The Evening Record, December 23, 1902

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The Evening Record, December 23, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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-‘i ' J







crowded aad tlie parlor* aaarljr fljjad
laat eveot^K <m the oecaaloo of tha
Chriatm.* eaerdae. by the Prlia«7
and Mfa.
and klodersartea departmeau. Tha|~**^*
rhurrh «aa preiUly trlametl
rope, and mottciee of 9tergn
the orcaaloo A delightful p
waa glVm aa glreu aa foUm:
a wirBliM Mt tha Fraabytarian
Chiiatniaa tong by choir.
ay achoal will oeeor thta evening
iTayer by Rev D CochJIn,
Tha prog
WelewBe by Fraolc WeHou. auperHymn.
Inteodeat of the arbool.
RedUUon-Georgle Tuttle.
. We have
Chrlatmaa aung by ebi
Bong—Five llule boy*
»d they are
Song by
Bong. "Joan* ChrUt. Our Savior"— bolding the airateglc point*. To fight
now would not be patrioile. Caatro
Cbrlaimaa Oreetiag-Rajmioad Miluela into tbU deplorable altuatlon In order to save her­
Chiiafa Btrthday*'--Otna froo
Recitation. "Star of Bethlebem"- self. bellev^ be could unite the
fJauniletr* aad Mlaa Ruraaey a cl
Mary Eller.
of aggrcnalon
•We Have 8aeu HI* 8tar"Recitation, "Chrlatmaa Bell*"—Muir by foreign powers. We will resume
tha civil war when the aetileraent
*‘Our lJoni«i *--Glrla frum Mia* HavKecllatloo—Glen Doyle.
with the allied powers baa been ef­
llaod a claa*
Bong. "I Would Be"—Charlotte le- fected. The best element of the Yen
-G. Dcioble O I> —Ck»d*—Boy*
grlg. Luclle Holliday. Erma Oroeyaer;
uelan people Is with us."
fr«« Mr* Loacaster *
Stewart Oeldhof. Frankie Miller.
Commander DIple of the Marletia
‘•Annie and Wlllle * 1‘rayer”—Clady*
protested to the commander of the
Redtatloo. "What I Would Uke"—
and later he al. -Chrtaunaa Falrle*-—Girl* from
Bloaeom Etlar. Frankie Miller. Olive lowtHl the Red Uner Caracas to pas*
Mrs Radden a ciaaa
C^. Amber Weetln. Alberu Dehman. through the blockade.
Vt^* JliUe tou-l*art of KlndergarBoy Lather. Hnlda Lowing. Stewart
Recognized American ProteaL
Washington. Doc i3—t?p to the
>-Who iWUaea the Do«l«r*-Olrt*
ig. "Rock-aBye Baby"—Lucy lime of the adjournment of the cabi­
from Mm. Canntlrua and Mlaa Rnaanet meeting this afternoon the formal
acy * rlaaaea.
of the powqr* for President
• J«-*i •!
Roosevelt to act a* arbitrator In the
Venezuelan affair bad not been re-'
•'Dolllrs HI
Huaar.l, srlih
Pre*ldem Roosevelt has received
many telegram* from different parts
Recitation. "The Chrtati
erf the country proteatlng against hi*
Charlotte lagrtg. accepting the honor. Some a
"Emily Jane**-A!lre Pelertyl.
kg. "Low In a Manai
wonld eaubltsh a iprecedenl of the
"Hong to the Hal1y"~Clrla from
rnllad State* coll^ing for Europe
Mm. Gaunib-fs and Mlaa Rumsey**
Recitation. "Uttle One* of Bethle­ the bad debu of South Amertca
hem"—Ruth Craig.
"Irlrle lbiys“-IVi)s from Mr*. Ijui
Offering, for minion*.
raster’s class
Boag. "Give"—Primary department.
"Jim. Bobby and* Me"—Weatou
E»ercl*e. "Five Little Toadatool*"Ixivc'
Alberta Lehman. Lucy Desmond.
"Utill? Relndi-rr*"-Girl* from Mr* Catherine Whitfield. Olive Cole.
I'adden’s class
Glenna l.s>wlng.
• In the Arm* of Night"—Girl* from
Mrs Gaunilctts and Mlaa Kumsey**
Bong-Uttle gtrls
Recitation—Percy W‘rtght.
•Hunting for 8anla"~Pari of KinExercl*e-Mln Uvingaton* clan.
I at Geneva With Professor
RecUatloo-Mariln Courtade
Bong—Five Uttle Boy*.
of French and 8u
Recitallon-Mary Wiight.
by Emperor Francis Josef.


The Friend*' Sunday school will
hold their ChHatmaa exercise* Thurs­ Loalao of Sagooy U al iha Holal Oeo.
day evening. A ChrUima* tree will ova hare with M. Oorln, profoaaor of
ih. The prlnoMS has rroaivod a
be one of the faniure* of the evening.
The following prognun will be given: Tialt tram Iba two anh dakaa aaot fay
tor Framda Jomt aaking bar to
Devotional—Rev. Henry McKinley.
•8*0. Saxooy. Dra. JK-Tha
Recitation. "Me
» prlneaasof Saxooy Sod from
Ton Atr-Roeeell WioL
, Song. "The Bird and the Flower"— bm boms oo tbs nisht of Dwmmber 11
Helen youker.
Plano solo-Pearl Wilhelm
Clan exerdee. "Uttle Christiana"—
KecUatkm-IdIa Dean
Six glrla.

Christmaa Carol—Sunday
Song. "A Uttle Babe"—Clane* 3
aaiOed hor.fhi^ly at iSalaharf and to
and 4.
hav* fooa Ahraad.
-Helen Hannon
Recitation. "ChrUtmaa Bella--MllTha too ooon fanothma for tbe
lle Trade
Bong. "Story of the Klng"-Prtmary
^tt^dUChristmas Carol—Sunday School claa*.
appaanAoe of tha prinoem donUUas
Recitation. "A Ptetnre From Dr«^wlU oanae.tha oirtmlatloo of mnay
Rerliailon-Edith Timblln
■torUa It U alnady reUud that aha
, Icicle Bi>ys-Repeated from laat
alepad,b«t InqalrUe made her* hare
hraosbt oat Aothlaf to aubetan
Girl* chorus
ChrUtmaa Tre*"—MU* Florence Rose.
The eiecclMW of the BoonvUle
Music. "A Song of Triumph"—O»olr.
Grae* CpUcopaL
house Chrlsunas eve at 7 Q-block. Pm
The ChrUtmaa feaUral at Grace any. Thay bava Sva oblldran.
ewts will be received from the parent*
pUoopal ehurch will begla with tha
to be placed on the tree. The ful
lowing program will be given:
. at 4:30
ere of C
RedUiloo-Eva Acker.
p. W Aa oarly colabratloo of the Holy Haa a Plan for PorfRiMi of Curopoa
poAloo wiU ba hold at 7:90 a. m
Part of Suima'a DMnatn That
ktmaa day. and at 10:30 the faa^
Tonighfa Program,
The L.llo* lug will be given
tbU l•\(•nlnK t») the main and Inimvedlate
school by ac


aararu that Ooaat ImnodorS. Raaataa
e wUI be raodared by the vastad
aMalalar of forolfA aShin. oo hU frochoAr. under the dlrocdoo of Prof,
Song-Bva GrlSte. Ida Orffln. Ida
ioa. Tha eharah la baaotlfully
Chorah or CRrlot
e taXkomfMg ts tho prq
kxoreUoa of the Chnrah <
which oeeon tomocTow eveo
DeBoC Gworge Acker. Joha Maeankh

aad Ha dapaodaociaa. wiU hriaf a daialta prapoaal from tba RaaaUafftrvatomaot r*«azd^ tba partitAoo of

Aooordtef ID tbUiaopomL Ibapa-

Sooghy SehaoL

wbila Braaia
of BarapaSoor-Mlra Omrairh I

akoflUaa Uaaa. Iba aapar addA If
baaad la piaaoka a m»npmrn

YcsIcrt^rsbSK 1,460

one can be purchased for so

Wbit tba Mao Riallr Waits
Will i>e much more enjoyable to you if you buy your

I something useful, something to
rmind him of the giver every day
)r month* to Come.

wife a Piano or Organ - We offer

some l»argains

during our Ocarance Sale
Better call soon and make
^ your selections.

Wc give

>*ou almost your own icfma.

He atway* like* — Embroidered
8llpper* tor men . 39. 60. 75c
Leather Slipper* tor men. $1.0a
91.25. $1.50. $1.75 and ... $2.50
Hundred* ot sensible "Santa
Clauses" are buying the best of all


Whether lor
ChiU, Mia. or I july « will piy
look at oar
gr«t line—pwicuUrly Urge anonment in Infanta’, ChiWrwi’a and
atviea-and all al MONKY SAVINO
PRICf.S. 0^0 *0 WIO. really worth mur* more.

6tt ourpHcts CH Cadits Claaks-Yca’ll bt phased
S-TOPBKpri^L. of *ammF*al Hlolldiray OlFte
m±, ocas- aamumi l.ow gpwlomm.


cle* are most acceptable.
Lad.e*- House Slippers, 35c U $1.50
Ladie*’ Fancy Ore** and Party
$1.50 to $2.50


Jllfred U.


Wc show a hot line Men's
AH Beaver and Fell Sole,
$100. $150 and $3 00—
Men's Bekver. Rubber sol­
es, $176 and $3.00 —
Men's Fell, Icither soles,
high and low cut. $1.60,
$100 and $150-Udies'
Beaver and Felt fUls. 86c,
$1.^, $1.60 and $1.75Ladies' Kid and Kid Foxed Bals, $1.60. $1.76, $2.
and $125 — Good style,
new toe and heels Buskins and Slippers, Beaver
and Fell. 60, 75. 90c. $1.



Silk and velvet Waists, Fine Skirls, Fur*. Dress Patterns.
Kid ('.loves and Mittens. Handkcrchicls. Jewelry NovS
fanc) gools. Purses. ChatcUinc Bags. Hair Ornamenu. etc

50eti3.98 Dry Goods and ClotWof Store. 50eti4M

I till” ^ be in the market this winter for aU kinds of Lo«i aad
W ^ b«bcst market prices. Call or write^^or*
I -If L >-ou •ell.
JOHN F. OTT & CO., Traverse CUy. Mich.


Graphophoni Ricords .
Was S5 per dozen, now
$3 60. Also a lot of pop­
ular music, was 25c. now
6 tor 25c or 5c each.

Edison. Victor and Columbia
1000 Records to ssiset from.

A*(c Sow our

>KOIAl_ ei-ANKE:*

J. \AF. iuiii.i.iKe:N.

14 OFF I
All Ladies*, Misses and Child­
ren's Half Fitting and “Auto­
mobiles at Onc-Qaartcr Off.


Sostk Side. It the QM Stand. Cor. Union rid 11

Christmas Cat Flowers!
Roses, Carnations. VioleU,

Orders Booked Now
FRANK M. PAINE, Florist.

dtrt’s Where
Santa Oaus trades
When J)t Pleases Bath
dimself and Triends<% « «

Gloves and Mittchs
Fur aud Seal. Caps
Fur Gloves i Mittens
Fancy Hosiery
Fancy Nislit Robes
Finest of House Coats
damiltott Qotbiiig^


Mi SvinixiifJ mow tba\^ OW, lactt^ brOtePAY; December si i«>2.

m EmRC tECMi.
LMI g^lt- Mt WM —mmm a


W. MANWWf. C4ltor liiUl I




An cttciol report of tbe bontoc of
carlote of Chriatmoa mall en route
tbe went wm mode at Syrocuae.
too. wbo loft todoj for At
K. T. Bmdoy. Only twenty or thirty
out of aeren or eUhl hundred pouebea
mred. the intnoA toall being for
to and poUiU further we«.
of tbe moil woa dceUoed for
Bo VM tokoo fTOM hU hOMO CO tbe Pbllllplnee and HJI Ulandm. Tbe
riftb drool, ofiorkoMiM. Mpo4

-Ulilo wuilo- Bllibr. ••Ptaf.Poid

has baoa worktog aa a lahotwr to a
mtoa near BntiA MoaL It baa kmt
bami laaraad that te to to raaOty
Ooont Taldamar Pa BaaoC a aptaadldly adocatad RnaMan aoblamaa wte.
haring loat a great deal cC May to
Alaska mtoea. has goM to work rather
than ask hU artotocratk mlaUvea for
Tba oldcat poatmMtrr to tbe United
Statea In 1
Beard.l^ of >’orth Lansing, near Itb
aca. N. Y. died oo Frittoy at tha age
of 93 yearn lie had been poalmaaur
at North Lanalag alaca ba waa 19
yearn of age. a period of 74 years. Hi.
appointment waa made to XS28.
Goremor Baraga of Nebraska ha.
given Daisy Lawranee. aged 10. of Nor
folk, a ChrUtma. praaent to the abape
of a pardon for her father. ^
Mnrlng a throe yearn* aoataiioa

of the renowned La. Vlwalna.
at that
dan cheat containing extremely ralugema. Tbe cheat contained a
.liver Image of the Virgin, inlaid T?o pardon waa granted tn roaponse
with gold and Incnuti-d with gems— to a plOfol letter from tha lltUa girt.
Mm. Locy A. Clough of Boaton cel«^
192 diamond.. 342 ememlds. 26 ruble..
4 larinth.. and 1.947 pearU. The gem. bratad ber nlnaty-flml birthday by
win become the property of the gov- baking 14 piam
With the excepUoB of a joomey
*WteraMt*' Ttlck.
The director was told of the
Tor •'acrlke it rloh.** ••* oil
xlsteoce of tha cheat by an old ma- Chicago, which oecuplad aboot
of tbe txdlege. who aay. J^l lU w.Mk.. John Hal! Calef lived for 97
In one place, h
biding place wa. confided to her many
matron while in I^bancm. N. H.. in
hlch he died last week. Mr. Calef
on her death bod Tho cheat wa. hid­
f ^"TTkow Torn aiy
ABoUtoOraek egobaage ia.pnfaae den beneath a flagslone la ibb chapel. had spent his entire life In tilling
proWem to UmI atj. and the
la proUe of the aatartaiameot of Ibe
The annual report of the rommla- Mdl.
aadorgrouad rollwoyt ore 6v\
Mid that Carrie Nation clei
Oolooiol liorlair Plctare Oo. to be .loner of education for 1‘orto Rico.
apoo to brldT relief, but iboee I
Clrea here for tbe aewaboya oo Jaoa Samuel McCune Undsay, *a>w that
orySdi "Tl»e pdoalol Piotare On
poorest schools there are as g'»od
arbloh appaared at the opaim
as. and In aomo ix--perts iM-tter than
trorol preoeiu* on* Intoreotloi otudy
laat aifht aader the aaaptaaa
oresl of flu- aame irrade In very
•ad form on ld«« c/ the oteodr oniwlb
parts Ilf the Unllnd Btat.-s, al CIrT.Usd H«Dwp*lh»c H«Ue*l
of Wow York ood lU iDdoEtrlol derel which pleaaed tlM aadlttooa from drat
bough the ex t-ryday out pul of th»» rh-- t.«e hu VmcM la TimTCtM Oltyaatf
opoeat. Tbi SclentIBr Amerlcn turn,
Every DobaM>r proolaed era.
•chools cannot 1^ cimiwred baa takeu aOtxa la U># UcKaaum
up lb# oltoofloo Jlke this:
and tbejaoffrmm liaa aalB with tbe b<wt rlty orhoeds of the same
rroo ytmn or> tbe i«t.l numln r of cleat TarUty to pleeee alL Eapaolal^
pMOoofor. trorellnK nortb ond miotb ly mcrltorinna la tba pceaaatotloo Ot rrades In the staN-s An Anu-rlran
urn T. milttea aad Kalph
fr»x- public arbcA.l now exist* In every
oumolly over the line, of
Thaokar ata back from oU»tt fat Iba
on dremae raeiac to a dm.
unlrlpallty In INirio Rlfxi.,

ponton Bixcei lUllwoy O, on Monbn and tbe Lcedoa departaMBt-oai
Christmas day at tbe Wlille House boIldaTa.
lOB UlOOd WM 17S.OOU.tKM. U lOH in a tbrUllag raacae. Tbe Eagliab
111 bo oboerved without a Christma.
tbo toul bod IncreowKl to 2SS.0tJ0.000. atag haat U given in a maaaer eivld
ond In 1002 to 46S.uoO.oiM Ten yoor. beyoad derntrlptloa. while the old fable tree. an«l Instead each «»f the proatdent s household will hang a st.irklng
•go tbe Monbotton KlevnU.1 roll nay
Jack •ad thaB«aBBlaik*'a|
in the family altllnr ns.m. The presl
CMiiod 2ie,0P0.00U poMenoon \fX )
B the oanrac dellghtiag tbe :
dent and Mrs. Ihs-ev. It have aban
yoor. With the opinlno of. Unit.
4n mytifying^ cld
done.1 all f«.rmal entenalnlng during
V ,cabd JOUWV*. WMl lb«i ibo oioclrtcol
roUwoyo by tbo Monbotton mroot bera fall of hnmor, which together Christmas week, and Will devote their
entire time to their children and their
Rolhroy Co. ibcrv wo. noiurolly i with the work of the amoke p
Only a family dinner will he
' tronifor of o lorge numWr of po.Mn ariUt and oUy modeUer makae the engiven Christmas day. when Mrs
for» from Uto derolod to tbe .urfore
Cowlet. alster 4if the president, and
ueM. A laiom date, which U ]
■yntorna. no tbot In IMG tbe total
Commander Cowl.-s and thi-lr little wui
voted troTol hod foUen to US.0^*u«
imd for naat aprlng. li
will dine at the White House.
awaited by ihoca who wi
With tbo clootrtc e^pmeat of
igressman Ik-ldler of Cleveland
oloTOted rollfood.. buwcTi^. them wo« oato a. to be prasMt laat i
mines In the Massillon district
o return of trorel to that ayatom. no
which al*ont 75o.ots) tun* of coal
tbai In m: tbo total. bMl rl»
Frank FrledHcb wa. called to Ann
ken annually, hut ho Is unable to
. 21S.000.000 pooeengcr.. or about what Arbor this morning by the sMlons 111n
fuel for his homo In Washing
• ii^o. ton yearn bofure. wbm Un onl> ueM of his mother.
ton He lives In the lumke formecly
A. V. Krladrich went to Ann Arbor
by John Khorman. and In
Hn««.. which hov
today, called there by the serioa. ill
cold wiwlhor It lake* su-verol
I to form tbo admlr nee. of hit m
wtx>k lo ke.*p tbe place warm
able propertlo. oT the
Patkar O. Pennington left fcr Al
It Is statiHl. apiuirenlly with gool
oont today, wham ha will ba married
toial m.rtb and aoulb travel o\y on Chrlumaa day to Him Oariatine authority, that ouo of the <d»Je<-tB «.f
England is to
UUimd' by adding Ibe dgunw tor the l*aton.
to tbote of tbo Elovatod
Sheriff Martin Brown of Laland waa range for the Is-tnUhal of the crown
prlnre of Germany. ITlnco IV.vterlck
For 1M2. 291.000.000; m tha city yealarttay.
William, and Prtuc.-** Allc»> of Albany
fur IIH. 440.000.000; for 1K99. SS3.Bart Montagne. Charlla
MOAOo. and for 1W2. €«M-an walla and Kdwto Thlrlby am hack The princess, who I* hut VJ y.-ars old
*en for the last two year* In
iaoraaee In im yuara' time of 61 per from Awn Arbor. Oeorge Thlrlby
as th«- guest of her bn.Jher The
««L In addlihm to the north and wbo lias bakn taking traatmenl at the
■or and .-inpre^H have watched
•oath traved there are aomo atui>en Unlvamlty Hospital, returned with
-.fh, Mo.t PMfMt
her closely, and have «h-clded that she
• doua total, of ca.1 and wiwl travel,
• the future
wblrti Ifkea place entirely on the Mol ^^e Ralhbooe fliatara wlU glva a
Wol^r** Lyco. ••Brolbor Lorf* Poo•ad -Doo^ Tylor. nuai
Tbo pormownI m
" Wtmf. Left * The
tlMA went lo the home of LctI T.
oiiacloo CO Ninth
Ini gicTM, plof pca«« mlaco pto
•od otter thlof. Micallydetely
AU cf the Ucadiken w oov Ude^



rt>p.dltan BiriH-t lUllway vy.tcm
Tbam to mi-there waa a total eaat
and wcEi travel of Cl.tMM.uuO pa.iM-n
gam: In me. there wore »o,oou.uoo
paaaenger. ca.l and m mt. and In 1902
the toul had TIM'D lo 121.oou.000
AdClng the total eaal and weal and
north and aouih travel wo dnd that
' tbeg
tha growth during the pant 4li*eado luu
•a foUowa: In im. the total
nhmbcr of paaaengem wa. 4S2.iKH».ouu.
tn liW, the toUl numbi r had rbum lo
In IWJl. If waa 605.000.000; In 1900. it wa. 71C.000.000; In
1901. the total wa. 7MS.0Ott.000. while
la»t year U ha. liium Ui tho
ber of KOI.000.000. an IncreaM. during
a alng\e derade of 77 per cc
• Now to miH-i thl. growing trafllc,
although arveral new llnea hate been
ranatrurted. the chief prurUbm ha.
come chiefly from tho imprxmmn
exutlng llntw. the small and aloa
ing home car. U-lng replariHl by
modtott. and awlftly running il.'ctric
ram. wblle on tbe elevatiHl there ha.
tieen an lner»ui.e. due lo the new
trlcal roulpment. of from 2U to S
rt'nt In speed, and uf 20 pi-r c^the laparlty uf the tralna. the latter
due u> tbo iDtrtMlurllon of .licar In

place of llvixar lraM>a. Although thea«ImprovemoaU and extetuiion. i
vlded a large Inrnwse In carr> tng
pacliy. ill wa. nothing like m. larKo a.
the 7T per cant incivaae In tbe n
of paaM'ngem; and henre we predict
that by tbe time the Uapld
Bubwny I. In o|temil**n. the whole
tl. four track, will be taxed to ih
utnuwit to relieve the prt*eent alt
i lion, leaving practically no margin foi
t ute fuiure expan.lou of travel In ihl.
Them win be no question a. to
reault of the ultimatum of Governor
Dllaa wa Uie propoacd ‘Wparrlng
match** bafwaea Yoaag Corbett and
V McOovem. and hU aed.lon will be ap
plandad igtcmnlly In Michigan The
k piaiiaad
iba clgaretia
I proWam will be equally Interesting.
iU are atlU a matter of
I but IU r
lo either CMie. the
I ooaActur




f Irrs.
and Vaomticla wwuld ham
tba appointment of a receiver
However. If Prealdenl Kooeevelt U
panmited to aaercUa hi. bast fndg
mmt a. arbitrator. It may be att

. downaiaanfRtotogttelihateotiw


iTi-aldcnt Roosevelt lias nxx-ht-d
aad tbatr famlltaa am Invllad.
token before Juatloe from tho Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Hag­
Tory caaa from Lac- gerty of 8t. Louis a walking sth k
Brown in an t
make of wood from a tree on the hat- ' That Can Ba Found la
tie ground of .Wllaon Crt^-k, a m*i* on
the Lookout Mountain field, inx-n at
Gettysburg, tbo frame of the Uln-rty
U-ll. Grant's log cabin. Sherman's
house, the house In which surrenderyd. the Springfield home of Lin­
Tip lt..eU
coln. the Morro castle at 'Havana and
Tl.«- %rnU. r- uf |•erl• arc up In arm. the crulM-r Christina Regina, sunk In
cnUt.l UpIbcy held till- other
frouble, C----------- --------Manila bay. Tho ferrule was. made msiitm, ney
by seting on the blood, liver and
night a tint ting w how tuiub- t ry waa
bii. b-4HiuHio!rcr anti arc abort of the ln»n of cars dumpeil
cr«H-k by General Mannaduke.
handldlla KHUng
hr Haggerty wa* a chaplain Ir
' Upping ayaicni.
Vor Sato ate Quaraataad Only By
1. a cnipll. nt.d .yatt-ra In I'arl.. y:at fc man'a army.
Bogboo A BoMbyrg. S. £. WmH A Sent
A man named Uasseff for son;
•>HirtK.lrr. • a. It U rollecltxl. 1. pul
a gvu.-ml U»x. and at the end of I
dny ll.c total f dlvbletl .-tjually amc
the waltt-r. Tlit-r r«H-i-l^r no wag
but. on the (xintrary. have to adrane*
to the cafeket-per at thi^ Iteglnnlug ol
each day a .t>ni e.tlm«trt! at ont-half
of the day-a |a,url->lre. VRjetbrr or not
the gmiultt.-a real h the evtiniatixl to­
tal. the blt-l vOltt I- paid lo the ownOne gartxtn retx*otf,0 •CXIHgnliiM hi. t-midnyrr
Mtt aivl reeo\ ered.



tcnuhied on -tmllar action.—Chicago
ikund* out

W<H^amk«wa*U«a1 Xams pcmctii

Chrtt Ptr CtKt Uhrttt
Ei-efj «Wlii you dqiaiit in onr
Sansp d^ianmcBt »iU can 3 per
cent utCTCst compoumled twice a
year, without lav effort or worry
oo your part.

The UtUe Bone Betk S
Jut the thiar to help
yo« *»Te-We (onSh
them to ov Depoitton
tree-CaU aad rp mc-

. M. Faina* at tha i


4C« at aa .ou



J.W.SLAT£R • —itSas; Ea'-'

Trnvr— City. Michlgart

If! IB unou!
If you ik*ire to insuU a lyttem ol FJectneal Lighting.
BeUt, Burglar Alarms or Tdcpbooei. iiermil u* to esti­
mate. We have a fine line ixf
toctoty price, for high grmle
work ami maleriaL

Wknt ft thn tea of going hoogty for
Meal when you can gel it al «ich
a low figure al

C09h Hoof Horkoi


llM East Front Sired.

Instant Comfort Is yours when
you put your foot into a

Come Iri and look them over, they are foot fitters

A. S. irfiViVIAM

Since this Store ljei:an its business, and ever>* year it increased in size of
stork and traile. This year is no exception.

I^an array of Christmas jjifts that is most pleasing:.

Al«.n\-s tinds .-i pl.ncc in every home. Perhaps you want a set of knives and forks
for some mcml.. r t>f your family. Nothing nicer for a Christmas present. A
set of spoons is always useful: always having to borrow when you have company.
It is iH-ttcr to own them. .Someone wants a sugar shell, or a butter knife, or a
meat fork, a new nut set. a napkin ring, or some of the little ones would like one
of those sets of knife, fork and spoon. AIwa\si did want a

I lave some of the finest sets with cither ebony, bone, or fancy handles. Can’t
he a goo<l carver at the dinner table unless you have a good carving knife and
a good steel ko keep it sharp. These we guarantee to be the best wade.


BISSFll 1=

net that creep about
back to faded
--------- :>cky Mout
Jas. O. Johnson

Notics to Taxpayara.
To the Taxpayers of the City of Trav
erne City;
The tax rolls for the collection of
the state and county taxes for tba
tear 1900. and for the dallnquant
schiskl and city taxes and apecUl aastwsments for' aald year. Wa boon
placed In my bands for collectkm.
I win ba tn tny olBoa to racalva i
uuea from now until February L 1---tm each week day from S o'clock to
ll:30 o'clock In the forenoon, and
from 1 o'clock until 4 o'clock to tha
On all ataie and county taxes paid
bedore January 10th. tba regular fee
of one par ceot fo^ coHacUoo will ba
cterged. aad on all taxaa ramalalag
unpaid January lOih. tbara wUl ba
charged a fee of four per coat for collacUon. Penalty on dallaquant city
and acbool laxoa aad ap<
mem*, four cent* on aac
tbe amount of aald ton.
Ofioe la room 1. Hevnld
Datod Dec^ber L 1900
City Traasa

atcMarrandtottetoctiaato posaia* a
^v^sprr that can be relkd upoa a.

Make the best Christmas presents.

No housewife

couM appreciate any gift more than one of these

I’hey save lime and labor and


means money; they save the botiy from faiiuue.


and that means health,

d here are three tlifTereni

styles that sell al





$2.25, $2J50D $3.00
1 hey can be furnished in any kind of finish to
suit the customer.

-riHiss IS


tmb: wav

Will ap|x.‘ar on the niuht before Chrbiimas
loaded with beautiful prcbcntt from the


»olc Storo.

F1)-ibf with kit Rciodecn btm houic top to hoae top
to fiU the nockiogt, etc. of •» fft AM/w*. Now,

rw a. o. BOBABT.



such a gift will be remembered all the year
The kind that will wear, and sQ sue
through. .\ tea pot or coffee:|>ot is on the table at every meal. The longer you
use these the better they are. How many times you could use a Baking Dish if
) Ou only had one. We have >me of the best, If you could use one, so could
your friend.




oitv. miom.

i aitt, mdSL, ‘rtJssbA^, bficfeittkR ii

OoMk aad
ui4 '‘History oT Cte
•d 8UU1.* hr Mo: -HI

CMNlMMf Oras


iNvisieLe ebuos.


«d Nov Tort.- by imof: -HtotoryW


looj.- by Mtac.

^ states !>(»:«
-Cndoo oC tbe OhooT and “A
atm of JUomy Brova.” by 1

ll W Wood.

Tte task of «IM
ney «r SL FmarN t

aaasr rvfmctua and dU|wnd,«, sod If
we could find any tmnsi«nrw .did
srM dteatnsnaly to
the chimney having these physicsl pra|MTtK« eqasl
World.- -mum tor HlMf.- swaap. Tte church U tbe largaat to these of air It weoh! W ateMutrly
aolld ha vine tbe rrfmctlt e
hididliig la’tte tity and ite chimney lnTi-il»U.
very large. *Wb«rtte aweep had dr- index f^ttal to that x4 air Lc light
cmaln ware ksigtb esn tie foutad. but
•eanded lato It he fbm
“ j It U not a imnsparv-m eul-umv. says
€ssd.- -Fmak Pterier tte Chah Boy.I tte rittM.nrg t'.ssetle.
- Victor Vaae.*=* Tom Tsmplt*a Ch- te was torred to
Chlonil b.vdratc may U- dlsM^lved la !
rser.- Tte Erraad JJoy- aad Tte feet. The work-took all the a&emooa.
Odoo; -PWl tbe FIddNr.- “IN

for Gold.- -Jock-o Word.- -Mm

Can leam of much to their ad­
vantage by dropping a postal
card to the «
• .« « «

and when te tried to get out It was
Msaasagsr Boy.- by AIgsr: "FU
Hooor of tte School.*- by R H. Bar- dark and hU rope ladder was put out
a by a high, cold wlad
boar; -Cast Up by' tte Bmr by
whlck was blowing. Fbr over an hour
In hU terilou. poalUnn.
Dangbisr" and Taking a Stand.- by
by tbe fire departBlaacham; "Witch Winnie nt PaHs.*


by Champaey; "A Uttle Girt From la
dhL- by Cbertsr: "Xaval Cadst Bent- from the edd
ley.- by Con verse: -Proverb Slorlsa.

state of
bU eSons

In ui.Ift
parent objects saioki
ly InrUible snd tint

lulicUl U- ted on
tbe tii. of I
>t ill s drji-e fog.
I Ite dc»lrvd con­
went to Uw about IL To carry oa tte dition Id :br Intermr of s luminous
tie mortgaged his farm, became gkilae. Thi« te lm|tn»tte'd frruu two
Indebted, and
finally went
• "Chruunas WUh Cmndmot^ heavily
or plain be,,
Chatobori:-Dr. ClSbdlBs.-.-^^atberlae Elsie.- -Elsie snd tbe Raymond’s"
pbcri.1.1 finger CMRItTMA* TItEC*
Ml*. Etc to
He U now in the Insane asywbu h «n- lo
$1.00 delivered. Order from F. R.
I on the (
and -Elsies Motherhood." by Floley;
KlM - ‘Ptoleose- and -Tlie Wich of
rgej'^w Briton and
Hoer.- by
Kobert Thorp of Battle Creek, tbe side With a uuxtu.v d H«lmsin*s lo
miDous fMJWder ami lun Canada Inb
PraCM.- by Marlas Omsford: The Fenr.^
mng maa who almost broke bU
saui. Uuhd until tbii-k etmugh to hard­
LamiOlgblar.-by Marla
the Wilds." -Fnmi the
Idowed ssutber's bean by leaving en on
-V Muull hoU-.U made In
Throttle to tbe ITesIdenfs Chair." home last July without ssylng s word, one vt-^-l. Aftt-r er«»iwurv‘ of the Inner
I toe
m awcia. ny "Nad oa tte River." The Young relumed home Ssturdsy snd wUhed surfao- to strtaig bulit ttie dmlies are
toeJlI: -Kg KM." hy WUkle
toiber a Merry Christmas
He lihuTvl together and the Ihuthw of tte
" and "Ned In the Block. Housc."
blue glow,
-SokM oTrwtmnn-aad by Ed. EllU;"Junior Clip." by fr>encb; says be has bees out wvot working, tell U tilled XV,th a
in which a f^v.lal tell or cut glaim
IN My.** by HbteN MardiM "In the llvart of the ^kles. * "Con
oosn i say why be failed to let
MO|*iar U quite ln\t*il.»e w U-n vk-wrd
Davb; -liaUbaiaar.-’ bjr*B-4Ulam 8 demned as a XlhlUst" and *'Nu Sur­
tliriMik'li tl»o aiNTtmv. Tlie «
Darls; -Up aad Down tte flanda of render" by Heoty. "Hunter Cals" by
UU put.
QaUr and "Lafliie of Loulanna.- by Helen Jackson. VLady Jane" by Mm
olhfr Kin ..b,,h «rf lb., durk liiir
Marf Deramans; -Darld Ooppartsld
at: School"
and *XNleer Tvte.- by Cbaflea Dlek- -FlaxUs Klilylemi" by Sophie May.
uis; -Old Hower't Legacy.- by Edwin
Firelight Stortes" and "Stories Told
m*; -Soldlem of RMdale." by Ban by Flrellghl- by L M Muplioa. Tte- Ively for women
She has Just com- With the thrw iwinuir.v
Wue and .velkJW-as ll ha«
lab DU; -U Ktog's Honaaa.- by Jmu roU" by Mm. Mole«wt,rth. "The Muon pleled the erection
a $40,000 bust
that guns tbux |ulute.r teileoiiize with
I>«t; -Sbeibtm Uovaa.- -Lyndall Prlnco snd Other .Nsbubs." "Big Cyts structure at Calumet, and the any kind of l•»ekl^x.o1Ht
x%i.ll itet at
Sherbum.- "Tte Bbarbnm Bonmnoe.mad floor wilt be used by the new a short dUtwJoVtliey ,»n* dittieult to io
- The nsmlnpii Feather" and
Shsr»-s of the comiiany will €-.,te. Six cull* tot» |i.imiixKx\4-i.- iiI.u-.hI
JO of Saltuma" by Kirk Munroe.
-Whom Kathle Married.- by Amaada "LiphinlnK Espnijs.** "Coming Wave."
sold to women only
Exery stock on tb.- I’ox hilU. .nud Ite luilltex «.ffl
cx-m «t Alder*la.t
Uougiaa; 'Meiaory Street.- by Martha ■Just HU lAu\r "Ikjwn South." -A
Ider will te expected to buy
Dunn; "Mr
Dooley |a. lleare aad dlUlonsIrt* at 8ixt«-»-n." "A MUnlng
and In turn to b-%iie them ul su.ui
xxltl. tiehl*:l;t**.>; but. nlth.
B ar. " by Unlay P. Dunn; -Domiby dllllon." "A YtmiiK Knight Krrsnt"
of all women
lb-.T« kuexx the do^-e'.itm
South.- by George Eggleattm; "CUnr
and "Stem io Stein*' b> Olher Optic. possible who are nut stuckbolders. ,iMe lu bs^te them nil.
llaa Caraller.- by Bdwanl Eggleston;
Xobmly but women will te x-mploxEd ] „rt.|bTv
-The ITufcasor a Daugbtar.’ by Anna
in the store. The prx.flts will U- }isid
,e!%ai..^d I.. vltbln 1««» x.-mls BtorUrtk4kw4..tWJ«gto.
Peart" ao<
' ITutf
-Damnation of Themo -How Tomn
the purchasers as dUideuds j tefigE- ttex hto-:oe.l ••--m.
Ite |•nhlt• !
r^y Saved the Bam" b;
Ware." by Harold Frederick; -Janice
Jamm Oil*. * Two Little Confederates
ter. |« te in lUul
Mamditb.- by PnnI l.etce«Ter FbrtI; by Thomas I'age. "Ho|»e
-Katharine Day." by Anna J-Mller; -A "Gypsy at the Golden; Cre^vnt" and!*'
Moantala Eumpa.- by John Fo»; •Gypsy s Sowing
WAIA XlBr Ufgr
rtotiW vJlk
Reaping" 'by “
K. :*»«•»■ Pocketbook conulning
*----------------Wanted, a IVdlgr»*e.- by Martha Hn 8 Phelps. -The
Young Financier *
of money. She ca
ley; -Sir ChrUtopher.- by Maud O.wd- and -On to Pekin * by 8io<idard. '*Ce,ld
Ion of her assailant, who dis.1 '
wU;-LDta Anolbrr Hateu" by George Seeking on
the Dalton Tmll" byl*PIH*« d in an alley and eacapt'xi.
Horton: -Chateau D*Ot\- "R
Thompson. "Three Scouts" by J. T. j Six ?n alumni of the University id
-Big Horn Treasnre.-,by Cargill; -Go ed with a neighbor over a debt of
Ahead.- by Castleman; -Elsle*s ^
sixty cents. He refused to pay aad
tbe World s Fslr.- "Elsle*s Jonm-






Recent Through the Kliidn#» «T Mre.






^iet ef Roeka Asked tor
In Ooe Day.

I'riooUa sou lutinm. of th.* Tr»f



be loteresttd

In tbo lUi cf U*uLa railed for la a
Ibr Uaoonl aabod Mrs. Krllbo the
llbrarlao. to krrp a lUl uf Um books
ralltd fur un a regain day tbat
li mas Immrd later tbat
tbe dale rboaea by tbe Rertittl. withi>m any Inquiry aa to wbirb
‘ Im<si da>s*‘ was tn*i the beat that
uilgbt bav«* iHH-n a^ U^ud to show tbe
Had anotbe^r day uC
tbe wiHk beva chosen, tbe
wuuM ba^e
n of a higher charaet.T. f..‘rbaps Then* wyuld have be«-n
1«y» Ilf flrilun taken. .
lor), MograiUiy and

tetemtesto." -la Vte Patee of the




qu«r I



H.S.HUL^. PrMidmnt


-Edith Lyla,Grey/* 'Ethelyns MIstaka

Trow bridge. "Ik.y Soldlem of 1R12.", Mrebigan are a
dirx-elly iTpiiucNr >i«e uNrur,a.f.4
Lautfrtm, tluxxer UnL uml touxerimg them '
J. M.
With Old
lllcluiry. *
1IU.I itoUiupU-* nil by the
the HilUdde." -West Lawn." Three Colonial HoysThrxH- Young !*^“ ‘n rt»»* «!«ste
Tb«* IhhAs artoally dialled tor. tew
help of •-bH-jrieitx
.-bvjrieitx niHl
n,Hl wjtlH.ut
Htr;,- ikirxl
Young I'strl of reprx^eniatlx es
ev.*r. will givr eoinothlM of an idea -Gretcben,- "English Orphans" . am Continentals." "Thrts
O. Cromer. C. L, Orelllok.
liig^ XX^MI, Ihe
ai.jMirnlUs |
IWrs l*U. - iRimer Ute
of the work of the librarian. In nd -Dorn Dtane." by Man J Holmea
byTumllnst»n."Silver Mental" t»y Trow
ditbin to the keoplng of the library, -Road to Rldgeby s." by k>ank Har­
by Wells I**®"*
’‘“b tbe ui^usl I ployxHl! Tb!- U xxlu.i is n ,.uq.||*l.,-d
bridge. "I*aity Falreflld ”
tbe rare of ft and the readlM'Uble# ris: -Ramona." by Helen Hunt Jack- •Tom the lU^ad y" lix
Utile ,
Sx'Cth.n K mine, where the b.v « Wn*!m.^M.Ki e. ie,„Ut
or. wle» tes deMM-«l nn eleetru-Ml »,a
A Uttle Girl ! fire
an<| the supidylug n.u only of booka. son; ’ Prlaoaars of Hope" aad And
« hSiie X\ bie‘, ub.-M
I.y %» mw
by Mary Johnston; "IMsooers ol
bill alMi of Informalbm to tbe patrons.
Btid site- j.l.iU-to wall a Uxl of
Mrs Keith ImU on day tbe keep- the Sia," by Florent'o Kingsley; "In’
exampb-. w-,11 gather the *k\>t rt..m tbe
inn of the list as glren'lH'b.w. 8be Spit© of Fo«*m.- -Marlon s
Tbo Michigan Alkali Co. of Wyan
|,u,s• Wild Animals 1 have Known * by
Normaa Hull." ' Warrior Gap" and "A sml
Ernest Sxton Thomi^jn. "Tommy. done, has made contracts with the miK*!, SR the
Glmdln. Genthe, McCleery and K«- priMltU-Ing (•.•1(11110- toleMdtIy. tin* x»ce-'
than glad lo du anything that would Wonadad Kama." by Chartes KIm: Ann and the Thnw Hearts"
add to the itairo^e of the library, ' Story of Law mace Garth." by Elian
g«r grocery store* In Wyandotte for ciouR volatile attar Ir drawn off conttiiPoetry.
i 1.275 fat g«^. These will te dlstrib UuUoJy iM> boig UR tbe |.rx«-.-to» ,a ke|.t
the Iniertwi ip II.and the pood that O. Klih: -Clrtrnmsiance." hy S. Weir
"l\jems of Places * by Longfellow.
K «>m a Rmall M ale,
It might do
luUMi lo the employe* of the ct*mpany up. r..r ex cry
a iH-rfume faet.wy. itR mr-i,i U-ii,g due
Mistake' aad
The list of Uiuks given tsdaw In­ dnon:
"Origin of Species" and ’Descent of as Christmas gifts
toau t-Rwunal oil wte h it MN-n-tj-R.
YonM Mm Jardine." by Mrs .Cmlg:
Ian" by Darw in
Early next spring a veneer factory
cludes only tlHMN* that were called for
Now. one nd\.-Ullage or-UiuApixv jirtn*^
will be built at Boyne Falls, which c«R. S.RXW a xvriter tu the ri.dadi-liTBln
b> name • X». nvx.rd was made of •When Knlgblbood Was la Ktower"
"Over the Andes," "EnglUh Hedge- will give employment to sixty im*n.
calls where simply the name *.f tbe aad -Dtmrthy Vgraon.- by Charles
North Auututiii. Ir that i»*.« |KtTume
ows." "Between the Andes and the
K Damsel or Two.- by F. F.
auibor was ureutlumM
For Instance,
The farmem around Bllssfleld. It is galheCRl l»x the ehR-trl.-al mael.h»e U
Hsster.- by Mm Ollphaat:
estimated, have about | Invest lu M c.mdil:oii of lanfiRt iliR-ueRii and
tunny a boy comes and aaka for one
mm t. more agr.-«-aJ.le to the
trf a*-niy s bm.ks. *d wbicb. as e%ery
Trips of I
n- by ed In cattle and sheep which they are
iKMirlU iteu ttet xvbii h Ir M iursted
feeding for the spring market.
boy knows, there we many.
Calls ‘Hag and Mafpilbt.- by Mm Aldsn
from the bld-oeima In tin-.Tduiarv fasbThe health officer at Onaway rcntv'xl
for “Brrme of Dickens* Works'* or (Pansy); *Tba 8aaU of tbe Mlghty.Women’s
Knit. Slippers, fur
ton. Uiiforluuately
of th- |R-r ,
New Dental Firm

^ for a smallpox pe»l house, a bouse fumeoidinarlly taken from tl,.* floxxeiw
-One uC tkuti’a NotoIs- vero not reOamaok Towels, luiettod friofe
-The Tmaslatlon of the Sarage"
Dr. B. O. Sawyer has formed a oc* locattNi In the mldKt of a'residence I* iKd quite ii|R- and tb«RR>r«ire iH»t nt
and oolsrod borter........................ ifc
'' Nid quite all ul the books named aad ‘The Trial of the Sword.'* by Gil­ partoarshlp with Dr. T. A. Pwihall#. ‘section and within ten f,vi of a bulld- ll* lw«t. while xRTtniii Impunth-e are
•o‘*- per ps.r ................................ »C W ; Large Linen Towels, knotted
were phen out, of ctHirms as in a lew bert Parker; * As a FalllM Star." hy foo. of Oalamel. Michigan. Dr. Pw-jing in which *exer*l children livt'd. Pex'eM^rilr *1hku-Ux1 in tte i.nRR*..M-R.
fringe, fancy border................... Ifie
Men’s Silk Muffiers. whit* and
J. Phelps; -Red Rock." by hallsfoo -oomes very highly reoom. The ptNipie of the xuinliv made a Injuring tbe qu-xllty of C.a- o.h.g,.e.
case no txii.y of the liiub called bw
Fine Damask Table Linsn. pec
What is wantM Ir the naiiir..! and
black ................ .................................. 4to
Page: "A Slmplaiiui.---A msaded ass proficient opsralor and! loud. strong kick, l.ut without cff.vt.
was In tbe library. Ba>s and girls
y^rd ...................................................tto
finlAh..! 'iKMi im-t" of
gix.wdentlsL Dr. Sawyer hr• ^ ,h^y took the matter Into their o*u
Men’s Fancy House Slippers. *
were well repn sent,*,! aniiinp the pat Tenibit TempUtlon." -|\»ul Play."
Napkins, psc
Ing In the sutiAhoM-. ami th « •«
and when the hesUh officer
Peg Wofflngton." "A Woman lUtW been prwetieing aboat thirteeo yearn,
per pair ............................................ 4«c
rxms of ibe Ilbrsr) on the day men•tooen ................................................ flse
ohtalne.1 I.y the „.-w *-hR*trJ. a!
s\ tmnehine.
fbmed. not only lu the taking of Ju- and -Chrlaile Johnstm." by Charles and of tbte te has spent aboat eight ^ame down to fix up the building Ur which art* m. ir.w erfsily
Boys’ Wool Sweaters, fancy colAll kinds ef Handkocchleto. wpreception of patient, he found gle Tteto. Ito. held ll, front of It It x. iU
trtetlle iHH.ks but als.. Ih*oKs td other Read; Ths Tenneuee Judge." by TMTS In Travaree Oily and is too weU
or*. 35c. 49c and............................ $$c
wato from................................... ..
oplp Rsad: * The Helmet of Xerarre,"
•.that every door and window In the <wum- a putt of water P. RmeU like
lxvR«-xxater In mix MR^md* hy th- wateh
The ailual list for llm single iUy U hy Ikntha Runkle; -Tragedy of Ids
• *“
mysteriously dlasptexnsl.* Fur Booo. with Bear
-.................................... tte'
When the work 1. U-ing .huie for
Xoble ' and "Sea Queen." by Clark
time VHU be tu oomplele oharge : Mra A. W. Peck is visiting rela- bURlm-toii p!i,(to.Reto. a floxxer 1r-I »r ehxA h'ace lllumln
trieslly gr..umi*il th :t 1*
v.-<y. zine
of Dr PsobaUegon.
tires at Mantoo
-Martin Luther.- -Wasblngum Irv- «*«!.'• *'Harrlem Burned Away.** "What
X;lai.*R ER.mK-.-t.Rl w ii.h the m:.. hlne by
Ing.- and -|'p k'rvim Blav«Ty- br IV»ok. Can She Do." "A Day of Fate" aad
.-opiKT XX iiR-N srx* bura-.! In the emih of
-HU Somber Rivals." by E P. Roe;
«er T Washington
the UrI.
Ar th- 4Mh.r i-mti. h-* rlee
My Ladios Ikamunda.' by A. See
*‘MiMtdk.“ and A Mmlern Me|iblst(v :eani; -Qtspniln ilurward" aad "Heart
L" -Cousin

Maud." "Hoa

. w.v?clTkte2;

The Olobo!

'*by DouglUr

Our Store is aglow with
Holiday Enthusiasm

h:ivr many articles suitable (or Holiday Gifts that
an* ii>rful anti serviceable.

-Tte Right df Warr -The Ttoapaaa-

Our |,rice> are always lower than elsewhere for the
same quality of L»cxxiv

plHdrw.* by Umlsa M AKmUI. -Unnet,” Uy tlrani Allen. The Hllllwater









Anne Sedgwick;

118 Wrort* m*.

TragvHly.- b> Thomas Hally Aldrich:
•tTean-d for .Action.- by WlUls It.
Allen. 8he Stands Abmc.** by Mark
Ashton: -The Award of Justlc*.- by
A. M. HarU*r;
The Maluwaring Af
ta|r.-.b> A. UarUHir: “A Uow of Or-

ey at St. Marks,’ by Harriet
IYi*scv>ii Spufford; '-Dred." by l^arrlet

iv*echer Stowe; -Adventures of Cap
. ange Klbbon** and * A Sister of Kaau.** uln Horn," by Frank H. Stockton;
Mistress Harbam,- hy H SutclUIs:
Uy Amelia K Harr; *’JUpatiiatoa. by
Miutsleur Bmucalre," by lk..dh TarUlUan Ik-ll; ‘ Klnm Jlublfv,- by Irrln

I "

BacbeUor; * A Daughter of lirth.- by kln8ton;'*Inm»cents Abroad." by Math
b: -Vanity
Fair." by
WlUlam Hlavk; -Kit and Kilty- aad
-Luma Iksme.- i.y R. H Blarkawrr; ‘Thackemy; "A Womans Word.* "A
A Clrt*s Ambition.- "Six in All.**
nTmler Tuiis’ls anti
Tents." “The
Orip «»f Htuittr- and * For the Freedom Tbe Holland*!- and The Mill of Tus

Nothing will make your
T lady friend happier than a
^ nice Fur Boa or Muff, or
ifis both to match.

" by Virginia Townssnd; "Dajrs
Cyrus Townnend
Floyd." i»y M. E. Uke These.- by R W. Tdwnafsid;
"Ik^. Ijtilmer.- “A Sane -Fameirs Fbliy" and "MartU Merl-Xo C,*nlleman.- -Xexi mlo." by J T. Trowbridge; The

tlu‘ SL-a- by




Door- and -A W,el Point Woolng."
by cum




Girt.- by




nnd -The Methods

-Kaibleen" •Only a Girl." by Voa HU»m;->^Bagw
of Lady Walder- by s Dangbier." by Bsaals Vaa Vorsi;

*bnm.- by I'raaccs llodgnon Bnmett :

That **onnne" aad "A UiUs Journey

I «,50 to moo teb

-Barham Heaibcoten

TriaL- -Only
the World." by Cbarte Dodlsy
the OoviTneaa." -Uncle Max.- -Baall Warner; Tbe Westsrastw.- by Ed.
LyndhuraL- -Marle*a Craaade.- -fte Whits. Tte Otbar Girls," by Mm
Ulllaa- and


Herb of Omce.- Whitney; "MnariOA" by SUa B*hsel-

Uoox; -InfellcL- "loss.- "8l Elby Roae Carey. The CbrUilaa- aad
Tte Speckled
-Tte Eternal City.- by Hall Caine; nm.** "Vaahti" aad
-by A. E. WlUoa; Tte ToniJ
-StroM Hearts.- -Bonaventure.- -Old
Teddy. - by Bamary Tsebtoa:
Creole Days" and
Dorothy South."
by George W. Cable; “Youm Aprtl.- •Two Goardlaas- and "Cattle Build­




Dale ers.- by OInvtotte M. Yow:

Olrtn- and Tbs Way of BNindA- bg
Fmacea Carmtb: -Chase of 8l Oaa-

You will find the best at

I Wilbilm’s Hiw Stiri


II s< Usf tte Lncky.- The Chlk
of Ite dtetto." by Israal Zanr

tU- aad -Lasarre.-by Mary H. Catbeevood; "Klcbanl CartoL" -Tte Gate
MmmwlTIm I


WursbuE-K milR.

tn Metlco," by F. H. Smith. "Hester



ittok, ftnisbiAy.fiadsittkRti^iMi
—— „


ON TRIAL r^4«%i2

s*wtiw.tawi«riT«ttB «Miri«r -^-^****^^
If Nw
miK *«{» Jir-I Tiij HI....... - i fil^ii n


fKn orrai ATTonns

...... Sft-ws

- —.2


Sa^aaa? W. Bana VUtUai HallU»..B.BFl.ri..T.0.8WlM.B.O.
Da^maad WUilaai BMiatda
U tha atatawaat to tfea iai; aada

Will Koi Into U' attca

to o

that tha Maadaal aa« thoaa arith
M>«anaaaUac la^waaa^V
Ua hlffeMT. (Mad ap taaaallp hp
The Woohii«ton city pootoIBco. 1
OUataa Bauaad.
OUaWa Baa- tttidrr the oome roof with the depart­
ment to which it la reeponolble end un­
der tbe ocTotiny of the department oAcloU^ la regard oa o model ofl
LfBlM wht« ^

mmk 99P loaty. ho ~ told by bi* Wbenever any new derlre la propa
for tbe poeUl oerrlee It to hret trtod ca
«MfM« thol iOOM Ml woto loorlnc t^^WaoW^oo
cAce. aaya the New
4Mhiof«M. Bo M dowa tlM.
mi4 ofdMod thorn to doololwhonporWith tbe begtonlng of tbe year
hipolMUytodoovoj. Whoa^roor nomber of entirriy new deriece In peotite wit fiM Pmo. who M taiook- al boatneoa wlU be tceted. One to a
iwllh aaaao. ho new mail box. which to aald to bo the
hw dowatho
• ho had to do tta
Mdofor hlmMt.Haai. keep u^oo letter carrtoro end co
uro. Tbe boxeo wlU be arraagod on a
regular route and anmbeced. Each will
ho wat folar OoUckhl*. mio ho be connected by a wire with an annnnyMododtodo. aoooRdiaicbothotoo. ctotor board lu the mala oAce. and aa
ttoMoy of Mr. Baauaoed. who otatod
that Daaao otmok hl« twloo. they
the box that to
ooUod Daaao aad hold himself a.
eiooo to Doaao*o body ao poooiblo oo
that tho blows of Doaao woold haro
looo foroo. Bo elalmo that Daaao vcm. bia mwuing tbe next box
Idly, oalllaf
otTico. and tbe fact to atoo annoonced
apoa hlai to •'oqaoal.** bad that ho at tbe main oAce,
aokod ima Mlaor. who was with
TIkvt to a third norehy la tbe new
Doaao aad Mr. Roooh. to brine aa ■yateui. lu each box there to to bo bong
a»t thfoatoalaf to kill Mr. Badi. on the Inaide a telepbooe tranaml
recel»^. and If at any time the
BMod.. Mr. Bamiaood tooBM that
tho foDOo that wao-holae ton down U-clor abould need to communicate with
bb chief at the oAce be can do aix or
had boon ihoro

U tho orooo oaamlnation Mr. Fotoer
triad lohriaf in tho aiattor of tho
ohlRiTarl which oocarrod last oprine.
bat tho prooocatioo ob)oolod aftor Mr.
Baauaoad had tooUAod that ho wa.
aot proooat Than oan^d a Uroly
flght botwooa Mr. Footer and Piom
tor Pratt Tho fonnor wao dolorMiaodto heimin tho olory of tho
diOonlly pcorioas to tho ooooaator of
Toooday last hot JaoUoo Brown
ffalod'it oat Mr. Footer made noo of
tiOB with this matter m
in retard to another qoooUoo which
tho ooort wanted him to dlride. ao
part of it wao hold to bo improper:
-U thUcooH wanu to dooido thio
aaoo.>o*d boMoabmit it to him.”
**1'U aot toy a oaoo aad bo hampered
hU tho timo hr the ooarl 1*11 iw>al
I) a ooart whoto wo can get jaatleo.**
Lori BamaMod. tho ihirtoon year
hid oonof OUnton Baauaoad. wa.
^laaodoa tho olaad aad told prmctl
•Ally the MO olory aohlo father Imd
told. Bo wao oUll on tho otaad at 8

Humberto toy Thai Their Arreot Will

Circle* in tcondoU

aoaaoralBi hlo ooafodoiatoo aad himaolf am made kaewa. Be oayo he
wUl ahow that the ammboro of hU
telly wom Ttotimlaed by tobbor.
who arploilad thorn. Bo oaya that all
alaomoU Parle fM mialoteri down
WUl bo laroNad. Mmo. Bambort


use for x rays.

Tbievorr 1- Jnunnoo# Mini, tm B

tbe X
ing to

Japaneoe govemment bmi pat
rays to a firactlcal uae. accord­
tbe Electrical World and EnglA firm In PhUadelphU baa re­
aold to that g
Dorel pur
Tbe rvfWTwmtatlTr of Japan wbo
pul'd tbe ordtT aald that In the govcminintal mlnta a great many gold
dollar* are colnwl. and there haa been
cooaldcrable looo throogb dtoboocat employeco owallowlng the email colnaand
thua taking them out of tho mlnta.
There ha* been no wgy of prcTedUnf
thia until a clever oActol angs«mcd tho
uae of tbe X roy*. and the machlna
waa ordered at once.
It to not propooed to pot every em­
ployee to the teat when leaving tbe
mint*, but be will Iw ororcbed by elec^
trtrlty from time to time, ooexpekedly.
and any one uf the empk^eea may be
calld up at any time to ondergo tbe
twt. It to believed that the fear of de­
tection will prevent tbe ateallng. at
lca*t In the form now uoed.
Tb* AatoosoMto Cv«M.
Tbe man wbo doeo not dealre the
craae to ottike biro aboold not even
ride In au automobile, according to
James M. Wataon. an attorney of
.'ben yon once got aa
autumotille. your dtoaattofactlon bogtu*.** aald be at tbe Waldorf botal In
.New York tbe other day to a
of the New York Tribune. “If yon
don*! want tbe crate,. don't get in ooe.
My tlnit
waa with a nice.
.'omfortabto machine that rolled akmg
Pleaaantly. I wa. out oo tbe road one
day when a red whUaer daabMf by at
a tblrty-flve mile cUp. Then 1 aoddeoly grew Ured of mine and bad tn get a
faacer one. tbe craae Increaaing. Now.
I preeuroe, U a green devil paM mo
at exiev* train apeed 1 ahkU be aUU


Ite Mmo. B


nan an



«b^*ISru7 i>i« wfcM

have bomi tried by tbe Indian govemtelwUh^ih^ This paokafo hao


HU datete Edw
workad orar hto «ntUnboto • otek.
Bte had baw aammanad.and
ad hU Ado btee ha diad.
Tbe naorelano of the BapUot ekarch
Tha body WM takan to Kaw Lon­ waaeaiml far. Dr. Ka
rui ooenr lomorraw evening Tho prodon. InA. for bvtoL Tha i
rabalvud U ihU Aty by Mlto Mary
WhUMyianlattarfrotoonaof tha
daaghtoniAtba daowaad.aad maay
frtends> tha Aty will te tbadaarOA mapathy tor tha htowwd InmUy.
The woman ueems to hnra no delnitehoato She told to one time the
wheonberwvlP OsdUUc and agaU
thtotoewnsfoUgtoMnnUtoa. UU
mid that she te withoto fnadn

Snpttot Chnfch.

Cut Price
You esnnot afford to miss
thi* MIe. We have a fine
line of Plain and Fancy
Ro^era to show you at a
very low figure. Come in
and examine our stock. I
a?n sure we can suit you
>th in style and price. This
sale will continue


Rocltatlon-Oornolla Morrtooo
Recitatloo—Booole Turner.
Bong^Mtoa Rector's claao.
R«lUllon—Bei'nlco Cole.

When H* Entorsd ths C*
Taft Will Suoeosd Him.

hiteiu Dao.

Tha i

tho praaidsht to apBoint w hU woooM Qov. IMft. white not to this
The exerctoea of the Erangellca Amoonpnbteot oOoIni
Sunday Bcbool will occur Wedneadaj te lookod upon by thoas i
evening. The pfogram will be ak fol
The prassara of hte pHvtoa Intorsste
Organ Voluntary.
has long domandod of the Metory
Song. -'Weicome the King"—Choir.
thdl > retire from oAoial Ufa. but
Prayer—Rev. D. O. RuthSong. “The Sweet Old Story'—
MoEintej untU Oubaa inRodtation. “Chrtotmaa Greeting"—
n had boooma aa notoify.
raetion in tho Philippines
Reclintlon. “Utile Folk*' Welcome"
-Clang May Gordon.
Song. “W'elcome King of Glory"—
in Ouba mad ]
“Chrtotma. Sennon"-Nlna Mnsxy tbe Philipploos have been brought
Recitation. “The Biar"-W*llma Via abont The roorganlatoioo of tha ragalar army te believed to be but a few
Song. “Oo to Ue Manger"-Cholr; ‘ mootha off. tbe maumra known aa ths
Recitation—ICarioo Tuttle.
•toff bill by which it te lairposed to
^Srt^. “Hark. How the Angela Sing" aoeompLteh this, hariag found such
favor la oongrass as to onsun its pas­
Dlalogue-llr* Wlntcta* claaa.
sage befora the adjourameot In March.
Song and Bierci*e. “Utile Holly With this menaura a Uw. Mr. Root
wiU have fulfilled the important mtoReclUUon-Orace Thomas.
Aoos he set upon to perform and tboo
Song. “Utile People of the 8now“- WiU retire to devote his attontlon to
Prlmary department.
the Uw. _______________
Dialogue. "Welcome the King"—
Song. "Hark. How the Chrlilma*
BelU Rlng"-Choir.
Body of ths Young Mon Was Laid to
Recitation, "Keeping a Secret'Rsst tn Oakwood by Sorrowing
Marie WTlllam*.
eRcliatlon—Earl Muxty.
The funeral of Harry Oook oocarred
Duel. "Chrt*ima* Lullaby'—MU*
this afternoon to 1190 o'clock fram the
Marie WlUiam.. Grace Thoma*.
residence of the brother of the deReclUlion-Beaale Corbett.
ceaeed. A H Oook. on Weet Eighth
HecluUott—Jamie Butler.
Song. “Ring 6a. Merry BelU '- street to Oukwood eemetery. The eervicee were ooodaotod by Rev. W. K.
WrighL of the Preebyterian oharch.
Recitation—Edith Easteniay.
asstetod by Rev. Hagh Kannedy of the
ReciUlkm—Harold Hill.
RecIiaUon-^oy Hill.
A was largely attended by the many
RecUailon-Laura CljTje.
friends who moarn the antimely death
Ctoalng song. “No Room for My
of the young man
Tbe factory of
the J. B. QreiUck Oo. eras Aral down
for the afternoon, and maay of the
Brownleo and falrioa wUI be in eW- former useooUtee of the deoeaeed met
dence at the SMond Methodist church.
A Canute. “Santa la a Plight.** wUl be
Tbe decorations are very and tbe maay offerUgt testified to the
eeteem of many friends. JLmong the


Elaborate Christmas Exercises. With
Christ In ths Manger in Mlnistur*.
and Fine Music.
There will be elaborate Christmas
exercises in St. Francis’ church Christ­
mas One of the apecially fine fea
lure* to please the children wiU be
Christ in the mahger In miniature,
and the characters In the Bible proml
neol on that occasion also repreaeated

Chorus, with solos, by Misses Josle
Hormoth and-EsteUa Barry.
“Tbe AngeU’ Message

Fetel End of Querrel
Wllliem F. Heekm Died From

theomnnu and viAete from the empUyee of tbe J. B. QrelUok Go’s feolory. a Urge pilUw fram the family
of the deceased, aagnifioeat white
rases from the teUy ot Mrs. Oook. n
of rcMsand oarntoiona
from Pat Needham, and flowun frtua
the Bnatera Star, the PortU Oimb aad
the Preeb/tarUa MteAonary aeoiety.
ThepaU beararawmeDr.FrankHoldworih.\VUl Holdawortb.Dr.T. W.TblrL
by. Anstte 8eco*.Traoy H.GUlte aad B.
W. Oralllck- Mrs. A.H. HoUuUy,
MUsAlmaDefpraa.W. P. Oroteer aad
W. J. Hobbs furnished tbe moAe.
singing "Abide srith Me." "
time We’ll Understand" and "Saved
byOrace.** the Utters aoU by Mrs.
BoUldoy. with qaartot refrain.
Mra Oook. widow of deoeaeed. U
Q1 to her parents' home U Fife Luke,
aad was rnanhU to be
bywhUh Am mw tbe fMmias of ber
however, the train tram thia
Aty. to which the body waa
farrwi. having aeoured apaoUl orders
sms run north oa the nsaU Item to
Fife lAke, whore paU bearma wuto
sraittog aad the body was
the Walter leAdenoe. wf
i^en wife bad aa opportoatey so

: DtorAL Dea lE-WlUUto F. Baakalt. who was sUAmA by hte aon-UUw. FotraA WalUoa. dmrtagn fight
Thurwtoy night dUd thU toornUg.
WalUoe U aafferUg Utenae remocee


lowod by the Shophehl'a Maas.
Slagteg by Cbllte's Choir.
lfi:80 a. nu high mass and aermofi.
Music and ategiag name aa 8 o'doek


ItoA IS-Majcr Low

from now until tbe 2$tb

1 In the
in Chicago Today.
By Wir. u» U« Ewalsf UiosrA
Ghioago. Dee. IE-Former United
Stotea Senator Dwight of BtlUwnter.
Minn.. dUd auddenlj to the Andltorium annex to 10 o'clock ihU mcmlM.
of heart trouble.

inArnnnunl OhrUtmna party, whtoh
srill ooour OhrUtato nlghL ,for Fdreetors and their famllie<0Bly. I^U a
foragtme ooncluAon that a delightful
evening will be enjoyed.
there will be no pmetUg of Ttovone Bay Hive thU week on aooonnt
of tbe bolldaya Tbe next meeting
WlU be held Tucedoy. Dea BOnndevr
ery member U reqaeAed to be preaeat
Mtosra. Frank and Robinson, wbo
have a plmrant anite of roooia in the
Womburg blook. gave a bouM warmteg to nnnmbarof their frtenda UA
evening whleh was thoroughly tojby-


281 E. Front

We find that we are left with a good
many small sized Overco
To close these out quickly
above reduction, 'fhe Coa
class makes—best of fabrics—well
and perfect fitters. Values from

$10.00 to tl5.Bfl



« . Traverse-City

here's wliere tbe small gomes In Big...
Off on Ovorcoats

esters ball Helm's fall orabeatra.
Everybody invited.


a great opportunity for small men and
young men.

Cbe Boston Store


Von can’t make a miitake by
giving aL ]RING for a gift. And
here** wh
5Cl the price

6rtit Htdudion
in B^Udav goods
The itoch i< beiag
rapidly reduced but in
ordernotlocarryanything over tbe bolidayt
I Am making greatly
reduced pricea ....

nmt Hmt 3*wtlrf
stMaes af
nimgs sad Plat

■imhiti of tho Hi

Good riock mOI oo
hand. Elegant Novel*
ties at prices that wUl

dolidap Tootmar
Oqr shoe department has had an excellent patrocuge during
tbe aeiaon and sull our Aock is DOC depleted. As an extra inducemeat, we wfll quote a few shoe values, that for quality and price
win ooDvince the moA skcpticaL
For the
Besver Sllppor. fatt llomd

For ths

onsn—Vstvst Slip

and MeKon Slippers, varl®us color........................... 65c

San*s Snmwl Carpet Slip-

In Ladles Shew ws have aoms
stew and


feratrwtwwr.or light flwibte wtes for drew wuar S2A0
On mor bargsln eowntera yw.

•K whit. tk.y Uri........,«2.4<
Mm-, fM« F.H M «ri Ow

mtonm of poUoe

ranqed by wild*bea*ta Various conKctnrrs are haaarded to accoont for
tho mighty, fai^ IhU fallaro of tbe execotlve, bht It la
pr/iy well agreed that the dcatrbiUon of game by aportamen and by
oatwr Try It aad oeo. JaA TJ. Joka- ditmght compel, tigrta. toopardo,
wolTOooaihyemmtoiiriy lea greater
vxM oa hiimanlty.^Now YmkTlM.


I'JO tRuin and haooate ill wtarad MUlar*adrM

Songby SehooL
Song-Mlaa FInnh claaa
Daisy Strang, neepmpnaiat.

Tbe ebureb will be beautifully dec­
orated In balsam and cedar and other
appropriate effecta. The following
win be the program of exercises:
Morning Ssrvics.
At 6 a. m- high mass and sermon.
Mtoaa Sexte—Hauer.
Ad 3 voew paros Op. 13 a.
Cantus 1—Miss Estelle Barry.
Thamea for the Miss Btonche Joyce.
Cantu* II.—Miss Josle Hortnnth.
Miss Alvina Dion. Miss Rebecca Jai-

to tho imbUc. It I
ad maay faparo. iaoladiaff. U (hor in diameter. 1.1*17
kmg. with ih.
hany. baak aoloo la tho amoaat of top thirteen feet below tbe river bod.
It to orcMble by elc
at either i

ad a paahaga oaa

•naat tetoa :

ritoaVrttor anai^ Dm. Ml aat It
tl: Mar u.
Oalif Wtoafc T4X;
•M.M; tort. Wao; •tor. wtottot ■iwliri «ritoTtaT.


fee^moo Wboovtob or


^ «!**•*• tort hw*. W.J.Bitowr.

M and m:u

Qaartot-Mra. DoVoUn. M^. Strong.
Mr. Fay Crawford. Ur. T. P. UUom.

Od 0«^

■Mut 4wUm »«» 4>4m Ttmm 0«t
a. IM aMfOi* W»~> ">•
U* whoto correet tv hie bole', ao
tv an Trial at ttw rmoen. hot It Ooeoe't. Aftw bo o
- iboaeao
I eiomi bofuvou ovw If bo wooo't.
Bati7 0~a toaa trial
^ iret Me ev I
tea Mtaa B»w- ta •• —“ A'onwcb. OB* I
tootor-o Viowe
FoUewiag the wedding
tonTTte aal|h>0ikaa< Maria
alaia «ka liaftaflM* batvaaa lari
Btr aad OartaU. arWah aaa-laa

P^\y High

w Tw>«ri

thIa te i« two tea. Baw. Mr.

Oarry. Loa Crawford.




at chB. tm

17 tew M iho Fteii atehM




tiwiwM I« iilr-•!**• *^.*** *•

[e. arbo stoirae '7eauury 1.
Qtwa bae Utermed the maj-


It's the wtol apriag of joy. Tbe eea-



rmroto fBf iiplaaAid fitoystei
HrCkfkimnM Mta

heavy wie and hwl..........SSc

the Boston Store.






lUrder toi
Ssir. O

atomr. OtoP pmatoaff to Jpdpp uaiA
Be toprtoaatod tbat tba oeafraetor waa
labtoi wBbtt paMct aad Cbat Iba


nooft teLLH) IT sDBomn

aat mu rmmirnr tWMi^b^ni am
iMt Two Tooao «f«to LMo.
Aaeardinc to ana af Ma MaMa. fat^
lar Bpaabar Tboma a Kaad laid
mwBf imOdD to tba laat two jaara oC
bto llto. tooac af a tf aot an. «ada to
Wall alraat. aaif Iba Bow Tort AoMt^
iv I am at toat bappp. I tmm dU
agmrtawa/wmOdnfUmdim. I

fW rw—I Tr*.kto.
tert nA^ appu m talOTcr >i6
tlM Ml.Jus»ti<» of tb* Bom. tf 1 ta%o

ar Mjr law work and <

I aaioj aocM
ikau by

aOiitorr iwlcMit.** mki OoMcmJ


wtoo to coaaaqaaaa
nt daaaa'C atobt iaay diffdoaec.-iw
pBad Jate Kite •'Xbara are aaly
two AtodicaabaMaya Oaaof teal
k te ffbattb af /aty aad teoter la


a tbe iBlaBda.
It la toy doty to do wbat 1 an dotop. They canaot work on tbe Aaecrlcaa holiday. If they want tokalcb ap
wttb te work or ran tbe atotai rollor
dbeo there la oo trmOc to totorfaro.
kC them apply to tbe abcrlff for a pertolt to work oo Baodaj: bat 1 caaaoC
kt nan work oo aa Atodicaa boBday.
Tbme kknda must be Amcrleanlaad.-

, Amrk«o aa ««ll




irwaljr and maiij Urea wlM U ooert-

yw and with aorcaaa attained by
pwaaaa wbo aaw tba mrrta^

|«nrani. WLlUr Bicu bato rarrl/ prartntr^ ifito tb« lotnior of VniouMlik
« qulrkljr I
lWi« will f
Ilf IlM______-______ Um wai
“B«rui*«o idH<xTW. «q«YUIIj

to know aocb day wbaC tba atoek dek-


Tb» rtr*olutl.Mil«U "•
cradiaillioc^uir^ • coMld^bW Moefc
of tuodfiWmaaudntmuuiiltluia. Froa
fimirinai acqualnUaca 1 rao aloU that
tb» HUnnm. cr plolnaMi. of Ibo Urtarlor
oro <b- M CfftiM ouutb of tba Uolt•d Hiai.*»i. From now oo oiijr non or
woman t»o( of darb roiuplextoo wtU U
• virtlia of tbHr .unilty.
-If tbr Eur.i|irtitt Huht draft mitarrs
ffunt-wta bavr a .itHlratm fixun 1^
Gnayra and Pumo <’otM-llo ai>d totiwd

aon and oof. will In- Prraldrnt C
lirot ally. Vciirturla Uan all tbr
tiala fur a |>ru»tward flaUt wltblo bar
Uanlm-coffre. cattlr and toroa for
fuu.1, bld4« nm1 flax for apfiarrl and ao
4ndnailiabU* Qxbtiujc afilrit wImw ooce
'lukinfe' a f.-« amall xroaala
and artxlnir a iniMom lK.uar or two la
llba rrutirMnx a
ab.*ll almood,
tot a banirr nut. a rr*alof Hraall not
WlU bava to Im< iTnrkrd tu bolil tbnu.
-Fort Ban Tiirlo. whlrb omiu.auda
Iba Ofipar Bpi»r«in.lM-a to fbi* town of
Maroi-aibo and l^kr Maracaibu. ta not
wllbout a Kfi-ttt drul of di*fttu»U a power
ajralnai Tbo bi-arl.-at cuna tbe Koropaan
Onata ran i..«albly |o»i^nl. Tbe Inbabtbr pruvItKW brtwaan

fVffbtera. To tlM-ui waa fhu-tbr wUmlnd
uf ludrptnidaiKV from biwniab nile la
lf.H >». It will
a, barruwlnf

asaltiat tbr rtunM-nt of tbr tiatl^ra*'
Tba rauar of ibr nmBlrt l•rtwM(l
Vroesurla on uiir aldr aiKl tiibat Ilrlt
aUi aiul tb-rmany on ll.r otlirr U of
bmff Blaodlng. aaya a Waablnirtiio apa^ tbr Now York Tliw-a It ftowa
out «f rlalMia lua^r hy tbr frnm
mrota of Gmidiny and <Jr«wt Brliato

Vonraurbi baa br«u In a ontidlilon of
rbruair rrxotutiuii. and lu tlw pn^rroa
of Ibra** iittuirroua rrvulatluna tbr prv>pany of furt lcnrfw baa

im-xal.d a r^*naldrral4«.
IniiHirtunItba tbr Vrm

■Ian r«vrrolUun. and It
atrtw toward briiiflx^c
of Gnwt ilHulu Ibr
firrai as
• of Ibr
tbiwr of iirrwnu). tbr rlaltua
lattrr twin* alwui
Tbr cUlma are divided Into two
rlaaara. Tlioor of tbr flml ctaaa aro
dUblnl tnlo two diOdoua. Tbr firot
divlalon ron.lata of clalina for tba
oinirtloo ai»d oHinnwlaiUm of iruper-

nirut ffrt'tw. Iti
dralruf«lb»u of plaulatloua ai^ buildlac*, and tbr apprvpriailon of inovaV)v proir^y. Tbr lualBirnca U|k>h an
adjurtiiwtit of tbl* i-l-a* of rlalm bat
brm inorr uii:oiit Ibau In nremrd to tba
^Itrra. Tbr a»xi»nJ d
yi.iu.a for b.*rr* au. lalnrtj aud daw

-Wbaa Mr. Raad ram# to Kow
Torn.- aald hU frltod. -bo atalod tbat
b# was poor, bat wanted to pet rich,
biB aerapler fcaoplnf blm o« of tba
stock aarkaC whilo ho waa to caatoal
of conerroa Ha allied bUnarlf with
Up corporatloaa. and Ida faaa In

nia cblor gatoa
o Aparaa wbaa tba gm
woald not toaeb It. Ha sold
pObMc fiorry tbat aaaaol tbr comaiaa
atoak to Haa to $12 a abaiw Ha mada
moot of bla vnonry lu new aiorka Ur.
Baad uarar apoeuUtad In any amaa of
tbe word. Ha waa a ranarkatdy pood
Jodpa uf ratora and looldra knew
loant peraona wbo wore In enatrol
of oorpuratluns and from whom be
Mid prC tbe Carta Hr tbfCaCoro
BcUkt and aold Wttb eoufldmra
Amonp tbe iwworfol nionryad frteoda
r Mr. Urrd waa IL iL Uopm. wbo
baa tbe rrpuUtlun of kiK.wluf aometblnp aliout bowtbrWandardOll parly
U workinp In tbr market, and Mr.
Used bad foil benrOt of tbat koowl-

It baa rrmalned fbr Mmr. WaldeckRousmi^o ni^a new alda^^t^
?dSator of faahlci.*!^ijn!br I^oodon
Mall, nia wboir conravwatloo with tba
wife of tbe furtuer Frvticb |ir«iulcr was
devotad to draaa
-Would 1 tie lodlarrrrt. madame. to
aaklnp you the addrrM of your dioaaMma. WaWeck Uuoaorau pave blm
tbo tofurmatlou.
-1 will note It.- aald tbe eiu|wror. -1
abaolntely desire tbat tbr empraaa be

for Ibr a«x

devtited. Oneuf ll.«-Hiani
•Tbe tYlali* om^ fh.* explo«>U

pUtnMl.aod ternz aremt-d-mueb
IIa*-kett Int ltr<l blm aud
Kbaffcr and mr behind tbe Hcenra. te
aa much Hmard lu Imrt Hack*
ett orho talk«d to him aUmt a«uur tbr*
actor, l-ihailuilrc.**
One War •« Kllllna
Ftir every lUich H»ry kill the member!
.f a m-Hly ftoiu.Hl aiwrruw club at
)\*^aniliaut. Sii»i.«-x. Kiixlniid. ore to lie
fiord four *]a.m.w h* ben.U.

I fUi h»ur
ol »to« kin ■ with the
Ih«| the ahupwRurae.
And a. f..r r.*d .ih-k raudy. why. we U
hrln* It h-«n.- in r«rd..

Let how to
-AU. 1
r date.*
-Hut. taU m
vpire. -dura IJ
OLXwpy bbaarlf with your toUrte
•*Ob, oa
ooaeeau. Unpblnp.
-Abr aald tbe sMpenr prmvaly. -I
«cupy inyerlf a pmit deal with my
wlfFa powma I rbooaetbe metrtiala. I
advise tbU or that model. Tbr form of
plaaaea mi exeeodluply la tbe

fora r. ant

ffllo a ahliu.,;h
‘^'iJ^Burr t.. hlow^ia. I
hurrah lor no*rr> «
K.a>J teJ KU.WUT

af te Ptwcral found In bla own band
wrttlnp aflar bU daafb. the rommittae
wblcb punned (be noble mcmcrtal on
the banka of the lludaeu made |toe
vUloo for tba pUHap uf Mra. Granfa

rt ua Btaka an rffort to U ratry ■
thU >-. ar
make them Jt* i-ium lu.|>i>> with the
bMt of t'hrlainia. chcr;
ia« thrro may I- drouxht a-rom1n*.
ah’, uf «-o«rae. wr il Xt^ f.iriom.
So l«< a make the moat of ia«-n«y whUe the
jmudte.1 ctve. ua,*ur«

aJThLndr^ 'arrl-a
That otir rhihlrei.^ ajuiii^ hero proeenU
tbe fox wae kUlrd In
trap last fall. ai>d a faroHT pave tbe
little one Into the rare of a rwr whose
weteb^ blcyclea an akaleawe ll atva 'mm au«-h a trhrtatmas aa
bad tireu kUlrd by wlldcota
wtll tickle ell th.-lr iwira;
abortly tirforv. Tbe tax has thrived
For cur rhiMren n.u-t he happy an* ne«
mlpbtUy. and tbe affecUun betwem tbe
feet Iha hitter emm
and on»ban et-rni* to W aa preal Of the folks thathnast of money, when the
Lore alvee oa rrwW
aa If the lllUe fox were Ita own off*

Too r*rl It In ta* etr;

CnUpiiy raetiTueri doslruu. of pet*
ttnp dlvorrtw e* mally and quietly aa
puaaibir are nut Um* only applicauta tO
U- fuuml lu Iht- cuurta uf buuth DmkaCa.
Ibr du. kr| tP tbr diwSvr court in

Ckrtotmaa Say i

Ulan mara. Eagle Dor pot
niH i:aple boy bernoar
(w to\ In BiUlr uf tbe name. 1

On lb* venUhtna pro*>ortb.*M

time of
tbat be waa ber firuL
Burnt Prairie U arndber Indian wbo
bae found relief fur tbe same cause.
Tbe trattmony in tUla case showed tbat
aliica be Utso as a young man to pet
bad pone tbroupb tbe cura-


Wbaa la cams to wbere Ua a
tote wma PI Vtot. be todeeod all tba
tosa emsdoyod oa tbat Job to coaaa

We oSar Oaa Haadrsd D6Dara Bsward for any caaa of Oaurra tbat oaa
not be cured by Hali t Oatairb Cura.
F. J. CHBNVT A OO.. 1>olado. O.
Wa. tbe undaraipnad bare known F.
J. Cbaaey fur the laat IS years, and

WL„ curaecs yon ao
But nounu you. now >-ou dla.

By no nmtn thought or oUpM.
Anq With your brain


It was dnriap General Granra fa*
moua tour of tbe world, up..n which
Mra. Grant acrompanled him, tbat te
a doable tomb for blmactf and wife.
With cU^Md bands they were vlemInp tbr tomb of Ferdinand and leabHU of Spain.

The world ha» ehJ»;
Few tt>en haw frlet»dk
Bot^ you. Twn Hred Ooil kaow^
Tha‘tf^tblai*iTh^'wrrirjour focw
• y^i

Arw) ao acH.lhr
^^M^IUchard V>
After hie death a note waa found
aaocip Grant's papers tn which he ex­
plained tbal while Weal Point waa tbe
spot wbere be would pn frr to rvat be
waa awarr tbat niider military repuU*
tkms bk wife could not be hurled there
with bha. wberrfore be dratred to bo
buried rtlber to Oak-tui or New York,
adding that be mentioned New York
Imcaoar tbe people u( tbat city Imd rn*
dcared tbemaelves to blm hy tlieir al
way* pvoccxMia trv-atipcnt of blm.
Tlie alary of her roanicl life la
Urpely tbat of bulb their li%cs. Mra.
Grant, wbo iu h«T Inter years devoted
much time to her |im. ha* written
charmingly of her experieocea with tbe
hero or Appomattox.
-General Grant was my hrotber's
cbom at Weat Potm.- she wrote in lier
-It waa an odd o.m
ter tliey pradoaiid my
while Lieutenant Grai
at Fort Jefferson, a
our plantation In St. I.4MIU
e Mexican war.
int Grant went away,
for tbe fniDt I had pi
fore be
lard to be hU wife.
-When tbe Mexican war ended, Ueutsnaut Grant came luck wlib l.iiin-l*
and a captaincy, and we w,-n* marH«-d.
Soon after Gaptaln Grant waa onlered
to a wnatem post, and for M*vi-ral years
be did frontier dut.r
-Captain Grant. bowe\iT. v\;i» a In-1
ter aoMIcr In time of war than of
tM«ce. lie wa* happy In tbe licht niid
din of battle, but re.tle*a In tbe lair
rack*. He resipnet! from tbe nnny and
took a pUnlatlon In Missouri and w ent
to farming. Tbl. wn» tbe find real dt>maatlc life we bad experience.! since
around the old farm It wa. Ihi-re our
children were born, and U was the flr.t
place the captain ami 1 bad tbat we
could call borne. \Vln*n,tbe ch ll war
broke out. tbe captain drilled a com
pany and volunteered bis aerv Uvs.
-U waa Bome time before my husband
would conaem to my Joining him. and
then with wbat eaprmeoa 1 took np life
at bis aide to a aoIdltT S camp! Pdld not

of luxorles with cannons laiumlng and
bullcta flying and tbe strain* of mar­
tial mmde rwelTlng ever?’ fll»er w 1th |ia-

i tbl. condition be
me. where be prorode to the I>mt bom
I foture broth
cured a dry suit from
arto-tow, a man nearly iwb-e bU sixe.
Thus ridlculooaly attlml be w,*ied bl.
swertbeart. Ikfore be left tbe farm
Mtoi Deal bad surrenden-d.
Mra Grant's ryralgbt was not good
for a number of yenr*. and abe had
to smpkw a to read to UtT.
8bs alwitya bad Imt idmtia'rapb taken
to profile In .u.nivilun with a slight
afflicllou of the e>.*i a vtTy prt-tly story
to told Indicative of tteiieral Grant's
tcodcr de%uiiun to her. M lieti he waa
prealdaDt. abe became aomewbat acnal
Ure about her eyea-alie suffered from
to see wbat could be done for iMT. The
apectoltot told her be thought be could
Improve ber ryea, but the oi*eration
would be painful. Kbe conauJled ber
buatoUMl to Irtim wbetber be would ad
Ttoe tbe operation.
•'tkmX bare It done, dear.- aald the
gaocral. preaalng tor cheeks w ith his
twu haada. -te tboae dear eyea stay
Just as they are. If they were changed.

to toy grara.- wrltaa Mra. 8. H. NewaoM of Dtosatur. Ala., -tf it bad not

laaa. K. Will

krtob. TbtwtolDci ertbt>6BP0 OM* MTomm
te bad a casflfa itei
te te*

wortd of pood. Btocu tMtef It 1 caa


tag rrvan his oOcc to te rlrtr fltwt
aad then to a atoamabtp bound for tbla
cit.v. Heanidtopart:
-lYlor to tbe w ar with Spain, wtou I
wa. cooaul general to Cuba, tbece were
xri^lrA ammpi. to aaaaaatoate me.
I bad to alt with my
and my band oo my
dved tweufy and thlrr Idlers a .toy In which 1 was threat

I tail and drag me around te

NatlianlH E. Yirte Itovka, tetdon'a
famous ixrnsumug pbyaiclau In dietet­
ics baa fnrwartlrd to ^cretarlra limit
and ixmg and tirnernia Miles and Otr*

lly New
. r .lay.

cbtirnittT ot the ft-«l iticy .nt
.*<oldbi-. .-uid aallura in tbl* c/utilry (Eng
Undi at rr.-M*m g.t to., much lowad
and t<*> llitic ment The mlliiary imcce»*.-.'..f the auclctit Gr.-.-k« doe
to lb. Ir far.*, w liich
of plain
muwrtr and alncM nothin/ clw. Much
of r.nxland* ln.uMc in South Afrli-a
wn* the r.-^nll of dl.t. Tb,- !r.nn.|Kirta
toml.Hl the N.Idl.-n.
overfat fn*m the .**.1
m of star
-Itlcb foul maW
and cmnnllv
Aniiiuil fou.1 innLc*
tb.dJ OHirag.wu* and banl>. Am.-Hca*!
army I. the Ik*m in Um- wta^ld iH^auae
It* fiM*lli.u I, iM-arly rtgbt tlmn
tbfit of iiii.v ..tber nntl.m. Ilii*«la oam-*
IM-Xt. Engbind I* tblr*1.
rmany 1.
fourth and Tramv II laid
Tbe sol


Tl.e la.iMlon
nual q«c*ti..u.
past hav
-at and plcai.u
\r, laiya tlw Cli
(TM. ‘1 linve ti

. lH*.k* In tba
nltb tin* must
:uul Il.-rla-rt
» Intd Ocean.

ic of the other I
ITofosw skent of Cnml.ridgc unlvciwity; -I haw iu.t n-:.d gny now
bouka tbl. year. I havw quite rnotigh to
do to read tbe old unrs."
Tlinjnb* Hardy name* M.-irgnr.*t U
Woods* •T'riniw of H*iu.v«t'‘ a* one.
JMniuml <kia*e *aldt* Jam.^* -Wlugs
of the iKiv,-- nml lY.^lcrIc Jlarriaou
pick, out Stcplnm IMiinii..* -Uly*««w*

Mra. Alexaml.T I
>\iicy »if till* vll*
wr Mli>. Mich,
lagc cf Gul.wlmrg.
waa pr.-iuiriug to a
ml an .-ntcrUilnmem the mb.T cwnlng ntid wa* mwrly
ready, only wailing the rvlum of her
hoaloiinl. u bo w«. to n.-.>umia.ny InT.
w hen abe oim-ikhI n cl«w.-t dour, and tba
family cat aimitig from u abclf and
aligbted upon bar bead. It* clawr* te
cam., entangled lo Mra. Hovvney'* hair,
and upon bis relurii Mr. Ima m-y found
bto wife uiuMn*. ioua oo the floor, w bile
tbe cal wua .truggling furi«u*ly to releaae Itself. It wa. f..und
Mra. I low or,

wind, iher tbr,wl,-«ed to mme to my
oahv. tie me band and foot, pot roe
ato -,r.l Hm* Mnin.- and drive roe out of
Hr* iuirtoa-. I r.-.-.-lvrd rvporta that even
the Cut wna wante.1 to kill roe bc-noar
tlM-v iH-lirv.Hl tint by an doing war
with the riiin-.! .stat.-A would eurvly re*
‘ W ben auttM* <vr llMsw niwrta were
cun.-ni. n ini.n .-amr into roy office one
tbiy will, the pun*o-e. aa I thought, of
killing me. H.. movi-d toward me Inch
by Inch, and Jom a* be came within
r.*.cb I lui.l bin, cov.w! with my gun.
1 naked him what be wanted, and to
my aurioiae he aald lu Engllah: ‘I hare
Just .*ane from
a wimnd In ilir thigh.
want to ksivw Cuba.
I’uba. I vrant to go liac
tu the I'nitrd Htatra* 1 naked him
wtore be cHUH- front, and be aald to tbe
drawbeat kind
a way. •Frtuu Kan
oaiL' That titan waa General FrevlerTck
U. Fun*lon. .So you aee I had much lo
do with tbe 1at,T capture of AgttlualGcmral I^*c then rrlatial the tortdent,
tbe liattleahip Maine and told of
al Itlam-o'a acUmia.
• I want to aay hiTr and for all llroe.he ,-«a,ilmo*l. -ilwi General Blamx, and
hi* «Khi-er« had no ima^ b, do with tbe
blowing up vrf Hr- Maine than bad the
|a*ilde of New York <ity. It. 1. my te
Ikf tbat amiie of the y^iig officer, left
III theana iial b.r Gctte^l Weylcr blew
up tbs Maine. It wa* they. J atu anre.
wbu plaubol
planted tbe inlne that atnit Iba
tie to Its <

grow ing Industrie,
Induatrira wc abould
the navy to|uvttect these 1
eveii auppoarw tliat tlii* great country
will fold It* arm* and allow Kuroptwn
wot,tries to i*eoMW* the trade «>f tbe
eaat do not give a iiruiirr mnalderatkn
to I lie blatory of nalton* fighting for
trade. In view of recent event* wr may
be In deei, watvT la-fore we know IL
perhaiM, inside of a y,wr. You know
w bat 1 mean. 1 think it 1* lieat omler
the cln-umatancea that we bare te
right kind of men at tbe bead of our


■ 'i IS

of the poems of a vritcr
whoto work has delighted
many throughout the Grand
TTAretac Region lor thirty
jTATi. Thif is the firtt com­
plete: coUeetkto of Mn.
Buck-s poemt» aad oontAUkt
many never beiore pobUih.
ed. With Ab intiodu^
bv Mto. M. E. C Bates.

= ^I.2SZ=«t ll>alr«lr Fad.
Ctx lui. I^vn forin.d In ManEugbtiid. tbe memUra of

DOLL CABS and Qe-Carta. Ask the
ehildran about thasa for Chrlatmaa.
The Fatnoua. .


tot ot Mas s. Wototo
•a X-aaa SUppara.
Rowtond ______________




a Aud
In te


Traverse aty


Jan. 3rd.
Aftemoon at 3
Evenlnc kt 8

POtt (OtlNIlT

most claborata pro­
gram of Moving Wclurag «ror aaen to
one exhibition. We dealra to nmphaalzo thl* fart, and we truthfully aa•ert that we bava the Urpeat and
lM*l exhibition of this <


We pnweni the only autbentie

h thedaxxllnc nlreel pnpKlng. Queen bbd Court
D Weatmtoater Al
1. Roaring'
of Lava.

ramotts fairy tale.

Xow is the tunc

Christmas Gifts



I have the
largest line of.*. . . .



And over W other toteosety Intereattop tubjecta We alao toiroduce


to this

c»ty........................... * . . .

Brooches, Rlnrs, Slnds

Sterling Silverware

LowMt poaaibla pricaa for this Pats
obly — Evening*. SS. Mic; CblldlUU.
16c; Matinee. Children. 10c. Adulu.
^Ve make these Special low
for this engajcemeot ouly to
duce the greatest exhibition
kind to exlBtence.
Advanca Bala oparo at Bex

of Its

Handsome Clocks. Watchcs and fall line of

L. tn, Bennett
Post ottu Building
to Bffaal Baps. XL MM

feat mafd. activity of botii mind aud
body and to a fertlk- cauat- of h.dlg«w
Uoa. dyapeiwia and like altournU.

I OIMH TO 1 tit!


Be anti full)- Set
Bii; line of......................

Korel Ft.hlwp Lar*.
In Praut-e n nnv. I uu-tbi*! of rntcblng
fish to being teat.-d by nngUT*. A tiny
mirror U attacbed tu the line n.-ar tbe
Iwited hook. Tbe a».uin].ti.a. I. tbat a
fi.b. when It a.-.-* Ila.-lf In a gbiMi. will
com-Iude tlml au,m- ..iImt Ii*b I* trying
to «-arry off the Imit and will
ba.Ir to ae. nr.- the t.-nipting mun..-I It*
self, the reaiilt U*Uig tbat it will SiHa-d*
lly be caught on the rv-Untb-*
lYom cxprrlim-iit* wbb b Imxc te n
mad* tb«Te *(ani* to la- ► •no- fuuudatkMi f«r thl* aaaunqiilon. At uny rale,
acaue angler* a«y that tb.> ...Icb more
flab wbrn they u*e the little inlrrur
than they ever caught to fon-

ItoO^ Calarrh Cura U takaa Inter*
nallj. aetop dlraeUy apoa te blood
tetbBoalidB aBat^SIa."*Prtto n«|5
bottle. Bold by aU Drepfkta.
HaUb Family PlDa art tba baaL



THieo General Grant decided to pro*

be bad to
ly b«
On ibc
croaa GravoU nvok. In which usuall.r
there to very little watte and out w blcb
at that time there were no bridge. A
frrwlwt bad conv.-rled IbeMnailn Into a
tormit aaya tbe Xew York Time, bht
Grant urged bU bonw Into the wnttT.
detennim-d not to U- tunictl haik frmn
bis porpuae.
Tbe boras waa soon off hla feet and
awtatotog wttb bis rider down the
atream of the current. Grant guided
the animal toward the other abore, bow-

•The United mates and Cubn- wna
the subject of an addrsus that wna delirered by Geurral Ftto Hugh te be
fese the ratrla ciub of New Yetk to
the Hotri Itavoy the ether er«nb«.
aaya the New York Times. Tbe fSDto^
al talked of Culw frum hla four yuard*
knowtodgr of the iwuntry^fim na ooto
aol gmeral ut llarana. ten aa an odk
crrtote invading army. Us toU te
sualea of bis aerrlce. to Cuba and re­

Dot when-lwa. done.
Tho^\r!.*who*'f^t you fair
Fought Ue« to facw

after ber death.

^tland who*Ixlul.r

TbI ^

uf ll*r iwriwnt trouble
tM-nnan.% and
Itrltalu bavr bam
Jodpr Gilbert F. Utlla of Hilo. In
airtvtnc rarnraily fic yrart to Indoca
tba corrmmnit of VrnaauHa to nrgotb
atr for tbr aattlmiaut of tbr daloia «f onble part of Tbaukaplvlnp day In go*
tbrl&rat cU*w I'rraldrtit I'aatro. bow- Inp about tbe town eiopplnp mm whom
llOO»l to rnirr Into ii
of tbr «
I for tbr• adjuaimmi
coneopuudmt of tbe .New York Eem*
dlrwHly wHb tl
lug I\wi from llobotolo osdar tba data
tnmta concmir«l or^ Intrmatlonal i
Ilia efforta wm dlrectod
bliratlan aud luw lnBl*io.1 that lb
particularly at tbr Ibru rmployw
aball ba rrfamd
L It myuM, la a par- eootrarta for alfwet work. The
tractor fur tba pmdiap of Watoa
wuturtn U*ly compoard
aeoBoa la rowldarmbty bUilbd tba
ITraldmi I'artro* attmlkm baa baaa
Ba took
tbat tbr claUna of tract time with bla work.
dlmnrd to tba fart tbal
adrantapo of tbe Tbankaftvtnp bodtbr IVm* b f:oi .-niiurm, jluillar totboaa
day. wbaa tbaeo would ba llttla cratoe,
«r Grnnany and fjmat llrlt
to pot on tbr top drcoBtnp of m
rafrrrcd to an liiirruatlonal
atone and roU It wttb tbeoUam'r
but to the rrqofwt tbat a aim
Ibktop PoUeo iktotolo Labs wttb bla.
«d aboold ba adaptod for ibo adloalJadfo Unie made tba moada of tbo

un Urn

Dr. Iloawr W’. Olboey and Dr. Newou M. fibaffer and otben wbb hare al*
oady come to eloae contort with Profeasor Adoif Larmx, tbe famous blood*
leea aarpm In New York, aay bla la a
rbamlnp pmaaallty. aceprdlap to tbe
Kew York WerkL l»eopltr his fcomliip
be la moat frank and Ingmooua. they
aay. A Oanuan of tbe <;rrmana. be
diinka not rv m lirrr.
-He will not toorb rbatopapne.” aald
Dr. Vbpfl Glbary. wbo bad Dr. terns
at luncbeou tbe other day. with that reproe tbat a pcacroue boat frrla wbo baa
I tbr olebra of tbe
pueat wb«n be dellpbto to buoar. -H<
wlU net drink anything. I had aomr ol
warnird.! think
to wbat we mtobt call the- paycbolaplcal
temperatare^^Ue would not t«Kb It.
bad to bar# t« awde foe him and
UkbMtcd. He drlnke warm milk.
-Bdt teoaa amma to br a pmat ad*
mlirr of fctntelnr l>raory.- I»r GIboey
added, as if to a omn wUo rrfoana to
)dy -at tbe iiaycbolopical
admlratloo of aii}lblup la
‘At tbe tbcotrr. when Mks

prtauat'activtte and unttrlnp catrey
of ber nittstrlouc husband has beta
eeremd. aays te Xew York Amcrkan.
in uympatby wttb the great aftoetkm
which existed betwem General and
Mrs. Grant and fuUowlap tbe wlatop

but wa .wn hav

^uSmSw!p« 15’tSS'S

In tbdr rfforta to rwarb to amIcabW
•HUamawt tba Ganuaa and a
Mara or* undMind to batro


• lOpruMatlaao aC Ibt im paw*

Trmto. tev* Ttovana OUy a* felhm*:
or PMoakay aad Itoahlaav Otty II :M a. m.









or wtrr w*a STORY,



i^ ciU'«lik4r«val «r so fte cudl'

MCm ^ imool. for tbr .p«k«r.
ikSf «r Ck« Whm^ Mpwiifthrta
•rtif tl»€l-fi«l •! th.—B.-••
Itk trlciida litT* IM
Mimf fKTM lUtMtlSf tw ldl»>
•7«rm«ln «r tW Mst .fMkfr m4 pri^
dkfl^ mi thmm wW •>•

•Myn.* miA BUlett Bnrka. mte
fti an wrong. Toil n cbD<l aC tmtwm
ooBid noaar aodoro a fdmtkr Ufa**

Hmt «k« tWi«W« T«Md
os **Uodo Joe*

fork MaJl and Bspoma-

Tbay ,knaw

Be deacrltno CMjo n« an “Intrepid
itodaraa te waa too T ‘
by U*d Boborta Blaoaptoralacteiactarlaod aa tte cataatropte of tte war.
Kruger la rafmod to aa “tte aUtaalan grows gray to bla oontiiry'a amrk.“ and aiaddoo. aa tte groalam
and aoblm} of Kngllah auitoman.Oanaral Da Wm calla upon God to wh-

mat would you do the next time you
haven hard cold if yim couldn’t set Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral? Think it over, ulsa

bad tbdr
-Uaoeb told me I
*flr*te^ jevrr aaw
t aa Caoaon'a face wura.
“Twenty caolar be almoat i
with aocb an arcrat on the wor
ty aa to conrolaa ua with h
•Why. I tdd you to give tb«e fellowa
two fgra I'm aoKikluf a ten i-ruterr my
aalf. bnt two fora are good am>ug b for
-n gmra them two forn. air.' replied
tte dark la hla blaadaot maimer, tot I
tbongbt you meant two for
t they did not realire I

took oot bta wallet and iwercd Into It In
tepofnl faablon. Ue wm* lUt broke.
I'te nawapapar mao aaw bla pn
aant and offarad to pay for tba dgara.
Ba daollnad with a broaquaoaa. tbat al
moat made tbam rugrat tha wbol
fair. Than, tnruiag to Congran
Bopklna. te aald:
-Hopkins rapllad tbat
Dannon btortad out bla at
-•Wall, land ma»)cn

bad. aad

to pay for
te added to

It bas jaat teen dlaroYerrd tbat tbsrs
axlata at Ratipanwyl. gwltaarUod. a
fiind cooalBtliw of nearly fSO.OOO. which
baa been auteiTlbed by IHAss In ra
parts of tte world for tte purpo
waging war oo llusola when a propldoua time shall arrive.
ausw Am*tm tb* m isAss.
Wbta th‘ ligbu hJLS bltak«l ss* vwalste^
An* ysr now-l-Uy-mc s said.
V h«o th*» s sU»nc« sU around ye. '
*c'eatm- wbaa eamo burrlod trasU
Th«e‘s tb' coslsot ite« U»st over.
Tbouab It holds s hint of drosd.
W bta ibsy s snow at Is ih* »tniS«r
An* ys ro anutalod doors tn bod.

-An Renffa Land to tko Slomneh’*^
If tbs motbsr fssds ter latet nst aaU
wtea It Is kaagry. kat wbsa tt la find,
vbsa It la hart, wbsa It Is flrtgbtmad, sr
vkea tt CTIM from aay caasw If wbsa It
Is eldsr ste btrw It to te gsoA wttb candy:
It It Istoaght te esarck fatosr's pockets tor
somttotog good to aat. aad Isaraa te regard
tte eowlsg of rialtora aa wcantag a treat
tor Itsctf. sill It not gtew ep te tellere
that alt meAs lead to tte sUmaebT There
Is »s pkyelologteel reasoa why either ehlldrea or adulu ahoelA eat aU tte tUna.
If they do. or If they cat impjttptr tood.
l»ymrpsU. Umdacte. Irritahimy. NmemMOO aad a kmc trala of ocher evlla wlU
ourely foUow.^lf yoor digestloa Is tmpslred. or II
aefer from nsrvooaaoaa



OFFICE: aj-iR/Skf




«s all over tte
world attost to tte tort that It has tte

W-bst'o that lbumpia*T It s th toUUs*
vq tb* duon ssouut ‘rUist to shod.
MiSbty ceod V knoor tb* boosos
As' to* ««ttlsr« hoassd an* fod.
Far to utod s a-dttln uiaddor.
^Aj?r?rs snul^od^vs^m^M*
fianAman samsa as* «nAs yo woudsrte*
For t‘ lot y« us* y*r slod.


Tb*o >o go t* atosa focalits*
AU to* bUsasrd talas y*>* roodWbsn ttey's snow artn (h* ormdor


I Hava a omipio of flood taram t
flsod bulldtofla tor aalo. Otto 1
about 10 miloo oontb of Trovarao and
ono to Woxfoed. County.. I will noli
thorn tor raoaonabla prkioa. If yoo
can pay part down, will jiva long ttow
on balance. Caay pAyamnta.





T. U 1



Ml iiv noir

Also o complete line of Bells. Batteries. Annunciators.
Telophonoe, Lamps, Shades and Gas
Engine Igniters.

Traverse Qly. FUch. 214 Front St. CilUens Phoncfi, 93 tad 4«,

an excellant text. Not only
doss tbs Welabacb Ught aUnd
tbs teat pf “rrilabUlty,- but to
a qnsstlon ot cost for IlghL
tbat can bs TRUTHFULLY nppllsd. Again, ws do not clatoi
this by raaaon of printed mab
ter. but on decUlona of our 2M
conaumera. Talk to any man
name flaa Ummfb a Welabach
bumsr and yon wlU ba aur^
priasd at tbe^praaalona of aatlafacOao ba wlU inaka WbM
ooaaumsn voteatarlly tSatlty
that tboir blUa lor oookliifl ned
liflhi ara about wbat tbay foc^
marly paid tor light aloea. aad
Dsvsr knew what 9064 llflht waa
nnUl gas was toataUsd. you may
roly 00 tba truth of our clalqia.
Band to your ordora. Both
No. US K. Frost

Human (US(0.

^ W. KA«-r. AK»r.*.



cold worse than you do.
H,t. , cl.
t cough and Keep it stopped.
Hoadacho and Malaria, too

2S Cents

LaidlNktf « TMsEttoita
lUrdwuod 'timter end Stubble
Lands For tele.

Love & Raff ♦Electricians
114^ P^rors^ m^rmrn±
Electric Bells. Electric Fixtures, Combinations Gas and
Electric Fixtures. Lamps, Telephones. Bat
terles. Dynamos and Engines.

Ttimn Clir. M
J. w. gauntlettTm! d.
Sargary of tba Bja and Fitting
Olaaaaa aBpaoiaUy.
teUBi. op»«n.

OF^C^7-.^t Jshrsus* Cigsr Store. 214 E
Kroiit street. Cilucns* Vbooe «y. Or­
der# pru«.ptiy sttmdrd to.

...Parcel and Barrage...

aetf and ber at borne. Tbe pUce filUd
tte young wife's Idea of a ranch exact­
ly. even to tte atjle of tbe bouse,
which waa old colonlaL They rode over
Ite^broad acres aud dined suinptuoua

JoM What yon



With the new Erect Ftyrn and l*iiDcesi gowra fit ^ur new drea#
an Erect Form and it wiU be a mastrrr.ieca of race a»d degance, F
Iromliup. If your dealer cannot supply you send direct to

WMNGARTEN BROS., 377479 Broadway. New 1
N*»«S«wirtcxntakMScrhc*f^iVW. af-rmrorw. A«c«T« so stowKst*

flood Ctmc new to tolfct

«« holiday em$

We ham wmrthim that wiB meet the Fancy of erety Lady or

Ftnc SOk nmbrdlaa; wllk Gaid. Peart w OxldUtd SUrer Bandka.
New Um .1 PKka BMka. OatalalM Bap. Wnat Baca,
in Genase Ntr.CM.Seal ar Waliwa LeatBera.
nraa$2.*0*, M9d.M.>Jiat the thh« far ChriMniaa preaati.
BIc Um tf JewdcTY aad SUTcrware

vkwmmsABarnuiti ^ €arl

Spidai In Pricu u
IfroBwutte buy abiiiM.4
WC hive the

You erer b«ar4 oL We me*B
Jnsi what we say. Come la
and be conrlaccd

Oil Prtei Jnrairr »in.

»> >✓


GIV1-: ME v\ CALI.



Burke told Evelyn tbat they

T.ri£}»,‘rr •’*•* —



mated to tha Naw Mnaami


For Sale

Mmml^anrs^ \AFIs-inB os SRmoimie>

te bngnn to nm Dr. Klagt Now Dto


Bit. K.ur


of stornsrh trooblso 1 tried yoor BymspoU
Cnro ood Nrrre Beetorrr.
Thr*o hoses

Wc arc up to dale Electricians and will do your work in accordance with
the umlcrwritcr’s rules,

Folia A Dandty Attnak.
Many noMlcca In tba laat war wroU
“My wtfA WAS ao U) that flood pliyto aay tbat for
sleUns WWW nnnbto to bnlp Iwr.Cut
s Fhat and wrltaa M. M. Anttln of Wtoebontar.
ca Salsa la
t tba world. Bama tor Bmrna.
wondara ||ktoBnek and tivnr tronblaa:



two dresBea. They entered the wagon
and after riding all day stopiwd at a
ranch. They wore informed that the

I bring my irouaaeau.
HUlott? There's no one Iktc.“Some ooe might bapptw to come.“
Tbe next morulug as Elvelyn was
: to return ste gUnced out of
tba window aud was thunderstruck to
sew ber fatlier. ter mother, indeed ter
whole family, drive up to tbe door.
Tbe seerrt could not te kepi much
kmg«r- Tbe log aod mud edifice bad
been engagi<d to decide a tet of a box
of cigars between tbe father and tbe
lover tbat Evelyn would not endure
tba hooaymoon In It. tbe father backtog bar. There waa a merry party,
vrlitob remalnad tlS winter, at Burke's
rnneh. when aU. Incladlng tbe young
coQpto. ratumed to tba enst.
________y. A. MITCHEL,


pbcte about cur dub. don't ywni


^ 5


kaom m OeSade or
Om ol at hmtm


Many a man Itoda U dlfllcult to In­
-What w^ yon aay to a log cabto.
“A real Uterary gatberiag always
tte intarralo ba«w«« tte Joga filled In dues bla nelghbora to bate a good upto- angitets aometbing.“ she added.
with batd mod. aundlng an an nlkaU lonof him.
♦ U 0.K-S. • be admlllcd.
Tbs mao wbo pays bU tent must
“Itomeiblug literary, like tbe name
bustle and tbe man wbo doesn't pay
of a book or a great work.- abe cob
to obliged to ker|» mortog.
fined. “It comes to yon
When a man compUmenU t woman
reality affect Bbo lanT satisfied nnleaa abe can todoce him to repeat It al toast aereo
die of tbe bloaa.-Thao I must Peltogulsb you or my
Borne fite examples of still life ara
aald to exUt ir tbe mounUtoa of Kenrou have ones put
i Bays w l
r. but they are bard to bud.—
plow never look
and to I
igo Dally News.
< give you* up and



Whkb yon tera no coneopCkm. Toor
Idaa or m laneb li n tea old coltmlal
rmtdancoc wlUi opkndld bama and ftaMoa la tte centar of bondrada of acroa

was stead of tte BdUab goramnmot
to te given up.“
1000. and Lord fiallabary
I tte facto.
“1 don't teoaenL I've put my loiutl to
rn ^mt irii« to . «t u«i. B^HiWk
I IH Wat«
tbe plow, and I muriu'l luuk back
RdUab tcaacb of fmltb, but dwiarao
It WM la Uw totur p»rt of 1000. tbat tba rooutt waa not all favurmWa to
f lli^ilwaliw.l tbJnk," tte ••to%ad«ca.“ He cliro Uia pnii
,!ly. -lliat Mr. iitvrf
That's what she was. a dear little
they aorrandcred. aafety of i
11 ttey
girl, wbo bad teen U-kited by her letrants, and ev«-ry one ete. ttet mat­
lasted to ttelr farms Uing guarantaed, ter. iMxwuoc- she bad loved t-ttry taie.
iootbly po- laotaad of tbla tte priaonera ware do- tkwldea. she was but aeteute.-n, aud
rr iM-ld at portod to Ceylon, and old people w«»o aluce Kllkdt Burke llvt^ au far away
> lllmiB II IcTlad oo fee bundrods of poonds bo- tbe qmailuii was would Ihry te mar­
tUtkootolrjr. Baraai
cauaa UrltUb railroad property waa da- ried at uiHx^ and she go louk with him
fltkaffo BToolog I-ort, aud tUa two aervyed lu tbalr oelgbborbood,
Aa a result of tbla, te aaya fi.000 pa­
mile bride
wlik ttapautklaM latbmd to tbe lob- roled Ikiara took op arms again aud found btrw-lf in the U^i atul mud edlfoagbt to tte sod of tte war. lls
flea dtecribed. Tbe Urst algbt of tbe
ted oot tern tter. loof brfor. WTlbaa Lord Uotefta aa bla (Da WaCal place quite look her breath away.
bast rwTulltog sargssnt bscsosa of bis
•*\Vbsi do you ibluk of lu sweet
frsqusnt breoebss of faith.
bsartr asked LUlott.
Gaosral I»e Wat's atof of mind
tton la a nook (
Bbe gasiwxl fur streiiglb to Uwr Ite
tbrougtioot tte war aud aDar It la
t’orao ood Iln
prsasad by a artitoncs to tte book:
• Well. » U not a., ted. At biisl II
“Kverytblug U aa It must be. and on- wouldii l te If IbtTf w.-re a few tr»«vs.'
laao uua U a sluggard 6ns bas no roaaon
Trwea wou'l grow ou this sulk *
M UUlo group m
“Won't viuea grow? If you U make
some Uvls Uwlde Ihe l.uuso am! give
me a few aix-ds. I might help the looks
of tbe mis I mean our coUnge."
MluUSer is ^
• Wa'U try that, dear llllle <
Vm gutai to oay todaf.*
You're brave as a lluuiws." Aud Ue
Buwmi. Am
llorbrrt Wo
•Tlila. of oooroe, oaa a dln-ct UivlU
klaacd her admiringly.
mtolaur to \'ooesnala. bas bsan
UoQ to ite two nowiiiaprr luaii to i
“EUlolt.“ aald Kvelyn that night,
tteU piUate. bot ttey waro noi quick find by iwslaa years to tte dlpU
“where me tbe Waiikt-u?"
toaeeciiCtt Tboir Uitlr «roll broagUf aervirs pf tba oatloo aud aspartooce to
“BUnkels. darling? There are no
Ctecolo tte cigar auud. Uwloior aald trying clrcuuistoucaa for
goodbj aod want out. Tb*-u Coogrraa gsncles which may arise at Caracas.
“Must wa altH-p' umbT Ihi. Ihiugr
11a went to bU post there In
tuau Oaaooi*. ^rklug tbat be
rcftiring to a qulU.
Itorod te would bare a auwkr. turmd mar of IWl. aucewdtog t-raurls 11. Loo“I'm afraid we murt, little girl
to Uopklna. wbo te WoB kurw did aoC hito who went to Portuga!. but whose
atooke. aud InvUad bkn to U.a a dgar. policy was carHn
Minuter Boweu went to Veti
Ilopkloa. of eoorae. dacUord.
tw; *I1 iuu*l.“
“Ob. ytw;
•‘Tten f*»a tar a good cigar/ aald frutu I'ersls. where be bad l«ern
ug abe
she ia.ild: “Why. Lllu tbe murulug
ter fur two y««ra. baring bean appoint- Uott. It's strange 1 didn't notice It Ust
id to ISUU lu ouiVMd
- »m*tet Wadr Itiqulrad tba cierk.
-•Vail, 1 don't rarr, ju«t ao li a a
lilatVwbo went to Atb««is as mlolaUr.
good tao cotear.* mdkal tUa cuugr
But It was In Spain. tWore tb# ou
man aaiio UId a loo ct-ut pUw on
ind amibd. **Tbc> duut
brtsik of busUllUes betwsan tbat com
duge Id tbi* cMUutry. Lvy.**
^ Idi off tha ood of bla rlgar. lighted try aud tte UiUtsd Stotaa. that Mtolati
forgot. Hut Hh‘ luoiuhle
It aod took a few poffa In a rvfl»>cllra llowen gained tba oapadal experlanca
which will stand him toI good its
laaaiMr. Tbao ba turned to my fr
“Or tbat kind ritter. I'm afraid
Us first
aad aald. aa tf It bod oevum'd to bim tte V
it cwml- --------------------------------- we’U have to use the tew I of lUt- coun­
quHa aoddanlj that tbej- ulcbt d»lre
rcalona by rrealdaot Uai^ try. tbat tiu bsaiu OU tbe lnhle,“
Co aotoka:
Bbe looktd at blm i»lteou.-ly.
- ‘Wall, I wou-t te boggUb about Ibia rlaon. In INyfi
“Are you aorry you came*;*' be asked.
made him consul groaral. Uarcslona
nattar. I'U giro jroo felloaa a at
“No: at least not yd “
wot tte
anyway. Clark. gUa tbeaa fcUo
“Tl»l* U a sad ldat>e In w bl*b to
tlllty toward tte CnUtd Statas to
go^ cigar/
spend a booeynio..n. Un'l U? Im you
‘*Ily tbla tlaia te praaunird thnt ba March. ISBU. Tte feeling was aro
by tbe paaeaga by the seiista of
bigbaot pitch. Tb4-o be added, witb Morgan rsaolutloo which retxigolaai!
joat tte aoggteUao of a amlK which
abowod tte kaaa delight te waa t.l
aUrt to live
in bli Bttia raogaanoa upon thein
“I can stand It." atu- eaid. with a
na and with shouts sod axsrraUoi
praaaing bin fur tiewa:
gulp to her throat.
- -Two fora will do for Ibnn Tbafa mamlM tbe dealruclioo of the building
During tbe stated inrlod of thirty
and tbadiwtb of tteoccupauta. O
good onougb for oawapnpar men.'
days Kvelyu wa* fwmdautly mtelug
-rratebly bta oatiafartloo would Oaoeral Bowen appeared at tte an- Iblnga to which she bad Ut-n atx-u*
trancs and defied tba mob. which ^Ubare teoo eoaaplota, fur they wer
tomed. Her bustend, wbo bad Uvu
^aloBlabod and ebagrtoad to aay any- pscasd to a abort time without bann­ uaed to roughing It. show 4-d her tew to
tblte. bte for tte fact that tte eWrk ing any on# aud dotog UtUe damage to cook, and aim became quite exiK-rt. but
waa mate galch wMted than tbnr
It was bard for her when she s*-l Ihe
tealdaa. waa ‘dead nair to tb* uld
table to put ou sttvl f«irka aud tIu cuiw
WhUa that grim amUe attU twitched
and such Iblugw She found-uu u*4last ■maloti anecdote about an Iowa whatever for b.T *ideiidld lrou«H-«u.
dark dIrad Into a boa of hla bant twe cmmtlttMnt wbo wrote asking for coplos One morning she came to her bualmnd
for a quarter aud, giving tte newaiw of tha Ooogrsortonal Hecord cooulnlng and. with her eye# full of Ci-gret. aald:
tte wink, paaaad tte dgara obltuarleo and adding Ingenuously tbat
“Ob. ElUlotl. I forgot to bring my
OT«r tte coonter to tbra.' Tb«>y 1
uothtog plaaaad blm more than to
no ttaa to biting off the coda of tb
Burke burst Into laugbti-r aod folded
tMtkarlsi of dead congroaaman.- mys
as be alwaya did on such ckxws Waabtogton dispatch to tbe New
tbraw out a nlckal on the counter lu a York Tribune. “Your constituent ought slona. to bU anus. lie had thought be
loved her. Now be rvallxid that be bad
to te in soatasy next
teCgbtao tte Joke. l»ut tbi* dark, aa l.miifiald . of
what love waa
Tor tte whole
auBlng an air of coodllatkuv aak
V*b«i tte and of tbe mouth cnn.c. a
bouas It to te

bkekyfikb ii, iMi


529 Rgfidolph Slrccl.

Wc* h.ivc all kimis of
jk Bread and Cakes HsS pecially l*fefegm*s at H»
^ cents a pound.

I Joseph Xavan.

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