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The Evening Record, May 26, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Satordafs Isaac 1340
o* OaUtM ta rrmm.
T.C.. L. * M. M»kM aalnt6r>
IM-Mtlns Olsoovary
rua Foa a aew route
onUet trtM tbe olty, aad that the M.
A H. X WlU aoi be aUowed l» obaAiMl tba pmfaM.
Tbe teqaai
itbetr property im tbe hay AotB.
' they Mft, woald do bo tloMag* lo Ibe
M.AK. X If that atiwayia
wallow tbe aaw Uaeto ertMi
atttp <m (be aborr, than they prcpaee
W take a roaW wUab tbe X A X X
«nu be eempeUed to ^ersiL
Tbe MW phwteMaaad to be en
tirety fMoible aad will be Baeta
MMetwtery betb to tbe eity aad U>e
T. C.. U A X Ibaa tbe r«au
^ut of tHo CHy
rt TkM J*n*llM»wrMM H.« N.
Paso# Ngw* RbCAlvad In Lon
don CftuhAh h Plufry
ImM a UoaUtiija* lUilvar
t OfoikM Ite MobIMm * Ken^raalm
iDOMtwl iboiooiBiiuir to>UowtB»
AM Soer Kaear* EuM* DeWet baU la
Ood'e plan, tW
A brand new line of btndKMae ktodf jiM noeived frtn the pnb-
Mid tbal Hive thooMad boabaU of ebeUed «n
to the hare arrived and U today teiag oaloode.1
ioditdipg all the vet) latwi and
laltbtal worfcor.
Mt. Oecblia oloMd Ux addioM wiU
ecoflftenco U
imVior ejection.
Tbe ooro wlU be imt to eta^i UU
aad It U prohabla that Ue
ilBM of iwa. Be atatad chat la the
mldai of many dleuaciloai darlag Um
ditaticst cover des%ns. are
SaiUble books aad booklcU from tt ceax
Tin w.iiher as'jL.'sjas' agKSii.'sa tesijf ja
U cxMolMdcn 3liat they eeck
On Our
After aaotber. beaaUfal anUem by
Us eboU.
M-Most Imporiaat
obbybd at Scranton
afteetttmlall tbe Boer dalagatae a«eept DeWei an impared to aoeepi
Britlah wrma
Bnglnbbrb, PIrembnand Pump
man Rbfubb to Go Out
11 Vltl b
The beat gifu to bcaiow are bobkx and bookleta, as they ty*.
Ikdirc the cower of eempletcd Mud)'.
dlUgeoUy to knew Uie* plaai of Ood
dUimtol.M bave baaa neelved (roRB
Oi'dar* of MIrtb Workbra OlagrU. Tbe oablaei will eeae
lac ewea MmvB TamW eea.
Evei^lBC U now TMdy for tba
Baring made jOant of the Mleblgma Blareh On. ^
tbe ^ee cfwoA that U aeecrdiag to brgiB Ue laaanfactan of ooro emtob
each Man or woman.
past year ih^ bad done ibstr week
Alomni kea^tfof f/eiafr an aa toh af
taiUfally and well, aad bad made
Waift drug ttof.
Ue Mtln olty yooad of iliem. He
T. O., L. * M. M oroM tbclriropcnr
«• tb» b»r »l>on<. hM farooirfit to Ititht
• eOodlUDB of thtnc* wfelofa poU on
•otirolj M« plMW B|«B III* BttW'
meeva t w wbtvk Wui Itmte MeS-
world. Rev Oanhila etated thakw eafa
be taaebed aa M tha
aa axpraaeloB d
Rooolvod From Protorta
tW a^t of llM TnttwM OUy. L«*>
Mil fram wiUoM la the aeeda of the
tietfilag bat good eoadd
Aooordifw to LAtMt. AdvIcM
aleee ooeee W light aa tbe ooetro-
96. 1909.
wwk for whiob Ood had
,_____ _
eaU from within. » thaaatatal caimeittei
hae given, aad tba
praetleally cloead;
Hay X-la Ue hoae^ of
1 hli uics that beesuxr our quxLi) it the beet, price* hew most be
Kev.O. T. Stoat eloMd Ue
Moetlag with tbe bebedicUon.
higher li Bit wiong—Uey sre
Ui an opiKwtuniiy to do io.
For the price you can't
fact we can prove if poa will give
equal Benda'i
cinihei for bo)-i, and as for lin<ling larger or belter tarietiea. or newer
ilylcv than are al ihix More u iimplv out of tlie uueuioa. ^endid
vihief fll.Sll. U.
$3. $3.50.
NKW SWKATERS-I'Lmn and in all (he
ptcU) combmations you can mugin.L f or men and boyi train SUc to $8.
um will lin.l \c« Shx|«cly Shore
Fivo Hundroft Toamst^r* Em-
iri.v.| luixu- ,ou '^K 10 fl.lMt
iin oert' lait.
plnybd by Packora on Strike
.kmmooR UU afMraoon. Sir Arthai
Balfoar, Um gerraraaeai leader.
rich I of wfc)'
fordMltor |>«nMM(a «7 ■DOibar ecr
OMllDta for • tiB ^ but It BOW dcvtl
Thli dMlitoo
bcraaloB. Hay IS-Ttw OraaiBa. oa-
•UA OBTUlO of BOOMt. BitboBfk the
M. A U. K.
b* tBooBVroloOood.
laeora Bod panpruBO of tlir D«l<waro. UokBWBaoB A Waatara rafaW
It i* B loiif *t0T7. bat latcrMilBK
U SoploBbpr. IWI, wbrii tb« IUb
to olwy tlie utoe worker!' order to
irikr Jaoe 8.
D. Cochlln
Laat Evaning
Ni'W York. Hay ae-Tbe fail ooblate thU ultr. B roBoloKoo wb» poind
litlee of the MbUoiibI Oivlo Hrdera.
bjr tta* TlllBCB trnaiMB |iroTiainc tor UoB wlU ooBTaae la loa day* in au
NbOUltfiif to (be pBOfilf of B proiMl' Biidearor to brlag aboat peaoe la the
tlooto bond toTlia.UW r»r tb* Im- ifial lUike
KBpraoeatlBC tbe pablie
for B iBllroBd
iBt tiiB liBiiroTenioDt of
M. A M. X la Mourluf
tba Meblirl “Uod'e Call ai
employed by
whioh Ueledod tlw •'iwr of
I rons.ru.
1 QQ
nival |•ack•-n etnnk
today and t'lileago
lareh. boU parion and Mala aadleaca room, gatber-
(a<-e« tbe pru-peci
of going mMllsM T'le big boiel> and
aranli liave notified Ui ir pBimu*
that mMU will iM terved onl v u Um
Unlem Ue iwokere
tore Bad mioere will be aaked to eead ad laat eraalng to lUtea to tbe kaeea- lied <iaanUUea
get mmi to lake Ue pUoee of Ue
by Bar. D. Oooblla.
strtkeri by XoAorrow (lie entire nty
New York. May M-Ooal wae agata On U
platform wlU Ue paalot lai
Alfred V.
kited hy reUll dealere b.-ie today.
They advaueed the pnoe oa ilotueille
S. BENDA A 00.
ia> AewetaaB OlliiaB.
__________________________ riMbiw. Biv-I Beti-r. h. Bu
Meme Oalr Id LtmtiM WmbiIiW-
UhlMgo, May K—The bUO Uamel. r> ,
Cbarloe bobwab, Johu MllohrU. aaia*
U>o airMit ael Ouuiperm aod oiher>. Tbe opoia-
O.YFORlis, /cul
new IteoiivarO TMr Mmmw.
r fllled
BBIBBd ttBTa BB OP]>ortODll7 lO Bid tbo
NKW HOSIERY; Cfme this moming; all the laiett colors, 8Sc.
1} T.Awra|.b 10 Uw Hmtfd
Strikers are Fllled at Once
_Koerbre HmvBm at
, lato tbeeUyauidBl ibe iBiaa tluw b
fooBroBl doOBtlou from llir pooplr,
NEWI.ANI) H.AXS arefliill io the lead. Voti would certainty Uink
so if vou could see the at) they are aeUing.
$2,60. $100.
$l..Vl. $1.(1»F.
Is Imminent'6mesa Places of
opi ttaol BB BltUR«tb« cow BDd
tlTBly dlffarMl roou U fuMlblc, U U
pnvBBMil of NorthWMtorn bvbddb.
AeoordlBc to Uw boudi obdooI be
ftimi $1 Au-I fl.25
aa or <.'«al Beale a
taUo A KirlbaBBtoni BOBcbl BDiroiiBc
tiukt 1> o*'Dt4 BDil Mod
Rev. W. T. Woodboaae. patlor of Uie
will seffer a mmt (aulov.
)wyand JeerwAad earntx-r ol noor»
the rl«hi
BaptUt eharoX aad Rev. a I. blenv
eie>«<if Bothraelto coal II. I& a Ian, reciter of Uraoe .eliarcX 'Tbe maite.
New York,
W-Thv KoUier
UK llie prteeVt.M). Bteauu eiBee whieh wae vrry dae. vrae led by a
batobere of Ue east tide who w.-rr
Tb* boudi Wf>r» Totr<l
tfao ;tli of were adTaaosl II U. lo «&.:& per ton. oborai of d& voleea
4 to eluee'-Uelr Uope by meat
Dooi-BitMv. I8VI, Bud ilio dir.,00u paid The prieee of eoft ooal liave riera ku
ppenlag aafvioe a^d aa
n^pened today after appoliiito lloB. Horry KaiiUBh for tbo iwopor- oeuie mora.__________
anUeiu by Ue ebolr. Rav. Suut read
log a eommillea to cooiult with ibiCjr Wlilob ba4 bM<ii laid
■oriptnte leeeoa (mm Haal'e letter
wlioleeate botcheta. Tble oomauiev
WBslBro Bveaoo, Mr liBnOBb doroliiix
> Timothy.
Rer. Woodboaae fol
il le Uonghi woald eff.-el aeeltlement
tbo aionoy to tlw imTrluwr of right ol
lowed with a prayer in which be exMler tiaaa lle.e I ..mptHfW Arraam.- praeeed thaake for Ue gifu of Ond, by winch tbe prtci-»( Kiwch.r nuint
way. Tlw villBto ln»t<«-* Oiro iioiwd
X- redneed.
BB ordiOBticH- ppniiituug tbt>
I'llieeUlly U Ue Hire of edoaaUoBal
■watarerTne OeieMU’ Neaty till- riuluBiTo riglit
privilege!, and cloeed wlU a praver
re«i ■••i.ltaala.
All the wool in the rei^iqn wanted. Am just back from the
liabt. and have arranged with eastern milla* to use all the
wool from this section of the country. 1 can afford to pay
I the highest outside market prices in cash. Will also buy
I hides and ginseng.
Office and Warehouse. 732 E. Front St.
Bell I’hone 130.
Citizens Phone 481.
of war from Haloa alrart io llw eoan1/ tlBB and tliaii oil to Koaob.
t for tbe oientlioo ol a railroad
Uwire forever.
Mow oouee till. BllogBiidn that the
rilUge Ud iio right to grwt eorti a
iwtrllage beoaaee li war
the Bret
yaare U tbe llult of time for wblob a
tailway ftaoublee <au be grBOU>4/^ la
The memhera of tbe gealor olaae of
the High Bohool
eoinplelod ar-
raiigeia<.nla for Uieir auoaal excarm. wl.ich win l« ran to Elk lUpIde
Hatnnlay next i.WTing thia olty ee
Ui. Nummer
OelauibU at
for Uie olBH of IKU lu which be aaked
the cooBooi of
wide froa
After aooibvr hymn.
Rev. Uuofaliu.
after etaiiag tbat Ue eervioe wae held
mao life, aad that Ue mlMiua of each
lif.- Bhocld
Ualoo Btreet to Uay eireet and from
that [eiliti to llie lioe 01 the {iropacty
of tbe J. X Urlehok Uo . M) feet orihet herekarchr
It l» now eoiileoded by the ailomeye
Of the T O. U ft H.
to falldl Uod'i plan.
l-eMIr iBVIUd.
of the elate- eon-
venUoB of Ue DUrlplae of
UPrUt la
owaml by lion IVrry lUaaah. Iheaoe
throogb Uarlaod ureel.’ u.wt tbe old
Weee.h bomiwteod. weal 10 Nortii-
weetera areaue and theooe (larallel
Witli tbe U.
ft N.
aoroaa ibetr
well aa
Tbe utal Tveeipts
wen- fT8
laryeet ID tliv hietorv n( flteiDtierg'a
Orand for a iwOdBOtloo where the admliitoo WBi 6 and
10 c ula
Thi- ex-
The preoaetien will not be repeat d
(or it. on aeeannt of tbe many
(o get into Ue npera
There U no time tor It tbii'
week, and even If Um week were not
(all. Ue prodBOtlon would break Id eo >
maeb oo iheeL-bool work (hat It ooold
not be permitted.
la tbe valley, bow much more will
and Ooeorotior day at 316 Union
be have a plan formaa, made la Hli
on Imoga
Tbea be loacbml npon Ue Md fea-
tan of tbe anb}eet. tbat it
reDUoD have already arrived. Among ble (9 ama to aet amde Ood'e plan
aamber are -Kev. H. B. Halley and follow frivoloax pUa« of hit own
It la Mid Ihet III. earveyore of the and wife 01 w-i«—Rev. 3. V. maklag.
Ue apoke of tbe fotty of
TayUw, ISowaglac. nad Rev
H. T. tble, ocmparing tl to the fooUehaem
T, O . U ft M. wlU b.' here tbit a
tag to begin tbli work, and U >a pr^.b. Honor. aa.i Mra Allertoa aad daagta:
the pUne and
able tbal tbe ooaooil will be aaked to tar DhPremOBl.
ejioelfleailaae of aa arcblMci and go-
fto|i -fk
'fkenot 43
OoUegv and -1
1tlial i- Mi-in-.
»jlvl|-ri»-t, tlu-
Till- S.-U-S 111
A lot of table covers in chenille and tapefltiy, to
close at 39 cents each.
T his entire lot is all new, fresh goods, bought for tbit
season's business, and ,we make the above prins
to clean up the different lines.
» 3. ULI. mniiken.
(II ill kin.U an.I f.,t alL {>ur]>o*cs. go U>
rrvat w.
Lilio, of tfto 'faJlor ai 316 Unioa
»e Yie Him 6t.li Hot ml 6.1 k STARMIID PtniBR FREt
Trank HI. Paine, TIorisL
property woald be obvUled and Ua
City woald be mved a Urge aatonni
waya. boU of wbk-b ebonld be oead.
that it bw beaa rxp.M«l woald be Orove addlUoo Satarday by tbe aawi
tbat llu wUe o(>Marmlon Vrlght Imd
paid to aid Ue projeat.
• Aaetber pUa gaggeeMd. Whioh May Uft tbe eliy very eaddealy. It U Mid
there are
TbeflretU by the ..............’
Uoae tbai Ood hae giveek
tad iB order to get it we qwie yon prices.
Our Cadies'
Cbree Dollar Shoes
wiibwaa a« mrvtim w
Be alatad
Hr. aad Mia Wright have baaa and etdrlHal laveetlwy and eae fer
A M. X W Bay etroet aad aoroM that
Uaa wact of tbe roaad hoaae.
The Married aboat Are yean aad have two what Ood bae rridenUy fltttd each
taraar pUa ii Mid to be tbe Moet ehlldroa. It U Mid t^thalr dewaetU reUtUax bare act baea of tbe
Him Mr. OoehUa arged that «aab
Moot happy, aad Ue daparttuo d the
AU our Ribbons at id |>er cent. Discount.
Otir $5.00,Si!^ Waixu at.............................................................................................
timia pooalUr adapMbUity for any
imrUoaUr line of ajafat and I
alao be looked into further. U to aiart that ebe paeked ap l>ea oloUlag aad aUa work eoald eafely be coni
bom Bay ettwi. |Srtee«l aoroee tbe etbar poreaaal bakanglage aad left (or eMUofOod U ttetdlrccttan
r tbe ftalght boaae. parte aakaowa. iMvtag bar two ehll- arged that each member of Ue otaee
X A K. X
rden wlU her haAaad.
look M eeU, lake a bmuI end mmoI
____________________ paralUl wlU the X
ad tte ohHi took away Mom
Mtt, Md «at tMa the wvld. «o asa
Ole mant Vour Patronage
OomUg to tbe ^aeetloa. "Bow May
I know Ood't plan (or my lUe?" tbe
emU awrage warohoaae to QrBiUek'i
a»«eyi of the T. d. L.. A X
taaOT 4
Tbe Nee OMaB
HPHE la hli own way. witboat any tUflBlta
pUebed tbe wonUe aad eoat of aecar-1 tvuher
lag rtghl of way from J. U. Xorgmu'.l
ftMtan that.whal Uay waot aad what
Contains all the short lengths of Linoleums and
Oil Cloths at a disroum of 23 per cent. Thifl
makes linoleum cost you less than oil cloth—a
large varitty of patterns.
II <\l It tiu' T0*-T!S.
i^ on wUb tba erection of a bnildlag
ytm alone eon fljl."
hevrtml delegalM to
1-0+ 3
alUoBgb Uere was a stnng demami |
traek o«etr-tbe rooiid hona.- aad along
tbe bay ebure aa originally plauai'd.’
07le ft X to aeeUU rente (or tbe
BBw line
KboBld Uie be aoeom-i
Kmbrac.-s all the broken lots of I.Ace Curtains, i,
3 and curtains of a kind. Your pick for just
onc'-haif of the regular price.
>a wew only FIS 70. iMVlng a nrl
pwflt of 138 68 for Ue-elaea
Ue life of every one of yoo. aod a
plaea U HU great world that yoa and
eonUally iavlied
i_c*“r a
I '.ill an-1 get nis
IRE YOU eom6
materUl anlveree.
Jalioi A. Hrankr and Aagael lirawhloh.be expUlaed. ooeld oerer have gar. iMve U. oily today lor a long
oome by ebaaee. U Ood bee a plan trip to-Alaska.
for .-very etar that ewee^ Ue Iimtaud (or every flower that blooMe Qrdor four ffomort for eommoncomonf
Miehtian will be held Uie erenAfei al
be made to t. moe 11. boihllogi from Ue OoogTtwallooal obarch. Kev. T.
Bev. OcmAIU lllaetraud tbe pUoe
the etrM>t, whieli wa< regnlarty lar- W OnfloB of Aua Atbor will deUv- of Ood In a aamber of notable and
lb.- opratag addreea
PollotrlBg bamble Hvee. wlU tbe climax U tbe
veyed aad laid .mt m l»>l
It It cow propueed hr the T O . L.
life of OhrUt, tbe perfect man. Tbe
> delegatee ead frleadx
ft M. to eorrey a litie Ir»iu Itayetnel.
epeaker cloeed Uie part of hU aildreM
All Ibe member!' of Ue ebaroh are erllh Ue words. "Ood hae a pUa for
aoroee the old Hay Hooee iiroperly
of Ue oily, was a
of Ood In thv
ntteaal A kereh TBla XeeBlBg-
Tlw btel eeeeloe
I'f -.tn.ili ui.'i- limt-rv
Tlie pU.v of Htawelba. iirrevnted
Setordayvvi DiDg by the KigbU ttmde»
The epeak..t b<i|aa by traelag Ue plan
that the latter
Una can be ran through Korthueetem
areoae ragardleee of the U. ft K. K
eMd If D-Oeuary ihul eoa>t<any ouold
kcl-.iiiin.; cl 1I-- 'C k-», C.unY, I inl-rlUs 1 ..Vs, r'l-vi-nlvTY -ind -ill km-N
\Ver*aTr,4M-Vla7 'Mil No.
^ Consists of a large lot of Ingrain Keinnants,.con*
laiiiing from 5 to iS yards—Your choice of the
lot for 50c {>er yard. Worth fasc to 90c.
be Heexatod.
will b.- made Bret to Old
for the direct benedi of UiegiadaMlMlon, where a etop will be made
dlebaekel plaaio there, la tbe afpyeoaree had been prepared for Uml exBooo the bMI will go to KIk <tepldA
of a etrai'l for railway porpooee li
hii iext.Bowhere the Ulgh eebool a ill nacel Ur
ooiitrary to the coaetltutlon aleo.
maiuW: 8—"All Ulnge work t^UKIk lUpide t<wm la a red hot goMe of
Atuitber tiling, which laakea ibe
(or good to Ue|B tbat
Matter etlll more lutervelisg arid comUemtbatareMlIadaoeerdlBg to HU
poetlble llial two hnau will be
plloated. 11 th> fa>-l lhal wlwu the
HU toide wae "Ibe Oall
employ<.d (or ible exeareion. aa tbe
frabohiee wae ».-rBOk>d llie H. .V M.'K.
and Hntpoee of Ued. " aad Ue dlillighih grade 'have egpreeetd a deelre
la ow Ih.' elre.1 11 wae for the o|>i-raeoaree wae aa emlneatly iniiieal
tloo of a railway. It !• now euted
that mold aot but hava,
ttoae will be (orcUbed (or the crowd,
lhal the >-oni|iuny had uo legal right
prorad very belpfal U tbem.-mben M
however Urge It may b>'. The fare,
to ere>'l .bBlIdtogi on iJieir right uf
U>e elBM
fur the roand trip will be . only W
way. HehiM-^ueniU Uie |eee<-ol d.-jiot
The ceatnl tboagbtof tbe dieooone
eente, co that no one elioold mlee the
Waem-todaod ilie freight bouee oe-ae Umt Ood baa a plan for eaob haelreet. whi.b t« liv l-el
llec«lB<eflir iltavalha XMavdar t^wlec
tfairaeooiid i-laoe. It li etoted t^BMo
allow tbs exeluelre rlgbt lo lbe»e
tablleOed ulthio
tliat Uey might rMllM tbe ImpcrtBBce of having Ueir benrU made
rigbt. afi well ax haviDg Uielr mlade
All o^W^and Wool Drw Goodi at from 5 to 111 p« ceW. be-
.z “i?
Watch for .tMr ada.
Union Street. ^
South Side.
Aha WKid'a AUd, whtaS ha ati «m
Meet the approval of those who are moK |iarx'
licular about their footwear.
High grade. leathers, newest style effects, es*
traordinary weamg quaSitiet.
Welt or turns, patent leather or sto^ tips.
McNamarn 6Uu
Freat Stne
«aftay«iUBbBn«u^iiita oiiiinat.innni^TiiuTM.i
ns Emnc ucouk TWO SOLDIERS
1ME T. IMff ME E V. MM
hw aeaavtad by Catted malm traepa.
at aad a<Ml ta (a»C»to(al te tha
■barataaa flat ^ wne ready
ta (all U lore wttb tha ftrK Catted
CafartBaatety twa a«lraa*t wberaffaetteaa appeared abaat iha
Ha>or ArrhlbaM Thetfort and Boapital Sbrward dnilaa AraalA Tha «a-
-AT-Msaasrdeld odleer; la the aacood. bit twarlaf
waa Mdaat: la (be third, be wu a rcry
handanaa wma. The boaplul ateward
was net la tba Afbciac part of Um ar
By, waa nM aapeetaUy IronUad with
iwrerrlaf to mea naUtoted by abot aad
abalL ae thoafb be
taetlon la tbelr taffe
-Why don't TOO accept the majorr
t^irrES s '£.‘5k.“S^
•track with thto adrlea.
Bba loTitad bar torsn le call opoo ber
tba nest day at tbe tame boor and
aerred coffee for Ibem oo tbe rcranda.
Tba ratior did not
boaplul ateward. of eoone. bot had (be
ftmd aenae not to Ifnore btm codrcly.
Tbe boaplul Btewnrd had tba aeatvanca lo treat tba odleer aa If be were
qotia an lofcrler pemoe. Cooeba aai
wttb tbaoi aemac eoffra tod ebattlaf
ftua made each ■ oetoe, and
tbao tbewa fnoar macbioea tbat fo
tr-cr-fTT-fT, tvmlat from rtftat lo Irfl
BDd left to Tlfbt. ae one woald torn
tbe nossle of a boael
1 tbonfht I
eboold r> (Bid. And do yoo knew tbat
ooe rreat bombabcll fell rtfbt beta la
lt>—tbe fuse apoitered. aod
for o«r Urea.
Bo( after awblle we
came hart, for It didn't explode.'
-Wbat did yoo do with Itr i
tbo major.
. -U to lo a eemer oir tbe back reranda. Woald yoo like to aee Itr
Tbe major waa lodlffcreoL Tbe boapiui ateward iboiicbt be would »ot
They raw from tbe labia.
UiptM «r
• MUli^ e>m
lost prasdc*. ttel
Md. oas of tbs
U. Moedr. U»e
Anoac 'otttsn
lArsIss «M tbkso ap bf Pratidfiat I*a]^HaUataolo bsa (astt. OoscrMi
mam Wataoe of ladlaaa arill dlseoM
' PblUpidM qOMtioa and Oem^nmTkylw of Ohio will dMi «UI.
MeKlaUp Rsolproeft;." OoafranMB Boatollt of llUboU will aim bs
poaMt. and
thwa arttl bs other netod m<ti. iaoiadlap aoM of tboan foraaost la tba tapabUeaa partr In Klehitan. The banqaat bids fair to l»< ooa of the aott
■OtabU la the htatorr of the elab.
toad KItAeaer ^ not rr«Tattad
alala, ate.. fo* nraial dart, hot frem
a Ihaaeachlr reliable aoaroe it U da•larad that with theaieepUooof-Oaaacat Dewel tha Boer leaders are will■ilaai to aooapt the BrlUth
tatBsaf 'paaee. Tlwaa Udloci bare
ttlt.in Loedca and tiie Bril
M will
tlaa of the uattar
tantrreat of the war In BonthAfriea hat
wreaffhl awfal laTacet oe both aldee
aad the oanUndiad t^tiae are tired
af-dhe atiecila. Tberefore aewe'of
tha aad of tiia war will be ^lad
With dellitbL Baeldaeaodlac a bitter
Mtaarla. the aad o
it the eeateei <
a that woald
baaaSl thu eeaaWT mmtarUMj-
TWe." cntleUlnx ibe aetloaa of oaftala ahUdraa aad frown peraeae In
whlaparlat aad talkluf dartof
Nadltloa of llUwaUia Saintxter a
lac. The Kaeotd U la erapaUir with
the wtttw. bat daoltaaa to priat tha
r U at■whad to the vtlola IbU to a «
loa the Keoord nerer dartataa tnm.
Aap penoa who has aarthlaf to
•a tha pabtle, U alaeara la hie or her
kto or bar i
ate wanhr af p
. dMtrae to aroii
tteuir. __
b the deatt <
the Mate loaaeoae
Uorc. wtilefa aorprlKd
aollora for tbey eiw noiblDc lo tooeb
at Tbeo they went to tbe back rcraoda. TbTTOfb tbe mar ban door they
coold are Joaqnlo. Oooeba-a little
brother, a boy of twclra. numlac wild
ly away to tba back of
with a Ufbted itlck in bto band, and
yelllBf at tba top of hit rolce.
olbcr ooBcot explained- the eai
Tb«( foae of tba
spittlaf Bra Uka a rc«ket
Fourth of July. It wae plain tbat
boy bad been ptoytof near
>wn to alomar
boapital ateward care tbe bomb a
quick etooce, eatlmated tbat tbe fire
of tbe rune would not reoeb tbe bomb
for aome areonda and. rueblof op to
It adted It flrlne it a jerk lo aeparace
It from tba bomb. To bto aitontobment (bo bomb went nelltnf op lo tbe
■ Ir like a balloon. It waa made of
Torolikf. be east a look at Cooeba
aad. aeolac as mtoy sparks to ber eyea
at In tbe foae. Inferred tbat there
mtochler In tbe wind. Tbee tbe two
jmrwt Into a merry tooflL
“Wbat did yoo do It forr asked
“Well, yoo I
“I wanted lo Bod ont w betber yoo <
Uajor Tbalford to tbe brairer mao.“
“If yoo wanted to test my brai'Cry,
eboold hare cot off another Inch of
that fuae. 1 saw at a flaoce (bat there
waa plenty of Omc.“
Tbim Concha expUloed that abe bad
concocted the story of (be real bomb.
■ and bribed
abe put leto It firinf blm a kmd toofh
-Bot tba major.- aald Concha roefolly. “After all. be to ao bandaome
BO nlca. What a ptty be to not
-Be to no majoe-tbet to. except lo
embryo, tboofb be may make one
time. Too raoT derelop a eoIdler
olocly daya Three moottaa afo be
was a Boorwalkcr to a dry ftMda
'And what were yon Ihne mi
Bedced cradoMe of tbe medU>^
aa boapltol atoward. Onr tefiment to
to Ball Bonn for tbs north, and
wa arrtrt I tblak I bare InSi
•DfRrtent to frocore a dtoctaarta.Cooeba Alratea a year after tbr 8aaarrtod Dr.Jolton Ar
nold. bads fnrvweU to ber fatberto
hartroda tod esawto tbe Dotted Btaiea
to Brw Arnold la a rWof ym
feoo. aeto-----------------------from bto Mfleal trrabiiaw cM a tato
•Wrap- while at boms. Tbs &}or i«malned to tbe army aod baa tlnee «lnfln tbe FhBtpptnaa.
The Church
And Politick
m, tma. MOROk w. «tohi. nm BiwMan'
HE liM Utaw thix>3> teeakr aod tliiaci nligioaa
■ too ahupl; drawii is U»a« dfra. If a rntn a t»
be .tn]y
be Boat exeteiM bit power eoam erery ifayaitiwent af Ufo. Hn
be loyal aad obedient to bia bigbeat imptilaea ia tbe
diMbarge of b» dotiee aa a dtiien. He mnat do tbia
if be wDold be truly faithful to bia i^oidi. It ia beeauae an bare
enated tbe ard&aal line referred to tbat wo ba« bed^awa, taeota*
petont and cormpt admiaiatration. THE SMALLER THE GOV*
TO FIND EVn. CONDITIONS. Mtuueipal admiaiatratioo, aa
a rule, ia tbe wortt Tbe intereat in uatioi^ adeetioBa b alwuya
greater than ia aor other, while tbe iatereot in nunidpal c
ia generally tbe leaat of alL It ia beeauae of thia tbat we hare oauaUy
moreiaeompetent admiaiatmtion ia mnnidpal gorerament than elseR
^tatral Iltws
. M. 3.
Iiacs oUaneB Um- strasH of tbe town
(or the tost etabl yaara at tbelr own
etpeoae, bet new tbs Womaa's Town
Impfoveawct SMOctoUoe Aodt Uw
leak fftown bayood It with Ibe ffrewth
of tbs wwo aad bat aakad tbe city
Volmno dnst Ims I
L Olurtoe
Btewart BjOeet, to to teach King Ed
ward tbe klsg eir aU ewd gamea Hr.
Btrmt toa BoMenUs. e giadaete of
Berrard, cod was long'* member of
tbe Wjard team, which held the
leas whtot ebamplonahip for years.
Slog Edward end e smalt company of'
rayalties will roeeirr their Brat toeaoea dnrlng eOroBetloo deya
WUUam Page Riyan, Doited Steles
Hlototer to Biaill. hai reported to the
of Utete that while rob
ber to abaodasl lo tbe upper Ami
eenstry, with greet eheooee of ample
(or Its explottoAlon. the ellmete end topography of tlila remehcoontry ere saob as to lm|ierll lUe
ereo during tlie briefest sojonra for
those aoeoMoaed to anlntermpied
eqneiorlel beat Tbe mortelty to i
serretlTely reell:oned as two llros.
ton of rnbbar exported.
atatlMwd lo Obarlartoa. A a
dtul to light tn eolor. bet of decided
•peetfie (lartty. Jesnnofsfcy was ate.
tiooed at NashrtUe Is I88S. aad dtoeoTsred <hut In Uie alt which Iiad
beu> blown (torn Krakatoa, Jam.
At Barana the boaae baa adopted a
Hay i» Oeooialion day. and passed a moUoB eipreaetBff ayjmuthy (« Amerloas loldien Nathlflg Sacceells Se Like Sbcccee.
Tboee wbo ate Dr. A. W. Otiase's
a of photoitrapha prefierw'Ptlls as a bcttc aod geossal
tenlo—as a reballder—as a medleloe
»nlly reported at stolen, to leporlW
to girs reoewed strength, energy aod
D bare been retwned. It to soppoaed
Vigor Berer'Ta'n to tonod tbelr pralm
to tere beea a atadeni joke.
of R. O. Dns A Oa to otbara
It tbe eom heU bars Mde i
Edwin Bofe. of Ho. ABO Bast Mttcheaiafal <
tbelr reponalbdleate that a larff* erop
wtU be bareeMed obIim exocptiaaally A. W. Chase's Herre Pills will prore
bad weather to experteboeo.
bteuBolal Utetl
OoBbi Maankaa, tbe rriwe atibiater otbara I was feeltog poorly aod ran
at Japab. with U>e preaeot
down loM aprlM. wbeo seeing them
MlBtotor of riimnce, to dow Is tbs
laredaboxand nard
Onltod Stetas for tbe pcipcae of be- tbem. Tbelr eSeet was ail tbat
ffotlatliiE a loan of Eiao.OCD.OOO with be daalred. strepgtbenlsg and toolsg
which to Mild sbipaand raUwaya aad np tbe aystem. *'
to cany eo mlslog ofMCmtleQa In
Dr. A. W. CEtete't'Herre PUlt are
as. Bepona trom acTctal ooabties tn sold at Sto a box at dselora or E>r. A.
UUboto state that tbe artny werau
Madtelse Oe., BaSsle. H.
bare annated cod tbe (amen are Y. Bee that portrait asd slgwiue of
inpariu to atop tbelr marM amam A. W. Obaae. ^ O., are oo erery
tba Eeldt U possible. They tnTsl Is nMk.M
aratlae of mllllaas and Is oae dlrtea field (bay daatroy
erery kind d reffMaaoa.,
ratetaHoa.^ Many
Hotloe to boteby girea ttmt tbe
■tadowi bare boon
•an eo^y <
Board of Bertew asd Ibiaallteilon of
tated of the BTMB aadwtn be pi
the Otty of Trareraa City will seet
-- ---------—k. IWt at tbe
otty of Trar.
Adolpb Bocsttoff. U yeanolA
City, at a o'eloek la tbs taceaooo____
■rtomate of tbe |
oontiane la seoaten ot Inst fear days,
or os maeh leader as mar bo oeees-
la hto aewly paitteMd waoca la Obiea«e. aad hto ooadltoo to aStoibaltoi
to hto aaddM proaparlty.
OQ teid rolls, aad show
Why Hit ralBAtten
Poartb at Jely el nUebatB. A deWDated
d this
mis mb Bay of Ma^. 1KB.
Batten eat to Isrite Ibe prealdto
potaied ool to blm tfaet tbe aettm Gtetk af Board «ff %rtew^rSWl'
Mribdey to eeMlly eeletealed on
elaberatenato la PittebatB tMa
ia alaort eay other otty ia the Doited
Mr. Boenrell mid be wnald
bo^ to becoae tbe olty'e fwot.
be iraatood to Make
Sebealer paifc. the Bleat paUie pteae.
tbe bartlBB aff tbe bbbbm was net a
tnU the
Ua nek laMtad. tba ^ who
wbae tbe aerfenat kecked tbem o» hn
id tbe aeUBM WMttTteBteira.
Ad -ant knew- what to charte
to to tbe
•• :s-
IteMwyut 8
Vou bape tbe
unuMOTom. iuxbtbb, obahd
mnnuT. jdbci*.
tMia will kaee Taueew City at
aJSb' Sm BM«ln
And w« have the' largest and’ most up-to-date
•asortment pf Picture Frame Mouldings.' Mat
tings, Etc., i^ the city, aod if you will bring in
your piaures we are sure you srill find the frame
tbat fuits j'ou.
For room mouldings we have what ypu want, as
the stock is large with all the different colors.
Ifyour piaao NEFIDS TUNING,
the tow or actioo is not what ii uxol
be, let me knoer. an.! 1 will be
pleased to call an<l examine it an.1 do
your nurk if you desire. TMei^xme
the \t*biting HoteL
Perhaps you can find a
ready framed picture among our a^rtment that
you want.
We know the work will be done
properly and promptly.
r. M. Paiee'a
Rouse Fumisbing Goods
(sriB on tkr Inr.
and tuta IS sU I»r(« o( Ite r
....Mill tSa
lai M-fw Ba* Tkmt late U Miral HlaMSa
U> uteaiir-tor lYaronn IXIj t»rn«wl»
sai ar«»a Bn- UialM lawl I: nul~ tnwi Kt
Iraanh SnUniaW nil mllUun f-H. ,anuu
M knn ». gaud raal ••
Let each church hare ita “men’s good goTerimneut dub,” with
meetinga on a weekday, eommitUHi to the work of preparing tbe
apiritual soil of the paHah by redeeming ii from the noxious weeds
of Tiee, mime and all unlawful s(tts and d<>eda that binder the progleas of jnatiee and righteouanesa.
d at BM
We BUat not be afraid of that word politied. Do ned
to tbe mia of tbia word. THE “BOSS SYSTEM" IS NOT POLI
TICS; IT 18 A CON8PIRACT AGAINST I*OLITICS. PoUtis u antboriUtirely defined aa “the acience of gprenuaeat” We
have no more right to call this eoaapiracy againat tbe freedom of
tbe people known as the ‘^oaa ayatom” politia than we haTo to
mII eommoB, atnjMil lying by the name of diplomacy. The remedy
for boaiam bto be found onV,ia the h««r^ and Uitelligent <^peration of men of all parties apd of no parties in the Work of destruction.
Thia, I iudat, it pre-eminently a religioue duty. If the church has
not enough influenoe to make ui perform tbia duty, then there ia
something radically wrong with the cLnrch.
aad a dtlaa whoaa
load W tha leMaoawealth hare haaa
pnaeaaaad far DMap Team.
a.wbo« |iarFkiUp Sobaob. Jr., baa pmmtiB to
aaaal «aaU*tn Made hla rerj popa‘ e fold aoBfOL
W. PwOttoallj ha WM aetad for dlsibet thto was
Two news renflew. were nMS m tha "roek" wbtab wee baited at PieeMdia
Mdia hit
hla aSd
oSotai life ha Mood for sUtUafa eneb at tbe LAmbrtb paBos
I loba ceort for nbUlaUf meney by «rjtw
. that whtoh ha 1
talae aewa at Brtiten. Tha m3
na MaakK need br Ma>er Bnttrlek
•t lha Hattb BMdca ta Oeacard. ae
im. baa Me vaat
Burton Rim Me
mxkI'ark-r'. lOio.
pmd, AMI
E. W, HAST1H6S & SOH , J 'V»i'm.4i l,.T.’'ll'Tlll2n * ‘iwTaS
Ute, inau: lilam^and Cmpkir-r >
Blfc. HotePhcM^ TramrwX'U
M. It. iirN<.RitroKi>.
He wore a splendid suit of jclotlies
The latest style at that
And still he didn’t look genteel
He wore a shocking hat.
If he had worn a Ldngley Hat. one of the most stylish
that is worn this season, the above would never have been
thought o^. It would be the best Three Dollar investment
you ever made, to purchase one of these at once. We
have a host of other styles and grades at $1.00. $2.00.
$3.00. $4.00 and $5.00.
wHat about that suit?
About time you were seriously considering it. Our
clothing stock offers a perfect fit at a perfect price and
the satisfaction it is giving is- not surprising. Look at
these prices: $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $r.50, $10.00, $12.00, $13.50.
$15.00, $16.00, $ir.00, $18.50, $19.50, $20. $21.00, $22.00, $24.00.
Dollars do double duty in our Youth’s and Boys' cloth
ing these times. Have you seen the Twentieth Cen
tury Clothing? It is the best that has ever been made
for these little men.
For men. All the proper furnishings for all sorts of oc
casions. All stylish goods, too. the kind that are fash
ionable and proper this season. Especially so with our
25c and 50c Neckwear. The two largest lines that any
one is showing. You can’t help but buy if you get a
glance at these beautiful goods.
iinairasimmbiiibiminaMa^. )
feff tn
Made from Grape Cream of
Tartar, and AbsolutelyPure
Hicfaeit award, Qikago WorWa Fab.
Ki^hat tests by U. S. Gov't Chcnisti.
rSL-:=■ tr Cui.
wish tba Ttartna City Rich aoboal
aad Istmdaaa teB to tba laaetteal
daklao a( Ufa aad tbair
«t Boafal BMei
tba world; wba»« Iboy wiUaopmta
aad tako ap lha work for wMob aaeb
baat Sltad by aartoaa laleati
aped aad daraiopad by )batr
or* la tba aaheoU,
OarlBx tlM fBM yaan of warfewad
Body tba aUBMte U met elBraclar
bara baoa tiaiaad aad SaiBnd aabl
nay lean tbat fn wbloa ba or
» bcatciaallSod BoaBUy. Tba
XBDoral pablte bara aol haowa of tba
of tbrar
dlsBaetide la tbolr Madlaa, aor haro
ibata baaa ataay oatward oTidaecaa of
wfaal baa boaa aooOBplUbad. Aa a
aary eradltabla UlaMratlCB of
talaa af ti>r adacatina aaeb baa reoairad aoaa aoald be nora iBprai
tfaaa'tba '-Orioa," tba aealor olaaa
aaaaal }bm Itaaad tnm tba pran of
tba Otaad TiBTaraa Hnald aad X<
lac Raeord.
‘Zba dm eopiaa of the book an
la tba haadaoftbe anabaia of tba
ikH. wbo MB feel a faatlfiabla prtda
Tbrre «■ talk at Otawl fU|>ldattf al-'
lavta* tba palleanMa to ww shlit»alM ttala fasuav, aaa the Pnaa
> re|naaiilb« law with
•aoh frtrotooa Suokibc to«i
or tb« oBBbar of psbllc playTba iwtaary atapa for tba aaiabllata■awt tif a ahlDatowB aaborb to Iba ■roaad* orScTMl by d» Onad Raplcb
eity of Uraod lUpKU bat boaa lakaa eoaaeil two w««k» a«o car liaa boon, baat woe* of tba prlatae'a
eompletod. Tb« lou an owDod by W. nad/rom a UmbI office. Ibe Ulbaaad a loeaUoo daeldid opoo.
“loWa" will be Ihnw bIIm aooUi of R. Rbriby of tb« Oraad Hapidi * la- trsttcM are axodadlnctf Sm and the
fllaaa road aad A. L. Horray, aaJ are artlatle wor* of Bambera of tba Bleb
Hartoa aaaoer. la an tbia IB of
tOWMlilp, wbxra Ml acwaa.nl Uad baa oa Real Mrert. In the rc«r of tbo BU- •obboU McMbtr with the tUarary
boaa laaad froia Jobo M<icbi>. naa- •ell boM Thr lau w< iv kindly do- ability of tbcMB who eoapilad die
affwof U« ralW nlata c^law Hoy. aalad by tliear r oUcaeo to bo aaed woe*. fcwBi a eomplata Whole which
Wbo'fnr aaroral yaan baa n]«talad a ao |>obUe play Kroaoda I'ba ooaaoU U worthy of tbr iBoit farocableeoB.
Ohtaaaa laaailry^ la tba IlcraillaBa DomtnUcoooa gtrooU aotlioniodUktuot
The bair tou work of the UUttnballdiai on tlaoal airni. baa Bade ('-ommloilnnor Walih to rzpoad |SS la
tba aaoaaaary airanffaB.tita Tor aaeat pauiaa tba irtottcid la abapt for lha tloea aad tba etoblnca of tba draa toci
lax tiM oaa of tlir >aad. aad Ma t^olb oblldrea, bat it wa* (ooad -rmwirj wan prodaead froca tba aactarlnx
deiBitBaBt of Dlckrnaoo Broa of
ar. Cbaa W<x>. freah froiu Haa Praa- 10 opiad SB
etaao.u aow aamri-d with il.c bal]>cir| Tb* Utaod Rapid* Rrtail Ofeom’ Orud Raplda, while tba bindlac wa.
Id BlfaHnal
olca^it | Aoroelatioo ha*« takes aotloa U ro- dnoaby Harlow Hroa.. alao of Utud
aarand OUiot Olilnamrn IB
Ua load for the oeenruey of biaejcatdto <Uatroylac bony bozao oaoe Raplda
TbaoorarU a alBpIa. artutle, bat
oa-d. Tbo tioard of bealth aad rrwtt
Ublaraa -faraan. wb<> an*
vary afWoprUia daalca. The cloth
way tliara from lUn Pnaelaro.
Al Tewt ffaron amply can era ptt- tba groom la eeadaBOlac Iba repaac- UadlBC li cn«B.tbe aBbMwliiit In .li
ver : craes bs.1 while balac Uw elam
lac ap OB Swift A Uo faatar tliaa ad oaa of barry l•nzee aa anraallary.
Wblla C II. Hioa. of Vlokabarc; eoleta. The oaulda ^rcni covet 1.
tbay eaa a>-ad lb.-tao«l with ordanaa
a rooall af tba daeraaae la th« eoo- waa attempUuc to diirr a ,w-tUBC baa naballiabed with tba aaiaa. "Orloe."
■aaptlea of taaal owtac bi hicb iriraa from bar anal by awItoMnc hot aboM ■Travena Otty Hick aebool. -CH."
AUa In tba nppar left bud ooraei ii
' etmnrad. The (uonal yanU then at. tba hrwd with a amall twlp. ba
ploinn of Iba central aohool botld*
fliad Wtlb (watpany 'a cwta. 1<B b.-lu( ; *at npoo by Iba rooalar of tba Hook,
at the fUraia md of the tnoual aad \ who drora apon lub. bU left kaea.ooe inc, aboat wbush there t* crasafally
Otbara are balac bald alooc tl>r liae. jaUikloc iba boua. the otW tflflietUc wavinc a >[ny of Uliea of tba valley,
the cUm Bowar.
Dr. Harry UcNaal, In '’KS, and | > cut aa loch loot;.
In tba baok jawt of tba book.
Badlc '00. aa.I hla wlfa. Dr. Jaaaia|
- oootUta of lU pBC-a. are advertlaeRat? MeNral. mountad 10Da|a<aiin.j>a: * ‘'“f
afSoetb Ananoaa blnl.darUic a WlP • ,w.toJu*yoc,{^’'*T.w U^w*e>aKd maoU of laadlac boaloana am. wbo
d liberaUy to tba rrpacre. of
Iben- U« year It waa Ibair lulamioo ! u tor yraira. Hadlaou Madiclae Ho. a
bf tbe book.which wa.
to praaael Um iu to tin-ITtilci nrtlr of |R'> ky Uoanlalo Tm. Jaa O. JoIioocniid.‘rabla.
Mleblcaa aaaanm. but baiorr thiil*"
Mid ba foniially daa.. Ura UoNeal, Ane Arl.t iMavaa ora warm proi«waa drowsed jeal bef.w laodlac >u ' >|noni (>na <d tbaB >Id1i' Ibepnwt- Edward U. Ryder. prliioiiBl of tire
IkUooaatrT- l»t. KoNraTliaa atmad ,doofa carri aad ilia city map from Hlfb ecboel ud tbe pboc
oat b« Wiabcw and Uia bmetifel a|
: tin* DiBolcrtpal rhaate-r, aad uait day Profeuw B.yder follewi
iBMOa Inca Wa doaatad to U« U rrMuaa nna carried off tb* orapa fram pac*, la da* half (use
A fine lialf lobe pielere of the board
j Iba doer of a bouaa wharr oaa e' ibe
folWilliaB Hoebaa la a nalaaat |Btal-1 family bad jeal died.
town Tbe {oUowUu oompoaed tbr
ar wbo bn prorad that a naa enu fail |
-------aUty fael w>tl.ool liijary. Uachet did I A nonl taolluc of laaptac. booad- board of adltor., to whoa.- Isdstuy,
ceotaa ud ability tbe uasal I. dsa:
BoarO of CdlM».
IL Ua ctrac*k oa a abad whaa srarly | W 3R oaate. Jaa O. Jbl
BdHor ln-ofaref-ObarloUa A. b’adt.
to Mta croud, boaaewd acHsa B.e fael
lUiBCiaiC oditcr—Horbart Sosare
Bp talo tba air acdln. and Undrd oa
AMartM* BaHore.'
l>Ufr» i with nooll.ar injury Ijnn a
Lool. Blrdnll, Kecio Oclby. Orpha
fllBpla IraotBra of one ie« liab'.w tba
'---Bcarr of a uMler of the oItII ar«r la Oraaty. Adola Boh*. Loelae Uoefc.
cuilfcnn. Ibe imme to ba plaead la SUrel Pope, Herrey Aaderaoo. Ida
Tba Bart'b «r itn|.reT<
®‘-, . Federal .imr*, baiwau tba >wtoaea Liarklsa
Icmee a« Jasl rmlbd In Ibr. rae.e«.l
A croap plelen of Iba HIchTaebool
of the etd.«l lu.lm*rk in tba . Ity-a
lac houta bsUt by tbi cratMlfelliar o(! Th.-Madlann Madleior Oo owni tba faoBlty, iDoIedlac So'perlpMhdut O.
reTlt Kharbonow >s IH30 Tba etroo- ;*»cbi»i»« H|ll‘t to raaaafaeture Rocky B. Bora ud Pribclpal Ryder, fol
tare ha. bean danol..bed U> i.mkr —r ' Routala Tn. Tea wtid which 1. act Iowa, alao a larfa portrait of Bo|iarlo.
tudutHomud alUiof lire mas.
for a DOdatii bell.liBC lie
ben of Uw board of edniBdoo.'
ly belli of <-adat lew*, and
Tbe fotlowtac
the Baa.it.' Br. plaaa ud chtiBne.y of
------------ ^OoBBittaa os daoorattc
Iba old tima hofi>a.aeaA For mauy
AKOELSS OK SAV FRAKOUyear, it wa. m. ..I.ja.t of moH> talar. UO AND RkrTCRN. rta Q. B. A L' Uiaii BtrdaaU. Flotuoe Walkoa,
Becbee. Roy
mly elcblb ennael isartltic
Tiakal. on nl.; Aop J»t to Bib cood Wyekoop
OoBBlttaa SB AUiladet-Ruo Ooi
teal Soetaty Will ba l.ald In Lu.iac o)mi to ail, w^r^.-r
uu by. Edward Boyer.
...................OoBBltlMon aoelal eveaW-Orpba
<B Tmaoday. Wadn.-.duy ud Tbnn-! OaU al ofBca■ for
- (arthar
- •
Oraeay. Irvloc Henay, Fred Bailey.
day. JaDc :i. 4 u.l .^ Tba (Ul ynr,
. 0. R Manay. Acaat.
*"~>»*** oo Jokea-Addla Bolao.
baa Wen tb.- moat .•unoaa.fal ud |«oa.
Baaob. Artbar Walt.
. ta tW bwiory of ih. Merely
JjWrlor Spar t. Uw
OocBBlttaa oa Utantara-LmUe
Back. Tan Oartar. Herfaan Raymoad.
OatBodlUar oa Utetaiy
Btbol Papa, Olaee OhamtBay. ^
Condensed Hews
• of niehigan
To make rotan (or our
aummet fumilurc which i*
now oo the way, we nuke
tbit (CTcat dai^hter : : ; :
I 10.75 Hvris Cham fir
I I4J0 Harris (Mrs m
> (64X1 Mirris Cham Hi
S 4.25
$ 8.9B
S 7.00
TheM are all bm elam
chain, Unfe <uk franjet,
pnlidrecl; Rwiitf; scat ayid
four me* thici reverv
ilde enthion. in \elootv
See iheta in our wimtew
Brand Rapids Fur. Co.
from tbr
MM. c^wbb as.
tni OeditabU hMiation.
■ at ISOS. nMA viU
nrc! ntii
iBtbe&MB^poBable, thw Me woald
- -
ax. Ibe diawliwe
'OHca" an worthy
ftaatvfiaeof tbe daiadttoeat
' U tbto back tba eio
altatootala thie dttaodea db
by tone of tba b
La aad aadlnUa Iboer
la an tba euior. fa*A.
an aad Juior ctole.
kbacoU girl Ma tba aoeial
■ tide by LoalaaSbapbaed of the
elan. Tba diawlac by little
On Bhapbatd U alao worthy of
itloa. whila tba wor* of Loot.
Btrdnll. Tnak Devalto, RBallr
Crowall, Bath Onratl. Ohaa L*raoo
aad Fiord Baaeh U krtlatio ud clev
erly axaeatad. The nprodaotlcai an
laBBtkably c«ad. bat aearoaly do Jaatlea to the orlctaale
Tbata an nsawroat prMty aad
«rau ^tebaa oeafBrad tbreacb ihr
It woald taka eelamD. of apaoa t
Clvr a laoper vavlaw.ot tba "OHoa'
bat nfaruoa to iba iwin featoni i
felly JiunSad. Ocauldenhle apaer i
Civan to tba malor oiaa. biatory by
MlaTNlB Bechaa and Ibara *ra l«o
Baa ctMpaof the aealon ta half ton.-,
who an a. follow.:
OUsd Oarbw. Ida Larkiaa Our.
larooa. Harry Aodenoa.
Nadi, Niu Bechaa, Uel. BlrdBdl,
Loolw Bock. Vere Uener, Orplre
Oreaay, Kd Uo^r. Idul. Permrlre,
Herbert boaan. Nelli* Hincliani.
Fnd Bailey, Irvloc MitiTav, ArH.er
Welt. Barbert Raymced. Edward Kyaelka. Addle Solo, Roy WyakMp.
CtuuBiBef* ,Boy BolioB^a.
Ktbel Pnpr. OkariM A.htuo, Reno
Ooiby, rioiucw W.Uon.Ployd liaarh.
ipproprieta diiwrlptlte
qooUtlocu aoooBpaqy the l]Jo«ra.
deal. loDcbiiic the ptonoDao.*d ohar.
of tbe todhridiial. niem-
isrhBmunera.10 clve nn-jff< oar ud
aawmy thal Dooc but lliiia-'familiar
ill lire iBcidMt-oan ivcxicniae iu var.
Ion. phaw* ud tbi- charub-r* luti r
Floe half tone {nrtreiU of Uii.>
Woodmu, tbe drawioc Kacb* r. ud
Hre Dayton, tli*' iiie.ic leubrr.
elves. Tbr Junior claw hi.iory, l-.v
Bibi'l Savaca, forml u inUraalliie
lied lij a ercui« pictore of lire olaaa A croapof Utu )aii.
lor claa. oOieani I. alao reproileoKL
n.vy are
Artbei Well*.
preaidest; D.-lla<ililh'tl.
wcralary. ud Uay COoT.ory, trvMur
self adjusting that
la foUowea by a
ante Ibr late I
OtBaaafarJedaya W. W. Kimball
. > tsaoA to etna to nfttOo. ll» Float aireoL
.ICR -tf
eaeo to tbo dakalnof the LyoaaB ud
apMato devoted to tba Hlfb oobool
gn/tie^ tft 1
liknry vlU a ptotan of the Utoaiy.
e llwwfcw.
8mo ^boo to atooftna to tbo tobontorleo aad ptotam an obowa d tbo OROAjrs tiOM »lt wp. I
toboratory aad (wnmerrlal roona Tbo
"‘1^ TT^-T* idwai 1r rafmndtoaBd
MB Evoked to the lahtoAl
lo Bfor TarwUh. U-tSt
RtfllM but tt to opvMtau ta
te SMtMk pniM f«r the dnwli«
■iliWkiiii mtm wdJMtM
suspenders are
“Sufaecf inSuw
unn«c«sary— •
Blear eu fa?
Or. riertv'v Earsrlt*
rrvacTititioa sot only
nuUidw. womanly
fveslarlty ami drica
Wo are
_ and ulcvreuca. aad
'I iiAtud tx l-mr rtan Mt» atai low tOe.
.... — ____ mooka —
viin Ttfr... Co Mi^wn *Alari tatw
at UeUrt'^ nmkrm yr <ew aw
ABdruwplk.9'-^]. HaO wrwW nod (Atwcuv*.
bw kr,« rr*iit>s »>»w- Itwl twra omtmrO lo
aiT br.< .ar Bwiika w>i«a ■ wear to rw> I
to supply double the '
demands of last
season for these
justly popular summer
Dr llercr'. CoenmoD Scniir Medical
Aduwr, ruper coverv re mt /ire oo
recni< of ri ooe<rst Munp. to pey
rrprnir u( cnallinr u*/>. Addrw* St.
IL V 1‘ierce, Buffalo. N. V.
tre uicrs—
'All the new colors In
striked I'lannels,
$j 50 to $5J».
UIU.T1* WASTnn-1
wink rirb-
No Where Else
lo Iforthero Mlcbigao will yoo Ylod sneb a
larg:e assortmeot of oew desli:ns summer.
clotblDg. iDclndlnr jCi^sb aod white dock
pants, faocy flaonel coats and pants, bine
scree -coats or coats aod vests.
The nopboncra rlaak lil.loryea* well
wrilMB by Loco btolot'orc ud a hoe
by e pictare of Ibe Claw, li lire work
of oilre lookry. All of ibrae lit*,
tone, are admlnblr writtaa
Oooatderable .jitoe I* gtren to
Onpe Vine." for which Herben
Soman ta re.pi».ibk, ud whlcih IIlaatnte* uma of bty new.imper exnoe. Tbe "Olam af '00 ' li a d.partiaut fnun the ]iu of Oouiiiy
Clerk Boliert Walter, ud very Interealsitly wrtuu. A coml lialf tone
n of Jullor Itarrey Certih toCetbar wKfa a Bttioc tribote lo Mr.
OsTtie, I. fivu proBioi'Ot .laoe alu
Atbletice oocoplea teveral pacea ud
ffar picterea of tbe foollatll ud tone
ball tea nil of WTetei olawa* an repti>deoad.
The whole wort tdom ©over to eorer
U daaarrlnc of notblnc bat praiae,
ud while demoanntinc tba talruu
of tba sambrn of the claw, tvflact.
dooal eradll opoa tbe Caaoben of
tba ecboolr and thalT effort, to derel.
op tbe good In racb eliarseler they
Mecbl to mould into fewte few tba
avroka-tda Ultlaa Oon
iwactioal dntlea of life.
Nrilla Blacban.
Thk "Onoa" eu be obtalsad of tbe
AdvBttolac - Hervay
mamban of tba olM. ud tbe price,
Oharlaa Aahloa. Roy SooBald.
arty outa. 1. imie Bora thu half tire
OWlrMB cm litMary parCa-Oliarof imbUoatioB.
lotta A. Naob.
OWiraBO of Baaaea-Barbart I
Parfcrw foumln praa sea* obala.
aad locAela, handaome watoh ebaina.
raculari. rlnca. i ladle* ud
Tbe cnwUBS utUaaa tbe i-arpcree
MI.I. aolld.liver apocaa, irncreved
of tire work aad U well writtu.
nee); caIA ud ^Uvet tbimblrv
Mtowlac tbe creoBac U a aerlaa
. nod Blok piai. enff pin. ud
of plolaraa At tba aetaaol balUlac* oI
■Hver BOvalUea, obatelaine
tbe city, a brief rafersaoa to tSe Htffh ______j. Beutlfel new coaA. to
.how yoa aad qaolal prtoea to offer
at Bamall'a
Fit the form so pcrfcol^
sod sre SO completely
hnBtfocu featera la "HoeUl
Bvaat.” 1. ciren a ' hUlory of the
iluB. anCBfcad ta by tW clan. der<
Ibc tbr past year. Aeolher dr[art.
of liBoor coiiilH* of Mverel
pacea davoled lo "Ortad. '
Tlie elaa mc, wnltao by Ura U
Ef O. Balaa. U fd«eo proBleant place.
'he Fuat Book of C^harlec II. '
wnitao by Mabel Warwlrk, relai..
ttor7of,1aA yrar'r bablncrpiMKle to
“Nufangle Pauls’'
We have made special arrangements with the
manufacturers to place this fine toilet soap ij)
your hands ai a price never before heard of.
'They arc very anxious lo introduce their soap
in this (.ommunity. The soap reuils at lo cents
a cake, or 25 cents a box the world over. Now
we propose to sell you this soap on TUES
DAY EVENING, commencing at? o’clock
' sharp and continuing all day Wednesday, at
ii-Qii.«i r'-v I- *
j It will be taken off sale after Wednesday if
{there is any left. Wc have only SEVEN
HUNDRED BO.VES to sell. One day ought
I to sell every box. for it really is a high grade
I soap, and if you once use it you will use no
} other. Your money back if you're not satisfled.
\ nh Stom will ^ ethmd m/f dmf Fri4^.
arwbu On,. »#/ SO.
Twrebwe W Twain Mb Taw) MM
" v'.^4
B4l4i^ CR*t.k^.
■""yr-'T-rry -SWIG OF HIAWATHA"
Tha tnam h^ l«ra Mtod If thm
md toto a atoatoto wentoa. bat aa K
ww thm md to dfia. Sah aaw Iha
MtaaM at a ftoaaa. aad tha ^ af
batxto haatod ap to hto faea. k to a
toed thtoff to pa a« to map amadf
and Sad a aoap a| hand la yatopam
wu a dpkt that aprmtod hatoto
■man tram aad ptowad fiitiawa ap
Iowa tha plada, bat at tba and af
„ adnata Sab waa rtetor aad bad tba
tbraa oa tba aartb mds bla faat. Ba
wai toia iptorblap mrd aad wf—
tba btood aC tato aana whm a •
roto waUad aot;
Tha II HIM M«a. tfur bartat
-Oh. Sah. Eab. ampeaa yaa to
I l«Mt» Tarkr. Cba daaabur
a< «M(hw fMW. far a yaw ar
I dto eoBto." npltod sm. "aad I
haa ta4
hM a*ad
bw t« aanr U« aad lam l-ra pirea 'a* a baklhp to UM
, year. Whm w» that btro af
M bMf«
Taartb af J«lr tatobaitkm.^a etfcaa
-I-l daa't kam."
a mhoMtaf. Tha latarrab had
-Oapht to mra kam araaad. bnmr
baaa lUad la by wbat ha «aU*4 ~ mr
ttW mwmr aad dadarliw to blaaair
-T-yaw-tmi to. ab Ka: I aae*t weal
that tha vaa tha avaatoat and taaad- Um."
aatoa« fM in an tha wertd.
-Aaythlnp happmadr
Th«a antoa*! tba ailcfataat daabt ta
-Taa I'ra pot all tha hm 1 wask
^d ttet ba to«ad bar. and ba vat Eab, I'm aorry. aad If yoe weal t
MMlIr am ttat W »aa lovad la ra- maroed. aad trttoh. it «aa tbrnfera Mtb a fartla«
-WelL let »a kkk 'an a raw ttoMa.
af amtoaa eonddaoea la tba atK^aaa and tbao ra po botni wltb you aad
af Ito amad that ba bad dropp'd iMo aak tbe oM folka wbat tbry iblak aboat
Taykr'a and Mad to hrap bla btnahaa It lit waa lorfcy 1 tbowfat Of piaylap
' ' and
‘ hit
bla tti
fa«« OB tba door aa ba tba Cool and baaptap leyaaif."
Joat IblaklBi that
'Jaaada. I waa Js
aaybt to fat Barrtcd Ib Iba (ah.'
«an Dlfca dlad at hla b«aa fa Oarrar ate lapUad. looUad iftaU towmblp at 10 o'oloek Mat a«
lap of paaatoenla. at Iha ape ef
•Taa. I eooldB-t lora yea nay toera yaara. Ha laaaea a wifa and
It *a vaa to nwrt for dra yaara."
oblld. Tba faaaaal will ba bald b
•rWbo'a baan caortlncr'
Ilia ratodaeM at I o'clock kmom
•^a hara. ef«aaraa. and I wai
oDdar the dirMtIoa of H. U Chrtar.
Rre. Bath etoalatlBP- Tba latot
-Dia^ aay It" aba Intotroptod.
■aaar aran aoapactad you w«»a p
will ba la OahWood eamatary.
1^ Tdv>a baan baoctof amod i
m laaa, bat I acppoaad yoo eama to
aaa tatbar."
Tba fanatal of Blaa Joaapblaa Ha-Bat rra beat loTiny.yoo for a wbola Boe oearred from Bk rraaeU ebsrafa
yaar and traot ]
yaatarday cUatoaoB at 140 o'oloek.
barhatad, pallM
Mlaa JaBBla »aa daralac a bo k to aad waa ra.y Urpaly atiandad The
Iba batl or oDt of bn fatbcr-a aorka. Soware wara profuat aad aary baaatlfat,
a mapalSaaai eraai of oaniaUoaa
•ba atoppad bar wort aa aba told aarl........ ...............
by lb ■ -----------awly:
*«ah, I eoaldB't marry a farmn. If the Bnasabd 1
s't dad my
■irry at an. I'm
yea bMW, and I'd ba parfaniy mian^
abto U I narrUd a ploddrr.
B frlmda of tba dteaaaid.
"Da yoe maaa that yoo want to marIT aasa doda of a fallarr atkad Eab.
wbo bad aarar b«ard of Idral* or ro-
' «( «ara, a* «Mk • Mt ca • a
ttM tMiai Mar. B* laaBi
I. «7‘kH-Wbaai. 8
■> Bi« no BiTTiancar ar a otara.
taa ara a real yood Triloir, Kab. tint
yaa era no bare. I ibitik l.unuda
Jeckaoa woald maka you a (oud
Doet blaiM- me. Eab. awl d.iD'1 pat
daaparaia and lamp off tbr tiara. I
know you vaat to talk fur an bo
two yat bat It wouMat do auy pood.
Oood Dlibt. Eab. Tbr aouurr yoo >bli
Up to Lwtoda tbr qairkn yoo rau aU
bar to marry yop."
Eab JobnaoB waot boraa a atrickai
tote, la a dim way br know whal
fanela alpbad fur. dbr waa kx
far 4B amorad kalpbi lo mmr aloap
ae a prabctap raai blark toxid and kill
Utm or four rlUalna and l*ar b« off
on bla aaddla. Eab hail no armor,
•aal black ttaad, no daaira to kill,
waa amply out of li.
Ba tat OD tba atamp and tboapbt
bard, bat do cooioUilon raoH- lo him.
Tba baat tUnp br could p>( out.of It
waa a praro oadrr a willow irrr. a
trt*« orn wbtrb Jrnnb- mtpbl enmr
and warp wbru tlrrd of waiilnp fur bn
-Taa. It tbtll ba daalb.- tald
ba raaa fi«m tba atump. "I'm lop
thaaldiirrd. kaar apniap and bumpbachaid. aad 1 couldn't l-a a bnt.
waa paid • boodrrd dolUn a monilL
Tbare'a nothlop Irft hut to lianp my-
flada aiood
fkara. amid tba aoapa of blrda and tba
rwKliai laatea of tba
lapa maaki rtaeka tbr
Ua bedy tbouM bt Irfl
WbOa Eab waa aftn tbr rupr Ihlapt
wak bapprelnp to tbit little pUiW.
Tbraa trampa wba bad brokra )til alt
. tohaa away tba prrrhiaa rraatne wraa
to MAaff. aad Mlaa laaala bad waa
4md late tba wooda to atady botany
aad waadar whae that tniMted koicbt
waald maka bla apprarancr. Bbc waa
thWCtoff of ptKCdoaa and laacra and
ayitoai and ataada wbra abr coofroatid tha tkraa toapb apretawtu of taa•atoty.
Thair Tary ErM warda prortd that
tkto wm aot ckrraUara. Thai*
amra aad gmOt aad •
toaaa about tba aray they erdand bar
totol dean aad ko«) bar
Ma bad hhtodarad apoa tbam. and
thto hMk*t
to M fa« go and
Are tba atom bafara ttaay arate ready
to aara ea. What wttb tbalr eaiba.
tmto rSa yakaa and tbalr tbraata aba
had a had «aaHar af aa hoar af h.
■ahietoMoadto. haararar. Baa
•tth tom tom ahd dawacBM haad
to •Npar «hm a aea to
MhST Ba waa Ihtofc
Ae alrahip race from tk Loala
Waablaptoa will ba oa# of tba faato:
of the aarUI toarokBaDl at tba world'#
fair, aayi tba Naw York World. Tbit
wai midr pabUc Iba otbar alpbk
OBly roudlttoa atUebad to tbia. wbicb
la lo ba tba loapaat race Id tb
arar andartakaa, U tbet a prlae thaU
po lo tba craft landlnp aaareat
fixed point la tba aaUoaal eeplUL Tba
aUrt will be from tba axpealtloa
ptouada OD a day to ba Oztd by tte
Tbr coolrat for tbe praod-prUa of
11(10.000 will take pUca orn a couraa
•naprd like au altronaled Oparr A
(■ret a( orarly lipbt anplea at tba focaa
Tbr dlataorr will br aboat lea BlIaA
IboBpb (bla baa not boae datan
rxa<-Uy. •
Hrarr«rd BMtwer OMta.
To trolJ diapolea betwaaa pa
para aod to prtyali tbam to ra
tbrir plarra lo railway carrUfCB tba
Parik Uyona aad UedllarteticaB Ball
way rotD)iaoy baa daeldad to letroduct
uo trial lo certain trmlaa balwcaa rtrla
and UaravUke a aorel apparatoa «____
will br plarrd abort tba mt arlactad,
«ya tbr Uuxlou Uall. Wbon Ib* trutI'lrr Iwa placrd In tbIa apparatua
ili-k<i ilrllrrrrd to bliB pratla by t
Olvm by Eighth Cr>d—
konufr iuT M.IM,
ThB Waham UaUy Bowa
"BiTm'a OttoUHiii ntattiiBi
'Vtokad Xmtoito" bat alyht to tba
aelaat mtotomlftm «f oetor om ptaaCBk Tba ptar waa faU af aoBofy
toBBitoR toUtab.
fcamitoa aatoBBaatoa
md tha part waa
wha caa
can well ulMd to
. hto alaltoaa aa
bafan tha ttaa teritoa apMiap cf
I Stag of Hlawathn" by
BIphth ffiBdaa of too el\^ aphoela.
haadiadi bad to ba thibad away, aa
may oOBld not area bo paorMod with
Uoato LaapfoUow'a beaaUfml pooB
waa Mob aaiMwA tad raSaoto Bach
mdl> apoB Iba work cf tha Bifhlh
Hara. who maa bad ohary* to toa
drllUap to aba yoaaf pac^ and atoo
Bpon tha paptto tbmaalaaa The pmaaatatloi waa vary amooth, aaaaidarlap tba yaath of thma who pecM
Iha play.
Tba otaaiaotara wm aa foUowt
Arrow Hakar-JaliB Kralta.
Ohlblaboa-AUrad WUbal-B.
WraMtor-UUou EraBA
Aarocf tba part# aoat tlioroapbly
aajoyed by tha asdiaaw «ay be saotlooad tba aelaBB praoeatlos to paaot
pipaa, Iba wtaatto. tba ractiattaa at
Sdlta TlBbUa. tbe ladlrn Uaatiato
Drill ltd tba tBbtaBa -'Uea'bbodot
WoUowlaff U a t; uoptot of tbe ptaoa
aa It WM oarrlad oat i
BeottaUoo-Uara UadoB aad OarrlaWallar.
Paaea Pipaa
Beollxtloa-Boaila Aahma«.
Tablm-liiAoBU- >idlaa Oradla
Tabltaa—HUwa.ba't rtiaSy Boep.
BeoltoUoe-Omriay Paaaa.
IWblaaa-UlawatIm’t Haatiap
BeeltaUoo-Haad O'HatL
Tablcaa-Hiawatba'a Shooftap of
tba Dau.
eitaaoo-rrad MUlor.
Janett. Baaala HaaB.
TablaxD-Tba Wraalle.
BocltottoB-Ohariay Bodge. N<
TarabBlI, Pearl Taller.
Beoitatlan-Bdlth ‘rimblla.. Maad
Tablaaa—Aii«w-m*ker'y WipwauL
RMlratloB-Mlaole Volreba. Draa
Tabitaa— HUwatm't
Raeitoiloe-Bdia Moaroa, EaulU
TabUae-Oaatbbad to MlanebyK
TtooltottoD-KAyTtowloy. Alloe Ky
Tableaa-UUwAth\'a Depanora.
Tbe offloera to tbe Kipbtbp adei of
the elty acbooli are aa (ollowi:
Presldeat-Hteule Votrabv
VIee praaldeut—Oartrade Dell.
Sooratary-OlMde Banu.
Treaaarar—Obarlay Peace.
Tha elaaa colon are old row
NUa •raea._______________
er crowd eoald hare boea aeoosmoa of tba trala will daiad. It It a n>\ttor to regret that
amny people who weald hara liked to
ba tccopoLaad aa kyaL
attoad tbe aerrtoe laat eranlng
nataral MWaka.
able to tacan good aeata. but
theie were icrerto reatant gtrea by
Tbr rxetamaUon had (br rlnp of tba elaa for tba aeUoa tbal bu been
aatbcirltj ay It atru.k ^pr aortcalar a^ taken.
|M>i>dapr <if (hr laborrr. Orupplat bit
that Ihit U
twdB.'br Inokiid ureond fur (be ealkliiC delemle » bo bad i^uki-n. Hal be wbaa the moBbera to tbe tanlor elaaa
lookwl III vain Twaa a falar abrm.
lopatbar for a rtolylooy yerrloe
No w d. appeared amid tlw aerorry. btooca tbe elaaa dltoarMt. it aamed
Teia I....... ..I eoU.
IV 1«. from
irum tbe
jue adUreol
liaaeluill park.. Tbr
The umpire bad apnkra. only pcopat that tbe armee eboald^
And tbe. wiei
lery latune neomed Ua
by all Ibal la aorwl aad
Uak —Chicapo
n. Ilally .Vrwm.
kept Uoaa'r is tooeb wllb tba religIona U tba eoBiBay md amBblad
la tha opera boaaa. tl>a boaa to tbe
tbaatta, Baeb to the parpaaa to tba
TWAvnah tTrr MARarra.
■roold hare b-aa laat, nd the
r^a^la a
« Ito beyl^ aM^^Map
eoald bare mrored
SmTu Tmeieaicilr*^
•Clare; vud tbea. toe.
iraata aarmoa and lu pinor to
boldiag. eto. are maiian (ok tba
lor cleat emta yaar lb daoida. TliU
ytar for tararal rtaaoot tlM alaai
wttbwl It lo bo bald la Iba churab ta
Uandarabaary akpaaaa. a to did not
faal Ilka imylag for tba aae to tha
•paca boaaa far tbia oocatoea. Hallhor did they wlah to lartta thair
Maada to a aarmoa la tba
aad thaa aak tboB lo
toward the aipenaa to tbe Baatlap.
Aa It waa. tba Blnlatofi to tbit city
aad aU to uwlr
to attoad tha nrrloa
to# d^r af
ft >lmat 4t. •
Utoa af toa rp*/ cf #f« »aim
Tba Bapetat aharcA waa fBoked to
the dam yaatoaday merutaR. sariiaBea
rooto. parim aad galkay all balM
AUod to atoAdl^iWBB to Utoaa to ^
Owatihai •
It at the Olty Opera
whle*"Baby PtotT'wiU bafaataxad la
titla' rola TaaaW araalap toat great
"Wleked Lca'■ IhU aeaalag a free reaarra
taat wUI 'twclraa toaaeh lady wboa
apaalad ky au SO. «ak
Mra Waablaptoa Pound vraa clrntraata. A taofkaloe to BowufC Bag*
and faantlAg waa aaad. nad Uw room
looked Tory procty. Uvra tba baptlri.
ary doe^ wai draped a large Sag. aad
wboa Uw tod vatornai awrelwd lo
Ibay druwd tbalr Sag* over iwo
Biaoka to goaa that wrte plpead la tbr
treat to tba room.
The O. A. H. aad Uw W. R. O.
warapreaant la a body, aad a goodly
ber to Iba (3oB|way M. boyi and
tba PhlUpiitBe aoldlan «eia laeanoL
Tbe Baalc wm faralelied by the
ladlae^obolr. aad wm moat oxeelloot.
TTw Brat aoBber vtm a deal by Mlaa
J '
I Othe«al$l.60mto.............................................................................. 05
I *Jk ami 20c Merceri.e.1 Chamlmyi
‘«wl pink.'jwr' y.‘l!
I 1*0 Uteri. Note Paper. «ly..........................................
I Fjtvek)iw*iwrpackagc..._..........
I Petruleum Jelly, in large jxn. noly.......................
I Alarm Clock* «,iy................................................................................ 63
Try uf for unirorml) lo* (gicea.
Bid Jemir WUmb. wife to Pator
Vilaoa. OBC to Iba ptaaam of tbU regloa. dlad T«T Hddealy to apepkxy
laji Bight at bar bom os im paala^ 2f! Fn>nt Street
Traverac Ctlv. Mxh. )
aatoMadfti ytan. Baalitoa bar baaband aba laarea Ms anaa. tbraa U the
weak oaa la Okltoge. two oa Uw peatnaala. aad ooa daagktor, Mra JaBaa
Wldii oa tba ptalntola Tba faawal
aad Mlto Roberto aaaf
win ba bald (nm tha booM WedaaaPLEASE NOTICE — Mr. 1. K. F^mreld, for aot»c lime ia our
dayaiontagat iDo'oIook. Bar. D. bennUfal eolo. "The Hoar Uad''
ciujdo), I* no longer ronncciol in anyway wih ihit iHtre.
touoblng mtaner, oauehig
Ooafalla will oAirtato. laMrateai will
old vvtaran to wipe hi* eye*
br la Oakwood oasaiary. Will &
Aadaraoa will bare obaiga to Uia (an- aa ba looked abeaid. Aftor Uw eermoD
“Ataarloa" vtm lanc m Uw eloatng
BUloal aminber.
Tha aab>eet to the cermoa wa*"OBr
A. P. Boapb' to Jaokaoa. fonptoly Herilapv" and li wm a very able dUto ibU olty, li la town today on boai- eoaraa. Tbe apeakar look bii text
from PtolBi IS: a, "I have a goodly
B. a WUllBBi
l to Kiagalay heritage." He ipoke Bni to tb*
today oa baataato.
berilage to David Uw PaaUalxl. tbe
Dr. and Mra 3. O. Manaoe went
glory of liU aaiioB and Ito pMt hi*lory. wlUi lugnal |■oaaibhliea for
Ann Arbw tbit B«alnp
r*rhx|<( aomc time, aomcwhetc, xonie oa* will «huw a* giWx! vxliiet,'
Iml no line clxc '
3. a. Btiaab U down tba O. H. A the falare. He ^mphaalaad ili* face
• ••
that the Ood of natiMi. who direotod
L oa bulaoto today.
eat you.
U>e affair* of Uwt day. U Uw Ood of
r. a. dBltb left tbif BOCTlBg
a baytaeia trip to Manjaatte aad Dn- aatloiu Mill, aad Utal when
Cln».vol all l.a.lk-s'$1.2.*i
u> fellow Hit plaax. Ui<' nation
aial iKa.--. Shirt M'.t.sis.
Mra. Mary 3. Wolfa who bat apaaV boglBi from that polal to deuriorato.
He atotad that America need aol
the wlblar in Obloago. retarued
Men's fli, J14.6(1. SllUdA
Iblak that ibe eaii go ooDtrary to Uw
ihU elty yattarday.
•Smts............. '..........,.... 9.50
Artliar White to Maple Olty waa la wiU to Ood with tmiwatty. auy
ClMl.l.cn's Stntx. l and 2 of
town yeatorday.
Ibaa could Orvwox or Itonw or
a ktml. Monli $2.26 to
O. M. DcBa, daiBty food aad dairy Uiaga or Kgypt nr Bjatu or Kran.w
................................. . 1.65
ooBBltaloenr. waa la llie etty orar aader her ktaga. Ood Wine (I
L'liiblreti'* cassi.net.- Knee ,
tioui iUll.
Pams, xonli
39 $1:*.''. In $1.40 lAcc Cm.
' ^ank Oilloaple of Ma-loo. Ohio, U
Rev. Woodbouto rrfennd to tb* fai l
to tbr oily rldtleg reUtIrea
that MemorUl
Mtns heavy Mack arv!
....... .........................95
Mlto Llula Daaa eloeed tier aebool Uoa'* bliiory.
white tivtrishiils, w.trth
Id Wh-Pierce dUMol oo aonooni to Uw glorlee of Amnrioa'* |ML
Wiaj^H-rs, xnitli "fx-............... 45
R'-v......................'............ . .36
CBanposiuid li rlyitloB frleadi aad rptoe of Uie fact itiat tiw iiattoo I*
.Men's wixil cassiiiirii- and
Ij.IuV .VrM* u.rt. Iving
relatlvaa In Bmpltv
oeitod. that UId Ulory ba* iwv*r I
xlecvrs w.wth IK......... . | 2^
MurMol J'aiils. «oilli $2
Dr U Owautoa left Balurdxy for a (Ur. Hoaili over no ilave and M
•peeied Uw world over.
hloano OD I
U -ir............ ......... .1.25
Praali a Loyd aod Arthor Ueaohe ' Then Iw rvfemd feeliugly to wlwl
Men'sfuiv ■.is.MUiar* an^T
of Cblearo UTtrad loday for a week '* all IbU bM noet
He (iioke ol Ui*
w(W*fcl Pants worth $11
rltli wtiD tba family of Mr Boyd'y buodredi'of ihonaudx of lionornd
l«.$3..'W........................... 2.26 Clicnillc Purtierr*. wvxlh
grave* in tbr aatioeal oaawterira, of
ancle. Thoe. T, Batea
*2-2rv..................:... 1.76
CbiMich's Ui<.*ii.c Over,
Uw aeoads (hat dot tbr ohoreb yard*
Bigliu lAivsaml K.nilntniU
alls of U.n- .Icnim, alt
lo every hamlet of Uw land where
cticsanrlUMI mid.,.
•oldler dead li< ■leeplog. aud of
lodge No. nr. Uiooraudi of grave*, aukoowu.
P. A A. M.. toolskt. Wllb work in marked, aebooored, where *lee|i
the third decree. The Nortiiport loat taeroee wbo died U.ml Amn
loilge will alleud and at tlte eooclatloa Blghl live. Tlx'o be paid a glowtag
to tbe work te'reabraeate will
tribute to tboae wbo liad aot goa, U
----------------- ^------- ing douse.
Uw fn»l. llw women vtho were lefi
A boy wbo ww Inatolag lo ride bad at home to auffer the torment* u( •ni
a oelltMO wltb a dray thU monilup lo peaia aad aaxiely. cod tbe grief* *l
wbieb bU leg waa badly bnieed. bul leudaal upoB (heir final lot*, of ll»
It U tiioogfal be arat not aerioaely ohlldren Uial war left fallierleM .of
the** wbo vrant down to tbeir gravea
At TboB-poaBTille yeaterday tbe broken buried tx-oanae of tlie lo** <>r
Trarerw City layieeibin were defeat bMtand or faxbrr or brother or lover.
ed by tba TbomptoaTtUe twm by
"Tbe (afferiog of *11 iln'*>>, ‘ aud
More toS tot. X^e lerlaeililM elaii Uw •Deaker.' fona » part of our hertt
Uiat the empire wo i (be game.
age Memorial day bring* It *11 bra-k
I'hc ladies of Traverse Cily have a treat in itorc bx Itieiu. The
F. D. McArcy. wbo haa been aillog to a*, with tbe Corrtble oo>t tfi*l ha*
(iav I .1111)011) has engaged Mis* F.iinlt Marion Colling. |innii|eil of
the place to eook la ibe Lluie Tavern beu ptid for tbe privlIegTHi iliat we
I he . isAmg xrh.x.l an. I levliirer .in l>oiiii%tii S«-iem<- al the M«i)lan.|
eoae time. Iiaa raaigaad to aeoepi tb* now eojoy '•
niaiau.giia at Mnnnlain JAke Park, lo give a senes of letdutes and'
poaltlon to ehef la a 'arg.- hotel at The (ixwker rrgrd that kiruiorlal day
Maaltoa Bprlupa Oolotadu. Hla plao« b>' obaerved Id it* true arlrll, (liM
.letii.insiialions .<n g.ivtionoini. s. 'Hiesc Icct.ires x dl l>c given daily
la tbe lilitle Tarara liaa beea tokae •porto and game*, wbtoli are entirely
at ;i
m. at our st.irr.'J2:i K. Kroat ureri, .......
ing- Momlav,
by Oaorge Obaai'.
forelgu to (be (i.lril of llw day. be
June 2n.!, an.l lontimiing for t*.. wecLs.
. Tbe IblTty cixth rtinaal aeealon of the omitted. Uiat Uw botiaew bou**p and
OtaadTravaret llaptUi •aaoclailoawtll faotorie* of the olty l« eloeed and lb*
be halo ta tbU citr next week, begin. olty tok* on* day In lli* year for Uw
Bing Taeaday a'totneea and oloalug etady of ]«trielt*ni. He iin>l>w(*d
Vadueday aTeniog.
wltb moofa warmth agalti*! ih* dee<All viaitlng mamU n ef the
oration to Um- day.
Blar are eetdially iarttod to attend iba
la eloelug Mr Woodboa** atoted
tbal the beat leo*0Bi of patriodun
•octal to ba given in
rooma tjBorrow aveulug.
Miss Colhn la emmentlv igiialifu'.l t.> giv<; m.rsi ei.tlNvai,- .1,..
Tbm will bn aa a<UoarB»d aatotoo a daty m htgb a*
I .lursc* .m the suh)cv.i ol I wAmg. She h.is lev iuie.1 al the t..vl evof Uir elty eeanoil tbU avaalag.
by U-oae wbo .Hr .
|K>siliuns ol many of oui laig.- .mes. She wav * mcmlvet ..I a lass 'lij
Mlto B'aae* Roaab. wbo adTsnoad and that 1* thf duty of llnug
at Phila.icli.hia cvxAmg sa lu«.l, gia-hianng al he*.I of her a Uss. t he
oiw * ooaewy. Aud he orgwl bravvery
Iba Sna tor Darvd Daaae Friday,
nevt three vear* were *|aciil ni ica.hing Itie .himcsli. S< len. c- line
la (aclag arrong a* ibe boy*
the CBanll mod bntk ry caw broagfal wore brave id facing (be conoi
in Mantpinn InMitute, llanij.t ><i, N a. the oihei lar.i teats ai
year ir
by Millar, wbo la raid to mra
mooli.. H» orged the Deed Dot *I
New tOrleans, Cincinnati, (lino, an l l>aven|x>rt, la nxiking saihotos
tba oat vrbo ditAgared David Daaae'i of feorla** Iwart* bat heart* tbal
Icctuid lail siimmer al .Kav \ ww, Chalau.|ua, her lea ture ]x.iv mg
jigre a* well a* brave.
Iwottaar with a eowbell.
w> )><)>u1ar that the largatst hall on ihe gromwlt xas f.iumt necrasart
liaTa It etatodkfaal tbe adranoad tba
lo aca-oniiiiis^ate (he aurhence —M(m»ea|xvliv 'I rilumr. .^pril, lV(i(T.
money atsply till ilia arrival to Dav.
Id'a btolbar BArry from Nortbport,
whm be is at wort at pceaeni Miaa
Hoaab atotoa Ual iba bad argad David
Daaae apalaat tba »top that be took
rad did aot think tlmt be would tofce
R*r I. IllJl.
S.MII1C*> n.sn.*a tb. rvwr <jI Ib. Bu.taia au.*.
Ibe ls.tor'1 ladt.
Treu*bwwTt»vmOtr s. (aXlewi;
gsv^tir*^ Riauv^ K*l*l*s*nc. (Xuawg* *aB
ew Uvsad R*|M.. - —— —
--- rt n*
■ Dito mt»K.
wxbui. Laww.iiw. m
liBa m.
Tbm wUI ba a ITO. R. K.
tag Wadnaaday avaalag. May I
■".fSTlTst":"''’-*-—■aara raqaaatod to brl^ tbalr
Three eaindldataa will walk tb*
" ‘*s».
Matobm to OoBpaay M. aid all Monday evening that beauiilul soriet
Odiata la tba city wbo aarvad U Uw
Comedy Uranu
ara raqawaod to meal at
8 40 rriday atwalap. at Oraaga hall,
to iBiB oat wUA tba a. A. R. aad to
Our Special'« *
10 Days’ Sale
CM$ts until mext SatunUf uigbt» IBaf SI
Cooking Sebooi
Crauerse 0lfy 0as Co.
eoDimdits ol tbt Prut
- -n ual In nUenm.
•ata ItoAhaad watph-
PEBE Marquette
Rev. 1 MB.
Monday oetiiog a free reaepred acat
fa daaira to anam oar ataeari win be gireo to each lady when
aka to tmdny frtoam wba m«w
ipBoied by ooe BOc acBt.
.. SB mab SdMto aad lyafaUrr
Partag thBlUm aad daatb: tow
na. A A.
Fpli PllMt HbJMailt err.:-:
SbMAb BBle Bt PoMoAea Satnra^
Reia'. 0i
Pw Orwd Bamra. Mrett. tMMw -■ ||
*Mw>*a.tiaaw. UB*.ra,tgaa.m
.bBdtoWra loBiaiwiMiA a«
a ra.tl*aam. »«*.».
ravBkBufM. Md CAMBm to-B.
Abft e# th« cirid adgbt air. ta
dm imp Wae a# tta eUreC eoM mm
tbe peat cBy a# Kew Tar* tba taHita
atan were raj-iry
' to a fraamy aC ariasM «o«n«e iad
hapa ba bwrMly apewd tte teir M
visrriisjrisrs MY SELF
tMi ImmC IL J. H. n^e*. •
Wt bad bad a row. attomyjoaaag*
(i«m .■ootbaapUB, bat tbe atoratac we
hU lelartad maaaaretpta. pad aaa by
aate vMb lamaal^ etaUble ba Aeac
BUI7 Tiiltmn. •Btb«. vas Ae
Amth to &T rmta. Wbra b* miciwd U*
•>«CM..vblrii waa Imri^ (blrA flat.
*ditt»at««M^oBi.waalB*ta««B. WJib
• pwfWnn Uirn of onrtKtirartW ba
Mad B|Oa bit Ul<W tba UU ba bad
rairfant fm tSU pl«raolK>le Is ibr baa
Tbra bo Ul bb Unp. Tbe Ittoala
abawad Uis ttat bU aim bad falke
MmiM. Ona iiarbaap Ur a|«Bibo Bnor.
Tb* amrUfio wa« a Ufa* aflC.-aB4 bo
rf*d at a cUnra Ibc |irtnt ai tba fefl
baad lop ronm. Tte Ru-lUr Maeailar.
bla bapea driraa freaa eorae to coaer.
aa It were, he bad Sane dova tto teat
with aa eaib. be atood maedUy atattoc.
fare be had ktafced aalde. Aodd
aware that Ha roelane. pood or UL waa
bo anknovB If nat aaaw
-UmaU nerd.- be rrmartad Utterly.
rtppiDi Dp tbe parfca«a. He lancbad
baraUly aa ba drew oat wbat ha reeepelaed at a sUace at Ua mannacTlpt
of Ibe mory nf tbe womaa aod tba
Bbakr. TbM ba attrted aod ttared.
Inataed of tbe ruatomary editorial
telDted aUpoT coarteoni re>^oo tbera
-a Mter. tlU Ai>«en trembled ta
^ a frawr<I-|iliotx«rapb tbat'buac upf
ba opentd It. HU eyt* clUteoed aa ba
M tba dliur daJI O'"- Ui UbU. Iba ned IL
pMaraofaflrl tniba patrof .
IM nr-Wr bae. ptruiw.
(■mHR rraa. (tial fuHowMl Uiu wImT'
o»rr bo uiovod wlibln Iba
hU tinia r<inra. Ila ratnntad lha louk
for M>iu<! DMiiuatiia. Iba (cnrltr
k»r wbtcb we
inra naliliK
kso&. xoirDATt
oalkd Bp New Yorit boy was warm a«d
ua.y m. um.
TW iifM amhKtoa af a ■«._ .
■Cetolo btoM a pagoda, by wklcb W
wWa toe title of KyoBBs Taga dar^
k A
e bad aa 1 Itoddbtot that le MM
1 ptoto of wortolp to toe mma 1
1 ^ a aaiu'a t2>r.
. - jTMBew wemHm ntoa IImM
OMtovUt aeU kMoW (IM aEtobttatoa. to aU atottoM «ltM> a »»ie af
Ifcbt aad bmatiM I Md beea atwaod
w a
x t b
e baat atadytuf aad waa ramtag batue to ariTUB EOHRD TBlF
Good gpli«
rtJiMM de deara le my ttoUeaBloa.. Wbr« tbe
May If abd ». UtolStd for mm
t XU Cm Meamrv waa docknd. t Blood aeor tbe «!.<»» roiae'a l.y Kyaaag Toga rmal
paaaaae to May At
M to.
aarito bsBBto. Uaee tbare It la
Utlp a end of tbe gmagway walfhig tar Obnn. a Ilwrmear rol'V mrrrkaat of
reruiB to dnd prey.
a ehabre to get aaltme. In one band I Hal rily. Tbr old rhurrfa of AatotoMUBKSOUB
*T*atod OB aotoa borti Mr tbe boe- beta a aoU caam to tbe otber a l<uw<Ue pora wax bum by ab ArmeoUa awl tbe
fwwa.- aaya Ur. f'abee to bit aecoaot of arrapped rogo. <»a tbe dock 1 ooilerd two rtan bra of Ibr Tron>eaariin cmR
DadtoBttoB of aantto to VUttom Mept tbe laaert. It walU paOewtIy bbUI aae af tbe aUp-a aArm aundlng l>e- by a rrotlrmaD aamnl Iw Caarro.
II awn aoaie other Mwt. probibly a toda a young tody very prertlly aad
Uaey of ibr Tiw and gMWr etoprto
retitmliig bo»e. By a ap^ taatofully drewoed.
Hr wan pnlnUac and rfaurelMj thruagbunt lianua are
rwatla of Ua ball epeo vIm K terrtScB my way. I tbuuglil aotblag «f tbr to- bout uf yangle wo>4. which l< d.-totoyrideau ibeusb I ama ewpmrtolly atrack ed in a few yeara by Ibr'whiir anla.
witb Cito apprarwBie of tbr young tody. To rejAare itoea by itwk or pyliiekado.
• aprtag tbr toothed forearm fokit* Aa ooga aa tbr crowd tbinned I auried not lu Rxwk of modvwl uranurra la a
bark OB ID arm alao toelbed. and tba to go aotorr. At tbe foot of tbr iBtat- miflrr of bufie wllb m-ry prtraL
toaerl la grmaped betwaeo tbe bladeao# ptonk I waa uatiadabed to frri twu In Itx-lr alraltmial "
oera Ibey do
tba doable aaw la tbe eame manoer ta femlalne arma Uitown abowt aiy arek
y fur Kianiig
tbe }awa of a wolf tnp etooe 00 an Bb- aad a ttewer'o# ktoaow rained opuB my
mabor'a Uagfortoimlr wotf at Iba UMuat O’bea It to face by tba ytmau tody I bad boUevd
aatsSne tbr bait. Then. wRboot UBetaa- Cram abore.
lag tbe deadly marbtac. tba matola
-im. WUL" abe %ald. -I'm to glsd.
Tbr evil rrpmr of liallfax Impltod le
alow lyeata Its rirtim.'
yoa'ee come! We're beea watching f.»
11 lo ilaltraxr rnaw w ti
lb Proeeaee tbto crsel laaret to tte atcoaer ew olnee yesterday after
r from llalirax ta York
bapwD at “prrgo Uleoa." vUeb m
-praytoOod.-H bow-did FOR
-Oae of the ahip'a oOeera putmed yoa tie exiherrd froiB a Irtirv •
twe Dear toatew meerOOL i aaked blBl U be a-uuM M me Leleveii-r •lootrij by Hutlry. woe Ihst
crimlna;. •buuU be -ruodTraurd Brat
-Tbe moto paibaUr story I erer ki«w wbru yoa come aabige.aud Itkiuiml a]a>n aftrrwanL*
beard." aald Smatur Hoar oare. -was
-W w who did he aay I waar
ttoto to-PMOM^ 1
ilnlt/ji lay n-ltbln Ibe forrot ft
told by Profeoaur Gallaudet. Tbe pro-Why. William Brown. 6f cowtoe.ftmor bad a farorite popll. a lltUa 8be looked at mein eemtonrpriar. ibriL ItanJxrPk. •here Ibrlaw wae tbnl If a
deaf mute boy. esreprionally brlgfaL (toawing allghlly twa.r and acanjiiug frluii wae lakeo Wltb IS<, |x-oct worth
Ilf etiiU-ii tnxala W abuuld Iw Uteil by
Ur. Gtlltodri asked bim If be koew me crinrally. “Aren't your'
four brill Uarxen from four of Ibr prrtba «o^ of Oeorga WaabtogtoB aad
-VfioarwIaM. And youT
tbe eberry tree.
-Alirr Itooaro. yoor atoier. Wbo etoe riiK-| tuwiiK and If rond-tuunl by tliitn
-Wltb bla oiBbla gagera tbe Uttia Bbould 1 brTfellow aald be did. and tbeo be pro
-.Nobody etoe. How d)d you know I
kcii r 'lx- mae might l<r a-nit lu a lory.
ceeded to repeat IL Tbe uatoelem gea waa roralngr
IlalJfai le.alau rredlird with Iwliis
tkolaUooa coottaued uoUl tbe boy bad
'Bjyyour letuwa. Wbat luakea you
Ibr bi.mr of Itx- gum.rtlnC. • Mrb Hie
toformed tbr pewfeeiaor of tbe eldrr art mJ funjo r
n-ci-ut. nnri'Muriiai. Iiitroiluiwtl ln'«
WtaUagtoe'a dlacovery of Ibe mutllatT- I havrol b^ wrO."
ad tree and of bU queol for tbe miia-You bad *a>y: Yoo aald nothing In midland ■-Illy tn baw Me <iwn brad
yoor bwtrre Mxjur having Ueui lIL Why eb>ff-|>'0 off wtili 11.
-‘Wbee Gaorgr'B fatber aafced bUa didn't yuu Irt ue.kitowr
Pvwaaire ml Baser.
who backed bla farortl* cherry trer.'
"I mean araalrk.TMtt la a
iiiuriiw raoge of dlffeeolgualcd tbe rolcelem cbIhL -Oeorge
-llh. Ibal'r ixdbingr
tbe IcicMm-aa'ofvllx- alarm
pDl bit halcbet la bla left hand'Utauwialr we' were moylqg- akmc
-tilop.- loterrapled Iba peufeaaor. tbr <lurk awl rewclird a rwirUrr before 1 wM-n Ihr aun l> takrti for ■ alandard
of ewnimar\a.itL Soiur of llx- atom mill
■Wbere did yoo get yoor amlmrily fur tfbk ii tbr girl aiain-.r
cHilViuOr oiw t'UTwIiedlb ai rooeb light
aaylDg be took tbe toicbet la bla left
“Itit yimr baggage uu tlx- fruot arsl.'
a* tlw eun on.ila. Ulbrre rmlt a Ibou■be aald.
aaiid lliura ae uiIH-b IlghI aa br dorr.
I aluud Irreoolulr.
It wae rvld.'T>t
Iiidrod. uiM- w-leiRlat ibinkB tbere air at
voutiE tody had aud
'■•eial two alani eweli uf wMrh le |wo|x
Uke So fa- I bad md I-.-11
al.ly Il'MW IHora ea Iwlglit ae Ibe ami.
IMII If I. niMlnued to Iravr i
wl.i.-b alfinlliea Ibal If rlllx-r of tli.xH'
foruxxl 1 would drx-rv.- 10
Tba difference hetwe-ru troom and 1
onieUlix- him in.ieai tliix-x In
marked. iWih ar
briglnn-a. lli.- l«o el.are an- Coixo
of orgaole origla but a
me aa U-liu.* Ibr Wrong
puo. wlilili i« In llo> Niutlxvn
venom la prodoml lu aecri tlng organa,
S'rirrtbrlrM abe «'■■ ■■> |ir.-t<>. ao
................................................... aud U
fntlouatr. an rr*ol--r.l lo
u.r al
iBCrodumI .Into Ibr ayatrm by
ini kmg alimiiv, 1
eoprclally adapted for Ibe .
lo break Ibr a|—fl
-Mxl wlxn >1>r d
aoeb aa atlosa or faDsa. Go tbr olber
euirrrvl Ibal irta- tud l.xii klxalnc
hand, a vlroa la tbe rrautt of diaraae or
alrniige man II niicM
putirfactloa and groerally imiaiaata
I got Into.lbe raWagr
property of exciting to Ibe eyotem
Tl ^-ae a lune riiough drivr up town.
Into which It la lolrodurwd Ibr dlwwto
.Bmm MfActo Adeimr. ami I tbotofM
h prudu.'ed Ibe rlroa. A rlroa
found It dimcuh 10 kr..|. up apiwwr
froea rradioi; it ibat Dr. Piercc'a madlcommonly piodocre lllllr if any toral
aneiw aixl drt^ami-rixl.-.l lu doing <■>
cine woald do me bmw* guod tbaa aU
dialurliance. A. venom grorrally cnusea
by exroalng niya-df for my la.-k of
tbe baawdoctoi»-wndao& W If aae
great pain, often arrrrr liiilammaUun
one bad tebl me tl would de ma oo mwefa
meoxyry aixl mj btund.-r. !■> iLrcront
aod aarlllng. Venom baa a marked lih
good I wouM have aaid. ‘ Ob ao,' M
Ironb of lay alixmxv. I dl~>n. r<-t In
rffrcL Vlma rwuaei a grnrral die
lhal nioch good.' I am truly my that I
tlir roiirar ut Ibr oiuvrrwall.'ii llml I
.■waa BuTrued al tbe bracbl I reedred.
lurbenreof Ibrayalem.
Ud br.-i. rbnaii ever -Imv I wa. I'.o.r
I ran do all my waabing abd otoo toad
Irni yrnrw ul>L Ibal ‘Xir lo.iilx r we. n-.t
air nowvrgatdre. Id fact 1 amoamy
Aa MB Menu Amaaa ■'••ha.
lliliig and out failxT n-ol inarn.-.l
feel mcea alltoe tiOM. AaoldbtoJto
AiiHiDg Ibr Odd hahiia of r<vka It Ibe
again, we lirlng llx- >xd.\
mi»r aaid lo me. 'W^y. what to tba
• ay dial mrmbrra of Ibr a-viix- rookery
M> lliwl ninrviaitr.
bate of ImcrtuatTilng grurrattoo after
“.Vb. Ix-re we wreT' rUr
gcnrrallon. Tbr inalvn alwaya cbooaa
Pierev’e raediciata. aad if toa
lumi-d o .'••ri..-r; • \l.- II I.
ibrtr •Hkw from among iIhAt orar
do Ukewiie abe woold faal WB
oelgbtavra. and if oiir alxMikl lot ao tiold
' bring borne to bla luokrry a brida
from a dlaiancr ibe oibrr rcaika will Iqborne. Tbere In luuioilili
......................... 1 ta carim Smbb •
vartSbly refute to mvicr Ixv sod will
nrcoliar to womes. tt ia act to aaBdig
force tbe puir to hUlld atuiir way off. t.-llyou"
lul ai it appmn.
it to M Bimdtffto
Hhe lu,ik flight at ■•li'V- " InitlilhE
lo Ibr Deigbborboud of Ug rookrriee
fai ao, that a macfalnr atade to portom a
luipli-auui > liave y<ni got Into any
outlylug betua of tbia klud may alwaya
eertaia Irak acaagmltobaa
it perfectly. Va do ato
-No; r>e bad a vitj pl--i«nt n*l
wonder at tbe cagiaa
ode •'
b Pwlat Staton
which Mia the Usia to .
'•Ob. WIIL yiiu't.' rtigacixl' I In.ov '
A frrtb p
It atalo 00 woulro goods
eara. aftboagb we kaew
»u anAnd I wae ■» in hrix- iliai
BOtbiag of mecbaalca.
f ruhlicd asaioat other
uu and I wuuB be locellxT" '
We kaow tba eawiae waa
wooiro cooda
Blade ta de tou tfal^'
“I am oot rajAigiil.''
alccrr of
We do act woaito at a
M.- w.-rr ID Ibe pUiLa. I i-allixl I- ilxtiRt garmeat «ff aodI itoC
itol^ tbe pt
- Mcbiiiao BDd told blm to mii' u. for n
agalnat tbe otber alcrve. 11 will dlaapta W _ •
rive In Ibe park, .and In a fm ......
pear tod leare ao sign. TbIa la easier
M«ia we Weiv l•lnUMk■
and exactly
applying II
perfect banaoey. Wa
le MiHaAb rraida of Ible fnlrytoii
kwetoua. boi
It II muot br dooe whl
laaw that <baotaat Bcaa• lib Ila auadrd lawiia. Ii> terruri-a. 1
tke eaaUaa bla p^aet
tbe palai to atm weL
graaa grown rueka. lu lafcea. all girai
cammaad to Ub key' . boanL Let aa tuagaartIn Ibe aua of a la>gbl eumm
Verr UegwU
raced pUyer eet dora to
-Wr claim ttiat ray cllrel did oot run UHirulag.
^ ptaao. and tbe BMS
jw. Will." aald tuy M'i'r
away wllb tbe borae, aa alleg^ Tbe
keys felaeW toadied iw
borae was ahead of blm all the time,
iaio dioco^ It to ao wttb J uumlwrlew pitfall
od be simply followed tbr borwn.
Herea is hit egperixetomadi.
Tbr iTuarcutlDg Atloriwy-lt amoonta
) tbe lame Iblng. lie waa Ibe accee- lBrtouo.wlUi
’-8u?|a>ae.' I aald. "n joang
aory after tbv face lie ta old eoougb to
erta a rixiag^ tody wbo ni ib.-;i
kDDw better than lo follow a bad exmenlng wine !bie bran liy-btT
ample.—Boaloo TranaertpL
p aeemw
itirbt. tba
diDcy lltllr room yrrw radbnt and tbe
.eyra of ibr piriure aremed lo amJIr.
Uraulut arreae Ibe table, lu look tba
frame In bU banda aod fclmed tbe pielured face df Iba Ctrl
Row BetoU Ae* Taed hr MMoee.
Kainre luro larpely fmir caaee—oxym. ol'rocen. bydracea etakirine. Aba
tea BlaoJarErly two Inonmnlr eo
tame butUMi. cerboB and aolplnir. Kbe
mHatB. rahrlan and Iron. 8be
one mrtallold. pbrepliorua. Man
In bU work Harm all ibrM. riemenlA
:h tome otbrnt. Katiire uart Iron
tparincly Man naea It largely.
batun- tiara (be ipMal ealriuni large
ly, b-itlng It roirr Into tbo euiialrwiloa
nf Ibr Iwne of rrrry akelettoi uf anlttuL
owe mirinin In a roagb way Id
Vma1ln>>ot balldlnra In tbr com(x.imd forlo of llmr. logHlirr Wltb olba TtBUt
lortali In tbr Brand alorrbouer—
mph a»d di^w from bU
porbrl Iba rriimaiil of
rarivga. eopprr and aluiulnluiii. aotiataiMea
b Oaltfrr ahoira no pn-fiTrix-r ftW
TlHTo wm rlirtil «>ltia-a giurtar, a
dlma. four nicfcrl* bimI iwn raoia Ila In any of Ur anlatlc and lun baultol
laid tboni apun iba labla. aloln^riadlr wurka Uao aUo iupb 40c. had aud
pUeinc ibaia lo ampiiral furic. «lib mmury. tor wblrti nalun- baa no RieIba qnarlar for a brad and (Ik- dime fur rial employairni that U oliTloiu to im <
a lall pjarr.
-loukt Ilka a roinri. knfca like a
ir prIrlletR
d klod brrallont at lunot. Tbua
miarhHia of a doubla uDaluer bclwn-n yoml a f<
Iba' furui of Ilia row uf ruliia aod Ibr It l> aald Ibal Ibcre la mil uow living a
parkapr llial illll taj oiioD Ilia Door. alnsir drw-rixtiint Id tbr niair line of
A ra«M'l -« Bt a tort of alar. Ibr ratoru- Cbaonr. KIuiki-»|xerr. S|x-nixr. Ullrd lOaotiarriiit from Tba Slrllar Ua^
t'owlry. Ilulirr. hrydru, Pol A
<rr. Coi.Uinlih R>rixi or klourr;
nr of PIr Philip Kldory or of PIr
O'Di Iba V'oat
rviT dutir, Ila anrH op tlx- rolna and
abaaKiBllli I'Urkm-d bromc eaxine at
vltb at'iwmil dlxfiiior IIh- >«Mmc tur.n.
Wbo aim bad lila <;|>'a a|>iii IIm> |>bol<>
r»I'b“do voold I." rrpllwl Ihr Indlurnl
Ur. I'bU'Tbkr. Ill- a bn-b-d naS roofloOU-d Ibr bl..tul
..f kia IlnL
"Vou'ra a oio'k ta-blnd.- alxL^bl ao
“t oin Cha rnD r>T miia on naaoqnf
rrepouded }uuve k>r. I'nltaraon. and
tba (olba r>«|UN-ar«L
“Tlinl a rviTr
^1 I hnva In »m- anrlil.” Iia added pa
ItiallraMy. Tba r>ro of tlu-r»uiis «'»-
atibHi a|i|Kir>-mlr alUl fiinbiT urtlb'd
Iba rollortiir
“Tbafi- oara Iwo B.'iHaiiiati.* aha
taU. aiiiiiliaalalni; tba la«t word. **kmkInif for a r.a'in li.ldy. 1 brj an- rreilr
til ]»)' $1
tUla I alkill nut to lln-tu
(ToUi tiuiivnva'. Ilf murac }ou 1
attiid If J...I mii-t laii- uj.-Klnoml alcmruiiiillr nt llllij't abalibj
•■|ou'n'rli;bl."anlJ Itlllj. “AihJ Ibart
IL ThrM' B imlliinc In It. l vi-llUI«up
a clanrrd at a larce
book III Ibr O'llhii:. but wbrn Ix' lumad
bla CBza lo Ilia d<K>r nimln Iba maliTUl
plrliira Ibat Iwd Ixxn (miixtl Ibrra
bad dr|arlnl lu u-ralh.
Blllr rbiarj Ilia du«r ntal ant wrarllr
opon lilB bod
Ila a SI only Iwanty-tlirar. It B<x-nird M blni Ibnt l»- Imd
ftllnl. nia oaa a brlitlil. a lx>l<-aomr.
atMItblalla u»ton-. *itl. an nnita M-iiaa
of bmuor. yol lua aiorii'« «i“-a alnxait
lamrlably of « u.orl.i.l ami d-pmiaiiiE
rharaetar and in.i oiih biiio If any
Afl.T a lUna b- Ril lip and alanxl at
tba faded iwil.-ni of tlx- rarpat man
^ tloni-rt da•tin of bla aiiibilloiia
wbrn Ibry. loo. m-rr n. w and oi-mi
Vblalk. II •oanx'd lo him. tlx- oorld had
tnmiitad UDIII all tba ivl.w oaa <|iHir
Puddrnly be loaned tuirk bW
band. Uucblnc oddly, and e>ad a
■Iralnad rate upon the biira b-aik In
tba plaairr Joat orar hU bond.
-After alL"^ aakl ba-ubty. -irhal
lie Btl^ onoii Iba lied bimI rraabad
■ bfinA to tba Iran booh. It aaaoiad
Arm. napUradaiulddlrnROTthroLch
llAod put bla wbola vriiibt upon tba
book. ItbetiL II# alappad lo Iba door
•Ml wllb bU rtapaa maararad tba dia-
mat Ibooeor tba drl lo tba pMnre
Ob tbe wall Tba blood Sowed Into
pale fatA and be trembled aa be Wned
wltb oHDcbad haoda apoo tbe Uble'a
Anddealy be turtaad and Snns
Umaelf. face down, bpob bta b>4 wrept wUb tbe bltteriMao «# n«rM and
Wbf« at brt Dmy ratteebea umnA
be kicked erer bla cbalr and pwed
the fltUe room like as lobeeeot mas
to a prUoa eelL
-My Ood.- be •Hi. atartoi npnntd.
-«rUI tbe tide norcr tonr B«t be
laehad bayaad the tm haok tbli Ome
•tntBW tot* lh» ««a atf the i«A
Ollttl. IVI.T
niBt: not onr of tUeon. tA«-ki-, Nrnloii
or Unvy; hot our of llunir. CIMx-o or
ktni-aiilny; not onr of H.icarth. Sir
Jobtui Urynol.U nr Sir Tlx.ioae l^wof IWvlJ (iarrlrk. John
Kroiblrnr kklnani K<«IL
JlM suing Q|i III It atnrirti loick.
naylos. "Ob. tbrrr ta Ibal drvodfol man
anhi.'" and triid lo Induer bor bua
luiid to eomr off of It loo.'Tiai br refuard and-waa atnonc Ibr kilird.
Tin- "dnertfu! man" to elioui ahr rer«Ted abe liad aeeu In a ilrmm. wbleb
Ibi- mere uf Ibr friend » bo lohl me the
atory bad beard Ix-r rvlair a day or
Itvo Ix-fore 'lbr nrrtilrnL ll dHt of a
fun.rul drawn up at Imt door, ao pomi
pout at to jiroduo- a srrai tniprraalon
on her. prroldrO oerr liy a bis. dark
I lo a alrancr ■omlm-ro liaL ma
1 ahr aaw. or U-1lr«i-.l rbr aaw. lu
lia aud Ibe odlirtili-in-r IrTrlDed
from going <i|< In IL-.Noira ami
-tVbal do you think of itx- Ihrory
that foal baa a polroi Inflm-noe In de
ItniiliiliiB rlianiriiT?~ aakrd Mr Pinllh(Irkl at be pm tbror laa>|« of angarln
bla rtiffor,
rlgbu- renJIed Ur.
ATond ae he.arrnvd a |>ortlon of bla
■•rTfatrak. “It alwaye an-ini^ tlttlr
rannllielutlr lo nir wlx'O you order
lolMtrr."'Vrll." mortrd »Ir Rmlthfl.-ld good
bunioredly. “I ongtit lo lta«e known It
oitry after
dlaeovered your f
for Ixvto.
Pot. arrtoualy. If Ibrrr
• anj-lhing
I- llteory. wouldn't ll make a mai
alHX-pleli to ral hiullou V
would, and I'rixrflghtere ooebt li
rnariit ibrmaelviw tu a diet of arrapa.'
-Plttaborg llaantr.
DlOtowtilea •! Tew^blBs PUtpiMa.
“Hoe'i go 10. tbr l*bmpplBra If yoa
are nnmarrted." Melliaa M. HbIL an
AmeiHi-ah girl wbo It teaeblng lo Iboae
talanda. write* borne, -and. above all
tblngw doot go out there eite-rtlog to
Rbr tbloka Ibal icarbrrs
abuold be met) and ibrir wlvm. oaya
Ibr New Vort {>00x1 Aalde from ibe
I and aorial dlfiralllet tawniJng
The iwth of tbe anmarTted lenrbrr abe
run up asalhot grr«t eliMaelea to
way uf grocrapblea ihai Irll alOAlhlng of Ibe PblllppttMw. bla.
tcwlee lhal are twyood ibr eaparlty of
pupiu. and irstlewAa no nature
that u-U ooiblnc atxuM bamboo. Bamge
and palm irrre and om-ti abom ooka.
rbeainnla and other treea Ibat tlw
>uuog klUiilwe known nothing of. iS*
ed cut and tW worklB
r hardly can arukl
Uaory wtbeDbHid Btotm.
Commencinyr Tuesday. May 37th, -our steamers will ItBve
Chicaso on Tuesda^-s at 1 p.
Friday's at 7 p. m. Bnd Sil*
urdays at 4 p. m. Arriving in Traverse City on Thursday
and Sunday morning and Sunday p. m.
R. F. CHURCH. G. F. & P. A.
omauly qin
-I knew It: Yuurv In Ion-:-ftu|<fwe>e that tbto (Hrl mIeiAd. tbe
laa for auujeODv abe bad k>ug Lixiwn
by. really. I don't koow. 1 tloT
beard anything abuut niatrintottoiL -a fatber: nu. ixM a father-a Ipioiber.
M wtota BM lu bit toal totter that He. rbanord fyllb her aitirriy aO<-ebe bad got rarcUntrd. aod It took ter10 ouoUnue la
mlauke. Wbai pooCb'cago Becord-tlrrald.
'rhairi t abould br reerlve?"
"Why JklnVyou tell brr at onerr
“I cddMd'i l*ar 10 tweak tbe a|wll "
~Ur. Lofilbrow takra bluoeir eery aw
•ftVbu la abrr
riooaly.- remarked Utoa Cayeoba.
“Yon. You bate made a imeiakr. I
-In what wayr
ta Will Bn>wo. Ixii not your WIU
-De aafced me If I ibeocbt I ceoM tW
happy with Mu. At If
r aaotberr-Excbtiica.
Wo droer to brr bomriu allrocr. and
n rrachlng H khe Aligbled l«fore I
could arrvai her and ran wlibmu n
'bat kind of a aoelety to. yearafnlleu to tur Into tbr boua.
BBked bm faib^ .
Fbr ruabrd Into tbr arma of a youug
-A acCTri aorirty." abe replirdtbe right WUltoni ilrown. and 1
-But wbattottaob)e«r
■way at be waa amoHM-riog brr
-Ulk )oat to bare aecreta frem tba •Itb fcleora.
tber glrtor>Oileasa Poot.
mbiual frMd wbo plrwdrd
aiy canoe with Alice IVt^wn. and at tost
ralSCjMu bcT.
- hW brolber bad rrlurnrd
doer atocT similar to Ihr <xx- abe tod
experted me t-o tril 1 drroieil tnywif m
rooauUog ber for tbrtr arpwratiuu. <
have ton cocBolIng brr rrrr alDcc.
__ to Dr. Pierce aad
Fiw Ihh rcaeoa a
ra-e fai-tni u]>ae b
i|>xn of pant beratiee brr n
ei the ttionght o'
■ ill ineiB upon.
1,1. manv women here wriUeagTBtet ful Irtt-i* to Dr. R. V. Iherre. of BoSalo.
anki Mr. Orunipa.
'• Iwcauie tbev have found in his
“Aixl I arki Vre""
eerapr from tbe odcoaiee
"1 mueiulxir II, We both alwe.re Old
talk tuo inueb.“-Waabington tllar.
Hanuny (admiringly am-vrylut
lately arriinl twin el«m>—l>ld
Coortrey Is t btowADg (m Ibe bear
o( a gnod man aod a deadly wrajun
In tto baadf of a rlU^ln.
Ibe lanlkle' Hotel and Smgieal latoiUte. Buffalo. N. V.
a B-oMaat txaTtocnc.
Barewt aatUto
_______ _____ ______________
-Ji a (righttba wold, hpw MIewi Iba (al ruMtacatreoe bUtrg; bwtwritoa
cbM Baekla*'! Aralaa Bales w^llw
________ « atati'miBt of tba vuadarfal
earad It ta tea days
Few Ulorti
•otkai Oiaeo. Tea., ttf Dr. Ktog^'a
ferOoMBpSiam'-Hy Wanda. PUao. U'a tto beat aale» ta
aa--------------- ----------------------tonabto." vriMaadltor J. 3.
'vbiab OMaed a B
' '
BBd AMtty raoaltod ta |nfM b—or
U'a puStIvaly iMMlaad tW Ooa^
ia>«<aaaAB. B. VMtAtaV
rrxL Sn-L womeo a.* nmted to «aenll Dr. INiTce. by letter, frtr.
r<x irepofvdmcr to meredle rcaifidetoaal
sod the seme etrwt profeitoonal pneacy
guarde tbe
''trseait ixrw with barrar.”
Mall Ctorrirw BoMtoa Mamm. to Lrenaa. O.. "mv Xhrwa yean to ta
lag traa Kidsey treabta.
I waa
hardly tear tree (roa lull aahea ue
araw pataa ta my baok. To stoop or
lin amU saoka madr me gron. I (ell
tirwd. wu*a oat, abaat »*wdy to atve
ap. wtMC I bacaa to mm Blaacrtc Bit-
nm." Tkay'ieBBgMtad toragktato
fliBBii*. livar. rtdiiayi.and Bowata.
■GoldaB Uedkto
DiaototfT,'• wrfiea
treatment aad^n^ oil'^Masly
te te tbe diSrrence betweea akfli.
oa tbe ooe band a^acBtoal
on Ibr ottor.
CAixaa TEB aoma.
>k lour boctica of Dr. nc(to% '
ea and two to Wa
______ _______
Diaeorcry *. aad m"nlfftyal braedt,' wntes Mrs. Elmw
-ibran. to UoBatbope, LaaraBer Oa.,
. * I do Bot toec tboae itek to*lla oa
-merle. Before I took yotw
ould'bardlr walk at timea. wbcB 1 had .
tcidy aay that
__j to 'FatotiH
... ..J two to ■ Coidea Med
ical Uiacorary' 1 did aet mta a^y
more. I gaiaed tea poaade ta waigbL
U Inaa I mimenced twtag tbe Bwdiciaa
ami in July belprrl
r, know that I dto I
•ft me aotathata
Joe •tUrnOm
aatathata Jm
• Tto paly mutInfcgtoM- .
eaUde ttia dealer to toM
Bhatioa to
Febrwarr and the doeton bBC eiltad it
nfcmd to ta Mck. SttoBtytot katr ia
in my back and Umba eoold *Mt ftabd
aay (ragtb to ttma. I kaew tato eto
bueat dwttw wwnM tadd tto «ito tkfam
ea to csmaMttaa. ood ttot I BOtod M
totadfe to, «■!(*■ I Bto dMftotoifrraldk.
Two Men (D^
A “MTidow”)
1^ viLKvrAXxa
M «H • «r«m* bMwM» A)
tmm as to wte ■hoeU
dw tore and tkr hud at Utrj
Baila. ThM «M rtrahr. bet m la
•wMas. Vhch ChMi ww Che prl^ A»
mm m»vtU him e> Che bMfc and Mtd:
*>AUf^ CaM.. Vo« are the l>cK7
ar ihMa rear* and Una many yew
r pbC B*a a^recr. ud the thoafiit
0 yeell taka wj place wUl adka aa
ttx aaetha after the atrriace Caleb
iaam waM down a the city oe boalmmm. Ba ted nrrer been dmak la Ua
Wh. bet be pot drank to raMemU th
WUIe la a befaddM atai
be wla aaitM abard eC a aUp beoad
fathaeaaLand Wbra bla.aDb«r aeoaea
lltofoed he waa eo Woe water. HeaawWte. aa he did oot ratnre to Ui tUlaa hocea, an alam irae rated, nod
tar the ^aee of three weeka Caleb fir
Wte la the pabUe preoa md police raperU aa ‘'nvetertooair oiteiBf.*’ Thee
a body waa fooad la tbe rlrer. identl.
•ad oa hto and ahippad bene for borUl.
hooa after the foaml Aoaoo Darla
oaaed an the widpw and aald:
lUn. 1 don't koow whether Calebr
wrar told yoa about it or not. bat tfaerc
be dlte t waa to otrp Into Ua
*1 baOm be did mratloa aomrtblof
at the kind,*' replied Ibc relict
*^hat wan fciad of Um end oarea any
ftortbar MpUaalloa
I neao yoo
•wtebt ahnaat an aiiefa of me aa yoo
did of hte. but be bappeoed lo aare
year Ufa fron a tow one day while I
waa out of town.
I'oor Caleh: We
^0 Bte him and inoure tor him. bat
at the and of the year' we'll be mar-
Vwu «a te a «tet wiinac tbfa
tea. and it waato hate tee i
and two daya.tefare the utute wm te
uone oC AaoM Wtet te te tte ematerr and made one teat Oalab WM ^
banr-andtealyterannlaCteru. Ba
Take a pteec af oraBte wax nad fated
aM and afttuma Uap or mb Jet u»__________________ for tea teORlaca and
bfruHH aeft: then let aotee drape
the -»-»—> M M way te tee bMoe at tee wax Call eu the evk lb tM bteCbM> ietea ratoracd for the
4a aooo aa the cerk la wieted
-TTatl. Mary, r re cot to dlaappetet
yoa and Annou acaln. and Tm fatUnc
ndebty mean about IL’
Be bud fooe Into the rim. me
cnotet. but a beam bad doated fate
for twenty site before be waa plebrd
te bj a oteamboat. Tbe atraawr waa
goinc down tbe rlrer aod lo a burry,
and Caleb waa dnally latrdod lo CtedanatL Aa ba ted sot that far ba
'ihoucbt be aalcbt aa weU go fartbar.,
and be tramped over three er fear
weuterB autea bafara oectlng bla face
Tba two tlBB widow mM
bo ought to make up hU mind
or die aod qtet nwklng her narroua
oTor It but of ceuroe ahe waa gtad ba
had coma tuck. With Aimoa Darla H
waa dlffereat. howerer.
“No. Caleb. I caanat take your bosd.be Hid aa bo drew back. ' “Toe are
DOC a mao of your word. Too are net
a mao to be depended am Tour dted
body baa beeu twice foood. and there
are two grarH la wblrti yoo ate lying
rf your rtf
aod two u
u ar
are before oar
and yet bare you
-nnt don't ba lud at
pleaded Caleb.
“i am not mad. but hurt. Tba la
JoaUce of It rankica.
Caleb Jote^
bMr me when I Hy that I win oerer.
oerer marry your widow! I'm aorry
for ber, bat I owe a doty to myeclf.
If yoo die again, abe'll bare lo go K
“Bboor Hid Caleb aa bla face
lenctbeoed and took oa a look of acrraw. ”I didn't Boppooe you felt Ilka
tbla about It. Abaon. Bob bring you
do. and bring aa I can't really blama
bare to atay at boea
you. I
try and ootUre Mary.”
and tr
Ureybound puppleo bare tbe re|iuta>
Uoo of bring tbe meat miocbleroua of
fbe uteblcroua brotberbood of ptfpplea They labcril tbla to oume attest,
.for a Urge percenlege of gn-ybouuda
nalarttledit Tbedeytai
when grown up are loretrreu IblevH
went by. nod lb
pot aa bar wceda and Anaoa bonytit aod chicken kilim
dcoUr rlce,-bnt becauae "11 U tUrir baMe weddlof aolL Tbe mtirlare
tare to," and they bare oot tbe moral
win art. tbe rrlrada wen- lorlted
aeoae which other dogt poHrai,
Tbe writer reerctly remarked wbea
otopplag In a couctry Inc that one of
a allowed
the ran of tbe boiue had itoUo tbe but
ter from tbe breakfaat Ubia ”Ata.~
waa tbe reply, "I rcckou be a'raout lire
on IbaL"
It U eootldervd opecUlIy good for
e la danger of
orercruwdlng at home; bub aa a bigb
aolborlly puta It, "the liri of tbclr dw
lln<juenclea Includli
towla. docka turn clotbaa and boimatcadiUld waitr and deraatatiii." uiay
be made up for by a win at Alleor lij
for Ibc pupplva' mla
deeda—l-oodoo 8|ie«tator.
la CBcafed. and anotbA
walked Caleb. He Lad rrco\emI from
hla Opree and reton>rd frCm China.
*1 woaldn't hare blaued yoe a bit.''
ha aatd to tba aatonlahed wife when be
laaraad what waa about lehitipen. "Of
ooera* yoa tboucht 1 waa draO. and II
waa all rtfbt for yoo lo-tnarry Aoauo.
1 orifbl ba>a erritlen. hot eomehow I
■am lot aroood to It Horry to hare
ted# aay tcoohla"
And when AiiaM Uarta beard of tbe
attlral Bbd enme roablnc o<er with bla
VOO bal«tn( oot Oaleb care him a
baaili haadahaka and aald:
“Hope I haven't dterpdDted you.
It waa Dlytity ktod of ytni
aOw to Barry Mary, and I'm clad abe
acoiptad yon. hot my cumlnc'^tMKue
knocka tt all oot. of coorno. Hoo'l frel
terd toward me. old man."
a, of rouree.* replied
Aneoc. -but I eoppoae I're col to pot
9 yHtb It llow'B (be heart troobkr
“AwfoUy bad.”
'Wail, maybe yoo woo't Uat tooc. It
waa a eort of mean uick, but rnnembor that I eund ready lu marry Mary
wbaaim yoo drop out"
It waa a year brfor* Caleb hod any
!. althoucb
tfotela grew woree. and tbe doctora
•aM talB ba waa lUble to drop dead
any day. lie went away one day on a
■rree mlla Journey to vlalt a aiater. aod
prbUe CToaaInc a trtdce on wblcb a
crowd ted colhared to watch tbe Oood
tea brMct care way with a craah aod
thirty-Mr peopla were awallowed op In
j' — the raoblnc wmtera That Caleb waa
aaouc tha awallowed ibera could not
ba a doubt, aa half a doara people who
knew him aaw him go dowh. Durtne
tha text tbrea week! moat of tbe
and hit wti ai
tea noBbar. Tba widow Ideutlfied
•y a dooM dlSneot marka and bad
A corloua •
made public tbe other day tbrougb
tbe medium of the Uw courta of lierllo.
A tree crowing oppoalle tbe gateway of
a farmer waa noticed to be wllberlng
away and dying. On further Inreallga
Uoo U wai found that a deep hole bad
been lioied In It. probably by anme prraon who wUbed to kill It. Aa tbe tree
■hat Jocoimnodcd tbe rDtraoee to
tbe farmer'# beoae, be waa charged
with tbe deed and Bned. He, however,
appealed lo a bigber court and aacceeded In prarlng that tbe bole bad been
bored by aome aoperatltlona prraon who
bflu-red In tbe old aniumtllloa that '
lllneee attacka a boaeebold It can
driven away by “borylng'r n la
bealtby tree. A bole U'bored la tbe
tire, and all kindi of utedlclnei
buried In the bole, which la then
folly Btopped up amid tbe ataglng of
wHrd Ineaniatlona. Tbie could bare
been doM by
tent Ohtte
BM dtad. but only coot
«• at Oatakfa uM buou wtUmot won
K ate cuuld puteMy hare bean
Wtet oa Celeb-a Httle way of
. I I —I In open mtiteetea] pro■-------------- wM ferpattte Aa th# year
wm dmwtte *» •
^ited ttet • dtea te hdiMd. ud MteT
cert by nalng tbe otlefc of wax. which
erea to It Is tbe Hme manner aa
would ooe a aerew.
1 matter bow firmly fixed tbe cerk
may be. It will almote ImmidUtcly
yield to tbe ia»a*u»- Vou rniaM. bowever, take care net to wreoeb tbe «kk
of wax away from It while yoo are
drawing It out. azte you moat aUo aee
that the cerk U perfectly dry before
you pour any wax on IL
Tbe mao rater 1* aaually ta old*
tiger, wboee atn-ogtb U falling aod
■e teeth bare partly loat tbeir
ebarpnraa Socb a braet finda It eateer
lo lurk ta tbe rtrially of erillemrotx
lo pick up an bccaalooal uUb. woor child than to ran dow« wild
Tbe UrgeoL fierceot aod moot hcTjditly colored ttgm are found In tbe prorince of Bengal, near tbe moutba of
ibo Gangn rlrer and oot far from
Caleinu. A full grown Bengal tiger
eomrilmra mHOurra lenfrri from noue
to (Ip of tail Socb a monatrr makra
no mure account of tpriuglbg upon a
mao that a eat dora of arixlng a mouae.
He eurpacera tbe lion lo aireogfb and
ferocity aod baa no riral among braata
of prey except tbe grlixly bear and tbe
UacArtbur decided to ge t
the cloee of tbe
rd Agulnaldo If tberw-wai any
thing be W5UM like to bare, wbriber
papera. magaalneo. clotbee, rigarn or
ot^ trtlclca. But tbe priaooar tbook
> bead. He nid that Ibere
; at all that be waeted:
Inat aa tbe general waa aboot to Cloac
r door Agulnaldo'a fare eaddeoly
"What U
aaked Ceoeral UacArIbor•miere U Jori
ig lb tbe world
uDce In my life, aod that waa a( Hnngkoog. They Hid It warn an American
thing and that aU Americana bad il
It U-ic« cnamr be onld with great
At. Plarra.Tbat eat ten
la reatfal. «
tell aod
at fine brarb: aJao a fine traob Water
lake, a grore and blgb Ulid rrucblaff
back to tbe
••The ImpawreiDrols on tbe property
eobaut of a farmbouae. pa.abora.pagodaaand
rOlont eo (be «
X win be ahered (e rail tbe pi
ebariUbU InBltotlou of New
U expected that from 1.600
efaUdran daily HO be prorid*
(be beach, nad a good (Ime
gim to tbem by mrau of
>. ridH on
Tort. Il
wlU ba
“The chHdm wlD be coat eyed te the
beach probably on a Urge ttramer.
Every child wlU reerire a good dinner.
Ura. Schwab la lolerrated with me la
tbU UDdertaklng.
We aball proceed
iiwfnlly. availing ooraelrn of tbe
jMTlrnce of rharluble orgibUallona
Tber# are do roarabet near tbit t«
and I regard It aa ooe of tbe I
that could
Il gcti the
full aweep of tbe on
tba Uwer bdy. aod
cblMran will hare tbe benefit of a fine
hU of an boar or m
The ruewottea Out.
A wedding took place a abort time
bark In a Urge town lo (be nort
BagUnd. tbe eerrlc# belag rondocted
by a rather eccentric tirar. Two daya
after tbe ceremony be called at
booae of tbe bridegroom'a mother, but
abe happened (0 be ooL eo be Hid be
would call again, wblcb be did Uier
Id tbe day. carrying tao Urge greco
baga under bla arm.
TbU time be found ber In. So be be
gan by aiktng«brm lu clear tbe Ubk
a little. Tbrn be opened tbe green
bogs, fram which be took tbe regUtm.
TbeH be opened and In a moot aoleraa
torn Hid:
A “Cent a Word
Want Ad. in the Detroit
Evenins: News, includins: The Morning Tri
Whe# Cslaa Were nrat ■ad*,.
CertalD paHagH In tbe "Iliad " of Ho
mer would lead to tbe lofereuee that
cols* of briH were otruck at early
a* 1164 a C. Tradllloyafflnua (bat
(be Cblneae bad bronxe colna at early
father of hlatory," aacribca tbe "InveoUoo" of colna to tbe LydUna aboot
oloe cebtorira H C. and Ibera le no
erf U
2S3 K. KtOfU xtrcri, where alao
may Iw knind a line of
Tnwi -tr—
which for Kxrclfcncc at..! rrmrannivl Iw c.^^lalk^^ in the Stale.
w ty>«iirtl>.
ri-U li.
wuaudartuio ariaar) a— ra-v H-ii
n igaiTi ' iw oOeenutirari Huun- lUurk
,.Ak- lA-rt
I A TRl.KFMON. M I) OArv in Hualll..a
BMillik a
Huura , tu 11 a a... : u.
I OKIN lumKKTH. Aimraer at !«• Of
(.Se. in Mecmnulu f-'. U--k. Tra.en.
rriBK (i&BNBU a eWAKTiiK. K|.e..i .
tbe feminine coatbme which bare tirao
KHDcd tn tMOor of tbe coming royal
England b tbe "corona
tlOB wriM bay." which
and amarirat form U of •■alrua band
i>., I3r.rv.n,i Mrrar. Tta.-e--VKI). Hiri.
enmely moattlrd la glided allvrr, uyi
A repoblieaii oaoca* of rotvra r
n»K J. M ItntVBKH. n>y»-un uni Onr
tba rblUdripbla Tlmeo. Tbe bag la
Itir-.. ruw MuBani
- tbUh
lag IB ward No. I will be held al LJ
aomewbat narrower at (be rlaap (ban Omege Hall. Oam lUeeL on Tbaraday
r-ral.^i.^. •'uiWB.- k». Hriliaa. rf
Bl the botcom. where It baa a pointed eraoing. May W,
W. !»(«.
lUOk. al|l
al|; :S0 o'eJoek
R(TtAeK.MI> eo—laluall.««l»ra
eSrcL Aa artiatir corooaUoo bag la : fat tbe purpora of el<«(ioK Ifi dele
u. nil ii.n-r.~xeuna a.uk
IgatM lo allead a repobltnu
oounlj aa-ae D<.« WlLbrle, tito k K.ll
eoerentioo called for Tueaday. Joae.
S. nod aach other bo-inuaa a- ma;
cbtlo/aud the gracefal aerull oeru
>m<' before the
meutWtloD applied aleng (be bottom <
I . a tbrl'-Jeurirylur.
Hay kt. DkM.
tbe rrootoflbrUg.
Tbe bag rluera witb two aenrnt ftwn
Great Interekt la at prerant bring
concentrated no tbe younc King Alfouae of Siiain?^-, the Madrid corre
spondent of tbe New York Herald. He
waa born under exceptional clrrnmaUnceo. and hU fatbec. AKonao Ml.
was very dolleatc, but a-lui tbe atrin
bst Dob Airooao baa bran
bilged I. obaerre be baa grown welL
I UII an
baa a very good figure
Don Alfooao laberita all Ibe vlrscUy
of (ptril aod repartee fv which bla
father waa famoiu. Tbe boo mtea of
tba young king deoMe a very krao
erara of bomsr. Tbe profraaor of hie
toey. Seoor Brieea SalratJma. waa
wbe bora tbe rame name bad been
awarded by hletory. Hr cited ibst ooe
AUooso wue called -Tbe Wlae.” an
Other -Tbe Warilke.” aod ao on. wbeo
Boddeoly tba yenag king toterrniited
hU prerceaor, nylng. "Wea I think
they will nickname me 'Alfoueo tbe
Babbit'" ThU It beraora Don AlfonH went DHriy erray day lo tba (Uh
del Campo (cueatry boural, wUeb be
CoedUIly d«e«a and wblcb U full of
Umh anlmaU.• too BawaaS. •■(><>.
Tbe iMdera of U.l* paper will
piraaed to lean Uiat tbere la at leaat
one dreaded dlaeoaa Uiat Hietiee haa
_____able to oar# In all IM ____________
(tet la catarrh. Hall'a OalaiTta Uaie
ta the only poalUre eare new known
the mediaal fratorsity.
being aeouaUtatlonal dlaaawe.reaoirea
a conatitetloiial trranoeDL
CMterrb Oare U tL................
lag directly apoo the blood and a
■ the ay
raodalion of tbe d
A npubllcaa amcoe of rotera rraid
ing to waM No X will be held at Sec
ood Ward I lly Hall. b|>roor ►ite.-t
Tboraday i-vetiiag May 'JV. liarj, ai
: :.10 o'clock, for the iiori-iee of elect
login rUlegaiea to alu-ud a cooiit;
oobveoilOD called for Totralay. Jnio
B. ami aoeh other hualuete a» mu)
com# before tbe caucoa
.lot- Klaaaro.
ebocolatrs an tht
A republican cancat of rolnrIng Id ward No. S will »>e held
itb Ui
Union atreel on Thnnday
Ing, Hay W, IWt, at T;*) o'clock, for
tba ptupo*e of electing IB delegatee to
attend a republictiD
fniblictin oountyenuiventloii!
Hiied (or Tueedar. done :i, and -ooh confsctioners
other bnkliic— as luay cojnt- b, lore II
May W, IP^.'
W. W Kmilb,
F II l*rott,
A. B. 0.«k,
I'ammitb .•
640 East Elirbth Street'
Botchers and Soosafc Ntkers.
l.l. 1>ieK*e»flit niEKVk. KAK. N<BU
I1I1..I I 'nrreei l<,..ra.I. ."iMt n-4
u.r.. Ill- k. -»-c tmi.r-- IHuc kl..r.
<'•-,.4 He»w>r
Ik-f.-rr M-rvUnr y**ur ,4.1 rar..-t-. —ay U- la*
m-vl.-ini.. m.-.b-t m-»l.-« )>-i —uii.l-m
N. II. t'll AI'IA. 'l'ri>|<r.
Made of the hi(;hest quaity of chocoiate and fruit.
For sale by ail the leading i koouw p and lo. h. a l. biaxjk
■ gists in 1-2 lb boxes only.
I 6HifiAl HSIlBmCtl ■
'S. B. & Ji:
A reiRhllnan caoeOH of rot.
i re*ld
iug in wanl No ^ will I*
i'otato Wari'hoaae
U«ante W LaHie'- PoUio
lag. Hay W, iwrj.
00 Thunday
air 30 o'clock
rlacl It d.'legalaattaod a re|
Hllad for
other buineaa aa may
K J. Kolgbum,
L. F Perk. U.
Benj. Thlrlhy.
A lepobliean canena of vob'ra in
Ward No, h will he held al HlAU’
atieet Primary aobool bonec on Than-.
day-erenlng. May tU. IW«, at T-3C
o'doek. for tbe punma.' of ■•l.-ctiiig II
delterate* to attend a repoblloa.i oooa
ly ooureutlno railed for Tueiula.r.
Jiuie 3, and reel, olbar bakinraa amay rome le fore tho eancoe
OD Erery Piece.
Made Only By
One Month Free!
Palmer aod Paper Hancer.
DON’T Be FooLEOii'iTi
— .-’ll...
____ iTaa'rari^riciaac.
known prior to that date.
Flral Tramp—1 ran acrou a rich ua.
He of Bine Utety, but arier all I done
fer blm be wouldo't gimme a rant
Becood Tramp-What did you do fex
PUn Tramp—Per tee year# I'rabeeu
trarriln' -under an OHuraed name J«M
to teara bU feeUa'a-Town and Coim-
ing. healing or Ii);hiing. Ser>im
wHl lie run in order at the a|v .
plnaiton ma>le at our office, No.
— ----- -
Over 100,000 0.
Copies Sold Daily
imrty. ire conlUlly Invited
IMe lb tlie Hseuiet culled
their rrapectire ward.
All ib.-ra
eaaeaaee to be held oa ThurixUv even
tag. May mb.
arranged with a Oap wblcb opena with
a tbrqoolae caboebuo button, rrvralliig
a pocket to receive tbe bandkwblrf.
The lining la of moire allk. tbe drileata
lirige tint of whirb bartnonlira with
Ibo Ivory hoe of tbe Iratbrr
IvuoAlly artuac la a curonatton bag
of black walrua almlUrly adorrml with
allrer edged t^iouiiUnga and arroU oma^
menUtlou add acorn cuiw boldlug
c of the Utter at tbe throttle will
oetbyat nut*, (be dir-p liioitDi’U, pur
cnm|i tbe windpipe or abot off
e of which la ro|iratrd In the color of
the bone'a wind. In eiae of the run
« moire lining, a bag of tan walrot
ning borae It naturally extendi tbe
Btlll another varUllon of Ibera arilbrad and .nock artibuut artifirUI aid.
lally dratgned and created n-sul-Uet
Tbla la liccauar tbe mllop U the borar'a
tbe fsahloteble woman’a coatume.
natural gale, while tbe trot la arllBc-lal
when It cornea to exto-ine apecd. gilded cupa are of pollabed rural.
Ileiuie tbe ovrrrtieck la needed. Id the
UtUlty -borara tbe ebeckrrin U uei
needed.~Pleld and Farm.
uy about
It utben <■
by fear o
IL Tbla may be rveu more a barrier
to tbe work than tbe frarbf uot doing
tbe work at all. It Ukra courage
do wtkM we bellrre we ought to i
when we tblnk we ehall be critIcUed
or mUunderataod or acoraed.
rral caUmlty Uca lo not dol^ *bat
we ougbL or tbU It
eo Btroag a fear that we aball bare
courage to face wbaterer other* may
uy of our right doing.
fur all wbo wn-h lo avail t
*ctvc* .AT OXCK frfgajinrcortk-
MY. Oradoaie Teo-.i.
rfUi llBB-ra lAK T. • .
The Cheekeeta.
Tba orercbeck bean about (be Hme
rcUUob to (be borae aa tbe coubty Jail
doea te buman aoclriy. In raae of tbe
trotting borae it arama that aome debibat be naird la ordi-r to eoni|>-I
rue to curry 111 brad out almoal in
tltura It bappena tbat'a man rflll fall
off tbe elippery aide of tbe whale rloee
liy tbe'abark. but the latter never
ticks blni. Iielax tulrni upoa -gorgtug
liaeir with Hie Oeab of lli« ceta<
Tbe meet aervre woonda froiu tbniata
of tbe wbalera' kblvea wifl not luT■uade It to draUL Tbit tpecira of fbark
ricD partly or wholly blinded by a
parailUc worm three luebra loug » bk-b
faeteu llaeR at tbe coruer of Ibe eye
and lira on lu flulda
Free of Charge
bune, will do the work.
The Orraetuia Bkwh.
Tba GreruUud tbark la well known
aa B foe lo whalera It will follow n
drad wt^ak- to tbe ablp eiul oUow no
fear of the men while they arc engaged
I“VK- la.neg b.BVBNTHAleTMoMl'MnN
\J <MB.-eanilWde«e.'kiaBUte >Un^. -m-.
Hriise. niuMM' »
1. Mcbteaa
Riahi Delan.
Mite bad told:
. of eouroc 1 than otarry yoo
-eraat af-
baCara. In that the epitapb waa partly
Mpht and partly wrote- Bad It taM
Itet te wu Mt dtnd. bat orOy fote
teWB tea OUa rim. K woted hare Ui
tea MB oa tea teed.
Bte • ttea Anaoa Date tept a doubt
te Ite
«ad Iba widow nem took-
wax yon tenot prran the piece
what you
don’t want
for some
thing you do
want. Sell
what you
don’t want;
do want.
Tba prepriaMn hare ao maeb faltb in
a Prom Cbicagn V
Iti eai^re rowara. that teay offer
o«a BandrwlMlan (or aay uae It
The new fail *l<«m>-r FronttalUte oua.
Sand for Hte of Arati- Captain PTaaklle in command, will
begin ite new route Selardar. May
Addrera W. J. Ohoaey A Oo.,
Knuaire at M. & N. E. '
0.0. Sold br draggitea. 76e.
for parUeaWa
HaU’a Family PlUa are tba tea
laaaea wBp.<A*Hr-
Tbe air enad'ran
OI bUalaa. Muerela
Tbe awD abut out.
Tba rieea. sroaaiac crevad
A-remit *itb a Barr teed
Pat—Wbat (
d tbe btg explealou?
Blke-BUey wot earryln' a com ar
dyMBlte when tba wbUtU blew.-Bx-
Tba mottH tenth
TbBMa\ aamaH Mb-
IL Aaatln. a elTil war reh
at Wlaetenm. lad., arritea;
'-My oAADCAim or AinmicAX mevooL or
wUa ’wm oiek ■ tete
good doutan' MnMteote, but wm
whnUy oarod by Du. Kite'* KewlAf*
raTwhlok emkudwnudnnCorter
—'------ aiBHa Wyahoo# wrw*.--------bHlte." Thte ntwnja da Tty teoH
On^»ate%a a Jute«n-anii4a
B. WaU * Sou'a ing alraea
For floors
•nor White.
«h •
The Greatest Catarrh Cure, no matter where it effects you. In the Head. Lungs. Stomach,|Boweis.
Kidneys or Bladder. Nature’s Great Assistant in building up and cleansing the system. Formufa
on every bottle, recommended by the best medical talent- Best stomach and bowel regulator.
Pleasant to take. Not only ^ives Instant relief, but CURES ALL BLOQD DISEASES.
Satordafs Isaac 1340
o* OaUtM ta rrmm.
T.C.. L. * M. M»kM aalnt6r>
IM-Mtlns Olsoovary
rua Foa a aew route
onUet trtM tbe olty, aad that the M.
A H. X WlU aoi be aUowed l» obaAiMl tba pmfaM.
Tbe teqaai
itbetr property im tbe hay AotB.
' they Mft, woald do bo tloMag* lo Ibe
M.AK. X If that atiwayia
wallow tbe aaw Uaeto ertMi
atttp <m (be aborr, than they prcpaee
W take a roaW wUab tbe X A X X
«nu be eempeUed to ^ersiL
Tbe MW phwteMaaad to be en
tirety fMoible aad will be Baeta
MMetwtery betb to tbe eity aad U>e
T. C.. U A X Ibaa tbe r«au
^ut of tHo CHy
rt TkM J*n*llM»wrMM H.« N.
Paso# Ngw* RbCAlvad In Lon
don CftuhAh h Plufry
ImM a UoaUtiija* lUilvar
t OfoikM Ite MobIMm * Ken^raalm
iDOMtwl iboiooiBiiuir to>UowtB»
AM Soer Kaear* EuM* DeWet baU la
Ood'e plan, tW
A brand new line of btndKMae ktodf jiM noeived frtn the pnb-
Mid tbal Hive thooMad boabaU of ebeUed «n
to the hare arrived and U today teiag oaloode.1
ioditdipg all the vet) latwi and
laltbtal worfcor.
Mt. Oecblia oloMd Ux addioM wiU
ecoflftenco U
imVior ejection.
Tbe ooro wlU be imt to eta^i UU
aad It U prohabla that Ue
ilBM of iwa. Be atatad chat la the
mldai of many dleuaciloai darlag Um
ditaticst cover des%ns. are
SaiUble books aad booklcU from tt ceax
Tin w.iiher as'jL.'sjas' agKSii.'sa tesijf ja
U cxMolMdcn 3liat they eeck
On Our
After aaotber. beaaUfal anUem by
Us eboU.
M-Most Imporiaat
obbybd at Scranton
afteetttmlall tbe Boer dalagatae a«eept DeWei an impared to aoeepi
Britlah wrma
Bnglnbbrb, PIrembnand Pump
man Rbfubb to Go Out
11 Vltl b
The beat gifu to bcaiow are bobkx and bookleta, as they ty*.
Ikdirc the cower of eempletcd Mud)'.
dlUgeoUy to knew Uie* plaai of Ood
dUimtol.M bave baaa neelved (roRB
Oi'dar* of MIrtb Workbra OlagrU. Tbe oablaei will eeae
lac ewea MmvB TamW eea.
Evei^lBC U now TMdy for tba
Baring made jOant of the Mleblgma Blareh On. ^
tbe ^ee cfwoA that U aeecrdiag to brgiB Ue laaanfactan of ooro emtob
each Man or woman.
past year ih^ bad done ibstr week
Alomni kea^tfof f/eiafr an aa toh af
taiUfally and well, aad bad made
Waift drug ttof.
Ue Mtln olty yooad of iliem. He
T. O., L. * M. M oroM tbclriropcnr
«• tb» b»r »l>on<. hM farooirfit to Ititht
• eOodlUDB of thtnc* wfelofa poU on
•otirolj M« plMW B|«B III* BttW'
meeva t w wbtvk Wui Itmte MeS-
world. Rev Oanhila etated thakw eafa
be taaebed aa M tha
aa axpraaeloB d
Rooolvod From Protorta
tW a^t of llM TnttwM OUy. L«*>
Mil fram wiUoM la the aeeda of the
tietfilag bat good eoadd
Aooordifw to LAtMt. AdvIcM
aleee ooeee W light aa tbe ooetro-
96. 1909.
wwk for whiob Ood had
,_____ _
eaU from within. » thaaatatal caimeittei
hae given, aad tba
praetleally cloead;
Hay X-la Ue hoae^ of
1 hli uics that beesuxr our quxLi) it the beet, price* hew most be
Kev.O. T. Stoat eloMd Ue
Moetlag with tbe bebedicUon.
higher li Bit wiong—Uey sre
Ui an opiKwtuniiy to do io.
For the price you can't
fact we can prove if poa will give
equal Benda'i
cinihei for bo)-i, and as for lin<ling larger or belter tarietiea. or newer
ilylcv than are al ihix More u iimplv out of tlie uueuioa. ^endid
vihief fll.Sll. U.
$3. $3.50.
NKW SWKATERS-I'Lmn and in all (he
ptcU) combmations you can mugin.L f or men and boyi train SUc to $8.
um will lin.l \c« Shx|«cly Shore
Fivo Hundroft Toamst^r* Em-
iri.v.| luixu- ,ou '^K 10 fl.lMt
iin oert' lait.
plnybd by Packora on Strike
.kmmooR UU afMraoon. Sir Arthai
Balfoar, Um gerraraaeai leader.
rich I of wfc)'
fordMltor |>«nMM(a «7 ■DOibar ecr
OMllDta for • tiB ^ but It BOW dcvtl
Thli dMlitoo
bcraaloB. Hay IS-Ttw OraaiBa. oa-
•UA OBTUlO of BOOMt. BitboBfk the
M. A U. K.
b* tBooBVroloOood.
laeora Bod panpruBO of tlir D«l<waro. UokBWBaoB A Waatara rafaW
It i* B loiif *t0T7. bat latcrMilBK
U SoploBbpr. IWI, wbrii tb« IUb
to olwy tlie utoe worker!' order to
irikr Jaoe 8.
D. Cochlln
Laat Evaning
Ni'W York. Hay ae-Tbe fail ooblate thU ultr. B roBoloKoo wb» poind
litlee of the MbUoiibI Oivlo Hrdera.
bjr tta* TlllBCB trnaiMB |iroTiainc tor UoB wlU ooBTaae la loa day* in au
NbOUltfiif to (be pBOfilf of B proiMl' Biidearor to brlag aboat peaoe la the
tlooto bond toTlia.UW r»r tb* Im- ifial lUike
KBpraoeatlBC tbe pablie
for B iBllroBd
iBt tiiB liBiiroTenioDt of
M. A M. X la Mourluf
tba Meblirl “Uod'e Call ai
employed by
whioh Ueledod tlw •'iwr of
I rons.ru.
1 QQ
nival |•ack•-n etnnk
today and t'lileago
lareh. boU parion and Mala aadleaca room, gatber-
(a<-e« tbe pru-peci
of going mMllsM T'le big boiel> and
aranli liave notified Ui ir pBimu*
that mMU will iM terved onl v u Um
Unlem Ue iwokere
tore Bad mioere will be aaked to eead ad laat eraalng to lUtea to tbe kaeea- lied <iaanUUea
get mmi to lake Ue pUoee of Ue
by Bar. D. Oooblla.
strtkeri by XoAorrow (lie entire nty
New York. May M-Ooal wae agata On U
platform wlU Ue paalot lai
Alfred V.
kited hy reUll dealere b.-ie today.
They advaueed the pnoe oa ilotueille
S. BENDA A 00.
ia> AewetaaB OlliiaB.
__________________________ riMbiw. Biv-I Beti-r. h. Bu
Meme Oalr Id LtmtiM WmbiIiW-
UhlMgo, May K—The bUO Uamel. r> ,
Cbarloe bobwab, Johu MllohrU. aaia*
U>o airMit ael Ouuiperm aod oiher>. Tbe opoia-
O.YFORlis, /cul
new IteoiivarO TMr Mmmw.
r fllled
BBIBBd ttBTa BB OP]>ortODll7 lO Bid tbo
NKW HOSIERY; Cfme this moming; all the laiett colors, 8Sc.
1} T.Awra|.b 10 Uw Hmtfd
Strikers are Fllled at Once
_Koerbre HmvBm at
, lato tbeeUyauidBl ibe iBiaa tluw b
fooBroBl doOBtlou from llir pooplr,
NEWI.ANI) H.AXS arefliill io the lead. Voti would certainty Uink
so if vou could see the at) they are aeUing.
$2,60. $100.
$l..Vl. $1.(1»F.
Is Imminent'6mesa Places of
opi ttaol BB BltUR«tb« cow BDd
tlTBly dlffarMl roou U fuMlblc, U U
pnvBBMil of NorthWMtorn bvbddb.
AeoordlBc to Uw boudi obdooI be
ftimi $1 Au-I fl.25
aa or <.'«al Beale a
taUo A KirlbaBBtoni BOBcbl BDiroiiBc
tiukt 1> o*'Dt4 BDil Mod
Rev. W. T. Woodboaae. patlor of Uie
will seffer a mmt (aulov.
)wyand JeerwAad earntx-r ol noor»
the rl«hi
BaptUt eharoX aad Rev. a I. blenv
eie>«<if Bothraelto coal II. I& a Ian, reciter of Uraoe .eliarcX 'Tbe maite.
New York,
W-Thv KoUier
UK llie prteeVt.M). Bteauu eiBee whieh wae vrry dae. vrae led by a
batobere of Ue east tide who w.-rr
Tb* boudi Wf>r» Totr<l
tfao ;tli of were adTaaosl II U. lo «&.:& per ton. oborai of d& voleea
4 to eluee'-Uelr Uope by meat
Dooi-BitMv. I8VI, Bud ilio dir.,00u paid The prieee of eoft ooal liave riera ku
ppenlag aafvioe a^d aa
n^pened today after appoliiito lloB. Horry KaiiUBh for tbo iwopor- oeuie mora.__________
anUeiu by Ue ebolr. Rav. Suut read
log a eommillea to cooiult with ibiCjr Wlilob ba4 bM<ii laid
■oriptnte leeeoa (mm Haal'e letter
wlioleeate botcheta. Tble oomauiev
WBslBro Bveaoo, Mr liBnOBb doroliiix
> Timothy.
Rer. Woodboaae fol
il le Uonghi woald eff.-el aeeltlement
tbo aionoy to tlw imTrluwr of right ol
lowed with a prayer in which be exMler tiaaa lle.e I ..mptHfW Arraam.- praeeed thaake for Ue gifu of Ond, by winch tbe prtci-»( Kiwch.r nuint
way. Tlw villBto ln»t<«-* Oiro iioiwd
X- redneed.
BB ordiOBticH- ppniiituug tbt>
I'llieeUlly U Ue Hire of edoaaUoBal
■watarerTne OeieMU’ Neaty till- riuluBiTo riglit
privilege!, and cloeed wlU a praver
re«i ■••i.ltaala.
All the wool in the rei^iqn wanted. Am just back from the
liabt. and have arranged with eastern milla* to use all the
wool from this section of the country. 1 can afford to pay
I the highest outside market prices in cash. Will also buy
I hides and ginseng.
Office and Warehouse. 732 E. Front St.
Bell I’hone 130.
Citizens Phone 481.
of war from Haloa alrart io llw eoan1/ tlBB and tliaii oil to Koaob.
t for tbe oientlioo ol a railroad
Uwire forever.
Mow oouee till. BllogBiidn that the
rilUge Ud iio right to grwt eorti a
iwtrllage beoaaee li war
the Bret
yaare U tbe llult of time for wblob a
tailway ftaoublee <au be grBOU>4/^ la
The memhera of tbe gealor olaae of
the High Bohool
eoinplelod ar-
raiigeia<.nla for Uieir auoaal excarm. wl.ich win l« ran to Elk lUpIde
Hatnnlay next i.WTing thia olty ee
Ui. Nummer
OelauibU at
for Uie olBH of IKU lu which be aaked
the cooBooi of
wide froa
After aooibvr hymn.
Rev. Uuofaliu.
after etaiiag tbat Ue eervioe wae held
mao life, aad that Ue mlMiua of each
lif.- Bhocld
Ualoo Btreet to Uay eireet and from
that [eiliti to llie lioe 01 the {iropacty
of tbe J. X Urlehok Uo . M) feet orihet herekarchr
It l» now eoiileoded by the ailomeye
Of the T O. U ft H.
to falldl Uod'i plan.
l-eMIr iBVIUd.
of the elate- eon-
venUoB of Ue DUrlplae of
UPrUt la
owaml by lion IVrry lUaaah. Iheaoe
throogb Uarlaod ureel.’ u.wt tbe old
Weee.h bomiwteod. weal 10 Nortii-
weetera areaue and theooe (larallel
Witli tbe U.
ft N.
aoroaa ibetr
well aa
Tbe utal Tveeipts
wen- fT8
laryeet ID tliv hietorv n( flteiDtierg'a
Orand for a iwOdBOtloo where the admliitoo WBi 6 and
10 c ula
Thi- ex-
The preoaetien will not be repeat d
(or it. on aeeannt of tbe many
(o get into Ue npera
There U no time tor It tbii'
week, and even If Um week were not
(all. Ue prodBOtlon would break Id eo >
maeb oo iheeL-bool work (hat It ooold
not be permitted.
la tbe valley, bow much more will
and Ooeorotior day at 316 Union
be have a plan formaa, made la Hli
on Imoga
Tbea be loacbml npon Ue Md fea-
tan of tbe anb}eet. tbat it
reDUoD have already arrived. Among ble (9 ama to aet amde Ood'e plan
aamber are -Kev. H. B. Halley and follow frivoloax pUa« of hit own
It la Mid Ihet III. earveyore of the and wife 01 w-i«—Rev. 3. V. maklag.
Ue apoke of tbe fotty of
TayUw, ISowaglac. nad Rev
H. T. tble, ocmparing tl to the fooUehaem
T, O . U ft M. wlU b.' here tbit a
tag to begin tbli work, and U >a pr^.b. Honor. aa.i Mra Allertoa aad daagta:
the pUne and
able tbal tbe ooaooil will be aaked to tar DhPremOBl.
ejioelfleailaae of aa arcblMci and go-
fto|i -fk
'fkenot 43
OoUegv and -1
1tlial i- Mi-in-.
»jlvl|-ri»-t, tlu-
Till- S.-U-S 111
A lot of table covers in chenille and tapefltiy, to
close at 39 cents each.
T his entire lot is all new, fresh goods, bought for tbit
season's business, and ,we make the above prins
to clean up the different lines.
» 3. ULI. mniiken.
(II ill kin.U an.I f.,t alL {>ur]>o*cs. go U>
rrvat w.
Lilio, of tfto 'faJlor ai 316 Unioa
»e Yie Him 6t.li Hot ml 6.1 k STARMIID PtniBR FREt
Trank HI. Paine, TIorisL
property woald be obvUled and Ua
City woald be mved a Urge aatonni
waya. boU of wbk-b ebonld be oead.
that it bw beaa rxp.M«l woald be Orove addlUoo Satarday by tbe aawi
tbat llu wUe o(>Marmlon Vrlght Imd
paid to aid Ue projeat.
• Aaetber pUa gaggeeMd. Whioh May Uft tbe eliy very eaddealy. It U Mid
there are
TbeflretU by the ..............’
Uoae tbai Ood hae giveek
tad iB order to get it we qwie yon prices.
Our Cadies'
Cbree Dollar Shoes
wiibwaa a« mrvtim w
Be alatad
Hr. aad Mia Wright have baaa and etdrlHal laveetlwy and eae fer
A M. X W Bay etroet aad aoroM that
Uaa wact of tbe roaad hoaae.
The Married aboat Are yean aad have two what Ood bae rridenUy fltttd each
taraar pUa ii Mid to be tbe Moet ehlldroa. It U Mid t^thalr dewaetU reUtUax bare act baea of tbe
Him Mr. OoehUa arged that «aab
Moot happy, aad Ue daparttuo d the
AU our Ribbons at id |>er cent. Discount.
Otir $5.00,Si!^ Waixu at.............................................................................................
timia pooalUr adapMbUity for any
imrUoaUr line of ajafat and I
alao be looked into further. U to aiart that ebe paeked ap l>ea oloUlag aad aUa work eoald eafely be coni
bom Bay ettwi. |Srtee«l aoroee tbe etbar poreaaal bakanglage aad left (or eMUofOod U ttetdlrccttan
r tbe ftalght boaae. parte aakaowa. iMvtag bar two ehll- arged that each member of Ue otaee
X A K. X
rden wlU her haAaad.
look M eeU, lake a bmuI end mmoI
____________________ paralUl wlU the X
ad tte ohHi took away Mom
Mtt, Md «at tMa the wvld. «o asa
Ole mant Vour Patronage
OomUg to tbe ^aeetloa. "Bow May
I know Ood't plan (or my lUe?" tbe
emU awrage warohoaae to QrBiUek'i
a»«eyi of the T. d. L.. A X
taaOT 4
Tbe Nee OMaB
HPHE la hli own way. witboat any tUflBlta
pUebed tbe wonUe aad eoat of aecar-1 tvuher
lag rtghl of way from J. U. Xorgmu'.l
ftMtan that.whal Uay waot aad what
Contains all the short lengths of Linoleums and
Oil Cloths at a disroum of 23 per cent. Thifl
makes linoleum cost you less than oil cloth—a
large varitty of patterns.
II <\l It tiu' T0*-T!S.
i^ on wUb tba erection of a bnildlag
ytm alone eon fljl."
hevrtml delegalM to
1-0+ 3
alUoBgb Uere was a stnng demami |
traek o«etr-tbe rooiid hona.- aad along
tbe bay ebure aa originally plauai'd.’
07le ft X to aeeUU rente (or tbe
BBw line
KboBld Uie be aoeom-i
Kmbrac.-s all the broken lots of I.Ace Curtains, i,
3 and curtains of a kind. Your pick for just
onc'-haif of the regular price.
>a wew only FIS 70. iMVlng a nrl
pwflt of 138 68 for Ue-elaea
Ue life of every one of yoo. aod a
plaea U HU great world that yoa and
eonUally iavlied
i_c*“r a
I '.ill an-1 get nis
IRE YOU eom6
materUl anlveree.
Jalioi A. Hrankr and Aagael lirawhloh.be expUlaed. ooeld oerer have gar. iMve U. oily today lor a long
oome by ebaaee. U Ood bee a plan trip to-Alaska.
for .-very etar that ewee^ Ue Iimtaud (or every flower that blooMe Qrdor four ffomort for eommoncomonf
Miehtian will be held Uie erenAfei al
be made to t. moe 11. boihllogi from Ue OoogTtwallooal obarch. Kev. T.
Bev. OcmAIU lllaetraud tbe pUoe
the etrM>t, whieli wa< regnlarty lar- W OnfloB of Aua Atbor will deUv- of Ood In a aamber of notable and
lb.- opratag addreea
PollotrlBg bamble Hvee. wlU tbe climax U tbe
veyed aad laid .mt m l»>l
It It cow propueed hr the T O . L.
life of OhrUt, tbe perfect man. Tbe
> delegatee ead frleadx
ft M. to eorrey a litie Ir»iu Itayetnel.
epeaker cloeed Uie part of hU aildreM
All Ibe member!' of Ue ebaroh are erllh Ue words. "Ood hae a pUa for
aoroee the old Hay Hooee iiroperly
of Ue oily, was a
of Ood In thv
ntteaal A kereh TBla XeeBlBg-
Tlw btel eeeeloe
I'f -.tn.ili ui.'i- limt-rv
Tlie pU.v of Htawelba. iirrevnted
Setordayvvi DiDg by the KigbU ttmde»
The epeak..t b<i|aa by traelag Ue plan
that the latter
Una can be ran through Korthueetem
areoae ragardleee of the U. ft K. K
eMd If D-Oeuary ihul eoa>t<any ouold
kcl-.iiiin.; cl 1I-- 'C k-», C.unY, I inl-rlUs 1 ..Vs, r'l-vi-nlvTY -ind -ill km-N
\Ver*aTr,4M-Vla7 'Mil No.
^ Consists of a large lot of Ingrain Keinnants,.con*
laiiiing from 5 to iS yards—Your choice of the
lot for 50c {>er yard. Worth fasc to 90c.
be Heexatod.
will b.- made Bret to Old
for the direct benedi of UiegiadaMlMlon, where a etop will be made
dlebaekel plaaio there, la tbe afpyeoaree had been prepared for Uml exBooo the bMI will go to KIk <tepldA
of a etrai'l for railway porpooee li
hii iext.Bowhere the Ulgh eebool a ill nacel Ur
ooiitrary to the coaetltutlon aleo.
maiuW: 8—"All Ulnge work t^UKIk lUpide t<wm la a red hot goMe of
Atuitber tiling, which laakea ibe
(or good to Ue|B tbat
Matter etlll more lutervelisg arid comUemtbatareMlIadaoeerdlBg to HU
poetlble llial two hnau will be
plloated. 11 th> fa>-l lhal wlwu the
HU toide wae "Ibe Oall
employ<.d (or ible exeareion. aa tbe
frabohiee wae ».-rBOk>d llie H. .V M.'K.
and Hntpoee of Ued. " aad Ue dlillighih grade 'have egpreeetd a deelre
la ow Ih.' elre.1 11 wae for the o|>i-raeoaree wae aa emlneatly iniiieal
tloo of a railway. It !• now euted
that mold aot but hava,
ttoae will be (orcUbed (or the crowd,
lhal the >-oni|iuny had uo legal right
prorad very belpfal U tbem.-mben M
however Urge It may b>'. The fare,
to ere>'l .bBlIdtogi on iJieir right uf
U>e elBM
fur the roand trip will be . only W
way. HehiM-^ueniU Uie |eee<-ol d.-jiot
The ceatnl tboagbtof tbe dieooone
eente, co that no one elioold mlee the
Waem-todaod ilie freight bouee oe-ae Umt Ood baa a plan for eaob haelreet. whi.b t« liv l-el
llec«lB<eflir iltavalha XMavdar t^wlec
tfairaeooiid i-laoe. It li etoted t^BMo
allow tbs exeluelre rlgbt lo lbe»e
tablleOed ulthio
tliat Uey might rMllM tbe ImpcrtBBce of having Ueir benrU made
rigbt. afi well ax haviDg Uielr mlade
All o^W^and Wool Drw Goodi at from 5 to 111 p« ceW. be-
.z “i?
Watch for .tMr ada.
Union Street. ^
South Side.
Aha WKid'a AUd, whtaS ha ati «m
Meet the approval of those who are moK |iarx'
licular about their footwear.
High grade. leathers, newest style effects, es*
traordinary weamg quaSitiet.
Welt or turns, patent leather or sto^ tips.
McNamarn 6Uu
Freat Stne
«aftay«iUBbBn«u^iiita oiiiinat.innni^TiiuTM.i
ns Emnc ucouk TWO SOLDIERS
1ME T. IMff ME E V. MM
hw aeaavtad by Catted malm traepa.
at aad a<Ml ta (a»C»to(al te tha
■barataaa flat ^ wne ready
ta (all U lore wttb tha ftrK Catted
CafartBaatety twa a«lraa*t wberaffaetteaa appeared abaat iha
Ha>or ArrhlbaM Thetfort and Boapital Sbrward dnilaa AraalA Tha «a-
-AT-Msaasrdeld odleer; la the aacood. bit twarlaf
waa Mdaat: la (be third, be wu a rcry
handanaa wma. The boaplul ateward
was net la tba Afbciac part of Um ar
By, waa nM aapeetaUy IronUad with
iwrerrlaf to mea naUtoted by abot aad
abalL ae thoafb be
taetlon la tbelr taffe
-Why don't TOO accept the majorr
t^irrES s '£.‘5k.“S^
•track with thto adrlea.
Bba loTitad bar torsn le call opoo ber
tba nest day at tbe tame boor and
aerred coffee for Ibem oo tbe rcranda.
Tba ratior did not
boaplul ateward. of eoone. bot had (be
ftmd aenae not to Ifnore btm codrcly.
Tbe boaplul Btewnrd had tba aeatvanca lo treat tba odleer aa If be were
qotia an lofcrler pemoe. Cooeba aai
wttb tbaoi aemac eoffra tod ebattlaf
ftua made each ■ oetoe, and
tbao tbewa fnoar macbioea tbat fo
tr-cr-fTT-fT, tvmlat from rtftat lo Irfl
BDd left to Tlfbt. ae one woald torn
tbe nossle of a boael
1 tbonfht I
eboold r> (Bid. And do yoo knew tbat
ooe rreat bombabcll fell rtfbt beta la
lt>—tbe fuse apoitered. aod
for o«r Urea.
Bo( after awblle we
came hart, for It didn't explode.'
-Wbat did yoo do with Itr i
tbo major.
. -U to lo a eemer oir tbe back reranda. Woald yoo like to aee Itr
Tbe major waa lodlffcreoL Tbe boapiui ateward iboiicbt be would »ot
They raw from tbe labia.
UiptM «r
• MUli^ e>m
lost prasdc*. ttel
Md. oas of tbs
U. Moedr. U»e
Anoac 'otttsn
lArsIss «M tbkso ap bf Pratidfiat I*a]^HaUataolo bsa (astt. OoscrMi
mam Wataoe of ladlaaa arill dlseoM
' PblUpidM qOMtioa and Oem^nmTkylw of Ohio will dMi «UI.
MeKlaUp Rsolproeft;." OoafranMB Boatollt of llUboU will aim bs
poaMt. and
thwa arttl bs other netod m<ti. iaoiadlap aoM of tboan foraaost la tba tapabUeaa partr In Klehitan. The banqaat bids fair to l»< ooa of the aott
■OtabU la the htatorr of the elab.
toad KItAeaer ^ not rr«Tattad
alala, ate.. fo* nraial dart, hot frem
a Ihaaeachlr reliable aoaroe it U da•larad that with theaieepUooof-Oaaacat Dewel tha Boer leaders are will■ilaai to aooapt the BrlUth
tatBsaf 'paaee. Tlwaa Udloci bare
ttlt.in Loedca and tiie Bril
M will
tlaa of the uattar
tantrreat of the war In BonthAfriea hat
wreaffhl awfal laTacet oe both aldee
aad the oanUndiad t^tiae are tired
af-dhe atiecila. Tberefore aewe'of
tha aad of tiia war will be ^lad
With dellitbL Baeldaeaodlac a bitter
Mtaarla. the aad o
it the eeateei <
a that woald
baaaSl thu eeaaWT mmtarUMj-
TWe." cntleUlnx ibe aetloaa of oaftala ahUdraa aad frown peraeae In
whlaparlat aad talkluf dartof
Nadltloa of llUwaUia Saintxter a
lac. The Kaeotd U la erapaUir with
the wtttw. bat daoltaaa to priat tha
r U at■whad to the vtlola IbU to a «
loa the Keoord nerer dartataa tnm.
Aap penoa who has aarthlaf to
•a tha pabtle, U alaeara la hie or her
kto or bar i
ate wanhr af p
. dMtrae to aroii
tteuir. __
b the deatt <
the Mate loaaeoae
Uorc. wtilefa aorprlKd
aollora for tbey eiw noiblDc lo tooeb
at Tbeo they went to tbe back rcraoda. TbTTOfb tbe mar ban door they
coold are Joaqnlo. Oooeba-a little
brother, a boy of twclra. numlac wild
ly away to tba back of
with a Ufbted itlck in bto band, and
yelllBf at tba top of hit rolce.
olbcr ooBcot explained- the eai
Tb«( foae of tba
spittlaf Bra Uka a rc«ket
Fourth of July. It wae plain tbat
boy bad been ptoytof near
>wn to alomar
boapital ateward care tbe bomb a
quick etooce, eatlmated tbat tbe fire
of tbe rune would not reoeb tbe bomb
for aome areonda and. rueblof op to
It adted It flrlne it a jerk lo aeparace
It from tba bomb. To bto aitontobment (bo bomb went nelltnf op lo tbe
■ Ir like a balloon. It waa made of
Torolikf. be east a look at Cooeba
aad. aeolac as mtoy sparks to ber eyea
at In tbe foae. Inferred tbat there
mtochler In tbe wind. Tbee tbe two
jmrwt Into a merry tooflL
“Wbat did yoo do It forr asked
“Well, yoo I
“I wanted lo Bod ont w betber yoo <
Uajor Tbalford to tbe brairer mao.“
“If yoo wanted to test my brai'Cry,
eboold hare cot off another Inch of
that fuae. 1 saw at a flaoce (bat there
waa plenty of Omc.“
Tbim Concha expUloed that abe bad
concocted the story of (be real bomb.
■ and bribed
abe put leto It firinf blm a kmd toofh
-Bot tba major.- aald Concha roefolly. “After all. be to ao bandaome
BO nlca. What a ptty be to not
-Be to no majoe-tbet to. except lo
embryo, tboofb be may make one
time. Too raoT derelop a eoIdler
olocly daya Three moottaa afo be
was a Boorwalkcr to a dry ftMda
'And what were yon Ihne mi
Bedced cradoMe of tbe medU>^
aa boapltol atoward. Onr tefiment to
to Ball Bonn for tbs north, and
wa arrtrt I tblak I bare InSi
•DfRrtent to frocore a dtoctaarta.Cooeba Alratea a year after tbr 8aaarrtod Dr.Jolton Ar
nold. bads fnrvweU to ber fatberto
hartroda tod esawto tbe Dotted Btaiea
to Brw Arnold la a rWof ym
feoo. aeto-----------------------from bto Mfleal trrabiiaw cM a tato
•Wrap- while at boms. Tbs &}or i«malned to tbe army aod baa tlnee «lnfln tbe FhBtpptnaa.
The Church
And Politick
m, tma. MOROk w. «tohi. nm BiwMan'
HE liM Utaw thix>3> teeakr aod tliiaci nligioaa
■ too ahupl; drawii is U»a« dfra. If a rntn a t»
be .tn]y
be Boat exeteiM bit power eoam erery ifayaitiwent af Ufo. Hn
be loyal aad obedient to bia bigbeat imptilaea ia tbe
diMbarge of b» dotiee aa a dtiien. He mnat do tbia
if be wDold be truly faithful to bia i^oidi. It ia beeauae an bare
enated tbe ard&aal line referred to tbat wo ba« bed^awa, taeota*
petont and cormpt admiaiatration. THE SMALLER THE GOV*
TO FIND EVn. CONDITIONS. Mtuueipal admiaiatratioo, aa
a rule, ia tbe wortt Tbe intereat in uatioi^ adeetioBa b alwuya
greater than ia aor other, while tbe iatereot in nunidpal c
ia generally tbe leaat of alL It ia beeauae of thia tbat we hare oauaUy
moreiaeompetent admiaiatmtion ia mnnidpal gorerament than elseR
^tatral Iltws
. M. 3.
Iiacs oUaneB Um- strasH of tbe town
(or the tost etabl yaara at tbelr own
etpeoae, bet new tbs Womaa's Town
Impfoveawct SMOctoUoe Aodt Uw
leak fftown bayood It with Ibe ffrewth
of tbs wwo aad bat aakad tbe city
Volmno dnst Ims I
L Olurtoe
Btewart BjOeet, to to teach King Ed
ward tbe klsg eir aU ewd gamea Hr.
Btrmt toa BoMenUs. e giadaete of
Berrard, cod was long'* member of
tbe Wjard team, which held the
leas whtot ebamplonahip for years.
Slog Edward end e smalt company of'
rayalties will roeeirr their Brat toeaoea dnrlng eOroBetloo deya
WUUam Page Riyan, Doited Steles
Hlototer to Biaill. hai reported to the
of Utete that while rob
ber to abaodasl lo tbe upper Ami
eenstry, with greet eheooee of ample
(or Its explottoAlon. the ellmete end topography of tlila remehcoontry ere saob as to lm|ierll lUe
ereo during tlie briefest sojonra for
those aoeoMoaed to anlntermpied
eqneiorlel beat Tbe mortelty to i
serretlTely reell:oned as two llros.
ton of rnbbar exported.
atatlMwd lo Obarlartoa. A a
dtul to light tn eolor. bet of decided
•peetfie (lartty. Jesnnofsfcy was ate.
tiooed at NashrtUe Is I88S. aad dtoeoTsred <hut In Uie alt which Iiad
beu> blown (torn Krakatoa, Jam.
At Barana the boaae baa adopted a
Hay i» Oeooialion day. and passed a moUoB eipreaetBff ayjmuthy (« Amerloas loldien Nathlflg Sacceells Se Like Sbcccee.
Tboee wbo ate Dr. A. W. Otiase's
a of photoitrapha prefierw'Ptlls as a bcttc aod geossal
tenlo—as a reballder—as a medleloe
»nlly reported at stolen, to leporlW
to girs reoewed strength, energy aod
D bare been retwned. It to soppoaed
Vigor Berer'Ta'n to tonod tbelr pralm
to tere beea a atadeni joke.
of R. O. Dns A Oa to otbara
It tbe eom heU bars Mde i
Edwin Bofe. of Ho. ABO Bast Mttcheaiafal <
tbelr reponalbdleate that a larff* erop
wtU be bareeMed obIim exocptiaaally A. W. Chase's Herre Pills will prore
bad weather to experteboeo.
bteuBolal Utetl
OoBbi Maankaa, tbe rriwe atibiater otbara I was feeltog poorly aod ran
at Japab. with U>e preaeot
down loM aprlM. wbeo seeing them
MlBtotor of riimnce, to dow Is tbs
laredaboxand nard
Onltod Stetas for tbe pcipcae of be- tbem. Tbelr eSeet was ail tbat
ffotlatliiE a loan of Eiao.OCD.OOO with be daalred. strepgtbenlsg and toolsg
which to Mild sbipaand raUwaya aad np tbe aystem. *'
to cany eo mlslog ofMCmtleQa In
Dr. A. W. CEtete't'Herre PUlt are
as. Bepona trom acTctal ooabties tn sold at Sto a box at dselora or E>r. A.
UUboto state that tbe artny werau
Madtelse Oe., BaSsle. H.
bare annated cod tbe (amen are Y. Bee that portrait asd slgwiue of
inpariu to atop tbelr marM amam A. W. Obaae. ^ O., are oo erery
tba Eeldt U possible. They tnTsl Is nMk.M
aratlae of mllllaas and Is oae dlrtea field (bay daatroy
erery kind d reffMaaoa.,
ratetaHoa.^ Many
Hotloe to boteby girea ttmt tbe
■tadowi bare boon
•an eo^y <
Board of Bertew asd Ibiaallteilon of
tated of the BTMB aadwtn be pi
the Otty of Trareraa City will seet
-- ---------—k. IWt at tbe
otty of Trar.
Adolpb Bocsttoff. U yeanolA
City, at a o'eloek la tbs taceaooo____
■rtomate of tbe |
oontiane la seoaten ot Inst fear days,
or os maeh leader as mar bo oeees-
la hto aewly paitteMd waoca la Obiea«e. aad hto ooadltoo to aStoibaltoi
to hto aaddM proaparlty.
OQ teid rolls, aad show
Why Hit ralBAtten
Poartb at Jely el nUebatB. A deWDated
d this
mis mb Bay of Ma^. 1KB.
Batten eat to Isrite Ibe prealdto
potaied ool to blm tfaet tbe aettm Gtetk af Board «ff %rtew^rSWl'
Mribdey to eeMlly eeletealed on
elaberatenato la PittebatB tMa
ia alaort eay other otty ia the Doited
Mr. Boenrell mid be wnald
bo^ to becoae tbe olty'e fwot.
be iraatood to Make
Sebealer paifc. the Bleat paUie pteae.
tbe bartlBB aff tbe bbbbm was net a
tnU the
Ua nek laMtad. tba ^ who
wbae tbe aerfenat kecked tbem o» hn
id tbe aeUBM WMttTteBteira.
Ad -ant knew- what to charte
to to tbe
•• :s-
IteMwyut 8
Vou bape tbe
unuMOTom. iuxbtbb, obahd
mnnuT. jdbci*.
tMia will kaee Taueew City at
aJSb' Sm BM«ln
And w« have the' largest and’ most up-to-date
•asortment pf Picture Frame Mouldings.' Mat
tings, Etc., i^ the city, aod if you will bring in
your piaures we are sure you srill find the frame
tbat fuits j'ou.
For room mouldings we have what ypu want, as
the stock is large with all the different colors.
Ifyour piaao NEFIDS TUNING,
the tow or actioo is not what ii uxol
be, let me knoer. an.! 1 will be
pleased to call an<l examine it an.1 do
your nurk if you desire. TMei^xme
the \t*biting HoteL
Perhaps you can find a
ready framed picture among our a^rtment that
you want.
We know the work will be done
properly and promptly.
r. M. Paiee'a
Rouse Fumisbing Goods
(sriB on tkr Inr.
and tuta IS sU I»r(« o( Ite r
....Mill tSa
lai M-fw Ba* Tkmt late U Miral HlaMSa
U> uteaiir-tor lYaronn IXIj t»rn«wl»
sai ar«»a Bn- UialM lawl I: nul~ tnwi Kt
Iraanh SnUniaW nil mllUun f-H. ,anuu
M knn ». gaud raal ••
Let each church hare ita “men’s good goTerimneut dub,” with
meetinga on a weekday, eommitUHi to the work of preparing tbe
apiritual soil of the paHah by redeeming ii from the noxious weeds
of Tiee, mime and all unlawful s(tts and d<>eda that binder the progleas of jnatiee and righteouanesa.
d at BM
We BUat not be afraid of that word politied. Do ned
to tbe mia of tbia word. THE “BOSS SYSTEM" IS NOT POLI
TICS; IT 18 A CON8PIRACT AGAINST I*OLITICS. PoUtis u antboriUtirely defined aa “the acience of gprenuaeat” We
have no more right to call this eoaapiracy againat tbe freedom of
tbe people known as the ‘^oaa ayatom” politia than we haTo to
mII eommoB, atnjMil lying by the name of diplomacy. The remedy
for boaiam bto be found onV,ia the h««r^ and Uitelligent <^peration of men of all parties apd of no parties in the Work of destruction.
Thia, I iudat, it pre-eminently a religioue duty. If the church has
not enough influenoe to make ui perform tbia duty, then there ia
something radically wrong with the cLnrch.
aad a dtlaa whoaa
load W tha leMaoawealth hare haaa
pnaeaaaad far DMap Team.
a.wbo« |iarFkiUp Sobaob. Jr., baa pmmtiB to
aaaal «aaU*tn Made hla rerj popa‘ e fold aoBfOL
W. PwOttoallj ha WM aetad for dlsibet thto was
Two news renflew. were nMS m tha "roek" wbtab wee baited at PieeMdia
Mdia hit
hla aSd
oSotai life ha Mood for sUtUafa eneb at tbe LAmbrtb paBos
I loba ceort for nbUlaUf meney by «rjtw
. that whtoh ha 1
talae aewa at Brtiten. Tha m3
na MaakK need br Ma>er Bnttrlek
•t lha Hattb BMdca ta Oeacard. ae
im. baa Me vaat
Burton Rim Me
mxkI'ark-r'. lOio.
pmd, AMI
E. W, HAST1H6S & SOH , J 'V»i'm.4i l,.T.’'ll'Tlll2n * ‘iwTaS
Ute, inau: lilam^and Cmpkir-r >
Blfc. HotePhcM^ TramrwX'U
M. It. iirN<.RitroKi>.
He wore a splendid suit of jclotlies
The latest style at that
And still he didn’t look genteel
He wore a shocking hat.
If he had worn a Ldngley Hat. one of the most stylish
that is worn this season, the above would never have been
thought o^. It would be the best Three Dollar investment
you ever made, to purchase one of these at once. We
have a host of other styles and grades at $1.00. $2.00.
$3.00. $4.00 and $5.00.
wHat about that suit?
About time you were seriously considering it. Our
clothing stock offers a perfect fit at a perfect price and
the satisfaction it is giving is- not surprising. Look at
these prices: $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $r.50, $10.00, $12.00, $13.50.
$15.00, $16.00, $ir.00, $18.50, $19.50, $20. $21.00, $22.00, $24.00.
Dollars do double duty in our Youth’s and Boys' cloth
ing these times. Have you seen the Twentieth Cen
tury Clothing? It is the best that has ever been made
for these little men.
For men. All the proper furnishings for all sorts of oc
casions. All stylish goods, too. the kind that are fash
ionable and proper this season. Especially so with our
25c and 50c Neckwear. The two largest lines that any
one is showing. You can’t help but buy if you get a
glance at these beautiful goods.
iinairasimmbiiibiminaMa^. )
feff tn
Made from Grape Cream of
Tartar, and AbsolutelyPure
Hicfaeit award, Qikago WorWa Fab.
Ki^hat tests by U. S. Gov't Chcnisti.
rSL-:=■ tr Cui.
wish tba Ttartna City Rich aoboal
aad Istmdaaa teB to tba laaetteal
daklao a( Ufa aad tbair
«t Boafal BMei
tba world; wba»« Iboy wiUaopmta
aad tako ap lha work for wMob aaeb
baat Sltad by aartoaa laleati
aped aad daraiopad by )batr
or* la tba aaheoU,
OarlBx tlM fBM yaan of warfewad
Body tba aUBMte U met elBraclar
bara baoa tiaiaad aad SaiBnd aabl
nay lean tbat fn wbloa ba or
» bcatciaallSod BoaBUy. Tba
XBDoral pablte bara aol haowa of tba
of tbrar
dlsBaetide la tbolr Madlaa, aor haro
ibata baaa ataay oatward oTidaecaa of
wfaal baa boaa aooOBplUbad. Aa a
aary eradltabla UlaMratlCB of
talaa af ti>r adacatina aaeb baa reoairad aoaa aoald be nora iBprai
tfaaa'tba '-Orioa," tba aealor olaaa
aaaaal }bm Itaaad tnm tba pran of
tba Otaad TiBTaraa Hnald aad X<
lac Raeord.
‘Zba dm eopiaa of the book an
la tba haadaoftbe anabaia of tba
ikH. wbo MB feel a faatlfiabla prtda
Tbrre «■ talk at Otawl fU|>ldattf al-'
lavta* tba palleanMa to ww shlit»alM ttala fasuav, aaa the Pnaa
> re|naaiilb« law with
•aoh frtrotooa Suokibc to«i
or tb« oBBbar of psbllc playTba iwtaary atapa for tba aaiabllata■awt tif a ahlDatowB aaborb to Iba ■roaad* orScTMl by d» Onad Raplcb
eity of Uraod lUpKU bat boaa lakaa eoaaeil two w««k» a«o car liaa boon, baat woe* of tba prlatae'a
eompletod. Tb« lou an owDod by W. nad/rom a UmbI office. Ibe Ulbaaad a loeaUoo daeldid opoo.
“loWa" will be Ihnw bIIm aooUi of R. Rbriby of tb« Oraad Hapidi * la- trsttcM are axodadlnctf Sm and the
fllaaa road aad A. L. Horray, aaJ are artlatle wor* of Bambera of tba Bleb
Hartoa aaaoer. la an tbia IB of
tOWMlilp, wbxra Ml acwaa.nl Uad baa oa Real Mrert. In the rc«r of tbo BU- •obboU McMbtr with the tUarary
boaa laaad froia Jobo M<icbi>. naa- •ell boM Thr lau w< iv kindly do- ability of tbcMB who eoapilad die
affwof U« ralW nlata c^law Hoy. aalad by tliear r oUcaeo to bo aaed woe*. fcwBi a eomplata Whole which
Wbo'fnr aaroral yaan baa n]«talad a ao |>obUe play Kroaoda I'ba ooaaoU U worthy of tbr iBoit farocableeoB.
Ohtaaaa laaailry^ la tba IlcraillaBa DomtnUcoooa gtrooU aotlioniodUktuot
The bair tou work of the UUttnballdiai on tlaoal airni. baa Bade ('-ommloilnnor Walih to rzpoad |SS la
tba aaoaaaary airanffaB.tita Tor aaeat pauiaa tba irtottcid la abapt for lha tloea aad tba etoblnca of tba draa toci
lax tiM oaa of tlir >aad. aad Ma t^olb oblldrea, bat it wa* (ooad -rmwirj wan prodaead froca tba aactarlnx
deiBitBaBt of Dlckrnaoo Broa of
ar. Cbaa W<x>. freah froiu Haa Praa- 10 opiad SB
etaao.u aow aamri-d with il.c bal]>cir| Tb* Utaod Rapid* Rrtail Ofeom’ Orud Raplda, while tba bindlac wa.
Id BlfaHnal
olca^it | Aoroelatioo ha*« takes aotloa U ro- dnoaby Harlow Hroa.. alao of Utud
aarand OUiot Olilnamrn IB
Ua load for the oeenruey of biaejcatdto <Uatroylac bony bozao oaoe Raplda
TbaoorarU a alBpIa. artutle, bat
oa-d. Tbo tioard of bealth aad rrwtt
Ublaraa -faraan. wb<> an*
vary afWoprUia daalca. The cloth
way tliara from lUn Pnaelaro.
Al Tewt ffaron amply can era ptt- tba groom la eeadaBOlac Iba repaac- UadlBC li cn«B.tbe aBbMwliiit In .li
ver : craes bs.1 while balac Uw elam
lac ap OB Swift A Uo faatar tliaa ad oaa of barry l•nzee aa anraallary.
Wblla C II. Hioa. of Vlokabarc; eoleta. The oaulda ^rcni covet 1.
tbay eaa a>-ad lb.-tao«l with ordanaa
a rooall af tba daeraaae la th« eoo- waa attempUuc to diirr a ,w-tUBC baa naballiabed with tba aaiaa. "Orloe."
■aaptlea of taaal owtac bi hicb iriraa from bar anal by awItoMnc hot aboM ■Travena Otty Hick aebool. -CH."
AUa In tba nppar left bud ooraei ii
' etmnrad. The (uonal yanU then at. tba hrwd with a amall twlp. ba
ploinn of Iba central aohool botld*
fliad Wtlb (watpany 'a cwta. 1<B b.-lu( ; *at npoo by Iba rooalar of tba Hook,
at the fUraia md of the tnoual aad \ who drora apon lub. bU left kaea.ooe inc, aboat wbush there t* crasafally
Otbara are balac bald alooc tl>r liae. jaUikloc iba boua. the otW tflflietUc wavinc a >[ny of Uliea of tba valley,
the cUm Bowar.
Dr. Harry UcNaal, In '’KS, and | > cut aa loch loot;.
In tba baok jawt of tba book.
Badlc '00. aa.I hla wlfa. Dr. Jaaaia|
- oootUta of lU pBC-a. are advertlaeRat? MeNral. mountad 10Da|a<aiin.j>a: * ‘'“f
afSoetb Ananoaa blnl.darUic a WlP • ,w.toJu*yoc,{^’'*T.w U^w*e>aKd maoU of laadlac boaloana am. wbo
d liberaUy to tba rrpacre. of
Iben- U« year It waa Ibair lulamioo ! u tor yraira. Hadlaou Madiclae Ho. a
bf tbe book.which wa.
to praaael Um iu to tin-ITtilci nrtlr of |R'> ky Uoanlalo Tm. Jaa O. JoIioocniid.‘rabla.
Mleblcaa aaaanm. but baiorr thiil*"
Mid ba foniially daa.. Ura UoNeal, Ane Arl.t iMavaa ora warm proi«waa drowsed jeal bef.w laodlac >u ' >|noni (>na <d tbaB >Id1i' Ibepnwt- Edward U. Ryder. prliioiiBl of tire
IkUooaatrT- l»t. KoNraTliaa atmad ,doofa carri aad ilia city map from Hlfb ecboel ud tbe pboc
oat b« Wiabcw and Uia bmetifel a|
: tin* DiBolcrtpal rhaate-r, aad uait day Profeuw B.yder follewi
iBMOa Inca Wa doaatad to U« U rrMuaa nna carried off tb* orapa fram pac*, la da* half (use
A fine lialf lobe pielere of the board
j Iba doer of a bouaa wharr oaa e' ibe
folWilliaB Hoebaa la a nalaaat |Btal-1 family bad jeal died.
town Tbe {oUowUu oompoaed tbr
ar wbo bn prorad that a naa enu fail |
-------aUty fael w>tl.ool liijary. Uachet did I A nonl taolluc of laaptac. booad- board of adltor., to whoa.- Isdstuy,
ceotaa ud ability tbe uasal I. dsa:
BoarO of CdlM».
IL Ua ctrac*k oa a abad whaa srarly | W 3R oaate. Jaa O. Jbl
BdHor ln-ofaref-ObarloUa A. b’adt.
to Mta croud, boaaewd acHsa B.e fael
lUiBCiaiC oditcr—Horbart Sosare
Bp talo tba air acdln. and Undrd oa
AMartM* BaHore.'
l>Ufr» i with nooll.ar injury Ijnn a
Lool. Blrdnll, Kecio Oclby. Orpha
fllBpla IraotBra of one ie« liab'.w tba
'---Bcarr of a uMler of the oItII ar«r la Oraaty. Adola Boh*. Loelae Uoefc.
cuilfcnn. Ibe imme to ba plaead la SUrel Pope, Herrey Aaderaoo. Ida
Tba Bart'b «r itn|.reT<
®‘-, . Federal .imr*, baiwau tba >wtoaea Liarklsa
Icmee a« Jasl rmlbd In Ibr. rae.e«.l
A croap plelen of Iba HIchTaebool
of the etd.«l lu.lm*rk in tba . Ity-a
lac houta bsUt by tbi cratMlfelliar o(! Th.-Madlann Madleior Oo owni tba faoBlty, iDoIedlac So'perlpMhdut O.
reTlt Kharbonow >s IH30 Tba etroo- ;*»cbi»i»« H|ll‘t to raaaafaeture Rocky B. Bora ud Pribclpal Ryder, fol
tare ha. bean danol..bed U> i.mkr —r ' Routala Tn. Tea wtid which 1. act Iowa, alao a larfa portrait of Bo|iarlo.
tudutHomud alUiof lire mas.
for a DOdatii bell.liBC lie
ben of Uw board of edniBdoo.'
ly belli of <-adat lew*, and
Tbe fotlowtac
the Baa.it.' Br. plaaa ud chtiBne.y of
------------ ^OoBBittaa os daoorattc
Iba old tima hofi>a.aeaA For mauy
AKOELSS OK SAV FRAKOUyear, it wa. m. ..I.ja.t of moH> talar. UO AND RkrTCRN. rta Q. B. A L' Uiaii BtrdaaU. Flotuoe Walkoa,
Becbee. Roy
mly elcblb ennael isartltic
Tiakal. on nl.; Aop J»t to Bib cood Wyekoop
OoBBlttaa SB AUiladet-Ruo Ooi
teal Soetaty Will ba l.ald In Lu.iac o)mi to ail, w^r^.-r
uu by. Edward Boyer.
...................OoBBltlMon aoelal eveaW-Orpba
<B Tmaoday. Wadn.-.duy ud Tbnn-! OaU al ofBca■ for
- (arthar
- •
Oraeay. Irvloc Henay, Fred Bailey.
day. JaDc :i. 4 u.l .^ Tba (Ul ynr,
. 0. R Manay. Acaat.
*"~>»*** oo Jokea-Addla Bolao.
baa Wen tb.- moat .•unoaa.fal ud |«oa.
Baaob. Artbar Walt.
. ta tW bwiory of ih. Merely
JjWrlor Spar t. Uw
OocBBlttaa oa Utantara-LmUe
Back. Tan Oartar. Herfaan Raymoad.
OatBodlUar oa Utetaiy
Btbol Papa, Olaee OhamtBay. ^
Condensed Hews
• of niehigan
To make rotan (or our
aummet fumilurc which i*
now oo the way, we nuke
tbit (CTcat dai^hter : : ; :
I 10.75 Hvris Cham fir
I I4J0 Harris (Mrs m
> (64X1 Mirris Cham Hi
S 4.25
$ 8.9B
S 7.00
TheM are all bm elam
chain, Unfe <uk franjet,
pnlidrecl; Rwiitf; scat ayid
four me* thici reverv
ilde enthion. in \elootv
See iheta in our wimtew
Brand Rapids Fur. Co.
from tbr
MM. c^wbb as.
tni OeditabU hMiation.
■ at ISOS. nMA viU
nrc! ntii
iBtbe&MB^poBable, thw Me woald
- -
ax. Ibe diawliwe
'OHca" an worthy
ftaatvfiaeof tbe daiadttoeat
' U tbto back tba eio
altatootala thie dttaodea db
by tone of tba b
La aad aadlnUa Iboer
la an tba euior. fa*A.
an aad Juior ctole.
kbacoU girl Ma tba aoeial
■ tide by LoalaaSbapbaed of the
elan. Tba diawlac by little
On Bhapbatd U alao worthy of
itloa. whila tba wor* of Loot.
Btrdnll. Tnak Devalto, RBallr
Crowall, Bath Onratl. Ohaa L*raoo
aad Fiord Baaeh U krtlatio ud clev
erly axaeatad. The nprodaotlcai an
laBBtkably c«ad. bat aearoaly do Jaatlea to the orlctaale
Tbata an nsawroat prMty aad
«rau ^tebaa oeafBrad tbreacb ihr
It woald taka eelamD. of apaoa t
Clvr a laoper vavlaw.ot tba "OHoa'
bat nfaruoa to iba iwin featoni i
felly JiunSad. Ocauldenhle apaer i
Civan to tba malor oiaa. biatory by
MlaTNlB Bechaa and Ibara *ra l«o
Baa ctMpaof the aealon ta half ton.-,
who an a. follow.:
OUsd Oarbw. Ida Larkiaa Our.
larooa. Harry Aodenoa.
Nadi, Niu Bechaa, Uel. BlrdBdl,
Loolw Bock. Vere Uener, Orplre
Oreaay, Kd Uo^r. Idul. Permrlre,
Herbert boaan. Nelli* Hincliani.
Fnd Bailey, Irvloc MitiTav, ArH.er
Welt. Barbert Raymced. Edward Kyaelka. Addle Solo, Roy WyakMp.
CtuuBiBef* ,Boy BolioB^a.
Ktbel Pnpr. OkariM A.htuo, Reno
Ooiby, rioiucw W.Uon.Ployd liaarh.
ipproprieta diiwrlptlte
qooUtlocu aoooBpaqy the l]Jo«ra.
deal. loDcbiiic the ptonoDao.*d ohar.
of tbe todhridiial. niem-
isrhBmunera.10 clve nn-jff< oar ud
aawmy thal Dooc but lliiia-'familiar
ill lire iBcidMt-oan ivcxicniae iu var.
Ion. phaw* ud tbi- charub-r* luti r
Floe half tone {nrtreiU of Uii.>
Woodmu, tbe drawioc Kacb* r. ud
Hre Dayton, tli*' iiie.ic leubrr.
elves. Tbr Junior claw hi.iory, l-.v
Bibi'l Savaca, forml u inUraalliie
lied lij a ercui« pictore of lire olaaa A croapof Utu )aii.
lor claa. oOieani I. alao reproileoKL
n.vy are
Artbei Well*.
preaidest; D.-lla<ililh'tl.
wcralary. ud Uay COoT.ory, trvMur
self adjusting that
la foUowea by a
ante Ibr late I
OtBaaafarJedaya W. W. Kimball
. > tsaoA to etna to nfttOo. ll» Float aireoL
.ICR -tf
eaeo to tbo dakalnof the LyoaaB ud
apMato devoted to tba Hlfb oobool
gn/tie^ tft 1
liknry vlU a ptotan of the Utoaiy.
e llwwfcw.
8mo ^boo to atooftna to tbo tobontorleo aad ptotam an obowa d tbo OROAjrs tiOM »lt wp. I
toboratory aad (wnmerrlal roona Tbo
"‘1^ TT^-T* idwai 1r rafmndtoaBd
MB Evoked to the lahtoAl
lo Bfor TarwUh. U-tSt
RtfllM but tt to opvMtau ta
te SMtMk pniM f«r the dnwli«
■iliWkiiii mtm wdJMtM
suspenders are
“Sufaecf inSuw
unn«c«sary— •
Blear eu fa?
Or. riertv'v Earsrlt*
rrvacTititioa sot only
nuUidw. womanly
fveslarlty ami drica
Wo are
_ and ulcvreuca. aad
'I iiAtud tx l-mr rtan Mt» atai low tOe.
.... — ____ mooka —
viin Ttfr... Co Mi^wn *Alari tatw
at UeUrt'^ nmkrm yr <ew aw
ABdruwplk.9'-^]. HaO wrwW nod (Atwcuv*.
bw kr,« rr*iit>s »>»w- Itwl twra omtmrO lo
aiT br.< .ar Bwiika w>i«a ■ wear to rw> I
to supply double the '
demands of last
season for these
justly popular summer
Dr llercr'. CoenmoD Scniir Medical
Aduwr, ruper coverv re mt /ire oo
recni< of ri ooe<rst Munp. to pey
rrprnir u( cnallinr u*/>. Addrw* St.
IL V 1‘ierce, Buffalo. N. V.
tre uicrs—
'All the new colors In
striked I'lannels,
$j 50 to $5J».
UIU.T1* WASTnn-1
wink rirb-
No Where Else
lo Iforthero Mlcbigao will yoo Ylod sneb a
larg:e assortmeot of oew desli:ns summer.
clotblDg. iDclndlnr jCi^sb aod white dock
pants, faocy flaonel coats and pants, bine
scree -coats or coats aod vests.
The nopboncra rlaak lil.loryea* well
wrilMB by Loco btolot'orc ud a hoe
by e pictare of Ibe Claw, li lire work
of oilre lookry. All of ibrae lit*,
tone, are admlnblr writtaa
Oooatderable .jitoe I* gtren to
Onpe Vine." for which Herben
Soman ta re.pi».ibk, ud whlcih IIlaatnte* uma of bty new.imper exnoe. Tbe "Olam af '00 ' li a d.partiaut fnun the ]iu of Oouiiiy
Clerk Boliert Walter, ud very Interealsitly wrtuu. A coml lialf tone
n of Jullor Itarrey Certih toCetbar wKfa a Bttioc tribote lo Mr.
OsTtie, I. fivu proBioi'Ot .laoe alu
Atbletice oocoplea teveral pacea ud
ffar picterea of tbe foollatll ud tone
ball tea nil of WTetei olawa* an repti>deoad.
The whole wort tdom ©over to eorer
U daaarrlnc of notblnc bat praiae,
ud while demoanntinc tba talruu
of tba sambrn of the claw, tvflact.
dooal eradll opoa tbe Caaoben of
tba ecboolr and thalT effort, to derel.
op tbe good In racb eliarseler they
Mecbl to mould into fewte few tba
avroka-tda Ultlaa Oon
iwactioal dntlea of life.
Nrilla Blacban.
Thk "Onoa" eu be obtalsad of tbe
AdvBttolac - Hervay
mamban of tba olM. ud tbe price,
Oharlaa Aahloa. Roy SooBald.
arty outa. 1. imie Bora thu half tire
OWlrMB cm litMary parCa-Oliarof imbUoatioB.
lotta A. Naob.
OWiraBO of Baaaea-Barbart I
Parfcrw foumln praa sea* obala.
aad locAela, handaome watoh ebaina.
raculari. rlnca. i ladle* ud
Tbe cnwUBS utUaaa tbe i-arpcree
MI.I. aolld.liver apocaa, irncreved
of tire work aad U well writtu.
nee); caIA ud ^Uvet tbimblrv
Mtowlac tbe creoBac U a aerlaa
. nod Blok piai. enff pin. ud
of plolaraa At tba aetaaol balUlac* oI
■Hver BOvalUea, obatelaine
tbe city, a brief rafersaoa to tSe Htffh ______j. Beutlfel new coaA. to
.how yoa aad qaolal prtoea to offer
at Bamall'a
Fit the form so pcrfcol^
sod sre SO completely
hnBtfocu featera la "HoeUl
Bvaat.” 1. ciren a ' hUlory of the
iluB. anCBfcad ta by tW clan. der<
Ibc tbr past year. Aeolher dr[art.
of liBoor coiiilH* of Mverel
pacea davoled lo "Ortad. '
Tlie elaa mc, wnltao by Ura U
Ef O. Balaa. U fd«eo proBleant place.
'he Fuat Book of C^harlec II. '
wnitao by Mabel Warwlrk, relai..
ttor7of,1aA yrar'r bablncrpiMKle to
“Nufangle Pauls’'
We have made special arrangements with the
manufacturers to place this fine toilet soap ij)
your hands ai a price never before heard of.
'They arc very anxious lo introduce their soap
in this (.ommunity. The soap reuils at lo cents
a cake, or 25 cents a box the world over. Now
we propose to sell you this soap on TUES
DAY EVENING, commencing at? o’clock
' sharp and continuing all day Wednesday, at
ii-Qii.«i r'-v I- *
j It will be taken off sale after Wednesday if
{there is any left. Wc have only SEVEN
HUNDRED BO.VES to sell. One day ought
I to sell every box. for it really is a high grade
I soap, and if you once use it you will use no
} other. Your money back if you're not satisfled.
\ nh Stom will ^ ethmd m/f dmf Fri4^.
arwbu On,. »#/ SO.
Twrebwe W Twain Mb Taw) MM
" v'.^4
B4l4i^ CR*t.k^.
■""yr-'T-rry -SWIG OF HIAWATHA"
Tha tnam h^ l«ra Mtod If thm
md toto a atoatoto wentoa. bat aa K
ww thm md to dfia. Sah aaw Iha
MtaaM at a ftoaaa. aad tha ^ af
batxto haatod ap to hto faea. k to a
toed thtoff to pa a« to map amadf
and Sad a aoap a| hand la yatopam
wu a dpkt that aprmtod hatoto
■man tram aad ptowad fiitiawa ap
Iowa tha plada, bat at tba and af
„ adnata Sab waa rtetor aad bad tba
tbraa oa tba aartb mds bla faat. Ba
wai toia iptorblap mrd aad wf—
tba btood aC tato aana whm a •
roto waUad aot;
Tha II HIM M«a. tfur bartat
-Oh. Sah. Eab. ampeaa yaa to
I l«Mt» Tarkr. Cba daaabur
a< «M(hw fMW. far a yaw ar
I dto eoBto." npltod sm. "aad I
haa ta4
hM a*ad
bw t« aanr U« aad lam l-ra pirea 'a* a baklhp to UM
, year. Whm w» that btro af
M bMf«
Taartb af J«lr tatobaitkm.^a etfcaa
-I-l daa't kam."
a mhoMtaf. Tha latarrab had
-Oapht to mra kam araaad. bnmr
baaa lUad la by wbat ha «aU*4 ~ mr
ttW mwmr aad dadarliw to blaaair
-T-yaw-tmi to. ab Ka: I aae*t weal
that tha vaa tha avaatoat and taaad- Um."
aatoa« fM in an tha wertd.
-Aaythlnp happmadr
Th«a antoa*! tba ailcfataat daabt ta
-Taa I'ra pot all tha hm 1 wask
^d ttet ba to«ad bar. and ba vat Eab, I'm aorry. aad If yoe weal t
MMlIr am ttat W »aa lovad la ra- maroed. aad trttoh. it «aa tbrnfera Mtb a fartla«
-WelL let »a kkk 'an a raw ttoMa.
af amtoaa eonddaoea la tba atK^aaa and tbao ra po botni wltb you aad
af Ito amad that ba bad dropp'd iMo aak tbe oM folka wbat tbry iblak aboat
Taykr'a and Mad to hrap bla btnahaa It lit waa lorfcy 1 tbowfat Of piaylap
' ' and
‘ hit
bla tti
fa«« OB tba door aa ba tba Cool and baaptap leyaaif."
Joat IblaklBi that
'Jaaada. I waa Js
aaybt to fat Barrtcd Ib Iba (ah.'
«an Dlfca dlad at hla b«aa fa Oarrar ate lapUad. looUad iftaU towmblp at 10 o'oloek Mat a«
lap of paaatoenla. at Iha ape ef
•Taa. I eooldB-t lora yea nay toera yaara. Ha laaaea a wifa and
It *a vaa to nwrt for dra yaara."
oblld. Tba faaaaal will ba bald b
•rWbo'a baan caortlncr'
Ilia ratodaeM at I o'clock kmom
•^a hara. ef«aaraa. and I wai
oDdar the dirMtIoa of H. U Chrtar.
Rre. Bath etoalatlBP- Tba latot
-Dia^ aay It" aba Intotroptod.
■aaar aran aoapactad you w«»a p
will ba la OahWood eamatary.
1^ Tdv>a baan baoctof amod i
m laaa, bat I acppoaad yoo eama to
aaa tatbar."
Tba fanatal of Blaa Joaapblaa Ha-Bat rra beat loTiny.yoo for a wbola Boe oearred from Bk rraaeU ebsrafa
yaar and traot ]
yaatarday cUatoaoB at 140 o'oloek.
barhatad, pallM
Mlaa JaBBla »aa daralac a bo k to aad waa ra.y Urpaly atiandad The
Iba batl or oDt of bn fatbcr-a aorka. Soware wara profuat aad aary baaatlfat,
a mapalSaaai eraai of oaniaUoaa
•ba atoppad bar wort aa aba told aarl........ ...............
by lb ■ -----------awly:
*«ah, I eoaldB't marry a farmn. If the Bnasabd 1
s't dad my
■irry at an. I'm
yea bMW, and I'd ba parfaniy mian^
abto U I narrUd a ploddrr.
B frlmda of tba dteaaaid.
"Da yoe maaa that yoo want to marIT aasa doda of a fallarr atkad Eab.
wbo bad aarar b«ard of Idral* or ro-
' «( «ara, a* «Mk • Mt ca • a
ttM tMiai Mar. B* laaBi
I. «7‘kH-Wbaai. 8
■> Bi« no BiTTiancar ar a otara.
taa ara a real yood Triloir, Kab. tint
yaa era no bare. I ibitik l.unuda
Jeckaoa woald maka you a (oud
Doet blaiM- me. Eab. awl d.iD'1 pat
daaparaia and lamp off tbr tiara. I
know you vaat to talk fur an bo
two yat bat It wouMat do auy pood.
Oood Dlibt. Eab. Tbr aouurr yoo >bli
Up to Lwtoda tbr qairkn yoo rau aU
bar to marry yop."
Eab JobnaoB waot boraa a atrickai
tote, la a dim way br know whal
fanela alpbad fur. dbr waa kx
far 4B amorad kalpbi lo mmr aloap
ae a prabctap raai blark toxid and kill
Utm or four rlUalna and l*ar b« off
on bla aaddla. Eab hail no armor,
•aal black ttaad, no daaira to kill,
waa amply out of li.
Ba tat OD tba atamp and tboapbt
bard, bat do cooioUilon raoH- lo him.
Tba baat tUnp br could p>( out.of It
waa a praro oadrr a willow irrr. a
trt*« orn wbtrb Jrnnb- mtpbl enmr
and warp wbru tlrrd of waiilnp fur bn
-Taa. It tbtll ba daalb.- tald
ba raaa fi«m tba atump. "I'm lop
thaaldiirrd. kaar apniap and bumpbachaid. aad 1 couldn't l-a a bnt.
waa paid • boodrrd dolUn a monilL
Tbare'a nothlop Irft hut to lianp my-
flada aiood
fkara. amid tba aoapa of blrda and tba
rwKliai laatea of tba
lapa maaki rtaeka tbr
Ua bedy tbouM bt Irfl
WbOa Eab waa aftn tbr rupr Ihlapt
wak bapprelnp to tbit little pUiW.
Tbraa trampa wba bad brokra )til alt
. tohaa away tba prrrhiaa rraatne wraa
to MAaff. aad Mlaa laaala bad waa
4md late tba wooda to atady botany
aad waadar whae that tniMted koicbt
waald maka bla apprarancr. Bbc waa
thWCtoff of ptKCdoaa and laacra and
ayitoai and ataada wbra abr coofroatid tha tkraa toapb apretawtu of taa•atoty.
Thair Tary ErM warda prortd that
tkto wm aot ckrraUara. Thai*
amra aad gmOt aad •
toaaa about tba aray they erdand bar
totol dean aad ko«) bar
Ma bad hhtodarad apoa tbam. and
thto hMk*t
to M fa« go and
Are tba atom bafara ttaay arate ready
to aara ea. What wttb tbalr eaiba.
tmto rSa yakaa and tbalr tbraata aba
had a had «aaHar af aa hoar af h.
■ahietoMoadto. haararar. Baa
•tth tom tom ahd dawacBM haad
to •Npar «hm a aea to
MhST Ba waa Ihtofc
Ae alrahip race from tk Loala
Waablaptoa will ba oa# of tba faato:
of the aarUI toarokBaDl at tba world'#
fair, aayi tba Naw York World. Tbit
wai midr pabUc Iba otbar alpbk
OBly roudlttoa atUebad to tbia. wbicb
la lo ba tba loapaat race Id tb
arar andartakaa, U tbet a prlae thaU
po lo tba craft landlnp aaareat
fixed point la tba aaUoaal eeplUL Tba
aUrt will be from tba axpealtloa
ptouada OD a day to ba Oztd by tte
Tbr coolrat for tbe praod-prUa of
11(10.000 will take pUca orn a couraa
•naprd like au altronaled Oparr A
(■ret a( orarly lipbt anplea at tba focaa
Tbr dlataorr will br aboat lea BlIaA
IboBpb (bla baa not boae datan
rxa<-Uy. •
Hrarr«rd BMtwer OMta.
To trolJ diapolea betwaaa pa
para aod to prtyali tbam to ra
tbrir plarra lo railway carrUfCB tba
Parik Uyona aad UedllarteticaB Ball
way rotD)iaoy baa daeldad to letroduct
uo trial lo certain trmlaa balwcaa rtrla
and UaravUke a aorel apparatoa «____
will br plarrd abort tba mt arlactad,
«ya tbr Uuxlou Uall. Wbon Ib* trutI'lrr Iwa placrd In tbIa apparatua
ili-k<i ilrllrrrrd to bliB pratla by t
Olvm by Eighth Cr>d—
konufr iuT M.IM,
ThB Waham UaUy Bowa
"BiTm'a OttoUHiii ntattiiBi
'Vtokad Xmtoito" bat alyht to tba
aelaat mtotomlftm «f oetor om ptaaCBk Tba ptar waa faU af aoBofy
toBBitoR toUtab.
fcamitoa aatoBBaatoa
md tha part waa
wha caa
can well ulMd to
. hto alaltoaa aa
bafan tha ttaa teritoa apMiap cf
I Stag of Hlawathn" by
BIphth ffiBdaa of too el\^ aphoela.
haadiadi bad to ba thibad away, aa
may oOBld not area bo paorMod with
Uoato LaapfoUow'a beaaUfml pooB
waa Mob aaiMwA tad raSaoto Bach
mdl> apoB Iba work cf tha Bifhlh
Hara. who maa bad ohary* to toa
drllUap to aba yoaaf pac^ and atoo
Bpon tha paptto tbmaalaaa The pmaaatatloi waa vary amooth, aaaaidarlap tba yaath of thma who pecM
Iha play.
Tba otaaiaotara wm aa foUowt
Arrow Hakar-JaliB Kralta.
Ohlblaboa-AUrad WUbal-B.
WraMtor-UUou EraBA
Aarocf tba part# aoat tlioroapbly
aajoyed by tha asdiaaw «ay be saotlooad tba aelaBB praoeatlos to paaot
pipaa, Iba wtaatto. tba ractiattaa at
Sdlta TlBbUa. tbe ladlrn Uaatiato
Drill ltd tba tBbtaBa -'Uea'bbodot
WoUowlaff U a t; uoptot of tbe ptaoa
aa It WM oarrlad oat i
BeottaUoo-Uara UadoB aad OarrlaWallar.
Paaea Pipaa
Beollxtloa-Boaila Aahma«.
Tablm-liiAoBU- >idlaa Oradla
Tabltaa—HUwa.ba't rtiaSy Boep.
BeoltoUoe-Omriay Paaaa.
IWblaaa-UlawatIm’t Haatiap
BeeltaUoo-Haad O'HatL
Tablcaa-Hiawatba'a Shooftap of
tba Dau.
eitaaoo-rrad MUlor.
Janett. Baaala HaaB.
TablaxD-Tba Wraalle.
BocltottoB-Ohariay Bodge. N<
TarabBlI, Pearl Taller.
Beoitatlan-Bdlth ‘rimblla.. Maad
Tablaaa—Aii«w-m*ker'y WipwauL
RMlratloB-Mlaole Volreba. Draa
Tabitaa— HUwatm't
Raeitoiloe-Bdia Moaroa, EaulU
TabUae-Oaatbbad to MlanebyK
TtooltottoD-KAyTtowloy. Alloe Ky
Tableaa-UUwAth\'a Depanora.
Tbe offloera to tbe Kipbtbp adei of
the elty acbooli are aa (ollowi:
Presldeat-Hteule Votrabv
VIee praaldeut—Oartrade Dell.
Sooratary-OlMde Banu.
Treaaarar—Obarlay Peace.
Tha elaaa colon are old row
NUa •raea._______________
er crowd eoald hare boea aeoosmoa of tba trala will daiad. It It a n>\ttor to regret that
amny people who weald hara liked to
ba tccopoLaad aa kyaL
attoad tbe aerrtoe laat eranlng
nataral MWaka.
able to tacan good aeata. but
theie were icrerto reatant gtrea by
Tbr rxetamaUon had (br rlnp of tba elaa for tba aeUoa tbal bu been
aatbcirltj ay It atru.k ^pr aortcalar a^ taken.
|M>i>dapr <if (hr laborrr. Orupplat bit
that Ihit U
twdB.'br Inokiid ureond fur (be ealkliiC delemle » bo bad i^uki-n. Hal be wbaa the moBbera to tbe tanlor elaaa
lookwl III vain Twaa a falar abrm.
lopatbar for a rtolylooy yerrloe
No w d. appeared amid tlw aerorry. btooca tbe elaaa dltoarMt. it aamed
Teia I....... ..I eoU.
IV 1«. from
irum tbe
jue adUreol
liaaeluill park.. Tbr
The umpire bad apnkra. only pcopat that tbe armee eboald^
And tbe. wiei
lery latune neomed Ua
by all Ibal la aorwl aad
Uak —Chicapo
n. Ilally .Vrwm.
kept Uoaa'r is tooeb wllb tba religIona U tba eoBiBay md amBblad
la tha opera boaaa. tl>a boaa to tbe
tbaatta, Baeb to the parpaaa to tba
TWAvnah tTrr MARarra.
■roold hare b-aa laat, nd the
r^a^la a
« Ito beyl^ aM^^Map
eoald bare mrored
SmTu Tmeieaicilr*^
•Clare; vud tbea. toe.
iraata aarmoa and lu pinor to
boldiag. eto. are maiian (ok tba
lor cleat emta yaar lb daoida. TliU
ytar for tararal rtaaoot tlM alaai
wttbwl It lo bo bald la Iba churab ta
Uandarabaary akpaaaa. a to did not
faal Ilka imylag for tba aae to tha
•paca boaaa far tbia oocatoea. Hallhor did they wlah to lartta thair
Maada to a aarmoa la tba
aad thaa aak tboB lo
toward the aipenaa to tbe Baatlap.
Aa It waa. tba Blnlatofi to tbit city
aad aU to uwlr
to attoad tha nrrloa
to# d^r af
ft >lmat 4t. •
Utoa af toa rp*/ cf #f« »aim
Tba Bapetat aharcA waa fBoked to
the dam yaatoaday merutaR. sariiaBea
rooto. parim aad galkay all balM
AUod to atoAdl^iWBB to Utoaa to ^
Owatihai •
It at the Olty Opera
whle*"Baby PtotT'wiU bafaataxad la
titla' rola TaaaW araalap toat great
"Wleked Lca'■ IhU aeaalag a free reaarra
taat wUI 'twclraa toaaeh lady wboa
apaalad ky au SO. «ak
Mra Waablaptoa Pound vraa clrntraata. A taofkaloe to BowufC Bag*
and faantlAg waa aaad. nad Uw room
looked Tory procty. Uvra tba baptlri.
ary doe^ wai draped a large Sag. aad
wboa Uw tod vatornai awrelwd lo
Ibay druwd tbalr Sag* over iwo
Biaoka to goaa that wrte plpead la tbr
treat to tba room.
The O. A. H. aad Uw W. R. O.
warapreaant la a body, aad a goodly
ber to Iba (3oB|way M. boyi and
tba PhlUpiitBe aoldlan «eia laeanoL
Tbe Baalc wm faralelied by the
ladlae^obolr. aad wm moat oxeelloot.
TTw Brat aoBber vtm a deal by Mlaa
J '
I Othe«al$l.60mto.............................................................................. 05
I *Jk ami 20c Merceri.e.1 Chamlmyi
‘«wl pink.'jwr' y.‘l!
I 1*0 Uteri. Note Paper. «ly..........................................
I Fjtvek)iw*iwrpackagc..._..........
I Petruleum Jelly, in large jxn. noly.......................
I Alarm Clock* «,iy................................................................................ 63
Try uf for unirorml) lo* (gicea.
Bid Jemir WUmb. wife to Pator
Vilaoa. OBC to Iba ptaaam of tbU regloa. dlad T«T Hddealy to apepkxy
laji Bight at bar bom os im paala^ 2f! Fn>nt Street
Traverac Ctlv. Mxh. )
aatoMadfti ytan. Baalitoa bar baaband aba laarea Ms anaa. tbraa U the
weak oaa la Okltoge. two oa Uw peatnaala. aad ooa daagktor, Mra JaBaa
Wldii oa tba ptalntola Tba faawal
aad Mlto Roberto aaaf
win ba bald (nm tha booM WedaaaPLEASE NOTICE — Mr. 1. K. F^mreld, for aot»c lime ia our
dayaiontagat iDo'oIook. Bar. D. bennUfal eolo. "The Hoar Uad''
ciujdo), I* no longer ronncciol in anyway wih ihit iHtre.
touoblng mtaner, oauehig
Ooafalla will oAirtato. laMrateai will
old vvtaran to wipe hi* eye*
br la Oakwood oasaiary. Will &
Aadaraoa will bare obaiga to Uia (an- aa ba looked abeaid. Aftor Uw eermoD
“Ataarloa" vtm lanc m Uw eloatng
BUloal aminber.
Tha aab>eet to the cermoa wa*"OBr
A. P. Boapb' to Jaokaoa. fonptoly Herilapv" and li wm a very able dUto ibU olty, li la town today on boai- eoaraa. Tbe apeakar look bii text
from PtolBi IS: a, "I have a goodly
B. a WUllBBi
l to Kiagalay heritage." He ipoke Bni to tb*
today oa baataato.
berilage to David Uw PaaUalxl. tbe
Dr. and Mra 3. O. Manaoe went
glory of liU aaiioB and Ito pMt hi*lory. wlUi lugnal |■oaaibhliea for
Ann Arbw tbit B«alnp
r*rhx|<( aomc time, aomcwhetc, xonie oa* will «huw a* giWx! vxliiet,'
Iml no line clxc '
3. a. Btiaab U down tba O. H. A the falare. He ^mphaalaad ili* face
• ••
that the Ood of natiMi. who direotod
L oa bulaoto today.
eat you.
U>e affair* of Uwt day. U Uw Ood of
r. a. dBltb left tbif BOCTlBg
a baytaeia trip to Manjaatte aad Dn- aatloiu Mill, aad Utal when
Cln».vol all l.a.lk-s'$1.2.*i
u> fellow Hit plaax. Ui<' nation
aial iKa.--. Shirt M'.t.sis.
Mra. Mary 3. Wolfa who bat apaaV boglBi from that polal to deuriorato.
He atotad that America need aol
the wlblar in Obloago. retarued
Men's fli, J14.6(1. SllUdA
Iblak that ibe eaii go ooDtrary to Uw
ihU elty yattarday.
•Smts............. '..........,.... 9.50
Artliar White to Maple Olty waa la wiU to Ood with tmiwatty. auy
ClMl.l.cn's Stntx. l and 2 of
town yeatorday.
Ibaa could Orvwox or Itonw or
a ktml. Monli $2.26 to
O. M. DcBa, daiBty food aad dairy Uiaga or Kgypt nr Bjatu or Kran.w
................................. . 1.65
ooBBltaloenr. waa la llie etty orar aader her ktaga. Ood Wine (I
L'liiblreti'* cassi.net.- Knee ,
tioui iUll.
Pams, xonli
39 $1:*.''. In $1.40 lAcc Cm.
' ^ank Oilloaple of Ma-loo. Ohio, U
Rev. Woodbouto rrfennd to tb* fai l
to tbr oily rldtleg reUtIrea
that MemorUl
Mtns heavy Mack arv!
....... .........................95
Mlto Llula Daaa eloeed tier aebool Uoa'* bliiory.
white tivtrishiils, w.trth
Id Wh-Pierce dUMol oo aonooni to Uw glorlee of Amnrioa'* |ML
Wiaj^H-rs, xnitli "fx-............... 45
R'-v......................'............ . .36
CBanposiuid li rlyitloB frleadi aad rptoe of Uie fact itiat tiw iiattoo I*
.Men's wixil cassiiiirii- and
Ij.IuV .VrM* u.rt. Iving
relatlvaa In Bmpltv
oeitod. that UId Ulory ba* iwv*r I
xlecvrs w.wth IK......... . | 2^
MurMol J'aiils. «oilli $2
Dr U Owautoa left Balurdxy for a (Ur. Hoaili over no ilave and M
•peeied Uw world over.
hloano OD I
U -ir............ ......... .1.25
Praali a Loyd aod Arthor Ueaohe ' Then Iw rvfemd feeliugly to wlwl
Men'sfuiv ■.is.MUiar* an^T
of Cblearo UTtrad loday for a week '* all IbU bM noet
He (iioke ol Ui*
w(W*fcl Pants worth $11
rltli wtiD tba family of Mr Boyd'y buodredi'of ihonaudx of lionornd
l«.$3..'W........................... 2.26 Clicnillc Purtierr*. wvxlh
grave* in tbr aatioeal oaawterira, of
ancle. Thoe. T, Batea
*2-2rv..................:... 1.76
CbiMich's Ui<.*ii.c Over,
Uw aeoads (hat dot tbr ohoreb yard*
Bigliu lAivsaml K.nilntniU
alls of U.n- .Icnim, alt
lo every hamlet of Uw land where
cticsanrlUMI mid.,.
•oldler dead li< ■leeplog. aud of
lodge No. nr. Uiooraudi of grave*, aukoowu.
P. A A. M.. toolskt. Wllb work in marked, aebooored, where *lee|i
the third decree. The Nortiiport loat taeroee wbo died U.ml Amn
loilge will alleud and at tlte eooclatloa Blghl live. Tlx'o be paid a glowtag
to tbe work te'reabraeate will
tribute to tboae wbo liad aot goa, U
----------------- ^------- ing douse.
Uw fn»l. llw women vtho were lefi
A boy wbo ww Inatolag lo ride bad at home to auffer the torment* u( •ni
a oelltMO wltb a dray thU monilup lo peaia aad aaxiely. cod tbe grief* *l
wbieb bU leg waa badly bnieed. bul leudaal upoB (heir final lot*, of ll»
It U tiioogfal be arat not aerioaely ohlldren Uial war left fallierleM .of
the** wbo vrant down to tbeir gravea
At TboB-poaBTille yeaterday tbe broken buried tx-oanae of tlie lo** <>r
Trarerw City layieeibin were defeat bMtand or faxbrr or brother or lover.
ed by tba TbomptoaTtUe twm by
"Tbe (afferiog of *11 iln'*>>, ‘ aud
More toS tot. X^e lerlaeililM elaii Uw •Deaker.' fona » part of our hertt
Uiat the empire wo i (be game.
age Memorial day bring* It *11 bra-k
I'hc ladies of Traverse Cily have a treat in itorc bx Itieiu. The
F. D. McArcy. wbo haa been aillog to a*, with tbe Corrtble oo>t tfi*l ha*
(iav I .1111)011) has engaged Mis* F.iinlt Marion Colling. |innii|eil of
the place to eook la ibe Lluie Tavern beu ptid for tbe privlIegTHi iliat we
I he . isAmg xrh.x.l an. I levliirer .in l>oiiii%tii S«-iem<- al the M«i)lan.|
eoae time. Iiaa raaigaad to aeoepi tb* now eojoy '•
niaiau.giia at Mnnnlain JAke Park, lo give a senes of letdutes and'
poaltlon to ehef la a 'arg.- hotel at The (ixwker rrgrd that kiruiorlal day
Maaltoa Bprlupa Oolotadu. Hla plao« b>' obaerved Id it* true arlrll, (liM
.letii.insiialions .<n g.ivtionoini. s. 'Hiesc Icct.ires x dl l>c given daily
la tbe lilitle Tarara liaa beea tokae •porto and game*, wbtoli are entirely
at ;i
m. at our st.irr.'J2:i K. Kroat ureri, .......
ing- Momlav,
by Oaorge Obaai'.
forelgu to (be (i.lril of llw day. be
June 2n.!, an.l lontimiing for t*.. wecLs.
. Tbe IblTty cixth rtinaal aeealon of the omitted. Uiat Uw botiaew bou**p and
OtaadTravaret llaptUi •aaoclailoawtll faotorie* of the olty l« eloeed and lb*
be halo ta tbU citr next week, begin. olty tok* on* day In lli* year for Uw
Bing Taeaday a'totneea and oloalug etady of ]«trielt*ni. He iin>l>w(*d
Vadueday aTeniog.
wltb moofa warmth agalti*! ih* dee<All viaitlng mamU n ef the
oration to Um- day.
Blar are eetdially iarttod to attend iba
la eloelug Mr Woodboa** atoted
tbal the beat leo*0Bi of patriodun
•octal to ba given in
rooma tjBorrow aveulug.
Miss Colhn la emmentlv igiialifu'.l t.> giv<; m.rsi ei.tlNvai,- .1,..
Tbm will bn aa a<UoarB»d aatotoo a daty m htgb a*
I .lursc* .m the suh)cv.i ol I wAmg. She h.is lev iuie.1 al the t..vl evof Uir elty eeanoil tbU avaalag.
by U-oae wbo .Hr .
|K>siliuns ol many of oui laig.- .mes. She wav * mcmlvet ..I a lass 'lij
Mlto B'aae* Roaab. wbo adTsnoad and that 1* thf duty of llnug
at Phila.icli.hia cvxAmg sa lu«.l, gia-hianng al he*.I of her a Uss. t he
oiw * ooaewy. Aud he orgwl bravvery
Iba Sna tor Darvd Daaae Friday,
nevt three vear* were *|aciil ni ica.hing Itie .himcsli. S< len. c- line
la (aclag arrong a* ibe boy*
the CBanll mod bntk ry caw broagfal wore brave id facing (be conoi
in Mantpinn InMitute, llanij.t ><i, N a. the oihei lar.i teats ai
year ir
by Millar, wbo la raid to mra
mooli.. H» orged the Deed Dot *I
New tOrleans, Cincinnati, (lino, an l l>aven|x>rt, la nxiking saihotos
tba oat vrbo ditAgared David Daaae'i of feorla** Iwart* bat heart* tbal
Icctuid lail siimmer al .Kav \ ww, Chalau.|ua, her lea ture ]x.iv mg
jigre a* well a* brave.
Iwottaar with a eowbell.
w> )><)>u1ar that the largatst hall on ihe gromwlt xas f.iumt necrasart
liaTa It etatodkfaal tbe adranoad tba
lo aca-oniiiiis^ate (he aurhence —M(m»ea|xvliv 'I rilumr. .^pril, lV(i(T.
money atsply till ilia arrival to Dav.
Id'a btolbar BArry from Nortbport,
whm be is at wort at pceaeni Miaa
Hoaab atotoa Ual iba bad argad David
Daaae apalaat tba »top that be took
rad did aot think tlmt be would tofce
R*r I. IllJl.
S.MII1C*> n.sn.*a tb. rvwr <jI Ib. Bu.taia au.*.
Ibe ls.tor'1 ladt.
Treu*bwwTt»vmOtr s. (aXlewi;
gsv^tir*^ Riauv^ K*l*l*s*nc. (Xuawg* *aB
ew Uvsad R*|M.. - —— —
--- rt n*
■ Dito mt»K.
wxbui. Laww.iiw. m
liBa m.
Tbm wUI ba a ITO. R. K.
tag Wadnaaday avaalag. May I
■".fSTlTst":"''’-*-—■aara raqaaatod to brl^ tbalr
Three eaindldataa will walk tb*
" ‘*s».
Matobm to OoBpaay M. aid all Monday evening that beauiilul soriet
Odiata la tba city wbo aarvad U Uw
Comedy Uranu
ara raqawaod to meal at
8 40 rriday atwalap. at Oraaga hall,
to iBiB oat wUA tba a. A. R. aad to
Our Special'« *
10 Days’ Sale
CM$ts until mext SatunUf uigbt» IBaf SI
Cooking Sebooi
Crauerse 0lfy 0as Co.
eoDimdits ol tbt Prut
- -n ual In nUenm.
•ata ItoAhaad watph-
PEBE Marquette
Rev. 1 MB.
Monday oetiiog a free reaepred acat
fa daaira to anam oar ataeari win be gireo to each lady when
aka to tmdny frtoam wba m«w
ipBoied by ooe BOc acBt.
.. SB mab SdMto aad lyafaUrr
Partag thBlUm aad daatb: tow
na. A A.
Fpli PllMt HbJMailt err.:-:
SbMAb BBle Bt PoMoAea Satnra^
Reia'. 0i
Pw Orwd Bamra. Mrett. tMMw -■ ||
*Mw>*a.tiaaw. UB*.ra,tgaa.m
.bBdtoWra loBiaiwiMiA a«
a ra.tl*aam. »«*.».
ravBkBufM. Md CAMBm to-B.
Abft e# th« cirid adgbt air. ta
dm imp Wae a# tta eUreC eoM mm
tbe peat cBy a# Kew Tar* tba taHita
atan were raj-iry
' to a fraamy aC ariasM «o«n«e iad
hapa ba bwrMly apewd tte teir M
visrriisjrisrs MY SELF
tMi ImmC IL J. H. n^e*. •
Wt bad bad a row. attomyjoaaag*
(i«m .■ootbaapUB, bat tbe atoratac we
hU lelartad maaaaretpta. pad aaa by
aate vMb lamaal^ etaUble ba Aeac
BUI7 Tiiltmn. •Btb«. vas Ae
Amth to &T rmta. Wbra b* miciwd U*
•>«CM..vblrii waa Imri^ (blrA flat.
*ditt»at««M^oBi.waalB*ta««B. WJib
• pwfWnn Uirn of onrtKtirartW ba
Mad B|Oa bit Ul<W tba UU ba bad
rairfant fm tSU pl«raolK>le Is ibr baa
Tbra bo Ul bb Unp. Tbe Ittoala
abawad Uis ttat bU aim bad falke
MmiM. Ona iiarbaap Ur a|«Bibo Bnor.
Tb* amrUfio wa« a Ufa* aflC.-aB4 bo
rf*d at a cUnra Ibc |irtnt ai tba fefl
baad lop ronm. Tte Ru-lUr Maeailar.
bla bapea driraa freaa eorae to coaer.
aa It were, he bad Sane dova tto teat
with aa eaib. be atood maedUy atattoc.
fare be had ktafced aalde. Aodd
aware that Ha roelane. pood or UL waa
bo anknovB If nat aaaw
-UmaU nerd.- be rrmartad Utterly.
rtppiDi Dp tbe parfca«a. He lancbad
baraUly aa ba drew oat wbat ha reeepelaed at a sUace at Ua mannacTlpt
of Ibe mory nf tbe womaa aod tba
Bbakr. TbM ba attrted aod ttared.
Inataed of tbe ruatomary editorial
telDted aUpoT coarteoni re>^oo tbera
-a Mter. tlU Ai>«en trembled ta
^ a frawr<I-|iliotx«rapb tbat'buac upf
ba opentd It. HU eyt* clUteoed aa ba
M tba dliur daJI O'"- Ui UbU. Iba ned IL
pMaraofaflrl tniba patrof .
IM nr-Wr bae. ptruiw.
(■mHR rraa. (tial fuHowMl Uiu wImT'
o»rr bo uiovod wlibln Iba
hU tinia r<inra. Ila ratnntad lha louk
for M>iu<! DMiiuatiia. Iba (cnrltr
k»r wbtcb we
inra naliliK
kso&. xoirDATt
oalkd Bp New Yorit boy was warm a«d
ua.y m. um.
TW iifM amhKtoa af a ■«._ .
■Cetolo btoM a pagoda, by wklcb W
wWa toe title of KyoBBs Taga dar^
k A
e bad aa 1 Itoddbtot that le MM
1 ptoto of wortolp to toe mma 1
1 ^ a aaiu'a t2>r.
. - jTMBew wemHm ntoa IImM
OMtovUt aeU kMoW (IM aEtobttatoa. to aU atottoM «ltM> a »»ie af
Ifcbt aad bmatiM I Md beea atwaod
w a
x t b
e baat atadytuf aad waa ramtag batue to ariTUB EOHRD TBlF
Good gpli«
rtJiMM de deara le my ttoUeaBloa.. Wbr« tbe
May If abd ». UtolStd for mm
t XU Cm Meamrv waa docknd. t Blood aeor tbe «!.<»» roiae'a l.y Kyaaag Toga rmal
paaaaae to May At
M to.
aarito bsBBto. Uaee tbare It la
Utlp a end of tbe gmagway walfhig tar Obnn. a Ilwrmear rol'V mrrrkaat of
reruiB to dnd prey.
a ehabre to get aaltme. In one band I Hal rily. Tbr old rhurrfa of AatotoMUBKSOUB
*T*atod OB aotoa borti Mr tbe boe- beta a aoU caam to tbe otber a l<uw<Ue pora wax bum by ab ArmeoUa awl tbe
fwwa.- aaya Ur. f'abee to bit aecoaot of arrapped rogo. <»a tbe dock 1 ooilerd two rtan bra of Ibr Tron>eaariin cmR
DadtoBttoB of aantto to VUttom Mept tbe laaert. It walU paOewtIy bbUI aae af tbe aUp-a aArm aundlng l>e- by a rrotlrmaD aamnl Iw Caarro.
II awn aoaie other Mwt. probibly a toda a young tody very prertlly aad
Uaey of ibr Tiw and gMWr etoprto
retitmliig bo»e. By a ap^ taatofully drewoed.
Hr wan pnlnUac and rfaurelMj thruagbunt lianua are
rwatla of Ua ball epeo vIm K terrtScB my way. I tbuuglil aotblag «f tbr to- bout uf yangle wo>4. which l< d.-totoyrideau ibeusb I ama ewpmrtolly atrack ed in a few yeara by Ibr'whiir anla.
witb Cito apprarwBie of tbr young tody. To rejAare itoea by itwk or pyliiekado.
• aprtag tbr toothed forearm fokit* Aa ooga aa tbr crowd tbinned I auried not lu Rxwk of modvwl uranurra la a
bark OB ID arm alao toelbed. and tba to go aotorr. At tbe foot of tbr iBtat- miflrr of bufie wllb m-ry prtraL
toaerl la grmaped betwaeo tbe bladeao# ptonk I waa uatiadabed to frri twu In Itx-lr alraltmial "
oera Ibey do
tba doable aaw la tbe eame manoer ta femlalne arma Uitown abowt aiy arek
y fur Kianiig
tbe }awa of a wolf tnp etooe 00 an Bb- aad a ttewer'o# ktoaow rained opuB my
mabor'a Uagfortoimlr wotf at Iba UMuat O’bea It to face by tba ytmau tody I bad boUevd
aatsSne tbr bait. Then. wRboot UBetaa- Cram abore.
lag tbe deadly marbtac. tba matola
-im. WUL" abe %ald. -I'm to glsd.
Tbr evil rrpmr of liallfax Impltod le
alow lyeata Its rirtim.'
yoa'ee come! We're beea watching f.»
11 lo ilaltraxr rnaw w ti
lb Proeeaee tbto crsel laaret to tte atcoaer ew olnee yesterday after
r from llalirax ta York
bapwD at “prrgo Uleoa." vUeb m
-praytoOod.-H bow-did FOR
-Oae of the ahip'a oOeera putmed yoa tie exiherrd froiB a Irtirv •
twe Dear toatew meerOOL i aaked blBl U be a-uuM M me Leleveii-r •lootrij by Hutlry. woe Ihst
crimlna;. •buuU be -ruodTraurd Brat
-Tbe moto paibaUr story I erer ki«w wbru yoa come aabige.aud Itkiuiml a]a>n aftrrwanL*
beard." aald Smatur Hoar oare. -was
-W w who did he aay I waar
ttoto to-PMOM^ 1
ilnlt/ji lay n-ltbln Ibe forrot ft
told by Profeoaur Gallaudet. Tbe pro-Why. William Brown. 6f cowtoe.ftmor bad a farorite popll. a lltUa 8be looked at mein eemtonrpriar. ibriL ItanJxrPk. •here Ibrlaw wae tbnl If a
deaf mute boy. esreprionally brlgfaL (toawing allghlly twa.r and acanjiiug frluii wae lakeo Wltb IS<, |x-oct worth
Ilf etiiU-ii tnxala W abuuld Iw Uteil by
Ur. Gtlltodri asked bim If be koew me crinrally. “Aren't your'
four brill Uarxen from four of Ibr prrtba «o^ of Oeorga WaabtogtoB aad
-VfioarwIaM. And youT
tbe eberry tree.
-Alirr Itooaro. yoor atoier. Wbo etoe riiK-| tuwiiK and If rond-tuunl by tliitn
-Wltb bla oiBbla gagera tbe Uttia Bbould 1 brTfellow aald be did. and tbeo be pro
-.Nobody etoe. How d)d you know I
kcii r 'lx- mae might l<r a-nit lu a lory.
ceeded to repeat IL Tbe uatoelem gea waa roralngr
IlalJfai le.alau rredlird with Iwliis
tkolaUooa coottaued uoUl tbe boy bad
'Bjyyour letuwa. Wbat luakea you
Ibr bi.mr of Itx- gum.rtlnC. • Mrb Hie
toformed tbr pewfeeiaor of tbe eldrr art mJ funjo r
n-ci-ut. nnri'Muriiai. Iiitroiluiwtl ln'«
WtaUagtoe'a dlacovery of Ibe mutllatT- I havrol b^ wrO."
ad tree and of bU queol for tbe miia-You bad *a>y: Yoo aald nothing In midland ■-Illy tn baw Me <iwn brad
yoor bwtrre Mxjur having Ueui lIL Why eb>ff-|>'0 off wtili 11.
-‘Wbee Gaorgr'B fatber aafced bUa didn't yuu Irt ue.kitowr
Pvwaaire ml Baser.
who backed bla farortl* cherry trer.'
"I mean araalrk.TMtt la a
iiiuriiw raoge of dlffeeolgualcd tbe rolcelem cbIhL -Oeorge
-llh. Ibal'r ixdbingr
tbe IcicMm-aa'ofvllx- alarm
pDl bit halcbet la bla left hand'Utauwialr we' were moylqg- akmc
-tilop.- loterrapled Iba peufeaaor. tbr <lurk awl rewclird a rwirUrr before 1 wM-n Ihr aun l> takrti for ■ alandard
of ewnimar\a.itL Soiur of llx- atom mill
■Wbere did yoo get yoor amlmrily fur tfbk ii tbr girl aiain-.r
cHilViuOr oiw t'UTwIiedlb ai rooeb light
aaylDg be took tbe toicbet la bla left
“Itit yimr baggage uu tlx- fruot arsl.'
a* tlw eun on.ila. Ulbrre rmlt a Ibou■be aald.
aaiid lliura ae uiIH-b IlghI aa br dorr.
I aluud Irreoolulr.
It wae rvld.'T>t
Iiidrod. uiM- w-leiRlat ibinkB tbere air at
voutiE tody had aud
'■•eial two alani eweli uf wMrh le |wo|x
Uke So fa- I bad md I-.-11
al.ly Il'MW IHora ea Iwlglit ae Ibe ami.
IMII If I. niMlnued to Iravr i
wl.i.-b alfinlliea Ibal If rlllx-r of tli.xH'
foruxxl 1 would drx-rv.- 10
Tba difference hetwe-ru troom and 1
onieUlix- him in.ieai tliix-x In
marked. iWih ar
briglnn-a. lli.- l«o el.are an- Coixo
of orgaole origla but a
me aa U-liu.* Ibr Wrong
puo. wlilili i« In llo> Niutlxvn
venom la prodoml lu aecri tlng organa,
S'rirrtbrlrM abe «'■■ ■■> |ir.-t<>. ao
................................................... aud U
fntlouatr. an rr*ol--r.l lo
u.r al
iBCrodumI .Into Ibr ayatrm by
ini kmg alimiiv, 1
eoprclally adapted for Ibe .
lo break Ibr a|—fl
-Mxl wlxn >1>r d
aoeb aa atlosa or faDsa. Go tbr olber
euirrrvl Ibal irta- tud l.xii klxalnc
hand, a vlroa la tbe rrautt of diaraae or
alrniige man II niicM
putirfactloa and groerally imiaiaata
I got Into.lbe raWagr
property of exciting to Ibe eyotem
Tl ^-ae a lune riiough drivr up town.
Into which It la lolrodurwd Ibr dlwwto
.Bmm MfActo Adeimr. ami I tbotofM
h prudu.'ed Ibe rlroa. A rlroa
found It dimcuh 10 kr..|. up apiwwr
froea rradioi; it ibat Dr. Piercc'a madlcommonly piodocre lllllr if any toral
aneiw aixl drt^ami-rixl.-.l lu doing <■>
cine woald do me bmw* guod tbaa aU
dialurliance. A. venom grorrally cnusea
by exroalng niya-df for my la.-k of
tbe baawdoctoi»-wndao& W If aae
great pain, often arrrrr liiilammaUun
one bad tebl me tl would de ma oo mwefa
meoxyry aixl mj btund.-r. !■> iLrcront
aod aarlllng. Venom baa a marked lih
good I wouM have aaid. ‘ Ob ao,' M
Ironb of lay alixmxv. I dl~>n. r<-t In
rffrcL Vlma rwuaei a grnrral die
lhal nioch good.' I am truly my that I
tlir roiirar ut Ibr oiuvrrwall.'ii llml I
.■waa BuTrued al tbe bracbl I reedred.
lurbenreof Ibrayalem.
Ud br.-i. rbnaii ever -Imv I wa. I'.o.r
I ran do all my waabing abd otoo toad
Irni yrnrw ul>L Ibal ‘Xir lo.iilx r we. n-.t
air nowvrgatdre. Id fact 1 amoamy
Aa MB Menu Amaaa ■'••ha.
lliliig and out failxT n-ol inarn.-.l
feel mcea alltoe tiOM. AaoldbtoJto
AiiHiDg Ibr Odd hahiia of r<vka It Ibe
again, we lirlng llx- >xd.\
mi»r aaid lo me. 'W^y. what to tba
• ay dial mrmbrra of Ibr a-viix- rookery
M> lliwl ninrviaitr.
bate of ImcrtuatTilng grurrattoo after
“.Vb. Ix-re we wreT' rUr
gcnrrallon. Tbr inalvn alwaya cbooaa
Pierev’e raediciata. aad if toa
lumi-d o .'••ri..-r; • \l.- II I.
ibrtr •Hkw from among iIhAt orar
do Ukewiie abe woold faal WB
oelgbtavra. and if oiir alxMikl lot ao tiold
' bring borne to bla luokrry a brida
from a dlaiancr ibe oibrr rcaika will Iqborne. Tbere In luuioilili
......................... 1 ta carim Smbb •
vartSbly refute to mvicr Ixv sod will
nrcoliar to womes. tt ia act to aaBdig
force tbe puir to hUlld atuiir way off. t.-llyou"
lul ai it appmn.
it to M Bimdtffto
Hhe lu,ik flight at ■•li'V- " InitlilhE
lo Ibr Deigbborboud of Ug rookrriee
fai ao, that a macfalnr atade to portom a
luipli-auui > liave y<ni got Into any
outlylug betua of tbia klud may alwaya
eertaia Irak acaagmltobaa
it perfectly. Va do ato
-No; r>e bad a vitj pl--i«nt n*l
wonder at tbe cagiaa
ode •'
b Pwlat Staton
which Mia the Usia to .
'•Ob. WIIL yiiu't.' rtigacixl' I In.ov '
A frrtb p
It atalo 00 woulro goods
eara. aftboagb we kaew
»u anAnd I wae ■» in hrix- iliai
BOtbiag of mecbaalca.
f ruhlicd asaioat other
uu and I wuuB be locellxT" '
We kaow tba eawiae waa
wooiro cooda
Blade ta de tou tfal^'
“I am oot rajAigiil.''
alccrr of
We do act woaito at a
M.- w.-rr ID Ibe pUiLa. I i-allixl I- ilxtiRt garmeat «ff aodI itoC
itol^ tbe pt
- Mcbiiiao BDd told blm to mii' u. for n
agalnat tbe otber alcrve. 11 will dlaapta W _ •
rive In Ibe park, .and In a fm ......
pear tod leare ao sign. TbIa la easier
M«ia we Weiv l•lnUMk■
and exactly
applying II
perfect banaoey. Wa
le MiHaAb rraida of Ible fnlrytoii
kwetoua. boi
It II muot br dooe whl
laaw that <baotaat Bcaa• lib Ila auadrd lawiia. Ii> terruri-a. 1
tke eaaUaa bla p^aet
tbe palai to atm weL
graaa grown rueka. lu lafcea. all girai
cammaad to Ub key' . boanL Let aa tuagaartIn Ibe aua of a la>gbl eumm
Verr UegwU
raced pUyer eet dora to
-Wr claim ttiat ray cllrel did oot run UHirulag.
^ ptaao. and tbe BMS
jw. Will." aald tuy M'i'r
away wllb tbe borae, aa alleg^ Tbe
keys felaeW toadied iw
borae was ahead of blm all the time,
iaio dioco^ It to ao wttb J uumlwrlew pitfall
od be simply followed tbr borwn.
Herea is hit egperixetomadi.
Tbr iTuarcutlDg Atloriwy-lt amoonta
) tbe lame Iblng. lie waa Ibe accee- lBrtouo.wlUi
’-8u?|a>ae.' I aald. "n joang
aory after tbv face lie ta old eoougb to
erta a rixiag^ tody wbo ni ib.-;i
kDDw better than lo follow a bad exmenlng wine !bie bran liy-btT
ample.—Boaloo TranaertpL
p aeemw
itirbt. tba
diDcy lltllr room yrrw radbnt and tbe
.eyra of ibr piriure aremed lo amJIr.
Uraulut arreae Ibe table, lu look tba
frame In bU banda aod fclmed tbe pielured face df Iba Ctrl
Row BetoU Ae* Taed hr MMoee.
Kainre luro larpely fmir caaee—oxym. ol'rocen. bydracea etakirine. Aba
tea BlaoJarErly two Inonmnlr eo
tame butUMi. cerboB and aolplnir. Kbe
mHatB. rahrlan and Iron. 8be
one mrtallold. pbrepliorua. Man
In bU work Harm all ibrM. riemenlA
:h tome otbrnt. Katiire uart Iron
tparincly Man naea It largely.
batun- tiara (be ipMal ealriuni large
ly, b-itlng It roirr Into tbo euiialrwiloa
nf Ibr Iwne of rrrry akelettoi uf anlttuL
owe mirinin In a roagb way Id
Vma1ln>>ot balldlnra In tbr com(x.imd forlo of llmr. logHlirr Wltb olba TtBUt
lortali In tbr Brand alorrbouer—
mph a»d di^w from bU
porbrl Iba rriimaiil of
rarivga. eopprr and aluiulnluiii. aotiataiMea
b Oaltfrr ahoira no pn-fiTrix-r ftW
TlHTo wm rlirtil «>ltia-a giurtar, a
dlma. four nicfcrl* bimI iwn raoia Ila In any of Ur anlatlc and lun baultol
laid tboni apun iba labla. aloln^riadlr wurka Uao aUo iupb 40c. had aud
pUeinc ibaia lo ampiiral furic. «lib mmury. tor wblrti nalun- baa no RieIba qnarlar for a brad and (Ik- dime fur rial employairni that U oliTloiu to im <
a lall pjarr.
-loukt Ilka a roinri. knfca like a
ir prIrlletR
d klod brrallont at lunot. Tbua
miarhHia of a doubla uDaluer bclwn-n yoml a f<
Iba' furui of Ilia row uf ruliia aod Ibr It l> aald Ibal Ibcre la mil uow living a
parkapr llial illll taj oiioD Ilia Door. alnsir drw-rixtiint Id tbr niair line of
A ra«M'l -« Bt a tort of alar. Ibr ratoru- Cbaonr. KIuiki-»|xerr. S|x-nixr. Ullrd lOaotiarriiit from Tba Slrllar Ua^
t'owlry. Ilulirr. hrydru, Pol A
<rr. Coi.Uinlih R>rixi or klourr;
nr of PIr Philip Kldory or of PIr
O'Di Iba V'oat
rviT dutir, Ila anrH op tlx- rolna and
abaaKiBllli I'Urkm-d bromc eaxine at
vltb at'iwmil dlxfiiior IIh- >«Mmc tur.n.
Wbo aim bad lila <;|>'a a|>iii IIm> |>bol<>
r»I'b“do voold I." rrpllwl Ihr Indlurnl
Ur. I'bU'Tbkr. Ill- a bn-b-d naS roofloOU-d Ibr bl..tul
..f kia IlnL
"Vou'ra a oio'k ta-blnd.- alxL^bl ao
“t oin Cha rnD r>T miia on naaoqnf
rrepouded }uuve k>r. I'nltaraon. and
tba (olba r>«|UN-ar«L
“Tlinl a rviTr
^1 I hnva In »m- anrlil.” Iia added pa
ItiallraMy. Tba r>ro of tlu-r»uiis «'»-
atibHi a|i|Kir>-mlr alUl fiinbiT urtlb'd
Iba rollortiir
“Tbafi- oara Iwo B.'iHaiiiati.* aha
taU. aiiiiiliaalalni; tba la«t word. **kmkInif for a r.a'in li.ldy. 1 brj an- rreilr
til ]»)' $1
tUla I alkill nut to lln-tu
(ToUi tiuiivnva'. Ilf murac }ou 1
attiid If J...I mii-t laii- uj.-Klnoml alcmruiiiillr nt llllij't abalibj
•■|ou'n'rli;bl."anlJ Itlllj. “AihJ Ibart
IL ThrM' B imlliinc In It. l vi-llUI«up
a clanrrd at a larce
book III Ibr O'llhii:. but wbrn Ix' lumad
bla CBza lo Ilia d<K>r nimln Iba maliTUl
plrliira Ibat Iwd Ixxn (miixtl Ibrra
bad dr|arlnl lu u-ralh.
Blllr rbiarj Ilia du«r ntal ant wrarllr
opon lilB bod
Ila a SI only Iwanty-tlirar. It B<x-nird M blni Ibnt l»- Imd
ftllnl. nia oaa a brlitlil. a lx>l<-aomr.
atMItblalla u»ton-. *itl. an nnita M-iiaa
of bmuor. yol lua aiorii'« «i“-a alnxait
lamrlably of « u.orl.i.l ami d-pmiaiiiE
rharaetar and in.i oiih biiio If any
Afl.T a lUna b- Ril lip and alanxl at
tba faded iwil.-ni of tlx- rarpat man
^ tloni-rt da•tin of bla aiiibilloiia
wbrn Ibry. loo. m-rr n. w and oi-mi
Vblalk. II •oanx'd lo him. tlx- oorld had
tnmiitad UDIII all tba ivl.w oaa <|iHir
Puddrnly be loaned tuirk bW
band. Uucblnc oddly, and e>ad a
■Iralnad rate upon the biira b-aik In
tba plaairr Joat orar hU bond.
-After alL"^ aakl ba-ubty. -irhal
lie Btl^ onoii Iba lied bimI rraabad
■ bfinA to tba Iran booh. It aaaoiad
Arm. napUradaiulddlrnROTthroLch
llAod put bla wbola vriiibt upon tba
book. ItbetiL II# alappad lo Iba door
•Ml wllb bU rtapaa maararad tba dia-
mat Ibooeor tba drl lo tba pMnre
Ob tbe wall Tba blood Sowed Into
pale fatA and be trembled aa be Wned
wltb oHDcbad haoda apoo tbe Uble'a
Anddealy be turtaad and Snns
Umaelf. face down, bpob bta b>4 wrept wUb tbe bltteriMao «# n«rM and
Wbf« at brt Dmy ratteebea umnA
be kicked erer bla cbalr and pwed
the fltUe room like as lobeeeot mas
to a prUoa eelL
-My Ood.- be •Hi. atartoi npnntd.
-«rUI tbe tide norcr tonr B«t be
laehad bayaad the tm haok tbli Ome
•tntBW tot* lh» ««a atf the i«A
Ollttl. IVI.T
niBt: not onr of tUeon. tA«-ki-, Nrnloii
or Unvy; hot our of llunir. CIMx-o or
ktni-aiilny; not onr of H.icarth. Sir
Jobtui Urynol.U nr Sir Tlx.ioae l^wof IWvlJ (iarrlrk. John
Kroiblrnr kklnani K<«IL
JlM suing Q|i III It atnrirti loick.
naylos. "Ob. tbrrr ta Ibal drvodfol man
anhi.'" and triid lo Induer bor bua
luiid to eomr off of It loo.'Tiai br refuard and-waa atnonc Ibr kilird.
Tin- "dnertfu! man" to elioui ahr rer«Ted abe liad aeeu In a ilrmm. wbleb
Ibi- mere uf Ibr friend » bo lohl me the
atory bad beard Ix-r rvlair a day or
Itvo Ix-fore 'lbr nrrtilrnL ll dHt of a
fun.rul drawn up at Imt door, ao pomi
pout at to jiroduo- a srrai tniprraalon
on her. prroldrO oerr liy a bis. dark
I lo a alrancr ■omlm-ro liaL ma
1 ahr aaw. or U-1lr«i-.l rbr aaw. lu
lia aud Ibe odlirtili-in-r IrTrlDed
from going <i|< In IL-.Noira ami
-tVbal do you think of itx- Ihrory
that foal baa a polroi Inflm-noe In de
ItniiliiliiB rlianiriiT?~ aakrd Mr Pinllh(Irkl at be pm tbror laa>|« of angarln
bla rtiffor,
rlgbu- renJIed Ur.
ATond ae he.arrnvd a |>ortlon of bla
■•rTfatrak. “It alwaye an-ini^ tlttlr
rannllielutlr lo nir wlx'O you order
lolMtrr."'Vrll." mortrd »Ir Rmlthfl.-ld good
bunioredly. “I ongtit lo lta«e known It
oitry after
dlaeovered your f
for Ixvto.
Pot. arrtoualy. If Ibrrr
• anj-lhing
I- llteory. wouldn't ll make a mai
alHX-pleli to ral hiullou V
would, and I'rixrflghtere ooebt li
rnariit ibrmaelviw tu a diet of arrapa.'
-Plttaborg llaantr.
DlOtowtilea •! Tew^blBs PUtpiMa.
“Hoe'i go 10. tbr l*bmpplBra If yoa
are nnmarrted." Melliaa M. HbIL an
AmeiHi-ah girl wbo It teaeblng lo Iboae
talanda. write* borne, -and. above all
tblngw doot go out there eite-rtlog to
Rbr tbloka Ibal icarbrrs
abuold be met) and ibrir wlvm. oaya
Ibr New Vort {>00x1 Aalde from ibe
I and aorial dlfiralllet tawniJng
The iwth of tbe anmarTted lenrbrr abe
run up asalhot grr«t eliMaelea to
way uf grocrapblea ihai Irll alOAlhlng of Ibe PblllppttMw. bla.
tcwlee lhal are twyood ibr eaparlty of
pupiu. and irstlewAa no nature
that u-U ooiblnc atxuM bamboo. Bamge
and palm irrre and om-ti abom ooka.
rbeainnla and other treea Ibat tlw
>uuog klUiilwe known nothing of. iS*
ed cut and tW worklB
r hardly can arukl
Uaory wtbeDbHid Btotm.
Commencinyr Tuesday. May 37th, -our steamers will ItBve
Chicaso on Tuesda^-s at 1 p.
Friday's at 7 p. m. Bnd Sil*
urdays at 4 p. m. Arriving in Traverse City on Thursday
and Sunday morning and Sunday p. m.
R. F. CHURCH. G. F. & P. A.
omauly qin
-I knew It: Yuurv In Ion-:-ftu|<fwe>e that tbto (Hrl mIeiAd. tbe
laa for auujeODv abe bad k>ug Lixiwn
by. really. I don't koow. 1 tloT
beard anything abuut niatrintottoiL -a fatber: nu. ixM a father-a Ipioiber.
M wtota BM lu bit toal totter that He. rbanord fyllb her aitirriy aO<-ebe bad got rarcUntrd. aod It took ter10 ouoUnue la
mlauke. Wbai pooCb'cago Becord-tlrrald.
'rhairi t abould br reerlve?"
"Why JklnVyou tell brr at onerr
“I cddMd'i l*ar 10 tweak tbe a|wll "
~Ur. Lofilbrow takra bluoeir eery aw
•ftVbu la abrr
riooaly.- remarked Utoa Cayeoba.
“Yon. You bate made a imeiakr. I
-In what wayr
ta Will Bn>wo. Ixii not your WIU
-De aafced me If I ibeocbt I ceoM tW
happy with Mu. At If
r aaotberr-Excbtiica.
Wo droer to brr bomriu allrocr. and
n rrachlng H khe Aligbled l«fore I
could arrvai her and ran wlibmu n
'bat kind of a aoelety to. yearafnlleu to tur Into tbr boua.
BBked bm faib^ .
Fbr ruabrd Into tbr arma of a youug
-A acCTri aorirty." abe replirdtbe right WUltoni ilrown. and 1
-But wbattottaob)e«r
■way at be waa amoHM-riog brr
-Ulk )oat to bare aecreta frem tba •Itb fcleora.
tber glrtor>Oileasa Poot.
mbiual frMd wbo plrwdrd
aiy canoe with Alice IVt^wn. and at tost
ralSCjMu bcT.
- hW brolber bad rrlurnrd
doer atocT similar to Ihr <xx- abe tod
experted me t-o tril 1 drroieil tnywif m
rooauUog ber for tbrtr arpwratiuu. <
have ton cocBolIng brr rrrr alDcc.
__ to Dr. Pierce aad
Fiw Ihh rcaeoa a
ra-e fai-tni u]>ae b
i|>xn of pant beratiee brr n
ei the ttionght o'
■ ill ineiB upon.
1,1. manv women here wriUeagTBtet ful Irtt-i* to Dr. R. V. Iherre. of BoSalo.
anki Mr. Orunipa.
'• Iwcauie tbev have found in his
“Aixl I arki Vre""
eerapr from tbe odcoaiee
"1 mueiulxir II, We both alwe.re Old
talk tuo inueb.“-Waabington tllar.
Hanuny (admiringly am-vrylut
lately arriinl twin el«m>—l>ld
Coortrey Is t btowADg (m Ibe bear
o( a gnod man aod a deadly wrajun
In tto baadf of a rlU^ln.
Ibe lanlkle' Hotel and Smgieal latoiUte. Buffalo. N. V.
a B-oMaat txaTtocnc.
Barewt aatUto
_______ _____ ______________
-Ji a (righttba wold, hpw MIewi Iba (al ruMtacatreoe bUtrg; bwtwritoa
cbM Baekla*'! Aralaa Bales w^llw
________ « atati'miBt of tba vuadarfal
earad It ta tea days
Few Ulorti
•otkai Oiaeo. Tea., ttf Dr. Ktog^'a
ferOoMBpSiam'-Hy Wanda. PUao. U'a tto beat aale» ta
aa--------------- ----------------------tonabto." vriMaadltor J. 3.
'vbiab OMaed a B
' '
BBd AMtty raoaltod ta |nfM b—or
U'a puStIvaly iMMlaad tW Ooa^
ia>«<aaaAB. B. VMtAtaV
rrxL Sn-L womeo a.* nmted to «aenll Dr. INiTce. by letter, frtr.
r<x irepofvdmcr to meredle rcaifidetoaal
sod the seme etrwt profeitoonal pneacy
guarde tbe
''trseait ixrw with barrar.”
Mall Ctorrirw BoMtoa Mamm. to Lrenaa. O.. "mv Xhrwa yean to ta
lag traa Kidsey treabta.
I waa
hardly tear tree (roa lull aahea ue
araw pataa ta my baok. To stoop or
lin amU saoka madr me gron. I (ell
tirwd. wu*a oat, abaat »*wdy to atve
ap. wtMC I bacaa to mm Blaacrtc Bit-
nm." Tkay'ieBBgMtad toragktato
fliBBii*. livar. rtdiiayi.and Bowata.
■GoldaB Uedkto
DiaototfT,'• wrfiea
treatment aad^n^ oil'^Masly
te te tbe diSrrence betweea akfli.
oa tbe ooe band a^acBtoal
on Ibr ottor.
CAixaa TEB aoma.
>k lour boctica of Dr. nc(to% '
ea and two to Wa
______ _______
Diaeorcry *. aad m"nlfftyal braedt,' wntes Mrs. Elmw
-ibran. to UoBatbope, LaaraBer Oa.,
. * I do Bot toec tboae itek to*lla oa
-merle. Before I took yotw
ould'bardlr walk at timea. wbcB 1 had .
tcidy aay that
__j to 'FatotiH
... ..J two to ■ Coidea Med
ical Uiacorary' 1 did aet mta a^y
more. I gaiaed tea poaade ta waigbL
U Inaa I mimenced twtag tbe Bwdiciaa
ami in July belprrl
r, know that I dto I
•ft me aotathata
Joe •tUrnOm
aatathata Jm
• Tto paly mutInfcgtoM- .
eaUde ttia dealer to toM
Bhatioa to
Febrwarr and the doeton bBC eiltad it
nfcmd to ta Mck. SttoBtytot katr ia
in my back and Umba eoold *Mt ftabd
aay (ragtb to ttma. I kaew tato eto
bueat dwttw wwnM tadd tto «ito tkfam
ea to csmaMttaa. ood ttot I BOtod M
totadfe to, «■!(*■ I Bto dMftotoifrraldk.
Two Men (D^
A “MTidow”)
1^ viLKvrAXxa
M «H • «r«m* bMwM» A)
tmm as to wte ■hoeU
dw tore and tkr hud at Utrj
Baila. ThM «M rtrahr. bet m la
•wMas. Vhch ChMi ww Che prl^ A»
mm m»vtU him e> Che bMfc and Mtd:
*>AUf^ CaM.. Vo« are the l>cK7
ar ihMa rear* and Una many yew
r pbC B*a a^recr. ud the thoafiit
0 yeell taka wj place wUl adka aa
ttx aaetha after the atrriace Caleb
iaam waM down a the city oe boalmmm. Ba ted nrrer been dmak la Ua
Wh. bet be pot drank to raMemU th
WUIe la a befaddM atai
be wla aaitM abard eC a aUp beoad
fathaeaaLand Wbra bla.aDb«r aeoaea
lltofoed he waa eo Woe water. HeaawWte. aa he did oot ratnre to Ui tUlaa hocea, an alam irae rated, nod
tar the ^aee of three weeka Caleb fir
Wte la the pabUe preoa md police raperU aa ‘'nvetertooair oiteiBf.*’ Thee
a body waa fooad la tbe rlrer. identl.
•ad oa hto and ahippad bene for borUl.
hooa after the foaml Aoaoo Darla
oaaed an the widpw and aald:
lUn. 1 don't koow whether Calebr
wrar told yoa about it or not. bat tfaerc
be dlte t waa to otrp Into Ua
*1 baOm be did mratloa aomrtblof
at the kind,*' replied Ibc relict
*^hat wan fciad of Um end oarea any
ftortbar MpUaalloa
I neao yoo
•wtebt ahnaat an aiiefa of me aa yoo
did of hte. but be bappeoed lo aare
year Ufa fron a tow one day while I
waa out of town.
I'oor Caleh: We
^0 Bte him and inoure tor him. bat
at the and of the year' we'll be mar-
Vwu «a te a «tet wiinac tbfa
tea. and it waato hate tee i
and two daya.tefare the utute wm te
uone oC AaoM Wtet te te tte ematerr and made one teat Oalab WM ^
banr-andtealyterannlaCteru. Ba
Take a pteec af oraBte wax nad fated
aM and afttuma Uap or mb Jet u»__________________ for tea teORlaca and
bfruHH aeft: then let aotee drape
the -»-»—> M M way te tee bMoe at tee wax Call eu the evk lb tM bteCbM> ietea ratoracd for the
4a aooo aa the cerk la wieted
-TTatl. Mary, r re cot to dlaappetet
yoa and Annou acaln. and Tm fatUnc
ndebty mean about IL’
Be bud fooe Into the rim. me
cnotet. but a beam bad doated fate
for twenty site before be waa plebrd
te bj a oteamboat. Tbe atraawr waa
goinc down tbe rlrer aod lo a burry,
and Caleb waa dnally latrdod lo CtedanatL Aa ba ted sot that far ba
'ihoucbt be aalcbt aa weU go fartbar.,
and be tramped over three er fear
weuterB autea bafara oectlng bla face
Tba two tlBB widow mM
bo ought to make up hU mind
or die aod qtet nwklng her narroua
oTor It but of ceuroe ahe waa gtad ba
had coma tuck. With Aimoa Darla H
waa dlffereat. howerer.
“No. Caleb. I caanat take your bosd.be Hid aa bo drew back. ' “Toe are
DOC a mao of your word. Too are net
a mao to be depended am Tour dted
body baa beeu twice foood. and there
are two grarH la wblrti yoo ate lying
rf your rtf
aod two u
u ar
are before oar
and yet bare you
-nnt don't ba lud at
pleaded Caleb.
“i am not mad. but hurt. Tba la
JoaUce of It rankica.
Caleb Jote^
bMr me when I Hy that I win oerer.
oerer marry your widow! I'm aorry
for ber, bat I owe a doty to myeclf.
If yoo die again, abe'll bare lo go K
“Bboor Hid Caleb aa bla face
lenctbeoed and took oa a look of acrraw. ”I didn't Boppooe you felt Ilka
tbla about It. Abaon. Bob bring you
do. and bring aa I can't really blama
bare to atay at boea
you. I
try and ootUre Mary.”
and tr
Ureybound puppleo bare tbe re|iuta>
Uoo of bring tbe meat miocbleroua of
fbe uteblcroua brotberbood of ptfpplea They labcril tbla to oume attest,
.for a Urge percenlege of gn-ybouuda
nalarttledit Tbedeytai
when grown up are loretrreu IblevH
went by. nod lb
pot aa bar wceda and Anaoa bonytit aod chicken kilim
dcoUr rlce,-bnt becauae "11 U tUrir baMe weddlof aolL Tbe mtirlare
tare to," and they bare oot tbe moral
win art. tbe rrlrada wen- lorlted
aeoae which other dogt poHrai,
Tbe writer reerctly remarked wbea
otopplag In a couctry Inc that one of
a allowed
the ran of tbe boiue had itoUo tbe but
ter from tbe breakfaat Ubia ”Ata.~
waa tbe reply, "I rcckou be a'raout lire
on IbaL"
It U eootldervd opecUlIy good for
e la danger of
orercruwdlng at home; bub aa a bigb
aolborlly puta It, "the liri of tbclr dw
lln<juenclea Includli
towla. docka turn clotbaa and boimatcadiUld waitr and deraatatiii." uiay
be made up for by a win at Alleor lij
for Ibc pupplva' mla
deeda—l-oodoo 8|ie«tator.
la CBcafed. and anotbA
walked Caleb. He Lad rrco\emI from
hla Opree and reton>rd frCm China.
*1 woaldn't hare blaued yoe a bit.''
ha aatd to tba aatonlahed wife when be
laaraad what waa about lehitipen. "Of
ooera* yoa tboucht 1 waa draO. and II
waa all rtfbt for yoo lo-tnarry Aoauo.
1 orifbl ba>a erritlen. hot eomehow I
■am lot aroood to It Horry to hare
ted# aay tcoohla"
And when AiiaM Uarta beard of tbe
attlral Bbd enme roablnc o<er with bla
VOO bal«tn( oot Oaleb care him a
baaili haadahaka and aald:
“Hope I haven't dterpdDted you.
It waa Dlytity ktod of ytni
aOw to Barry Mary, and I'm clad abe
acoiptad yon. hot my cumlnc'^tMKue
knocka tt all oot. of coorno. Hoo'l frel
terd toward me. old man."
a, of rouree.* replied
Aneoc. -but I eoppoae I're col to pot
9 yHtb It llow'B (be heart troobkr
“AwfoUy bad.”
'Wail, maybe yoo woo't Uat tooc. It
waa a eort of mean uick, but rnnembor that I eund ready lu marry Mary
wbaaim yoo drop out"
It waa a year brfor* Caleb hod any
!. althoucb
tfotela grew woree. and tbe doctora
•aM talB ba waa lUble to drop dead
any day. lie went away one day on a
■rree mlla Journey to vlalt a aiater. aod
prbUe CToaaInc a trtdce on wblcb a
crowd ted colhared to watch tbe Oood
tea brMct care way with a craah aod
thirty-Mr peopla were awallowed op In
j' — the raoblnc wmtera That Caleb waa
aaouc tha awallowed ibera could not
ba a doubt, aa half a doara people who
knew him aaw him go dowh. Durtne
tha text tbrea week! moat of tbe
and hit wti ai
tea noBbar. Tba widow Ideutlfied
•y a dooM dlSneot marka and bad
A corloua •
made public tbe other day tbrougb
tbe medium of the Uw courta of lierllo.
A tree crowing oppoalle tbe gateway of
a farmer waa noticed to be wllberlng
away and dying. On further Inreallga
Uoo U wai found that a deep hole bad
been lioied In It. probably by anme prraon who wUbed to kill It. Aa tbe tree
■hat Jocoimnodcd tbe rDtraoee to
tbe farmer'# beoae, be waa charged
with tbe deed and Bned. He, however,
appealed lo a bigber court and aacceeded In prarlng that tbe bole bad been
bored by aome aoperatltlona prraon who
bflu-red In tbe old aniumtllloa that '
lllneee attacka a boaeebold It can
driven away by “borylng'r n la
bealtby tree. A bole U'bored la tbe
tire, and all kindi of utedlclnei
buried In the bole, which la then
folly Btopped up amid tbe ataglng of
wHrd Ineaniatlona. Tbie could bare
been doM by
tent Ohtte
BM dtad. but only coot
«• at Oatakfa uM buou wtUmot won
K ate cuuld puteMy hare bean
Wtet oa Celeb-a Httle way of
. I I —I In open mtiteetea] pro■-------------- wM ferpattte Aa th# year
wm dmwtte *» •
^ited ttet • dtea te hdiMd. ud MteT
cert by nalng tbe otlefc of wax. which
erea to It Is tbe Hme manner aa
would ooe a aerew.
1 matter bow firmly fixed tbe cerk
may be. It will almote ImmidUtcly
yield to tbe ia»a*u»- Vou rniaM. bowever, take care net to wreoeb tbe «kk
of wax away from It while yoo are
drawing It out. azte you moat aUo aee
that the cerk U perfectly dry before
you pour any wax on IL
Tbe mao rater 1* aaually ta old*
tiger, wboee atn-ogtb U falling aod
■e teeth bare partly loat tbeir
ebarpnraa Socb a braet finda It eateer
lo lurk ta tbe rtrially of erillemrotx
lo pick up an bccaalooal uUb. woor child than to ran dow« wild
Tbe UrgeoL fierceot aod moot hcTjditly colored ttgm are found In tbe prorince of Bengal, near tbe moutba of
ibo Gangn rlrer and oot far from
Caleinu. A full grown Bengal tiger
eomrilmra mHOurra lenfrri from noue
to (Ip of tail Socb a monatrr makra
no mure account of tpriuglbg upon a
mao that a eat dora of arixlng a mouae.
He eurpacera tbe lion lo aireogfb and
ferocity aod baa no riral among braata
of prey except tbe grlixly bear and tbe
UacArtbur decided to ge t
the cloee of tbe
rd Agulnaldo If tberw-wai any
thing be W5UM like to bare, wbriber
papera. magaalneo. clotbee, rigarn or
ot^ trtlclca. But tbe priaooar tbook
> bead. He nid that Ibere
; at all that be waeted:
Inat aa tbe general waa aboot to Cloac
r door Agulnaldo'a fare eaddeoly
"What U
aaked Ceoeral UacArIbor•miere U Jori
ig lb tbe world
uDce In my life, aod that waa a( Hnngkoog. They Hid It warn an American
thing and that aU Americana bad il
It U-ic« cnamr be onld with great
At. Plarra.Tbat eat ten
la reatfal. «
tell aod
at fine brarb: aJao a fine traob Water
lake, a grore and blgb Ulid rrucblaff
back to tbe
••The ImpawreiDrols on tbe property
eobaut of a farmbouae. pa.abora.pagodaaand
rOlont eo (be «
X win be ahered (e rail tbe pi
ebariUbU InBltotlou of New
U expected that from 1.600
efaUdran daily HO be prorid*
(be beach, nad a good (Ime
gim to tbem by mrau of
>. ridH on
Tort. Il
wlU ba
“The chHdm wlD be coat eyed te the
beach probably on a Urge ttramer.
Every child wlU reerire a good dinner.
Ura. Schwab la lolerrated with me la
tbU UDdertaklng.
We aball proceed
iiwfnlly. availing ooraelrn of tbe
jMTlrnce of rharluble orgibUallona
Tber# are do roarabet near tbit t«
and I regard It aa ooe of tbe I
that could
Il gcti the
full aweep of tbe on
tba Uwer bdy. aod
cblMran will hare tbe benefit of a fine
hU of an boar or m
The ruewottea Out.
A wedding took place a abort time
bark In a Urge town lo (be nort
BagUnd. tbe eerrlc# belag rondocted
by a rather eccentric tirar. Two daya
after tbe ceremony be called at
booae of tbe bridegroom'a mother, but
abe happened (0 be ooL eo be Hid be
would call again, wblcb be did Uier
Id tbe day. carrying tao Urge greco
baga under bla arm.
TbU time be found ber In. So be be
gan by aiktng«brm lu clear tbe Ubk
a little. Tbrn be opened tbe green
bogs, fram which be took tbe regUtm.
TbeH be opened and In a moot aoleraa
torn Hid:
A “Cent a Word
Want Ad. in the Detroit
Evenins: News, includins: The Morning Tri
Whe# Cslaa Were nrat ■ad*,.
CertalD paHagH In tbe "Iliad " of Ho
mer would lead to tbe lofereuee that
cols* of briH were otruck at early
a* 1164 a C. Tradllloyafflnua (bat
(be Cblneae bad bronxe colna at early
father of hlatory," aacribca tbe "InveoUoo" of colna to tbe LydUna aboot
oloe cebtorira H C. and Ibera le no
erf U
2S3 K. KtOfU xtrcri, where alao
may Iw knind a line of
Tnwi -tr—
which for Kxrclfcncc at..! rrmrannivl Iw c.^^lalk^^ in the Stale.
w ty>«iirtl>.
ri-U li.
wuaudartuio ariaar) a— ra-v H-ii
n igaiTi ' iw oOeenutirari Huun- lUurk
,.Ak- lA-rt
I A TRl.KFMON. M I) OArv in Hualll..a
BMillik a
Huura , tu 11 a a... : u.
I OKIN lumKKTH. Aimraer at !«• Of
(.Se. in Mecmnulu f-'. U--k. Tra.en.
rriBK (i&BNBU a eWAKTiiK. K|.e..i .
tbe feminine coatbme which bare tirao
KHDcd tn tMOor of tbe coming royal
England b tbe "corona
tlOB wriM bay." which
and amarirat form U of •■alrua band
i>., I3r.rv.n,i Mrrar. Tta.-e--VKI). Hiri.
enmely moattlrd la glided allvrr, uyi
A repoblieaii oaoca* of rotvra r
n»K J. M ItntVBKH. n>y»-un uni Onr
tba rblUdripbla Tlmeo. Tbe bag la
Itir-.. ruw MuBani
- tbUh
lag IB ward No. I will be held al LJ
aomewbat narrower at (be rlaap (ban Omege Hall. Oam lUeeL on Tbaraday
r-ral.^i.^. •'uiWB.- k». Hriliaa. rf
Bl the botcom. where It baa a pointed eraoing. May W,
W. !»(«.
lUOk. al|l
al|; :S0 o'eJoek
R(TtAeK.MI> eo—laluall.««l»ra
eSrcL Aa artiatir corooaUoo bag la : fat tbe purpora of el<«(ioK Ifi dele
u. nil ii.n-r.~xeuna a.uk
IgatM lo allead a repobltnu
oounlj aa-ae D<.« WlLbrle, tito k K.ll
eoerentioo called for Tueaday. Joae.
S. nod aach other bo-inuaa a- ma;
cbtlo/aud the gracefal aerull oeru
>m<' before the
meutWtloD applied aleng (be bottom <
I . a tbrl'-Jeurirylur.
Hay kt. DkM.
tbe rrootoflbrUg.
Tbe bag rluera witb two aenrnt ftwn
Great Interekt la at prerant bring
concentrated no tbe younc King Alfouae of Siiain?^-, the Madrid corre
spondent of tbe New York Herald. He
waa born under exceptional clrrnmaUnceo. and hU fatbec. AKonao Ml.
was very dolleatc, but a-lui tbe atrin
bst Dob Airooao baa bran
bilged I. obaerre be baa grown welL
I UII an
baa a very good figure
Don Alfooao laberita all Ibe vlrscUy
of (ptril aod repartee fv which bla
father waa famoiu. Tbe boo mtea of
tba young king deoMe a very krao
erara of bomsr. Tbe profraaor of hie
toey. Seoor Brieea SalratJma. waa
wbe bora tbe rame name bad been
awarded by hletory. Hr cited ibst ooe
AUooso wue called -Tbe Wlae.” an
Other -Tbe Warilke.” aod ao on. wbeo
Boddeoly tba yenag king toterrniited
hU prerceaor, nylng. "Wea I think
they will nickname me 'Alfoueo tbe
Babbit'" ThU It beraora Don AlfonH went DHriy erray day lo tba (Uh
del Campo (cueatry boural, wUeb be
CoedUIly d«e«a and wblcb U full of
Umh anlmaU.• too BawaaS. •■(><>.
Tbe iMdera of U.l* paper will
piraaed to lean Uiat tbere la at leaat
one dreaded dlaeoaa Uiat Hietiee haa
_____able to oar# In all IM ____________
(tet la catarrh. Hall'a OalaiTta Uaie
ta the only poalUre eare new known
the mediaal fratorsity.
being aeouaUtatlonal dlaaawe.reaoirea
a conatitetloiial trranoeDL
CMterrb Oare U tL................
lag directly apoo the blood and a
■ the ay
raodalion of tbe d
A npubllcaa amcoe of rotera rraid
ing to waM No X will be held at Sec
ood Ward I lly Hall. b|>roor ►ite.-t
Tboraday i-vetiiag May 'JV. liarj, ai
: :.10 o'clock, for the iiori-iee of elect
login rUlegaiea to alu-ud a cooiit;
oobveoilOD called for Totralay. Jnio
B. ami aoeh other hualuete a» mu)
com# before tbe caucoa
.lot- Klaaaro.
ebocolatrs an tht
A republican cancat of rolnrIng Id ward No. S will »>e held
itb Ui
Union atreel on Thnnday
Ing, Hay W, IWt, at T;*) o'clock, for
tba ptupo*e of electing IB delegatee to
attend a republictiD
fniblictin oountyenuiventloii!
Hiied (or Tueedar. done :i, and -ooh confsctioners
other bnkliic— as luay cojnt- b, lore II
May W, IP^.'
W. W Kmilb,
F II l*rott,
A. B. 0.«k,
I'ammitb .•
640 East Elirbth Street'
Botchers and Soosafc Ntkers.
l.l. 1>ieK*e»flit niEKVk. KAK. N<BU
I1I1..I I 'nrreei l<,..ra.I. ."iMt n-4
u.r.. Ill- k. -»-c tmi.r-- IHuc kl..r.
<'•-,.4 He»w>r
Ik-f.-rr M-rvUnr y**ur ,4.1 rar..-t-. —ay U- la*
m-vl.-ini.. m.-.b-t m-»l.-« )>-i —uii.l-m
N. II. t'll AI'IA. 'l'ri>|<r.
Made of the hi(;hest quaity of chocoiate and fruit.
For sale by ail the leading i koouw p and lo. h. a l. biaxjk
■ gists in 1-2 lb boxes only.
I 6HifiAl HSIlBmCtl ■
'S. B. & Ji:
A reiRhllnan caoeOH of rot.
i re*ld
iug in wanl No ^ will I*
i'otato Wari'hoaae
U«ante W LaHie'- PoUio
lag. Hay W, iwrj.
00 Thunday
air 30 o'clock
rlacl It d.'legalaattaod a re|
Hllad for
other buineaa aa may
K J. Kolgbum,
L. F Perk. U.
Benj. Thlrlhy.
A lepobliean canena of vob'ra in
Ward No, h will he held al HlAU’
atieet Primary aobool bonec on Than-.
day-erenlng. May tU. IW«, at T-3C
o'doek. for tbe punma.' of ■•l.-ctiiig II
delterate* to attend a repoblloa.i oooa
ly ooureutlno railed for Tueiula.r.
Jiuie 3, and reel, olbar bakinraa amay rome le fore tho eancoe
OD Erery Piece.
Made Only By
One Month Free!
Palmer aod Paper Hancer.
DON’T Be FooLEOii'iTi
— .-’ll...
____ iTaa'rari^riciaac.
known prior to that date.
Flral Tramp—1 ran acrou a rich ua.
He of Bine Utety, but arier all I done
fer blm be wouldo't gimme a rant
Becood Tramp-What did you do fex
PUn Tramp—Per tee year# I'rabeeu
trarriln' -under an OHuraed name J«M
to teara bU feeUa'a-Town and Coim-
ing. healing or Ii);hiing. Ser>im
wHl lie run in order at the a|v .
plnaiton ma>le at our office, No.
— ----- -
Over 100,000 0.
Copies Sold Daily
imrty. ire conlUlly Invited
IMe lb tlie Hseuiet culled
their rrapectire ward.
All ib.-ra
eaaeaaee to be held oa ThurixUv even
tag. May mb.
arranged with a Oap wblcb opena with
a tbrqoolae caboebuo button, rrvralliig
a pocket to receive tbe bandkwblrf.
The lining la of moire allk. tbe drileata
lirige tint of whirb bartnonlira with
Ibo Ivory hoe of tbe Iratbrr
IvuoAlly artuac la a curonatton bag
of black walrua almlUrly adorrml with
allrer edged t^iouiiUnga and arroU oma^
menUtlou add acorn cuiw boldlug
c of the Utter at tbe throttle will
oetbyat nut*, (be dir-p liioitDi’U, pur
cnm|i tbe windpipe or abot off
e of which la ro|iratrd In the color of
the bone'a wind. In eiae of the run
« moire lining, a bag of tan walrot
ning borae It naturally extendi tbe
Btlll another varUllon of Ibera arilbrad and .nock artibuut artifirUI aid.
lally dratgned and created n-sul-Uet
Tbla la liccauar tbe mllop U the borar'a
tbe fsahloteble woman’a coatume.
natural gale, while tbe trot la arllBc-lal
when It cornea to exto-ine apecd. gilded cupa are of pollabed rural.
Ileiuie tbe ovrrrtieck la needed. Id the
UtUlty -borara tbe ebeckrrin U uei
needed.~Pleld and Farm.
uy about
It utben <■
by fear o
IL Tbla may be rveu more a barrier
to tbe work than tbe frarbf uot doing
tbe work at all. It Ukra courage
do wtkM we bellrre we ought to i
when we tblnk we ehall be critIcUed
or mUunderataod or acoraed.
rral caUmlty Uca lo not dol^ *bat
we ougbL or tbU It
eo Btroag a fear that we aball bare
courage to face wbaterer other* may
uy of our right doing.
fur all wbo wn-h lo avail t
*ctvc* .AT OXCK frfgajinrcortk-
MY. Oradoaie Teo-.i.
rfUi llBB-ra lAK T. • .
The Cheekeeta.
Tba orercbeck bean about (be Hme
rcUUob to (be borae aa tbe coubty Jail
doea te buman aoclriy. In raae of tbe
trotting borae it arama that aome debibat be naird la ordi-r to eoni|>-I
rue to curry 111 brad out almoal in
tltura It bappena tbat'a man rflll fall
off tbe elippery aide of tbe whale rloee
liy tbe'abark. but the latter never
ticks blni. Iielax tulrni upoa -gorgtug
liaeir with Hie Oeab of lli« ceta<
Tbe meet aervre woonda froiu tbniata
of tbe wbalera' kblvea wifl not luT■uade It to draUL Tbit tpecira of fbark
ricD partly or wholly blinded by a
parailUc worm three luebra loug » bk-b
faeteu llaeR at tbe coruer of Ibe eye
and lira on lu flulda
Free of Charge
bune, will do the work.
The Orraetuia Bkwh.
Tba GreruUud tbark la well known
aa B foe lo whalera It will follow n
drad wt^ak- to tbe ablp eiul oUow no
fear of the men while they arc engaged
I“VK- la.neg b.BVBNTHAleTMoMl'MnN
\J <MB.-eanilWde«e.'kiaBUte >Un^. -m-.
Hriise. niuMM' »
1. Mcbteaa
Riahi Delan.
Mite bad told:
. of eouroc 1 than otarry yoo
-eraat af-
baCara. In that the epitapb waa partly
Mpht and partly wrote- Bad It taM
Itet te wu Mt dtnd. bat orOy fote
teWB tea OUa rim. K woted hare Ui
tea MB oa tea teed.
Bte • ttea Anaoa Date tept a doubt
te Ite
«ad Iba widow nem took-
wax yon tenot prran the piece
what you
don’t want
for some
thing you do
want. Sell
what you
don’t want;
do want.
Tba prepriaMn hare ao maeb faltb in
a Prom Cbicagn V
Iti eai^re rowara. that teay offer
o«a BandrwlMlan (or aay uae It
The new fail *l<«m>-r FronttalUte oua.
Sand for Hte of Arati- Captain PTaaklle in command, will
begin ite new route Selardar. May
Addrera W. J. Ohoaey A Oo.,
Knuaire at M. & N. E. '
0.0. Sold br draggitea. 76e.
for parUeaWa
HaU’a Family PlUa are tba tea
laaaea wBp.<A*Hr-
Tbe air enad'ran
OI bUalaa. Muerela
Tbe awD abut out.
Tba rieea. sroaaiac crevad
A-remit *itb a Barr teed
Pat—Wbat (
d tbe btg explealou?
Blke-BUey wot earryln' a com ar
dyMBlte when tba wbUtU blew.-Bx-
Tba mottH tenth
TbBMa\ aamaH Mb-
IL Aaatln. a elTil war reh
at Wlaetenm. lad., arritea;
'-My oAADCAim or AinmicAX mevooL or
wUa ’wm oiek ■ tete
good doutan' MnMteote, but wm
whnUy oarod by Du. Kite'* KewlAf*
raTwhlok emkudwnudnnCorter
—'------ aiBHa Wyahoo# wrw*.--------bHlte." Thte ntwnja da Tty teoH
On^»ate%a a Jute«n-anii4a
B. WaU * Sou'a ing alraea
For floors
•nor White.
«h •
The Greatest Catarrh Cure, no matter where it effects you. In the Head. Lungs. Stomach,|Boweis.
Kidneys or Bladder. Nature’s Great Assistant in building up and cleansing the system. Formufa
on every bottle, recommended by the best medical talent- Best stomach and bowel regulator.
Pleasant to take. Not only ^ives Instant relief, but CURES ALL BLOQD DISEASES.
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