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The Evening Record, September 09, 1902
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
CompoMd of Aldormen mt
rnemhmn Board of Trado
U a NO
and it U not acto tha company it la aa good |
Retultof Mee^'to Con»ld*r
Change In Railway Ordinance
aa no franohlaa at all Caplt^, Iw,
daolared. la very aenaiUre. and will:
not taka obaneaa onleaa aoma indnoe.
iaoffarad. Ha daacribedthe con-
a fianoblao wfatob wiU bo aoboplabU
to tbo company and properly oafognard
tbo intoroeU of the oily.
The eommittae wao appointed by
Mayor Oarrer ao foliowi:
From the oonncli-Aldermen Wil-
tho Two Deckhands Sleep
H. C. Daria Aldorm
mada ehainaan of the
Tbe Uying of brick on Union street,
ton proceed very shortly, probably as,
will be raised at onc«.
I AciHbrr .Man.
la oa tto TIcbol.
stmotton by fire th«* building of Mra.
Hill on 1East Front street ntwr BoardGrand Rapids,
Seju. 9—1., T.
hich lias been occupied
Durand laid the facts bcldft the conaa a cigar factory by. Garl M. Pierce.
vention, and the committee unani
Mr. Giwyson and Mr. Hartley wen‘
mously adopted a resolution at :i:lo
odot:k, dccUrin*; it the sense of the
committee that judge Durand remain back from lunch, when they Naw a
on the ticket.
light In th.- huilding. A cat liad tipGrand
1>-Jndgc IHMl over the lamp tliat wa* left burnDurand will undoubtedly remain or ing in thv .torf room in front, a blare
the democraUo ticket. At a confer had caught in a pile of pai*Ts and
attoe yt^terday at Flint, when Charles fj.read to the counter and tbe ca*h
T. Durand asked the judge if he drawer. The two iiignt watchmen got
wanted to remain on the ticket. Judge Into tiie l.nildlng and ancoeeded In
Durand nodded emphatically l.ulloat evtlngnlshlng^e flames without tbe
and see the famous “II
The/just as goods
when it comes down to .i
son.—The Uosion Store.
Cjd(r | 5C i\ COld StOragl
-------------- ------------- 1
or Tory ! I
_ ^
Young Woman Found Dead
With Throat Cut
will never
Having a
in your
'l*hc sweet
tone and
elegant apixrar-
music makers alwavs jilease
—Factory i>rit cs and easy
You can’t atiord toj
music in your
Sec us for partiru-:
and larking dangera of the
m Dooiis piKD i mi
New Dress Goods, New Waistings. New
Trimmings, New Notions. New Silk
Waists. New Furs. Ladies’ New Capes
and Jackets. Children’s Cloaks and
* I fhl« 4
ffto. If choten
church at
sm sisasr-Jiss,
r the direction of Ralph Anderson.
„U«wU: bat Ihi.
way to enooWM* obpiUlUto nndM
the mmr timt make Itraayfortbe
The voung people’s Society of the
Prcsb>tcrian church, wdl mcet al the
homcof Mr. tVaig. on park street, to-
"‘Si. Klo4rl«h *w .waw* la hU
aad atfod »bal th. ooaaoil kak.
77 88d71*,; corn.
morrow c/cning. (or a social time.
Friends of the society will be guests.
IN CARPET DEPT-Ne'w Carpets. New Rugs.
New Linoleunss. New Lace Curtains.
IN CLOTHING DEPT-Men’s New Suits and
Overcoats. Boys’ Suits. Overcoats and
Reefers. New Furnishings-in fact, a
general filling up of the choicest goods
—Buy your goods here at from iOto
20 per cent, cheaper than elsewhere.
The Boston Store received today a
carloaxlof furniture -and stoves and
deflBile 881100 to ao Ax 8 fi8aehiM 8a
another of bedroom sujCeSa
Mr. aad Mta. S. K.
too Waiter, of Rkbaund, lad., are
thesuew of Mr. aad Mli. W. O.
WK INVITE every man
the principle, of that great imrty the
of the
hanafita it will brin^ to na” Approx!^ly tlK* paving would coat about
$10,000 in tan year, to tba company.
for a short visit.
DM. BMB hod bMome int.tv.Md In th. hour. The appeal that Uie i*eople of
pnjom BBd ww. bwkloc it by th.lt Michigan have been making for a
taOBODO. to menre .nob a ftaocblw primary eleotion Uw which ahall pur
Elizabeth CaU, one of the i>ionccrs
M wOBid b. acoopmbl. « tr.ll « M ify tha avmmet to poiitlon of public
f the t'.rand Traverse region and
H. ref.rr«i to tl.. honor and truat. baa not been heeded.
willow of the Ulc Silas Call, a veteran
nnmetoo* maatlng.
held upoothi Capital and labor are comiwnion actof the Rebellion, died this morning at
whl^ ore in indoairial aotivlttea. and when
the home of her daughter, Mrs. E, H.
Travarar Oity
ht working together with due andbooeal
Koch, near Grawn, of paralisis, age
ampliMtaad the great regard for the right ot each other «ic
C8 years.
benaflU that would nootuc to the pec- Odmitgenetdllj attained. The
'be prln-j
She leaves four daughters, Mrs, L.
pi. cf Ihe peninauU and Traj^ clpie of equal and juat ta
ofP‘crmsylvanu, who has l>ecn
City. And new the Board of Tr^ principle which oooade
..V. mother during her illncaa.
pruaanted tha »ma argumant:
nciple by|^j
KEEch of
aotiy apiwova.. It to a priaoiplv
ml the road becuuaa of tha gxM
Mre AlfonM FobIct of
to tod8oa tha mo8oye4 mm who hove
Alfred V. Friedrich
New FallJVaists
All “wool Flannels
Fine French Flannels., etc. etc.
Prices from 49c to $3.75.
mart uew Skirts arrIvedCodap.....-----
Mrs. Howard Fife went to Klk
Rapids on the Charlevoix this week
ablch the n-queat baa come to me haa
«emed to maketl my Imperative duty
0 do wliat I can towards the betu-rind Her Ile.baad Had Bto* oa a
Upon the query of Alderman Hamil- mmt of condiUema The aplendid
too aa to why the Board of Trade ieclaration of i*rlnclple. adopted a.
wanted to grant a boon* to the railway 1 platform of tbe convention oomt.r.n t ode
Friedrich of the nanda my hearty >pproval. also it
:haliengea the attcntoln of the loyal
N oungslown. O.. Sept, t».—The
c iorm. tn.npportof
Dittaen to tbe dangers of the hour and
,vlv of Mrs. lames McGinn, aged 21,
of tho fmiiobi..alrmdy p>mod. to Um to the enrlronmenU which menace
f New Cattle was found in a pasture
•imot of oonoM.lon. .VIMMO by th.
in which we live, and the
Bawd of Tnd*. II. >mied Uwt th. righto and prlvllegea which belong to field at Hubbards lliis morning with
throat cut from car to car.
Mttonof th. bowd *« bronght .boot bar cltUena. againat all eooroach
Mrs. McGinn were visiting nn
by » dortr. to ooooBrwm ..pltnlUU to meat* upon the rigbu and prerogauncle and according to admissions liad
Mm. bon wid inywt th«lr moB.y in tivea of the people.
1 on a carousal.
tho nUlwny projwt
That udw th.
•The democratic parly ha* atoi.d
(nwihlw pwwd by tb. oonncit It yrw and to all thoae who are believer* in
equal to
Our price oii/p
CMdits’ Bauds*
dent spent the night, i
morning.^ Ashville
en itrncture and would have gone like
flaah. A. it la. practically no dam-
to pay the aamo aa oU.er property
owncra would be from |nX) to fl.OOO
th* An
family .Unimtod befor. the .
could have resch. d it. as it it a wood
nor of thl, gn-ot •»*». i»rmit m« In
Tbaiufora the laa year reiaaaa ha oon-
I ud rornldkor* l« HI*
t of the siding at
I!ul for tb. ir timely KTi\»l mideffl- ;l
Imre be«n de.troyed
ing >lu>es.
Would be consideretl great bargains at
m most stores.
dent work. th. bn.ldin* tionU cr.;
together with especial care,
made in new styhsli shapes.
gixKl looking, splendid wear
BjTrlrrrBtAto tl
necessity of c^ngoot the Are depart-
Oroaa waa
iBdwad to aaBBM
th. wimrprtoe.
TlMlMBTtwt tupByortwid wUd biul-
Tbe timely arrival of Night Police♦
1 Grayson
men Hartley
o'clock this mominif*
oinfj' aared from de-
Made ofscleetedMock. iml
io tbo
300 pairs,
i»-.\nKcrcsl l»cof receiving; the
O’Neal this morning ;and then turned
the wcajKin on herself, dimg instanlly, while her huslantl lived long
ullcvaMS Hartley and Urayaon enough l«» tell the t ircumstances of
S mil Hatidiaaon Kaat rtamt
ehoaan aeoretary of thawia^ng.
in not being able on account of alckProfeaaor Dookaray axplainad that neas to be pretont and apeak pir«m
whlla the propoaition wa* to n
ullytoalL X endeavored to Indioalr
tha company tr6m paring eipanee for my wlaho. that the conTt-ntion might
a paHod of ten year^ the regular tax wlect another to carry the atandard
whleh the company would be nyiuired n thebatUe, bat
the maimer in
,i$,rad a. a
Banitosdl Approval of fUt-
idiOB thw BO moa.yml men oonid b*
and go to $3.50 by easy jumi»s.
S.w TI«SS.«a7tc
of .Oil-
th. nomlnntlon to th.- oBlo* of
ot> llevrir.j
the men who were aaieep.
farm, and OeUlMd Hi*
Can fit the “kid” of two years up to size 46.
irld l.catcr-evrr> gootl kind that’s made
Our line this season is a
. ^you
_ want.
ccN start at *J5 < cnti
in cotton, wool or silk —mixctl if
very narrow escape for the oth^
Was Read to the Convention
ceotlon by eoction. hot to take np only
the main polnu at laaoe. Before pro
New York Woman Shot Him
er nu mbers of tho crew, uho ban ly
saved their lives, with no time to seek
given ite vseenllal pointa He
pUlned «»ai tliere werv differancaa of ing that be did.
ofdnioa regarding the adriaabillty of
Judge Dorand’a h tP r wa* read t4
releaalng the company from the
the convention this afternoon
pence of paring for a peHoJ of ten warmly tbanksthe people of Michigan
yanrc, and. none but a prophet (
foretell the rtealt 4a the future. It
J.d«. D«r»d mr> In pnrt: "In
waa decided not to trad the franchiae pCMMittiic my formml Moepmoc oJ
order, tbe work on
before the
to beath
log of taxpayen and mamban of the
It waa of the ntmoat importance that
great oarv and deliberation ebonld be
That arc not only SERVICEABLE,but BEAUTIFUI. as well. We
have the goodt—former cfTorti knockctl out—any color you want,
stripes and figures, all the new wrinkles—Prices x-cry czsy, 50 cents to
natch baains are all put in. bat lhts|
will not effect tbe qnailty of the fin-1
iabed job. Inspaotor Healy aay* that
the w jrk is prooeding r atisfactorily |
Been a Bad Blaze Last Night
Board of Trade prceont. and only Aid•rmoa OiUeU and MoOlnoky were ab-
important. He aaggesled that there
were no »ore *pot^ on either eide.
The fmnchlee In quration la the
important one the city ever had. and
Some of the work is being done out I
of its
iHt wEtTHER saasraswMTKirtv.-srai
soon as tbe brick is all laid on Front
angry with
This Afternoon
oeot Mayor O. P. (>nrer wao called
to preside over the meetiag.
PrellmlnarT to the dieonaeioB on
the propoeed frmn^loe Prof. C. R.
Doekery onUnrd the propoeed change*
In the franeblee from tha^ paamd by
Ue oonnoil. Alderman Hamilton nig.
geetel that the direeton of the Board
of Trade make their argomeoU npon
the ohaogee eaggestad. chiefly
paring cUuee. which waa the
liobart Beodwr Co. « « Prog.
npon the streeL
Barring very
Blomsbield thinks tbat aU tbe work
Mrs. i:. N^ Backus who has been
of paving wlU be completed by the sixmding the summer with her sister.
end of this month. The grading Is Mrs. .A. W. Wait, will return to her
now being completed to Union atreet
home in Jackson Thorsday.
brtdge on tbe aonth, and tbe concret*
Boat Uted llee^lly to l*ort, Tht-e C re.hing IsprogreasiBgrapialy. andahonid
eqAr*(a*tUM l>ock aatf %VeatX>o»a
be comidcted
by Saturday night.
cratic Leader
ksts and fleiiosiiir goods at tfk
,ftatad tbat tba Uook of pavement between 0am and Park etreeto wlU be Fkbtymade a tour of tbe Pantbui
opened for traffle Saturday morning. Oieek Valiev yeeterdgy and reporti
Tbe cement is aetting well, and Mr. that the men aa very soUA At tb«
Blonuhield thinks tbat by Saturday conclusion of a meeting
morning It wUl be mfa to allow traffic
The barge is in 25 feet of water and
damaged to the extent of |«a». She
Judge Durand Will be Demo
liolm, Hamilton, Bledor, and City At
toraey Orooo. From the Board of
Trmdo-A. V. Friodrloh. Dr. O. J.
Knooland. U^8. Bull and Attorney
Iwmmss etech ot IndfaiM Bes»
Day ar .This Week.
TMAJU-KO. 1668
Engiaaar Bloambiald this doming
pandaot with tha railroads Peraon. 8/ TfUereUi to the Beeord.
aUy ha would not care to invest in
Dettoit, Mich.. Sept »-The atoam
auoh a |wo)aot here, with such remote
etmacto of retnma bat If canitaliata ^***4?* M. Honghteo, limaatone laden,
J? to
dock here thia morning,
from abroad drairea to oo ao we
K<hrard Cloae and William
1 land every i
If tha line a
i be by ontalao (
About four o’clock tbe watchman
loeal eapitalltts would i
eported the boat listing to port and
before warning coold be given she
Ha did not beliara a Una
oome anderotanding wboroby an ordi.
naooo aeooptablo to the eompany may
bo adopted. Ko doflolto aotioa waa
taken roUtire to dooidlag apon tbo
tormo of tbeordlnanoo, oUwr than tbo
appointment of a oommittoo to frame
■rk far the
- I.riec No* m 25 Feed of Water
City Old Mitoioe * pMoUtooU railway
aad the ally eooaoll oIomt ioir«tbw to
ihal a fraaahito aooaplable to both
partlot laay bo agrood apoa.
Tbo ooonoil in oomnittoo of tbo
wbolo and the oli^^bton of tbo Board
of Trade met in the oonnoil rtXMB to
dlocooe the fraoehlee approrod by the
Board of Trade and if poeiUble effect
ing in Forecastle
dltlona in a thickly aeUlod portioii of
Ohio, whara tha population warrantea
of eiaotrie lines, and
lAmm to OM MAtotos.
ering. Be IkTocnd tba ohangea in the
prafOMd tnatUm Mid
th.» j st<«m Barge Turned Turtle at
ao aeHtallM wM be Indaoad to coe» ■
n«*r«i» rww
hM* to band anulfo.d.*Uh*ioh
Detroit Dock
eaoU taatfara.
The same'eare token in
Design. Workmanship
and Fit of medium and
high grades alike—dif
ference in cost largely
in material. “Varsity"
sack is so popular it is
again shown in similar
design this year. “Ryton” overcoat and “1902
Model" are “strictly in
it"—ask to sec.
^Wi »ly^
ii'f ' -| I
*utr am Ik* »•♦ To*
d.i«^ tatO»M«t M<
^g*Mi aad tb* WateiH com
tmmf. eoBtfoOoa b, UmObbIAa fcoV
giwm eolBTlotboToport. Tbtoo
pwl^mpemtloot, ftAllxinv tba
«t«MO of tM Bortborwt. ioclod.
ooHiMn XtOblfOA hATO
r for tbo eootrol of thonU
RMidi of Miohi»ii mod It U
likHr thki Um
will mcqmif tU IW lUrqorUr. or
0.7 oU»r »«kd tbot »07 Ml Into toe
i««4. or itaOkriai
«. w P0--
bim. Jam wtai •*•« •ocli ooo«tloB waaU ban am tbaMpfanet
manban UiaUsan <• a wattnr at earn
immmn.batarntbata<mct ittbani.
•kM if the Pnumlnaik
^wSIoM^^wlSir WI •f f
UuUlfSl. MaOOT af JM.
"*r!!3lT*ir?0 W*li» af W«sM.
CBAmi^M A. BlkAlft af jMkM.
wrui A. WttmDKY or VooBomo.
8utoa. oot foriottimr Iba irenUl writ>ni Mlchi«mn •tolche.
la At Ootral Lam. lu
J. M. Ha
some f^ys from bU trip thro
westers states. He was aoooi
be left at Erentt.
Ijieoeae/t. Oirfsr” for ^m.7B.
Common txteusion tobUrtrom B3.ai
20 Different patterns to select from.
womUbe' giTSn
, b«t which mast be ooesider-
NotIcM to Ts* lessor*.
e reput
cnwhcTc ihrouglunit
the .worKl.
makes liecause the slamlard has alwa)s
lK*cn placed so high that tlie
w'earers cxjicct more for their
money than they can get else- ^
Lizzie Krum. aged 18 years, for two
years an operat«*r for the Chioago Tel
We cairy a full liii^r
and can insure a |>ciln’t fit-
:H. $. Fryman, Pnctical13SSbotman
Tront Street
ing manner the spirit of court life at a
time when the House of Tudor
ajiproaciiing the days of its greatest
The noted artiste. Miss Klhe Kllslct
will be seen here in the part o! Mary
Tudor, the heroine of the pUy.
tuch of
W) .err. in the |«nhu- j ^ Tribune.
continue to do so forever.
It s
pbes light without heat.
A ray
this light oonducu electricity.
converts oxygen into ozone and cel*
on glass pena»»eatly brown. Tbew
are only a lew of tbe properties of
ihikWukable subsunce. In the
Cosmopolitan for September a brief
article is publisbed under the title,
“A New Field far Speculation,’' and
aancmDcenieat is made of a prize of
three hundred doUan tor the best
paper on the subject.
the: only N.\TrR^\L AMERIC.\N
It will give you a ^lear head and a sound bodjr.
It ki.‘cps your liver acting: and your system in
perfect couditiofi.
F<ir sale at yonr Druggist,
Large bottle. 55 cents: small Iwttlc, 10 cents.
iag and doea net Tcquireto be taken
off to renew from time to time. Is
a dry powder, ready for nae %
mixing with cold water.
We are experts in the treatment of
Pv‘iNT-0 paragraphs
IwnWja men talk tbry don't IwTbe
79c, Cordelln. a wnur
mrftj a bog bacanto ba
The ready-to-wear cloth
ing that equals in every
respect the very finest
custom made garments.
The ready-to-wear cloth
ing that is made as your
tailor would make it. The
ready - to - wear clothing
made from the finer ma
terials, identical in quality
and design with the fab-'
rics shown by tailors who
would charge much more.
Qraml Rapids, |Rioh.
I hey
have to give belter satisfa«'iion than olber
' "
The word ‘^Hello” oontinoaUy
til II JU o>U«-k In ihr fon-n.Hrf, »ml f.om I
in her ear drove to distraoion Miss oVIork until 4 o riock in thr »flw.iwo of mm* h
kwt alfbt tofrotoaafraaobiMtoba
ba4 fto^baaMIbaPanMar
B3-00. B3.S0, BA.OO, BS.OO
w hicb hung dark in front o! an <-ffal
' sjilem. Several weeks ago a
gent sotting sun ior i.enrly 10 uunnt
veterinarian feared that be had
first to Salt I W*hil© the average citi/en gazed
Mr. Hnellmanlel
and J tractvd tuberculosis tlhongh i
silhontte with admin
in tbe big gaOM-ring there.
r at the accident of its
Then he visited Denver,
Perhaps the most remarkable sc
lific discovery made in a long time—
far at least as iu wonderful possibihtics are concerned, is that of raaldorBsa to some of the saggosti
of tbs Board of Tkads. yet there now diunL ' Apparently this substance has
a dlspodttoa to abids by tbe from the beginning been gitnag ofl
lurticles at the rate of sixty lo nmety
thousand miles per second, without
diramutioo of its own force—and vnU
aaaaMadBoa. B. a Oavto aad
AltoMiT Oao. H. QrtM.boCbi
laal WiU ba roapa
Maof thoaa lagalgaa-
ments is best known by makers of
robes who were bom in the United
pf^ it. In the oontaot ol the opposing
winds the cloml fragment was trans
formed Into A p« rfi < t question mark,
Wbtls Ibmis
tlaa tolU apoo the part of some of
Wblto aotblag dabaltaha.
aatop baa
tita la Iba right diroalloB A eem
atttoaafaUgaDaaMHfioBlbaaoaBaU aaABoM« ar Tn4a baa ba«i oamed
to Man a MW fnaMiiaa iBd if poa•bla ^naaalaa crdlaanea wbieb w4U
baaaaagtobla toCba projaelon of tba
raadal that
ELECTRIC FAWS in your ofbee, store or home. AU of new
design and perfect construction
for style, comfort anil wear is Lmiun c%Europe, and cspenially A'meriean tIsitors. that the real art uf Htting gar
ephone C^^.a and while temporarily
deranged she svrallowed a dose of car
bolic sold and died in bar motber'i
At Wichita, Kas.. at suom I Satnrarms. The mother says that often in
day evening a peculiar eombination of
her sleep the girl vrould start up
wind currents whipped tl»e thoulder
and exclaim: “Hello! What nui
off a dark cloud bank on the soutiie?“
western horizon and carried it northto have been left for Dr.
ward until other wind currents stop-
hunters' horns.
The court jester and
projsto. At tbs romr tl»s. while
one of the women in wailing dance
•BBS of tbs BidsTBan bslisTS in makthe quaint moms dances which were
iBf BtBOSsaiooa. they ars not prepared
popular in the opening years of t
to go so far M >e dltsotors of the
reign of Henry.
The cflecl of i
Board of Tmds hare proposed. Re
whole scene is to reflect in a convinc
to»d ol^toB.fa
No need to .infer from he»t.
Don't let the air gel stagnant
—create a breeze. 1‘ul in one
or more of our desk or ceiling
tion in New York this week, will lay
plana, it is reiiorted. for an iararioii
of Europe in retallatioo for the man
ner in which the modUtes of Pbris
and other European cities bare been
tk© Htx. which 1 miU srU s
making Inroads upon their owatom. t.<n. to poil. on lnrt4ai»«it plan or wtll both
Negotiatioos are
be In oMloimU. IWFW Tn««Ur and iUtnr
V. \jnwU' fToorry. Trk
progrees for opening establlahments
die. There she raises IS.OOO oaUle annually, nslny only twenty cowboys for
heir handling, and suooessfnUy com.
the market with the kings
Hothiof daftnlta waa aooompUabad
bprings, aacrameuto. San Franclsoo,
it tba Joint maatlnc of tba oommHtrc
cm Oataline Islands in tbs Pacific,
>f tba whole of tba oonacU and iba
snd then mads stops of greater or lev»
lirwitora of tba Board of Trade raUlength at other places, Inolndlng Port
tiro lo Iba
land,Taoomaand8eattla Mr. HuellIt woold acaroolj bare bean aspaotrd
msnOlretnriisd by way of the North
that a fraaobiae would bare been
ern Paclflo. Mr. Boughey will not be
fsUy apprarod mt laat nipht*. meet
busk for some time yet
anciM- waters lately
inf. It ia 100 important a matter to U
• - “
veteriuarian’a hand
with distinguished honor Hlrai .<nke- j
in t
diapoaad of bsnriedly.
While the ditwo rabbits. Both
raotocB of tba Board of Trade framed
died of tuberculoaia
Julia Marlowe's $!K).(KH) produc.
an ortinanaa wbibh appaarad to antionof**Whcn Knighthood Wa.s In
awar Iba psrppaa. tbara yal ramAlned
riowcT," which will l>c seen at Stemamay aaaaatlar points to oooaldcr reiberg't tlrand 0|iera House next Sal- Hlrai is now W years old and on his *"
attra to Ufal oonatmetion. llAbUity.
urday Sept. 13, oiicns on Mayday, visit to Admiral Rcnlgers was aocomradtaaa. ate. In tba main tba oonoa#.
1513, and the first picture disclosed is panlc-d by his son. grandson and griwt.wm. rui«.
aioas aafiraatad by tba dirootora apone of Windsor Park near the river grmndaoD
•‘Your trout.Ic prolmMy aroae fro:
landing. The ancient castle is seen in
John Marlin of Humboldt, HI., it lome forgottvM eontusloii. whereby an
kind as Uma ]
the dislanre, with glmipses of the dead, ihert^salt of drinking lemon exith>n W .1S cauMd which communi•laoMBla Bppmtr and thero mast be
Itself to tbf—••
The hawthorn hedges are all
Martin had been on a protract cat«dl Itib
BBl iBkbUoBMtbaroisBdifrmioe
“O. cut all that outr
abloom and Mayday festivities arc in ed drnnk nod was nuahlo to procure
eplBloB lotMiBff tte propoBd eoD
tbe other. In.pntlemly.
The stage is crowdetl w iih whiskey.
-nut I was going to c
BBtrioBA BbI it U BppBreot that a
nobles, maids of honor and children,
womi-n in Texas are making tbe surgeon, -what cause
BBjorl^ of tbs oooBoll bsUsTs that
and from the depths of the fi»rest a •nrcess
of them
snreess of ranching.
ranching, One
doctor- ex
comts the blood-stirring music of U Ur.. r.uline XVhiu^u. who owu.
that If tbs tom is made fire years in
ars a...na^
**»*»»»***«» *»^^
J. O. Fries, of-Orlando. Fla., who
tbii olAto. For A numbar ol j«ra
as employed by the gorimment to
tbej hAva campad oo iba abote of aiac
take a ceiiins of the Bemlnole Indiana,
Laka, Mod aa tbair A««a niMta fro
fW IMua^ «r Oiog— niTWtA Ooogno
reports that Uiey number but fKB».
to 68. tb07 doobura that tbar will
Klon lUtv. Wilson Csrlisle.
AbISuBAXA^^ DABBAOn oTOfOlloti tinoa to bold tbair anmiAi aoa
chief seci..tary of the charcb
jaara to oobm aa tbay
army, which bs founded in the slums
bare not in the paat Amoof thoaa
ititrodcrlnK whst is des*
in camp tbla yaar ww Oao. Morrmy.
; Dr. Oaaa WeUwma. T W.
. Jaaaa Hickman and Bdw
B orthodox br. thrcn.
latest :
of the p. o. ataff; ;»bu F
are service. The pl(
Sloyd. ctndent; Eda. Droit.wholeaale
the chief attraction
T. Bocaa. Attorney; C.
the midday serrio^ ^ at hi% church, in
O. Sloyd. wholcaalo dmiwlat; aU of
Only sacred rciircwntaOinalnnAU. O.; BbtdUy Ronac. AUor
wlll IKJ allowed, aocomiianied
nay, of Oorln#rton. Ky.; W. H. Tbnr.
hr a abort address
By this means the
jfTC^r. Ontral Lake, liloh.; and
Rot. Mr. Oarlisle hopes to attract
laat. Imt by no maana leaau Wm.
Londoners to hit church. At the con
cloiion of the *.onrlco nil the worship
pers wiU be given a free cap of cofToe.
vile you lo call and see our new stock, especial- ^
i • V^iclor.*’ sameas shown in cut. Tables extend
the ends with filling' enclosed in top of table so
I can be made without removing linen or
This is considered a (p'cat advantage by the
many ladies who arc now uscing them here in the
city. Every table is gu arantcedlo
’ you by the factory
lor lo vrars. •‘V^ictors*’ are only made from the best
cu d stock and polished.
“THE NEWPORT.” the latest three button double-breasted
sack suit-lt's a perfect fall suit. “THE ARVON”-the stylish
four button sack is an ideal suit for any young man. “THE
NUSAC”-the one sack suit that is sure to be a winner with
those who wish to dress well.'Our fall prices are from $6.50
to $24.00. It is a pleasure to show such an assortment of
all the latest materials and designs and we fit every custo
mer-got the sizes to do it. Take a good look^at the suits at
$ 10. $ 12.50. $ 15. $ 18 and $24. Your size is here.
lUwitiii^WtB, *iM*^ hw.-*to«. tilmt. «rt*MM« i l»4
ite $atistadi»ii
Short of Pfertecden
1;. .
Is the prlndplc mdcriying the manu.
: M . actnre of Hannah & Lay OTs. Best j
Ttew, Perfection Guaranteed.
Bar. Fardlaaad K. C5artor of tha
Haeoad Coagrefatioaal ehoroh la at
tha haad of a movameat aaaoof C
IdamlaiaUira to oopoae marrylnf
Euia oa Wada^aday nl»rhta. He
rtiya that eooplaa aaraiat la bring mar.
rird oa that night and It takeh tb«
claticnnen away from their prayer
maatiaga He aaya ht haa b^ n ana
bla oa aarraral Wadaraday nlgbu tbit
to lead the prayer maeting
•Bd the oUmT. Uim Ollre Breme, so aanrioaa la bla obaroh baoaue ba bad
YpelUBlt jemMg UAJ^ h.. be~ tskm, baaa oaaad npoa to parfona a
with • eerieme ttooble with bw ejM.
and U now m far •« 8aa YkaDoUeo
ea the waj ho»a. Ml» IMadld
Uttla Vlrlaa Aakiaa. three yeara
Bot Had Ufe la tha PhUlsipiaai at
plaaMat a* eba aaUolpatad. aad bar old. died In Ohioago yaaterdey aa tba
adalaa to girU trbp are tblaKinff of raa^t of aa operation for o
foUawiac bar asampla !• lo ataj at trouble, ooaplad witl. an attack of
whooping ooagh. Tha body ar
boBW aad ooDtoDt
^icalalac fcaowladfa of Iba troplesaad today on tha Pare Marquette, and the
tba aaat thronch bookf aad ttiroafl^ fuaeml wlU ba held from th« realdaaoe of tha little oae’e grandinoUieT.
friaade who hare baaa than.
Mra E. J. Campbell. 8»> Webater
a. P. U
at? O'clock
cS a oomv .
for oil la la«baiB aad Livlof-toiia
ThU la the time to uar Rooky M
ooaaiiea. aaya that a coabar baa bana
Cmdtasti Dtws
• fflBkhlgm.
»»•'• dui^
Bavmul children agad from » to 14
yewra have obeoka of all tbe way from
gS to kSfi aaoh as a result.
ba time to taka Rocky
Now’s tbe
________ Tea: keeps tha whole fam-
new three atory hotel U lx lug
aractedatLudingtoo. It wlin<^ built
antlraly of cement, and -will cost
good doctors.” writes W. A. Or
Icn’s Arnica Salve cured me to two
Michigan ouirmuko avary state to tbe
nion as a pfodnoer of beans Mass*.
linestU. however, still leads in the
of them.
Rooky Mountain Tan bmoea up tl.e
sldt Iieople.
Jaa a Johnson.
kinds mu' flourishing and that the barvest Uils year will ba the largest on
^ •
for Washingtoo. D. C., four for the
Fertia Inatituta aod four will go to
Milwuakaa aamlnarr.
Apple grower In Berrien county are
wulohlug with great Intereat the fornation of the apple tru*t in Miaaouri
and Kaoma, which propoo's to boost
’the prioa of this fruit 5 to M eenU a
buahaL Thla comity produces about
BOO.OOO buaheli of apples per year, or
oaa tantli of tbe total crop raised lu
Mloblgm. If the new trust can SMid
iS eaata to tbe prtee per busliel 11 will
gl60.0U0 to tha I
AWntfiTwic Wevp Eqtuio
A Vmtmm * NobW Art.
leotno BlMera They cured me of
laundioe and liver troubltw that bad
eotrtc Bitter* arc the surprise of all
fee their wonderful work in^Liver.
Kidney und Stomach troubl.v Don’t
fall to try thaA Only 6o cts ^tls-
Prof Inman. Dowagiac's famous
weather prophet, says tber.- wlU not
be u frost hardsDough to hurt oom oo
tba uplands before Nov. 1. Neither
WlU there be much rain.__
at Jaa O. Johnson’s
Mead's drug atoiaa
The example of the lUluala nrwapu.
rr which haa begun the laaae of the
Itble as a aerial (a prows that win
tvqulre uboot fifty yeuiai rcculla the
Texas editor wba came actum the Tea
naudmeota somewhere und wua
so struck with their excMMocu that
ippcd ^e passage aad ran It uir
der the head of -Gems of Cuxtaat
srr ‘sr:i..ir*^iSisiSJSS
PE* 1000 WATTS
YoB'd better
$14.98 SSgL”*
?c3Vs Kffls or ssnaan
resign, and If I
did not he would l»e-vhUged to prefer
cUnrgf's against me of condurt uul**
nuulng an oftl«"er and n gentleman.
aad F. H. •Of coutwe.* he conclu.Uil. ‘all I* over
between y.»u and mjr .laught.T.*
•‘I rcdgn.ll my n.nunlMlon, bnt left
U with my fiancee to decide hpon her
.ixurwe after she h.ad licard my story.
I?hc lM*llev.d lu my lniHKi*n.u ami niarrl.il me li-foce 1 left tb> post. We
bought this place and .**fne here to live
aod to .lie In cxile.“Captaln.- 1 said. “ my sympathy for
I your mlsf.vrtunc U only fijualed by
my admiration for the woman who
take It ui*«u iWaelf far
Tue principal point of diffarenca was
ou tba quaafiooofadmitttogtopositioaaca tha first teams of High school
playara who ara parauing their ato.
dial In tha grade* It was ftnaUy da*
oldad that only strictly High school
iwcasKnio or
.M*T«iiT< n» rtowsrin* for woo
players should ba oo tha teams, though
pupils in the grades would betaken
a.* members of the asaxciation with all
the oilier privileges.
Hsber Stout was elected vice praai*
deot of the aasociatiou. Prof. Howard
M. EUioU base ball hmimger and
Emil Lederle manager of tbe traok
team. Tbeee two managers. Prof.
Elliott being already cboaen manager
CKAKD B.HO,. of tha foot ball team, were choa
meet the alumni committees gad carry
out tne plans tor the combiued al
letio meet Saturday afternoon next.
tor the meet are pronapt
finely, and a fine serif* of
-tb li
lid not be
mUsed by those who are at aU inter
*I am
aslonUhed. The Ijiureiire I ested. either in alhivtici or the High
ivfemM tu Imd l*M-u one of the most
prui^lslug young oflhvm In tbe anuj.
tes lor the .\lunmi foot
but. having been caught cheating at
asked to meet at the
cartls. w as cut by all bl* ix.mrade* and
comer of Sixth ami Oak streets this
w a* f*.r«'»^ to resign.
i-doock sharji for pracevening
••If 1 had known that y«*u had cicr
beard of me.- Mid rnpti.ln Lnur
-1 would md have liivlti-«I you tu slay
over night. As It K I may iiinke it hw*
emlaimi*slng fur you .f.d- I
e.<aiM-d tu Ie«l embarrasM^l al*j
dl*grai-dC.by telliug .w*u li-.s
cunvd. If .v*m iHllexe my *i..r
win r.M mon* ph>«M»uily bmlghi
my ru..f; if hot. I w ill have done nil lu
my 1*1X1 er to nuike you oiuifoilnlile.
•My early ywtr* In the army «i-re
s|M Ut In a staeonst fortUb-atIon i*obit.
y^AXTKl>-l.oumlry glr^*l Buto
blood they should often say bow^
ahL »*^iHilnlly 111 XX Inter. fr..m the nt*t
Impure bkood means irregular bowof till* xvorld. To pa**,Hie lime xxe
els. Blood purifier means bowel
plnyexl imUer. for awhile f»r iiwmey.
regulatoT. ConsUpalion means bad
blit US the exelteim ut «»f ganiMlug xxii*
blSod. Bad blood n
dbta*teful lu me l niuillx .b* llliexl to
ptor fur stakes, xvhereuiioii xxe playiM
forehlpa. This not irt^.vbig lulen-stliig.
we U-gan to cheat one uuothef. study
lug dlfTerxnt tiK lhoil*. m.Uie of U* lie
coming quite exiMTt. We Would |day a
game of fn-x-xe out'-that 1.1. any mau
caught ebeaiing wii* mlexi out. theolh
era plavlug on till all had Ikm-h eaiiclit
but mie. al.o wa* the xvliiner. We
pUyed this game Iuc«-**.aidly xme win
air a gentle laxative and a splendid
ter niid found It more exeltlug than a
tonic. Tliey are not a cathartic.
Cathartic* do not cute.
gnflte for nvil slak.-s playiii b-gitmiatcFOR SALE
ly. At the xMid of the season I wa* di*
ebireil the U**l . hent of the iwxrty. b.nxlug Won more gaiin-* th.nii any of the
•in the spring 1 wa* onb n*! to one
of the prluel|«ll I*i*t* In the xvest. in
XThleh were l.vatisl the heaihju.irter*
of the d«*pnrlnieiit. TIumi- I met the
daughter «if the general .-mimaiidlng.
to xxiiom I l*«eame e:igac*l. Poker 1*
«-oniiiion In the army and was univer
- . but my dl*
sal !y play.M/*^
ta*te for the^g.nue xxa*i s-i grunt tliMt I
dt‘.llm*l tu pl.ny. Iloxvev.r. one even
inc I xxMs standing over a |*oker t.nble.
and the player* |.* ke«l so s**i..l that I
dei id.ll to take a hand
•il.nlf an Imur p.ns*M wllhniit any
Chang.* w hat.*vcr ill my
prov.ll S.1 uiilnterest.
f;ict. the
thought* xxandenil.
that my thtuigld*
thiiiklug of the girl I had nrcutly XX1XH nnd the hnppine** In i
for me. I Was W'U to W order.Ihc eomiujuid «.f on an- nal. where 1
would Iravc an ..pjiortunlty to unc my
Mcutlflc knowhilge ami |H*rfcet a new
gun 1 had lnv<muil. All th.**e nmtler*
wen* ivisilng through my mind, and
the game I was playing w a* abMlulely
forgoiiru. Suddenly 1 Jicnnl om* of
the company kiv
y.xu arc
- Taptnlu lun:
“All rose from Uie table. iM.mc h*«k
tng M me with a*tonl!»bmcul. .itlier*
glandug ot me. One wh.x had l*y-n
kicking over my hand* d.H-lartil that
he had not only *e.*n me cheat oiuv.
but iK*veral tlnu**.
i “I awoke to ilM* consclousnoiw that
during my alaienImUul.HlueM I b:id
.ImpiHd into the liablt fornud during
the prcvlou* winter. What would It
axall me to aKsert my Innocence? 1
wa* ruined.
“‘i;.‘Ulleuietr- 1 Ug:iu and stopinil.
Why in.nke a defeti*c that would not
be tudicvcd? I covenil my fs.i* with
my liand*. turned and l.fi the mun.
•The next morning I wa* cut I*t
. very ofliccr at tin* i*>*t. Tlic general
iH-nt for me and told me that to av..ld
a scandal which would l.c Injurious
aoH one of the rotlc^t bomca I
have ever seen, built on an angle
«1 by the lake and a atreom.
Great overhanging tree* *lnMlod it. «tm1
ou«‘ waa covered w Hh a vine. A
iianu sat oh the i>urcb reading a
ixine. 1 apoke to blm. told him my
aliuation. and after going InaWr for a
ent. to consult bis uife. lauppose.
be retunud and lnvlir«l me to be bi«
at till morning. I mt>*t gnitrfull.v
sat dotrn tu a dainty supper with a
family itun^latlng of the captain, hla
wife, a renm-d woman w itb wboae apinee I was e«|ieeially struck, and
ScvtTal lK>ys ami girl* of vnrioua ages.
AfUT ibc otberi tui.l gone to IkhI tbe
csptaln nnd 1 mt on a |ioreb overbangtog tto- lake, smoking.
nun iK'C," I
• I know of a raptiiln Lnun
Llm. You
can't Ih- be. beeamn* he
ouUy aU tba eabbage la Mlcbigaa aad
tba Baglaaw oahbaga ara tha bast la
t^ ecuatiT• A oouaervaUve eatiaala
of amount of cabbage ahlppad from
Baglaaw this aiwaoo it l.aX) ear load*
BaMdet thU vaat amount, two local
kruut faotorlaa and the Halns factory
i-um aavaral tons, which will Utar be
ahlppad out as kraut
Mra Myra B. Jordan, the new
woman’s dean of the unlvarUty. has
ratnruad from her summer trip to
Colorado. Taa wort among woman
of the uBlvc]
Tlia diraotiou
dapartmant wlU ba under tto« aharge
of Pr. Alloa Snyder. The work of
the dean wiU ba purely that of dln-o*
tor and advlaur of tbe women, and her
ottoa will be In the Barbour gytnn*
Ladlngton is the bnuuer town of the
atala us regards furuishing young paopla attandauU at slato oollegaa
High School Athletic A»«>cla.
tlon Took Action
One aoffliDcr while on a bkyda tear
1 stopped atVrcBinc on the banks of a
lake baautlfaUy stniated and looked
t for a pisea to spend tba night.
____ mar came along driving a yoke of
steers, aad be told me there was but
bouse to the neighborhood that
i be agreeable to me. Captoto
Lnurence'a. but tbe capUIn
s genOeman and did not lake to stranger*.
itlng my wheel. 1 rode sroimd the.
lake till 1 came to tbe bottM* lu quea-
■tmak aaar Fowlarvilla. Tlia ongi
aaata who hare
makla* the ax
idomUoaa pradlot that oil eaa be pro>
«Bdn.lUdoDotro*.lUor.ll«r. t»«
FWm>r Howl«, of Kut «>o«ity. fot«et tv B. M bl. pom mm enoun.
bar ploklaa. aad lUi. fanlly ara goiag
without craam In the ooflaa for braakfast until aome more oowa ara pu-
See them si
AU. woBK nani* ponau qbaiii
^ 8u(M7 Of tlM Bj* AAd PiUias
B OIammaSkmIaIU.
X. B, CHAPIX. Propr.
Untfl September 20th we will
moke connection from main to
gas range or house pipe and set
meter FRKK OF COST. This
ofler applies only to those who
will tisc gas ima
tions arc made
lines ot mains,
lengthen the demand ibr
for iUtiminating is increasti^—
the jveoplc of our city now reolixc
that G.\S ior lighting is infinitely
suijcrior to any other metbod
known here. The light U more
brilliant. avaiUble and reliable at
ALL HOl’RS, and. with equal
light, costs less than one-halfof
any other, besides being Car easier
on the e>cs. Houses in cousc of
erection or iiroix»cd should not
be completed wit
tern of gas piping,
already done this. ApplicaUOO
for anything in the line of Ughtsecure jiroinpl attention.
TRAVERSE cineiiscQiiPAiy
A Martta. M. D.
AH. HvaaB. M. D
martin & €pms
E.W. HASm:5&S0R
•s "sT KTiiiSSsriiS--
B. W. CtUOTIWaHAIf. A**M.,
StiMire's Brand Opera Houn
sef»-r. 13
For PMoto.y aad HMklaaw aty. S:« a «.
fur local potoS* aoatk to Fori WayM. llJt
Frank I.. I’crlcv jxrcscnis
EFFIE f.D“or
’“oJm .SiSr — *
.n tb- for.-ni.-t dr»m*Uc trlunq^h
Prim 50c, IsTsTaid $1.50.
iJrSTi,^. M 0._».AttoOr-A —
PERE Marquette II
Vmdton *r Tlolla aad Taml Mtola.
DON'T Be Koolcl
A comnnEE
Lud to Bloodshed In Cdodulala,
Italy. Today
US just
m^wmAUtkm Umnj.
K> pa]'i> !•» tbM taD 7«n
Tf«uwW«rwC ali.4 0m aad Firad aU tha
tiMl lb* tnDeblM ««(«•»-
•4 tp tlM Bfoi ctTnOt w«t«7
bir Md «.aelecll7>f*fattt«e>tT.
tl wo. hHidM tlM lottff •trrtch of b«ocli
liot oerro^
Uis. thoil^i -fc* ««»« »* eomponloo
mm Wtlk a nuui of fortr. Rhe wm
rttJF lirod ood wore bmeomlmg drew*.
reOrtilM 1o ber cnhlnL HIm- hod eln
ffitM' er«*. • Uu«h‘- c mouth and on
tmmrwM braid of jet Idark hair. Alex
P«tla folkmd her about with hia
ofM. wrhlk AUca Umoka, a younjt Sirl
wbom Mra. Pcrtle bad adofrted.
aiSsh the BMMBCOt alie *aw her. f.«r
Alter loTtd Alflt. tboojih ►iH- did not
luww tt till aho fcwred to \nmr hi
Rasaona arrined ^Kht.nl with t
aaaotnr and had not been at the fa
ao Imv bafiwa ahe had yuoe all over
It Ala* and Alice went about with
bar. bm inatead of rxplalnin* thln*a
aad tbter im Uateord to what ab«
to aaj about them. JV hm ah« had
tbafli all. aba prupoacd that th«*r »h>mld
•*iraaiiilte.**aald Ab x.
‘ You
not walk ao far.**
BexaniM buret out laushlnK
•*Oo with her. Alax.** aald Alh
mat help mother with th- aiiHH-r
Hill *o
-No.- aald Uoxann
alfbt. I bara ala-ays wanted u» »«*e
rtea aa If out of tbe uo an.Neither Alex me Allee th..UKht of
dlaputla* anrUiUu: ahe aald. fuUowln*
bar about like «-blldre«. Ah x reply In*
to wbat queatlona ahe aak«Hl, Alhw
apaaklac never a word. AfUT aiiinM-r
timidly asked to le nlluwrtl to reinal
at home. Imt when lt»xnnne ohJ.Hied
She want with them like a
alangMer. When they <uMie in alKhl
of the waves rolllm; u|nhi the
lloxanna rUiq»ed bdT hniule
-flaa themr she eirlalmnl
they ruU and tweak and <v.tmup. thlu go liack with that aeethlti*
aouDde* Thera come# the ni<*un. t«Hi, a
• mera i^rk of lire above the «-<l*:e <.f
watar agalnat the aky. .Now It la like
rad how. Idook! Myriad# pf little Him
of light are touching the toi* «f tha
follera. forming a xolden fnil."
She had gone doVn to i he vdwy'vcrge.
and tha foam was welling Imt ah«M^.
Alax and Alice atival Imi. k. wTitchii.c
her lltba figure, which by thin time
Btood out In allhouette ngalmr
bright disk of the ummih. Klie m
to tbam Ilka a water fay thnt hnd
out of the ocean, and they nlnio#i
ad for her at any mcciient iu go
Into lU depths. 8hr talkr«l nl««Tt the
atan. tha u»oon and whnt l#niilirul
cbanglng rlewa were made ».y the Im*
ban clouda paaalng over It* face. AlW-e
recuambarud Imw happy #l.e mid .M. v
bad baan alttlng by the aide ..f the
ocean on nighta like thU. but till now
they had not known how Uwutirul It
Boxmnne stayed at the fumi two
weeks, and then they
suy another two w»i k
*iltay.** aald bf-r umie. "We alinll be
ao lonely without you.
seems n# If
-fitay.- aald AUce.
tlfuL suy another two weeks «
•a more about It and the i.mr# "
Ala* looked a mute «pin-ii1
Hr*, rartla aald ikMhlng
Roxanne cuoatmtfxl. iMtrlng the •#•«OOd fortnight of Imt U^lt Mm. IVrlle
asw that Alice wlahM to remain
her, tearing Alex to Uuxnntte. but
not the strength to dl#i.lH*y the girl,
who would not permit Alex to U
with her. Mrs. IVrtle tried t»
excuaea that would free Albv. saying
that aha necslcd her help alnut Um«
bouat: but when AUiw worked at borne
lloxanna would steal an ay
baach alone.
It was a month alm-e R«xit
cone te tha farm, and ahe wa. to go
away tha next day. In the evening
they mlaaad ber. Rhe had sUpihmI away
to tba beach. Tbe nm«m was lu (he
Bsma position as at the night of htT
arrlral. lialng as If out of the
Hha heurd a rrunchtng of the sand Ubtod her. and there stood Alex
-1 hara tried." be aald, "ever since
you hare Imtu hero to see you nlon
to taU you---You must not tHI me,-t^-hyr
-Ailca—ahe lores you.Tha young man stood mute for
time and then burst out pasaionatcly
-Whan you go tomorrow, you will
taka my rary life wlih you. You
laara ma worse than dtwd."
-I am sorry for you.
my faolt.Tishly
to hU lips. 8he drew It
turning, walked toward the farm, he
walking silently by twT aide, a pleture
of daapalr. The next morning ahe re
turned to the city,
la tha autumn Alice
and brought her back. Tlw aiwll tliat
Rosanna bad woven aUmt him h.-td
Nerer again did Alice vlidt
thd^accun. and when the-wlnd was
high from that direction and lirtmght
tha sound of the wares ahe would
noma oa mehineholy that at test her
bnabaod took her away to a fnr dlff»T
I of expertenea arc oot look
Three strikers were
me taltr uempbMie eelU. Fned- fire.
rioh In faror of the adoption of the many more injured.
Aoalaiid preatnied
pictures of public balldings and eonsiderabls valnable
Informatioo for
killed and tbeclsrfymeo to attend tbe ooofereuoe. luolnrted with other Informatiooisaliatof lbeasalgnmentaforao-l^„j__
DOdation While bare for tbe vis-'
Manager Steinberg announces that iiing pastor*
lanoa of tba ebaufsa He believed the all tickets that have been laid aside
Among the portralte are tboee of;
demasdad farorable action.
in Rev. Wm. ’Lanfman. pastor of tbe ‘
Tha old fmDohlaa wm ao tndafinite Flower.’* should be called for not Uter rirst M. K. chrnoh. Rev. Hugh &eu- j
that tha oom^j oould not accept it. than ITtursday night, also that
nedy. pastor of tbe Second church and |
of tbe great uneartainty in iu more pickets will he Uid a.sidc for this Rev. Morton D.Oarrel. I
Dress Tabric#
Cbe Dress floods Dept*
fact, our sales in this <lepiutmcnt hare been. Ikr beyond otir
Cbe Early Tall Bar*alns vc dcg»t broadcloths
in o et)- ooe of the new shade*, including blacks, srotth far be^d the prke we ask _$ 1.00 per yd.
Other things
36 in. Novelties-very pretty, in eight shade*, actual worth 50c.
We are selling them at i«r yard.................. .........................
contli<<5^Ui it. it has lieen dcculed
to hohl the
liampicl of the High
'chool and the alUmni young men on
Tuesday evening
next, instead of
Saiurdav evening after the big athletic
Corduroy Waisting at |iet yard..................t. • 75c and S r.25
Fancy Velvet Waisting at i»cr >*ard..................................................... ...........
Yard wide all wool LTanneU for waists or whole dresses at
olaust' and favored
other manner. He ooosldered the pro
l>oesd change a very nnarise one. He
said that be Hliered there wouM be
a profit in tbe enterprise before tbe
end of tea jwra. and if a capitalist
oonld not see some returns from his
iorestment before that time.be wonld
let it
Alderman Wilhelm declared that tbe
oonnoil did Tight in passing tbe frmn
chlse that it did, beoaose the alder
Aldsrman Moen was rary ampbat
lUbcan. aud be knows as much about
tbla country as a good ibany people
who think they know more. He Is a
very agreeable young man, goo<Mwk-
|»er #
>".i............................................. ............ 35
French Flannels at jier yard.............................................. ..................................
All wool 28 in. Waist Flannels at per j-ard...................................................... 25
These are only a tew of the good ones, others are
Dandsoms flew Doocltiss
Dandsemc flew Black floods
Bandsomc Dew Silks
Dandsoms Row Cloaktnos..
An»l while you arc in looking at or buying Dress gootb, take
a little
extra time and visit our CLOAK DF.PART.MKNT.‘
Cbe Rew Cloaks and furs arc in.
& (Uilbelm’s
Rew $torc«>eor. Tront and Union:
fertbt tttw ladtptttdtttt Pstttns, 5, W, /5c
Our IVIu-tuial
'Fhese changes that have been taking place the last two m,>nih*
Dry Ooodm.
We now have ample room for our Dr>* (iootl*
Our shoe dciortmcnt is on the main floor, one of the nicest shoe
stores in the north.
The new stoc ks of shoes arc the finest we
ha\ c ever carried
The cloak room now occupies the place vacated by the sliocs-a
much larger place than we had before.
Visit this dejartnicnt
and sec the new things for fall wear.
Our new department — Furniture — occupies nearly half of the
second floor and a good share of the basement fl<x)r.
Here }ou
find a complete line of furniture, stoves and crockcr).
This de
partment in connection with our house furnishing dejartment en
ables us to furnish )-our homes completqiin aycry detail
dejiartment we will sell for cash or cre<!it.
In this
The slock is no**
ncariy all arranged and we arc rca«ly to do business with you.
Owir F’urrki’tcir^
The opening wiU lake place next Saturday, and in the c\ cning
at 8:^ the Bedroom Suite will be given away.
This will be an
interesting drawing and a good many will be present,
wc want you to call some time during the day and
sec the
line of Furniture wc carrv.
Suffered foroverlOvears
C^w# r Har« »r Ktam.
The advent cf royally does not
iwuM* the exrlteinent It once created
HI N» w York, bm we find In the newsr« H fToixl deal of dlseu^alon about
tbo projitr war to receive tbe crown
priuiv of 8lam. w ho I# <vmilng over In
ih inU r. The prin.v proluibly will not
U- dihturUd e%en If be la not m« in
Lew York Iwy by a w-arshlp or permm«d to s<v a
to'-ulfir run by tbe
Mihvauk.v tlrt dejairtment. Ills visit
will I#- Us.^)fi)elal. It Ik part of a grand
tour advised I > bis father, a nioat progr.w>lve moiiareh f»r lluii part of the
World, who l as se«n many lauds and
many men. and turned ht» iiitormatlon
to good UM- in Bangkok. The son. who
wm If aii-omimnliHl by bU brother, an
officer In Ibe lierman army, was edu
caled-al Oxford aud baa Uwn travel-
3 6C
Beautiful Waisting—All «W and silk mixtures, striiws, plain
colors aiul bordcre.1 at iwryanl.............. 50c. 75c. 90c
TolM,. ; „
franchise at this time, because of
as anyone else, but desired a binding
ffanchise. He opposed tbe tenywr
These are exceptionally good
fur making skiru or suit*
This has U-cn done to accommoklate a large number who had other
engagements for Salur.iay evening,
Saturday at 8 p. m. wa giua away
'Mrs. W. (1. l.awTence relumetl last
Oonslderable diKOOssiou was indulg
but who were very desirous of being that baautifut thraa piaca bad rooM
ed in until a Ute hoar, when as tt< evening from her trip to I 'hicaga
present at the bamiucl.
Botton Stora.
tbe meeting eras about to adjourn
Harry U (libbs left this morning
Mr. rnedrich insinred npon the
for Rai.Portage, Oni,, on a business
hem of the oonnoil ezprt'iising their trip.
He well l>c gone for six weeks.
riews and -not leare the matter i
Rat Portage is the jiostofficc of the
one side condition. In rv^siKmse
(•old Reef Mining Co. whose ofiues
this suggestion ea
arc in this city.
ed himself briefly.
It was not thonght wine to
lllhiory diHW
importanoe, so it was decided to h^are
the matter in the bauds of tbe com III the Unxard
is lui# tbe 1 iH-r ruiv in tbU late termlttei' mentioned.
rlM- iiml |►n.lraetl^l I'l.iitiht
At tbe
Alderman Urdie U llered in enoonr beelniilni; uf their oMitetitlon with
aging the line, and showed that it Kiurlaml tbe lUn ts wer- tbe mo#t ol»wonld be of great ja rsonal benefit, hot K'lire and di^repanliil rmv of Ku«cv
|».aii eUK-k on the fare of the Inrth.
he wished the city’s intereste to Iw
in the*\eiv I’.aUire of thine* K they
fully r«»teote«L He favon d a abort
had Mvii jrt alone tbe ra<-e would
enlug of the time of Uie paring grant Imv- Ni ii overwhellutnl mid abj-orln-d
M .n.iirM- O^ tinw Itiit the war wbleU
til fire year*
aiusi.Hl ibeir t-ounlrv. deniroyitl tbelr
Alderman Ott beliered he oould
l.oOMw. broke I lo ir iK>MUeal liideii*-n.
safely leare it with the committee Unut* niid le arly dei-lmaletl their limnand wonld be willing to abide by its Ivr#. has eiv«u to Uo- ra«-»* a new and
decision. He nrged. howerer, • that pr*»hablv a prnnaiient lea#e of lif«. It
bonds to|lnsare the bniiding of tbe has oiuplin^l/iil then i.rtth.iialliy and
iianblMml them n# « ►in-ilal ii*>o|i)«
line be demanded at one
lu till* wtiihlV n-^r*tvi. ►«‘«-iiriHl for
year benoe. as prorided.
Ihriu und.T tbe #tn»iiee»t euarante*-s
Alderman Sletler wjuid not commit ►elf-euM-rmneiit with the |Kri»* tuatlon
.'oiulltlon*. oih-ulttletl lo |.re*er%e
himself in favor of
thetr law# and laiiRiiMee. with sueb
any extent He suted that he reiwe- provlKi.ru In leu.Iy money f,.r the r.»
sented the jieoplu of his ward, and toration of their home# nml fnrtus us
win en.nMe tli.mi
r.-pho-e an antimutt abide hy their wishes lu so leg
islatliig that the city would
fully quai.d and ..iitwoni K\Kteiu with one
letter Miltetl to ihNs I.*;.- and i.i tbe
iwotci'ted Id fnlore. He wanted
prtnrr.-## of tl.«tr .-ountty . .No other
straight franchise and a prorlslon lom.try exer found lt#elf
ilmuteh defeat of ♦•mb strlkine adthat the city could release tbe com
No ra.v «Ter #o /*jst«l.|lKh.d
piny from tbe lariog expense after vaiilae.*R
ItK . Immeter and seem
wards if Uiooght best
honorable MhIuk in the worhl thn>u*:b
Alderman Hamilton explained Pis tin- pr.M'eKK ..f loKlnc I
Oi»position more at length. He declarv-d mMlonal
________ ■
wanted lowee tne Une built as mnch Conlaii.
of Oxford at 60c. pdr yd.
Pretty Striped '^Vaisting as mches wide at per )-d........15c
council the ralne of anoh
Missr.racT Corbett has returned
and the delicacy of the aitoation from to Dwight
III. alter a five weeks’
the atandiKiint of the oonnclL
vis., hcrc^
here tbe Board of Tiade steps in and
S. K. Harkc of tVJa. is in the city
offers to share the reaponaibiliiy, and tmlay.
the members
of the hoard desired
Mis. j. a. Pennington of Cedar
to have it nndenttood that in <
pasMrd througfi the t ily tkxlay on her
with this matter they sUnd
way home from an extended visu m
h. bear a jart of the burden of Marne
Cl rand KapiiK
if there ahould be any in the future.
this line we
66 in. Extra Heavy Suiting »iwown, black and two shades
of the Grand TraTerm
W. C. Finney, who has been iotcr- oommiuea of arraufeq
esicd m a curtain |K)le factor)* in oonferouee cooaiaUng Jl H. 8. Hall.
qnlrolopaya ahai* of It there might
Edward WelU, W. H. Scott. Mr* K.
he ao mnch done aa lo baoome a hardc up his jicrsonal affairs here J. Fulgbnm, Floyd Smith, Mr* 1. D.
•hip. the plan pramoUng la iadace before leaving to make his |»crmancnt Hobbs. G. W. Lardle. E. H. Allyn, acter *bould U- envied by i
ment for property ownexa lo pave the home in ra.lucah.
O. M. Moras, R. E Walter. Robert
He emphaalxed tbe netd of a
Ncgotutions arc on foot for a game Barnsr, L. Rowms.
street railway in tbe city and belter
of loot ball between the city team of and E J. Fnlghnih. f(
eommnnloation with Old MUaiou.
FJist Jor«lan and Traverse.City.
Hon. H. C. Daria outUned his views
of th.
first game lietween tlicsc two tcatns
in a few foroibla words. He slated
will probably i>o ur some time during
that be had rand all Uia franchises
ages of both Methodist oliorobes and ,
the next two weeks.
' “*"■»«“■*
'night, as the sale is already
and ohaugaa suggaatad* and beliered
tbe chnrohes them.elv» *
Mtke Oberhn of Bmgh.
that It is ptolable the nouse »dll be
that the Board of Trade and council
Included among other portraiu aro 1V“
about told out by that lime.
tK»lh deatead on’y that which would IKjrlcd as very low.
thoM of Dr. Dickie, -the oelebrated
this reason it is desired that all tickets
The Hannah A* U> Mercantile
he for the otty’a beat interestiv
temperance reformer, who will bf liere
lliat have been resened be taken up
beliered erery ioterext slioold be Co. have Tctcivcd a carloail each of
to attend
the ooofexance; Bishop
as early as possible.
guarded and that a tight franohise hay, oa\s ami lime
Jamee N. Fitzgerald.D . D . L. L. D..
A. Surinlierg,
should be framed, beoanae Uter on
who will prexide ovt-r tbe oonferonoe;
Business Mgr Stcmbcrg*sriiand.
railway oompaoy wonld orerride the
Dr. E. M. MilU. D. D.. of New York.____________________
3lty if it ooold. At t.iv same lime he
M. Hojne ofNorthport, tlcput
beliered in the {iropoaed railway be dale foo<l commissioner, was in tin
Locaa Uonnfr,
aanse. it is one of the beat things yet city to<lav.
celebrated negro edaoafeor. of
Frank J Clmney makea oath that
pn-sentid tor iiublio couslderatlon.
Jolin OkS Jr. of Sutlons Baywat ii Cincinnati, O ; Dr. Jamea King of
ha is aehior partner of tbe firm of F.
tia should frame a fmnohiae ^liat the city ycslcrJay on his way lo Hat
reproaeoti the
J Chi-ncT A Co . doing buaineae In
would just »iueeae through. He be tie Creek where he will attend the
Board of Church Extention; Hon. IL
Ibe^ltyof Toledo, County and State
lieved that the oom-emions soggchted meeting of the Slate I ndcrtakcrs As
K. Carroll, LL, D.. who was appointed
are as good as a boons and
by Prexideot McKinley aa ipecial
a cash boons to the city
Mr* N. J. .Maslcn ami son Ulis of
oommixxioarr to Pbrtd each and every eaee of Catarrh that
with Mr. Hull as to the i
Ind.anaiK>lisam! Miss Hannah Penn- Rico and Dr. J. F. Berry. D. D., edl- cannot be cured by the nse of Hall’a
He believi*d tbe ciianges
Catarrh Curv.
mglon of this c|r went lo Inlerlodi- or of the Epworth Herald.
were fair and wonld
cn this morning to sjicml the day
book oonxixu of forty-eigbt
Sworn to Ivfore me and aubeoribed
the oomiuny.
While we are all iu fishing with Willis Pennington of that
jwgex. u neatly printed and oontainx in my presence, thia 6th day of Dec
(aror of progress we want our
» fond of information of value to the ern Ur. A. D. 1886
to be a benefit to ns aou not a heary
W, A Oleaeon,
MissM. T. IMiany has relumed dergymen, aa well aa matters of in
a»y Pobli
terest relating to Traverse City, which
to this city after
laken inte
Hall’e catarrh Core is ta
Willa^ London farored tbe cbi&ges
will advertise this city abroad in a nally and acts directly on
so tliat capital could be induced to
very good manner. A large edition aud mucous surfaces of U.e system
oome here. He ladiercd ijiat if ihv
ha# been print ed, and in addition to Send for teetimcnlals free.
of (Miicago, also, a fine hne of
F. J. ('hem y & Co , Toledo. O.
line to Old Mission wt-m built it
» xent to the members of the con
rrv gootls gath
and u[>-ti>-datc milliner
8<dd by Druggists. 76c. Hsll’s fam
aronld inrerease the sire of Tmrt rs**
ference copies will be sent to all jiarti* ily Pills are the Uat.
cred fit
Oity by I
Chicago, ClevcUnd, aud of the- cojctry. to persons Intenkted
in the work of the conference
NK.XT S.\Tl RDAV is ojicning tlav
I leiroit.
timenU of the gentlemen who spok
in our Shoe and Furniture deiart
Rev. Hugh Kcimeily went to Hon
prerlonsly and earnestly urged th
ments.—The Boston Store.
adoption of snob a franchise as wonld or tmiav to lav the corner stone of the
not frighten away those who show a new M.'i:: church there, m place of
Presiding Klder Canel, who has Ixrcn
disposition to inrest oaplul here,
Th#t K%rolag
of *isl«idsy
ill tor the past week.
had learned hy experience on
' 8^.^ or Oh_fo,
Tall and Olinter
« esrtalnly bavf tbs floor tbese day*. «
V ..‘. ‘**'7
uiasier reHidle of . AiM rd.-eu. who bas
dt signed a striking Cml effiT!Ive uionument. w bieh takes the fonm>f-«n-x»bdisk, tblrty-one fet l in b.-igl.i. It is
ght sranl to para a greot
if the company was re-
tia artatocrau of the feathered race
atm pot baotara put together. It U
etelamd that except oo tha high grouiM]
tba youag hrooda hara been drowned
aad tbal qaall wUl be a acarc* articte
city, a eketeh of tbe rarUms Industries, pobllo Instlintioos, lasooroee,
ed that tbs opinioos of tbe Board of
Trade and tbe texpajers be
to be held In tbis dty i
snehope, commander of tbe
UlghUnd brigade, writes tbe Edlnbnrgh comwpoodent of the l*bIUdelpbU Pnlilic Ledger.
Fund* tberefor
have been .nbecrlbed by S«»umen at
tbe Caiw as a tribute to tbe loiriotlsm
of the Ute (m*oULL gvm-nil.
Mr. laJimn has uken a lerdlng part
In ibe pix
ement and
bss leru intrusted.by tbe «u)iMTitH-rs
with tbe
in Haror of the aocap
ralieved from
obutges of boodla. But now be belier
Tbe pceimed reed, be deelved.
lere to ba captUUaed at
|t.fiO0 nry -ud tba latoreat alooe would
$50 a day. Itl alooe ttetowTi ocarFoggU,in Southern Italy,
\\T»cn the ttrikerx refused to
ragwiar nmnln* expenaea
With this todar.
dabt U» start With fotara profits aeam- disperse for the town aulhonlics, the
roopa were called out and ordered to
cd rerriraou udaeMre. S'-
BAart mtll MmtU iaak
wrwr# -wr—u#># tvik
James D. Logan. M. U C.. of MutjeofDotrtn. C^pc colony, and Halgnlse
castte. rmbablTc. acdompanted by
ben Oolooel Cox. C. B.. and Major Ben
nett. D. «. O, Third .New Rooth Wale*
mounted rtfiew visited Abenken reccotly to arrange for ibe erectly d a
ihr. Iman’s Ladies’ Restorative
Tallm.\l>ge. Mich.
Grand Rapids. Mich,,
Dear Doctor: I have been thinking
for some time that I ought to write you
a few words of praise for your wonder
did me such worlds of good; 1 suffered
such untold agonies with mymenses, and female complaints,
for over ten years, that death would have been a relief to me.
I took doctors' medicine and several kinds of Patent Medi
cine, but they all availed me nothing. I am so thankful that
I learned about DR. IMAN'S RESTORATIVE that I want
to recommend it to any woman suffering from these terrible
complaints. Anyone wishing to learn more about it may ad
Mrs. L. Morse, Tallmadge. Mich.
k-r Ai.k.
mrm m
mmwyna»tmm oF our
■ilB’Voluoo For l-l««lo Moriox 4rs
our SHoo OoRor^rrsors^
I satin calf Uce shoes, globe or
n lor. our price........................... .80
Children’s DongoU buttxM, shoe* all
solid- will wear well............ ..
Children’, t>nngoU Ur. .ho«.double sole* warranted all solid, pi>'e
llov*. satin calf lace shoe* coin toe. .
Mandard sxTewed sole fur. w,.. .70
Youths’ Box calf shoe* Uce. new
Usts. solid inneraole and counter,
new good, juat placed on .ale, .87
Ji-eK* and IJttle Gent’s vid kid
shoe, in lace, new laris................06
Oil Grain Ploagh shoes, all
solid, up oole, e
♦*•35. our price
• .......................................... .86
Ladies’ Dongola* flexible sole, Uce.
new toe, our prior................... | ,26
I^adies* fine turned shoeo, psteot
leather tip, new toe. stririly up-todate, (no has-beens)our price 2.26
Udies’ fine bond turn viH kid shoe,
in button or lore a fj.oo value,
it....................... 2.00
Men’s satin coU shoe* new toe. all
•olid, a good wearer............... 1.-29
Men’s uUn calf, globe toe, all ooUd
Cbe Boston Store
CompoMd of Aldormen mt
rnemhmn Board of Trado
U a NO
and it U not acto tha company it la aa good |
Retultof Mee^'to Con»ld*r
Change In Railway Ordinance
aa no franohlaa at all Caplt^, Iw,
daolared. la very aenaiUre. and will:
not taka obaneaa onleaa aoma indnoe.
iaoffarad. Ha daacribedthe con-
a fianoblao wfatob wiU bo aoboplabU
to tbo company and properly oafognard
tbo intoroeU of the oily.
The eommittae wao appointed by
Mayor Oarrer ao foliowi:
From the oonncli-Aldermen Wil-
tho Two Deckhands Sleep
H. C. Daria Aldorm
mada ehainaan of the
Tbe Uying of brick on Union street,
ton proceed very shortly, probably as,
will be raised at onc«.
I AciHbrr .Man.
la oa tto TIcbol.
stmotton by fire th«* building of Mra.
Hill on 1East Front street ntwr BoardGrand Rapids,
Seju. 9—1., T.
hich lias been occupied
Durand laid the facts bcldft the conaa a cigar factory by. Garl M. Pierce.
vention, and the committee unani
Mr. Giwyson and Mr. Hartley wen‘
mously adopted a resolution at :i:lo
odot:k, dccUrin*; it the sense of the
committee that judge Durand remain back from lunch, when they Naw a
on the ticket.
light In th.- huilding. A cat liad tipGrand
1>-Jndgc IHMl over the lamp tliat wa* left burnDurand will undoubtedly remain or ing in thv .torf room in front, a blare
the democraUo ticket. At a confer had caught in a pile of pai*Ts and
attoe yt^terday at Flint, when Charles fj.read to the counter and tbe ca*h
T. Durand asked the judge if he drawer. The two iiignt watchmen got
wanted to remain on the ticket. Judge Into tiie l.nildlng and ancoeeded In
Durand nodded emphatically l.ulloat evtlngnlshlng^e flames without tbe
and see the famous “II
The/just as goods
when it comes down to .i
son.—The Uosion Store.
Cjd(r | 5C i\ COld StOragl
-------------- ------------- 1
or Tory ! I
_ ^
Young Woman Found Dead
With Throat Cut
will never
Having a
in your
'l*hc sweet
tone and
elegant apixrar-
music makers alwavs jilease
—Factory i>rit cs and easy
You can’t atiord toj
music in your
Sec us for partiru-:
and larking dangera of the
m Dooiis piKD i mi
New Dress Goods, New Waistings. New
Trimmings, New Notions. New Silk
Waists. New Furs. Ladies’ New Capes
and Jackets. Children’s Cloaks and
* I fhl« 4
ffto. If choten
church at
sm sisasr-Jiss,
r the direction of Ralph Anderson.
„U«wU: bat Ihi.
way to enooWM* obpiUlUto nndM
the mmr timt make Itraayfortbe
The voung people’s Society of the
Prcsb>tcrian church, wdl mcet al the
homcof Mr. tVaig. on park street, to-
"‘Si. Klo4rl«h *w .waw* la hU
aad atfod »bal th. ooaaoil kak.
77 88d71*,; corn.
morrow c/cning. (or a social time.
Friends of the society will be guests.
IN CARPET DEPT-Ne'w Carpets. New Rugs.
New Linoleunss. New Lace Curtains.
IN CLOTHING DEPT-Men’s New Suits and
Overcoats. Boys’ Suits. Overcoats and
Reefers. New Furnishings-in fact, a
general filling up of the choicest goods
—Buy your goods here at from iOto
20 per cent, cheaper than elsewhere.
The Boston Store received today a
carloaxlof furniture -and stoves and
deflBile 881100 to ao Ax 8 fi8aehiM 8a
another of bedroom sujCeSa
Mr. aad Mta. S. K.
too Waiter, of Rkbaund, lad., are
thesuew of Mr. aad Mli. W. O.
WK INVITE every man
the principle, of that great imrty the
of the
hanafita it will brin^ to na” Approx!^ly tlK* paving would coat about
$10,000 in tan year, to tba company.
for a short visit.
DM. BMB hod bMome int.tv.Md In th. hour. The appeal that Uie i*eople of
pnjom BBd ww. bwkloc it by th.lt Michigan have been making for a
taOBODO. to menre .nob a ftaocblw primary eleotion Uw which ahall pur
Elizabeth CaU, one of the i>ionccrs
M wOBid b. acoopmbl. « tr.ll « M ify tha avmmet to poiitlon of public
f the t'.rand Traverse region and
H. ref.rr«i to tl.. honor and truat. baa not been heeded.
willow of the Ulc Silas Call, a veteran
nnmetoo* maatlng.
held upoothi Capital and labor are comiwnion actof the Rebellion, died this morning at
whl^ ore in indoairial aotivlttea. and when
the home of her daughter, Mrs. E, H.
Travarar Oity
ht working together with due andbooeal
Koch, near Grawn, of paralisis, age
ampliMtaad the great regard for the right ot each other «ic
C8 years.
benaflU that would nootuc to the pec- Odmitgenetdllj attained. The
'be prln-j
She leaves four daughters, Mrs, L.
pi. cf Ihe peninauU and Traj^ clpie of equal and juat ta
ofP‘crmsylvanu, who has l>ecn
City. And new the Board of Tr^ principle which oooade
..V. mother during her illncaa.
pruaanted tha »ma argumant:
nciple by|^j
KEEch of
aotiy apiwova.. It to a priaoiplv
ml the road becuuaa of tha gxM
Mre AlfonM FobIct of
to tod8oa tha mo8oye4 mm who hove
Alfred V. Friedrich
New FallJVaists
All “wool Flannels
Fine French Flannels., etc. etc.
Prices from 49c to $3.75.
mart uew Skirts arrIvedCodap.....-----
Mrs. Howard Fife went to Klk
Rapids on the Charlevoix this week
ablch the n-queat baa come to me haa
«emed to maketl my Imperative duty
0 do wliat I can towards the betu-rind Her Ile.baad Had Bto* oa a
Upon the query of Alderman Hamil- mmt of condiUema The aplendid
too aa to why the Board of Trade ieclaration of i*rlnclple. adopted a.
wanted to grant a boon* to the railway 1 platform of tbe convention oomt.r.n t ode
Friedrich of the nanda my hearty >pproval. also it
:haliengea the attcntoln of the loyal
N oungslown. O.. Sept, t».—The
c iorm. tn.npportof
Dittaen to tbe dangers of the hour and
,vlv of Mrs. lames McGinn, aged 21,
of tho fmiiobi..alrmdy p>mod. to Um to the enrlronmenU which menace
f New Cattle was found in a pasture
•imot of oonoM.lon. .VIMMO by th.
in which we live, and the
Bawd of Tnd*. II. >mied Uwt th. righto and prlvllegea which belong to field at Hubbards lliis morning with
throat cut from car to car.
Mttonof th. bowd *« bronght .boot bar cltUena. againat all eooroach
Mrs. McGinn were visiting nn
by » dortr. to ooooBrwm ..pltnlUU to meat* upon the rigbu and prerogauncle and according to admissions liad
Mm. bon wid inywt th«lr moB.y in tivea of the people.
1 on a carousal.
tho nUlwny projwt
That udw th.
•The democratic parly ha* atoi.d
(nwihlw pwwd by tb. oonncit It yrw and to all thoae who are believer* in
equal to
Our price oii/p
CMdits’ Bauds*
dent spent the night, i
morning.^ Ashville
en itrncture and would have gone like
flaah. A. it la. practically no dam-
to pay the aamo aa oU.er property
owncra would be from |nX) to fl.OOO
th* An
family .Unimtod befor. the .
could have resch. d it. as it it a wood
nor of thl, gn-ot •»*». i»rmit m« In
Tbaiufora the laa year reiaaaa ha oon-
I ud rornldkor* l« HI*
t of the siding at
I!ul for tb. ir timely KTi\»l mideffl- ;l
Imre be«n de.troyed
ing >lu>es.
Would be consideretl great bargains at
m most stores.
dent work. th. bn.ldin* tionU cr.;
together with especial care,
made in new styhsli shapes.
gixKl looking, splendid wear
BjTrlrrrBtAto tl
necessity of c^ngoot the Are depart-
Oroaa waa
iBdwad to aaBBM
th. wimrprtoe.
TlMlMBTtwt tupByortwid wUd biul-
Tbe timely arrival of Night Police♦
1 Grayson
men Hartley
o'clock this mominif*
oinfj' aared from de-
Made ofscleetedMock. iml
io tbo
300 pairs,
i»-.\nKcrcsl l»cof receiving; the
O’Neal this morning ;and then turned
the wcajKin on herself, dimg instanlly, while her huslantl lived long
ullcvaMS Hartley and Urayaon enough l«» tell the t ircumstances of
S mil Hatidiaaon Kaat rtamt
ehoaan aeoretary of thawia^ng.
in not being able on account of alckProfeaaor Dookaray axplainad that neas to be pretont and apeak pir«m
whlla the propoaition wa* to n
ullytoalL X endeavored to Indioalr
tha company tr6m paring eipanee for my wlaho. that the conTt-ntion might
a paHod of ten year^ the regular tax wlect another to carry the atandard
whleh the company would be nyiuired n thebatUe, bat
the maimer in
,i$,rad a. a
Banitosdl Approval of fUt-
idiOB thw BO moa.yml men oonid b*
and go to $3.50 by easy jumi»s.
S.w TI«SS.«a7tc
of .Oil-
th. nomlnntlon to th.- oBlo* of
ot> llevrir.j
the men who were aaieep.
farm, and OeUlMd Hi*
Can fit the “kid” of two years up to size 46.
irld l.catcr-evrr> gootl kind that’s made
Our line this season is a
. ^you
_ want.
ccN start at *J5 < cnti
in cotton, wool or silk —mixctl if
very narrow escape for the oth^
Was Read to the Convention
ceotlon by eoction. hot to take np only
the main polnu at laaoe. Before pro
New York Woman Shot Him
er nu mbers of tho crew, uho ban ly
saved their lives, with no time to seek
given ite vseenllal pointa He
pUlned «»ai tliere werv differancaa of ing that be did.
ofdnioa regarding the adriaabillty of
Judge Dorand’a h tP r wa* read t4
releaalng the company from the
the convention this afternoon
pence of paring for a peHoJ of ten warmly tbanksthe people of Michigan
yanrc, and. none but a prophet (
foretell the rtealt 4a the future. It
J.d«. D«r»d mr> In pnrt: "In
waa decided not to trad the franchiae pCMMittiic my formml Moepmoc oJ
order, tbe work on
before the
to beath
log of taxpayen and mamban of the
It waa of the ntmoat importance that
great oarv and deliberation ebonld be
That arc not only SERVICEABLE,but BEAUTIFUI. as well. We
have the goodt—former cfTorti knockctl out—any color you want,
stripes and figures, all the new wrinkles—Prices x-cry czsy, 50 cents to
natch baains are all put in. bat lhts|
will not effect tbe qnailty of the fin-1
iabed job. Inspaotor Healy aay* that
the w jrk is prooeding r atisfactorily |
Been a Bad Blaze Last Night
Board of Trade prceont. and only Aid•rmoa OiUeU and MoOlnoky were ab-
important. He aaggesled that there
were no »ore *pot^ on either eide.
The fmnchlee In quration la the
important one the city ever had. and
Some of the work is being done out I
of its
iHt wEtTHER saasraswMTKirtv.-srai
soon as tbe brick is all laid on Front
angry with
This Afternoon
oeot Mayor O. P. (>nrer wao called
to preside over the meetiag.
PrellmlnarT to the dieonaeioB on
the propoeed frmn^loe Prof. C. R.
Doekery onUnrd the propoeed change*
In the franeblee from tha^ paamd by
Ue oonnoil. Alderman Hamilton nig.
geetel that the direeton of the Board
of Trade make their argomeoU npon
the ohaogee eaggestad. chiefly
paring cUuee. which waa the
liobart Beodwr Co. « « Prog.
npon the streeL
Barring very
Blomsbield thinks tbat aU tbe work
Mrs. i:. N^ Backus who has been
of paving wlU be completed by the sixmding the summer with her sister.
end of this month. The grading Is Mrs. .A. W. Wait, will return to her
now being completed to Union atreet
home in Jackson Thorsday.
brtdge on tbe aonth, and tbe concret*
Boat Uted llee^lly to l*ort, Tht-e C re.hing IsprogreasiBgrapialy. andahonid
eqAr*(a*tUM l>ock aatf %VeatX>o»a
be comidcted
by Saturday night.
cratic Leader
ksts and fleiiosiiir goods at tfk
,ftatad tbat tba Uook of pavement between 0am and Park etreeto wlU be Fkbtymade a tour of tbe Pantbui
opened for traffle Saturday morning. Oieek Valiev yeeterdgy and reporti
Tbe cement is aetting well, and Mr. that the men aa very soUA At tb«
Blonuhield thinks tbat by Saturday conclusion of a meeting
morning It wUl be mfa to allow traffic
The barge is in 25 feet of water and
damaged to the extent of |«a». She
Judge Durand Will be Demo
liolm, Hamilton, Bledor, and City At
toraey Orooo. From the Board of
Trmdo-A. V. Friodrloh. Dr. O. J.
Knooland. U^8. Bull and Attorney
Iwmmss etech ot IndfaiM Bes»
Day ar .This Week.
TMAJU-KO. 1668
Engiaaar Bloambiald this doming
pandaot with tha railroads Peraon. 8/ TfUereUi to the Beeord.
aUy ha would not care to invest in
Dettoit, Mich.. Sept »-The atoam
auoh a |wo)aot here, with such remote
etmacto of retnma bat If canitaliata ^***4?* M. Honghteo, limaatone laden,
J? to
dock here thia morning,
from abroad drairea to oo ao we
K<hrard Cloae and William
1 land every i
If tha line a
i be by ontalao (
About four o’clock tbe watchman
loeal eapitalltts would i
eported the boat listing to port and
before warning coold be given she
Ha did not beliara a Una
oome anderotanding wboroby an ordi.
naooo aeooptablo to the eompany may
bo adopted. Ko doflolto aotioa waa
taken roUtire to dooidlag apon tbo
tormo of tbeordlnanoo, oUwr than tbo
appointment of a oommittoo to frame
■rk far the
- I.riec No* m 25 Feed of Water
City Old Mitoioe * pMoUtooU railway
aad the ally eooaoll oIomt ioir«tbw to
ihal a fraaahito aooaplable to both
partlot laay bo agrood apoa.
Tbo ooonoil in oomnittoo of tbo
wbolo and the oli^^bton of tbo Board
of Trade met in the oonnoil rtXMB to
dlocooe the fraoehlee approrod by the
Board of Trade and if poeiUble effect
ing in Forecastle
dltlona in a thickly aeUlod portioii of
Ohio, whara tha population warrantea
of eiaotrie lines, and
lAmm to OM MAtotos.
ering. Be IkTocnd tba ohangea in the
prafOMd tnatUm Mid
th.» j st<«m Barge Turned Turtle at
ao aeHtallM wM be Indaoad to coe» ■
n«*r«i» rww
hM* to band anulfo.d.*Uh*ioh
Detroit Dock
eaoU taatfara.
The same'eare token in
Design. Workmanship
and Fit of medium and
high grades alike—dif
ference in cost largely
in material. “Varsity"
sack is so popular it is
again shown in similar
design this year. “Ryton” overcoat and “1902
Model" are “strictly in
it"—ask to sec.
^Wi »ly^
ii'f ' -| I
*utr am Ik* »•♦ To*
d.i«^ tatO»M«t M<
^g*Mi aad tb* WateiH com
tmmf. eoBtfoOoa b, UmObbIAa fcoV
giwm eolBTlotboToport. Tbtoo
pwl^mpemtloot, ftAllxinv tba
«t«MO of tM Bortborwt. ioclod.
ooHiMn XtOblfOA hATO
r for tbo eootrol of thonU
RMidi of Miohi»ii mod It U
likHr thki Um
will mcqmif tU IW lUrqorUr. or
0.7 oU»r »«kd tbot »07 Ml Into toe
i««4. or itaOkriai
«. w P0--
bim. Jam wtai •*•« •ocli ooo«tloB waaU ban am tbaMpfanet
manban UiaUsan <• a wattnr at earn
immmn.batarntbata<mct ittbani.
•kM if the Pnumlnaik
^wSIoM^^wlSir WI •f f
UuUlfSl. MaOOT af JM.
"*r!!3lT*ir?0 W*li» af W«sM.
CBAmi^M A. BlkAlft af jMkM.
wrui A. WttmDKY or VooBomo.
8utoa. oot foriottimr Iba irenUl writ>ni Mlchi«mn •tolche.
la At Ootral Lam. lu
J. M. Ha
some f^ys from bU trip thro
westers states. He was aoooi
be left at Erentt.
Ijieoeae/t. Oirfsr” for ^m.7B.
Common txteusion tobUrtrom B3.ai
20 Different patterns to select from.
womUbe' giTSn
, b«t which mast be ooesider-
NotIcM to Ts* lessor*.
e reput
cnwhcTc ihrouglunit
the .worKl.
makes liecause the slamlard has alwa)s
lK*cn placed so high that tlie
w'earers cxjicct more for their
money than they can get else- ^
Lizzie Krum. aged 18 years, for two
years an operat«*r for the Chioago Tel
We cairy a full liii^r
and can insure a |>ciln’t fit-
:H. $. Fryman, Pnctical13SSbotman
Tront Street
ing manner the spirit of court life at a
time when the House of Tudor
ajiproaciiing the days of its greatest
The noted artiste. Miss Klhe Kllslct
will be seen here in the part o! Mary
Tudor, the heroine of the pUy.
tuch of
W) .err. in the |«nhu- j ^ Tribune.
continue to do so forever.
It s
pbes light without heat.
A ray
this light oonducu electricity.
converts oxygen into ozone and cel*
on glass pena»»eatly brown. Tbew
are only a lew of tbe properties of
ihikWukable subsunce. In the
Cosmopolitan for September a brief
article is publisbed under the title,
“A New Field far Speculation,’' and
aancmDcenieat is made of a prize of
three hundred doUan tor the best
paper on the subject.
the: only N.\TrR^\L AMERIC.\N
It will give you a ^lear head and a sound bodjr.
It ki.‘cps your liver acting: and your system in
perfect couditiofi.
F<ir sale at yonr Druggist,
Large bottle. 55 cents: small Iwttlc, 10 cents.
iag and doea net Tcquireto be taken
off to renew from time to time. Is
a dry powder, ready for nae %
mixing with cold water.
We are experts in the treatment of
Pv‘iNT-0 paragraphs
IwnWja men talk tbry don't IwTbe
79c, Cordelln. a wnur
mrftj a bog bacanto ba
The ready-to-wear cloth
ing that equals in every
respect the very finest
custom made garments.
The ready-to-wear cloth
ing that is made as your
tailor would make it. The
ready - to - wear clothing
made from the finer ma
terials, identical in quality
and design with the fab-'
rics shown by tailors who
would charge much more.
Qraml Rapids, |Rioh.
I hey
have to give belter satisfa«'iion than olber
' "
The word ‘^Hello” oontinoaUy
til II JU o>U«-k In ihr fon-n.Hrf, »ml f.om I
in her ear drove to distraoion Miss oVIork until 4 o riock in thr »flw.iwo of mm* h
kwt alfbt tofrotoaafraaobiMtoba
ba4 fto^baaMIbaPanMar
B3-00. B3.S0, BA.OO, BS.OO
w hicb hung dark in front o! an <-ffal
' sjilem. Several weeks ago a
gent sotting sun ior i.enrly 10 uunnt
veterinarian feared that be had
first to Salt I W*hil© the average citi/en gazed
Mr. Hnellmanlel
and J tractvd tuberculosis tlhongh i
silhontte with admin
in tbe big gaOM-ring there.
r at the accident of its
Then he visited Denver,
Perhaps the most remarkable sc
lific discovery made in a long time—
far at least as iu wonderful possibihtics are concerned, is that of raaldorBsa to some of the saggosti
of tbs Board of Tkads. yet there now diunL ' Apparently this substance has
a dlspodttoa to abids by tbe from the beginning been gitnag ofl
lurticles at the rate of sixty lo nmety
thousand miles per second, without
diramutioo of its own force—and vnU
aaaaMadBoa. B. a Oavto aad
AltoMiT Oao. H. QrtM.boCbi
laal WiU ba roapa
Maof thoaa lagalgaa-
ments is best known by makers of
robes who were bom in the United
pf^ it. In the oontaot ol the opposing
winds the cloml fragment was trans
formed Into A p« rfi < t question mark,
Wbtls Ibmis
tlaa tolU apoo the part of some of
Wblto aotblag dabaltaha.
aatop baa
tita la Iba right diroalloB A eem
atttoaafaUgaDaaMHfioBlbaaoaBaU aaABoM« ar Tn4a baa ba«i oamed
to Man a MW fnaMiiaa iBd if poa•bla ^naaalaa crdlaanea wbieb w4U
baaaaagtobla toCba projaelon of tba
raadal that
ELECTRIC FAWS in your ofbee, store or home. AU of new
design and perfect construction
for style, comfort anil wear is Lmiun c%Europe, and cspenially A'meriean tIsitors. that the real art uf Htting gar
ephone C^^.a and while temporarily
deranged she svrallowed a dose of car
bolic sold and died in bar motber'i
At Wichita, Kas.. at suom I Satnrarms. The mother says that often in
day evening a peculiar eombination of
her sleep the girl vrould start up
wind currents whipped tl»e thoulder
and exclaim: “Hello! What nui
off a dark cloud bank on the soutiie?“
western horizon and carried it northto have been left for Dr.
ward until other wind currents stop-
hunters' horns.
The court jester and
projsto. At tbs romr tl»s. while
one of the women in wailing dance
•BBS of tbs BidsTBan bslisTS in makthe quaint moms dances which were
iBf BtBOSsaiooa. they ars not prepared
popular in the opening years of t
to go so far M >e dltsotors of the
reign of Henry.
The cflecl of i
Board of Tmds hare proposed. Re
whole scene is to reflect in a convinc
to»d ol^toB.fa
No need to .infer from he»t.
Don't let the air gel stagnant
—create a breeze. 1‘ul in one
or more of our desk or ceiling
tion in New York this week, will lay
plana, it is reiiorted. for an iararioii
of Europe in retallatioo for the man
ner in which the modUtes of Pbris
and other European cities bare been
tk© Htx. which 1 miU srU s
making Inroads upon their owatom. t.<n. to poil. on lnrt4ai»«it plan or wtll both
Negotiatioos are
be In oMloimU. IWFW Tn««Ur and iUtnr
V. \jnwU' fToorry. Trk
progrees for opening establlahments
die. There she raises IS.OOO oaUle annually, nslny only twenty cowboys for
heir handling, and suooessfnUy com.
the market with the kings
Hothiof daftnlta waa aooompUabad
bprings, aacrameuto. San Franclsoo,
it tba Joint maatlnc of tba oommHtrc
cm Oataline Islands in tbs Pacific,
>f tba whole of tba oonacU and iba
snd then mads stops of greater or lev»
lirwitora of tba Board of Trade raUlength at other places, Inolndlng Port
tiro lo Iba
land,Taoomaand8eattla Mr. HuellIt woold acaroolj bare bean aspaotrd
msnOlretnriisd by way of the North
that a fraaobiae would bare been
ern Paclflo. Mr. Boughey will not be
fsUy apprarod mt laat nipht*. meet
busk for some time yet
anciM- waters lately
inf. It ia 100 important a matter to U
• - “
veteriuarian’a hand
with distinguished honor Hlrai .<nke- j
in t
diapoaad of bsnriedly.
While the ditwo rabbits. Both
raotocB of tba Board of Trade framed
died of tuberculoaia
Julia Marlowe's $!K).(KH) produc.
an ortinanaa wbibh appaarad to antionof**Whcn Knighthood Wa.s In
awar Iba psrppaa. tbara yal ramAlned
riowcT," which will l>c seen at Stemamay aaaaatlar points to oooaldcr reiberg't tlrand 0|iera House next Sal- Hlrai is now W years old and on his *"
attra to Ufal oonatmetion. llAbUity.
urday Sept. 13, oiicns on Mayday, visit to Admiral Rcnlgers was aocomradtaaa. ate. In tba main tba oonoa#.
1513, and the first picture disclosed is panlc-d by his son. grandson and griwt.wm. rui«.
aioas aafiraatad by tba dirootora apone of Windsor Park near the river grmndaoD
•‘Your trout.Ic prolmMy aroae fro:
landing. The ancient castle is seen in
John Marlin of Humboldt, HI., it lome forgottvM eontusloii. whereby an
kind as Uma ]
the dislanre, with glmipses of the dead, ihert^salt of drinking lemon exith>n W .1S cauMd which communi•laoMBla Bppmtr and thero mast be
Itself to tbf—••
The hawthorn hedges are all
Martin had been on a protract cat«dl Itib
BBl iBkbUoBMtbaroisBdifrmioe
“O. cut all that outr
abloom and Mayday festivities arc in ed drnnk nod was nuahlo to procure
eplBloB lotMiBff tte propoBd eoD
tbe other. In.pntlemly.
The stage is crowdetl w iih whiskey.
-nut I was going to c
BBtrioBA BbI it U BppBreot that a
nobles, maids of honor and children,
womi-n in Texas are making tbe surgeon, -what cause
BBjorl^ of tbs oooBoll bsUsTs that
and from the depths of the fi»rest a •nrcess
of them
snreess of ranching.
ranching, One
doctor- ex
comts the blood-stirring music of U Ur.. r.uline XVhiu^u. who owu.
that If tbs tom is made fire years in
ars a...na^
**»*»»»***«» *»^^
J. O. Fries, of-Orlando. Fla., who
tbii olAto. For A numbar ol j«ra
as employed by the gorimment to
tbej hAva campad oo iba abote of aiac
take a ceiiins of the Bemlnole Indiana,
Laka, Mod aa tbair A««a niMta fro
fW IMua^ «r Oiog— niTWtA Ooogno
reports that Uiey number but fKB».
to 68. tb07 doobura that tbar will
Klon lUtv. Wilson Csrlisle.
AbISuBAXA^^ DABBAOn oTOfOlloti tinoa to bold tbair anmiAi aoa
chief seci..tary of the charcb
jaara to oobm aa tbay
army, which bs founded in the slums
bare not in the paat Amoof thoaa
ititrodcrlnK whst is des*
in camp tbla yaar ww Oao. Morrmy.
; Dr. Oaaa WeUwma. T W.
. Jaaaa Hickman and Bdw
B orthodox br. thrcn.
latest :
of the p. o. ataff; ;»bu F
are service. The pl(
Sloyd. ctndent; Eda. Droit.wholeaale
the chief attraction
T. Bocaa. Attorney; C.
the midday serrio^ ^ at hi% church, in
O. Sloyd. wholcaalo dmiwlat; aU of
Only sacred rciircwntaOinalnnAU. O.; BbtdUy Ronac. AUor
wlll IKJ allowed, aocomiianied
nay, of Oorln#rton. Ky.; W. H. Tbnr.
hr a abort address
By this means the
jfTC^r. Ontral Lake, liloh.; and
Rot. Mr. Oarlisle hopes to attract
laat. Imt by no maana leaau Wm.
Londoners to hit church. At the con
cloiion of the *.onrlco nil the worship
pers wiU be given a free cap of cofToe.
vile you lo call and see our new stock, especial- ^
i • V^iclor.*’ sameas shown in cut. Tables extend
the ends with filling' enclosed in top of table so
I can be made without removing linen or
This is considered a (p'cat advantage by the
many ladies who arc now uscing them here in the
city. Every table is gu arantcedlo
’ you by the factory
lor lo vrars. •‘V^ictors*’ are only made from the best
cu d stock and polished.
“THE NEWPORT.” the latest three button double-breasted
sack suit-lt's a perfect fall suit. “THE ARVON”-the stylish
four button sack is an ideal suit for any young man. “THE
NUSAC”-the one sack suit that is sure to be a winner with
those who wish to dress well.'Our fall prices are from $6.50
to $24.00. It is a pleasure to show such an assortment of
all the latest materials and designs and we fit every custo
mer-got the sizes to do it. Take a good look^at the suits at
$ 10. $ 12.50. $ 15. $ 18 and $24. Your size is here.
lUwitiii^WtB, *iM*^ hw.-*to«. tilmt. «rt*MM« i l»4
ite $atistadi»ii
Short of Pfertecden
1;. .
Is the prlndplc mdcriying the manu.
: M . actnre of Hannah & Lay OTs. Best j
Ttew, Perfection Guaranteed.
Bar. Fardlaaad K. C5artor of tha
Haeoad Coagrefatioaal ehoroh la at
tha haad of a movameat aaaoof C
IdamlaiaUira to oopoae marrylnf
Euia oa Wada^aday nl»rhta. He
rtiya that eooplaa aaraiat la bring mar.
rird oa that night and It takeh tb«
claticnnen away from their prayer
maatiaga He aaya ht haa b^ n ana
bla oa aarraral Wadaraday nlgbu tbit
to lead the prayer maeting
•Bd the oUmT. Uim Ollre Breme, so aanrioaa la bla obaroh baoaue ba bad
YpelUBlt jemMg UAJ^ h.. be~ tskm, baaa oaaad npoa to parfona a
with • eerieme ttooble with bw ejM.
and U now m far •« 8aa YkaDoUeo
ea the waj ho»a. Ml» IMadld
Uttla Vlrlaa Aakiaa. three yeara
Bot Had Ufe la tha PhUlsipiaai at
plaaMat a* eba aaUolpatad. aad bar old. died In Ohioago yaaterdey aa tba
adalaa to girU trbp are tblaKinff of raa^t of aa operation for o
foUawiac bar asampla !• lo ataj at trouble, ooaplad witl. an attack of
whooping ooagh. Tha body ar
boBW aad ooDtoDt
^icalalac fcaowladfa of Iba troplesaad today on tha Pare Marquette, and the
tba aaat thronch bookf aad ttiroafl^ fuaeml wlU ba held from th« realdaaoe of tha little oae’e grandinoUieT.
friaade who hare baaa than.
Mra E. J. Campbell. 8»> Webater
a. P. U
at? O'clock
cS a oomv .
for oil la la«baiB aad Livlof-toiia
ThU la the time to uar Rooky M
ooaaiiea. aaya that a coabar baa bana
Cmdtasti Dtws
• fflBkhlgm.
»»•'• dui^
Bavmul children agad from » to 14
yewra have obeoka of all tbe way from
gS to kSfi aaoh as a result.
ba time to taka Rocky
Now’s tbe
________ Tea: keeps tha whole fam-
new three atory hotel U lx lug
aractedatLudingtoo. It wlin<^ built
antlraly of cement, and -will cost
good doctors.” writes W. A. Or
Icn’s Arnica Salve cured me to two
Michigan ouirmuko avary state to tbe
nion as a pfodnoer of beans Mass*.
linestU. however, still leads in the
of them.
Rooky Mountain Tan bmoea up tl.e
sldt Iieople.
Jaa a Johnson.
kinds mu' flourishing and that the barvest Uils year will ba the largest on
^ •
for Washingtoo. D. C., four for the
Fertia Inatituta aod four will go to
Milwuakaa aamlnarr.
Apple grower In Berrien county are
wulohlug with great Intereat the fornation of the apple tru*t in Miaaouri
and Kaoma, which propoo's to boost
’the prioa of this fruit 5 to M eenU a
buahaL Thla comity produces about
BOO.OOO buaheli of apples per year, or
oaa tantli of tbe total crop raised lu
Mloblgm. If the new trust can SMid
iS eaata to tbe prtee per busliel 11 will
gl60.0U0 to tha I
AWntfiTwic Wevp Eqtuio
A Vmtmm * NobW Art.
leotno BlMera They cured me of
laundioe and liver troubltw that bad
eotrtc Bitter* arc the surprise of all
fee their wonderful work in^Liver.
Kidney und Stomach troubl.v Don’t
fall to try thaA Only 6o cts ^tls-
Prof Inman. Dowagiac's famous
weather prophet, says tber.- wlU not
be u frost hardsDough to hurt oom oo
tba uplands before Nov. 1. Neither
WlU there be much rain.__
at Jaa O. Johnson’s
Mead's drug atoiaa
The example of the lUluala nrwapu.
rr which haa begun the laaae of the
Itble as a aerial (a prows that win
tvqulre uboot fifty yeuiai rcculla the
Texas editor wba came actum the Tea
naudmeota somewhere und wua
so struck with their excMMocu that
ippcd ^e passage aad ran It uir
der the head of -Gems of Cuxtaat
srr ‘sr:i..ir*^iSisiSJSS
PE* 1000 WATTS
YoB'd better
$14.98 SSgL”*
?c3Vs Kffls or ssnaan
resign, and If I
did not he would l»e-vhUged to prefer
cUnrgf's against me of condurt uul**
nuulng an oftl«"er and n gentleman.
aad F. H. •Of coutwe.* he conclu.Uil. ‘all I* over
between y.»u and mjr .laught.T.*
•‘I rcdgn.ll my n.nunlMlon, bnt left
U with my fiancee to decide hpon her
.ixurwe after she h.ad licard my story.
I?hc lM*llev.d lu my lniHKi*n.u ami niarrl.il me li-foce 1 left tb> post. We
bought this place and .**fne here to live
aod to .lie In cxile.“Captaln.- 1 said. “ my sympathy for
I your mlsf.vrtunc U only fijualed by
my admiration for the woman who
take It ui*«u iWaelf far
Tue principal point of diffarenca was
ou tba quaafiooofadmitttogtopositioaaca tha first teams of High school
playara who ara parauing their ato.
dial In tha grade* It was ftnaUy da*
oldad that only strictly High school
iwcasKnio or
.M*T«iiT< n» rtowsrin* for woo
players should ba oo tha teams, though
pupils in the grades would betaken
a.* members of the asaxciation with all
the oilier privileges.
Hsber Stout was elected vice praai*
deot of the aasociatiou. Prof. Howard
M. EUioU base ball hmimger and
Emil Lederle manager of tbe traok
team. Tbeee two managers. Prof.
Elliott being already cboaen manager
CKAKD B.HO,. of tha foot ball team, were choa
meet the alumni committees gad carry
out tne plans tor the combiued al
letio meet Saturday afternoon next.
tor the meet are pronapt
finely, and a fine serif* of
-tb li
lid not be
mUsed by those who are at aU inter
*I am
aslonUhed. The Ijiureiire I ested. either in alhivtici or the High
ivfemM tu Imd l*M-u one of the most
prui^lslug young oflhvm In tbe anuj.
tes lor the .\lunmi foot
but. having been caught cheating at
asked to meet at the
cartls. w as cut by all bl* ix.mrade* and
comer of Sixth ami Oak streets this
w a* f*.r«'»^ to resign.
i-doock sharji for pracevening
••If 1 had known that y«*u had cicr
beard of me.- Mid rnpti.ln Lnur
-1 would md have liivlti-«I you tu slay
over night. As It K I may iiinke it hw*
emlaimi*slng fur you .f.d- I
e.<aiM-d tu Ie«l embarrasM^l al*j
dl*grai-dC.by telliug .w*u li-.s
cunvd. If .v*m iHllexe my *i..r
win r.M mon* ph>«M»uily bmlghi
my ru..f; if hot. I w ill have done nil lu
my 1*1X1 er to nuike you oiuifoilnlile.
•My early ywtr* In the army «i-re
s|M Ut In a staeonst fortUb-atIon i*obit.
y^AXTKl>-l.oumlry glr^*l Buto
blood they should often say bow^
ahL »*^iHilnlly 111 XX Inter. fr..m the nt*t
Impure bkood means irregular bowof till* xvorld. To pa**,Hie lime xxe
els. Blood purifier means bowel
plnyexl imUer. for awhile f»r iiwmey.
regulatoT. ConsUpalion means bad
blit US the exelteim ut «»f ganiMlug xxii*
blSod. Bad blood n
dbta*teful lu me l niuillx .b* llliexl to
ptor fur stakes, xvhereuiioii xxe playiM
forehlpa. This not irt^.vbig lulen-stliig.
we U-gan to cheat one uuothef. study
lug dlfTerxnt tiK lhoil*. m.Uie of U* lie
coming quite exiMTt. We Would |day a
game of fn-x-xe out'-that 1.1. any mau
caught ebeaiing wii* mlexi out. theolh
era plavlug on till all had Ikm-h eaiiclit
but mie. al.o wa* the xvliiner. We
pUyed this game Iuc«-**.aidly xme win
air a gentle laxative and a splendid
ter niid found It more exeltlug than a
tonic. Tliey are not a cathartic.
Cathartic* do not cute.
gnflte for nvil slak.-s playiii b-gitmiatcFOR SALE
ly. At the xMid of the season I wa* di*
ebireil the U**l . hent of the iwxrty. b.nxlug Won more gaiin-* th.nii any of the
•in the spring 1 wa* onb n*! to one
of the prluel|«ll I*i*t* In the xvest. in
XThleh were l.vatisl the heaihju.irter*
of the d«*pnrlnieiit. TIumi- I met the
daughter «if the general .-mimaiidlng.
to xxiiom I l*«eame e:igac*l. Poker 1*
«-oniiiion In the army and was univer
- . but my dl*
sal !y play.M/*^
ta*te for the^g.nue xxa*i s-i grunt tliMt I
dt‘.llm*l tu pl.ny. Iloxvev.r. one even
inc I xxMs standing over a |*oker t.nble.
and the player* |.* ke«l so s**i..l that I
dei id.ll to take a hand
•il.nlf an Imur p.ns*M wllhniit any
Chang.* w hat.*vcr ill my
prov.ll S.1 uiilnterest.
f;ict. the
thought* xxandenil.
that my thtuigld*
thiiiklug of the girl I had nrcutly XX1XH nnd the hnppine** In i
for me. I Was W'U to W order.Ihc eomiujuid «.f on an- nal. where 1
would Iravc an ..pjiortunlty to unc my
Mcutlflc knowhilge ami |H*rfcet a new
gun 1 had lnv<muil. All th.**e nmtler*
wen* ivisilng through my mind, and
the game I was playing w a* abMlulely
forgoiiru. Suddenly 1 Jicnnl om* of
the company kiv
y.xu arc
- Taptnlu lun:
“All rose from Uie table. iM.mc h*«k
tng M me with a*tonl!»bmcul. .itlier*
glandug ot me. One wh.x had l*y-n
kicking over my hand* d.H-lartil that
he had not only *e.*n me cheat oiuv.
but iK*veral tlnu**.
i “I awoke to ilM* consclousnoiw that
during my alaienImUul.HlueM I b:id
.ImpiHd into the liablt fornud during
the prcvlou* winter. What would It
axall me to aKsert my Innocence? 1
wa* ruined.
“‘i;.‘Ulleuietr- 1 Ug:iu and stopinil.
Why in.nke a defeti*c that would not
be tudicvcd? I covenil my fs.i* with
my liand*. turned and l.fi the mun.
•The next morning I wa* cut I*t
. very ofliccr at tin* i*>*t. Tlic general
iH-nt for me and told me that to av..ld
a scandal which would l.c Injurious
aoH one of the rotlc^t bomca I
have ever seen, built on an angle
«1 by the lake and a atreom.
Great overhanging tree* *lnMlod it. «tm1
ou«‘ waa covered w Hh a vine. A
iianu sat oh the i>urcb reading a
ixine. 1 apoke to blm. told him my
aliuation. and after going InaWr for a
ent. to consult bis uife. lauppose.
be retunud and lnvlir«l me to be bi«
at till morning. I mt>*t gnitrfull.v
sat dotrn tu a dainty supper with a
family itun^latlng of the captain, hla
wife, a renm-d woman w itb wboae apinee I was e«|ieeially struck, and
ScvtTal lK>ys ami girl* of vnrioua ages.
AfUT ibc otberi tui.l gone to IkhI tbe
csptaln nnd 1 mt on a |ioreb overbangtog tto- lake, smoking.
nun iK'C," I
• I know of a raptiiln Lnun
Llm. You
can't Ih- be. beeamn* he
ouUy aU tba eabbage la Mlcbigaa aad
tba Baglaaw oahbaga ara tha bast la
t^ ecuatiT• A oouaervaUve eatiaala
of amount of cabbage ahlppad from
Baglaaw this aiwaoo it l.aX) ear load*
BaMdet thU vaat amount, two local
kruut faotorlaa and the Halns factory
i-um aavaral tons, which will Utar be
ahlppad out as kraut
Mra Myra B. Jordan, the new
woman’s dean of the unlvarUty. has
ratnruad from her summer trip to
Colorado. Taa wort among woman
of the uBlvc]
Tlia diraotiou
dapartmant wlU ba under tto« aharge
of Pr. Alloa Snyder. The work of
the dean wiU ba purely that of dln-o*
tor and advlaur of tbe women, and her
ottoa will be In the Barbour gytnn*
Ladlngton is the bnuuer town of the
atala us regards furuishing young paopla attandauU at slato oollegaa
High School Athletic A»«>cla.
tlon Took Action
One aoffliDcr while on a bkyda tear
1 stopped atVrcBinc on the banks of a
lake baautlfaUy stniated and looked
t for a pisea to spend tba night.
____ mar came along driving a yoke of
steers, aad be told me there was but
bouse to the neighborhood that
i be agreeable to me. Captoto
Lnurence'a. but tbe capUIn
s genOeman and did not lake to stranger*.
itlng my wheel. 1 rode sroimd the.
lake till 1 came to tbe bottM* lu quea-
■tmak aaar Fowlarvilla. Tlia ongi
aaata who hare
makla* the ax
idomUoaa pradlot that oil eaa be pro>
«Bdn.lUdoDotro*.lUor.ll«r. t»«
FWm>r Howl«, of Kut «>o«ity. fot«et tv B. M bl. pom mm enoun.
bar ploklaa. aad lUi. fanlly ara goiag
without craam In the ooflaa for braakfast until aome more oowa ara pu-
See them si
AU. woBK nani* ponau qbaiii
^ 8u(M7 Of tlM Bj* AAd PiUias
B OIammaSkmIaIU.
X. B, CHAPIX. Propr.
Untfl September 20th we will
moke connection from main to
gas range or house pipe and set
meter FRKK OF COST. This
ofler applies only to those who
will tisc gas ima
tions arc made
lines ot mains,
lengthen the demand ibr
for iUtiminating is increasti^—
the jveoplc of our city now reolixc
that G.\S ior lighting is infinitely
suijcrior to any other metbod
known here. The light U more
brilliant. avaiUble and reliable at
ALL HOl’RS, and. with equal
light, costs less than one-halfof
any other, besides being Car easier
on the e>cs. Houses in cousc of
erection or iiroix»cd should not
be completed wit
tern of gas piping,
already done this. ApplicaUOO
for anything in the line of Ughtsecure jiroinpl attention.
TRAVERSE cineiiscQiiPAiy
A Martta. M. D.
AH. HvaaB. M. D
martin & €pms
E.W. HASm:5&S0R
•s "sT KTiiiSSsriiS--
B. W. CtUOTIWaHAIf. A**M.,
StiMire's Brand Opera Houn
sef»-r. 13
For PMoto.y aad HMklaaw aty. S:« a «.
fur local potoS* aoatk to Fori WayM. llJt
Frank I.. I’crlcv jxrcscnis
EFFIE f.D“or
’“oJm .SiSr — *
.n tb- for.-ni.-t dr»m*Uc trlunq^h
Prim 50c, IsTsTaid $1.50.
iJrSTi,^. M 0._».AttoOr-A —
PERE Marquette II
Vmdton *r Tlolla aad Taml Mtola.
DON'T Be Koolcl
A comnnEE
Lud to Bloodshed In Cdodulala,
Italy. Today
US just
m^wmAUtkm Umnj.
K> pa]'i> !•» tbM taD 7«n
Tf«uwW«rwC ali.4 0m aad Firad aU tha
tiMl lb* tnDeblM ««(«•»-
•4 tp tlM Bfoi ctTnOt w«t«7
bir Md «.aelecll7>f*fattt«e>tT.
tl wo. hHidM tlM lottff •trrtch of b«ocli
liot oerro^
Uis. thoil^i -fc* ««»« »* eomponloo
mm Wtlk a nuui of fortr. Rhe wm
rttJF lirod ood wore bmeomlmg drew*.
reOrtilM 1o ber cnhlnL HIm- hod eln
ffitM' er«*. • Uu«h‘- c mouth and on
tmmrwM braid of jet Idark hair. Alex
P«tla folkmd her about with hia
ofM. wrhlk AUca Umoka, a younjt Sirl
wbom Mra. Pcrtle bad adofrted.
aiSsh the BMMBCOt alie *aw her. f.«r
Alter loTtd Alflt. tboojih ►iH- did not
luww tt till aho fcwred to \nmr hi
Rasaona arrined ^Kht.nl with t
aaaotnr and had not been at the fa
ao Imv bafiwa ahe had yuoe all over
It Ala* and Alice went about with
bar. bm inatead of rxplalnin* thln*a
aad tbter im Uateord to what ab«
to aaj about them. JV hm ah« had
tbafli all. aba prupoacd that th«*r »h>mld
•*iraaiiilte.**aald Ab x.
‘ You
not walk ao far.**
BexaniM buret out laushlnK
•*Oo with her. Alax.** aald Alh
mat help mother with th- aiiHH-r
Hill *o
-No.- aald Uoxann
alfbt. I bara ala-ays wanted u» »«*e
rtea aa If out of tbe uo an.Neither Alex me Allee th..UKht of
dlaputla* anrUiUu: ahe aald. fuUowln*
bar about like «-blldre«. Ah x reply In*
to wbat queatlona ahe aak«Hl, Alhw
apaaklac never a word. AfUT aiiinM-r
timidly asked to le nlluwrtl to reinal
at home. Imt when lt»xnnne ohJ.Hied
She want with them like a
alangMer. When they <uMie in alKhl
of the waves rolllm; u|nhi the
lloxanna rUiq»ed bdT hniule
-flaa themr she eirlalmnl
they ruU and tweak and <v.tmup. thlu go liack with that aeethlti*
aouDde* Thera come# the ni<*un. t«Hi, a
• mera i^rk of lire above the «-<l*:e <.f
watar agalnat the aky. .Now It la like
rad how. Idook! Myriad# pf little Him
of light are touching the toi* «f tha
follera. forming a xolden fnil."
She had gone doVn to i he vdwy'vcrge.
and tha foam was welling Imt ah«M^.
Alax and Alice atival Imi. k. wTitchii.c
her lltba figure, which by thin time
Btood out In allhouette ngalmr
bright disk of the ummih. Klie m
to tbam Ilka a water fay thnt hnd
out of the ocean, and they nlnio#i
ad for her at any mcciient iu go
Into lU depths. 8hr talkr«l nl««Tt the
atan. tha u»oon and whnt l#niilirul
cbanglng rlewa were made ».y the Im*
ban clouda paaalng over It* face. AlW-e
recuambarud Imw happy #l.e mid .M. v
bad baan alttlng by the aide ..f the
ocean on nighta like thU. but till now
they had not known how Uwutirul It
Boxmnne stayed at the fumi two
weeks, and then they
suy another two w»i k
*iltay.** aald bf-r umie. "We alinll be
ao lonely without you.
seems n# If
-fitay.- aald AUce.
tlfuL suy another two weeks «
•a more about It and the i.mr# "
Ala* looked a mute «pin-ii1
Hr*, rartla aald ikMhlng
Roxanne cuoatmtfxl. iMtrlng the •#•«OOd fortnight of Imt U^lt Mm. IVrlle
asw that Alice wlahM to remain
her, tearing Alex to Uuxnntte. but
not the strength to dl#i.lH*y the girl,
who would not permit Alex to U
with her. Mrs. IVrtle tried t»
excuaea that would free Albv. saying
that aha necslcd her help alnut Um«
bouat: but when AUiw worked at borne
lloxanna would steal an ay
baach alone.
It was a month alm-e R«xit
cone te tha farm, and ahe wa. to go
away tha next day. In the evening
they mlaaad ber. Rhe had sUpihmI away
to tba beach. Tbe nm«m was lu (he
Bsma position as at the night of htT
arrlral. lialng as If out of the
Hha heurd a rrunchtng of the sand Ubtod her. and there stood Alex
-1 hara tried." be aald, "ever since
you hare Imtu hero to see you nlon
to taU you---You must not tHI me,-t^-hyr
-Ailca—ahe lores you.Tha young man stood mute for
time and then burst out pasaionatcly
-Whan you go tomorrow, you will
taka my rary life wlih you. You
laara ma worse than dtwd."
-I am sorry for you.
my faolt.Tishly
to hU lips. 8he drew It
turning, walked toward the farm, he
walking silently by twT aide, a pleture
of daapalr. The next morning ahe re
turned to the city,
la tha autumn Alice
and brought her back. Tlw aiwll tliat
Rosanna bad woven aUmt him h.-td
Nerer again did Alice vlidt
thd^accun. and when the-wlnd was
high from that direction and lirtmght
tha sound of the wares ahe would
noma oa mehineholy that at test her
bnabaod took her away to a fnr dlff»T
I of expertenea arc oot look
Three strikers were
me taltr uempbMie eelU. Fned- fire.
rioh In faror of the adoption of the many more injured.
Aoalaiid preatnied
pictures of public balldings and eonsiderabls valnable
Informatioo for
killed and tbeclsrfymeo to attend tbe ooofereuoe. luolnrted with other Informatiooisaliatof lbeasalgnmentaforao-l^„j__
DOdation While bare for tbe vis-'
Manager Steinberg announces that iiing pastor*
lanoa of tba ebaufsa He believed the all tickets that have been laid aside
Among the portralte are tboee of;
demasdad farorable action.
in Rev. Wm. ’Lanfman. pastor of tbe ‘
Tha old fmDohlaa wm ao tndafinite Flower.’* should be called for not Uter rirst M. K. chrnoh. Rev. Hugh &eu- j
that tha oom^j oould not accept it. than ITtursday night, also that
nedy. pastor of tbe Second church and |
of tbe great uneartainty in iu more pickets will he Uid a.sidc for this Rev. Morton D.Oarrel. I
Dress Tabric#
Cbe Dress floods Dept*
fact, our sales in this <lepiutmcnt hare been. Ikr beyond otir
Cbe Early Tall Bar*alns vc dcg»t broadcloths
in o et)- ooe of the new shade*, including blacks, srotth far be^d the prke we ask _$ 1.00 per yd.
Other things
36 in. Novelties-very pretty, in eight shade*, actual worth 50c.
We are selling them at i«r yard.................. .........................
contli<<5^Ui it. it has lieen dcculed
to hohl the
liampicl of the High
'chool and the alUmni young men on
Tuesday evening
next, instead of
Saiurdav evening after the big athletic
Corduroy Waisting at |iet yard..................t. • 75c and S r.25
Fancy Velvet Waisting at i»cr >*ard..................................................... ...........
Yard wide all wool LTanneU for waists or whole dresses at
olaust' and favored
other manner. He ooosldered the pro
l>oesd change a very nnarise one. He
said that be Hliered there wouM be
a profit in tbe enterprise before tbe
end of tea jwra. and if a capitalist
oonld not see some returns from his
iorestment before that time.be wonld
let it
Alderman Wilhelm declared that tbe
oonnoil did Tight in passing tbe frmn
chlse that it did, beoaose the alder
Aldsrman Moen was rary ampbat
lUbcan. aud be knows as much about
tbla country as a good ibany people
who think they know more. He Is a
very agreeable young man, goo<Mwk-
|»er #
>".i............................................. ............ 35
French Flannels at jier yard.............................................. ..................................
All wool 28 in. Waist Flannels at per j-ard...................................................... 25
These are only a tew of the good ones, others are
Dandsoms flew Doocltiss
Dandsemc flew Black floods
Bandsomc Dew Silks
Dandsoms Row Cloaktnos..
An»l while you arc in looking at or buying Dress gootb, take
a little
extra time and visit our CLOAK DF.PART.MKNT.‘
Cbe Rew Cloaks and furs arc in.
& (Uilbelm’s
Rew $torc«>eor. Tront and Union:
fertbt tttw ladtptttdtttt Pstttns, 5, W, /5c
Our IVIu-tuial
'Fhese changes that have been taking place the last two m,>nih*
Dry Ooodm.
We now have ample room for our Dr>* (iootl*
Our shoe dciortmcnt is on the main floor, one of the nicest shoe
stores in the north.
The new stoc ks of shoes arc the finest we
ha\ c ever carried
The cloak room now occupies the place vacated by the sliocs-a
much larger place than we had before.
Visit this dejartnicnt
and sec the new things for fall wear.
Our new department — Furniture — occupies nearly half of the
second floor and a good share of the basement fl<x)r.
Here }ou
find a complete line of furniture, stoves and crockcr).
This de
partment in connection with our house furnishing dejartment en
ables us to furnish )-our homes completqiin aycry detail
dejiartment we will sell for cash or cre<!it.
In this
The slock is no**
ncariy all arranged and we arc rca«ly to do business with you.
Owir F’urrki’tcir^
The opening wiU lake place next Saturday, and in the c\ cning
at 8:^ the Bedroom Suite will be given away.
This will be an
interesting drawing and a good many will be present,
wc want you to call some time during the day and
sec the
line of Furniture wc carrv.
Suffered foroverlOvears
C^w# r Har« »r Ktam.
The advent cf royally does not
iwuM* the exrlteinent It once created
HI N» w York, bm we find In the newsr« H fToixl deal of dlseu^alon about
tbo projitr war to receive tbe crown
priuiv of 8lam. w ho I# <vmilng over In
ih inU r. The prin.v proluibly will not
U- dihturUd e%en If be la not m« in
Lew York Iwy by a w-arshlp or permm«d to s<v a
to'-ulfir run by tbe
Mihvauk.v tlrt dejairtment. Ills visit
will I#- Us.^)fi)elal. It Ik part of a grand
tour advised I > bis father, a nioat progr.w>lve moiiareh f»r lluii part of the
World, who l as se«n many lauds and
many men. and turned ht» iiitormatlon
to good UM- in Bangkok. The son. who
wm If aii-omimnliHl by bU brother, an
officer In Ibe lierman army, was edu
caled-al Oxford aud baa Uwn travel-
3 6C
Beautiful Waisting—All «W and silk mixtures, striiws, plain
colors aiul bordcre.1 at iwryanl.............. 50c. 75c. 90c
TolM,. ; „
franchise at this time, because of
as anyone else, but desired a binding
ffanchise. He opposed tbe tenywr
These are exceptionally good
fur making skiru or suit*
This has U-cn done to accommoklate a large number who had other
engagements for Salur.iay evening,
Saturday at 8 p. m. wa giua away
'Mrs. W. (1. l.awTence relumetl last
Oonslderable diKOOssiou was indulg
but who were very desirous of being that baautifut thraa piaca bad rooM
ed in until a Ute hoar, when as tt< evening from her trip to I 'hicaga
present at the bamiucl.
Botton Stora.
tbe meeting eras about to adjourn
Harry U (libbs left this morning
Mr. rnedrich insinred npon the
for Rai.Portage, Oni,, on a business
hem of the oonnoil ezprt'iising their trip.
He well l>c gone for six weeks.
riews and -not leare the matter i
Rat Portage is the jiostofficc of the
one side condition. In rv^siKmse
(•old Reef Mining Co. whose ofiues
this suggestion ea
arc in this city.
ed himself briefly.
It was not thonght wine to
lllhiory diHW
importanoe, so it was decided to h^are
the matter in the bauds of tbe com III the Unxard
is lui# tbe 1 iH-r ruiv in tbU late termlttei' mentioned.
rlM- iiml |►n.lraetl^l I'l.iitiht
At tbe
Alderman Urdie U llered in enoonr beelniilni; uf their oMitetitlon with
aging the line, and showed that it Kiurlaml tbe lUn ts wer- tbe mo#t ol»wonld be of great ja rsonal benefit, hot K'lire and di^repanliil rmv of Ku«cv
|».aii eUK-k on the fare of the Inrth.
he wished the city’s intereste to Iw
in the*\eiv I’.aUire of thine* K they
fully r«»teote«L He favon d a abort
had Mvii jrt alone tbe ra<-e would
enlug of the time of Uie paring grant Imv- Ni ii overwhellutnl mid abj-orln-d
M .n.iirM- O^ tinw Itiit the war wbleU
til fire year*
aiusi.Hl ibeir t-ounlrv. deniroyitl tbelr
Alderman Ott beliered he oould
l.oOMw. broke I lo ir iK>MUeal liideii*-n.
safely leare it with the committee Unut* niid le arly dei-lmaletl their limnand wonld be willing to abide by its Ivr#. has eiv«u to Uo- ra«-»* a new and
decision. He nrged. howerer, • that pr*»hablv a prnnaiient lea#e of lif«. It
bonds to|lnsare the bniiding of tbe has oiuplin^l/iil then i.rtth.iialliy and
iianblMml them n# « ►in-ilal ii*>o|i)«
line be demanded at one
lu till* wtiihlV n-^r*tvi. ►«‘«-iiriHl for
year benoe. as prorided.
Ihriu und.T tbe #tn»iiee»t euarante*-s
Alderman Sletler wjuid not commit ►elf-euM-rmneiit with the |Kri»* tuatlon
.'oiulltlon*. oih-ulttletl lo |.re*er%e
himself in favor of
thetr law# and laiiRiiMee. with sueb
any extent He suted that he reiwe- provlKi.ru In leu.Iy money f,.r the r.»
sented the jieoplu of his ward, and toration of their home# nml fnrtus us
win en.nMe tli.mi
r.-pho-e an antimutt abide hy their wishes lu so leg
islatliig that the city would
fully quai.d and ..iitwoni K\Kteiu with one
letter Miltetl to ihNs I.*;.- and i.i tbe
iwotci'ted Id fnlore. He wanted
prtnrr.-## of tl.«tr .-ountty . .No other
straight franchise and a prorlslon lom.try exer found lt#elf
ilmuteh defeat of ♦•mb strlkine adthat the city could release tbe com
No ra.v «Ter #o /*jst«l.|lKh.d
piny from tbe lariog expense after vaiilae.*R
ItK . Immeter and seem
wards if Uiooght best
honorable MhIuk in the worhl thn>u*:b
Alderman Hamilton explained Pis tin- pr.M'eKK ..f loKlnc I
Oi»position more at length. He declarv-d mMlonal
________ ■
wanted lowee tne Une built as mnch Conlaii.
of Oxford at 60c. pdr yd.
Pretty Striped '^Vaisting as mches wide at per )-d........15c
council the ralne of anoh
Missr.racT Corbett has returned
and the delicacy of the aitoation from to Dwight
III. alter a five weeks’
the atandiKiint of the oonnclL
vis., hcrc^
here tbe Board of Tiade steps in and
S. K. Harkc of tVJa. is in the city
offers to share the reaponaibiliiy, and tmlay.
the members
of the hoard desired
Mis. j. a. Pennington of Cedar
to have it nndenttood that in <
pasMrd througfi the t ily tkxlay on her
with this matter they sUnd
way home from an extended visu m
h. bear a jart of the burden of Marne
Cl rand KapiiK
if there ahould be any in the future.
this line we
66 in. Extra Heavy Suiting »iwown, black and two shades
of the Grand TraTerm
W. C. Finney, who has been iotcr- oommiuea of arraufeq
esicd m a curtain |K)le factor)* in oonferouee cooaiaUng Jl H. 8. Hall.
qnlrolopaya ahai* of It there might
Edward WelU, W. H. Scott. Mr* K.
he ao mnch done aa lo baoome a hardc up his jicrsonal affairs here J. Fulgbnm, Floyd Smith, Mr* 1. D.
•hip. the plan pramoUng la iadace before leaving to make his |»crmancnt Hobbs. G. W. Lardle. E. H. Allyn, acter *bould U- envied by i
ment for property ownexa lo pave the home in ra.lucah.
O. M. Moras, R. E Walter. Robert
He emphaalxed tbe netd of a
Ncgotutions arc on foot for a game Barnsr, L. Rowms.
street railway in tbe city and belter
of loot ball between the city team of and E J. Fnlghnih. f(
eommnnloation with Old MUaiou.
FJist Jor«lan and Traverse.City.
Hon. H. C. Daria outUned his views
of th.
first game lietween tlicsc two tcatns
in a few foroibla words. He slated
will probably i>o ur some time during
that be had rand all Uia franchises
ages of both Methodist oliorobes and ,
the next two weeks.
' “*"■»«“■*
'night, as the sale is already
and ohaugaa suggaatad* and beliered
tbe chnrohes them.elv» *
Mtke Oberhn of Bmgh.
that It is ptolable the nouse »dll be
that the Board of Trade and council
Included among other portraiu aro 1V“
about told out by that lime.
tK»lh deatead on’y that which would IKjrlcd as very low.
thoM of Dr. Dickie, -the oelebrated
this reason it is desired that all tickets
The Hannah A* U> Mercantile
he for the otty’a beat interestiv
temperance reformer, who will bf liere
lliat have been resened be taken up
beliered erery ioterext slioold be Co. have Tctcivcd a carloail each of
to attend
the ooofexance; Bishop
as early as possible.
guarded and that a tight franohise hay, oa\s ami lime
Jamee N. Fitzgerald.D . D . L. L. D..
A. Surinlierg,
should be framed, beoanae Uter on
who will prexide ovt-r tbe oonferonoe;
Business Mgr Stcmbcrg*sriiand.
railway oompaoy wonld orerride the
Dr. E. M. MilU. D. D.. of New York.____________________
3lty if it ooold. At t.iv same lime he
M. Hojne ofNorthport, tlcput
beliered in the {iropoaed railway be dale foo<l commissioner, was in tin
Locaa Uonnfr,
aanse. it is one of the beat things yet city to<lav.
celebrated negro edaoafeor. of
Frank J Clmney makea oath that
pn-sentid tor iiublio couslderatlon.
Jolin OkS Jr. of Sutlons Baywat ii Cincinnati, O ; Dr. Jamea King of
ha is aehior partner of tbe firm of F.
tia should frame a fmnohiae ^liat the city ycslcrJay on his way lo Hat
reproaeoti the
J Chi-ncT A Co . doing buaineae In
would just »iueeae through. He be tie Creek where he will attend the
Board of Church Extention; Hon. IL
Ibe^ltyof Toledo, County and State
lieved that the oom-emions soggchted meeting of the Slate I ndcrtakcrs As
K. Carroll, LL, D.. who was appointed
are as good as a boons and
by Prexideot McKinley aa ipecial
a cash boons to the city
Mr* N. J. .Maslcn ami son Ulis of
oommixxioarr to Pbrtd each and every eaee of Catarrh that
with Mr. Hull as to the i
Ind.anaiK>lisam! Miss Hannah Penn- Rico and Dr. J. F. Berry. D. D., edl- cannot be cured by the nse of Hall’a
He believi*d tbe ciianges
Catarrh Curv.
mglon of this c|r went lo Inlerlodi- or of the Epworth Herald.
were fair and wonld
cn this morning to sjicml the day
book oonxixu of forty-eigbt
Sworn to Ivfore me and aubeoribed
the oomiuny.
While we are all iu fishing with Willis Pennington of that
jwgex. u neatly printed and oontainx in my presence, thia 6th day of Dec
(aror of progress we want our
» fond of information of value to the ern Ur. A. D. 1886
to be a benefit to ns aou not a heary
W, A Oleaeon,
MissM. T. IMiany has relumed dergymen, aa well aa matters of in
a»y Pobli
terest relating to Traverse City, which
to this city after
laken inte
Hall’e catarrh Core is ta
Willa^ London farored tbe cbi&ges
will advertise this city abroad in a nally and acts directly on
so tliat capital could be induced to
very good manner. A large edition aud mucous surfaces of U.e system
oome here. He ladiercd ijiat if ihv
ha# been print ed, and in addition to Send for teetimcnlals free.
of (Miicago, also, a fine hne of
F. J. ('hem y & Co , Toledo. O.
line to Old Mission wt-m built it
» xent to the members of the con
rrv gootls gath
and u[>-ti>-datc milliner
8<dd by Druggists. 76c. Hsll’s fam
aronld inrerease the sire of Tmrt rs**
ference copies will be sent to all jiarti* ily Pills are the Uat.
cred fit
Oity by I
Chicago, ClevcUnd, aud of the- cojctry. to persons Intenkted
in the work of the conference
NK.XT S.\Tl RDAV is ojicning tlav
I leiroit.
timenU of the gentlemen who spok
in our Shoe and Furniture deiart
Rev. Hugh Kcimeily went to Hon
prerlonsly and earnestly urged th
ments.—The Boston Store.
adoption of snob a franchise as wonld or tmiav to lav the corner stone of the
not frighten away those who show a new M.'i:: church there, m place of
Presiding Klder Canel, who has Ixrcn
disposition to inrest oaplul here,
Th#t K%rolag
of *isl«idsy
ill tor the past week.
had learned hy experience on
' 8^.^ or Oh_fo,
Tall and Olinter
« esrtalnly bavf tbs floor tbese day*. «
V ..‘. ‘**'7
uiasier reHidle of . AiM rd.-eu. who bas
dt signed a striking Cml effiT!Ive uionument. w bieh takes the fonm>f-«n-x»bdisk, tblrty-one fet l in b.-igl.i. It is
ght sranl to para a greot
if the company was re-
tia artatocrau of the feathered race
atm pot baotara put together. It U
etelamd that except oo tha high grouiM]
tba youag hrooda hara been drowned
aad tbal qaall wUl be a acarc* articte
city, a eketeh of tbe rarUms Industries, pobllo Instlintioos, lasooroee,
ed that tbs opinioos of tbe Board of
Trade and tbe texpajers be
to be held In tbis dty i
snehope, commander of tbe
UlghUnd brigade, writes tbe Edlnbnrgh comwpoodent of the l*bIUdelpbU Pnlilic Ledger.
Fund* tberefor
have been .nbecrlbed by S«»umen at
tbe Caiw as a tribute to tbe loiriotlsm
of the Ute (m*oULL gvm-nil.
Mr. laJimn has uken a lerdlng part
In ibe pix
ement and
bss leru intrusted.by tbe «u)iMTitH-rs
with tbe
in Haror of the aocap
ralieved from
obutges of boodla. But now be belier
Tbe pceimed reed, be deelved.
lere to ba captUUaed at
|t.fiO0 nry -ud tba latoreat alooe would
$50 a day. Itl alooe ttetowTi ocarFoggU,in Southern Italy,
\\T»cn the ttrikerx refused to
ragwiar nmnln* expenaea
With this todar.
dabt U» start With fotara profits aeam- disperse for the town aulhonlics, the
roopa were called out and ordered to
cd rerriraou udaeMre. S'-
BAart mtll MmtU iaak
wrwr# -wr—u#># tvik
James D. Logan. M. U C.. of MutjeofDotrtn. C^pc colony, and Halgnlse
castte. rmbablTc. acdompanted by
ben Oolooel Cox. C. B.. and Major Ben
nett. D. «. O, Third .New Rooth Wale*
mounted rtfiew visited Abenken reccotly to arrange for ibe erectly d a
ihr. Iman’s Ladies’ Restorative
Tallm.\l>ge. Mich.
Grand Rapids. Mich,,
Dear Doctor: I have been thinking
for some time that I ought to write you
a few words of praise for your wonder
did me such worlds of good; 1 suffered
such untold agonies with mymenses, and female complaints,
for over ten years, that death would have been a relief to me.
I took doctors' medicine and several kinds of Patent Medi
cine, but they all availed me nothing. I am so thankful that
I learned about DR. IMAN'S RESTORATIVE that I want
to recommend it to any woman suffering from these terrible
complaints. Anyone wishing to learn more about it may ad
Mrs. L. Morse, Tallmadge. Mich.
k-r Ai.k.
mrm m
mmwyna»tmm oF our
■ilB’Voluoo For l-l««lo Moriox 4rs
our SHoo OoRor^rrsors^
I satin calf Uce shoes, globe or
n lor. our price........................... .80
Children’s DongoU buttxM, shoe* all
solid- will wear well............ ..
Children’, t>nngoU Ur. .ho«.double sole* warranted all solid, pi>'e
llov*. satin calf lace shoe* coin toe. .
Mandard sxTewed sole fur. w,.. .70
Youths’ Box calf shoe* Uce. new
Usts. solid inneraole and counter,
new good, juat placed on .ale, .87
Ji-eK* and IJttle Gent’s vid kid
shoe, in lace, new laris................06
Oil Grain Ploagh shoes, all
solid, up oole, e
♦*•35. our price
• .......................................... .86
Ladies’ Dongola* flexible sole, Uce.
new toe, our prior................... | ,26
I^adies* fine turned shoeo, psteot
leather tip, new toe. stririly up-todate, (no has-beens)our price 2.26
Udies’ fine bond turn viH kid shoe,
in button or lore a fj.oo value,
it....................... 2.00
Men’s satin coU shoe* new toe. all
•olid, a good wearer............... 1.-29
Men’s uUn calf, globe toe, all ooUd
Cbe Boston Store
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