeir.
black at nlgbi. I teeked at bit eyca. and eighth l>oar* after.

-win. li> Virtnr Sloneir I s«ked,'
Oenter-I bare beard that
Waa MrrdlU aat at tbe perler talile.
Life presents 1wi>
They. too. were black and
8o It la arouDd the earth-^viry lick j •Ti«, mvi i»n«l awordaman '
Ooremor Crtttenden kleatd Patti be­
tbe kinmkHiu. of the Bort.l ■•■d of God.
tar back luward Ifae donr. tiuillr emfore abe had tlBe to tealat bat I don't
Which lunght firvl ? Many seek
|Tir* O nadlif a h«er. while aroand
. pardon." ta aaU. rablng bit
oee aaytbloff Id that to create ao noeb
first Ihe kingdom of lln- wirhC
tar lar peatlrred peuo. lok and pal>rr
at. "la tbit Old Oakar'
ent'-r th«- of <S»
tbe parapbeenalla of r|>leinUr;'
“No.” 1 ga^. I Hod. I would hare
Uodeot Beparter (iDterragaUrelfVauecess In llu- uorhl has Imk-u avlilcved.
lied to ao angel from bcarro.
ii|Ulloi>? "
In Ua book -A Day tVlib a Tramp
iiWN.AHoiasysiioOsBaadiM si
But this to not flirtol s l.hw oftlie teto
toy BPlea.- tbo«»bt iheloTe' Ton don't?
, ”Stngnlar.” bo mfi. looking aboot and Other Daya' tt aher WyckoB iHto
b'reiK-liraan. ahmgMme. Gerater—Certabdy not. Tbaf*
i; but while Ibeee llioatbta
Uve IliiiMitlaUee
iIhw kUig<h.nis. He
him. ”t anrely can't tare mlataken the the followtng awry of i.roUnlly aud
cr the Kreueb
to Dotblng wrong In a man fclaalBg a
says to Ills dls.-iples. -ttos-k }'e first Ita
pagiad IbttMih UaBtnd a board (Teak
followed tbe main road-lhe
barro pahddng in the w-rat;
kingdom of liisi' Hut «bal ats.ut tta
ai gwanttw. MIb llopkinaon looked woman old enongb to be Ua BOthB.>y la'
“Tbe hurroa ptalnly shared the fccl- wilbuut toidylnc l» mjf qiiesili.u. Brto«f iIh- world? The,uiau who
arihbd with a ItlUe abrtek.
isg of relR^ ln>rea<-hlDg a more pasaa- aoo at vrtnv doffe<l his'wire mask and Bts-ks lirst Ihe kingdom of'ii.M may
•My goodneaa gncloaar cried Siyr“Von will find Old Oaks a mHe dowa
A Aedlwrol Parahotoslae.
ble regloil.,and lb.- art of bum. punch- putuphisfotL In doing so ta turned
Ihiw Oiings to G.s). '.ml tvuitSlh.jBBplog op
rrofenaor Mnnaterberg of Harrtid. tteroad.”
isg began couae<|osiitly to diacloae tia hU tack Uimn bto fornKr autaguntot
trow ll..’ Wugiluin of tills Aortd as well
•1 bate caagbt your <tIh1 Mr. BalBa
■hoae apeeialty lf|>aycbolocy. rellea
and look ■•"f *"
** t«™fl »"> na Ills ouii kliigdooi. and lo tlxsw wIm. Nsvto Oi~sd.Bes.1toUno., SsBia
dkt pUyfnlly Baking a graai> '
■ acme oiteot on tta point of a
“They were moat Olfllcult to luanago Monvl had left tta sni.leiny. Evident­
II . .
-------------------------inily Ilto ■■ lie wllPglve all
“A» there two aneb gatewayar ta
ly the n.i.ii wlm had sis.wu bto skill
glory In rnforclng bit poaltl
_t the fonla. Generally Itav
of this «>gld lliat to tnedful sud conatkad preaewUy.
He I
to Ihe four wind* at the first Bininuirh was not a f-vx..rlle ullli him or. foy the ■totem with Ilto eternal good.

n of Ideal that will llloato water, and when we liad-eomilled matter of W.:.i. wHh on.v enwent.
” HiaiikHtlvIiig ni.U prayer aliould
miiQgr wimiy.
B ull depsn.d. I.xvlng
tratr. A aedUcral n
them agnlu nml r..rce.Ptliem down to n«. l'
t. Tim llrsl tiuug Ilwt Ahra,
Sgt aa ata did au hir. Baltic percelrn aboared
gtnised Imagination
‘ me only
wOw s*
r lartv. .Morrel also «b*
tbe iHlnk they would stsi.d calmly. the
wh. n tSmt |>n>UilMKl him tu- ^ too. Msbsj tolusB «|
ad, to bla laaipreBalblc a«n>na<- and
aid rn^r/m If I
a madman who would
he ^■.s.e.! ...e I ...... lead
iml of * aua«n was to enst an altar
dIMay.'tbat tbe billet, allbouitli In an
nrnlug bm ueay.
.1. . r.._
1 Ilia-l
m.1 ....... mmmrt
for tale a magic pot. If crruin rather did not aaceoed In tnrnlug
m.M n i ulsl.e
itely determined inrt to move.
InlllsnanM-. Ilto first aei.afirr he iiad
n^latakaWT BaacuUiw
common atonea were mixed tod pUced
cm a Him.. I did n..( at tin’ disIt WBSll.eii that ITIc- gnve
plt.he.1 his tent laHween taHhiH and
erted. "Go away at <.iicer They are
In the poi. with a certain portion of
real profanity, aud I nm tatind to own favor lu vvhl.Ii Ik. wns In+i! 1 slmuM iliii WHS to -hnihl an altar iiuto Ihe
looking for yon. The keeper waa here
water, and tbe whole ahakos dlllgenUy
that it was effective. Wle-n IswUng have iKS-n afraid to |«ss hbn In n*'- Ixml aiKl rail olani tbe naiue of tta
r.«d lad b.. .-oose to prl. k me lu tbe
hour. Ihe atonea would torn to tbia morulBS. He hat toen gone only and prodding and ib.- niUd.r Inv.^xlve"
Aliraliaui'a altars slgu.lfl...l
t>h. Braloa. dear, bow you atartled
gold iiroi Irted that during the boor the an hour. Re told me If yon came to failed to urge (be burros f.trwor.1.
thanksgiving aud prayer. l'«w tbe Mew I A TH'IKPHON.U P
nfpoor nerrear
Myrtnia. tylpIS aaBltoas
operator abonid not think of a hlpporrlee .would stand bn.-k. pole w Ub
bl'sBings that come Into our llv.T with i> BMOnBMinki^ (l.~n Sto.Ha B lto>.
ptV forward wllb oolatretcbed liaoda.
potamde. Tbe fakir told a great
^ __________ ■
rage, and begin t-. swear, .■ailing n|wo
day we sbouM ereet altars
■gfere Mr. Baltic coaid aHrrt a|
y tbto time I bad become hyoterical
for fabulout anma. and not one of ihn
all hli gedq and l.tosiing lb.- rt^nta
|“sK M.l lalS Mis'KN’nUI. THoHmoK—
thanksgiving and prayer K. our ls«d.
prigte word! In which to demro
and began to tough and cry by tnrna.
IHBk Mill r~sl. o.»- l^-Ial-sltosS.SBM
porrhaaeri e« er demanded a return of
ilon of his iMXsts unto the Iblnl and
tvUk- to fhrlst sbouU <s.nie fitat,
explanation from bhi aweetbeart the
frigbtMentoiM'. a wlul.-r ivsorl lu tl..- Hiulh
........... Tlie fakir knew Ida bnal- Tbe youDg mkn look,
the mone.r
fourth generoflon of their B«e-.-*lors.
J.S.US said min. him. I'MIow
fiulCk gtanee
......................... ......................
of rrauev. oue ..v. uliig l»..iig!as went
_ Hewaalnadranceof Uaagaln cned aa I.
■ I 1h
.jH ilK- di-ad l.nry their d'Kiil
ed by tbe eotrauce nt UyrtUU'
« one to Uke
about him. at if for
wnlk Willi a.IHtU- Ptein l. g!rl who IsHl. r way .s.iild t'lirlst have enforisKl tto.. Tto Pros' sirest. TnisM. Illy. Hk*
rM alittr. Bat at they i«rted
i fixing In bla cuatmiier'a mlada tbe aa- Bt Is charge.
baslneaa, and slowly at itrsi. I It | that s-rvl's- to' Him
ataBcaae Mr. Bailie eaM:
Hla action reaaanted me, lUd
nbiy.vl - isoramvently. as tbaugb fhey rathev imbiy.vl
tacUUon of that oM
l^-fe.^Travatia '
ah..iil.l. Oiiie first III onr U« .-s'. No duly
“MyitUla. when I rime tbli aticrmade a mistake? I looked again at bto
tbe water, they wade.1 tlirnngh nud bot.'I. and toWTir.! nion lUnli the .kuy w,- owe
talr. tbli time through eyea untcrrlatarled clown Ibe trull Is-v-.nil"
atixhuis P-r his saf.-i'y. I w*-ni io«<areh
id. aiid .'«i «'hrlst Iiere dr,.
-laa. dear." purred tbe fair eoalavcr.
Bed. It waa auburn. I mnarked hit
____________________ fctt him. I loHlel him l.'Uig in bto bbssl
—were reading a IHter-a letter
eyes. They were blue
Tber* Ar* -rwo'KlBds of WaafseS. ^ lu tlie gi.nb-ns siabisd ll.r.KIgh ll.v thni wli..h W Mini. -r«Ilow
Hare you ever noticed that theater
_____ >■
friB a geatlMBao."
odstlltoUng. were very mild. MeauTbere are two vnrteti.-s of ii.usiatdr toort." Il.« .-wt had Iseii ..iii by the m>-. hi.'l h-l tl.e .l.'ud Miry IlM'lr dea.l.
andiencea alwa>* aaacmble In tbe reWa; Bopkinaon colored.
wMla Uie man waa studying me. Grtd—black and white, lllac-k imislaol ,l» ■ |silut cif a kiiif.- <.r sword
as to makv Tim- to tl». siiptvHie Maliii of fhri.t
rene order to tbe pricet of admloakw?
^rvtaa. you eoivly don't donbt t
sally be came to look upon le at aane. tbe moat raluahle for .K.mui< r.-ial pur ' wluu l<s.l,.sl like ils- l.nter S.
The cbeapeat aeala are ocmpled «r«
u|s>ti .-iir Ito.’s'•-iiiunsHl. Jf It staaila
*im you let Be ^ Ibe MterV
Its seeds are v.-ry luinule. [ blade' bqd .miereJ tbe leort at
asd tbe moat expenUre onea laat.
im Arthur Andreww. I was
. .-iWKid.
Tt^ wbo pi to Ibe extreme tack
........................................................."-l.-th ..f i ;........................................ —
u,VKT..«rlly first above aU other dutle
Mr^Baltic babged oot of Ibe ho
to Old Oaks for over Sunday
gialn each.
Its ts-io Is • Jn ug.m.v nt the munl.f of my frieinl,
npper iierchca are alwara on tasd be­
-X'hrtat nrat" should be lb* motto
with ray friend Tom WInalow. I have
caused by an esaenltol oil. This oi'i • 1 ealU-d a g.m.teriue. and the Issly
fore tbe doom are o|wu and wait with
cur Urea.
*t>kdBr: Ob. dear; Oli. dear!
arldenUp got Into tbe
Bib like fruit finers. ta eiiirily 1ml- j I every c-llcwt to
bawaOed beeaeir. nvbat aball 1 dor
aun. I
*• myoui
"hare mlsuken Tom'e lated hy the ehemtots.' Itath as a tiil.le i ite tiiurdelvr. Inil witli.iut su.'V's.
wlKi‘occupy tbe aeata a II<tle-lower In
W. Baltir west baste in a tnwerli
friendI for a lunatlo: 1-.would rather
and as h medicine musliird ; roysb-Vtoito ........ ...
poaltlon and n little bigtar In price
■, x-C: cxxi , U, t>: a-TOT. (11, JO-se. .
pataloa of Jealona rage and penned
any torture tian .confess my eranffer
Ull ml.
come next. Ti>en ibe taleony beghw
14; Mark 11. 14'. John ■ | , • bri-* j,~Hry «>
Cd. Xii. 1.;
rmuat get rM of Um before lie
Both wblcb would bare done no dU
It ws'IiukI to iianly awak-n sniue ijH.iuto fill from the tack downward, from
, 31:HC«w. vliur.period;
ctsin ta any irageUy hero In tbe Und:
dtoeovn* who 1 am.
groeerv slon* ory.. .\t l.v»t I iK iiienils-nsl Morrel and
,73 ewita a acat In tbe back rowa.
As DOW found
*Dld Oaka It the negt pUre to oura.'

tbto-splee ronstots of slijie sikI l•I»cJ(
pn»l Ihrougb 11 and HJIO to K down
I aald. "Donbtleae you will eoally find
mustard seeds, mix's! aixl grotutd tine. walsttviftt of M. r.risiK.n. Tlien It
frtmtU It you keep right on down the road."
i tiun tTa»f4 «ir
til'- GtoJ Ibe M'er » »as.
Ou the orchemra fioor la the aaue
Tbe white mustard kiK-ps U tter tbnn
coDdlUoD of affairs, tbooe wbo occupy
Ibe htork vitrl'ety ntid Is not »-. Miter. ligntvV
*-Jun 11
the tK’Iiee olti'V
n rather think that wUl bring ber tbe moat expensive aoata enteriug Just
A good deal of the iniislanl ■..Id is.'
*’Are tbe colamot ^
• little
aisosd If anything wUL". be ntid to before tbe curtalu rise* or shortly nftrr
with ule-ati:
ttolis j
gnulte? Toufv I ace. aee granKe.”
blBOelf. ' And I won't l<oat It citber. It to up. whUe tbe boxes are uanaUy
often with tnmerle. thai Ktvnvli girl wU.m Di.tigUs had Is-en
*meln are granite too."
rn leare It at tbe doer myaHf."
his t.iorili.r
iiiunliT. aiMj
aud dotor t<w is41rt to (Bin I
not occupied .until The first act to well
Whm she ni the is.lh-v offltv 1
Tbe doth'won only faintly lllnmlnat. under way.-Near York Herald.
tbto 1 made no repl.v. Bomebow
qmBtiom'd L.-r tiiys.Hr. She ixiuo in
edby tare andHirfe ibc yellow gleam
1 didn't Ilka bto tope. Beald^ tbero
Both TBusht.
j charge of A g-mlaniie. frlglil'-Dvsl and
of as oeeanlonal gaa lamp when Ur.
xraa BO BeccBliy in being to m^te.
There arc two Ponland
"■bn wceidng. but, I faoelivl. on M r guard.
Bahle otalkrd up tn the rcildcnr
Commeoce or begin? Tbe beatwrU-Thonka." bo aald. "I will —
,e j.iu n lov.v?” I .osk.slWb Uopkinaon oner more. Two llg
era and the beat Bpeakrtw. alao. iwefer find tbe place. I am abfrr to have dto- have laat fallbeaeb In tl>c nlU< r. fhey '
a were at tbe area gali—a woman "begin'' 10 “comuirnee" for all every­
tnrbad yen.”
day purpoaea. The reano for this pref­
He departed. I arote. went to tbe
. llalllc.
•Goodr' thought
erence to not. as aooic bate aild. that
UU p n, S U pwi I a* ■
ooM end abut myartf up In my r>otu. Eaeh aon'ounriKl to the other Ihnt
BfWget and her young man. I'll glee '-bcftn" la older, for "couimeip*'’ to of
•■No.- ursJou.”
(Imweo, ....
A r-pa.
In the aftenoon I beard Tpm talking must telephone for a enrringe. nitd
nity. but I
Khi' preaerv^ bro c<
ay note to Bridgel." Hut as be a|>- very reapecuble Bitlqulty: nor to It.
with aomc one on the platan. 1 looked they departed Into dlRenmi stores, ot aaw that tbe <|uesllon aurtW h'V.
fMficbed tbe dread nrisloty stole over aa otber* have aald. that "begin ' to of
tbro^b thrijUnda and aaw the-the
tenalhly f<w that puipose. When, ten
“IMd you e»'T sec a wan «m or mark
bla that It wat not llrldget and lier AngltpSaxon ortgti
w%da of
rolnutet later, the women mcl In n tbe ll^ro b upon un sJteraary'a
lew. but Myrtllla and an.l-whc?
h-rench or of X-atlu origin that
I niig for tba maid and when the
Bpring street trolley ear. no allualon hceastr
been fully adopted Into our toognage
ime told ber t»4eU taytaotber that I
was made th6 .xrrtogc. - Kenuebee
She tunied |«ile and did not pe|'l7jun aa good English aa naUva
of my sick beadacbea, and
« WstiiB ....... ■ is sal Iz 'iXptoii S toPB
••XVlicre If \ lrlor Mord lT'
Be board bViM oenkMcea eicbanged. wordA It U rmtber that "beffln" hat
(Me.) Journal.
.. ' * 4k B a. It top la Ttopni
would Mt be well tiU Mooday-ofter.
HaastokBS ... (Usn.lSsmlsOOpB
i This broke her down. "I had nothing
Ha aaw tbe vtUaln creep away, like a tbe atrength of alraplidty. wbereaa
tta truln hod June.
todowlth IC'shtiCriv'd. 'newa* Jeal­
OBpast through the dnak.
’■commeiKe' bat fallen Into dloropuB
TMd came to me and found me wltb
ous of-lho .\hierieiln. Do not t.rlng
Kow waa tbe moment for action.
from being natodaled wMb tbe cheap » wet cloth 00 my brow.
^ T^as«^v» at Trsvtoseaty si »:
me to tbe gullloUne. I beseech ypn."
•Womanr’ be .cried, pennelng fprih auery of wtltlng.-Eliaabelb A. Wltbey
*‘Awftil aofry. Lucy; tare broogbt they are made by simply melting sugar

aarlh sod s
• I turmsi to the pr.teel of t.ollce.
<B tta tmeonartoua Mlaa Myrritto.
Id Ladles' Home Jouroal.
Eitbw Androwa up purpoaely to meet
are without nelJa.
Add In the "The rase to in .vour iMbdf." l aald.
V. a McnoAV. Are*
Tm. tirrs .4 rhdto sod Vwsi MaBc.
.....eoce of Iftwt slilllB orUtaary sugar “>'lnd \ lrlor Uom-I.”
Qfilcfc. giro me tta packet of letten he
o awai
awayrVbml too don't know Into two fonns. dextrose ami levulose
•Xlh. ffo
“Wlcvc to M. Morrel?" be aaked of
baBdedroo! laawhlmr
Wstoungua fitnet
AacuD-1 suppose you haven't bad tow L toffee.”
These ai* both deadly sweeia and mneh
*1 wUl die hoouer;'' arreecbed Mlaa time to flgwe out yet bow mneb your
Tbe Bext Baturdoy Tom brought Tbe
mote prone to fermenutlon than nwl
“Ob, I do i«rt biwwT Bparomc.'"
tawtlc.” oa I eaUed him. for anottar' gngar.. ThU to tbe reasou why so many
"Take hex away." said tbe offleer to
In tbe coofilM tbe box fell to tbe
Bank rr«alde«t-Oh. yea. Wa Umw Boday. Before I met either qf them *
bousewlves eanuot make good erauls-r- Ibe gcndanuc. "She will finlah ber ca­
taBUd. Ita lid
in a very abort time.
Uon wblcb tad
17 or other Jelly.'
reer on Ibe gnlUotlne."
. away. SomatUng rilnked out
Aacno-Why, I ihanghl be took a
This was too much for ber fidelity to
tta pavement. Broiut niootwl
L« Trstowts Uty ~
The Oreal fiaaliaeBlI
her lover. "I do liot know where ba
double act of
Bank rreei^ent-Enetly. Va c
otolB and walked out oo tta ptom
The animals wroe iwepartng for ama­ hs." she said. • Yeirtetday be was 4a
ly bad to count what be ien.-PtalIaael- aa cool aa an Iced cucumber.
teur theatricals.
lljrttuia asok 00 tta nroa ateq.. bidphia rrrea.
”My friend. Arthur AndrewA”.WBld
-1 want to ta the heavy vlUnln.'* sal.l
That evening UotTOl wa* arreated in
tar face In tar binda.
Tom. “U whom you hare oftM toard
tbe abeep.
Marseille* and brought to Slentone fro
«ta tbIanUr aald Mr. Baltic.
“Your' toorted tba tatelll^t horse. trtnl. He pot on a bold fwt. feeling
•AHr echoed MyrtUto. “dli. Brufta.
by do y------------- .. .
Think I bara bad tba ptoosoro of Ton'd make a fierce looking vllUln.
hat there
there were no igitnotica of
I voBld liaTf perlatad aeonre than let Oh canine an alevator a 'lift' and a pla
taeotlng you tafaie,” aald tba jneat
the murder.
•ttrtr " inqnlced tbe young woi
"M. Mrovcl.” asked tbe prosecuting
*Ata that-tbat rUtols"“BeaUy,” answered tbe young
“Wbaor 1 aaked. with wcU frigned
ni bet not
«Waa tta denttoCa yonuBanr aob- wbo-came over to get mkrrled. “1 cant
tag 'Bahr — Catholic Standard l
boi Mtaa BepklDaoD.
oay. I waa about to aak you why oo
"A week offo taday.”
*My Myrtllla! XudtkatMer
many r«ople bera call a lift an -M*.
at ta mtotakcB. Laat B
Tan moat
. wDomT look at ma no, Brntna. It
vator' and a tart a-»lc.'"-Waahlnff- dv I «aa .«
eonfioad to my room wltb a
tta taBtlara bllL And now 1 know
alek taadaebe.'
T ain't done took de li p myself yit. *^“IMook(d like the letter 8. but had
y«a tata mar
It you wuold have mada
^ot at all. dear." oaM Mr. Baltic
WhOt It
1 taUt
frequeot rtolts been poorly wld it but ata got ober it
ifiMliit Ua taartnl betrothed. “Let me
M 8 of It”
toOld Oaka. and we took many aatt^I
Id up t
wUvar you a oecret-mlM ere false
A KITC8BLU a. r. A.
througb tba grouBda. 1 always dreaded
-rae glad to beth dal. liruddah Or- man's coat on which had been cut tba
B-W.CtntMtNaBAIS-. A
"Well, loot at tbto chapter tbero la »
tta gataway. for Arthur would
letter 8. Tbe prisoner feU back, clutch­
terrllta atorm. and tba
lyoak ma atx
"Tea. ata died wld lt"-Upptacc»'a ing bla hair and moaalog:
• I must have been drunk:*
it appeared later that be had boen
*TCo: tbla to a aubmarine boa;.”
adripbto Bccord.
Mrs. Jenkyna-I are Mrs. HoetoBg la drinking heavily knd wa* nnconaclooa
alfiad olkBce. boptag that ta time
of onttlng the mark be waa accoatom<a«Bld baeena tired of ttara. Wbeci ta going to have "King Lear” at Iut next
ed to leave on Ihoae be womed ta
ffroOmod Bsalds. DsMt Tslilt. Cfitsafs
JIa TaeuBt l.ta For ■»*.
dteoa tta obafiow of thU gateway at a private theatrifuls.
Id wsft. saSA B.,tl«Am.. ttag;*,.
fearing. He waa coovlcyd. and beft
"Mob always wants wbat ba koa
e you. WUl you
Mrs. Newilrb ifurloDS with eovyi—
ptae* to peupooe mantag^ I rejected
Istamu. Boy av. tan fianB. Vatoas.
1 left mnea be waa taken oot of J
e happy by abartng my and falto to antieetote what ta boa.”
Mm. Ha afMrwBifi attend oaotbro la abe. tbe affected thing? Do you
awrot sai ami. • ta a. to„ 11 as A to.
one BMmlBC before daylight aud gt
Ja; that's what kaapa tta omntaffa
ktoow, I don't believe be'a a real ktaff
oBd I oeceptad Mm.
•ba-U there a Un Itttto bo«
taroau OBd tba dlvoroa eonrta ffoli*”
at oU-Rxebafige.
Ato..tltaAto.atattap to.
-<a.trogn Pout.
tta.lot. HamT>~Bo«o« HeraM.
ten BopUa Kilkitaa.tAto.ltapto.
•W.«) WOBTB of Bouae Fanlihtag
Wa. Ita uBdarolgDad, dolbarehy
Oooda fee «1» 00 at J. W. Blote’a
grttaatovtoa aat taSstasy. I« ita
.jro* to rofond tta moaer oo a 60dortag ttair luvaotcty Bolo.
arfnl, dt^p
^bOttUof Oroeta'a WanoBiad Syr­
up of Tta if it ^Us.ta care your
I have opcBcd a Homem ■Cieaiung
Wa alao gnaiwitee a

Sf **






martin & Eoans



o. i' MurgAn.a


rtaiP»yf»><'“>«0-. «n »*>"


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=iri?:= 'ill

E.JS3T - —







____ _

MIT. bow to tbe plot of that aa*
Miri runfitegr

brid up the murdm




Pere Marquette



rSM^tibTbody OH

js •s isr-s? 2? s
______olwiiya on*. DcA*t ta a*
axlia whaa Or. Klafft’ Va« Diaocr-

Ado ta JM O. JobnBlyMoMJu
dotm^B^OBd EX'Walt * Bom' di«(




Ool^oBdoU Tteuot OBdlteM^
oaMtcBaMth. Xka fintdaMblrtaff*
At 4aA O. JeteaaB
LtB 80M. Prioa Ita

OBd Repair Shop over ABgoa McCoD's BUcksaith Shop.

Mrr lOo
PER 1000 Wins

WiU boy

and fidl oecond haad hanMoea nd


wfaSe fcpain^ wiD aippfy cuttom-


m with hanMH wWleUbein it be­
ing cored far.

du^ thU IbvooM^ Sate.
CfilTirtai^^lnt|^<^ Spy

la 1


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