The Evening Record, June 14, 1907

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The Evening Record, June 14, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







oEsaiTED mu


Fpresura and Cm
W«U Attaad Aakafv Ctoireh w Body.
The annua! m«Aaurial wc-rt k'«a of tke
I'oxaaieis and CotBpaaioas will W
held to Ike Aabuiy M. B ckureb Sun­
day momlag AU Purestera and i\impauHina *bouid inert At tkelr kaU ai

•p to tmm asak dgy ^ % t. Wait
FNIBAY. JUNK 14 1147.







CUar. ganUa north wind.

Br wire io IW MeolAg Hccoid.
Fa«r unigkt and jSaUtrday: nat
Al^«|iM.JuA* i«-Tk« lAltoaM
m. yAimigo^ on momivaioon
mwch ekaopa m laariparatnre; lipht
MlMioo kUi vAk ukM Ug to «ki
vartabU wiada.
At ikto AM^^AlAg AOd IkA dil Mjl OAMA'
«d rcAiMdAjr. ik« kooac rcpodlAtod
i^i4$ Ww M»w Nm#
Waa U Hava Occorrad a
••m 9t Wrfyfc tiM, M p««M
Ua Ponaral of Senaur MerM»—
kjr tkc guvATAor AA ‘ ikf rmil
WNM 9M Wm tlgyi*# M'
Travaltng Man Gava Infermaid^ rAllroAd cmuaIaaIm
•MU4 to tH« Mstati.
tian u AwtherHiaa.
•kick tk# AMUtr' kAd AAkoUUicd lor
ioktoy«ddmorc WU AAd Is ptocc
U It AUkAttlAtAd AgAlu, tk« AAme to
Uf Wir* lu tlM» 0««»1AC ilMOViBy Wire to Ue Mveatug Ht^rd.
tOtoridaiorA kill aa^ pA»Mtd It ky
Nt . York
l»~0«in« Bo* gUAl vo(« Of kS to l(.
Selma. AU. June Ifto^^’kat appeAra SLAZt AT OVAL WOOD DISH MILL
mm liovarg. U« ••ttor. u»ouac«4
to b« a gUnl pkit to slay Vice Preai
Otjr ik«i .W k«4 Um 4«Min«a ui Lun
i\Uibanka mad other members
4m t«jr kl« lirkto M llMir riMAAtic
of Ue aeuatorUl
Tk« rDflMNUp siMlittc AAd t'iuM
kere totnorrow baa
■Ml «f Uofvard Md HIM Mom Mlu
Mr. tM Atk«owlAd4«d bMuiy of ktor
Ue local aulhorlllesyiy a traveling
Mk, V«.. i««»Im4 oAljr iwlBtrldur
an who arrived la Seims ibis mum
IMUK. Tb«jr wmi Ai tk« mtAT* kvuAt>
g. •
ruflNfO OUT »Y THl TKAViOgg
to iKlttoHirA aa4 toUtr Um waa
Ue «kvlaiea itoti an ItalUu Infoim
•ra lA 144 koiM of m«ad« «itk
ed him to Montgomery Ust night that
{4C«I Mm ttoiAAAt AM AtOMtlAg
four men would oom« to Melmn Mill Hoaa Uaad Sefera tha AUrr
Waa Sent in—Firemen Labored
H»«4r4 »A« M kaad aud amNImI
bound by oath to slay Kalrbnnka and
Until »:»0 This Meming—WM
Senator Vomker.
lito kiVA auklag vitk auck mptdUy
in ConcreU Wast« Sm.
UuU liaforA S o'clock to# fuJiu«Uig
aftonoM tko con^ wrra to kva
York 4Ad 4a4 kMo married. Tkai
Mre which was luughi Coi leu buuia
•IgiK, iMA Uaa l«Mii)"four kuuia
aud ivaulled U> piactKrally uu damugc
Aficr tkAjr irct ami. ikejr toll
origluaied ill tbe waste conveyor at

Otai Wood lUsh company > fiuTkA tlOllCWMl did AM AAlt Mlu
at the Soml-Annual gxhikit of the
tory last eveulug Tht blase was con
•Maaor* ItorAAto.
No w»i«AMkMi
Fornitoro gachaago—govanflued to the concielc waxte bin only
too kios 'made to BAlUmoro^uf/Noj
1/ Mfn gmplo/ad.
FIRI IN SHAKER SETTLEMENT breakUtg through the wuodi-o roof In
folk •octoty for ikC acparAtlM of the
one place, but was of such a uutuie
that ^t bafStMl Ue flicuuu lor koui.
ttov of Tiuvoiwe City a uoweai and
■Qiiv waste from Ihe^ macklni*» la car
moat tuiporiuni ludualrlea la
rlod over the boilers and dropped luto
full operation. Tkla la the Tntveree
the Are pita of each, but there is moie
City C^r company, wrkoae Cactory
the -stuff accumulatea duiiug the
and warakouaeA are located adjoining WERE KILLED BEFORE
day than can be used This surplus
tke J. B. Orelllck compauy'a plant on
conveyed lo. au lmmeuM.< conccete bln
Bay atroet Tkla plant baa JMen la
tbe bolk-r room wUlch is aisiyopersUoo about a year, and kaa paas
Twre Man Eapiped. Sot Wara Sarieua slx fuel kmg. aUteen-wtde and twrelro
tke gaperlmenul etage.
deep, fixttu which it b uken
BuUdMr. O. W. Broarn. an axpart deaigner
burned dining the night
The live
inpa of Settlement Were OeOl CktoagiA and a pracilcal fumiturY
ktoum pipe passes tbroimh the blu
^ ,
manufacturer, aaaocluiod kimaeU with
iko euglue room, aud owing to I
Ur. C. U Orelllck. president of tke
couatant vibration the joint through
J. E. Orelllck couipany. lu tke oigaai
the partitiuu is uot tight, rt U proha
By Wtie iu ibf Ivvenlug Hccord.
zatlou of the company to mauufiuiure
Hamilluu. O.. Juno 14—Turc« wu- ble thioMgh this that some spark
davuupurta. Munrla ckaJrw. Itauuin
fouud Its way aud Ignited the waste.
rbaira, rockeia. divaua. UlUng ckaire, mon arc dead and two persuus serious­ 'The mill hose was laid aud thevumfuri ckaira and atuola 1 hla
ly tojutvd as' a reault cl tbo burning pkiyew fought it for au hour beloie
ceiu U kuuwru aa the Traverao Cily of (our principal buildings of the uiruiug the alarm, ihiukiug that
Strike W«a I
Ckali company, but tke.J. B. Orelllck
w as ol such a nature that'they could
company are tke principal owucra Bbakvr aeUlemcut. at White Hirer vU- extinguish it wlfhout help'.- When
Ike Hi ^
lago early thia moruiug.
—Naaaiva iama Nay aa lafcro
and mauagera with O. W. Urowu
Tkf flic wus diacuveii-d lu the uiam blaze found iU way tbiougb Mu> roof,
IKa Strike.
Ibulldlug., piU'ably utiginaiiug from however, tbe depaitou-ut was called
Tkla cottipauy la the only one of Ita
An Immeuse amount of hUsc
a dcfvcUvu flue. Mrs Kulcbeur. Kalh- out
kind lu Nuitbetn UlckigwD> aud It la Vdlue SteiT aud May kliddhrlou who was laid aud several streams of water
Uy Wtro to Iho HTtutloiTltf^rd.
tke Slat lu Introduce p Snleked furni­
were s<-ut pouriug onto the shavings
Ni:'w Ymk. 4ua«i ll—More tkau ture product frun law material ^trtv ooupied onaru-ra iu tbe main buildlug which shed it like a roof
buiut-d to death bifon* auy one
tAdlvo UiouAAod aliiklag kmgkkure duced lu tkla city, ^lu auooeaa la alMain Burstod.
could arouse them..
' otra rrturaed lu work tudav Tkuus itvady aaaurtd. aa evidenced
Both atoamers were fired aud i
Cbaritta Sterr and „Audu w
•Ada of AM-vutuo mea. wkuiu
the iaieuiive trade tt*>ubllahud and
largest started for tbe facloiy ouly
kain employed Io Ukt- tbe gnat demand for Ita product. Tbo who made their eacupe-fiuxu the.bum- he stalled by a balky team. The
tog buMdiugs. Wile scrioualy injuivd.
Ike ptocoa of Iko Atiikera, were told akipmeuta are now Averaging two
glne was shoved g short dislauce shi
AckM ikey reportod foi duty today luada pei week. /
by baud aud auolbut team sicured
(kat tkslr aentcea were au loage
which flually took It the dlstanixThe Tiav«n»i fUy Chair tumpauy
utpulred. tke eacuao U>lug tliat ttuy
luid two more streams wi-iv started
gave Ua Aral public rAhlbltlun
were uot competent to baodkBhortly after this one of the hydrauu
aleck Uiday lu lu akov room at tbitrdgkt.
weiit wrong and was turned off whlcli
Orellkk pUui. after nklck Ibc aamiilea
‘n»c Atrike waa called oS at a lueeP
caused one of-lbe mains to burst. The
were ciaU'd and aklMiod to Chicago TROUBLE
log of Ike repreaeotkllvoa of tke
break caused much tiouble but the
where Hupcrlniendcnt O W. Brown
teem kratickea of tke uukiu Fce»ldeut
Ore flghilug wa.s by that time couflmxl
will ahuw tbem to tbe trwde ai the
CoAWHa caplaiued tkut ke waa call
lo throwing the wasti<* out of lYie bin
aemlaijuuAl market of Ue lumUure
lag oi Ua atrlkc fur the beat loU^
and uncovering that portion of it that
Believed That Ham, CwreO^ »
pvrhange He will be gone «
kata of tke mob wko ivtura at the
smouldeiing. 'litis' took
ceaa Known as *^Ltnjid Smoke,**
. kSiDs pay rm-eived Mure tke atrlke.
a:;;o this moruiog
Tbe company U^gan putting their
Waa Cauaa.
Tbe mill pumps we/e kept gotug
pouda on tbe market ia January and
until the water found lU way
aiuce ibat time tbe bualneaa
chutes w hk-b feed the Ores w heu some
grown rapidly, laical dealera
The eaUu- tiuully of ChatU a UeU'h
gltoe Caotpeae. Srether of McKinley*# patrontoed tbem liberally and ordeiw
them were esiiuguisliert
Slayar. Waa Undar Arreat aa a
chutes were' cloard aud the pump>
are coming to frtuu.all over the world
avenue, was rendered seriously 111 laat suited again
Suepicteua Characur.
Seyeinl ablpaanU ba\-e been made
evoatog by poisoniug. Just wrtuit food
Al tbe water woiks. iIk*. small
lo Cuba and BouU America while one
Ue"pulson waa in U unknown, but
Hy Wlie to tku toeulDg Hecord. ' 7 waa reoMtly made lo Africa.
pumps were iu cuoimlsstou but wheu'
la Uougkt that some ham which bad the alarm cann- In the big. ones
Skatuu. Pa./ubc If—kllke dul
The tumituno put out by Ue
gaae. krotker of tke aaaaaala of Prea c«m la of a very bigb claaa. all being been cured by a preparation known as connected legaidleaa of the (act that
Ment McKUIej. waa arreeted to Soutk of high glade oak. to Ue dilerent no- igpid smoke, waa to blame.
there was uu screcu al the end of lh%
Tbe son Willard was the flisi Uken
Skaroo ycatSiday aa a auaplcloua ckar lAbew and upbolaterad to leatber.
inuke pipe.
after which Mrs. Uetcbell. the two
tor. lABt Pight ke eacai»ed from jail
There was no maleiial damage
Mr. Browa does tke dealgnlng, hav
ky MPaaktog t«u locka from kU cell iBg bad lung eaperience In Ue bual dangbxeiw and Mr. Octehefl we«. ail whatever. One oi two boards weie
Allbuugb they were vlolenUy charred on tbe roof o (tbe conveyor
aod katlertog dowa a rear dour
neaa and be baa toatmeted the help
a short time, the effects of the
regarding Ue vaiioua details of Ue
but aside Irom that the,. Inconvenience
stion worked off and they are as the -valy result of tbe fire. Tb«
better today.
aato kaa to b« burned during Uu
TkeiM are IPu mudela pul oui and
night to make room tor tbe next day’s
among tkem arc aev^ toveotiooa
supply, bat a great deal of tbla was
fur w hich paieau bava been applied.
onto tbe boiler room floor and
Tbe atock CMaUU of Uorrla cbalra.
v«d to be cleared away this mumtog.
rockers, divabs.' darettporu. tilling
saniora Went to Ckarlaveia on thi !ke lactory wag abut 4ow n uuUl noon.
cbalra. comfort ckaira. and atoola.
I Some
kd^ In a' kear kuai. tke ukieot of AUiut 3db pl^e of Ue average mod
^ of tke
tkelr aearck kelag a Ug klack kear cla wrlli be put out each day aud the
Aklck la kldtog In a a»amp neat Ue reiAll price on Uem ranges from fS to
The senior claaa. bccompanled by S«*aia Maaa Van Pasaad Away Thia
Newr buUdtoga have Veea erected enougb fitonda to make a crowd of
Be IBrought
one bundcpd, left tor Ckarie(CooUabod oa fburU Page.)
Ham far //BurtaL
Ctoi WIIM.
at 7 o'clock this morning an tbo
Had*., Vko cku.4 II lor m
Ckequamegon and wUI r^rn some
I by Workmen.
Word has be*^/reoaivad of the
UAM acreaa tke Selda. kui kartog nk
ttoto lomorrowr morning.
deaU of Suala Maea Voa. In Muakagun
gana kaady Uey eo«ld not gto a akot^ By Wire to tke M entog ReoonI
at. Pfttorakgrg. Juna li—Tke aaalatToday waa tbe last day of ocbool Friday. a. m. Hemaina wrUl to
at U.
ant commandant of Ue fon of'st P«- and acme of tbe grad* rooma' bad brought to toU cily on tke 1:11 p. m.
terakurg. Ool. KoiUarnt. was asaaask apprpprlate eixerolaea. Tke sckolaiw Per# Maroaaua inOa Moaday. Ser­
VAUMVIttg at CHy apara I
imUd by vorkmap ibla montog.
are paw releaaed unUl Beptomber bad vices wUl be held oa Tueaday. at 2:00
INnilQr. dtoia U9l
wUl play or work, apoordlsg io tkelr P. BL. at tke reaidespa «f her faUier.
Ltooa. for tbe next two months C. C. Maea. lOM Bute atrpet Tke
Rebekahx wrtu attead to a kody.




OKT ready for that vaudavitle akow
hast Manpay mgke


**Graduating Giff*
U a questioa CBsily settled hy s visit to this ilorc.

Books, poetiosk
snd copyright.
mAke td^l presents.
. ^
Waterman VDohiain Tens, l*iciures, Fancy Boa Sta»'
tionery* and Novelties in immense variety.

TWy Are FMitoOtoa
UwAuna oi ikdir p^vci tilki&L' qualitiea
The ommI-iv
uiarksbie feature in

Ofy Book Store

ON THE fourth of JULY
u tuuii geuetally goen out to bondejr
am re. aud comf oit demands the oooA- :
esl aud Uaudsumvst clotbiug yoo cab

la that they fit like Kh>vi-a

ikm. wbkh y..m can buy at We'd rock
prkxw at Kubtxrk A Hoyfa

aorl .Tet are easy from
mouu'ui of trying on. They
cwxl BO •‘lireakiitg in ’’
Oxfonl Tii« are

Ihut we ale selling at |U*. |12, |lk.
Ilk i^id 20.

Union St CK*lhiera






Have >ou tet-u theiuy

A. V. Friedrich
. SsIlMoifioodSiiaes

Rubber Goods
'Arc selling faster than
we anticipated. They
arc (luite c.vpensivc. but

Unusual Quality
is so readily seen and appnccialed that we have no
ditficully i n convincing
prospective buyers that
they really are




Better Get Ready Now
We are ready wi.h the best line of Screen^ Door*
and Windows we ever had.
We have the advantage of the other fejlow —if w
haven’t in stock what you want, we make it.
Better save lime and come here first. Everything
delivered promptly.

Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
American Drug
. Store.
Coraer Lake Avenue and TenUi Street

Portable Lamp
We have them in all etyfex ahapea, llmeh and cblore

]. B. Paige Electric Co.
125 Cass St.

are strong
with ns


Biiyo from
will need koikI. scrviivaUi*
ahoea to aland tlxe hard knoika duriug vac«.
lion, We have juat that kind of a aluw. Thia
i# not just
jusi ail- ordinary shoo for boys, but ia
log extra )^sl. Mgy ve show you the
a hot*
I explain iU good p>>into ^





y Phone 502-2





Every eveolag at TM
Every evening at 8:4S

Our Suito at

the new plaids are the finest
showing io the city.


Sherman & Hunter

GrandOpenindUtM Monday, June IT
Adoller’s wortli for IMc end ISc.
HMTy Hotanuto Black Face Oontodian; Kolbo Siatora
BpRRish Ikuiofln; The Great Gsyk>r, Ooatortionist; Edipoo's Moring Pioiures; Heory Buddc,Chsractor Oomedian;
MSospBtstsninSoQgtand Danoes; lUugiratod Bong.
■ r,.

. g

■■a-*' jl ;.V


-'iv 'iiv'y 4^'





Look at

the boudsome s<*igr and novelty suit# .


at% hta w« ta|p thdaH’tad
Tf fttich thatM«n«hsMta
At the head «f of ar«y. M

tadh tta MAS of Ita aaitai to halOa


Mota aad Mead nasa. Over tta
grwat hdwiiwMas. h ttafdraa weiaarl
Csr that wMeh It nyrasswts Bi
•aa ia lU saany fal^ tad ta M i ’

r /

■ ■

fltOF. Whll



To tta ahachM
pin. U hcwaghi aotafan agd Uhert)*
to tta wwak. tt U wntactioa. to the
•Uaag U U a rock m leas opoa.
God bkM tta dear oM
assy tt wars awd may lu glory a»»
er be dimmed Lot krvr aad revwtatac
for U ta tabum la tta eaaalag gta
exatloas and lat tta old k>ve it vhh
all tta Ire and paswkm of yonih

orator, gave the ciMS oroUoa, 'Am^
kaa Pfiucipla- *‘ The Voi*. «f \mogahta Btady.” hr Mias Oarrlune &J
ters, was the TqkdifU»ry and wo»
ceileui 4tt every detail.


fttiMiiTt or »M«ci«i.
fham «ko w*r« igpwKtaig a lov

A small house greelud
rtdge at MMnlght” at the Grand
evealag. The MU is una of the must
lar mabwUwiaas sad the pusslbih
Mi tiM M IrngtoaUvc UUs for aaaalc egecu sAe axoeilaot
Tta bridge aosta but alght was gimd.
tta vaoael sad bridge working lu flue
atfvimi, IT liU«o la Ua t^im ghr*o. obape.

Mg tat to «i •Itctaia M lo
tataMt of MICOOM, not oucceM
taihir gittifig. ouurta.
Tta tanmur. nonngl noa or wobum
Ift tta noil or voguui «rta will win
«H Ig tta tgkt ttai ^omm after
•ratanlloa. Orcnt nlnta moir ^Ut
M ^tg#M taiiM but U U jtt«i a«
pcMbto fur on ofilctad an«
gHonc nomUr or tajralcaJlr os It 1>
In tta Itnck atbtoe. Get out uf Hootw.
fM Mgta to Mtww. etUUvoU a love
for tta tanallfal. gortlcJnaUi la tie
fruit of xuur fellow weo oud UuUy.
Vorlu ttat woe Mr. Waldo’* odvico
gad ■oontar wo* awvei glvaa a gradu*
There were ffir rouug peopid la
Ita cioM ot
And ttat neaa* Uny
illfenati. peiwonoilUea. tfiy. d^enml
j|—ttniee. tfty brlghl rotagyinlod*
Igiaotleallr itody to uki ap tb« work
af ttair llvaw Wtat liilltteuce they
on tta Mid. whether ooy
af Itam will a*aUt la shapiug the
destlBle* of the nation, whether any
^WtU fottar great iaventloun. will make
' aoUkto oddltionh to art or leltcrii. no
oar knows mm-, hut If they follow the
adtrlee gliiui IojK night, tkuy will live
awck ilrr* that they will eaumi th<ffWllaM ealuyiiiwnt from them.
Gad'a oat at door* 1* a hlg place
gad ttar* la rurnn for evenUidy wiihta II and dally toll ahouId noi be ro
apnoolble fi»r {wxjple keepUis out uf
the auaahlot:. Tura air la fire and
there 1« iota of It aud It ahould tuH
hr barred from tiimiea and e»p»'< lallj
from oleeptng ruoiua. Art U (>oally
urewaiblr tu ibU day and age uitd if
|te grwat pilntiaga and idrtuovi. ui
oopleti uf Iheoi. If thi' - great
gCklutea are not available, then llune
I* olway< nature, the higheal foini <»f
•ftGood lllerataru. ihrough the
gMdUuu of the ptthllc library, U eoay'
to hanime aequaloiiMi with.
The pcnpli «f Tra%Ti-ai‘ ruy are lit
dowd fortimatr to the works of uaiorr.
' Bnaatifal
' gtrwutaa at the feet of the city, the
grwaa otod hllU orr hrautltul. the
Whligariag pluea. the W4jpdUutd Dowwni.^not forgetting thr tialUug arlnitUk
Which 1* uaknowra In many locallllew.
tta wouda tUemoelvea atreU'h forth
^ WMattau and it Is all fre«. free to
poOfWat OS well OS thu ilrheal.
'tlrt ckm* tu aature.’' sold Mr Wal
da. **lovr oaUire.” what la «oaU*r. what
ia Bhire aliople and y»*t what U a
} ufton neglected! Nature wanders
wrerywhviw. the autmHa are glorious,
tta dolors ff the tax rtaect Its nuioda.
I mad yat am they onjoyed and appmei. alad by oU?
And lastly. *”!^re la ao norol rood
lo tudcoai ** 'There Is no^^royal road*
In aayUlag worth having Wortt I*
. tlif damlnom keynote of all. VYahh
Ita. Newton. Fuliou. Moiwe. Bdlson.
Moidonl. debubort. Mosart. Michael
Aagilp, Hhoheaparc. Speacar. Chaucer,
ttohbli Hums all left mooumentg^ uf
Tta cbia* id IlUT U fortunate 4u
r d«lM la tta as* U dons, the edass of
|»67 hhi hod advaotages denied thdr
* fathera and motherw and ttat the rlaa*
' Cd 1NT Will woe three odrantageh oa
- itay should be used, not uhty
ttaiaaelewa. bnt fur oihotw. Is
taraasl wlali and laasaangh as they do
' that they will attain what all sirive




rtAtt OAV.
Today la a day that taouHl he par
Uoularty dear to the heoru of all hiy
al Aasertcoas os li u the day on
wrhloh Ita birth of osir naUoaal
htan. Ita dear uM aur* and otripes.
la eotaatBinfated. rrom every realdsnew U Ttwearae City tta Mda of
^old glory : ahogld «ava ittadly.
Theiw ore laaay nhtloaa god t
Dogw jtaparata «iar Ata. Ita Dgg that
we taro, lain lu rgNapuawat pans and
we oiBiyfr have threw Meta, twd.
whlta aad hlae, staaraloly atgalfylaf
aothhM. ooUaeUyely aigattylag tta
ffaadaat agOaa that was ever horn
r The haatiag asay nottaaf taetws'^jf^the cniors MM to |adtd aad,

The Palace Pkturo shtjw has three



studied . Ue lAiia cootwe. Uu li
cetttojiii; was exactly the same. >7 l-i.
an excellent re<-urd la itself. tUiU the •
ojwtious were docided by aliutment
The next number.^/-Hoimweh.“ tA.
juagauumi. wo* a tiuiln sohi by MUs
MuzoUe tanacU and K. S. Horst sul
was Indeed mask;.
The rtaditlou
very Dearly tSaUneoa. so acorlyOAT CLOSE TO NATURE AND LO
In pracliclug the iheorv that ptirc
Uut even the m«af. cultivated vor
mould be hard put to delect on error alt Is beniOlclal. Mr. WaWo hoped
that the class wuuOd do. eomn thiags
Class Addtaas.
At this point la the progriLai. Prof.
Work Was the Final Adm»niUeiv->| I a OUbert latroduoed the opooker
City Opera House ConUinsd Large uf ibe evening. D. a Waldo, principal umriKi that were U.-tng huUl with out­
the Wwstern Noraul of Koloiaa side slec-ping roitms- A tent In the
Aitaensa at Ciosmg Eoecclsc*
soo.-la an aasy . oonversaUunal style, back yard i.s also an excellent thing.
Lost Evening.
devoid af flourlabea. tbe siMVAker pre­
Lsarn How to EoL .
sented his subiecu and the advice
Lesru how tu eat was the next ad­
he gave sod the stotcnnuiU he lusdt vice Sixty per cent die frum eating
• C«it»vau hssllh.
will nngiatr long in the mlud» uf the «ud ■ drinking. The speaker had no
Get cieoe to naturo.
Oeveiep porsoaslity^
ptMid word fur (hu saloons, hut the
Forticlpats where people labor to­
Mr. Waldo began by cspiosslng the American iHxvple should learn how tu
slsb that be bod tbe man Whom be twt. He stated that he had heeu
Lad UiCl yesterday, a man suBerlng waruovl nKoinsl lutrcslucita manual
ProL Woldo'Ethe
. staling that if he had Uslulug ur domestic iK'ictae in



We havo About 80 odd
DiAMn tbAt VC AIO clOEtAg
out A big diyyAni. H you
hAve been thinkiog of gct>
tiAgOMLb vtUpAi you to
look ibom ovor At once,

, ______ _ gta was foitasad hr Bta tahaaom idta Uhn-a-hgn

18k80 mirror, okely boihhed, At .
... $7.50
ogk UiMAAr^Mttk
FtdAgk vtilAmirtita^tl' 25
An extra large Dotaw
20x84 mirror at - $12 50
We ako bAve^ bmaber
of Commodes that


J. w.


Yswr «fwMI Is Coot

Beginning June"! 3th. our OH Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and |
Thursdays, on the South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side* Edgewood and !
East Bay resorts Wednesdays and SaturdaysT
Special attention given to ail launch
Phone your ^orders to Grand
Rapids Furniture Co. and samo will have
prompt and careful attention.
Ol^y IPHon^ IB3CI

Grand RapWs PnniiDifc Co.
127 S. South Union Street

High School Faculty.
' .
iiu* >'*d the ciiUs Ilf liU.v i;i.»du.ili
i- wuuld have bwii ciu.-d. The yuun..,
I'll I y
de su
lau whu had given the cliu.« iitdti«>u
cvsiaiuded the cvmrw* uf the Traveiwe
Tiiy sclnsd last cvenUig aud today s.vslen't but while Sheic were luid
UK«.ahur* ul diplumas whkli things, there wciv also giHul Hungs
the tart Ihul lluir kHum>| days uud he wus glad tbul Muc.iu-U'yuiHu;
ah Travet?,e t’lty i.. cuticvrntal. nj* u s-aw g«H>i| lu tiH’ i-unniiv Tla;
uu end 1 lu- t la»S «,f f!m7 Js cuiiimuii M-h<si|.-< uic uiUM,| the iftiiu;.-,
the larpi;.l ever .Kiadnated hvnu the lliiU pittiulsc a tierpcinU.^ uf liie gmUna! HIkU sfhiad an.l cunlains wituui cinuieui of Uic country. •
yuuuK nun uud yuuni; wn
The speak<-r then hiiimnuu^ly i<-I<mwill Uiku lUiiMirlant places
In the wujk td the wu:ld They are leil to Heliiy WaivL Ue,H'lier whu hud
I'aeii luv'lti-d tu-f;iw uu addiesi.. hk
gulpisd fui a si run).;!.- in life, they
ire .UieUtoJiy c.iiublv. the upiHniuui- auilb-ure beiuK all “itreeulau kers "
ie« wu»; ImmumIU ^s and w hether they I The) told him tu M-lert.a Hubject and
Inmi H and- a half he wa<b-d
irv successes c;y^allu.vs IK-s Whull) 1
cUoa of 1907.

fealuii-s III! ibcli nitl now luiiiitii,;
‘Amateoi ulghL at a Vaudeulb Is a
side spIlKcr from end In end. "'A
Tragic Rlviiliy." is ttiH us uugU iu,
the uaitiu iiiIkIiI iinpl> but i«-»uHs lu
death uf the ph tute villain. 'Won
deiful Flunu' ’ is the ihiid ThU Is a
lealnie uf luerit and pas use«l l»ef«iu
by the Innise. The suu^ now u|i it••(itHsl II). tsweel M.uic."

liimilgiaUuu t'omiiiUsiunei P ~ t’
Wat. bntn, Ilf .Sew Yuik. s.tys ' Tbeie
1 IniiMiivenient uotiil In the men
tal caiiacily uf the |•l^^sl•nl d^y Itu
mlgraul 1 have faith tu the luanlgraut iiHlay. laaik him utei and yuti
|KI»V 1
«“"■ “>l
sec the father uf a roue wh^ .llh
and limy were oldiKt'd to |uiy him
the pin hafts ul edarallun. lu the
of In they have passed Uituutth
-Itul I am nuj gidiig t«. ^lH-ak
liistltuUiius, lUH) not la' kiiuwo fruui
two hours and u huU.*' he suid.
thruudh uecesMty ui rhui<v. will be
the children lif Am« i lean iMieiit* "
lu one uf fhe
he had uutired
itccd lo be tiiiilcui with that which
u ivlei4-inv to the pleasant linir.s ol
Thv cmiHMiur uf Japan, who iveeut- they .now isis.-a-ss. linl whelhei they
the |»ast and he. said that if he i-ouhl
sloji now, th«-y are su «.-<iulp'
I) celebialed hU nfly-fuurth l.iitlnTay.
have one wish lor the clase. H would
Is fund uf night lauibhw He Is fsm |K-<1 that they cati uppr«*<-u(e the brtbe. "be happy.’ ami lu-yt-r want for
thluKH uf life, the llilugs that
fui Ills ttcllvHy, an dbc Is suid to
make life worth
be the biisli-s| msu uf Ills euijdie At bring saiUfactlon
Live Vital Live*.
night, when everybody Is asleep, the while.
Live vital llM-s. Maid the K|K-ak»-i-.
Oilkodo utteii leaves his-itoiucc. and,
Aintusi eyejy available scat In the
many ycArs Soibo |K*4»ple
with his bauds in bU puckets and a TIty opera house was HIUhI la»t evenlive
moiclu line year than others do
Cigar In Ills muuih, wandeis ihiough lug and the large audlciKd’- liaieued to
decade. The live* should l>e
itrwcU of Tuklo.
all the exerclocs and the addrcaa by j
physically vital. Mr. Waldo expreoa
II. a Waldo of the Western ^Turmal.
'vd hlmacH us a firm%ellevcr ln_ track
at KaUmozuu. with greiu Interest.
sihlctlca. lu ftioltiall, baseball, and the
The addrrsa was out of the urdlnary
run. It woa not fluweiy. hut it was like. UB all have clemouts of gotsl
It it not tbe chuniphiushlps won that
pratdlcal from auut to flulsh. Tbc «4e
iM-ueflU ktt much, but the fact that
uf Idoonom ou often found In
athletics give splendid bodies aud au
like addruoaos, was lacking and In Its
ldeal%ervous system.
kiead. sound, common acnsri and right
in the Tulti-d - States seii.»i«- ilteiv
............ Ifldcicrmittcd by
piim-iplrs were used No one In the
wuM a Mbhigaii man v^ho was known
the number of ttiuare feet
houst- lulled tu cafeh his meaiiiug
as a good woikei aud tills was simply
and dll learmsl ouiuethlui; liuui his
It will cover, by its eaic of
becauce no mutu-r what hour he re
. ,
application, by the wear
llnd. he wan able to .sleep wt-ll aud
lo ariva- frusheiUHl. The sja-aker ev
h givcf—not by the price.
prfosv-d the hop*' ‘tal whaleve'r tineA low coit per gallon
wbUo the Magf was di-r-urated with ihi- ciakB meuilM-rs w«-ut to M-d. that
ferns and gei.mluiiiH uluug the fisd- they would sle»*p w^ll
meaOfl a high t o|t per job.
llghtt. tin eiiht-r sld«*. ue.«r the fiviui
Waste of LifA
was s grtll di<rurated with the flower
There are |rs» many- physn a! wiv-t k:*
ralltHl nogs, while the class c6lurw.vh>- t«*o many sk-k penplc. Out of . the
are more cconumkal to
let and w hile, wert' um-U os. ntii-nuieria kiinoo.isil> Iivopb- of this cuuutry., because you don't
Iniin the glllK
literint; luslgula bc-ariug WKinoo die ul conaumpilou. That
the flgurtw Itwr
Nf^ln Incaadiwrcnta.
have lo many gallueaiis tliaf five ol the clak* uf tpii7.
'The prugiam o|N-nod with *'KlnmlH<r arcoidlug to tbe average, will fall vie
tom to cover a given gurBotig. ' (F, N la-hrl. excellently sung
til Ik dlM-asn,., OonbumpiK
face, it does not take so
hy the High achuol (borus. llitK was
i otaoitiuly gprevOOUMw dl*
much labor to put them
fidlowrd by a lerwul Invocatluu by mold tta apeakor. and tta fuel that
on, mod became they give
tist nhurrh.. Mtss .Olive IkMiOou, of
Many laxiplo die of pncumoi
beat retuUs. best appear­
the class of 1907. tlu^ reudored “Cre- this U a dlBt^'TirevnnUblo In a
ance and best wear,
tde lxive 8oug.“ accompguk'd by Miss grvai niHoaure./lioart tVaeosoa and
JiMcphtno Us vis. in a. nianniu- *-pry olhera also
upihy vicUmK.
fdtwalng to her au^tausA
Fura Air Naconaary.
OrsUoiva fly cin«g Msipbgrs.
ih> then ckpreoaed Gio hope that
Tta aalaUtory. hy Miss Maude Me- tta young poo^ wutdd learn fully
UKtaol egmo seat. Miss MeMlgkMl s tta value of pnr^ gir, taKy per oent
OldP.O. Balldiiif.
onbieci wg* «tdl handled, hbih In et the people nho die losing tbelr
thought and dolivwy, and made a very livtw through Impure glr.

The Value of a
Can of Paint


Frank Tnid»

J '
wiaiig:. jM 1 on should liuv<- a know
k-due ul ilu- live eh-iiieuts *>f Pwol.
pruluids. cai Im,u hydrates, tats, miner
al saltN, aud water, lii (he .\gu« ul
tururi-olle^i-. thv rUidt-nts aie taught
(he iieoissiiy «d a b.ilained rat mu lot
aiiil il a .batam «-d ratluii is nec
4 .>». ary J4a 4 atll4-, how lum li unuc s>4
i.H II uevi -..Miiy lt*i n human being.
Ik- iKtu veil that every girl shonid
h-ain ht.iw i4i co4ik. should h-;iMi PhoI
valm s ami -lie believ4-d dial' wJieli
Tiav4-iM- fiiy siM-ndH us mu4-U iiMiury
as (I 4|4M-s |i»r ii.-. .Ni'tuiiiis. U lUeiuIU
>4|M-nd a IllUe mm 4- and pul lu man­
ual truiulug ami .lomesUc *c4eiu-c
tApplauM- 1
ILiHiliig W.VM U»4- 114-xl subj4-<-| touchapoli. the spi'akei- laying 4iu (ho
neccBtily of a cold sp*»iig4- bath t
4-iy muniiiig 4»r Its eg-anak-nt anti
wauii bath twkt a wva-k.
Out of Doors.
'rh4‘ 4b'\ i-hiiiUM-iit. uf tli4! iiiiniaii
brain d4-p4 iids ni>4in llu* dev4 Icipuu-nt
of Hu- IhhI.v .lud k is linpossibU- to
have a umnial biaiu iu .an undevel
o[aia laaly. Piiyslcal cxcrcirK* iH ncci-Boury and'U must be lat-gi-ly out of.
He haped that the class Soiild live
sp]eiidi4l lives, have spleudid budbvs
and a ui-rvoua aystem that while
W4»uld he tired at the eud of a day s
woi-k. y-4 t it -w«*dd_i>u*seBS *uch
iKJwer that U would noi


Oct Close to Nature.
IntyllectUiilUy. moral honesty,
.talii) uud Muoceos all Ho in gclUug
cJoa- |4i iialarc declared the speaker.
lW>44ks aie all rigid, but the principal
thing »s to get ehmc' to nature and
k<-4-p eloM4* lu umtun-. Nobody txiuid
iin|>io\4- oil nature uud nature never
ehvats any man. He thpii ekprcaoed a
W..II.I. I huwr many'of the closn could
naJU4> forty native Mk-hlgau trees,
and iheii told t»f a lUtle st-hool of oeveu gill* and thrw boys down lo AUe-

Delicious REX

gau couiily t.h*it luuued Ihirty-flvc
tw-Ji and thirty-ttv«- varh-lkw of blrda
aud Wi re still going when be alupp<-d
ih<-in. .'They km w natun- although
(hey wvre denied many of tho ad von
tages of Hie Unger schools.
Leva Nature.
Il4- hotanJ that the cLiss would
only b-aru nature but wluil was equak
ly im|ioi-laDl. loyi”the lrt‘ea aud tbe
hirds uiul the flow era. Ho hopi-d that
they' never would place dollars above
lli4- attiaelious of the (wt doors.
"Tlieiv ui4- mcMo sermous lu the
daiiiielious aiul daisies than them .are
lu the ojK-in houses aud many pulplu.”
di-claicd Mr. Waldo. He then quoted
a saying that. -One single dondeliou
is worth moie than all the saloon* lu
Hio United Suitea."
Nature is the best aid of the physi­
cian. If the .patient cam be gotten out
of doors, hp Is well igi the road tu iv
An w-os tbe next tuple touched uptui
aud be spoke of .tta power of music,
slating that it was worth wmliig from
Kalamaaoo to Traversv' CUy to bpar
Uie violin duet rendet-ed earliwr in tlu'
('veniiLg- The birds make music and
man is belter fur eu>uy-kig tt. Picturea,
statuary, good literature are all avail

able and be lucuHom-il tUi:..Shakcspnro
revival that is
AUbuti»;h be iKllcviyl in boi.k*. Im
bu|M‘d IbiU tbe young people would not
be lost lu them ns there was suiueHilag muiv valuable than 'UM»k.>.
.Coutacl with petHilo w-na auothi-r
means uf ailvauc^-meui. aJisorlnng '
"higiic<ss” fiom ineu aud women who ^
posses* -bigness. ’ Uharac-ler U one »
thing that begets ctaracter. . UuedU .
was the greatest mat of the uiuti'caiii
cetilury and his many sidodnosa comw *
truni being able' tu abMurb qualities ‘
from so many men.
He told the class to play the gaimv
of lifu and play It bard, lu make their
live* felL He hoped that the class
would take many loirts In lile and '
would old not only In the busiucas ’
life of Traverse City, but lu the cub ^
tural liie as well.
Work wu* tbe last topic Uknp up.
work ccsselcsaly aud always. ’’Thoic
1* no royal road lo succea*. ” k must
come through hard work. He wisbod^
that all would work with their band*
and was sorry'that there was nbt a
manual training deparlmeui iu the ,
public schools so that boy* and glrlii
(Continued on.Third Page.)

A Foiilttaili
ThAi reqairet ao iak will be givea a«ay Trith
every pigx4fee of
DOLLAR or mote for ten
Uayg onjy. Thie ie the Uteet novelty aad it good.

Yooesan write with waiur. Come in and tee
them write.








, twkotea €tty. mumtik Ulav. mm m. mw.



«tt VJLilf NS^Sin 83b pSmTS

ONt von pom

^ lw«!

fW iifMttlaC Um time Mka oM
WW *4 Mr. ab4 Mm. Rnlpb Krtner at

I THt KVINIMO Mtepno oUtgt,


, * n* kdiumtMi Ui ik» rnhma to 4 p. m TkurUar.
UN* Mm W»MM, rwoTMl Mf»Ue rirrl.




------ ,.»;...ltJT«

ji^j.v.iii^.o.m»......... :,... V,,:-.,.,.,;,.:.,..:.;.,
Mn. WMMiOteMa, u a. T. M. ......
........ .
I. O r M............





«uwTuniMLr ..

r 1. »M4or. miornat OrMr i4 Mgf#» .. ... .K ...;A..v(..

OM* fMMi^

Oily |«|. Na «| K. U T M- •• v ♦ • * • • -.......


II. A.4MI«4 1.0.41. r..., .•...,..3.A..
4U ViMh. A. 1^ ol II..................;..i,.v.
........................................................................ Vi
ammm^k.m4a.ii.................... I.,. ......... ........................n
^aufci Adaitin, (*4f«r Uak^r«* Uuioii........ ............................................
l?|t»;.riU uT UmI.mM) ViM«« Iui4 liHti


|u I ho III at iilgro tber* aro ^ o

gMM l<«r III o| IM MBAtAalM to i\w tke caadutatfo vbo ata nut figuring
Svtuihc H*<r<M4 diaiiHOtil <«jni(.a( u|i aatoug tbo loadar4. wbu. li la aald.
IM iMMir t»r claA«« lh«. |m.U« Timii •• kavo many y<Hra idrdgvd^ an
rumor U to bo relliA upon, ihrtp U
toif* »ria lMtlr«4 iur
(wi> ut leuki bup of ibaaa tlui oould make
l$mmy «r« ««m«i |nr Mlttrday li»r u aoiup big rbauge* in tM bulletin If
rhiMir4^ at ih» MNI dollar* to gold! U th» cjuulidauut t'lutuaa to do ao.
|mom4 to bc> mm» ti4 IM i*Mi vMlag
Kur thw ladtob Ntaa Wbyl Old. fur
^iattflM airufvlo.
itubad il(«> auipilae uf ibe day, real
It »g* lltr tr*l da). Uiu. 11*1 lug a auftlcicut nunitwr of \otpM to
Iriaigtii out Mf«Alog lu U)o Mtur« ugklu ahiTro buuoi. with Mi. Hhutrr.
«f « liulim uj» of luroM or lAo umk
Mlaa Wilbvla’a Irlaoda are not dla
tig «4 ptMa ft>r o moT9 ayatoOMilk rou raped, bowevri , aad deplore I hay
MBiwiKi and amoog thaa* wMoa
oi itMi until they aae tba band
Ota»4* te«a laou aotiog tM laovdiumuud on the band td tbelr
tool. tA#ia »4<|« uot a i«v ouuforooM* lavoiltu.
M lu IM iMl ooonia ta iniiaua to wp
klla. Jcuulp V. Aiiilciwoii of the
tu|«< Up hoaorc
k'tiwi M K. eburrb ta n«4«lvi))g a flat,
rung auMMut apd baa a (oUuwIng of
tijkora, uud they are iHuiud to atralu
MTttiua tuoaMaraiion and tAat at oveiy fifiui to above her to the lop
taaat oaa m two of ||««, raodMaUai
the lUt
A 1. .love- 4.1 lUv li P. t>. Klka WUk
the genUtuiau favtuile y-eatiTda) ;uul
Vrly niatiud
while bo did not gain the top be ta
Of anuraa. th» .|tMlgu 1* >i<i \ Cl if) lug the punlk tion.a that he
yiMag'W tt H ptohaMy nwa tuo «miM>
Id be a dlincull (-uUitIduU' to dc
lu Aguia on
(MNwiblUtiaa, lea vv. feat.
•dytAIng pokaia to aoipp atariUag da
■Ml Hbut. i. who alill leadH. wan thc
%rlo|mu uta bciort' the ladU aro fluall) wi'.uul laial aupiHUtrd iaudidalc and
\lcaaia. Muiirta. and l.<\hmau were

' Xestsmmis


ONt VOTt foil

- W Mrai.
r. L. A*miar.
iVd**^!* k2agto raadtdatp. ftir ttw Krr>fl
tag Morord Otaakuad*. «bu Paa lie

^ Kaaao c4 OrgaalMlM *
la THt tVtNINQ lltCOIID Caatgat.

Void gflgr Jvag tV

After I Prof Olihett bad mllad attentiOD to tba olaaa annual ‘'Tbe Mack
aad tba'Oold.'' tba profiaa «aa
Ciudad with aaoUar exMllaBt Vlafla
duet. ‘-Alpaavaileban.’'^ tLadvlg) An
diet by Mina Maaelle Denaet and Prof
K E Itoiwt.
kXillowlB*. the coagratuUufM of
Twnum CMy
fGenda the studaau araai to- Nont'a
Ko «id|ikiye oi tb« Brantiig Racord academy, vheee a daacb vaa abK9*d
Tba ToUng grill la. by /allota clipped
Tba papers giTeo by tba elaaa find
01 bowaaa a caadtdaia tor tM loaor
fropi the Ktaalug Record and by tiitthe Khoiographs of tba chtaa PMaaben
ubd tba dlamoada
tng eertracale* Uautul wUb paym.-uta
oopiea of tba Ereaiag Rao- wiu he fbund pa pagea f and la.
made oa nubarriptiua aecuont to lb*
ord will be priatad. fu^ aatai, M Iba

Kerb balk.1 cllpiH-d fioita the paper;
mill eount m»e vote for the lady and | In tbe rvent of a fie betweea ctaadb
but week
l.,asl wt-t-k a t
i bom to Ml.’
eelred at the afiw*« bidorv tbe date ul)<ktem for the dtaBH«d«, tba yalua of
nd M._
Mrs -------Myers.
gvuiieiuan named tbcrvrai wbed re i«ucb will be equally divided between nnd
Mrs. immr snd son Valney. of QU04
etfilratlun given on Ur baUut.
• them, .or a truidiy of the aamw rbaraovisited frlMMU here last
ICacb da> the date uf tbe eaidrattoa | («r and valee aa that oKared wilt be
) the baitoiB la pbgnpeA
awarded to earb.
Tbonilon.>er littla daughter,
Ortifiaatea fur BOTH a lady and;
-------------------=----------geuilemaa aonleatatit
be ImikwI
with reccipti ft.r auba'-riiir
iitioa M» fid I
In tbe .Seaaen mil
a hurt
by a piece of edging
^ _ striking
him on
t(’outimi4Hl fvum Recond 1‘agc.l
his chtn.
cuuiug hlw Up no badly U
could he Uught to create things wUh
bi- sewed up. It also hit the
One j^ear |5 Od.............
volea thrtf hands Woik devidoiui character upper Up which U did not cut. but
Fix uontha
............. SlUi
Ibo ,ki‘e«kcr then sutiiau-d up bU knocked out two uf bis tenth.
ihe thtmahls
*“«“ ha bad a narro*
Ten werka fl.W..itio votea mesM^e to the pins,
ihe ttxmghis j.n,j^.froin a semms Injury.
given luevloualy.
Tre g
graduating axercisas of tbe
By Mail.
Dtplnmas Rrssantsd.
public M
school were bald In Rays hall.,
One year |S bd.......................... 4
.The dlpkunns areiw then pieaeuted (which Vwas ci^wded) ■
8U moulha tl4U................... lt*u votea
to the dags by Mayor A. V. Kriediicb.
I\»ui uiuiilhk fl.uO............
lOd volea
rendered, was
While each paiiueut ul |i.(K
>.0d for a who said; -Claaa of 1*07, in behalf
year;* aubaciiption antlilea tAe balder of the board of education and the peo:
The directors of the Underground
of tbe receipt to l,gM> votaa. tbeae pie uf Traverwe i'^Ky.J congratulate Kiocirio HnUsrays Compkny. of LmoanuM be votgd for cue candIdaU but you <ut having completed your course dou,-planned to open the tuba mllsrny
lw» equuHy Prided bt twe*m a as proscHbed by the boat'd of educa from Cimrlng Cioas to Bnstoa nad
*lu assisiiug lu ytuir educatiiui so Hnmpatand on June l. but it wan
tlflcnto will Ih? laaued for a
fur. our hope and ulih hat tietm that foi^ naceasary to poatpone the cer*.
U'ua |wi)im-ul than |1.0d.
roony until June ti.
Oomhlnationa may be foimed be ><*u should not use It for yeuraelve <
laen a laily und gentleman candidate ulunc, buv ftx oppurt.uuily and ad-,
H* Firad tha »ti«k.
by which a lady .may vw'banga her vaucvnieui. fur I ha good ol ib* com
> fired the walklng sUck I'm
rer 40 years, on account of n
genUenian w vujUa for a like number luunity, for tbe goml of the state apd
led every kind c
uf lady's voi4<e. and vk« veraa. But the nation. That you will do this,
ment, until
tried Bucklen'a Armlon
oouiblnathms by any caudldaie* of tbe we have no lioubt.
Salve; that has
Ls healed tha sera and
•'As president of the b<iard'uf tkluca- made me a happy
aame ae\ to defisit another will, nut
hapi man.*' wiitas jedm
mm and In Its bt'h&lf. I uow lake great Unriett, of North Mills. N. C. Qusi
be iieiuiltlitl.
pleasure in pu-sentltik you ytuir di- teed for Riles, Bums, ate., hy Bm
The Bveulng Record rc.«T\va the
I>rug Co. ktnnk H. Mand
Drug Stare, druggists. £5c.
right to n*l44cl the name v.d »uy V
The'presciuatiuu was'made by Mis*
hvljuuable pt.nam.
llwendohue bantu and - MUs Grace


Never Miss Our

Saturday Specials.

Hver>’ one likes to carry a good
umbrella, and such beautiei a» we
have uow! All hinds ol goldplated haodlea. Best hind of a
^piMoat when you are thinking
along these lines. l*riccs from \\

& t


TpUBtiia fitnt
' -1

They are Q^nuihe Bargains
>' Every Qne of Them
People know
and are always pn.
/hand. Are you one of

Biinhmt OmbHlIss

Somethiiig that every oee should
own. Most coRvenient thing that
is made, Always huow just where
^ if is, lor you carry it with ydu all
the lime. We sell them from $l
\ to $4 50. and gu arantee them.


. '

Burnt wood •ouvenba a groat ca^ fuj^ of thorn, all milnnir^
of ohapoa lOc each; 50 No. 0 Eavelopeofor 5c: Fancy Boxeg'f
of Dainty Candies—30c boxes for 20c and 60c boxes for 40c.
In the Druaand Book Division,
Yourcbancetoget Refrigerat^ and Kitchen Cabinet* for
iO per cent discount. _‘U
One dozen good Napkin* for 37c—*old only in the flozen
r-"' packages. Union HuckTowrela 18x34, for i Ic.
Big4able of'oxford* ^cked from our $3.50 and $4 IlnM
that arw now wiling for $2.45. Another table that ha* splen-.
did value* for $ 1.98. Men's PatentLeather Drees Shoe*. $2.80.




pgr lb........ M#M

Tlta MnRr bavalba gjmppihy « IR*

OMa 4 Crmaan* «mi vB) taNh It*
mart logn aad *4pt down toRay.
TbadaocaattbeArbeltarbatt Tbara.
day evaalag was mall anmdad and
eakiyed hy slL
Mr. aad Mrs. Irvin Rnwltnga Mins
Kate Ravllngi.nad Im Mniobeu of
Rwta MayReld *peni Sunday at Wex.
dMd. tba gaeat of Mr. nnd Mrm. Jahn


*tS ^




Taerc are 14 Intdmrbaa eloMric
Uaaa aaaiarlag at IndWaapoNn. lad.
Tbana apante 4dd cam dally nod dur
lag tba year itdd they tranaportad
•dd.ddd paraoaa into and out of the
city. Theaa llaea connect with 8c
Loula. Clactonatl. Osyiaa, Toledo. De­
troit. Cleveland aad Brie^sa^d at no
early Rate PIttabuvg will be included
in tbe Bac
Biabop Cranston wlU sail for home
ftoin Japan abbnt the end rt June. He
l« at prepent tn Toklo la atteadanco
oa the g*aeral oonfcreace of the new
CalMd Matbodlai eburrh of Japan,
Ovrer l.odtt.Odtt parjuna
«aeb ;
Ish mtmtum



OblObgM. ttfb Mrtgbl........


Oilvag ....


vUlt the Brit
Chicago. June 14—Wheat. WVec.
com.,5l^c; osls. 4«ke.
Detroit. June- 14—l^^edi.
com. r.dc; oaia 47 He.




11 any aaaeg of anmRy to abUdrea


• I'



laaAoea Raaamr is woHtlng fw Har­
ry Wartmna. '
Jaaa id.

wllii Puugana.
At IM claaa of tM goUottog tte i«>
tuaturioa .olgtii ito. u« d.dlara in toma «ui ti# «nvgaa(4 by a rag
guld.wHI hm aaardiat Wlu) alU gi* too «d vaU-kaova lotiDras aira wboaa
■landtag to iM eenmuBUy u uoqoaa.
iluteg gad fUgalggtaaa,
CaadtdaUio aaat M maaibara of
hallullAg will cUap I
regular ly
o'clock Wodaaaday rvcolng, Juaa'^ S«.
cAaroA. lalMr, lllarary, bunlaaag or »
ThP Idaoe of koldlng tba ftaal ae(dal


* Ice cream is uscil at all times.
AVhy not make your own with one
of our "Wonder Freesers,'' the
hftii that is sold theae da>*i. We
hhte them Irom tiro quarts to
tsrelve, and the prices are from
$2.15 to $12.


M q. MwNaM has pofcMaad a Oau..............


The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.

- Y

. A full line of the Hagster Bibles
in all manner of bindings, from
45c to $4.50, and a splendid line of
the American Standard Revised
Bible. Wc t an show yon twenty*
five different bindings. rU kinds of
type, and the prices are from !i5c
to $4 60, Big typo Testaments,
just the thing for.elderly people;
little pocket Testaments and some
5ne Fraycr Books and liymnals.
Mohe most acceptable presents.

iH-';.' ■

iang tt.


dalip ..................... tlM
3S£g^u^.u. Mtar.

Kuii my »Bnt wjn |oi yr
’’W! i £ CtJfMSJ^SW


M44 la tlm OMlMIe mutary.

of animals eegaa tihdar yanr obeerva- .
tloa call Cliy book ttoiav both pboae*
Na 4*.
HugBAba Boetoly.
guy IMt
MEALS 20 oeots. antll further 00tm gagdtllMm am aamfutiy aae tlca. Mrs. Darts, over Bell a bakery.
mrlad avary dgy. Tba laagi moHral
pHggg tm OMPiiad by laeal Malam
Tba aataWa piMUtiaiia by wrir% pal
alippad •mm atbar paper* rt Iba pm-

For4 Motor Cars


Are mmde for ju*t the
man that waott the
BEST car
LEAST mowy.
They are meeting
with the greatest tuc*
cess for just that rcason,
Glad to talk FORD

Receipts picked up a trlfie oa tho
local market yesterday and It Is probub)<> that they will go still better

balilai mgoA

Com meal, per m lbs........





Upamu taga 1(ugs >
In all the beautiful Oriental color* '
ings, sizes 6.\9, 7.6x10.5, 9x12 and
aell for $6 to $12. Just the thing
for summer cottages or bedrooms.
' The boest line of Japanese Mat*
lings that are shown in the city.'
Prices are from I5c to 56c.

H>,m Fast Cards
We have just purchased the en­
tire stock of Post Cards and Racks
'of the Cavis Cigar Co., which,
. Viih our own cards, gives us the
greatest stock of Post Cards in
the city. Ail the nesrest novel-'
ties, mot^toes. birthday, photos,
foreign scenes and our own beau­
tiful local cards. No city has
auynhing that is more beautiful.
See this great line, and remember
your friends. Everyone is col­
lecting these days.

Ikw Caa
The finest goods that we ever
hRd, Sell at I5c. 25c and 50c. A






tiful goods we Sve ever ca^d.




or make a pretem? Notking niw
ihao a box of dain^ caiidwa. AU
^acr of f^ bbxea ^ ^


pm. mfpmhiL f«i^v. jkiM \k tm.


i^tn§iu mi^ u. ('

nmiamam <w v*ummmmpwmrn

Ma yma u mtamut 9u»mu y»>
\rnmiUmNm^ ix wmtp m
liM «r kw
amp » m
ldat« Uaa »IMM C'kMUak Maaiv«
m *t m am 9^
9^ UP
u km


mam mmm m \wm.
atm mm km

M Iw Tvmf. mma rmx~^ xm

mn pmpmtpp UU
tu ptam «a>
ffkkkad Hakk kad. mm «4 tka ki^ ai
cik^a Pt ika akikrfTiili »|aa mtml
MPm ia»d tka cmomm la ak mxmm*
mn^ ika tmp kaufa ikn at%>«U ikMk
mrna ppm mmt amamkimi irnck p \»a
V«ak ktUrP Uwm mU Vair ^av«ulaa
amp mUtP trnakm aw a a -\aa Ma.;
%m umclmx^ amthck IM Ika Saw ToHc'
pu IkmakUr. tka poh imuvlama «a j
f«aa«, ««%ka 9U |iywAa (ait kt «aa
am ka«Mr Pmmmmk W tvaar aU tka >

Jiui ihe. ri^hl A\iu>a4'
-/of crc^m. icc ur »yrup».
You do not stop to thtok
«hy you like our soda,
just know that you
do. and uncoasciouiiy
tell others.

9am amm mmak m mm ^ m rmUr
»iai* pU mU ^
9am> m am fU mua nU a'tm m 1 mmt
9Untt\auf rmup.
ana kmm mnp nsmatU am4 ttP hr a am »a Z* t*mt mm a fkaai Hwip>
mrnm 9a m am m ■ww>»itn« m Iwr aitef Mv. awd aMr tknrw kmt «r«a
matm mnmk m mcmm
akuM kM may tMCte »a»-k kiMl MMiA
am ata
,«w« m wmrnm mi Wt kaM mimm kia afcaatdn .
amm a— m mm* »V nm Jhaaaa U^af %%mm aafUf ti*. W amam m mama. ai «kir-k tk« kunioai - ;■
Wmama it« tOm/ imgtk mmm amm Pm »kat tmm* 1U m§ kU tn.kmd waara »at«ad B4«m» Ika ouUe«a f
I ikaU> b]
maU uU urn
a aanaawi u* ivai«aa»kiu tka
tt mttud w Im») w fitt II «u «i».
•M S9t W«wv imt ««»iw mm «*• iw
tanml mmmmmkmi»m ttm. tkt mekm*
UtP pi WiiH*
ih»t ^ •rrx.... »oi*WJ
atamP Pmhmt %ht tofUiug i*nu
Tt» mott
loriual. Ml
m •mkP 4*a»t bM kmP iB»«U pi Uir
kmr. TW
fetltl* kUMC

maa ta^xkm ••• kpt I

r vi«i • Mrrts||«l ► MiVkIrr ur.
mm UP vf«d ^ Pki*^
ajkmt u«rd
I «Mr«#M
wti^ fmma turn,
pri 1tnm iIm vti> Willi
mmmpAI iwmtm. %«r »t|li*k «t«iM«
I kmr Wtfki tpi-P. i'Olwtttui«it a turn
»A« l« tW u«MlM>ni
r«r MM« iWf
Ml a iwuiUMtt
•■M aM iir««4 Um'
#lai|>l« ,kr kt vkiH lh« anfl <vW *•(
Ut cUtkp IM- l»u«kknc brawa ijm.
tte rl^Uuf kair aud Ik** dalkk.iu
flUfaa *1 tear thruai mm*-k <vttaiUai*Ml
mm pamikM tUi tmuuA ««ibiu«>a
I tMr iTi i^al akr »a*




VB facauitd kiu« I


rm u

■1 ka«c
u^ ti;>-u a*>ar^tai.a
kt d*«UT«Aad -1
tiM l«*uf .wrwra mI ik« fk*W loi
'I U«c Wm Mfki kpim.' aka mM
aWaOil^ aa aka «Uhrfwa a
kaud '^1 kad Mi «k< mmrrtkium. pt> ^
api'imp iv i>ui K> Mmr au>
1 am «•!. |k(k«a. kava kaa« Ikr
ft ml dtairk 14
*-Aad Ikf tarrur mt m%wrj bmmImw atU
a a*m *n <Uuckl«r uf aiairiataakki
PtP. ‘ k* <vw|ik>m4. a ilk a lakck **i
kava laati kaarkMi aUiui x»u. kut tkc
Irai Wr ' uavrr <M«aa Uajrw '
* lka.T atv aU « n.U4. aka « rl«l kM
i did iM>< «aui Ikatr aciU4kMtf
At Ikrir .Uugbtrra
Ii j||pt i
lo 4MaM‘<*kit
la Irfi atooa k. ram luy Ut.)
watitad k. !►
ri auoU u..t do H
rraukd U aald gcaily. -I
afuAlad A old » 4 oiyaHf wbau

A aauk*r lumad Bro«^ ^ku ix
r etr**
Ikkia tv do »«a M
tkAikdk WaKk kali Ut-aki.ut*^l:


Mmmm Urm§ COk
a r.


Ml kma kvaai kl.. firaaani 0Mp4U a


ywDMolvaa at
If you mm aayCtdkd you wakt In abyr uf ika room*
Ukc It kua* wUk pi-u."
lb Am-kM tka Hodaaionm by tba
DTorw. kkiot of tka na.uM wire uuKa k
•d. attd k» pomp of Ibacu iba uador
fradoala ort-ajatuU aai. Tkay .aitckt
tka apUtrof tka raid aud kauAtd ovar
iWrrwlly YaWt taga aud olker roUafc
tropklaa by tka tkiara. lu auana i-aaaa
atadruia from oikrr.^.nulu>rk-a |u^a tka -Oanttaman OaaAr” W.U Aall You
tawdad iv kr tka .Mx-upaula of Wwkk
a Cka.r. tba Dining Takte or tka
kali na.uta atid wlik uja-u keanrd kua
WhoA Haom and Than RofvirniaH For
plUUty prraaed tka aouvaolra fr«uu tkr
tba Navt ForoKaaor.
lootua u|iuu tka tiria Ikr rlrruk
trui k la w kW k - IVJp ^sU^ruaT tka uSi
ha* ujplergoue coutodrr.•aUa
.ui.v.iv. aaprauaiA^C: aniljammjif
^'kaiu;e dui tug re- eut y.*ara. ^urtuerly
Ikr art vlealer etMcou.-ed hlmarlf et*
cloalvely lu abuiw iu faahlonakle
o*. ia» Yala lourMw cat. atnvia la tka AC James' dUirk i aud
iil«d tiaalbx Yak..”’ vallad out advet ttoeil kia pi raeu.e there by a alu
gle-t-halr tu tbe w-ladow or a Jai^uuaac

Treawr* H«
That On. Uay
rurehaM Outright '

At om k party tkeiw was a AM
cwrau aiad ovory ilaao tka koaff
oaaAoA m aoMMiff out Am cwwtam
Ika outMw Aat ao ikat tt iwuttiiml a
amaU anuy of maw t« krlag la
fttruttaiw for tka MXtt Muwkmm or dm
aar party. Tka Aat
-aarwu tluMa tu owa wwak. Tka vyarucr
waa ao kard put tv> Awd uaw vAi tklaga
to fkaaala tka ayao of prviapacsiva pox
ckaaan tkat ka had to pay tka 4bahiw
kaaTy r-piwaalwma iw oMar to vwpa witk
It oiMUMta eaay. kak tt M »ot. bavwuaa
tkacw la uotkiwg ttmia AtfkuK or omra
rtaky Mmu bay hag oM fttruitutr. okl
prtbtu. tod I'hioa. or m tact aoytk:ag
Ike-world is simply A.wid«d tmi
UtioM whack to tba aya of auy but tk«
umat akpcrt atv auppoMrd to iv prrfrvt
If auy oua Imagluto ka vwa ba.\tu»a a
’’CauUaaiau vWwIar' maialy by- Uklug
au oxpwualva kouaa lu tMoouisbury. u
would be adTiaabki for bdp A<st to lik
slorf pf Iba axparkua-ew of
others who> Ibare triad suJ failed Ifuo


koagdtakC prrtonttad «pott

*T^cowA tkwt
& nwttwm^
TutatokM OiwaMWttd. aawda im
MfiTo rooto a^ karhm haa awrwd
la Ha tkau way
hwowtt. U raf*
j koalvk mA h^tottttewkla U
» uttA
raatoaeu m<
I far ekUd-kirtk wad dvirlwf tka pariod of Ckamfo
I toatktttmiwia ow'^


LyiHa E. Pinkham's Yeietable Compound
For more tkau M yoara has kaaw curing Faamla OuMiaiata. awck wa
Oraggiug Aawawtkma.. Wcwk Mwah. I'nlllak and lliapWwmcuta. IwAwauAatlM aud Dctorattoa. mud Orgauie Diaawaaa. w»d it dhaaul^
hud aapate Turnon ut wa aurl/ ataga.

Mr*. RnklHun** Standtog Invitatioa to Wopin
Women auffariag from war form of female waakaata ara Invited to
write Mra. Prnkhum. Lyaa Ma^a. forwdeice. She to tka Mtw. Fiahkam who
kua kaeu wdTtoiag ak-k wotaea free of charge for aaore thaw twauty
Twara. and kafoce tkat ahw amtotad ker aaother-iu lave. Lvdiu S. Plakkau Id adetoiuf. Tkvu aka U aaprciaUy well guaUAed'to fulda akk
womea hack to kaulth. Write today, doa'i wait uulii too Lato

It raiiulrew. Aral, a wtoat Uiimuite
Qualutauoa with the old luaalrra iu
palimug. In fumltura. lu ativrr aud
ckiua; aev*oad|y . a keeu buaiueaa a«uae
which to uol to be bliiniad by tba wat
•aaary bpt out always baruikma diauar
partiaw aud. thirdly, a <*ourtiy uvauuer ’
does bot suggest buy^ or aclk j
erery i
;CKariea B. 0>e Has (hapoaad of H.a At the Hama nf Mrs.' CKarlaa E. Hale
T*ua CvcnwiQ.
flaat Catatc and Bua.nvau lot
A rix-ital will l*e. given hy Ike pApHa
I UUluU ''' aka aaiod I
eats in Monroe Cenur.
■ waM
NwUneg Far Nauralgia.
uf Mia Pharlea K. (lak* at WI BUtk
I lu tka wintar
Thr swierautlous man thrust two An­
The pragrafa la: lu Iba . Iiy '
Ovaries B. i>ye has sold hto mer sirek this eveniuK
gara duw u bis coUat aud bivugbt t<
Ikuw. J.dly l.ltik* Playww.“ i May.ndiaiug busiueas aud bii« hrume at
"Tkara a dad ktiMfklM" ut«ad Mau
a suing -avhkh was Ued around
Tkw M my
lum-ue IVnier to.Albeit Urust and lath i .Maigaict iiatdher. Lucy Urs
at UlUa * Wk> . ka a iwa )aara aki for mlMwa I kava Uiu«kl U|> tka MA
ueck Attacb)*d to tbe string was, a, u,. t Mwt
gliU tUUildod lulo
ar’aaka.ka And kOu troll id’ v« at to toa pulp utlll au.1 aut gulug tu aattW
He n>und dark ball
Diuved bis family hito tuwu. tu is*But t
man dealer" h«* coma
kar koaaa at«r> rvama t gii imt|i dowu barr for ika aumuM-x. 1 aupfawa truck, aud Brown ah.itI thaui^wnu
Vuls.. - Vuv
' 4 UkMk‘rm.t«i t L^k*
-A uuimcg. be explaiui*d.
I wegr cupy the pavtperiy m
lar apard.
vtik kia Uila! Wkal dvaa tka ti
it for iu*uralgia. \evei bcwi.d uJ.iba^io,, >,rv*et. which bc.pnrcha.-oxl auiuji* Kilmei
you twallaa tiuti you ara a lraa*|iaaaar tko v-autpvut at ra. iug
occupauia ahrleKlug aud .t Uuglng
Uui,’lni u
lakeu uway the .ream v>f the irada
wabi wf idiHi atakowl Of iMrar
«m my laud tkla vary mtuuia'r"
cure for ueur.lgtol 4^t ever.
I uuu* aKo. Mr Uyv has lived at Mt«l
„tal -The Answer.”
fhi "Thv*alAaa
from Hie mau U*hUid the ci.uuteivaa Ika iaa<dmr ka waDiad Ukau 1
found It out from -an old uegrvs* lu
"(I wou'l Ur kHtf." aka auilMd
Huth lamincr.
.IYh.iv are In Ixtuihai fiMlay .|ierhap4 ttv^utb t aroltna. I was a |
«M a «UI pud lADakt ackual. jou t a aadly -I ant laavlujf for l..wu lu Um to dtoruaalog ibe frsmlug ..f nrw « am
•’/afiihyr." tHackhi tTaia AmUrataaiakar 1 uaad m wkak tk<> lai^a UMirulim lo Au‘( a arkuol f.w ufxl yrar.*' pua rules htxtad eu»ugh i» cover v‘bf1« a vkuwii mauaiuus. magulAceutly fur­ Uwiuaaud OcaUta frokt ueutalgU. I he |
«bd has U*eu pruiflUfeui tu 4>ub
tlao Kndearur ejtcuraioua.
nished. coutatuiug gn*at rortom.*a la ukl wouut'a wreut to luy wife aud aaid
Ttiai arr<Y kaU a Hiaiua to
there, having served us schutd iM'Uchler.
UlO uol «U\ kan.V’ lir uf^-d
pl.-turea. furniture, china aud ailvei,
ilri wUk Ik tvaiimr tkaa “
“ 'Why don't yolf get a uiitmeg aud.j ln>|M<c(pr. schoul direcioi-. town trea^ -‘Happy Kaimer," (Schumauu) Ak
iva ymu
B.-a. you luual ku«.w ikal rw.v
Wh«»se owucr* aie willing P. vurl with put It around hto uixkV
W JDdaau. rkainuau uf tka U^td.
tner. aupervtoor aud for ihe-pitol uhic ke IVieityl
IvautifuJ |s.;maaiona
|4dd kimaair Ikal Ikal Waa iu part ra
Quurtoi. -Heiiimlng from VarallOA,^
-My valfe'laughed, but enme aud told I
|Kv.imastei at that
at a prhe. yj « e ready at all timea me almutU. i wa* suffering so ter-1
hu; resignation as township tUinai
1st pumv. Bthel Bell. Joac-'
Harvard Impravad Tbrough TKair
..f the day and night
Ui sell «iut. kuk. rlbly 1 w-aa willing to try anything,'.
arM. Uuk^ IVaa
LimiUiton, Aaya Har Fraaidani.
phiue (Ir. llick; Sml i»uiuo. iNvil Pia<*'.
I id Ikar ♦Mkia/uf
Ihnuykl «ltr ondtowlood. Uui wkru tka
Piwaldeul t'barleii \V Klhd of Har
Muigai.-l Sheiw.Mid.
'lb»-u* are u(i aigulKiards. uo adver- a Utile blue ilbbou through »l and Iinletk«heu.' appt.lmevl
and. I rMliin llarrr.v had glTau uii alcu vard uulveraliy. apeaWlug before Ibe
i t.yucsi .Stella tVde.
gave It to me. I put it around mv ne. k.;
phice- He bus-.also tvsiKuetl as
‘I waa lu kuroiH* wkau yuur fat bar AaamUtlou of .Vew York Mute v VI
• Little Svivua.k. • yTv'llmaul CbOCB :|
ili.d.” kr vTrui uu. "I waa vMi a paikot- leges aud rulvemlilea at foiurn the the houav la auyihlug hul -Ihe leah aud lu a IlHle w bile the Deuralgto w a« i pi'^Hnasier and Mr Brusi will surreed
■ p
tka raaull waa irlau ry.-ur»iuu. aud word did urn i a«.-k other morulug.<Yi<oWe as folHiwa. aaya dedvv of a very wvl! l» .lo geuHemau. gone. 1 left the nutmeg niouud luy jhim.
tka lailar tkai laj oo (ka diwi lu fruut uia uutd wall toward Hu* aud of •uiii au Ithaca ajvclal dto|iaUh to the \aw 'rtu-re to uo aduilsaioii to the gt*uenil Deck for a long w hllc. think lug |.cr- |
ValM*. ojv. all, vSlerubetiii aMater
puldlc. You must *o hy InvlUiik.u v.r hapa that pnrtkutor one given
mt tka gill Had ak< Iwau taa<ufarrd lurr. .'I'bau 1 hurried b’liue. and you Toit l imea
Howaid Vader.
lntroductb.>u. au.l a<>iue «>f ihea.* pri­
«kc luUfki kart apaut ika auiuuiar iu had Irfi u.i ira.a
May I .o»> uow
’Hunt lag S.'mg.'' (ffiiiudi.i.t Ihi
•The piuaperily of Harvard In alh vate -purvc.vorK of nuHuulHes w-ould tke Inegryas bad some a|M*ctal virtue. |
ItlUOD. ko» «ka uiual pa 1«. L to tkr w tuil 'fvaa lu u.y heart thru’? Will you
at It. I
latka wouid U* belter ptomoteil H he exitoimlv umioyed If It U*.aaie
lik-c Sleepei
Ui MU wM kauut Ika laa< kara' b.arr» UJr. ilrarl"
(CouUnufcd FI..1U ttral Page.)
lu Hiej
Harvattl aba«»lolely withdrew from all
Svmjt of the lloatiuau.'- t\V**Ubi
aamarUt uulil aowatlitus alar ulTaiWil ‘bUr imiruluad hor luipuUa Vu yi.diL Inlenoilegtate alhlrlba. ^ The r»*asou geut-ially kuown Hint Ihev are «l<-.-Hera
l.Jtat week 1 got oeui'Mlgia a »d In the largest. uiilinlsbeU pn>duct
Ihe mxiorii.v of these
fwc tka foiDluf yaar.
gain, worae than before. Ifr that Vc«>uld % 111 be kept cm the fit at O.kji : upaulra l.UC) 1Ik'smoml. ■
' ll A u'.i briwiUM* you ara t.iiri that Cor Ulto to Ibe coubdeu.v in tbe .\iuerl
aluea. op. HH N<). i. HlurlllU |
dlbwly aka iu»a to kar k-at auil auiii 1 have had ihr po(ltloul'’ aha d.*ruaad van iiarputo wbo have tbe tost Inter tlealers ' ate well known thr.<i
Iw I
I wiki t
to the Heosontiig looui for the vaininbthe traik* smi sit> leganWI a*
to lki> 4ln»f
it tkr ikrrakMid ah.Master
ealM of ibeir a..UM’.lralolug lu.mtud ’
id stuff au.l iu <Hu* cud to a r.*>m l.>
ku|Miitanl n»-it ii. tl..- tiiis;ue».i of i.uv
pauaid a M><>uiriii auU ka>k«nl ainkti.l
lnTormo.’..o from Cavenerla Rtuffl‘ il’» U .I a uuiwtit.u of .-vuiiMithi.” he
like-speaker detoei-al«*d ibe'diabou
be used Ml the .lihpL.y
the stoc'k.
Itar tjr* Ulk<.| a. k.-i akiUiv aWitU lUr aaid. • ll A kiva hiTa tliut >va» oraitle aud liuutural piacil.-ra lu pn*a Ing iiu.l ar'ilini; vviks of art. When
nth to
Tbe smaller huitdiug is used' for caua. i.MasvaguM Mnrj Alnmiui.
aver, therefore, s siaall dealer baa It waan t
r U*for
luug ago. ’
Shepheid Buy '
anythin;; P> dto|Mise of or theix* to ar.ute gone
Uu*. varniabiug aud ujihulstering the
•|ui you know." aka «ukl |H*uaiMb.
lOUl of
thing vihb-h hU‘lliulu*d capital .Will*l lao't explain It. 1 have iisked tough stuck bciug put logLthvr lu Uo'
•| witM iryiua u. rriika. what ii would lirvAvaaioual ci»achlug k.vsteui aud tbe
Ikiu. Allegro BtilliauU* (Mtw» 1st
Uol |M*ruiil hiui lo pun base be go»*a duidora. and they say they eau'i'ei- old tarrory building.
Uirau lo b'. li;ick lo Ihr . it> nud kutvr llmiiiug Htf Ibe uumlMT of iutenx.llogifctralgl^ I., the -giH»tk*mau vlealer" and
piano, Pomella Moinaun; *Jud piiiiin. ^
kaklad^ I kava »r«.vva vary at« cv.ulvwiM. He d«*« i lcl Ihe great rx- lu turn f«»r ihe bsiuti commtoasb.a plalu It but lb<*y say also that Uvause
Tbe furuiture ou vxhibltHUt today
Mary Moigan
they .-au l explain ll to uo reaaou they
fond of Ihr rival Jim ’
iwuaa of Interoollcglulc aia*n». «a car-'
latter to Iw akuukl «Uato*li*ve In lu e!BcaL-y.”^ showed vxceikmt workuiuuship au.l
tall •8k*.,*p Song •• IK. P. Haili (hi
I'lW hri lu I.A iiriUM with II kap ried tm at the pieaeiil lime, iiud tbe
will stand with any now .m the muY
• .-ovete.1 oh- Clevetoud Tlalu Healer.
Hi. karpinif «f ^hr KiUu fa.i-iJ Mra py laiigk Hr vvaB familiar vviib krr iu.-iiuiatug lcuik‘u< ,v lo lliuh luiber
•'Spiiug Bkis^ims" (Hanisi J.tM-pbiu<>'
kei. It to so hull! that tbe sbi|ipmg
oddity of aap:*rsaiuu aud krrvv ikai. Ibau lu.-reaae the uuiulier of suulcuia
to an easy umuer^anU U ran be «*t Grellick.
fk» it has .-oiue uhi.ul that tke -gen“I akuukJ Ilia lu »a> «umlk> lu Ur. wkdr akr a{»oka of Iba liv.-r. Ibnr.waa iUteir-eietl lu sjM.ri Mr a|M.ri a *ake.
Hah.U of Monkaya.
M.-ruika. tSBpelliiik..|f). Poruelia. ,j
ttomau .Icaler" ha* gradually Iss-ouje
JlKlaoii aka UUrrrd
Hr kaa tu-ri.
In tkelr wiklx*late mookei
up in a few nuimcuis.
da. par raaauu
lu ira* iug Ibe developineht'of vtiin

the UKtot ImiM.rtaut tiguiV In this .-omTWO Muddu ma Ikia wtular *
Almul HM) pr.tmiuent diueu* at M(into..n.
-Vow lal Ilia alarutil uioikria »cl
. iHio. AndanU-. Op p. K'AamiuaAcL ^
mrr.e. Not only d.H*» he eell you a fruits, leaves
"I aaai.kiui oxpr u* ibr . rular.- kir Ikalr uiiiwla itl raai ' lia aaid a* ha a«l
I nuk'd the exhibit ivMlay.
e whole hualiu-aa of I'outtvlillve
umlkar aaid .udly • at aiu i «wi i.u vail Ihd klu.Mdf with hi. arm mIm.ui bai apui'i has grown up vvilhiu luy knowl­ chair .lut of hto dining i.Him, a ilulna- together- lu comtuulew aud never
Isi^ plauo. Mary Mukeau; Zu*l piadu.
to ka faddlu* alMUi «ilk >«miis uirU
nth tm .
Mnl. Hale. *
uioat UaiigaruUM iirraou baa brau edge, a'luvv ly at llrai. hut more lapUlly to.rough ph lure fn.m hto wallA a val- alone when Uiey
’laia t daiWMi
luadr hariiilaM by Hau t upid. I tkluk -wkldu Ihe last twi-uty-ltve years. Out ple.e of Kevte* fiocit Ibe A’hlp ckarvl or hnd their fo>td. It seems
Sir Knight:., aud Liolics pi ih<* klar)H‘Udale caMuel In th.* .orner
dkv ilaaad Ikr dom •rtili a uu* akada I aui a pulilit beurfa. lor to MUlou ’
If they laid regular plaua. for part uf
of grvAl g.MHl has come great evil, and llu-it r.ildI
pHuelttig from off Ihe
pf empluaU ikat ju«l a.uidrd a |wat
them auud tu vvateb tin* approach of lalHx-ii. All Si; Kiiight* of Tent No.
«ra mora Ibau ibat to luiy ' aba ll U'our duty to couilati tltat evil.
Uva aUui. aud Itraa lui iird a a ay tu
the eiitiati.e hall, but
euemlea and pan cuter tbe Held, 'I bcy S71 and ladit** of Hiye No. :,y,2 are ix
."Rearmil by Liie
‘ Casey a '
wkia(H-rail .-ouumt«dk>
• What' wa Waut lu train lu our col­
piTparid l.t furnish a .oiiage
ward Ikr n»ar. kUr luiinl ikt-rU«r li brad agaliial hm ahouklrr. -br knAad
leges an* lueu of yiicutal 4K»wer aud
Wuke." and -(irandiui'K Heveuu.*, ate
mMiisloii t.»j> to botl«.ui wi
waa buik • i>ui|iuuiuii aud Miuiruiiat.
thONe vviibln to situie pla.*e beyoud .Sunday moiuiiiR at ‘.♦.u'clotk to attend
tba aJivary idua wairr aud uirutal Intareat, antV^noi mere phyak-al
Md a* aka i<-aikrd lUr ImuI altr »aul rralliml that through It akr had found Ivluga
1 which Ik a retreat for them
When mt-niopi.d s.*ivk-e .it UlM-iples church. ihriH* giXNi flinib aud'atv draw-mx c«nm1
crowds at the Theaioium
' "j
tab. a 4Ulk- uuoW 1,.V « a. irr,, of pra<w aud thr utaii aka |ovr.l.
It M.-CIU* rather rtdi.-uloiu to |s-o|>le j they are all arranged lu «lue ordcr
June l4-2t.
-Auoiber rkaggerall..u to the uffci
Rescued by Ufv to*at ' to the best r »
buakra. aud \k> trai* that kad t«-cu
of alhlelh au.ceaa ou 0*c lualiuukm wh.. are not awaie of Ihto sUte of | those lu tbe otvbard near tbe trwa
hill? tUII '
- atanily n.pM.aiH d ail <U* rt.i«iH| uii
OIni Th.- .Ms<.nvei y uf a b.ithlug
Itself Harvaril has Uui U*eu pie^uil- iiffulis. but It to a fact that If y..u haji throw tbe fruit to thoio* i»uisi.le as fast
. BREVlTti
ihing ( iav^a In Wadd.ns AonA
these j as they i*au gather It. 'I hcsc pa*ia'it
the hie savUig viallon, Ihe.wl
ueully successful iu athkll.s lu the (veu to Im* a gueat In oue
1.1 loai
Vt kai^ akr' kad Ural
.hr Uad
uu., y
he ie.icui.are .gtaphically shown
last twenty Ove years, but wo othcr,^ b.uisc* nud you take a fam y to Hi.* j OTer to Hmse»l to tb»*m till Ibe
.■lii.'ii*.! iul.i
Charlie Meneugaii. son of Peter
. toward futuattl tw ihr ^uu.uin
fusUtuik.u has had ao much grwwth' aalioell.-ir you may take U f.»r your i fruit to all uicely ludgvd lu ibelr but Mencuguil. was knoiked down hv a
lUja akit k aka WOUUI »i>rud h.t tkr
own by Nemliug a .-hci k fof It the Qcxt j or retreat. If the «.ue w ho a. U as
^ mt:i. Thru »Ui< had IrVii futl wf ru
day. or you may have the wh»l.* .lin peutiiiel (lerceivea any one .umiug. be cycltoi yesieiday aiutuuun and re
tkaoabui. aud Ikrre »a» u.< i|U«huU 4.i |uil< k lo Iba Saw Y..rk tVoit.l Hy Ita
lag table n liU nil ll* ln*nsuivs. ..r you makca a kiud uoi-ie. and they all run c-cived a friglitfiil btuisc ou hia (otc
training of their aoiis
loa Hla.*k agn-ra ' k> aitrud »trl> dv
kirr iuiud ar lu k..r .-.uiluiuati.r «u ilir
••\o game to At for pUyiug where may have the eutiie n«.m. lucludlugjjtwray. Yei even then they will take head.
LADIBS ANT» (}K.N”T8 second htuul
farmwiK ra.wpi ...,a day
p.Wlti.01 V.,a j«.| aa il.r .tvar araut
the <*an»rt ’i’bc ouly tliiug yon mu*l|aou»* fruit umlcr each of Iheir anus or
Anthony Pno,»*l has accepU*^ the pts hand whwJi. ^t'and up. 311 E. Front
ad at lu liart. akr aa^ guiua Ua> k u. wh"ii kr ^ha^ fe)M*nd twalir hours Pah one has tu wear |•alhlluk'. musks and not take away to IlM* family t jrclc.
jMrn.awa and also tu ih.-ii moutha
» prevent acrislilon pf messenger in the First N’atka rll) kUa in-allnl wiili a khuikln lug If hr w. draitwa’ It U Mllpulalrd other defeuslve a
Thto .onataot ehauge apiutrcnily ; t hey ure mis. hievoii* anlmaU aud authat Wla< k aau skip ona lUy and thru
glvea teat to life lu the kerne ..f the ooy travelers exocedingly b.v^ihrowlng I luual hank B..-U C'hv
iw.i off. Will that iioi Uioiv ihaii
-’•genlh-man vlealer." Mr hto wife iiovor I stouoa and atk U at tb«m. aud they, held the place will devoi
abnil lir tnka'u lok'rihrr. runhrr.
lyiaduaicil fruoi •.■itrgr
\\ hm
kuoira whether ahe w ill be able to | will freqaentt.v folKiw
irme lo Inside work.
amall aauu wa»>riilid il'watf (ouud It U agi.fsl Ih.Tl all Ha- imhiiii: ^ball kava ahai
-hare dinner for her Ihastaud
d aerve.1
aervcl .on ! dtotauco
.lance when they are pavsiug tbrough
Huy Blake aud V. R. Putney, two
teachers, .the Kugitoh'*
Ikal hr bad !•*.»( uj* torx'.^j |u.ui.\ of • Ia .lout* wMhlu Hit »iala uiiir»* w.i
a .uahogany 4'htp|H*nda'.e table w.>nh tke wooda by leaidug from tree to in**. Here MarqueUe tm-u oi Liidingiun. are
Tberr was. )
. his
««. loiwiua
eo.mgh .
i’JOO or a plain d«*al ahdf. since all tbe They are caj>akie-oLiiJ>rmUig atruug *al- guests of William Blackburn of thik
vlrvotwJ I.
Ca ui|4ior irera wuu'l
lea to pay bis ouistaudiug debts nud , ,
, “
others h*ve U-en ^.Id,
ta.-hmenu with other auimato.
lYie geiiUemen mentioned trout
Mart a vwui'h*
vwui'k .of hiiudn d .b.ilaiv for
One .lay they draw up . bHra wbuae aud they '.•xbibit tnildiieas, affection
Ashing and said that they heard that
thr g. I t 4 be ha I f of Ibis had gime tor h.M.k.-y thau ou<*i> I ludulg.* tu { uol hujg
value to 'V. al.-uliiled lu enorkious tig-j aud d.K*lbTy.
.ra obi. I hen the
kuaid whito'sbe s ought rf pua»Uo.i ill.*
one or two w-ere taught in thto re­
urea, and tb.* next .Uy they have great
"W.* may ea* h .-untributc to the city gion otxairitiually hut hiuled that
’-Ittat Ingethei. wi ill her auiult si.viuga
trouble In flodlDg wuv tiling at all to
U 'up aer n*l \
.boau-lful. • said the eutbuslastic ajH*ak- theix*’s iio place like home,"' Mr. i
must g«i this year
like bad ^vWi
auta in.ine timu
h add a lllHe to Ibe adorulug
■ueo.'(*d the drudgro of hfr
There to uo imporUn: sale au.vwh(*re . . "ea<
-u h« sI k.iukl have Uvu Hlliug |
he ain*cu" -'I will volunteer." Bhickbuiu look them intow yaaterday}
euahl meet li bravHy. l»ni U tore her
of ihe hcareni. "to wear my and the pai ly'^ landed a bundled beau j
kwm to leave lUe livie* ,fiua the .-ouu gidl lu fa. 1. hla feutvs g.»l little «
mao vlealer ’ U m.i either present In j
when tba tT«.ul bli well.
down to tbe mntiuee ibto very He* at Rapid Pity. Now that they have,
. try that site hived ao wall
person or represent.'d l<v any one of j
If tbe
suq Khiues."- PhUadeP. an oplnloii Alle.1 with leirpccl for:
khr ahuald see the river ui'towu she
thc ^smaller deatora who are only too afieriioou “
Xurthem Mlt-blgan SsbhiK .nad troutj
anxkma to U* of servke to him. be- ***““
j TO RENT—^Pleaaant. furnished . Irwtt
<wuw. be It noted, the man with tke j
-------------!------ ^---- '
Aue house to able l.» w<*rk with a large
The Primary Sunday school union j room in family ot tw<* Addrcaa X
capital and to tkerefone competeui to j MariOll Istelld FlOStt lOC wiR hold K* regular meeiing tomoiRecord ofAcc.
June 14-tf.
U |ou wAut to M«) AH iuter*
■mall deakr Und* beyond him. , * ww«aaw fii-ir-ww waaeri r~
building. The' Rev;. Joaejih *DuUun GIRL WANTED—At ouce for geaerAaitug ahow. ato^i vluwu ah«1
Meoi...^ Boy.; CUhing,
at house work. Mrs. Tracr OiUiB,
will give a preview of the August l«look At Hleiobiirg Brbt.'
H»tt. Tim. hM»p..ndpim,
HAAdTA# Af ml«M
tCA508 SUM street
June 14-tL
Bons. The annual election will ukc
wittilow iUi|tlAV of extiAur'
tk..^ Moi»
8i*e Steinberg Btoa.' win­
uf) lAtIa MAflaU 9Mr«r if CUm-,
place tomorrow and all -who possibly
dioAry gpkeiAU for tomor­
dow of businoM i*}illerA .fox
LOST—Thursday afternoon.
row (»gtttrdAy> only
tbm. For Hie ^ ABCflett Href
tomorrow (BAturdffy) only.
watch and fob. Notify Mtoa MaWl
Barager. K. M. Asylum. Jane. 14A1









ri;;. 1.“^.




1^ at Wains



€3ie«iiaBie|HMi Santfle
l«c at Wairs Sod* Fou-

SQUARED AWAY AGAIN After a little trouble with our film


wa are ag;|iin ready to give the public nothing but the best
in the line of motion pictures. .... See our present bill.



“Amateur Night at Vaudeville.

Palace,Amusement Company ,


It’s Great.

Come and Laugh

Electric Front


1N« w>iwat 'fMinm -mVW— «^, mctmuoL rMMV «IM H 1^.'
Ma atraat; laxoa fkaM kfMaaa bA4
BMd karm: IMa pnmatty la M tAa




49MI T#lf MAVVr*K««r racnrttlM
«f|*i Vili OIM ID tki» tMf ll^
tl ID JoM f7. IWJ,
^te«f MS «r siiiiid clMrsMf IM
««*« 17 Dse » CM u DSUMDd M
or dnt«. b J. Monab
)IWD k^f
tlMrrs&tlc* mom. da4 sMckasicD
' taikt U. $uu4 pDjr ssd. iMurtuB) MILCH COWf won tALS—J.
2lwcirrrtbiib. Iv: 8 IktUios SL
ti» fsr pniMiM Uj tk<M vko
M> lAlf
IVOM 0«a«Bt AM>lr at V M
H»n Umrattiug W§t*. M<«ts«ui^
#011 tALl-im_____
btori. itu4 §ujn. 177 IVtsil mU4ft.
booM. ilk SUloL MOAD M
TravM^ c/ur. Mtrli
furtk*<r ta
iMiortas ks4 MMttos: osatM
M of Mk auM Me* likM.
iatt^ U \«t
Bma^ in IWw iU CUa.
»kos« lilt

ss.^.0 ,*£

Dlki'css i*t alMif vlib cblldrsD' ion $ALf-tk20-nftaaa'rooa krldk
a a iMrvDil at HMtrd u7io«. Bv
Nlatk OL. cloaa la,
at bcinM*. ki( W«4U»ortl.
Mock inm Caatral
ackool; aulukia fur raaldaaos, roM
ISf or toarticra; «U1 Uka
aqulty to anuuBi ot oae tkouaaad
WAMTfD—BHI boy CuluBibiD kotri
dollaia aa i»an payoraai: prlna
juiui IS^t
$:,ig>0. Wada Brua., |17 OouU
L'oU« 01. at pkoaa I21».
90 fOTAOLtOldtO koiM of XI. rm»n
may lUt
aUallDt. pMSoMourtSk tUlde Uu*

cBAUr of «a km Moca ft TTg^ftaa

aat. J. a a u*T X niw«a»:

Cay, ketraea Ca^t dba Pari cixm
eag ike OMdatag
r «d ^9l AQf*Art4iC pH Tt^|C|AldSi
cakoB aw.
aw; 4a •uk****
ate lie a».
Kortkerw aiL'kUi&er
llkkligat propMU la .k,.
tkt« C#kaB
I a. l B •
km. A baa lararaaia |a «bHw
faar buBdr«4 par ei«t ta i
mia. H wifi do kouar tkaa 4ta4 ta CAIIPCT
tka BaoUBatamyawBAVaap ywnBB* BSMOVATINO own WLUWW BUOi
mesay^oMkalakaQlLaaML Cooa Ckapla. ' CUtaaa pkoaa 1X11.
par gBd aOar almllar pwptmitloaa
-may tPU
Bsd ptaoe It ta good
prApony la tke
dty la tka xtau A BUfififiLL. dny. call Uacbani
vkaap all rtaaaaa af real auataata
iuae IX-tX.
advaadag la prtee. wkera lactoriea
kare tacresaad tkelr capacity to tka
Mtowi tkat tkey kavw out eirippedi A. A POBfiON—Juatioa of tko Paaoa.
tka population.- wkare tkere i» tvo! HamUUMi A IfUlIkaa block. Bt
deeds. BMirtgafM.and odairecU aoJobe lor arery aeaa. wotnen end
kaowledgod: real eauto bought,
okUd wkere tha local colomak of tka
told or reeled la city or oouatry;
locel papere ero Ailed «lik
Buiufiy fcaaed. 1 have gOM good
ade lor toao. aomea. U*y» and girte.
kaigalna Uated U farm, gad city
wkera ferarera coma fur lailcw
propeity. In oMc« Wedaeaday aad
disprwe of tkr>Jr product* and i
evoalaga Mealdenoe pbuwe
cksee ikPir eappUrji. wb'tre
cIiAmw of fnAt. grain end vt-geUble*
ten be iaccraafuliy groan, alqere MONitf TO LOAN—lU-al esUte for
inturc bav abundanU). ye« lavUUy
sale lluusea to rent Hr. W. A
auppUed ike eiiortnmaa. tke eckui
Mo..n. City Opera House block.
are, Ike artUl and ibe invalid «lth
every thing tkey cxHild dealre, bay. W. P. LAWTOlk M. CL—OttoaW'llbelm
inland lake*,, rlvere. and creek*.
block. Botb pkunaa.
apr 1-U
cW-ar^ pure freak aaltr, g«>od cltwr
healtb) air. fiah. fruit, and vegeu- »A M. A OBEOOBY—PhyakdaB aad
bU» Wbai inon- could fJ# deal red
aurgaoa. 117 CBaa suwtL Phouk
Tbeae are facte «re ere auUog and
realdeaoA 7dfi4r.
can be verified. Again ae aay plar,
your money to Traverae City - Ike I
Grand Travei>e regtbd. kulldiBg.
Hri»a. kl7 I’obiu at reel. 1^*1 UteT
pbiine I2t».
Jobe 12 If

1 sSiLe


khva (muiki tka iki# a«fi Wlek

taetotaaafi^r 09 pnvMti ^
-BtaX have l Bii


Power for Your Boat


aaivta snd Hew to Cook IL
Samp 1* one uf the mvMt fieiicloua and
sppedalng of all corn products or by
OU* us Oi* U>*1 or samp sud milk
By homeapmi bssuty pour«d!
Bu sang WbltUer. Whittier-dtda't
know bow to (wt. He lived vn air.
The very st^gMStluu uf milk with samp
Is nsusaatlug. it U worse thau mush
and milk sud gnts aud cream.' KoRer
W'llUams knew all about samp, aud
this Is how he had It cooked /'rack
the corn Into about four plei-es*tu tbe
grain. Bosk It all nigbt in- water.
Bklm off Che skima whk-b float In *a
ter. BoU on a alow flro until tender.'

gArcyos Uuwougkly
MtUiled witik yo«r
boat eAgIne? If not, it
wouU (k>riainly pfiy you lo
iuvestiLfttU^ tbe


some good butter, some sail and pep
per aud serve hot. 'llie lodlaus of
XUaaachue(ttU UM^lxauy kind of frt^
meat for a flavoring and calk^ the
dish "saupac. ’ You msy have all your
oatmeal, hominy, grits, mush. meal,
polenta, eb'.. but let me have the samp
- when 1 can’t get "lye bouiluy." .New
York Preta.
After all regrets, life ln^ood Tt‘ see
tbe fo«v of troth sud enjoy* Ibc beauty
of teat* sud sudk's. tu know om.:
sole lu for nil wsut* uud that *l<-kues«
and *om>u' aud. one may trunt. destb
cauie.i lakeiiwuy. J..bu Surllng

lOlili'Sjm FRIBMD

Order your

Soft Goal

E. A. Weston
Yanl and ofTico, Kurlbom
Michigan (lock.
Both phones *T6.




F9B SALS—Lot OB SUtk atM. Owll
iokBMfi A Tarmar'e kardwan alora.

E. W. HasUngtt A Soo
Either Phoie. Trarerfie etty, Mich.

Reyl Esuts


kalf lU actual value. Frioa |4.«MWade Bras. Il7 Boutk Uokm St..
CiUseas pkoaa, »tf.

Marta* UlaaS Ftoat, tta
I* u at WaNtasaearaoBtalB.

Mart WHkeaa. Oommander; A fiFfAAklin, Rheord Keeper; A A ttvaaa •
Fuance Kee|*er.
1P07 >



James C. Napkins


| ; _iz:^--- ------- :£?.


us Park SS««t '

r.« r%bi. ML ky XL y.OaaaiaBkim

<d m^idM la aonauai d«ii|
#011 lALI—lUiuaa sad lot: taodera
»aai4 amd mas to m^bacr braat k
couteal'Bcoa ascapt heat lag: sight
koaiaaM; aalarx, |i,Mu ptr yoa
salts pboaa kU.
blfirka frop pukiurOra: abay Unaa; FOB SALS—16X4” Hew&rt property
sod all cviiaaaaa. pu^aUlr uMJulklv
«m>.lrrate roal. Pbooa 4tX or rail
one mile- city iimiu; four aciws;
.» alM .«alni coaiWMiklofiii,
mtisL Orar J
two bundled feel Shore f/ont; Largs
kSt W Nliitb alrert
apr Ik-U
drug Blore. Bell phoAa
alHJifU MOMSt tu laurv ikau tli
hotel completely furnished first
rings; au. 444X rings.
(IM aalarr. ApoUraat iu<ui furot»l
class; hot and cold water li
won lALI—14M—X7 aeraa twp Bad
^ good rafemtoM sod H.tWO rakh
oaebalf inilea city market; 1.000
rooms, gas light, furnsce beat, also LEtTEB a WELCHC-Attorney _
Isw. Collection work a specially.
. vliMb la aaliafactutiiy aorurtU Ad
bearlag pt acb, good kou»a aad bBra;
oae cotuge. two latge bsms. trout
W’lik Doderareod A Umlor. Suther­
pnea IXkOb Wade Bros., tl Ha
' dfMa. kfaaufariuif'r, P. O. tM>« &|
stream ihroogb grounda. Utk boude
land hktek.
tan f G
Of Uarta, Mo.
and fiae grove along bay-shore. This,
jUM lLi»-Joly IX.
property la la first class coadUloa DR. F. J. MAC NfiTT—PracUca llmU
#011 lALl—1471—It I
two Mllaa
Bute Baak buUdlag:
It loeaUoB
on mala road to city, piked hll the
and FITTING OF OLA88BB. Office
for auburbaa raaldai . a Ula "ra^
way to 0ty; would ct»t to put lo
402 WUhalm block. CtUsaas phone
floa Prka p.OOO. V
WBda. Bros.. tl7
or udankoao tXX,. Travfr«« CU>
oondUlon as it is at proamt at least
OaloB airaaL CIU. pbosa llll.
Ikirk <;o . KryMoea. yirk
twenty thousand dollars;^lady owu
iuuf IX 6t
TUNING-W. N Millard, M
lag la lovalld. hence sacrifice lo
FOB lALI—1400—»>«>rrD room kooaa.
years expertcncaL With Giiun*
order to dispose (.f U; will couaitler
B«w, Caaa BL. laa kooia: prica
Bros., ooraar Front aad Caaa 8U.
WAirr«0-llafrMar«U*r. Addrtau^
ll.kOd. Wada Brua.. 117 Boulk «ood city property in part payment;
eara Oaourd.
Juu» IXXl*
laloB »L Cit pkoaa ItlO.
prick 116,000. W ade Bnw. fi
Jaa lAU
Bouth Union SL ClL phone 1219.
Wf WANT averykody to kuow Uai
may 11 U
«r arw •till ika nxiat up-io-daie dry iDOt FOBfiALf-WhIUWyBndotUa.
$2 for 16;. winner of ailver cup at FOB SALS—Meat market doing good 4ABK
atoaBiOA Miatinkbmr^Bt lo iba city.
frelghL paroeU aad trunks OFloa
poultiy skow. J W. Zlmmermaa A
at City Book Store.
Tha ParUtaa
Juaa IX-if
busioesa aad in good location; good
Boa, XfiX Bouth Dlvlsloa street.
reasons for selling. Vic C. Palmer,
IBA A L. BONNEB'fi hair draulag
apr Sfioio
. WANTIO~Ulrl fOr aeooral bua««A king
147 E. Front SL, Traverae aty
^rkura, over City Book Store, Room bad been depoMjd.
work: |(06 par weak; also oo(
may XO-G
But be uau reiostuted agulu bM'aaas
•samd work. Mra. n. J. Murgau. FOB fiALB—Un—Oaa koadrad and
tklrtyAva Bcra farm, aigkty aersi
»M Otaia straat.
Joaa itik
first duy be did uot repeat tbe cockUll
Improved, large bam aad* |
cpiaode: Indeed, be seemed oblivion*
huildlog. CUixens pbook I
WANTIOxTitaUanura for
kouae, orchard, large amoubt
SHINGLE nud metul rot»f n-|U(iritiK
luuih time and never by auy 'cbuui'e
good. wood, timbar. farm all (aaced
uud palnlhiK a sjMcialty. fall at 721
elevator wbeu Mias McQueen
aad ao better soli to be found; alt
June 12-lf
might:hapiK'u to be going out or In.
Thurtfll. Manager . Office,
miles soutbeast of city oo mala
Jack puuibrcd tl*' altuatiuu. but tb*r»
Hamilton A MllUkeo block.
i.uly one couclusiou poMible lu h’road. Kast Bay towashlp; cloao lo WC HAVE PUftCHAfiTO tha dry
OmL WANT|0~n.r gi^tu^ral bmiN.
«1 ex|>erleucc. There Lad been
cleaning business of Olt A Hahncr.
acbool and cburcb; will srll oo aaay
quarrel aud both were too proud
w*»rk a bo aUlgo bou)» utgbu flail
tarrns. owner la other bustaesa;
We are now m a pbeition to do all
-Mpexk first
al 113 WaabjoKtrai aliaat. MUa
of your work.
price 16.000. W ade Broa., Ii7 Boulk
U grieved him because they were
Jum- n If
WM. AtiCUSTiNE. 31g C. Front
Uakm 8L at pkoaa 1211.
good fricuda of LU. lbe«* two, aud
MlfiAl , street, Citixens phone 17S.
F. HOLOfiWORTH-8p«:ikl at their quarrel hurt him as mmb sa It
WANTIB^Hri for gatieral botiM
may 29-lmo
tentlon to dli>eu*ea -of tie eya. ear. seemed to hurt them Mure thau once
work Inquire Mra T- A Klld«r, Ul
was tempted to speak to
FOB fiALf—tklt-Modera reeidenca
Over Johnson
J''*--— drug
-•— stor*. Both other and tell how tbe otter
W. Nimb. CM pbima 17I *june Iff
Wi st lOlii 81, ten rooms, hot wuler CONSULT MsiUm Kioes. the palmlsL
beat, batb, lot seventy five feel
at 617 Vnlpo upon all affairs in life,
but a teruin delicacy held bim ba.-k
NANTCP—fllrl. for tancrul I
front, good bam. One ul tba fineal
and be rould only miserably
Btar 16-G
work. Phooe Cli tl7, 60i W./
turn of cveuu.
Will uke amaller
jaaa ILI.
Bpeclsl sUentloo
prlred propel ly aa pari payment or NOTICE—Wo rieao chimneys sad fur­
Then came Jack's *iare............. .........
to eye, ear. nose and throsL Glasses
alii aVii on easy terms. Price
naces nod st'qre stqves through tbe
fitted. Both pbonsB. RMldMce 611 dull arterooun. sud be let tbe elevator
16.600. Waile Bros ‘ 117 South Itoion
drop slowly dowu At Ibc ground floor
Slith streeL
summer. Traverse City Stove Re­
81.. at. pbuoe 12 If.
May lU
be threu ojwu tbe door to look up st
pair Co.. 403 W. Frunt Cits. 6l7,
a huge pidk-emau. uot t'barlle, who bad
llll cb wood,
Bell 14 Xr.
Bpr f U OB. W. E. MOON—Bpectsllst-Oealto. tbe beat aud who sometimes came lu lo
urlnar>. skin sad b!(»od dlsMsea; II
WANTIO—Manager l*»r braucb ufOre
■ottage lu
year* c\|Krlvme City opeia bouse gel wsrm.'bui auotber msu. a strsuger
q>.hc iitj CIO Bute alrwt. Cit. phone
wa wUk 1u> lorata bare Id Travrrae
he bad
had never bad
had dlreet
tllre,-t deal
it.ugh be
June 3 tf.
Mly, Addraaq, wjib ref.mnce, Tbe
iugs with Ibe iK>lUe. Javk was afraid
TO BENT—IMcasaully furulahe.1 fiout
klorrU Wkolaaala lluu»r. ('InrlunaU.
“f them. T«» him they were uot guard
FOB fiALfi-West Wgblh stree t
T. WNTHmiBY-IteDll,l. OfW
nu.m. nil inudcrn rnavculcurc*.
iaus of the is*at.«e 'J bey Were
taayXI imu
liiqiilrc W H AbUHl.
?i0 Cuk*.
Jun*' tO-lf ^niiui A Earl's JewoJrj
Hiati! street.
juue 7 tf.
who gmsu-d iMHq.le When tbe big
phooee 103.
mau demanded lu know whli-h oflbre
FOB fiALfi—1621 r I'krm. eighty five FOR BENT—Tlm^ large utifurnl!Ished
Miss McQueeo wax lu, ivfreshlng bla
aures. ruic and uDe half miie« nortb
clan sod Surgeon. Removed to of- iVcmory as to the nsmr from
436 E. Eighth street.
35 tf
(If Acme on main road. 8<>veoty
flroH in Munson block over Baruum mldsble looking do. uiusut. Jsi k
WAMTKIX—Tour upkoUtcrlng. fumlfive ocie* tinder cuUi\at|on: ail lu MOUSE TO BENT—Dr. Moon,
A EJarl'a Cltlzena pbooe 466.
tura rrpaliing. rbair raulng aad fur■'I w*m to see her about a HuleU
to coqis. .wheat, (-uin. tusU, hoy;
Bltura pcrklik. E. 11. Tauurr. 411
apr 24 G
HARRY A MABNEB-Expert piano watch." he added sod Jack's misery
large niodeiu hons«\ furnace, bath
liaion «L
apr k U
complete. The little chatelaliJV
tuner and action regulator. Satis­
but and Cold water alt through FOB RENT—Offires lo the Wilhelm
faction guaranteed. With Kimball she bad worn bad been repla.-ed bilel
hiHtse. Wind mill and Uuk Good
WANTtlX~rOT oollectkm. Botea.aod.
block. A Wilhelm.
mar ll-U - Music llousa Clix. phoue ^44.
by a more elaborate affair of gold w II
a long chain it mu*t be this one that
Itaiit. gruuary and all uecoi»aary
old BBOOBBIA A. Pokorsi. Harnmuo
(MU buildings; Kiard young t>rchurd. FOB BENT-134 Lake avenue.
MONEY TO LOAN-No Ut clausn was wanted.
mar XAlmo
There waa only one nnugto'be dune
put In mortgage*. Houses for sal*.
apr X4 G
lust b«A,rins. aUnU all level and *'^mre 143 E. Eighth SL
Inquire of A McNamara, Park Hadn't Mr. .C'ulben *<.1 the Janitor
FOB Sals
as unai ly'>riiwt as a farm could
Place hotal
001 of Jail that Urn.' be bad trouble
be Owner wishes Ui go south, hence FOB BENT-631 Cans streeL laqulre
bU wGe> Jaca rau the ear up
FOR SALI—1611-Urge ten room
141 Mast Blghtk.
Btar XAG
oflem at low figure for cash Price
iSfiTRACTfi OF TITLE-C. O. Car­ to the sixth flour aud with a vague •To
kausa. Urge lot. between Ninth
ver. Price* reasonable. Office with the Ufr' shut tbe door and dropped
Vade' Bros. fl7 south To
> BENT OB fiELL-Al arces la Bast
end Itattk aireeu <m UallroBd av>
down to tbe third
»trwi. fit phone 121f.
Bay Wnshlp. Rd. Fortoo, tXI Web
seuef Slone (ouudauua. Lot worth
Ue burst in upon Mia* McQueen with
June 12-tf
lA A L. THIRLBY—Special atten­ a face gray
ftaf straaL
mar li-li
Bt letet oae tbousaad di*iUrs.
tion to diveaaes of children. F
House oould nut be built for''fifteen. FOB SALE—1424—One kundrefi end
meuL 8ba ro*e um'ertalnlj at hU call
404 Slate Bank bldg. Both ph
and came Into tbe haU.
kiBidrod dollars Cioae In. Bssy
five acic furm; four mile* from city;
Be fairly dragged her Into tbe car
teriOB Prtco flTOfi. Wsde Buw.
uikly acre* umler culltvallon, furl) LOfiT—Tuoaday. oo Front, between
a,nd shot up u. tbe top As>r. Through
fill South Union street.
ucjt-* umbel eatimated
Globe Muie and Detroit bakeiy. par­
tht lauk e guard he tvuld see the ofli
cel-of luce. Return to Record
least Jthrt»e hunduHl thousand feet
iwr descending the stairs. Home on*>
uf metrbantable tug*, aboig
bad told him where the girl worked,
June 13.21
FOB SALB-Oood drirlag horse aad
tbuuaand curds atolB wood;
TBAVEBM CITY LOOOA NO. ft. K. and he was going after her.
^dsex. taSBli# at 6»4 Wasbiogtoa
of P.. taeef every Thursday eveAproved land, moatly level; about
ladies are welcome lo play boxpush^ Mtss
ill at all timea but eapecbtUy on
one half rad be irrigated front the
creek that runs arrua* farm; largt- Tueeday aad lYiday afternoaos, which
FOB fiALl-McVlcker gasoline ab
have been set apart e^erialiy for
frame barn, atone hasement
ladle*. Ramemhcr ihdklocatiao, 157 TBAVSBAE city LEOION. No. Itfifur fifi) bead of stack; good atone Front street.
National ProtecUrs Legion will
June 4-G mou ihura
meet in Woodman Jull eo the thlifi
foundaUun, pachiug house fur fruit
Tuesday of each month-at 7:34 p. m.| girt.
A Fortunate Texan.
large oiThard. different vaiietiea of
FOB SAUL-One bocse aad one
Abram Smith. prealdenC Oayl*
Dai*s a poUctmau after her," he ex^
peaches, pears, plums, aprtcoia. 8L, Dallaa, Tex., says: ‘In the ps*l
Griswold. toexoUn: HkUle f ~
mllck oow. Inquira Ckarkw Spcacer.
. foed. "fike done stale s vratcA And
rJtrrrie* aud apiplna. all ckolCB year I have become acquainted with
A W' kickerd'a mart.le works.
he's after her.**
Dr. King a New Ufe Pille, afid no laxa
"Wkst are yw talking ahontl'’ Cvl
iuad llkL
traverse CI-TY LOOOA Na IXX, F. tait^crled.
est grapes. ThU farm by atUUlag
"Mtai McQoeM a thtef
disposes of mala'rts and biliousness."
A A. M., meets on Mootay ev«^ tapoHlMe."
the timber ran be made to pay out They don't grind nor'gripe. X6c at
FpB SALt-lfeM^iousa <m Uatam
on or before Ue Call oTIke moM,
•fie done any ke want to aee her
this year lurludtng comlag winter, Bugbee Drug Oe, lYaok H. Mefida.
iStraav tfly^ froai. MrawroiNa
at 7:30 p. m Carl C./Ufiffoy, W.
and when paid for Is a steady source Hannah Dntg Stores.
M.; A A White, secret.
IMT theot aVwatrh that waa stole.*’ ktaMXsd
Doose. aloe tawa; a No. i ptopoal
lack. ^Ah dowe hear him."
of wuBltk tknt U hard to AupBcatB.
«foa; price I1.0M Wade Bras.. tl7
*A poSoemsn wisksa to sao mor
tbavebbe city LOOM. Na sn.
only reaaoo It Is for sale b owner
foatk Psioa SL at. pkose ixif.
la wall aioag la years and wishes ito
K. o. T. M*^'x2: JL^kT^taaeU every |
rcUia konoe offers it at ahout oaa-

•» Witte'S

n don't kb-» ’■ »ke rapned -Jack
IBM Can*e after m*. his futw bvxd w Ub
ttar. 1 MB»uw»d that —
rtMe had kapiMwd. that ptfkajia--I was la tPoobM,- iMlberi auggaateaSpD tng the bnrak “l bare haca
feaAiied to. but H.secuMMl cowaidly to i
ktU mysaU. Wkai I ^•aunui atidoiwtand
Is Jack's chain of iwawmag "
•Ain't iawywru for to keep pv<«vie«rwm goln* to jaUr the boy dema
•And ain't .ion the UV UwyorV
If you wBut boat
•You cwnuot.expev^ ais tv aa
ioo HUtl beat atf.
'tao* to tMM.’ Mugtad t-uibert.
viw tviepliooo
•Dat a lL“ ekpbiioed Jack. •! brung
bar UP here 10 save her."
The two tkiww bi(k tkelr heads and
Mughod. and in that Vugh the mluonS**»«a» wera twgmx^ Vulbm
torktul ner under hlu arm lu tbe old
familiar way uud uuiockrd the door.
**i cures I'll go down with vou ami May 3D tf
see the oMcw." he said. it look* Uu
porunt to have
atturucy "
Me threw ojieu the door, uud Juck
slipped put. There was a soft but ulg JAHmOB GfiO. W. HcWBTBX
nllkwnt sound that brought u grlu 1..
Jack's fsi'e, and 'ben the two fuUoWe.1
him Into tbe car.
The big polb'emau gr^uued at Jack
In amst mendly fashlou when the lu
teniew concluded, and be utefiped Into
the car On the up triii t'ulbert slip­
ped a bill tutu his baud.
"There’s a plet^e of weddiug cake
■ but
gdew with .tbiu,*’
oomes a Uttle latar. This ta u
boy, wbeu the Jack of Kfuidekcaptai
the Queeu of Heart* uud tbe^ug
"Veaalr." uaoeuted Juvk. wouderiug
what it all meant, lie kuew about tbe
wedding i'ukes uud ten dolUr bllU
Tke I
Greek, but uutUfactory
bey's use
klug uud tjuecu sere

IN CMilR A €«Um

-Jack o* BpeAee,- Cptbeat calicA W»
^ awuulag ke kad powe ta
tat tkq Buckley bulMlng Piul«a(| lo
tbet hie name «as 4uka f|xmuods were of au ataU. Ule aaam
aaa Jack, aad kr was as MaA as tka
ace uf epedea, no Ike aaate ctaag.
At dm ke wan aagiy. bui oae could
not remalB angry long witb AlagMaad
f.'UfWrt and in |ke rnd Jack woun^ ui^
bA paying bim a hem wroreklp tkat at
Unws UtUBleaed to coat the man kle
poeltlon: fur pith t'aHgrt In the ele
vator it ran e&ptWM to tbe urxt lu the
Ivp a<*.r. no matter what tbe utker
IwwMSgrSB might Ikresten.
But Jerk bad gaioMl the pueltlue
tkruugk kavtug ea«ed Buckky'e
girt from a ruuaway Sivideut. and
nd be
uieirly •luiird i«drrauUy
pbOnu and auggeated that perbape the
Cleralwr had be«.x*iue uumanagtwbie.
I'uUt Edith Mi-gu«vii cwme. t'uUiart
had relgbwl alone, but after that ke
was ralrgatcd to eervud pla.'e. the only
laatame «h<*rela. aorutxUng tu Beu
liodgurau . ibe queen outranked both
king ami Ja»k tu the pa.k.
Miss klr-gueen was employed h.v
lludgmau'k IVttlL whose iifibe was
uu the third fiuor. uud it was Cullwi-Cu
Uu^ tu drop off at Ibeir uflb'ea uu his
wa.#.ui to lum h uud i*kk up tbe pxi.
lie had obluiued the puultlua for ^r.
ami it was uudrrauwd thul they were
•agagod. UuHigh uu guldeu buud an
uoum'ed ihut fact.
Thru tbetr lume the duy wbeu Jack
uolkvd that kliau Hi-gueeu had b««|i
iTv lag wbeu ub« i-ame lu. Culbert did
nut arrue uutU Utu aud hi* face was
drawu uud very white. He did uot
4rreu aUiiic wbeu he nodded tb Jack.
W hen he weut out to lunch, be uUyed
iVTUtr us lung ua uuuul. and when' bu
did return it seemed to Jack that be
bad had more thau the one cockUll be
uaually allowed himeelf.
klUu ^-yueeu did sot go out to
lum-h at aU, and when her empioyera
bad rkldeu dowu, tu lunch together.
Jack alippM into the office lo ask If
he couki bring her lu aomcthlug. Ibeiw
he found her with her bead upon her
arms. Her eyea glieteund with tears
aa she raUed her fsi'e ul tbe sound of
•TkMi't you want
cup I
Mueeule'^ " be pleaded,
I ubu' good
for tbe beadSibe."
ber baud with a ^
She ubouk her
amlle aud’Jack slipped out again.

Btlk ttr B*

kappafied 1 etoppefi So
wauh ipd
niatWA K
tht lAuwfiRnisI srkcBJ «



Marquette “
Line Steamers


AoUli Mots West

—- ^


Leave MANISTBB dgUj At f and 7 p. ;



Suhtfoy 7 p. m. only.

Leave Mihraukee dklly



' -ym ■vaiNd aewaa TMveew w% eawaia nm^

1l«r Wf * 9MkA|e 4 ^
i>MBt AjilMUcr AiUm
tilin <t«y
tfct tit^ qt ttf.
cAf twi4e.^
whether it be sold out of a >tH| or tbin.
or voder eoroe romantic tradc*miuh>
Yov mn tell them you know ah4[tbat
^Arbuckle Brother*, the freateet coffee
(jfealert in the world, will etand for fV. I
AJIVl’^l'S 1*00, V*V Tcrfe CUf.

THE uacwuteto ONE.

iltriii la ite lliao
4 iiorty «l laOWw aail fMttkrawo es

the iepthe e< » eafekwied mtee
irrotiied that a luach ahould ha i4h
||h«h «f (« *• 14«M iBiit lar* Feor
lap Meta faU of dalattM. he»
Mfdld and aatemilai. wen tMlefe
Miedte thedfM Tbte* datkOhd


leetL who ii ^ •hMMi of av fe
•iTMtieh. MM Ml Mh dfeetio
Vlao. that to Ml ha a lalkmel Im*
W ee MtotoNL
*e hind ahore
paM a^ t9>to witoe hladir UV
Ik eiiMtoM Mh the meta Tuv
the»M| 8h te ao


i ohoat iwwatr braaay
4aa0M • Corafeh iMoahdowa ~ UoM

a' Fiwi
mm Ofeahe tuaf* due
the tuaahme
orgsblaina or fenna. Tbfia
w .pM^oorrua* and Uwkada iha all
t«aaap*a through the luaga and cat
«|haL targe lairth* <d the gailent'e i vw
m&ary auiuilj of aV. and weaken the
by the lacieaaed work put uiien
U. It I* -.ihlou a vneoiMuiU fwtlfai
die* of atoAoaatlea. uauaUr hi* k
gnlwuwi klU Urn
firea eat «r the ggrm
by teradJuf hie hltln. That* a>«
tnaai fomui of pi minonia and It mgy
fa* nguaed ,hy any oua of
laoet commih
fereat fateta hut th* u
• M fhM by a HUM oigaAMm
iglMd Fammhal * panamaMiai'
til* Oeriiuu Mvaut wb<i dlw’ot'
Th* imauteotxMirrN uud«r the rnkro*
aco|te apju-an
aptieara gs a tiny dark *|i*ck
nulled bj f traitapureht ca|iaul*.

rnM« *• •

» • wi»i

|4mr htllha. when atked hj him wheth
ar tie had hMt ap> Ihiug. aa^wamt, "Wo
.1 tarry ail tor pngien/ ahi^ me." Vet
hU liherllantt' had Uma gltan HP le
pUlapa, hla daufkier* had heao eat
raped by iht m^my. hi* aottutei had
fatlru uudM-ii fuTfiau doiutuMia. hhd it
«a« thti kiec. eoihiwnad eu high, aorimmded hi the
of hk t ktorteo*
tauape. whe put thk. uuefth* to him\et Im ettiv^k tb« vk-tury Otot of the
ktap'e hande aad pruaed that, though
tkt> (iij wae takeu. Iw kUaatif wee aot
cmiy uai*i»a4iui’it4 hut iUiharwrd. («4
he hMv w.ih hiui lhaat intf goad*
whkh au 4MW raa lay huioU upew
Awtkl tha daeh ul ew<it4e an all ehfee
aad tiiM riot of thv laiuidarlug epidhtiv.
auid the flaiaee uod tdoail aud raiu -of
the fylhu eUr. aiuMl the uraah uf- tom
ydm ralliug ui>ou their gode. «u» man
Hehoid." aaya ins. i 4P*
prov^ to
«r of
der theI dtroi-tk uf ituii Ua«UM>
aa inauy «ilUe*. waUa uigy ho ghakeu!
hr tka aittAe uf tiM mni. lofu tau*;a i
laay ha auddauly teuughl k»w W ggl I .
lerha and hkhleu uiiw-a ai4 aiaudUl
arkw ao high a* |u rival ik* Mhma.clt- •;
ad* pot uu aluge apjln* xku h*
dietwvoted xxhtuh twa dkik* a n«ll V
tahliah*«l ih'ud. I have jiuM «rept ff<
am* tk* rnkia of my hcii**. aud. wJth

Goins to Build
This Year?


gcnaca an taxcaga Fertiteca.
l*c *1 Wales Soda rona\Vh« u dauvxM xovir Ula la«|iu-iag |Al
.loiH. 1-.M
kMiihy out upr^'Nlom «la> dvM*il muih
uf the AUta Were aavogea We U»a.v
Ukc a*mu' pr4ie lu the faet tlwtt ho
thvae aatac'-.
aatag'.*. as
aa exruiMur*
exrtuplur* lu
lioluts te tUvae
Number thivc 1« a
lloauuM; You may for (ien ii. ParrU. of Cedar Unne.
futtUude fur tb«« lloauUM;
what fn .uruiue migiil cjfei t Ui u* Me., arourdlog tu a letter which yenda.
uhperve x;hat lal-ur doa-atemts "Afier augcrln* much wlib Uver and
lu-kud an t fetulkmr kidney trouble, aud bcooutlns gre atly
IavA at kU the ua dlkcouraged
diarouraged by the faT.utv
fal'.utv tt* Otid n*lief, I tried Blonrlr Blttcta. and ^a
tkins Uui
pb-r 1 lueau ibr Ue.-utuus aud uk tiu*
uittui tr.u*a Ihst war ugkUisl iw uluug
«uuraul.H-d iMUl
«• T^auuUv 'Cbey hufier fnuu etvjniai
wiuter aud a d atnal chinaIc ''Ihe bar troublea. by HukIumran * 41 sriulx.--* ihcxu »;utaua 1:^. ’iTiry H. Mead«. Hannah iMugs Sloiv, UruK
kaep u3 the ralu
tk.k<ovi-« v>r tluiK-b: gut a. ioc.
Uuu;ul iH-rusa trurru uiaishea uud


a>ul Zt




• g.*t« suk sm.


Panng Tat
KiMx ektii4‘l .

‘l-le..Mir.: tu d..:ug wliui tU^y were Of t ipaxlup pf Cav
ktrcVi Inrtu Flout
dritreti to d.> by
They have ! stiOet to Stall ntiviM, aud Hiulc alrei'l
from I’uUui
to t'a*. street, b
It* hu.ue« uud ut> re-dtug pku^e.t aare'fruin
Uultui klteel
whn-2i weui-.ue.x
l-.ue.i tit>l*olol«
tit>l*olut« iheiii naw In tny huuiii. P>r thc'coUecllou of
.logethei with
(Ui tbr xUi . their fulj. Ihumh lAtarwt.
yet tmu.1 b. s.i«’ul uUh Ibelr on u ‘arcnied tuUMoat on all uuiMlif liui
Ik' paid lui or
hatuU, the h iiVjueavuf the cHcuil* J- ,
ay Ilf June. l!H»7.
Itelph R. lloalings.
•This, wbh-hI you tUiii
tUiiiU a itauldhip. U j
rily Tu?a>'UiTr.
the tuudu uf bfe «f all lheM> rav-c.i.
i Slato Hank Hldg.
I low. then.
. guoil
men U-iug aliukca lu ori|er that they

Paving Tax


oftcu blow dgaittst I
is fliui sud stivuig. for It U atlgeued by '• Notlc. to All Psrworra Interested.
the very act of being shaketi aud: The specUl aasessuienl lav ndl tor
')>LuuU Us ruoU uiuic sucurcly. ThuM the pavl
Hug of Casa altv. l x v from the
whit b grow lu' u ahillercd valley are south IIIm- <.f .mate Micet-t,.. Ibe north
i biiilKc is iniw in im
brittle. Aud so It U tu Uie adranUgs cud of Pus*
of the sfi-i.u.l
of goes! UU'U aud <*uuses them to be uu hands for the colU-cUoi,
dismayed that they akouU live much lu»lnllmt iti tx>gt thei
«U ground
amid nlartua aud learn to bear with
«« al‘
hav« eaiapcd from the flautea ik^miSh ’jJuna
uq« 21 from Big Rapids to remain ] who have a t>pc . ktl upiirudo for
the yekiuan's: patience vviuK U i
L knack lor
nudurea it lU.
*at of ecuuuy. 1 «M>qp Wt young mm jolued the n.iv) tUtro
^ ue 0*peji»'ucc,
Office, rcimi 20;! State lUnk Bldg.

iTis; ."t. “»■ •«*“ •“

<••• >«>

I am pi-rfeclly
eacnij. •<•1* I *'**‘l*“* ***•'* “^
kuowlediie ol e •«“
Ilia are due tu the fact that 1
Is nhok and unlou. b '.l I havu. f Mdd
^go llmllk aro .17 to -o for- apiiuu chanleal trade of the cuilHjnter'a
am It*
whatever uf mlue I have «wr hnd
eaauuu aud 21 to j:> fur moi hau j such a* shlpw'ri^ht. paQuor. plum)iber.j laogh euougti. A guud.
something rare lu Ibese times, a
'iberc U uu leaaon fur you to *uii|iaN«
„uHHti. with lot»d Uhip llitcr and the like,
•lau*;lili>a' fatv" Is scatx'e. uud it i*
lUTiod aud yourself uiy **ou t^xijiyg

cel's u-hiol; and for the
mndicat atu*nduuc4- and fiiAt. uitUlce
Seldom Indeed that one hoars a good,
outfit of ckilklng free. AU i.ppUrams j who suh« » Ui bo a go«»d seaman, iluging laugh.-Loudon Wurkl.
must be American cUlwns and able Uheie U alwajk proiuoiUm. In -fart,
What Wa* mi
tn oekd. and write; giaxd »*ppoMmui> there ure many diffi-ixui liadca in
An oUu uutkor, not
Is usual
M uEcrM Ui ihe navy for prumollun
I had
liich he
land l^U^al i»ay tJ* Hmse who prove
r*r* boy* togelker. He gives this ac
ouui uf uua ummory of ihsi call;
Mcillral oxaxuluers of liihur.mcc
'NssUl.* eatd he, with the pMasant
coiupauks. say that tbo r*ason
Oriental Pciittneta.
•t kind uf a,look on kta fnu*. ‘yon c*
aniukof that UiUa okl kousa on SUIn
To l.xA .ni a hl4!» i hlu.'se ofBvIal
alrest w heru you wees born Y t\ k*n ,
xJbMX. a^ecdoiy uf his uwu boy- thn^-gb glassi"« U t.* U« v.auting |u
lui said that it hiteigbt uii a vision of
,ij.|H-ars lu his "Bonh: luv |4or i»*«pi*4-t. ami the* innn v. !>«• Is
tlnis l4» IndlKcMlon and stomach
that houa* as clear as fh*^
viw rwsmy.
raaUty . •1
Papers.”^ te
t« the vCfeei thui"ui>on fen-:-*! to wear uln-scH nil tb'» time
lUbb'M aiuT Uu* fatal ailim-nls that
saw the qmwr UttI* vrindowa th* nkw. gSTeuteriug
T. Fulda- olB'
$h'‘uld I c careful t.> fi|tlalit. ol In- :ua.v Hprlm; from them- auu.»-s.
frtnmUy door, the yard, tk* llUc*-*v [ ^
bbt e.v *s fell *.;1\<‘ i.fTrUsc To luuWc n stx'iul call lu
All iK-rsous, they k;*>. who have a
ter* B
arjrtklug. Yea, BiU.- I .aid. with em«y
tkat kindly wdltor aud publisher's Chtiui in u M'daii chair witli short Irantlmi. -I raosinbtw very W*U' ‘Bell j^J^iLraDdimi
book, open m. m the
ke aakL *tk* folk* have gone and i»ut;
Flakls wu» ttbsenl fur the dies creates suUiethiug of the seiuatlou m-.<ta after ealliiK. Specks U-forv- the
tablet on luav
that ow
old nouaa'
bouaa' At irst I nmiueut. aud U.4 youthful
y..irtbful ikuK .-oukl that u-.ull U' ctvqted lu .Vmerkn If
tx make a a».clal call In a
iMes>i\v list
te kao|i
hvxarse. be.-amsc a short haudkxl s^daii
folks kaOn-l
kaOn't k-f
|p*f Mtel.
*lgkt of
«f us, tkea!
tkeo! ^ "I
cuutimt.- iwu t forget U chair U cmidu.veU at funerals to iwtrv
doing A W.
. «|iUil of the .«l*<'<l- To send
limy knew what I had been doing.
^ H*S
ii •« onmCa”
cie.. uher.U]
u bereuiou the
pnmfa” cle..
Vm cuiili... K.«<-r In all nomath
taktet warn 1 admlttod to myeeU. auue
.scute wrapi»cdnp1a the w rong way
( MIU<,ui^'‘ who certainly deserved
wkat Itryund my deaerta. bat-but to stkwed lu hi> pn.ieo,tau. vvr..if
iiy the wn-ug Llud of u iiie^s«-nger
teat* It was. When 1 ^ouU s^k I upau the mciuoratulinu bo A. "iHiu'l 1* n. »h*piivc them of their value tu IW
l~U|n’nT~tt»•atd^ 'Aud wkat does tke tablet say. forget tu rnv^.t T. B A * poY^': and re- To tK.ld one's baud behind
dUapfwared 'The pov'-a vvm. uv^'i.iud. (he I.U'W. nhi'c talkiug to nu orlcatul
the vnluabi* dls
paid for and. truest klmlucss of all a*
coverlet In modern medical aclence.
softly."- Argonaoi
Mr. Aldrich was never print
It is not Urn acute attacks that iuBut the re*v»uiverui .wutk oevei fugulre of a Mtisielh uUmt lhe health fluence the Insurance examiners akxie.
lost hU deSetviititU ultilmlc touarvl tW »»f hi-, wife is b> offer au unpanh.mtblc but the constant feeling of wcakagas,
IV. roum. the,childt*u
kwtregs uX thowr famous l^:iiah'>l uatnes Insuil
headaches. Indigesilou and alomfcb
know whan most of them mean to out tkst bad onv«L preevdej hht uwa.-At hutn-cii-Ud iu .UTi.a is tu brim
troubles—these things, physlclana
wtU-Baltbuore Auierlcau.
kill more people ilian many more
be cstlma*
un Last luOiao Udy or gcntl*To escape this condition of
tpeha Tea geon.
i uudlguihed a* for a lady lu health, to enjoy one's food and
The other day a altif.uier thus ad
never suffer with indigestion, a perdr«p**d a jntsavhgcr v^>u»iug out of the
Ml-o^ua stomach tebi'hipu slat ion
not a mere dlgeativc
lets. They 1
"You will eivus* me, -sir. k“t ^te't
in a Quandary.
tablet, but «strengthen and restore to
bepi- 1 I,i to u.:iiki-i uuil before go natural action the atomach and bowels
Yb* paaaeuger.
iug ls*ii b night a lew egg*, lu.or aud effect a coitfptete cur* In even ibe
tbc piker te llulah. ivMteoudoa
m ^:uel.v be pul I hem woTMi term at atogiacb troublea.
-Voor umbrella^ Well Liircsume
S. C. Walt sell Ul-o-up in SO^sent
iiitaiuiiis his pijie aud
I on the bratn. U, sir. You will allow tpe to cApiabi
boxes under a guarantee to refund
and tka brain to tui is a buudis of that i pkkoJ% up ou vvtmim: out of to'.av. 11. t'..» lu . hhou-cwaivl jouruc>
mid the t^'.u- to slip itowu. uml the money unless It does all that U
nsrva «*Ua. wkick ai nourished sod
claimed for It
tkr tnUn just now. l bavv guai pleas
suautned by pure, rtek blood.
vr 'd U*.- cd,-xur* in testuriug It to the rightful own
••nc;:xolsv: ulg.l a fx arful iu«.»*r


1 ao. we have them for aale and
.prtena that w* know ate rtgkl.
>: U»U« and 7. Blk «. Berry Hannah s
' Bed Add, W** »ght atrtel _
U»U fl aad St. Blk F. K. Ia A Co *
nk Add- W ft Imni uack
' WaahltgtoB *trg*l^
Uite S and 10. Blk I. H L A Co ’.
Mh Add.. Baat Wgkth *trem.
7lh Add.. Waakingitet
Una U. 17. and II. AtUU a Add
Weh«*r street. M ft tmek.
UiU 21 and 22. Blk 1. H. U A Co •
. 84k Add; Wehaiet street. «« ft
*g*kU Idd d«. Okb Height* Add . Barlwa
UU 107. Oak HalgkU Add. Hannah
. lauc id. 41. 42 and 41. Blk 1. Oak
T^e cAjucHscd ills llmuVs
Park Add- Washington »lreet.
and tyuhkly made oQ.
Lot lA »k 1, Ooodrlch'a Add- Mon* wasted and depisted nerve calls ere
A few minute* later tbc same strati
found In splendid proportion* In Dr. A.
UA. IO .nd 21. Steed. 4 *^ 4 W. Chase's Ksrvs Pills.
By using this great preafTiptlon rm Indlvhlnal tUa same t|uc»t'x>u be bad
AdA. I7U »trtet, weal of Caaa.
eiVat anbsUnces
supply the mstertsl
IntetuMd lu aak the mun who bunded
UiU tS and M. Ortfin 4 WTnnle •
kkh ar* termed rata and nar^
him the umbrella..
Add. St fu each.
It may Uke weeks or even inanths
*‘You wlU vAcuse toe. sir. but Isn t
UK 17. Orover rate Add., comer tharoughly to rasters yom health with this the uparvst way hi Fifth avenue
A W. Ckaae * Kerrs PRU. batvyou
Boa* and Bute *tr*nu. M ft nack. Dr.
caa bt ahealutsly cerUIn that avary -Kansas City lndc;KJuk-nt.

S3 ft. Bam Fmni hetwean Park aad
Boardman artmae. good buateea* ^ JJtii^!iSrte
| A tanner named t-iou
burg. Transv
w^.itse»i rnwplsiMm* Iba waH, Ij''****
Tranavaal wUo U
. I at T»ratvrta » tbc charge cf
Just a few of those &a9re LpU MI4
____ ____
llcgcs Ibnl be fUrtl
- Ka«r. allcgi
«o«U.«.t cm aarSehPtvaA
aona who hsvs u*ad Dr. A- W. Cb^’* igun te utgUten nwuy ghoste. to whk'b
far Brtaa and Tara** tngulra of
^eira PiUa ar* .th* strong *vVMnc* j^M (auRj attrUmteU *u.a»»f mdses tu
•f tkalr wead«rtul rwsteratlv* tng4*afi*
buuMV aud Ugtt be was uuawai* of
c*nu a boa. at aU
all daaJsn.
daaJsiw ocjbr A- tk* Bgtlte’a presence.
„ c«nu

I 4V t W. Hasilics k Sm

W. Cbag* Madktet On. totilMMv N.
For »!• b/


Notice te All heiwant tntereated.
The apecwl aMwaamont ux roll lor
paxiua td Krul fVmU alreul fpuh
«at.t Unc vl l*ark
to the ua<tt
Welliagtoa Nireet. li* now lu
luy haada for the eolleetlun of the 3rd
ta»tatlmcttt tuge-tkor wUh the aoonied
lutcoeat ua all unpaid
the aanu- tu Iw paid 00 (
••yih dny <.f Juav. IW»7.
lUlph a lUxlb
aty Tfw
Sti Inclii



0am alreri to thn wogi

Notice to All Prrwoa* lattreattd.
TillksM-iismeUl la* eoH for
It' pavtui: (4 w<ht FitMU smut from
the.west Uitv of Colon »tn*»l to iha
wpat line of Maple htiWt, U now la
haiulH fur of the third
luslalluifut leiteiher with the accrued
Bto^ai uu an uauaid iuateUmenta.
beloK' tha
the Nutm- to w paid
Ihf saih of June ItH,:
Uatph S llsHl
Ciiy Tiaasurer
le lUuV ItlOg.







WtttaGoodLott* bsUOOb



. tnauAmant together with the nccrM
I intniwH «a all unpaid laauUmtwU. iha
on ur hafure the 30*
Rklph k.llaalUCpL. .

The ptemlar ator>’ tal'er of iht I’.j Won why Juio ths^nary mu*i
% Mary *Mh Yara." ae the name ui mamhar that thair pay. eaoept what to
diantea. otherwtae kaowa oftclaily ae nmwaaary to tiothe them, te naariy all
Oancga Eaearlt Domna, ctdeg* yeoman. I c4«r money, l^y hava many aUefr*
Ualtad auiaa navy, and advamw ad jww»» tii addition to their ms Their
rnnkam agani (ui Ite nary tiavailns { reUoa U quite autgrleiu to feed them.
vnrty. armed ta thie phyi They hate bu huad hlU lu pay! If
^ n^t. nm*ff»i<r*hii hy hU wHir. |ihe> are kkk ih<y cet tuedical alien^
iM,ai l.jdauee
lu eaaO of aerkuia Ul*
Hb. tU rttm atrwa. ah#we jraang neea they are earn to a hoapiul and
who want 10 yela the gavy ean | cared lor hy the gurommeni. U they
m him aad get drrutara and la : are lajund in Une of duty they get
quDa all aUwi the ckaariM lor hlgja pe'nakin. They would'get no much
leir. pnmuakm aad raafarda. ggared j alU»a.;me' in * itU life. Tho reward*
huae who plow eficlenl.
‘ thai (oute to lueo from long aad faith
Doawa ha« M-Aurad Auastere for lul aenrlre aro many,
the recniUlttg paity iu ofgee rouma f
here are certain allowance.
net Ike aeeond fkinr <(Tthe Montague n» n who graduate friun the atuotau
aunnerk achofA HroAciency
hlock. ttl Front altoel, kUd C
uauea, t<it|M^doea. engteaeilng* and
Yewnmu *lvaid l', Wcav< r and
elai tik-liy aiil tenure pnunotloa.
Jolly 'Jack Tara*’ «.1U he bate

lahtiahed hbiid. ,
Itemetnaa, who man atmnamad





- Daafnas*'Canrvot bo CurnO'

aahl c-ouniy. deceased. '
Notice U bereb)' given that four
months from the 6th do> of J«»c. A.
a 1M7. hav^ been allowed lor
K ihdr
creditora to preSent
their dolma
Ogalnai said deceased to said court for
examination and adjuataent.
odjuatacat, and tkat
aU creditors of sajd
aoKl deceased are reauired to present tkdr claims to sold
camn, at tk* |u%>B%te offtoe. U tk*
city ol Trareiee CUj 4n aoUl county,
-on or before Ike 8th day of Oclobeg.
A- a IMT. A»d that laid cUUp ^iU
be beard bv said court on Tneaday
tke kth day of October. A. D. JM7. at
o'clock in
n tke forenoon.
Dated June A A.
------ DR.’_____
ge of Probate.
ll»* T* li U. SS. July A

Not Prapared
There are iwo thintfs a man
ii never prepireti for - twins,,
for hoi wt aiher
Be preparetl
ng ICE of
by orticring

The C. B. Taylor Coal Co.
'Both phones.

lohn R. Santit
Genend Insurance -

209'2I0 State Bank BaUtfUtf.
TnTcm aur, Wcldm.


Dr.W. J. HiggirtT
Porcelain Work ^
On floor with Boainew Onllege.

• n Yf at t».

Paving Tu
Notice to All Peraons Interested.
The sp»-< ial .asbfShiueul tux loM to
the paring of south I'uion slrt-ei ei
from the nouih cud of i.oulh bridge <ui
Falun slret-C to the south sld.- «.l 12th
atrevt. is now In tuy.hands fur the rol-

OlOami aaoM W*


T A. Wilhelm |


u on om. t


7in Tttsuranct


Raljih R Hastings.
Fity Tn-asurei
202 suite Itauk Ublg.
June 1 to 30 luciiisive.

Notice to All Persona Interested.
The, special asMu;smeut r<4l for lb
paving of Rteth Ktrc-et. from Uu> em
Use uf UiviKiun sli'oet tirthe west liu
of I nteD atrei‘1. is now in luy bunds
for the colleclioh <.f the fffth iuslall
mehl together with the accrueilI mtc;reat on all uupabl the
name u» be paid on or before the
cloy .of June. Fw'7
lUlph S HttotuKv.
iMly 'I rcasurer.
Offfee. room MS SUte Bunk Bldg.
Juna 1 u>M inclusive.


Friday and-Saturday
ThrV.rsmt rtp»-UcuUr PrulB-Stk«


~ Ffd»rth«^A(u.plB^<.nhs

CnnpanlfB Court, Traverse


BoautUul BalleU
. ,
Speokacular Han-hen
Kiiat, Catchj Specialtien
8ooga and l>Buctg
Mirth. Muaio and Odditis

prieeto : : : Me aiid lie

Which PgXw Need r
Spkctacle*. lOi^ to lac pair.
Children’* Handkerchiefa 4
fox 5c.
Cenvag (ilovoe, 5c pair and
Sewieg Mat'-hiue (lil, 4c bottle
Sewing Maebioe BandA Vc
Ink, 4c bottle.
Mnohine' Keedlea, He paper
Pina, lo paper.
Bow Tien, 4o each.
WbipA 5c facb and npwardfe.
Lidien’ 25c Ooilan going at
4 psekagnn Flower and Har­
den (Mn, ogdj So.

1 have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 lo
HJO acrcA for sale, or ff you
have any good property, 1 will
take it tn exchange and make
you easy terms. IcanieUydti
a good farm for less mooey
than you can buy It of any­
body ebe. I have farati
which arc located, from four
to 90 miles from Traverse
City, ail good Improved land.
If JOB havs gnod Isfsl farms ^
X wHI bnj Ihiin.


Ofiot 307 ^ Buk BaiUte i
Tfchd *W
‘ ,

n rtoifcT ’idj


*• T'**’- • •'


•, n-,4

fi4| twptiiit ■»M*ir'w>w4>W( ^ Hi0iin»%


'4'® MaIiket ,


r«#lj-tvo aoifkkora «< Fvty i»a>
iOftae au«e4c«l 04 Oem raiolM Uum
Sin efUnaooii. T0«< ken whea camfiMaS will ko
fni 19ns. Mtr
•ia fea t wlda aud elcOtawa f«l poat.
wttk naiu* raor aa4 a atoe(> OaaanenL
TOa kera oe«iiaia4 will cool »M»Aao.
Maedajr. Sim Borer %»d BA Uonlaa
iaft far Idako



Jwtlh*^ lor the


ri- ■:''


ihoicft Moats
Vlak White rul> ud Ttcte

Meukaw Rlodl - kaa ea old korot*.
Jack, wko la iktHr^oar raara old
Black balleroa ke la
la tka eovatir: ka aeu aood and U
ealia apry, lkoo#k ka doaa ao wrork
Ha kaa Iko best of care fu^tke good
aarvieaa ka kas dona fur
yea r.f

Mell or nkoM oidMO
ftUeil ftfomptlj.



tke lafaat daufjklar of 1^.

WkokaaJe and retail
iloi your ostei in
esrlj, w «• ore orovded.

01 ho«M-na«c

m I nion Ht

Urs. OiTla Jdcl'luie of I’ooiKJiteh illt.
kllck.. U the sucst uf ker uioiket . Idi^
Husaa Batca.

Travnmc City MldL


Hoili ^hcmet.



A fuad kah Uu kiartod
li> a»aUl W


|ttfi iuaovuU>.




L. AiOtQ.




alhu to DOl Ukfi> to regalD hU facaiUt.




j Auit rua iu lh.l7

Ths Proof of Ideal Flour
Shown up in a bright light on
shaking day. 1 he IDEAL
^ brand maken I ends 10 every |
of its light­
en, bca
oesi. its
ii whiteness, the way it
1C pan once it's
guia up in the
the oven. For
bread, cake,
pies, pastry, puddings, etc..
hlU every biU.
Ask your grocer or call up ihu

Ttavorso City Milling Co.

Jos*pH Sl^cl^r A Son
nrsMsM 'BoMbera. rsdnrs as« 8susaa« liskcrs
A Hm K«u( a sett l^rk tat Veal
faoin this meat market ia a i;reai
•tart towards u gooil diuiicr.


rourso you folks w ill Uavo Ui altond
to Um cooking, but you

oau wuger

on th« nuiat that pusstw through
our hondw

If you Lave uot soeu

our place from tke iutiiUs today's u
^ne tUne to call

Pboe your or-

di rt tuatly.

Two Markets:
M7 t tth St., and 707 fUndolph St.


gnd Have You Heard

lhay the Dried,Beef. Ham
and Bacon ^teed on the
American Slicing Machine proves lhat adeke to^be true?
For every one that tries those meatk, sUced kO
• even gnil
up so Qice and clean, are coming
ig back fqr more
e^ry day to the store of -




TM WaSswwWi street

Mass .

wfc kogto itoTwl^M

am wMk seme itsnUiii. s^ tkmn
Tke local dtomend waa tke netknrerne a gne te enck man. wWk pMntjr
They went to Ovlatt and were tiylM M nmmsnlHvm. Tke captnle teek kM
tke rooda ip • race witk a leaU uC
••O WdOSen 1ol Ms kled on waa Ike conieet ketwvon
w«k e recoid and Kin.......................................
koew^Or oa«ae tkw bk9«U xmmoj kwoM. A 9«at
ont keel. Tke n«Sa oM la tew sen- «s a SMd ekel-a titfr at twewtg isU
Tke I ;tle wowstronmne
dltknr for wkeellog and we ore pMeeed SUmT Me mm ttmom aekliweMk- and exdtlng. knt
tke ctosk SnmmU
to see tke kapn ttpSia Mm
asweAiMAMBSiAS kMfi w %e M OMy eeme urn vieton kr on*.
an*. Ike
^ at msBaadsktrpfeilm. wrkfit •#»- •core knUto U to U. BMterlea. B«m•»« lemsi elUr tke^ srt wu U Mast seU «M/(Hty~tUHgwn end lOra. Klngackavek. Eldar nuguM gave a gc ‘ for botk
' olA
la kk MDk wdrte at he k#n mmen My. MaaMoM god Bryunt.
swraMi to a MU koww.
Tke NkvMli
bon tw^wired Qm
Dm UHueet tad »tiw«|i;
The mt at
A CraUerX Hgm
Mrs. EUen Elman was called to I
Mk a Wdnd «nui one doi
Tm wM* was fair, aei wq ytdoeaA> nak toUl kaa kmn ialoked. and wltSa
IteMds on ike aocount of Mra W’il
Ura. 8 L. fkok
Wok la etayinclm
etoylnc tke etrer at a tood gwre.
H a fear days tkelr Klngaler toil wUl
preaont wUk Un. Fred ~
a ostmw. akwtMh etmam. Me begin rakhlag.
I has gone to visit Oshoro.
kaa been oiuem
ker molker at BuU. Bay. wrkoae kealtk
Mr. and Mrs. KeU Doran of Bast kooka kordeted wUk rlrfln fdeests and
la quite
t poor.
Tke tbe alck hut U Okie to be ont main.
Empire peaaed through our neigkkor- •n sign of kwmea kaVdtatign.
Chaa. Hocdln kaa compMlof fi tee
Mrs. Ckaod
er sUll 1U no better, ake kood one day Mat week on tkelr way tieea ware fuB ol ktrds and moakeya.
at Uw comer of
U ool akto to ke dp.
to Maple
tke new Holnslokk MoA and to new
tke trees are oumhig out U
Neekew and
Ur. and Mrs.
MIttBg one in Mr MicM MoCortky.
a little more tkaa U 1
aek'c. Mlaa Bmma Ruat caSod on Mr. toa tke captain was in egoellent hu­
put down a
tkle time,
and Mra. U«i H#ck
Mr. Peck eni
mor, MU nf yenn of hl« royagro and walk (or g. 8 IVuatennacker.
Ik e
a w
great cAock to tka Dtisk- totoed them with kU pkenogiWSk.
nieon«HWM nod ike Mme iMmed
Bl j. Case's fine new kora kas boon
kora 10 aaa tke koma ol Mr. aed Mrs.
Wm. FMnt ol BunMoks Ulo gnneeil
John Holoiea buiu
Ike ground. They through here today on kls way to mf. At Mwn wn nte onr knek and
leek In aoU and began our return Jour
_ about
iboui IhU now kuttdWhd^orklng
a few things from kakrwr but aU Boat Maaecn to mm» Ur. Eneaeeasor.
ran a apikp
above baioad. Mad Ua Bra kappaMd
Mrs M E. Brooks aW Monday mg. iMiMiMig MM tm kod gene up lag tost week. Dr. Fomoo n
_ kto
foot, causlug him t
to ke oouat eleven o'rkick. the family might afternoon with her friend. Mrs. Maud Ike rtm oMwtBfteea oHMa.
sevexml <
kava kaan buned alao.
Bronaun of BurdlckvUlo.
The work ot topping
Cape. Kd. Bmaay la tttiag up kls
Mr. and Mrs. Om. Peck. aaMsted «n gel eut
boat tbe Ouvksma. la flrst-cUas cou^ Mrs O. W. Sutton of BurdlckvUlo to a mere tiidr for wrell arwsoned whale maltu to aim under way.
At a m<n‘tUig of the vlUegu council .
tkuou. all new limbara ia kar. Alter 1 aseko
agaka garden. They plowed, dragnvd.
Bending tf tke asM
tost uigkt tke maitor uf eceapUog the
loiotera get through with her U I idauted and set out some cherry tnes
tke boat spin along at a Uvely ^t and
,'urkM system has under
bg^w~4nejouklng boat and ouejtor bar.
Mra Sutioos keallk uTnot
vote aonm gee mUee nw«y from tke
Mr. Wm. Tklrlby of
IS nrauted^ tka poute that she good enough to plant her
bar own gardan
turniug point wkee audilenl.T the cap- Ike Traverse City
Cliy Iran W’drkib
Work% tke
have during tka raaort seasii
Wm. Inpham of Lake
cuulractora. and Mr. J. M MRctoOl of
on tke weal Uy through our nolgkkorkood onnvasaAng ttln eoctolBtog:
t Bmory
lagum^ tbe cooaal
*Mv goodaeas! lA)ok at that tigerr LudiugUin^
coosaltlng engineer.
umher of yea IS
thoroughly lor. fruit treoa and other thlnga.
era tke eranU of lk« people.
I on hU nepkewr. And, euie enough, lying well out on an being
called n few
adjournment being efw
ererkanglng branch of a tree imder lengll
G. Brooks.
wrkick we most peaa lay a magnlflrent ed at about U: Su. Every detail of tbe
Several nel_
u>dt*d the Chlldreo's day caerclsea at tiger, evidently watchlug lu ckjiuce to Dcwes ami UUteit nddlikm to our peb
He service
waa tboroggkly disceaeetl
Cedar «iy Sunday .
Mrs J Li Kilui
kilury ahu has been \li
and at the end I
June 10.
To aay that tbe rtipUin was ♦ gaUtollug at Oleumei
lere the past week Is 1
for I
couveyo but a Colut Idea of bis taeoul i _1 a par with the beet. It is a t
pected home today
coudltioa. and as for my shlpmatro j
SwaaaonI 1Brotheia sUu^vd up tbi
te in «ome respecu of tke aystom
they were e sight to behold. Pechapa I m operation wt BcoDville at UOB pTfs
lath mill a few days age. and a
turning oi I some nice Ulb
expertonoe at Aujer bdped tojeuIt time, which to cuAsldered tke
K Mar, of Lelaud' called btie j
St lu the sUte ew<mg tow Us gf gke
or while tbe cap 1
ceutly oil hualueaa.
There are yet a few minor doMlaa Jeunle V. Andeiwou of Travls(to to atiended lo. aud k to exMiss Auu Barratt of Peloakey te|<Mntferae CUy. made her folks a
led that wUklu a few days tke
'apUlu. let me have your rtfie.
visiting at Oharlro Barratfa. She ea
viali rooently.
1 feel sure 1 can knock that fellow
peels io return to INHuakey after a
Mr. and Mn
^ . system placed w llkUi tke bauds nf tke
short visit with friends here.
1 kto perch."
ilted here
^'local uulhorlUea.
A Urge amount of
The capUln banded me tke rifie, and •.unlue has beam dune and U is freely
Anglo aud Uenlu Osboroo are vialt-1
■. Mis. P,
lug with 8wm Hulell for a few days,
j In an Ineieni I drew a bead, and Just
aud Bpiulay.
i that belnrw kmg tke system
Mlaa Anna Kropp Is vlalUug at ker
M-lf auaiolnlng.
Three addiMr. MarUn aud Miss Auua vUUed as tke captain wa« saying. ‘'Now.'Jai-i, «-{n
biolker W’lU'a at present
tbe later•« sister. Mra. I>. MnuigoM dottH mlaa him." 1 trod, t feB akaky tional wfclla have been drtv
Master ^^'aul Gcindt aud sister Ida uoar MoyfMld. Iasi Wednoaday.
mpply. and
Ler for deiaeaUc si
Mra myself, for I knew if 1 uiissed him
of UU'umere spent a wtwk here with MaulgoKl has Ua-n In very poor health ckaucM were that whet/he made
001 present Uadloatkms the water
fiU'Uds uud relatives.
frail iKMit.tkM source Tb freo (rum coutambut Is rvported UHer.
^rlng he would laud in
Mr. aud Mia. Will Chuicb vUlUai and that would be the end <if boat, cap­
Master Ikiwey'Hansdlug of Traverse
at Tom Church s Sunday .
j tain and crew.
City Is vUltlug here at preseui.
Mr. and Mrs. i'harloa Chapped. Ike
But the bullet Weut lo the mart
married r
Stella Algtiv. tKieU Schldcl. WUHe
father uutll other arraugvmeuU can ^ ^creature ahot through tke sir.



ouu per­


kkwA in ihn Um iva miniUm bglM DuHtik Um orga. Whea
^ ifi cold cut into fiqaiMfi, omam tofntkgr butter gad po«.
deind eaffir tmul VMY
. tUn with eivaiB until tka toUlarg
tfi m*umItel
roll la bUaoVtol itoMM or ponaaM ckQigpod. Have n emtv
nul to
lo got uiug
uriuR too tkin.

Uae4 wllli sm noM 1108 is Itee.

Haiihah & Laii Co.

wiUi hla eouslu. Unuah aud Bewsie
Box Of Kiugblev
We would like to aiiuoimce the Sun,Uy svlKK>l*wlII be at 1u:;mi a. m.. neat
Sunday. On chureh Sunday which U

who luu> slant

OUT fifty year*. getUug .U logelhci.
uud II Is laiikod with the Now York
M«drop,dlUn Museum uud the Wallace
Museum ot Uuukm.

Sung. Class i
PiulflHUAH. C.
school board
board: Music. Oi
Orchestra; Cioamurks aud Benedictlolb the Rev.
tog remarks
thn Mr.
The spoakeis,
graduates and
re** and all
school board and their wive-:

wlU to at tke u»ua! hour. 1:W p. m.
Tke reusou of this slight change will
to for the benefit of those desiring to
attend servicoa held at the MatekeU
As tbe Methodist have

ce cream and cake. Tke
Lefully trimmed
claaa oolora, pink aud white, aud made
with the perfume,
perfume of the apple
tke class Oower. Tkidr motThu
to—'The Bost is Yei to Be.^*
class sung. ' Bludiug In C
Glen Arbor."
written by Klixntoth Ray for the occaakm. wws flue.
Mr. I atckln's hi­
sirnctlve speech was Hate
evneet attention and received heai;tj
Decreed and
opptouM was also given tke graduates.
Qie alngers and tke -muslctona. Many
ikaaka and much nratoe to due tke
teachers. Mr: and Mrs. Drumbrill for
tkelr tatlrlug eDergybaod det
Gun to make tke whole Iblug 1

Grandma CMappel who Brae with
her bon. Adam Ckxppel. la (alUhg very

u is osilnuaed that S.vuO murrlugvH




Do You Care? We
What Lools Worse
thmii t

all smoked up wUb the

Old Style Gas light

The National
ikto aol diflfiote ihfi nntUai aad
frifgfi gfiofg'iybi iorfour uoMf
KiaaRj light mfida
ilififagttgl^ fOAfnatoed

Ofte oM iotey
tm oouviouod.

(tH|l & Nmrasm

Mr. and Mm. Altom were Travame

J. r


t the wlud of kU form ea ke passed and Tkeadoro Laminer. secV>v*d tkelr
first communlou and the aacromenl
of oonfirmaUoo loin Sunday at tku
West Side t^tknllv chunk lu Trav­
erse CUy
stnirk the cepU>u rogred lik<
CiMi Newmauu ha* a bad lacerated .
• Now pmll. boyn. pnU! Lefa get
baud. Ih,- dfccts of fooBugf wltkCn».^Vr
of this Inferual koMr
dyuamllc cap.
,Wc did pulL better perhaps tbsn
Mr>. Kchwiudt
ever did on going on to a whato. aud
w'a fat
icr's fi
the gau w e made lu goiug back
aklp held tbs re,-ord Tor the reel of I to g»H»,- McuUtr aud non HeU-r. attended
voyage. Ixuig after, sometimes when
Mr. aud Mrs. Ikdk of Maple CUy,
the eaptatu wronVi get excited lu puH
vihUod at Guse Nowmann's Sunday.
tng for a fleeing whale, be would „lu^
liaaal Foote came kume Sntuiduy
out; -rmi. I0.TS. pull! Tbrre's a tiger
sud telurul'd to Travoise CUy again
up that lr,-e!"
A Thii'l s bouse was uewl^ paperod wt>t*k
lewini; for
Mrs. Ella GoikI is sewtog;
Uuunea the Rusaiau empmor has, says
Jami-s (\4t*mau boughl a horse of
a m riier ou "The Thronse of Eutx^.**
The three chief once are tbuae at the G. Ausorgi-..
A Ykillmaii U> bulldiug a bani tor
Imperial paUce and the Winter palatw at 8t. Ivieiwburg aud in the Krem- Frank Ruthordl.
F. Austogo U. building a carriage
Jin at Moscow. This last was a iirewhoU'4'.
.«ut to the Caar Alexis in
Ceott the
M'Ulto Clatk has bought him a fine
shab of IVrsU. It to enUrely- covered
with UiK-k pialea of goki act with pTc
Juuc IV.
cloua stones and alteruatlug with

confident holn 1
which Is greatlyleDomlbailons

at kotte tor the paat week
link Bdltk Kimball


inactoptxin ou the
hack of tbe throtie.
Just above are
tenlng double
dtNible beaded ^les of Uuswlth angels on eitber slde snpporttbe Imperial crowu. In tbe lm|iesburg tbe throne
of the marhto
room, with a wide eurteking
canopy with (hick goUl cords and deep
trlngee of gold embroidery.
On the
cortolna behind are umbroldwad tke
oima «f (ke BomonoBs aurmotmtod kf
tke csovA witk a cnrlOM star akfiped
kordec oU romid.
Throe wide stopt
toad op to tke tkrone.
An Unfeuiphi DwaU

rkithfr It vroro
! Oamkrldgn hod roMgnod kto
_ o» ffimmindif ka cktof a Mo­
tor Jogoa of Fafiokaon vraa no ootng«d tkfi4 kfi fikfiUoofctd Br. Taonor to a
Ana Sddft fte-loltoiiftt

***&m**lk*A^^ CtowJto. Went to Cedar
Sehirday with ker mllltoory goodn.
Uiw. F. A. Franck vrt^ stirnt a wreek
, Traverse City has returned to her
Jene 4.

Mart Wltooe o< Trararae City colled
1 (lieode at
Tke Her. H. ft HgiftliM keU aervieee at tka IE ft ctoMtk|poday.
Fnft AidcU of Ami Aifec ^ m
nouber ot etudenU Ante orrtfdt at

kofifdiof koaefi lor 4k*

prexhtont mUieroA of Fronoe. to ex­
ceedingly ikHftr.

He spenda



as poealbto ot kto Ukerxl gUolraiioe ot
•MAfiM P» OlAus.




that «4U rOQulro ^n «ipandUuro ol


nk. who has”been' sJek to ‘
shk- to to up a Ultk; at this writinj:.
Monday. H. M'amn drove lo Trav­
erse CUy with a couple of calves for.
U. Ti
TuttenChas. Rial vlslud with 11. Warren
last week.
Ml.isa Pearl Thrash to kdplog Mrs.
Wm Wuie
a few days,
Mon are busy planting beaua aad
» theae doya.
It to the JntenUon ol the Aid eoetoty
to plant an acre of beans on
fihnnk's ptoce.
The Rev E. W'- Wood o( Orawn.'
called oa friends In the neighborhood
St Friday afteroogn.
Mies Ida Skunk vlalied with Mrs.
Roloa last Thursday.
Wm. Toytor ood iUUe aon Rooa are
Oft tke atok Uat at tkla writing.
J. C. Bunk wool to TraTftrae City
on knalheiM gpoardoy^
Tke Rev. Wood
prenckod to Ikft
evmGng infttoftd of proncklng In iRe ,
ftfiemooft: kto raneofta w«ro ao Ikit
be emdd fttumd tke CklWroft s meetat Grown in tke ftitciaoou.
Jane 10.

jifTA ^nt.. Witocm and HoMuk
were tke gueaU o| Mr. oimI MiwWhh

%toa%rrte BeuneU apent Sunday
at home
The dedlcaUoo aerv toee ot tk
Ujm ckurck were wal\ all*a<
people from this ptooA
Mm. Lydto Bumgordner to vtolUng
wtok her aona. Join and laoee and
saghter. Mra. a Keoiiy.
jamea Autog rotnrned home

‘*Mtoo!to Weil ood Margaret IRuuf
day with retoUree lu *el Kmneg.
Joe Tiemato •«»<* .
Ruth, vjM»t to Traveiee City TueeioyMr. and Mrw R. Ftoker ipeat Boa-


callera at Sam Huieilh Sunday.
Utile Chj
mdrJl belle
Cllutuu Bu-U ih sia-mliuB.a lew «lays

It l« the property


Modia Cake


|s > piivulv

most vaiit'd ownrd hy any
of G. W.

■efgsMii ei a WWUiirh CrWw In Mm
Tme doja MU keen
A«P «t a
m Ikek^ el uJ
Kev itegr. wMck M a dST^ eoa fkwm
AaUE a waat imie tielUnH In tke
Me nnnnal
MUSS M Sera, and «n Ike mtnm§ el
tke IkM doj fke c«»Mle el tke Xew
BadMed wkolm rnnckaM ke wtmU today mod wUi ountlnnc Mr one vmkTW grediM Cot Iks new eUewMk
^^Mikrjiarth end ol town kaa kM



aiT cidhvtiou which Is the larRi'ht aud
son lu the couuliy.

^ i TWPi » a miL



* '

Hare is Recipe No; 4

' ‘r-ift— ■

Ur. ood Mes. Wm UMMr trlMl
Mr. and Ui% X ItkilSirt «| HmS

lUihktus. Bi,u;raphU-al
Bl,u;rapliU-xl es>av.
lUKiou. Mary |lorM-y; Solo. L

Have You Hsanl


Mrs. UlDote Courtade. aii^^
Kucot of b^r pareota. Mr.yaud Miw.
Peter Courtade. kaa ratumid to her
koma lit Uevclaod, Ohio.
Maay from karo attoaded eootraaatluu servlreo at the Bt. lYaucU ckurck.
Traveratt City. Sunday.
Maery rortoe went up the Ikisrti
river 00a day this waek aud mad«a One catch of fifty brook trout
waa oullcWtlUam Bdwards who
sick. Is on tke road to recovery.
' If uotklug happens, John N. Camm-tades se
seven >var uhl p«»ac
peactf orchaid
Ikuuaaud huMbeU ufvrin yield
<Ty day somebody la going lu
vchicl(les Of all dvaciipilons
Kul Beunle
lake rcaoit.
prumhMia tu ba a very pupdlar itssurt
beucefurtk. being bcaullfuUy located
Bom. to Mr. aud Mrs. James Skiver.
June €lh. a boy.
•Albert Carlisle had tke Bell ptauue
e thla wreck.
pul up Si his residence
Mr. and Mia. tkivld BIiumi. were tke
Buuday, uf Mrs. Blmcu s
liarcuts, Mr. aand Mrs. <9atues U. Beach.
Ml. aud UIra. WUI Buaac won the
guusls (Mvr ttuuday of Mr. and Mi>
l>. G. Ckaudler of
James D. B
liavfitA* t'Uy, drove oul lu the farm
They have begun praclUlug foi
tiaM-bali at Btuil H«ad.
Klght ro>alI> outerulne,
Mrs. 'JiAu
rdlet of ihe
Ih luemtors of the O.
^Mts.**Chaulkcr aud sister. Miss Auue
Kiauctw of BUght. were the gueaU
K. 8. of Blk Hapids. as they look Ibeli Ben-alt s|»enl a very pleaaaal afterover Bunday uf her daughter.
dipaituie from the Masoulc hail at
uoon Uat Friday wiU Mrs. Wolfe.
Acme, where M of their humtol bad
iVilaio plantlug Is thu oid,*r of the
MiSb Platt of Kiugaley acemupauied
witue'ssed the coufevlug of the degrees
bouii^ farmers kciw still haw a
O Uilen
Hay her brtdher. the Rev. J. B. I’lall. to
quauiity of polatiH's on hand,
la I K'
chaplei O. K K.. Ko. ::41.
The w,,rk stivloea here 8uuday.
ha\lug; lutuscd ftuiu fifty
-Mr. aud Mru. Joe »*-hu8lrr atleuded
- was uU.ely done aud the o
bushi-l for them,
CA'UU p«r
ehuirh ben Bunday.
menilK is shoul
rulu. ihcrr will to 11
William Bo.->key uo« has a phont.
their woik '*ArU i Ibc work v
than wa» first eilK'vted. but iu
lo iho din iiiMklng filu<cii pkunew on line seven
emergeury. dcru t fuigei that
it,a»k of a UiH? seven to r-onslder^^a noiSy line.
of fialder com aud try a UUk
buckshiui aud Miw U the
lies' Aid met^lih .Mrs. 8(au
i t'ora
tudiiatloiis iMiiiil to a giaid crop of
Heolleid. Miss Essie vTiUon, Miss
Noi , Udlr'u acwlug car pi t raps aud
H NoislelierrUts.
ril,-». aud huckh
w heril
iuue HiUd. Miss Addterrlsp Brothers guilt hka ks
AfU. dho busl,Inej.* mt-elif uotklUK happens
John aud Ik-miis lloxsie weic Is-.l I lug the l.,dh. adjounied lo
Juiu It
UU'U lo
•that all was IcaikrHl after xiis. War reii Taylor June 20Lh.
for ll
'. ^vh
irtiho eiiU'i\-d
Just lu ifiue to
the ckapu-i centsb per bushel.
ibs MarUn. Miss EITie Bogart. Walelose. having to-rvr delayed by a late
}ler Banatl ,,ml ll.euiy Bogau were
train ou the I*. M K K
At a
hoping guests of L. Urell. Sunday evening.
11:.-.o all took Iheli depail
Cheslejr Rouse has pmrhascdI a lot
Is the
,uw,re such saihrrkrga In
I build I
lUg that
lbs the <
at Buckley and is prn«rlug
Kume of
a house thereou
He exiKK'ts
i Well bite*
In about Ihrr-e weekb.
Mr. and Mrs Jidin

III 8i,i lnKficld.

That the .proof of the*
pudding is chewing the
string/* ,


*m *v iw>. >





twwMtr mty «t« Ike very,

OMhlMaB to art am dwtot at
ThaTs Wky

bMk H flMM WM a Mtea

Minikra*» Is OWcrait

paMwa «M wmH lwv« U. ■

jh^torr|j^t/^^l evM^





ITIHE MMItKETS are in a condition ttiis year such as we have never seen belore.
Jl The market price oi mei^chandlse is higher than it has been in many years.
On top of this eomes the exceedingly cold, backward spring, with the result that tte dealer who Is in a
pMitlon to handle them is ottered bargidu&ey!|py]^ by manuiacturers and>iobbers who tiit willing to sacrifice
ttUr pMMIaaiposimaaaM lMSlair'libcsaltoal flcMIaar^sl 'aicrdiaiiillsc mafls ootot season moi Oicm bat is waalcd by Ibc milfaa tt be is aol alrca^ sop*
pIMalahlBhcrpHec. Oar saprenwey la Ibc 4^ goods Sac makes II an easy sutler lor us to secure Ibcsc olierlags. While we do aol mesa to coavey ibe Mm
that all Ibc oUcrlags have bcea picked ap la Ibis way. we eoatMeatly prcdtcl that II you will apply Oic scvcrcsl leal you kaow to each ol the oUcrlags ta Ibis ad.,
cask la lam will aUd the standard by which you suasarc tis tatrlaalc vatac. Judge the whole store service by Ihc sdl-sasu staadard.

Ladies* TaUored Suits


Ail fMbiun mtgssioM fpiMk of ibe popaUriiy of the TdUor^ Bull. Our tslee the
but two months prove Out Abs U^Het of Traversa City and viuiaity koup iu touch with
faabioD's demamia. Wbik) many oomptain of alow biiaineM in •uita.onr plieiiomenal butiuiMS goes io show that wu give better valoe, liuality and style than is to be found else­
where. Just now we offer you your ohoioe of about

Tins it one of oar strongest lines and wa certainly sail a host of thbm, vrbich
wa coukl not do if quality, style and prioe were not right

PUty Mto, worth iu a i«gW way 118.00, for $g.7i.

Twcafy-Ftvc SniiSp worth regularly 115 to 18.50, for


TlUr^ Snittts some from our ngular atock ami the balance bought at nibuufaclur.
ers* c&oeiug out price, valooa 128 50 to 88.50, Btoua Pony, Cutaway and Sited jacket
styloa. Vour choioe for $17.71.
Tnnrlst Costs—Agenta' samples. 50 inches long, fa:ncy mixtures, iu box. 6tUal
^ and semi-tilting stylos. Then) are sixty coats, bought at big price oonoessious. We have
divided them into threif lots and priced them at $4.7$, 7.71, $.7$, worth in a regular way
17.50 to 18.50. Hixs from 32 to
This means a big saving to yon. Hetter look thorn iip
TMriyHttVC CoVOlf JOCketS This is a smsU lot a manufaoturer wanted to close out, and we Umght them
Ui«^ at onr own pricM). Hisea 3S to 42. Not one worth leas than |5 and up to 15.00, but you will mxxl to hurry, for
wo have pUoed a hurry price on them—$$.$• and 7M*
Crsvcsetic Costs-Those have bocomo a
^fli( Costs—The popularity of these as a summer
u luxury.
garment noedi no comment. The styles we are ahowing nooeasity and oeaao to
We are abowing two of the strong(«t numbers on
are fiom the foremoat makers, sud there are eume vory
smart i^ylta, oome in long, looae ooaU, short tilted ooata, tho market, bought for aud specially priced for this
Ktens, pmy and cutawuy stylea., Vuluea are exoelleul. sslo. No stone in this section will show you «uch
notwithstanding the silk mlvsnce
I'rioes are $7.$$, 1$. values. Would be exceptionally gonl at $12.50 aud
18.50. Wjb offer them at $10 and IS.
It, li, 18,11.$$.

It would Ih^ hanl to tiud a uioro tompleto showing than we have in this lino. .\ll lengths in lislo. silk and
kid. Wo show a splendid lish* glove in blao aud oolora, 18-buttou, at $1. tong silk gloves at $1,10 to 1.$$.
ttvofy wanted atylo in kid glovi-s from $1 to Ui.

Summer Luderwear
While the demand for light weight underwear has uol Ui n great, there is
plsuly of wsrm weather in store for us yet. The uei<d for nigUtur clothing will
undoubUhily txiiue with a rusu. and then you will wish you had yours. Wo are
fully prepareil to meet every demand iu this line, and as usual have a most
oomprehenaive line to select from. We; srry several excellent makvs
8«|Mraie garmeuU from Sc up.
I'nion suiu from S$C up.
IJlldcrwcar—The idea that (|nu must make their own grows
less eaoh yosr There arc so mau> ilainty garui^ts now on the market that am
so much ohes|wr than the baud maile, and yet ao attractively made, that womon
are fast learning that it does not pay to make them^
We ha\s easily taken first place iu this line because of the superiority of
lUc garments, the elaboratenesso] the showipg ami a mwlorste priee.

Bpecittl offoriug of Fancy Mixture Skirts, all tixes, at $8,7$.

prii^, siii to $.7$.

Satllie-i..Some very special numUirs at $1, $1^ $1.$$ mm4 $$.
They an* as cheap as when saline waa 20
oent fewer than it is now.

. . Tfeesf Hrices hold good omiy whUc presoat slock ImU.
Pres de Sole (pronounced Pray de Bwa)
has all the good qualitiia of the Hsetherbkiom
and tome didinctivc featurea that the ol^r laokh
Theee launder perfectly and reUin the lostre
and fihiah.


SUM—So wowian feels as if she was oorlertly gowned aowedaye without a Bilk Petliooei.
Wo%ish tooapecialiy call your attention to
our tpeotal at tiJ$$ aadBTdti. We believe this
to be ibe BEST akirt on the market at the prioe.


Our guaranteed pettiooata made from **Moe»>
Lak** end ^Bkimror's*’ Tatteta -ere exoeptionaJly
good. If they aplit or oot yon have your ohoioe of
anew ooe or your leniw beck. Oome in. a

verier of protkystylHidi»lo$lik




At $8.8$ wi< show an extramsly large line iu both blacka and colors. Pan­
amas in the boit of moilcls (iood,fall, generous sweep in platted amlfiare styha
If this is your prio'i they h ill fully meet your every laquirement.
At $8JI offer you the pick of eboui 40 Skirts that aold at $8.
and 110.
T7I0SU ait^ a lot of odd Skirts taken from our regular etook. On^ one or two of a
kind, most of them hi light cobra.

People appreciate the ootls ihe^ get here for the litUo miss, as they are diatincli ve ami out of the onlinar}*.
Wo are showing u vcr>’ coin|dete line and are makiug some very atlradtive
prices. We show both Plain and Wanoy Mixtures in the short, moilium and full
lengths. Prices are $1M to 8J0.

Worth in the regular way $8.75 to $12.

Shirt Waist Suits
. To tin* Woman who has noi thu time to make brr
r>Ku wash dress and who ilmfi not cure to go to the dress­
maker this showing will ap|ieal to her, us she can buy a
ueat, tasty gown ready to wi^r. in either plain white,
white grounds w ith pretty flora) designs <or in the dark
colors for house wear. I! you areI undecided whether to
Uko the time to make it or buy, it, ask the salesladies iu
the Cloak Department to showryou
you these.. Their time is
ther you wish to buy on
or not. Prices range from
vours, wwhi

Silk Waists
If you have not seen the splendid shpwing of
these you have not much of an idea how beauti­
ful they arc. No dressmaker could nniake you a
prettier silk waist than We show -you, nor could
she make one at the
e prices we offer tnem
Also in plain tailoiled styles in jap., Taffeta,
Louisine and Me:ssaline silks. .\lso Plaids,
Stripes and Printed VV^arps.

Priced from $$M to $1$


Charming Wash Fabrics

HOSIERY While Waists


These beautiful dune days stimulsto the wash goods business. Wo arc
rnaily for it witti a most charming assortment. It’s been a goodjmanj^ yi«rs
since wash fabrics have been as beautiful as they arc this season. ^d||t
bhuer Muslins in floral dusigos that are so true
to uaUire in pattern aud coloring that it seems *as
if you might pick the fbaers.
. ji


Boft, pretty Lingerie Lawns, Mcroerixod Barrel Mulls, the] t-verj dainty
Pimlly and a muUtiode of other pretty fabrics that make tho ohooiiog2of;;t'he
summer froek an easy matter.

na« l^*ol«p»lylolhebcner 8<KMto 3
iwlyjtort tolhclow»ricc4 gooda. Our
emwWg at aU prices U wortay oi your

> HCttUlttrMOOHI—The art of making cotton look and wear like silk
has ivsohed perfeoliun in the Huatherbloom cloth. Thces l^ttiooais have
every eppearahoe of ailk, same weight, and have that pleasing “Irou frou** thst
every womau deligbla in,,and they outwear silk. Borne most attractiiw stylet to
ohooee horn In Iwth tegular and latru sisos for stout people, ModeraU ly


This is easily the Shirt
Nothing is any more
Waist store. No such a lino
pleasant to a woman than to to be found anywhere.
have poorly
tilting or poor
White WaisU at 8$C, $1*
wearing hose.
hose We do away
bothi by buying only 1.1$ up to 11.$$.
we know are right.'
Three specials at $1.1$,
lially want vou to l.$$,U$.
see tbe'ladies^fast bla^ ootOur Waists are fitters.
ton 1
am in
the foot and the quality is
There are two numbers thst
wew^ you to see. Those
They coaw in a box st|$c arc exsra wide ones at l$c
the pair, or 3 pr box$$c.‘
and l$c the yard. These
purobases and are
A children's special at lie. but special
of tbeonlinary.
The 2oc ouu ' is corset
There are only about MD
doaen of iheae. but Ui^y ^ width and both are \-ery
equal to any lUc
We oarry a moat oompbte
atook of black and fancy
Hoeiory for ladies ahd chib
• Bvery Hosiery want oan
be sullied here.

Xa 80 and 100 in TaffeU
Bilk Ribbous in full c^br
range and exomrional qual­
ity at l$c yard

We shew eome exooptional values at


(Men M »• «c tte rart



Hitt AMrieU Uriv haa proved
itaelf the best ooreet on the market. By comparisoai it will be found saperior to anything
elsayanoanbny. Poeeeesee more good featurae.
Tb5ro is a shape for everi^ figure, a prioe for
every pdree,
Oor ooreet Isdywill be glad to show you
the good points, and will also give you fittings
•f you with. $lo$#lo $$.•$.
Nttmo Corsets for stoat peopb are ac­
knowledged to be the most oomf^ble and beet
wearing ooieat to be had. Has adjnelabb strap
for radnot^ Iba abdomen without dboomfort to
the woeror; gives more wear than three ordinary
ooriets. Price $8M.

i r^d -




• t»M


AV, JUN« K mt.

Oraiions 0hen

Wmbtrs olM Class cf 1907, traverse Qfy Bisb Sthv^

hamm tka mm tmn m
%tm a*Mi rn^iamm wrnm am
Anm tnr wmn at -*T~-|-tiljr
«PWHk «ii k«M grovslo
atm mawaftm



Ttfkta. amt at tka marnern at tMr
*qU. With th« pn
earn at JmUm vrltua la th«ir
haarta. tkar lo|Ui4M a aatloe. th«
Aaicftaaa aaUaa: aa4 thaM AxMrtoaa
prlBolptaa uaaltarad aa4 aachaaped.
haT« raaalaad tha mutrna lu pao>

la tha ooBBtdaratioa at this aahUaM
aamai at Aaartoaa Prlaelpla, la ao
tar aa U aBhrtoa tha aanaoa lava
ot our haia& laC m taka a hrtaf ra^
totaaaaaa orar
•o«»fclhan. iu laaaoaa to our
Wiaa n
^ proatar
Itj. as tharalB taught Lat oa asehaaga oar piaaaat. aaagolaa. tvea- pn>ach«d. the maa>aat ta which Ubcr
tlath^tary atUtoda of faotag oalj
assert Ue might of iU right
^ * caiaful. thoughtful.
alreadr grajr dajr darkened Into
Thus thitMgh thaaa
hackvard glaaoe.. which
will carry us nl«hi-a starless night—whose awful
axparlanoaa of Jog had grlaf va have aaar from
exisUag order and ara darkneae witnessed one of the most

Idfhd. ggMd fhr. aad watched orar. hat
mm aad wamaa ahoat to taka
mm aMattad plaaaa la tha wortd cf
ptwirtaal fhat .whata aaah oae
mm, mmnra am mama aleha aad raly
IW ctraagih aat aa hla nalgkhor hat
fp hfartf AU thla la hard lor aa
la faahaa tar tha'mid of aehooldajrs
aasoM loat aaw to ha lha and cf al*
mm acanrthlag. aa loag has tha
ochad haaa oar mtla world,. aad

world'a hlalory. tltaratnrab
gnapaa, oar rlews hare
aaad aad we have aMalnad a wider sbis
of vlelan. WhUa raadlag tha
cf tha hnmaa laIngraatast prodncta of
toliaet aad studying tha aohlaat
charaeteri the world hM bgowtu va


lev decades aha atood forth comtuaading the respect of klaga. She
the jn ll or religioos leglslaUon and put
»t down One bjr one the relics of
«»d monarchlal rule, which
^ follow^ our fore talhers from

•“d to tho parlle Which ao hgmp^ coming; end w ith him came the vivify- great plaae of a««slUy.
~ «red tu growth while U wee yet in lU
**'»>ls violent dtounion had
ror a time our naUon grew-she
we may aaon
been but the
' prognoetlc of a great proapered.
- .but. In her prosperity she
Today, weI are standing upon ground
which two hundred years ago was beIng greedily disputed hy several of
the iaadlag povare of Buiopc. .The
duaatlon than at atake-vwre of groat
Import to na as a ooming people. In
thU land our adveroartes saw vast
opportunlUee; for our-

Nov vhmt hsTs thaaa thlaff n*at.
aBd vhst vtn be thalramaaU ranitt
The lastUuUooa which haaa haia aar*
tnied la thU ccmntry. hare aaahlfd
asaa to approach. Dearer thaa arar ha*
lore, his final aapramacjr. Ihuiai tha
aatlre Ule of our haUon. her eoas hare
BiaUtalned the hlghaat Idaala poMlhla
to a grovlDg people, the tgrm «C
p,^*rument vhlch thejr hare aiUhknown. Vnder right gnldaaca. IhPB
been the moat euccaeafttl arar
joundaUons which hare bean laid <
cooaUtuUonal prlndplea. wUl
,j*nd through oountl«s coming yaam.

greaieet epochs of thU
,yrld s history.
However. thU rapid growth may
prove disastrous. If the people of the
Ameriosn commonwealth rellnqulah
their rights as their own leglnlston—
If the people of ihU nation allow tha

Whig, law yaain am, wa aMarad tha

but almost

ba agparatad. tha Inluanoe and lm>
pronalons theaa frtendahlps hava mads
upon our cbaractars can novar b#
offtced aad In future years the remembranoe of them will be a plansnra
and aa tnsplraUon.
ThMo U still another thing that we
have galned-worUlor ambltlona^
higher Ideale. These at tret thought
to ha of iaaa valua thaa our


u. ,0-....^r-.

outwolvaa and ptwdt by them.
Ing hare a govenunant which should
However, glthongh these advantages hahe leamad to look ahova tha earn fgatar
human rights and human privU^
ahla and hava prodtad us
etna, a goveroment “of the people, by
lug Mi mttmmtkm le thin am m nuch va have gained other things
the people, and for the people." We
cndM. Jt acmd lar. far eg In tha
wf of •• «uoh valuA M not
naked nothing of which the-oonaUttt^
ihn nnaaruin fniwa, g gcnl which
UoD of the mother country did not
wmM he ranched altar a lohg Hma.
provide, but Great Brtula In the vain
mm «nah atrtvtng ahd assay iUTi*
glory of bar power and wealth.'had
caMw: hiH tonight, aa va took hash.
oaacad to chariah In her bosom those
It caaww hat a day d|ma the ttoora
prlnclplee which ehe herself held
cf the aahoalhBiiae grBiPpanml to ad
eseontiil lor the healthy growth of
■dl aa, wondering and not a Uttie
a froe^thlnklng people. The Oolonista
fi^tcnal and va took up the taakc
were not the only ones to ace that the
Whlih wo have puranod alnoe.then.
British government professed prinelthe old. As Brougham obplea far different from the prlvtlecet
enjoyed by lu subjects. Britain’s •®"e^ After eeriea of exlraordlnmeat loyal sutesman saw what *7
eeitaln outcome
pollUcal wlsdoin. flnnneaa.
moderation, they threw off tha
their irm adherence to the original
prlndplaa of Bigllah rule, they ap^
thingi of Ute and to aaa puadad the eioita. of t^ brothers’^
thh noble. Wa daslra beyond the sea. W’lih Pftt. they aaw.
to make the bast of ouraalwaa. to da>
va did ouraeivea at a later period
rwlop tha talcBU tha Oantor has
*% people ao dead to the feaUngs
given na. not only for onr own aatU' qi uperty aa lavoluntarlly^to anbrnit
facUon and betterment but
to be alavea. would ba St InatrumenU
fellow creatarea. Soasaona may to make sUvea of tke ranL"
any.’la an thla worth whUef* It can
indy be answered that this Is the
Onr nonatant nasocUtion with
*«th whtla In tila. All
tha nihar MpUa has sarvad to give
euhcMilnata. U It not this
we esiw wiwe wiin»—■■ mmm mtrwm^ kMncT Swlght Into
ns- ^to^te Of msh to bettor not alone bias/hanrtod. hnk nMh cto nntwnl. ynnth- tore. ,p
self but others too. that. raiaca hla
. dhew and protanaa Md ^ “•
mkak *
.VMM vton
tm idPin
ngnm nnd
aaa gn
au would
vcum be
na ^
to a rnaMinw. It Inatlhcur b It not or thto that wa
and In onr younger
has rehM.etf tha aksn .Msm sed
__ ycn^ are taught and
t*f* ,,Mi ■MMr. iMr M** Mn UM4
tk, mrntamt___
of imt
ngan uc
thair msamaea,'
Thardora wo any
tMc lapcMglMC WM
<M and Ikin’
(taiMUn. knrnmA
kn,^ m
M MUkaatm

kwffc bri Mtlainrtton whan we reahaa that
wa hava alacit aneonaloualy haan In* ^
help h« dig to think.-What Thi. ft kna aUongth^d u. and •uMMsd to adopt thaaa nakittons and '
hnen thaaa fear yann tocnnt to aav —^ torn* gt to awiritodHk onr Menu toward which afver to strivA
^ mam keen ttNor helped pnpnra ae kd: ^mam aladoae In me.
mamaaa __
am gmtl*
tor b Ida ha ibee In
What ^ have gained another thing of
Md tUnka to thoee who
hMC no mmm team ihear
^ ^ npm cottanU tho trwa
poedkie tor ue iheee tow ywnn,
Itotwnir thi Sad thing that cnaen enhak onr fritotokto Ahhougk theee «• ew pnrente and the toaehen whan
lnenrdtoiitotkekaevtodgetiat«n echod Meade aaasf to a ahort tiaa. w hare lainei to rwpeet and henor.
h^ ehtilnei froas our haeha. paw froa our vtoe^ wa cm naear tor^ *• the peaie new liPMiihtog we dnQ
VWniito ear rwaneah. rwdlM^ Md ga thaa nr thnAmiraadeae they have
(Oontlned an mm Tau)


nw mom. froa left to ftgki-Fkmnk ktointoah. Arteiu MeMMua. Itonde nitlftohael.
MOOMi KMV-idolea IhtoMto litoto Fo^ Ondr Hwnn, Pnhh>e Bonear.





_ their aelfeaerlielag
•fforu. they were instrumental ta
bringing forth hare, a aaw. dlstlnet
form of govamment Tk# duties which
then dmreiopml upon whavwtoeraaaad
with our national deralnpmmt, and
today the cMrolae of these changes
brought forth—evil. She reared aa *^“*toe a vigUance never before nrInstitution contrary to her own
Oceeitated In the control of hipian
Which hindered her own gitrwth. T^
was sUvery. And seeing her great
“ ^ become over arrogant In our
mistake, she apDled
spOled the blood of
condition, or look Ug> mock
thousands of bar froemen. to remove
^ possible glo^ beyond, wa are
in danger of stumhllng over tha difficultiea which sorroaad ua. Wa must
be sober—we must be modarato. It
we would be maeters. for In this age
of commercial greed, we may forget
the principles of that sacred Oanatitation on which our nation stonda.
If we. and thoae that era to toUov
us, depart from tha roles of Juation
violate the Uvs of human equity, and
forget each other’s clrie rights, we
knoqr not how soon our Ship of State
may ba preclpltatod co the roekn of
poUtlcal and moral oorrnptlan.
Rather than this 1 hava," vMh
Bright, "a far oChar and tar brighlar
rialco bafora my gaaa. It may ha hut
tha stab of bar «
By this a vlslaa. hat I wlU chartoh It. 1 aoa
was she crownad with vie- one vast
m did aha coma forth united from the toosen north In unkwhM
nred to stand.
IJna to tha gloving aowth. and fraa
gr6wU aat In. a now are an- the wild bUlovs of tho
oqndlUona laprmrod there ward to tha calaar wntors of tha
began a davalopmant aamaeCtug all PnelSe asm. and I aw ana paopla. nnd
fUraar awapiar at narinnal aowth. one lav, and one
nnd can
Knovladge tnewnaad. nnd aa maaar faith, nnd oqer nS tha wMa coMtaat.
batore ’Tnlnd" hacnao tho graat lavor the home of FWadoa. Md n lalitoa
sued. As her wound hantod nnd her for tha oppaaif of every mee. and
of aU tklaga. It vw tha dnvalns of a evwy ottae.* '
new day. a dny both of tntollaotnal Now. aa norw hatom. tn thto My aC


(Oaattnaad on Puga TM

TOP BOW—froa left to i|iht. Laurn Ogvto. Ohortaa CtoaraikA Otan Ouduan. Hataan Oopton.
»00M> BOW-^hnnatto Loidb Una Uatoh tolnnla Uyueak. Artha latoebu
TiBBD BOW-toary Hnriay. B|ha tohnaan, Ahea BPwlkn. OaU Uafworthy.
Otot. iMhlM Ma, Olkiu Mtoto into I


»“Hr “HSH r

High oehool
olMi vehave
worked tagethor. ot tlsMe hood, of Blow .1^
C»d Ic^ P>o*
•ood aad dlsoouroged end at
tUaoa laiortag 'a nieaaure of aurcou pl^ men before tbo blrU of our oottoo. Door to out
They have^ happy yeare tiled
that Ubehy Thoaa ha^ houra
with the looet p)ea.uio recoUi^Uoaa
biaaaed. a«d
aad aeeinoilee our Uvea may alord.
VL^ ^
guM- Hate golekiy paaaad aa by.—

wrttlM. Md •!«> «44 •uUiira ftBd r»- tfc« pollaklag a»d MMng of oar

rifoc Um irototaf

m4 itoc<»Ufii>i
or tlM latoUwAool teoolUM. I« troo^
■UUm 0 PMMtfo troM tte orisiBOl
tttto Um BoflUli wo wa carofuUj Uo
of oBoli *04 ofory lioo. Aojr

«P««. toMkt tk.1

. eU4fc


k.4 w*. out tart

“iis ^

VetoM poaatbUlUaa Ua te oataap
bottlea alaoa the pore food lew weot
iato eleoL Gae popuier biaad lonBei^
ly depeaded oa a aaMdl peroeatage of
beoBoete of eoda to keep it tram fer>
meauuoa. The etekere oeeeed to do
thla whea It became aeceeaary to aUte
the ime o preeonratltea oa tha label
The oataup aow fenoeau rapidly.
Qoce tW boUla haa bea opeaed. aad
every aow aad then In reataaraaU
where H te uaed them cornea the
eouad of a aamU exploaloa. U la a
oataup bottle ta actloa.
The future greeta ua with a aaalla.
Good bye. Old Sohool. good bye^
Aad yet we loag for you the whUe.
Good bye. Old flchool. good bye.
Thooe daya k> rare, heyood oompare;
Well ret'reaoe etar high.
We wUi be true, alwaya to you.
bya. Old School, good bya

and to support
lu luinciploa aa tbetr owa.
man ahall be
“We Itauuld aeter apeak'' that word
gifted with Intellect, a^ long aa he
But with aa uUeruaoe fatal and taall poaaeas thoM cQooapUons of
right and -----wrong that dtettaguteh him
from the barbarian, he wUl aaaUta
A beart-alck yearning tor the time.
When It ahall never more be spok­ the governtoeat of the people. We aa
Americans will rise up In a _ grand

Ulltaad Ipto okaraoUr.
Tha ti^Dlag of iha mamory U alto
^ beaedt derlted. There are two
dtetlact fuortiuoa which the memory
the.i^rato maa»ort#muat, partorm.
Igg of dataUa aad tha retalalug of
gaaeral tmpreastoas. Thera are Umaa
Ufe whea the ablUiy
ta etary

the Romaaa,

(Continued Prom Page Nina) •
aad wben'aaClonal boundaries are ta
many lands so unsettled. It behooves

praottoal ta dally ivor^i^ai ’step, or ta taaUtotline, mid made Immortally lU law.
.overameatal change. Italy
One advantage la atudytag thaar ^o elect our common welfare. The

,'ta StaBMUtM detaUa poe<
aplataly aapeaaary. Thl
d aad ^^HThMloa
Htdry aattaa haa
has threa
three epoeha ta.oniy be ohtataod
ohtaiaad through tha orlgtaal.
original, the keenett
kemsLt end
aatormUy acquired by the yord_aad
and oteareat coaoepUooa. American government the crowning
form meaMcy, which te an wieenltel
piegrata, tho prtatlUvA the pom- the power and beauty of which te kwt of t^e right principles of popular gov- feature of the clvUteatloo of the
part of foreign teaguage wor\. How amrotel aad the caltored. la It not
the most axceltaat tiaaateUoa. Tha «nment. and to these-principles alone Twentleih century, for
dloa. ateo 4o we tad H oaoe^ary to ta the teat of thaaa that tha very heat tranatetdr with all hte elorta haa done
look for our guiding wm “Here the aplrtt of
o( and richest
iwtata aMwely a meatal pAoU^ of
richaal eaperteaom
agpertaacea of.
of. a aatleaY utuo to hrtag ua aaarar to tha haroesthrough any poUtical storm, which
Throws Us test fetters ol.
anmethihg Then whoa momory OMkaa
may tad ua adrift beyond the oataL
who ahall pteoe
Ma temahdA aa a roault of oar UateThough maay aOghty aattaaa hava A limit to \ha gteat'a
tng. wa ahaU ba ahte to glvo a oorrect
gone dowa before teas nppallng per^
geaerml characterteaUoa aad parlona
pterltlTra. than those through which Or curb hte awlttaeaa la the torthis foaciloB of tha memory work.
oar owa government has passed—
-atm oae greet clime ta fuU aad FV-ltae the oomet’a way throagh
There are poepte who decry tha
lalalia aimoe
auidy of such as Latin.
Tet rears her emit, tag—qemed Stretohaa thd loag uatrmveUod. paU
Oseak, aad Uehraw. saying they are
aad aatttme.
^ Ught
tor use ta after Ufe. To
Above the tor Atentte.talc the deptha of aged we asay
he sum they are never uaed as aaeh.
ta oar load aa ta do other have
To use tha hoaaely tgura. oaa aaay *•
Dteuai the hrighi—lag flory of
h—a peteoipten be— realteed; from
weU argua that iha grtadatopa whk^
Ito light
the Arat the peoplS of ( ia^^teta—t
.aharpmrs iha axa te aa Impfelteal
have held th/ taaeta aof Uborty aad TiU the receding ran am loot ta
drnrloa haeause tha axe aad not U te
hamaa alghtoQoaUty ta .thotr laaq—wal hoattaaaad for oatttag. So tha »tady of a
They have stood ap ta unity aad yieteaguage mahea oa ao meek Iha OMre
^ Oa aooe—t of agUatara la India
teetad .ihoir Ute^ with
amataUy hoM ta oopa with the aSalra
a report that aU aagara
AdvaaeaoMet la Ufe ooaateta greatly
to argalag one's way ta lamaaa Thla
halag tnm oaa maai have taoUUj ta

mtertliU fninrr
Coatrei ff*-rr1 Sididleg
the art of spimklag aad wriUag. 1%e
fftaalpla ta H nvtated ta tha haaita
TOP aoW-~Oeaar dmtaheaflhter. John Bawmsa. O— BtaBtet. toather Benane.
of a poraooatod’tow hotoce tha dlayso^lSHnmea— BtaeaU.tofa BoM Ohaitoa Bnohea. Xte—H Oamer—.
opvmy of I r ceattaant, the tree yrha-aaiTCM BOBMSfWl !NIIm% Ohnitatta fktatoteh, Mtee Halq, Lam Horhata#
«INil «<


Therefore to eU -thooe to whom we
are eo meoh tedehted ogee moce. ea e
claaa. we ektemd thw' heerileet. ala-

Ooed hy«k OM Sohooi. ^ hye.

ta the fOtara. aa la the paat. aaay remalB ualted ta thought aad purpoae.
To our taairuclora. whoee helpful ^
guldaaoe aad dally patieooe have"
largely made poaalble for aa thla ooeoaeioo. we oww a deep debt of gratl
tude. To the membera of the claM of
iMf. the Ume has come to aay tare-

» key to the aoul of
kguage la the key to
ipie. The leagaage of
eala U ohereeteiiaUoe
Greek ahowe deUoaoy
r of expraaalaa. aohlO'

try to repay theca, to ahow them that
ta yala, «i«,

WUUam Abrama Marttu. the aolltary aunitor of the 12 aaea who oeavlcted Joha Browa. te oUU ttrtag la
Vliglala. He haa oelehrated hte aoeaaty lfth aaahreiearg.
Tho Slrlua. th* tiet
croaa the AUaatia waa ITI fUat
aad her toaaaga 4M. .

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