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The Evening Record, February 28, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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■ -'.
sirs THAW
nraiTAiT Bom
ly Wife to the B«e«<
I.r.a4oo. Feb JS -1
km rm Mareh 2 win !
$5,300 FIRE
f ::
In the
That tfN DtfaMe Would Co ConUnt fo Have the Case Oo to
By Wtrv> to Ibr Rr««!nff lUrord
N«r York. F* b. •K.-^Dr. BiiUoB D
Rvana Ir^tlttvl loday thai ibr I
and aftdavlta of HafTr K. Thaw of
' r«fod In •*%ldooc» ahoar an miMniDil
Hr arl#«^(v1 differmt Mtrrv
aad dbo»*vl What lodiratlotin of taaan
Hr Ibry rooialnrd
Dr. Bvana tratifiiM aa to Ihr n*liiiinn
iho brain to tha mind. ‘ A
inay have brain tnaoMr and atHI
One of Thaa
-yrv arr <v«tn
to the Jury at c
there Is Uttle doliU that they wiU do
sli they caa to fererse the poUcy of
their oppoaAtS who have so kmjc trlumpbantly held cooiroJ of power, al
most bitlioof laternipt.k« sloce the
fannatkio of the Lnodon roonty cdod-
O.M «l Th#w'# L»wy^ T#d.y tUtNl
on Skinner’s' garnets
Shop Saved the Rest of Ihe Tow
Strange Coincidence in Last
Night’s Fire.
» nf the D D
covered In an i
Walton hotel. Before it
tinaiilshed it had spread’ to Hoatrland
Bro«.‘ meat market and destror-d
toiceUier with Arthur Haulm|r s I,
Cloudy. Gentle northeast wind.
BnowTall. 3 inches.
Rain or anow tonight and Friday;
increasing eaateriy winds ehiftinp’
to wesurly Friday.
AurAVs SOMI1T///XG A/£ir
Eaton’S Hot Pressed VeUum
Today U the last day lor paying
ty taxes and in ord.w to acetanmo: date all those wbo desirv to pay tbelrs
j today the office- of the rpy treafor* r
'will Im* ke|d (ipen this eT«*ning until
«:3ft Thr laxe* have hem coming In
I at a good rate and hul frw ivmaln nu
Not Known Whether He Was Caught
by the Trap Door and Starved to
Death or Whether
it RiTTtcuRCt
and his wife celehrateil the «r>t mnni
versary of their oecupanev ofj t»»e n**w
W*ak for a Year. They Could Ele
Flfly-Two of The.r Number
vauf f
\o> IRanks of MilDonairoa.
By WUr la the Kvenlny Rectir»l
PllUbura. Feb. 2K —l-'or erery we**k
day ^ lb.Byear PIllHburic pays to her
men* Of lirawn and skill mort' than
To make up this ereat
omplojv.s of 15ft luinkina Institutions
masters, is kept n»nstanily at work
every wotkina day in the year. By
rimirlbntlnK tbelr p,iy for one day of
earb'wis'k these IMtisbiira aurkers. If
Hu y alsiusl
lalse flfly l»o of
alrea evmy y«*«r.
Th*-re aw a areal matit nnakiUed
lab<m>rs, ton. |n IMllsImra and Its Im
mnllafe vicinity, but no acrount Is
taken of them in makinc up the dla
trlcfs wonderful mllU.msb>naraHloy
rpon it are the names .d
aoroe hair ii tlo/en rintou-s. roal min
era and eoke workers. Iron and steel
workers, employes of
iininufaetdHna plants, those of build
chlmnry-l.ke receptacle, for. ic* in »
Hilly n*ei*veie,l and w«.k In k.wsI h
when thi* en.^ so suddenly can»o
J form, life cxiiort
Thompiim WIH
years old
IK to Mfchicjut fmm Rivhester
death. The litMly- was hank'd up ami
N. T . years acn. In 1Mi3 he moved
Is siBte<i that Just as siKin as nia found to iH* that of a man jierh.np.* 5'.
with bis fomlly to Traverse City and teriiil i .nii 1m* Mt ute,! the burned stnir- or
yeai* of age .nnd iK>orly clad' in
will lie r«-lMint bigger aiid liett.-i hiH hand hr rlutcl>e«ru .lunch |»a|M*r nh
ptdire force. reslimlnic that position
which c<niJd Ik* read tin* word Tustln.
to take the ianiton<hip of the Kim
This w*aa Ihe only Identity and noth
avenue iwhooi buildlnK . In the
ing. a* it prov«*tl. developed frrmi that,
diute family the mm Ali»ett. the
the C»rpee.
therefore. l»elng taken
wife .md .me dauKhte,. Mr> Frank
chaige of by the anlbotitivti.
*lch. are left to motmr his l.ws.
"Tile car in wbieh ih»* dead man
the death de.nlin*: them all a terrible
was loiind was one bf the Pennsylxa
Thimtp^ had msdi* many
ds in Traverse City dutini: his
residence hei». wlio will extend their TO PAVING WASHINGTON STREET
syni|iathy ti* the lMMeav«*ii
famll.v. As Janitor of th.-^ schiud hr
•ver faithful in his duties. oldiK
ing and kind: these q.iaflHes winning
«ny friends anumg the children
ABOUT thirty
inr trade and conirartina work, and
office workers and mercantile clerks
Aceounled for are 3T5.HH) workers who
draw upon the |u»yroll of Pittsbun: to
the extent of over Il iraM^m for ever,
week day of the year.
Killed IS Year^Jld Q.H and Her bfistb.
r and Mr. and Mra. Charles
ma>ECTiiiG ffli mud
By Wire to the Rvenlng Record.
cimlngtoh. 111., FN-b. 5K.-Ncnr Ar
rowamith, ten miles ea«> Thomas
Baldwin, a wealthy resident, shot dead
Kiseawn. aged i:.. her mother
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy
as indicted last week .m the
chatge <d attacking the girl.
ANT shot.
The nffictal car. "Sayinaw.- of the
IVre Marquette wWs in the city over
niatrt with Oeneial Supri^tendent W.
of a Sibe-ian Village.
It Trump of Detroit. Theodore Enael.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Kupertniendent. of Grand Rapids, and
8L Beteiwborg. Feb 5S.—The t
\V. J. Lsma. division enidneer. of
Grand Rapids, aboard on a return Trip
from the north, where they bare bCM
makina an tnapeetloe of the road.
Ererjlhlna is In as cood shape aa can
be expected slurln* the heavy winter
aeaaoo. ai few of the io0in< branches
Unding dewlers nell it; lending
hariiiK nooe tyouWe with the anow
jtHHnna to be the iarseat difficntty.
lYalnaaaater Horst of this city went
sooth with the parly ihl. nmnilte.
Ity tfnnmwnr. twanty
nca in alt kinds nf Bad
and Explained the Methods
and’Merits of His Company.
n..,i .
The at ten
■op«Tty owners of Washington stre«M
lu'tween Railroad avenue and Cm-*t demonstrated very strongly TaM
night at the meeting at ihel^rk Plac*
that the sentiment in favor
yenr is very strong, in order to
he tnatter under proj^r discus
J. W. Paichin was chpisen chair
man of the meeting
J H. Cramond.
sentlng the Warren Bnw. Bliu
lithlr company was present for the
purpose of giving such Infonilatloo,
reUtive to the material of that com i
as was desired. This company
paved State airvet two years ago and
that pavement i* giving excHlent sat
isfaction. For this rmsoo many have
expressed tbemselres In favor of this
material on Washington stroet.
’There was some opposition to paring thU year. aevermJ bellering that
the water mains should-be laid this
year and the street allowed to thoroiifldy settle over ooe Mason snd the
nent^one tho Mkmtng yaar.
City ttiglaeer CsWwell. la «eply to a
gueatlOB to this nsgard. sUted that
the water mains could be told thto
(ConUttoed <m Fourth Page.)
Oval Wood DAMi
Von wouM do it. wouUn't you Y WeU. w© arc off.‘riiig you
just that chanw w hen we m>11 yon < FycrooaU at the priw we
art-now making.
Fvery one lias a jiricc, that no uialUtr wht'ther yoo ncctl
a cjalthi- witiU r or not. it is money iu yoor pocket to buy
one anil
it until next winter.
You Are
in Spring
Ls-t u-Y show you ht»w gochl lbt?*P U*irgainb arc.
«'«»at ytiu nuthiug.
It will
So Are We!
Logs, Logs
WVro alna.1) Bli.iwing tl..■ propt*r thirigrt”
SIpjes aml /OxTonis. ainl
wpir you will
■Will pay ^Khest Cash |.ric«-s for
von iM.pmial©<;n()») fra>tiiilerfsli-*!
in tlii's (lispluy.
sroiild Im* difficult
tl. «y. but
st.M>pe<l i.ud lifted lh«* lid fri.m one
By CootHbuting One Day’s Pay Each
School Children.
Min a victory byt when thi*.y rearlutl
Cadlllar. Mich , Fch. 5« —The New*
Skinner 's harme^s shop ih« > Bnind
With a warning cry to his son. Al obstacle as the buitdinc wan she«
bert, Georae C Thompson fell Into his with steel. Hen* the rffons id the
•Tondmior G«*<»rg.' Bradley
In the Elmworm avenue ach«d
went cHit of thlx city with extra No
buildlna enrly this moniint:. expiring
JO.*, «v, r ihe<Ann ArUu ic«d .Mon.laj
a few moment* later lu-forc roedirsi
night, made a ghaMly find, whib hiaid had reached him.
train halted at Alma
H wm> in tie
weird gray «f Ttie-day nuinilng. the
ihe nchool bulldlna and. UiRether with
bleak winds aw^atplug down fiom th«*
With the passac'e of th«
a aon. went there about k o'clock
north, and the froMy
the inleniJon «if the viitai
da momlny. They had. Just lijthted Rrials to
snitalde fin- prr»t.*c
le nc<cesaary Itabts to licjrin the work lion. The confiaBratlon last! ei^ninR h.4 Ktnide along the top €if the car’ preparing fw the day when the proved amply that their JndMneot
the length of a his train. Among bl^
der man was stricken.
11 eight load wk« a Mhipnn-nt of ptua
Catch me. Allle.- hr cried and
It is not known how the fire oriei toes consigned lo T.deth. by the Baird
eled backward Into the hor s anna anted but it is ihiuipht. that it i
PrvMluce comiMiny. Something
The son Uld him on a bench and run
one of (li«*F.e cars at I ran ed hU i
to hU borne, n block away, sum The Walton hotel
ertaWlshed lion Whether It w.-s a su.*plcic»ns
d aid.
Three physicians were
at I first hut
St the sch.sd hnlidina in
I a small stmctme
I.;iter ifi was rekpaon was in .vond all human aid. - bniit and a short time apo thd InndioM -omerlmes unaccountably actuate
50c per box of one quire.
TUe Hobart G.. Prop.
aJIonlata. Dr Bran, malnulned
thr handwHtIna. wnrdloa and
r<aistnM-ilon of Ibr letters in rrl
xnll indlcaited an unsound nirntal
Is the Lstest CreatlM tai FUie
Wrltiaa Paper
i,,a- I!
Aihl U4W*r>*t^1Ij |>)pu1sr OD BCCmpt of iu
g Burfaw.
W have a quan
clmr writing
aurfarv. W©
T>f it on bant
Fortunately the wind was lipht
the only protection the vlilaae hj,d
was a bucket bHlhde
With H.e fiist
alaiTO. this briicade a»t InD.^ction
THURSDAY. FEB. 2t. 1907.
Barometer, falling, 29^^>
Maximum temperature for
hours. 31.
Minimum. 14.
City Treasurer’s Oflica Will Be Open
This Evening.
Farolatead to the Evening Rseoed
op to neon each day ny B. E. WsiL
Special to ’Hie Erenin* ReeoH.
Buckley. Mich . Fell 5R—At f. oVlto-k UNKNOWN MAN DIED A SLOW
la.*l eveoInK while the pmpnetiir and
men were in line and d<dng wiiai they
• .>4-'"' -'<- vJ?,. ."' ' 5;
Someone Sick
at Home ?
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and\ . Tamarack.
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cit. :12. Bell
_T1ic Cost Is litw
xirk and n lbl for Ho* atiendant
m n;jr line of sU k iwm -up
piles. We g.i.iraiitee all riibber
g.Kxis. syrincin. water bo;tie.,
etc., that Ve sell W4* guar.itif**e
.tny Fever Tliemono ti*r ue ^eil
Money luirk If g.KMl- are ji.ot a^
|s*r candle jjower for elertru*
light than for any other il*
We will nut l»c
surprised if you doubt this
fact, but the only fair thing
for all <xinoeme«l is to allow
us to prove tliia sl.itemenL
Call or let 118 rail on you and
tiinin*. and ^wtimate your
from. t»>p to iMittnm. each rbaniber
midnight of M.inday. when it Marled
on its journey. William Graham, em
ploye,! by the Baini Pnaluce coniimny.
examined it
Friday afterrni«in
again l/ebue leaving to asc«*rtain ih.ti*
the |iad-' were all right. Tb.-ise iwd*
ate the cover, lo the ice and hot air
-Wto ther the unfoinunate. who
evidently di.>Pje*d hlm-olf Inlo hideath trap with the ihotight of a ctimfotrable ride without hliving to pay
bad lM***n M-phyxiate.1 by -nti.ke
from the stovex
warmed the carg«*. or whether he
found himself Itflprisoned and nnahle
nve the lid tiiai locked him in.'
and thus di«l fr».m hunger and exion will never Ih- ktmwn. Neithn an.v one tell, to a rertalntr.
length of time he had b*vn en-
f Arc Blated for AegenU by the
[>emocratic BlaU Convention
tio*^ Now in Sosaion.
By Wlr^ to th« Evening Record.
FllnL Mlcb.. Feb. 38.—The demo
cratic state convention opened wiili
300 delegates.
‘They probably will
name Maybu-y of Detroit and Woodbridge K. Ferria for regents.
Drug Store-
Joseph Sledsriflk 3on«
First-class ^tebers. Packers and Sausage Makers
Can’t You Spare a
Few Dollars
Mc;,kv. rl,..i»^. nnihO, uj lK.*f. mutton,
lamb VI al. pf*rk and all the mcai* you
huge cold Biorag® quarters
more you know about meats the to iler ,
you'll like otjr place. The ofiencr wc
quote you prices thc morc xonvince^l
yoti'li to* that tliia la the butcher shop
Where they wilT
earn you lUe big
gest kind of
Our Overcoats
At Prices We
Areaiplendid inveslment—ereo
to buy for next
•©•SOD —* beaideg
there are aboot
•ix to eight wBoka
more oTercoBt
weather thifi yegr
you should p;i*.»Hilye. A call at an
early day will lM 'welc*»me. Rpro«ml»er
w.* a;- makera of jrtire Sausage,
wboUhaJe and retail.
Mil and Kn..,klin.
Both phone*.
YouMnstBe Convinced
by This Time
••Besr Flour
VteibMy hare thought a good many timea that
you would do it y«?t when the time comes to order flour you hat e forgetteu your good nwolution*
For your own «ak© the next time
-a r» onter floor pb-e -j -B«L”
Hannah & Lay Co.
. •^
. .
. ' % 1
' Jri
THt cvcmiM mcom,
erenK iegm»
'' Inrn'-Sodt
Ercr Loan Honey to a Bank
avary wfwak of aay nagalf
^aa official faportoalL
Tba yalaa af aaeb a noaM
...Cttr Ofnktor
deflanely fix tbe blame for the wrseka
hot It eottld determlae the caasM aad
tbe data gatbar«4 woold be valuahU
In goardlag against wrecks la the fotatw The tmmate comnaree aonnlaalnn has acted In thU capacity ia
some innaaeea hot it u mm egui
for thU work aad tberwfove ll jkM aat-
Visitad oer atota dariag tUlat tawda^
It's a safe feTestmealsadoBe
dial pays t rate of iwerest
caasueitwltk safety aad sate
retaras. . . We fasae bona
aid certtOcates beariac THREE
Ar barraviers. we soUclt a
. . . lean fram yen . . .
kftVB BooieUiiiv jTOti vant Yon mmy not
know MBtil you iMiYn looked tben owir.
Umi bnnfaiK of .alt
Bon Soot ii tba aoly pua^
tifa aoot deatroyof
Now $6a00
s. DffosrroRY
AfnUdet of bcMutifiil Golddo Odt Finkb
, Dhung Obailia Two iligkUy damagfd,
fonTS iboiB patfert. a . . Were 76,
maib aDd
if it will DOt doall wa. ’a!m
fot it we will
Tbe Ions 'of life erery year through
rallroed wrecks la appalUag aad In
Tbe wtlBf at tb* ftirk Pte» te«
light of tba pnnMTtr o«m«* ig Waab
Pomona Qranfs Will Meet With t
to rediaoe the number of people killed
and injured in wiwrka. let as by all
means have a comniisidon
htTlaf tbo work ooaa tbU araaou
ate raaaoM for lim delay aootber
Howerer. tbe aeotlmenU ex
pmod at Iba ttecUaf IndUsatad that It
would ba Wlae to do the patlac thU
yaar. Tba ancumaot that It woold not
b# daalraWa to bare tbe atreat pared
iwaadlaialy after tbe laylns of tbe
water nalBi waa met with atroac ar
CWMBU la fbror of tbe work beini
dODa iBitaedlsteir Tbe dty enKlaeer
aad Mr. Cramood. fwpraaeatliia
Warraa BlluJUbJc company. «are It
tbair opinion, gained by practical
pariaaaa. that If a concrete foandaUun
la laid the Uylng of the parement Im
flMdiaiely after Ibe Uying of the
watef^malna woold be deelrable as
true that there
who would find It inconrenlent to bear
tbe burden of tbe eapenae this
11 U trae, alao. that 4mb year In the
fatmw would find aome of the pr«i»erty
wan to ooaalder the fact that the en
tifw expenae of the ikrlng will not be
borne tbe Aral year. The city round
win doubHeaa make the same arrange
ment aa that made with tbe I->ont and
State atreet property owners. In
oaae tba aaaeaament was spread
a period of fire ysara which made it
oouparaUrely easy. Tor many years
*Wbablngtoa atreet baa been In
frighlfuMy bad condition during t
aummer moniha. eapecially duHng the
wet weather. The trarel ta getting
bWTler erery year and It ia the opin
km of tbe Brenlng Record that further
delay would entail heavy expena
upon the city and upon the propert
owaani of the atreet. as well aa great
Williairmburg Oren^
X e and 7.
Tlie Pbmona grange will i
7. The following is tbe prog
The little village ul Bnckler
Wsdnssdsy Aftsrnoc
stmek a hard blow by the fire last
Call to order in fcMirlh degre*? by
night which desfmj^sl the hotel, the
Worthy Master Robert Barney
meat market and tbe barber shop but
Orange soog
aa the cltlaena ere mea of will
Businees meeUng with reports from
courage It won t he long beforv
subordinate granges In the dlstri<i
vlllare will he bigger and better
The Initiative, the RRPerendum i
the Recall. R a Reynolds.
DIocusslon. Miles Gilmore and
Buckley was only a forest hut today
It Is one of the best villages in the
Revision of the OnstltatloiK R. H
north and is growing*every dsy. The
men who hod the nerve to go into the
ReeltatUm. Mrs. ArvIlU Gardn#
new territory and build it up despite
Belectloa. Mrs. Bmma Robertson
all obstacles and the nearness of old
Parrels Post. A. P. Gray
established villages will not sll<
L*>cal Option. Adella Irish.
to go hack.
Wednesday Evening.
When the new vilisge Is built It is
Address of welfxime, master of
s certainty that fire protecUon will be
provided so that last night's disaster
will not be repealed.
Here's hoping that the rebuilding of
the burned structures will start
a building boom that the present llmUs of the village will be entire)
gram after which there will be InliiaUon in fifth degree.
Thursday Morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Pnd Atkinson visited
A discussion of iwo-cent railroad
T«ny Swobods of Cedar
fare. Daniel McMullen. osHlsitMl b>
** Bd" ?h«dt*^who has been
Lowell Sours sad others.
logs near Cedar Run for several weeks
Recitation. Erngm McMullen.
is home on the sick list.
Recltstion. Em Dells Pepper, f
Miss Daisy Bryant of Loland spent
ft few days «t the Traverse Ijike re
Selection. Charles Irish.
sort visiting her friend. Miss Paulus
The Country Road System. l4 K
Ben Wllsey spent a plesoam lira
at Prank Sholda's Uat Buaday afte
Mrs. B. Vlskochil and son Prank
Parcels Post. A. P. Gray.
went to Nortbport Priday. to
Discussion. E. K. Champion.
Albln Vlskochil. who is working
Recitation. Arvllla Gardner.
in Mr. Porter's store. They reti
the following dsy.
Pred Atkinson Took Mrs. Mtkula to
Maple City to have her asm draased.
Mrs W. Beeman and
Mrs. 8am
Berg of Osborn modt> a husineas trip Will Take the Place of the Regular
to Lelmnd last Tuesday and on their
Prayer Service at the Church
way home spent the night at the Trmv
be paved thla year and that the
of Christ Tonight.
erse liske resort.
beat material should be os«<iL
Maud and Harvey Pbestl. Katie
State atreet hltullthlc pavement has Oaus and John Basrh and Anna Ml
given good aaUafaclIoo and the re kuls eall.^ on the Atkinson's Sunday
stead of the regular prayer meeting.
porta from other clUea where it is
Pmf. Jacoby Is visiting here for a
The senior and intermediate C. B. aoused extanalrely have been highly
few weeks.
arundmo Tiskochll Is on the sick
The Shetland school was closed on
Washington's birthday.
Llfrie Miller visited her pa
malader ahould cheerfullx fall in line last Satii^ay and Sunday.
Prayer will be offered f..r the foreign
and abide by the decision of the ma
To Curw a Cold Irt One Day
work and a msgacine oootalnini
jortty. ThU would be a fair and
pictures of 125 missionaries wi
equKabU dolullon of tbe probleh
given to every .fnmlly represent
Tbe brtek pavement la exeHlw
the meeting.
pecUlly ao for business streeU
This program precedes the annual
tbe expcHence of State str»*i*t
offering of the church to.foreign mis
Thompson vine. Mich . Pcb. 27.—Mrs
ilerlal fur
Turn Jenkins of Wexford Is vIsiUng sioDs which will 1>t rerelvi*d on the
relatives in town this week.
coming Rimdsy. This local church IJ. U Trowbridge spent Sunday with looking forward toward the snpport
will make a canvass amtmg the prop
his mother at Montague.
of their own mUsiooan- In the foreign
erty owners and their d<y‘isiun will be
Mrs R H. Uviuil was a CopemUh
brought before the cooncll for ronsld vl.-^llor Saturday.
B«.m. lo Mr. and Mrs Pele Csderet
eraUon. Wo believe that this
ahould bo done thta aesson and that
Bank at Buckley.
arrangemenU ahould be made so
D. W Walker, an old-lime rwddrn
the work can be completed as
Mrs. R. P. Lawte who ho.H been quite of Grand Traverie-. and who left ben
He. Waah . wh.-n- r he arlll
husband. "Maro." the Magician.
W. C. Nelson w. nl to luuU
W. Price Ik spendl
Nor1h|»ort with his
uman of Gills PhT is
ing Mrs. Leo Miller.
Miller, who
Elmer E Chandler left
Cedar Rapids. Iowa, wln-re
I Don’t Miss It
One Week More
of the Big Sale
.qno» is Wdd for a cent a pou^ In
he nortb id Sir.ly
It is a guvern
Bin! im.n. jHly aad af.'»r leiag gaih
L J. Gronwth of Sutions Bay is In
W. A. Brown was a Travers.* City
caller on Momlay la;t
Earl llaxsei. the holdnip man at
Nortbport. was sentenced fn.in one lo
five years at Ionia, and left yestwda/
In cutitody of W. C NelMia. who was
ds^jted^ the absence of Hberill
Russell Hinshaw tilid daughter Celia
of Blngtiam. s|H*ni Bunday with Z K
Hlnshaw and family.
Mrs. Agnes Cole, who spent a few
days In town with
relaihcs and
friends, returned home last week.
Charles Buckler of Onekama is vis
King his mother..Mrs A. Anderson.
Miss Luura l*ushlng returned to her
home in Milwauk.*.*
I exten
Kunduy at bis home nfier. a s
Illness of pneumonia. Mr. Ande
was 75 years of age and was Isir
J MimkeSlid the Rev.
ng. 1 he renmins
Allen Kurv. wli«> has b«vn \lsititn;
St Mllwauke.* i.ltinn-.i home Tbuis
A new in-ll phone was put In
leshlencH- id Ibe He». V. C. Engi lbc
Plndley and Z.1
ila Braringion ar.‘ the guests of Mr
and Mr* K. L Pt^ase i»f this village.
P« b. 25.
refrlr»‘rsliiig iiurpit^e* in the »-ltles
AlUiougU wo have imulo a K^eul cloaniuj? out for lho Uat wtnrk,
lliere arc a few who «»uU u<it net bore on a<«uuu o
baa WiMiUiHr. Therefore we have iWUM lo
run this sale one week more
an«! u'ire everyijon a ebavtce t> take advantage of thia itmwI
o]i|iuriuoitjr act) coiUH ami see ut atonre.
aiiimberUlji*8 C^oali
Ask to See Our Bodroom SuHc^
Oacior S14.7S-Kini»b<-l in (i.iMvn Oak: Urwaer liaa Iwvfl
FmnchiJa... «!,«•. Ibid I; aaell U.|.; Jivi-le.1 .Irawa.
ill! fi.»t i;
biK’ipuiofly rarveti. and ••itra laixe
Republican County Mass Con
To the Heiiublkan Voi.-rt^ of lie(Niunly of^ Grand Traverse:
Yt»u are bereio ni»ilfi.il that u re^
ptibll« au iiis.Hs cm vent loo Is called to
convene at the Circuit t-ourt room in
tbe r-ouri honiM* In the city of Traverse
City. Tuet.day. March &th. at 2 o'chsrk
p. m.. for the purpose of imnilnatiog
a'candidate f.vr the office of c
etiminissioner td schwils fur the i
ly of Gland Traverse
Hat...I IVb 2d. lVu7.
Jurnes H Motins*. Chairm
Bold E Walter. Se. r>*tary.
We Need tbe Money and
Need tbe Room.
Vour Reliable Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. Sbuth Uoioo Street
Tile Hannah & Lay Mercaniile Go.
■-THE BIG STORE ••-^leal8fS in Everytfiing
Test Yc PbracCl
at the CTturrh of Christ foolUrin
JT**IIkr'a!?? 8«nda?.“*
Items that will interest you because they are the
4' .** y-\-
things you want to know about. We put (
forth our best endeavors to please you with
the goods, quality and price*
This is a •question asked every min
ute In the dav by some one: *'How can
I raakn my haid hcautlfu]: or hon can
promote Its grosth?" "How can i
:ve it from failing out?" etc., etc.
UcauUful hair nvuy be acquired hy
who win follow my inslrncHons, which
».SK E
.r you have gray haid.
s Gray Hair Resu
Tonic, which turns grdy hair grad
ually back lu Its youlbful «
Fish Food
The very !s*sl Kniok«*d. salted land
spiced n»^h. Shredded Codfish |0c a
pound—llanda-rger kplif d Herring |oc
—UhiaieiK .2 ft»r l«k k'anc y L.nel.ws
Herring IHc a |Hiund Sinoke<l I Isle ^
but 2.V a IS.UI..I nm.ati Haddles 12c
li.^| 1whole Codfijih
Til.- Ilradbury. Hie Schuliert.
I fling.
Tliree best make» «,f Pianos.
Tliey have sicsid the 11-j.i of y«*ars and
i.ur pleased customers are our beat.
We want lo show you
iM-aulirul liKtrumenU ,Jid tell
aa poaalble during the summer.
"*The tldl^^W of the Cxmgrega
tiotiar church met with Mrs. Elsie gan his home again, and was li
Armstroag last Thursday There was city Tuesday, vialiing his bn
CadlUac has Just raised ISO.POU for a good attendfioee sad aome new Judge P R. Walker. Mr. Walker will
Buckler, organiring
the eatahUahment of a Y. M.
rocmtwrs added. A fine supper was locale at
There are
bnUding In that epy and jk>w throojrti served by the hostess which was
here wlio will be glad lo wel
the feneroaity of another pnbHc splr greatly enjoyed by aU. espeelally Mrs.
Walkers return and the
J. Herrington and Mrs Emma Sim
Ited dUieo. a fine tirv
hospital mons. Thalr next meeting will l>al
uckley and vicinity can be
whatever business enterU about to be built. The two
Mrw. Alonm Chubs. March 7th. A
ly undertake at that
cordial invitation Is extended to nU.
who made thcae Intiltations po
ressful. He will havi
for Cadlllay evidently have the
ronfidance of the efitlre comm
eaU of their homo city close to
ley is lo be congratuli
bearla and their acUun Is in ex'rry I'nlted States Post Office Building.
M. C. A. and a bospltkl and U*th
abomd be eaUWUhed here.
Qadlllae baa more wtwlthy cItUens
than Traverse dty. the esUblishmen
of a T. M. C, A. U not Imisisalble here
One prominent hualness man hsa of
farad 1500 for such a project and if
Traverse City. Michigan:
Sealed proposals will be received at
this building until 2 o'clock p. m..
March IT. 1W7. for furnishing fuel,
lights, water, ice. mIsceltaneoQs sup
plies. washing towels, hauling ashes,
and sprinkling atreeU for this building
during the fiscal y«ar ending June 20.
l»o«. or such poAloo of the year as
may be deemed advisable. The right
t reject any and all bids Is reserved
by Uie treosnry doparimenL
Feb 27-$lar 1
fiftrttlM mow.
would follow his
•laiiipte Traverse City could have
bnikUllg that would equal Cadillac s
atnKtnre which had a $10,000 gift as
YOUNG People's Dan^ club this
week Thuredsy. Feb. 2E g:30 p. m.
la regard to a boapltal one co«i
eatablUhed at no groat coat. U woold
siai ba lane, of coor^^. but It i
do Inr tba praaant aad from Ume to
Una addltkan apald be made.
\ Both a T. II. C. A. and a bo.
sundard of the
tbouaands »d people baiipy. It will
pldoae you. All first-clasa dealers Kell
7h» largrei Manufacturer in the World
of Hair Gooda and Toilet Requisites.
H Washington St.
70-72 Stale St
For sal«L hy
Hannah Drug Co.
It will he gratifying to all lorers of
Coifee Headquarters
Because we have the coffee that appral.s to tlnne who want the beat Old i
Ktivernini nt .Mo-ha and Java 40c—Mrs.
Rov.-fh own spe.-ial idend 25c—The
Moaartl, bh-nd 25c-Tbe Yale blend
35c—The Arabian banquel35c—Spurr's
Revere .Uc—The Buster Brown, the
Bella. Uu- Mex.ija and the Ihitch Java
are all 20c grades------ In the pound
packogea we have the Jersey at 18c.
the Arhurkle'sat 1 be, the Uon at 18c.
We Take
newnpaper or mninelne pair
Jished at apecUl citfhbing rates. You
bring us any oomblnsHon offer made
by any publiaher and we will duplicate
It for you and Rave you all the Ume
and trouble at aeadlng for K. Send «a
your list of magBOlocs or telepboM UR
and we will tell you at ooce how much.
have already placed are
li the Mmple dIrecUons In the
and^^ discoverer has so
Am lor SMi M Bm rdtowlaf SMms
will be
Is In two fonns: No. 1 to be given
eUy. aad No. 2 for thoee who wish
ed to be cured, |!N»eh. Motheraand
slstera Have told os of boalMUida and
they were glvau
Orriae. U maay eaaea wltbout their
knowledge, have lost all desire for
drlak. and we are glad to reoommaad
the rcnmdy. Mall ordara filled. Tbe
Orrtne C5o„ Washington. D. C., or John
M Drug 00.. 125 S. Front SL
J. W. JfiokKm
A. W. Ji^ni
E. A. Monroe
Ross & Monroe
P. Ma eg ri A. CortiDs
WeqnetoDg OlBb
HsnnshDmgStenB .
F. L. Shnter
Spring Furklshlngs .
r«t«t line <f
J. H. Lsmno
PtacR four ubleapooRfala oo tba bol
coala where you are ualng aofl coal
and tbe fumM will <»mplately claaa
an tbe aooc out or tbe pUmr sad cblBh
Try 4L A large poekage only
TM« cvcNiM necoirn. THAVwe crrr.
EitenTt Equivalent of Ow Me
^ . _ pendencc i>ay.
mm to «D fte
fcf E. C. rMli.
far trm n\Um
V to Ate G«o4aua'sdai«ti*
Ite «tter ted
pamrmA to Ite i
oibtii a£ teta UarkiMim. f ar lim ton
tw« TMi* Tilda ted tero dm to
NaterOK l-to* oddkatrd.*- aa li«r
totter and dteter pvt it aod wa« nvw
Tbr flfl
lirvd to poi __ __________________ ,
iHy, and jet alie wa* ter oooe of Uir
r«at Nature ted jlrrn brr a juod
teure aad a teadaomr fare, and tbe
tlma apcPt in tte ottj bad mada. wtet
the BaUraa cvUed. a Udjr of brr. Tbe
Vr vlMlD lU# <
Tb,«iy Id I
• tirljfa.
*" ***
have rauletl autl dr‘
I and aroree
men takn the vUm«^ «r th#Me who l»te
f.I!U SLJeT C i-n .If .h, 1.W it
tte oillia hlddra aoa^ Ip Lanral t o»r ;
mM ttea dtepprar and te aeeo an | remary “
or atealdte report itet vooeex- BrltUb
teed and take away a niounuf- ‘
and tte pood will of tte lowly
tere earned tte day. It wai
credit of bninan nentlmeot tbaf
ao. not Iteore thin deirrmlnall
tiaa ealfced mUmm
No .me foa.eed
I SutMlay. «o.l Ite
pipea truttka and Ivrmortea. Uiim. banela.
a« they reeled
TbMr «u-pHooa bad : tnrtblo* that will Imm, In
They had kept ibeir eyee . ttey trail ibelr
tteww-lvea • ndU-a iaway, wtei^- tliey ore atoie.1 In
qpien and wbia|ieredJ amou* Uien»rlvea;..n*lb-a
of the wTvat day and
-Whiapere,! and Mulle.! *>n tbln day.! anil ti
at te walked under Ite iflani rlind-^ juarded with a a
nulu and. made te« «ny ibroukb Ibc b. pretty atlff lljrhl
UureU. yomijr
«anie ui»..a a I SJarau^leni fnnu
man. The rrvnnue f..rre bad cn.tin'lf not carefully a_
Impatient wltb bU dilatory tartluo and tuo\^ lij%itlnz -rbutaiai,
bad aent an emlaaarr to nee and niu-- ! are called, and add t
tlon him. Tte two ialke.1 for lialf an cnllectloua.
teur aa they leatie.1 apnlu-t tte trunk
.of a preat tree at it>e .-.tee of a tbb ket. and d.K|»dnp tbe fwlbe
wootlland profverty the yoimcer el
ment of flreat Hrltaln tea .liilie a llv
r tine durlne tl
perte.1 frv»m tbe epy. 11- ted ^but hU
uy Fawkea dov
cyee to all but tte aoup <>f love. It ted
Tbe day Ita4«lf la occuj«Ud nnti
tieen oaeleaa to talk to blm «>f doty.
He bad come aa a apy, but ted eold
n bulldinp bonflrva. 'radiriiic'’
tte ipovemment out.
oke and oil and eaUup **i.urk
After tte talk ilrtata walked nwar a
few pida and mi down on n
k fr»ni
which be coaid M^e far down ite able
of tte prim nbl mountain. He cr.uld
Aa ao-m aa the flrat nlptit altadow
*.ut. and be O..UW ba»k falla V.iT Area are lIcMfd. An^rarkera
leaver 4 o%e and Hnlfway iM^sia to aiinp.iindi.vr..t»*.l»nU <Ji.pUra
alpin’a Hamlet. It «*na a of ever?- de-ierlptlun are in evldem e Ji
.____ _ „
all dirt'.-tiuiia.
Ite fun la kei.t up Will! a vIm >-1*m1U
iii.lll fai
*'*”^‘* abiainK ano iih- aqnirreia . ii.mier- to our Fourth ..f Jul>
Into Hie nlirlit. when letfat'a-i. ro.a*‘le.l
In the Ar.w. niv Imluli.'.d in
•Tlie name plx.-u to i|,e dny U
Clalon. In tte nvenlhir
wb.it ndalea.lmc jH-rt,and * the
whole er.'.Iit or .uim. of tin* |4.»
iTlier I Im^-u |..nMiI«rly lai.l 111^.11 ij*. »,*«julder*
Ho of Cuy Fawkea. wlienoa he waa
waa atiilllnp na Ida r
r Ite j from lH>inp tin* ita««t linportnnt of
landsenpo U-neath l.iin when
Ktep ' plottira mid a«*ei,m to have iNa-n .-li.
canaetl him to turn blu liead. '
j by tte. hlrf.^.indmiors
-TUda. yon herer te rri.*d aa ho j ,^f 1,1. aiua*rh ...urac* a
apranp to hla feet will, Uh* lidd of
Tim plan waa .airim
hire in hla eyea and Ida anna out ] CnUmUy. a inai, wh.e«^
w,,a .me of phda
Phe drew tiemrlf op aad waerd him c\iraort!in.ir>’
>^"rIloninn 4 aileiloe had e»pe. i»^ inreat
-Hut. nida. what la ItV
thmi.w fmm It,.* a.>.*HMon of
Hte was pale, and liai
•ome Into her fa.e Tla* |
mijiisl t.ovai
leur.'b.al for In vain. T1i
and lliey
.1 by Janiea |
crlnp In her ey.*a. but d
tun» It Into mblaky
the pomvment He depeoda utmii tbe
honor of hia belptilmra not to plre
him aarvy. Tlie revetme men «x»ax.
Ibreaten. bribe and work In every uii
derband way to pet an advnntap*.
The enmity la nrnre bitter than In im*
peraonal fetida When the mountaine«*r
poea down U> the lowna. be 1« tral|.*d
aboiAt, miaa queatlooed. made drun^.
port 00 atlUa, be takea hla life In Ida
faanda. He may po aa a burer «f fiin
lier or coal or tmh landa, aa a traveler.
mt and alejit In
PMOA He did not km.w that be nexer
mored a imndied 1
from the . ahiu
lew aurvelllame:
wal.bed; that
that every artUm
men whom be had 1
1 l<»cd.e,I in
on blm When he slept; that other men I
patheced topether In tbe laurel thl. k* i
eta nnd reported on blm and dlactiaaed j
Younf Grippa wind s.inirtvla and j
hmrrm and patbtwetl A»wer« and plants ,
and aoupbt to make friends with aU
Ainoof tboae plain and bosplinliW* |s*o
pie It mu an easy matter f.w him t«
Instead of this.*'the bnwa
“I waa In tiM. Ihirket when vim talk th,*n, were , uf..naM w ith reiie
ed with Uiat innn dad ami I." »Ja*
•»r. and the Croat diM-.uil.*:it H-aiilt.al
at last. -Had has pon.* for hia rifle to In the c„np..wd.*r |d..t
The •-..nsplr
ah.mt yon like a .h.p I am li.*re to t.*ll ne.r was eIdjN.rately and cnn-fully eon
and irnwl hanislilpa w.r.* im
•Hut .If you tenr.1 „a talkinp you dercone to enny l( out
It was not until the .-.mspirabirs. all
Ite^inai, wanbal •
pentlemen mms.M to iih.vsoal lahor.
had ciraval.*d llinmub nine feet thick
hadn't fallen In lore with me toil neaa of atooe wall In order to pet te
would hare betrayi'.l my own father. neath the Imiiae of .n.mniona Hint the;
In lore with me! 1 In love with a f.umd that a vwult underneath the e.1
revenue apy! Cor
• llul listen. Tibia. If I came ten- In the name of 41 in Fawke*!.. and the
under fate- pn-lrnaea I”
s«n« n' ph}T.icaI work w aa <*odm!
- tie p.mr and 1
der inner of ulphl Ihirty-alx iMirreU of
her skirls away punpOwdiT w ere ,n>u%.*ye.| to tlK* vault,
D and
and all waa in readlucsa for Hie meet-
but the
preM<her or
r of 4|avth walks by Ida aide un
til he baa proved blmaelf all riplit. In
that rate be la heard of apalo dow n In
Uie lowlanda. In Uie oilier rase be la
reporlad aa mlaalpp.
A ^botanist and a luturaliat fmm
Harvard was what tlrlppa claimed to
' be. and te waa taken 4uto the enbln
of tte mounuiuetT wliteut question.
There waa no undue rurltelty nteut nollilup I
him. He waa free to come and free to Yiki a^* I
po. Aa the nrlptdavra w>re tntnaliireil j Von bnxe
”f Vnr)l
'11,en f
eyes and nerves andl hai^bad twelve
houro of unbrakra aleep. Bat srbra I
saw the Immimse malUtude massed la
and to both sides of the murse—<t»
to the
Be toe
liir he wanted a kiaa-bot
rt^**^R^Id*te^'IUS*ra a'teTmj i
movBlaliieer aramw tbat be la a bin
unto blmaelf. IH arpuvw ibat be ln.a a
rtpbt to lire. He arpuen that wIj*t«*
Books’ mi
mm to MmM Ow#. mm bmh rninppm
•m mmm tm tmU m mimmu^ l«for»
toM narnm mhmtmmmx
emma Mt ilpwflnlli<in.ii
I wlrm bla name aa j
FtMUAHv a. i««.
bmmy to ihtok wbat be 4ora
i*my 4»f rodracM avd that bi»
gktitoc yo« oQi of his way as
a part of tbe 4ay a pn«ram.
PCtoooal—if tbac para^ of a
' laws and ebarters 4>f tbe world, as Bapiand and Ftonew oC old and Ratola
today may abow. Tbia vtototogatwl
peracmal Tight Is to vndb «C va, vr
ted rone to bctraj. and jet te Voedd
ought to te. If there la to yov no b4A
tet do U. He tored. eod jH te tealWood to break Into flame, and aet yoa
arbiter tor joantof to gome sharp
crocial toOtosat. than 0<i4 pltj Jim.
A mol there waa and he nuu
world, avd ate wovM te a woman to
for im wocnaa
Imed >00 U abc
te prate of, and jet tbrre waa ter aaprayer
mnrn 1 arrived 00 tbe VaDttofbm could And anything else to tore, aad
Even aa you aad I;
coan,e aborlly after dawn cm tbe tost .rtni aro 01 nefther aa maa aor clUxcc.
What natter the color of eye# or balr
MM I, Hb AtMM *> Ol^ Uv «•» Jnat 0s that yoaraelf. for yoa*ee all and reddest-lettered day in tte motor Emerson Hough in Tbe Story of lbc<
Outlaw. The Out tap FuhlUhlng
Tb« «M
michiomi. thor»pav.
I wenkeninpwblfii
J, und .'»«m imiv U* rbli.
whole worbl ls-fore ,w.u.
how t.» I-. bapp>.\J.ul
I aeddlnp-perhapa-ln the com
TUda. Two da.va aft.u- meetinp ter on
tte trilll they knew etch otlnf. Tte
A Uttia lo4iafiiiita.
ftrl waa pleased wIhq wte waw ad
A prmuimmt New \ork l.-twyer says
miration In tte you^p tuan'a ry.w. Fhe that in his enrli.-r pr.if.*s«loual ilays l,e
waa plcaaed wbiw te dated to Aattrc waa plad to expand bla alender iarome
and to oompUmeot. bbo knew little of by bill rollectinp. On one osvasionj/e
tbe Widd and Its holloworaa. If the bad a bill apainat
It a man w|
moontalneer said this or Uiat. be meant tlcntall^ haa
« aiblevrd a.
H. »• bad to jndpe oUhts by this , which puta him btyond tte ne.w«alty
! of an. b an IndeAuite wlateoieut as he
*H war only after the newenmer and made on that ocwwlon.
Th~ ym.nc
ateutaaloxrnr lawyer found him with hla fort protv
that tbe watch 00i <Grlppa was relaxed p.xl np.»n hla deak. while be pauvt
Hw bad set no Unw I for departinp. but ' dTeamlly at the cKbnp thrnuph a cHud
•fler A month It waa ateo Itei bU! of tobacco amoke.
work was Anlahed and Uiat te waa j
•'put. iwally. air. I must Insist that
•tnylii# on aecoont of tte piri
Atej yo« pire me acme definite Idea aa |o
naked no questions of the j when you wOl settle.- tte lawyer aaW
. and tbe mother a
1 none: after havlnc Iwen pently Prteffe.1.
boaplelona and dla
Tte author omaented t-> b-wer his
eyea and to wave his plfw UnpukHy.
tbaj bad bera foolM. Tte 1
^yhr. certainly, sir. tlamch ttere
1 rerenue apy. working with tte;
aeema to me to te a ratter unnecesgreat rewartl. He bad pc-j aary rmnmotbm atent this trtte.
teforr! drawled. *I w 111 pay the
erery* j as I think of It after re.y*lrlng the
- had iroiier Which a .pnldlater will pay me
and j In rawe he accepts the novel w hlrh I
Jhst as soon
weeks ttere had sprung up In bis a.a 1 frol In an energetic moral after a
brrvst a conAlrt twlpl lore and duty. really
Mea for a plot baa o<OTyPntl n was for this reason te lingered. ted to me.-—Ilarpcr a Weekly.
Till Record Want Ak
Tbe Rath’s ctoss of tba Cbarcb 4tT
Christ Sunday school wUl give a ao
rtal Friday evening. March 1 to the
parlors of tbe church at 7;»». Tbe
Selecttoa. Sunday acbool orcbeatraPrayer by tito pMtor. J. Alton CanPtoy duet,
Btbal TVTtooa.
Vocal aoto. Bifreda Croat.
Eecitatkiofl Stella Baker.
Vocal solo. Mr. UlUtonis.
RcrlutloQ. Beatrice Pease.
Plano aolo. Ooldic BaxtonVocal solo. Bloasom Gartand.
.; V 2
; .•*
told he
ri> 'r: 3
I, ih mi excinp M«.r> full of
and. the plm is- cb-verl>
evpU,-,! and wo.ked
ih kep, piirb*<t ai,<l
tun, out fnm,
hi* rcaehrw the
..i„. The re ader-No.- snspiwyl the shsn' faced
"I ain't pot. no food
th.* Arhi
fur you, an’ I
t Now pH r
•IJldy,” replied HalYard Hnstep. “I
ck »»f air the law l.s the .„„b*|e.'
1 pers.K,al right. II,:i, thing which ,
the b-ii* ih rfvngni/.eii In all the j
c It
nun,ter hy 11,e
ptahi thirty
• Whal TT.* Know Alsait Mars ‘
^imIde hinpunp.-. wlthnut r»r*<.,ii>e To
tin* technical pbraiwfiloRy of aclenre.
he tells ns of the marvels the acifsi
• hptiiuh y»-nrs of study.and effort.
Mr Kai mpdcrt Is most happy In
t*. rhoiee of Agtlf-S Hlid llluMnitiotiri
■oiild on.* irnaclne u more lllnnilruii
IC way ..f Malinc a f.irt than liih
otds on the manner 4^r men the in
aid,amK of ilara must te: ~- A Mar
Ian laborer could p.*rfnrm as much
ork m a plvei, rime as flf,y or sixty
rn-strial dltcj, dippers, and keep
few of Miss Middle,on's own dr-fluc
ons in regard f. he,-wtd„ou.s caHIng
'om h» r vaned eX|w*rienc«*j an* yrorth
,ntinp. They are ps follows:
Seeurinp a “hrlnp" salary-^-one
iindr4Ni a month at least—before atU roitiog the huidneas. If your Arm
not trust you suffldeally to risk
IS* much money on you. d^rn't trfiat
leir business enough tq take it up.
Securo a pood -Aeld • .Fnlcss your
tejTltory is hojvetul. your dIffirulfle*
ill te doubled
It take* an "«ild
and" to pet adverllrinp n4,t of s
ieve In your, proposllion. in the
of wliai It is idesired to aiiver
If you P.n t IM-Iicve In It. youll
rove a ooqvlnctop Ulker. _
School yT>urself
ro tthe atemA re.vrrurself ^
buffs. It is fooltob’to I
oslnasa. It is fatal to te woman
charge of <xmaplr»cy to defraud the toh If you are an adrerttoing agenL
state. He. with T. J. Olbaon. waa ae- Look upon rebuff* as a buatoeaa. pure
Impto. Rantotnber that tbe par*
cnaed of haring purtoined lltAOO to
•on who rebuffs jou is •probably too
bonds from the aUte V«“uiy.
Have You Thoughf
Too early, you say 7 We think not, especiallywhen silks arc advanclno the way that
l^ihey have been lor the past lew months.
™ ■
IP woman's story
ne time than that
Middle,4in. spc*< -
''Zrx Lax-ets
............ ..
aUMil as large as the d«d on the print
.'d Jeiie, i * Kvtn a city mu vast ai
lyoudi.i, could
not te seen." aa>i
Waldrinar Knernpffert i„ the Marrh
McFlnn-H in his no,.worthy arilrle,
MouteacU* wIiow.mI Hi.. |.*tter to Kalla- ts told In The N.-»
Me., W.Kuan s
Imry, who in turn !ry»k It to tte kins, Macarlne for Match Thin pe,„is bred
atul all Mrts of inpentilly weya exerw..ruKn tepan her hn-adwlnnlnc career
4ised to dte-over Its raeaitlnp. A close
sort <»f -cvfflce girl- fhr n 1,»cmI
wat.-h waa kept, and In order to take
tte plotten redbaaded the arrost ftam dally, and worked her way steadllv
pwanl to a post'requlriAp the blKbest
usioess rapacUy and yleldlup adequale TCI urns. T^e story lueJf should
Guy Fawkes, wlmse work tt was to
Are tte train.' w.vs taken aa be waa
leaving the honae throuph wWch ar
sexa n*aa gained to tbe »milt. kad tte
test of Ite plotters were either killed
4W captnred at Dunchnreh. to where
Itey fled.
Fawkea waa put to tlie torture, hot
nothing could shake hts roapnlOeent
fortltiMje, tbouph te waa sosreqk from
Afuny and alekneea that he could
acarrefr mount the scaffold, Tbe daj
fNor. 5, waa proclalmod a day of
PvUip forevf
n act of pai^
I lament, which
200 years.
For THwrIr son rej I the celehratlona
Were carried to riedo excess. Efflrfec
of Guy Fawkes w^ paraded in b.wna
and rmajwa all day amkl abooUiip and
flnplnp and burned at night to huge
conflaprationa to the accompaniment of
thoQsands of flreworka.-Scrap Book.
Daniel Zimmerman. ap4dl 70. pltsad
r.DVMr«>OMDy tMMitll.
.out klllinp' penerslly dews this when
.»■ nmimlnp one. a dox4m. s mmre. a| U cslllng or when your prospectirol
-----------------------------hundred rt-ckless ontedw.-rs am.»np niotter ln-Uw to drinking to tte storj 1
Arcordlnp lo a ststessent by of*
th<«w* humlrtsl. of theusands? Mv Aral
*'‘'«^ ytmthful crime. Then tbelAo-r* of the Bulck Autbooblle comthmipht was to withdraw. Mv record
/«*»*“ r«rth goes on and enu-( pany at Flint, Thursday afternoon,
And he wtupht her lips—bu
men,tea forgotten lov#
thus far was .teoh.tely ch*an-no
her ear.
feela free Imuse of b
...en . ...rf..,,. IhuciL
Id II.d .prtDD. Th« »p«.III«.
h..m.n llv« DDd
E\4-n as you and I.
criticise your clothes, your manner.!
.« D.y Dr«wm. 1 Ionl...d .t' your
vour Aan,*e and
Dnd your
«•><• ''“■'I
»<"* •» »l»'
looks. S,r
For tte'
—From the March
U* Hkm.
same reason she consider* herself at i
liberty to terrow any of yoor po
IbwHbDuIiure la doing notable
In u aerivrC^d ihorough and practical app.*a,rd nervous, but made no move slons. from a ban<Ikerchlef tn tte rtm- mated cost of 1200.000.
l>apen4 now teinp publiahid on Ibe ns to withdraw. Then lAnris appeared
has 4tone all these things ate sits
down and sentimentalises about tte
ployed when the machinery In the
as tlm-ixh the race wore already won.
tuMUmeni of some prt'valenl and 1
halcyon ds.rs that are gone-Exchange.
addition Is to motion. The special
His c<Mn|K»ure. in fact, made n,o
train for the west, bearing »o car*,
forgot the crowd, forgot the danger
was sent out of the local yards Thurs.ihead. forpet e%,*n!hlnp 4 xcept that
tJuo«.n FllzrTM-ll, nu. f.nmnus for her
ii,y prlnciimls had sm-nt a fortune It,
qul.ku.^s lu reterf. When tte Spanish
building a luilr of racing r^rs and arninda w as (hr. at. iilnc the o..iMh of
bonding me ;i.,as, mllos to drl^o one of ICnglai U her m.:j,My fmmd It cu,th«*m to victory or--doaih. you say? \Miienl to trouble tbe eity of Uuido.v
lo.*,n. nnil nceonlii.gly she w.*nt
ih.mchts just then -n,y Ax.sl and .m.Io li.iw, to ilutl.Tb^n In ber rojal rr.l.cv
to bsrangue the e,si*.,r„ti.„i.
WHK to win ovor Unn^-la,1 (..uMderation
1*1 r.*s|Mv
indlneMion. e..„Ntiimti:.u. irouldeK «.f Fr»>»„- "How'I Won Iho Vamlr-rldll bro.*,rt,Ml the o!.Je.i
the liw-r. Imu:... kl^ne.vh. Hr, Th. rc Cup." by Ufuto Wagner. In The Out tbe b»nl mayor clearc<l
tng Magarlnc Mr Match.
no f|,i,v.tlo,s 1.1,1 that l.y pT.wlei
instantly Ax»*d him wlt^
a plan.
"TlP-Fhlef te*p»l.f.. Uy Anna Fafl,
-A s«,crelgn.- .|notb h1,e. "that
rxiiu- Gn*,*oc. Is
*4 (be m w f I au prh>1 m.vcrcipu «*ni,’l be 4*o,icbi'i| ,bi
copyright . iHstks selling for :»o f*«*niK but Fvr berroi of p.svl sovereigns
.1, the llaniuih A !..«> Morranille rvmi- Ing coughed up,”
Tbo- if inith iH
apr.n* b,mu n .plan
warn U,o Fath
olic loroa and tnelnU a V Uo w ouM olh
men la a ktnp te-ide .vnu' tie*”
crwlse 1h* Idown ti|i
>!h ih.. rest,
He iiauar.1 ft>r ten s*nnui.la In ImjM'a
plotlerH vv. re nil prrmiiiicnt p.-n
to aee |,.*r fa.n* luifie,,. |,ut It «.i.s hk.« tlciurni anrl
lmd pers oiial frh'iids nnmnp
bbr jmdl..,.e,| apam. and te
ly *|.s,nMd leplMlators. An
-------In Ate mlnuk-K b.' '
.Digiii d„w n Ibe side of tbe
Ixml Montcapl
soii rDnic>ti ..ni aimd
pace with ‘ a
|sN*rs. wjtrnJne
Tl)o auOior of
t really rirctlKer."
known, hut It
miimmly b.'ne\Til
No more h„e
to have Wn tlrevha m. in spite of bla
Tbe tend mn.le women I.. bar ct-w rlporoua .lenlal when ne
and to stand trul.M-. and li you !l Jest by. At all events, this
b«»k i»p to bmi bell lirlui j..u into
Never In my expert
-emhb^ to mr a motor race, and tte
way th4^ brush4^ aside the couroe
r pave a llu
- Fool had 1
Evvn air you and 1
But the maid abm
THat Frmod of Ycdr Yeuth.
Neat to tbe l.vux eyed younger laqtber. with hi. tecTible meoiofy and .his
grral eUmueuce. tte frtemi of her
y.mih U tte teinp whom eraty wo
man wisbe. most to avoid. Tte frtend
of fmr's youth roaietuUT. and npcall..
In P4iM1c all one’s early bdllea. Stel
asks If you have f..rg4,tten tte day j
.rou ran sway frt^m sclK.d, tte afterm..m yim wt*ro w hipped for pUytogj
with the teys aroitod tte cxwnrr. ftej
CMMi Df CkrtM tmfr mmi wui ^
It has always been onr poUcy to advise
our customers ol any advancein merchaadlse «vbea we believed mat it
. . was a permanent ming ...
Kdw (tilku have a,1vanoe<1 twt-nty htre |M>roent.
Maoufi4-tiir»*ni have not made qaita
BO threat an atlvanct* as yet, hut will 8r*on U, forc«*«1 to lio it.' I’nlntB ttie retailer haa
Iireparcl liims€*lf.iu advance-and-ii* a rule niorchaiits do not st^^K^k up very heavily
4>ii tbit^'hits of ironds—you w ill notffct asgoud aa artickfor the prioi* aa you did a year ago.
• _
V ^
. *
inti/r ive did not buy rm' kraviiy, we siiU
own our sr/k^ much less than they can he bought
tor ttviay. With this thought in mind wc advise
/:./A‘A)' /n\y/X(;
/n s/lks.
. :
FfiBhion bnndern^d tlml silk muat take her rii^htful plac« in the world of dreawiom.
’Kvery fashion maRazine, every trade paper predicta that
thin i« to lie a great tilk aeaaon.
Our reputation of not only carrylns the BEST sillcs, but having the
BEST assortment, is too well Icnown to need any comment. We want
you to keep in mind that wc carry SKINNER'S and MONEYBAK
SILKS aad that there arc no l>ctter silks in the world today than
these two. ..... The makers are back of every yard that is sold.
We knuw M would be wise on your part lo
look over our silk atock. It Is coi^RWlicnalve
cBoosli to cover every thing
that to wanted.
SBde , —
cfc—mt vc<L
$3XX> kiDdBOR ......S1.7S
|tJ00 kiiidDav ......$UiS
uxiiiBPinniai iX'.'l
He i» eeeKiHO wi iNc«eA»e
WanH Warry if Ha Is Uoabla to Crt
It as He m AWs to Live on $12 a
Month But Could Use $20
Price $2
expendilarea npoa the atreK for an
ya^. The matter of seCUng the
eurblng this year and dotng the pav
“A hundred and seven >*am old to
ing neat year waa advanced. The unmorrow.** said Unde Dan Whipple at
dealrabimy of thU waa emphaalied
the court bouse today.
by the fact that if this pere done It
Uncle** Dan rSahted the five mitiMi
would be naeeaanry to
to the city thl. morning with apparent
able graveling at, much expense in
order to prevent damage to the curb
•*1*11 stay now till Monday.;* he .aid.
-You i«<e. I*m gettin* my pen.lon matWill Cafivaaa BtmeL
settled up. Some think a. 1 ain't
The question waa thoroughly dlsas old as 1 Bay. but that dem't make
uaaed and It wa. clearly levldent that
fference. I am. Ju.t the Mime. I
the majority of the property opnem
only got 112 pension now IkH If every
of the atreet favored paviag thl. year
hlng goes through all right 1*11 p t
While aome of the heaviest properly
120. If I don’t they can't take the |12
m were not present It la kno
away an* I can live on that. I've done
that many of them are favorably I
It befon. "
pressed relative* to Immediate wo
: on the |2«
He WH-ni. U. I
he same time there wen- ao
hosT-v. r. thinking that he can live In
prescfit who are opposed. Just I
arative luxnrv thnnigh the ro.1
extent of this opposition annot be
of hi. day. with It
tennlned untU s thorough anvaa.
-If my.hand, were all right. ! could
. In order W gel the matter
H for immediate action by Hie
'll a committee con.t.tlng of F
W. Carver. J. W. Hannon and Mark
tiM HWII^ sC D. ttriditoiiE wi
rvMlac «t Um Imnim oT D. SlrlOOaod.
%Qi% W»»hl*fUm slrseL wItbo hU
Skier. MIm LelU BobRlA wm uolted
to msrrlagr to Bob^rt Van ValkrnImre. Ibr Rrr. Drnsa Oochlln aTOclat.
IBS and Ibr rlas
Indag na«l.
Tbr SNMiBs co«I^ Rwa atleodrd by
3umm EtrIcklaBd. remain of the brtdr.
^ iia Imat naii.«sd Mlaa Eoaa Trrmalna
lor andrr a baaaUful white ball aoa^
imadad fiwn tim cwlltas drspad with
i4ak and whlta cfn» pnp®r. Decora
tloa of pink and white, eanintlooB
made the pretty room, rrry aUractIrr. The hrlda waa draaaad In white
pasn dn ehlaa aUk and carrtad pink
nod white onmntloBa. Aflrr the carr
nony all iwpalrad to the dinlns room
(Oontlnoad from First Page.)
aprlog and the paToroaol made
tbrraaftrr wftboot Impairing the
y of Ihr parrmmt or ocr
arttllng that would damagr the
atmrt. B. U Sprague alaltMl at the
<mtaet that he would oppoar paring
this yoar and alao that he would opbUumhle and briek,
Boltner. Tboa. T. Batra. L. W. Tlnk
ham. J. W. Patchln. Wright Broa, R
McNamara. J. W. Hanpro. C E. Murhay. r. H. Banium. Mm. Craw
olhrm were rmphailcall) In favor <if
pavipg thl. year. WHm it came
upon the quraliun a. to wh
the pavrroeot abould
dime thU year
>t. thirteen votes favored it a^d
3P|k»ed. Several at the mirellnf
voted neither way. having alrewdy
»d theoaelvea to abide by
will of the majority. The Grand
Supervlaor Cleveland and Mm. Gard
ner. reglatered the oppoalilon of that
organlxalkm agalniP paving thl. year.
Mm. Parmalee and Mm. McManu.
tloo thro came npoo the materia
be need. Mr. Cmmond. who laid
many baaatlfnl and appiopriata pn^
muofalhrarandUna^. Npoabolralmany questlona reUthre to the inerll.
atlvea and near frleoda wwa pn
of hla materUI and stated thi
Thoaa fraa out of town being Mra,
pavement they proposed to pul down
on Wnahingtoo straK would have a
als-lnch eeroeot concrete foundation,
Instead of the cruabed atone ft
laid <m Stale Mreei. Thl.. he
Flank Btrama fayprad the <
.tated. would eo.1 more than the SuAe
I on hla phoBograph.
pavement, but they anuld guar
Mr. and Mm Vdn Valkanburg Ifavr
at oner for thrlr nrw hoar In Toledo. antee that If the Washington street
as secured. It eould not exceed
Ohio, rarrylng'wllh them the brat
tt to the city the amount paid for
wIMma of thrir many Mmda.
much. h«»m over, as he expected to
Into enmpetitlon with other contractom. be could not state how much
lea.. If any. the price would be.
The advisability of laying the partlent Immediately after the water
Blood Woo BoMorod on tH« BMo of tho
Mr Cnunood aUled that he*rould lay
Stall m Hlfh ao a Man
the bltulUhlc pavement Immediately
laid and guaran
Whoo Frwl Saxton eoterod hla barn tee a good otreei aad that there would
luick of Weot Ninth street this more- be DO settling that would impair the
of the pavement. Aa to the
tng he found one of hk horooo anter
a of laying the water main*
Ing from Injurtoa Intlctod by Ha teaip
this year aad the pavement next year
Mate oome Ume durtng tho nIghL
Tho animal s hlpo and aoek wore there was ooaaldernble dlscuMaloo. It
argued that If the street, wa.
temhly lacofwted with the sharp calks
the aliooa of lU mate aad the torn up thU year for the water main.
I laid that the
o(ker*» teeth ornrha were vUlble, The
a t^ry undoalr
woret iBjury. however, waa a gaptog
> wound OB the horae a belly that re
quired thlrUwB atllchea to olooe. The
; Mood was amoared on tho akio of the
;*ataU as high wp as a man could reach.
^ oo fmatlc hal been tho tortured-wnl; maTa etoita Ui oocBge tho attack of
; the other that It had Inmpml aa high
as posalble with lU hoad tied I
ifMaUy alariad the
. Bowa a door aad aoadlBg
' wat of eommhwtoB.
by Mr. Bates and Mr. Beltner. Mr. Me
Samara and other* that It would b«
tolly to tear the atroei up thf* yeat
for water mates and again next ynat
for paveMoaU and It waa argued that
It would eatoll an extra expense uptw
the city beoldeu a great bantahlp U
had evl- the property owners. For these rea
It w«^t™,Dr
tiMU l(
wtmM be*hetter to do the pavteg Ihh
the oame .
I hotter to do Uw
that it woaM he t
job this year aad have tt ctiplotad
that tho paopte eoaM^ve the aoo
.... ..
-ri.el. •* Dsh 1. sti.M.Hl
Mill I.
than he mas
and reason.. If any. for not paving
illing to talk as long
yonng In splr
thl. ywr. HI .pile of the fart that
there were some property owner,
His was the thirty fifth pension d.vaeut It Is bellev4Hl that the aenUn
latntlon that ^County Clerk Walter
expressed at the meeting Indlcj
wh.t the general preference wouU
Of the entire strr-et. Summed up
tow wcmla. the Indications are iht
1. particularly desired fhkl the pni
he done this rear and that the nia-
The only excuse for buying anything but
a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Bak^
Powder is to saye a few cents in price.
CROY.VL costs you a few cents more per can than .Mum or Phos-.
phatc of Lime powders, but it is worth far more than the difference
to keep your biseuit^ eakes and pastry free from the injurioui
effects of these cheapening substitutes.
^Continued use of Alum means permanent injury to health.
Avoid Alum Ailments—Say plainly
les Ciuig iv^s bmugl r t.. tin- rll.v
liom Grand Rapid* by iK puty .'ilieiilT
Ta.vinr last night. He pb .nbsl guilt v
iH-fore Judge riiilor till* tiituulug and
I V iilneiy da.vs ,»t IVtroll.
CharH-s Sheiman wa,. b;v»ngbt up
IntendMl for the UM of the Pubbe,
li* aftejn»»on i»n the ebarge 'of non
Repo^sd That Several Were Killed.
C.v.no Them a Sheltered Walk for
ippori. His mite. Ada. find la-«n In
N. |H-.-t hoUM- f.U the |Msl several
Miles Away.
mi-ek* .ulliwlng mith di|.l.tli. im ami
By .fWre Ur the
rmlng Record.
her husband mould mn help oiu ..n
k»i*p. He pronilsisl t<i give $12
ttUaburg. Feb. 2K.—Furnace No. I
monthly for the i.ext tbrei‘ months
of the lOlza group. Jones ;4 LaughlTn
company'* More and the lilg wa-M »-u
;ave liaU for »l'"» that Im mould
Steel company, exphrded at 9:35 Ihl.
nance I. ready for the public** ii.**
morning. It Is reported Ihat w
It ha. a double M-i of tl.N.rs will. tbr»-<
mere killed Th- explosion was heard
large display mln.bm* rimlh.i to tie
several miles.
«ast onirnnc s and 1* oiu* of the nuisl
John m.uney of I He Like, i- oui
nuHb-rn Idea*. H ojM ti* dlnvtlv into estlng tbi- l.om.Me..d light of the
the drug and iKHtk and Mutionauy «ll
ielt> Id Jidin Wlucetd l.. bu4- Comiiv
[ vl.lon. a hlrh will l>e fully M ttird In n
Regutar meeting of the Klka
•lerk Wnlu-i i.Hiav
Wingeid atmii
few day* a. e»HUi a. the new n»a»r I*
A matter of Jmportance
IoihnI the tdan-Jate ui IPu;:. %ing
every member will be brought up and laid and the .bow window* finished
ome months lut« r in Tnsiin. Hominrv
every member la requested to be pres Thl. fonu. an aroade fomtc<-o fcci
I ants the property and tin* i. Hu only
ent. One candidate U*r
Initiation. wide, running the full length *.f the Iieaiis open til ot.i.xlii a i leal, tubMeeting railed at K p m .harp Pol. building and 1* for ptibllr use. using It
foM-ly a.
«!«• the *bU>w.-ilk out
aoo aouper after the section
tn S-t ous Condr
Wtlhatii Saxton of Kingsby
Ilbrary will be held tomom»w aHer- bow such a huge building could
one f,KU k>t
suHenil *i‘veiv injur:
nooo. Mrs, K. S. Pratt, Mrs. W. W. romplKely cbaugtd la. the *hort
day mhich iiet-^-sj iiaii-il ainpu<.<t,w„ ...
Smith. Mr*. Sprague Pratt. Mr*. Will that these great alteraikm* have Nv-n the great tot*. I > in a serious i-onditbui
Rennie. Mrs. E. E While will a^e under way. When fully compb tet
. mill be a ihort program ami all mill 1h» the line*! genenil ston- »1
terlol l*e bitullthic.
These quotation* are
reefed every day. The
price* are supplied by
The out.ide quotations
are cordially invited
' The ladles of Traverse City hive.
So. 332 will serve « pot lurk .upper
ifltu- lodge meeting tomorrow afterL U C
l-Mch Udy l« n quesi.xl to bring
Rapid.: nils
vomellilng for Tefreshniont..
ling sevr^l ran h. with nda
The soldier. «nd ivallors’ relief com
tlvt-s hi tb»« city.
mission allowed bills ammintlng to
E E Bauman of Elk Rapid* ma
M04.42 during the past month, the
ie city to«lay.
rommittee meeting today.
Fn««l Hick* of Mapb-ton *i»ciit
Tmenty-*lx of the -Silver* Bunch**
ay In the cUy.
dropped In on Miss Corinne Silver*
Cbarle* M.»*b-r
la*l evening, the event lu-lng In. honor cli.wtiHlay on his leiiuo to Proveniont
Df her birthday
annlveimary. The Ho ha* iK^-n visiting In Elk Rapid*.
guest* were all drowed In costume
and a j.dly p»od time wa. made of the
MA-SQUERAHE loUl at the \V«*.
entire evening.
len hall Saturday evening. March
lusic by Johnson*. «»rrbe.tn.
The BurmeOBrien fight picl
drew a small crowd at the Grand
aBernoon. The two anen were ah
at length In the training after which
the fight mas ahomn by rounds. There
were several ladle* in the house.
C*iH t>orge Newberry of Cadillac
will eonducl service* at the Salvatloa
Army hall tonight.
ReguUr assembly of Royal and
hwt Master* of Trmveiae City eonnrlL
No fit. tomorrow evening.
Regular convocation of Traveree
OUy cha4>ler. N<x 102. IL A. M. t
row evealng at 7:43.
Mr*. D. Paddon will enlertaln the
W. R. C. Sewing arcle tomorrow
aftemoon at 435 West ElgbOi street
While putting aome heavy hardware
Into oae of the window, df tHe Han
nah. Jk Lay Meitantlle eompaay atort
thdiBft^Rhooo. the heavy pUte glam
waa badly broken. No loas will toll
oo the company aa the glaaa wi
anred In the Monroe R MeWethy
QUBEN Cmr caBMk NO. $73. wtU
give a tea^t sapper te Woodmea
hall Satarday from $ to E
feb 374t
WANTED—Twenty men to work In
tvd.; alx mile* from Mayfield. J
carefully cors
local market
local dealers Wlm.t. |*«r bii..........
l>y wire, not j P.uekmheat, per b«.
clipped from other paper* of the pro- Rje. per bu...............
torn, iku- lui.............
joats. |Rrbii............
F..IIII iHiMlu.ts aiT iMgtnnim; to Butter .
move,XI little Dum lively
eight loads Ih-iu^- biom-bt to inuk.-t
thirt.M I, |.«id . i-oining yi-st-vday. Hay Hxy. Iialed...................................
ttill i i^ ps in the b ad. tlu re Im ing
Jltt-en bwids matkiie.1 ydsierdav Fiv,
Rli-er. and heifer*. tlOO II
nn-Ksrvl ivoullry .................
i-illaiu-ou- stun
Chicken*, live weight....
H.iidlv any .Ui»
Hokk. dresMNl .- .................
bnuight III. what
CMM-n hldea
to ilie Evtuiiug Record.
NVbeat-^. : r.Nl.
n uiive pMsIiictlve j 77X^,.. ^,rn. 47*ic. rats. 44^ic.
resisting qu.illtles|
2*—Wheal —May.
|h« ii ituuough anil lh.* results 77f-ve c<»rn. 47^r; tints. 42V4.C.
j.night to be
Tobilo. <».: F.h rkWheal—Cshli.
llatid 1.4-ailei
77*-tt ; e»*in. 4t.^r; tiala. 43^.
I..r gn at ImpioveuM iP in
Emt Haifalo. iKeb. 2«.-Cjilrte-73;
Hkn*'n-:u phot.o. for Ihe same ..........
is th«* busllu-SS Iiuth.s! id the Rem
fef, 2M*t
livt-L eh.dce lambs. |7.3uf|7..V.;
$r,r.o<rid; emt-s. |r.tfi3.25. Iln«*i; pigs. lomer; Yorkers, $7J^€$
7 33;. pigs. 17 40; heavy and mixed.
$7 4"4i 7.r.f».
Jay 1. ('amidH-n aiid^Mis.s Ibssp. U’
vail in m.irrtage Suu..«...
l*eopIe have the «-i>ngr.nulatlons «.f
their many friends.
Miss Vl.du .Shutter p.asse4l Suielay
at Hannah. V
Ikun. Wednesday. F-h 2". to Mr K . ^ ,
and Mi>. Robt. Nelson, a Ih.v.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. lUy Bald
min. a gin
| age
John Bob-rider has >-dd his «bs.n i siau*.
re,-lllr-» td»l;-l!U*«|
Rapid City. Mich.. Feb 27. Mrs
Roney liMH aold her hotel busln<*sa to
Mr. l*age. thw agent at the Hero Mar*
tato yield of typical farms
air t»r a nM.stinable aver,h.de t-ro|i t»f the United
I he potato
Gnat Britain or
Wm.^ Wright mas In Traverse (*|iy I fiH'l^
C.inada, es|*eeial i II Manibdm
^ J H. Monro4 *s danrr-Friday evening * .r,„|
„th, r
mas not very mell attende«l.
| XorthvM-ei. iH-at* IhiKctmmry badly In
Janw-s Raftery and mile, of Sand I
JVdnt. Idaho, are gue sts of the form ^ potato gnimlng.
Sim h eondltloiis ..-tchi nt»t to Is- in»s
er* iwreant*. Mr. and Mrs John Kaf-)
Thev mill pass a
! sihle The I'ni’e*! Slates slmuld eaallv
here Ivelore n-turolng to t
and - ^^*'* *
J. Anapach Is in (Iraiid
of agriculuital ii;it*«»n« in ewry crop
rk-troll on business.
mhich is pnNluc«-d on h larg»* scab- In
Mr. and Mrs G«-o Ibeker mere
tomrn from Traverse City Sunihiy
Uilrt c-oHimy
The yi^d «,f potatoes
aitendanr*- at the fimenil of tho I
can 1*0 €loul*b-d ou ib.4 pnmaiit acre
Mr.i. Lucy Hill
All that li ms-t^sary I* the
I). E. Wyuk.ssp wa* domn fr
I of pr«i|H*r rate in M‘bwting wred. In
Traverse City Hnnday
Mr. and Mrs* J O Crov.-r we,e In ‘ rultlvaUmi and in the paparwtbm of
Travers*- City Monday,
cil last \Vedne»day evening, the fn|
lowing were ap|»omie^ roembt-r* of
Holdrroffs camp: wage* |2»; to tie; assistant pipeman. Chsrbw Cook;
feb 2k If third pipeman. Frank Hopkin*: aaslsiam plpiman. Frank Halladuv; fourth
pipeman. ^ro Wright: assistant pipe^
man. CTiaTlcs IU.g*-ra; ftrsi hydrant
man. Wm. Wurrburg; aenmd hydrant
Notify Geo man. W*m Blackhnrai; first ladder12^5-1*21. man. Uo.rd McDonald; ac-ond ladderfeb Wt man. Johk Roberta.
. umrly acw; a bar* box aortal at Woodmen tiall tomorrow
M. HahnvT. dty. 414 Unloa evealng. Good intiaic and program.
Ifi esau anrtu
fab 23 It
.. .H. ,he
Hr-nry Smith of Travemc City aad.
MIk* IW**ale of Kemadln were la towa
tailing on Mr*. Elmore one da^ MiU
*Mr ncm^-nt has slgmM a eoatnact
to furnish over fifitSMin worth of tornher to t.e used in building tee aaw
j| Potatoes. 25e and 27c
Rl^..r:....:.!::...« u
'ar l-ynn. wh..o«D.»«iupl« of *M
dogs. rals.-d four pup* from tham.
Ihn-e of mhich srdd at $23.!K) each aad
th<- fourth for
Mn* wilano cif South Milton was In
tomu Monday.
Mr Henrle of South Mlltoo waa In
lomn one da> this week.
Mr*. Rlckeir and Mr*. Elmore and
daughter Cloral. trs>k dinner with Mrs.
Rnldnson Sunday.
Mn. H. W. R/.binson wllf go to St.
U>uls and Bieckenldge. MlcJj., $cxt
Ql AIJTY and imltonmty
turea cd IDEAL prodseta.
THE Rembraadt atadlo
t*mi work to Urn ally at
; nmrj J.f*
I aacs aaa«
t Siia.>>ka RaSls baby vaa aotroaeii Mrt
Mr. aad
iSr^KtSsrr. isad
Mr., mmu «WI « Put. .( Tl.r\
^ fW B«v. Mr
W—e»r <€
HhAl IW LMIcft* AM ao-
*/R^. Clw ktfMI mm or Mr ood
M^ Bm ttanU. hmm kMs vory HU
M «>«r*
or liU
Vlrtta lr» it
Mr». mm lYmy. oW» to tMHW
|«rr«t>. Mr oM Mr«.
Mr» Aprlll. or Oder, ovar fkioday
IMfotoo PIcAonl of LrUod wa* la
________________ taacjcharcb. Fidi _________
hi. wofk. boraea Ml
MeoUap called to order by vice
MIum lUfT U4 Bmu WkM* u«
I preMdeat. Mtw Ford rbaatas. by bav*
:eiwt«r. wrbp ba. Wa j Inp anac aerrice led by Mlaa Ftoceace
icoaoaU I. acMoe bet-; l*ace. by ataidaiE rbe foHoanac plecea: old McMurry botiae.
* •
I N*W. :r. H. <4. i|0. aad h.. Prayer by
I at the toara the Rev. U a fUuell.
of wela^P(dlUeUB.caiai>al1 wa^ waU attradad aai!
aad alt report I come. Mta Fbhl betas abarat. Mrw.
liaa Ida Barber of Grawa eUltod
1 of______
Riley Crain sa%e ua a \ery hearty oar acbool last Monday afteraooa
aad Hlraai ____
velconie. Reaooaae by the
U B.
Mr. Dobm la rapidly ^tapoalait of bla
aa aalmatrd political
a dlraaioo All amt to
Raplda Friday
raoaal property, aa be expect. -*»no
Ike bcarlj | at oarr Hlraai rartalOMM.* Coofooad ^ Saturday. ^
. by the!to CD to Oraad Raplda. where hU w Uo
fhnctac I> aad 41
It. Biy doc U aatlac c^-yoof^^pch!"
Scrrral of tbr I
rr» are M
Re%. U B. BiaaHI.
i. "Swore }U Mwuta
ac .tow Your <xwrrsp«^d«at &fwd
tbrlr potatora lor
ttty flve c_____ ______
Hour of .rrayer.'
j.M In tliar to aa,* hi. Ian iptrccNpl while ^ are
ax for hisber: aomlaatlDf
luSlln^lal^.^Ieft’liTm tart^^ST^ M^pT
hU aiatcr to
tbrar_____ ________
UttM trola
aaitr 111 with
. aad hM a^«r fUr j farl.'^As^r*^
ary rbrloa arr Ybr saap Ibai U cat I to ikr
»o«» to C
oaraaip TSara^, —------------lr» W«a rkrraat. of Max Baiiilia.
MMa llaaaW U Krtlia. of thia plare,
arcMt aadcr Octarr o*or »4«. aa
l(«a to tke irra. and
Ike rare nf thr docuir
all No 1 Bbirnlaa
Mr aad Mra tV H. Day
ptre ralirr* Wadaaaday
ay^^jjEijriLtLnr '•;r;vr;;
Iiw tKMrdki^iauticUB.ui.ljun
) waic-<-«iuventlan by Mr» m«ku« cmi
<-e»ry ha. had a telejUiom'. ney. verv Interertinr and Instructive
hb rt'sidenrr
Cloxtnx bv alnxiUK
Re m ilb You
end**niDc 1. alowb recoVer |TUI We Ideet AKaln."
Bral U coaaord to tba
A K. B acoat. but bad hero conllntd
to bla bed a enmior part of the •*—
4! MrCluie m
. place for a few day. to
aym I
Mtim Surte For
*’*MlaH Ulaneh Ihan la at her grand
mother', near Kalkaaka. who ta very
poiurly at preaent.
There waa a aortal laal Frida* nl«bt
at m- H nreV n wa. wen attended
A. M Smith fit f.'. ltnx quite ,...rly
of late; he Ihlok. be baa ti e
»b rs.
Mra Carl Olearm I. iW the rt.
Mu R Oliver went
to vl
frhmd near Co|a-inl.h lart w«*« k
Mu Warm*., weni t«. FiaitUroti
Uat Monday to .«•*• hr-r alrter
iVrry. who waa vr-ry ak*k. alao
of her rhlldrvn
Carl Walker, wlf.- and neidrew
Qiwdy. went to IMIwaiikr-e ta.r wt-^k.
. to attnod the fuuemi of Giad* »
**^The report from tho 'maaqn
ball la. "then.* waa a larp* xatlmrlnx
aad a very pirwaant party, with ra*d
In Rav’a hall -------Slh. for the benallt of the ar
teacher*. Mr and
wre pmcilelnx the achtdara The prta
gmm la line. Come evervtartv aa it
will be Worth lUtenInx to. Ticket,
ri eepta. children ttw rent.
Mlaa French fraaaed away thi.
IVwth waa a hJt*aalnc i«* her, aa
ahe hna been a great aufforer lrr»m a
cMicer for aover^ ycarw. Nearly two
year, nco ahe fell and lu)nre*l one r*i
her legw. and tom been unable to walk
**7J».j‘‘'T?Hwd«v B Holland had the
nitaforiune to lorn* twe of hla horaea
He had a benw H»ad of log. iw hla
alelgh. and a heavy lock eb^ cm,
load, and bad to run Aa they neared
tbe Idol of the Mil they were coinx
with anch apecd that Mr. HoUand
aaw that he could ms make the turn
In tba ipnd. an Jumped off. The load
forced the borwra acroaa the road,
where Jwu
about eighteen,
inebea apart atpod. forrtnx the off i
bome tn bclweea them, killing him in
“VU' .««*«. .«UI« .k4r or..
mn tant evening In RavY
foUowtaf are U
lurt Mr Kinxin*.
•>auwc. Sunday
EXTRA SPEQALS SPRING UP EVERY DAY. Here’s Ibe lonocd-for opportunity knocking al your
door. ’’Would you like any bargains today. Madam?" says opportunity. You say, "What bargains have you today?" Opportunity answers up. "Most anything you want at a wholesale price
or less." Would yon close the door in opportunity’s lac«? Not much! Well, don’t do It now.
This sale is yonr opportunity and we arc seUlng goods as yon have olten wished to buy them,
at wholesale prices. Now. wlU you. can yon, allord to lei "Opportunity” leave you? Here arc a
lew of "Opportunity’s Knocks" lor FRIDAY ««d SATURDAY ONLY.
___Val lace Special
„,.t. .« Bui "
IkaiH*. hirtmllnc oui cnim* line «»!
new line Val Iji.-*k. (iermaii Val.
I•laue. Val. Cluny U.re Toichoii
l-«re. Iiimmturns, aud I-*ib HemUngx
!:!■;*' Aiiatwoff
For Friday and Sattrday Onl!
,' Press Goods Special
Tie OrtM Gm4> «l Z*c
in; ludlug .".6 Inch plain
and fancy .Midialrs. V.ules. t*lr . al>o
<me pb-ti- <4 4*; inch Suiting, guods
Spet iaJ for Friday and 8»lurday tMJiy. pe' ynrd ................ ZrtC
Fine Napkins Special
Table linens Special
$1.50 Fine Table Linen, at$1.11-Our
fl«e«t Table Linen. 72 Inchon wide.
In roM*. calU. and tulip d* rtena. ta
perfect match to the napklna adtertl‘^1 regularly .add at |l 5o per
Linen N..jkhi.x. 2m Inches square,
rnw*. (allaaml fili:i dewign-. ivgul.iriy
sold at $2 |H*r doxen. S|uvtal for
l-Ylday and Saturday only
2 |0
For Friday and Satnrday Only
~FmFiay and Saturday Only'
face Curtain Speciai
$1 Lac« Cuftama al tZe-So palm td
.N'ottlugham Lace Curtatmi. cholc*c
tK*toictk Coc>d Ihiillh
Mtiil Kivitoj it*«iKxn.
wm«n Mmi
f»*r^day a:u| Sunrday only. 02g
ladies- Waists Special
$1.75 8hirt Waista at 88c-l4idiea*
Shirt Wai.-ix in white. • black Xml
and pretty ptaidx. that wurv
ami $1 7i. S|w*c»al fur
^ Fnfl|ay and Saturda) -tily ggg
For FridayandSatnnIay Only
Menj Fine WwUock Special^
ladies’Coats Spscial
35c Fitw wool Eos it J»c—Men ^ ftne
Cashmeie Hc*-e. etatw*. black, b-own
gray, also black with ihlle feet.
2r.c am! .-tie qnalitU-x. alM> heavy
weiKhi wool aocks. Iff xmv and
white.’ Special for 4Ylda.v and IQ^
Satunlay only. fH-r pair .... IJU
A2S and $30 CoaU at
and Miwun* %ZV. $25. and $3» CoaU,
made of fine bniadck>ib. Kermy.and
Otter PI jxh. all 1 .ag lengths. Spec-
feRiday and Satnrday Only
Fof Friday and JatBiday Only
- Underwear Special
heavy weight V*^**"-^
■wsuriil w a 1 *- >iuia
4*xir4t aiatmlatn*
qitaiii). rf^uitiiv
at 25c. kizea !k to 2k. Special for
Kiiday and Saturday only
for Friday and Saturday Only
Boys-Oyetcoat Special _V.
$4 Oiwoata at $1.95-BoyV extri
gtvjd Oxford xm.v Overcoata. long
length, thla heaaooa at) lea. xixe*
ID to it. regularly aold nt $4,
For Fi^ and Saturday Only
* 'jl
lae. Saturday nud
Tliere wa- an i
Sundav ewmlns I
Anil Sabaw la-a
iHitUUl. liaalor ii
chuicb «'f
I .'
. *1|
- y II
It Gives You Goods at Your Own Kind of Prices
At Oi»r.«rth'ofl
The Aid aoclHy met with Mr. N
P. Sheridan lart
Sheridan treated them to a nlrr
Started .With a Rush and There*!! be no Let Up to the Great Tide of
BARGAINS WhUe This Sale Goes On.
A flrw dlae.»*ere«i iw the n.*f <
Itantala ht»oae laal W.Mlneaday.
them a terrible frlxht
R.*ad> h
put II out taforv' much damax'
”“mi*w Com Schofield attrode.1 the
fum ml i4 Mra l-ncy Hill, which wan
held Hi Klngaley. Sunday.'
Bargain i Betkoner Sale
Tnlah.^ iTrrr’Tor llTr"winter
all go to Ih'* Kelley Lnmta*i 4
tv*, at the hiwd of the Iwy
Quite a number are down w
and whooplnx couxh.
VYm Alxirw baa taken tHabaeaxl.M!
«*f hla new purchaae of the Wanicr
livery bam ni Elk Raplda. m*e an*
aorry b* aee Mr Algln* leave ihlw
I **r'i
aa Sebauh retuimrt Sat
I form CbIcaKO. nbert*
Idem a family bav
■........ -
Grand.---------- ------------ nut |•«•l.|a-r nave
«nd ! xone to Grand Rapid. and Indiana on
A ioll/ aMxh Iliad of vi
14.ke attend ; a vKll
city, atteiidinx Mr tMIver Kd
,j,e iveenm at Hodi
r ieachei . Mtw
Henry KIiikUd
of i ward., who lx u^tlte 111
Mra. bklward. , ii,urTla^;^®
I for ten w.-fka and U Ktt» smith
Rutl l''«»rayib fn»m {lew Nomiaii ia worklux
Im U a x»»od nurae and ha. many mil.
held at Rkurna* Center. fVb.
ih and
and Ruth
Moat i4 Uie farmer
farmer*^ are dtawmx->-- Thev all r<*|a>tt M'xtari time. The
;talk xlven by
y Mr Crtap
-----------------illv en)ov«d by the older p«i|dla.
U’lirr* II TaClur wax a caller at O '
I'zive Stull and fumlh
leil for the Lirxej f.iirea* Frida'
'nrv Heim and famtlv have rmoved;
Iriv.rt at Uolla. Mo. an
ar.. a|K*at,*.| un j
Will Btackmaii vJxit.rt hU all
with G.fiTKe Heim. bU fathei. who
j.irr the l:e eveiv .............. One ^fier Mrx V Swum one day taat wei*k
MUiie iKH.rl> at pn
Glare Riley la
hren j lamn thU w*-i-k *Fi4«k
‘Wu, Kart
return the middle,
to the bouae with la icrlppe.
Kapolecm Ctanthlrr ajamt
with bla luirenta. retumlnx
Barney. Prv..
Aie.:a am
I lUttenfleld.
Wra m-llUan.
• ni Kdaa.da
U In Trav | Krh.rMntrhb rtnm. FI
Brlcpa. fniher of Axent lit
zrti,z:r,£:r\ r/^k^ 't;vu4 -’i
• Pierre, of Hodfc
Itaa Hattie Me<Ut-
£r‘.n4„. ■■5.7;
r Olra Atkm, acre to imra lUturday.
1 U cartnc for the baby at preo*
itora of baajeer were ablpped tart week
Uiaald Ourd(« of Btupir^ •pmt Sat
hi. Utile aback;
Mra A mvbrtcr and
•u.. ,
rdar aad Saaday at Ue laaar of Octarr Gaa and Frad and
Mania bHaic tbr porchaarra. Gua and
T*^n. y went to Bar
k one t Prealdcni Robert Ramey
rai Btoaatt. of tblo fdarr
bare «anr mill raarrlracr,- Fred
I I II Ck» VTbffrv You Want Me to Go."
Mlaa Ualar l^taacv aprnt a fr«
;:erf« Ue
w^ldlOC t.M.k |dare tart i I>...olkioal ex. rvln^. were led by the
of tkapaat ar««W altb Wr M%lrr
Mra. Jennie Halllda). Mra l^wnard
and Gaa wm an Aked. "Dear wbat b the matter-' Ttnwday aflemooo at S o clock at fhelRev Mr Blaaell aa the Rev
Irs Kraali SaaaHt. cd Olaa Arbor.
lalllday and Mra. ,m*m Spauldittc »t-'
mpan.v up to the ;^liy. Hlrain a doc ate my lunch un * bome of Mr. aad Mra. M HamUuui. tin Mary Meirdlth waa ahaent. B
Mruta Gao.-Saaford. Into llareer
ended the fonerml of Mra. Bert Srbelt
tVUveia a The j;«rtw^tfea^
partira betne Mr Claud Hhh chapter of St Luke.
u^t lUrkarr, arbo arc **»»•»• •<
t Kinpmlcy.
well-known lumhe^n. Harryla al cwo often rendvAa abe wa. poartn*.
tAamer aad MU^ Hattie PhiWrr both 4M 5iJ. 4«o
Solo. Mlaa V
m ill Jackaoa waa borne over Bmutay
au an expertaiKyl mill
1 *’?**.
ahe jMde the remark: [of Rtk Raplda
The Rev Mr. Youni; j lYire
Secretary', leport.
.rom Tmverwe Qlty. where be baa
rmmpaay win be kno^ aa the nomine "mobile
Hiram ^re talking *d the M E rhurrb performed the cr',. re|»on Kiprc**.
eatabllahed a pbotoxmph Madlo
mill They wl.h to aay about poll^^H^m'a yelW enr atc.c»wuK*y.
The -ytH»n« couple hare,fl.M: hataaw on band. VIZ
A party of ten from Ibla place at
Kir Umrb. Oultc .Rck "
the beat wtahe. of ttalr many friend. \.4 munlnatlnjc oommlttw
the MU Pleaacnl mantanl al
{Memm. Sick and Ron SrhaSer and ’ Robert
Kinxaley the taai of the work
MImi AmelU Schaffer of Solon are via Riler Crain arc re tarv. Ford F>
. and Mra.
Sayvra aad
|mu«hwr.l.,rr. Mr., Ilenr, Job. .«u»r*r. i*.
•utafeutune to|^^
p Hiller and Mlaa Myrtle Raricb
id.d the lllerary at Hodpe SaturbTm^uiti‘Meh"m.^*wUh htal nrtld*th5i
' ” Wehat»*r la the jmmd owmer | taw dw^fm.'Mra^
t^ntnic^ Mr*
^..n n «. I
‘*** toteoda to lake, t-arhera* tralnlnx
J Domlne la workinx
j Co. at Trare
^_______ da»a
irk dtatrlrt p
fn.m tniarUv.^U
• Jca»»c
CiutrlM SSSHrUd Wifa arrirad »“*«
Jaaah- Hln.haw.
:e. akoaa
wboar .rqualntanrc
arqualntanrc Ih- derided' to have
frt« ih« aaat oa TmW------- ^ that place,
. arnrlag Ui thr II!.* aa\lQK then, rather than t.i
b. id
\^Tn 8U?ir and
■aawrwarM wmm
Stacie WiiuTor'M.--------------
Blanket Special
Ii..i fi**ceed Rianketa. color, white
luid gray, full wtdgbL good alee,
rt-getarly aold *ai 75c per pair.
SiHt ial for Friday and SAlur * A
day. only. iq*r pair ............. 44C ,
For Friday aad Satnrday Oaly
Men-s Overcoat Special
$20 Oveceoau at HJS~Mon. tin.
$2n.Uid$22 0eic*oaU.liHjue and fit ’
tt*d atyUw.the bert in the houae. mjDo
renenred. Bpoclal for Ftiday ^
Md Satimtar only -- ...... 9.75
For Friday tod Saturday Oily
Traverse aty.
-Mf mm. bm mmim,
Umom U • UdT «iT tk« hltbmt cuNar*
••4 mo 4mIH cm be txlrrtmly rnimr
-Am4 rou iMirc BO Mm 1K»V
tdi« -Are ym mxp
I .ta iKM --------------------
-Mo. BIV mu tm\f \mm, »ht l» liicii ' Mid **B«t 1 vuit to gci tiwrr.-y rotomiMM to u« hy my «IBBr;
-I m frtUB Uio rorter
u«t» Bor wU. *I BBI Almr Vtmim. Lot mo
'mho bAmI thBt 9ko mUbt ri»li vs for ;effor ytm » m»t \u my vbtmi **
B few daya of roM and «olst racraa-Tba youBg voonio arose froBi
tiOA. It aoeau Ibat ahe baa boas iM truak.
Iltroftog B eoBiae of faUgatog k*
-Aad vere ruu seat for
turva dvrlBg iba avaaibr aad B««<la|
“Not eaarUr ** imtbfol Abaer ra
a gteaga of aaeBO.
Aad I
»as! pikd. ‘‘But 1 koev you verv ooi
oBly toe glad to oblige Lydia **
| The Udy I aapacUlly desigaed tu
“Toa: Mother, your dsareat deligbt haaat arrived.**
Is to obMge oooM>body. But areal you) He looked about the platfona.
taklag quite too mueb upon youraeUT.
At least I dual see her.** be
Here you are urltb company coming
' PeThaps she aas carried by/
and mo maid to balp you **
• I oottid an^wer the question better
If I bad ber di-scrlplloo/' said
young uromaa.
8be had a pretty voice and a pretty
dimple*, and Abner's attention t<
business of tracing the lost pruli
turn** and Urge glasses, and she dressvj In rusty black
Th- y oung wemun sbiiok her head.
• If there had heel
alsuird. * she aald.
srrtptloa reriainly vuuld recall ber.**
•Tb**«.'' sHid Abner, “lei me offer
.“Can I
mlaiake her*
She son’f
ha»e to carry any D A *s or A It 's oriTblu «a>. |.lca>^.** He eMvrled her
LU P 's on her trunk nt kn<m her us ante... the
iind h'^aicd her In
' IV. >,M, think VO-'
• Y«s,. Ihal't. the one on the plat
“I know- II l>«.k'al ynireelf “
Here's the ebeek "
**Tliat would ap{MN»r vain. Hut IT
“I will arrange lo have It sent up did whal would I see? "
earl.v this «fieru«sm.** said Abner, ai
be step|s*d into the loigcnKenvasler':
'V.MII iruMl
:4/.e.“ lu* said
*11'}. (Piiii- l.oge «>iioiicti for a hi
slay." shi« atu^weied.
Abner gatherml up the reins
started «« the hotiiewgid journey.
* You umy ehauge your mind w
v.Hi e«um- t.. know ns." he said.
“About whal- she asktKl
She I.M.y.il at hlrn quickly
’ AInmii I laying I'm i ur«' ^ou'll
You have oduratlnnal aspl ]
lallon^. haven't you?"
\ ^
her shapely head
Uuvtxl In dolalbtl form.
I obj.Hl
“I admit It '
d I,Ichor tsiiu atlon In women. |*ec a
He t.inibvl filumphaiilly
j It Is hiigelv wasted "
■And how do Ito v U-nem XOM-* |
I. W..S qui.e exldon, Iba. the g.rl|;......
sa. piu/lrd
It would W a mile mo,e revs .na
she said.
If you turned the
question around ,'«iid ask wherein they
Then he rmllrd
cake“Y«*s. or a dtmghn
8he harked at him
“I don't quite catch yrair'rpe.aninK.*
le said. “Hut 1 assuie y^ru that 1
“That's a hanl hll.“ sht
irn a jrriddle rake just as well to
spite ef m> educ-all.m 'Th, n she sud and her hand stole up to
denly Utsghcd
doughnut, braids rtf her culUxl h^
either '
"Ami It make* ihetn
Hut the (Mucation Is thrown awgy
t It?”
• I h.ris* that's, all." she aald.
Hu- shcark her hejol,
sounds so very dreadful."
think not." she ri‘pli.<d
“It's overwlrelmlng," she cried.
KaUsfartI.rn to l<^ abl
igh lo .Hu.vlnc
c^mstltuent p;iit* of a
be shaken.'
cake at the srry nv.nrf ni you are flap
ping it. Poon y ou agree w ilh nie?“
have not !um
VYou take It lightly.' he aald "The of the unshakable
. "pray • .'oi that whme *
vary best bread maker I ever knew t eofily. “And now." ahe
certain -iTi estaidisHnc
was an old woman who could scareely] aailsfy my curloaH.v on
referre.1 so fre-* srholi,r tlmusand
mattrrs-lo bread | moment
• t).- dough fr.rm iVMttenuHsniy .'* she': and bUculisand griddle rakes? ’
laughrsl. “Hut you haxe never ssni ;
p!«-! my bt
And jn •. iMnk trf-thv
de'Igh: H nro: Ih- to
the lat-rJl
lent* of the 1-Mf whil.. itnxMlng hy
IhA 0.0, ,>r. *
«o.. In PKlIng 'Why doe.x bread riw?’
and What Is fermentation?' an« 'Why '
<1 htarulta harden?' "
He'started up the hnrw' whose gait
“Pardo:i me." he replied. * I dldn t j
> new
,nwr you wv'e
wvre isensitive on the sub 1
I her.'
n-ct ”
-Bm Tatn not
nhy :;t|rk It. r«e
f,.r tn ; yeiTlng and dusting and
the Jtext Hs-ks^^he h. a»
th- l.rad of a
msk>r rf beds’ * I may be supp^xw d } Kr^'-t school fo, giriv Pr-dc,
fo ».
igiwanl of all these ae •»^ m> t.,oit.. ,v cuc.-t |... « few
r.»~c’. •-...-n*. “
Vo-j will h«t?r an opp«irimiity
had drepped to . slow walk “
“I can't *:ee how th.v iH^ncfft, the
biscuits;- be said
V- ^
c. her^ Then he laughed p*’
''ou will
the eff^t
.r.v mother to puraue ihrl"< *
anpllratlon m study In tin, •:
m ii detail" he said
jfcmln+ne nature. 1 fancy it will be a
Her merry laugh rang out.
j |
"You are not quite capably of piit j
, her fair blows Into a little
' You have F<>en
to you*"
hei. then?’*
tint yooraeff In tb- bl»cult*a place.’!
m..t‘ Ter mother bold theaam»-|
* No. but
1 ranImagine her."
ahe aald
"In fact ynuv swallow th-; ..wio^.r r rat ling womanand her ed
"Oh. yea Your pl-ture I*not an
blaeult without a thought fif the Cham-5
or.*xortunli»e«r' ahe asked ‘ftltrsrtlve one."
leal action Involved—or of the poa-j
alble danger to your Intcmal
,,..fVr U not a woman to form !
,,o replied “She!
*'Wali and see."
"I will, aad I thank ynn *t. much"
ji*,^ X :.»r fie beat In every human |
He looki>d up suridotily
"This la a haid headed old world."gentle to I "Tbcte Is mother »»n the |s»rrh. waii
he aald. “I wouldn't value your lim-1
ling for us"
rea.ion.1 recommendation
a* |
^,re I ahall like your mother."
moeb If It were written tn Latin."}
"That'a too bad
Because really.! ...................
you know: It could b® wrilteu in Latin btsiii.^ that
of if:
Hr spoke lo the hotwc «nd to
drew up ai the atep*. The
She la mn kfntV
Tha drt hmgbed amd yhen looked
"That la a Ihruat at me." ahe aalJ
-Poadbly yoa ooBiiect bm Ib boom
And be gar^ his paaaonger
I “Not Better Than the Best.
But Better Than the Rest.’*
Wm. Hoolihan Go.
! Citizens PHon. ©9
Belt Phone iSs
W:iA& stulK-'.:,^
■ittoKB. muvtnB cmr. i
Bev. U A. DanftB. Momt Te
Mo. says:
-My ekOirm wem aF
i with a oanfti tonnIttaE ftom
fta, fty ^ with a nonflh that
hnfl piwvantai tow aftnflftt mora or
larA» 1st: LAk« av^Aw; ekam ui.
Frteg $um. Waft ftw. tl7 a
Wftn FMft nf WMafftrd. «saS
ft^^yanm. isB And ftnSa Aar Alp. It la
anM aSa CAM llva baenAaa of Aar
aftnnaad yanra.
tk 9lT^ Ia;;^ $tjm.
Let us settle that
AntAonj Hodock. n Polnadar. who
ioaU Ualao ft.
aL pAoa^»l^
died ft CAaAoysaa.
»e natAorlUea
NlNETT-m-B per cent of fallurva
ft tha calftary art am owing to lha
anu v*ngm. uoiy .3 pmera
been confined there since Saie
Two doAWa ftoarala ft
^ druAka.
par day: “Nordyka
fIJM mtk
SkSrr taatalSad tft lattor
laai yaar; pdll la faU oparatloa
cvary day aad aBjoylas a Caa buaiDMs: fnupa aad brtck atractura:
loa atoMt. CRt. piMA* m».
Moat «f thnnn vcnt
Bocae were pot in for vn
Mrw liobha and Mr. nnd Mrs. Maaon
he bad paid AU aewapnper anir
W. Stoddard wera the two agad
jecriptlon loo promptly, says the Port
mplea to die,
land Review.
AUMtle Creek l .e trial of the
After all had asaemblei to sttend
Sbepai^ll ewae haa been reantoed
the fuaeral of Mrs Johan
a«aft. but with a bobfalled jury.
of Port Huron, nged *1.
Juror Chartea Kipp, wboaa Ulnaaa a#'
Cxx. Ind.
Artca 11180. Wm6* Unm^ CIT UiImi
itrMC. CtU, piMA* Ull.
■BLM aunoi
day. la still under the uneatbar.
Tbe funatnl of John MtanvUte. uftd
78. who dropped dead with heart dia
ease Moafty. wna Uia lertaat
Ndeera «M PmM.
-I WM UunllT «vklM ■/«« to
feb 1-lt
tic CalM ft.
It Is Not
of throat and
guaranto hayu commenoed. They will taad by Bugbee Drug Co.. Frank II.
U- burled sWe by aide. *
______ drug ft ore. 5oc and
ll.aa. Trial bolUe free.
ice yacht, at.
i inm *
81. jj,.,
FOR SALE-Larga. eight i
tnudem runvaaiencea.
ly thrown high In the ftr and Into tbe
The prtipoalUao to hood Grand Rap Icy waters of Anchor bay. The Ice
K. K1
and Cass sln-ets. I>*sler D. W
Idm for ll.OOd.Oon has been approved boat had run In no ftr hole. Jake
by the common council, and flood suf Longtlne narrowly e-»cap«'d drowning
27 Imu
ferers o*i tbe west aide will be berv- by ihr- big sail keeping him under wa
FOR SALE-Traverse t!lty
stesm after protorted against the turbulent
Ranaun. owner le.nvlnr
I i.y Rood walla.
■ Hartford Might watch, president
town Mrn F I. Johnwai
Matt Matson of Munlsing]______
fel. 27 tr
the Uaiy of her hu
.nd lying >;;,”led thri^ i dlan*. memhera of the
ende,lI hr.
hi« Ilf1lfut^..k i^.Ket Uall tesw. ID jail and
FOR AALB—KfbCy aera fkm two
■llaa waat NWrlirllla: tear mllaa
wllh gambling. Two
poat oMoa Travaraa City: atzty
man «i the Smith Sht.r.* rwilniad. nnd j^ hlte men were allowed to *^ft>e
acraa Imprtnred: six acraa aalubla HOUSE FOR RENTnever was known to be unhappy.
j ,hrxM,gh a r^wr window, and the In
H-rr>. HonidK F.Ihidley.ufOwus
decl;,nd th. > will get Wk at
|X.aOA Waft Bras!. CU
rai. the former butter n*nner> man.
atraat, Cttx.
'against them In faNor of the white
and*am sUn^hunili^foC^rouftr
tlie taloed at fltsi belonging to him In the
ROB •AUl-14tt--lladafa algbt roam
25 arres of the lant
WANTCD-Mmi m4 vlfo to work o«
work, irtod vat^v »»«*
|ri*Maat ptec»
call or »4dr»*a I> rOA CALI—1W»-Go«l. romfortahl*
hooa. !«ortb radar
8t!; prica $Oa
‘ % Cawclx-ll. Oraarn. Mirh
waft Bn«,..17
817 8a.tb Ujto.^
Irb ?«tf
Ladiea, -you can Jump on iL
e on it, but it will corns up m
t¥try tims." Caiman’s Elastic Floor
Vamlah. S. E. Wait A flona. Traverse
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
On Hoot with Buaiuena OoUego.
T/rt Jttsuranct
DR. M. B. GREOORY-Phyalcian and
aurg^n. 117 C^sa streel. Phone.
7C0 Cltx.
Si.s2r=.!K!iJi"‘“!a; •Jill:
Buckhm a Arnica Halve won t giilrkly
cure." wrltea Charles Wftlem of Alle
ghany. Hlerrm (V>,
No use hunting.
Mr. Walters:
It cures every
at Bugluw Drug Co..
Frank H. Mends. Hannah drug store.
WAMTtO-You to i»« II>EAL .priDi
StM-clal to the Evening Record.
Buckley. Mich . FVb 28-G A. Ilrlg
ham returned from (Jrand Rapids last
od vsUic. fraa and
rmntm Travaraa City
Cash prica ISjOOO.
. HI VMkm atraat. CH
FOR AALt^lMO-Twroty rooni h<HH
wllh bsra; In bast n«ar town, on
naw Ilna of railroad. In rsnnlnc snd
bt party;
prica |2.7tMi. Wsde
BS.. *17 South Colon straat. Clll
1 phnoa 1219.
frb SO-tf
f.R SALE—Straat car faad. floa faad.
M. B, Baird, who has been In |Kior
» 1219.
health for the past two months Is la
Traverse City for tiwatmeut.
Baird and pm went to Trav
Mended spring nnd wintor flour, gmbftn. wboft wbMU. rye and buck erse City Saturday
a few davi
George Clemeni
wheat flour, crmnulated meal. Tiwverne Cl|y Milling IV
feb 6 tf at Maple Cltv this week
David Walker and wife of Kansak
FOR SALE—un—Lergn Mght room nty came Thurmday. gt»lng to Traverse
bouse, comer of Casa and Iftb 8U. City on business Halurday.
large lot. bouse well finished, on
W. I^nghtman and family aii. ndeil
oe foundation; easy terms. Pries thu funeral of Mrs. Bert Schell ft
100. Wade Brae, 817 Union aU
Kingsley Wednewlay.
Kate, wife of Andrew MalHt dle«l
Feb IK at her lumie
i’\ineral was
held Thursday. In charge of Under
clly; seventy aciwa Improvnd; new
w.Me married Keh. 22. by the Rev. Mr.
Upman at Itw- grooms re,.ldenr<* Ibid
atTML Cits, phooa IIIS.
new. Casa ft.,
Union 8L at. |
€o^ faad, pH faad. chlckao faad.
arbaat. com. oats. rya. buckwheat,
baana. bran. tulddUncs. bay and
atraw. Trmtreraa aiy Jdlllln* C\>,
- fab b tf
FOR tALl~14M-Latia. naw hm,*a.
pnxl bam. Wabatar ft.: pricsil.koi)
Wade Bros., ft IT South tHilon 81
CIt. phone i:i9
J8« 30 W
horse power touring car In the bast
or condition, full set of lamps. t;aP
top. extra Urea, tmds, etc. Would
consider good real estate. Address
"Auto." Record office.
Jan JO-lf
FOR SALE—1502—Hmise and large
Wade llnia.. 817 South Union 8t.
;it. phone 1219.
Jan SO-tf
alactrir llshts and pas. lanndry In FOR BALE—1511—One hundred and
baaaorant. Urya attic, pood bam
Ihirty.flve acre (arm. eighty acrex^
coat ll.noo. larga lot. on.- of th«*
Improved, large torn and good
iMWt rashlaoeaa In the city, will take
house, orchard,
targe amount of’
fraa and clear city property value
giMxt w.skI. tlm»*er. farm all fenced j
and no toner soil to be found: slx|
miles s«*utheast of city on mnln‘
road. Hast Bay township: rUise to'
school and church, will sell on enay’
FOR SALE 'Shoe Btock. flxturas and
terms, owner In other buslm>ss;
lease of bulldtii* In good market,
town cloa. to Trsaara. City. Wada
priee li.Oift. Wadu Bros.. 817 South
Unloo St- at phone 1219
Broa,. 817 South Union 8t
feb 20Af
pbona lil9.
feb 22-tf
FOR SALl—Good boraa. fine driver, FOR SALE—150fl-Modem muldencel
atandanl bred: nlwi double harness
on West Ninth alfeet; eight rooms: j
*nd twoMlcd cutter. Cit. phone
hot water heat: bath. lights, all
FOR SALE—1W7—Houaa and lot on
Washington straat between tJ. R
A I. and FT«akIlB atraat.
Wade Braa„ 817 South
tlakia atraac Clf. pbooa. 1219.
Fab. 12 a
SAL1-I4t7-8U toOBS fc
Botb sat and naetrlc llsbta. __
Sara. Saa lawn, cloaa In. WaablBCtoa
lot 58x158 ftet; properly is actually
worth €3.900 bnl mer it leaving
the city bence ww mnke a bargain
price of n.TtXt. Wade Broa,. *17
South Unloo street, at. phone 1219.
feb 18-tf
FOR BALE-1485—Good
acAooL market and chBreh;
tarma. Prtaa ficat.
adraaL Price $1600. Waft Bros.
.SIT 8oaU Union 8L. CItlaaaa Pbona
Jan. 4^
SALS-No. I tIMby bay and
nata atrmsr. Travaraa City
feb 11-U
wto ^
Conftipftrtoii is St
Colds and Rheumat^.
Phyaica nnlend tha bowMi, and-
watcto. and Mavr tha boweM wuak
aad llfeftaa. andkM abla to act
manta as tha aacrationa of tha fttaatftaa. Iftar and kidaem aad
aad'funift STbmbwSftte
George Bn»wn has op«*ned a luiwiar
in his new building.
He wlH alsi>
lumille a fine Une of ronfeciionar>-. |
The Modem Brotberhixxl of Amer
lea will organlre a lodge here In afoniic
two weeka.
They have iwvnty-flv^
applicants f.w memle.!>blp at pn-senl
Isaac Smith Is deputy for this dlutrirt
The ScK-lal Hour chib will jtteet at
Mrs W. Wighiman. March T
retmeste,! to be present.
Mrm.'Albert Goresft-y and Miss Zel«
ler «»f Wexford sjieni Saturday al Mrs
Ralph Brighams.
and cherry: floe, new Acmsi; price
Wade Bena, ft? Booth
Unkft ft. CU. phoM 1219.
two lou at Kefts Mokeaia. Jflast
wood A Umkir, ftiiherUnd block.
OR. EARL C. TYLER- Dentift, Room
5 Finn .Natlouft B;>nk ^lldg. Clll
sens pbone K63.
nug 6 if
<iftw«»fewuaft»eto8 t a ui «. tt
irago friends we.Ht of Battle Greek.
^ lK-,m iiun-'s*"*. Pin «*e devoted
Stan lug a eehry Industry.
Order your
to keep the race imcC and grandstand Holland famfllea have been securv'il to
DR. F. C. MAC NETT Pnuth>e Iimll
take rhargt* of the eeler)-growing.
ed to RYE. BAR. N08K THROA’
A little son id Kd Bumetl. of Held This action saves 725wrres to be used
iiig. had a luirrr^w esrsto from dealt, Cor factories and linoieH of working
it Irens phone
502 WiThHm I
by toing knocked between the rails peoph-.
on the Fere Marquette road and a
i am 7o years old—toi. ohOu guar PIANO TUNINO—W. N Millard,
freight car passed over him, the rods rel. and If Ijivlua. my divorced wife.
years experience. With Grfhn
only srrmplng his face.
Bros., corner Front and Casa 8ts
Pr«»f. Woodbrldge N.'^Ferris will tell aaloon and never well or lake another
5 he iieople of iVotlac of the progress drop of liquor In my life." saya My
toing made by the Inhabitants of the ron’ Nye. civil war veteran, saloonlat.
East Front street
globe. In his fsnums lecture. "Making at Owosso. Nye Is awaiting action of
the world Ivetter." and his listeners
frelghL parceU aud frunka. OElce
wi.n'i have to pay to hear It. either.
a iM-ntence of CO days witlmut priv
at City Book Store.
That the hog is about the Ih»si pay ilege of a fine, .for ke«-plng ojm-ii after
ing proposition' a Michigan farmer hour?..
Nye and his divorced
wifcan ftivesi his lime and money in. tiave lH-«Ti 111 HSii.-ds' poliiiK ftir some
is the contention of J. \V. Hibbard of
AMIL F. NCRLINGER. LAWYERMoney to loan. 212 «tate
Cllltens pbooe 696.
II general Hews
Seveniyfour coovicia from Jersey
City. X. 3.. were taken to the military
prison at l■^»rt L»-avenworth. Kan.
Signor Blancherl. the venerable
The Rev. Dr. Aker, the IJrerpool
president of the Italian chamber, finds pastor’ who will shortly coroe
a hobby In horticulture. He Is de- nfth Avenue Bspilsi church. New
voted to his garden at Venlimifllls. York city, will prench bis farewell
on the Rtveria. where he grows mag-! sermon on Msr^ S. and It
nifleent rotten and csmatlons
Every! to to a dramatic leave taking. Tbe
Chrtaimas his finest specimens are [pew
sent to the queen of Ital.r.
and the appMcailona already recelvcxl
Admiral Sir Charles Drtiry. who auc- are xufflclem to fill tbe chapel five
ceeds Lord rharles Beresfortl In com- times over
mand of Great Britato’a Mediternus chosea aa hia successor the Rev. C. H.
!«an,flert.*U a aon of Baron Drury, n Watkins, one of the most I
French-CnnadUin of New Bnmswick. of tbe young Brirtah Baisisl
, He is n mnn of aplendid physique nnd lera.
, la one of the few offleers of Canadian
‘'Toddr Hamilton, the Utbfr of
birth In the royal navy,
preaa agents. wOl to entertained at a
j Oscar Hamnreratein. manager -of the notable dinner in Neyr York March 2.
Manhattan opera house and several He reilrw after iw^ity five yearn of
Ibeatera In New York, baa turned ftl hrilllaat aerrice as the preaa agent
the office boys out of hia bend offloea of the Barnum A Bailey circiu and hta
and employml ymmg women In tbeir frienda in all brftichea of tbe amosiPftem. Hn aayn he la tirad of the meni world hare comhlncd with news
laxineaa. fteCBeiency aad Hnflndcwce paper m<
of the
he -cuba,",aad
-Cuba." aad Mftv>a
bHlev>a tthe ehibce I wUh this
: and to ]
In Oklahoma Mft
baa been nppointed 1
mral free deUvery :
I. O. fturnw
:ickigui dook.
Both phone. 88.
M. I. «t, O.M iiM. m>m
John R. Saato
BARA T. CHASE. M. D.-OITlce wit).
Dr. O. R. Chase. State Rank bl
Ihitb phones. 22f. 2r. Residence
W. Eighth St. CU! phone 781
A warrant has Just been sworn out
F. HOLOBWORTH-Special at
for the arituit of Assistant aty Kn-'
ntlon to diseases of the eye. ear.
ise and thmai. Glauses fitted
gloeer Arthur Beck of CoJumhus. O.. to covered every
ver Johnaoo drug .lore. Both
on the charge of accepting a hrito
of €250 from H. C. Ijing, Columbus
Kttperintendent of the CleveUnd Trin
Miss Ethel Foraker. daughter of At DR. E. B. MINOR-fJrrice over AmerlDrug Store. 8,H^lal atie
idad living Co. tomey James R Foraker of Clnrfn
to eye. ear, n(
and thrvwt Gl
Captain B. P. Grapevine, agi-d 65. natl. and niece of Senator Jnseidi
fitted. B<ilh I
and well known as a river roan, who neusoo Foraker. has accepted a p««dSixth atreei.
mysteriously dl«apis*ared at 81. l^ils. tkiD as cashier In one of tbe bonds
Mo . 4s tollev.Hl to have fallen Into the there Miss l-'Oraker Is a apclal fuv.irurtnary. »kln and bloto .......................
Ite and well known as an exp«*ri ni
years exT»erlenre, Off Ire (ity op«r.n
tennis. Wishing to ns^-rt her Ind'
h.wse block.
Phones-New. 107;
Judge Dunne of San Franrlsro set
old 292. Reslden«-e. 710 Washingt—
March 5 ns the day for the commence- pendenre. she appllto to the managinient of the hotel for the position,
mem of the trial of Abraham Ruef on
after consulilng tier mother, and was
the charge of extortion. Tbe case
. THlilLBY-Demist. Ove
at .once given the place on tto hotel
n A fitrl’s h-welry st«we.
against Mayor Schmlis was continued
»nea 103.
iimll next Thursday.
Jnhn Willoughby, a cit Iren of Min
The state of Get.rgla will present a
silver serv to- valued at $10.0(si to the neaimiu. Is almost the exact counterclan and Surgeon. Remove.1 to of
tort U fteotge Washliigtcio as tl^r
fires In Muiimiii block over Baniuni
toltle ship lewring Its nan.e.
The Terre Haute City and Interur- father of his wiuntry Is ahown la por
ton prtipertlew are reported sold atl«»^ai«'' He is a pUm.er of Minnesota
Terre Haute. Iqd . to a syndicate merg-1 »•«'‘“K
‘n .St Anthony as early
log Indiana and Ohio propertlea.
gtamlfathei fought In
The king of England is a publisher. |
on terms of lmlm.-.py
He has the exclusive right to issue 1
Mr. Willoughby
mariners’ charts and English mariners ;
** ^
old. never ftmght for
nre^forblddea by law to um- any charts,
«>ttmry. never engaged In politto
ibut hU. The crjpyrlght on thea«- royal
required the twnices of a
chart., furthermore, nevs^ nms out.
^^octor or lawyer.
MARRY B. HARNERIMU* r nnd srrirn reg
faction gusrante-d. ’
General Insanace
IfewrWtBdi miL.
I have a number of good
farmn, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good prop<frty. I will
lake it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good (arm for less money
ihan you can buy it of any
body’ elsci I have farms
which arc located from four
to *20 miles from Travene
City, all good improved land.
If you
iinve gotxl levnl farma
w ill imy tlK*m.
210 Washington.
Cil. phone 774.
put In mortgage.-. H.mi
Inquire of E
0. P. Carver A Bro. Both phones.*
DR. E. L.'THIRLtY-8pecUI atten
tlon to dlae^ of children. Room
409 State Bink bldg. Both phonew.
of P.. meet everr Thurwdav even
ing. New Munson block. C. B. Wei-]
ler. C. C.
1907 j
National Protective Legion will
meet In Woodman hall on the third
Tuemlay of «ach>month at 7:30.p. m.
Abram amith. preftdent; Oayle
Grltwold. aecreury; NeUle C. Grar.
The Followlno Items
---25c BnK>ms. each....... ........ 20e
50 and 75c nuger Ringa
now ................................... dOe
35c Finger Rings, now......... 25c
One lot of EnglUh now Blue
Wnra In. Plates, Oat Meal
and Fruila. ouly.............ft uaob
All our Fancy BaakeU at
Parties having UckeU on
pictures will please call at ooea
and make their aeleotioa aa wa
> not expect to cootftaa this
pieoure deal hut a short tioM
X T. M. M. No. 7*1 meeft erery
r night In the Broeoh block. Mart
D8. Ooftinander: R M. Frmaklln.
■ -'.
sirs THAW
nraiTAiT Bom
ly Wife to the B«e«<
I.r.a4oo. Feb JS -1
km rm Mareh 2 win !
$5,300 FIRE
f ::
In the
That tfN DtfaMe Would Co ConUnt fo Have the Case Oo to
By Wtrv> to Ibr Rr««!nff lUrord
N«r York. F* b. •K.-^Dr. BiiUoB D
Rvana Ir^tlttvl loday thai ibr I
and aftdavlta of HafTr K. Thaw of
' r«fod In •*%ldooc» ahoar an miMniDil
Hr arl#«^(v1 differmt Mtrrv
aad dbo»*vl What lodiratlotin of taaan
Hr Ibry rooialnrd
Dr. Bvana tratifiiM aa to Ihr n*liiiinn
iho brain to tha mind. ‘ A
inay have brain tnaoMr and atHI
One of Thaa
-yrv arr <v«tn
to the Jury at c
there Is Uttle doliU that they wiU do
sli they caa to fererse the poUcy of
their oppoaAtS who have so kmjc trlumpbantly held cooiroJ of power, al
most bitlioof laternipt.k« sloce the
fannatkio of the Lnodon roonty cdod-
O.M «l Th#w'# L»wy^ T#d.y tUtNl
on Skinner’s' garnets
Shop Saved the Rest of Ihe Tow
Strange Coincidence in Last
Night’s Fire.
» nf the D D
covered In an i
Walton hotel. Before it
tinaiilshed it had spread’ to Hoatrland
Bro«.‘ meat market and destror-d
toiceUier with Arthur Haulm|r s I,
Cloudy. Gentle northeast wind.
BnowTall. 3 inches.
Rain or anow tonight and Friday;
increasing eaateriy winds ehiftinp’
to wesurly Friday.
AurAVs SOMI1T///XG A/£ir
Eaton’S Hot Pressed VeUum
Today U the last day lor paying
ty taxes and in ord.w to acetanmo: date all those wbo desirv to pay tbelrs
j today the office- of the rpy treafor* r
'will Im* ke|d (ipen this eT«*ning until
«:3ft Thr laxe* have hem coming In
I at a good rate and hul frw ivmaln nu
Not Known Whether He Was Caught
by the Trap Door and Starved to
Death or Whether
it RiTTtcuRCt
and his wife celehrateil the «r>t mnni
versary of their oecupanev ofj t»»e n**w
W*ak for a Year. They Could Ele
Flfly-Two of The.r Number
vauf f
\o> IRanks of MilDonairoa.
By WUr la the Kvenlny Rectir»l
PllUbura. Feb. 2K —l-'or erery we**k
day ^ lb.Byear PIllHburic pays to her
men* Of lirawn and skill mort' than
To make up this ereat
omplojv.s of 15ft luinkina Institutions
masters, is kept n»nstanily at work
every wotkina day in the year. By
rimirlbntlnK tbelr p,iy for one day of
earb'wis'k these IMtisbiira aurkers. If
Hu y alsiusl
lalse flfly l»o of
alrea evmy y«*«r.
Th*-re aw a areal matit nnakiUed
lab<m>rs, ton. |n IMllsImra and Its Im
mnllafe vicinity, but no acrount Is
taken of them in makinc up the dla
trlcfs wonderful mllU.msb>naraHloy
rpon it are the names .d
aoroe hair ii tlo/en rintou-s. roal min
era and eoke workers. Iron and steel
workers, employes of
iininufaetdHna plants, those of build
chlmnry-l.ke receptacle, for. ic* in »
Hilly n*ei*veie,l and w«.k In k.wsI h
when thi* en.^ so suddenly can»o
J form, life cxiiort
Thompiim WIH
years old
IK to Mfchicjut fmm Rivhester
death. The litMly- was hank'd up ami
N. T . years acn. In 1Mi3 he moved
Is siBte<i that Just as siKin as nia found to iH* that of a man jierh.np.* 5'.
with bis fomlly to Traverse City and teriiil i .nii 1m* Mt ute,! the burned stnir- or
yeai* of age .nnd iK>orly clad' in
will lie r«-lMint bigger aiid liett.-i hiH hand hr rlutcl>e«ru .lunch |»a|M*r nh
ptdire force. reslimlnic that position
which c<niJd Ik* read tin* word Tustln.
to take the ianiton<hip of the Kim
This w*aa Ihe only Identity and noth
avenue iwhooi buildlnK . In the
ing. a* it prov«*tl. developed frrmi that,
diute family the mm Ali»ett. the
the C»rpee.
therefore. l»elng taken
wife .md .me dauKhte,. Mr> Frank
chaige of by the anlbotitivti.
*lch. are left to motmr his l.ws.
"Tile car in wbieh ih»* dead man
the death de.nlin*: them all a terrible
was loiind was one bf the Pennsylxa
Thimtp^ had msdi* many
ds in Traverse City dutini: his
residence hei». wlio will extend their TO PAVING WASHINGTON STREET
syni|iathy ti* the lMMeav«*ii
famll.v. As Janitor of th.-^ schiud hr
•ver faithful in his duties. oldiK
ing and kind: these q.iaflHes winning
«ny friends anumg the children
ABOUT thirty
inr trade and conirartina work, and
office workers and mercantile clerks
Aceounled for are 3T5.HH) workers who
draw upon the |u»yroll of Pittsbun: to
the extent of over Il iraM^m for ever,
week day of the year.
Killed IS Year^Jld Q.H and Her bfistb.
r and Mr. and Mra. Charles
ma>ECTiiiG ffli mud
By Wire to the Rvenlng Record.
cimlngtoh. 111., FN-b. 5K.-Ncnr Ar
rowamith, ten miles ea«> Thomas
Baldwin, a wealthy resident, shot dead
Kiseawn. aged i:.. her mother
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy
as indicted last week .m the
chatge <d attacking the girl.
ANT shot.
The nffictal car. "Sayinaw.- of the
IVre Marquette wWs in the city over
niatrt with Oeneial Supri^tendent W.
of a Sibe-ian Village.
It Trump of Detroit. Theodore Enael.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Kupertniendent. of Grand Rapids, and
8L Beteiwborg. Feb 5S.—The t
\V. J. Lsma. division enidneer. of
Grand Rapids, aboard on a return Trip
from the north, where they bare bCM
makina an tnapeetloe of the road.
Ererjlhlna is In as cood shape aa can
be expected slurln* the heavy winter
aeaaoo. ai few of the io0in< branches
Unding dewlers nell it; lending
hariiiK nooe tyouWe with the anow
jtHHnna to be the iarseat difficntty.
lYalnaaaater Horst of this city went
sooth with the parly ihl. nmnilte.
Ity tfnnmwnr. twanty
nca in alt kinds nf Bad
and Explained the Methods
and’Merits of His Company.
n..,i .
The at ten
■op«Tty owners of Washington stre«M
lu'tween Railroad avenue and Cm-*t demonstrated very strongly TaM
night at the meeting at ihel^rk Plac*
that the sentiment in favor
yenr is very strong, in order to
he tnatter under proj^r discus
J. W. Paichin was chpisen chair
man of the meeting
J H. Cramond.
sentlng the Warren Bnw. Bliu
lithlr company was present for the
purpose of giving such Infonilatloo,
reUtive to the material of that com i
as was desired. This company
paved State airvet two years ago and
that pavement i* giving excHlent sat
isfaction. For this rmsoo many have
expressed tbemselres In favor of this
material on Washington stroet.
’There was some opposition to paring thU year. aevermJ bellering that
the water mains should-be laid this
year and the street allowed to thoroiifldy settle over ooe Mason snd the
nent^one tho Mkmtng yaar.
City ttiglaeer CsWwell. la «eply to a
gueatlOB to this nsgard. sUted that
the water mains could be told thto
(ConUttoed <m Fourth Page.)
Oval Wood DAMi
Von wouM do it. wouUn't you Y WeU. w© arc off.‘riiig you
just that chanw w hen we m>11 yon < FycrooaU at the priw we
art-now making.
Fvery one lias a jiricc, that no uialUtr wht'ther yoo ncctl
a cjalthi- witiU r or not. it is money iu yoor pocket to buy
one anil
it until next winter.
You Are
in Spring
Ls-t u-Y show you ht»w gochl lbt?*P U*irgainb arc.
«'«»at ytiu nuthiug.
It will
So Are We!
Logs, Logs
WVro alna.1) Bli.iwing tl..■ propt*r thirigrt”
SIpjes aml /OxTonis. ainl
wpir you will
■Will pay ^Khest Cash |.ric«-s for
von iM.pmial©<;n()») fra>tiiilerfsli-*!
in tlii's (lispluy.
sroiild Im* difficult
tl. «y. but
st.M>pe<l i.ud lifted lh«* lid fri.m one
By CootHbuting One Day’s Pay Each
School Children.
Min a victory byt when thi*.y rearlutl
Cadlllar. Mich , Fch. 5« —The New*
Skinner 's harme^s shop ih« > Bnind
With a warning cry to his son. Al obstacle as the buitdinc wan she«
bert, Georae C Thompson fell Into his with steel. Hen* the rffons id the
•Tondmior G«*<»rg.' Bradley
In the Elmworm avenue ach«d
went cHit of thlx city with extra No
buildlna enrly this moniint:. expiring
JO.*, «v, r ihe<Ann ArUu ic«d .Mon.laj
a few moment* later lu-forc roedirsi
night, made a ghaMly find, whib hiaid had reached him.
train halted at Alma
H wm> in tie
weird gray «f Ttie-day nuinilng. the
ihe nchool bulldlna and. UiRether with
bleak winds aw^atplug down fiom th«*
With the passac'e of th«
a aon. went there about k o'clock
north, and the froMy
the inleniJon «if the viitai
da momlny. They had. Just lijthted Rrials to
snitalde fin- prr»t.*c
le nc<cesaary Itabts to licjrin the work lion. The confiaBratlon last! ei^ninR h.4 Ktnide along the top €if the car’ preparing fw the day when the proved amply that their JndMneot
the length of a his train. Among bl^
der man was stricken.
11 eight load wk« a Mhipnn-nt of ptua
Catch me. Allle.- hr cried and
It is not known how the fire oriei toes consigned lo T.deth. by the Baird
eled backward Into the hor s anna anted but it is ihiuipht. that it i
PrvMluce comiMiny. Something
The son Uld him on a bench and run
one of (li«*F.e cars at I ran ed hU i
to hU borne, n block away, sum The Walton hotel
ertaWlshed lion Whether It w.-s a su.*plcic»ns
d aid.
Three physicians were
at I first hut
St the sch.sd hnlidina in
I a small stmctme
I.;iter ifi was rekpaon was in .vond all human aid. - bniit and a short time apo thd InndioM -omerlmes unaccountably actuate
50c per box of one quire.
TUe Hobart G.. Prop.
aJIonlata. Dr Bran, malnulned
thr handwHtIna. wnrdloa and
r<aistnM-ilon of Ibr letters in rrl
xnll indlcaited an unsound nirntal
Is the Lstest CreatlM tai FUie
Wrltiaa Paper
i,,a- I!
Aihl U4W*r>*t^1Ij |>)pu1sr OD BCCmpt of iu
g Burfaw.
W have a quan
clmr writing
aurfarv. W©
T>f it on bant
Fortunately the wind was lipht
the only protection the vlilaae hj,d
was a bucket bHlhde
With H.e fiist
alaiTO. this briicade a»t InD.^ction
THURSDAY. FEB. 2t. 1907.
Barometer, falling, 29^^>
Maximum temperature for
hours. 31.
Minimum. 14.
City Treasurer’s Oflica Will Be Open
This Evening.
Farolatead to the Evening Rseoed
op to neon each day ny B. E. WsiL
Special to ’Hie Erenin* ReeoH.
Buckley. Mich . Fell 5R—At f. oVlto-k UNKNOWN MAN DIED A SLOW
la.*l eveoInK while the pmpnetiir and
men were in line and d<dng wiiai they
• .>4-'"' -'<- vJ?,. ."' ' 5;
Someone Sick
at Home ?
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and\ . Tamarack.
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cit. :12. Bell
_T1ic Cost Is litw
xirk and n lbl for Ho* atiendant
m n;jr line of sU k iwm -up
piles. We g.i.iraiitee all riibber
g.Kxis. syrincin. water bo;tie.,
etc., that Ve sell W4* guar.itif**e
.tny Fever Tliemono ti*r ue ^eil
Money luirk If g.KMl- are ji.ot a^
|s*r candle jjower for elertru*
light than for any other il*
We will nut l»c
surprised if you doubt this
fact, but the only fair thing
for all <xinoeme«l is to allow
us to prove tliia sl.itemenL
Call or let 118 rail on you and
tiinin*. and ^wtimate your
from. t»>p to iMittnm. each rbaniber
midnight of M.inday. when it Marled
on its journey. William Graham, em
ploye,! by the Baini Pnaluce coniimny.
examined it
Friday afterrni«in
again l/ebue leaving to asc«*rtain ih.ti*
the |iad-' were all right. Tb.-ise iwd*
ate the cover, lo the ice and hot air
-Wto ther the unfoinunate. who
evidently di.>Pje*d hlm-olf Inlo hideath trap with the ihotight of a ctimfotrable ride without hliving to pay
bad lM***n M-phyxiate.1 by -nti.ke
from the stovex
warmed the carg«*. or whether he
found himself Itflprisoned and nnahle
nve the lid tiiai locked him in.'
and thus di«l fr».m hunger and exion will never Ih- ktmwn. Neithn an.v one tell, to a rertalntr.
length of time he had b*vn en-
f Arc Blated for AegenU by the
[>emocratic BlaU Convention
tio*^ Now in Sosaion.
By Wlr^ to th« Evening Record.
FllnL Mlcb.. Feb. 38.—The demo
cratic state convention opened wiili
300 delegates.
‘They probably will
name Maybu-y of Detroit and Woodbridge K. Ferria for regents.
Drug Store-
Joseph Sledsriflk 3on«
First-class ^tebers. Packers and Sausage Makers
Can’t You Spare a
Few Dollars
Mc;,kv. rl,..i»^. nnihO, uj lK.*f. mutton,
lamb VI al. pf*rk and all the mcai* you
huge cold Biorag® quarters
more you know about meats the to iler ,
you'll like otjr place. The ofiencr wc
quote you prices thc morc xonvince^l
yoti'li to* that tliia la the butcher shop
Where they wilT
earn you lUe big
gest kind of
Our Overcoats
At Prices We
Areaiplendid inveslment—ereo
to buy for next
•©•SOD —* beaideg
there are aboot
•ix to eight wBoka
more oTercoBt
weather thifi yegr
you should p;i*.»Hilye. A call at an
early day will lM 'welc*»me. Rpro«ml»er
w.* a;- makera of jrtire Sausage,
wboUhaJe and retail.
Mil and Kn..,klin.
Both phone*.
YouMnstBe Convinced
by This Time
••Besr Flour
VteibMy hare thought a good many timea that
you would do it y«?t when the time comes to order flour you hat e forgetteu your good nwolution*
For your own «ak© the next time
-a r» onter floor pb-e -j -B«L”
Hannah & Lay Co.
. •^
. .
. ' % 1
' Jri
THt cvcmiM mcom,
erenK iegm»
'' Inrn'-Sodt
Ercr Loan Honey to a Bank
avary wfwak of aay nagalf
^aa official faportoalL
Tba yalaa af aaeb a noaM
...Cttr Ofnktor
deflanely fix tbe blame for the wrseka
hot It eottld determlae the caasM aad
tbe data gatbar«4 woold be valuahU
In goardlag against wrecks la the fotatw The tmmate comnaree aonnlaalnn has acted In thU capacity ia
some innaaeea hot it u mm egui
for thU work aad tberwfove ll jkM aat-
Visitad oer atota dariag tUlat tawda^
It's a safe feTestmealsadoBe
dial pays t rate of iwerest
caasueitwltk safety aad sate
retaras. . . We fasae bona
aid certtOcates beariac THREE
Ar barraviers. we soUclt a
. . . lean fram yen . . .
kftVB BooieUiiiv jTOti vant Yon mmy not
know MBtil you iMiYn looked tben owir.
Umi bnnfaiK of .alt
Bon Soot ii tba aoly pua^
tifa aoot deatroyof
Now $6a00
s. DffosrroRY
AfnUdet of bcMutifiil Golddo Odt Finkb
, Dhung Obailia Two iligkUy damagfd,
fonTS iboiB patfert. a . . Were 76,
maib aDd
if it will DOt doall wa. ’a!m
fot it we will
Tbe Ions 'of life erery year through
rallroed wrecks la appalUag aad In
Tbe wtlBf at tb* ftirk Pte» te«
light of tba pnnMTtr o«m«* ig Waab
Pomona Qranfs Will Meet With t
to rediaoe the number of people killed
and injured in wiwrka. let as by all
means have a comniisidon
htTlaf tbo work ooaa tbU araaou
ate raaaoM for lim delay aootber
Howerer. tbe aeotlmenU ex
pmod at Iba ttecUaf IndUsatad that It
would ba Wlae to do the patlac thU
yaar. Tba ancumaot that It woold not
b# daalraWa to bare tbe atreat pared
iwaadlaialy after tbe laylns of tbe
water nalBi waa met with atroac ar
CWMBU la fbror of tbe work beini
dODa iBitaedlsteir Tbe dty enKlaeer
aad Mr. Cramood. fwpraaeatliia
Warraa BlluJUbJc company. «are It
tbair opinion, gained by practical
pariaaaa. that If a concrete foandaUun
la laid the Uylng of the parement Im
flMdiaiely after Ibe Uying of the
watef^malna woold be deelrable as
true that there
who would find It inconrenlent to bear
tbe burden of tbe eapenae this
11 U trae, alao. that 4mb year In the
fatmw would find aome of the pr«i»erty
wan to ooaalder the fact that the en
tifw expenae of the ikrlng will not be
borne tbe Aral year. The city round
win doubHeaa make the same arrange
ment aa that made with tbe I->ont and
State atreet property owners. In
oaae tba aaaeaament was spread
a period of fire ysara which made it
oouparaUrely easy. Tor many years
*Wbablngtoa atreet baa been In
frighlfuMy bad condition during t
aummer moniha. eapecially duHng the
wet weather. The trarel ta getting
bWTler erery year and It ia the opin
km of tbe Brenlng Record that further
delay would entail heavy expena
upon the city and upon the propert
owaani of the atreet. as well aa great
Williairmburg Oren^
X e and 7.
Tlie Pbmona grange will i
7. The following is tbe prog
The little village ul Bnckler
Wsdnssdsy Aftsrnoc
stmek a hard blow by the fire last
Call to order in fcMirlh degre*? by
night which desfmj^sl the hotel, the
Worthy Master Robert Barney
meat market and tbe barber shop but
Orange soog
aa the cltlaena ere mea of will
Businees meeUng with reports from
courage It won t he long beforv
subordinate granges In the dlstri<i
vlllare will he bigger and better
The Initiative, the RRPerendum i
the Recall. R a Reynolds.
DIocusslon. Miles Gilmore and
Buckley was only a forest hut today
It Is one of the best villages in the
Revision of the OnstltatloiK R. H
north and is growing*every dsy. The
men who hod the nerve to go into the
ReeltatUm. Mrs. ArvIlU Gardn#
new territory and build it up despite
Belectloa. Mrs. Bmma Robertson
all obstacles and the nearness of old
Parrels Post. A. P. Gray
established villages will not sll<
L*>cal Option. Adella Irish.
to go hack.
Wednesday Evening.
When the new vilisge Is built It is
Address of welfxime, master of
s certainty that fire protecUon will be
provided so that last night's disaster
will not be repealed.
Here's hoping that the rebuilding of
the burned structures will start
a building boom that the present llmUs of the village will be entire)
gram after which there will be InliiaUon in fifth degree.
Thursday Morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Pnd Atkinson visited
A discussion of iwo-cent railroad
T«ny Swobods of Cedar
fare. Daniel McMullen. osHlsitMl b>
** Bd" ?h«dt*^who has been
Lowell Sours sad others.
logs near Cedar Run for several weeks
Recitation. Erngm McMullen.
is home on the sick list.
Recltstion. Em Dells Pepper, f
Miss Daisy Bryant of Loland spent
ft few days «t the Traverse Ijike re
Selection. Charles Irish.
sort visiting her friend. Miss Paulus
The Country Road System. l4 K
Ben Wllsey spent a plesoam lira
at Prank Sholda's Uat Buaday afte
Mrs. B. Vlskochil and son Prank
Parcels Post. A. P. Gray.
went to Nortbport Priday. to
Discussion. E. K. Champion.
Albln Vlskochil. who is working
Recitation. Arvllla Gardner.
in Mr. Porter's store. They reti
the following dsy.
Pred Atkinson Took Mrs. Mtkula to
Maple City to have her asm draased.
Mrs W. Beeman and
Mrs. 8am
Berg of Osborn modt> a husineas trip Will Take the Place of the Regular
to Lelmnd last Tuesday and on their
Prayer Service at the Church
way home spent the night at the Trmv
be paved thla year and that the
of Christ Tonight.
erse liske resort.
beat material should be os«<iL
Maud and Harvey Pbestl. Katie
State atreet hltullthlc pavement has Oaus and John Basrh and Anna Ml
given good aaUafaclIoo and the re kuls eall.^ on the Atkinson's Sunday
stead of the regular prayer meeting.
porta from other clUea where it is
Pmf. Jacoby Is visiting here for a
The senior and intermediate C. B. aoused extanalrely have been highly
few weeks.
arundmo Tiskochll Is on the sick
The Shetland school was closed on
Washington's birthday.
Llfrie Miller visited her pa
malader ahould cheerfullx fall in line last Satii^ay and Sunday.
Prayer will be offered f..r the foreign
and abide by the decision of the ma
To Curw a Cold Irt One Day
work and a msgacine oootalnini
jortty. ThU would be a fair and
pictures of 125 missionaries wi
equKabU dolullon of tbe probleh
given to every .fnmlly represent
Tbe brtek pavement la exeHlw
the meeting.
pecUlly ao for business streeU
This program precedes the annual
tbe expcHence of State str»*i*t
offering of the church to.foreign mis
Thompson vine. Mich . Pcb. 27.—Mrs
ilerlal fur
Turn Jenkins of Wexford Is vIsiUng sioDs which will 1>t rerelvi*d on the
relatives in town this week.
coming Rimdsy. This local church IJ. U Trowbridge spent Sunday with looking forward toward the snpport
will make a canvass amtmg the prop
his mother at Montague.
of their own mUsiooan- In the foreign
erty owners and their d<y‘isiun will be
Mrs R H. Uviuil was a CopemUh
brought before the cooncll for ronsld vl.-^llor Saturday.
B«.m. lo Mr. and Mrs Pele Csderet
eraUon. Wo believe that this
ahould bo done thta aesson and that
Bank at Buckley.
arrangemenU ahould be made so
D. W Walker, an old-lime rwddrn
the work can be completed as
Mrs. R. P. Lawte who ho.H been quite of Grand Traverie-. and who left ben
He. Waah . wh.-n- r he arlll
husband. "Maro." the Magician.
W. C. Nelson w. nl to luuU
W. Price Ik spendl
Nor1h|»ort with his
uman of Gills PhT is
ing Mrs. Leo Miller.
Miller, who
Elmer E Chandler left
Cedar Rapids. Iowa, wln-re
I Don’t Miss It
One Week More
of the Big Sale
.qno» is Wdd for a cent a pou^ In
he nortb id Sir.ly
It is a guvern
Bin! im.n. jHly aad af.'»r leiag gaih
L J. Gronwth of Sutions Bay is In
W. A. Brown was a Travers.* City
caller on Momlay la;t
Earl llaxsei. the holdnip man at
Nortbport. was sentenced fn.in one lo
five years at Ionia, and left yestwda/
In cutitody of W. C NelMia. who was
ds^jted^ the absence of Hberill
Russell Hinshaw tilid daughter Celia
of Blngtiam. s|H*ni Bunday with Z K
Hlnshaw and family.
Mrs. Agnes Cole, who spent a few
days In town with
relaihcs and
friends, returned home last week.
Charles Buckler of Onekama is vis
King his mother..Mrs A. Anderson.
Miss Luura l*ushlng returned to her
home in Milwauk.*.*
I exten
Kunduy at bis home nfier. a s
Illness of pneumonia. Mr. Ande
was 75 years of age and was Isir
J MimkeSlid the Rev.
ng. 1 he renmins
Allen Kurv. wli«> has b«vn \lsititn;
St Mllwauke.* i.ltinn-.i home Tbuis
A new in-ll phone was put In
leshlencH- id Ibe He». V. C. Engi lbc
Plndley and Z.1
ila Braringion ar.‘ the guests of Mr
and Mr* K. L Pt^ase i»f this village.
P« b. 25.
refrlr»‘rsliiig iiurpit^e* in the »-ltles
AlUiougU wo have imulo a K^eul cloaniuj? out for lho Uat wtnrk,
lliere arc a few who «»uU u<it net bore on a<«uuu o
baa WiMiUiHr. Therefore we have iWUM lo
run this sale one week more
an«! u'ire everyijon a ebavtce t> take advantage of thia itmwI
o]i|iuriuoitjr act) coiUH ami see ut atonre.
aiiimberUlji*8 C^oali
Ask to See Our Bodroom SuHc^
Oacior S14.7S-Kini»b<-l in (i.iMvn Oak: Urwaer liaa Iwvfl
FmnchiJa... «!,«•. Ibid I; aaell U.|.; Jivi-le.1 .Irawa.
ill! fi.»t i;
biK’ipuiofly rarveti. and ••itra laixe
Republican County Mass Con
To the Heiiublkan Voi.-rt^ of lie(Niunly of^ Grand Traverse:
Yt»u are bereio ni»ilfi.il that u re^
ptibll« au iiis.Hs cm vent loo Is called to
convene at the Circuit t-ourt room in
tbe r-ouri honiM* In the city of Traverse
City. Tuet.day. March &th. at 2 o'chsrk
p. m.. for the purpose of imnilnatiog
a'candidate f.vr the office of c
etiminissioner td schwils fur the i
ly of Gland Traverse
Hat...I IVb 2d. lVu7.
Jurnes H Motins*. Chairm
Bold E Walter. Se. r>*tary.
We Need tbe Money and
Need tbe Room.
Vour Reliable Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. Sbuth Uoioo Street
Tile Hannah & Lay Mercaniile Go.
■-THE BIG STORE ••-^leal8fS in Everytfiing
Test Yc PbracCl
at the CTturrh of Christ foolUrin
JT**IIkr'a!?? 8«nda?.“*
Items that will interest you because they are the
4' .** y-\-
things you want to know about. We put (
forth our best endeavors to please you with
the goods, quality and price*
This is a •question asked every min
ute In the dav by some one: *'How can
I raakn my haid hcautlfu]: or hon can
promote Its grosth?" "How can i
:ve it from failing out?" etc., etc.
UcauUful hair nvuy be acquired hy
who win follow my inslrncHons, which
».SK E
.r you have gray haid.
s Gray Hair Resu
Tonic, which turns grdy hair grad
ually back lu Its youlbful «
Fish Food
The very !s*sl Kniok«*d. salted land
spiced n»^h. Shredded Codfish |0c a
pound—llanda-rger kplif d Herring |oc
—UhiaieiK .2 ft»r l«k k'anc y L.nel.ws
Herring IHc a |Hiund Sinoke<l I Isle ^
but 2.V a IS.UI..I nm.ati Haddles 12c
li.^| 1whole Codfijih
Til.- Ilradbury. Hie Schuliert.
I fling.
Tliree best make» «,f Pianos.
Tliey have sicsid the 11-j.i of y«*ars and
i.ur pleased customers are our beat.
We want lo show you
iM-aulirul liKtrumenU ,Jid tell
aa poaalble during the summer.
"*The tldl^^W of the Cxmgrega
tiotiar church met with Mrs. Elsie gan his home again, and was li
Armstroag last Thursday There was city Tuesday, vialiing his bn
CadlUac has Just raised ISO.POU for a good attendfioee sad aome new Judge P R. Walker. Mr. Walker will
Buckler, organiring
the eatahUahment of a Y. M.
rocmtwrs added. A fine supper was locale at
There are
bnUding In that epy and jk>w throojrti served by the hostess which was
here wlio will be glad lo wel
the feneroaity of another pnbHc splr greatly enjoyed by aU. espeelally Mrs.
Walkers return and the
J. Herrington and Mrs Emma Sim
Ited dUieo. a fine tirv
hospital mons. Thalr next meeting will l>al
uckley and vicinity can be
whatever business enterU about to be built. The two
Mrw. Alonm Chubs. March 7th. A
ly undertake at that
cordial invitation Is extended to nU.
who made thcae Intiltations po
ressful. He will havi
for Cadlllay evidently have the
ronfidance of the efitlre comm
eaU of their homo city close to
ley is lo be congratuli
bearla and their acUun Is in ex'rry I'nlted States Post Office Building.
M. C. A. and a bospltkl and U*th
abomd be eaUWUhed here.
Qadlllae baa more wtwlthy cItUens
than Traverse dty. the esUblishmen
of a T. M. C, A. U not Imisisalble here
One prominent hualness man hsa of
farad 1500 for such a project and if
Traverse City. Michigan:
Sealed proposals will be received at
this building until 2 o'clock p. m..
March IT. 1W7. for furnishing fuel,
lights, water, ice. mIsceltaneoQs sup
plies. washing towels, hauling ashes,
and sprinkling atreeU for this building
during the fiscal y«ar ending June 20.
l»o«. or such poAloo of the year as
may be deemed advisable. The right
t reject any and all bids Is reserved
by Uie treosnry doparimenL
Feb 27-$lar 1
fiftrttlM mow.
would follow his
•laiiipte Traverse City could have
bnikUllg that would equal Cadillac s
atnKtnre which had a $10,000 gift as
YOUNG People's Dan^ club this
week Thuredsy. Feb. 2E g:30 p. m.
la regard to a boapltal one co«i
eatablUhed at no groat coat. U woold
siai ba lane, of coor^^. but It i
do Inr tba praaant aad from Ume to
Una addltkan apald be made.
\ Both a T. II. C. A. and a bo.
sundard of the
tbouaands »d people baiipy. It will
pldoae you. All first-clasa dealers Kell
7h» largrei Manufacturer in the World
of Hair Gooda and Toilet Requisites.
H Washington St.
70-72 Stale St
For sal«L hy
Hannah Drug Co.
It will he gratifying to all lorers of
Coifee Headquarters
Because we have the coffee that appral.s to tlnne who want the beat Old i
Ktivernini nt .Mo-ha and Java 40c—Mrs.
Rov.-fh own spe.-ial idend 25c—The
Moaartl, bh-nd 25c-Tbe Yale blend
35c—The Arabian banquel35c—Spurr's
Revere .Uc—The Buster Brown, the
Bella. Uu- Mex.ija and the Ihitch Java
are all 20c grades------ In the pound
packogea we have the Jersey at 18c.
the Arhurkle'sat 1 be, the Uon at 18c.
We Take
newnpaper or mninelne pair
Jished at apecUl citfhbing rates. You
bring us any oomblnsHon offer made
by any publiaher and we will duplicate
It for you and Rave you all the Ume
and trouble at aeadlng for K. Send «a
your list of magBOlocs or telepboM UR
and we will tell you at ooce how much.
have already placed are
li the Mmple dIrecUons In the
and^^ discoverer has so
Am lor SMi M Bm rdtowlaf SMms
will be
Is In two fonns: No. 1 to be given
eUy. aad No. 2 for thoee who wish
ed to be cured, |!N»eh. Motheraand
slstera Have told os of boalMUida and
they were glvau
Orriae. U maay eaaea wltbout their
knowledge, have lost all desire for
drlak. and we are glad to reoommaad
the rcnmdy. Mall ordara filled. Tbe
Orrtne C5o„ Washington. D. C., or John
M Drug 00.. 125 S. Front SL
J. W. JfiokKm
A. W. Ji^ni
E. A. Monroe
Ross & Monroe
P. Ma eg ri A. CortiDs
WeqnetoDg OlBb
HsnnshDmgStenB .
F. L. Shnter
Spring Furklshlngs .
r«t«t line <f
J. H. Lsmno
PtacR four ubleapooRfala oo tba bol
coala where you are ualng aofl coal
and tbe fumM will <»mplately claaa
an tbe aooc out or tbe pUmr sad cblBh
Try 4L A large poekage only
TM« cvcNiM necoirn. THAVwe crrr.
EitenTt Equivalent of Ow Me
^ . _ pendencc i>ay.
mm to «D fte
fcf E. C. rMli.
far trm n\Um
V to Ate G«o4aua'sdai«ti*
Ite «tter ted
pamrmA to Ite i
oibtii a£ teta UarkiMim. f ar lim ton
tw« TMi* Tilda ted tero dm to
NaterOK l-to* oddkatrd.*- aa li«r
totter and dteter pvt it aod wa« nvw
Tbr flfl
lirvd to poi __ __________________ ,
iHy, and jet alie wa* ter oooe of Uir
r«at Nature ted jlrrn brr a juod
teure aad a teadaomr fare, and tbe
tlma apcPt in tte ottj bad mada. wtet
the BaUraa cvUed. a Udjr of brr. Tbe
Vr vlMlD lU# <
Tb,«iy Id I
• tirljfa.
*" ***
have rauletl autl dr‘
I and aroree
men takn the vUm«^ «r th#Me who l»te
f.I!U SLJeT C i-n .If .h, 1.W it
tte oillia hlddra aoa^ Ip Lanral t o»r ;
mM ttea dtepprar and te aeeo an | remary “
or atealdte report itet vooeex- BrltUb
teed and take away a niounuf- ‘
and tte pood will of tte lowly
tere earned tte day. It wai
credit of bninan nentlmeot tbaf
ao. not Iteore thin deirrmlnall
tiaa ealfced mUmm
No .me foa.eed
I SutMlay. «o.l Ite
pipea truttka and Ivrmortea. Uiim. banela.
a« they reeled
TbMr «u-pHooa bad : tnrtblo* that will Imm, In
They had kept ibeir eyee . ttey trail ibelr
tteww-lvea • ndU-a iaway, wtei^- tliey ore atoie.1 In
qpien and wbia|ieredJ amou* Uien»rlvea;..n*lb-a
of the wTvat day and
-Whiapere,! and Mulle.! *>n tbln day.! anil ti
at te walked under Ite iflani rlind-^ juarded with a a
nulu and. made te« «ny ibroukb Ibc b. pretty atlff lljrhl
UureU. yomijr
«anie ui»..a a I SJarau^leni fnnu
man. The rrvnnue f..rre bad cn.tin'lf not carefully a_
Impatient wltb bU dilatory tartluo and tuo\^ lij%itlnz -rbutaiai,
bad aent an emlaaarr to nee and niu-- ! are called, and add t
tlon him. Tte two ialke.1 for lialf an cnllectloua.
teur aa they leatie.1 apnlu-t tte trunk
.of a preat tree at it>e .-.tee of a tbb ket. and d.K|»dnp tbe fwlbe
wootlland profverty the yoimcer el
ment of flreat Hrltaln tea .liilie a llv
r tine durlne tl
perte.1 frv»m tbe epy. 11- ted ^but hU
uy Fawkea dov
cyee to all but tte aoup <>f love. It ted
Tbe day Ita4«lf la occuj«Ud nnti
tieen oaeleaa to talk to blm «>f doty.
He bad come aa a apy, but ted eold
n bulldinp bonflrva. 'radiriiic'’
tte ipovemment out.
oke and oil and eaUup **i.urk
After tte talk ilrtata walked nwar a
few pida and mi down on n
k fr»ni
which be coaid M^e far down ite able
of tte prim nbl mountain. He cr.uld
Aa ao-m aa the flrat nlptit altadow
*.ut. and be O..UW ba»k falla V.iT Area are lIcMfd. An^rarkera
leaver 4 o%e and Hnlfway iM^sia to aiinp.iindi.vr..t»*.l»nU <Ji.pUra
alpin’a Hamlet. It «*na a of ever?- de-ierlptlun are in evldem e Ji
.____ _ „
all dirt'.-tiuiia.
Ite fun la kei.t up Will! a vIm >-1*m1U
iii.lll fai
*'*”^‘* abiainK ano iih- aqnirreia . ii.mier- to our Fourth ..f Jul>
Into Hie nlirlit. when letfat'a-i. ro.a*‘le.l
In the Ar.w. niv Imluli.'.d in
•Tlie name plx.-u to i|,e dny U
Clalon. In tte nvenlhir
wb.it ndalea.lmc jH-rt,and * the
whole er.'.Iit or .uim. of tin* |4.»
iTlier I Im^-u |..nMiI«rly lai.l 111^.11 ij*. »,*«julder*
Ho of Cuy Fawkea. wlienoa he waa
waa atiilllnp na Ida r
r Ite j from lH>inp tin* ita««t linportnnt of
landsenpo U-neath l.iin when
Ktep ' plottira mid a«*ei,m to have iNa-n .-li.
canaetl him to turn blu liead. '
j by tte. hlrf.^.indmiors
-TUda. yon herer te rri.*d aa ho j ,^f 1,1. aiua*rh ...urac* a
apranp to hla feet will, Uh* lidd of
Tim plan waa .airim
hire in hla eyea and Ida anna out ] CnUmUy. a inai, wh.e«^
w,,a .me of phda
Phe drew tiemrlf op aad waerd him c\iraort!in.ir>’
>^"rIloninn 4 aileiloe had e»pe. i»^ inreat
-Hut. nida. what la ItV
thmi.w fmm It,.* a.>.*HMon of
Hte was pale, and liai
•ome Into her fa.e Tla* |
mijiisl t.ovai
leur.'b.al for In vain. T1i
and lliey
.1 by Janiea |
crlnp In her ey.*a. but d
tun» It Into mblaky
the pomvment He depeoda utmii tbe
honor of hia belptilmra not to plre
him aarvy. Tlie revetme men «x»ax.
Ibreaten. bribe and work In every uii
derband way to pet an advnntap*.
The enmity la nrnre bitter than In im*
peraonal fetida When the mountaine«*r
poea down U> the lowna. be 1« tral|.*d
aboiAt, miaa queatlooed. made drun^.
port 00 atlUa, be takea hla life In Ida
faanda. He may po aa a burer «f fiin
lier or coal or tmh landa, aa a traveler.
mt and alejit In
PMOA He did not km.w that be nexer
mored a imndied 1
from the . ahiu
lew aurvelllame:
wal.bed; that
that every artUm
men whom be had 1
1 l<»cd.e,I in
on blm When he slept; that other men I
patheced topether In tbe laurel thl. k* i
eta nnd reported on blm and dlactiaaed j
Younf Grippa wind s.inirtvla and j
hmrrm and patbtwetl A»wer« and plants ,
and aoupbt to make friends with aU
Ainoof tboae plain and bosplinliW* |s*o
pie It mu an easy matter f.w him t«
Instead of this.*'the bnwa
“I waa In tiM. Ihirket when vim talk th,*n, were , uf..naM w ith reiie
ed with Uiat innn dad ami I." »Ja*
•»r. and the Croat diM-.uil.*:it H-aiilt.al
at last. -Had has pon.* for hia rifle to In the c„np..wd.*r |d..t
The •-..nsplr
ah.mt yon like a .h.p I am li.*re to t.*ll ne.r was eIdjN.rately and cnn-fully eon
and irnwl hanislilpa w.r.* im
•Hut .If you tenr.1 „a talkinp you dercone to enny l( out
It was not until the .-.mspirabirs. all
Ite^inai, wanbal •
pentlemen mms.M to iih.vsoal lahor.
had ciraval.*d llinmub nine feet thick
hadn't fallen In lore with me toil neaa of atooe wall In order to pet te
would hare betrayi'.l my own father. neath the Imiiae of .n.mniona Hint the;
In lore with me! 1 In love with a f.umd that a vwult underneath the e.1
revenue apy! Cor
• llul listen. Tibia. If I came ten- In the name of 41 in Fawke*!.. and the
under fate- pn-lrnaea I”
s«n« n' ph}T.icaI work w aa <*odm!
- tie p.mr and 1
der inner of ulphl Ihirty-alx iMirreU of
her skirls away punpOwdiT w ere ,n>u%.*ye.| to tlK* vault,
D and
and all waa in readlucsa for Hie meet-
but the
preM<her or
r of 4|avth walks by Ida aide un
til he baa proved blmaelf all riplit. In
that rate be la heard of apalo dow n In
Uie lowlanda. In Uie oilier rase be la
reporlad aa mlaalpp.
A ^botanist and a luturaliat fmm
Harvard was what tlrlppa claimed to
' be. and te waa taken 4uto the enbln
of tte mounuiuetT wliteut question.
There waa no undue rurltelty nteut nollilup I
him. He waa free to come and free to Yiki a^* I
po. Aa the nrlptdavra w>re tntnaliireil j Von bnxe
”f Vnr)l
'11,en f
eyes and nerves andl hai^bad twelve
houro of unbrakra aleep. Bat srbra I
saw the Immimse malUtude massed la
and to both sides of the murse—<t»
to the
Be toe
liir he wanted a kiaa-bot
rt^**^R^Id*te^'IUS*ra a'teTmj i
movBlaliieer aramw tbat be la a bin
unto blmaelf. IH arpuvw ibat be ln.a a
rtpbt to lire. He arpuen that wIj*t«*
Books’ mi
mm to MmM Ow#. mm bmh rninppm
•m mmm tm tmU m mimmu^ l«for»
toM narnm mhmtmmmx
emma Mt ilpwflnlli<in.ii
I wlrm bla name aa j
FtMUAHv a. i««.
bmmy to ihtok wbat be 4ora
i*my 4»f rodracM avd that bi»
gktitoc yo« oQi of his way as
a part of tbe 4ay a pn«ram.
PCtoooal—if tbac para^ of a
' laws and ebarters 4>f tbe world, as Bapiand and Ftonew oC old and Ratola
today may abow. Tbia vtototogatwl
peracmal Tight Is to vndb «C va, vr
ted rone to bctraj. and jet te Voedd
ought to te. If there la to yov no b4A
tet do U. He tored. eod jH te tealWood to break Into flame, and aet yoa
arbiter tor joantof to gome sharp
crocial toOtosat. than 0<i4 pltj Jim.
A mol there waa and he nuu
world, avd ate wovM te a woman to
for im wocnaa
Imed >00 U abc
te prate of, and jet tbrre waa ter aaprayer
mnrn 1 arrived 00 tbe VaDttofbm could And anything else to tore, aad
Even aa you aad I;
coan,e aborlly after dawn cm tbe tost .rtni aro 01 nefther aa maa aor clUxcc.
What natter the color of eye# or balr
MM I, Hb AtMM *> Ol^ Uv «•» Jnat 0s that yoaraelf. for yoa*ee all and reddest-lettered day in tte motor Emerson Hough in Tbe Story of lbc<
Outlaw. The Out tap FuhlUhlng
Tb« «M
michiomi. thor»pav.
I wenkeninpwblfii
J, und .'»«m imiv U* rbli.
whole worbl ls-fore ,w.u.
how t.» I-. bapp>.\J.ul
I aeddlnp-perhapa-ln the com
TUda. Two da.va aft.u- meetinp ter on
tte trilll they knew etch otlnf. Tte
A Uttia lo4iafiiiita.
ftrl waa pleased wIhq wte waw ad
A prmuimmt New \ork l.-twyer says
miration In tte you^p tuan'a ry.w. Fhe that in his enrli.-r pr.if.*s«loual ilays l,e
waa plcaaed wbiw te dated to Aattrc waa plad to expand bla alender iarome
and to oompUmeot. bbo knew little of by bill rollectinp. On one osvasionj/e
tbe Widd and Its holloworaa. If the bad a bill apainat
It a man w|
moontalneer said this or Uiat. be meant tlcntall^ haa
« aiblevrd a.
H. »• bad to jndpe oUhts by this , which puta him btyond tte ne.w«alty
! of an. b an IndeAuite wlateoieut as he
*H war only after the newenmer and made on that ocwwlon.
Th~ ym.nc
ateutaaloxrnr lawyer found him with hla fort protv
that tbe watch 00i <Grlppa was relaxed p.xl np.»n hla deak. while be pauvt
Hw bad set no Unw I for departinp. but ' dTeamlly at the cKbnp thrnuph a cHud
•fler A month It waa ateo Itei bU! of tobacco amoke.
work was Anlahed and Uiat te waa j
•'put. iwally. air. I must Insist that
•tnylii# on aecoont of tte piri
Atej yo« pire me acme definite Idea aa |o
naked no questions of the j when you wOl settle.- tte lawyer aaW
. and tbe mother a
1 none: after havlnc Iwen pently Prteffe.1.
boaplelona and dla
Tte author omaented t-> b-wer his
eyea and to wave his plfw UnpukHy.
tbaj bad bera foolM. Tte 1
^yhr. certainly, sir. tlamch ttere
1 rerenue apy. working with tte;
aeema to me to te a ratter unnecesgreat rewartl. He bad pc-j aary rmnmotbm atent this trtte.
teforr! drawled. *I w 111 pay the
erery* j as I think of It after re.y*lrlng the
- had iroiier Which a .pnldlater will pay me
and j In rawe he accepts the novel w hlrh I
Jhst as soon
weeks ttere had sprung up In bis a.a 1 frol In an energetic moral after a
brrvst a conAlrt twlpl lore and duty. really
Mea for a plot baa o<OTyPntl n was for this reason te lingered. ted to me.-—Ilarpcr a Weekly.
Till Record Want Ak
Tbe Rath’s ctoss of tba Cbarcb 4tT
Christ Sunday school wUl give a ao
rtal Friday evening. March 1 to the
parlors of tbe church at 7;»». Tbe
Selecttoa. Sunday acbool orcbeatraPrayer by tito pMtor. J. Alton CanPtoy duet,
Btbal TVTtooa.
Vocal aoto. Bifreda Croat.
Eecitatkiofl Stella Baker.
Vocal solo. Mr. UlUtonis.
RcrlutloQ. Beatrice Pease.
Plano aolo. Ooldic BaxtonVocal solo. Bloasom Gartand.
.; V 2
; .•*
told he
ri> 'r: 3
I, ih mi excinp M«.r> full of
and. the plm is- cb-verl>
evpU,-,! and wo.ked
ih kep, piirb*<t ai,<l
tun, out fnm,
hi* rcaehrw the
..i„. The re ader-No.- snspiwyl the shsn' faced
"I ain't pot. no food
th.* Arhi
fur you, an’ I
t Now pH r
•IJldy,” replied HalYard Hnstep. “I
ck »»f air the law l.s the .„„b*|e.'
1 pers.K,al right. II,:i, thing which ,
the b-ii* ih rfvngni/.eii In all the j
c It
nun,ter hy 11,e
ptahi thirty
• Whal TT.* Know Alsait Mars ‘
^imIde hinpunp.-. wlthnut r»r*<.,ii>e To
tin* technical pbraiwfiloRy of aclenre.
he tells ns of the marvels the acifsi
• hptiiuh y»-nrs of study.and effort.
Mr Kai mpdcrt Is most happy In
t*. rhoiee of Agtlf-S Hlid llluMnitiotiri
■oiild on.* irnaclne u more lllnnilruii
IC way ..f Malinc a f.irt than liih
otds on the manner 4^r men the in
aid,amK of ilara must te: ~- A Mar
Ian laborer could p.*rfnrm as much
ork m a plvei, rime as flf,y or sixty
rn-strial dltcj, dippers, and keep
few of Miss Middle,on's own dr-fluc
ons in regard f. he,-wtd„ou.s caHIng
'om h» r vaned eX|w*rienc«*j an* yrorth
,ntinp. They are ps follows:
Seeurinp a “hrlnp" salary-^-one
iindr4Ni a month at least—before atU roitiog the huidneas. If your Arm
not trust you suffldeally to risk
IS* much money on you. d^rn't trfiat
leir business enough tq take it up.
Securo a pood -Aeld • .Fnlcss your
tejTltory is hojvetul. your dIffirulfle*
ill te doubled
It take* an "«ild
and" to pet adverllrinp n4,t of s
ieve In your, proposllion. in the
of wliai It is idesired to aiiver
If you P.n t IM-Iicve In It. youll
rove a ooqvlnctop Ulker. _
School yT>urself
ro tthe atemA re.vrrurself ^
buffs. It is fooltob’to I
oslnasa. It is fatal to te woman
charge of <xmaplr»cy to defraud the toh If you are an adrerttoing agenL
state. He. with T. J. Olbaon. waa ae- Look upon rebuff* as a buatoeaa. pure
Impto. Rantotnber that tbe par*
cnaed of haring purtoined lltAOO to
•on who rebuffs jou is •probably too
bonds from the aUte V«“uiy.
Have You Thoughf
Too early, you say 7 We think not, especiallywhen silks arc advanclno the way that
l^ihey have been lor the past lew months.
™ ■
IP woman's story
ne time than that
Middle,4in. spc*< -
''Zrx Lax-ets
............ ..
aUMil as large as the d«d on the print
.'d Jeiie, i * Kvtn a city mu vast ai
lyoudi.i, could
not te seen." aa>i
Waldrinar Knernpffert i„ the Marrh
McFlnn-H in his no,.worthy arilrle,
MouteacU* wIiow.mI Hi.. |.*tter to Kalla- ts told In The N.-»
Me., W.Kuan s
Imry, who in turn !ry»k It to tte kins, Macarlne for Match Thin pe,„is bred
atul all Mrts of inpentilly weya exerw..ruKn tepan her hn-adwlnnlnc career
4ised to dte-over Its raeaitlnp. A close
sort <»f -cvfflce girl- fhr n 1,»cmI
wat.-h waa kept, and In order to take
tte plotten redbaaded the arrost ftam dally, and worked her way steadllv
pwanl to a post'requlriAp the blKbest
usioess rapacUy and yleldlup adequale TCI urns. T^e story lueJf should
Guy Fawkes, wlmse work tt was to
Are tte train.' w.vs taken aa be waa
leaving the honae throuph wWch ar
sexa n*aa gained to tbe »milt. kad tte
test of Ite plotters were either killed
4W captnred at Dunchnreh. to where
Itey fled.
Fawkea waa put to tlie torture, hot
nothing could shake hts roapnlOeent
fortltiMje, tbouph te waa sosreqk from
Afuny and alekneea that he could
acarrefr mount the scaffold, Tbe daj
fNor. 5, waa proclalmod a day of
PvUip forevf
n act of pai^
I lament, which
200 years.
For THwrIr son rej I the celehratlona
Were carried to riedo excess. Efflrfec
of Guy Fawkes w^ paraded in b.wna
and rmajwa all day amkl abooUiip and
flnplnp and burned at night to huge
conflaprationa to the accompaniment of
thoQsands of flreworka.-Scrap Book.
Daniel Zimmerman. ap4dl 70. pltsad
r.DVMr«>OMDy tMMitll.
.out klllinp' penerslly dews this when
.»■ nmimlnp one. a dox4m. s mmre. a| U cslllng or when your prospectirol
-----------------------------hundred rt-ckless ontedw.-rs am.»np niotter ln-Uw to drinking to tte storj 1
Arcordlnp lo a ststessent by of*
th<«w* humlrtsl. of theusands? Mv Aral
*'‘'«^ ytmthful crime. Then tbelAo-r* of the Bulck Autbooblle comthmipht was to withdraw. Mv record
/«*»*“ r«rth goes on and enu-( pany at Flint, Thursday afternoon,
And he wtupht her lips—bu
men,tea forgotten lov#
thus far was .teoh.tely ch*an-no
her ear.
feela free Imuse of b
...en . ...rf..,,. IhuciL
Id II.d .prtDD. Th« »p«.III«.
h..m.n llv« DDd
E\4-n as you and I.
criticise your clothes, your manner.!
.« D.y Dr«wm. 1 Ionl...d .t' your
vour Aan,*e and
Dnd your
«•><• ''“■'I
»<"* •» »l»'
looks. S,r
For tte'
—From the March
U* Hkm.
same reason she consider* herself at i
liberty to terrow any of yoor po
IbwHbDuIiure la doing notable
In u aerivrC^d ihorough and practical app.*a,rd nervous, but made no move slons. from a ban<Ikerchlef tn tte rtm- mated cost of 1200.000.
l>apen4 now teinp publiahid on Ibe ns to withdraw. Then lAnris appeared
has 4tone all these things ate sits
down and sentimentalises about tte
ployed when the machinery In the
as tlm-ixh the race wore already won.
tuMUmeni of some prt'valenl and 1
halcyon ds.rs that are gone-Exchange.
addition Is to motion. The special
His c<Mn|K»ure. in fact, made n,o
train for the west, bearing »o car*,
forgot the crowd, forgot the danger
was sent out of the local yards Thurs.ihead. forpet e%,*n!hlnp 4 xcept that
tJuo«.n FllzrTM-ll, nu. f.nmnus for her
ii,y prlnciimls had sm-nt a fortune It,
qul.ku.^s lu reterf. When tte Spanish
building a luilr of racing r^rs and arninda w as (hr. at. iilnc the o..iMh of
bonding me ;i.,as, mllos to drl^o one of ICnglai U her m.:j,My fmmd It cu,th«*m to victory or--doaih. you say? \Miienl to trouble tbe eity of Uuido.v
lo.*,n. nnil nceonlii.gly she w.*nt
ih.mchts just then -n,y Ax.sl and .m.Io li.iw, to ilutl.Tb^n In ber rojal rr.l.cv
to bsrangue the e,si*.,r„ti.„i.
WHK to win ovor Unn^-la,1 (..uMderation
1*1 r.*s|Mv
indlneMion. e..„Ntiimti:.u. irouldeK «.f Fr»>»„- "How'I Won Iho Vamlr-rldll bro.*,rt,Ml the o!.Je.i
the liw-r. Imu:... kl^ne.vh. Hr, Th. rc Cup." by Ufuto Wagner. In The Out tbe b»nl mayor clearc<l
tng Magarlnc Mr Match.
no f|,i,v.tlo,s 1.1,1 that l.y pT.wlei
instantly Ax»*d him wlt^
a plan.
"TlP-Fhlef te*p»l.f.. Uy Anna Fafl,
-A s«,crelgn.- .|notb h1,e. "that
rxiiu- Gn*,*oc. Is
*4 (be m w f I au prh>1 m.vcrcipu «*ni,’l be 4*o,icbi'i| ,bi
copyright . iHstks selling for :»o f*«*niK but Fvr berroi of p.svl sovereigns
.1, the llaniuih A !..«> Morranille rvmi- Ing coughed up,”
Tbo- if inith iH
apr.n* b,mu n .plan
warn U,o Fath
olic loroa and tnelnU a V Uo w ouM olh
men la a ktnp te-ide .vnu' tie*”
crwlse 1h* Idown ti|i
>!h ih.. rest,
He iiauar.1 ft>r ten s*nnui.la In ImjM'a
plotlerH vv. re nil prrmiiiicnt p.-n
to aee |,.*r fa.n* luifie,,. |,ut It «.i.s hk.« tlciurni anrl
lmd pers oiial frh'iids nnmnp
bbr jmdl..,.e,| apam. and te
ly *|.s,nMd leplMlators. An
-------In Ate mlnuk-K b.' '
.Digiii d„w n Ibe side of tbe
Ixml Montcapl
soii rDnic>ti ..ni aimd
pace with ‘ a
|sN*rs. wjtrnJne
Tl)o auOior of
t really rirctlKer."
known, hut It
miimmly b.'ne\Til
No more h„e
to have Wn tlrevha m. in spite of bla
Tbe tend mn.le women I.. bar ct-w rlporoua .lenlal when ne
and to stand trul.M-. and li you !l Jest by. At all events, this
b«»k i»p to bmi bell lirlui j..u into
Never In my expert
-emhb^ to mr a motor race, and tte
way th4^ brush4^ aside the couroe
r pave a llu
- Fool had 1
Evvn air you and 1
But the maid abm
THat Frmod of Ycdr Yeuth.
Neat to tbe l.vux eyed younger laqtber. with hi. tecTible meoiofy and .his
grral eUmueuce. tte frtemi of her
y.mih U tte teinp whom eraty wo
man wisbe. most to avoid. Tte frtend
of fmr's youth roaietuUT. and npcall..
In P4iM1c all one’s early bdllea. Stel
asks If you have f..rg4,tten tte day j
.rou ran sway frt^m sclK.d, tte afterm..m yim wt*ro w hipped for pUytogj
with the teys aroitod tte cxwnrr. ftej
CMMi Df CkrtM tmfr mmi wui ^
It has always been onr poUcy to advise
our customers ol any advancein merchaadlse «vbea we believed mat it
. . was a permanent ming ...
Kdw (tilku have a,1vanoe<1 twt-nty htre |M>roent.
Maoufi4-tiir»*ni have not made qaita
BO threat an atlvanct* as yet, hut will 8r*on U, forc«*«1 to lio it.' I’nlntB ttie retailer haa
Iireparcl liims€*lf.iu advance-and-ii* a rule niorchaiits do not st^^K^k up very heavily
4>ii tbit^'hits of ironds—you w ill notffct asgoud aa artickfor the prioi* aa you did a year ago.
• _
V ^
. *
inti/r ive did not buy rm' kraviiy, we siiU
own our sr/k^ much less than they can he bought
tor ttviay. With this thought in mind wc advise
/:./A‘A)' /n\y/X(;
/n s/lks.
. :
FfiBhion bnndern^d tlml silk muat take her rii^htful plac« in the world of dreawiom.
’Kvery fashion maRazine, every trade paper predicta that
thin i« to lie a great tilk aeaaon.
Our reputation of not only carrylns the BEST sillcs, but having the
BEST assortment, is too well Icnown to need any comment. We want
you to keep in mind that wc carry SKINNER'S and MONEYBAK
SILKS aad that there arc no l>ctter silks in the world today than
these two. ..... The makers are back of every yard that is sold.
We knuw M would be wise on your part lo
look over our silk atock. It Is coi^RWlicnalve
cBoosli to cover every thing
that to wanted.
SBde , —
cfc—mt vc<L
$3XX> kiDdBOR ......S1.7S
|tJ00 kiiidDav ......$UiS
uxiiiBPinniai iX'.'l
He i» eeeKiHO wi iNc«eA»e
WanH Warry if Ha Is Uoabla to Crt
It as He m AWs to Live on $12 a
Month But Could Use $20
Price $2
expendilarea npoa the atreK for an
ya^. The matter of seCUng the
eurblng this year and dotng the pav
“A hundred and seven >*am old to
ing neat year waa advanced. The unmorrow.** said Unde Dan Whipple at
dealrabimy of thU waa emphaalied
the court bouse today.
by the fact that if this pere done It
Uncle** Dan rSahted the five mitiMi
would be naeeaanry to
to the city thl. morning with apparent
able graveling at, much expense in
order to prevent damage to the curb
•*1*11 stay now till Monday.;* he .aid.
-You i«<e. I*m gettin* my pen.lon matWill Cafivaaa BtmeL
settled up. Some think a. 1 ain't
The question waa thoroughly dlsas old as 1 Bay. but that dem't make
uaaed and It wa. clearly levldent that
fference. I am. Ju.t the Mime. I
the majority of the property opnem
only got 112 pension now IkH If every
of the atreet favored paviag thl. year
hlng goes through all right 1*11 p t
While aome of the heaviest properly
120. If I don’t they can't take the |12
m were not present It la kno
away an* I can live on that. I've done
that many of them are favorably I
It befon. "
pressed relative* to Immediate wo
: on the |2«
He WH-ni. U. I
he same time there wen- ao
hosT-v. r. thinking that he can live In
prescfit who are opposed. Just I
arative luxnrv thnnigh the ro.1
extent of this opposition annot be
of hi. day. with It
tennlned untU s thorough anvaa.
-If my.hand, were all right. ! could
. In order W gel the matter
H for immediate action by Hie
'll a committee con.t.tlng of F
W. Carver. J. W. Hannon and Mark
tiM HWII^ sC D. ttriditoiiE wi
rvMlac «t Um Imnim oT D. SlrlOOaod.
%Qi% W»»hl*fUm slrseL wItbo hU
Skier. MIm LelU BobRlA wm uolted
to msrrlagr to Bob^rt Van ValkrnImre. Ibr Rrr. Drnsa Oochlln aTOclat.
IBS and Ibr rlas
Indag na«l.
Tbr SNMiBs co«I^ Rwa atleodrd by
3umm EtrIcklaBd. remain of the brtdr.
^ iia Imat naii.«sd Mlaa Eoaa Trrmalna
lor andrr a baaaUful white ball aoa^
imadad fiwn tim cwlltas drspad with
i4ak and whlta cfn» pnp®r. Decora
tloa of pink and white, eanintlooB
made the pretty room, rrry aUractIrr. The hrlda waa draaaad In white
pasn dn ehlaa aUk and carrtad pink
nod white onmntloBa. Aflrr the carr
nony all iwpalrad to the dinlns room
(Oontlnoad from First Page.)
aprlog and the paToroaol made
tbrraaftrr wftboot Impairing the
y of Ihr parrmmt or ocr
arttllng that would damagr the
atmrt. B. U Sprague alaltMl at the
<mtaet that he would oppoar paring
this yoar and alao that he would opbUumhle and briek,
Boltner. Tboa. T. Batra. L. W. Tlnk
ham. J. W. Patchln. Wright Broa, R
McNamara. J. W. Hanpro. C E. Murhay. r. H. Banium. Mm. Craw
olhrm were rmphailcall) In favor <if
pavipg thl. year. WHm it came
upon the quraliun a. to wh
the pavrroeot abould
dime thU year
>t. thirteen votes favored it a^d
3P|k»ed. Several at the mirellnf
voted neither way. having alrewdy
»d theoaelvea to abide by
will of the majority. The Grand
Supervlaor Cleveland and Mm. Gard
ner. reglatered the oppoalilon of that
organlxalkm agalniP paving thl. year.
Mm. Parmalee and Mm. McManu.
tloo thro came npoo the materia
be need. Mr. Cmmond. who laid
many baaatlfnl and appiopriata pn^
muofalhrarandUna^. Npoabolralmany questlona reUthre to the inerll.
atlvea and near frleoda wwa pn
of hla materUI and stated thi
Thoaa fraa out of town being Mra,
pavement they proposed to pul down
on Wnahingtoo straK would have a
als-lnch eeroeot concrete foundation,
Instead of the cruabed atone ft
laid <m Stale Mreei. Thl.. he
Flank Btrama fayprad the <
.tated. would eo.1 more than the SuAe
I on hla phoBograph.
pavement, but they anuld guar
Mr. and Mm Vdn Valkanburg Ifavr
at oner for thrlr nrw hoar In Toledo. antee that If the Washington street
as secured. It eould not exceed
Ohio, rarrylng'wllh them the brat
tt to the city the amount paid for
wIMma of thrir many Mmda.
much. h«»m over, as he expected to
Into enmpetitlon with other contractom. be could not state how much
lea.. If any. the price would be.
The advisability of laying the partlent Immediately after the water
Blood Woo BoMorod on tH« BMo of tho
Mr Cnunood aUled that he*rould lay
Stall m Hlfh ao a Man
the bltulUhlc pavement Immediately
laid and guaran
Whoo Frwl Saxton eoterod hla barn tee a good otreei aad that there would
luick of Weot Ninth street this more- be DO settling that would impair the
of the pavement. Aa to the
tng he found one of hk horooo anter
a of laying the water main*
Ing from Injurtoa Intlctod by Ha teaip
this year aad the pavement next year
Mate oome Ume durtng tho nIghL
Tho animal s hlpo and aoek wore there was ooaaldernble dlscuMaloo. It
argued that If the street, wa.
temhly lacofwted with the sharp calks
the aliooa of lU mate aad the torn up thU year for the water main.
I laid that the
o(ker*» teeth ornrha were vUlble, The
a t^ry undoalr
woret iBjury. however, waa a gaptog
> wound OB the horae a belly that re
quired thlrUwB atllchea to olooe. The
; Mood was amoared on tho akio of the
;*ataU as high wp as a man could reach.
^ oo fmatlc hal been tho tortured-wnl; maTa etoita Ui oocBge tho attack of
; the other that It had Inmpml aa high
as posalble with lU hoad tied I
ifMaUy alariad the
. Bowa a door aad aoadlBg
' wat of eommhwtoB.
by Mr. Bates and Mr. Beltner. Mr. Me
Samara and other* that It would b«
tolly to tear the atroei up thf* yeat
for water mates and again next ynat
for paveMoaU and It waa argued that
It would eatoll an extra expense uptw
the city beoldeu a great bantahlp U
had evl- the property owners. For these rea
It w«^t™,Dr
tiMU l(
wtmM be*hetter to do the pavteg Ihh
the oame .
I hotter to do Uw
that it woaM he t
job this year aad have tt ctiplotad
that tho paopte eoaM^ve the aoo
.... ..
-ri.el. •* Dsh 1. sti.M.Hl
Mill I.
than he mas
and reason.. If any. for not paving
illing to talk as long
yonng In splr
thl. ywr. HI .pile of the fart that
there were some property owner,
His was the thirty fifth pension d.vaeut It Is bellev4Hl that the aenUn
latntlon that ^County Clerk Walter
expressed at the meeting Indlcj
wh.t the general preference wouU
Of the entire strr-et. Summed up
tow wcmla. the Indications are iht
1. particularly desired fhkl the pni
he done this rear and that the nia-
The only excuse for buying anything but
a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Bak^
Powder is to saye a few cents in price.
CROY.VL costs you a few cents more per can than .Mum or Phos-.
phatc of Lime powders, but it is worth far more than the difference
to keep your biseuit^ eakes and pastry free from the injurioui
effects of these cheapening substitutes.
^Continued use of Alum means permanent injury to health.
Avoid Alum Ailments—Say plainly
les Ciuig iv^s bmugl r t.. tin- rll.v
liom Grand Rapid* by iK puty .'ilieiilT
Ta.vinr last night. He pb .nbsl guilt v
iH-fore Judge riiilor till* tiituulug and
I V iilneiy da.vs ,»t IVtroll.
CharH-s Sheiman wa,. b;v»ngbt up
IntendMl for the UM of the Pubbe,
li* aftejn»»on i»n the ebarge 'of non
Repo^sd That Several Were Killed.
C.v.no Them a Sheltered Walk for
ippori. His mite. Ada. find la-«n In
N. |H-.-t hoUM- f.U the |Msl several
Miles Away.
mi-ek* .ulliwlng mith di|.l.tli. im ami
By .fWre Ur the
rmlng Record.
her husband mould mn help oiu ..n
k»i*p. He pronilsisl t<i give $12
ttUaburg. Feb. 2K.—Furnace No. I
monthly for the i.ext tbrei‘ months
of the lOlza group. Jones ;4 LaughlTn
company'* More and the lilg wa-M »-u
;ave liaU for »l'"» that Im mould
Steel company, exphrded at 9:35 Ihl.
nance I. ready for the public** ii.**
morning. It Is reported Ihat w
It ha. a double M-i of tl.N.rs will. tbr»-<
mere killed Th- explosion was heard
large display mln.bm* rimlh.i to tie
several miles.
«ast onirnnc s and 1* oiu* of the nuisl
John m.uney of I He Like, i- oui
nuHb-rn Idea*. H ojM ti* dlnvtlv into estlng tbi- l.om.Me..d light of the
the drug and iKHtk and Mutionauy «ll
ielt> Id Jidin Wlucetd l.. bu4- Comiiv
[ vl.lon. a hlrh will l>e fully M ttird In n
Regutar meeting of the Klka
•lerk Wnlu-i i.Hiav
Wingeid atmii
few day* a. e»HUi a. the new n»a»r I*
A matter of Jmportance
IoihnI the tdan-Jate ui IPu;:. %ing
every member will be brought up and laid and the .bow window* finished
ome months lut« r in Tnsiin. Hominrv
every member la requested to be pres Thl. fonu. an aroade fomtc<-o fcci
I ants the property and tin* i. Hu only
ent. One candidate U*r
Initiation. wide, running the full length *.f the Iieaiis open til ot.i.xlii a i leal, tubMeeting railed at K p m .harp Pol. building and 1* for ptibllr use. using It
foM-ly a.
«!«• the *bU>w.-ilk out
aoo aouper after the section
tn S-t ous Condr
Wtlhatii Saxton of Kingsby
Ilbrary will be held tomom»w aHer- bow such a huge building could
one f,KU k>t
suHenil *i‘veiv injur:
nooo. Mrs, K. S. Pratt, Mrs. W. W. romplKely cbaugtd la. the *hort
day mhich iiet-^-sj iiaii-il ainpu<.<t,w„ ...
Smith. Mr*. Sprague Pratt. Mr*. Will that these great alteraikm* have Nv-n the great tot*. I > in a serious i-onditbui
Rennie. Mrs. E. E While will a^e under way. When fully compb tet
. mill be a ihort program ami all mill 1h» the line*! genenil ston- »1
terlol l*e bitullthic.
These quotation* are
reefed every day. The
price* are supplied by
The out.ide quotations
are cordially invited
' The ladles of Traverse City hive.
So. 332 will serve « pot lurk .upper
ifltu- lodge meeting tomorrow afterL U C
l-Mch Udy l« n quesi.xl to bring
Rapid.: nils
vomellilng for Tefreshniont..
ling sevr^l ran h. with nda
The soldier. «nd ivallors’ relief com
tlvt-s hi tb»« city.
mission allowed bills ammintlng to
E E Bauman of Elk Rapid* ma
M04.42 during the past month, the
ie city to«lay.
rommittee meeting today.
Fn««l Hick* of Mapb-ton *i»ciit
Tmenty-*lx of the -Silver* Bunch**
ay In the cUy.
dropped In on Miss Corinne Silver*
Cbarle* M.»*b-r
la*l evening, the event lu-lng In. honor cli.wtiHlay on his leiiuo to Proveniont
Df her birthday
annlveimary. The Ho ha* iK^-n visiting In Elk Rapid*.
guest* were all drowed In costume
and a j.dly p»od time wa. made of the
MA-SQUERAHE loUl at the \V«*.
entire evening.
len hall Saturday evening. March
lusic by Johnson*. «»rrbe.tn.
The BurmeOBrien fight picl
drew a small crowd at the Grand
aBernoon. The two anen were ah
at length In the training after which
the fight mas ahomn by rounds. There
were several ladle* in the house.
C*iH t>orge Newberry of Cadillac
will eonducl service* at the Salvatloa
Army hall tonight.
ReguUr assembly of Royal and
hwt Master* of Trmveiae City eonnrlL
No fit. tomorrow evening.
Regular convocation of Traveree
OUy cha4>ler. N<x 102. IL A. M. t
row evealng at 7:43.
Mr*. D. Paddon will enlertaln the
W. R. C. Sewing arcle tomorrow
aftemoon at 435 West ElgbOi street
While putting aome heavy hardware
Into oae of the window, df tHe Han
nah. Jk Lay Meitantlle eompaay atort
thdiBft^Rhooo. the heavy pUte glam
waa badly broken. No loas will toll
oo the company aa the glaaa wi
anred In the Monroe R MeWethy
QUBEN Cmr caBMk NO. $73. wtU
give a tea^t sapper te Woodmea
hall Satarday from $ to E
feb 374t
WANTED—Twenty men to work In
tvd.; alx mile* from Mayfield. J
carefully cors
local market
local dealers Wlm.t. |*«r bii..........
l>y wire, not j P.uekmheat, per b«.
clipped from other paper* of the pro- Rje. per bu...............
torn, iku- lui.............
joats. |Rrbii............
F..IIII iHiMlu.ts aiT iMgtnnim; to Butter .
move,XI little Dum lively
eight loads Ih-iu^- biom-bt to inuk.-t
thirt.M I, |.«id . i-oining yi-st-vday. Hay Hxy. Iialed...................................
ttill i i^ ps in the b ad. tlu re Im ing
Jltt-en bwids matkiie.1 ydsierdav Fiv,
Rli-er. and heifer*. tlOO II
nn-Ksrvl ivoullry .................
i-illaiu-ou- stun
Chicken*, live weight....
H.iidlv any .Ui»
Hokk. dresMNl .- .................
bnuight III. what
CMM-n hldea
to ilie Evtuiiug Record.
NVbeat-^. : r.Nl.
n uiive pMsIiictlve j 77X^,.. ^,rn. 47*ic. rats. 44^ic.
resisting qu.illtles|
2*—Wheal —May.
|h« ii ituuough anil lh.* results 77f-ve c<»rn. 47^r; tints. 42V4.C.
j.night to be
Tobilo. <».: F.h rkWheal—Cshli.
llatid 1.4-ailei
77*-tt ; e»*in. 4t.^r; tiala. 43^.
I..r gn at ImpioveuM iP in
Emt Haifalo. iKeb. 2«.-Cjilrte-73;
Hkn*'n-:u phot.o. for Ihe same ..........
is th«* busllu-SS Iiuth.s! id the Rem
fef, 2M*t
livt-L eh.dce lambs. |7.3uf|7..V.;
$r,r.o<rid; emt-s. |r.tfi3.25. Iln«*i; pigs. lomer; Yorkers, $7J^€$
7 33;. pigs. 17 40; heavy and mixed.
$7 4"4i 7.r.f».
Jay 1. ('amidH-n aiid^Mis.s Ibssp. U’
vail in m.irrtage Suu..«...
l*eopIe have the «-i>ngr.nulatlons «.f
their many friends.
Miss Vl.du .Shutter p.asse4l Suielay
at Hannah. V
Ikun. Wednesday. F-h 2". to Mr K . ^ ,
and Mi>. Robt. Nelson, a Ih.v.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. lUy Bald
min. a gin
| age
John Bob-rider has >-dd his «bs.n i siau*.
re,-lllr-» td»l;-l!U*«|
Rapid City. Mich.. Feb 27. Mrs
Roney liMH aold her hotel busln<*sa to
Mr. l*age. thw agent at the Hero Mar*
tato yield of typical farms
air t»r a nM.stinable aver,h.de t-ro|i t»f the United
I he potato
Gnat Britain or
Wm.^ Wright mas In Traverse (*|iy I fiH'l^
C.inada, es|*eeial i II Manibdm
^ J H. Monro4 *s danrr-Friday evening * .r,„|
„th, r
mas not very mell attende«l.
| XorthvM-ei. iH-at* IhiKctmmry badly In
Janw-s Raftery and mile, of Sand I
JVdnt. Idaho, are gue sts of the form ^ potato gnimlng.
Sim h eondltloiis ..-tchi nt»t to Is- in»s
er* iwreant*. Mr. and Mrs John Kaf-)
Thev mill pass a
! sihle The I'ni’e*! Slates slmuld eaallv
here Ivelore n-turolng to t
and - ^^*'* *
J. Anapach Is in (Iraiid
of agriculuital ii;it*«»n« in ewry crop
rk-troll on business.
mhich is pnNluc«-d on h larg»* scab- In
Mr. and Mrs G«-o Ibeker mere
tomrn from Traverse City Sunihiy
Uilrt c-oHimy
The yi^d «,f potatoes
aitendanr*- at the fimenil of tho I
can 1*0 €loul*b-d ou ib.4 pnmaiit acre
Mr.i. Lucy Hill
All that li ms-t^sary I* the
I). E. Wyuk.ssp wa* domn fr
I of pr«i|H*r rate in M‘bwting wred. In
Traverse City Hnnday
Mr. and Mrs* J O Crov.-r we,e In ‘ rultlvaUmi and in the paparwtbm of
Travers*- City Monday,
cil last \Vedne»day evening, the fn|
lowing were ap|»omie^ roembt-r* of
Holdrroffs camp: wage* |2»; to tie; assistant pipeman. Chsrbw Cook;
feb 2k If third pipeman. Frank Hopkin*: aaslsiam plpiman. Frank Halladuv; fourth
pipeman. ^ro Wright: assistant pipe^
man. CTiaTlcs IU.g*-ra; ftrsi hydrant
man. Wm. Wurrburg; aenmd hydrant
Notify Geo man. W*m Blackhnrai; first ladder12^5-1*21. man. Uo.rd McDonald; ac-ond ladderfeb Wt man. Johk Roberta.
. umrly acw; a bar* box aortal at Woodmen tiall tomorrow
M. HahnvT. dty. 414 Unloa evealng. Good intiaic and program.
Ifi esau anrtu
fab 23 It
.. .H. ,he
Hr-nry Smith of Travemc City aad.
MIk* IW**ale of Kemadln were la towa
tailing on Mr*. Elmore one da^ MiU
*Mr ncm^-nt has slgmM a eoatnact
to furnish over fifitSMin worth of tornher to t.e used in building tee aaw
j| Potatoes. 25e and 27c
Rl^..r:....:.!::...« u
'ar l-ynn. wh..o«D.»«iupl« of *M
dogs. rals.-d four pup* from tham.
Ihn-e of mhich srdd at $23.!K) each aad
th<- fourth for
Mn* wilano cif South Milton was In
tomu Monday.
Mr Henrle of South Mlltoo waa In
lomn one da> this week.
Mr*. Rlckeir and Mr*. Elmore and
daughter Cloral. trs>k dinner with Mrs.
Rnldnson Sunday.
Mn. H. W. R/.binson wllf go to St.
U>uls and Bieckenldge. MlcJj., $cxt
Ql AIJTY and imltonmty
turea cd IDEAL prodseta.
THE Rembraadt atadlo
t*mi work to Urn ally at
; nmrj J.f*
I aacs aaa«
t Siia.>>ka RaSls baby vaa aotroaeii Mrt
Mr. aad
iSr^KtSsrr. isad
Mr., mmu «WI « Put. .( Tl.r\
^ fW B«v. Mr
W—e»r <€
HhAl IW LMIcft* AM ao-
*/R^. Clw ktfMI mm or Mr ood
M^ Bm ttanU. hmm kMs vory HU
M «>«r*
or liU
Vlrtta lr» it
Mr». mm lYmy. oW» to tMHW
|«rr«t>. Mr oM Mr«.
Mr» Aprlll. or Oder, ovar fkioday
IMfotoo PIcAonl of LrUod wa* la
________________ taacjcharcb. Fidi _________
hi. wofk. boraea Ml
MeoUap called to order by vice
MIum lUfT U4 Bmu WkM* u«
I preMdeat. Mtw Ford rbaatas. by bav*
:eiwt«r. wrbp ba. Wa j Inp anac aerrice led by Mlaa Ftoceace
icoaoaU I. acMoe bet-; l*ace. by ataidaiE rbe foHoanac plecea: old McMurry botiae.
* •
I N*W. :r. H. <4. i|0. aad h.. Prayer by
I at the toara the Rev. U a fUuell.
of wela^P(dlUeUB.caiai>al1 wa^ waU attradad aai!
aad alt report I come. Mta Fbhl betas abarat. Mrw.
liaa Ida Barber of Grawa eUltod
1 of______
Riley Crain sa%e ua a \ery hearty oar acbool last Monday afteraooa
aad Hlraai ____
velconie. Reaooaae by the
U B.
Mr. Dobm la rapidly ^tapoalait of bla
aa aalmatrd political
a dlraaioo All amt to
Raplda Friday
raoaal property, aa be expect. -*»no
Ike bcarlj | at oarr Hlraai rartalOMM.* Coofooad ^ Saturday. ^
. by the!to CD to Oraad Raplda. where hU w Uo
fhnctac I> aad 41
It. Biy doc U aatlac c^-yoof^^pch!"
Scrrral of tbr I
rr» are M
Re%. U B. BiaaHI.
i. "Swore }U Mwuta
ac .tow Your <xwrrsp«^d«at &fwd
tbrlr potatora lor
ttty flve c_____ ______
Hour of .rrayer.'
j.M In tliar to aa,* hi. Ian iptrccNpl while ^ are
ax for hisber: aomlaatlDf
luSlln^lal^.^Ieft’liTm tart^^ST^ M^pT
hU aiatcr to
tbrar_____ ________
UttM trola
aaitr 111 with
. aad hM a^«r fUr j farl.'^As^r*^
ary rbrloa arr Ybr saap Ibai U cat I to ikr
»o«» to C
oaraaip TSara^, —------------lr» W«a rkrraat. of Max Baiiilia.
MMa llaaaW U Krtlia. of thia plare,
arcMt aadcr Octarr o*or »4«. aa
l(«a to tke irra. and
Ike rare nf thr docuir
all No 1 Bbirnlaa
Mr aad Mra tV H. Day
ptre ralirr* Wadaaaday
ay^^jjEijriLtLnr '•;r;vr;;
Iiw tKMrdki^iauticUB.ui.ljun
) waic-<-«iuventlan by Mr» m«ku« cmi
<-e»ry ha. had a telejUiom'. ney. verv Interertinr and Instructive
hb rt'sidenrr
Cloxtnx bv alnxiUK
Re m ilb You
end**niDc 1. alowb recoVer |TUI We Ideet AKaln."
Bral U coaaord to tba
A K. B acoat. but bad hero conllntd
to bla bed a enmior part of the •*—
4! MrCluie m
. place for a few day. to
aym I
Mtim Surte For
*’*MlaH Ulaneh Ihan la at her grand
mother', near Kalkaaka. who ta very
poiurly at preaent.
There waa a aortal laal Frida* nl«bt
at m- H nreV n wa. wen attended
A. M Smith fit f.'. ltnx quite ,...rly
of late; he Ihlok. be baa ti e
»b rs.
Mra Carl Olearm I. iW the rt.
Mu R Oliver went
to vl
frhmd near Co|a-inl.h lart w«*« k
Mu Warm*., weni t«. FiaitUroti
Uat Monday to .«•*• hr-r alrter
iVrry. who waa vr-ry ak*k. alao
of her rhlldrvn
Carl Walker, wlf.- and neidrew
Qiwdy. went to IMIwaiikr-e ta.r wt-^k.
. to attnod the fuuemi of Giad* »
**^The report from tho 'maaqn
ball la. "then.* waa a larp* xatlmrlnx
aad a very pirwaant party, with ra*d
In Rav’a hall -------Slh. for the benallt of the ar
teacher*. Mr and
wre pmcilelnx the achtdara The prta
gmm la line. Come evervtartv aa it
will be Worth lUtenInx to. Ticket,
ri eepta. children ttw rent.
Mlaa French fraaaed away thi.
IVwth waa a hJt*aalnc i«* her, aa
ahe hna been a great aufforer lrr»m a
cMicer for aover^ ycarw. Nearly two
year, nco ahe fell and lu)nre*l one r*i
her legw. and tom been unable to walk
**7J».j‘‘'T?Hwd«v B Holland had the
nitaforiune to lorn* twe of hla horaea
He had a benw H»ad of log. iw hla
alelgh. and a heavy lock eb^ cm,
load, and bad to run Aa they neared
tbe Idol of the Mil they were coinx
with anch apecd that Mr. HoUand
aaw that he could ms make the turn
In tba ipnd. an Jumped off. The load
forced the borwra acroaa the road,
where Jwu
about eighteen,
inebea apart atpod. forrtnx the off i
bome tn bclweea them, killing him in
“VU' .««*«. .«UI« .k4r or..
mn tant evening In RavY
foUowtaf are U
lurt Mr Kinxin*.
•>auwc. Sunday
EXTRA SPEQALS SPRING UP EVERY DAY. Here’s Ibe lonocd-for opportunity knocking al your
door. ’’Would you like any bargains today. Madam?" says opportunity. You say, "What bargains have you today?" Opportunity answers up. "Most anything you want at a wholesale price
or less." Would yon close the door in opportunity’s lac«? Not much! Well, don’t do It now.
This sale is yonr opportunity and we arc seUlng goods as yon have olten wished to buy them,
at wholesale prices. Now. wlU you. can yon, allord to lei "Opportunity” leave you? Here arc a
lew of "Opportunity’s Knocks" lor FRIDAY ««d SATURDAY ONLY.
___Val lace Special
„,.t. .« Bui "
IkaiH*. hirtmllnc oui cnim* line «»!
new line Val Iji.-*k. (iermaii Val.
I•laue. Val. Cluny U.re Toichoii
l-«re. Iiimmturns, aud I-*ib HemUngx
!:!■;*' Aiiatwoff
For Friday and Sattrday Onl!
,' Press Goods Special
Tie OrtM Gm4> «l Z*c
in; ludlug .".6 Inch plain
and fancy .Midialrs. V.ules. t*lr . al>o
<me pb-ti- <4 4*; inch Suiting, guods
Spet iaJ for Friday and 8»lurday tMJiy. pe' ynrd ................ ZrtC
Fine Napkins Special
Table linens Special
$1.50 Fine Table Linen, at$1.11-Our
fl«e«t Table Linen. 72 Inchon wide.
In roM*. calU. and tulip d* rtena. ta
perfect match to the napklna adtertl‘^1 regularly .add at |l 5o per
Linen N..jkhi.x. 2m Inches square,
rnw*. (allaaml fili:i dewign-. ivgul.iriy
sold at $2 |H*r doxen. S|uvtal for
l-Ylday and Saturday only
2 |0
For Friday and Satnrday Only
~FmFiay and Saturday Only'
face Curtain Speciai
$1 Lac« Cuftama al tZe-So palm td
.N'ottlugham Lace Curtatmi. cholc*c
tK*toictk Coc>d Ihiillh
Mtiil Kivitoj it*«iKxn.
wm«n Mmi
f»*r^day a:u| Sunrday only. 02g
ladies- Waists Special
$1.75 8hirt Waista at 88c-l4idiea*
Shirt Wai.-ix in white. • black Xml
and pretty ptaidx. that wurv
ami $1 7i. S|w*c»al fur
^ Fnfl|ay and Saturda) -tily ggg
For FridayandSatnnIay Only
Menj Fine WwUock Special^
ladies’Coats Spscial
35c Fitw wool Eos it J»c—Men ^ ftne
Cashmeie Hc*-e. etatw*. black, b-own
gray, also black with ihlle feet.
2r.c am! .-tie qnalitU-x. alM> heavy
weiKhi wool aocks. Iff xmv and
white.’ Special for 4Ylda.v and IQ^
Satunlay only. fH-r pair .... IJU
A2S and $30 CoaU at
and Miwun* %ZV. $25. and $3» CoaU,
made of fine bniadck>ib. Kermy.and
Otter PI jxh. all 1 .ag lengths. Spec-
feRiday and Satnrday Only
Fof Friday and JatBiday Only
- Underwear Special
heavy weight V*^**"-^
■wsuriil w a 1 *- >iuia
4*xir4t aiatmlatn*
qitaiii). rf^uitiiv
at 25c. kizea !k to 2k. Special for
Kiiday and Saturday only
for Friday and Saturday Only
Boys-Oyetcoat Special _V.
$4 Oiwoata at $1.95-BoyV extri
gtvjd Oxford xm.v Overcoata. long
length, thla heaaooa at) lea. xixe*
ID to it. regularly aold nt $4,
For Fi^ and Saturday Only
* 'jl
lae. Saturday nud
Tliere wa- an i
Sundav ewmlns I
Anil Sabaw la-a
iHitUUl. liaalor ii
chuicb «'f
I .'
. *1|
- y II
It Gives You Goods at Your Own Kind of Prices
At Oi»r.«rth'ofl
The Aid aoclHy met with Mr. N
P. Sheridan lart
Sheridan treated them to a nlrr
Started .With a Rush and There*!! be no Let Up to the Great Tide of
BARGAINS WhUe This Sale Goes On.
A flrw dlae.»*ere«i iw the n.*f <
Itantala ht»oae laal W.Mlneaday.
them a terrible frlxht
R.*ad> h
put II out taforv' much damax'
”“mi*w Com Schofield attrode.1 the
fum ml i4 Mra l-ncy Hill, which wan
held Hi Klngaley. Sunday.'
Bargain i Betkoner Sale
Tnlah.^ iTrrr’Tor llTr"winter
all go to Ih'* Kelley Lnmta*i 4
tv*, at the hiwd of the Iwy
Quite a number are down w
and whooplnx couxh.
VYm Alxirw baa taken tHabaeaxl.M!
«*f hla new purchaae of the Wanicr
livery bam ni Elk Raplda. m*e an*
aorry b* aee Mr Algln* leave ihlw
I **r'i
aa Sebauh retuimrt Sat
I form CbIcaKO. nbert*
Idem a family bav
■........ -
Grand.---------- ------------ nut |•«•l.|a-r nave
«nd ! xone to Grand Rapid. and Indiana on
A ioll/ aMxh Iliad of vi
14.ke attend ; a vKll
city, atteiidinx Mr tMIver Kd
,j,e iveenm at Hodi
r ieachei . Mtw
Henry KIiikUd
of i ward., who lx u^tlte 111
Mra. bklward. , ii,urTla^;^®
I for ten w.-fka and U Ktt» smith
Rutl l''«»rayib fn»m {lew Nomiaii ia worklux
Im U a x»»od nurae and ha. many mil.
held at Rkurna* Center. fVb.
ih and
and Ruth
Moat i4 Uie farmer
farmer*^ are dtawmx->-- Thev all r<*|a>tt M'xtari time. The
;talk xlven by
y Mr Crtap
-----------------illv en)ov«d by the older p«i|dla.
U’lirr* II TaClur wax a caller at O '
I'zive Stull and fumlh
leil for the Lirxej f.iirea* Frida'
'nrv Heim and famtlv have rmoved;
Iriv.rt at Uolla. Mo. an
ar.. a|K*at,*.| un j
Will Btackmaii vJxit.rt hU all
with G.fiTKe Heim. bU fathei. who
j.irr the l:e eveiv .............. One ^fier Mrx V Swum one day taat wei*k
MUiie iKH.rl> at pn
Glare Riley la
hren j lamn thU w*-i-k *Fi4«k
‘Wu, Kart
return the middle,
to the bouae with la icrlppe.
Kapolecm Ctanthlrr ajamt
with bla luirenta. retumlnx
Barney. Prv..
Aie.:a am
I lUttenfleld.
Wra m-llUan.
• ni Kdaa.da
U In Trav | Krh.rMntrhb rtnm. FI
Brlcpa. fniher of Axent lit
zrti,z:r,£:r\ r/^k^ 't;vu4 -’i
• Pierre, of Hodfc
Itaa Hattie Me<Ut-
£r‘.n4„. ■■5.7;
r Olra Atkm, acre to imra lUturday.
1 U cartnc for the baby at preo*
itora of baajeer were ablpped tart week
Uiaald Ourd(« of Btupir^ •pmt Sat
hi. Utile aback;
Mra A mvbrtcr and
•u.. ,
rdar aad Saaday at Ue laaar of Octarr Gaa and Frad and
Mania bHaic tbr porchaarra. Gua and
T*^n. y went to Bar
k one t Prealdcni Robert Ramey
rai Btoaatt. of tblo fdarr
bare «anr mill raarrlracr,- Fred
I I II Ck» VTbffrv You Want Me to Go."
Mlaa Ualar l^taacv aprnt a fr«
;:erf« Ue
w^ldlOC t.M.k |dare tart i I>...olkioal ex. rvln^. were led by the
of tkapaat ar««W altb Wr M%lrr
Mra. Jennie Halllda). Mra l^wnard
and Gaa wm an Aked. "Dear wbat b the matter-' Ttnwday aflemooo at S o clock at fhelRev Mr Blaaell aa the Rev
Irs Kraali SaaaHt. cd Olaa Arbor.
lalllday and Mra. ,m*m Spauldittc »t-'
mpan.v up to the ;^liy. Hlrain a doc ate my lunch un * bome of Mr. aad Mra. M HamUuui. tin Mary Meirdlth waa ahaent. B
Mruta Gao.-Saaford. Into llareer
ended the fonerml of Mra. Bert Srbelt
tVUveia a The j;«rtw^tfea^
partira betne Mr Claud Hhh chapter of St Luke.
u^t lUrkarr, arbo arc **»»•»• •<
t Kinpmlcy.
well-known lumhe^n. Harryla al cwo often rendvAa abe wa. poartn*.
tAamer aad MU^ Hattie PhiWrr both 4M 5iJ. 4«o
Solo. Mlaa V
m ill Jackaoa waa borne over Bmutay
au an expertaiKyl mill
1 *’?**.
ahe jMde the remark: [of Rtk Raplda
The Rev Mr. Youni; j lYire
Secretary', leport.
.rom Tmverwe Qlty. where be baa
rmmpaay win be kno^ aa the nomine "mobile
Hiram ^re talking *d the M E rhurrb performed the cr',. re|»on Kiprc**.
eatabllahed a pbotoxmph Madlo
mill They wl.h to aay about poll^^H^m'a yelW enr atc.c»wuK*y.
The -ytH»n« couple hare,fl.M: hataaw on band. VIZ
A party of ten from Ibla place at
Kir Umrb. Oultc .Rck "
the beat wtahe. of ttalr many friend. \.4 munlnatlnjc oommlttw
the MU Pleaacnl mantanl al
{Memm. Sick and Ron SrhaSer and ’ Robert
Kinxaley the taai of the work
MImi AmelU Schaffer of Solon are via Riler Crain arc re tarv. Ford F>
. and Mra.
Sayvra aad
|mu«hwr.l.,rr. Mr., Ilenr, Job. .«u»r*r. i*.
•utafeutune to|^^
p Hiller and Mlaa Myrtle Raricb
id.d the lllerary at Hodpe SaturbTm^uiti‘Meh"m.^*wUh htal nrtld*th5i
' ” Wehat»*r la the jmmd owmer | taw dw^fm.'Mra^
t^ntnic^ Mr*
^..n n «. I
‘*** toteoda to lake, t-arhera* tralnlnx
J Domlne la workinx
j Co. at Trare
^_______ da»a
irk dtatrlrt p
fn.m tniarUv.^U
• Jca»»c
CiutrlM SSSHrUd Wifa arrirad »“*«
Jaaah- Hln.haw.
:e. akoaa
wboar .rqualntanrc
arqualntanrc Ih- derided' to have
frt« ih« aaat oa TmW------- ^ that place,
. arnrlag Ui thr II!.* aa\lQK then, rather than t.i
b. id
\^Tn 8U?ir and
■aawrwarM wmm
Stacie WiiuTor'M.--------------
Blanket Special
Ii..i fi**ceed Rianketa. color, white
luid gray, full wtdgbL good alee,
rt-getarly aold *ai 75c per pair.
SiHt ial for Friday and SAlur * A
day. only. iq*r pair ............. 44C ,
For Friday aad Satnrday Oaly
Men-s Overcoat Special
$20 Oveceoau at HJS~Mon. tin.
$2n.Uid$22 0eic*oaU.liHjue and fit ’
tt*d atyUw.the bert in the houae. mjDo
renenred. Bpoclal for Ftiday ^
Md Satimtar only -- ...... 9.75
For Friday tod Saturday Oily
Traverse aty.
-Mf mm. bm mmim,
Umom U • UdT «iT tk« hltbmt cuNar*
••4 mo 4mIH cm be txlrrtmly rnimr
-Am4 rou iMirc BO Mm 1K»V
tdi« -Are ym mxp
I .ta iKM --------------------
-Mo. BIV mu tm\f \mm, »ht l» liicii ' Mid **B«t 1 vuit to gci tiwrr.-y rotomiMM to u« hy my «IBBr;
-I m frtUB Uio rorter
u«t» Bor wU. *I BBI Almr Vtmim. Lot mo
'mho bAmI thBt 9ko mUbt ri»li vs for ;effor ytm » m»t \u my vbtmi **
B few daya of roM and «olst racraa-Tba youBg voonio arose froBi
tiOA. It aoeau Ibat ahe baa boas iM truak.
Iltroftog B eoBiae of faUgatog k*
-Aad vere ruu seat for
turva dvrlBg iba avaaibr aad B««<la|
“Not eaarUr ** imtbfol Abaer ra
a gteaga of aaeBO.
Aad I
»as! pikd. ‘‘But 1 koev you verv ooi
oBly toe glad to oblige Lydia **
| The Udy I aapacUlly desigaed tu
“Toa: Mother, your dsareat deligbt haaat arrived.**
Is to obMge oooM>body. But areal you) He looked about the platfona.
taklag quite too mueb upon youraeUT.
At least I dual see her.** be
Here you are urltb company coming
' PeThaps she aas carried by/
and mo maid to balp you **
• I oottid an^wer the question better
If I bad ber di-scrlplloo/' said
young uromaa.
8be had a pretty voice and a pretty
dimple*, and Abner's attention t<
business of tracing the lost pruli
turn** and Urge glasses, and she dressvj In rusty black
Th- y oung wemun sbiiok her head.
• If there had heel
alsuird. * she aald.
srrtptloa reriainly vuuld recall ber.**
•Tb**«.'' sHid Abner, “lei me offer
.“Can I
mlaiake her*
She son’f
ha»e to carry any D A *s or A It 's oriTblu «a>. |.lca>^.** He eMvrled her
LU P 's on her trunk nt kn<m her us ante... the
iind h'^aicd her In
' IV. >,M, think VO-'
• Y«s,. Ihal't. the one on the plat
“I know- II l>«.k'al ynireelf “
Here's the ebeek "
**Tliat would ap{MN»r vain. Hut IT
“I will arrange lo have It sent up did whal would I see? "
earl.v this «fieru«sm.** said Abner, ai
be step|s*d into the loigcnKenvasler':
'V.MII iruMl
:4/.e.“ lu* said
*11'}. (Piiii- l.oge «>iioiicti for a hi
slay." shi« atu^weied.
Abner gatherml up the reins
started «« the hotiiewgid journey.
* You umy ehauge your mind w
v.Hi e«um- t.. know ns." he said.
“About whal- she asktKl
She I.M.y.il at hlrn quickly
’ AInmii I laying I'm i ur«' ^ou'll
You have oduratlnnal aspl ]
lallon^. haven't you?"
\ ^
her shapely head
Uuvtxl In dolalbtl form.
I obj.Hl
“I admit It '
d I,Ichor tsiiu atlon In women. |*ec a
He t.inibvl filumphaiilly
j It Is hiigelv wasted "
■And how do Ito v U-nem XOM-* |
I. W..S qui.e exldon, Iba. the g.rl|;......
sa. piu/lrd
It would W a mile mo,e revs .na
she said.
If you turned the
question around ,'«iid ask wherein they
Then he rmllrd
cake“Y«*s. or a dtmghn
8he harked at him
“I don't quite catch yrair'rpe.aninK.*
le said. “Hut 1 assuie y^ru that 1
“That's a hanl hll.“ sht
irn a jrriddle rake just as well to
spite ef m> educ-all.m 'Th, n she sud and her hand stole up to
denly Utsghcd
doughnut, braids rtf her culUxl h^
either '
"Ami It make* ihetn
Hut the (Mucation Is thrown awgy
t It?”
• I h.ris* that's, all." she aald.
Hu- shcark her hejol,
sounds so very dreadful."
think not." she ri‘pli.<d
“It's overwlrelmlng," she cried.
KaUsfartI.rn to l<^ abl
igh lo .Hu.vlnc
c^mstltuent p;iit* of a
be shaken.'
cake at the srry nv.nrf ni you are flap
ping it. Poon y ou agree w ilh nie?“
have not !um
VYou take It lightly.' he aald "The of the unshakable
. "pray • .'oi that whme *
vary best bread maker I ever knew t eofily. “And now." ahe
certain -iTi estaidisHnc
was an old woman who could scareely] aailsfy my curloaH.v on
referre.1 so fre-* srholi,r tlmusand
mattrrs-lo bread | moment
• t).- dough fr.rm iVMttenuHsniy .'* she': and bUculisand griddle rakes? ’
laughrsl. “Hut you haxe never ssni ;
p!«-! my bt
And jn •. iMnk trf-thv
de'Igh: H nro: Ih- to
the lat-rJl
lent* of the 1-Mf whil.. itnxMlng hy
IhA 0.0, ,>r. *
«o.. In PKlIng 'Why doe.x bread riw?’
and What Is fermentation?' an« 'Why '
<1 htarulta harden?' "
He'started up the hnrw' whose gait
“Pardo:i me." he replied. * I dldn t j
> new
,nwr you wv'e
wvre isensitive on the sub 1
I her.'
n-ct ”
-Bm Tatn not
nhy :;t|rk It. r«e
f,.r tn ; yeiTlng and dusting and
the Jtext Hs-ks^^he h. a»
th- l.rad of a
msk>r rf beds’ * I may be supp^xw d } Kr^'-t school fo, giriv Pr-dc,
fo ».
igiwanl of all these ae •»^ m> t.,oit.. ,v cuc.-t |... « few
r.»~c’. •-...-n*. “
Vo-j will h«t?r an opp«irimiity
had drepped to . slow walk “
“I can't *:ee how th.v iH^ncfft, the
biscuits;- be said
V- ^
c. her^ Then he laughed p*’
''ou will
the eff^t
.r.v mother to puraue ihrl"< *
anpllratlon m study In tin, •:
m ii detail" he said
jfcmln+ne nature. 1 fancy it will be a
Her merry laugh rang out.
j |
"You are not quite capably of piit j
, her fair blows Into a little
' You have F<>en
to you*"
hei. then?’*
tint yooraeff In tb- bl»cult*a place.’!
m..t‘ Ter mother bold theaam»-|
* No. but
1 ranImagine her."
ahe aald
"In fact ynuv swallow th-; ..wio^.r r rat ling womanand her ed
"Oh. yea Your pl-ture I*not an
blaeult without a thought fif the Cham-5
or.*xortunli»e«r' ahe asked ‘ftltrsrtlve one."
leal action Involved—or of the poa-j
alble danger to your Intcmal
,,..fVr U not a woman to form !
,,o replied “She!
*'Wali and see."
"I will, aad I thank ynn *t. much"
ji*,^ X :.»r fie beat In every human |
He looki>d up suridotily
"This la a haid headed old world."gentle to I "Tbcte Is mother »»n the |s»rrh. waii
he aald. “I wouldn't value your lim-1
ling for us"
rea.ion.1 recommendation
a* |
^,re I ahall like your mother."
moeb If It were written tn Latin."}
"That'a too bad
Because really.! ...................
you know: It could b® wrilteu in Latin btsiii.^ that
of if:
Hr spoke lo the hotwc «nd to
drew up ai the atep*. The
She la mn kfntV
Tha drt hmgbed amd yhen looked
"That la a Ihruat at me." ahe aalJ
-Poadbly yoa ooBiiect bm Ib boom
And be gar^ his paaaonger
I “Not Better Than the Best.
But Better Than the Rest.’*
Wm. Hoolihan Go.
! Citizens PHon. ©9
Belt Phone iSs
W:iA& stulK-'.:,^
■ittoKB. muvtnB cmr. i
Bev. U A. DanftB. Momt Te
Mo. says:
-My ekOirm wem aF
i with a oanfti tonnIttaE ftom
fta, fty ^ with a nonflh that
hnfl piwvantai tow aftnflftt mora or
larA» 1st: LAk« av^Aw; ekam ui.
Frteg $um. Waft ftw. tl7 a
Wftn FMft nf WMafftrd. «saS
ft^^yanm. isB And ftnSa Aar Alp. It la
anM aSa CAM llva baenAaa of Aar
aftnnaad yanra.
tk 9lT^ Ia;;^ $tjm.
Let us settle that
AntAonj Hodock. n Polnadar. who
ioaU Ualao ft.
aL pAoa^»l^
died ft CAaAoysaa.
»e natAorlUea
NlNETT-m-B per cent of fallurva
ft tha calftary art am owing to lha
anu v*ngm. uoiy .3 pmera
been confined there since Saie
Two doAWa ftoarala ft
^ druAka.
par day: “Nordyka
fIJM mtk
SkSrr taatalSad tft lattor
laai yaar; pdll la faU oparatloa
cvary day aad aBjoylas a Caa buaiDMs: fnupa aad brtck atractura:
loa atoMt. CRt. piMA* m».
Moat «f thnnn vcnt
Bocae were pot in for vn
Mrw liobha and Mr. nnd Mrs. Maaon
he bad paid AU aewapnper anir
W. Stoddard wera the two agad
jecriptlon loo promptly, says the Port
mplea to die,
land Review.
AUMtle Creek l .e trial of the
After all had asaemblei to sttend
Sbepai^ll ewae haa been reantoed
the fuaeral of Mrs Johan
a«aft. but with a bobfalled jury.
of Port Huron, nged *1.
Juror Chartea Kipp, wboaa Ulnaaa a#'
Cxx. Ind.
Artca 11180. Wm6* Unm^ CIT UiImi
itrMC. CtU, piMA* Ull.
■BLM aunoi
day. la still under the uneatbar.
Tbe funatnl of John MtanvUte. uftd
78. who dropped dead with heart dia
ease Moafty. wna Uia lertaat
Ndeera «M PmM.
-I WM UunllT «vklM ■/«« to
feb 1-lt
tic CalM ft.
It Is Not
of throat and
guaranto hayu commenoed. They will taad by Bugbee Drug Co.. Frank II.
U- burled sWe by aide. *
______ drug ft ore. 5oc and
ll.aa. Trial bolUe free.
ice yacht, at.
i inm *
81. jj,.,
FOR SALE-Larga. eight i
tnudem runvaaiencea.
ly thrown high In the ftr and Into tbe
The prtipoalUao to hood Grand Rap Icy waters of Anchor bay. The Ice
K. K1
and Cass sln-ets. I>*sler D. W
Idm for ll.OOd.Oon has been approved boat had run In no ftr hole. Jake
by the common council, and flood suf Longtlne narrowly e-»cap«'d drowning
27 Imu
ferers o*i tbe west aide will be berv- by ihr- big sail keeping him under wa
FOR SALE-Traverse t!lty
stesm after protorted against the turbulent
Ranaun. owner le.nvlnr
I i.y Rood walla.
■ Hartford Might watch, president
town Mrn F I. Johnwai
Matt Matson of Munlsing]______
fel. 27 tr
the Uaiy of her hu
.nd lying >;;,”led thri^ i dlan*. memhera of the
ende,lI hr.
hi« Ilf1lfut^..k i^.Ket Uall tesw. ID jail and
FOR AALB—KfbCy aera fkm two
■llaa waat NWrlirllla: tear mllaa
wllh gambling. Two
poat oMoa Travaraa City: atzty
man «i the Smith Sht.r.* rwilniad. nnd j^ hlte men were allowed to *^ft>e
acraa Imprtnred: six acraa aalubla HOUSE FOR RENTnever was known to be unhappy.
j ,hrxM,gh a r^wr window, and the In
H-rr>. HonidK F.Ihidley.ufOwus
decl;,nd th. > will get Wk at
|X.aOA Waft Bras!. CU
rai. the former butter n*nner> man.
atraat, Cttx.
'against them In faNor of the white
and*am sUn^hunili^foC^rouftr
tlie taloed at fltsi belonging to him In the
ROB •AUl-14tt--lladafa algbt roam
25 arres of the lant
WANTCD-Mmi m4 vlfo to work o«
work, irtod vat^v »»«*
|ri*Maat ptec»
call or »4dr»*a I> rOA CALI—1W»-Go«l. romfortahl*
hooa. !«ortb radar
8t!; prica $Oa
‘ % Cawclx-ll. Oraarn. Mirh
waft Bn«,..17
817 8a.tb Ujto.^
Irb ?«tf
Ladiea, -you can Jump on iL
e on it, but it will corns up m
t¥try tims." Caiman’s Elastic Floor
Vamlah. S. E. Wait A flona. Traverse
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
On Hoot with Buaiuena OoUego.
T/rt Jttsuranct
DR. M. B. GREOORY-Phyalcian and
aurg^n. 117 C^sa streel. Phone.
7C0 Cltx.
Si.s2r=.!K!iJi"‘“!a; •Jill:
Buckhm a Arnica Halve won t giilrkly
cure." wrltea Charles Wftlem of Alle
ghany. Hlerrm (V>,
No use hunting.
Mr. Walters:
It cures every
at Bugluw Drug Co..
Frank H. Mends. Hannah drug store.
WAMTtO-You to i»« II>EAL .priDi
StM-clal to the Evening Record.
Buckley. Mich . FVb 28-G A. Ilrlg
ham returned from (Jrand Rapids last
od vsUic. fraa and
rmntm Travaraa City
Cash prica ISjOOO.
. HI VMkm atraat. CH
FOR AALt^lMO-Twroty rooni h<HH
wllh bsra; In bast n«ar town, on
naw Ilna of railroad. In rsnnlnc snd
bt party;
prica |2.7tMi. Wsde
BS.. *17 South Colon straat. Clll
1 phnoa 1219.
frb SO-tf
f.R SALE—Straat car faad. floa faad.
M. B, Baird, who has been In |Kior
» 1219.
health for the past two months Is la
Traverse City for tiwatmeut.
Baird and pm went to Trav
Mended spring nnd wintor flour, gmbftn. wboft wbMU. rye and buck erse City Saturday
a few davi
George Clemeni
wheat flour, crmnulated meal. Tiwverne Cl|y Milling IV
feb 6 tf at Maple Cltv this week
David Walker and wife of Kansak
FOR SALE—un—Lergn Mght room nty came Thurmday. gt»lng to Traverse
bouse, comer of Casa and Iftb 8U. City on business Halurday.
large lot. bouse well finished, on
W. I^nghtman and family aii. ndeil
oe foundation; easy terms. Pries thu funeral of Mrs. Bert Schell ft
100. Wade Brae, 817 Union aU
Kingsley Wednewlay.
Kate, wife of Andrew MalHt dle«l
Feb IK at her lumie
i’\ineral was
held Thursday. In charge of Under
clly; seventy aciwa Improvnd; new
w.Me married Keh. 22. by the Rev. Mr.
Upman at Itw- grooms re,.ldenr<* Ibid
atTML Cits, phooa IIIS.
new. Casa ft.,
Union 8L at. |
€o^ faad, pH faad. chlckao faad.
arbaat. com. oats. rya. buckwheat,
baana. bran. tulddUncs. bay and
atraw. Trmtreraa aiy Jdlllln* C\>,
- fab b tf
FOR tALl~14M-Latia. naw hm,*a.
pnxl bam. Wabatar ft.: pricsil.koi)
Wade Bros., ft IT South tHilon 81
CIt. phone i:i9
J8« 30 W
horse power touring car In the bast
or condition, full set of lamps. t;aP
top. extra Urea, tmds, etc. Would
consider good real estate. Address
"Auto." Record office.
Jan JO-lf
FOR SALE—1502—Hmise and large
Wade llnia.. 817 South Union 8t.
;it. phone 1219.
Jan SO-tf
alactrir llshts and pas. lanndry In FOR BALE—1511—One hundred and
baaaorant. Urya attic, pood bam
Ihirty.flve acre (arm. eighty acrex^
coat ll.noo. larga lot. on.- of th«*
Improved, large torn and good
iMWt rashlaoeaa In the city, will take
house, orchard,
targe amount of’
fraa and clear city property value
giMxt w.skI. tlm»*er. farm all fenced j
and no toner soil to be found: slx|
miles s«*utheast of city on mnln‘
road. Hast Bay township: rUise to'
school and church, will sell on enay’
FOR SALE 'Shoe Btock. flxturas and
terms, owner In other buslm>ss;
lease of bulldtii* In good market,
town cloa. to Trsaara. City. Wada
priee li.Oift. Wadu Bros.. 817 South
Unloo St- at phone 1219
Broa,. 817 South Union 8t
feb 20Af
pbona lil9.
feb 22-tf
FOR SALl—Good boraa. fine driver, FOR SALE—150fl-Modem muldencel
atandanl bred: nlwi double harness
on West Ninth alfeet; eight rooms: j
*nd twoMlcd cutter. Cit. phone
hot water heat: bath. lights, all
FOR SALE—1W7—Houaa and lot on
Washington straat between tJ. R
A I. and FT«akIlB atraat.
Wade Braa„ 817 South
tlakia atraac Clf. pbooa. 1219.
Fab. 12 a
SAL1-I4t7-8U toOBS fc
Botb sat and naetrlc llsbta. __
Sara. Saa lawn, cloaa In. WaablBCtoa
lot 58x158 ftet; properly is actually
worth €3.900 bnl mer it leaving
the city bence ww mnke a bargain
price of n.TtXt. Wade Broa,. *17
South Unloo street, at. phone 1219.
feb 18-tf
FOR BALE-1485—Good
acAooL market and chBreh;
tarma. Prtaa ficat.
adraaL Price $1600. Waft Bros.
.SIT 8oaU Union 8L. CItlaaaa Pbona
Jan. 4^
SALS-No. I tIMby bay and
nata atrmsr. Travaraa City
feb 11-U
wto ^
Conftipftrtoii is St
Colds and Rheumat^.
Phyaica nnlend tha bowMi, and-
watcto. and Mavr tha boweM wuak
aad llfeftaa. andkM abla to act
manta as tha aacrationa of tha fttaatftaa. Iftar and kidaem aad
aad'funift STbmbwSftte
George Bn»wn has op«*ned a luiwiar
in his new building.
He wlH alsi>
lumille a fine Une of ronfeciionar>-. |
The Modem Brotberhixxl of Amer
lea will organlre a lodge here In afoniic
two weeka.
They have iwvnty-flv^
applicants f.w memle.!>blp at pn-senl
Isaac Smith Is deputy for this dlutrirt
The ScK-lal Hour chib will jtteet at
Mrs W. Wighiman. March T
retmeste,! to be present.
Mrm.'Albert Goresft-y and Miss Zel«
ler «»f Wexford sjieni Saturday al Mrs
Ralph Brighams.
and cherry: floe, new Acmsi; price
Wade Bena, ft? Booth
Unkft ft. CU. phoM 1219.
two lou at Kefts Mokeaia. Jflast
wood A Umkir, ftiiherUnd block.
OR. EARL C. TYLER- Dentift, Room
5 Finn .Natlouft B;>nk ^lldg. Clll
sens pbone K63.
nug 6 if
<iftw«»fewuaft»eto8 t a ui «. tt
irago friends we.Ht of Battle Greek.
^ lK-,m iiun-'s*"*. Pin «*e devoted
Stan lug a eehry Industry.
Order your
to keep the race imcC and grandstand Holland famfllea have been securv'il to
DR. F. C. MAC NETT Pnuth>e Iimll
take rhargt* of the eeler)-growing.
ed to RYE. BAR. N08K THROA’
A little son id Kd Bumetl. of Held This action saves 725wrres to be used
iiig. had a luirrr^w esrsto from dealt, Cor factories and linoieH of working
it Irens phone
502 WiThHm I
by toing knocked between the rails peoph-.
on the Fere Marquette road and a
i am 7o years old—toi. ohOu guar PIANO TUNINO—W. N Millard,
freight car passed over him, the rods rel. and If Ijivlua. my divorced wife.
years experience. With Grfhn
only srrmplng his face.
Bros., corner Front and Casa 8ts
Pr«»f. Woodbrldge N.'^Ferris will tell aaloon and never well or lake another
5 he iieople of iVotlac of the progress drop of liquor In my life." saya My
toing made by the Inhabitants of the ron’ Nye. civil war veteran, saloonlat.
East Front street
globe. In his fsnums lecture. "Making at Owosso. Nye Is awaiting action of
the world Ivetter." and his listeners
frelghL parceU aud frunka. OElce
wi.n'i have to pay to hear It. either.
a iM-ntence of CO days witlmut priv
at City Book Store.
That the hog is about the Ih»si pay ilege of a fine, .for ke«-plng ojm-ii after
ing proposition' a Michigan farmer hour?..
Nye and his divorced
wifcan ftivesi his lime and money in. tiave lH-«Ti 111 HSii.-ds' poliiiK ftir some
is the contention of J. \V. Hibbard of
AMIL F. NCRLINGER. LAWYERMoney to loan. 212 «tate
Cllltens pbooe 696.
II general Hews
Seveniyfour coovicia from Jersey
City. X. 3.. were taken to the military
prison at l■^»rt L»-avenworth. Kan.
Signor Blancherl. the venerable
The Rev. Dr. Aker, the IJrerpool
president of the Italian chamber, finds pastor’ who will shortly coroe
a hobby In horticulture. He Is de- nfth Avenue Bspilsi church. New
voted to his garden at Venlimifllls. York city, will prench bis farewell
on the Rtveria. where he grows mag-! sermon on Msr^ S. and It
nifleent rotten and csmatlons
Every! to to a dramatic leave taking. Tbe
Chrtaimas his finest specimens are [pew
sent to the queen of Ital.r.
and the appMcailona already recelvcxl
Admiral Sir Charles Drtiry. who auc- are xufflclem to fill tbe chapel five
ceeds Lord rharles Beresfortl In com- times over
mand of Great Britato’a Mediternus chosea aa hia successor the Rev. C. H.
!«an,flert.*U a aon of Baron Drury, n Watkins, one of the most I
French-CnnadUin of New Bnmswick. of tbe young Brirtah Baisisl
, He is n mnn of aplendid physique nnd lera.
, la one of the few offleers of Canadian
‘'Toddr Hamilton, the Utbfr of
birth In the royal navy,
preaa agents. wOl to entertained at a
j Oscar Hamnreratein. manager -of the notable dinner in Neyr York March 2.
Manhattan opera house and several He reilrw after iw^ity five yearn of
Ibeatera In New York, baa turned ftl hrilllaat aerrice as the preaa agent
the office boys out of hia bend offloea of the Barnum A Bailey circiu and hta
and employml ymmg women In tbeir frienda in all brftichea of tbe amosiPftem. Hn aayn he la tirad of the meni world hare comhlncd with news
laxineaa. fteCBeiency aad Hnflndcwce paper m<
of the
he -cuba,",aad
-Cuba." aad Mftv>a
bHlev>a tthe ehibce I wUh this
: and to ]
In Oklahoma Mft
baa been nppointed 1
mral free deUvery :
I. O. fturnw
:ickigui dook.
Both phone. 88.
M. I. «t, O.M iiM. m>m
John R. Saato
BARA T. CHASE. M. D.-OITlce wit).
Dr. O. R. Chase. State Rank bl
Ihitb phones. 22f. 2r. Residence
W. Eighth St. CU! phone 781
A warrant has Just been sworn out
F. HOLOBWORTH-Special at
for the arituit of Assistant aty Kn-'
ntlon to diseases of the eye. ear.
ise and thmai. Glauses fitted
gloeer Arthur Beck of CoJumhus. O.. to covered every
ver Johnaoo drug .lore. Both
on the charge of accepting a hrito
of €250 from H. C. Ijing, Columbus
Kttperintendent of the CleveUnd Trin
Miss Ethel Foraker. daughter of At DR. E. B. MINOR-fJrrice over AmerlDrug Store. 8,H^lal atie
idad living Co. tomey James R Foraker of Clnrfn
to eye. ear, n(
and thrvwt Gl
Captain B. P. Grapevine, agi-d 65. natl. and niece of Senator Jnseidi
fitted. B<ilh I
and well known as a river roan, who neusoo Foraker. has accepted a p««dSixth atreei.
mysteriously dl«apis*ared at 81. l^ils. tkiD as cashier In one of tbe bonds
Mo . 4s tollev.Hl to have fallen Into the there Miss l-'Oraker Is a apclal fuv.irurtnary. »kln and bloto .......................
Ite and well known as an exp«*ri ni
years exT»erlenre, Off Ire (ity op«r.n
tennis. Wishing to ns^-rt her Ind'
h.wse block.
Phones-New. 107;
Judge Dunne of San Franrlsro set
old 292. Reslden«-e. 710 Washingt—
March 5 ns the day for the commence- pendenre. she appllto to the managinient of the hotel for the position,
mem of the trial of Abraham Ruef on
after consulilng tier mother, and was
the charge of extortion. Tbe case
. THlilLBY-Demist. Ove
at .once given the place on tto hotel
n A fitrl’s h-welry st«we.
against Mayor Schmlis was continued
»nea 103.
iimll next Thursday.
Jnhn Willoughby, a cit Iren of Min
The state of Get.rgla will present a
silver serv to- valued at $10.0(si to the neaimiu. Is almost the exact counterclan and Surgeon. Remove.1 to of
tort U fteotge Washliigtcio as tl^r
fires In Muiimiii block over Baniuni
toltle ship lewring Its nan.e.
The Terre Haute City and Interur- father of his wiuntry Is ahown la por
ton prtipertlew are reported sold atl«»^ai«'' He is a pUm.er of Minnesota
Terre Haute. Iqd . to a syndicate merg-1 »•«'‘“K
‘n .St Anthony as early
log Indiana and Ohio propertlea.
gtamlfathei fought In
The king of England is a publisher. |
on terms of lmlm.-.py
He has the exclusive right to issue 1
Mr. Willoughby
mariners’ charts and English mariners ;
** ^
old. never ftmght for
nre^forblddea by law to um- any charts,
«>ttmry. never engaged In politto
ibut hU. The crjpyrlght on thea«- royal
required the twnices of a
chart., furthermore, nevs^ nms out.
^^octor or lawyer.
MARRY B. HARNERIMU* r nnd srrirn reg
faction gusrante-d. ’
General Insanace
IfewrWtBdi miL.
I have a number of good
farmn, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good prop<frty. I will
lake it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good (arm for less money
ihan you can buy it of any
body’ elsci I have farms
which arc located from four
to *20 miles from Travene
City, all good improved land.
If you
iinve gotxl levnl farma
w ill imy tlK*m.
210 Washington.
Cil. phone 774.
put In mortgage.-. H.mi
Inquire of E
0. P. Carver A Bro. Both phones.*
DR. E. L.'THIRLtY-8pecUI atten
tlon to dlae^ of children. Room
409 State Bink bldg. Both phonew.
of P.. meet everr Thurwdav even
ing. New Munson block. C. B. Wei-]
ler. C. C.
1907 j
National Protective Legion will
meet In Woodman hall on the third
Tuemlay of «ach>month at 7:30.p. m.
Abram amith. preftdent; Oayle
Grltwold. aecreury; NeUle C. Grar.
The Followlno Items
---25c BnK>ms. each....... ........ 20e
50 and 75c nuger Ringa
now ................................... dOe
35c Finger Rings, now......... 25c
One lot of EnglUh now Blue
Wnra In. Plates, Oat Meal
and Fruila. ouly.............ft uaob
All our Fancy BaakeU at
Parties having UckeU on
pictures will please call at ooea
and make their aeleotioa aa wa
> not expect to cootftaa this
pieoure deal hut a short tioM
X T. M. M. No. 7*1 meeft erery
r night In the Broeoh block. Mart
D8. Ooftinander: R M. Frmaklln.
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