The Evening Record, September 08, 1902

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The Evening Record, September 08, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



; V-t

.THEi Evening eecord ■ ■^^s\



SB cnrr.



uch. mokoat sbftbkbbb s. im».


Mmalt«se:«r tbs Whals aff tha raaartl
^ BaanaTTrwto Msartaes WM
Mast This tiBoalBa.

Tho eeaneU In oommittoa of tho
Athl«thlc m—t Saturday Naxf Alnr ifl ■>>«>• oout floludoy dwdod laatralntng T. C.. L. dt M. From Chattanpga, Sept. 8—After a rcsi- halo and tha bond of dinoton of
fal night at the Reid h6o$c. President >a Board of Trade wtU meet this
CroBBing Paga Proparty
Rooao-clt anwTcariy. At 9:25 a com­ wniag to diaenoi tho propoaad trant«Mt .MiiMt »fc. oWy fcy OonMliu
mittee of the Brotherhood of Loco^ bhiaa Mibafittod by thrBoaid of Trade
A WoUoM Owe Bay. Bi. opin
motive Firemen escorted him to the for tha Travana City. Old MItoon A
BASE BALL AND FOOT BALL to MItm. mi ia aaMaiolBc tM biU MORE TROUBLE WITH M.&H.E anditorium to attend an executive PaoinanU sailnad. The oonaoU at
Session ot the order. The order ot iUlaot meeting took this noMon aad
ba aaU IbaS Mat waa aa qaaaUoa
firemen conferred the grand honoraiy !it is tha porpoaa of tha eonaeU and
tba* lha i wliaMMi
board to arrive at tome
But Former Company Has
with Track and Flald Evanta
bership upon him.
eolntioo of the diffionlty if potoble
Dead to Right of Way
aad anggeat a franehisa which wUl he


Mmt btld flalafiij malM la tha
aMorOoaatf OlMkBotartX. Wal«c.aa4 M^aUnaalAlhteileaMoeia«UiiiVM0t|«RMfMMDU
i i iMfMlaa for tbo litktolio moH with
I tiM Bido Mbool Satafdiu oftomooa
tiMd. with tbr UaqoM lo foUow II la
Bokort B. Waltor wa. otootod pradI dMt ortho aooelatioa. AailNorlla.
aw Tloo prodtet aad Lori T. Pmbi
Tho plaa to hoTr tbomet foilewod
L with ab«M|«et in tho oTwIaf YM
Btoimjapptared. M waloo Iho Itoa
«f taiBlaff oraraU of Um aol pcoooodt



Carm^ Takas Satlajpctlon
From Flrmlntat Covammant


ing the T. C.. L. A M. from croaMng
tht-prop-rty ha recently pnrohawd of




Gape Uaytlen. Hayti. Sapt. »-The
gnn boat Grata >a Picrrott, which waa
m aarrlce of tha FlnnlnUt party,
ArraaaaoiaaU of Unmnda-Verlia haa baao rank at tba antranoa of the
<3. Thcmtao, Waltoa Gray. OUado Oar- harbew of Oonnaira. by the German
gnnboat Panther.
tor. Aodl Laderlo, Arthar Kallogir.
Foot baU-AmU Kerlimrar.
Baw Ball-Bdwln Thlrlby.
Of thaw

oomaiUtaea tba proaram

tiaii. '8aptombar8.^t tha German
ateamor Marhowaimia. Captain Kan*

TerHblr Beatea-Oae still AlUe




aai in 5 minntaa* time

Admiral Kil-

lick atkad that this time be extended

across the Page property. Tha action reliable aonroe that tlie alrikt-r* made
of Baturady is the culmination of the their plans to attack tha works early
ihii morning. The mob was out all
The T. O. U A M. claim to own night and KaaU and Patrick, whose
. having reoalr
honaeo are in the fort and who were
Page before Wilson

PnM. Prim lp»l Nyo •nd *or Wynk«op. InuddlUon iojrtemrterUlwjMiU Uwi» wlUb. •••!»« of


I ;

I aad • flow of MSI" m U ii ibo
iBlaatiaa to hara aa axtamira |itogr
of toaala aad othar faatarai that will
add to tha plnaadraa of lha aranlng.
Tha High tohool athlatio awooiadoaataanlaraig with aathmlaaw'Into
y,a aplrtt of tha maat, and ara already
bard at wort praparing for it. They
.WiU ooaaa apon tha gr^ndaSalorday
with tow ball, foot ball aad track
toawa aa fit aa a fiddle, aad if tha old
boya heat tiiaaa. it will almply ba baaaaw they hara a lanrar liat to pick
.troaH,ofwatarardaTalopment. It wUl
ha loag odda in faror of tba High
.aohool toom tha ataadiKilnt of aaap



The crew of the

Crete-a Pierrot left

that rasael amid

great disorder.

ara now that tha mwt
WiU to a moat axcltiag ooa. with all
tha oraata oloaaly oontralad. The
Elgh aohool aplrit ia growing faah
•Dd all who ara interaatad in tha
aohool al»onld make it a point to witBOW tha apona and atari tha High
aehpol atlilatlo aaaooUtioo with a onog
aam of wooay in the traaaury.
Tha baw ball game wUl be called
t o’clock aharp. and tha trad
told araota will occur batwaan that
*Bd Aba foot baU game, wblob will



American Troops Fired Upon
at Manning Falls


All lucBA rar



Tb. tetd rtiowM of Stmiv •*«*


MM «M IMrtT.4 WMh fliMMt. I
■ (hM tb« tOnMC. «( lU* MOtlOO.

mmlamt Blom*hl.U wuMtlnth.
«.!,«> M* how «h.|»M-.rtM FtmI
.Mol Aowofl m>wtth Mfloifl lodnloB. MM. tfaM tM

, SL

-Wtoat. aad Tl^v
____ nHi aon.iflC:
^ 14; fofk. HAW! li^l. H!;

New iincs arriving every
It you will call

A new line of

Some Very Nobby Styles. Choice Values.‘r

Ole Olill Be
to- I pleased to Show You
litoral candidate for parriament from
the new Styles.
Hom<cy division at the next election.

Floral Designs

Homzcy is a northern suburb of Eon-!


Percy M. Holdsworth lias acccptcl|
Ihe jKKttion of assisunt to consuUing;
mechanical engineer, George U. Will- i
cox of Hay City.

This is an

the state._____________________v

Artistic work at right prices.



Alfred V. Fricdricli

ant jiosilion, as Mr. Willcox is one ot
the leading consuUing engineers of


Of all descriptions furnished on
short notice.

i:very ilcsirablc creation
of f:^iion is shown in
our stock.




••Jfanan** \

F* A

tVor Deporto

At the and of 15 mioWashington.

Sept. H-The

war de­

were to taka poaseasion of tha Firm- partment is advised by cable from
tout gunboat.
When these men had Oenernl Ohaffee of an attack upon
arrired at a point about SO yards irjm his troops at .%UIining Falls, savan


to break out on



they left her

her crew before 1.

on the Oreta-a-Pierrot nntll

-First lieutenant Wm. M- l^arker,

ahe waa were wonnded and one soldier killed"

oompletely Immeraei Thirty abets j the <diKiau h oontinnea. M oolde anGeneral Sumner to more the
aU told were fired. There ismoch|tbor
feeling hen- agaolst the FirmlnlsU troops into Maciu country and exact a
and thair oaoae U to be abaodom-d. promise of good behavior in the



llamas ware aeen miles from Gamp Vioara The disShe ’jmteh is dated Mindanao. September


board of her.

The Panther then fired of the nth infantry and two soldiers



here to attack future from the dattos (chiefs» and
An Prlnoa is their followers.



[ArttoOnmaltatloa BsUt rpbjtlwlwU
T. C„ U * M. Mot OMMU. WUh Apralof
MMoTBiMtoruo, ornoiMrt

we paint the meriu of the " Sole of Honor,"
SeU- -ILoyel Blue" S5JO Shoe.
In the ehoe is the best of work and leather
and “back of if is the name of Sell.
Sclx meuns perfection and itands for satUfaction.
In all such kinds and
and leathers as
at one price. . .

%'S S3J0

.H>sstorMcMlllas-No M ord



DooMor. •X.IUU.

8otud>T ot L.Uod tb. b..uinc ot
tha right of way matter between tha
T O.. L. A M. and Hubert Denstar
of Buttoos Bay was eooclndad and a
verdict of IS. 100 was rondaiad in favor
of Danster, who it ia staUHl, originally
damandad roo for tha right to oroaa
hU property, tha land in question
being 40 feat wide hr 480 feet in
Tha appraiaan ware W. a Kelson.
Oaspar Dnskalo and Biohnrd Sehomberg. The T. C. U A M. oonsidai
thaamoant awarded anUraly unjust
and will not aooopt tha decision with-




8-‘ I will be at tho



The above is a stalemant made by D
M. Ferry today. He oowtinaad. -W.
O. McMillan lias IdHI aalda the man
agemantof the orgaaisatioo aad 1 aa
now in ohatgs.. I cannot aay if the
I«hcy for lha organisatiim wUl ba
tba mme as haratofoea-or not ”

Ladies* Colored

lixtened to a most excellent sermon in
the First Methodist church, by Rev.
R, 1). Laufinan, of Rkhmond, Ind.,
father of Ret. Wm. Lauiman, putor
of the church. The elder -dergyinan
has retired from active work, but con­
sented to occupy.thc pulpit last even-

forceful, and Ustened to with deep in­
terest. Mr. Uofinan is qieoding a
few aceks here visiting Oe UmDy of
of Grand
Mrs. Jas. E. Eu
and M«.
J. A. Montague for a lew daya

Bert WiBidm is in CWboygih tuperriiiag the erection of the Uigeai n$ BmT
palp tortory in the Mate.

«**IM tteM.



ntaa the Panther aeot a wmll iKiat

bj the lalow toto lowk too heoa postal
ttooagtoat GoitoaaBplnad.ia otto
tool tto Palio tteoaghoat tho kiag
torn Mj aao that tto oBtota of IIm
.Wtoat, n aadW*i; eon. Btopwog an BOt aati-FOUah, aa iwpott


Fall Footwear
now in...

wojjud. .... M .

Lomion. -Sept. 8—It is slated


^Poal4 bara to tala BMce than four

gteto aa fast to aBaet the drainage
iaa^ytoffto^ A taia foar tlmai as
1,-^ M Batniday’a would have to ba a


day that Sir Thomas Lipton will to a

95.00 Shees.^The Boston

carrying an officer and »o sailors who

Co« S?s2l^
.kUjesty. The American Citizen

Next tDine to Glvlne Them Awzy!


be abandoned when Oo*. KIIM sod T«t> iLisrsd lo tho Ko-


bar craw left

Soldiers are



16 mlnnta*
xhU n-qna*t waa
l«ft In tha haadaofa to
of -Spragna gtantad oo ooodltiou that the arms and
ammunition on board the Crete a-

Oothiera. Hatters and Kurnlsbets to 1

Maltby andclnbb*d

him to di-atb. They also beat Frank >
chief engineer of the M. & N. K.. Patrick oo badly that ha i* lying iu a
oanaad a fenoe to be hnilt across ilia critical condition in a boapiul.
oropoaod right of way and Issued a
The Lehigh Valley Co. oreratt-s ,
notice signed by himself as chlet an- the Maltby colliery.and two wt-«tka ago i
glnear warning Uie T. C..U A M. not
to proceed with the work of grading work. Tha company
y learned from a*

a* an act off Omena.
■ It l^ evident that the friction be­
Port An Prlnoa, Hayti, Sept. 8-Tlie tween th*- T. U.. L A M. and M. A
iamian gnnboat Panther arrired hen- N. E. has not been removed.

the Orata-a Piarrot that ha mnit re­
mora bit ert-w and surrendar his ret-

$* B^nda

oming a mob of atrUars fell upon'
John Beau

Bfplembar and reoeirad Instmotion.
A repres* ntative of the T. C.. L. A
for lha Tarioao aranla.
Awll Narllajiar wiU hara aotlre from tba German gOTenunaut to cap- M. sUted this morning that the line
oharga of tha foot liall taaai for tha tore the Friminlat gnnboat Crete a would to built over ibe right of way
for secured by right of purcha.*-e
alamai. and will aalaot hla mao. train Pierrot. She left immadUtely
thaw aad oaptoio vbr laam on tha GoimairM.and tha commander of the
''--------- I Thlrlby a

*-uf cuorw w* hsT.- *4M«i*rr oas*. too.”
Mawlaad Hals—tb* a*w Pall Mylo* ar* all
n 0Wia i 0 ui and UMjr ar» very awsU-as. t!.«1

J. Hnbball.


German gnnboat Informed Kllllck on




groaada daring tha



hod toon atoppad topwmbar 2 by

tha foot ball froaada aad aei ap tha
goal poota. aad 1a othar waya arraaga

8~Tba citixena of


to tha property, although it 1s Br TVtoermoh to lb* BMord

«Taola will hare plaoa la the told aad

ffroaada for ilia jomp«, Taalta aad
waifht throwiag, lawMmra aad laark



purcliased tha lanA TUa oonrta will
will daolde apon what
FIrmtmt gonboat Orata-a-Picr- Ik- appealed to to dissolve the Injonotntk nmL Tha oommUiUm oa aa- rot at tba witranoa to tba harbor of tlon.
It will bo xememlM-red that Albert
trtaa arill daalanato four alaaud lor Capa Haytiaa. aad that an armml force
waoh aranl, of whom two aiaj atari ia aant on board the ■toamar from the Wilson recently bongbt the Pagt- tiro- Jolly air Tboakss wm Make a Try for
aaob araat asoi^pt tha aprlata whara gaahoat took powawion in apita of the perty for the purpose of building upon
»Bi a L«b<1ob 1>Ilarge summer betel. Tne iL A
ao Unit on the aamba^ ia toad. Tha protwiatiom of Captain Nanaan and
N. K. was also given terminal facllieomaattoa oo irroaada wlU umam tha Oarman oooaaL
Tha wUnra of tha Markomannla ba* ties for its protiosed extension
lha diataaoa for tha ram. pr^para tha

Cbey are Rere!

Mistakaa for SCoe Ualoa Mea sad

oorer all tha propoaad right of way. In
ime thaT.O., L. A M. has
a de.-d

until alK)Mt three hours aftor the fiUng



that whan tha property
Wllaon certain raaarra- Two airih«« Whose Ilofloes Wer* leUdo |
by Page, bot it is

of the deed of Wilson.
few days ago Jas.


Bobart BosdKr Co. a « Proa.

tiooa were made

wld that the Instrumt-ot was not filed

Thi alhlatto aa*oi will ooaolal of a
law toOl IMM. hold aad Iraok oToati
lad afooiballgamo TbofaUowiaf
wittow ware appoiatad to hara
tea# of the athUtto lawl:

Ol'ty Boole S'toro

art greatly Inoansad over tba
! Iiroclalmlng of their oity nndar the
! crimes act The Nationaliats haw de-

in the Morning

olaimad that tha rawnration did not

Haytlan Ravolutlonlots Took
PosaaoBion of Carman Ship


brat wc lisvr e\-rr had and much totthan the -olhf-r fcU*«r** sell* at the
same or higher priors.

tha claim

beioK made that Wilson was an Innooantporchaacr and waa not aware that
right of way had bean granted orar
tha property Vi tha T. C.. L. A M.
It appears
was sold to



was serrad by Albert Wilson wtoain.


mutually sarisfactory* to tha oeoaeU
and railway company.

kstatoiSoiiaeiitr goods at IBs

Miner Was Clubbed to Death
by Hla Own Comradea

troubles of tha T. C . L. dt M.

BBd K. & K. B. do not aaam to hare
baenorar. On Saturday an lafniiociOB

AbalT. Page at


TO M»snt» nmemsE


Waists, values 75c. $1.00,

A few odd sizes of Silk Waists that were $5 ^^*00


Of Fancy Chinawarc and Din­
ner Sets have just arrived.
Twelve styles of lOO-piece din­
ner sets, English ware, elegant
decorations —something new
in water sets.

Look at our
^Bofs* Suits
And you think at once “How nice my
little boy would look in one of those.**
It’s only a short step from looking to
buying when you call at our Children’s
Department. Norfolks, Double-Breast­
ed and the always popular Little Fel­
low's’ three-piece and Vestee Suits—
$2.00. $2.50. $3.00, $3.50 to $5^X3 arc
the popular prices we show in such
large assortment. Our guarantee,
backed by the guarantee of the manu..facturer, on everything wc sell.

When out for a walk visit our store: we will show you
the nice new goods in all departments. ^'
Wc give one Sundard Pattern free with every $3.00
sale or mo^fe of dress goods. Do not forget this.



' B3milt0n

*a>mu9 €


mr. before rery loag. m
eoal le owe of the aeeeBBtat
oflilA WtoiaBilellfe-^todtoto;
Mi wteter aMaaaiholattor to aaa^
IfooalMaaohtoiaable Theapproach
of ooolor weaBier U oriafiac the aat.
ter haaw to the Mae of the people.

JTKW BjruLaxD.
on the preeideni e
toar thiOBgh Kew Baglaad. the Orend
BapUe Herald aaya.
The preeideot'e Kew Knflaad toar.
It aeeded aaythiag to aoariaoe the
doahtor tlwt Mr. Booaar^ ataade

woaid bar# or ooald hara aabeaded
In the way they hare done dnriag the
efalef exeontire’e trip.

tar Cte. if
:DBbM A. rAi.L«fCi


^▲a. B. MOBBOS.

eelf wllhi
Tha motat
in pablia and
aad critwal Kew Knglandei
bee beea forced to acknowledge that
the preeldect'e tour bat been an on

fearleaaaeea. He haa:aol eoaght to
dieaemUe. No oae haa been left in
icBomnoe aa to hU poaiticgi or inten
(loca oa the PhiUppine qneatioa, the
tfonroe doetriae. the tarlff.reciproeU}
or the great iadaalrial problem of th<
craalB. Thepcealdeot hai ahown him«elf to be radical witbont being fanatteal He haa appeared before the
people aa a laader and faahioner of tb.
pobUo iboogbt npon preaent day qoea
tioaa. He haa erlnoedtboaa powerful
«lementa of mind which go to make^O}.
of thia kind of aaatal Atee ia joai
cha port of a man the people want it

0BO. W. CUKTtt.

txigeaeiea. The people beliere In bi»
wiadomaod hU intergity and are will
ing to be led by him.



th* ilook mBxkBi In Krw York
ooMd thl« mootlx with reiMWWi
KMaUj took or m T«y Itoprfol ootlook.
la <1—ihinf the prermlllnf ooodi
Boat la the floRooiAl merket in hi
Bearr OUvi maket thU reference to
e Rieneere fora an index to tndoeUial

I pmntoee to he dlreotod to the
B yrieed ieeaee. of which
rge qaaoUtiee aralUhie. and
MitaiBlThare a fame eo long
flto growe at iu
itoe aie weUinalniained. Tb»
mi7 of intereet-ideaual
(theee proper
Bee and ie ahaidng theD deetiniee
II aaeiaot be forgottea that thie poliorhaew*a
ilaeU. It lalhU polio
imagnateaare ceekinf
to arytoallne from a mere
acme Axed legal form of owaerehip
0BikHB.ed rallfcml



W^iiea Bold of the aotthtoala.
dIoM priioahae »ade a aniqto ooa.
trihaBoa to the Ukwatote of the elale.
Be feoeotly arqaeeted each life ooaTiet to write hie own Teraloa of the
deed that coot htB hie liberty. Boom
of the Boriee are wierd aad awwly aU
are ghaetly. bat erery wrUar triee to
laetifyliitoeelL The atoriae ladieau
tool the hook beaiireatheai a deair.
adopportaaity to pat tbatr aida la
priat The wpfk U la two eolatooa
Aadiaw Oaraegie it to baocato oae
of the aabohe of Park Lane, the
laad high priced
Loodon. Ha baa i
young duke of Wo
ground in Sontb stroot, leading into
Fark lane. Juat beyoto
hooaeof J.P. Moiinn. Jr. ItUmid
the honao will be ae mneh like Mr.
BgU'a great maneion ia rifth avo
in Kew Tort, ee It ia peeeibli
for a Loodon boaea to be aad that thr
wUl be eomechlng like $6,000,000.
Mr. Oenegu will liare for hU
diau neigbbon Lord Braeery. thr
dowager ooantree of Boeelya. Lady
Henry Boamreet. Alfred Belb, the rloh.
eetmaa tn England, and Mr. Bokatoln
J. B.

m the Uland oomplrU home rule.
The goeomor of leelund who Uap.
pointed by the king, will heneefortb
live at Reykjavik and wUl be reapoa
aibla^ the althlng. ,
The qoeea of Italy U oerlng for
ftfty chlldrea. all boye, whom a
and will have 1
iit a trade. An enterprise of a
what *lmllai- ebaraotor U being
backed by the dowager emprw
a, who intenda to eatnbUab e
girU* aobool In the |aUc« at Pekin.
Ten dangblera of prlneea will be the
mtA A femaU teaoher wUl inatraoi them in English, tbat ttiey may
entertains the wives of foreign minMn. O. A. Dake. wife of a wealthy
real eatate and mining man. reoeived
word ioOallfomU tbat her hosband
was stroken with a mortal illnMs in
Oanver. On the way home from her
daughter's she got word at Winslow,
Ana. that her hosband had but •
few hours to live She ordered e ape
oial truin for |1 oOO and reaobed Den
vvr. 60 milfi in 2U boors und 13 min
atea. Andtng her bnabaud nlive.
'CUorge Washlngwm. a grwit frond
nerhew of the immortal president,
was witness in a New York City
aourtafewday ego. Hta groat grand
father. WiJlUm Washington, wai
the general’s brother, but being d
uxrj left Ibis country for England dur­
ing the war of the rerolotion. Later
b« aetthKi in Belgium. The twentieth
wntury George dooa not cure for ftii
^AecMi glory that oomea with bis
oamo.^oogb no ooe lias greater ven­
eration Ilian he for the mnu who wa>
Qrst in the bearU of bU oouotrymen.
Bather than expose peaxeagen in
rain to smallpox. Merten Berobert,
trorkman in the shops of the Erie railroad at Jersey Oity,walked from there
to the pMt bonae in Passaic, IS mllea
The exertion, and hU aU night wait
in the woods for relief, may oaui

Tonight the city oonncil in commit,
fee 6f the whole, and the board of di
reotora of the Board of Trade, wil.
meet to oonalder Inrthar the franchie.
^wogioaed bj tkw board for the Trarerat
City. Old Miaaioa A Pen^anla rail
way. ThU matter ia of great im
portanoe to this oily and It ia boind
that ibe ooanaeU of tboae who ban
the beat IntareaU of the city at heart,
with a view to fntaze benefta to be de
ired, mpy remit in a fmnohiae whict
will be mutnally acceptable and tear
•o aomethlag mbatamtial ia the verj
near future, and tbo boUding of thr
elaotrio line to Old Miaalon without
more deUy than U abeolntely n
Oapt. Joseph & MaxAeld. who for
mry to eategnard the interest of both
six mootha hae been in lharge of the
the city and the oompany.
•nny s elgaal work In Alaeka, bae be­
The auggeatlon that the ancient come moot ^lly dorungod through the
Sgyptiao aphlnx be reprodooed in Bt. loaoUneea.expoenre amd prlvutlot
Umia for the World’a Fnir haa been dnrodonhisloog trtp
For thirty days during Ixer trip
ceoetred by Mayor Bella WeUa from
frtwn London to AdeUlda, Autk
Mta Berto Oiotlaad Loagwork
PmU. Fraaoe. Mra Loagworth U a tne cargo of the Italian ablp Pnaqnale
aoulptor aad haa a plaater model oi Laoro was on fire and the crew
the ephlax after foar yeera of atody. m fear of the fra breaking ont at any
ihU beiag toe oaly model in exUtenoe •aoment. The hatched had to be taat
The idea it to reprodoee tha aphln enod down, and lor fear of fanning
in oammt. thaa making it more dura tlie Are, the kbip had to be keptander
ble than atona Mra. Longwortb aey> reefed eaila The provisiona
ha aphinx U crumbling, owing to tb« deatroyed end tbe crew’s feet
cringing of raina Into Egypt aa tb< oorchad when they walked tbe dacka
Jolin Ooraetti. a Pattersoa. N. J
reaalt of tb« exteoaion of imgution
milk dealer, died in great agony from
liTdrophobU caaeed by the bite of a
sreaael For eome time Ooraeti
A much xmxlkr audience that the miseed cbickena. and be aoapected
exccHence of the entert:
tbat tbe thief wa. a weaael. He de
rantcti was present in Steinberg's tormined to aWp in tbe barn for the
Grand last evening to witness the parpoae of caitcning the animat Dur­
work of l>r. Amos H. \Va>’nc the ing the first night he
in the
•*spi*il medium.” Some, even of the
citizens* committee on the stage, weie
deeply impressed with some of the
‘•mamfcsuiiions.” which seemed to be
ol a vcT)' convinang oatare. AU but ao American bids were received
two of the **mam(cstations'’ were per- calMfor. The coat will be $6 50 per
fofmed in the full light, and these two toa. plus tbe expreae from tbe wbarveo
of the

iMMBd of iaoreaaee, for the xolui
tmflU at large haa not growa U thr
•ame ratio aa oamlngt. bat ia maa^
iBirr - U ebowlag a poeltiTade
eaeam The laetaaoaai report of thr
latngBla Oommtaaioa. though ool^
Mtorttof the Awial year eadiag June
iOt »1. wna exceedingly enggeatix
M Sowtag the trmtd of rullrc.
mMnm, The gram earahtgr of Amc:
tmanade la that period erere fl.ftSt
M inoreeee of $RU,ai,t»
Mor ^ prerkma yew; whiU the toa.
Mge wae elated at 1.0tt.ti6,440Ltoaa.
a deotoeee af lt.4it.7M toaa daring
the mme pmiod; a eery alear dmaoa.
■BaHaa af the potoacy of toe-oom
many aftateaMt." It haa aaqaceespecially fine. The cabinet “i
Baaahty mtod miUlona of lai
fesutioos” were good and very m>*sti.
lying, bells being rung and thiotm
about, and many other things done
any »4d greet btooteotloa; bi
Med Bo amke the rmilroada andnlj while the “medium" was aecurely
y^Mc tied oecurdy, and
wlU earelyfol. bound.

from the ends with hlling endosed in top of uUe so _
extension cnn1>e made without removing linen or
dishes. This is considered n great advantage by the
many ladies who are now useing them here in the '
city. Eveiy table is guaranteed to you by the factory
for 10 years. "Victors" are only made from the best
sciected stock and polished. • :
i: :

the ftoocity of the

^ ffsMf 6 A.f#r Bm.7B.
CdsiMM MfSMlMT MIerfnm B3.SB «V-

been bunted no moeb that be U m
like e fugttlre cat The dger of the
hiUe aeMom eeee a baman bc^ to
SttJ^^U^feer.***The I
Ing a liunter f
er wtU euraly apriiig an
The aix of ae act off for. the rerlne.
wbeco eboot Afty aetlreo bed onUected
to beat the tigers ont of their lelr. and
we took op poeldona here end there
along the Uoka.

tbe cuptulD ley down on
ble ba
him 1 climbed Into a tr«
of tbe ravine und frankly
ed to myaeif tbat I felt ubaky. Tbera
was profound alleoce In tbe nelgbb<
bood. and while aetlUng myself In
fortuWe poolUon 1 loot
h eight of tbe
eln for four or five inlnotce. When
It wae to find
three tigers standing ox-er him, two old
ooea and a rob. They bad left tbelr
Ulr at Ibe first elsrm and
ting down tbroogb the thickets on tbs
h bsnk of tbe nollab. Tlie
Uin waa in tbelr peth aa they started
to croaa an open spot, and curloelly
bad compeUed them to bait. It would
have been dead easy to pick off one of
beasts at that dlsUnce had I
not been raUled. Tbe sodden advent

Tbe old male tiger first reached out
aln over on
paw and tumad the eaptain
his face. Ue^ai as rigidI as If dead.
The female then turned blm back.
cub leaped over blin l«rk
In a playful way. Then the
and fo
male tiger sniffed nl the lumrs fate
und licked bis cheek, and Ibe femsla
struck blm *everal times on tbe leg
wUb ber paw.
Allboogh I was too upset to shoot.
I could have called out. but 1 dared not
do tbat for fear of provoking tbe ti­
gers. They were In n playful mood,
but yet they growled In a menacing
way. and It waa evident tbat they were
suspicious of my presence. I hoped
tbat when tbe noise at the bead of
tbe ravine began they would alink
quietly off. and 1 listened for that with
my heart almost choking me. \nille I
waited tbe cub lay down at full length
and began biting one of the captain’s
bandA lie bad tom the flesh with u
thorn the day Ufon-rond there was an
.unhealed semteb. The rough tongue
cf tbe beast started tbe blood, and be
bad no sooner got the tnste than b*
rose up. with fire In bts ryes, and
growled aavagrly. The old ones adranced and turned the body over and
back again and struck at tbo bleeding
band with tbelr pswu and It was evi­
dent tbat they were encouraging the
young one to make bis first meal of u
bomsn being. He was timid about be­
ginning. but finally Uy down again and
bit and woi
fro. whining
rblnlng and growling
and presently I realtbat I must do aomettiing or tbs
captain wonld be eatru uBve. I had
Juat opened my rooulb to utter a about
when the lieutlng began- Tbe aativea
were armed with drornA flrecrackera.
torpedoes and cymbula. uud. tboogb
they were a mile away, tba nolae at
once uUrtned tbe tigera. ’Tbs three
were confused for a momcDt and then
the old male picked op tbe <
body and sUrted off with it. Bs did
Dot curry It over 100 feet, bowercr,
no aroppeo
^'“bolt«l IrtO 1 le tbtckeC
It waa only wb
y call, and__________________
waa hopeful tbat tb#
captain eraa atill all right and more ao
when we found tbat bla band bad oot
been so very badly bitten, but s brief
Inspection proved tbat be was dead.
Tbe body was warm and limp, but the
heart bud ccaacd to beuL Tbat be could
have been awake when tbe tigers stUe
upon blm: snd bis ides would have
been to “play dead." Tbat be acted
upon thia ides waa sbovm by bis hold­
ing blmarif so rigid when turned over.
I beUeve bs wae yet alive when tbe
cub bit bis band und that be waa wait­
ing for tbe noise of tbe beaters to
frighten tbe tigera away. He held bla
oerre to tbat point bat when tbe nolaa
waa deUyed and be foand blmaeir bsIng eaten by pircemeal be was ao over­
come tbat death came to him ae fram a

E. B Monday, a UvTsref Bearietto. Tex., oBoe fooled a grave-digger.
theentcftaimncnt was ex«
oaPent, and worthy gf a modi better

01. C. Douglas $boe$ilSls:

B. a. hukgkhford.

^3.00, 33.SOp 34.00, 3B

New ixU styles just received. In the W. 1. Douglas shoes is used the best and finest leathers made.
They arc called Hand Welt soles, which makes
them flexible and easy on the feel. They arc
made on the Utest up-to-date Usls and in all
kinds oflealhcrs. They come in all widths from
AA to EK jl The stamped on the bbl- *
tom of the shoes—$8.00, $3.6©, $4.00 and SS.’OO.
A trial will convince you that W. U DOUGLAS
________ shoes we the best in ihta world. Sold exclusively

n, $. Frvmanl '^•'SthssZ
Tirst Showings
Fine Faiicy Tall ttlalstings
and Uloel lUai$t$ « «
Its a pleasure to be able to show such lines of the newest Fall
goods. Many have not been shown anywhere before and the
new colorings are so beautiful. We can’t describe them, they
must be seen.

The greatest assortment of really new ideas in these new ever
popular goods for Waists, Kimonos, Wrappers. All manner of
colors. The 30 in. sell at loc the yard, the 36 in. at 15c and these
have the side band.

french Flannel
All the «ew fall colors for fancy waistings. The plain colors sell
at soft

fancy maistings

j .

Such a host of new stripes in all the new colorings. Therie are
threegrades—50c. 75c and $1x0.

fancy Stripe Oiorsteds
Something new for Fall Waists, so many dainty /colors. These
are extremely cheap at 20c.

Corduroy Ueloets
The latest for Waists. These all have the wide wale and come
in cream, blue, brown, black, gray, red, mode and tan and sell
at One Dollar the yard.

Cricot Flanneil
30 in. wjde and all the fall colors and it is yours at 25c the yard.

Taney Olobl QIaists
A stock too big and to varied to properly describe. They are
the very latest in Fall styles and seU from One to Three Dollars.



gto M Ms toonthe of theoaiammr


of Jackals
cam* ia ooe morning
and repormd that two foil grown tlgora
and a cob wvra lying np in a nnllah, or

peeled by him carried blm off while
be waa probably bracing blmsalf to
stand tbe torture of tbe tiger's Jaws
nnd wait for rsUef to corns.



IMtow' KxAmnmIon

TboiMi Heui at Lake Aiuqwnt


: oiT-Y. MieM.


M tte aiottrtatn «f Mis#

' ''

WbOt Wm Thur.



ast tbt Quttn Otp, .




A paonlMBlfosIdantaf AnaArbe
balobfs to a ChbUx to whSob b# la one
of twaato-fotf tooiban aad aiston.
aUtoaa of wboaa an now
Tban wan two nolbon to tba ton.
Ilf. tba fnt bartoc aloroa oblidna
and the aaaoad tbtrtoea. Tbanaato

I foaad dead ta bad FHday
noratog by bit wife. Ha laaraa a
wife aad aavaaabUdna.
Frank Tkottor. a atoapto patotor of
TpoUaatl had aaarrow aoaapafrpn

Oanaat Oily last weak. In abanging
klapoaitioo his seat awnug off to one
Uae of bis alalan gnw to antonlj. aldo. toartog bin banging by bu
befonbe waabora. Uewasaaaaole
bafaaobirtb aadaamtaaoleat bra

Xianof affsw
Tea xaan to Oblaa U a propoaUSoa
wbtob oaafroata Bnij M. Robbtoa, a
Oiaad ^pida xoaaf naa. who toft
for the Oriswt tost woab. Be wiU beooaw a etadeat iatorpnlar to the
Ualtod Butas tofattoe aad it was
naoeanry for bin to a«raa to slox to
tba toad of tba OalaatlaU for 10 jaan
bafonba woald ba firaa tba position.
Dartof tfaat tine he wiU rooeire a
aatofx of fi.OOO a yoar. He will be
graaled his flnt lease of abeeaoe ia
two yaars. The poeitioa was bat naeatly eelabllabed aad Is daaijtaad to
Macau yonni man for ooosalar aad
dipIrmaUo poeitioaa ia tba east Mr.
Bobbtoawillwai from Baa Ftaaolaoo
Tba Wexford Mi&ioai aaaoetottoa
baa baaaotBaatoadaadaUdootonto
tbaooaaty joined. Tba oOeanara:
Praaldeat. B B. MoMallea. Obdiltoe: Tloa pnaidoat B. W. Waltooa,
Maatoai aaantary lnaaarar. O. D.
Miltor. Cbdiilao; dtrooton^O. A. Bar.
ry. Barrietta: K. A. MoMaaaa Bber.
naa: Dasld Batotoa. OsdUtoa
At Bt Jonph an ankaowa borglar
was after a despeiaU etraegto oaptnr.
ed by Uie Bes. Fr. Miobaal Asper at
tU parwmsge of tbe 8l. Joeeph oath^oUo obnrob Friday algbu Father
Aeper wae pnpartog to retire. By
ebaaoe be etoppod Into an nnooeaplod
body of a ana orooobing oa the floor.
Tba prieet toraod on tbe etootrto
Ugbta aad tbe eUmagor attomptod to
oltoob with tbe prieet. Father Aapo(
dealt tbe bargtor a lerrlflo blow aad
bo wont down. Both nea foagbt fto
eeroral minatoa, wbea tba aawatonae
Tlaltor got a toeonbto oppeHatoty to
IdtOMptbroagb. JaataablTM^
was partly throagbAapn oaagbt him
tba baeli aad bald him until tbe
poUoe arrlred.
Tbe torgaet yield of wheat yet re*
ported to eoatborn Michigan, wae oa
tbe tom of Daatol Balee. Ibetweoa

nere b Ko Qaestloa Abont lu n*s t
* Hill Stotemait of FbctoHfldebjItoeWbo

a. L. Taatooa. of Maakegoa. Miob..
aaya: «*Laat aprlag I wae feoitog
rary naob raa down aa tba raaalt of
toe dton ceaflaonant aad fait tba
aaM of a good geooral tonic. Beelng
Dr. A. W. Chaar’a Korre PUla raoom.
Tbay ballt me np aplendidiy-ny ai*.
poMto Inprored and 1 felt bettor in
ovary way. T base no baaitatioa to
Or. A. W. Obaar*a Korre Pills art*
aoAdat aoe a box at dealers or Dr. A.
W. Obapa Mediotoe Oo. Baflbla. M.
T. Boo that portrait aad algaaton of
A.W. Obaaa, M.D., an on orory paeb.

fHMdt hit« loc« Md. that wWtt lo
«M or his pcrtodicot stmka ot trU>
Uftiicj row of UM) worM • expcrU tjooHl
BUI 8mU. the Arooctook riantaOo pootmasur. sokk aod woodaman;
wbo wu tl» iMmored meat of Pmidofit Rocoerelt at Ban«or. Me. tbe
odMT dajr, oaja tbe ^>w York Joor

BewalL -1 know him. for I bare cutra
with him and slept under tbe aame
Wankel with him. They say that to
know mocb abont a mao yon most
know him In that way. _
' -I told him when be was only
eighteen years old that be d sit In tbe
While Uonat some day. Romctbiag
told me that be would, and you see It
has turned out tree, lie used to laugb
at me. lie never wanted to be in poblie life tlien.
-How did 1 come to meet RooeeveltT
Well, It most be some twenty firt
years ago that bis cousins. Dr. J. West
Roosevelt and W. E. llooeeTelC. tbe
banker, used to come here (Bangori lo
bunt In tbe falL- Ouce they tuld me
that they were going to invite a young
relative of theirs up here.
-They aald bis name was Teddy
Roosevelt aud that be was a ouUege
Btndcot. They eautlooed me about
him. aaying be was s gritty, bead-

Rest ThsmTeMOar totW iu bis m>|> than he sirenglh. and
they wanted roe to take the best care
of him.
The lartooiblaa want to Cedar roa-Well, he came. He was a iiale.
tarday aad took tba Cedar Bura into
llcate young man of aiwut
oanptotbataaaof Stof. TbeOadar
but tbe toughest Iwy phystaam^ wa. otoarly oatplayed at aU Ictlly and the greatest menully that 1
wk the greatest interand never romplalntMl
Eari Wright of the Grcenrillc Im- of lirlDg tired, although 1 knew many
ptoment Co., is in the dty.
a time that be was hardly able to drag
Umwlf hon»e after a king tramj..
TbUU tba time to an Boeky Moan,
-That boy would nerer give up. He*d
tain Tea. Keeps too well all tba always Uke tbe biggest Vnd of tbe
Slick, too, at>d many a thne I was
afraid he’d coliaiiae on me. but he
It up and say he
Attomay Jamea D. Jerome of De- would ebeur right
aa fresh aa a daisy. Talk abont grit!
troit baa jnat parfemod tba feat of He wiiK all grit.
yearr after
aft( year, and we
distance of 140 miles, to throe days. went out Into the woods. Among others
»d mjuarHe ia going to oollact flOO from hla he met WU l>ow.. the falriwt and
totber. Frank H. Jerom.*. who bet be est man tlwlt ever lived and tbe best
shot In Aroostook count}’. We week
ooald not do It.
together on Koosevelt‘s ranch out In tbe
Vow's tba time to take Rooky Bad Lands, and It was ii toss pp who
Monatato Taa; keepa tba whole tom- was furemaii-Blll or myself.
-When Itoosevelt started out on his
new cartHT. he didn’t forget us aud
asked Bill and me to go out lo bU
ranch in Dakota.
•The ranch was lorated on the UtUe
Mlssonri. nlM>ut thirty miles from MeBamptor towaahip. Wayac ooanty. and dora.
on the Northern Tnclflc. Medora
optloaa an being aeonred on masy was named after the wife of the Mni^
farma to that riolnity.
quis de Mores, and the marquhi owned
tbe lands on N.tb sidi-s of the Roose­
velt ranch. Two of our men. named
The boatoat and mighties little thing Reilly aod O’Domiell, were told by the
ttoU orer m made is Dr. King’s manjnla limt they were encroaching
New Ufa Pllla Thewi pills change on Ills InudJmue day tlK-se two men
were tired ^n from ambush. Reilly
lielug kllleil and O’DonneU cripidcHl for
power. Tnay’ft* ^
•0 par box. life. The numjuis was arrested aud
ap tbe health. Only 36o
aad S. K. tii**d f<»r the murder of Reilly, bnt his
money saved him from tbe gallows.
-J^n after this Bill and 1 were noti­
fied that If we didn't get cast, where we
belonged, our l*ones would be. found on
the ranch, and the life of Roosevelt
by Al Kiratan. of An Babla
inohaa long. aU inches deep, three also was threatened. The De Mores
aad one half inches wide;itomootb crowd cUImed that we were on their
measnras four inches and it weighs
-A mao named Paddock was De
eight pounds and two ounces.
More.- right band man. and be made
tbe oiten threat that be would shoot
Colonel Roosevelt on sight. Roosevelt
wbolt sTstem. Renews your lost entbe time, bnt tbe
e^.^^^toat tewal
bowel toaio for tired
day be got liack to tbe ranch and beard
Jaa a Johnson.


H. Irlab was probably totally burned.
mie over to
An axptoaioa aaturated her clothing, see when yon want to begin tbe kllUng
which took Are and abe was fright, aud to InforiD you that If you have
fully burned.
thing to say againat roc now is the
say It.’
State of Ohio. (


be is senior partner of the flm of F. take, that be had never made
threats. He made all sorts of
back to his
ranch. The marquis sent s letter say­
ing that the colonel bad Influenced one
each aad eTery oase of Catarrh that of tl»e witnesses against blm In tbe
eaaaot be cured ty tbe uae of Hall’s murder trial and declaring that beCatarrh Cart*
twtvn getitlemen such differences could
Bweta to
«d“toSLd be settled in but one way. meaning, of
to^^^pnJea^tAuT flto^day!?!^ course, by a doeL Mr. Roosevelt said

«r. aod be is a perfect tjpe of tbe -in
aod outer - ae^uiog ooe that is at bis
beat ooe dar aod at bis wont tbe next
Be oMdOB lOaja in tbe aame foen on
two aocendinf daja. and this pectOiarItT was ckarlj abown in bis first match
. F. liobertj. which occurred at
Bax Ridfie. K. T. In tbe 1
aeries for tbe Da vis tro|*by. On tbe
flrat day of the match be woo two sets
atruigbt. and oo tbe aecood be kwt
three atralgbt
Lamed has been a prominent contmtant in tbe nailoasl cbamplooshlp
Biatches for six or seven years, never
reaching tbe top until last year at
Newport. To tlluslratr hla persisteocy
to bU quest for tbe lender’s title a
Mend tella tbe following sior>; At tbe
dose of the champlousbip tourney at
Newport three years ago in w bicb tbe
cbamploo had iK-en defeated again, be
was approached by a TnltM 8utes
Lawn 'i'ennls association official, who
-Well old chap, it s rather hard luck
to lose again. Whitman seems to Utoo good for tbe rest of you fellows/The future champion Uugbwl. shook
his bead and replied:
-Ves. u is rather discouraging to be
beaten year after year, hut I'm not
ugh yet. 1 may not win next year.
tl»e year after that, nor tbe year
after that, but rest asauml there will
me day w
It the top <
even if 1 have to live to tbe age of
Metbusolab to do lb”
The Jcr*«*yman’a
iHMit \ Ictory.
itlonal aa well
whk'h ninkoH him liih
ore tluiu iHire
as national'cl
out bla prediction

Vte Detroit M
Tribune M MM


J1498 wdchMd

ra 1000 wans OMLV one CENT A KfOBD,



tiK p«hh<«U0B tn Wlh sssws.









Do Yon Get mk Detroit
BtuuOfal color «BMU. MgS-



Unta Septemto SOlh we will

offer applies only to those who
' will uae gas immediately oonneo
tions are made and who are on
lines ol mains. As the nifliU
lengthen the demand for GAS
for illuminating U increasing—
tbe people of our city DOW realtoe


^IRI. WAN’TEli-For hooi


m. o.




known here,
brilliant, available andreli


Csrerswrst Esserta «• Start Ea^ertMeat Btaltas Sear BraaMokl.

Dr. B. M. Duggad. plant physiologist.
United Sistes deiiartmeot of agricul­
ture. aud Cornelius L. Shear, assistant
patbohiglBl, arriv.d In IWnuinout. Tex.,
the other morning to make prelim­
inary tests of soil and arrungeroenu to
surt an ex|»erlmeutal tea fanu under
government su|XTvlsion. says the New

r»eaKM*nit. Dr. Duggad
that tbe guvernmeul would
niul fl.OOn iu
making the experiment In soufheni
and llM V would Ik- fuUowed
tea eliK*rt. who would make
defiuile arrangements.
said; -We think ten wJU
grow lu Jexas. aud a prolUahh- Uil
f.iund extending through here
IxiulHlana. We will make tht
first oxiierlroent east of tbe Trinity riv­
er and will reiiulre als.ut five acres of
rting a
Und. The government
h Car­
very sm-cessful !«*a
ollna. mid tbe climate Is pnietlcally
•. except that It Is a little war
ing a tea
here. l»n this farm Is
which Is U-lng sold at from1 15 lo 25
cents IKT iKiund, aud guo<r laud will
raise from AiM) to .Vw |K>uiids of tea a
year.The party was met at Beaumont by
ongrcssmaii Cooi»cr and a numlKT of
romlnent eltlxens. .who are furnishing
all the daU In their power regarding
tbe country.



secure prompt attention.




a. Mania. M. D.



any Other, besides being Car easier
onThe eyes. Houses in couse of
erection or proposed should not
be completed without a
tern of gas piping. Many have
already done this. Ap{>lication
for aniThing in the line of light-



X. B. nvasa. M.

Wtrtia A Epans

KALK-lb^deuo® praprrty on WelwUe

is- "sisr

Miss Gail Roland has rclumc<l
from a visit at Greenville.


To pky^ wanuafswffl
often prereat s serious
illness. Whes there ars
oppresdve faUness slier

urd>K» nt 11.00


rfuB MALB-A rot^ TMDily drlrlac hone
r w"*! pructkml
K>n«bi.- nguri..

BStaKSsKS-------- ‘sust
other orgsas of digestioo

dastosvsTtsvsnsGHyM fsOews:


saying tl
Ball’s OatoiTb *n Is tokea ttoter- to injure l^m. but If his letter is meant
dixectiy oa tbe Iblood as a challenge aud he Iiisista upon hav­
^y aadpota directly
ing satisfaction 1 wlJJ meet him with
rifles at ten paces, both to Are until one
dro|»s,-I was borrtfled sod aald that such
a fight meant certain death for on^ or
both, but I couldn't stop It. and tbe
cokMicl ast down on a log and wrote
to De Mores, stating his terms of doelTbe answer came by next post
that tbe marquis Imd no.lutenlloo of
rliallenglng Roosevelt, that what be
niesut by bis letter was that 'differ­
ences between gentlemen could be set­
tled witboot troulde.'
-Tbe marquis and hla wife caipe over
l day and caUed


rgS¥S'.,^^?iiSS-- -SS:.-*


bL”losIs.«JD P-M-


T.r JS?SJ!L'5Sr"T"
has s.Uwosgh oasahlM
CMS sa WMNs. ss sU
TWkni!rildSs.M OvReLforOtwadnsp

sr that

___ _



Bm J. V. OUM ud ■«« OM
UIB otanOa Imhm bw, with

s.. IDO a. m., atop, flu









St «w two WMks

the tmlfte

1iitil» to Dr. watertflrt*.
«Wck hmA in$neA «U ncii and acarl/
Itolif tte Mar. iaaC bow St bad oe-


» know tbtaD. Tb«U waa 1

ar tbe CampIMnc
vlplrj av tbe
Baptfau an* m er two oCbttm. but
**Aa aoou as they were seated In \he
back room an* tbe cturent wma tnn^
oo tlihB preatben bcfan argute* aa*
tbln after awhile to flgbtlo*.
watcbln* fblm for a few mtoutca tbe
doctor U ime fkigbtened at wbat lxhad d U-. an*, foettttln* aO about tbe
cran*.:. ran In to arperate tbe Hcrind

Though End of Strlks Seams
to be et Hand

Was Scheduled to be Made
Public Today

«TbfCU be no mAt av me trllla* ye
wbat taapproed tbln!
-The tednenee eeagM blm aa auon aa
be got Into the rooin, an* Ik- pitched
Ibid tbe flfbt wmue tban any ar tblin.
Brgomi. Imt ft waa a doe flgbt! Uch!
How me bcart Jumped wld Joy aa 1
watched thlm pHtln* one another nn*

Mmd WM a mitMt aat oolj to tba
pMe. bvt ab» to Dr. Waliirt*trta
tBoCbwpbjUclaiM. wbo.wft*r carvfuHj
Maatalac tb« awkrd offico. roukX
•bd ao aagriwit caow? for mcb au asv
V^Ohm dSaaMar. Tba doctor hlmaeir
waa laid bp ia St. Joacpb a boapluU
maA Ma aaa. wbo bad gSrasi tba aUnn
l9 abo«M too® tba aocood atmr wlodawoftbadoetor'aoAce. bad bean ua-fin I to meunr. *Wid amb pUma min
tfl tbia dax. wban ba bapui bla narra- aettte* the exani|tle there can be nothin*
ttOB. ooaSaad ia tba lYrabjtartaa boa> wrong In a few wrbreka.' eo wld a
pital aad wiabla to gSra ao accooat of .whoop I grabU-d me atlek an* rxuheA
Wbat ba baaw. «
Tt aat.- «ld Mika to tba half doa«-a
-Be tbe Donnyteook fair, but It wa.
M«t aiwd bla bad. nba doctor wnt
a Bwate lime we haC Hut U waa too
difids’ awmx at bla Uwka aa' bia akrl. fine to taat. Wliat abonld tlwt Baptlat
alMa aa' eottla* awaj at Aad bodka do but awing a rbalr over Ida bead,
tbryln’ to klU Dr. Wbltrfy. an* Inatiwd
av brtngln* !t doww where be abouW
be bit tbe glama Jar ou the abllf an*
knocked the great Iwalu to the floor an*
broke It into a tnlUlon plei-ca.
*Ttiin bow irtatfancn an* aabniued
thlm preaebc-ra waa wbln tWy came to
tblmaUrea an* aaw wbat they bad l>ecn
-Av aoorae tbe thK^or w«.uM not Ixplaln. an* ao the prearbera l»e>mn Ik-cgin* him not to tell on tbini. w bJ«b lie
•But I didn't.
-Thin tlM* atory wlnt around that
there bad
a terrlBc explo,*lon In
file doetcir’a offii-.-. on' blm an*,l were
taken to tlie boapital.
Wblat. there
coOMw tbe nnrm- w Id tbc gmel.***

per 15 eta
D. MoDsoa aad hk goa tbeBoMst of Tudor Hid Talolat
Fr^ who have been ^)CD^ iiewaml
we^ at Mr gammer hotne oe Carp
*WbHi Kalgbtbood
Lake broke camp and tetumed to
this city today.
Dr. Flenamg Carrow of the Umwersty stalT who hat
bm with them caiae in yeiterday
andkft oa tbe night tfmin for hk
home in Ann Arbor.
Rev. Frank Moorman of
the Friends chm

am Loa«-c«ol

ST ^*^llbw.* for

-Te mind owld Lawyer SUuiH-r. bltu
aa wlat craxy a year ngo an’ deeded
away aO bla mtmry to boepltal* an*
cburcbca an* coUemw? Av <\K»rae ye
do. raltb. It waa tbe doctor a. did
• It May tbe aalnt* pn-Kj^rve u-. yU.
tbe doctor! Aa I b.ld ye. thU brain
ar bla*n waa made lH-ulvt.llnt. like nie
•wn. wld a areat bub:ln* fonbe«»l. \Vc
azpcrtmlnted on a nuudKT nv animaU
before we came to Lawyer Skinner ye know what a cW li-teil mnn be
waa an* tbe rtchee av blm? W. ll one
dny wbln I ere the dm-tiw bodin’ blm
«p tbe Btaira r wondered wlmi w na In
tbe wind, but tbe doctor bad c t%ry-

WTiUn* paper an* deed- nu’ ccm\T-v
aneee oa tbe dnter ulde In tbe rcKuu
where tbe brain waa. an’ i»imi an’ Ink


Id with a riow to tuulMH and in
iHpuota ooeonataly dawribia tbe
teortbe idaj. After tba pdas.

apiwatod in that aot app.
tba aoitalB to suspoHM u
staged. faU of rapid uetloo aad Hfe
from the riaa of tba ftrat ousmtia uatU
tbe last, aad embelitebed with aoaaattoaal tabteaa wblab did aot tearAbe
plaoa by being overdoae. It waa a


Sd* ia damrri^ of



Have yon ever lookad into a great

aa« mm eloaaly fortitud vith tba
oSamof tba ImUfk Goal A HarisatioaOa tefoaaadauewapaporoocTaa-

the atrtke aad that tba aaeatteff of indindaat oparaton te Philadelphia U
oallad baoaaaa thia proolamaUoo win
U made public today. In thia eou>
neotioB it wiU ba raoalted that Ptm*
ideat Booaevelt white In Wbaeliug
teat Balorday aaaared Senator Soou
that Cha anllitacite attike wouU be
aatttod tha aarl, part of thia weak.
Mtteball denlea that be will iaaoe a
pnidamatioo today, and aaya tba auike

AmQ Nerlinger. who recently re' mEIk
wed hit tew offices
Elk Rapids
to thk city, k now comfortably locat­ Sept. 18th. Thia gives an
ed in hit i>ew quarters in the Hamil­ for SBoaating the play iniilotareaque
ton & Milliken block.
stjia Bach iaeidex
illuminated windows,
The Compankm Foresters will en­
tertain the gentlemen members of the hazaldrio devioea and furniture
order in their haU Wednesday even­ worked out by tbeatrloal artiste and
aakara of the country and
A short program wiU be given
Tbaooatomera.too. wexegivand^a dance will be enjoyed aftcrOB but ooa iaatruction at regarda their
Miss Porter, daughter of A. E. work, aad that waa. not to count tbe
Porter of the Inn. at Old Mission,
the play
has been subjected to a si:^aa opera­
tion for apendidtit and it now pro­ did fasbiotia of England and Praooe
In the opening years of the l«tl. oengressing very satisfactorily.

• Kir. ac ILaaa^.
Hp.«njU to Thr Kr. nbig Kocor^.

■TSaSBiKiMWithoot aoaud or any Jar yon have
bean lifted oflT tbe earth. Tte earth

power of tba tatepbona. But you have
traveled out thstMigfa tbe dark akiee
far «-ooogh to st-e Jupiter oloae in

Sept S-Fira ia the ateb
pUe oaar Oaae
Orotaar*a miU thia
afternoon Giraateaad tbe plant for a
time, but by the aid of man
Klngaley the ire waa aoon gotten nn-

lire la au m-ute aa that which la very
lutnial and Involvea certain inuaclea.
movementa and brain erntera, leaving
otbera fierbapa overrcat»-d. By excrclalug tbo latter and. aa It wm*. rquaUa
lug the area of fatlgne or making It
more aymmetrlcally dlatrlbutcd many
of tbe lK*ai effecU of real are aectired.
even tbe diaeaae. of exliauatlon are liccauae energy of one |»art

danger, bowevar. for about two hourr.

Miss Emma Flaggart of Muskegon
is visiting relatives and friends in the
city. .
Charles G. Bailey and C. O. M
of .Manton were in the dty today.

X.Trl l.e Ft Aoto.^bll*.
M.NoUn of Cellar Ual the WhilAotomoblltem ba. made great prog
reaa in England, nm in olbtT cMuntrlca,
during tbe laKt few .Murw, uwlug to a
Mr. and Mrs. lieorge Navarre
btrge extent to llu- n:i}o4igf uf the net
return to
Detroit, tomorrow after
Itig tbc tnxnlgbway
lyh.” It K Imiw. vit. pruliable spending several weeks with Mrs. Na­
varre’s lorenls. Mr. and Mrs. i
tlnij none uf the cniliu-.lnHtM who hup
pirtixl that uicaHure-aml who propUi*- Desiires.
■htl « great fuitir.- for the
Mr. and Mrs. j. K Crawford and
bad any idea of the variety of uaea to chiltlrcn, who have been visitiiig L.
which tbe noxv |K.5„ilar vehicle would
M. Bennett and family, have rctumetl
be pm. It baa Ua n iu iiuinv remarka­
to their home in Ithaca.
ble place, and ha. |H-rfortned ma.iy re­
Mrs. Baker and daughter W Grand
markable f»tit. and b.n. Uvn put to
iMimc rvuiarkable um-.. but ucver until I.cdgeare visiting the famiU* of U
quite recently ha. It Imh-u made to act
a. a pulpit. Ka.v. tbe New* York Herald.
ProC C. T. Grawn of Mt/Pleasant
ThI. wa. the new* um- found for the
was at the Park Place yesterday,
automobile at the C->Icb*wter volunteer
S. E, Blackwood of Ld;md was at
maneuver., and io the chaplain of tbc
Third i:..e\ volunteers U-longa tbe Park Place yesterday.
dlKtlnellou of iH-lng the fir>t to Qtmduct
a rellgloua aervbv frt»m so strange a
A delightful dinner party waa en­
joyed at Hark Place last evening by a
Cbr««I.^To1.«ee« • Xece..ltr.
Justice Wwu uf Joplin baa reader- nnmbi-r of tbe guests from Ke-ab-ta

Tbla may make even aleep
rartlal and bauuU-d by tbo i.iH-cl. ra of
the night Evrry one who work, with
hi. muaclea abould can-fully rea«rve
aome fraction of tbe diiy for reading
and InteUectnal work. We are prone
take exerclae.
It 1. n*ally am^xlng what one can do
t^Ifh only a fragment of a <lay and of
their total atrrngth If It la nyateinat

H. Murphy.

for reiMirtee of tbe neat^nd jkilcd order la rare, and note ahould lx'
de of him when found. A diaaatliifleil imaiicngcr found one out in the
neighborhood of Broux i»ark last wct*k
when two women who had bt-en trying
to the xoologlral ahow comtbey had had
tlon alKiut Ita

a declsmn which w ill w in for blm
the gratitude and admlrutUm of every
man wbo uses tin- we«sl. .ays tbe Kanitas City Journal. Tbe city 1. trying to
vxnniH-1. Its merchants to kwp tbeir
stores cliwed ou Sunday. Tbe law |.-rmlts tbe iHS>-..ane. of life to t»e sold
on the Sabliatb. During Um* trial of a
t»-.t ease It was prvived tliat a grociT
bad sold ebewlng tolujcct*. Ills attorm-y Immedtelely ralw-d tbe |>olnt that
chewing loliavxM was a' wcesslty of
life, and the .>mrt .u-;ta!mxl him and
Wild the man luid a right to kwp bte

-Yea. madam.** the dlautliffied manatrang«*r to them-chimed in; **1 «*an
.luilc •‘vniiMitblio with you. The fact
1*. 1 don’t liellere thewe ronductam
know the dlffm-nce IkHwix-ii lH»l.inli-al
garden, and »>oUHrUi»l. 1 doubt if any
of fbi-iu could even tell n monkey from
-Fare., plca»e.*’ maid tbe ivndurtur.
liit« miptlug the coDverMtloo Joat at
that jHilnt -Fare*. pUw»e. None of
our tmaineas what you are ao lung aa
Twor-New York



The Only Natural American Cathartic
Water. A recognized cure for Consti­
pation. It keeps your liver acting and
your system perfect. At your Druggist.
Large bottle, 35c.; small bottle, 10c.

‘ftreYou Hard to Please?”
Does it take a pretty goot! man to make your clothes.’
,\re you very, v erv particular altoul the fit of your garments?

Jlround fbeHtsplis


cle In Iji Nature by Henri Conpln. M.
^t Ab-Oo-Sa, the popular rewrt on
Bav the manr friends of A. P
matler. rr-luccl by batirrla. ^ome
Of which an- notewunhy for llu-lr brill^
lancv «:.auilHt>f..rthrirchefuhalor
on Satn^y
Tbe grounds were lighted

! by a 1
ined hlmac-ir to Ik
wrote tbe*M* line, to the
rUlra agent for a aettlement

j ""“.riarxe nninU r of 1 tu terte iwoduce citeUe^tern'a ^ter the ditpoe^
^ m.-tim.-.
v.wy i of bnabela of corn, roasted to a turn.
lentertalnad by Prof.
Tte-r.Lafayette with feats of laggUng which
moat uxumH^H.s. tbr |-lj:u
followbd by a mapla teffy pnU.
lualdf- the eh-menta that
h waa
by aU. after
enj0T.d br
It. thna tlie bnri.Tla thr
other the

rotmding nunlimn. and this haa the
^ ^
iharoctt-riarlc «>»lor. w hile ihc Cacterte Odaio.
im!.- or evr-n culorleaa
i thc^lidcillua tIuurrMi-ba uud othOaot.
Nye. of the
in- nearly white, while they color
W. B. Pbelps, tells of many
’Ultutv uudiutii inv-cn.”
Ev. ry apeuk a. w ^ are told, has Ita < of the OaUp^ ialanda. which that fXrM..
you. ” said one woman to an-1 unoibi r onddeu, many are IrilUam rvil. I
the eourae of a walk throngb one at lm>i Is pink, the Igulllu* of f*
^plng dtetrict, ‘Tioilced bow blue milk Is rkyblue. others are wpeo ,
: to be?
Ixtpk at of the women who pass
ixdor to the ml- |
oa. and see if the right abonldcr la not
them—Jtet, f'nualmoat invariably lower than the oth­
cteco Cbronich
Sri broiS~and_wure^
The other woman looked, aud
lot It was au.
mu stet
and areextruBalv rieioua. They
•It la the natnml'rtwuU of alwa
wolf-like ia tb^ habita and run
having a train to bold up.” said tlie M>rlr qurrtlon*


Our Shoe
Maui Department
Wain Thor
WTjcre you have been wanting it
so long.
Our Fall stocks arc near­
ly all in.
Kvcr)lhing is in rcathncss to <lo business.
\Vc hat c alrcjuly noticed an increase in our
shoe department on account of the
VVe arc selling good shoes
at the lowest possible prices—re­
member our shoes are good and we
guarantee them to give salislaction
no matter what you jay. Of course
the more vou pav,

the better the

If yously ’’Yes’ to these
questing then you are the
man we are looking for,
\Ye are the representative
hereof L. Adler Bros. &
Co of Rochester, N, Y„
whose Ready - to - wear
Clothing has a re putation
all over the country for
it’s superiority over all
other ready 'made, and
for being as good as any
made-to-wear at double
its prices. We don’t ask
you to believe a word we
s^y about this clothing,
but we would very much*
like to have you come in
and see it, because you
will then learn that we
have told you the truth
about it. :
the v'alues are you should see them.
Our descrifition will hcli» you
and will give you anTdca th^
are not undersold anywhere

Vou can t l-latnr itie; the hoc. you SM.
futpped throurh a cattle cate;
a*, klDdly
kindly pm Ia che< k for ten.
The debt to II
He v^aa ru
later to receive
tin? fulluW'iug;

hltuS0c,7Surnl tl.S0.

Do you demand the most careful tailoring?


Dayton and Mm Pope of Chicago.
Tbe patty returned to Ke-ah-to-wanto



Tbe menu was fine and the aerrioe
above crltlciasB.
The oooaaion was
greatly enjoyed by all the guaste. The
party was oompoce^ of Mr. aud Mrs.
Bteke. Mr. and Mrs.
Howe. Mrs.
Pnoe. Mias Welgenraod Dr. and Mrw
Gautner of Oinoinnati. Mias HaU.
Mtea King and Mrs. Oraigbead of

Oh, wise Judge!

Tht n;iero-urf:.inlHmn
out of all rr*^|v.rtlon to their size, end
not thr louai intPrcatlng phase of their
rxtetrece ia that deerrlhed In an anl-


>usly sUted S»tui<Uy
that Stephen U. Lardie hat consent
to pUy foot ball with
It is Clarion Lardie ^
. U to pUy.

Frank 1.. Pctlcy presents


The CleAi' Union will meet .this
ia not text to tba mteaxa.
Candidates will be nomi­
A large aadienoe
io Steinberg's The te-lte of Jupiter ate now
Thmaqaa. Pa . Sept S-Thia moranated.
AU members arc requested to
lag throe individual oparaton of thia
be present.
plaoa and fire from Shamokis
The Alumni loot baU team wiU tbe Stroke of Twelv.-,** waa the atmeet at the comer of Fifth and Oak iraotion.aDd it waa presented by a com­
streets tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock, pany of ezoeptional talent. Every

mr frlmd. are Qinnot aaad
The cheek
k for which you pin.-

j the lawyer
aeatad at tbe Uble an* tbln be turtted
tba wank, which waa <mt In tbe room
wa wera In, an* thin w»- atood an*
watebad blm through tbe plai-a top av
tba doer. FIrat tbe owld fellow u^n
to afUtaB around In bla chair aa If
aemetblnf waa bnrtln* him. Thin a
paeafnl eaprtflon came over bia face,
an* ba reached for tbe cbecktxMka. n«
sued Irrr « av thlm for i»oor people
aa* cbnrcbaa an* hoapltala. an’ whla
an oaed Jip the doctor turned
pow®down a tittle an* wlnt In an*
an* be waa a enie ooa.

tttotwhieh gUTereoUaHtotimehar.
». TVe tiwbial aotMty waaar-

afternoon of thk week with tbe presi­
dent. Mrs Barotnn. oo Washington

Shan., for IS

ye. ellber. for I don’t know, but
be flfured an* fljrured wid eU*ctrlelty
an* tbe powera av the air until be
rlned up a nuicbloe that did tbe biulneaa. an* wbln be wunl.-d to act tbe
tblnf awoln* all be bad to do w aa turn
a Ultle crank, an the brain U*».Tin wodIn* ont lU Influence, an* aa It waa a do*«n tlmea tdeser than a t-oinmon luan'a
brain be flinired that be could lunko
any man do what be wanted blm to if
be once got him nnd«*r the Influemv


The Congregational Lxdiet Aid
win hold their meeting oo Wednewlay

in Alnale«-’H. ' Evi-rj one
• nn av.K-atlon aa will aa

vodl ba bcfan to tblok lUm be knew
. aU abovt a man an* could «.u.e aa near
makln* ooa aa tbc Creator blmaelf. God
foTflTa me for aa^lo' It. Hut be didn’t
care to do that, for b«* mild then? vere
aottralj too many %ie« In the world
bow. IMiat be dW want to do waa
make a brain, an’ after tlm-e jtaia av
bard atbdj an* pni.tlei.,^ be did a.>. 1
can't tall ye what be uuide It av. but be
knew blmaelf. burr, be umxI to U> puttartn* amond In the office aU buura av
tba m«ht kapln* me awoke wblu 1
nadad raat, for I alej>t in the little room
behlat the office.
**WeU. art«<r tbe doctor bad atudled
tba Ingradleota ar a tnau*a brain nntU
ba knaw Jual wbat U waa made ov. be
wtnt to work nnKblliii’ one.
An’ I
balpad blm. may God bu-iri^'e me! He
bad atodled aome iibrenolocy or otbtT
an* knew bow to tlx the bumiw. too.
na that bla brain would la- iH-nivoIiut.
an* wbln It waa done it wna na near
like me own na two pena. Unrrln* tbe
dlSaraboe In alae. Ve know wbat luflneoee one mlud baa omt anotbAr?

Hitebor M ba ante
ol omtiHoo aad m toatr wtow


Sopftef at the Bfjpkto duotii
dar.lroai4:S0iiBtslT o’dodL

e. tUillielm.

wCof. Tn»af and Vnida.

iK,lkl Inner MUe. our prior..............94.
Buy’* SAtin calf lace «ho«>K cutn toe.
»tandanl*<TewcdtKJ« lor............. .70
Youths’ Bor calf shoe*, lace, neor
test*. M*Ua inncTvolc and counter,
new good^ just placed on sale. .07
MisM^’ kangarex, calf shoe*, solid ionerM,le and heel................................ .99
Mi**«* and little Cent’s v*id kid
shoes in lace, new tests...................95
M^sjCHl (;rain Plough shoes. aU
f 1.35. ow price.......................

flr*t wfiuan. -Why wUl women cling Pri*lngly a« to
to such tmreMonalile raahlona? A
UjUc.‘ andt

I tn- W...OT. for be aim me out to

the atat
teble deelre for tb<»e cbocodrop oot of a slot macbl
an aociant imoa were found.
During tbe
getting two or three out, a
nrehlna bad gathered
aat TS1 UIM-.
Tbe trouble with me, dortor." auSd
be man on the Ion nge. turning a weary
- on tbe physician, ”la that I


.bo«, p.t«.

tbe pavement, when .too

did not aattefy the doctor.


that tbe right
liecoming tower than the .
If tbe thing
contlnuea tbe


h ^

mmet uppoalte av tbe benlvoUm ginttenuk^Be picked op a tew feltew
flkUH u^lkteoo. wbo waa aU fight an*
Idwiimbea pacefnl word In hla life.
•*Wbto it wma done, he net It up an*
HU b^asparlHliiCio* agate, first wld

•MB M’.tbto vld

an* uc Jgfit


ti: Sr mi-SSr



only boiH- for tbe future, is to leave Slnlrtg tmmld^wn^hJS. iiS*25d“

bow to core such defects, train, and

SS-“l»Br”52k’SSi. "*



*«riM Mm.

oorvrinner at.................


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