The Evening Record, March 04, 1907

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The Evening Record, March 04, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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. TlUvnMB CRY.








MM . bMk driemlM itoeSMMlM
Owdmim w« mmmI faUo«. Thqr hme ia-





msmeu K.

ri' -'z


m$mm» of IW two«Mit fare bUb
pMMi hf Olifo BiMI tadlana. It li
that tHo offbloea hour traliia between
K«r« Yortc and Clilcajco wlU be with
4ra«a. Under the lava It-la tmpou)
' Ue to «o»ect more iha« two reoia «
■rilaiM matter what kind of -rrlce
The tare aow rharfed la |M and
eaeli paaea«rr roust bay a
ticket. If llllBOla would athi|»i a slml
lar bin to that of Ohio and Indiana.
Old be 111 :t.
o trains have been a great
• to New York and Chkago
ea and hare been bearlly
On the other hand they
hare hMn a menace to nol only the
peoirie who travel npon them, although
aoeUkaU have been nompamtlvely
fbv. but to the people who live along
fbe right of way. The fliera have
many aceldenta to their credit and In
the majority of caaea theae aocldenta
bare been fkUl
•ome of the vlliagea through which
tbeee trains pass hare apeed ordl
iiaoeea but the schtnlulea do not permil of the obeervance of thrwe and

to full aiieed
Aa krog aa there are grade croaaings
along the routes of these trains In the
Tlllngea and on the country ruad«
there nre mnny chances fur uccidi'nis.
If these grade crusalngs iHiuld be ellni
Inted. then the danger would he lerge)y rentileted to the crews and iwaaen*
gera of the trains thi'inselvM.
It would be tt Quest Ion whether it
would not be a aleii backward to aU>l
lab theaa fiat trains but viewing It
from a mnRnr of safety and the pn>^
teotloii of Wnnnn life. It looks as
tbongh Indiana and Ohio, by not pne
Tiding for oatrn for fast
aerrlce, hare nceoniplisb.'d ».»n* than
^ The raci
Tiwverse City and
Grand Traverse cxiuuiy i
free from
slot roacblnea la very gratify
There are but few lls n
^Ihna them, machine
^"ihem. If it Is In a public place, the
small boy Ungers and wairhea the
plnyera. Tbe sight of the .Kx^pmal
mlaalag Area hts troaginailtro and the
To tho man. especially the roan wh«.
needs every nlckle to make payaents
on .bla home or to provide for hU faro
lly, Uroy am • delualoa and a snare.
Into tbe ToraciousHnarhlne the coins
go and when they come out they are
got received hy the player hot by the
ovrners of the machine It Is to b.sincerely hoped that the city and couu
ty will be ke^it free of ih»w»* machines;
for all time.

■be atatlatlea In the belkrUa rovei
autea and clilea In which thr
naJIty reiams are complete Then
tre ID HOi were Ononecilcnt. ladl •Uahlna That Can B« Adjualad to
ttara Aalto at Any On.r«d Angia.
Tbe Uiiing of buU^ at «l.l anal,
York. Rhode Inland and Vemoot
has always a ..*rj ii^li >us at
try ing oferatkro f.»r the , nn*euier and
alien of the eeglatratkm an
merlianlc. In utauy.«WM*« the |m
the diatrtet claaelted U known.
of working around u Idut ..r o^
So.7CS.ei* by the eroens of t*oo
The bullejln says that uudCMih
uiechank* who was iiMilbiu.illr
I-.|U ,1 IM .K. su. L
the Stl.TTO were «We to ptilmonary
that they were not



HA\T yrou
early this ma
livery. The 1
and spent in I
BotUm only, moving
atmdily In towardI the coaal.'euterlhg
the rivers of IreUnd aud of lYance.
entrapped In tbe great funnA uf tbe
Heveru a mouth, preoslog on through
tbe RngUoh chtnnel and H.U. ibe North
aen. a ivamant only , wiuroe mbui
been paid to aU tbe rlvm by ibe
rmchlnff the fmh watera of l»m
and thr Baltic coasu. and tUwlI
for the return t,. the mw

try a

Caster plnures .akeit
to Inaure prompt .I.*trie Gallery.


If Tt-U u o ;;; >iiiK
to do any
buiKlinR tbie
m.* inter.-,le.1
iiiter.'.te.] j

Hardware and
Hardware Prices.
W. U..-„ v..ry

“Prominent among these,-continnes
the bullHIn. “are deaths from •hemor­
rhage of the lungs ' and also deblllt)narsHimui.' not to siroak of well
d cases of pulmonary tuber
riiiusls where the phyairiana Ignore
actual cause of death and re|K»rt
le terminal condition or even make
rorthleas return, such as ‘heart
‘ As all deaths msv not be correctly

hla cmpl.'yees. lu ex cry sh-H*
lux la put In n .rouspk uou* plurr. aud
men are asked
ked to submit lu wrmug
■ Impto. lug ttro work ,.f
tie plant ur .
I out orlglnai
original at TendIt U In uue in
ksw ott.rotlju
from Mr. la.ra. the manager of tbe
fifty good suggestkius luve
out a year
■ are usual

some unreiininty exists In com|iariug
llie alatlstlra <if tulMTCuloais for the
different ctinthes.
rndoubte.lly *ln
Bngland and Wales many d.-Mtha an*
returned as due to bronchitis that
would be assigned In this cuinlry !•
pulmonary tuberculosis.
“WIUi theae llmltatloea In mind I
la Inierestlng to note that as compare,
with Ills.:, the rale fur the Unite.
States, the rule fur*
.'.umiiies fur^h «he 1Ssi5 Bguiv!
ate avallabU' are as follows: Rnglan.
and Wales. 114. Italy. \\*Z:
many. 1S.V7. and Ireland. 209 9.
“Among the registration stati-s th<

from HK.4 In Michigan » I7f. 6 In
Island. In the Ihairict of Columbia
which Is Kttictly urban In lU charartei
and ther.‘r.uv hlnrold lie oropared will rather than with aintea. thr
rate aas 274 7.
Oeatha rmm Pr^umonU 39J06A
•The t.Msl number of deaths frorr
puiHimonla. cxeluaive of the numts*i
stated for hivro, ho-iroemn.rola. was 5*.
4h;x for the year IStt:;. corr.^s|tundini
to a death rate of lir..7 per
popubUlon. Of this nurolier 21.K2*i
w. re males and I7XR4 wet,, females
A very Urge ,d the deaths
were of Infants under I year of age
and of ehlblrtro under S years.
•For the larger regiatratlon cities
the mortality rate fur l*n& from pneu
monia wan generally lower than that
for 1*04 and In the following caaea
• than for any year In the period
1901 to l»H Inclusive: Chicago, CleYland. Detroit. Jerwey City. Milwaukee.
New Orleans. New York, Newark. N.
J.; Omaha. lUtterson. N. J.; PblUdel
Idila. and 8t Isrolg•
The g.roeral death rale per l.OOtr of In 19S wax SC.2

Tb# pri«rof-ihlie^paVer has
Joggad upward It) per cent, making
tho third Increase within hut a short
tlma. The cost of the output hna as
cendod^very rapidly within the last T. C.. L. 4 M. Train AMvad in tht
Cily aa Hour Uto ThU Monviag.
fpw yeara but tbe price of a
Waa l>tlny«d at LaalanaJ.
paper atlll remalna the same tc
•cTlbera although the coat of the white
The T. C-. U 4 M. tn^n came In
pnpar dlohe exceeds that which la
bebind a snow plow thU morning, alpgM by the patrxro.
inoto nn hour Ute. , There was Ms of
snow on the track and In aome placm
Anar Kbru Maaou. a contra, tor. bad the drtfU reached a height of five or
six feet At LeeUnan the train was
put n new front ,ro James Emi
gpoeary atore ha suggested to WUUam cut off. the vttglne and snow plow
Lnna. whose dry g.HHls store ato'* making the run to Bingham, which la
•art to It that ba ought to maka
up hill and through the worst snow.
•ImUar Improvataent.
After the track was cleaml they went
**How much wlU It eoatr Mr. i.stts back after the train and enme Into lU*
city without further delay.


euniyou in the nelghborbo
•Oanband.’* mid Lane
WbM tba |oh was gull
beaMtator to tba Boaton I


K^ to ,W (VnilM,.
Joaet.h,M- I'hontr. tbe famous law­
yer aud diiikMuat. said at n Uwyera*
•Wr lawyers couldn't do he%l«- ««•
todve, on Ihe new yswra. to be «n»^ to onr crosa-exnmlngtloBn. Roda^

lya. TWn If a troth that I oora naw
-Wbara tba troobla. thanr
proven in a dgmage ault
-Nothing,- anld Lane slowly, -only
‘•In •his nait a rrato^xamlninff Mw7M mid It wonid eoat in the naigbbnrw
er ahonted at a wUnwm dratoid la
bondorgiOa iwnalmt thinking whnt i'eralls:
- You, titote. In tba ormlto: how
Ivao. ttmn yon are: tBt wUnioo
ifted. tor yond te la orttnlta, ton*-

iwoua AT AXr Agukt
deaiguctl a bit brura whi. h maktw the
Uirlng of buU-s at odd angles «„ ev
ccedlugly altnide tetter.
As sliowu lu the Illustration, tbe end
of tbe bit bno-e hi uoriurlly lu tia* ordl
ba^pu-ltkm. but by ph.itlug Ibe. eiHl

m U- adjipde.1 at u.^ uugle ,l.-lnHl
1 ll»e lllustratbiu Ibe |.ra.«e U sUov.ii
c..mmou iKMillou. tb.«
dk-alliig wme «>r lUe angl.-s ut w U1-h

fett. The employees rrcHve rash prlae»
f.w tbrlr^anggesthiUH. the n.n..uuls va
rjliif from little sums b. abn.i fnx»
atul for a sjieiUlly gtsHl thing alrove

aolnbU gte arable, another uu U
wdubU variety CultlvatKii. uf sulU
hie liarterin may greatly lu. iWse gum
production, and-tbe yield of nuprodactive speclea may be augmented by
furriivblug a little tnnnlD.

,*f Ihf OM-.rot dUt'iia^liiu Ini
rogr.-*-. «f ib.‘ pr..|KMliUro to iii< ira«e
ir salaries of tin- ttaUnnal leglslatoni

-ioua Migrtoions of Thi. Fi.h
Traood hy Natarabcta.
biography of the eel I, a mwni
iraile*. and
tbe most faaclaat
lag ctofi
has falJto, to the
lot of a aatnralist
to find and to trlL
We ran pk-inre the great ahoal of
linreot eels, tbe long journey from tht
Inlaod waicra etidfd. nrrtTing at their
[TOpper spawning place* In ibg deep
aally dcreioplng lato trau*i.aprm deep.

^---- ^


A AS A I We U.T..
w i tm 1 ,.,i„
r fur uLly



50c per yd.

j. w.

‘THro Mom •mailcror

A Few Snaps in Furniture
Odd Drcsscis, Chcffoalcrs, Kitchen Cabinet^.
•Kitchen Tables, etc.,


Here Arc Some Great Baroalns lor Yon.

Builders' Hardware
at pri.ija that w,U surely inlt.r«Ur SH OO Cal,iu....aill«ofu,..................................
and Hinjfos, l**l m tiirurc with
you-wjmI save ).ni nomc
If you arc Koing to huiUl a
barn we wsot .ymj to caII a
Barn D-v.r Holl.
b« fore you buy . It will iwy

HD pnitna Muau

()l.MW„frc.m................................................ .............. *4Sup
Gh.lTo„i.r. fron. ........................................................ .. USa,


. extra



Never In the hlslory of book maldno bas the
like been kaown. Onr Book Division is otterIng you the snap of Ibe year, books that can
only be pmehased from onr sbclves. Paas a
most pleasant evening by reading one .

J. W. JnokMD V W. Jnbniin
E, A.Mowoe Bo« & Houoe
A. CorailU
J. H. Lamm
Wequetoi^g dub'
American Drag Store
Hannah Drag Store
F. L. Sbnter '



PayMcestsforas op-to-date book Isstead of $LM.
Ibesc arc Uw klgbest stylcot Ibe bookmaker's
art Good cloth btadlsg. best of book paper.
C»ood dew

...Itaor << Cpl,
Kellie.” -Mr. Todd.” “Tbv nm.u.t.-r“ Mr. Hytie has M-i-n fit to locate the
Kccnex of hU latest and heat no,el on the deadly ceM .rf West Africa, a
irakro ailed wlih man-iwung wild nnlmala. treacherous tox-ageik fatal
fc vera. iracUea* Junglen and a moat da4bg. determined and unttaualEngli^ih girl. “Carter." tbe redheaded adveniur.r. plaxa a moat important
IMii (hro:igbo-jt this muift faclnailng book!
• THR CHIBF LEGATEE." Anna Katherine Greene's moat factoatlag
New York mysterh-s. This anthor ha* always been noted for her apleadld
.Ict.rtl.e stories and this surpasses them all. the aneat mystery story of
Dm s.o^t .-ter written.

An tor SMt at Mw rtlowlai Bams


South Union Street




Hie Cost Is Less

1*27 S.

"THE BIG STORE”—Dealers in Everything

or If they jlo iH»t r.-*l
that work i« De.-.-ssary th.y Mstiirnliy
desire a few Imnrs of rest. 'rbe
rmiilne of jua-hil affair* 4v crlaluly
n.d restful. Moreover. It is very expensive-Cleveland Malndc.*,ler.

u r candle power for eMlric
light Omn^cr any other HInminant We will dOC be
rarprind if yon dooU thin
fnol. bot tbe tmly fair thing
fdreUeoncerard in to nilow

Grand Rapids Furniture Go.

The Hannah A Lay Mercanlile Co.

et Ke. retary Taft was qnutH.1 a*
room Is kept darkened, and. uu tl>e l..’wnni.,g (he fart that Ih- wa-
..iber baud, tbe early ei.rol of light IwIIki! to gUc ►o n.n.b time and ntfen
«iU Quickly awaken many sleeiwra.
There an> th.Me, os the lArod.>u Ijtu.rot at:*:.-,l that meiniM-rs ..f the . nblio-i are
also iroluis ouk who eau hardly resist
rising rsriy
wbeu aunltght greet*

alrrf. -as a kind of
the luaa of energy j
entailed by tbe com
irorlod of solar Inlluei.

Wu hm mwtnX ganll Mb of
ibnt ww mrwjmgioim to dii|XMb <________
lNMf\7 apnag nkipaHuito nTfifih TV*e cam
Im honirftt no* for niiieb Im tlinii 70a vill be
nh}i> In Itei them m Mtlnyn tro«i no* ) 4iurt
ntep in and look Ibein 1

Vour Rtjiablc Furniture Store,
Various luict.*r|a nr.*
l.v Greig
Kmlth. a New Kouth Wsb^s luve^tlga
ter. to take |«rt In th, fonunikro ul
vegetable rtme. One klud piralucei


resist with little effort any kind of In­
ducement to rise early tat all. The lot
of tbe Utter
alter mayr IiM- a teudeo.y to a
proceM uf etiulat!
doe to Uck of auullghti. a drooping of^
both mental and Irodlly energies,
drowsy and onbealiby condition al
to tbe whlteoem uf the plant whl.1i
excluded from the life giving rays

How to Cover your Floor
for a UtOe Money.

fox the rWtor. ^They are »U •
ported. No lohnaco 1. grown
Kfcjrpt The khe4lee ba, fortddden I
*^«mva»ioa There .ran«ollv.„vs,«ro .he Mupm .tf Olive* The Turk,
and toufiau have dstoroyed Hkto.
FtoSKb do apt
fn«r. I Tbr
ur daya
nding a f„u:
Irish w
drank In 8e..ilro..l
and Soich whisky |q fluhTin. The
iioUaad clHW. I* « s^
Hague and NeufrliaiH cbeca.. made
In New York Kanana CHy 1» in Mla
MN.,1 The chief jusik^, ,4 (he au
l.reme f,«r. .d f^ypi u a elHxetl of I
ihe stale of norida. ai>d ih.' hroid ,»f
the anti-Armeulan party Jo •the Turk
Ish empire U an Armenbrn.


•^1 -


‘ * R»ZANOV.“ Gertrude Dr. Roberta* KicoU la Brillah Weekly
bays -TIk- ablest woman writer of nnWro n.ror living. In point of sheer
irower there U no woman novelist who comes near ber.“—The Skrtrh.
“DANIEl. 8WEBTLAND." Eden I*hllpolfs.
I In f-e front
the great Englfsh novellau.
of Devotishlre. where.the acenea of this. hU lattot work.
mm aiartled England with bis anri hook. "Dralo.- Now come, this newest.
moro brllltaat. more aurttlng.

"LADY B\‘BI.YN." Max Itomberlon.

Tbe mastorptoco of tkU

-me CAN BBTWBSN.- Ao.<-U. E. Barr.
DOrrl. Hu
*M«« IBMM ta Ol rM4Ui( dtrlM bmaw It I* ■ >u
UC»T. 1»M to tiM, Mtoor-. taAnOnt t4.:
r» BOCK IN TH* HALtlC.-Hoto-rt B.;,. A toory tl»t
toU o( lw» coMtoMtA BriraStos to «yto.
1 to arttoa. aa« <

AY. MAfOCH 4. t0«7.

*M!« r —.
: Boys* andYonOis*

. Spring Suits
Handsomer patterns and
l>ettcr values than wc
have been able to get lor
some lime.

utaed a dialPcaUaa of tbe rtffbt la*
at tbe tare
Hla Hffbi blp waa aleo
bralaed. He era. fWwrml to
home la tbe poOce aaibalaacc .


Age 17 Knee Paat Salts
tteXaitliM kM Imn •ohaxllocet.

(or (be UUhi fellon «t

$3, $3oS0 and $4.

' Boys’ Suhs, $2.50 to $8

I wre^ at
were It-celved from perkonx on Bnxt
Brldite xlreet bill axkln* If tbe teport
the, heard wak that of an exploxkin
The nocldent occurred xhtirtly aftci
r. o'clock. That o<M*od) wax killed lx
resarded wx a miracle
Tbe cauxe of

Hat Leased PracticaHy All of Second
Ftoer of the Now Bartak Slock for
Modern Ballroom.


1‘itif K i: lltTf^ltax ItAxe^l pnu'
tirally all fbc Mwnd than *d Ihc new
Uartak hkwk for a term of three yearn
and win UM- It lor atudlo and IwM
rtmm luirpoxew. It will be fiiilxbed in
hardw«aid ibruujtbout and will be com
pkltHl and ready ffpr tm- •.«’ Mimda>:
.%pnl 1
The ojkiiliiK will iH- II larm
party, tiu* eliaiarl. i id whlcli liax not
thiuv waa iioror a Huir wIhu
>tl la*»n delermUnal.
wort- luatliHl aa hoary aa now
The ball n«nT pn^f r >UI la- .trxk.-,
m»t au uncojuutou Ihlmt for tli
feet and tm tme x^r^^^^nT-aw-^trr^rtf^^
tra pUtfuim ttfuam ka-t in UnRth In
roin couUlnlu*: ntorr lllty aia laHuid addition to the btgl natin lliore will le<
huahcla than wen fomioiiy loiiUtwl a ladle* .Mtliua rtauii llxlk and a mn
with data of thirty two poutida lo fhi tkiiienV xmoklnK na.iM kA.'t;
huahol. Bach count ly ablppcr who U


^wvutlon* Bf
tB€Ud «v«ry 4ay. The
pMc— »r« tufifMlMl by
TM o«fts(d« ^uotatMM

load makca the

of hla

44J000 Laaa Hoga in CMcaffO.
n iiiuary ict'ciptK of tioj;i, lu Th!
caa-o wore 4l.iaMi U-^h than for ^Vl•r^l
aty of laat ><wr. hut the weiKhta awr
a|!l^l alx pounUa hiwivIcT. ' The- caxh

earvfttity cbt^
ImsI marttM
l•«l du1*r«.
by wlr*. net

•so and amtrcftutfyl 6«.H0o. aa agalnat
TK.rdtn The monthly atatemeut of the
pitolMun icKlatrar waa about a

* tnrtwum trct'ljrtp ol iwiimJinn for ll»
luuil »rrk *eiv ^tl, nui.
« >t«r BKo with U)f iMin> at tt to 4:U
• fiV
«» iv 43 to IfH l»nt
]I lodk tri iT flat* ►tiirjt to

Potatoes. 28c and 30c




flaM mmi Ufl

Tire whole will la- one nf the flneat
ami moKt c*»mpleie 4.anrra.m^ this xkk
td Ciaml Rapldx and will U< known ai.
Iloixfx Now Acadt my

axppcted in tbnt Hna in a
Berw. J. A. Sortln
Yoonsbrcff of MaalaL. a BtaaeU of tbU cHy uf-


Tbe c kurtb

wae boaatituUy


broken wheel from Don
of Manlaiee aheaf and Ircle from
Cadillac, tvre frxim Tra»ctwe City. p41 J
low from Elk Rapldx. wreath and
apray from
Manoetena. ■
torn., from 4'hlea«o and nameroux li
i Over to Deputy Food Cma* dividual xprav* from fiWdx la Tra
erxc City and surrounding places *
her elr^a

Thete may be work tn tbe city for
a kaal Inspector If the xun>lrkaix •<
two local grocers are well founded,
one ffudlng lard that wax not right
and tbe other tuiuini: over a cna-k ul
butter to C. K. iKa-ketay who. lu turn
aavr it to iM'iuity FixKt Cumm|x»loOi*r
C. M^Uame of Sorthport. who |MXAml
through the city this morning. The
dealer KuxtM'Cix that there wax lullow
In the butler

•qdnkm the timilde lu the fird i
it* <-oi>kiiig which would iHd U
uxer while with tli
ter h** U iK«T Ceit.on. thinking t
might have been Jt iiwy luittet.

Miu FlOrtftu CM. WU HmIM. Xi
Jolly Crowd of Young People
.Saturday Ev-n.-g.

a Jvdly crowd .d young people Satur
day night who dnm* to her home a
Umg Lake lti\|dte <»f the Morm tb<
xlelchK w» re cmwderl and the drtvt
enjovetl by all
CiMm arriving th^?
were mmmhI with a Dutch aui
•u^r It
whicli all did full Juxtlcr*.
“What to Serve artd How to Prepare maUtder of the time wax xpt'ttl
for ^and drifted condition of the roads, they
rakclet-* waited until davlight U-ftNe xtartlng
luncluHni iMek. They airivt^hoim- Suiiiay
o| tojt^t.^ mtnnlng. a very sk-q.v hut




The exp.'rleoc’wi of Uwal re
■uytnt Frteea.
e. hv:k are iMat ticallv uniform th.,t IItl'r hit........................................... 70
I.— .. ■ ■
, ! Itmkwhcal. |icr Im..................................
Rye. per ba..

Prints Go Up


...... •*

Butter.............. ..

Chwea®. per lb...
SalU per bbl....

The whoKsalr. prirr of
Prints today is f, cents
which tnc4iis that in a
few cUys the mail price
7 t cnis per yard.
Until March 15 wc will
sell all Standard Prints at
SIX CENTS per yard.
Better buy NO\V~ihc
cents are worth saving.




Urbt ataera and
Stcera and hclfcra. 1100 Iba.
tlnsiacd poultry ........................
Cbickrna. live weUbl...............
j74oini, UreswiMl...............................
fSbeep. arllb amol'oa...............
8pHna lambiL R'a waigbt...

fallow ...................................


ladv to
liwvH aud t.dhM-; i.u fl-m of |2,-..i.taai eapilal
SaUi> tl.e:2 inr year
aud oxiM-nKoy. StUaiy |kmU weekly
and expenw*^ aiJvanred; refemir,**

. .lRfi20


IU.V. bmM...............

I‘tic«*. <wch. 25c. i»r xond iKixtal for
A xtuldKiin Mter and a fat me: of
lurthtM imrtlniUitw. Itrpetber with our
iHHiklet. tellins how to make |ia|»er much hpiiniiiig dlKahilit.r providetl a
flowerw. which wo xeiid FREE on «• lot of amuxemi lit mi Front xttT«et ihla
The animal got away from thr
Home h^iiterlalnment IlureaU. no«in
150152 N Tiural.ulJ uxeipu-. rbicaRO, man who wax leading It hut wax on
ralleil acain on the e«»mer of Front
and Paik xtix'etx
With the farnwr
on Ihe t-nd of the ro|M> Mr. St ter pne
crvtlcd t*» clean up Front xtreet. much

WANTED-l^y or *;em|. ,nau .if fair
etiutaiion U» tra>el and i^dk-<n for
Hnn Id |25tM».».i rajdtal
$1,072 l-r teal and e\iMum*»,;
x; xal
art |Mhl wt-i kly and t vin-nx.ex Md
vamwd. rrferciicix ntifulretl.
ditwa. with xuni)>. J A Alexander
Tjwvttwe tiity. Mkh.
mar 4-11

WANTED-Tweuty lueu
work lu
w.mhIx; Xlx mllcw from Mayfield. J.
E X camp, waiea $2C to


IVtrtdi. March 4.-Wheat-No.2
rrd. 7«\c: corn 474c; caita. 44^c
Chlcaao. March
4.—WTieat —May.
75Sc: rora.
oala. 4t»^kr.
Bawt Buffalo. Marrb 4.-Catilc->
4.«X'; active; prime alccri OZkffPfj C;


to c..

wages; four mouths' *oh

f beiaa candkUtee;
R»r CJrrh—Tracy 'H OUlla
Pbr CUy Traaaarer-Ralpb <8. Haa^
bica. Lrrl Soule. C. R, Dockeray.

RMtpor MowpB



Avorpft of El* Pfmm a Day l«
Grand Baptds.

Grand Raplda. Mk-b.. March 4 -4K*e
hundred and alxiy-tve daalh—ih*v
Urgesi eumher for amay tsoath—
r reported to the haalth depatti for the month ‘of PYbmary.
Bcklcr. ibrrc ywarx
U Curtlx. four
B average of nearly six dc:iths d
ycBiw: A 8 Dobxon. three years.
If that pcrrcnlago waa malaFor J'ndigr of Rocordrr a C*Mirt
iHl through the year, ^hc daaiU
Amll r NorUager. G W CurtU.
of Grand Rapldx would W UJi
For Mcmlwr Board of Bducatioo
5>lwln L. T^tclby.
nrst Waitl-lFPr alderman. Makwvl
Tbe deaths for the month wvie p,lu-

«»»ta‘d«-. G A. 8mli
" {*«P«*nr|«»r. Frank W 4'arvcr

Itwvlng for Mlnmwrua. Mi>. Korxbcig
Slaying In rhlcagvr where, on Dec 2«
Third Wartl- For alderman. V
lR«y. she wax maniwl tn the Rev.
Abljott; for xupervlmu. W W. i
J.drn Foiwlwrg
They laU^ wcut to
0»c«r Simpson.
Fburth Ward—Fi»r alderman. J
and back to Chicago.
Mr For*
Murchle. C M. Bum.; for con.
F 1) Manrlu lor xuircrxlwu-. t
lu U77 they came to Michigan lie
eating at Tuxtin. Mr. Furaberg Iravlng
PTflb Watd-I'or alderman, Charles
charge* at Tuxtin llolKirt. Retail ('ily
E ^^eIelt. John M. MeCoimlck
aud Cadillar
In IKKk tt»ey, went to
xu|a*rvlttM. L. K Cleveland.
ManlM.H*. whtre they nodded twclvvtw; .. leavlug thi ce for P^rineiwville.
111. lu 1S*»2 thev eame Uck t<» Mlchi
can ujion a call fnmi gangregalkuiK
at Travena- CUv. Kik lUiXtlx aud Man Circuit Court Convened Thia After

cUwlly peoide mer 50 year* H ;«ge «r
nail children, the causes tadlig paru*
imU or similar dlxcaiww.
Tbe targe number of paeutuonta
xcx were caused by the wiwth- r dur

■M C. P. McCmI Mm Lm«< lh«'
Steinberg Buainesa Boom Just
East of the G^nd.


wad (MM-ra house m»d will
I berprv^-nt location In Ike
r The rlnvuge U lieccwuiry
,n now'ixx-upb.1 by her xtorc^

Now Being Heard.
She lx survived by two alxtcrx. three
i.t.Khet>. a husband and three chll
Circuit eouit eonveniMl In x|
vlien. Anitm Vnb« lra t*f of Colorado
\ll*H Ma> lUriH-r who wax Mlxa Me
Spring*. Ctdo Mn. O. A, Jtdm*<m of xexshm Ihlx maunlng. Hbeilff.Jo)
Travwx- Cll> aud Joseph Tlu^tHlore of formally opi ning the court aft/T m*v ('4Kd’x tiimitu 1 last yvar. will U* with
lu r agalu thU year.
Chicago. Ill
The ('<1*1* In Ihe ca*.- fd <*oiV^*lrh
Ikdng a nriu Wlkner in fltMl her
Vingle pkaxurv wnx to do guOd and tdxon vx Isaiah Jackson were /rguetl
extend charity to. all Ax a worker In ihU muiulng after which the c^ of
the uilKxlonaiy flehl she w>aa ilivk*xs.
often fo,making her household dulle*
:ind plt-axunw for the wr.rL lu all of
thl* she wa* of great help to he, hu«-

pitdialdy take all (Jar to

IMrlng her long and acllvc life *he.
by her ha|»py and xunny aaturc. raa^e
many frleuUx wherever ahe locatetl
w ho now deeply mourn her death.

uneral of the Late George C. Thomp.
con Wax Held From His Heme
Yesterday Afternoon.


^ At tho iMict** d4«lttiw aiv uo» |w>.
tna for atot k Ibry aro i«ayini; more tn
pro|M»rtttNi than
alujoai an>
placr lu Ihr atato. T»iU U duo to thr
tact tbat a fon HMi|pnk an* vorktity
aicaiuM «arb oil»«.r which k»*c|)i» theliih'i* hliclirr than thr i«*aI mnikot warlanta
How Imut UiU wUI la-t i>c-ic
with Oo cici,ic-r*
The Car Shortaffe.
Oatk. per hu ..
Kfhruuiy flKuriw ha\o thrown a now r^. II.. L. A I
lU»it »n» Ihr cut aliuatlon lu ihr w«t.
Thoy Pimply cfjnfirmcil tho Jumta )
allow jn»:. whic h unH that Ho* lailnwcU
. had fuiul».|io.l
(n^ and laiRii iChh'koiiH, fUT lb.,
til Um- htkt ^ a rotaioee .................
yrait.' Ncmih«4r*a. the lu*wl Iioiii Aptdea .............................................. CiKffl.O
tbe ahlpper In ait tllrP.-tion,. waa act j
......................................... .:...rdfrr5
Plmc ir and haa In c n iu» lon>; au i:imcnl ’
Iars«' atalki.............................. 10
that Oii je aocuii. Uo ..oukt that the car
P®r lb............................................SO

tm miE URGE

before 4 oYloeb tbl*

i Johaaew 0ni~^J of ToxUa. C A

If an. vmi will Iw lnten*xle,l
mrw book. •EnUrtaming Made

nud contaliiH ISk receipU
wlcbei>. xalatlK. ral.ev and
d Inkx and b'ca. caudy and
dlalu-h. la-Mder. a etdUM-lion


Tbe faaeral of Miv Joba roewberff

rrr .r*.i:rniLLow m the butter

X Iff lee
on ibe dcakx where the



$1. SJO
MaltOiMi....... i0e.$1.375

wtee beard for blocka and wlndo,

Suster Brown and Russian Suits

- •'

IMib «atM tn a Ity Wbianaltmtf aa eifflaalaa la
pteat of
tbe qntad Ba»Ma Qaa UffU cMapanv
tale Satarlay afteraooa.
jame. A. Bmaa. 215 .ftmib Baa*
atreet. ciw^taeer at tbe plaat. Vas
piuaed aader fainaff UmbOf. aad aa*^


George C. Thtmipiwio wua held from
hlH home in Elmwood avenue yester­
day altemtxm an 2 oclock. The wr
Tire wa* in charge of the Maxa.ulc
<*ider ami Ihe pall “Ireafer* w» re Ma
xtmH Thr- Rev. 1). Cochlta of tbe C<»o
gregallonal churth <ifnc|ated
we;e luaii) iHWuiiful Ikmil ..ffr rlugv


funeial *eivke



„t I ocloLk ftoiu hU borne In Mouroe^
C<>m< r ttmler tbe auxplcrw of the odif
Fellow hxlge W. 8 Ande,*on ,d IliU
city Jt.iU charge of the ainiugementx.

Capturwd by the tti
Some years ago the scle<
town or Hanover. N. H .
fb. lr wtadom. to <^lert a |Mdl tsx
every Darlmoath student of legal
Tbe boys asldT nothing to tbl.
quietly decided that If tle-y
latcjTu the lb publican
they would also vote. 8o they tuniefl
out In full force al the annual meeUng.
Having strength enough to secure cu
trol. In less than live minute, iivy hod publleau

Republican County Mass Conrention.

elected Sfudems to the positious <.f
moderator and clerk. Thirty mimiic
from Ibe time the meeting was calld
to order the town of Hanover had gone
on reeonl as hating vot«1 to lujIM »
brick wi-boolbouse 500 feel long, le.i
feet high and two feet whir and to
huUd a pLnk wsik from Ree,l Hall In
llanorar to I.cI..mow. in whiH,--lo-ru
w..» a f'*^iale seti»in*rj Tl.»e t.ix (V*lk-tor did not trouble |»anm.M,fh xtu
derH. for mnny veer, after ihst

Vot. r* of


< called to

the court house In the city of Traverse
City. Tuesday. Mairh 5ih. a! 2 o ckak
p. m . for th«* piinxiw* of nominating
a caiiiHdale for the offl^^of county
cimmlxxl.mer of scl,A>l« for^Umjetma-* •
ly of Grand Traverse.
Itab d Fell. 2C. 1»U7.
'■ ;
J.1IIM K II MoitKH>. ciialrmau.
RobI E Walter. Secretary.

The Umv*rssl Lanyuao* of Clothes.
CAIJ. i;l 141 FtaM Twelfth ►treri;
Ih • »<•!» list ref(r»went* the unlver..! a full, conipliMo Hue of houx-bold
tanceage of attire. !i wnd. and weep.
R.**!* 1.1, Kab
Call at oin e ..iitl g. | a
cgainM the walls of Jenisalem. and 1*
W<* aic goiu,^ fi bav«* cily.
turr* tip In the solitude, of the derrt.
mar t at*
Even the loaeliest mountain iwaks are
not safe from Its d. imKwallr xiu.idteIty. Once I met a sUk hsi. pmluvidy
revTjpd from wome benevoleut dust bln.
milking a cost In a l^ndou yuirk Tlie
Imr lx urged to be preiwmt.
excluded j hit nearly
every |>as*ert>y turned and stal'd In
The Mothenf cltih ol the Ihuirtiman
The eccentric rowU.y In
avenue wchmd. organic*! Tliuoalay
tbe top hat flnisbed h*s allotted uxk.
will hold tlx flrxt regular meet lug Ur
and In company of bis i-ow and ibe
murttrw. Siipl. 1. K Clllx ii will be In
milk pall he amkle<J- plxridly out of
alght. Still one emp't help .«kii,g in
Mir l\ r. WilMMi re*cive<l a leli- tbe Interest of peraonaf IMvrty. Why
mts tliig IS i;M»kei| for.
Saturday xlaflng
he abooldn't a silk hat he |»ermitt.*l to
The Ciant! Tiav<M>e Relx kali ItMlgv*.
iiiothtr 1* xerlouxlv id. jMr*. Wilxon milk It row? Tbe <^w d<H^n t mind,
.Nt. I!»2, will give a hard Iknex luuty
lelt I.h tlje G R. A I. ft>r l.Hclill.dc] so why ahoold we?-F.#ttilghlly K®
in the Otld Fellowx hall over the R. J.
voteriUy anil wilt probably not ten,,,, view.
Merit. eonuvany plumldng eHtablLh
meet W. dnexday evening
T. lt,ow„ ami
Tht*xt^ wkhing to altfHid
jl^xxed Ihn.UKh the
,'fi ele. tru- up InU'i’.
e> rfgrange at Wimamxhun; are i.^ucMtetl
way til I
foMMtti v,t|.p|ti,.c ttie need* nf Mi. '. r
P IVtc. Marqtjt-tte *tai
wrttfr •I'etnlnutM.u ff„ .Mj, *.,|.rce
lake the 7 5« train Wcducxday
am! Oliver simitar work, ns well .* f..r
.Mrs It F. Readen of Boyne City ,o oiMTxtions in rxpl(e*ne atto'vsj.herr*,
Regular nuc^llng of the Eastern Star tiii-ned io her h.,roi. after vixlting hrs I*.,.,, ,H*,i ip ,j,e hnitau -.f
Will la; held tomorrow evening al k fik-mU in thi* city and Cadillac
fbeii in <^nue,i|r-„ nl,h repairs efiiekM*k. A full aiteudance lx desired
Mrs. J. J. Balky went to Maneeloiia liH leil nn Ih* d<* k su|e* ,h,„ . *i,i|.
as atrangemcniK for entertaining the fhi* morning.
onl taking the,,, of ,*t>liu.u- It
Manlxlee chapM-r .Match 15 will laMis C 8 Brooks x|x nt the day at was'found that a thorough exxioin.imroplcud at that time.
tion of the dm k gate. ,;ould i>e mads
There will lie a ni.•cling of Trav*-r<*e
B. F. Ik.wney of Grand Rapids, who by the aid of the tamp, xml i
City Co.. No. -.51;. rnlfortn Rank. has been vixlUng friends In the city, lo detuojist*^aie It* I x er one «f
KnIghtx of FyUilax. In the Caxtle ball. left for |•.•l.x.kcv this moining. when- direr, returned for ,
after desrendlng to l
Tuesday evcniliig. March u. U. ciimpleic be will visit lelativi**.
dm-k. a detdb of twenty feel.
arrangomenix for the annual ball to
Mm Esther KlugxIey relumed lo
ta» given April 5.
All knlghU arc her home la Kinpiley after spending
urged to
ppcaetil promirtly at k some Ume with her *<«. C. W. KlDg*^
ley. la this city.
Grand Travers*' County Mtdlcat ao
The bucket ®iKip broker came 0
Floyd Sweet aad family Ten for Alba
he afreet In a tall irtlk hat aad m l
cirty will mod at,Dr. J M WUbelm'a thia moralag.
arat pin.
offf<;e Tocaday evening. March 5. at «
Daa George and daughter. Bdna,
Paper. “Vesical and Renal left this morning dor Taouma. Waah..
Calculi.- Dr. M. 8. Gregory.
where they will lorate.
Bora to Mr. and Mra. Bernle SUic*
W. E. aanent and srlfe left today fm.vi5"Ind *y«or ^la
at the home of Mr. and Mra. Ratten for Olympia. Waah.. where they will >I.' all tbrongh abet
bury, this momtag. a boy.
The Rev. Pr. Golden of Nemen Qty

hHfoiw 14.25^5.10; atockrra mad feed
-OfSec girt, aimwer telc4^. l2.25#4.lo. aiMwai and lamhad haafwt in
17.IW; hlffber; choice lamba.
JJakm Tclcgrmdi Co.
0.75; mixed abeep.
Hoffw14.SW; acUve; bl«h«r; yortterm. $7.15
pica. S7.UO7.&0: heavy and MEN WANTED—To
lum-! U^e ^MpUo
i fc**—IV wrori In
HI the
MTO iHViiate
vjoocepvroo torn
mixed. $7^97.40.
dner wooda
WIU pay $1J5 a day
-----------Toledo. O.. March 4.>-Wbcat
T5\.c: com.
oau. 4Jc.

Pcxtal Ca-ds Covered With Ground
Glass. Mica. Etc-. Must Be Sent
in Envelopes.





1 hi* is an assured fact,
as -the demand i$ »o
strong and the goods so
hard to Rct that manu­
facturer* say it will I
impOHsible to deliver the
goods later.

With this ide:a in mind
we advise early buying to
insure gctiintf the most
choice iccas.
We are showing a most
comprehensive line of
these good* from

and board for good man. Can at. * F\*ERY efenat


59c to $12.50


. TAAVlMrCrTY. i

wiMEN tvtrn

•aabi^ aba dM^ L
abmair «t Ibt tb«tor or to ^towtaf
art erblbUiwa. And It wan aftor a« '
•djbOM m arraMMH


WflMMi tett K «M«4.

apaitonta ttaelf to dapw«»«a od
apirtta. phmmap to fo anewbnp


Cbt kmm «U «ew •iw. aad bta «M«r
win •• to iolni a fa lira. aa4 Um vitl
By tbla «aia tbo ttoftwrlgbt Browaa
ba«l7lMa and y«o and oh* warn at tbHr oooatry place., aad AaTW Mtw rorvfTid fir# rtiaafy writ aabel ftopd that bar priy maratof
patM. ajid AoaabH taad It thnn«h Him wart nbjert to tatermptlaa. oot
twum M fmtr OH IIP aad diT •bptoaoaat. bat dlotntblnir Norman
•T«a Thm any dattbaratHr iba pat
m IMT «iaat< bat aad glearo and vabt Mr capabla Poatoato. p bla mHbH
a«t far a loi« valk to tba aaawj paHi. aad father bad dop bafop btm. tba
aMMor rara dliad wbb far ciad baadea of Ida paroptoi prabtoma Btrt
» fttam Saw pan and latpgbtoff rbtldra they wep no toopar bafdmaaaie wbm
pallad bar wttb bamlan ba^^faatb. be fbaad tbat Anubal abarad Ida
Matb aboat tbe np of wpitb. .m be
vbtTib# (vaM^faL^ uHIh^^
boldly earned bla ptam ta bla fatbar.
app rallaffe? TmtrP gntag inf
bard 'ten M
blT*fa^T tba worksT Pay. wbat arill oar rkb
frteoda tblakr
la ko

aotna. ana aarh w**^ 1 «m artMl >ou
hav» to haad


Or*«ory ar-

2TfT ilT ^rttoTpTMiaTaT'TIt SrSTtOi
UPM n# •aaln T «im fM>| that 1 hava
^j!;T‘eii.To^’r^h 'nTn““i;:
Ka« ooa wonl of d»|>reacfa. no rraitedm of a dnn mkiiHl rhiidbood
and a drrary fflHbood. apont ondar
naaalni of tba moat trytof aort; no
rrfrrmaa to tbr fart that bar own
patrimony bad fooa ondar wKb bar
anat'a aaMlI fortona In tpa bank
wrack: no tntlmallnti that aba bad
oant atomot bar laat dollar la tbe
mooay ordar and muat now drop bar
art atndloa and aaak a tHwltton In tba
wnrfcaday world, bba amiird acrtmly at
bba maltod tba lattrr llrr aunt wonld
baaopt tba aarrillrr an.^ wall to Dta
Uartln orar Annalirra lark of apprrriatkm
Thin Martin! How ahr halrnl orrry
amall beady eyea. bla perpetnal i
hit weak, Predlag rhln! Rbe mailed
the letter with a atranp feeling of

oeemed to more farther and farther
In later yearn ahe nerer
tbrtugbt of thewe daya without abud
The hnlldaya wrP nrrr.
wanted to biP rlerka p buy lllumlna!
«d Prda p telepbone recorda p any
of tbe pptiT things ahe painted. Tbe
room.trot waa again doe. Hbe might
oen her few pata and painting oiiint.
ftoe aet bp Up flmly and rllmhe,! tbe
klalp to a faabkmable emplnyment
aganry. Tbe manapr waa aitting at

that tn Tiew; a hntidPd amdloanta
fp epry pPIthm Ob, watt a minute!
Yon look bright, ran yon do nanlctir
ing and dpp hair a bit and mend
larea? If you enn do It even halfway.
1 wlab yeu-d try this place Tre sent
tbe ruatomef a dopn glrla- and they
alwaya part after a lerrthle aeene.
Tbe wroman'B a crank, but you look aa
if you had tact.Tbe wpabot waa tbat Anpbel with
25 pota tn her parm and a notlp of
p«t dP nader ibe door of her ban
room, weat to op Mp. Cartwright
Bpwn. and that highly atmng peraooage pld with dlapHafarHoa and m
pick, la her rolcr tbat abe woaM gip
tbe girt a trUl.
The oartwrtfht Bmwna weP pwIj
rich. Tbe fattor had made an chop
mnva fortap through hla otm efforts
and wag prtHid of tt. The mother wa­
rn bardeaed by It tbat abe waa on the
prfe«f nerromproatraikHi. Anuabid
pw ft waa oenrea and m»t temper and
took bPrt. lAter abe learned tbat

aabaop4 of tbeir mw rieboa.
Kobady. Aapbel laaat of all, knaw
bow ft bappaaad. hot abe bacama fba
Ttrtaal band of tbo Cartwrtgbt Brawn
hoapbold. Urn. Binwa tnwad tbat
aP eoQkl blp a Tlalttat maalcnriat

ftoarml DabOHy, ana Inrlforatp Iba wboto ayatom.

lews From Paris
Bppeto] Cabla to tbo Braalag Bnomd
(OapyrtgbW IMC. by tbo BoaiaC Ma«a
lluia. March 4.~~i;U Btoa" In a
lc*HK editorial ou ibe qucatliHi which to
at the present time dirturblug Ibe
IHutx- uf uil^l uf uxh Amcrtda and

on. I deHap that girt bat tbla fam.
7 bypoollaed.*•‘Sotting of tba aoH, aad yon k
It- replied bla aon holly. -8be ba.
taught 08 bow to make tbe tipt
of onr BKmey.•Ertrything
••And mrod yonr OKitbp of i
whlitw. ibc^r anuice. ihcdr ;
prnatratlp Orariona. w|im I t
tbooe old days! Oh. try U If you like.** ways, ibrjr fa^luM, in fa

bapr. Tbe reTmc moot bkely ;o aoc
r-ed are tl ww that »tkc offclal vacaocle* wbk b the rrf wwc -w cwu gU.*

• be «l^

bbcomo wawt ads. pay.



|4.W of 1
ajmy uf lepnwcntatUp uf
I inidlliuial art dtx-toied It to be noth
Ing but a daub. Manet bad aa a^ili
et. Whlattor. I^VuUu IjiUHir. Marcelib
Ik stiouLlna. Emile Zola. Aairuc. Bclot.
Jluranty aad Courtet but could not
ppvent him being rcfua*al )%mr after
year at tbe 8alou
It was not until
tbe year IMS that Olympia wa» bung
at ibe Salon, and some yearw later. It
was acquired by tbe aute and hung.

•X'"* •O-SUV-V-''
ell to fpclnatea the Jap in a powerful man j they got tbe ebaop. Their facta
lire* In him auch a de-lre I make the removal of the picture by M.
»ly shockoi. Of tu|MMUie«atbcm‘things for hli
your nsm* unfor him age baa no llmiis.
work you weuM arnd mo.
M. aP^wh^ aei*s in the rallfomlan ech
event, for U pr«v«**i that luipreasicwi.i
cam« 1 aeiM Itoa Martin to Denting Mdeb) aide with American Pliool i. „ow pa>«gaUed h, the hlghcM ;
chllJivn of twelve anfl^fourteeu >oai>.| ,„iborltler
arnranf You must comr hono at
• • • •
Tb# Weoinrld bank will par U Japs of from thirty to forty.

I^^ttp from Mtoa Molly
Annabel Maitland:


iVi grudg*'


letter from Annabel to bp A

but wa WOP eonplled to haaien aMttora.
Tbop U treoWo at tbo lUackstaka amoU.
grcHind at onro. Ho la a prinp ankong
aaon. doar aunt, and you will loam to lovo
atm whoa wo coma to at* >wu forgiving
tko fart that thia prlnm fo<ind bt* Clndoplta nnx bohlnd tho kltcbrn atove. but
In bit mochor t boudoir, t am not aaham.
od Of my work In tbo past year, for It
brought ma tP groatrat harptnoM that
ran ocano to a woman Wo arro marrlod
with tho full conpol of hi* prrnia. and

• Here la a tpylcal scene which to|
Prlnrc' floland lloonpaTte hp been
enacted every day ill San Francisco. el»*rted to the French Academy of
llie child cornea hom^ takes Its-seat plenp la the ulare of M. Biahoff
at the dinner table with the other*. r*»elm. who died
I he couveraailon naturally tuina tu> j floland Bonaparte to the author of
sards the schoid
Wrtl." wiy» the Lome valuable ac l. utlflc works on geev

lou get good notlcwr
Who was at the top of
’The one who alts next
Bonaparte family who baa ben elected
r • Ullle Tom
uitilleiyiuaii who was In lieen the Emperor Napol«». when be
wc.'' still general lUmaparte. I*rincc
c M-ige tfi
• The good AJiieilran. who iUmn not Liiclon. the Cmmlfatlu r of |*rince Ilo
bid hla daughter Kitting neat to hi* tond and Prince Jerome. Prince itolund
ueigktoH-H aon. thiiikliig this will mge has cinili liaken niwiy voyages fw the
her cm to greatei c^orls In hc-r class investigation of aclmlinc n^soarch
In 1KK7 be went to .North America.
the claa*r

he flmtoj
rand he
reaenta It. even if hla reaeul
of chatiRlag tbe color of the
or uf modifying tbe ocean.
It the father of a famll.v.
would not mind the fact
bad iK-eii
placed l•etwcrll a ball |*Aiier and a
atn-ei banker thrown the fliwt stone *
Pb.wto- to ma to blame

bavo not a gral
1\*beo .Napoleon i

M Hiijaidlu Ib autuirl/. tto* uuder
morality baa ceoaed to exlat.
-•Irlarx Ilf lldf ;uIh to iV) ia»li:.lblc
r a ci rilalde iT’coliiiii.ii in the hto
ctf arts
lb- bio h».\
Ohio for the gtodance of mediocre
am»i s fanimm
picture ••tdjmpU *
mindji. Tbe moral tow mmt tm au
pmne or nowhere.
VH Ibto. *aa « which had hung for Kevenil years past
aeema to oa. pif Pldeat propootUnn la in laiscmboiir museirm. tiwnaferred
by no means easy to apply. Mo«t of from tlUEl lauivre. wlmrc
ns fpl tbat for any one to lay |oo
bung in the rocuii of the moilem
marb atrpa apoo tbo iboral abortcom
l-Yi nch acUuoI.
This picture which
I latDd P at Iraat of a defecUre iv>piv.*H'nta a woman lying on a sofa,
ihc^ foot of which are a nqgroanda
arna tn reopect of bla autrtages.
of Bacon la the mattp of bla prorwl
eormptlon. of Coleridge la coant
with bla aplmn babtk or of Cbartet
Ijimb ta bto enpa « we aboohl apeak
of Pmith. Brown and Bobipon h
cUrumalam'ca. Must are, then, admit
Ires to be moral
prima facie evidence I* very :

Why They Waittod to Win.
We knew of only one ctae In wh
a man bat tried to aelect a wife by a
caoMtotltlTe eaaadMttoa. kTfteen laAlta eatofM far tba ttatHamala) prtat
and aat dawn ta a fatpar of qt>eatloaa
of wbkA tba fbOowlat si« aaaplea:
Name aaeaa klaia wf pla and daaertba bow eaeb to fwepsiaff- Ih> yon
adtocata tbe trna of cbewtag rlag* for


We want you
To cell at our store for the
greatest health restorer and
strength creator we have
ever sold—VINOL
Our real cod liver prepara­
tion with the useless oil
eliminated and tonic iron
That’s why it is unequalled
for all pulmonary troubles
and to create strength for old
people, weak, sickly women

2,000 si
Just Received

He Showi the Youngsters m Thinj or Two About CoAitog.

Spring Hats

ibis WUl be a Greki Seisok I#

«V ilAtS -XI r'

; MGST counts in ^ ^doos will. piEVAii.

who had IM caaaanratorVa bmogMap
to date. Aaaabol who made oat cmi.
ferred trltb Mrm. I

Varatoto B. K. Walt A Bwia. Travtfai

Mr». Pliiktuun*B SUmltnr Invitalloo to Women

We now have every numlp.r In domestic catalog.
It wrtf Asaabal who tvotentoad tba
Haff of aerraoto and laataiad a com-

WHL 1 Mart 1 tb ak

nPorbif my toaSlk. I mrilM fro. female Ulnen. whieb canaad
drradf^ biadaidip. dlmina., and dnll pains in my back, bnt rar

wbat tbe men at i

SSir^p5Jr TIT'S liT" 'hlSjUl*

I Jiaap aa H. tram.


a* <M*v. If m kai aUfiM tiu
tba banPbrH Tba aoa wp a rap
fbrad rbap wto aapood onddaaU or
ppoadd br tba rnpiaiitlim of bla fA
tbaftotpaltk BabadatadtodclMH
kml aaitoldcr «b coaoM and oa praccl.
«al Itap aapat tba c04ad.yoatb of bit

waa.taiMr Maaktog taj

fM wawai^ mnmrf
very Mfw^al a bout ]

not aa Ml catwr. «ba know m
that bar apall talant for dawinp bad
atoid bar OAIP^ aa aocMa for baotaf
«B aabappy baap HIto bat that dbi
apar waaM ba«a bawi a graai ap
ftt tot. wbUr aba WM b ratopatoat ma»
Tb^tew ttorr of tba CMtwHgbt toaawa bopa
»a pot bar anattoAllowBaeo Pfator
Ip aad
ao tbaaibt p tba fafap.



iodtote aad
I wbaabtomany aantoag tbtoM ta tba caaiaa of


THk cvimit ncoena TKAvini env. notMtAN. MMiiAT, ^Iamcm^ mt..

tm%. W»te Braa, t17 Uate flW
pon tALt-im-


•ktmc ciu.


;IBlUlllIMIUmmilillliimuiilllliiifflUflE a>^^ss

I AirroatOMLC



It Is Not

II PewkctHIicklflaa

R*w. U A. Itaftlap. MmuA Vmmm.


lo, oayw:
Hy eblMvew wore af*rtod wttb n rough remBlag from
the Rex C IX Bddy.-pitalar oC the] A pdJttaw Sbsed hy i
nataela ehnreh. haa received a ewH to »- Loala laxpatyeaa. haa kiaei
Mwataa. my wife wttb a rottgb that
ad to the eonaell aaktag that
to AceefKtimi to hood the cRy for |10.aS0 fur Ima far Era yeari. aad WanMT>
Th. family of Mler ^ Dow. a pwhllc ImpraeeBMBU he amhaUtted to White inae of Tar hat carod thMa
Twclre Corweca* far«Mw. cant aaslgn
alL- FW sale by thP Alacriraa Drag
any reaaow why he ahonld have-dnmk
_____ _________
wood alrohol. D^w la dead
id, am hNwe
lamra K. Maniac, the “fanaeV
Over 1^ *’Uve ooe* * aat <b»wn at the atork of the
furry little aa
lator'* of .New Jqraey. enjoya th^
the faaaqoec of the laiard of
In the parka at Saginaw. There aquir^
ittaethm of haring boro the eaadi
the Hotel Arao^l^.' W
reU appmr to he brolihy in Michigan
le of hU pany-the demoeratlc-fbplace la dewdOy advavl^>0
climate, though their rood la
i every oRlee la his roonty and
ihlag la proaperona.
g.^her dllfcreoi than they hare berw
»district for the. last thirty year*
Dor. 7. 1>A«. ended the ft
ul ever barlaa woo.
fur MqiK«r llcenaea fa Miehlgan. ami
The huMnexa ol the MarMe Safd:

Let ut aeiil** that

C. B. Taylor Coai Co.
jn.M*K0B GBO. v. KeVEm


» power tonrtag car la lb#
<g cwdltkin. roll aet of lampa. cap
Iflp. extra tire*, toohu de. Wonld I3.k3l.2tic 10 waa paid In. There are Axe On at Gladatnoe haa awwe thai
.%.k9u aalormA A1r«iaa laaaicd the lead

5 iiiiiiinUiiijiMiiiiiiiiHiiiiiniiiiii

-m rrml«l ,lo A graai mmomt of looking About. uihI
m Aiicioot nrtboluffj ulh wthAt he did. Hot amr^ran
a hie bwiett day did tbVfAbWKiAnlmmpo»*o nurd,
«ilh hit Tiaion aa doea om* little WaoVAd.; which
I oo TiaitUig tmawith thonaaoda of |#r>ple. vbetn





Porcelain Wo|rk


On floor witU ButitieM Ool4|n,




Readm Ike l^le.

WANTED-Hi«wdr «mn.

CMCAf»—Two Hlhger
4.-.K N larawood
mar 14;f

NANTKO—Y(wr upholatcrinjL fnrni<
tnra rtwairfag. rtulr caning and
fanritnre naahlng. E. H. Tanner.

aic ralna tt.

feb :o tf

MEN WANTED—To work In the Itini
her wooda. Call Cltlaena phone No.
feb 30 tf
WANTED-Man and wife to work on
farro: ateaify work. g(«>d wagea and
Ideaaant place, nail or aihltr^,^* II
n rawpl.en. Orawn. Mlrh.

WANTED-To bay aome tuanuref
drop a card to >11 Vnloa 8L. or call
on Yfenry Dtwemler
feb 33 tr

j ‘

FOR SALE-Shoe »Uirk. ffxtiirea and
leajM* of building In gt»orl market
town cloae to Traverae City. \Ya*h'
lln*,. K17 8*mth Tnlon 8t.
phone 1319.
frb 33^f FOR SALE—14>5—Seven n»oin hooae.
Caa^ Kl.. noiahed in oak. walnut
and cherry; ftne. new b<wixe; price
Wado Urue..
M7 South
Union St. nt. phone 1219.
_____________ _____ __ ______ ______ i*n kIMf
Wade Urue. M7 South atr« t. C|t. phone. 1319
FOR SALE-Kxcellmu ct.ttago and
two lou at KerU MokCxIa. Ksi%t Bay
Fell. 13 It
rcaort: «ine of the Ixrat locathwx
there. Lexter J) Welch, mith Under
FOR AALE-l«7~8lx room bouae.
wo»Kl E umlor. Siilhertand hhKii
Both saa and electric UghtA Good
feb 37 lino
bam. flne Uwn. cloae In. Waahlngtoa
aimet. Price ||SM. Wade Dror FOR SALE-144
large h»l; |ji
*17 South Union 8!.. Cltlrena Phtme
Price fl.ino.
Jan. d tf
U^h*n atreet

WANTED-To hpy horaea; weight
FOR SALE-No. 1 timothy hay and
from I.AM U> 1.400 Ilia. If you luuu
.«ta at.:iw. Travemo City Milling
to aell let me know. It. J M..r
feb U tf
feb k (f



State liank

WANTCO-One tboaaand huahHn <
corn in car. CoHimbla Tranafcr O
Jan. 1C tf.
WANTED-Wheat. rye. com. oata,
lH*ana. hay and atrag: hlghcal caah
price paid- Trarcrac City Milling
feb k-lX

fOR SALE-H6*-27 acre, two and
one half mlbw city market;
boating tx*ach. gtxxl house and Pam;
prtre l-rdMJ.
Wade Bms.. Si Un
hu) street. CIU. phocia 121>.
FOR SALE-14S4—Fkxirteew
honxe. Stb atr»«at. cloae to acbool.
fmriorlca and poatofSce; central
part of Slh streetPrice t15d0.
Wade Broa ---------phoee 1219

Ualoo 8L. au.

FOR SALE-147S-F7rty aerw Cam
quarter tulle eaat of MaySeld; goad
,oew cement bhx*k bouae; good bam.
FOR SALE-Hrllpao paacdtAc maHnc
price II3IH). Wade Brea.. 117 Unleo
h p . nearly new; a Iwr
atreet, au. pboea 1211.
M.'liahner. city. 414 Union
FOR SALE—ISOS—Good. comforUhle
home. North Cedar St.; price fOSO.
Wade Broa.. 817 South Unloo »l.
Clf. phone 1319. |an
FOR SALE—1411—3Sat65 fee. comer
of Union and Seventh atreet; two-1504—Fine home. Weat
alory frame building; centrally Ue
prlee 11.210.
cated; Aral-clan hnalneax location;
South Unloo PL
pHce IS.SOO. Waife Broa.. RI7 Sooth

FOR SALE-l47«-nne new ten room
bouae, comer lot, comer of ITnloa
and 14th alreeta,: will take
In good ralue. free and cle
clmr ct en
TniTerae City prraliKpriew 13.000.
Inloa atreel. Cltx. phone


FOR SALE—1510-Twenty room hotel
with bam; in beat mw toim. on
new line of railroad. In farming and
lumbering diatrtet: a lamania for
right party; prl.>e |3.7tw. Wade
nrpa-. >17 South UnUin atred. -Tltl*en phone 1319.
Mi 30-tf


T.d.ilo, Ann AiUir ft Ik-fndt railway
h.ix l.cen flled
with f'ounty Clerk
Heady at Monroe The um«erare<l In Mwurvxl in Mteral Gratiot county
dehHEnexx .rf the cni|uiBV tx |C« mui. tounx. a meeting at Niwth Star Thuta
Th.-ro wax an ixsuc of |l.Soe.«HM» lUy having tinxight In a i
Proluvlily i.7.«xni nf the
^ At the d.Hil.^atlon of the I.ew M.‘ capital Mix I. will lie t^id In
jhiHllsi churrh at Howa^w* over SS.tHXi and «n exix-rienced «ll weJI drllht
xa^ ralM*d by xnbxrrlptlcm by the R.*v. from Ohm. who hax hiM-n there uiid
Mr Parr, of JCuktimo. Ind. He aald looked over the ground, will xlok the
he had nevx>r found |u>otde no wllliiig Kitalr.
The friendx of Architect l*arkx of
to glve-^refore In hix exp«'rience.
Sanitary InxixK^tnr Brittain Clark of Ann Arlmr are telling a gowl alory on
the genial archlU'Ci. of bow he Joined
the ('a’iierx- Huh ax « charter memlic
r. ci nily
Patkx liiiendi-il to attend j
his Tyeur-old
the IxMinl of rommerre,
l-dng hehi in
e. and iinwittliigly drif
Sjicinaw pliyxirlaiis claim that they]
FOR SALE—1505—Fine homo. Wext
Ing of the flxhermen.
iilid C.-^.r-e Crolher-H liver to !>*•
Tenih St. cloae In; prio^ f3.orto.
leatd Mi.iin-<ine xay that
Wado Bn«. K17 South Union St tiinoM to Nolhl xt.uie
Cnuheix died
Cli. phone 1219.
jan 3(Wf
iM.i II. fa.ks plunkiM down hi*
r thiiikinc he had ' jiiosl
FOR SALE—1501—Seven rtwm bouse
I of emm.-ee
large lot. comer lk»yd and Fern;
Wailo Bro
I Union St. ('ll. phone
e 1319.^^

FOR SALE—1494—Six i
new. nioilem rcsldcnc

vaxx ni.;
ne 1319.
Un 30 If

FOR SALE—lArge. rtglil romu houxe.
mmlrm convenkMiceo,, except fur­
nace; good l*m; corner U. Eighth
ami f'aax xtreeio. Lexter D. Melch.
-with rnderx.xMl ft UroVor. Suth.-r
land block
feb 27-lmo


€7rr. T,;i
FOR SALE—Eighty acm farm
The klghcit I blmiH^y )u England la
milea we«t NorriaTllle; four
poai oTSew Traxeraa City; sixty Bidton. It la SOS feet In height, and
acre* Improved; six acma aulUbla the material naed In Iti
for gardea; good btiUdlngx; aU In
waa 8U)JX» bricka and
alone. This big amokenuck ta exi'clled
by at least two In SroUand.
street, CIU. phtme 1211.
Rallox chimney In Glaagin
faeC and the Townaeml cMmney tii the
tity 1. 4t» feet h|Rh. Rnt tha
realdence. Sixth sti
ejacka make no mote of climbing
vealencea. A good 1
anch oharm than one a fhini of their
Price SS900. WadeB
the vibration U mnch
Uahjo atreeL CUltaa
» aertoua at tlmaa. All
r. eaHceiall.v in a j
condition of their Mifcty.
FOR SALE—1497—Large, eight room
at the tup la a aer
house, atone fouodation. Welwter matter for any one
8t.; artce 11.700. Wade Broa., 817
»e 1219.

I General Hews

For year* the VandcrldUx have b
fighting the apprrwrh f< hu«lne*a
apartment houses toward their n xl
denceft In Fifth avcntie. New York.
They seem to have loai in the xtruggle. for a real estate man has iKmght
a «jrmT jnxi aoutfi of the. Vandertfilt
mansion* and will erect a twel
story apartment houxe. It ha* M
vwtimatwl by comixuint auihorit
that within the laxt five or xlx year*
the Vanderhlllx have spent M t aftd m proterting
that part of Fifth aventie In tb<
mediate vicinity of iheir reahh
from what they regard as undeM
fornix of imponement.
A well known and Influential .New
York politician hax attracted no small
dvitree of alienthm to himself by the
pn-aistency with which be has worked
In favt r of the pBm of the women
Mhonl tcarhera that for the name nerviemh. y should i^ve the same pay
ac men. A friend naked him: ”Why
do yon make yourself *o coaspIckNia
to thU movemeni? You was not gala
acytblag political by tt. Why tlwmld
ax the menr -Let me tell you pao
ihtag mm will explata the whole tmxJneaa.” waa the answer.
”Afler we
were married my wife Unghl aie to
read aad write. Tl^'a wh>.-

Ualoo at. CIL phoae 1219.




OnliT yonr



!• O. Bcirns

PIANO TUNINO-W. 4;;. Millard. 30
Bro*., corner I-'ronl and Casa Six.

BoUi t>bo>u«.%

ft. MARTIN-Phvxlclsn and Sur­
geon. Office 30S Bast Front street

frelghL psrcH* and trunk*. Office
at f'lty Book .Store.
MRS. E. L. ftONNER'S hair dr.xxln::
iwrUit*. over City Book Store. Bixunj


Money to loan. 212 Sisic lUnl.
building, fit Iren* phone C9C.

lohn R. Sanu>

Trnverxe |.siid and I^ahi Co. F
Thmieil. Manager . Offh^*. room 3
llsmillou A Mllllketi hhmk. ^

General Insurance

ew wiivelm NL. Tnrtnt CUy

SARA T. CHASE. M* 0. Offh7 Till.
Dt f) K riiaH.-. Si:iie iLink bli.ek
Ihdh phoni-s. 235 3r. ReHiclem-.- 234
\V. Bighth SI. fill, phone 7M

tention to dlM-axr>x of the eje ear
none and thnsit. Cls^x fitted
eittl lamou* Virginia malodH** dear tn
Over JcdiDsmi dmg
the hearts of the cidor<H] fiakx of elite
la Hum davk
Into hl« novel ho s ill
OR. E. ft. Ml NOR-Office over Amerl
weave 1h«*M- nhl plantuiloo aungv.
can I>rug Sime. Spt'rlal aiiention
Ptoiiahly Patilx gteauwt
to eve. ear. nom* an«l ibrosi Glanxew
fnend wax the prexent (lerman em
Sixth xin-et.
peror x giandtather
Once when she
wax singing at Hamburg the then King OR. W. E- MOON-Rre.Hsllxt-^,enli»
William M-ni her a mexaago asking
urinary, skin am! hh«.l diM^wex; r.
year* experience. Office CUy oja ra
her to walk with him in the ro'irnliig
house bkick ; IPhones-New. 107;
»hcn he jook the aatera.^ “Ceiiathly
not.” replied Paul lo the t>oarer of the
mexxage. - I get up early for no king
Theodore lUnh. for iwenty years .i in Emwpe. ' In laier yean* when hi* T. W. THlRLftV-Iientlxt. Over Barnum & Rnrl*. Jewelry xUuvv Ik,lh
leading hgure nmimg ihe lIlwralK in m.ije*fy. an Infirm oW man. sent lo
phime. 103.
Germany mid e<litor of Die Naibm. ask Mme Patti to visit him In hi* box
will leave Ihe fatherland and witle lu at the o|H*ia, aitologiriog for Ming un ARTHUR HOLLIDAY. M. 0.-Phy*l
and Sdvgeon. Removed to of
thlx ctmuiry, through which he hax
flee* In ktanM.n block over llarntitn
traveled extensively. He la dlxgn«l«l
A Eatl’H. riilren* phone 3K1.
believe* that true llberallxm In
many Jx dead for at least a generalleo
Chngrexxnmn Parson* of New York
wax Invlifyl lo Join the party that
ascended from Waxhlagtoa In the Mg
racing balloon America, but befqre he
could reply hix qujck-xrlited wife Interyecicd the remark that he had l^een
“up In the air * quite enough of late
and that he would Ireiter remain on
■rra flrma when he Imd a chance.

osTsof«T>«c mivsiaAM

OR. F. C, MAC NETT Prmrtlre lImJl
ed lo KVB, I:aK. Np<K. THROAT
and HTTING OF Gi/aSKIX. Ulth e
W>2 WflhHm block. U'lllzenx plume

Clieater S. Ijnrd. managing editor ol
the New Vorx Sun. N the olde^i
managing wllior. In ixdnt of xenw«v
in Ni a Yt*rk. He U-g.»n oo th»* Sur
more than Ihlity yeai> ngo
Maui Ire Ma/uetllnrk. the IMglan
author, hax bi>ughi Wandiiaue ahlH-y,
the old mon.vHiety on tin bankv of theSeine betwiuui Rcumn and CaudeUy
The bulhllng uxed to be the home ol
ton monkx and though it lx 1.3«*o yeai)^
old may l»e rextoreil to a habliahle con

Father Chidwick, who wax chaplain
Of the Maine when that ship wax sunk
in Havana hny. hat ben exenlng him
>R SALE—Street ear feed. SneEeed,
to Improve the Intellect ax weR
cow feed, pig feed, chicken feed,
e morale of the New York police
wheat, com. oats. rye. bnekwheet,
. of which he haa taiHy lieen
He croakadtat ehimarya In the world—
klada dt
beana. bran, middlings, hay and FOR SALE-All
ahaft at Brook mill Heywuod which
In consequence an
cow and chicken feed. J. C. MUliat ia aearty 2(» feel hl7h and m^r.- than
airaw. Tmteme CkJ-Milling CO.
ha* been laaned giving to the
}aall-tf MX feet ont of fdomb. it ha* been
feb 54f
city * gti.nrdUinx access to the hooka
belle^with iron hand* and la cuxuld.
ie New York public library, a
FOR SAL^im—Hooae and Urge
privilege mrx enjoyed by the firemen
lot, Thirteeeth St.;
prir»' lljDOO.
i St.;
Wade Bros.. kl7 South Union. Clt
eater New York. The chapUln
817 Soul
Hunting^ for Teonbla.
phone 1319.
jam «ktf
will see that the book* or magazlnea
ye lived *ln California 20 qemra,
am still hanUng for troohle in the
FOR SALE-149S-lAirge. new bouae.
way of haraa. aocea. wounds, bollx.
ruxl ham. wetter 8L; price |I
M’ade Broa.. *17 Sooth Unloo St.
*prUig aad winter Soar, gra- com. apralna. or a case of jMles that
CU. phone 1219.
iaa SMf
ham. whole wheat, rye aad Intek- Bncklea'a Arnica SaUe wm^ quickly
cure.- writes Charles Waten nf Alle­
gheny. Sierra Co.
No aae huntliig.
FOR SALE—1509—Modern lealdeoce.
Mr. WaMars: It enrea every case.
Weat Tenth St.; steam heat. hath.
xOectrtc light, and gaa. Unndry la
‘ oosel of Ufr la YlrgiaFOR SALE-New 3ti ft, p. gawdlnf
«ogine. cheap for^wah. a ^ Dow
lieat rraMmees In the Hty. win lake
ell at KecunI nfSca.
- free and clear city property ralue
Mly by accidimy ihM bn M oat tW
I Id's fric»d,;^1%la waa broogbt
t dellcioai Sarar wUl be aboor by Wa aaktag the friend to scRECORD WANT ADS. PAY.
for him the exact words M sev-


land hliA'k. Hbooi

5i^ w7j. HlggTri^

neighbors predUi
never leave It alive;
hut tl»ey got foolfxL
IfxL fur
thanka l*e to
God. 1 was tadttced lo try Dr. King’S
New Diarovery. It took Jmu four one
Tb#* r-whnalia J«Mimal -oy, that alot dollar UKllea tn eomplrtely cute th»*
FOR SALE—1511—One hundred
cough and restore me -to gtoal aoimd
thirty five acre farm, eighty
health.” wrilea Mrs. Eva Uiicapher. t»f
Ing gamblem and xabum Grovyrt.iwn, Surk
Ind. This
Improved, large ham
are Uwind
tolhahitnc* mu of hoy« that their
King of cough and cold cure, and
hmiae. orchard, large an^t^ which the mHl owner,
r.ha* lolvanr^'d
slot marhlnex are
good wt«»d. timber, farm all fenced
I fier r«-nt. Thla is i
X.wtered and winked at by xwvw
and no better aoll to be f,Hind: alt
k Hannah dnig Hon^.
; cer, «if the I.1W and running full
Trial bottle free.
mnea amithraat of city on main xp mmithA
While trudging .nr.tuid Ux.kiug for!
A lelegtam staling that Mn
road. Raat Ray township; ckwe m
*o.k dining the recent bitter winter | b<‘*ca llxwxrm max x|xWing t
acbool and church ; will aell on easy
weather. Thomax Meadow. t*f Pott j the home of hf‘r father. Jame« Perkina.
terma. owner in other bnalneaa;
Huron, aged IS yearn, frre tiotb hU age.1 73 years, mho died In Sumiuer
price fi f*oo Wade Broa.. S17 Sooth
leet.aud they will In* aaii»it?ai«xl in a I townxhtp near Carlton. Feh. 21. i
Union St ai.iihiioe 1319
aurgeon. 117 Cnxa xireet.
Sarnia ho.plta:.
j to
a Inat bxik at hU face.
feb 20 tf
7C0 Citz.
RepreMmtatlvri- of ('h v«biid andjdWayedth
Iherolt are at Mamxtlque to organirt j h«T home In Algoma. Canada. 3.«x*o
FDR SALE—150S-Modera
O. C. MOFFATT-Ahxtracta of UUe,
W«wt Ninth airert; eight rvaunx; n company to enlarge the htewery. and I mil.-.x dktnut.
riO^^ale Bank building.
Tl.e > acbf ngre ban
t water heat: bath. Ilgbix. all ,t IM pnqxc-iM lo oiM t.Je on a eo j
OR. EARL C. TYLER-IVmlxt. Il«mi
-lent convenhneex; guMl bam; o|M*mtive Utsls. luM-al ni«‘U no* takiU}: j ing and priqunaiiuiix
U Kli^ii National Ikitik Bldg. Ulii
jto «»rganlre a Ixxn el
5nxl&» feet; properly U actually .lock
z«*nx pb<sie hCl.
aug tUf
Mrw. Man K.* age,! s7 jram jib-nnan b«qi grower-, i
but owner |« leaving
A. J. MePHAIL-Dentist. Over John
‘ clly benre wv^ make a ba-galn n pM>m<er «g iJilncamjrg. Is .buid. She xhlera
had l-eo In very m*x| health, but xui!
Wade Bnui
•i.«lv fell fMit of her chair and expited
lin.KM all klD^ «if -Elving Dutch
len on llimm waters
LESTER O. WELCH Attorney «t
feb li-U in a 4fw mometitx. Thn*.- miuk xur
A c€iitii.iti) wiih a lio.ofrfi capital
law. roHeclIon work a xperlally.
With Unfleiwood A Umlor. Kulherlock bax Ix-n oigaiOjte.1 at Ashley
The ro|ioil irf the r»*c<-lvor of the
ridow <»f the late
J. Haight, pioneer j pn.vemenu archieing
armer. U dead at PaviUon. Site had > give ih«. Maut
plaiH 3.r«-f*
3.*; «"Hi
.r«>n In fu*-! health till but a few day« j

I have a number of good
irmx, all the way from 40 to
CO acres, for lalc, or if you

oil easy.trrms. 1 can sell you
i goo<l iarm for less money
hin you can buy it of ^yKxJy else. 1 have farm!
rhich arc located from fouf
} o 20 miles from Traveme




HARRY ft. HARNEr7^k7p^^~ Ptai7
tuner snd netlon re^ditor
fsclluo guaranteed. With Kimball J
Mttklc Houxe CiU. phone 2C4.

ri(y, all good improved laotl.
If you havp good level farttig
will hnythenr

H. h^an;
10 Waahington,

Cit phone 774

MONEY TO LOAN-.No tax rlanxe 1
pm In mortgage*. Hiutses for sale.; 1
Inquire of E.
Patk 1
Place hotel.
ver. Prices reasonable. Office with
O. P. Carver A Bro. Both phones.
OR. E. 1^ THIRLftV-Spoclal alien

-Of P.. meet every Thurxdav even­
ing. New Munsop Monk, O. R Wel­
ler. C. C.
>*'*«*»9l_Prot6rtlTe l^egton will





ort«^ «««unr; N«u« C. 0^

Twveurt CITY L©ooe. no. m. v.

>i(ht I. th.


Lace Curtains.
NVw |{ootl, ju«t arrin.I. No
tremble lo .bow tlwo.

per pair.
Better Imy nor Mbre Uie
aAMrineot if broken.

THt'cVtNiM Mteoita tlUVIlM enV. HiCHIMN.

j We kaTeflre cstien vHcit
we are tffertac at oaM ta
A few tar QMb at
Mtbarcaias. ANataAKea
Hirs ar caaf weal Uaakets
at treat redactiaa. Tkese
t chVM to't
are witter tMOs aad most ta
Onr of Mr Marron’a lltilr rirta ia ill’ .
saiBe price. Haw is the
ritb luajE Xtxtr.
ans MlroMr U-AUjtlmC
lune tO
to tTdCr
arder JOUr
yoor fCTtUlZCT
irw RTOrktog oo thr •actioo.
sprint piaatlnt. We carry
Hallrtt BottarP 1% Uaitinc rwlatJrr*:
• 1010.1U0.
nr.001.. o»..k the lartest stack ia onr line
MVETOMVESOUTE wubo, k.. 0PM...K111, town. Remeaber. we



mniwusKcw ,



cmikh aiul aom tbrtra

Air“ all thr ti.00.


Arbor. Mirk . lUnm 4-Tbw



Mav. Ann .SrUit IllBh
►how.^ n,. wen N.r Ibr fir>! j f.waob—nbd TreaMurrr
«l«rratiiis Phaffrtrk anU j Mont Thott|H«i
Thott|M«i I*
Ih an
«n inuthoiity
lb^ atatement—tkal the ,


Etta Water* et.Wtained Mr*
Crawn la»t w.e.. 'wnday.

froiot U .Iwp In the crtKimi at r.
.................................................. . hay
u.jie CMu-ral kraflt of Ike lior*.-, qn>,

;r;^k!:^;rk irs.::!

------------- ^
a. MUh.. March 4



u. ie.o. n iiu

.UIU.I.O kk. k Ckprllr Of Il.ttn'j "'*•
«««•. or . H.kW ken.' rutm
It M.iid.l “






Call McGouoh

Saturday an.1 ‘ *->»stonn

I;;; ,s,

;i:ui..t.> In En.nM...t.

At Ifa.k; Eo7un4. .n .........





Plione No. 21S


S«lie «yon

Phone No. R. *U
Cit. phone.
Feb 141m


4'lty Sat lfta« that haiv«-*tlng may be paaily carnight. In rhe te*i made
-* th. f
ruiter*on Wi-nt mmiHi with HaifMiMing a wixfom a field of |U
The.Jwtt Ihtiuuir
He will not return but

Amos E. Bingham

wlilchj *RI work down thcje,
lien une*. whirh^Kas mo*«-d In tht«Hhour* and thirty five ruiniiie)..
l-i«tle r.s il Ihdrarff f* quite *lck.
One of Mr. A'a*t'« lihle Children to iMider wa* tmnihhnl liv *
I can ion engine
.n me f OK*-.
hKk. ^ Jne|-i*-*”
rheNiult** VA
A Valuabl. Laaaim.
.......... . friend* at ht
accordhiB to ihejThmsday M-vening. Fell. 27.
-SIK yi^ar* ego I learne«l.a valuable


rematkabie now« r for
alien j'
•OKing and throwing off* of th.-lt*. unn nuv.* iImm a iUlidj<^'
|oI the area of j.iiuih is *t.Il under for-j*® re lore*!* of the wtatc of Wi
Tl:eie ..ire «m!y 2«»
mitls inl*‘®‘ «®«1 in llii«l*h <Nilumhla,
‘ frhm blackj
ibsened which drip
!ihe whole miVun Till' Jap.ine-e
II .e' foi
do not dtotinruton
the night and until
nclude four
r they have lea
bdhiwlug tnorumg.
-------------- -------- ----------------------- —........
,U I
jcnl tcamphorl. the lemiK-raie HMRk.|
jmuple. ami th. aR.ithe.n'
*lt to no bu.ger i*.**ilde for
3 ■ tiilnei
to *U.frv*| ,n jKilitim tjirri l> by


rpriMHi to and. four ynii* inter ,
ie warm water cmploy.-,|
in :
t Hie^ *liell off Hie mount had j
I the Immite. which he had Inngj
Pd tn be diled ami .b ad







Tb.r .Vntl.Ui.yl \vk,*.-!.4te.ii i.f I* .s| ii
n-rk* i
|-.M*Vi v„..uii.rt*.
„,.d the
l.L'-t lumies .ui its ros.t r.
‘ to
------------------ -----------

1 WAS LOOKihC. roA


! Notice Of the Board Of Regtstralion
To the legal %o:et*.pf ibe # itv
Hr.nid Tiarei**- r.Minty
Not Ice
heiei.v g|\*-n
ioaid Id K»-gisli;.lion
Mia'iioa of He sk Veral
vanto of the riti
rill *<if
-Rif Ttave
Ttavei*4* < liy.
Tueadav uud Wedm^
diiy. March l-iYt and l.^»h. I!»u7. for
the pilllek,e of lefist. i l|,c ;,l|

Candidate for Republican
IVominaiion lor

The .
lu 4d.o M.g

City Treasurer.

Sertirid wanl nrvtirn Second ward
city hull on Sfuiic- sTln-ei
- 'Ihiid waid in Hie luirnarv *chi.4iJ

.© ap

wtrei-l*. ^
Said nKw-ilnns of the IVcird of Hi c
iKtratioil will in- open fiom 7 o\ U,: i.
in the foieti.N.n iinttl L .m li* I In the
I Ot S-id r«-gtsU;,l|oi| I



k»K acres, Ti ivinaiwo<j«l lot.
|:tBpringB.on fnrin
110 acroa ^**1 apple orcltanl.


General CaraifO .Business.
Maxwell .Motor C!a«
SmaUey Marine Motor«


Automobile. Lantch aai GtsollBC EnfUc Accessories.

CD/nortA You ARC
DRoPPiNC, Ate ....
bOOni or, TOTHC

Known aa the
Charica Ellis Farm
One and One-hall Miles
from Old Mission*

f^-slory frame hoiiBf, ooet $2,000.
, Frame Wii. L’ixlN.
Stone barn, 21 i4»S.
barue bHaI, fticloB^vl l•om»•rill .-luil
other huildingH
On main raid U. Old Minion.





Succc.ssful bii.sincss man. Sev­
eral years Alderman from
Second ward.

Farm for Salo


Tel. 27 to M.ii 12 inc.


For Coal


Hr. I lo^elol Oh. Hi
1 might I
able to tell y.ol what I
J wllh H:
dollar j.ui un%e no- ibtve week*
CJeielund lM;iiud.-iilei.




• e«> •“«
-Tbf. llH. 4«rt.r *ot ■ntortokk

un- ,.-,uo,oo4 i,. )-•
Mhl. Ho h.H. to «.rt. ^..■or.•o.
mceilnc. Saturday j H l«n*l rr*t that you need after .nIL*
candiilate* to Iw iu , TTiere* woitiwthleg guerf alNUit Ihe
ra«o. rm awhiiiy wrorried, and they
! wm. t twAi me the truth.Th.mip*un
i* *p. nriiDc
le here.-after which!
NINETY FI\*E per cent id
. her work at Iliick.!ln the culinary

r walkrnc oi
__ ________



kk. I--. ,«i.t m .ho p...!
*• »«•

.... ...-.. .

.4 .rt:;™';:::!

llftil and fruitful of
he Harwlnlau;
theoilM of nemuil
AflintlBc dorumem*
.uppon .4
hypoiheaU ate tare
1-n.f. Unbt
.DID.- |dtnn-»llns -«P<-rtlii«.t. '


"S?l2i4'J5?SSSr •

««tn« to Ik. I

RC.«u*w^^.tta/ wasur,. *ta



j lack of IHEAL I

ramln idRe. M.i-w. March 4.—The
Columhln iMaketlmll team. h> del,-atInc
Saturday' night hy a
• of 19 III m. ha* tlisi Yale fmfil>4
place in
. lamialou -tilp.
(\i)un;hia outrla'>*ed
llif'vatd Horn the *ian. The *coie
at the end of the fir..t h.ilf was * t.i


tm.y tolhe .Tifro..h.nlor!“i**'* ‘
actual nnHw
The n>c»-m 1


*ome hitter Mibxinm e with anoth. i
color, lie dcilare* that after a few at '
tempt* the niitfikey lerumd to lease'
uilhout lavtitig iho*e article* of fi**! j
mlore.1 with Hie dye which indiURiH '

w im.ii

- :,:.rz pr:«:.t'vr‘'r'"::'icoioiiBu oefotToTarvaro

»ale«l Iron emd MoUiiirr I* supplied |
« Uy fiana full of water
trey* Heat I* fumlMhiMl
|ip«w from a large iMtiler



aiuUy ttl ibe mirnaiY aradeamy
An for rootkall ntlea. 0.1 llofrsc
defeating the YjMillantl Normal Kchiml
-The efforia made to hrlna
by » *c«»re of 72 to |2. The gam. wa*
alKMjt leronu In football met with m»crntbri i iieKlrleil. aMimigh Y|n.lhmtl
wotked rath.T hard all the tint.- INer)
man of the lamiet tu,. *er-.tted *ev
eral baeket*.
K«to«*w^a game* have been play.d
thlk. aeaaon h> the Acsicv Id of which
have iM'.m won. Ibutoli bt in*; tht* tuily
Auxiralia ha* the Uri;e*i dock farm
and incuUlor in the world. The

avnld\ tho.
unmanafeahla ? ^ Ideiahh- m-.i, <k.i mu..,... .,mko41
hat atlenao-d the host cup i.<-o . j «ff le, lo,.- m- .Uk «m 1.0 ,u.,.l.l.j -rk
. I
.--r-nt .m.«. ....n.. «... I
,minted I <«!<» aiiap m.iiM of the iralnei^ ha.j ‘ P^***^®‘
. 1-os.m ... I • e ihHi hcir*« * hsht W\er 1

nowwi er score of 72-12


biTBCSS makers—none

A. J.W-. ..4 rkU4n-n .on- Ibo
.4 W MrM)rk.. l ...4 l.milr


oa the Jiaturday before ThankNllvlni:. I
Thto la oooaklerwd a! rltal Importance
til the radeta and to the coufae of



farmers; supply cOm

1 tbr ihrw.^ U|H wklrti

- -


Ulilw Sammir IV«r U ..lowlr ww MtCT.
Krw York. M»rcli/f-lirti intlB
rra wrko bare br
Uwl« W-hnlm
Koraea for aairiy
that wt^thrr and track coodi !aouthrrn Mirhtaan.
,11 prurr unfavoraWr. and that *«»
- wh. ko uoluopi^T ta all MW
to wind ibHr randi
lUnkrrM*»n and Iwilr dauRb-|
sl^matjllfwcate* up to tb/ proper *taae of rond: j
8!arrtow and wift\ >
1»r. fintryar. tbr laeaa old tbtnc.
Ikon witbo.It takina thorn u. lunnlnc*!**" I**^"**
K.tue tn Pnnkfom j Hw to oto.’aJvliiff ma. Ha »aid my hu*rwrlier than usual
The pr»**eot win !
t«iid mwMad a rest, and adviaad l all
ter ha* iM^n a aeveoo* .me. ao-i tin- *■'

THc Soabmi Wob Tm LMig LoM ^

. N y . M.rrb 4 -Tb.|^
Of .br An«r

faitwlc in «kr£8UI

Price. $4,000.
Kmjtiire of

Cbas. EUls oa the Farm.


One Ton

Gin.lidalo for ll.o Ite|mbliran
Nomination for

Alderman in the 5th Ward


Is equal to

Two Tons

‘ I-®)




1-»1 Cam Si,, corner ai .State

Pine pol

planU in bloom

SUc eadi


Coke it the i(M fad.
No dti.l;
>ko; Yury
We have rtwluced the price to

Traverse Qly
Gas Co.

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