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The Evening Record, June 29, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
moiAL nmoiiAm uKviet.
FrttMto W«r» AIM lndliid«d in tli
TtiTMt—Lnttnr C«m« From N«w
Ynrfc Ctt^
By WIra to the Sfanteg Raoorl
oaatoa. Va, June tt—A
ONBATttT IN THC HltTORY OF waa oauoad today in the Lorinc ttlal
. |
by Urn aanoaaeaBMOt of Jodga Darkadale that be baa raoalved' a “Mack
'Formally AEJaumad at hand- hatter from New York threat
aalai; to blow up him and hla
Today. Four tanatara and
If Lortni vaa not oonricted.
•lx fUprMaaUtlvaa Oalof
The lettar read aa folloerB: “You
fool. If yu don't hav tha nitirderer
I will bk>« up you and all your
9r Wtoa Id tka Wfmhm Wotk.
Maakiooa. J.aaa tF-UlHaa AatarA
fMity voosaa Ertaotad iMia laot
^ awn
aoU ia tlw
tha cAaon wara oaly Ifty foot dlataai and aha araa atlU aoUa at haat
rapoft. All cttr ataaidx arc hot oa
Bar tiatt
Haavy Lake TraMa.
•airtt Otai Ma^ iaaa tt-TlM I
noHip twee chinei
Laaalnc Mich, iona I
•tcaling of Little Walter
Waa Only a Preliminary to
General Outbraak ef Brig.
By Wire to the Beanlnc Raeord.
New Orlaane. June ft—Aa a reault
at a giant plot which baa been bared
to the tallan viauanoa
commtttea of
New OrlaaM It baa bean dlaooyarad
raUoue ft
Indlapotabla erldaoe
erldat baa been giren
the lUUan vIgilanM
filanoe oommiltea that
tha kidnaping
kldnaidag of IHUa
IHU Walter launana
aa only a praHmlnary to a orlme
engaroanu bad already baan
to kidnap thrM ehildfan. Rooms
were rentad In tba dletricto near thalr
by nombora of tba ' Black
S? Cab^^ Hand” and only a auddan oonfeeeiao
i baa praraotad a carnival
from C
that would have
In New
In mlllu
Tilt BoaiWMa Bivar ■aatrk
aomptny hat a fom at bm« baay to<lay iMUJlad tha
lion tm tha «•!• tuaou nl tha «Bty
TbM* Hghla will be turaad iw on tha
Mvaiai of July trd if not hafora. and
alao 00 ibo avaaing vt the rmmh. It
will ha a maCBlftoant lliaml
will give Travarpe Olty
an aaln
ty aa
oa tbaaa
^ augpaatiao baa bean mnda and
maolt ^ gonaral favor, that tbaM,
montha of July and Auguat. Afitr Un
Founh this matlar will bo Nvan daA
nlie oonaldaratlon by the Wrdman
Him Bia^c light oomimay and Iba
lirobnbla boat aUtad. li ^ baan gropuaod thnt tha buNnana men oa tha
tha Ulumlnntion K con1
enah to pny for tha asoarrahL Mr. Loudon
Bintna that tha aspanaa will not ba
vary grant, and that if equally divided
iha burdM will ba au trifling as not
to ba notlawl.
V Frtadrtch te very nuieii
the proposition and tellw
ba dona. With this litu
ro nights a weak when
ktonaa are
opao. I
re epwi,
I aplMulld appearance and the
•Beet would ba very Unpraaalva upon
mint oaoellaat
ir Iha cUy aa
I man on tba aatraeu.
Will Ba Bama Bumiaae in the L
•verything la Fragraaatng Vai
yaatarday, of
•tnag tha puMiantiao yea
tha namaa of tbnaa wbo are to appear
In iha big parade on tha Fourtb of
•July, navaml other namaa I
banded in hr fhoaa who win nave
floats in tha display, amoojr than,
W a. Foota. groeary; aiy Ifoirs Oo.:
Astute A Ooddfogton fnre and tan
ned laathani; ObldTali A Umdoa,
Tranafar oonumny; Jueaph Sladar A
Bone, meat marM; Oannnina Broa..
^ O^T. M No dtl. and BtaHiharg
}tt addition ip tha Bonta ntraady
knanttanad. than will ha many apadal
fantniaa ihtt all I not ha anaonnand
bat Chat vtIBha my tgmmMa anrPham mhanJPr appear In the pa
ItU be the
am «
Baparta af Traaaurar and tMraury
•hawed that Thera la BalanM In
tha Traaaury and That Muah
Haa Been AMampilahad. '
___ ____ _____ ____ rdxy sfteiba retiring preeldunt giving her
addraas and the eeoraury and traaaar
ar making tbeir raporu. tbe program
and buetnoM maatlng being followed
by a social hour.
Tha club haa bad a busy aad proaparous year. During Ipb year, there
waa a mualanl day. a h<ana gai
day, a damonstratlon of tbe «
the daaf acbool by tha taachai
Bhaw. manudi training day, Miss
Prau detnonslraiad bar work, Prof. 1.
B Oilbert gave an address and tha
Rev. Jaanatta O. Ferris s4 Grand Rai>Ids gave two iociuree.
In order to complete tig fumlehinga
of the club
so that refreehmenu
ver spouna and a larga ooBoe boiler
alao being bought
(Continued on Bevantb Page.)
tapiMian af a Baadatana Brick Flant
llspanad ta Hava Injured
Bdany Mara
plaat of tha BohanaO'
Briok Oo. today ts raM man and
ported to have ^lad
Injumd BMny more.
BuhJaot nt ihn Finb ward hall
momsw mornliif wUI ba “Ubarty and
What it Mmaa to Ua** Tha Beat
Slda prayer meming wUl ba held
Wadnaaday mrenlug.
Inalaih of
Thnmday on aaeount ft tha oalabra
Uon at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Matcalf. Ml A BUta._______
JULY Msotarda Juat raealrad at GrinaaU Bran for Bdlson and Victor
June tiKf.
lOI CBAAM dallvared. •• oasU
#BBPh,4liPlAir mliiB, i» npMa.
gMian. M aanu a quart fhena fTA
iMd IML <AMB Ogr PBiiy , J—
Orehard’e BUta•ttts Hava Bs in Atuckad by
Oafanae WItJ Such a Maaa-
Ffonlahad ta tha Cvaiiliit Raeord
«p ta neon enah ^ by A L Wnh.
Barenwtar, foiling, BAM.
ture for peat B4
haure. ••.
Oanarelly fair aiceapt poaaibiy lo
cal thunder aterma toaltht or Bundpy; warntar In wont portion tonl^t; fresh aouthariy vrinda.
next Monday, Tuesday, Wed
nesday and Thursday eve
ings at 7:30 p. m.
. Bryant Was Badly Bruised
Yhila Not Gravely Injured Mu
ftamain Hama Saysrel
FYlghtaocd at an automobile. U G.
Bryant's boree began backing db
Btata street near Franklin lata last
evening, j|nd swoaadad in throwing
bimaaN oeitplatSyom. dashing Mr.
Bryant to tha pavenlbot •severely
bruising bhn. and braalOnc tbe«baroeas In aevaral plaoae.
Tba auto waa driven by C. 8. Vader
and. tba animal did not seam frighten
ed until passing It. The machine wax
Inunadtately stopped but tha horse be
gan backing rapidly. For some disinoa. tba
tbe wheels did
Id not cramp but
i Anally awervad.
Jamming one front i
wheal against tba boK. and, in hU tar-1
buxx wagon and ovarborned
the thills,
onto his
ilr. Bryant was thrown onto the
remaot, severely Injuring bU right
In Making
mn to places. Although Mr.
pgUad to
Bryant's Injuries are not of a grave
Back to
nature, they are aufflclent to keep
him at home for a few days.
Ooing Into dreamland at Mill Creek
Tburaday evening on^tbe bard floor
of • hoi tar; riding to Trevereo City
and being ahunied about the yard*
wktla another train waa being made
up; BDlii on to Kalkaaka on an ex
tra f^gbt, Kddte Kent, an S yeaixjld
Grand Rapida boy opened his e>-%a
to Mortbern Mlrhlgan for tbe Drat
time yesiei
leidsy murutug, bawlldi
with hta summndlngk.
The Utile fallow was r mplng Juai
ogfoida of UreuARapIda
UreuiLRapIda wit
' Itb a numof boy aompaalona and Tburaday
It • rain eat In tbalr temporary
jtoBs bdeanie damp indeed, and
tbe whole party auugkt out an empty
bot oar near tbe Mill ('reek siatimi
asd orewled In It so bappsieed that
tba ear waa In a train coming north
and whan tha aUrt waa made ell the
boya but Mddle aaakMitHl and piled
Tbe little fnlluw evidently wits not
tnlaeed until the train waa on iU way
raa also tired, very tired. The
and he waa
66 and
a .ere Marquette Mu.
this city. Tbe <
-a cut out and the extra run
which waa due to arrive In
alkaaka aat I o'clock In the morning.
The boy was In a atraiinge towi
t^dn't aaai
AOag airaugera but that (,
to trouble him, for be crawled Into an
other car that be learned waa coming
Travaree (^ty. Ha arrived here
irtly before no<»n and bung around
until arenlng when Ita wax put outo
No. 60 and sent home.
*•{ got to be back Saturday night."
ba said, "or ray dad'll whale time out
at me. We waa crimpin' an' played so
bard all day that I gueas i waa pret
ty tired."
By Wire to tba Branlng Raooid.
Boiaa. June th—Tba defanaa In tt
Haysrood oaaa oallad Dominick Flyni
rnn, L. 0. BRYANT WAi
Flynn awore that Orchard waa play
ing poker In his place tbe day tbe
Bunker Hill and Sullivan mill ware
blown up.
PUiriok ]McHaley, a bar tender for
MuUan. also awore thnt be waa play
ing poker with Orchard when tbe
Banker Hill mill was daaux«yad. .
That trial la to ba prolougad be
yond tba Umit aatlmated by the oute
tha dafansa Is now autboritatlvely
the praoaauUoo.
Harry Orohaid'e sutemanu on the
wltnoes stand have been aUackad
with ouch maasura of auocaae that the
auta aad tba Pinkerton ^eteoUvws
are fearful of tbe romlt of tbalr efforts to get a ooovictlon.
Minimum. B7.
Fair, gentle aeuthwaol winA
Baveral (Milcagu people, Intarewted
In the Hannah A Iav Mtwnamile
pompanyand anuab A 1.a> ouinpany
In tlta city, ooming bw the
purpciaa of atlaudini ths annual -metkInga which ware bald Tburaday.
Thoaa atlandlng from CYhloago aiv;
Treicy Lay. R. Floyd (Tlluoh. Col
onel Richard H. Tboropmm and Mra
(Tara Morgan Fruthlnghatn.
Tha uffleera of Ihs Meroantll.company which have aerved during the
d CUch.
Banders, sacvice praaldm
rer: J. B. Brown,
retary and ti
general aupartniemident. There was no
change made In the directorate.
,11 the Block of tba oorporatlou
waa repraaeuted and a resolution
passed cxrminMidlng Uie offk'ers im
tba great ImprovemenU and,.oompUmantlng them on having brought the
InaUon wllhfi\h the oouvenlence o the public or having acoldenta or Injury to anyone. Tbe bualneaa of tba past year haa baan higb
ly aatiafactory and the usual dividend
I declared.
npany elai
be Hannah A Lay company
elactthe oame officers that have do
FRBBH FISH from Lake Michigan.
rice since tba last annual meeting.
White flab and trout. W. D. Kiay. A. Tiacy Lay. prealdeul; R. Floyd
b pbooee.
June Sk-tf.
aaident; M. 8. Sanders,
aincb. vice praaldenl
-r; W. W. 8ml
ICB CRRAM delivered, 10 canta
galloo, 06 cents a quart Phone 676.
Hoid^ nmnsger of Park Place hotel
Tbe same directors were also elected.
m Caty Dairy.
June *S-6t.
Tbe business has Improvad and tbe
dlvldeuds In this concern were
r July'^
usual dlv
also decU
Here is Recipe No. 6
This is an Excellent Cake Recipe-WHITECAKE
Oito cup •agar, ooe-half on^attor. oMB-hsUf oup BWBek milk
(NM Md ooe-hkH onps BS8T FLOUB« two efgB or white* of
{•or. oae aad one-hBlf toMpooitoful baikiiig p^er. Bake in
UyBn BBd !!•• BOjr iBforito fllHag.
Uac4 wtoi BEST rUHm. irs I
Ha,nnah & Lay Co.
L Everything in the line of Fouith of July Good]
> X is in our stock.
As Hundreds ojE new Novfdties in the Fireworks
^ „ line.
Six BaOoons
Giy *Book Store
will go up each evening.
A Prize
goes with every BALLOON*
you wilt need a stylish and com
fortable suit oi clothing, and
there is oo place in Traverse
City where you can get the per
fection of ht, style and material
as you can when you choose a
handsome suit of L. Adler Bros.*
& Co.'s properly made clothing
A Tag
attached to each BALLOON
will state the prize which will
be given to the person returning the: Tag
l ag toourstoi
to our St ore on or
Jnly 10th.
A. V. Friedrich
Kubeck & Hoyt
Union St. G3othiers.
Seller of Good Shoes
New York ice Cream
jy^^^ Are you ready forJulyAlh?
Youll need cool oomfortable
is • custard ioe cream. We
use fresh eggs and plenty of
them, clear crenm and freese
it right It is exceedingly
rich and smooth.
Shobb on that day and we have juat
tbe right ideea. Everything for com
fort yet are styliah and low prioed.
We make it our buaineae to fit yonr
S5c a quart
of outs wanted to know lut
Saturday if wo wt^re having
a “•ale.” .
You would thiuk *0 if you
noticed the erovds et our
•oda fountain—blggeat ”aotla
day” in the history of our
•tore (barring celebrations).
Ust in the ”bend wegoo”
imd drink
feet properly.
Want to Sell Your Farm t
We buy or sell farms as Well aa city property.
We have some line bargains in farm property.
trade for city properly see ua before making your
If you want to
save you iiiutiey.
Smith Realty Co.
Orticc cor. L^kc Ave. and lOih. Res. 429 W. 10th.
Ofhee phone 82. * Res. phone 290.
Drug Store
thoroughly nutiitloui, healthful and qC
delicious taste, can eeiiiy . be made
If you use tbe right kind of flour. The
IDEAL flour It of the highest eland*
ard of excelleooe, euperlor to any
other made, aa every pertlcie of the
wheat la eilmlnatod in Ita mandfoct*.
ure. except thore elemenU eapecUUy
adapted for making S90d bread.
. coDvi^ieMT
Ask Your Grocer
Traverse Qty Milling Company
Vaudeville at Gity Dpin House
MX*. 97m. II*. nt.
lltJI. 111. are tUM.
Comedy, Music and
Refined Entertainment
Largest aaeortment eumBtor
Rc-engagement of the Great Gavlor. Frank Lee,
Black Face Comedian, Moving Pteturet. Auer*i
Rag Pickers. Lee Arland, juggfter.
Better OHM audiM.'
Bessie CstnplFeU fCSowles, PHm B—■
CMitrsltOb to
10 and IS cents.
7.45 and 9 p. m.
Tif EKIliit HECOltD.
iMM at ih«
WCreiuted Interest I
money in'
you all
natag TSdk
ilffowkswn wolahwady gaaTipig hoopuntwhy
not aUTt on*. NOW that thaU be earning hiteroat loi
you. Oapoditi made daring the ftrtt five diyt of
Jn\y wiU^draw intereet from the firat of the month.
• ftsppho.’’ Daudfet's ceiebraled pUy,
eras ^veo at the Oraud Uei wmlQg
small but» apprecuave
before a email
dtebce by the Rlu W Har^
r, Miss Unrikn playing ih-----the same version
with such
The a«i4»t Tburtdsy nickt where sreat %uocas* and the criUcUm* ou
hjr a r«i^C kojr w ke41r lalueai ky Miss Herlaa'a apUng teat arenlog
< tof caawm nlyhi earthy have beau wre «aOy fatforaWa Her worit. her
a fatality or else aoat him his e>esiiia. Toy- rmiuias aad “toy- p*»
Ula are bock 4aaipanMHi vpappoa.apd
^ 1U» OWPUf luwUliJWi
uadar aa
. li UiSr u«-l
akoHld tkay ha lUowad 4n the
B#l Close
“ ,
/ cvcalaos
Frank Trude
sassr^* SKimberiand
Visioni That Were
Prophetic. In Character.
irrovt row;‘^.-£^-2
«... ,
y *
^ ____
nc Oriotsal nsac FsrslAcr.
ROry just as m h&TUwam. and
was In s great burry toa He cried out
to Maustteld:
*^an yon peck up and reach tbs sukaaga of ckHdien.
^e Rita W’. Harlan oonpahy will
Old Post OlTice Building.
tlon U ten mlnutsa to reiolti Ike comAe the mourtk drawa maaier. the ac
psttj t’ '
cMMnta lacfeaK. Gklldfen
*^1 caW" answered tbs actor, calmly
loved to purchase cannon crackers, “Confusion." DuiW tkelr etay In the
polutiug to (be bag. “U H all ready
Hew to ieewns an Artist
gnn. powder, etc, and ikey are unable
for 1 was expecting you."
Rolmau Hum began bU art labota
The little man was s Utile scared, Whsst at tbe age of four be cut off a
tu ovemene the temptation to try the tbe outidde attmcilons. tbe
but Mansfield was bandied Into a eaU lock of bla own bulr to make a (utlat
-efge** ol
eaploalve before the weather and the pleimant
and they hur^ to tbe sutlon In a brush. U to rather a serious mutter
kept the people
fkmrtli aoile around.
company come at a gUtowot umo.
way eUuUar to kin dtaa».*-lUaBas City for ihfc.youug srtlst right!)' b> cla»ose
We would not Interfere ailh the iheir business would certainly have Tbs gtsry ef a ersach of Promiss iuH
some picturesqus aud
f«r as i>osslJoy of a elngle child, but we would etu- been larger.
and s Ricdi C«al Mins F.nd-A Curi
bto Inadequate means of beginning bto
fhwtteanr nah that aonm rontneOna
•iis incidsnt In ths Csrssr of Richard
A Dog Detsotive.
canwr. We aU know tbe suwy oLS
ot B«»*
ha finned tkfy» the itae and kandUna
Msnsfisld, ths Actor. '
_4ft-4gai>a^faasant was found mur Jamln Weal and
aud tba twfs
twl's taU.
tall. Ailslon.
uicuw - . wislted
k4 dangdoua .eaplosivaa by
young ulasue and when it haa passed Ihein.
dered lu a wood tu the depsrtuieut of being a colorist. Is suplsised lo bav^
cMidiM. wot beoauae of tbe atdee or
ltH*p tbe Udie. Francs, with kU deg sluing squeexed the luscious buss from fiuwnear tbe body. k« tdew could at first ors to msku his paints. As there are
tbn frtgkteaMi
koreea ur burned
fivim wlmtevvr Buse produced (rebe gained as to tbe perpetratoni of tbe probably many young arlisu couuoukkpaea. but lor ibeir own sakea.
noeuiy tura oi to be prophetic lu
crime, aud tbe victim's widow conllu- piallug a earear. why uol snggesl u
dhecn U an ordinance against tbe great efiect on tbs lives of the peo- tui-lr <^a rite ter.
ued to live lu the same cottage, ac few new wa)s of beginning y
liming a breach of promise suit
ufl ef'lfwwtwks within tbe city Um
N«l to have a part m U. U
Make a brush from impiier's sliuviog
always by tbe fuUbful dug.
Bd a grtsii and everiaaUng dls- spistlc wrlUen by tbe fattblesM lo
Ua piwfioua to the F'ourth and thU
lu February. 1M17. two men. appar brush, from mummer's hairbrush, from
and Ur one authentic case, nuul- was produced. In U be stated that
ehauld rigidly be enforced durhtg tbe
travelera, stoiiiiiMl at tbe bouse. uuctoT chlu whiskers, from suutle's
resulted because a man who had would terminate all relatkms with
iMWiinInr days. Parenu ahoold also been given a part had It t“ken froi
reUttssUng sbeller from tbe stormT false front.
No doubt the reason there are few
wblcb was tken grauted. bus uu soousufnrrlae tbe pnrebaae of treworks him.
man who plays ChrU
Test artists nowadays to that It Is so
Uy tkelr chUdran and dcnptte aU prp- sirirtst to be as like Him
lu explalulng tbe ia*cullar tea- cr bad tbe deg eecu them tban be
,rd to avoid ivsad) made luilut brualn-s.
u«|a should eliminate anything ihai UmliaUuns permit, and a dewp reii
tbe defeudaut aUl led that for tt|ree flew at them with great fury aud
iuus atmusi^ere surrounds the cou
They are thrust upon children lu the
ulghte in smveesion he bad dreamed would not be pacHMd. As they were
dangeroua U U ponalkle “
ibilc sikooto. How can we hope for
qulttlog tbe bouse one of tbem ssld
hnnn lou of nolae and kiU of fun
^*^10 ikool Prof. Alexis
plc- that tbe father of the girl bud Utn to tbe other. *'l'bat rascally dog has
Benjamin West w Ith brushes a drug
dna fhwth with no regreu alter
i the market'J-inilUp L. Hale lu Bos
not foqgoltca us." Thu raised tbe
uai on souie or ais uiuu.
BUsi)Uiou of tbe widow, who over ton Usrald.
This draam had led Ubn to <
With reasonable care and' an Intel
l^ £?Vrandi aU next girl that be might Investigate
darmes in the ueigbborbood. wbo fol
______ __ willII be only
ala wW
tj^e admission
llgent aaUrrtnn of materlale
ud see the likelihood of ti
Grssier Than the Nation.
lowed and arrested tbe men. After a
any part of the bouse.
ever coming true; but,
which to ceiehrote on that dajt^tbdre ^ cenU toI an
Tbetv to a certalu cougressmau wUo,
lug (rullh-ss, he decided lu break off long examluatiou one of tbe criminals
kpnd he imacrtJentsjrhm^eT.
U to seldom that mt
;ogement. lu summing up the confessed -Balpb NevUte In Outing w hatever autborlly -he may bold In
the oouuclU of state, to of comimra
ra applauded but fregt
the Jury tbe Judge commeuti-d Magaalne________________
Kalaaumoo Is abspt to be a “spot Pfinrtciappinf
ware hard at tbe Palace scatblttgly uiKiU tbe*^sordid motives, of
lively minor lmi»ortauc* lu hto
Inas town" and tbe mayor has given Amusement company's
household. Indeed, U has been uu' A Hew Phase ef giology.
tbe mert'enarj- kiver. and tbe Jilted one ^
forth the word that anyone throe
A widijw rect ully came from -tlUany klndl) lullmated that his wife to 'Hbe
awarded g^ damages. Tbe fa
tec nibbish or reluite on the treeiv
tber. though a Lard headed business to live with relatives In Brooklyn. Her wboto thing'' lu their esUhltohmeul.
wlU be anweied and dealt with by the
could not rid himself of c-ertuln new neigUbors discovered that she was KepreseuiaiiTC aud Mrs. Blank hud
given to romancing about small mat btH;n to BaUlmoPtj one afternoon.
law. Tmverse City bas rubbish
lug b
ters. On ber own behalf sbe claimed When they toft the train at \^sblug
etptadea on the street corners down for It
ju their return Mrs. Bl*k dto
to runcommenced boring for coal to Uke tbe “puetk vb:w” of life. But
As usual
usual, the
tne Theatoriuin
town but many people semn to be Ig
- ;eiw" lu the field amt as tbe sequel provtnL one of her neighbors was Inclined lo covered that her umbrella, which had
nlng an excelbmt bill, 'Two Stotei
ootwwt of the usages of Ue same
nous Kitchen
Maid." The found It lu such rkh quantities that ho use a "shorter and mure ugly word" been lutruated to the care of ber hus
and ' Nenous
40,000 detected In tbe act of making
ulc aud the .
waa missing.
and bis duugbier are now worth u
the downtown streeu a dumping
king w-hUe small fortune through the find. Tbe fioogM the womau (rum Albnuy stated
‘•Wbcre'i my luubreltoY’ she
pound for anything should be glvfm a (he china breaks.
felthlesa int er now wishes he had utur- that ber Ute husband was a biologist mauded.
In the slates service, presumably at
“d'm afraid I've (orguttcu It.
teson. ThU would aid la keeping the
died the girl.
Few gymmeiiical Faces.
A story comes from ik-ollaud o( a Alban)-. IJiler on It was leanied that dear." meokl) uuswered the congressK clean. It would mean Uiai fwer
“Very few inrsous have perfectly
be really bad been lu tbe state s serv
“It must still be lu tbe train."
^irsea would be frightened by nuUer- sjrmmetrlcal faces," said the photon' 4imam being tbe means of saving the ice. doing Urns St hlkg Slug for a small
, tbe trainsnorted tbe tody
ta4 papers and would be a benefit all rapker. "The two'sldes are now alike,
"And to think that the affairs of th<
were daughters of a black- forgery.
•round The peanut shuck" should and almost luvsriably tbe left side to
4 professor's wife c
nation are lutnutt'd to a man whi
aUo be barred fiom ihe sidewalk and the better looking. Tbe right side duak. bearch imrtles st-ourod , i
cue. “Biologist I
doesn't know enough to take care, of t
a to get old sooner than the left
tor tke man who apUs tobacco Juk*
rlgbt." sbe ssld.
woman's umbrellaSuccusa.
side. Tbe contour of a (aoe ebanfes neighboring country during the ulk
me s biologist to a student of cell
all ofur the perement. be ehould be
One of
wtlb age. The ebauge la more rapid but without success
tmiieA the same as any other oftentbe light side, and crow feet' appear sesrehers went to bed esrly the m vl
t like
u^rntug. tired out with hto luua
4er against tge law.
(tolHor. When dlulug once to hto rlubb
March; tut. unable to sleeji. he )iassfd
he noOied a muu whom hv knew as a
lain su uoeas) doxe. when he dreamed,
The imople
tl*l* c»‘y hould be
defaulter also dlulug there. Tbe Uib
be saw the missing children In a
In tha uee of fiags. Bvery
caltod for bto bill. As tbe waller
at a certain part of tbe woods
uiy. In tbe right
was bringing It l4>rd Ow.rge lute.downu4n eiore should be'd«orated
^kb he sud otbers had passcnl la land to tide hour■ by an inscription af- pnetnl and. lu hto commandiug. toctolvt
of a peasant's 1
with paonaata and dags of sll klads side of tbe face. I try to loam diplo^ tkelr search during the prcvk.us etcu
mallcally what my patruue are Uke(y
A man named Ulacuol was idowiug tones, said, “B allt r, bring that bill to
nut only on the Fourth but
to prefer and then pbotograpb the rtgbt lug. lltongk skeptical of dreams, he
me.” I'ofdly casting hto eye over He
that tha waatber pennlis. The flat or tbe left aide acivrdiugly "-Mausae got up and went lo ibe place, aud. lo when the (smoos exile came aioug one items. LoKi George said, to a voice
aad bebuid, bs (uuml tie children fast day aud expressed an Interest In bis
teriag tags give su air to tbe city Cltygur.____________ ___
heard all over the room aud with a
astoep. tkoogb^biddsD by a dense pile woilt. Kapolcoo even took tbe pi
severity of tuue which made hto un
that noakUg 9im mm. atodcUiiy when
share out of tbe mau'e baud and
of bruabwood.
approached from the bay
••gome peopto. ' said a profe.sor of
tempted to guide U himself. But the fortunate victim wince. Before Gupit t'ulveeslty of kew Vurit. -carry
.M4 wapeneiTe and the oss of them
oxen refueed to obey him. overturned Uto — order* suck expeuslve dtonare
he should pay hto debto of bunor."
utlllurlaatott eo far tkat tbe valuet of
tbe plow aud apoitod tba (unow.
bn iketaL Oa tha Faurtk
Tbe inscrlptbm runs Uuis: ‘ Xapotoon
Drum DsaU For ths Dsaf.
ary kouat la town should be deco- beaut) to forgoiten aud nothing
bey 'occui^fsd frequeutl) . ko impressed was The Ureat, pasalbg by tkto place
Ths Uu'»%l
iusUiuUon fur the
peato to thaw hot
Uke Hie hwrhnr « bo waa cutting
be that be sated up until be could af MCKXX'XIV, took In the ualgkborlag eaf a»oi dumb were driiliug. aud over
X oiM coruer was a boy bealiug a
Actreas (augrUy»~l«ld you writs tbe young mane kato when bis dbea
ford to spend gg ou lottsr)- tkketa. At field a plowsbarc from the baudi
made an unfortwiate snip.
tka drew lug. w bk-b bccorrod skortly peatoint and klmsslf tried to plow, but drum. Tbe observer Wonderq^ why.
"Uls victim leaped from Uto
vraa a
afterward, the magic aumbers were tke oxen, nkellloue to tkose bauds M.a4 (he supertoteudent gave this «x>
attorn of "The Abandoned ^
Burope, kesdtoug ptonaUdh: - 'The boys are deaf, tkat
wklcb ) el bad guktod E
■riastakto (attamt Crttk -Ys y I. You •Oh,' be ortod. in paig ugd dlsway. drawn, bringing him |hO.
to true, but they are ambitious to do
‘you're cui a lUete of my car off”
Ukhard Mansfield, tbs actor, once fled from the furrow."
mm fM kxdMd 00 IrrsMoUbto beeuUful
rotumed tke barber aeotk bad s dream Ut Loudon wblcb was ths
as other* do. Tbe drummer boy to eta'gho? rotu
that It was Imposslbis to fancy any
Uuued w here all of them may aefi him
akandsa yoa.»Uadoto Utoto- Ingly. ‘Don't « -arry on eo. koea Telu’t twrolng jiolnl of bto career. H-oi curred
as they march to acbooL Ihey watch
when Mj. Msusfiald was trying to ekt
the servant Mr. Tajlor
the atrokee of the sticks and keep step
oot su extotenco aa a painter lu L<niderluuk
to accord with theae. They cannot
don thsl bl« trsbilttg as a singer eua.
btod hub to ohtala aa ougageuieni wlib to dreea lie bad succesded lu geUlug bear, but tbe dram glvoa the marching
ckararter, aud It aouodi geod to tboee
D'oyly Cart* lu a trateiing Flratea
of I'enume" compnoy.^but the uuua the anuhotoa of her garments aud bad who can he«r."-<k*liunbus Ulepatek.
ger of ik« couutaay was ao exacting, buttoned her Ipto them. Then he toW
I proculling salartas or bnpoalog Hues on ker to put on her akoea heieelf. and be
tbe sllgbtuat eacuas. that Mr, MausOeld would button them, H« eoon dtocov portion to bto atoe aud w elgbt a* ak flea.
(ouud It hard to gst uluug. As be did gred lhai sbe was vahtly striving to be could at a slugle leap psM from fit
Louis to Chicago.
> told prumpUy to unjust demunda put a toft shoe ou ksr right foot
‘‘IVfiy. Msrjory." he «ald Unpettonlly.
bs at lastIt wot set adrift with hardly a
ked to "don’t you know any belter than that'/
shUll^ lu bto pockeL So be walked
Th€ selection of ^pUu far
Lomtofi. found a cheap lodging bouse You wre putting your shoes on the
rtnl tried to get o jab.
your money shoaU depend up
‘•1^ 's sll de foots 1 dot papa."
On the third nigbl away fro^ tbf
on the confidence you end others
company be dreamed of being called pik'd Marjory tearfully.—Youth's Oo
_______________ _
Inck to play once again Cor i>'Oyly pauiou.
hsveh the hunk. Thst peoCarte. Ue dreamed be eaw tbe eecreeiimbldfl a watof fiUir.
tary of Carte call upon him in a great
pie consider our set'Pke osHs-^
Bren a gtoamboat can climb a hiU hy
bu^. rush bis itorubte property Inte
Everybody vko boys BEX
a traveling bag aud do the Ughtaing going up one step at a time. This ro
fsetory is proven by the constOiroookUapnnoanoea th«n
tbe next train, go plain markable performance can be wlfaeeeed eeveral tlmea daily during the
are tbe obooo*
and vivid waa ibe dream that
sntincresse in our business.
Uea with tbe taste. When
awakening In tbe morning at 0 o'clock aeaaon of navigation keakle the Vrang
b( Jumped qukklj^oot of bed and waterfaU In the Baadak MoeeJe caagl
you buy candy tell the maa
Norway. At |kta point falta to the
wUbout ivusUtoring bow fooltob
jRii want that madd b7
might ha began thro s lug tbiugs lu bto river prevent tke pasaage of
aaUbeL Bat when be bad oomideted or down, and a canal has been taUt
bto tolkt^isc began wuuderlng why be ttMind the rapids and falla. The absent
U. $. ViposUoTf.
bed bees actb« eo aheucdly when
there came a knuik at the door,
onenlna B be eaw U'Qrlr .Carte'e seclock the boat la lifted About ntoglY (
- .
^ •.
foroo^........................... ..........................
Hfimmooktap ffoiB ........ tic LavnBettMgaphQS*«..tl
LawnOhAirg uphom..:...7i€ OumpStooft .......... ..‘tie
BUY EARLY and Retail the bMiefit of thfwe/
goods you can. You can pay for them later.
fieaton to pay for it.
OnoivtiiTiiigiMoomU iodkjftnaMrdfp^tlw
mr |MM«I IM toki atihtir
Durtu Ike eveniaa. tka A
sody Ktusbso eenred nsfre
1 Uui uonk porch. The 4a
P T^iTT/■,?-;{':?*;• ■
PayOr lec' tonwltli
fbr a WbalRefrigerator
H Saves Yon.
taww^w wee w«awaM|a^ta«nk«a
T^ teBM fti Ui* W»«tMaaf olakt
im aveBiBc was atu^ga Iijf « Urf«
Domtter of couples uafT Ois (Uacsrs
—w g„n
m» much
I all
«1M0 mldalj^t
ubotn u
U ana kepi oo
vamkf vw funiM^ kr » i>idMa«Da
mAms^ 4nmar ika dliartioo aTJair
maorpi rup i|> to
& 4.
MOOifc tMVMM wW..«wi*^ «ATW«**V. JUM M. not. ^ i'f
- Beginning June ISlh.ourOil Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thursdays, on the South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side. Edgewood and
East Bay resorts Wednesdays and Satur
day s.
Special attention given ta all launch
Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids Furniture Co. and same will have'
prompt and careful attention.
Oltiy IRHono
Grand Rapids Furniture Co,
127 S.' South Union Street
By oaing one of our CiailinK, Dunk or Brackek
We have thein in stock
for aale or rent
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
Phone 602-2'
125 Cats St.
Inexperienced kpueekeepera *
will always be sure of a aquare deal
w hen dealing with Bleder's. We don’t
get rich by unfair means,
and prefer to get an booeat living by
sellUig honcat meats. When >1^
tender aliloln or porterhouse
steak, a roast or some c^pa give u*
a uial order,
pleaaed. lUid
regular customer on our merits ahme.
•‘Oiir Make" of Sauoage to the Beat
to Iht) cliy. A*k for tbtun.
S07 E. Elglitli and 707 RandolpIlEMs
Ths Mb Scml-Aaaaal Payawat
A VUce of Deposit
Delicious REX
First cHMional *Bank
The July lotereit on Dcpoiiti in the Saving. Deppanmeot of thh Benk hw gone on our book* and
may be drawi^ at any tt|ne.
Interest not with*drawn will be added to tba
It U a good time to »tart an account... NOW.
iw wmmm
014> OQTiiES
%y rrw0J^ Stmmt.
UV. kf ItofT rnumm.
' .
. s
Tfc*y wtre au o|> In Aval Ctara'a
iwin. pacUax ib« box, %btn Jaaaic
IbJt^ d came to at 4 o'clock to ask Oar
xw* alist dka WM foUw to waar that
evening to tho moalisile. Jawie vent
miMalis vttbont oemoofu-. SH was
fame's must Inllniste triruA.
‘*Ok, iliure you wV aald c -airte. wt»o
was sUtiug on the foot of the bad with
a nil* of ctotklng on her lapr -IT,
been voodertng aU aftamopu what bad
liwoine' of rou. We'iv parking tk
to go to motbw's eosisio In West HoM
sv. Aunt ftors wanu"-w^«*'s the hoiilc of banxloer gik-
farruf. "tt’luit
vUh theWnxiucr
-I Van the aiKrts off that too cloth
cap, of mior. 4'm sntisuitHl to send It
as ft Is nosK.'
•lib. yon neodoH be askamid to a«id
snrihiiis.” aaU) Aunt Clara, vbj was
on her kittav before lb, box. *|»re*dlng
some ntwrapapem ovfr the bolu
**ltoauui til me. Ca
ttiat white skirt with the rulllea yoor
oolf.'* wnarked Mm. Hraiulun. vim
wras pulUug over the lunumts
trunk she tud dragged lu fmiu the hall.
^It dorsn't look at aU woni "
. * .Vu. but It doesn't bang right,**
jtotusd iJniTto. -aud Ifa too abort. Be
sldea. I dotplfe a ruffled iietileuat.”
-Very well.'* aald her uiuihrr in a
raidgued tone. "I'ut It iu. %’ou uud
Agues are draadfuHy extrsragaut. 1
don't wonder, your father rouiplslns
about expenses.**
*'li<‘re are some old nlgUtilresMW,*’
said ^11 m Hranilon. -1 iuleudinl to
tear Ihi iii up for window rlothh. but
ilsi'hel might |<steb (hem up.”
•T»f eouree she wlU.** said Auut
iuonimm; mt4iiioay, MiMsa^ m
tUf tH0SM^ eiOoTod U» mtMkm ««It Ik thi^«fo-atoki iaa 5ni’‘
tala warn homa at oKw bt about
9t tkU IMX.
alircjs «aclarM ttat
and ailwr arfhiiiaattoa and huak
twas^ wilMtaa aha laturMd wBh a
AO uittter
naka hauaa, nhiah wW bavt die.
good tad paatohMxd box, wllh a nar
nor ptok ftohon tied aiwand Ik-On
Ikaya to Oia InMrtol panada, on
tha Ffurth, an unpad to Mtlfy A
Hie tmU rtoldad. If addition to the lha «ovar was wrlttoa. "For hta"
-YouTa tost to time: I*to nady to
W. Hannan, chairman of tha panlglitilusssos. an oto black alpaca afirt
which had baon spoiled by paint wbaa have Pator nail up. ” aald Aunt Olara.
rada aommlktaa. at tha aaHltal paa•Oh. I'm not to aaa what you'm aandthe front porch had been glren a froBh
alhia mamant. Tha parada will bs
«on| tha Itrevlona fab. a much worn ha ashanM of it. whatever U to tor
a big aaa and tham will naaaaaaiv
pair of ahoea. a black straw bonnet they have aa Uttla that anjrthlng-l
Hy ha muoh datail In Ms arewnffw
which had been lying iu the w *Yor only hope Baehel win appradate the
mant. Tharafora paampt aettoa
agso.” arreni pairs of boao In sad need tnwbbs Fva token.
urpad fpM tha part of tha jpgaof dandng. a gray wrapper damaged Mia toto Oarrta'a
uftargra af tha cMy.
by motto and a blgc-k silk {lottleoat the
Thar*, on the
rudtos of which were wbipptd out
-Yon conld use that slBt tor lining a muaicale.
grenadine, bVaucea,** said Aunt CUrs. trlmnted wllh. Inca and wbito rlbbom
-Bui I ^ou't expert to bare a gmua-' and braids k was a pair of high baeled team burned nouy.
With llngeia that trembled a little.
dine this summer,*’ rrjolord her slater.
All^ untied the pink ribbon and re**#nd It aarms a pity not to put iu
tbe cover ot tbe Is
OMueiblng decent'*
"Oh. oh!- abe told. "Mother, buk
"Wen. If you had been to Cooalo her friend gtomwd toward Uia bed.
Bacbel'a and seen bew poor they are."
Jaaala shook her head. "No. I've da here! Just ae*r* And then hi*r voice
broke nnd teara filled bar eyes,
aald Clam, "you'd know that anything eddad Oh uy bpM* oivandks,” she i
lu tbe box, neatly folded, lay a pretwould be acctiitable. Itaehel has a tawl
ty while
wblle china olUc
silk wuilst trimmed
gift fur turuLugjmd ftairhing too."
with bice. a pair of perfectly new ton
"For my part. I'm glad to get rid of
gloves, three dainty bandken-bb'fa and
mj old rlolhes,** aald Carrie, "and
twrrlv© yards of fine
fine' V) bile
blie lawn.
vote we Wud Conaln Harhel a box e
>me mUtake,"
mistake," aalfi KtelLi;
"Tbere'a some
ery j ear. It's a good thwl belter than
r girl,
t eye*
"this dofwn't agree with the reat nt all.
making bundkw fur tb<* Asso<la(ed
»er si
bably they will write to b.nve It
CLsrUlewlo dJslribulc. We know just
I I got here In time.”
where the thiugs are going." hbe
ea. but we weirant going 1
"btclbi, dear, we couldn't exisvt
tossed her aunt a giren aumb waist park U unUl you came."
rame.” said BtalU.
the stwma of which were fra.ved. **1 "We Just wanted to have It all ready. tbtfiii to oend things they cimld
can n ear the skirt around vuioruioga It's a family treat, to be enjoyed to"No. i ouppooe not and I'm au
ariih a percale shift waist" sto addrvt
thankful wtvtc h. Beggars ohuuldn
All this time Jessie Boyd had stood
ch.s»iM-rs, hut”-aud her rubn- quivered
: the L
first, aa It was oo top.
a Uttle-"lt loa't In me. ooniebuw. to be
"Something e*.|.e<‘laUy for m*:*' erled a grateful beggar.** ^
"Ilaa your eotulo any gtrU about Alhw. "How lovely! But 1 won't
Mni. Brent wrote a well wonknl hilay age?" she asked, regarding ation- it until the laaL Take out the
ter of thauka to her <'ousln.
lively the two faded waists wbkh things, mother, dear.”
"1 must not neglect to tell j-otj." abe
The other things were taken
Auut Clara was foldlug together.
said lu concluslou. ••i»f Alk-i-'s pk-osurc
"Iiear me. y<m." auswend the lady. One by one Mra. Brent uofulded them iu tlie contents of thee |iast(
fiastelionrd t*ox.
-Alice la-Jdst your age ai
and Btella a aud laid them in a pile on the fioor. Tbe pretty gloves aod «bilul.v
Not one of the girls vaptured to make
year or so younger. Then there
waist fitted Iher iiertocily.
■rtocily. nnnd she
two Utile giiirU of leu and twcJre. Amy a reuuirk of any sort and Alice did
busy today making u]i the lawn, whidj
aud Itmh. I sto{i]ied mi*r in West
-That Is all. I think, my dears." said will he her best gown all sommer."
lioldeu for u day iu March oo my '
the mother aa she plaeed onI tbe pile
borne fiym Florida and saw them
ta t’artfcJS^d c«m- letter down.,
They're pretty gtrj». |uo) panir-ulilarly the white lH»ttlefata
uCnll tbc tbUii^lu ^=^^Jb-=rt4«cuk>na of JrtKle to s<-ud
Alk«. 1 felt so aorr> t...
for I
u. I trlbuted. "I w
uc« tblngar* she "muliored. "And 1
ritiset aud examine them at
don't auppo4i Alice evsr had
bad a pretty my cl
wan so partU ulnr to tell her that an.vgown
bunch of tibiKins in her leUun.
"USeaBed are they who ex|s*ct noth thing w ould'do.'
ing. tor they shall not l.e disappoint
ed." remarked Stella
_?*' si
"Stellar' Mm. Brent’s voice was one
"I wouhln'i want them
atilcudkl umuslous lu thiba. The head
course, but pibara several little things of rebuke. Little Buth ls*gan to weep,
"Hen-, let s look at my U.'x. lltHkle." quarters of the toieiemlas «-on*ist tif
Alice. *'Wa mustn’t forget that." g.-oups of low aud unlovely biilbUng-x
"Oh, my dear child, yes." Aunt Clara
ugly waUs. but lu ttiU
•'Itrltt- anythin? vo»
d tMwrrded artUicbiJ Ojxwrr/' uiut ies|H‘ct. ns lu many others. app<-4irautvs are dM-eltfuk Tbe frcqueui-.v of
tu-’urr<Hiiuus oud the enterprlsJug ban
dllli have mudi* It htx^saary for plantera to pivteii thems4-Ivcs aud Uielr
homes ns M-<-urely as possible, aud
Monday, July 1
Creat Annual
There will Be Bargains that you
Cannot Afford to Miss
ItaBi FaU to be «n boad Moadoy, Morolna.
are atiU mulutuluod on the feudal sys
tem, but many of them Lave poioied
from private owuershi]! Into the hands
of rnrPuniUous. uud the former pro-*
prtotors are living lu Madrid. Seville.
Parts or perbapa New York, while
aabirlDl admlnbitratoni reign in tbclr
stead. The patrlarrbsl relutlouahlp betwwu tbe owners and the tillers of tbo
a<^iil Is rapidly pasaitig awuy.- Wusbiugton Star. ________________
Love between a man au^ a woman
of equal mind Is like fluid In a F tuba
i^s at a level lu the two anna.
Great love on:
ou>oe sigo and little love
oo thec other exist only
uuty In uo>-ela.
There can be one sided physical Ibva,
but that la not worthy the name love.—
Auatla U'Malley.
Tha teatryBi^iliy^
fMtonO. hfivtof hean dMMitod hy tha
Mm ean^ to aaMt tha anaara
of pay khkh had haan
bean owing tor a
long tim* to the Bwlto oAoeta In tha
rranch acrrlco. M. da Loovato. the wax
ailnistar. who was ffnaant, aald to tha
king. Louta XIV.:
"»ire. thpaa Bwtoa am vary taortnnato. If your majeaty had iU ths
money that your royal —*-----may
with an air <
same time If your majesty had_____
blood that the Bwlaa have abed la tha
aervloa of Pmuea. tt would tona
river fmm
P»rto to Basel'"
from Paris
The Idng was so struck with tha oh*
aarvatloD that ha ordared#L ^ Low
roia to pay
whole of the numey
vllhoul dels
____ J
wgya dMMtod.
of this ktod who
good sarvlca toe
aiaay yoara
eara for oog of o«r b>g iwUurfiy
libs. Bot at last he amt hla
(Batch. The case wax one of daiaa^.
chained oo accotmt of aereru hodl^ InJarlea received on the faUway la gaaatien and daa. tha plalailff clalmad, to
nagligeaee «a the part
oaa of the
cxwmgayHieervaota. Aa waaal to* bak
lying barriaier triads heet down end
aaaa. BtUthelettor
roar out hla toivf^ qneetlonaf
Than the flalatiff kwfeed him tnU In
the toce sad said: *air. B., I am an
laralld. 1 cannot allow yoa to* queaUon me la this atanoer. U M aa toJury to my norvoiia ayatsto. already
shattered by the caroleaaocaa of
oilenta. I am taeablqd. through ___
aoddest. wlUi aclerook ot the qplaal
An Umiaual Tapl^
It was a iwal harfiaUp tor Jodgs co^ the effect of which lato u^ the
Brown to hava to ke^ sileat
any snfterer see doable. At thM mooDent
Isifftb of tline. K^wn whea tiMM I can aaa you double, and you know by
ho oaually found some oae who would
at least listen while be UIIdHI But
OB one occasion he found himself hi* a
faOwoy cuarh with only one 9^cr oceapaat-a stiff, dlgnUtod ok)
- Hm farvairt Prahlem in gsibo.
did not deign even to look at hha whea
The Cohan matroa has UtUe to say
ha ralaad hla hat upon enterfag the la Ute management ot ber own house
coach. Tbe Judge grew roatMaa after bold, aa the family Uti4wUy board wlUi
they had travetod several urilei. Ha tbelr cook, who has sole control of the
drummed oa ih« window. honglMd sev cuisine. When a cook la engaged, abe
eral Umes. then finally, ta daaiieraUoa. la pah! so moqh perNmootb—glO, fl5 br
rlearad hla tho^gbt and aahad to a aten tfiO. as thq case may be-for ber work.
toriau tone:
Bbe at once inqubes hos^ mueb is ak'
"Madam, did W ever occur to y«a in lowed for the markeUug. whkli she
wonder wiiether It had ever rained any Is to do each morning On being told,
before tbe time of the fioodr
she flgurtw out bow ‘mueb abe can save
Tbe unuaua) queatton atartlefi the old from the amount aud If the graft
ledy out of her dignlfled alienee, and amount to say Ih or 20 ceuta |>er day.
the two old people were aoon engaged she Is Ukely to accept the ikmUIou. She
tn anlfiitted cooveraatlun.
rarrl>- sleeps at tbe bouse aod usual
has a family of her own who are fed
from the larder of her emplo}royal a
_ O er- Keriy
aaasiuatloo was that of the Kmix-n
breakfast Is light fruiL rolls aud
Paul of Baula uu March 24. 1801. by fee-aud at uoou there 1* a meal kuowu
hla nobles. Aa usual Paul b^d retired as late breakfast which resembles tha
booted aud spurred uud In
Ameruau luncheon. When this la fin
rcglmcutata. At the dend of night
Ished. tbe cook spends a few boors at
awakened b.v an unusual noise. her home and returns at 5 o’clock
The hussar who goarded bis chamber time to prepare dinner. A half grown
door-tbe oul.v fnlUiful sentry,
girl Is employed to wait ou the table,
proved, m the palace-was being killed auswer the doorbell, etc. In h
by nine nobles. They burst Into
families mak* c-ooks are empkiyed.
room and began to attack the emperor. the meala do not auU tbe master of the
Paul bid tx-biod cbalrs and tables and bouse, be add* more money to the mafbegged fur bis life. He offered to make ketJug aliowauev.-Mrs. C. K. MllUa- In
each of bis assullauta a prince. He of- Leslie s Wt-ekly.
fen'd to alMlli*at« lu vain. Then be
Correcting a Sposch.
mode a wild dasb for the w Indow. fear
Bheu Lord Luifferlu was govenvqr
fully gaablng blmself, but be waa drag gancrnl of Canada he examined Into
gad back. He seixed a chair and foi certain tFDna<’nutiueuial railroad matlime kept tbc nine of them at ten ami fouua cause for much conbay. aud only after terrific atrugfUw domnaiiou. As a result luan nuguaidwaa be seised aod strangled with hla ed moment be delivered blmself of
oyrn aaah.
‘ remarks which' be realised at
once WOT* most undiplomatic. Only one
The Three lUaaone.
The president of au casteru onlver- reporter was praaeut and his lordship
tice Invited him to a private rontlty waa deploring the promlscoous
fereuce Tbe newapaper man. bad
giving of honorary degrees.
"6ur unlvcraltlro have learned of written out tbe speivh. haring Ukeu
abortbaiHl. "Let me see' .vour
lata," be aald, "to dlatiibuta boDoraiy
degreesJudkioualy. But In the past”— notes aud the transcript.” aald the gov
ernor. and bgvlug wx-urt-d them he
He smiled.
"Well lu tbe past 1 met an uncouth told the reporter to refill his ftaas and
another tigar. Lord Dufferiu took
person at a dinner, and. being told by
loies and copy Into another room
an acqualnUDCc that he ^d
nnd retunu-d La a few mouu-utH, angreea, I asked why It was.
"•WeU.' aald my friend, ‘the third uoumiug that he had buruid them. Of
as given him because be bad two, course the rejiorter could do nothing,
the setYtnd becauoe be had one and the and the goveruur saved hU bacon.—
Cleveland Loader.
first because be bad none.' "
n*o taniaolto ought ^v«r to he expoeud to thp agthm of aoapy water* '
aald a Mta "Tha beet UmlS.
gema an of a daUcato Bat of Woe.
hnt If a taagaolae ring la kept <« tto
hand when waahiog to a f
Imau to a tow weekA tlm tone
ehangaa to a dingy gtox^ toaea
its hiatar ami hacomra wortJhtaqg a
gam. Then, agato, no gema naffto
over to be expoad to hat water.
generally lone their fire and aoaaatlBMs
ccBck In water no hotter than tha
hand wlU bear, and parhasg Btot to
one eaaaon why the ofi^ to opgaldand
an UBlncky atoRa.
"gome Ume ago a lady bnx^ ga a
large pearl set
$t Ito aI rtog.
The pearl
might easily have haan miataken
little baU of anpoilabed marble,
surflaoe was rough, hadn't a particle of
ahtna. It wooid hirilly ha known for
a peaxl B’<
waa ikf mattor and aakad 1
hadaH keen kandUng aol^blng that
•rat. hut fiaaU
had baen putting ap some pickles with
htroag vinegar and aappoak she got
) vinegar. That was
the Whole trouble. A pearl la nothing
hoc carbonate of Ume, and vinegar or
any other add wUl eat off the polish
in a few minutes. All colored gearo
an Uabla to fade a little on expoaare
to the atmUgbt and when not In naa
ahoold be kept to the dark.”-8t Loola
. I
Bettor Than Bwaariiii.
"In my yi»uih,” said a naval otocer.
"I know a first auiUi In the merchant
marine w ho, tboogh an excellant ofil*
cer. waa dreadfuUy profane. When
anything wcut wrung he would voUey
forth oaths and curacs In a shocking
way. Once, though, he shipped with
a very strkt rellglomi captain, and the
fim lime this captain chanced to wit
ness one of the mate's swearis^ bunts
be gave tbe young mac a lecture.
" 'You are a first rate efitoer.' he end*
ed, ‘but. remember, uu more swearing.
Not another oath aboard my aMp-'
"Well, the mate bore the caf>toto*a
warning tn tuind. Then one aftoroooB
it hapt>eDed that th^ boatswain made
lucxcuaable error In carrying 5>ot
order. When tbe boatswain con
fessed the fault he had committed, the
mate turned red with rage. He opeued
his mouth. Everybody looked at him
Lv. waiting to hear aome reouths, but then the captain
hove In sight.
•The mate, seeing tbe captain, re- .f?
membered hU orders about profanity.'
But his rage had to have vent of aonio
aort, and, striding up cloee to the cuk
prlt. be roared In the mao's face:
- You naughty, naughty hcatswato!"*
The Long Walk
Bill Nye wbeu a young man once
made au eugagemeut with a lady
friend of his to take her driving of
a Sunday afternoon. The a|*polntcd
day came, but at the Urety stable all
tha horaea wrere taken out save one
old. shaky, exceedingly bony horse.
Mr. Nye- hired the nag and drove to his
friend’* residence. The lady let him
walt learly an hour before she waa
ready and then ou viewing the disreputable outfit fiatly refused to
company Mr. Nye.
exclaimed sneeiingly.
“that borae may die of age any mo
"Madam,*’ Mr. Nye tvpited.
arrived that horse was a pranotag*^®
young steed."- Uarper'a Weekly.
The Haimah & Lay MCTcantile Co.
Tti^ Store That Supplies Your Wants
WblttPiWfils f
‘^Special Dtliverf” Bubbtr Stamps
Anoiher Boe line of dainty FaratoU juii unpack-"
cd. There are several new paticrni and they sell fpi:
$1.00, $1 25. $1 60. %2JOO and $8 00.
CMg Black Silk Shvts $!.2S
By act of Congress if the words ‘‘Special Delive
ry" are written or stamped pn the envelope or package
with the extra ten cents of regular ponage stamp* it wil 1
receive the same attention that it would if it had tbe
regular Special Delivery Postage Stamp on. We have
just received a full line of Rubber Sumps with tbe
words “Spcciaf Delivery." They sell for 26c, they save
lots of time writing. Be sure and get some-
juit received a fine line of Glovei that are aellmg for $1.26, ai fine ai any that you have »cen this
•eaion and never told So cheap.
TWs ^ctgoes into effect July 1st
He a pair
Think of such Hosiery as this that we are selling - ♦ '
ior lie a pair, h’t a bargain that you don’t oftep fmd*
' '.'K: V...-
10c Cmttr
Lou of new goods for the lOc Counter.iyou can
always find bargain, there.
Cloth brushes. Neck
Laces. Hat Pint. Soap. Hose Supporters. Toilet IHgt
Combs, Belts Long Beads. Tgpe Measures. Beturg
an(I see this Counter.
^>v :
. ' '
; *:
Best at PerhimtS
* She the different kiotU thgt we aeU. Blue LiHes,
Carhatioin, Lilac. Cashmere Bouquet, jocky Club. Dao
tylii. Monad Violet, Vera Violette. App|e Bfoiioini
Lily ofthe Vally, LeFTance Roses, Locust Blossom,
Crob Apple Blouoms, WHdwood Violet. Marie Stuart,
Nirvana, La Sylva, Egyptiaa Lotus. Ping*Pang
The Hfiniiah &
ri ^
.-V■ c
'-:r r'
Don’t forgetDecorations
for tbe Tourtb of Julp
We have every thing that jrou want and Flags,
Bunting, Streamers, Welcome Banners, Crepe Paper
for the windows and the home decoratioiis. Shields.
Yacht Ensigns and Union Jacks.
takum Powders for fbesmmer
Take your choice from this list. Crushed Ro^
Verona Vioiette-Burhams Best Euthymol. Povdier,
Cashmere Bouquet. Poudre de Riz. Great Seek Mennen’f Borgted. Meiuken's Violet. AmoHn Deodorant .
Powder, Bakers talcum. Supreme', Fin^t Baby.
^fkkbme h m^bir ,
A boz of our fine Chocolates. She will Kke it so
much. We sell the faqey boxes for
35c, 40c. 50lc
and ode aod the bulk at 40c, 50c and 50c a pouad.
’ These are the best Candy that you will find.
Underwear Sc a garmedt
A whole case of these and you don’i get them
again at this price, just the thing for this kind of
Mef& Ok
ywmmmmmooi^ <«Ay««M eiTv.
H Hmr’OiMM u4 U AImn
___ 4
. . U« tte «t«nr or Oortd
I GolUtii l« miy odAod
toomr ttot 4uol» woo known to tko
r BoWown tad ot*« oo^t a«ik M Uipr vm known to U» Arotio
I ^ tlao U HokonuM^ It itaialo
M ¥ewti||, iv tie Wo4^a» wko
U«7 coneiHwd Uo Moo Uot • wa«tf
of tetuo m §4
of ^ ftSTonalkkt onroiM wno •
■Mof oTiiM^I^oido X BkMtio to
• Is a totnk that nev'
An tiDiiroted powdar eapaci*
ally prapared for nag m a
fool dreaains. Pleaalafl to
the aonaM M healini^ cool
ing and toothing totoc tit~
I The UJto Ann water toOtodat> on
l eahlbltlafi to the WUkliwan A VlaaI ohnr bowling alley, attracted oonaidI erahle attention toat eveadnff and the
1 sidewalk aroitod the widm was at
Umea deep wtth ourkms OBkxtkexw.
who held various oplakma regarding
the nature of the oorpna lu “mount
ing*’ the croaiure, Mr. Turk lost the
•ahlny portton” of one of ItA ow.
whlck greaUy detracu from JWe^
AU the Ttnverao CUy swtmnieia
who jrlll enter the racea on the
Fourth are urged to aend to their
iiAmMt m cmoe to Harry 'Dean.. AU
namea muM be to by the eveotog of
July 3.,
Mia) church
morrow evening there» wUl bo a aiercopttoou rwport of the atate meeting
At Hancock Views of
I be sbown^ All1 are
My iqiooks to WMoporo
■MMifol now. Ttot i^.« Ims
tom U» otoep for n few dayo nod
Uofo’o “noUiin' doln.* " Geurao Lai
die nocottotodtwo k»do of pouuMw
yodtontoy. while one or two i
Weet to tocwl sioreo. Steven Lari:
o cor wi Twin UoonUlo,
tog^ld coou, and Hono Blackuuoi
toM XOOO bua^to piled up on the
Actoe dock wnitlng totnorrow’s boat.
He paid
pe^e for oaote. The rr ‘
(D to the
nomroloolor houoeflight wteen w,
----amik9i.Uy P. Uautoer yootenUy and
ib4r toUl weight waa ».«0. The>
wogt to the Brnoeh nuuhet
flBi are ocnroo at pi
Ihnoflh the pitoe baa not
tertoUy affected.
Clonrhack pork, per bW...,
Otorback pork, per lb........
SMpt cot of pork, per bhi..
OMekena. m »..
S!rV1{«“;:;;:;::::;:::: :S
Atoyko ...............
, 11
...... r «
£r..*.’.*.’.v.v.v.*.v:".""::” ■“
ligkt Steers and heifers............... .2&i
Steers and heUers. 1100 lbs .... 4©5
Sn«M pouMiy .........
Ohtokm UM wMgM.................. 10
.............. iiv
u»to. m. w^t ■■
By Wire to the Dtenlug Record.
_____1,1'JiOp.m., 7:90 p.Qi.
Ttteflilflji *iulf X, 7:30 pjn.
WtdBMdgy.iaO p.m.
Tkui^, July I OKK) end
0:90 p. to
Mis rW*
A btaltar to a tenatlc aeytom afiw •_____
_ oewn
___ ____
*} M M4
Mm an_ the
roofig men running about oatehlAg' Aoja oM ouffhWd tee throea of «m-'
that tlOM^
ganised as to make natural aenalUvaa.
tothlUve power.
•ome peragos are ko.or
teppootog two aeualtlvaa to he ckwelyr related to one awother or drawn togother by a U»ud of
aympathy. and supposing them to be
in different parts of tbe world, and'
the life of the one to bo In danger.
theWrst thought he would project Into
space would he tor bis distaat friend.
U that friend is acLvdy engaged at
the Ume the message may be
if be happens to be to a poaslvc eiate
hla brain w Ul receive some impression,
elear or confused, which will make
him think of tbe absentee and render
him enxluua, as If stuuelbtog had pi>ne
wrong with him. Such mesaagea are
more common at uight, beiausc we are
lees preoccupied than during the day.
By means of this wireless tcU-graph an
Image Is jiroducdd on the brain w hich
la projected outward, causing the ab^
sent trieud to be seen as If to the
body, and even the actual clreomatancea of hla dangerous posllkm may
be produced. Thus eeUh Dr. Bernard
BoUaader of 'Ixmdon.
and Picnics
euwrinteadent; “lib la as i
“Ao aoronantr "Yea. ah. Y’eyy sad to her aM oahM Mr:
! The dUficult guesttens put to
“to there auythtag 1 <wu M ter wmJ
him drove him mad to tbe end. It Is WteU do you wuptr
hla idcu now. when he catches etioogb
“You cun do oMhlJiffter PA IflMt;
fllfo, to hvroess them t^'s soap box the eariA"
sml so fly over the wall aod obCUpe."
AM gh^ iMooMiy dlA-ffherfkterlee.
or draw tpenoy at any ttoio of the
night or dSA- But no totefoit bi paid
no depoMM. ^ ^ ^ *• «*• ‘Mlo
keep” dock at poUo$ hoad«uartenL
IWM, «oli to do non aio taken
to poJloe hoaQaaitors after thoy have
totolbod a littif too asaob and arh there
bonked for aale 'keoptog- Largo oatna
of tnonoy are oetetlaoeo takea from
than. In the morning wben they are
retoaood they are often’ afraid they
wtO gat to drinkUig again and lose their
aoDox- 8o they toaroU at police hoMQaarion. A ainali piece of caidboaid;«■ IB tool PNa»Ua.ff>wnne OUy.su b
U flwon them teUtog the nonibor of
the envelope tbolr aaonag la to and the
I Haul Ended.
amogtaA U tho>’ ohonkl want a few
Tin) cJooo of
doUara 40<1ng tha dgy. they caa go
T C L. A M. was mark
the last four tsirs for lbo -(
to pohce JbadQuartara and draw lb
omupany wvre brought lu fi[rom
Then the amount la rmaoed from the
re you c
eardhoard and envelope When the gocA ffiweemakerr eald th amartly wlcA. The load has brokenD all
of bilustoeos Ihia year,
men got ready to leave town, they can gptoned woman to a weary bol
bol Arm
foot from
go to the deak at any hoar of the night VQlM aa her heM frtead looked anxloae- Uj»dnnau oounly akme. beoldoa a
or day. turn to tholr oudboaid and |y 10 h« for edvloe. ‘ Yee. 1 do, boi great
outh. There
It «toal.^*^“
^ eouth.
draw tholr mtmayhundred care
ni nevpr tell you. X'ow. don’t look sc have been four
Her Mooey fUleing BoHeme.
Many valuable artlcloa are
at toliuwd. She Is my ofwn dreeemaker,
“Now. dear," oaUI tbo lUlle red
Altolhe timber from the north has
the booklhf daak at poUoe ba^uar- A 1 would not give her name or adtora for peraona who have never been trtm to anybody for-well, for all my beou^for local ludustrlee. the Oval Cheeked man to hla wife. "I am going
fwwsi ptn money. I've had a few ex- Wood Dish plant and the Well# lllg- to have a lltt^ poker game Wedooacompuny and tlu< amount hauled day nigbL kly frk'nd and hl« wife
pertonpea to that line which ‘ have
i there alimo Is larger than any are expert pUyera. 1 don’t” want yon
taught ma some Isaimis 1 had a wrohauled luto ihU city by the O.
who came once a week to do ex
I 1. an<L*r. C. U A kl. wmbined. to dUtract me."
oooe Into the autlen when they have tra housework for ma end ahe was a
"I wont," said she; "I’ll alt by a lit
gocufflulalcd aI gtajd deal of money and tieaspte-eo faithful aod ao energetic,
tle Ubkj way off yonder and trim my
•wpporied by His Nose.
are far h^mt the placm where they
came nsguUrly for three yeaiw.
work, 'ntelr money la put hShtnd
4>db<nd the
I dey ehe told me ahe needed ons
"That's what you can do." be asseotdeak. Wben it cornea> time tfor them
or two more plaeee. so shmcould put In yauliave:
-Ko woi
go lute their oMcea, they go back
all her time, end Just about then e
and staud back
police haadoaarteiw. draw their money fitond of mine was looking for extra
and leave with every cent accounted bdp. ao I reflommended IMosb. 1 J^vyou’ve gut! Where did y<iu get all
er sew Dinah again but once. 'n»t laoa
“k’ea.::^aa^, “I make
was when I went to clll on.m»^yii«^d.
green farmer becomea Intoxicaled and Dinah was there, patting !»n all her ex toTtoM. »^u» » Hnvl smewtr uuii
^ou hear? Hut above
la to aay. I paaa on beer I
la arreated that the bank dooa tu good tre Ume.
ell, please, please, if 1 sb«»uld Auppeu
work. After the farmer becumea aober
tailor to a
w to a pile of uuittey. dtm'l reach out
to ibe holdover he aometlmea tella how friend, and now he has ao much work claan and sweet or not
handful and run off laugh*
k to the'
■BarreU when they come back
much money he brought to the city fof her that be can't And time to make
tog aUiut it. Dou’t do that, will .vuu!
with him. There are uaually dlarepu toe e suit within two mouths, though breweo' empty are washed and1 fleaiU' That Un’t funny. It Isn’t funny at
table charactera to the holdover that
the first customer be ever bed od and then passeti on to me. lu thou- all."
are all tuu ready to fleece the i
after be opened his owu sho|> T
phlaticated. Tbewe hear of the money aides, he chargee me more becauar
oue lo auotliw. I .wl5 my loll*. «.4»1- >»“
“*»' *“
« ‘
and wait for the farmer whan all
la ao busy.
me UOM to McJi Uuugbol* -I uiS lu ' <1“ •!« •“>
releaaed to the morning, when a pretty
“1 recommended s certain tea ro
Uttle bunko game la begun. But It la to a friend, and now the cholcert tabl# idllKoll) . momeot I u)' wbolhw r°" I-'
often thwarted by the police.
la alwaya reserved for her. while I can
JaUw tuually kuuwa tbeae buuku
slink into any thld dark comer that no 0.0,a or wbetbT tt otuot bov, oooU«,r TJWhen the farmer la releaaed, the JaUor body elea wants. I’m tired of being
nightfall my old
aaks him If ho Intenda leavtog Aow n ^ mascot. I’m looking for a maaoot of
uoaa is tired.
immediately. If the farmer la uoi go my own.*’—New York Bun.
"Every Urge brewery has its barrel
ing at once, the Jailer auggeaU that he
well for few*
leave bia money at the deak and get
A Wise Old Mule.
a receipt for it Then be tolls the
t»ur old mule wouUl m-l work after men have noses sutUrienlly fine fur the
work.**—New Orleans Times-Democrat
farmer the reason. The bunko mi
12 o’clock. Wc would l*c ci>mpclU-d
the terror of the fanner, eud b
uuhllch, go to ibe Imru and Ul t
alwaya glad to consent. lie takes
mule vul as long as be was able
a few dollars and leaves the rest. Then swallow; that w«mld be aU»ul t
when he gets ready to leave be draws to.urs. Then tbe ifiule would U- ready
rea on the east side, "that a big. tall
tlichmau to blue and brass buttons
bis money, goes to the train and U for work. It maturwi not bow late
tuld moke me declare myself guilty
lu the day wlu*u tbe mule was takcu
The pidke station U the guardt:ig out to tbe field, or bow < loudy It might of any crime,
place <d many things. Often valuable be. The wind mlgbt* bb.w so strong example,, yesterday there came an awpapers are loft I lure for safe- koei*i
k at my
11 near-'
that the sounds of the KUls and the
rUamonds And a resting place bcbl
whistles could not be beard,
the desk. kUny peiwous hare left the wotk would be to s*>iue out oT ibc way tremblingly and peeped out There
«ity with a full jmeketbook Just be- place where no one could Irf seen gvilng stood the ullest policeman I ever saw.
rwit. On t;U,n Lake Ast> gaM.Uue
lauae they left tbolr money at police* to dinner. Yet when 12 o’clock came,
‘You're been throw-la' thinga nut the
lauiKh. inguiiv of Mrs l»r. Burke.
lieadquarters Instead of carrying U to the minute, he would refuse to work window Into the area,’ he roared to
J»14 S4.ulh Tulou sU.^-t. June
aliout with them while In the city.— any longer. We have taken feed and voice that more than matched his size.
Kansas City Htar.
let him eat before uotui, but tbl< did Trash and the like. Now-, don't teU
WANTED—.Straw U-i
not satisfy btoi: be must go to the barn you haven't. Somebody bak. Everj' . fit. phone Vr
Didn't Concern Kim.
at noon or kick every Iblug to pieces. bodj la comptalolu’.’
M-gau Talutly. 1 bo|
“Sir," the sud fatvd man wald to t
We triod tbe mule to a cool mine, but
be reiterated, don’t tell me
heavy set man who was vmuklng
with tbe same result. He s<H*med
reu't. A complaint bas boon
long black cigar and reading a news tell the rime to the mine equall.v aa you haven't.
of bealth. Don't you
paper, "would yem allow yuur bt»y i< well as out of lt-Chlcagi> Tribi
do It any mure. You henr?
smoke cigan-Ues when be grows up'? ’
FOR RENT—IhMiM- 4<»7W«»l T4-ni!r
'' *I won't.* 1 stammereJ I won't
The First American Cebinst
•'».! infunua
‘Tve uever given the question a min
with that Ibe door
When John Ilancin k was presldeut
ute# tbought.” replied the other.
June J* 2t»
of congress to ITbJt and bad bis ofUce abut on him.
“What: Xeter immleml upou the ef
"I sat down In a chnir lu'tbe kitchen
at & t’herry sired to New York city.
fect uiKiii the coustitulbiu, to say uuth- Ibi-tv were only three grand departad wept lAttcrly. it was the longest FOR RENT—Kiirolshed
Ing of the mind, of your sun to allow menU of the l?nlted 8taU-s w hl< h per time before I could icalize ito|4 It v
mt^h-n. ronvcnuncca.
him to gprokc the deadly thtugsV
l'4lli>n slittcl. A F. ^
formed the fund ions now iierformed I wbo bad sent in tbe complaint to
"Never a lUougbi no, sir."
by the presidents cabinet. These board of bAlIh " \e-.v York Tress.
"And will >ou allow him to drink
three "grand dci»artmeuu" Wen
An Indian Rats Lcge'-dLOST—lbtW4Hu \V«‘b«ter stnvi and
“1 have never thought alKiut tt."
Uibutod as foUows; Tbe lion John
Thn K«-utiu .’.i- L.ui.:u» !iv!:«-vi*<l lh?it
"t»h. cso suck things be? Are #oi Jsy. sec'reury for foreign affairs.
letting your child grow up in the mklst Broadway; Uon. Uenry Knox, secre when Ihi- rircal Kiurii on-.-it.tl this
«if imnplatiou without speaking a fa tary at war. 15 hmltU street; the Hon. workl h- niitde llini- tom. all fair of
skin. Ii«- bil thc:n »•> a laki* .-ind ba^c
therly w ord to"
Walter LIrtogston. Samuel Osgood and tbi'iu Ji’JiH* >n. Til- lUst olcyiil and
"l.ook l»ere. sir*. Yon lueuu well. I Arthur Lee. commissioners of
camo out whiter I'.mu wh-:‘:i lie* coterc.1
suppose, but let me teU you that Tvs treasury. Tbe "olB^'e of congress’
been a conllrmed l^ heJnr for tbo last that iierlod was at 81 * Broadway tbe waters, ni" srr i-id liesltatiMl. g>
log.into the Uikf wIm'u Ikr water
twenU .’>eara."'^'U|lcago Journal
Wben Washington was first eleettd a irlde imulil> ; benre cam<* out ctiprK't
president lo I7>ffl there were four mem colort*d The third l.-jij»«l
A Msn’s Career.
came out black. At'.-onlln;; Jo Ibc leg
A man o(agbi to look upc*u Ills csrewr
end, tbe JiivatI li|*liit Ithen KhI ibem
as a groat artist look# u|K.u bis maathree bundles,, asking
oui-plcturlug of
terplecc, as
one. Tbe bliu^
est. which wuH touud
hoes and other liImpb'iu
nothing else can give. Yet many peoTraveling Sand HilU
perfurmnniT of
l»b- are so loose ly conneded with their
oud found tu his
Tocatldn that they are easily separaUd
fiom It -Success klagatlue.
m of yard# 'Th' breadth gun aud* warlike we.npout.; Ibe white
man ciuMc tbe sack wlih-h ctmtslued
and from 60 to 130 feet high, and
lK?u. ink and pajier. and thi». so tho
these hills, propelled by the wind,
fctdti goes, laid the fouftdalUm for bis
more stendilj to ao easterly dirci'tkm.
superiority over other races.
The apeed at which these great hUls
Took No Chances,
travel U from thirty-nine to fifty-six
An old w-uuiuu was III, and a kindly
feet a year. Pine woods, which wome
timee oome to their line of march. >»n- nelgltlior tOi>k n l>oUlr of whlsk>
not stop them and ara complde^r de- her. The neighl>or then said she w ouhl
■troyod. The branches are rolled off give the old woniau^a glass of tbe
by the santk and nothing U left of tbe w blsky them and another lu tbe morntrees but the bare stems, whU'b after lug. The oW woman ret-elved lh“ first
glnsa. Ab«ujt ten mlnutea elapsctl. and
a few years wither and die.
then she smhieuly cxcluiined;
• You'd lieitcr let's hev the other
A Crowd Is Not Company.
But little do men p«v«*lve what soli Ye beer o’ so uiony sudden d»*clUa
I*mide«- .Vdvertlser.
tude Is and how far U extendeth. for
aucleut w riUng know n, to
crowd Is not company, and fares ai
Is the maiiuiM-ript by Tuih
Tuil ilotc
but a galleo' of pictures, and talk but
Eg} idhtu prince o:
a tinkling cymlial where there is i
AlUiG yea
years liefore fbrlst
id about AlUHi
love.-Bacan’a Eoaay on "Friendship.*
ITab Uotep’s book U written on papy
rus and deals with matters moral, poFiidgy, July 6. BugioiM
A OoM Point.
Utlcal and rellgUms. It is to the BlProspective Purchaoer-I like
Meo^ Pituiiot on both
looks of this automobile, but suppose 1 bllothegoa Nstkxiale. I'arls.
ahould ran over some one and— Balee
Urgi and AinaU Marioo
mau-Tbe sprtogflhare eo eg«y,
Daafnaaa Oannot ba OurM
A lu, 2 pm.
I’d scarcely be Jemeff at all—Oleveland Plain Dealer,
A—1__ _______ I
MM ovonr $tv. r%4 toMi Mrtwi
9P«0M Ml
ky loMi Mom
tlw OlitoMo fuoiotioao ^ wlro» not
fHipM iTMi otoor HptPi Of Mi pro
and 7 pm.
fixteottvff tmprovemeotk have been made at thit
ftaort. mikiog it a moit delightful ipot to eojo;.y an
BflrflTfl Orelmtra wUl IwraUli
om «U oMfllm-
Fare, induifing dance at PavUion, 2S cents
What la
this racket! Bobhy-Tleaee, i«pa.
are play ing a Umlu af oara. ^ 1
the locotnoUve. IraU Parent-You
the kKomotlva, eh! Well. 1 think I'U
^t switch you.
Thk Dame-rm aurprteed 'to eea you
coming out of a public honeo again.
The BokUei^-Oh, mom. we most
oat eoioetlinea -London Army Qraphlc.
tb( Saratoga Park
(SaooMSon to tho I'elinetto Park Gard«i )
The public i» invited to give ui a call. Wc
have one of the finest locations on Grand Trav*
verse Bay* Bring your family aod enjoy a few
hours’ rest and recreation. No rowdyism allowed
Special Attention
Given to Dancing Parties.
Emil SiBder. Mgr.
CtL shone MX
Mrs. T. Novak. Pros.
For Summer
NoUUag Equals Uie New iBsrovcA
-Tasertsfl Ana
you spimd
i at Ja»me
... ............
ment—and wb.ii te b«iu«r than
gi¥*d Music? tin stonny daya. In
the eveulngk and during'the It
valb boiwt-«-o ouulouj- fciK>rtb,
time will
Miitly if ysiii can llsttm
orito oougb. sung^by tbe W<.rld s
ItUslb. «. have
Greatest Ati
fauioiib Baud
and rindcr
ivndcr the finest
Ovejlines. Maicb*-s, WalUcie '
VICTOR U always a musical tnail, but in the
A cunceri by
setting of a Bummer Ucsorl. far from the
familiar fcjgh'
llgbtful and
and Ithere
Ut he uppreclaled.
our orclHwtra If you
U you like u
on the pureh and
a on outdoor concert, mov»
move the VICTOR
eutortaiu ten or ten hundred iieoplc
jieoplc with equal farilltyk U
going lor a btsit-rlde.
boat ride, or fu»
rm a pk-nic.
pknlc. take the VICTOR al<
g light and comiMc-t.
it can be easily carried, and the aUut»pheii
sill not efl.vi it.
(10 buys the VICTOR JUNIOR—»200 the
VICTOROLA. Other styles at prices between.
Wc Offer the FoUowtng Onttlt
largi muey Moming-Uloiy llom.
adui«ukliK-h (or sv>«i-luchi
»4 ao
$1 wvi>klv at the lowest cakh piict:. This outfit wm tui
lu Michigan fYUl for a dc.miiufellah
lull par
VUrtXiR 1 . with Tupc.n.g .i
Grinnell Bros.
Brancb: 159 East Front Street
Sole Distributers Headquarters Detroit.
Why you shoula come to ^illiken's
next week—^{pndsyA
Because we have some values'that we. know you
cannot resist: We have fooml un gG'mi;
through oor suit stock that ve have just
forty -fi VO light colored soits.
We waut to sell these suite sud soli them quick.
In Older to do this they must have a qniok sell*
ing price and they have it.
The original puoe wm $10 to $H5.
We are geyng to eell these at just half tbafprioo.
That meant just this:
Yon can save M to
II749 OD »ttdk
Do yon tldok UiAi williDove them?
We do.
Erery othAT •nh in the honto will b© marked it
f^aae gooMflatc Monfimy.
Aet aecter4|naly.
' • ?» Titt vmtim
n il n
THAvtutt oiWt.iyawiaAit,
mtvuday. wki «.
• giiKi
MM. J. <k 4 lAiT J. mmooD
FOR RALB—14»4-f0«rten raota ORsi4taTdWlltabstaig.
U a. m.
. toee, lib etreet, etaee to . acAocA 1 to i p. m. T to • tmelsp.tie ■■eklmns
^btaortei aad poetoMee: oeatifi WyahMpint- OtttorouhneilR.
FOR BALE—Household goods, 229 W.
June 27-St
Ilf Park SItml
If you want beak
vioa toleiihoDg
James C. Nodin^
rge W. Stephens, vice-president
of -the t’auadlau Ottisolldated Rubber
('<1.. declares that there to uo truth In
the report that the I'nlted SUles Ruh
l>er Co., has obtained a controlling Intert*al In the Canadian ooucern.
sujb the Amerlcau ooucern does
own a stiare of the stock.
On a trip through Iceland the travg janaro------and all other ajM~ *-------« M9
wilRM hj
vA ot *
rottro I
1 w. Oharo'a
For Bale by Jetawon Dnif Ca
eler sees thousands of mountains
ered with eternal snow, rivaling the
.Alps in grandeur; grt\al gey®ers au«l
innumershh} hot wells; waterfalls, one
of which—the Gullfuss-^s second
only to Niagara in size and beauty:
crysul streams and lasbfng rivers;
lava beds o( fantastic Agures, covered
with muss that glistens in the sun like
h<Kir frost, and. as a crowning glory,
the atmosphere is so brilliant that objecU over So miles distant appear
close at hand.
1862 women had
employed In the service. Then they
were admitted to tbe dead-letter office
—eight of them.. Now of Ib^-1.195
employes in the department ih Wash
ington. 20 are women, and there
the whole countr)' 27.6(K) women
employed, generally In the stamp de
livery tir money order offices, and
ceiving salaricB running (rum |400
$1,700 a year.
Passing of sentence on Mayor
Bugene E SekinUx. convicted trf extor
lion in the French resuuraut com*.
was Thursday postiioud until July 8
Hundreds of cases of brownUil
moth poisoning are being treated
Nashua. N. H., and surrounding townis
by the local ph>wlclan8. One physician
has a case of a wruman with hor eye
l>olsoDod, and he reports it as reo
serious. Many of, .the victims have
had to take sleeping polkms In order
to get their rest as the pojiKNi yields
very slowly to trealmenl. Magy oases
have terminated in a bad form of crysipelaa. Dr. J. A. Lagooe. chairman
of the board of health, says that an
I should be passed by the
city to dompel resldento to have re
moved the nesu of the caterpillars
from their triwa.
Tbe prealdnt will
to Provinceiwn, Maaa. o August 20. to aftead a
celebratioii of the anolversary of the
laudlag of the Pilgrim Fathers sod
aigning of the oampact on board the
MayAower. the vroaal on which the
PUgrims made their voyage to the
new vrorid. He will make the trip
aboard the coaverted yacht MayAower.
and win be oeoorted by a dlvisioa of
foar bertleehlpa, which wiU be here
after deaigiHUad. Tbe preoidrot wUI
deliTM an eddraro.
Power for Your Boot
CAre>oa ttioronoiay
satlsUeM with yoor
boat CEgIneT
If not, it
would oertainly pay yon to
investigate the
Walter M. Paige .
Phone 372
General news
According to a rtsport
the heated term Is making heavy de
mauds on infant Hie. It 1s estimated
that the deaths last week among child
ren will foot over 7o, while from sta
tistics already receuTwl for tbe current
w«‘ck the uumbt-r of deaths will be
fully lUO. When it is explained that
the total death rate, of tbe city, among
all classes, both old and young, should
125. it will bo swm wlmt a
serious thing Is the death of 100 cbildn in one week.
With hiuidreds of tons <»f rubbish.
;i.sht-b atuT decayed fruit and vegeU
piled in the gutters of the oast
streets in New York. iKxutuse the
drivers of the city’s street cieaniug
department are on a strike, the hrmlth
the city is threatened. The odors
from the refuse are beginaiiig to be
offensive and dangerous.
B\-v1>ti Walsh of Denver, who
inheill the wealth of Thomas
Walsh. the^Colorado multi-millionaire
miner, to "Just crazy” to be a news
paper rep»>rter and "write up" ^a
thrilling murder case, uctxtrding to
iuu»rview she gave a Denver girt
I»«iler. "Vtliai would yxju do with the
money ytni earned? " she was asked
Why. I’d buy a prrttrT>waeot for
John E Baroall. | tahotar of Po^ Arthur ftoMF. n leading Haaeook to
tlae, to heiag held on the charge «I suraagg taan. wars batkiag oR a sand
bar extending into Pnruga lake. WedektaBLeffed Syenra.
current and carried;
tt. LBSPUL Ltiuen paone
_ Fgulmau to suffering severely.
begnnad her depth. drowalBg before
may MK '
Depugk. 7-yenr«ld eon of ssalataitPe oonld reach her. The
E RUAAELU diay. caU Bachant
Depugh. Uviag north of Vermont yocmger girt atoct 401 Into deep water,
Boacoe, Resldfooe pbone 224.
I nita was probably fatally Injured but waa aaved by a young man who
June ll-tf. |churaday morning when a home was Just landing from a bgat
WUIlam A. Hanrahan ef Moakegon,
;ed the Uttie chap. TEe foepe of
E DbBAON-Jostloe of the Peaoe.'
blow threw him through the aide purser on the Ul-fsted steamer JSaomi.
HamUtoa A MUUkea block. Bopdi,t^ the
which burned in mlA-Uke a few weeks
barn and fractured hto skull
deeds, mortgages and oontracU no%go
with the loas of four Uvea, and of
Don't throw papers, banana skins c
knowlMsd; real eetate houghL peanut shucks in the atreete keraaltef whom the papers spcdie so highly for
sold or%oled to city or oountiy; at Kaiaroaxog Mayor Thompson to hto bravery whUe hto veasel waa in
money loaned. 1 have tome good out after a apoUeaa town reooed for Anmas, has married. The bride to
bargains listsd la farm and city Kalamaxoo and will have it He has Mtoa MatJorte Usooe.
property. *ln ofAoe Wednesday and issued an order to arrest persona teacher. It to said of Hanimhan that
Saturday ereninga. Basldsnoe phone throwing things in the street or piling hto oooliiess wns the means of saving
apr tEtf lumber about new buUdinga.
many Urea the night of (he dtoaater.
With a photo held UghUy to hto
Workmen engaged in rafdactng the
MONEY TO LOAN—Beal estate for
breast Robert Palmta of Albion, a
sale. Houses to rent Dr. W. E old dam with a new one at Buchanan,
found a turtle welghiog over 20 youth empiagred by the E U. R.. was
Moon. City Opsra Hotwe block.
pounds cooped in a portion of tke dam found uncnncAoua in hto room, with
F. P. LAWTON, M. O-^OCAoe Wilhelm from whlck It was Impossible to get the gas tonied full on and a handker
block. BoU pkonaa.
apr l-tf either in or out and the conclusion to chief satunOed with chloroform lying
that the turtle must have been tbers over hto face. The photo was that of
OE M. E QRiOORY—Physician and for 30 years, ever since the dam wua Mm Bd. Osmun, with whom he bad
formefly boarded. Wlioa he regained
•urgeon. 117 Cass sUeeL Phon% built
ofAce, 7«02r; resldeaoE TMAr.
There to no baby la the muntolpal consclousneaa he begged to have the
Bealdanoe All WalauL
wau>r works atandpl|ie at Marshall- picture and gazed eorneaily upon It.
SupL Joy aa}s sa lie ought to know, It was thought It must be hto mother,
fur he sent a man up the 100-foot lad but when an older brother arrived
der to lake a look. Someone started from UtchAeld, tbe photo was hasUly
the story that a man had throw a taken away and hidden.
A Milwaukee dispatch recently c»»m
babe in the tank, and many persons
sens phons SC2.
stopped using the water. Supl. Joy Is mented on the capture of a 16-pound
whlieAsh in. Loke MlchivuL During
A. J. McPHAIL-DeattoL Ovsr John- "from Missouri.”
The teachers In the Dowagiac school tbe present week. Capt John Parker,
canqot attend dances or parties tbe of Marquette, took a WblleAsh from
ct>ming school year, on any erveiflng bis nets that weighed nearly 19
preceding a school day. That is'the pounds. "This to tbe biggest Ash of
•with Underwood 4 umlor. Suther- edict of the school board, and the the kind ever caught in Lake Superior
' Id block.
' clause win be Inserted In the con- of which 1 have any know ledge,” said
the captain. ‘.'The whlteAsh to a s^OE F. J. MAC NETT—PracUce limit traru. The teachers i^re up In arms
low water Ash and dues not generally
ed to BYE BAE NOSE TUBOAT c>ver this, as the best dances and
and riTTINO OF OLA8SBE Office Itartles cpme In' the middle of the grow to a great size. It to nothing
unusual to catch a trout weighing
602 WUkelm block. CitUena p
much more, but a.^ w hlteAsh of even
I specie
puuds Is a veiilable Jumbo of lU
12 punt
nd of I
plans and speclAcatloiis of Architect kind.”
years expertenoe.
An interesting^event not listed
Bros., oomer Front and Cass Sts.
E. A. Bowd. of Lansing, for the new
tt40K 22&.(k>0 court bouse. The building to the announced program of the com
mencement cxerctoes f the Ironwood
U) bo of cement blocks.
Anniu Corenck of Ironwood. 4 years high school was the presenUUonL to
cild^ was probably fatally burned when Prof. Luther U Wright of a bandsewue
MARK CRAW'g DELIVERY—Light she attempted to dash through a bun- koing cup and a beautiful ood cosily*
Ure. after being dared to .do so by gold watch. Mr. Wright 'who last
playmates. Her mother was severeb’ full was ek-cied sUle superinU.*ndt«it
burned while exlingulsbing the- flames of public instruction, has for many
years been at tbe bead of Ironwood's
to save her child.
After the guesu at the hotel at pu|tlic eduoaUonal system, retiring
^MIL F. NERLINQEE LAWYER- Kudyurd had been startled by a bullet w ith the close pf the ter^ just ended,
Money, to loan, 212 BUte BaA coming through the window, they went and the glfu were made In apprecia
building, atlzens phone MS.
outside and found Herman DeKrayter, tion of hto senicos in that capacity.
tCAL ESTATE AND LOANS-Orand 22 years old. the hou*l barbt-r. on the 1 he loving cup. ^f sierl
Traverse Land and Loan Oo_ F. ground with bis throat cut, but still inches high, was presei
Thurtell, Manager . Office, room 2 living. He is believed to be insane.
teaching corps; the timepiece was the
HamUUin A MlUlken block.
Wblle the two little daughters of gift of the Alumni associailou.
SARA T. CHASE, M. E—Offtoe with
Dr. O. E Chase. State Bank block.
Both phones, 226-2r. Beaidence 224
W. Bighth St CiO. phone 781.
Amll F. Nerlinger
1 Open Buggy.
2 Good PhaetonE
FOR BALE—1621—Large tea room
houM, large lot, between Ninth
and Itaith streeU on Railroad av
enue. BUme foundation. Lot worth
ai«t WAMTCO-ftor miml Ime
at least one thousand doUara
jwrk vko vUJ CO haiM algliu. QUl
Honse oonld not be boUt for Atleen
m 4lt Wuliioctjoo streei, Miw
bnndred doUarm. Cioee in. Baoy
FOR kALE->Biiggy. may and har
ness; very kind for chUdrea te ride
terma. Prloe tWOO. Wade Broe.,
or drlva B. J. Morgan. June
•17 Boota UoK^ straeL aL phone
may 9K
IPA&tod Ifi 'tbU YicioiUr to kaatUo
. fWI Um of oxtracu tekers* »m»
BALE—Lot on Sixth strwt OaU
' plk«. «<£.; good ouB CM «arii
to M per dBjr. Harri* lUg.
ior SOK
Ill W. Lamed. Detroit, Mick.
. hot water
Ikue U-i*.
heat. hath. »lot seventy dve feet FOR BALE—Ita—Fifteen room brick
resldeoce. West Ninth BL, close In.
front, good bam. Om of the Anest
M^NTCO^tf . glrto to pick Un acre*
one and a half block fijom (tantral
homes In the miy. WUl take smaller
of straarberriee. William Hlemforth,
priced property as part payment or
school; sulUble for resldeoce. room
l^t farm. Pbone im s ringi.
wUI sell on easy terms
ing or boarders; wUl take food
•6,600. Wade Bros.' 117 South Union
equity to amount of one thousand
gt. Olt phone 121».
May Itf
dollars ss part payment; price
amt WAMTCO at oooe for general
|mttM«orfc. Cpil at ofAct of Mtlll FOR SALE—16»-BUty-slx feei^oa
•2.000. Wade Brae., 817 BouU
ken's storm
Ud^ BL, ClL pkooe U19.
State street; torge frame house and
may IIK
good bam; this property to la the
WAMTKO-At once. t>oy to learn
center of the best block In Tmvei
^Uuniiiog trade. & J. Meroer 4
etty*. between Cass aad Park street
juae UK.
and the coming business block of
Northern Michigan: property fnlhto
BHINGLE and metal roof fepalrtof
drAMTCD-^Yopng uaa to learn Jew
block has Increased In value
and painting a specialty. CaU at 721
four hundred per cent in peean
June 12-tf.
years, It wlU do better than that in
the next eeven yem. Keep yoorman WE HAVE FURCHABEp^Ue dry
WANTCO-Watters and wnitmases
money out d the Aike Oil, OdA Cop
cleaning business of OU A Hahner.
Oeach hotel Moithport. Mich.
per and other similar propoaii
We are now In a position to do all
June 27-*t^
and place It In good proepeetive
of your work. WM. AUGUBTI^
property in the best dty In the sUU
WANTED->A position as porter
218 E Front strecL CUtororTiW^
where ail classes of real eeutcare
June 16-U.
advandng in price, efberp factories
Around i
have Increased their capacity to the CONBULT Madam Hines, (he palmUL
if. Tmv
extent that they have out stripped
at 617 Ui^ upon aU affairs In life.
tbe population, where there to
mar 16K
Jobs for every man, woman and
WANTilb^irl for general housechild where the local columns of the NOTICE—We clean chimneys and furIpork. m W. Bighth street. Mrs. I.
nacea and store stoves through thr
loc^l papers are Ailed with want
M. Winnie.
June tOK.
summer. Traverse City Stove Re
ads for noen. women, boys and girts,
pair Oo.. §02 W. FronL Clta. 617.
where farmers come tor miles to
WANTCD^Crate nailers, basket mak
apr 9-'tf
er end laborera Basket factory of
dispose of their producU and pur < BeU 8f Sr.
Wells-Uigman Oa
June 1»K.
chase their supplies, where all
classes of fruit, grain and vegeUbles
WANTCCL-Kiil to do general house
^ork. Mra L. F. Titus. 447 Webrature has abundantly, yes lavishly
•ter street
June UHlt
HOUBE TO RENT—428 W- Eighth
supplied the sportsman, the a
streeL all modern Improvemonu. In
ars, the artist and the invalid with
FOR SALO—fUA-Hoosa on Ualoo
quire A. a Cook, State bank.
gtmsL iltydDot front, seven-rau^ every thing they could desire, hay.
June 26 tf.
inland lakes, rivers, and creeks,
kotme. Blpe lawn; A No. 1 pn>^
clear, pure frosk water, good clear FURNISHED ROOMS—126 E Ninth
Mon: prioe |2,0«)t Wade Bme.. S17
healthy air. Ash. fruit, aad vegeUiodtk Union St Ot pkono itil.
June 24-6L
bles. What more could be desired.
may llK
These are facU we are aUUog and TO RENT—PleasanL furnished front
can be verlAed. Again we aay place
room In family of two. Address X
we are still the most up-todate
your money In Traverse City or the
Record ofAce.
June 14 tf.
Grand Traverse region.
cleaning estahUahment In tbe city.
Bros., S17 Union street ClUxens TO RENT—Pleasantly furnished front
Tke Parisian
June 12-U.
room; all modernftonvenlencea
pbone 1211.
June l»-a
WANTSO^OasUmiera for oil and
220 caas.
June lOK.
gasoline. Deliver anywhere In the FOR SALE—Honsa and lot; mo
city. Drmnd Baplds Famiture Co.
eonvenieoees except heating; eight FOR RENT—Three Urge unfurnished
rooms, upstairs, at 84 per mouth.
June 11 tl.
blocks from postofAce; easy terms;
638 E. Eighth street
may 25 tf.
modersie cost. Phone il2 or call
WAMTSO-Manager for hranck otAce
621 W. Ninth straet
apr ll-tf FOR RENT—121 Cass streeL toqulre
we wish to locals here In Traverse
142 Bast Blghtk.
mar t«-U
City. Addrees. with reference, The
Mortis Whfdesale lloose. Cincinnati.
thirty-kVe aero farm, eighty acres
DE E E MINOR—Office over Ameri
Improved, large ham and good
can Drug Stope. Special attention
house, orchard, large amount of LOST-A pocket book between the
WANTIO-Ppr noOeetlon. aotse and
to eye. ear, nose and throat. Qlaseee
good wood, timber, farm all fenced
Knox store and Milliken’s, Satur
AUed. Both phones. Residence 6l«
nid ■aneeiti A. Bnhoral. RamUton
and no batter soil to be found; six
Bids. ^
mar 16-lmo
mUes eoutheast of city cm main
this ofdcG and receive rcwar.l.
. MOON—Bpeclall
road. Bast Bay township; ctoae to
June 24 tf.
urinary, eldn
school and chnrch; will sell <m easy
yeara experienve.
opera house
ienna, owner in other business; LOST—Black, covered account book,
FOR AALE—Gbcice aster plauU, Af
block. Both phones.
price It.OOa Wade Bras.. 117 gouth
yesterday between Grawn and Trav
teen cents a dosen. Two Uicyclea.
: me lady's, one sentlcmhus. 427
T. W. THIRLBY—Dentist Ovwr Bar
tak MK
road. Return to Record and receive
. PiBk strei-i.
Jtmu 2»^t.
m 4 Bart's Jewelry etore. Both
ones 103.
June 17-tf.
-Maxwell runsboul: full FOR SALE—ir.21—Farm, elgfaty-five
eo^pment; In flue running order;
acres, one and on® half ntilea north,
win give demuastrstioo A bargain.
clsn and Surgeon. Removed to ofwatch
of Acme on main road. BoventyAces In Munson block over Baraum
Barager, ft. M. Asylum, Jane 14-tl.
4 Bari's. ClUxens phone U6.
Ave acres under cultivation; all In
FOR AAtE—Good arork team weight
to crops, wheat, torfi. oaU. hay;
UdO. nine years old. Will sell
HARRY E HARNER-Expert piano
large modem fatnise,' fumaoe, bath,
tuner and action regulator. SaUa
time. J. P. Oberliu. Bingham. Mich.
hot and cold water all through
faction guaranteed. W^h Kimball
Jane 36-tf
house. Wind mill and tank. Good
Muxlc House. Cltx. phone 2«4.
Hpeoinl nUentioB given to
bam, granary and all necessary 1
; POR SALE—Two canopy top roller
foU^tioas and oommurrial
out buildings; good young orchard,'
MONEY TO LOAN-No tax clansa
lawn swings, cheap- B. f. oMrgan.
put In mortgages. Honaes for sale.
law; bankruptej proceedings;
just bearing; about all level aad
Inquire of
June 24-tf.
McNamara. Park
oonveyanciog; netUement of
as nearly perfect aFa farm eould
Place hotel
eatateg and private mattera
be. Owner wishes to go south, hence
f!0R SALE—1471—II acres two miles
Notary Publio and Justice
offers at taw Agure for cash. Price
Bute Bank huliding; Anest location
AIATRACTS OF TITLE-C. O. Carof tbo Peace in effioe. Money
ver. Prices reasonable.
for aoburban residenee in this rw
•4,600. Wade Bros. 617 south Un
to loan. Open eveuinga.
^ Price •l.OU. Wade Broa.. 117
O. P."
.■Carver 4 Bro. Both pbonea.
ion street, Cil. pbone 1210.
iMm stseat Ota. phene UlE
409 SUte Bthk EnildUic
June 12-U.
OE E L. THIRLOV-Spedkl attaoTvk-;>tum«-OU|auH W
Uon to diseases at children. Wootw
pOR EALE—McVicker gaeollaa em
409 SUU Bank bldg. Both phooM.
flak, new; IM h. p. a a Dowell, FOR 'sale—162k—One hundred end
Ave acre .farm; four miles from city;
at Beeord oCAea.
sixty acierunder cultivation; forty
acres Umber estimated Xp cut at
____ Caas St. lee home; price
k-ast three hundrtMl Ibou'saud feet
MAW- wad# Broa.. 117 SouU
merchanUble logs; about two
at oa phoM Uld.
thousand cords stove wood; Im
Jaa MK
of P., meet every Thursday evenproved land, muetly level; about
FOR SALE—ItAt-Resort property
one half caa be irrigated from the
one mile city UmiU; four acres;
creek that runs acroM farm; large
two hundred feet ahons front; large
frame bam. sloae hasemeat room
holM eompipteiy famished diet
fdr Afty head of stock; good stoae 1 Jump two-icat Caoopy Top
Surrey in good condition.
meet In Woodman ball on the third I
dm: hoi and odd water la aU
fonndaUon; pecking^Muse for fruit:
IMS, gas Ught. tamaoe heat, also
large orchard, differenl vartetiee of
PM eotuss. two large bams, trout
peaches, pears, plu^ ajAiooU, 8 Single Top Buggiei.
etrpam Urough groands. hath house
cherries and applet aU ohoioo
aad Aae grove along bny ahore. This
variettos; alfo large viayard; cheiO'
property U in Irst class oqpditJon
set gmpea. This farm by atlUsiag
na main rend to city, piked att tke
the timber can be made to pay out
way to dty; would cost to put to
this year including oomtag winter, 2 Hurreys — 1 Canopy Top,
at 7:20 p. m. Cart C. Laaglcy, W.
Mdltlnn as U to at prssent at least
aad when paid for is a steady eouroe
M.; E E WhiU. kecreUrjrIMT
1 regular top with pole.
twenty fhootend doUses: lady own
of weslth that to hard to dupiicaU,
tag to UvaUd. kenoe sacridep la
only reaaoB it to for sale to owner
order to dispose of tt; will consider
box. good for truck wagon.
to weU along in years aad wishes to
O. T. M. M..
d.. No.
No. iirmaeu■ every
good dty property In pm paymrot;
reUre hence offers it at abpot oneBday Bight
tt U the
pdee lUAOd. Wade Bras.. I17
hall, over Amertcaa Kandy Kitchen.
half iU actaal value. Price IA.00A.
All for tale very cheap
B. E
amrtb Ualnn it €kt phons 121E
Wade Bros. 617 BnnU Uah« BL.
. BvAos.
r UK cmx«w phnpta lilt.
June 12 If
or will trade for hortet.
Flaance Keeper.
Tohn R. Santo
General Insorance
209-210 SUte Bulk BdlMlffr.
Travene aty, MlchlgtE
E. W. Hastbias-a Sob
c«j, Mlcfc.
Real Estttt
i Pere
® ttamuette
Line Steamers
ThcOoly DaUyUBelor
> t
Cblcaa® t
liilll Poilts Kltat
Leave MAN18TBB daily at ( and 7 ». > - 1
m.; Bogday 7 A. BL only.
leave LGDINOTON dally at !• ff. ta. ^
Arrive Milwaukee e a. BL dally.
V f
Leave MUwaukee dally A iL ».
, s
The llae which aenree you Three
tttage .Bamy. Ceroieft and
Get your ave “»eiwe*” ^
* jjether, then all aboard f<» ‘
grocer’a for
Zh Zo ^
the giager soap
that has brokeo
H. P«rrU, of C«4*r Orore,
w . ...^dloa t<i « letter ultich reads;
“After aufferluc much erltb liver sod
IF you wnnt a cold drink, go
kldory trouble, aod becomloz greallj JerksoD's 106 H Front.
.iUsoourmaed by ib« fsllurs to god re
4pne *Mt
lief. I tried Blectrk BUiera, aod as a
THE COLWBBT and the best la the
reeolt I am a well loaa to-day. The
ftrat bottle rellered «od three bottles
completed the euro" Ouaraoteed brat
remedy for stomach, liver aod kldqey
troubles, by Boabee Drug Co.. Frank
IF you want a cold drink, go
H. Maads, llaimah Iwu* Btore. drug
tckaou's, 106 a Front
June 12'4t
if any cases ot orueUy to children
' or Mtlmata eo^e under your obaervatiM call City book stofw, both phones
Ke. it.
Humane Hodety.
may iMf
Bcbixlule water iuxed tmiat be paid
KIEFCJliE JUtV 1st to' get discount
Ail water will be abut off
further notice if nut
W. R Caldwell, Bupt
, 2®. July 1 to 13.
WHY go huogry on the Fourth
THE C-OLDEBT aod the beat U the
erhes a g<i(>d diunr^ cau be got at
iks at
Gra«ge hall, criraer Com and Wash- Muias and all kinds of drinl
June 22 II.
son’s. 106 Front
fnetan atret-ta. Ust s:> ceutat
JuUfj ’Sit Uj July 3-
OverMi Uhc Uc4 tluit we
^e llw beirt lUw <i|J^
Sfettiw^rl^ price.
Ife the A4riMiaw4 M4e
tie lb«l
We ptveoaemih. eeaU
with every cedi purduuie
el ill or over.
See our lloe ot mao*
hontc oiul drIviBfl Iwroeooee before ycHi boy.
Farmers* Supply Co.
Porcelain Work
On fiaor with Boainow OoUogo
ladies Belts and
lo belt# wo aid sbovititf ike
Uraeai vahetjr aod b(«t atvlai
WBIbsre kad lor a looi; lliDd
We hive Ohildrpa'e Broiroie
.Beho in pBlent Lutlher, aa•oritd colon ic o»cli aud
upvBtdi Wask Baka t#c
/and t^arda, Otkeis lie UP
I•^ «l4il Heueb.
aiDiba. If in need ot nnyikiof in Ignoy Bac4t OomW,
leikW Ooeibi or C3amb HeU
you gkokVdoae oar Urge as*
OortaNont otorf^ihiug id
^ IF Y<ir
A Fortunate Teaan.
Mr B W. Oiaalloe, of 107 Bt LooU
Bt . Dallas, Tt x . says; “In the plat
year 1 hspe bec.onie acquainled with
I»r. Kina a Kew Life PUis. and no Usathe I ever Ufuiv tried so effectually
dtspos4<s of ualatia and blllouaoeas"
They don’t grind nor gripe. 2Sc at
Uuglaui ortfk Co.. Frank H. Meads.
Hannah Drug Blorea.
i Cold drink
7 IIH rold«>«t and »s«t U the ««id«s
ittid nil kind, id diluks at JarkiiOu s,
Iim B. Front.
June 22 U
FOR OUTilDB doers use Caiman's
Elastic Spar Varnlah. B. E. Walt A
Ha Fired tha BUck.
*T have Ort^ the waiklugelick I’ve
iiirlod ovf-i 40 yeais, ui> acx4iuul of a
iru that resist!.^ eiery kind of tnuilniitut. ^DtU I irlod Bucklon’s Arnica
gulve;'tbat has healed the sore and
made me a happy mau.’* writes John
Ganett, oI North Mills, N. C. Ouaran
lied lur riles. Hums. etc., by Hugbee
lung Co. Frank H. Meads,* Huuuab
>rug Btore. drugglsU. 23c,
Paying Tu
^ baU court for the emonty -of Grand
raveruA At a aeaslon of said
held at the probate
of Traverse City. U eald connty. on
ike 22nd day of Juno.
luno, A.
«. D.
a.. 1007.
Preaant: Hon, Fred R. Wallber.
Church ^eivloM
Your Hair
ngton stroet
Morning gcnrOar titd Hmn, 16:30
^£'nday school and Blhle elMs at
^*A°Wdial lavUaUtm to aU thoac aer
‘ Cathcllc.
rbnrch of the Immaculate Oonedptlon-^Coraor Uvlakm and Beesad
Low maaa. 3; hl0 mass. 10:30; ves
pers and henodlcllpn. 7:30 p. m.
St. Francis Church -Comer Tenth
and Cass street ltaaday>-Low mass
at 7:30 A m-: high mass and sermon
St 16u30 A m.; vcaiicrs and benedic
tion at 7:3(1 p. m. Week days—Bervices at 7:30 a. m.
CKrIetiaa BetensA
Sunday momtna aarvice in Modon
roodmaa hall over poatoacA
Ibk achooL
leellng at 7:10.
n. Bt^nlor C. K
Reading room. No. 314 WUhela
Buuday. 6:00 p. m. Inurroedlate C.
lock, open ev
Sunday) from <
Free Methodist Church.
service, sermon.
C. H. llAKTLHrrr, pastor.
Tuesday. 7 30 p. m.. cotUge prayer
East. k'uurtiH^-uth'slrwt.
toi-ollngs on fast aud west sides of
8<‘rvlri-h Buoday mnruiiic.
the city.
WiH-kd^iy prayer
niuetiug '
Tut«day. 7: (HI p. U» . Normal ikble evening 7:30.
iut-sday, 1.30
i;30 p, m.. Durcui. .4 id
-Connrepatlonal- Mission.
meets even
A. A AllingUiu. pastor lu charge.
Wednesday,.7:30 p. m. C. W. B M
Regular Buuduy morning devotional
meeU very Erst w«M*k.
7'huraday. 7:30 p. m.. "Union mid sei-vU«s and sermon at IU;30 o’clock In
week piayirr mealing.
Fifth ward hall
thw Fi
Friday 7;30 p m . Y L. M. C. mw U
of prayer and praise on
•ery first w««k
Wehome to worship with us sn^ 7’liursday evening at the liumes wbi-re
stiaugers. workingmen and the poto. It Is cnnveuleul All arc earnestly lu
vlU'd to alti-iid aud join In these scrCengrepatlenak
Rev. Demas CochllA pastor.
Xthurck phone No. llfO.
Our church la a home tor worship
od service. If you have no church
home in Traverse CUy. you are earn
eslly Invited to come, gel acguaiuted.
til mass and communion 7 'JO. a.
aud work and worship with ua
welcome to all. Introduce your frlendA
Greet the atrangeiA If a sUanger. wait
and meet the pastor.
services announced la the
Bpeclal eervld
church brev"*eA
Regular aer..7ea as loiiowi:
10.10 a. m.. momlag worship and
sermon. Choir under direction of Mia
acbooL If prevented
m.. 8udiday
atuudlng. du the home department
6:46■ p. m.. Young People's
________InL the parloFA
of Christian Endeavor
7 :00 p m . evening
ev ening worship.
meet log and evangelistic aenrlOA
Choir under direction of Dr. Smith.
Thursday. 7:30 p. au prayer and
conference meeting.
Friday. 7 00 p. m , MajBoi
A cordial lovltdiion to
aervioea and the i
OfEce R-. /m BUta bank buildlog-
Rubber Rose
Vanadium Steel
fixoelo nil olhor nieela in olrenRth,
is vastly tnpe>rior in reeUtance to
vibratioo, it prnctioally ouhreak
able, t i;ker under a atoady load or
under oonatantly repeated akocka
Tbia ia Iki* kind of ateel naed in
That’a why they are light, yet
poaa^a all the atrooRth of heavy
can. We have lota of points to
ell you about.
A new tool for removing
sod irrowinc over cd«;es of i
cemcni walks, liy its use a
narrow trench in cut next the
walk, prcvcniinK sod jrrowing
over edge of walk, greatly im
proving appearance of lawn
For Sale by all Hardware
Monby, Itily 1
This Year?
Want a Good Lotto Build On
1 so, we hove them lor sale and at
.prices that we know are right
Lou 6 and 7. Blk 6. Perry Hannah's
3rd Add.. West Bight street
Lots 27 aud 23. Blk. F. H. L. ft Co's
7th Add.. 6C ft. front each on
Washington street
Lots 0 and 10. Blk 2. H. U ft Co.’s
6th Add.. Esit Eighth street
East 60ft Lot 0. Blk 1. H. L. ft Ca'a
7ih Add.. Washington street
Lou 16. 17. aud 18.^Adsli's Add..
Webster streeL 60 ft each.
Lou 21 and 22. Blk 1. H. L. ft Co.'s
7lh Add.. Webster street, 66 ft
Lot 142. Oak HelghU Add... Barlow
Lot 107, Oak HelghU Add.. Hannah
Lou 40, il. 42 and 43.. Blk 1, Oak
Park Add.. Washington street
Lot 13. Blk 3, Goodrich's Add.. Monroc street
LoU 20 and 21. Stcode ft Spencer's
Add-! 17th street west of Cass.
Lou 23 and 25, Grlfflu ft Wlnnl
Add.. 25 ft each.
Lot 17. Grover Park Add., corner
Uosu aud State slfeeU, 60 ft each.
33 ft. East Front betwoeu Park and
Btmrdman avenue, gQpd business
Just a few of those 5-acre LoU left
Southeast on Gartleld ibad. .
For Price and Term* Enquire o#
where you will have Into ol room
and lota of good seaU and won't
have to stand outside and wait lo
wail aud come to the Grand Opera
House the first week of July- All
the picturea will be explained to
you aa they are thrown on the
screen so you can get the full ben
efit from them.
Remember the place and
date—Grand Opera House
first week of J uly.
Admission 5 cts.
Tu all parts of the house.
Everytlilaii lor
; Tlie Aatomoblle
and Laoncli.
We can save yon money.
Ask ns how.
Walter M. Paige
i:U Cuss .St.
I'hone 572
W. Hasiiogs & Sod
state Bink Bldr.
Give us your order for
Buns and
lee Cream Coses
We can supply you
with anything you want
in baked goods if we
get your order in time,
so don’t wait until the
last minute to order.
From Our Notion Department
Ladies and* Misses’ 15c Hose, embroid
ered or plain—Saturday only............
50 picci No. 100 Ribbon
The I5c kind—Special.
25 dozen Ladies* Pure Linen Fikkf.
Extra quality at......... ........ *.........
30 4lo2en Ladici’ Pure Sheer Linen Handkerchiefi, hcmslitehcd and embroidered,
values 19c tcf26c, special 15c, or 2 for.. ^ jC
Ladiu' St(Kd( CoUart,
!i5c and bOc valum at ....
SI Round Trip
Leave Traverse City at 8 a.
m. Returoing. arrive
Traverse City at lOp m.
Feed bam—bIbo want rogolar «
boaideiB—popular priooB. We
uepecially want to tee the
larmefa. Good, roomy Btalla,
w^ ventilated. Hciriei ea*
truBled to OB will receive tho
beet poBBible care.
Columbia Trusfei's Old Stud
State atriat
Ou ol the BostFum io MitlBrn
On main road between Trav
ene City and Elk Rapids; 280
acres; heavy, rich soil; two
large orchards: new buildingi
worth $8,000; $1,000 worth of
stock and tools. Everything
in first class shape. Property
worth $15,000.
Will take
$12,000 if sold soon.
FrontStr#at 5-8tory Block
J, w. PATCfflN, Attoney,
ptvt mmiiag tkan^ wreilBi
at 7:30. BeaU fro*. .
▲U aro.woloQ^f ib >P tko mtvIbb
kcharga. FukUe Mootr
Fouruofilh Biroat M. B- QiMraH.
Tho Ror. & H Flomliis. pastor,
daaa mooting. 3:41 a. m.
Proaokiag aorvlOB. t0:3« a. m.
Harbor Springs ' TrimUe's
ladles' Embroidered Linen
Grand Opera House
MoralBB aonrloft tO;K ft »
YoKB,; uad tbem with
the OMoe promiM oogvwe
M ycmwrlf.
lOB and FUEL.
June 22 23 July 6-13.
ttunday. »:30 a. ni.. guet bom.
Buudsy, l»:80 a. m.. morning wor-
Notice to All Ffraens InUresUg'i'hn si*>M Ul ubsessuieiit 6ia rolls fur
the paving of Ike following ftreeU
Evanpallcal Church.
ire now in tuy bamU fur collei-Ui
Coim r Ninth aud Wadswiulh
South Union street fu« bridge to
C. C. Olbson, upslnr, Twolfib sueer. ^ond lualBllmeat.
Buoday services .
Class street from Stale street
Class meeting. 10 00 a m.
bridge, second iuUallmenl.
Preaching. 10:30 a. m
CiesB sliwet from Front street. *Vo
Sunday achooi, 1146 a. m.
Bute street aud Stau street from
Junior Y. F. A . 3:30 p. m.
Cass street to Union slieet, liflh iuBMlor Y V. A.. C;80 p. m
Pieacblng. 7:30 a m.
Btae street from Oass street to RailMid-week prayer meeting Thursday
toad avenue, third UrsuUimeot.
■ast Front street from Park street 7:30 p.m.
You are cordially InvUeib to attend
I Wellington aueet. ihlfd InauU*
all of these servloee.
West Froat street from VdIud street
Fir^ M. t. Ohurah.
Maple street, third InaUlIkmot.
Joseph pulton. pMtor.
Blalb street from Union etretg to
Morning service. 10:30.
liivision street, Bfth Inslallmenl.
Buaday acbool, aoom
Atrtho above InaUllmenia toaetkei
with the accrued’ tutereet on all u
MvoBlUg OTBigaUaUo service, 7.
paid liistallmenU to be paid on i
.Prayor maatlng, Thursday evealng,
beforu the 30tb day of June. 1»07.
Ralph B UaaUngs^
A cordial
City Treeaurer.
iBctoiB in OiB
egtimation of the
Latter Day BalntA
Regular aenlces of the Latter Day
Balnla (reKirganlxe) are aa follows:
10:.30. social aenrioe.
11:46, Bunday'achooL
7:00 p. m.. preaching.
^Tko Bov. Osoygh Jk Loakhart. pasTuesday Evening—
7:30. prayer meeting.
'“tlndy and ofacft, SOI WUkelm bledn
Friday Tvenlng—
OfOoe phone. 146 CiUsens.
7:30. Zlou't Rellglo^Uterary society.
Mom lug service. 10:30 s. m.
Chapel located at 805 Randolph.
fiundajr acbool. If.
The public U welcomA
Baraca Bible class, 12.
B Y. P. U.. 6 p.
Evening ernrice. 7.
Bible study, prayer and praise eervice, Thursday evening at 7:80.
: »:45 A m.
Junkm union. Saturday. 2:30 p. la.
Morning service, 10:30 A m.
Boys' Juulor soclfi nlu^
Baa4ay.aohool at It m.
RpWofUHeague. #:30 p. m.
All are cordially iavlM to theaeser7%0 p. m.
Church of Christ (Waclplaa)
cordial welcome to these aervioea
J. Allen Cenby Pastor. CUx. phone
8TBAM8R ONEKAMA will run
two roend trtps on the Fourth, leav
ing Bowers Harbor aod NoAh-U-wan
l 8;00 a. m.,
6:30 p. m.. rotumlng will leav» Travereo City at
4:00 p. m.. and 10:00 a. m.
June 3« 3t.
10:3<r, Sunday achooi.
11:43, prager eanrioA
7.30 p. m.. preaching service.
Friday evening—7:30, Sion'e ReligloLiterary society.
A welcome U extended to alL
; ...t - ■
CUKtra Arc im^tt
^'*1?*the maS^of the eetate td Lucy
Auchard Bateman, dedeased.
Chrtstopher T. Bateman havtag
died in said court htai petition praying
that he may be authorized, empower
ed and licensed to sell at private sale
I p. m.. Junior medtog. the Interest of said estate In said real
Our batue cryi BOtaar. tkara 1a aai
estate therein described.
II Is ordered. That the ICth dav of
July. A. D. 1007. at lea ocJotk In the
3:30 p. SL. dtrlaUaa'a
forenoon, at said probate offict>, be
la hereby appointed for bearing
m.. nM M
said petition.
' la further ordered that public noI Cold diink go to
ikereof be given by publisatUm
June 23-lL
copy of (Ws order, for three sue
cesatve weeks previous to aaUl day of
LetUr^Miy BaInU tIleAraanImd).
huating. Iq the F i-enlng Record, a
_R|telAr services are hold at their
ICE CREAM delivered. 60 oonU
newspaper printed aud circulated In
oha^, aOS. Randolph etreet. as fol- galloA 26 qpiite a quart Phone 676.
Juue 23-61
Frtande Church.
h all
Center Oak and Fifth
iklin Hert
Herudlth, Ue
Th« Ruv. Frankly
Rev. Mary Moon Meredith,
lUh. Iboat
~ ailng for worship Babbai
Babbath momMsdllng
lag, 10:30 a. nt
innday school 13 o’clock.
Junior a M. 3J30 p. m.
Bealor. C. U. C:13 p. m.
Gospel ometleg. 1:30 p. m.
Pieyr ameUag Thursday 7:10 p. m!
Praeehing on flahhath morning and
^venlug. All are cordially Invited aud
1 at JackaoQ'c:
1 the bent 106 E Froot.
I 22-tt
-: -> ^ -V
MWORA. TMvtm env. mmmwm^tummv; jumi » ntr.
. j
New Wahelm Block
Traverse City MIcIl
both phone*.
Choice R^ Eotalc
For Sale
or Exchange
Throe k>U corner SUtie and
Caaa. opposite postoffice. Bach
23 1-3 feet on Cass. 132 foel
long. WIU Kill ahy two of those
without bulidiDgs.
Store and ko-foot lot ouriier
Oak snd Wt»t Front street. sub^‘“
Jeci to lease.
Twenty ucrtai laud North Uijllugs HelghU. one mile'city llmJU, Ihrw acfes bosrlng peaefaas.
tMilaoee wild (and. Beautiful
site for summer homo or lor.
New nine room houBO, lot Six
165. Just half block o*»t of
IwvmeDt. souUa aldo Washlagkm StreeL
Lot comor Webstar gqd R’eR.
tngton. i(fxm, wtUk driveway
to allejr 16xSS oddUlonaL
WiU «xok«ngo oa* ot thme
properties tor rmldoooo not
over RiOO oq Btato or'WgahItAgtoa bstwoea
R- H- ariana wafi par differ.
Sherman & Huniar
tut tWIIIM ilMOMil. ^MMtK €fW.
te Ml
» VMlMbtllM i6m
U> 9m
m «ko U* Mnrtd upcu suck a
"To Uw
by oaftpuigUan
v«v «^iuo ikiA/ w
b« uuMic
nude • Mooutb
**Tu Uktr hfmt4 UMuhrtv.
M. vko kbve
who do opt
•Vcifirsi.* .
«it|r ttotniO. OM fur nttiutttl tn»lB
m te Om
9td ik» uO*i for
fC Euawti# U tkm mMmm of IM
TifriM iirwlBat Mm. J. F. OlilMpI*:
"Hmam 9t ^ Wmma% dttk,U«
ffuiMi ui nu* op opr dak
Uiur our toa4 fMado u»lo umM ofolo »Um opr luif>|>>
vtU rMt*v«4 «s*rtr ^
^^Sttlury^f Mrk Morlor
t would
ltd My
oiir £rt--^,
£rt«id U dMd, biu ra
loy T>jf
_ du^
skt^ took UU
Uu> k^
k«> of )ov« uod
ttOMd tt 111 tdr door d. tifu djo«4> d^d
.«ddrid tblo ibd bm rmL
> ^ GMOd uko lu> itty tk«me U*i» oftMMoo 9 kotior tdiiiskt Uiu tMi
WiifwiNt iktc okjoci of our dub:
Udvuotfuiiol of iu mtaukers lo
Up fctu»wM<« of liUtfOtuiw uod (Ml
riMi evt4it>, ibo dtMUMluu of aoolul
p^toiM. *od ^
Uiword Ufidi
' Ai Vk Mvlov U* iMt r^fir’u work
< wv fMii ilui w« ar» frvwlof toto but
I4f nuittudi. 9^ Ultftrd vAy<
w uiiuA. utd Ud>«r IdMbi;
aiw u> l«f «ot to Uvu (or ouruulm ur
•tf dub lOofiu but Jur Utw botienufiot
Of BiunlUod
**Aiipuuk huvu eoaw ui u« I
kMift purpuuuw W* luivo boou m
' lirtif tttflff Up wiMUoa vi Uo
liftUirr'ii fruttro^ ki^work, t
«Cant btiU fur M>UriuuM purpouuu.
lud Uuu kia iMUty be ttnmnmd «« it
I* (or ftll Umu. To uid Iu lb« vuiioun
bUM IMfcwe tbu leKUletaru. Ute Ju
^etJW oourt blU^. ibu. bill for Ike upbi^ohrUiioa fui tbu bume (or (uobiu
UlM 9t UMdw. tku Ull for
liTMbrvbUoo d oui fonwtU,
“4itd U> b(Uoe eSulik, iutr (JuUUtiu
to tk* oouiuU foi muuuiti tmlolaK Iu
|tur tykiutb^ wbU« W(t were turned
do«« Uilu Unw M Mr». bVril* •*>».
ixuiMiuukllv k&iiuukr fur wtuil
ttuolly I« will m ‘i-’
bmnt aud <
•ittdumlSrUainln* l« a wore im
poruat factor Iu the devetotunent of
dmiwcter than moel people reoUtcHicker
u( women U the
cry eU i»vwr 'tke land >*fi I
vkpiker todueukd Irolulof h» uui
fully Of iBPortont In Ua ulacU uinm
tke 4 '
“(ttiU kurk In bumble ourrtmud
Bunbert wbu
90 fuydly to ibu roquefU
U ««>«»* «ur
nm u»
Bofi'ikMi lUd to* dvo^MprS*
d0» to «(y wodbUon fur Uetr loyal
•uMiort ood kdpfulouM, bud tke
•dtlt Ubt k»a pievoAed oU tbu ru
of our odutiubitniUvu
pirformifif th« duUuu of
■y oltow 1 kav* t^kfuUy tried Iu
your wluhM. No doubt
1 plOMed every oue In all
ttonksutare but will you kindly bury
tU bIoMIhw deep Iu the Kurdeu of
rorfetiullueM end furdveuniK, knowiBf tkd 1 kitve cried to do my beet T
^OoBBmlidbtiuf you upon yum uew
ly d«r.Ibd pPMldem and bet lumoriitBe
oi tk« UMmutlve board, I bMpeob fui
you a new year, filled full ef miod
"TkiMtkiux you foi your loyalt) oud
tke cruet Ibour uf pioaJdiui uf the
Wufuuia’ club and for many a touck
of aweet frieudllueM wklck will ol
w«y« remain « pieMOUtnuemory while
Ufe boiu, 1 can i^eb for tke uew
pyeuideni no be^r fortuue Uuiu ike
luya)' support wiiok you b«vi- or
oit^ me and which I beapeok (ur
my Mtcoeoaor."
Puuth and wo/bni were eervod by
e outcofuf eawuUve Uuurd duiiug
tbe eodol hour.
A tiolnc
e at tkanke w ae i
w u( the city.
Ike newapapcre
HB coldeet and boat hi the emlaa
^U^tndg^ «( diiuka at Juckaou'*,
MiyiMkw. imm m tm.
Ti«e«M mr TMedwy. Mir atotir
MMk «< MkBriwi. MMh..
Net le Be Fpaii^
A Miklmtt of a New ^agtond lm
wka wraa aeted for bis greet klmlneeg
Agei Mleneer WnnM Mregen tbjll IMde In aalmali vtowed the ilnt buroc cere
whb dtomay. -IVe ebm creolty, tkat'aj
Broadway. Mew Yeak. arwutoinad ae what U bn" he inolMel and tbe plea
U Ig to ‘WpMkMMA” M fpigg m aa^dM ^ coareatonce «r oeceealty had po laIpedil to ike Bvenlng BMOrd,
upon him.
Hie iMpreedeib
— Ikat mm «g)ta It gk pp and lake'
Oedgr. Mlnm. iuun Sk-Mc, ohd
Mr. WkUW'Tvll m Vmle
f. (ur^gra Meokar U |dbi |p
Mre. Myom werw ooUed upou to mourn kow Cid yuu (eel w ken tkut
through It hie ox team and tke
tkn km of their lalant child, who fatornuunt >un|ied on your beck oe you urigtne)
pcnlrie arkoonar In whirk ke
a) prairie
In UOai. enye Ike New Tet
hlM tu rid# to a atreet car dragged by
fBboU o( oarboilo add
Unde Rufue Hank -Vh. well, gak
eTirwtirbeA tlrod bunro. When ctocThnaigh Mtetake tke add bad bmp yo' whet'e • fevi. thgukee-l 'kH»ed
tririly wae applied ami tbe care wept
oMag tkak.kia prairie ^
left wltkla reacle aud tke ckild bad 'iwua mukvwifv! Yo‘ eee, 1 wae uk- kto wv fcMk kto kogae |p rtgrailnp, aawoikly along wrUbmt the hmeea, hi*
Ukan It before tke rndkar cougl in gUtln' kouta deae e llttl* bit untluuated Waek„ to (toller>W. X. t. U> inter aun oatd:
-Xow, father, you can ride on tbe
laroede. Worn Wedneaday unUI Prt fum de Mio B’ de OnUud Kulgbu* and eel tke m^t ^tkroogk kim tin
day nomlag Ike little one euSerwd. Mbivvyleen. aud mob uucb'l a'plckm couatiy in making e grand koatoraitl etreet care wUkoui wmrylug. about
wken deatk oame ae a rdlef. The wae del de tody bod gut tlrwd v‘ jaf^tke old OMfoa trail. Me wante tke lagwea. Ymi can gw into imeum at
waitin' and come to umm*! me. U Ttf old ^ betiHra tke MMaourt river yoito eaae now '
fuaeeal aervlcee were kek) from tkw<
egd^faclAc eoaat pemeUtoted ae a
“Jamea" aald tbe old lutm/'yuu al
dungrngailonal ckurck ikmday mom
munmnent to tke kaidy pmueera wkuee ewyi mob at coucluotoua You duu't
tag. Mr. d. Tiemaiue uf Maple CUy
egcrlgcae and antecRrieM ma.d( tke eet ettaly latu things aa t do. Duu't 1 read
officlaUug. . Mr. and Mra. Ryant barvv thliikln* to muhoe f dat ‘tw-ue nobody tiement pf tbe weal poaatUto. Be ex* to the papers about every car havj
the aympathy of all In ibl* Ibeli time but m.ak wife. I dree breobed de var- jweta to aok fongreei to pace a bill at
mbit aelde. acrawdln* tu mub cuetom, Its nest aeeekm appeoprUMag tbe ama
u( bemavemwtu
and tHjiDPut^iiigUi' along borne, bappy «y fur tbe ptwMmlnerr aurvey
maansV And tke ohl geuUemau algb
l>r. and Miw. .
Wbke tka ag team ato
tu mub tgBuuce.~l*uck.
ed. "It etuiply mwena my muu. iket
through kiwo lu ikW auto WedneaackaMMF ware la
Ibe pour kursca ero being worked ju«t
day, enroute for Traverae tMty.
waa at
I of WlUlam A. Uw- oe bard and Juet a* many hour*, only
wnce I
s, .N Y. tke uther day we don't eee
Mra Iguaoe fleeou of Traverwe (Uty
completing arrangameoto
kgameoto tnr kle vtolt
*TWe power buitte* ivuld tell inlua
vlolied fripida hierc ikle week
to Buf I twekon.. Xo. I\e n-y mure uoe for
I gold l-oumo." be oald. ‘A to tbe procldent. He veturoed
Mr. aud lira. J. Ru]il van > at tended
Ike nagi
neat tdgkt to rdhOn kto ;Aut‘Aut ,treri
in^v ttoiu I ever ha<l, and
lu vender gluAva uue falo Ibe
the party, given Monday eVtuilug by gtuilh
tor. the eome reneuu-’'— Vuutb'a (yumluing At," os k* calle it.
luiderful ImkT w UiuU
Ike Maple rily Fudro dub lu buuui uf
Tke vuidt makee about twenty mitoa pguiuu
Dr. PVaUck. tke went being hU bliUi of
lUg a»b1 i>Uh-c
plain tbe object of kto trip, and aUew^'
mother used tu tell htoi that
1'bv acbooi dooed b<-n.' Friday with inubed to blni in tbe ctxiupler I board monumenu
(tom 9100 to up- tker* were little gmudUio ai ni^to
picnic at Noi woilt^ Wdiug. which a ybuiig lud.v wUi-per to bt* ear:
watching uver
uv*r him. keeping Utoi
btoi from
• •It U wry odd. moUBlvur. to wear waid uf 11.000 mark
harm. elf. One day when he had U>ab
oa enjoyed by all pre»eut.
ghivt«i lit pluy. Wtoit do Vuu ik» It fur)
naughty hto mulh^ oald. "Xuw. dem*.
BllNv^h muman aud Herb Rulllwhat do yuu auppu»e yuur guardUn
m op^ Wodneoday at Hlutte river.
augela thought when
whep ItUey saw you eu
uf liliD P
Biujch Dahl w«ut to RuUou* Ray
•• *.Vot at all.'.be replied. I pro:
naughtyyr - sveni I
my ulfe oil ber dcatbbeJ lu’vcr agaU
Friday fur a vlait with n.daUvtni
augeto." he replL-,1.
if 1 I
Mre. Milewurtb bllimon went to lu luii b e eaiiL'”
wouldn't kt me get k|tauked.'
iwtuiMd jMfk her Weddiiigi eivea-
BarberA Hair Ool.
**Wlabed I bad time to go out aud get
my bair cut." rwnaiked a barber as ke
removed part of tke tolker from tbe
cuetumer'e ktoi «rUk kto eecood Bbger.
“Ttme te go out and gaUt ctur repeated the i tan to tbe ckelr. wilkk ttbe
••out." "Arc *AU likeI 1dbe
man that won't eat to bto own twolaurant) Am't you wtUto« lo truel one
of yuur own meu to cut yuur bait)"
•*i>h. I'd truat theog all rigkt:" eald
tk« barber. *'U lan't tkat, but yon
kardiy evar eee a Uarbar getttoB ^
totir cut to kto uwu place. The olker
Uarbent au Ukv lu go koine pronipMy
at gultUng time, and If une of «Lgoto
IfL SJK? w’CT'i.'.'Sp"'-«1
makca a cuatumt* ‘eurc' if be kas to
wait with two barbers rigkt kero end
nut wailing uu him.' U* duesu'i Uko to
wait around wbllu one barber cuU an*
other borber'a balr. '^'lei eland Plain
JOB of cutting oktogto bolu. all
tummer'K juh. Travcrac’(Ity ManofariurlDg CO.
June Sd-kL
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Hurrah for the Glorious 4th
oetf^aupportinc bappinuM will
UMfe to loloe tke alondard of tke fut«i« fettwnikuui ibao oter ud^t^
etervotiuu Doee uoi tke to*k of belpiug tkcwe wko ore onoloue to learn but
unity bekiuf u» u»T
lack Ike) uppoil
"fur wkd purpoee Lave we wamuu
bpCB imriHtt>^ to ovoaniae uuredvea
Into duke u|cei4 limi unity
make UB more powerful for ffMH
•-Manuel iralulucleoneoftbi^ uMfktd» that will Inu-reei ^ tke i.v«rka*»
boy and eave many from wuitkleee
crknluai l‘vee
••Our fteUiUina to tk« oouncil (or a
munldpSl cieauln* day and tke pm
ckeec of eeeu iur tke purba have
been ocknuwledfed by our couuciltuui
and provee ikat we ore Uvins (or tku
nt U mankind.
lodlew, tble will be my
i-«t cwiperunUr to give you on ufAciel
twiirtmand Tkoee of you who huve
beau (eitkful In your attendance In
elble will not apply tkU
^ome mi spend the day with us. Our store lt>ill be open all day the 4th, closed att day tl^ 5th. We have some of tbe snappiest
things you will need for that day and H would be a pretty good idea to get fixed op N O W,
<D£RBY ,
tkoa'e who need
(wnck in oome
.elbU^ lemlmled ol tkelr club reapouall
lly On* cUuiie lo
____ ‘All
membeni of tbe clubI tfball
ler tketueelvcw buiuul lu Ihonor
fvery meetlug.* bow
uMuber It? I wbib
evinceI a moie
ipirit end fee) that
ud« tbe auooeaii of
each one <
r club. '
•Our prgroine Ipive each been ao
good the papem eo well prepared. in»
roll of Infonuailon no oire could real
ly oliurd to uiloa* a aiuplo club day.
leaderu and the
It U nut (air to the
iodine who wuik bardd to pn \(9ne on
oftenuKOi pitvAtu to have only a few
attpkd. Oar avarage during the yeer
iomk^ only thirty ive'. Do wou not
■ee kow onioll that le compared wlib
umr nuunberablp?
' ‘ Bow con one become intmtaled m
I work kud keep up «lfk
mil of your
tend? Too can
failure uf tke efItuUCkmkck
* Mr* l-Vrrtii
In alin.'.*t every enjerwear diK ni*\in there b one nuke
uhuh toruc* in Ux rs.ic !u:i the u.ual ahajc ol lavurahic
iun»nu:uT. Thu b (. uupci'a Spring Needle Derby Ribbed
.•\»:Jc irum i:a gTcet dursh.!,Hy, hi pe. diar eloKkn/ n the aouice
uf ihc utmuu
CWort gad SatkfgctloB.
It h-j “ ihc criuh ilur got * liaii.**
'11-r wtuukflul Spr;i < Nccht labrk L the foundation of tk4
Cm>pcr au^K-rkirit). 'I hl* l*bric L t.\Jw*ivc!y knitted on mechinea oj
cur own iincntiun end i;»«xu.Ui.li;rc, t d tr.s; j.,.-./ cl' iu letjiork-abk
etoaucity and durability li .•a/tr.vaje.j
vva.wj coorCooper'*. ii«the
cj.dcrwcar gl ihira*,:tr'.mJ qua'tty.
in r-jon
?«-<» w-va acit, in all «h;
-U#e., Wi^ku 4fd »hk>c».-«iik.’trw. iwRoa nM »vwL
kiyJM MAkkfACTuLsa^
*Voe aacK er
HamUton dothlng Co.
IMHerent Men
b^nr anotknr attempt be made mat
v^ ittTSS tku. ke krougbt to a
U now on
have uoerly
tenoiiiiug our memi
• making tke eodol port uf our club
pleoamiUe and wblck boa keen
k we
oni* Tbe new membera wWeb
anued wUl a^
have eo gladly adeemed
gxwaOr to our n«tt ytmre work, and
may the mmheraklp lucrenae .even
mote neat year,
waiting llct
• Wo Lave no
in our (ijb. every on U we
•’In the ttliiilulfcUaUou of my offtcc
I have aimed to gWe penumal
to oil tke work, have (dideavorod to
noalai all coiumluoea where dewlrnd,
and now 1 w^ to thank nil tkewe
who knve oeiTed upon all oommlitena
during ipy admla 1*1 ration. Tby have
given Mine, ihougbt and muck bOtor
(or tke advonoaokent dl our wurk.
W« ore muck Indebted to tkem tor
tkdr etideni adrvioe.
UAVE different ideas as to what’s right in Underwear, and in providing oor stock wo’yc* aimed
to anticipate every man’s fancyConsequently any
man can get juit what he wants here witoout trouble;
delay or undue expense.
Wt cany ia/A itoo-piac€ and ike
nuion suiis in a JtUl line at
every price and at erety size.
This is especially true in extra
large sizes.
Another Lot ol Men’s Htoh Grade
. Suits at Special Prices.
W« sto* iwv« m* loBMHu a V. P. toaea
Iroglb grawwa ooi
Ikf MM %vh» hf
This means a saving of several dollars on a suit.
You are given i^hance to buy
Tv Ike ifiigrain committee wkoee
IkMr wUl q« weert—« itlMni
wM tot woMtov B—tortw*
~ '
•»d Knra MMd «p OR a ilflK Mr U of
: : :
tohjegawnSan ®f pngHsred •
Ed urais
apreed this ow the berttos. relwh to
are mlshd wUh ihgm
th® qnrqn and leave it only tens enough
hwpty fl( UP dUh.
•uavhgnar Wkdto Bnreo->ltok» to hrowa eUBkUg. Serve cpkA end
a Hiht sponge
M a yoo out. with ereaat If prefezred.
rruit Sated^Pttt etrewhprrtes aed
hgho It to a tin with % ooMar tokw
tedal to to® Brantoff Keoord.
When tha caha le oool remooe soma am®U pteoes of pineapple la atteraate
Poaoa. hweei peace.*’ which my laUe qt tho ^tar snd flU with swaotoned layen to a glass dteh. Pour over them
Ok MstoMSb IBOE, Jan® •!».—A
friend had altered, and which Ungered
nm PomMg MCt pM MopUaf
hgrrtaA adding swaotoBad wh^gpod IMS qtretoed Jadp® of tRp orange* or quiet weMiag wa* eoterenirefl by it.
' H Mt warn wnaapr «to
Paadtor at Bacre® Heart chirok. W®dnans. Berve wtth epoRfs eake.
orasm over U® top. a^ than aenUor
hearts, that la mnalag over them. I
aaoratog. TW
!%• icon or MBW «re OP^
tow tea begrisf over the cream.
Fruit Punch—into each glass put
found hU InahUity of speech bringing
To l«l PO («P
MUed Btrawhenloo—Uaa aa amny three or four zUewd sUmwberriee, parttea vera Mr. Bator
me a grMter ahlUty oC heart, a «e®P capful® a® you think yonhatra
squeeze over them the Juice of one Old Mteaten aad Mtes Maor K BoeBMAf
I po» top Up ctoor
enlag egnae of conaptone toward to serve and to the bottom of each
Tto ring s®rorange, add a tew alloes of banana
Aiul tcmnaoe el U« floweri.
peace, apeel peacn
oae put a tow torge borrte* and then and a UtUe ptoeappte alao a few cher- vice %AB used and th® Huptlal Maas
And BPlt vtto ev«nr blrd^y
flU tha o(«e half toU wUh kemon Jelly, rtea U you have them. When the was oelebrated to pn
To MuJU Uo Pisi-Uue ahowere.
Thi® brings vividly to the editor of
which can be made to this way: ioak pUBoh U served edd a toaspooaSpl vraddtoi party, Tto church vaa de
Home Cheer the thought
kaU a box of glattof to haU a cupful of powdered sugar., water add' tw o. ^orated with bridal-wreath aad aaow
I thriU itt crinpon qainoe-buds
••■weet bed which w®» the heart of of cold water unUI soft, than add qap
ba^to Breaktost waa sanred at the
To imptores without, name.
tablespoonfuls of shsved
the garden of one wto loved the world plot o| boUiug water, one cupful of
' of the bride’s moth®r at WUAnd In U® T®Mow U»Up®
Strew berries and Toast—Cut some
and was always trying to bring happl- lemon Juice, a Uttle more than one
- . Burn wlU» d pur® nUll fUme,
into the llvee of thoee wito whom cupful of sugar and the weU-beatoa «lloe« of Stole toead very Uto aad
Bora, to Mr. and Mm. Marit Deer
tonal there a UBht brawn, bnttor quite
she came la contact. This llowtf I
1 blend with ti® wait «hadow«
Monday, a eon.
yoHu of two eggs: ®trato this and thick, and line the hottore and aides
F. M and Mr®. Boevorth. tto Bev.
Of Up. yonas Bhl>to todvwr
pour pn Up berries and set the cups ervAddtog dish wlUi then. Fill the
And miafle in^ inin-drop® ,
th® ice- ^ben ready to senra. to di^ wlUi strawberries as full ss It H. W. aad Mn. Tbompaoa and their
little •noaegay” was went, with a lov vert snob mold on an ladtvidapl sauce
That *1110® alonx P* «»▼*»•
S spent a Couple oC daji of
will hold and sift plenty ef •ogsi’
ing nop of cheer, though the flower® platan and pour around the base
last week flshlag to Rapid river and
through .and over them. /Set this In
I lapM amoof U® ms®®®
themselves were her own epeciai
resting at the home at the Gua aad
Uttlf rick syrup made
That «reen tb® river’® brtnlt; • sage of hope and love. There
i for abOjOt half an hour. Serve
Anglera club, it la reported the poetor
iuioe and sugar.
And wiU» the shy vocxl creature®
very cold with rich
always a UtUe spiW of rose geranium.
beat them all as an angler, catching
Straw berry rrtticr®—beat one egg
Qo down mi nfpd to drink.
Strawbt-rrr Jam -ri^ake
bit ut a^ hellolrope, some ’*sweet
very light, and pour it Into one cupful wwlghu of berries aad sugar. Mash the biggest catch of trauL
Miss Agnes Parks returned BaturI fade Ih silver nuslc.
of sweet mUk and add one tabtoapoon- the berries well to ^ preeorvtog ketUe.
day from her school work to ManletiWho®® line mmmnberod note*
sfrig of lemon verbena and spicy tul of sugw. Into this dip elloa® of heating slowly for hhlf aa hour; then que.
The Crag® end rainy .lUera
add the sugar and boil twenty min
thyme, and a dalntj- spray of leathery
C. W. Towne and Mrs. Towoe
Blow fnoin their roedy UroeU.
Pry In hot bnUer. arrange oa a hot utes, stirring frequently and sk'lm
whip Idossom. blending the flowers
wm aa mmmmt M uy tMa. >wy Ua« w»
turned Saturday from a trip to Ctiland green in a kannanlous. dreafn-llk {date and heap each plate vrith atraw- mtog.
Mo glory ta too ®iiton4ld
rhole. It was not a banqu^ P at
Straw berryade—Crush to a smooth
To hou»9 UiU **11 of min®. .
Mrs. Blizabeth BlUa of Atlanta. Oa.
tract aUesUoo by lu aiae ^ .bril
paste one quart of ripe berries, add
Mo tenement too lowly
vislimg her brother. Tbos. 1
the the Juice of one lemon and three pints
liancy. but It was so laden with
To eenre it for a ®hrlne.'
of the Lake View bouse, and
frangraaoe and love that the deepei yolk* of live eggs, one quart of milk,
;tond three hours, then main until September.
How U It fr® Inherit'
Peer meaning could not tall to be half a cupful of sugar and hpl^ a tea strain the Juice through a cloth ovei
Robert Foster of Frankfort returned
spoonful of vanilla make a bolU-d three fourths of a pound of sugai
Thle marvel of now birth.
Bhori-Cahe — Oto
felt, bringing an abiding eeuM
turned last
home Ttosdgy oCier a visit of sev eral
Sharing the ancient wonder
peace and trust, the visible expression custard. Beat up very stiffly
pint of flour sifted with a heaping teasqueezlng’Vhe cloth hard, uud silr u»
traverse CUy.
And miracle of earth?
** ' of the great. protocUng love which whites of the eggs. Take one pint of ill the sugar U dlsstjlved. Set on lc« days at J. a OaunUell's.
spoonful baking-powder, one-halt teas Bays
Mra. Charles Roberto of Wolverine,
’The line men of tbe Travi
berries, crush and sUaln them and before serving.
a bowl and rub a
to a
l^hat ffladom, what enchantment.
with her two chUdrea. is vlsiUng her Telephone company are putting; in
would we only trust ourselves fully mix with them half a cupful of sugar
switchboard at Kewadln: also level tobteapoonful of butter uito it
What magie of Green Mre.
slster, Mrs. Will Kaiser and Mrs. WUl new
and a UtUe more U Ore fruit la very
putUng up new poles and stringing until the mixture la of tbe ooniiatency
to It.
Ooaid mahe the duet god water
Strawoerriss m Many Ways
additional wires.
acid. Beat this -gradually Into the
of corn-meal; then add auBIcient
, to dealre?
Peter R. Johnson went to Minnesota
Mrs. WUl Bloodgood of Traverse
this season of the yeer Jresh
beaten whites of the eggs. PUl glass
Robin's ghertcake.
CUy U vlsttog her pareuu. Mr. and sweet mUk to make a soft dough. Roll
cups half full with the custard, heap- straw berries should be served Just as last wetHT to visit a brother he has
* Keep ihott. by some Urge Initluct,
Mrs. A. Innia. south of town on the out into an to^-tbiok sheet to fit sc
Grandma’s been besting U
seen to forty year*;
Qk Lake road.
llnwastod. fair, and whole.
oblong pan. brush, wlto milk and bake
creamy cake.
Mrs. Joseph Butler is entertaining
Magazine. These
Miss Jeesle Unson of the Elk Lake fifteen oanutea in a quick oven. Have
Akes a very deUcale <d^ert.
The Innocence of nature
And now In the oven It’s ready to
.district Is home after three months'
her slsu
_ The ardor of the souL
Strawberry Tsploca--Tuto one pint berries are richer than moxl frulu in
a box o fbeoTlea cleansed ®nd hulled,
spent In Reed CUy.
potoah and lime aalto,. especially soda daughter'of Walker, Minn.
then cyush and sweeten. When Ue
As a queer UtUe flgure appears In
B. R.'Carpenter, who has been oashAnd through the house of being
Mich, are visiting cake U done, break it to halves; but
tapioca for two hours or more. Then salts. ThU fact adds to their
ier St tbe depot for several months, of ‘R’olverine. Mich.,
the door,
Thon art at liberty
put It "to a saucepan over the fire.
has been irunsferred to Traverse
Huggieg hU hat to hU brown plus
nri/Utyg 00® pint of wwter and sugar They coiiuto a large percentage of City, and will teave aa soon as hi*
A Londoo BspUst minister to* ; I
lately aud
tog preuy good
cessor strives her®.
to taste. Cook about ball an hour or water, which recommends them
two out of three
games 9aU
‘turday. starUed some of hi* followers by def
Mr*. Peter Brink rhofC reuned tram won played Acme
—BUss Carmen In Harper’s Bazaar. Berry-stained he. from his crown i untU clear Have ready qne quart of spring and hol-t^eathec diet. The
and lost 14
clartog hie belief to "cheerful funerTrav
&riB\k;r»r City ’Tueeday.
luH toca.
stemmed and clean strawberries and
The member* of the South
up after defeating Northpon Old setHe officiated to a suit cf gray '
BspecUUy rosy hU dear UtUe nose.
ton rburch will give a benefit i
pour over them the prepared topio.-a
Uers’ da); bui then Acme had scoured clother at tbe iuneral of on® d the
bonates in the system, are nseful
foj their pastor. Rev. J. PriesUy.
\ • “There's ueyer a nue In all the • Out on the uble he rolls all WU stoi
the country for timber and only part t|^ia<y>ns of his church. In mptemstirtn
Of Juicy, crushed berries—a handful, and set away ,In a cool place or on Ice. correcUve article «»f diet when there
; •
Serve with cream and powdered
will be on sale.
not more.
e gouty lendenck-b.
same atterooon the IndependenU
But makes some green spray
John Tow’erw. principal of Park The
L» against Old Mission and won 16 Paganism oonnocud with (terteUaa
;hool of the 8oo. U vUlUng his broiUSome people declare that they caw
6. Sunday they played Rapid ay funerals. The deacon was S2 yeare
Strawberry Trifle-Put Into a bowl
"Why. Hohln." laughs grandma.‘ ihobe
• There’s never a wind In all the
it eat strawberries on account of a
were victorious by a wc6re j
He had been a good CbriaUan
berries will make
Mark Ueeiiug has sold his meat
.iwmuoa the Into-! .U W life .nd to«l «« oM
uni - «
ror your pa a very, yes very short’ cupful at sugar and the white of
srket to A. H Kalrbnk* and hi* son•
But inakea some bird's ntog
! St his Tun«-ral I wore a grey soli
egg. Best this wiUi a wire wiilsk
in law. Ous May el *.
idenu will play the 01
hvmfi " SmM
til sUff enough to hold lu shape. Pile the ^healthy state of the vlcllui's
A twenty pound muscalonge was ^oy*s gt
at that place. Ample _
svsiem nither than in the l»eny. caught
Tueaday '^Xihas
by >
homo made to take ifiose who]—Springfield Republican.
lught to Clam river Tuesday^
lightly on a dish and chill It
u, attend across
which should be harmful to no one in Frank Lyon, engineer of the Rnlh. ^
Ice. Then when ready to sei
Raturday evening
jQg ^ logging; about six weeks:
dinary health, and U often reeom It measured twenty-six iiinchea and
round with macaroons. Serve wito
lug. you see.
was caught with a six ouu<
a dance at opera house.
willI give
work for two teams. Traversa CUy
ended for invalids.
Rapldsites ar( to be sooommoTbe steamer Mabel will
whipped cream. '
Tliert* are many waya of serving curslon to Clam lake next
July 4th. Manufacturtog Co.
ited with a special train
"But If I eat quick, grandma, soma of 1 Strawberry Short-Cake—Take IhretJune MAt
There U nothing on thU earth
leaving here at 9:(K o’clock ijjst they may help the t _ scream
ci pfuls of flour, a lump of butt-^r th»- sirawherrles. although everybody ad the 30*h.
that cake.
d. Returning wljl re ch Elk.in Trave le City.
The train
which dues not have a spiritual
mlts that the best method is to serve
My bery own shortcake I flnk I can size of an egg. two tablespoonfuls of
______shout 7:00 p. m. Ro
at 6:30 a. l
slgnlflcance. It we wlU learn to keep
them fresh and uncooked, as htat In
sugar, the yolk of an egg.
50 cent
both the Inner and the oupr vision
W. H.
l! H. Seam returnel Thursday I
spoonfuls of bsklug-powdiT. a pinch jures the delicious flavor of thU most
clear. Those who have the clear vis for tbe cake will catch up wU the ol^ult. and milk enough to make a delicious of fruits' The BOglUh me
a four w eeks' buslns# *1**^
trip In !| ton church.
church. All
All Ithe p
buries, you sea—
making the meeting profitable.
ion wiU see beauties in the most
thod is a delightful way for break Maine. H was accompanied by hi*
Then there’s strawberry’ shortcake very soft dough. Wy lightly mix UuI
Marguerite FWucher sister of
son in-tow. L,, AtUuson
yon things, and And contentment,
dough. The haklng-powdta^ must be
The oemezu mill was forced to close pg^ber Fhucher pator of Sacred Heart
right inside o'me!”
god gnm hwpplT*»« in aurruundlngs
the benefll of American readers.
night owing to the a^ i church, returned to her home to Hem
down---------------—Marie Gulden. In 'The Outlook. sifted through the flower. When this
spending several months
which to many would seem worse
U baked. epUt U apart and spreml lamUlar with It. Large, perfect fruit sene© of several workmen who fallbrother at the parsonage.
ed to return to their night Job after
than oommoo-pUce. As we advance
1 have a mimbet ol
Is selected, the hull* being left
with butter. putUug on a layer
Miss Lulu
a day spent at the German picnic.' A
In the thought world, there U more
What to Do with gtrawberrles.
abel Waite farm*, all the way from 40 to ^
straw brrlos and sugar.
few men caused the company U) k>*e
Straw btny
th*n outwgrd beauty to be found in
ggd bv comoelllng the machinery to
other half of the vsake on wp and
acres, for sale, or if you
layer cake like the following recipe, heap berries and sugar on top. Sene la-ge. le^. are pUced about a little be sUll a half day.
the simple, every da^ life, which
Mrs. J.Orifflth entertained her SaR
have any good property, I wOl
one Umg aegined ®o wearisome and says McCall's magazine, and Uke In
mound of powdered sugar on In^lvidwith cream.
bath school class of little girl* WedWed
■ monoionoug. The blue of tbe sky. the three ahallow Una.
Straw berri* CharloiU^-Soak one- take it In exchange and make
Strawberry Bavarian Cream—Soak umI plates: aad, lu eating, the berries nesday evening with a charmtog gypOeecy
the dainty, almost In Take two cupfuls of powdered sugar half a package of gelatine for^
are picked tip by the hulls, dipped Into
half box of gelatin in uue-hall cupful you easy terms. 1 can sell you
and cream or beat it with half a sup hours in haU a cup of cold water. the sugar and bitten off. Kevei* soak
visible bloesams of some
of cold water unUl j^ifti-ned. Mash a good farm for less money
weed can bring .us In touch with all ful of butter. Beat three eggs very Mash one quart of berries and
berries in water, as thU k supposed of a "tallow dip " and added greatly and strain enough strawberries
Ihe^t there Is In life. Blessed are light and mix with it and stir in slow large cupful of sugar together and let
destroy the perfection and delicacy ^mS^M^'b^lS ha* sold her i
make* one pint of Juice. Bund the than you can buy it of any
those who Igre ndl comdumned
ly one cupful at milk. Sift two Pa- stand one hour. Whip one pint
of the flavor. To cleanse them
hiiiiriine on River street to 8. T. 1
have farms
dish of gelatin in boiling water unUl body else. 1
powder through cream to a froth Strain the Jutce sand and dust, tturn iuiu a colander,
dwell la palace®, shut away from spooufula of
melted, then add the fruit Juice and which arc located from four
God’s great, beautiful, common-place three cupfuls of flour, on spoon frdta the berries, pressing through a then dip up and down In a deep pan
oae cupful sugar, stirring until dto
crat-of-daora, imspoUed by art- Bald fu] of vanilla.
Beat three eggs very much as posaihle without |he seed< full of cold water; let-stand on a dish troU yesterttoy. They will also visit solved; remove and stand in crushed
one of the iforld’s great wriPrs, ful of vanilla.
Very sllgbUy crush Pour on the gelatine half a cupful of to drain; Uien hull. If wanted to serve Milan before their return.
City, all good ImproFod laiid.
Ice, sUrriug slowly unUl It begins
“Bvery comlnoA bush’s aflame with or cut In two some strawberries boiling water and when It Is dissolved with cream. The operation of cleansH. C. Blodgett removed bis hoiise congeal; then*fold Into It one pint of
If you have good Wvel fariM
hold goods to Traverse CUy yeMorday
God. but only he eees who takes off and cover the top of one cake when strain U Into the strawberry juice Ing should be performed ns quickly
1 vriii buy them.
where be will reside. Mr*. R Md whipped cream. Line the sides of
- hU shoes." ThU thought Is Ulusirat- cold, sprlukp with sugar; put oc
mold or basin with sponge-cake
Place the dish in a pan of Ice water possible, as contact with water at
ed by Mrs. Hoaes, lu Northwestam another cake and some more b®rrlea, and beat unUl it U thick and soft as (k>es nut tend to Improve tbe flavor.
ladj-flogers; turn the charlotte into
AgrlcaUunilUt. She says:
and then the last cake, and decorate custard, and then sUr lu the whlpi cd The inferior berries are better
set on Ice unUI firm, ^lien ready
"I was hurriedly wending my way tbe top with elth^ Icing or whipped cream. Turn Into mold and set away serve in any of tbe followtog methods: woods Sunday Mr. Brigjte
serve, dip mold an Inalint to warm
Quantities of ripe straw’berrU
Office 307 State Bank Boilding
through tbe great eurglng sea of bu cream and berrieg; like picture. <it
to harden. Serve with w hipped cream
water. Invert on to ooW dish, and U
1 Monday evening the common
Serve with around It and decorate the u»p with tablespoonfuls of gelatla lu one cup
Third Flom
manlty on Boogdway. tost to every- fancy design deilred.
icil ordered that the road from the will slip out unbroken. Garnish with
mill to the Iron company’s i^- whole fruit Tb© vinos also ma
S40 WnahinRton,
yhoMfl 7T4
thUg about me. but the errand on
-tow berries. This recipe makes ful cold water and add to one pint
be covered vrith crushed
which t was bent, when -a winsome. CrysUUllzed Suaw berries—Dip large very nearly two quarto, so H can be strawberry Juice. One-cupful sugar
sttme. That will greaUy improve that usod If desired. Pass cream with the
•maU Tfdw very much out of the
halved for the use of a small family. us Tor churloUe: when the gelatin la *ecUoD of the hlghwaj
onllnary. arrested me. with the words. egg and then In powdered sugar,
Mrs James Davidaon and two chil
Strawberry Sauce for Baked Pud dissolved add Juice of one-half lemon
rtret Ckmunuter-W'bst do you
‘ 'Peace, sweet peace.’ uttered inprro- may pusaibly be necessary to dip them ding—Cream together half a cupful and one orange, which give a deiiclou* dren iefi last week for aa egtonded
visit fh Denver Colo.
twice lu order to get the proper frost of butter and one and one-half cupfuls composite flavor to the Jelly;
with yourself evenings, old msn^ I
^ ObarlMOU Frl- ond C«ramuter-l take the sm train
"Btgrtled. almost supeisUUously 1
of powdMwd sugar; then add the yolk pui oi IM. ana
the clty.-Puck.
assist to the celebraUoo of
egg and a cupful^ crushed to congeal fill a mold with alternate
glanced up. wwdering vaguely, who
layers of strawberries and Jell) : set Macesbe© day.
about me. dirtolng how weary and
berries Just at serving Ume.
F. M. BreU former citizen and mer
Stiwwberry Ice^Jream—Crush -two on lea Unmold s* for charloUe. when chant of our vlUage and lamlljt. artired and Umpeet toaaed 1 felt within,
Ann, and garnish with* fruit
had appke Uus;—1 beheld >ot spaoe.
quarto of strawberrtfi and mix
nor street preacher, nor yet a corner
cupfuls of sugar thoroughly through
IF you want a cold drink, go
alnger. but Inatead at my side.—a
them, letting them stand half an h^r
Jackson’i. 10« K Front
sweet Caned, sunny haired little fore
until the sugar Is thoroughly
fbt kilctei wki
r ntaeto «My«wUtamcMlw, if TMiVMa
tooftEB. Bmy stBiBwarraAtod. Write our
sMXBBt «g«ac7 if iH>t at your dMtor’t.
<■« auttfidlj ikMa. Fusae ymwaUi aiiSW>yMS; iMmM a V(kH|Mw
B* eStor’s Mk
Farms for Sail
igner, Btandtgg guard of a huge basket
of tovtly. fragrant sweet peas.—"sweet
peace" he called them.
"Thg wriMUe .ettoct seemed very
quaint and plctureaque. Swayed by,
' an tmpaUe which was a strange mix• lure of sympathy and senUment, I
Mmdias^ s bouqipt of the sweet
peat, which but a momant before 1
would have felt to be out of the reach
of my praaant flnaaclal abUlty. and
than wa each weal out aaparate way.
ha wUh an addlUooal dime In hU
MUbby UtUe pocket, and 1 baUova.
tram hU baamlng face, g greaPr coar
aga in hU heart, and 1 anrichad three
fold: Inmy newly acquired poaaeeaorahlp of a dainty boquft, the reattui
ooaadonaiMoe of tha'Jqy of giving
•ran a "cup of cold watar Ipcaup ye
hy-Wig to Him," and a tandar revarmet tor the benedlcUoodlke words.
;^lRhcuni\ a 11 s m
PfMtacM BalMiW,
Undivided preflU....... H78,000
weU equippMl^to glv^ eHfelaiit
aervlce In making audiU and
somminatiene of the hooka of
municipalities, oerporatlona. liw
sutuiiene and indlvtouala.
under the
It la
of a
CertWod Buhttc Accountant.
solved', then put them Into
square of cheesecloth, hold it
bowl snd squeeze a* long *»
or pulp wUl come through. Empty
the seed* and pulp into a pan and
pour on gradually about one pint of
dUk, illr It well through the pulp,
then squeeze again through
cheesecloth unUl you hgve only ajSs*}!
baU of seeds left Add to all this!
Juice from one to three pints of cream,
and su^ It ontll very sweet Freese
aa nauak
Strawberry Pie—Make quUe a rich
pie cruat and cover the pUto with it
(roU It oQt very thtol. Make a UtUe
rlB arannd the^p of the plate to
hold to the JnJoee. flU the center wUh
bleed, cruato had bake to a quick
oven: when dene, remove the cruat,
and flU with etrawberriee which have
been rolled to sugar. Beal the whites
Bwstweas Property
^ice piece of baslnees property
for sale, corner Union and Sixth
streets; has a frontage of 171 feet on
txU shelter <rom the eon U rents
tog to value
If u win not shod water,
ndereon caught
pound small mouthed bR
bass in Birch lake one dv
Block hounded by Wayne. HUl and
Madison streets; contains about 40
buUdlng loU; high and dr)-; plenty of
timber on premises.
i^Msf M
fuesU at U W- Hoop-
Residence Property
on the '»th
■mW IwMdynrvs.'iK^s.*^
oomplete and reedy for imreiedlste poegood
BVS fl
To Ymw latmst
that your title to property U
clear before »ome w make* .
trouble for you ^uae of i
tome unknown defea in yow i
ed upon.
Have it done today.
0. C.Mtrffott
CUas.'Pcocluudia Jr.
June 0—e^iL
fiOl Btotli etreet
i'‘V‘"- ’■ ■
; : -
" -'vn--'-, ' :
■•; *. ^ .y^ f-,.. 2 . ^
WlbUE 4VTI kvn,/A /V»m^E Va»vy
;. -.-4
Ellen Terry
JackandJiU<^ the Sierras-by BretHarle
A Love Story of the California Mines, in Three Parts
1‘tMlcr Uii» recital poor Hra> vat
d/ntpliu-h' crushed a*
when the fair diiughter of N’e«<>nh had dckCi-iMjed upon hi«
»pring.' He vaw it all. Jin >^a» Uir fault. It
Jder» at the »pring.
. ,
u„ that
.u— had
u-a chcched S’eworth**
his- delay
and1 dalliance
with her
'*\Vor»e than that, it was hi> cuUeguent amLcity and her dc(cii»e uf him that would pr<»bal>ly iireyem any renewal «*t
the negutiatioi>c: iTc'lud yhipwicckcd hi» partners' pn»i*ccU
in Ilia abkurd vanity ahd yrtdc! He did taut dar« to raise hi,
eye* to their dejecldl UcW
He would have conlc»*ed everything to thent, tiul the aame
feelui* of delicacy to her whic^ had determined, him to keep
her ^sentures t«j himself now forevTr sealed hi» lip*
, his fact ,
komethntg of ihik^was vuil
rful mil
with perfect
• Come, old inaiin." s;nd the clicerful
take II
It *o liard. Some tunc
time in a man’s life a
nun. wliat’s the metier w^ith ^our head'"
He laid hi* lunU
.Li .iri
bucket mcam hard work and ha.d swc.a. and was as precious
aiid wliiili so ofirii showed iucll ill his arts, wa* there
T'HEJ^E is no netress on ihc EngWi-fpcaKog tU|e comparaUe to
I Miss Teny. But she U more dun • gt^
In Entfud
■ she is a nntiongl hgxue, and here in Ankiehca no enkor is recei.'ed
as an older or a closer fnendL
I the entrance o( the
Into the 6hy)
sHm little girl of eight dragging a ti^y go-cart on the 4age nnd^piag
her first spoken paut. and the wonderful juhiiee ceiebtilwo of last yw
which crowned
Teny’s hftielh year on the sUge, arc crowded
some of the most fasetnating of human memooea. Her intimates have
included the greatest actors , and actresses like Bernhardt and irvi">.g,
poets kke Tennyson, novelists like Charles Reade; her experiences have
the most dramatic rwywnnn* qq both sides of the Atlantic.
But it is the peculiar merit of Miu Terry's recoUections that, more than
any description, they suggest her own delightful personality, her vixacity.
ai^ the exquisite feminine quality which is inherent in every part she acts.
, This is no formal autobiography. The pages wliich McQurc's
will print from time to time deal with separate evenU of Mias Terry's
life in early numbers we shall print the story of the tiny attic and the
little window that the child could scarcely reach by dimhing on the.
bureau, otre of the very earliest of Miu Terry’s recoUections. She will
teU of her entrance on the stage, her 6rst expenenoe of applause and
of tenor, the incidenU of her childhood fresh^ m her memoiy; of her
early friendships and marriage; how she retired from the stage arKl hid
with her babies in a roost delicious bttlc walled garden deep in the
country, and how one day the famous Charles Reade, foUowring the
hounds, in his "pink hunting coat, came galloping
down the road, leaped the wall gazed with aiiuze/
mcnl on the actress whom he had so long lost sight
of, and carried her back to London to a career of
t?»‘Ji' Vx\'
uninterrupted success.
III ihe air conic To iis. live alone boy, just as wc stand
Tlie next niorniug Brav was up ludore his companions.
i.m th
mil in hoc with Kugtnu—he had not forgot
the turnous
prenous luiV'
ihiy-bui he would like
rrfip.rsr of the.
there once more la-fore hr rdcntlei
(rom bu mind. And he ha<l heard
W ctnis a copy
$1.00 a year a// nrms s/anrfs
*«*v*i>U>* wl»h*St**auiS r
The S. $. McCluii CtS|ii|i
o'lfi M.lr.
44-60 East 33d Street,
hef.,re (Ins ihi.ig was oyer forever and he should hast to take
uiW’thc daily routitie of Ins work again
It W.3S not love."^.f that he was assured, but it was the w.yy
lo slop n by conviiM-mg hmisdf of its madness.
Besides, m
view of all the nrcsimstames. ii was his duly, as a gentleman
to show some t«aiccrn hu her condition after the accidrm and
the disagreeahlc coiurtu-mps which followed it’
the spring
• obscui
John Norman’s Opportunity
By C. R. Frame
but who evaded his co,n,\any and coincrsatiou
**HAfUDtd uckUilly down the trail to the spring.”
He returned
\ot far.’ slif auswert ff. with a half a
<iid> .1 few f«i.’ added Bra>. with |
Imlr slip d. .
'1 hr jhrri
hr*l few ateps her unorlam feel o-.k no hold of the sh.jn»K
mountain fide, which W..md to slip s..lcwass l-nrath hr.
»i* Uuralb earning hrr
Ii.s sla.iihl. i
Tim m a few ,m.mr.,ts
the *aw how elrsril> he balanced Itmis. ti. alwaN s leamiig lowar.l
the htlhi^. and pre*en.l> .hr wa. ahlr n. help
at hU skill
carry a t*ail of water 4>l< lu re
r allriiipl to Wt
none, and slu fell
taut ho
Vo. y.»a.
om that dull
uk at 1
wyc disl.uciK
,;:r Lr'ln.
thuTas hisS piedccessor
An hour
hou p.isscd. .and he did not relurn
almg away with puk .md rrowhwr on
Hts unfortuiiau paimers, i.almg
.ttivirous from thii-i. and Bray was
h could nm U- t«.ssihlr that the
r had shr met him with inqinrH s ?
accidrin had been lejw jied
Bui no. she was al^c.tdy
llobh*.' -he said, mduanng each ..ui with a grac'^fol iiulin .n -n
of her handsome head, all think I ought , to give you soim ihmg
outward toward the ab«ks
r fils w to her
hi* quid lecVfsei:ry tlury l«Hli !
> a iJigUtb heighlened cdor. a* *hi disengaged
iigagtd licrKlf gently it.ati
the pail nev«r wiHild base stiff coed
• .d-Uie ■'
dis<<unhl<d group
**-She * no sardme. ’ saul liray to him.df emphatically, • luii I
stis|Kc! sh. I! caich ii iiorn her folk* for this.
I oiqfht n.^ia's.
haU-intelliKihlr sentence he hu.l shot hef..re him from Ins p.m.iig
lip' aiwl ho WH'* holJiUK
tii his 4iul-xn* tohed p4iui Iruit
wVis iiH.rc ehsyuniUhan Uo,ds-g..ld*
(T« Ik-.f«nrlu*te«l)
tl oiL>Mght. .S S
proud Sail IraiKiMaiis. foi lliuv had ihc miners supten.'
he lOtdd hear at unervaU a far olf sloml
• K.rt yet." she *aid
- Air wc near
nei the lop'"
.\ »u4dc« glow oldphaMire .aote mer him: he kiu w not i
grihi I
Mu ir htad, were ih>si togulic r. thni li:ij{« r» olii n un i ;
he w.*uld like.l to. U...
Iran t^aid
Mid warnihiiig- hui hi' cj..nhl «*iiK ad.l
s.iist ill oiio again.
an hoi.l
..•.1.. iiir,"
II..." slir
.... .MU.
I ^
.fiicte £.„r,i
'r.rni'r.J.": str",.r„
AwkUssly down ih. nail I-. ihc q.img
ahanie tl.ni «»iitement
» taimiy :
.,*r.sioii and ci-.lm** tiiai aretneil to
He noticed, U*». w»h the quick pemp
kubr.fah '”
xtritig hau
r ledge I
he raughl sigiil‘of "his owai uHr. iion in xlur spring. It irri.iiidv
was noi that of an-Adoniv. ,1U l.nigheil h..mstl\ , his. «a:n« <.l
humor had said him from ilmm ..u eKUaiug..ikr, and rnmgau.l m.,ny .t <lisap|.ounmcni H« foi* ihU
XV. 11. slic was a
pliuk.. liandsmm girl, eern if *ii« w..» au.i for him, and hr
might lu-srr sit ryes on hi r .igaia
X'>1 il w'a> » haul puli up
iImI trail one,- more, cariiing in m»tn-il.!* (i.ril of w.inr iii i!.<
han.l that had ..mr .lutaimsl a lo»cly g»r|
Hr rcmciula-i<d lu i
r.pK n. his handinagc. <1/ coui.-> ma -if it were only a pad.’
and found a dozen ptetlv mteiprctalujus of ii
Yet hr wa* not in
lost -\o
Hr was Umi lanu and loo lr\d headed lor that.
(cm ami nude
btiiiiK .imi 1.11 hiaOiv into her *cat.
She was wears Ih .-.ji.I w.-rds with the
Uav’.s shupping
It w... .1 hot evening
ami the tram Was packed.
U-hiii.l her ii.wA.h ! ami pushed, jam-
lu.n .h>tply m
Sb.- lutmd to ap..logize, but
the ribs,
.......... .h..u«li. hi. I'lHl. T..m «... I...
jrld because
raim to the house vveating. a
because he often ramd..ahh- Ihai rch-d
carrying a real douhh
hand and a hrace of bird* m tie othiI.
the finest shooting storu' that .
face of
The- Km .m "
XV.ih a brief
word she’drew the offrtidinif rod into
place and tried t.. edge away from. him.
He had passed lur carK in the m..rnm« lH>und cilvvvartrin Ins motor car.
She had encouiit.red him a numUT of
lime, during the dav; and when Ou had
"Wlut wire the-III.•' I hods you ever killed :
roiu'” asked Jimiuu n
table beside hei'
Ihe eiij.jyimnl cl her
lunch was spf^lcd by the xvrutiiiy t>f
John .V.irman’s gray eyes.
t'lule loin thought
f hinls were they
"ke;d hig hirds ' Will. I'shouhl v.iy so," rephid I in h I'oni.
late om aftemtsm. after himlnig
e, I was coming hdiiu
4II .lav without any liuk at all 1 hai»|»cmd to l.M.k Up in a m.,
and op ..m limh I saw twiirty seven wild pige..ns, all sinmg in ..
le.w. 1 Uised my gun lo lire, hut did n.il hope to get ni..rc ilian
"rljaled 3w^
what do you suppose happened?
*1 ht
feud iK-twcrn the \..niiaii> and
real catiM- for gri.vaii
graiidmcce, of
Amuld fall in love at sight with Ilclen
cul iht Imih otl wIIh .lily luuiting ktnU. slung il aero,, my
shouhlei. and- marched lionic with the limh, twenty seven birds
oSi-s £
rciuni through it. hras v dusi was h s. difhcult
Xud wln n he
thirty six’ vears there had Wen V> many
thing, -thai hr had considered more im-
viteil ;...i «!.rn..j ...
*»irilouw ... Liv,.J<«.l . b... ...n.,d l.du^jd .Sc..
"3-^“ fitc«.,‘r'«- ww
,i uhlicd him a
arme.l ncuiralitv. kept
stepping their hunt
two men and tire wumaa
u turned and aUred at Uray with
of curiosity
thaj changed quick!.
iuto a halfIhij *aw a yourigifh forl
jCiHitymiituoui uncoiuc
a a two liws' growth of iieard, a oof over
further ftUraked with red on the temple, a
howed a wry white tboulder betide a
iruuKr* cucked into
and had got a* far a* th« summa when hr w;.s .t..p}ied by an
etage waiting-and turn it u gone! '
luu were on inc wher tint. i ncara
here'(k>wn there, and searching for
, *1 my had slipped
Hus grntlrtmu'—she indicaiad Hra\-‘ was
ou a Intlc v»rt of a |rail liicic. and assisted me hack to ilu luad
Bui iheir untsmeern v
Uid you tall far? " aaid the younger man W h^cma. ignoring
•heitt r
iTir idea of calhiqi that affair an a. cnkul.’.or o.nt that
rould slop :
t. uneasily conkciou*
"What wa. the
'rs te
tioii of such thiugv\tn ctumng here.
Thar might to 1
wa> as It sbquld lig.
tlie. conducicir to ,fop at
distaiKc friHu tier home,
«n*rt !»>>> ... .hii »..rld, but .h,r, «, a1».
.r'L'te.ii’i. "1, r; .Lci'i.rbir-te-.u’i’si'j.'
iWen-eight buildings burned
____ __
There arc more Hun hm kinds of headache.’ said the phy
sician. ’’and sufferer* frinn the nmre coimiKm forois may cure
SFd.!'iH£T%ii x'SnLir I;
Byty, becoming more
10 the hv« I .
"Whv. what
wHh him hi* daughter and auntie to ‘*ee, the wumlcrful scenery
with papa dear’l A* if it was a cheap Sunday-school panorama!
.And wnat do these .chuckh headed women do but get (.If the
coach and go to wanderin’ about, ami. playin' ’here we go
found the mtllUrry bush.’ until ...tie ..( 'x-tn tumbles down a
And then there's a great Pi do. and 'dear nopa’ was
up snd down the road yellin'. 'Me chcyld! me cheyld*'
then there wa* camphor a%} sal volatile and eau de ctdognr to
Ik gt.l. and ihe. coach g«w>. off. ;m<l 'li-tpa dear' gets left, and
then ha* to hum . ff m a buegr>
c. ich n
X«u1 .-i uv get
Ufi loo, just btcausc that old fold. Neworth, brmgs hu women
-I hurstmg pain in both temple*, due u* uuhmirn
cause ui the
they face \tii.—SuiCCU aiagaauti.
Hrti, of the pre*his and of the
yhead. He had
all dav and this
had her under espinnage^^l^
accounted for his nnusual proceeding,
ling luck ta Rosedair by irollev.
He was eager to Uke vane « l the
heavv bundles that encumbered her lap.
hut he dared not make the suggestlOiL
her shrinking movement from him atttl
her unfriendlv glamre were ean*e*t of a
Twilight detptiicd and die light*
twinkled in the car.
XX’hrn there wa*
elbow rxK>m she rouft tie her kxMcnev)
shoestring. She made two or three aiunipts to reach rt. but to Uc a shoe ui
a crowded car. with bundlc-ladco lap
and gloved finger, is no easy ImL
John Konnan wa* ats^re of her effons, as hi* foot was be^ her* o« the
rail of the seat ahead
When he lek a
sharp tog at hi* shoe string he understds^ iu tign'iM***^
He knew ano, by
.. ;x
Bui lure agani he Im
glatiriug up he *aw two men and a w.iiiuii running down the
• b rd r-Lu^L'dr'cii. ter,
• Koscdah '
McOiirc Co.)
llr^ iikleiit d
Hut ihiii .Kcurred^a smgular coim i«h-
It w.mld come better I nun Ac.,
r,».i.......m..- a....... r'‘'iv't,;
site ciailly rejoined the
wiiU hic" *Su
faiJiy' huiumS‘*vIZi'u‘'‘hf!^’
xhrqqvfrs. btisuirxx f..^k an.l ihv i.Uc miiTf all h'.iii vvar.l l».mul. 1 hvinc trams whirrr<l and <’.nq;.-d *11 cv<ry
.hirctiMU aiul r.igif .r.iwd, -nruvil iiitcv
lo le-yve the Sinmiiit (or Sacramento.
tirwconiers h^re turned
'Mir hamls of .ihi vitv .VkA
camj. .|une cured of hi> lam .. _ Hii
r had earned him a shiy 'n two's e*
Hi. place w.is taken ihe next after
VormaiT* liand stfokerl his
Uche to conceal the smile at her traiu-'
lurent tactic*.
As the car slowed ihe r..*e hurdened
with bundles
1T.cn came a struggle,
eoiifusi.m and sickeiniiK distress, a* she
.tring to
gtRtriiU few,
wimai it
ilu cool, matter-of-fact wav
tm<k her wild behavior. She struggled
her feet again, and all of Rosedalc tl
w:i, riding home in that ,{K-cial elect
craned it, neck ill iiUcnse
iiucnte enjoyment
wiint wa, going on.
The nustorman, angry at the delay,
clanged the Ivll wtth furious insistence,
and the cc«nduvior's ,han> "Hurry un!
(hurry up. Lul>. ihai't keep the car wait
ing." ailded -till lunhipr t<< her nervou*--’
' j
John N’onuan’, cl«r voice rang out,V
**\Vail a inimue, conductor." in t’ne tone ‘|
oi one used to heing obeyed. The conducior had a prrrfound respect for Mr.’
John N'unnan, and ran forward lo stop
In the nveantirue.
! the cUnging bell.
Niirman lud produced his jKwket knife
I Non
and had cut the Jcnrvtted laces, hi* and
her*. She gave a cmifused murmur of
thank,, and N'onrwii. Jia,tilv catching iip
the parcels, followed her out. There was
aio word of {irotesr. ami hi* svin|*alhrtic
glance revealetl qmveriitg lip, and lug
brown evt , Midiw .1 with tear.
The car whirred away, and a faint
echo of laughter was borne back It was
he ejamlated. while the girl
leaned against a nearby
laughed till the tears riui down her
The vagaries of wcunen were lievoiid
his cranprehensfon. and be Uxiked hi* l*cwildemH-rit, standing mutely, with suit
case, btilcing ,tnriK lug -nid pt»t of fern.
forgive me."
plcavlcd "I cannot .iiiiagmc bow 1 csunc
lo do such a stupitl thin*. ”
He liked th< pleading tcaie and the
kiudiv way in which she looked at him. .
-It' was a happy inislaki for me," he
^id^ eagerlv^ and I hope that we may
ShTJhad an
ii^lmg that there wa*
lb« light id goodfelkiw
more than
titiii.l a* he 1held hex hand in
ship i
unths later Mrs, John Kor'irW Mty and
tll•^<^*r tahk
pertinent questkia
10 1
busami I
"Jvdm. do ou remenher the evening
lysrll to vt»r
that I tied
1* it Vkt\y
that I
•t)f cxiur*e,. I da ft
^KOild forgr-t anythin* *0 delkhtfu]^"
^She bemtatea.
1 ve been
itc4. ■“I'Ye
.» her
Was Ucc.
1^.. “Jolut.
-jolm, did you
ycColor came to
gtrini^ to yourt?”
know that 1 tied that ^rira
Norman leaned bock: in ht* ch
“Of course. 1 did. \X'J>v. didn't I teU
you. dearest, do von think that after
watching and waiting for months to
make your acquaintance. I wtmld throw
aside Noch an opportunitv.
x'w tied
soursclt to me and 1 knew it a *ignifi-
c*nt omen for our haftpy fuittrc."
manork Dane*!
How to liftvo HofUthy tuid
r > Beautiful Hair
either case, start with the mffidle part
and then w urk front the caitcr of the
iTLrj'S.n'Sl .•SrsShjrl!!
WMUn aacMtivc or otkerwiM.
firl khotUa U uiwht how to
• “**’
ioiur« ckanlinckk hut will prcMnc
Uilcokw and hmrc of tht hair
•hampoo miature *ela^ tor
the icalp must suh iht color
•ad d»aracuristics of the hair. For in
dan«. a miatarc which would k
A luir ckan aod iully wohMW l
■OUncMu to dry hair.
, Goc pint of Altered water, dtoe
pawoe of tinetttre of caniharidas. oiw^
half ounce carhooatc of ammoiua. oM
pwnce carbonate of potash. Ihtaolve
laat two ingredients in the water Mix
St" dioromkly
\lsc an old cologne
kottkI with
wilk a droe Mopper for this and
to the aeg^ hr dtahinc H from
A good shampoo tor dr> liair consists
pf one teatpoonful of oukigne water, a
taaipontol of tincture of irrecn soap and
the whke of an egg stirred into a cupful
pf tepid, not warm. baur.
lithe s^p shows a great deal of
ruff srith a tendency to scales which
en and cause unpleasant itching
Uions, the tpalp should h% snaked
oUet oil several hours before sham-
OOPipouad of the yolks of two eggs
htaten up in a cup of lime water.
If the hair is neither too oily nor too
dri and thcrefisre requires no special
treatment, it should be shampooed with
what is krxtwn as physicians' and sur-'
geans' soap, which can he purchased at
having deerded which mixture will se-cate best resulu. according to the ojl or
lack of oil in your hair, prepare for the
shampooing process by gathering up the
tul^wing articles —A number of soft
towels, which you should warm to hasten
tht process of drying: a scalp brush,
which is not unhke an old fashtooed nail
brash, but a trifle Urger. a rubber tultc
with a sprav nuxxlc it vou have runniiut
water, or a nuu for dashing the water
over the hair it you have no running
water; k liberal quantuy of both hot and
cold water at hand
Always ihcxise a dn. sunshiny day for
shantpooiiu, as the hair will then dry
more quickly and you will avoid colds
If p<JS5tblc drv the hair where the
light will strike it
First take
lake every snarl oul
oul of the hair
and partt it in the middle. .The
mixture may be applied in one of two
wms If it IS a cream or pomade, you
can dqi the lialls of the fingers in it and
apply it thus to the scalp If it is a
liquid shamp'Hi. fill a small bowl with
pan of it and apply Wdlh the brush In
We Can Mnkt Evary Little Girl in Aitterici Happy
Let 11$ Make You Happy
eifftiMifi BNHMIlKri BWffM
using the brush, raise the arm well over
the boad. with the handle of the brush
turned up. Then the water will not run
down your arm. '
When the entire scalp has been
scrubbed, twist live hair in a loose knot
uu the tup of the brad and holding it
there with the left hand scrub all around
the edge of the scalp, above the fore
head. over the cars and at the ucck
with the bro^.
N'uw the dandruR and dust on the
scalp have fanen luoscuqd and vuu arc
ready tor the wrashing proper. Four
^what is left of the shantpoo mixture into
the wash basin with enoimh warm
water to soak into the hair thoroughlv.
If you have uacd a pomade or ielly, you
wUl need just warm wutM^ made
with a pure white soap Hct thehair
thoroughly and with tnr halls of the
fingers nib the: scalp and 1hair as if the.
: a piece of cloth,
mes -the i
tn the entire proceeding, rinsing.
If you have at your commaud a balhlub in w’hicli both hen and cold water
run through a cuuimon faurct. the solu
tion is simple A rubber tube with spray
noxle, which costs seventy-five cents
and which can be bought more cheaply
at sales, should be xtUclicd to the faucet,
and the scalp and hair he thoruuid>ly
sprayed with water of the same tem
perature or a little higher thgn the
shampoo If this hot riusc is noTused
the luir Will be gumni). After the first
rtiisittg, gradually reduce the temperatpre until the rinse water is as cold as
you can possibly bear it: this is a preventive of cold. Do not cease rintit^
until the water whivb runs off the hair
is perfectly ck
If you ht«
Iter at lund.
you must
ro methods, either
dash the
ic water over the luir'
with a
mug. or■ fill
one of the bulbs of rvU>cr
with a spray ic , such as is used for
; latter drives the
watering plants,
rinsii^ water into i
sca^ and is more
effective than the n
Now for
Uuns art S feet 2 inches, hipa 41. waist 22. bust Xt; have
U^t brown eyes, dark brown hair, light oom^exiou. but guod
color. Ain 1 •tout and dreadfully Jiig? .Mso idl toe what
colors 1 can wear.->^I>aughter.
You could wear becomingly a white hnen suit made in the st>le
that you suggest, and, in repard to your proportions, I think that
if you will (rive yourself a 34 inch waist vour'figure will U much
rmprpved Aou arc not really stout: it is only that the waist is
too small in proportion to hips and bust, and this always makes
a person sjok stouh
A good skirt moM will be in seven gores vrtfiLan inverted box
pleat on each ^re, sUrting just below the hip line, the bottom to
be ftmshed witg a hem The box coat may l«e adopted, but should
be made to cover the hips, and be closed, double brcaslckl. with
large white pearl buttons. The sleeves arc always
wa^ts in the conventi
vcntional coat shape. Becoming colon
in all shades, also
light and dark blues, )rllows.~palc orafige. pale
Ic pink, old rose,
brow^ tan fawm grey, cream, ivory anef dark greens
Dear Miss Dane: Would you be to kind as to help __
decide as to what to get for an evening dress?
rcss? I do not want
to get anythitm very expensive, as pana can't afford it- I
am Ifi ywrs old, 4 feet v inches ull. 36 bust, waist 2h, hips
40. Am I of good proportions? Have lair complexiivn. brown
hair, bluish grav eyes. Whal are my becoming colors? Itow
shall I fix my hair for cvenm|? 1 wanUd a lowneck dress,
or would you advise a girl of ray age to wear a low neck '
aiid short sleeve dress to a ball in a hall’ CouU 1 wear
white slippers to a ball ? Would h look out of place to go
^ into a gemleman friend s room joining the hall while the
rest are engaged in danctng or eating supper? 1 have known
cirlt who did so. and ate supper there —.\nna 11
I fancy you have nude a mist^c in regard to your height. vi
t^l it is impossible to sp^ dcnntcly in regard to prop<irii«ms
If, however, you are of fairly good h^hi you arc quite propor
\Vh) not wear a Princess gown nf s<ime soft creamy, crepy
stuff? This comes in half cotUm. half silk, and is most attrac
tiv*. Then there is chuu silk, also mull, point d'espnt and thin
voile, all girlish looking malcriala Have it gathered aUiut the
waist line and tucked oi^hc bottom in two 'groujis. each edged
with a little lace frill. If vou arc \cr> tall vou could trim with
Uce between the groups, or sew strappings of the gwnls to a
lour-tnch wide band of cream mnusselinc de soie a couple of
inches apart. a:id insert whei\ complete between the groups of
fSomethlng everj' litil* girl will be
* nxy orer aud w ill want to puseeas for
lierown. -They aw* now all (be rage
ull over the rniu*il .StiiU*ji.
The th-uixud fur them I* so xrnist doatolw rsiiiie^
g.-t 1 h«u Iwsi eufttaih; fwciuritw iu Kurope ww work
ing night xud day to *uppjy the denuuid; w« were
fortuissur euougb lu iHrun* w hsivv Muck from our
sgeuu abroad w* that wr eaa flU our dtden
pnniiptlT. Oort. »rl» ueiu-ly a toot high, has a
• Urge. Ilur, fuzn body, tx-rlect moving amis and
h g* and ran U p).r«l ... any po-Mi.m dralrad: has
V shiny hJsck rye« and a pulutsd uum and kwiks
'rxxrlly like s r. «t Ih ar; when you squee* him
Teddy gives .
lha! wiU make ymi dir a
laughlug and might wrlJ U-cwlird a Twlktug Uear;
will give uurnd •.( fun and aiuuarin -nt lu the whobfanoly. You will tind our Tvddy Umst a source
of < inlloM plewMirr and ikr <-ut > of all >our playtual. w You t an get .mrCireal lllg Tttddy Uemr
by siiiiply working for ua a f.-w b-. .n, onuuig vour
frlrmu S.1I fur us UA fWsi M-IUng arlU tra
atom* to ceiila twib. W«. guarai.ier the ariiciew
weahatlM.nd vou tn srll M s.ght. Wbra w.id restnm our ea.AO aud the llig Trtldy Hear will go
t« ytoi at onrr carefully |um ked uud guarautrOil to
reach you in Kry.rt nmditum. VVV trust you for
gtMab, until sold >i«ud at once lsf..r»- we gtt out
as you may not w-r ihiK advrrttaeiueut again.
IM OMtrau *MW SMt Its, lMM«, Mm*.
Gather the top of you£ wa«*A?i^und.d«rsp^»ulJhiii^. ctlging
w ith a hand of softest green ribbon, held dow n at intervals with
• kvirni doral
laic trimmed.
it ret .« your nek .J .h..ul.ljr.
T‘‘ *r"
ure* as an agent for rciuovmg mildew. last Mv w.sUr n* the only
thing to which these sum* hase rc*p.uuled m all un experu-nce
(ihijiigh others may have been 11 we foriuiuu » aud. of coiircc,
this also lakes out the color aU.. o. i* o„l> apjdicable to white
be fairly full bishop, eiidii.g in cuffs nwichiuK the U..x pleat.
»bcn h i. nr.rlv dr.,
would lie nice i..r two wash dresses, one for work and one
tha. lh.v wUl.Jo f,.,
ujlvv: t
lh.tr Mi-s l>.tlK
prc.bliTii, which Is
is an excellent nuxid
for a
Ull. Might
Ph ase a ! vise me .v* how to d,> my vstefk hau She has
very lm!e and wc find it difficult to .I*, it —.\ t.r.iduatuig
I.ither a^full skBt mlo the WU and trim the hf*it<un with a
gr*.np .,f over iajipiiig uarrow ruttk-s. cigfil with Val. lace
h.„dcd by a row of Val m^crih.n (.aib. r a kiln UMite into a
A iVi l liut vou C..11 heh* «uc with uu
new tan hiitii dress skih and Perswn
tv's.::' -
Meet, “t'in't'
Si, v.v.
t.. be of ribbon matching The 101. ,.f the waist could l»e fimdied
with s band, and a laige laiX U-itha U- als.. pr.nid..l. which wiH
lie fru evening or very »wm wGo . \ Un hncii shirtwai-t >uit is
suggested as a w«»rking frixk. made with a box pleated skirt
I W.lsi
•u hate been ijuilc dry or else they liave iK-rn stored tn a very
mp pbicv
I Kitchen Odors and
Etiquette of Travel' FaSSFeilnSH-S.-
for One and All
I l,.v,
Marjorie Daine*s Patterns
How to Control Them
.1. .lie locniiooiiKcs «.i a long ji.urius, lasuiig o.r ..nr ..r even ;
.J viv.
se veral
*, Mie esert
esc*.rt cat..
can. ..ft.-r
;,ftc r the
the Ur^t
fir.t few
few hvm.s
hirtif s uf
of travH
ul da>
i„ deduqt with li.en. an
With this pLwUcr dully deaign (reproduced in uiimatnrc) goe« a design for a
pin ctuhion
Tht- (aahioq,of usiag doiliea in aptliim iba Vable is eery strong )ust uow. If
the.^ doily is to be uaed over a mat. under hot dishes
pattern must l>e worked
•olid, but if far tta« almply on the Ublccloth or Ubk- itself, the dots will hxjk
^ity^done in ajrriet. For a heavy linen a ctiarse cotton. aUmt No. to. should
The pattern may be trwnafcrred with the use of impression patirr. The two
pglterna in one will be »bnt to any address on receipt of un c^nts bv
Marjorie Dane. 44 East Twenty third Street. New York Citv.
----------- --------------- V-------------------------- ^-------
i •
and pad them end chop ahnoat to a
ten minutea stirring
m a while.
Now press this milk imauire
cheesecloth into the am«v Mix wdl.
boil for ten minstes and serve with
Sgt. U Hung Chang-M^
six pieces of fresh toast each three
inches square, Itghlly Utter and pla«
<m a .dish Brofl six exceedingly ihm
slkes of lean bacon for a roinuu on each
side Cut each slice in two and arrange
over the >ix pi«cs 0/ FiaU.
oofthly a well Uuered small frying Pi|n
Crack in two fresh <ggs. ^rinkle over a
• teaspoonful of very finely grated cooked
p ,
ham. seaujo with a saUspoonful of salt
and half a saUspoonful of pepper,
cook tw*) minutes «n 4he store and
Mrt in the oven tor <«ii minute. Remove and carcfullv shp unto the several
^e^s of toast. When all arc prepared
sprinkle over a teaspoonful ' of curry
powder. Now place • uhlespoonful of
Uuef m a frviiig pan and shuffie the
pan over the fire until the butter atuins
a nice brown ^r. Thao pour fa a
teaspoonful of Utter, tost a iittfa and
•«“ - -n-'
hones tron a two pound piece of fresh
. halibui. \nd or frc>h ^haiidm-k Cut it
III Muail pieces, place m chopping bowl
seaMiii with a teaspoonful of^^sall, three
sah»p.<infub of curry powder and a
ttli-pixniful each of cayenne pepper and
aralf.l nutmeg and chtip exretdiiiglv
fine Pour in. little by little while chop
ping. two tallespooiifuls
milk previousl> mixed with the > oik of an egg.
Divide hash into six even pans, roll oul
on a floured uble and dip in licaten egg
Mix on a* plate three ouucc» of bread
crumbs, two ounces of finch diopped
cooked ham. a saUspoonful of gnumd
tkytnc and a ground hay leaf. Roll cut
lets in this mixture Fry for eight imnttles on each side and serve hot wiili a
games, fighting ..vcr tht drmkiiig cup, iiiirudiug urx.n the .idiilt ' long journey.
... .L--------
seat* and a* quiet a* possW
Huir voices mu*t be m.xlulmed, * csxcmul etiqmttc for
and pu^^nver the fire in
of course, unless she
rtiadL a very cartful tour*c ot enqueue
with few if any deviatious by'^
lend ijf l..ng i.r bin-f
lx fore
\n..i!icr pretentivr i* a bread-cru't, very Ijard ;»nd v. rv sUle.
*«=, pay for a |1 t’auiA.wef .-‘oi quite fresh always smelJs treniend..UsH
' '• • t .Mig h.r tt IS a .sc.dd ... w.,.k s.th water. Uultng b-.t. before
c.-hi OMkmg. If U:c licaiis aie lug >m ihrm in pu ces so as
.-.ikc 'life .<7 Tmxismg etvf. l«tt of divohireil curd. ''
• id" wlu-n
wl«-n s,r»i
siriiiiier i.eal puts uu .jJkxi fireplace oUl of 0.»m-
on a railwat tram He buys
*ht has not unr. di^'ks her h
p r. wid set up a pruriiyi. g draught, and help to Tree the
Kidney .Curry—Skim twelve
nutlon kidneys, cut them in two k
Work:ng uj» and ih-wn like the utter of a rojl-lop desk, that
tbeofi. all a iuxwl ought I- be—with vi.methmg to cpare-1
Ui prac
practice lias proved much less salixiacn..!v Uiau the *utuloiicry
a‘wf“r' . texspo^h
srt?« a sm^I Carrot. ? se^elrVera
peppar, two branches of cekry and an
onion and oUcc in a saucepan with two
Ublcspoonfols of melted hoUcr. I ry
for ten mmutes, stirring once in a while
.\iW a sound appk cut m small strip*
and two finely dtopped seeded red tomatiKS. Season w ith a half a teaspoouful of salt, a sahspoonful each of cat
enne and grated nutmeg, a teaspoonful
of curry pow^r. Then brotna tor ten
minutes, siirnng occa^maHy. Dr^e
in a uM*spo«.nfu] of flour. *tir well with
hall a cupful of hot waur and co.k
far twen
twenty-five nmiule*
nmiuic* Place
riace kidneys
in a frying
frtj pan with a Ubkspoonful of
melted UUer. fry tor two muiuies on
each side pour the contents of the pan
and serve with thin slices of
allI and
Cooked ham.
'’iu.-iv,. tliriit}.*. and
Tasty Dishes of John Chinaman
Hong \in Cutig (almond soupt —
Take three pints and a half of plain
gdop broth and place in a saucepan with
a finely cbofncd onion, a teaspoonful of
ipped pardey and seasoning of a teaonlul of salt and a half a teaspoonful
pepper. Add three ounces of raw
rice with a hall a tahkspooohi] of Utter
and bod for thirty-five miiuitea Scald
.‘v 7
prettv ribbon lx It
‘ - %
Ofus . .
contrivance can wh..Ily nulji- up for tfic lack
mur acixpt the iiumcy she gives him m exchange for the bit of
pastfbijard, and only arrogate to himself the right to pay the
porter who checks her irtgik* and to bi% fur her such papers
and magazines as wtU cmitribulc to h» amusemem on the
If at the sUlions, where the/enter and leave the tram, porters
for the hand luggage arc also eiiipluycd, the lady's escort has a
tight to pay, from his own pockets, the tips necessary for Umse
strict etiauetlc mort properly and effccriveTv obserretl,'
tlic very ktivr, than by
entering a traiu | w.nnan's escort permits her ats a rule to
precede him down the aisle He al,co gives her the inside seal,
or. in other word*, that one nearest the w indow, and whether the
trip is short or loitf, the masculine companion is always pnvilegcd to excuse-himself and spend part of the time, at kast. in
the car reserved for ^e devotees of My Lady Nicotine.
Before the destinaflfai; is reached, however, a gentleman, when
he accompanie*'a woman, whether he i* her friend, acqoaifiuncc
merely, or hey hutbaiid, is careful to tcluru to her side, iu order
' l,very man and every woman feels the influciwc .if ebnhes
and appearance upmi conduct. You have heard of the kmeJv
man iW the Australian bush who alwwys put on eveninx dre.^'s
for dinner so (hat he might rememWr he was a Kentlcinan.
Addison could nut wrrite his best ui^ui be was w ell dressed.
Put a naughty girl inui her best Sunday clothes and she will
behave quite mccly ; put a blackguard into khaki and be will be
a hero; put an ottmibus conductor into uniform, and he w ill
live u^ to bis clolhcv Indeed.‘in a millennium of free cloUics of
the latest fashiou wc shall all be archangels.—Limdog Chronicle.
„ i a.,0
itly Ixlter-ncm. for ii*> direct material bavrfit^ but a
will sbt.'w the money U» have been well spent.
name present aud rvery-tlay ootnfort. all thing* keep muck belter
in a well-aired house. .
•A kitchen w ith neither hood nor fir^lace vbo'uld at least luve
a titiiupet-vciuilator. This is only a'tin tiiW with a widely flar*
uqi mouth, crooked body, and narrowed upper end. It should
be set in the w all above the tange, w ith ilic flaring mouth, whidi
curves over and upward, against the crilitig. T'hc narrow aid
goes inside the flue, projecting just cnou^ to secure a good
draught. The effkacy of this device, a make-sliift at Vst. de
pend* mainK upon the size and Mnoothness of the As ring mo«^%
and the rightness «f the setting in the flue.
^ “• ' .•'-
'4 ''
[tm fOK-OeHEKAl.- VTtUTV - W;^AR> PS;
fli:Rl; i» the housekeeperho dor.v iu.t^apprro;*ic the com
entire dre->?
Two cxcelhiit
and i» finished by a hem
^Chcf. to the Wr rdRC <,f th
„f ill. n.u-.u niav lie lucked or gathered across lire front, and
1amu>‘ Work Ar«oN No. S7CW
litres tor imkil. nu-dium and
quire a con^plcte covering for the dress
R-’S -
It is also availahk at an
at the hip., aiul the lower cUc allows of l»-n« cut m r.Hm 1. .hml
The front and back u connected bv
material for the apron, and >4 yard tor the cap. .
Lamks' .\pitov .CSC DrsTiKC Cai- N’o. .^596 Sues for shiall.
medium and Urge.
tome or as a separate skirt to be worn ««h r^d waists -Ml t^
reasonable materials are suiuble. l-or .V. inch bust measuie 2'%
yards of 44 inch material will be lequircu for the waiM and 4>g
‘'**Law»^s’ Blovse No. 5707
iriehcs bust measure.
Stret for 32. 34. Ai. ,V. 40 and 42
"• ’*• f- ■■
LAnits’ (inwri l$i.ni .f No. 57(>»
and 4J mchc. het- me.i.ure ^
6UC desired, in order to axoid delay.
■(•^m I !tu
Jii. > and 30 inches waut mea.urc
Dept 4 fi 8.
in m
Big Magic
liP'-i ^
r^.'. \|
I; 'J| Sii.
W -i>- - 'K
ThU la an old
reliable firm
and all prem
ium* are aent
w ithont delay.
Dept. 788.
Printing Press end Outfit
;rRIEi«D SUPPLY cb.T'>«P«
.vrrr,rfr u w
g?®® niiLiM
Sues for 32. M, .Vy 3K, 40
i2ri''.,„.,................. ..
• ?
Boston. Mftss.
WmWM> WPyipY OOag >tPT. Stti BortW, Maas.
moiAL nmoiiAm uKviet.
FrttMto W«r» AIM lndliid«d in tli
TtiTMt—Lnttnr C«m« From N«w
Ynrfc Ctt^
By WIra to the Sfanteg Raoorl
oaatoa. Va, June tt—A
ONBATttT IN THC HltTORY OF waa oauoad today in the Lorinc ttlal
. |
by Urn aanoaaeaBMOt of Jodga Darkadale that be baa raoalved' a “Mack
'Formally AEJaumad at hand- hatter from New York threat
aalai; to blow up him and hla
Today. Four tanatara and
If Lortni vaa not oonricted.
•lx fUprMaaUtlvaa Oalof
The lettar read aa folloerB: “You
fool. If yu don't hav tha nitirderer
I will bk>« up you and all your
9r Wtoa Id tka Wfmhm Wotk.
Maakiooa. J.aaa tF-UlHaa AatarA
fMity voosaa Ertaotad iMia laot
^ awn
aoU ia tlw
tha cAaon wara oaly Ifty foot dlataai and aha araa atlU aoUa at haat
rapoft. All cttr ataaidx arc hot oa
Bar tiatt
Haavy Lake TraMa.
•airtt Otai Ma^ iaaa tt-TlM I
noHip twee chinei
Laaalnc Mich, iona I
•tcaling of Little Walter
Waa Only a Preliminary to
General Outbraak ef Brig.
By Wire to the Beanlnc Raeord.
New Orlaane. June ft—Aa a reault
at a giant plot which baa been bared
to the tallan viauanoa
commtttea of
New OrlaaM It baa bean dlaooyarad
raUoue ft
Indlapotabla erldaoe
erldat baa been giren
the lUUan vIgilanM
filanoe oommiltea that
tha kidnaping
kldnaidag of IHUa
IHU Walter launana
aa only a praHmlnary to a orlme
engaroanu bad already baan
to kidnap thrM ehildfan. Rooms
were rentad In tba dletricto near thalr
by nombora of tba ' Black
S? Cab^^ Hand” and only a auddan oonfeeeiao
i baa praraotad a carnival
from C
that would have
In New
In mlllu
Tilt BoaiWMa Bivar ■aatrk
aomptny hat a fom at bm« baay to<lay iMUJlad tha
lion tm tha «•!• tuaou nl tha «Bty
TbM* Hghla will be turaad iw on tha
Mvaiai of July trd if not hafora. and
alao 00 ibo avaaing vt the rmmh. It
will ha a maCBlftoant lliaml
will give Travarpe Olty
an aaln
ty aa
oa tbaaa
^ augpaatiao baa bean mnda and
maolt ^ gonaral favor, that tbaM,
montha of July and Auguat. Afitr Un
Founh this matlar will bo Nvan daA
nlie oonaldaratlon by the Wrdman
Him Bia^c light oomimay and Iba
lirobnbla boat aUtad. li ^ baan gropuaod thnt tha buNnana men oa tha
tha Ulumlnntion K con1
enah to pny for tha asoarrahL Mr. Loudon
Bintna that tha aspanaa will not ba
vary grant, and that if equally divided
iha burdM will ba au trifling as not
to ba notlawl.
V Frtadrtch te very nuieii
the proposition and tellw
ba dona. With this litu
ro nights a weak when
ktonaa are
opao. I
re epwi,
I aplMulld appearance and the
•Beet would ba very Unpraaalva upon
mint oaoellaat
ir Iha cUy aa
I man on tba aatraeu.
Will Ba Bama Bumiaae in the L
•verything la Fragraaatng Vai
yaatarday, of
•tnag tha puMiantiao yea
tha namaa of tbnaa wbo are to appear
In iha big parade on tha Fourtb of
•July, navaml other namaa I
banded in hr fhoaa who win nave
floats in tha display, amoojr than,
W a. Foota. groeary; aiy Ifoirs Oo.:
Astute A Ooddfogton fnre and tan
ned laathani; ObldTali A Umdoa,
Tranafar oonumny; Jueaph Sladar A
Bone, meat marM; Oannnina Broa..
^ O^T. M No dtl. and BtaHiharg
}tt addition ip tha Bonta ntraady
knanttanad. than will ha many apadal
fantniaa ihtt all I not ha anaonnand
bat Chat vtIBha my tgmmMa anrPham mhanJPr appear In the pa
ItU be the
am «
Baparta af Traaaurar and tMraury
•hawed that Thera la BalanM In
tha Traaaury and That Muah
Haa Been AMampilahad. '
___ ____ _____ ____ rdxy sfteiba retiring preeldunt giving her
addraas and the eeoraury and traaaar
ar making tbeir raporu. tbe program
and buetnoM maatlng being followed
by a social hour.
Tha club haa bad a busy aad proaparous year. During Ipb year, there
waa a mualanl day. a h<ana gai
day, a damonstratlon of tbe «
the daaf acbool by tha taachai
Bhaw. manudi training day, Miss
Prau detnonslraiad bar work, Prof. 1.
B Oilbert gave an address and tha
Rev. Jaanatta O. Ferris s4 Grand Rai>Ids gave two iociuree.
In order to complete tig fumlehinga
of the club
so that refreehmenu
ver spouna and a larga ooBoe boiler
alao being bought
(Continued on Bevantb Page.)
tapiMian af a Baadatana Brick Flant
llspanad ta Hava Injured
Bdany Mara
plaat of tha BohanaO'
Briok Oo. today ts raM man and
ported to have ^lad
Injumd BMny more.
BuhJaot nt ihn Finb ward hall
momsw mornliif wUI ba “Ubarty and
What it Mmaa to Ua** Tha Beat
Slda prayer meming wUl ba held
Wadnaaday mrenlug.
Inalaih of
Thnmday on aaeount ft tha oalabra
Uon at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Matcalf. Ml A BUta._______
JULY Msotarda Juat raealrad at GrinaaU Bran for Bdlson and Victor
June tiKf.
lOI CBAAM dallvared. •• oasU
#BBPh,4liPlAir mliiB, i» npMa.
gMian. M aanu a quart fhena fTA
iMd IML <AMB Ogr PBiiy , J—
Orehard’e BUta•ttts Hava Bs in Atuckad by
Oafanae WItJ Such a Maaa-
Ffonlahad ta tha Cvaiiliit Raeord
«p ta neon enah ^ by A L Wnh.
Barenwtar, foiling, BAM.
ture for peat B4
haure. ••.
Oanarelly fair aiceapt poaaibiy lo
cal thunder aterma toaltht or Bundpy; warntar In wont portion tonl^t; fresh aouthariy vrinda.
next Monday, Tuesday, Wed
nesday and Thursday eve
ings at 7:30 p. m.
. Bryant Was Badly Bruised
Yhila Not Gravely Injured Mu
ftamain Hama Saysrel
FYlghtaocd at an automobile. U G.
Bryant's boree began backing db
Btata street near Franklin lata last
evening, j|nd swoaadad in throwing
bimaaN oeitplatSyom. dashing Mr.
Bryant to tha pavenlbot •severely
bruising bhn. and braalOnc tbe«baroeas In aevaral plaoae.
Tba auto waa driven by C. 8. Vader
and. tba animal did not seam frighten
ed until passing It. The machine wax
Inunadtately stopped but tha horse be
gan backing rapidly. For some disinoa. tba
tbe wheels did
Id not cramp but
i Anally awervad.
Jamming one front i
wheal against tba boK. and, in hU tar-1
buxx wagon and ovarborned
the thills,
onto his
ilr. Bryant was thrown onto the
remaot, severely Injuring bU right
In Making
mn to places. Although Mr.
pgUad to
Bryant's Injuries are not of a grave
Back to
nature, they are aufflclent to keep
him at home for a few days.
Ooing Into dreamland at Mill Creek
Tburaday evening on^tbe bard floor
of • hoi tar; riding to Trevereo City
and being ahunied about the yard*
wktla another train waa being made
up; BDlii on to Kalkaaka on an ex
tra f^gbt, Kddte Kent, an S yeaixjld
Grand Rapida boy opened his e>-%a
to Mortbern Mlrhlgan for tbe Drat
time yesiei
leidsy murutug, bawlldi
with hta summndlngk.
The Utile fallow was r mplng Juai
ogfoida of UreuARapIda
UreuiLRapIda wit
' Itb a numof boy aompaalona and Tburaday
It • rain eat In tbalr temporary
jtoBs bdeanie damp indeed, and
tbe whole party auugkt out an empty
bot oar near tbe Mill ('reek siatimi
asd orewled In It so bappsieed that
tba ear waa In a train coming north
and whan tha aUrt waa made ell the
boya but Mddle aaakMitHl and piled
Tbe little fnlluw evidently wits not
tnlaeed until the train waa on iU way
raa also tired, very tired. The
and he waa
66 and
a .ere Marquette Mu.
this city. Tbe <
-a cut out and the extra run
which waa due to arrive In
alkaaka aat I o'clock In the morning.
The boy was In a atraiinge towi
t^dn't aaai
AOag airaugera but that (,
to trouble him, for be crawled Into an
other car that be learned waa coming
Travaree (^ty. Ha arrived here
irtly before no<»n and bung around
until arenlng when Ita wax put outo
No. 60 and sent home.
*•{ got to be back Saturday night."
ba said, "or ray dad'll whale time out
at me. We waa crimpin' an' played so
bard all day that I gueas i waa pret
ty tired."
By Wire to tba Branlng Raooid.
Boiaa. June th—Tba defanaa In tt
Haysrood oaaa oallad Dominick Flyni
rnn, L. 0. BRYANT WAi
Flynn awore that Orchard waa play
ing poker In his place tbe day tbe
Bunker Hill and Sullivan mill ware
blown up.
PUiriok ]McHaley, a bar tender for
MuUan. also awore thnt be waa play
ing poker with Orchard when tbe
Banker Hill mill was daaux«yad. .
That trial la to ba prolougad be
yond tba Umit aatlmated by the oute
tha dafansa Is now autboritatlvely
the praoaauUoo.
Harry Orohaid'e sutemanu on the
wltnoes stand have been aUackad
with ouch maasura of auocaae that the
auta aad tba Pinkerton ^eteoUvws
are fearful of tbe romlt of tbalr efforts to get a ooovictlon.
Minimum. B7.
Fair, gentle aeuthwaol winA
Baveral (Milcagu people, Intarewted
In the Hannah A Iav Mtwnamile
pompanyand anuab A 1.a> ouinpany
In tlta city, ooming bw the
purpciaa of atlaudini ths annual -metkInga which ware bald Tburaday.
Thoaa atlandlng from CYhloago aiv;
Treicy Lay. R. Floyd (Tlluoh. Col
onel Richard H. Tboropmm and Mra
(Tara Morgan Fruthlnghatn.
Tha uffleera of Ihs Meroantll.company which have aerved during the
d CUch.
Banders, sacvice praaldm
rer: J. B. Brown,
retary and ti
general aupartniemident. There was no
change made In the directorate.
,11 the Block of tba oorporatlou
waa repraaeuted and a resolution
passed cxrminMidlng Uie offk'ers im
tba great ImprovemenU and,.oompUmantlng them on having brought the
InaUon wllhfi\h the oouvenlence o the public or having acoldenta or Injury to anyone. Tbe bualneaa of tba past year haa baan higb
ly aatiafactory and the usual dividend
I declared.
npany elai
be Hannah A Lay company
elactthe oame officers that have do
FRBBH FISH from Lake Michigan.
rice since tba last annual meeting.
White flab and trout. W. D. Kiay. A. Tiacy Lay. prealdeul; R. Floyd
b pbooee.
June Sk-tf.
aaident; M. 8. Sanders,
aincb. vice praaldenl
-r; W. W. 8ml
ICB CRRAM delivered, 10 canta
galloo, 06 cents a quart Phone 676.
Hoid^ nmnsger of Park Place hotel
Tbe same directors were also elected.
m Caty Dairy.
June *S-6t.
Tbe business has Improvad and tbe
dlvldeuds In this concern were
r July'^
usual dlv
also decU
Here is Recipe No. 6
This is an Excellent Cake Recipe-WHITECAKE
Oito cup •agar, ooe-half on^attor. oMB-hsUf oup BWBek milk
(NM Md ooe-hkH onps BS8T FLOUB« two efgB or white* of
{•or. oae aad one-hBlf toMpooitoful baikiiig p^er. Bake in
UyBn BBd !!•• BOjr iBforito fllHag.
Uac4 wtoi BEST rUHm. irs I
Ha,nnah & Lay Co.
L Everything in the line of Fouith of July Good]
> X is in our stock.
As Hundreds ojE new Novfdties in the Fireworks
^ „ line.
Six BaOoons
Giy *Book Store
will go up each evening.
A Prize
goes with every BALLOON*
you wilt need a stylish and com
fortable suit oi clothing, and
there is oo place in Traverse
City where you can get the per
fection of ht, style and material
as you can when you choose a
handsome suit of L. Adler Bros.*
& Co.'s properly made clothing
A Tag
attached to each BALLOON
will state the prize which will
be given to the person returning the: Tag
l ag toourstoi
to our St ore on or
Jnly 10th.
A. V. Friedrich
Kubeck & Hoyt
Union St. G3othiers.
Seller of Good Shoes
New York ice Cream
jy^^^ Are you ready forJulyAlh?
Youll need cool oomfortable
is • custard ioe cream. We
use fresh eggs and plenty of
them, clear crenm and freese
it right It is exceedingly
rich and smooth.
Shobb on that day and we have juat
tbe right ideea. Everything for com
fort yet are styliah and low prioed.
We make it our buaineae to fit yonr
S5c a quart
of outs wanted to know lut
Saturday if wo wt^re having
a “•ale.” .
You would thiuk *0 if you
noticed the erovds et our
•oda fountain—blggeat ”aotla
day” in the history of our
•tore (barring celebrations).
Ust in the ”bend wegoo”
imd drink
feet properly.
Want to Sell Your Farm t
We buy or sell farms as Well aa city property.
We have some line bargains in farm property.
trade for city properly see ua before making your
If you want to
save you iiiutiey.
Smith Realty Co.
Orticc cor. L^kc Ave. and lOih. Res. 429 W. 10th.
Ofhee phone 82. * Res. phone 290.
Drug Store
thoroughly nutiitloui, healthful and qC
delicious taste, can eeiiiy . be made
If you use tbe right kind of flour. The
IDEAL flour It of the highest eland*
ard of excelleooe, euperlor to any
other made, aa every pertlcie of the
wheat la eilmlnatod in Ita mandfoct*.
ure. except thore elemenU eapecUUy
adapted for making S90d bread.
. coDvi^ieMT
Ask Your Grocer
Traverse Qty Milling Company
Vaudeville at Gity Dpin House
MX*. 97m. II*. nt.
lltJI. 111. are tUM.
Comedy, Music and
Refined Entertainment
Largest aaeortment eumBtor
Rc-engagement of the Great Gavlor. Frank Lee,
Black Face Comedian, Moving Pteturet. Auer*i
Rag Pickers. Lee Arland, juggfter.
Better OHM audiM.'
Bessie CstnplFeU fCSowles, PHm B—■
CMitrsltOb to
10 and IS cents.
7.45 and 9 p. m.
Tif EKIliit HECOltD.
iMM at ih«
WCreiuted Interest I
money in'
you all
natag TSdk
ilffowkswn wolahwady gaaTipig hoopuntwhy
not aUTt on*. NOW that thaU be earning hiteroat loi
you. Oapoditi made daring the ftrtt five diyt of
Jn\y wiU^draw intereet from the firat of the month.
• ftsppho.’’ Daudfet's ceiebraled pUy,
eras ^veo at the Oraud Uei wmlQg
small but» apprecuave
before a email
dtebce by the Rlu W Har^
r, Miss Unrikn playing ih-----the same version
with such
The a«i4»t Tburtdsy nickt where sreat %uocas* and the criUcUm* ou
hjr a r«i^C kojr w ke41r lalueai ky Miss Herlaa'a apUng teat arenlog
< tof caawm nlyhi earthy have beau wre «aOy fatforaWa Her worit. her
a fatality or else aoat him his e>esiiia. Toy- rmiuias aad “toy- p*»
Ula are bock 4aaipanMHi vpappoa.apd
^ 1U» OWPUf luwUliJWi
uadar aa
. li UiSr u«-l
akoHld tkay ha lUowad 4n the
B#l Close
“ ,
/ cvcalaos
Frank Trude
sassr^* SKimberiand
Visioni That Were
Prophetic. In Character.
irrovt row;‘^.-£^-2
«... ,
y *
^ ____
nc Oriotsal nsac FsrslAcr.
ROry just as m h&TUwam. and
was In s great burry toa He cried out
to Maustteld:
*^an yon peck up and reach tbs sukaaga of ckHdien.
^e Rita W’. Harlan oonpahy will
Old Post OlTice Building.
tlon U ten mlnutsa to reiolti Ike comAe the mourtk drawa maaier. the ac
psttj t’ '
cMMnta lacfeaK. Gklldfen
*^1 caW" answered tbs actor, calmly
loved to purchase cannon crackers, “Confusion." DuiW tkelr etay In the
polutiug to (be bag. “U H all ready
Hew to ieewns an Artist
gnn. powder, etc, and ikey are unable
for 1 was expecting you."
Rolmau Hum began bU art labota
The little man was s Utile scared, Whsst at tbe age of four be cut off a
tu ovemene the temptation to try the tbe outidde attmcilons. tbe
but Mansfield was bandied Into a eaU lock of bla own bulr to make a (utlat
-efge** ol
eaploalve before the weather and the pleimant
and they hur^ to tbe sutlon In a brush. U to rather a serious mutter
kept the people
fkmrtli aoile around.
company come at a gUtowot umo.
way eUuUar to kin dtaa».*-lUaBas City for ihfc.youug srtlst right!)' b> cla»ose
We would not Interfere ailh the iheir business would certainly have Tbs gtsry ef a ersach of Promiss iuH
some picturesqus aud
f«r as i>osslJoy of a elngle child, but we would etu- been larger.
and s Ricdi C«al Mins F.nd-A Curi
bto Inadequate means of beginning bto
fhwtteanr nah that aonm rontneOna
•iis incidsnt In ths Csrssr of Richard
A Dog Detsotive.
canwr. We aU know tbe suwy oLS
ot B«»*
ha finned tkfy» the itae and kandUna
Msnsfisld, ths Actor. '
_4ft-4gai>a^faasant was found mur Jamln Weal and
aud tba twfs
twl's taU.
tall. Ailslon.
uicuw - . wislted
k4 dangdoua .eaplosivaa by
young ulasue and when it haa passed Ihein.
dered lu a wood tu the depsrtuieut of being a colorist. Is suplsised lo bav^
cMidiM. wot beoauae of tbe atdee or
ltH*p tbe Udie. Francs, with kU deg sluing squeexed the luscious buss from fiuwnear tbe body. k« tdew could at first ors to msku his paints. As there are
tbn frtgkteaMi
koreea ur burned
fivim wlmtevvr Buse produced (rebe gained as to tbe perpetratoni of tbe probably many young arlisu couuoukkpaea. but lor ibeir own sakea.
noeuiy tura oi to be prophetic lu
crime, aud tbe victim's widow conllu- piallug a earear. why uol snggesl u
dhecn U an ordinance against tbe great efiect on tbs lives of the peo- tui-lr <^a rite ter.
ued to live lu the same cottage, ac few new wa)s of beginning y
liming a breach of promise suit
ufl ef'lfwwtwks within tbe city Um
N«l to have a part m U. U
Make a brush from impiier's sliuviog
always by tbe fuUbful dug.
Bd a grtsii and everiaaUng dls- spistlc wrlUen by tbe fattblesM lo
Ua piwfioua to the F'ourth and thU
lu February. 1M17. two men. appar brush, from mummer's hairbrush, from
and Ur one authentic case, nuul- was produced. In U be stated that
ehauld rigidly be enforced durhtg tbe
travelera, stoiiiiiMl at tbe bouse. uuctoT chlu whiskers, from suutle's
resulted because a man who had would terminate all relatkms with
iMWiinInr days. Parenu ahoold also been given a part had It t“ken froi
reUttssUng sbeller from tbe stormT false front.
No doubt the reason there are few
wblcb was tken grauted. bus uu soousufnrrlae tbe pnrebaae of treworks him.
man who plays ChrU
Test artists nowadays to that It Is so
Uy tkelr chUdran and dcnptte aU prp- sirirtst to be as like Him
lu explalulng tbe ia*cullar tea- cr bad tbe deg eecu them tban be
,rd to avoid ivsad) made luilut brualn-s.
u«|a should eliminate anything ihai UmliaUuns permit, and a dewp reii
tbe defeudaut aUl led that for tt|ree flew at them with great fury aud
iuus atmusi^ere surrounds the cou
They are thrust upon children lu the
ulghte in smveesion he bad dreamed would not be pacHMd. As they were
dangeroua U U ponalkle “
ibilc sikooto. How can we hope for
qulttlog tbe bouse one of tbem ssld
hnnn lou of nolae and kiU of fun
^*^10 ikool Prof. Alexis
plc- that tbe father of the girl bud Utn to tbe other. *'l'bat rascally dog has
Benjamin West w Ith brushes a drug
dna fhwth with no regreu alter
i the market'J-inilUp L. Hale lu Bos
not foqgoltca us." Thu raised tbe
uai on souie or ais uiuu.
BUsi)Uiou of tbe widow, who over ton Usrald.
This draam had led Ubn to <
With reasonable care and' an Intel
l^ £?Vrandi aU next girl that be might Investigate
darmes in the ueigbborbood. wbo fol
______ __ willII be only
ala wW
tj^e admission
llgent aaUrrtnn of materlale
ud see the likelihood of ti
Grssier Than the Nation.
lowed and arrested tbe men. After a
any part of the bouse.
ever coming true; but,
which to ceiehrote on that dajt^tbdre ^ cenU toI an
Tbetv to a certalu cougressmau wUo,
lug (rullh-ss, he decided lu break off long examluatiou one of tbe criminals
kpnd he imacrtJentsjrhm^eT.
U to seldom that mt
;ogement. lu summing up the confessed -Balpb NevUte In Outing w hatever autborlly -he may bold In
the oouuclU of state, to of comimra
ra applauded but fregt
the Jury tbe Judge commeuti-d Magaalne________________
Kalaaumoo Is abspt to be a “spot Pfinrtciappinf
ware hard at tbe Palace scatblttgly uiKiU tbe*^sordid motives, of
lively minor lmi»ortauc* lu hto
Inas town" and tbe mayor has given Amusement company's
household. Indeed, U has been uu' A Hew Phase ef giology.
tbe mert'enarj- kiver. and tbe Jilted one ^
forth the word that anyone throe
A widijw rect ully came from -tlUany klndl) lullmated that his wife to 'Hbe
awarded g^ damages. Tbe fa
tec nibbish or reluite on the treeiv
tber. though a Lard headed business to live with relatives In Brooklyn. Her wboto thing'' lu their esUhltohmeul.
wlU be anweied and dealt with by the
could not rid himself of c-ertuln new neigUbors discovered that she was KepreseuiaiiTC aud Mrs. Blank hud
given to romancing about small mat btH;n to BaUlmoPtj one afternoon.
law. Tmverse City bas rubbish
lug b
ters. On ber own behalf sbe claimed When they toft the train at \^sblug
etptadea on the street corners down for It
ju their return Mrs. Bl*k dto
to runcommenced boring for coal to Uke tbe “puetk vb:w” of life. But
As usual
usual, the
tne Theatoriuin
town but many people semn to be Ig
- ;eiw" lu the field amt as tbe sequel provtnL one of her neighbors was Inclined lo covered that her umbrella, which had
nlng an excelbmt bill, 'Two Stotei
ootwwt of the usages of Ue same
nous Kitchen
Maid." The found It lu such rkh quantities that ho use a "shorter and mure ugly word" been lutruated to the care of ber hus
and ' Nenous
40,000 detected In tbe act of making
ulc aud the .
waa missing.
and bis duugbier are now worth u
the downtown streeu a dumping
king w-hUe small fortune through the find. Tbe fioogM the womau (rum Albnuy stated
‘•Wbcre'i my luubreltoY’ she
pound for anything should be glvfm a (he china breaks.
felthlesa int er now wishes he had utur- that ber Ute husband was a biologist mauded.
In the slates service, presumably at
“d'm afraid I've (orguttcu It.
teson. ThU would aid la keeping the
died the girl.
Few gymmeiiical Faces.
A story comes from ik-ollaud o( a Alban)-. IJiler on It was leanied that dear." meokl) uuswered the congressK clean. It would mean Uiai fwer
“Very few inrsous have perfectly
be really bad been lu tbe state s serv
“It must still be lu tbe train."
^irsea would be frightened by nuUer- sjrmmetrlcal faces," said the photon' 4imam being tbe means of saving the ice. doing Urns St hlkg Slug for a small
, tbe trainsnorted tbe tody
ta4 papers and would be a benefit all rapker. "The two'sldes are now alike,
"And to think that the affairs of th<
were daughters of a black- forgery.
•round The peanut shuck" should and almost luvsriably tbe left side to
4 professor's wife c
nation are lutnutt'd to a man whi
aUo be barred fiom ihe sidewalk and the better looking. Tbe right side duak. bearch imrtles st-ourod , i
cue. “Biologist I
doesn't know enough to take care, of t
a to get old sooner than the left
tor tke man who apUs tobacco Juk*
rlgbt." sbe ssld.
woman's umbrellaSuccusa.
side. Tbe contour of a (aoe ebanfes neighboring country during the ulk
me s biologist to a student of cell
all ofur the perement. be ehould be
One of
wtlb age. The ebauge la more rapid but without success
tmiieA the same as any other oftentbe light side, and crow feet' appear sesrehers went to bed esrly the m vl
t like
u^rntug. tired out with hto luua
4er against tge law.
(tolHor. When dlulug once to hto rlubb
March; tut. unable to sleeji. he )iassfd
he noOied a muu whom hv knew as a
lain su uoeas) doxe. when he dreamed,
The imople
tl*l* c»‘y hould be
defaulter also dlulug there. Tbe Uib
be saw the missing children In a
In tha uee of fiags. Bvery
caltod for bto bill. As tbe waller
at a certain part of tbe woods
uiy. In tbe right
was bringing It l4>rd Ow.rge lute.downu4n eiore should be'd«orated
^kb he sud otbers had passcnl la land to tide hour■ by an inscription af- pnetnl and. lu hto commandiug. toctolvt
of a peasant's 1
with paonaata and dags of sll klads side of tbe face. I try to loam diplo^ tkelr search during the prcvk.us etcu
mallcally what my patruue are Uke(y
A man named Ulacuol was idowiug tones, said, “B allt r, bring that bill to
nut only on the Fourth but
to prefer and then pbotograpb the rtgbt lug. lltongk skeptical of dreams, he
me.” I'ofdly casting hto eye over He
that tha waatber pennlis. The flat or tbe left aide acivrdiugly "-Mausae got up and went lo ibe place, aud. lo when the (smoos exile came aioug one items. LoKi George said, to a voice
aad bebuid, bs (uuml tie children fast day aud expressed an Interest In bis
teriag tags give su air to tbe city Cltygur.____________ ___
heard all over the room aud with a
astoep. tkoogb^biddsD by a dense pile woilt. Kapolcoo even took tbe pi
severity of tuue which made hto un
that noakUg 9im mm. atodcUiiy when
share out of tbe mau'e baud and
of bruabwood.
approached from the bay
••gome peopto. ' said a profe.sor of
tempted to guide U himself. But the fortunate victim wince. Before Gupit t'ulveeslty of kew Vurit. -carry
.M4 wapeneiTe and the oss of them
oxen refueed to obey him. overturned Uto — order* suck expeuslve dtonare
he should pay hto debto of bunor."
utlllurlaatott eo far tkat tbe valuet of
tbe plow aud apoitod tba (unow.
bn iketaL Oa tha Faurtk
Tbe inscrlptbm runs Uuis: ‘ Xapotoon
Drum DsaU For ths Dsaf.
ary kouat la town should be deco- beaut) to forgoiten aud nothing
bey 'occui^fsd frequeutl) . ko impressed was The Ureat, pasalbg by tkto place
Ths Uu'»%l
iusUiuUon fur the
peato to thaw hot
Uke Hie hwrhnr « bo waa cutting
be that be sated up until be could af MCKXX'XIV, took In the ualgkborlag eaf a»oi dumb were driiliug. aud over
X oiM coruer was a boy bealiug a
Actreas (augrUy»~l«ld you writs tbe young mane kato when bis dbea
ford to spend gg ou lottsr)- tkketa. At field a plowsbarc from the baudi
made an unfortwiate snip.
tka drew lug. w bk-b bccorrod skortly peatoint and klmsslf tried to plow, but drum. Tbe observer Wonderq^ why.
"Uls victim leaped from Uto
vraa a
afterward, the magic aumbers were tke oxen, nkellloue to tkose bauds M.a4 (he supertoteudent gave this «x>
attorn of "The Abandoned ^
Burope, kesdtoug ptonaUdh: - 'The boys are deaf, tkat
wklcb ) el bad guktod E
■riastakto (attamt Crttk -Ys y I. You •Oh,' be ortod. in paig ugd dlsway. drawn, bringing him |hO.
to true, but they are ambitious to do
‘you're cui a lUete of my car off”
Ukhard Mansfield, tbs actor, once fled from the furrow."
mm fM kxdMd 00 IrrsMoUbto beeuUful
rotumed tke barber aeotk bad s dream Ut Loudon wblcb was ths
as other* do. Tbe drummer boy to eta'gho? rotu
that It was Imposslbis to fancy any
Uuued w here all of them may aefi him
akandsa yoa.»Uadoto Utoto- Ingly. ‘Don't « -arry on eo. koea Telu’t twrolng jiolnl of bto career. H-oi curred
as they march to acbooL Ihey watch
when Mj. Msusfiald was trying to ekt
the servant Mr. Tajlor
the atrokee of the sticks and keep step
oot su extotenco aa a painter lu L<niderluuk
to accord with theae. They cannot
don thsl bl« trsbilttg as a singer eua.
btod hub to ohtala aa ougageuieni wlib to dreea lie bad succesded lu geUlug bear, but tbe dram glvoa the marching
ckararter, aud It aouodi geod to tboee
D'oyly Cart* lu a trateiing Flratea
of I'enume" compnoy.^but the uuua the anuhotoa of her garments aud bad who can he«r."-<k*liunbus Ulepatek.
ger of ik« couutaay was ao exacting, buttoned her Ipto them. Then he toW
I proculling salartas or bnpoalog Hues on ker to put on her akoea heieelf. and be
tbe sllgbtuat eacuas. that Mr, MausOeld would button them, H« eoon dtocov portion to bto atoe aud w elgbt a* ak flea.
(ouud It hard to gst uluug. As be did gred lhai sbe was vahtly striving to be could at a slugle leap psM from fit
Louis to Chicago.
> told prumpUy to unjust demunda put a toft shoe ou ksr right foot
‘‘IVfiy. Msrjory." he «ald Unpettonlly.
bs at lastIt wot set adrift with hardly a
ked to "don’t you know any belter than that'/
shUll^ lu bto pockeL So be walked
Th€ selection of ^pUu far
Lomtofi. found a cheap lodging bouse You wre putting your shoes on the
rtnl tried to get o jab.
your money shoaU depend up
‘•1^ 's sll de foots 1 dot papa."
On the third nigbl away fro^ tbf
on the confidence you end others
company be dreamed of being called pik'd Marjory tearfully.—Youth's Oo
_______________ _
Inck to play once again Cor i>'Oyly pauiou.
hsveh the hunk. Thst peoCarte. Ue dreamed be eaw tbe eecreeiimbldfl a watof fiUir.
tary of Carte call upon him in a great
pie consider our set'Pke osHs-^
Bren a gtoamboat can climb a hiU hy
bu^. rush bis itorubte property Inte
Everybody vko boys BEX
a traveling bag aud do the Ughtaing going up one step at a time. This ro
fsetory is proven by the constOiroookUapnnoanoea th«n
tbe next train, go plain markable performance can be wlfaeeeed eeveral tlmea daily during the
are tbe obooo*
and vivid waa ibe dream that
sntincresse in our business.
Uea with tbe taste. When
awakening In tbe morning at 0 o'clock aeaaon of navigation keakle the Vrang
b( Jumped qukklj^oot of bed and waterfaU In the Baadak MoeeJe caagl
you buy candy tell the maa
Norway. At |kta point falta to the
wUbout ivusUtoring bow fooltob
jRii want that madd b7
might ha began thro s lug tbiugs lu bto river prevent tke pasaage of
aaUbeL Bat when be bad oomideted or down, and a canal has been taUt
bto tolkt^isc began wuuderlng why be ttMind the rapids and falla. The absent
U. $. ViposUoTf.
bed bees actb« eo aheucdly when
there came a knuik at the door,
onenlna B be eaw U'Qrlr .Carte'e seclock the boat la lifted About ntoglY (
- .
^ •.
foroo^........................... ..........................
Hfimmooktap ffoiB ........ tic LavnBettMgaphQS*«..tl
LawnOhAirg uphom..:...7i€ OumpStooft .......... ..‘tie
BUY EARLY and Retail the bMiefit of thfwe/
goods you can. You can pay for them later.
fieaton to pay for it.
OnoivtiiTiiigiMoomU iodkjftnaMrdfp^tlw
mr |MM«I IM toki atihtir
Durtu Ike eveniaa. tka A
sody Ktusbso eenred nsfre
1 Uui uonk porch. The 4a
P T^iTT/■,?-;{':?*;• ■
PayOr lec' tonwltli
fbr a WbalRefrigerator
H Saves Yon.
taww^w wee w«awaM|a^ta«nk«a
T^ teBM fti Ui* W»«tMaaf olakt
im aveBiBc was atu^ga Iijf « Urf«
Domtter of couples uafT Ois (Uacsrs
—w g„n
m» much
I all
«1M0 mldalj^t
ubotn u
U ana kepi oo
vamkf vw funiM^ kr » i>idMa«Da
mAms^ 4nmar ika dliartioo aTJair
maorpi rup i|> to
& 4.
MOOifc tMVMM wW..«wi*^ «ATW«**V. JUM M. not. ^ i'f
- Beginning June ISlh.ourOil Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thursdays, on the South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side. Edgewood and
East Bay resorts Wednesdays and Satur
day s.
Special attention given ta all launch
Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids Furniture Co. and same will have'
prompt and careful attention.
Oltiy IRHono
Grand Rapids Furniture Co,
127 S.' South Union Street
By oaing one of our CiailinK, Dunk or Brackek
We have thein in stock
for aale or rent
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
Phone 602-2'
125 Cats St.
Inexperienced kpueekeepera *
will always be sure of a aquare deal
w hen dealing with Bleder's. We don’t
get rich by unfair means,
and prefer to get an booeat living by
sellUig honcat meats. When >1^
tender aliloln or porterhouse
steak, a roast or some c^pa give u*
a uial order,
pleaaed. lUid
regular customer on our merits ahme.
•‘Oiir Make" of Sauoage to the Beat
to Iht) cliy. A*k for tbtun.
S07 E. Elglitli and 707 RandolpIlEMs
Ths Mb Scml-Aaaaal Payawat
A VUce of Deposit
Delicious REX
First cHMional *Bank
The July lotereit on Dcpoiiti in the Saving. Deppanmeot of thh Benk hw gone on our book* and
may be drawi^ at any tt|ne.
Interest not with*drawn will be added to tba
It U a good time to »tart an account... NOW.
iw wmmm
014> OQTiiES
%y rrw0J^ Stmmt.
UV. kf ItofT rnumm.
' .
. s
Tfc*y wtre au o|> In Aval Ctara'a
iwin. pacUax ib« box, %btn Jaaaic
IbJt^ d came to at 4 o'clock to ask Oar
xw* alist dka WM foUw to waar that
evening to tho moalisile. Jawie vent
miMalis vttbont oemoofu-. SH was
fame's must Inllniste triruA.
‘*Ok, iliure you wV aald c -airte. wt»o
was sUtiug on the foot of the bad with
a nil* of ctotklng on her lapr -IT,
been voodertng aU aftamopu what bad
liwoine' of rou. We'iv parking tk
to go to motbw's eosisio In West HoM
sv. Aunt ftors wanu"-w^«*'s the hoiilc of banxloer gik-
farruf. "tt’luit
vUh theWnxiucr
-I Van the aiKrts off that too cloth
cap, of mior. 4'm sntisuitHl to send It
as ft Is nosK.'
•lib. yon neodoH be askamid to a«id
snrihiiis.” aaU) Aunt Clara, vbj was
on her kittav before lb, box. *|»re*dlng
some ntwrapapem ovfr the bolu
**ltoauui til me. Ca
ttiat white skirt with the rulllea yoor
oolf.'* wnarked Mm. Hraiulun. vim
wras pulUug over the lunumts
trunk she tud dragged lu fmiu the hall.
^It dorsn't look at aU woni "
. * .Vu. but It doesn't bang right,**
jtotusd iJniTto. -aud Ifa too abort. Be
sldea. I dotplfe a ruffled iietileuat.”
-Very well.'* aald her uiuihrr in a
raidgued tone. "I'ut It iu. %’ou uud
Agues are draadfuHy extrsragaut. 1
don't wonder, your father rouiplslns
about expenses.**
*'li<‘re are some old nlgUtilresMW,*’
said ^11 m Hranilon. -1 iuleudinl to
tear Ihi iii up for window rlothh. but
ilsi'hel might |<steb (hem up.”
•T»f eouree she wlU.** said Auut
iuonimm; mt4iiioay, MiMsa^ m
tUf tH0SM^ eiOoTod U» mtMkm ««It Ik thi^«fo-atoki iaa 5ni’‘
tala warn homa at oKw bt about
9t tkU IMX.
alircjs «aclarM ttat
and ailwr arfhiiiaattoa and huak
twas^ wilMtaa aha laturMd wBh a
AO uittter
naka hauaa, nhiah wW bavt die.
good tad paatohMxd box, wllh a nar
nor ptok ftohon tied aiwand Ik-On
Ikaya to Oia InMrtol panada, on
tha Ffurth, an unpad to Mtlfy A
Hie tmU rtoldad. If addition to the lha «ovar was wrlttoa. "For hta"
-YouTa tost to time: I*to nady to
W. Hannan, chairman of tha panlglitilusssos. an oto black alpaca afirt
which had baon spoiled by paint wbaa have Pator nail up. ” aald Aunt Olara.
rada aommlktaa. at tha aaHltal paa•Oh. I'm not to aaa what you'm aandthe front porch had been glren a froBh
alhia mamant. Tha parada will bs
«on| tha Itrevlona fab. a much worn ha ashanM of it. whatever U to tor
a big aaa and tham will naaaaaaiv
pair of ahoea. a black straw bonnet they have aa Uttla that anjrthlng-l
Hy ha muoh datail In Ms arewnffw
which had been lying iu the w *Yor only hope Baehel win appradate the
mant. Tharafora paampt aettoa
agso.” arreni pairs of boao In sad need tnwbbs Fva token.
urpad fpM tha part of tha jpgaof dandng. a gray wrapper damaged Mia toto Oarrta'a
uftargra af tha cMy.
by motto and a blgc-k silk {lottleoat the
Thar*, on the
rudtos of which were wbipptd out
-Yon conld use that slBt tor lining a muaicale.
grenadine, bVaucea,** said Aunt CUrs. trlmnted wllh. Inca and wbito rlbbom
-Bui I ^ou't expert to bare a gmua-' and braids k was a pair of high baeled team burned nouy.
With llngeia that trembled a little.
dine this summer,*’ rrjolord her slater.
All^ untied the pink ribbon and re**#nd It aarms a pity not to put iu
tbe cover ot tbe Is
OMueiblng decent'*
"Oh. oh!- abe told. "Mother, buk
"Wen. If you had been to Cooalo her friend gtomwd toward Uia bed.
Bacbel'a and seen bew poor they are."
Jaaala shook her head. "No. I've da here! Just ae*r* And then hi*r voice
broke nnd teara filled bar eyes,
aald Clam, "you'd know that anything eddad Oh uy bpM* oivandks,” she i
lu tbe box, neatly folded, lay a pretwould be acctiitable. Itaehel has a tawl
ty while
wblle china olUc
silk wuilst trimmed
gift fur turuLugjmd ftairhing too."
with bice. a pair of perfectly new ton
"For my part. I'm glad to get rid of
gloves, three dainty bandken-bb'fa and
mj old rlolhes,** aald Carrie, "and
twrrlv© yards of fine
fine' V) bile
blie lawn.
vote we Wud Conaln Harhel a box e
>me mUtake,"
mistake," aalfi KtelLi;
"Tbere'a some
ery j ear. It's a good thwl belter than
r girl,
t eye*
"this dofwn't agree with the reat nt all.
making bundkw fur tb<* Asso<la(ed
»er si
bably they will write to b.nve It
CLsrUlewlo dJslribulc. We know just
I I got here In time.”
where the thiugs are going." hbe
ea. but we weirant going 1
"btclbi, dear, we couldn't exisvt
tossed her aunt a giren aumb waist park U unUl you came."
rame.” said BtalU.
the stwma of which were fra.ved. **1 "We Just wanted to have It all ready. tbtfiii to oend things they cimld
can n ear the skirt around vuioruioga It's a family treat, to be enjoyed to"No. i ouppooe not and I'm au
ariih a percale shift waist" sto addrvt
thankful wtvtc h. Beggars ohuuldn
All this time Jessie Boyd had stood
ch.s»iM-rs, hut”-aud her rubn- quivered
: the L
first, aa It was oo top.
a Uttle-"lt loa't In me. ooniebuw. to be
"Something e*.|.e<‘laUy for m*:*' erled a grateful beggar.** ^
"Ilaa your eotulo any gtrU about Alhw. "How lovely! But 1 won't
Mni. Brent wrote a well wonknl hilay age?" she asked, regarding ation- it until the laaL Take out the
ter of thauka to her <'ousln.
lively the two faded waists wbkh things, mother, dear.”
"1 must not neglect to tell j-otj." abe
The other things were taken
Auut Clara was foldlug together.
said lu concluslou. ••i»f Alk-i-'s pk-osurc
"Iiear me. y<m." auswend the lady. One by one Mra. Brent uofulded them iu tlie contents of thee |iast(
fiastelionrd t*ox.
-Alice la-Jdst your age ai
and Btella a aud laid them in a pile on the fioor. Tbe pretty gloves aod «bilul.v
Not one of the girls vaptured to make
year or so younger. Then there
waist fitted Iher iiertocily.
■rtocily. nnnd she
two Utile giiirU of leu and twcJre. Amy a reuuirk of any sort and Alice did
busy today making u]i the lawn, whidj
aud Itmh. I sto{i]ied mi*r in West
-That Is all. I think, my dears." said will he her best gown all sommer."
lioldeu for u day iu March oo my '
the mother aa she plaeed onI tbe pile
borne fiym Florida and saw them
ta t’artfcJS^d c«m- letter down.,
They're pretty gtrj». |uo) panir-ulilarly the white lH»ttlefata
uCnll tbc tbUii^lu ^=^^Jb-=rt4«cuk>na of JrtKle to s<-ud
Alk«. 1 felt so aorr> t...
for I
u. I trlbuted. "I w
uc« tblngar* she "muliored. "And 1
ritiset aud examine them at
don't auppo4i Alice evsr had
bad a pretty my cl
wan so partU ulnr to tell her that an.vgown
bunch of tibiKins in her leUun.
"USeaBed are they who ex|s*ct noth thing w ould'do.'
ing. tor they shall not l.e disappoint
ed." remarked Stella
_?*' si
"Stellar' Mm. Brent’s voice was one
"I wouhln'i want them
atilcudkl umuslous lu thiba. The head
course, but pibara several little things of rebuke. Little Buth ls*gan to weep,
"Hen-, let s look at my U.'x. lltHkle." quarters of the toieiemlas «-on*ist tif
Alice. *'Wa mustn’t forget that." g.-oups of low aud unlovely biilbUng-x
"Oh, my dear child, yes." Aunt Clara
ugly waUs. but lu ttiU
•'Itrltt- anythin? vo»
d tMwrrded artUicbiJ Ojxwrr/' uiut ies|H‘ct. ns lu many others. app<-4irautvs are dM-eltfuk Tbe frcqueui-.v of
tu-’urr<Hiiuus oud the enterprlsJug ban
dllli have mudi* It htx^saary for plantera to pivteii thems4-Ivcs aud Uielr
homes ns M-<-urely as possible, aud
Monday, July 1
Creat Annual
There will Be Bargains that you
Cannot Afford to Miss
ItaBi FaU to be «n boad Moadoy, Morolna.
are atiU mulutuluod on the feudal sys
tem, but many of them Lave poioied
from private owuershi]! Into the hands
of rnrPuniUous. uud the former pro-*
prtotors are living lu Madrid. Seville.
Parts or perbapa New York, while
aabirlDl admlnbitratoni reign in tbclr
stead. The patrlarrbsl relutlouahlp betwwu tbe owners and the tillers of tbo
a<^iil Is rapidly pasaitig awuy.- Wusbiugton Star. ________________
Love between a man au^ a woman
of equal mind Is like fluid In a F tuba
i^s at a level lu the two anna.
Great love on:
ou>oe sigo and little love
oo thec other exist only
uuty In uo>-ela.
There can be one sided physical Ibva,
but that la not worthy the name love.—
Auatla U'Malley.
Tha teatryBi^iliy^
fMtonO. hfivtof hean dMMitod hy tha
Mm ean^ to aaMt tha anaara
of pay khkh had haan
bean owing tor a
long tim* to the Bwlto oAoeta In tha
rranch acrrlco. M. da Loovato. the wax
ailnistar. who was ffnaant, aald to tha
king. Louta XIV.:
"»ire. thpaa Bwtoa am vary taortnnato. If your majeaty had iU ths
money that your royal —*-----may
with an air <
same time If your majesty had_____
blood that the Bwlaa have abed la tha
aervloa of Pmuea. tt would tona
river fmm
P»rto to Basel'"
from Paris
The Idng was so struck with tha oh*
aarvatloD that ha ordared#L ^ Low
roia to pay
whole of the numey
vllhoul dels
____ J
wgya dMMtod.
of this ktod who
good sarvlca toe
aiaay yoara
eara for oog of o«r b>g iwUurfiy
libs. Bot at last he amt hla
(Batch. The case wax one of daiaa^.
chained oo accotmt of aereru hodl^ InJarlea received on the faUway la gaaatien and daa. tha plalailff clalmad, to
nagligeaee «a the part
oaa of the
cxwmgayHieervaota. Aa waaal to* bak
lying barriaier triads heet down end
aaaa. BtUthelettor
roar out hla toivf^ qneetlonaf
Than the flalatiff kwfeed him tnU In
the toce sad said: *air. B., I am an
laralld. 1 cannot allow yoa to* queaUon me la this atanoer. U M aa toJury to my norvoiia ayatsto. already
shattered by the caroleaaocaa of
oilenta. I am taeablqd. through ___
aoddest. wlUi aclerook ot the qplaal
An Umiaual Tapl^
It was a iwal harfiaUp tor Jodgs co^ the effect of which lato u^ the
Brown to hava to ke^ sileat
any snfterer see doable. At thM mooDent
Isifftb of tline. K^wn whea tiMM I can aaa you double, and you know by
ho oaually found some oae who would
at least listen while be UIIdHI But
OB one occasion he found himself hi* a
faOwoy cuarh with only one 9^cr oceapaat-a stiff, dlgnUtod ok)
- Hm farvairt Prahlem in gsibo.
did not deign even to look at hha whea
The Cohan matroa has UtUe to say
ha ralaad hla hat upon enterfag the la Ute management ot ber own house
coach. Tbe Judge grew roatMaa after bold, aa the family Uti4wUy board wlUi
they had travetod several urilei. Ha tbelr cook, who has sole control of the
drummed oa ih« window. honglMd sev cuisine. When a cook la engaged, abe
eral Umes. then finally, ta daaiieraUoa. la pah! so moqh perNmootb—glO, fl5 br
rlearad hla tho^gbt and aahad to a aten tfiO. as thq case may be-for ber work.
toriau tone:
Bbe at once inqubes hos^ mueb is ak'
"Madam, did W ever occur to y«a in lowed for the markeUug. whkli she
wonder wiiether It had ever rained any Is to do each morning On being told,
before tbe time of the fioodr
she flgurtw out bow ‘mueb abe can save
Tbe unuaua) queatton atartlefi the old from the amount aud If the graft
ledy out of her dignlfled alienee, and amount to say Ih or 20 ceuta |>er day.
the two old people were aoon engaged she Is Ukely to accept the ikmUIou. She
tn anlfiitted cooveraatlun.
rarrl>- sleeps at tbe bouse aod usual
has a family of her own who are fed
from the larder of her emplo}royal a
_ O er- Keriy
aaasiuatloo was that of the Kmix-n
breakfast Is light fruiL rolls aud
Paul of Baula uu March 24. 1801. by fee-aud at uoou there 1* a meal kuowu
hla nobles. Aa usual Paul b^d retired as late breakfast which resembles tha
booted aud spurred uud In
Ameruau luncheon. When this la fin
rcglmcutata. At the dend of night
Ished. tbe cook spends a few boors at
awakened b.v an unusual noise. her home and returns at 5 o’clock
The hussar who goarded bis chamber time to prepare dinner. A half grown
door-tbe oul.v fnlUiful sentry,
girl Is employed to wait ou the table,
proved, m the palace-was being killed auswer the doorbell, etc. In h
by nine nobles. They burst Into
families mak* c-ooks are empkiyed.
room and began to attack the emperor. the meala do not auU tbe master of the
Paul bid tx-biod cbalrs and tables and bouse, be add* more money to the mafbegged fur bis life. He offered to make ketJug aliowauev.-Mrs. C. K. MllUa- In
each of bis assullauta a prince. He of- Leslie s Wt-ekly.
fen'd to alMlli*at« lu vain. Then be
Correcting a Sposch.
mode a wild dasb for the w Indow. fear
Bheu Lord Luifferlu was govenvqr
fully gaablng blmself, but be waa drag gancrnl of Canada he examined Into
gad back. He seixed a chair and foi certain tFDna<’nutiueuial railroad matlime kept tbc nine of them at ten ami fouua cause for much conbay. aud only after terrific atrugfUw domnaiiou. As a result luan nuguaidwaa be seised aod strangled with hla ed moment be delivered blmself of
oyrn aaah.
‘ remarks which' be realised at
once WOT* most undiplomatic. Only one
The Three lUaaone.
The president of au casteru onlver- reporter was praaeut and his lordship
tice Invited him to a private rontlty waa deploring the promlscoous
fereuce Tbe newapaper man. bad
giving of honorary degrees.
"6ur unlvcraltlro have learned of written out tbe speivh. haring Ukeu
abortbaiHl. "Let me see' .vour
lata," be aald, "to dlatiibuta boDoraiy
degreesJudkioualy. But In the past”— notes aud the transcript.” aald the gov
ernor. and bgvlug wx-urt-d them he
He smiled.
"Well lu tbe past 1 met an uncouth told the reporter to refill his ftaas and
another tigar. Lord Dufferiu took
person at a dinner, and. being told by
loies and copy Into another room
an acqualnUDCc that he ^d
nnd retunu-d La a few mouu-utH, angreea, I asked why It was.
"•WeU.' aald my friend, ‘the third uoumiug that he had buruid them. Of
as given him because be bad two, course the rejiorter could do nothing,
the setYtnd becauoe be had one and the and the goveruur saved hU bacon.—
Cleveland Loader.
first because be bad none.' "
n*o taniaolto ought ^v«r to he expoeud to thp agthm of aoapy water* '
aald a Mta "Tha beet UmlS.
gema an of a daUcato Bat of Woe.
hnt If a taagaolae ring la kept <« tto
hand when waahiog to a f
Imau to a tow weekA tlm tone
ehangaa to a dingy gtox^ toaea
its hiatar ami hacomra wortJhtaqg a
gam. Then, agato, no gema naffto
over to be expoad to hat water.
generally lone their fire and aoaaatlBMs
ccBck In water no hotter than tha
hand wlU bear, and parhasg Btot to
one eaaaon why the ofi^ to opgaldand
an UBlncky atoRa.
"gome Ume ago a lady bnx^ ga a
large pearl set
$t Ito aI rtog.
The pearl
might easily have haan miataken
little baU of anpoilabed marble,
surflaoe was rough, hadn't a particle of
ahtna. It wooid hirilly ha known for
a peaxl B’<
waa ikf mattor and aakad 1
hadaH keen kandUng aol^blng that
•rat. hut fiaaU
had baen putting ap some pickles with
htroag vinegar and aappoak she got
) vinegar. That was
the Whole trouble. A pearl la nothing
hoc carbonate of Ume, and vinegar or
any other add wUl eat off the polish
in a few minutes. All colored gearo
an Uabla to fade a little on expoaare
to the atmUgbt and when not In naa
ahoold be kept to the dark.”-8t Loola
. I
Bettor Than Bwaariiii.
"In my yi»uih,” said a naval otocer.
"I know a first auiUi In the merchant
marine w ho, tboogh an excellant ofil*
cer. waa dreadfuUy profane. When
anything wcut wrung he would voUey
forth oaths and curacs In a shocking
way. Once, though, he shipped with
a very strkt rellglomi captain, and the
fim lime this captain chanced to wit
ness one of the mate's swearis^ bunts
be gave tbe young mac a lecture.
" 'You are a first rate efitoer.' he end*
ed, ‘but. remember, uu more swearing.
Not another oath aboard my aMp-'
"Well, the mate bore the caf>toto*a
warning tn tuind. Then one aftoroooB
it hapt>eDed that th^ boatswain made
lucxcuaable error In carrying 5>ot
order. When tbe boatswain con
fessed the fault he had committed, the
mate turned red with rage. He opeued
his mouth. Everybody looked at him
Lv. waiting to hear aome reouths, but then the captain
hove In sight.
•The mate, seeing tbe captain, re- .f?
membered hU orders about profanity.'
But his rage had to have vent of aonio
aort, and, striding up cloee to the cuk
prlt. be roared In the mao's face:
- You naughty, naughty hcatswato!"*
The Long Walk
Bill Nye wbeu a young man once
made au eugagemeut with a lady
friend of his to take her driving of
a Sunday afternoon. The a|*polntcd
day came, but at the Urety stable all
tha horaea wrere taken out save one
old. shaky, exceedingly bony horse.
Mr. Nye- hired the nag and drove to his
friend’* residence. The lady let him
walt learly an hour before she waa
ready and then ou viewing the disreputable outfit fiatly refused to
company Mr. Nye.
exclaimed sneeiingly.
“that borae may die of age any mo
"Madam,*’ Mr. Nye tvpited.
arrived that horse was a pranotag*^®
young steed."- Uarper'a Weekly.
The Haimah & Lay MCTcantile Co.
Tti^ Store That Supplies Your Wants
WblttPiWfils f
‘^Special Dtliverf” Bubbtr Stamps
Anoiher Boe line of dainty FaratoU juii unpack-"
cd. There are several new paticrni and they sell fpi:
$1.00, $1 25. $1 60. %2JOO and $8 00.
CMg Black Silk Shvts $!.2S
By act of Congress if the words ‘‘Special Delive
ry" are written or stamped pn the envelope or package
with the extra ten cents of regular ponage stamp* it wil 1
receive the same attention that it would if it had tbe
regular Special Delivery Postage Stamp on. We have
just received a full line of Rubber Sumps with tbe
words “Spcciaf Delivery." They sell for 26c, they save
lots of time writing. Be sure and get some-
juit received a fine line of Glovei that are aellmg for $1.26, ai fine ai any that you have »cen this
•eaion and never told So cheap.
TWs ^ctgoes into effect July 1st
He a pair
Think of such Hosiery as this that we are selling - ♦ '
ior lie a pair, h’t a bargain that you don’t oftep fmd*
' '.'K: V...-
10c Cmttr
Lou of new goods for the lOc Counter.iyou can
always find bargain, there.
Cloth brushes. Neck
Laces. Hat Pint. Soap. Hose Supporters. Toilet IHgt
Combs, Belts Long Beads. Tgpe Measures. Beturg
an(I see this Counter.
^>v :
. ' '
; *:
Best at PerhimtS
* She the different kiotU thgt we aeU. Blue LiHes,
Carhatioin, Lilac. Cashmere Bouquet, jocky Club. Dao
tylii. Monad Violet, Vera Violette. App|e Bfoiioini
Lily ofthe Vally, LeFTance Roses, Locust Blossom,
Crob Apple Blouoms, WHdwood Violet. Marie Stuart,
Nirvana, La Sylva, Egyptiaa Lotus. Ping*Pang
The Hfiniiah &
ri ^
.-V■ c
'-:r r'
Don’t forgetDecorations
for tbe Tourtb of Julp
We have every thing that jrou want and Flags,
Bunting, Streamers, Welcome Banners, Crepe Paper
for the windows and the home decoratioiis. Shields.
Yacht Ensigns and Union Jacks.
takum Powders for fbesmmer
Take your choice from this list. Crushed Ro^
Verona Vioiette-Burhams Best Euthymol. Povdier,
Cashmere Bouquet. Poudre de Riz. Great Seek Mennen’f Borgted. Meiuken's Violet. AmoHn Deodorant .
Powder, Bakers talcum. Supreme', Fin^t Baby.
^fkkbme h m^bir ,
A boz of our fine Chocolates. She will Kke it so
much. We sell the faqey boxes for
35c, 40c. 50lc
and ode aod the bulk at 40c, 50c and 50c a pouad.
’ These are the best Candy that you will find.
Underwear Sc a garmedt
A whole case of these and you don’i get them
again at this price, just the thing for this kind of
Mef& Ok
ywmmmmmooi^ <«Ay««M eiTv.
H Hmr’OiMM u4 U AImn
___ 4
. . U« tte «t«nr or Oortd
I GolUtii l« miy odAod
toomr ttot 4uol» woo known to tko
r BoWown tad ot*« oo^t a«ik M Uipr vm known to U» Arotio
I ^ tlao U HokonuM^ It itaialo
M ¥ewti||, iv tie Wo4^a» wko
U«7 coneiHwd Uo Moo Uot • wa«tf
of tetuo m §4
of ^ ftSTonalkkt onroiM wno •
■Mof oTiiM^I^oido X BkMtio to
• Is a totnk that nev'
An tiDiiroted powdar eapaci*
ally prapared for nag m a
fool dreaains. Pleaalafl to
the aonaM M healini^ cool
ing and toothing totoc tit~
I The UJto Ann water toOtodat> on
l eahlbltlafi to the WUkliwan A VlaaI ohnr bowling alley, attracted oonaidI erahle attention toat eveadnff and the
1 sidewalk aroitod the widm was at
Umea deep wtth ourkms OBkxtkexw.
who held various oplakma regarding
the nature of the oorpna lu “mount
ing*’ the croaiure, Mr. Turk lost the
•ahlny portton” of one of ItA ow.
whlck greaUy detracu from JWe^
AU the Ttnverao CUy swtmnieia
who jrlll enter the racea on the
Fourth are urged to aend to their
iiAmMt m cmoe to Harry 'Dean.. AU
namea muM be to by the eveotog of
July 3.,
Mia) church
morrow evening there» wUl bo a aiercopttoou rwport of the atate meeting
At Hancock Views of
I be sbown^ All1 are
My iqiooks to WMoporo
■MMifol now. Ttot i^.« Ims
tom U» otoep for n few dayo nod
Uofo’o “noUiin' doln.* " Geurao Lai
die nocottotodtwo k»do of pouuMw
yodtontoy. while one or two i
Weet to tocwl sioreo. Steven Lari:
o cor wi Twin UoonUlo,
tog^ld coou, and Hono Blackuuoi
toM XOOO bua^to piled up on the
Actoe dock wnitlng totnorrow’s boat.
He paid
pe^e for oaote. The rr ‘
(D to the
nomroloolor houoeflight wteen w,
----amik9i.Uy P. Uautoer yootenUy and
ib4r toUl weight waa ».«0. The>
wogt to the Brnoeh nuuhet
flBi are ocnroo at pi
Ihnoflh the pitoe baa not
tertoUy affected.
Clonrhack pork, per bW...,
Otorback pork, per lb........
SMpt cot of pork, per bhi..
OMekena. m »..
S!rV1{«“;:;;:;::::;:::: :S
Atoyko ...............
, 11
...... r «
£r..*.’.*.’.v.v.v.*.v:".""::” ■“
ligkt Steers and heifers............... .2&i
Steers and heUers. 1100 lbs .... 4©5
Sn«M pouMiy .........
Ohtokm UM wMgM.................. 10
.............. iiv
u»to. m. w^t ■■
By Wire to the Dtenlug Record.
_____1,1'JiOp.m., 7:90 p.Qi.
Ttteflilflji *iulf X, 7:30 pjn.
WtdBMdgy.iaO p.m.
Tkui^, July I OKK) end
0:90 p. to
Mis rW*
A btaltar to a tenatlc aeytom afiw •_____
_ oewn
___ ____
*} M M4
Mm an_ the
roofig men running about oatehlAg' Aoja oM ouffhWd tee throea of «m-'
that tlOM^
ganised as to make natural aenalUvaa.
tothlUve power.
•ome peragos are ko.or
teppootog two aeualtlvaa to he ckwelyr related to one awother or drawn togother by a U»ud of
aympathy. and supposing them to be
in different parts of tbe world, and'
the life of the one to bo In danger.
theWrst thought he would project Into
space would he tor bis distaat friend.
U that friend is acLvdy engaged at
the Ume the message may be
if be happens to be to a poaslvc eiate
hla brain w Ul receive some impression,
elear or confused, which will make
him think of tbe absentee and render
him enxluua, as If stuuelbtog had pi>ne
wrong with him. Such mesaagea are
more common at uight, beiausc we are
lees preoccupied than during the day.
By means of this wireless tcU-graph an
Image Is jiroducdd on the brain w hich
la projected outward, causing the ab^
sent trieud to be seen as If to the
body, and even the actual clreomatancea of hla dangerous posllkm may
be produced. Thus eeUh Dr. Bernard
BoUaader of 'Ixmdon.
and Picnics
euwrinteadent; “lib la as i
“Ao aoronantr "Yea. ah. Y’eyy sad to her aM oahM Mr:
! The dUficult guesttens put to
“to there auythtag 1 <wu M ter wmJ
him drove him mad to tbe end. It Is WteU do you wuptr
hla idcu now. when he catches etioogb
“You cun do oMhlJiffter PA IflMt;
fllfo, to hvroess them t^'s soap box the eariA"
sml so fly over the wall aod obCUpe."
AM gh^ iMooMiy dlA-ffherfkterlee.
or draw tpenoy at any ttoio of the
night or dSA- But no totefoit bi paid
no depoMM. ^ ^ ^ *• «*• ‘Mlo
keep” dock at poUo$ hoad«uartenL
IWM, «oli to do non aio taken
to poJloe hoaQaaitors after thoy have
totolbod a littif too asaob and arh there
bonked for aale 'keoptog- Largo oatna
of tnonoy are oetetlaoeo takea from
than. In the morning wben they are
retoaood they are often’ afraid they
wtO gat to drinkUig again and lose their
aoDox- 8o they toaroU at police hoMQaarion. A ainali piece of caidboaid;«■ IB tool PNa»Ua.ff>wnne OUy.su b
U flwon them teUtog the nonibor of
the envelope tbolr aaonag la to and the
I Haul Ended.
amogtaA U tho>’ ohonkl want a few
Tin) cJooo of
doUara 40<1ng tha dgy. they caa go
T C L. A M. was mark
the last four tsirs for lbo -(
to pohce JbadQuartara and draw lb
omupany wvre brought lu fi[rom
Then the amount la rmaoed from the
re you c
eardhoard and envelope When the gocA ffiweemakerr eald th amartly wlcA. The load has brokenD all
of bilustoeos Ihia year,
men got ready to leave town, they can gptoned woman to a weary bol
bol Arm
foot from
go to the deak at any hoar of the night VQlM aa her heM frtead looked anxloae- Uj»dnnau oounly akme. beoldoa a
or day. turn to tholr oudboaid and |y 10 h« for edvloe. ‘ Yee. 1 do, boi great
outh. There
It «toal.^*^“
^ eouth.
draw tholr mtmayhundred care
ni nevpr tell you. X'ow. don’t look sc have been four
Her Mooey fUleing BoHeme.
Many valuable artlcloa are
at toliuwd. She Is my ofwn dreeemaker,
“Now. dear," oaUI tbo lUlle red
Altolhe timber from the north has
the booklhf daak at poUoe ba^uar- A 1 would not give her name or adtora for peraona who have never been trtm to anybody for-well, for all my beou^for local ludustrlee. the Oval Cheeked man to hla wife. "I am going
fwwsi ptn money. I've had a few ex- Wood Dish plant and the Well# lllg- to have a lltt^ poker game Wedooacompuny and tlu< amount hauled day nigbL kly frk'nd and hl« wife
pertonpea to that line which ‘ have
i there alimo Is larger than any are expert pUyera. 1 don’t” want yon
taught ma some Isaimis 1 had a wrohauled luto ihU city by the O.
who came once a week to do ex
I 1. an<L*r. C. U A kl. wmbined. to dUtract me."
oooe Into the autlen when they have tra housework for ma end ahe was a
"I wont," said she; "I’ll alt by a lit
gocufflulalcd aI gtajd deal of money and tieaspte-eo faithful aod ao energetic,
tle Ubkj way off yonder and trim my
•wpporied by His Nose.
are far h^mt the placm where they
came nsguUrly for three yeaiw.
work, 'ntelr money la put hShtnd
4>db<nd the
I dey ehe told me ahe needed ons
"That's what you can do." be asseotdeak. Wben it cornea> time tfor them
or two more plaeee. so shmcould put In yauliave:
-Ko woi
go lute their oMcea, they go back
all her time, end Just about then e
and staud back
police haadoaarteiw. draw their money fitond of mine was looking for extra
and leave with every cent accounted bdp. ao I reflommended IMosb. 1 J^vyou’ve gut! Where did y<iu get all
er sew Dinah again but once. 'n»t laoa
“k’ea.::^aa^, “I make
was when I went to clll on.m»^yii«^d.
green farmer becomea Intoxicaled and Dinah was there, patting !»n all her ex toTtoM. »^u» » Hnvl smewtr uuii
^ou hear? Hut above
la to aay. I paaa on beer I
la arreated that the bank dooa tu good tre Ume.
ell, please, please, if 1 sb«»uld Auppeu
work. After the farmer becumea aober
tailor to a
w to a pile of uuittey. dtm'l reach out
to ibe holdover he aometlmea tella how friend, and now he has ao much work claan and sweet or not
handful and run off laugh*
k to the'
■BarreU when they come back
much money he brought to the city fof her that be can't And time to make
tog aUiut it. Dou’t do that, will .vuu!
with him. There are uaually dlarepu toe e suit within two mouths, though breweo' empty are washed and1 fleaiU' That Un’t funny. It Isn’t funny at
table charactera to the holdover that
the first customer be ever bed od and then passeti on to me. lu thou- all."
are all tuu ready to fleece the i
after be opened his owu sho|> T
phlaticated. Tbewe hear of the money aides, he chargee me more becauar
oue lo auotliw. I .wl5 my loll*. «.4»1- >»“
“*»' *“
« ‘
and wait for the farmer whan all
la ao busy.
me UOM to McJi Uuugbol* -I uiS lu ' <1“ •!« •“>
releaaed to the morning, when a pretty
“1 recommended s certain tea ro
Uttle bunko game la begun. But It la to a friend, and now the cholcert tabl# idllKoll) . momeot I u)' wbolhw r°" I-'
often thwarted by the police.
la alwaya reserved for her. while I can
JaUw tuually kuuwa tbeae buuku
slink into any thld dark comer that no 0.0,a or wbetbT tt otuot bov, oooU«,r TJWhen the farmer la releaaed, the JaUor body elea wants. I’m tired of being
nightfall my old
aaks him If ho Intenda leavtog Aow n ^ mascot. I’m looking for a maaoot of
uoaa is tired.
immediately. If the farmer la uoi go my own.*’—New York Bun.
"Every Urge brewery has its barrel
ing at once, the Jailer auggeaU that he
well for few*
leave bia money at the deak and get
A Wise Old Mule.
a receipt for it Then be tolls the
t»ur old mule wouUl m-l work after men have noses sutUrienlly fine fur the
work.**—New Orleans Times-Democrat
farmer the reason. The bunko mi
12 o’clock. Wc would l*c ci>mpclU-d
the terror of the fanner, eud b
uuhllch, go to ibe Imru and Ul t
alwaya glad to consent. lie takes
mule vul as long as be was able
a few dollars and leaves the rest. Then swallow; that w«mld be aU»ul t
when he gets ready to leave be draws to.urs. Then tbe ifiule would U- ready
rea on the east side, "that a big. tall
tlichmau to blue and brass buttons
bis money, goes to the train and U for work. It maturwi not bow late
tuld moke me declare myself guilty
lu the day wlu*u tbe mule was takcu
The pidke station U the guardt:ig out to tbe field, or bow < loudy It might of any crime,
place <d many things. Often valuable be. The wind mlgbt* bb.w so strong example,, yesterday there came an awpapers are loft I lure for safe- koei*i
k at my
11 near-'
that the sounds of the KUls and the
rUamonds And a resting place bcbl
whistles could not be beard,
the desk. kUny peiwous hare left the wotk would be to s*>iue out oT ibc way tremblingly and peeped out There
«ity with a full jmeketbook Just be- place where no one could Irf seen gvilng stood the ullest policeman I ever saw.
rwit. On t;U,n Lake Ast> gaM.Uue
lauae they left tbolr money at police* to dinner. Yet when 12 o’clock came,
‘You're been throw-la' thinga nut the
lauiKh. inguiiv of Mrs l»r. Burke.
lieadquarters Instead of carrying U to the minute, he would refuse to work window Into the area,’ he roared to
J»14 S4.ulh Tulou sU.^-t. June
aliout with them while In the city.— any longer. We have taken feed and voice that more than matched his size.
Kansas City Htar.
let him eat before uotui, but tbl< did Trash and the like. Now-, don't teU
WANTED—.Straw U-i
not satisfy btoi: be must go to the barn you haven't. Somebody bak. Everj' . fit. phone Vr
Didn't Concern Kim.
at noon or kick every Iblug to pieces. bodj la comptalolu’.’
M-gau Talutly. 1 bo|
“Sir," the sud fatvd man wald to t
We triod tbe mule to a cool mine, but
be reiterated, don’t tell me
heavy set man who was vmuklng
with tbe same result. He s<H*med
reu't. A complaint bas boon
long black cigar and reading a news tell the rime to the mine equall.v aa you haven't.
of bealth. Don't you
paper, "would yem allow yuur bt»y i< well as out of lt-Chlcagi> Tribi
do It any mure. You henr?
smoke cigan-Ues when be grows up'? ’
FOR RENT—IhMiM- 4<»7W«»l T4-ni!r
'' *I won't.* 1 stammereJ I won't
The First American Cebinst
•'».! infunua
‘Tve uever given the question a min
with that Ibe door
When John Ilancin k was presldeut
ute# tbought.” replied the other.
June J* 2t»
of congress to ITbJt and bad bis ofUce abut on him.
“What: Xeter immleml upou the ef
"I sat down In a chnir lu'tbe kitchen
at & t’herry sired to New York city.
fect uiKiii the coustitulbiu, to say uuth- Ibi-tv were only three grand departad wept lAttcrly. it was the longest FOR RENT—Kiirolshed
Ing of the mind, of your sun to allow menU of the l?nlted 8taU-s w hl< h per time before I could icalize ito|4 It v
mt^h-n. ronvcnuncca.
him to gprokc the deadly thtugsV
l'4lli>n slittcl. A F. ^
formed the fund ions now iierformed I wbo bad sent in tbe complaint to
"Never a lUougbi no, sir."
by the presidents cabinet. These board of bAlIh " \e-.v York Tress.
"And will >ou allow him to drink
three "grand dci»artmeuu" Wen
An Indian Rats Lcge'-dLOST—lbtW4Hu \V«‘b«ter stnvi and
“1 have never thought alKiut tt."
Uibutod as foUows; Tbe lion John
Thn K«-utiu .’.i- L.ui.:u» !iv!:«-vi*<l lh?it
"t»h. cso suck things be? Are #oi Jsy. sec'reury for foreign affairs.
letting your child grow up in the mklst Broadway; Uon. Uenry Knox, secre when Ihi- rircal Kiurii on-.-it.tl this
«if imnplatiou without speaking a fa tary at war. 15 hmltU street; the Hon. workl h- niitde llini- tom. all fair of
skin. Ii«- bil thc:n »•> a laki* .-ind ba^c
therly w ord to"
Walter LIrtogston. Samuel Osgood and tbi'iu Ji’JiH* >n. Til- lUst olcyiil and
"l.ook l»ere. sir*. Yon lueuu well. I Arthur Lee. commissioners of
camo out whiter I'.mu wh-:‘:i lie* coterc.1
suppose, but let me teU you that Tvs treasury. Tbe "olB^'e of congress’
been a conllrmed l^ heJnr for tbo last that iierlod was at 81 * Broadway tbe waters, ni" srr i-id liesltatiMl. g>
log.into the Uikf wIm'u Ikr water
twenU .’>eara."'^'U|lcago Journal
Wben Washington was first eleettd a irlde imulil> ; benre cam<* out ctiprK't
president lo I7>ffl there were four mem colort*d The third l.-jij»«l
A Msn’s Career.
came out black. At'.-onlln;; Jo Ibc leg
A man o(agbi to look upc*u Ills csrewr
end, tbe JiivatI li|*liit Ithen KhI ibem
as a groat artist look# u|K.u bis maathree bundles,, asking
oui-plcturlug of
terplecc, as
one. Tbe bliu^
est. which wuH touud
hoes and other liImpb'iu
nothing else can give. Yet many peoTraveling Sand HilU
perfurmnniT of
l»b- are so loose ly conneded with their
oud found tu his
Tocatldn that they are easily separaUd
fiom It -Success klagatlue.
m of yard# 'Th' breadth gun aud* warlike we.npout.; Ibe white
man ciuMc tbe sack wlih-h ctmtslued
and from 60 to 130 feet high, and
lK?u. ink and pajier. and thi». so tho
these hills, propelled by the wind,
fctdti goes, laid the fouftdalUm for bis
more stendilj to ao easterly dirci'tkm.
superiority over other races.
The apeed at which these great hUls
Took No Chances,
travel U from thirty-nine to fifty-six
An old w-uuiuu was III, and a kindly
feet a year. Pine woods, which wome
timee oome to their line of march. >»n- nelgltlior tOi>k n l>oUlr of whlsk>
not stop them and ara complde^r de- her. The neighl>or then said she w ouhl
■troyod. The branches are rolled off give the old woniau^a glass of tbe
by the santk and nothing U left of tbe w blsky them and another lu tbe morntrees but the bare stems, whU'b after lug. The oW woman ret-elved lh“ first
glnsa. Ab«ujt ten mlnutea elapsctl. and
a few years wither and die.
then she smhieuly cxcluiined;
• You'd lieitcr let's hev the other
A Crowd Is Not Company.
But little do men p«v«*lve what soli Ye beer o’ so uiony sudden d»*clUa
I*mide«- .Vdvertlser.
tude Is and how far U extendeth. for
aucleut w riUng know n, to
crowd Is not company, and fares ai
Is the maiiuiM-ript by Tuih
Tuil ilotc
but a galleo' of pictures, and talk but
Eg} idhtu prince o:
a tinkling cymlial where there is i
AlUiG yea
years liefore fbrlst
id about AlUHi
love.-Bacan’a Eoaay on "Friendship.*
ITab Uotep’s book U written on papy
rus and deals with matters moral, poFiidgy, July 6. BugioiM
A OoM Point.
Utlcal and rellgUms. It is to the BlProspective Purchaoer-I like
Meo^ Pituiiot on both
looks of this automobile, but suppose 1 bllothegoa Nstkxiale. I'arls.
ahould ran over some one and— Balee
Urgi and AinaU Marioo
mau-Tbe sprtogflhare eo eg«y,
Daafnaaa Oannot ba OurM
A lu, 2 pm.
I’d scarcely be Jemeff at all—Oleveland Plain Dealer,
A—1__ _______ I
MM ovonr $tv. r%4 toMi Mrtwi
9P«0M Ml
ky loMi Mom
tlw OlitoMo fuoiotioao ^ wlro» not
fHipM iTMi otoor HptPi Of Mi pro
and 7 pm.
fixteottvff tmprovemeotk have been made at thit
ftaort. mikiog it a moit delightful ipot to eojo;.y an
BflrflTfl Orelmtra wUl IwraUli
om «U oMfllm-
Fare, induifing dance at PavUion, 2S cents
What la
this racket! Bobhy-Tleaee, i«pa.
are play ing a Umlu af oara. ^ 1
the locotnoUve. IraU Parent-You
the kKomotlva, eh! Well. 1 think I'U
^t switch you.
Thk Dame-rm aurprteed 'to eea you
coming out of a public honeo again.
The BokUei^-Oh, mom. we most
oat eoioetlinea -London Army Qraphlc.
tb( Saratoga Park
(SaooMSon to tho I'elinetto Park Gard«i )
The public i» invited to give ui a call. Wc
have one of the finest locations on Grand Trav*
verse Bay* Bring your family aod enjoy a few
hours’ rest and recreation. No rowdyism allowed
Special Attention
Given to Dancing Parties.
Emil SiBder. Mgr.
CtL shone MX
Mrs. T. Novak. Pros.
For Summer
NoUUag Equals Uie New iBsrovcA
-Tasertsfl Ana
you spimd
i at Ja»me
... ............
ment—and wb.ii te b«iu«r than
gi¥*d Music? tin stonny daya. In
the eveulngk and during'the It
valb boiwt-«-o ouulouj- fciK>rtb,
time will
Miitly if ysiii can llsttm
orito oougb. sung^by tbe W<.rld s
ItUslb. «. have
Greatest Ati
fauioiib Baud
and rindcr
ivndcr the finest
Ovejlines. Maicb*-s, WalUcie '
VICTOR U always a musical tnail, but in the
A cunceri by
setting of a Bummer Ucsorl. far from the
familiar fcjgh'
llgbtful and
and Ithere
Ut he uppreclaled.
our orclHwtra If you
U you like u
on the pureh and
a on outdoor concert, mov»
move the VICTOR
eutortaiu ten or ten hundred iieoplc
jieoplc with equal farilltyk U
going lor a btsit-rlde.
boat ride, or fu»
rm a pk-nic.
pknlc. take the VICTOR al<
g light and comiMc-t.
it can be easily carried, and the aUut»pheii
sill not efl.vi it.
(10 buys the VICTOR JUNIOR—»200 the
VICTOROLA. Other styles at prices between.
Wc Offer the FoUowtng Onttlt
largi muey Moming-Uloiy llom.
adui«ukliK-h (or sv>«i-luchi
»4 ao
$1 wvi>klv at the lowest cakh piict:. This outfit wm tui
lu Michigan fYUl for a dc.miiufellah
lull par
VUrtXiR 1 . with Tupc.n.g .i
Grinnell Bros.
Brancb: 159 East Front Street
Sole Distributers Headquarters Detroit.
Why you shoula come to ^illiken's
next week—^{pndsyA
Because we have some values'that we. know you
cannot resist: We have fooml un gG'mi;
through oor suit stock that ve have just
forty -fi VO light colored soits.
We waut to sell these suite sud soli them quick.
In Older to do this they must have a qniok sell*
ing price and they have it.
The original puoe wm $10 to $H5.
We are geyng to eell these at just half tbafprioo.
That meant just this:
Yon can save M to
II749 OD »ttdk
Do yon tldok UiAi williDove them?
We do.
Erery othAT •nh in the honto will b© marked it
f^aae gooMflatc Monfimy.
Aet aecter4|naly.
' • ?» Titt vmtim
n il n
THAvtutt oiWt.iyawiaAit,
mtvuday. wki «.
• giiKi
MM. J. <k 4 lAiT J. mmooD
FOR RALB—14»4-f0«rten raota ORsi4taTdWlltabstaig.
U a. m.
. toee, lib etreet, etaee to . acAocA 1 to i p. m. T to • tmelsp.tie ■■eklmns
^btaortei aad poetoMee: oeatifi WyahMpint- OtttorouhneilR.
FOR BALE—Household goods, 229 W.
June 27-St
Ilf Park SItml
If you want beak
vioa toleiihoDg
James C. Nodin^
rge W. Stephens, vice-president
of -the t’auadlau Ottisolldated Rubber
('<1.. declares that there to uo truth In
the report that the I'nlted SUles Ruh
l>er Co., has obtained a controlling Intert*al In the Canadian ooucern.
sujb the Amerlcau ooucern does
own a stiare of the stock.
On a trip through Iceland the travg janaro------and all other ajM~ *-------« M9
wilRM hj
vA ot *
rottro I
1 w. Oharo'a
For Bale by Jetawon Dnif Ca
eler sees thousands of mountains
ered with eternal snow, rivaling the
.Alps in grandeur; grt\al gey®ers au«l
innumershh} hot wells; waterfalls, one
of which—the Gullfuss-^s second
only to Niagara in size and beauty:
crysul streams and lasbfng rivers;
lava beds o( fantastic Agures, covered
with muss that glistens in the sun like
h<Kir frost, and. as a crowning glory,
the atmosphere is so brilliant that objecU over So miles distant appear
close at hand.
1862 women had
employed In the service. Then they
were admitted to tbe dead-letter office
—eight of them.. Now of Ib^-1.195
employes in the department ih Wash
ington. 20 are women, and there
the whole countr)' 27.6(K) women
employed, generally In the stamp de
livery tir money order offices, and
ceiving salaricB running (rum |400
$1,700 a year.
Passing of sentence on Mayor
Bugene E SekinUx. convicted trf extor
lion in the French resuuraut com*.
was Thursday postiioud until July 8
Hundreds of cases of brownUil
moth poisoning are being treated
Nashua. N. H., and surrounding townis
by the local ph>wlclan8. One physician
has a case of a wruman with hor eye
l>olsoDod, and he reports it as reo
serious. Many of, .the victims have
had to take sleeping polkms In order
to get their rest as the pojiKNi yields
very slowly to trealmenl. Magy oases
have terminated in a bad form of crysipelaa. Dr. J. A. Lagooe. chairman
of the board of health, says that an
I should be passed by the
city to dompel resldento to have re
moved the nesu of the caterpillars
from their triwa.
Tbe prealdnt will
to Provinceiwn, Maaa. o August 20. to aftead a
celebratioii of the anolversary of the
laudlag of the Pilgrim Fathers sod
aigning of the oampact on board the
MayAower. the vroaal on which the
PUgrims made their voyage to the
new vrorid. He will make the trip
aboard the coaverted yacht MayAower.
and win be oeoorted by a dlvisioa of
foar bertleehlpa, which wiU be here
after deaigiHUad. Tbe preoidrot wUI
deliTM an eddraro.
Power for Your Boot
CAre>oa ttioronoiay
satlsUeM with yoor
boat CEgIneT
If not, it
would oertainly pay yon to
investigate the
Walter M. Paige .
Phone 372
General news
According to a rtsport
the heated term Is making heavy de
mauds on infant Hie. It 1s estimated
that the deaths last week among child
ren will foot over 7o, while from sta
tistics already receuTwl for tbe current
w«‘ck the uumbt-r of deaths will be
fully lUO. When it is explained that
the total death rate, of tbe city, among
all classes, both old and young, should
125. it will bo swm wlmt a
serious thing Is the death of 100 cbildn in one week.
With hiuidreds of tons <»f rubbish.
;i.sht-b atuT decayed fruit and vegeU
piled in the gutters of the oast
streets in New York. iKxutuse the
drivers of the city’s street cieaniug
department are on a strike, the hrmlth
the city is threatened. The odors
from the refuse are beginaiiig to be
offensive and dangerous.
B\-v1>ti Walsh of Denver, who
inheill the wealth of Thomas
Walsh. the^Colorado multi-millionaire
miner, to "Just crazy” to be a news
paper rep»>rter and "write up" ^a
thrilling murder case, uctxtrding to
iuu»rview she gave a Denver girt
I»«iler. "Vtliai would yxju do with the
money ytni earned? " she was asked
Why. I’d buy a prrttrT>waeot for
John E Baroall. | tahotar of Po^ Arthur ftoMF. n leading Haaeook to
tlae, to heiag held on the charge «I suraagg taan. wars batkiag oR a sand
bar extending into Pnruga lake. WedektaBLeffed Syenra.
current and carried;
tt. LBSPUL Ltiuen paone
_ Fgulmau to suffering severely.
begnnad her depth. drowalBg before
may MK '
Depugk. 7-yenr«ld eon of ssalataitPe oonld reach her. The
E RUAAELU diay. caU Bachant
Depugh. Uviag north of Vermont yocmger girt atoct 401 Into deep water,
Boacoe, Resldfooe pbone 224.
I nita was probably fatally Injured but waa aaved by a young man who
June ll-tf. |churaday morning when a home was Just landing from a bgat
WUIlam A. Hanrahan ef Moakegon,
;ed the Uttie chap. TEe foepe of
E DbBAON-Jostloe of the Peaoe.'
blow threw him through the aide purser on the Ul-fsted steamer JSaomi.
HamUtoa A MUUkea block. Bopdi,t^ the
which burned in mlA-Uke a few weeks
barn and fractured hto skull
deeds, mortgages and oontracU no%go
with the loas of four Uvea, and of
Don't throw papers, banana skins c
knowlMsd; real eetate houghL peanut shucks in the atreete keraaltef whom the papers spcdie so highly for
sold or%oled to city or oountiy; at Kaiaroaxog Mayor Thompson to hto bravery whUe hto veasel waa in
money loaned. 1 have tome good out after a apoUeaa town reooed for Anmas, has married. The bride to
bargains listsd la farm and city Kalamaxoo and will have it He has Mtoa MatJorte Usooe.
property. *ln ofAoe Wednesday and issued an order to arrest persona teacher. It to said of Hanimhan that
Saturday ereninga. Basldsnoe phone throwing things in the street or piling hto oooliiess wns the means of saving
apr tEtf lumber about new buUdinga.
many Urea the night of (he dtoaater.
With a photo held UghUy to hto
Workmen engaged in rafdactng the
MONEY TO LOAN—Beal estate for
breast Robert Palmta of Albion, a
sale. Houses to rent Dr. W. E old dam with a new one at Buchanan,
found a turtle welghiog over 20 youth empiagred by the E U. R.. was
Moon. City Opsra Hotwe block.
pounds cooped in a portion of tke dam found uncnncAoua in hto room, with
F. P. LAWTON, M. O-^OCAoe Wilhelm from whlck It was Impossible to get the gas tonied full on and a handker
block. BoU pkonaa.
apr l-tf either in or out and the conclusion to chief satunOed with chloroform lying
that the turtle must have been tbers over hto face. The photo was that of
OE M. E QRiOORY—Physician and for 30 years, ever since the dam wua Mm Bd. Osmun, with whom he bad
formefly boarded. Wlioa he regained
•urgeon. 117 Cass sUeeL Phon% built
ofAce, 7«02r; resldeaoE TMAr.
There to no baby la the muntolpal consclousneaa he begged to have the
Bealdanoe All WalauL
wau>r works atandpl|ie at Marshall- picture and gazed eorneaily upon It.
SupL Joy aa}s sa lie ought to know, It was thought It must be hto mother,
fur he sent a man up the 100-foot lad but when an older brother arrived
der to lake a look. Someone started from UtchAeld, tbe photo was hasUly
the story that a man had throw a taken away and hidden.
A Milwaukee dispatch recently c»»m
babe in the tank, and many persons
sens phons SC2.
stopped using the water. Supl. Joy Is mented on the capture of a 16-pound
whlieAsh in. Loke MlchivuL During
A. J. McPHAIL-DeattoL Ovsr John- "from Missouri.”
The teachers In the Dowagiac school tbe present week. Capt John Parker,
canqot attend dances or parties tbe of Marquette, took a WblleAsh from
ct>ming school year, on any erveiflng bis nets that weighed nearly 19
preceding a school day. That is'the pounds. "This to tbe biggest Ash of
•with Underwood 4 umlor. Suther- edict of the school board, and the the kind ever caught in Lake Superior
' Id block.
' clause win be Inserted In the con- of which 1 have any know ledge,” said
the captain. ‘.'The whlteAsh to a s^OE F. J. MAC NETT—PracUce limit traru. The teachers i^re up In arms
low water Ash and dues not generally
ed to BYE BAE NOSE TUBOAT c>ver this, as the best dances and
and riTTINO OF OLA8SBE Office Itartles cpme In' the middle of the grow to a great size. It to nothing
unusual to catch a trout weighing
602 WUkelm block. CitUena p
much more, but a.^ w hlteAsh of even
I specie
puuds Is a veiilable Jumbo of lU
12 punt
nd of I
plans and speclAcatloiis of Architect kind.”
years expertenoe.
An interesting^event not listed
Bros., oomer Front and Cass Sts.
E. A. Bowd. of Lansing, for the new
tt40K 22&.(k>0 court bouse. The building to the announced program of the com
mencement cxerctoes f the Ironwood
U) bo of cement blocks.
Anniu Corenck of Ironwood. 4 years high school was the presenUUonL to
cild^ was probably fatally burned when Prof. Luther U Wright of a bandsewue
MARK CRAW'g DELIVERY—Light she attempted to dash through a bun- koing cup and a beautiful ood cosily*
Ure. after being dared to .do so by gold watch. Mr. Wright 'who last
playmates. Her mother was severeb’ full was ek-cied sUle superinU.*ndt«it
burned while exlingulsbing the- flames of public instruction, has for many
years been at tbe bead of Ironwood's
to save her child.
After the guesu at the hotel at pu|tlic eduoaUonal system, retiring
^MIL F. NERLINQEE LAWYER- Kudyurd had been startled by a bullet w ith the close pf the ter^ just ended,
Money, to loan, 212 BUte BaA coming through the window, they went and the glfu were made In apprecia
building, atlzens phone MS.
outside and found Herman DeKrayter, tion of hto senicos in that capacity.
tCAL ESTATE AND LOANS-Orand 22 years old. the hou*l barbt-r. on the 1 he loving cup. ^f sierl
Traverse Land and Loan Oo_ F. ground with bis throat cut, but still inches high, was presei
Thurtell, Manager . Office, room 2 living. He is believed to be insane.
teaching corps; the timepiece was the
HamUUin A MlUlken block.
Wblle the two little daughters of gift of the Alumni associailou.
SARA T. CHASE, M. E—Offtoe with
Dr. O. E Chase. State Bank block.
Both phones, 226-2r. Beaidence 224
W. Bighth St CiO. phone 781.
Amll F. Nerlinger
1 Open Buggy.
2 Good PhaetonE
FOR BALE—1621—Large tea room
houM, large lot, between Ninth
and Itaith streeU on Railroad av
enue. BUme foundation. Lot worth
ai«t WAMTCO-ftor miml Ime
at least one thousand doUara
jwrk vko vUJ CO haiM algliu. QUl
Honse oonld not be boUt for Atleen
m 4lt Wuliioctjoo streei, Miw
bnndred doUarm. Cioee in. Baoy
FOR kALE->Biiggy. may and har
ness; very kind for chUdrea te ride
terma. Prloe tWOO. Wade Broe.,
or drlva B. J. Morgan. June
•17 Boota UoK^ straeL aL phone
may 9K
IPA&tod Ifi 'tbU YicioiUr to kaatUo
. fWI Um of oxtracu tekers* »m»
BALE—Lot on Sixth strwt OaU
' plk«. «<£.; good ouB CM «arii
to M per dBjr. Harri* lUg.
ior SOK
Ill W. Lamed. Detroit, Mick.
. hot water
Ikue U-i*.
heat. hath. »lot seventy dve feet FOR BALE—Ita—Fifteen room brick
resldeoce. West Ninth BL, close In.
front, good bam. Om of the Anest
M^NTCO^tf . glrto to pick Un acre*
one and a half block fijom (tantral
homes In the miy. WUl take smaller
of straarberriee. William Hlemforth,
priced property as part payment or
school; sulUble for resldeoce. room
l^t farm. Pbone im s ringi.
wUI sell on easy terms
ing or boarders; wUl take food
•6,600. Wade Bros.' 117 South Union
equity to amount of one thousand
gt. Olt phone 121».
May Itf
dollars ss part payment; price
amt WAMTCO at oooe for general
|mttM«orfc. Cpil at ofAct of Mtlll FOR SALE—16»-BUty-slx feei^oa
•2.000. Wade Brae., 817 BouU
ken's storm
Ud^ BL, ClL pkooe U19.
State street; torge frame house and
may IIK
good bam; this property to la the
WAMTKO-At once. t>oy to learn
center of the best block In Tmvei
^Uuniiiog trade. & J. Meroer 4
etty*. between Cass aad Park street
juae UK.
and the coming business block of
Northern Michigan: property fnlhto
BHINGLE and metal roof fepalrtof
drAMTCD-^Yopng uaa to learn Jew
block has Increased In value
and painting a specialty. CaU at 721
four hundred per cent in peean
June 12-tf.
years, It wlU do better than that in
the next eeven yem. Keep yoorman WE HAVE FURCHABEp^Ue dry
WANTCO-Watters and wnitmases
money out d the Aike Oil, OdA Cop
cleaning business of OU A Hahner.
Oeach hotel Moithport. Mich.
per and other similar propoaii
We are now In a position to do all
June 27-*t^
and place It In good proepeetive
of your work. WM. AUGUBTI^
property in the best dty In the sUU
WANTED->A position as porter
218 E Front strecL CUtororTiW^
where ail classes of real eeutcare
June 16-U.
advandng in price, efberp factories
Around i
have Increased their capacity to the CONBULT Madam Hines, (he palmUL
if. Tmv
extent that they have out stripped
at 617 Ui^ upon aU affairs In life.
tbe population, where there to
mar 16K
Jobs for every man, woman and
WANTilb^irl for general housechild where the local columns of the NOTICE—We clean chimneys and furIpork. m W. Bighth street. Mrs. I.
nacea and store stoves through thr
loc^l papers are Ailed with want
M. Winnie.
June tOK.
summer. Traverse City Stove Re
ads for noen. women, boys and girts,
pair Oo.. §02 W. FronL Clta. 617.
where farmers come tor miles to
WANTCD^Crate nailers, basket mak
apr 9-'tf
er end laborera Basket factory of
dispose of their producU and pur < BeU 8f Sr.
Wells-Uigman Oa
June 1»K.
chase their supplies, where all
classes of fruit, grain and vegeUbles
WANTCCL-Kiil to do general house
^ork. Mra L. F. Titus. 447 Webrature has abundantly, yes lavishly
•ter street
June UHlt
HOUBE TO RENT—428 W- Eighth
supplied the sportsman, the a
streeL all modern Improvemonu. In
ars, the artist and the invalid with
FOR SALO—fUA-Hoosa on Ualoo
quire A. a Cook, State bank.
gtmsL iltydDot front, seven-rau^ every thing they could desire, hay.
June 26 tf.
inland lakes, rivers, and creeks,
kotme. Blpe lawn; A No. 1 pn>^
clear, pure frosk water, good clear FURNISHED ROOMS—126 E Ninth
Mon: prioe |2,0«)t Wade Bme.. S17
healthy air. Ash. fruit, aad vegeUiodtk Union St Ot pkono itil.
June 24-6L
bles. What more could be desired.
may llK
These are facU we are aUUog and TO RENT—PleasanL furnished front
can be verlAed. Again we aay place
room In family of two. Address X
we are still the most up-todate
your money In Traverse City or the
Record ofAce.
June 14 tf.
Grand Traverse region.
cleaning estahUahment In tbe city.
Bros., S17 Union street ClUxens TO RENT—Pleasantly furnished front
Tke Parisian
June 12-U.
room; all modernftonvenlencea
pbone 1211.
June l»-a
WANTSO^OasUmiera for oil and
220 caas.
June lOK.
gasoline. Deliver anywhere In the FOR SALE—Honsa and lot; mo
city. Drmnd Baplds Famiture Co.
eonvenieoees except heating; eight FOR RENT—Three Urge unfurnished
rooms, upstairs, at 84 per mouth.
June 11 tl.
blocks from postofAce; easy terms;
638 E. Eighth street
may 25 tf.
modersie cost. Phone il2 or call
WAMTSO-Manager for hranck otAce
621 W. Ninth straet
apr ll-tf FOR RENT—121 Cass streeL toqulre
we wish to locals here In Traverse
142 Bast Blghtk.
mar t«-U
City. Addrees. with reference, The
Mortis Whfdesale lloose. Cincinnati.
thirty-kVe aero farm, eighty acres
DE E E MINOR—Office over Ameri
Improved, large ham and good
can Drug Stope. Special attention
house, orchard, large amount of LOST-A pocket book between the
WANTIO-Ppr noOeetlon. aotse and
to eye. ear, nose and throat. Qlaseee
good wood, timber, farm all fenced
Knox store and Milliken’s, Satur
AUed. Both phones. Residence 6l«
nid ■aneeiti A. Bnhoral. RamUton
and no batter soil to be found; six
Bids. ^
mar 16-lmo
mUes eoutheast of city cm main
this ofdcG and receive rcwar.l.
. MOON—Bpeclall
road. Bast Bay township; ctoae to
June 24 tf.
urinary, eldn
school and chnrch; will sell <m easy
yeara experienve.
opera house
ienna, owner in other business; LOST—Black, covered account book,
FOR AALE—Gbcice aster plauU, Af
block. Both phones.
price It.OOa Wade Bras.. 117 gouth
yesterday between Grawn and Trav
teen cents a dosen. Two Uicyclea.
: me lady's, one sentlcmhus. 427
T. W. THIRLBY—Dentist Ovwr Bar
tak MK
road. Return to Record and receive
. PiBk strei-i.
Jtmu 2»^t.
m 4 Bart's Jewelry etore. Both
ones 103.
June 17-tf.
-Maxwell runsboul: full FOR SALE—ir.21—Farm, elgfaty-five
eo^pment; In flue running order;
acres, one and on® half ntilea north,
win give demuastrstioo A bargain.
clsn and Surgeon. Removed to ofwatch
of Acme on main road. BoventyAces In Munson block over Baraum
Barager, ft. M. Asylum, Jane 14-tl.
4 Bari's. ClUxens phone U6.
Ave acres under cultivation; all In
FOR AAtE—Good arork team weight
to crops, wheat, torfi. oaU. hay;
UdO. nine years old. Will sell
HARRY E HARNER-Expert piano
large modem fatnise,' fumaoe, bath,
tuner and action regulator. SaUa
time. J. P. Oberliu. Bingham. Mich.
hot and cold water all through
faction guaranteed. W^h Kimball
Jane 36-tf
house. Wind mill and tank. Good
Muxlc House. Cltx. phone 2«4.
Hpeoinl nUentioB given to
bam, granary and all necessary 1
; POR SALE—Two canopy top roller
foU^tioas and oommurrial
out buildings; good young orchard,'
MONEY TO LOAN-No tax clansa
lawn swings, cheap- B. f. oMrgan.
put In mortgages. Honaes for sale.
law; bankruptej proceedings;
just bearing; about all level aad
Inquire of
June 24-tf.
McNamara. Park
oonveyanciog; netUement of
as nearly perfect aFa farm eould
Place hotel
eatateg and private mattera
be. Owner wishes to go south, hence
f!0R SALE—1471—II acres two miles
Notary Publio and Justice
offers at taw Agure for cash. Price
Bute Bank huliding; Anest location
AIATRACTS OF TITLE-C. O. Carof tbo Peace in effioe. Money
ver. Prices reasonable.
for aoburban residenee in this rw
•4,600. Wade Bros. 617 south Un
to loan. Open eveuinga.
^ Price •l.OU. Wade Broa.. 117
O. P."
.■Carver 4 Bro. Both pbonea.
ion street, Cil. pbone 1210.
iMm stseat Ota. phene UlE
409 SUte Bthk EnildUic
June 12-U.
OE E L. THIRLOV-Spedkl attaoTvk-;>tum«-OU|auH W
Uon to diseases at children. Wootw
pOR EALE—McVicker gaeollaa em
409 SUU Bank bldg. Both phooM.
flak, new; IM h. p. a a Dowell, FOR 'sale—162k—One hundred end
Ave acre .farm; four miles from city;
at Beeord oCAea.
sixty acierunder cultivation; forty
acres Umber estimated Xp cut at
____ Caas St. lee home; price
k-ast three hundrtMl Ibou'saud feet
MAW- wad# Broa.. 117 SouU
merchanUble logs; about two
at oa phoM Uld.
thousand cords stove wood; Im
Jaa MK
of P., meet every Thursday evenproved land, muetly level; about
FOR SALE—ItAt-Resort property
one half caa be irrigated from the
one mile city UmiU; four acres;
creek that runs acroM farm; large
two hundred feet ahons front; large
frame bam. sloae hasemeat room
holM eompipteiy famished diet
fdr Afty head of stock; good stoae 1 Jump two-icat Caoopy Top
Surrey in good condition.
meet In Woodman ball on the third I
dm: hoi and odd water la aU
fonndaUon; pecking^Muse for fruit:
IMS, gas Ught. tamaoe heat, also
large orchard, differenl vartetiee of
PM eotuss. two large bams, trout
peaches, pears, plu^ ajAiooU, 8 Single Top Buggiei.
etrpam Urough groands. hath house
cherries and applet aU ohoioo
aad Aae grove along bny ahore. This
variettos; alfo large viayard; cheiO'
property U in Irst class oqpditJon
set gmpea. This farm by atlUsiag
na main rend to city, piked att tke
the timber can be made to pay out
way to dty; would cost to put to
this year including oomtag winter, 2 Hurreys — 1 Canopy Top,
at 7:20 p. m. Cart C. Laaglcy, W.
Mdltlnn as U to at prssent at least
aad when paid for is a steady eouroe
M.; E E WhiU. kecreUrjrIMT
1 regular top with pole.
twenty fhootend doUses: lady own
of weslth that to hard to dupiicaU,
tag to UvaUd. kenoe sacridep la
only reaaoB it to for sale to owner
order to dispose of tt; will consider
box. good for truck wagon.
to weU along in years aad wishes to
O. T. M. M..
d.. No.
No. iirmaeu■ every
good dty property In pm paymrot;
reUre hence offers it at abpot oneBday Bight
tt U the
pdee lUAOd. Wade Bras.. I17
hall, over Amertcaa Kandy Kitchen.
half iU actaal value. Price IA.00A.
All for tale very cheap
B. E
amrtb Ualnn it €kt phons 121E
Wade Bros. 617 BnnU Uah« BL.
. BvAos.
r UK cmx«w phnpta lilt.
June 12 If
or will trade for hortet.
Flaance Keeper.
Tohn R. Santo
General Insorance
209-210 SUte Bulk BdlMlffr.
Travene aty, MlchlgtE
E. W. Hastbias-a Sob
c«j, Mlcfc.
Real Estttt
i Pere
® ttamuette
Line Steamers
ThcOoly DaUyUBelor
> t
Cblcaa® t
liilll Poilts Kltat
Leave MAN18TBB daily at ( and 7 ». > - 1
m.; Bogday 7 A. BL only.
leave LGDINOTON dally at !• ff. ta. ^
Arrive Milwaukee e a. BL dally.
V f
Leave MUwaukee dally A iL ».
, s
The llae which aenree you Three
tttage .Bamy. Ceroieft and
Get your ave “»eiwe*” ^
* jjether, then all aboard f<» ‘
grocer’a for
Zh Zo ^
the giager soap
that has brokeo
H. P«rrU, of C«4*r Orore,
w . ...^dloa t<i « letter ultich reads;
“After aufferluc much erltb liver sod
IF you wnnt a cold drink, go
kldory trouble, aod becomloz greallj JerksoD's 106 H Front.
.iUsoourmaed by ib« fsllurs to god re
4pne *Mt
lief. I tried Blectrk BUiera, aod as a
THE COLWBBT and the best la the
reeolt I am a well loaa to-day. The
ftrat bottle rellered «od three bottles
completed the euro" Ouaraoteed brat
remedy for stomach, liver aod kldqey
troubles, by Boabee Drug Co.. Frank
IF you want a cold drink, go
H. Maads, llaimah Iwu* Btore. drug
tckaou's, 106 a Front
June 12'4t
if any cases ot orueUy to children
' or Mtlmata eo^e under your obaervatiM call City book stofw, both phones
Ke. it.
Humane Hodety.
may iMf
Bcbixlule water iuxed tmiat be paid
KIEFCJliE JUtV 1st to' get discount
Ail water will be abut off
further notice if nut
W. R Caldwell, Bupt
, 2®. July 1 to 13.
WHY go huogry on the Fourth
THE C-OLDEBT aod the beat U the
erhes a g<i(>d diunr^ cau be got at
iks at
Gra«ge hall, criraer Com and Wash- Muias and all kinds of drinl
June 22 II.
son’s. 106 Front
fnetan atret-ta. Ust s:> ceutat
JuUfj ’Sit Uj July 3-
OverMi Uhc Uc4 tluit we
^e llw beirt lUw <i|J^
Sfettiw^rl^ price.
Ife the A4riMiaw4 M4e
tie lb«l
We ptveoaemih. eeaU
with every cedi purduuie
el ill or over.
See our lloe ot mao*
hontc oiul drIviBfl Iwroeooee before ycHi boy.
Farmers* Supply Co.
Porcelain Work
On fiaor with Boainow OoUogo
ladies Belts and
lo belt# wo aid sbovititf ike
Uraeai vahetjr aod b(«t atvlai
WBIbsre kad lor a looi; lliDd
We hive Ohildrpa'e Broiroie
.Beho in pBlent Lutlher, aa•oritd colon ic o»cli aud
upvBtdi Wask Baka t#c
/and t^arda, Otkeis lie UP
I•^ «l4il Heueb.
aiDiba. If in need ot nnyikiof in Ignoy Bac4t OomW,
leikW Ooeibi or C3amb HeU
you gkokVdoae oar Urge as*
OortaNont otorf^ihiug id
^ IF Y<ir
A Fortunate Teaan.
Mr B W. Oiaalloe, of 107 Bt LooU
Bt . Dallas, Tt x . says; “In the plat
year 1 hspe bec.onie acquainled with
I»r. Kina a Kew Life PUis. and no Usathe I ever Ufuiv tried so effectually
dtspos4<s of ualatia and blllouaoeas"
They don’t grind nor gripe. 2Sc at
Uuglaui ortfk Co.. Frank H. Meads.
Hannah Drug Blorea.
i Cold drink
7 IIH rold«>«t and »s«t U the ««id«s
ittid nil kind, id diluks at JarkiiOu s,
Iim B. Front.
June 22 U
FOR OUTilDB doers use Caiman's
Elastic Spar Varnlah. B. E. Walt A
Ha Fired tha BUck.
*T have Ort^ the waiklugelick I’ve
iiirlod ovf-i 40 yeais, ui> acx4iuul of a
iru that resist!.^ eiery kind of tnuilniitut. ^DtU I irlod Bucklon’s Arnica
gulve;'tbat has healed the sore and
made me a happy mau.’* writes John
Ganett, oI North Mills, N. C. Ouaran
lied lur riles. Hums. etc., by Hugbee
lung Co. Frank H. Meads,* Huuuab
>rug Btore. drugglsU. 23c,
Paying Tu
^ baU court for the emonty -of Grand
raveruA At a aeaslon of said
held at the probate
of Traverse City. U eald connty. on
ike 22nd day of Juno.
luno, A.
«. D.
a.. 1007.
Preaant: Hon, Fred R. Wallber.
Church ^eivloM
Your Hair
ngton stroet
Morning gcnrOar titd Hmn, 16:30
^£'nday school and Blhle elMs at
^*A°Wdial lavUaUtm to aU thoac aer
‘ Cathcllc.
rbnrch of the Immaculate Oonedptlon-^Coraor Uvlakm and Beesad
Low maaa. 3; hl0 mass. 10:30; ves
pers and henodlcllpn. 7:30 p. m.
St. Francis Church -Comer Tenth
and Cass street ltaaday>-Low mass
at 7:30 A m-: high mass and sermon
St 16u30 A m.; vcaiicrs and benedic
tion at 7:3(1 p. m. Week days—Bervices at 7:30 a. m.
CKrIetiaa BetensA
Sunday momtna aarvice in Modon
roodmaa hall over poatoacA
Ibk achooL
leellng at 7:10.
n. Bt^nlor C. K
Reading room. No. 314 WUhela
Buuday. 6:00 p. m. Inurroedlate C.
lock, open ev
Sunday) from <
Free Methodist Church.
service, sermon.
C. H. llAKTLHrrr, pastor.
Tuesday. 7 30 p. m.. cotUge prayer
East. k'uurtiH^-uth'slrwt.
toi-ollngs on fast aud west sides of
8<‘rvlri-h Buoday mnruiiic.
the city.
WiH-kd^iy prayer
niuetiug '
Tut«day. 7: (HI p. U» . Normal ikble evening 7:30.
iut-sday, 1.30
i;30 p, m.. Durcui. .4 id
-Connrepatlonal- Mission.
meets even
A. A AllingUiu. pastor lu charge.
Wednesday,.7:30 p. m. C. W. B M
Regular Buuduy morning devotional
meeU very Erst w«M*k.
7'huraday. 7:30 p. m.. "Union mid sei-vU«s and sermon at IU;30 o’clock In
week piayirr mealing.
Fifth ward hall
thw Fi
Friday 7;30 p m . Y L. M. C. mw U
of prayer and praise on
•ery first w««k
Wehome to worship with us sn^ 7’liursday evening at the liumes wbi-re
stiaugers. workingmen and the poto. It Is cnnveuleul All arc earnestly lu
vlU'd to alti-iid aud join In these scrCengrepatlenak
Rev. Demas CochllA pastor.
Xthurck phone No. llfO.
Our church la a home tor worship
od service. If you have no church
home in Traverse CUy. you are earn
eslly Invited to come, gel acguaiuted.
til mass and communion 7 'JO. a.
aud work and worship with ua
welcome to all. Introduce your frlendA
Greet the atrangeiA If a sUanger. wait
and meet the pastor.
services announced la the
Bpeclal eervld
church brev"*eA
Regular aer..7ea as loiiowi:
10.10 a. m.. momlag worship and
sermon. Choir under direction of Mia
acbooL If prevented
m.. 8udiday
atuudlng. du the home department
6:46■ p. m.. Young People's
________InL the parloFA
of Christian Endeavor
7 :00 p m . evening
ev ening worship.
meet log and evangelistic aenrlOA
Choir under direction of Dr. Smith.
Thursday. 7:30 p. au prayer and
conference meeting.
Friday. 7 00 p. m , MajBoi
A cordial lovltdiion to
aervioea and the i
OfEce R-. /m BUta bank buildlog-
Rubber Rose
Vanadium Steel
fixoelo nil olhor nieela in olrenRth,
is vastly tnpe>rior in reeUtance to
vibratioo, it prnctioally ouhreak
able, t i;ker under a atoady load or
under oonatantly repeated akocka
Tbia ia Iki* kind of ateel naed in
That’a why they are light, yet
poaa^a all the atrooRth of heavy
can. We have lota of points to
ell you about.
A new tool for removing
sod irrowinc over cd«;es of i
cemcni walks, liy its use a
narrow trench in cut next the
walk, prcvcniinK sod jrrowing
over edge of walk, greatly im
proving appearance of lawn
For Sale by all Hardware
Monby, Itily 1
This Year?
Want a Good Lotto Build On
1 so, we hove them lor sale and at
.prices that we know are right
Lou 6 and 7. Blk 6. Perry Hannah's
3rd Add.. West Bight street
Lots 27 aud 23. Blk. F. H. L. ft Co's
7th Add.. 6C ft. front each on
Washington street
Lots 0 and 10. Blk 2. H. U ft Co.’s
6th Add.. Esit Eighth street
East 60ft Lot 0. Blk 1. H. L. ft Ca'a
7ih Add.. Washington street
Lou 16. 17. aud 18.^Adsli's Add..
Webster streeL 60 ft each.
Lou 21 and 22. Blk 1. H. L. ft Co.'s
7lh Add.. Webster street, 66 ft
Lot 142. Oak HelghU Add... Barlow
Lot 107, Oak HelghU Add.. Hannah
Lou 40, il. 42 and 43.. Blk 1, Oak
Park Add.. Washington street
Lot 13. Blk 3, Goodrich's Add.. Monroc street
LoU 20 and 21. Stcode ft Spencer's
Add-! 17th street west of Cass.
Lou 23 and 25, Grlfflu ft Wlnnl
Add.. 25 ft each.
Lot 17. Grover Park Add., corner
Uosu aud State slfeeU, 60 ft each.
33 ft. East Front betwoeu Park and
Btmrdman avenue, gQpd business
Just a few of those 5-acre LoU left
Southeast on Gartleld ibad. .
For Price and Term* Enquire o#
where you will have Into ol room
and lota of good seaU and won't
have to stand outside and wait lo
wail aud come to the Grand Opera
House the first week of July- All
the picturea will be explained to
you aa they are thrown on the
screen so you can get the full ben
efit from them.
Remember the place and
date—Grand Opera House
first week of J uly.
Admission 5 cts.
Tu all parts of the house.
Everytlilaii lor
; Tlie Aatomoblle
and Laoncli.
We can save yon money.
Ask ns how.
Walter M. Paige
i:U Cuss .St.
I'hone 572
W. Hasiiogs & Sod
state Bink Bldr.
Give us your order for
Buns and
lee Cream Coses
We can supply you
with anything you want
in baked goods if we
get your order in time,
so don’t wait until the
last minute to order.
From Our Notion Department
Ladies and* Misses’ 15c Hose, embroid
ered or plain—Saturday only............
50 picci No. 100 Ribbon
The I5c kind—Special.
25 dozen Ladies* Pure Linen Fikkf.
Extra quality at......... ........ *.........
30 4lo2en Ladici’ Pure Sheer Linen Handkerchiefi, hcmslitehcd and embroidered,
values 19c tcf26c, special 15c, or 2 for.. ^ jC
Ladiu' St(Kd( CoUart,
!i5c and bOc valum at ....
SI Round Trip
Leave Traverse City at 8 a.
m. Returoing. arrive
Traverse City at lOp m.
Feed bam—bIbo want rogolar «
boaideiB—popular priooB. We
uepecially want to tee the
larmefa. Good, roomy Btalla,
w^ ventilated. Hciriei ea*
truBled to OB will receive tho
beet poBBible care.
Columbia Trusfei's Old Stud
State atriat
Ou ol the BostFum io MitlBrn
On main road between Trav
ene City and Elk Rapids; 280
acres; heavy, rich soil; two
large orchards: new buildingi
worth $8,000; $1,000 worth of
stock and tools. Everything
in first class shape. Property
worth $15,000.
Will take
$12,000 if sold soon.
FrontStr#at 5-8tory Block
J, w. PATCfflN, Attoney,
ptvt mmiiag tkan^ wreilBi
at 7:30. BeaU fro*. .
▲U aro.woloQ^f ib >P tko mtvIbb
kcharga. FukUe Mootr
Fouruofilh Biroat M. B- QiMraH.
Tho Ror. & H Flomliis. pastor,
daaa mooting. 3:41 a. m.
Proaokiag aorvlOB. t0:3« a. m.
Harbor Springs ' TrimUe's
ladles' Embroidered Linen
Grand Opera House
MoralBB aonrloft tO;K ft »
YoKB,; uad tbem with
the OMoe promiM oogvwe
M ycmwrlf.
lOB and FUEL.
June 22 23 July 6-13.
ttunday. »:30 a. ni.. guet bom.
Buudsy, l»:80 a. m.. morning wor-
Notice to All Ffraens InUresUg'i'hn si*>M Ul ubsessuieiit 6ia rolls fur
the paving of Ike following ftreeU
Evanpallcal Church.
ire now in tuy bamU fur collei-Ui
Coim r Ninth aud Wadswiulh
South Union street fu« bridge to
C. C. Olbson, upslnr, Twolfib sueer. ^ond lualBllmeat.
Buoday services .
Class street from Stale street
Class meeting. 10 00 a m.
bridge, second iuUallmenl.
Preaching. 10:30 a. m
CiesB sliwet from Front street. *Vo
Sunday achooi, 1146 a. m.
Bute street aud Stau street from
Junior Y. F. A . 3:30 p. m.
Cass street to Union slieet, liflh iuBMlor Y V. A.. C;80 p. m
Pieacblng. 7:30 a m.
Btae street from Oass street to RailMid-week prayer meeting Thursday
toad avenue, third UrsuUimeot.
■ast Front street from Park street 7:30 p.m.
You are cordially InvUeib to attend
I Wellington aueet. ihlfd InauU*
all of these servloee.
West Froat street from VdIud street
Fir^ M. t. Ohurah.
Maple street, third InaUlIkmot.
Joseph pulton. pMtor.
Blalb street from Union etretg to
Morning service. 10:30.
liivision street, Bfth Inslallmenl.
Buaday acbool, aoom
Atrtho above InaUllmenia toaetkei
with the accrued’ tutereet on all u
MvoBlUg OTBigaUaUo service, 7.
paid liistallmenU to be paid on i
.Prayor maatlng, Thursday evealng,
beforu the 30tb day of June. 1»07.
Ralph B UaaUngs^
A cordial
City Treeaurer.
iBctoiB in OiB
egtimation of the
Latter Day BalntA
Regular aenlces of the Latter Day
Balnla (reKirganlxe) are aa follows:
10:.30. social aenrioe.
11:46, Bunday'achooL
7:00 p. m.. preaching.
^Tko Bov. Osoygh Jk Loakhart. pasTuesday Evening—
7:30. prayer meeting.
'“tlndy and ofacft, SOI WUkelm bledn
Friday Tvenlng—
OfOoe phone. 146 CiUsens.
7:30. Zlou't Rellglo^Uterary society.
Mom lug service. 10:30 s. m.
Chapel located at 805 Randolph.
fiundajr acbool. If.
The public U welcomA
Baraca Bible class, 12.
B Y. P. U.. 6 p.
Evening ernrice. 7.
Bible study, prayer and praise eervice, Thursday evening at 7:80.
: »:45 A m.
Junkm union. Saturday. 2:30 p. la.
Morning service, 10:30 A m.
Boys' Juulor soclfi nlu^
Baa4ay.aohool at It m.
RpWofUHeague. #:30 p. m.
All are cordially iavlM to theaeser7%0 p. m.
Church of Christ (Waclplaa)
cordial welcome to these aervioea
J. Allen Cenby Pastor. CUx. phone
8TBAM8R ONEKAMA will run
two roend trtps on the Fourth, leav
ing Bowers Harbor aod NoAh-U-wan
l 8;00 a. m.,
6:30 p. m.. rotumlng will leav» Travereo City at
4:00 p. m.. and 10:00 a. m.
June 3« 3t.
10:3<r, Sunday achooi.
11:43, prager eanrioA
7.30 p. m.. preaching service.
Friday evening—7:30, Sion'e ReligloLiterary society.
A welcome U extended to alL
; ...t - ■
CUKtra Arc im^tt
^'*1?*the maS^of the eetate td Lucy
Auchard Bateman, dedeased.
Chrtstopher T. Bateman havtag
died in said court htai petition praying
that he may be authorized, empower
ed and licensed to sell at private sale
I p. m.. Junior medtog. the Interest of said estate In said real
Our batue cryi BOtaar. tkara 1a aai
estate therein described.
II Is ordered. That the ICth dav of
July. A. D. 1007. at lea ocJotk In the
3:30 p. SL. dtrlaUaa'a
forenoon, at said probate offict>, be
la hereby appointed for bearing
m.. nM M
said petition.
' la further ordered that public noI Cold diink go to
ikereof be given by publisatUm
June 23-lL
copy of (Ws order, for three sue
cesatve weeks previous to aaUl day of
LetUr^Miy BaInU tIleAraanImd).
huating. Iq the F i-enlng Record, a
_R|telAr services are hold at their
ICE CREAM delivered. 60 oonU
newspaper printed aud circulated In
oha^, aOS. Randolph etreet. as fol- galloA 26 qpiite a quart Phone 676.
Juue 23-61
Frtande Church.
h all
Center Oak and Fifth
iklin Hert
Herudlth, Ue
Th« Ruv. Frankly
Rev. Mary Moon Meredith,
lUh. Iboat
~ ailng for worship Babbai
Babbath momMsdllng
lag, 10:30 a. nt
innday school 13 o’clock.
Junior a M. 3J30 p. m.
Bealor. C. U. C:13 p. m.
Gospel ometleg. 1:30 p. m.
Pieyr ameUag Thursday 7:10 p. m!
Praeehing on flahhath morning and
^venlug. All are cordially Invited aud
1 at JackaoQ'c:
1 the bent 106 E Froot.
I 22-tt
-: -> ^ -V
MWORA. TMvtm env. mmmwm^tummv; jumi » ntr.
. j
New Wahelm Block
Traverse City MIcIl
both phone*.
Choice R^ Eotalc
For Sale
or Exchange
Throe k>U corner SUtie and
Caaa. opposite postoffice. Bach
23 1-3 feet on Cass. 132 foel
long. WIU Kill ahy two of those
without bulidiDgs.
Store and ko-foot lot ouriier
Oak snd Wt»t Front street. sub^‘“
Jeci to lease.
Twenty ucrtai laud North Uijllugs HelghU. one mile'city llmJU, Ihrw acfes bosrlng peaefaas.
tMilaoee wild (and. Beautiful
site for summer homo or lor.
New nine room houBO, lot Six
165. Just half block o*»t of
IwvmeDt. souUa aldo Washlagkm StreeL
Lot comor Webstar gqd R’eR.
tngton. i(fxm, wtUk driveway
to allejr 16xSS oddUlonaL
WiU «xok«ngo oa* ot thme
properties tor rmldoooo not
over RiOO oq Btato or'WgahItAgtoa bstwoea
R- H- ariana wafi par differ.
Sherman & Huniar
tut tWIIIM ilMOMil. ^MMtK €fW.
te Ml
» VMlMbtllM i6m
U> 9m
m «ko U* Mnrtd upcu suck a
"To Uw
by oaftpuigUan
v«v «^iuo ikiA/ w
b« uuMic
nude • Mooutb
**Tu Uktr hfmt4 UMuhrtv.
M. vko kbve
who do opt
•Vcifirsi.* .
«it|r ttotniO. OM fur nttiutttl tn»lB
m te Om
9td ik» uO*i for
fC Euawti# U tkm mMmm of IM
TifriM iirwlBat Mm. J. F. OlilMpI*:
"Hmam 9t ^ Wmma% dttk,U«
ffuiMi ui nu* op opr dak
Uiur our toa4 fMado u»lo umM ofolo »Um opr luif>|>>
vtU rMt*v«4 «s*rtr ^
^^Sttlury^f Mrk Morlor
t would
ltd My
oiir £rt--^,
£rt«id U dMd, biu ra
loy T>jf
_ du^
skt^ took UU
Uu> k^
k«> of )ov« uod
ttOMd tt 111 tdr door d. tifu djo«4> d^d
.«ddrid tblo ibd bm rmL
> ^ GMOd uko lu> itty tk«me U*i» oftMMoo 9 kotior tdiiiskt Uiu tMi
WiifwiNt iktc okjoci of our dub:
Udvuotfuiiol of iu mtaukers lo
Up fctu»wM<« of liUtfOtuiw uod (Ml
riMi evt4it>, ibo dtMUMluu of aoolul
p^toiM. *od ^
Uiword Ufidi
' Ai Vk Mvlov U* iMt r^fir’u work
< wv fMii ilui w« ar» frvwlof toto but
I4f nuittudi. 9^ Ultftrd vAy<
w uiiuA. utd Ud>«r IdMbi;
aiw u> l«f «ot to Uvu (or ouruulm ur
•tf dub lOofiu but Jur Utw botienufiot
Of BiunlUod
**Aiipuuk huvu eoaw ui u« I
kMift purpuuuw W* luivo boou m
' lirtif tttflff Up wiMUoa vi Uo
liftUirr'ii fruttro^ ki^work, t
«Cant btiU fur M>UriuuM purpouuu.
lud Uuu kia iMUty be ttnmnmd «« it
I* (or ftll Umu. To uid Iu lb« vuiioun
bUM IMfcwe tbu leKUletaru. Ute Ju
^etJW oourt blU^. ibu. bill for Ike upbi^ohrUiioa fui tbu bume (or (uobiu
UlM 9t UMdw. tku Ull for
liTMbrvbUoo d oui fonwtU,
“4itd U> b(Uoe eSulik, iutr (JuUUtiu
to tk* oouiuU foi muuuiti tmlolaK Iu
|tur tykiutb^ wbU« W(t were turned
do«« Uilu Unw M Mr». bVril* •*>».
ixuiMiuukllv k&iiuukr fur wtuil
ttuolly I« will m ‘i-’
bmnt aud <
•ittdumlSrUainln* l« a wore im
poruat factor Iu the devetotunent of
dmiwcter than moel people reoUtcHicker
u( women U the
cry eU i»vwr 'tke land >*fi I
vkpiker todueukd Irolulof h» uui
fully Of iBPortont In Ua ulacU uinm
tke 4 '
“(ttiU kurk In bumble ourrtmud
Bunbert wbu
90 fuydly to ibu roquefU
U ««>«»* «ur
nm u»
Bofi'ikMi lUd to* dvo^MprS*
d0» to «(y wodbUon fur Uetr loyal
•uMiort ood kdpfulouM, bud tke
•dtlt Ubt k»a pievoAed oU tbu ru
of our odutiubitniUvu
pirformifif th« duUuu of
■y oltow 1 kav* t^kfuUy tried Iu
your wluhM. No doubt
1 plOMed every oue In all
ttonksutare but will you kindly bury
tU bIoMIhw deep Iu the Kurdeu of
rorfetiullueM end furdveuniK, knowiBf tkd 1 kitve cried to do my beet T
^OoBBmlidbtiuf you upon yum uew
ly d«r.Ibd pPMldem and bet lumoriitBe
oi tk« UMmutlve board, I bMpeob fui
you a new year, filled full ef miod
"TkiMtkiux you foi your loyalt) oud
tke cruet Ibour uf pioaJdiui uf the
Wufuuia’ club and for many a touck
of aweet frieudllueM wklck will ol
w«y« remain « pieMOUtnuemory while
Ufe boiu, 1 can i^eb for tke uew
pyeuideni no be^r fortuue Uuiu ike
luya)' support wiiok you b«vi- or
oit^ me and which I beapeok (ur
my Mtcoeoaor."
Puuth and wo/bni were eervod by
e outcofuf eawuUve Uuurd duiiug
tbe eodol hour.
A tiolnc
e at tkanke w ae i
w u( the city.
Ike newapapcre
HB coldeet and boat hi the emlaa
^U^tndg^ «( diiuka at Juckaou'*,
MiyiMkw. imm m tm.
Ti«e«M mr TMedwy. Mir atotir
MMk «< MkBriwi. MMh..
Net le Be Fpaii^
A Miklmtt of a New ^agtond lm
wka wraa aeted for bis greet klmlneeg
Agei Mleneer WnnM Mregen tbjll IMde In aalmali vtowed the ilnt buroc cere
whb dtomay. -IVe ebm creolty, tkat'aj
Broadway. Mew Yeak. arwutoinad ae what U bn" he inolMel and tbe plea
U Ig to ‘WpMkMMA” M fpigg m aa^dM ^ coareatonce «r oeceealty had po laIpedil to ike Bvenlng BMOrd,
upon him.
Hie iMpreedeib
— Ikat mm «g)ta It gk pp and lake'
Oedgr. Mlnm. iuun Sk-Mc, ohd
Mr. WkUW'Tvll m Vmle
f. (ur^gra Meokar U |dbi |p
Mre. Myom werw ooUed upou to mourn kow Cid yuu (eel w ken tkut
through It hie ox team and tke
tkn km of their lalant child, who fatornuunt >un|ied on your beck oe you urigtne)
pcnlrie arkoonar In whirk ke
a) prairie
In UOai. enye Ike New Tet
hlM tu rid# to a atreet car dragged by
fBboU o( oarboilo add
Unde Rufue Hank -Vh. well, gak
eTirwtirbeA tlrod bunro. When ctocThnaigh Mtetake tke add bad bmp yo' whet'e • fevi. thgukee-l 'kH»ed
tririly wae applied ami tbe care wept
oMag tkak.kia prairie ^
left wltkla reacle aud tke ckild bad 'iwua mukvwifv! Yo‘ eee, 1 wae uk- kto wv fcMk kto kogae |p rtgrailnp, aawoikly along wrUbmt the hmeea, hi*
Ukan It before tke rndkar cougl in gUtln' kouta deae e llttl* bit untluuated Waek„ to (toller>W. X. t. U> inter aun oatd:
-Xow, father, you can ride on tbe
laroede. Worn Wedneaday unUI Prt fum de Mio B’ de OnUud Kulgbu* and eel tke m^t ^tkroogk kim tin
day nomlag Ike little one euSerwd. Mbivvyleen. aud mob uucb'l a'plckm couatiy in making e grand koatoraitl etreet care wUkoui wmrylug. about
wken deatk oame ae a rdlef. The wae del de tody bod gut tlrwd v‘ jaf^tke old OMfoa trail. Me wante tke lagwea. Ymi can gw into imeum at
waitin' and come to umm*! me. U Ttf old ^ betiHra tke MMaourt river yoito eaae now '
fuaeeal aervlcee were kek) from tkw<
egd^faclAc eoaat pemeUtoted ae a
“Jamea" aald tbe old lutm/'yuu al
dungrngailonal ckurck ikmday mom
munmnent to tke kaidy pmueera wkuee ewyi mob at coucluotoua You duu't
tag. Mr. d. Tiemaiue uf Maple CUy
egcrlgcae and antecRrieM ma.d( tke eet ettaly latu things aa t do. Duu't 1 read
officlaUug. . Mr. and Mra. Ryant barvv thliikln* to muhoe f dat ‘tw-ue nobody tiement pf tbe weal poaatUto. Be ex* to the papers about every car havj
the aympathy of all In ibl* Ibeli time but m.ak wife. I dree breobed de var- jweta to aok fongreei to pace a bill at
mbit aelde. acrawdln* tu mub cuetom, Its nest aeeekm appeoprUMag tbe ama
u( bemavemwtu
and tHjiDPut^iiigUi' along borne, bappy «y fur tbe ptwMmlnerr aurvey
maansV And tke ohl geuUemau algb
l>r. and Miw. .
Wbke tka ag team ato
tu mub tgBuuce.~l*uck.
ed. "It etuiply mwena my muu. iket
through kiwo lu ikW auto WedneaackaMMF ware la
Ibe pour kursca ero being worked ju«t
day, enroute for Traverae tMty.
waa at
I of WlUlam A. Uw- oe bard and Juet a* many hour*, only
wnce I
s, .N Y. tke uther day we don't eee
Mra Iguaoe fleeou of Traverwe (Uty
completing arrangameoto
kgameoto tnr kle vtolt
*TWe power buitte* ivuld tell inlua
vlolied fripida hierc ikle week
to Buf I twekon.. Xo. I\e n-y mure uoe for
I gold l-oumo." be oald. ‘A to tbe procldent. He veturoed
Mr. aud lira. J. Ru]il van > at tended
Ike nagi
neat tdgkt to rdhOn kto ;Aut‘Aut ,treri
in^v ttoiu I ever ha<l, and
lu vender gluAva uue falo Ibe
the party, given Monday eVtuilug by gtuilh
tor. the eome reneuu-’'— Vuutb'a (yumluing At," os k* calle it.
luiderful ImkT w UiuU
Ike Maple rily Fudro dub lu buuui uf
Tke vuidt makee about twenty mitoa pguiuu
Dr. PVaUck. tke went being hU bliUi of
lUg a»b1 i>Uh-c
plain tbe object of kto trip, and aUew^'
mother used tu tell htoi that
1'bv acbooi dooed b<-n.' Friday with inubed to blni in tbe ctxiupler I board monumenu
(tom 9100 to up- tker* were little gmudUio ai ni^to
picnic at Noi woilt^ Wdiug. which a ybuiig lud.v wUi-per to bt* ear:
watching uver
uv*r him. keeping Utoi
btoi from
• •It U wry odd. moUBlvur. to wear waid uf 11.000 mark
harm. elf. One day when he had U>ab
oa enjoyed by all pre»eut.
ghivt«i lit pluy. Wtoit do Vuu ik» It fur)
naughty hto mulh^ oald. "Xuw. dem*.
BllNv^h muman aud Herb Rulllwhat do yuu auppu»e yuur guardUn
m op^ Wodneoday at Hlutte river.
augela thought when
whep ItUey saw you eu
uf liliD P
Biujch Dahl w«ut to RuUou* Ray
•• *.Vot at all.'.be replied. I pro:
naughtyyr - sveni I
my ulfe oil ber dcatbbeJ lu’vcr agaU
Friday fur a vlait with n.daUvtni
augeto." he replL-,1.
if 1 I
Mre. Milewurtb bllimon went to lu luii b e eaiiL'”
wouldn't kt me get k|tauked.'
iwtuiMd jMfk her Weddiiigi eivea-
BarberA Hair Ool.
**Wlabed I bad time to go out aud get
my bair cut." rwnaiked a barber as ke
removed part of tke tolker from tbe
cuetumer'e ktoi «rUk kto eecood Bbger.
“Ttme te go out and gaUt ctur repeated the i tan to tbe ckelr. wilkk ttbe
••out." "Arc *AU likeI 1dbe
man that won't eat to bto own twolaurant) Am't you wtUto« lo truel one
of yuur own meu to cut yuur bait)"
•*i>h. I'd truat theog all rigkt:" eald
tk« barber. *'U lan't tkat, but yon
kardiy evar eee a Uarbar getttoB ^
totir cut to kto uwu place. The olker
Uarbent au Ukv lu go koine pronipMy
at gultUng time, and If une of «Lgoto
IfL SJK? w’CT'i.'.'Sp"'-«1
makca a cuatumt* ‘eurc' if be kas to
wait with two barbers rigkt kero end
nut wailing uu him.' U* duesu'i Uko to
wait around wbllu one barber cuU an*
other borber'a balr. '^'lei eland Plain
JOB of cutting oktogto bolu. all
tummer'K juh. Travcrac’(Ity ManofariurlDg CO.
June Sd-kL
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Hurrah for the Glorious 4th
oetf^aupportinc bappinuM will
UMfe to loloe tke alondard of tke fut«i« fettwnikuui ibao oter ud^t^
etervotiuu Doee uoi tke to*k of belpiug tkcwe wko ore onoloue to learn but
unity bekiuf u» u»T
lack Ike) uppoil
"fur wkd purpoee Lave we wamuu
bpCB imriHtt>^ to ovoaniae uuredvea
Into duke u|cei4 limi unity
make UB more powerful for ffMH
•-Manuel iralulucleoneoftbi^ uMfktd» that will Inu-reei ^ tke i.v«rka*»
boy and eave many from wuitkleee
crknluai l‘vee
••Our fteUiUina to tk« oouncil (or a
munldpSl cieauln* day and tke pm
ckeec of eeeu iur tke purba have
been ocknuwledfed by our couuciltuui
and provee ikat we ore Uvins (or tku
nt U mankind.
lodlew, tble will be my
i-«t cwiperunUr to give you on ufAciel
twiirtmand Tkoee of you who huve
beau (eitkful In your attendance In
elble will not apply tkU
^ome mi spend the day with us. Our store lt>ill be open all day the 4th, closed att day tl^ 5th. We have some of tbe snappiest
things you will need for that day and H would be a pretty good idea to get fixed op N O W,
<D£RBY ,
tkoa'e who need
(wnck in oome
.elbU^ lemlmled ol tkelr club reapouall
lly On* cUuiie lo
____ ‘All
membeni of tbe clubI tfball
ler tketueelvcw buiuul lu Ihonor
fvery meetlug.* bow
uMuber It? I wbib
evinceI a moie
ipirit end fee) that
ud« tbe auooeaii of
each one <
r club. '
•Our prgroine Ipive each been ao
good the papem eo well prepared. in»
roll of Infonuailon no oire could real
ly oliurd to uiloa* a aiuplo club day.
leaderu and the
It U nut (air to the
iodine who wuik bardd to pn \(9ne on
oftenuKOi pitvAtu to have only a few
attpkd. Oar avarage during the yeer
iomk^ only thirty ive'. Do wou not
■ee kow onioll that le compared wlib
umr nuunberablp?
' ‘ Bow con one become intmtaled m
I work kud keep up «lfk
mil of your
tend? Too can
failure uf tke efItuUCkmkck
* Mr* l-Vrrtii
In alin.'.*t every enjerwear diK ni*\in there b one nuke
uhuh toruc* in Ux rs.ic !u:i the u.ual ahajc ol lavurahic
iun»nu:uT. Thu b (. uupci'a Spring Needle Derby Ribbed
.•\»:Jc irum i:a gTcet dursh.!,Hy, hi pe. diar eloKkn/ n the aouice
uf ihc utmuu
CWort gad SatkfgctloB.
It h-j “ ihc criuh ilur got * liaii.**
'11-r wtuukflul Spr;i < Nccht labrk L the foundation of tk4
Cm>pcr au^K-rkirit). 'I hl* l*bric L t.\Jw*ivc!y knitted on mechinea oj
cur own iincntiun end i;»«xu.Ui.li;rc, t d tr.s; j.,.-./ cl' iu letjiork-abk
etoaucity and durability li .•a/tr.vaje.j
vva.wj coorCooper'*. ii«the
cj.dcrwcar gl ihira*,:tr'.mJ qua'tty.
in r-jon
?«-<» w-va acit, in all «h;
-U#e., Wi^ku 4fd »hk>c».-«iik.’trw. iwRoa nM »vwL
kiyJM MAkkfACTuLsa^
*Voe aacK er
HamUton dothlng Co.
IMHerent Men
b^nr anotknr attempt be made mat
v^ ittTSS tku. ke krougbt to a
U now on
have uoerly
tenoiiiiug our memi
• making tke eodol port uf our club
pleoamiUe and wblck boa keen
k we
oni* Tbe new membera wWeb
anued wUl a^
have eo gladly adeemed
gxwaOr to our n«tt ytmre work, and
may the mmheraklp lucrenae .even
mote neat year,
waiting llct
• Wo Lave no
in our (ijb. every on U we
•’In the ttliiilulfcUaUou of my offtcc
I have aimed to gWe penumal
to oil tke work, have (dideavorod to
noalai all coiumluoea where dewlrnd,
and now 1 w^ to thank nil tkewe
who knve oeiTed upon all oommlitena
during ipy admla 1*1 ration. Tby have
given Mine, ihougbt and muck bOtor
(or tke advonoaokent dl our wurk.
W« ore muck Indebted to tkem tor
tkdr etideni adrvioe.
UAVE different ideas as to what’s right in Underwear, and in providing oor stock wo’yc* aimed
to anticipate every man’s fancyConsequently any
man can get juit what he wants here witoout trouble;
delay or undue expense.
Wt cany ia/A itoo-piac€ and ike
nuion suiis in a JtUl line at
every price and at erety size.
This is especially true in extra
large sizes.
Another Lot ol Men’s Htoh Grade
. Suits at Special Prices.
W« sto* iwv« m* loBMHu a V. P. toaea
Iroglb grawwa ooi
Ikf MM %vh» hf
This means a saving of several dollars on a suit.
You are given i^hance to buy
Tv Ike ifiigrain committee wkoee
IkMr wUl q« weert—« itlMni
wM tot woMtov B—tortw*
~ '
•»d Knra MMd «p OR a ilflK Mr U of
: : :
tohjegawnSan ®f pngHsred •
Ed urais
apreed this ow the berttos. relwh to
are mlshd wUh ihgm
th® qnrqn and leave it only tens enough
hwpty fl( UP dUh.
•uavhgnar Wkdto Bnreo->ltok» to hrowa eUBkUg. Serve cpkA end
a Hiht sponge
M a yoo out. with ereaat If prefezred.
rruit Sated^Pttt etrewhprrtes aed
hgho It to a tin with % ooMar tokw
tedal to to® Brantoff Keoord.
When tha caha le oool remooe soma am®U pteoes of pineapple la atteraate
Poaoa. hweei peace.*’ which my laUe qt tho ^tar snd flU with swaotoned layen to a glass dteh. Pour over them
Ok MstoMSb IBOE, Jan® •!».—A
friend had altered, and which Ungered
nm PomMg MCt pM MopUaf
hgrrtaA adding swaotoBad wh^gpod IMS qtretoed Jadp® of tRp orange* or quiet weMiag wa* eoterenirefl by it.
' H Mt warn wnaapr «to
Paadtor at Bacre® Heart chirok. W®dnans. Berve wtth epoRfs eake.
orasm over U® top. a^ than aenUor
hearts, that la mnalag over them. I
aaoratog. TW
!%• icon or MBW «re OP^
tow tea begrisf over the cream.
Fruit Punch—into each glass put
found hU InahUity of speech bringing
To l«l PO («P
MUed Btrawhenloo—Uaa aa amny three or four zUewd sUmwberriee, parttea vera Mr. Bator
me a grMter ahlUty oC heart, a «e®P capful® a® you think yonhatra
squeeze over them the Juice of one Old Mteaten aad Mtes Maor K BoeBMAf
I po» top Up ctoor
enlag egnae of conaptone toward to serve and to the bottom of each
Tto ring s®rorange, add a tew alloes of banana
Aiul tcmnaoe el U« floweri.
peace, apeel peacn
oae put a tow torge borrte* and then and a UtUe ptoeappte alao a few cher- vice %AB used and th® Huptlal Maas
And BPlt vtto ev«nr blrd^y
flU tha o(«e half toU wUh kemon Jelly, rtea U you have them. When the was oelebrated to pn
To MuJU Uo Pisi-Uue ahowere.
Thi® brings vividly to the editor of
which can be made to this way: ioak pUBoh U served edd a toaspooaSpl vraddtoi party, Tto church vaa de
Home Cheer the thought
kaU a box of glattof to haU a cupful of powdered sugar., water add' tw o. ^orated with bridal-wreath aad aaow
I thriU itt crinpon qainoe-buds
••■weet bed which w®» the heart of of cold water unUI soft, than add qap
ba^to Breaktost waa sanred at the
To imptores without, name.
tablespoonfuls of shsved
the garden of one wto loved the world plot o| boUiug water, one cupful of
' of the bride’s moth®r at WUAnd In U® T®Mow U»Up®
Strew berries and Toast—Cut some
and was always trying to bring happl- lemon Juice, a Uttle more than one
- . Burn wlU» d pur® nUll fUme,
into the llvee of thoee wito whom cupful of sugar and the weU-beatoa «lloe« of Stole toead very Uto aad
Bora, to Mr. and Mm. Marit Deer
tonal there a UBht brawn, bnttor quite
she came la contact. This llowtf I
1 blend with ti® wait «hadow«
Monday, a eon.
yoHu of two eggs: ®trato this and thick, and line the hottore and aides
F. M and Mr®. Boevorth. tto Bev.
Of Up. yonas Bhl>to todvwr
pour pn Up berries and set the cups ervAddtog dish wlUi then. Fill the
And miafle in^ inin-drop® ,
th® ice- ^ben ready to senra. to di^ wlUi strawberries as full ss It H. W. aad Mn. Tbompaoa and their
little •noaegay” was went, with a lov vert snob mold on an ladtvidapl sauce
That *1110® alonx P* «»▼*»•
S spent a Couple oC daji of
will hold and sift plenty ef •ogsi’
ing nop of cheer, though the flower® platan and pour around the base
last week flshlag to Rapid river and
through .and over them. /Set this In
I lapM amoof U® ms®®®
themselves were her own epeciai
resting at the home at the Gua aad
Uttlf rick syrup made
That «reen tb® river’® brtnlt; • sage of hope and love. There
i for abOjOt half an hour. Serve
Anglera club, it la reported the poetor
iuioe and sugar.
And wiU» the shy vocxl creature®
very cold with rich
always a UtUe spiW of rose geranium.
beat them all as an angler, catching
Straw berry rrtticr®—beat one egg
Qo down mi nfpd to drink.
Strawbt-rrr Jam -ri^ake
bit ut a^ hellolrope, some ’*sweet
very light, and pour it Into one cupful wwlghu of berries aad sugar. Mash the biggest catch of trauL
Miss Agnes Parks returned BaturI fade Ih silver nuslc.
of sweet mUk and add one tabtoapoon- the berries well to ^ preeorvtog ketUe.
day from her school work to ManletiWho®® line mmmnberod note*
sfrig of lemon verbena and spicy tul of sugw. Into this dip elloa® of heating slowly for hhlf aa hour; then que.
The Crag® end rainy .lUera
add the sugar and boil twenty min
thyme, and a dalntj- spray of leathery
C. W. Towne and Mrs. Towoe
Blow fnoin their roedy UroeU.
Pry In hot bnUer. arrange oa a hot utes, stirring frequently and sk'lm
whip Idossom. blending the flowers
wm aa mmmmt M uy tMa. >wy Ua« w»
turned Saturday from a trip to Ctiland green in a kannanlous. dreafn-llk {date and heap each plate vrith atraw- mtog.
Mo glory ta too ®iiton4ld
rhole. It was not a banqu^ P at
Straw berryade—Crush to a smooth
To hou»9 UiU **11 of min®. .
Mrs. Blizabeth BlUa of Atlanta. Oa.
tract aUesUoo by lu aiae ^ .bril
paste one quart of ripe berries, add
Mo tenement too lowly
vislimg her brother. Tbos. 1
the the Juice of one lemon and three pints
liancy. but It was so laden with
To eenre it for a ®hrlne.'
of the Lake View bouse, and
frangraaoe and love that the deepei yolk* of live eggs, one quart of milk,
;tond three hours, then main until September.
How U It fr® Inherit'
Peer meaning could not tall to be half a cupful of sugar and hpl^ a tea strain the Juice through a cloth ovei
Robert Foster of Frankfort returned
spoonful of vanilla make a bolU-d three fourths of a pound of sugai
Thle marvel of now birth.
Bhori-Cahe — Oto
felt, bringing an abiding eeuM
turned last
home Ttosdgy oCier a visit of sev eral
Sharing the ancient wonder
peace and trust, the visible expression custard. Beat up very stiffly
pint of flour sifted with a heaping teasqueezlng’Vhe cloth hard, uud silr u»
traverse CUy.
And miracle of earth?
** ' of the great. protocUng love which whites of the eggs. Take one pint of ill the sugar U dlsstjlved. Set on lc« days at J. a OaunUell's.
spoonful baking-powder, one-halt teas Bays
Mra. Charles Roberto of Wolverine,
’The line men of tbe Travi
berries, crush and sUaln them and before serving.
a bowl and rub a
to a
l^hat ffladom, what enchantment.
with her two chUdrea. is vlsiUng her Telephone company are putting; in
would we only trust ourselves fully mix with them half a cupful of sugar
switchboard at Kewadln: also level tobteapoonful of butter uito it
What magie of Green Mre.
slster, Mrs. Will Kaiser and Mrs. WUl new
and a UtUe more U Ore fruit la very
putUng up new poles and stringing until the mixture la of tbe ooniiatency
to It.
Ooaid mahe the duet god water
Strawoerriss m Many Ways
additional wires.
acid. Beat this -gradually Into the
of corn-meal; then add auBIcient
, to dealre?
Peter R. Johnson went to Minnesota
Mrs. WUl Bloodgood of Traverse
this season of the yeer Jresh
beaten whites of the eggs. PUl glass
Robin's ghertcake.
CUy U vlsttog her pareuu. Mr. and sweet mUk to make a soft dough. Roll
cups half full with the custard, heap- straw berries should be served Just as last wetHT to visit a brother he has
* Keep ihott. by some Urge Initluct,
Mrs. A. Innia. south of town on the out into an to^-tbiok sheet to fit sc
Grandma’s been besting U
seen to forty year*;
Qk Lake road.
llnwastod. fair, and whole.
oblong pan. brush, wlto milk and bake
creamy cake.
Mrs. Joseph Butler is entertaining
Magazine. These
Miss Jeesle Unson of the Elk Lake fifteen oanutea in a quick oven. Have
Akes a very deUcale <d^ert.
The Innocence of nature
And now In the oven It’s ready to
.district Is home after three months'
her slsu
_ The ardor of the souL
Strawberry Tsploca--Tuto one pint berries are richer than moxl frulu in
a box o fbeoTlea cleansed ®nd hulled,
spent In Reed CUy.
potoah and lime aalto,. especially soda daughter'of Walker, Minn.
then cyush and sweeten. When Ue
As a queer UtUe flgure appears In
B. R.'Carpenter, who has been oashAnd through the house of being
Mich, are visiting cake U done, break it to halves; but
tapioca for two hours or more. Then salts. ThU fact adds to their
ier St tbe depot for several months, of ‘R’olverine. Mich.,
the door,
Thon art at liberty
put It "to a saucepan over the fire.
has been irunsferred to Traverse
Huggieg hU hat to hU brown plus
nri/Utyg 00® pint of wwter and sugar They coiiuto a large percentage of City, and will teave aa soon as hi*
A Londoo BspUst minister to* ; I
lately aud
tog preuy good
cessor strives her®.
to taste. Cook about ball an hour or water, which recommends them
two out of three
games 9aU
‘turday. starUed some of hi* followers by def
Mr*. Peter Brink rhofC reuned tram won played Acme
—BUss Carmen In Harper’s Bazaar. Berry-stained he. from his crown i untU clear Have ready qne quart of spring and hol-t^eathec diet. The
and lost 14
clartog hie belief to "cheerful funerTrav
&riB\k;r»r City ’Tueeday.
luH toca.
stemmed and clean strawberries and
The member* of the South
up after defeating Northpon Old setHe officiated to a suit cf gray '
BspecUUy rosy hU dear UtUe nose.
ton rburch will give a benefit i
pour over them the prepared topio.-a
Uers’ da); bui then Acme had scoured clother at tbe iuneral of on® d the
bonates in the system, are nseful
foj their pastor. Rev. J. PriesUy.
\ • “There's ueyer a nue In all the • Out on the uble he rolls all WU stoi
the country for timber and only part t|^ia<y>ns of his church. In mptemstirtn
Of Juicy, crushed berries—a handful, and set away ,In a cool place or on Ice. correcUve article «»f diet when there
; •
Serve with cream and powdered
will be on sale.
not more.
e gouty lendenck-b.
same atterooon the IndependenU
But makes some green spray
John Tow’erw. principal of Park The
L» against Old Mission and won 16 Paganism oonnocud with (terteUaa
;hool of the 8oo. U vUlUng his broiUSome people declare that they caw
6. Sunday they played Rapid ay funerals. The deacon was S2 yeare
Strawberry Trifle-Put Into a bowl
"Why. Hohln." laughs grandma.‘ ihobe
• There’s never a wind In all the
it eat strawberries on account of a
were victorious by a wc6re j
He had been a good CbriaUan
berries will make
Mark Ueeiiug has sold his meat
.iwmuoa the Into-! .U W life .nd to«l «« oM
uni - «
ror your pa a very, yes very short’ cupful at sugar and the white of
srket to A. H Kalrbnk* and hi* son•
But inakea some bird's ntog
! St his Tun«-ral I wore a grey soli
egg. Best this wiUi a wire wiilsk
in law. Ous May el *.
idenu will play the 01
hvmfi " SmM
til sUff enough to hold lu shape. Pile the ^healthy state of the vlcllui's
A twenty pound muscalonge was ^oy*s gt
at that place. Ample _
svsiem nither than in the l»eny. caught
Tueaday '^Xihas
by >
homo made to take ifiose who]—Springfield Republican.
lught to Clam river Tuesday^
lightly on a dish and chill It
u, attend across
which should be harmful to no one in Frank Lyon, engineer of the Rnlh. ^
Ice. Then when ready to sei
Raturday evening
jQg ^ logging; about six weeks:
dinary health, and U often reeom It measured twenty-six iiinchea and
round with macaroons. Serve wito
lug. you see.
was caught with a six ouu<
a dance at opera house.
willI give
work for two teams. Traversa CUy
ended for invalids.
Rapldsites ar( to be sooommoTbe steamer Mabel will
whipped cream. '
Tliert* are many waya of serving curslon to Clam lake next
July 4th. Manufacturtog Co.
ited with a special train
"But If I eat quick, grandma, soma of 1 Strawberry Short-Cake—Take IhretJune MAt
There U nothing on thU earth
leaving here at 9:(K o’clock ijjst they may help the t _ scream
ci pfuls of flour, a lump of butt-^r th»- sirawherrles. although everybody ad the 30*h.
that cake.
d. Returning wljl re ch Elk.in Trave le City.
The train
which dues not have a spiritual
mlts that the best method is to serve
My bery own shortcake I flnk I can size of an egg. two tablespoonfuls of
______shout 7:00 p. m. Ro
at 6:30 a. l
slgnlflcance. It we wlU learn to keep
them fresh and uncooked, as htat In
sugar, the yolk of an egg.
50 cent
both the Inner and the oupr vision
W. H.
l! H. Seam returnel Thursday I
spoonfuls of bsklug-powdiT. a pinch jures the delicious flavor of thU most
clear. Those who have the clear vis for tbe cake will catch up wU the ol^ult. and milk enough to make a delicious of fruits' The BOglUh me
a four w eeks' buslns# *1**^
trip In !| ton church.
church. All
All Ithe p
buries, you sea—
making the meeting profitable.
ion wiU see beauties in the most
thod is a delightful way for break Maine. H was accompanied by hi*
Then there’s strawberry’ shortcake very soft dough. Wy lightly mix UuI
Marguerite FWucher sister of
son in-tow. L,, AtUuson
yon things, and And contentment,
dough. The haklng-powdta^ must be
The oemezu mill was forced to close pg^ber Fhucher pator of Sacred Heart
right inside o'me!”
god gnm hwpplT*»« in aurruundlngs
the benefll of American readers.
night owing to the a^ i church, returned to her home to Hem
down---------------—Marie Gulden. In 'The Outlook. sifted through the flower. When this
spending several months
which to many would seem worse
U baked. epUt U apart and spreml lamUlar with It. Large, perfect fruit sene© of several workmen who fallbrother at the parsonage.
ed to return to their night Job after
than oommoo-pUce. As we advance
1 have a mimbet ol
Is selected, the hull* being left
with butter. putUug on a layer
Miss Lulu
a day spent at the German picnic.' A
In the thought world, there U more
What to Do with gtrawberrles.
abel Waite farm*, all the way from 40 to ^
straw brrlos and sugar.
few men caused the company U) k>*e
Straw btny
th*n outwgrd beauty to be found in
ggd bv comoelllng the machinery to
other half of the vsake on wp and
acres, for sale, or if you
layer cake like the following recipe, heap berries and sugar on top. Sene la-ge. le^. are pUced about a little be sUll a half day.
the simple, every da^ life, which
Mrs. J.Orifflth entertained her SaR
have any good property, I wOl
one Umg aegined ®o wearisome and says McCall's magazine, and Uke In
mound of powdered sugar on In^lvidwith cream.
bath school class of little girl* WedWed
■ monoionoug. The blue of tbe sky. the three ahallow Una.
Straw berri* CharloiU^-Soak one- take it In exchange and make
Strawberry Bavarian Cream—Soak umI plates: aad, lu eating, the berries nesday evening with a charmtog gypOeecy
the dainty, almost In Take two cupfuls of powdered sugar half a package of gelatine for^
are picked tip by the hulls, dipped Into
half box of gelatin in uue-hall cupful you easy terms. 1 can sell you
and cream or beat it with half a sup hours in haU a cup of cold water. the sugar and bitten off. Kevei* soak
visible bloesams of some
of cold water unUl j^ifti-ned. Mash a good farm for less money
weed can bring .us In touch with all ful of butter. Beat three eggs very Mash one quart of berries and
berries in water, as thU k supposed of a "tallow dip " and added greatly and strain enough strawberries
Ihe^t there Is In life. Blessed are light and mix with it and stir in slow large cupful of sugar together and let
destroy the perfection and delicacy ^mS^M^'b^lS ha* sold her i
make* one pint of Juice. Bund the than you can buy it of any
those who Igre ndl comdumned
ly one cupful at milk. Sift two Pa- stand one hour. Whip one pint
of the flavor. To cleanse them
hiiiiriine on River street to 8. T. 1
have farms
dish of gelatin in boiling water unUl body else. 1
powder through cream to a froth Strain the Jutce sand and dust, tturn iuiu a colander,
dwell la palace®, shut away from spooufula of
melted, then add the fruit Juice and which arc located from four
God’s great, beautiful, common-place three cupfuls of flour, on spoon frdta the berries, pressing through a then dip up and down In a deep pan
oae cupful sugar, stirring until dto
crat-of-daora, imspoUed by art- Bald fu] of vanilla.
Beat three eggs very much as posaihle without |he seed< full of cold water; let-stand on a dish troU yesterttoy. They will also visit solved; remove and stand in crushed
one of the iforld’s great wriPrs, ful of vanilla.
Very sllgbUy crush Pour on the gelatine half a cupful of to drain; Uien hull. If wanted to serve Milan before their return.
City, all good ImproFod laiid.
Ice, sUrriug slowly unUl It begins
“Bvery comlnoA bush’s aflame with or cut In two some strawberries boiling water and when It Is dissolved with cream. The operation of cleansH. C. Blodgett removed bis hoiise congeal; then*fold Into It one pint of
If you have good Wvel fariM
hold goods to Traverse CUy yeMorday
God. but only he eees who takes off and cover the top of one cake when strain U Into the strawberry juice Ing should be performed ns quickly
1 vriii buy them.
where be will reside. Mr*. R Md whipped cream. Line the sides of
- hU shoes." ThU thought Is Ulusirat- cold, sprlukp with sugar; put oc
mold or basin with sponge-cake
Place the dish in a pan of Ice water possible, as contact with water at
ed by Mrs. Hoaes, lu Northwestam another cake and some more b®rrlea, and beat unUl it U thick and soft as (k>es nut tend to Improve tbe flavor.
ladj-flogers; turn the charlotte into
AgrlcaUunilUt. She says:
and then the last cake, and decorate custard, and then sUr lu the whlpi cd The inferior berries are better
set on Ice unUI firm, ^lien ready
"I was hurriedly wending my way tbe top with elth^ Icing or whipped cream. Turn Into mold and set away serve in any of tbe followtog methods: woods Sunday Mr. Brigjte
serve, dip mold an Inalint to warm
Quantities of ripe straw’berrU
Office 307 State Bank Boilding
through tbe great eurglng sea of bu cream and berrieg; like picture. <it
to harden. Serve with w hipped cream
water. Invert on to ooW dish, and U
1 Monday evening the common
Serve with around It and decorate the u»p with tablespoonfuls of gelatla lu one cup
Third Flom
manlty on Boogdway. tost to every- fancy design deilred.
icil ordered that the road from the will slip out unbroken. Garnish with
mill to the Iron company’s i^- whole fruit Tb© vinos also ma
S40 WnahinRton,
yhoMfl 7T4
thUg about me. but the errand on
-tow berries. This recipe makes ful cold water and add to one pint
be covered vrith crushed
which t was bent, when -a winsome. CrysUUllzed Suaw berries—Dip large very nearly two quarto, so H can be strawberry Juice. One-cupful sugar
sttme. That will greaUy improve that usod If desired. Pass cream with the
•maU Tfdw very much out of the
halved for the use of a small family. us Tor churloUe: when the gelatin la *ecUoD of the hlghwaj
onllnary. arrested me. with the words. egg and then In powdered sugar,
Mrs James Davidaon and two chil
Strawberry Sauce for Baked Pud dissolved add Juice of one-half lemon
rtret Ckmunuter-W'bst do you
‘ 'Peace, sweet peace.’ uttered inprro- may pusaibly be necessary to dip them ding—Cream together half a cupful and one orange, which give a deiiclou* dren iefi last week for aa egtonded
visit fh Denver Colo.
twice lu order to get the proper frost of butter and one and one-half cupfuls composite flavor to the Jelly;
with yourself evenings, old msn^ I
^ ObarlMOU Frl- ond C«ramuter-l take the sm train
"Btgrtled. almost supeisUUously 1
of powdMwd sugar; then add the yolk pui oi IM. ana
the clty.-Puck.
assist to the celebraUoo of
egg and a cupful^ crushed to congeal fill a mold with alternate
glanced up. wwdering vaguely, who
layers of strawberries and Jell) : set Macesbe© day.
about me. dirtolng how weary and
berries Just at serving Ume.
F. M. BreU former citizen and mer
Stiwwberry Ice^Jream—Crush -two on lea Unmold s* for charloUe. when chant of our vlUage and lamlljt. artired and Umpeet toaaed 1 felt within,
Ann, and garnish with* fruit
had appke Uus;—1 beheld >ot spaoe.
quarto of strawberrtfi and mix
nor street preacher, nor yet a corner
cupfuls of sugar thoroughly through
IF you want a cold drink, go
alnger. but Inatead at my side.—a
them, letting them stand half an h^r
Jackson’i. 10« K Front
sweet Caned, sunny haired little fore
until the sugar Is thoroughly
fbt kilctei wki
r ntaeto «My«wUtamcMlw, if TMiVMa
tooftEB. Bmy stBiBwarraAtod. Write our
sMXBBt «g«ac7 if iH>t at your dMtor’t.
<■« auttfidlj ikMa. Fusae ymwaUi aiiSW>yMS; iMmM a V(kH|Mw
B* eStor’s Mk
Farms for Sail
igner, Btandtgg guard of a huge basket
of tovtly. fragrant sweet peas.—"sweet
peace" he called them.
"Thg wriMUe .ettoct seemed very
quaint and plctureaque. Swayed by,
' an tmpaUe which was a strange mix• lure of sympathy and senUment, I
Mmdias^ s bouqipt of the sweet
peat, which but a momant before 1
would have felt to be out of the reach
of my praaant flnaaclal abUlty. and
than wa each weal out aaparate way.
ha wUh an addlUooal dime In hU
MUbby UtUe pocket, and 1 baUova.
tram hU baamlng face, g greaPr coar
aga in hU heart, and 1 anrichad three
fold: Inmy newly acquired poaaeeaorahlp of a dainty boquft, the reattui
ooaadonaiMoe of tha'Jqy of giving
•ran a "cup of cold watar Ipcaup ye
hy-Wig to Him," and a tandar revarmet tor the benedlcUoodlke words.
;^lRhcuni\ a 11 s m
PfMtacM BalMiW,
Undivided preflU....... H78,000
weU equippMl^to glv^ eHfelaiit
aervlce In making audiU and
somminatiene of the hooka of
municipalities, oerporatlona. liw
sutuiiene and indlvtouala.
under the
It la
of a
CertWod Buhttc Accountant.
solved', then put them Into
square of cheesecloth, hold it
bowl snd squeeze a* long *»
or pulp wUl come through. Empty
the seed* and pulp into a pan and
pour on gradually about one pint of
dUk, illr It well through the pulp,
then squeeze again through
cheesecloth unUl you hgve only ajSs*}!
baU of seeds left Add to all this!
Juice from one to three pints of cream,
and su^ It ontll very sweet Freese
aa nauak
Strawberry Pie—Make quUe a rich
pie cruat and cover the pUto with it
(roU It oQt very thtol. Make a UtUe
rlB arannd the^p of the plate to
hold to the JnJoee. flU the center wUh
bleed, cruato had bake to a quick
oven: when dene, remove the cruat,
and flU with etrawberriee which have
been rolled to sugar. Beal the whites
Bwstweas Property
^ice piece of baslnees property
for sale, corner Union and Sixth
streets; has a frontage of 171 feet on
txU shelter <rom the eon U rents
tog to value
If u win not shod water,
ndereon caught
pound small mouthed bR
bass in Birch lake one dv
Block hounded by Wayne. HUl and
Madison streets; contains about 40
buUdlng loU; high and dr)-; plenty of
timber on premises.
i^Msf M
fuesU at U W- Hoop-
Residence Property
on the '»th
■mW IwMdynrvs.'iK^s.*^
oomplete and reedy for imreiedlste poegood
BVS fl
To Ymw latmst
that your title to property U
clear before »ome w make* .
trouble for you ^uae of i
tome unknown defea in yow i
ed upon.
Have it done today.
0. C.Mtrffott
CUas.'Pcocluudia Jr.
June 0—e^iL
fiOl Btotli etreet
i'‘V‘"- ’■ ■
; : -
" -'vn--'-, ' :
■•; *. ^ .y^ f-,.. 2 . ^
WlbUE 4VTI kvn,/A /V»m^E Va»vy
;. -.-4
Ellen Terry
JackandJiU<^ the Sierras-by BretHarle
A Love Story of the California Mines, in Three Parts
1‘tMlcr Uii» recital poor Hra> vat
d/ntpliu-h' crushed a*
when the fair diiughter of N’e«<>nh had dckCi-iMjed upon hi«
»pring.' He vaw it all. Jin >^a» Uir fault. It
Jder» at the »pring.
. ,
u„ that
.u— had
u-a chcched S’eworth**
his- delay
and1 dalliance
with her
'*\Vor»e than that, it was hi> cuUeguent amLcity and her dc(cii»e uf him that would pr<»bal>ly iireyem any renewal «*t
the negutiatioi>c: iTc'lud yhipwicckcd hi» partners' pn»i*ccU
in Ilia abkurd vanity ahd yrtdc! He did taut dar« to raise hi,
eye* to their dejecldl UcW
He would have conlc»*ed everything to thent, tiul the aame
feelui* of delicacy to her whic^ had determined, him to keep
her ^sentures t«j himself now forevTr sealed hi» lip*
, his fact ,
komethntg of ihik^was vuil
rful mil
with perfect
• Come, old inaiin." s;nd the clicerful
take II
It *o liard. Some tunc
time in a man’s life a
nun. wliat’s the metier w^ith ^our head'"
He laid hi* lunU
.Li .iri
bucket mcam hard work and ha.d swc.a. and was as precious
aiid wliiili so ofirii showed iucll ill his arts, wa* there
T'HEJ^E is no netress on ihc EngWi-fpcaKog tU|e comparaUe to
I Miss Teny. But she U more dun • gt^
In Entfud
■ she is a nntiongl hgxue, and here in Ankiehca no enkor is recei.'ed
as an older or a closer fnendL
I the entrance o( the
Into the 6hy)
sHm little girl of eight dragging a ti^y go-cart on the 4age nnd^piag
her first spoken paut. and the wonderful juhiiee ceiebtilwo of last yw
which crowned
Teny’s hftielh year on the sUge, arc crowded
some of the most fasetnating of human memooea. Her intimates have
included the greatest actors , and actresses like Bernhardt and irvi">.g,
poets kke Tennyson, novelists like Charles Reade; her experiences have
the most dramatic rwywnnn* qq both sides of the Atlantic.
But it is the peculiar merit of Miu Terry's recoUections that, more than
any description, they suggest her own delightful personality, her vixacity.
ai^ the exquisite feminine quality which is inherent in every part she acts.
, This is no formal autobiography. The pages wliich McQurc's
will print from time to time deal with separate evenU of Mias Terry's
life in early numbers we shall print the story of the tiny attic and the
little window that the child could scarcely reach by dimhing on the.
bureau, otre of the very earliest of Miu Terry’s recoUections. She will
teU of her entrance on the stage, her 6rst expenenoe of applause and
of tenor, the incidenU of her childhood fresh^ m her memoiy; of her
early friendships and marriage; how she retired from the stage arKl hid
with her babies in a roost delicious bttlc walled garden deep in the
country, and how one day the famous Charles Reade, foUowring the
hounds, in his "pink hunting coat, came galloping
down the road, leaped the wall gazed with aiiuze/
mcnl on the actress whom he had so long lost sight
of, and carried her back to London to a career of
t?»‘Ji' Vx\'
uninterrupted success.
III ihe air conic To iis. live alone boy, just as wc stand
Tlie next niorniug Brav was up ludore his companions.
i.m th
mil in hoc with Kugtnu—he had not forgot
the turnous
prenous luiV'
ihiy-bui he would like
rrfip.rsr of the.
there once more la-fore hr rdcntlei
(rom bu mind. And he ha<l heard
W ctnis a copy
$1.00 a year a// nrms s/anrfs
*«*v*i>U>* wl»h*St**auiS r
The S. $. McCluii CtS|ii|i
o'lfi M.lr.
44-60 East 33d Street,
hef.,re (Ins ihi.ig was oyer forever and he should hast to take
uiW’thc daily routitie of Ins work again
It W.3S not love."^.f that he was assured, but it was the w.yy
lo slop n by conviiM-mg hmisdf of its madness.
Besides, m
view of all the nrcsimstames. ii was his duly, as a gentleman
to show some t«aiccrn hu her condition after the accidrm and
the disagreeahlc coiurtu-mps which followed it’
the spring
• obscui
John Norman’s Opportunity
By C. R. Frame
but who evaded his co,n,\any and coincrsatiou
**HAfUDtd uckUilly down the trail to the spring.”
He returned
\ot far.’ slif auswert ff. with a half a
<iid> .1 few f«i.’ added Bra>. with |
Imlr slip d. .
'1 hr jhrri
hr*l few ateps her unorlam feel o-.k no hold of the sh.jn»K
mountain fide, which W..md to slip s..lcwass l-nrath hr.
»i* Uuralb earning hrr
Ii.s sla.iihl. i
Tim m a few ,m.mr.,ts
the *aw how elrsril> he balanced Itmis. ti. alwaN s leamiig lowar.l
the htlhi^. and pre*en.l> .hr wa. ahlr n. help
at hU skill
carry a t*ail of water 4>l< lu re
r allriiipl to Wt
none, and slu fell
taut ho
Vo. y.»a.
om that dull
uk at 1
wyc disl.uciK
,;:r Lr'ln.
thuTas hisS piedccessor
An hour
hou p.isscd. .and he did not relurn
almg away with puk .md rrowhwr on
Hts unfortuiiau paimers, i.almg
.ttivirous from thii-i. and Bray was
h could nm U- t«.ssihlr that the
r had shr met him with inqinrH s ?
accidrin had been lejw jied
Bui no. she was al^c.tdy
llobh*.' -he said, mduanng each ..ui with a grac'^fol iiulin .n -n
of her handsome head, all think I ought , to give you soim ihmg
outward toward the ab«ks
r fils w to her
hi* quid lecVfsei:ry tlury l«Hli !
> a iJigUtb heighlened cdor. a* *hi disengaged
iigagtd licrKlf gently it.ati
the pail nev«r wiHild base stiff coed
• .d-Uie ■'
dis<<unhl<d group
**-She * no sardme. ’ saul liray to him.df emphatically, • luii I
stis|Kc! sh. I! caich ii iiorn her folk* for this.
I oiqfht n.^ia's.
haU-intelliKihlr sentence he hu.l shot hef..re him from Ins p.m.iig
lip' aiwl ho WH'* holJiUK
tii his 4iul-xn* tohed p4iui Iruit
wVis iiH.rc ehsyuniUhan Uo,ds-g..ld*
(T« Ik-.f«nrlu*te«l)
tl oiL>Mght. .S S
proud Sail IraiKiMaiis. foi lliuv had ihc miners supten.'
he lOtdd hear at unervaU a far olf sloml
• K.rt yet." she *aid
- Air wc near
nei the lop'"
.\ »u4dc« glow oldphaMire .aote mer him: he kiu w not i
grihi I
Mu ir htad, were ih>si togulic r. thni li:ij{« r» olii n un i ;
he w.*uld like.l to. U...
Iran t^aid
Mid warnihiiig- hui hi' cj..nhl «*iiK ad.l
s.iist ill oiio again.
an hoi.l
..•.1.. iiir,"
II..." slir
.... .MU.
I ^
.fiicte £.„r,i
'r.rni'r.J.": str",.r„
AwkUssly down ih. nail I-. ihc q.img
ahanie tl.ni «»iitement
» taimiy :
.,*r.sioii and ci-.lm** tiiai aretneil to
He noticed, U*». w»h the quick pemp
kubr.fah '”
xtritig hau
r ledge I
he raughl sigiil‘of "his owai uHr. iion in xlur spring. It irri.iiidv
was noi that of an-Adoniv. ,1U l.nigheil h..mstl\ , his. «a:n« <.l
humor had said him from ilmm ..u eKUaiug..ikr, and rnmgau.l m.,ny .t <lisap|.ounmcni H« foi* ihU
XV. 11. slic was a
pliuk.. liandsmm girl, eern if *ii« w..» au.i for him, and hr
might lu-srr sit ryes on hi r .igaia
X'>1 il w'a> » haul puli up
iImI trail one,- more, cariiing in m»tn-il.!* (i.ril of w.inr iii i!.<
han.l that had ..mr .lutaimsl a lo»cly g»r|
Hr rcmciula-i<d lu i
r.pK n. his handinagc. <1/ coui.-> ma -if it were only a pad.’
and found a dozen ptetlv mteiprctalujus of ii
Yet hr wa* not in
lost -\o
Hr was Umi lanu and loo lr\d headed lor that.
(cm ami nude
btiiiiK .imi 1.11 hiaOiv into her *cat.
She was wears Ih .-.ji.I w.-rds with the
Uav’.s shupping
It w... .1 hot evening
ami the tram Was packed.
U-hiii.l her ii.wA.h ! ami pushed, jam-
lu.n .h>tply m
Sb.- lutmd to ap..logize, but
the ribs,
.......... .h..u«li. hi. I'lHl. T..m «... I...
jrld because
raim to the house vveating. a
because he often ramd..ahh- Ihai rch-d
carrying a real douhh
hand and a hrace of bird* m tie othiI.
the finest shooting storu' that .
face of
The- Km .m "
XV.ih a brief
word she’drew the offrtidinif rod into
place and tried t.. edge away from. him.
He had passed lur carK in the m..rnm« lH>und cilvvvartrin Ins motor car.
She had encouiit.red him a numUT of
lime, during the dav; and when Ou had
"Wlut wire the-III.•' I hods you ever killed :
roiu'” asked Jimiuu n
table beside hei'
Ihe eiij.jyimnl cl her
lunch was spf^lcd by the xvrutiiiy t>f
John .V.irman’s gray eyes.
t'lule loin thought
f hinls were they
"ke;d hig hirds ' Will. I'shouhl v.iy so," rephid I in h I'oni.
late om aftemtsm. after himlnig
e, I was coming hdiiu
4II .lav without any liuk at all 1 hai»|»cmd to l.M.k Up in a m.,
and op ..m limh I saw twiirty seven wild pige..ns, all sinmg in ..
le.w. 1 Uised my gun lo lire, hut did n.il hope to get ni..rc ilian
"rljaled 3w^
what do you suppose happened?
*1 ht
feud iK-twcrn the \..niiaii> and
real catiM- for gri.vaii
graiidmcce, of
Amuld fall in love at sight with Ilclen
cul iht Imih otl wIIh .lily luuiting ktnU. slung il aero,, my
shouhlei. and- marched lionic with the limh, twenty seven birds
oSi-s £
rciuni through it. hras v dusi was h s. difhcult
Xud wln n he
thirty six’ vears there had Wen V> many
thing, -thai hr had considered more im-
viteil ;...i «!.rn..j ...
*»irilouw ... Liv,.J<«.l . b... ...n.,d l.du^jd .Sc..
"3-^“ fitc«.,‘r'«- ww
,i uhlicd him a
arme.l ncuiralitv. kept
stepping their hunt
two men and tire wumaa
u turned and aUred at Uray with
of curiosity
thaj changed quick!.
iuto a halfIhij *aw a yourigifh forl
jCiHitymiituoui uncoiuc
a a two liws' growth of iieard, a oof over
further ftUraked with red on the temple, a
howed a wry white tboulder betide a
iruuKr* cucked into
and had got a* far a* th« summa when hr w;.s .t..p}ied by an
etage waiting-and turn it u gone! '
luu were on inc wher tint. i ncara
here'(k>wn there, and searching for
, *1 my had slipped
Hus grntlrtmu'—she indicaiad Hra\-‘ was
ou a Intlc v»rt of a |rail liicic. and assisted me hack to ilu luad
Bui iheir untsmeern v
Uid you tall far? " aaid the younger man W h^cma. ignoring
•heitt r
iTir idea of calhiqi that affair an a. cnkul.’.or o.nt that
rould slop :
t. uneasily conkciou*
"What wa. the
'rs te
tioii of such thiugv\tn ctumng here.
Thar might to 1
wa> as It sbquld lig.
tlie. conducicir to ,fop at
distaiKc friHu tier home,
«n*rt !»>>> ... .hii »..rld, but .h,r, «, a1».
.r'L'te.ii’i. "1, r; .Lci'i.rbir-te-.u’i’si'j.'
iWen-eight buildings burned
____ __
There arc more Hun hm kinds of headache.’ said the phy
sician. ’’and sufferer* frinn the nmre coimiKm forois may cure
SFd.!'iH£T%ii x'SnLir I;
Byty, becoming more
10 the hv« I .
"Whv. what
wHh him hi* daughter and auntie to ‘*ee, the wumlcrful scenery
with papa dear’l A* if it was a cheap Sunday-school panorama!
.And wnat do these .chuckh headed women do but get (.If the
coach and go to wanderin’ about, ami. playin' ’here we go
found the mtllUrry bush.’ until ...tie ..( 'x-tn tumbles down a
And then there's a great Pi do. and 'dear nopa’ was
up snd down the road yellin'. 'Me chcyld! me cheyld*'
then there wa* camphor a%} sal volatile and eau de ctdognr to
Ik gt.l. and ihe. coach g«w>. off. ;m<l 'li-tpa dear' gets left, and
then ha* to hum . ff m a buegr>
c. ich n
X«u1 .-i uv get
Ufi loo, just btcausc that old fold. Neworth, brmgs hu women
-I hurstmg pain in both temple*, due u* uuhmirn
cause ui the
they face \tii.—SuiCCU aiagaauti.
Hrti, of the pre*his and of the
yhead. He had
all dav and this
had her under espinnage^^l^
accounted for his nnusual proceeding,
ling luck ta Rosedair by irollev.
He was eager to Uke vane « l the
heavv bundles that encumbered her lap.
hut he dared not make the suggestlOiL
her shrinking movement from him atttl
her unfriendlv glamre were ean*e*t of a
Twilight detptiicd and die light*
twinkled in the car.
XX’hrn there wa*
elbow rxK>m she rouft tie her kxMcnev)
shoestring. She made two or three aiunipts to reach rt. but to Uc a shoe ui
a crowded car. with bundlc-ladco lap
and gloved finger, is no easy ImL
John Konnan wa* ats^re of her effons, as hi* foot was be^ her* o« the
rail of the seat ahead
When he lek a
sharp tog at hi* shoe string he understds^ iu tign'iM***^
He knew ano, by
.. ;x
Bui lure agani he Im
glatiriug up he *aw two men and a w.iiiuii running down the
• b rd r-Lu^L'dr'cii. ter,
• Koscdah '
McOiirc Co.)
llr^ iikleiit d
Hut ihiii .Kcurred^a smgular coim i«h-
It w.mld come better I nun Ac.,
r,».i.......m..- a....... r'‘'iv't,;
site ciailly rejoined the
wiiU hic" *Su
faiJiy' huiumS‘*vIZi'u‘'‘hf!^’
xhrqqvfrs. btisuirxx f..^k an.l ihv i.Uc miiTf all h'.iii vvar.l l».mul. 1 hvinc trams whirrr<l and <’.nq;.-d *11 cv<ry
.hirctiMU aiul r.igif .r.iwd, -nruvil iiitcv
lo le-yve the Sinmiiit (or Sacramento.
tirwconiers h^re turned
'Mir hamls of .ihi vitv .VkA
camj. .|une cured of hi> lam .. _ Hii
r had earned him a shiy 'n two's e*
Hi. place w.is taken ihe next after
VormaiT* liand stfokerl his
Uche to conceal the smile at her traiu-'
lurent tactic*.
As the car slowed ihe r..*e hurdened
with bundles
1T.cn came a struggle,
eoiifusi.m and sickeiniiK distress, a* she
.tring to
gtRtriiU few,
wimai it
ilu cool, matter-of-fact wav
tm<k her wild behavior. She struggled
her feet again, and all of Rosedalc tl
w:i, riding home in that ,{K-cial elect
craned it, neck ill iiUcnse
iiucnte enjoyment
wiint wa, going on.
The nustorman, angry at the delay,
clanged the Ivll wtth furious insistence,
and the cc«nduvior's ,han> "Hurry un!
(hurry up. Lul>. ihai't keep the car wait
ing." ailded -till lunhipr t<< her nervou*--’
' j
John N’onuan’, cl«r voice rang out,V
**\Vail a inimue, conductor." in t’ne tone ‘|
oi one used to heing obeyed. The conducior had a prrrfound respect for Mr.’
John N'unnan, and ran forward lo stop
In the nveantirue.
! the cUnging bell.
Niirman lud produced his jKwket knife
I Non
and had cut the Jcnrvtted laces, hi* and
her*. She gave a cmifused murmur of
thank,, and N'onrwii. Jia,tilv catching iip
the parcels, followed her out. There was
aio word of {irotesr. ami hi* svin|*alhrtic
glance revealetl qmveriitg lip, and lug
brown evt , Midiw .1 with tear.
The car whirred away, and a faint
echo of laughter was borne back It was
he ejamlated. while the girl
leaned against a nearby
laughed till the tears riui down her
The vagaries of wcunen were lievoiid
his cranprehensfon. and be Uxiked hi* l*cwildemH-rit, standing mutely, with suit
case, btilcing ,tnriK lug -nid pt»t of fern.
forgive me."
plcavlcd "I cannot .iiiiagmc bow 1 csunc
lo do such a stupitl thin*. ”
He liked th< pleading tcaie and the
kiudiv way in which she looked at him. .
-It' was a happy inislaki for me," he
^id^ eagerlv^ and I hope that we may
ShTJhad an
ii^lmg that there wa*
lb« light id goodfelkiw
more than
titiii.l a* he 1held hex hand in
ship i
unths later Mrs, John Kor'irW Mty and
tll•^<^*r tahk
pertinent questkia
10 1
busami I
"Jvdm. do ou remenher the evening
lysrll to vt»r
that I tied
1* it Vkt\y
that I
•t)f cxiur*e,. I da ft
^KOild forgr-t anythin* *0 delkhtfu]^"
^She bemtatea.
1 ve been
itc4. ■“I'Ye
.» her
Was Ucc.
1^.. “Jolut.
-jolm, did you
ycColor came to
gtrini^ to yourt?”
know that 1 tied that ^rira
Norman leaned bock: in ht* ch
“Of course. 1 did. \X'J>v. didn't I teU
you. dearest, do von think that after
watching and waiting for months to
make your acquaintance. I wtmld throw
aside Noch an opportunitv.
x'w tied
soursclt to me and 1 knew it a *ignifi-
c*nt omen for our haftpy fuittrc."
manork Dane*!
How to liftvo HofUthy tuid
r > Beautiful Hair
either case, start with the mffidle part
and then w urk front the caitcr of the
iTLrj'S.n'Sl .•SrsShjrl!!
WMUn aacMtivc or otkerwiM.
firl khotUa U uiwht how to
• “**’
ioiur« ckanlinckk hut will prcMnc
Uilcokw and hmrc of tht hair
•hampoo miature *ela^ tor
the icalp must suh iht color
•ad d»aracuristics of the hair. For in
dan«. a miatarc which would k
A luir ckan aod iully wohMW l
■OUncMu to dry hair.
, Goc pint of Altered water, dtoe
pawoe of tinetttre of caniharidas. oiw^
half ounce carhooatc of ammoiua. oM
pwnce carbonate of potash. Ihtaolve
laat two ingredients in the water Mix
St" dioromkly
\lsc an old cologne
kottkI with
wilk a droe Mopper for this and
to the aeg^ hr dtahinc H from
A good shampoo tor dr> liair consists
pf one teatpoonful of oukigne water, a
taaipontol of tincture of irrecn soap and
the whke of an egg stirred into a cupful
pf tepid, not warm. baur.
lithe s^p shows a great deal of
ruff srith a tendency to scales which
en and cause unpleasant itching
Uions, the tpalp should h% snaked
oUet oil several hours before sham-
OOPipouad of the yolks of two eggs
htaten up in a cup of lime water.
If the hair is neither too oily nor too
dri and thcrefisre requires no special
treatment, it should be shampooed with
what is krxtwn as physicians' and sur-'
geans' soap, which can he purchased at
having deerded which mixture will se-cate best resulu. according to the ojl or
lack of oil in your hair, prepare for the
shampooing process by gathering up the
tul^wing articles —A number of soft
towels, which you should warm to hasten
tht process of drying: a scalp brush,
which is not unhke an old fashtooed nail
brash, but a trifle Urger. a rubber tultc
with a sprav nuxxlc it vou have runniiut
water, or a nuu for dashing the water
over the hair it you have no running
water; k liberal quantuy of both hot and
cold water at hand
Always ihcxise a dn. sunshiny day for
shantpooiiu, as the hair will then dry
more quickly and you will avoid colds
If p<JS5tblc drv the hair where the
light will strike it
First take
lake every snarl oul
oul of the hair
and partt it in the middle. .The
mixture may be applied in one of two
wms If it IS a cream or pomade, you
can dqi the lialls of the fingers in it and
apply it thus to the scalp If it is a
liquid shamp'Hi. fill a small bowl with
pan of it and apply Wdlh the brush In
We Can Mnkt Evary Little Girl in Aitterici Happy
Let 11$ Make You Happy
eifftiMifi BNHMIlKri BWffM
using the brush, raise the arm well over
the boad. with the handle of the brush
turned up. Then the water will not run
down your arm. '
When the entire scalp has been
scrubbed, twist live hair in a loose knot
uu the tup of the brad and holding it
there with the left hand scrub all around
the edge of the scalp, above the fore
head. over the cars and at the ucck
with the bro^.
N'uw the dandruR and dust on the
scalp have fanen luoscuqd and vuu arc
ready tor the wrashing proper. Four
^what is left of the shantpoo mixture into
the wash basin with enoimh warm
water to soak into the hair thoroughlv.
If you have uacd a pomade or ielly, you
wUl need just warm wutM^ made
with a pure white soap Hct thehair
thoroughly and with tnr halls of the
fingers nib the: scalp and 1hair as if the.
: a piece of cloth,
mes -the i
tn the entire proceeding, rinsing.
If you have at your commaud a balhlub in w’hicli both hen and cold water
run through a cuuimon faurct. the solu
tion is simple A rubber tube with spray
noxle, which costs seventy-five cents
and which can be bought more cheaply
at sales, should be xtUclicd to the faucet,
and the scalp and hair he thoruuid>ly
sprayed with water of the same tem
perature or a little higher thgn the
shampoo If this hot riusc is noTused
the luir Will be gumni). After the first
rtiisittg, gradually reduce the temperatpre until the rinse water is as cold as
you can possibly bear it: this is a preventive of cold. Do not cease rintit^
until the water whivb runs off the hair
is perfectly ck
If you ht«
Iter at lund.
you must
ro methods, either
dash the
ic water over the luir'
with a
mug. or■ fill
one of the bulbs of rvU>cr
with a spray ic , such as is used for
; latter drives the
watering plants,
rinsii^ water into i
sca^ and is more
effective than the n
Now for
Uuns art S feet 2 inches, hipa 41. waist 22. bust Xt; have
U^t brown eyes, dark brown hair, light oom^exiou. but guod
color. Ain 1 •tout and dreadfully Jiig? .Mso idl toe what
colors 1 can wear.->^I>aughter.
You could wear becomingly a white hnen suit made in the st>le
that you suggest, and, in repard to your proportions, I think that
if you will (rive yourself a 34 inch waist vour'figure will U much
rmprpved Aou arc not really stout: it is only that the waist is
too small in proportion to hips and bust, and this always makes
a person sjok stouh
A good skirt moM will be in seven gores vrtfiLan inverted box
pleat on each ^re, sUrting just below the hip line, the bottom to
be ftmshed witg a hem The box coat may l«e adopted, but should
be made to cover the hips, and be closed, double brcaslckl. with
large white pearl buttons. The sleeves arc always
wa^ts in the conventi
vcntional coat shape. Becoming colon
in all shades, also
light and dark blues, )rllows.~palc orafige. pale
Ic pink, old rose,
brow^ tan fawm grey, cream, ivory anef dark greens
Dear Miss Dane: Would you be to kind as to help __
decide as to what to get for an evening dress?
rcss? I do not want
to get anythitm very expensive, as pana can't afford it- I
am Ifi ywrs old, 4 feet v inches ull. 36 bust, waist 2h, hips
40. Am I of good proportions? Have lair complexiivn. brown
hair, bluish grav eyes. Whal are my becoming colors? Itow
shall I fix my hair for cvenm|? 1 wanUd a lowneck dress,
or would you advise a girl of ray age to wear a low neck '
aiid short sleeve dress to a ball in a hall’ CouU 1 wear
white slippers to a ball ? Would h look out of place to go
^ into a gemleman friend s room joining the hall while the
rest are engaged in danctng or eating supper? 1 have known
cirlt who did so. and ate supper there —.\nna 11
I fancy you have nude a mist^c in regard to your height. vi
t^l it is impossible to sp^ dcnntcly in regard to prop<irii«ms
If, however, you are of fairly good h^hi you arc quite propor
\Vh) not wear a Princess gown nf s<ime soft creamy, crepy
stuff? This comes in half cotUm. half silk, and is most attrac
tiv*. Then there is chuu silk, also mull, point d'espnt and thin
voile, all girlish looking malcriala Have it gathered aUiut the
waist line and tucked oi^hc bottom in two 'groujis. each edged
with a little lace frill. If vou arc \cr> tall vou could trim with
Uce between the groups, or sew strappings of the gwnls to a
lour-tnch wide band of cream mnusselinc de soie a couple of
inches apart. a:id insert whei\ complete between the groups of
fSomethlng everj' litil* girl will be
* nxy orer aud w ill want to puseeas for
lierown. -They aw* now all (be rage
ull over the rniu*il .StiiU*ji.
The th-uixud fur them I* so xrnist doatolw rsiiiie^
g.-t 1 h«u Iwsi eufttaih; fwciuritw iu Kurope ww work
ing night xud day to *uppjy the denuuid; w« were
fortuissur euougb lu iHrun* w hsivv Muck from our
sgeuu abroad w* that wr eaa flU our dtden
pnniiptlT. Oort. »rl» ueiu-ly a toot high, has a
• Urge. Ilur, fuzn body, tx-rlect moving amis and
h g* and ran U p).r«l ... any po-Mi.m dralrad: has
V shiny hJsck rye« and a pulutsd uum and kwiks
'rxxrlly like s r. «t Ih ar; when you squee* him
Teddy gives .
lha! wiU make ymi dir a
laughlug and might wrlJ U-cwlird a Twlktug Uear;
will give uurnd •.( fun and aiuuarin -nt lu the whobfanoly. You will tind our Tvddy Umst a source
of < inlloM plewMirr and ikr <-ut > of all >our playtual. w You t an get .mrCireal lllg Tttddy Uemr
by siiiiply working for ua a f.-w b-. .n, onuuig vour
frlrmu S.1I fur us UA fWsi M-IUng arlU tra
atom* to ceiila twib. W«. guarai.ier the ariiciew
weahatlM.nd vou tn srll M s.ght. Wbra w.id restnm our ea.AO aud the llig Trtldy Hear will go
t« ytoi at onrr carefully |um ked uud guarautrOil to
reach you in Kry.rt nmditum. VVV trust you for
gtMab, until sold >i«ud at once lsf..r»- we gtt out
as you may not w-r ihiK advrrttaeiueut again.
IM OMtrau *MW SMt Its, lMM«, Mm*.
Gather the top of you£ wa«*A?i^und.d«rsp^»ulJhiii^. ctlging
w ith a hand of softest green ribbon, held dow n at intervals with
• kvirni doral
laic trimmed.
it ret .« your nek .J .h..ul.ljr.
T‘‘ *r"
ure* as an agent for rciuovmg mildew. last Mv w.sUr n* the only
thing to which these sum* hase rc*p.uuled m all un experu-nce
(ihijiigh others may have been 11 we foriuiuu » aud. of coiircc,
this also lakes out the color aU.. o. i* o„l> apjdicable to white
be fairly full bishop, eiidii.g in cuffs nwichiuK the U..x pleat.
»bcn h i. nr.rlv dr.,
would lie nice i..r two wash dresses, one for work and one
tha. lh.v wUl.Jo f,.,
ujlvv: t
lh.tr Mi-s l>.tlK
prc.bliTii, which Is
is an excellent nuxid
for a
Ull. Might
Ph ase a ! vise me .v* how to d,> my vstefk hau She has
very lm!e and wc find it difficult to .I*, it —.\ t.r.iduatuig
I.ither a^full skBt mlo the WU and trim the hf*it<un with a
gr*.np .,f over iajipiiig uarrow ruttk-s. cigfil with Val. lace
h.„dcd by a row of Val m^crih.n (.aib. r a kiln UMite into a
A iVi l liut vou C..11 heh* «uc with uu
new tan hiitii dress skih and Perswn
tv's.::' -
Meet, “t'in't'
Si, v.v.
t.. be of ribbon matching The 101. ,.f the waist could l»e fimdied
with s band, and a laige laiX U-itha U- als.. pr.nid..l. which wiH
lie fru evening or very »wm wGo . \ Un hncii shirtwai-t >uit is
suggested as a w«»rking frixk. made with a box pleated skirt
I W.lsi
•u hate been ijuilc dry or else they liave iK-rn stored tn a very
mp pbicv
I Kitchen Odors and
Etiquette of Travel' FaSSFeilnSH-S.-
for One and All
I l,.v,
Marjorie Daine*s Patterns
How to Control Them
.1. .lie locniiooiiKcs «.i a long ji.urius, lasuiig o.r ..nr ..r even ;
.J viv.
se veral
*, Mie esert
esc*.rt cat..
can. ..ft.-r
;,ftc r the
the Ur^t
fir.t few
few hvm.s
hirtif s uf
of travH
ul da>
i„ deduqt with li.en. an
With this pLwUcr dully deaign (reproduced in uiimatnrc) goe« a design for a
pin ctuhion
Tht- (aahioq,of usiag doiliea in aptliim iba Vable is eery strong )ust uow. If
the.^ doily is to be uaed over a mat. under hot dishes
pattern must l>e worked
•olid, but if far tta« almply on the Ublccloth or Ubk- itself, the dots will hxjk
^ity^done in ajrriet. For a heavy linen a ctiarse cotton. aUmt No. to. should
The pattern may be trwnafcrred with the use of impression patirr. The two
pglterna in one will be »bnt to any address on receipt of un c^nts bv
Marjorie Dane. 44 East Twenty third Street. New York Citv.
----------- --------------- V-------------------------- ^-------
i •
and pad them end chop ahnoat to a
ten minutea stirring
m a while.
Now press this milk imauire
cheesecloth into the am«v Mix wdl.
boil for ten minstes and serve with
Sgt. U Hung Chang-M^
six pieces of fresh toast each three
inches square, Itghlly Utter and pla«
<m a .dish Brofl six exceedingly ihm
slkes of lean bacon for a roinuu on each
side Cut each slice in two and arrange
over the >ix pi«cs 0/ FiaU.
oofthly a well Uuered small frying Pi|n
Crack in two fresh <ggs. ^rinkle over a
• teaspoonful of very finely grated cooked
p ,
ham. seaujo with a saUspoonful of salt
and half a saUspoonful of pepper,
cook tw*) minutes «n 4he store and
Mrt in the oven tor <«ii minute. Remove and carcfullv shp unto the several
^e^s of toast. When all arc prepared
sprinkle over a teaspoonful ' of curry
powder. Now place • uhlespoonful of
Uuef m a frviiig pan and shuffie the
pan over the fire until the butter atuins
a nice brown ^r. Thao pour fa a
teaspoonful of Utter, tost a iittfa and
•«“ - -n-'
hones tron a two pound piece of fresh
. halibui. \nd or frc>h ^haiidm-k Cut it
III Muail pieces, place m chopping bowl
seaMiii with a teaspoonful of^^sall, three
sah»p.<infub of curry powder and a
ttli-pixniful each of cayenne pepper and
aralf.l nutmeg and chtip exretdiiiglv
fine Pour in. little by little while chop
ping. two tallespooiifuls
milk previousl> mixed with the > oik of an egg.
Divide hash into six even pans, roll oul
on a floured uble and dip in licaten egg
Mix on a* plate three ouucc» of bread
crumbs, two ounces of finch diopped
cooked ham. a saUspoonful of gnumd
tkytnc and a ground hay leaf. Roll cut
lets in this mixture Fry for eight imnttles on each side and serve hot wiili a
games, fighting ..vcr tht drmkiiig cup, iiiirudiug urx.n the .idiilt ' long journey.
... .L--------
seat* and a* quiet a* possW
Huir voices mu*t be m.xlulmed, * csxcmul etiqmttc for
and pu^^nver the fire in
of course, unless she
rtiadL a very cartful tour*c ot enqueue
with few if any deviatious by'^
lend ijf l..ng i.r bin-f
lx fore
\n..i!icr pretentivr i* a bread-cru't, very Ijard ;»nd v. rv sUle.
*«=, pay for a |1 t’auiA.wef .-‘oi quite fresh always smelJs treniend..UsH
' '• • t .Mig h.r tt IS a .sc.dd ... w.,.k s.th water. Uultng b-.t. before
c.-hi OMkmg. If U:c licaiis aie lug >m ihrm in pu ces so as
.-.ikc 'life .<7 Tmxismg etvf. l«tt of divohireil curd. ''
• id" wlu-n
wl«-n s,r»i
siriiiiier i.eal puts uu .jJkxi fireplace oUl of 0.»m-
on a railwat tram He buys
*ht has not unr. di^'ks her h
p r. wid set up a pruriiyi. g draught, and help to Tree the
Kidney .Curry—Skim twelve
nutlon kidneys, cut them in two k
Work:ng uj» and ih-wn like the utter of a rojl-lop desk, that
tbeofi. all a iuxwl ought I- be—with vi.methmg to cpare-1
Ui prac
practice lias proved much less salixiacn..!v Uiau the *utuloiicry
a‘wf“r' . texspo^h
srt?« a sm^I Carrot. ? se^elrVera
peppar, two branches of cekry and an
onion and oUcc in a saucepan with two
Ublcspoonfols of melted hoUcr. I ry
for ten mmutes, stirring once in a while
.\iW a sound appk cut m small strip*
and two finely dtopped seeded red tomatiKS. Season w ith a half a teaspoouful of salt, a sahspoonful each of cat
enne and grated nutmeg, a teaspoonful
of curry pow^r. Then brotna tor ten
minutes, siirnng occa^maHy. Dr^e
in a uM*spo«.nfu] of flour. *tir well with
hall a cupful of hot waur and co.k
far twen
twenty-five nmiule*
nmiuic* Place
riace kidneys
in a frying
frtj pan with a Ubkspoonful of
melted UUer. fry tor two muiuies on
each side pour the contents of the pan
and serve with thin slices of
allI and
Cooked ham.
'’iu.-iv,. tliriit}.*. and
Tasty Dishes of John Chinaman
Hong \in Cutig (almond soupt —
Take three pints and a half of plain
gdop broth and place in a saucepan with
a finely cbofncd onion, a teaspoonful of
ipped pardey and seasoning of a teaonlul of salt and a half a teaspoonful
pepper. Add three ounces of raw
rice with a hall a tahkspooohi] of Utter
and bod for thirty-five miiuitea Scald
.‘v 7
prettv ribbon lx It
‘ - %
Ofus . .
contrivance can wh..Ily nulji- up for tfic lack
mur acixpt the iiumcy she gives him m exchange for the bit of
pastfbijard, and only arrogate to himself the right to pay the
porter who checks her irtgik* and to bi% fur her such papers
and magazines as wtU cmitribulc to h» amusemem on the
If at the sUlions, where the/enter and leave the tram, porters
for the hand luggage arc also eiiipluycd, the lady's escort has a
tight to pay, from his own pockets, the tips necessary for Umse
strict etiauetlc mort properly and effccriveTv obserretl,'
tlic very ktivr, than by
entering a traiu | w.nnan's escort permits her ats a rule to
precede him down the aisle He al,co gives her the inside seal,
or. in other word*, that one nearest the w indow, and whether the
trip is short or loitf, the masculine companion is always pnvilegcd to excuse-himself and spend part of the time, at kast. in
the car reserved for ^e devotees of My Lady Nicotine.
Before the destinaflfai; is reached, however, a gentleman, when
he accompanie*'a woman, whether he i* her friend, acqoaifiuncc
merely, or hey hutbaiid, is careful to tcluru to her side, iu order
' l,very man and every woman feels the influciwc .if ebnhes
and appearance upmi conduct. You have heard of the kmeJv
man iW the Australian bush who alwwys put on eveninx dre.^'s
for dinner so (hat he might rememWr he was a Kentlcinan.
Addison could nut wrrite his best ui^ui be was w ell dressed.
Put a naughty girl inui her best Sunday clothes and she will
behave quite mccly ; put a blackguard into khaki and be will be
a hero; put an ottmibus conductor into uniform, and he w ill
live u^ to bis clolhcv Indeed.‘in a millennium of free cloUics of
the latest fashiou wc shall all be archangels.—Limdog Chronicle.
„ i a.,0
itly Ixlter-ncm. for ii*> direct material bavrfit^ but a
will sbt.'w the money U» have been well spent.
name present aud rvery-tlay ootnfort. all thing* keep muck belter
in a well-aired house. .
•A kitchen w ith neither hood nor fir^lace vbo'uld at least luve
a titiiupet-vciuilator. This is only a'tin tiiW with a widely flar*
uqi mouth, crooked body, and narrowed upper end. It should
be set in the w all above the tange, w ith ilic flaring mouth, whidi
curves over and upward, against the crilitig. T'hc narrow aid
goes inside the flue, projecting just cnou^ to secure a good
draught. The effkacy of this device, a make-sliift at Vst. de
pend* mainK upon the size and Mnoothness of the As ring mo«^%
and the rightness «f the setting in the flue.
^ “• ' .•'-
'4 ''
[tm fOK-OeHEKAl.- VTtUTV - W;^AR> PS;
fli:Rl; i» the housekeeperho dor.v iu.t^apprro;*ic the com
entire dre->?
Two cxcelhiit
and i» finished by a hem
^Chcf. to the Wr rdRC <,f th
„f ill. n.u-.u niav lie lucked or gathered across lire front, and
1amu>‘ Work Ar«oN No. S7CW
litres tor imkil. nu-dium and
quire a con^plcte covering for the dress
R-’S -
It is also availahk at an
at the hip., aiul the lower cUc allows of l»-n« cut m r.Hm 1. .hml
The front and back u connected bv
material for the apron, and >4 yard tor the cap. .
Lamks' .\pitov .CSC DrsTiKC Cai- N’o. .^596 Sues for shiall.
medium and Urge.
tome or as a separate skirt to be worn ««h r^d waists -Ml t^
reasonable materials are suiuble. l-or .V. inch bust measuie 2'%
yards of 44 inch material will be lequircu for the waiM and 4>g
‘'**Law»^s’ Blovse No. 5707
iriehcs bust measure.
Stret for 32. 34. Ai. ,V. 40 and 42
"• ’*• f- ■■
LAnits’ (inwri l$i.ni .f No. 57(>»
and 4J mchc. het- me.i.ure ^
6UC desired, in order to axoid delay.
■(•^m I !tu
Jii. > and 30 inches waut mea.urc
Dept 4 fi 8.
in m
Big Magic
liP'-i ^
r^.'. \|
I; 'J| Sii.
W -i>- - 'K
ThU la an old
reliable firm
and all prem
ium* are aent
w ithont delay.
Dept. 788.
Printing Press end Outfit
;rRIEi«D SUPPLY cb.T'>«P«
.vrrr,rfr u w
g?®® niiLiM
Sues for 32. M, .Vy 3K, 40
i2ri''.,„.,................. ..
• ?
Boston. Mftss.
WmWM> WPyipY OOag >tPT. Stti BortW, Maas.
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