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The Evening Record, March 14, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Yesterdays Issne 132S
Ttw JoafeM QuHy Oo Am tacu
(or M loliraoil boot: Can Dalaray Haa Given Him
o«H in tb* wbolMnln nbd lotnll ttndn'
Hla Libert
in m»ij nnd l« orwa.
tlw romomJ c4 E. E MUUr't
ler. Um iatwlor of ihr bnUi4m «iU bt retnolt-M. Tb« Ise <na<n IS BOERS' SETTLED POLICY
foontnlB will )« nwoved
da* of tbo ntm. nn4 n {wnltioB vHl
To Show Gref «t-cai
be pnl )aM lade <i^«ke Mbdr oom
Tl>l( will »b«t off frua tlir poblle
to All Priaonera
t-rlon. . vl>iek
-bui tbruBfffa no arebod on* TlictroonmarlonwiUfao:
HIS4 foM in dan. nad wtU afford n».
aotelKMi for (row *0 to 00 pn-
H«thu*n's D«fMt May WrMk
Gala Evant'
FMd Harahal Will Sat Sail
. Tomorrow
tm 9kM tu u 4MM Mw*4r aw HU
itiS* aw Mur u umwsi raw
■li YUa Itm LW
« wUfc
artUrt niiiriii,
a SMpaab u tb>
ta« May IIM of flMaie
flow aMlb Atrim.
--------------------of workrouma, aff<ird a spcmIaoU to tba oiriliiad world in
(nr the mannfaatBrt ■harp oooUBBi to Ibe BrtUab treat
aenl of Oowiaanilant Bolwepere aae
. pchera
kfareh 14—In anc
drive of Boc-rt but Soaday V
ooloams of Brltldi. awaapllig the
oenntry lialWM Frankfurt aad UndStewart & Staffana' Orchaatra ley. Oipnge Hlvar Colooy, the Boon
nnder Oommaadant Male aaeaped by
Will.Ova Another'Conoart
atampedtng a Vrd of eattle tbrodgta
thr British Uaaa. Fifty Beer airagglen and a<iaaaiity ofatorea war*
eaptorml. _________ '
smmsuu, Maroh 14—TV >*Port that.
FUldKaadwl Wol.le, will embark
Porakar Makas spaach in Ita
Favor Today
pa That BdMd ef < eaerms teOraei
, .AM bsads AmwWa < spUal
le aarepr-
I, Marali 14-At tVoi
fflkn link Hi floor. In adtomor of tbs ship eoblidy Mil.
tba oootoa of hU remarks he rharp-xl
infiarr with the blame for Hie
radBMalof Amertnui iwpital ia foralip ahipBlnff. ami oonloodcd iVl
I was furred to po
Meslr ( mm I'IrMa.
1^1 > r tlorr Hlewart A Bteffens' orcbi'
wa parr tbe Dns r-iareTt under tbe
aaspiees of An anulcr Vlaea of llm
Hipfi ecliool, tbm has berii s stroep
drsin In bi«r tbam acaio In ooaoen
work. This’dielra will DOW bi-praltHad, aad itiDslo lovers ul (hr oily will
iiBTs an opiiortnally of haorleff thr
another eunearl ihi>
year. The nnmbet will'be given ne
addition le the niffti School Lacre A.Muali- roarw (or the .veer, and
will lake plM» aeei.-liiaa near tlw middin of Afrtl, ihoi«h the e«aol <Mte
y«l bcao deeirti-d upoa.
the cjiuillly of the ninsle that will V
Tho eiKiven nePilBff need be mid
cnlletuv of the fenac-r eoae>-rt and Ibe
r<>Cv-|-lli>n that It received aamiTva that
tiu-ra oonld be aoililag fsnbw ilnelH-d.
The leriu(o. oeuran ibU yeat baa
l>v>n a very }<n>tllabl- vruMee aad the
att--odaiion l-s> tmeD
Tits mana|riiK«t oi ilia reuraa liae
• (liua had Ibn lotenllon of
pntMitff *
Ami of Moaim IMWnaHr. mu4 30.IMM1
Mm Hava Rstamsa la Wmk.
Marvl. It-Tbroogta
tv uiiUed efforta of n
■V KTtwi nianaallle l>odiaa of lAn
elty. seoaBOM) l-y ike ebief eiecailvee
of thn c-iiy and euta
wUh tie raeagniaad leaders of onantied lal>nr. tV mtat swlka of fn-lcht
hardlers aad kindred tndns n-ira•ajitad in th<- Allied Freiffbl Trans
portation oonnoli waa litoken last
Folly W.OOu nmn. who have
Im n Idle for four days, wi-nt to work
this rpomlDC.
The aettlnmoat was the reenli of an
• tpreaaed dek-nninalion of Governor
Omni' and liiooa rrprvaecftioft the
ohauu «r BoMoa to hrlDff all pueih
npon (be Few Yoii
Mew Haven A Hartferd Railruad com.
iwny 10 ado|4 (hi- rates In foeer npua
the Bodoii A Mntne railroad forbidflog frvlgbt handlere to nnload taauia
exoaplM their own option and risk.
All Ibe old man for whom plaeee ann
Iw found ware.inkeo l<aek hy the
14 llanik
Kaia-rteieiKh-iii Horn inadn ll.e fli
arranr<nwuu wlili iho •ec-iieatm.
areahooi U'> seals tlisl a
l« Aid for (bis namber. and
hoped that all bolder! of
I Vanw
ID tiekeu will make it n point to
Tldlafi V • dlfumHis ere early this eeniliat iWDae it aold to the laal
in tba ffallety for ttls «sp-elal
■mlBff. Tba Lyawn Mewk.
VdaiM baildinp of ibe town la In
ashaa Bodolpb Yoram, affed IB. waa
bWbe< M dMib, Bra otbais warn badIff talatod. by lampInifaBd a half ilnsHill. Aalbartrea >>
ea ieea aartoedyhart.
me *la -a
hr Trtrfesiai to Ue Bncxxl
... .I..
Ibe strl■ike tea
•iidodand tV Urge nomi-ar Ilf man
who have l>en inatnlle-l. mihy of tba
old employe fonnd no vaaaaciaa ready
for tliem. Kveiitnally ii U U Uavad.
they all will ragaln their old |■oai<eDs
Tbauueiars aad 'lungaboramaa will
find an
tVIrearrloos and trafflr of all V•enpUoiis. which baa l>een tinnalll.v
ataaiaadstUl for tba past three or
foor days, will iu loeamed tomorrow,
wtifa a ruth
fftro au»7 ai«a.
hand at wort
ea tb* Ularicr ftaUbluf and drrwrmtlaff Of the BoodMai* now ttr ttory
brlek block of Bmoo.'! Wlib.-]ai oe
th* cwnai of Froot aad Ualoo Hiwru.
Thor hav* had a forot of from wran
10 HO awB at wort cMataatlr for ibr
IBM Fifht wiwta, and it will be cIOm
waafca befora the work is ooospirdad .
TWlBlatiBr is of tbe Aarw erw
doaala ilia eilr. Tba oatlra lower
floor U flaliAad ia -maliofffaaar. with
anamalad steal oolUaff. Thf coontar«
CITY BOOK STORE. Hobart-Bccchcr Co. Props.
l«r men
Cbal are
and water ptpM U dnnUnitu
Shelving and Show Cases for sale.
III the inAiiulictutt-rs N.UT
l-im.KKNT KRtl!^
Chip Cost fto Woff ^
Chio the Old Kind.
Tr\ llii-tii aii.l vm'll l>e |-U-x»cil,
Nothing' DIacouraging in Old
alisfilon Railroad Outlook
---- ^______
m y. m\im
Mt- llii- swell
IS where vou gel
Shms. Sll.' to il,50.
DKMKMilKK n's the hiilv tiure with it's Imlb es|iente« dial i
roost jWc io j-i\c you the lies! value-v »* smiUc* ptuiits. Think
well iK-iiire voo let lour iloIUrs ga
Smls anil Tams at your |«riunal measure al alwul Iiati
dbe merclum laikir'a |irkr. TtM) sa^^-a.
:iMDA & CO.
wiU KBivIr be Main.
Obartea F. Mndbory. luanag- r of ihe
Mtobigaa district for the vrertlagKleotricml Oomiway. and Seth
I him to the
■mplo.v of tbe o
Ihli motning for Detroit, after a n
with U K. «.
bnsioi-aa men of ilie rity aad raaidants!
of tba peoliisola TVy an- very morh
aucooragad over «>e jffeapari. aa-l as v
tliare is IltUe nveefioii bot that tlie
road will be bolil, aa-l lltry are conlid<«l that It will be doM this year.
Both these gentlamen wy tlml Uwra
is aoi the allgbtest iioesiieo bni that
thy nwd will be bDilt soon In uiy
and lhat if this oonipatiy doe- j ^
nut taki- it op. It is only a <|Beslioii of
very shon time till sums other com i
dandsomt Um Stfles in Ginghams
'Veto locyd
k a;i.
Hew Cciored CambHc
.VUnil iiiif hiiiiilTr.l jalu-iTis—iii.l
m. R. Caiman,
5Tfini}tii(i'5 mm DtPifitm jToiit
jUelvet and
NETTLETON i Brussels 0arpet
that it luMi lu hunt eooner «r la|er
Mr Gibbs, with some oilwi g--uUeiiilenitted ia Ihe imOecl, is nul .
on the linV imUy, and tl.a rosp- will
U oanfnlly gone over again. Mr. |
Oibba t>-ala |
tba proaporl. aad Kar-'iiK ilia’tthrrri
tea very aironi; proliabllity •>( the'
read Iwlng ballt very booii.
Oiir line of Parlor I'attcriis in Velvet and
HiHiy linisscls is unexcelled.I. '-\Vc
are showing everyevei
■ ing
_ in these. „goods
- from
most delicate
I * and ddsigns to the rich, hravy colorings of Persian
I • and Bokhara eliccts. Hxdusivc patterns in oriental
I effects for'carpet size rugs.
•wter ColimleF l-^w4 Awar T
Winu Jaekaoa. a posular tueuber
of (V Oarpaaiora'onioaof thMolly.j
parrod aw.7thl. morning ofTfSroW^ "
IBmmoaU, ' after a seompMalively
brief illni-M. Uc baa been very low
time, and alnee . yeaterday
loming tlie wont wai frared.
D-swaaad wai 5C ytara of ■fh. He
iMvai a wlfv. father, roethar. two
oiMnn aad a brolber, bot no ohildmi.
Tornado Gaaae* Great Mor A l•rl^r inyar oerrlo-.will be bald
tality in Loulaiana
at tv'V®*' ®'
Bsadar aftamooB at i o'. looL. Tbe
body will be takau Monday to Dan
Fonr 'tsui in Hais Mw lisalb fnm ville. Mloh., the old home of the deBiaatrl. for Intemaut.
•uonm m .tba
All (bi- talwr tutlobf of tlie city »I1
WashlDirtoa.. Uait-li t(-ClmlrBan
Knox of I he hooeef«mmlne<. on ter• rilon
Ma> M I
lee I
---------------------....I ieotiHi.g for the admission to
>d« Yi«k. Manb It-Krs. Aiiee Istetehood of Ki-w Uoxic-o. Oklahoma
■Uter shot aad klll.-d tiertioibaiid In and Arlsooa. H- pn aentailve Hoon
h^ this raontnK in (heir I.oom in
anthorised to iwesent tlinrammlltkfeolty. "Idid it.''Mld Mr*. Sio- Joe MU Riving lo.ltan t..rrilor> a ur
nff, wVn plaoad in mnody. -Re morial tenu of govenamui, auB Hr tvWrwb M lb. Bsrard.
at l.-jno'eleok. toattemdibe
Kew Orleans. Mareh l4-Dii]ialohes brief van ioa at Uw bonw.
w« infallhfnl to aw. 1 aai not sm- ehaagiBg tin- name to llir Terriiory
from the Oaniml and nortlieni por- pefiaaed vraa a very popola* yonng
•T. •
of the etaio imlioaie that fatty ■an. aod_oad a faoM of fritodi4pall
lives Vve bean lost in tV tornado wm of tbrouv. .
aad eiarme whieb Have ewapl over
l->IWTM>k1-be> Have Tomn* the (mat Uslalana t»r tbe iwM tarty eight
Mm ar amw tcame WaiWm Mnm.
Hi TnUarsia tn ftir
Karoellus. March 14—A yoaug nuui J. A. Moaiagae recumi-d yeat-vday
VTWmvsea In Ue Ben>m.
from a busloms trip u> Oiahd Raplile
M be l*on Merte, H.a eon of
Alpm. Mareh 14-Two eehools are
hts anu Bert, at Ann
m aoesraav
aaaimt oi
of "amalltmx.
wsninn Uan<.
momn m
sumiiisu.. m
.u ***•*'
. . . . «<sa>e
. .
. . . . . who
. . . . dimp. . .
m aMMlan have bMm expoMuL Three 1 P«"'d »«>“
Micblgau AgikoalI. F. Ferkett went 0 Klagtley thu
now auM wm rapurMd Thnreday.
, t"** College at Unsiog a w.-ek ago
, '__
ITbarsday. wm pu-ked ep by lb- po m>«iilag i>n baslneea
Mrs. F. II. Bamom was ealh-d to
{ Uoe oa ilia str«.-i bare this momlag.
jdaniif-vl. H«ba.la liekel from Cbi- Tpsilaatl this moralag by a telegram
opH nw4ss b WmkaeTu4a» luM tiujosgo to Marsbor. Mont.. Vl Insleto
tbe earteas lUnnae of bar
t-baoim are tw.
. i<a was going to KanM City He an- daughter, Mlm Annette Haniam.
O. If Berg bae }n*t retarsed fi
V MeavaA te tbs Bmad.
'swert to tbe desorlptlfla of Von
U K- Olbb.’ mill near Klngaley.^
OwaMira. Mareh l4-Oeell Rhodua -***^'
wixTt' be liaa l«-en cooking dnring the:
Uvnaket today
Oxygen ts applied
(•an oxR titiraa
eyeiaBtly aad the watai Is feared.
Ml* Jenniv Hrlngle. who taae been—“TT'T, —
rteiaac Kra K Litoey of Wow FioM
meet, haa tvBupodM her botaeto
Waahlamro. Maroh 1*.-TV boaar I
u tb. Btobk. •
Kail Jortea.
Swood ftaaUy of Maple Oity le la {
<ftp*bagim. Mareh n-Tbr eeootid
of thr
fbr eoalercnoel
r the wmale aa.1 boMa ta nHaWbar paMed tV bUl providing for >wa « bitetaeM today.
M inch all lineti hxirUexclied !>aihxxk................| Qe
« idvlMatleand
and roaaaAar
approprlMinchaU Unen Oennan Hxmxsk...........................25C
_ tbe
_ whole.
the United Sailew The WII vrill a
tlie Soldiar*'Home
* '
■ « Mil lu eemmlilttee of
a baallb.
of the peel ! «e h) tbe flrw tteyber.
7« inch all linen Bleacheil IVnitde Hamaak.. ..,48C
DM Campbell went to Grand Rap
wax given.
id. laet eveotog to attend tbe rareUag
liag, oonier
of tbe Shrlam today.
_______ kiae eoldai
levlted. O. S. Bakft.
'•an Ha waa I
ri lh.B. T.-.1 ..I n..l. Tic free aith etery, 76c
3usf Tn.
wtU l« tbe style.
The -hanlwocNl
fleera will ail be poUaliad. Tba an
■ Ire Jol- is one uf which ttie w->rkmeii
may well be |wmbA
We will until April ist. condutt tbe jrreateM
.hlaufhter Sale of the leason. scUtng evemhing
in this department at-cost and below—Crock
ery. Glassware, l-amps and all Uazaar Goods
go at wholesale. Now is the time to fit up for
ing housekeeping.
TTu aniira work oo the first fl^ is
S.nteow romplatad.-aad the Job is a luad
tfbed mad rodeoetatc^ by Dma
a * Bl> Hrtvwtmmk. ia.air«rd.
Mardi l4~Tli- Boanl »a oaa. Tba forra of fuiaun is
dred. TV rtr' l 'wllinc is Iwlac finin Irory wbl(« eaaasat. with benstMe Ifaai Delarpr has rolaaaad'aow at work cm tba otbhr floora
r'llorod, bloa aad aald imn- fiUihoaii. ii bc-ia« a part of tbeir Hi-:Throa«hooi tba aeeoo.t. third awl
Tb. aide walls wlU alao U- U«d potior io treat prlaoaers with tba! foutb boots, oAtarat wood ftelah will
iboreby boplSK to ]«eTail, with tbe (
r d>«oraUkl.
I (fro
tasomrat U U iBf refitted tor a j >>op tbe alabdart that rapreaeut ibfB roOBS of John It liaiito aad tbe Kel-
U«1 fltrelw lu vUw of |
I Dodwlyb
a«a'a aiMtw. bat »Im>
1 Kolaff almiily for
U la Vttarad, Vwarat, that V wlU
OMba a omfidaatisl report of (be ooodlSoae la tioolh Afrtea wbeu be rvtarns Tbare b ao( tV elialiteei |oa•(Mni/ of Woltler't
Hts dapartore. taowerer.
iadloaiae tbai (ba ooafidaaw wblri,
tbe oaMbd baa had in tV war’s alleaM PdW >•
rWTD TEAB->*a 1519
Cea per eemt diseomiil oa sll purehsses.
Some Special ‘
JBargains in Cinens*
SpetisI Offeriaa oa tOat
1 Cap«»tfv BnuMl* up from
4le yd
B«dy Bniuds up from.................. Sl.lf yd
Jlamiiuur EarpeW In Parlpr Pattern*,
We make and lay all of our carpets
.rpets at the price
quoted, livery pattern new and "fresh frqm the milh
Ink 1Y14-I, W-nklDr.f-r—.l7 3«
H-Xinlr. Pv-ror-a (raoml ronl na
ll-vwaul Ab- lurro. aO
*• iwlaro.lcaaul>
Wm Hr-ad T,«<iro. wKh v-orira
Hr ro tinad oivl lok, adTaoioa- idolam- low prV^ .1
2 front 8tr»at ,
Tba Btora tbatSavao You M
Comtort ,
Stole and S^ruice
Are three things you fieldAn gei'in a $2.50 fhoe.
Our Men’s Walro $2.50 Shoes are made on
snappy foot form lasts wUy extension fiole, Eng
lish back fiUy and perforated cap SmA vamp.
Tbe stock used in these shoes will always remain
fiolt and is crack and water proof.
Besatffal Cl»e of Hern Shirt WsisIt.
. walaat,
Fmal lOwei.
tbe Jaokm Candy CM, Mi
ClK Boston Store.
McNamara Blk„
Front Street.
--.1!^"^■gygggqp?t--,- -.
iuQoAi^ niV^ cin. ibiii^ C‘«i'i>l^.>i^
Ifick hoM .aad to ftirflii prt
toUtoca Ma« M toaBtcmato Ml
im Evamic tacm
JKS. G. JOimSOtt, DmiilST,
to awtos an dwaa t. wktoh wlU ba
tM. T. Mm'AW 1V. MMC
ttoaM. IB rwBBtoc toa baman Moa-
OF Thanks
•,1m Bitoa, bafac avtoy-two baui.
aof thisdtra F
« tiine afo ac canted to be puUtshed to the
lui oof ne» tonic and rcconatnicttf. VINOL. Wine dl Cod
Lirer OiL
Sells for 25 Cents Per Bottle Any Otter Bay
ADd. .linu. -reuli<<lri-i.U.p«.l.JiM.<ilr.io tovodptt tbo dim mte pmte.. tlid
mocaui^ BCB^ BEUVBBV
■m* tta* i«» th* Eiwte ««f«md
• «4U«>teU7 to the bllM of mmhUib
toUnrroe ibe pwla
mU. iJiboofh tb. >!r*toa tmd btm
Itotolwil mN iwiolNd witot Im4 beoMMOf it The toottor taoe beoa
tonnftil to toe ottMiUto of OosK<«*iwma A. B. Xtomcb. vbo, in • pttmm•Itottorto J. U.
*MeeMMt kaov toot 1 took m Boob luterMt la toe ertabUtoBeot jif ibU loote
ttotl MAe it toe ftm rom to be to•90M0A to toe BIOTtoto Oeocr.toKBal
AtWtot aftor nf tiwm of oOeo ba«aB.
I vtol over the foote BTeeir wltfc toe
iMfirlT mad k«o« Uiat It wae faroraUr nfMCtod w (be detBruaeai ead
til e^bUtoiaeat toooBitoa<led. Tbe
mieveald tore bow' la opataitoii
l«t toU bad H DOC been for (be t«o
MB of a Uice aaaber of people reotitoff at« Dear Old Mtoaloa. filed
Wito tto P. O. deimrtBent amtoat to<itokH^tot of toa- roato. If toe
people Ob toe pMttieola tmx mgnm aad
tmlOr «>bt toe mte toe? eeb liave it
»ttote elxtr
to force ratal free dellrerr apoo
It wUl be woo hj tola, M ban toeo
gtoBaUr kaawii- botrarar. OBt OoagaaBBaa Dartacb baa exerted bU ben
etartf to bare toU
a^ that tbe oolr reeaoo ibat It bap
Ml tooooae to opaiaUoa U beeaaae
toere bare beea t»«toata filed asaliiat
It U toe eraten baa been
ad to that loeaUty. toetafote. U l> ae-
Dake food to yoa aU racBcya tapended to jwtnecvung Mcb tove*itfaf*«^ provided it retuk m our
failure to aupport
what we datmerf lor iu and o«i>lj- jaaiifie. the Brewf MatetamO we made ewteenOnf it
We. ttoelorc. do hereby ojireia our ihanka to tin- peiple of the city for tbe confidence thqr have
in VIM)L...d torte .mdinm .kb .«cli thef tov. pd te telteoiO k. Ik.
proof and tefltoed Ui’their iruih and tomc-dy.
X tu own best adve
It is bc^Bse of tbia ready rc«piHi-«.- tliat VINOI. i»
So many of
hat e taken \ INoL and been hel|»d b» it. aad ao njany i^te tdHaf thtor friends to
public and prikuie ..f ibi me.its of VlNOl., thsf »e cannot but feel fraieful to you for belptof ta to
justifytof <«ir aiatemeni.. «c thank ><«. one and alL
We arc just as readv as ever n> puaianlee VINOL We know lhat you will coottoue to ^ «
and recotomend «‘to >«i'r ftwsi.lv We necd.uu IcH )-ou noa- that you know it ao well, that VlSOL is
not a patent tneduine. Y«>u have seen bow ita tofrrdienis liave been nsmed upon the IsbeL You
know. too. that VI SOI. t t«,tai»H .11 il.e wedidnal elemenU found in Cod Uvef Oil. but no ofl or greane.
Vou know it is as jldivioud,|,ulaublc as the most delk.te wine, Vou know by experience whst a
.. is to the 1
It the trying season which is at hand. Toitify
'Iherdorc we ask > >«i to £pend upon n-tl
I VISOL and Mckneas Will pass you by.
>e lu treommend VlNOt for the following silmenu:-
^ (Mi hpit SlMstoin ISM Os Skw.
Ecister Footwear
Price 3.50
DoblHtatea—Ali Tired Out.
»»hhout B(* Of sadAton. It U not natural to W .ontlnuaUTTB
your Boncy alD be rufnaded
Oalu Fto^—Get Strong.
Vou can CH fu wkbou. uklni diUr«eaU« Cod Uve OU l.i ttoen into (he syittni does BM creuefu. We
*di»BVIX01.wdl.'s«lt ft«h quiikrt .h.n an, p.TW...ion kontiinins p*««. We have proTwS to way s^a thB
3 HtnpK
1 ry it on ui
Old People— Weak People
We. to anderalpued.
spree to retaad tbs mw ..
east bottle of Otweec'e Warranted 8yrap of Tar if II tails to onre year
coafti or oold.
We also paaraatee a
SA-eenl bottle to prove ml
ley refaoded.
VlKOUhtd ri,cjHK.n.l»»lue iii »u.h .»»«- TVoguftanue K It
Tty II on our ftMrmolca.
tricofta and healik it> ihtMc uitu atf «'Ak and drUbutnl, fidui tltsr.te IS
Pa/o Women—Pale Children
and a lank ratvastmetar Ibat «Ul rmic fin). t.i>J make pore red Uood. Tdc. It.«xu»l
too* tbai tbe blood to
pour and th.n, «nJ al-o iodtcn V.prrfwt dismto"- VI XUl. utU-tonct »u.h t.uuUcs u sure as Ike SUB sUaca
CWairn Ion Vl.tOU lt.b »«> tWHooev Try it oa otu (u.iuin.
hfittaBllllai fioUan. A UrRa parttoo af toU amoMi waa expendad to
aiBMlil Mik atraetotat. to addlUna
to oarlr two haadrad dtreUtojte.
Oto aearealr ba expeeted alihUttBa
toto toere will be eo aatto tpoaep expatod la aev baildtoci tbe eariMt
pato. altooacfa toe proeiarrt le for a
rmy hmr oeaeaa. Boverer. all too
Iwllibai aad Ibooa enMB> to «bat
Itoa to oatoateoa waTa, repert brisbt
I protoldy
ldto« tole
•at be to aiaeb briek balldto*
f&m M toot, bat it la already aMiart
by ptea pecfaotod ttot ibU ymr rrlll
tooM aftlB beat to taaay liriba
Batter of balldlag
The i«ori«ot
Uaat. TtaU U irae of Uile rliy, iBt
oar oeoBMlora are giadoally braaolita| eat aad aoreriac ■»<«'■ torrltory.
CBd eeraral of tooB bare ax|«aitv>tobe oa haad or to |ra|«et to adjoin1^ eittoa vbleb la aa ladloatlea U
BMlaoB wtll be pood all toroturb tl
MXtv rAiHTnte rixM
V. H. PatlHrlek aad O. O. Rveaf
tefe eotorod toto a partoatibip to tbe
IBtottW baatoeee. aoder toe oalae et
FotoBlak ft BtrooKbare leaerd
tbe Mfe bolldiap at toe ooraer of
SM^Ba araaaa Md Kicbto atreat
BtMre Mr. BCraac will twttr <
earrtaffe fatottof baatoeaa. Oartan
Will be iBlBtod aad atored till ><ei(
Mr. Petoartto will bara ebatpe of
all aataida work aad paparbattpinc,
Bbtob ba WUI do paraoeally. baadltop
Ml klato of patottoc. paporbw
Leali nitat. a woodaman and
pto. baa bato klUod by a tiale
OhrenktColde—Haoifilng Dough.
Oae ad<(it aa ««l o
laalddeasiolet tb(B r> •‘•i>»lvd. VINUL Is lha s«y
k toa ool apwl toe stonato. aad b to dalkluat to toa
BronohHIe—Sore Lungs
Min>elng hUalhem—Weak Mathere.
IfwuBeaa^ltDBmagbabtoawbabavrdiaeBkybikatoVW toekbeahbaadftreagthwtrald take Tmou wt'
kaew tB>dtlrrly Ikst tbe bnt ersulis voald ba atoaed Yaa knew tot Me aad fuure drrdopaieni of UrebSd depeada
Try Y1®L ®i ill Gimitcc.
It can be truSifully said that no firm is showing such a
splendid line of new Spring Neckwear as we are. Ab
solutely nothing left unbought that is the newest, hand
somest and most saleable. Most every man has the
"March feeling." tired of winter, tired of winter things.
Of beautiful Silk and Satin Ties in all the most fash
ionable shapes and these all sell^t^ev unifoirn price
of 50 cents.
finest any store ever carried.
l^toB TyvyaMof to Marooal
VtalsB TalagmpbM Ob. to aBMad
far Oto Mato to Iraagaiite to
weekot ^t«to «P *ha
Mtoa at tto ptoaa.
M to be ferto
lag to iBBa a aew stomp daaigaad espacdally for to foreigB atoll ae:
It U to be a daDomtotto new to to<pottal-wrrtoe—IS oeata Xt pi
It U impoasibla to amd a lapUttred
IsBw thiBi^ to foreipa atoiU eriUiMt attap two atompa. coe of Are
<MB to pay to postspe aad <
.ba randy tor op^ ttpht eewB to pay to cMt of reptaBaItoa. Wbea to U-amil stamp is m
mEMi la aboat three Boaths
Tba shirt won fay Charles L to toe tolethUwUl-bs obvtoiadby toase
ofoBS aBBp Tba oew aBBp wiU
portrait of IWtfitot UartlM
ttve atoutaa
M to fblMQB WtoUb
w^ be larger Ibis itoaea ton
fcoB. Baa
arc utTMiely md.
iaaon ■ to to Injgto^bMto aad
all the most popular colors. Each tie in a handsome
box and are selling at $ 1.50 and $2 each.
Jas. G. Johnson
wbBe WUlkB MaElalay, toa c«bBiBary BefiBBi af to Twaaty-MM
a V. L. psrvad kia
I wbUa to battle waa M pm-
Of handsome Imperials. Ascotsand Four-in-Hands in
Yon trill abtoliitely be under no obOgetioB to ns whatever, if after you have given VINOL t fair
Itial for'any of ihe above ailments and have received no benefit you have only to tell ui ao. and we
will retiJn the etaire aieoiai of nooey you have paid us.
You see our faith In VlNOLs and you mutt admit that we know aonething about medkiM; thsB
fore, whek we leD you that VINOL is the moat vatoable ptepuatioo of Cod liver Oil we have ever
known, and a woaderfid looic-rccoosnictor. and tebuOder of strength, appetite, and heaUb «t the saoi
Uae ddicious u taste, we are not u
e to expect you to believe us.
line is carried exclusively by us. Comes in the very
latest colors, some shades never before worn. These ■
are made in Imperial. AScots. long narrow Four-inHands. Bat Wings. Tecks. De Joinvilles and Bows, and
all are sold at the straight price of FIFTY- CENTS THE
TIE. No firm ever showed such a display of hand
some neckwear.
SSm's aa«a B. WaU ft Seas'.
THE ^e
swallest goods that were ever made into ties. This
On1yihMawbaaetBaBynfhrkae«ltitwi«i.fBtbMlte to robbed of an }oy. It peoftn* msayaatoa cam
ptoatleMaadeadsuUca tbacBitenycicB. KcBef only cawia whaa a srtentific remedy enables ibe aisoisch to yeopedy
ssMBilalatoad. Tbert Is noBadktae that wiUdu tUsaO sacetadallyai VI.VOl. Tty h on nor fuaraaite.
A hill to bean latvadaaad U
Ohio iMUlataia peovUlaf te to
erw^Uiai of iiicaiiBMta to to Okde
tipopi that toapbl at AattetaB. tbeaa
WiU ba aoe for aaob of to 10 re^BSBU U iBfaatry wbloh look pvt M
toe baiala. obs tar to battery of M-
so we are showing all the bright, new neckwear for
spring. ,
aften end fatally aato ftotsHy eaivd far ta ht Bily atapea. Then isiw Bcdiciae n>>>« vUtuUe foi reworing beakh td
•belli... land Bigs toaaVINOL:tViM of Cod Um on. Try It oa eat caanatee.
bB body, aad waa fooad arrBal haa^ tot froB toa aeaaa ot'tba tatall
M- U ia toeapht tba Baa waa draak
Md laid doWB «a toa traok. IMter
«M kaowa aa '‘Jaada Jaaaa" ia toe
BoWa tot of *)><' ooaaty. and waa
toaUy tored.
KS* Spring Neckwear .
. pj-mttil nsn n are due l-> otte-uMk. InMidi.'ienl noiaUiBieni m slow Ur.kiua iWwa of ftnerai beallh. Wa
Jy aad eflattuaU^ cure ncite aneuiom; it toitully leUtiidt toa
(turaalarVlSOU Wlaeof CodliirrOd u
eottaabady. Tiyhoaourgaarsotee.
•MdKto needed. Vntike othef Ced Uea 0{l
tasia. TnraoBourpiaiaaleu.
One 25c Bottle Cedarine Piano,
and Fnrniture Polish.
ovarfsty i iUh pb baur. bat
m to M*ad wiU ai
At Daerav Mrs lfi«y BIrtoa OlUaaThe Befit Furniture and Piano Polish made.
fdatotoM adBitood Sa to ooaaty
Vou need not be ftfreid to ^ply it to your
hoapltal at to ape of fit. BhaUto
Of ar eblMan. She U
plbne, at we gubmntee it to improve tbe finex
iMieoac aboat bar Ufa, bM my* all
polished -goods. In order to advertise it we
taeeUldisB wwrabon la «> ymra
will give one bottle, free ol charge to every
fatlowtoc bar Mivtofa to OoL WllUbb Omiapto of Vlittato. Darlag
housewife that calls for it next Saturday, Mar.15
and bat a ymr bafm to
bw hasbaad la to battle of.
Vlekabars. Um ftftaaalb ywlr of twins
AH bat a faw of than
Urad. tot- ays. bat at soea as they
abla If ICO toy wwrs tamed
loose to sltlft for tbaasaelvaa Mm
OUllfifie itoasMSkaow wbarsasto!glr one of bsr ^spaay Urea
tiase she Urad ta Naw Orisaaa
Mrs. Jamaa Kalsm of Ramt-Bad.
L I.. wBiiu filO.000 fronr Mafiaiae
ioUa OoaBa. a Brooklyn ludr dmaar,
baoaasn. as sba alalam Mn
tamrd faerbalrfroB xiaySn parple.
and ooiiseqoently made her aa object
ofridloBle aBoapber friraiU. Mn.
Ksdsre says tot she wanted to hide a
pray streak In ber black bair aad that
Ffificy Shfics Far Mei
ed a oartaln lo
Ibiv oHi.rs in Kani’XM*. Ki.l wi'ih sealskin
tion to do toe work. Mra Kalssr
the elieit 1$ Jrcs*) an.l it
weal to tbe OaBkU Is attar she applied
: eslenskin mvIc
the iwepaiBkloo. 'She wsat out tm a
-.....- •lesign
etnfia'"-*B‘> Itlcasini!. .dnve and wbaa ahe reianed biv bair
Its wcu you aie thinking: of, these ariU fitirlf
bad tamed a brllltoat parple- «b*
MirjXM; yuii s'ith their tluraluliit.
washed It. bat tbs more sba aradbad
to daa]wr to tiapa of parple breama.
My Name is Stomped «i Erery
Madsiae Coatee mjt tbe dlrectioes oa
Shoe—^ice then, in nut wimlow.
toa buttle wen not followed aad mya
tot Mrs. Kalaw should ban tOBalued iodoon after utop tjie lotioo.
A bill lasaed by cenpmie to ieotase
toe peosloii Of tbe last eanivor of tlir
war of l»lt. ban raeelved the etpaa.
tore of the iBaatdaak This veBrau
is Biran Oraak. of Ara. Obeida eoanty. N. Y. His paasloe has baee larreast-d' from $11 to $» a BoaCh.
OroBk tl Its yaan old. A draft of
------ ---------.-A_A
jnnqrtu^o New
York in tbe
ealUW, iho^ be «
They are regular
50 and 76 cent values but we bought such a stock of
them at practically our own price that we are able to
give you the GREATEST BARGAIN IN TIES you ever
saw. A single glance will prove you these are su
perior goods.
“Party Ties” The White Lawn String ties sell at 26
cents the dozen. White Lawn Club ties 25 cents each,
Whife Lawn Bat Wing ties 26 cents each. White Lawn
Bows 5. 10.16 and 26 cents each.
Wc arc tlic Men’s Furnishers Of TUs ttertli Region.
xks »TMllijli BBQblDi^BAVBiHI ClH, mat* raiOAT^iUBCB 14. IMS.
Woman’s Work
in preparing .appetizing and
wbolesome food is lightened by
this famous baking powder.
-Tbe haMo ftoved ImMa Oao.'
tha taetarn
hy ffmak rarrl
rarria af
Bapl4a.gfemi aadmCha
•Good gnetaw momtM.- mid Ita plaas d the Aati-tetaaa Xaagaa, wiU
Lootae Brvrim at tbe faemkfaat table. emor at the Otty Opaca Booie this
*-Jhat Uaten to thta;
*rmiat. Tha mhtaat fi the taatore
-------------------wamaa tvaoty yaare eM.
wlU be "Tte Baleoa Tamed laaidt
VKb aniaUe (aataa. cagMaeai feed ar
Got." and UvtUhe Ulastiatod wULa
geu. law« tanow am damtm. te m.
of whlob vero takoo ifi the
Light Biscttit
peea te be a man. aaya DMhlBf a
to (ha taotai* vili be
be«y.free, bat a eUvir ooUaetiM wlU to
6>ne« Mlm Hewlett woa teeUag fer a
takea at the doer.
poeltlen ebe Mawned the ndra
m«tt and woa invited lo <oa wWch
•be did la tbe company of her mother.
SBe foBod ■ mao of tblity-flre. aerluita.
reticent oad'ntgiereatlr Jn bU right
rhlcfa IM- lays that toe big «
Tto man wbo coa hardly cnvl. and
life. Hewaatstobeqnict:
lobeqairt: to
Ota of sigfat mri sound
hat a difleenn facrocea rah a
aad tbe beoltby. tamity non, aha
lumm with hii cbildrve aad rides his
Isughiw tobv to -Bsahort Craos.'
>t need aloo.- aald tbe t
Mr. Ondley.naton. "a
'vmt <
• -
Daidty Pastries
^^^UpFiiie PtftUfiigs
■a will to erideat to Trarerw Oily
» Dotklag to de with my imeoUoim.
loveie when it ta
that “Tbe Kigbt Bdere Ghramas'
ber bead.
Mr. Bart'a vntoriviae. liial prodoeThe oCer woi areepinl. aod mother dcD la looked npoo by ihople of tbU
and dajuthtcr went to Uce In Mr. Vta- oily as ooe of tbe Baeat ttaiaga that
• aparttarnu. I ran tbe flret be
been mee bare.' It u atill cn
lied them aa gneala. tb»nxb Ufie'
tow, bring at laesrat in llie large
Absolutely pure. It adds
healthful qualities to the food.
Hewlett «
It la pcmible It ray
to a«D l>m agaiu next ■eamo.tboiigb
It U to to booked taiocipaliy in tbe
Baking Powder
t abiable ati <-i.a 1»m*.• JTT »o ♦»«>• lam*
Tb«-tr arr «ii«ap baking povdnv,
. tnaih- li.jm alum. 1«| Ihirv are ea“harmiul h> health. Thew
avirtecTfit and
ul camoruiqg quaUlaes
. arlil a •Ungenm. eleum* lo food.
tbe aaUrtea and mhl tbal be woold
gtad lu cunttnue tbe arnngmteot lodefiollely. boulv-iieuteil. flbe filled
tbe lenua of tlw ad.vvtiaenieot.
Aiiotber inenib iwaaed. Mr. Vlateo
waa ahacDt eo-oatunall}. a-miettiaea by
day. atiiurtlmqa In tbe evriiliig. Ooee,
or Iwloe la- waa away aeieral daya letVbat railed LIm where he
went or what be did hr never told.
Leolae waa piqued and drlUately hint
ed tbal autue refereiiee lu Ibeae ob■rnceewould l■eal leaat elUI. Bbe did
entire atraogiv.
■oval, aaajwa aowMn eo. leo wiuiau
I blgb time aiieb a r1dlcnb>ut ar-
Ccttdenstd Dews
■ of inicl)ig<m
ton Uiade tiot-ouiox-nla upuii
iltaeed be aeeiued lo iw rather ideaaed
With It. egging ber on to motv of tbe
aUo«u itroviH fnn th» pint osvor- mme kitxl. l-lnally abr hereme angry
■ml ended III'-Intertlew III lean. Mr.
; An oM rMideiit Miyt “he knew «
\lnloii then left ber wlibuut tbe allgbtl tiurt lii<- eity *'ttatn>CM> of Uir vine neaizly
e« alEii «'f trugier. Imlei-d ratber with
■tart aek* oat her pai»n for ihU |yrtr« o*o u»d It araaaiioraotwljr l«ir- tbe-Oppearaore of great aatlafaeilun.'
tjoe inuruing a dell.uie little nilaalve
«MTtar it ^ 4 v>Jope<d Chat the vld.' •< that timB.
eime for Mr. Vlutun wbit-b fell Into
•vorsaatalar wlwfoagl.t In ttw »mri At Ootanognn ilieMlwol boiWiWU
Lonl-ea banda. Kbe luok It lu him
•(mtta rMddlogat 8L tanM»-vr>th|h’*’»d by ttaam
The other evniav
and wall-lied him w bile be read it. HU
■ 4n«htar.
The nged l*dy/fi Mrs | «•" jwilior ton»e.t o> Uio wnttr to fill cvniilenaiire waa nut to be reed. I’lar.
jMtole FltBL
She la in (l^ WW. 1**»»«> t«» f» «>*• lag tbe OMe lu hU liortrt. be
WttMny ontl dmira a iwoal^f tit \
»«VIoiA »»d did not r^cm bla l>edrooa>. ami aouti after
- neat monrttig. Vfaeo
filled the
ui wllb a ^t ei
■ John Ttilot- tlw boiltejud
"Juat triiat
forced tlie wsb-r Into the plpM Mod.
Hied 4fn
4fn iiitila
Ing to llie raiUaton in the vorlons •That j>ot«- iVutaliied
dlefi of typhoM f< Ter.
The went! tn the rsdlatore lle'a gone to tbe eountry to viait
«lM>wma vary ill with Un »me dU. loumu.
girl he # In luvr wllh-“
mm at Itet tlaw. died tht> «.«k. had hM ,leti o{»v. and
qoeni-e all night long the water wpa be rrtunied. Ixnllae aaked
They leaiaaiz nfalldm.
A Delhi eormpoodeni to a l.a«l nunlng throngh the bonding,
lAtendi-d lo l-e unrritd.
paper vrllea that two tpoal>-ra fought attng lie- walla.'flocm. Inoka. mapa
T am not etigageO." be repIledT'
Tliey were allllDg In the library at
Um other day end tb.- one whleh.woa and I'verything elae, the inetor show>r tiu«e. and Vinton tuaL op a hook.
vhln>ed woa eo mortified at I ho do. ing that IS.OUO talloiiB of water flowed
from garret to baauQimitIt took Loulae tried In vain to keep ber tongue
fao* that be Jornped into
hc«l Finally ebe could emlwe
konynrd nud drowsed -hlmaeir
Iroce m> toiiger and aaked a
ta the tateai aololde In Woohims
anmlirr uf luaduMMe gui-atloea.
Boiue of them Vinton aiivwercd. vtbm
BL Iguaoo too doatara delayed getbe liarried. w blle utliera he rr<vlved lo
Kooky Uontain Tee hro<-< a up
tlw In tlieir crop eo late tiiai iliev are whole evetein. K>'0<-«-a voor loU on- allem-e. Hut not tor a tuuuM-nt did be
OioM hovel tools for tirod and manlfcot any dlnaatlafarUon wlib ber
now roeorilng 'to towing fl.wting
itempHiig to i-ry Into bla aSalra.
ehnoka, tho vara weaibrr having
nully be toW.brr that be had been
taskmi BP Uo. lee.
The foot tlwl Uitoe maimed or ertpan Invalid who bad died daring
Smallpof ta reported from Itomna.
ple-l aindeiita of the oniveroily
hla abaeace. l.oulae aruae and «trode
■eroela eoonly, when- the )nlh-ol
eat of ttie ruotu. Yliiiun called
greatly tMeflliog -by the
had iifidid a wedding and Ft]«eod a
oourae given them in the gymsMiain ber back.
-If you don't mind," be aald. "I am
l-'Bilvoneed to ahim that oompolaory,
At a revival ineeling held in tlii*
■rtooa to know wbac baa oBeoded
athU-itea at the V. of K. doea
eity reerally. a matflmosoial engagegood node from affording the an
^'00 have led me to b^ve what
toMt woa hroken thrxiogb tne forvardniediniu for i>lay.
waa not true."
■M «f the priWiMtlve bnde. Sl>e
Bbe Btood walUng for him to conttaoc
■Mtoed to have become in»pired wlUi
Iluw-a Tbiar
tbe debate, bot as be only mid. Tbuk
the iptm which eway^ the tovlralW.- offer Use Hondrod OoUora He foa very mnrli.~ abe went out and
let. ohd vhm the loitm. ofier a par
ard for any onae ofOatorrh tlial eaa- B|>eiit tbe rrat of tbe day lo ber room
>t b.' cored by Haira CMarrh Uore.
ttaotarly ompluate and etiiring flight,
-lUi tbe door locked.
F 3. Cheney A Ca_^Pr^..^
oaked If there woa anyone preeeut wln>
At the end of tbe year Vinton Invited
hod a Mead U need of |«nyer, ahe
moiber aod dangbter into tbe library
anaoaoced to them that be desired
> her teeL
etmlaate tbelr iweaeut arrangefiatina la an obrloni aaonoer. ahe'mid
and fliiosei
he voa Iwdly in ived of leoyer. bualneaa Oanmeliona.
'able to taury oal onv ohligaliosa mode
While tlie revlvallal praytd (or the j ^
lUafy your cuitaalty.
pomag man the tatter h-mm.- red lo !\ Weat
t#eit A Tnox.
Trooi. Wbelemie
IHielemle Dmg|rta«.
A year ago 1 wished to make a very
the recta of bla hair and formed e iToledo. U.
Waldiug. Kinnan & Mor
Bdt-mntageoBs match. Tbe lady's charin. Wholemlt Dniggida. Toledo. U.
I porpeae. which he oarried not
OCteristlcB I deacrlt<ed lo niy adriTtlaetaler to the letter.
That U why the
'■ Ibeortsi ami Lave a
Iroien. —latnaiiig and maeona antfaotw of' the ayetem. theurv about womeo. It la tbal If a
Frioe. ^ ^r^Kittlg^^ Wld by all mail wlrtes to know »bai a wuman
will do
. Jaho Meetogne. while elmrtog aom.
itut tufee that abe wilt art exactly
VBBto load iiasf the book nf th-- Ooai
contrary to what be would expeCL 1
rtTerlnthevieinitvof Oaroc-em^y, IcaJmoifs Intorlor Spar la the di-atrod to tcM this Ibeory aod If It
dlaeovared an .-noraoo. gTa|»tvu.e,
moat dmmbla votsUt uoda.
proved a law I a-ould apply It to. tbe
lady t wlrted to marry and Ibua enbaiM-e ray chaocev of sui-v-esa. Hurlng
post year I bare applird the test
you teventy-elght llnww. and you
bate follUM ibe
You wHl readily see Ibe advau
face of havlnc two wimim uf like rharamertstba. the ooe to practice upua
tbe other-—
At tills mint In tbe tbeorist'a expoalUuo of bis tuelbods Lonlse roae fm
large eiltrs
A nnmtor of worthy playa half far
uMon III a dae^. given over to toe
ramatised novel, havecume to llgl't
■gain in tbi- present rage fur n-vlrol
rmxneds^ 'Urvngth racncs back again.
smvt. Chne- ri
'ts ill I bars
ukreiu bSTIvs W -oiias WsSm] UnerrTV■
aad •nsr ur Svv vulia.rnw liuiv frOns.' TWv
haw d.-sr mt w.vlj, <g rwA
cfsra haw WMtbt ibv ZTcat reawv Is iss
I'aM a sVv swacr cS a Mas ini rsmS bareis
rravl aivd ai.4 or* all ibv tWr ssd esmt «•
mi Mb
Ni>« I caa wt. akva. rat aaS kd
tBf.asdlhtli.wdkvgsek an rdbf awiv. I
am vrrv UaaahtsI (Wl I vvau la^ tbaves.
tin ' <—Ur* Mr IksI l>«.ovrr< - aad hla Unk
livrr -m>«a' bsw almw OBdr s mrm mss ai
I iwi rasas sa I dad M ikms yms Ns
.0-rTdmVc.r hr kr.oslT Uv t-WTcr.-
I>r IVire-s Cdamoe Seme Medical
Adriarr, to paper covers, is arot /rn am.
mvi|« .d SI ohekvet mamm to pay
r\)a-aw »f nulling c*/r
Addrcm Dr.
K. V. llcrce.^BuHslo. k! Y.
Of ilieae none is more wuetoy lobe
A complete line of all,wools, cotton chains, un
ions. graniies and hemps, in the latest patterns
and coloring, 6s. 55- 4o. SS- 4a »s and------ 1 T>c Vd
aw of Ibe rvwm w^ VIMob cangfal
ber aboot the waist and behl ber
-Darling.- be said, rbangtug bis tooe.
-IbetT Is one resBh of tbe espertmeot
yvt to' be told. Tbe practice pliwc beI tbe obHcUlUei-r. and tbe ob>rct
piece bss paaaed from tbe peobteni. Tbe
lavsUd wbo died wblle 1 was away
was tbe girl I was eadeavoriag lu win.
We uever become vssea ihso strong
Mends, and while I woi pUnnlii^ far
advaniogto that wonld bare acerael Ui luarrylng ber I was falling la
lew wliA you.F. A. MITCHBU
Habe« 8Mme.
We will
a Green Satin
with a purchase
o'f a
or ijf^ore
(while they ^
Free to every
and Monday.
rs- r
to* PsIum •* no
orite vehicle for eome of the greateoi
'playera «f-*ato Eagland and America..
Il was Uia firm ol tiic emMloaol dmmoa. the foreroBnar of a gr*at aobool
wbLai' Inflaroca noa uever oeosad to
“Ban Lyana" eootl'laae
troth and altaplieity and aii^-ola
tlie leadenwt of homao
Our Spring Stock
Is a record break^'in every department
—Hats. Tie^. Shirts. Gloves arriving
witbont nooning tu ehain aaniimaetoUam. Vito F. J. Oraaby. Jr., aad
Mlm Inez Fonuaa aa the
stara. a
niidrr toi-aMe dl
rvciion of
f.c atmiorf rr—VI
Addrv^ irllk tmvttrsUra
Boferat lmmuii.tM.~kr/. lure
Fnak Ban will be
B tor play at Steiaberg'a UmnA
next Tnesday. March IMth. A car load
of cpeoial si-eoery. new. bright and
fitring. ana olao mnny su'iiaMe aoeeeoriCa have twen loovided for tlie Mw
Besidee tbe popolar stan
Nrariawibe ••aii.luvd svii.
aisl *lt ra/lanaja-i rwast^
alUl ■■
of the eori. many tolentod and W'-U
rn iiei^de have b>-en called from
^LAll t^TOB WAbTPt
Aptdi^M <K«I
■■ r>cb malar *«al
r aaeeeaaee of laat acoaoii to make tJUANTXli-rird.-T*l,M
W II irvl-u.lt.. any iiM»,aibarUT JB
be eompoey. .« toe manager. Mr. Ucmlb-kt'o.
l-J" ^
has eenatuly a well !talaO'-ed
and capa’4r tronpe. Bo strong Isvto
company ip every pariicalar, that it
iyi"^b4r■f HAJlHini tXJU.UB.itUr<wo.ui
■ ' tLV
mar safely to aald a better Inlerpretatlim of this tom'odli and gnud eld
Is Di.-a I'. I'WIW Ilk
(hirt/dsyv ihai >oa '
Ittrd. lyola and Iran
iBv l..a..a
Ki.-bi *..b. napis
nlay w>al<l be well nigh irapoatible.
Suaraut.-dilnrii«H'riac r*.b
Hamilton « «
£lotbing l3o.
It Is mid there is intoLly flb other
viUaga in Michigsii where tbe pmjde
os -rmdy to bmi one an'tlivr’i
bardans as at Tekaasha.
One of ttaa
ronl earri'-n at ibat |>tsr« ban a vsloable boiai
from diseoa- aud
boon a delegniioa of ciU-
sow coltad opon Urn and left a parw
coolalnhig -toO.
ThU it ccily ine of
aeyeral sneli instances within the past
PtSlcwliK t« Ifes nw otMWi tvmsui-ns >r
lbs Travel—. Oily fsansbew aarallM l«r fs>
C<WNAl.B~>tiilutaat a rertukys^l^ub
Sas-kwn.jB'. B
oli>.-r. Jss
W.vsl. TIs-
LamhiV sa rbmf a- dirt, t .■** sod rra want
Usu. W. Bsvr. f
Xo. se
beam him'
We dm tb^m
is an
to select your
Spnng Hat.
Ti|. Gloves.
Nothing, but
to show
. Never anything
but the.
' >
to sell you.
hmPd'kgata tlMB ‘ - Boat L yam" which
ty.five yean ha» been a fav
“Just Tor
C»«»A1A OK BB.\T-Hoas. t. lam-Jn
wu jm MIR Win I O"
Ft. pivi-vrvy.
Somothlog •
VMtyaaMirTnn Z
\ Aod Buy
jyETl.AVE LEASED tht- lar^t: buildingo
J on the corEighth street,
ami will carr>' on the business of carriat'c painting *at
that location. We will endeavor to give thorough sat
isfaction at living prices. ' Cutlers painted and stored
until (all. if desired. Mr. Slrongisarirst-classcarriage^
. painter and will ha,ve cliarge o(^ that class of work.
Mr. Petherick will look after tliOvDuLside painting and
do all paper hanging personally (you ^1 know what
-that means -that you will get stnctly tlm-class workl.
If you wish estimates on any kind of Painting, Paper
Haflging. Kalsomining,'Graining, etc-, drop us a postal,
or call up old phone 203, citiicns’ phone 527. , .
Car. E. Eirhtk asfi Burdmaa Arc.
TriTem atj. Hick.
What yaa M MCM
SIT mwi- SIS' srv I<ksJbs tm )y>I
sack sni.'ivs SM st.. sxv ssbi
rsvi sSM
Ts brine lyy sr.d tbsrs
ucvOxr IS .ssT sev
►'■i »
rvw <s«ls
A '-Wsci
Tij mil iiialiiiinllnn
Only Ibra breo deaf an iacszable.
s« ■w-t-rsvtbfaiv'y; IW all wbvr
r-Ai ss.ir*':
a nu.bmora of mv <om. to-------Abra tv* rvu* *c*
S'»b-k»*if««“«•«".«taa ft
ON.BXLKD sacra gud tore whalsare barO W ti-m. «nb ■». traraa mbstsiibv.
kurd. Ickla and
tranatscsstf K druiS.
turawaault'i a-
DO rocorr «*
•ehool boy. vUl inkoldy low oa erv
04 the eeeaJt of a hoytali proafc.
All grades, plain and printed, up from '•
robber cord at
Bkms. had eeroroly
coy (Ite opiie.
noevt-OW urawni
which dneten my maa(
the vIeOa will be mfcea to aa oeoUst
O0 4ti$tHk tp »*h<f frpm, sit 1902 patttrtn.
ntop. DcfommKT
m. MKMCtaJh to oo.
hcuRin mm
toUU- Karmtehl
noatotafiX a 30
^ hViikkc umn'uK 'tmmmA tixir, ktea», ¥^PAt^''itAmak 14. :
iBBto—fc« Paw Recart
Price F«r « C<Mpte.
•rmt LIKE Komi
^ «. FT—.»* iUiiM
— —r »w. I-— —r^-ta.
Waa rahtaA
It —F M toofw ba mU that Joba
W. Oataa aad bla IHlow aUlll-tia —
|Fo« tba —H ara drToU «C aralla
M tha aarr {rrllaci <a tba( ibrj
m jiMMiiil «r patHM. Ukr «lbrr
»aa. tbatr brarta aiM tbrlr t»
la ba raacM tbroo«b M»lr aia—rii.
mC K U brat dour br b-«.a uf l-b.
•Me* MBat ba i>r tba cvod 4>id b—r-
Mrvmn aociMn
la itJir of lb» ^aal
—. TwpwMCwlUto an
•U WOi
Mm April L
be du—a or tlw Me r—tlac battariM
of ra— br Mua «r wUefa tho
brarrM «w bria#
omgk *r—d oalf arijb
tbr ««i
ria—a asd tbr alatM
aKMiBtaa. bart baaa larH«l Uj- IVofaaaor B. C n<*rrta« at
tbr Hansard obarrratarF
itir aulailMi of aa aalrae
Irei of tbr am Icaperta—.
It opiiraTa ibit Dr. T. Bebwtb af II—Bait. I'r—ta. baa dtarBrrfail a rariabU atar wblrb pnMBl— «• krrp aatrvtminrrr wvtsi>inl for aua>r it—
r«aw^ a^ «l>lrb la kuova aa I
-■•rtiB-ab VartaMr- VarlaWr atara.
«*trb arr alao knora aa Ut
rrijrrarut t»« bodka rmdrb
«a< ho(brr. and vbribmbrar l»«
pato.$lAdO; had. tAdO.
ur hM baaa dinnlMd by aiBtaal
THB GRAND RAPIDS DAU.T BBRALD —y br hod at Spona'a candy
Hand. eppoMu SMtoeg a .ar^
OUR MOV^MlUar-a f
8001A1. DAKCB. Ptoeat— toU. Sat
ardgy oMBtoM MaiMi itoh. AUan
toriiad: goodti— aaearad. ISlIdh
Tlia foUowtot eOeera
atoetad by tba Toaac WooMii-a ftorir
Mr. BaartiiwalM wtU oeotWM
toa T—pacBBoa Uaioa:
Prwtdrat-MMl Owatktoa.
to too |«a—It ottooe to iba Mukhaa
Moe* aad bU ooa Milica wlU oai<«
gOeo to otady tow.
THB OBlOOiAL toaartv oaady to
raMiKhtokoiT aat. watoaL at Jaektea CMrty Oa. lOf Proas a—al
Kow't tor t____ to lake Boeky
OUR MOTB-Milior-a Ptor—ey
Mood lain Tf«: keeps^too whole to—hara bcca ' wall. A
d fall tindaoM
V. W. C. T. f.
t«w at aooB.
Tte Mw Cm of Surbwalw A Paa-
OUR MOVE-MIUrt'* Ptor—cy.
OUB MOTS—MiUar'a Ptor—ey.
Mr. Feew
wiU hara afltoaa to tba arw Wltottoi
if you can't come yourself
and we will ht it with a
beamy ofa RING.
of OOMlM
afiM ttoaa watoa aad a kail. hM bara
lUlod tMoa toa he—. of
VHoy K. WricbL
too Bor.
It to Mpawod thM
la wilt ooeopy bla palidt at tba Prod-
Third Tier |—idtst—Bditb Pybaa.
bytanaa ebareb aad jrroct aa m
M*t baaday —ntof and aroatoc.
Rcpnucti. cm cMVEimw
Tba raeapUoo to il.a aaw nrab—
forioaiclit. to peoipMad aatU Mootoy bight oe all nay hoar Mr. Form
eoev.-oUon to
<—di.Mta* for
n traaaaet each other
F. W. StotM wfll fsntob Ibo fall
oatfti of dltoosiatlM Oreaa KlUar-
.ilag. Mareb JA IWB. al
; m o'ctock. Ward Nn. I will to aotitled toMA.dalaga—; ward No. f to
>. 8 to to:: ward 1No. 4 to
___________ i 6 I
Dated Mareb lA IMA
touaoenr. to to AadUUr ,Wda7 ooaJohn A. La
fentag with Arthar & Wabbar and
Ototrawa Oily f«
Dr. B. B.' MrMoUoo ot—ontog Uia
aey wara, doeoratod to gtaoa. far toe
Batot Pbtrtok's Day aalirtola—t.
Oaeaga Utoar. too Traaana City
haUdtogs whtob
tra— atraotTMs bow
Hemnant Ba^
Silks at I5c Vard
Ima" luay be mlaard. Ibr cbkf polut
dralrrO brtov ni—<y Ibr i.iur wbra
tbr atar apiimtn faliilrol aa ]udflrd by
a dally niiaiarlauii wllb nrarby alara
Of rrmpilrrd bnri.inrta. Joat now Dr.
Hri>wab-a tartablr arU ta tbr rxtr—a
and rl— in Ibr
Dortbraat Juat brforr aiiorlar.
Iba'tabulelkia of all tlir vbBrrra■ —dr Ibis yrar sbouki sbow tbat
Ibis vsrisbla to eotnpoard of th— rrvotvliic Indito iQstrad ofdwo. tost dls)T,—y Iw so importsnt
Importsn Btrp torov.ry^
iIm aoliniou of a graa'
........ ,|MT —Iba—tlea-ua—ly.
IslioB of tbm: bodlrs In sparr.
It is prekabla that wlttala a fr« toys
Mr. Ltobar «iU ba glToo (to aoaMet
r> by
—'MrtUllr toritad to^pamcllStTL
tor eaaeaar* eallad tolow. is Ibrir i. .
ai||l Dr. MoMallM-OadUtor Naa
Tto Hlgb aeboel L.Toaan will i
at 4 o'eloek iaslaa
OM-ot tisa beat aaabera waaonlt-
lartoy, of toa St. PatricA'a day aotar-
r BOO Ibr Korblrs.
Blliionry olere, tba aprlng opanisg of
wbinb will ueenr in tba tiear falntA
Mn. PUm atoo rUKod tor bonw lii
Hartford. Mieb.. daring bar ataroer
aiH had iwDbto upon aa highly
A. Ihr liiha and win—na aaMalrt.
Ballx liuU-tVItb-Vetce-af-TbDialrt.
UM-lnl from hrr lalWr • Ir—
Ijhr a H-'fil rrow tUr auruto
In O- mo.kol on tonUr.
Tv.Bn IlM iwlh aha ak.au wandrrrd
Tbinkina ibauabi. uml aaamrd lo paM
TUI abr r
Whrr* aba 1 h bad *at wMw •w«nSni
Hrinnch vatCOrf Pumiafnlchri
<i« ihr raerrd nx-k ahr aguaiiad
In onidcturaaau. jxialthei.
tk-ndina unlll aUneal dooWr
In n«r ovrrland at aorfoa.
paon aha baarrt a|<t>ra*.hlng reolpn
Xrard a crvechlna la tbr cravrk
and abr pollad bwwrlt logrihrr.
nrlimt all Itrf pana aaannbiwl.
Jiut aa Itrlnrlcb van. cir .
PU.hrd hi* prraanra a« tba (detara
KUInt frani Iba rock aha *al on.
Olan.-lnc at tbr kunird warrior
M lib a (tone* aha knaw would ilur
Tn.» *b* apakr: Tie «n-d >oa h
To tbia Bcrrlal ritra a.' ~
■ I 1 h*i* >uu;
bonrat IkJuB.
rorir «»'• y
-- - -..-
r grrot Uui.-h |Wlni-a w»* ra
>1 bo*u would baw brrore hi
1 to drteb lb* Ikgri.
»t in* very wurM «r wiener.
Bpokr you -jaW lewaag of •ub-hk.*
Hung a pretarl lo yonr oealplaek.
And >o »r *•»• you rimncwl to Malaneb
Voa Ow aa— daratd tblM *r aihae.
Ulva me non
or youe ver> *nir)e«i rl(ne«a
p*l the enrih and do It pIcBiy
In anenwerty dltvcIMn
While I lUd* lon*rd the weeiward.
Fade »n«y. you would be MIcM
Bre I *inb you nlih cnykmlphi'
Tt-an. nbuhed. he lurneO and left be
MuKerinr: *-Arh. OoirlB bto—lVn* l*< otnntoB toufctaoeB. ain’t lit
Uonnerwrtterl K»t*en>»mmer;
ounerdaai—mg! Irh *Hc nti'
Arb. lebnoW. m— lleber MgriM!
Mon Oer duyori I rerid bMp M
Piatt won Mairtod
and Mto*
today b.r JoMica
Botli girt- ttotr addroM aa
Tiantar Oily.
■> 10 ncl at the rtty enov.-olioa
A lepnblirao < aacna of yi>ier* realdlag la ward Nn. I will to held at
Otmiw.'e Hall. Oam atreel. oa Kriday
March *1., mw. at
. eloek l«» tbr porpoer. of eleotlog •»’
.Mlagaiaa 10 atiend a repeblicaii city
eoDTeaiiuii called (or Taoday evt-ntog. Marrfa l'>. aod nt*n for iho nomi
nation of raiiilidata* for Ward oflleaa
in ikM ward, aad auc-h olber bailnra*
a* —y ■■om* toforv tbr uaoco<
Marvb it. m«: ' *
J. A. Lomogrt.
K. R. MeCoa.
Howard Irtali.
t'«iumitlr.U'niU Np. t.
volere r. *14
to held at
S^d Ward Oity Hall. Si-rooe *trrel
Friday rvrolug. March 2l»i. Uf». at
r aoo'olook lor Ibepurpraeuf electtog 83 delagatea to allasd a oily c»iivroliein oJtol for Tu.wdav rvenlag.
March A'llb, aad aUe for the nomina
tion of raodldate* for ward oDIcra in
mid ward, aad tacJi other boiineaa
—T come Imfore ilia cauco*. Man-b li. imi.
•n.oma» Uoultou.
K. W’ HaatiDg*.
Jaa OlUett.
.bjlar* whk'ii
w-rm 4-auaml lu Kmun- l.y niru lakltig
iBIo tbrlr own baiMto lb* work uf re^
drenalng tbrlr owo wrong* and pub
llabrd a pru-lamatlou iwtoUtohlag tbr
amlur dn rul. Tbto forbaOr prirrdrM for wruttg* fur tbr kji
of forty dA) ■ aflrr tbr Injury wa* <mined. During that 11—tbr. Ibjonsl
aerk redmo and aallafi
i> of volcrr* rraid
tloo to Ibr Ung‘> .ourt. .and if I
rlgblrU ambe rad of lag to ward No. 3 will M held at
Sooth Union rtreet on Friday orening. Man^ 81. 1K«. at TiSUo'oloek.
tor tbe ywrpoae of eleottog 2S delrga— to attnnd a repobllonn city oonTeniten eallod fra Tnaaday eTeniog.
March A\ and alao tor tbr nomioalioo
reugb and rrad.v. wa.r. and ufllraa tba ofraaditotra forward oOeealataid'
record* are at fault a.— law of tbl* ward, and tooh other buioera aa —y;
MO brfraa tto eaoena
kind prevallrd lu lAMildaua at tto Hue
March 14. ISO*. •
■ /
I UUauurl wa* u i<*rt of
W. W. Smith.
KiriH-b king * iiorarmloi.fc
W. W. Dean.
H. O. Oiltort.
4 Bad Drink.
forelgnrra op lo Ibe coal rrgtona." aay* a writer lo tto 1‘bl^drl
A rapnliUraa.eaDaa> of votara raaidpbl« Iterard. -driuk |H>lla«ky.
ing in ward No. 4 will ba hrld at
Iliat'* why *0 —oy olurir* of hurrlblr
Omna V. totdla'a PoiMo Wniwhonac
crimr* <v>nic from tbeev. I*<flliiaky I* oa Friday ewBiug. March 8i. IBO:
at tto faMtoip of etcry riot and much 7 JO oVlock. to rlral ISdrlriiiUri
uurdrr. It u almpiy a mlxlareuf bter
and bad wbl>ky. uauslly Idroded :
___ ______
iiuAtiOD of raniUdate* tor
fra (to
lUd .ruonril with *|ricca.
ward oBcin* ta mid ward, aad *uch
every wedding, •brieirnlog. wake
lem aa —y ro— tolar-- tto
uUmt gnlbrriug of a aw-UI naturrtbarc
h Blwayw a mb.of pullnaky. lu ooa
hour aU baod* will to drank, lu two
K. J. Fulghom
hMU* Ibrre will to a frrr flgbl. and.
K H. Pop*.
untra* tto pulb-r Intrrfrrr. to tbrvv
F. D. Martin.
buor* ibw will to a murder, la tbr
mom Ihickty popuMlrd
A n—bUean enncai of votra* to
parUra to tbrlr toclplrot atagra. but
Ward. Ho. :> wlU be bald nt Stata
they dent alwiy* *uc<-rid.~
Primary aobral l—aacm Kiday
Soma or tto lata Irjrd Randolpb
niorcblll-* frtrod*
Imrd tollahury rrluMala bl* arraUe
IMuinianl. Sallabury llatrard to ttom
patlratly and torn aakrd. "Hava nay
of you ctra had a rarbunria on tto
back of yonr MTkr
"No." wu* tto rrply.
Mnieh •&. and alao fra tba aomtoa(ton «< raMdititra fra ward oAraa to
mid wwd, Md meb otf— bnatoaw aa
' * n tto oanouL
Wm. M. SmiUk
tfkpoond rainbow troat hat bara
ennght In a Ukr to KUI* ronaty^rx..
Tvwnit (if |>Uiin —dr by tto fiah
tada rnoBinla.,
lAMOB-Bamambaf Bakra v daoer.
OOTMT Btokr and Union attrat. Salnr^ arralv
AJl toritad.
KOUM8 I. • Md 8
FuK Nkl.H—KUL-ftavanty-rigbiagre
fnrm *ix milr* from city on Bay
•dure mr road amend (to toy aU
tto wav. .Ml nader onWaaMM.
Laiga fto— bonaa, atoM taaatogM(,
large ham. *lBBi baaamaak TwMty
nvr acre* bannng orebard eotoprialug ‘■»ar IW« tre«* of raaohea. a|>pla
etorrtM. all ctoiot eanallaa. load
a of litoBuaek." br atiaartrt
oaed of OMriay O^Maa. Haory
.tt. WAUtoM lAfiftwonby and
Daff MeDuoald.
Tto aoato wiud ihto aMcaiiig tlart-
troolor Hoar** M il.
ad tlia tor eat.aad paabad At for abpal
P.-i>Mor Hoar r—Urd word tba mb- half a Mila It to aow aiertog bat
ar dsy Ibst a friend wbo bad bean sup•lowly, b.1 toa wMUhor bafpw i«ninwcd to bsve sppmdIeMIs wss soBrrdicta aoBto wtoda aad waraar wnatbInc not fram that ait—nt. but,
at-iilr IwliBfatloB. say* tor New Vork •r. aetoalito praopoeu ate that'ii
TrlbiMiu. -Tbat to so.d news- said Ibr will go oot aoaa.
Mr*. Brito Plaeo toa tatarard from
ariwt.ir. -i it-lolea tbat tto troobla lira
lablr of euolcwa ratorr Ibau to a Tiait (0 Chicago and DaWolt. wbrt*
Ill Ibr lal
the madr aitangtra pamba— tor tor
rnor* nri
^ the Boston Store
eity OMBBiitea for tb<- msBiag y«*r.
Tbr chair—a aod arcrrlary of e«eb
ward eaaoaa will orrtify iraipilytn
raapMCiae wanto to alb-ad ihr
''mi to be lirld Turaday
ii u, itoc:.
It, The aamber will to ••.Koar
It to atoor«|B*«tad ttol-caeh ward
Lraaaa of StoBraek." br aiiaartat .tola
tad from Iba pragraiu pobltobad yaa-
Have you seen the'ele
gant RlN(i we are show
ing for $•.’.»»' This is the
timetotryRlNGS. Don't
you know it* Find it out
ou Soalls Mlicball stiact aad tba Oad.
ittor Hoaar oe Waa* BarriMM stiaak
j lo r yards. We have an unusual large accum-, i
uUtioih left over from our Dis.solmion Sale. (New i
SprinKOoods.i You will not only get the bene- ,
ill of the remnant price, but also the Ten Ter j
Cent Discount the last tlay of the sale RE- ,
PaiaoM Bratoon aad Bdwia Pbq<
•.urn .
I* pia
cam—nt of Ur. Ubooia
Tbara waa a repeUtloa of tto luacbtea tba Mat day. and ibM4 wa* anoib.
ar pto. .Tbca tto four graUrtnen toasactod Mr. Bogera to Uiy lUO abarra
of Narttocu Itcillc atock. for which
(toy Mood reopooalU*. aod tnm (to
prrttBOrar to Ura. Kanr. Itwaadobr.
(M Mock bring purebanrd to tba ua—
of A (1. Pytuaebrr. which M caally
________ -Denrw FBI
oaMMlad late a good pie —bar. Tbr
aMartlMawtrabougbi atllgSLand
1 orrrbrard a Uvrji 1
raiy MXt dor tto acetatloDal adranee
la Kortbm Itoclflc began.
By Mop* and bound* the price of
M nlgbt
■ ^Ippar* wont np. Prum iWli it raae
"Wbli* I* cucteef aaked tbr flrat.
to m aad tba aert day It . wat aaOtog
» aay •tore abr comew' or •here
lUMwr" a* Ibr attralku) of tto r
•reoadlSA Mr. Kaat wai perceptibly
a* dlreeted toward a rar apprnaehlDg
Oa did oot lika lo auggcM
Ibr dl*MOce.
Brillag o«t toM the (woBt* on two pie*
. of mnwr.'
oocmad to him to to oometbiog remark•bM. Ttoo Mr.Roger* pointedly ealtod
MotiMBtoa to tba fact tbat Sortbam •rnblr.- uatcUy retiwted tto :firM
pMtSr migbi tort a tnmtate. qwakfT. aUll wairbtag the rar.
-Won.- ooU tto fortuaato batbaod
*-¥*0 are both wrong, yon are bMh
W tto MMkar
pMa. “I win loao • wrong." agioke up the third. Jumptag
op aad down rsrltnlly: "rpa abeuld
goarwr. Btadt wa tiril. tnlla we toU
•ar tore be rw&e*.''"
ThI* remark ao amaaed tto other
It oa— toada. aad tto Mock wa* two that tbHr attention wa* anddenly
aald. That nlgbt ttore wa* alonM a diverted fram Ibe mpbUy (wnrlng rar.
gatoe ta Nmben Pacldc. aad tto Mock a* they laagtod to frlgaied drrtaton af
• toMwbtoay price ItotboUmdemart- (brir companion** arnae of gram—r.
Hat tto girt who had ninken I*
od. Tba next day talen wAe made at
URM a atom. AUd Iba baadrad atorc fcdir brr eye* ou tbe car. walrhlM R
rioaety a* It ra— BMCe clearly lot*
Mt baM toU for tto top figure there
weald here bara • profit for ‘A. O.
"tllrU I am right.** «Ae abonted at
pymacbw' of laAdTS. leea tto broket-a (bem *0 nnexitectedly that Ibr twa
oaauMMMo. Am tt wa*. ibe adTam-e turned toward the Mreet gt once
WM widiniat ta maka Mr*. Kfm atari
-gee. H ta a —U rar." abe pafbted
wkaa tto ctoek wm (daoad to kar ^ trtBMptoBlly to
tto wkUe
OiTB MOTB-KUle^'a PboraMgy.
aatoyrd. Datoty rafra.
—MOl WilbolM Will orrw to
B’bole •
Tto—Manot oU (to labar
-Wbtoi Mart MV: I
qaathy aU aad iofruab—aM <
TM nrxt
gUab wo—a torr Uk«M op tto
»lilBidr>-*»*tdMpI*y —tad hy MMe Bamato.
Miort^af too aab WiU hatwa woaka **etorltr arwiag riato" with rr—^
_ _ —CMdat. tbodMplaFwli
dan- tbr mnra of tbr dartoM of
of «ha HhUMm CM*ii« Oa.. oa«- tnm Maatoy alchl at tba boa
Torb m>a brr toar of tbr BrlcMh cediMa ■—*|iM«e>i «< 81 PatrtcA-a
oaMI POBPW.IOM. The OpUr brmgW
wblofa odem *o« UdMAbT* an
BBMbrr of
K. S. VaAjrioM. ter oermml rmn
Etouuri prltb-wat*. aad wrapa
arof har yooc frtaadk tbia atMr•M(A
dot W. O. AB A.
tbr Fulupr qarm bad lakni tt—
a boaor of her thireoMto Urto
al and nuke dwlng brr trip, asmw-^ hM oMpUd a Itaod pOMttoB
alMnl by bir bdiM-lu walllBg —4'bltdOiMr. Uii
cago Journal.
IM. ofMMlac af »bo MW awi
' toarria. Oalaa A
Aad ao It waa anangrd. Tba Mtt
day tbera waa afitaad a lunch ubia lu
tbat oSka. with a big gurgroui ictiwii
pla aa iba crutcrplrcv. and gatlirrrd
arooad it wara John W. Unlm. J.
Barrla. Oterge V. Itoudolpb. now wiiaaetad wub tba ftoltlmora and Ohio;
A.. N. Hoafloo. a Cbl.-agn caplialtol.
and T. r. SboBia. prraidrut nf ibc In
diana. iowa and llllnol* railroad.
^11 of tba olbrr food wa* allcbir.1.
and tbeaa at tbr lablr rxhibiied a win
tagnaai to raacb the pir aiagr a* roriy
aapoaalbto. It wat a large plr. and it
toeked gaod. and tbtre wa* piroty of
tk By agteoBMot it was dlildcd inio
dro ptoeea and p
tolltottoa at a eiedlitou
&la |Offt af too pcpcna wm
(Mad a plaowat Motol tt—
« Ibrtr .
grratrat ajM
T00d jadca of v*»;
lioal l«bi are Do»a^ja ai-niralalF
lU kaoB-i cued pir Bbei
cMiipuird aod fomotd.
Wl-T. Dr. Hrbwab dlaroTrrrd tba rai U. add bo U rradj u. n-arard
Ibo —hrrA cbrrk waa rot—Uf riablr aiar arbtrb baaia Wa ita—. ba
«<u tbat It bad a parlad of '
*«n for a a— ibat.m>rrarau a
MmH fertiMo. aad It waa la |iajD»rot Mirra daya fi—i ooa otlabiiuM.
-Ibtr 10 aBoibar.|»r twa piro. Tba inBaaeUMi pr»l«blF
[•roCnaur Urndrll of
patnor. and tbr bl(t>r« pritr
Harvard otwrrvalery tboOKbl ml tba
pvor paid for pr Umw—bird l.j tbat
fan that Ibr alar did oot al«aya.^
ri—*. Am had tba tnra aC a ndu bn-s
I tbia I■rrted
t'BribrrBMrr. It
«farrat tbr cbrrt aroold bat.- brro
Kvrrrrd by rrrrrroca
for Bboat SBU.OOD. tba prvfltt rrilln-llori uf atar pbutop
•bblBC fr— a dral In Xortbrro 1‘at-IDe
ibml.rtdcr tbat Ibraa wrrr »fc Dt*att«w UI-'II wbb-b Ibta {HinicBUr vatlaAKbougB tba ebaek waa m-rmllF
^•ra. Iba |4r van Mira laal Maf. Ur rould l» found, aod a rmfrful alody
|M tba —I1K>I7 of U atlU ll««m Ki of Ibrar plaira abowad om oaly an loaMka fM —vtba of tbr aairra watrr. ciaalliy In iba Iroctb of tba foriod fr—
■ ■ a. 10 aaotbar. but anddr.
Tba Watery of tba ^ aad.lba lAnk
pat rrerallF nMIrO to a rrjwrtrr of ebaarrs lu l•rtcbtatat wbk-fa Bilgtai In
«ba Nrw Vor* llrrald by
of .lb—, dl<-alr that tbr lariablr »a» fur—d
two liodlra molvlna around ona
|b(bra«rd wUb Ur. Oalra In Ibr apreauotbrr. >Kit by Ibrrr.
•latloM of Mat apitbcaURMtloB I
F. K Harria n
IlhHy 1
l-kArrlng aaya tbit
lac to II
or bf tbr moat
4 and Uunda rallruad. rnirmi ibr
raoBL tia waa bnacry. awl ibr |4r atiractfd hM anrolloB. Hlma ilwl w—
not lo ba nJauiid—IwkI wrrr ll•a■lr,
and tba
N piawa
pM waa divbtnl into bilvm.
d pta 1 a
arar alt.” aald Ur. Ibi^
ara. with Ua laoulb f^l^
yon cat U*”
“Wlfa I
wllb bto Moatb rdually full.
TtoU Atogrra waa alrucl b.r «■> In
Ua rainrinbrrrd tbat Mr,
HarrU tod lurllrd autur frlrutl* t.i
tor# lenctaaoB with bln In the udh-v
Iba Mxt day. and to pMuurd a aurprlao for tbam.
'Do yen think tbat yonr wife w.iuld
—ko a pla Uka that for — tuoairow
If I weekt aaad tba' porua up for Itr
to raetnred.
‘■Sara aba aronlA'' rrpllfd Knor. wbo
waa proud lo bava bit wifc'a cookins
OBBtaiy Olab h^ a
MIOttoC laa« OTMle.
MM of MMo JaoM Bor—to,
af tor priaot^ foato—of whlofa
■ada rarirtFMr. Uati. Frida W—rU aa brMc *
York alork oiarkrl a—uni lo ban-fUM rra«y Ur. Ilarria' olllor aa» w
npiad arrry Bflwuoon by a uuuiI-t
•f laatlaMrB fruBi tbr orrat ubon- !■.•riMlB wera rocDBioti. B«iployrO tb^rr
tbn waa J. B Kaiir. a irlrura|iU •>l>aralM-. wboar duly II waa (» krr|> a
ri— walcb of tba martrt ami port tbr
■pmiUtora oe aiTry luni. Wbn> tba
•aril—Mt waa at lla brlgl.l, Kane
wai tobl to Uka hli lum-bn-n-ot tbr
tVaMorf-AMorU and barr l^^rbatxnl
lo bio ampleyrr. wUi wap dn^na lUol
ba abouM ba out of tba oOtwYa -abort
a Mow aa poaalbir.
Ko oarnae la mrant ta any luraon
wbM II It aab) tbat Mr. Kaur fmod
tba food provldrd fur bin by "Oanir* a
irUr toil rtrb for bla dlb-mloti. au br
arrancnl lo faava a luiK-brun arol to
blM frum hM bo—.
It ao bappMiad oaa day. Juai at nooii.
tbat Ibara waa a lull In a|<r<-aUilvB
aod tba op—lor waa prnalttrd lo rat
wllboM karplnc oar band on tlir irirgratib bay. Ur bad Juat prrtoi^
blla Into a thick pi— uf Iruiou pir
wbaa Ibo oAea managrr- Ur. R.
All good laa-t. AM farm tooU a___
Iaiw jirlop.
dK.OOa Fltoo
FUR SALK. MW-Uoed aavea re—■
boo*r. *1— foaadalion aad bMOurel. nrw. Union atn-ei. Mao
^ Pnik tart PrescBU tbe Gifted
EfflotlOBAl Actress.
FUR SALK. HwCdiA feel froal <»
Front *tnwl. owiUmI toenttoa. oSrtrd al aboot eri |irr c«'0l of ita voAm.
ATns- Tk dollar*
ip>r foot tinat
Frio- ]>-r font ITVlD.
Snpporled by J. FRAZIER CROSBY. JR. tad t spleadld sap*
PorUse campgay. In * tig Scealc Rerlnl of
IBe Gi'eatetl EnwUfiBkl Flay Ever Wiittea,
J A l-Ut ihM lok MmctI Million* \ -\Nion That Uill
-a„a' h..^
tna.lc the WorW
’ All rc-l.k- Ira All
*].>nMve rlmrl in ihc heart of oerv
nifc., mollict,
^<>ectllcan. son ami ■lauj.'htcr.
FUR SAL.K. MM-loriri- naw honga,
■Umr fonn-Mtlou. large lot. gaod
barn. Wral Truth atrert
A bargkiii
Ufflor Oto-n evrry rveniag till ■ B
Yog have no 50 ta tOO par
cent, contractor's profTts to pay
on (his property. It is all liatod
at its lowest cash value, owamI
by benest people and Mid at ta
I ho<H»t price.
Always on the hustit, always
flad to see you. Nake iMrt
saleb, have laryer lilts that til
the rtit pvt toftthtr.
m Jlr. a.V. 5i>r. ; V- T.-HA-n
242 Frttl Strtft
of L Wielin Will Bo Opinoil to tho Public
• The new Store will contain the most profuse stock of fine
hew goods ever shown in one store in northern Michigan.
The most attractive displays of Dry Goods, Hats. Cldthing,
Gents, Furnishing Goods. Ladies’ Suitsandan elegant display of Beautiful Millinery.
Will be Fomished
for Entertainmenf!
values purchased because of the enormous
stock required. Be present at the opening and profit by wh^
you will see and find something to suit your taste and purse.
Big WhDe Goods and Linen Display
Remember, at Noon, Saturday. March 15th.
e:. wii-hel_ivi
The New Five Story Block. '
Cor,. Front and Union 8^
CBTTi jocft^ nUAT* MAB
BAH dlaaw partx. Corara war*
Car Ms. and tba dtHMr waa char* _
The tad wtjoe was oot loo cotfl. the
Whiia wlaa Mt toe warn and Uw btoth
coffee a BaatMpMcc. At tba h
alas •( tba cod ot tba dluMr a cetdUl
WMasrrad. It happaaad to ba Q
TmU, a^ wbn tbe baabBd U
R be pot down hia gUaa srtth a le«k
of aasolab aad waa abeat to m
Hit wtfa'a exa ailcsecd him. Nobedx
took mere than tbe flnt Mp of tbe ltd•Ml blmaeir. saps Hr cuM-hidiia:
■MW; After the tost sweat bad depon
It will pruhablx be aAed what are
ed the boband hrared Us wU^a axa
Kkrlx to be tbe practical resaha ot
•sd BbOe.
these cooctuaioos? It Is of
*Ux <W.“ aaM be. “what la tba
•ama of all nnopeabable ttalns*
the aancr with that Uqonwr
Dnutk Eacounten WttoeMed
U tbe Upper Hoqm.
TEE Buni'rooR onoeua
«M(S ■■laMil hr (ha TOI
1a«Hb Traihhia.
Janio B. Ttlliidh U Uw c.til/
•mater «t the L'nlM Itutm wba ba(
•tndt OM or hi* rollmcom. SetAlor
John I. MctABrla. Is a maion of tbe
•mate, mft .tbe
«cr7 bkeix orvur la tbt- following dl-
n'eabiiunoo corrr-
mmemt«ribeKasm*CBy Hur. Tbe
life wilt. If It prorea troe. tstas •• .
•trp iitwrrr tbe audcrstandUis of other
tlfc |■betMMI>eu4. (be artlfleUI axatbeota
of livlas maUiT aad tbe
*mL KcTeral tliue. tbe lie be* ineard. of life. TtM«« U appamitlx no labermt
bat MVben ie (be klitorr or ibr are- reosun wbx ■
sbouM dir.
Isnoranre of tbe
«to did one amaUir e«<-r eirlLe ai>v(ber
eralns the rrscDoa S’driS m la bis pm' 1b tbe deUbmUaOa of (bet Ual}.
Of dranatlc amate eiaa»4ra. tbe one tapla-B..
Secood. It hxAs as If we bad at last
, Is wbleb Beuloo aed ToMe Acerrd Ui
aantrod a rsuooal boMa of phaRaaoallUo iru perbapa tbe teoet iMeuM*. li
If tbe iwlsutMuJS acllua of satis le
wai the acarot aninarb to a Iracidr dor to tbe rkirtrlcBl rharsm tbeir par4a (bo amate. fCnuter IWe of blla- dries l*ar and we are able to offset
.•Mtel had la tbe Iboal Ju(etu|>erale this artlon t>x tarih Ira wltb tbr
lancoage attarfced tbe nA<ll\<« of site ebarse. tbere la eicrj rrwaoa to be•iartbara araaion Ui tbeir i»lb7 to Urre that Ibe l-olscnous sctlue of dross
ward tba aoBth. I^ter a i««a|aprr la also ao caased and max la tbe
miuner tw rounleranrd. Tbe credit far
artMe appeared rouialuluc |e-raoital
ihu work aboWd be sl'ao^o rrofaMpr
retefeaem to Bmtou. «rbkb llriiMo
cUlMd route bad au|>rrtlaed atMl aj>
Tbird. We bare at last secured, ap. prored.
Iteiiton nor to ^apntk lu, a parenllf. a baala fee altacfclaf tba
docottob or tienonal prltlbw*-.
grrat |imtArm nf fertnentatluu, for tba
la tbe luhlat of tble dHeii;- Kt-iiitor peculiar ferueetatlTr or catalxtlc pow
Foote lBlerru|i|r<l tbe aa-iuil<ir fnnu ers of-colloidal aulutlons are imbaUx
MlmitU'l asd for tht'iime Im<1 ii^- (l»<e.
Wblla be wae uiaklns »»n»- rer>-miro of (be problem of fermeotallon protato Qrotou tbe latter oalkrd eiHiMlIr bix mcatii a revelodoc In some of tbe
toward blta. Tbe nT"« ‘'Ml"- affair la Sresl Imliiatrlcs of tbe world, for It will
eaty -expllctt In aiatiua. Hint thiiaiur
Irulld up
Bmtoo waa uearuxil. ilr lundr i-a fruui tiic anil, tbr air and aunllsbl. a
.aldB Of betas aloul «u make aa aaeaiilt. power of
btrt hli aasry fai-e aldmieil tbe aennl.K- cna tbe n-aulls of wblcfa
(roa MlialaalHil. heiiatui^ l'<»ie aiarl- bardlx l-e coorelred. In tbr abaence of
' ad ta nia ‘awar. and -betMlie Ib-uloo
ilMWHneDlBl (UU It to Impoaatbto to
toereaaed bU apeed. .(• Ih-i.im. c>n>e sax drflaltrlx s.-betbrr our reaolta erlU
after blia Fdoie tiiirrli-d al«ns and'
llsusldr tlluiuluaie tbr imbleDi of
draw a flv-a eb
(rromUiHuo or uuL but Ibi? at least
u Ueotoa wae in full rbae.-.' He did •DSbeai a means iif altaekins tbto
not aae tbe wea|Mni. Init «a> a|>{ran'iit- prot-l^ui. and I tblnk I du not overstata
IS eerr eaxlnus to O'rrtake Foote.- tbe pmtwible eoiiaeiiu • ’ • of tbe aulu
ronoriftm on prlrllefee euO rlertlom
bae eearrbed (be recufde aixl llie Cuo-
tadoDOtbtUB a bin
bin with tbe aeqala Ib-nloa «a* Huailx paraaaded’tn tare apd retmrr fata
Kept, lie looked over bin abuulili-; and
caosbt tbe Drat alslit
“»*• r*"**"^
il Wllb 1^
bla mad. Tbii arunM-d liitn
Dodse aad ruabed
Mopped WllbiD a few i.i-l uf blih.
TearlDS open bla wal«t<tiai iirwl bis
ablrl be tored bis brraat lu tbr ^Ila>laMppI arulnr. wbo nan braiulialilnc tbo
fOTOlrrr ai be turatd alH-ii be kiW
Ihsi be ruuia run oo fertbit Uriitun
Mood wllbln a Tr» f«t of l.Hn au.1.
wltb Ida aaki-.] U.xiin aa n tara'>t. dnMtIrallX rrle.1: -1 am o-t armed
bara'ho pUli'l. I dlnluln
rnrr* dn-aran. la-) blw Ore. Slnml out of Ibe
wax ami bd tbe a«»a»«Ui tin-."
Aa max be toiasloml. IW-re .was a
la tba old aroale. now IIk- ebnii.U-r of
tba hall of JnalW of Ibe I niiid Slates
•uiafiihe court. Cunrerliic at ilie fr>uit
of Hie prmldcBt’o dc*k uhh iIm- iIko•oSbly frlsblrucd INwIe
arte blni has the slsautlr llnituo.
Blowlj Foote hllliHl. He sank Into a
rbalr. and flaallj >ilekhia..ii of Now
York took Hie nroUer fn.iii lilm. .V
:.Hnl tbe luat
Irr and did nut rt^ulre llir lirllii.-i'ri-uta
The auaek oii Senal.T Smiim r of
Breokh a Kootb (larotlita nnicri-uiuaii.
was a niaardlx aaaault. tbiialur Samarr bnd dellrered a aioi-i'b eotitbd
*Tba Crime AKaloal, Kn<ifui<." wbleb.
hreauaa of certain ev|ir»-'»l.iii». bad
ioronaed tbe lOctiiU-ra fivin S-uHi Car•Uaa. After tbe aciiste bad adjoam•d. Uay Zi. lie-; ltr«.U vi.ieml tbe
ehanber and at>ptarbed Ur. Suium-r
CroM bebliHl wlin.i
•sated at fail desk aitd alnuk bliu r.^
peatedix oo the bead wltli a cane until
Ur. huiDiirr fell Iuih-u»IU1c «>n tin- flimr.
•cTwat aonthermta. amotis iheib-Mr.
Barkadale of MlaalnalHil. •loud m-ar
Wltb draaro ren
•DX lutcrfcrehcc. «»ue .•
• raaolaUon favortus
Broaka. but tbe n»al«
ABd » oaxa. As lb
twwtblrda llrooka aa« la.t ev|H-lbsl
At a later dax I'l a b.mm- deb-Hi
Brooks had aa auerx cidlain.r a lib
e Anwii lliirliiisame of
UaaaacbuseiiA llrooka
ka tvoK ciiaUrtut•d bx BurllDsame tu a duel.
eeptnL tbo ddcl to In- ruusbh nitti riflea la Caoada. .ItrrxrkA l•ooi-«>■r. Tall
ed to appear for the cumiiat «i. ibe
plea tbat be «ould 1k■I^e ’-to i-aae
Uireusb tbe'esetux's eoaoir}." lie ro*alfOed bla seat and snta ^manlinunalx
reotocted. Tbe auuMi sniorsillx utdield
J Sa^e blni i-rimrula of liiatir
oekliart. BUiH-riiilendeiii of the
Hr asirt (bat aa a' (.Trwt otal^ of the
wlw b.-id rvallx s<»d rolcea
lUld n-l alus l*<?iusc llx-y bad iwver
been trained In niiiiifc bs had dcv-ideu
to form a wbndUos eti'dr.
r •u|s-rhSe»deiit bad no dlAi'allx
rnerlee Ptaeoas For Uermaa Ar
Carrier plipvus are. to he l-rerl
trainni .by tbe Herman tnlllUrx
tbcwltu-a In a tore- four storind colum-b baa Jokt Is-eli erected at
S|>abd.tu. Hrent um- nlil Is- made ot
tlw blrda tu'future militarx'naaco-
. The Maa, Xas (bo rHaee.
ITrlhuu to lle.m of rru»«:a]
to It.* neelhrr of s ktoa.
•Uj mow l.rt M»l.- son^anoM'Mas.
Hut te lbs maa oT wwtb.
A Has la hot as seeWofit
t>t rarU>'« lurt-arte x&uti
t os* Ibe toad X-
! not the prer
m.-i ef brain and heart;
• Sit fnnfs. <ieo>l rbrer!
\Vii.»a n> Nrw Vork Jeoe-
Rtplrlns to B |•e^soDBl attack bv I.A
SH. PaUOoh of Jamaa 3. D«u to
more bulldlfig frB Ibo eoraor of
e.gbtb and Caaa atraou to Tenlb
Ws mnk* OkRblag lo XMD-M
Just a few of the places «e have for sale, all desirable prop 8XWIHQ KAOHm 1
ktaAi aim oU «s tlT Dm* M
erty aod some exceptkmally good barsaios just for an nU
3. V. Mmrttnaik.
Ooa of tbe iMM tarma ia Lov Lobe
lowMblp, 180 Mtaa. 8 mllea wuM <ff
tba rity. ae>.i of Saetina 4. town r.
taoga It weak iio aMuaaadarflM
tivanea wUb 10 aeraa of ora
ami leaaoa afgoodboidwood tta
m faM te Fttat MraM . riame
^Ib good ban. Si^wmT mML
J! 'ffl--®"
Tu l»r ffuBoroUc. thr Vapor aad CUp
ruuani o/ Troierac Ctig. Vtc* :
ibr .-ity rlrrk-s
af Fnl
atieet propoaed to be pavrol. wbteb a
- sbl A D
horited t:
’ poles anil sires on tbe west sidr
bridge norib tn Day street. This fran;bla.‘ eoDstilules a contract tatvcei
the couMvany and tbe city and II canBut le mtde thr BUbirct of nrw cObdlHons. Bsldr from wbat may orceaaartly be required of tbr compan:
Fim Nclsbbor—I aw sfraM my chlldren bottler you.
Recond Neighbor-ntat Doosenae;
B'by. Ibex arc not over to my bouse
Bierc than eighteen hours out of tbe
Be-Fre tried my beM not t* make
lave to xou.
Sbc-B>:i. you kua« ^rhAl BrowMag
aays—(bat tbe oulx true atteccaa la coo-
Thit to tba Um* louaa Booky Hoastaia Tea.
Earpa you wail all (be
. Oioai blood Ufetaeewcr. 85
A numbee of psopla have htm of
lata dumpias ibair nfue on tbe old
,sted on Uie wwrtt
grouada ■aor
tba uaylui
fceods*iverr di-llehti>l. lliey laasruet«t of Uw city. Tbla
their snleemrti atsl
». aod aUad^ dm
Rabies,' i
It to ererj besatatio;: rsi.
iwtomer. And tfMiAld ta Mkea P
t^oa (be Untr snceeMled
sncceeded. I
____ ^
--- - ------liMMlJ-SOtaa*
Ustsd tlito HU
Wdrtitt & Goans
rtE r. r. IAWTOH. <N&i« owr Oty BpM
£?s.kV,’„r™' -SiSE
w Uwisr >
I sard to paangeway to alley on tbr U» oBd tWrt *vn«u.
north aide of Front strarc
Tbr mayar appointed Aid. Hi
ton ai 'aarb commltlre.
Uov-ed by Aid. Round that tbr CouiR
cll adjourn
fuss. M. Horn.. tTly ITri
puui m
StTfllgbt Talk «Bd to tbe Poim-Tbe
Viriaes of Dr. A.W. Qitfe'sNerre
niu Toid IB t lew Words by Oae
Wbo Knows.
ta r.-f.
stn-ris and walks lo report al m-xt
wrelias of the <>oiidi il
Itr. G. J. Radaker. a
well a__
dTb oi.lifiBUi-.' lu aUH-tid ttoilloB iff ttoeetera.
known, of No- S13 Loenst stre-t. Blit
of sn ordlBB.- cBtltled “AB ONIKapids. Hleb . says: ”I.aal (pring 1
nance DralRuallne a Market for tbr
was feelioK iwwly. oervoua aod
sale of Hay. Blrau . Wood, prodner. and
Bealng Dr
A. W. Clu
l.lkr Con
and Rtnck, and to
Narva PilU adv.-rtiard and
I'rbvlde for a
o blgbly by reai.uulble peo-l-h.M... BrllCA. nil*.
Or.foiartl bp Ikf <’<>«ncil of;,
er (b<- sute. 1 concluded to
>cslsstreet* by the rlly.
Rale of Hay.
la rrtcard lo tbr teleribodr aad trh
Rirsv. Wool and l.lkr Commodlilra.
ph i-nispiDir*. thr risbt
e’.s for tbr purpose of constructlut
il l< bv-n-ljt' amended t
ind I
- •
be permitted to lake a sborter couiaa
. tbr aulute
“Oh. yea." ivplh-d tbe jweiddeut. “but
ilborUins thr formslloo of surb
that deiwuda upon What you waul to
auliirvl to tbe roudnicn
BBkoufyouraeir. Wbeu Hod wauls to
Biaka an (lak. be .Ukes 'a hundred
with othrr publ
yeara. but when be'wanu to wake
Btreeta and blsbwiya.
•quash ba takes si:
Our supreme rourt baa brid that
nadrr tbe aUlute autbortoug the formallon of (bear compaulei. Ibe sole autborltr of the muairlpAllty is tbr prop
"Ifaablp" began tbe c
er rxarclae of the police power. luA
led beard. “Is lOU leet lot« brreat In it. to protect tbr public from
le roae tlnti
and 40 feet wide and Us luaaia are tuo
ry ohatrucilons,
:rucllons, loroureol
feet blsb and tba bo'sUn to bowleggeil. rnce* and dsnsera, aad to determine
where and In shat manner tbe comprbat does tfai capsun weisbr'
Tt wMcha (!>• aueborr' bootaelx
Ires BO as to aecompllab (bla nwull.
•booted tbe audience as It gtabbed tba
Whatever la done by tbe Coueril
benches to prevent Uaelf rtolus cu
reqolrins tbe rSmataJ of polri muit
maase and dotns rtolefice to tbe tbew
piaua.—ItoltlDtore Atuericau.
••oonrll. whboot doubt, baa
tty to problbll tbeerertleo aad maleteo' of poles In plaraa and in a maaTbe type of boraesboe coaunou In tbe
wblrb ahall injnre or lueonrebl
fWttt Is a plate titled so as to cover enre the public, and in some rosea pnbtbe enure bottom of tbe hoof, wltb a lie DMoaalty misbt ta such that they
perforatloo In tbe center. Tbe weight would ta iutllfie^ In rt^olrina (be
of tbe average boracaboa It three- wires to be placed under smund. No
foo^ of a pound. Tbe uaUve smltba secfiTuI rule can be laid down as (o
Bsually cat tbeae plates from tbeets of vbst facts «m roDsUtutc such a pub
wtouEbt IroD and rudely shape ibcn ic narvislty as will warrant requir
ing (be poles to ta removed, aa each
tor tbe pun«ae Hi view.
r must necMiarlly depend upon
own perullar facts and etrramTat Tal.
*Tbe word ‘reviver’ spells (be aama
In regard
tack-w ard or forward."
from Union
It was tbe frivolous man wbo spoke.
to delemine in the eserciab of a
•Can you think of atlRberr
fair and reasonable dlacratlon. whether
Tba serious man icowlcd up fron
r of tba street iaproratsent
to newsiwiwr.
listed, public necessity requires
-Tut tutr be fried
the polaa t<
to bl
. _
ta rumoTrd.
Tb« coonrll
•ouM not be jnaUfled la aetlng
Aod tbry rode oo to sUesce.
ind arbitrarily In tbe i
lor paving of
mb line of 1
nab. tax A-Co.-a Fifth F
I by Ibe Iward of aperlal as
• C.. sari « iMfs
. E. W. H1STM6S & SM
Moved by Aldrrman Oillett that tbe
report he rrceivrtl and adopted.
r aaoemmeni roll for Ibe opacUl
. Aiid I t
Veaa-Aldermen Sleder. Glllea CUBaeir>!nc fuuud ibal nibblug delloalp itosbam. Round, fiarrlsob aad Coeb- aaa.«amco( for the parlns Of Profit
street from tbr east line of fnlon
persous Kith warm oIl>e oil Is an ex
cellent tonic. U 1 bad tbe ebarse of a
puig;. slckl.e l>Abx. 1 sbould feel Inclin
TaavrasL CJtt. MlcJi_
ed to slvc II oil liatbs Instead of wairr
Uar^ 1ft. IM*.
W l(llSk«a.»Vaa» lUaiUw
fool ioi.'^tirmdw
Houses to Rent -and Money to l.x)an on Iniproved City
reoperty. >
GeDtlemen—Id rrsard
quratinn of competllag t
all leirsraph. telepboae.
Oakm aod Kiat
ad taa ta booght rtgfaL
fli fast oocMT Oaaa aod Utato. large
raawt iMca. oil dwoUing ami tain.
1 walqrad aad in floe’ cmadlilaa
Mored by Aid. HlUen-tbat tbe pedreoed.
It waa too tow tp get asx
mere, ao 1 Jbm added to K a bottle of
TMet toUet water. Ft waa Ibe same
•mat. amall dwelll(«.
M. ReMguttloB of 0«e. H. ONcol aa
color, and It bad tbe aame smcIL and
aideraaa of tbe Po rtb arard was pre- BBoa OB aa
was Ian
I baaw oobodx would notice tbe difitafl ata raaa.
_________ llrKM iBto nro rood 80 aoM
•rtit. weU tmmi. a
ference. Baan't It goodr-WaaUiigfarms wltb boUdita* all la ana 8A
for your moary.
ThU ta kaowB aa tba Jao Blown
I aod bid. WrbMat
tsnn. If }WO want a flna, prodocUve
plaea bare u yuox eboBoa.
the Board of Water
Fatatar atreet. aaiai1 dwatnug.
...____ Urm la Blngfasm townnoiy $1100. 68 foot lotyAlA^
Moved by
Gil.ett that tbe teals ship. Laalaoan ,oooaty, P^oo ^16.
«tb Btmwood arenne. 10 rty
town », innge 11
uaUen be accepted.
a, with good bon. all Id go<
- ' under good oaiiivaunn. Deary ecmdlBna and a big targatn fe^ a:
Prams haosa with st«me boaaRRPOltT OF OmCERR.
laiga bats, ax'tk ether good
TaavcM Cirr. Mich..
tatidioip. Saeiua<wnho(d.l8 mmSow. Madtooo'sowt.
Marcb 10 im
wUb fruit mat and good gsrdao.
> fkr fftmortiMr. tkr ifopor oad Ctry
Tills eon ta beogfat ob easy terms fa
(»«ariJ of rrorrrae CVy. Jftok ____ take flt.SnO eaafi.
AUial tea
gokl. Tbe upper bandies of tbr rvllera
> tbe as
mllaafresatbecit^--— ,
•re of carrrd wood and (be lower of
It of peraooal u ■ asaluM lAo
Irory. with slln-r bella on tbe rollers.
80 acne, good land with fla^attvu i
1 reapectfully rrwtlSBUon 1
Tbe Jrwiab Torab. or the tow. Is con^
Na 638 WeatlWb Bulatga house, lot
aidcred i>x M>e (leoplc of this nee tbe port as follows
of Havfleld.
Baotm 86. town *6. yj foot
frouv ewy wymMiL flf.lMk
FruD) tbe aaseamrut roll and state _____ _________ _
most Inipurtant and sacred portion of
amll olo.
eat on Ble In tbe office ot tbr city buildings, bat's borgulu at
tba Kcriplurcs. In order Hut tt max
mall bouse.
Only |50a 78
8 foot
rrk It appMra tbat atld lasea were
be kept alUr In Uie mlmto of tbe peo
1Mb attvwt, west, small dwelliag.
upon certain real route roort
Also lUc following in I____
ple It Is diHiled Ihin as manx 'parimaj montfaly paymMta. flS-'lO.
■ l|i: ^(tou
Bceltou 31.
Many fttbm oo^ra^ moetbly paycopes- as tberv an- Sablalba In tbe
araat, ae', of ne*.
jear. an tliat wltbln a tweleemontb
, of i», of nw
pirta ef tba dry. Two on Waal
tbe entire book will .hare lieeg read
Sira for any oua jac waII of II?
•mec veay daaumbU (or nioa
A manuwrrtpt
cupy to naed. ataie of ludlMtA Tbla talas (be cose,
- _o6 143-Rl sad M Uak
baeUts been peepared bx a itrofraalenat under tbe rrceui derislooa of out
» aad 10 acre iMs cm tba stale rood
too foot. BoM Stb atraat. Iota
scribe on parchment made of tlie skto preme court. Mr. Soloaoa could
tlnudlk,, bloek 8. BayMda Hake
of a clean autmal-tbat ta wie the 0Mb lie aaseatefi for tbe amaoBt of mortany ot Ibem.
sassa which be owned upon preperix
Of which uiax be ealca
tn tbla couoiy. Tba aaaiMBuut was.
herafore. uaautbonsad aad 1a Invalid
Is tt'cU kuoa n Hist Ibe akin li a md i would recomiarod that tbi
I be -rt
great abaoebeut. and nutrition eeoo
MO be courej-ed tbroegh Its agency."
Or«. H.’Caoas.
Brn-sii Ka|>ll>l Sunday b.-Iu-<.| of Ausustn. fin.. Is rcsponallile for • new Aw
•hiiTVli liiusle. saxs tbe New •on that sucb liny Is-liiKi. i«rtlcularlx
If Ibex are lodly imurtsbrtl. kbontd pot
(tarouch'hls efforts tbe inooVatlen baa have Ibv ualuni oil of tbe Isaly contUually wasbed away."
been •■uiliietnir so<i-rasfuL
“Ur. leK-khart obtained bla Idea trolB
"Tbe lluroimasler.'’ wbleli rccealix
Jle wsi In tbe i«rhr of a Rl. t^mli
apjs-BH-rt In .(usnsts lie l..-«ml “Tbe
Tale of the K<ini:aruo“ uhlsllad. and ccsldeocr wblle bis fiancee « as playlus
wben the ouillencr Jnlix-d In Ha- cbnrua a Cbi>t>In K>uala vu tbe ptoiKi. Her
stnn-k him o-. U-lns ao jDoUit-r waa Mated alnifst o|>|K«lie tier
UDhitte Hull be at oiHf dei-lded to pot It
In U*e til bU cU-»f. Ur. levkbart Ulk- or wHKMluulty pn-w-uU-d
cd Ibe ctuH.-r n.er wltb Hie Iter. J. II. •aid:
-Uon'e rou tblnk Hdua bas a sreat
Olin-r. tuklnr of the ehiirt-h. Slid It was
•ar fur mualcT*
dn-lded tn trx tbe plan Hw f-ill.rwtns
“I wrtalnly do." replied Ibe youus
Sunday. Ttw Snirdar selK»l uumlwra
aam “it you'd Mretrfa • few atiias>
■crosa. It would make a lovely gtOlek-kbnrt bad planned
tar“wbtsilins uiusU- the PK-n-lMW were
Hut be never flulsbvd bl* scblence.—
openrd l<x a alnrt talk on tbe aacredKew Y.ok llmlA
•>r nil iiiehHlx Slid liarumiix aod of
tbe praise that could
rendered to
Curl In evrrv f.imi nf miulr. Ur. Ix»-kbart Iben told the implto-that Ibex dent of uborllu collcse .If be could aot
Johii nnhiMyt.-ii. tbe outh-w ot
thaa a xear aricr the aauuli »n Sum••Hcleb a |l:it.|p»." said 1o 111* l-ul.ll.b• intrH wiis aU.ul reodx
la tbr t
ills CPU.H
Is-Hlc Ibe
to ap|s-;ir: “If yen "t.i.i m sate tbe
•aoator from K:
liars>-d 111
«le»il ef ,-nb .-rl i-dtis Jnst
•eaator from Indiana •met- «b-<-lnn-d
kite tin- :«• o-l-n-s ef thi> lobik alnl
that eirrx aoUlcr In ibc Vnlui. aru>x
rU intnninuo- to dbiirlhute them ist
•bmid be branded ”1' am Uncoln s that tt. ll luive a Mieor-a vltb-int a
flaS.” Voorliees nee to r>i<l.t, «bite
of ;-JtarH>tns U-tne
. with passion. Heasidibsitlieocualiw
... |•l<IOI«l>.-^.alltth-ryl(HlftOM KaasBS bad rek.d upon ..M cam- •nU» t.-.k .Mr llohls-rtmi at hlaaurtl.
palfsi ebsree that bad . l■'ciI nn-il
•cMa*l btm la liMlians and lonrt slm-e All till- ■u>|s<i:,i,l I—
. aspioded. It ns known to all tbeirro- \ nit.sl sioi.-s. aixrfouud run lu;- name
of the bend of Ibe d<ieirttiM>nt <tf fii-plaef ladlanatadusn h-bu wt-reevoen.b store. \..u , H„. beads of
k d*t«rl«u-uts are all beo>U lii
nnant eaoosb wltb the f:u-v> l-i tell
llrt-ti-m -r iiiitout-*|.n first e«l|.
_ the atorx that be bad refcrt-inv hi ccrUuDS -Uial K w
wttb tlie acttlKwVslsnalain aples lb tbe arnix. Tbis (be
li:re oi.m
lb- i/itpriul.
Th.-n- la
tor from Kansas well kwn-. and la
•tatlns the rase as be did be had tnid
BBT. Bcaater Conklins onre aahL -I ^
apart Iba ralea of tbe seoale Ino nincb
to rteUts them.'bat 1 dy-bte
tba aenatar fron UlaidaaippI w.mid rv.
pATthat basuase to u
•B>X." mia atar. “wbeo I t
Adiaunad lacular maatlng of Otty
pouMll bald IB CdCbHI rooM V
10. im.
CalM 10 aadar by J. W. Pdtabla..
mayar. fa tbs cbalr.
.-reteut—Aidermta SMm. QUle«.
Chaalagbaw. Baota. Odrrtooa at
CbeUla. and J. «. Pattato: mayor.
m. Itaiaaa ot P. GardMC to repMr
store bulldlBg .aa Foiaa Mraet waa prw
na trial, and got a box
1- til.- good .-ffecto In a very
lid not.abort time, and imtv look sl«ut three
quarter* of . tbe box till my ii«rv.«*neaa diiajqiaared. They tooed up my
•r*t.-a and i am eojpylng ' belter
____ ________
thao IIiave
M>m. Umi-. To
my 1 andorae. tba (wrpacatioii mildlf
•xpraaaes whal I think of it,"
Dr. A W. Obaae's Nerve Pills are
dd atWcaboxat dMien or Dr.
li |>'iformr<l. Ihr folbiwlng
fee*., V it:
For wrtghliis any toad of hay. atyaw.
prodnee. and otter
like commodUy
turn of
bock the
mUc>«tB<lssli« .gUvr taytta
•mpty cart, wagn^ or Bled lh<
rtta Md
■Isfaing any boraes
truuTby. IV
«l raliir, rbeep or fae«9. Ihr
i . *. >:^i .j-.-iry St
A cent* per bead, provided tbi
tl> w
or bogs loaded In anr ran. wagon, or
Hgbe aball be ebargad
for at the rale hrrinbefbrr provided
d for
welshing loads of hay. siraw, or other
Use artlc
bay. straw, pnrducr or othrr eond.prrpnoiad
aodliy u( likr rbarartrr nsually sold
vw. i-i-Ksiad.1. dairy
by wrisbi and stork wheB-broughi u^
i thr public market shall be wi ' '
tbr publlr sralet.
It shall ta thi
V of said weic:
welchmaster or hi* deputy lo be lo aUandBssM^RAH'R
bis offler (i
- o'clock in
morulns until 6 o'clock lo Ibr ereatagMU
arviou asrm ur TBsraiM
! earh aecular day.
ton Zy'
S, This
I aia oraini
ovdlnancr than take
Moved bg Aid. Glllru that (be amendlent ta adopted. '
. .
liillett. •mrtA (WWwy pnrr for c
oughey. Cunnlnsbim. Round. Csrriin and Cochlln
A dmightful reliab for mlsda. slioad
tomatoea, manta, flab. etc. it poa(06. Hriulrm. Rj- the Common Coun
racy flat
aad never
■met (ueld. lUv ta used as
nty that
tbe ape< for mayoonaiae ^ming.
dal - aaaeaaoitut
taeprise Oroearv.
by the Boart of Asaeaaora for tbe purpose of defraying (bat part of tbe com
which the Council derided sbould ta
TrmTMss City os (•
paid ■ind borne
for tbe ..................................
gradiBc and [
_ of From
Ftal Wayor. * M a a>
Mreei from tbe out line of V
Whara you can,
street te tbe eon line ef Park street
rtsaoe.LoaWrtUr.Sl. taato liflnaaa
be placed on flie in tbe office of Ibc
Per^OTM^BsaMs. Kstaaaaas md Cltota<
HoIUad Hming.,
etty clerk.
Mesoircd, Farther, tbat tbe t7tb day
FMpMt^sy. llw!biiiaw(.lsy
awdOMTClvy and
aad tbs asefft./
Ghwtoe TaWe Syrup, gnl.... ,*l
of Marota. ISWS. at 7:30 o’clock. P. m,
m.. 1*1. SL
Jaxon, Santa CUus and Iatvox
time when
Uw sfTtv* SA
u *rBvse«»aiy
ffismss CUy •(
at *«nm_
. ..
Satp. b".............................................. (
the Com
mnctl and BoaN of .
sadTsaa V.
New Orleans Gramiiated Sugar
will meet and review aald aa
Nr. Carver of tbe Board of Public
-light, lb........................................... 1
'orfcs made a verbal report ta re
Cemou and White Swan Flour
gard to Iba bin of C- O. Carver-tta
-«y clerfc'and tbo Ume of
T A.
laking pUu for tbr Oty Bagtaaer's
TravaadOWilnca of tbe CounHI aad Bernd
Coenpanj 's ‘'B«" Flour............. SSc
a* above provided,'be
Standani Tomatoa.......................... 10c
given by p
ration for two weeka le
tae Tin: Il*n.T EwiLi and Bvenins •Buckwheat, 10 lb. Sack .. ..«c
Record, newspaper* of aald city, as re
Good Prurte*. U).................................. 5c
Yms — AlderoKO. Sleder. GiUeU. quired by SecUon 10 of Title XIX
•XX.VX Coffee..........................................I2c
Dongbey. Cnuattabaa. .Raasd aad Ibe rbanrr of ssM city.
Sour Pkkl«. per d0(...................... fie
Hovv4 by Aid Rlearr that tbtTe
3V*im taw Tisravsv Clly a* t*llawi:|
6 lU ]ikg. Oats and Dish............. S5c
Alderman OarrtooB exeaBad ti
lutlon be adopted.
Par Oraad RsiSds. Mntt. TMMn ClIIMI
S Crown Raisms.................................. 8c
Good jap. Tea. lb.... 80 and 35e
Tbe bill df O-ond-Ttui
Choice Ja|xTea,lb...40aiKl5Uc
rounty. for atata and county tax re clerk be antboriaed
loriaed to print and
sad p
.Pnmperity W'ashiag Powder—
funded os account of
MticM notifrins pedple brlngtag tn
B . ilMs ■ .
of pernoasl property ot Samoel One prodnea and Ube commodlilaa. that the
rtwBkla|dd> aad gslba*a«, Tnm. IS#.
land aad J.
Martiaek. was piiaantad
and read.
PurCtartavatxaad Piltaij. Iffip-u. d*'
Morad bx Aid. Btoder tbat tba msxor
■ thadtyaBorwy.
^ppalat « caoebtee a< oo* In oanfM
with Hr. inaiiw oofl Mba» im
: SKts'i
8 bars Swift's Pride Soap........16c
' j
Tbr »M Mr M T«T rtin.
hM^ (tat onallr ntar il>r koim*v
•mUm er k*d a« aorrd (<■( full tn
«lMt«L Kk rr«
■ MDi-»tat wtn «i»f la tta
bncWl r»<) ata ntU fn^ larnlu car|iH. irbr rtasrc Ota tall
«tal «ai lo tar mlsd. «ta pmtaUr
votad tarr n>tdM tntllr itai i
ata«( llmr tbuar rarp>4 Mrl|<«
and fiat don. Wiul irltb Ita
tftatita !■ «9d «•( alMl •Kilns n/uii-L
a^Btrr «ai tardn- ttaa
Bm «1k1) tta tiutrUae «lod nv- ftvali Uaat si>d Ita rtial In tta lioan
tartar npmtrml up
an aa^uHiiis
SlovalirMirtail loward tta Bi<i«Ilu buiu;
wlndova. aad oar inlcbt batr Uwusbt
itat ata «ai harliif a Imtr •trucvlr
total *ISa <« tar rlialr. Tta oVI maa.
omokltil l.r tta alurr. Kiuknl al lirr
fartlarir rrrrr oorr ta aa lillr. Sow.
vbMi a Mnjwrr tdaat abonk tta tai^.
ta patM rkarr tIA- Uai-k allk niulBta
aadrr lib n«( roHar and Inrtad lu bU
“If* a cold Bisbt fur Nr* Yrafa
mottat. 1 Btad n «aa alnuml a* liad
vbre Jabanj was tnarrta|'’•>
Bta did tal ataurr or rraa look at
hta. tat a Uflilmlaf «r ita Il|> itawad that oh* bod taanl
Tbr oM miB li*a tanuil Ita ilnam
riCHb ■nd VBI allnii for tta tlni*.
Ttarr vai aomrtblas unu.usl lii nj.aa.
rfa mood, tat ta dl.l m.l ino» for
' tala whkrb trar tta *Icb> |»laita
“»r» Traf* als<<( d.i l» l.w»omrr
Itaa BBT oltar BisM.* ta <}>nilniint
laotBUi^, “wftb BO <'t<ltilnii aad
fottaffoUatoarrttaoIdjmr.Kil I
ta» Jtanar'a tar ibr nttar dat--Ttaa tta old ladr ►- BUS ruu.1.1 in brr
• ^•jt- ap tafdBBd l,0l.-k ttal obr Jos
tta laiBp at tar . Itaa. aad tta Ilttte frlatia eo tar aUfc 'roilrt^l.l.T«l
•k««rraha»l trraibtat.
Johanr'a tar. indrrd: Aixlrunaair
or ipoorar. Aad wIioim: r«utl t. U
J« jatw, ifaai Jobaar a tar Ub I Ih-it.
Ibln*. Tbat-a bowJbor .ano- in«,
*^rtl, OKMbiT. 1b<-r alTiira hvB
good XIH* l» B>* and arr inml tau*r-,
brriirr* Do«. of.rounM- lfa<r>-'* nx-ei
Itat aur ta lH*ltrr to our war "ftlilnklB«" Tta old wan iirirr aabl -yourvbra maklnsanaluurUun wlil.-li inuib-
at*. Mb Krw Toar^*' ta «»■
•wmd. ’’aad tbM»b
yoaicrr ihaa a> wta w*«T br tar* ta
MW Ita am agv roar la.
war roa rod
'W>r wMk or itwMMnMi at laaM. la
tta orptaa aarttM. ItwatadtadoBv
a tot or tooTHbr Jaaipta rasad to brr sni agala.
but whalrTM’ vaa la brr alad to aaawrr ua« not laM. tar tbrra was a
kno>a at tta doer.
->I*r.r altrrr ata aald. aad "(tor.
but It's btowtacr raoM tntw wtlboui.
It was Tooator Mallaar wu a dm*
from bis rldwt atatrr. Tbr riUUn«
wta lltRl arroM tta rirrr uotdd acd ta
lakru Ihmw la tbU bUsard. Word had
’l•rr(> unit to Ita par'«l> ><r Irtofitaar.
Tta UultoBra roM lakr .an- of Ibnw
unlr siris. bat ttarr wrt* mu- of tta
-buy wboo. Itar would llkr lo wM
rr to Ita UoralhaBs If It wooU aol
ta tou iutM-brn>Bt4.'. tanirbow Ita old
iBigbt faavr Ibuucbt ta would.
BiottaT." ta Md. -ru
Just Si> Uirr aad talp Toauar Iwlas tb*
rbUdnw. "Twa ta Ukr iiM ttaww"—
A lasar rxpmattua Ibat audr tar
tarrt Wl a>Ml tar haada tntuUr had
arUrd u|«n Ita old tody. Bta art ito
laiup III Ita window aa a caldr nod
ktralord tar ryiw to arr lota (be bowlwlitoni tbal abat off
Ita alsU «r Itrr* Ib Italr awa sardra.
Aftrr aTuaij^Aflrra islBatra ibr eiaaip.
- frrt lubi tbal
Tta oM mail
ililiiB aluMit snlaramuDd tbr tomar
alt.r llilMsa Tcuaiar UaUrny tald
ball Ibwr opm fur Ibrrr Unto bpyA
ltoii ta aald BoiuHblBS alwul ttol
waiilliic lo tfark «
and tanlatad.
for tta <M I
No- was baAlnsai
bo blloknl at brr. Mhitlrd by
birknraa wttbuDt and tta nlddm clarr
•r llsbl wUblii. Tbrti lb* blsKTM oor
liiillirl nS bis .-ap.
-tiaiipy Srw Yrar.
mis »Bt. and t-rra aa ta did au br was
IS to I
<i ••ap. no.1 tVoaln Kb-falr. too. and
nil bnoi'slit know njokto* and randy
fr.uu Ita iwrly f.w you. Mr. I .-oiild
ur.lly walk, an.) sn>i»l|>a bad lo
III tarry
lUibli'. and ToDJtuy MbUrny bH|>rd
JIniiuT. Hut rm gtad II anowrd. Uamalway* mIJ I .ouldn'l muir tu are
nnill 1 WB* aa Me and as sood aa
l»l«i..bul now 1 KUTka wr Jual had lo
■tomr tafier wr were tils." •
Tiia i4.1 wnman'k trmiMli« band*
Brrr tlirtilliE down bla rewt tWlUr.
•T«* at tta rwri* of biBi." Bbr laorrniirrd, liendliic over lilm himgrllr—
"Jiiat llkr aohnaj-a! Ifa ibl* tong lime
l-v.- wanlrd lo frr! ibrtn. Idem blmr
.kn.l ata kU*rd Jubimy* tmy asalo and
lu, pumn
IVtan tbr old wan rai
and ■iw>w wbitrned. *ta
d Ita twi
llltlr Mluw* OB brr lap. awl Jobnoyi
In.y toanrd acalml bm frodins Iwr
Mira uf Ilia rdbky.
Tta. .dd man cbm-klrd aoniy. ~I
tbonsbl it would Utne brrVotmdr
ttan uloud.-<5VrU. molUrr. I curat we
won't hate to toare rvrrylblac M Ita
"Wliiit .. tbair nbraakedabarply.
•T was Joai tblakinc we oaebt to
hatr a djv In tin- boy*" ntorn for tbe
Ulllr lad.ltoa.''
■■mart. <
Mia «r awe or (boaa «Mek loaeb
loa^ wttk pale 'tlku Bke
________■ that abeoad la PbUadalph
Owe e( them mid to tta ether: -la
Ttat* arr a nsmber of Amertowa wa
ne* atowad wboae Y.aaband« ate la
fcltetae aamewtare nader
rw«Bd. and they bwM that ta baa M
JkXadtortow ever the pmtlm aad ttat
ibry are amred )aat the aamc whether
aliccelbrr mlatafctm
te amdr a Btudy
ibla mai
Tbe waller tare baa l
lewaa with whtofa
lata. 6nr toae
e to fte Ita paimu wl
Opa. tta Ml r fur bin. wbo decwB'
.Sow. walrb a mlnate." Tbe waiter I
ao enUaarr
atraa«v fatoetta
called (bat of tbe aiaa wbo bad bm
'-Vetpaml" mid be to bto
. "I tip and tbooe altar frttowi doa’L" A mometil iaier be added
wirew Before tbal f
rarely manled AmeeVaaa. aad i bra U
was for lore ouJr- Tbr foUuwiac Me
ry aamua a <«ae la |wl^l:
A full tuouB Bbuue un a Brid Bear
Deella. A yoaac man Ib ita uaiform
of a llcuiepant of aniltory la Ibr rrmaian anay wat aUndlBc In tbe absduw
of a tree. walUnc. A cwrTUsr alopped
In tta rmd. from wbtrfa allclaied two
wumni. I Hie tab) back. YYi.- oltar
rent uu till abe <wBe face lu fi:.* wllb
fee Ban.
-Wbai aUardliy to ibl*.-’MaHon?
Cuuld you not hare w>.'4 me wuai I
have Baked Inatcad uf laalsui.c uu drllterlBc It yourwHf Id tbla ndicul^
•Vunm.” aalddbc woman, “.ua rankH rii.r<-t t.. ptoj- your own game
bet rx iwu or three lUtlr ibunka of .rltb an .luirriran cirl. wirh-xil jaylns
tad.' Ob. jew: It tai)* lu Up iB them tta 1-U4IIT. tou tuusbl tuc. Bui I yon.
piacm at well aa It due* aoywberer- and uttered bm- yuur lute aiel yuar
PblladrlphU Kerurd.
I'liidlns rS-: y-uir aiul.iUc.n*
artauws misbt ta belter isTied by narrylni: an>i(ber, yuu aak fur y.xir te
les se I laveliruiichl with tuc In wrilllal yuu cau dewire, a rvb-aae.
. .. .stlus .vuu fnin any t.Uiuc wbat.
company owinc to hi# nir
■^ver. Mm leli me. count, y.m
ta apidtod fur a peuakm. but Ita coto- uillilary .-ud.- .*>m|w-U jr.u !<■ asbt wjib
pany turned a ttoaf ear lo blm. Acnra at ibe aagbleai prmwwll.m. taw
twedlticly taarrayed blntarlf.lu lallrrrd
-au jou .-tiMs-i lu Ink.- u|> noil <-ai
clatbeu aad. armed wlib a bnauu. trl
•ylde a wutuan wiibnat talus called i
urk awreplnc a rroaalne lu Lead- k<-cuuDIi~
rebtll ttrert lo froot of ibe KaH India
e. InuneeUatrlr all lenduu waa
- duty to
wllb Ibt lalclUcrcHW ibat ao old fauill.i. TU tta klale. Tlieee |■ul^ta*
>rr inadr In a different nsy.
I compaar wbu had (utod vrrr l■r■•k•l>e Ita rilstrtws all tlii*
lOO.ODO lowpto and rerried la a patai-e
l.askml fur Ita retoass as.iP-si inv iaBOW redoced in Ibr eienlBC uf bit
to tta nrcraalty of ewnluc bit l•ol me off fruuJ lui.ntlr' tu niumh i
bread by aweei.lns tbe atrrria 1'be' at tost aplioiiil u tnctlnc U-ru
r wai IbBuderainK-k an^ Implored tn>»nllshl lo.jnul auy n--i>u-T
BaodsrwM lu Ukr blniw-lf aiMl bU
H Ami-rtotiis *0 teaixt.t,.-"
broom away. Ttdt br did wtao tbe
"1‘ar.lMi tiir ■-.■util, r.r lUi- ■l.-tot
rompaar sate blai bla (wotloo
delay, w btoh las Is-.-n, ne«xe.s,-ir« In
d«T lo a'-eeito lu yuur Ceniian .-ii-Ou
Tbe relta aad Orrrw.
rxTb.T. tiai ixir .tnn-rMn i»r«W.
Tbe early ♦v‘lia w-orabli-*} ibr dawn tiay lunimiilxe wlib tIiuiil Yunr in-jt
and Ita nuHae. Il It loorr than prvbauf me 1 om-M.-f an In-uli
blea tbrreforr. ibat Italr llkloc fur tta
an.r it to ita t ........... lu L-l>- <ailscreen whl-b we are in tbeto flaca. favlioii for Ituulls.
llaLjiiu.sio innle
-a. etr_ atuee frum a tnUuke
relamefe lo Hgbl for me: It to lexswui-r
>C Ibaw wbo bad luat a tboroiisb llHt I lielit fur niTM-ir
You w.nild
knowtodee of Ibe iriab tancuace- Tbr tarOly expect me. o.ubi.-tu fen.*- will,
aun la CHik- I* called by a wved pro- yuu wilboul iralBliie. The mm- (ws-usl
Boumwd exactly like our wunl "cr**•lort- you maito your nxpi.-i tuis lieen
aud 11 to likely ibai tta Irtob foudDcm ■pent lo toaniliig tour |.. lamito n
for ibkt coku- iroae tbroocb Ibe atrfk-- xwurd."
luc alBillaiiiy of tbe Iwo worda. I
-xirrat br-avena. M.irkm. ntoit ran
Ita mme way, wtao we Ulk abuul
tiembouae we Iblak Itaj- are ku call.
'1 will klion- you."
il|pMlpi|r«to-"Wiilhi aw>.. Y-ii b
probable tbal ita wurd to dcrlred fttuii
(be oU Celtic word fur suu. bcause
Crerabuiiact are ao bulli at to ratcb Ibe
raya tad brat of Ibr auu aud slot*
them far fBlare uae.
lie rntoed tta cartaiae p-uily no.
aad peend out.
"Jast look. BMtbrr: IVhit t hUssard
K baa sol to bfe all at eare! Now.
e emphe. HI* wife. Ibungh ber
logp with blm at (lr*i manlr.1 bla
Pcemrt*. heeamc of gmi aerrleo
tu blm after hto reatonlloa to favor
EVAX M'ALI.>.“reU.
Tweted aewreb f
« of grain* are few wbra
pany, aad all Uie . blUrra arr ftfli
tbwu. t MB ace tbHr litito taeda bobhtaf up aad down where ib.- t-artnii> .
A brated argnmem t* rae of tta
I BbOBlda't wiuider if JeUni
thing* tta wise man qulrfcly drops.
b^ wsa there too."
Only a fnol maa b»Uer*u ttat a
Th* aid ^ady dkl not answer. Mbe
rumaa beHese* ererylUog be letto
kaew rery wrti that Jotamiy'* two
bepu aad Klctato't ooe were tbnr. aud
Tta gas bill may be a l|gbi a*
ta* bad been Itoteutar all erraliic.
with tar heart la brr month, to tta Oau. bat getting H reedpted to a bcu'
'Muada of wild weather.
*1 douT kaew. mottar." tta old man
wt on after ta wax comfortably aralad aacr moe*. "b« we aught tu luake
a drtcDd tta weurlaff of car-
fttndy eym at* atwwy* a atga «r M»tartty aad baaer. esrept wtaw (be bmd
to aHgbrty Uited bark and tta ey*a
tbnatfi halfcitord Itda. Then tta pan.
aeaam dom bm trnw dm to ta to be
tiumud. ^IfBacJeyea betray a treaeb
able, dreettfal. retttom aad dtocuaMKad. Clear cyra are a atsa of gaod
aUtDttoa- Ptewa^y ptemma II ...
baattb bare rompantlrrty tWr eyea.
but CTcn in (bear caarw they bare e(ttar creuc rwrupentirr power* er Ibry
Wtan fully wrought npon. Ixmg ey«
belutic lu more tmetto len)|iermmrat*
ttan niuud eyew. They pns-lalBi amre
dreamy nature*, more raoiraied. lera
nxplrlng. iluund evr* sto.w aruMtloa.
They are M^uKXime. touiMl with umulsUkahle siEuw of aa antsile lutiur.
b to an ludli-atleti uf a rare enmM
-uatiuu uf a seusF uf imsloes- and a
low for art. Ueep art eje* sbuw
tbougblfullM-Bs anil kwl.-. Kyes tbal
■••etu tu stand uut from tta fsw ato.w
■ore Ilf acUou.
Bowwa to t*e • UH.'Ttaf* wa* iito-r lu rasl. . . ................
a iudge well .i-rard In Ita tow, bat raUrely *r:r islu-aled. wbu lad Ibl* same
obaUi-.e III urtliui.-rwldit l- cuulrtid
wllb all 111* days . In rarl,. life lie lad
llred In Kimx. ille aud fur a ‘Viug time
Insisted upun spelling tta name Nui.
vlH*. Ills riietids at last educminj blm
Bp to tbe |s.iui of aildUiB (be K Mo
tboruus&Iy. in fa.n. did ta learn iLto
leiuiin tUal when ^ few years afiiT
ward lie reiiu.ied t.. Nasb.llle leitlilng
cobM (ito-teut bhiL from s|>-lhns tta
After a few yi-nrs' reslitoto*- Ito-ee
tta Judge mmtol assln, Ihto time i«
Murfreeslnrw Ooe day be sal’ditbii lu
toller fr.uu Ihto iilaee.
Ue •crai.-lesl I. is brad In |s-r|ileiltv a
ally ex.i-lMto.1 -tVelL
ril give II
How III Ito- w.irM run
ttay s|iell Ita lutur ••
place with
Whew fe-lalahed.
Ilusy tswsiiiis. fiirixsl III ilerv-ml ibeinaelve* fniui Inlrnulialde talker* whn
bate lilll.;lu soy. ..in sHUxs-iaie a hint
to whi.-h Henry IV ..f I'nme oh.-e reirie.1. .( |uiiluiu.ei.jary ilepuly .wiled
|s.ii tiiiu uikI Ua.b- a k>og'.H]eas-fa.
The klim l.alrard lalh-iiay tvr s
nw. itoxi he dn-lded that bto tltoiur
Wuukl do well lu .wiHl.-nx- bis ntiurka
lie lo-.k him hy ifae band and le<l blm
l"t M totr He-y .sHlU s«e ibe gallery of
Ibe lAdiue.
Tsstoi^ to VsJ.s aad Yoial Muse
E, W. HiSTOS A ^ ^
noc lUeilDAIIMF ^
'"'l atom'
m. B. Rungtrlord
o; r». carveiw
Contractors Builder piR£ INSURANCE
wswto l»4-tsiwish.^ itdearsd
DVN-ris-r '
TrsTerseCIlyVelerioanfHosiAil ‘
Scott A MING. IToora.
J^.-^MAlU JI^'K-.K.e Hark.r. Mh.u : <lrt tu-llmclit.
Ionia a»t liUiranr, 113 still a.
DR. J. W. CAUNTLWTT.iDo„T.g^F-oo^^„,
........... .
-IVbnt d.> V..U Ibh.k uf tl.al l.uihllngf
tVl.rii It 1. flnlslMxl. a u.ll ta a '
Uiliig, will li mx'/'
■s.- r.t.his| ita i.iau ..f uiiyiy
Words, inX gu.-ssiug whal was<x.ai>ng
]>ru|n>lns tar ehak to the upiuud. kl*e
kt.skl tafore blm in sj m«n«.um oMlre.
eli; nHeishtir. ll.al to Jllsl Ita
falllUB lu Ita wuuui. Ml............I to-B>aln
trllli y.Mir diM-vnrse.- wii. ib<- k
ed Is-bllMl. a uald .-jme f.ir.. nnl. I.rins,«rds su.-l. a. un- u^l In lulldjd-~-i..iH..lL
H-rtiaa duels
-Tbeje. ■■uuiu - .uiiiinmsl tin- girl.00I.U.T srbu bad Ju-t enll.te.1 wa*
ibrvwlns no il.e crasa to-tun- tilm a
pklk-r. -to Joilr reUwsa-. l■■l■l ib.-rv." plaixsl txi guar.1 uv.T a .-:.iim.n
not h-iiK to-f.av to- abamlmud hto is»t
and u .-nl II. a Ut.TB U-X tnr -df. u In-re
be liMinh:isl m tta Ih.wh.K
• r.-How, nliv dl.l you nIoii.UuD yur
turniuc It aai.le as nml-ai.-ii'ii-"
|nnt V ex.-to.m.-d tin- captain. wImj lapTtM-.sumi lis.k.-il III iff L-.il ill an
p.'ne.l lo pnl in an aiqs-arnln-.-.
I.-UI. -'Marionr-to-et. toiiied.
-Take your w«i|sinr'
'x'oixain." wns Ito- rs-p>> ut tb.- lun .X Mxi
l->r trle.1 to lift
A flush <wiDe iu-Hm- mini's ■ be.-k
can ewrry it nwey. ami If n
"I win go Ibromrt. tta fiwiiL- hi- enld. one of Ito- em-m> >s.iih-s afi.-r
"and « l-.Iu toll kui.sssl III iiarrylus kr.-pilirai.df
■ws I siMlI to-'de- vti'llm
turn, yi.n"
Haloed Book.
U'ltb Ibis
Ibis lie seixaxi Ito- skur.r
It was I
kins tafun- (he euunl bouml .-an iM-««-r ta Hs> mluule In Ida
found Hat In ord.-r to tarry tta slrl'a Instru.-tlons i.. bto bluder. ttm-e u|suj a
Ibrusls to- must exi-rrts<- all hto skill. Ho..-. It Is said, a InltepsNtatbakeItoleeil bto anstitob al su.-b a *1108(1011 •|s-Rre- was ••■nt l» the l.lmlerw f.x ibe
aapml his m-rve. TwI.e he et|.oMsi B.le piin«su-uf Jrtvnef.liig a nuUilaHbean, hul nellher Hue- did hto ad- Biarcinai mxes Id iuauus>-rl)X. t
vi-raarj lake edvaiilak-e uf Ita u|.|io(-' was tta .-bagHi. uf the •>* mn- when bis
Illy. n»th litodes wen- Ibisliliig. all- txuk came la.-k with iW rdgea neatly
r ill Ita aiuunlislJl. the slrl eiideaver pared and gilt xml the note* that be
: lo prirk Ita nun. to- aiiiiiw: ouly trrasured luK i-ul away. .\<;h Vurk
|.r.de.-t bimseir. ilially. thlnklns Trll-uin-.
totn-h bto anu licbtly with tor
p<*it. aiie luiised too far ami. iuImIbl*
■W'onI Inin bto
"And barraY yuu gul auy more bm»derr asked (be *we«X young thing *ell"Tbank taurrn." ta exclaimed, low- Ing .-lau.s-a al the cliurcb fair.
erllig bto blade. -|bto l.usltir** to .-nd"Yea; I'te gut a dullxr." rrlurtantly
Yuu hare drawn l.lvud.
That XdniUted tbe oufurtanate but Iruibful
•buul.l Mtltofy yon."
ynuugtuan. “Hut I |xil It In tbr auh-of
- Wbeo tta fair fencer «w a n-d
my siui-ihis tafure iniitli.g vu uy
alreww (rirfcling duwti b.T tHqsxi.wt's aboes M. ns (■> b*>r •uwetbliig lu pay
rrat, her aword dropped from tar linml wy cur fare toxiie "-Hriuklya Ltogle.
A well kiK ro Eucitob dean recently
ad tbe mtol
be raltar auapn-ted Hat
at Mi
HaapproprtoUan by auotbrr bad uot
aRocettof acdldesttl.
Ue tbrref&f
a upiwwlaa Uboki.
naod tb* MM-y to puiut a moral lo a
Ita Iiuatruad lo auBibera SewaermoB lu tbe Mthedrataaddlng Ibat If
tltnitwbln- eumto an oht bouse
lU peraeot puksrsaur wuuM drop It
uiKC faitiuoa for II* sbeal. It bad
orer tbe wall of tbe dranery gantou
a isii-riL owned and tuattaced by
during that night be would my no
Iwnibcrw and two alai/v* named
more about lu .Next morning be re
paired to ibo opot and fouad bto
TI-- yuunsewi ..r tta family. Jlai_____ _
Bbrrlto aud■ fi
ly-Sre otberw.
tad li.Tti JIlirdYD ber yuDtb. Aflerber
dewr-iUKi abe had never rairrrd any
ik-w Mi«r Ibat of brr own bum*, bat
A* game ttobr* abarkx do not. I
fell her Btrepctb to bard
(btafc. eued high. Tta mort ctunmou
Mil.' wuiild bat(ta-l Bax for weeks. S|dB of them, tbe dusky abxrk. wbru book
ratHiwu mat
uiii.wsliislj and
ed. rlrclea raniul on Ibe onrfare and
ar micbl tjoeaUtm. "Ttarr a tbrm ibat
ibuughi of rwt.
illy bliss off tta lloM sod eampew
bad more monry. aad rirTrbody t-aa l
KlM- .llcl afier a abot lllueaataa
ir ao booked tbal Ita lloe rauDut be
come froai Llmptlrk. Hut. tbm. It'n tta ami tra.i-ler* aald t
t ilwtr slumbera cbL Ita Btrncgto ife furious but atoirt.
bda wbo bare (u lirr wllb tbi- clrk
disturbed by
tta aback giving op In mw-b lem time
aad they
tiueu It was nbisprred about than a game Bah of half bto xtoe. aueb
Hull ihe Maaon bonae was baaatrd. ax the ctauari bam. mil water troot
It waa a Iou( tpeecb fur Ita old aun. mraiicr auuud* Were taani from tb*
laappef weald do.—Karett > aad
tarf^oU tody wa* sinpliis wbm ta Sarrri. wM-te Hannah tad alwnyx
worked, aud plalurat of all wat Ibe
"Vew. and you doa'I inl^ uto Iwrln'c bum of the srext *rool wtaeL
to tUak of my own ffalldr.-n'e rblldn-B
Tta l•t.•lbrr■ bentd the »iury xad xt
IX (ber* erwr X luorw mordaot and
brtot taougbl up la Ita way* of i>
atur art uut tu wilrr tbe BijBterj.
jBle atrek* of deoertptton tbxa
It wauY rooncb wb.
J.wepb wrul to Ita cxrrrt and wxicb- Uut O’CoBuell gxr* of rcel'a btoadJobtuiy mimed Nrlllr. but >.«i bad i
.-.1- .tn.-r a lime Ibe wbnl Leexn to toexDom? "Hlx amlle wax like tta sli
be that btoe abont it that Rh banl wn
He alroek x KcbC On tta
er pixie OB x’veOB."
and maMed Kate."
rlni .d ilH- wheel was a srral m. rauLem Brathlag. but lem witty alxo.
Jlr tried to turn Ibr klrrani of iiidls- Ulnc BP.UO.I.
rax bto deocilptton of x lady of a MmaatloB lntol.-m Inunnllalr rbaiji>rls
i'mjueDi .’Ulu lu Ibe garTei ren
xr rrpoUaat (cmpeMment. "Sbr tad
"It did arrm acsnialinc." br aald. dered Ibis rai BO ituir that be »roold
. •Tboagh Jobnnya luiy ■n-nia e irt.-r lU- i-uiw-.iul on tbe iqHunhig wheel by dtyOe fellow for *<-vm. Ilul of rotirwr. llslil. and keii-nl otb'erw were occaaloB|i aiKl. taUi
Ing hr
■wtber. yua doaY kn.>w blni."
ally sM-n totakr a si.ln In Ibe wtaeL at
from blm. laid her
___ Lailw.
iss liW
DhlnY abe know blu.7 W«
If II were a plAkuni re.-frwllon.Why do you pul so maay Latin quo- aallafyliig betwelf (bat sta wns not
tatlOBS Into your speectasr asked tta hurt, Rianehed the idond In tta.-nant's
it* tbe undrew n
f<w f
frtead. "I'm sure moat of ox don't aa- WUBU.I. Wbra tta girl rwme nm of
The tee la.*aalwa.
dcMUod ttam."
her *wMin, abe «aw bto pale fx.-e, paler
. with
She not know JubtiDj
i>n tsub akto* .d tta Atlantic equally
Hot kta
"Ttare Juxt tta paint. Utocer lerex lu tta mooQllghL to-iKtliut over her.'
the ItitrrrsfciUon .d f.a*iltord forcati
MDpaay. 1 want to b* Borw there la
-Kwetxbeart. you bare l-ra irencod.
Iwor* anthrntle wllne** to tta awtepTta aid mau walkr.ld» the wim
>B* ao* bealdm myeelf wbo domn't Von bare opeiieil my eyea i.. ito- Injui
Ins uier Ita Uud of two great ware* kaow predmly whxi I am ulklag lire I hare |«it U|tob yon. toire feball
a fWto. deprccatins Qsurr In a ■
of be linarfun- Tbe trees mtulfewly abaaL"-M-xxhli«ioa 8txr.
ktock BUR. Uta white talc WB* run
In future ta my a.Ie gt^d.-.
srew wbt-te tta slarton tad brea.
(orw-ard over tbr tbtnnrat *|*d<
l«ek your release."
: ftaat aud parted rwn-fullr lowanl (be Again tta slartcrw crept fiwward lo
••-Vo. your career will ta blighted."
mrw tn tbe t
•xuistllntr tln-maHve* Ibe oepulitae*
Boben Toombs
- Tta n
"1 aaertflee It to that which to mure
uf IIm- ireew.
Tta aerond advance,
lid charge desirable."
tanev.-r, fell abort of tta Aral and xuc- acUeuttna raoete whlrb Mr. T< ...
Tta king will wittolt.
■ccriBla rartln- ubrewdneiia that may .eedrd It al an uoknofern Jalcrral of had Jost Itoleoed te tta coartbouic.
"I ahall uke refuge in tta tore of'
hare camr from year* of w atebtru- tbe time. U|dnhm are wacb dieldtd ai to "WelL" mid Toomba: -l aboold charge
91.001k bat you eogbt to bare A'lUuo. “"Yw family will pot recelre lie."
we algpllloiBce.
atorm alctal* of bis w Kr’s manls
far yoa did a giwat auDy tblog* tbal I
, "Tta old tody t all rt*bl." ta icpil
“My family will reeedve wboiu I dlweald net tar* doea."
set. 1 am It* bead."
wbea aay of bl* rrtollve* had tta .
mcftty to rlre him adrl«- a* to bis doA few week* later all IlertlB
taMtlr aTTaBcrtnrata. -Sbr's
talking of tbe young nobleman wbo
A woman rtsitlBg Id Ii
UxB-x kKoe airtlom ofira get him la
baad ta alckuraa aad a sunl niaaaser
' Id glren ap tbe adran.-emeut premia.
that she baa bma bm
from tbe
bat she dart Ukr to haw imt own way, a tlgta rta.-e.
1 blm BDd.a brilliant rarerr to marry
tack bedroom and
aad It takes tar awbito to rotm- roood
tIHeieaa and peunyleaa AmerteaD
CoosUteoey U often liait at
ftom tbc«* to Bleep three Is a bed wUh
wta* abe find* thai she'* madea-mtoame for eoouwrlBem.
rl. Wbra tta PYaoco-l'niMlan wai
tbe chlldrra. Sbe wooUn't ore ■ bint came
take. Hot ata dor* ramr rouad tf you
after repealed aria of brwr
If It were tied on ber mirror wUb blue rer ta wat restored to fatoe. and 1*
Sir* tar time eiwucb. and (bat's more
rtbbo&.-Atcbl*OB Utob*.
than yoB raa my for imat ..f tb.-»
tuem^ ntnkjn kAmelk ii,
White wa a <'olor.
Ppeaklng aclenlldrall.r. white da a
roml.lnatton of all coluea-llial to. the
pure llgbl of (In- aun whensleeuaii
by Ita »pei-truiu aialysl* sIhiw* tl
II tbe ral^ws M|seaklng
popDlarly. whlt^i
^* a ck.r.
a iRiliit.
and Is not a rolM. a* wben
■ay (bat
a |uraon waa “itafcllyg-olorteas.'
fewl I'wweiwalse.
Ue~l suppose yuu kuow I •I .living
at yoor .-bun-h in>w.
Mbf-XOk I didn't.
He—Hut surely tuur bcolber Jack
told .ruu 1 bad JolMsI (be cbolr Iberr.
8b.—Ob. >e*; ta d
ruiladelpbu ITeas:
Arrived Saturday, car load of
horses. Some heavy draft,
some farm chunks, a few nice
drivers; weight from 900 to
1600 pounds. All stock guar
anteed as sold. I also have a
few heavy cheap work horses.
Also a few good lumberwagons, second hand, some heavy
and some light. A few top bug
gies and spring wagons.
Kindly give me a call.
ftohraioe.Xy.air tool br.«U.'
tbal arillkiurk not Irookbain tin- rghl ••r.n.mk.ac tin I >.r. wlii-A » (hemaluf
aaM H .111 nil trowfela. oaa* Mire aad tar dirr«i>..,rg*B> .tnae-e w tbal UafuuX
aa old a* *iie luok*r
“Sbe trie* tnx lo look IL" replied abe.
-UO *l.e moat be." »-etnialne i.erwfdcaeIadlaBiiH.11* .Vew*.
•Tbefe 1* olwxy* room at tbe top."
mid tbeguud adviaer.
"ladled yew." anawered tbe unfona
Mte perwou. “but tta elerator, I* nut alwtyx ruDdlat-"-RalUmorr Aaierkaa.
"Iwax toonbled ueratul ymn vUb
mtaf* BvvUa U exseOeot bmtoh
Ttaew’i ao rert for thorn
M tlralam lit”1 would ooaigh Buorly all aighi
U* wmkmw—Dr. Ktafa____
1 Mow Ufo
laug." write* Xi*. Chao. A|gilagaM. PllU. Ullllota arw alwm tmn.
of Alasaadriai lad., "aad aeuld taid- tag Toepid Urer. Jaoa^. KU___
ly gat any xloaix
p r tad aoMBatpiioH uaXB. Form aad Agn*- Ther baatob
out kalaria.
M tad ttat U I waltad a blaak I
Kerrr<* wxafcam Bm*ll. taam
would eeagb Matafullr
Bio*. «
MW Tit thorn fee
blood, tat. wta*_______
t aSaclMr__________
at Jaw O. J
M-» aai S. S. Wait
txilud. tbrm 9100 bottlm of IX. ASOB-X.
Sluf'a Now DtoooTwcT wb^ ouiud
mo tad 1 ffiuud M UDuada^^ffe ^ TUaMKATBT appu^
Ntar UNdlalaa «UB taka toapte
Ttauuta»d Xm^nudMaa. EMm He
‘ • uur,
' "A v«! «ta( to puni^ 1U^ luto
Mff9l oa M Ita O. JuhMMl'X tad a.
B. VottAlM'.
SOI..O m'yr
™ WANnD aS;:,S’giSS
Yesterdays Issne 132S
Ttw JoafeM QuHy Oo Am tacu
(or M loliraoil boot: Can Dalaray Haa Given Him
o«H in tb* wbolMnln nbd lotnll ttndn'
Hla Libert
in m»ij nnd l« orwa.
tlw romomJ c4 E. E MUUr't
ler. Um iatwlor of ihr bnUi4m «iU bt retnolt-M. Tb« Ise <na<n IS BOERS' SETTLED POLICY
foontnlB will )« nwoved
da* of tbo ntm. nn4 n {wnltioB vHl
To Show Gref «t-cai
be pnl )aM lade <i^«ke Mbdr oom
Tl>l( will »b«t off frua tlir poblle
to All Priaonera
t-rlon. . vl>iek
-bui tbruBfffa no arebod on* TlictroonmarlonwiUfao:
HIS4 foM in dan. nad wtU afford n».
aotelKMi for (row *0 to 00 pn-
H«thu*n's D«fMt May WrMk
Gala Evant'
FMd Harahal Will Sat Sail
. Tomorrow
tm 9kM tu u 4MM Mw*4r aw HU
itiS* aw Mur u umwsi raw
■li YUa Itm LW
« wUfc
artUrt niiiriii,
a SMpaab u tb>
ta« May IIM of flMaie
flow aMlb Atrim.
--------------------of workrouma, aff<ird a spcmIaoU to tba oiriliiad world in
(nr the mannfaatBrt ■harp oooUBBi to Ibe BrtUab treat
aenl of Oowiaanilant Bolwepere aae
. pchera
kfareh 14—In anc
drive of Boc-rt but Soaday V
ooloams of Brltldi. awaapllig the
oenntry lialWM Frankfurt aad UndStewart & Staffana' Orchaatra ley. Oipnge Hlvar Colooy, the Boon
nnder Oommaadant Male aaeaped by
Will.Ova Another'Conoart
atampedtng a Vrd of eattle tbrodgta
thr British Uaaa. Fifty Beer airagglen and a<iaaaiity ofatorea war*
eaptorml. _________ '
smmsuu, Maroh 14—TV >*Port that.
FUldKaadwl Wol.le, will embark
Porakar Makas spaach in Ita
Favor Today
pa That BdMd ef < eaerms teOraei
, .AM bsads AmwWa < spUal
le aarepr-
I, Marali 14-At tVoi
fflkn link Hi floor. In adtomor of tbs ship eoblidy Mil.
tba oootoa of hU remarks he rharp-xl
infiarr with the blame for Hie
radBMalof Amertnui iwpital ia foralip ahipBlnff. ami oonloodcd iVl
I was furred to po
Meslr ( mm I'IrMa.
1^1 > r tlorr Hlewart A Bteffens' orcbi'
wa parr tbe Dns r-iareTt under tbe
aaspiees of An anulcr Vlaea of llm
Hipfi ecliool, tbm has berii s stroep
drsin In bi«r tbam acaio In ooaoen
work. This’dielra will DOW bi-praltHad, aad itiDslo lovers ul (hr oily will
iiBTs an opiiortnally of haorleff thr
another eunearl ihi>
year. The nnmbet will'be given ne
addition le the niffti School Lacre A.Muali- roarw (or the .veer, and
will lake plM» aeei.-liiaa near tlw middin of Afrtl, ihoi«h the e«aol <Mte
y«l bcao deeirti-d upoa.
the cjiuillly of the ninsle that will V
Tho eiKiven nePilBff need be mid
cnlletuv of the fenac-r eoae>-rt and Ibe
r<>Cv-|-lli>n that It received aamiTva that
tiu-ra oonld be aoililag fsnbw ilnelH-d.
The leriu(o. oeuran ibU yeat baa
l>v>n a very }<n>tllabl- vruMee aad the
att--odaiion l-s> tmeD
Tits mana|riiK«t oi ilia reuraa liae
• (liua had Ibn lotenllon of
pntMitff *
Ami of Moaim IMWnaHr. mu4 30.IMM1
Mm Hava Rstamsa la Wmk.
Marvl. It-Tbroogta
tv uiiUed efforta of n
■V KTtwi nianaallle l>odiaa of lAn
elty. seoaBOM) l-y ike ebief eiecailvee
of thn c-iiy and euta
wUh tie raeagniaad leaders of onantied lal>nr. tV mtat swlka of fn-lcht
hardlers aad kindred tndns n-ira•ajitad in th<- Allied Freiffbl Trans
portation oonnoli waa litoken last
Folly W.OOu nmn. who have
Im n Idle for four days, wi-nt to work
this rpomlDC.
The aettlnmoat was the reenli of an
• tpreaaed dek-nninalion of Governor
Omni' and liiooa rrprvaecftioft the
ohauu «r BoMoa to hrlDff all pueih
npon (be Few Yoii
Mew Haven A Hartferd Railruad com.
iwny 10 ado|4 (hi- rates In foeer npua
the Bodoii A Mntne railroad forbidflog frvlgbt handlere to nnload taauia
exoaplM their own option and risk.
All Ibe old man for whom plaeee ann
Iw found ware.inkeo l<aek hy the
14 llanik
Kaia-rteieiKh-iii Horn inadn ll.e fli
arranr<nwuu wlili iho •ec-iieatm.
areahooi U'> seals tlisl a
l« Aid for (bis namber. and
hoped that all bolder! of
I Vanw
ID tiekeu will make it n point to
Tldlafi V • dlfumHis ere early this eeniliat iWDae it aold to the laal
in tba ffallety for ttls «sp-elal
■mlBff. Tba Lyawn Mewk.
VdaiM baildinp of ibe town la In
ashaa Bodolpb Yoram, affed IB. waa
bWbe< M dMib, Bra otbais warn badIff talatod. by lampInifaBd a half ilnsHill. Aalbartrea >>
ea ieea aartoedyhart.
me *la -a
hr Trtrfesiai to Ue Bncxxl
... .I..
Ibe strl■ike tea
•iidodand tV Urge nomi-ar Ilf man
who have l>en inatnlle-l. mihy of tba
old employe fonnd no vaaaaciaa ready
for tliem. Kveiitnally ii U U Uavad.
they all will ragaln their old |■oai<eDs
Tbauueiars aad 'lungaboramaa will
find an
tVIrearrloos and trafflr of all V•enpUoiis. which baa l>een tinnalll.v
ataaiaadstUl for tba past three or
foor days, will iu loeamed tomorrow,
wtifa a ruth
fftro au»7 ai«a.
hand at wort
ea tb* Ularicr ftaUbluf and drrwrmtlaff Of the BoodMai* now ttr ttory
brlek block of Bmoo.'! Wlib.-]ai oe
th* cwnai of Froot aad Ualoo Hiwru.
Thor hav* had a forot of from wran
10 HO awB at wort cMataatlr for ibr
IBM Fifht wiwta, and it will be cIOm
waafca befora the work is ooospirdad .
TWlBlatiBr is of tbe Aarw erw
doaala ilia eilr. Tba oatlra lower
floor U flaliAad ia -maliofffaaar. with
anamalad steal oolUaff. Thf coontar«
CITY BOOK STORE. Hobart-Bccchcr Co. Props.
l«r men
Cbal are
and water ptpM U dnnUnitu
Shelving and Show Cases for sale.
III the inAiiulictutt-rs N.UT
l-im.KKNT KRtl!^
Chip Cost fto Woff ^
Chio the Old Kind.
Tr\ llii-tii aii.l vm'll l>e |-U-x»cil,
Nothing' DIacouraging in Old
alisfilon Railroad Outlook
---- ^______
m y. m\im
Mt- llii- swell
IS where vou gel
Shms. Sll.' to il,50.
DKMKMilKK n's the hiilv tiure with it's Imlb es|iente« dial i
roost jWc io j-i\c you the lies! value-v »* smiUc* ptuiits. Think
well iK-iiire voo let lour iloIUrs ga
Smls anil Tams at your |«riunal measure al alwul Iiati
dbe merclum laikir'a |irkr. TtM) sa^^-a.
:iMDA & CO.
wiU KBivIr be Main.
Obartea F. Mndbory. luanag- r of ihe
Mtobigaa district for the vrertlagKleotricml Oomiway. and Seth
I him to the
■mplo.v of tbe o
Ihli motning for Detroit, after a n
with U K. «.
bnsioi-aa men of ilie rity aad raaidants!
of tba peoliisola TVy an- very morh
aucooragad over «>e jffeapari. aa-l as v
tliare is IltUe nveefioii bot that tlie
road will be bolil, aa-l lltry are conlid<«l that It will be doM this year.
Both these gentlamen wy tlml Uwra
is aoi the allgbtest iioesiieo bni that
thy nwd will be bDilt soon In uiy
and lhat if this oonipatiy doe- j ^
nut taki- it op. It is only a <|Beslioii of
very shon time till sums other com i
dandsomt Um Stfles in Ginghams
'Veto locyd
k a;i.
Hew Cciored CambHc
.VUnil iiiif hiiiiilTr.l jalu-iTis—iii.l
m. R. Caiman,
5Tfini}tii(i'5 mm DtPifitm jToiit
jUelvet and
NETTLETON i Brussels 0arpet
that it luMi lu hunt eooner «r la|er
Mr Gibbs, with some oilwi g--uUeiiilenitted ia Ihe imOecl, is nul .
on the linV imUy, and tl.a rosp- will
U oanfnlly gone over again. Mr. |
Oibba t>-ala |
tba proaporl. aad Kar-'iiK ilia’tthrrri
tea very aironi; proliabllity •>( the'
read Iwlng ballt very booii.
Oiir line of Parlor I'attcriis in Velvet and
HiHiy linisscls is unexcelled.I. '-\Vc
are showing everyevei
■ ing
_ in these. „goods
- from
most delicate
I * and ddsigns to the rich, hravy colorings of Persian
I • and Bokhara eliccts. Hxdusivc patterns in oriental
I effects for'carpet size rugs.
•wter ColimleF l-^w4 Awar T
Winu Jaekaoa. a posular tueuber
of (V Oarpaaiora'onioaof thMolly.j
parrod aw.7thl. morning ofTfSroW^ "
IBmmoaU, ' after a seompMalively
brief illni-M. Uc baa been very low
time, and alnee . yeaterday
loming tlie wont wai frared.
D-swaaad wai 5C ytara of ■fh. He
iMvai a wlfv. father, roethar. two
oiMnn aad a brolber, bot no ohildmi.
Tornado Gaaae* Great Mor A l•rl^r inyar oerrlo-.will be bald
tality in Loulaiana
at tv'V®*' ®'
Bsadar aftamooB at i o'. looL. Tbe
body will be takau Monday to Dan
Fonr 'tsui in Hais Mw lisalb fnm ville. Mloh., the old home of the deBiaatrl. for Intemaut.
•uonm m .tba
All (bi- talwr tutlobf of tlie city »I1
WashlDirtoa.. Uait-li t(-ClmlrBan
Knox of I he hooeef«mmlne<. on ter• rilon
Ma> M I
lee I
---------------------....I ieotiHi.g for the admission to
>d« Yi«k. Manb It-Krs. Aiiee Istetehood of Ki-w Uoxic-o. Oklahoma
■Uter shot aad klll.-d tiertioibaiid In and Arlsooa. H- pn aentailve Hoon
h^ this raontnK in (heir I.oom in
anthorised to iwesent tlinrammlltkfeolty. "Idid it.''Mld Mr*. Sio- Joe MU Riving lo.ltan t..rrilor> a ur
nff, wVn plaoad in mnody. -Re morial tenu of govenamui, auB Hr tvWrwb M lb. Bsrard.
at l.-jno'eleok. toattemdibe
Kew Orleans. Mareh l4-Dii]ialohes brief van ioa at Uw bonw.
w« infallhfnl to aw. 1 aai not sm- ehaagiBg tin- name to llir Terriiory
from the Oaniml and nortlieni por- pefiaaed vraa a very popola* yonng
•T. •
of the etaio imlioaie that fatty ■an. aod_oad a faoM of fritodi4pall
lives Vve bean lost in tV tornado wm of tbrouv. .
aad eiarme whieb Have ewapl over
l->IWTM>k1-be> Have Tomn* the (mat Uslalana t»r tbe iwM tarty eight
Mm ar amw tcame WaiWm Mnm.
Hi TnUarsia tn ftir
Karoellus. March 14—A yoaug nuui J. A. Moaiagae recumi-d yeat-vday
VTWmvsea In Ue Ben>m.
from a busloms trip u> Oiahd Raplile
M be l*on Merte, H.a eon of
Alpm. Mareh 14-Two eehools are
hts anu Bert, at Ann
m aoesraav
aaaimt oi
of "amalltmx.
wsninn Uan<.
momn m
sumiiisu.. m
.u ***•*'
. . . . «<sa>e
. .
. . . . . who
. . . . dimp. . .
m aMMlan have bMm expoMuL Three 1 P«"'d »«>“
Micblgau AgikoalI. F. Ferkett went 0 Klagtley thu
now auM wm rapurMd Thnreday.
, t"** College at Unsiog a w.-ek ago
, '__
ITbarsday. wm pu-ked ep by lb- po m>«iilag i>n baslneea
Mrs. F. II. Bamom was ealh-d to
{ Uoe oa ilia str«.-i bare this momlag.
jdaniif-vl. H«ba.la liekel from Cbi- Tpsilaatl this moralag by a telegram
opH nw4ss b WmkaeTu4a» luM tiujosgo to Marsbor. Mont.. Vl Insleto
tbe earteas lUnnae of bar
t-baoim are tw.
. i<a was going to KanM City He an- daughter, Mlm Annette Haniam.
O. If Berg bae }n*t retarsed fi
V MeavaA te tbs Bmad.
'swert to tbe desorlptlfla of Von
U K- Olbb.’ mill near Klngaley.^
OwaMira. Mareh l4-Oeell Rhodua -***^'
wixTt' be liaa l«-en cooking dnring the:
Uvnaket today
Oxygen ts applied
(•an oxR titiraa
eyeiaBtly aad the watai Is feared.
Ml* Jenniv Hrlngle. who taae been—“TT'T, —
rteiaac Kra K Litoey of Wow FioM
meet, haa tvBupodM her botaeto
Waahlamro. Maroh 1*.-TV boaar I
u tb. Btobk. •
Kail Jortea.
Swood ftaaUy of Maple Oity le la {
<ftp*bagim. Mareh n-Tbr eeootid
of thr
fbr eoalercnoel
r the wmale aa.1 boMa ta nHaWbar paMed tV bUl providing for >wa « bitetaeM today.
M inch all lineti hxirUexclied !>aihxxk................| Qe
« idvlMatleand
and roaaaAar
approprlMinchaU Unen Oennan Hxmxsk...........................25C
_ tbe
_ whole.
the United Sailew The WII vrill a
tlie Soldiar*'Home
* '
■ « Mil lu eemmlilttee of
a baallb.
of the peel ! «e h) tbe flrw tteyber.
7« inch all linen Bleacheil IVnitde Hamaak.. ..,48C
DM Campbell went to Grand Rap
wax given.
id. laet eveotog to attend tbe rareUag
liag, oonier
of tbe Shrlam today.
_______ kiae eoldai
levlted. O. S. Bakft.
'•an Ha waa I
ri lh.B. T.-.1 ..I n..l. Tic free aith etery, 76c
3usf Tn.
wtU l« tbe style.
The -hanlwocNl
fleera will ail be poUaliad. Tba an
■ Ire Jol- is one uf which ttie w->rkmeii
may well be |wmbA
We will until April ist. condutt tbe jrreateM
.hlaufhter Sale of the leason. scUtng evemhing
in this department at-cost and below—Crock
ery. Glassware, l-amps and all Uazaar Goods
go at wholesale. Now is the time to fit up for
ing housekeeping.
TTu aniira work oo the first fl^ is
S.nteow romplatad.-aad the Job is a luad
tfbed mad rodeoetatc^ by Dma
a * Bl> Hrtvwtmmk. ia.air«rd.
Mardi l4~Tli- Boanl »a oaa. Tba forra of fuiaun is
dred. TV rtr' l 'wllinc is Iwlac finin Irory wbl(« eaaasat. with benstMe Ifaai Delarpr has rolaaaad'aow at work cm tba otbhr floora
r'llorod, bloa aad aald imn- fiUihoaii. ii bc-ia« a part of tbeir Hi-:Throa«hooi tba aeeoo.t. third awl
Tb. aide walls wlU alao U- U«d potior io treat prlaoaers with tba! foutb boots, oAtarat wood ftelah will
iboreby boplSK to ]«eTail, with tbe (
r d>«oraUkl.
I (fro
tasomrat U U iBf refitted tor a j >>op tbe alabdart that rapreaeut ibfB roOBS of John It liaiito aad tbe Kel-
U«1 fltrelw lu vUw of |
I Dodwlyb
a«a'a aiMtw. bat »Im>
1 Kolaff almiily for
U la Vttarad, Vwarat, that V wlU
OMba a omfidaatisl report of (be ooodlSoae la tioolh Afrtea wbeu be rvtarns Tbare b ao( tV elialiteei |oa•(Mni/ of Woltler't
Hts dapartore. taowerer.
iadloaiae tbai (ba ooafidaaw wblri,
tbe oaMbd baa had in tV war’s alleaM PdW >•
rWTD TEAB->*a 1519
Cea per eemt diseomiil oa sll purehsses.
Some Special ‘
JBargains in Cinens*
SpetisI Offeriaa oa tOat
1 Cap«»tfv BnuMl* up from
4le yd
B«dy Bniuds up from.................. Sl.lf yd
Jlamiiuur EarpeW In Parlpr Pattern*,
We make and lay all of our carpets
.rpets at the price
quoted, livery pattern new and "fresh frqm the milh
Ink 1Y14-I, W-nklDr.f-r—.l7 3«
H-Xinlr. Pv-ror-a (raoml ronl na
ll-vwaul Ab- lurro. aO
*• iwlaro.lcaaul>
Wm Hr-ad T,«<iro. wKh v-orira
Hr ro tinad oivl lok, adTaoioa- idolam- low prV^ .1
2 front 8tr»at ,
Tba Btora tbatSavao You M
Comtort ,
Stole and S^ruice
Are three things you fieldAn gei'in a $2.50 fhoe.
Our Men’s Walro $2.50 Shoes are made on
snappy foot form lasts wUy extension fiole, Eng
lish back fiUy and perforated cap SmA vamp.
Tbe stock used in these shoes will always remain
fiolt and is crack and water proof.
Besatffal Cl»e of Hern Shirt WsisIt.
. walaat,
Fmal lOwei.
tbe Jaokm Candy CM, Mi
ClK Boston Store.
McNamara Blk„
Front Street.
--.1!^"^■gygggqp?t--,- -.
iuQoAi^ niV^ cin. ibiii^ C‘«i'i>l^.>i^
Ifick hoM .aad to ftirflii prt
toUtoca Ma« M toaBtcmato Ml
im Evamic tacm
JKS. G. JOimSOtt, DmiilST,
to awtos an dwaa t. wktoh wlU ba
tM. T. Mm'AW 1V. MMC
ttoaM. IB rwBBtoc toa baman Moa-
OF Thanks
•,1m Bitoa, bafac avtoy-two baui.
aof thisdtra F
« tiine afo ac canted to be puUtshed to the
lui oof ne» tonic and rcconatnicttf. VINOL. Wine dl Cod
Lirer OiL
Sells for 25 Cents Per Bottle Any Otter Bay
ADd. .linu. -reuli<<lri-i.U.p«.l.JiM.<ilr.io tovodptt tbo dim mte pmte.. tlid
mocaui^ BCB^ BEUVBBV
■m* tta* i«» th* Eiwte ««f«md
• «4U«>teU7 to the bllM of mmhUib
toUnrroe ibe pwla
mU. iJiboofh tb. >!r*toa tmd btm
Itotolwil mN iwiolNd witot Im4 beoMMOf it The toottor taoe beoa
tonnftil to toe ottMiUto of OosK<«*iwma A. B. Xtomcb. vbo, in • pttmm•Itottorto J. U.
*MeeMMt kaov toot 1 took m Boob luterMt la toe ertabUtoBeot jif ibU loote
ttotl MAe it toe ftm rom to be to•90M0A to toe BIOTtoto Oeocr.toKBal
AtWtot aftor nf tiwm of oOeo ba«aB.
I vtol over the foote BTeeir wltfc toe
iMfirlT mad k«o« Uiat It wae faroraUr nfMCtod w (be detBruaeai ead
til e^bUtoiaeat toooBitoa<led. Tbe
mieveald tore bow' la opataitoii
l«t toU bad H DOC been for (be t«o
MB of a Uice aaaber of people reotitoff at« Dear Old Mtoaloa. filed
Wito tto P. O. deimrtBent amtoat to<itokH^tot of toa- roato. If toe
people Ob toe pMttieola tmx mgnm aad
tmlOr «>bt toe mte toe? eeb liave it
»ttote elxtr
to force ratal free dellrerr apoo
It wUl be woo hj tola, M ban toeo
gtoBaUr kaawii- botrarar. OBt OoagaaBBaa Dartacb baa exerted bU ben
etartf to bare toU
a^ that tbe oolr reeaoo ibat It bap
Ml tooooae to opaiaUoa U beeaaae
toere bare beea t»«toata filed asaliiat
It U toe eraten baa been
ad to that loeaUty. toetafote. U l> ae-
Dake food to yoa aU racBcya tapended to jwtnecvung Mcb tove*itfaf*«^ provided it retuk m our
failure to aupport
what we datmerf lor iu and o«i>lj- jaaiifie. the Brewf MatetamO we made ewteenOnf it
We. ttoelorc. do hereby ojireia our ihanka to tin- peiple of the city for tbe confidence thqr have
in VIM)L...d torte .mdinm .kb .«cli thef tov. pd te telteoiO k. Ik.
proof and tefltoed Ui’their iruih and tomc-dy.
X tu own best adve
It is bc^Bse of tbia ready rc«piHi-«.- tliat VINOI. i»
So many of
hat e taken \ INoL and been hel|»d b» it. aad ao njany i^te tdHaf thtor friends to
public and prikuie ..f ibi me.its of VlNOl., thsf »e cannot but feel fraieful to you for belptof ta to
justifytof <«ir aiatemeni.. «c thank ><«. one and alL
We arc just as readv as ever n> puaianlee VINOL We know lhat you will coottoue to ^ «
and recotomend «‘to >«i'r ftwsi.lv We necd.uu IcH )-ou noa- that you know it ao well, that VlSOL is
not a patent tneduine. Y«>u have seen bow ita tofrrdienis liave been nsmed upon the IsbeL You
know. too. that VI SOI. t t«,tai»H .11 il.e wedidnal elemenU found in Cod Uvef Oil. but no ofl or greane.
Vou know it is as jldivioud,|,ulaublc as the most delk.te wine, Vou know by experience whst a
.. is to the 1
It the trying season which is at hand. Toitify
'Iherdorc we ask > >«i to £pend upon n-tl
I VISOL and Mckneas Will pass you by.
>e lu treommend VlNOt for the following silmenu:-
^ (Mi hpit SlMstoin ISM Os Skw.
Ecister Footwear
Price 3.50
DoblHtatea—Ali Tired Out.
»»hhout B(* Of sadAton. It U not natural to W .ontlnuaUTTB
your Boncy alD be rufnaded
Oalu Fto^—Get Strong.
Vou can CH fu wkbou. uklni diUr«eaU« Cod Uve OU l.i ttoen into (he syittni does BM creuefu. We
*di»BVIX01.wdl.'s«lt ft«h quiikrt .h.n an, p.TW...ion kontiinins p*««. We have proTwS to way s^a thB
3 HtnpK
1 ry it on ui
Old People— Weak People
We. to anderalpued.
spree to retaad tbs mw ..
east bottle of Otweec'e Warranted 8yrap of Tar if II tails to onre year
coafti or oold.
We also paaraatee a
SA-eenl bottle to prove ml
ley refaoded.
VlKOUhtd ri,cjHK.n.l»»lue iii »u.h .»»«- TVoguftanue K It
Tty II on our ftMrmolca.
tricofta and healik it> ihtMc uitu atf «'Ak and drUbutnl, fidui tltsr.te IS
Pa/o Women—Pale Children
and a lank ratvastmetar Ibat «Ul rmic fin). t.i>J make pore red Uood. Tdc. It.«xu»l
too* tbai tbe blood to
pour and th.n, «nJ al-o iodtcn V.prrfwt dismto"- VI XUl. utU-tonct »u.h t.uuUcs u sure as Ike SUB sUaca
CWairn Ion Vl.tOU lt.b »«> tWHooev Try it oa otu (u.iuin.
hfittaBllllai fioUan. A UrRa parttoo af toU amoMi waa expendad to
aiBMlil Mik atraetotat. to addlUna
to oarlr two haadrad dtreUtojte.
Oto aearealr ba expeeted alihUttBa
toto toere will be eo aatto tpoaep expatod la aev baildtoci tbe eariMt
pato. altooacfa toe proeiarrt le for a
rmy hmr oeaeaa. Boverer. all too
Iwllibai aad Ibooa enMB> to «bat
Itoa to oatoateoa waTa, repert brisbt
I protoldy
ldto« tole
•at be to aiaeb briek balldto*
f&m M toot, bat it la already aMiart
by ptea pecfaotod ttot ibU ymr rrlll
tooM aftlB beat to taaay liriba
Batter of balldlag
The i«ori«ot
Uaat. TtaU U irae of Uile rliy, iBt
oar oeoBMlora are giadoally braaolita| eat aad aoreriac ■»<«'■ torrltory.
CBd eeraral of tooB bare ax|«aitv>tobe oa haad or to |ra|«et to adjoin1^ eittoa vbleb la aa ladloatlea U
BMlaoB wtll be pood all toroturb tl
MXtv rAiHTnte rixM
V. H. PatlHrlek aad O. O. Rveaf
tefe eotorod toto a partoatibip to tbe
IBtottW baatoeee. aoder toe oalae et
FotoBlak ft BtrooKbare leaerd
tbe Mfe bolldiap at toe ooraer of
SM^Ba araaaa Md Kicbto atreat
BtMre Mr. BCraac will twttr <
earrtaffe fatottof baatoeaa. Oartan
Will be iBlBtod aad atored till ><ei(
Mr. Petoartto will bara ebatpe of
all aataida work aad paparbattpinc,
Bbtob ba WUI do paraoeally. baadltop
Ml klato of patottoc. paporbw
Leali nitat. a woodaman and
pto. baa bato klUod by a tiale
OhrenktColde—Haoifilng Dough.
Oae ad<(it aa ««l o
laalddeasiolet tb(B r> •‘•i>»lvd. VINUL Is lha s«y
k toa ool apwl toe stonato. aad b to dalkluat to toa
BronohHIe—Sore Lungs
Min>elng hUalhem—Weak Mathere.
IfwuBeaa^ltDBmagbabtoawbabavrdiaeBkybikatoVW toekbeahbaadftreagthwtrald take Tmou wt'
kaew tB>dtlrrly Ikst tbe bnt ersulis voald ba atoaed Yaa knew tot Me aad fuure drrdopaieni of UrebSd depeada
Try Y1®L ®i ill Gimitcc.
It can be truSifully said that no firm is showing such a
splendid line of new Spring Neckwear as we are. Ab
solutely nothing left unbought that is the newest, hand
somest and most saleable. Most every man has the
"March feeling." tired of winter, tired of winter things.
Of beautiful Silk and Satin Ties in all the most fash
ionable shapes and these all sell^t^ev unifoirn price
of 50 cents.
finest any store ever carried.
l^toB TyvyaMof to Marooal
VtalsB TalagmpbM Ob. to aBMad
far Oto Mato to Iraagaiite to
weekot ^t«to «P *ha
Mtoa at tto ptoaa.
M to be ferto
lag to iBBa a aew stomp daaigaad espacdally for to foreigB atoll ae:
It U to be a daDomtotto new to to<pottal-wrrtoe—IS oeata Xt pi
It U impoasibla to amd a lapUttred
IsBw thiBi^ to foreipa atoiU eriUiMt attap two atompa. coe of Are
<MB to pay to postspe aad <
.ba randy tor op^ ttpht eewB to pay to cMt of reptaBaItoa. Wbea to U-amil stamp is m
mEMi la aboat three Boaths
Tba shirt won fay Charles L to toe tolethUwUl-bs obvtoiadby toase
ofoBS aBBp Tba oew aBBp wiU
portrait of IWtfitot UartlM
ttve atoutaa
M to fblMQB WtoUb
w^ be larger Ibis itoaea ton
fcoB. Baa
arc utTMiely md.
iaaon ■ to to Injgto^bMto aad
all the most popular colors. Each tie in a handsome
box and are selling at $ 1.50 and $2 each.
Jas. G. Johnson
wbBe WUlkB MaElalay, toa c«bBiBary BefiBBi af to Twaaty-MM
a V. L. psrvad kia
I wbUa to battle waa M pm-
Of handsome Imperials. Ascotsand Four-in-Hands in
Yon trill abtoliitely be under no obOgetioB to ns whatever, if after you have given VINOL t fair
Itial for'any of ihe above ailments and have received no benefit you have only to tell ui ao. and we
will retiJn the etaire aieoiai of nooey you have paid us.
You see our faith In VlNOLs and you mutt admit that we know aonething about medkiM; thsB
fore, whek we leD you that VINOL is the moat vatoable ptepuatioo of Cod liver Oil we have ever
known, and a woaderfid looic-rccoosnictor. and tebuOder of strength, appetite, and heaUb «t the saoi
Uae ddicious u taste, we are not u
e to expect you to believe us.
line is carried exclusively by us. Comes in the very
latest colors, some shades never before worn. These ■
are made in Imperial. AScots. long narrow Four-inHands. Bat Wings. Tecks. De Joinvilles and Bows, and
all are sold at the straight price of FIFTY- CENTS THE
TIE. No firm ever showed such a display of hand
some neckwear.
SSm's aa«a B. WaU ft Seas'.
THE ^e
swallest goods that were ever made into ties. This
On1yihMawbaaetBaBynfhrkae«ltitwi«i.fBtbMlte to robbed of an }oy. It peoftn* msayaatoa cam
ptoatleMaadeadsuUca tbacBitenycicB. KcBef only cawia whaa a srtentific remedy enables ibe aisoisch to yeopedy
ssMBilalatoad. Tbert Is noBadktae that wiUdu tUsaO sacetadallyai VI.VOl. Tty h on nor fuaraaite.
A hill to bean latvadaaad U
Ohio iMUlataia peovUlaf te to
erw^Uiai of iiicaiiBMta to to Okde
tipopi that toapbl at AattetaB. tbeaa
WiU ba aoe for aaob of to 10 re^BSBU U iBfaatry wbloh look pvt M
toe baiala. obs tar to battery of M-
so we are showing all the bright, new neckwear for
spring. ,
aften end fatally aato ftotsHy eaivd far ta ht Bily atapea. Then isiw Bcdiciae n>>>« vUtuUe foi reworing beakh td
•belli... land Bigs toaaVINOL:tViM of Cod Um on. Try It oa eat caanatee.
bB body, aad waa fooad arrBal haa^ tot froB toa aeaaa ot'tba tatall
M- U ia toeapht tba Baa waa draak
Md laid doWB «a toa traok. IMter
«M kaowa aa '‘Jaada Jaaaa" ia toe
BoWa tot of *)><' ooaaty. and waa
toaUy tored.
KS* Spring Neckwear .
. pj-mttil nsn n are due l-> otte-uMk. InMidi.'ienl noiaUiBieni m slow Ur.kiua iWwa of ftnerai beallh. Wa
Jy aad eflattuaU^ cure ncite aneuiom; it toitully leUtiidt toa
(turaalarVlSOU Wlaeof CodliirrOd u
eottaabady. Tiyhoaourgaarsotee.
•MdKto needed. Vntike othef Ced Uea 0{l
tasia. TnraoBourpiaiaaleu.
One 25c Bottle Cedarine Piano,
and Fnrniture Polish.
ovarfsty i iUh pb baur. bat
m to M*ad wiU ai
At Daerav Mrs lfi«y BIrtoa OlUaaThe Befit Furniture and Piano Polish made.
fdatotoM adBitood Sa to ooaaty
Vou need not be ftfreid to ^ply it to your
hoapltal at to ape of fit. BhaUto
Of ar eblMan. She U
plbne, at we gubmntee it to improve tbe finex
iMieoac aboat bar Ufa, bM my* all
polished -goods. In order to advertise it we
taeeUldisB wwrabon la «> ymra
will give one bottle, free ol charge to every
fatlowtoc bar Mivtofa to OoL WllUbb Omiapto of Vlittato. Darlag
housewife that calls for it next Saturday, Mar.15
and bat a ymr bafm to
bw hasbaad la to battle of.
Vlekabars. Um ftftaaalb ywlr of twins
AH bat a faw of than
Urad. tot- ays. bat at soea as they
abla If ICO toy wwrs tamed
loose to sltlft for tbaasaelvaa Mm
OUllfifie itoasMSkaow wbarsasto!glr one of bsr ^spaay Urea
tiase she Urad ta Naw Orisaaa
Mrs. Jamaa Kalsm of Ramt-Bad.
L I.. wBiiu filO.000 fronr Mafiaiae
ioUa OoaBa. a Brooklyn ludr dmaar,
baoaasn. as sba alalam Mn
tamrd faerbalrfroB xiaySn parple.
and ooiiseqoently made her aa object
ofridloBle aBoapber friraiU. Mn.
Ksdsre says tot she wanted to hide a
pray streak In ber black bair aad that
Ffificy Shfics Far Mei
ed a oartaln lo
Ibiv oHi.rs in Kani’XM*. Ki.l wi'ih sealskin
tion to do toe work. Mra Kalssr
the elieit 1$ Jrcs*) an.l it
weal to tbe OaBkU Is attar she applied
: eslenskin mvIc
the iwepaiBkloo. 'She wsat out tm a
-.....- •lesign
etnfia'"-*B‘> Itlcasini!. .dnve and wbaa ahe reianed biv bair
Its wcu you aie thinking: of, these ariU fitirlf
bad tamed a brllltoat parple- «b*
MirjXM; yuii s'ith their tluraluliit.
washed It. bat tbs more sba aradbad
to daa]wr to tiapa of parple breama.
My Name is Stomped «i Erery
Madsiae Coatee mjt tbe dlrectioes oa
Shoe—^ice then, in nut wimlow.
toa buttle wen not followed aad mya
tot Mrs. Kalaw should ban tOBalued iodoon after utop tjie lotioo.
A bill lasaed by cenpmie to ieotase
toe peosloii Of tbe last eanivor of tlir
war of l»lt. ban raeelved the etpaa.
tore of the iBaatdaak This veBrau
is Biran Oraak. of Ara. Obeida eoanty. N. Y. His paasloe has baee larreast-d' from $11 to $» a BoaCh.
OroBk tl Its yaan old. A draft of
------ ---------.-A_A
jnnqrtu^o New
York in tbe
ealUW, iho^ be «
They are regular
50 and 76 cent values but we bought such a stock of
them at practically our own price that we are able to
give you the GREATEST BARGAIN IN TIES you ever
saw. A single glance will prove you these are su
perior goods.
“Party Ties” The White Lawn String ties sell at 26
cents the dozen. White Lawn Club ties 25 cents each,
Whife Lawn Bat Wing ties 26 cents each. White Lawn
Bows 5. 10.16 and 26 cents each.
Wc arc tlic Men’s Furnishers Of TUs ttertli Region.
xks »TMllijli BBQblDi^BAVBiHI ClH, mat* raiOAT^iUBCB 14. IMS.
Woman’s Work
in preparing .appetizing and
wbolesome food is lightened by
this famous baking powder.
-Tbe haMo ftoved ImMa Oao.'
tha taetarn
hy ffmak rarrl
rarria af
Bapl4a.gfemi aadmCha
•Good gnetaw momtM.- mid Ita plaas d the Aati-tetaaa Xaagaa, wiU
Lootae Brvrim at tbe faemkfaat table. emor at the Otty Opaca Booie this
*-Jhat Uaten to thta;
*rmiat. Tha mhtaat fi the taatore
-------------------wamaa tvaoty yaare eM.
wlU be "Tte Baleoa Tamed laaidt
VKb aniaUe (aataa. cagMaeai feed ar
Got." and UvtUhe Ulastiatod wULa
geu. law« tanow am damtm. te m.
of whlob vero takoo ifi the
Light Biscttit
peea te be a man. aaya DMhlBf a
to (ha taotai* vili be
be«y.free, bat a eUvir ooUaetiM wlU to
6>ne« Mlm Hewlett woa teeUag fer a
takea at the doer.
poeltlen ebe Mawned the ndra
m«tt and woa invited lo <oa wWch
•be did la tbe company of her mother.
SBe foBod ■ mao of tblity-flre. aerluita.
reticent oad'ntgiereatlr Jn bU right
rhlcfa IM- lays that toe big «
Tto man wbo coa hardly cnvl. and
life. Hewaatstobeqnict:
lobeqairt: to
Ota of sigfat mri sound
hat a difleenn facrocea rah a
aad tbe beoltby. tamity non, aha
lumm with hii cbildrve aad rides his
Isughiw tobv to -Bsahort Craos.'
>t need aloo.- aald tbe t
Mr. Ondley.naton. "a
'vmt <
• -
Daidty Pastries
^^^UpFiiie PtftUfiigs
■a will to erideat to Trarerw Oily
» Dotklag to de with my imeoUoim.
loveie when it ta
that “Tbe Kigbt Bdere Ghramas'
ber bead.
Mr. Bart'a vntoriviae. liial prodoeThe oCer woi areepinl. aod mother dcD la looked npoo by ihople of tbU
and dajuthtcr went to Uce In Mr. Vta- oily as ooe of tbe Baeat ttaiaga that
• aparttarnu. I ran tbe flret be
been mee bare.' It u atill cn
lied them aa gneala. tb»nxb Ufie'
tow, bring at laesrat in llie large
Absolutely pure. It adds
healthful qualities to the food.
Hewlett «
It la pcmible It ray
to a«D l>m agaiu next ■eamo.tboiigb
It U to to booked taiocipaliy in tbe
Baking Powder
t abiable ati <-i.a 1»m*.• JTT »o ♦»«>• lam*
Tb«-tr arr «ii«ap baking povdnv,
. tnaih- li.jm alum. 1«| Ihirv are ea“harmiul h> health. Thew
avirtecTfit and
ul camoruiqg quaUlaes
. arlil a •Ungenm. eleum* lo food.
tbe aaUrtea and mhl tbal be woold
gtad lu cunttnue tbe arnngmteot lodefiollely. boulv-iieuteil. flbe filled
tbe lenua of tlw ad.vvtiaenieot.
Aiiotber inenib iwaaed. Mr. Vlateo
waa ahacDt eo-oatunall}. a-miettiaea by
day. atiiurtlmqa In tbe evriiliig. Ooee,
or Iwloe la- waa away aeieral daya letVbat railed LIm where he
went or what be did hr never told.
Leolae waa piqued and drlUately hint
ed tbal autue refereiiee lu Ibeae ob■rnceewould l■eal leaat elUI. Bbe did
entire atraogiv.
■oval, aaajwa aowMn eo. leo wiuiau
I blgb time aiieb a r1dlcnb>ut ar-
Ccttdenstd Dews
■ of inicl)ig<m
ton Uiade tiot-ouiox-nla upuii
iltaeed be aeeiued lo iw rather ideaaed
With It. egging ber on to motv of tbe
aUo«u itroviH fnn th» pint osvor- mme kitxl. l-lnally abr hereme angry
■ml ended III'-Intertlew III lean. Mr.
; An oM rMideiit Miyt “he knew «
\lnloii then left ber wlibuut tbe allgbtl tiurt lii<- eity *'ttatn>CM> of Uir vine neaizly
e« alEii «'f trugier. Imlei-d ratber with
■tart aek* oat her pai»n for ihU |yrtr« o*o u»d It araaaiioraotwljr l«ir- tbe-Oppearaore of great aatlafaeilun.'
tjoe inuruing a dell.uie little nilaalve
«MTtar it ^ 4 v>Jope<d Chat the vld.' •< that timB.
eime for Mr. Vlutun wbit-b fell Into
•vorsaatalar wlwfoagl.t In ttw »mri At Ootanognn ilieMlwol boiWiWU
Lonl-ea banda. Kbe luok It lu him
•(mtta rMddlogat 8L tanM»-vr>th|h’*’»d by ttaam
The other evniav
and wall-lied him w bile be read it. HU
■ 4n«htar.
The nged l*dy/fi Mrs | «•" jwilior ton»e.t o> Uio wnttr to fill cvniilenaiire waa nut to be reed. I’lar.
jMtole FltBL
She la in (l^ WW. 1**»»«> t«» f» «>*• lag tbe OMe lu hU liortrt. be
WttMny ontl dmira a iwoal^f tit \
»«VIoiA »»d did not r^cm bla l>edrooa>. ami aouti after
- neat monrttig. Vfaeo
filled the
ui wllb a ^t ei
■ John Ttilot- tlw boiltejud
"Juat triiat
forced tlie wsb-r Into the plpM Mod.
Hied 4fn
4fn iiitila
Ing to llie raiUaton in the vorlons •That j>ot«- iVutaliied
dlefi of typhoM f< Ter.
The went! tn the rsdlatore lle'a gone to tbe eountry to viait
«lM>wma vary ill with Un »me dU. loumu.
girl he # In luvr wllh-“
mm at Itet tlaw. died tht> «.«k. had hM ,leti o{»v. and
qoeni-e all night long the water wpa be rrtunied. Ixnllae aaked
They leaiaaiz nfalldm.
A Delhi eormpoodeni to a l.a«l nunlng throngh the bonding,
lAtendi-d lo l-e unrritd.
paper vrllea that two tpoal>-ra fought attng lie- walla.'flocm. Inoka. mapa
T am not etigageO." be repIledT'
Tliey were allllDg In the library at
Um other day end tb.- one whleh.woa and I'verything elae, the inetor show>r tiu«e. and Vinton tuaL op a hook.
vhln>ed woa eo mortified at I ho do. ing that IS.OUO talloiiB of water flowed
from garret to baauQimitIt took Loulae tried In vain to keep ber tongue
fao* that be Jornped into
hc«l Finally ebe could emlwe
konynrd nud drowsed -hlmaeir
Iroce m> toiiger and aaked a
ta the tateai aololde In Woohims
anmlirr uf luaduMMe gui-atloea.
Boiue of them Vinton aiivwercd. vtbm
BL Iguaoo too doatara delayed getbe liarried. w blle utliera he rr<vlved lo
Kooky Uontain Tee hro<-< a up
tlw In tlieir crop eo late tiiai iliev are whole evetein. K>'0<-«-a voor loU on- allem-e. Hut not tor a tuuuM-nt did be
OioM hovel tools for tirod and manlfcot any dlnaatlafarUon wlib ber
now roeorilng 'to towing fl.wting
itempHiig to i-ry Into bla aSalra.
ehnoka, tho vara weaibrr having
nully be toW.brr that be had been
taskmi BP Uo. lee.
The foot tlwl Uitoe maimed or ertpan Invalid who bad died daring
Smallpof ta reported from Itomna.
ple-l aindeiita of the oniveroily
hla abaeace. l.oulae aruae and «trode
■eroela eoonly, when- the )nlh-ol
eat of ttie ruotu. Yliiiun called
greatly tMeflliog -by the
had iifidid a wedding and Ft]«eod a
oourae given them in the gymsMiain ber back.
-If you don't mind," be aald. "I am
l-'Bilvoneed to ahim that oompolaory,
At a revival ineeling held in tlii*
■rtooa to know wbac baa oBeoded
athU-itea at the V. of K. doea
eity reerally. a matflmosoial engagegood node from affording the an
^'00 have led me to b^ve what
toMt woa hroken thrxiogb tne forvardniediniu for i>lay.
waa not true."
■M «f the priWiMtlve bnde. Sl>e
Bbe Btood walUng for him to conttaoc
■Mtoed to have become in»pired wlUi
Iluw-a Tbiar
tbe debate, bot as be only mid. Tbuk
the iptm which eway^ the tovlralW.- offer Use Hondrod OoUora He foa very mnrli.~ abe went out and
let. ohd vhm the loitm. ofier a par
ard for any onae ofOatorrh tlial eaa- B|>eiit tbe rrat of tbe day lo ber room
>t b.' cored by Haira CMarrh Uore.
ttaotarly ompluate and etiiring flight,
-lUi tbe door locked.
F 3. Cheney A Ca_^Pr^..^
oaked If there woa anyone preeeut wln>
At the end of tbe year Vinton Invited
hod a Mead U need of |«nyer, ahe
moiber aod dangbter into tbe library
anaoaoced to them that be desired
> her teeL
etmlaate tbelr iweaeut arrangefiatina la an obrloni aaonoer. ahe'mid
and fliiosei
he voa Iwdly in ived of leoyer. bualneaa Oanmeliona.
'able to taury oal onv ohligaliosa mode
While tlie revlvallal praytd (or the j ^
lUafy your cuitaalty.
pomag man the tatter h-mm.- red lo !\ Weat
t#eit A Tnox.
Trooi. Wbelemie
IHielemle Dmg|rta«.
A year ago 1 wished to make a very
the recta of bla hair and formed e iToledo. U.
Waldiug. Kinnan & Mor
Bdt-mntageoBs match. Tbe lady's charin. Wholemlt Dniggida. Toledo. U.
I porpeae. which he oarried not
OCteristlcB I deacrlt<ed lo niy adriTtlaetaler to the letter.
That U why the
'■ Ibeortsi ami Lave a
Iroien. —latnaiiig and maeona antfaotw of' the ayetem. theurv about womeo. It la tbal If a
Frioe. ^ ^r^Kittlg^^ Wld by all mail wlrtes to know »bai a wuman
will do
. Jaho Meetogne. while elmrtog aom.
itut tufee that abe wilt art exactly
VBBto load iiasf the book nf th-- Ooai
contrary to what be would expeCL 1
rtTerlnthevieinitvof Oaroc-em^y, IcaJmoifs Intorlor Spar la the di-atrod to tcM this Ibeory aod If It
dlaeovared an .-noraoo. gTa|»tvu.e,
moat dmmbla votsUt uoda.
proved a law I a-ould apply It to. tbe
lady t wlrted to marry and Ibua enbaiM-e ray chaocev of sui-v-esa. Hurlng
post year I bare applird the test
you teventy-elght llnww. and you
bate follUM ibe
You wHl readily see Ibe advau
face of havlnc two wimim uf like rharamertstba. the ooe to practice upua
tbe other-—
At tills mint In tbe tbeorist'a expoalUuo of bis tuelbods Lonlse roae fm
large eiltrs
A nnmtor of worthy playa half far
uMon III a dae^. given over to toe
ramatised novel, havecume to llgl't
■gain in tbi- present rage fur n-vlrol
rmxneds^ 'Urvngth racncs back again.
smvt. Chne- ri
'ts ill I bars
ukreiu bSTIvs W -oiias WsSm] UnerrTV■
aad •nsr ur Svv vulia.rnw liuiv frOns.' TWv
haw d.-sr mt w.vlj, <g rwA
cfsra haw WMtbt ibv ZTcat reawv Is iss
I'aM a sVv swacr cS a Mas ini rsmS bareis
rravl aivd ai.4 or* all ibv tWr ssd esmt «•
mi Mb
Ni>« I caa wt. akva. rat aaS kd
tBf.asdlhtli.wdkvgsek an rdbf awiv. I
am vrrv UaaahtsI (Wl I vvau la^ tbaves.
tin ' <—Ur* Mr IksI l>«.ovrr< - aad hla Unk
livrr -m>«a' bsw almw OBdr s mrm mss ai
I iwi rasas sa I dad M ikms yms Ns
.0-rTdmVc.r hr kr.oslT Uv t-WTcr.-
I>r IVire-s Cdamoe Seme Medical
Adriarr, to paper covers, is arot /rn am.
mvi|« .d SI ohekvet mamm to pay
r\)a-aw »f nulling c*/r
Addrcm Dr.
K. V. llcrce.^BuHslo. k! Y.
Of ilieae none is more wuetoy lobe
A complete line of all,wools, cotton chains, un
ions. graniies and hemps, in the latest patterns
and coloring, 6s. 55- 4o. SS- 4a »s and------ 1 T>c Vd
aw of Ibe rvwm w^ VIMob cangfal
ber aboot the waist and behl ber
-Darling.- be said, rbangtug bis tooe.
-IbetT Is one resBh of tbe espertmeot
yvt to' be told. Tbe practice pliwc beI tbe obHcUlUei-r. and tbe ob>rct
piece bss paaaed from tbe peobteni. Tbe
lavsUd wbo died wblle 1 was away
was tbe girl I was eadeavoriag lu win.
We uever become vssea ihso strong
Mends, and while I woi pUnnlii^ far
advaniogto that wonld bare acerael Ui luarrylng ber I was falling la
lew wliA you.F. A. MITCHBU
Habe« 8Mme.
We will
a Green Satin
with a purchase
o'f a
or ijf^ore
(while they ^
Free to every
and Monday.
rs- r
to* PsIum •* no
orite vehicle for eome of the greateoi
'playera «f-*ato Eagland and America..
Il was Uia firm ol tiic emMloaol dmmoa. the foreroBnar of a gr*at aobool
wbLai' Inflaroca noa uever oeosad to
“Ban Lyana" eootl'laae
troth and altaplieity and aii^-ola
tlie leadenwt of homao
Our Spring Stock
Is a record break^'in every department
—Hats. Tie^. Shirts. Gloves arriving
witbont nooning tu ehain aaniimaetoUam. Vito F. J. Oraaby. Jr., aad
Mlm Inez Fonuaa aa the
stara. a
niidrr toi-aMe dl
rvciion of
f.c atmiorf rr—VI
Addrv^ irllk tmvttrsUra
Boferat lmmuii.tM.~kr/. lure
Fnak Ban will be
B tor play at Steiaberg'a UmnA
next Tnesday. March IMth. A car load
of cpeoial si-eoery. new. bright and
fitring. ana olao mnny su'iiaMe aoeeeoriCa have twen loovided for tlie Mw
Besidee tbe popolar stan
Nrariawibe ••aii.luvd svii.
aisl *lt ra/lanaja-i rwast^
alUl ■■
of the eori. many tolentod and W'-U
rn iiei^de have b>-en called from
^LAll t^TOB WAbTPt
Aptdi^M <K«I
■■ r>cb malar *«al
r aaeeeaaee of laat acoaoii to make tJUANTXli-rird.-T*l,M
W II irvl-u.lt.. any iiM»,aibarUT JB
be eompoey. .« toe manager. Mr. Ucmlb-kt'o.
l-J" ^
has eenatuly a well !talaO'-ed
and capa’4r tronpe. Bo strong Isvto
company ip every pariicalar, that it
iyi"^b4r■f HAJlHini tXJU.UB.itUr<wo.ui
■ ' tLV
mar safely to aald a better Inlerpretatlim of this tom'odli and gnud eld
Is Di.-a I'. I'WIW Ilk
(hirt/dsyv ihai >oa '
Ittrd. lyola and Iran
iBv l..a..a
Ki.-bi *..b. napis
nlay w>al<l be well nigh irapoatible.
Suaraut.-dilnrii«H'riac r*.b
Hamilton « «
£lotbing l3o.
It Is mid there is intoLly flb other
viUaga in Michigsii where tbe pmjde
os -rmdy to bmi one an'tlivr’i
bardans as at Tekaasha.
One of ttaa
ronl earri'-n at ibat |>tsr« ban a vsloable boiai
from diseoa- aud
boon a delegniioa of ciU-
sow coltad opon Urn and left a parw
coolalnhig -toO.
ThU it ccily ine of
aeyeral sneli instances within the past
PtSlcwliK t« Ifes nw otMWi tvmsui-ns >r
lbs Travel—. Oily fsansbew aarallM l«r fs>
C<WNAl.B~>tiilutaat a rertukys^l^ub
Sas-kwn.jB'. B
oli>.-r. Jss
W.vsl. TIs-
LamhiV sa rbmf a- dirt, t .■** sod rra want
Usu. W. Bsvr. f
Xo. se
beam him'
We dm tb^m
is an
to select your
Spnng Hat.
Ti|. Gloves.
Nothing, but
to show
. Never anything
but the.
' >
to sell you.
hmPd'kgata tlMB ‘ - Boat L yam" which
ty.five yean ha» been a fav
“Just Tor
C»«»A1A OK BB.\T-Hoas. t. lam-Jn
wu jm MIR Win I O"
Ft. pivi-vrvy.
Somothlog •
VMtyaaMirTnn Z
\ Aod Buy
jyETl.AVE LEASED tht- lar^t: buildingo
J on the corEighth street,
ami will carr>' on the business of carriat'c painting *at
that location. We will endeavor to give thorough sat
isfaction at living prices. ' Cutlers painted and stored
until (all. if desired. Mr. Slrongisarirst-classcarriage^
. painter and will ha,ve cliarge o(^ that class of work.
Mr. Petherick will look after tliOvDuLside painting and
do all paper hanging personally (you ^1 know what
-that means -that you will get stnctly tlm-class workl.
If you wish estimates on any kind of Painting, Paper
Haflging. Kalsomining,'Graining, etc-, drop us a postal,
or call up old phone 203, citiicns’ phone 527. , .
Car. E. Eirhtk asfi Burdmaa Arc.
TriTem atj. Hick.
What yaa M MCM
SIT mwi- SIS' srv I<ksJbs tm )y>I
sack sni.'ivs SM st.. sxv ssbi
rsvi sSM
Ts brine lyy sr.d tbsrs
ucvOxr IS .ssT sev
►'■i »
rvw <s«ls
A '-Wsci
Tij mil iiialiiiinllnn
Only Ibra breo deaf an iacszable.
s« ■w-t-rsvtbfaiv'y; IW all wbvr
r-Ai ss.ir*':
a nu.bmora of mv <om. to-------Abra tv* rvu* *c*
S'»b-k»*if««“«•«".«taa ft
ON.BXLKD sacra gud tore whalsare barO W ti-m. «nb ■». traraa mbstsiibv.
kurd. Ickla and
tranatscsstf K druiS.
turawaault'i a-
DO rocorr «*
•ehool boy. vUl inkoldy low oa erv
04 the eeeaJt of a hoytali proafc.
All grades, plain and printed, up from '•
robber cord at
Bkms. had eeroroly
coy (Ite opiie.
noevt-OW urawni
which dneten my maa(
the vIeOa will be mfcea to aa oeoUst
O0 4ti$tHk tp »*h<f frpm, sit 1902 patttrtn.
ntop. DcfommKT
m. MKMCtaJh to oo.
hcuRin mm
toUU- Karmtehl
noatotafiX a 30
^ hViikkc umn'uK 'tmmmA tixir, ktea», ¥^PAt^''itAmak 14. :
iBBto—fc« Paw Recart
Price F«r « C<Mpte.
•rmt LIKE Komi
^ «. FT—.»* iUiiM
— —r »w. I-— —r^-ta.
Waa rahtaA
It —F M toofw ba mU that Joba
W. Oataa aad bla IHlow aUlll-tia —
|Fo« tba —H ara drToU «C aralla
M tha aarr {rrllaci <a tba( ibrj
m jiMMiiil «r patHM. Ukr «lbrr
»aa. tbatr brarta aiM tbrlr t»
la ba raacM tbroo«b M»lr aia—rii.
mC K U brat dour br b-«.a uf l-b.
•Me* MBat ba i>r tba cvod 4>id b—r-
Mrvmn aociMn
la itJir of lb» ^aal
—. TwpwMCwlUto an
•U WOi
Mm April L
be du—a or tlw Me r—tlac battariM
of ra— br Mua «r wUefa tho
brarrM «w bria#
omgk *r—d oalf arijb
tbr ««i
ria—a asd tbr alatM
aKMiBtaa. bart baaa larH«l Uj- IVofaaaor B. C n<*rrta« at
tbr Hansard obarrratarF
itir aulailMi of aa aalrae
Irei of tbr am Icaperta—.
It opiiraTa ibit Dr. T. Bebwtb af II—Bait. I'r—ta. baa dtarBrrfail a rariabU atar wblrb pnMBl— «• krrp aatrvtminrrr wvtsi>inl for aua>r it—
r«aw^ a^ «l>lrb la kuova aa I
-■•rtiB-ab VartaMr- VarlaWr atara.
«*trb arr alao knora aa Ut
rrijrrarut t»« bodka rmdrb
«a< ho(brr. and vbribmbrar l»«
pato.$lAdO; had. tAdO.
ur hM baaa dinnlMd by aiBtaal
THB GRAND RAPIDS DAU.T BBRALD —y br hod at Spona'a candy
Hand. eppoMu SMtoeg a .ar^
OUR MOV^MlUar-a f
8001A1. DAKCB. Ptoeat— toU. Sat
ardgy oMBtoM MaiMi itoh. AUan
toriiad: goodti— aaearad. ISlIdh
Tlia foUowtot eOeera
atoetad by tba Toaac WooMii-a ftorir
Mr. BaartiiwalM wtU oeotWM
toa T—pacBBoa Uaioa:
Prwtdrat-MMl Owatktoa.
to too |«a—It ottooe to iba Mukhaa
Moe* aad bU ooa Milica wlU oai<«
gOeo to otady tow.
THB OBlOOiAL toaartv oaady to
raMiKhtokoiT aat. watoaL at Jaektea CMrty Oa. lOf Proas a—al
Kow't tor t____ to lake Boeky
OUR MOTB-Milior-a Ptor—ey
Mood lain Tf«: keeps^too whole to—hara bcca ' wall. A
d fall tindaoM
V. W. C. T. f.
t«w at aooB.
Tte Mw Cm of Surbwalw A Paa-
OUR MOVE-MIUrt'* Ptor—cy.
OUB MOTS—MiUar'a Ptor—ey.
Mr. Feew
wiU hara afltoaa to tba arw Wltottoi
if you can't come yourself
and we will ht it with a
beamy ofa RING.
of OOMlM
afiM ttoaa watoa aad a kail. hM bara
lUlod tMoa toa he—. of
VHoy K. WricbL
too Bor.
It to Mpawod thM
la wilt ooeopy bla palidt at tba Prod-
Third Tier |—idtst—Bditb Pybaa.
bytanaa ebareb aad jrroct aa m
M*t baaday —ntof and aroatoc.
Rcpnucti. cm cMVEimw
Tba raeapUoo to il.a aaw nrab—
forioaiclit. to peoipMad aatU Mootoy bight oe all nay hoar Mr. Form
eoev.-oUon to
<—di.Mta* for
n traaaaet each other
F. W. StotM wfll fsntob Ibo fall
oatfti of dltoosiatlM Oreaa KlUar-
.ilag. Mareb JA IWB. al
; m o'ctock. Ward Nn. I will to aotitled toMA.dalaga—; ward No. f to
>. 8 to to:: ward 1No. 4 to
___________ i 6 I
Dated Mareb lA IMA
touaoenr. to to AadUUr ,Wda7 ooaJohn A. La
fentag with Arthar & Wabbar and
Ototrawa Oily f«
Dr. B. B.' MrMoUoo ot—ontog Uia
aey wara, doeoratod to gtaoa. far toe
Batot Pbtrtok's Day aalirtola—t.
Oaeaga Utoar. too Traaana City
haUdtogs whtob
tra— atraotTMs bow
Hemnant Ba^
Silks at I5c Vard
Ima" luay be mlaard. Ibr cbkf polut
dralrrO brtov ni—<y Ibr i.iur wbra
tbr atar apiimtn faliilrol aa ]udflrd by
a dally niiaiarlauii wllb nrarby alara
Of rrmpilrrd bnri.inrta. Joat now Dr.
Hri>wab-a tartablr arU ta tbr rxtr—a
and rl— in Ibr
Dortbraat Juat brforr aiiorlar.
Iba'tabulelkia of all tlir vbBrrra■ —dr Ibis yrar sbouki sbow tbat
Ibis vsrisbla to eotnpoard of th— rrvotvliic Indito iQstrad ofdwo. tost dls)T,—y Iw so importsnt
Importsn Btrp torov.ry^
iIm aoliniou of a graa'
........ ,|MT —Iba—tlea-ua—ly.
IslioB of tbm: bodlrs In sparr.
It is prekabla that wlttala a fr« toys
Mr. Ltobar «iU ba glToo (to aoaMet
r> by
—'MrtUllr toritad to^pamcllStTL
tor eaaeaar* eallad tolow. is Ibrir i. .
ai||l Dr. MoMallM-OadUtor Naa
Tto Hlgb aeboel L.Toaan will i
at 4 o'eloek iaslaa
OM-ot tisa beat aaabera waaonlt-
lartoy, of toa St. PatricA'a day aotar-
r BOO Ibr Korblrs.
Blliionry olere, tba aprlng opanisg of
wbinb will ueenr in tba tiear falntA
Mn. PUm atoo rUKod tor bonw lii
Hartford. Mieb.. daring bar ataroer
aiH had iwDbto upon aa highly
A. Ihr liiha and win—na aaMalrt.
Ballx liuU-tVItb-Vetce-af-TbDialrt.
UM-lnl from hrr lalWr • Ir—
Ijhr a H-'fil rrow tUr auruto
In O- mo.kol on tonUr.
Tv.Bn IlM iwlh aha ak.au wandrrrd
Tbinkina ibauabi. uml aaamrd lo paM
TUI abr r
Whrr* aba 1 h bad *at wMw •w«nSni
Hrinnch vatCOrf Pumiafnlchri
<i« ihr raerrd nx-k ahr aguaiiad
In onidcturaaau. jxialthei.
tk-ndina unlll aUneal dooWr
In n«r ovrrland at aorfoa.
paon aha baarrt a|<t>ra*.hlng reolpn
Xrard a crvechlna la tbr cravrk
and abr pollad bwwrlt logrihrr.
nrlimt all Itrf pana aaannbiwl.
Jiut aa Itrlnrlcb van. cir .
PU.hrd hi* prraanra a« tba (detara
KUInt frani Iba rock aha *al on.
Olan.-lnc at tbr kunird warrior
M lib a (tone* aha knaw would ilur
Tn.» *b* apakr: Tie «n-d >oa h
To tbia Bcrrlal ritra a.' ~
■ I 1 h*i* >uu;
bonrat IkJuB.
rorir «»'• y
-- - -..-
r grrot Uui.-h |Wlni-a w»* ra
>1 bo*u would baw brrore hi
1 to drteb lb* Ikgri.
»t in* very wurM «r wiener.
Bpokr you -jaW lewaag of •ub-hk.*
Hung a pretarl lo yonr oealplaek.
And >o »r *•»• you rimncwl to Malaneb
Voa Ow aa— daratd tblM *r aihae.
Ulva me non
or youe ver> *nir)e«i rl(ne«a
p*l the enrih and do It pIcBiy
In anenwerty dltvcIMn
While I lUd* lon*rd the weeiward.
Fade »n«y. you would be MIcM
Bre I *inb you nlih cnykmlphi'
Tt-an. nbuhed. he lurneO and left be
MuKerinr: *-Arh. OoirlB bto—lVn* l*< otnntoB toufctaoeB. ain’t lit
Uonnerwrtterl K»t*en>»mmer;
ounerdaai—mg! Irh *Hc nti'
Arb. lebnoW. m— lleber MgriM!
Mon Oer duyori I rerid bMp M
Piatt won Mairtod
and Mto*
today b.r JoMica
Botli girt- ttotr addroM aa
Tiantar Oily.
■> 10 ncl at the rtty enov.-olioa
A lepnblirao < aacna of yi>ier* realdlag la ward Nn. I will to held at
Otmiw.'e Hall. Oam atreel. oa Kriday
March *1., mw. at
. eloek l«» tbr porpoer. of eleotlog •»’
.Mlagaiaa 10 atiend a repeblicaii city
eoDTeaiiuii called (or Taoday evt-ntog. Marrfa l'>. aod nt*n for iho nomi
nation of raiiilidata* for Ward oflleaa
in ikM ward, aad auc-h olber bailnra*
a* —y ■■om* toforv tbr uaoco<
Marvb it. m«: ' *
J. A. Lomogrt.
K. R. MeCoa.
Howard Irtali.
t'«iumitlr.U'niU Np. t.
volere r. *14
to held at
S^d Ward Oity Hall. Si-rooe *trrel
Friday rvrolug. March 2l»i. Uf». at
r aoo'olook lor Ibepurpraeuf electtog 83 delagatea to allasd a oily c»iivroliein oJtol for Tu.wdav rvenlag.
March A'llb, aad aUe for the nomina
tion of raodldate* for ward oDIcra in
mid ward, aad tacJi other boiineaa
—T come Imfore ilia cauco*. Man-b li. imi.
•n.oma» Uoultou.
K. W’ HaatiDg*.
Jaa OlUett.
.bjlar* whk'ii
w-rm 4-auaml lu Kmun- l.y niru lakltig
iBIo tbrlr own baiMto lb* work uf re^
drenalng tbrlr owo wrong* and pub
llabrd a pru-lamatlou iwtoUtohlag tbr
amlur dn rul. Tbto forbaOr prirrdrM for wruttg* fur tbr kji
of forty dA) ■ aflrr tbr Injury wa* <mined. During that 11—tbr. Ibjonsl
aerk redmo and aallafi
i> of volcrr* rraid
tloo to Ibr Ung‘> .ourt. .and if I
rlgblrU ambe rad of lag to ward No. 3 will M held at
Sooth Union rtreet on Friday orening. Man^ 81. 1K«. at TiSUo'oloek.
tor tbe ywrpoae of eleottog 2S delrga— to attnnd a repobllonn city oonTeniten eallod fra Tnaaday eTeniog.
March A\ and alao tor tbr nomioalioo
reugb and rrad.v. wa.r. and ufllraa tba ofraaditotra forward oOeealataid'
record* are at fault a.— law of tbl* ward, and tooh other buioera aa —y;
MO brfraa tto eaoena
kind prevallrd lu lAMildaua at tto Hue
March 14. ISO*. •
■ /
I UUauurl wa* u i<*rt of
W. W. Smith.
KiriH-b king * iiorarmloi.fc
W. W. Dean.
H. O. Oiltort.
4 Bad Drink.
forelgnrra op lo Ibe coal rrgtona." aay* a writer lo tto 1‘bl^drl
A rapnliUraa.eaDaa> of votara raaidpbl« Iterard. -driuk |H>lla«ky.
ing in ward No. 4 will ba hrld at
Iliat'* why *0 —oy olurir* of hurrlblr
Omna V. totdla'a PoiMo Wniwhonac
crimr* <v>nic from tbeev. I*<flliiaky I* oa Friday ewBiug. March 8i. IBO:
at tto faMtoip of etcry riot and much 7 JO oVlock. to rlral ISdrlriiiUri
uurdrr. It u almpiy a mlxlareuf bter
and bad wbl>ky. uauslly Idroded :
___ ______
iiuAtiOD of raniUdate* tor
fra (to
lUd .ruonril with *|ricca.
ward oBcin* ta mid ward, aad *uch
every wedding, •brieirnlog. wake
lem aa —y ro— tolar-- tto
uUmt gnlbrriug of a aw-UI naturrtbarc
h Blwayw a mb.of pullnaky. lu ooa
hour aU baod* will to drank, lu two
K. J. Fulghom
hMU* Ibrre will to a frrr flgbl. and.
K H. Pop*.
untra* tto pulb-r Intrrfrrr. to tbrvv
F. D. Martin.
buor* ibw will to a murder, la tbr
mom Ihickty popuMlrd
A n—bUean enncai of votra* to
parUra to tbrlr toclplrot atagra. but
Ward. Ho. :> wlU be bald nt Stata
they dent alwiy* *uc<-rid.~
Primary aobral l—aacm Kiday
Soma or tto lata Irjrd Randolpb
niorcblll-* frtrod*
Imrd tollahury rrluMala bl* arraUe
IMuinianl. Sallabury llatrard to ttom
patlratly and torn aakrd. "Hava nay
of you ctra had a rarbunria on tto
back of yonr MTkr
"No." wu* tto rrply.
Mnieh •&. and alao fra tba aomtoa(ton «< raMdititra fra ward oAraa to
mid wwd, Md meb otf— bnatoaw aa
' * n tto oanouL
Wm. M. SmiUk
tfkpoond rainbow troat hat bara
ennght In a Ukr to KUI* ronaty^rx..
Tvwnit (if |>Uiin —dr by tto fiah
tada rnoBinla.,
lAMOB-Bamambaf Bakra v daoer.
OOTMT Btokr and Union attrat. Salnr^ arralv
AJl toritad.
KOUM8 I. • Md 8
FuK Nkl.H—KUL-ftavanty-rigbiagre
fnrm *ix milr* from city on Bay
•dure mr road amend (to toy aU
tto wav. .Ml nader onWaaMM.
Laiga fto— bonaa, atoM taaatogM(,
large ham. *lBBi baaamaak TwMty
nvr acre* bannng orebard eotoprialug ‘■»ar IW« tre«* of raaohea. a|>pla
etorrtM. all ctoiot eanallaa. load
a of litoBuaek." br atiaartrt
oaed of OMriay O^Maa. Haory
.tt. WAUtoM lAfiftwonby and
Daff MeDuoald.
Tto aoato wiud ihto aMcaiiig tlart-
troolor Hoar** M il.
ad tlia tor eat.aad paabad At for abpal
P.-i>Mor Hoar r—Urd word tba mb- half a Mila It to aow aiertog bat
ar dsy Ibst a friend wbo bad bean sup•lowly, b.1 toa wMUhor bafpw i«ninwcd to bsve sppmdIeMIs wss soBrrdicta aoBto wtoda aad waraar wnatbInc not fram that ait—nt. but,
at-iilr IwliBfatloB. say* tor New Vork •r. aetoalito praopoeu ate that'ii
TrlbiMiu. -Tbat to so.d news- said Ibr will go oot aoaa.
Mr*. Brito Plaeo toa tatarard from
ariwt.ir. -i it-lolea tbat tto troobla lira
lablr of euolcwa ratorr Ibau to a Tiait (0 Chicago and DaWolt. wbrt*
Ill Ibr lal
the madr aitangtra pamba— tor tor
rnor* nri
^ the Boston Store
eity OMBBiitea for tb<- msBiag y«*r.
Tbr chair—a aod arcrrlary of e«eb
ward eaaoaa will orrtify iraipilytn
raapMCiae wanto to alb-ad ihr
''mi to be lirld Turaday
ii u, itoc:.
It, The aamber will to ••.Koar
It to atoor«|B*«tad ttol-caeh ward
Lraaaa of StoBraek." br aiiaartat .tola
tad from Iba pragraiu pobltobad yaa-
Have you seen the'ele
gant RlN(i we are show
ing for $•.’.»»' This is the
timetotryRlNGS. Don't
you know it* Find it out
ou Soalls Mlicball stiact aad tba Oad.
ittor Hoaar oe Waa* BarriMM stiaak
j lo r yards. We have an unusual large accum-, i
uUtioih left over from our Dis.solmion Sale. (New i
SprinKOoods.i You will not only get the bene- ,
ill of the remnant price, but also the Ten Ter j
Cent Discount the last tlay of the sale RE- ,
PaiaoM Bratoon aad Bdwia Pbq<
•.urn .
I* pia
cam—nt of Ur. Ubooia
Tbara waa a repeUtloa of tto luacbtea tba Mat day. and ibM4 wa* anoib.
ar pto. .Tbca tto four graUrtnen toasactod Mr. Bogera to Uiy lUO abarra
of Narttocu Itcillc atock. for which
(toy Mood reopooalU*. aod tnm (to
prrttBOrar to Ura. Kanr. Itwaadobr.
(M Mock bring purebanrd to tba ua—
of A (1. Pytuaebrr. which M caally
________ -Denrw FBI
oaMMlad late a good pie —bar. Tbr
aMartlMawtrabougbi atllgSLand
1 orrrbrard a Uvrji 1
raiy MXt dor tto acetatloDal adranee
la Kortbm Itoclflc began.
By Mop* and bound* the price of
M nlgbt
■ ^Ippar* wont np. Prum iWli it raae
"Wbli* I* cucteef aaked tbr flrat.
to m aad tba aert day It . wat aaOtog
» aay •tore abr comew' or •here
lUMwr" a* Ibr attralku) of tto r
•reoadlSA Mr. Kaat wai perceptibly
a* dlreeted toward a rar apprnaehlDg
Oa did oot lika lo auggcM
Ibr dl*MOce.
Brillag o«t toM the (woBt* on two pie*
. of mnwr.'
oocmad to him to to oometbiog remark•bM. Ttoo Mr.Roger* pointedly ealtod
MotiMBtoa to tba fact tbat Sortbam •rnblr.- uatcUy retiwted tto :firM
pMtSr migbi tort a tnmtate. qwakfT. aUll wairbtag the rar.
-Won.- ooU tto fortuaato batbaod
*-¥*0 are both wrong, yon are bMh
W tto MMkar
pMa. “I win loao • wrong." agioke up the third. Jumptag
op aad down rsrltnlly: "rpa abeuld
goarwr. Btadt wa tiril. tnlla we toU
•ar tore be rw&e*.''"
ThI* remark ao amaaed tto other
It oa— toada. aad tto Mock wa* two that tbHr attention wa* anddenly
aald. That nlgbt ttore wa* alonM a diverted fram Ibe mpbUy (wnrlng rar.
gatoe ta Nmben Pacldc. aad tto Mock a* they laagtod to frlgaied drrtaton af
• toMwbtoay price ItotboUmdemart- (brir companion** arnae of gram—r.
Hat tto girt who had ninken I*
od. Tba next day talen wAe made at
URM a atom. AUd Iba baadrad atorc fcdir brr eye* ou tbe car. walrhlM R
rioaety a* It ra— BMCe clearly lot*
Mt baM toU for tto top figure there
weald here bara • profit for ‘A. O.
"tllrU I am right.** «Ae abonted at
pymacbw' of laAdTS. leea tto broket-a (bem *0 nnexitectedly that Ibr twa
oaauMMMo. Am tt wa*. ibe adTam-e turned toward the Mreet gt once
WM widiniat ta maka Mr*. Kfm atari
-gee. H ta a —U rar." abe pafbted
wkaa tto ctoek wm (daoad to kar ^ trtBMptoBlly to
tto wkUe
OiTB MOTB-KUle^'a PboraMgy.
aatoyrd. Datoty rafra.
—MOl WilbolM Will orrw to
B’bole •
Tto—Manot oU (to labar
-Wbtoi Mart MV: I
qaathy aU aad iofruab—aM <
TM nrxt
gUab wo—a torr Uk«M op tto
»lilBidr>-*»*tdMpI*y —tad hy MMe Bamato.
Miort^af too aab WiU hatwa woaka **etorltr arwiag riato" with rr—^
_ _ —CMdat. tbodMplaFwli
dan- tbr mnra of tbr dartoM of
of «ha HhUMm CM*ii« Oa.. oa«- tnm Maatoy alchl at tba boa
Torb m>a brr toar of tbr BrlcMh cediMa ■—*|iM«e>i «< 81 PatrtcA-a
oaMI POBPW.IOM. The OpUr brmgW
wblofa odem *o« UdMAbT* an
BBMbrr of
K. S. VaAjrioM. ter oermml rmn
Etouuri prltb-wat*. aad wrapa
arof har yooc frtaadk tbia atMr•M(A
dot W. O. AB A.
tbr Fulupr qarm bad lakni tt—
a boaor of her thireoMto Urto
al and nuke dwlng brr trip, asmw-^ hM oMpUd a Itaod pOMttoB
alMnl by bir bdiM-lu walllBg —4'bltdOiMr. Uii
cago Journal.
IM. ofMMlac af »bo MW awi
' toarria. Oalaa A
Aad ao It waa anangrd. Tba Mtt
day tbera waa afitaad a lunch ubia lu
tbat oSka. with a big gurgroui ictiwii
pla aa iba crutcrplrcv. and gatlirrrd
arooad it wara John W. Unlm. J.
Barrla. Oterge V. Itoudolpb. now wiiaaetad wub tba ftoltlmora and Ohio;
A.. N. Hoafloo. a Cbl.-agn caplialtol.
and T. r. SboBia. prraidrut nf ibc In
diana. iowa and llllnol* railroad.
^11 of tba olbrr food wa* allcbir.1.
and tbeaa at tbr lablr rxhibiied a win
tagnaai to raacb the pir aiagr a* roriy
aapoaalbto. It wat a large plr. and it
toeked gaod. and tbtre wa* piroty of
tk By agteoBMot it was dlildcd inio
dro ptoeea and p
tolltottoa at a eiedlitou
&la |Offt af too pcpcna wm
(Mad a plaowat Motol tt—
« Ibrtr .
grratrat ajM
T00d jadca of v*»;
lioal l«bi are Do»a^ja ai-niralalF
lU kaoB-i cued pir Bbei
cMiipuird aod fomotd.
Wl-T. Dr. Hrbwab dlaroTrrrd tba rai U. add bo U rradj u. n-arard
Ibo —hrrA cbrrk waa rot—Uf riablr aiar arbtrb baaia Wa ita—. ba
«<u tbat It bad a parlad of '
*«n for a a— ibat.m>rrarau a
MmH fertiMo. aad It waa la |iajD»rot Mirra daya fi—i ooa otlabiiuM.
-Ibtr 10 aBoibar.|»r twa piro. Tba inBaaeUMi pr»l«blF
[•roCnaur Urndrll of
patnor. and tbr bl(t>r« pritr
Harvard otwrrvalery tboOKbl ml tba
pvor paid for pr Umw—bird l.j tbat
fan that Ibr alar did oot al«aya.^
ri—*. Am had tba tnra aC a ndu bn-s
I tbia I■rrted
t'BribrrBMrr. It
«farrat tbr cbrrt aroold bat.- brro
Kvrrrrd by rrrrrroca
for Bboat SBU.OOD. tba prvfltt rrilln-llori uf atar pbutop
•bblBC fr— a dral In Xortbrro 1‘at-IDe
ibml.rtdcr tbat Ibraa wrrr »fc Dt*att«w UI-'II wbb-b Ibta {HinicBUr vatlaAKbougB tba ebaek waa m-rmllF
^•ra. Iba |4r van Mira laal Maf. Ur rould l» found, aod a rmfrful alody
|M tba —I1K>I7 of U atlU ll««m Ki of Ibrar plaira abowad om oaly an loaMka fM —vtba of tbr aairra watrr. ciaalliy In iba Iroctb of tba foriod fr—
■ ■ a. 10 aaotbar. but anddr.
Tba Watery of tba ^ aad.lba lAnk
pat rrerallF nMIrO to a rrjwrtrr of ebaarrs lu l•rtcbtatat wbk-fa Bilgtai In
«ba Nrw Vor* llrrald by
of .lb—, dl<-alr that tbr lariablr »a» fur—d
two liodlra molvlna around ona
|b(bra«rd wUb Ur. Oalra In Ibr apreauotbrr. >Kit by Ibrrr.
•latloM of Mat apitbcaURMtloB I
F. K Harria n
IlhHy 1
l-kArrlng aaya tbit
lac to II
or bf tbr moat
4 and Uunda rallruad. rnirmi ibr
raoBL tia waa bnacry. awl ibr |4r atiractfd hM anrolloB. Hlma ilwl w—
not lo ba nJauiid—IwkI wrrr ll•a■lr,
and tba
N piawa
pM waa divbtnl into bilvm.
d pta 1 a
arar alt.” aald Ur. Ibi^
ara. with Ua laoulb f^l^
yon cat U*”
“Wlfa I
wllb bto Moatb rdually full.
TtoU Atogrra waa alrucl b.r «■> In
Ua rainrinbrrrd tbat Mr,
HarrU tod lurllrd autur frlrutl* t.i
tor# lenctaaoB with bln In the udh-v
Iba Mxt day. and to pMuurd a aurprlao for tbam.
'Do yen think tbat yonr wife w.iuld
—ko a pla Uka that for — tuoairow
If I weekt aaad tba' porua up for Itr
to raetnred.
‘■Sara aba aronlA'' rrpllfd Knor. wbo
waa proud lo bava bit wifc'a cookins
OBBtaiy Olab h^ a
MIOttoC laa« OTMle.
MM of MMo JaoM Bor—to,
af tor priaot^ foato—of whlofa
■ada rarirtFMr. Uati. Frida W—rU aa brMc *
York alork oiarkrl a—uni lo ban-fUM rra«y Ur. Ilarria' olllor aa» w
npiad arrry Bflwuoon by a uuuiI-t
•f laatlaMrB fruBi tbr orrat ubon- !■.•riMlB wera rocDBioti. B«iployrO tb^rr
tbn waa J. B Kaiir. a irlrura|iU •>l>aralM-. wboar duly II waa (» krr|> a
ri— walcb of tba martrt ami port tbr
■pmiUtora oe aiTry luni. Wbn> tba
•aril—Mt waa at lla brlgl.l, Kane
wai tobl to Uka hli lum-bn-n-ot tbr
tVaMorf-AMorU and barr l^^rbatxnl
lo bio ampleyrr. wUi wap dn^na lUol
ba abouM ba out of tba oOtwYa -abort
a Mow aa poaalbir.
Ko oarnae la mrant ta any luraon
wbM II It aab) tbat Mr. Kaur fmod
tba food provldrd fur bin by "Oanir* a
irUr toil rtrb for bla dlb-mloti. au br
arrancnl lo faava a luiK-brun arol to
blM frum hM bo—.
It ao bappMiad oaa day. Juai at nooii.
tbat Ibara waa a lull In a|<r<-aUilvB
aod tba op—lor waa prnalttrd lo rat
wllboM karplnc oar band on tlir irirgratib bay. Ur bad Juat prrtoi^
blla Into a thick pi— uf Iruiou pir
wbaa Ibo oAea managrr- Ur. R.
All good laa-t. AM farm tooU a___
Iaiw jirlop.
dK.OOa Fltoo
FUR SALK. MW-Uoed aavea re—■
boo*r. *1— foaadalion aad bMOurel. nrw. Union atn-ei. Mao
^ Pnik tart PrescBU tbe Gifted
EfflotlOBAl Actress.
FUR SALK. HwCdiA feel froal <»
Front *tnwl. owiUmI toenttoa. oSrtrd al aboot eri |irr c«'0l of ita voAm.
ATns- Tk dollar*
ip>r foot tinat
Frio- ]>-r font ITVlD.
Snpporled by J. FRAZIER CROSBY. JR. tad t spleadld sap*
PorUse campgay. In * tig Scealc Rerlnl of
IBe Gi'eatetl EnwUfiBkl Flay Ever Wiittea,
J A l-Ut ihM lok MmctI Million* \ -\Nion That Uill
-a„a' h..^
tna.lc the WorW
’ All rc-l.k- Ira All
*].>nMve rlmrl in ihc heart of oerv
nifc., mollict,
^<>ectllcan. son ami ■lauj.'htcr.
FUR SAL.K. MM-loriri- naw honga,
■Umr fonn-Mtlou. large lot. gaod
barn. Wral Truth atrert
A bargkiii
Ufflor Oto-n evrry rveniag till ■ B
Yog have no 50 ta tOO par
cent, contractor's profTts to pay
on (his property. It is all liatod
at its lowest cash value, owamI
by benest people and Mid at ta
I ho<H»t price.
Always on the hustit, always
flad to see you. Nake iMrt
saleb, have laryer lilts that til
the rtit pvt toftthtr.
m Jlr. a.V. 5i>r. ; V- T.-HA-n
242 Frttl Strtft
of L Wielin Will Bo Opinoil to tho Public
• The new Store will contain the most profuse stock of fine
hew goods ever shown in one store in northern Michigan.
The most attractive displays of Dry Goods, Hats. Cldthing,
Gents, Furnishing Goods. Ladies’ Suitsandan elegant display of Beautiful Millinery.
Will be Fomished
for Entertainmenf!
values purchased because of the enormous
stock required. Be present at the opening and profit by wh^
you will see and find something to suit your taste and purse.
Big WhDe Goods and Linen Display
Remember, at Noon, Saturday. March 15th.
e:. wii-hel_ivi
The New Five Story Block. '
Cor,. Front and Union 8^
CBTTi jocft^ nUAT* MAB
BAH dlaaw partx. Corara war*
Car Ms. and tba dtHMr waa char* _
The tad wtjoe was oot loo cotfl. the
Whiia wlaa Mt toe warn and Uw btoth
coffee a BaatMpMcc. At tba h
alas •( tba cod ot tba dluMr a cetdUl
WMasrrad. It happaaad to ba Q
TmU, a^ wbn tbe baabBd U
R be pot down hia gUaa srtth a le«k
of aasolab aad waa abeat to m
Hit wtfa'a exa ailcsecd him. Nobedx
took mere than tbe flnt Mp of tbe ltd•Ml blmaeir. saps Hr cuM-hidiia:
■MW; After the tost sweat bad depon
It will pruhablx be aAed what are
ed the boband hrared Us wU^a axa
Kkrlx to be tbe practical resaha ot
•sd BbOe.
these cooctuaioos? It Is of
*Ux <W.“ aaM be. “what la tba
•ama of all nnopeabable ttalns*
the aancr with that Uqonwr
Dnutk Eacounten WttoeMed
U tbe Upper Hoqm.
TEE Buni'rooR onoeua
«M(S ■■laMil hr (ha TOI
1a«Hb Traihhia.
Janio B. Ttlliidh U Uw c.til/
•mater «t the L'nlM Itutm wba ba(
•tndt OM or hi* rollmcom. SetAlor
John I. MctABrla. Is a maion of tbe
•mate, mft .tbe
«cr7 bkeix orvur la tbt- following dl-
n'eabiiunoo corrr-
mmemt«ribeKasm*CBy Hur. Tbe
life wilt. If It prorea troe. tstas •• .
•trp iitwrrr tbe audcrstandUis of other
tlfc |■betMMI>eu4. (be artlfleUI axatbeota
of livlas maUiT aad tbe
*mL KcTeral tliue. tbe lie be* ineard. of life. TtM«« U appamitlx no labermt
bat MVben ie (be klitorr or ibr are- reosun wbx ■
sbouM dir.
Isnoranre of tbe
«to did one amaUir e«<-r eirlLe ai>v(ber
eralns the rrscDoa S’driS m la bis pm' 1b tbe deUbmUaOa of (bet Ual}.
Of dranatlc amate eiaa»4ra. tbe one tapla-B..
Secood. It hxAs as If we bad at last
, Is wbleb Beuloo aed ToMe Acerrd Ui
aantrod a rsuooal boMa of phaRaaoallUo iru perbapa tbe teoet iMeuM*. li
If tbe iwlsutMuJS acllua of satis le
wai the acarot aninarb to a Iracidr dor to tbe rkirtrlcBl rharsm tbeir par4a (bo amate. fCnuter IWe of blla- dries l*ar and we are able to offset
.•Mtel had la tbe Iboal Ju(etu|>erale this artlon t>x tarih Ira wltb tbr
lancoage attarfced tbe nA<ll\<« of site ebarse. tbere la eicrj rrwaoa to be•iartbara araaion Ui tbeir i»lb7 to Urre that Ibe l-olscnous sctlue of dross
ward tba aoBth. I^ter a i««a|aprr la also ao caased and max la tbe
miuner tw rounleranrd. Tbe credit far
artMe appeared rouialuluc |e-raoital
ihu work aboWd be sl'ao^o rrofaMpr
retefeaem to Bmtou. «rbkb llriiMo
cUlMd route bad au|>rrtlaed atMl aj>
Tbird. We bare at last secured, ap. prored.
Iteiiton nor to ^apntk lu, a parenllf. a baala fee altacfclaf tba
docottob or tienonal prltlbw*-.
grrat |imtArm nf fertnentatluu, for tba
la tbe luhlat of tble dHeii;- Kt-iiitor peculiar ferueetatlTr or catalxtlc pow
Foote lBlerru|i|r<l tbe aa-iuil<ir fnnu ers of-colloidal aulutlons are imbaUx
MlmitU'l asd for tht'iime Im<1 ii^- (l»<e.
Wblla be wae uiaklns »»n»- rer>-miro of (be problem of fermeotallon protato Qrotou tbe latter oalkrd eiHiMlIr bix mcatii a revelodoc In some of tbe
toward blta. Tbe nT"« ‘'Ml"- affair la Sresl Imliiatrlcs of tbe world, for It will
eaty -expllctt In aiatiua. Hint thiiaiur
Irulld up
Bmtoo waa uearuxil. ilr lundr i-a fruui tiic anil, tbr air and aunllsbl. a
.aldB Of betas aloul «u make aa aaeaiilt. power of
btrt hli aasry fai-e aldmieil tbe aennl.K- cna tbe n-aulls of wblcfa
(roa MlialaalHil. heiiatui^ l'<»ie aiarl- bardlx l-e coorelred. In tbr abaence of
' ad ta nia ‘awar. and -betMlie Ib-uloo
ilMWHneDlBl (UU It to Impoaatbto to
toereaaed bU apeed. .(• Ih-i.im. c>n>e sax drflaltrlx s.-betbrr our reaolta erlU
after blia Fdoie tiiirrli-d al«ns and'
llsusldr tlluiuluaie tbr imbleDi of
draw a flv-a eb
(rromUiHuo or uuL but Ibi? at least
u Ueotoa wae in full rbae.-.' He did •DSbeai a means iif altaekins tbto
not aae tbe wea|Mni. Init «a> a|>{ran'iit- prot-l^ui. and I tblnk I du not overstata
IS eerr eaxlnus to O'rrtake Foote.- tbe pmtwible eoiiaeiiu • ’ • of tbe aulu
ronoriftm on prlrllefee euO rlertlom
bae eearrbed (be recufde aixl llie Cuo-
tadoDOtbtUB a bin
bin with tbe aeqala Ib-nloa «a* Huailx paraaaded’tn tare apd retmrr fata
Kept, lie looked over bin abuulili-; and
caosbt tbe Drat alslit
“»*• r*"**"^
il Wllb 1^
bla mad. Tbii arunM-d liitn
Dodse aad ruabed
Mopped WllbiD a few i.i-l uf blih.
TearlDS open bla wal«t<tiai iirwl bis
ablrl be tored bis brraat lu tbr ^Ila>laMppI arulnr. wbo nan braiulialilnc tbo
fOTOlrrr ai be turatd alH-ii be kiW
Ihsi be ruuia run oo fertbit Uriitun
Mood wllbln a Tr» f«t of l.Hn au.1.
wltb Ida aaki-.] U.xiin aa n tara'>t. dnMtIrallX rrle.1: -1 am o-t armed
bara'ho pUli'l. I dlnluln
rnrr* dn-aran. la-) blw Ore. Slnml out of Ibe
wax ami bd tbe a«»a»«Ui tin-."
Aa max be toiasloml. IW-re .was a
la tba old aroale. now IIk- ebnii.U-r of
tba hall of JnalW of Ibe I niiid Slates
•uiafiihe court. Cunrerliic at ilie fr>uit
of Hie prmldcBt’o dc*k uhh iIm- iIko•oSbly frlsblrucd INwIe
arte blni has the slsautlr llnituo.
Blowlj Foote hllliHl. He sank Into a
rbalr. and flaallj >ilekhia..ii of Now
York took Hie nroUer fn.iii lilm. .V
:.Hnl tbe luat
Irr and did nut rt^ulre llir lirllii.-i'ri-uta
The auaek oii Senal.T Smiim r of
Breokh a Kootb (larotlita nnicri-uiuaii.
was a niaardlx aaaault. tbiialur Samarr bnd dellrered a aioi-i'b eotitbd
*Tba Crime AKaloal, Kn<ifui<." wbleb.
hreauaa of certain ev|ir»-'»l.iii». bad
ioronaed tbe lOctiiU-ra fivin S-uHi Car•Uaa. After tbe aciiste bad adjoam•d. Uay Zi. lie-; ltr«.U vi.ieml tbe
ehanber and at>ptarbed Ur. Suium-r
CroM bebliHl wlin.i
•sated at fail desk aitd alnuk bliu r.^
peatedix oo the bead wltli a cane until
Ur. huiDiirr fell Iuih-u»IU1c «>n tin- flimr.
•cTwat aonthermta. amotis iheib-Mr.
Barkadale of MlaalnalHil. •loud m-ar
Wltb draaro ren
•DX lutcrfcrehcc. «»ue .•
• raaolaUon favortus
Broaka. but tbe n»al«
ABd » oaxa. As lb
twwtblrda llrooka aa« la.t ev|H-lbsl
At a later dax I'l a b.mm- deb-Hi
Brooks had aa auerx cidlain.r a lib
e Anwii lliirliiisame of
UaaaacbuseiiA llrooka
ka tvoK ciiaUrtut•d bx BurllDsame tu a duel.
eeptnL tbo ddcl to In- ruusbh nitti riflea la Caoada. .ItrrxrkA l•ooi-«>■r. Tall
ed to appear for the cumiiat «i. ibe
plea tbat be «ould 1k■I^e ’-to i-aae
Uireusb tbe'esetux's eoaoir}." lie ro*alfOed bla seat and snta ^manlinunalx
reotocted. Tbe auuMi sniorsillx utdield
J Sa^e blni i-rimrula of liiatir
oekliart. BUiH-riiilendeiii of the
Hr asirt (bat aa a' (.Trwt otal^ of the
wlw b.-id rvallx s<»d rolcea
lUld n-l alus l*<?iusc llx-y bad iwver
been trained In niiiiifc bs had dcv-ideu
to form a wbndUos eti'dr.
r •u|s-rhSe»deiit bad no dlAi'allx
rnerlee Ptaeoas For Uermaa Ar
Carrier plipvus are. to he l-rerl
trainni .by tbe Herman tnlllUrx
tbcwltu-a In a tore- four storind colum-b baa Jokt Is-eli erected at
S|>abd.tu. Hrent um- nlil Is- made ot
tlw blrda tu'future militarx'naaco-
. The Maa, Xas (bo rHaee.
ITrlhuu to lle.m of rru»«:a]
to It.* neelhrr of s ktoa.
•Uj mow l.rt M»l.- son^anoM'Mas.
Hut te lbs maa oT wwtb.
A Has la hot as seeWofit
t>t rarU>'« lurt-arte x&uti
t os* Ibe toad X-
! not the prer
m.-i ef brain and heart;
• Sit fnnfs. <ieo>l rbrer!
\Vii.»a n> Nrw Vork Jeoe-
Rtplrlns to B |•e^soDBl attack bv I.A
SH. PaUOoh of Jamaa 3. D«u to
more bulldlfig frB Ibo eoraor of
e.gbtb and Caaa atraou to Tenlb
Ws mnk* OkRblag lo XMD-M
Just a few of the places «e have for sale, all desirable prop 8XWIHQ KAOHm 1
ktaAi aim oU «s tlT Dm* M
erty aod some exceptkmally good barsaios just for an nU
3. V. Mmrttnaik.
Ooa of tbe iMM tarma ia Lov Lobe
lowMblp, 180 Mtaa. 8 mllea wuM <ff
tba rity. ae>.i of Saetina 4. town r.
taoga It weak iio aMuaaadarflM
tivanea wUb 10 aeraa of ora
ami leaaoa afgoodboidwood tta
m faM te Fttat MraM . riame
^Ib good ban. Si^wmT mML
J! 'ffl--®"
Tu l»r ffuBoroUc. thr Vapor aad CUp
ruuani o/ Troierac Ctig. Vtc* :
ibr .-ity rlrrk-s
af Fnl
atieet propoaed to be pavrol. wbteb a
- sbl A D
horited t:
’ poles anil sires on tbe west sidr
bridge norib tn Day street. This fran;bla.‘ eoDstilules a contract tatvcei
the couMvany and tbe city and II canBut le mtde thr BUbirct of nrw cObdlHons. Bsldr from wbat may orceaaartly be required of tbr compan:
Fim Nclsbbor—I aw sfraM my chlldren bottler you.
Recond Neighbor-ntat Doosenae;
B'by. Ibex arc not over to my bouse
Bierc than eighteen hours out of tbe
Be-Fre tried my beM not t* make
lave to xou.
Sbc-B>:i. you kua« ^rhAl BrowMag
aays—(bat tbe oulx true atteccaa la coo-
Thit to tba Um* louaa Booky Hoastaia Tea.
Earpa you wail all (be
. Oioai blood Ufetaeewcr. 85
A numbee of psopla have htm of
lata dumpias ibair nfue on tbe old
,sted on Uie wwrtt
grouada ■aor
tba uaylui
fceods*iverr di-llehti>l. lliey laasruet«t of Uw city. Tbla
their snleemrti atsl
». aod aUad^ dm
Rabies,' i
It to ererj besatatio;: rsi.
iwtomer. And tfMiAld ta Mkea P
t^oa (be Untr snceeMled
sncceeded. I
____ ^
--- - ------liMMlJ-SOtaa*
Ustsd tlito HU
Wdrtitt & Goans
rtE r. r. IAWTOH. <N&i« owr Oty BpM
£?s.kV,’„r™' -SiSE
w Uwisr >
I sard to paangeway to alley on tbr U» oBd tWrt *vn«u.
north aide of Front strarc
Tbr mayar appointed Aid. Hi
ton ai 'aarb commltlre.
Uov-ed by Aid. Round that tbr CouiR
cll adjourn
fuss. M. Horn.. tTly ITri
puui m
StTfllgbt Talk «Bd to tbe Poim-Tbe
Viriaes of Dr. A.W. Qitfe'sNerre
niu Toid IB t lew Words by Oae
Wbo Knows.
ta r.-f.
stn-ris and walks lo report al m-xt
wrelias of the <>oiidi il
Itr. G. J. Radaker. a
well a__
dTb oi.lifiBUi-.' lu aUH-tid ttoilloB iff ttoeetera.
known, of No- S13 Loenst stre-t. Blit
of sn ordlBB.- cBtltled “AB ONIKapids. Hleb . says: ”I.aal (pring 1
nance DralRuallne a Market for tbr
was feelioK iwwly. oervoua aod
sale of Hay. Blrau . Wood, prodner. and
Bealng Dr
A. W. Clu
l.lkr Con
and Rtnck, and to
Narva PilU adv.-rtiard and
I'rbvlde for a
o blgbly by reai.uulble peo-l-h.M... BrllCA. nil*.
Or.foiartl bp Ikf <’<>«ncil of;,
er (b<- sute. 1 concluded to
>cslsstreet* by the rlly.
Rale of Hay.
la rrtcard lo tbr teleribodr aad trh
Rirsv. Wool and l.lkr Commodlilra.
ph i-nispiDir*. thr risbt
e’.s for tbr purpose of constructlut
il l< bv-n-ljt' amended t
ind I
- •
be permitted to lake a sborter couiaa
. tbr aulute
“Oh. yea." ivplh-d tbe jweiddeut. “but
ilborUins thr formslloo of surb
that deiwuda upon What you waul to
auliirvl to tbe roudnicn
BBkoufyouraeir. Wbeu Hod wauls to
Biaka an (lak. be .Ukes 'a hundred
with othrr publ
yeara. but when be'wanu to wake
Btreeta and blsbwiya.
•quash ba takes si:
Our supreme rourt baa brid that
nadrr tbe aUlute autbortoug the formallon of (bear compaulei. Ibe sole autborltr of the muairlpAllty is tbr prop
"Ifaablp" began tbe c
er rxarclae of the police power. luA
led beard. “Is lOU leet lot« brreat In it. to protect tbr public from
le roae tlnti
and 40 feet wide and Us luaaia are tuo
ry ohatrucilons,
:rucllons, loroureol
feet blsb and tba bo'sUn to bowleggeil. rnce* and dsnsera, aad to determine
where and In shat manner tbe comprbat does tfai capsun weisbr'
Tt wMcha (!>• aueborr' bootaelx
Ires BO as to aecompllab (bla nwull.
•booted tbe audience as It gtabbed tba
Whatever la done by tbe Coueril
benches to prevent Uaelf rtolus cu
reqolrins tbe rSmataJ of polri muit
maase and dotns rtolefice to tbe tbew
piaua.—ItoltlDtore Atuericau.
••oonrll. whboot doubt, baa
tty to problbll tbeerertleo aad maleteo' of poles In plaraa and in a maaTbe type of boraesboe coaunou In tbe
wblrb ahall injnre or lueonrebl
fWttt Is a plate titled so as to cover enre the public, and in some rosea pnbtbe enure bottom of tbe hoof, wltb a lie DMoaalty misbt ta such that they
perforatloo In tbe center. Tbe weight would ta iutllfie^ In rt^olrina (be
of tbe average boracaboa It three- wires to be placed under smund. No
foo^ of a pound. Tbe uaUve smltba secfiTuI rule can be laid down as (o
Bsually cat tbeae plates from tbeets of vbst facts «m roDsUtutc such a pub
wtouEbt IroD and rudely shape ibcn ic narvislty as will warrant requir
ing (be poles to ta removed, aa each
tor tbe pun«ae Hi view.
r must necMiarlly depend upon
own perullar facts and etrramTat Tal.
*Tbe word ‘reviver’ spells (be aama
In regard
tack-w ard or forward."
from Union
It was tbe frivolous man wbo spoke.
to delemine in the eserciab of a
•Can you think of atlRberr
fair and reasonable dlacratlon. whether
Tba serious man icowlcd up fron
r of tba street iaproratsent
to newsiwiwr.
listed, public necessity requires
-Tut tutr be fried
the polaa t<
to bl
. _
ta rumoTrd.
Tb« coonrll
•ouM not be jnaUfled la aetlng
Aod tbry rode oo to sUesce.
ind arbitrarily In tbe i
lor paving of
mb line of 1
nab. tax A-Co.-a Fifth F
I by Ibe Iward of aperlal as
• C.. sari « iMfs
. E. W. H1STM6S & SM
Moved by Aldrrman Oillett that tbe
report he rrceivrtl and adopted.
r aaoemmeni roll for Ibe opacUl
. Aiid I t
Veaa-Aldermen Sleder. Glllea CUBaeir>!nc fuuud ibal nibblug delloalp itosbam. Round, fiarrlsob aad Coeb- aaa.«amco( for the parlns Of Profit
street from tbr east line of fnlon
persous Kith warm oIl>e oil Is an ex
cellent tonic. U 1 bad tbe ebarse of a
puig;. slckl.e l>Abx. 1 sbould feel Inclin
TaavrasL CJtt. MlcJi_
ed to slvc II oil liatbs Instead of wairr
Uar^ 1ft. IM*.
W l(llSk«a.»Vaa» lUaiUw
fool ioi.'^tirmdw
Houses to Rent -and Money to l.x)an on Iniproved City
reoperty. >
GeDtlemen—Id rrsard
quratinn of competllag t
all leirsraph. telepboae.
Oakm aod Kiat
ad taa ta booght rtgfaL
fli fast oocMT Oaaa aod Utato. large
raawt iMca. oil dwoUing ami tain.
1 walqrad aad in floe’ cmadlilaa
Mored by Aid. HlUen-tbat tbe pedreoed.
It waa too tow tp get asx
mere, ao 1 Jbm added to K a bottle of
TMet toUet water. Ft waa Ibe same
•mat. amall dwelll(«.
M. ReMguttloB of 0«e. H. ONcol aa
color, and It bad tbe aame smcIL and
aideraaa of tbe Po rtb arard was pre- BBoa OB aa
was Ian
I baaw oobodx would notice tbe difitafl ata raaa.
_________ llrKM iBto nro rood 80 aoM
•rtit. weU tmmi. a
ference. Baan't It goodr-WaaUiigfarms wltb boUdita* all la ana 8A
for your moary.
ThU ta kaowB aa tba Jao Blown
I aod bid. WrbMat
tsnn. If }WO want a flna, prodocUve
plaea bare u yuox eboBoa.
the Board of Water
Fatatar atreet. aaiai1 dwatnug.
...____ Urm la Blngfasm townnoiy $1100. 68 foot lotyAlA^
Moved by
Gil.ett that tbe teals ship. Laalaoan ,oooaty, P^oo ^16.
«tb Btmwood arenne. 10 rty
town », innge 11
uaUen be accepted.
a, with good bon. all Id go<
- ' under good oaiiivaunn. Deary ecmdlBna and a big targatn fe^ a:
Prams haosa with st«me boaaRRPOltT OF OmCERR.
laiga bats, ax'tk ether good
TaavcM Cirr. Mich..
tatidioip. Saeiua<wnho(d.l8 mmSow. Madtooo'sowt.
Marcb 10 im
wUb fruit mat and good gsrdao.
> fkr fftmortiMr. tkr ifopor oad Ctry
Tills eon ta beogfat ob easy terms fa
(»«ariJ of rrorrrae CVy. Jftok ____ take flt.SnO eaafi.
AUial tea
gokl. Tbe upper bandies of tbr rvllera
> tbe as
mllaafresatbecit^--— ,
•re of carrrd wood and (be lower of
It of peraooal u ■ asaluM lAo
Irory. with slln-r bella on tbe rollers.
80 acne, good land with fla^attvu i
1 reapectfully rrwtlSBUon 1
Tbe Jrwiab Torab. or the tow. Is con^
Na 638 WeatlWb Bulatga house, lot
aidcred i>x M>e (leoplc of this nee tbe port as follows
of Havfleld.
Baotm 86. town *6. yj foot
frouv ewy wymMiL flf.lMk
FruD) tbe aaseamrut roll and state _____ _________ _
most Inipurtant and sacred portion of
amll olo.
eat on Ble In tbe office ot tbr city buildings, bat's borgulu at
tba Kcriplurcs. In order Hut tt max
mall bouse.
Only |50a 78
8 foot
rrk It appMra tbat atld lasea were
be kept alUr In Uie mlmto of tbe peo
1Mb attvwt, west, small dwelliag.
upon certain real route roort
Also lUc following in I____
ple It Is diHiled Ihin as manx 'parimaj montfaly paymMta. flS-'lO.
■ l|i: ^(tou
Bceltou 31.
Many fttbm oo^ra^ moetbly paycopes- as tberv an- Sablalba In tbe
araat, ae', of ne*.
jear. an tliat wltbln a tweleemontb
, of i», of nw
pirta ef tba dry. Two on Waal
tbe entire book will .hare lieeg read
Sira for any oua jac waII of II?
•mec veay daaumbU (or nioa
A manuwrrtpt
cupy to naed. ataie of ludlMtA Tbla talas (be cose,
- _o6 143-Rl sad M Uak
baeUts been peepared bx a itrofraalenat under tbe rrceui derislooa of out
» aad 10 acre iMs cm tba stale rood
too foot. BoM Stb atraat. Iota
scribe on parchment made of tlie skto preme court. Mr. Soloaoa could
tlnudlk,, bloek 8. BayMda Hake
of a clean autmal-tbat ta wie the 0Mb lie aaseatefi for tbe amaoBt of mortany ot Ibem.
sassa which be owned upon preperix
Of which uiax be ealca
tn tbla couoiy. Tba aaaiMBuut was.
herafore. uaautbonsad aad 1a Invalid
Is tt'cU kuoa n Hist Ibe akin li a md i would recomiarod that tbi
I be -rt
great abaoebeut. and nutrition eeoo
MO be courej-ed tbroegh Its agency."
Or«. H.’Caoas.
Brn-sii Ka|>ll>l Sunday b.-Iu-<.| of Ausustn. fin.. Is rcsponallile for • new Aw
•hiiTVli liiusle. saxs tbe New •on that sucb liny Is-liiKi. i«rtlcularlx
If Ibex are lodly imurtsbrtl. kbontd pot
(tarouch'hls efforts tbe inooVatlen baa have Ibv ualuni oil of tbe Isaly contUually wasbed away."
been •■uiliietnir so<i-rasfuL
“Ur. leK-khart obtained bla Idea trolB
"Tbe lluroimasler.'’ wbleli rccealix
Jle wsi In tbe i«rhr of a Rl. t^mli
apjs-BH-rt In .(usnsts lie l..-«ml “Tbe
Tale of the K<ini:aruo“ uhlsllad. and ccsldeocr wblle bis fiancee « as playlus
wben the ouillencr Jnlix-d In Ha- cbnrua a Cbi>t>In K>uala vu tbe ptoiKi. Her
stnn-k him o-. U-lns ao jDoUit-r waa Mated alnifst o|>|K«lie tier
UDhitte Hull be at oiHf dei-lded to pot It
In U*e til bU cU-»f. Ur. levkbart Ulk- or wHKMluulty pn-w-uU-d
cd Ibe ctuH.-r n.er wltb Hie Iter. J. II. •aid:
-Uon'e rou tblnk Hdua bas a sreat
Olin-r. tuklnr of the ehiirt-h. Slid It was
•ar fur mualcT*
dn-lded tn trx tbe plan Hw f-ill.rwtns
“I wrtalnly do." replied Ibe youus
Sunday. Ttw Snirdar selK»l uumlwra
aam “it you'd Mretrfa • few atiias>
■crosa. It would make a lovely gtOlek-kbnrt bad planned
tar“wbtsilins uiusU- the PK-n-lMW were
Hut be never flulsbvd bl* scblence.—
openrd l<x a alnrt talk on tbe aacredKew Y.ok llmlA
•>r nil iiiehHlx Slid liarumiix aod of
tbe praise that could
rendered to
Curl In evrrv f.imi nf miulr. Ur. Ix»-kbart Iben told the implto-that Ibex dent of uborllu collcse .If be could aot
Johii nnhiMyt.-ii. tbe outh-w ot
thaa a xear aricr the aauuli »n Sum••Hcleb a |l:it.|p»." said 1o 111* l-ul.ll.b• intrH wiis aU.ul reodx
la tbr t
ills CPU.H
Is-Hlc Ibe
to ap|s-;ir: “If yen "t.i.i m sate tbe
•aoator from K:
liars>-d 111
«le»il ef ,-nb .-rl i-dtis Jnst
•eaator from Indiana •met- «b-<-lnn-d
kite tin- :«• o-l-n-s ef thi> lobik alnl
that eirrx aoUlcr In ibc Vnlui. aru>x
rU intnninuo- to dbiirlhute them ist
•bmid be branded ”1' am Uncoln s that tt. ll luive a Mieor-a vltb-int a
flaS.” Voorliees nee to r>i<l.t, «bite
of ;-JtarH>tns U-tne
. with passion. Heasidibsitlieocualiw
... |•l<IOI«l>.-^.alltth-ryl(HlftOM KaasBS bad rek.d upon ..M cam- •nU» t.-.k .Mr llohls-rtmi at hlaaurtl.
palfsi ebsree that bad . l■'ciI nn-il
•cMa*l btm la liMlians and lonrt slm-e All till- ■u>|s<i:,i,l I—
. aspioded. It ns known to all tbeirro- \ nit.sl sioi.-s. aixrfouud run lu;- name
of the bend of Ibe d<ieirttiM>nt <tf fii-plaef ladlanatadusn h-bu wt-reevoen.b store. \..u , H„. beads of
k d*t«rl«u-uts are all beo>U lii
nnant eaoosb wltb the f:u-v> l-i tell
llrt-ti-m -r iiiitout-*|.n first e«l|.
_ the atorx that be bad refcrt-inv hi ccrUuDS -Uial K w
wttb tlie acttlKwVslsnalain aples lb tbe arnix. Tbis (be
li:re oi.m
lb- i/itpriul.
Th.-n- la
tor from Kansas well kwn-. and la
•tatlns the rase as be did be had tnid
BBT. Bcaater Conklins onre aahL -I ^
apart Iba ralea of tbe seoale Ino nincb
to rteUts them.'bat 1 dy-bte
tba aenatar fron UlaidaaippI w.mid rv.
pATthat basuase to u
•B>X." mia atar. “wbeo I t
Adiaunad lacular maatlng of Otty
pouMll bald IB CdCbHI rooM V
10. im.
CalM 10 aadar by J. W. Pdtabla..
mayar. fa tbs cbalr.
.-reteut—Aidermta SMm. QUle«.
Chaalagbaw. Baota. Odrrtooa at
CbeUla. and J. «. Pattato: mayor.
m. Itaiaaa ot P. GardMC to repMr
store bulldlBg .aa Foiaa Mraet waa prw
na trial, and got a box
1- til.- good .-ffecto In a very
lid not.abort time, and imtv look sl«ut three
quarter* of . tbe box till my ii«rv.«*neaa diiajqiaared. They tooed up my
•r*t.-a and i am eojpylng ' belter
____ ________
thao IIiave
M>m. Umi-. To
my 1 andorae. tba (wrpacatioii mildlf
•xpraaaes whal I think of it,"
Dr. A W. Obaae's Nerve Pills are
dd atWcaboxat dMien or Dr.
li |>'iformr<l. Ihr folbiwlng
fee*., V it:
For wrtghliis any toad of hay. atyaw.
prodnee. and otter
like commodUy
turn of
bock the
mUc>«tB<lssli« .gUvr taytta
•mpty cart, wagn^ or Bled lh<
rtta Md
■Isfaing any boraes
truuTby. IV
«l raliir, rbeep or fae«9. Ihr
i . *. >:^i .j-.-iry St
A cent* per bead, provided tbi
tl> w
or bogs loaded In anr ran. wagon, or
Hgbe aball be ebargad
for at the rale hrrinbefbrr provided
d for
welshing loads of hay. siraw, or other
Use artlc
bay. straw, pnrducr or othrr eond.prrpnoiad
aodliy u( likr rbarartrr nsually sold
vw. i-i-Ksiad.1. dairy
by wrisbi and stork wheB-broughi u^
i thr public market shall be wi ' '
tbr publlr sralet.
It shall ta thi
V of said weic:
welchmaster or hi* deputy lo be lo aUandBssM^RAH'R
bis offler (i
- o'clock in
morulns until 6 o'clock lo Ibr ereatagMU
arviou asrm ur TBsraiM
! earh aecular day.
ton Zy'
S, This
I aia oraini
ovdlnancr than take
Moved bg Aid. Glllru that (be amendlent ta adopted. '
. .
liillett. •mrtA (WWwy pnrr for c
oughey. Cunnlnsbim. Round. Csrriin and Cochlln
A dmightful reliab for mlsda. slioad
tomatoea, manta, flab. etc. it poa(06. Hriulrm. Rj- the Common Coun
racy flat
aad never
■met (ueld. lUv ta used as
nty that
tbe ape< for mayoonaiae ^ming.
dal - aaaeaaoitut
taeprise Oroearv.
by the Boart of Asaeaaora for tbe purpose of defraying (bat part of tbe com
which the Council derided sbould ta
TrmTMss City os (•
paid ■ind borne
for tbe ..................................
gradiBc and [
_ of From
Ftal Wayor. * M a a>
Mreei from tbe out line of V
Whara you can,
street te tbe eon line ef Park street
rtsaoe.LoaWrtUr.Sl. taato liflnaaa
be placed on flie in tbe office of Ibc
Per^OTM^BsaMs. Kstaaaaas md Cltota<
HoIUad Hming.,
etty clerk.
Mesoircd, Farther, tbat tbe t7tb day
FMpMt^sy. llw!biiiaw(.lsy
awdOMTClvy and
aad tbs asefft./
Ghwtoe TaWe Syrup, gnl.... ,*l
of Marota. ISWS. at 7:30 o’clock. P. m,
m.. 1*1. SL
Jaxon, Santa CUus and Iatvox
time when
Uw sfTtv* SA
u *rBvse«»aiy
ffismss CUy •(
at *«nm_
. ..
Satp. b".............................................. (
the Com
mnctl and BoaN of .
sadTsaa V.
New Orleans Gramiiated Sugar
will meet and review aald aa
Nr. Carver of tbe Board of Public
-light, lb........................................... 1
'orfcs made a verbal report ta re
Cemou and White Swan Flour
gard to Iba bin of C- O. Carver-tta
-«y clerfc'and tbo Ume of
T A.
laking pUu for tbr Oty Bagtaaer's
TravaadOWilnca of tbe CounHI aad Bernd
Coenpanj 's ‘'B«" Flour............. SSc
a* above provided,'be
Standani Tomatoa.......................... 10c
given by p
ration for two weeka le
tae Tin: Il*n.T EwiLi and Bvenins •Buckwheat, 10 lb. Sack .. ..«c
Record, newspaper* of aald city, as re
Good Prurte*. U).................................. 5c
Yms — AlderoKO. Sleder. GiUeU. quired by SecUon 10 of Title XIX
•XX.VX Coffee..........................................I2c
Dongbey. Cnuattabaa. .Raasd aad Ibe rbanrr of ssM city.
Sour Pkkl«. per d0(...................... fie
Hovv4 by Aid Rlearr that tbtTe
3V*im taw Tisravsv Clly a* t*llawi:|
6 lU ]ikg. Oats and Dish............. S5c
Alderman OarrtooB exeaBad ti
lutlon be adopted.
Par Oraad RsiSds. Mntt. TMMn ClIIMI
S Crown Raisms.................................. 8c
Good jap. Tea. lb.... 80 and 35e
Tbe bill df O-ond-Ttui
Choice Ja|xTea,lb...40aiKl5Uc
rounty. for atata and county tax re clerk be antboriaed
loriaed to print and
sad p
.Pnmperity W'ashiag Powder—
funded os account of
MticM notifrins pedple brlngtag tn
B . ilMs ■ .
of pernoasl property ot Samoel One prodnea and Ube commodlilaa. that the
rtwBkla|dd> aad gslba*a«, Tnm. IS#.
land aad J.
Martiaek. was piiaantad
and read.
PurCtartavatxaad Piltaij. Iffip-u. d*'
Morad bx Aid. Btoder tbat tba msxor
■ thadtyaBorwy.
^ppalat « caoebtee a< oo* In oanfM
with Hr. inaiiw oofl Mba» im
: SKts'i
8 bars Swift's Pride Soap........16c
' j
Tbr »M Mr M T«T rtin.
hM^ (tat onallr ntar il>r koim*v
•mUm er k*d a« aorrd (<■( full tn
«lMt«L Kk rr«
■ MDi-»tat wtn «i»f la tta
bncWl r»<) ata ntU fn^ larnlu car|iH. irbr rtasrc Ota tall
«tal «ai lo tar mlsd. «ta pmtaUr
votad tarr n>tdM tntllr itai i
ata«( llmr tbuar rarp>4 Mrl|<«
and fiat don. Wiul irltb Ita
tftatita !■ «9d «•( alMl •Kilns n/uii-L
a^Btrr «ai tardn- ttaa
Bm «1k1) tta tiutrUae «lod nv- ftvali Uaat si>d Ita rtial In tta lioan
tartar npmtrml up
an aa^uHiiis
SlovalirMirtail loward tta Bi<i«Ilu buiu;
wlndova. aad oar inlcbt batr Uwusbt
itat ata «ai harliif a Imtr •trucvlr
total *ISa <« tar rlialr. Tta oVI maa.
omokltil l.r tta alurr. Kiuknl al lirr
fartlarir rrrrr oorr ta aa lillr. Sow.
vbMi a Mnjwrr tdaat abonk tta tai^.
ta patM rkarr tIA- Uai-k allk niulBta
aadrr lib n«( roHar and Inrtad lu bU
“If* a cold Bisbt fur Nr* Yrafa
mottat. 1 Btad n «aa alnuml a* liad
vbre Jabanj was tnarrta|'’•>
Bta did tal ataurr or rraa look at
hta. tat a Uflilmlaf «r ita Il|> itawad that oh* bod taanl
Tbr oM miB li*a tanuil Ita ilnam
riCHb ■nd VBI allnii for tta tlni*.
Ttarr vai aomrtblas unu.usl lii nj.aa.
rfa mood, tat ta dl.l m.l ino» for
' tala whkrb trar tta *Icb> |»laita
“»r» Traf* als<<( d.i l» l.w»omrr
Itaa BBT oltar BisM.* ta <}>nilniint
laotBUi^, “wftb BO <'t<ltilnii aad
fottaffoUatoarrttaoIdjmr.Kil I
ta» Jtanar'a tar ibr nttar dat--Ttaa tta old ladr ►- BUS ruu.1.1 in brr
• ^•jt- ap tafdBBd l,0l.-k ttal obr Jos
tta laiBp at tar . Itaa. aad tta Ilttte frlatia eo tar aUfc 'roilrt^l.l.T«l
•k««rraha»l trraibtat.
Johanr'a tar. indrrd: Aixlrunaair
or ipoorar. Aad wIioim: r«utl t. U
J« jatw, ifaai Jobaar a tar Ub I Ih-it.
Ibln*. Tbat-a bowJbor .ano- in«,
*^rtl, OKMbiT. 1b<-r alTiira hvB
good XIH* l» B>* and arr inml tau*r-,
brriirr* Do«. of.rounM- lfa<r>-'* nx-ei
Itat aur ta lH*ltrr to our war "ftlilnklB«" Tta old wan iirirr aabl -yourvbra maklnsanaluurUun wlil.-li inuib-
at*. Mb Krw Toar^*' ta «»■
•wmd. ’’aad tbM»b
yoaicrr ihaa a> wta w*«T br tar* ta
MW Ita am agv roar la.
war roa rod
'W>r wMk or itwMMnMi at laaM. la
tta orptaa aarttM. ItwatadtadoBv
a tot or tooTHbr Jaaipta rasad to brr sni agala.
but whalrTM’ vaa la brr alad to aaawrr ua« not laM. tar tbrra was a
kno>a at tta doer.
->I*r.r altrrr ata aald. aad "(tor.
but It's btowtacr raoM tntw wtlboui.
It was Tooator Mallaar wu a dm*
from bis rldwt atatrr. Tbr riUUn«
wta lltRl arroM tta rirrr uotdd acd ta
lakru Ihmw la tbU bUsard. Word had
’l•rr(> unit to Ita par'«l> ><r Irtofitaar.
Tta UultoBra roM lakr .an- of Ibnw
unlr siris. bat ttarr wrt* mu- of tta
-buy wboo. Itar would llkr lo wM
rr to Ita UoralhaBs If It wooU aol
ta tou iutM-brn>Bt4.'. tanirbow Ita old
iBigbt faavr Ibuucbt ta would.
BiottaT." ta Md. -ru
Just Si> Uirr aad talp Toauar Iwlas tb*
rbUdnw. "Twa ta Ukr iiM ttaww"—
A lasar rxpmattua Ibat audr tar
tarrt Wl a>Ml tar haada tntuUr had
arUrd u|«n Ita old tody. Bta art ito
laiup III Ita window aa a caldr nod
ktralord tar ryiw to arr lota (be bowlwlitoni tbal abat off
Ita alsU «r Itrr* Ib Italr awa sardra.
Aftrr aTuaij^Aflrra islBatra ibr eiaaip.
- frrt lubi tbal
Tta oM mail
ililiiB aluMit snlaramuDd tbr tomar
alt.r llilMsa Tcuaiar UaUrny tald
ball Ibwr opm fur Ibrrr Unto bpyA
ltoii ta aald BoiuHblBS alwul ttol
waiilliic lo tfark «
and tanlatad.
for tta <M I
No- was baAlnsai
bo blloknl at brr. Mhitlrd by
birknraa wttbuDt and tta nlddm clarr
•r llsbl wUblii. Tbrti lb* blsKTM oor
liiillirl nS bis .-ap.
-tiaiipy Srw Yrar.
mis »Bt. and t-rra aa ta did au br was
IS to I
<i ••ap. no.1 tVoaln Kb-falr. too. and
nil bnoi'slit know njokto* and randy
fr.uu Ita iwrly f.w you. Mr. I .-oiild
ur.lly walk, an.) sn>i»l|>a bad lo
III tarry
lUibli'. and ToDJtuy MbUrny bH|>rd
JIniiuT. Hut rm gtad II anowrd. Uamalway* mIJ I .ouldn'l muir tu are
nnill 1 WB* aa Me and as sood aa
l»l«i..bul now 1 KUTka wr Jual had lo
■tomr tafier wr were tils." •
Tiia i4.1 wnman'k trmiMli« band*
Brrr tlirtilliE down bla rewt tWlUr.
•T«* at tta rwri* of biBi." Bbr laorrniirrd, liendliic over lilm himgrllr—
"Jiiat llkr aohnaj-a! Ifa ibl* tong lime
l-v.- wanlrd lo frr! ibrtn. Idem blmr
.kn.l ata kU*rd Jubimy* tmy asalo and
lu, pumn
IVtan tbr old wan rai
and ■iw>w wbitrned. *ta
d Ita twi
llltlr Mluw* OB brr lap. awl Jobnoyi
In.y toanrd acalml bm frodins Iwr
Mira uf Ilia rdbky.
Tta. .dd man cbm-klrd aoniy. ~I
tbonsbl it would Utne brrVotmdr
ttan uloud.-<5VrU. molUrr. I curat we
won't hate to toare rvrrylblac M Ita
"Wliiit .. tbair nbraakedabarply.
•T was Joai tblakinc we oaebt to
hatr a djv In tin- boy*" ntorn for tbe
Ulllr lad.ltoa.''
■■mart. <
Mia «r awe or (boaa «Mek loaeb
loa^ wttk pale 'tlku Bke
________■ that abeoad la PbUadalph
Owe e( them mid to tta ether: -la
Ttat* arr a nsmber of Amertowa wa
ne* atowad wboae Y.aaband« ate la
fcltetae aamewtare nader
rw«Bd. and they bwM that ta baa M
JkXadtortow ever the pmtlm aad ttat
ibry are amred )aat the aamc whether
aliccelbrr mlatafctm
te amdr a Btudy
ibla mai
Tbe waller tare baa l
lewaa with whtofa
lata. 6nr toae
e to fte Ita paimu wl
Opa. tta Ml r fur bin. wbo decwB'
.Sow. walrb a mlnate." Tbe waiter I
ao enUaarr
atraa«v fatoetta
called (bat of tbe aiaa wbo bad bm
'-Vetpaml" mid be to bto
. "I tip and tbooe altar frttowi doa’L" A mometil iaier be added
wirew Before tbal f
rarely manled AmeeVaaa. aad i bra U
was for lore ouJr- Tbr foUuwiac Me
ry aamua a <«ae la |wl^l:
A full tuouB Bbuue un a Brid Bear
Deella. A yoaac man Ib ita uaiform
of a llcuiepant of aniltory la Ibr rrmaian anay wat aUndlBc In tbe absduw
of a tree. walUnc. A cwrTUsr alopped
In tta rmd. from wbtrfa allclaied two
wumni. I Hie tab) back. YYi.- oltar
rent uu till abe <wBe face lu fi:.* wllb
fee Ban.
-Wbai aUardliy to ibl*.-’MaHon?
Cuuld you not hare w>.'4 me wuai I
have Baked Inatcad uf laalsui.c uu drllterlBc It yourwHf Id tbla ndicul^
•Vunm.” aalddbc woman, “.ua rankH rii.r<-t t.. ptoj- your own game
bet rx iwu or three lUtlr ibunka of .rltb an .luirriran cirl. wirh-xil jaylns
tad.' Ob. jew: It tai)* lu Up iB them tta 1-U4IIT. tou tuusbl tuc. Bui I yon.
piacm at well aa It due* aoywberer- and uttered bm- yuur lute aiel yuar
PblladrlphU Kerurd.
I'liidlns rS-: y-uir aiul.iUc.n*
artauws misbt ta belter isTied by narrylni: an>i(ber, yuu aak fur y.xir te
les se I laveliruiichl with tuc In wrilllal yuu cau dewire, a rvb-aae.
. .. .stlus .vuu fnin any t.Uiuc wbat.
company owinc to hi# nir
■^ver. Mm leli me. count, y.m
ta apidtod fur a peuakm. but Ita coto- uillilary .-ud.- .*>m|w-U jr.u !<■ asbt wjib
pany turned a ttoaf ear lo blm. Acnra at ibe aagbleai prmwwll.m. taw
twedlticly taarrayed blntarlf.lu lallrrrd
-au jou .-tiMs-i lu Ink.- u|> noil <-ai
clatbeu aad. armed wlib a bnauu. trl
•ylde a wutuan wiibnat talus called i
urk awreplnc a rroaalne lu Lead- k<-cuuDIi~
rebtll ttrert lo froot of ibe KaH India
e. InuneeUatrlr all lenduu waa
- duty to
wllb Ibt lalclUcrcHW ibat ao old fauill.i. TU tta klale. Tlieee |■ul^ta*
>rr inadr In a different nsy.
I compaar wbu had (utod vrrr l■r■•k•l>e Ita rilstrtws all tlii*
lOO.ODO lowpto and rerried la a patai-e
l.askml fur Ita retoass as.iP-si inv iaBOW redoced in Ibr eienlBC uf bit
to tta nrcraalty of ewnluc bit l•ol me off fruuJ lui.ntlr' tu niumh i
bread by aweei.lns tbe atrrria 1'be' at tost aplioiiil u tnctlnc U-ru
r wai IbBuderainK-k an^ Implored tn>»nllshl lo.jnul auy n--i>u-T
BaodsrwM lu Ukr blniw-lf aiMl bU
H Ami-rtotiis *0 teaixt.t,.-"
broom away. Ttdt br did wtao tbe
"1‘ar.lMi tiir ■-.■util, r.r lUi- ■l.-tot
rompaar sate blai bla (wotloo
delay, w btoh las Is-.-n, ne«xe.s,-ir« In
d«T lo a'-eeito lu yuur Ceniian .-ii-Ou
Tbe relta aad Orrrw.
rxTb.T. tiai ixir .tnn-rMn i»r«W.
Tbe early ♦v‘lia w-orabli-*} ibr dawn tiay lunimiilxe wlib tIiuiil Yunr in-jt
and Ita nuHae. Il It loorr than prvbauf me 1 om-M.-f an In-uli
blea tbrreforr. ibat Italr llkloc fur tta
an.r it to ita t ........... lu L-l>- <ailscreen whl-b we are in tbeto flaca. favlioii for Ituulls.
llaLjiiu.sio innle
-a. etr_ atuee frum a tnUuke
relamefe lo Hgbl for me: It to lexswui-r
>C Ibaw wbo bad luat a tboroiisb llHt I lielit fur niTM-ir
You w.nild
knowtodee of Ibe iriab tancuace- Tbr tarOly expect me. o.ubi.-tu fen.*- will,
aun la CHik- I* called by a wved pro- yuu wilboul iralBliie. The mm- (ws-usl
Boumwd exactly like our wunl "cr**•lort- you maito your nxpi.-i tuis lieen
aud 11 to likely ibai tta Irtob foudDcm ■pent lo toaniliig tour |.. lamito n
for ibkt coku- iroae tbroocb Ibe atrfk-- xwurd."
luc alBillaiiiy of tbe Iwo worda. I
-xirrat br-avena. M.irkm. ntoit ran
Ita mme way, wtao we Ulk abuul
tiembouae we Iblak Itaj- are ku call.
'1 will klion- you."
il|pMlpi|r«to-"Wiilhi aw>.. Y-ii b
probable tbal ita wurd to dcrlred fttuii
(be oU Celtic word fur suu. bcause
Crerabuiiact are ao bulli at to ratcb Ibe
raya tad brat of Ibr auu aud slot*
them far fBlare uae.
lie rntoed tta cartaiae p-uily no.
aad peend out.
"Jast look. BMtbrr: IVhit t hUssard
K baa sol to bfe all at eare! Now.
e emphe. HI* wife. Ibungh ber
logp with blm at (lr*i manlr.1 bla
Pcemrt*. heeamc of gmi aerrleo
tu blm after hto reatonlloa to favor
EVAX M'ALI.>.“reU.
Tweted aewreb f
« of grain* are few wbra
pany, aad all Uie . blUrra arr ftfli
tbwu. t MB ace tbHr litito taeda bobhtaf up aad down where ib.- t-artnii> .
A brated argnmem t* rae of tta
I BbOBlda't wiuider if JeUni
thing* tta wise man qulrfcly drops.
b^ wsa there too."
Only a fnol maa b»Uer*u ttat a
Th* aid ^ady dkl not answer. Mbe
rumaa beHese* ererylUog be letto
kaew rery wrti that Jotamiy'* two
bepu aad Klctato't ooe were tbnr. aud
Tta gas bill may be a l|gbi a*
ta* bad been Itoteutar all erraliic.
with tar heart la brr month, to tta Oau. bat getting H reedpted to a bcu'
'Muada of wild weather.
*1 douT kaew. mottar." tta old man
wt on after ta wax comfortably aralad aacr moe*. "b« we aught tu luake
a drtcDd tta weurlaff of car-
fttndy eym at* atwwy* a atga «r M»tartty aad baaer. esrept wtaw (be bmd
to aHgbrty Uited bark and tta ey*a
tbnatfi halfcitord Itda. Then tta pan.
aeaam dom bm trnw dm to ta to be
tiumud. ^IfBacJeyea betray a treaeb
able, dreettfal. retttom aad dtocuaMKad. Clear cyra are a atsa of gaod
aUtDttoa- Ptewa^y ptemma II ...
baattb bare rompantlrrty tWr eyea.
but CTcn in (bear caarw they bare e(ttar creuc rwrupentirr power* er Ibry
Wtan fully wrought npon. Ixmg ey«
belutic lu more tmetto len)|iermmrat*
ttan niuud eyew. They pns-lalBi amre
dreamy nature*, more raoiraied. lera
nxplrlng. iluund evr* sto.w aruMtloa.
They are M^uKXime. touiMl with umulsUkahle siEuw of aa antsile lutiur.
b to an ludli-atleti uf a rare enmM
-uatiuu uf a seusF uf imsloes- and a
low for art. Ueep art eje* sbuw
tbougblfullM-Bs anil kwl.-. Kyes tbal
■••etu tu stand uut from tta fsw ato.w
■ore Ilf acUou.
Bowwa to t*e • UH.'Ttaf* wa* iito-r lu rasl. . . ................
a iudge well .i-rard In Ita tow, bat raUrely *r:r islu-aled. wbu lad Ibl* same
obaUi-.e III urtliui.-rwldit l- cuulrtid
wllb all 111* days . In rarl,. life lie lad
llred In Kimx. ille aud fur a ‘Viug time
Insisted upun spelling tta name Nui.
vlH*. Ills riietids at last educminj blm
Bp to tbe |s.iui of aildUiB (be K Mo
tboruus&Iy. in fa.n. did ta learn iLto
leiuiin tUal when ^ few years afiiT
ward lie reiiu.ied t.. Nasb.llle leitlilng
cobM (ito-teut bhiL from s|>-lhns tta
After a few yi-nrs' reslitoto*- Ito-ee
tta Judge mmtol assln, Ihto time i«
Murfreeslnrw Ooe day be sal’ditbii lu
toller fr.uu Ihto iilaee.
Ue •crai.-lesl I. is brad In |s-r|ileiltv a
ally ex.i-lMto.1 -tVelL
ril give II
How III Ito- w.irM run
ttay s|iell Ita lutur ••
place with
Whew fe-lalahed.
Ilusy tswsiiiis. fiirixsl III ilerv-ml ibeinaelve* fniui Inlrnulialde talker* whn
bate lilll.;lu soy. ..in sHUxs-iaie a hint
to whi.-h Henry IV ..f I'nme oh.-e reirie.1. .( |uiiluiu.ei.jary ilepuly .wiled
|s.ii tiiiu uikI Ua.b- a k>og'.H]eas-fa.
The klim l.alrard lalh-iiay tvr s
nw. itoxi he dn-lded that bto tltoiur
Wuukl do well lu .wiHl.-nx- bis ntiurka
lie lo-.k him hy ifae band and le<l blm
l"t M totr He-y .sHlU s«e ibe gallery of
Ibe lAdiue.
Tsstoi^ to VsJ.s aad Yoial Muse
E, W. HiSTOS A ^ ^
noc lUeilDAIIMF ^
'"'l atom'
m. B. Rungtrlord
o; r». carveiw
Contractors Builder piR£ INSURANCE
wswto l»4-tsiwish.^ itdearsd
DVN-ris-r '
TrsTerseCIlyVelerioanfHosiAil ‘
Scott A MING. IToora.
J^.-^MAlU JI^'K-.K.e Hark.r. Mh.u : <lrt tu-llmclit.
Ionia a»t liUiranr, 113 still a.
DR. J. W. CAUNTLWTT.iDo„T.g^F-oo^^„,
........... .
-IVbnt d.> V..U Ibh.k uf tl.al l.uihllngf
tVl.rii It 1. flnlslMxl. a u.ll ta a '
Uiliig, will li mx'/'
■s.- r.t.his| ita i.iau ..f uiiyiy
Words, inX gu.-ssiug whal was<x.ai>ng
]>ru|n>lns tar ehak to the upiuud. kl*e
kt.skl tafore blm in sj m«n«.um oMlre.
eli; nHeishtir. ll.al to Jllsl Ita
falllUB lu Ita wuuui. Ml............I to-B>aln
trllli y.Mir diM-vnrse.- wii. ib<- k
ed Is-bllMl. a uald .-jme f.ir.. nnl. I.rins,«rds su.-l. a. un- u^l In lulldjd-~-i..iH..lL
H-rtiaa duels
-Tbeje. ■■uuiu - .uiiiinmsl tin- girl.00I.U.T srbu bad Ju-t enll.te.1 wa*
ibrvwlns no il.e crasa to-tun- tilm a
pklk-r. -to Joilr reUwsa-. l■■l■l ib.-rv." plaixsl txi guar.1 uv.T a .-:.iim.n
not h-iiK to-f.av to- abamlmud hto is»t
and u .-nl II. a Ut.TB U-X tnr -df. u In-re
be liMinh:isl m tta Ih.wh.K
• r.-How, nliv dl.l you nIoii.UuD yur
turniuc It aai.le as nml-ai.-ii'ii-"
|nnt V ex.-to.m.-d tin- captain. wImj lapTtM-.sumi lis.k.-il III iff L-.il ill an
p.'ne.l lo pnl in an aiqs-arnln-.-.
I.-UI. -'Marionr-to-et. toiiied.
-Take your w«i|sinr'
'x'oixain." wns Ito- rs-p>> ut tb.- lun .X Mxi
l->r trle.1 to lift
A flush <wiDe iu-Hm- mini's ■ be.-k
can ewrry it nwey. ami If n
"I win go Ibromrt. tta fiwiiL- hi- enld. one of Ito- em-m> >s.iih-s afi.-r
"and « l-.Iu toll kui.sssl III iiarrylus kr.-pilirai.df
■ws I siMlI to-'de- vti'llm
turn, yi.n"
Haloed Book.
U'ltb Ibis
Ibis lie seixaxi Ito- skur.r
It was I
kins tafun- (he euunl bouml .-an iM-««-r ta Hs> mluule In Ida
found Hat In ord.-r to tarry tta slrl'a Instru.-tlons i.. bto bluder. ttm-e u|suj a
Ibrusls to- must exi-rrts<- all hto skill. Ho..-. It Is said, a InltepsNtatbakeItoleeil bto anstitob al su.-b a *1108(1011 •|s-Rre- was ••■nt l» the l.lmlerw f.x ibe
aapml his m-rve. TwI.e he et|.oMsi B.le piin«su-uf Jrtvnef.liig a nuUilaHbean, hul nellher Hue- did hto ad- Biarcinai mxes Id iuauus>-rl)X. t
vi-raarj lake edvaiilak-e uf Ita u|.|io(-' was tta .-bagHi. uf the •>* mn- when bis
Illy. n»th litodes wen- Ibisliliig. all- txuk came la.-k with iW rdgea neatly
r ill Ita aiuunlislJl. the slrl eiideaver pared and gilt xml the note* that be
: lo prirk Ita nun. to- aiiiiiw: ouly trrasured luK i-ul away. .\<;h Vurk
|.r.de.-t bimseir. ilially. thlnklns Trll-uin-.
totn-h bto anu licbtly with tor
p<*it. aiie luiised too far ami. iuImIbl*
■W'onI Inin bto
"And barraY yuu gul auy more bm»derr asked (be *we«X young thing *ell"Tbank taurrn." ta exclaimed, low- Ing .-lau.s-a al the cliurcb fair.
erllig bto blade. -|bto l.usltir** to .-nd"Yea; I'te gut a dullxr." rrlurtantly
Yuu hare drawn l.lvud.
That XdniUted tbe oufurtanate but Iruibful
•buul.l Mtltofy yon."
ynuugtuan. “Hut I |xil It In tbr auh-of
- Wbeo tta fair fencer «w a n-d
my siui-ihis tafure iniitli.g vu uy
alreww (rirfcling duwti b.T tHqsxi.wt's aboes M. ns (■> b*>r •uwetbliig lu pay
rrat, her aword dropped from tar linml wy cur fare toxiie "-Hriuklya Ltogle.
A well kiK ro Eucitob dean recently
ad tbe mtol
be raltar auapn-ted Hat
at Mi
HaapproprtoUan by auotbrr bad uot
aRocettof acdldesttl.
Ue tbrref&f
a upiwwlaa Uboki.
naod tb* MM-y to puiut a moral lo a
Ita Iiuatruad lo auBibera SewaermoB lu tbe Mthedrataaddlng Ibat If
tltnitwbln- eumto an oht bouse
lU peraeot puksrsaur wuuM drop It
uiKC faitiuoa for II* sbeal. It bad
orer tbe wall of tbe dranery gantou
a isii-riL owned and tuattaced by
during that night be would my no
Iwnibcrw and two alai/v* named
more about lu .Next morning be re
paired to ibo opot and fouad bto
TI-- yuunsewi ..r tta family. Jlai_____ _
Bbrrlto aud■ fi
ly-Sre otberw.
tad li.Tti JIlirdYD ber yuDtb. Aflerber
dewr-iUKi abe had never rairrrd any
ik-w Mi«r Ibat of brr own bum*, bat
A* game ttobr* abarkx do not. I
fell her Btrepctb to bard
(btafc. eued high. Tta mort ctunmou
Mil.' wuiild bat(ta-l Bax for weeks. S|dB of them, tbe dusky abxrk. wbru book
ratHiwu mat
uiii.wsliislj and
ed. rlrclea raniul on Ibe onrfare and
ar micbl tjoeaUtm. "Ttarr a tbrm ibat
ibuughi of rwt.
illy bliss off tta lloM sod eampew
bad more monry. aad rirTrbody t-aa l
KlM- .llcl afier a abot lllueaataa
ir ao booked tbal Ita lloe rauDut be
come froai Llmptlrk. Hut. tbm. It'n tta ami tra.i-ler* aald t
t ilwtr slumbera cbL Ita Btrncgto ife furious but atoirt.
bda wbo bare (u lirr wllb tbi- clrk
disturbed by
tta aback giving op In mw-b lem time
aad they
tiueu It was nbisprred about than a game Bah of half bto xtoe. aueb
Hull ihe Maaon bonae was baaatrd. ax the ctauari bam. mil water troot
It waa a Iou( tpeecb fur Ita old aun. mraiicr auuud* Were taani from tb*
laappef weald do.—Karett > aad
tarf^oU tody wa* sinpliis wbm ta Sarrri. wM-te Hannah tad alwnyx
worked, aud plalurat of all wat Ibe
"Vew. and you doa'I inl^ uto Iwrln'c bum of the srext *rool wtaeL
to tUak of my own ffalldr.-n'e rblldn-B
Tta l•t.•lbrr■ bentd the »iury xad xt
IX (ber* erwr X luorw mordaot and
brtot taougbl up la Ita way* of i>
atur art uut tu wilrr tbe BijBterj.
jBle atrek* of deoertptton tbxa
It wauY rooncb wb.
J.wepb wrul to Ita cxrrrt and wxicb- Uut O’CoBuell gxr* of rcel'a btoadJobtuiy mimed Nrlllr. but >.«i bad i
.-.1- .tn.-r a lime Ibe wbnl Leexn to toexDom? "Hlx amlle wax like tta sli
be that btoe abont it that Rh banl wn
He alroek x KcbC On tta
er pixie OB x’veOB."
and maMed Kate."
rlni .d ilH- wheel was a srral m. rauLem Brathlag. but lem witty alxo.
Jlr tried to turn Ibr klrrani of iiidls- Ulnc BP.UO.I.
rax bto deocilptton of x lady of a MmaatloB lntol.-m Inunnllalr rbaiji>rls
i'mjueDi .’Ulu lu Ibe garTei ren
xr rrpoUaat (cmpeMment. "Sbr tad
"It did arrm acsnialinc." br aald. dered Ibis rai BO ituir that be »roold
. •Tboagh Jobnnya luiy ■n-nia e irt.-r lU- i-uiw-.iul on tbe iqHunhig wheel by dtyOe fellow for *<-vm. Ilul of rotirwr. llslil. and keii-nl otb'erw were occaaloB|i aiKl. taUi
Ing hr
■wtber. yua doaY kn.>w blni."
ally sM-n totakr a si.ln In Ibe wtaeL at
from blm. laid her
___ Lailw.
iss liW
DhlnY abe know blu.7 W«
If II were a plAkuni re.-frwllon.Why do you pul so maay Latin quo- aallafyliig betwelf (bat sta wns not
tatlOBS Into your speectasr asked tta hurt, Rianehed the idond In tta.-nant's
it* tbe undrew n
f<w f
frtead. "I'm sure moat of ox don't aa- WUBU.I. Wbra tta girl rwme nm of
The tee la.*aalwa.
dcMUod ttam."
her *wMin, abe «aw bto pale fx.-e, paler
. with
She not know JubtiDj
i>n tsub akto* .d tta Atlantic equally
Hot kta
"Ttare Juxt tta paint. Utocer lerex lu tta mooQllghL to-iKtliut over her.'
the ItitrrrsfciUon .d f.a*iltord forcati
MDpaay. 1 want to b* Borw there la
-Kwetxbeart. you bare l-ra irencod.
Iwor* anthrntle wllne** to tta awtepTta aid mau walkr.ld» the wim
>B* ao* bealdm myeelf wbo domn't Von bare opeiieil my eyea i.. ito- Injui
Ins uier Ita Uud of two great ware* kaow predmly whxi I am ulklag lire I hare |«it U|tob yon. toire feball
a fWto. deprccatins Qsurr In a ■
of be linarfun- Tbe trees mtulfewly abaaL"-M-xxhli«ioa 8txr.
ktock BUR. Uta white talc WB* run
In future ta my a.Ie gt^d.-.
srew wbt-te tta slarton tad brea.
(orw-ard over tbr tbtnnrat *|*d<
l«ek your release."
: ftaat aud parted rwn-fullr lowanl (be Again tta slartcrw crept fiwward lo
••-Vo. your career will ta blighted."
mrw tn tbe t
•xuistllntr tln-maHve* Ibe oepulitae*
Boben Toombs
- Tta n
"1 aaertflee It to that which to mure
uf IIm- ireew.
Tta aerond advance,
lid charge desirable."
tanev.-r, fell abort of tta Aral and xuc- acUeuttna raoete whlrb Mr. T< ...
Tta king will wittolt.
■ccriBla rartln- ubrewdneiia that may .eedrd It al an uoknofern Jalcrral of had Jost Itoleoed te tta coartbouic.
"I ahall uke refuge in tta tore of'
hare camr from year* of w atebtru- tbe time. U|dnhm are wacb dieldtd ai to "WelL" mid Toomba: -l aboold charge
91.001k bat you eogbt to bare A'lUuo. “"Yw family will pot recelre lie."
we algpllloiBce.
atorm alctal* of bis w Kr’s manls
far yoa did a giwat auDy tblog* tbal I
, "Tta old tody t all rt*bl." ta icpil
“My family will reeedve wboiu I dlweald net tar* doea."
set. 1 am It* bead."
wbea aay of bl* rrtollve* had tta .
mcftty to rlre him adrl«- a* to bis doA few week* later all IlertlB
taMtlr aTTaBcrtnrata. -Sbr's
talking of tbe young nobleman wbo
A woman rtsitlBg Id Ii
UxB-x kKoe airtlom ofira get him la
baad ta alckuraa aad a sunl niaaaser
' Id glren ap tbe adran.-emeut premia.
that she baa bma bm
from tbe
bat she dart Ukr to haw imt own way, a tlgta rta.-e.
1 blm BDd.a brilliant rarerr to marry
tack bedroom and
aad It takes tar awbito to rotm- roood
tIHeieaa and peunyleaa AmerteaD
CoosUteoey U often liait at
ftom tbc«* to Bleep three Is a bed wUh
wta* abe find* thai she'* madea-mtoame for eoouwrlBem.
rl. Wbra tta PYaoco-l'niMlan wai
tbe chlldrra. Sbe wooUn't ore ■ bint came
take. Hot ata dor* ramr rouad tf you
after repealed aria of brwr
If It were tied on ber mirror wUb blue rer ta wat restored to fatoe. and 1*
Sir* tar time eiwucb. and (bat's more
rtbbo&.-Atcbl*OB Utob*.
than yoB raa my for imat ..f tb.-»
tuem^ ntnkjn kAmelk ii,
White wa a <'olor.
Ppeaklng aclenlldrall.r. white da a
roml.lnatton of all coluea-llial to. the
pure llgbl of (In- aun whensleeuaii
by Ita »pei-truiu aialysl* sIhiw* tl
II tbe ral^ws M|seaklng
popDlarly. whlt^i
^* a ck.r.
a iRiliit.
and Is not a rolM. a* wben
■ay (bat
a |uraon waa “itafcllyg-olorteas.'
fewl I'wweiwalse.
Ue~l suppose yuu kuow I •I .living
at yoor .-bun-h in>w.
Mbf-XOk I didn't.
He—Hut surely tuur bcolber Jack
told .ruu 1 bad JolMsI (be cbolr Iberr.
8b.—Ob. >e*; ta d
ruiladelpbu ITeas:
Arrived Saturday, car load of
horses. Some heavy draft,
some farm chunks, a few nice
drivers; weight from 900 to
1600 pounds. All stock guar
anteed as sold. I also have a
few heavy cheap work horses.
Also a few good lumberwagons, second hand, some heavy
and some light. A few top bug
gies and spring wagons.
Kindly give me a call.
ftohraioe.Xy.air tool br.«U.'
tbal arillkiurk not Irookbain tin- rghl ••r.n.mk.ac tin I >.r. wlii-A » (hemaluf
aaM H .111 nil trowfela. oaa* Mire aad tar dirr«i>..,rg*B> .tnae-e w tbal UafuuX
aa old a* *iie luok*r
“Sbe trie* tnx lo look IL" replied abe.
-UO *l.e moat be." »-etnialne i.erwfdcaeIadlaBiiH.11* .Vew*.
•Tbefe 1* olwxy* room at tbe top."
mid tbeguud adviaer.
"ladled yew." anawered tbe unfona
Mte perwou. “but tta elerator, I* nut alwtyx ruDdlat-"-RalUmorr Aaierkaa.
"Iwax toonbled ueratul ymn vUb
mtaf* BvvUa U exseOeot bmtoh
Ttaew’i ao rert for thorn
M tlralam lit”1 would ooaigh Buorly all aighi
U* wmkmw—Dr. Ktafa____
1 Mow Ufo
laug." write* Xi*. Chao. A|gilagaM. PllU. Ullllota arw alwm tmn.
of Alasaadriai lad., "aad aeuld taid- tag Toepid Urer. Jaoa^. KU___
ly gat any xloaix
p r tad aoMBatpiioH uaXB. Form aad Agn*- Ther baatob
out kalaria.
M tad ttat U I waltad a blaak I
Kerrr<* wxafcam Bm*ll. taam
would eeagb Matafullr
Bio*. «
MW Tit thorn fee
blood, tat. wta*_______
t aSaclMr__________
at Jaw O. J
M-» aai S. S. Wait
txilud. tbrm 9100 bottlm of IX. ASOB-X.
Sluf'a Now DtoooTwcT wb^ ouiud
mo tad 1 ffiuud M UDuada^^ffe ^ TUaMKATBT appu^
Ntar UNdlalaa «UB taka toapte
Ttauuta»d Xm^nudMaa. EMm He
‘ • uur,
' "A v«! «ta( to puni^ 1U^ luto
Mff9l oa M Ita O. JuhMMl'X tad a.
B. VottAlM'.
SOI..O m'yr
™ WANnD aS;:,S’giSS
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