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The Evening Record, February 18, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Ai.4,.■..•V". :■■---.
WHti Jtfmt Ut
•tM Ovr •
w«f« Vtetimt «f White.
| r
»r wite u> Tite atMiBv lucortf.
I \ - K»« Tortt. m IS.^T1m* trte) of
r { . Iternr K. Ttev m rwuMt teday
•rUfc an tiM hm»a la tbHr aaate o«
Uma aat Uvyer Mnaa la ciMtva of
tlteMaii^. Dr. BrtteaD.B«aiia.lli<>
»lteaK araa agaUi oa CAe auad aad
CmUM flf Ua aoBiraraaUoa arUb
Tbaw. Bat ma tlte aoCaa arara ■
■MNBOiT. Ha aal4 Thaw lookad at
kin la a war Uat ahoarad aclUtloo
wkas ha aald "your eyaa ausgvat la
i^ty.** Tkav tkaa aald br waa tbr
iHikdact ct a eoaaf4racy of lavyara
arICk DIatrkt AUoraay Jarooia to rail
load kin to tke aaytam. "Tbay
to daelara na laaaaa. It’a all rot."
Thaw thaa toM bln that Wblta bad
mlnad nora tbaa a buadrwd wi
Tkaw aald It waa bU duty-to look
out lor tba nonU wallaiw of tbe :
aroona of the city aad keep them
fnm Umng late tba haada of the nan
vkon ha daalgaatad aa tba "Black
taard." At tba aocood rUll Thaw
aald "I am very aorry. doctor, to dl%
appoint you. There wont be any e*
amlaatloo today." Tbeo ha walked
> fim teat 14
Death of Aarwo tagor Waa Vary bud*
dao—Tuoaral Barvlca of Chiiatian
Lichty-kira. Baaaa Bttricd
the Hate of g Mila
fitsom pifw.
By Wlra to the Krenlng Bneord.
lA-nm IgrtHrli^ a
lomi |l».Mfi oeenmd In ^ h2Ur
ynrd or tbe PuRmnn eompnny eniiy
Practice of-fikgtera Wbe Try to Cateh
aaa Baste lo Vary Oangaroua
Young Girte Wara In tha
A number m skaters, some of them
y.Fung girls, bad a very narrow escape
from death dr Injury on the bay ye»r. Aa a result of tbeir own cart
as. they came very nearly being
mn down by an
boat running be
tween ihlrty-flw and forty miles an
There were a numlier of lioiit* out
wterda.r and a* there a-aa a fairly
lod tailing breete they were making
wd time At tbe boats would sweep
Est. the skaters would try to catch
onto them. An Ice boat la not built
New York. Feb. ^-The White
Plains and Brewster expre**. a aU
nr electric train on the Harleni di
laloo of tbe New York Central A
Hudson RJvrr railroad, jumped |
track at a eurve^near Woodlawn
In tbe Bronx Saturday night,
death to twenty and Injury to
lo nfriy
■core of Its 1
: paaacngcra. ao they would try
11 o’clock the police reported
' the runner plank*. This con
they bad recovered all tbe bodlea from inued for aome time despite tbe warn
rreckage. Of those removed to iga of tbe boat owners and chances
boapllalB It waa aald that a doxen and
double that number would
die of tb^r Injario.
«nnlly. when one of the large boats
The IrtOil. No. 2*. left the Grand ms coming along a' large number of
Central autlon it 6:12 p m.. draWn by the Bkaterh attempted to l»oard It. One
two heavy electric motors, and loadixl
came up from one *Ule and an
with a matinee crowd and commuter* other fn.m the other while In front
on their way borne from bualnoka In
were ailll more yE>unR peoyde.
TTie nuTn In charge of the l»oat waa an
was made up of the combination
^rtenctMi sailor and ha* been in
igenndamoklng cat and five paay tight pUc*'# but he stated today
ir coaches. After atopplag m
that was the cloaqat be had ever
One Hundn d and Twenty fifth itrevM
i In, He waa unable to dodge the
the train wa* scheduled ?o nm expreas crowd and if. he kept on straight
ro TATilie Plain* At Woodlawn road ahiwd he would plow thmiigh the boy*
the four tracks run through a rocky
girls and probably kllP son
and Uke a almip curve. .ThI* them. Ho didn’t lorn* hi* nerve and
e. It is UtH'UnHl. waa struck at
mind, nun-rd very quickly so he
tbe rate of slaty mlU« an iiour.
steered loa-ard the cn»ad that waa
farthiwt away.
If any of them had fallen the heavy
iHiat with It* sharpened ruuncra would
gone over them but fortunately
they all kept thHr feet and got clear
of danger Tkliat worried tbe owner
mas the fact that there
Evening Reconl. I
aome of them prohaldy 1€ or 17
1.. Kcb. 1*.—’nicr| *
nil) dinner party at i
birthday of their mother. Mrs. Ellen
Bray ton TTie tea waa poured and
dcaeert aent'd by her two little ^nd
daughters. Iva and Rosella. a^ 6
and i yeara respectively. There were child under
e -present, five of the family
being absent. ’The absent oncafwere
ind Mra. Tom Braytoo. Jeaw
Brmy^ Oe^ Creen and Qbof^
Jii* iwwMd bjr <■ aad idMod OB Ml. today.
Thit raoiBoyoB bove Eftooa bow otyjfo lo choow frotn. oo
Wo a'loUio laicoot pootal cord doolon in tho nortborn part
of tbr oUto. oorrying oo wo do thirty to forty otyW of coido.
iDMuiioK o clock of moay tbouMUtd.
The Hobart Oo. Prop.
Exceptional Bargains.
ia ibo exproM
M nearly ever>' a
that baa aeen
\ Let ui Ihow tbao I
Id yon.
. Dim '06 Off the Earth
aad all It*-bid method* of lighttag and now with new Idruu and
tiptortlate electrical ajipllanr***
In lighting motor power, call
bell*. annuntUU.ra, portablea,
flat Irons and fltture*. l>ei lu
wire your house. |hU in all
electrtealy and have all the e«»ovcnlcncea that new ajipllancca
J.B. Paige
. Electric Go
Pants ?
In larger assortment
and better values
than usually shown.
Our lines at
and $2.50
arc especially
strong value.
Ask to see
at summer prices,
all new.
Let us show you.
Sherman & Hunter.
Logs, Logs
Will pay HiK'hcM Cash prices for
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and.
Tamarack.. (
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telcphonc-Cit. :J2, Bell 169.
We re Closing out our line of
at iBvcMfory tlmcw
We find several odd suits, some overcoats and
odd lots all over the store that we must pet rid of at
once, as we will soon need the room for new goods.
If you are interested in saving a few or many
dollars, this is your time.
\Vc cannot promise you thcfic values very long.
lawalk Caved in and Oropi
Mni. Brayton wa* presented 4rlth b
Crowd InU tha Callar—Norm
verr bice Japanese haadkerchl^ bek
Wilt Die.
with handkerchiefs frooi her
relaUves from all over the United
• and some of the handkerchiefa tf'cn penoooa. erf whom Ihlrtwn
were praaeoted by Lady Maccabees of hurt were predpllated iwclre feel
r Lake hiva. of which Mrs.; Bray- Into tbe baaement beneath the aidewalk la front of the Vaudette. is
The afternoon waa paa^ ln| rlsli. C^anal street, at 9:40 o'clock Seturtlay
« aad alt were pleaaantly tenter- night by the caving la of the rmaUdaod by songs sung and played by
ng leading up to the entrance of
[laa Iva Green.
tbe llule theater.
A number of Wllterd CampbeU a
friendk uf musical ability made U^Hr
way lo hla home Utc Saturday night o'clock. Mr. Rooea
may not live.
praacb waa announced by the almlna
of "Happy Helnle.*’ after which “A
Hot Time" mod other appropriate airs
figured largely In the program.
At tba oopcloalao of the aemnadr
, Tried to Kill
the brtd^fDom waa captured and
Soya Addraamd tba High fidhoM
Uken down <o Jahraus’ cignr ater« la
tbe rear room of which a bnafoal had
By WIm to tbe Bmalng BMOtd.
Mr. Bteltb. aupertateodent id tbe
Kanaaa. aty. Mo., !>b. IS—Frank Banlab Home for Boys, addraoakd tbe
. tb. tn»a mm. • Wttm, rmpoam. Nottman. eentenoed with Mra. Aggie Hlgh'aebool studenU at okapel tbi*
jT MoMrau tout, wm iwpopWm to Myers to bang for tbe murdw of tbe momtag Mr. Bmlib spoke ooj "char
acter- and gave an excetlant ai^l help,
U ^
ful addtaaa. Me also deacrlbhd tbe
objacta and tlte wortdnga of
Hla fwmarka m Uateaed to wAtb tbe
IS,IDDNew Souvenir Postal Cards
ood husband and father.
H. L. Carter had ebn
Hie New
Spring Styles
in Shoes
and Rubbers.
•r tooliM: ooolw mom gortlon
Tooaday; high omitharty ahlftlng
Mra. Banili Wllkina. aged 71. died
at 1:30 Saturday night at her hoote,
SJ5 Wauhlngtoo street. Pneumonia
waa tbe cauae of her death and ahe
waa only 111 a few daya. Her huabaad
haa been dead some time but ala cklldreo anrrlve her. Mra WUMbs waa
a, realdent of tbla vity for tbe past
forty yeara aad leavea a large number
of frlenda to moura for her. One
daughter from Mlnneapolla. Minn., will
he here for the funeral
The funenal aenrlce will be tomor
row at 2 o’clock from Oraco churoh.
the Bar. A. E. Wella oftclatlng
Undertaker Andamm Is In ekarfe of
Ttat Is wtal we are ollerlsg ImsImow
The king oeorohed lo tbe rtmdeivou*
and a ooemabte took hla number jand
warned tbe king of
Intention to ar
While not
•'* •»»«■* worn bf»m (nim
AY. mmiAKY It, rmr.
•g to ooea aooh daor og Ba B. Woit.
By Wlro to tbe Evaoteg Ra»rd.
Loodoo. feb lA-Pniapectora have
found that the laland of BL Lawreaee
la the Babrtnc a«a bw no Uvlag tebablUM. They toind IM bodlea la
OM aoctkm and tt Is aaeppoaed gut all
Hit Maghifie Bralm Down and When n
the tokahtteata portohod tw^ty yeara
Heller Car Wee Sent te Him
He Did Seme Scorch. ^
at ibHr rmot et tbommlTm.
The funeral aenrlce of Aaron Sager
will be held toroorrow morning from
hla home nt Atrhle. tbe Rev. Mr.
Ubaae of Old Mlaakw ofScUUng. Mr.
Hager died rvry audenly Saturday,
ICntancled la mbea aii<l the top ( having cwlen bU brwakfaal aa uaual.
bla cuttei Dr. K. B. Minor bad a ralbor then atepping out to do aome chorea.
narlUag aapcrience tbU morning on About fen mlnutea after leaving the
rouiteuotb- aUcot where bU cutter table, he waa Uken III and death fal
wa.. orertumad In the deep anow. He lowed quickly, apoplexy being the
abcaped with a aeverc wrenching of cause. He waa 70 yeara old and leave.v
bla right,leg.
two Children, bla wife being dead.
Tba roadway has l»e«»n «»*
Chriatian Llchty.
anow plow and !•> luindlj
The funeral aenlce of the lat»«
either alda with anow. l>r. Minor bad
Christian IJchty wa* held this afteratnrted for a drive tetu the
r o'clock from the (ienuan
and turned fruni Uennle atn
l.ulheran church, hla four aonaaictlng
Foutli'cnih. He wa* tightly
la with mliea and the riiiter top wan aa pall iMwn'ra. Mr. Urhty waa Irom
dry. Out., Sept. H. HWT. Ilvlalaed and when the culler going
neaily forty year* In lH»i:
tbe de«'p anow. overtunuHi, he wa
moat powerteta to help himhelf. The he wa* married to Mia* Caroline Marboraea were atnpped after dragging 1 krllnger of ^yHlcah•y and to them
were liom. ten llv
tbe cutter a abort dUtunre wnile he
unlanglad filmaelf but. after he bad Ing, cine at Clen l^ke. one at Manewcrawled mil of the eutter they aturled Inna, two at Acme, three at Bates and
again, this time breaking away from three In this city. Ilia wife also aorbim. They atraddled a tehidi.mr la.lc
bat thia did not acem to hinder them
and they were not cauj^t until they Iona, Mich., where for twelve year>
Uchiy acted a* land agent for tbe
. had run inito Troot atroct.
(1. R. A I. railroad. He then purchased
a fa'nn near Acme, living there until
about three year* ago. when be moved
Traverse City. Mr. IJchly had been
In poor beallb for two yeara and bad
a great aufferer for aevergl'
Played "Happy Msint" and Other Ap-
{VMSA6MN Buun OF nc oaonNfiWBlT ^
ns:nei« If coisPMcr
They can't be beat at the prices we are making.
. caulog
the atdewmik gave way.
tantly a maaa of bamanlty waa
aquirmtag aad twIsUng In aa effort to
free Itself from tbe brery plalea of
Iroo aad glaea.
Tblrteea peraooa were more or leas
yond. oltkoagti noo« Kflo^. Ttal
■Mohlac 0. Cu. nrt.1 bride, uul
non tbe For, tbrqwNt. tr^k. b
Mt-of tb* twit t«d*r bbd two Koida
Mack .0 tb. tiwcfc iboitlT btfor,
■onilac timu troa tba a«tb .r
J.E.GreIMck&Co. a
We Know
Yon Know
ThAl you do not f*et ibis when i
bay some brnnds of flour.
■' •
The ^
Everybody Knows
Hannah & Lay'Co.
r -
•r ^4U> juo> nooBo oo.
L Sitg^ pggnr^A iit^ ^ok
on. to tto pnhile toalth. pnbUe nufw
Tto livnfnre Jndge ATtnnn dearmt caanot nake UwftU for a price
that which Is unlawful, because
TnAtmm ttm vtll tato mdlU(
^teh pr»^ II
**Oii ctf Um vont fflitwvi pml
to 0«r €lty Ss oar lack of JoymJiy
IMMM toiUtiitiou. W*,4o not patroo^
fMlKHMto4«»trtMinve«boald. fl>
M MAdtef Ml or to«f| for con
tin iM « lirto tortSdn of om
Vbleh oMld jMt M MU to pard
tony IKMI. OfMd Biilii
Borer icktoro tor hit] ineaoai
SroaUioM onUI tor pooplo ooo
tnUUe UuU. erery order aoot
don 1^. vtoB it ea J«t M »
|dn»d ti too city, cnmns tto
dniteC poon- or imr people mto
bttUdo BP oonpHlns marfceU «t the
expetoo of oor ooo.
*'Anottor ftotnrr which 4s to to dr
Mored to the d|ppo«lUaa of ao many o(
wir people to Inrcwl eo Urpe i propoi
UoB of tofdr eurpiils caUal »t foiwiin
potoU, to tto detniDMit or local Inatl
Utknik Any OM who ba. tod auy
experitooe aloof Ihoee line* wUl erm
$ • M iTm M St i I# t $
baltoets. IHuilw
papor cherry l.ku.
.......... ..... _
Then ont marched tto twelve knlrtats
adorned with cherries Or hatoiietR.
of tto eigtateeotb century, rourh in Dsmottoes in rod. white anQ blue, twxes rid s sute of mind when to complatnm flag shape.
ed be bad not proved hU armor. The
Paper napkins In flag ipatlorna are men carried luimlsidki's. baiumera
»wl> lind
alwi Obtainable. Caterer^ will furnOdt,
awkwardly In their heavy
«H1 they soreeeded 4n completing tbelr
-work under a hsll oT Imlb-i* fnmi the
Insurgents. The schim* Is de>M-rllieil. as
we can well tobeve. H. have bg« ii most
remarkable and to have had something
|4«nreaooe and alao diabollctll atom IL
Aa the mailed figure* oKtved In sb
lenee among the gnus, tlielr handspikes
looking like maces, tbeir alienee and
If asmietoing
‘electbm- cake, and smoll
anclnnatl. 0..‘fVb. lA-Il U aal.
In railroad circles that the scUlomen
of too fnUire oT tho C. H. S D.. Iht
rerw. Marwuette and the C.. C. A L
railroads will be reached within thi
next thirty days and perhaps sooner
Tto 8f. UtHils Trust company, whici
underwrote toe bonds of the Toledo
Terminal company, will. ' St Js said
forecloao within the next tto days
and toe roads will then be reorgmnlsfd
»nd held for the new Interosls. ThI
meeanga oT the pere Marquette com
PW. w.hlch were to bare been heUI
Thuraday in Detroit, hare been post
poMd until March 28. and it was
frankly majed la CloclnMU that the
postponement uws taken betouse in
the Interim the entire tangle will have
been settled.
Pasaed Awuy at Kfngalay'After
Umg lllnoea
Special to toe Bvening Record.
Kingsley. fVb. - lA-MTs. Imoftee
Schyll died St her home here at
o dock last nlghU She was SI yoa,
oM and leavM heuMes her hnsban.
have thought toU Itself had sent
by dressing In Colonial c^tu
et.v over, burst
r.-FbIpp‘s “.Mar
log mod) Irttalloo; "that a nuro w
a had «mgt has any husincwi «-»m
to a pUce like UU» dlsturhliic everyT»a»
<hlng- tor brand and
. ‘
feh U-tf
wT'******* *^
ReproBUtalirea Hlu of mUoU. Hoar
or MifMrthnsetts and LeaUr oT Onoc
gU, wlU be dellTered Stonffiny anxt fa
______ iglren
------- ---------- -----------today._
, _
^1 itoTfiranwMrihio
it.*' **It is tbe bewt wa
utol**. -I dilB’t m
peme it mas poMtb'e fer a
Msher to ran ny eMy nod
wash the clotbes no
ii thn verdict of the
who have ufi>l
OarcninilBthtoit wiUdo
tbe work belter, quicker ami
easier than any
We sell this wathtrenao
A petnoosl iariutioo is extended to yon sad your
Crieodsto visit onr store. We take ideesBie in
\ 3, Vf. SLATER
days* trial.
Dhllkfupt SBl€^
We Need the Money Sad
We Need the Room.
Siihijrday, Februaiy 16
We will swing tbe iloors open for a sale
that will lie rotnombereil for a long time.
Wo have sectm?d a large
^rloiJod IIS simI In ordv to
e yon the boo&t of this sale,
factory eoEt Not only
L }>iiitixvly uur eniiro stock.
Betifomn Sulicx, Od.l Dressers, 25 tliRcrcnt styles
Kitchen Cnhinets, Extension Tables, Chairs,
KtM kers, 4 ron Beds. Main esses. Springs.
Parlor Suites, Couches. Cxrpets,
Rugs and Pillows.
ClHniberlalB's Congb
Remedy has been decUred tree from tnioFhws
substnbees by g^en.
meat dbeodsls. .% i0to2-20
Stm'cs. Kangis, IltMfcri, Sewing machines.
Kitchen Utensils and everything you need.
An hr M, «l *.
4. W. Jaokwo A. W, JaKno,
KA-WoBrae Bo«klfoiitoe
We refer to the crowds at tto mor
tog picture ahmr at 213 Eaat Front
street. Tbe plctores are all of toe
latest and beM prodoetlon. Mr. Weltc
liaa secured for tbe first three davs of
next toek toe pic^LareB called “Alad
ain’.DiW" No peiaoo to Traverae
nOk aMtaffi^ia marvel
It b without tonbt
Grand Rapids Furniture. Co.
li!7 S. South Union Street '
Tiie Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
• THE BIG STORE’-DealBrs in Everything
Now It Is
. (
Shoe Specials
All winter goods must gato maketoom for our spring goods. There will be
a good many cold days yet, when a good warm shoe is an actual necessity. All
Men’s Winter Shoes will goat prices that will astonish you.
.\11 Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Warm Felt Shoes arc specially priced to
close out quick. We must h->.vc the room.
Dr. Reed’s Men’s, Cushion Shoes
They are the easiest shoe a man can wear,
J akes all the lirfc out of your feet.
■ s .
Snap in Fur-Lined Overcoats
Out gf 48 Fur-Lined Overcoats we have just five left,
and these wc will sell at the following prices:
ODcFur-LioedOvercoat, sold for $6000, now...,,............................................ $44.00
One Fur-Lined Overcoat, sold for $G5.00, now ......................................
One Fur-Lioed Overcoat, sold for $80.00, now .......................................... .....$66.00
Two Fur-Lined Overcoats, sold for $90.00. now ..............................................
You will never have a better opportunity to buy Fur-Lined
Overcoats at such remarkable prices.
We have four Fur Overcoats that we would,
rather than carry over the season, fcH for.......................
ine opportnnity or seetog It agnla and
r not, we WUL
Wearc n,afci«« .p.ciJ prl=« on an our Men’, and You-yc'M«>6Ye^oaU
Vour Kcltahlc Furniture Store,
New York. meb. 18.-The ftmeral
serrlces of Mra. Caiherine H..Bolton,
1 SonaU Will Formally Do So on Sat- wife of Jo«-ph E. Bolton. Thaw Juror
So. 11. were told Saturday afternoon
urday Next.
^ Waahlngton. PSab. IS-Bulogles In at toe reaMem of bU brotoer.
the aenate la lanaMMy of toe Ute Sea Tbomaa Bolton. Tto Jniora attcaidto
alof Alger or Mkhlgaa asid toe Ute I. a body, bnt did not foUow tto
SiscuK. enbl. are Hullnblej Coffee and
old-fashioned cootrn-dmnce. ‘ Vlr
Reel." “Money
-An Ey. With Lo«s.
r do Covrrly.*’ should find place
on the program If dancing Is In order.
A pretty feature is a minuet, after dressing the Hundsy m hooL “we
by a wiser iH»wer than
-r. danced by children dressed to
sent the thirteen original states selrea. There was no mistake made In
Member of Board of Public Works Is
putting n. together. If our hand, a
and George Washington.'
plaeed w bero onr feet are and our :
Quite another form of entertainment
where our bond* are. bow could we
to more Inlellcciual. Ank
alooffl It.woold ha exceedingly awkgtu-sts to ronu- prepaivd |io give aome ward. «-hlldren. excredlivciy awkwai
tion from Washington’s writings, I stretch my baud out, this way;
of the^KUnrt «rf iMJbllc works and whb
me anecdote regarding hU career. move my Bugera like tUU. Now, what
has sened In that capeclty several
years, annonnees that he will be a A brief imper on Washington, and pas- Is this an evidence of, childrenr
Then* was no r^pl.v, and after wsit
tgea from hla speeches! might
candidate on the republican ticket at
fng a moment the si*enker answered
the primaries Mairh 19.
Mr. Shane
the question himself.
And then. f«.r the devot^a of cards,
has been a diligent member of ’toe
-It is on evidence of design. Doo*t
board and devoted a great deal of hto there arf George Washing playing forgft that, cbtlrtreii.»‘ be coot
cards, which, with srorx} cards cm- ImpreaalvaRy. -It la an erktome
ving the hatchet and dterry legend,
and “Colonial- refroshmeotk. would
quite suffice for a modest ceU brailon.
luppose m.wye 1
-You could one tbm to running your
•.ve over the «0BEttotttnn. conidn’t
Drip Is CrlpplinQ Forco of Brooklyn
Dr. l'ar|ihurst told the ‘oltor day a
roor replied a deeply Intereated Uttle
^ story about a famothL bishop.
Rapid Tfonait Co.
>qy near toe doqj.
“The bimhotK- be said. *^ilkes a good
New Torfc. reh. 18-Two thousand
gnr. and was traveling to Altony In
of the If.tyi ©mpUryes of too Brook
M' snmking ear.
lyn Rapid Transit Coi are Mle on alcK
“A laboring man look the seat be••Aiid now, ladles and ert»tlemen.»
mde him, e.ved tils cleritil garb, got aqid tbe lecturer, aa be eloaed bia dls-l
Vice President Calderwood Satur a light from him. and luildraa to aetcourae on -The Wonders of .Arrtie|
i rosuU of the condition. Mr. Ged hark for a comfortable smoke:
Travel." -r am ready to aniwer any
I arwu.
d said the sllttatlon as
qaeatloni y«t-may feel like askln^.-Tbe bishop bestluted.
lon of the IIMB
"Do you think, professor." i^e
answered blarnlly:
I Btage and toe ©
one of hIs audltots. In a voice det
woA brvBfihin^ntoiitwhBii
M Was la DBB and Was^a Picturasqua
and Diabolical iomia.
In January. 1TW». st tto town of
Aquilla. in tho Abmsao. then told by n
garrison qf 4W) Kmich troops, ton
peassnu broke lata tbe towu. and.
thongb they were driven out by tbe
rrsMh. they oooturato to give serhina
the yoii! r
tronble. Ttey nvsn drove the FYencIi
re.-Cl 1x1
Into the furt and tuade ready to bomI,.
them with heavy guns. The yellow p
•irs from
v»in |Njnjrtas.*'!>.be )
I wers In an awkward podtloa.
-H.t* snjthing b.ipj^-tied to iiim? I
rt. the dBlcer of aTtlUfty. ranhia brains for the nmaiis of boiH be b:i».?rt iBM-ti in a railroad a.x^dent.-No. He «iys Im V well and will
to Imme tomorrou. but to only use.
1 that to tod seen *even word* when hr mlgtit liaxe pm
ne seiu of plate in
tbnx* more.*’-^t bn. land
Plainbe propoaed to try wtotlnT.
r them, men could dm aally
i>rk In aeeurity under tba
-lb..ii;nHx. t«deadr *igbc.l
with , a ii.u. bb;j|tei.-il .x.cnr.iiaiue.
• WI.X.
!. the In.uHe.
big man. bs It remarked. At a t'ertaia
hour tba garrison lined the overad «bn|»V” rc\l-»r'.‘,y e-V*''l tb*'
way, and freta thence and from the frt.-iid. ”l*idu i I tfll ynt i„
to tiM- Im. I*.fort opened a'atrady fire of musketry
fv,*x |;-bl b- .
and of artillery on the lines of the in-
Action In AU Lhvls is Soon to Setth
SUtus or tto RallWay In a
• <
Short Time.
i^ioprs SAVINGS BAIik
No « of the
Friday erenlng
riends church was delightfully <
lined at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
bomaa 4. Whlnnery. fiOl Elmwo<al
avenue, toe Mlaacs GamcU norcoaad
being hosu
After a pbwslng program of songs anA
mall man enlcitH
diatriteted leucra t6 each
1. Thcae letters desertber
ems in which the varirvus tndiwould find themM'hes twenty
It is aaill that the IVre Marquette
henc* and naturally caused
much aniummieui. Hefrcahmcnta c<hisiKtIng of heart shape.] cakes and
fnistcl hcart-shaiicd cookie* and tea
were served. Just before the guests
I to Jm hoped that
were ready to leave the table, a witch
made her apptorance and In true oldnetce firca wen? raging on the am time style dIacInsCd the future to the
Saturday aay the aslruoomcra. If t members present by reading what she
aunapol is a symptom of a comlni toon din the tea cups. The evening
electrical disiurtonce whst ilo ihos< was pleasantly kpont and thoroughly
Area mean?
r njoyed by every one.
o pnhUe tonlU. nor can tto •
. nn4er the guise of a police re«nI. looking to the public morals, • Next Vrtday.Veb
annireruary of Waabln^s natal
le tto aalobn liiiatneas
realth of opinlaas from the high- day. and a fitting occasion for a Cotonwrts of many autes and of the
United Statea supreme court beadng
on tbeae eonteatloo. waa quoted Inltbon of the edd
the Meloo. Some of the declaiooa buff and blu^^
abowcd that both federal and
had nrted that no form Bags and
anoll as lotteries, etc., Woe.
Invitations insy to written An rough
alised. alnoe they are a
peril to the welfare of aodety. In IhLs paper and tied with tmff knd blue rib
bons. or on bug paper with blue ribmany of the ,
rls had held that boon. Or use a gold ^Ijon pale blue
Miniature cherry trTM^tnay bemadof well-shaped tn«e branches decorated
declare gambithg unUwfnl, It was al with paper cherry bUwtgtns and cher
ries. Tlie cherries can hr* obtained
no right to decUrc liquor sellin
in a red compoeltitm that 4s very real
Ctorrias a Fsatura.
The«. carries can also to used
*ce emun factory In Alaska or a tona
oA plaaUUoa In Contral America than
to lodoce local InreMors t« suUcrIbr
for atock In a facloiy which is to be
located In their midst. Sotoifaalhu
policy prwralls Grand Rapids wlU not
fTow aa the ahould. The time Is op
poHime to right atom face and dem
onstrmtn that "We hare aa much faith
In the Grand Rapids mantrfacttirrni
and lohtora to make ^ as we have
III toe fold mlhera of Nevmlu or the
faa ptant promoteni of New York.
Mont ooomuMt lor
ARoTOto linni. dina^yrnble
feb inf 1} '•
l^ totek of H. «ly 6 eau admbaloa.
W Bemomber. thU b next Monday. Xuesi day^nnd Wedn^y aRoraooo. and
^ of the sreek’a
andiUgoodA^n-tUx ioichher.
/ .
■AV" f
« PMmR
BsoMrAmM^lmi bo« igmtag
up tbe goat toltrtagis k reM tp
tba avavogo toMher ta tbe gtad^
Tbe ireeregi toenme Is Mid. poe2^ UN.PM
Tkt JIri ta imoaaUc aereMe whi
eanto lUifi nr $8 per woJ| onfi
aha*B a “poor atSek* If la tboia imm
ibo dOMT Mt It-baa $844 qr tMI
baa taat givna
Mi I. flMily jfoMR.^T%fo
iBiBiEaiiBmtf iw
a M oaew^ to tbe Bamtoa narioa.
rtm nmrn, wtmtrn,nm. etc. w*«
' All That Warn Uft Far
tata—AttanCie Cc
Trembisr for Ha
poru la tba
M tPif
tor tba aaatb <
April and Ifoy. They are i
given I
eefg M fM «gartB.m»l tbart la ito
A BTMminsInrecttaaa. Jkn i
tpafisaMllmlis tbe basis tot
sa aaeb aiie foam tba MDolbs
ft has been prapoard U> <
the oM blstorieal town ball
IS and this haviag eoas
board to a “nice* ptare. dreoai #f!ll.
ante for dreos. au.'as above. Md aao
keep ag ta edaemtiooai mattara. aad
emeagb u> carry her throogb the
Caa she da It an flM for ton
At the toast catootaifcm bor boofd.
mm^mit. taondry. onr fiire^
mats olatoat every dsy. moat conwe eatmat tbe care of our Tbiagwsme $480.
She has then $110 for dreaa. doc tboae tbiags liwt Bmereoa aayt: “Art
tor's hBts. recreatkm. traveling a*- in the saddle and ride rnnklN!**
WMea baft beta md
aM theft art no
amato above the groand yoa
i flso Britt, aad aerer to me
Wlfll n>oK»lir»aa4|ol»^. MIt*
«H«i mt
fiMi. Ml fMM I.
M to <M iPtotoit 4ms. fttM ilDM»
tor Mflttof mt# tpHiif ft»d till
Ai4lr#ry. rw^ wpyrwwit of fffvin
hw IMI to «•«* in wtf«t. mm
fltu, UMl MMraKMt imlfU of c
luir« «M« for • tiiiUtr cmMUk
into tbe
futore. many Itoaa bdag Mid lap to
tbe laat qnailar of thb ytar. OiSan
am moat pftaateg for Jlpaa and tabaa,
to whtob tba demand to fbf bayimd aH
dant. InqgMan for abiato and
ptotaa ara ararctly tatf or^t. abd
milto are aabbla to Make dallr
•iaaordlng to apeal«atnona on ol.l
erdem. while aew aooiinrta aoma fod^
nrd ronetanUy.
H to not poaalble to dtoaant any mrI
mat of maetlon to any aactlan to
It todtaary. latbougb there to a new
aenabla tnlat ta atttetaral nbapia
that baa faciUlated a mndMiaMml la
eftaaa la pMdoetlmi to bUitoa.
ttlla milto aantlnna wall ampk^.
ad. wUb aapaatol pttaanit for prompt
I ladHTaraMa la tbe ex
Md tolt itM ft Hitrtt tortitt tmicta
ntoa to tndto nnO Cbton
V tMtt piMiirtn. FHrtt &t htm p
dneu trt nlrotc and tilrtiieltf. •*
Good pHctn tor cottot tad tor
r tbe Cblneaa new yaar
Mitt or tomum potat to t torgt.
not rtcord. tcmut to tlit tootli t!
rocDing tpilnt. Tht «r tbortt
trtniblr l» btutr to Um iiortkwttt,
tu«fH to NortH Dtkoto. part*
wlitoli art tUll toototod. Famm tMrt
art ftpoittd trinDt frato teknr
Vri prlctt. boynt Uktot ftttMM of
dranct ta prlaaa of out
Mted. and tbe relatlreJy
Itb to batter gradaa of
, axpantora intobnd pM-
» wtdton goodi atathm to
platad Initial pmrbaaaa. aoM
^vMi aooM prof ebtoly to aampto plaeaa. and tba
rtM la totktof to ralltTtos tbt ear too to not yal well dtolimd.
Mionaft. wlilch ta. boMter. ttlll tartlUw wool to drmly held at metera
tm to baalntM. Rtetol aionar t
tr elitckn Mltdlnf. but tigaa ol
rlral aw noilctd at tht watt.
thing definite before laklag raw ma
terial freely. Footwear fOrtorlea In
bill Ibw to no nlCTi of pre-anre New litoglaad hare obnimeU on band
to atll.'iboofh buytra Tor dtouat pen mararlng nctlrlty until new boetaf
^a aw ftportad laaa rrtdjr to ptora
I forward, altbcmgb there la
PIf Iroo piarkata ara qiilafar and
%rhHa produatra dtoptoy ao markad
dtopoalUoa to forat aalaa. quota
nrranbaltM land to lowar fl|
Spot Iron to lower in tba nouth. and In
fha want priran for Uat hnJf dallrary
)inva dtcUnad M) aanto m ton.
Stniaturml ataal to ahowtof mo
llvliy. (Mil matarlaJ la watktr. Coal to
In liattar damand and atoaka of aoTt
aotl to tba waal are ttnaUtr. the aoM
wattkar havinf tandtd to radiict
pllaa. Coka la Urni. Oifipar la hlfbar.
tba praralllnir qiKitatlot for lake liaint
26.11H aaou to 55^^ catta a p
wltb fairly prompt abtpmta
tnandtor aran hlfbar dforta.
Soma urfaot btiyhif of marino
by mUH whow torHfii imrahataa hara
not arrlrad la ndad at Boatoe. l-ana
abtpmanta ara on tba way. but tr
rlrala ara alow In domaatic i
quarter bUioda ara aetiTa cm pood raporta from Iha gooda ttodc. UtUa
buying la reported to the weat.
Trade la aboet and iMtbtr U
eimia. Raun trade ta and baa
pood, and rubbara bare abld troll. Mt
ttiantra. wholaaalara and Jobbara art
wni ndt bay fraety from mMufaclarara till tbay art ready. Mt kttbtr
to qatot. but etottly aoM up. 1
laatbar to falriy aatlTt, and a
export dtmand la aotad. Sboa
mta art If par cant bablnd
Bank etoartafa to tbt Tnltad Stolaa
for Uto vtak tndtof wttb l>b. 14. (a
Imnday parlod) aggrepatt IH.70U1S..
' 4N.1t.7 par OMt under laat weak and
i per rtnl below the aamt week last
yenr. BxrJudIng New Tortc city, tkc
total ta tl.edO.lom t per cent btkrw
toat week, but « per cent orei
Canadian bank clearinga ngr
fiijpte.t>l. a dfCTtaae of lie per etat
from laat week, and 87.3 per cent from
tbia week a year ago.
Bbatoeto fallaita to tbe t
autet for tbe weak endtag f>b. 14.
nnmbar to4. ngnlnnt IM toat weak.
' In tbe like week of 19M: MS In IPtS:
SSI In 1M4 and IM to fftS.
Gbnndton tottaltn tor tba week
•-I!. /
the aupplemantary spring wrchaalng
by eastern jobbers aad >oda Inquiry
for aarly summer shipment C
turns am fully gBalntalned on all de-
urn cm
SpeclsI ta tba Byanlbg Raaard. ^
Rapid CHy Mich.. Feb. 18—Jitos. Wls
Kik Rapids tba other dsy.
WllUe Wilson hsa relumed from
syne City
rgan rompany was In toam Friday.
MISS Slintoe rrnoks waa caned fraa
CMtMto tba Mhef day .on areouat a
the lUnsas of bw mother. Mrs. George
Herbart c: Wood to Amgelt rtelied
bis siller, tom F. RlalMtt. to this
Mtos Claml Btaaora. who hia beaa
tola atok. IS mpidly tMOTfring.
Itfnry Fox afSootb Milton wmi
rirlng on onr streets tkls sfien
Wslter Wllpon snd Oeorga itorsdns
rare to town today,
tor. and Mm Hooptor^ baby girt
Mtoa Hatla WItttoaannma raca
om bar ntooia and la onaa
worklag ter tocFuTM’a.
Mr. CleoMOt was ta town Thomday.
ton. AiaiMgiTd of Smith 1
u la towa Thoraday.
Mrs. WIU toeCkMd Is out to d
sad bar knaband to la bis pto
L. Way’s store.
monU of Mqrrii to tbe first
of opriag. and H to a rfry Im
portant month from aatrologleal standpolat. At thU time tba new yaar melal to fbd^ ^^UbilatBoed.
Faria, Fbb:
tp# aaalversarT
Tba correct bagiaalng
to erary year to. the time when tba to tbe ttivelUag to tbe fioaaueot by
mm amaiwa tba aoealtod Mne:. this Bartoldl erected ta booor to the bal
Its to tbe siege of Parts, a baato mi tba tls^to tbe mootb. Tba poMUoa to tba variona idaaats aad the quet baa been held which was attend
togns to wbtoir they are to and tbe ed by all tbe aenmaats and private
peraems who left Pnrig by balloon dur
wblab prevail
Ja^tbe famooa siege by the Oermsos.
7Cnboagh.ibere was a great dlmlnitayear, for ikto/reascn I find that a care- tlon In tbe number to persoas still
il atndy to these aspects as shown living, still quite a lltUe party was
Ol. Tbe ebafrmao to fbi later
> oeCiir to be to grOst importanee.
t gatberlag was M. Anthooln Du
ta amtotag this dtotacatlon for the
»onth of tosreh. IM7. 1 find that the bnto. preeldent to the aeMte. who In
OTli plaail. Mars, to prominently im lefirparls by means of fbe U
le baHoon. The proceedings were
plsaed to baavnns. atfi fbal It to
amicted by another erll planet— begun by a touching tribule being ren«. This Is one.to the grsateat dered to tba memory to tbe oldest of
of evU ptonau aad It sbowa that many tbelr number, M. Pierre Deaebsmp*.
Wbb died last year. M. Doschampe
B FYaoc-TIreur tn 1870. and left
on Dectonfier llrh In the Navy.
rlHli t^as afierwarda paid to tbe
laiit'a monniDept. on which a ubIrt was unveiled lo the memorj* of tbe
Vem aad daatrucUre earthquake aad sculptoV. AugaaU Bartholdi, so well
fire ta forUgn aonnlrr wblab will be known to all Americanl as the sculpfait la tha United Stales and wilt tor of the statue of Uberty presentwl
maa the loas to many lives, both In
its country and tha West Indies.
Orest excitement and turmoir and
labor trtwbles srill prevail In thU aculptor s tomb in the MontporeaBse
Ing tha month of March. •metary and laid a wreath oa IL
Id very diaastroua railroad
------------- Jbown to occur abonl the
The French chamber baa diacoased
mb to tba month, and mady lives the proposal, already voted hy tbe
irtlt be tost. S
senate, to modify article 810 of tbe
I and cyckmes. are shown Hvll code relating to divorce. This
clause gives fbe right to change
ibv western ststes. These storms will creo of conjudlcal aepsratlon
be uhosuslly severe. aniT win cost three years Into dhroree oo the nppll
ti>a lives of many people, as well as cation of one of the paitlre. r
the destmCUon of much valuable
Tbe court will- pronounce that 4he
It will also leave a very. separation is equal to a divorce, and
I effecl upon all bustaass the party against whom It is pron
4nd wUI block tranaportaHon ta tbe ed vrill be nraloted In costs. M. Adrien
and central paru krf onr Veber proposed ah amendment rednding four clanres of the civil law and
ordaining that judgements or o
of courts of separation of marrii
issattofsatfon will continue to prevail
sa et tore which were definl
hrongbant the country. Tlito will
ansa many faihires in buatnpss and
I decrees of divorce If one of the parties
The aommerrlal Interest |of the
onolry will be veiy dull aad a great
lump Wirt orenr In the stock market
of New Tork city, rurther great
a and aorropt methods will be
revealed during the coming spring
hs. Thera is shown that the Atc coast win suffer a areions aad dlvdh» could only be asked for by the
deL^tmctlve earthquake and fire during party In fSvor of whom tbe separation
»e coming three montha. ‘ March, had been pronounced. After great dis
cussion the danse was carried by 378
pm or May.
votes to 189.
The sub this month receives the
affllatlon of both the evil planets.
A school mistress of Ftarmont-FerMars and Satorn. from the 2d to the
14th of the month. ThU denotes s rand has lost cured a suggesth
geaersl evil period during this period a manreloM lUarea., 8be enmpl
persons are adVtoed that 4t would to pata. la'tbe abdomen and w.
be for the beat tateresta of aU to de- conauh tbe physician of the town
fer all new or Impartoqt uidenaklngs hoapitsl. Dr. Rouaqaes. about the matto aay nature snftl after the evil
period la past. March 16. ] Friday.
Nareh 1. be totratal la art huafoeas af
fairs, avoid making or Ukbkg contracts on this day: fbe Tth and itb doctor tried to reason ber out of
oo. hot fiadtaf this to no avail
also evn days. Avoid quarrels aad
mspdiK ensrer against trickery mid
seed ber tmder ohnerratloa In hi.
• • • •.
Dnriag tW taotob to Mare bUe evil
pW.*i^ bn posa thrm«b the
itol. I7tb b£d ifetbiHlegtoaa af tbe
trimbto wto gfMi all persons bora betwM tfe Wm« Iflh to Msreb. any
yf^: Itfeia fqlbs ab wvIr pUaeO win
traoMt erif ^iibett to tba 4aa. dur
fito m. ^ bkd pormiaa ^ betwrea tbaM fiaiaa sbooM be veryoaretal and caaklmaB to a^d actodrata
of tbe so
that the I
ht with th
In autbortty and that Uscy krill allow tbe
lo stand, even If they have
to bay a new site nn which to c red
her hall for municipal purposes.
"""^^RS.C.C. FINK
in;. whm ki ■«»«■<
any oim^aUoo of drugs.
U » booreVjrlod and true renmdy of unquestUmablstberspeutto vmlim.
.Frt. > U-Jnde,
• tor I hr P.T. Marqurn.
maAi ImM hr muiy othw to.il.
thitmgboot tbe counlry and it as
tlon lo compel the culprit i
Ire SB accoontliig for the use of
bis cars.
-1 shall soon Institute a suit li
rnlted Blatei courts hgalnst the
that have been using our cars
gklly.** he said. "I will briag
suit either for an arrtmutlng of the
profit accruing to these roads
the use of our ears, or for dtn
for tbe loss In |»nslm*Rs to ns
canse onr cars were not reddb
In a rvajMinahie time Farmers sud
shippers along the two lines Hist I
represent are suffering for the ueetl
of cars. Onr roads are losing m
As an officer of the I’nlted Ststes
c«Hrrt in rhsrp- of ih«-se pnipi riles I
am determined that the nads using
our cars must*rt‘tarn tht-m..”
The acGon rontemplstwd hy rtecelv
er Harmon la the most sweepli.^ of its
kind ever taken in ihl. countri
ThUmedlcrae made from naUre rooUaud Herts, cootelos no oaroottos
and what It has aocoppllabed for ms I know It will do for olherw**^
mmnber there U one ti^nd trua remedy. Lydia B. Plaic e Vage-
InvIUtion to Women
Mr*. Pit
TOM any
MJ form of female
troMl. WMkM. »r. lorlud to
Women suffering from
sm. Out of ber vest volame of aswrite Mrs. Ilnkhsm. at Lvnn. Mswl
perieaea she probably has the very kaowledge that will help your ease.
or THE
For the Year En
to PnUcv Huldf
Holdf im
l.v Krei-reee
cash valm*
Lomsi on f ’tototen
lnt«<niit dn»» and •
“What shall 1 use fur a front
mt todiyr askvd tbe foreman of the
editor of tbe Weekly Screech.
••ftyndlrste cartoons alt exhausted r
. “Every one. Rome oaed twice.**
“How about that cot to Rorkefeller
and Carnegie coontlng tbrir mi
37.500 00
TirtAi. Aa
Amount of Ibwrve Fuml. Anu nrau TaUe
- ,____ ,____________Premimns Paul in Advance
Dividends <wi defem^ iff>ininm« .
$«.«83.0A5 00
$.441 M»
4n 'M
.; . •
“Bvfh Ih^ flod that old cut of lbs
midway at tbe wortd’s fair and run
ii, ,
, •
f0.902.754 JFF"
Tout Amount ftald PoUcy-HoMm
since Organtoation. $14,092.0^.18
UFB ANSWUNCe AOeNTS-Tbe MlrUcaa Mnieal Ut. will pay lt«tag 1
all Mrplax tin** u*r.^d tb.m ; lorel and di*irta swnU waoUd la
.ly> homcome* or addr^* T. F. OlDDISOS. UD Jeffweo. Arc, DWrek. Risk
He prepared an opare^ table, dto
playad a rtdfogmplr ipparetoa. "
ages. lint, cblorofbnn. etc., snd sent
the woman to slem>- On her awaken
lag he si
be said Ibe bad takea from
aeb. aad that now she was
.be mime make Mate tight
school mtatreas was great
ip bar Btonte and ^few day ago de^
claredWveetr ao well tbal^abe wanted
to resume ber dnttoa. This however,
tbs dnetor refooOd to allow, saytag
btavoly that Oho moat tie Ita bed for
a abito Nrtto loafer to reeovor ooos^
2,000 r
Just Received
•We now have every number in domestic catalog^
Larocst aad Most Conpicle Sleek
Ever ShewB la inis aiy.
S-d or bring m
age to tba people to this auu
4MtM from drewptag win m
to tbtomlnetaantb eaatnry lo ^
wh.t yon «nC
/ •'
■— -------------------------------------- ^
Kiniball Music Hoiiss
UtFidnt Street
M. a mwnoK; prba'
'‘ 'ir. ■
t ( ^ gVMOWO Hnow. TlUk.Wr* CITY.
wmSd W w«a tbc cull would be «am
M IS Not
foe Riy money.
FOR SALS—im-Eb fo
BiCh Dia ais eleelrie l|
ataBet I*i9ee fl«M. S
•It 8Mth Umloa St. Cith
Wdla. a P«le^BalIl«
. has act san fbr tlinMy^,|^d.
Uklat la JcnMlOB he vUl^
k pond nt Alhtan and when they
Jaa. D. UndethUL Oulaud. S. DahoU.
Kk^ and ther were pelM ^ inore oavid wRb l)h bMlM-uf tRimr^jl
msiw Wtoe «f Tar. Ooctora pete I
•Ofwndma" Grtcr ta dead at Stand
mdthnnallTw They wSI mas
iah. Mrs. Nanh Orier was a krabk
Though Charlie Bamei of BcM
old Udy and had Jlred wUh her daush . bested hla mothermi-law. Mrs. Rat
addman at Aibhm Jadge
Uazle Grier, erer since her hua-|
T. 1®► pet a hlc wad or Wilt akie
B. OtiitL ®f the au|
carried la the bank, she refoaed and
id rDmggUts who uctl whlsThe Rnr. rred C. Wdrd of Plmouth now she a sorry. Charlie a honae
form* are worse than
united In marriafc Clayton Andenon ed aad ao did ibe roll of bUla and aU
for they Bailed
Biuildln*. of Detroit, and Miss Ocemna
Ferrey of Lmins. Tliey win itnide A portrait of Saa G. CUy. for
the theatrical maWer of the Acade^
my of Mntic at Sajetnaw. a charier
Ptma ta 199% bo wW devote his t
member of Saftnaw R P. o E
2u22«t**^rjr^atulr‘’ ^Sd^ ham 1
CorUai> en24. and aid to be the oldest Kk U the lime to tf«ap^ee work.
Let us settle that
G. B. raytof Coal Co.
jE.mnm cao.w.acWEnir
.....*** *nr*
smaller ones now operstins the inn mtteil Sutes. was ahowemd wl
nicipal lisfatlnf pU»L
i ®ower» at the Elkf fair In procrett
Aariwed by hit whiu irife and Ida SaEUuw lat week,
full-blooded danthter by a former InAnaniremenia bare been made foi
l«n »»|t
“ Smith,-the noted wrettlint match the evenlnxafWarch
eeangelin. will at 7. at Stone, between Bd Shelp. of DuFOR SALE--M71-1I
and Georse f^tiArda. of Kenton.
Bute Bank btsfldlnR •nett location
! Ohio, for a pnrve of $100. There will
for auburhaa reald< re In Ula
don Prim $1,000. Wade Broa.
In «aaltrHii«A3ihclni Carroll nenK>ve|aUo be a botit between McAfee and
Union atroet. ata. phone 1219.
fun^iprs rrt>m hie humlns homn st' Blakley. the latter of whom 1
Coldwau r. Dr. B: R., Per^iaon atep^ ] moved from hU home In D«rolL
ped into a imp door and fell to the Uke a poaJlIon In one of the local
cellar and liK-klly escaped with bat alfactoriea.
bad ahaklns up.
j while
the way to mill
C4t> offlrlala at Puailac are tlrx»d of. load of lop*. CarmI Gilbert.
huldiiiR council pnx-eediuu. over a’known fanner of Maple On
borw stable In the fire hall and a,rUriel, felt a deathly alckncaa comln*
jUsi^C an ajjpropriation of $2r..i>i|o on. He stopped In fnafit of a farm
5;t^-ftn^uliab1e city hall, and $13.dn<i lolhous.. and told them he wold pi
FOR SALE—lia^nne B?afie:^>at
Tenth St., clqte In; price |2.0(Ki. l emodH the fin men e hall.
■o raitHpr. Mf. UllUprT dl«l
Wade Brea, $17 South Unkni
Davy JoncK. a Battle Creek char boors liter Of panti.rsis. A wid
Clt. phone 12l9.
Jan :
acter. who loves B! C iJoore ^tter live children surrlvcT.
The prt>s.v-uflon in the trial cd JusOR SALE-ISOl-SeTcft room ho.,dr. than PoKtum Cereal, has been sent to
fhe hiHii*e of carnwUon at Ik^rnlt for tire OMey Granger pf. Grand Rapid*,
lance lot. cocmr Bo\d and
price ll.joo
Wade llruK.. k|7
n 1 “re-jrhargid with oWalnIng money under
South Union St. Cit. ph<ioc I2n.i
false prHcnae*. think* It has clinch
It, Un urmx of the will of the Uirled It. case by the teatlnmny of Cash
Mint, fll.si in pro- irr Merrill, tif the UommercUi Iwnk.
REAL ESTATE—nouring mill Inja Gfoixe Webber
• et.art. the C.airt Street M K »h« s»..re that Granger-had b«u
nlKuil 50 Uanria per day; "Nordy^c
tth wa* made bemflriary to the pn*(H>ily notified that l»e had no f
nMK'i-Hs;**^$l.2i>ii woMh of new n^a1 of $l..ak». and provUbm U mx.le In the Irtink Granger I* rharmNl with
ehluery InsUlled Ihe lalter part »uf
losuillng a $500 memorial win,h.w. giving riuMk 8 r.mild
la*t year: milt In full opt-raMon
every day and enjoying a fine ImMrh«ck.
nen*; frame i^nd briek struetiiii*:
Genrgf A BiUUnl. pniprb'lnr iK the
priro $r..«*00;/lncaml.ran(v^
M»r*hall FVniltuie A KcIkkA Seat < o
will Irade «Miultr fur farm or rl«y
at Ih. Jail »f .»f Man^hall. U In C‘hIragp. having
prr»perly: what have vnu' Addnjv*
Inn HH-intly ll« pave bis name a-sjlHTn *nhpiw*naed ' trstITyd»ef«»rc Ibe
MeRcnnld* Bnm. 4 W«M Mult»e,y^y
Mn«e,. Kokomo. Ind.
leb sfit
il Marie. II. sas taken ut Hnup.*. j federal gnmd pii
Jai'k W.GlIvay. allaa **D.adf»sit 1 t^dne e«indue<.tl
FOR SALE—1494—.Six n*»m houfe.
irk * in Jail at Ann ArUr for Im.1.1 | against M.e .\meriran 8< ImkiI Strai tkx,
iH. was-a Mr It.illavd was in the trust ul Mse
priee tl.-'ioo W’a.le Bros.
Sotflh Union St Clt. phone 1219.
iiton.mid|tinie. and his fartory was cloned.
Jan 3o.|f
best realdeneea in the dty. will
cl«r .Ity pi
j^jmjs Wom^i
Cm jroii •IToM U> tp^
lookin^^ for
boo*e, bfip. or the many oUior vanU that
Ktackts Ikt
fOn 8ALE~<l«t rmaie |a (ood condliltm. Call CIU. pbuae U 3tl.
feb 12 Ml
JkrJ m Hraoeth rj»«-. cbicup*.
FOR SALe-I45$-27 acres two and
one half mllr. city market; l.ooo
bearing peach, good house aud barn,
price $9500 Wade Broa. $1 Un
loo atrecL Cllx. pbooe 1919.
WAHrtO-^pptmlkt drU for allIteerj tfefartmeat. Apply at
qiobe Peparlmwit man.
FOR SALE-^1494-Fourteen
house. Mb atr«>et close to aehool
faclor'iro and fmatoTAre; cratrai
part of Kib slr«>el. Price $l60a
s Wade Bros, $17 Union 8L. Cllx.
iMpir. AddM, AnMroojc Alrmn
feb !s 2t
WANTCtk-Maa lo work la oCare aad
quarter mile east of Mayfleld: pood
take omen. SUta how pravkittuly
new eeroenl hloek hfmae; good barn,
emplered aad aire reTeitmce. 8
price $1200. Wade Bros., 817 Union
atreeL CIU. phone 1219.
• 1* prr week,
with at
D. n MrTurdy, Trn»cnK^ CUy. 1
FOR SALE—1603-Good, rmnforlablc
yvii I* If.
nt. phono I21».
jan 3t> lf
FOR 8ALE-1MH-Klnc home. \YcM
Tenth St.: prtre
ltn*s. MT South Union St Clt.
phone Iri9.
jan 30 tf
, trwni of vahiaMe lKu>fi; U bmplup’fartor, ttH.i>rm-d Uht Sept.
Noiieman lints. »ent timiuph the ^ lMn,w ruslie.1 wUh order*.
A Valoablt Lmmm
*^1 r«r» ego I learned
Uwaoa.- write John Pleasant of Mag
noIU. lad. -I then began Uking Dr.
King's Kew Life Ptfla and the tonger
I take thum the belter I Bad them.They plcame everybody. Onaranteed
msmEss CMOS
DR. M. B. ORCOORV-Physlcian and
surgeon. 117 C>sa street. Phone
7W CiU,
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
L. L. : BuiLoma
Bauk biding.
A. J. McFHAIL—Dentist. Over John
I drug store. Ibll pbooe 3oo:
gs; au. 4W9 2 rings
loritrr ai Wrmfe>«s a*«
Tollirlion woiK a si-y lallv
' limit
1 HTTING OF GI.ASSra tiffin
Wtlbclm block UitUens
MING^ N Millard
With Gris
rT.nier Krtml and Vs^*
MARTIN ^Physic an am
u. Offh-e 2t»5 l-:ssl Fftmt
MARK CRAW^ delivery-Light
frolght. pamls and trunk* Olfh-e
at nty Bot»k Store.
imm «
"Order >*our
I. O. Burns
AMIL F. NERLINQER. LAWYERMoney to loan. 212 Stat.- IteiiK
building miien* phom- fi!»r.
FOR SALE—MSS—llou^e and lariP'
lot. Thirteenth 8i.: pitoe
FOR 8ALE-Klcbty
Travrihc Ijind and Ia»an To. V
Wade Bros.. K17 SouJh Uiibm
miles weal Norrts
: four miles
Thori.dl. Managvr . Offin.. „*mu :
' 1219.
Traverwo Clly: sixty
HnmUfon A Mllllken tdork.
red; aU arrra sultaldc
aanlrn; aw>d •buUdlnpi. ...
n«»ni piilti mi .for
T. CHASE. M. D.-Offle«> with
flrat-rlaaa condition; cash pi
Dr O E Chase. Si.nie Ikmk I.I.k-1
•ade Bnvs.. M7 South I uioir $t
, Klk HmvlilH.
W.tWO. Wads Bros.. *17 Un
Cardinal Merr> Del Val. tl.o poiK*« <-*lne. MH-aklng of |.Ik son’s career
!fcw WUfedm Rlk^ TmTcrse City
•trmmi, CiU. phone 1219.
U'h ItMl
M-cn tar>' of stat,*. Ik known as a barri said that he had long wished to be an
W. Eighth St. Citl phone 7M
vorker and a hot temir-red man with actoi*. an ambition which hi* mother
WANTED—Two pocMl tramn nt nnee.' FOR SALE-M$$—Modern elebt
riigal haMl*. but 'll la not generally ha* n.4 born willing to encourage. DR. F. HOLOSWdRTH-Rpeelal at
realdence. Sixth atreeL All
^ IM.
Kit». 13 If
Down that be 1* bu indefatigable -For my own pait.- the mithor wrltc-s.
tenleocea. A good ham. cliive in.
nose and thrtiat. Gla**e* fliUNt
rtmt St. for reft. golf plajx-r. He spends a large amount
ZXl E. Frt
ad kaot sawyer,
-i have thonght best to let him have
Over Jfdinson dnig store, imti.
Price $3800. Wade Bros, $17 South
n. J. MorKsn.
course in ibe hi* way raihcr than leave on his mlo«T
Union atrc-eL Cltlaeiia Pbooe 1219
Ffh. 13 If
feb iftf cMumds of the Villa iKu U I*ann.hlll.
I have a nWmlx:r of jfood
and hmri the sore lmpr<-*Klon of baX- DR. E. B. MINOR-Offlre over Aim il
and Is ih*‘ first cardinal who has ever fl**t! ambition But I have ukeu care
WANTEO- louna roan to Inko rh«ia»*
ean Dn,g Store PtwK-lal aM.-nilon farms, all ihc way from 40 to
«if ninllinx departmrtU «r the He.;,Id
ludulgetl In n.l* wport.
that he should hegin ot the bottom
to eye. e*r. no-e and thituit GJasse^
tl. tiood rluinro fur ymms
Biimv louuuBUUU.
fitted. Both phone*. R.^ldrv,^- 5D 160 acres, for sale, or if you
Augusfjs Sqnlte. for slxty-fivc years and b arn all there is to Know of the
prjry. Apply at ourr.
81.; price II.TOP. WadecB,ok. M7
Sixth street. . ’
have any ijopd property, I will
a tnembor of the Cutler's Componr. sour a* te, n a.s the swe<i of tbeatri
South Union 8L Clt phone inf.
Ijondon. whoKc .death In hla ninetyWANTED TO 8UYDR. W.*E. MOON-Sjw-clHlM-GiviH... take it in exchange and make
Jan 54Mf
rufh. Inquln* J. \V. ,
third year is annouored. always burn
LOST-^ Sunday, key ring mllh
urinary, skin sndddood dlt^e**,-.; !*. you easy terms, 1 can sell you.
year* experlenre Offie.. nty o,H-r..
FOR SALE—All kinds of horae
ed candle* in his house. lor he would
kf>a, on Frtmi or Union l*c
, of West Point 1
house block. Phon.'. -New. |U7: a good larm for less money
cow and chlckenlfeed. T. C M.HIng
W’ood Slrtww- and comer Sevcnjih nevet have gas or elwtrlciiy Uld on.(
Duixml of Delaware and Mr.
of IS Inch
Jan ll-tf
than you can Luy it of any*
iK.vIe. at
and Union. Reward if returned ko
life;| Briggs of New Jersey. Mr. Do Popi
I'Ot a lekiygm In hl» life
feb 13-dt
Record cfflcc.
the* telephone and hardly | whs gtw.lnatoU at the head of his
body else, 1 have farms
rode In a train, traveling by bus,, In IWl and saw cnosiderable service T. W. THlRLBY-r»entK, Over BarWANTED-To
ro buy horse*; welphtl top; rtvhorse power;*ln**^rfi^l
nnm A Eaila Jewelry More. IVith which arc located from four
from I.SM to 1.40P Iba. If yoa hare
I^r. Sawyer.
Jan 2S^tf
phones 103.
20 miles from Traverse
Midshipmen Alfred M. Cohen of Phil- thirteen year* younger, did not gradoOrigin uf tlw Chriatma. SUdring.
any to aeU let me know. B. J. Mor FOR SALE—14i»—S
Prom Italy cornea tlu» l«Srend frokh sdtlphla and Churchill Humphrey of
ARTHUR HOLLIDAY. M. O.-Physl City, all jfood improved land.
Elirhth St.; price
clan and Surgeon. Removed to of
which we are aiippaaed to get the Ume l»ul*vlUe, who have received diplo
If you hsTe good levfll farms
Broa.. ti7 South I
mas upon graduation from the naval for atnersl y,
WANTEO-Too to ate IDEAL apring
phone 1219.
A Barr*. Cilltens phanc^353.1 will hoy tbem,
Chrtatraaa atochlag. Good old St. Klc^ academy, made perfect records In de- j feet tall and straight as an arrow
wheat flour for bread. IDEAL blenS
olas of Padua used to throw long knit
HARRY B. HARNER-Fxpert piano
l look hU 5€ }yeant. He has
ed flour for bread and pastry; l.eat FOR SALC-No. I timothy hay and ted iNirMa Red at both ends Into the portmeni. not ifwiving -a single detuner and action regulalor. BalUU the .city. Tmrerte City MUliag ' <uta straw. Tmverae aty Haling open wlBdowa of the very poor people, roerii during the term. Cohen was splendid seat In the saddle aud
feb mr and tbrae pomea were of yam and not cadet commander of the brigade, the Prealdent RoosevdR should ever chal facUon goaraateed. With Kim ,all
feb MI
Mufclc Ho:t.«c Clt2. phone 264
highest rank o|h« to a roldshlpmah. lenge him to a gaHot> the run would be
imUlw a footlem Mocking. -Flna
210 WsshlogtaiL *C^i phone 774
WANTED-One thousand buahelt W
MONEY TO LOAN-No tax elan*e
Humphrey was.. uomroandlng officer worth going miles to see.
tmtame the ewtom of fkn peop
put In nmrtgnve*. lion: re for sale
com In ear. Columbia Tranafer Oa
bans these empty recuptacku out pf of one company as well as president
Before he became a working
large loL house well
l^re of^ H MeNamara. Park j
Jaa. If tf.
stone foundation;
tciku. Price IbMr wlodows. on the night brfam of the class.
man Ronafor Scott of West \nrglnla
1)900. Wade Bros., 917 Union aL. Uhrlattnaa ao that 8L Xlcholaa woqM
The tip Is Dili in CaJlfornla that Je was a glass m
pot a gift Into them aa be-pamed by. rume llart Imd otbru^ end* In view ing In the Weal Virginia legisUture abstracts OF TITLE-r. O Car
l¥ANTEO^Wh9at. rye. com. mta. Clla. phone ir *
By and by. when the coin of the realm than Iho-K.- made pul.Me when ho w.ld
beami. bay and atmw; bUihest rash
ver KprfeH rAuamable. Olfle«- with
Mr. Scott thought to have fun
FOR RALk-lltS-Dne hnndred and became scarce, lo.v* were put in fc
O. P. CarrorS Bro. Rcffh fi^es.
.prtca paid. Traverse City Mlllhig
sixty acre farm if mitea anuth of
and nsefnl preaenta for grown his Interest In the Ran Fiandaco Ar a Uwyer coHeagne. who was pro
^ -fob Mf dty; acvcnly acres improred; nd# chihhen
gonaut. In his valedictory Mr. Hart
henna. ba.-n. arindmill; all toaM; people- fn the north country, where It set forth as a reason for retiring h!s
Price $4500. Wade Broe, $17 Union was rather chilly at CTwtatmas time,
409 sure Bmik Iddg. BuLh phones.
the poraeu were hung on the mantel- divergence fr»nn the views of Presi
al argumenU. Fieqnentiy
atreeL OU. pbooe itlf.
place. and II wat believed that the dent Roosevelt. It U now hinted that
ronrae of the lal
The FollowiBf Items
They moat be aound. Jan frd I FOR BALI
ome down the be aspire* to the senaturial chair occu
day he was Interr
* St., flne home;
loam for IndUna and Ohio aad win
pied by Mr. Perkins and that when by Mr. Scott with the question: -|*
ba sons two wncka. trying to brliut
[ and have been <
•omo fkitDora op boro. If you have
chosen tso year* hence Hr. Hart will
Amal Usrycrr* "Yes!** thunder TRAVERSE CITY LOODE. KO. T*. K.
Mj good colU lo nell wriU mo.
ed the orator every lime In reply.
of P., meut evenr Thuradav evooglvtog poalofEoo addnmaa. what FOR SALE-14S2—Tine rwidt
ing. Kew Munson block. C. B. Wcl
NaIfNbom Dot FuoMd.
A few days after he bad had his fan.
5# aad 75c Flngvi- Rings
you havo to aWl aad raaaoa for aeU
ler. C. C.
was lUerally coughing m.vself In
Mr. Sroit wap making a apweh an<*
tag. Ob my retam will either call
-------k. and had tmeome too weak in
the man be had tormented obot
tie i^,;.v*wngV.‘i«w.*..*.‘;;fsc
traverse tfTY LEOION, Ko. 139leave my bed: and neighbors predict
on you or orrtia yoo. Herman lly^
fuse your rwpieai and can not him the question; **la the gentAraiau
One lut dr Engtlah Flow Blue
that I would nerer Iravo It alive;
man. 949 Washington atreoL 11-22-lf AUTOMOBILE FOR BALC-Ught it ed
ly with It. What Impertlaence
Wate In mates. Oat Meal
homo power touring car In the bual but they got fooled, fpr thanks be to
of condition, full set of inmpa. cap God. I wasaioducod to fry Dr. King- and What foUy are tlame ao<alled
In the Inner rireVof Umdoa goeJety
and KnilUb only............ Sc each
New Dtaooeery. It took Juat four ohe blocmphlea of peradns who kava done
AU our Fancy BaskeU al
the Morr b inM
OriawMd. Mcxhurr: Nnuc c. Orer.
dollar botUea to completely care the
FOR lALE-14f1-t$*lg5 fee. e
cough and restore me to good aouiid noUtnt db deaerve such a puniakmmL too anahma ladlca who atUI bold With
Of Union aad Seventh alroet .
wTltos Mm. Ben Uncapher.fat Tke^tife of saeh'n mum a^BurUm or the ooaneUoa that rmea jrere dudS^r.
ParUea having UckeU ••
atory frama hulkUag; eentmll
>rtown, SUrk Co, Ind. Thto BVIllngtoo Amtatu matarW forliU- era ever.** hare been fbr
will ptoaae eall at oaen
nniad; flrst-claas bustneae loca
King of cough aad cold cures aad tory. but .timae of a mas or woman
md. pig feed, chicken feed, healer
Bttkh tteir aelecltaii aa wi
of throat aad lunga. la gnaraa
Skan^au!^ Wade Bros., flTJ
com. oata. lyc. hoekwheat teed by Biigbee Drug Co. Ftaak H of the work! have aothlag ta thqmjiadooe married men to
> not expect to contlaim tMt
bma. mlddUngn. hay and Meads. Hannah drag store, 50c aad
Picenro drol but a abort lime
FOR RALE-1I7$—Fine new ten room
$1.00. Trial bottle froA
Tmrrme City Milling Co.
pciaohaL aad with which tha pabUc shooM be tfeketed. ao to ape^ as
honee. coranr loL comer of Union
deflattely aa U the malnm. 'Wmu
and 14th atmeta.; wlU take ILOW
POOR FLOUR U to blame for mii|ny aad tha proas have aoUdag to do.-;
In good valn^free and clear of enaon of HaR CalM hat boea pUy socroas has mri their efforu aad one
aated lOBTua. iBfermit when yoa
mght in the Broeoh btork. Mart
use IDEAl- floor.
fob l^lf Ing thrro ptm hi hta flMhro^ ||ay of doe lady more dartiiE Uma fhe rest
till*'c5ii pSe‘*$r.S5<k *^^a*S
a. Oommamlir: S. M. Frmnklla.
feU aarothat Rllft«HrariltMM be
Bmt., 117 Union WreeL CHa. lAone
Keeper;* E A. Brana, Fhiaare
General Hews
John R. Santd
General Insurance
Ball tadacad to intrWdace the Caahhm all
* :
'Oi*rrt(kt. MM, »r *k» I
«lo«.I>h ir-Klag MiwMf has
had hla firm ride In an nalcm
It was to keep an ngpolat
' *‘TrjL:r.:r^ri^
, '
MET Saturday; ev^Nma
la ToMMr a^M, tbe MMdl««clsbt Uw vekht be MM be more tbaa fa
haMpioii. i/ytbC to *W* aoMebody? ermi mi^ for MeJlodr. Rraa ^ ako
t to Joe Tbomas. tbr
It. vbo Seated
with \U bamacM at
«UI tbf .aetyantt* StaMr time.
Hla majesty wouM not have the
chauEer brongbt ftwm hltMlaMr. but
Just bad tbe mennangar can rang tel
frankly ftwcly nnd wUUly knn an tmThe king soMetinwa ebartera a four
n •drantage ovur n iwwUy glil
wheeled cab when be wlabes to make who can only ckattcr InntgUly.
a quirt little eacurakm In ttswn. but
ha. never used n banamn aMee be had
ariiuag to take him oa at
an accident la one.
riagatde. Tbr former Byracoae ftgbter
Ibe. weigbL Wbea be f
lalfcma in the aftat gntbered In
King Gdw
Bany at Jlot Sprtega. a
whip U17 MMoT bto etaMtattevorM
Mechanic s ball SatiMj night to coo SI7 King cole la hU fondness foe
firs. wraUm rrancia. of Windsor
av> be vHvb^ la at 1S4 1
I kmp hMi pomiam^
aa »e:
test Id the annual renewal of the In- pipe He tblnk. a trier pipe 1. tbe
I mnlled to Harry K. Tknw. the
illd aoi eeett to bare the leaat bit oT
-Wky^4o jroo eoasMrr Yo«bc Corbett
gmama under the nuapicn of the finest form of smoking and his regret
or n rabbit which ahe hna
Lrpotale la aetUag dovb^io that polat
Boston Athletic ataociatloo.
l» that be cmanot stick to It: HI. ma> ried for a number of. yrara
bat !■ aeem* that If be araa I0 take fana aad dkpUrod aoch I
tlOii^ botea tn m.'i
Jeaiy once egpreaaed ihla - preference Fraacta bHievea the foot b a
off at least alae poMid* more be troald tom as be did last week
Mr l»t«r»t 1. Yom
of good omen, and she tl
to some intimate friend, adding: ‘ But
IfMtlr oeakea blmaalf. Howerer. Sprlagn. Hiaflnrtflgbtt^po
who ever saw a king with a pipe In that no peraon requlira It at pn
Rrao Otiebt to kaorr bMt wbat be caa isn He baa foogbt doscaa I
than Thaw.
She mailed ibe
hi. mouth? So I hare to smoke
lacrlBce. Erea If be sbeald
«« erery year aloce, save to
fool to the Tombs girisQO. New
m bcUeat Ibal I IwHere ia JmOco to M>«<1 to go to some troable la makiag 1*0«.
rlgara. and prriond I like them ^ When
mrwHf I trfI|«xptelB.
St home King Edward sinokca a huge York, and alao sent n personal leiie
The memben of t
the hope tba
ta Uib M |0m« I eoukler Yoamt
pipe, and anyone catching him la bta
OovbHt •
imtor. Ttet k 017
hours of rase would see him happily .Thaw would .be acquitted of th
lellc Hub took most of the dlrta
«rge of murder.
1 puffing at hU favorite brier. His ma
Mrs. FranHa haa.had the foot U
the beat rare
r possraaion for several years and
I kmom rtw vfll Mr Ctet be ba* KLL THE OliT rilLOCItS WILL Bl
or (l». cvrBtn*. lk«* Nrw'York »» !'^
Inks that It hasV.brought her good
kteb bMiM. that be la pppmtUx oa
Ronhag. .NVbrtch and Frank finishing I bacco be find very trying, aad he has luck. 1.41st summer ^ wan scrioualy
confrwMHl that towarvi
towarvU^the end
tb» 4oirb tro4e. Md that when a fltbtI
racd by a gmaollne exploaloc
^ alffkM tba tabooaa allde mHblng
n-Wo.. by C.\ur
says that the foqi has no cuntrul over
imtr Btka and Hawblna ars Hang
C; second. J. A.
Out Far Slg Money-Sionar
hemsHrea In the first flight
; third \V D i
WUI FrobaMy Sign.
ire squabbling over the weight,
Eaton. fVnkton A. A. Ti
■ The carl of Alienb^ n. rb** niy <if Ire
CorboU. prtiperir baadled. caa
have been clamvHng for an «
Mile run-Won by
land. f.as InirtKlucetl many n-forma in
'Will beat all tbaae boys that bare de
lay to battle In San Franclia^
| Irish Amer1cn|. A the arrangements for drawing OMuna.
Bvated him.
cow that Morris Levy hiji |n«surHl^«md. F. NVbrick. N.
at Dublin castle. This srasou
That If he wlU submit to tbe course
them an engagement within the neatpr.„k. I. A. A. A
preM'nlatlon ccretminles take place
which win esMlaavor to turn the trlch month, the managera show p«*»r Umel
not In the thmtie rotmt. aa hUI
of tbe last aeasoo's cbani|>lon.bipi by aurting to haggle
but in St. Patrick s hall, k-spl
I Terry MeGorem again on tba dbunoad this yaar
ing lime. Hyland w
nebool and Hty taxaa and ■padal anhall
with while and gold walla
that memombte day la Hartford
Tcebnoh^v: tinu
Ourlng tbe paat werk algncd 000 to be 1^3 pounds ringside', while
pUyliur the arms of the knights of 8t. aeaainenu for nald yaar hava bai
As to Youag Oorbetfa abtlity I will tracta bare been recelred frun Ales
Tbompaon la bolding outI Tor
Patrick mid a finely decorated celling placed In my hands for collaHton.
Packof. tbe nblfly Ullle^aaitcr fielder pounds at 3 oclock. This honstant
I will be In my office lo^elve sa
iVbuiautes will find the ordeal
Ha baa a poacb That U the first who cavortcxl amuad In tbe outftcM bickering over
Uses from now untli Fe'b. SS. 1907. <
half so wearisome as formertv.
aad noai aammUal rrquMlr,
last year, anti with Gene Curtis, tbe very monotone
each week day from t o'clock to 11:
He esaa delirer s knockout t
big fellow who played ia rlfibt field the .port. It has lK*cn w» lohg since
o'Hock in the forenoon and from 1
from aay angle witb either band.
This pair, with -Leny*- Oeyer. who p professional engngraneut h|a takiu
o'clock to 4 o'clock In the afternoon.
He a a llghtalag thinker and plsoas
place in thk city that Manager Kelly
On all sute and ^nty taxes paid
tba outfield, and now tba only poal- and McCIlntlck would do wl^l to grt Null). Yiile; second. H. M Sweet. A inbefore January H. tka ragnlar fee of
He fights by tasUnct and lotrtlecl
to be aupplied are an additional together anA sign articles wltboui ahy berst: thlnl. a A EaubnKik. VoJkone per cent for oollectloa wlU be
eombtead. tb€ mrmt comblaatlon In a pitcher and catcher. BlUs U tbe only
further dispute over the weMhi. The mann . I*«k>I. lUipton; tliu«- ::,/n 5 .
Candidate for RcpuWican
charged and do all Uxea paid on or
figbirr aad tbr most valuable.
Team rarr
of Usl jw B team whom Mr. Ar men have fought before and k alight
after January Ifi. there wUl
Nomination for
That Ihiglihh Uwuty is
Ha la very fast on bU feet, with bis
really wants who has not yet dlEcrcncc in the weight ahoujd nut be vs. Tufls; won by TuMs. liinc.
charged a fra of four per cant for
the Impii-nslou given by
body tad wUb bis bead and blocks and signed up. He ia still boldtag out for
3;l»3 5.
dueks parftotly.
Tram ran-. 1.5uu yaVls^-William va.< hibitiuns of portraits. A the first and acbool taxea and apacial ai
big increase In aaUry. and Phil Is Hyland is the woild beater h«l Red
He Is ragged a«d cab ataad a fearful still BcgotUUng for a new man of the
Wenleyan; won by Anillams; time show of the newly font
Sammy claims he la. h fes
SoHHy of Portrait Pnlntora- the peo manta. 4 cenU on each dollar of tbn Successful business man. Sev
maallng and not lorn bU head.
right caliber to take bis place.
amount of aald Ux.
ongkt to be no draw back.
Ha has tbe atamlaa to go tbe dlsTram race. 3,130 yaids- Ua.imo-.itl ple who have their llkeimaaea hung
Bllaa is not only a great twiricr. but
Office In room Sfi2 8UU Hank eral years Alderman from
tance aad tbe heart to brar film up idoubtedly tbe beat all-rouad utility
\a. IVnnsyhanIa: wttn by renuNyiva appear to be a very mediocre lot. building.
Second ward.
an on the loam, and a good hitler.
Dnlad. Dec. 4. 1M4.
The feeling here aaxxic the fana
Putting 12-pound shot-Won by W
miles for ffijooa •
who graced the Academy walls In the
W. Coe. B. A. A.. 53 feet l\i iuchea; days of Reynolds. Romney, mad Law- draltoteb^M
city Treasurer.
-ccon.l. C. A. Stcven«m. Harvard:
. «.4. U.r|,„
Of coming
n-ncoa are to be found at the portrait
tl.. B,nr.. 111. *1>
18-Tij« young ihirtl. W. n. White. Cw mil.
Tbr qufym of HHland has lull
tile and
get the Idea that he Is the whole t<4m Londoners haw announced that they
Mile um. handUaj—Won . by If shows today. The modern school of
Ask tliow- who ath<nde<l Uw
and want too much, bowerer. ns most have decided to atari out <ai a trip Ckdin. I. A. A. C iscistclil; T.iua portraltihis appear to have a rtmtempt In The Hairae. which hTO|sen**to^‘very
for mere facial loveliness, and to con men ber of her bouseb<ild from the
ball players are liable to do ^
around the world on n wageT that In 4:44 3 5
centrate their efforts ou "arrangty grand chamberlain to the butler. The
:^a s^MaWe
great fighter.
menr • chiodscur
would have gone the 25.000 ojid mUr* vs. Crtmell: won l».lX.mHl: time.
On the other h
Now I will tell )v,u why be has fal clo«. up a deal for Stoner, the Umts
The men were II. L. Tiffany. DHa 7:?»4 5.
ng a psalm, which
lea from bis high estate.
by at! |.rtsenl. Kb.
vlUe rslcher. during the ountng week. ware, and \V. E l>rayton
Team race. 3.130 .yards—Yale va and society phou
Om eonfldeoce and the Ik4M that This w 111
and the
ibe passing of Tommy have lived In this cUy for (»otuc titpe. llanaid; won by Yale:-rime. 7:33 3 5
what Ihi-}' thij^ of the
be was imbeaUble; In «Klier words,
fs that Lady Hamilton and the Gun
Hawkins, a man who la popular with and have done cnsldcrable travel
swolkn bead.
reprraenIbe fam^ also, but not very heavy ia Ing over the North American con:
Over Indulgence in the weakening the hitting deiwrtmcnt. lUwkins also llncnt
-A Melbourne hoshand.-^kl a lec
• I've lived In Callfontia 20 qrars.
pleasnrrs of life, late bimtw.
demands a hig raise In salary
am still hunting for trouble in the
The«* prrwperthe glolnM'Ircleni are turer. ‘stayed oot tiU about 8 a. m.
• wrooMw. drink and rich foodi
ben written In society and
Na dates have been fined dor exhlbl roung mrn In ihHr primt. em-h This man. wrben be got home, thought
way of burns, sores, wounds, botls.
lama of strength from Irstnlng too tlou games with big lesjoie teams as
that be woQld go boldly to tbe hath papers lately about the nmi|4ng and
I. sprains, or a rane of piles that
weighing nboai uo ,Hiunda. land ip- room
tquick fior n tgbt.
klen’s Arnica Balve won t quickly
and Uke a hath. Tbat would ra- horse play that got^i on In* country
yet. owing to the fart that Mr. Arnold
p. • writca Charles Walters of Alle
Deterkvatlon of the 1o<m from sr was so late In coming into poasesslon peartng to be In iKrfeci phyaical con- move from bio wife s miod any suspb houses where members of the smart
Hon aa to hla condition. It would Mt are gurats. Nothing of the kind gheny. Sierra Co No use hunting.
ttflcinl methods of reduciug weight. of the team that spring achedulea had lltion.
Walters; It rupes every case.
,lxim of amblUoB from satiety with tbr iHHm largely made up. He 1. atlll In . They ba»e been cootempli^ lug the ihow ber. in a word, tbat be was aU ever occurs during tbe kings frequent Guaranteed at Hukboe Drug Co,
itlp for some time, and will commence right. Bo be nodraoMd. filled the tub
indulgmce of high living.
i 44. Meads. Haimph drug store
hopes of' getting dates with Toledo. >n or about Mnich 5. leaving Lonitoa and plunged in. Rot and enferered aa vlslls to country bouses, and natural
allowMinneapolis aad 8t. I»aul of the Ameri- In the early rooming and j striking ba waa. be enjoyed tbe bath. As ba
ed at Saifdringham. Although King
tor the weatem alalea, making,^he -Plaabad and scrubby and poffed be Edwanl ha. an easy, good natured
r All these fault. I caa remedy, f will
beard a alight nobu^'and, looking up.
Irgl point where they w ill ^ uke ^ a Hw
Iraln him ter weeks aad give him much
hie wife la tbe doorway. His wife manner, no one dare, to Uke the
Crack Tann
ihlp at San Francisco.
CU phone m 131 Om Ht
ttmlnlag aa wfli develop alike
slightest liberty with him. The Ust
N'ew York. Feb
A special dis
As far as It la poHsible they will
pkyMckl aad Rental coadltloa.
to attempt It wa. Mrs. Langtry tnow
patch from London says the health of walk the enure distance, j carrying
. hot be said l^y de Bathe) who an a memorable
R T. Doherty, the teaak player. Is
hU brad and ocrasloo put an Ice down the royal
Teka *Ciw as They Ceme.
such that he will not aocompaay hit
•WHL what aio
Boston, rbb. U,~**YeM may say that brother. H. U to tba Riviera, na he picture post cards.
dolngr she asked. *Cnn-t>yno see
•oe back. Tbat waa when Ms majesty
was only prince of Wales, but he has
Honey Mellody Is ready to meet any bad planned. His doctor baa forldd
never forgiven tbe bcnuilful actrras
, man la tbe world at 142 to 145 den him to cgeit himself
Jobbery In royal Introduction Is an
pound.- saM Johaay Mooney, tbe web playing tennis.
other thing his majesty will not <oler
terwmgbt ckampton^s manager. This
A lady In the kings act loat her
was In answer to tbe quratlon a. to
U*. I.l
Espert legal testimony
posllloo there when it was found that
vrbal Honey Intends to do now that be
I Kfllly Limn. 1
II known member of tM
wipmi out tbe aaplratioos of wuile
to llie original Karab I.umu’b recipe, she had been selling Introductions to
Lewis, emi or bb. oppoocols who
without yeast. i« thl«: Mis three t ops the king- NeverthHcas. the king
•urn aUtod
Fhw pot plant* in bloom
fuU of sugar. never allows himself to be in tbe lonst
the trip in
uU of luHicil butter. haughty Of exHualre whan In society.
tbe ngrooooot. that
<K,uful. of Hw behaves Just like an ordinary
•inekbera After Maichs^
out without n cent
Hbn EU»I. u<t Oiiljr bnooM* kli«
TImm Are homo grown mod
le Involvod would not be allowed to
B.ma»n. N«. rcb. i8.-j«k
MMkkm. Ik* nai««lclit boter o»
nay firm while oa their ira
-rbTraamlnation won eomioHed V
IbdtaMiMonb. »l »nmt ta tbl. dty. la
Coke it tbe i<1«l feel*
young and nmait nttaraey. who
No dost; «o smoke; Tery
•aUlM h>r a oateh «lth aar b( Ik. npatronined
tbe expert with aU tLe o«litUessbes.
M( tchlara. H. UT. b. veeM aMM tbortty of half a
Britt. Nrim or fit., tice.
We bsTe radtml ibe price to
gerald end above all hr prefers a
-One of the qoeotkma related te the
match wItb Joe Oaaa. the prtwent term In which tbe ora waa fonod,
rm known on ^Mncy tempo.*
► ntfidytng out vnrioui rou
- -Now. Btr,- nnM tbe attormy. *brar
froiq UU boaise wUI convlBce you
Urge are these temps? Too any
tlmt yon are suprranoly nolfiali If yon
» wiih frtei
NMTte Thlor
they are ebUng la 1
a at puted ppinu 1^ ^
don't nhnre H--not thn alien, tkn
1 # Mter report i|be tnl
•> thick.*-~Hnroer*a WaoklY.
itm of the trip.
uwoio GEnm teu FI6H1BtSSQUi(BUI6
Amos E. Bingham
City Treasurer.
AatomobUc Show
Walter M. Paige
Best Gauntlet
50c each
•iote^ph 3ltedor& Son
nm-dsM Mchcra. Psclccrs mm* Sassage Makers
-He ran np two filgbtn of otnln in
was oot of Imtb.'*
-Whni dM ihe ony-r
aald mint benrt neer
U.-4t te an
mdm M Donohue of the DotooR
In the way d( hMohoB ooUn^
One Ton
. Two Tons
o o*‘k
w« offnr for the money. Rte mid H
nnd wni any It'nsnia!/ Wkera? At
Blednr^ We pay top prlee*a fi»r oon
ted bosanad boef
Ikaverse Oly
Gas Co.
Ai.4,.■..•V". :■■---.
WHti Jtfmt Ut
•tM Ovr •
w«f« Vtetimt «f White.
| r
»r wite u> Tite atMiBv lucortf.
I \ - K»« Tortt. m IS.^T1m* trte) of
r { . Iternr K. Ttev m rwuMt teday
•rUfc an tiM hm»a la tbHr aaate o«
Uma aat Uvyer Mnaa la ciMtva of
tlteMaii^. Dr. BrtteaD.B«aiia.lli<>
»lteaK araa agaUi oa CAe auad aad
CmUM flf Ua aoBiraraaUoa arUb
Tbaw. Bat ma tlte aoCaa arara ■
■MNBOiT. Ha aal4 Thaw lookad at
kin la a war Uat ahoarad aclUtloo
wkas ha aald "your eyaa ausgvat la
i^ty.** Tkav tkaa aald br waa tbr
iHikdact ct a eoaaf4racy of lavyara
arICk DIatrkt AUoraay Jarooia to rail
load kin to tke aaytam. "Tbay
to daelara na laaaaa. It’a all rot."
Thaw thaa toM bln that Wblta bad
mlnad nora tbaa a buadrwd wi
Tkaw aald It waa bU duty-to look
out lor tba nonU wallaiw of tbe :
aroona of the city aad keep them
fnm Umng late tba haada of the nan
vkon ha daalgaatad aa tba "Black
taard." At tba aocood rUll Thaw
aald "I am very aorry. doctor, to dl%
appoint you. There wont be any e*
amlaatloo today." Tbeo ha walked
> fim teat 14
Death of Aarwo tagor Waa Vary bud*
dao—Tuoaral Barvlca of Chiiatian
Lichty-kira. Baaaa Bttricd
the Hate of g Mila
fitsom pifw.
By Wlra to the Krenlng Bneord.
lA-nm IgrtHrli^ a
lomi |l».Mfi oeenmd In ^ h2Ur
ynrd or tbe PuRmnn eompnny eniiy
Practice of-fikgtera Wbe Try to Cateh
aaa Baste lo Vary Oangaroua
Young Girte Wara In tha
A number m skaters, some of them
y.Fung girls, bad a very narrow escape
from death dr Injury on the bay ye»r. Aa a result of tbeir own cart
as. they came very nearly being
mn down by an
boat running be
tween ihlrty-flw and forty miles an
There were a numlier of lioiit* out
wterda.r and a* there a-aa a fairly
lod tailing breete they were making
wd time At tbe boats would sweep
Est. the skaters would try to catch
onto them. An Ice boat la not built
New York. Feb. ^-The White
Plains and Brewster expre**. a aU
nr electric train on the Harleni di
laloo of tbe New York Central A
Hudson RJvrr railroad, jumped |
track at a eurve^near Woodlawn
In tbe Bronx Saturday night,
death to twenty and Injury to
lo nfriy
■core of Its 1
: paaacngcra. ao they would try
11 o’clock the police reported
' the runner plank*. This con
they bad recovered all tbe bodlea from inued for aome time despite tbe warn
rreckage. Of those removed to iga of tbe boat owners and chances
boapllalB It waa aald that a doxen and
double that number would
die of tb^r Injario.
«nnlly. when one of the large boats
The IrtOil. No. 2*. left the Grand ms coming along a' large number of
Central autlon it 6:12 p m.. draWn by the Bkaterh attempted to l»oard It. One
two heavy electric motors, and loadixl
came up from one *Ule and an
with a matinee crowd and commuter* other fn.m the other while In front
on their way borne from bualnoka In
were ailll more yE>unR peoyde.
TTie nuTn In charge of the l»oat waa an
was made up of the combination
^rtenctMi sailor and ha* been in
igenndamoklng cat and five paay tight pUc*'# but he stated today
ir coaches. After atopplag m
that was the cloaqat be had ever
One Hundn d and Twenty fifth itrevM
i In, He waa unable to dodge the
the train wa* scheduled ?o nm expreas crowd and if. he kept on straight
ro TATilie Plain* At Woodlawn road ahiwd he would plow thmiigh the boy*
the four tracks run through a rocky
girls and probably kllP son
and Uke a almip curve. .ThI* them. Ho didn’t lorn* hi* nerve and
e. It is UtH'UnHl. waa struck at
mind, nun-rd very quickly so he
tbe rate of slaty mlU« an iiour.
steered loa-ard the cn»ad that waa
farthiwt away.
If any of them had fallen the heavy
iHiat with It* sharpened ruuncra would
gone over them but fortunately
they all kept thHr feet and got clear
of danger Tkliat worried tbe owner
mas the fact that there
Evening Reconl. I
aome of them prohaldy 1€ or 17
1.. Kcb. 1*.—’nicr| *
nil) dinner party at i
birthday of their mother. Mrs. Ellen
Bray ton TTie tea waa poured and
dcaeert aent'd by her two little ^nd
daughters. Iva and Rosella. a^ 6
and i yeara respectively. There were child under
e -present, five of the family
being absent. ’The absent oncafwere
ind Mra. Tom Braytoo. Jeaw
Brmy^ Oe^ Creen and Qbof^
Jii* iwwMd bjr <■ aad idMod OB Ml. today.
Thit raoiBoyoB bove Eftooa bow otyjfo lo choow frotn. oo
Wo a'loUio laicoot pootal cord doolon in tho nortborn part
of tbr oUto. oorrying oo wo do thirty to forty otyW of coido.
iDMuiioK o clock of moay tbouMUtd.
The Hobart Oo. Prop.
Exceptional Bargains.
ia ibo exproM
M nearly ever>' a
that baa aeen
\ Let ui Ihow tbao I
Id yon.
. Dim '06 Off the Earth
aad all It*-bid method* of lighttag and now with new Idruu and
tiptortlate electrical ajipllanr***
In lighting motor power, call
bell*. annuntUU.ra, portablea,
flat Irons and fltture*. l>ei lu
wire your house. |hU in all
electrtealy and have all the e«»ovcnlcncea that new ajipllancca
J.B. Paige
. Electric Go
Pants ?
In larger assortment
and better values
than usually shown.
Our lines at
and $2.50
arc especially
strong value.
Ask to see
at summer prices,
all new.
Let us show you.
Sherman & Hunter.
Logs, Logs
Will pay HiK'hcM Cash prices for
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and.
Tamarack.. (
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telcphonc-Cit. :J2, Bell 169.
We re Closing out our line of
at iBvcMfory tlmcw
We find several odd suits, some overcoats and
odd lots all over the store that we must pet rid of at
once, as we will soon need the room for new goods.
If you are interested in saving a few or many
dollars, this is your time.
\Vc cannot promise you thcfic values very long.
lawalk Caved in and Oropi
Mni. Brayton wa* presented 4rlth b
Crowd InU tha Callar—Norm
verr bice Japanese haadkerchl^ bek
Wilt Die.
with handkerchiefs frooi her
relaUves from all over the United
• and some of the handkerchiefa tf'cn penoooa. erf whom Ihlrtwn
were praaeoted by Lady Maccabees of hurt were predpllated iwclre feel
r Lake hiva. of which Mrs.; Bray- Into tbe baaement beneath the aidewalk la front of the Vaudette. is
The afternoon waa paa^ ln| rlsli. C^anal street, at 9:40 o'clock Seturtlay
« aad alt were pleaaantly tenter- night by the caving la of the rmaUdaod by songs sung and played by
ng leading up to the entrance of
[laa Iva Green.
tbe llule theater.
A number of Wllterd CampbeU a
friendk uf musical ability made U^Hr
way lo hla home Utc Saturday night o'clock. Mr. Rooea
may not live.
praacb waa announced by the almlna
of "Happy Helnle.*’ after which “A
Hot Time" mod other appropriate airs
figured largely In the program.
At tba oopcloalao of the aemnadr
, Tried to Kill
the brtd^fDom waa captured and
Soya Addraamd tba High fidhoM
Uken down <o Jahraus’ cignr ater« la
tbe rear room of which a bnafoal had
By WIm to tbe Bmalng BMOtd.
Mr. Bteltb. aupertateodent id tbe
Kanaaa. aty. Mo., !>b. IS—Frank Banlab Home for Boys, addraoakd tbe
. tb. tn»a mm. • Wttm, rmpoam. Nottman. eentenoed with Mra. Aggie Hlgh'aebool studenU at okapel tbi*
jT MoMrau tout, wm iwpopWm to Myers to bang for tbe murdw of tbe momtag Mr. Bmlib spoke ooj "char
acter- and gave an excetlant ai^l help,
U ^
ful addtaaa. Me also deacrlbhd tbe
objacta and tlte wortdnga of
Hla fwmarka m Uateaed to wAtb tbe
IS,IDDNew Souvenir Postal Cards
ood husband and father.
H. L. Carter had ebn
Hie New
Spring Styles
in Shoes
and Rubbers.
•r tooliM: ooolw mom gortlon
Tooaday; high omitharty ahlftlng
Mra. Banili Wllkina. aged 71. died
at 1:30 Saturday night at her hoote,
SJ5 Wauhlngtoo street. Pneumonia
waa tbe cauae of her death and ahe
waa only 111 a few daya. Her huabaad
haa been dead some time but ala cklldreo anrrlve her. Mra WUMbs waa
a, realdent of tbla vity for tbe past
forty yeara aad leavea a large number
of frlenda to moura for her. One
daughter from Mlnneapolla. Minn., will
he here for the funeral
The funenal aenrlce will be tomor
row at 2 o’clock from Oraco churoh.
the Bar. A. E. Wella oftclatlng
Undertaker Andamm Is In ekarfe of
Ttat Is wtal we are ollerlsg ImsImow
The king oeorohed lo tbe rtmdeivou*
and a ooemabte took hla number jand
warned tbe king of
Intention to ar
While not
•'* •»»«■* worn bf»m (nim
AY. mmiAKY It, rmr.
•g to ooea aooh daor og Ba B. Woit.
By Wlro to tbe Evaoteg Ra»rd.
Loodoo. feb lA-Pniapectora have
found that the laland of BL Lawreaee
la the Babrtnc a«a bw no Uvlag tebablUM. They toind IM bodlea la
OM aoctkm and tt Is aaeppoaed gut all
Hit Maghifie Bralm Down and When n
the tokahtteata portohod tw^ty yeara
Heller Car Wee Sent te Him
He Did Seme Scorch. ^
at ibHr rmot et tbommlTm.
The funeral aenrlce of Aaron Sager
will be held toroorrow morning from
hla home nt Atrhle. tbe Rev. Mr.
Ubaae of Old Mlaakw ofScUUng. Mr.
Hager died rvry audenly Saturday,
ICntancled la mbea aii<l the top ( having cwlen bU brwakfaal aa uaual.
bla cuttei Dr. K. B. Minor bad a ralbor then atepping out to do aome chorea.
narlUag aapcrience tbU morning on About fen mlnutea after leaving the
rouiteuotb- aUcot where bU cutter table, he waa Uken III and death fal
wa.. orertumad In the deep anow. He lowed quickly, apoplexy being the
abcaped with a aeverc wrenching of cause. He waa 70 yeara old and leave.v
bla right,leg.
two Children, bla wife being dead.
Tba roadway has l»e«»n «»*
Chriatian Llchty.
anow plow and !•> luindlj
The funeral aenlce of the lat»«
either alda with anow. l>r. Minor bad
Christian IJchty wa* held this afteratnrted for a drive tetu the
r o'clock from the (ienuan
and turned fruni Uennle atn
l.ulheran church, hla four aonaaictlng
Foutli'cnih. He wa* tightly
la with mliea and the riiiter top wan aa pall iMwn'ra. Mr. Urhty waa Irom
dry. Out., Sept. H. HWT. Ilvlalaed and when the culler going
neaily forty year* In lH»i:
tbe de«'p anow. overtunuHi, he wa
moat powerteta to help himhelf. The he wa* married to Mia* Caroline Marboraea were atnpped after dragging 1 krllnger of ^yHlcah•y and to them
were liom. ten llv
tbe cutter a abort dUtunre wnile he
unlanglad filmaelf but. after he bad Ing, cine at Clen l^ke. one at Manewcrawled mil of the eutter they aturled Inna, two at Acme, three at Bates and
again, this time breaking away from three In this city. Ilia wife also aorbim. They atraddled a tehidi.mr la.lc
bat thia did not acem to hinder them
and they were not cauj^t until they Iona, Mich., where for twelve year>
Uchiy acted a* land agent for tbe
. had run inito Troot atroct.
(1. R. A I. railroad. He then purchased
a fa'nn near Acme, living there until
about three year* ago. when be moved
Traverse City. Mr. IJchly had been
In poor beallb for two yeara and bad
a great aufferer for aevergl'
Played "Happy Msint" and Other Ap-
{VMSA6MN Buun OF nc oaonNfiWBlT ^
ns:nei« If coisPMcr
They can't be beat at the prices we are making.
. caulog
the atdewmik gave way.
tantly a maaa of bamanlty waa
aquirmtag aad twIsUng In aa effort to
free Itself from tbe brery plalea of
Iroo aad glaea.
Tblrteea peraooa were more or leas
yond. oltkoagti noo« Kflo^. Ttal
■Mohlac 0. Cu. nrt.1 bride, uul
non tbe For, tbrqwNt. tr^k. b
Mt-of tb* twit t«d*r bbd two Koida
Mack .0 tb. tiwcfc iboitlT btfor,
■onilac timu troa tba a«tb .r
J.E.GreIMck&Co. a
We Know
Yon Know
ThAl you do not f*et ibis when i
bay some brnnds of flour.
■' •
The ^
Everybody Knows
Hannah & Lay'Co.
r -
•r ^4U> juo> nooBo oo.
L Sitg^ pggnr^A iit^ ^ok
on. to tto pnhile toalth. pnbUe nufw
Tto livnfnre Jndge ATtnnn dearmt caanot nake UwftU for a price
that which Is unlawful, because
TnAtmm ttm vtll tato mdlU(
^teh pr»^ II
**Oii ctf Um vont fflitwvi pml
to 0«r €lty Ss oar lack of JoymJiy
IMMM toiUtiitiou. W*,4o not patroo^
fMlKHMto4«»trtMinve«boald. fl>
M MAdtef Ml or to«f| for con
tin iM « lirto tortSdn of om
Vbleh oMld jMt M MU to pard
tony IKMI. OfMd Biilii
Borer icktoro tor hit] ineaoai
SroaUioM onUI tor pooplo ooo
tnUUe UuU. erery order aoot
don 1^. vtoB it ea J«t M »
|dn»d ti too city, cnmns tto
dniteC poon- or imr people mto
bttUdo BP oonpHlns marfceU «t the
expetoo of oor ooo.
*'Anottor ftotnrr which 4s to to dr
Mored to the d|ppo«lUaa of ao many o(
wir people to Inrcwl eo Urpe i propoi
UoB of tofdr eurpiils caUal »t foiwiin
potoU, to tto detniDMit or local Inatl
Utknik Any OM who ba. tod auy
experitooe aloof Ihoee line* wUl erm
$ • M iTm M St i I# t $
baltoets. IHuilw
papor cherry l.ku.
.......... ..... _
Then ont marched tto twelve knlrtats
adorned with cherries Or hatoiietR.
of tto eigtateeotb century, rourh in Dsmottoes in rod. white anQ blue, twxes rid s sute of mind when to complatnm flag shape.
ed be bad not proved hU armor. The
Paper napkins In flag ipatlorna are men carried luimlsidki's. baiumera
»wl> lind
alwi Obtainable. Caterer^ will furnOdt,
awkwardly In their heavy
«H1 they soreeeded 4n completing tbelr
-work under a hsll oT Imlb-i* fnmi the
Insurgents. The schim* Is de>M-rllieil. as
we can well tobeve. H. have bg« ii most
remarkable and to have had something
|4«nreaooe and alao diabollctll atom IL
Aa the mailed figure* oKtved In sb
lenee among the gnus, tlielr handspikes
looking like maces, tbeir alienee and
If asmietoing
‘electbm- cake, and smoll
anclnnatl. 0..‘fVb. lA-Il U aal.
In railroad circles that the scUlomen
of too fnUire oT tho C. H. S D.. Iht
rerw. Marwuette and the C.. C. A L
railroads will be reached within thi
next thirty days and perhaps sooner
Tto 8f. UtHils Trust company, whici
underwrote toe bonds of the Toledo
Terminal company, will. ' St Js said
forecloao within the next tto days
and toe roads will then be reorgmnlsfd
»nd held for the new Interosls. ThI
meeanga oT the pere Marquette com
PW. w.hlch were to bare been heUI
Thuraday in Detroit, hare been post
poMd until March 28. and it was
frankly majed la CloclnMU that the
postponement uws taken betouse in
the Interim the entire tangle will have
been settled.
Pasaed Awuy at Kfngalay'After
Umg lllnoea
Special to toe Bvening Record.
Kingsley. fVb. - lA-MTs. Imoftee
Schyll died St her home here at
o dock last nlghU She was SI yoa,
oM and leavM heuMes her hnsban.
have thought toU Itself had sent
by dressing In Colonial c^tu
et.v over, burst
r.-FbIpp‘s “.Mar
log mod) Irttalloo; "that a nuro w
a had «mgt has any husincwi «-»m
to a pUce like UU» dlsturhliic everyT»a»
<hlng- tor brand and
. ‘
feh U-tf
wT'******* *^
ReproBUtalirea Hlu of mUoU. Hoar
or MifMrthnsetts and LeaUr oT Onoc
gU, wlU be dellTered Stonffiny anxt fa
______ iglren
------- ---------- -----------today._
, _
^1 itoTfiranwMrihio
it.*' **It is tbe bewt wa
utol**. -I dilB’t m
peme it mas poMtb'e fer a
Msher to ran ny eMy nod
wash the clotbes no
ii thn verdict of the
who have ufi>l
OarcninilBthtoit wiUdo
tbe work belter, quicker ami
easier than any
We sell this wathtrenao
A petnoosl iariutioo is extended to yon sad your
Crieodsto visit onr store. We take ideesBie in
\ 3, Vf. SLATER
days* trial.
Dhllkfupt SBl€^
We Need the Money Sad
We Need the Room.
Siihijrday, Februaiy 16
We will swing tbe iloors open for a sale
that will lie rotnombereil for a long time.
Wo have sectm?d a large
^rloiJod IIS simI In ordv to
e yon the boo&t of this sale,
factory eoEt Not only
L }>iiitixvly uur eniiro stock.
Betifomn Sulicx, Od.l Dressers, 25 tliRcrcnt styles
Kitchen Cnhinets, Extension Tables, Chairs,
KtM kers, 4 ron Beds. Main esses. Springs.
Parlor Suites, Couches. Cxrpets,
Rugs and Pillows.
ClHniberlalB's Congb
Remedy has been decUred tree from tnioFhws
substnbees by g^en.
meat dbeodsls. .% i0to2-20
Stm'cs. Kangis, IltMfcri, Sewing machines.
Kitchen Utensils and everything you need.
An hr M, «l *.
4. W. Jaokwo A. W, JaKno,
KA-WoBrae Bo«klfoiitoe
We refer to the crowds at tto mor
tog picture ahmr at 213 Eaat Front
street. Tbe plctores are all of toe
latest and beM prodoetlon. Mr. Weltc
liaa secured for tbe first three davs of
next toek toe pic^LareB called “Alad
ain’.DiW" No peiaoo to Traverae
nOk aMtaffi^ia marvel
It b without tonbt
Grand Rapids Furniture. Co.
li!7 S. South Union Street '
Tiie Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
• THE BIG STORE’-DealBrs in Everything
Now It Is
. (
Shoe Specials
All winter goods must gato maketoom for our spring goods. There will be
a good many cold days yet, when a good warm shoe is an actual necessity. All
Men’s Winter Shoes will goat prices that will astonish you.
.\11 Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Warm Felt Shoes arc specially priced to
close out quick. We must h->.vc the room.
Dr. Reed’s Men’s, Cushion Shoes
They are the easiest shoe a man can wear,
J akes all the lirfc out of your feet.
■ s .
Snap in Fur-Lined Overcoats
Out gf 48 Fur-Lined Overcoats we have just five left,
and these wc will sell at the following prices:
ODcFur-LioedOvercoat, sold for $6000, now...,,............................................ $44.00
One Fur-Lined Overcoat, sold for $G5.00, now ......................................
One Fur-Lioed Overcoat, sold for $80.00, now .......................................... .....$66.00
Two Fur-Lined Overcoats, sold for $90.00. now ..............................................
You will never have a better opportunity to buy Fur-Lined
Overcoats at such remarkable prices.
We have four Fur Overcoats that we would,
rather than carry over the season, fcH for.......................
ine opportnnity or seetog It agnla and
r not, we WUL
Wearc n,afci«« .p.ciJ prl=« on an our Men’, and You-yc'M«>6Ye^oaU
Vour Kcltahlc Furniture Store,
New York. meb. 18.-The ftmeral
serrlces of Mra. Caiherine H..Bolton,
1 SonaU Will Formally Do So on Sat- wife of Jo«-ph E. Bolton. Thaw Juror
So. 11. were told Saturday afternoon
urday Next.
^ Waahlngton. PSab. IS-Bulogles In at toe reaMem of bU brotoer.
the aenate la lanaMMy of toe Ute Sea Tbomaa Bolton. Tto Jniora attcaidto
alof Alger or Mkhlgaa asid toe Ute I. a body, bnt did not foUow tto
SiscuK. enbl. are Hullnblej Coffee and
old-fashioned cootrn-dmnce. ‘ Vlr
Reel." “Money
-An Ey. With Lo«s.
r do Covrrly.*’ should find place
on the program If dancing Is In order.
A pretty feature is a minuet, after dressing the Hundsy m hooL “we
by a wiser iH»wer than
-r. danced by children dressed to
sent the thirteen original states selrea. There was no mistake made In
Member of Board of Public Works Is
putting n. together. If our hand, a
and George Washington.'
plaeed w bero onr feet are and our :
Quite another form of entertainment
where our bond* are. bow could we
to more Inlellcciual. Ank
alooffl It.woold ha exceedingly awkgtu-sts to ronu- prepaivd |io give aome ward. «-hlldren. excredlivciy awkwai
tion from Washington’s writings, I stretch my baud out, this way;
of the^KUnrt «rf iMJbllc works and whb
me anecdote regarding hU career. move my Bugera like tUU. Now, what
has sened In that capeclty several
years, annonnees that he will be a A brief imper on Washington, and pas- Is this an evidence of, childrenr
Then* was no r^pl.v, and after wsit
tgea from hla speeches! might
candidate on the republican ticket at
fng a moment the si*enker answered
the primaries Mairh 19.
Mr. Shane
the question himself.
And then. f«.r the devot^a of cards,
has been a diligent member of ’toe
-It is on evidence of design. Doo*t
board and devoted a great deal of hto there arf George Washing playing forgft that, cbtlrtreii.»‘ be coot
cards, which, with srorx} cards cm- ImpreaalvaRy. -It la an erktome
ving the hatchet and dterry legend,
and “Colonial- refroshmeotk. would
quite suffice for a modest ceU brailon.
luppose m.wye 1
-You could one tbm to running your
•.ve over the «0BEttotttnn. conidn’t
Drip Is CrlpplinQ Forco of Brooklyn
Dr. l'ar|ihurst told the ‘oltor day a
roor replied a deeply Intereated Uttle
^ story about a famothL bishop.
Rapid Tfonait Co.
>qy near toe doqj.
“The bimhotK- be said. *^ilkes a good
New Torfc. reh. 18-Two thousand
gnr. and was traveling to Altony In
of the If.tyi ©mpUryes of too Brook
M' snmking ear.
lyn Rapid Transit Coi are Mle on alcK
“A laboring man look the seat be••Aiid now, ladles and ert»tlemen.»
mde him, e.ved tils cleritil garb, got aqid tbe lecturer, aa be eloaed bia dls-l
Vice President Calderwood Satur a light from him. and luildraa to aetcourae on -The Wonders of .Arrtie|
i rosuU of the condition. Mr. Ged hark for a comfortable smoke:
Travel." -r am ready to aniwer any
I arwu.
d said the sllttatlon as
qaeatloni y«t-may feel like askln^.-Tbe bishop bestluted.
lon of the IIMB
"Do you think, professor." i^e
answered blarnlly:
I Btage and toe ©
one of hIs audltots. In a voice det
woA brvBfihin^ntoiitwhBii
M Was la DBB and Was^a Picturasqua
and Diabolical iomia.
In January. 1TW». st tto town of
Aquilla. in tho Abmsao. then told by n
garrison qf 4W) Kmich troops, ton
peassnu broke lata tbe towu. and.
thongb they were driven out by tbe
rrsMh. they oooturato to give serhina
the yoii! r
tronble. Ttey nvsn drove the FYencIi
re.-Cl 1x1
Into the furt and tuade ready to bomI,.
them with heavy guns. The yellow p
•irs from
v»in |Njnjrtas.*'!>.be )
I wers In an awkward podtloa.
-H.t* snjthing b.ipj^-tied to iiim? I
rt. the dBlcer of aTtlUfty. ranhia brains for the nmaiis of boiH be b:i».?rt iBM-ti in a railroad a.x^dent.-No. He «iys Im V well and will
to Imme tomorrou. but to only use.
1 that to tod seen *even word* when hr mlgtit liaxe pm
ne seiu of plate in
tbnx* more.*’-^t bn. land
Plainbe propoaed to try wtotlnT.
r them, men could dm aally
i>rk In aeeurity under tba
-lb..ii;nHx. t«deadr *igbc.l
with , a ii.u. bb;j|tei.-il .x.cnr.iiaiue.
• WI.X.
!. the In.uHe.
big man. bs It remarked. At a t'ertaia
hour tba garrison lined the overad «bn|»V” rc\l-»r'.‘,y e-V*''l tb*'
way, and freta thence and from the frt.-iid. ”l*idu i I tfll ynt i„
to tiM- Im. I*.fort opened a'atrady fire of musketry
fv,*x |;-bl b- .
and of artillery on the lines of the in-
Action In AU Lhvls is Soon to Setth
SUtus or tto RallWay In a
• <
Short Time.
i^ioprs SAVINGS BAIik
No « of the
Friday erenlng
riends church was delightfully <
lined at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
bomaa 4. Whlnnery. fiOl Elmwo<al
avenue, toe Mlaacs GamcU norcoaad
being hosu
After a pbwslng program of songs anA
mall man enlcitH
diatriteted leucra t6 each
1. Thcae letters desertber
ems in which the varirvus tndiwould find themM'hes twenty
It is aaill that the IVre Marquette
henc* and naturally caused
much aniummieui. Hefrcahmcnta c<hisiKtIng of heart shape.] cakes and
fnistcl hcart-shaiicd cookie* and tea
were served. Just before the guests
I to Jm hoped that
were ready to leave the table, a witch
made her apptorance and In true oldnetce firca wen? raging on the am time style dIacInsCd the future to the
Saturday aay the aslruoomcra. If t members present by reading what she
aunapol is a symptom of a comlni toon din the tea cups. The evening
electrical disiurtonce whst ilo ihos< was pleasantly kpont and thoroughly
Area mean?
r njoyed by every one.
o pnhUe tonlU. nor can tto •
. nn4er the guise of a police re«nI. looking to the public morals, • Next Vrtday.Veb
annireruary of Waabln^s natal
le tto aalobn liiiatneas
realth of opinlaas from the high- day. and a fitting occasion for a Cotonwrts of many autes and of the
United Statea supreme court beadng
on tbeae eonteatloo. waa quoted Inltbon of the edd
the Meloo. Some of the declaiooa buff and blu^^
abowcd that both federal and
had nrted that no form Bags and
anoll as lotteries, etc., Woe.
Invitations insy to written An rough
alised. alnoe they are a
peril to the welfare of aodety. In IhLs paper and tied with tmff knd blue rib
bons. or on bug paper with blue ribmany of the ,
rls had held that boon. Or use a gold ^Ijon pale blue
Miniature cherry trTM^tnay bemadof well-shaped tn«e branches decorated
declare gambithg unUwfnl, It was al with paper cherry bUwtgtns and cher
ries. Tlie cherries can hr* obtained
no right to decUrc liquor sellin
in a red compoeltitm that 4s very real
Ctorrias a Fsatura.
The«. carries can also to used
*ce emun factory In Alaska or a tona
oA plaaUUoa In Contral America than
to lodoce local InreMors t« suUcrIbr
for atock In a facloiy which is to be
located In their midst. Sotoifaalhu
policy prwralls Grand Rapids wlU not
fTow aa the ahould. The time Is op
poHime to right atom face and dem
onstrmtn that "We hare aa much faith
In the Grand Rapids mantrfacttirrni
and lohtora to make ^ as we have
III toe fold mlhera of Nevmlu or the
faa ptant promoteni of New York.
Mont ooomuMt lor
ARoTOto linni. dina^yrnble
feb inf 1} '•
l^ totek of H. «ly 6 eau admbaloa.
W Bemomber. thU b next Monday. Xuesi day^nnd Wedn^y aRoraooo. and
^ of the sreek’a
andiUgoodA^n-tUx ioichher.
/ .
■AV" f
« PMmR
BsoMrAmM^lmi bo« igmtag
up tbe goat toltrtagis k reM tp
tba avavogo toMher ta tbe gtad^
Tbe ireeregi toenme Is Mid. poe2^ UN.PM
Tkt JIri ta imoaaUc aereMe whi
eanto lUifi nr $8 per woJ| onfi
aha*B a “poor atSek* If la tboia imm
ibo dOMT Mt It-baa $844 qr tMI
baa taat givna
Mi I. flMily jfoMR.^T%fo
iBiBiEaiiBmtf iw
a M oaew^ to tbe Bamtoa narioa.
rtm nmrn, wtmtrn,nm. etc. w*«
' All That Warn Uft Far
tata—AttanCie Cc
Trembisr for Ha
poru la tba
M tPif
tor tba aaatb <
April and Ifoy. They are i
given I
eefg M fM «gartB.m»l tbart la ito
A BTMminsInrecttaaa. Jkn i
tpafisaMllmlis tbe basis tot
sa aaeb aiie foam tba MDolbs
ft has been prapoard U> <
the oM blstorieal town ball
IS and this haviag eoas
board to a “nice* ptare. dreoai #f!ll.
ante for dreos. au.'as above. Md aao
keep ag ta edaemtiooai mattara. aad
emeagb u> carry her throogb the
Caa she da It an flM for ton
At the toast catootaifcm bor boofd.
mm^mit. taondry. onr fiire^
mats olatoat every dsy. moat conwe eatmat tbe care of our Tbiagwsme $480.
She has then $110 for dreaa. doc tboae tbiags liwt Bmereoa aayt: “Art
tor's hBts. recreatkm. traveling a*- in the saddle and ride rnnklN!**
WMea baft beta md
aM theft art no
amato above the groand yoa
i flso Britt, aad aerer to me
Wlfll n>oK»lir»aa4|ol»^. MIt*
«H«i mt
fiMi. Ml fMM I.
M to <M iPtotoit 4ms. fttM ilDM»
tor Mflttof mt# tpHiif ft»d till
Ai4lr#ry. rw^ wpyrwwit of fffvin
hw IMI to «•«* in wtf«t. mm
fltu, UMl MMraKMt imlfU of c
luir« «M« for • tiiiUtr cmMUk
into tbe
futore. many Itoaa bdag Mid lap to
tbe laat qnailar of thb ytar. OiSan
am moat pftaateg for Jlpaa and tabaa,
to whtob tba demand to fbf bayimd aH
dant. InqgMan for abiato and
ptotaa ara ararctly tatf or^t. abd
milto are aabbla to Make dallr
•iaaordlng to apeal«atnona on ol.l
erdem. while aew aooiinrta aoma fod^
nrd ronetanUy.
H to not poaalble to dtoaant any mrI
mat of maetlon to any aactlan to
It todtaary. latbougb there to a new
aenabla tnlat ta atttetaral nbapia
that baa faciUlated a mndMiaMml la
eftaaa la pMdoetlmi to bUitoa.
ttlla milto aantlnna wall ampk^.
ad. wUb aapaatol pttaanit for prompt
I ladHTaraMa la tbe ex
Md tolt itM ft Hitrtt tortitt tmicta
ntoa to tndto nnO Cbton
V tMtt piMiirtn. FHrtt &t htm p
dneu trt nlrotc and tilrtiieltf. •*
Good pHctn tor cottot tad tor
r tbe Cblneaa new yaar
Mitt or tomum potat to t torgt.
not rtcord. tcmut to tlit tootli t!
rocDing tpilnt. Tht «r tbortt
trtniblr l» btutr to Um iiortkwttt,
tu«fH to NortH Dtkoto. part*
wlitoli art tUll toototod. Famm tMrt
art ftpoittd trinDt frato teknr
Vri prlctt. boynt Uktot ftttMM of
dranct ta prlaaa of out
Mted. and tbe relatlreJy
Itb to batter gradaa of
, axpantora intobnd pM-
» wtdton goodi atathm to
platad Initial pmrbaaaa. aoM
^vMi aooM prof ebtoly to aampto plaeaa. and tba
rtM la totktof to ralltTtos tbt ear too to not yal well dtolimd.
Mionaft. wlilch ta. boMter. ttlll tartlUw wool to drmly held at metera
tm to baalntM. Rtetol aionar t
tr elitckn Mltdlnf. but tigaa ol
rlral aw noilctd at tht watt.
thing definite before laklag raw ma
terial freely. Footwear fOrtorlea In
bill Ibw to no nlCTi of pre-anre New litoglaad hare obnimeU on band
to atll.'iboofh buytra Tor dtouat pen mararlng nctlrlty until new boetaf
^a aw ftportad laaa rrtdjr to ptora
I forward, altbcmgb there la
PIf Iroo piarkata ara qiilafar and
%rhHa produatra dtoptoy ao markad
dtopoalUoa to forat aalaa. quota
nrranbaltM land to lowar fl|
Spot Iron to lower in tba nouth. and In
fha want priran for Uat hnJf dallrary
)inva dtcUnad M) aanto m ton.
Stniaturml ataal to ahowtof mo
llvliy. (Mil matarlaJ la watktr. Coal to
In liattar damand and atoaka of aoTt
aotl to tba waal are ttnaUtr. the aoM
wattkar havinf tandtd to radiict
pllaa. Coka la Urni. Oifipar la hlfbar.
tba praralllnir qiKitatlot for lake liaint
26.11H aaou to 55^^ catta a p
wltb fairly prompt abtpmta
tnandtor aran hlfbar dforta.
Soma urfaot btiyhif of marino
by mUH whow torHfii imrahataa hara
not arrlrad la ndad at Boatoe. l-ana
abtpmanta ara on tba way. but tr
rlrala ara alow In domaatic i
quarter bUioda ara aetiTa cm pood raporta from Iha gooda ttodc. UtUa
buying la reported to the weat.
Trade la aboet and iMtbtr U
eimia. Raun trade ta and baa
pood, and rubbara bare abld troll. Mt
ttiantra. wholaaalara and Jobbara art
wni ndt bay fraety from mMufaclarara till tbay art ready. Mt kttbtr
to qatot. but etottly aoM up. 1
laatbar to falriy aatlTt, and a
export dtmand la aotad. Sboa
mta art If par cant bablnd
Bank etoartafa to tbt Tnltad Stolaa
for Uto vtak tndtof wttb l>b. 14. (a
Imnday parlod) aggrepatt IH.70U1S..
' 4N.1t.7 par OMt under laat weak and
i per rtnl below the aamt week last
yenr. BxrJudIng New Tortc city, tkc
total ta tl.edO.lom t per cent btkrw
toat week, but « per cent orei
Canadian bank clearinga ngr
fiijpte.t>l. a dfCTtaae of lie per etat
from laat week, and 87.3 per cent from
tbia week a year ago.
Bbatoeto fallaita to tbe t
autet for tbe weak endtag f>b. 14.
nnmbar to4. ngnlnnt IM toat weak.
' In tbe like week of 19M: MS In IPtS:
SSI In 1M4 and IM to fftS.
Gbnndton tottaltn tor tba week
•-I!. /
the aupplemantary spring wrchaalng
by eastern jobbers aad >oda Inquiry
for aarly summer shipment C
turns am fully gBalntalned on all de-
urn cm
SpeclsI ta tba Byanlbg Raaard. ^
Rapid CHy Mich.. Feb. 18—Jitos. Wls
Kik Rapids tba other dsy.
WllUe Wilson hsa relumed from
syne City
rgan rompany was In toam Friday.
MISS Slintoe rrnoks waa caned fraa
CMtMto tba Mhef day .on areouat a
the lUnsas of bw mother. Mrs. George
Herbart c: Wood to Amgelt rtelied
bis siller, tom F. RlalMtt. to this
Mtos Claml Btaaora. who hia beaa
tola atok. IS mpidly tMOTfring.
Itfnry Fox afSootb Milton wmi
rirlng on onr streets tkls sfien
Wslter Wllpon snd Oeorga itorsdns
rare to town today,
tor. and Mm Hooptor^ baby girt
Mtoa Hatla WItttoaannma raca
om bar ntooia and la onaa
worklag ter tocFuTM’a.
Mr. CleoMOt was ta town Thomday.
ton. AiaiMgiTd of Smith 1
u la towa Thoraday.
Mrs. WIU toeCkMd Is out to d
sad bar knaband to la bis pto
L. Way’s store.
monU of Mqrrii to tbe first
of opriag. and H to a rfry Im
portant month from aatrologleal standpolat. At thU time tba new yaar melal to fbd^ ^^UbilatBoed.
Faria, Fbb:
tp# aaalversarT
Tba correct bagiaalng
to erary year to. the time when tba to tbe ttivelUag to tbe fioaaueot by
mm amaiwa tba aoealtod Mne:. this Bartoldl erected ta booor to the bal
Its to tbe siege of Parts, a baato mi tba tls^to tbe mootb. Tba poMUoa to tba variona idaaats aad the quet baa been held which was attend
togns to wbtoir they are to and tbe ed by all tbe aenmaats and private
peraems who left Pnrig by balloon dur
wblab prevail
Ja^tbe famooa siege by the Oermsos.
7Cnboagh.ibere was a great dlmlnitayear, for ikto/reascn I find that a care- tlon In tbe number to persoas still
il atndy to these aspects as shown living, still quite a lltUe party was
Ol. Tbe ebafrmao to fbi later
> oeCiir to be to grOst importanee.
t gatberlag was M. Anthooln Du
ta amtotag this dtotacatlon for the
»onth of tosreh. IM7. 1 find that the bnto. preeldent to the aeMte. who In
OTli plaail. Mars, to prominently im lefirparls by means of fbe U
le baHoon. The proceedings were
plsaed to baavnns. atfi fbal It to
amicted by another erll planet— begun by a touching tribule being ren«. This Is one.to the grsateat dered to tba memory to tbe oldest of
of evU ptonau aad It sbowa that many tbelr number, M. Pierre Deaebsmp*.
Wbb died last year. M. Doschampe
B FYaoc-TIreur tn 1870. and left
on Dectonfier llrh In the Navy.
rlHli t^as afierwarda paid to tbe
laiit'a monniDept. on which a ubIrt was unveiled lo the memorj* of tbe
Vem aad daatrucUre earthquake aad sculptoV. AugaaU Bartholdi, so well
fire ta forUgn aonnlrr wblab will be known to all Americanl as the sculpfait la tha United Stales and wilt tor of the statue of Uberty presentwl
maa the loas to many lives, both In
its country and tha West Indies.
Orest excitement and turmoir and
labor trtwbles srill prevail In thU aculptor s tomb in the MontporeaBse
Ing tha month of March. •metary and laid a wreath oa IL
Id very diaastroua railroad
------------- Jbown to occur abonl the
The French chamber baa diacoased
mb to tba month, and mady lives the proposal, already voted hy tbe
irtlt be tost. S
senate, to modify article 810 of tbe
I and cyckmes. are shown Hvll code relating to divorce. This
clause gives fbe right to change
ibv western ststes. These storms will creo of conjudlcal aepsratlon
be uhosuslly severe. aniT win cost three years Into dhroree oo the nppll
ti>a lives of many people, as well as cation of one of the paitlre. r
the destmCUon of much valuable
Tbe court will- pronounce that 4he
It will also leave a very. separation is equal to a divorce, and
I effecl upon all bustaass the party against whom It is pron
4nd wUI block tranaportaHon ta tbe ed vrill be nraloted In costs. M. Adrien
and central paru krf onr Veber proposed ah amendment rednding four clanres of the civil law and
ordaining that judgements or o
of courts of separation of marrii
issattofsatfon will continue to prevail
sa et tore which were definl
hrongbant the country. Tlito will
ansa many faihires in buatnpss and
I decrees of divorce If one of the parties
The aommerrlal Interest |of the
onolry will be veiy dull aad a great
lump Wirt orenr In the stock market
of New Tork city, rurther great
a and aorropt methods will be
revealed during the coming spring
hs. Thera is shown that the Atc coast win suffer a areions aad dlvdh» could only be asked for by the
deL^tmctlve earthquake and fire during party In fSvor of whom tbe separation
»e coming three montha. ‘ March, had been pronounced. After great dis
cussion the danse was carried by 378
pm or May.
votes to 189.
The sub this month receives the
affllatlon of both the evil planets.
A school mistress of Ftarmont-FerMars and Satorn. from the 2d to the
14th of the month. ThU denotes s rand has lost cured a suggesth
geaersl evil period during this period a manreloM lUarea., 8be enmpl
persons are adVtoed that 4t would to pata. la'tbe abdomen and w.
be for the beat tateresta of aU to de- conauh tbe physician of the town
fer all new or Impartoqt uidenaklngs hoapitsl. Dr. Rouaqaes. about the matto aay nature snftl after the evil
period la past. March 16. ] Friday.
Nareh 1. be totratal la art huafoeas af
fairs, avoid making or Ukbkg contracts on this day: fbe Tth and itb doctor tried to reason ber out of
oo. hot fiadtaf this to no avail
also evn days. Avoid quarrels aad
mspdiK ensrer against trickery mid
seed ber tmder ohnerratloa In hi.
• • • •.
Dnriag tW taotob to Mare bUe evil
pW.*i^ bn posa thrm«b the
itol. I7tb b£d ifetbiHlegtoaa af tbe
trimbto wto gfMi all persons bora betwM tfe Wm« Iflh to Msreb. any
yf^: Itfeia fqlbs ab wvIr pUaeO win
traoMt erif ^iibett to tba 4aa. dur
fito m. ^ bkd pormiaa ^ betwrea tbaM fiaiaa sbooM be veryoaretal and caaklmaB to a^d actodrata
of tbe so
that the I
ht with th
In autbortty and that Uscy krill allow tbe
lo stand, even If they have
to bay a new site nn which to c red
her hall for municipal purposes.
"""^^RS.C.C. FINK
in;. whm ki ■«»«■<
any oim^aUoo of drugs.
U » booreVjrlod and true renmdy of unquestUmablstberspeutto vmlim.
.Frt. > U-Jnde,
• tor I hr P.T. Marqurn.
maAi ImM hr muiy othw to.il.
thitmgboot tbe counlry and it as
tlon lo compel the culprit i
Ire SB accoontliig for the use of
bis cars.
-1 shall soon Institute a suit li
rnlted Blatei courts hgalnst the
that have been using our cars
gklly.** he said. "I will briag
suit either for an arrtmutlng of the
profit accruing to these roads
the use of our ears, or for dtn
for tbe loss In |»nslm*Rs to ns
canse onr cars were not reddb
In a rvajMinahie time Farmers sud
shippers along the two lines Hist I
represent are suffering for the ueetl
of cars. Onr roads are losing m
As an officer of the I’nlted Ststes
c«Hrrt in rhsrp- of ih«-se pnipi riles I
am determined that the nads using
our cars must*rt‘tarn tht-m..”
The acGon rontemplstwd hy rtecelv
er Harmon la the most sweepli.^ of its
kind ever taken in ihl. countri
ThUmedlcrae made from naUre rooUaud Herts, cootelos no oaroottos
and what It has aocoppllabed for ms I know It will do for olherw**^
mmnber there U one ti^nd trua remedy. Lydia B. Plaic e Vage-
InvIUtion to Women
Mr*. Pit
TOM any
MJ form of female
troMl. WMkM. »r. lorlud to
Women suffering from
sm. Out of ber vest volame of aswrite Mrs. Ilnkhsm. at Lvnn. Mswl
perieaea she probably has the very kaowledge that will help your ease.
or THE
For the Year En
to PnUcv Huldf
Holdf im
l.v Krei-reee
cash valm*
Lomsi on f ’tototen
lnt«<niit dn»» and •
“What shall 1 use fur a front
mt todiyr askvd tbe foreman of the
editor of tbe Weekly Screech.
••ftyndlrste cartoons alt exhausted r
. “Every one. Rome oaed twice.**
“How about that cot to Rorkefeller
and Carnegie coontlng tbrir mi
37.500 00
TirtAi. Aa
Amount of Ibwrve Fuml. Anu nrau TaUe
- ,____ ,____________Premimns Paul in Advance
Dividends <wi defem^ iff>ininm« .
$«.«83.0A5 00
$.441 M»
4n 'M
.; . •
“Bvfh Ih^ flod that old cut of lbs
midway at tbe wortd’s fair and run
ii, ,
, •
f0.902.754 JFF"
Tout Amount ftald PoUcy-HoMm
since Organtoation. $14,092.0^.18
UFB ANSWUNCe AOeNTS-Tbe MlrUcaa Mnieal Ut. will pay lt«tag 1
all Mrplax tin** u*r.^d tb.m ; lorel and di*irta swnU waoUd la
.ly> homcome* or addr^* T. F. OlDDISOS. UD Jeffweo. Arc, DWrek. Risk
He prepared an opare^ table, dto
playad a rtdfogmplr ipparetoa. "
ages. lint, cblorofbnn. etc., snd sent
the woman to slem>- On her awaken
lag he si
be said Ibe bad takea from
aeb. aad that now she was
.be mime make Mate tight
school mtatreas was great
ip bar Btonte and ^few day ago de^
claredWveetr ao well tbal^abe wanted
to resume ber dnttoa. This however,
tbs dnetor refooOd to allow, saytag
btavoly that Oho moat tie Ita bed for
a abito Nrtto loafer to reeovor ooos^
2,000 r
Just Received
•We now have every number in domestic catalog^
Larocst aad Most Conpicle Sleek
Ever ShewB la inis aiy.
S-d or bring m
age to tba people to this auu
4MtM from drewptag win m
to tbtomlnetaantb eaatnry lo ^
wh.t yon «nC
/ •'
■— -------------------------------------- ^
Kiniball Music Hoiiss
UtFidnt Street
M. a mwnoK; prba'
'‘ 'ir. ■
t ( ^ gVMOWO Hnow. TlUk.Wr* CITY.
wmSd W w«a tbc cull would be «am
M IS Not
foe Riy money.
FOR SALS—im-Eb fo
BiCh Dia ais eleelrie l|
ataBet I*i9ee fl«M. S
•It 8Mth Umloa St. Cith
Wdla. a P«le^BalIl«
. has act san fbr tlinMy^,|^d.
Uklat la JcnMlOB he vUl^
k pond nt Alhtan and when they
Jaa. D. UndethUL Oulaud. S. DahoU.
Kk^ and ther were pelM ^ inore oavid wRb l)h bMlM-uf tRimr^jl
msiw Wtoe «f Tar. Ooctora pete I
•Ofwndma" Grtcr ta dead at Stand
mdthnnallTw They wSI mas
iah. Mrs. Nanh Orier was a krabk
Though Charlie Bamei of BcM
old Udy and had Jlred wUh her daush . bested hla mothermi-law. Mrs. Rat
addman at Aibhm Jadge
Uazle Grier, erer since her hua-|
T. 1®► pet a hlc wad or Wilt akie
B. OtiitL ®f the au|
carried la the bank, she refoaed and
id rDmggUts who uctl whlsThe Rnr. rred C. Wdrd of Plmouth now she a sorry. Charlie a honae
form* are worse than
united In marriafc Clayton Andenon ed aad ao did ibe roll of bUla and aU
for they Bailed
Biuildln*. of Detroit, and Miss Ocemna
Ferrey of Lmins. Tliey win itnide A portrait of Saa G. CUy. for
the theatrical maWer of the Acade^
my of Mntic at Sajetnaw. a charier
Ptma ta 199% bo wW devote his t
member of Saftnaw R P. o E
2u22«t**^rjr^atulr‘’ ^Sd^ ham 1
CorUai> en24. and aid to be the oldest Kk U the lime to tf«ap^ee work.
Let us settle that
G. B. raytof Coal Co.
jE.mnm cao.w.acWEnir
.....*** *nr*
smaller ones now operstins the inn mtteil Sutes. was ahowemd wl
nicipal lisfatlnf pU»L
i ®ower» at the Elkf fair In procrett
Aariwed by hit whiu irife and Ida SaEUuw lat week,
full-blooded danthter by a former InAnaniremenia bare been made foi
l«n »»|t
“ Smith,-the noted wrettlint match the evenlnxafWarch
eeangelin. will at 7. at Stone, between Bd Shelp. of DuFOR SALE--M71-1I
and Georse f^tiArda. of Kenton.
Bute Bank btsfldlnR •nett location
! Ohio, for a pnrve of $100. There will
for auburhaa reald< re In Ula
don Prim $1,000. Wade Broa.
In «aaltrHii«A3ihclni Carroll nenK>ve|aUo be a botit between McAfee and
Union atroet. ata. phone 1219.
fun^iprs rrt>m hie humlns homn st' Blakley. the latter of whom 1
Coldwau r. Dr. B: R., Per^iaon atep^ ] moved from hU home In D«rolL
ped into a imp door and fell to the Uke a poaJlIon In one of the local
cellar and liK-klly escaped with bat alfactoriea.
bad ahaklns up.
j while
the way to mill
C4t> offlrlala at Puailac are tlrx»d of. load of lop*. CarmI Gilbert.
huldiiiR council pnx-eediuu. over a’known fanner of Maple On
borw stable In the fire hall and a,rUriel, felt a deathly alckncaa comln*
jUsi^C an ajjpropriation of $2r..i>i|o on. He stopped In fnafit of a farm
5;t^-ftn^uliab1e city hall, and $13.dn<i lolhous.. and told them he wold pi
FOR SALE—lia^nne B?afie:^>at
Tenth St., clqte In; price |2.0(Ki. l emodH the fin men e hall.
■o raitHpr. Mf. UllUprT dl«l
Wade Brea, $17 South Unkni
Davy JoncK. a Battle Creek char boors liter Of panti.rsis. A wid
Clt. phone 12l9.
Jan :
acter. who loves B! C iJoore ^tter live children surrlvcT.
The prt>s.v-uflon in the trial cd JusOR SALE-ISOl-SeTcft room ho.,dr. than PoKtum Cereal, has been sent to
fhe hiHii*e of carnwUon at Ik^rnlt for tire OMey Granger pf. Grand Rapid*,
lance lot. cocmr Bo\d and
price ll.joo
Wade llruK.. k|7
n 1 “re-jrhargid with oWalnIng money under
South Union St. Cit. ph<ioc I2n.i
false prHcnae*. think* It has clinch
It, Un urmx of the will of the Uirled It. case by the teatlnmny of Cash
Mint, fll.si in pro- irr Merrill, tif the UommercUi Iwnk.
REAL ESTATE—nouring mill Inja Gfoixe Webber
• et.art. the C.airt Street M K »h« s»..re that Granger-had b«u
nlKuil 50 Uanria per day; "Nordy^c
tth wa* made bemflriary to the pn*(H>ily notified that l»e had no f
nMK'i-Hs;**^$l.2i>ii woMh of new n^a1 of $l..ak». and provUbm U mx.le In the Irtink Granger I* rharmNl with
ehluery InsUlled Ihe lalter part »uf
losuillng a $500 memorial win,h.w. giving riuMk 8 r.mild
la*t year: milt In full opt-raMon
every day and enjoying a fine ImMrh«ck.
nen*; frame i^nd briek struetiiii*:
Genrgf A BiUUnl. pniprb'lnr iK the
priro $r..«*00;/lncaml.ran(v^
M»r*hall FVniltuie A KcIkkA Seat < o
will Irade «Miultr fur farm or rl«y
at Ih. Jail »f .»f Man^hall. U In C‘hIragp. having
prr»perly: what have vnu' Addnjv*
Inn HH-intly ll« pave bis name a-sjlHTn *nhpiw*naed ' trstITyd»ef«»rc Ibe
MeRcnnld* Bnm. 4 W«M Mult»e,y^y
Mn«e,. Kokomo. Ind.
leb sfit
il Marie. II. sas taken ut Hnup.*. j federal gnmd pii
Jai'k W.GlIvay. allaa **D.adf»sit 1 t^dne e«indue<.tl
FOR SALE—1494—.Six n*»m houfe.
irk * in Jail at Ann ArUr for Im.1.1 | against M.e .\meriran 8< ImkiI Strai tkx,
iH. was-a Mr It.illavd was in the trust ul Mse
priee tl.-'ioo W’a.le Bros.
Sotflh Union St Clt. phone 1219.
iiton.mid|tinie. and his fartory was cloned.
Jan 3o.|f
best realdeneea in the dty. will
cl«r .Ity pi
j^jmjs Wom^i
Cm jroii •IToM U> tp^
lookin^^ for
boo*e, bfip. or the many oUior vanU that
Ktackts Ikt
fOn 8ALE~<l«t rmaie |a (ood condliltm. Call CIU. pbuae U 3tl.
feb 12 Ml
JkrJ m Hraoeth rj»«-. cbicup*.
FOR SALe-I45$-27 acres two and
one half mllr. city market; l.ooo
bearing peach, good house aud barn,
price $9500 Wade Broa. $1 Un
loo atrecL Cllx. pbooe 1919.
WAHrtO-^pptmlkt drU for allIteerj tfefartmeat. Apply at
qiobe Peparlmwit man.
FOR SALE-^1494-Fourteen
house. Mb atr«>et close to aehool
faclor'iro and fmatoTAre; cratrai
part of Kib slr«>el. Price $l60a
s Wade Bros, $17 Union 8L. Cllx.
iMpir. AddM, AnMroojc Alrmn
feb !s 2t
WANTCtk-Maa lo work la oCare aad
quarter mile east of Mayfleld: pood
take omen. SUta how pravkittuly
new eeroenl hloek hfmae; good barn,
emplered aad aire reTeitmce. 8
price $1200. Wade Bros., 817 Union
atreeL CIU. phone 1219.
• 1* prr week,
with at
D. n MrTurdy, Trn»cnK^ CUy. 1
FOR SALE—1603-Good, rmnforlablc
yvii I* If.
nt. phono I21».
jan 3t> lf
FOR 8ALE-1MH-Klnc home. \YcM
Tenth St.: prtre
ltn*s. MT South Union St Clt.
phone Iri9.
jan 30 tf
, trwni of vahiaMe lKu>fi; U bmplup’fartor, ttH.i>rm-d Uht Sept.
Noiieman lints. »ent timiuph the ^ lMn,w ruslie.1 wUh order*.
A Valoablt Lmmm
*^1 r«r» ego I learned
Uwaoa.- write John Pleasant of Mag
noIU. lad. -I then began Uking Dr.
King's Kew Life Ptfla and the tonger
I take thum the belter I Bad them.They plcame everybody. Onaranteed
msmEss CMOS
DR. M. B. ORCOORV-Physlcian and
surgeon. 117 C>sa street. Phone
7W CiU,
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
L. L. : BuiLoma
Bauk biding.
A. J. McFHAIL—Dentist. Over John
I drug store. Ibll pbooe 3oo:
gs; au. 4W9 2 rings
loritrr ai Wrmfe>«s a*«
Tollirlion woiK a si-y lallv
' limit
1 HTTING OF GI.ASSra tiffin
Wtlbclm block UitUens
MING^ N Millard
With Gris
rT.nier Krtml and Vs^*
MARTIN ^Physic an am
u. Offh-e 2t»5 l-:ssl Fftmt
MARK CRAW^ delivery-Light
frolght. pamls and trunk* Olfh-e
at nty Bot»k Store.
imm «
"Order >*our
I. O. Burns
AMIL F. NERLINQER. LAWYERMoney to loan. 212 Stat.- IteiiK
building miien* phom- fi!»r.
FOR SALE—MSS—llou^e and lariP'
lot. Thirteenth 8i.: pitoe
FOR 8ALE-Klcbty
Travrihc Ijind and Ia»an To. V
Wade Bros.. K17 SouJh Uiibm
miles weal Norrts
: four miles
Thori.dl. Managvr . Offin.. „*mu :
' 1219.
Traverwo Clly: sixty
HnmUfon A Mllllken tdork.
red; aU arrra sultaldc
aanlrn; aw>d •buUdlnpi. ...
n«»ni piilti mi .for
T. CHASE. M. D.-Offle«> with
flrat-rlaaa condition; cash pi
Dr O E Chase. Si.nie Ikmk I.I.k-1
•ade Bnvs.. M7 South I uioir $t
, Klk HmvlilH.
W.tWO. Wads Bros.. *17 Un
Cardinal Merr> Del Val. tl.o poiK*« <-*lne. MH-aklng of |.Ik son’s career
!fcw WUfedm Rlk^ TmTcrse City
•trmmi, CiU. phone 1219.
U'h ItMl
M-cn tar>' of stat,*. Ik known as a barri said that he had long wished to be an
W. Eighth St. Citl phone 7M
vorker and a hot temir-red man with actoi*. an ambition which hi* mother
WANTED—Two pocMl tramn nt nnee.' FOR SALE-M$$—Modern elebt
riigal haMl*. but 'll la not generally ha* n.4 born willing to encourage. DR. F. HOLOSWdRTH-Rpeelal at
realdence. Sixth atreeL All
^ IM.
Kit». 13 If
Down that be 1* bu indefatigable -For my own pait.- the mithor wrltc-s.
tenleocea. A good ham. cliive in.
nose and thrtiat. Gla**e* fliUNt
rtmt St. for reft. golf plajx-r. He spends a large amount
ZXl E. Frt
ad kaot sawyer,
-i have thonght best to let him have
Over Jfdinson dnig store, imti.
Price $3800. Wade Bros, $17 South
n. J. MorKsn.
course in ibe hi* way raihcr than leave on his mlo«T
Union atrc-eL Cltlaeiia Pbooe 1219
Ffh. 13 If
feb iftf cMumds of the Villa iKu U I*ann.hlll.
I have a nWmlx:r of jfood
and hmri the sore lmpr<-*Klon of baX- DR. E. B. MINOR-Offlre over Aim il
and Is ih*‘ first cardinal who has ever fl**t! ambition But I have ukeu care
WANTEO- louna roan to Inko rh«ia»*
ean Dn,g Store PtwK-lal aM.-nilon farms, all ihc way from 40 to
«if ninllinx departmrtU «r the He.;,Id
ludulgetl In n.l* wport.
that he should hegin ot the bottom
to eye. e*r. no-e and thituit GJasse^
tl. tiood rluinro fur ymms
Biimv louuuBUUU.
fitted. Both phone*. R.^ldrv,^- 5D 160 acres, for sale, or if you
Augusfjs Sqnlte. for slxty-fivc years and b arn all there is to Know of the
prjry. Apply at ourr.
81.; price II.TOP. WadecB,ok. M7
Sixth street. . ’
have any ijopd property, I will
a tnembor of the Cutler's Componr. sour a* te, n a.s the swe<i of tbeatri
South Union 8L Clt phone inf.
Ijondon. whoKc .death In hla ninetyWANTED TO 8UYDR. W.*E. MOON-Sjw-clHlM-GiviH... take it in exchange and make
Jan 54Mf
rufh. Inquln* J. \V. ,
third year is annouored. always burn
LOST-^ Sunday, key ring mllh
urinary, skin sndddood dlt^e**,-.; !*. you easy terms, 1 can sell you.
year* experlenre Offie.. nty o,H-r..
FOR SALE—All kinds of horae
ed candle* in his house. lor he would
kf>a, on Frtmi or Union l*c
, of West Point 1
house block. Phon.'. -New. |U7: a good larm for less money
cow and chlckenlfeed. T. C M.HIng
W’ood Slrtww- and comer Sevcnjih nevet have gas or elwtrlciiy Uld on.(
Duixml of Delaware and Mr.
of IS Inch
Jan ll-tf
than you can Luy it of any*
iK.vIe. at
and Union. Reward if returned ko
life;| Briggs of New Jersey. Mr. Do Popi
I'Ot a lekiygm In hl» life
feb 13-dt
Record cfflcc.
the* telephone and hardly | whs gtw.lnatoU at the head of his
body else, 1 have farms
rode In a train, traveling by bus,, In IWl and saw cnosiderable service T. W. THlRLBY-r»entK, Over BarWANTED-To
ro buy horse*; welphtl top; rtvhorse power;*ln**^rfi^l
nnm A Eaila Jewelry More. IVith which arc located from four
from I.SM to 1.40P Iba. If yoa hare
I^r. Sawyer.
Jan 2S^tf
phones 103.
20 miles from Traverse
Midshipmen Alfred M. Cohen of Phil- thirteen year* younger, did not gradoOrigin uf tlw Chriatma. SUdring.
any to aeU let me know. B. J. Mor FOR SALE—14i»—S
Prom Italy cornea tlu» l«Srend frokh sdtlphla and Churchill Humphrey of
ARTHUR HOLLIDAY. M. O.-Physl City, all jfood improved land.
Elirhth St.; price
clan and Surgeon. Removed to of
which we are aiippaaed to get the Ume l»ul*vlUe, who have received diplo
If you hsTe good levfll farms
Broa.. ti7 South I
mas upon graduation from the naval for atnersl y,
WANTEO-Too to ate IDEAL apring
phone 1219.
A Barr*. Cilltens phanc^353.1 will hoy tbem,
Chrtatraaa atochlag. Good old St. Klc^ academy, made perfect records In de- j feet tall and straight as an arrow
wheat flour for bread. IDEAL blenS
olas of Padua used to throw long knit
HARRY B. HARNER-Fxpert piano
l look hU 5€ }yeant. He has
ed flour for bread and pastry; l.eat FOR SALC-No. I timothy hay and ted iNirMa Red at both ends Into the portmeni. not ifwiving -a single detuner and action regulalor. BalUU the .city. Tmrerte City MUliag ' <uta straw. Tmverae aty Haling open wlBdowa of the very poor people, roerii during the term. Cohen was splendid seat In the saddle aud
feb mr and tbrae pomea were of yam and not cadet commander of the brigade, the Prealdent RoosevdR should ever chal facUon goaraateed. With Kim ,all
feb MI
Mufclc Ho:t.«c Clt2. phone 264
highest rank o|h« to a roldshlpmah. lenge him to a gaHot> the run would be
imUlw a footlem Mocking. -Flna
210 WsshlogtaiL *C^i phone 774
WANTED-One thousand buahelt W
MONEY TO LOAN-No tax elan*e
Humphrey was.. uomroandlng officer worth going miles to see.
tmtame the ewtom of fkn peop
put In nmrtgnve*. lion: re for sale
com In ear. Columbia Tranafer Oa
bans these empty recuptacku out pf of one company as well as president
Before he became a working
large loL house well
l^re of^ H MeNamara. Park j
Jaa. If tf.
stone foundation;
tciku. Price IbMr wlodows. on the night brfam of the class.
man Ronafor Scott of West \nrglnla
1)900. Wade Bros., 917 Union aL. Uhrlattnaa ao that 8L Xlcholaa woqM
The tip Is Dili in CaJlfornla that Je was a glass m
pot a gift Into them aa be-pamed by. rume llart Imd otbru^ end* In view ing In the Weal Virginia legisUture abstracts OF TITLE-r. O Car
l¥ANTEO^Wh9at. rye. com. mta. Clla. phone ir *
By and by. when the coin of the realm than Iho-K.- made pul.Me when ho w.ld
beami. bay and atmw; bUihest rash
ver KprfeH rAuamable. Olfle«- with
Mr. Scott thought to have fun
FOR RALk-lltS-Dne hnndred and became scarce, lo.v* were put in fc
O. P. CarrorS Bro. Rcffh fi^es.
.prtca paid. Traverse City Mlllhig
sixty acre farm if mitea anuth of
and nsefnl preaenta for grown his Interest In the Ran Fiandaco Ar a Uwyer coHeagne. who was pro
^ -fob Mf dty; acvcnly acres improred; nd# chihhen
gonaut. In his valedictory Mr. Hart
henna. ba.-n. arindmill; all toaM; people- fn the north country, where It set forth as a reason for retiring h!s
Price $4500. Wade Broe, $17 Union was rather chilly at CTwtatmas time,
409 sure Bmik Iddg. BuLh phones.
the poraeu were hung on the mantel- divergence fr»nn the views of Presi
al argumenU. Fieqnentiy
atreeL OU. pbooe itlf.
place. and II wat believed that the dent Roosevelt. It U now hinted that
ronrae of the lal
The FollowiBf Items
They moat be aound. Jan frd I FOR BALI
ome down the be aspire* to the senaturial chair occu
day he was Interr
* St., flne home;
loam for IndUna and Ohio aad win
pied by Mr. Perkins and that when by Mr. Scott with the question: -|*
ba sons two wncka. trying to brliut
[ and have been <
•omo fkitDora op boro. If you have
chosen tso year* hence Hr. Hart will
Amal Usrycrr* "Yes!** thunder TRAVERSE CITY LOODE. KO. T*. K.
Mj good colU lo nell wriU mo.
ed the orator every lime In reply.
of P., meut evenr Thuradav evooglvtog poalofEoo addnmaa. what FOR SALE-14S2—Tine rwidt
ing. Kew Munson block. C. B. Wcl
NaIfNbom Dot FuoMd.
A few days after he bad had his fan.
5# aad 75c Flngvi- Rings
you havo to aWl aad raaaoa for aeU
ler. C. C.
was lUerally coughing m.vself In
Mr. Sroit wap making a apweh an<*
tag. Ob my retam will either call
-------k. and had tmeome too weak in
the man be had tormented obot
tie i^,;.v*wngV.‘i«w.*..*.‘;;fsc
traverse tfTY LEOION, Ko. 139leave my bed: and neighbors predict
on you or orrtia yoo. Herman lly^
fuse your rwpieai and can not him the question; **la the gentAraiau
One lut dr Engtlah Flow Blue
that I would nerer Iravo It alive;
man. 949 Washington atreoL 11-22-lf AUTOMOBILE FOR BALC-Ught it ed
ly with It. What Impertlaence
Wate In mates. Oat Meal
homo power touring car In the bual but they got fooled, fpr thanks be to
of condition, full set of inmpa. cap God. I wasaioducod to fry Dr. King- and What foUy are tlame ao<alled
In the Inner rireVof Umdoa goeJety
and KnilUb only............ Sc each
New Dtaooeery. It took Juat four ohe blocmphlea of peradns who kava done
AU our Fancy BaskeU al
the Morr b inM
OriawMd. Mcxhurr: Nnuc c. Orer.
dollar botUea to completely care the
FOR lALE-14f1-t$*lg5 fee. e
cough and restore me to good aouiid noUtnt db deaerve such a puniakmmL too anahma ladlca who atUI bold With
Of Union aad Seventh alroet .
wTltos Mm. Ben Uncapher.fat Tke^tife of saeh'n mum a^BurUm or the ooaneUoa that rmea jrere dudS^r.
ParUea having UckeU ••
atory frama hulkUag; eentmll
>rtown, SUrk Co, Ind. Thto BVIllngtoo Amtatu matarW forliU- era ever.** hare been fbr
will ptoaae eall at oaen
nniad; flrst-claas bustneae loca
King of cough aad cold cures aad tory. but .timae of a mas or woman
md. pig feed, chicken feed, healer
Bttkh tteir aelecltaii aa wi
of throat aad lunga. la gnaraa
Skan^au!^ Wade Bros., flTJ
com. oata. lyc. hoekwheat teed by Biigbee Drug Co. Ftaak H of the work! have aothlag ta thqmjiadooe married men to
> not expect to contlaim tMt
bma. mlddUngn. hay and Meads. Hannah drag store, 50c aad
Picenro drol but a abort lime
FOR RALE-1I7$—Fine new ten room
$1.00. Trial bottle froA
Tmrrme City Milling Co.
pciaohaL aad with which tha pabUc shooM be tfeketed. ao to ape^ as
honee. coranr loL comer of Union
deflattely aa U the malnm. 'Wmu
and 14th atmeta.; wlU take ILOW
POOR FLOUR U to blame for mii|ny aad tha proas have aoUdag to do.-;
In good valn^free and clear of enaon of HaR CalM hat boea pUy socroas has mri their efforu aad one
aated lOBTua. iBfermit when yoa
mght in the Broeoh btork. Mart
use IDEAl- floor.
fob l^lf Ing thrro ptm hi hta flMhro^ ||ay of doe lady more dartiiE Uma fhe rest
till*'c5ii pSe‘*$r.S5<k *^^a*S
a. Oommamlir: S. M. Frmnklla.
feU aarothat Rllft«HrariltMM be
Bmt., 117 Union WreeL CHa. lAone
Keeper;* E A. Brana, Fhiaare
General Hews
John R. Santd
General Insurance
Ball tadacad to intrWdace the Caahhm all
* :
'Oi*rrt(kt. MM, »r *k» I
«lo«.I>h ir-Klag MiwMf has
had hla firm ride In an nalcm
It was to keep an ngpolat
' *‘TrjL:r.:r^ri^
, '
MET Saturday; ev^Nma
la ToMMr a^M, tbe MMdl««clsbt Uw vekht be MM be more tbaa fa
haMpioii. i/ytbC to *W* aoMebody? ermi mi^ for MeJlodr. Rraa ^ ako
t to Joe Tbomas. tbr
It. vbo Seated
with \U bamacM at
«UI tbf .aetyantt* StaMr time.
Hla majesty wouM not have the
chauEer brongbt ftwm hltMlaMr. but
Just bad tbe mennangar can rang tel
frankly ftwcly nnd wUUly knn an tmThe king soMetinwa ebartera a four
n •drantage ovur n iwwUy glil
wheeled cab when be wlabes to make who can only ckattcr InntgUly.
a quirt little eacurakm In ttswn. but
ha. never used n banamn aMee be had
ariiuag to take him oa at
an accident la one.
riagatde. Tbr former Byracoae ftgbter
Ibe. weigbL Wbea be f
lalfcma in the aftat gntbered In
King Gdw
Bany at Jlot Sprtega. a
whip U17 MMoT bto etaMtattevorM
Mechanic s ball SatiMj night to coo SI7 King cole la hU fondness foe
firs. wraUm rrancia. of Windsor
av> be vHvb^ la at 1S4 1
I kmp hMi pomiam^
aa »e:
test Id the annual renewal of the In- pipe He tblnk. a trier pipe 1. tbe
I mnlled to Harry K. Tknw. the
illd aoi eeett to bare the leaat bit oT
-Wky^4o jroo eoasMrr Yo«bc Corbett
gmama under the nuapicn of the finest form of smoking and his regret
or n rabbit which ahe hna
Lrpotale la aetUag dovb^io that polat
Boston Athletic ataociatloo.
l» that be cmanot stick to It: HI. ma> ried for a number of. yrara
bat !■ aeem* that If be araa I0 take fana aad dkpUrod aoch I
tlOii^ botea tn m.'i
Jeaiy once egpreaaed ihla - preference Fraacta bHievea the foot b a
off at least alae poMid* more be troald tom as be did last week
Mr l»t«r»t 1. Yom
of good omen, and she tl
to some intimate friend, adding: ‘ But
IfMtlr oeakea blmaalf. Howerer. Sprlagn. Hiaflnrtflgbtt^po
who ever saw a king with a pipe In that no peraon requlira It at pn
Rrao Otiebt to kaorr bMt wbat be caa isn He baa foogbt doscaa I
than Thaw.
She mailed ibe
hi. mouth? So I hare to smoke
lacrlBce. Erea If be sbeald
«« erery year aloce, save to
fool to the Tombs girisQO. New
m bcUeat Ibal I IwHere ia JmOco to M>«<1 to go to some troable la makiag 1*0«.
rlgara. and prriond I like them ^ When
mrwHf I trfI|«xptelB.
St home King Edward sinokca a huge York, and alao sent n personal leiie
The memben of t
the hope tba
ta Uib M |0m« I eoukler Yoamt
pipe, and anyone catching him la bta
OovbHt •
imtor. Ttet k 017
hours of rase would see him happily .Thaw would .be acquitted of th
lellc Hub took most of the dlrta
«rge of murder.
1 puffing at hU favorite brier. His ma
Mrs. FranHa haa.had the foot U
the beat rare
r possraaion for several years and
I kmom rtw vfll Mr Ctet be ba* KLL THE OliT rilLOCItS WILL Bl
or (l». cvrBtn*. lk«* Nrw'York »» !'^
Inks that It hasV.brought her good
kteb bMiM. that be la pppmtUx oa
Ronhag. .NVbrtch and Frank finishing I bacco be find very trying, aad he has luck. 1.41st summer ^ wan scrioualy
confrwMHl that towarvi
towarvU^the end
tb» 4oirb tro4e. Md that when a fltbtI
racd by a gmaollne exploaloc
^ alffkM tba tabooaa allde mHblng
n-Wo.. by C.\ur
says that the foqi has no cuntrul over
imtr Btka and Hawblna ars Hang
C; second. J. A.
Out Far Slg Money-Sionar
hemsHrea In the first flight
; third \V D i
WUI FrobaMy Sign.
ire squabbling over the weight,
Eaton. fVnkton A. A. Ti
■ The carl of Alienb^ n. rb** niy <if Ire
CorboU. prtiperir baadled. caa
have been clamvHng for an «
Mile run-Won by
land. f.as InirtKlucetl many n-forma in
'Will beat all tbaae boys that bare de
lay to battle In San Franclia^
| Irish Amer1cn|. A the arrangements for drawing OMuna.
Bvated him.
cow that Morris Levy hiji |n«surHl^«md. F. NVbrick. N.
at Dublin castle. This srasou
That If he wlU submit to tbe course
them an engagement within the neatpr.„k. I. A. A. A
preM'nlatlon ccretminles take place
which win esMlaavor to turn the trlch month, the managera show p«*»r Umel
not In the thmtie rotmt. aa hUI
of tbe last aeasoo's cbani|>lon.bipi by aurting to haggle
but in St. Patrick s hall, k-spl
I Terry MeGorem again on tba dbunoad this yaar
ing lime. Hyland w
nebool and Hty taxaa and ■padal anhall
with while and gold walla
that memombte day la Hartford
Tcebnoh^v: tinu
Ourlng tbe paat werk algncd 000 to be 1^3 pounds ringside', while
pUyliur the arms of the knights of 8t. aeaainenu for nald yaar hava bai
As to Youag Oorbetfa abtlity I will tracta bare been recelred frun Ales
Tbompaon la bolding outI Tor
Patrick mid a finely decorated celling placed In my hands for collaHton.
Packof. tbe nblfly Ullle^aaitcr fielder pounds at 3 oclock. This honstant
I will be In my office lo^elve sa
iVbuiautes will find the ordeal
Ha baa a poacb That U the first who cavortcxl amuad In tbe outftcM bickering over
Uses from now untli Fe'b. SS. 1907. <
half so wearisome as formertv.
aad noai aammUal rrquMlr,
last year, anti with Gene Curtis, tbe very monotone
each week day from t o'clock to 11:
He esaa delirer s knockout t
big fellow who played ia rlfibt field the .port. It has lK*cn w» lohg since
o'Hock in the forenoon and from 1
from aay angle witb either band.
This pair, with -Leny*- Oeyer. who p professional engngraneut h|a takiu
o'clock to 4 o'clock In the afternoon.
He a a llghtalag thinker and plsoas
place in thk city that Manager Kelly
On all sute and ^nty taxes paid
tba outfield, and now tba only poal- and McCIlntlck would do wl^l to grt Null). Yiile; second. H. M Sweet. A inbefore January H. tka ragnlar fee of
He fights by tasUnct and lotrtlecl
to be aupplied are an additional together anA sign articles wltboui ahy berst: thlnl. a A EaubnKik. VoJkone per cent for oollectloa wlU be
eombtead. tb€ mrmt comblaatlon In a pitcher and catcher. BlUs U tbe only
further dispute over the weMhi. The mann . I*«k>I. lUipton; tliu«- ::,/n 5 .
Candidate for RcpuWican
charged and do all Uxea paid on or
figbirr aad tbr most valuable.
Team rarr
of Usl jw B team whom Mr. Ar men have fought before and k alight
after January Ifi. there wUl
Nomination for
That Ihiglihh Uwuty is
Ha la very fast on bU feet, with bis
really wants who has not yet dlEcrcncc in the weight ahoujd nut be vs. Tufls; won by TuMs. liinc.
charged a fra of four per cant for
the Impii-nslou given by
body tad wUb bis bead and blocks and signed up. He ia still boldtag out for
3;l»3 5.
dueks parftotly.
Tram ran-. 1.5uu yaVls^-William va.< hibitiuns of portraits. A the first and acbool taxea and apacial ai
big increase In aaUry. and Phil Is Hyland is the woild beater h«l Red
He Is ragged a«d cab ataad a fearful still BcgotUUng for a new man of the
Wenleyan; won by Anillams; time show of the newly font
Sammy claims he la. h fes
SoHHy of Portrait Pnlntora- the peo manta. 4 cenU on each dollar of tbn Successful business man. Sev
maallng and not lorn bU head.
right caliber to take bis place.
amount of aald Ux.
ongkt to be no draw back.
Ha has tbe atamlaa to go tbe dlsTram race. 3,130 yaids- Ua.imo-.itl ple who have their llkeimaaea hung
Bllaa is not only a great twiricr. but
Office In room Sfi2 8UU Hank eral years Alderman from
tance aad tbe heart to brar film up idoubtedly tbe beat all-rouad utility
\a. IVnnsyhanIa: wttn by renuNyiva appear to be a very mediocre lot. building.
Second ward.
an on the loam, and a good hitler.
Dnlad. Dec. 4. 1M4.
The feeling here aaxxic the fana
Putting 12-pound shot-Won by W
miles for ffijooa •
who graced the Academy walls In the
W. Coe. B. A. A.. 53 feet l\i iuchea; days of Reynolds. Romney, mad Law- draltoteb^M
city Treasurer.
-ccon.l. C. A. Stcven«m. Harvard:
. «.4. U.r|,„
Of coming
n-ncoa are to be found at the portrait
tl.. B,nr.. 111. *1>
18-Tij« young ihirtl. W. n. White. Cw mil.
Tbr qufym of HHland has lull
tile and
get the Idea that he Is the whole t<4m Londoners haw announced that they
Mile um. handUaj—Won . by If shows today. The modern school of
Ask tliow- who ath<nde<l Uw
and want too much, bowerer. ns most have decided to atari out <ai a trip Ckdin. I. A. A. C iscistclil; T.iua portraltihis appear to have a rtmtempt In The Hairae. which hTO|sen**to^‘very
for mere facial loveliness, and to con men ber of her bouseb<ild from the
ball players are liable to do ^
around the world on n wageT that In 4:44 3 5
centrate their efforts ou "arrangty grand chamberlain to the butler. The
:^a s^MaWe
great fighter.
menr • chiodscur
would have gone the 25.000 ojid mUr* vs. Crtmell: won l».lX.mHl: time.
On the other h
Now I will tell )v,u why be has fal clo«. up a deal for Stoner, the Umts
The men were II. L. Tiffany. DHa 7:?»4 5.
ng a psalm, which
lea from bis high estate.
by at! |.rtsenl. Kb.
vlUe rslcher. during the ountng week. ware, and \V. E l>rayton
Team race. 3.130 .yards—Yale va and society phou
Om eonfldeoce and the Ik4M that This w 111
and the
ibe passing of Tommy have lived In this cUy for (»otuc titpe. llanaid; won by Yale:-rime. 7:33 3 5
what Ihi-}' thij^ of the
be was imbeaUble; In «Klier words,
fs that Lady Hamilton and the Gun
Hawkins, a man who la popular with and have done cnsldcrable travel
swolkn bead.
reprraenIbe fam^ also, but not very heavy ia Ing over the North American con:
Over Indulgence in the weakening the hitting deiwrtmcnt. lUwkins also llncnt
-A Melbourne hoshand.-^kl a lec
• I've lived In Callfontia 20 qrars.
pleasnrrs of life, late bimtw.
demands a hig raise In salary
am still hunting for trouble in the
The«* prrwperthe glolnM'Ircleni are turer. ‘stayed oot tiU about 8 a. m.
• wrooMw. drink and rich foodi
ben written In society and
Na dates have been fined dor exhlbl roung mrn In ihHr primt. em-h This man. wrben be got home, thought
way of burns, sores, wounds, botls.
lama of strength from Irstnlng too tlou games with big lesjoie teams as
that be woQld go boldly to tbe hath papers lately about the nmi|4ng and
I. sprains, or a rane of piles that
weighing nboai uo ,Hiunda. land ip- room
tquick fior n tgbt.
klen’s Arnica Balve won t quickly
and Uke a hath. Tbat would ra- horse play that got^i on In* country
yet. owing to the fart that Mr. Arnold
p. • writca Charles Walters of Alle
Deterkvatlon of the 1o<m from sr was so late In coming into poasesslon peartng to be In iKrfeci phyaical con- move from bio wife s miod any suspb houses where members of the smart
Hon aa to hla condition. It would Mt are gurats. Nothing of the kind gheny. Sierra Co No use hunting.
ttflcinl methods of reduciug weight. of the team that spring achedulea had lltion.
Walters; It rupes every case.
,lxim of amblUoB from satiety with tbr iHHm largely made up. He 1. atlll In . They ba»e been cootempli^ lug the ihow ber. in a word, tbat be was aU ever occurs during tbe kings frequent Guaranteed at Hukboe Drug Co,
itlp for some time, and will commence right. Bo be nodraoMd. filled the tub
indulgmce of high living.
i 44. Meads. Haimph drug store
hopes of' getting dates with Toledo. >n or about Mnich 5. leaving Lonitoa and plunged in. Rot and enferered aa vlslls to country bouses, and natural
allowMinneapolis aad 8t. I»aul of the Ameri- In the early rooming and j striking ba waa. be enjoyed tbe bath. As ba
ed at Saifdringham. Although King
tor the weatem alalea, making,^he -Plaabad and scrubby and poffed be Edwanl ha. an easy, good natured
r All these fault. I caa remedy, f will
beard a alight nobu^'and, looking up.
Irgl point where they w ill ^ uke ^ a Hw
Iraln him ter weeks aad give him much
hie wife la tbe doorway. His wife manner, no one dare, to Uke the
Crack Tann
ihlp at San Francisco.
CU phone m 131 Om Ht
ttmlnlag aa wfli develop alike
slightest liberty with him. The Ust
N'ew York. Feb
A special dis
As far as It la poHsible they will
pkyMckl aad Rental coadltloa.
to attempt It wa. Mrs. Langtry tnow
patch from London says the health of walk the enure distance, j carrying
. hot be said l^y de Bathe) who an a memorable
R T. Doherty, the teaak player. Is
hU brad and ocrasloo put an Ice down the royal
Teka *Ciw as They Ceme.
such that he will not aocompaay hit
•WHL what aio
Boston, rbb. U,~**YeM may say that brother. H. U to tba Riviera, na he picture post cards.
dolngr she asked. *Cnn-t>yno see
•oe back. Tbat waa when Ms majesty
was only prince of Wales, but he has
Honey Mellody Is ready to meet any bad planned. His doctor baa forldd
never forgiven tbe bcnuilful actrras
, man la tbe world at 142 to 145 den him to cgeit himself
Jobbery In royal Introduction Is an
pound.- saM Johaay Mooney, tbe web playing tennis.
other thing his majesty will not <oler
terwmgbt ckampton^s manager. This
A lady In the kings act loat her
was In answer to tbe quratlon a. to
U*. I.l
Espert legal testimony
posllloo there when it was found that
vrbal Honey Intends to do now that be
I Kfllly Limn. 1
II known member of tM
wipmi out tbe aaplratioos of wuile
to llie original Karab I.umu’b recipe, she had been selling Introductions to
Lewis, emi or bb. oppoocols who
without yeast. i« thl«: Mis three t ops the king- NeverthHcas. the king
•urn aUtod
Fhw pot plant* in bloom
fuU of sugar. never allows himself to be in tbe lonst
the trip in
uU of luHicil butter. haughty Of exHualre whan In society.
tbe ngrooooot. that
<K,uful. of Hw behaves Just like an ordinary
•inekbera After Maichs^
out without n cent
Hbn EU»I. u<t Oiiljr bnooM* kli«
TImm Are homo grown mod
le Involvod would not be allowed to
B.ma»n. N«. rcb. i8.-j«k
MMkkm. Ik* nai««lclit boter o»
nay firm while oa their ira
-rbTraamlnation won eomioHed V
IbdtaMiMonb. »l »nmt ta tbl. dty. la
Coke it tbe i<1«l feel*
young and nmait nttaraey. who
No dost; «o smoke; Tery
•aUlM h>r a oateh «lth aar b( Ik. npatronined
tbe expert with aU tLe o«litUessbes.
M( tchlara. H. UT. b. veeM aMM tbortty of half a
Britt. Nrim or fit., tice.
We bsTe radtml ibe price to
gerald end above all hr prefers a
-One of the qoeotkma related te the
match wItb Joe Oaaa. the prtwent term In which tbe ora waa fonod,
rm known on ^Mncy tempo.*
► ntfidytng out vnrioui rou
- -Now. Btr,- nnM tbe attormy. *brar
froiq UU boaise wUI convlBce you
Urge are these temps? Too any
tlmt yon are suprranoly nolfiali If yon
» wiih frtei
NMTte Thlor
they are ebUng la 1
a at puted ppinu 1^ ^
don't nhnre H--not thn alien, tkn
1 # Mter report i|be tnl
•> thick.*-~Hnroer*a WaoklY.
itm of the trip.
uwoio GEnm teu FI6H1BtSSQUi(BUI6
Amos E. Bingham
City Treasurer.
AatomobUc Show
Walter M. Paige
Best Gauntlet
50c each
•iote^ph 3ltedor& Son
nm-dsM Mchcra. Psclccrs mm* Sassage Makers
-He ran np two filgbtn of otnln in
was oot of Imtb.'*
-Whni dM ihe ony-r
aald mint benrt neer
U.-4t te an
mdm M Donohue of the DotooR
In the way d( hMohoB ooUn^
One Ton
. Two Tons
o o*‘k
w« offnr for the money. Rte mid H
nnd wni any It'nsnia!/ Wkera? At
Blednr^ We pay top prlee*a fi»r oon
ted bosanad boef
Ikaverse Oly
Gas Co.
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