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The Evening Record, October 06, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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sawsissicutsi ® 'l^E
raATBBSB car.
OvTto OrUa^ir.
the great
«t Noon Today
*"* *" •««»*"
10 0 iD
ral*«r JaAa A. H»
ery aha wae agly at limee
She had !
Til# tacitMy of boil, il.x proMOo.
t Me eed daimm of fhe aarfrseM trlsl
VM all la at taa mloatM to IR
o'eloek il.U aorolcf sod both tldM
eald, iotoUlug of Uargrmvee ulh gi^l
mlidotoge. that toe coold aot etand it
much loager and would do away with
both hereelf and him. Mre. Hargruvee
ThU. howerar, wseViihtlie
from Maocabee hrothere of
aadervt%ofUag that another wliuc
duct with Jennie Woodman
thedefeuM who ooald not be reached but the wltoeae nerer aaw anything
f™ «««
bar Ulnaee bat after her noor- j h,
u> Tar n^.i
Wael.innoo. Oct ti-A
and Moore back to end. With ROy
Wynkoop at the otbi-r end. there wa.
no trouble oo the flauka Southard’,
paeaiog ut short wa. abM>lutely faultlea. In fact, roach-Managt r Elllntt
,ojr of th. American P
Labor 1. in eeaaioa here. Previdaot
Mitchell U expected tM. afternoon to
^tt^od it.e conferuooe. It i. auld tl^t
i,.,, niatier coder diecuMloi. i. the
X is:t. h saves time and ex{ven!»c.
CxmneciKins with all ciii^ anil
xillagom Muhigan.
when it ie oonaidered that the de
had had in five yearn, aoconllng to
Mre Hargrave.
Thi. was the only
fit the witneea ever saw him hare
The witoeee wae told by Mra liargiven in
Dr. Long a
raves that the eight «.f Lloo<l would
.use Hargravee to liave an attack.
Hargrave, had
mt John wae out with Jennie Woodsader the lofloeooe of an epileptic at
lao on a certain night when tlie wU«aoh whoa the alleged onme wae com
iwe knew that thl. wa. not wi. liarmittod. granting that he did it
And grave, lieing at the houM of the witthat the aute of onooneciooeneee de
on that atghu Tin. wa. aboi t
aorlbed by Uargrmvee wae not otnclu
Dth before the d«ath of Mr. Ha.•irr eridence that tie had been enb
The wiUieee Udlered an epilep
tic fit might be brought on by an oooa
aloo of extreme menUl exolteuent if
•hi pereon wa* enhjecl to epilei*y. It
wae aleo iroe that if the r« niioodrot
had had aa attack Uf<^e ilie allegiMi
aiime aad had told of eituKglinK with
hU wif-, he might have had an other
attack preflouely. ae aometimei an
opileptlo remember, d what took place
to a former at tack although he ooold
aerer tell what lia.l oooum^ dorli.g
an attack from which he had juat n.
The doctorWM.uhl not alate |iOaiUre
ly, tb^fore.^t iu hla opinion Har
became frighienod
Kir. hoodted
He wa. oourteou. and
on the
rupotatioo of Mra Orlnnell
and ran from
Walter, the bulc
I C^onlinued on third i«ge •.
fur truth
aad Twaclty wa. bad T
•ton aought Ihi. leetiimaiy to refut.
Jay Smith Nearly Loat His Life
the taetimony of Mr* Uriniiell in hot
Saturday Night
When ooort adjourned at noo
wae with the nnd. r.undlng tliai P
wmlingAUcmeyFred li Pratt d.onld
bagia the eumming
i o'clooL
Upoo the rroiirniiiK of court at f
O^eloek Judge Me>n. announced the!
this morning,
ddie little one wa-. laid
I away this altcrfi<M»n.
appinenr between this
Uasc tind that «>t little Uiertrude Frees.
rity Mo.u
The Trmv
ciatiun will hold their third «|oarterlv
meeting TowKlay
atM o'elock iu
can.idr red.
cheeoe for eupiier. but Jay. w
the opiuioa that the very food of the food, toox a little be
jarort would perform their duly boa fore so ptwr. None of the family no
iietlf aad with a true regard for the tired any evil effecU until about K
•aaol facte ae iirceaotad to them, antT o'clock, wbun Jur and H.-h n both be
the righto of the reepondeot ue well ue came very alok. Jay being mueh the
tha jaeitoc wbh h ih.y reprMeiited ue worue. Ko phyuieiaii wa. eumir
totoru. Than Mr Pratt addrveaed the
iarara la forceful lerme. deiuillng the
faata ae wi forth In the evidence ae
ptaaMted to the trUl by thenumeroue
---------aad ruferred to the vurloue
Mru. Barrave. to have kilie<l herself.
t^Maferu the ruae.mabU ibeogy WM
ckuiJoha A. Hargraves wa. rueponglhUfortbe crime.
Proeewutor PranV argameat wm
•eeeladr^l at fi:06.
ut flret. a. It wae thought that tber
waa noUilng eeriou. tn the cm
M Jar became rapidly wor«*. a phy.
ician waa called aod later another.
Por about aa hour
it looked u.
though Jay had oaten hU Iasi- piece
of oheeee. but by heroic measoree hi.
life wa. MTod
So mooli aitro-glyocxlne wa. dk^I
ti- lh»tdaliKl.m-lfpku».l..f |.r«-ny Oiind».* k
md Furnitorr*
iMoihirm. I Utter* and
When We
ih. .Vm-ric an Citw.-n
We Itcliexe we are showing.
1* a g.Ki-l sJick:
reu xou can ilcficnd Ujw
>>n tt that it IS a gcxal
^iu»e and lias stool the
td-vf or we would nexer
The Best Values in Fall Waisls in the
City. The Styles are Handsome.
Waists of godKl dfuality 1 lannclclle 49c.. wcU ma»le, «lc>trable pattern*
now our*
ecUbrated 85e
and $1.00
School Shoes
Yov Take no Chances
e evd epiumally gcx>tl.
y a pan.
\ ou take
r!sl;%, as we guaran-
onable notid c,. an till aiix tSoler. no
• liieni.
By pin ing d.f.U-rs here.
toskoy Saturday Afternoon
l» u’clotk.
Nc.xci were g«Hxl handkerchiefs snll Sd> very che.ii..-S.!
Avwllardal \Vt»ra la l*ret«railoB f
BIfred U*
With icas-
large, as we
Id.u.h with dmiside
c. (ie. 10c. wmlh 10c. 10c. 20c.!
HON'T .MISS our Hamlkcidiicl I
Sale lomonow evening Ironi 7 till ■
Over Their Victory From Po-
keep in
ntaikets. ....
Benda & Vo
rol'l 1 Ak SlIOF. HOI SK
Th« High •chof.l
.choi.l foottall player,
and their .upwirh r. in the High
hool fiupil
of the fuculty, were a jubilant lot thi*
hen they came together at
Divining of the morning eeasiou.
jabilaiion could imi hav- been
quelled, and no * ffort wa. made to
quhll it.
|Sw»l Cidir 15c at Cold Storage |
«Men’s Patent Colt Fine Dress Slioes«
Wl» n the pupil* came tothe Hu’h acbool. the air
with )Mh .chool yell*, of
Nvd exprteed hi* aaiufac
with the work of the nwm, itat-
iug ihnt he. together With Ihe othd-r
eaeher* and theotiixeb* in general
ir.^ lirottd dd n.e boy*, and that the
•el.txil would now begin working and
hoping for a *imtlar rcolf in Sat nr
day’* game witn Mani.toe. He aaid
iie expected another *ncli aeene next
Monday, with ManuP-e on U.e black
5 goorf Reasons..
m.Wh? fou should do your trading at our store
ple. who know wliat their boy* could
dex expected that the victory would
•lay in the home town
But they
reckoned without tlieir hct.
Peloekey won the to*, and took the
IwlL ^ Ttuverse City kicked off. and
2jd-\ OU wiU alwaxx get your nioncy\-worth.
by oon*l*tenl. srappy liud fast work,
Pdiotoey advanced to the middle of
u*hy *e can sell cheat
the field, then lo*t the ball on dowiia *
TraverMfCity made a good gain, than
lost the bail in torn, i.nt regained it I
5lh—-\ ou will not have to. ask fur > our money back, the re;
•ooo and mmle a lonchOpwn which
SooUiurdfailed to convert into a goal, j
making the score -'i to a
Pvtoskeythen kicked off.uending tbs .
WhM thaj got the talL <
ISt—Youwill lave all cvi-rncncc! rlci’.s
I ui 1
3ffl - We mark our gcxvjs from B» lo 2<» i»crccnl rhca]ic* than
....... 9bc to SI0.00
Mel,'- ll-4\>. Krr-ey r.*i»t-- ........SI.25 to S2.00
, ..r-ri—n.ji-ht I...M
Xj..,.*. 1
.,11 .Aiel W
M.-r. -■bed lvuie,..*t -♦« =5
M, i.‘- II* -.eyll le«-»-,l I ml*
Jlsbtr &
alt the . long way from one up to 94.
And i«or 1’eto.kry d oald not get a
ball acroe* ihe goal line. Travuiue |
for bypodcnnic tojcctiooe that Jay City nruught it to the j:» yard Una j
say. Iio U afraid lo move about, ae he and ponte.U Fetotoey
totoey then
ftoru U will rsa agaliut something u» Traverse City * 29 yard line
aad explode.
the hallwa* held. Peioukey oeudal
Koae of the oilier membem of the fuvolving tandem on Uckly that w%a\
family with the axoeptlon of Jar and hard for the Traverse City boy* to ,
BaUa VON mad. til h/ Mte elieeee.
BEBS’ FLMMBEL SHIRTS-^Yasi blue, double seams, lull tashid>iu‘d - great xaluc............................................................................................ 11.00
BOYS- SWEATERS—Yam.. boncy cvimlied - all tlic
new color combmaiions.................. :....................................................... SI.00
CAPS—BEirS ABO B0YS - <hn line iximnicjise-lt would l»c
siiqirising if you ctmld nM find just what you want, otl, .7.7 SI.00
would br
**ito eijH*eaee.l
BOYS* BEEFiBS—WXxxt chinchilU with broad vcJxei dolUrs—
lust for fun............... ............................................................................................. 12.00
GLQYES ABO BITTEBS-UAihct «r >am. linetl or unhntnl
Stan at 2r>c and go to $2.25 by easy jumi>s.................................
••‘'■'“ k lh«
limn,: of .lipinherm. ttou|., aiici a
ry brief Ulncsv.
It wa?. supjHi^crl at
first by the atlcnJing pliysician that
the ca>e was one of simple < toup but
later the malignant diphlhcittn Minptoms ilcvei»HKrd. and the end «amc
board* le moaming instead of PetoaJay Bmlth. 19 year, of ag.-. and hi. Ley.
.l.ter Helen, four year, younger, were
The hoT* have reason to l*e gratified
made de.neraiely .Ick Balurdav eve over the rvaolt of Saiarday's game.
nlng by eetliif cheese, and f..r al out Peloskey wa* beaten, not beoauiw ibi
•Uowidcuch aide for
an hour it wae thought by the Tamllv. team of that f Uo* wa* not good, not
Proeaeating .\lt.»mey Fred II Prmll a. well a. the ath odlng phT.lolan. bedmukd^ it wa* not fa»l. not because it
opeaod tlie argument for the people that the twlMning would r.*eult fatal- wa* not plneky. t.nt Tmverau City’*
Mi Pratts after imj»ra.ing o|ion Uir ly in the ease of Jay. who wa. not High school boy* were faster, better
ooneidervd oot of danger until
jarore the reepoaelhUlty
and fuller of ginger and stamina.
tham. weot into th.< meriU of tha oaae o’clock Bonday morning
There was u good crowd at the
which they were aelectad to dellbarut
The enure family partook of the game, and moai of the Feto«key peo
taro aad
l.fl thi. moro-i •'»'
gel her
fatrlv I
Mrs. Hargrave, wa. jealou., hut the which all the olcf^r* aad aome new
witneea never mw anything hi war- one* weiv given, and a« a windup the
that jealouar.
of Saturday , game waa oonnied,
faoe of many objection, by the defenee.
it wae drawn out of him that he ban
ppraooalreaeooifor b. lt. vlng tliat
l.aidl Awaj lud.v.
iuK(orMiiA«.K.n..«h.mU..y w.n lNTu<<:«.ec..<l.e.Ut
John keot hi. revolver
John Danforth wa.
MO .(
« Uarlee AUm 1 bl* Wor«taa-l u«l>
waa recovering from an cpllct»tio fit
id the witne.. would have eald that
’ wa. recovering from anoh an attock
that lime.
The witneea went up .Uir. and
mnd the lied that Sihomberg ha<!
alept lu when there liait appan utly
blew in the night U fore a. it
as not made up.
The wiineM h.d Imrrowed
that Kai|^ * wae under an eplleptlo Hargrave, for three mouih. and after
took .he liad hmi it about almonlh he cam.
to her and
aaid Mary was acting so
Jm i^og gave hi.^ teetlmony in a •traiigely that be might need It, a. hr
Ui? cShpr-henelre manner and took wanted to get everyhing hi. wife
paliuto make hie raplanallon* of van
Hi. wife acted eo .trang.
oaApileptio ooudttioue
le-rfeolly vtiottt hia life inauranoe that be had
.Ibe jury. Ih.- ooorl and the threatened to drop it. but the wltoea*
adviw.d him not to do so.
paineUking and gave hie rrpliee to
Th- witneM knew of Mra Hargrave.'
toohnioal queetume in a way that thrj having broken open the lox^ where
uhuid lor Ibe puria.- of .uttUK wlmi
ha knew of Ibw cliaraci. r of Mr.
Oftonell. and with diflloolty. in th.
•Md IM. IMWIL »r Ik.
the Hterliug
proved a failure ae the
work on the excavation for the eleci(«I work*.
«J—Ku. h waahe v
of th. L-high & Wllkeabarre Coal Oo.
I witues. .Uted that there was a
A.hhy resumed operations thi*
•pirltoah.t named Sohomberg who morning. The non onion men were
came to the Hargravi • hooM aliont guarddKl and
n*»l intd*rfered
a wisek. and wiiom the witoeM
did not like
IU wa. a sulky looking
Clark.tnirg, W. Va., »»cf ♦'»—Sevenand Imiked a. though he would
^u mine, weie oi>en. d and 4,o»M
do anything. Mr. llargmve. hml atid iiiioer. re.um* d work tin. morning
that .be did not like him
The wil- The mine.' are all
In the southern
ni*.. wa. at the Hargrave, liouw the lart of the .Ute
ting of thl* mine. The coudilum
of Hargrave, on the roucli wa. jo.l
tike that .he bad obaerred when he
grave* tga* ir^iwnvihle for what hr
did. WeumluK that ho . omnmied the
aot. FromUk* condition* .1.-m rib
•d tolatingH the crime in uue.llon
the wjUi^ wae not ,.r. ,ar. <1 to elate
lllood .tain, on the hill indilist .onie of tl.e attacking larty
Wilke.laure.t >ot. f>—KlTorte to
operation, at
thl. mcroing
Robart Beecher COo « ih'opSo
MEftS' LEiTHER C(?4r,S—RcversiUc. tw.» coals in one; turn
the inside out an«l you have a Scotch cotduroy *oal... B6.00
Iuon r. irerdlug the etrik.- ect- say. that Kellogg end Southard art'
| tlcmi ut which wae reached during far ahead of the average of iuterroUegiatc team, lu the exo llence of their
thU morotac ooald fflva teatlaoey cot of the way in the oonduot of j r.-aterday*. WhiW H.iuee ooof. renoe
aooMiUaa title aflateoM if
ehonld either Uargravea ur Mra Woodman
City. Oot
U-The Ck nlral
I2i««. will b» hen- m-ll holerWMMHMMtMra. Wooeaaa
! Dade, oouncll and amiiat..d locals
for thf first game of the inlerTlie BiOfl Importaol tMhalcal leeti
held a
apeclal mretiDg
lastlo Sd-rie. in which Travt-riK*.
BKMif of an expert charaotcr. and at
Mrs Ilargraveehad told lh.< witness afternoon lu the Inlerveta of the etrik- City play a It will be a gapie that no 1
the eame tine tl*e no»l In id and ooa- that eh. meant to tweak 0|en liar ,og coal mln. ra It wa. decided to lover of football can afford to mi.., ;
preheotlre.waelhalof Dr.B L Umg, grava.’ trunk and get hi. revolver, aid the miner, iu every way possible, and tf the biggest crowd that t ver
witnessed a football game i. not out. I
aaperiolaodent of tt.. aeylata for tne natlng that eh. would ahoot Mr* aU loeal. will entrihute. und popular It will l*e a floor compliment t«» Traverlalaai Ineaoe at Ionia. Dr. Long
|subwrription jiM*er. will be emmiated. t*r.e City'* apf»reciatii»u of a gtK>d,
.chool team are 1
vae placed on the eUnd thi. morolng
The wUnasi had eeeu the re.pondeni j
Oarm. l. Uct
ti-Karly th.v thing ’l*be High
la rebntul by the proSecothn
Tb«^ to an epileptic fit and that bit wa. ly-1 doming a crowd ..f .inker, hurled praoiioiog oonecientioa.lv ev«*rv eve/ling, end the Second team l.ave cut
leMlmoBj of the aritoeee. uviiig to mg on hia hack In oooTuUlona
Mr- riK:k* at the Fourt!. Kegiment camp. out all dal-, for the week m a. to
hie wide knowledgt^ of the eubject of Hargraves would
dy nothing but
nine, fired ii».veral volley, and give the High .chool. all the help that
^pllepey wae eiUem. ly Interteiing Ulk to him. Thl. wa. the llret he
•i tl.e hill, hut no one waa they can during the entire vre-a
feiiaa reliee upm theory to clear
Joha A. Ilargraree of the charge ot
Jlttb«eity BeekJtert
Aa imiDeace aew Um •( Suanrd Bonad BmU at
15c. 20c, 26c, 35c. 40c and SOc m4
a aew edittaa of Mme of the Ute Copyrtchl .Mks at. ‘
75 cents.
fSS;.?rr:.2,r.-:r;r; DisTMCE ieiephoiie sawiot
ro««h i
b,t mj iu.yU.tiw •*«...• IUw«.«
BooKsl Bool^s!
line for l-'i. JO or 30 /urd*. Lederle loaiU, the javing of Union street
through the line for big gain., or rouM l>c hnitocd at once.
BeigM or Delu on the liammering -----------------------------------------------:------------- —-------
guard, beck formation which utver
faUed to gain Goes at c-nter i»ut up
an elugam game, and Mootague and
iwith^ him aboat thlnge other
paopU had told her relaUre to
Th. wlt«« ««r b«rd
BMttnr WoieoMAO.
WA* tAllv day for the'
e very play. It waa Kbrenberger or.
A c^ailcoil of pax mg brick arrivcxl
Pound uround the end or through the 1 today.
It there were lour more car-
lahe trnalea Uergraraa eery meanly. I
jaad deeeribed aa Ucident where ehe j
had seed harab laa^aag. to him and
Will a. 1. ia.1
thatTnrona ««y mad# foor touch-j children a»c enrolled.
A lusc
downs to tbU JO mtouto haU, all but j
the lorcnis acre ,ir«cnt. and
ooe of which were convened into ,hc rally was an unusually pleasant |
goals by Pound.
jirofitablc o:n
Firut 4owu wut made with nearlv
Consider the Case.
Cavo Expert Te»llmony
via«A u. •«<., ort—i V—
ConpcgAtiMil SonJi) Khool And
P«lookr7 dU aot boTo Iky Ml d«riii« ,hc ,arenu of ihe i-uiiilt wete innteil
tl.U half, oBd oa idoA of Uio rapidity >
,.*« the kHooI aod io tet the r«of thr pUy U obcalaod from th* fact j
. u^c* m which thru
! h»d loM tb« wiUMM tiMt tb« rMpoiid
;«I>I iMd t«ofldM»bU jmopmrtj TU American Federation of Labor
Not«d Authority
«Sh« aaoMid lb* baUooo w
“*• |
ucroBsu «
it MtOMth* '
BaU for A tooohdovB rrhloh Poud'
ooarortod into * foU j«i» o. »b« 1»U i
> tiM AfMT-j
lUntmr*. bo«« Mid
frwiMtttlj TUltod lh«Wittlrl«.
mich. moxuat
.......................... 39c
221 Trent St.
Jt Big
Clothing trade
Compels us to enlarj.;e our quarters,
and we are rciiiiinj; the McNamara
store for our use : lack of room has
heretofore prevented convenient dis
play of our immense slock, and this
we arc now able lo remedy.
Bart of our new fall slock is now in,
and later purchases will be here on
or before Oct. 13. at which time we
shall have on our two first floors such
an assortment of best makes cloth*
ing. hats, caps and furnishings as will
fully meet every demand as lo style,
and price.
other storex.
^good goods for ie^ money.
\Vc jiriJe ouruclvcti on qur stock thi* lall............... ..
Sptdal attention is called to our eioafcs,
3aekets and Turs « «
B^JIt this time
we shall offer some exceptional bar
gains on certain lines we bought at a
low price—keep watch of us and we
will not disappoint you.
Bamilton Clothing
ME itwiiaai aw^ jtkkfMi tml yi^ji6itoA». towom % won
n^caitici aocoont the belt oi the
Amoiauiboine pUy*. w« 6m |»»Woman baa a hard time of It la thla
doced by Jrnwf A. H«ne in Ouengo
boay world boeanoe I
inureata are
wwJ m 189S, and since then it has woo
THOf. T. Mm AMft 1. V. HANN0I
AI-BX mJLlTl^mU or M««^ooUo.
Tha TiUaga of PbrETiaw. W. Va. innumerable tniunpht thtoi«boot the
United. State* and Canada.
wquawt abowar. of ateouA Daring aeenea of this ehanniiie comedy,
laat wook thofratt were fioqotti. oud drama ate aU taken'from life and the
M»a daiMga baa baoa dooa to propor* incidenu paatisycd are the bomdy
WM aewerelj dam- Wppeninp of the people of a amall
ty. Agiwati
ar« about tba aisc
agad. The I
of and mnob tha ahape of cobble* . w tW?
•^be greater eunber that hare
are >et black aud rery hard*
while a numb* r of anowy white com
harefaUeo. The white ooea baTe tl>f
ipaaraaoe of Ume
Pnooeoa Victoria Eugenie, of Buttenbarg.a 4»««hter of Pnnueee B«award’Fconoeut d
irioe, haa woo King Kdward’f
At>)aot of riail j 11
to her long cherished pro)eot
leg tim United Bute*,. aad wiU takal
the trip doring the yacht imoee next
After being Uughed at for 40 year*
beoaooe abe.tnauted on looklrg under
liar bed to aee if a
Mra George Mailer of White
. haa at laot found oni
• OneeleWT woAUUI of luy a.qualntarne haa
•olvcd tlH i>rob
lem hy pUrlng
on tins waU of
««.h r««l a
amall rial, from
a |N*
haiiir^ The
in the oew
tarliurf ryarmoWFSBD M. WAUlf SH of Oofetoo4.
of iIh- dinr.f. lit
materiaU nt|nlr.-.I f..r the
UAing of differ
AJABIBl. MoCXn or Kooi.!
Far AodJior OamtoI-
ruiST r. FowBiu or utobim.
Far AMarooy Oaoarml-
CttABl^M A. JII«AIB or Jooteoo.
Wm MaMWn MoU Moord i4 Jtdmmt
kit. hen
wall ^ anaia .»v tna KiirM
A ill In* a great
»v WALL.
UHji in the iiiornltiK lunrkriiiiK. f..r hr
er.n.»umuk' H the mUtn-N.- .»f tin- hoiiMnwy HimI out raa.tly what lUKre.li.*nt«
and what uU-uajU me
alalea In tlie lH-.U<m.ui.. will .•.•ntnlii the
laundry |i«t. that In the nurM-ry rw hi
the ti%inu room the n«*.«-NMiry a. Imn.I
hooka and dull.* and euKaKeineuu of
u. \riuuuToriiw<
ABt;ill»AL4i M. UAUUAUII ofUrolloC
lucruBLicAN vovnr\ ticket.
I In an alidialw-thwlly niTunK.ni
a liOok. A KofNl Id.-a 1.. t.i |>l4er
avrod l.-ttiTa lu a *-i.r<*iuI rt*<-i-i»
idled to
It la aloo a uaeful idan f.M- a woman
to vurry a lilUe uoielMN.k with her.
Till* may W eaally nUi-imhI tnt.i tlie
fuinM-. and in It may In* iiot.vl any thiiur
w-.M-th whil.-. even new Jukea and wit
thlaina. ou Ihat there will U* nothlnjr
Maal.ll und no alrain on the mind in
trying to Irring I«ek thing, to th.i little me.i
i:iho.i til lln* r.
a life w til U- ;
o«7 TraMorar^
Haw II Mar Ur KarwUhra aa as «a
Ur l|Hllr Atlrarli«r.
Of all th.- undeHlrald.- r.-nua the one
lit from alKive i« the w.«M. und it
takes a el.*viT wumali to mak.* it .-.ay.
rin» llluatratlou show s a |avrV‘ Ularly
hapj.y arraug. luent.
Is while and gr.-,.n.
• and th.-re tiir.>uKh the risuii.
Protidout Uooterelt Iim out Eiroti
too to got powfrfol interrrit in
mad lioiiu to ho%> the miiien
At work wtthin o few doya
Idoot Roow'veli ho*. Alwoya beoB
A BMa who *’doof tliingt*' oud It ho«
hmm till way all Mi life, wtu d he lei
abtmt to AO('ompliih a tiling, to itay
by It till it wa« done •‘Toddy’
meana Imiineaa and botli aide* of H.«
gnat oootroTorwy will do well to thini
carofolly on any anggeaiioua that In
-White did )I0I n|h imI the •illliluer?"
aaked the fiuiit I..U ilierua j:iil
-I lnur.nl haitrerUiHl in mi nuiA"
aal dUie llttlr glil with the aattcj
-1 took the watei> nt Ala lea llalna *
aald the Kiri with Ih.- .hauumd hueklel
on her allpiMta.
-1 euimiunnl at N.*w|v»rl. enid tbi
drrouiv tdoiHle in the 1.1111^ »ti|ii»erk.
-1 atudhal SliakeN|Hi.re while in tbi
White innuntaliiM.•• Nald the niihmn
balred one wilin hnl tin* crand inar. l
h my li:odl»1e i
-I worried
I’aree.- gurglM the Kill »vho
Id catch 9UV
Id you do 1
and what did
• inurmurml.
V waa Ukitig •..mce.Hla ^ai.
\4er If ahe a..uldirt have a<»ui.-. t.H.
Aflrr nriiiuug
driiiUug ii
it iim
tin-* yomij;
yuuiij; lady llo
gored a iium.ent and Anally i
-.Now tell bow you would dl»g«iM
aaatiir oUr
-Why, madain.
Ju-l Kaxe you
•*My ^1
nA the
It is WK
Icntly in .«ib-r tu dcvch.|. iuu-* lcs, but
It must In- .louc su-aduy
minetrs a U>y is emumh U* little fwlk.
and ten
w.rk iwu-r « day i.
errr so mu h laHt,*r than doiiu: it all
at oner, says a WTitrr lu the Kl laouis
l\Nrt Ihsyaul.
Just after rUiuK, ht-f.-rv tlic luiMTilng
hath, is the iN-st time ft.r tlu- llrst exercUe. It will s.i y*miic umw-l,-s In
tunc for all iUy
I L. u just Is-f.irv- golug to iNil auulha r l.-u tiitmitcs of it
will iosurt- a iHau:itl uicUrs siti-|i. and
Ibc lad or Uil*.h-. rv«u if v*-ry tirvd.
will h«vr lK>urs ai.-l boors u. n-st.
datiou cf all i.hy-iH-al culdevrlopiiu; rtunly. well traimil tiodk-a
I* iin»iN*r hreaihiui:
A ilve * 4 beat U a thing all aUiiiw*ful athlete* muM Uavt-. That uieaiu
lluit the aboulilen iuu»i be carritsl well
back, the ebewt thrm*l far forward and.
rxpand4*d. ao tiiat the lung* will have
Identy of room
All of your hreathii *lwnUd lie -long”
1. file ktiHl ilH- d.H-tor tell* you
at aa he examine* y.»ur ebe*t wb4-n
haT4- a ivihl
Kvery lime you
itbe your IuubN- full of
for lliat I* what MUppllei the fUel
our l.hMHl. mid if it iM Hid full of
d« of th. Royal It«l Crom npm Mia
,„rii,uuhle to
U«>rt. OorowalU. Wim for tm m.
cycellcnt ttaiulai.l of pteKloction
vice, on t«rd th. hmp^tal .hlpj„,.,,,^h.thaibeen.n*imame<i. The
Mam. dnrmg th. Bontk Afrloau war. ,1,
never been i*ni.iitetl to be enough ii«mri>him-ut. however inutli
MraOor..w.llU>.twa.MimJennl.ij;.,jfl^„„,,^ pretenlid.
I-he com. y<»u UM- tlwm.
J.rom.- of ^.wyork.. 8b. wma for ]
which i. now .niteaHnc in ria.-e IW4. rhaim with tlu-lr »lde*
agaltiRi the wall »m. that their Iwek*
m-tly I*dy Randoli.li fhotcblll.
••Shore AfW." has.
I but few ex wilt In* tow-wr.l each i.ilier all.) uU>ui
KE-OoirerDor Whitaker, aged 82. ceptions, been seen in the piece for elght4i*ii liM-hi-^ u|u4n. Crufeii tlietiiu ka
Oregon a flrat gorernor, re dead, lie many years. Mr. Janies T. Galloway, firmly m-ar the loj. and lean forward
waa elected in Jane. 1858. when there the well-known character ai tor, will until your fehouldoo. Uiueh your
wt-re no lelcgrmpb or railroad Udm to apain apjiear as Nathaniel lterr>-, and IhuuihK SlHOe youtiiiT slowly 4uick.
the national oapitoL It waa taken for his artistic intei>rclation w*U be ably want until you iigaUi atniul eni1. !(«-•
peot ihlw live iluiii* f4ir tlN- m>t aev4-u
granted that the Oregon
seconded by the twenty-f
ar eight day* you try it and then grad
badbeoom.- law duriag the preot-«d I well known players of this
ually Im-reaNi- th»- mmilN-r imtil you
a month after Whitaker'a
cry has been have n-achtil ilfi4-«-n
preiarcd for the production to W givOregon lia.1 m.t been adalt^ Aa i en at Sicinlierg’s (^rand next Thurs85 do«ea 85c,
One doee
<Uy, Oct.
with guATAOtee of <
Bott.-a Mont., lafai
Lincoln J. ('ancr. author ot so Rocky MountAiD Tew Madi
ModiA G.
many iiopulaf successes, will ]>rcsenl oine Ca. MAdloon. Wia.
hot a aiugh- tree. More are to b*- oet
•ITic 11th Hour." at Sleinbe»g*s
ODt and rulti rated.
('.rand next Monday, Oct. 13th.
Florence Nurhtingah-. the heroine of This is the third successful season of
the t:runean war. i* said to be about this jHccc. .Mr Carter has succeeded
to reocitre recognition by King kidward in this provluction in doing what
aa one of the great women of her time authors seldom do. that is. blend con
by having oonferre.1 upon her the new sistently jiathos and comedy in a manOrder of Merit. It is oaid that thii
that jileasrs the entire aiulicnce,
will be preaeuted on the kl*g‘* birth | folding their interest throughout the
I cnUTc play.' The jiresenling company
is away alove the ordinar)*, and- elabo
. '••wlwa *
rate scenic etiecls an»l nicety of detail,
lo Iht- lN-uii-.y lvaiila iilll <s.uiitry. | hich
Mr. Carter is s«» justly famed
wl.m- am h liral nom.-a a* .V»ali. Cain, r ‘
L tcaturc.
linen .nnuune. w hi.-h
A lively shade of ol.l nen*
i.r.Hl.miliiat.** ov.t |«h- gr,, n. un.i
there arc nU> |ou. he« of
Tlt.-n- is un eui|iirv a.-r.-.-u of ..Id n»Mnud gill. The furnltun- 1- . iu|.lr.-. and
then- is an aira.*ii\e writing tabli* with
The geiM-nil
of the fts-lu is
livable, and it ofT.-rs lndu.-«-m. tit* f..r
faiiey w««-k. rvadlng and o»n\.-ranturn.
«»n the walls Iliere are many |.i. turrs
in U.tli oil and bright wat.-r
It, i»i: i.A iiAi Mi:
Then- me s«» many .Itffet. nt
and linen Koeds to • h«H>*.- ftom tl
U no wond.-r tliat one f.i ls It a thank
less task tu try to tell of ih.-in all
the i.uton .hoMots, the m.-r.-erijoil
ehand.rays. ih«- is-reale* ond nuiuU-r
less d.wigus In ina.lras and tephxr
giogluitns giM- the la-st satufs.
Tlir |.rlnei|M»l ..lij.1t of the .otiou
•f .1.-1111. fr.*sh wi.ists ftu suuiin.-t
with thes.* imnU S-. eli.-ai* ..l.e lu
ei.uM- for tM.i having tiM-m
yartls are r«ii«i
iiir.-d U*r n shirt s
and ihts w-!l nil A for u .Ta\al Ju the
There are also thou
•hahie materiaK
nicA»ion of Traverse
Dodd Shoot for
ook ot tho Bottoo Storo,
j in the third .Icj^Tec
Cttrt'M mpthimt hcklmg,
... ,ihi‘:i'filiiiiftii'
r«* phMe fa »n^
I the bonieN sad you can depod upon wh« we *»y.
cw# ttaattM
just like cat, 42 inch iquire
top. heavy baae, 4 in. nicely
•hkped fe^ win (eat ten peo
ple. Our price ii
A ven large line rfEatenaon Table*, from...................... S3.75 UD
C Solid Oak. cal^ *eat, high back, dining chair* tot................ $4.85
J, W. Suim House FinnaiR Stdk
School, shoes
5T(J s...
Hi TO 11.
114 TO 3.
This season w-c liavcOAK TAN
soles in every i»air sliocsv in the
house. 'Fhat f\icans wear-we
guarantee them lo wear.
A. S. FRYMAM, Sfe'.SWffi-ilSKrr'v'”-
Aimnln*. Ahiah.m. Juila«. et... im.iimmun. o . h rgymau w ho ha»* a cir
•Ait in 1> hlBii <s.un:y wa- <-nlh-«l to «*fhrlat.- lit a . lin-.li iiiiiK
Wht ii hirh.-il ill iU»4-.il.iu. tla- vvif,MiALsl lu Ife- tu . Iiaii:.- uf affiiin. The
m,l.k »vas tu w hile aii.I a fi vv uf |l,.ui Uli-.,-. m uii.r- Uf tl... Haiue .s.lmvKot...u hid I-.U liivit.d .Old wmHMt.d uud.-r Ih- irv» A. Whenilhelialie
th- l»alie
i.ip by th- |.;iri*lilii. III*
vl. ii:>iii.iii ii-*k. d
Willi ivhit iwirn- *iinll I 4lirl*i-n
• \l;iK, ‘ piou.pily J
• Ni.i-V I. |ri alt*I I
1 l»..|li-f*-d • W i..T
. r.il the w lf,-.
liuoilt r. Nli;:ht
1 you Hud MU b
If you have never tried our breakfast coflce—Mocha and Javabest ever imported—you don’t know how good good coffee can
really be. Sells at 40c the pound and is worth every cent of it.
M«n«nehl. o.. had a mil.,...- festival
the other day. i^lhd the • lUlU- pUi:\ery .MiiuMifld .itlx'eu who
an.W4-nil to ih- luiiu- of Willliim wna
:i pro-.-i.lon.
••Blllri ’ mur. bed
With nil atliiU W
pauloii ph--:-. and llu-n tlu-re
luill gain.-**. MNi-. li mukliiK.
►lu-t pull lug. runniug.
by -J IIN
who W.T.* evp-it at
Ready Cooked Ready to Eat
Potted \’eal. Vienna Sausage. Corned Beef, Lunch Tongue.
Potted Ham. Veal L'^af. Ever use any of these? They arc line
eating, just the thing for suppers and light lunches. Every
thing done but the eating. Nothing finci was ever put into cans.
Better try some with your next order for groceries.
thing-. -C'hlcago Tribune.
1 » in th- Ilil.h-.*’ it»..lly
VIM,- . "Ai.alu.iN U. lu
. ihtilf iN.y, mill
. • ih loiii Nim. Without
V \.|*ri rim-v
c. <K*. 10. worth 10c, ICc. *J0c,
DON’T MISS our Handkerchief
Sale tomorrow evening from 7 till
it o’cliKk. Never were good hand
kerchiefs sold so verv cheap.—S.
Benda & C'o.
Cook Ria$ Bappy
Because the bread was light. There’s satisfaction in the dining
room, too. The flour was right; the lard was right: the yeast
ht; the baki
was right;
baking powder was right. All came from our
grocery department, that’s why.
Divorce No Evi
dence of Lower
A^ordvl Stdwnddjrd
We’re a Bit Particular
About our smoked meals. We sell only those we know will give
satisfaction. It’s that way with Premium Hams, Winchester
Hams, Premium Bacon. Star Hams. Put one on >N)ur want list
for tomorrow.
WolT.D nH'.iiiiiiu iul cv4-rv riiii-*n;il iimn and woman
lliitiking iiiul writing .-n the Mibji-ct of divorce to
run tliri.ugh lln-ir life cxjMTu n-v*, Miniinon up all the
div..r-c.l jK-opU- they know, gaugi' ihi'ir mural status
an.l. if jM»sj.ilil<-, the inflm nct' <*f their live's as writers,
>{N;ik4i>, artists mnl pbilunthn>pi-ts and SKK IF
111 niv own « irele of frieiulH 1 <-an rtM^all at ino^l two dozen—all
B-* gitle.L luoriil and refined men and women
I over knew. Hut
lew^..f the w..nien marrie.l again, and tlio-iv wli.v did have been excopti.dially ii.ippy in their new r.'latiou-*.
ttlant Some Fine Cheese
T'That will make your mouth water just to look at it? That is
our famous creamery cheese. We can x’ouch for the g<todnes>
and freshness of this we sell.
Pure maple Syrup
For your pancakes these mornings. The celebrated Ohio and
the Adirondack Maple Syrup. This makes a breakfast "fit for a
king. " Got a splendid quality honey. Some would prefer it to
syrup. We please both. Want to be pleased ?
Woman 1- it! H iraiuiiiion |»eriod from slarerv to freedom, and
she will mu a.vept the euiidiiiunt- in married life that sLo Las Leretoion' meekly endnri-d.
Wlii-n till- m.ulier, with Ler Meadfas-l K*ve of Lome and cLfldren,
d.-inaii.K n-l.-ioH*. -we may re^l aKsnro.] Ler reasons for aimdering
the tl.- an- «!l MiiFu-lent to Li rvelf and sLould be to society at large.
a cLailengo to our
1.volution bas Wn tLc law of Itfe, TLe relation
4.1 tbi' 1*0X1'*. ha-* pas^e.1 tlirongh many pLa>es and is likely to pass
iLrougli many nuT-,
■ ,.F . ;t .’•*
mant a eolfce Crsat?
Good Chinas
II f Ika Wr«N, lilrl.
A iH-mitlful yonin: iady. a iii. inb.-r ol
the amart a.H, w.-iii tnt« i. New|N.n
drag afore and a^k.«.i the druKKt^l if li
waa iiooNihle to dUrniM*
-It'a horrid atiiir |.> tak*-. y.ni kumr,
Cghr aaid the yuunj: lady uith •
-^Furniture Department
•o dirkkal The dl«y round of amall
ORAND TRAVBIISC HEIIAI.D tbinga abe baa to remember la truly
aiitialllttg. Her day mcana a continual
CiTT OtmccL^Toa
• •
• f '•
'■ •
Light Biscuits;
Light Cakes;
dndLight HeartStQuick-as^a-Wink!
- v:
■*>; wi., wmaa,
MISSION OF ‘'sbcul agent**
\mmmm Wmmmm ltepUr»0 lb aaletaw
LaWr aaS C apltsl reahteai.
With s view of solving the eeristts
problem of the retatlons of rspltal and
tabor, says the Clitftigs Tribune, tbs
Md'ormkk lUrvestlng Mscbloe com
MLm liertrudr Berks, a jx»uug wo
man of extrode.1 rxiNTlence in nocio
logical aork, his l.«-n •tnployed sole’y
to h«A sfUT the welfare of the sruir
of cuipk.y.^ ip llH- UarvcNirr werk^.
TbHr cmAsl during working l«mr>.
; Mrs. HargniTas was apparc&Uy oai
of her mind. Bbe owds so maiu
ifidthdi hli tUrtraoM
>81 to opUtpiy.
The witaam anUne hnd bnea fhmUiar
with thnt nnaa nt the time, hnrtng
been onUed to taetUY nad to attunine
i^Ue -eaml qnalitU. of th.
wna in n fit of epilepay whra thia oeMr. Pratt otdeemd oa the gioand
Mr. Pntohin objMmd to this
her hands in a way that oaased ti.e lUm of qnratianiug nnd wra raMnlimd
by oom Mra Bnigravra wna than
On tha orassennlBatkm by Mr
wdnnd Deputy Bherlff Qraym
Piatt the witnam said she heard after railed nnd hit nttrntion railed to hit
court finally allowed the qneetioe to
nony in loir»r court in ragivd to stand; aad the witorea testified Umt
ore. all <v«jr under b.t aitmUan ths dsaU of Mra HargruTes that Mra8uggc»tl(>ns abi.-L she tuitkcs to the Hanfrares was jealons of her. but she
Bg raw handle, etc. Nothing new he ramerabmed the cnee and thnt be
evar gave cause for that jealousy.
wna bvonhgt out
Pntrhin than hnd teelified that tha neoaaed wna
and in i
-Hargraves was away from home aakod;ihnt teatimony of Dra Ohaaa.
bat the
her .»f « a*r» aduttlcd
two or Urse iUys eanrasslng. When
ernnd Bvnaa given in raeordar'a
e.H^k U the pain in bar arm beoams seven*.
court be reoeired nt evidence. The
ftaid to I- Uoaii U-»i |.y th.- freedom
raves and his wife had a good reqnaat wna grnntid
aem teittified that
fnm. hil.cc di«tnrlMin.-.-N ahU h ilie big
dral of traable. bat Hargraves isn r
I hare
liarv.-»*i.-r plum lia« enj..ced sim^ she
E Xpert TMUmoay of Or. B. E. Lmc.
ei,trn-.l ...I her n.n.-l .Innes. The M«- lost his tMiper. though sns oonstantly
WiU some ragn
I>r. Long, expert wltncaa for people
rcctulfk •iH.tH. are m.1 ah..t U known nagged him about ranntng after other
ameih partSenlarly Jennie Woodman. wna Ueo railed end Btnted thnt he
as *'«iiU.n *.h.iia.'’ Mlth..iigh uni.iu men
Bargravee nerer vieited the witaoes bna for eeveuteen year been engaged I
are . n.pl...ve.l wlth.M.t .liMTumnalhm.
in apeclnl work nt the naylnm for tnet the priauo in lonin
The doc
noUing of hii vUiU any more than
Id. ih.- c-umiiany Is imc- ]«.|.uUr if It waa her brotlier.
tor Uen briefly described whet be
a .-iui.i..3ec- tiuin c-v.-r
deiea n typical onra of epUepay.
inlo Woodman became afraid of
ItckN u.ni Inio her week
oouatdMra Hargravea and the Utter had
toned to aald her
Th.* witnes. erable figure lu onuaiug epilepay, not
had Yialted Madam Him-s, th. fortune that the auoeatorn of i
mller. with Mra Hargravea, to have rUy had epilepay but
Breadmakers are often placed at sea
by the extravagant promises that are
made by manufacturers of some
ffrades of flour. Promises not al
ways fulfilled. The lady’s salvation
depends largely on her own judge
ment. which is, use the BK8T
pr|_OiJR. Manufactured by
About October 18th hfi i
ooespy nU the
wore nd>oimi« otir main itorc.
Our iacrensiiig bnimcm fte-
Mr. Pmttuifcnd wiCM if ohr hnd
ror known the wt|.nndM» to commit
nny Tiohmt net nithm inorontofon
•pileptieooodltioo. She raplmd thnt
hnd not exsnpc on owe oocmioB in
mU dnfcnm
Mr. Pratt nrt«d if he
maiKh more n»ra
We ihnU
Clothing Ca
w »t no Wam««rm swsra, *«iu I
awt«niar.i»H iiUi iua4i.t«s«.i«s*-■
_______________________ I
iioqmromkoottko $4,000JfO rt 4e
raVM mmo/ fy {ko Ootoikf 0o44
----------------------------------------------------------pM«ti«ble swaaip on the borders of
[Cmitiistintms \ SS
o7r»"r::| excui^ions
♦ cfmicbiginjr''^
Is Were among Ilje -Ps» gills
In tl..- laiMllng twine dejuirtIm ii.M-*.h**l the mill during
w.-. k ..f lier engagement
nv things wh.. U h.-r femi
very near
and liver
The Dotroli. lUekioow ft lUrqoOiU
r»ilw»j iMiwt olostd tiM li
•taffU land dpal rror rw>ord«
Mlebli^B. Ibo «0o of o miU&oo oofoe my life and gave perfect health."
m4 ogrtoultml loads to Best piUe oo earU and only 26c at
Jas.tf. Johueon and
ths01.<fslaad01lirs Iroa oom|au>:
▼oWlaf $-'>.000,000
H-s itie gills or.- .-..mis-lh
- tlH ir . hiihlng U^..n* goti
and w.iir a .W llitmg
entln-ly lil.l.-s the luiir
n ha.l I. Singh- .limlnutlv
oatod Ufislj la Chippewa. Marq
aad Laos ooaatios aad ara the graatsr
pan of tho orlfflaal iriaat of l.Sno.auo
As bimoo Bowman, of Oaledonia.
as about to enter i.ls bouse the othe
svsnlng ha saw Bom«*thtog I
I l.s.ktng ghi^s.*^.
oo^Ue jorU. close to Ue i
Th.*n ••lie .•rgunix.-.l a <iumis-r uf I
investigation found It to be
M. mllwaj so jt-arn a«o. TIm tiiaber a blaokanake Bve feet and five inohea girls In Ih.- Si^nl «*lnt.. mim«*.| .iflef \
in lengU.
nuit.-rini 4.r whl.h hlii.ling txrlu.*
oo the land wiU is. cmt as rapidly as
Iiui.h-. nii.l 1..-.S mn.h- tlH* 4 Inh » eeni4T
aosdsd. 1 be Uods will be ojieoed for
4.f .neu*.-m.-nl
Wh.-n n girl ii. ill Miss
they can IhN-ks vUlu |,. r
ihnt s
not reach
gh'eli g.’i.Hl run- .*iiid I—1 If ii
OoL Bodsoad, a reloiaa of the
ere la.-king 1.. |ay a phish len.
alrU war. while at Alpsaa Tisitiof
im”’ lUn^s risk.*, the .-..mi^ii.y .I.s-l..r, Is .-nil
>atarrh Oore is ukeo inlerually and
ObMitr IlsailiiK. aaoiber re
aa aalarted
the wall
The ooloael, after
' io
^od the host
)^ta« add li was tlie llkenoos of hts
wJda8 brotbsr. and that he had not
heard from him slaoe early In ths
war. Ool Kedmond was startle<l and
aald ** Yoar brother was my seeretary
aad oae of my aides with the rank of
aervaaat darioir the war. fiv this is
the likeasss of that indirldual.
-n..^.| V
t» Them xxh.*n iln*y «r.-.
ombined with ibe
best blood purifiers, acting directly on th.-lr frtimli.-^ whet. Ih.
Ue muoous surfaces The perfect oombloatloo of Ue two ingredients is
what prclooes such wonderful results
in curing tkOarrh
Send for
Cheney &
was killed la the battle of Ixkj
Moaauta. Kuv. 24. IMUI.** Thu was
ths tm ocws ('hsster Dspiins had
raoolrsd of his brother, who liad been
Ths aoanal report of Use. A. Kb*
llof. flnancier of the Ypsllauti II. K.
oharcb,^ showed th. reotipts of tho
hareh to ban hern over $S.(KM. the
poymaat of
balance of
the chareh debt and a
in the treasury ami the
Brintlng fr..tn fyie. m l^•rvla Is not
rt-gar.li-il witli jNipuInrtiy. Tluil .-.rtiii
try U I.! Ih.- pr.*«. iii d.iy rnilivlt d.Irnt u|Miii hiliogruphy |..i the ns
pr.Nliii’ti..n .»r Uniks un*l
-whl.h nr.* \rry i«r
,.7 z,:
whi. h a .iTinm uumlM'r
ihad In
forthar astounding tact Uiat a iwid up
nMiptilarii.i of lv|H* i.tinlinc In r.T»>!a i*
winter supply of coal was already In dm tn|w.»Vt'hH l|Ml tuiiM**
rir-i ll...
the bunkers
The society would W •rtn.lchtm-....of ihr lim-n ..n.*!..!- s V* i
iosUBed In laking U»e treasury sur*
plus for a jolliBoaiiou
An Oosusl lady was married on her
birthday twenty-cue y.-ars ago. At
Us wadding was a bride's oake. Hot
llttls of It was UMMl. and the renialo*
dsr was
for by ib. th. groom's
mother. Mrs. Chas
Ureenhaf. and
each year Ue w. -lding anniversary Is
raoogntssd by iwrtaking of Ue cwke.
aad Us oaks twenty-one years old was
so>qyed at the anniversary a few days
rtHing Ihi-. lii- .-..iileiil.
A woman to this city Is se afraid of
mlcroU-s that she will not sit im a
ohair. unless it has been waUed with
Ho. ky MounUin T.«
Pinsrl woman
S6 cents Jas U. Johnson
Faloahsy helierrslt is destined soon
to liseoms a second Battle iVeek, so
far as Ue favor of Ue HevsnU Day
Mi..i l-iiU I UngiMT.
. Mrv .. ..........x.-n. has hy the ,l.-ath of
.*r iiunl. Mis., rram-,- Itnmlall Hag.
t-r. falh-n li.-ir to sP«».»*s. hi raon4*y
iMl the l...nd«M..e tvsid.-n.-4* iit IHP; H
r.*4*t.s.iy« ih4* \V.ishltigt..ti 4-.4'rvsiMxnd
III of the N.-xx V.irk w.itid
Mi-s rtyi..>-* iMn.lnU llagi.er was
....... ..
si.t. i «,f Mt**s
l s fjtihir.
l.*;..iang phxsh-i,t)i
Wuisliingt.iii. HU
h.* strain 4.f his
m.d f..r - l .ng Him- he xx„.
iiiig.* niKin III** sl.-iel.-i iiM-«»mt* x*f
.haugliier niiiil it Ihs-uiu.* ii.ve,.a4ary
. Ida.v him iniaa. iin- .ie* usxlum.
ant of the
..mm.* ..r IVt.-r lI.-xgn.T. xxh« was
uM.ia-g th.- 4.;,rly »H*nl.*rs ..f Washiugm
Ills le.me is ..!».* ..r the N-,t .Me
lom .l h ots.-^ h, the .liy, iIIIl*,! with
•a.itiftil ..d..nh.l S.lxer mad rnrniture.
Kuauot lui- It lh:at Mis^ Hagm*rs
ac aga-mel.t to Pax n.;i«l.-r 'I heimas H.
V ks 4,f The navy uill W auu..uiaee,l
4 S4MIII u* It Miltalde inonrialng |.4*rl4^1
of strawberries,
as fine
for Uese two oases, but pr. ferred to
risk Ui> Chicago market
A bear and
two onW have taken np
quartern Inelde the oorporste Umlt« of
FarweU and have been eeen at differ•ntUmee.
They are loosled in sn lb.
B^d Ached Always-Eye Slcht
Poor- Henres Upsct-GcDcraUy
BUeimble—Tetri oT Trouble
HfifipUy ^Ended.
K. Floleimr. residing near the D. ft
M depot. Lowell. Mloh.. eaye: •Tor
•ome time 1 had been bothered more
or lees with nenrouonees wMeh effect
•d my Tision. at limes it appearing at
if particles
•jna X
JfaiTe Pills
4«a orfrtod,
were passing before my
a bog of Dr Obase't
and they did ms a gieu
InVigotaiing me and re-
lleriBff the nerves of their hli^h tenMow- I have oo hesitation In recommending Uem "
Dr. A. W. Chase'e Nerve PilU are
gold at aoo a bog at dealers or Dt. A.
W. Ohaee Modiolne Oft. Buffhlo. K.
Y. dm that portrait and eignaure of
4.W. Ohaea. M.D.. areon erety paok-
4«r to start hoUM*k.*ep;ng.
Mny,< Knotts iuak.*s l.ut ..aae .-..i.ditaon
>..ung laaen sh.ill reside In
'Hie hra.le. may .x.uie fn.in
the l iall.d .Mates. He will
uy .-oh.r lit,.-. :,i,d H.-h Slid
hlhlren. e New
dike an* w,-h'..me to ax all ih.nnYork idi>sl.ittn. In on ai'.^*unt t*f lat
4»r I*;, off.r.
wt.rk aun.ng them, sajs
-One little
y llammo.Ml.x..,;rg women are
Mh.w. wh..m I knew very well, i.ad
hoping that th.* niay..r s pfs-hiniathm
to |:a\.* s«.mr d.-ad In.n.-s n-mox.*.! fr.*m
ken a pN*d deal ol
m-si 111 him. sit h«ngh 1 was not .
ch.us of sh.*w Itig h
- imTUlng he was
f..r UI.V
Uli.-u I i.-neh.M hi. lH*d 1
iHmi^.vor him
AVell. Willie - 1 sahl.
i;r.-at eii-it.-m.*nt lias tss*i, ,-au-,*d hy
he dis4vx.Ty that IntJu. ntlal mah*on
nitd afi.TWind. I»..l ‘you wanV to'^ h.* .d.j4*ct of pnHlaimim: lU.* Italian
me sptvially i‘ The
f.-lh.w r.-iu-h.*d hike xif .\hruxxl a .wia.ladnte ,f..r the
hU haiMl up end laid It on mv .lamM.-r <|«nl*h tlmme
n.e .hike, xxiio has
as 1 lN*n! ..V T him and whls»er.*xl '.My w.in r.hoxvn as alt br. He rxpl .r.-r. was
mamm. win nev.*r h.wr the last aUntt Uuni in Madrid niwl U the thlnl s.m of
O.nld nny «.iu- .Ann s.. gr,*uHu.lc the r.trnaer S|Ntnii(li king .Vm.i.letis of
mere beeutifullx
Lll.a Ol.#«-ixer.
ay. He U nox» vunli.g Mi-dli.-rram.an isjrtvaUwrd the Italian xTulsrr
Liguria. Ex 4*r.x XX Ure U* g.s»s he Is the
wlU horror oo Skin Kruptioos, ohj.sn of enthusiasthvanJ 4.bs.*quious
Bloiche*, Botes. Pimples Tbev doo't de*ii«itistnitioua.
Imre them, nor will any one who uses
Rockhu's AmioaBalvs
It gloriflto
ths face. Hoaema or Balt Kheam
vaoish before it
It cures sore B|is
mapped hands, chilbiaina Infallible
for Piles 25c at Jas. U. Johnson aud
going out of fashion
Whx ’ 1
P. H. Msad's drag storea
loves to wear xxlilte. ^
4c, iV. lOc. worth 10c, 1:h:, A)c. giirisb daylight U i.s% harwh it
r t ofT t.x ^a
DON'T MISS our Hgndkerchict
he antitn.ii
Sale tomorrosr evening from 7 till
ov.T.-omtiig this new (sh.i I
D o'clock.
Nc\ er were good handhvlr W.sMU.;
kerchiefc aolJ so ven- cheap.—-S.
Benda & Co.
CftlmBfi«B Intftrtoi^ Spar It th«
moBldunadftvftmIsh nywiw.
Pere Marquette
Uoa^uJ^i m
Sta.1 tUUs. iUitxw *12*5^
YY •trmat
: TUB8DAY. Oct. TU,
Icketa will be aoln to Bs
Y. rU Deioll and Wah^^R^
- • IHM
Ix^Imv**. iMxrv '
r,Ur. mud
cent of Ue )WOide subject to Ula
condition were meutally Imiaired to
Patchin objoctnd to the qaeatlon
aad Ue court overruled Ue obiectino.
nev.-r remembered
writing Uiat, but sbt- did write a note
telling ber who b.-r visitor was.
some extent, but not senoulsy enough |
tn many caaei to make aay turn treat- < T« »hr
ment ueoeuarv.
I if'
h.r..b, r,r^ ih.1
Hargravea Kohl to Uelortum ti ller
Iftt «.at l».o . oc.mpl.t« d». 1j Tf
with hU wife. The witueas tiad told scriplioo of the
Ibe evenu
evetU of Ue
the mornlng
morning h6r.‘o*-.a*.v.
tvioU-r jt4 umI is, Ih*:. f»r ih.
JohnhU wife wanwd her fortnne told. of Ai»il 21at and of Hargraves'
After tvpxati-d Objections‘the ueti mem of Ue
mony reUtive to the alleged note was If he Uongbt Hargravea
waa •»'>««««.
laboring ''
Uar»raT.-. wat
stricken out
under an epileptic eeixure
Tl., doc-
. and or
-a...a«. «.d au«i Ur. w
The cross examination went on to
wanted further light and Mr.
show that Hargnxves had goii.- to the Pratt .ih4*u explained Ue marka
fortune teller's alone after he tmd
gone Uere with hi« wife
Ui rrjdy
Dniing further cross examiuaiion taking Ue two together he. woula
th.- witness deoUretl Uat Hargrav. s that hx was not. In ra lard fi> Harwas a model man a:.d other women of graves’ statement that he waa unooo.
Ue neighborhood thopght the same scions the doctor said it was not pos
After Jennie Woodman had
town Mrs
Hargraves had told the
witness that John was tn-ating her
moely aud she expected to win hts
affections back again. Mr# Hargraves
seemed quite cheerful
Relative to the man Sebomberg,
sible for a i»ersuti
*“-* -■"»
the Mnrra4Ma, .rf -Mid n-gu-tra
in such a .-ondition
of insen.ibilily to know anything.
The fai l of conoealing a club would
not ludicute * plleiey, but epileptlot
have I- ea known to oo auoh Uings,
not SIM aking of Uls particular oaae,
but gi nerally.
The rPimUr t4«.-hmi* rsamlaatlon for Or and
The wiuess explained how an epi-
IStet-r ISaadlT.lwe
whom Ue neighbors called "bhorty," l.-ptic of he
AM>Wu f..r third rra4l» t^tflr
tbx* witness stated that Mra Har
uwlly while
graves aud
"Shorty" liad studied endeavor in his frenxied state lo dehyi«otism logetlur
I.troy furnltnra and
everything lu
Hefemeg to the .bed up stairMihe; sight, and if he had anyUing in hts
m iMxr
witness t. stifled that sh.
he WM,et the hand he would uao il to Ufliol per- braU Tls/n^lm^ x.5;^
bouse on .<atttr«lsv lielor. - the d.tath of i sotml injury uinm any ,.-rsun he met.;
Mrs. Hargraves aud th. bed wan ihe
m.-rvdyirom a desire to dratroy.
would bavo no alt--------------..f Tboxa.-rM.-Hrho.4
Maaa,x.«4«.t .4 Uxr-r«4natr
made up
recollection of,------------------
|”hr *1^ Will*1.41 •»
o.«r -1.,-J .-l.ur.1. Mml rMilr*«d; Mould «;
Taking up the life' lusnrance matt#
again wiuess testified that Mra Hat
grave.* had told her tliat if they ha
the amount of his hi
could get out of ilebt
Hr. tJsri.*.r Itrcalb,!.
•pileptic to re-1**^"*'’7
I UlWeeU atUcks or aft. r.
Mr. Patchm called Dr CUrner s at - j
was f :k) when Mr.
Patchin took
t.ntion to his i.-silmony at th.- pr. limwitness for cross examination,
inary examination nUtive
to the! The witness testified that most of
wounds on the body of Mrs Har
M the Ionia a.ylnm are those
who had bi-x n sentenocl to prison for
It wa...6:16 when Dr
.pAu... f-“
iJart.erl.fi the'* crime and afterward dMlar.^! In; rain*
H t« * Xact. testified the doctor,
L. ’ that mental hysteria often resemblee
The wiU.*sa tea
who lived in Elmw.xodj»n vpilepnc M*Uura
little leas Uian SOI
township at Ue lime, and who was' ____________ Ue 'Shorty" nam.*d in Ue testimony oases in his asylum only about 20 are
Imd had
of Mrs
Grinnell. and whom th.- de
It U pt.*-maa.sl that, in x a.-w of l„*r
ri.-s.-nt li>.lei».*ntl.*t.t
isxalti.ua. Miss
to iN'rf.xrni
On> of lh^ . ,.i.M*l. n«
diMirtsilons of s ..ruin ..flU.al hullding
a fulUeiigth iNtf^iiolt «»f «;.*..rce
Adventisto oan make IL Thre.^ of \Vn-hinc1..n
siN-sk.-r*N ehslr. It Is in full sight of
the leading elders of that denomina
evrr>lK..l> who rls.-^ lu s|n ak
tion. 8. K. Wnght. K. A Bristol and
s h.ttli-d discussion whl.h lm..h.d
B4N*kitag to thlti 4raat the ranks..f IgiebH, A Uleon, have arrived p. eeUbliU tin* !i..n..r of the stnt.* niul nnllun a
1. Max.c ,\.
branoh headquarters for Ue dlstrlbo* on niU r I..S.* and. iMoiitlag !o tin- i>..rl..|H.*.l a uni.im* iit>d
lioB of bsalU foods. Manufactories tmlt. l.eg«n In ornUNirol st>l.‘.
* By
ra .hsjMt.d. fr..m that
llunK* .-y.*s Unit II.-.cr .juall.-.! U*l..io
Y..rk Tames p„r the
Robert Ooslafson of Grand Haven. on .-neniy. h> ihsi ium..*he Will US4* hlF tnuThen In* was ini.Tr.ii.i««il hy a mnu•0 years old. was tbs victim of Ue Imt In th.- rrni. who r..se lo a poJui of nl.-ipal pr.-rogntixe ns tiaax.ir of Hamlaaoud ai.d man y fr.v ..f . harge nil n**lBret hantiog accid. nt of the season. ord.T
.-..upl.-s -XX ho .all nt hU ..flhv.
-Mr Chairman •• said Ih.* ol.h-ctor.
While hunting ducks, hi. guu was
..111 of or.h*r m..l.*r iwr- This Is 4.nly ..ne ..f th.- plans of the
aoeidenlally dlMbarged. trariug off -I claim it
llsnunlar> ml.-s lo .all the a\.*s ami
r to improxc the .Nximmiic 4*undibte left Unmb and sliootlog out his U.H-S In s o..iimiUt.*f of the %»hole.-—
Of Ih.* 4 11X.
right eye. His recovery is doubtful Chl.ngo Journal.
as ever shipped out of Benton Harbor,
ware biUsd out by J B. Oaldwell, a
Lmer. Inst wesk to a Cbloi«o oommlnsion houw*. Osldw.il has been
eating etmwberry eh..ncaks for .Ue
paet week and was offered Mg money
her fortune told.
The witaeea wanted
Exoeaaive use t.f alcoholic bevernm Hin. s to tell Mrs Hargraves'
gea, or a blow would alao rauae It.
fortune to see if she waa craxy
Ma stated that it would be poeeiMr. Pratt aaked if witneM did not
for a i^itpan to ^ve these seUuree
wrib- a note to MaiUm Hinea: "Tell
UU woman that she cannot be happy aud not b* affected by them in anyway
during the period of Ue attack.
WiU her husband, that there u anHe raid also that tirobably fifty per
oUer man waiting for her:"
fense Uooght might abcl aome light
on Mra Hargraves' d.-aih.
p«*it HALE OK UgMVKkwsat miM rtmtrn
*«-* >«*
under his oare U Ue insUtulion about i .-g i
126, but had in his exj«rienoe iraated ,
The wUnoM tesUfied Uiat he was about ].06)x'a,. s. Lax ing been oallad j
ily to att.-nd eplcpttc patient
not at th.- Hargxav.-s house either on
The iwreentage of x-pileptics in oralSaturday or .Sunday previous to the
day of Ue aUc«ed cnm.*, nor had he nary asylums as slioot 4«, is-r cant.
stayed Uere either night. According In the asylum for th.* crtmianal In-
_ TImha# Caflaiala#
m ll■■ir CfTIMailf
llardwiicxl TimU
TfJtifM Cily, M.
to his testimony Mra Hargraves did
not like the wl!n.*ss. Bhs was not
ntuok on" him. AsxedWhrhe b-ft
Ue bouse he said to Mr
That’s my busioesn" He then said
left at Mr
Hargraves' ra.iueel Ue
last time he was Uere. a week or
lore before tlie alleged crime.
He had studied hypoolism of Mr.
Nt«ris WiU Hargraves bat never hyp
notixed anyone because he couldn't
L Harrgares ha.1 told the witof her trouble.* and was rather
TPatohin then took the wiu.*ss
Tbewitn*s« knew of the fuss Mr. and
Mra Hargraves ha 1 ov.-r the revolver.
John had locked ui hU trunk. She
■aid it belouged to her and she intendhave it. if she liad t,. break oi«n
able, ilurxbtc and satisfactory underwear
joimlar prices that motlcrn mochincr)'
xt i
HGTinr- h
skillc.l lalKjr ran proxlucc."
I^OU-xS rxiUENT-W. MCrxdMr
i' The Munsing Union
tha trunk wiU an ax.
On the redirect examination Uewitneessuid Ue was jealons of Hargraves
maute he wa* after other women.
Mrs. Hargrav«*s knew of the lessons
in hypooUsm and tried onoe lobe
hypuotlxad, Mr. Norris experimenting
1 her.
Asked-by Pratt who iwld for the lessons In hynootism Ue
That's my buslnees."
goM^NKW llol Hj:-i f.,r
•* rhe l<st njgdc. best fitting, most comfort- |
Irr houw. »aniit«*-r^it4ii<>a,*w^
n.«r >rr4H.l.|. uud
Ml 4»|J Mu
H X hnt»knLWi.4iklMi«i*rti. Kh-Ii
K. |.r*.«Ute o44H.-r«Vi|.
«ivc a maximum of comfort at
num of cx pense. They com
bine perfection
of fit and finish
with reasonableness of price. They
are easy tc I put jom always stay in
place and cost no more than vests ;
and pants.i. 1They:
hey satisfy perfectly
the demand of the public for per- j
feet filling combination garments
at popular prices. People who have
once worn them will buy no other
kind. Tl'cy please the most fastidi-
a a 0\KY TO U tAS -OB r«Al mmiMUL No tax
IVI . Uu— F.iohia * I ruu**r
IWu ioxo
ond IS |>r.re.*nt ««•-
wltoes.* said
Sohomberg replied rather tastily to
tha qaastins pot to him bj Mr. Pratt
anduoUing of Tiial importanoa was
deraloped to his testimony. whiU
loaed tha prooaedings of the day.
Mrs. amrmwm Call8 This Morala*.
On opening of court thU morning,
Mrs Hargraves, moUer of Ue defend
ant. was raoalled to Ux* stand and
qaastiooad by Attorney PatchU in re
gard U> Ue appearance of HargrrvM
daring an attack. Mra Hargraves
U«y assumed a bkmdahot appear
ance afterward A Uort time prior to
ittack. aboat a week. Hargraras
bad raffered from a partial annstroke.
He was treated by Dr. Blfton after first
rs the .l.*ad m..n.»ton.x of the wixura aad waa in a poor atata of
* effesi and disjaq. ibe thrcut- haalU for about a mooU. Mra Harcord disaster of not icAUig 'iicrfeclr fBarea mUoA that bra aox eras aatarly larfiy."-Chk»go l*oai.
SaltS--in fleeced or
^ ^ j
50. 2.00. ISO. nPO 1
ChUdren’s UbIob Sails
ribWd, all sizes.............
Quldren's Union SttRs
ribbed.................................... ...
Udles’ Vests and Paots >
Grey wool ribbexi gxrroeiit
In White Wool nbbed
Cblidrcii> Yesu and Pams
Gre.v wool nblicd garment
allj alav &a IHeapMU aadaatteM
known aa Ue Stede or
m. One of the best in
Grand Tnvene county. 84 mtles
■oath of the dty.
liiffi- f Ifikilfr' ■ J
KplleptU in asylama. whether la
of the rl«k
or not. are oftea
bent him wIm
tbieriab and asoally attempt to bide
knew. Tbe twlllrbt
eridsaoea ot tUiracte
tain daj was rkwlnf In.
psraoo would U
Uttle Wf! row In
-spoDsibU for hia acto while In aa
bla tbrost as be aluiIcMly jatbered
[dUidic ooodiUoB. tU witnemaald
snow fponi llie window »U1 Into little
bolla. Boddenljr he «wtijrbt lil« hreatb
I proUblr woald aot, tat be woald
rat want aridenoa to show that a
maa was ia that staU before firing a
dark fomis lorkd in the *iU«dow of poaitlre oiilalon aa to hia reaponai
tbe wide front a1r|i«
Asked if a p.rs«n was known to
-f^‘a fftt outer tir wind fer a rolnttle.- fTOwlcil one. *1<urv be ain't r»mie are oommitSed aa atroeioas act and
known lo tare Uaa aaoanyiir
wiioas immedUtely after it. might he
not tare bmm la an epileptic w^lrure
by di
the act was oommltted, the witmnd 1
testifled that oases Ure Uwn
nine 4
n where lU perpetrator oom-He----------.
s great urimi-' nnder similar
he. t>unr
imstaaoes and did not Ure epilep-Rbi^ U|i yer r-.l
Tbe witness here desroibed a oasc
nunbled I>an. wlib an oath ‘T.f ye're
f«<tln' cold feet, ye rail %niiioo«v Vm of the kind la bla own eaiierleaoe.
«oln' ter Slay rlKli! up tliar l.y thet
Here Mr. Paiohlu asked a aerlee of
aback fill T gH a w biu k at Ibd. Pcrrltt qnestioas reUtive to whether a maa
an' Ibet Irrt o' awag be. ps wIth 'Im woald annw wUt Upiiened daring a
ril git even with 'tin fer kb kin' me
ire sod wbetUr U woald relate
down them mill etalr. ef 1 bev |er kill
wards wUt be bcllcn-d to hnre
-Btit I don't keer u-r kill *lru out oc-oorred.
wltoeaa testifled tUt there wen
right <f a gtwd dubbin' *11 do tb' bis
Itroper." derre<*at»-.l Id. <>«uii«i.l..n.
Ase. where tbe perpetrator of a crime
-Well, ♦•ryefe
eryefv goln
■ Ih*
chick- told an imaginary etor^ of wUt oc
on llrered about If }vr* can hit on'y onct. curred while haring a sclxure, but be
an' I’ll do Ui' rest.
oonld not tell wUt aotnally happooed
an' bide l.cbur tb' .lun k n ady frr 'i:n.
I»on tU redirect examination ibe
We’ll are wIm» d<«-» lb' kickin' n(.w !**
ncM testifled iUt under oooasiooa
And they moved up on the IdII. Torogreat excltt-meut a aeixare might
my*a tear liegrlnied fa«*e wn. pnle un
on in the oaec of a person
der Ita tan.
He n^oKidnd ibr two
rlllalna aa Ixwt I^dcm w ho bad l>c<n sobj.-ct to epileptic attacks
dlBcbargrd from the |•*1Tm ndiictlon
If a jiereon haa M-en sahjecl to epi
worka the iirevhiu. w«-« k for Mealing leptic eiexnn-s for‘iO years.,with no
ore. What n.uld he do^ I'rtTm w«. regularity aa to time, wliat Ure you
tetebefa l»eau
He mo.1 not be killed,
to say as to tlie nature of a seixorc
for teacb«T would be lulwralde. He
at this timer” asked Mr. PratL
must be warned.
.re woe
Tommy ltx>ked at tbe chn l. almost
the for
C. could be go round tbe fn lcbt yards
where tbe rtildn-r. culd md wr him? subject had pn-rioualy cxiterieuced
There wa. not time
lie iiTiiM g«
Mr. Patch ID hero ^eauted the oo
straight up the nwid
tbdr hiding ditioos surrounmug tin- present oai
pl0ce to meet INTrill. HI. In art Juroiv including the epileptic attacks of U
ed right up in hi. tbrmit at tbe fearful years prerioua. the horrifying nature
IbougbL Hut It w.i. for teaelHTof the crime, unoonsciooa
He flew down llie Me|« niHl up the sfterwarda.etc.. and a.-ke<l the witness
road towsnl the aback w br-re the foTO- what there was in thooe conditions
show that he was ia a joy chic equi
pada waited fur tbeir vliniiu. Hi. ton
aied. Imre bend and wild. Mmit.ing
eyea flashed through tbe ahndow.. a
mrry gboat of fear.
Tbe noiac of the imutioc nppro.nch
drew lUark Hnn from hu bur. lo tbe
boy's frlghtenr^l Imogiimtlon I..r.Ung
like a huge apldcr who bears the buss
lag of a fly. M the anim- iiiomexit &
tall, striding flgore a»v,mg .ocr the
brow of the hill. Hr wn. tim Inl. !
-Bon, Mr. rerrltt; run'” tu-nwmrd
the child In fraiiUc terror, d.nlglag a
Mow from Black Ihm'a ui*rnU.it li.t.
He caught the gleam of a ait ali.v.t,T
In tbe other liatnl of the Mg brtite and
fell with a crash across hi. ti tuples
A cloud of tdurk amoke t-tt-aHHl lo
fall upon Mm niHl amoih.-r imu. and
the world went mil like a smifTt-.! can
When It came bark to him ogaln. be
felt strangely light and giddy. Tb«Te
were white clouds find Min*ets all
alMut him
He aiH-mcnl to la- flmitlng
lie cyeil I
on a rloml and when a Id
Mm he V
gel l*ent soothingly
-Hid 1 get killedhe whlaiH'red.
awestruck. ' An* I'm rwlly In lieav-
Tbe angel laughed and tnaldwl amll
Ingly lo another flirting hring a man
angvt Tommy aupp«iac«l He , «ine and
pat Ms arm around the Mm- evid an
geL and together they hung o>rr the
odge of Tommy a billowy . loud
-No, dearie; you are right h.-re wlib
as, where you are going to stay for the
reat of your life. You are a r«wl hen<.
like tbe out-s I read to you alniut In the
history book. And we «n- proud of
you.- And then Tommy saw that flusngel was tescher and he was lit her
room, which was luinked with flowers,
foe be Ud c'ome to In- known a. a lo-iv.
and Ibe wboU- town had done him bon
or. "You Uvr been %ery 111. d.-ar.
from tbe Mow on tbe bead I but ugly
Buck lUn gave you; «-om luslon €.f the
liraln. tbe doctor said. But you will
soon be well now and able to comiwith oa to our new home when we anmarried,- Then she met Bot.'. adur
tag glance and Musbt'd.
-And did you •- Tommy was to..
WBk to
-Get abut? Yes. but mrt Uadly. for
Bin got scared, and 1 got
them aa lUn turned to strike you lie
Is 1a tbe penltcniiary now, wlicre b.«
won't bot»-r \is for some time to come
Tbe other one turned state's evldcme^
-The money for tbe men V
-It U all right.’' pot in the trseber.
with ablning eyes. •'And so Is onr be
ro. I owe aometbing very
Ufe beld but two blissful rmis to
Tosamy-tbe eomforttng knowledge
Chat be waa a bert>#nd he w,rold aev«r ta aeparat^roro d,-ar teacher
ifl.lAN i\ PASrHAU
in progress!
W dwt b* twd to -wtMT in.- Bnl. tbrn,
a'ontinod from third page;
b» Umd In tb* Ix»«t Ixidr. tbr Umcb
AlnUict of Ibe tlr Monuna mining
TU witnssa siatod tUt a psychic
town, no be was r»p«-!«J to |.e Ud. sqairalsnl might take piasa whiU the
at wa. la aa aatomatie oooditioa,
Bobtdc Jsofo bad twUrd bUu a low
down Lost l4rfer- ab«i 3iUr>cte bat always la tbs aha
FwtMO wns llslrtilnn. ai«l Tosuinr bad
pronpcljr manal«Ni.
a bowl
isirer to a q^Um by Mr
tU witnss. ilatod that tbe
Hence Ibe frt^acut uura»» 1
r of oiillsptio crimtaaU. in bU
nornode while be walte<l (jw Irs
brlos Ibe prtjjrliial to . Uaan«r I
bis sins after ifw.lHT* oic*n
arUns for which they t
By Trissrsia to Tbr R««d.
Washioftoo, Oct.6 —TU ThirtysUihaaaaalooeampmoBt of tU Ormad
Amy of tbs RepabUe ooerraed here
today. The city U eUboratsly d«»r.
ated aad emwded with Tiaitora It U
lated tut 3OO.tJ00 Tiiitors will
anire danag the week.
i and ThompsonviUe will
meet on the Twelfth street grounds
for the championship of Northern
tomorrow afternoon at 2.30
Miss M- J. Petrie of New York will
.e an aiidrcss on missions this even
ing in the Prcsbjtcrian church. The
address w ill be especially for young
petqde, although all arc invited.
T. SnushaU le(t today lor Tusi m
Jeorge M. Dame of ' Northi>ort
went to Howard C’ity this rooming.
W. O. Jioldcn left this morning for
usit with his mother in Kent, Ohia
There will be a regular meeting ol
he toui.i:ii th.s evening.
The Traverse Bay Sewing Circle
11 go to r.rawn Wednesday morn
ing. Busses will leave J. N. Hill,
Washington, street and j. K. Hanimd, Wadsworth street,at^:30. * .MI
arc re<iucsic«l to l»c on hand.
The t;. K. A- I. excursion to
Toledo. Chicago and Detroit will
leave tomorrow morning at 8-45
The Pere Mar«iucllc excursion to
Chicago, LaCrosse and other |»oinls
will leave tomorrow.
The roof of the Pere Marriucttc
dciK)l'at Williamsburg caught fire
about 1<» o'clock Friday night, fircsuinably from s^uirks from a passing
lug tram, and the building was burn
ed to the grouml. The contents were
A pleasing feature ot the chapel ex
ercises at the High school this mornlas a votal solo by Miss Young.
11 gun
ers of the Hligh school all
xsMMriatiun. The cost of the season
tickets is $1, which
:itles the holder
to five admissions.
'I'hc l»gsmess
incclmg ol
Fnends Chnslian I'.ndcavor society
will Ik- held at the home of the pres:
dent, Charlt-s N. Franklin, tomorrow
eiening at 7:30 o’4 lcx k. Kvery mem
lier IS urged to be present.
Tlie strawberry i loj. this fall prom
!■ of^lj
for tbe fbartcenlh anaaal oonventioD
mmxikmfA Anrinm tMof tbe Elcyenth district of the Mlchi- Ud eammJT^mSa OdIv ^
whSTbsT b^ aaalyata by Prof.
IC«a Chrietiaa EndeoTor union, which j leavee ere need, nod ‘'
HUjmrd, of the Slate auiyerntT, aad
proDoaaood by him to be harmeleew
will be held la Frankfort Taeeday, ‘
A aeriee of revolring bnuhes remoTO
Wedoeedar and Tbareday of this week.
the aklne, aad the rinsing prooeea preThe flryt eeeeioo begiue Tueeday eveaiag. Tta programarrmaged leanezoeUent one, and oae that wUl be fuU
of both inipiration and profit to Eal•mbers of tbe choir oaa ehetdBTonra. Bar. Thoa P. Ullom. Mies are rolled by macblaery. which gives
ita glaaa into fragmenta by
Carrie Wood. Merritt R Holley and them the peculiar curled
into it. eo powerful are the
L eri T. Peatalagtoe of tbie city are of tbe lea we tar. tbe
r. volving plates
----- ttan go through a further pro- neat. The mice of tl
U*ck tMrkrSUmk. 0«iM«
coae of drying on wire trmye in large ihem to ehave. aad their hair is
cloeed bozea Tbe ftoer qaalitiee are won like a wooma'a
flarored with roee leavee, which
^ trays within tM- bozee, eo ai.
L.U. Bookk
Booaa Tewaie.. ^os to toocb tbe tea.
| The tea is packed in neat tin
of different eixe» eontainlng f
an eighth of a poaad, each
_______ 'American Tea, Pinehurat
Farm, Summerville. 8 O. ” Tbe
principal kind pot
pat apoa the market ao
far haa been a blaoa tea. aomewbat
resembling English breakfast tea in
jeet of tbe meeting will be lo
VVfc« (Me 1 uktataa
for the InitiatioD of a large
It is probably not generally koow^
tbe r.'th of November and fo
that every year in
naet to take place at that time,
this oountry between 7««» and 800 lives I
deelred that every member be i
an- lost by Itglumng stroke, and more
at tbe bnti- khan l.uuu perons injored During
mlttM. will br .p|
In ordc*r to make loom^for ncu
tlng to make tne arraage- 18W there w,-re 4,*.%3 animals—cattle,
hoiwea. mules, sheep or pigs—killed by
arrivals wc aie oilcring^sotnc
lightning in the open fields while Uie
rare bargains - ‘ ^ •
porting Life.” prMented in Stein
berg's Grind Saturday night, was one
Soli.HUk frwiicS in. deep b) ;«)»70 in. long, a CC JCC
of tlie best attractions of the eeaeoa
D rsobeauty. rcCVUr PflCC $T.S0, at only.........
la this hooee. It is a play dealiag ord where whole
Ih fatal
with the life and eurroandings of
British lord in hard Inok. becauee of Ml s^p were slaughlei in t^olorado,
hit eportiag elemenu. exhibiting the
‘ one year
bead of
rable Instinct^^ of t:.o victim of where’ ouring
nils^ortoiir The sapporting cast is cattle wenV killed by lightning, the
fact!t was noticed tiiat
excellent and tlie eoeaes are reallstia cunoos
found in clos«. contact with wire
Tlie plot deals wit > the greet derby fent>‘a Their death was prohahly
Maoe and fight in a prize ring, in oansed by the shwk received from the
both of which the leading character is fence and nut from the direct strike.
the center of interest. TImtc is noth I as it was evident lu msnv oases at
ing objeotiooahle in tt>e pUy. as some distance from the animala It
might haw been consimed from the there had b.«en sufficient ground con
title by' eome of the more critioaL nections from the fenc'e the cattle
The spi-clal eoenery was v*xy good and
tlie action of tbe }ilay foil of life and
interest from start to finish. The aodienoe was net as large aa the attra.tion deserved
Old iihoe* are not waste from the
stend)M.int oi modem indnstry. After
thev have done their service and are
dit^rded by the first wearing a second
h»ud dealer resterea the w..ro shoes
lo something like their former apjii arauoe. and thev are sold again b> N’
worn a Iiltl. by the poorer classea
es are finally disoa
When he shoes
by them they are still good for '
In France such s
ous pnn>o*
iKioght up in qualities by rag
\Vc have juM unjiackcd 30 birrchotlhc most l*cautdealers and iold to factories, where
the m:ri«*nliuriil ib-imrluieiil. wlii-re It the sho* B ar.‘ first taken aiort and
iful tlccoraicd parlor lam|>s ever shown in this city,
lo i.mirU.- m.iu.- «MMm sabmined to long procesM s. which
including a large assortiucnl of tho^se most |K>jmlar
IU< vvlM ivhy II ,^.iih| 1- ^iw.hI.Iv .n- lum them into |wstc. from which the
I»arlor lamps in Ruby and green, solid colors w ith
I'etlnlmxl vvlieilii-r or not n iinrlTruhir material is transformed into an imiphuit w..uhl 1.1 nlbnl.lv
.nlapied stion lealMr, appearing very much
mountings fmislictl in old brass an.l dull l.la.k.
In crow lug ttinl.T nrhl lun.l et.itdUjoiiM. like the fim*st morocco. Upon this
SliHi- i.lmitw nlbwuH. vvMt.i tl.roUKh material stylish designs are stam}ied.
and wall i»iN-rs. trunk coverlngn and
1he!t ro..Ilk IImi .\:i|H.r:lle it ihmugh
similar articles are made from it.—
their h-iivea It f.ilIuAw. „i!„ r thlncw UBaltimore Herald
Cffis is four Cbstttt t»
qtt» Bargain
.\NOTHKK-recntar price $|i.00.
Lamps! Lamps! Lamps!
(he Ketord a bun» h ih
wa> nothing to show a .letcriormted breakers for si^e,
menul state tin- co.idition would not
Mrs. Catherine Brown of Toi>ckj
indicate tUt the crime rras
Kan., is viriiingMrs. J. T. Hannah. inu tMiUiI. thot III.' ima-mv of ihi^
by one under a peychio eqalrmlenl
.Miss Nettie C.ray returned Satur evaiM.r.itioTi i- liiver««-ly n- ih. ir iiv.t;!sute of epilepsy.
aiihiy for cr..uih In .Iiy «liniiil.n.
day night Irom Ijmsiiig, where she Very »I«vv ev«i.oian.rw will i.rv.hal.ly
went as chi
1 of the Sute School
ml very fa^t evaiH.nitKcoiling Circle to attem! a meeting of on« win 4vrlaliily tail. The .im-kUi..ii.
theivfore. wna to devUe »*onietliing that
vvuul.I tiuirkly ima^uiv tM* nuiouiit of
Jo-ihph Ka
«*vn|bi.ratum of any giv.ii plant I*lfflliakerv at rrji
eult ns tin* pMhleln M-.-imHl It w.n* eoun
Mr. Pratt asked the wl
►olvid l.y Mr. I.. »' r..rI«*U. borthnil
km w when Carrie GrinueU's h
The laubes Aid Soiiety of the lurKt of the «le|iartltielJ!.
left M r. mnd be repii. d "laat Fehm
Friends chu^ meets Tuestlay after •'The nppJtnilu-. ie».sl U simple. It
Mr Pratt h
I if be knew tU noon with
Wotxl of 7‘2'2 Sixth fwnsKts ..f two ryllndriesl ean«. one In
rt-puiatlon of
se kept by b<
side the other, with a eater Jacket liestreet.
Mr Patchin rigorously obJe<-ted
The jur) in the Hargraves case had tw«-«-ii. to k.n-|. the temiH-mtutv uiilMr. Pratt suted that the eride
showed that Hargrmres frequeot.-d tbe a nice ride lo Old Mission yesterda); form. The iniuT cun in al«o |Mirtly
Unnaell bouse and tbe prosecnlion and in the evening attended church filhnl with wui»T. on which ivMs a
float, through v\ high a slendiT ro.1 runs
claiim-d the right to show wUt kind
aiipofpeoph risited that boom-and the services at the First Methodist freely. Above the water this
character of Mrs. Qriunell. the object church.
toiag to esteblish a reason for tbe
Rev. A. J. Kldred preached two ex
jialoBsy of Mrs. Hargrares.
cclicnl sennons in the Friends church
The ooort sustained the objection of
vesterday. It is expcctetl that the
Mr Patchin,
The witness testified tUt he was new jiastor. Rev. Henry McKinl
not married, tat had been, and tUt t inawav, will be here by next Sui
his wife liad been a risi
Grinnell place.
To «b« Boo YoMvrday.
The witiiness testifled4 tUt the reiro
I'hcre was but a small numl
tstioc of Mrs. Grtnne U for truth and
rersciiy^hod.^ He ki
ais by her Traverse Citv i»coplc who look ad
vantage of the excursion to the Soo
to oomi
yesterday on the steamer Illinois, It
seems lliat nearly everybody who
e.l to :i o'clock.
wanlcil lo go went a week ago. There
was a larger numlicr from Manistee
andl’ctoskev this time than from
Mra A. F. Dobrowsky. the young here
and im-lty wife of a jeweler, killed
two mountain lions on bunady at Ikar
Mountain. The man and his wlM go
erery bunday into Uie woods, but last By T.-l-cra|.h l.. thrtunday she killed M r first motmi
Nem- York. Uci. 6—I.ady Henr)Hon. 8be was alone on the mouna
prcNident of the
side, when sU was attracted by
Woman's Christian Temperance Un
iwying of M r hound, bhe fouiK
I rest on which U plaivsl a pot
ion, arrived here this nioniing on the or tub
tiad a large lioa 0]> a tree. As
iig the plant In queeMinneaiMhsto attend the AV. C. T. tlon. 11.I..W it ternilnati-s In an air
U. con\enlion.
rhiinilM-r. A lever nrtu extends from
throngh the tbiok foliage.
•oiue pU.ee on it to far out>ide. where
Ml came am attrmcb by the
Is placiM a t:«Met on which any roothe dog. At the count of
iloii It may make In trace,!
a is-ncU.
U two rifles rang oat and two
mwny brutes fell to tbs eswrth mortally
Detroit—W’hcat 7*2 and 72; corn. The fliiat and wat,x in the cylinder
wotinfled. As they rol
in their
are cloven*,! with oil to priwt iii evapo
death struggles Mra
ration. The fluw.T pot or tub U also
Tpledo—A\licat..78| and 733.
carefully «t>v«-nsl. fur the same irason,
Chicagoi-AVheat, bUj; com. 48^; leaving nothing but tlie plant itself ex
wiUi oae Ull. The smallest li
oats. 32^; iK>rk, $16.85; Urd, $9.00 posed lo the air. As this evan
measured five feet-baa Fn
its moisture
and $8.35.
, .
bwvi-s It net-es Brily grows lighter.
tM* air cLaiuM-r M-Iow forces
l*roUbly DO royal child lives
Chlearo the c^iseommis 1 ‘*^*^***^
L Stark of Cbloago,
Tvater sulendor llian the heir prevonlc.il movement Is of courae
the throne of Japan, a boy alonmerchaat.repreoeated la this city
by John Fitch, haa just had Wilt oo j „,i;aU. but
an Is' tiiultlpli.d to any
‘ ■
ofthepaa- extent
simply by lengthening
will be aa|iplied with aa KngUsh Mogt-r depot a potato
40x48 the leviT ai
and Fraoch govaniem as aooo aa be is feet in aixe. capable «
-n.e dlnu.ei.v of the rod bring
of holding 25 oara
able to talk --Chioago Peat
known, a simple cmIruUtloo glvea the
or aboat 18.000 buabela of poutoea
amount evaixtraled l.y tbe plant in
The aaoirnt alno mlnaa of SllMia,
twenty-four hourw romi«rmtlre teata
which are known to tava bean worked
show which plants evais^ate the least
for flOO yearm, now employ aboat 8.C00
thus enabling one essential for life la
working men.
cliroes to W determined la a vary
D. W. STEWART arid
abort time._______________
So on up to fSO.CO « Don’t Itliss them.
Prices from 98c to $13.00
A hamlsiimc |»arlor lamp, stands 24 in, high, has 11
m, Ik>w1 and 9 in; globe, hand |»aintctl. fixctl dc« o, heavy brass feet and center dratl J2 98
complete with chimney, wit k, only
< ;ol X bid to a wed.ling, Kh? AWvc
got the right
=!Set Displap in Tumiture Dept.
nri-io Bos'ton 3'toro
» Your Credit Is 6ood «
Nitt Clock$-S4.50
At 529 Randolph Street, will be open
ed TUESDAY. OCT. 7. We will have
first-class Bread and Cakes. > > >
CIaK Kn it $1.50
Knlns! Foils! Spoons!
III3TH atGood
Popular Prices
Maoitiom Scenic,Siiptlsi
S- tkb old mu by tho Riwr
Soo tho Roitrood Block Tomor
SooTbo Bismork $of^
Soo tboMilltonoJro t Droming
r W01 be a regnlar meeting of
3. U. W. in Woodman haU
Kam » bOMU of tb« world's gTBtsot
U U in tho eniMiml of Alosr«Tskl in St PoOiribnti nod U
iSrSJKIt -Si
25c, 35c, 50c, Bn Suts 75c
Tor Wissts
and ChUdrtn
Me havej
ed a large line of shoes for Misses'
and Children that is sure to be popular with the >onng
folks. Its just the line we've been looking lor for a
long time. They are put up in the very Utest styles,
most of them are in the mannish last that all chiUlren
want and should have. Nothing but the best of
terial is uafid and they are put together
IKKsible way.
The C’hUdrens’ range in price from
$1.00 to $1.00. The Missscs arc pricetl from |1^
to $2.00.
R Good Shoo for WioUr Woor is our Mil es full stock
enamel shoes in the mannish last, size m to 2's
Ladies* Dress Shoes
Ladin- 6oe vici kid »eh shon in the manniib lasts,
mibtaiyheel. stock tip for ooljr $8.00. A special,
ladies’ 6ne patent oolt dress shoe btest Isst and toe,
ipeeiaisiss. The balance of our enamel shoes with
heavy soles, we price to cJoae, $2.00
Che Boston Store.
. -‘ri--;- ’ ,
The New
I ml
rtod. Tte «tn ted Ml rrt iMi
\cirZr u>r
mtumm »»
mind one of pern, and tte polpit Sa
the roof.
But tbo
•Idmt faablooed thing ateut it la the
Hock in tte imie oieepie.
l»oHug tte llevolution tte care c<f
the choirh feU temporarily Into tte
hands of ourthf the dearoum. an ardent
Tory. At the time of tte occupation
of tte region by the BrttUb l»eacaD
Bradford, occupying neutral ground
between both aruiW. was <w|*ecUrty
: to Joint arWtratJoa.
ttet wlTM 9€ m frw wmSa «r««r; l
/outb Mill reUid bla rjtm toward
girl la tte adorliic. gtmHngy way Fel*. 2. I»7. It waa provided ttet a
triUonaL conaladof of live nnenl-Ta.
tfw ttey karajltet jfur all ibrtr ateold te cteaeo to art a. a final
Uaud of arUttratloD tetwora Great
Britain and Vcneaorla. Baron llr^F dlterent te auppiyteg tte BriiUh
aad tilate bte omfr voom. Pw
dadarMl abr tranud jnat wtet Mckla artel aad IBcterd U. CoUJua. a JnaUoa Information and in keeping hia eye
tte Brltlab aopraose court of Jodi- open for patrlota who wer,. engage
4mM to oat. Itkbk oald. ^oli. do;
rrprranitrd Great itrluln. like effort* for the Americana. Tne
ate antfr tew wtet alw fanrkd i
while Vaoesoela cboae aa ter Cham- dominie haring gone as a chaplain
teraalf. aad pwamlly tla?y oHikd
ptooa Chief Juaticc Faller and Jnatkw and tte aextun as a wagon maalct
llartd i. Brewer, both of tte Unlled with tte revolutionists Inwcon Brau
BUUa anpreine coort. The Bfth wem- ford sleH 1X1 tte parsonage, which
teat paoalUa way of *HtHn#
Dial dlffamroa. Hwwtlr wa« a pmiy twT or tte board. U. de Mertena. chief otood te the next lot to tte rbnrch,.te
brtdo. wttb Uff« ry«. dollrat- face cuunM*lor of tte iloaalan foreign office, order to kee|> It Ui
aad tte i*rf«n Atonlcan yirt proClr. waa choaeo by tte- otter four, accord pcrvislou. HI* sole duty waa once a
to the proTialoiia of tte Waahlug- week to wind the clock. The rest of
Bba waa laalrfully aad ratter eipootte lime te was spying on tte Amer
alraiy diwd too. Ko far all waa aa
ican am.y for tte benefit of the BrJiTill, tribunal aat at Tte Hague ai
It ateold te. Bte flolated 1
adeclalon iwrUy favorable to t
atead of ter bo^jaiMl. Ttenatemada
coiifeutlona of both natlonw
a teaab to good mantm ttet wai
aJta^i^lo and la tte
of aU
OMBklDd drllteratrly awl rar*-f«lly
wipad aad poUated Iht prrtly t*Wh
with n. Tteo In a w4«*
load, naaoland atrldent. In wUkh tte
tSM aad tmrwltore of generatlooa
Sad. ate aald; -IMrtsle. when wo
ters again well go to tte 0|>odalra dlalng roam. Tber are anch a
nmmtm, low art of profile that eat
down tere.- That girl mart bare teem
hrooght VP in the aame family aa the
well droaoed yoang nmn iw-it me te a
train who aat with a toothpick above
hia aar. pot tbora like a
for cooTamaoco far oae at Intenala:
•t it
TbrKatSanal Boot aad Bhoe Workan* tmloa tea a wo««in organloer. to
tneel aoiaDg her acx employed te the
aboo fartorin and bring Ibem Inlo the
•* ^
not eocKigh to hare no bad hxili
fit tt
that King
his dt-s
award's safe i
perate lllncaa was largely due to the
Indefatigable rare of Ibe noble women
trained naraea who watdwd over him
All right Maybe women s ••‘rvicea to
tte hoi
and by
I hiee will te
n m
neUo Oonld to earning firalae from
tte tkhr woman all round. Two hundiwd,g1rl telegrapbers in the Weat.Tii
Unloo oIBcea sent her a peilUon asking
tut ttelr pay te raised and acting
forth rraamui why thl. wa. a Just end
reaaooaUr rvvjueat. Ptople gii hel|M-d
who help themaelvcw. Miss Itoold took
Olrto, ootlco tte iwor old
with thab-dcpteeallng. Ignorant.*- •fral.
i '
wordorapbraae after aome 40U or 600
rapctttlona. bot with one that la not aa
derer tte prorcas will ukr a week or
■mre Yon amat keep atUI te the room.
>ui wonda from within or without tte
hooaa. aarg voor rolcr moootooMNly
repeating tte phraoe to te acwolred.
moot reach the parraCs ear. Borne
people teach their birda te a wclb
ligbt.d room, apeaking from a place of
a clowi or behind
hod Is out so good, boThU method
. Ill tte light, the parrot» atten
tion Is distrarted by the things he oeea.
Oaly male parrvU kam to talk. Tbs
fenuiles have no power to aoiulre hu
man apeech.“-rbUadrlphla Hecorft
lantrn* and was ateut to Mart for
U lfry to
tte clatter of Iiotm'a’ liuofi*.
meiit lab-r a d«jcen British
rode up to the tuiniunage
Mtd the
|Hi{>er« have iW-en missed today
the geneml s headquartera, and
Tte dlNinite aboot Tatoa, whUb b
accentuated tte l»re«-nt coiilroven
beraine arute bot recently. The Ula
of 1‘nbe, or r-lo. Is In Uir tiorttem
.-otraiM^ to tte <;olf of Parla and
ralt wblrU la
jkuown aa tte ‘Imigou a Moutli.- It la
L f^w mile, from the nialtiUtid of Ven'«oebi and a Uttia farll»er from the
,d*«raof the Brttlah lolatid of Trinidad.
We have irsiked a figora
«„ «naa of rei-ent dale I'aloa U re
flitting along tefore os which dlsap«. « Venexiielau teland.
IHwreil iM-hlnd the rhunh. iVrhapa U
couiroversy over tte Island If
prutrata w.tc made by
“N« uiir i-«»uld get In there,- aald tba
. vneaueli. ui
awl Ih-IT.
i.,. .^rtue of deacim, - without the key*. However,
of Amtenm algned te IHirj. ire w 111 SC-.'
He h-d the way to the chimh doir.
miordteg to wlilcli Trinidad
to England, and tte Hritlsb <-unsider <ij*etie.l a. mid the soldhrs, aided by tte
that the 'Maud of IIiIun Is tnbutory light uf the lanliTU. |N.keil Into every
When no oie- was found, tley
V«-neri#la vonteniU lliat
mentioiMHl in ttet I.Hie cm. f..llow.-d by tbe d^-ai-im. Bcdepictuiu 1h- calhsl to his oou Anireaty ami ronse^iuetuly tliU nut i>asa
tlium . ivi... Juid <-.mir 1.1 the . him h to
Into fbe jMiMM-MMioii of lIoulaiMl, but re
w1u l WiiN fcolii;: on. m vvlud the
w,aii.e<l ni.d.T tte w.i. n-i;;i.ty of S|u,bi
UUSiJ tte iiMlelN rKlen.-e of VeweEiiel l, t e|,M k end Ih-s,,,.. IhH In
\Vh-n Hj > liad all g»*n.. .Mitliony
Her ciiumry oIhuUmhI iNOi
The Venexn hum e.-iy XfKik tie- Ivnieni and u«-nt up into the
S4-tilng the Lntt-rii uxi the
c-relgnty of
meiit ov«T tte is|*nd <
» «-uiiflt nn-d by rtu«ir. h«- I s*!, up thl- ir»»i» rrMiik. fixe*l
to turn. TbO
tn-aly slgn«-d In MmJrld in IM.#. It to th - nr’-.r mid
xi,,., «1m. |k,ch to the g.-o,;T..pl.le..i r-eixht MM-iiHsl lumsually heavy, ami
.VulliMtiv auiHh-nil whiil was the mat
,«„.,|».,n of the island, whU h. il.ey de
tUt^^ inil«-« from tbe ter. Wli-n till- iTaiik sto|»iH-d tunilug.
tU- .voui.u mini sltHMl mute with asnl •MH-liig u young girl
weight. Hhe wa* |»ah- as
TV* Cm Deelvid.
•^h. yes.*- babbled tte eweK yoang
thing, “I Just dote on IUeralnre.“
**l onppowe you are interested In tte
Poe revivalr
“Kaltlmort genius—Edgar
^ne read nearly afi his Uioks: that
Is. exiviit the ones te has w rttten this
last year. Ifs >o luird to keep up with
tbiHM. hWorrbil iH.veU. you know.' —
Balllnwice llembl.
Wtea the firat baby—bot we*re conatoglofhat.
^ “Oh. Gearger sh<^ cried, “habgrte cat
-But te tear ate preCeeted.
gaem I know.-Nooacnaer te repeated. “Too <aa*l
cot a tooth wiib anytbtog abort of
denttot's tools: yon can break It. bat
you cant cot It. so don't talk about
aajtblng so foottob. And, erea If te
4M cm it or break lU tt a only a first
Ilepk-ked up his book again, and for
aU of one evening »te never gave him
auythlug but cold, reproachful glaocvw
-<'hlcagu Pom.
ac. I.»al* Pollee Jadne Bars II U W.■i*a> tealtimal* Wraeaw.
Judge John C. Ili.lKTtsi.u. a.iing judge
of the city hall pobc-e «-ourt. s^iis Ibe
/nils Post nisttatell, has <tiH-lare<l
■ hatpin tom woman's legal weai»on and tlmt ate Is Justified In ir-uig the,
lu repel attack.
Hvnily a woman was arrulgned In
his r-uurt. charged w 1th atnbbing a man
Willi n hatpin. Tlie wuuinn said the
man had attacked her and that Vtunard the pin In self defeusi-. The man
I to pn.!
the dr
ItolNTtwin diochargeil the woman.
•1 tellevt- that a woman U Justified
In usli^g her hatpin In self dcrenar.*'
•ald Judge RolHrtson.
-A liaiplmnay te an ngly and even a
dargerous weafiou. but I hardly think
that It would cvmie under the h-gal uoineiMlalureof 'deadly weapons.* I dia4-harged a woman «-hnrgvd with aUbblng a man with a hatpin recently te
causc she uwd thopln in self defenae.
"I think a woman may carry or wv«r
“Oh. Anthony.*- ate exclaimed. “I
BUpiMMHd your fatter wa* winding the
chH'k. If w., 1 should have Imm-i. h»*t“What d.NM. it all ineanr*
“I urn trylMK t« Krt «^*ny fnmi <Jeuera! —'s tead.|uarter* wltl* valuable
papers. I know ev.-ry i-orxn-r in the oh!
Chun b and came In by way <.f a hvoae
window in tlieivllar Then 1 went Into
the weight eUi*.1 ainl got on the weight.
1 henni them wearchiiig. mid they o|h?uetl the dcsir l«i the <loset. t>ut 1 stood
too high fof them to e.n- me
“They said they wiTe after a boy.
My brutlier Sam was wat.-hlng his op
portunity to get w.iue teiHiw he bad
seen on the general s desk He.did not
know what they wen- worth, but he
was teund to do N.nnethlng for his
ctMinlry. \1-beti he got them, he brought
them to me, knowing that te would te
I was going to Geiii-ral
WuHhlngton-a headquarter* with them
when tlH-y gttve eha«-."
“Tony: * ralh«d a vouv from telow.
Whatever of i>dor had n*lurueU to
the girls ehei-k* left them lu nu In
She n-fogiiintl the deacon's
voltv. Both M.hhI h**kiug at each oth
er. mute with terror.
“luuy.- rt-iawleil the voice. “If you've
wound tbe rhH-k cmi.- down."
Tony was ateut to do the only thing
be c-onld du-g« downatalr*. leaving tte
la ter-when he heard
girl to come out lau-r
hi* fallier * M.-P 4*n the *Ial
Tliere waa hoi one atalrca*
and It
hi to a
aahl Tony
‘ me tLe IiaiH-Pi,p
The girl tended them i« him. and.
thruatlug them under hi* ahlrt. he
seUed a ten-bet lying among otb«T
loolt In the ehx krotim and col tte rope
hirh fell t
Theu. uiwulng
a alidlug 1*1 nel used to rvaeh thf tends
of ite cltH'k. he hastily unwound tte
ruiH- and toHned It out.
Whrti his
fullMT entered the mom. Anthony waa
dewv-nding by the nq*- to the ground.
The sight of a voung girl wliere the
deacon exps-ett-d to And his non waa.
to may the leaM. atarillng
He looked
from Ibe gtrl to the rv»|»e teuglng from
out tte r^Hini and wa* mere Martled
than ever.
Taking In the Mtoallon.
without speaking a woixl he turned and
dasheil down the nu\^.
When te
rrachetl the ground, tln-re was tbe
roiH- dangling In ite wind. .N\N knowIng what else to
he atart.-d off to
the direction of the American army,
natonilly aup|H>*lng the fugitive would
take thl* eour*e.
In thl* (
aa he waa out of bi-arlng railed for the
girl to come out. She did *o, and tha
two Lurried away.
At daylight tbe
nett morning they appeared at tte
teadquarters of tte general commamL
Ing tbe American foro-* and supplied
him with tnfamiation which enabled
blm to expel tte Brittoh from ttet re
.B.A I. Annual 1
Tba toalaal aelltsf nrtiele I teee
ay MBtoen,*' writoa drugflat OL T. $6 00. OD
14th. from Maoktoaw
Bmltb, of Daria, Vy.. **to Dr. King's City lo Big Baplda Gai full toforHew Dtooorary for Oonaamplioo.
OoNika andOolda. bMonaa Italwaya
B. Mbj*aj. Asent.
TPltotowitnni Itotnon fiSAIO. Tla«.B. ouiaa. In my six yann of aalea It has
Doear failed. 1 haea kaowa it to aare
I* re|*re«-nteil in the uniform ef tte
mlonrt-lnwhicf of tte Find lloj-al
Tin pKVun- to to te
run Giutn'.*
bung; in
In W: -;>-oT ejn^ilc.
It will give you a clear head and a aoand body.
It keeps your liver acting and your system m
perfect condition.
For sale at yonr Druggist
Large bottle, 35 cents; small bottle, to centa.
Dr. Iman's
Pain Tablets
or »»*▼**** «
Thm Imm
Warvroosoaas and loaomma.
FUT UF OttLY by’
^ "lUAS" on tntk Uitei.
Wartin & €v.wi
WEINGAI!LT£N BROS.,37747^ EMdwiy. HewYor!;
So«ah*fwmie*at*k«tV|Usc«ftksW.aEr«vFam. A«*|a *o smwiw*
UteMonttwt |ujom.7aad*.ll i
ttW On. lUock. Bulb 'lOi.ai-a
I« wr«t H-SK. »s »«.
TrM*. tew. Tr*r,T*r City *. fullovr.
For «r^ Baptoa. KjiJ*auu.*>*n(l VWrt Wi^y nt
For |Vt<ak«7 «»d M*rkln*w CJly U :I0 *. nv
l*Vr It. Fprt
For Or*i»a R*<«il«. nrtrolt. KmUm**.*. Mk
GbtrMt>4:»ip »
For IVtitery and Marklnaw City 4 JU p m
Train* Amrnm Tr»vr»*i- Oty;
Jil Knwr *trv.i
rsR. J. M. WILHKLX. |-hy** ia>. »*.-i f*
Tal.tJjon.. N. 3t*
Thr train tevlnral II l« a. m. aad amrliu
at I Aip. m.UtUily .
<au8.w«- m: roMdwonr. H. U ia». Citi»»w-
C. L. UKKWO««l>. O
ntvSisns ■sss'or. w.
Mna« oun*. I
^ b«»atte». Xunry u> Umtx tiftM*. VU}
op^ra Huuio Work
rsa A. H. HOL.UDAV. Uradoatr
tU! ilS!
A few worils to our friends re
garding gas and ts Uses may not
be aiuisb. As to its eniciency,
convenience, Tcadincss reliabili
ty and economy, there seems to
lie no question whatever in
minds of our 200 consumers, and
a cotniumson of quality and ex
cellence of light, together with
vast decrease of cost, will con
vince the most skeptical man he
makes no mistake in installing T
gas in his premises. Aside from
^its merits for cooking and light
ing, gas can be used intermittent
ly for heating small rooms, offi
ces, bathrooms, etc., when heat
is required promptly, and for a
limited time. Our heaters being
as easily controlled as our gas
ranges full cfficicnc)' being dcvcltipcd on the instant, the expense
ceasing at moment of turning off
gas. Nurser)’ bumers arc alto a
great convenience in the house,
while for bathroom purposes our
-Humjihry Initantancotts Water
Heater'* is the aonc ol perfection. Appliances of all desenptions on show and lor sale at our
office 223 F. Front street.
p|R. UtUtoS
■■ ■
totog.VTIlAl^TM Vi*-
a.m.. llJ0am.S:40p w.
toar. IJbp m..aad
r^BH. OABNgil A HWaKToK.
AT- lOo
. FBR 1000 WATTS
U{ltiid PiwirCi.
;s lag,.
at WavwoaOny atUtoa-w
DontBe Fooled^
luoaoi.. Ilto *.w.,St40 P a
, Bay aiy. Fort Bnma. Tote
Dalroitaad•**!.• :00a ■u.lltoa. w.
O. i». OARVKFt
801.7 Of tb* Ejtaod Pittioc
V OI-o.8pol.lt7.
JOHN R. SANTO CjumciEuaewois
X. B. CBAPUI. Prape.
Maaktaaw Olty to Big Raplda. <
ba* M-tit King hklward a full-lengtb
iHWtraii of hiu^f. painted by
Hungarian ariUi Gyula. The eiii
fte tetoH alive. They were *at|sfl.-d
toretaato s ak and Ignuratit and tlni
It was |u» tuoch
Id and-to
troabto to be and do anything el*e. la
fhto wUl you are coming to>
•I to
A DawapapsT asya that aome NewYork hrokera Ure decided tUt they
wlU not allow wumru to buy and aell
atocU and to opecuUle through tln-lr
omcna D«r. daar. but this Is dread
ii n
Baflhlo to a good city for women. It
ernted a concealed weapon even If
has fifty tody phyalclaua In giMKl |wac
raa the aloe and abate
« ■oiall
tica at least one woman w ho Is insk
tog a fortnna In tte pickling and pre- dagger.- ________________
aorrlng boalncs* and public aidrltev:
Crutotoe aaaocUtIuns tUt powM-ss two
of tte Undaomeat and mewt eonven.1 Flaaaaler VmmUm After Sir
towt women-s rlubs lu the world. PerOlatoa Dawkla** Trwnk*.
haps Buffalo to near enough to Boch
Plen*oot Morgan was ooe of Uw
aalar far Its women to te Insplnd by
first to grasp tbs band of Sir CUnton
OaDaral •oosn B. Anthony.
Iv. a B.. bead of the great
m n
London banking house of Morgan *
Mtos Theresa Torgalach Ts now an
parrtoor of lU German teacher* In tte Ool, when tba knight anived lu Netr
Ma^Uc. mys the .New
pobllc achooU of ChU-ago. Hhe is Ger
man bam and nuherslty tired and
Hlr Clinton's mlaaSon. as te admittsd
Dotad no leas for her knowIcHlge than
bay. la to attend the
far ter teaching ablUly. Her privleeaaaor to o»ce was a man. I *r. Wmmi-r tnertltig that to to witncaa the closing
- the final negottotlone In the great
organ ship combine that to to unite
five of tha moat prominent of tte tranaWhen ttera to a wedding among rttlautic linos.
. send alway
Mr. Monran's totereat In Btr CUnloo's
1 tba
arrival took tbs form of bostllng aboot
1 Ure Urad UppUy ten 3
tte pier to get bis luggage togrtber. It
was rather a new bastocm for the
tt 11
great financier, but be arent at It with
a baa baen biwoght to light tUt tUt tbe same rim that would mark a great
gnat mau. Proffwour Gottfried AVll- financial dcaL
battn Uebnltx. Ud one of tbe lightest
walght bralua on recvird. Thera U now
Imps for woman, lan t there?
ti m
wangunk mooototoA near
At tba aummer school of tbe mtver Bnlllvan county, N. T.. about alxtrea
alty of CaUfomU more tUn Ulf the mllea oorthweat of Middletown. N. Y.
atadooU ware wotfen. and they came The dlecoverert are two brothers named
ttom Dsarly aU parts of tte rwrth. jwr Greeoe. wbo were mtoari to reonaylvatlcutorly from tte far orient. The new nU and wbo 00 acoooat of tbe coal
woman to moving all around tte world,
and found
to to
Miss Myra Lloyd l>ock of Ilairlt
ImrY to a ammbar of tte Peonoylvanto
fteastry roaarvwdoo commloatoo and
veto of coni algbteco Incten
ant of tte moat acrompltobed hounisti
and foraston In tte auta. She la a toe wide. wbJcb be^me wldar as they dog.
Tbe oml to nnthnetto. but It to net aa
bard as that feood lo-PennaylmBto.
tt to
When abo hrote to apoo bk nadb
In tta
war <niartared there, and te tta oUi
bettered a regiment marching
tte capital fram tte C^adThere are oUtoen paoea cf
and alxty-rocr
gimm la every
llow. a iraakr dmb wHh a pet^
irmiad aenor at kamar can be very ar
grating. IjH that be nadetatoad at
te to p« him te^ di
■It te a earner ani
Mr. OrrHutf pnpoMd «l
; m tmuwnM the Mter
iu^ itoiruiff. ooraasB i
No need to suffer from heat
Don't let the air get ftagnaat
—create a breexe. Put m one
or more of our desk or cefliw
free, store or home. AUofiicw
eoaatort Mdy IB
EffNt of SoptndtkMis
tba fiodrirtow if tba oow pMtal
•mttT Slum
Mm Mp M jFWL M ttay M MC
(X CD 4topalcb ta tba Rt looto PM
■Mto It ta tho
. UthtolortaDM
tba booar of baaMtbaaawambaar MaagaMoai to
INrt art i
if tia teta Badli Sola. ^ faMa
Mya tba W«
mack aavallit: At aat d»a wklte
Mot of tba New Tark Bacmld. lo
priNT 4m tl» taa 4a la Chaaawa propMMc tba wooiM-far tbo opandoo
d^Aatta. at Parfa. Iia was kaacM
IS ooeaMMy to wMb tba lac and
dm bf a Iwck. vbtek faaaad artr
Tba liMb MMt bar# boM botbed
Ida Nw, wttbavt farCaaatalr. Mac
lat a dooaa tlaco bafore tba operaaaj atbar daaMca tkaa Matac kJm.
ILEola bad a Mipanaitiaaa koraar af tloa YMparfOra
tbt Baaibv 17. aaja La Via 9^ tacPMOMawoo
ladtj. imar hi aroaa ha laohad at
tfia aaartar af tha hack, addad ap tba
hcaraa la a flaali aad foaa^ tba fatal
ta ba 17. Tba giml anitar bad. for a
1ai« tlaa^ bald tba ballaf that tba
aaabar 17 bad a laaUca laflacaca ap^
aa him, and that acgravaiad tba aaaa.
Dr. Talaaaa haa daratad a volaaia fa
a atady of li. £ola.' la which tba char
aciar. ta«parami aad tba rary
aaarcaa of tba OlaaCiloaa wrllar'a taJaett af% aaaijaad with aU tba ra^
aaarcaa af parcbalocy and ph/aloloc7Tba a at bar taja: **Tbaa ccftala flcoraa
bata a bad lataaaea apoa M. Sola. If
tba Mabar ar a bacfc^ wbaa addad ap.
fariM tWi icara, ba wlU mm aacaca
Iba rablela. or If ba U obUgad to do ao
arm faar that aoiaa nlafortoaa
Mate, who baa om4i^
It bar a rifled
boml SDd con ba aat with hair trtgCM« tboodb at pfoaaot tba racMAttoa
doobla aetkm trIsCM to uaad. Tba mIIber ta .44. Tba oaodel weapoo Is
I of an ImprtNDpta affair. If
may ba used, bat If tba da-
would rMpoctfully report tbat we bass
Uoao klaa aiaj
may be able to aa\e blmsdr from
I of t
, ba aatMod a rtfotoue and rbar- mocb of the recoil Mc.niiolillc If tbo
tartc protoot. rtnally Hocracary abot baa boeo w«*ll put tl*e man In
tt la tba BulUplaa of 7 that rwaaiira Root aob^
partly by mnark fniot la dlspomd of with iH«tnes« and
bJat Tbaa. la tba alcbt. It oftaa bap
agtrtug Illness follows
paaa that ba will opni bla rjca aaraa ^k^TpmMan^^
by the twenty loch
tUaaa la ofdar to pcova to blmaalf that off yoor bead to aara yoor lec *‘
ba la not coiac to dir. Ou the cooCrai7. tba aambar 17. which rrcalJa ta
Dp'to tbo tliDO wbao Bmlla Zola, tba
Fraocb aotbor. brean tbr HoofonMacqoart aartea bJa Ufa bad bean a
ant of tba PhUadelphla iTaaa. ’ Ula
falbrr waa ao lulian. bU motbar a
Praoebwofoao. Zola para was Inter-
tbat tba oorallat waa bom Tbafatbar
diad, laarlnc bla family with only a
Me Itwault for a Irtacy. ‘Tbay ra■wrad to Porta pmnanautly in order
to ba batter able to ftcht Ibis lawault
oat They last At twrnty tba craot
wrttor waa thrown aboolutaly oo bla
own raaoorcca. and bla rcooorcaa war#
ttaoc«r iDdead. Ha bad boan a apollod
abUd. WbatararhUpoTertroppraaoad
awCbcr could humor him In aba bad
biiocry for ao lone tbat It
1 Moat dia. I pot forth
cboooa. J acarcaly taatad meat from
on# mootb'a aod to aootbar'a. I Urrd
two daya oo tbraa appira.*'
1 was told by a mao wbo koaw bla
wob tbat be aararal tlmaa aoataload
► only by aoartne aparrowa oo tbo
window Bill of bU carrat room
*t>b. tt waa borrtblar Zola co
wad. ^Tin waa ondraamrd of.
00 tbo ooldaot oiebta. If 1 cook
coro O coodla by wboaa Ilfbt t <
•My Oflar olcbtfall I cooaldarrd* ajooir tba bapplaat aao lo l*aria. bat 1
Ikfoly bod caiat for aocb >oy.
ooooad to aa tbat tt would oarer
1 rtaaabrt dlatloctlj aoaa of tba
•t>M Karr Taor^ day a pnbllab
wboa I bad oppllad with a Irttar of
Mtrodoetloa for lltarary work aald ba
ooold c*^ IM M •rrltlnc to da but
tbot I alfbt aara 4 franca by dalirrraoc bla Kaw Trar a cards at tba booaea
or bM Crtaoda 1 jumped at tbr cbaoca.
•od tbot alcbt I faaatcd. By ood by
tbo pabllabcr cbm
work as a clerk,
■ntaartiad bjtbla. 1 oobmlttad a rolM Mm OBfl oMud mo to wrtto • ckttdfon'a Mory for blm. I did aa and he
dacMfod Mt It was rerolutlonary and
are Oi ■watoabe..
rtad B
aa of wmiam JawaU
I role tbat oo at
» allowed to wc
ocrat They
days ago more dead than alive, aays
which to c«4 married or remove
dispatch from Croaa Forks. Ps., to the
muatacbca. Richard Bywatera and Ben Pblladelpbla Ledger, to
BoMco bad faltod to comply with the
and tbo
order, and their fellow stodeota shared
of bar wandertoga
tbMr upper Upa. There waa mocb
wbece rattleDMnrloMot afforded wb^^tbt two
eooogh to mako one*a blood run cold.
•aya that abe Urod on barrte
. Mrnm DtDIooawt.
and teodM oboota and drank^ter
Dartd K. Tbompoon. wbo waa lately
oppolatod Unltod BtatM odototer to
aak at one tlmo tbat abe coold not
Braxil bc«an life as a brmkcman on walk to tbo otroam. mod whlto ohe
tbe Bamagton mod Mlaooort railroad.
lAtcr bo woo promoted into tbe me- crawled to
of ratUeanakco
aod bod a <
and cUlma to have mnatoad to tbat
state for about two weeka 8b<
brought to Ufa. ohe aaya. by a
ghe oakL lookiiic up from tbe 1
ticking her face, and when abe moved
her hands tba bear ran away. Sbortty
afterward abe waa dlsoorcrsd by gln-
-Bat after tbat 1 obtained DewoMpar work and oMoaiiod to get a amtal
aoMptofl HOW aod then by ooo of tbo
daRy jMnato. I oarood aboat •» a
-All klDdo,- abe answered.
work ODd waa coMpanUrely cmofMt-Nice, cental expraoMoas of bapplDUO oirtll afMr I hod bagoa the Bmi.
RM Margoirt oertm. Thea I OMt dlo•Mar ocalD. 1 hod promlaed to M
-Chmmy eapreaaloaa of
otob two or tbe oorels eoeb .for. bat oad good bOOMN
MMtd n took M. a year mod . half ID
-Premimably. but what omkaa you
•o intareotodr
mock.- V HM~ed.
MhrgMboaw M
I'm lata
a poMt beyood wMcb pomty
M DM traabMd MO.*
beld at Ava.
Cal. recently. Thirteen boate took:
; to 1C and their anglers lanAsA
laOOO pounds of alWcore. few of Which
weighed tom than twenty-five poooda
la aU 818 flab were loougbt In. The
winning calcb was seventy-sevvo.
•OTUaH mt 4r«l««p.—d feH.iOMOt
■—* ■— v?“
alt TTbtam boy. to aoM to oom •
•aloiy of fTJW • year to a tea and
MffMboooetoKewTarkcUy. Touoc
Fong wa berm to AOMctoa. bat both
at Ua poNota art aattvaa of China.
Mayor.oppolntsd W. T. Rotaa alderman tnom the 4th ward,
the vacoDcy caused by tbe rtof Akierman McCluakey to anward. Said
_____ __
aU c«
"Moved 1^ Aldermak OUleU that tbe
Movpd by AWSermaa Lardle thaitbe
loerd of PnUUc Works b- inatmeted
of draining the
north aide of B. 7th 8t^ fronung
Lak^ Ave. l*ark. Carried.
by Alderman Wilhelm tbat
urn SC lo tbe residence of E. 6.
Further, thnt they have th. po
Ott that tbe
repo t b« adopted Carried
4 o the HoeoroWc. fhr Afnpor ond Oily
Council of the CUp of Tfm
the 1
liew to Keep TWeei Okom.
with that date Hlnillar aoimtlUooa
Idwa exhibit tbcnaritra vutaldc of aU
ambOKNoauia. Tho. be «i lll pcrforai
cartalo aria with the kiro that If ba
dart ool do ao aouir aunoyaoca will
bappaa to bln. Ho ba will tot>cb tba
CM bonm tbat br lueau with la tba
. atraata. aonnooot ao obatarlc with tba
rtcbt foot walk opoo tlia |iavaiuaot In
a cartalo way. ate. For a lone tima ba
fbaiod that ba would not auccaad to
tba praeacdloc tbat br waa goiag to
HodartAka nolaaa br atatlad out of tbo
boMi with bla laft foot forcaMWL**
to flil
>red by Alderman Wilhelm that
the fopori be socapeed and placed on
Me. Carried.
m*br Howes m n-rs w.
U«s4 Is Del.. I
Holmes i'astic. whe
One of tba qoaeraet patanta artr
Craotad baa just Im-o pUtad cm record
by a Bau lYaoclaco tuau. aaya a U aah derer II. II. Holmes met their giwstly
1. Is to lie remudehd end turned
InCtoo apecUl to tbr .Saw York World,
lie thinks ba baa found a way lo Into a hotel says a rblcato cortv^iHiudh tba Uay or tba loa|iC man may eut of the rincluimli Kiiqulivr. The
bare a sharp raw wUhout breaking history of IIuImk-s rsstlc sUhv Its »»rlg
bla back atrupplng It Ua propoeea to Inntur was lisui;e«l at Muy«iu.-OKtug
prison. In l•euu^vlvallln. rewds like a
do It by maguadam.
Ilia iiropoalUon la tbat If a macort work of fiction. TisuinU have lsH*n sekept aloogalde tba cunlng edga of a inivd for tbe gluumy ImUdlng. but
aor or any other floe edged tool tbe their stay ws. luvurlsbly slowt. uud
tooth will ba dmwii out by magnetic grvwsome atortea hare been told of onforca ao tbat tbe edge will ba compara earthly nohuw and apperitiuus.
Mrs. Clmrtra IHimw la tbe latest vic
tiraly arao and much alurper.
order that a man may not forget tim of tbe ^'influence** w bk-b ta said to
to put tba edge of Ida raaor agalnat a
I Mrs. Illofo’ I
macoat tba Inraotor baa cootrlvad a
Mir aacoac tbat ta to be pUi^ within a Bhsfl or I
one sida of the ordinary raaor handla terrancan paaaages wberdn liolmoa
ao tbat tba cutUng edge wlU ba In coo prowled Id tbe daya of bla dark career.
act with tba bar aU the time tba roAw It la known that down this abaft be
lowered the Wiem of tbusc whom be
to Dot in oaa.
slew to the “caatle * to incioerate their
flcMi aod prepare tbclr bones for artlcCHANGES IN FUR FASHIONS. utotloo. as waa bla custom. Since Mrs.
nioca, wbo recently moved Into the
[mrnm OrtU
Tarr Lwma ow4 QwUa flat baa slept lo this bedroom abe baa
been dtoturbed constantly by
Tbara ora aararal Important <*a
rtfylng dream, a dream which, with
I for fasbloaa this oaaaoo. aaya a
UDimportant variations, still Ukes
rtal rtibto from Paris to tba Now
fearful form of plunging down
•baft Strange to say. the dnadt-d inLooto XIV. cloaks are worn In oU floMce doca not paaa with tbe night.
tods of aaoi. with cblochUla or
Durtof tba day. though abe feeto whol
w for tba coltora aod coffa. Mlnlrer ly at case to her llv
mocb naad for faclnga aod Unloc
er abe enters the bedroom, she aays.
ba bYencb coll It barmlna mooebat
abetoImpeUed by a
clnatloD to approach the window opentug upon tbe shoot At the aame Ume a
ata, Hoaka aod trimmings. Tba fur Is aense of terror ctt?epa over her. • fear
Tory axpenalra. Two ceoturtaa ago It that abe to about to fall beadloug down
was only oaed by gnuMto aalgneuni aod that via dolorosa which In tbe past
damco. Tba
probably engulfed tbe forma of Minnie
than tba Can
and Annie WlUlama. Mrs. Julia U Conbally and UU oro white, h'nr muffs DOT aod her daughter PeaA Mlaa Bmeba rary larga and
ttne Slcrmod and perbapa others of
Citp. MUA,:
OiaU«n«i:-We your committee <m
llgbUng reopectfoUy report: That ^
hare torestlgatad tbe oaed of a straet
light at the comer of Rom and Kigbtb
otroK and ftod that It toa public aooaasUy and wculd theredoro moommaod
Chat a I gbt bo p.mwd ut aald oormor.
re the
fbe Jtopor and CUp
rouiMiJ of the emp Of Trmverut
light ordered piaoed. Carried.
dtp. Mien. :
Yeas Aldermmu Hamilton. Ott. Sled 714. Oentlemen-ln regard
er. Gillett. Cunningham. Wilhelm. Lar- aeoament of personal tax to Frank C
die. Moon and Steams.
mbicb waa referred to
CiTT. Midi..
I woold reopectSept. It. lOM.
WMiiiwt etn RaiaxasoB mwi xtq eqi
720. Oentlem n:—We your committee
on llrenaes respectfully report: That
we hare inrestlgatcd tbe bonds of under guardlanahlp, reads aa followa:
Frank A Robinson for a retail llconee.
•Tbe personal property of minors
aald buajteaa to ba carried oo at No. under guardlanabip MB be aMcaaed to
12% yront etreet. and And tbe bond tbe guardfctn In the lownaWp where
eufllclent umJ arro ding to action o be realdea. and tbe personal property
touDcll we gire Mid IHabk A Robin of every other person andfr guardianson permlaaioo to do b ksineaa on aald ahlp'ahall be aaaeaaed to the guardian
In the townabip where tbe ward rtHdes •
Under this provision Mr. DeMMHid
ab€d lurter. lHa i«iiem should be. tba farorlte dueling piece amooc
tboaa Honib (torollna candktotea wbo
tblrmt for each otb*T*a cure.
Tba twenty loch Tillman to |o bo
oro lo a leather Uit oguiUe the coat
or It may be oarrhd on tbe shoulder or
Id action It should ba
a tbe left (arm. while tbe triggar U OMuIputotad
niputotad <with the right fure.Vatorally there la a guud deal
of” **kkV' about tba piece, since It
Jnwd for an eight
corriee a slug deslg
poM gun.^ut tbst I one of tbe chief
of Iba piece. It
to likely to hart tba man behind It as
wail aa tbe man to front Ilowerer,
BU OCt aUML '8tod*r.
Lkrdl« U4
Mn-Altem •' HutUtoB aad Maoa
cm^meu of
Macbatb^Kpid: then *MM
otarture of tba place may ba takao op. golf dub from Hobokao.
Tbe Jarterw.KHgb. neigh. eM
Tba modal Indeed was made by aawioc
off a rlfla of .44 cnllber aod flttlog It *tla tbe Bootee tea porly.
ArcUgua—Ho. bo!
It moM
-He. ha!
h cart
NO 1C It to a neatly I
tore. Far from
and cnaraotecd to do
aar of biB arttbi
To M ffoaeroHe. far Jfopor and Oitp
the Ctfp Of ftnoreroe
CHIP, ifiob,:
711. Oanttonwm:-Wa. ymmi oommU-
-How now. my lord? Mw
Cblaka yonder goew a Mind o* mem wbo
look Dot Ilka tba Mbabltaiitt o^ tba
Jic.a-11 Siam
F. HANn.TO».
B P. Wium.
ilKo. W. Laaoi
W. B. Muo.x.
7cet Committee,
an Hamilton that
-r. jaicn..
Sept. 22. 1W2.
. the Mapor and dtp
Cuumrtl of Hr Tifp of Troverue
dtp. Mich.:
722. Vour ape-ial committee appointed
to c.nft r wlih ae realdtnU of Klgbtb
atr«*it .n rt-gard to the l.ardl«> ware-
Moved by Alderman Qllktt tbat tbe
Yearn AldrtBM^Hamui^
cr. OllMi, Cunningham. Wilhelm. Lardie. Mood and Steams.
Nays none.
72S. Bill of Mrs. Laderlse amoonttog
rtu »i«U at
to I2S.0© Mr dimagea eaoasd by tbe
wm bmbt
operation of tbe stone crusher,
presented and read.
dayevurtsM »i A U
Moved by AWerman Wilhelm that pbaMHo.mx M. a
Modern Eloquence
-The Greatest Spoken Thought of the Nineteenth Century"
sawsissicutsi ® 'l^E
raATBBSB car.
OvTto OrUa^ir.
the great
«t Noon Today
*"* *" •««»*"
10 0 iD
ral*«r JaAa A. H»
ery aha wae agly at limee
She had !
Til# tacitMy of boil, il.x proMOo.
t Me eed daimm of fhe aarfrseM trlsl
VM all la at taa mloatM to IR
o'eloek il.U aorolcf sod both tldM
eald, iotoUlug of Uargrmvee ulh gi^l
mlidotoge. that toe coold aot etand it
much loager and would do away with
both hereelf and him. Mre. Hargruvee
ThU. howerar, wseViihtlie
from Maocabee hrothere of
aadervt%ofUag that another wliuc
duct with Jennie Woodman
thedefeuM who ooald not be reached but the wltoeae nerer aaw anything
f™ «««
bar Ulnaee bat after her noor- j h,
u> Tar n^.i
Wael.innoo. Oct ti-A
and Moore back to end. With ROy
Wynkoop at the otbi-r end. there wa.
no trouble oo the flauka Southard’,
paeaiog ut short wa. abM>lutely faultlea. In fact, roach-Managt r Elllntt
,ojr of th. American P
Labor 1. in eeaaioa here. Previdaot
Mitchell U expected tM. afternoon to
^tt^od it.e conferuooe. It i. auld tl^t
i,.,, niatier coder diecuMloi. i. the
X is:t. h saves time and ex{ven!»c.
CxmneciKins with all ciii^ anil
xillagom Muhigan.
when it ie oonaidered that the de
had had in five yearn, aoconllng to
Mre Hargrave.
Thi. was the only
fit the witneea ever saw him hare
The witoeee wae told by Mra liargiven in
Dr. Long a
raves that the eight «.f Lloo<l would
.use Hargravee to liave an attack.
Hargrave, had
mt John wae out with Jennie Woodsader the lofloeooe of an epileptic at
lao on a certain night when tlie wU«aoh whoa the alleged onme wae com
iwe knew that thl. wa. not wi. liarmittod. granting that he did it
And grave, lieing at the houM of the witthat the aute of onooneciooeneee de
on that atghu Tin. wa. aboi t
aorlbed by Uargrmvee wae not otnclu
Dth before the d«ath of Mr. Ha.•irr eridence that tie had been enb
The wiUieee Udlered an epilep
tic fit might be brought on by an oooa
aloo of extreme menUl exolteuent if
•hi pereon wa* enhjecl to epilei*y. It
wae aleo iroe that if the r« niioodrot
had had aa attack Uf<^e ilie allegiMi
aiime aad had told of eituKglinK with
hU wif-, he might have had an other
attack preflouely. ae aometimei an
opileptlo remember, d what took place
to a former at tack although he ooold
aerer tell what lia.l oooum^ dorli.g
an attack from which he had juat n.
The doctorWM.uhl not alate |iOaiUre
ly, tb^fore.^t iu hla opinion Har
became frighienod
Kir. hoodted
He wa. oourteou. and
on the
rupotatioo of Mra Orlnnell
and ran from
Walter, the bulc
I C^onlinued on third i«ge •.
fur truth
aad Twaclty wa. bad T
•ton aought Ihi. leetiimaiy to refut.
Jay Smith Nearly Loat His Life
the taetimony of Mr* Uriniiell in hot
Saturday Night
When ooort adjourned at noo
wae with the nnd. r.undlng tliai P
wmlingAUcmeyFred li Pratt d.onld
bagia the eumming
i o'clooL
Upoo the rroiirniiiK of court at f
O^eloek Judge Me>n. announced the!
this morning,
ddie little one wa-. laid
I away this altcrfi<M»n.
appinenr between this
Uasc tind that «>t little Uiertrude Frees.
rity Mo.u
The Trmv
ciatiun will hold their third «|oarterlv
meeting TowKlay
atM o'elock iu
can.idr red.
cheeoe for eupiier. but Jay. w
the opiuioa that the very food of the food, toox a little be
jarort would perform their duly boa fore so ptwr. None of the family no
iietlf aad with a true regard for the tired any evil effecU until about K
•aaol facte ae iirceaotad to them, antT o'clock, wbun Jur and H.-h n both be
the righto of the reepondeot ue well ue came very alok. Jay being mueh the
tha jaeitoc wbh h ih.y reprMeiited ue worue. Ko phyuieiaii wa. eumir
totoru. Than Mr Pratt addrveaed the
iarara la forceful lerme. deiuillng the
faata ae wi forth In the evidence ae
ptaaMted to the trUl by thenumeroue
---------aad ruferred to the vurloue
Mru. Barrave. to have kilie<l herself.
t^Maferu the ruae.mabU ibeogy WM
ckuiJoha A. Hargraves wa. rueponglhUfortbe crime.
Proeewutor PranV argameat wm
•eeeladr^l at fi:06.
ut flret. a. It wae thought that tber
waa noUilng eeriou. tn the cm
M Jar became rapidly wor«*. a phy.
ician waa called aod later another.
Por about aa hour
it looked u.
though Jay had oaten hU Iasi- piece
of oheeee. but by heroic measoree hi.
life wa. MTod
So mooli aitro-glyocxlne wa. dk^I
ti- lh»tdaliKl.m-lfpku».l..f |.r«-ny Oiind».* k
md Furnitorr*
iMoihirm. I Utter* and
When We
ih. .Vm-ric an Citw.-n
We Itcliexe we are showing.
1* a g.Ki-l sJick:
reu xou can ilcficnd Ujw
>>n tt that it IS a gcxal
^iu»e and lias stool the
td-vf or we would nexer
The Best Values in Fall Waisls in the
City. The Styles are Handsome.
Waists of godKl dfuality 1 lannclclle 49c.. wcU ma»le, «lc>trable pattern*
now our*
ecUbrated 85e
and $1.00
School Shoes
Yov Take no Chances
e evd epiumally gcx>tl.
y a pan.
\ ou take
r!sl;%, as we guaran-
onable notid c,. an till aiix tSoler. no
• liieni.
By pin ing d.f.U-rs here.
toskoy Saturday Afternoon
l» u’clotk.
Nc.xci were g«Hxl handkerchiefs snll Sd> very che.ii..-S.!
Avwllardal \Vt»ra la l*ret«railoB f
BIfred U*
With icas-
large, as we
Id.u.h with dmiside
c. (ie. 10c. wmlh 10c. 10c. 20c.!
HON'T .MISS our Hamlkcidiicl I
Sale lomonow evening Ironi 7 till ■
Over Their Victory From Po-
keep in
ntaikets. ....
Benda & Vo
rol'l 1 Ak SlIOF. HOI SK
Th« High •chof.l
.choi.l foottall player,
and their .upwirh r. in the High
hool fiupil
of the fuculty, were a jubilant lot thi*
hen they came together at
Divining of the morning eeasiou.
jabilaiion could imi hav- been
quelled, and no * ffort wa. made to
quhll it.
|Sw»l Cidir 15c at Cold Storage |
«Men’s Patent Colt Fine Dress Slioes«
Wl» n the pupil* came tothe Hu’h acbool. the air
with )Mh .chool yell*, of
Nvd exprteed hi* aaiufac
with the work of the nwm, itat-
iug ihnt he. together With Ihe othd-r
eaeher* and theotiixeb* in general
ir.^ lirottd dd n.e boy*, and that the
•el.txil would now begin working and
hoping for a *imtlar rcolf in Sat nr
day’* game witn Mani.toe. He aaid
iie expected another *ncli aeene next
Monday, with ManuP-e on U.e black
5 goorf Reasons..
m.Wh? fou should do your trading at our store
ple. who know wliat their boy* could
dex expected that the victory would
•lay in the home town
But they
reckoned without tlieir hct.
Peloekey won the to*, and took the
IwlL ^ Ttuverse City kicked off. and
2jd-\ OU wiU alwaxx get your nioncy\-worth.
by oon*l*tenl. srappy liud fast work,
Pdiotoey advanced to the middle of
u*hy *e can sell cheat
the field, then lo*t the ball on dowiia *
TraverMfCity made a good gain, than
lost the bail in torn, i.nt regained it I
5lh—-\ ou will not have to. ask fur > our money back, the re;
•ooo and mmle a lonchOpwn which
SooUiurdfailed to convert into a goal, j
making the score -'i to a
Pvtoskeythen kicked off.uending tbs .
WhM thaj got the talL <
ISt—Youwill lave all cvi-rncncc! rlci’.s
I ui 1
3ffl - We mark our gcxvjs from B» lo 2<» i»crccnl rhca]ic* than
....... 9bc to SI0.00
Mel,'- ll-4\>. Krr-ey r.*i»t-- ........SI.25 to S2.00
, ..r-ri—n.ji-ht I...M
Xj..,.*. 1
.,11 .Aiel W
M.-r. -■bed lvuie,..*t -♦« =5
M, i.‘- II* -.eyll le«-»-,l I ml*
Jlsbtr &
alt the . long way from one up to 94.
And i«or 1’eto.kry d oald not get a
ball acroe* ihe goal line. Travuiue |
for bypodcnnic tojcctiooe that Jay City nruught it to the j:» yard Una j
say. Iio U afraid lo move about, ae he and ponte.U Fetotoey
totoey then
ftoru U will rsa agaliut something u» Traverse City * 29 yard line
aad explode.
the hallwa* held. Peioukey oeudal
Koae of the oilier membem of the fuvolving tandem on Uckly that w%a\
family with the axoeptlon of Jar and hard for the Traverse City boy* to ,
BaUa VON mad. til h/ Mte elieeee.
BEBS’ FLMMBEL SHIRTS-^Yasi blue, double seams, lull tashid>iu‘d - great xaluc............................................................................................ 11.00
BOYS- SWEATERS—Yam.. boncy cvimlied - all tlic
new color combmaiions.................. :....................................................... SI.00
CAPS—BEirS ABO B0YS - <hn line iximnicjise-lt would l»c
siiqirising if you ctmld nM find just what you want, otl, .7.7 SI.00
would br
**ito eijH*eaee.l
BOYS* BEEFiBS—WXxxt chinchilU with broad vcJxei dolUrs—
lust for fun............... ............................................................................................. 12.00
GLQYES ABO BITTEBS-UAihct «r >am. linetl or unhntnl
Stan at 2r>c and go to $2.25 by easy jumi>s.................................
••‘'■'“ k lh«
limn,: of .lipinherm. ttou|., aiici a
ry brief Ulncsv.
It wa?. supjHi^crl at
first by the atlcnJing pliysician that
the ca>e was one of simple < toup but
later the malignant diphlhcittn Minptoms ilcvei»HKrd. and the end «amc
board* le moaming instead of PetoaJay Bmlth. 19 year, of ag.-. and hi. Ley.
.l.ter Helen, four year, younger, were
The hoT* have reason to l*e gratified
made de.neraiely .Ick Balurdav eve over the rvaolt of Saiarday's game.
nlng by eetliif cheese, and f..r al out Peloskey wa* beaten, not beoauiw ibi
•Uowidcuch aide for
an hour it wae thought by the Tamllv. team of that f Uo* wa* not good, not
Proeaeating .\lt.»mey Fred II Prmll a. well a. the ath odlng phT.lolan. bedmukd^ it wa* not fa»l. not because it
opeaod tlie argument for the people that the twlMning would r.*eult fatal- wa* not plneky. t.nt Tmverau City’*
Mi Pratts after imj»ra.ing o|ion Uir ly in the ease of Jay. who wa. not High school boy* were faster, better
ooneidervd oot of danger until
jarore the reepoaelhUlty
and fuller of ginger and stamina.
tham. weot into th.< meriU of tha oaae o’clock Bonday morning
There was u good crowd at the
which they were aelectad to dellbarut
The enure family partook of the game, and moai of the Feto«key peo
taro aad
l.fl thi. moro-i •'»'
gel her
fatrlv I
Mrs. Hargrave, wa. jealou., hut the which all the olcf^r* aad aome new
witneea never mw anything hi war- one* weiv given, and a« a windup the
that jealouar.
of Saturday , game waa oonnied,
faoe of many objection, by the defenee.
it wae drawn out of him that he ban
ppraooalreaeooifor b. lt. vlng tliat
l.aidl Awaj lud.v.
iuK(orMiiA«.K.n..«h.mU..y w.n lNTu<<:«.ec..<l.e.Ut
John keot hi. revolver
John Danforth wa.
MO .(
« Uarlee AUm 1 bl* Wor«taa-l u«l>
waa recovering from an cpllct»tio fit
id the witne.. would have eald that
’ wa. recovering from anoh an attock
that lime.
The witneea went up .Uir. and
mnd the lied that Sihomberg ha<!
alept lu when there liait appan utly
blew in the night U fore a. it
as not made up.
The wiineM h.d Imrrowed
that Kai|^ * wae under an eplleptlo Hargrave, for three mouih. and after
took .he liad hmi it about almonlh he cam.
to her and
aaid Mary was acting so
Jm i^og gave hi.^ teetlmony in a •traiigely that be might need It, a. hr
Ui? cShpr-henelre manner and took wanted to get everyhing hi. wife
paliuto make hie raplanallon* of van
Hi. wife acted eo .trang.
oaApileptio ooudttioue
le-rfeolly vtiottt hia life inauranoe that be had
.Ibe jury. Ih.- ooorl and the threatened to drop it. but the wltoea*
adviw.d him not to do so.
paineUking and gave hie rrpliee to
Th- witneM knew of Mra Hargrave.'
toohnioal queetume in a way that thrj having broken open the lox^ where
uhuid lor Ibe puria.- of .uttUK wlmi
ha knew of Ibw cliaraci. r of Mr.
Oftonell. and with diflloolty. in th.
•Md IM. IMWIL »r Ik.
the Hterliug
proved a failure ae the
work on the excavation for the eleci(«I work*.
«J—Ku. h waahe v
of th. L-high & Wllkeabarre Coal Oo.
I witues. .Uted that there was a
A.hhy resumed operations thi*
•pirltoah.t named Sohomberg who morning. The non onion men were
came to the Hargravi • hooM aliont guarddKl and
n*»l intd*rfered
a wisek. and wiiom the witoeM
did not like
IU wa. a sulky looking
Clark.tnirg, W. Va., »»cf ♦'»—Sevenand Imiked a. though he would
^u mine, weie oi>en. d and 4,o»M
do anything. Mr. llargmve. hml atid iiiioer. re.um* d work tin. morning
that .be did not like him
The wil- The mine.' are all
In the southern
ni*.. wa. at the Hargrave, liouw the lart of the .Ute
ting of thl* mine. The coudilum
of Hargrave, on the roucli wa. jo.l
tike that .he bad obaerred when he
grave* tga* ir^iwnvihle for what hr
did. WeumluK that ho . omnmied the
aot. FromUk* condition* .1.-m rib
•d tolatingH the crime in uue.llon
the wjUi^ wae not ,.r. ,ar. <1 to elate
lllood .tain, on the hill indilist .onie of tl.e attacking larty
Wilke.laure.t >ot. f>—KlTorte to
operation, at
thl. mcroing
Robart Beecher COo « ih'opSo
MEftS' LEiTHER C(?4r,S—RcversiUc. tw.» coals in one; turn
the inside out an«l you have a Scotch cotduroy *oal... B6.00
Iuon r. irerdlug the etrik.- ect- say. that Kellogg end Southard art'
| tlcmi ut which wae reached during far ahead of the average of iuterroUegiatc team, lu the exo llence of their
thU morotac ooald fflva teatlaoey cot of the way in the oonduot of j r.-aterday*. WhiW H.iuee ooof. renoe
aooMiUaa title aflateoM if
ehonld either Uargravea ur Mra Woodman
City. Oot
U-The Ck nlral
I2i««. will b» hen- m-ll holerWMMHMMtMra. Wooeaaa
! Dade, oouncll and amiiat..d locals
for thf first game of the inlerTlie BiOfl Importaol tMhalcal leeti
held a
apeclal mretiDg
lastlo Sd-rie. in which Travt-riK*.
BKMif of an expert charaotcr. and at
Mrs Ilargraveehad told lh.< witness afternoon lu the Inlerveta of the etrik- City play a It will be a gapie that no 1
the eame tine tl*e no»l In id and ooa- that eh. meant to tweak 0|en liar ,og coal mln. ra It wa. decided to lover of football can afford to mi.., ;
preheotlre.waelhalof Dr.B L Umg, grava.’ trunk and get hi. revolver, aid the miner, iu every way possible, and tf the biggest crowd that t ver
witnessed a football game i. not out. I
aaperiolaodent of tt.. aeylata for tne natlng that eh. would ahoot Mr* aU loeal. will entrihute. und popular It will l*e a floor compliment t«» Traverlalaai Ineaoe at Ionia. Dr. Long
|subwrription jiM*er. will be emmiated. t*r.e City'* apf»reciatii»u of a gtK>d,
.chool team are 1
vae placed on the eUnd thi. morolng
The wUnasi had eeeu the re.pondeni j
Oarm. l. Uct
ti-Karly th.v thing ’l*be High
la rebntul by the proSecothn
Tb«^ to an epileptic fit and that bit wa. ly-1 doming a crowd ..f .inker, hurled praoiioiog oonecientioa.lv ev«*rv eve/ling, end the Second team l.ave cut
leMlmoBj of the aritoeee. uviiig to mg on hia hack In oooTuUlona
Mr- riK:k* at the Fourt!. Kegiment camp. out all dal-, for the week m a. to
hie wide knowledgt^ of the eubject of Hargraves would
dy nothing but
nine, fired ii».veral volley, and give the High .chool. all the help that
^pllepey wae eiUem. ly Interteiing Ulk to him. Thl. wa. the llret he
•i tl.e hill, hut no one waa they can during the entire vre-a
feiiaa reliee upm theory to clear
Joha A. Ilargraree of the charge ot
Jlttb«eity BeekJtert
Aa imiDeace aew Um •( Suanrd Bonad BmU at
15c. 20c, 26c, 35c. 40c and SOc m4
a aew edittaa of Mme of the Ute Copyrtchl .Mks at. ‘
75 cents.
fSS;.?rr:.2,r.-:r;r; DisTMCE ieiephoiie sawiot
ro««h i
b,t mj iu.yU.tiw •*«...• IUw«.«
BooKsl Bool^s!
line for l-'i. JO or 30 /urd*. Lederle loaiU, the javing of Union street
through the line for big gain., or rouM l>c hnitocd at once.
BeigM or Delu on the liammering -----------------------------------------------:------------- —-------
guard, beck formation which utver
faUed to gain Goes at c-nter i»ut up
an elugam game, and Mootague and
iwith^ him aboat thlnge other
paopU had told her relaUre to
Th. wlt«« ««r b«rd
BMttnr WoieoMAO.
WA* tAllv day for the'
e very play. It waa Kbrenberger or.
A c^ailcoil of pax mg brick arrivcxl
Pound uround the end or through the 1 today.
It there were lour more car-
lahe trnalea Uergraraa eery meanly. I
jaad deeeribed aa Ucident where ehe j
had seed harab laa^aag. to him and
Will a. 1. ia.1
thatTnrona ««y mad# foor touch-j children a»c enrolled.
A lusc
downs to tbU JO mtouto haU, all but j
the lorcnis acre ,ir«cnt. and
ooe of which were convened into ,hc rally was an unusually pleasant |
goals by Pound.
jirofitablc o:n
Firut 4owu wut made with nearlv
Consider the Case.
Cavo Expert Te»llmony
via«A u. •«<., ort—i V—
ConpcgAtiMil SonJi) Khool And
P«lookr7 dU aot boTo Iky Ml d«riii« ,hc ,arenu of ihe i-uiiilt wete innteil
tl.U half, oBd oa idoA of Uio rapidity >
,.*« the kHooI aod io tet the r«of thr pUy U obcalaod from th* fact j
. u^c* m which thru
! h»d loM tb« wiUMM tiMt tb« rMpoiid
;«I>I iMd t«ofldM»bU jmopmrtj TU American Federation of Labor
Not«d Authority
«Sh« aaoMid lb* baUooo w
“*• |
ucroBsu «
it MtOMth* '
BaU for A tooohdovB rrhloh Poud'
ooarortod into * foU j«i» o. »b« 1»U i
> tiM AfMT-j
lUntmr*. bo«« Mid
frwiMtttlj TUltod lh«Wittlrl«.
mich. moxuat
.......................... 39c
221 Trent St.
Jt Big
Clothing trade
Compels us to enlarj.;e our quarters,
and we are rciiiiinj; the McNamara
store for our use : lack of room has
heretofore prevented convenient dis
play of our immense slock, and this
we arc now able lo remedy.
Bart of our new fall slock is now in,
and later purchases will be here on
or before Oct. 13. at which time we
shall have on our two first floors such
an assortment of best makes cloth*
ing. hats, caps and furnishings as will
fully meet every demand as lo style,
and price.
other storex.
^good goods for ie^ money.
\Vc jiriJe ouruclvcti on qur stock thi* lall............... ..
Sptdal attention is called to our eioafcs,
3aekets and Turs « «
B^JIt this time
we shall offer some exceptional bar
gains on certain lines we bought at a
low price—keep watch of us and we
will not disappoint you.
Bamilton Clothing
ME itwiiaai aw^ jtkkfMi tml yi^ji6itoA». towom % won
n^caitici aocoont the belt oi the
Amoiauiboine pUy*. w« 6m |»»Woman baa a hard time of It la thla
doced by Jrnwf A. H«ne in Ouengo
boay world boeanoe I
inureata are
wwJ m 189S, and since then it has woo
THOf. T. Mm AMft 1. V. HANN0I
AI-BX mJLlTl^mU or M««^ooUo.
Tha TiUaga of PbrETiaw. W. Va. innumerable tniunpht thtoi«boot the
United. State* and Canada.
wquawt abowar. of ateouA Daring aeenea of this ehanniiie comedy,
laat wook thofratt were fioqotti. oud drama ate aU taken'from life and the
M»a daiMga baa baoa dooa to propor* incidenu paatisycd are the bomdy
WM aewerelj dam- Wppeninp of the people of a amall
ty. Agiwati
ar« about tba aisc
agad. The I
of and mnob tha ahape of cobble* . w tW?
•^be greater eunber that hare
are >et black aud rery hard*
while a numb* r of anowy white com
harefaUeo. The white ooea baTe tl>f
ipaaraaoe of Ume
Pnooeoa Victoria Eugenie, of Buttenbarg.a 4»««hter of Pnnueee B«award’Fconoeut d
irioe, haa woo King Kdward’f
At>)aot of riail j 11
to her long cherished pro)eot
leg tim United Bute*,. aad wiU takal
the trip doring the yacht imoee next
After being Uughed at for 40 year*
beoaooe abe.tnauted on looklrg under
liar bed to aee if a
Mra George Mailer of White
. haa at laot found oni
• OneeleWT woAUUI of luy a.qualntarne haa
•olvcd tlH i>rob
lem hy pUrlng
on tins waU of
««.h r««l a
amall rial, from
a |N*
haiiir^ The
in the oew
tarliurf ryarmoWFSBD M. WAUlf SH of Oofetoo4.
of iIh- dinr.f. lit
materiaU nt|nlr.-.I f..r the
UAing of differ
AJABIBl. MoCXn or Kooi.!
Far AodJior OamtoI-
ruiST r. FowBiu or utobim.
Far AMarooy Oaoarml-
CttABl^M A. JII«AIB or Jooteoo.
Wm MaMWn MoU Moord i4 Jtdmmt
kit. hen
wall ^ anaia .»v tna KiirM
A ill In* a great
»v WALL.
UHji in the iiiornltiK lunrkriiiiK. f..r hr
er.n.»umuk' H the mUtn-N.- .»f tin- hoiiMnwy HimI out raa.tly what lUKre.li.*nt«
and what uU-uajU me
alalea In tlie lH-.U<m.ui.. will .•.•ntnlii the
laundry |i«t. that In the nurM-ry rw hi
the ti%inu room the n«*.«-NMiry a. Imn.I
hooka and dull.* and euKaKeineuu of
u. \riuuuToriiw<
ABt;ill»AL4i M. UAUUAUII ofUrolloC
lucruBLicAN vovnr\ ticket.
I In an alidialw-thwlly niTunK.ni
a liOok. A KofNl Id.-a 1.. t.i |>l4er
avrod l.-ttiTa lu a *-i.r<*iuI rt*<-i-i»
idled to
It la aloo a uaeful idan f.M- a woman
to vurry a lilUe uoielMN.k with her.
Till* may W eaally nUi-imhI tnt.i tlie
fuinM-. and in It may In* iiot.vl any thiiur
w-.M-th whil.-. even new Jukea and wit
thlaina. ou Ihat there will U* nothlnjr
Maal.ll und no alrain on the mind in
trying to Irring I«ek thing, to th.i little me.i
i:iho.i til lln* r.
a life w til U- ;
o«7 TraMorar^
Haw II Mar Ur KarwUhra aa as «a
Ur l|Hllr Atlrarli«r.
Of all th.- undeHlrald.- r.-nua the one
lit from alKive i« the w.«M. und it
takes a el.*viT wumali to mak.* it .-.ay.
rin» llluatratlou show s a |avrV‘ Ularly
hapj.y arraug. luent.
Is while and gr.-,.n.
• and th.-re tiir.>uKh the risuii.
Protidout Uooterelt Iim out Eiroti
too to got powfrfol interrrit in
mad lioiiu to ho%> the miiien
At work wtthin o few doya
Idoot Roow'veli ho*. Alwoya beoB
A BMa who *’doof tliingt*' oud It ho«
hmm till way all Mi life, wtu d he lei
abtmt to AO('ompliih a tiling, to itay
by It till it wa« done •‘Toddy’
meana Imiineaa and botli aide* of H.«
gnat oootroTorwy will do well to thini
carofolly on any anggeaiioua that In
-White did )I0I n|h imI the •illliluer?"
aaked the fiuiit I..U ilierua j:iil
-I lnur.nl haitrerUiHl in mi nuiA"
aal dUie llttlr glil with the aattcj
-1 took the watei> nt Ala lea llalna *
aald the Kiri with Ih.- .hauumd hueklel
on her allpiMta.
-1 euimiunnl at N.*w|v»rl. enid tbi
drrouiv tdoiHle in the 1.1111^ »ti|ii»erk.
-1 atudhal SliakeN|Hi.re while in tbi
White innuntaliiM.•• Nald the niihmn
balred one wilin hnl tin* crand inar. l
h my li:odl»1e i
-I worried
I’aree.- gurglM the Kill »vho
Id catch 9UV
Id you do 1
and what did
• inurmurml.
V waa Ukitig •..mce.Hla ^ai.
\4er If ahe a..uldirt have a<»ui.-. t.H.
Aflrr nriiiuug
driiiUug ii
it iim
tin-* yomij;
yuuiij; lady llo
gored a iium.ent and Anally i
-.Now tell bow you would dl»g«iM
aaatiir oUr
-Why, madain.
Ju-l Kaxe you
•*My ^1
nA the
It is WK
Icntly in .«ib-r tu dcvch.|. iuu-* lcs, but
It must In- .louc su-aduy
minetrs a U>y is emumh U* little fwlk.
and ten
w.rk iwu-r « day i.
errr so mu h laHt,*r than doiiu: it all
at oner, says a WTitrr lu the Kl laouis
l\Nrt Ihsyaul.
Just after rUiuK, ht-f.-rv tlic luiMTilng
hath, is the iN-st time ft.r tlu- llrst exercUe. It will s.i y*miic umw-l,-s In
tunc for all iUy
I L. u just Is-f.irv- golug to iNil auulha r l.-u tiitmitcs of it
will iosurt- a iHau:itl uicUrs siti-|i. and
Ibc lad or Uil*.h-. rv«u if v*-ry tirvd.
will h«vr lK>urs ai.-l boors u. n-st.
datiou cf all i.hy-iH-al culdevrlopiiu; rtunly. well traimil tiodk-a
I* iin»iN*r hreaihiui:
A ilve * 4 beat U a thing all aUiiiw*ful athlete* muM Uavt-. That uieaiu
lluit the aboulilen iuu»i be carritsl well
back, the ebewt thrm*l far forward and.
rxpand4*d. ao tiiat the lung* will have
Identy of room
All of your hreathii *lwnUd lie -long”
1. file ktiHl ilH- d.H-tor tell* you
at aa he examine* y.»ur ebe*t wb4-n
haT4- a ivihl
Kvery lime you
itbe your IuubN- full of
for lliat I* what MUppllei the fUel
our l.hMHl. mid if it iM Hid full of
d« of th. Royal It«l Crom npm Mia
,„rii,uuhle to
U«>rt. OorowalU. Wim for tm m.
cycellcnt ttaiulai.l of pteKloction
vice, on t«rd th. hmp^tal .hlpj„,.,,,^h.thaibeen.n*imame<i. The
Mam. dnrmg th. Bontk Afrloau war. ,1,
never been i*ni.iitetl to be enough ii«mri>him-ut. however inutli
MraOor..w.llU>.twa.MimJennl.ij;.,jfl^„„,,^ pretenlid.
I-he com. y<»u UM- tlwm.
J.rom.- of ^.wyork.. 8b. wma for ]
which i. now .niteaHnc in ria.-e IW4. rhaim with tlu-lr »lde*
agaltiRi the wall »m. that their Iwek*
m-tly I*dy Randoli.li fhotcblll.
••Shore AfW." has.
I but few ex wilt In* tow-wr.l each i.ilier all.) uU>ui
KE-OoirerDor Whitaker, aged 82. ceptions, been seen in the piece for elght4i*ii liM-hi-^ u|u4n. Crufeii tlietiiu ka
Oregon a flrat gorernor, re dead, lie many years. Mr. Janies T. Galloway, firmly m-ar the loj. and lean forward
waa elected in Jane. 1858. when there the well-known character ai tor, will until your fehouldoo. Uiueh your
wt-re no lelcgrmpb or railroad Udm to apain apjiear as Nathaniel lterr>-, and IhuuihK SlHOe youtiiiT slowly 4uick.
the national oapitoL It waa taken for his artistic intei>rclation w*U be ably want until you iigaUi atniul eni1. !(«-•
peot ihlw live iluiii* f4ir tlN- m>t aev4-u
granted that the Oregon
seconded by the twenty-f
ar eight day* you try it and then grad
badbeoom.- law duriag the preot-«d I well known players of this
ually Im-reaNi- th»- mmilN-r imtil you
a month after Whitaker'a
cry has been have n-achtil ilfi4-«-n
preiarcd for the production to W givOregon lia.1 m.t been adalt^ Aa i en at Sicinlierg’s (^rand next Thurs85 do«ea 85c,
One doee
<Uy, Oct.
with guATAOtee of <
Bott.-a Mont., lafai
Lincoln J. ('ancr. author ot so Rocky MountAiD Tew Madi
ModiA G.
many iiopulaf successes, will ]>rcsenl oine Ca. MAdloon. Wia.
hot a aiugh- tree. More are to b*- oet
•ITic 11th Hour." at Sleinbe»g*s
ODt and rulti rated.
('.rand next Monday, Oct. 13th.
Florence Nurhtingah-. the heroine of This is the third successful season of
the t:runean war. i* said to be about this jHccc. .Mr Carter has succeeded
to reocitre recognition by King kidward in this provluction in doing what
aa one of the great women of her time authors seldom do. that is. blend con
by having oonferre.1 upon her the new sistently jiathos and comedy in a manOrder of Merit. It is oaid that thii
that jileasrs the entire aiulicnce,
will be preaeuted on the kl*g‘* birth | folding their interest throughout the
I cnUTc play.' The jiresenling company
is away alove the ordinar)*, and- elabo
. '••wlwa *
rate scenic etiecls an»l nicety of detail,
lo Iht- lN-uii-.y lvaiila iilll <s.uiitry. | hich
Mr. Carter is s«» justly famed
wl.m- am h liral nom.-a a* .V»ali. Cain, r ‘
L tcaturc.
linen .nnuune. w hi.-h
A lively shade of ol.l nen*
i.r.Hl.miliiat.** ov.t |«h- gr,, n. un.i
there arc nU> |ou. he« of
Tlt.-n- is un eui|iirv a.-r.-.-u of ..Id n»Mnud gill. The furnltun- 1- . iu|.lr.-. and
then- is an aira.*ii\e writing tabli* with
The geiM-nil
of the fts-lu is
livable, and it ofT.-rs lndu.-«-m. tit* f..r
faiiey w««-k. rvadlng and o»n\.-ranturn.
«»n the walls Iliere are many |.i. turrs
in U.tli oil and bright wat.-r
It, i»i: i.A iiAi Mi:
Then- me s«» many .Itffet. nt
and linen Koeds to • h«H>*.- ftom tl
U no wond.-r tliat one f.i ls It a thank
less task tu try to tell of ih.-in all
the i.uton .hoMots, the m.-r.-erijoil
ehand.rays. ih«- is-reale* ond nuiuU-r
less d.wigus In ina.lras and tephxr
giogluitns giM- the la-st satufs.
Tlir |.rlnei|M»l ..lij.1t of the .otiou
•f .1.-1111. fr.*sh wi.ists ftu suuiin.-t
with thes.* imnU S-. eli.-ai* ..l.e lu
ei.uM- for tM.i having tiM-m
yartls are r«ii«i
iiir.-d U*r n shirt s
and ihts w-!l nil A for u .Ta\al Ju the
There are also thou
•hahie materiaK
nicA»ion of Traverse
Dodd Shoot for
ook ot tho Bottoo Storo,
j in the third .Icj^Tec
Cttrt'M mpthimt hcklmg,
... ,ihi‘:i'filiiiiftii'
r«* phMe fa »n^
I the bonieN sad you can depod upon wh« we *»y.
cw# ttaattM
just like cat, 42 inch iquire
top. heavy baae, 4 in. nicely
•hkped fe^ win (eat ten peo
ple. Our price ii
A ven large line rfEatenaon Table*, from...................... S3.75 UD
C Solid Oak. cal^ *eat, high back, dining chair* tot................ $4.85
J, W. Suim House FinnaiR Stdk
School, shoes
5T(J s...
Hi TO 11.
114 TO 3.
This season w-c liavcOAK TAN
soles in every i»air sliocsv in the
house. 'Fhat f\icans wear-we
guarantee them lo wear.
A. S. FRYMAM, Sfe'.SWffi-ilSKrr'v'”-
Aimnln*. Ahiah.m. Juila«. et... im.iimmun. o . h rgymau w ho ha»* a cir
•Ait in 1> hlBii <s.un:y wa- <-nlh-«l to «*fhrlat.- lit a . lin-.li iiiiiK
Wht ii hirh.-il ill iU»4-.il.iu. tla- vvif,MiALsl lu Ife- tu . Iiaii:.- uf affiiin. The
m,l.k »vas tu w hile aii.I a fi vv uf |l,.ui Uli-.,-. m uii.r- Uf tl... Haiue .s.lmvKot...u hid I-.U liivit.d .Old wmHMt.d uud.-r Ih- irv» A. Whenilhelialie
th- l»alie
i.ip by th- |.;iri*lilii. III*
vl. ii:>iii.iii ii-*k. d
Willi ivhit iwirn- *iinll I 4lirl*i-n
• \l;iK, ‘ piou.pily J
• Ni.i-V I. |ri alt*I I
1 l»..|li-f*-d • W i..T
. r.il the w lf,-.
liuoilt r. Nli;:ht
1 you Hud MU b
If you have never tried our breakfast coflce—Mocha and Javabest ever imported—you don’t know how good good coffee can
really be. Sells at 40c the pound and is worth every cent of it.
M«n«nehl. o.. had a mil.,...- festival
the other day. i^lhd the • lUlU- pUi:\ery .MiiuMifld .itlx'eu who
an.W4-nil to ih- luiiu- of Willliim wna
:i pro-.-i.lon.
••Blllri ’ mur. bed
With nil atliiU W
pauloii ph--:-. and llu-n tlu-re
luill gain.-**. MNi-. li mukliiK.
►lu-t pull lug. runniug.
by -J IIN
who W.T.* evp-it at
Ready Cooked Ready to Eat
Potted \’eal. Vienna Sausage. Corned Beef, Lunch Tongue.
Potted Ham. Veal L'^af. Ever use any of these? They arc line
eating, just the thing for suppers and light lunches. Every
thing done but the eating. Nothing finci was ever put into cans.
Better try some with your next order for groceries.
thing-. -C'hlcago Tribune.
1 » in th- Ilil.h-.*’ it»..lly
VIM,- . "Ai.alu.iN U. lu
. ihtilf iN.y, mill
. • ih loiii Nim. Without
V \.|*ri rim-v
c. <K*. 10. worth 10c, ICc. *J0c,
DON’T MISS our Handkerchief
Sale tomorrow evening from 7 till
it o’cliKk. Never were good hand
kerchiefs sold so verv cheap.—S.
Benda & C'o.
Cook Ria$ Bappy
Because the bread was light. There’s satisfaction in the dining
room, too. The flour was right; the lard was right: the yeast
ht; the baki
was right;
baking powder was right. All came from our
grocery department, that’s why.
Divorce No Evi
dence of Lower
A^ordvl Stdwnddjrd
We’re a Bit Particular
About our smoked meals. We sell only those we know will give
satisfaction. It’s that way with Premium Hams, Winchester
Hams, Premium Bacon. Star Hams. Put one on >N)ur want list
for tomorrow.
WolT.D nH'.iiiiiiu iul cv4-rv riiii-*n;il iimn and woman
lliitiking iiiul writing .-n the Mibji-ct of divorce to
run tliri.ugh lln-ir life cxjMTu n-v*, Miniinon up all the
div..r-c.l jK-opU- they know, gaugi' ihi'ir mural status
an.l. if jM»sj.ilil<-, the inflm nct' <*f their live's as writers,
>{N;ik4i>, artists mnl pbilunthn>pi-ts and SKK IF
111 niv own « irele of frieiulH 1 <-an rtM^all at ino^l two dozen—all
B-* gitle.L luoriil and refined men and women
I over knew. Hut
lew^..f the w..nien marrie.l again, and tlio-iv wli.v did have been excopti.dially ii.ippy in their new r.'latiou-*.
ttlant Some Fine Cheese
T'That will make your mouth water just to look at it? That is
our famous creamery cheese. We can x’ouch for the g<todnes>
and freshness of this we sell.
Pure maple Syrup
For your pancakes these mornings. The celebrated Ohio and
the Adirondack Maple Syrup. This makes a breakfast "fit for a
king. " Got a splendid quality honey. Some would prefer it to
syrup. We please both. Want to be pleased ?
Woman 1- it! H iraiuiiiion |»eriod from slarerv to freedom, and
she will mu a.vept the euiidiiiunt- in married life that sLo Las Leretoion' meekly endnri-d.
Wlii-n till- m.ulier, with Ler Meadfas-l K*ve of Lome and cLfldren,
d.-inaii.K n-l.-ioH*. -we may re^l aKsnro.] Ler reasons for aimdering
the tl.- an- «!l MiiFu-lent to Li rvelf and sLould be to society at large.
a cLailengo to our
1.volution bas Wn tLc law of Itfe, TLe relation
4.1 tbi' 1*0X1'*. ha-* pas^e.1 tlirongh many pLa>es and is likely to pass
iLrougli many nuT-,
■ ,.F . ;t .’•*
mant a eolfce Crsat?
Good Chinas
II f Ika Wr«N, lilrl.
A iH-mitlful yonin: iady. a iii. inb.-r ol
the amart a.H, w.-iii tnt« i. New|N.n
drag afore and a^k.«.i the druKKt^l if li
waa iiooNihle to dUrniM*
-It'a horrid atiiir |.> tak*-. y.ni kumr,
Cghr aaid the yuunj: lady uith •
-^Furniture Department
•o dirkkal The dl«y round of amall
ORAND TRAVBIISC HEIIAI.D tbinga abe baa to remember la truly
aiitialllttg. Her day mcana a continual
CiTT OtmccL^Toa
• •
• f '•
'■ •
Light Biscuits;
Light Cakes;
dndLight HeartStQuick-as^a-Wink!
- v:
■*>; wi., wmaa,
MISSION OF ‘'sbcul agent**
\mmmm Wmmmm ltepUr»0 lb aaletaw
LaWr aaS C apltsl reahteai.
With s view of solving the eeristts
problem of the retatlons of rspltal and
tabor, says the Clitftigs Tribune, tbs
Md'ormkk lUrvestlng Mscbloe com
MLm liertrudr Berks, a jx»uug wo
man of extrode.1 rxiNTlence in nocio
logical aork, his l.«-n •tnployed sole’y
to h«A sfUT the welfare of the sruir
of cuipk.y.^ ip llH- UarvcNirr werk^.
TbHr cmAsl during working l«mr>.
; Mrs. HargniTas was apparc&Uy oai
of her mind. Bbe owds so maiu
ifidthdi hli tUrtraoM
>81 to opUtpiy.
The witaam anUne hnd bnea fhmUiar
with thnt nnaa nt the time, hnrtng
been onUed to taetUY nad to attunine
i^Ue -eaml qnalitU. of th.
wna in n fit of epilepay whra thia oeMr. Pratt otdeemd oa the gioand
Mr. Pntohin objMmd to this
her hands in a way that oaased ti.e lUm of qnratianiug nnd wra raMnlimd
by oom Mra Bnigravra wna than
On tha orassennlBatkm by Mr
wdnnd Deputy Bherlff Qraym
Piatt the witnam said she heard after railed nnd hit nttrntion railed to hit
court finally allowed the qneetioe to
nony in loir»r court in ragivd to stand; aad the witorea testified Umt
ore. all <v«jr under b.t aitmUan ths dsaU of Mra HargruTes that Mra8uggc»tl(>ns abi.-L she tuitkcs to the Hanfrares was jealons of her. but she
Bg raw handle, etc. Nothing new he ramerabmed the cnee and thnt be
evar gave cause for that jealousy.
wna bvonhgt out
Pntrhin than hnd teelified that tha neoaaed wna
and in i
-Hargraves was away from home aakod;ihnt teatimony of Dra Ohaaa.
bat the
her .»f « a*r» aduttlcd
two or Urse iUys eanrasslng. When
ernnd Bvnaa given in raeordar'a
e.H^k U the pain in bar arm beoams seven*.
court be reoeired nt evidence. The
ftaid to I- Uoaii U-»i |.y th.- freedom
raves and his wife had a good reqnaat wna grnntid
aem teittified that
fnm. hil.cc di«tnrlMin.-.-N ahU h ilie big
dral of traable. bat Hargraves isn r
I hare
liarv.-»*i.-r plum lia« enj..ced sim^ she
E Xpert TMUmoay of Or. B. E. Lmc.
ei,trn-.l ...I her n.n.-l .Innes. The M«- lost his tMiper. though sns oonstantly
WiU some ragn
I>r. Long, expert wltncaa for people
rcctulfk •iH.tH. are m.1 ah..t U known nagged him about ranntng after other
ameih partSenlarly Jennie Woodman. wna Ueo railed end Btnted thnt he
as *'«iiU.n *.h.iia.'’ Mlth..iigh uni.iu men
Bargravee nerer vieited the witaoes bna for eeveuteen year been engaged I
are . n.pl...ve.l wlth.M.t .liMTumnalhm.
in apeclnl work nt the naylnm for tnet the priauo in lonin
The doc
noUing of hii vUiU any more than
Id. ih.- c-umiiany Is imc- ]«.|.uUr if It waa her brotlier.
tor Uen briefly described whet be
a .-iui.i..3ec- tiuin c-v.-r
deiea n typical onra of epUepay.
inlo Woodman became afraid of
ItckN u.ni Inio her week
oouatdMra Hargravea and the Utter had
toned to aald her
Th.* witnes. erable figure lu onuaiug epilepay, not
had Yialted Madam Him-s, th. fortune that the auoeatorn of i
mller. with Mra Hargravea, to have rUy had epilepay but
Breadmakers are often placed at sea
by the extravagant promises that are
made by manufacturers of some
ffrades of flour. Promises not al
ways fulfilled. The lady’s salvation
depends largely on her own judge
ment. which is, use the BK8T
pr|_OiJR. Manufactured by
About October 18th hfi i
ooespy nU the
wore nd>oimi« otir main itorc.
Our iacrensiiig bnimcm fte-
Mr. Pmttuifcnd wiCM if ohr hnd
ror known the wt|.nndM» to commit
nny Tiohmt net nithm inorontofon
•pileptieooodltioo. She raplmd thnt
hnd not exsnpc on owe oocmioB in
mU dnfcnm
Mr. Pratt nrt«d if he
maiKh more n»ra
We ihnU
Clothing Ca
w »t no Wam««rm swsra, *«iu I
awt«niar.i»H iiUi iua4i.t«s«.i«s*-■
_______________________ I
iioqmromkoottko $4,000JfO rt 4e
raVM mmo/ fy {ko Ootoikf 0o44
----------------------------------------------------------pM«ti«ble swaaip on the borders of
[Cmitiistintms \ SS
o7r»"r::| excui^ions
♦ cfmicbiginjr''^
Is Were among Ilje -Ps» gills
In tl..- laiMllng twine dejuirtIm ii.M-*.h**l the mill during
w.-. k ..f lier engagement
nv things wh.. U h.-r femi
very near
and liver
The Dotroli. lUekioow ft lUrqoOiU
r»ilw»j iMiwt olostd tiM li
•taffU land dpal rror rw>ord«
Mlebli^B. Ibo «0o of o miU&oo oofoe my life and gave perfect health."
m4 ogrtoultml loads to Best piUe oo earU and only 26c at
Jas.tf. Johueon and
ths01.<fslaad01lirs Iroa oom|au>:
▼oWlaf $-'>.000,000
H-s itie gills or.- .-..mis-lh
- tlH ir . hiihlng U^..n* goti
and w.iir a .W llitmg
entln-ly lil.l.-s the luiir
n ha.l I. Singh- .limlnutlv
oatod Ufislj la Chippewa. Marq
aad Laos ooaatios aad ara the graatsr
pan of tho orlfflaal iriaat of l.Sno.auo
As bimoo Bowman, of Oaledonia.
as about to enter i.ls bouse the othe
svsnlng ha saw Bom«*thtog I
I l.s.ktng ghi^s.*^.
oo^Ue jorU. close to Ue i
Th.*n ••lie .•rgunix.-.l a <iumis-r uf I
investigation found It to be
M. mllwaj so jt-arn a«o. TIm tiiaber a blaokanake Bve feet and five inohea girls In Ih.- Si^nl «*lnt.. mim«*.| .iflef \
in lengU.
nuit.-rini 4.r whl.h hlii.ling txrlu.*
oo the land wiU is. cmt as rapidly as
Iiui.h-. nii.l 1..-.S mn.h- tlH* 4 Inh » eeni4T
aosdsd. 1 be Uods will be ojieoed for
4.f .neu*.-m.-nl
Wh.-n n girl ii. ill Miss
they can IhN-ks vUlu |,. r
ihnt s
not reach
gh'eli g.’i.Hl run- .*iiid I—1 If ii
OoL Bodsoad, a reloiaa of the
ere la.-king 1.. |ay a phish len.
alrU war. while at Alpsaa Tisitiof
im”’ lUn^s risk.*, the .-..mi^ii.y .I.s-l..r, Is .-nil
>atarrh Oore is ukeo inlerually and
ObMitr IlsailiiK. aaoiber re
aa aalarted
the wall
The ooloael, after
' io
^od the host
)^ta« add li was tlie llkenoos of hts
wJda8 brotbsr. and that he had not
heard from him slaoe early In ths
war. Ool Kedmond was startle<l and
aald ** Yoar brother was my seeretary
aad oae of my aides with the rank of
aervaaat darioir the war. fiv this is
the likeasss of that indirldual.
-n..^.| V
t» Them xxh.*n iln*y «r.-.
ombined with ibe
best blood purifiers, acting directly on th.-lr frtimli.-^ whet. Ih.
Ue muoous surfaces The perfect oombloatloo of Ue two ingredients is
what prclooes such wonderful results
in curing tkOarrh
Send for
Cheney &
was killed la the battle of Ixkj
Moaauta. Kuv. 24. IMUI.** Thu was
ths tm ocws ('hsster Dspiins had
raoolrsd of his brother, who liad been
Ths aoanal report of Use. A. Kb*
llof. flnancier of the Ypsllauti II. K.
oharcb,^ showed th. reotipts of tho
hareh to ban hern over $S.(KM. the
poymaat of
balance of
the chareh debt and a
in the treasury ami the
Brintlng fr..tn fyie. m l^•rvla Is not
rt-gar.li-il witli jNipuInrtiy. Tluil .-.rtiii
try U I.! Ih.- pr.*«. iii d.iy rnilivlt d.Irnt u|Miii hiliogruphy |..i the ns
pr.Nliii’ti..n .»r Uniks un*l
-whl.h nr.* \rry i«r
,.7 z,:
whi. h a .iTinm uumlM'r
ihad In
forthar astounding tact Uiat a iwid up
nMiptilarii.i of lv|H* i.tinlinc In r.T»>!a i*
winter supply of coal was already In dm tn|w.»Vt'hH l|Ml tuiiM**
rir-i ll...
the bunkers
The society would W •rtn.lchtm-....of ihr lim-n ..n.*!..!- s V* i
iosUBed In laking U»e treasury sur*
plus for a jolliBoaiiou
An Oosusl lady was married on her
birthday twenty-cue y.-ars ago. At
Us wadding was a bride's oake. Hot
llttls of It was UMMl. and the renialo*
dsr was
for by ib. th. groom's
mother. Mrs. Chas
Ureenhaf. and
each year Ue w. -lding anniversary Is
raoogntssd by iwrtaking of Ue cwke.
aad Us oaks twenty-one years old was
so>qyed at the anniversary a few days
rtHing Ihi-. lii- .-..iileiil.
A woman to this city Is se afraid of
mlcroU-s that she will not sit im a
ohair. unless it has been waUed with
Ho. ky MounUin T.«
Pinsrl woman
S6 cents Jas U. Johnson
Faloahsy helierrslt is destined soon
to liseoms a second Battle iVeek, so
far as Ue favor of Ue HevsnU Day
Mi..i l-iiU I UngiMT.
. Mrv .. ..........x.-n. has hy the ,l.-ath of
.*r iiunl. Mis., rram-,- Itnmlall Hag.
t-r. falh-n li.-ir to sP«».»*s. hi raon4*y
iMl the l...nd«M..e tvsid.-n.-4* iit IHP; H
r.*4*t.s.iy« ih4* \V.ishltigt..ti 4-.4'rvsiMxnd
III of the N.-xx V.irk w.itid
Mi-s rtyi..>-* iMn.lnU llagi.er was
....... ..
si.t. i «,f Mt**s
l s fjtihir.
l.*;..iang phxsh-i,t)i
Wuisliingt.iii. HU
h.* strain 4.f his
m.d f..r - l .ng Him- he xx„.
iiiig.* niKin III** sl.-iel.-i iiM-«»mt* x*f
.haugliier niiiil it Ihs-uiu.* ii.ve,.a4ary
. Ida.v him iniaa. iin- .ie* usxlum.
ant of the
..mm.* ..r IVt.-r lI.-xgn.T. xxh« was
uM.ia-g th.- 4.;,rly »H*nl.*rs ..f Washiugm
Ills le.me is ..!».* ..r the N-,t .Me
lom .l h ots.-^ h, the .liy, iIIIl*,! with
•a.itiftil ..d..nh.l S.lxer mad rnrniture.
Kuauot lui- It lh:at Mis^ Hagm*rs
ac aga-mel.t to Pax n.;i«l.-r 'I heimas H.
V ks 4,f The navy uill W auu..uiaee,l
4 S4MIII u* It Miltalde inonrialng |.4*rl4^1
of strawberries,
as fine
for Uese two oases, but pr. ferred to
risk Ui> Chicago market
A bear and
two onW have taken np
quartern Inelde the oorporste Umlt« of
FarweU and have been eeen at differ•ntUmee.
They are loosled in sn lb.
B^d Ached Always-Eye Slcht
Poor- Henres Upsct-GcDcraUy
BUeimble—Tetri oT Trouble
HfifipUy ^Ended.
K. Floleimr. residing near the D. ft
M depot. Lowell. Mloh.. eaye: •Tor
•ome time 1 had been bothered more
or lees with nenrouonees wMeh effect
•d my Tision. at limes it appearing at
if particles
•jna X
JfaiTe Pills
4«a orfrtod,
were passing before my
a bog of Dr Obase't
and they did ms a gieu
InVigotaiing me and re-
lleriBff the nerves of their hli^h tenMow- I have oo hesitation In recommending Uem "
Dr. A. W. Chase'e Nerve PilU are
gold at aoo a bog at dealers or Dt. A.
W. Ohaee Modiolne Oft. Buffhlo. K.
Y. dm that portrait and eignaure of
4.W. Ohaea. M.D.. areon erety paok-
4«r to start hoUM*k.*ep;ng.
Mny,< Knotts iuak.*s l.ut ..aae .-..i.ditaon
>..ung laaen sh.ill reside In
'Hie hra.le. may .x.uie fn.in
the l iall.d .Mates. He will
uy .-oh.r lit,.-. :,i,d H.-h Slid
hlhlren. e New
dike an* w,-h'..me to ax all ih.nnYork idi>sl.ittn. In on ai'.^*unt t*f lat
4»r I*;, off.r.
wt.rk aun.ng them, sajs
-One little
y llammo.Ml.x..,;rg women are
Mh.w. wh..m I knew very well, i.ad
hoping that th.* niay..r s pfs-hiniathm
to |:a\.* s«.mr d.-ad In.n.-s n-mox.*.! fr.*m
ken a pN*d deal ol
m-si 111 him. sit h«ngh 1 was not .
ch.us of sh.*w Itig h
- imTUlng he was
f..r UI.V
Uli.-u I i.-neh.M hi. lH*d 1
iHmi^.vor him
AVell. Willie - 1 sahl.
i;r.-at eii-it.-m.*nt lias tss*i, ,-au-,*d hy
he dis4vx.Ty that IntJu. ntlal mah*on
nitd afi.TWind. I»..l ‘you wanV to'^ h.* .d.j4*ct of pnHlaimim: lU.* Italian
me sptvially i‘ The
f.-lh.w r.-iu-h.*d hike xif .\hruxxl a .wia.ladnte ,f..r the
hU haiMl up end laid It on mv .lamM.-r <|«nl*h tlmme
n.e .hike, xxiio has
as 1 lN*n! ..V T him and whls»er.*xl '.My w.in r.hoxvn as alt br. He rxpl .r.-r. was
mamm. win nev.*r h.wr the last aUntt Uuni in Madrid niwl U the thlnl s.m of
O.nld nny «.iu- .Ann s.. gr,*uHu.lc the r.trnaer S|Ntnii(li king .Vm.i.letis of
mere beeutifullx
Lll.a Ol.#«-ixer.
ay. He U nox» vunli.g Mi-dli.-rram.an isjrtvaUwrd the Italian xTulsrr
Liguria. Ex 4*r.x XX Ure U* g.s»s he Is the
wlU horror oo Skin Kruptioos, ohj.sn of enthusiasthvanJ 4.bs.*quious
Bloiche*, Botes. Pimples Tbev doo't de*ii«itistnitioua.
Imre them, nor will any one who uses
Rockhu's AmioaBalvs
It gloriflto
ths face. Hoaema or Balt Kheam
vaoish before it
It cures sore B|is
mapped hands, chilbiaina Infallible
for Piles 25c at Jas. U. Johnson aud
going out of fashion
Whx ’ 1
P. H. Msad's drag storea
loves to wear xxlilte. ^
4c, iV. lOc. worth 10c, 1:h:, A)c. giirisb daylight U i.s% harwh it
r t ofT t.x ^a
DON'T MISS our Hgndkerchict
he antitn.ii
Sale tomorrosr evening from 7 till
ov.T.-omtiig this new (sh.i I
D o'clock.
Nc\ er were good handhvlr W.sMU.;
kerchiefc aolJ so ven- cheap.—-S.
Benda & Co.
CftlmBfi«B Intftrtoi^ Spar It th«
moBldunadftvftmIsh nywiw.
Pere Marquette
Uoa^uJ^i m
Sta.1 tUUs. iUitxw *12*5^
YY •trmat
: TUB8DAY. Oct. TU,
Icketa will be aoln to Bs
Y. rU Deioll and Wah^^R^
- • IHM
Ix^Imv**. iMxrv '
r,Ur. mud
cent of Ue )WOide subject to Ula
condition were meutally Imiaired to
Patchin objoctnd to the qaeatlon
aad Ue court overruled Ue obiectino.
nev.-r remembered
writing Uiat, but sbt- did write a note
telling ber who b.-r visitor was.
some extent, but not senoulsy enough |
tn many caaei to make aay turn treat- < T« »hr
ment ueoeuarv.
I if'
h.r..b, r,r^ ih.1
Hargravea Kohl to Uelortum ti ller
Iftt «.at l».o . oc.mpl.t« d». 1j Tf
with hU wife. The witueas tiad told scriplioo of the
Ibe evenu
evetU of Ue
the mornlng
morning h6r.‘o*-.a*.v.
tvioU-r jt4 umI is, Ih*:. f»r ih.
JohnhU wife wanwd her fortnne told. of Ai»il 21at and of Hargraves'
After tvpxati-d Objections‘the ueti mem of Ue
mony reUtive to the alleged note was If he Uongbt Hargravea
waa •»'>««««.
laboring ''
Uar»raT.-. wat
stricken out
under an epileptic eeixure
Tl., doc-
. and or
-a...a«. «.d au«i Ur. w
The cross examination went on to
wanted further light and Mr.
show that Hargnxves had goii.- to the Pratt .ih4*u explained Ue marka
fortune teller's alone after he tmd
gone Uere with hi« wife
Ui rrjdy
Dniing further cross examiuaiion taking Ue two together he. woula
th.- witness deoUretl Uat Hargrav. s that hx was not. In ra lard fi> Harwas a model man a:.d other women of graves’ statement that he waa unooo.
Ue neighborhood thopght the same scions the doctor said it was not pos
After Jennie Woodman had
town Mrs
Hargraves had told the
witness that John was tn-ating her
moely aud she expected to win hts
affections back again. Mr# Hargraves
seemed quite cheerful
Relative to the man Sebomberg,
sible for a i»ersuti
*“-* -■"»
the Mnrra4Ma, .rf -Mid n-gu-tra
in such a .-ondition
of insen.ibilily to know anything.
The fai l of conoealing a club would
not ludicute * plleiey, but epileptlot
have I- ea known to oo auoh Uings,
not SIM aking of Uls particular oaae,
but gi nerally.
The rPimUr t4«.-hmi* rsamlaatlon for Or and
The wiuess explained how an epi-
IStet-r ISaadlT.lwe
whom Ue neighbors called "bhorty," l.-ptic of he
AM>Wu f..r third rra4l» t^tflr
tbx* witness stated that Mra Har
uwlly while
graves aud
"Shorty" liad studied endeavor in his frenxied state lo dehyi«otism logetlur
I.troy furnltnra and
everything lu
Hefemeg to the .bed up stairMihe; sight, and if he had anyUing in hts
m iMxr
witness t. stifled that sh.
he WM,et the hand he would uao il to Ufliol per- braU Tls/n^lm^ x.5;^
bouse on .<atttr«lsv lielor. - the d.tath of i sotml injury uinm any ,.-rsun he met.;
Mrs. Hargraves aud th. bed wan ihe
m.-rvdyirom a desire to dratroy.
would bavo no alt--------------..f Tboxa.-rM.-Hrho.4
Maaa,x.«4«.t .4 Uxr-r«4natr
made up
recollection of,------------------
|”hr *1^ Will*1.41 •»
o.«r -1.,-J .-l.ur.1. Mml rMilr*«d; Mould «;
Taking up the life' lusnrance matt#
again wiuess testified that Mra Hat
grave.* had told her tliat if they ha
the amount of his hi
could get out of ilebt
Hr. tJsri.*.r Itrcalb,!.
•pileptic to re-1**^"*'’7
I UlWeeU atUcks or aft. r.
Mr. Patchm called Dr CUrner s at - j
was f :k) when Mr.
Patchin took
t.ntion to his i.-silmony at th.- pr. limwitness for cross examination,
inary examination nUtive
to the! The witness testified that most of
wounds on the body of Mrs Har
M the Ionia a.ylnm are those
who had bi-x n sentenocl to prison for
It wa...6:16 when Dr
.pAu... f-“
iJart.erl.fi the'* crime and afterward dMlar.^! In; rain*
H t« * Xact. testified the doctor,
L. ’ that mental hysteria often resemblee
The wiU.*sa tea
who lived in Elmw.xodj»n vpilepnc M*Uura
little leas Uian SOI
township at Ue lime, and who was' ____________ Ue 'Shorty" nam.*d in Ue testimony oases in his asylum only about 20 are
Imd had
of Mrs
Grinnell. and whom th.- de
It U pt.*-maa.sl that, in x a.-w of l„*r
ri.-s.-nt li>.lei».*ntl.*t.t
isxalti.ua. Miss
to iN'rf.xrni
On> of lh^ . ,.i.M*l. n«
diMirtsilons of s ..ruin ..flU.al hullding
a fulUeiigth iNtf^iiolt «»f «;.*..rce
Adventisto oan make IL Thre.^ of \Vn-hinc1..n
siN-sk.-r*N ehslr. It Is in full sight of
the leading elders of that denomina
evrr>lK..l> who rls.-^ lu s|n ak
tion. 8. K. Wnght. K. A Bristol and
s h.ttli-d discussion whl.h lm..h.d
B4N*kitag to thlti 4raat the ranks..f IgiebH, A Uleon, have arrived p. eeUbliU tin* !i..n..r of the stnt.* niul nnllun a
1. Max.c ,\.
branoh headquarters for Ue dlstrlbo* on niU r I..S.* and. iMoiitlag !o tin- i>..rl..|H.*.l a uni.im* iit>d
lioB of bsalU foods. Manufactories tmlt. l.eg«n In ornUNirol st>l.‘.
* By
ra .hsjMt.d. fr..m that
llunK* .-y.*s Unit II.-.cr .juall.-.! U*l..io
Y..rk Tames p„r the
Robert Ooslafson of Grand Haven. on .-neniy. h> ihsi ium..*he Will US4* hlF tnuThen In* was ini.Tr.ii.i««il hy a mnu•0 years old. was tbs victim of Ue Imt In th.- rrni. who r..se lo a poJui of nl.-ipal pr.-rogntixe ns tiaax.ir of Hamlaaoud ai.d man y fr.v ..f . harge nil n**lBret hantiog accid. nt of the season. ord.T
.-..upl.-s -XX ho .all nt hU ..flhv.
-Mr Chairman •• said Ih.* ol.h-ctor.
While hunting ducks, hi. guu was
..111 of or.h*r m..l.*r iwr- This Is 4.nly ..ne ..f th.- plans of the
aoeidenlally dlMbarged. trariug off -I claim it
llsnunlar> ml.-s lo .all the a\.*s ami
r to improxc the .Nximmiic 4*undibte left Unmb and sliootlog out his U.H-S In s o..iimiUt.*f of the %»hole.-—
Of Ih.* 4 11X.
right eye. His recovery is doubtful Chl.ngo Journal.
as ever shipped out of Benton Harbor,
ware biUsd out by J B. Oaldwell, a
Lmer. Inst wesk to a Cbloi«o oommlnsion houw*. Osldw.il has been
eating etmwberry eh..ncaks for .Ue
paet week and was offered Mg money
her fortune told.
The witaeea wanted
Exoeaaive use t.f alcoholic bevernm Hin. s to tell Mrs Hargraves'
gea, or a blow would alao rauae It.
fortune to see if she waa craxy
Ma stated that it would be poeeiMr. Pratt aaked if witneM did not
for a i^itpan to ^ve these seUuree
wrib- a note to MaiUm Hinea: "Tell
UU woman that she cannot be happy aud not b* affected by them in anyway
during the period of Ue attack.
WiU her husband, that there u anHe raid also that tirobably fifty per
oUer man waiting for her:"
fense Uooght might abcl aome light
on Mra Hargraves' d.-aih.
p«*it HALE OK UgMVKkwsat miM rtmtrn
*«-* >«*
under his oare U Ue insUtulion about i .-g i
126, but had in his exj«rienoe iraated ,
The wUnoM tesUfied Uiat he was about ].06)x'a,. s. Lax ing been oallad j
ily to att.-nd eplcpttc patient
not at th.- Hargxav.-s house either on
The iwreentage of x-pileptics in oralSaturday or .Sunday previous to the
day of Ue aUc«ed cnm.*, nor had he nary asylums as slioot 4«, is-r cant.
stayed Uere either night. According In the asylum for th.* crtmianal In-
_ TImha# Caflaiala#
m ll■■ir CfTIMailf
llardwiicxl TimU
TfJtifM Cily, M.
to his testimony Mra Hargraves did
not like the wl!n.*ss. Bhs was not
ntuok on" him. AsxedWhrhe b-ft
Ue bouse he said to Mr
That’s my busioesn" He then said
left at Mr
Hargraves' ra.iueel Ue
last time he was Uere. a week or
lore before tlie alleged crime.
He had studied hypoolism of Mr.
Nt«ris WiU Hargraves bat never hyp
notixed anyone because he couldn't
L Harrgares ha.1 told the witof her trouble.* and was rather
TPatohin then took the wiu.*ss
Tbewitn*s« knew of the fuss Mr. and
Mra Hargraves ha 1 ov.-r the revolver.
John had locked ui hU trunk. She
■aid it belouged to her and she intendhave it. if she liad t,. break oi«n
able, ilurxbtc and satisfactory underwear
joimlar prices that motlcrn mochincr)'
xt i
HGTinr- h
skillc.l lalKjr ran proxlucc."
I^OU-xS rxiUENT-W. MCrxdMr
i' The Munsing Union
tha trunk wiU an ax.
On the redirect examination Uewitneessuid Ue was jealons of Hargraves
maute he wa* after other women.
Mrs. Hargrav«*s knew of the lessons
in hypooUsm and tried onoe lobe
hypuotlxad, Mr. Norris experimenting
1 her.
Asked-by Pratt who iwld for the lessons In hynootism Ue
That's my buslnees."
goM^NKW llol Hj:-i f.,r
•* rhe l<st njgdc. best fitting, most comfort- |
Irr houw. »aniit«*-r^it4ii<>a,*w^
n.«r >rr4H.l.|. uud
Ml 4»|J Mu
H X hnt»knLWi.4iklMi«i*rti. Kh-Ii
K. |.r*.«Ute o44H.-r«Vi|.
«ivc a maximum of comfort at
num of cx pense. They com
bine perfection
of fit and finish
with reasonableness of price. They
are easy tc I put jom always stay in
place and cost no more than vests ;
and pants.i. 1They:
hey satisfy perfectly
the demand of the public for per- j
feet filling combination garments
at popular prices. People who have
once worn them will buy no other
kind. Tl'cy please the most fastidi-
a a 0\KY TO U tAS -OB r«Al mmiMUL No tax
IVI . Uu— F.iohia * I ruu**r
IWu ioxo
ond IS |>r.re.*nt ««•-
wltoes.* said
Sohomberg replied rather tastily to
tha qaastins pot to him bj Mr. Pratt
anduoUing of Tiial importanoa was
deraloped to his testimony. whiU
loaed tha prooaedings of the day.
Mrs. amrmwm Call8 This Morala*.
On opening of court thU morning,
Mrs Hargraves, moUer of Ue defend
ant. was raoalled to Ux* stand and
qaastiooad by Attorney PatchU in re
gard U> Ue appearance of HargrrvM
daring an attack. Mra Hargraves
U«y assumed a bkmdahot appear
ance afterward A Uort time prior to
ittack. aboat a week. Hargraras
bad raffered from a partial annstroke.
He was treated by Dr. Blfton after first
rs the .l.*ad m..n.»ton.x of the wixura aad waa in a poor atata of
* effesi and disjaq. ibe thrcut- haalU for about a mooU. Mra Harcord disaster of not icAUig 'iicrfeclr fBarea mUoA that bra aox eras aatarly larfiy."-Chk»go l*oai.
SaltS--in fleeced or
^ ^ j
50. 2.00. ISO. nPO 1
ChUdren’s UbIob Sails
ribWd, all sizes.............
Quldren's Union SttRs
ribbed.................................... ...
Udles’ Vests and Paots >
Grey wool ribbexi gxrroeiit
In White Wool nbbed
Cblidrcii> Yesu and Pams
Gre.v wool nblicd garment
allj alav &a IHeapMU aadaatteM
known aa Ue Stede or
m. One of the best in
Grand Tnvene county. 84 mtles
■oath of the dty.
liiffi- f Ifikilfr' ■ J
KplleptU in asylama. whether la
of the rl«k
or not. are oftea
bent him wIm
tbieriab and asoally attempt to bide
knew. Tbe twlllrbt
eridsaoea ot tUiracte
tain daj was rkwlnf In.
psraoo would U
Uttle Wf! row In
-spoDsibU for hia acto while In aa
bla tbrost as be aluiIcMly jatbered
[dUidic ooodiUoB. tU witnemaald
snow fponi llie window »U1 Into little
bolla. Boddenljr he «wtijrbt lil« hreatb
I proUblr woald aot, tat be woald
rat want aridenoa to show that a
maa was ia that staU before firing a
dark fomis lorkd in the *iU«dow of poaitlre oiilalon aa to hia reaponai
tbe wide front a1r|i«
Asked if a p.rs«n was known to
-f^‘a fftt outer tir wind fer a rolnttle.- fTOwlcil one. *1<urv be ain't r»mie are oommitSed aa atroeioas act and
known lo tare Uaa aaoanyiir
wiioas immedUtely after it. might he
not tare bmm la an epileptic w^lrure
by di
the act was oommltted, the witmnd 1
testifled that oases Ure Uwn
nine 4
n where lU perpetrator oom-He----------.
s great urimi-' nnder similar
he. t>unr
imstaaoes and did not Ure epilep-Rbi^ U|i yer r-.l
Tbe witness here desroibed a oasc
nunbled I>an. wlib an oath ‘T.f ye're
f«<tln' cold feet, ye rail %niiioo«v Vm of the kind la bla own eaiierleaoe.
«oln' ter Slay rlKli! up tliar l.y thet
Here Mr. Paiohlu asked a aerlee of
aback fill T gH a w biu k at Ibd. Pcrrltt qnestioas reUtive to whether a maa
an' Ibet Irrt o' awag be. ps wIth 'Im woald annw wUt Upiiened daring a
ril git even with 'tin fer kb kin' me
ire sod wbetUr U woald relate
down them mill etalr. ef 1 bev |er kill
wards wUt be bcllcn-d to hnre
-Btit I don't keer u-r kill *lru out oc-oorred.
wltoeaa testifled tUt there wen
right <f a gtwd dubbin' *11 do tb' bis
Itroper." derre<*at»-.l Id. <>«uii«i.l..n.
Ase. where tbe perpetrator of a crime
-Well, ♦•ryefe
eryefv goln
■ Ih*
chick- told an imaginary etor^ of wUt oc
on llrered about If }vr* can hit on'y onct. curred while haring a sclxure, but be
an' I’ll do Ui' rest.
oonld not tell wUt aotnally happooed
an' bide l.cbur tb' .lun k n ady frr 'i:n.
I»on tU redirect examination ibe
We’ll are wIm» d<«-» lb' kickin' n(.w !**
ncM testifled iUt under oooasiooa
And they moved up on the IdII. Torogreat excltt-meut a aeixare might
my*a tear liegrlnied fa«*e wn. pnle un
on in the oaec of a person
der Ita tan.
He n^oKidnd ibr two
rlllalna aa Ixwt I^dcm w ho bad l>c<n sobj.-ct to epileptic attacks
dlBcbargrd from the |•*1Tm ndiictlon
If a jiereon haa M-en sahjecl to epi
worka the iirevhiu. w«-« k for Mealing leptic eiexnn-s for‘iO years.,with no
ore. What n.uld he do^ I'rtTm w«. regularity aa to time, wliat Ure you
tetebefa l»eau
He mo.1 not be killed,
to say as to tlie nature of a seixorc
for teacb«T would be lulwralde. He
at this timer” asked Mr. PratL
must be warned.
.re woe
Tommy ltx>ked at tbe chn l. almost
the for
C. could be go round tbe fn lcbt yards
where tbe rtildn-r. culd md wr him? subject had pn-rioualy cxiterieuced
There wa. not time
lie iiTiiM g«
Mr. Patch ID hero ^eauted the oo
straight up the nwid
tbdr hiding ditioos surrounmug tin- present oai
pl0ce to meet INTrill. HI. In art Juroiv including the epileptic attacks of U
ed right up in hi. tbrmit at tbe fearful years prerioua. the horrifying nature
IbougbL Hut It w.i. for teaelHTof the crime, unoonsciooa
He flew down llie Me|« niHl up the sfterwarda.etc.. and a.-ke<l the witness
road towsnl the aback w br-re the foTO- what there was in thooe conditions
show that he was ia a joy chic equi
pada waited fur tbeir vliniiu. Hi. ton
aied. Imre bend and wild. Mmit.ing
eyea flashed through tbe ahndow.. a
mrry gboat of fear.
Tbe noiac of the imutioc nppro.nch
drew lUark Hnn from hu bur. lo tbe
boy's frlghtenr^l Imogiimtlon I..r.Ung
like a huge apldcr who bears the buss
lag of a fly. M the anim- iiiomexit &
tall, striding flgore a»v,mg .ocr the
brow of the hill. Hr wn. tim Inl. !
-Bon, Mr. rerrltt; run'” tu-nwmrd
the child In fraiiUc terror, d.nlglag a
Mow from Black Ihm'a ui*rnU.it li.t.
He caught the gleam of a ait ali.v.t,T
In tbe other liatnl of the Mg brtite and
fell with a crash across hi. ti tuples
A cloud of tdurk amoke t-tt-aHHl lo
fall upon Mm niHl amoih.-r imu. and
the world went mil like a smifTt-.! can
When It came bark to him ogaln. be
felt strangely light and giddy. Tb«Te
were white clouds find Min*ets all
alMut him
He aiH-mcnl to la- flmitlng
lie cyeil I
on a rloml and when a Id
Mm he V
gel l*ent soothingly
-Hid 1 get killedhe whlaiH'red.
awestruck. ' An* I'm rwlly In lieav-
Tbe angel laughed and tnaldwl amll
Ingly lo another flirting hring a man
angvt Tommy aupp«iac«l He , «ine and
pat Ms arm around the Mm- evid an
geL and together they hung o>rr the
odge of Tommy a billowy . loud
-No, dearie; you are right h.-re wlib
as, where you are going to stay for the
reat of your life. You are a r«wl hen<.
like tbe out-s I read to you alniut In the
history book. And we «n- proud of
you.- And then Tommy saw that flusngel was tescher and he was lit her
room, which was luinked with flowers,
foe be Ud c'ome to In- known a. a lo-iv.
and Ibe wboU- town had done him bon
or. "You Uvr been %ery 111. d.-ar.
from tbe Mow on tbe bead I but ugly
Buck lUn gave you; «-om luslon €.f the
liraln. tbe doctor said. But you will
soon be well now and able to comiwith oa to our new home when we anmarried,- Then she met Bot.'. adur
tag glance and Musbt'd.
-And did you •- Tommy was to..
WBk to
-Get abut? Yes. but mrt Uadly. for
Bin got scared, and 1 got
them aa lUn turned to strike you lie
Is 1a tbe penltcniiary now, wlicre b.«
won't bot»-r \is for some time to come
Tbe other one turned state's evldcme^
-The money for tbe men V
-It U all right.’' pot in the trseber.
with ablning eyes. •'And so Is onr be
ro. I owe aometbing very
Ufe beld but two blissful rmis to
Tosamy-tbe eomforttng knowledge
Chat be waa a bert>#nd he w,rold aev«r ta aeparat^roro d,-ar teacher
ifl.lAN i\ PASrHAU
in progress!
W dwt b* twd to -wtMT in.- Bnl. tbrn,
a'ontinod from third page;
b» Umd In tb* Ix»«t Ixidr. tbr Umcb
AlnUict of Ibe tlr Monuna mining
TU witnssa siatod tUt a psychic
town, no be was r»p«-!«J to |.e Ud. sqairalsnl might take piasa whiU the
at wa. la aa aatomatie oooditioa,
Bobtdc Jsofo bad twUrd bUu a low
down Lost l4rfer- ab«i 3iUr>cte bat always la tbs aha
FwtMO wns llslrtilnn. ai«l Tosuinr bad
pronpcljr manal«Ni.
a bowl
isirer to a q^Um by Mr
tU witnss. ilatod that tbe
Hence Ibe frt^acut uura»» 1
r of oiillsptio crimtaaU. in bU
nornode while be walte<l (jw Irs
brlos Ibe prtjjrliial to . Uaan«r I
bis sins after ifw.lHT* oic*n
arUns for which they t
By Trissrsia to Tbr R««d.
Washioftoo, Oct.6 —TU ThirtysUihaaaaalooeampmoBt of tU Ormad
Amy of tbs RepabUe ooerraed here
today. The city U eUboratsly d«»r.
ated aad emwded with Tiaitora It U
lated tut 3OO.tJ00 Tiiitors will
anire danag the week.
i and ThompsonviUe will
meet on the Twelfth street grounds
for the championship of Northern
tomorrow afternoon at 2.30
Miss M- J. Petrie of New York will
.e an aiidrcss on missions this even
ing in the Prcsbjtcrian church. The
address w ill be especially for young
petqde, although all arc invited.
T. SnushaU le(t today lor Tusi m
Jeorge M. Dame of ' Northi>ort
went to Howard C’ity this rooming.
W. O. Jioldcn left this morning for
usit with his mother in Kent, Ohia
There will be a regular meeting ol
he toui.i:ii th.s evening.
The Traverse Bay Sewing Circle
11 go to r.rawn Wednesday morn
ing. Busses will leave J. N. Hill,
Washington, street and j. K. Hanimd, Wadsworth street,at^:30. * .MI
arc re<iucsic«l to l»c on hand.
The t;. K. A- I. excursion to
Toledo. Chicago and Detroit will
leave tomorrow morning at 8-45
The Pere Mar«iucllc excursion to
Chicago, LaCrosse and other |»oinls
will leave tomorrow.
The roof of the Pere Marriucttc
dciK)l'at Williamsburg caught fire
about 1<» o'clock Friday night, fircsuinably from s^uirks from a passing
lug tram, and the building was burn
ed to the grouml. The contents were
A pleasing feature ot the chapel ex
ercises at the High school this mornlas a votal solo by Miss Young.
11 gun
ers of the Hligh school all
xsMMriatiun. The cost of the season
tickets is $1, which
:itles the holder
to five admissions.
'I'hc l»gsmess
incclmg ol
Fnends Chnslian I'.ndcavor society
will Ik- held at the home of the pres:
dent, Charlt-s N. Franklin, tomorrow
eiening at 7:30 o’4 lcx k. Kvery mem
lier IS urged to be present.
Tlie strawberry i loj. this fall prom
!■ of^lj
for tbe fbartcenlh anaaal oonventioD
mmxikmfA Anrinm tMof tbe Elcyenth district of the Mlchi- Ud eammJT^mSa OdIv ^
whSTbsT b^ aaalyata by Prof.
IC«a Chrietiaa EndeoTor union, which j leavee ere need, nod ‘'
HUjmrd, of the Slate auiyerntT, aad
proDoaaood by him to be harmeleew
will be held la Frankfort Taeeday, ‘
A aeriee of revolring bnuhes remoTO
Wedoeedar and Tbareday of this week.
the aklne, aad the rinsing prooeea preThe flryt eeeeioo begiue Tueeday eveaiag. Tta programarrmaged leanezoeUent one, and oae that wUl be fuU
of both inipiration and profit to Eal•mbers of tbe choir oaa ehetdBTonra. Bar. Thoa P. Ullom. Mies are rolled by macblaery. which gives
ita glaaa into fragmenta by
Carrie Wood. Merritt R Holley and them the peculiar curled
into it. eo powerful are the
L eri T. Peatalagtoe of tbie city are of tbe lea we tar. tbe
r. volving plates
----- ttan go through a further pro- neat. The mice of tl
U*ck tMrkrSUmk. 0«iM«
coae of drying on wire trmye in large ihem to ehave. aad their hair is
cloeed bozea Tbe ftoer qaalitiee are won like a wooma'a
flarored with roee leavee, which
^ trays within tM- bozee, eo ai.
L.U. Bookk
Booaa Tewaie.. ^os to toocb tbe tea.
| The tea is packed in neat tin
of different eixe» eontainlng f
an eighth of a poaad, each
_______ 'American Tea, Pinehurat
Farm, Summerville. 8 O. ” Tbe
principal kind pot
pat apoa the market ao
far haa been a blaoa tea. aomewbat
resembling English breakfast tea in
jeet of tbe meeting will be lo
VVfc« (Me 1 uktataa
for the InitiatioD of a large
It is probably not generally koow^
tbe r.'th of November and fo
that every year in
naet to take place at that time,
this oountry between 7««» and 800 lives I
deelred that every member be i
an- lost by Itglumng stroke, and more
at tbe bnti- khan l.uuu perons injored During
mlttM. will br .p|
In ordc*r to make loom^for ncu
tlng to make tne arraage- 18W there w,-re 4,*.%3 animals—cattle,
hoiwea. mules, sheep or pigs—killed by
arrivals wc aie oilcring^sotnc
lightning in the open fields while Uie
rare bargains - ‘ ^ •
porting Life.” prMented in Stein
berg's Grind Saturday night, was one
Soli.HUk frwiicS in. deep b) ;«)»70 in. long, a CC JCC
of tlie best attractions of the eeaeoa
D rsobeauty. rcCVUr PflCC $T.S0, at only.........
la this hooee. It is a play dealiag ord where whole
Ih fatal
with the life and eurroandings of
British lord in hard Inok. becauee of Ml s^p were slaughlei in t^olorado,
hit eportiag elemenu. exhibiting the
‘ one year
bead of
rable Instinct^^ of t:.o victim of where’ ouring
nils^ortoiir The sapporting cast is cattle wenV killed by lightning, the
fact!t was noticed tiiat
excellent and tlie eoeaes are reallstia cunoos
found in clos«. contact with wire
Tlie plot deals wit > the greet derby fent>‘a Their death was prohahly
Maoe and fight in a prize ring, in oansed by the shwk received from the
both of which the leading character is fence and nut from the direct strike.
the center of interest. TImtc is noth I as it was evident lu msnv oases at
ing objeotiooahle in tt>e pUy. as some distance from the animala It
might haw been consimed from the there had b.«en sufficient ground con
title by' eome of the more critioaL nections from the fenc'e the cattle
The spi-clal eoenery was v*xy good and
tlie action of tbe }ilay foil of life and
interest from start to finish. The aodienoe was net as large aa the attra.tion deserved
Old iihoe* are not waste from the
stend)M.int oi modem indnstry. After
thev have done their service and are
dit^rded by the first wearing a second
h»ud dealer resterea the w..ro shoes
lo something like their former apjii arauoe. and thev are sold again b> N’
worn a Iiltl. by the poorer classea
es are finally disoa
When he shoes
by them they are still good for '
In France such s
ous pnn>o*
iKioght up in qualities by rag
\Vc have juM unjiackcd 30 birrchotlhc most l*cautdealers and iold to factories, where
the m:ri«*nliuriil ib-imrluieiil. wlii-re It the sho* B ar.‘ first taken aiort and
iful tlccoraicd parlor lam|>s ever shown in this city,
lo i.mirU.- m.iu.- «MMm sabmined to long procesM s. which
including a large assortiucnl of tho^se most |K>jmlar
IU< vvlM ivhy II ,^.iih| 1- ^iw.hI.Iv .n- lum them into |wstc. from which the
I»arlor lamps in Ruby and green, solid colors w ith
I'etlnlmxl vvlieilii-r or not n iinrlTruhir material is transformed into an imiphuit w..uhl 1.1 nlbnl.lv
.nlapied stion lealMr, appearing very much
mountings fmislictl in old brass an.l dull l.la.k.
In crow lug ttinl.T nrhl lun.l et.itdUjoiiM. like the fim*st morocco. Upon this
SliHi- i.lmitw nlbwuH. vvMt.i tl.roUKh material stylish designs are stam}ied.
and wall i»iN-rs. trunk coverlngn and
1he!t ro..Ilk IImi .\:i|H.r:lle it ihmugh
similar articles are made from it.—
their h-iivea It f.ilIuAw. „i!„ r thlncw UBaltimore Herald
Cffis is four Cbstttt t»
qtt» Bargain
.\NOTHKK-recntar price $|i.00.
Lamps! Lamps! Lamps!
(he Ketord a bun» h ih
wa> nothing to show a .letcriormted breakers for si^e,
menul state tin- co.idition would not
Mrs. Catherine Brown of Toi>ckj
indicate tUt the crime rras
Kan., is viriiingMrs. J. T. Hannah. inu tMiUiI. thot III.' ima-mv of ihi^
by one under a peychio eqalrmlenl
.Miss Nettie C.ray returned Satur evaiM.r.itioTi i- liiver««-ly n- ih. ir iiv.t;!sute of epilepsy.
aiihiy for cr..uih In .Iiy «liniiil.n.
day night Irom Ijmsiiig, where she Very »I«vv ev«i.oian.rw will i.rv.hal.ly
went as chi
1 of the Sute School
ml very fa^t evaiH.nitKcoiling Circle to attem! a meeting of on« win 4vrlaliily tail. The .im-kUi..ii.
theivfore. wna to devUe »*onietliing that
vvuul.I tiuirkly ima^uiv tM* nuiouiit of
Jo-ihph Ka
«*vn|bi.ratum of any giv.ii plant I*lfflliakerv at rrji
eult ns tin* pMhleln M-.-imHl It w.n* eoun
Mr. Pratt asked the wl
►olvid l.y Mr. I.. »' r..rI«*U. borthnil
km w when Carrie GrinueU's h
The laubes Aid Soiiety of the lurKt of the «le|iartltielJ!.
left M r. mnd be repii. d "laat Fehm
Friends chu^ meets Tuestlay after •'The nppJtnilu-. ie».sl U simple. It
Mr Pratt h
I if be knew tU noon with
Wotxl of 7‘2'2 Sixth fwnsKts ..f two ryllndriesl ean«. one In
rt-puiatlon of
se kept by b<
side the other, with a eater Jacket liestreet.
Mr Patchin rigorously obJe<-ted
The jur) in the Hargraves case had tw«-«-ii. to k.n-|. the temiH-mtutv uiilMr. Pratt suted that the eride
showed that Hargrmres frequeot.-d tbe a nice ride lo Old Mission yesterda); form. The iniuT cun in al«o |Mirtly
Unnaell bouse and tbe prosecnlion and in the evening attended church filhnl with wui»T. on which ivMs a
float, through v\ high a slendiT ro.1 runs
claiim-d the right to show wUt kind
aiipofpeoph risited that boom-and the services at the First Methodist freely. Above the water this
character of Mrs. Qriunell. the object church.
toiag to esteblish a reason for tbe
Rev. A. J. Kldred preached two ex
jialoBsy of Mrs. Hargrares.
cclicnl sennons in the Friends church
The ooort sustained the objection of
vesterday. It is expcctetl that the
Mr Patchin,
The witness testified tUt he was new jiastor. Rev. Henry McKinl
not married, tat had been, and tUt t inawav, will be here by next Sui
his wife liad been a risi
Grinnell place.
To «b« Boo YoMvrday.
The witiiness testifled4 tUt the reiro
I'hcre was but a small numl
tstioc of Mrs. Grtnne U for truth and
rersciiy^hod.^ He ki
ais by her Traverse Citv i»coplc who look ad
vantage of the excursion to the Soo
to oomi
yesterday on the steamer Illinois, It
seems lliat nearly everybody who
e.l to :i o'clock.
wanlcil lo go went a week ago. There
was a larger numlicr from Manistee
andl’ctoskev this time than from
Mra A. F. Dobrowsky. the young here
and im-lty wife of a jeweler, killed
two mountain lions on bunady at Ikar
Mountain. The man and his wlM go
erery bunday into Uie woods, but last By T.-l-cra|.h l.. thrtunday she killed M r first motmi
Nem- York. Uci. 6—I.ady Henr)Hon. 8be was alone on the mouna
prcNident of the
side, when sU was attracted by
Woman's Christian Temperance Un
iwying of M r hound, bhe fouiK
I rest on which U plaivsl a pot
ion, arrived here this nioniing on the or tub
tiad a large lioa 0]> a tree. As
iig the plant In queeMinneaiMhsto attend the AV. C. T. tlon. 11.I..W it ternilnati-s In an air
U. con\enlion.
rhiinilM-r. A lever nrtu extends from
throngh the tbiok foliage.
•oiue pU.ee on it to far out>ide. where
Ml came am attrmcb by the
Is placiM a t:«Met on which any roothe dog. At the count of
iloii It may make In trace,!
a is-ncU.
U two rifles rang oat and two
mwny brutes fell to tbs eswrth mortally
Detroit—W’hcat 7*2 and 72; corn. The fliiat and wat,x in the cylinder
wotinfled. As they rol
in their
are cloven*,! with oil to priwt iii evapo
death struggles Mra
ration. The fluw.T pot or tub U also
Tpledo—A\licat..78| and 733.
carefully «t>v«-nsl. fur the same irason,
Chicagoi-AVheat, bUj; com. 48^; leaving nothing but tlie plant itself ex
wiUi oae Ull. The smallest li
oats. 32^; iK>rk, $16.85; Urd, $9.00 posed lo the air. As this evan
measured five feet-baa Fn
its moisture
and $8.35.
, .
bwvi-s It net-es Brily grows lighter.
tM* air cLaiuM-r M-Iow forces
l*roUbly DO royal child lives
Chlearo the c^iseommis 1 ‘*^*^***^
L Stark of Cbloago,
Tvater sulendor llian the heir prevonlc.il movement Is of courae
the throne of Japan, a boy alonmerchaat.repreoeated la this city
by John Fitch, haa just had Wilt oo j „,i;aU. but
an Is' tiiultlpli.d to any
‘ ■
ofthepaa- extent
simply by lengthening
will be aa|iplied with aa KngUsh Mogt-r depot a potato
40x48 the leviT ai
and Fraoch govaniem as aooo aa be is feet in aixe. capable «
-n.e dlnu.ei.v of the rod bring
of holding 25 oara
able to talk --Chioago Peat
known, a simple cmIruUtloo glvea the
or aboat 18.000 buabela of poutoea
amount evaixtraled l.y tbe plant in
The aaoirnt alno mlnaa of SllMia,
twenty-four hourw romi«rmtlre teata
which are known to tava bean worked
show which plants evais^ate the least
for flOO yearm, now employ aboat 8.C00
thus enabling one essential for life la
working men.
cliroes to W determined la a vary
D. W. STEWART arid
abort time._______________
So on up to fSO.CO « Don’t Itliss them.
Prices from 98c to $13.00
A hamlsiimc |»arlor lamp, stands 24 in, high, has 11
m, Ik>w1 and 9 in; globe, hand |»aintctl. fixctl dc« o, heavy brass feet and center dratl J2 98
complete with chimney, wit k, only
< ;ol X bid to a wed.ling, Kh? AWvc
got the right
=!Set Displap in Tumiture Dept.
nri-io Bos'ton 3'toro
» Your Credit Is 6ood «
Nitt Clock$-S4.50
At 529 Randolph Street, will be open
ed TUESDAY. OCT. 7. We will have
first-class Bread and Cakes. > > >
CIaK Kn it $1.50
Knlns! Foils! Spoons!
III3TH atGood
Popular Prices
Maoitiom Scenic,Siiptlsi
S- tkb old mu by tho Riwr
Soo tho Roitrood Block Tomor
SooTbo Bismork $of^
Soo tboMilltonoJro t Droming
r W01 be a regnlar meeting of
3. U. W. in Woodman haU
Kam » bOMU of tb« world's gTBtsot
U U in tho eniMiml of Alosr«Tskl in St PoOiribnti nod U
iSrSJKIt -Si
25c, 35c, 50c, Bn Suts 75c
Tor Wissts
and ChUdrtn
Me havej
ed a large line of shoes for Misses'
and Children that is sure to be popular with the >onng
folks. Its just the line we've been looking lor for a
long time. They are put up in the very Utest styles,
most of them are in the mannish last that all chiUlren
want and should have. Nothing but the best of
terial is uafid and they are put together
IKKsible way.
The C’hUdrens’ range in price from
$1.00 to $1.00. The Missscs arc pricetl from |1^
to $2.00.
R Good Shoo for WioUr Woor is our Mil es full stock
enamel shoes in the mannish last, size m to 2's
Ladies* Dress Shoes
Ladin- 6oe vici kid »eh shon in the manniib lasts,
mibtaiyheel. stock tip for ooljr $8.00. A special,
ladies’ 6ne patent oolt dress shoe btest Isst and toe,
ipeeiaisiss. The balance of our enamel shoes with
heavy soles, we price to cJoae, $2.00
Che Boston Store.
. -‘ri--;- ’ ,
The New
I ml
rtod. Tte «tn ted Ml rrt iMi
\cirZr u>r
mtumm »»
mind one of pern, and tte polpit Sa
the roof.
But tbo
•Idmt faablooed thing ateut it la the
Hock in tte imie oieepie.
l»oHug tte llevolution tte care c<f
the choirh feU temporarily Into tte
hands of ourthf the dearoum. an ardent
Tory. At the time of tte occupation
of tte region by the BrttUb l»eacaD
Bradford, occupying neutral ground
between both aruiW. was <w|*ecUrty
: to Joint arWtratJoa.
ttet wlTM 9€ m frw wmSa «r««r; l
/outb Mill reUid bla rjtm toward
girl la tte adorliic. gtmHngy way Fel*. 2. I»7. It waa provided ttet a
triUonaL conaladof of live nnenl-Ta.
tfw ttey karajltet jfur all ibrtr ateold te cteaeo to art a. a final
Uaud of arUttratloD tetwora Great
Britain and Vcneaorla. Baron llr^F dlterent te auppiyteg tte BriiUh
aad tilate bte omfr voom. Pw
dadarMl abr tranud jnat wtet Mckla artel aad IBcterd U. CoUJua. a JnaUoa Information and in keeping hia eye
tte Brltlab aopraose court of Jodi- open for patrlota who wer,. engage
4mM to oat. Itkbk oald. ^oli. do;
rrprranitrd Great itrluln. like effort* for the Americana. Tne
ate antfr tew wtet alw fanrkd i
while Vaoesoela cboae aa ter Cham- dominie haring gone as a chaplain
teraalf. aad pwamlly tla?y oHikd
ptooa Chief Juaticc Faller and Jnatkw and tte aextun as a wagon maalct
llartd i. Brewer, both of tte Unlled with tte revolutionists Inwcon Brau
BUUa anpreine coort. The Bfth wem- ford sleH 1X1 tte parsonage, which
teat paoalUa way of *HtHn#
Dial dlffamroa. Hwwtlr wa« a pmiy twT or tte board. U. de Mertena. chief otood te the next lot to tte rbnrch,.te
brtdo. wttb Uff« ry«. dollrat- face cuunM*lor of tte iloaalan foreign office, order to kee|> It Ui
aad tte i*rf«n Atonlcan yirt proClr. waa choaeo by tte- otter four, accord pcrvislou. HI* sole duty waa once a
to the proTialoiia of tte Waahlug- week to wind the clock. The rest of
Bba waa laalrfully aad ratter eipootte lime te was spying on tte Amer
alraiy diwd too. Ko far all waa aa
ican am.y for tte benefit of the BrJiTill, tribunal aat at Tte Hague ai
It ateold te. Bte flolated 1
adeclalon iwrUy favorable to t
atead of ter bo^jaiMl. Ttenatemada
coiifeutlona of both natlonw
a teaab to good mantm ttet wai
aJta^i^lo and la tte
of aU
OMBklDd drllteratrly awl rar*-f«lly
wipad aad poUated Iht prrtly t*Wh
with n. Tteo In a w4«*
load, naaoland atrldent. In wUkh tte
tSM aad tmrwltore of generatlooa
Sad. ate aald; -IMrtsle. when wo
ters again well go to tte 0|>odalra dlalng roam. Tber are anch a
nmmtm, low art of profile that eat
down tere.- That girl mart bare teem
hrooght VP in the aame family aa the
well droaoed yoang nmn iw-it me te a
train who aat with a toothpick above
hia aar. pot tbora like a
for cooTamaoco far oae at Intenala:
•t it
TbrKatSanal Boot aad Bhoe Workan* tmloa tea a wo««in organloer. to
tneel aoiaDg her acx employed te the
aboo fartorin and bring Ibem Inlo the
•* ^
not eocKigh to hare no bad hxili
fit tt
that King
his dt-s
award's safe i
perate lllncaa was largely due to the
Indefatigable rare of Ibe noble women
trained naraea who watdwd over him
All right Maybe women s ••‘rvicea to
tte hoi
and by
I hiee will te
n m
neUo Oonld to earning firalae from
tte tkhr woman all round. Two hundiwd,g1rl telegrapbers in the Weat.Tii
Unloo oIBcea sent her a peilUon asking
tut ttelr pay te raised and acting
forth rraamui why thl. wa. a Just end
reaaooaUr rvvjueat. Ptople gii hel|M-d
who help themaelvcw. Miss Itoold took
Olrto, ootlco tte iwor old
with thab-dcpteeallng. Ignorant.*- •fral.
i '
wordorapbraae after aome 40U or 600
rapctttlona. bot with one that la not aa
derer tte prorcas will ukr a week or
■mre Yon amat keep atUI te the room.
>ui wonda from within or without tte
hooaa. aarg voor rolcr moootooMNly
repeating tte phraoe to te acwolred.
moot reach the parraCs ear. Borne
people teach their birda te a wclb
ligbt.d room, apeaking from a place of
a clowi or behind
hod Is out so good, boThU method
. Ill tte light, the parrot» atten
tion Is distrarted by the things he oeea.
Oaly male parrvU kam to talk. Tbs
fenuiles have no power to aoiulre hu
man apeech.“-rbUadrlphla Hecorft
lantrn* and was ateut to Mart for
U lfry to
tte clatter of Iiotm'a’ liuofi*.
meiit lab-r a d«jcen British
rode up to the tuiniunage
Mtd the
|Hi{>er« have iW-en missed today
the geneml s headquartera, and
Tte dlNinite aboot Tatoa, whUb b
accentuated tte l»re«-nt coiilroven
beraine arute bot recently. The Ula
of 1‘nbe, or r-lo. Is In Uir tiorttem
.-otraiM^ to tte <;olf of Parla and
ralt wblrU la
jkuown aa tte ‘Imigou a Moutli.- It la
L f^w mile, from the nialtiUtid of Ven'«oebi and a Uttia farll»er from the
,d*«raof the Brttlah lolatid of Trinidad.
We have irsiked a figora
«„ «naa of rei-ent dale I'aloa U re
flitting along tefore os which dlsap«. « Venexiielau teland.
IHwreil iM-hlnd the rhunh. iVrhapa U
couiroversy over tte Island If
prutrata w.tc made by
“N« uiir i-«»uld get In there,- aald tba
. vneaueli. ui
awl Ih-IT.
i.,. .^rtue of deacim, - without the key*. However,
of Amtenm algned te IHirj. ire w 111 SC-.'
He h-d the way to the chimh doir.
miordteg to wlilcli Trinidad
to England, and tte Hritlsb <-unsider <ij*etie.l a. mid the soldhrs, aided by tte
that the 'Maud of IIiIun Is tnbutory light uf the lanliTU. |N.keil Into every
When no oie- was found, tley
V«-neri#la vonteniU lliat
mentioiMHl in ttet I.Hie cm. f..llow.-d by tbe d^-ai-im. Bcdepictuiu 1h- calhsl to his oou Anireaty ami ronse^iuetuly tliU nut i>asa
tlium . ivi... Juid <-.mir 1.1 the . him h to
Into fbe jMiMM-MMioii of lIoulaiMl, but re
w1u l WiiN fcolii;: on. m vvlud the
w,aii.e<l ni.d.T tte w.i. n-i;;i.ty of S|u,bi
UUSiJ tte iiMlelN rKlen.-e of VeweEiiel l, t e|,M k end Ih-s,,,.. IhH In
\Vh-n Hj > liad all g»*n.. .Mitliony
Her ciiumry oIhuUmhI iNOi
The Venexn hum e.-iy XfKik tie- Ivnieni and u«-nt up into the
S4-tilng the Lntt-rii uxi the
c-relgnty of
meiit ov«T tte is|*nd <
» «-uiiflt nn-d by rtu«ir. h«- I s*!, up thl- ir»»i» rrMiik. fixe*l
to turn. TbO
tn-aly slgn«-d In MmJrld in IM.#. It to th - nr’-.r mid
xi,,., «1m. |k,ch to the g.-o,;T..pl.le..i r-eixht MM-iiHsl lumsually heavy, ami
.VulliMtiv auiHh-nil whiil was the mat
,«„.,|».,n of the island, whU h. il.ey de
tUt^^ inil«-« from tbe ter. Wli-n till- iTaiik sto|»iH-d tunilug.
tU- .voui.u mini sltHMl mute with asnl •MH-liig u young girl
weight. Hhe wa* |»ah- as
TV* Cm Deelvid.
•^h. yes.*- babbled tte eweK yoang
thing, “I Just dote on IUeralnre.“
**l onppowe you are interested In tte
Poe revivalr
“Kaltlmort genius—Edgar
^ne read nearly afi his Uioks: that
Is. exiviit the ones te has w rttten this
last year. Ifs >o luird to keep up with
tbiHM. hWorrbil iH.veU. you know.' —
Balllnwice llembl.
Wtea the firat baby—bot we*re conatoglofhat.
^ “Oh. Gearger sh<^ cried, “habgrte cat
-But te tear ate preCeeted.
gaem I know.-Nooacnaer te repeated. “Too <aa*l
cot a tooth wiib anytbtog abort of
denttot's tools: yon can break It. bat
you cant cot It. so don't talk about
aajtblng so foottob. And, erea If te
4M cm it or break lU tt a only a first
Ilepk-ked up his book again, and for
aU of one evening »te never gave him
auythlug but cold, reproachful glaocvw
-<'hlcagu Pom.
ac. I.»al* Pollee Jadne Bars II U W.■i*a> tealtimal* Wraeaw.
Judge John C. Ili.lKTtsi.u. a.iing judge
of the city hall pobc-e «-ourt. s^iis Ibe
/nils Post nisttatell, has <tiH-lare<l
■ hatpin tom woman's legal weai»on and tlmt ate Is Justified In ir-uig the,
lu repel attack.
Hvnily a woman was arrulgned In
his r-uurt. charged w 1th atnbbing a man
Willi n hatpin. Tlie wuuinn said the
man had attacked her and that Vtunard the pin In self defeusi-. The man
I to pn.!
the dr
ItolNTtwin diochargeil the woman.
•1 tellevt- that a woman U Justified
In usli^g her hatpin In self dcrenar.*'
•ald Judge RolHrtson.
-A liaiplmnay te an ngly and even a
dargerous weafiou. but I hardly think
that It would cvmie under the h-gal uoineiMlalureof 'deadly weapons.* I dia4-harged a woman «-hnrgvd with aUbblng a man with a hatpin recently te
causc she uwd thopln in self defenae.
"I think a woman may carry or wv«r
“Oh. Anthony.*- ate exclaimed. “I
BUpiMMHd your fatter wa* winding the
chH'k. If w., 1 should have Imm-i. h»*t“What d.NM. it all ineanr*
“I urn trylMK t« Krt «^*ny fnmi <Jeuera! —'s tead.|uarter* wltl* valuable
papers. I know ev.-ry i-orxn-r in the oh!
Chun b and came In by way <.f a hvoae
window in tlieivllar Then 1 went Into
the weight eUi*.1 ainl got on the weight.
1 henni them wearchiiig. mid they o|h?uetl the dcsir l«i the <loset. t>ut 1 stood
too high fof them to e.n- me
“They said they wiTe after a boy.
My brutlier Sam was wat.-hlng his op
portunity to get w.iue teiHiw he bad
seen on the general s desk He.did not
know what they wen- worth, but he
was teund to do N.nnethlng for his
ctMinlry. \1-beti he got them, he brought
them to me, knowing that te would te
I was going to Geiii-ral
WuHhlngton-a headquarter* with them
when tlH-y gttve eha«-."
“Tony: * ralh«d a vouv from telow.
Whatever of i>dor had n*lurueU to
the girls ehei-k* left them lu nu In
She n-fogiiintl the deacon's
voltv. Both M.hhI h**kiug at each oth
er. mute with terror.
“luuy.- rt-iawleil the voice. “If you've
wound tbe rhH-k cmi.- down."
Tony was ateut to do the only thing
be c-onld du-g« downatalr*. leaving tte
la ter-when he heard
girl to come out lau-r
hi* fallier * M.-P 4*n the *Ial
Tliere waa hoi one atalrca*
and It
hi to a
aahl Tony
‘ me tLe IiaiH-Pi,p
The girl tended them i« him. and.
thruatlug them under hi* ahlrt. he
seUed a ten-bet lying among otb«T
loolt In the ehx krotim and col tte rope
hirh fell t
Theu. uiwulng
a alidlug 1*1 nel used to rvaeh thf tends
of ite cltH'k. he hastily unwound tte
ruiH- and toHned It out.
Whrti his
fullMT entered the mom. Anthony waa
dewv-nding by the nq*- to the ground.
The sight of a voung girl wliere the
deacon exps-ett-d to And his non waa.
to may the leaM. atarillng
He looked
from Ibe gtrl to the rv»|»e teuglng from
out tte r^Hini and wa* mere Martled
than ever.
Taking In the Mtoallon.
without speaking a woixl he turned and
dasheil down the nu\^.
When te
rrachetl the ground, tln-re was tbe
roiH- dangling In ite wind. .N\N knowIng what else to
he atart.-d off to
the direction of the American army,
natonilly aup|H>*lng the fugitive would
take thl* eour*e.
In thl* (
aa he waa out of bi-arlng railed for the
girl to come out. She did *o, and tha
two Lurried away.
At daylight tbe
nett morning they appeared at tte
teadquarters of tte general commamL
Ing tbe American foro-* and supplied
him with tnfamiation which enabled
blm to expel tte Brittoh from ttet re
.B.A I. Annual 1
Tba toalaal aelltsf nrtiele I teee
ay MBtoen,*' writoa drugflat OL T. $6 00. OD
14th. from Maoktoaw
Bmltb, of Daria, Vy.. **to Dr. King's City lo Big Baplda Gai full toforHew Dtooorary for Oonaamplioo.
OoNika andOolda. bMonaa Italwaya
B. Mbj*aj. Asent.
TPltotowitnni Itotnon fiSAIO. Tla«.B. ouiaa. In my six yann of aalea It has
Doear failed. 1 haea kaowa it to aare
I* re|*re«-nteil in the uniform ef tte
mlonrt-lnwhicf of tte Find lloj-al
Tin pKVun- to to te
run Giutn'.*
bung; in
In W: -;>-oT ejn^ilc.
It will give you a clear head and a aoand body.
It keeps your liver acting and your system m
perfect condition.
For sale at yonr Druggist
Large bottle, 35 cents; small bottle, to centa.
Dr. Iman's
Pain Tablets
or »»*▼**** «
Thm Imm
Warvroosoaas and loaomma.
FUT UF OttLY by’
^ "lUAS" on tntk Uitei.
Wartin & €v.wi
WEINGAI!LT£N BROS.,37747^ EMdwiy. HewYor!;
So«ah*fwmie*at*k«tV|Usc«ftksW.aEr«vFam. A«*|a *o smwiw*
UteMonttwt |ujom.7aad*.ll i
ttW On. lUock. Bulb 'lOi.ai-a
I« wr«t H-SK. »s »«.
TrM*. tew. Tr*r,T*r City *. fullovr.
For «r^ Baptoa. KjiJ*auu.*>*n(l VWrt Wi^y nt
For |Vt<ak«7 «»d M*rkln*w CJly U :I0 *. nv
l*Vr It. Fprt
For Or*i»a R*<«il«. nrtrolt. KmUm**.*. Mk
GbtrMt>4:»ip »
For IVtitery and Marklnaw City 4 JU p m
Train* Amrnm Tr»vr»*i- Oty;
Jil Knwr *trv.i
rsR. J. M. WILHKLX. |-hy** ia>. »*.-i f*
Tal.tJjon.. N. 3t*
Thr train tevlnral II l« a. m. aad amrliu
at I Aip. m.UtUily .
<au8.w«- m: roMdwonr. H. U ia». Citi»»w-
C. L. UKKWO««l>. O
ntvSisns ■sss'or. w.
Mna« oun*. I
^ b«»atte». Xunry u> Umtx tiftM*. VU}
op^ra Huuio Work
rsa A. H. HOL.UDAV. Uradoatr
tU! ilS!
A few worils to our friends re
garding gas and ts Uses may not
be aiuisb. As to its eniciency,
convenience, Tcadincss reliabili
ty and economy, there seems to
lie no question whatever in
minds of our 200 consumers, and
a cotniumson of quality and ex
cellence of light, together with
vast decrease of cost, will con
vince the most skeptical man he
makes no mistake in installing T
gas in his premises. Aside from
^its merits for cooking and light
ing, gas can be used intermittent
ly for heating small rooms, offi
ces, bathrooms, etc., when heat
is required promptly, and for a
limited time. Our heaters being
as easily controlled as our gas
ranges full cfficicnc)' being dcvcltipcd on the instant, the expense
ceasing at moment of turning off
gas. Nurser)’ bumers arc alto a
great convenience in the house,
while for bathroom purposes our
-Humjihry Initantancotts Water
Heater'* is the aonc ol perfection. Appliances of all desenptions on show and lor sale at our
office 223 F. Front street.
p|R. UtUtoS
■■ ■
totog.VTIlAl^TM Vi*-
a.m.. llJ0am.S:40p w.
toar. IJbp m..aad
r^BH. OABNgil A HWaKToK.
AT- lOo
. FBR 1000 WATTS
U{ltiid PiwirCi.
;s lag,.
at WavwoaOny atUtoa-w
DontBe Fooled^
luoaoi.. Ilto *.w.,St40 P a
, Bay aiy. Fort Bnma. Tote
Dalroitaad•**!.• :00a ■u.lltoa. w.
O. i». OARVKFt
801.7 Of tb* Ejtaod Pittioc
V OI-o.8pol.lt7.
JOHN R. SANTO CjumciEuaewois
X. B. CBAPUI. Prape.
Maaktaaw Olty to Big Raplda. <
ba* M-tit King hklward a full-lengtb
iHWtraii of hiu^f. painted by
Hungarian ariUi Gyula. The eiii
fte tetoH alive. They were *at|sfl.-d
toretaato s ak and Ignuratit and tlni
It was |u» tuoch
Id and-to
troabto to be and do anything el*e. la
fhto wUl you are coming to>
•I to
A DawapapsT asya that aome NewYork hrokera Ure decided tUt they
wlU not allow wumru to buy and aell
atocU and to opecuUle through tln-lr
omcna D«r. daar. but this Is dread
ii n
Baflhlo to a good city for women. It
ernted a concealed weapon even If
has fifty tody phyalclaua In giMKl |wac
raa the aloe and abate
« ■oiall
tica at least one woman w ho Is insk
tog a fortnna In tte pickling and pre- dagger.- ________________
aorrlng boalncs* and public aidrltev:
Crutotoe aaaocUtIuns tUt powM-ss two
of tte Undaomeat and mewt eonven.1 Flaaaaler VmmUm After Sir
towt women-s rlubs lu the world. PerOlatoa Dawkla** Trwnk*.
haps Buffalo to near enough to Boch
Plen*oot Morgan was ooe of Uw
aalar far Its women to te Insplnd by
first to grasp tbs band of Sir CUnton
OaDaral •oosn B. Anthony.
Iv. a B.. bead of the great
m n
London banking house of Morgan *
Mtos Theresa Torgalach Ts now an
parrtoor of lU German teacher* In tte Ool, when tba knight anived lu Netr
Ma^Uc. mys the .New
pobllc achooU of ChU-ago. Hhe is Ger
man bam and nuherslty tired and
Hlr Clinton's mlaaSon. as te admittsd
Dotad no leas for her knowIcHlge than
bay. la to attend the
far ter teaching ablUly. Her privleeaaaor to o»ce was a man. I *r. Wmmi-r tnertltig that to to witncaa the closing
- the final negottotlone In the great
organ ship combine that to to unite
five of tha moat prominent of tte tranaWhen ttera to a wedding among rttlautic linos.
. send alway
Mr. Monran's totereat In Btr CUnloo's
1 tba
arrival took tbs form of bostllng aboot
1 Ure Urad UppUy ten 3
tte pier to get bis luggage togrtber. It
was rather a new bastocm for the
tt 11
great financier, but be arent at It with
a baa baen biwoght to light tUt tUt tbe same rim that would mark a great
gnat mau. Proffwour Gottfried AVll- financial dcaL
battn Uebnltx. Ud one of tbe lightest
walght bralua on recvird. Thera U now
Imps for woman, lan t there?
ti m
wangunk mooototoA near
At tba aummer school of tbe mtver Bnlllvan county, N. T.. about alxtrea
alty of CaUfomU more tUn Ulf the mllea oorthweat of Middletown. N. Y.
atadooU ware wotfen. and they came The dlecoverert are two brothers named
ttom Dsarly aU parts of tte rwrth. jwr Greeoe. wbo were mtoari to reonaylvatlcutorly from tte far orient. The new nU and wbo 00 acoooat of tbe coal
woman to moving all around tte world,
and found
to to
Miss Myra Lloyd l>ock of Ilairlt
ImrY to a ammbar of tte Peonoylvanto
fteastry roaarvwdoo commloatoo and
veto of coni algbteco Incten
ant of tte moat acrompltobed hounisti
and foraston In tte auta. She la a toe wide. wbJcb be^me wldar as they dog.
Tbe oml to nnthnetto. but It to net aa
bard as that feood lo-PennaylmBto.
tt to
When abo hrote to apoo bk nadb
In tta
war <niartared there, and te tta oUi
bettered a regiment marching
tte capital fram tte C^adThere are oUtoen paoea cf
and alxty-rocr
gimm la every
llow. a iraakr dmb wHh a pet^
irmiad aenor at kamar can be very ar
grating. IjH that be nadetatoad at
te to p« him te^ di
■It te a earner ani
Mr. OrrHutf pnpoMd «l
; m tmuwnM the Mter
iu^ itoiruiff. ooraasB i
No need to suffer from heat
Don't let the air get ftagnaat
—create a breexe. Put m one
or more of our desk or cefliw
free, store or home. AUofiicw
eoaatort Mdy IB
EffNt of SoptndtkMis
tba fiodrirtow if tba oow pMtal
•mttT Slum
Mm Mp M jFWL M ttay M MC
(X CD 4topalcb ta tba Rt looto PM
■Mto It ta tho
. UthtolortaDM
tba booar of baaMtbaaawambaar MaagaMoai to
INrt art i
if tia teta Badli Sola. ^ faMa
Mya tba W«
mack aavallit: At aat d»a wklte
Mot of tba New Tark Bacmld. lo
priNT 4m tl» taa 4a la Chaaawa propMMc tba wooiM-far tbo opandoo
d^Aatta. at Parfa. Iia was kaacM
IS ooeaMMy to wMb tba lac and
dm bf a Iwck. vbtek faaaad artr
Tba liMb MMt bar# boM botbed
Ida Nw, wttbavt farCaaatalr. Mac
lat a dooaa tlaco bafore tba operaaaj atbar daaMca tkaa Matac kJm.
ILEola bad a Mipanaitiaaa koraar af tloa YMparfOra
tbt Baaibv 17. aaja La Via 9^ tacPMOMawoo
ladtj. imar hi aroaa ha laohad at
tfia aaartar af tha hack, addad ap tba
hcaraa la a flaali aad foaa^ tba fatal
ta ba 17. Tba giml anitar bad. for a
1ai« tlaa^ bald tba ballaf that tba
aaabar 17 bad a laaUca laflacaca ap^
aa him, and that acgravaiad tba aaaa.
Dr. Talaaaa haa daratad a volaaia fa
a atady of li. £ola.' la which tba char
aciar. ta«parami aad tba rary
aaarcaa of tba OlaaCiloaa wrllar'a taJaett af% aaaijaad with aU tba ra^
aaarcaa af parcbalocy and ph/aloloc7Tba a at bar taja: **Tbaa ccftala flcoraa
bata a bad lataaaea apoa M. Sola. If
tba Mabar ar a bacfc^ wbaa addad ap.
fariM tWi icara, ba wlU mm aacaca
Iba rablela. or If ba U obUgad to do ao
arm faar that aoiaa nlafortoaa
Mate, who baa om4i^
It bar a rifled
boml SDd con ba aat with hair trtgCM« tboodb at pfoaaot tba racMAttoa
doobla aetkm trIsCM to uaad. Tba mIIber ta .44. Tba oaodel weapoo Is
I of an ImprtNDpta affair. If
may ba used, bat If tba da-
would rMpoctfully report tbat we bass
Uoao klaa aiaj
may be able to aa\e blmsdr from
I of t
, ba aatMod a rtfotoue and rbar- mocb of the recoil Mc.niiolillc If tbo
tartc protoot. rtnally Hocracary abot baa boeo w«*ll put tl*e man In
tt la tba BulUplaa of 7 that rwaaiira Root aob^
partly by mnark fniot la dlspomd of with iH«tnes« and
bJat Tbaa. la tba alcbt. It oftaa bap
agtrtug Illness follows
paaa that ba will opni bla rjca aaraa ^k^TpmMan^^
by the twenty loch
tUaaa la ofdar to pcova to blmaalf that off yoor bead to aara yoor lec *‘
ba la not coiac to dir. Ou the cooCrai7. tba aambar 17. which rrcalJa ta
Dp'to tbo tliDO wbao Bmlla Zola, tba
Fraocb aotbor. brean tbr HoofonMacqoart aartea bJa Ufa bad bean a
ant of tba PhUadelphla iTaaa. ’ Ula
falbrr waa ao lulian. bU motbar a
Praoebwofoao. Zola para was Inter-
tbat tba oorallat waa bom Tbafatbar
diad, laarlnc bla family with only a
Me Itwault for a Irtacy. ‘Tbay ra■wrad to Porta pmnanautly in order
to ba batter able to ftcht Ibis lawault
oat They last At twrnty tba craot
wrttor waa thrown aboolutaly oo bla
own raaoorcca. and bla rcooorcaa war#
ttaoc«r iDdead. Ha bad boan a apollod
abUd. WbatararhUpoTertroppraaoad
awCbcr could humor him In aba bad
biiocry for ao lone tbat It
1 Moat dia. I pot forth
cboooa. J acarcaly taatad meat from
on# mootb'a aod to aootbar'a. I Urrd
two daya oo tbraa appira.*'
1 was told by a mao wbo koaw bla
wob tbat be aararal tlmaa aoataload
► only by aoartne aparrowa oo tbo
window Bill of bU carrat room
*t>b. tt waa borrtblar Zola co
wad. ^Tin waa ondraamrd of.
00 tbo ooldaot oiebta. If 1 cook
coro O coodla by wboaa Ilfbt t <
•My Oflar olcbtfall I cooaldarrd* ajooir tba bapplaat aao lo l*aria. bat 1
Ikfoly bod caiat for aocb >oy.
ooooad to aa tbat tt would oarer
1 rtaaabrt dlatloctlj aoaa of tba
•t>M Karr Taor^ day a pnbllab
wboa I bad oppllad with a Irttar of
Mtrodoetloa for lltarary work aald ba
ooold c*^ IM M •rrltlnc to da but
tbot I alfbt aara 4 franca by dalirrraoc bla Kaw Trar a cards at tba booaea
or bM Crtaoda 1 jumped at tbr cbaoca.
•od tbot alcbt I faaatcd. By ood by
tbo pabllabcr cbm
work as a clerk,
■ntaartiad bjtbla. 1 oobmlttad a rolM Mm OBfl oMud mo to wrtto • ckttdfon'a Mory for blm. I did aa and he
dacMfod Mt It was rerolutlonary and
are Oi ■watoabe..
rtad B
aa of wmiam JawaU
I role tbat oo at
» allowed to wc
ocrat They
days ago more dead than alive, aays
which to c«4 married or remove
dispatch from Croaa Forks. Ps., to the
muatacbca. Richard Bywatera and Ben Pblladelpbla Ledger, to
BoMco bad faltod to comply with the
and tbo
order, and their fellow stodeota shared
of bar wandertoga
tbMr upper Upa. There waa mocb
wbece rattleDMnrloMot afforded wb^^tbt two
eooogh to mako one*a blood run cold.
•aya that abe Urod on barrte
. Mrnm DtDIooawt.
and teodM oboota and drank^ter
Dartd K. Tbompoon. wbo waa lately
oppolatod Unltod BtatM odototer to
aak at one tlmo tbat abe coold not
Braxil bc«an life as a brmkcman on walk to tbo otroam. mod whlto ohe
tbe Bamagton mod Mlaooort railroad.
lAtcr bo woo promoted into tbe me- crawled to
of ratUeanakco
aod bod a <
and cUlma to have mnatoad to tbat
state for about two weeka 8b<
brought to Ufa. ohe aaya. by a
ghe oakL lookiiic up from tbe 1
ticking her face, and when abe moved
her hands tba bear ran away. Sbortty
afterward abe waa dlsoorcrsd by gln-
-Bat after tbat 1 obtained DewoMpar work and oMoaiiod to get a amtal
aoMptofl HOW aod then by ooo of tbo
daRy jMnato. I oarood aboat •» a
-All klDdo,- abe answered.
work ODd waa coMpanUrely cmofMt-Nice, cental expraoMoas of bapplDUO oirtll afMr I hod bagoa the Bmi.
RM Margoirt oertm. Thea I OMt dlo•Mar ocalD. 1 hod promlaed to M
-Chmmy eapreaaloaa of
otob two or tbe oorels eoeb .for. bat oad good bOOMN
MMtd n took M. a year mod . half ID
-Premimably. but what omkaa you
•o intareotodr
mock.- V HM~ed.
MhrgMboaw M
I'm lata
a poMt beyood wMcb pomty
M DM traabMd MO.*
beld at Ava.
Cal. recently. Thirteen boate took:
; to 1C and their anglers lanAsA
laOOO pounds of alWcore. few of Which
weighed tom than twenty-five poooda
la aU 818 flab were loougbt In. The
winning calcb was seventy-sevvo.
•OTUaH mt 4r«l««p.—d feH.iOMOt
■—* ■— v?“
alt TTbtam boy. to aoM to oom •
•aloiy of fTJW • year to a tea and
MffMboooetoKewTarkcUy. Touoc
Fong wa berm to AOMctoa. bat both
at Ua poNota art aattvaa of China.
Mayor.oppolntsd W. T. Rotaa alderman tnom the 4th ward,
the vacoDcy caused by tbe rtof Akierman McCluakey to anward. Said
_____ __
aU c«
"Moved 1^ Aldermak OUleU that tbe
Movpd by AWSermaa Lardle thaitbe
loerd of PnUUc Works b- inatmeted
of draining the
north aide of B. 7th 8t^ fronung
Lak^ Ave. l*ark. Carried.
by Alderman Wilhelm tbat
urn SC lo tbe residence of E. 6.
Further, thnt they have th. po
Ott that tbe
repo t b« adopted Carried
4 o the HoeoroWc. fhr Afnpor ond Oily
Council of the CUp of Tfm
the 1
liew to Keep TWeei Okom.
with that date Hlnillar aoimtlUooa
Idwa exhibit tbcnaritra vutaldc of aU
ambOKNoauia. Tho. be «i lll pcrforai
cartalo aria with the kiro that If ba
dart ool do ao aouir aunoyaoca will
bappaa to bln. Ho ba will tot>cb tba
CM bonm tbat br lueau with la tba
. atraata. aonnooot ao obatarlc with tba
rtcbt foot walk opoo tlia |iavaiuaot In
a cartalo way. ate. For a lone tima ba
fbaiod that ba would not auccaad to
tba praeacdloc tbat br waa goiag to
HodartAka nolaaa br atatlad out of tbo
boMi with bla laft foot forcaMWL**
to flil
>red by Alderman Wilhelm that
the fopori be socapeed and placed on
Me. Carried.
m*br Howes m n-rs w.
U«s4 Is Del.. I
Holmes i'astic. whe
One of tba qoaeraet patanta artr
Craotad baa just Im-o pUtad cm record
by a Bau lYaoclaco tuau. aaya a U aah derer II. II. Holmes met their giwstly
1. Is to lie remudehd end turned
InCtoo apecUl to tbr .Saw York World,
lie thinks ba baa found a way lo Into a hotel says a rblcato cortv^iHiudh tba Uay or tba loa|iC man may eut of the rincluimli Kiiqulivr. The
bare a sharp raw wUhout breaking history of IIuImk-s rsstlc sUhv Its »»rlg
bla back atrupplng It Ua propoeea to Inntur was lisui;e«l at Muy«iu.-OKtug
prison. In l•euu^vlvallln. rewds like a
do It by maguadam.
Ilia iiropoalUon la tbat If a macort work of fiction. TisuinU have lsH*n sekept aloogalde tba cunlng edga of a inivd for tbe gluumy ImUdlng. but
aor or any other floe edged tool tbe their stay ws. luvurlsbly slowt. uud
tooth will ba dmwii out by magnetic grvwsome atortea hare been told of onforca ao tbat tbe edge will ba compara earthly nohuw and apperitiuus.
Mrs. Clmrtra IHimw la tbe latest vic
tiraly arao and much alurper.
order that a man may not forget tim of tbe ^'influence** w bk-b ta said to
to put tba edge of Ida raaor agalnat a
I Mrs. Illofo’ I
macoat tba Inraotor baa cootrlvad a
Mir aacoac tbat ta to be pUi^ within a Bhsfl or I
one sida of the ordinary raaor handla terrancan paaaages wberdn liolmoa
ao tbat tba cutUng edge wlU ba In coo prowled Id tbe daya of bla dark career.
act with tba bar aU the time tba roAw It la known that down this abaft be
lowered the Wiem of tbusc whom be
to Dot in oaa.
slew to the “caatle * to incioerate their
flcMi aod prepare tbclr bones for artlcCHANGES IN FUR FASHIONS. utotloo. as waa bla custom. Since Mrs.
nioca, wbo recently moved Into the
[mrnm OrtU
Tarr Lwma ow4 QwUa flat baa slept lo this bedroom abe baa
been dtoturbed constantly by
Tbara ora aararal Important <*a
rtfylng dream, a dream which, with
I for fasbloaa this oaaaoo. aaya a
UDimportant variations, still Ukes
rtal rtibto from Paris to tba Now
fearful form of plunging down
•baft Strange to say. the dnadt-d inLooto XIV. cloaks are worn In oU floMce doca not paaa with tbe night.
tods of aaoi. with cblochUla or
Durtof tba day. though abe feeto whol
w for tba coltora aod coffa. Mlnlrer ly at case to her llv
mocb naad for faclnga aod Unloc
er abe enters the bedroom, she aays.
ba bYencb coll It barmlna mooebat
abetoImpeUed by a
clnatloD to approach the window opentug upon tbe shoot At the aame Ume a
ata, Hoaka aod trimmings. Tba fur Is aense of terror ctt?epa over her. • fear
Tory axpenalra. Two ceoturtaa ago It that abe to about to fall beadloug down
was only oaed by gnuMto aalgneuni aod that via dolorosa which In tbe past
damco. Tba
probably engulfed tbe forma of Minnie
than tba Can
and Annie WlUlama. Mrs. Julia U Conbally and UU oro white, h'nr muffs DOT aod her daughter PeaA Mlaa Bmeba rary larga and
ttne Slcrmod and perbapa others of
Citp. MUA,:
OiaU«n«i:-We your committee <m
llgbUng reopectfoUy report: That ^
hare torestlgatad tbe oaed of a straet
light at the comer of Rom and Kigbtb
otroK and ftod that It toa public aooaasUy and wculd theredoro moommaod
Chat a I gbt bo p.mwd ut aald oormor.
re the
fbe Jtopor and CUp
rouiMiJ of the emp Of Trmverut
light ordered piaoed. Carried.
dtp. Mien. :
Yeas Aldermmu Hamilton. Ott. Sled 714. Oentlemen-ln regard
er. Gillett. Cunningham. Wilhelm. Lar- aeoament of personal tax to Frank C
die. Moon and Steams.
mbicb waa referred to
CiTT. Midi..
I woold reopectSept. It. lOM.
WMiiiwt etn RaiaxasoB mwi xtq eqi
720. Oentlem n:—We your committee
on llrenaes respectfully report: That
we hare inrestlgatcd tbe bonds of under guardlanahlp, reads aa followa:
Frank A Robinson for a retail llconee.
•Tbe personal property of minors
aald buajteaa to ba carried oo at No. under guardlanabip MB be aMcaaed to
12% yront etreet. and And tbe bond tbe guardfctn In the lownaWp where
eufllclent umJ arro ding to action o be realdea. and tbe personal property
touDcll we gire Mid IHabk A Robin of every other person andfr guardianson permlaaioo to do b ksineaa on aald ahlp'ahall be aaaeaaed to the guardian
In the townabip where tbe ward rtHdes •
Under this provision Mr. DeMMHid
ab€d lurter. lHa i«iiem should be. tba farorlte dueling piece amooc
tboaa Honib (torollna candktotea wbo
tblrmt for each otb*T*a cure.
Tba twenty loch Tillman to |o bo
oro lo a leather Uit oguiUe the coat
or It may be oarrhd on tbe shoulder or
Id action It should ba
a tbe left (arm. while tbe triggar U OMuIputotad
niputotad <with the right fure.Vatorally there la a guud deal
of” **kkV' about tba piece, since It
Jnwd for an eight
corriee a slug deslg
poM gun.^ut tbst I one of tbe chief
of Iba piece. It
to likely to hart tba man behind It as
wail aa tbe man to front Ilowerer,
BU OCt aUML '8tod*r.
Lkrdl« U4
Mn-Altem •' HutUtoB aad Maoa
cm^meu of
Macbatb^Kpid: then *MM
otarture of tba place may ba takao op. golf dub from Hobokao.
Tbe Jarterw.KHgb. neigh. eM
Tba modal Indeed was made by aawioc
off a rlfla of .44 cnllber aod flttlog It *tla tbe Bootee tea porly.
ArcUgua—Ho. bo!
It moM
-He. ha!
h cart
NO 1C It to a neatly I
tore. Far from
and cnaraotecd to do
aar of biB arttbi
To M ffoaeroHe. far Jfopor and Oitp
the Ctfp Of ftnoreroe
CHIP, ifiob,:
711. Oanttonwm:-Wa. ymmi oommU-
-How now. my lord? Mw
Cblaka yonder goew a Mind o* mem wbo
look Dot Ilka tba Mbabltaiitt o^ tba
Jic.a-11 Siam
F. HANn.TO».
B P. Wium.
ilKo. W. Laaoi
W. B. Muo.x.
7cet Committee,
an Hamilton that
-r. jaicn..
Sept. 22. 1W2.
. the Mapor and dtp
Cuumrtl of Hr Tifp of Troverue
dtp. Mich.:
722. Vour ape-ial committee appointed
to c.nft r wlih ae realdtnU of Klgbtb
atr«*it .n rt-gard to the l.ardl«> ware-
Moved by Alderman Qllktt tbat tbe
Yearn AldrtBM^Hamui^
cr. OllMi, Cunningham. Wilhelm. Lardie. Mood and Steams.
Nays none.
72S. Bill of Mrs. Laderlse amoonttog
rtu »i«U at
to I2S.0© Mr dimagea eaoasd by tbe
wm bmbt
operation of tbe stone crusher,
presented and read.
dayevurtsM »i A U
Moved by AWerman Wilhelm that pbaMHo.mx M. a
Modern Eloquence
-The Greatest Spoken Thought of the Nineteenth Century"
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