The Evening Record, April 26, 1902

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The Evening Record, April 26, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


■ T

TmATwmu cmr




i.M»nW lOM fwatr



Or.Onw IM

I* ter tw paol aU yasta. toa aa-

Uffhtotoff AM fM(y niMn to Or.


Oamtr but (*aain(.Mo
ter wat at* ben.






B* way Wat baaa

trlffbtaDOd. Wi It tolffkt to Itopoatf
bto to proa* Ik
Hr WB* ratamtof fron a ptofaadna-


a tm* amr tb* maA *0 nka* to tbo
|mb1^ ne tW* tb* benta war* both

fuOe to Give Quarter

by SUte Deportment

titotw *a af

to* Btyb BohooU and the Boatta Bidet
waa tolled off today.

uutatorw tw* KaWat 1

a bowUa#


WbMiI^Mb. April »-TW ttot* da- *d hoAa troB VaaiBlaalar. where b*
artMOt waa noUted by eabl* today to* baaa tolplay *-------------tor U X
Oolotakla. that ftaror Olbbt A Bob, by toa anrtoa. lllaea* of
U. Util* daayblar. ea* aad a toU
Bjrbtlaf U Kotoc oa at Qo*torito.<
tmaa Uorua.

of tbr or4rr mj*
a li irntmiM (wdIraM

■ bald, waa aary prattlly

aMbMS autolatdat rsoocaiaadlot


foa il>a ooeaatea. the elaat
colon of tbt tnolon tad Teoioit p
In tl>* 01
«a« faaOK thr Sar of tbt taolor elatt.


ODlMwl -AtK tiaff.

aad wliloh

balldlay t*CMUy.parcliaa>d

Swept city Of ChlOSKO L**t

Baasr talldiaf fotBcrly oeenplad br

wat n-

■ or tb# Me loumu

Mr MMva tt Ih. AM4


BlaytoB Broa,

iato whieh

A Oa



will B«r*att»

dm of BMt week.
In oat eoraar ol tba hall tr
Mr*. 3. V. Dl.-krrttaa baa
I Mto< aa I
1 fton vhtoa trait poneb and;
a diploma of bcsoisbte B*t
vafati wnv tarvtd I17 prattf littla HrTVImrMAtotk
lotbr B-cucI
■aidana .
Obleaco. aVu to—Tba torrifte wtad
All Kwt* of m<«t7 maaa war* pUy- aurw ttotatrvok Ohlaaco taat alffbl

----- ON— ■

Open Thi* E:Y-ening

A'lubirrI ha.1 bean handiil to earli road boilnnat taSered baarlly.
tba taaeban pmaml. aad oua to tba daoMCi- U reported 10 ehlppiac oa-tl.e

> of tba elaat«( IMH. Tba
let Ned liard coal iol<«et«t and oth- ........................... t>ra of a vary taaBOtbat
Tlia afraaaaol t« to baadlr all eharaolpr. and Vtlrltad tba B)0*i


- Si.AU

tbair ptedaou.
wlUmenl tbaauilra ooal trad* ol

•plant* and tboreoKb ap-

ittklatta Ba—t af IW tialne Aa tba BasA at tb* tU«k arbwii Aaaaal
ar ta* claw ar iwn.

There ia osa yooac raan wbo proba­

School aa wall a* be Bttbk


Itorata Haynoldt. ^ K-raty


ll waa

an'i! llic fimccn hall

gooiK we ha*c the earluvivc sale in' th'* eit) I will ckf^n the mailer

Bpw tp W»sh xW CPMBtItr CpbtM’s BpMtHt '


Boekey nr-

F itnn lictoT) 10

uwr jU

farlort' |incrv


(he faiioT)' (nneh More
»iul sec the fiofaU ami

atrlaml har*. an aatlra atrancar. at S aalaedblB and baKled bla Into a
1 aader tb* atalra.
Here b*
o'clock la (ha moralaf. tba natara of

Fred OnlUek

i«ricr» _aml

There'* mi l»eUei

t* 'talUuty

a Baa

raaty-foot - laaaab wbioh will be
ready tor tb* water ia a day or two
It U Bttod eol with a I her** power
FbyA Bowaa eiiyin*.




foraialied by

Jndge Nswnham Grants It In
' McCarry Casa.

Mo ose OBB afford

to mUt Una

The Best Shoe
Sold in this city.





■‘Straara tlappaelae* In Ctaaar*'
raa the *ab>«cl of Miw Rlahafdaon.
lie caotral faslara of bar lm|woapta
tulaK Ux-Inration of ilv apprr ball
by a B- ro* tneoaa, to tt-acaa the leachfrom which tarar* ertstare oaa of

rMmrmakurtbc Wmcil
Otdeayo. April to-Tba

prtee* of

aallOB aad p^ wan adaaaoed an­
other halt east par pnaad


Porktold terMoadoy dellreiy at 11

B. A Mormn rttnmad today troe
Qtnsd Rapidi aed FfMont.
rnd J.


tmsi itoatal



Wtok* abataea dartoc

wbtob W Ttoltod Watt Badta.


eadUattriU*. Xr.
0*e«* Mytnof Otiartoto town

qoaatiea rafanUnp tor


ned t.

O. Orotarr

osly ose of tbe nffalar )aron



Tb* pisee wbate Ilia trial


^ 3.m. mmiken.


Dinner Srit we offer far tmlay at

We have them i» eight different decoraticB* and tbey are

.\ml the nice Tmlel Sel* we offer

will b* told ha. set tawa daeidnd

Set in faiu .leenrations al il.KT.

Oema UlarnnHae..

Vnu can't afford to miit this.

IT Til araiil wtk. ■■■ laii .

for today.

A *«* piece ToOet

A 12 piece Toflei Set far |3.SX

Cone, this everutig and idecl ow

and we will iWiver them to you Monday, free «f charge.

Bet Loa Holland. A^l M-gaers



rtltolnOno'* pbyalelato Mated tola

See oiir new UmbrcUai fur Udac* ami genilemen'frma 4Bc op

Small Shoes

K*W Tcrfc. A|wll W-A»:»toUa-




MBB ami aakat. AU satoa elarfca
la toa any at* atyed ts be |s*a*aL

la stolaa ^ Areb -Btahap porrlpta



to ilelrt ereil and calierl far free of charge.

wiMll. *7.r.«*.


(toaad at tbc areh-bUii^'t boaaa topM a

We charge Um

The* will mrt to rcntcil ibe Icb than T «Uy—no charge

for leM than ) 'lay aiMitU>naL
Time countcl from lime of
ileliM-ry nnlil we are mriifierl that j-ou are through with litem.


tos of the order.
TU* la a bsttos WALL PAPBB aad paper toMisy.
anna«a.l to Iba UaHod Btataa bal
TbaYbBosa saw aura. Sts Front
with a atar U (b* oastar. tb* a
•toaei Baa etyU* aad gat priors.
tom* WB* toaaa qatstias rtoEtodta* the
Raaall Clark*' Uaion” aboat lb*
boandarr hn*.
bvder aad; toa laian “A CLP.
Floyd Br«<dt. to* aaladtetenaa of
batwaas tb* poi*M of 1 to as
wolaaahadto taU -Howl cot ay
Brery aaloa elarfc baa tola bstlas.
haiaiatry Mark*."
lA'blU tba tw
If a tody tb* MB* deatya U tarslabad
•oaaa waa totarmciDc. It did bm help
os a pta. Dates aas esa took far tba
tooMwbadoamilkaM-ctted ’ Im
battoa aad will aot aaad to aak ter
uoacb kaowlnlca oftoatr tab-

Dr.J. A BeHto w4 fbtoi\y wlU
Bd4h Oaw

Irwi the ruffics ami hoily
ume as (MI a gannent.

etatito toaa adopted tW oBotol bat-

TW aatlT* aaestoc waa OM at to*
treat plaaaar*. aad all waa*
TW Olmk'a Oalaa to** am
wBUayBwaatt wtel to ttattaat Bay wbas toe boar eaat* tar tba |sity to far a vary plaaBBt mstos Maadty
IM- Ttoy wlltWraaaaxeallaat
Waltor M. KolWywaei to Oatroli
praymat. wbtoh will to toUowad by

ivmd Banttoy with tba tamlllt* of

Intern (in uniil dr)-.

waa wa to whieh a pupiU to rr^y
ialandi a.iatad Ibal they had reo-oily

Rslpb Otat aad J. O. Oroaar of
Ktoeilty war. to Uw olty on bntinott

2Sc ,WT liar.

Uteeli on the carict ami |Hn

Ami lei us toow )-ou the .ni«

1 aeeeaat of not baiuy able to tmarc
jmry. Oel of ITS B*e etamiecNl,

wboletol*. Bare toaa lit mall
It it raportad lodoT ttasi ibar* are
prlea tore* arroka aye.
twonor* eatatof intallpox in tba toe Hlyh aebool boyt altua In hU aaat
fawUy of Mr Lartea no tb* iMitota and toraw Ida book al the aalB*L
to TW tebool Wt bwo eloaod in Anotbar toeldcDt mtslleead by bar

IHMtot Mo. A Md will proWMy to
Stoo to tor adielelag dlttrtoi.


aaya of vtsaa ia tbe MeOarry cape
W**a* Aye ei BanU.

tbla* lam bi th«lr temto

er fco eial limes.


BBAT ani-c <
plea of the way ia wbleh Hl|tb
dktb Sabool
apiU trmi Uacatr aad
iwro aad

Kinse in clear eoUl wat­

We have I.are Curtain

alty. ead will br a irrtwt dnw1a«
bold dsywito U at all intaroatad ia

. ;i

Make MriMig uop audt
ami auak
two liuurt in

20 Styles and Toes.

locked la. aad ton W reaotoad t
hit taotarki eaa b* iamitlaad, aad
AsdMMB and orar a taoro of oUi.-ra.
not hard to r-r why tb* aadtauoa
U WdlUoe to tba n««lar athl.-lla
Tbcobe rm nlaoaad aad allowed to
awilcd aload
snoM, tbno will be a baa* toll |
to* yoaay tody boac
batwaee lb* aanlor elatt and Itat tae­

Shake the curtain* well
m iiriiet ti> reniirve all .lutt.


ma>)e than (he Kimball.

Fnak Frindrieb.


nuffltd eprtpinp.


rlntasdaat of toe acbooli al Wali-

Jaiilor rlaaB.aad b* aaouttad bar t» tli*

I'he'hdkMring from Cohen Uroa

&- Cu., the lca.lmg manuGu-tureis oF ruiNcU < unami (ami far whoae

Prof, a G. Borkhaad of Charlotte.

a yoany tody who la o Bombar of tbc

'Hic value* are et-

e >-00 ,iKNte>’ in llit* line

lVeha\r a great man) im|utnrv at (hi* time of }-rar aakii^ bmr
(•I wash KufHcil ilolibinet C'urtaina.

liM been auyayed la eooacelioe

patos. Nortb Dakota.


Ji Utord ts tb.« ecsnomlcal BsufraHf*.


foTBarly anpartatoadant of echooU In
UiU elty. hM aoeaptod tto petition of

aot be eipceted to be praernt, Bat
tlilt yoany tnan U latber deroted to

n -1'ailnt Ala.W Su'it^ Drm


T‘a» c»riic of (he


nmpttoa by the two opper rlaaaa* of

TW |B«(iaBi Inelada* Iba followlpartlel|stc tn the plaoanrc* of toe 00ln«: lU yard doth. K> yard daab, beat that kbr bad aaeo many tiilnc* ibal
Wtor not aiaelly io the ordinary la oaaloa. wbleh aoB* of tba Beaber*
' two lb tbraa, taealty raat, bt< yardi,
of tw acaler aad Janior claiiii
bar roi>w.
numlnc brood Jamp. ttaadiod broad
Kreaartrk '*' aafajaet
waa. tooayht wsa aU wrasy.
Bo they tocaOad tbeyoaafinai
My rint
BxpeHeoo* In Trar.
> the corridor, wher* rtraay 1
art* my." Wbaa It la, know ttot to
will bt Bd Boytr. Olaod Oartar. Astil


toe Ulffb achoel to the tmnhaia. and
taemberaef other claaaaa w

-fftiaoea Tbinca Id Koob *" aad to^ noaptioo wbioh wat all riyht. Ha
fora *b* Vad ooaelnd»l It wat aridam, *1*0 wcot into toe hall and bayan to

Bn* eestatl* In trery aaanl.

Of ihe mirlil'f


Rlake-a }ony. dc« and

M'e are «ho«-m,; s
Skirls Walkmt; Skirt*. F

SMttbtrg’s HtUabk Dtpartmtnt Start


Boated toe OttUeo* tolephose ylrU to

a blfb bly did aoi enjoy toe reception laei
ntobt, teadeito by thaJantec* aad
tohool or Unebt to Ob*. Tba aadiaa
Basior* to the Maobart of tlw Hlcfa
ilatoDad with ao and of pl«amre

wbal tbc profmaar tod to aay of ihr
TW MBfaart ct tba olati ot t«B of
tliat to am* that to It aot aaptba Bl|b Hcbeol bar* anaati-dtl>a
poa*d to an*
dBAlla ter an atbUtIr maat. ofan to
Mlia AUto. wbo «Mbm faoMiry.
Hadaeltot thaHipli H-houl. wlileh
her *BbJacl. ‘'Soaia gamr
will taka plnoe nail rrldty afiaraeon.
Daaoaatralinna*' 8ha garaa
aator IW banafli of tba Ul«b Mobool tn
«nsl; Aa aieallaol pnemun at all>- U-rtaJnbiA and Uaffhable praanalatlon
r "iraoniairT at *lir U ractlad "
iMlo tmait hsi baan arranirad.
Oook .hair for bar nb)a«t
tba Btabet of antrlai alraady aai


1« ^ur tfptk pf

Ladies’ Spritig Suits,
Skirts, €te.
rciHii>naMv |.lc4sin^. \Vc aro ].i*tti\e «

iwoqaartoof oU*c«ttot^wen broaybl
froB hi* tarB In Oallforala.

r Wier ll to •

defaecl. had for bit aatOaot. -Wbat ~
am fmo tba Ruatrata.'' Tba aatan
aad by


frtasda toeayfat be Beaded tbc n-Mdte* la not appanat
Walter Onlliek of

•cYeeat.Man Wb. mtoblr lud cm
Hittf. Kfdar. prinoiial of tto Ul^

tba Wtaa____________________


Ja.t why Mr.

Wi csll fMtr

WR TAKR «-AUK iW TUB M>y*SKisu THBJii r-«rr with thru

cKi.i.ui <>r ui.m Hiiotb.

Dr. Hiarae'. Pallet*
Lydu X


New Tict SSc lo S(k

DON'T MISSca Cali ihwe r..r (.-r.Bcartkiw .kml Ikes x Pine iIm-


ad after
tun* to* Utt proinaia. hat atolad aflar eaaalDg maeb damApril M-Aaollitr Im- Tbit . wat alBOat arliraly an Im- ac* throoeboat tbc elty. Aeeordla( ■tnl* waa bald la tW lodye rooa U*l
prompta affair, lb* Oral aaalac wat to the looal weather bawsa li wa
aiybt. Tw dnt part ptOBlmt to be
la Ibt ooBaotldattoo at Ttw Filitboia
BdoUn-CBlter daet by Min Uaada wont caU up*rieae*d tioei- the OalBaa antortotaaiMit.
UmI Oo.. Maodar Otwk Oo. and the
U'bca P. O Ollbati arrlTi-d liosta
raatoo eyolos*. The wtad rcaobed a
Mot»n Ooal T^optnlrt In Okto and
aelooUy of T> nil** ao boar. Roof*. Mat aaealay. from Prankfart. when
Falnaoaai. W. Va Tbr propartiM tlatllc Mii-ora, tb* tmpnuapts* wi-r* Iilch fcDCM. trem. alyna plat* flaa* to had triad a cm in oonrt. to fooDii
tll^ for
wart tapitaUMd at •loo.oao.oaa it u
window* and tel*craph win* aad rail­ bU ralta* panknd with all




HkM Ikm «•« U-<-^ .. Uc kicMirr -T


tba Latalch'v^ty Ooal Oo..ibr Head'

UMBRELLAS 50c to $6
MACKINTOSHES $ 1.50 to $10
RUBBER COATS $2 to $6 ^


by Biay-

Atra. Plana, aad
AloMana. la npaparlay aad ftattoiny (be aton ia toe

norid, at tbt and of a weak b;
iBf tinwu tbt Bai ttaff.

trol entire Lake Trade



toB Bro*.'' ^W Uiter art Barlay isaaat atorr foTBerly oeoaptnd by

wlitoh vat rau to tbt top of tbt Ul«h

Coal Barone Combine to Con­


Wbo ha* bata aaffcrlpy troB
a eld.wl
tb and paeaSKiuB.

l(Ja laportod that l6.<no

drfaatcd to istrmtlBC aad lb* fomre waU-ayalo. Mr. EdymoBb to* to*
wbooplay coayh blBaalf aow.
BBUit forom eoaltou to adraaea.
Potato** oa tto local Bart*i narhDtopatabaa
racardtoff lb* praaaet
ilag to Uia taaobtn at tba Blfli toitU ar* T*ry------ ^g—. aad tobr* la ad tba dollar sbi* toU Bonlny.
telw»l bf (1>» Bkoaiban o( Iht Jaaior DO detoU at to tba naanaltla* oa altii
TW ptane aacd at to* neapeioo la«t
aiHl Otaior olatM vat ««t of tbt ar aid*.
tk* Jaaiort and
Bisot to* csly adrtem are arculoy tasdared
salMt atasit at Ibt tiad la tat
MtUlaiT MS art airttet at 10 U>t
It It proto- Sanior* to to* toaehera of tb* Hlyb
btarlM at ibtt crdar spas Ibt ea
blaBaat their eaapalUa* am sura *e- aebool wm fasaroaUy dototed far
tr oemalon by laossrd Orayaes.
polst, asdwkM wtifiil it will hart
rar* than hat yet appeared from toalr
Atra Plae* Wa roBgaad her b111kpm (bt eosn aartlal.
Tlw iOtda,
Modara WcWwaa whieh tb*
aery ttor* to tb* wsat halt of to*
wbiJt iBohalallp ttUI la tSoM. hai
«m la offMit.


Oberto* A. EdyceoBb ha. baea call

lacn ar* (Bcacod
Aeoordtaff to t____________ ___________ to Tbaraday ll wm toosybi tost ahe
tba army of OaMtol Urlba-DHb*. to* Biybl not nooaer. tot aba U aow 1bItsdar, toa beta twto* preytay aad It U hoped will aeto br

. aaUra* ow 10 tmn afar* aad aaki


toke. tba ptne of baaa toll between


•rislae Ma>er WolUr lo kill all aalr


praet wate taa*ai today, a ysaatara of
onr too posad* btlny pat apos toew.

drirar tar* toat ha Abb^ alaeai oat

mpM AtMlarT erte Mo. lOo; cUlwIiic
Mat amtm ti h* wm JutIM la aatb->

ar aad lb* AL A K . X BaUnad Oo.
Garda ar* oat tar a reaepctos to b*

' Owtoy to to* aalaTccable waatoar
aad toe tael toat tb* yrtMiad* wme a

Reception by Beniore end Jun­
ior* Lent Evoning

Should see our new Writ­
ing l>pen. Some ol tbe
prettieu thing* in sutiooery
everdhovo in town Ate herx
Newidess in finish and cut
of envelope make tbe Whiting
goods the peer of all. Note
and Inviution paper* of all

at Mosro* Otatra Taaaday, May Wto.
Tb* aew water
Mto* oa State

dMod aad. barely able to baap: nmmad twa in.saii
ttotrfaat MWtbw Dt. Oaraar wati




want froBSOclo*

to* Mlrhl^a BBnh Oo., Vaaqil Biad-

tmaaad. aad tiaerwail tor

aalaap ar sea doat net ^ftar. Wt lb*;

traa tUalla Mto thMrWAlOT Om
«Al talth't taMU at Ulamta will tw


brace* aa^biny yttn

ylras by Mr. and Mra La* WlyhlBaa

Aooofdlng to Advicec Received

tkan-kck imv


of tWne-*^

boto eesMtoeai by lb* T. O.. U A
M. toUitod ayato to tba tsoptny of

al alMl to Manbiain. and wm
thmach a tbkk ptaaa of wood* <torla«
lb* atom aWa tb* Ucbtai^ t«aek




BanlttM CleAtaa Co.

fort to fato bat tense

to Con. Waller.

apsil m. imi

DettMv-WWat.«.s aad tij*: asm.

.Wheat. Bti* aad t«SWWat. ib^t «en. mt:.

tola. Ml,: *tok.»it.ey:>rt.






lospheortbe nun osr Bo]
Sale opened up with a niA—
rare baifsim, *b*i deky—Tbe

We guarantee every pair of Infant'x Cbild’x
Oildren B and Misses' Shoes to be exactly as
represented, lltey fit the feet—have style,
snap and go about them. SATISFACTION

PrictS 2S ctttts U $2.00.

Boatan Store.

XXX tto saw tsad far


IlcNuui. Blk,


C" ’ ■
ir, AkIU

ut«siut, apko.

MAMWTiunoH sasasaaBasaaia
Step in and see the Beautiful
Iron Beds we are selling for

KetiskolaL TaJ>le1s

For Sal* by 3AS. C. JOHNSON. S. E. WAIT & SONS

6oKnl Dtws
of fbt Wortd

wlda at tte bottote. wltb a elteiteea
af n feat of water orar tea MU of tea
At Tokto. tea aoaal atelpaa of tte
anon. TlMbla to tteas MMtadaa. b«t
to tte Daliad Smtaa, wwa

■nda tetka Mof
Kl«| Mward vkUe tWinfllMf tte
Tka takU and IM
MiapteloaMU «paeaaad<«
Mdla, Ilka awl
Wilkoat iajartnc tka aootanli ol
tap. wkkk ombUm «< two 4aMn
*Mt amuta aatdkM tnatbUa and
kaa of wltaw.

THE enr Of® HIKE

1>qt «rr foyr led six iacha hitfa. hxvc codioui
posts, veYy latest designs, any sice or color—white,
apple ^rccn. olive or blue. Best thingpo the nurket for
the money. We have lou of cheaper'ones—any sice
with best woven wire^kpriogs. complete fof

iWe alw have a few more of those fine high grade beds
at nearly one-half price—last >-ear s styles- we are clos­
ing them out at less than factory cost.


tep. Iteportani ote
■tetecad frote dm to last tte paw
cf Uioaolipsa wnadisUnoUp tU-'
Iblo. Tha awdars Japnnaas ters raptdlp adaptod Uiatr atoda to Waatam
■alTwinialeal tatehtogt. and aran
among tl>a teora Ignoanat nlaiaaa
tem U bat Hnla a»a~ of U>e old anparaltloM farwarlp praealteil ngardlag
poMa, olfBtB and atsaratUa wklto aoUparo and otiwr l.teatelp plienoMOB tka oikat Mda aaa tkraa llqaw
kwHa. an oA nap and a watekboL
A croap of paouj paus wowan fSr Bdwaia
raw a Boatew boaidlnir ackooL la 'ben a aaan te liad laaghtaglp orderawntcr gowaa, la WaAHnptnn an an lto*‘teraw op hUlutndi" draw a
Inyadad tka White Honaa aarolTir aad aliol Uia appoad U<laf
bafara tite xaaaldtat ted daod. Joa. P. Brown, who ftrad tte
allot, was a friand of liU vieUa. bolli
Du»T rwiite't»
hnatog Head to U« same honaa tor
UU*tnc«umiWw.n I.. ri<«> ■0«miu«.ssTfiral aaonilis.
Oawnld Edward Load, a ponag Ma.
glrla teld ate eoald nw tiaad anp raaidtog at Arwndel Maaiatona. Palr M ate wt down an tka eat- bnaa. was drtrtog an aaiotnoblU along
patad Soar. Ska leokad aa eeaafoav Begent streot, London, ahont > o'clote BRILUAIfT SPECIALTIES
akla ihara that In a faw minatea aU to Uia aaontiig. wlian tte TshioU got 1‘rirt-s—Kesrncil Scali. Till and T5<.
oontrol, and daaliad tuM
T*-IM^ houM.aiMil. TMa wa. IflC iniiMd
ttetaat. and tkata wwa aonw K of
teaw. had foUowwd bar aattepla and iaaralar'a aliop.wratetog tea troot aad
fanad aaate an tka carint. Tkara tkap anaalng dnanga wbleh wiU, it la ra
oJ«B. lalun..«UM
■tin Ite meat aaooMacwed annate
MM. « rvMB.. am
and atettad abent al«bta tkap wtea
nc. natil abortlp bafora noon. ranted. Be elaima tea alteat had Jan
bean apriaklad and waa ao atipparp
that ba lost eoecrol of the laaohtoe.
A r^koMoa KuLh Mcml.MMM- nil m
Mm rrlUc mO ■Si’MOi. ■! rvmm. «u b-m .
Sope Hartia. (boagb touOlp blind
Palsier ud Paper Qiatcr.
Riw ElictHc
that thr qaaatiaa of- ddag' It atooi- tee aga of 1. lias bean aa neuea
Lifkt III Pmr Cl.
ffweofallp waa fnrieWan Tbap aliote and aaafal nteaiber of tee B» depart.
It of Port Cbaater.Jf. Y.. for x-toat ttelt afcitte aad aaofa' aakad bar
•aa paara.'-raantog with tbenianat^bte If W bat araa on atadfbt.
banda with the ablae" to all Area.
ta* tea girtiih
pnridtet, aad te told aoab ba waa <U-' Tbara Ua
eaiarrli In thia aeoUgktod to aae bar.
ttoe of Uie et
eeoatrp teao all oUM-r dtaTka board of aldanara of Naw York tasea |a>t iogetear. aad nntil tea Uat
teaa adapted a raaotattoa raoitit« faw pann it waa aoppoeed |« be tneniable. Per a gnwl nanp paara dorUm
(bat tba Inenaaa la tba prioa of
paoooaaead it a local diaaaae. aad pieU arotkiiv gnat banlahip aaong tka auaibrd local letnediea. and bp oonMUiaff naaaet of tte clip. 1 be raao- atoalip faUtog
ire wite Uanl
I It tocnnble.
that tte board-aOongIp anndaana the Inbanaa aotlon of
ibinatioo known aacbe'baef
tenat' In tDcranaiog ite prioa of laant.
of «»e 1^4. ObeaepA Oo., Toledo, Ohio.
rket. It U taken toleniail
«• from 10 d
maka priaata gala
aad teBanrfaoet'o.__ __
n. Thep
. abtelaie noeoaa:
cor fauidred dollari fi
tba working etaanaa of tba oiip.
it fa tls to ewra. Bmd f(
At roakfTiUa. a C.. to tba trial of and,
tteOBlI of Bamaal W. lUicball for OheoepAOn. Telado. O.
Sold bp draggUte. Tte.
•M.000 dantegte agatote tte Modan
BaU‘11 Paailp PilU ara thr b
Woodtean tha woedan goal ifaai U
for MltoteU'a toi-aoOT^ tethe.
M. J. Unnoo. Uu of Grand Rap-'
Jartoa waa toCrodaced to oeart. Mil
ak^aTiratbat te wan atranwd apa Ida. wiU giro Taper baths irllb TnrkUfa
aad abowrr ai O. R
Ite goal daring hU initlatttei aa
Bomos’ barber teop on Prant etTM-t.
Woodtenn; that tba dariea waa Ibm are^eraatog taanopi Satardap
aat te teoUon to rwoklwa aad wanton
pUlntlff‘1 paraon. Tba aan ba made for anp time after ; p
m. or tor aap bonr Bandap. Oire me
a trial and if pon are not mUited ii
500 of them. These are the rose bushes you hav«'
oowl bp dlraetian of MitobaU. wbo wlU eoac pon nothing.
aenght to lUnatteU kU
been waiting for. You .who placed your-early
Daladod bp n nlgfatoMra. Mrs. LonU
Steb wotilteu aa wara abown wara
will please come and get them. Those'who
wld bp Woodtean to to no lArt of tea UTtogitoa of Bentan liar boa, Jamprd
have not ordered any can do so now. It will be
ont of a window and tan to tte Hotel
f telfitolteL
1 BIbto of tea aigbtt Hlghbae to-ber night elotbtog. orplng
necessary to come early so you can make a good
aantarp, aald to ba wonli 150.000. tea tent anmoone was teardertng ber ho».
selection, These bushes are'all two years old and
lawpertp of J. & Morgan, ^ napbaw
are guaranteed to bloom in seven weeks. Each
at J. Piarpau Maagan. wte baa Jnal
tea ataoteaklp OoaadiaC
plant is from 14 *0 16 inches high and comes pack­
It fills tte arteriN with rleb blnod.
bald bp D^tp OoUoetor WUHaaf
-‘---new Sate. Mk* aiek
ed in moss and wrapped in oil paper. Here is a
- ■ Roekp
- andaant to tea to>f»ntoer-a atorw to weU. Tliaf what
L Jaa U. Jot
(nldoani work, Taad
case of having beautiful rMes with all the hard
mpaar ara Iliawork and long waiting all over. Note the kinds
THS PAMOUB waU paper and mper
aaaor. aad Uia
ImngiBg Departmrel. S45 Wool
and the remarkable prices:
w of U« book U tet wlU. paacdooa
atrrei. tea atplas and gaa^priM








OLSON ‘.■estaesr’-’'---------


« Md fiaat a coapla of lumn rmj
' MUhtfallr la idarint bcarU. Mn.
V. Frladrioh aada tba grmtM
1 a tilrar apoao aa thp laward «f ka> ;wow^ a pra«7
la. MlaaU
' Ntrad. oouUUag of jdaaat^aa loa,
<akM. piak and wtatw baoR tlap>4
' OBbMuaadMooa.
An oaBBodtaclr anJoraUa arant oeamd laai ariBlac at tb
' Bar. and Kin. O. T. Stoat. Uia otmI
taalnt anancad In konor of tka apte' eofial ehnf«)i eboU bj the ladiaa’
‘ OoUd of Otaea okareh. Tha-aotirv
BMvd'Mi*VM ibM iM win la f»Ur
•q^ult Mid UM U wUldiMla-.
f«lA htM»lf b> • MMar
tc MMHlf Md tboM o««r who* la
ik^ hftT* okATT* ts Ua mIUn*.
H* hM bM * naidMrt or itOi dtj KalphBnaUtt. and dna aaale bp a
mar rmt*. Md in ob»r«li ud moUI banjo qaattel ooapooed of Kra.
vort k* llMbM«»lMdWM>dOOaMlt«B teaaal Onrtend, Bobart Oteaa. Boa
MowwwkM. HU *1
Montntae and Harbart MoaterDa. Ba­
tata Ite avaaiof waa andod, alt Joinod
laalaglaK "Baante &!*«." Tkara
with Ik. TnwM bto Mbool
ara M awtebora la tba elwlr aanrlp
IM pWTM hlM to bh vorthj oT the araap oaa of whoaa wera pranot to
MVNi|MMltdUDr «bUh ho U to M- aejop tba 4COOd tlina and tte good
Ihit^ to aat. Iko wana waa:
dollar poaatoaa to aigbi hart baae
taaUteft. and tkoaa vke tera bald
waidknoaaa and oaUan fall.Srtth tka
aapmall Ite <d aa adranoa la intoa,
wUtkOW raap tka rawardaof tbair toTirite nil Dollar potetoaa to Otwad
^atteaa waaiii «aek to tka fatwara
Wte teaa bald on to iteU atoek. and
tkaa* are aanp wbo iiaaa bam wait­
ing tte tha irtoa wblak U paid lodap.
Tte prtoaa paid ter petetciia atoer laat
Aagtet tear sade tUa region a aarllkMa Etoadlke for tba torsan. who
■tep laallp batte anap of aowa wbe
triad Aktea.

aq^ for Ite wawbara of tba
Paraw^ Bnndap eoboet waa bald
laataaaotagat tee raaldanoaof Danma
fait laat oaonlng. A Ina aoolal tuna
waa anjopod. with atoctag. roelteUona aad daltoleaa —*—*•------Bap and Viola U-VatUp wat. aarofltelr triaoda
piaaaaa Up anal abont 11
oiolook. wbao tkap waait hoana to tea

Tka natelag at'*OU OUan” U a)wing ad plaaaaia aad antartatotet naanaopad hp tep qooa







------------------------- J Rrtttl
be foand at tee ■

“ ***?

|r§When fhe Nerves Are Hungry

Avaate trvm oath ao oark. l« feet,
tetttekigk aateafieoMof tte oapfteL Ito ttol. amd fire mllas loag
Tklala tea San Bine. Dteton. tegaboo
tkrowa altia mm^t.

JaalP tkirtpwlha

When f child h hungry it cries;
When the nerves are huni



. ..,. EACH .5cents

-■ si


cases, mvmg as
do to the t4ood all that makes it rich and pure. Strong in its power to
nourish these crying. paiafuL hungry nerves back to their natural «ute again, strong steady
quiet and free from pain.



j. L. T«BaeBat Maakagaa. Hlah.,
aaptteat qatog 1 waa fbo^ Tsap

Hm H. IB. mn II i lu. ef Ha 4ii
Beat Mato aOMS. loala. Hite., mp*
"1 tea* base boteaanda gwod deal

I fait tea aote of a
mie. teeing Dr. A.

ff Dc. A. V.
UgoSabos ate
teapdld ma a grant deal ef good. I
aaan CM te 1 eoald aloap waD at nl^t

L Tkap baiU
appaUM Im-


... --------- . .. --------- atMf,

drtoks. wte wUl be n
r odj ot tea Ottp Opan Honse Moigbl
U bspond qatetlon tea baat iUnatra ‘
tor oTSwadUh oteiweaar on tea Ateonana te^ and bns few sqani
dtotest aonadlao. Ha tea a trank
hnggUp Sttod to potarap tee almtde
tel boBiat "UU". ao aa to kriag toto
irepar raUaf tee toaehas ef sratlmanl
ate tetofiav tent aaa mtogtod .with tte
temnr and awkwarteaaa of bearing of
tea Mmfirfir ;"OU Olson" tes barn
a tonwtog magnat far maap pann.
tel It tea tenialalnad lu fwiliaiii
imd tataaasi ate tar te* pnaaet anaan baa bean tolghMaad ate benned.



U>a tergaat dip dotes

n dano tewwn. star.



You will want other Rosren to beautify your bO^ne.
\o\i should sow the seed early, then the beautiful
dowers will come all the sooner. We have a jfull
stock of every kind of seed grown in this dimate.
Get them at once.

Raise your own gardes truck. Have them fr^
every day. Vegetables always taM better if grown'
in your own garden. Make out your list and send
it fa Mooday, sure.

1 hare ao baaltottaa to I Wtea^Mte

BEWARE OF IMITATIONS-^Signature-and portrait of Dr. A. W. Chase onek box'of
thegamuK. Fornkby dealcn, jo cam a box.or Or. A. W. Oiaae Maliciiie Co, jj;
|WaJiio*tooSt,Bofialo,N. Y. For aafe by JAMES G. JOHNSON. OroBm.


THB <taWJUio saooKO. nATsaui cnr«


Fashion Lea4ers

TT r^ABwv«nr«

of AwUa BaMead after diaav. w
Ibr w^na af tbr nra mm bad rr«
to ibe drawlag naw end dgare a
bnmgbs to tbr dlaiag table. A ■
pa«aed erer Helatead'e fare.
-Thet'c B maay otery.' br —n
“^•May atom. ntweiaUy abuat


oe« and beauty of ^^'le. tbe erujfaisile
finbh of every detail; all eomtiine to )five that loi^ uf
I --------------------------1.;. j

» so aatch odaured hy rrotainkiiid.


were ioat aad after aernal meatb*'
aeanh lo(al>4. bnl wan toe badly
daawged ta dUpoae of aad ware ablpped tafk aad etdatraoked Dear the fae-'


Wiley K. Wtii^it. jmMt

MtwBtag BVTlM at JOdO.
BlMe ectaoal a

Tfaia tbe

Uu 8«arkhas»w. a har>« bsyer Tbe railroad aompany thee auampled
to baol -tlx- auff away, bat were |*ettnm Baullae eouty. ba* ctoMd a
trad tv Ihc die et t»e hawtrad roated by nplerla.
beeM fv aw «r Um> BritUh any

Tnrtdeta thioagta tba aaaatty die:

BaaSli Atrtaa Mr. Hvmektawwr will trlru wy that m*v bafora hare they
ai enea irewd u aaihce lopaaer the
saaat vort la tha Rer. B. Howard Browa. |Mtar
filUe aebool at P;4&.
raqaletM aaubrt. Tbe bwd waM be Aelde. Tbe diadbliy ef aeaariag farm
help U wid ta be'tlie
or a Valcfat betwvB SOO and
Aagmel II. Wlaklenaa of Riga, a
<11 la do farmer, bae an faeea beaH
troa eioee A]iril U.

Oa Umt (Mte ha

hie wife to a boeplwl la
two eUta vaalte. iwa fv htwwif aod
ooe fv hU vlfe, dag tbe graree aod

Toledo auO qevc.r raiBRied bome. Tbe
family Itare foal play

Oliarlee blaok. iao|irli-t«r of the
Idaead the raalti tbereia. aad then,
afiv SUtag M the taia. fillad ia the Oon Kxohaaga of 8oeib Bead. lud..
tbal white aooomiaayliig tbe
gtavae to await tbe tine ibeyahoBld,

OhrtatiaB Madeayv a «:!&.
Breatag aorrloa at f
Leri T. PaMtmrtoa will ilBg a wlo
1 tiK. •«eaiog ■errlca.
We welaoow all etraagan aad
eneral pibllo Xo all oer aerrleea.
Hiaweek irayar meeting Tlign

• of liu faibor from ll>e laiter'a
rim MMbedtat.
{nrxiBi to tale rnial bome la Che* euBOty to Wbltv
Rer. Wm. lAafiaan. paitor.
l' latenaaei. Uie liody
Tbinl qaarterly meeting day.
of an nabawoo maa waa foand
lure feaM at «:» fv
aa the faroHn' grmt aad good friaad road Orai^-it .laod a WUDB to whleh memb.-n only,
Oummaaloa at 10. SenaoB tople.
Uadar bl> adtalalcttatlaa tb« ‘bael a borae wae attoahed Ku oae la tbe
--Uelliag Ldfe by Leoing It "
otopliae grown to vaet propnrUQae, ae4;bborl>eod rroogalied.the .lead
Boaday aebool at It.
fBuecal pieewloa wi
0M la Ueenaay'aeil Uh-r la iMe
. Jaaiv Laagae at 4.
oooatry.rv Uh' awaBraciore of logar. •tupped UDIII tba eeooad Mb)eet fv
Bpwonb Leagai at S;IA
Mow WUIlaie ba> faU IwoeftoeaKeye piatu ONMatb the t od ooald be re- meeting with tb.- Joalan led by Hr.
be Beaded


lie alw a-l hl>



Kmprxw WllUaa wiiy:.lie la taleteiy

M tbe lutato, aod the |«>laM gtoWere amrad aad tba bone aad vagou tak
u to one aide of tbe lilgliway.
ta Mlehlgaa nay aeoa bear ■aaethliig

Woruhlp at 7
■Oakea Hairlta

Iform I mlgbi be a
wax fignrv of a
e great aaral herd
bm ee BOOB ab tbey perrHved that 1
wee merelr a real live middy tbey loot
imneet lo me and pamed m. rreerntaew remiac a*^yeaag girl of elltern. wboae dremea bad not been Iri
dows to tbr iragth fv wotnea. la tbr
rare of • F>n>cb malA flbe wai vae of
tbr plguxBl klod. fuU of ealamtion.
Tble wae evideally Iwr firet vielt to tbr
abow. and abe wee lateoerly iBWrretrd
fverytblng abr eaw. flbe gave me
aa loqalrlBg gUare. tbeii aeked brr
maM in F'rrtKh wbetbrr I wee Arab
•ad Mood or wax. Not gnUng a mtlafartary reply, ebe ramr nearer and
fixed brr aparkllng bUrk ryei apoa me.
*t>f rodiwr It wae a mean iblog to do,
bat wbat raa yoa expert from a youngUrr vbo bae aleo the dlmdiaaiage of
bring X eaJkir aeborrT I l<>Ard airalgbt
Iwfve tar. Tom Aaderaon «v etaod
Ing al a Ulllr dlataaee. talking wttb Ua
frind. and mw tbr girl trying to make
mr oat. Hr amikd and nllrd bia
fr^'a attrottoB to tbe penioolm
Tom bad ae mart drrtltry In blm ae
aod wee eqally'rotpaLilr. Tipping tt
wink to faU cuiapeiiluaa. br UU tbe way
toward me,
“'l>id yuB ever are Admiral 4'ai
ut aa a yuong maor be aeld. kind
BMgb tu be 4wanl by tbe girl. 'Herr
be le Joet ae be wae at ineniy^Dr.’
-The two flood before mr while
atered at varaiK-y. Tbe 0ri drew at
to bear all ehoot tbr great admiral.
-.,*"Tbla waxwork.' Tom rontlBUed.

Ibe ilmo.' •
TbU wee etx-b a pel|>abl« Ur Ibal
found II dUfiroU to main my gravliy.
Wfiteu Pamgui me iwenly-une. pbotograpby was unknown, tireldea. Ibr
LltWUaare^ SlmUeoriOr Treeer^
I Are. aad Waeh- tioifurm wae tbrt) vrry tUfftreoi. Hut
la aaiootobile. laaneli aad oUiv^St.®*
bn. Tbe potato aleobnl la wi<l lo
tbeoe facte bad no eflert od tbe girl.
B ai 7 -JO a. m.
tAa Kwoirnr.
paaaaaa’maaj adrantagaa ortw u>e otbwould eupiuwe.’ eald Tom.
MonilBg •errioe .
nbat tbe great naval bm could lieve
V Uq«ld rBali.aad U
10 :.•*).
Owing to the elvni the alt. i
Baaday arbool at 11
tnrad at a eoat Uni iiata U witbta at the ra.vtilig of ll.r Tcarnrar City
Breniog aemoe aad aermoii at 7 XO. tuen uf
iB hit early deya
tweh of almoat ererybaly. If Biulwr- Baaday tirUoul awooiatiea wae v.wy
AUarr cordially lorited to them I.e>ak-.aC that noar. Hid yoB rvrr eu
V William'• rzploilatiaa of potato al- araalt. anil tuoel of tlioer who wrrr to •errieea
Burb B pmbuarler
aoiiol prorae ae eueawfal a> he liotm bare part ai tbe i«(bnam wei
'I tbluk be woe vrry bendeomf.
tbedayiBayaome when erory potato
». puior.
The ma-uag wae hold la tbe jarlon Rrr. W. T. t
midtbegtri imtw meU iodlgnaatly..
palab wilt Imve lleeUII.
Honing at IPJa
" Tbea hie beude-Ug mungb fv a
of tbeU
ReeiKmelbUlty of Opportnaity.”
At Hay OUy a reokleae dHrer
la. 10 giovr. Aod b» fret—tbey d rovoallod to order by F
It PeBBtUgSoaday ecfaool at IS.
r tbe'gtnrtrr deck of-a Uoe of battle
orer the < ynr old eoe of H. Mr. too. Afh r a abort drvoiloaal
H Y. P. U. at 4:45. ' '

Mb-feael. tbe wl>e>-l> of Uh> aarriage led by Her, D. Ooehlln. tbe preeldeal
Krealagai 7.-00. 8ah}eot."Haarm."
*Tbe girl tamed,bar bead and tamed
pnaeiag orer Ibr anoe aod lege of (he
Pralae lurrtlag at tbr olooe of the
1, tbe tint eabject that wae
er berk on Uir epMker. Uow I rvrr
mnnlBg eerriee.
child. MlnealoBely eoniigb tbr in
preeeated. ‘TbeTwroptalned m.r gravity I doo't know, i
Flayer tneeilag oa Tbetaday areataat
<«oaped will, eoaw
errerr (ietliOBlBryflabday flobooL" Betlag at
I 77ML
mnembar that 1 felt a bomir of taugbAllan
are oordlaUy tarltod ta the mr- iBg. fv It wDold bare revealed a trrriUe allgiit upoD tbe yonog girl. 1 bed
maa. who ba* bean wvking at .Vbll Bkeldier mag a ImatirBl aelo, with
ilready bed coougfa of Ibe Joke aad
Be'. O. O. Roth, toelor.
Rlrv. fall flum a S5 fool pul.' the
tlebed Ibat Tom woeM go away and
Him Obaidotte Helm al the iitaao.
tbe girl would pees uo wttbuut know,
ntber day aad aflar iBmiag two
Thii OBtabi-r wae gtaatly iinjoyed by
g' bow we bad fooled brr. \Vben ebe
|ile«e tomenaalli landed aa l■t•feel M>' all iraeni
Soa^y mbool ^1.
Jbuked away
r fv a moment. I gave Turn
■ilBareIr tliat hr malolaioed hit lalJaaiv Y. P. A. XI tM.
KoHowiag tble, an open parltamrat
an epiirallug
< look, wblrb be undrraloud
aaaa He wae badly ehakna op. hat
Breatag mrrloe aU 7 jo.
wae held eo thy eBh>ael that Imd ^
and drew bu friend to another euri_A cordial weleoiima fv eeary to
olbarwler wae aabgdnd.
mealed, aad aa geoatal Ssaday at theae »■
Rliile Glare may boaM of the yoang’-Al aoun aa tbey bad gone tbe girl
ihool meUiode.
Thie wae ladtiol•at mayor ta tin etale. Olartem au'in>
eotervd npeo’an anlmaud duluguc
pat.-d in by Bar. W. E. Wright. Hoa.
her one better ta the way
the J. W. Hlllikeo. Roy Tbomiwoa, K.-r. Rev. Hogh Senoedy, paetor.
with brr meld. In wblcb tba farmer did
Montlag eerrloe-TI.i- thiniqi
yoaageel aoperrleor. JoeUh IldSatih T. P. UUom end oUiein.
nearly all Ibe UlfclBg.
ly meeting.
*■ Tboae men oogbt to be aabamed of
who waa eteoiiyl to liiat importaat lv>Al tb>- haelaem eeaiioo iPtyae daLove feoat at S :45,
tbmiarlvea to talk Ibat way. STc're
elUea at tba rreeat ele<-ilaa. le only
Pnwahiag br ibmlar
oi.ied to alia^ tbe offleare of the aambeen flodytng about Admiral F'anogvt'
a yaare of age. He left hli falher'e
riatioo to ohooa- thx next mmtiag
at acbuuL and it'i a dlereaprct 10
lanu.wbra 17 year* old. and fv two
place. an.t the ehalr wae anUMrtxod
Ji J. Eldral will aealit la the apeak ao eren bboot bia wax figure. I
yaart engaged in toaohing.
At prrathe t*«Ctaai eoatmittee. d
ol aerrloe.
think be waa lovely.'
anl be la a member of tbr firm of Tan
Seaday ecbool al 11.
whioh Roy'ThampMB U ohalrraan ex
‘-5ly bean melted more and
avA «'o., gipcary, floor and fiyvl earlo.
Bpworth Leagae at A
my charming defender., and 1
Breatag aemoa al 7«i.
Th-------- coming dtradfully aabamed of my de-.
Tbi' people liarr eooD
Her R Howard nrowa. who wni
Ttoa Ofrwtoam of Haabeod. "
doaoe ta hU ability to perfewm tbr
Tbe lualntalDing of a fixed
lo hatv delivered tbe addrcoa ol the
A eotflioi tariiaUoB la axtaad tliM
poidUou waa Unaome. Itot I wunid
daUeo of bU oOee aaeaeafally.
evening an ’■Oeftuita Alan in Tmehntbrr die then reccai myself.
A earlead of » orgaae wae ablpped lag" wae not tmweot.
are.' tbe girl remerked.
by Urn I'loagh * Wamn Co. nf may toe given at the next roeTaaiign Rrr. D. Ooohlln. lawtor.
‘bow It le iHiaalhie to make wax look eo
Menilag aatojeet.'' Homo Mlmioae la
Adrian to Teaaa Uel OctaUv. Tliey of tba aeaociauoa
lUcllke. Bre tbe colv In Ibe cbeeka
SltabigBa." and U>eoSeriag will be
eyes can't be gtaae. I
fv tlial oto)eet. Pltooe be praimrea.
wonder If br U a wax figurr afirr all *
'-.kl Ibla juncture ia fly Ugblrd on my
Janlv Ohhetiaa
noac and made lay position Intoiersblr.
t girl came very near and exgmlned
ertUcally. Then abe tklted brr Uper
ter and tonebed me on tbe cbeek.
‘ ^•T'ioolaw of OkrieHaa Tble waa too maeto. ( brake Into a
and aeld aa kindly ae I could:
Pl^ooth bIm ^wadoy at 4 p. a.
■"UademolaelK yoa hare made a
AthUtto life wlU be tbe Xah)^ at

You will need either one or the other or
both of these most useful articles.

Thit iiibe bm Founutn Pm

A wriuen £iuramee i

•ptiti with crTTypea xobL-

Tountaia Ptn



to oou-

II iBlo alaohul and to bm> tb>' alcobal in pUac of gaaoUae aad W|«M

a»a tirl ter ouwai t

» Umbrellas w

aibe.. .< lb. t-bnuMB Hrr

»ur stock aUrom fifty cents to five'dpllars. We
show both ifcc stJf cli»sin« and tbe self openinH stylev
Call ant) see them.

eravenette eoafs W’SS.-VSSi'K:..""-* "SET'
r» Hxg tVolb M.



Inal! colors, sizes ami i;ra(lrs. No more satisfactof}’.
coal matlr -Answers the (Mirp9se of a. rain coat or top



Hamilton eiotbina 0o.

Rer. C. T. Stout,


wLhrex!,* .iraeilTtolSro.*!^


g«vW « •

lOiao. Theme.

•<«a«xw a/aueaee


B> at tri «'M

CW,fm» Uaam-. (to

7 p a

I'barrb oT CtirM tDbe*ate>
^Moentog^ li

*»Wect. VTlm

Saaday aabaol mt lA
fleelor Eadaaror at d;lL

These are big sdlers-i-cxcellent Jackets—
all wool materials—lined throughout—silk
facing — only $$«>. Walking Skirts —
$3-90. $5-00. etc. Suits—Siaoo -to Sjoca

Utw Block.

*"Ob. goody graciooar abe giapad. ^
drawing away ae from redbol Iruu.
- mebir e»« : miM •mia or eiir
bare apcOoKlaed. but abe '*>°y
rped and ran away aa few aa abe
xM go. followed by brr maW.towto «< wi»
■Art tito araood lime you metr |




6rand Rapids Fur 0o. |

G. OHIbelm

J^tb^M ate

■honU be worn.


Thxwt. rxinx. unnl am! thtxh

make nout footwear hniwratiie.
SS.on and SS.SA

Thanday arealag payer maatlag at




oa Btogbaa


Ueiy newest Stpks

toawiT* ai emt. >*re

BaaetaaU aad foMball ptayara

Rev. Tbomai P. VUoa pMlar.




Olalkins Skills
Dress Skirts
Separate Jackets
eapes, etc.

^OKHAUt-Niork enltf wwd. Mrand ta.


Just received a lot of sample beds, purchased at a
diicount of 15 per cent, below manufacturers' prices.
\Vc are offennE same to you at prices never quoted
before-lRON BEDS as low as-$i 05: ALL BRASS
BEUS allow as Si&oo.

Bi life


la (betr adranlage fmn htt^ireetion

Tte aew ow fv the polalo !•

» Coals w


V alwey* li
bedn'l bm out of tbe Naral aeadowye year aad waa aa faU of aeneewe
ae tbr day I tcfi Aaeapolla tiar eUp
Ofdmd to tbe BraoUya navy yard
fv trdttlac. end bartag ■ goal deal of
time cm my haada I opein U la New
YM. 1 fuaad tbrfidea Mwee a goad
place to get awgy wtib aa aT
DOC odly one b«
'. Dae day-1 waa ta aalfoi
tbe Ume. bariag bmi ardatrd on
oOcUl doty la New Ted! reoaerled
wtUTTbr ahtp-l atnlled lata tbe ab
of wag tgiiraa ale^ wttb ear of <
felkiwA Too Aadereea. Tom waa
and la mefU. We went tbrongb
tbe ptSce aod at ao a woodra aettrr
-to real aad wBtcb tbe people. A Mead
of Tom't waot by. aad Tom left me

Smts and Skirts

Cendtostd Utm
^ cf mublgan

€raocnefte Olaterproof

The qaeetlna was aafced by a r

carHully Mlected a{l-vo<>l
blihcs. the ranklesa 6i. Uoe
to •ricfitiSc cotttng: tlie correct-

------------------ u




■Iwsy* tc^e^at FasUon'k latest
dec^ doplicatiog as they do tbe
very latest inastoptece cf Earopean
artlkts. Eveiy loach of oniasiciitatkn; rvery line of grace and bcaaty
is awacdly comet Tbe quality of

b appanat at s glance.

ioob^ aATuaMr. f^rma* m, ttom

Blsfd me art Uagbed at tbe UmMcoL
fall la lore whb ber. art we ware
aarhed. But tberr'e aotblag fanny




fll.OO BLACK MEBCBRiZBD fluaaa|^»m
PaWtaaala at asc. "TtoePbmooa." L—

are made of hi^ grade leather, weil tanned and
kUraewOlrak.* ' "

pot together in the be* njannei. Tbey are atfox^
bandiame and (datable Sboeo.

ei today.

Omtae iaCrtaa koogtot

the firm load af fli pomtoaa the hmd
datagTC boibeUaad aallli« fa
MX. JaCrfa hoe alM >aat oHoafl
the deal fv the pnaibm of fli. pbwi

Our $2, flZ.fiO.

bowewBo.UCmra.raM.>.-. IW. Pnraato

Try.a pair of Urns j

—they will pleaic you.
My name it ttamped on'
ercry afaoe to iamre quabiy.

CAMPEELL BROS, ifeians*'
TWPMflidm I




. i

Wit*.. 8ATUXDAT.
■— Bawd.

MtrtfflfES IK FEW

^MBtoteorpo R O—a Bw «S«.04

Terr r—etfeBr,

> or poBuc «

Kcmm Far Scwdirla aprtiK
Gtttb giMlj' Ejiplaioe



fltaMM* «« «M« towa »r


U *tMr tk> Mck prtM f«r M
■Mr flint—1 to MM f«m «r tto
■ llBT. t— rMlewtoc utld* «B t—

—Mc«r •( —to cto— li to to—:

^ •—1 eo—iti- «*1M. to-t—
It to MMWtoC —

fftoM CM tot Mt—■
Tto —a»
—*• —M TM7 tow frtCM.
Mr. tor •toctAir*.- Tkto fi—dM
$• totototo OTM lUsML ymiMi
' a—to to WtorMki.
K— Okto—•
' toto u cCmi t— MV—t •' ------WRr U« at at—r pstou Cm
W w—MU to—Macfc. PatcantoaeU
to CM— t- et-r <toj tor t— kKU— CcwaM—fUKl liireitotoatt—
to—to t- par—TO’ CM
to a a—ai 1—t waa i
as —to to t- patoM
tokto to a larga dcgraa —i —m t—
—itoaurrtot—cantop—di ' 41—plalM U t—toM —U,.^oa
T— —Modtoto caaai to tbTibcatapa

iwta to Krwa. Nobtoo— a— Ootato—.
^ eora crop to I- oMttoa aSartad
a— c« dm reor-an— a— t—
toad foaMkie -caiM a aartoos «
■Mtot—CattoMa. T—CammaoM
a* to— canto t—t eoald — -an^
t— bM— dm to a—I aeaU
— M—d tar dw—c t— —a— wit—at
CtoWto—. aad did net —/ aaj Mato
Mrtaadtos. Tbara waa ■'
■aoar tar otoek Caiianli
C— popM waa aaacit br l— aaaicra
—aad larMlMa. a— i— waotwa
—a —d t— totfiM dcp—U la tbrir
Mmht. Bat t—Caram coaM Dot r«d
— aaat cora aod aaka cMor- aad
Oftoi mat -t roact frad. —
iSto to «attto waat «to to t—<1
■—111 to t— far aortliwMi for I—
M— at wata —burod wbM oat
Ba— Otr aad Top—a toarkod
—till aa oaHf aa March I. Oldeace
M— a—Mkto to t— —allM riaatpta to
m atock tram t— ptalaa dactac t—
a— MtowlaM aad — t— da/a —ra
— oa t— a—rttfo —a —cona bk—
aallriabto. It to ato ae tBaeb t—11—
a—>1— to oatUo «a t— plalm to toao—d u toat t— aaa>-r faltraod toit
r—r waa btoav t— at. ___
T— low potto la t— woourn
—MaaM caaa Crt fcan axo.
low prlcM bad dtoeoBroftd bn
a— t— taacbaa war* atae—i
totoT&r t—a tar two dacadco. W—a
■aad <owa wm oM—f at aorttoo tar
m bad twa-r—r oldi wm werta
toaa too food t—t —d bora rlraa
I— w—t aoald t— farmar am for
too r—t Bet I— roTlral to bo—
—oa la t—aaat Modo I
•ad t— ranawa to t— prairto autm
awt— to toa (act t—11—r WOM rna—
— oMtoatack. T—ratootoanad
t—C a w— rwd b—maa for tta» to

I —d t— Caitowtoc BM-r to
M—o ea—b —da—w to ad» cowa:
ItoMtor. prioo
M—MmMa.. —
O—i—a ......... UtL—

- «—a— --------- ——
to «

•pacMl BM«t—to-a CUT OaaBtf

tod la O—tea MMa
(toltod la M—r br X W.

Oam. Tbaa Ja— aad Ocnrla. wantod
toftooipcr aad Ctoara. warn —Dad W



■aco t—1 tlBM t— aeiDbrr baa la-

(— -------------- ja— to P—i u. O—i«a
to Oewo. aad la toa— C— Ba

b« a-ictod t— ‘■at.- Acatoat.tkto
Ttow Mar — —ttoand t—i dwto« taa
toatooatt aad or— at t— bipaelae at
aaama dao—m toaco wa Cad Cattaafteo t'an- ae sicalae btraolf af— a—
—d ban twtoo wairtad. aad wa ab
ware bear to Ladr iaaa Omr (—*
Dadtork Ara—ito Roan (a* —TtooMi. ote.
BoMO patoeop tbi— l—t t— eo
ortfl—tod tn— t— BolptMal tooc
«—I boo—od aad wlfo aro ama.
Tbit waa I— rato to tow ae tar ba—
aa Bnciuo (dtod UdSI. aad It wa '
cMod la I— eaao to Boa taro— Saltb.
la t— rotCB to EUBbrth. t—t a wt
br wanlaxo toaaa bar (eraM —
to—llr recMTM c— —BO .to ber boa

T— belr —at praaorrod at Tiwr— ta
Oartoaar. to etoload to — t— araMla—
—naaot wara — Cbt— aad for wbleb
t— Bi—aa aoUtora —at Mt darlac t—
rrocliiatifi It to a taalc abeot dra taat
toac. cot -now at t— abealda- aad
X—d—Ur wtdeolax tm/d t— fcaa—
Uaar Ml—c— art aald la —ra bo—
portarmod br tbto i«—
lu btowrr for t— toai.^ r«a— to
ctoar «aao^ bat darta^ abrooda
t— atoi^ to t— (aUe prior to t—
twoiftb caatnrr- T— Cat— ebarrb
rattoa for proof to Ki aatbrwtMtr opeo
a t—diftoa t—t It waa ooa to a c—atfnl to rail— aaot aa a piri to t—
efaortb at T—tm br t— Knur—a HrP
ooa. B— to aald to —ra feaod t—
—at at Aarw—tom wbUa la m— to
A to—Dd aara t—t te t— otalb caw
torr t— belr e—t waa cobcaalad frot— Bormaaa la a crypt to t— —Ibw
d—L Tbna tt -Maiaad fontatlMt oatH
llPd wbra tt wa* —dlaeoTMad aad
ptoc— la t—Mfb attar.

MO— to a —port of a apcacb Id a LoadoB —w—apar wUcta. — aaM. pot lata
bto Doatb oplalo— — —iT—rar of>

— — broBxbt to I— —r for a br—eb
of prlTllcra.
Kelt daj. t— raportM to t— —aacb
waned Bpoa trOoMoll aad —ra a owat
—marfcabla oapto—Uob. Uo Matad t—t
dorlM bto walk fron t— be—o te Ua
elB— ie FtoM atreot t— —la at—OBod
late bto pocked aad obUta—Ud t—
Dot— of bto apiieb.
“I accept tbo axpto—ttoa.~ —Id
Craea—n. xoed baaoradlr.
oaKoauiy, “bat
MO—r t—t tt t
K — bo— a

r to tela. fM
cot oalr wwabod eet ot roar soto—ok
t— Maoch 1 daUraro4 but w—d la
leotb— to aa' ratl—tr dUTMoat ebar>

Br a P. Caai—, C—tiMBB.
M. BM. CMtk.
■■IB—II— at t— Board to


itoa aa a
-W.V. » ■ —— a— aid

Baetnc Ballread <■■—ar.
~ (— Ba—rabie. Oa »— oM CMp
Oaamea at thr CUf af r-aorw
CU9, MUUwm-.
. 1— Traoar— atr. —«li
Ulato— —aetrtc lUDre—
r waa —eatad a Baac—— roar
•rabto body oa AptU Id. IM. cBtoa a—old - raid. prwiUiax work
waa aet o—aa ap— —cb p—fiiaad toad
*--(0— Aprfl Id. idto.
T— ateekbolda— to thta «
ra ba— radMoiwIat to .______
a— to aaa— la —Udlar aoeb rood
d BOW tberooxklr btotooa t—t t—r
0 la poriUoa to —r t—t wttkla (—
St.ainr daya t— —ildiai
roadVlll be becaa. T—rl«l
b— ba— pcecarod by aald
f—H TTBTor— Citr te (Md
- thlnr tbee—ad deiton (tMBW)
o— ratoad lo aaOat ta baildlat
aald read: la a^witleB ta wbleb tka
water power baa boea pro—r— aad
' ter t—
t— dan I
tlMBtaa —re be— p—pared by
WaoUac—OM CoBpaar to U< total
expeam to balldtax aad —alpplax tbe
road aad Ibto aotlMate to aew la U
baada of t— parti— w— —— proMi
ad tbto toMpaar tbo addU)toal
te —IM aad kQ^p t— read
: to toKMt ibr— boadred
od aa
Tbto —mpaer b— •
llMe. olxbt tbo—aad Cto buadr— dolton (M.UO) la ao—nax tba auto fraa
cblao, rlxbt of war. rarron aaCto—tlax other azpaaa— caaaoet— with tbo
a—ira to t— coMpaar.
T— ataefcboMen to t— eonpaar a—
aaitoftad at tbto Ua— t—t tbo road will

ilbk. bowoTor. for all t— prallBl—ry
Btanen te be adtonad wltbla Ue Une
XlTOB fay tbo traaehtoo aad it ta accoaaory for ibe roBpaay te —to aa oxt—■— of Ubo la wbleb le co—plote
aad —alp t— aono (or oporattoo.
Tbto eoMpaay ttae—fo— aa— your
booorabU body te eztoad t— Uno
la wbleb tbe tieefc to aaeb propaaed
liae a—II — told aad — pland la
—eraUoB t—r—a. ter alxteoi
(ran tbto dtto, pterldod Ibla
Bball, wlthta alxty daya. tie witb t—
dork a x—d aad aaScl—t boad
ilax to t— eoMpaay — c—diUeaa

alxtooa M—t— froffl tbto date.
Dated tbto Kib day of April. 1»
Very roapeettully yoors.
aaTxa— Crrr. P—iKacLa a Ota Mi»Bws Bmimli- lUnauaa Ooaraat.
By U K. Onaa. PrmtdoaL
P. Caerra—. Bocretary.
'MoTod by AhI. Haniitoa t—t tbo
poUtl— bo Toforrod lo t— coMbUMo
— ordl—Bcoa. t— city attonioy. aad

S—^'a— oiddia.
tdd. Petm— to C—rtaa K. Raaato te

Bow ae Uobt • —lie BMp.
Cade—n Mar—a waa t— drat otow
tnctob to otpirtMoot with otoctrte Ugbt
to aoild bodi— Tbto waa ID-1TI& Ua

irorr ball, ae orao— or aa a|h
pie oar — Ufbtad le tbo —aw auaoer.
Boa— oxporiBioatc— p—for i— toBoo
for ihto porpeaa. it betax rerr aaaeopclbit 10 t— etoctrle dtocharxa. fiaablax
fortb at oro«r apark aa a tpbccold to
btUJIaot xoldoe UxbL T— wtrm oaod
abeuM — breuxbt
wltbla a—at —If aa taeb to —di ot—r

aakad bj oea to tbea for
bto vtowa oa tba qaaattocL
lie replied thaia. with —ml daBb—aOoe: *-1 oo— board of a wc—aa w—
wai aaked —w a— —d rotad at t—
locoat otocUoa. *la mr pleo eotorod
—wa.* wu t— aoawer.*
Tboa tbo craka1 —cbHor —wed aad

M—toM waa aaeC—r tmtoro la t—
—ML tar fallr waoDO canto wm«
ea—iato — a rMatt to tbto actlob.
OWMC to t— woatore tooma—it to
mrntta a laqo atoooat to Tasai aad
K—aaa toad baa bam takie oat to t—
IM aad or— la Nabraafca Uwm to
' cnMplHat at d dtocd—ttoo acalail
t— totfl— aad la fa?w to t— aatOm, whlcb doM ato appaar to t— at- Ically. 1 bare deet^od ta —cak wttb
onipa ladlTldBal aa tmt wtoos- All lioraco for xoed aad alL*
-Why. thaa. aro yea oeodlax a—
ft — thlBca —TO dlmlatotaad t—
CBWa a—p)r for t— -rlai markM Xoor pIciB—r
*-W«0. 1 aai aort tbai to t— to—t i
aad —a ■—da piwMIli t— mootu to
—a da. Ua rafaaad te Uke —ck bto
>1—wa. Ttaato to H—ir to to Unto xirtB. aad 1 WBDtod.te anka aaa
aaOl t— canto t—t aro pot oa iara.Ao I am •—dlaf hlM au p—
VO— «aa — (attoawl for sarbit. A fraph.*-New York Ptm.
M— crop BoM — —motad la tbto
mM to t— wcM boforo tbMO caa

1—d toot a—ir os. T— toe waa
fiaead la a ollM. dbd t-»Mo to aow
rtawt—a—w h—(. Mja t— tadtoaWa-Mawb IttoatBOtaata—toac.

T-(aUewtax-to- beads were r»forr— to t— eaamlnm — Uo—a—;
Pour BoatTwn with Joa. GoMba
aad Jo— N.Tlo—1— — —rattoa.
Stock— * KratecbTll wlU Pl—k
Br—cb aad Praak rotni— asAerattoa.
Aifr— Laf—tom with Alft— CkMpoau ud Edward Lutaer aa aaroUeo.
Beech KratecbTll with W. P. Kara—
aad B. McNaBars as —retM.
Pour U Jebaa— wnb 1l Bi—baare
aad Py—k Br—ch as —ttol—

Buatol aad Ja_____________________________
Patrlek Burdoa with J. M. Haoll
MBBtol ud Jamm 3. Dou — —rotka
Elhart O. EUU with A. W. Banak
ud y*ab WiUtoin ai oareilm.
Carried. .
BMory H. Dalky with Hoary T—aoBEPOBT8 OP OOMMITTM.
Ikr aad Wb. —cks— — —ml—
Taam— Crrr. MlctL.
Bd. T—Bdler wUb Howard tVbltlax'
Id Joaepli OoBha as —retlea.
April n. ipei
PblUp S—mor with H—ry
To I— Boaorabte. tAr Jfaper aad
Her aad Howard WblUof as —retlea.
t— 0«p af Trm
Voar*l Slodor with
II IHoary V .eefa
P. Mata—
FT— J. Bocbtol with A. V. Gonak
-------- --ma otoctrte a— llxbt be
I—cod aad MalBtalaad at tbo career of ard Pra— Votruba as —mioa.
Brltaer atreol aad Wood
Aat— T—la— with D.
— pMUl—fd.
ud Jo— T. Baasball as —mi Wl
Jaaioo McGarry with Odu- Mrtlarry
ud Alfred Canpmu as —rotloi.
J. It. Ot
Pro— Deltaor wUb A—wat. Beltaor
P. P. bo
- Wb. Brltaer as —mka.
Uaa. P. OMWaox.
Adi— NoTotay with Nkbotoa HuellUoTod by Aid. OarrlB— khat t— BSBtel ud Cbaa. M Parker — —mka.
FT— Kurabert with a. J. Prtortyl
—port bo Ac—ptad aad BdoptM
V—a—AldonaoB Hamllt—. Blodor.
OlUott. Booxbor. CiBBiBxhaM. Reead.
ttorrto— aad Corbl
Jaaiot G. Johae— with Prokap Ky
ailka aad J. A. U—Uxne as anretlea.
To Ibr UaooraUc. (be Mawar aad CU»
E. E. Miller with P. FTIodrlch aad
CeoBcll Of the cap of Traarrat (ko W Hiller as aureika.
fur. Miekiram:
Tbo foUowlBX c—Ubka -b—da were
UoaUaMoa:~la to—rd _ ___ referred to tbe roBBlUeo — llceaao:
clalM of lira, a R. Moo- for daMac—
K. D. Harrin with J. A. HoaUx—
altocod .to baTo booa ouatalaod by aa —my.
roAB— to a dofori la tbo aidowalk upoa
C—ries W. Asbt— with Oarsr P.
Totitb etreot la tbo city of TraToror CMreer aa —roly.
r, I would —apectfully —port aa fol
Wb. j. Nola— witb A. II. BoaaetL
Praak DoBBon aad S U Ilea — —rrbayo eoon Mra. Moo— who kIto* ab tlra
accooBi of iho
Mot— by AM. Oarrto— t—t I—
aa follows: .
CeuBctI adjeura.
Tbai tbo w— walkiax aJoax Toatb
treot — ibr aftor— of Jaa. ». IMS.
TllaW4> ta. Itoma
ad w—a ta tbo Ttrtblty of tbo CooCity Clerk
Toet —0 atrppod Hfrouxb a bok la Ihr
aidowalk. . .uat cboaUa —ow oo tbo walk, aad ibat -abo
BOt a— the hole udIII ahe —<1 pmie Oe— tot— I
My IJttk Aolrms
atoppod lBU> 11.
That tbo bok aaa
abeui I er lO iarb— wido aad rxtood
M —If way arroaa tbo waU a '
. vlie Uo
about a foot doep. Tbal abo'
r tbto walk
f paialax «
who will — BM hera ou Tattaday.

Miw TiiritaTONSt^vPH

before aad kaov i—I
Ibe— Cor aoTcril w—ks befo—.
I —Te atoo aooe tbo atreoi »
aloaor aad others who t—pretod the
aidowalk abortly afirr tbo time
allcxcd acrld^ aad Ibelr lUI.
aa to the rooiTtlOa of the walk i
How aro directly la roBfllct altb tfaoao
of Mr* Hoo- A
la view of tbeae confllctlax aule.
loau. aad lao fart t—t It to

May Sih. la bor new pfaly. -At Omy
Oetntwa." la a ptdito


of Dotod

Not Iho |r«sl ot her perao—I

e—na lloa to bor oyea. wlitcb ara
—Ik Mae. fawnlike aod mallow. Tlte

aetrma hae ba—


p—BOtnapbed. aad aoab to them |««

While p*« sr« v—Use: far b««lth ssi streaeth t« retVBe tt*
UmI with eT(T7 h*»rt-hMt fat
the lapsHtiM tai
—ter rciipMidble fin- year tMdltlsM IsU ertry
pwrt ef the ayrt-n. Yosr M*4ftiM hiBtfcw «4
The ealy rsUsiMl cMTseto fbUev is

Smith’s Green Mountain Remvatiri
Made from the roots and herbs of old
Vermont, and Nature's own Blood .
Purifier an^Body Builder.
far » Aoct Un« iAMOetlie urTflon mlltii.
Thb nAblae b sot t Krv wr, •Itkanh ib aiw mj hr
KtrsBcetoyoK. For—aey )— it hu beea Temeat'a
fkaeaa ud mmt amrrrwatml -mlklRr. rarias thoaua4a. the
ea)yan4klam la the
of the tueple who kaow it sa4
“ awear by ” ft. Aay Vrrnoiftrr will tell yea ef Ua woDderTvl
T x«< beM at tmt at vrw psmnhleti adrertimy Saini-i Caara
am KSKuTanra. a— U tlblnT ulr mv «<j>
te make bp. a>r —— iksi (kst
•Bcdicine 1 aceded. Bof W4. I ar.l.t.w k n< .upiWla—. )•'•> Toot* i» roitaiah
• ■ f.f
'i*. I
aadetrd lerriby wilh an lisoi
a'lttnan'fCBhrdy IS ikM ildors all )MeIaln
r an yoA—onk a ItfiV kinpna— kbinra 1 ksd itocuir slur .WkX. Im ttor< ilM —
rary friirt. V.»iC Krantal.K i. cvfui .U ilK hrw^dWkc <n rank l.« vnb Innlilr..
I bsd ■.« take* oat kaik shB ll.h ytrslly laeraird. aid oeu allot tskitw .» I.Hib-.
Itrtirr n wr Irte. I
lUbM you aaubloM teto—i aisl Ikrt



I to t— cuwta —Te be— —pled

Cloaks, earpets,

la ber Utbexrap—, which will S- dU-


TUail Paper, eurtains

It will — obmrred llmt t—

ey«a itofe attatxhl at uyoaerae aatf—m w—I poiet t— pletare U

Kur Inatoaoi. It y— cbaa—

am—ato MIm Than*—'a Ut—XT-i- la a wtadowS— eyes wlU (aat-

■bCeoa. )BBen.iA9» <

ijsiHi.rtft, S

We gaaraatee It to hely >oa.
KreryMy. aa4 pxrtlralxrl.v w—k. raa down, airkly weaiea,
Khaa14 take tkU Redkine. Vna will ante at oaee a relaraiaK
appetite, a toed dii;eNtlnir an«La ftwllar of iarreased torcacth.
The hklB will clear, the (Inh harden, the eye brlehtea aad the
aiutolpN aad nerreit heroiue htronirrr. We want eferybody to .
try thlx aiedkiBe. We kiinw tif nMihine that la its eqaal la
any reapect.
We raaraatee It fatly. If }«ih take it — directed aad It
doeKB*t beneBI rmi. vnn ran liutr vniir money bark.

tara to tbeae litbecnp— Ilea ta I—

HoTod by AM. Ollkll t—t (br IVuacil adieara.
city, but iolcly Cor the purpoar <
CKaaiAB H. Bcra*.
avoidlBX mixall—.
eiiy Ck»k.
. Heapoitfully aubmltl—,
Ou)'. H. Cam.

City Atteraey.
i by AM. Bob '
» order by J. W. Patcfala. port
bo . Myror.lD tbo c—Ir.
Yoaa—AMonaoB llanlUoa. Slodor.
or. QIUotL Booxbor. Rooad. Oarrto—
GlIlotL Bout—y. Cl
CuBBlaxhaa aad Cochlla. aad.J. W.
Oarrt—0 aad Cochlla.
Paic-.B. Marof,
MlBut— to tow ro—tor and MUoura.
T— Mayor appotat— as ncta
od ra—lar MOfUax —Id April 1C.
Blum, t— roiamltt— oa atrorie aad
wore —ad aad approrod.
TaA»— CtTT. Mlrh..
FMltloa ot J. M. Larkl— aad
April lA IPO:.
ot—ra —klax I—t Hall atraot CroM,
PT—t atraot to Bay atreot be opeoed. araTCWE.TT or aokaa ur pi ai4c w—kk.
XTBdod aad XTaval—. aad t—t a aidewalk bo ardor— eaenmrt— t—r—o.
ai proBoat— aad nod.
Mot— by AM. Oarrto— that t—
IMB — lataii— te tbe rooiBitl
Rroau aad walka.
Mot— by AM. Oarrto— i—t wboa
t 0 ad>—ra wo aoi—ra to moot April
tXtb. at T:W 0‘cloek p. m.
iU. PMIU—of B. N. Mobto aad ot—ra
brldx*..................................... m 04
la a—d aoetl— t to aa ordlaaa—
Lambor lor —pairinx rromproBMlbtax —to— |1—ta. etc,
praami— aad r—d.
Hot— by AM. HaBlIt— t—t t— potill— — dofemd aatll Boxt Moctlax.
CtoaBlBf aad —ralax oa BryCarried.
4U. PptiU—to Aebto GIbba la erect
—aldooce — leu tl. II aad >7. btoek
4. Haaaah. Lay A CWa. Sixth addlll—.
coatlBx i:.CM, was priMatod and

Fdr next Cbirty Days.

— Utataat-lvea ud follow y— bam
I— asomeni you appear la. Ttow, ia
paMtax. and aa y— reoede. No amUer


To this en.1 wcli.ic .

......... he l-ucv.n these .to-

U yoa atoad orer or enaer tbe [rlecsra
t—ay—wilt always ta—y—r.sray.
Ttaat they —t* (— fa—Ity ot lobklox
4a two dlSar—tdir—tioual (— —ae


Uae to OTldcal froB t— tael tbot two
ma, —e — t— rtxbt ud t— olbef
— Ute Ml to Uh' {aetara. will aaeli
laatot t—t t— e.T— are lookiax In bto
direction. Tbam eyaa. which are

exirraalTo ud ol—r. area to

—TO t— (a—lly to —taally roUlnx
— aaiorally — If aet ia a HtIdx face.
Tbaa ryes of Mia ThatM— —re


.411 tooiirna Sims, fine), irimmoi, all wool, all new....
.Ml $|n Suits sin.-tly the best Sin suils ever »ncre<l in the
All $17 Siuu, aiQi lined. UvUih. natty, f.ikH) trimnicl. now


llon'i forget tV BukrafX Sale

Floor—The B-ton


, 7.9s

.4 saving on eaeti suit of $4 to $7.

plctora has be— dtoptoyad.
KM Kmltovar OjWtn.
.Tbe X—tkuiaii rrtMuludtoiu amUed.
“Tbto at.»y to a M to uysterii I.HBX
drowned .df (be Virxbiia <^st by
fresh wsM Bo-da auuuda Beby.“
Tbe . xenlkiiiaii
abuok bis le-sd
"An oysler Is imt a
Ssb. soli. If VI.u will albiw ll>e .airrec.
tloii. " be .sM: ’-tmi Un-re Is otoblnx
aurprtoluc lu Uw slaleiuei.i
The futolab uy-st.-rs. aub. iiruliald.' mdrsTored
lo drlnk.lbe waiab. autr' -rdiMnuU
CtoDOMTctol Tribune.


AM $20 Sou*, finely lailore.1. iwrfert fitlcn, new. blest
bbrre*. nlc |ricc.....................................................................| 4.98

' knows 111 the twofeoel— as "i—
bypetlc eyas'' and titey —to atOaetod

Mot— by Aid. Ollton Chat t— poti-.
ti— bo Ktaat—.

tin— bo.
4<l. PrtltJ— to Je— Hooll—a ta
erect a —0 atery Ir— dad —II
State atraot w— prao—t— aad
Me*— by Aid. Jtomd that t— potlttob — xrmatad.-^

Maetatol b Bitov. ta« Ala aanrft vkS
\V trarttoa>.Uee;«lbtl«>u<tkevkU««rA«aiiaao
bM, TM nr U>t;aarUM< but •rarer. Tknbtraa<*at ’
whs! BIT PM 4«iBg «• CBPC ^mirt

toayed la a faw daya la a—p wladewi
t—M lior eoalax. A earle— f—•

a—II ropen at t— oarlktt |

* -J

wo—or." Bbaorrad M— B, v—
rcaldoa —xi door, nf Uto — Kroox —
I— poaMoo your da—tat—'a Moal '
They Boot — atrao— aaw..


—od br Aid. oiiton t—11— petJttos - xraated.
Morad br Aid. Qecblla that t— iw

(ioa. I would oiifxoat I—t a


r—imJ to —a c

iMoot to t—waat (aro—a aril] —to
» too—to ta fiMttoc rattlo paper, and
N «a«la( to a cera oap MUl pro—•
lra»toMa CaadlM t—a otm —fora



Oot best, values up to $22 (ibej're Iwautiei) all go al,.. | 2.98

Raglans summer auiflbl

Silk kagbns values up - $25. go at..................................

| 4.98

' ^IkandCTofb^ackc^
Fine*aa»4»i>«nl. *UBo>l ONK-F'OURTII OFF'.


CaJman*a Intartor Spar to 1—

* Dress Skirts

1» tt
: X

BMca Pat—r-Utdat I Ml yoB BOt
Mot— V AM. HmIM— thto'^
D —U oxaia. alrl
city BUaoboy — laatnct— te xl'* aa
■totorwi baow. Bat I «Mat oBl
latorpratAil— of t— na—lax to i—
-yuor—axbMr. 1-mo —bo­
» pooMlta be xrsatrd aatll
or —— aba— t—t Btsto bUr-

grxy^ -Tt.. beim selling at $7>dl. now' they



43 SkirtA valoes a]i to $4, go at....
.vAU $1.25 Skirts |o J
Our Caqiel. Cortainaad WaB Paper anKWtBniUes arc just as |


ad to to Jaaoatr tort— a—a to loew
I t- 1

Kate-W—t Makaa yee leak — aad. a—tod.
r AM. HaMln— that I—
Bort—t ■ocaiy It —a—t — p—d
« Mi -ta—I wItb y—I

Daa't Bay an Ym See DIbat
Vc arc Oncrloa

toawtax aae—. M taa—. .... XT U
It wOl

yon lo BTeWigaie—pay you wcIL

Secood Floor.

— baaa.galrttto—Btot—c.

I a» adliag epp bwm thii hcarr
kjriaganaw aad guaiaatee a rood
book-dm ia,her turn.
—dwOliBiurc thcto to reach rni ia
food orte^ Oac arttii«



ai* i

a taMt—




April t1. IMS.
Ta t— B—arwlto. I— Mawar ead Cttp

- r I— <wp of r


aaa a xr—t aoaaUly to taramt
oeoUax aaaa— for eotoaat aliiwilka
aad otroat paelac. wa w—M ra


Boston Store,

>. natoto I— baa* Boap fee iM
I— bam Ttotot Powtton. w4 la
bet I— baa* to
dPNp-adraa— Wa —raataU
IRaafI— -- --------- -----------11 __i

ktao. IL Boo. Ctofk.
tax aloe— aad aU a



tWB^Ra XtoR«tBM*wrM


Maple Rod other Hudwoed Laa I
RtouroulL WnipRyhiffheat mmr- I :
ketpricea. JOHN

itTKorratco. 1




Cb« ewnTnfl Record’is Up-lo=Dat« IBusIrafcd FmIutc

TKENCB hmeit «? Me
In AfrlM !• rsblMtlav • pt>o«k« «>«»•
«r»tkpB U a twwauMIun.
ah..vlne bciw li. -poItr<l ' al*
rtilBc . b«al.
«*"« b*'
» b««p.taactk»iljr 1

Mesncc* Trumltted br Hm
i« Bar* €f Mebc.
KET nwim OP iuMMiiaffiATW

>r bla e«ab and tar tb. Irerr

t ewin axjiactleo

aw-l> aa



t»th ibe Aa^aL
«h. Afn. »
la «WrM ^
ari<1 r
tn a • iM Ml' a III no«

r Caod •alp M TbrW BaaM.
• Map ■* CM at bM aM !•

to tbirtr t(xK. to k
Mt Bakrr rIalBad i
dr«i> onr at thr ttiat ftr» br
laaauara I>al1 dtm-tll' la tb. lurThrad.

Ob tW baaki of tbo rctemar afaM
OawtHewB abd aeraa tbr vMa
face u Ibal atiwam and la Iba PtcMqr

Th» hrnto a™ pb»

apu( «bm a kamfbl Ml
waa nvpBtly i^da at a lyWim at



ad and la Iba aeopa and aCact at mm
dlacvirfj BpuB axlatli« m.lbiida at
aatea t
troB W aalilBitoa to lb* CWcmto InUr
Tb* UaftxUo alactftc Mftt
tb* dnt arMrm tbrM«b tbi
■a* of Btral rod. dflron lats tkd
froond. Baawarliic Iba twpoa* at tb*
crouad wirv In ordinary ttliphaf.
are not oard la Iba orw ayatam.
Klactrlrtt). tb* baalc tkladplB at all
paaaaol curlboda of alraWaa Uliya
plU and..............................................................
rapt aa an adjoncl. Into .tbr pctactplka
of tb* ww matbod. A powaftal *M
me ararcbUcbl U ttnad orttb a ca»pUcalad aad daOcal* appwraCaa. Mr>
BlnaUax la a nnMitbplKa aot aattt#
tbac Bt<4 on an oadiaafy Ulipkiai
box. Tba broad rlU»o of radlaaea
pro>elrd by tba lamp i
vipa. aad a Tuaaal abapad anaaca■wot, tttad wlU a coowlTObaa tntaaUnc la .aa aar cop. UKia tba plaea
of Uw urdlaary lak-pbooa raeolrtr.
la lb* trot ttiiwai/r. wow atol akoc
tb* nyi of tb* BBTcUicbt aad farwd<d BP to lb* dlataaco of half a mlta.
Bryuod Ibal dlttauc* Boaada man aa>^
.dlbk. I

“ • i


Ju«t li-fo.- 1.
Morenn im l..r W. annual tn|. ... i;u...|orlw.l tt- i~.flr of HI .Sonrpo .
.SVi. y..rh, b» p.«-nil,»


.!«. .1 .rl..l.v- .h..v..o.I-UI tor . 1..-P1..1 .«• aril T.r UU« 1. -uUlH-nl
.Kl- .11 th.- l.t-t .I.M..-- liolu-lma o-aibinuni, of .un juaiIui. The .uon.r.1
ei.rt, b, Ur. ...


.' -Vj,infers

^ liuil tli>-y hl<lr In Ibr d««t>' arro ou. rtootlnc *nlpv orrabblu Thr
an<l 'iKrjlTM
»ryJI»M alauebtrr
alaukhlrT In‘b
irins rtx- <I.<>'<»<|*' aHil only
.usur.lo.1 l.y mi.h hunt.™ a. th«v.
ib-^uatoi...- ..r it.r ..l.l l.oll H-|.l, atao abut Botvly for lb* pun"-**: «f
vrrillBC about It aftrrward. br«an thr
a ho aiv '• ’-> ruiinliu.- an.1 *u>i>M.nia
,-,,n. t
At .ho l-a-l alaxa.'.ho Uati.ii>.ni in a

I. abd bU arfa- I man 1B. »t<Ol.
In ih» aburl ai«c» .>f
k trlthb.
mlahty ,«i l.onirr ha«
an a«<w4ln(l> blah ••Hnlonar hi. valor
and roaonli hi. a.-.v..hi-ll.tito«.1 .« Ih(hat ■•r 111. i-onncv’. hot Ihonsntluj

r ,;r



t,::; ™v:r -:r^3

Tbrtnuch .uoh ...-.n.. n.rt only b> ..i l .-.ooflnk lt-«.
onnm-h 4n a lo rd of rlophatiia
Fmohmon. t>ul by KnclWioo-n oiM
raal-tniUy Antrri'.o. ih.- xu-i h.rd. of .b-^ thov ar.' (■•nlliHC h run. Iliilr rlak
t.-lfw irhim
i<mac« he
rirfhanl. that .w. r>Mioo.t tb-«i,
t tlnir ba
n .1..
•f Aftira h.vo lwn-.oo. d--* lit

I *l thr pn-aMit Uma arawd with Us rlr, M>«m Hn.a
lor. havr ho dlttJcUl.l
rll dlrrytod .hoi. >1
: «iu»r
, Ih-r m thr forohrao or
fi-.l-w- aintr ii-otmUi.
t.k.u tbr olcphant o( Aala ao-l Afrioa
' that ht.toHr animal ah.iar am-r.i..r.
.oT> ..1 tr thr amilo. of l>aHu, and lion
................... .... n hreomr oxiinc t.'Ilhr
t Afrlia. Hr^haa rrllrrd brfiu.
I.iutnoth. who— foasll romaln. «nl>rr to br found Ir
(anbrr Into lh» depth, of »d»atorlal AfHra. uhriT hr 1* now mrrcllr^y bunt,
rd by ih* black# aa «rll a. by the

1* ACTTAT. lotjMiT raoK CLipr





la worblnc apoa lb*
•plumr- tb* Invvolor folkwrod
tbr aalota that "Usbl la br*t~ Tba
tMt wat prlvaia. oolf a taw friaada tf
(be IsvFCiAir Iwlac proavat A naff*
■slit mb a* la aaod ca tb* rtfap baab
WB* CBfrtrd Bp tb* ibaaB to a paM
wMo a f«wd wtr* of.Aba ctorlilc car
bn. wbicb foUowa tb* oortb iwak at
tb* f1r«r bad baa Uppod Is roadlaM
Cor tb* bmt aad a wtr. ran dowe to
tb* flTcr bank.
wtrw. and tb* bo«
Cbro look Uw rrcefrth* apparatna to a
point uo tb* opiwUt* bank aboot half
VbrB all was naBy. tb* enroot W
tnrord os. aad aftar aoiaa UtU* boabto
tbr gtbrp cod of tb* -Ua*“ waa toMrd. TbrB followad tb* tatom vbhto
furatab food far «oo>«tar# rniiwtodt
of tb* lavcatioe aa ta■arda oliht eetooiBiiicatlaa at an W- '
twcrn-Jlcbtboaaaa aad ablpa ar Ito
twaoa I
loon at>d tb* aaitb la Haw of war ar
brtWMo two daesrbawata at tnmpa.
waa oo* Udad. tta
beat e
tn baviBc ao maast at aaadlB» irtara
iBTcatnr rlalma, bowrvrr. Ibal to parffCUas bU drrtra ha
will cueibiae a

.■.IIiruHt .. a mu- h oUl. r i-ryAAn r.-uld
Mr ih-w-rlill-lrii by llo


Upbt or alfwia wlra. aa it
U> modem EMtboda of itoapbony. ZtoUsc tba teat abuat UOmoa

Tb* BtfBBcr Cblsa hrlav fraa Ha- '
caaakt to ttoe rtaadaca a atary at a
f nmary If* oa a
<Wn«d idaad MBT Onaaa. at tana.
ny* the ^tcaco Bacord-Rrfakd. Tbr
ent dlfOTfrrd tb* awa oa a
bot b* waa afraid to taka Mia oC. aa ha
looked Bk* aeow wild aaaain w*a
abaexy hair. H* roportod tbr eaarw
tbr Japantaa gaaerzimam. and a tarOw^ad. Ba
prdo knat waa aaM
waa BroBCht hack t
was aom* dayr-hrfer* ha eaaid to-ak.
and bla atad aptwafod aaany fma.
Be bad Bred caOrcty oa BMwmd aad
ft.h.aib*hadDetaotoarM taptoBwstB Of av fcisA.

In bolldlnr the BMchy brad ll«hthootw, rrrmily cocaplrird. thr workmen


thr l. nirili of thr




.ually two inlnulr. In trwvrrhine
wtr. ewUr” that con.tltutrd the • rai.wa) - Urn and

chlnrry Inratrd on a platform attached


Uayc^ Maotto of Otoafak. Hrto. h

Nu. It la Nv. TxWUlid that raenr. to the frooi wKh -a rtolm that It l.r.araM-* ih- bKar*' ■-hll»r-n -n earth fur Ibtir ayr and »rt.d. Ihr i.h*«o«r.i-h*
Itiiin whl.h Ihe a'.vwnpanylnK'm «*« Iua4<- «•' rubrianilat. It Tn-e*
Pi-Olbful Clant, .ere Uto and live In t'-i»t-n. Ne. ?.et(lnn-t. and their n-.n.'*
are lltlby ai>d Wilfred'We«k«.l
llohy I. wv-ti >-*r. old aiwl welch. lU
I«ind. »bllr tVlIfr-d to only three and ttiw th- orwl-. at Btarty-rlcllt Aceord... .A.. atateiU'iit
ll••■^ parrnl.. »hti are iieoi.Ir.'.l <>rdkn.ry dInieftUAiac
l.rlcht and happ> and bavr never had a day * Ui>
* way. tb* AhilJrro a

reaa. aaya tb* ChUa
■rrcral days apo to
IB to a
from I
toad caniBC bto BaiaKtoa to t
etotocy to waowa to r ' —
Xtm mat* t



Tha tokjar to toach

la tb* «>rt«» of aarh year luoimude. of Vi«^r** ar"'*


alttbct Of dJl'-a lb* plafn. into urio. in »M.-h va.i numbria are

ar* notoiioitolT behind tb* tlmaa. bat It to aot cearr*«eao*i* Hmtth labofom atlU amk* oa* of aa Inpl*ally kaewa l
a. --- •aaoaaa
fkam U^^^
mml for ptowm* that I.
to onttr
rjoUr a.
ai Prtmltlvr
pi.-........ —
Mrsice. It to cwll*d th* bro» plow and to reaUy aa Imnwna* anov.
ode* and worbad
n to tbnnt Into tb* aoll
tblpha. Which ar* prol*ctrd by wool
>1 to Iba rldbt. by whlck tb.
aaBibar paak t* plvaa. fallawad bp a a'
atod to taraad ever. Tba labar la aaw

Edward BeMr. tba w*U kaewa Im.
dlaa aaltoai tialBto. kaa aroBtal awkra
to tfBiBiBc far so* to th* H( ctocatm.
•aya a dtopau* frato Btokwaad. iad.
to tb* Hrw Tark WarM. Oa* to thtaa.
year Old. w*« potto happf aad aa a
■a* na<± pacad aa aMCb ar a aai to
I MCMda. a I9( MK.

anr tboroukbly accUiaatad
■ MMtodMttea

>■ tM* to aa atoiaal

yaat tactoaad to* aww taoi. *M>to
M toa tobthd* hy tha AtoMto oSto •

' ^: -



t» ». niiiiii«
dM MnttM ^ M> PidtlM diWmd kta (or a«M» M ta



; 0«iM Pm>W<i vateM rraak PaiM'a MMaCtw far> trn tha Uttar
0mm* .'mu Oak aOaaC
Tbaa bi
MKatr tbi URU baad ttat

-Tba atatua acaat vaa fmSUm arttb
Baattaca-daOaa bad rtadSr caM
aara ad tto a«ea tffl ba
Ba Vaat to tba baafc laad
atralcbt ta tba raabtafa i
blad wh*fb ataod Paxtea. catttaf
raadr la atoaa tba atoca far tba daj.
"CcPf act bata a MBtoaot.- aald Oaf
aU baaraatr- ‘I
to mf

€■*( Ma bla aad tanad ta Mb avaar.


-Taa Aciirt larvi^ ^ TM-

tba froM ef tba lobbr.
Taa faallab

rlTatoy) I

r. Paataa U a aary aotar-

aM. -ajid I'rc BO .
faatl^ tratafaJ to yoo. bat yoa aotbd
to fcaov aboot tbaar tva

aa'raa <Ud to tore U» c
a« Oageaudy aa to doaa. «

Haaa to <W laaOta OtlUgi yaaia
ba-waa dafaadtoc a ladr «ba
aaa BMar afltaRr aad waa
MO tba caafWK far raraaUw
taabar tba niac

andar oocb cooditUoa
Tabto mooBtaln. la tbe toazmge of
tto aattraa -puts ea a Ubtoctotb.■ba tod brat«bt aa actUa ter axptoworda. tto tUo Um of
kto tad MbaL la tba eama af tba
bftol OalarMfa atobtoid ttot baaa
mgU b nou tot •poo tto moontalo
ttp. wttb Its odgm
obd i^atod oatar to Bodaad.
bat baa MUa towto daoaT
It la raally aot oattke fhe
•toad Mim. KaoMdy, a mloma
boraahBM oae wblcb glrra ll
-WaU." ooU tto lady, "toa baa. Car
xaaapu. aaiaa otiaabantaa.-■ataa atnwbarrtaat Wtot barm la
to rlalt AiBCrtra. and loocUagthto
potBt a Biory to retotrd to tbe cdrrt
-It woa fartIdiiW. alr.T Mid Ha. that Barnooi ogrrvi] blm an eoon
to make tbe trip ibeogb prababiy
-Bto Ha Eanrdy. wtot troobla
woi Bkriy ta eaato tiam aadat ■
Item ktaow «a corttn- -All yoa
tore to do.- mM Boraam. -to to ataad
-WaU. to.- aald Ha Eaimady. -yto
ptatform and tora yoor toBda
micM oa wall oto wtot troobU woa wall atokm.- Tto poet, bowerer
Bfcaly to ettoa bom aatlat to apple, ellaad tto tempting oger.
aad yet wo kaaw wtot ooaUa
Mt from ILTtot Ciaaad tba dU goto aa, ’
m-Vdu deo-t mean lo my ttoy
tore broken off tbelr eacageaMOKT
Aa IrUb widow wttb a «aM wit
Teia-Wby. I tbdogW they wera peeday raaalTad a tail from a abariS who faetly derated to caefa other.
bad a writ to tarra aa bir. Acecadlac
m 8o ttoy am Yun aee. they
to tto atory. tba widow mrrd tba day tora broken off tbe eogagemeai
by aama rapid ftra coortlBt wbicb took ttot to may aire aoougb mooey to oatba abans by aarprlaa wbaa ba colkd kbto thru to gat Bmrrled.-PUtodalbotwa aad bafaa la formal faab- ptalaProaa

a la the oU woy-S tmae a day. lOM ttmoea

I «

do mere than tolf the mark
ran. haeftatotordwtom: oi«
graoMandgnim; mafcmdabaaatwMlikaaaawdaiar. y
The quiciLatt.boat aad moA arrfnmniiral wnyH
raahu« ttofaaa. gUeawnn. tdvir. pou oto paaa.
Tbero t no eubetduta worthy tto aama. tmtot

raxioa toactod.*aad tbaa bit fact
ira awfony foad ed yao. aM abap.'
to aatd. -bat 1 know aboM tbimt dm
Tba fart U I’m aacafvd ti
•*Xa*a«laDy papar ba aaB aacrOy. aa«n.
maesaar to peafara tba caablar ad Jodf* Blrdaon-f vard. aad Mr. Kpao:
ear oa my foardloa U to fanaally o»
tto rtnt Xailatkal baak to tba cf>aratto
<a K lanicbt Ifa tooB aa aped
far tba Waaiara t'aUa raaBpaay at (IS
aacnt. b« I »ai vatttof «ll brr
a vaafc.''
laaatb Wrtbday. irbirh U today.'
■to tald a daHMT baad amaa bla aad tbara »tay tbcaa Joktoc tata«rama
: verw aaoL Aad. by tto way. If yoc'r*
-Taa aBaattt toaak .that way. Ow totof to aaa Mlai Dmotby teolfbt. If
aid." aba aatd danarriy. -Baambar. yoo’U ferytra tba impartlaaBca.
ba u my fatbar aad may ba yowt mltbt trii bar that yoar preapaet
aary matattally impaarad. for 1 u
aama day-My drar to.- aba mH. blfwblac,
auad that you ara aUtad for tba poolHa cai«bt bar aacarly (a bla
Bttacbmaat U

wma wrecked.odte was ■•laceil In
-M2 ma. Det.'' ba aald tanratly. -U. tba I am abo« la ttra op. I to' to
—--d of a aecand ahl|i. wblrb w«a also
Kaw T«rt."
tbara laally an tUs bopa far mar
and be bltnaeir waa droomed. Lord
OoroUy aald *1 toM yoe aa" bat bar
Bto'toafcad tato hU far* witb to
rtot cootuBDicaled tbe dtoaat
fattor aald “T«.“
BOtoot tnwtliif ayta. If I doG*t
his father, wbo merely ex-tolmed. wltb
ry yoB. 1 ttoa'l marty aay eoa."
■pkrtao raldnem.and brevity. -Ttora
tbe second ablp be baa lon.Tto kaaiiar apprarlatlee to Borepa ot
to told, tottaalbf bar. *V
-Mra. Ptoloa. thU U ao Umrfor faab
Utaraioro aa a Baa art la ao doabt tba
PastaB doa«*t karp away tnm '
iraaaoB wby Pm la looked apoa li» Tto )uniee U walttof.I'm fotv to tora tmoHa wltb bl
-Tto laatlee waHtofT Well tb
raaalai; dowa of tto a
adtbMadaya- .
anppoM I moat go. bat tba thtag la ao
1 uoable with Ura Kick, where
Pm rartatoly tod a
DataCby Uaybad. bat tbm «
madden, aad tooMaa l’d prefer a prtrat yoa ton woikedT
than aay
............. ....
of aartoomtaai li bar mate art t
tadolL- ________________
vek« aa aba aald: -Too ooatii'
ttot vay. Oarald. Ifa foolUb aod os- 'pMaly tba ootcoma of that art. Ttoy
toesriUinboalodotbto '
A CoeTnl Wmoob.
to sfauw ho^ It has

Birmairy. Too mutt rrmamlaar that ara lltararr fMata. -Tto Baaan” waa
aertaaort.- aald Mra Bltggtoa
plaoaad aad wrouclit aa ba -waa alioat to aurt down town.'
■It to srith besrt-irit gratitilwlc (bat I
papa U a baary atocbbiddar
■b I wuh yve
baak aad that Ur. l‘attoo U a proto«r
ran yoa Ut me bora n little maaa
ud »Uraw>
of Mr. ■paocar, tto praoldrat. wbo baa
aa tto bmme wltb todayr
BoglMld-Ur fatter bad B. O. pat
aakad fattor to ba partlceUrir kind
-Tml eon to>e Juat 60 renta.'
« 2 tdl. • K-Ivervtbing stupe. Tbe macbiocry
.-me. Ul
behind Us aama.
to Urn. Mr. Paztoo b a rary rbanogrowled, dtogtog tbe eoln at brr and
meclianic--------------were Ukcu--into
I'm ^ ___
bile. It a-------------.. ■lunisch (runl^ (run tiiftb' bb.1
Jlmmy-Dai'a anttio'. Oey took me
" a factura
facturr and rraw- —tbe ------------niscbineVT—'—•
ailnit vnb it nsirr or Ina as-l givw up .tl
tot yaaof man, but baa nrrar made !t
tto door behind bim i
fatbar to de aknbolk ward aa* put D.
aad nitilioolera bc'd know at ou>.c Chat: tbr age sd ip 1 siaa leukro «luao milb
andaat ttot to waata to aian
wont oat.
T. bofalad Ul aama-rUtodalphU
»lvs|irj»aa. .Mr sullctiiix; was trtti‘4.-By (be way. BUgglai.- aald a frtrad
-Buapt by romltit rosod ■
the |»sci frum
u<^ toutuS’iU Cuuld M rat vilbuul dislirsa V'.Hil.l
U to ttot
alfbla a vrak.** mpplrmntad Haal*
wbo dropped Inlo bla place of baalncM' ««■
.unly rat a lew cerUtn (biiigs aad waa
I a« apeak
an boor or two U'trr. -will yoa
•• -rarr factory and mill-hann, every nut able to aurk half ibe liiiir. Kvers.’
-Wlaae-OlBBle- Polls. I
-WHL- Bto Uatbad. -yoa alwaya tbia arUftie toUlt. Ha toi aarar torn oKwrlty oo a note rorSSOor /
tbiug 1 tried vnU ^aw nir lnn)wiMy
popalar to ibu cooatry. for tba raaaoa
oatapty Um. abd-aad”-ShortleUb.'' repitod BU^fto “It to
-Aad to tto rtetor brieet tto apoOa.' ttot art aa aaeb. U far lam
OB iBdexlbU role in my family ttot I friend of mlne-lo MluDmix.lla.** said a
prraaadrd «ne to Irv In.'
NfwetovtUe MMU- Mill.
nrrce'a Gulden Medical
talabad OaraH. maktof Ha laaaatof ad bm ttoD abroad Tba atrraa of Ufa
do anything of that kind well known Ullwaokee nllruad ouin.
ban U apoQ tba moral and totaltactul
Hm-vvery and ’ I'lrarant
rlaer. Tbara waa tto froo frou
inltlag my wire.--4'blraga
me about to aliow uir,ib<- many Intec
•IraanU morb mora
FrlleU.' 1 took M« l>4
ties uT ■ TMldcn Mrdk-.d
mstbrtlr. tVa demand • mamacr of
• and iwu «tala
A aomiaer WIlboM aiwbta. 'v/
at'riKi. ritn,e»
tba port er ttol ba atoll (racb lu bow
of hr. Ilercr's Fleasanl
to live. Poa tod no maaaasa Iiot that
To the anmmer rtattor In Sweden
I’rllrU. I (bet. Ivtl su
of art lie made ao conlrtbatloo lo there to nothing more striking than tbe
I idu|.|v^i lak.
artoiuiuiny I
oor atorfc of moral Idaea; to bude
olmmt total atoenec of nlgUt At Stock
itig niclicillr. ScMial
appeal to tba conartriira or tunbood bolm. the Swedlab rapllal. the aim zoe« blm down tbe gulch ihrvugb nliU-li <lie
hair i.a-mJ an>l I rsudvUie
of tba rare: ba did not tonob tba treat down • few mlnuin before 10 o'rlork little auram Bowa-«t least lulf a bills [
.. kiu-lof w.aL.ianeat aO,vIbsl IS art nie and1 gugu
couDOD workaday mind of ow profile. And rlseo again fear boon Uler during -and ibrre celled my aiieiilluu lu •
I ani *7 year, old
Be la more akin to tbe latln Iban to • greater r*H of (to monib of Jane. Unto casrade that U an exact ailutotot'*
fiial time 1 lu^ a
tbe Aoilo-Kaioa: toare bla deepcot Im- B« tto foor bonn tbe eon lira bidden tore of UlDoebaba falU
-‘ntoi du yon call tlOa cnscadeF 1
prraoloa aeeaia lo tore been nude aptbe frosea aorth are not boa
: caf-sg mn cuwnbkwca
on tto Fraach - - rfcneoB. TbeiefractloDorble-rayaaa •zked of my frlrud.
to Ceatttry.
be pamea arauad tbe norib pule mabee
alntilroflir ITetce'a GoU-:
mdnlgUt SI light as a rloody midday vankMJUntliw
eo l»i«.-.nTry lu rvire
A Cap Par
-irrak * atisnsib an.1 ihseaaea in
tad eitoMra one to read tbe fine« print
An tinaalnc aiory U told of n-eertoln wttbont ortldcUI Ugbi at tny time dur­
of (be atonuch .sikl utli« uegani ul -lit.'oiifc-lions l-tuils. Stall.>r
fomy and uoarretooina man wbo
grs(i.« an.i ntilnliun la fuuo.l in ll.r
ing tto-algbLcry, Clilirc ami 'I'.iliari o-..
la.-t that llic »..>st and luurt ulatihatr
fond of tbreatenlof Uwaolta kAl i
forms ut stMtna.h tfuu|de ba.e }ivld.-d .
tliuM fur damagen on eaery poaalbla
to tbe ioHucQ.-r .4 ibis grval femrsly. .
irelext and wbo U klae not arerw t4
-Sane tiiiir has cla]nc<l since 1 base
Uklof maoD adrantoce of bU fellowa.
mfr nlr
wnitrn >uii in r.y:aii| t» tbe liraiiaeaE t
Ou a rereol' ocraalon bla tot wai
tbe okme-of a pUcr i
v itiKiiiaivof Minnr-'
tte^reMeeu of (tot
do. my*
{>4i>. UInn. ■ W hen Inal 1 coiuuirai-ed
writer. Heoie we abooU opegk of 8l
I waa under
nelcbbor'a bouar.' Tto fact waa art LooU OS tboogb It were written "St.
fortb In an todlcnant letter from
Lewis.- net -■(. Looec." All good UU
fuaay peraoa. who demaadod ttot
Lcwla.” II to a little
v Bturoarb UrarUe,
dlBratt U pm down In black and
griung nurse Gut m
white tbe loral proonactatloB of New
M uu( mt an>lliii«Chal
40S S. UN10N.ST.
<M mr 1 waa
Ortoaas. but it la aooetUng like tbU.
while tbe Injory to It

>i|uit taking tlic .luctur's Ural
aklrts. and oa Doraihy
-Now Awl-ytnatnrnt rnlirvly. 1 was grrolly ivlui-e.! in
Thin sha^TbSi^ ofKer
ceatnotbe-AwivUbto Uutlnga nralled down tpt eoally repalrad.
fleah. At a laat resurt 1 vrrule to you and
The rcripleot of tto letter, bowrrer.
dolot TiDafo Btraet.
awehtnina of hU body at be aader-. atalr.1 my rasr. arrl aflrt rrseuing your
to a bumoroua graHrmao arail arqaalnv
Hatton bad beea tkdtly aadrrai
IniknKTMMir I (ulloar.1 tin-m cUwrl).
ed wtib tbe wtakncoam of bto
totwaaa blm had Daeotby fur • I
A prmebar In an mtora city waa a
wuuld know Ibal when a man to wmk Alter Ukine five Uiltira of Ih. I’x-nsr'a .
oiwndraL InatMd af waxlag
time, aad wboa to bad touiMd
mtto fellow, ao little ttot a box tod
wn. when bii acUvillea are Gulden liiumvry aoToBr rial .
n it not ahuKCtber atupped, of hit • lleaaant Ivllrta.’ 1^KTd
pooUtoo •• epantor at tto depot to Bant pt tbe Impodroca of tto A
to to baztlly brought from tbe celtor
ething wrong witb tba power tu itii|irnre. SII.1 drodcil tocuulinur tbe
bod bopod Oooe to to tMr to moke bar be wrote • pUyfnl reply, explaining fer him to stand eo. Tbe aerrlrea pro.
No. 3t Porry Strwot,
mrdiciun an.! (J.M-rte yuur instiu.Uurra
bU wUe. Tbea tto Pint Nattookl ttol tloiea wera'btrd. money ararra
regarding,bvgirmc tivatment. ll is now
baak woe aoUbUotod to Tabor, and. andDewbataatapramlnm. ilebofml
Dearly art tu.mOis time 1 rnwiimroevd
Wine of Cardui makm «vAcoraU cdwtoacBagoI
to tba aarpriM of eratrUidT. Almoo bowrrer. Ibac 00 to could not fornlab
digratiun and nutrition. All d.vairal yuur irealinrnl and 1 can ra« that I ara
isea more womanly by rnrt little wUto and ye khall
■paoedr. wbo bad baaa alerted preal- tbe aggrlrrad party, wlib
Itiriigtb la derived from touB digTOed .well an-1 never lelt belter in my lile.
wrak^ and mak­
At tbto petol lbs box broke, kud
dau. oppototod t*rank Paxton aa coab- covering to would accept (be inatrrUl
Am rerv grateful to you to what poor
ing tfacm atnmrvf. Wineuf
rramhiri Hoaedtbat
mnlicioe baa done for me.Ur. Tto aetloa hod axcUed ao lltUa for ooe. And to IncUaed a sheet of the proptoey waa rertflad amid tto
Cardui cwivl Mias Uewey.
I bto loanlaed ttaaraal MoWbrn nutrition UiUlhe body faila. Tbe
bared tonghtm of tba caagngaAaa medicine to all onuce
cammeat. for 1‘axun woa a New Torfc- footorapt-Uadoa TU-Bita
tiu* CAM *A
^cheb.ical ebangea by which food
in every tiy ing periisi of
(hao two moottoAher that
ar. aad TObor felt ttot tto poaltloe
(>r. ISrvce'a noMre HrtUcal IHacoerry
btooU tora gooa to a loral man. Ger­
Itch sod dgteativc and nulntive cares diaraaea of tbe tUimarh aa-l nOier
John waa a eracboian wbo took lUa
better tnedione to younrlf.
(to batoito geeto wh^
ald bad at fttM hoped to
eta is
tracts. When the--------------------------ergaft'of digertiun aad autnina It
yoor (iatrr. yoor daugfaur
ptaH btomaU. and aow It
the DHtritiun ia reiluced aad the body'* iarreaaea tbe su}.p]v of |nire ru-li liloiBt
blm ttot Paztoa bad cttt blin oat of tar. wuold >etBra fraqaratly In tba •aid tto an
power to reduced in propoftioo.
which ia tto final (orm ef nutniiuo It
aattopatoatoararrtUa*. A flerra dMlra for raage- coone of tto day to make aara be a»- OBlybadB
a DocTok't PtcTtn.
oar* BtUd bto toorf aa ba made bto darwioed tbe ordera ttot tod beea gleea
I toait, and puls tto
tM^dmiiitothArWra^bav^tik rib^''k boaST^^is ^i^ wiiicfa
An emioert jlbyalctae in m levtan to v^e
man ro
oa tto lOaDe
idaae vu(
way homaward.
rtohl tiealment Bmdbg to tto
will bring ber beUtb and bappisnaf
faralth. Frum a man unly
nly able tw
Hto taallBga had not changed tba
a ctoto at aUr-Phll
•tt-hea yoa are called ea by a toM per- work half tto time, aad then in p
▼IM ef Caedei 1 wreto to ow M tto rid raarmll of tbia pain. If >t»r
Bait moratog wbaa be took bla arat aad began:
at ^ tatograph daak. Tkbot> woa k
rected lo the aiomach.- Jato ra tba eosifort. it a traaauoa great vaoi«b tu
i^irmd I Immwllilely acol tor some, I aten
aiek ana
and in aom
aeed a
of mia.
rrlirf. yoor nuiy
duly ii
aamvantl*Hy omall town, aad moot to Ur. T.'a ordbrr tUa mornln'
mechanic kaowa tbs power's off when warrant tto oft npMle.T aUtr
^^Morttto^fM^^IrttolesatorgTetotottom. ’*
-tt*bst to tto am thing a yoaag boalof tto boaliiaaa waa oa railroad aSalra waa dralTio’ htaf to tto thraln. a»- to
the machinery atopa. to the pbvBdaa (eel like a new maa iiDcc oti^ tto
few loral maoaagm betog rant or rawhen be tees a man wash. tind. and • Uiacorery.* •
oraBaoe^^andattw. Ito*ra
wbo brought
biottght them Wine of Cardui.
crtrad. After to had raportod tto told me to do aemeUUo- to Uat. mnm: (to smxmaral eee.
todaOM tom toMt ato I daDy bkaa• I Wins of Cardui U adapted to »oM TOC zwcwrr
ta U not being eo
«:ie down train tbara woe Unto to be bat sue OI don't know wUtber be told
Tlo ron know what to do (a caae ai
into aetriuoQ. tt-ben food ta d
■Home bovev. FT £
doaa tor OMira Uan an boar, mod to aratbsbMUmartoabaotUm. Ucbbo
etacTfrocy. accideot. or reddra 01a»as>
bmOad bto farato dertotog aomt mtom
.. CAimm ia ooe nwdi- atrmgtb to ber taaka and bruer
________"-1.1 ..______ 1.0.

W aid tto i
A aboelitc was eeideatly raqalted. b«
tl------■e that aboold olwvi be kept tnotineat than a'docto to rvry ainall
far arareamtog hto riraL
lent i_-------..
is Tftalitv —,
ar>d waiting
body to weak, deficient
------- , for
.— Ibe
— doclM? Yon la learn
A ffroot-pttr_hand in onry bora* for im- coat.
Ho and DaroUiy bto bran loreto al- tbe extcatUa ef tbe ordr^
d othiC .
vigrr. it moat to bccsnra it ia iaaaS- bow lo do )hr..------d oaOl Ur. t. Tto Scotch ore grmt oaora ef sooC.
'-------' medialea
mediale ora wfaeafemalt weakYoordniggift wiU aril yon a (l.OO
moot alara'chlhlhood. apd ta Um bar of tto boTM was dofettad
rtendr aoori^cd. cither from tok of (bmgi from Dr. Picfcc’a CooiOHa brnw
nrat fint makra
' : i_
iU appearaBoe.
bottle H ___________
«f Cardoi. Srasra tbe
food Of becanra tto food eaten to aot Medkal Adviaer. Tto bo* raotaiaa
la a city maa aaamto doubly bard.
ddont medicutetoday.
mrdicinr today. Takeiti
Take ilia tbepnrary
Ig Board mraogar If to took oaaff sad.
digeaud. sad conretted into aatrirtoc. more tbaa a tbooa^
pagea aad
We*f4 Tiato (raw
wooM not bare raaohod ao aerioaaly | of yoor borne. Befirt will
will eomc to you
Ig tbe appeoraara of tto Janitor of
had tto taken WiMofCardniprom^y. at lorrly aa yoo lake it.
Tbto nrcuaaPof the altegid raptora
tba bonk, wbo depeoltad on tto todg* af Urwral BoDw by tbe Uoero to am -Wtot k pity. Ton taro each k graad
•atoraach troabl*.'
eoat aUarpa.for tto eloth-bonod^UTO.
a Orta aad a yatUw uiagrtpb bUnk.
„ aoBwing woenni
berly peeoeamd la • pewapaper of
• When yoo have irlatod tbe week or only twenty-ooe aumpa fcr the touk
-Mr. ■paarar aaya to aand ttot at tto rrwb roUoy la Poadletorry. latomd ra% in
pbyBca] eoaditica totto-w«ak*«em- far papcr<Dvera . Addnm Dr. B. V.
oaca. ptooaa.- tbto aa Oarald aaactoalc- dU: -OeoernIBoiler ateod ta a bambie
aBy cmatto tba worda. Tto Uttat'a aad a^paiaat attltiida tofore Oeeerai
heart thrabbad with aaddaa Barca
Uewec Greatly amvod by tbto bmrtL Ttoy*ratalkfaettoo. tor tba Bomage road:
reodlog eeaac. Goaeral Dowm oakod
Bailor If be tod naytblBg !• aay. Oam
arol BoUto replied la
Tto otaalgMy
corara a m«»•Clr. 1 am m poor oma
For mart ttoa tw» beora Oacold Biyoetf la tbto war ewtag to my
waat thim«b hto work aotaoMtlraBy. •bORy to boor tto worry of tba Bartttah
A datHeto Jay SlUd bto heart At tba
Oarald crtttad Ua totth-.



: When the Power is Off
What Happens?

I. S











ofciaek wltb tto rrtora naaooga;

Atom T. ■ameer. Tabor. K. T.: *
Ba aant tto mimago ap ta tbe book
by Oto of tto boya. bat art wttb tto
aatladaeOaa taa Mt wbaa to ra«alT«d
—1 -r—r After on. Paztoa.
tb lEita of the tact ttot ba wna bla
Heal. aroB • plaaaaiit taOow. wttb a
hto ay wood far olL It waoU to a


■ •• tba toOtMT g( g

agxra to rafoBd
Mat hoHlo of Ot«Ma''e Wonaalad ByrhpafttoUUtaUaMatoayuBr

The Greatest Catarrh Cure, no matter where it effects you, in the Head. Lungs, StomachtIBowels.
Kidneys or Bladder. Nature^s Great Assistant in building up and cleansinfir the system. Formula
on every bottle, recommended by the best medical talent. Best stomach and bowel reffulator.
Pleasant to take, ftot only gives instant relijef. but CURE& ALL BLOOD DISEASES.

Job CMMot Bara Waadjt.
U ba-d tod iHhbto PUoA tboy'ia
U U watot popalar. U tt vnto't

issriJi5.^rsur«: ihiBk ugtto. yjKto. ito, a Jdto






OP mmesT to bome

«riMWO«»dtka «alM




tM te-

towtiB abevkaet er fon

cau |

atm. M..K. c. BATCS. eorroR^«>^ ■


ia K«« T«k

liM ttaf h

•0 >mliT«kit«tem ikM


aatoebtaaeae wtobaa


tor bait baa *wu baUlaa. at
, h»*« te twwilj Twm. Ac alMwI tSTK bM <AMjr ia dbn
bMaad eoata Ua tank. Dettuit

: BMTly tea yaan «M.

A»4. UUa
aiaMl Bmk.
Tto «Ukr-m7 Ktw Ur hit*
Ito MBlOU vbltr tMMn Or*.


Ali« Ih* abBawr Iiitu* *• ^
0«r MfU*'* ■wy «y».»hiat.
umrfaw tlM tnOrl*'* D>«ht-iiwy

Om MSMt. m
« blat^art
or bam h«b» icUButsf la tl«

>aa wlaBTag aeuar-iead. aar awe
or heiMIH Aaap <■» ataapUc klM.
Maaaiy far wta^owt al] adaaaA Uaw'a hcl<h» ny, AuaBk beau.
Laat tWu Um aian U you nluraky:
Law Uaa ear MwUa’i bUstay aya:
Hal man ttiaa Br» aiaa' racraaey,
fWtefa. aa U( ai Uirbi
' '
Ya* IM tha vab4>w ai airtrtlyaaf'
*> Catal t ■ooB aa tl AaraNA AlaalAa liftA
fiaay vlU lortaii,
Tba mOa afaUdn*
Tlw Ocar KTaaaianata baat ai>d oU •
•mimrntt faiw, «r-d. ya. bl^
hard wort aartu i


vlaua <reni twati


a ibay a

aMauy a poor baart. tnapaat-Maa-

Ual^^aaa Ibaai OM


bo«H- eoniw it

BiWhi ba aalM. a eaay abet off pUo>
triiara voaan old and yaoBt eaa I
tar^ ^alrt taalf.lioBr. nnra or ieaa.


pma wbaaa. II U to fe Iraalad. i

«IU altnw* be a (iwolal Boauce of
paara. at hope, at cba.«. Uat tbe oea
wba 'MpaclaUy oaada tt will Ood.
Aara vtU alwayi ba a aoMc- aoawUtoaaa-tonaun
Tbaro wIlHw worda
far Uw auUwr aa »lia canw for her lllUaat aae. roefcod to alarp la h>-r a
or baw etdar ueop aa Uwy iro oat to
acAuoi or play.
Tlw boay hooeawUe
ataUI tere bar ahan-.aa aba (oaa aboat
bar kttobea aukHHrr»d ebtwr Ur her

Whlb df a ta-

toanflnaably ttmibfal and poaltiraly
aam of hit uc ' ' '
Aa a triaulm mU forbHto
*e faoU it aaeaamy to al^ with
ft tba raMtalai and
ada Uaa It baa far ■any aaaarmi paat.
1 bare alnee Pbr WMT with BOralap powbaaad
traeeltapwad tbopptnp fraoka. tban
rapard to otimr i
aae of paMat laatbor.
lain partaaaa bi- had adopted, aad alMaay of tbo aaw aSav baU tor
way* with aataliap aa....... Hi* Iota oaalapaaW toapb traar dbotra baada.
aad traat la aw ara praam tbaa
wwaa aad blndiap of pawot leatbw.
iho avetape ehtlA-Eattartea Scott Oae tary Man loaAlap atodal la AlOwaiad la Good Hoaaeketptappmataapehad aa a trlmwlap. a
ed baa^ of iBtaat
lataat laatlwr aad a
let of btoak-qoUto. It waa
fVfwIe plow oM by tblafelap
.ePaotirs, aa tba <
•efie. olA Wbao they naeb Ibe apa
of ao. to ^ ao. uey iwapiaa that thmj boaad U Ibe patent Irptbar and tbe
b&a trtBwlnpon tba aaabarat tint
iMIrn Ulw otbera of Ibe aaua w«aad tlwt they aoea will ba aaatoMW- of tbe atnw wax oaaaoally pood.
Bi for work, and aaabla to perform
tbetr woated datiaa. Aa aamly aa
Mo ayrap of popptoa. bo tlaaaare of
t)u>y Utah thla. It wiU eoaae trM. faa
tboapht to enailra How away of aa aptam, BO powdera of Barpbiae. tnyi
oaa My. with Bob. *‘TIW thlapwbUA ODO of Um Bedleal >oanato, eaa oobpntTs in atot-p-prodnelap power with
t VmOly faand li ooaw apaa
iBtbioe. Tbe worn aoimrlBr 1* toodlie How will oOMewbM a
M and tbe heat 1* ansablmw There
will not to- allowed to ealebrala their
btrtbday ^ when ibey will know that. fore It to Maily
they atoepMs abonld pnro m awny boon In
Ue aaaibue aa poaoihla Many wobao are martyn aad do not know it.
They al^nt tlie anaafatne ool of tbair'
•r- *
op of ballrfa and ear eeavletiona ad- booaaa. Uey wear Telia, they enny
Uey do all ttat i* poaatble
adaiBped apoo orory Bbraofcmrtekeep off Ueaabtlroi aad yet nwei
IBK*. WLat we bellera. wW wo
:. that wear*: ae people who re­ poteal Ufiaeeer, whiob to taleaded U
main yoobp 1a aptril oarer prow old. ptTo UieB atroapU aad baaaty aod
of ahaadred Madeala.or
wIioB tbe writer wme oon. oader OliTb* lleealea of aklrta
re.r WeaA'I lloliae*. at llarroid. erer
A woBaa who tceota brr rloUve
Uioopi.iof him a* as bid tuaa. alwlU baantlfnl oare lella me that for
tboophlm had Iheo pantod bln eipbhnaplnp nllk peltteoata or aklrta of
lietl> birthday. iUi s)arlt waa ao allk. chiffon, aet er anythlnp adonied
yoaop. ainl Im waa so taoyaat. ao
wlU floueea. abe aewa Unw or fonr
freafa and fail of life, that wo altaiya
luoioaiooir uad< r Ue fnelap of tbe
Ihoapbi of him aa oee of ounol
akirt. roUer than in Ibe walat to-U.
lUa vlraelty aad yoy'ooaaeoa wore
by Wlitob Ue a*ecape woaaa haapi
Bplooa. Yon ooold not bn U>
bar eloUma. Sta elatow wb«ti flodnoe*
bonp the eppotlie way froB Uat
In whh-b Uey are won Uey ary
do^ir aerer tnebuB
fbeahened and Bke ea a aaw laao- of
be did Bute to, rnllere tannwn aeffarllf<-. If noe eoald Jadpe by tbe
up than many praetieiap lA^Fib
arlaline frMliaeea of Ue ir*at»r's parb
Uaory to a aoafal

Tbayoaacer on>« tball Bad

la tbair rwht. And Uh- <t«ar oU luolli
'-arly aaaU who hare pa inf Uh> etna*
aad atralB of ilto, ahall elt <|utelly
tba aaaaautaff and Bad a Iboachc fur
tba aotl twilwht ahadowe i» bold
all. aad may.ail artu>
«oaM>, aeine to auy till we aball pi
tato a pnwt faully wberf awwd euiuip.aod ■■■•tual lielp and tora
ahall abide alwaya
if of i-heer for ibe
Let aa Map about the pood tiinaa In
the lallera
_____ -oa
_ ibehllla.
Tbr maele of tb.' nnoklop biida-lbe
joy a( all tba riiU;
Let a> aea In all tbe wlaiera. wl>«ta
IIm-wtuw Ilea etilll and deep.
Tbe aiitl that yeacaa“lo bluaai>iu where
tba Bower* are wfe to alaa|>.
La* aetlagaboat tbe'po^l llmea: tley
are bri^i on i>U>a and atofa-.
Aad all tbe world u rtoptap witli tlW
atlrary ballaof Hnpat ,
Tba blae aktea bend abore aa -ine
praaa la priac aad aweat.
'—' Aad Uie TioUu ai««adBau|iel tor tinfalllap or lam--a laeL

Tlie taahlmi of makiat a mu>d of
fatlU bae always heap a tax npoa the
' eoclety wowao. 'llMWefore'any drliway oat of It will i>- haib>d witli
and Uni Uteal t> 'oalhofc’' by l.-l•'{Acioe.
'Kormat imUa." aald a miety
lanlnp 1u ot i
obattlap f<ir Are ed ten winUi-o. Imrlop ynaronnia. raaUnp off to Ue ai-xi
pliibe on year 11*1. and then expeetiap
U«m> WMao to do tbe aaew thlnp to
yoa. and .loayinp you may be eul
wlmn Uey oalL That sort of thinp to
pro’wiap broeUlally lero. and I think
ia larpely
furll. I make naarly all my ralla now
tbe ‘pbene. ill to ae inach more
coBfortable and Mr<-« aueb a lot of
lime and l•alher. 1 Jaai *ft Aiwn in
my own Imme aad ealt ap Hro Satitli
lu her l.aBe. I ewe her n onlL U
ebe U III -atm eoBM to Ue ’phoae,
sad. alUenph 1 nwy have lioUlap Ih
Itartlootor tu-ddlk to her aboat, we
obaner awny for bererol minuto*. aad
before 1 Hap off 1 Impri-a* apnn her
the Cacr -that 1 an Telurnlop her roll
aad llial the' niwdn’t expert Be to
Ik-nmn.' She Uupha and
Utaka ir>all rlpht, and Ura paya
«mm ot Ue rolU ebeewc* la U«-a
way. It trolly does away wiU a $

“Oomo Into tl<e parrien!" aald a
anwII boy, na^ ope^ the doer, and
-We are pUutinp taby'a
tree." TbenawcoBerliadarrired that
aad Ueiwwaaaaubdnad
ciloBent aBonp the ofalldrmL - My
friend'* pardm waa i|ulte larpe. Aad
half of It waa piryu over to-Ue tomily Index.” ae tlmy roll it.
Two boantifnl elma. plaatod on
their BBrrlape day. were taUer'a aad
BoUer'a tree: Alfred'a Ue-fliat bon.
silver poplar; Juhn’a a. Boa
bBiulock. Mary waa repreMote<l by
Tim liule ptrl enjoyIII wlakwrand Ue Brat teal worda
roae troB her baby llpa, la eta
Urew li. r amt aroood it. were: " My
ireUy tree. "
1 waa gUA to to- proaent when Ue
new taby’a tree waa to ta plaaled.
» talbel

■ sHU aaa eap af I

ir la a

r iwu« aod Btto qotokly bb U UkA-

am Jntoa of

oaa 1

> hot waaarlf too tfalefc. aa It
tbUAui la eeoliiip. aad aheal
thla aooaifa to pear aaaUy.
Do yoa ever Mfee apple idektoela
Aaaprinpr Tbay an aaHly Bade aad
help ftU tbe sBpty ptafcto
Pbta. oore aad t|Mrtar tart applaa.
pat lato the aaow plofcla' >r. A aoe
<iaart of elder tiaapar add Bre
ef aapar. beat ti«echar. MAa a aowU
lo«b tap aad HI with eloraa i
■BBoo. pat lato Uia riataar.
aaaldliip liot orar tba row frmlt Oerer aloa^ Tbr amn day repeat. They
wtU' to ready toe one Is a tew daya

Bar UMto mere itaa Ua salat at the

VIU toasa ^


Prtae* Brn^ VtU to i
o b* recamad by a trtaof d
Thaoph H la % wuMa'a minipa ta d kiaoiraa army tUcara.
tar ataA WTO to tta OMB wta cepe Heciod HtraM. Vlme ta leaHU
Bffewda her tr Bafap tta mb* Ubwr Ber** ftr tbr pirot autuBB tMaroJolto Mrara aad Aotary Ttodala ware mu ef tta ftonann army next SepttMvery mark la tora wtu oach attar. bar. Cntpeear WlUtoB to to tav* a* W*
Aabrcy waa a stroltae f^w.aod ad- CBMpaakKm and pwata tbrrr frpreTarated dHaylap tta Barrtope. for aaamtlTro ef tta ABerlean army.
Mr. Mean aafc«d Uat brforr ^^pr Motor Oerorali Oerhto and Tounp and
Brl^dtor Oemtal Wood, altbeopk tta
tta wcHd's BlU and tav* latur omy b* a ma)er prtMnl by ttat
anlattoo. data tbm^ dlf- .tlB*.
TUa rwt baa hrea diimMil by
aad Brrrvtary
» by U* Ft- Boat. and. while tta toomey to OeaUttlF pattoaro all
all wooM po oral Wood la tta oaiy aa* that la aew
wrti wltboot tbF DFcrsally of aniapo- AUaltHy d*Hd»d apoo. It la quH*.
alalap tar pairota Bn Jalto loM him Ptotablr Uat GFumto CSrWa and
be had ao speak aad If bs waaird brr Tarup srUI be added to tta panyUat hr tad cnorapi la Thay wltata acrompeided by a aoBettar words, br fouad biBtalf la a po- bar of
oOk^ aad tbe eiaR to
tltton to hMF U* PM or marry brr aa Gannxny by tbto paHy of eUevta srlll
abe propaned. After rorolduublr dr- protably be made aaoltar ocrotooe fur
ttbmtloa ta
exebaap* of bmpUattttoa and eaataaOaeFVTnlap ttatwowrat foradHre,
aad. putoc to a aFipbbwiap town. Aola fart tta HaN s
tary IfA hi*
tri aad Btartcd off la ararrb of a mta- boa ronaed oar |
totrr. IVbIk br was pcor Jalu. brlnp toruMd ttat ta w oU be vary plad te
ekHtr aad an rosy prey to mnarar. br- weteome to tta n
of whdi she bad done- lean soldier* as i
bow abe wnaU aap«r brr Islhir and
dlsfiiB her rontbrr. Tb* result was bai beeo plran ttat tbelr sefoora la
that, ylcldlnp lu luiiniler. *far -went out OsrBaay will be made as pkasaoc M
to Um duur wlwTF U* burai- ainl hiippy poMlble. After Hay 10, wben ta lurro
oundlop sad. pHiiuc Imu tta Ua totood of Cuba over to tta new
bttppy. txaritd to po tack btssr.
to to rotor
lYrsrally Aubrey room to tta betel the Brat boUddy be has tad In sereral
with a Dlnlalrr and waa anriirtoed not
and bscpy la tta place
wtarc be tad ton tbeui. lie baalrurd

Bail one eaMel ef Hoe. toader; add of Ibe diaaiprorunee. b« found ao
Julia tbrrr. luHced ta waa Infurmed
Ital ata had token tta epotpare aad
(IHren Imrk In tta dlrertlou wbrurr
tbey had rome. tMlIng a borar sod
wapoa from a livery atable. ta atamd
after ber. Ovrrtaklap brr. br naked
brr wtat ata Dfdat. Ashamed to acfcaowtodpe lbs indh. sta told brr k>rtr
Uat abe tad (otpollra all siwut a
truuBiau sad mast hare oo« befrae
tta waddlnp Aubrey, conrinerd Uat
was wr*k. acuutooved wlU
t-r. Belled, a half enp of awaet Bilk.
**l Biuot lake thla Hp tack.^ bc„Mld.
ifal ot aoda, m
pood eap of rotoioa, aeeded and chop­
“Na" Hidlrd Julio. “Ill go tack
ped. M taaepeoafnl ot
with you."
talf Im
il of olorea, pinch of
£arb dHfItw a traB. tbey srent alow.
Bit: aUBB for two boon.
ly back la aUeoce. 1‘lroeoUy Julia.
Iilqued at ber tvv«r'a
Wbala Wl
bln Ibat abe bad from tta Brat
ttat ta did nut love tar aufflT*e eapfuto of whole wbrot Boor,
eoe cnpfBl ol milk, eue-taOf eapfal ef Heiillr to lir brr busimud: Ital 1h-t frrrolly tu trot blm *nd ber
me-bair oapfal of walaai
•lUpIcliHiB bkd brro cMiflrwrd. Aohrry
eopfol of atoned ral^a B4ld RMblOX. hut Wbr9 Ibry rracbrd
One-Half tMapoeofal-of aalt. ooe-taJf Ita livery aiaUto and br tad rHunmS
hW tram br pot iBlo tbr happy witb
ajawofsl of baklap iww.tot. Floar brr ai>d turned Ibe borar'a Imad toward
the fruit. BIX
buair. Jnlla Mid netfatiip fur tbe drat
into a Moald or tin palL Steam Uibe mile, but before tthlaUap tbe ar^d
Tlito uak«*a torpe poddinp ctarowl AulH-y arlth maklap a folLof
wfaleh will keep oeTeral days aad ean Iht by nianlnp away with brr and
tlx-n drlHap ber lark without a marrUpe.
“1 want you to tare a trvwacua."
f (be Bra** 1
oaU Aubrey.
in that you era plad (or an
narvry 8ulbrrU<
brasa baixllta very aiH-li-iit limiltnUoa. im*F to iH-ak with me."
"I would ap>>U your irW If I acted
Tbat I* tw aay. Ua Inveamr died In KM
at tbr aaa- of ricbiy. Tberr were beraa diffrretitly."
before Adoipbr Hex. to be aure. hut not "Very weU: tbto ends al( bt^roo ua"
"Oh. oM tVcTI ta marrlrd after you
aa wr bit-a now. for they
could »»t play every lune in ertty key. prt your minaraaO-“
Anlmw drurr lo Julla'a bnooe. wtar*
Tbry n»uld not rvrn play a arele In any
key. Tbe rery Bnit lend eptlrrly ef sbeallpblrd WUboul s word or a took
bruaa waa' orsonlird In IKlo. aod 1 abe wmt up te Ibr door and Inla Ue
douln If any of tbe Inatranirnta then booar. 'ItiFO AulH-y drofeawuy.
Aubrey In Ibluklnp Ita mailrr orer
oard could lie played U|>uD hy ooderB
miisk-toaa without apeclai practice. It conclndrd Ital p<Ttapa br tad acted
la ooly lack to ITn when a full repl- CD wisely and Hsked lualnp tta piii ta
Deotol Imnd'or the BHttob army coo- loved, lie Went lo f-r Julia tbe next
alatrd of (wo oboeo. Isru claHnetB. two day and prci|io«Fd ttat Uey forprt all
h«nu and two baBoce*. It oiuat have about tbe unr«rttmale eptoode. Julia
iDded Free fonnler Itao Treoyuon'a
Don* coabliiatkm of -flnie. Holla aad
IBP that In inlerfrHoc wlib bto todyttaWmon.'
*-now lone a way We bare conm lovr'a piirllexe lo ctanpr brr mind be
Mace 1TS3 may be teamed fiuei tb* tad cnromllled a Maudrr. However.
• wax nolblnp te do bnt grin and
Bible of a drat etoaa madm) Imod.
The modern band of fcHy-two ptod^ bear IL and br tHrd to aattofy bimaelf
baa half a* iqaoy obuet and taBoe^ will! ita reflertlun ttat Julia had tarn
aa tbe auHrm Imnd ef Hpht pWea. aer- weak and wnuld-nul make a safe life
Imra aa luaoy clahurca and niae cuupaokia.
UuDita paao>< duHnp whk-b Julia
■ a* many berfto. to ray eotUnp of
axapbone*. wtalcfa are part cUtHaM only hardened and Aubray prew ntor*
aad pan boro.''
-Wtaf* tta mxttrr. Anlieeyr asked
bis cousin, an attractlre piri of
When erery maa ant drunk and srai
Aubrey coailded bto troabto.
prood of It In olden day*, rnurb^axeno"Jnlla has treattd yon JasT a
Ity wx* expeudrd In tbe constnKtloe
Yoa put a preat Blip
- oerr »m1 rUhorate drttiklnp re*and many aueb are yH te ba ber by net Inatotlnp on tta luarrtop*.
Wben a woown poe* off tn be marriv^.
* a- _________ __
...__o.1l. I.
It to a preat inortUlnllon to ber tu retum nmnarrled." One prseertrO In a ItorllD
“Bat It wax ber own dolap."
inted . .
“Nut after *be bad bad tlae io reanrroundrd by bonbd* and bnnte. Tbe enp coBBtoto ef tta bollow Bert BDd"“Ctarwe
ber mind aptln."
body of tbr tllrrc atap. (be brad of
waa brr prlritope.*'
wbkh to rmwiablr. Tbe t>toee Maada
"Wtat aball I doT*
fourMTO toebe* Mph- It sraa mad* at
yoo regret
ft bartap aett^oo
AnxBbnrp. In 1C10. It to alao an antomoblle propellad by dockwoik roacroi- bromity."
"I’ve done all that sort df Uiap.' It
cd In thr bear.
THrk rupt wUeb dtsuebed tb* ualal"You can't expect anytblag Mae afur
tlatrd wero very popnlar. Anottar rarlely ceoUlnrd srloe aad aralrr In aep-.Sever mind ItaL Help me (ml."
Tb* drinkrr who
"WelL I'll try. Hertapa yoo had betnot kii
tiled PM OMWtb with water, tbonpb tb* rr come lo ore me gnlle often, and 1
(blnk of aatoMblnp I* move ber."
apfmrrnUy fnll of winr.
Aubrey dU as bit cuunia aappested.
Tbr plam wlib tbr Bpbtlop tars*. In
Ui* Blur uiuaruia. bHonprd to PHed- Indeed ta wut-wlU ber nrahy nil bto
time for a month. One day arbeo
rtch Wilbelm I. Tb* htret rrpment
two of bi* inlnlstnu and booo conipaa- tta two were walklnp t<«Htar Ibey
nus Julia. Ttat* waa an ominuua dub
Imm-N«w York narald.
In bee ey* aa ata met ttat of tbto p*wlyaruenHraL When ate tad paraad.
Aobrey'a companion mU:-'
Tbe deHr* of the Bank of bpland
-I think Inea rorpIrentralBberbraroBHalt to dtocevw torper* baa aomrled to enrtoro Btotakro On one
occaalon tbe palnUr Urorp* WorUad.
In bto capernaM to avoid hU dunt. r»
Aubrey follownd tta sdHca. wan tafUed to an Umcoru hldlnp place to plran
xM BBTilad JbHb Monra.
Hackney. wb«ra bto anxioat look* and
aadnded manstr of Ufa Induced eoam
of bto oeipbbera to beiirre him a feryer
-1» He uTui-Tulij ,ibal 1*^ In the
of note* (beo Io rztotence.
The diruHortL on bHai InrerBcd. dto- (Vnwn Ita one wblc4i ta* preat bl*«wl
as wHI «• pecuniary valoe. or to It
patebed aom* dextarooa detoeUrre to
tcni. (be luuaey^a iiHb vf w hich to
enpral of aapar. otm i
MlLoae-baU of a teaapoao of aatBap.
oee eaidal of Modrd raiatae. aad oee
half of aeoptal ofalBoada
rly done aUr oocooloaaUy.
aad add oae Bbtoapoeeral of. tatter.

Alice to Ue baby'a noBte. ” aaUd
Alfred io me. -Im'i it i*eiiy7"
BbA” MldUe faUer. “Uat Ue
cMIdtroaie happier and
nrerttiK Xt
eeBd. in all eotdeur life to bare Uem
-Prank L Htaaton
lu Utoway.
Prom lorinp and atudyiap
Trtoatap the wieenlap fblM.
ber tree. Uey are eapur to lean about
If r litUe eleaplap ohlld waa a piaat
Tb* H*al trivaa.
oUer prowiup ttaiiipt. Alfred has alaomrort: 1 lorad to feel tbe warm litWaelher baalneat wnnea owke Ue troily made ap bto mind to be a frail
tU body « aoBud aateep. aad 1 woald b>«l wlvnt or not. maay periwia dy. raton. Hy little pirl hat ber flewar
toamar orer Ike dear rarla my pnef. pend upon Ue |ioiat of tI<-w. It a bedt. and all of aa are ntore taaliby
to qaletlBP myeelf tor tbe real of tbe
walili a Wife who will do the and happr from belap oal ef deort ae
^ «pht.
"cliaplap vine" acL aad. aa arroeat
The obUdrro will
/ .-Aooa I notloed a peeiiUar aympatfay wHler «aTa “pal her husband on a I Allee’a tree till the lUtle Baldea to
V •>*«*>>« between aa To mr eana^ae '|iede*Blaadliepnl>>fat Ual fato hat [old taWBpb to look after it. for they
ba eoaotoa to toBMl mr own aar
piren ber a po>l-aaaally a Ua oto—! coosidrr tl a roered troei.”—Tbe
Mate. It prew more latrkeil. and ap- iel him keep away.front Ue buHaesi I HouwlmlA
woman.” Hut if be waaia a comrH|e I
-----------------------laarlap biia Kor atone time 1 had as well aa a wife, a woman who baa 1
Te alaro Well.
Aaaa aaxiooi over a faali wlitrh bad pulnetl a breader riew of tbe world. ■ Tbe be I abeold taremored from Um
ariaen aad developed ander tbe tyran he may mfely cbopM a baaliwts wow- wnM. aa it to not eoadaeira to bralU
alcal away or hi* narae doriap not
otw.'oaaeeeanLot daapSoeb a one wilt take a
Prom a
iust wtat be to wertb: no fooUU aeaa for om- Uitnp. aad aneitar Utn«.
tat ablld he had beeoiae JaM tbe op- hlroto aboat bto preatoMt; ftt a peed
wrieoa. to tliat ooe'a brtaU to
poalta. 1 caaaot tell how ib<- imptrafellow; aad they will Urown bock to be Inhaled apata. A
tiOB oamr to me: 1 think solely from
am to' happy tnpeUier. DoataeB terore mornlap taadache U one oaae
pettnanaatiy by almply
nafllled a wemaa for aatritesboderarme: '-Why oaaaoi t eea. luoay. If Ue waa erlptaally fitwd BOTup tbr bed from Bear Ibe wall
. trot blm In oae war aa well aa la as- (er it. lUe can pe tbtoapfa a botlaeat into Um Blddlr of the mom.
ntbar? Jly nrrroawtaaa hn> beaa ptvnm
o« aacraaBdlap* Uat do
WiU Ue reanlt of Bala inatead
«B him with my oaraa at atpbl while p( hms if Ue will. |t all depend* ap; not excite Ue laaptaaiiaa to aa Irn; BOW why vauuot 1 lo- on Imrsrlt: if tbe wifi Ue My Bake portani Ulnp to ocmaldar ia peparUp
Baaawa blm U thla other uattorV
MB for n-pcAe aad alaep Tta
ber exper'enoe to Ue l>ualaMs world
worked It all eat la my own way and
to tmroelfaad ber to- srolU maw base natfnl tlata aod
Mid aoUlapor tlmespninwai to any­ ture.‘ta tlie maktap of her own Iwppf- there oanaM he too Unto farBltai* or
body Otoe. At Blpht. apea oomlnp to M and* that of Ue aaa wboM wife too few laotaraa and brie-a-btao.
tba bad wkloh we abared, 1 woald pat
TtaM tblBca cat
Ue aerrea aad
■y anna aroaad him aad aty. M
ladooe vrlnklaa and arow'a feel and a
lead amaph to awafcaa blta to tlw
daU aompeiiao. LM Ue wbeto Ualtpbwnl: ••Metbar lovea bar liltle
TitpBBrat of the bedroom farroUe of
boy. Bha lotw him tba aioal la tbe
' w aim liBi >esrotoy wbtob waa Ue tape Utlrty or
room arrdWiaaiT etoaa to ate aerta paalili• bla*. Aad be lorea bti forty year* opo Tberr ia a aarkt-d
y. not only for ra^ bat for ooaUe aaaal aat tell Iter revirol ef Uureta la tbto kind of deo- ptoxiooi aa wsU. duet talnp Ue prrol
m. Ha doaa aet toU ecattoo. aad one dtaler who for ton earoxy at a woMaa'a pond tonka b froot at U* boaet and. Uinkinp them
Pa. oamped from U* tack to Loa'mittV euriaa Ba tolla tba liatb. yaaiu baa been eoltoetlaf apeeimaat aMttoa lathe aUaaod wrtaktoa tin
My unto boymaH prowaptobaaa BOB tandaeroe proBia U aipbt.
stod by Ik
Mn. Mortand taTarmed tta HUate
hat taap ta taaiaaM leap eoeapb to
buabaod'a naam and oIm
lamv aa hoMat. Obrtottoa Unto know Uat tbo ftablda ia jesrelfy. aa
Belli ptoy OB IM
U other ttaap^ aaoree fa eyulro. Ima
fork to
^'aptlbto ap Biplit afw Blpht. Bbd adrentaed for eld aameo plaa a»d labtop apa Ulrt walat aad a
brorotota far yrora. Maay oa boapht offaeUee aad atylalb belt to of black
iala«.te*tbraa i
Let u alBf about tbe pieid timea; they

ballelala anap;
Aad be! fw Lore aad Urlap-for ao
btawtap Lora dantea.
« to Ibe



ine«<d to Ufce Itapbce?
Tberr ae«M* to ta Uttle doub* Ital In
Ita ralpB of neorpr IV. weroral of lbs
Jewel* were aboifarted from tbe m
a^^ttai my of tta royal^Hatr

htotary of (be
e time,
tlBrn. mod ottatu ataesd
Uy BBfci^ facta sbeu

WlU 1
tta cm


nrbeol Na US. on tb* bloek bounded
by Lnrto. Boat ThlnL UaatatUb and
: HoQBtea atraeti. la New York
Hty. Tbit will be tta larprat ecbeol la
U* world. Wtaa It to datobed. ttat*
will be rooa tor ASU'chlldrau. eewy
oae ef wbem will b***'* aeparat*
diuk end ptonty ef room, my* Um New
York World.
nubile acbool No. I8S wUI hare away
oorel fratora*. It will be bnllt almoH
la tbe atape of* bellow •quaro. lathe
middle will be a court of wurly ISJMd
•qoara feet. Tbto will ba eorered wlU
ptom roof. Hero in winter Ue popUa
XD play outdoor pumr*. Entranro to
Um aclieol will br from tbto court, ta
addition to into it tai been arranped u
lb* whole of tta drat door Into a
d. la t
tatta. with IM and COM water. Il baa
found by Ue acbool aoUaHUM
Uat tatba In
era one of tta meal dtarabi* adlhaHa
tn tact. It bad bean proponed Uat
tathinp be mad* cvmputoury In aom*
Boy* ara to occupy one alile of tb*
bolldlop and pirto tim etber. Tbere will
ta alptatyweven
My roonw. two tlbnrto* aad a curprw


arhlcb to declarad te br as much aeperlur to tIm UtTpenltaler aa Umt maehlac to lo hand lyproHUnp. oaya a
cable dtopatcb from lierlln
tta Cbkapo News. Tbr mscblim to
tb* Inre'nlloa of s llunparisn roplueer
Boxar. Prom a perfurfilrd (m
par Hbben prod ened on au untluary
typewriter tba etortratypoprapb auto
UtlcaJly casta and aeta ainpto
Tbe Hbboo to capable of


dto falib la Dad aad’ka tta
mafOod. They omad ata ptWBly a* UloBtraUma af tta btoraad
and aaituis- Tta Uni* a
aaa da anUl^ better tana to ft* iwtaf' ura to Ue atcry cf SaBaaTa Me
— toad apata asd apxla at bto ptoaa
.pomaape. of bto strHre la Oed-a tem­
pi*, of bto iiapiiBi to tied-B caU wbM
oaly a U|U aad of bit yroru ot SdaBty
aad faltkfulaaM ta bto afltr Ufa. U to
ctarmlxw atoty and ear ttat ataald
ttfeof aay boyar plH n
wta waata to ba
a Chrlaitoa and a
irefuUy preparad (W
Ue call of tiod. He srsa the chUd of
aad Haarah
ir to B prnytr aad k*
Btotber vary earty placed t
temple of Uod to be ratoad tar tta
am ice <if Cud and rial
bln a mtto coat tta
srorkmaimhlp of |ort(« tabdo. WIU
nnto wtiaBir
that Uod called 8
and ttat damnel
rolL In Ittaar days, wban th*
Chnrcb to bewalllnp tta faUInt off af
rondidaira for tta pnsimi miatotry. U
tberr srero mare llaanata to runai
crate tbelr -damurto to tta a
HI* tampto aad to rato* ttara
with tbia one object ta Hew each a doplorabto otaie of aSaUa would aot oBi. God-B roll came to I
d Bt a
eery earty age. Samael waa protably
only twelre er tWmro year* at ap*
WbM Uod (Wiled blm to a apaelal aad
important mtoHoa. At dlu^ta did aat
racuciOxe tta TOtoe of God. How aftUB
•UU'to tbe r«*e! SopwUB*a for yuan
we grope about to ^ d
out knowtito wbHbJc It to tta Tstce of
God ttat rolto It* to Hto work. But
wben Ood wants a man Hto rolro to
er tolar. But If Ood
to caUlap
g tw
u lo «otrr
>w may we k
tatry. .taw
TwUed the volro of Uod to flamatL
tVbn will ITreal It tq tuT Tbrrr prac­
tical tsala will iirolmbly answtr Uto
querthm: I
to preach Hm- gospel for ChrUt'a anX*
of tbr nuaared. a< Nbt^
wr may rest aranred that If Ood to
calling ua He will make Ibe opporttmity for ua. Bimoel bad tta drairo
aad abUKy. and tta oppartunlty cam*.
t. Bamnd respunded lo tta c«U of
Ood. WitliBxly ami MibBatosOrolly
br entertd 11m- oervhvuf Uod aad pare
bl* entire life lu Ills arrHre. and Uod
crnw'iwd bit life witb ancceas aad artU
bonort. If by dralrr. abtUty and oppurtunlly Uod to callllip ns to Hto
amice. <«|irctoUy to ita puapH mlntotry. .tot aa rropond to Hto roll and
dadlcate onr Uv.w lu ibla tfortont work.
for youiuc men In
_ .
than Uatoy. Scbool* of tow. of madlrtsr. of acienre and art are orenrowded. TbIa lo. however, for from tta
case In onr tbeulupb'al armlnartra*
a oterrruwdrd. Ttara olu
nu^oo many cbnn-brw. God aad HI*
clinrrb today call for wurket* aa claacly B* Uud csUnl for Itoouri'a n
Tta preat rbrtattoa droomlBBUon*
stand raady to beip to edncatlonol prep­
aration all Ibone wbu. tartop pirty and
ablhly. atqdy at tbelr duora Who wU
raaiondi Yoonp meu. Jontar boys, to
not Uud rolllnp youl If an. will you
out.imlute Bamuel's rxampd* aad raapomll
IIHIL T. 1«: II Klnps xxtt. !-«; Pa. t.
!-«; vlll. 1-H; rror. I. 8-l«; H. SMI;
Ecrl xiU 1: Mark U.' K: Bph. rt l-A;
OH. m.»: II Tim. I. M: lU. IMT.

M|d Uat tta BupeHaHtlro of
tta lluoiy pe toHod* aWUly to corroH Indlrtdual Mtaru wltbout raroMinp tbsMboi* line.
Ua capacity to cerate Ue Hbbon on an
ardlaaxy typewriter, proofs bcrorr
roattop and tetaop and iuMtfytnp Of
line* by toocMap a key. Ita operd of oni of peraoual grief and derakps a
)w-feeling for naottar'a alBIrctoBa
naeblD* to about ogoal to Uat of fellow
True rbrtattoaa are diun nil tta
Ita linotype.
Huecly tbrongfa eamoMO" trtoto.
Aa w* need tytopniby nod taip to
wtat w* endure, ao do ettan to Ua(r
tilbutotluns, aod it berom** na to pir*
.. nk well at uk* to kindly roanilatkin and aaatouaee. Our BsHour aaffervd. but it was that He might ta all
able b
*om >0 taaaa.
aid Uto proplk-tYrobytcrtoa.
AB tb* rbiwn la*r**
iboewnd thtapa Bold*.

Tb* a*n« wf tb*

A taUp to Ur bran to bHUr U*B *
praad ptono la a ptlded partor. Raal
rtebes cannot ta rouateO out In coin.
We nro-rk-b to whnt we are. PsopI*
pro trooblrd-beranae they Hr* tn back
•tr^ but U* alley to na near tan ran
aa ^ aTMue.,—Doaa Bodgea af Camto tb* tottoc* aad toldpe. kUta.

lastosa-but (tai'a tta way w
. urtaalia.'
R* Ha* aba* sad ersoom sbea
ttai a* WlU rato*.'

■r a* Ua*** dma
1*0 blm to to

Tta via** about Ita earsMa aa* tta n

It to tnie Uat Uod to found to oar .
tasra and to our oMroa na mack aa to
eburrh. but It I* abo true ttat If w* do
not yield raterant worahlp tn Blm to
chorcta we aball not ate UUn. adn too*
arotablp Him. anywbera «toa.-Hara-

B* anru B.wna prrai etror. aaa (ta
rock* ttat *00* s«naB

Tta boay ana may ta tomptad by
Bwmu earn* bard sarad isiiUan* la BtadaHL but tta loafarla tsmprnd hp
a droen.—Cborab atoadard.
•am* hardwsn ttat ta a**d*
Mfara tkiw ^ t* M»a*«to>^n» aa*
(X d*Ow sU lb* werU htmstol. aad s* bt
birm a mss
Aad bHta* at* doasra aad iimnatos*

He fefl OB toe neck and reUtodad
Um of Ita cmxl oU limes. Hr meotioord Ita «M |>toynule sud 0|«ke teedeHy of Ibiiw who wet* dead.
Aflei^ Ita flflb one they wera as loep
toot brother* and oa ta rantwred It
“ftam." be taW. "lend me Sao (!■ totoomw. I'm a pood fUeod of yours."
•Von sra." tta (iltar

inm. "You ara Ue ptaytoitc
ey. Ita friend of yunth. and tta
Ihend'a tappy houru.
b«t" and a atrsape Mdaeot crop* Into
bto role* ae ttat It rlbraled Uke

Tb* promla* Ital our le«ad arm abra
^ J*an* to Hla sram daxh tatp.
on, taut* at aiMiam. ilia uakta—'
^ bast* or toy taraam Bown.

Wmktowl* Otatoatony^
"M*«ir*e labortag men." tBya b
Kanraii maa wta tat taro vtoMw ta
Mexico, “arork
fc for 12 crot*
crots a day. 1
Bwy arom lacradibic. but K to a tact.
Yap aee'lDM ceppsr caM la that

>B pa I* Btortac tad bpy a

lU ef
af waad.
a---" a- (aar*
---------------eau'a worU
ot Cura or eoffa* aad a oUIk of eaao.
ita srtn Mk* a Bra to tta cootor af
tar adota boon* and prapoa a aaal
ter bro family. Tta npdaaa* ara
baraiaaad aa tta pri"toi «t the toad



, A^rtrmDAT. atmo, m, im.



-Ok. TM 4M: '^•0. 1 0«tt
k JM. ••« TM


■m. nrmtr. wmm
dclrt M
eoMtr. had MfMd th»
Ht. w«. WM
JSIh34te*r»1Wy. Bi*»«»Okw*fc
Mr Ml7 «hfM. M fTMra ap U f< •r M Md tfiT r.««h»c hfai


vMkd «a wRboot vkf**iiriHh bM) rorrto-d tatrttm
VtIkMl M«7. W b»i M BMMr
MTPM. Ud a*
<««d r»-

•rntar ■ aMborty art — hi. part,
racto itrrj. a. h. •« «llrd. haa*
Mt ha «aa la bad ader aU aaar iha
mmtr. hal ha ralhar fhaM - “

11 waa aaldan that tba at
had a MUr of hla ava or a dap's Tara. «M. hat ha MdBa raw
what ba ibowfM af tba alta»
Harhw aeaa at tha fatharh


•• bMfc

M kM cw I fkr

L w ba am hat I re fat ath« i
•“ -* —
«• tend.
bead. 11 daw-t thlafc reaH
««k «
k«r* W
W auad
(Uad ban
hM aaar a weak bafera
M baaa wfD Bad tba aaw blra."
-Uad. widdar. i.
bat yea wae't iaare Ml c( anuivp:
Bala'UlaBz! Yea «ialda*t have tba ehW af ataS. aiad Dr. aiabarw. pkp*ta the fwpal hoMBbaM. TWn la
I ar aU ktbda. aapartallp rabbtta.
- -Oh. ira aa aaa te talk aboat hawtar
aba mdtad. “Oaoffa aad PaOy baaa
bath cat baarta, bat ITa bothlr- '* “
I waadar faac haw Map t
Larvir ca«artt teand th.tba .a
batwtai to pear rt»bt «rr
talM tt tba OfBBX t -UllUaaa.
1. Tbara la a larfa a BbarafwIM
baanalp whla|«a<l. -had
Bare to MP hat and hair aad cklal
te calatomta
m B««y »1U k# argaal
Caot tbap ba atnpad oCr
tboaecaaalesof SlacAl
-.Kot ladar. D«da Jerrp. I hear fm
U1 tbs Mcrtal ambaBadon u tbs
Baa’t Ilka aw."
wtloB « ••• ‘
-Bat I do. Tea beat »a
ara aU
____ . . IfooacXIIL
-Bat yaa daa BhaPaUy:
aad wlU pradda at--------.
-Taa. I da. Polly Is tba slew
wUl ba baM at tha AiBp Hub. with the
ta dU tUa cowaty." .
1 of OoolA wbo la already.
-Bba U tbav but bow yaw
________ HaBrtd: Bhchbadar. ktartaboet: You moat ataad aa steady as case. UlobqM aad Baa. aB of wbsB
rally la a alea firt.”
WMT tba inalcala of tba Order of leal
-But do aomatblag far Bar ba aaM It Catollea.
Tba Use baa a foadaaaa fertba Oaaa
-UoWcsalt Taa doat Ilka me. aad da Campa. wbara ba map afiao ba saae
you don't waat ^tarfa and I'ally to iMtoc Ua farertu bona CUqalta^ a
Barry, and"—
tmeocbticed from tba aubba of Araa-Widdar lUalr.- esBa tba whlapaf^ gwm. UU mapaaty la aka baae^
ward. fMB SBld tba baafc “I Uka yea. praUdant of tba aawrtcwl eloba of BarI Ilka I'oUp.cokoa aad Baa BabaoUaa. Ha alwapt
■Abd Uaotxar
attMidi tba fagattM at tba law piacm
“Ila Bay marry PoUy toarnmr.
Uaw It only cat tbasa baaa off-a me.
aad a«wrra aad Ba artll marry tba-baU



caboodla of pan Infora ooBdowar
I'pda Jrrrya word was tanaldrrail
aa food aa Ua bond, aad balf aa boar
Uiar. bp carafal maotpolatlcm. tb«.baas
hired aad ba was fraa 10 fOL

Tbwa to la ancy oaa. bawaaar
asBa waakaaaa wUHt Iw bead
U Bbaw IBaU aoeatr or totar. Back
with Gp«*e rawrana.
' '
had aerred two
a Caned 9
b aedtt. ba had ewtrred a
hto compaap. bewUas harlac
m for caUantry la
wbp ha did out aa
Bat for aaotbec tarm was l>«nu»r ba
bad falkn la krr wMb a preltp i
■eas. wbomaod bUa. aad tbep
ba tHLtTlrd. Ida Uarber was r«y
pread of ber torar’s paowneL
Tba M-aartaaat foaad’a Job aa parPC ta a Stan. Tba ret^k were Ba^
rkd and beoarkerplac la a IttiMtrchaaed with Ida's aartwa.
.............. ... Wrti for awUk. bat Oearfe.
harlac bewa aaed w an aetlrHp dtCartart Ufa. hsesB^ tusarr wader tbr cuoBoaplacc dottos af a pertar. Ue attoaed
Che oat of deer Ufa. tba martial maala.
dik rlBC af anwe aad •apeclaltp tba azrttaBaat aad dascar of
paldw. Dap after dap- ha
d aad at tool bapan to tbirfc
Ua dDUea. This la tJme coat Ua '
pealtlon. He was art tarry, bevaaee
ba tbeacbl ba weald Bad aoBetbtap
hrtter tatted ta bla taata. Ills
wire aacowraped Urn te tUok tbaa.
tboopfa la bar bean aba werrkd that
tbeir laramr abeUd ba rut off.
Grom trkd arrrral other orropaBoat but did aet show aay mere air
mode for wort 1 a them than tu tba
«f them be rrtlrrtl
reloaUrtly: from others be was dieMeaewUIr rhUdreo. were
tbe cwople. and bMmw then
the Co feed tbe wife
tceoated tbea

I tad BsooM draned la Bowtap
af aortaat Oraeca. with thalr feat
caUttooB of boalary aad bouad

d a fMttal of tba

jvdpiaato dub.
Hra Herbert Wadawwtb of New
w. aad ber follow.
tort to tbe o
peopkattbanpltba Krw York World.
Wban U. OktarucaaB was la tba tbtaa are tba Couaicaa MarpoertU Cas.
•Praarh chambar of drpoOaa. ba Ue- UaL HIM Bdltb Bartoa CUId. Utoa
rama for aama raasoa tba Idol of tba
worklQcouu. but bU ro|>alaHty. areoadlnc totba eooraaof aalura. browcbt
panaHlB. Ila was bealacad bp aU
._ta af |>«pla. wbo raiaa maaelp U
aak uarallabo. and aumatliMS Ibaj;
at* queatloat of tba Dost trIrUI aurt
Ua was orlctMlIp a dortor and uaad
to clre adrl<w for aotbloc at eartala
• dapa af tba Oruak draam
bonra of tba dap. Oar awralnc a wurtf ___ .j to BMitcIrealar. accordlap
ti«a>aB rntered Ua room, and ClrlurD OfoeUn BoiM. aad Hra. Wadtw.
caab said wltboU looklac a^ from Us
MB are proapeA ttb
•^ka ^ year coat aad abirt
tSratPv each beartapa lyraapdpow
naod to yoo dirofliy."
la of
as tba amata
. Atbraa-Tt 'li a fi
Thraa Blaotaa lalar ba fowad tba of raaaea aad a flow of tool, for Um.
mn bad airlppad to ttah waM.
Whdawartb would aoC spoil tUe srttstlr
e to uutblnp t
offset bp w
aid the docloi wban bt bad aoUap anfl
d drtaktnp. Tba Btat of tbaaa
a was plrra a few^^ya
r tbara tsatr irturaed the ^

tba aft af twaalpwaa ba had
mhaw ta Bra atanbars <>r tba oppualto
'aaz aad wai M baabTal aa a cM •><
Tba rtlaU at btejraaag Ufa acrtirrad
OM dap whaw. drl»lB« ahaap
tha BawaaeTlUa tuarkat. ba |«aa*d tba
rarabem a( tba WMow U^k- >■»
was last la tliM ta aaslal U* bind
Baa. tba WIdcFW and bar daoMr
Ip terztUiralah a Bra la tba bam.
tbewfb ba hwtiad on as aoou as
BtUa. ba bad Irtt fala heart bablad with
yMoChlac araa aaM abont bU sdraet«ra wbae b# ratomad boota. and baah(al as ba was ba bad naoafad tu saa
PoOp half a daaao IIrms and airlle bar
lataNst bafwm tba uawa raaobad tba fatbar'a ears. Aftar a llttla laBartlob
Unde Janr want tu tba Bald wbara
Ifs about tlma
you «oC Diarrtad. Tba bou
aDonch for asolbar family
“But what did yoa atrip forr
eoutaa you hart nu Ibuuctala of laartni
“1 Ihoupht poo wauled an HlostrabsAa. 1 ciMaa you-d batlar
Uoa of tbe cmicUtrd body of Ibe man
te Jim Taplat'a yal. Bba aiat murb Wbo Urea bp Ibe sweat uf bis brow."
M leokA as fU allow, but I*Te Iraard
Tbe poimcsl queslIoD irmalncd anBm was a cnwt vorfcar. Tbaiv'a r>- ^nawered. U. Clcmeoreao wss too exll^ ta ba a Ctrcula la Bawacmallle ba; ' I aaiwnted lo do amr« iban tell lbs niaa
vaak. asd I daot mind flrbw you
to dreM Bod go teme.
doUar to Uke bar aloaf." '
Uaorn m«Mftd ta raply that I
twop • Stow TraSm
dlda-t think ba-d cat marrWd t
-I rrsDt lo go to. Uaeasier^ aaH a
awhile yet
iTTous looklopold wamaD at ibe peer­
-Wan. tberah Da bnrry. of cooraa. ed Ibroopb at Ibe ticket aellrt Id tbs
but Wmma teU you aowalbliiy. I ra Bruod street stsUoo. “WUl poo klnd)p
beard that you was rwatln* ahaap'a tell DM when tbs next tralD poesr'
m,m toward tba TThldar Utali'a. 1
"Tbe next trsla ksres Bt llrtO," was
mUht as wall gnlt that. I'd raibrr
yoa la yoar gtmra tbaa Batrtrd I
^Awl'^wben doea It raacb Laacaaterr BBksd tba pid woman.
-Jaal tba wMaw • ntea woma
IT aspttea;
-It's a two tear
aspitea: feta tbara
“Ko. air. aba alntr daaUlraly ra'K)oodaew laa! I data't Wta te trarai
pUad tba fatbar. -I had two lawsuiu
B fast. I'm afraid of artMeata.'


r ^^naad^by^aem^o
Haas, ta clmckmaia tha barf
_ to Mt Beat, tba moiremcal U
ba axteadad to Bruefctaa. Pall Blvsr.
and otter kMUtka. asps a
apselsl dlapaleb froB Buaum te lbs
Maw York TUaso.
C O. Bwoec a partaar In a Jewelry
Brm at Atikboeo. Is
• wbo Is pnatly
raralea of tbn iaubiset of

UaS at ftcUiic la Bp box. be trpUad
qalto fldap:
- 'No. tor; Ur. PabchUd to aec la.’
tat dewa aa m towap aad
- 'Well. wWa ba aoBta U pkaa
Ub mt-W |a hoto kaUap far
“The pancr carried tbe clnt
PUIra.--N'aw Tork.Trtb'uar.

•owsr. they hma "tOiat tewa oa
m band aad sbaoldan. In Bra BlaM te was aXBCta Wddaa tMB olcM


aad partteOy bilplMa
Oaa Boea of
bto hand woaM hara fOBmad ta a
thoMaad tatapa
-WA Bada JafTy.” md tba rrtdow


.or oapartlap yoa. I aa p&d yoa'ra
«atak.--I Btepam yoa want ta talk


ahm •aatffs aad

^ "Staadlte
Tte retdp came Stert ate ahacp:
«tar."lww4Na. "fSTa BB a Bcrt-Uaap year
-VA- te MhL Boekly. “aatccM to Uaoota ate asopb.
b piaw vmm
riMUy tbs baas teotats ta
Bto paudaatarad ^7 »Mcw tha OakloBd. Ksb.. atoax Oltyateftea. roar at taaphter




Dont Be Fooleoi





BrtC RHa la Case of PIrw.
As a bouse to nev.-r allsekvd l.y Are
t tbe tup and Uuttoiii St onre. If tbara
• a safe anil rradp eill at l-olb tup
and l■ulb<M■ very little dsnciT to life Is
feared. It Is lni|>oruot tbst all
etkU shuol.1 be so ^nowu as Ito l>e east.
ly fontid l.y day cie lUplil by
mate of tbe bouse. If Ibe clotbca
bare on ralrh Uie. a btouLet. mp or
some sia-h wouten artlrlr abould be
qoK-Lly and tlpbtlp weaiiped around
sou Air ta thus excluded, and the Bra




I SEKKI IlSUluiffin

Ins aad arti-rlra. wlib lbs rrIbr nCtrltlun of Ibe |oin 1s In.
terfered with and the ivmo*rt;nf tbe
barmrul aalislaDres hlodered: the n
rmuon of tbe epWerrok caarnd bp
arid unn emporatloo. so ihai
panprsne to a drp oac. p mammiaim.
tkiB. aa U w ere.


I IveselhlA URAIW



k.M.i tl v.-iv.l-roiw.

Tes-1>.-r» .4 Vi.ilin ss-l V..-sl MsWr

port out.
A siusll Are Id a nsim can orten be
put out Id Ibe aamr way In preferene*
to pourinp watiT on II. In caae of flr*
iee|i all doors abut aa far as puaqIbM.
If a rouBi to full of amoke. keep low or
crawl. becBOse stuukr and led bulb
rise. ItavUip the Boor i-ouijismUvclp

ber basband darted .
cry -Go back-' How br pul Ibrougb
Brr and omoke tbal InliTvetnsl-be^
tween bliu aad bis buy. «by be wss
•-I tadseas wbst bas ben said oa
, aat burned murtally My
this aoblsrt." aald ba.- •Tte BaUM of BoSaeated by tte otbiT. be
B a drealar aagpertlnr to tba •toe erer kaew. Itrarblag tbr ruum lie
■a that tbap atop satup maat for
keowlag that be <muU nut
bring tbe rUld eat by tte way te bad
It wui aolts Ufcalp te dooo. eoaie. te etb-d to bis wife;
Tbara ara a aoabsr of msa at atand-Oo below tte Bnadawr
kp who ara lataraatsd. wbo wooH
Ida raa down sod oat arUlag
to tap aaytUap pab- btoaket by tte way. Ip tbe yard s
Be at this tUoA wbo arlll pal adrUa foood sereral origbtera wUu bad brea
-No danger at all .madam. I i
Slap asttap Bsat for tl
attrarted by tbe fire. At tbr Mine moyoa._Jr hsattb.-fiat Burrty you bara slower ttaloa.”
George tbw op a Hsb alwvw
.. _ BaadaU mM tbara tell ba
-Ob. yea; tbera'a one al 12r«. “
Wllboet a worjl tbou prrm-ut arlmd
•bo't tba last wocutD so earth 1
mass Baatite wtlboW aop dooM. ate tte btoaket ate tte boy was drtePrJ
oam>t pet to Laacaatsr aoW »;ia
lalalad to raa. Better po over to Taptte BOtasaste wUeb boa bsae ooUlasd Mfelp taw It
-Well I pocaa I'U watt for ibat
tor's tMipW abd ask Barab to po
There’s oe bm la Uklnp any uoaecea- at IHlstiRii ate wUcb Brocktoa ate
As Boon oi George Cuorerae saw that
about to Jala will be bto aoD was safe te tegau to remem­
tbs eirctu with yau.- sah rtoka- Ate aba tenpbt her tick­
• Bsa wbo ara later- ber Ibe frar of Arc tbat bad |•ralpxed
But Oeurga dldaX aad a moath U
et to Uocapwr ate tat dowa .ta waU
MO. wbo Um. it was all gone, tbe abame be
ha -t—-» paratyaad hto father by aay- for tba
are pstttac toady to act sasrpa
fell only reaialnliig. But one Idea Ail­
-Dmh 1 bare asked Pally HUIr to
vbm thalr ptaaa ara ta ohapa.
ed Ills mlod-to wipe out ite aUlD.
mrty am. aad aba has coaaaated.'
rsMste Rotaoa.
'•Jump?" cried ibou below, fiolffbag'
Ad ram as tmtert
-Jacaaba. bat you daat mesa
Tbs torgest ruby kaowa to eaa
tte btoaket uadrt tte wladow.
Hapar Dsato UaUrtUU of Brtdpaahaatad tba fatbar as be Jaapaff
tloasd bp Chardlo as bsrttip beea enGeorge aat dowa on tbe window atll
prared wtib tbs aame of Bbeik tkpbp. part Bay flttlaplp sted Ut ear--------took a pipe aad a tobac-o puucb from
-I d«.“ was tbe qoM reply.
boot te Hapar Clart Ipaatlaa
Aaotbrt nabk ruby to In pe
bto pocket Blkd tte |d|s-. Upfated It
-Bat yoa can't oatry ber. Georpa. tte shsb of Hsrato. lu wslgbt to pot
ate begaa te paS as cooUp as tf tbet*
1 foeWd yea ta m never pP
- - at m cants. A tUed. beiooglop ts
T-----------to any oarb tblnp.
tbs king of Cntmr. was ent lata, a
"Jompr' repealad tbe crosrd. The
sphtecal form ate la 16U was
want to Bai^, go orcr am) ask
idof map fall at any iaoB«itIhylsr ta baro yoa.-I’m folap back lbs wap 1
be said dappedlp.
Tbasa was open rabelUoa at last, tbe
oa do. poo
ftrat tlas tbs asa had peer patBlooed
n I'll be a <-_______ __
paraaai aatberttp. Dads Jerry's Bm
:Braed from tbe wladow, bet
thaotbt was to kKk lbs te) op la tbs
bsartap tte apaatoed rail of
aBoheboBBc. tba next to tfarcsteo
tmt arer tte alU. Tte look ate gave
TbU tale wss told bp Jadps Penap- a2? JIw3y teR5Ma*?miSpr^aaaM
dtolotwrtl hiBk Than hto abtcwdai
told Um tbat be had oo octe
ewBO M Us bM. aad ba aak):
packet la beptaaliii a raapeass to a
IcaU Umaelf In ber eyes, ate be
-Wa woaY aay ao Bees sfaoat It ]<
mueiuberad that If be wore lost ate
u Oulmih rt Oaib:
would be left to eaottaae to aapport
MW. bat wbsa wa cmae U bara a t
1 patM wa cat aersa."
bersetf and tteir ctaUBm. Hrjnmped
s of tbe
Thiaa days lalar be drew# up to tbr
law tte btoaket
a Dat^Bsa taabep tl
rroa that Borneat George CaoTerae
WMew BlUrta. Ha lataadsd lo Utrb
ta aa rtpcraatly that tba widow aad ta aatberltpbecama an tteoatnoas worker ate
bar daapbter wooM order Urn off tbe
mode bto famUp happy and r<
boracd crsry bara froB a eabey
• trap eUy did te
ptacs aad hto BOO artor Ub. As he
abees fftaoBtoa to a eratala patat be­
After bto experteoe* with
droTo ap ba saw tba widow oat In tbe
low WiBcksaur, A bond of aapry rehorchard aad beard ber dramBlac oe a
fficbsw ta coBPUot draad of tts vw
cto fanawte lUa nM. watehlap far a
tlB pan. Ba taraad la tbai dtrwrttoa.
chaaea to pick ap aay oliapflera.
Bo was ttaaklap of tew te abooU
Anmap utters who ffll late tbsir handi
ttm tba Bsttar whaa aocaatUap
was a IMUe I'saatylTsala Datctamaa
pad pMt Ua eor. aad tea aeeoDds
Washte do«n> Mlagraph Dm which
te foaad Ua bead la a rtrcllop riom)
■ -Vst yuo felluws palag i
afteta. Om of tbe wVlow-a Urea was laer
No BSttar wbetber tba
teas took Ub for a roatboab or a aaa-


sa4 tksi k Vte »aly way that rke<

lajartee rum Car
WanilBtB arc pirea
lajory to akia aad
JaeraU apali
ap raosll froa tba
area baaeVblrti
itinued use of weak-sap. i Sit
or etn S >>r rrut- cartMlIted appUcatloaa. eept^UUp U|»n pertliberal por
tkias of tb* Iwdp. sorb ss ibe Baperw
This rlfm. Il Is aserried. ta due la a
Biaall Dtraeurr 10 tbr aciloii of carbolk
add 0|nu ibr rasooHMur system, but In
Ibe main tu Ms ddarurtlra effect apea
a-blleti'lnod corpuarka.
k partip II

prUe Ibe effect oa the others. How
erer. Ceom'e posinon ss a >I» notblap.
penullUnc bla wife to su|>p>rt
oUp berseir S^ Ibelr rbll.ltvn.
well, at last ewnard Ibr lluprr
A 10 be pelWed al him. ilk
friends dropped away, and be bad a>i
idmirr Urn ex.-epi blr wife
oa to admire
d that open
fd Ida's eyes. Hu lonp as Gevrar was
FX-bem pf Bisap tisttli-e sbe .ould
toook Ue luMlltp to Ul-n- el unllnery
Umutb ebe was i,l.ltu<-d tu siiir
plp tbe deflrtenry .Uerwir.
Dipbt belnp awakened l» tb
smohe. abe pet up. upmetl the l-dmom
dour atKl found Ibal the house al-uvr
was la Bailies. Awaki-nlnx her bus
land, she bsile Uoi pu to the U|>l>er
BoiP and lirlup Ibrir i-ldi-st l<ov, while
abe carried down Ibe olbi-r IWi
dtra. who alept In a
... .
irlnp Genrpe
lo Us yank,
abe execoted ber own. bnl alnrt be did
But aptoar ber anxlrtp led her Iwci tu
dbevviT Ibe, cause of tbr detop. Kba
expected to see bill! I>atllliic witb lbs
Baines, bnlf suSofond wllb nuiuke.
beartnx ibrtr nun lu wfelp. inslead bo
was aUDdUip at tbe fuut uf tbr siatrwblcb led to the burning nlory.
-Oeorpe. for beaven'a nkke. go: 'Tbs
cUkJ will be kat.Uaorpe turned toward Ina a face
white wltb fear.
••Oh. tleusiwr
Tbk was all Rbe saw that br was
lerror ittrloken. A veteran at ntnndli
up opalust sbot atMl hbell be was
raw recruit it meeting Ore.,ISbe gsve
I aprtug and dasbed up tbe aUlnTbr set wfbls brave llltlr wlft
Drtdrd lo enable Utvrge fonver

mi ramny.”



MrafBytaoB. 1 daddad this waa
tbe wa'p te Bad ewt
-Ua kwfeedaC mai

obamd Ib'ta

-Ueeno CO orar to tba Widdar
Blalr-a toalcht aad ask Tallp If aba'U
ba readp to marry you a weak tram

-WMb aU Mb tawMC* bapaa Mr.‘
toirchUd. -m baM Baa to a Btat
Bb frtlaw, who wta pa a toa« wap
a heap Ua paam froB sUauc too
aaeh Is pabBc o^ fiuB belad aaaa by
.Babtfl iiiiai. I taeaU aa towtaan
qrhkh heppeaed u Bt la !taw Tart
aettovopo. I bod rapBiatud la tha
BoralDB aad. toartap bp k^ at tba

Tbr luuctet Olid araoun In tte Tailed
Btatet k found in tbe Iturfcp inoontain
regtuQ. wlM-ra ll eireeds tte wan
about ten days. Tbe warm a«
s and tbe lower ma«mrl vaUey
o|wna about Irn days eartlrr than In
tbe rtsloo uear tbe middle Altontle
sod from twenty lo Iwentp-Brs
days earlier tbaa oa tte m>otberu c
of CaUfunila. In tbe oorlliwiwt
n wwsoD opens from twenty to
iCy.flee dnyw earlier tlian lu tbs
____ fWlon and from Bfteen to tweatp
days caHler tbsn in lbs aurtlT i-aasr





I a. Msntn. M- I

nUrtIn & Evans

ai.. KaUv. |-lai--lMs-^ai>l msslBve-a




r OaereO Trees.
Han;crr 4i( the Kve and t^llisK uiooaa H|.-ctoliy,
aupv^ tu Ul.tWV
rallfloas worship and msywa
cwont te felled or drsiniyed.
more unlreraal but nut leas Xlacere rrverrocr do tbr |•oanDlt of lluoala prosirstr ttemselves U-fore Ite trees wblrb
they sre bIhmiI lo cut sud dcprxal* «te
vengraace of tbr drIlM-s wtoiao restlog pUrra Itiey tlien prworrd to deatrop.-Ueallemso's Hacasliw.
RIa Rental .
Tbs Comt-flo you ask divorr* from
tbls msu on tte btouikI uf mrnisl Inrapsrily. WUatproof.bsvo you tbst te's

a-se bast UiuHlM htraat.


BttUben BBd Sauate Makcn. |


T.M14-—Nu au.

iSs-Aiin u.i s* <Tu-«n.-r». Mreu Or |



. ?
Tte tVooisn-Wbo site te Was tasne. your bonorT
Tbr i’oari-\Vbp..yao asy be to
tally tbrapabk.


PBtE Marquette
Pm I. IMl
Trsis. ksve Trseww twy s« Wkevi
Fm Utsod lUpele. UeUvSI. Ttatok.. <klAsc<i
MSowt.evua s. , 11* s‘ti..l.~ p •
Pur Hsskero. IW; ('Hr. P>e1 Hurra. Ttom.
IiPSr.aisBdmm.ems is..n *s-s.
rttas>mm.}mdiss«-* ssdHilwsakra, S.-m
s. If .II*s s. .1 •■V ».
rBkHstAtp snd Kslkotoa. fs-R. t*p
PorVWkvuUsml PeSterr. I* a •_ aw

Lark «r Ortadaallty.
Bays a Pbitodeipbto idiyalclai
Tp la tl
vttar tack of origUmUlp
oat ortgloal hi tbeir
blav b« ttmp can te divided Into
os. BteOacb ClSM bss Us oue UUs
nDlfunn sad uavarplng art of absmIhm Tte insane caamff be other tbaa
Itetotive and comawoptore.''

4. AVUeoev al tew Of
lUk Ou e Usek. Trsrer--


-Cbariep. dear.- hU poong Hra. TOfklat. -I want yoo lo promise tbst pso
wlU not lose nop t

'".s.r..'— “
-.vsTs.'.fs'.”:era «• tbe Pulat.
« qoalliy of din
lie of all mra a
IP. beeaaae Ibey valas I
b 10 sguandM II In eaal
. It to on lu­
te kadar or
qaaUg> .
aprton.—Bocall torn'

Haa was made te maofa. bat proba­
bly It was never lateadad that te
ahoaMteoadaemaebaf taatlamattt

T.r^'.’&'ssr ■
tar we
• SJIISIIIAI frm <d Mane. Um milspstm
rtsessBru 11 rwM taMs M asm Bieralk
mikpi Isr mie r^l
M. *. ai'NRRitpnfln.
TSMlip Mdtamrdsy raw

• aiy St s |S» w.

G L. uxjswono.

«AK®» WUl 0^1.1.



g Ml la. Ikr two yson
Than ihabsm

- ,1,.. J*


Aralca flalva and my lap a
ate wall as arar." Fv C
fnSRtis, TatSM. ffalt BIma
ate all Mote dlRteart^Eltrtan haa ao rteal« sank.
BJL HUt * fleas and JsA O. J




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