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The Evening Record, May 11, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
IHBLM amaa <ak* «IU
«iu lar't
> oi tn cAmm.
' auy
AU «r' thoi *uvc
•y W*rt te toe Simning tonnord.
on tot crop- mC"tot^^
t tf Jamet A- Hnmo.
«NmM* K fk.
moot tf nntiuohtot nod ikt odldm
••■MHo krokn out to-pit wktPt pit
Pm board of tmdo todgy nod Pm
ITa M«».
«M> rt^r^-psnr
■r oditpl loor ototo hr oool
tood Pm kAgboot pttot of
••Wkool will ft to OUft
I'K'k* U l» I
*»lMr r. a WkMBk mm tow •
0ammmt^m vt tnmktm Uto Mk ttei
to •#! vto% kto mm to * I
Tto irtMipit
<0W Mtoiltoi »Ml .Slk Rkl»to.. M.
tUUBk iMtoif Wroncii tb» otty i6day
It MMto tkat vttkto Ui« past Ur«<«
>«ut Muw vktovs U Joka C. Hsll
kav« all itok papars aaktop for tk«ir
aUtotoot of ika papsto fmad. Tke •TAIKt •RCAKtM AND *TAIKCKt HAP •ATTI.I TORAV.
kkvo iaally oarsvaM Ika Collovlac
4«toi C. Hall aito aif.- Bora4 to UUs
ookiitar la Um aarty ftfttoa. uktop ika
Ui^lkoaw ai Oto matooa. Wkaa tka
Hvg par kntoa oat HaU aaltotad sad
* It'll kto plla-aiU srvaral MsaU ©kll
oraa u» mm for krioaU aad aarn
Uftog for ika CaniUy by kard labor.
Aflar Ika par ka aaalo took up tkt
f-oBily burdaa. tomtoa vlth kin
liy la KofikpoH. Pkraa ka was
sat kaapar at tka Cai Hoad liakt
Aflar a top yaara tkcra ka
1 Djorad to OM Mtoalon By Ik
hfa kaaltk kad kapua to fall apd tka
i hIMrto para baWp laairtt^ ot.
(tot of tka daatktani took a kus
imi hr Ua mama of Oatdaer pko
c^PVtod a kriek yard at 0k RapUto and
U ppa ptok kar tkat tka ooupla p
to Hva. A skori itoia afwr uktop
tkair raaldapot pitk tko Oaidoar s i
t»i4 laap dipppad oat of afght. k»d
smui mi ME itiwD
prPMfkt to Ttdny-rivo 0g Ltoom
Ouo to Pall Tt
By Wire to tka tovening Rm»rd.
at to aaa. ...b dky
bay ky
to Pa WaiL
Hr mad* bU «IH yntorday.
wau*d. wait no longer-
WAHTa>—Mra av tb* Tistm**
may Mt
TOT onn get a good m«nl at tka Uttto Tnvdm Sunday from 11 to X for
'togy Itolt
th« almanac bay* it.
«od <mr »tor» and *lato« Ato
l*Uy u» twu u« la McurO «rtta
XatoreY OMUBd*. H >ou caai
0x1 MNDMUag iu ta«. uuio
■»»«. tot Hue. ur to (•«.. BtTA
u. wit you -domi to Ika
*rouu4.--or nutor toVcb to
you aw UIL
Itor yruuU BM*r
-wUed. our Bprio, .tjrM.
ktouM akWi# auy miUL
ko knew he ixuildn t Ince kls
nioiker or apeak to kU fnther without
We •io;' our Oxfoitl Sodk
bis deiermtoatktt melting,
become Ured of the monotony of farm 4uiU‘ oflen. We’ve koI C>xforvk
life ai»d longed to be In a city where worth siogiijg uboul Uiu
there were Things to do and thing* to
There’s liothlng g iiton wtisra
lie kad never been away from bome that is apt toi excite
exoito so much erili.
over bight before and it was with a oism sa hia Oxfortis.
light heart that he set out upon hU
adventure. Perhaps there wla a pang
Our Uxforvlfi are Kight-we
when be left the old familiar pUcs*. know it. mid it ti Ibr this reasoi
perhaps not. but anyway today he was
we i:all alteution to them so fre
taken back on^c moo*, not the strung,
vial wart boy that left the old place.
lad »Ub mark* uf dliEeribg iu
hu o>es and a white bandage on his
prodalming that he was maimed
fil^^U^eWhen the boy came here ko securet
work In the LHal Wood Disk com
pany M plant in the wlre-t nd depart
OUS OOTTLIta LOST MVCH VALUbt. WTille working there last bight
lb ocK»ck kls left* hand got caught
in the machine with the result that
kr«*e finger* were taken ofi
He was taken to Dr Swunion s oI
fioe wheiw It was found nocesaary" fth^
portion ot ike aiumiuF to be ampu
latcd. Tki* morning kls father took
mck to tPs^tod-kome at Lake
He had been gone only a wet'k
PATUROAY, may U. 1907.
A. V. Friedrich
Seller ol good shoes.
The Bible tell* of u yuimg luau
wandered far and fed kimselt r.u the
huvks that shiriiia have gone u. Ur
hor;v. .Alter be hud drunk the die#:
of 11U be look himscif borne, his prld*huiublod and hi.H spirii abused. .And
le tuOiSi* kUled the fatted <*iU and
ade u great fed*t and welcomed him
IS tom r.4imeni was replaced by new
id he was given a fre.<H vtart in life
That was many thim*.»nd year a .igo
H even today thi^ Moi> I* repealed
o>r and o'er and every night the
world weary proif^gaU. bt-m and boat'd
aod maiuuHi go home while thi>M> who
no longer have a home face only weu:
id bioken hoiw** and longmg*.
No Matter How Well Behaved
Your Boy Is
He * toto on hi. thoea He would not to e boy it to wee not
Knowing <M« we refueed to buy lino efur i.ne ol Boye' Bboo*.
bocouoo we did not thmk they were all that boye' etoee baaM to
be. We neve every eonIkHnee in to. l.n. w. d«l buy, twctoto ttoy
.*«» good all toe way through. We hove eo much cenBdeneo la
tlwm that we want you to try a pa.r for your boy.
Bachant & Ros^
Smith Realty Co.
Don't wait until the hot
suu w ill blister or litlK* in-
six'to will get into the
iM xly spruml paint.
Paint Early.
Weoau *iivo you on 6r*t
one ^e oldest and most
rtdiabir on the market,
will save yon still woro
money by ita long wear.
PaiuU and color cards at
Drug Store
Carry a complete aod full
line of
' Supplies.
Farm andCIty Property
For Sale.
P^pt a*d Cosrtcww Trsat.
meat to AIL
Cit rbonea—Reaideaoe. 2tO,
< Fffit*. 3j[
Fbyd Smith. Amrer.
Or. Sarnh fhaa^Said Tl^ tha Child
Should Hav* Nina Hours sIm
Total of gg.9H Comoa to th. CouMy.
II Por Capita Poing Paid
' This Spring
Grand Traverse county geU gC^l6
to the semi tlitoual npportiunmeni of
prlmgry school money divld(>d as folIowa:
No. included
to the
and ciUe*.
Pammatar. rtokig, 2toSto
UnatoMtoi tamparatura far gnto 24
Hoorn. 41.
Minimum. 90.
Claody. Oantia north mind.
aoulharly wmda bacomlng t
and probably high gunday.
Clirt* TM*I(M mm WM* • tthMi* By Wire to the Evening Record.
New Yoik. May .ll -Befoie aka on
tered tka Tomka today for her oaual
visit to her knaknad. Mrs. Harry K
Wfcll* Wlac a « uWr at Irriu*
Thaw stoppad long enough to deny
Kwrair^i M*t ak<.p y«aw.lay. <^ri.
Ike stories tkat she has been to HtisI^MprA. a boM bulWrr. ,.,<.1 ai.
l<!ll tkaMb OC. Uw aM>iubrr brlac brid
t.. ia» hMd by oal, a .mall pl«
<I«ab. 1\* aav U nu by a amaH
-lla. MCta* aad lurea at a bl«b rai«
M.UIIV. Ward INtoarto lor
Of aM«. K> Its work vaa T»ry yajod
r.tlM for ApuBSicHi. Which
tkb ikM Ibst tbr boa*
May Toko Maoo ToS»y.
tba atlaadlac i>hyaicia« ba.
“ve tb* ibuath. alrta.
»y Wiro to too iC^^a* KoroM
lAh»»»a MIcb . May U.-HepwoMiW. a C. ObmalM baa rrUinu-d UUvr Ward baa br*ii raaortd to tba
WHsl aad oiU ba opeAtod
from a ^ to Dm Baarer lalaada.
ThsHohaKOo.. pwift
•Tm ready to go borne, falker.- aald
tko 14 yeoivoM son of W. D. 8huu uf
1-akc Ana ikia morning.
Til nevc4
New York. Hay 11—DMperate kattlea betpefn tko strlko bioakem and
tko gtrikt aympatlviaem marked the
progruM today of tke kmgaboremon’a
atriko, Tkrm* hundred HympnUUem
at tko **rknn." an opan apace to front
of Ike lUlUn pier* at the foot of West
Tklrty-kMirtb street, to an Irresistible
Urn toopllii tom 01 -r-t tm, kaak. jaisIV. »nm kk enuni numbpr of atrlk
tiiai to^SoiHd. rhapM«M«akad brtmker* oI Uut iilem.
Renenros from ike Wt^l Thirty
Htttootoy kM tPM by him lu rid him
•venik street police station
•a»tf oTaftr troiibla frt.m bU trst mllv
It on n riot mil but weiv powerlma
at bo WM M Iba ttoie Urine pith
' wtimmm to Upawaa oaoaiy.
iw and the tend, rluto ne rves kad to be
ghart DlaUnca Fj>om Hia Homoni to Iheh kkl to verul men
•‘Wlad. pUhltorlorso.H. tUoc and 11
Two Parmis of Praia and
v« frly injurtd.
Coppar Wtr« Takan.
huadtetl uejjro ntrlkc breaker*
kor balctp agato dtosppaar
rrv bruushl lu UMla.v by lke*"Old bo
htotory tbaa took a iump Into WHkoi*
inluu line. The simuiers kltoncapo
»:to. Pkara kr togirtod again and IIv«h1
lis. New York. I’lubrla. Uyndatu and
Otu Ooalieb of no; Wa*hiugton
wlik tkr poami until ko died.
all due to snil m th<> morn street, dealer in old metal, hide
In tke «oautla»e Iha flrat kitn. H«]l
urn get away
so forth. suffeiXHl a h«*veix* los* !i> roh
had gone bUnd ake paa aloKiat beW
bery lam ntobi. Hi* warcbouM*
leaa and ako married a man namad
broken Into by thieve* a bo lieK'uriHl
Itondat In order to bave a k<
iwo barrel* of heaw bims* and
dto grtP tired of htr very akortly and
seven sack* of k|l rubbers-for
ont day Mt a trap dour upon Urougb
which Mr Goulleb paid
wkkb akt aiepiud. brt*akln* her blp.
Beottot toft bei and dhd of avH.ium OHARLEg M. gCHWAP OFFERS Hlg sclIiuK pike U?iug much more.
OotiUeh nutlflt'd the iM.llcc dcpartu
ifomena a few aeok. latci .
this moiuiug and diUsmt ibearch has
Ntto Ikai all ikrtu. clalmn have hen ti
ide during tb
tookod Into, no divoixHi found and
ikart being no legal ceremony In the Has Put toO'TKraa Million Dollar laadtog ui the thieves
giructura to tha Hands of Pmkara
It was shown by tracks that n wanon
rocond mae. u U pwbahio that
gays tha World.
drove up to the wareb«u*r but .nfier s
•ml Mrs. Hal) aUl draw qic pension
abort distance from the house the
ittotc of depart ut\‘ <m*uK5 noi be tractHl.
Wire to the ISvenlng Record.
Agents of the local railroad and
New York. May 11.—Tlu. WoilJ^ttv
Muubtksi lines wore notified to Inleiday MV* that CbavIfH M Ikhwab «‘Pt any freight of a suspicious chaiwant* to *ell his m-w man*U»n on acler i**seniblins that stolen, and sim
RUorHlrb. dritre which, with the inmi ilar notice was given to aeenta at sta
ropii'htoi 0.9OO.OUO aad
tioas along the lines
.Mr Goulleb
plACiM It in the kanda of kroker*.
lltoTal Reward for ih«‘ upprehen
I* tired of Ike big kou* and wants to sloo of the thii ve*
LMm Aaa, Mick. M«y n_Two gi t away to ike simple life.**
•» mp^ tkrt
U» Mtil Cw«tw r. a T«w«l«y iM*r
Mr*, MMriH
•• In
kMMr (h. mall.
Mra. parry K. Thaw 0oppaP Long
Enough Today to Itony tha gtoriaa
to That EffocL
Had coom to too Crty aod Laal Night
Tkt ootoaiog prtont toal toigot
TUtm . riogom Woro Cut Oil
ly nod OMMtd n lomtoii wom: tony.
Hid Loft Hand ky Wiro
Oto/stomno nod htok to
. End Machiim.
^^^WtootoM. iO|^a«0V4C nod kack to
Ady. ttStotiHc and back to
5 cents to $5.00
Our near apnu* Um oi albaottajim
F^Aced OB uk. We are cemin that
thn IS the Urgett aad finest assort■bent ever ahoara ia the city. Any
price you wish to pay—
ftKTfMO) HCtot TOtoAY.
G0T0SI.2S. J.
w. Ma stturrs sm wn
The last meeting of the Elmwood
Avenue Mothers' club warn held yester
day sftemoun. fully a kuadied ladle*
betog to auendaiice aad tke pregram
waa oae U the most ptoAiabJe of the
year. Tke president. Mr*. Durfee.
Tke Srst part of the meeting waa
devoted to kualaess. .The committee
on Sower seeda reported
kad been dlatrtkuied amosg the ckUdrmL Three )udaea will be appointed
for esck grade and the prtxea wUl he
awarded akont tke aeoond week of
to see our new spring
suits early while sizes
- are reasonably full.
Our assortment is very
large, and yet if you
deliy too long the very
pattern you select may
not contain the size you
require. You know we
will lay a suit away for
you upon a rnnall pay
ment down,-and then
you are sure of a fit
while stock is complete.
$7.50, $n. $11.
SecOw Bm'WtaJmv.
& Hunter
Tke moving picture akow* wefk dlacuMiwd and a oommlttee of three ladles
was mppotoied to rIsR tke nuysagms
• au.00 of tke akowa aad mqumt that a Gsas
27M.S0 for that
tke other ladlea oTlke city wkea
Hast are made lor oieaaliig tka city.
Cobtlaoed oa FPaitk Page
Dost Be Served
wits soggy Bresd_
We Can’t
Help but
Urge You
cOf oourte you and your •tonmoh
don't liko' it. But if yoo will per •ikt in giving vonr wife or otx.k in.
wheat fk>Dr U a reUaUe baking
foundation a^ bria» baahh m9
jojr into kuudied of bomea. Aak
your grooer or oaU HP the.
Traverse City Milling Co.
to BEST HOUR ft 1
You do not and a Bonr that i* aay bettei nor do ; ft
yon find a aonr that u a* goodthataellf lur aB>B a ‘ft
order FLOUK
I the next Ibne ymi
Hannah A Lay Cik
^HM4 t9^viis€ls Sittfii:knt
v«a to«« toM toodtM ttoir
W«4 *
Mtob prfoK d* «mto. waa
a tv gtoaral
tto aUia waa oaly
to MMtermr tto laki^
TV Uto fTMt bi om*Mo. lMtM4
(€ tolto tv toto to»«itiria. at tU*
Wbtto Oraad
•(tod. wll «p la iV -goad road.”
Ito,' fell feworgtofe abotUd V atode to
p^llMlar totBt t« MM {If tto Mil to M«v tv vtoiy enmb atlll abtor t«
ll^. Vitx M« Mm*
toMi iV baad of tV lut.
4tm^ to totll U»4 to» to« Mtoto a
kaig Atouato Mil. Tto Oolaatoto aad
fin CVcato Yaakt aiato a*4 tto
Hm 9m 9^ m loaatai atoag tto tmm wmm. WHk
iVft bM IV IJnmu park tpatokto
Fair M •
tmm tM#
ptop JH ^ Itot {4 UtoVliifc atitot
•M WltW.
EACE liii&iili is
»Mr Ml ■&4« Ikit UM vllk «M «►
It MfMM H tklo • MkUe
»MI| iM M>f«« «M ruM a»MUi
w iactooa park to tto laV fMI
tota. Tbb irpuld maVHka mustoto of
a««aa. toataad of totog
iMl to toly tto toutk alto paopto
mI at tto aMto lUto tto pafk aroiild
V IP alatotol 9t kaaair ato uaa to
m Mtolgbltorjr. Ward A Oo to#I4M
tmUdiaga »u tVt land
IkPII mrnrt ttoir Wulldliig ato dim
tto puay ^
•fto glva vay to tbia? Not by a good
•ark ttoy pmaipay appUto lor aa
tajuaattoa apd tor pavaoM yaam tto
aMtiar Va totoi to tto aaaiU ato tV
lato front l« 94l\l a torraa. aaalgkUy
Tbat la ito polUy of
waltokftot bnaaaa. all fur tkaa
ato todblnt far oltori
la, tto moaiiUma. tho good dollar!
tVt'to!! bora aoat out of
aia HMtiif la Mirn^lai oa ika liUgatloa
aV/pbalrtoUB| Ito wldboa of th» i-o^
pl^ to tor cllf.
toto Mdr ara iVm toUara ikat aia
Vltol aaat M* Cklaatol kPrttog itot
- cUt* bill aypry dollarm ttot toarra tola
tarrltolir toaPto IVI murk moory
tar tomd roato and fmt.iuvoiui'tna. lu
tv towna and towimbito.
TV diMih of a youni Urtitoi bay,
aaiiiad by au ovrr liMlul<«nc« In
«VtoHt«a. lima dItokMl tbr Itot tbai
city many yo«n« Uiyi
IttoPto tba babii and aomrtii
aatol to bf|b aa ifly cigirflUMi a day
1>a daaib of tto boy bnwghi luito
fgkPk pitoi! for atampln* uui tbr rvU.
mm\ aaai^bto of arklrb tkat If It
to to V iupprMaoA. Ito naraal! of thr
toUllfap mnal da Ito major portUm
' TVt* U a tow agalaai a<HUuf cigar
I to ban but tola tow
to oradad la many waym. OWar boy«
toy tobacco lor4V yotogar aV tVrr
arw Mbrr waya. wUtoul tor
Vito to btomr. lu whirk Ito}
yianad of tto wned
AlMg tv many apggmitloaa ^ V
toctiPg wViker or not n boy baa boon
IPtokito wto QD# tVt tto paiwau
pVtod V moM atoctkmato witb tba
^ggrpo and toould klia tbam im thHr
totiini bMto U tba klia bairaya to^
From Clev«lu(i the
• Mail Order’.’ banking,
loOing letter today:.
'•MMr CUjr, “IT. IIIF It.-HUi
lato rokMM of (kU rltr. m* et
■UM kMUUfnl ««Mk Ik kortk
««M loM. ku kM mUM kir li»
Mr MUM rMX. Tk«l«k M. U M
yM» !«•(•>■« •'Ul
tar fram kMu kk.oM imM. BM ti
krifkl u4 ekMtM uul Mk hAtaf.
Hw tad to u (r« fMM wrtaktoi Md
kir oouptotkw u tatUitoM M
•kin at 1 kkbrFUWM rwra ano kir nMkptoitoo
• M tar froa kMMltut.
MWlaitoa iMt Mkp «M valir
w«r» Ml tka* tor kir taaa aM ImiM
dtoiHy m akoul lo tod aMM iBMhgd
vkirik) aki Blskt knp a dtn
isaaei k»4 yii • priuy oM.
Mtoa iohmaok doaa m( laUMd W
•kkk kar tan ai»»B Mr kfWM yi*ni.
kUos to kM Oka dMtorkUoB.
V are showing them litimSl7S up J
tiraaa gooda dtoaeOy fiom tV
maaofactaiwr ato wa bar* Urn
Ooma la aad V lu atow you
Tall VfiWMfb
Drop a tear for Saoreui Taft! Tbe
beefy beed of tV war department reto tv naOcmat 0*^'
lal altor a Jourwey to UV water Vie
glnto, on wbtob V eoogbt real and
ncold. UagoCboOi.
tat wben V Mlmbad og tV oglelal
depnnment V wni
gad tbat V bad
pIckV up aevea ponnda tbat V bail
managed,to abed on bU Ulp to the
adlan. Mr Taft now weigh!
would V unkind lo tea Tbe
■ecraury'a aorrow la too aacred to
parade opaaly to priat.
TVI tv liO^POO tor IM
%\jm Ve Piaito
Vveral of tV big architectural
Wiu i* SaMad by <
firms of tv ooaoiry Vva been spec
WaabAngton Nw
tally Invited to fttmlah plana for the
saw huHdlag tVt win htmae tto hur
eeu of Amartoaa Sapuhllcs. Bach firm
Bpaetol to tV Mvenlng Raeo^
will be vid 11,000 for the plana aul>
Waablagum. May 11,—AUVugb M milted, which are to V entered la th.
fetol Waabtoftto l! mora or leas bnalty
which OUf
mgagod la playlag tV boiU to vlaiUni hnadred and twaaty^ight other firms
mlVd their intenUon to parti
at tv damatoowa wspoaUloa. tV real
The hollding U lo coal |V.
•maat ot tV aarly amamar sew 000. aad the eniliw fumlahinga fl&u.
aoa U tv laaaablag or puamttHag of OOfi. The alte on the bank* of the
prwaldeaUal booma. g«mlar Vltob Potomac haa already been purctoaed
iHte 1* tba nawaat one auapectod fl<
Ml of I2&0.000. or the luUlWm
nurulng aaplratlona lor tV aomlaattoa
lo cover the coat of the
la l»at. Just at the luwaeot momwit ground and hulldtot. the gorenimeet
to la
UftO.000. and Andrew
saddle a boom, upon hin.. bui be haa Garnagto fumlahed tV remainder on
^ hto aatuta ioereury. Ootonel John tV oondltlon iVt the building
wbtoawaka manager who known V the Pnn-Am^ertoan Pglace of
will feto to It tVt if the Ughinlag
It to eapeetad (Vt tV award
tuniB toward tha pompadVrdialrod win V made by Jaly lal
Aflar Cauaifig aUtoamaa froaa W'laccmtin. ttora will
ba found plenty of IlKbinlng rodi up
Man's Arrtat aa Old Ctorvt
lYom the LAl\dletla
Idly CVngaa Mar Mtod.
vlewpolat It U tod policy to gel Into
campaign too early, and aa tV
Wltoburg, May II -Mlaa Anna Bt
oonceded to. him
Clair Vd bar ftaam». Nicbolrui Mor
batug aoa^ he U la jaat aa good a poaltton to
lu the race for the nominal Ion
nxa lo the Hoboken. N
hib record und learned ai any ocher candldnie meniUmed up
lothUllipe. The real dlacouragfe
that Nickolaa bnil many alalrs
that oonfronia Benalor vralleito*.
tbo bean tkmru amd tka able! had
aarratii for bU arrasl for fembeiila- giplrailona U tV eeatVawt that U
ataadlly growing that the party ahould
meiu and hint ut murder atoo
made. Mi>rgau. In eMtlalntag tba tot return to moiw coaaervatlve ground.
LaPollatte repreaeni. Iheaiwdloal wing
lar. told to wna tooorttog a )
woman borne wtoo to waa bald up by of tha party and It U likely that ha
tbrea man. Jia ran tod left tto girl, will bn bllteriy fought not only In tha
eaat but In the extreme west. Kur
wto, although not motoaled. died ‘
through hU pi'rexmal
haan toUuro. Murgaa waa tnad |Sd,
bat Anna, relenUug. aald a marrtogt tackk on fellow-aenatora. he hav
for hlm^f aome bitter and uni
will flUluw.
pronilaiag enemlea wV w^ll n
Aeaven and eaMfi to overthrow him,
in caae V VauM aaplre for nayth|pB
U» poaltkm V
VldiB la apito of all thla tba rsQubli
caa lapdm are keeping a cloae eye on
SMiaior LaFtilletto for ba U a decided
iTilcJUpi. May II —The City of Trav element of uncertainly In the praal
«rae haa airlyad in Boulh Chtcago dentUI problem
ffnm iha Chteagii river and noon will
Commltoion Orv^Ktog.
V Ptooad in
Tba Inland waterwayfe coaMwb
Wing ahop- Itopalra eoatlng |T>00 tto board of whlch'Congremman Bur
We bMO made. It la maid
too of Oblo U chairman, aad which
Waliar Janktoa of tto South Obtoago waa appointed by thp prealden
ymhca atalkm aald ha would not latar cmlly. haa apenl a buay week lu
Viw with oparalloaa of IV boal
organizing and la making plana for
Mpt upon ordeta fnuu Cklfef Bhlpt
future work. TV trwi Imporunt trip
of UU oommlaakm will be taken
IV membera will leave
baaw oa IMday for Kanima City u>
board tv govMwmtot boal Vler for
home of 4 per cent
Igatlow of tbe Mb
we reeved the fol.
rlw between iVt city aad 8t. LouU
AiTived at Bt Louia the oomto
dk and exprem hlmaell aa
IlghltHl. • y\imier OuveriM*r DurWn
here d«Hng the week and raltol
on Prefeldent Roosevelt. It v
who induced tV preeldent to make
au a.ldrtwu nl Anderaon The ft»mier
gov.mor took occasion to rcvlw*
former autementa With iwga»^ to
Fkirbauka* boom. A ahnrl time ago
V gave out an intei^lew here that
apparently waa hcnllto to the vhd->
president, inasmuch au h.« dtvlartMl
the people of hla aute were touUlent
tVt President Rooaevcll be elected
thlitl. term. Thla week he an
nounced that lodlmiis U for y^*lrbanha
Just what occsuloned hla cV
heart lu not known.
Vkaablfigton Ufilverwliy.
.Bui the Palace of Pfa<‘^
oBly artiallc addltloa pit»mlto
U to atoV of Waahlagtoa the archUec
tural wonder o ftV world. The Georgt*
WaahlngtoB unlveially aulhorlilea are
redoubling tVlr efforu In the local
able alte for the buildings
national unlveiUty that U to be
Imllt up around tbe present
tlon. V aattafacton have
letuma. the truateea of the univeralty
tolleve It will V possible to anntwnce
ut the commancement exerciaea on
June ird iVt the fW.OOO fund bus
e new site anrwnged for. Thiu educa
toaUtulloa will nut be local in
any aanae d the word but will be In
temational In character. It la lute
ed to attract atudenta from all o
United Sutea and gradu
atudenu tiwm forelgii countries, eai
lally from the UtbrAmerioaj^epub
Uca. Au a'meani for tbe advancei
of jioliucal and commercial relu
with other nattona tV project Va the
hearty enOoreemant of John Parrett
lUaaiaalpgi for to Inapeotlon of tV Impoitui
toalppl river aa lar aoutb aa New Uaa to
QnM,9k9 9-
I pKhu cutifkttt
$t03, %Mdk jom
VM pUm mm.
iheytv’i Mm$t. W
Yb^ t-tty imfy.
Ito VtliMiVki VlVM V totof.
laa. The propgaad irtp of Uives^
itgaihm prohatoy wBI occupy ten or
allow. CVlrmaa Biertan had bean
dfeinged with lavluttona to laapaet
etraams Irihatarr to tV Mlaatoaippi
aad Mtomrl rtYcra. btit hot wOl ha
eompeltod to decline all there lavlto
tkma. la tV Smt ploto, tha mamhwa
of tV oommiaekm all are In the eerTtoe of Ue government la othe^capa
cHto! aad.caaaol abmt themaelvea
from thair Tartona depanmanU tor
Yaw eradil la elwraya gaad al^
ibaa« atoraa.
paotV to V maeb toward atlmtotlng
tV growlM totoraat to tba matter of
IV bail UMB VvCmbiU.
Wi vltt bold H «s« ^
MBSl hdebn '
aad >.
Oo. Oil
r to til* W»f« tli*t tev* tot
ffwiTI* * MadfM ciM Mi4 itaM Ml
to afiMFto u> dto OIL
M* ItolMl !%• la*. On till*
EWatotof toMlorMttoM
aava mowto V mmg ai
aiOfw tod gtollM MOr p
Wa aarry tV a dl a
plaind n nln^ aV^ at
potta Mar sath. on tv oe
tatatitog of tv
toM UWNm: thU
son. and a httof addiota at HVcto.
Binoe making thaan nontnirtona IV
white Vnan haa beta Vatog
aagar Uotaton. «oah isa of whom to
any grant toagth of lima, and than clamorini for rccognHlon lor hla own
tapoctol guy or town, sad urging
Chainmut Wfirum to vltaRy
Fintodant RooBSvalt to Vve hto apac^
lal Itatn haltad' evan If U to only to
wviw hto pratann to fagn
isHInl trip af tv cxtaaimtop to «t-
Cabs, Carriages, fib-Carts 1
OHgliial gtaeptojack
to VUv
far Aid Attar Vending f100,000
Ht Mad gamed.
Chicago. May l~After having diaaipaUHl lUMi.ooo he had earned au
utdM ideJack. Jom-ph NorrU. tT» years
cdd. applied ul the Boulh Chlcaio* ptv
lire ututlon ThiniwUy lor a iilghfa
NorrU bus wojkM lu Rngland. 8c*4
laud. Ireland. fVanCe and (1
■mce he left bU renidciue in town
forty five yeara ago. He uays be
tb«- dirigtnal ateeplejark and rluliuu
uuielter alack In Boulh Chlca|«i
The poUee uay Norris, afier accu
mulaliiig a fortune, lost ll raiuugu
Just rfecalYSd a«a thiosand copies of
popularnBUile to go at 10 cenu per
copy at Orlunell Bros., ctirner Front
and Casa.
may U»t(
SUta Vnk hoUdtog. Special ettsntlon
tv felfectf^tHafapaatical treatmfera
of nfervaua diacaaes and rheumatism.
may Sima
Shuler’s Havana
still oa the Market
Maimfttctured by
C. 0. ERICKSdil
YowCredMia <Sood.
Your ytellable Furniture Store,
Grand llaplds Fumltorc Co.
127 S. South Union Stioet
for You*
Ai we expect to move aoon, we will •
hang all electric, gas or combination
fixture*, ordered before May 15th.
Don’t anuii Uie lioibor moving thorn.
J. B. Paige Electric Go.
Phone 502-2
125 Cass St.
•lotatapKi SItacitar
flnkeluun Bmehers. Packer* aad ’si
that you gvt cut from oor prime portd-rbouac. alrioin or roast, Jtliey aad
dellcloua of Wor. it tempU foor ap
petite iheae spring momtogi ^
brvakfaat. or for luncheoc or dinner.
We have morsela for tV taVtla to
broiling chlckeas. aweelbiwada. latoh.
veal or .ham. but nothing mora
ititagthenimg than a prtma renat of .
beef. All of thla can V had at both
1. MT B. Mtobth
t, M7 Randolph
.TP wntm Qi mm. Vmm r Plaa
TfUtoMtiT W. C H#m WM M
TP loia H ommm aP Ptttp
Pll p thaiap M Mt vrfo^ PirtM
««U • f«w at KaaarPi ap Ha
CMiaA WPa Ip M te P
Ip fi wm Paa PiOP aPai i
H aP a ««aiPrlaat.
A PaPi «aaUaa «»a« la al
L. 4 M. tpai or «a>.
tamai M ciaaaP p fur IP aai
tom u PP ftaamoa. Ilitia ♦^yoar
M AattftPor «d Ut aad lin M. A
ftlcPrUa of 71b W'a4awc«rtA atroot
ftp coa alM «aaay fttffenai aoasa.
carryiM |P air jmrlactlr; aaoM
k an: 'NcA Baeaoao Vuur Hair
M Oartjr.- *ia tP Laud of Nod.** two
or tp laoat dlfPult ouoa ftP P«
ooly to Par aa cor ouc« aad If l(
HIM WalMf pit flf IP mU
takea Pr faacy .hi* oaa whl.Ue H aa
H li MjrlM
pifoclly aod Heorly aa maoy aroan
. CiiPtW HrPTa ImOUt to
llagPiaf Pouplc. AUo .he caia call up ouotraJ
OpiMr HmPjt la iHPrlM Coa Paa cm tP iPla Uaa tkla vaP aaa aod s«i Mr auinPr aP vanu with
uaiaa ara aUatpP aJl out may aaalitaaco wple%et
I Mar CPiHtto i« iPi. Ut aP IP
OBf IP Uae.
aoa 4 j«on old tbo alalh uf teat
. na for a aP^ iPa.
TP local HiaoMrf P|iut la pins UOLth
CMPciw MlUar |a ioPtIm 0«
Mor VaaVfuraa vPla Vaa la raa^ raimirP
M. 4 N. ft.
U Mmette* wM
M W Ite ^*9^ v»1Mm nm«
Otpiiiliir A. JI. 0»«ft l»
« ii4»
t« om^
IhuMH Ite MH« hi Mat SM Mm
Qarli Wli#to v1ttUMMklaPtta
4«.ip«rak»a vlU P rua w MaaP have wored'oa" ui’ old’"
loo toaMmov. ip rofular crow lalilM
Mr. aad Mra. tteurce
rre tP guwau o1 Mr. ood Mr.. J
Byer FrlPy evoolof.
Malice la tourlog back oo Uc
aaa U oaau. A IPy frw wlU
ul^ Jot
.ocmi ilcPi UcmPjr aplit. Pau au«
Mro Wlllteai KteP la uu^
aaitiM P IP Pa iftPa.
TP eoanpr Arama. Tko HidPa
M aalA lo loop a faroiabJo
iHftnaaloa vPruror proaeoiod.
apPtelor rMldlM PmooU to tp abMJPUIA aauir^ro aad oPim uf ibo
aipy. Thv cPinoaU of ocNpdy. pa
tpa. kno aud ta Pai ail tp imaj
a<ft aald W P .arUailcaU> eaip
T^M aticactkm wUl P aooa at ikv
, ftOMP of Iroaa «p Mila 0041 wklk IB llraod oporu Puao WPuca>4Uy/ May
IP HUT arlU rakoao PaiacJI fn»u ao>
pail ff Utma wPcIi wlU P proa«ulp
la aukOor Ubk> tPo Ue per»uo cuuid
ftftOOftO WANT A94 WiV.
uukpji tPm Aar uao la tP cU>
Pacpw an larlioci la ftriM tPai J. W. MILL1KE1N*8
aod pal Uom oa klip, TP frap IP
* Mwoji la aaaMtoA p Ufkolaa* %aup
Worn wlU kecloM4«U
vtllo vltli an oatiro cPa«o ul pny
iVipHar pricoa, l§. P
-Wo p»o P4
atroKoP Moor cmiaaa a aPa iPt It
ftlftofOBl tfw p IP not. TUo ••oal
PMwoa a faiMli aol PaaM P a
PfiUaoat Pi la aupcomo UuncisPia
MU. Peily'. Mpol ckued Prktey
May S Ou PrUtey eveaiuK her school
< oo wiertoloojc-ut wLKh woa
s ot Pke
Ado ou bujklQoaa Ptuntev. Miiy 4.
Mcm» fcaUaurtU HuidtU. Piook
Olid OatPJd WtUon. OtHiifie iVoill.
ptiiucPoud We.ky Brt*ok.. ahu acie
uiUi <»f hurker.. iikkfH*l.
huiae aud uue flue .lurswiu,
a.'teblu;; »iU.ut urn- huudri*,!
ThU fifth uUR
lu oPul lao
Ux l ul auUT. oUh much .iruoKlHui
After It o.ii «mi ountu- Puk It flop
m*il .o vinim.u.*.U that It fttmt the
MLUd iu every diiecliuh It would
have U-iu very uojileaftaiil for byto P hit by it.
athool ill Travel at‘
nty. ift viftitiuK her fiareuta. bu*lht ru
Olid hli.ierft ul thte plow.
May C.
pp a toctlal at Pr hMoa teat evpIM. a awPr of tPir IMmA. aad
loiaUtaa holM pnMl. AU IP aaa>
Pm ««to rcmdond la a fPPlas aua
MTroftA^ llatoocr. were awry 04
arafdamo. The -fUlowlM vaa tp
-Whoa IP Iphta are Uiw “ ta Kh
Plaaoaa); Paa noicm and liii.
-O Wore My Um Too Utec.-^
(Phoeohar): Mtea Doily WyuPoi..
Ptefto aoloa. lAl -ftorp p>.** tb)
•Hftlac aad PritaiH" (1^0. Crpw
hy^Adoami; Mtea rionaco Price.
Vucal dool. -I Know o Baak.lUteal; Mtea RaU Rotead. Ml.. Bew
ale Hoydea.
rhea 8001 !• ftwi." tftaa
II: Mia. Uete ftpteer.
IBO aolo. rater. iC. CurUitl; MU.
Rath Rotead
-Rory Darlla - |Hope TompJo
MoitPw Roaao.
A oiwch diMjHaWad ood M
ehlRy lamp wa>r« Pr Ml Ralftoa wpa
Uey palled up ihHr Icmt atftim ot IP
fuui of Rroehwoy hlU aad hiked Mr
IP oaaftac; of tP eooaly tela ymrtcr
doy aftcraooo. ftPrtft Johaacm gov
tP gypide. o foir wormlag aad they
took it.
Ooe vasoa veal «a aaath ahoi
e'elork hot tP otpr had to copp
IP city to look up IP aeaoH
Morte oad.Loulae. wh^ oen mal
deianulaed oaft penUateot HPoett
tell the fortuae of tP whole city.
That tp opatea wera aot Pi
♦ Oft deaiuoatniied by o oprtag lamb
ihaa Uree weeP old ruoAcaeverol chick
eoa which hod proPhb been lOUecad
volU: Mtea paaic Uoxteo.
ftuoi Miiue roadalp form.
-IdlUo.- (Th Pek); MP Moo Keh
Mks bad bc^m pleotirul la c
juitetas fixuo Uc oppaaimaee «C IP
The CP . Oouidahlp.’^ tUuy D Itet children One chUd. opporemib'uPer
PPl; Mlaa Ruth Uotefld
two. year, of age. waa literally
-Au MoUu.’ tOodard); Mtea Ruby %iorched with egg while the real of
the trip wa-. .meartd with tp aUtfi
• A May Murolog.- tDourtt; MU* to a tetter extent
Helm Ploioo
Piaoo Duel, ypfko. *>aracieuiM::.'’
truoos PadvD; Mlao Ruby Pderauo.
hanB* Fcree ef Mon ftway an the
Mtea Mary KelioAft '
Northpert fteach'HHak
MU^ Ftoreoce Kiouey of HuUood U
A large force of moo U at work oo
the Kuefti of MIm Jeouie Dotuui wer ihe Nonhpuri Bench hotel, gctilog
ptece oou premliicft in .hope for
coming .eoftou TP grouuda nrr Plog
laid out lu a vet V .nteUc mouocr
with lennU cHKiru, Poor beda aP
driveo .V PoHug alley will moo P
pul lu uuU the biriWiui: 1% Plug palm
etl aiiu seueiaily overhauled.
in the tx al (xjutppeU opt<»mo
trie imrion m ibo cii>'
|(ivc« wivh atv«ry
|hut of
Dr. Wolfe'S BriBch Office
Wilhelm Blk.
A niau who wo. doing bte Pfl lo
fonvtece IP world at Urge aud him-1
aeir in pnnkniter tpt P wo. perfect- f
|> ttber tried to purePn n theater
eeat nP an. tokS tPt iPce was only
ataodlug room. Ue Pught .u Pmia
aloo Ikket .Dd made another op of
tP erowa suodliig up lu tP back
watching tP nPw. After a few mbi
utn P returned to UIh wlPow aud
gravely hagded over .auotPr dollar.
*‘Olmiue *nother .taodlag Hcpf he
aald thIcUy. *T want more room Xo
■ec.--Joieph WePr lu Bohemteu Mag
Jiiii CBijibfill Co.
Priee ■»« Qualily
Thm two muit alwa>'s harmonize here. We
do not tell you a cheap article and charge
you a high price—the quality must be consistent with the price.
We handle only goods of worth—goods
that we know will give satisfaction to the
purchaser. As we said before, the name
Campbell Co., must repreKm full value to the
customer. Do you want to place thU kind of
merchandise in your home? H you do we
want your name on our books.
By our little at a time system you can have
just such things in your home as you would
like to see there and on such easy terms ' that
you will never miu the payments. •
We want your account
We have Cnrtaln SMcber. lor real.
Two Stores
Ittiu & vttM.
417 S. UttML
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
ShPn IP fteal Craam Uom
from IP MP.
Pc4u^ ilk btiwl (where iP xiiminiM adunc)
Jftically three bowl, i
found ta no uiher Sej
and aiuKtea the
I*, b. to hold the W’<
Ul ftp BmMs because tP
diiv. ing gt^uk arc entirely cncloMcd. seH-oiling
I auluinaiically .upuhed with heUi oil No
Upr Pimrslur lua all iP>e Pvaniagew
cnwgii to bs Msilyclcuiea nuide (other Scpvaor bowU luv*
(ra^tosj wiUe puo, or ate
uid oarrov like a sua
Three pieces all in one, Corset Covers, Short Skirt
and Drawers. The advantages of this Suit are that it
does away with the three strings at the waist and over
the hips and replaces them with bne tight fitting band.
Cbm are three styles $2.00, 52,50 and $5.00.
ercal Sale of eblidren's Underwear
Ofalite, Drswert. Olrappert.
, The very best goods that ar? sold. They are made by
American girls. There are four diSerent classes each one fully
worth the price, in fact, can not be duplicated in many cases.
I2te I7e, 20c and 40c.
The biggest chance to get good values that you will have
this season. Sale begins Saturday morning.
Jin Oflerinfl in Couch with the Cimes
Buggies. Carriagea. Road Wagons. As fine a duplay as
you will find. On the third flopr, take elevator. It would be
l^d to fuUyileacribeaU these go^ but we want you to see
Uem before yon make your final purchase, because we know that
we can save you money.
A specially fine line of Whips and Lap Robes. .
You can select Buggies. Carriages all the way from
ti7.eo te aee.00
bTmMY. liAV fV ^
iiwms im avr
aiMi M t«>
FoUtOM Wruk« U* ktoeJ recuid. j
eci4MUHy ike aule record, fur
OonmZf^ m m^......
flBM;a.U4 0a^Bli^W*
(ZL iUm noTM Wlaian.
naia Oal-
Tlieir umeher
Hock airoaa.
|te Mol UatOe
Uadkh Tkiow-Amtakockkcr.
h'TB. Pk»raou; $0 fmi. f iackoa.
Daak-HOIer. mm»
dijr m4 »^1d*f of Ute week uM Ike
ladie arke Mienalaed «• * «»J
iPMtkki lurtk MikiM init
Ike deleailee
Skei Jon
ImMi« m 4ke Mklkf piiom msi f euf
ekd $16 vat voied Ikr ikc
DIairict nap4^ tackle Wtii Interpret
kpM«stUma« MMMe. ike leealckaa
ve kaea ko%erUgi
the liitual ta the Cika at aa
i«r ka«laa receailjr iUed yp a iMi
aioiiud Ike flKMtt mark
ikeiT it e CMi Of $76.
Tke oftoere eieoied were!
i oaly 6k ceaU.
WeaMaal. Mre^ Urn Hleaea.
There wui be apeoial Uuiiuctlua of
tke ttkN ritual otxl 6Vi«Uy eveuio*.
run Hem fimAimi. Un auce p«i
May 17. by Uatrkl Urputy Id T.
Mki. Caei iOfdaa,
U>ckl« of Uowagtac. Mlcb Tke regu
Jaaoid %um preaMuak Mra. BrUe lawarMi baafua OfAoata Oaea Baaap- lar ueetlag of tke lodge a lU be bald
Harfli. «wrM aii>.
llM la Mimkara and Friaada at oa Tkuiaday cvaalfl«. aad aa adjourameat lahea uatU KritUy evealug, a*
Urputy Lcckle could uol be kere uatil
n# r«e*pUoa laaderad Ika mam- rtiday. TkU work .ulll br especially
bera and frtattd> of tke K^wijnk InalrucUve to tke Blka aad raiertala
ma af Ika Plrat Malkodlat ckurck lag as well aad It U expi’CU'd that
by ika olkcar. of ike leaaua laat evea there will be a large atteudaaoe, to
Mabel A. CMned by Will A. Andaraan, tos waa a very pkaaeol aCalr. about wilueti* the aew iliual Theje wl|l be
aeveoiy*$»e youua people bela« proa a caudidate to lailUtc aad supper w ill
Waa kaunckad Tula Atlameea—
Uckt lefreakiDoata were aenred follow.
Naafiad far Hia $4eter.
durUic tke evealus aad apelllag and
iUf and vuiioua otkar gamea
> ladalfcd la
I Meet Tomerrow
Afternoon and Evening-County
Convention Next Week.
Mi%i Wiaalar Atae Vlaliad 4r/nd Map^
The 041) kuaday- IkkouJ assoriatiun
Ida and CkdUlac Telapkdiw Ca*
will hold Ita coBveatlou la the Church
akan^ While Awagr.
of l!hriai tomorrow afterutiou at :
o'clock. In the evenlD;; a uulou m't
Mlaa i$lealer. chief operator of tke
vice will be held la the Cil> opeu
Cuijteaa* Telepkoue roujpany in koiao
kouae. l-'raak Welloa-of Uniad Kapfruui OwuajKt, w kere akv atteuded a
Ids ikllvcilug the adUrexs
ioaveallou of tke oialUdKiw aad cklof
On Monday, the t'ouuly oou%emiou
operaiora of Ike Mtoklgaa lad^pood:
opeua at ike BnpiUt ckurck apd cou
tuL telepkoue cumpauics. Wklle away
Unuca ovw Tuesday. A very IntelesV
Mtaa Wlealm^ aUo vlaliad tke W
Ing progiam kas keen anwnged
pkuaa asckaaiua at Grand Kapida aod
L. $. Fraedman Met With Accident at
THk iXlklFANlONa of
m(u aarre a wanu aupper la
from 6 to i Wedaeaday ovaa
-’How Skall
mmms* We
lu Origin. Wkat
It Ik>. Where Win It MUr
a AlUngfon.
Tke utv
Rev.. *
vko kns
reemUy moved kere to Uke charge of
Ike nrw CotE^Mk^Mnnl ckurck <m tke
enat sklr. wUl supply Ike pulpU of tke
Prenk.rterlaa cku
M Bnidpar' 4n ikr
Ike evi
eramlng Mr
ilifte. :$4$4.
Tka track waa ia Aae ekape t»ul ike
la Ike matter cold aoalkcr kepi Ike croad «k»wo.
o| prteea tmU fmrmera fur
Trarorar OHy
CH, kaa'Iad
kae^lad tke ^
IkU eimaaa aUkuaak Ike local kaieni
kave u. oar kearW IreViki (kaa oiker
Mebrf A . iiue of Ike iaeel equipped
lAtturkea oa ike bay. InilU for Will A.
Aadejaoa ky ike Trarerae Clly Molor
»oai ooaipany va^ Uuacked tkU
•ftenumo. Tke koat U M fddi Ion*
§1^ 4 retd 1 lackea keam. of oomKoMiae kiera model, ike irtiutalafa kalof
<d aolld kmaa ellk full lealker ypkol
a^arlof iknMtfkoui
Tke boat u
iiWaiHl alier Mr. Auderauaa aUlar.
HMh Uekrl. ako U aiumdlas ackool
at YpaUaifU. lliv boat U Itied arllk
a Ny. 4 lOrliiMe eaglae aud «U1 ce>T>
luorlera or ifleeu paaaeoieia.
After beloi allh tke M H T
pray of MUwaukre tor tke laat tew
>iwa. Mr Aaderaoa Aada U kard to
a^y away ftruju tke eater Tke Mabel
A, vtU later |h^ takeu to Blde<A-Brce
ooltaav uu Ifiu^t b-v fuj tke aununer.
Wr a «OTT »l»wtai aaiartw. Ugkt nfnafeawau rnm mmi aad tka ano-
Y«s tlMfe'k quality ia
evuiyingredieat uwd ia
6Ba« pracriptioBawhaa
they we 61M at our «oi«
>awi»s.a»w.o».nn ||
Me Veuil~Flcr.oa. gUicr; t f«pt
iMtni aur PMateee Wem U U Omi* H«re Vm
<b. Ch»<ft‘«a
kia «M pMMd t.
'pim gfape craun of tort«r. ««linv' I ^
ulMoltitoly Ine from lime,
tm*Yu4 DM^-^Ulex.
MU: Umu ;it^
alum and mnmonUk
mm m mm «iw •■* «• la k kod; IM^ OTMlac aaa iw«wal
M4 WMMar ««l «M «WI4
LiUrtkJper lfc^.aakaa%aaaa«aa«U ^4
Ikt pamed who broke Into my ware»*^*'*'^
L. 8. Froedmau. a t^ellug man.
kouae and aecunxl I guaotlty of valuslipped at tke Campbell akatlug iluk
able moUls.
may IbU
laat evealug and fell heavily on kls
Ous Goulick.
hu7 Washiug^ 81
Tkat duaday Uhutvr Luack at Ika
Uttlr Ta\ont la $B«. Tt^ U duada); . Tky Crasrfoid was home yesterday wrist.
Md- del vod Uvm \ $Ui X.
for a shoit Umo. rrlutulug to Grand
may Ikn itaplds this murulag.
Alfr^ Qtviihck capiuml a four
pouad Oenuau bfova in ike bay yee^
terday. This U tke targeai German
brown eaagkt tkl4 aenaon.
C K Murtmy
Uklug in the nuper
Tkt sUtk gm^c- of Ike Donrdmaa
avenue ackool fvui to Acme ikU
uM^alng. wkrro jiurj spent- Uo day
Tke cold wvwtker U kewpiug ikc
uioat devout anglers at home. Mveo
ikc small boy kas gone bach to bnarhdlL
Ko> Ferrla and Lk»y'd BkuiU W/i
tkU uioralng for 8llgbU. where they
will ajH ua tbe day (Uking.
iOunUnued from Firm Fngk)
irafoty of Ckildrdn.
Mrs. liwrtn, tke ioiMlcr for the after
noon «nvo n very «xceUcnt paper on
-Tko Soeloty of Our CkUdiun.** Bkc
said that every' person uriU knve so
ciety nnd tklB to neen to tke very
young child as well as older peopkv.
Mothers should recoguisr this Ucl
sad seek to gel the beat compaaloos
loi her children. 8kc saM. Make ikc
home me pksasanl for tke children.
IX> not let, them roam about the
at of freight.
There wwaw
Professor now: will loave the Sdth
of this mopth tor Cryaul Doaoh. K.
Y.. kboui
mBca ftAm BuRam.i
when; hv wUl haw a class duriug the
summer. Mr. dose wUI nduni to
Tmverse dly ta the fall and take up
the kork he ks% been putsalug the
............-5 ■
^ue*i OaldweU. with a
good-wUoil Awng will ivuauRtocc toy lug «hc water msius uu Washtagtpn
lorm ol amuscmonl make tke home
life attractive. •
Tk« topg faithers of a klM • vrtag
The roadiag matter of the chUdica am faatcBsd to the bone U Is thU
Mmtkpori u wkMng the atrdamu should kavc svipcrvtoloo.
vrkkh fives the wing streagth and surnmng the m. a K K. Unc today.
whsTSWlth lu beat Die air.
Nine Hours' Bleep.
W M. Goitloo gad aou made a $ak
Ur. eWaxe gave a very Interesting
lag tup to ibr kmd water of ike
chick-u. u.. weiii::;::::.
Boatdmaa tbU n^ralug and bruugbi
H«ca .........................................W
young people should receive between
Ike nges of It) mud li. Every ckUd la
school requires fully nine hours of
vpeadiog the day on tke Bonrdman.
skcp-lke formal child will go to
sleep Imuiedlaicly uixm going to bed—
and should arise immc'diately upon
She said that siUi boyw and girls
WTiwal. psrbu.......... J...............
the time when manual training Is
pany Frigliu[nad by Heoae.
must valuable is tMftwiM U Ike eighth
Hast Buffalo. May U-Callto-lOO;
grade aud High school Girls ahould
Frigbicuetl by a houxt* that is being
quiet Veal aud oaHrss-EtIO; ffilicl
tomp and play as well a„ boys aud
inured on Waskiagioa sirv'eU the eaHi
lower. Sheep and limRs I.NN;
uoLkiag Is belter lor Ike grow-lng girl
Bide team of ike Hraank 4 Lay Mcr
acute. Hogs-Hl.ttd; BRlEc hlgker.
than a share lu the houscw.ork, uot
caulUe company ^an away but even
(Tilcago. May ll.~RThest, »Mc;
tke llgklosl and easiest, but that rsetad tvsry Rgy. Tks toeal ssarfcst
lag ana caused irbubU* lor tkeuiselvts
com. 51\«c; tmls. 46Me.
which will really be exercise, jind de prtoss am mtppltod by tocal dsators.
aod those la the wagou.
DetioU. May ll.-^WlteaU tOc. corn.
mrnmumm hy wlr» m« 64Sc; osla. 4tc.
Tke kurses collided with a wagou
that was Mlaadlng In the road, break
>lcdo. May IT—Wksai. Elc; corn.
kl;ss Batiop gave a book Tvyiew
Ing the louguelaud turning their
6iSe. usia:«6Sc.
wagon on Its sldel l^:arl Jilc.Woy and and abort talk She aald iksl toas
Albert HiHuuirlek Were Inalde but both much aa different ages require differ
ent trt-aimetu it Is the duty of mothers
escaped without derloua injorr.
as wren as teachers to fUdy theie dUFifty toads of pcdaloes wert- markclferenl stages in order that the best
good may be accomplished. In dealing sd yesurduy. prices ranging from
wHk children one must be absolutely €.V. Ai this price It woujil stem us
Eenator Borah kk>d the Rrooom
truthful and tke <|UVStloos of even tk( If the Lurniers ought to haul. It U a
youngt^si child mu^l be answered with good prK-e. Ikrm woik Is Ule owing
the truth, no matter how-hard It may to the backward woatker and when U
docs come warm all their time will
be at tlmea.
By Wire to tke Evwuiag Record.
A social hour followed during which b« uoedi-d with spring crops
Holse. Idaho, j \lay 11--Senator
The hay quesUun Is troubling quite
strawberry punch aud assorted cakes
llorak, one of thl- attorneys for Ike
numlH-r Many faimers lhai s<
were served__.
slate, says Ikerri Is no truth lu the
last full and winter are now ha\iag
iteuu nt that Altiyer Is a former Chi
buy'and ihete Is not u nvh ta Ihr
cago bmglai. He sa>s the prorac
hands of UvaU-rs Ii js predlcttvl by FOR $AL£—MeVk-kea / gasoline «ulion luvcstigaled |he story long ago.
Mit>. Asa Hale went to Grin iiv lib souu-.lhal the mail i>
girie. new: 3V» k p. B. B. Dowell.
this luuming. where she will vihli u iJo pn
' At Record offlse.
ttotn arc higl^ the buyiug pile.; it
short time.
R. M. Henshaw of Dublin U in the now 4iiti I7f for the best slu< k
FOR RALE—1626—House on I uUw
Uuvi is aie shipping poUUs s quite
city on business.
street, ttfty-foot front, seven loom
Albert Hatch of Casnovla Is In the lively. L F. IVikell sent out 1» tar.,
house, nice lawn: A No. I proposlthis wtvk. lleorge LaitUe sent three . Uon: price ir.OOO. Wade Bros.. $17
city vlsiUuK Irlondv
John Morrison left this mxm for last ^ht and will send «me tuniglil
Bouth Union St C»l phono 171 s.
JackHtmvilU-. na , wlu-re he will visit SlevTi l,ardie sent one Um nighi and
may 11^
will i.nd*ably send t»m loi.lgkl The
with fil»*iiils
L. K. CU vrUnd Is at Tlioiiii..s..urtne boat will take qiilo a -..mksI man> lor FOR RENT-Offfees In the Wilhelm
11 If
on business
Miw. W. H. Vk-oll and .laughter left
this morning^ for Iowa. They will
visit friends at .Mt IMeasani eu rouU*.
Roy McKi*agv‘ of .May Held U In the
City .m buhioesa
John Allen and wife left this morn
tag for Kingsley. wberv.Uiry will at
tend the funeral of Mra. Allen's lather.
R W Carr
6Vank Frkxlrich ami daughU r went
to Touch this momlug'lo spend Sun
day at their ooUage.
Mrs- C. M. ^Woodward of Des
Moines, ia.. wko'is the guest of Mrs.
Haro' Monroe, left fur a lew days'
visit at Honor this momlng.
KeguUr lengths ip
Thomas Kartoon and Ray Parker,
both of thi, City.‘lea thS moralu* for
lUalslee. where thejr.eipoet to .hip
on one of the car ferries running out
BUck, WhU. ..d Colon
of that place. ,
Samuel Owen of Bellalrc passed
through Ue city this momlng on hto
way homo from Nonhporu where ho
UMdity rood UkHcior Damn of
^ ^ v.v.v.v...V.
'.V.V t# j
Potatoes. 50c is toe
Special ior To-night, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday
TaUor Made Suits
Styles, worlh tS5.ee and Me.## at
Lons RMS In bUck
LowoJaesla colora
The Biggest Bargain we’ve offered yet-ladies Uilor made
Bulte-theflnert we have had this seasbn-we place them
• • V ? -iall on sale-all our high grade Suite, worth $35.00 and
/V £ .
$40.00. your choice for this evening and Monday. Tues*
‘ 11 n.M,njsuMii4n.M r;
i i For jOnly $24.75
every lady who likes to dress well and would like an ex^ elusive high grade Suit at a saving of from ten to fifteen
dollars, should call and tee these Suits.
Mra W. L. ITsher of Blnghsm Is ta
tks city vlsiUog friends.
John' Rico of W’allta U visiting
friends ta tke clD.
Steinberg Bros.
Berlin, May U
ksve now koeo perfected for the open
ing of the new training school for
adtooanu and conatnictors of airnaay. The
have given
UMr odtotol approral cf the InaUtu
tkm and of lU ckrricMnm of studies.
The director, Herr Paul Rptoffsl. la a
man of eraepfhmnl akIUty and
krond espmlenoe tavevery pknn
ment. Me te mnde $Mtn thnn $•$ as^
SI iL2S, $1AA taTSsadfaM
^1 .-I
Visit this degntment (or the BEST in GIotos
E. Wilhelm
1 UnwalUkbifl^n ||
M* V.l
«lbSli.K BbMB
Dr.W.J. Htaina
Dr. Shoop’s
Porcelain Work Restorati^
Ok flp«r «itk BmIbm
lohn X StM.
Geaenl lasortiMt
UB8 Steamers
Good fresh Dry Batteries
launches & Automobiles
•• Witless •
SBlUtdlir) b |X B.
Monday, Nay 13
The Um vbioli M
fhwer for tour Boat
•ad Uscoawaay
Sipnw Maui
tl5.000 ioTuBed in
UluoiououdM«giod E^aipBtiit.
World's ForcsMsl
atok. te cams aim a bnmaa boM. aad
aooB mwoterad a nteitooB of aaaaaal
atoa. It la boOerte t4> te ttet cC «a
ladiaiL aa uadlUte tea It chat aa te
«aa bChrtog«roaad tea tocalte aoate
«tert la itet rfctete. Beaidoa ite
bMaa wm a teaobat ate a kalSo of
U mmns myrnn. Utr sete Amartoaa maaatooaew. ate o j/oU
kuMkmmd. wits w^ake M4 IIyw4 lor ^ioate to Bt wear llte tead fdTtte
Tte teaae baa
U ytm, dk4 joRi a wwek aco.
Obr of tSc woolOjr pspont of 8l bam built for SO yeara. aad-waa for
iotea. Is lo mm4 \omi i«s Udios lo merly tte DeWUl jalh tevtog been
two^ro ^oara ago. Tte
ite . aMssBWewi
oomitj tea teM
iBto four Sta. remalaa weiw but ato feet from Ue
Tte IpoRte «r teocBtlnB of R«jte
Uwjteu OMHKy. tea steod lor Ite
teUdlae wiU te of hhtk ate atoee
ate wui coat fis.euo or US.SW. It
will t# rotey tor oecuiAocy at tte
opefiinc of ite faU tcraa. It la oxTteoa uRteowa yoiiBS nte look
pw-aslne of aa RttUteoMlo o«^d by
Bobort U. WdteeiDaii. drivta* the aui
cklae froci Ii«oomii><* to iVahU«o.
On tte rvtum Iri^ wbllo (ryiax to
tRTB oot for a pRaalBc famor. itey
lBiite4 la s <UUb. teBasUig tte Bacteae. Oao of tte men vaa ae%enJy
lujufte, tel all naiuMtod to eaoapc.
A dUtiuct teraga of Lake NfIcbigaD
cookl pUial# te ae«o at Bi« RaplOa
Wcdo^aday. Tte water looked real
cooulb nod poopio croaiiins tte
alreot were aten aa if wading In It.
Thptr reSecOua could bo clearly aceo
to tte water, to hh tnvcried poaltkia.
TUa la tte ttinl. mirage aeea there for
yoara ate bnodreda of people tkrontte
ite aiiodd lo wltneaa Uv apecuclc.
waittog Vaaaar. at the borne
of her paronta for a letter from ter
huaband. who had al»o te-cn vUlitog
ter and had gooe home. Uru W. U
Adama. wife of Pnmocullng Atlomoy
Adama. of Ontonagon, rooilved wotl
In a apecial delivery letter that thflr
borne had bnmed. to the sronnd. The
realdeooo was one of the ftoeat Ux
Mra. Adanm had otw* of
the fluent colU^Uona of h.unl paluunl
ehioa Ui the state to the houac. which
waa totally doatrojrod,
l^lOie Jamcn Stalker of Su Johna.
doer, aad aome tbiak; that pertejm a
tiagody U toeehred to tte dkKovery.
Tte jaU. to Ua thne. harbored nmas
hard cUtoena.
Tte teiwaa of Dr. Wm TntUe, of Byroa Cmur. worn acaite by aa automobile aad i4a awajf. amaabiag tte
buggy and throwtog to© doctor*^over a
feacr. He caught tte boraea. took
them boftw. and wat bedding them
down in tte bam wheu one bocae
kicked him. atavtag to hi* riba. He
crawled out of the bkm to aummoa
help. When he lemibod the bam
door a hc^vy eatonaioa ladder ten.
atrlktog him on the koad. aud trat>
turtng hla akuU. He! was round ua
condoua. but may recover
Oov. Warner known beaus. Tte
governor was one of ill at. the i»urc
food ahow at Grand lUpids. who
tueaacd within four of the number of
Ijeans to a bottle. Tbe goreinur
pu»?aacd 2S.000. Ten olhera. all Grand
Rapids folks, gnesaed tte hamo. There
were 2S.004 beans to tte bottle. Lois
wiU be dniwn to ac^ who Keii» the
prize. consUilug of a iHi\er vhocvUU‘
set. The governor sent his regtvHs
that he c'oukto i be isesant to draw,
but a food ahow offlci|u will draw fur
in the Larder Lake distrlcl by Mur
dock McLood, a SuolmtoluK man. i«
Is chkimed. which wilgh r5 pound.
Nirb. TIk' ta4 ho* created totenae
me n. who claim
much more »oW *ill Ik- found to tho
t'ouDtry laat i»f the 8<^'.
ported that gold ha- U VU <li»*COV.Tk‘d
north of the !duo In
A HoiMtifi? Cemottmtioo of I
Woo<Ierfully Mytterioo.
UypoMii- Foroe.
Hirhest Claat VaiteTilk
Mltalto« wtUi yow
MMowtecT If oat. it
«onU OMtabljr toy you to
rboiw 372
Heat* oii Mie Saturday May 11,
at box
Ladiaa bee Monday niabt wbon
aoeomiiaBiad by a paid 35o ticket
MlMdte UkUsuidl
119 Park SL
One Month Free!
C.B. Taylor Coal Co.
|| general Pews |[
Soft Coal
from ^
E. A. Weston
, BotiiphooB. 36.
The County ConvenIhMi
teUfltog. OM
pteme fM.
— vUI pc beU in Traverw Cty. on —
Monday and Tuesday, May 13-14
toBtkm io fltoeimea'Bf tJte
On TucKlay morning »« »iU affain address the Con
vention. Subject; "Organization the Basis of
■ F.ffecuveWork"
On Tuesdayafiernooo Rev. C. W. Chadwick, of Fetds^.^opic: "Evangelistic Work in Sunday
On Monday afternoon Rev. D. Coebtin. of Traverse
City. Subject; “Teacher Training."
12, The Trayerx City Association
2;30 p. m.-Usual Opening Sers'ice.
3;00p. m.-Subjcct; "What a Sunday School Association should be.” ‘How can we make it so." Short
Talks by a dozen or more well posted active work
ers. followed by a Conference of Pastors. •Superin
tendents and new City Officers.
Sunday evening—Union Service at City Opera House.
Address by Frank Weltcn of Grand Rapids.
You are cordially invited to both of these' Conven
tions. More, you are urged to come. Lodging and
breakfrst FREE, this means Sunday and Monday
nights. Convention* closes Tuesday at 4 ::i0 p. m.
By Order of Ex. Committee.
J. W. MlLUKl N.
To the Owuera of Ometory Lota;
All labor perfotmed to the cemetery
to the future. Ulher for the care or for
the graJiug and flxing up of a c
lery lot. must hv paid for to advance
at the offleo of the city treasurer.
Board of Public Works.
By T. 11. GillU, Clerk,
Wonderful Ecaama Cure.
•Dur HtUe boy had eczema for flve
oara." writes N. A. Adams. HeuMvf
»a. -Two of our home doctors aajd I
C. W ,<noyd. a meivhanl. of Plunk.
Mo., had a narrow escape four years
ago. when he imu a Jimson bur Into
h\H thnmb. He says: “The tloclor
wanutl to ampiiUle It but I would not
consent, i 1 bought a box of Bncklen s
Arnica Salvo and that cuix-d the
Oit *. lb MiHOto-onco me AMH.
> eye. ear.
tiled. BoiL
8UU aireet.
nrtoary. aCto «b4 hiood dtotegiTtf
year* experience. City oteea Wmb
block. Both phones.
T. W. TNIRLBY-Dtettot Dw Ibi^
. I
'UOUM. ataabOMMA
MONIY TO LOAN-No tax «tan
■ K.^,,3s=ca
ABffTRACTt Off TITL1-<X a 0B9^
Dft c. L.
fiMiafli tetoo*
uoa to dtoeoMe of ehSteto Sm
40» State SBBk VMg. BoU pteS!
GrUwoldw Beoratonr: NeUto'l
on or before the fun of tte i
I Va LOHrOasral
UUhop Warren Cwndk r of Georgia
aeeBU to have had aome diaagreeable
experUuice while traveling in the land
of the mikada Writing of the Japan
eae. he aaya: “They ere a thieving,
robbing, mercenary and conisciiucAle-a
bet and the inilh I* not in them ‘
General John W. L>.*'Piv«ter. the
New York veterRn who luu died ui
the age of M. eniend the mllimry aeiVice of hia atale aa earlr lu \UH. In
the dvll war time he (wire offered.
Uucoln ihive regiroeuu. ^.uu eoodltiann pivv ruled the ncccpUuue of UkoAera. Thnn* of hla aooa Hvrved in
the war and were made coluuclb by
bievet4wCare coming of age.
U la clalmte that if half a teore of
aoclety women in WaHhlngtou wiU but
tbe word negt winter will aee the
liowing bowl, the lively corfc
the Brz abandoned at the dinnem and
n'CoptlunH of the rich. The Icadora of
thJa moTomcni profena eveiy conflduce in their ultimate hucivah Mra.
J 11 liouderaon m at the head of the
n uaade agaluat the ua^ of luiOAicnnU.
Wheu Ueuteuaut General Arthur
MacAithur. who already haa
virtually placed on the Inactive Hal.
ahall be retired te'-Ahe operation of
law within the ncil elghloeh montha
Major Genera! Leonard Wood will be
the rankiug officer of the army for
alateen yeara^rring accldcnla. He
jw the wenlor major general and
will not reach the age of letiremeot
until Ifri.
te C Spooner of Wlaoonsln be. a private cilUen mi Uc day flrat
dny of thla month, hla roalgnailon aa
Uaited Suitea aenalor having Ukon
» at itet time. He haa not yet
opened a tow office anywhere, nor baa
he appeared In fho courla. thotigh
since leaving Washington te ban been
very hoar with acvcrml Important lawIt U maid te will not enter Into
partnentoip #lth anyone, pryfentog
general pmctlce lo Ue tempOng oflera
te has noeived ftom varloiu oorpora-
teoay S«tmol Witons
The prince of Wales haa had one
ore added to hia long Hat of aca
demic honora. the Univerwily of Cloagow having conferred upon him the
degree of LL. U Tbe prince probably
'saca the ligte lo ww a larger
aaaortmeot of onlveralty hoods and
la than any other Bngtiahman of
Uaae. Apart from hlsYdlplomaa
from ite great aeau of leamtag to
BBgtond and Walea ite prtote to an
LU DUirf ItellMmnm. TtetoBBla. MontTOitmto and KtagsUm. te to aa
BUR of ite Indton unlverwltiea
and ohanoellur of the nnlvoreity to
ite prtoclpaltiy from which he iakca
hto tlUe.
CwUi. O.. hM aeUorwl a nm»atkm a»
I naturallMl w hich is ijol entirely
student of mjiur
urc. he is able
to dlatinguiah
iguiah through t
things misHzd by tbuke with sight
reoeuih be made a iock of marilus
comfoi table aud happJ bv i
them wltV his own hands a kind of
bird apanmem hoiiM-.iwhich haa
erected In hU yard ilt U a bui
with acvent
porUou couialnlug I
floors of four
rooms each. The
able plect» of anhiitriure aud
blrtlH aoom as proud iof li as Is Mi
The Justice of thej supreme court
and the Judges of Uib coUnti.v court
In nro*>ki.%u ai*pos!vd jim like bench
silk gowns the other tia.v This iui
vatlon eatue as a HuriMise. although H
was known that the.matkT of gt
had iM-en discussed by. the Judges
Ihv afteinouii Justice Mareaii reuiovtd
hia gown, hut tlie other justices wi»rv
their ail day
Juslioi' Mareaii re
marked that the gown was all right oi
gala or cen monUl occasions. 6m not
for the transaction of ordtoarv busl
ness. “I b4*Jlev e.'V said he. “ttet this
aticmpt to make Judges wear gowns
Is an attempt to add dignity to the
court in an unworthy manner.Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, the cclebiated
Philadelphia phyidclaii. was a guest
at a dinner of the naUunal board of
trade on one occasion. He Usicned
to one or two speeches and^hen slip
ped out of ihdrrooni. Later a friend
inquired as to iho cause of Jils dbotp
peaimnce. “I grew weary.- he said.
-Of bearing men talk about millions
and hlUlona aud not a word about
4-ducntlun or moral pmgress or litera
ture or potHry Why. has the natlo^
kbued w iih commerciaUsm
that men can talk of uoihtog but duloenis? Let me tell you. sir.
that thU country, could well afford to
P»> II.OIS.OOU.OOU lor OBolber ghoke*P«ire." -But Oortor." uM liU friend
Uamertnxly. -wc liave nor Dr. 8. Weir
Mlubell. .od fce did DOLcewt n. II.«M..O#0.000- "Wall.- be owwerdd.
and hla eytm tmlnkled. "Wall: you
have never gnt a Wll frum me jmC”
pw will be no oooastao for lt"M ym
Drug Co..
doctors but ua benefit icsvuUed By
chance we read about fcywtric Billers
bought a bottl»* arid suoii tiailccd ImWe continued this medlpruveinen
cine until sevcral bottles were used.
when <*ur boy was compbieUdy cared,
Ik-st of all blood medicines
building heullh tonics, quan
Bjgbi-c Dnig Co.. Fiauk Meads, Han
uah l>rug Store.
Elastic Spar Vamiah. S...E. Wail A
A J BROWN. City nev
light drayiug. Phone 47.
stand, for
may 7-Sl*
TSAVrC^CITV^tOO^ so. at
M. M. K
Riderless Bicycle
Village Wlleh
IWrcc Rcsdcsvoiis.
Prtday nlglit to Ite
WUkena. Oommandc
Record Keeper; K.
Soog. I’U be vitli you «tu-o tbe
ioeee.bloDui again.
Farms for Sals
TSese Arc AU Gosd Fltaas.
I have a number of .good
farms. aU the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sak or if yos
have any good property. I VrOi
take it in exekaage and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
DRS. J. 0. It MARY J. numtOD a good farm for less mon^'
OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS than you can buy it of any
»io tSs n body else. 1
have farms
I to i
L i».
p. la
7 lo B avMxlscs.
which are located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
A. 8. QOSaON-^ustlco of the THmcc.
City, all good improved land.
Hamilton A MlHlken block. Bonds,
If you have good 1ml farm
(k-eds. mortgagee and contnmU ac
knowledgcd; teal cslnie .bought, 1 will buy thMD.
m Front St.
. f)U pily RroUumnt Building.
^ bate Court for the Couwly of
Grand Tiaverse. At a session uf auid
court, held at the probate office, in
the city of Traverse City, in said
county, on the 2<Mh day nf April. A. D.
Pn-srul, Hon. Fied U Walker.
Judg.. of ITobate.
Ill the matter of the astute of
George Wilkins, late U said counljr.
dicoased. Oscar Simpson having fllocl
ill said court his pellUou praying Utai
he may be anthorized. empowered ami
•old or rooted In city or country ;
Uceiued ty sidl at public sale the in
money loaned. I bavo *omc r»od
tvresl of skid estate iu said roal estate
bargalna lUled In farm and city
therein describecL
property, lo office Wednesday and
It is order*^. Ibsl the Ulh day of
Saturday evenings. Residence phone
May. A D. liMl7. at 10 odock In the
Clt. 9ii2.
apr »-tf
forenoon, at said prohale office, be
Is hereby api»olnted for hearing
said petition
It U further ordered, that public no
Moon. CHy Opeza Houm block.
tice thereof be given by pubHcatkm of
copy of this order for^ three aucff. P. LAWTON. Ma 0—^
ssive weeks pieviovyi to said day of
block. Both phonos.
hiwirtog. In the Cii^utog Record, a
uews|lapcr printed and circulated to
DIt M. ff. QRKOORY-Pbyalcton sad
saW county.
»eon. 117 Csss ctreeL Phoito
ice, 7«0-2r: • rtMfideaoB. 7Bff4r.
true copy.
Judge of Probate,
apr 20-27 may 4 11
Shetland Pony
Btsie Bank boildlng.
Oii phooa vlt
Corset Covers, 17c, tfc.'dffto
LsdW PBtUooaU.wRh komatltoH tocte and deep tea
of aoUd embroidery, at ILSi.
Ottera with deep ffooBoe of f
roww Torchon tooe aad dust r«f.
f lu. ILIL
Ptotaer ones with todtod
00. good grate ousUa. B4 Ite.
Drawars. gohd Tffritey. from
Ite to ite
LEffTER a WKlwCH^Attonmy
tow. OoOecSoB vork a ipoeto]
With Uaderwood A Umlor. 8«tha^
tood hloeR.
Jaa fftf
Night Gowna. foil slses, Me
aud ^ esch.
Mtoaa Tucked Drawg. tooe
trimmed. Uc io tte
Children’ll Dravem, te io 2te
DR. ff. d. MAC NffTT-
H. H^AN ^ i
240 WaahinKtan.
‘I A SumM^Vign^ton
Stove tnd
kitekeoa The ^
ft «• «M» aft*
t» «NM» «M gfM ••tft*.
la ».««•. ,.
reMT Omk mad nfih rntrembm
Tho «»tr. iNaakHa Meredith.*
Rev . Mmtr Mooi Mwedlth. noetor
Meeting for wmnhtp SmbhmU i
•Mftkwi. n* —luivi ik| Ml M
Mtn^ IMMM IkMf* M* «• VM •»
»M iM iMft b«» kM Mm4* »•
a Ik* fttur .i
Ok. Ik* VMM amr frMr> *i n».
Mi r«f «irtu ur M uiik
■M *M Ml kMMM »U Ik* VMM «MMMiMbIM n* M*M IMMI Iktt
m m mrmill l44 m wmll*
fA4 ImOI 1 iMUVuomfol of modi 4ift<
UM VMft »**••«•«« MIkMf. iMy If fry. lUr Urto U» l^ttfr m
Tmemherm* iMeUag Tuomdmy mrenlmg
m W* »rt«M** lf*M«M* I* Ik. to
%oar: Butifr m
Te Keep ShlrU la Wmce.
Grayer mettag. T;30 p. a.
M grtdaw. mmd fry in «Aftll omiusf,
Prmechlag oa SmbbmU both mormlng
mklrt docto aot mlumym keep |tq
•miAf ml me lo Uf Uble. TliU fthmpe when ma oediamir hmager
U t
If maty mad food.
cooMd to our merrlccm.
) I* kM, *M lk*l* I* a kto M OmdBmmi ^lOmie»—Tw® cuptuif of
VMI* Mir MMI kcr ImM. to U aMiig tvo iViifoU fC iomr. one- ,e% aired the following mtaiple mm
aunt tor miooMmodatlmg m comml<
t *M »Mto*r*fl. Tkl. U Ik. hmlf mpNX of mufmr. oa
The Rev. Oeoigc E. Lockhmrt. pma^
ble number of mklrU in the mmmllewt
Mcrai a( • liM Ui* *M • kMvr *m. etvia) of ukortcalac. luei
>*fttbl« mpftco.
W4ff IMr mrft.:
^y mad ofice. kOl Wilhelm block.
buiuf. oaobmif cupful of wmna
yirml. mbe mcrewed In m few Imchem
Oftce phoae. 1«€ atlxeam.
om teaHKmful of ft^ll mad
Var to MaaMaai Ttoa,
fiom Ihe back of the clomet om earli
Momlag menrke. 10:Jd m. «l
AM mm m w iMIr Itwi.
h I. Msmad kjf Ika*. vka laok half lamiipoafuJ of modm flifti «ls well mlde m maimll brnm* book much mm U
Sunday echoed. 12.
Bmreca Bible cMma. It.
Oli-r kaillk aad lU laWrasu. Ikat lOfMbftr thft omtBMal. Aour. ftugai
•ed tm rhlmm cloeeU.
IV 9w i«0i.
B. V. F. V.. € p. m.
ftmit. MfU Urn mbortealni. mmd
The neat miep.wwm to get m piece of
Ik* gtolM Ik* TMlalT at
Bvealmg eerviee, 7
ammm mt^ ,
i Ihe mods ia the warm ft-mier mmd iroog but Bleudmr coed kiuf enough
load a*. Ml*. Ike kMBible etndy, prmyer mnd niw^ mer
pour lato the tour mlxtmre m» quickly to extend mcioem the cloeet froui hook vice. Tbnredmy evening mt 1:2k.
t«r. MT* Oa*d
tMlWe. TUrm U urn to the aokUmf
Jmalom unlop. Smtnrdmyt 2:»0 pj^
a. M vkal food
ton da *at aU I
I. ia« »Mjr boat. 0.natv klada *< hoerde mad toll miaooUilv oatil ebout
Oo thim cord mhe rntrumg m doxcu or. 4 22^*'
lamiter of ma lach la thlchaeaft; HOMB CUBBS-OAL 2
food tkal .all 0*0 **nav aar Md at
2:29 p. BL. chrirtlmm m prmMm mom,
Innted to theme mer.
^ AU aref cordially
all aMM *Uk aaoihw. Katore kaa oat up lato enmll cmhm* may mlie pro more lerge xafety plnm by running th;; vlcei.
^p. at., md hot amlvmUoa lamttmg
MMldad #0 llberaMr tkat okI> caa
cord through the opemlmg In the cU«p
muadmrd: HoUnmma mmto Urn
akaoa. la Mick a var. aat oaly that thin eud bake In imlhef m .loir heat of :hc ptm.
Chnmh ef ChrM (Dtecipimm.)
J. Allfoi Canby. mlmiater.
valata toll to* iMaaod. tout dl vmtll aell browned. Ucl them tUnd
She foldm her ehlfU exmcliy In hm f
•aalMi aldad a. vail The IM« wMo f B the brnktof pftn only m BManeot mf* mUckto the point of m p^u thrufgh the
Latlmr-Oay fimlnU (Reorgmiilmd).
If m v«7.
aataaal aa«* Ul* aao I* «Ukla Ike ter taklms tram ihe oven lUudlc mltU wftimtbend mt back. Uoai «md k^ vmy
Regular mervicoft mrc held at tbtli
kIMIr voNf |m«*U M4
MMury a( Ik* 'aMrt* lahabltaat.' emiT. mm they bremk rery mily while between thiwo two pointm. them ihe
chapel. Vo3. Randolph .treel. a* fol
2:20 p. m-. Junior C. VL
la naay part* a( our eMWlry It wa. hot. They will keep weU inI m tlgblb fftMteam the tomfcly plnm mad her mkUti.
h 20 p,
IntcrmedlaU C,
jer. If m hang lu their nmtuiwl foMm with Uttle
rec«4tr*d «IUi laotunMia pmlaaa. BMiy roreiwd Un emn or emitheo imr.
SundayB . eenlor C. B.
H to liD-«laM*t- Ik* ellair ooCee cap im UMd for the
mtraln and mway from the wall.
Snaday. 1 p. nu cvaagmUmtlc aerrlom.
lo:30. Sunday ac^.
afltt*. aad lo till, day la Bumbarhai mmd eaei for the Bhoftcalns. (hU rule
The pin* ullde-freeb up mud dow n
II;46. prayvu' aervlce. .
will mmke two pourndk mnd will
T^cftday. 7:3fi p.
cottage prayer
laarillw It la the prtoeipal diaa *
the cord mnd mkirU may be hung three
7:30 p. m..,^re»chlug service.
eetlnga on cast and woel sides of
mboui twelve cwoU, mmd wlU Umt-how d«-p and not yet cmahed or wrinkled
A oma who had baaa tor
• tlhl ham a* aiM .Mer
cvciflug—T JO.
ay yaan aaperlateiidaat a( loul?
abwi Ik* ratola la Ik* uaa; *
Wednesday. 1:30 p. m.. every second
A good Scotch woman U lamea for
IMS* baa worka. d«*lat*d-that h«
Heelth mad Oemfeit.
and fourth week Uurcaa Aid aodety
Friday evening-7:30. rion’m Rcllgio• *0b1 bam a* aiM vhaar ap!
hraakhnl ae MtHtplac. aad
If your baoilK permplre freely keep a
IM IM ahr *UI aoo* b«
Ulcrary boclrty.
m whiob he eoald make the long fora- wheiw mho live*, but lu mmny other jar of powdered mlnm on the t
A weU-oiut* ih exu-uUed to alt
aooa eo Otmlonable to blin->lf. aa a tow nm. whore- her ^1Klto^m hmvc cmirled table. Ooraalonally ume a little of tbi.\
lla Mn Ml at tk* load** aky,
Thurudjo. t
P. ».* umloa aid
her rocipc. mnd moulidcd h<-r pnilmc*. In the water with which the h
to ito la drear. *1 boal:
Latter 0»Sy Spinta.
lUguUi JM-rvu-e*; tif the laitter Day
aiv weahed. but do not use It every
kadMMdiUr all
OaUBoal bniakfairf puddlag. uiu.1-.
Bit in I (rt»-urgwnitc» arc a* follow*:
kb dH**lM*aaL
or porridfe. a. It la vartou.ly called
It U a aoaocnble fact that whi«
dm Omed Cmhm Reelpem.
lU:;;o. MH-tU Hcrvlce.
laadc la dWernit ways by lIBareM
Cremai Omke—H cup mweel rreftui the feci are oomlorUble the nwt of
’ll 46. Sunday school.
cook.. U la Blade altkar thick or Ibla
7.(*' p. m.. pitwchlng.
1 eup of eugmr. 5 egge. I cup of 0<*ur the body im In a almllar ooDdUloa.
aelea hot or oold. acoonllag lo ti. I temepoomful of bmktng powder. Put
Tueaday Kvening—
ec week* of the foHowtng trpel
io, prayer meeting- ^
dividual Uete. »y Ihoac w 1 o an f.a.d the ImgTwdlenU together tm the order meet will complcu-ly ewre me Ingrowriday Tveninj;-^
nC the aewly aad* poddluk •kk-h U wmBMui. bent thorougbly. mud bmke In ing toe Ball: Ope nwace of perfectly
1J20. Zion * UoUghi-Uterary norlety.
J. U HvMtif It m VOMO« IW touDd ua »liuo*l ereryhw Iv « »*•>•»■ ieUy
located at
Unm. Sprewd between the rmktw
plHI* WMIdf. gim m mcrH, i4 ttl^ Med O.IIUC.I. aad al-> oalanal ft Altiug
made of om«-hmi(^m cup of vtry dmehma of purm water heated allghtly.
IM m
-yitti voMm
griddle cake* are oftea very muck IhK'k cxenm. Into which humJiecu itlr Paint (he aoft part* twice a dmy.
ftkteft « tM <4oM«wl (U>ft. Ilf Wf: liked. The puddlag. which 1« Ihe loau
To cure a mlrk*headachc. Uke the
T;00. evening gu*pcl mmvica.
ml one cup of powdered mugmr FW
Rev. W. II Irwiu. pw*lor.
dellua ul ellher the fried oatmeal or vor both emke end dUIng with v»
juice of half a IcoKm In a cup of UUk k.
Chomi choir menu for rmha
rUMi im rliug al M l', a. lu.
griddle cakM. toold ko aadd. to day one half tcjmii|»oonrul In each ».biHild be
Morning service. 1U:3Q m. aw
Igriui* It I. M b* tilled. A good rule
The tiny warta that MiacUacn dim•ufftclenl. ’
Sunday acbool at 12 m.
llMi UM Hl«
to; ua* capful af aatmaal. aoe
figure the neck can be removed by
Epworth league. €; 20 p.m.
Cake. Uelldoum-ttme tho
• Mavf)
dklt'aad aae MUeri ut boll clpe for ciemm ceke till tho dlrectlooa painting with cotoiicaa Iodine.
BvH-olng M-rvlccto at 7:30 p. lu.
miM fm\QHur gtim gi-dof? lag yrater.U Boll
Pimyv meeUng Thurmdmj eveatoi
la a rioa holler, or - for filling are romched. thvn »premd
An easy exercise to jlcvelop tbo
um* mmnnr
paU aM la a beule of helUag water the layer* >rlth boiled Icing, mnd on chcHt and aruiH U to *und In an open
rrdlv gml MTlcf, IMi!' Tkc pliy Bllr BOW aad ibeo while bolliag 'Boll
door, place the hand* palm downward
M K U. Uial tM mUf •Ifckkrf^Mfr. hra* hour*, more or lee*. *i i* coo top of all but the immt layer pUee vfwry on the door ca*lng mt a level with the
nllcem of Imnanm. Do not by nny
tUtl fr«t «M ▼« «M fporrjr m 4o veobol. P'our or dr* duart. eili obt thin
mennm pot the banana on ihe Iced ■houldera. mnd walk back and forth home im Triverre City, you mm emru
IIMr wvit fo MfotiiftUy IMt »• m
loo much to cook at oact. la a
through ike door ma far a* poealble
tly Invited to ocmdc. get mequmlB
r* the luvUlug appea
9«| IkU am4 mil mUiftr mgmomUkni latM taiSilly.
d work mmd worahip wlU ni.
the maowy Icing, and makiw tbo w Uboui removing the handm.
to mlmrCnlmfftf, mtui look gluai ama Vot the Med oelmeal. lake fr-im the of
dcome to mil. Introduce your frlemd*.
When tho hand* arc veo dirty, a
cake uapieocotablo on the a«xmd day.
the itrmngera. If m ilrmnger. wait
pol *WMamr tkmrn m bomr.**
It paddlBg aa Bmrh aa *ni be h.»4
IbUled Icing—I cup td granulated very good wuy* of cleaning them la to Dd aieet t
rvM ft Ibla Moery mua ff
od. aad act away lo cool lu t Bat
ignr, H cup of water. 1 egg. white rub a mtlc lard well all over them wad
ptm M W inmltg l>> fm^imv:
tanaeu diUi. A hall-boor iwluro Ika
only. Boil the mugar and water
•*ffmVo prftUor mlum
finUo. you
kao waaled for to amal. put gether wHhont marring till a little onlluary way. If tbU t» done tn cold
l»po.oo the alov. a goodwlwd fiytag t«ta.
bt-r the hand* will not be
dropped lu cold water will hardoa.
flMltf A fmcU If mooic of it> k»fm lato which put u plere of tried .uei Add the while of ihe egg. and heat so likely
^ liVMfiiUr iHamdy
mrt vbam or haltae aa large as a hea’. . e«a till the (rutini
’^llV Soaday toaol. It p«
Img U cold, them mpremd
Whaa Ika (at baclas to .moke, put la
Lteadlac. tola to hoia. dap*
fro look104
over th» Sh*.
t;4( p. ai. Touej P***to'.
Milt »4 no wMi VO look ml Ika aatmaal ta ihl. way: Have ready
rnilt M»*r Cko-H oa* U butlir
at Chrtrito MdOBTor la th* p*
fkmr Oiii kogpi. wo
try lo
T:M Pl b.. evr.tac vorOlp.:
a( aaM aatmaal. Up vttk a allB apoov
fvmmo tko *mM0 Ikml VMH
rewn Wa^or Lata *(
at." Ud pa* *»M MIM* b*v a M*^ ■Md apoimlui.ef Ika poddHd. *M powder, whit*, at toor *». % PoaMi N. Oatontlfn
Tlmo-fttor* Hr’ took P*
Thondv. T:M p. H. ytdfM hhd
tr. dbtMT M<Md **•«» M torir m tt laMika «ik *f Mar. r*B wear ct rtoto I M 1» to*..Pto* t* iMt*.
H^ni|kdr^ M iMtlMtof rto «M apoaa aad drop lato ika fat
th* hottor utd aagar. add *»•
If Md k4rv m har. aha aaltaad Rapeai thto praatH tmlH tk* fry CraOB
Hf pamw tak. M «*U1 yon ka«a aa
Mrvlam mad tkm fimdiM nm.
Mk tkd idMt VMM* M«to
fi&mu tomkem m pomlUve mUtMMot
IM **vM kMdkW- hMd *r «a atsaa- _____ iliea aa yaa vaal. rry with whIM the bdUac po*Mr ha. hMs he wlU gamrmntme to enre the llfmor
sUiad. th«B ft* wUio* Id to MS*
if Orrlme la aamd im moeofdmBm
Pimi il* R. Otorrah.
iMto M M btovhMt ?»• Irtatod* imre. havwalaB otoMy aa hoik todt*. writ haditw. TM. a Hul* mom ikmm haut
^ixh .dlreetloaa or
h|M iiiMtat ftM tkM MkfM k*M
jmmt tmlU tm th# troat- Jomeph Dmtvm. pmMar.
a*»4Ut« *t thto hatto. thma mdd i« ahowi hte gmmt
L It ta la tlkMtmjr that Dfrtfie If Mormtog mMTioe. ifi:W.
a* M» a Sk* *liM Ptot Mk k~^ MtomilM Whaa dtma. aaad la tk*
to PM MM Hid totoMt TM lahb tm a hat dl*h or plaRer. It cMwM: pa«r till. hMHr tot* t«o mold by the lemdiBg dmggiat to mmhf^ Baadmy mekmol. aoda.
w aataa vtih ptaaty t< ***a>
Mpwoftk Lamjue. f p. m.
itoMd kHdM* ii kb kMMUai to
“AU^rin-rdlmUy Invited mad
JImmi IK
A Fepoom fioolal.
A very enjoywule churru »oclal U
ealk-d the -IWpoo^ Soctol. * At thU
the ladles yire pmmeated with necklaora of mining 4toPcom. tied with gay / ^
ribbon*, tbo genOomen with watchchain* In cormaiiaadlmg cx>lor». When
tho Utter find nochlmoo* to match the
wairhH-hain* the popcorn pairing l»
completed, and the man loadm him part^
ner to u pair of mcalo*. whore they
ere both wi-lKhed. tho tllffvreuoc lu
ftrlgbt Uoi ldlng what hi* attpiicr will
him. tlM- Mbwiule being to c-ent
lK i i«.mul Tho HUiHH-r vuii he made
to ttHich With the name of the eoten
Utomeiit by intruduclug aundr) dl*h*
em made of com.
Shrinklna Cloth.
Ttve qucMiim nf tuiw to fthiluk bravy
rUUU»i l» ufU-ii M tlirncull one to w»lvr.
Hang i1h‘ maU-tUl over the elotboi
line, ft nil tlif fold on the Hue, and
ftA-4 It ft nil till- garUou home. Allow
wUl be quite
it to liaiig uulil »lry.
uunn^-snary lo Iron U. aa the garment
ium«t be |ire*MMl when finUhed. Tblm
C.IU only bo dune with heavy clothem.
,1.4 u light loos© weave would rnimich
aud k»*o It* »hape.
Substance «»
jMHt MHMlfa’
r TMtoh BmMM tot to.lMl tMB
mt Vto* totM I*
lam Uto to* afUt ft* Ig. ««T
ftto. UM p^t • tom at to. om eaeb
U* of «Hh MUor. TM*
wtoUhmtormrnrik. dark, mad kaiA
Whem deae. vmt tke Imywra logtikmr
OiMdto OMM-O** oimMI a* M( Batteraat Cake-t{ cap of butter.
\% eapm «d tagar. I eapm a« •oar. M
of aoamt imllh. l agp
flliftar with o*h>oBfM-*l
of fbur ctiA S 4i
totr. l*» M |»Ah4 o»*f hlftrt; taisafoiOtm
kmktog-Boodmr. Pul the togrw
dtoato togalUr. acma#tog to dlmcxmo iv oihtf amhm, alto bdka me
leaf mhaal aa Jwar. lea wMh hoitod
latog. MM girm# thto thtohiy wHk hmt
9mt Ooohtim aitto C^iaav-I cup.
to a^r. 1 cup of butler. 1 cap ef tour
emma-Sfidia. 1 Immapoonfai O
Mto mU ictMtomc. add OMgh I
ma aai. Plmam amtoai wUe Ulokiy
ea mdoh omohAto dad bmtok.
Prito. WlU toBM» Itfl: ODoh. halTh
m hiNBto ft* If«|*M. «Mt Mt
miM IBU.
Sto tor toi
Uneeda Biscuit
is the only form in which soda
reach ymr
crackersV should ever
St tiiht. moisture
table. The dust
proof package
_ brio|iii| aU their
fo^cM to you mUct
tooM. hM lb* Jtoto 1
ito Mi toiM* kd Hdi » *Mto vto
4M ltd* Midi*. HM* h dM dt M*di
todM Vttk Id•k dMHidI
toMp dIMMMrv
iMIgWIdl. Md Rtl
«« iMA
There’s more real food substance
in ordinary soda aackers thm in
any other wheat food—which
means niore sustenance for the
me ImllB to mM m carA
Mmatog etmiigeUaUd atrtlm. T.
Pmjrar awmitog. Tharadmy «v#mUig.
A eatdtol vmieomm 40 alt
>t M. B. OlMWah. -
TM s*r. a. a rtofttoa *«tor.
Oaa hoMIih. * >- ^
|ThMI»> ***.10*. I»:M A to.
MhMr ««mbi hi U to.: art.
k HUB* «1«:M a to.
I plHtol. TsM to *■
\m/E AB* hB»«iag a TftX MM.
VV I»to Mm 0l •HtyiWai Wht
a>Mto Mkt tkeiUtMBWMV
onllai oonpMe. Tben <• ntr qMftiaa
m BMy.
Extraordinary Suit Selling
Prices Very Radically Reduced
I IHf ttSMon for such radical rtdadhns k easily understood* Manufacturers haiue not reaUaed as
ma/^ftordera^ as is usua^ the case at this time of the year which ledaes them with la^ stocks Oft
ha^ and in order to dispose of these stocks they ase Tattling to make very sharp price concessions.
in order that we may be in a position to to take advantage of some of these offers when our
p^sent stock is exhausted we are making these radical reductions on our present stock,
in order to move theM quickly we heve placed a price on them that must appeal to every economically minded woman. Rinht here
we'wqot to aav that NEVER have we had such vaiMi to offer, even at regular prices as this season. Increased facilities of manufacture.
bMMM of competition among manufacturers hat resulted in tetter garments for the price than has ever been sold before. Now. when
•e offer yen ^thete gai meats at such remarkably low prkes, can you resist buying ■' Note the reductioos^od act qnickly.
iiliiit 4 mm
IfcMFji ama.
mm. IsO
th ihwns
«3Sa Sv S
isWMv<fes40kho-«MMS. tfr wi9«l««kMd OMlfeM
dtamdfefewttrom s/ttrMsfertia aMnwAoTfeil^
army, aa fwa iM|kt any. * k|iai#l
its at gpnpo nmA <4BUi*r. tha
Utkipa SM VMS OIA of tWfe fefeSar
t Tk* sues vsa okMrO.
ll» vaUt gsM a»4 oa tkair iMta^
•Sta «• la ttlMipli plaMS tkecctea
sf ika T««siraaaMU Kfeklgaa. cape
tkiHac tta aaafna wlag vtUi Uraa
Wa war# kapila akRp mm IMfti
lastaa aattt aksat ika te si Mr
IW wkaa wa uaaa mmM m a«
tka aanriaaa al tka Pattad MM d
Aatarka aad wrau Ip aar amisi
aiMM aad vara ikara
vaot to oar koMaa. waeatt af
aoldlars of boU tka khia aa Iks SMI ^
to ka coata goa aa koaoraM# dtk
•aaa of caa tomatxf aa esa M
I kavaa ( lalata aay kalr kiasM
Durtac tka algkt tka ratlB»aat
oaad to tka Htkt cl tka ««fluiad
fort aa4 tki^ threw up kraaatvarita
cosaaeuai It witk tka fadarmi pickat
llaa aa4 oa April Srd at akoat S:SO a
pavkaps 1 kava aoaa to tatalts ah
tkoath I paaaad tkiougk aona of tka
haiSiat roufkt hauka of tka War of
to Appomaitoi 1 doa\ kagk wkdkir
I ewr WUrt s wsImW HMSw «
sot siib^ I sisd BMr units w
tfcWr dlTMtkp. I Mver iMSissd MW
voMds, acr «M I STW msMmS tw
Ik* Nh«U: VMkwa It «ss Wesw* I
waa a good raaaar aa paikapi M was
my lurk aoi lo ba oapUra kScaaai I
alwaya ka a draa of boMapHaemor
of war aa 1 ha acaa tkom oom kadk
from thoaa paaa of daatb aa 4mm
I had tha plaaaura of baloaglag to
oaa or tka Urea kuara igktUf ri0>
lacait: that la to aay. oaa df tko ff|lmaati wkoaa loaaoa la kattla MeM
kuadred or over. A cohmal IS Ud
army looka tkom ap aa fompUa|
tkom for rafereaoaa aa osM Mi
-Tka Tbrao HdOra nghUit Riik
•mitA* Oftkaaoinckigaakaatsar
Laa SofraOara
Thia waa oar la«t battia fought aa erait. eight iwgimasii, all iaiaatit
wa did aot gat up to tka frest atOi.
Loo t amy aarraadora to Ua ifih la tka atatai Tlta TMlr
Qanatal Orant oa April »th. lUt. I MToatb bora aa lu milt. aU told. OH
win navar forgot tha ncana oa that afficart aad maa aa loai aa kiUa
hit otlcers aa m aoMMa. Two
mamormbla day. A4>Ki ^
olftem aa algktymnr toldlara dia
ware on tba lUrab aout
haltad and raaitag by tba roa mlda Df woaadt reedra ta actloa: pt dUk
Ntoa. foar otleora aa IfO moa. guOt*
that wt army in fir aa yoa could
or 4t7 loat by Joatk
In an dircctlona aotblng but aoldioffs
and tbs ir tmiiu of kundrad« of wafoiui
I do not protaa to cay or would
of dlVaraat klnda. suck as tka army
for oac MMt ikni
aaad In tbewa days of war. Wo wari
OUksUy rcatlng and lounging amua Ik* TwMiw-wvMtk tn«kiisa.*ttt
on tka ground aw tka army uaualty Sows tk* iskatllaM. a* M Ut k*ttkr
did on foirh uccailoaJi. gatUag all tha Sshusc tkM M* o( olk*r wtfUrt
I«st tksa
rant wa could and I hoard a great Ik*i kU |0*MS tkst
commotion to tka front like tka ckaor- Min. I loM asMr «t*s* msss tseiu
•k** (k* l*MM *• ***SSlS»«
lug of tha army aa
feat I looka la tka dirfctkm of tka ts( tk* Ikert USM V* (*rr*4
CMBtnr la tkat fcleod/ «ara*lk*l*0>
oa. Tba aoMra ware all oa Ua4r B«w waa sMsuisS la t* atnle** a(
tk* UulM nutM OS ASril IS. tMt.
feaL^akontlng aa throwiag tklaga
Ua air anything they oouM gat bold •• jrw **• tk* Mr k*4 k*W «MMn
to** tia* k«toN Ik* Tvmtrfessisi
Of. capa. cantMfu. knapaackt. |
aad equipatanu of all klnsU wara fly V* ■iut*re4 I* to in t*rtltas;
ing In tka air at oaa time. Soon I
a horaaman rtdlng at fUU apaa
at fatt am hhi bonsa coaJd go. aboaUag
vonr oMiioA.
at Ua top of kU voice, **Laa kaa n«r.
leaded to Oiaat aa tba war U over.*'
H»ick a sight never met my ayaa before sail* tick, bat te b*U«r M tkli vttt*
oi kloce.
having withdrawa during
tka piwYloua night. Suck rajolcing k|
tka Tataran trooga of tka Army of tka
Potoamc 1 aartr tiaiaaa to kafoaa. ^
torgat tka amaao kafPra
ma oa that ooaailoa.
Tka Armr of VIrglaU aa tka
ilarata ariajr waa taUO. ka traaka from kaCWa tka Avpy of ta
Acfaao oaae wwra aa ^ aa tka
Afiiy of tka Poiomao coaaMaia tka
war aaaHy oaar. ^Wa waaw ordaaa to
in tka track of ooaaral
Lao's army, tka NIatk corpa batag oa
of our llaa aa tka aaamy
Mvlat by thair right, brought tka
Nialk eorpa la tko roar af iko piignilag anay for naca.
The War Wat Ovtr.
Brave old aoldleni who bad paaaa
through four yean of dreadful war
ware aeen bugging each other aa
eaplng like cbildran booauaa they
longht Ua war waa about over and
they ha been spared to go home to
iclr kived ones In peace aa kappi>
' jLmv OlMr*r aad Ul* iMhs wwts
tbogMU ot Mr. aad Mr*. SMltk ISM
Hear^ ftsmes aad Hit* K«td*rbo«aa
A number of young people ot tkla
Aa we bad nothing to do oaly to
atay wbare we were onlll fnilker
from headquarten. we laid mooUa He wav born la Haaevar.
I think Sve or aU daya. and then Oeimaay. lalttS. and caiao Ic Amiriatek caam from Waaklagtoa
Uat brought aadaaea to every aoldlcr yoan were aMt at Port Oacdla. Uc
in Uearmy of Ue Potomac; PrealdmU
imul la Ue garb cf a maa. Oar
reioiclag of a few daya bcfOcu waa
ckaaga into moaraiag beeaaaa every
aoldlcr in Uat army ka Icaiwa to
accept Uc pieaidoat aa a dear aa
lead. The aaat day. Uo MaU
bdag in Uc roar and acaroaf to
tID to 13.50 Suits, S0.75
»5 to 33.50 Suits, SiS.TO
S5 S35 Suits, S17.75, ■ S35 M 37.50 Suits, Sf5 «:
eca to Waabiagtoa aa aooa aa poadd.
bla. ao wc about face aa aurta back.
oa bat tiiampkaat army. Wo ^
maroka to Uc cHy poUt aa tkera
traaiworu by Uc way ot |kc
Jaiaec rtver. Ckcoapcako bay aa Ua
Focomac rtver to Waabiagtoa. Tkc
trip waa aerompMaka wlUoal a mtakap of any kind* only a Uttla caaalekacaa wkUa on Ua bay. When wc arrtva la Wkablavtoa wc wera placa
oa guard duty about Uc city aa Uc
dty waa aadcr martial law at that
aa an waa kept gulct for a IM
PMMM I* MM o« <
m %¥m «• <«—
Ukf ll ^Tmuo
^rnkormam W^m
AAf Aigkl ^ hA dMfVM «H
kmon vlUrii 00 witli tW rtrtonr. fW
VM ^ ioor milM «»d ft kotf
A Uar W« f«<M.
4. M 0*Mm
k* t> •• warn aU H m4 »ts It
MwMto Vir. • »«<*
w»*«* VM wMMtlir ofraU u lii ktaaK
«MML Ito a>M
"Mka Tof Is • IMM Mi for fMv4 oilM .0M4 U M
MUM «( i*^. SM I «S«>* osr UltloM r»» oboat .tM rtof vltk
««MtW «« tsks fiMs l> CM rrss- BttTM rIoM
MM* «r OrttaM. I «s« kM la Ass^
Mis. m»* ttm my osarufcU. sks
^rssS Is MITT M "
4 To n
RMOiiAt Ooly #
Vlas tWs »*«sf* skMs a WMSS
«l M lMt« » r**n. *Hk ao pmra
Lcm A««oIm. uor 11
* drsv>
lo« <*nl Uo icbt WtiMMUy nlglit
tmttu iku <km Is a CsBlMau ia« turMd out u» bo A dlM0poiuimoAt. tbo
■•dhsi a srklls »Sfa«B Mrrrlac a rvoWpU MMoaUAf Ui A trtno otror
Bwra. so ks »IU kats M fo auuMs m.WK). Tbw vrro torv* MW to »bo
Iks auu IS vs4
SilWry AOd DAor 0# Ibo hlgb priced
Mkaaoa «al(ks skoat no powks oMU m tbo grooAd floor wore not oc
aak Is la CM osaAiUoa- Hs •aaksa cupWi by Ml boldtaig coupon*
s kig kisaaak la kls asekUs saO
sBolkar oa t togsr rtag. aa« bis mlMat rlTSls that a( Mosoa la kls
Ml WltiOAdU bAf© itAltCd Ibo
vlUi tbo bUm.-Ai CTOvd |for
PON kALk-isn-au fMW ‘
fOtB lb# flibtAro oottld come to tormt.
Miw* Norlne Baird
AAd tbo Arsvmeni otrer the eeioctioA
of A ivlofve. ibAt flaally cnlmlAAtcd bmiber Tom. al Cedar last week
la MHoe beiap aamod. for « tUno
tuna Taylor, reiuriud to hi» I
ihreAleaed to br tbo oaum of break- In Monum laet Momlay after a
lap off aefptUtioAL Burnt t
dayk rlMt wilh hU Imolber 8am
At flret for Oeorpe «lb?r. To UU Rey;
Mm K. a l"mtt of Tiaveri.e C«»y
ttcdde oQccicd. He decUrod br kne
wa» enkoing the flfebinp
one day
AbAOintely aoihlnp erf Slier. Reynoldt Ust wxH-k
finally apreod to take Jeffrie*. It look
The big aheep and hay bam on the
over two bonr. to And the blp fellow,
dlobh's. farm U rtvelUiip a new loof
but vboA bo vat approoebed bo acufiU-r the din^tUiu «rf Iceman Orcot
eoptods noivUbtuadlnp bo baa prom
The driving horeb txionplnp t
Itod Croffroth be will flpbt Squlree U
iobu Boyd fell in iu box wtall lat
OAAO the Auttrallan wlnt.
Tu*-mIb> night in wo<b a way ae I
Jeffilet It to iwt'clve H.OOO fW the
break ti» U-p und wiU have to bo
)ob. That the flt;ht l>etwoen tbo mm
will be A contett to a flnUb. and that
The eiphih pmdi eaawlnalion ljej;ua
they want a di'ci-loo not cm polnta but
but;sday under the euiienikiou
cm Ability to punch It evidenced by the jj*[**“*^
School (YniimU»4Umer. Oeorpe
fict ibAt cAcb man aptwed to make u
He reptniN iwewty five n
a fnrty.flve NUind flpbt vUhuur the
tllpbleal brtiuilcm.
MfK K Stlteii optmi fcevcrul U»yA In
Truv« jsv nty law wi'Ck with her
daughter. Mr*. Will .Fray
J4M- Keith, the MHtbiU Uvik. m
WUil;:iupharp wixtioii ha« ujovihJ hi*
fumil.v from lia upjMiwi; «if
Ttu»rk«i houae into Mr^ Haiudey tJ
(• ill the non hern iiar: ot town
VlflTiROAVfl 0AMtfl.
8ahbaUi uchool baa licen orgiui
Irt-d In the HHnmIkcmhI ioraliiy h> Mr.
H Oieult and will meet
..s..€ U 2 ntteincK.il at u>.o o'ckxk. at the
•otk (M sad •Mettle nsku. Oeed
ksra. IBS U*B, eleee la. WMUacto*
FOR 8ALE—1884—Raaort property■tnssc Prte* IldW. Waka ~
<me mile cliy llmiU; four aMva;
tlT keaU Uatoa kC OMssaa t
WANTED—Competcnl ptH In imall
two buadred feet aboiv fnmt; torta
fstmlb : no waaiap.
W Tenth UlA
hotel complnely furnlMied Aral
may Pnt
ciaas; hot aud cold water la all
roomg. pa* llphi. furnace beaL al*o
8. DIvUloa BL
WANTtD-Modem benme for Bmall
one oouage. two Urpe bam*, troal
fwinUy. O. J- CarUon. State Bank
at ream through grouadi. hath bowse
hulldlag. Cit. pboac 71A may 7-tf
aad iflae gvore alovp bay aboia. TbU
PON iALt—1U2—K»H«» room brick
propeity Is la tm clam covdlUoa
m.ld< un-. West Nimh 81.. rtoss In
WANTtD-Four room* for lipht
0V mala road iv elty. piked all Urn
om- nod a halt block from CMitr.1
bcmaekeeivlOB near o*ylum. Inquire
way lo city: would com to put la
wh«.l; .uUablc for residence, i
Record office.
eooditioa a* U Is at presevt at kasi
lUli or bourdrr.; will lake good
twenly thousaad dollara; Udy own
i^uUy lo soiooni of one iho.
WANTEO-Boyt at the Oval Wood
Inp I. invalid, hence aacrtlice la 4
dollsrs SB part psTtmiit; price
lH*b C o.
apr 27 tl
order to dlspoae^lrf it; -vRI ^sider 5.
Wsde Dios.. SH South
pood city property la part pvygiient ;-^
I'uloii at., at. phoBc i:i»
price 115.000. Wide Broa, 817 >
WANTED-OlrU at Ibe Oral Wood
may ll tf
South Vnlon 8t CM. pboae 1219.
Ui*h Co.
apr 27 U
may IHf ^
PON kALt—M»k-8U room
Blgblb 81.: pries
have any for wale came and aec me ' Bros, »|- koulk Oak)*
pboos Itit.
or write tue and I wUl come and aeo
bocauMi ho wrnl dovo Ibo
mono, flibcd vKb A fnuoa lliio. caiui!
homo wlib A AjnAll cAUb. diilA i kirk
AAd Yovod be didn't om a flab orci
ten iDchoi long. Tbr rcmalnlnf Iwc
boro AtUlnod the honor. aodI down ic
Wolloo nod VAdoil ATOona In tbr onoo
Pbii DbtffNor.
foi A few bouro Altbout «von lotVoi
A Utr
them. H. J Murpan.
may 1 tf
Art WlnAlc U kopi Juot ouuido tbt
Aftbyr WlAAlo.
mAMmofct KAU% bcTAUho hc told About
ola accoiuiU. A. PiMorsI. lUnlUoa
A blA «»o IbAt pm Awny from bU
Horry Wonroo,
mar t&'lmo
lirolbor JuUuk. wbllo whlpplnp ihr
ftuArdman on tbo finit day of the *ii*v
Any MO b lJUdWo to tbc Roll vbo
Mm. Henry VU*clior U aImi put tn'ib*
bM WM opoBAd hlA or hor brod luid
•ooomi illvIkluA iMHAuko bc umdo bU
opOfltOd OOMOlblllf Obnut Ibo Htc KWb
Adv«-ni Into nortborn
TlumiTbAl Dot Avoy.
tUy AAd WBA lien AplUflrd. with thlr
' Tbooo OB ibo probAiion lui oro trim Pob. Ho aIou laid About Aomo
iu-h«Hil IioiimAll ihixM- in FOR SALE -M<xb m tfii room bmi*»MM vbo bAvo comwlilod mbuc »»* tbut pot Awny. t.ut aa U wAi. the flmi
1 lo! L. It
427 b'iflh 8t.
cojdWilly liulud to atCtffrnoo br will h«« lot off wilh A wain
may 2 if
l^ hoiMd that a achcMl
i«0Bgb lo bBT ibos from Ibo Roll biU Ini
lUiT) Monroe ttccomponieu Al
wilh a pvKHllv numiar of member*
riUl boopo tbom okH of Ibo timoUphi of Roak^ on tbo Aooood of May but
bou«*. now.
tfbrrMM vbo bOM a blgb rofAid for kicked on Ibo weather. Tbr wevthcr
Mia* lUlud McAribm left ye*i«-ida>
W Tonth HtriH-t Inqulff 12i ruloii
tbo trnib.
man It wcemnd oouhIh to Aun^b.r•InAr•
^ KHK for Ktni City, her old home, lo take
mu> «.ft
Any proUlloBcr vbo lobco a blko Hape of iKoak
New Ytirk ........................................... C 1
Igl.tb piade I'xaiuluntiou* thenup AlroAm AAd poll not w»rc ibon datipbU-r
Clerland ..........................IS :
FOR 8ALE-lMn -8Uiy arro (arm
fbiM Rib vm bo pitmuoiods prnvldoa
llcrt Winnie U forever btrii'd from
To Cure e Cold lo 0ns Day
thns- inlttH kouth of city »*u Staf’
ibAt bo doM iioi inAkc otruv-ft
tbr Rolls (lAlmUip tlmt big one Inti
road; all under rulilvathm; rvhkI
Al llooM*r l» c^ntldcrml
hnll.lingh; lai^o oivhard: III klnd».
of fniit-jast what I* to U* di*wlrixl
fur fruit farm nud |kOuUr>. Will laky
W.........4 ♦ 1
pan pay In tUy pioiH-ny. BrUo
Tl.e counrjl of llu- vlll*.:;** of Northkf.iiou. Wndc*
kl7 South fnhm
poll will tivd ivt^ bid* for l^e t«ale of
Mlrixt. Til phum- I2ll».
lUMMHi w;uler und Itgut IhuhIii u|i to
Baa flBi^leco. May
lit) t'iiv. May n —It Limtiup pelt
no p. lu, June ;V Itiind-i luu l«u *JU
JobBBMI, Ibo PObirml heavyweight, bat ou; of the Mlcblpan Hbort Ship rlrrult.
vr» aui| bear
iwr n'Ut liiu iot.
fViliiDad flBBi bto iatint to Auatralia tier plttv will tm takm by either Al
u u r.H*m
.Addievs WieAiKmdem« to village FOR SALE—The MioBtibir parpoar of bia trip to pent or Baft Hunm. tayt 8 O. UurKhou*<-. Urge lot. ImIwimu Ninth
elriK. NorihiKirt. Mich,
tbo Met vBi to Aocjiro a maicb with doiy. tecretary of the rlrrnli It the wemther
and ’IHnlh allooU ou Uudi'ad av
tue* ihum int may 2 3w k*
BUI Squlrea Tbo Auttrallaiucbamp dau-« fo lo IVin Huron, they will exmemir, Siom- foundation. U»t worth
ton. bawover. had hU plant laid out MUule the ti-cond iue»tlug lnfha\fli>.
HT'NTMY lUhiHT l.tmch ui Ulii
at bVHt oiu* lhou*and dollani
Ixvti Bern.
for Amcrteaa invatlcm aad left abort I > f'tkrt Huron. It U nmhMPt<Jod. It luivTavein in a ginid meal aeived Irom 12
House rould not he hulll fur flfoxn
Kew Tork
after jobaaem't afvltal.
lout to pel Ibf Uttet. but It U luil, >el
hundred dollar*! CUrse In. Eah)
JpbBeoB aald that br wat not entire eetlain wbetber the i*an bold up two ChiMPO s.
tt iins
Brice llTuu. \V«d« Btn*..
ty Idle dtkrlag bU abtoac< He t.nnekcd
M7 Soufh rnlou strcH. CH phone
Biiuburg ...
Ml BBlor Wli. a m imundi r, ti Sid
iu«y »
UuMcuf ........
Boy IP OBo muBd aad Bill Uiipe. eh“
Umrlpnutl . ........
tipped the baam at lU at Uelbuurm
OR SALE <iue «*sk wrlilng «U«k.
Ft. Uitl* ... ......4
in alae ronade Mo bed a niatib ni
one buioKome biMN* biHl. i.nt. bird s
Ilii*»kl)h ... ......I
raflsed vltb Malley 4ackt*m. but ralliM
vie tiiaidy* chiirrmlwr wUh Fivlic)i
off BOpotiatloat to return to Ameiira
hvu‘1 inli/or. onr bird * rrr luapU'
r»M ri,
IB obaat Squiree. He U wllilnR to
rtn’NsInp tnhle with French betel
Chlvugo ...
flplii Sptilr^
mliroi. one hnudscmie nmUagau)
. X71*
psst ||.«M ss S tonsil
Jtrk ikiid>.waln It the iatett Rnglhb
drc*».er wUh Isrpe Ttviirh bevel
Bhil*delphl. ....... .10
ethUte to iu*t bit ryek on Aiuertcan
oiie ImR iree *Hh Frebch
neveund ..
He U a liKbtweipbt and
bevel mlnar. one library table. c»uo
Detroit ........ a\....|0
tHAkk eAkk PON CUP NACt due here the Utt of May
dining table, rug*, cic.. one Idork
'noBtem ..a..
Thtrlman of the rU>\eUmd Ntiit bat Wasbinium’
walnut sldehoard.rcall al J. W. Mi!.37.3
Ns* Tork. Mss ll.-^rlsisuo
a deceUlnp thoulder motioa. cioecly
likens *iorc. carpel department.
81 Louis ...
koBI tlMWiSSao. ckslnoss ot >
akin to a tuUk It trequemly eaabira
ThifiR to do when buying
him to catch a runacr nupplng.
titp hoard baa maio public ihrouph
AbFOR flALl-Modera tvo-itory resb
’ In a ten luninp paine at San f'ram
BoefvUiT F. II BioU. Um facn that
denoe. lOU B. Front 8L Lot 80x160.
clacm Fred Brown, of the Saerainento
.343 kiract of Title before conclud
”.!! 4
h .
B. R. Tbomaa of BtifaW bad laadc* •
Price 1708. au*ev8 phone R261.
.533 ing the deal.
7 .
Evansville . .......... 8
Ineiial oatry of tbiBB 111 borte powei cltth. let Stockton dsmn without
Mar. 16-tf
run. and nerer alkmcsl a man to
M dBBdldalBa for placva ^
The itaportance of thii can
lo flr«t basrin tbo Amorktaa VaaflorbUi mp race
FOR 8ALE-9X12 BruaseU rug. Also
Bete O’Brien. ulHIty man with the
In maklAi bU entry for tbU ydar e
a »tep often saves much liti bm*a trimmed Irtm bed with spring*
coBlati Mr. Tbomaa did not pive the rieveiand Nape, baa beea flood l&O South Bead
and matires*. CUltens idwne 842.
gation later.
namao of tbd drUare of the raro. but end aupeadtd by Manager La)iUe. Ha ^prlnifleld .
wtrayokl fivan luriow path, aud l.am
wilt anaouace iboai later
Your interest will be care
foiiad it uot.
FOR 8ALE-Oood driving harm.and
fully looked after by me.
Bvauev H MUae,»Miti^ eon ii teaFHre pUgrew »n *he American
bugu'. Inquire at 834 Washington
aU Bbpaip. aggapfo la bava beea foor riftlob carry vorld'e rbamploaiblp
VbM fBOBitk With tb* OivM
flatklM vboa be §mfmw4 be voald meddU BMr of them arc the Mlb predp maaalbf act kaavlap Hu ag
Bel dofaad blA iiilo pMtflW Jm cioiiid imapDlia and at ike eUae of the aec saaiw U aimply oat vbo
rON kACt-l MU Vf kMBBB BSd kiV
ibevltipipy. Imok.Uke oad weak~"Mlsiifdpulit brid dova Mat fesav.** la aoBtradlBttigMB M Iko
lott WBbBitr,
w t »»'•
fliigtlB. irbt Hiuirt,'
lit tfba bmi
Meaaser Cbanca U aald to be
lap an aaotber left handed twiilrr for
Bi Urg* rBUl.
the I'aba. The new man le now pUeii
iMiulrr Mr* I'biw L. JoUbbob. Ill
tap for a voetem coHoge. Obance rw
fuoea to name him hot aaya boa a
aonihwrot of Traveree Cit
Call At the shop and 8ave ktem’i eommlMlon.
IcvH. nine or ten acres timber: good
A8 Ohio man M reported le be at the
orchard: spring wster: barn. Write
wbetber you buy from the finished work or designs.
Mnt of deaU from blood poMovtvg
C M. mover, traveroeatr
woatd by bsvperk. TbM to lather
Finest line of designs ever shown.
laeer. Tbrro are many men In mvd
FOR 8ALE-80 acre farm vigbi mOM
iroond MHd0s vbo am bevp^chod v
tboumvd ttawe a year. and. while U
worth oa ve*t Uyabore.
■akmi tba bbmd bolL VO petoovlbf M
lUrfid. inquire ^haa. Spencer at A
W. lUekvrd'q Marble Workv.
AprtltAlma •
l^lsl SMVISS IS lbs tvsalag ksesrs
«t«ai lbs sMkS •» Iks laimsfUl Ibis.
Tka JIUU la kats staaks:
C R OardDor of Keyittmo MbC
trot U the v«ek at tbo home
for DALS—1518-Om bndrad asd
EIV7B mu. eoOogrtAp tbo Rtblap.
tUty acra farm, about fovr aMM*
Tbo iseicUOA Ahmlap orrery
tw Acme. vlU sHa paitMara la
IBM vm
tbo ioM Wbkb erttfol term of tebool la tbo Blood
fare for or
WUl bo Mly#^tPiiBii or
lAAibi by Mlta
boaarktwptap la HiHotM home. Ad^
TroTfOte City, were bold
deem Loial. care R«cM
MIcMfiB aad aoJMktar all aiooad
loat Kriday rvoAlap. A crowd from
may IMf
mevay proivpar bi pay eoaaty.
tbU ptaee alteadod aad repor
PYicalAfllfl. Wade Broa.'817 Sontk
Urn AAffriOAs CaI . May ll.-Tvmmy crowdod bonec and a very plot
MSW WANTCO-Oood wagM Wylie
;^Paloa 8L
May Uf
BMt AAd DifMff RoyAAMAs foprv
Cooperage CVx. Inierlocbea. Mich.
FOR AAIst-i«H-VtS8 S9V lav mm
Mlag wa SiAlfM. bbYABbpWd Artl.
may HMd
Mra. W. H. Ayero who baa bem
M flpr A isbi botvAM tba CaBAiWa vlaltlnp her tUirr la the aoul
BBi ABBtipnAA bOAOyVBigblf. to take part of the ocato reieraed to bn I
M 0804 TvliiA fiw 8V4 e&ar «f avWANTBO-Yoor
plABB OB kbo AfRATBOBB «r DBOormlkm boro yeoterday.
ture lepalHap. chair caaiap aad fac MN kAt.I-:^^»tsWs ks* NUl *«U
.Ms Miser; ksllsr «>«• l»eksi: Alu
day At OpImA vBder tbo aanpl
ultam packiap. E II. Taaner. 4U
Bom. TocodBy. May 7. to Mr. and
rig.lBS kill. AU 0B—IS4S f**<
JlBUDy Coffrdib. There Ur one
Mra. JdbA Achrr. a plii.
ras. Win sirs sows «M s ks<
UoA. If Ibo otrvrt car airtko InloiMra. H U Hobba who bad bem
onthUmllL a J. *«.*«.
ferea vlU ibo May M daio Oroffrocb
WANTSD-Steady man tc
may lU
U ompovrr^l to poAtpooo ibo flpbt to vUitlBp her tick daughter. Mrt Albert
moBik aad board, t-ull Room
kieDrimoni. aoar Kalkatka. t
Ibo AfteiBooB Al July 4.
may Ifl-B*
n. IKTimag hotel
Tbrro vae pieply of dUciiAWOA be^ borne ^Vkla/’aecampaaicd by her m
Bonds for Sale
.'rf “T
0. CHolTat
Monuments. Headstones and Markers
Traverse City Granite and Marble Works
v. v aujby. eNpk
FOB 8ALE—Hou»e and lot: modern READER, do you wish to invent a Utronvenlcnpt'* exeopl healing;
Ik* money where It will make you
hUxks from pbauiffloe; easy U
Urp'r reiuruK t^o any Investment
imMbTule cost. Bbooe 492 or call
you ever msdi( with a poaltlve
guarantee that your tnveatBMnt to .
021 W. Klnlh *treet.
apr Ulf
aafe? If so. join me In the Oioa-/
FOR 8ALE-14I8-27 acraa two W
dian patent of the grealeet dlacovone half mlNv city market; 1.800
ery cil the 20th century. Thla is no
fmo ule to gel your awaey. With
in Kixty day* this discovery vUl be
Ion ptreet. ati. pbove lilt.
In practical cooditloo for practical
FOR •ALE-1471-18
purpones. and will prove oa lUi m* rBank building
tu *11 1 claim, ittoa A. Wade. 8U
■uburbanft redidenoe in
S.>utb Uuloa streat, Cit. pboae 1819.
|1.4>00. Wade Brov,
k»bove IXIE
finkin alreeL, CiU. bbove
may 9-6t.
new. Cass St..
St., flne
. Wade
8L CtL
LET U8 pbotovrapb your calcbea of
flsh. The RIectrk OaUery.
apr 18-lmo
FOR flALE-48 arte* ov penlnsuU. WE DYE and clean everything. Tba
BartNlan. 812 E. Front,
apr 884f
pood house, flve acrea apple orchard,
urn* acre pc-ars, four acrea Umber,
spring water. WUllam Bulver. city. CARPET
mar 20-lmo«
made to order from old girpMa at
E0G8 FOR SALE—White Wyandotlea,
Cbapla'a; 14 YBAR8 vapeHooeg pod
caroful atteottov paU to 8)1 M8Ht
12 for 13; winner of silver cup si
aeat bara. CfUM pboR8 XSIE
poultry show. J. W. EUnmerman A
iLuj. 2l»2 South DlvUlon street.
t;,flve yean guaiv
aprICmo ELAflTIC roof
V of palatlhg and
antce. For
palats eoqulro of IX & MarUa. oofiFOR flALE-lMI-Seven-room booea.
large loi. comer Boyd aad Fem;
tractor, 7t\ Waablaftov gtfvat*
price 11.200.
Wade Broa.. 817
Soulh Union 8L CiL phone 1219. ^
FOR tALE-UII-One bondrod and
thlrty-flve acre farm, algbly verod
Improved. Urge barn and good
booae. oirbard. large aabuat oC
good v(K>d. timber, farm all faaced
tad no lietter toll to be fotifld! tit
miles *!u)ihaabi of elty ofl MSlfl
road. F.aii Bay lowaablp; elOM to
ichrxd and church; vUl 88)1 08 aaiy
Urms. owner In other btmltooi;
000. Wada Broi.. 117 Moatb
UnloagL OL pbove 1819.
CONSULT Madam Hlaat. tba palmlat.
at 817 Unloa upoa aU affsliv la ItfA
SMT I84f
OET your bleyelta elaasad ivd im
paired at Colrnsat. 184 Daiov ML
mar 18-lmo
I 884 fur.
NOTICt-Wa eii88
aaeea and atori ■toea* lbrovg8
summer. -Trarorie City fllove Repair Co.. Ml W. riSSL otu. HT.
8881841 WK MAKI all klskt or pbMoB: davelop kodak Um. Baci^^fl^or.
FOR 8ALE—8EEO—Oau. corn, rye.
barley. buckwbeaL fleld peaa and
beanA Trmverea City MlUlng Ca
prarameata. Issulre Dr. NdBMtksI
FOR 8ALE-l316-Modcrn reaWence
TboapiM. 8t«d Bask bolMIss. TrtWrol lOtb 81.. ton rooms, hot water
broi. bath, lot aeventy-flve feel
ephoDB *03.
BSr Mt
front, good barn. One of the flnest
borne* to the exty. Will Uke emaller HOUSE TO NENT-4>r.
priced property a* part paymeai or
wi;i aell on easy terms. Price
I6.S00. Wade Broa* 817 South Union TO NEHT—Two ostSTBlaki* roOML
St.. Cli. phone 1219.
May lU
FOR SALE—1319—Bakery
livery outflu owner going
WB'dB^BvJ!!/ t“i‘'a.2u
CIU. Kkuw ins;
and de
Union SU
May lU
SON k*LK-4 soon *ork korseB.
•UBdard kiwi broMl swm ss«
driver. 1 flae aaddia borae vad
driver, 1 light brood msfe for Side
cheep laqulro J. W. itolH^ k
furwishlai etere or larti. may 741
WltUamsbnrg. - flfteev acfoa aader
cultlvathm, good bouse and barn,
well watered, yonag orchard, all
gnod SOIL Brice $700. Wade Broa.*
Ualtm Bt. CIU.
817 floutb
May Itf
WOOD FOR tAiat-lf you want fourcord load of miU wood for 88A0 caU
pbove 711. damea C. HopklM.
may 84t*
Btaan hasL alsetrie llsbta, «stpr:
tUid Soar. (rotL W. Pacplrt 1*ttnga Bask.
apr mt
TO NkHT—Two booaaa. •*• o*
■Hrastb BlrMt ssd bm «k **•»*.
IskuirB TombBii-B r*^ sMts.
8pf 8841
FOR RINT-184 Uka 8T8M8.
quirt 148 Mnibtbti
FOR MNT-881 0888 aHflil. IlidfR
TORIMT or mu-81 81888 Ml 98ML
BaytvwiblD |M.9M88ki8l^
t08T-Puppy. Mqilvb valM
white av titoa. fMar Mb
Mmvt & WMar. vMfl
m w. ngbih it
TNAVtMB «nv, mcill»»w. tATUHBAV, MAY 11,1««r,
f WILLIE Cilit
-—-ifcT-i 1^...
■■. •..;
McGLtJRE’S i v-m
9mrrSmam 9tees
Who Chooses McClure’s
Chooses Wisely
By George Madden Martin
hear the *iow. heatn* iixjt-
:i ./■"
^ I THERE we «lw«y» in McQuie’i. two or tliBBe giett tenab AffliicK
EL Mhb.'. U, oi Mr, Edd.. CulSdin'. iiiiil.
any o( Amaichn
Gooige Kibbe Tum«*» «iua> *e» ol ibe »■
whtfheu o( Aineiicu dbe*. 8<kk1 ot b^
izrJi S:’C*<rc2^:r.‘ss^i2t.T •-.r’;^
|o««rd Uft cl«*M. in iHr arocucc o( M»h» CU
r,r¥:-“;v'r .k'k '{i-'tSiAT
l otlowim thb. Fj»nn Urn «jii loM llul »h» had *|u»wd
U>c h*d
SSaaar’Jffl iss-’carA;;,v:.-;
get «#L
ihort rioiy u it i* \s-iitten in tlm cowrtiy i» ooe o( d*e b«it
euNeuiaiu ol American ble, M*d i* one of the iwMt entettoining
fomn of lOKiing.
McChue*. Mngume In* nlwy. been the
good ttoiie*. Among name* you will icfnembef and
will want to read again ate Rex ^ck. Viola Roteboro. Wilh SA>eit;;^s . i'
Catber. Perceval Gibbewt. Mrv WiUon Woodrow and Henry C Rowland’>- r ;
CX lA' Mcaure*. on the new. rtand. if you like to do it that way.
I A but the better way ii to lubKribe for it by the year, other gmng
^ your drJiar to the newtdealei or Knding it to lu. We do not
care how you get it. jurt «> you get it regularly.
Ai>4 how oM li vouf ik«V
M> di, « M otd »» I »m.
•od mtm fa“» ‘fc* n**l»c« oi the edhtt etaUten iM rt w.,
‘ '
I Emmy Lou ment
iWy afterward u»ld her it uaa Heaven, tn u«. ni«c
examine iurtlicr
Nuur qualification-* ior this graiU
\ow Kttunv l^u had no idea what.it meant-*VxAmmc ftirthrr mto‘ >mir qualification^ lor ibU grade “ It m«i;ht l*c the
lorm of puniidimem in vuaiic for the cha»tiicni«il id the niemtier* ol the I iri*i Reader. R14 May attcr .choor *hc did under
hand. and her heart tank, and hex little breavt heated.
It wai then fUM the lu-on recew In lhi.*e da>%. ui tlm^partieular cily.iacbool e^loicd at liall-Mvt out. At
lUMuihtal had rung The Ut« Lady, arms ndded a<Mo>r her
,Uauhaxine l*g^, had laced ihc cla*t. and witl. awcMUi^ m-I
ounit> had alreadv eimmiaud. “Attention; ami sixtt Uitlc
yW had sat up^raight. when the dia.r opened, and
^ At hi'r whixjiered coufidiuce. th'e lj.gt I.Adx Ich thf TO.H..
haaily. while the atrange teacher, t >nh a hurried ‘one—tm^three, march out quicily. childrcu. turued. and Icdkmed her
The Man-lhe Recew Man.
'fall>. andlg moment later s*he
the low, black-bearded, black______
brocMii ac^o^s^his ahouldcr, reach the lulluay. and nuke to
the open Idoorwav ol the Kurt Reader n*oni hmmv Lou
her breath, stifiened her .little body, and—waited. But The Man
ok. at Etiimv Ivou’s home the elders wondered “You
•w Kmmv Lou.** Aunt. Conlelia. round, plunq.. and
idMed to' the ladv visitor spending the dav; • Kmmy
Aunt K it.c, the prettiest auntie, cut off a thick round of inc^
e from the uWe. and put it m the retngcrator for
• h teeun a joke;* >hc remarkid. "Mich a Kxbv as
l-.mmy Ii*u going to scho(J.*anvhow ; but then she has onlv a
^jn.ire id go and
Hut Kmmv Lou did not come And by half P'i>l iwi
Louimt. tf-a- .voungesi auntie, started out to find Inr. Uui
sloppivl iL-ihe wav at ihr houses of all the neighbors to inquire,
and ran l-round the corner to Cousin Tom Macklni-* to see it
Lmmi^Li.u could be there, and then, being but a few dcK.rv yff.
■ ■
comer to Cousin .Amanda s ^he v. h.*i»)
the blinds
J^.u-Ti at Ucrv front window as if U had eWUu e>xs, and gone
ti* sUep.j I'ncle Michael had a way of deaiimg and kKrkmg the
ivont of:the buiUling first, aiid going in and out at the back
Hut .Aunt l.ouisc did m*i know this, and, anvhow
was sure lliai; sbe would find Kmmy Lou at home i vhen she got
at home, and it being now well 1
.Aiml L*nii>e
Liniise and the Ibdv v
thraftcriKHin. AuntaKatic and .Aunt
Charlie arrived—and it was past five o’ckick b>* then—^mic of
the children of the ncighlH.rhoi.J. having found a small Kn livmg some squares o!f who confessed to being in the birst Reader
sMth J'mmv Lou. arrived aUo. with the small boy in tow.
.She didnl know
from frog' when she saw ’em.” stated
iHr vmajl l*ov with the derisjon of superior abilitv. “an cachcr.
there in' her
.id her
her* to
1 si.iv after
. « iihc
was »cuin’
w hen school let out. Kmniy Lou w»' '’
a big girl of the mighborhood i*bjectcd “Her teacher
hotnc the minute schtx»l was oul.“ she dccl
“W'clC ter* daughter, Hau^
sick, mill her mother came up to our room a)
»nd she was
^AunOCwdilia. jSiTaiid'uartul. clutcjicd I'nclt CharHV,
•Thbu f>hc's i^re. Brother Charlie, locked up in that dre
c’s' locked up in that d?/adTul* ^ace-^wSi?‘shall
hahy. mv precious baby----- ”
Aunt* Katie was in tears. Aunt Louise m tears, the cool
loud Umeiiialton, Aunt Cordelia fast vxrgir^ upon hystorU
llic small K»y from the First Reader, legs apart, bands m
knickerbt<kcr p^cts. gazed at the crowd of irresolute elders
And bjnm\ Lou, kit itmg at her desk.
tears the line of Fir Headers wiiul an
J 4.f their departing 3
.*ui the door, the
bare corrkkirs and dow
after class fr^ above
knell to her sinking heart,
its clattering way.
marched past the Joor aod
from outside, shrill with the joy of release, c
faimrr. farther awgy. atane belated footsteps weirt echoing
lowerwl wi&tym
had ma^ n iMccaaary for
a livio*. «»» S»«sr »**
TWert WM McnDckm at home
for dmoer; she had, seen it
bc« a tear, kw* >rib»rim. iplaUicd dt«m »he l.ttle pink cheek
SUU rha.
kh S‘*this bi*. 1
up near the ceUing Th^ iorsakai
____ _ „
^ or
or' slau
slate kft here and there upon
On wle at all new $ stand. I Oc a copy. $1.00 # year. .'
The S. a McCLURE COMPANY. 44 E. 23d St.. New York
came in. a moment after, hroimi. lan. and fcather-du>t. r m hand,
the U.t 4«ueuug edge of a Imle pink drear war divap^ri^
into the fli-pdis of the big, emnly ccaLbo*. and lU alopwg bd
wak lowering uikui a flaxen hc-xd and cowering little
crouched'within Tiiclc .Muluel having pul the to m to rights,
'Wteping and ihiMiag, with many a rhcimutic ;roan m accumiMimnenlJ closed the wiiuk-wv and going oul drtw* Ihe door
alter himj and, a. was his cu>t.nn. U*cked it.
Alkv. : Tarat much outer my way,” coodcsci
vuu there.” .And meekly they followed m bis
' It wk* dark when a oftotley throng of unc
iafll.^ighbors. and^chiklren w«it chmhi^^tl
ing st^rwac-of the dark school building behm
oi the: skeptical Uncle Mkhacl lantern in hand
tteo person ol tmmr uoo. m her desk, awaiting, her miser
, • j'
Doctoring Poor Yard Soil
j-V'. SPAIR i, UK. uf^ the u A reason
why so many
bock aud
iiuny yafdr*-4M»th
v«dfrom-lcK.k rcnurkably like a de
serted brick yard or the flkX.r ol an
elephant’s ball room. Many of these all
too numcrims eye sores have had fer
vent thought, strenurms labor and k.vmg
care bestowed upon them durSg at least
ouc 4irmga only to be .followed by a
heart-breaking summer and a jugfciiiaut crush for a finbh m th< lalL
Cl.ny in V>o copious quantities is gen
cr.slly the trouble. Without a little sim
ple kimkrgarten treatment a heavy clay
is a idugh proiKisUkm for one who longs
for a link lawn, a few flowers, and per
haps just enough vcgcUUes to rra%s:.ken
the almost' forgotten taste of ually
fresh food -from the faun
Soil heasily loaded with day is a slip
perv, slunv mess in Udh spring and fall,
needing many weeks of w..rni sunshine
to bring it into cmlition to fork or
spade. When it i-s roUKlny br<*ken by,
dint of muscle and nerve-racking energy,
it presents a miscellaneous discourag
ing mc-ss of clods and lumps on winch
rake, hoc or even roller make little im
Seed pUnted in such a chaos will
strive hard to gel a fo<*thold. but Uiwccu mmiaiurc cave openings and flinthke surfaces, it can. make httlc hc;.d.
way. Feeding rootlets of y^.ung plants
set oul in it struggle a b:l and give it
up and human nature follows suit.
There is a way to remedy this state of
affairs and it is cheap. For a starter,
dump the a>hcs from the ftiruacc and
the cook-stove on the refractory soil
big cUiikers with the flafe/
___ ^___ then fork it over and see bow
much better things go.
When the street gutter is cleaned out.
abed the fcicly puK'erized stone, sand,
dead Waves and street washings in
aump tKat on and you have nude it
possRik for seeds and plams to get
There is a porous medium thus pros-ided to atopfb aod hold moisture iagtead ol kttag it run off as fast as h
fjJh. If oM manure is at band, um H
and yxmt deme may aU be gratified by
plant growth of direts kind.
In the fan throw the auiv
on >t«r rofl aud if the soil is still stiE,
more street daiL mixed in wiU work
Sandy eoaiiamu easily
qnkkiy wh«ped hdo shape. It
works too es^. It blows about ond
exposes root growth to sun and air;
moisturt goes through H like a aieve.
What it needs U somethiiig to hind to-
gtther the particles of sand and soil and
fonn a sort ol catch baMn for bolding
Here manure is needed. It will sup
ply the Ncty vital vegetable and other
*.rg.xnic matter to ab-airb, to rot a»d to
bind. Ami to frriili/e and improve in_
other ways, auttmni leases, grass cHpjungs ami even wct:ds wlien not carrying
vecds will all help to make a ami to
uw all sorts of plaiUs.
All the weeds that arc cut arocmd the
place sh.nild be chopped IV and buried
thiv Mul Only be sore to cut all the
seed |»tK and roots away and burn
them. If yim bury cither weed seeds
Toots, they will be almost sure to
me u^
Many anuiteur garelnifri kmg for
me of the rich black w.il that they see
, the wckkIv Well, the right kind
(dry. bK>sc. frubk black leaf mould) is
all right; but the muck or peat which is
found in K.gg>’ or swampy spots, and
which IchJcs niosl tempting, is unfit for
garden uve when fre-hly dug. excepting
for aquatic plants. It is tough, fibrous
and generally “sour.” It should, there
fore. be dug during the summer, thrown
in a heap and left for the winter frosts
work on it. However, it may be util-.
i/cd qiaringly for inimcdialc use if it is
put into deep holes in ific garden and
cxivered with three or five inches of dry
kam. It this top covering of loam is
frequenUy worked, it often produces excelkm results. After one season the
k>am may be spaded mto the muck, and
the result will be an exctplioaaUy rich
The Value of Tree*
W hen peupk move into a new boi»e
there n wmething that the>- generally
nealea, or at kau leave ul! the laA
That ia'the study ai»d eare ol the trees
that are pbntcd on the rtreet Ime. At
. „jtter oi iact. these should k attc^
ed to fcic The garden can'be andeand remade any nnpiber ol tinea. The
trees are there to suy. The trees on the
street have more to do with makitig or
marring the cfiect of a house than the
garden hns. in mmry eases. See that Ihe
tod aroiind the street tree* is
at least onoe a week.
tn at leul the
dtgfh of h*U the sgnrk. Prine than
every fall In the spring trim oC Ul
.Winer killed wood. Tie a hand of cot
ton aroond tndi one akoat 6vc feet ap
the trunk eariy ia thn spring, to prevent
calennikr. (ra> dUUng np. Watt*
for- boreriL Five minMes of attenrinn
a day may save yo« tseca And ia a
few years your hoMa wffl he moctb
from one to five per oak more kaa one
that ha. neglncted tnee ia front of h.
m i
RLW op fA5AIOH5 »
jjlj w/mm
r ^ -•
Mjm: Wai«Kbml38L
BMkt for tl)t CaMterAooikll
MoChii«y Link QonXc
arc tomes in hmltMil ^
them, toukti SHl be imppy.
“Pigs is Pi^s”
•or MIm MMMnttf 4i ttew npfcrmi «r ^
iW, HMtMTmmfyIMSM. NtvYwkQty.
Sl^tW «4W lm< Ld Ikca umm«t «ke Ml» «itli
"a mtU hlw *od «biu clwcb »oaU W akt. «1ul< th« >olkt
to allow your corsets to*1tt Wer than at pmem. agy to
the waiM mcmarc 36 instead of 24 taches This, then
«0b <o «M«di. YciJ CM Mr a thMlri <4 Uu«,
uvr. mh^ tlw >kn» cwdd W nibef raft uilwt uc the <Uk.
a* you Ikmk be»t. with tlMhed capc» <ir over ftlreves the e4jtf>
Umrn^ vruh Uttle frUU. ll« eown woold theo be a coobiiu
Uon 4i jumper and Prioceibt. U yon think an extra wrap i>
»ecc*iarjr. I thooM *u«x«t i rrarcoette made in long. lo«*c
fttyir Cream aergr auiu will anrcly, be worn, and are ever
You wdl need a nice hat and one ior kiK<k
feto, 1^ d»rk brovn. cm bbi* md cMpWmi Uir.
l4br«d WWilo
too «tr« Wora^<ner « pUmly
Uomc TW tkirt m4 grey «&
* ^"i^r mav be oC bbdt erm or Leghorn. Chm » nwe.
but u ape to catch the dual and hold it, making IbThtck k«4
gray. and. ta the bat mmt ace a good deal o( wear, k abould
U iomethini that can eaadv be wlord ofi and of light wetghi
on the h«ad Iran witb knou of x^hei and any preferred
dowert. The aecond hat ahooM be a neat toqne. my of hUk
brmd. ado^ whh a jauncyr pair of wu«t in anv demred
coloring. Include a nice chiffon veil. nrU biting gt..yo and
trim footWMr. and 1 am aare you will be amari^ and thor
V*«- *.. -.-.
^ ir-siHr.r
Marjorie Dane’s Latest Patterns
A iUtk voile Mrift IMP br orovidrd lor vrrar triib the cr««m
O KLDOM laa any favhion Uken ao hriti a hold upon fmuainc
^ fancy a^ has ihr <asc of the over waivt' Kjich new varutkm Mrmv a hit m.jic attractive than the last and there is
peMine enthonaam fell for each new design. Here is we tl.at
u hoih novel and charming and that u adapted U, almost evrrv
scnacmahk material In the iOurtration it is ma<le of old ai,rK<»:
l^hnly aatw inmnicd with velvet of the aamc color and hands
ui tht JMlaria! and hrifliant jrwrlkd buttwi. but %ckA h guile
Ic ffl Uli. linen and all the nretiy ctdt.m staffs are
10 made, while k would br sU^H to hud anv better
is dtttindly novel and effective, Init is iu4 oliligatory and anv
lWa?l!»I Dane: A» you have helped ao many. I would
appreciate your advice very much 1 am a girl of 17. with
dark eye. and dark brow., hair and dark dcin. My nua.
ready to U
Tbc waivt is made with fiimis and lacks ami Ocevrs. Ib-ih
the fronts and the U»cks arc luvked at Uk- shoulders ami tbe
rktsiitg is nude invisibK at thv lack 1 he froius are held t«r.
grlher by atrant w which the little bows ate arranxed and the
theyea art m WU. or kimono, chape^ In dm mstance the waiu
IS cut out in aecticms and velvet is applird under the etlKc'.ind i,
timshed with souuche braid within all edges.
1 he quantity of imtenal required for the mc«liuro si/c is 2*1
yards. .M Vi yards
<.r Vi vards 44 iiKhev wuk, wuh 5 yards
of velvet to make av illustrated
i ,12. M.
,V .vnd 40 pKh
SKVI-N (;ow:d ti cki
skirt .vj>
Ttuks make really ideal trimming ii,r the light wemTu gvH^lv
of warm weather and here is a skirt tlut shims wuk* mvrs al
the hem with tun vcrtK'al ones at tlve seams \s illustratesL. n a
nude s,f ring dotted cottw voile simplv stttcheil. but it is cqiluallv
well suited to all the Jong rang^ of kncK waOuhlc fabrics and
to the many beautiful silks and wools that are U> be woru
throughfoii K,|h the spring and summer. Marquissettc .lud chif*
fun voile arc charming so treated. jw,iigc< and iIk thin Mlks are
adiiMiahle when made after the design and the hst of .vvaiUbk
goods isahm,st as kuig as the wc of seasonable iK,vellicv
■I is nude in seven gores and there are two tucks of
raJuated lenRih
length laid
Laid at each seam At the lower edge is a hern
and above it are two tucks
tmks of njual
ojtial width, the
tbc efft*ct
etfs-ct of which u
give me«led
c«led weight to the kiwci
lower portion of the skirt as w
to maker satisfactory trinuumg
llie quantitv of nutcrial required fi*r the mctlmm sue is ID^
sards 21 «,r ^ or
y.,rdi 44 inches wide when nutcrul has
Kgure or nap; 9^ yards ,L> or 6L vard> 44 inches wide when it
The patu«m &JS is <u| in sues ft,r a 22. 24. y, 2? and A) inch
waivt measure
l.iihcr luturii will
mailed to am address on the receipt of
ten rrtus. Address hUrjorie Dam, 44 West Twenty third Sirs-et.
The Great American .
Pie Company
By blub pabkbb smsB
The Bgioo Anoievu who chortled o««
“Pig* it Pw” «« *aiin to «ccord il»detenw^
dium sue I and preLrably
in color or trimnung. Your
dresses shpuld reach ywr shoe tops Shghily wave your knir,
thru raise lit as much as po^ublr m tavmpatkvur effect, fie srhh
rtbb,«. tbeh braid all \hr hair together. k«op i« the nape of the
Dear ^ts« Dane Have heeu readilqe .w>ur vahuUe ad
^ vice to mqtttiies aKmi drevs and would ht' vrrv' glad to have
ywr idms aboot what I shall wCar this wnmuer for a thm
dress I do ik4 care hf white I am 1*^ years okk 5 feet
6 inchesj 3t. bust. M waist, hips ,\S. dark brcnsTi hair, gray
eyes vcjy gotnl
1 wiali seenething that will laimdry
weU. !la\< vyrs thk'k hair, but never can arrange it be
eomingl.V what kmd of hat shall I wear?-Miss M. C B.
fUMh vo^ir oT.nng and nnvpottmm are so
that success
ful dressing shivuld W a lUcidcdlv tasv matur All shatUs of
gray will \x wry hccomiiig to you Why not hasr one of the
prcily cherktd colum voiles? “Ihrsc wasli well and will suit
you brttt r than a plam material I he double skirt effect is the
very btvl |n>odcl vou can choose .4ml «,ne that lends itself well
to launder mg The upinf skirt is gathered iul*. the belt and
ends just PhKiw the kiu< in a hem ar>d a couple of fuAs The
deep flt,uiice Is sr.mlarly liuuhcd and u connected U» the upper
Mo Dane Your replies
Dear iM.ss
others have alwavs
mtcrrstdd II
•O I thtvught 1 WiHll
»uld ask vour advice also
I have fiioii
tiioiigh maurial
h>r a
t: It i> dark red Ih> you
' d bw-k grwttl
grwxl in a pleated skirt and pony
I would
ctal.> My proportKms arc. heqthi 5 feet
incbea bn*t »
iiKhcs. iaist 22 tiKhrs 1 am l.s sears old. have daA brown
hair, light
fht bre
brown eves I pale) light complexion, bwt good
cok.r T’lcavc
,f the cidorv 1 can wear 1
dark bhie
c skirt is ahenit 4
hate to thrr>w il
y\4i advise me how to lengthen
n it. if possible?
The reti pleateil skirt and tv.ny coat will uivb.ubicdJy Ucomc
you Th4 suit should be relieved a little. I fancy, as aff red
willI be rather warm locdring
lotting for sum
summer This <could Ur done
bv facing]ctdbr and cuffs with white. ------- and outlining
Mack and geJd
giJd soutache or. ^if y«,u wish, au added ccJlar
cuffs, while"pique, buttonhr.bd in shallow scallops on the cdg«
I he skirt if pleated, will nerd no trimming, bat tke coat may
have the scams from the shoublerH c..vcrcd with fancy IJock
braid Ihc sleeves may be three-quarter or full length, just as
you prefer.
« vouf Woe JeSrt w!U .How of bcin* droppxl, yom irnght
Icnsthcn V ».Uhi^ a hip yoVc. say r.i blue muiie lilk
seci4id saggeslum IS
is to 1lengthen it at the bottom with a band
rial a blue and white narrow striped g.KHh,
scallops and the
of faiKy {braid.
fwmi* pre<hc«B«t
A Good Samaritan
By Many R. 8. ABBBBWS
Do you ««1 McCLURES? Then you m.y mii» whet k
mevK when we c«ll ihi. probebiy the bert tbort itoiy that om
•p^^inlhemegeziiie. Diet'* why k wm reicued from cfibeiiieral
and iA.linto.book. h»ar.^uleoJ.^y«rth
Xhe Pots
M<Chire. Phillips & Ca.
44 E«st 23d St., New York
McQui*; Philkp. & Ca. 44 E«t 23d St. N. Y. Gty.
Enclo*ed find $.............. Plewe *ayi me portpud:
u oi the skirt and band
concealed by a 1
The Marjorie Dane Catalogue
a a of Fashions
t a a
Cnf^U5 KHP DOY.3
a a
sweet ir sang GJdni ITuoat, Tocking
C WITT, sweet, s.
a a
would be:no more song dreams for Child-Marjoric.
SpHngtinie c.ime. and something stirred in the heart of the
rosc-lrcc,| Then a tiny bod bowed its green button.
My tnre rt going to bloom/- sniDed pale Child-Marjorie, -^ut
^c;mi»t t water it myself any longer. 1 mint let Grandmother
Dawn jvroke on a limpid Aprfl day. and found Child Marjorie
vtill sleeping. Just av the sun crept round the cUimnev pc*iv
she awoke The soft rays fell on the rmptv little cage and
the soft hair of the white.faced child on the little bed. But it
chonc also on a yellow ro>e on the lop of the rti>e tree-GcJdcn Throat has come hack!” was Child-Marjorie's 6rsl
Then she linked again at the iioddmg glory of the
And GokleoThroat sang with his feathers all a quiver:
**A gardeiw fair as the flash of dawn, a rose garden ro jane.
that the hers know it from afar and the hive-march beginv with
the da>U«hU AU day kmg the bors plunge in among the rose
petals and ttaggrr out laden with honey tor the waxen comlw.
AU day bmf the libnviWM nod and whivpcr to the bees, and the
Isttle winds bustle about among the rose-trees and shake off
the pcUls that have had enough of blmviuing. Then the rose of
twdtgla apreads over the iky like a enrtam.—and ihai skx-p.
sleep r
Gividm-Tbroal't song ended in a drowvr twhter that nude
Child Mirjnrse tad and ruh her eyes then die locked up
Z ®?f
bbc «l nigtat whta Ih* aim mooo tide.
And \GQldefk-Throat
i-Thrcat sons:
Now the old world
wind, aid the grem
WKeu the weather tubs yoa not
I ry smihrxi
W-hen your coffee isn't hot.
When your n^hWs”^*t do right.
Or jAuir relatives all tight,
Sure, it's hard, bat then yon might
Dt*csn t chai^ l^^^i^s, of eourse^ j ■
But ft
.\nd h seems to help your case,
B^bt^op a gloomy plme
Then it sort o’ rests your iaew-
ipMiano, juicmgan.
-has voe s«nic tuviiuw com in nib
P<^ct and it ready to turn it over to the k>ser.^ A hundred
tunes since he found the coin he has bmn demi broke and did
not know where to pet the next meal bat he has refused to
part with the gold piece. There are some folks who think he
has been too honest If it’s your money ygn have to give the
date whp you lost it. and also the date on the coin.
k’ow tbc mist takes shape and beautiful faces flash oat
the City of Light. Oh. lisleu. Marjorie, Jisten^
SITRC* loa room tnc son was gowe.
nox\ oi son
snowftJces feU on the window silk Uttle GoMen Throat was
sikut Onld-Mar^ looked oil Helajreatheioorofliis
litlle c
dead Hu tipy heart bad broken with the sweetness
of his ow4 wild smging*1 I iaM hiuT bias in the jar where my rose-tree grows,*'
Mhhed ChidSatjoriib -VetMe he mff of the foeeaThei won no more Moffs foe the child w il|e Igy ea her
a a
\ “atnff me Oit Rom Eream. Golden Throat”
G<4dni Throat! Sing
a a
wJJirre^eTpl* f^l^cenuT Heu*d
Marjorie l>ane, 44 l^last Twentj-third Rtreef
New York iMy.i
*lxatres, leaves, Ihtle gmn leaves ercrirwherr,—a suU dark
csHKi^ overhead to diut out ty hoi son. Hclow, green uodcrS^drla*l<. wit.
Motaorca *ml *Ucr.
isMi and xwtvtlsm, dainty maidenhair and dusters of sinrd>
yogiV^b<«ch.^nmts Nev^r a sound bnt the caU of the kme-
raTlTloas In dre«l*f6r*CMeu,^mlL<^VhridM
aud girh
girlw and InlWnta
In addUloa i
ibtnn cuts there am
o valoabl
rtieivs, one pertainC IO tine u
jM-d In Ihe guKhlug
l5^i::nV:ua!r?t:g^%^e“a*u7.be other
of baby cluthcw.
clotbea. The llln»«ratloDs
pa iiy 1 ag thrae
hear t wo art It
U le**
lea nhour
t he ff nl«hed
rell as the vartons
various parts In prooe««
garuieiit» a* well
motion, nnd
and the vnriums
varlomi kinds of Mltob•ry employed.
The old frandmothcr did not know. She kru w nothing abont
the dreams Bat when she had folded the white handv and
straightened the folds of the httlc white night gown she plucked
the yeUow rose, and laid it on the breast of Chfld-Marjorie.
^It contains n^ar^ a.\0 paiiern ^IluMraUo^
kr Oh.
And CKvIden-Thraat S4ng :
^Md •
a a
Tbr. the spHng mud anmmev of IIK>7 l« now
ready for diatrilmilon. The catalogue Is au at.calve tMmk of ea page* In hand} reading
N-obodj but OuUI M»rjorw hc»r«J A Jow.
from out tht ytilow piuU \V« it.GoWtn Thiroat come again*
over each other, dunffiRff «*ape ana mehtng mto one another,
till thev roU up together like great white moumams in the
south and cast Jiad Utile white <aps rudi hither and thither,
peU mell over the Mue water. Rolling and b^hig into foam.
Sic lung waves chase each other eastward,--lostng and findmg
Ihegrselves again, but nertr catching np with each other.
^Ahcad of the Vloe>waves swings a white sail.-dippmg and
fawn* tan. dark green, cream, ivorv
could struggh through the nuie of ehimnev pois ami
brick walls ami peer tn through the window at the littk cage
where ik.kkiiU.r.cii lived A bwig ray reached in throughThc
leaves «,f a rose-tree and tenderly touched the yelknr hair of
a palc'faccvl girl who lay 00 a small bed near the wmdow, and
•he looked up
•iWtoM looe Ui^ iIm pMt^. -k't ke ImsiMi
■ wriw Ms KmJmh Bsiy. Do^'x
You arc a little
By Bun Manx amm
B0» WMWniiiBtTsi’ hyot Uw
tl»l • aim,
.Vhoul a dom> fairocr,' Uaa in Xc» Haavduc tumnl out
(WC Satit<Uy laU wiiacr to hunt down a iox that wai known to
have hit law in a hUI. Rrvward wa^ SnaUf tatwd OM. and
(hw. boti aintn^ to two boor, and that «« np. ,W>en t^
I nmt Bahink. bo did Sue:
With out fines preasely baited.
On the bonk wt sat and wailed.
But the ktih were %hf.
The little things of life are what caui#
ns the most trouble. It b easier to
do(%e an elephant than a microbe.
Sunday-school Teacher-\\*hy did the
Susan's MDhiwf che^s were glowing, Uwd command us to love our neigh
Susan's dflUpiM. Myly showing.
Provwd a prrt^snare;
UtiW UBiaiL-l guma k was *tauM
wi^can get 'aloof with most evetvh^ •
Fhho? WeX there wcK not «Miy:
»?v£t£t!rs,f5rai *>-
ike «H up to iUxc
home-aretMiakrr mhu umJcftaikft
frock mukt dr«w hrpub on hrr^ttock, of taiicncr. for
arpcnd ui*.u the muhipUriiv of tu miuU hut
eflpctiv* ind a*inlv tnmnitiigr A frm Mt* of Gcniuu Vul Ucr.
m«ialhon» m%rt Mud edged with
ilouhic eu even tripW
row* <4 Ucc rdgui*. in^ruoo luicriHuud
fr»nn a Kr<.mctncal
MUtro. tnd lor the )<ike pitd alcrvr*. Urc of one wemhl in*ct
Uto Utc of Miutber On *omr of the «marir«t drc^%e« of thii
'•ort, three *ort% *.f tfimnung api»e*r and vet tike effm u luH in^
c«^niout or inarti»tif. ai»d it i% the wkimul comhiiuUKui of
tiui teUft the hoiike M-werA talent and ivtluiKC. Many
i Ka%r crawl to attetnpi the taeV of maViiig elaliorale
\mmttit frockc. for factorie* are turmn* them 4m« in »uch pro*
and eoch lfuun|d.* uf
drecvinaker bought tuehe >ard% 4»f loiute at 45 cent> a vard
A% tlkc goun pa» to be made pruKcs> and vhe wa» *Hnder. *he
frelected bibc Irifch medalhoiie iii a good imtuiion at 75 cemc
each to fiarni her girdle The n%cdalHon>
l««». narrow
<*vaU. and it required eight to fonn the prnucev girdle effeii
Three Udie id licrman Val lace, at $1 W |k-t Udi. were required
fv#r niakina the getuiietiical ligure aU»ve ihe hem of the fckirt.
arrow the luict. oui\ming the \oke and linohmg tl*e alerve*. with
a bpU of narrow cr edging at 75 ccnt» for hnuhing U
ahe wz% too thin to wear a ik»w necked dre\*. her
of Inch alWover iiiW wiili inedallHm
inwrikai, pinked out wirti flat rudi
all -vrr cog her 75 ceiUc more Com
rciad from
r home drewinakcrik amhiiiovic i«» show their
Chiite the newest inmlcl i> the panel prmccsc gown which
roine^ 111 white. |ulc blue, pink and lavender inerceriretl lattstr.
riie juneU are of hue Imks U»rdfrcil b> l.erman Val lace in a
■ \uui luttern 1 he Mervo 'how me<lallii.ns of guipurc ycm>c
rdg*^ wiih fluting <.f Val. and live M*ke diown a comhinalion of
lialiMc ruchings with the Val Uc. flnidird wiih a guipure vvijinC
. Another om piece frmk in imrceri/cd laliNie offer, a prettv
decoratnui in Wall of I ro> design Intwcni the skirt 9
the niflW and aCTO.% the hodier afiovc the wai.>t line.
lercrriied latiMe ha*
fold, and land* of ihiu> lace, edged
lerii. Hic pointed yoke, rev errs and
am' .Icrve* are
made almost wdidly of haiiae guipure, cluny^aitd
gown nu^
Simpleid uf all, hut very effective, is
rimrcly of line Imking anil C»emun Va
medallKin hni'lics the deep yoke,
\m further inhoinalion about the>e frock* or any topics convider^ in thi> departnient will l*e cheerfullv .answered on receipt
Ko Auewakiwa. bowanswered in.these cohminik.
Livivlk UswitcgcE. »
\ TK« Unsweetened
“Baby»* Staff of Life'*
Why It Mdce. Hedthy, Slroiif Bdiie.
q Firtt ptace if. • whet food.
H Why? Aik the doctor: he wiU tell
^ you that all the elemenu needed to
make firm, rosy flea> end etronc muKkiL
bone* M>d teeth Me locked op in • ktrnel
of wheat-.nd in no other *rain. And
there’s no wjw in it. Why? Beceuse
sweet ibods nuke flabby fat end not sobd
I And there’s no pepsin or other medi' cine in It. Why? Because none is
necessary. It s own food properties make
it easily digestible. Babies so weak that
they can’t retain or di(est anythin* dae
thrive on it. It heljw and strengthens the
Uttle etomach-not only for the time bein*, but for aU time. In short, h’a an a*. .
> around, natural/oorf-one that all ba
bies need and crave-Oilrf HOthlUff
II Try it for tick babiea-it will make
^ themwclL Use it for wen babies, hi*
or little-just see how they will *rowl
i. Ai
How durdy. etron* and happy it wM
rJl” make them, what appetite* they wU
have, bow sound they win skepL
Rag Doll FREE
vw» w.-y«w^ni«*iefe name end address and tell ue if he
■TriJ^ ns ctsTof Imperial Oranum we wiU promptly
vou^BSokuTBLY FREE e cufe re* doU to cot opt for baby^e
JOliTcmE tfsJSbO^ 153 mr St. N«r
u. s. a.
IHBLM amaa <ak* «IU
«iu lar't
> oi tn cAmm.
' auy
AU «r' thoi *uvc
•y W*rt te toe Simning tonnord.
on tot crop- mC"tot^^
t tf Jamet A- Hnmo.
«NmM* K fk.
moot tf nntiuohtot nod ikt odldm
••■MHo krokn out to-pit wktPt pit
Pm board of tmdo todgy nod Pm
ITa M«».
«M> rt^r^-psnr
■r oditpl loor ototo hr oool
tood Pm kAgboot pttot of
••Wkool will ft to OUft
I'K'k* U l» I
*»lMr r. a WkMBk mm tow •
0ammmt^m vt tnmktm Uto Mk ttei
to •#! vto% kto mm to * I
Tto irtMipit
<0W Mtoiltoi »Ml .Slk Rkl»to.. M.
tUUBk iMtoif Wroncii tb» otty i6day
It MMto tkat vttkto Ui« past Ur«<«
>«ut Muw vktovs U Joka C. Hsll
kav« all itok papars aaktop for tk«ir
aUtotoot of ika papsto fmad. Tke •TAIKt •RCAKtM AND *TAIKCKt HAP •ATTI.I TORAV.
kkvo iaally oarsvaM Ika Collovlac
4«toi C. Hall aito aif.- Bora4 to UUs
ookiitar la Um aarty ftfttoa. uktop ika
Ui^lkoaw ai Oto matooa. Wkaa tka
Hvg par kntoa oat HaU aaltotad sad
* It'll kto plla-aiU srvaral MsaU ©kll
oraa u» mm for krioaU aad aarn
Uftog for ika CaniUy by kard labor.
Aflar Ika par ka aaalo took up tkt
f-oBily burdaa. tomtoa vlth kin
liy la KofikpoH. Pkraa ka was
sat kaapar at tka Cai Hoad liakt
Aflar a top yaara tkcra ka
1 Djorad to OM Mtoalon By Ik
hfa kaaltk kad kapua to fall apd tka
i hIMrto para baWp laairtt^ ot.
(tot of tka daatktani took a kus
imi hr Ua mama of Oatdaer pko
c^PVtod a kriek yard at 0k RapUto and
U ppa ptok kar tkat tka ooupla p
to Hva. A skori itoia afwr uktop
tkair raaldapot pitk tko Oaidoar s i
t»i4 laap dipppad oat of afght. k»d
smui mi ME itiwD
prPMfkt to Ttdny-rivo 0g Ltoom
Ouo to Pall Tt
By Wire to tka tovening Rm»rd.
at to aaa. ...b dky
bay ky
to Pa WaiL
Hr mad* bU «IH yntorday.
wau*d. wait no longer-
WAHTa>—Mra av tb* Tistm**
may Mt
TOT onn get a good m«nl at tka Uttto Tnvdm Sunday from 11 to X for
'togy Itolt
th« almanac bay* it.
«od <mr »tor» and *lato« Ato
l*Uy u» twu u« la McurO «rtta
XatoreY OMUBd*. H >ou caai
0x1 MNDMUag iu ta«. uuio
■»»«. tot Hue. ur to (•«.. BtTA
u. wit you -domi to Ika
*rouu4.--or nutor toVcb to
you aw UIL
Itor yruuU BM*r
-wUed. our Bprio, .tjrM.
ktouM akWi# auy miUL
ko knew he ixuildn t Ince kls
nioiker or apeak to kU fnther without
We •io;' our Oxfoitl Sodk
bis deiermtoatktt melting,
become Ured of the monotony of farm 4uiU‘ oflen. We’ve koI C>xforvk
life ai»d longed to be In a city where worth siogiijg uboul Uiu
there were Things to do and thing* to
There’s liothlng g iiton wtisra
lie kad never been away from bome that is apt toi excite
exoito so much erili.
over bight before and it was with a oism sa hia Oxfortis.
light heart that he set out upon hU
adventure. Perhaps there wla a pang
Our Uxforvlfi are Kight-we
when be left the old familiar pUcs*. know it. mid it ti Ibr this reasoi
perhaps not. but anyway today he was
we i:all alteution to them so fre
taken back on^c moo*, not the strung,
vial wart boy that left the old place.
lad »Ub mark* uf dliEeribg iu
hu o>es and a white bandage on his
prodalming that he was maimed
fil^^U^eWhen the boy came here ko securet
work In the LHal Wood Disk com
pany M plant in the wlre-t nd depart
OUS OOTTLIta LOST MVCH VALUbt. WTille working there last bight
lb ocK»ck kls left* hand got caught
in the machine with the result that
kr«*e finger* were taken ofi
He was taken to Dr Swunion s oI
fioe wheiw It was found nocesaary" fth^
portion ot ike aiumiuF to be ampu
latcd. Tki* morning kls father took
mck to tPs^tod-kome at Lake
He had been gone only a wet'k
PATUROAY, may U. 1907.
A. V. Friedrich
Seller ol good shoes.
The Bible tell* of u yuimg luau
wandered far and fed kimselt r.u the
huvks that shiriiia have gone u. Ur
hor;v. .Alter be hud drunk the die#:
of 11U be look himscif borne, his prld*huiublod and hi.H spirii abused. .And
le tuOiSi* kUled the fatted <*iU and
ade u great fed*t and welcomed him
IS tom r.4imeni was replaced by new
id he was given a fre.<H vtart in life
That was many thim*.»nd year a .igo
H even today thi^ Moi> I* repealed
o>r and o'er and every night the
world weary proif^gaU. bt-m and boat'd
aod maiuuHi go home while thi>M> who
no longer have a home face only weu:
id bioken hoiw** and longmg*.
No Matter How Well Behaved
Your Boy Is
He * toto on hi. thoea He would not to e boy it to wee not
Knowing <M« we refueed to buy lino efur i.ne ol Boye' Bboo*.
bocouoo we did not thmk they were all that boye' etoee baaM to
be. We neve every eonIkHnee in to. l.n. w. d«l buy, twctoto ttoy
.*«» good all toe way through. We hove eo much cenBdeneo la
tlwm that we want you to try a pa.r for your boy.
Bachant & Ros^
Smith Realty Co.
Don't wait until the hot
suu w ill blister or litlK* in-
six'to will get into the
iM xly spruml paint.
Paint Early.
Weoau *iivo you on 6r*t
one ^e oldest and most
rtdiabir on the market,
will save yon still woro
money by ita long wear.
PaiuU and color cards at
Drug Store
Carry a complete aod full
line of
' Supplies.
Farm andCIty Property
For Sale.
P^pt a*d Cosrtcww Trsat.
meat to AIL
Cit rbonea—Reaideaoe. 2tO,
< Fffit*. 3j[
Fbyd Smith. Amrer.
Or. Sarnh fhaa^Said Tl^ tha Child
Should Hav* Nina Hours sIm
Total of gg.9H Comoa to th. CouMy.
II Por Capita Poing Paid
' This Spring
Grand Traverse county geU gC^l6
to the semi tlitoual npportiunmeni of
prlmgry school money divld(>d as folIowa:
No. included
to the
and ciUe*.
Pammatar. rtokig, 2toSto
UnatoMtoi tamparatura far gnto 24
Hoorn. 41.
Minimum. 90.
Claody. Oantia north mind.
aoulharly wmda bacomlng t
and probably high gunday.
Clirt* TM*I(M mm WM* • tthMi* By Wire to the Evening Record.
New Yoik. May .ll -Befoie aka on
tered tka Tomka today for her oaual
visit to her knaknad. Mrs. Harry K
Wfcll* Wlac a « uWr at Irriu*
Thaw stoppad long enough to deny
Kwrair^i M*t ak<.p y«aw.lay. <^ri.
Ike stories tkat she has been to HtisI^MprA. a boM bulWrr. ,.,<.1 ai.
l<!ll tkaMb OC. Uw aM>iubrr brlac brid
t.. ia» hMd by oal, a .mall pl«
<I«ab. 1\* aav U nu by a amaH
-lla. MCta* aad lurea at a bl«b rai«
M.UIIV. Ward INtoarto lor
Of aM«. K> Its work vaa T»ry yajod
r.tlM for ApuBSicHi. Which
tkb ikM Ibst tbr boa*
May Toko Maoo ToS»y.
tba atlaadlac i>hyaicia« ba.
“ve tb* ibuath. alrta.
»y Wiro to too iC^^a* KoroM
lAh»»»a MIcb . May U.-HepwoMiW. a C. ObmalM baa rrUinu-d UUvr Ward baa br*ii raaortd to tba
WHsl aad oiU ba opeAtod
from a ^ to Dm Baarer lalaada.
ThsHohaKOo.. pwift
•Tm ready to go borne, falker.- aald
tko 14 yeoivoM son of W. D. 8huu uf
1-akc Ana ikia morning.
Til nevc4
New York. Hay 11—DMperate kattlea betpefn tko strlko bioakem and
tko gtrikt aympatlviaem marked the
progruM today of tke kmgaboremon’a
atriko, Tkrm* hundred HympnUUem
at tko **rknn." an opan apace to front
of Ike lUlUn pier* at the foot of West
Tklrty-kMirtb street, to an Irresistible
Urn toopllii tom 01 -r-t tm, kaak. jaisIV. »nm kk enuni numbpr of atrlk
tiiai to^SoiHd. rhapM«M«akad brtmker* oI Uut iilem.
Renenros from ike Wt^l Thirty
Htttootoy kM tPM by him lu rid him
•venik street police station
•a»tf oTaftr troiibla frt.m bU trst mllv
It on n riot mil but weiv powerlma
at bo WM M Iba ttoie Urine pith
' wtimmm to Upawaa oaoaiy.
iw and the tend, rluto ne rves kad to be
ghart DlaUnca Fj>om Hia Homoni to Iheh kkl to verul men
•‘Wlad. pUhltorlorso.H. tUoc and 11
Two Parmis of Praia and
v« frly injurtd.
Coppar Wtr« Takan.
huadtetl uejjro ntrlkc breaker*
kor balctp agato dtosppaar
rrv bruushl lu UMla.v by lke*"Old bo
htotory tbaa took a iump Into WHkoi*
inluu line. The simuiers kltoncapo
»:to. Pkara kr togirtod again and IIv«h1
lis. New York. I’lubrla. Uyndatu and
Otu Ooalieb of no; Wa*hiugton
wlik tkr poami until ko died.
all due to snil m th<> morn street, dealer in old metal, hide
In tke «oautla»e Iha flrat kitn. H«]l
urn get away
so forth. suffeiXHl a h«*veix* los* !i> roh
had gone bUnd ake paa aloKiat beW
bery lam ntobi. Hi* warcbouM*
leaa and ako married a man namad
broken Into by thieve* a bo lieK'uriHl
Itondat In order to bave a k<
iwo barrel* of heaw bims* and
dto grtP tired of htr very akortly and
seven sack* of k|l rubbers-for
ont day Mt a trap dour upon Urougb
which Mr Goulleb paid
wkkb akt aiepiud. brt*akln* her blp.
Beottot toft bei and dhd of avH.ium OHARLEg M. gCHWAP OFFERS Hlg sclIiuK pike U?iug much more.
OotiUeh nutlflt'd the iM.llcc dcpartu
ifomena a few aeok. latci .
this moiuiug and diUsmt ibearch has
Ntto Ikai all ikrtu. clalmn have hen ti
ide during tb
tookod Into, no divoixHi found and
ikart being no legal ceremony In the Has Put toO'TKraa Million Dollar laadtog ui the thieves
giructura to tha Hands of Pmkara
It was shown by tracks that n wanon
rocond mae. u U pwbahio that
gays tha World.
drove up to the wareb«u*r but .nfier s
•ml Mrs. Hal) aUl draw qic pension
abort distance from the house the
ittotc of depart ut\‘ <m*uK5 noi be tractHl.
Wire to the ISvenlng Record.
Agents of the local railroad and
New York. May 11.—Tlu. WoilJ^ttv
Muubtksi lines wore notified to Inleiday MV* that CbavIfH M Ikhwab «‘Pt any freight of a suspicious chaiwant* to *ell his m-w man*U»n on acler i**seniblins that stolen, and sim
RUorHlrb. dritre which, with the inmi ilar notice was given to aeenta at sta
ropii'htoi 0.9OO.OUO aad
tioas along the lines
.Mr Goulleb
plACiM It in the kanda of kroker*.
lltoTal Reward for ih«‘ upprehen
I* tired of Ike big kou* and wants to sloo of the thii ve*
LMm Aaa, Mick. M«y n_Two gi t away to ike simple life.**
•» mp^ tkrt
U» Mtil Cw«tw r. a T«w«l«y iM*r
Mr*, MMriH
•• In
kMMr (h. mall.
Mra. parry K. Thaw 0oppaP Long
Enough Today to Itony tha gtoriaa
to That EffocL
Had coom to too Crty aod Laal Night
Tkt ootoaiog prtont toal toigot
TUtm . riogom Woro Cut Oil
ly nod OMMtd n lomtoii wom: tony.
Hid Loft Hand ky Wiro
Oto/stomno nod htok to
. End Machiim.
^^^WtootoM. iO|^a«0V4C nod kack to
Ady. ttStotiHc and back to
5 cents to $5.00
Our near apnu* Um oi albaottajim
F^Aced OB uk. We are cemin that
thn IS the Urgett aad finest assort■bent ever ahoara ia the city. Any
price you wish to pay—
ftKTfMO) HCtot TOtoAY.
G0T0SI.2S. J.
w. Ma stturrs sm wn
The last meeting of the Elmwood
Avenue Mothers' club warn held yester
day sftemoun. fully a kuadied ladle*
betog to auendaiice aad tke pregram
waa oae U the most ptoAiabJe of the
year. Tke president. Mr*. Durfee.
Tke Srst part of the meeting waa
devoted to kualaess. .The committee
on Sower seeda reported
kad been dlatrtkuied amosg the ckUdrmL Three )udaea will be appointed
for esck grade and the prtxea wUl he
awarded akont tke aeoond week of
to see our new spring
suits early while sizes
- are reasonably full.
Our assortment is very
large, and yet if you
deliy too long the very
pattern you select may
not contain the size you
require. You know we
will lay a suit away for
you upon a rnnall pay
ment down,-and then
you are sure of a fit
while stock is complete.
$7.50, $n. $11.
SecOw Bm'WtaJmv.
& Hunter
Tke moving picture akow* wefk dlacuMiwd and a oommlttee of three ladles
was mppotoied to rIsR tke nuysagms
• au.00 of tke akowa aad mqumt that a Gsas
27M.S0 for that
tke other ladlea oTlke city wkea
Hast are made lor oieaaliig tka city.
Cobtlaoed oa FPaitk Page
Dost Be Served
wits soggy Bresd_
We Can’t
Help but
Urge You
cOf oourte you and your •tonmoh
don't liko' it. But if yoo will per •ikt in giving vonr wife or otx.k in.
wheat fk>Dr U a reUaUe baking
foundation a^ bria» baahh m9
jojr into kuudied of bomea. Aak
your grooer or oaU HP the.
Traverse City Milling Co.
to BEST HOUR ft 1
You do not and a Bonr that i* aay bettei nor do ; ft
yon find a aonr that u a* goodthataellf lur aB>B a ‘ft
order FLOUK
I the next Ibne ymi
Hannah A Lay Cik
^HM4 t9^viis€ls Sittfii:knt
v«a to«« toM toodtM ttoir
W«4 *
Mtob prfoK d* «mto. waa
a tv gtoaral
tto aUia waa oaly
to MMtermr tto laki^
TV Uto fTMt bi om*Mo. lMtM4
(€ tolto tv toto to»«itiria. at tU*
Wbtto Oraad
•(tod. wll «p la iV -goad road.”
Ito,' fell feworgtofe abotUd V atode to
p^llMlar totBt t« MM {If tto Mil to M«v tv vtoiy enmb atlll abtor t«
ll^. Vitx M« Mm*
toMi iV baad of tV lut.
4tm^ to totll U»4 to» to« Mtoto a
kaig Atouato Mil. Tto Oolaatoto aad
fin CVcato Yaakt aiato a*4 tto
Hm 9m 9^ m loaatai atoag tto tmm wmm. WHk
iVft bM IV IJnmu park tpatokto
Fair M •
tmm tM#
ptop JH ^ Itot {4 UtoVliifc atitot
•M WltW.
EACE liii&iili is
»Mr Ml ■&4« Ikit UM vllk «M «►
It MfMM H tklo • MkUe
»MI| iM M>f«« «M ruM a»MUi
w iactooa park to tto laV fMI
tota. Tbb irpuld maVHka mustoto of
a««aa. toataad of totog
iMl to toly tto toutk alto paopto
mI at tto aMto lUto tto pafk aroiild
V IP alatotol 9t kaaair ato uaa to
m Mtolgbltorjr. Ward A Oo to#I4M
tmUdiaga »u tVt land
IkPII mrnrt ttoir Wulldliig ato dim
tto puay ^
•fto glva vay to tbia? Not by a good
•ark ttoy pmaipay appUto lor aa
tajuaattoa apd tor pavaoM yaam tto
aMtiar Va totoi to tto aaaiU ato tV
lato front l« 94l\l a torraa. aaalgkUy
Tbat la ito polUy of
waltokftot bnaaaa. all fur tkaa
ato todblnt far oltori
la, tto moaiiUma. tho good dollar!
tVt'to!! bora aoat out of
aia HMtiif la Mirn^lai oa ika liUgatloa
aV/pbalrtoUB| Ito wldboa of th» i-o^
pl^ to tor cllf.
toto Mdr ara iVm toUara ikat aia
Vltol aaat M* Cklaatol kPrttog itot
- cUt* bill aypry dollarm ttot toarra tola
tarrltolir toaPto IVI murk moory
tar tomd roato and fmt.iuvoiui'tna. lu
tv towna and towimbito.
TV diMih of a youni Urtitoi bay,
aaiiiad by au ovrr liMlul<«nc« In
«VtoHt«a. lima dItokMl tbr Itot tbai
city many yo«n« Uiyi
IttoPto tba babii and aomrtii
aatol to bf|b aa ifly cigirflUMi a day
1>a daaib of tto boy bnwghi luito
fgkPk pitoi! for atampln* uui tbr rvU.
mm\ aaai^bto of arklrb tkat If It
to to V iupprMaoA. Ito naraal! of thr
toUllfap mnal da Ito major portUm
' TVt* U a tow agalaai a<HUuf cigar
I to ban but tola tow
to oradad la many waym. OWar boy«
toy tobacco lor4V yotogar aV tVrr
arw Mbrr waya. wUtoul tor
Vito to btomr. lu whirk Ito}
yianad of tto wned
AlMg tv many apggmitloaa ^ V
toctiPg wViker or not n boy baa boon
IPtokito wto QD# tVt tto paiwau
pVtod V moM atoctkmato witb tba
^ggrpo and toould klia tbam im thHr
totiini bMto U tba klia bairaya to^
From Clev«lu(i the
• Mail Order’.’ banking,
loOing letter today:.
'•MMr CUjr, “IT. IIIF It.-HUi
lato rokMM of (kU rltr. m* et
■UM kMUUfnl ««Mk Ik kortk
««M loM. ku kM mUM kir li»
Mr MUM rMX. Tk«l«k M. U M
yM» !«•(•>■« •'Ul
tar fram kMu kk.oM imM. BM ti
krifkl u4 ekMtM uul Mk hAtaf.
Hw tad to u (r« fMM wrtaktoi Md
kir oouptotkw u tatUitoM M
•kin at 1 kkbrFUWM rwra ano kir nMkptoitoo
• M tar froa kMMltut.
MWlaitoa iMt Mkp «M valir
w«r» Ml tka* tor kir taaa aM ImiM
dtoiHy m akoul lo tod aMM iBMhgd
vkirik) aki Blskt knp a dtn
isaaei k»4 yii • priuy oM.
Mtoa iohmaok doaa m( laUMd W
•kkk kar tan ai»»B Mr kfWM yi*ni.
kUos to kM Oka dMtorkUoB.
V are showing them litimSl7S up J
tiraaa gooda dtoaeOy fiom tV
maaofactaiwr ato wa bar* Urn
Ooma la aad V lu atow you
Tall VfiWMfb
Drop a tear for Saoreui Taft! Tbe
beefy beed of tV war department reto tv naOcmat 0*^'
lal altor a Jourwey to UV water Vie
glnto, on wbtob V eoogbt real and
ncold. UagoCboOi.
tat wben V Mlmbad og tV oglelal
depnnment V wni
gad tbat V bad
pIckV up aevea ponnda tbat V bail
managed,to abed on bU Ulp to the
adlan. Mr Taft now weigh!
would V unkind lo tea Tbe
■ecraury'a aorrow la too aacred to
parade opaaly to priat.
TVI tv liO^POO tor IM
%\jm Ve Piaito
Vveral of tV big architectural
Wiu i* SaMad by <
firms of tv ooaoiry Vva been spec
WaabAngton Nw
tally Invited to fttmlah plana for the
saw huHdlag tVt win htmae tto hur
eeu of Amartoaa Sapuhllcs. Bach firm
Bpaetol to tV Mvenlng Raeo^
will be vid 11,000 for the plana aul>
Waablagum. May 11,—AUVugb M milted, which are to V entered la th.
fetol Waabtoftto l! mora or leas bnalty
which OUf
mgagod la playlag tV boiU to vlaiUni hnadred and twaaty^ight other firms
mlVd their intenUon to parti
at tv damatoowa wspoaUloa. tV real
The hollding U lo coal |V.
•maat ot tV aarly amamar sew 000. aad the eniliw fumlahinga fl&u.
aoa U tv laaaablag or puamttHag of OOfi. The alte on the bank* of the
prwaldeaUal booma. g«mlar Vltob Potomac haa already been purctoaed
iHte 1* tba nawaat one auapectod fl<
Ml of I2&0.000. or the luUlWm
nurulng aaplratlona lor tV aomlaattoa
lo cover the coat of the
la l»at. Just at the luwaeot momwit ground and hulldtot. the gorenimeet
to la
UftO.000. and Andrew
saddle a boom, upon hin.. bui be haa Garnagto fumlahed tV remainder on
^ hto aatuta ioereury. Ootonel John tV oondltlon iVt the building
wbtoawaka manager who known V the Pnn-Am^ertoan Pglace of
will feto to It tVt if the Ughinlag
It to eapeetad (Vt tV award
tuniB toward tha pompadVrdialrod win V made by Jaly lal
Aflar Cauaifig aUtoamaa froaa W'laccmtin. ttora will
ba found plenty of IlKbinlng rodi up
Man's Arrtat aa Old Ctorvt
lYom the LAl\dletla
Idly CVngaa Mar Mtod.
vlewpolat It U tod policy to gel Into
campaign too early, and aa tV
Wltoburg, May II -Mlaa Anna Bt
oonceded to. him
Clair Vd bar ftaam». Nicbolrui Mor
batug aoa^ he U la jaat aa good a poaltton to
lu the race for the nominal Ion
nxa lo the Hoboken. N
hib record und learned ai any ocher candldnie meniUmed up
lothUllipe. The real dlacouragfe
that Nickolaa bnil many alalrs
that oonfronia Benalor vralleito*.
tbo bean tkmru amd tka able! had
aarratii for bU arrasl for fembeiila- giplrailona U tV eeatVawt that U
ataadlly growing that the party ahould
meiu and hint ut murder atoo
made. Mi>rgau. In eMtlalntag tba tot return to moiw coaaervatlve ground.
LaPollatte repreaeni. Iheaiwdloal wing
lar. told to wna tooorttog a )
woman borne wtoo to waa bald up by of tha party and It U likely that ha
tbrea man. Jia ran tod left tto girl, will bn bllteriy fought not only In tha
eaat but In the extreme west. Kur
wto, although not motoaled. died ‘
through hU pi'rexmal
haan toUuro. Murgaa waa tnad |Sd,
bat Anna, relenUug. aald a marrtogt tackk on fellow-aenatora. he hav
for hlm^f aome bitter and uni
will flUluw.
pronilaiag enemlea wV w^ll n
Aeaven and eaMfi to overthrow him,
in caae V VauM aaplre for nayth|pB
U» poaltkm V
VldiB la apito of all thla tba rsQubli
caa lapdm are keeping a cloae eye on
SMiaior LaFtilletto for ba U a decided
iTilcJUpi. May II —The City of Trav element of uncertainly In the praal
«rae haa airlyad in Boulh Chtcago dentUI problem
ffnm iha Chteagii river and noon will
Commltoion Orv^Ktog.
V Ptooad in
Tba Inland waterwayfe coaMwb
Wing ahop- Itopalra eoatlng |T>00 tto board of whlch'Congremman Bur
We bMO made. It la maid
too of Oblo U chairman, aad which
Waliar Janktoa of tto South Obtoago waa appointed by thp prealden
ymhca atalkm aald ha would not latar cmlly. haa apenl a buay week lu
Viw with oparalloaa of IV boal
organizing and la making plana for
Mpt upon ordeta fnuu Cklfef Bhlpt
future work. TV trwi Imporunt trip
of UU oommlaakm will be taken
IV membera will leave
baaw oa IMday for Kanima City u>
board tv govMwmtot boal Vler for
home of 4 per cent
Igatlow of tbe Mb
we reeved the fol.
rlw between iVt city aad 8t. LouU
AiTived at Bt Louia the oomto
dk and exprem hlmaell aa
IlghltHl. • y\imier OuveriM*r DurWn
here d«Hng the week and raltol
on Prefeldent Roosevelt. It v
who induced tV preeldent to make
au a.ldrtwu nl Anderaon The ft»mier
gov.mor took occasion to rcvlw*
former autementa With iwga»^ to
Fkirbauka* boom. A ahnrl time ago
V gave out an intei^lew here that
apparently waa hcnllto to the vhd->
president, inasmuch au h.« dtvlartMl
the people of hla aute were touUlent
tVt President Rooaevcll be elected
thlitl. term. Thla week he an
nounced that lodlmiis U for y^*lrbanha
Just what occsuloned hla cV
heart lu not known.
Vkaablfigton Ufilverwliy.
.Bui the Palace of Pfa<‘^
oBly artiallc addltloa pit»mlto
U to atoV of Waahlagtoa the archUec
tural wonder o ftV world. The Georgt*
WaahlngtoB unlveially aulhorlilea are
redoubling tVlr efforu In the local
able alte for the buildings
national unlveiUty that U to be
Imllt up around tbe present
tlon. V aattafacton have
letuma. the truateea of the univeralty
tolleve It will V possible to anntwnce
ut the commancement exerciaea on
June ird iVt the fW.OOO fund bus
e new site anrwnged for. Thiu educa
toaUtulloa will nut be local in
any aanae d the word but will be In
temational In character. It la lute
ed to attract atudenta from all o
United Sutea and gradu
atudenu tiwm forelgii countries, eai
lally from the UtbrAmerioaj^epub
Uca. Au a'meani for tbe advancei
of jioliucal and commercial relu
with other nattona tV project Va the
hearty enOoreemant of John Parrett
lUaaiaalpgi for to Inapeotlon of tV Impoitui
toalppl river aa lar aoutb aa New Uaa to
QnM,9k9 9-
I pKhu cutifkttt
$t03, %Mdk jom
VM pUm mm.
iheytv’i Mm$t. W
Yb^ t-tty imfy.
Ito VtliMiVki VlVM V totof.
laa. The propgaad irtp of Uives^
itgaihm prohatoy wBI occupy ten or
allow. CVlrmaa Biertan had bean
dfeinged with lavluttona to laapaet
etraams Irihatarr to tV Mlaatoaippi
aad Mtomrl rtYcra. btit hot wOl ha
eompeltod to decline all there lavlto
tkma. la tV Smt ploto, tha mamhwa
of tV oommiaekm all are In the eerTtoe of Ue government la othe^capa
cHto! aad.caaaol abmt themaelvea
from thair Tartona depanmanU tor
Yaw eradil la elwraya gaad al^
ibaa« atoraa.
paotV to V maeb toward atlmtotlng
tV growlM totoraat to tba matter of
IV bail UMB VvCmbiU.
Wi vltt bold H «s« ^
MBSl hdebn '
aad >.
Oo. Oil
r to til* W»f« tli*t tev* tot
ffwiTI* * MadfM ciM Mi4 itaM Ml
to afiMFto u> dto OIL
M* ItolMl !%• la*. On till*
EWatotof toMlorMttoM
aava mowto V mmg ai
aiOfw tod gtollM MOr p
Wa aarry tV a dl a
plaind n nln^ aV^ at
potta Mar sath. on tv oe
tatatitog of tv
toM UWNm: thU
son. and a httof addiota at HVcto.
Binoe making thaan nontnirtona IV
white Vnan haa beta Vatog
aagar Uotaton. «oah isa of whom to
any grant toagth of lima, and than clamorini for rccognHlon lor hla own
tapoctol guy or town, sad urging
Chainmut Wfirum to vltaRy
Fintodant RooBSvalt to Vve hto apac^
lal Itatn haltad' evan If U to only to
wviw hto pratann to fagn
isHInl trip af tv cxtaaimtop to «t-
Cabs, Carriages, fib-Carts 1
OHgliial gtaeptojack
to VUv
far Aid Attar Vending f100,000
Ht Mad gamed.
Chicago. May l~After having diaaipaUHl lUMi.ooo he had earned au
utdM ideJack. Jom-ph NorrU. tT» years
cdd. applied ul the Boulh Chlcaio* ptv
lire ututlon ThiniwUy lor a iilghfa
NorrU bus wojkM lu Rngland. 8c*4
laud. Ireland. fVanCe and (1
■mce he left bU renidciue in town
forty five yeara ago. He uays be
tb«- dirigtnal ateeplejark and rluliuu
uuielter alack In Boulh Chlca|«i
The poUee uay Norris, afier accu
mulaliiig a fortune, lost ll raiuugu
Just rfecalYSd a«a thiosand copies of
popularnBUile to go at 10 cenu per
copy at Orlunell Bros., ctirner Front
and Casa.
may U»t(
SUta Vnk hoUdtog. Special ettsntlon
tv felfectf^tHafapaatical treatmfera
of nfervaua diacaaes and rheumatism.
may Sima
Shuler’s Havana
still oa the Market
Maimfttctured by
C. 0. ERICKSdil
YowCredMia <Sood.
Your ytellable Furniture Store,
Grand llaplds Fumltorc Co.
127 S. South Union Stioet
for You*
Ai we expect to move aoon, we will •
hang all electric, gas or combination
fixture*, ordered before May 15th.
Don’t anuii Uie lioibor moving thorn.
J. B. Paige Electric Go.
Phone 502-2
125 Cass St.
•lotatapKi SItacitar
flnkeluun Bmehers. Packer* aad ’si
that you gvt cut from oor prime portd-rbouac. alrioin or roast, Jtliey aad
dellcloua of Wor. it tempU foor ap
petite iheae spring momtogi ^
brvakfaat. or for luncheoc or dinner.
We have morsela for tV taVtla to
broiling chlckeas. aweelbiwada. latoh.
veal or .ham. but nothing mora
ititagthenimg than a prtma renat of .
beef. All of thla can V had at both
1. MT B. Mtobth
t, M7 Randolph
.TP wntm Qi mm. Vmm r Plaa
TfUtoMtiT W. C H#m WM M
TP loia H ommm aP Ptttp
Pll p thaiap M Mt vrfo^ PirtM
««U • f«w at KaaarPi ap Ha
CMiaA WPa Ip M te P
Ip fi wm Paa PiOP aPai i
H aP a ««aiPrlaat.
A PaPi «aaUaa «»a« la al
L. 4 M. tpai or «a>.
tamai M ciaaaP p fur IP aai
tom u PP ftaamoa. Ilitia ♦^yoar
M AattftPor «d Ut aad lin M. A
ftlcPrUa of 71b W'a4awc«rtA atroot
ftp coa alM «aaay fttffenai aoasa.
carryiM |P air jmrlactlr; aaoM
k an: 'NcA Baeaoao Vuur Hair
M Oartjr.- *ia tP Laud of Nod.** two
or tp laoat dlfPult ouoa ftP P«
ooly to Par aa cor ouc« aad If l(
HIM WalMf pit flf IP mU
takea Pr faacy .hi* oaa whl.Ue H aa
H li MjrlM
pifoclly aod Heorly aa maoy aroan
. CiiPtW HrPTa ImOUt to
llagPiaf Pouplc. AUo .he caia call up ouotraJ
OpiMr HmPjt la iHPrlM Coa Paa cm tP iPla Uaa tkla vaP aaa aod s«i Mr auinPr aP vanu with
uaiaa ara aUatpP aJl out may aaalitaaco wple%et
I Mar CPiHtto i« iPi. Ut aP IP
OBf IP Uae.
aoa 4 j«on old tbo alalh uf teat
. na for a aP^ iPa.
TP local HiaoMrf P|iut la pins UOLth
CMPciw MlUar |a ioPtIm 0«
Mor VaaVfuraa vPla Vaa la raa^ raimirP
M. 4 N. ft.
U Mmette* wM
M W Ite ^*9^ v»1Mm nm«
Otpiiiliir A. JI. 0»«ft l»
« ii4»
t« om^
IhuMH Ite MH« hi Mat SM Mm
Qarli Wli#to v1ttUMMklaPtta
4«.ip«rak»a vlU P rua w MaaP have wored'oa" ui’ old’"
loo toaMmov. ip rofular crow lalilM
Mr. aad Mra. tteurce
rre tP guwau o1 Mr. ood Mr.. J
Byer FrlPy evoolof.
Malice la tourlog back oo Uc
aaa U oaau. A IPy frw wlU
ul^ Jot
.ocmi ilcPi UcmPjr aplit. Pau au«
Mro Wlllteai KteP la uu^
aaitiM P IP Pa iftPa.
TP eoanpr Arama. Tko HidPa
M aalA lo loop a faroiabJo
iHftnaaloa vPruror proaeoiod.
apPtelor rMldlM PmooU to tp abMJPUIA aauir^ro aad oPim uf ibo
aipy. Thv cPinoaU of ocNpdy. pa
tpa. kno aud ta Pai ail tp imaj
a<ft aald W P .arUailcaU> eaip
T^M aticactkm wUl P aooa at ikv
, ftOMP of Iroaa «p Mila 0041 wklk IB llraod oporu Puao WPuca>4Uy/ May
IP HUT arlU rakoao PaiacJI fn»u ao>
pail ff Utma wPcIi wlU P proa«ulp
la aukOor Ubk> tPo Ue per»uo cuuid
ftftOOftO WANT A94 WiV.
uukpji tPm Aar uao la tP cU>
Pacpw an larlioci la ftriM tPai J. W. MILL1KE1N*8
aod pal Uom oa klip, TP frap IP
* Mwoji la aaaMtoA p Ufkolaa* %aup
Worn wlU kecloM4«U
vtllo vltli an oatiro cPa«o ul pny
iVipHar pricoa, l§. P
-Wo p»o P4
atroKoP Moor cmiaaa a aPa iPt It
ftlftofOBl tfw p IP not. TUo ••oal
PMwoa a faiMli aol PaaM P a
PfiUaoat Pi la aupcomo UuncisPia
MU. Peily'. Mpol ckued Prktey
May S Ou PrUtey eveaiuK her school
< oo wiertoloojc-ut wLKh woa
s ot Pke
Ado ou bujklQoaa Ptuntev. Miiy 4.
Mcm» fcaUaurtU HuidtU. Piook
Olid OatPJd WtUon. OtHiifie iVoill.
ptiiucPoud We.ky Brt*ok.. ahu acie
uiUi <»f hurker.. iikkfH*l.
huiae aud uue flue .lurswiu,
a.'teblu;; »iU.ut urn- huudri*,!
ThU fifth uUR
lu oPul lao
Ux l ul auUT. oUh much .iruoKlHui
After It o.ii «mi ountu- Puk It flop
m*il .o vinim.u.*.U that It fttmt the
MLUd iu every diiecliuh It would
have U-iu very uojileaftaiil for byto P hit by it.
athool ill Travel at‘
nty. ift viftitiuK her fiareuta. bu*lht ru
Olid hli.ierft ul thte plow.
May C.
pp a toctlal at Pr hMoa teat evpIM. a awPr of tPir IMmA. aad
loiaUtaa holM pnMl. AU IP aaa>
Pm ««to rcmdond la a fPPlas aua
MTroftA^ llatoocr. were awry 04
arafdamo. The -fUlowlM vaa tp
-Whoa IP Iphta are Uiw “ ta Kh
Plaaoaa); Paa noicm and liii.
-O Wore My Um Too Utec.-^
(Phoeohar): Mtea Doily WyuPoi..
Ptefto aoloa. lAl -ftorp p>.** tb)
•Hftlac aad PritaiH" (1^0. Crpw
hy^Adoami; Mtea rionaco Price.
Vucal dool. -I Know o Baak.lUteal; Mtea RaU Rotead. Ml.. Bew
ale Hoydea.
rhea 8001 !• ftwi." tftaa
II: Mia. Uete ftpteer.
IBO aolo. rater. iC. CurUitl; MU.
Rath Rotead
-Rory Darlla - |Hope TompJo
MoitPw Roaao.
A oiwch diMjHaWad ood M
ehlRy lamp wa>r« Pr Ml Ralftoa wpa
Uey palled up ihHr Icmt atftim ot IP
fuui of Rroehwoy hlU aad hiked Mr
IP oaaftac; of tP eooaly tela ymrtcr
doy aftcraooo. ftPrtft Johaacm gov
tP gypide. o foir wormlag aad they
took it.
Ooe vasoa veal «a aaath ahoi
e'elork hot tP otpr had to copp
IP city to look up IP aeaoH
Morte oad.Loulae. wh^ oen mal
deianulaed oaft penUateot HPoett
tell the fortuae of tP whole city.
That tp opatea wera aot Pi
♦ Oft deaiuoatniied by o oprtag lamb
ihaa Uree weeP old ruoAcaeverol chick
eoa which hod proPhb been lOUecad
volU: Mtea paaic Uoxteo.
ftuoi Miiue roadalp form.
-IdlUo.- (Th Pek); MP Moo Keh
Mks bad bc^m pleotirul la c
juitetas fixuo Uc oppaaimaee «C IP
The CP . Oouidahlp.’^ tUuy D Itet children One chUd. opporemib'uPer
PPl; Mlaa Ruth Uotefld
two. year, of age. waa literally
-Au MoUu.’ tOodard); Mtea Ruby %iorched with egg while the real of
the trip wa-. .meartd with tp aUtfi
• A May Murolog.- tDourtt; MU* to a tetter extent
Helm Ploioo
Piaoo Duel, ypfko. *>aracieuiM::.'’
truoos PadvD; Mlao Ruby Pderauo.
hanB* Fcree ef Mon ftway an the
Mtea Mary KelioAft '
Northpert fteach'HHak
MU^ Ftoreoce Kiouey of HuUood U
A large force of moo U at work oo
the Kuefti of MIm Jeouie Dotuui wer ihe Nonhpuri Bench hotel, gctilog
ptece oou premliicft in .hope for
coming .eoftou TP grouuda nrr Plog
laid out lu a vet V .nteUc mouocr
with lennU cHKiru, Poor beda aP
driveo .V PoHug alley will moo P
pul lu uuU the biriWiui: 1% Plug palm
etl aiiu seueiaily overhauled.
in the tx al (xjutppeU opt<»mo
trie imrion m ibo cii>'
|(ivc« wivh atv«ry
|hut of
Dr. Wolfe'S BriBch Office
Wilhelm Blk.
A niau who wo. doing bte Pfl lo
fonvtece IP world at Urge aud him-1
aeir in pnnkniter tpt P wo. perfect- f
|> ttber tried to purePn n theater
eeat nP an. tokS tPt iPce was only
ataodlug room. Ue Pught .u Pmia
aloo Ikket .Dd made another op of
tP erowa suodliig up lu tP back
watching tP nPw. After a few mbi
utn P returned to UIh wlPow aud
gravely hagded over .auotPr dollar.
*‘Olmiue *nother .taodlag Hcpf he
aald thIcUy. *T want more room Xo
■ec.--Joieph WePr lu Bohemteu Mag
Jiiii CBijibfill Co.
Priee ■»« Qualily
Thm two muit alwa>'s harmonize here. We
do not tell you a cheap article and charge
you a high price—the quality must be consistent with the price.
We handle only goods of worth—goods
that we know will give satisfaction to the
purchaser. As we said before, the name
Campbell Co., must repreKm full value to the
customer. Do you want to place thU kind of
merchandise in your home? H you do we
want your name on our books.
By our little at a time system you can have
just such things in your home as you would
like to see there and on such easy terms ' that
you will never miu the payments. •
We want your account
We have Cnrtaln SMcber. lor real.
Two Stores
Ittiu & vttM.
417 S. UttML
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
ShPn IP fteal Craam Uom
from IP MP.
Pc4u^ ilk btiwl (where iP xiiminiM adunc)
Jftically three bowl, i
found ta no uiher Sej
and aiuKtea the
I*, b. to hold the W’<
Ul ftp BmMs because tP
diiv. ing gt^uk arc entirely cncloMcd. seH-oiling
I auluinaiically .upuhed with heUi oil No
Upr Pimrslur lua all iP>e Pvaniagew
cnwgii to bs Msilyclcuiea nuide (other Scpvaor bowU luv*
(ra^tosj wiUe puo, or ate
uid oarrov like a sua
Three pieces all in one, Corset Covers, Short Skirt
and Drawers. The advantages of this Suit are that it
does away with the three strings at the waist and over
the hips and replaces them with bne tight fitting band.
Cbm are three styles $2.00, 52,50 and $5.00.
ercal Sale of eblidren's Underwear
Ofalite, Drswert. Olrappert.
, The very best goods that ar? sold. They are made by
American girls. There are four diSerent classes each one fully
worth the price, in fact, can not be duplicated in many cases.
I2te I7e, 20c and 40c.
The biggest chance to get good values that you will have
this season. Sale begins Saturday morning.
Jin Oflerinfl in Couch with the Cimes
Buggies. Carriagea. Road Wagons. As fine a duplay as
you will find. On the third flopr, take elevator. It would be
l^d to fuUyileacribeaU these go^ but we want you to see
Uem before yon make your final purchase, because we know that
we can save you money.
A specially fine line of Whips and Lap Robes. .
You can select Buggies. Carriages all the way from
ti7.eo te aee.00
bTmMY. liAV fV ^
iiwms im avr
aiMi M t«>
FoUtOM Wruk« U* ktoeJ recuid. j
eci4MUHy ike aule record, fur
OonmZf^ m m^......
flBM;a.U4 0a^Bli^W*
(ZL iUm noTM Wlaian.
naia Oal-
Tlieir umeher
Hock airoaa.
|te Mol UatOe
Uadkh Tkiow-Amtakockkcr.
h'TB. Pk»raou; $0 fmi. f iackoa.
Daak-HOIer. mm»
dijr m4 »^1d*f of Ute week uM Ike
ladie arke Mienalaed «• * «»J
iPMtkki lurtk MikiM init
Ike deleailee
Skei Jon
ImMi« m 4ke Mklkf piiom msi f euf
ekd $16 vat voied Ikr ikc
DIairict nap4^ tackle Wtii Interpret
kpM«stUma« MMMe. ike leealckaa
ve kaea ko%erUgi
the liitual ta the Cika at aa
i«r ka«laa receailjr iUed yp a iMi
aioiiud Ike flKMtt mark
ikeiT it e CMi Of $76.
Tke oftoere eieoied were!
i oaly 6k ceaU.
WeaMaal. Mre^ Urn Hleaea.
There wui be apeoial Uuiiuctlua of
tke ttkN ritual otxl 6Vi«Uy eveuio*.
run Hem fimAimi. Un auce p«i
May 17. by Uatrkl Urputy Id T.
Mki. Caei iOfdaa,
U>ckl« of Uowagtac. Mlcb Tke regu
Jaaoid %um preaMuak Mra. BrUe lawarMi baafua OfAoata Oaea Baaap- lar ueetlag of tke lodge a lU be bald
Harfli. «wrM aii>.
llM la Mimkara and Friaada at oa Tkuiaday cvaalfl«. aad aa adjourameat lahea uatU KritUy evealug, a*
Urputy Lcckle could uol be kere uatil
n# r«e*pUoa laaderad Ika mam- rtiday. TkU work .ulll br especially
bera and frtattd> of tke K^wijnk InalrucUve to tke Blka aad raiertala
ma af Ika Plrat Malkodlat ckurck lag as well aad It U expi’CU'd that
by ika olkcar. of ike leaaua laat evea there will be a large atteudaaoe, to
Mabel A. CMned by Will A. Andaraan, tos waa a very pkaaeol aCalr. about wilueti* the aew iliual Theje wl|l be
aeveoiy*$»e youua people bela« proa a caudidate to lailUtc aad supper w ill
Waa kaunckad Tula Atlameea—
Uckt lefreakiDoata were aenred follow.
Naafiad far Hia $4eter.
durUic tke evealus aad apelllag and
iUf and vuiioua otkar gamea
> ladalfcd la
I Meet Tomerrow
Afternoon and Evening-County
Convention Next Week.
Mi%i Wiaalar Atae Vlaliad 4r/nd Map^
The 041) kuaday- IkkouJ assoriatiun
Ida and CkdUlac Telapkdiw Ca*
will hold Ita coBveatlou la the Church
akan^ While Awagr.
of l!hriai tomorrow afterutiou at :
o'clock. In the evenlD;; a uulou m't
Mlaa i$lealer. chief operator of tke
vice will be held la the Cil> opeu
Cuijteaa* Telepkoue roujpany in koiao
kouae. l-'raak Welloa-of Uniad Kapfruui OwuajKt, w kere akv atteuded a
Ids ikllvcilug the adUrexs
ioaveallou of tke oialUdKiw aad cklof
On Monday, the t'ouuly oou%emiou
operaiora of Ike Mtoklgaa lad^pood:
opeua at ike BnpiUt ckurck apd cou
tuL telepkoue cumpauics. Wklle away
Unuca ovw Tuesday. A very IntelesV
Mtaa Wlealm^ aUo vlaliad tke W
Ing progiam kas keen anwnged
pkuaa asckaaiua at Grand Kapida aod
L. $. Fraedman Met With Accident at
THk iXlklFANlONa of
m(u aarre a wanu aupper la
from 6 to i Wedaeaday ovaa
-’How Skall
mmms* We
lu Origin. Wkat
It Ik>. Where Win It MUr
a AlUngfon.
Tke utv
Rev.. *
vko kns
reemUy moved kere to Uke charge of
Ike nrw CotE^Mk^Mnnl ckurck <m tke
enat sklr. wUl supply Ike pulpU of tke
Prenk.rterlaa cku
M Bnidpar' 4n ikr
Ike evi
eramlng Mr
ilifte. :$4$4.
Tka track waa ia Aae ekape t»ul ike
la Ike matter cold aoalkcr kepi Ike croad «k»wo.
o| prteea tmU fmrmera fur
Trarorar OHy
CH, kaa'Iad
kae^lad tke ^
IkU eimaaa aUkuaak Ike local kaieni
kave u. oar kearW IreViki (kaa oiker
Mebrf A . iiue of Ike iaeel equipped
lAtturkea oa ike bay. InilU for Will A.
Aadejaoa ky ike Trarerae Clly Molor
»oai ooaipany va^ Uuacked tkU
•ftenumo. Tke koat U M fddi Ion*
§1^ 4 retd 1 lackea keam. of oomKoMiae kiera model, ike irtiutalafa kalof
<d aolld kmaa ellk full lealker ypkol
a^arlof iknMtfkoui
Tke boat u
iiWaiHl alier Mr. Auderauaa aUlar.
HMh Uekrl. ako U aiumdlas ackool
at YpaUaifU. lliv boat U Itied arllk
a Ny. 4 lOrliiMe eaglae aud «U1 ce>T>
luorlera or ifleeu paaaeoieia.
After beloi allh tke M H T
pray of MUwaukre tor tke laat tew
>iwa. Mr Aaderaoa Aada U kard to
a^y away ftruju tke eater Tke Mabel
A, vtU later |h^ takeu to Blde<A-Brce
ooltaav uu Ifiu^t b-v fuj tke aununer.
Wr a «OTT »l»wtai aaiartw. Ugkt nfnafeawau rnm mmi aad tka ano-
Y«s tlMfe'k quality ia
evuiyingredieat uwd ia
6Ba« pracriptioBawhaa
they we 61M at our «oi«
>awi»s.a»w.o».nn ||
Me Veuil~Flcr.oa. gUicr; t f«pt
iMtni aur PMateee Wem U U Omi* H«re Vm
<b. Ch»<ft‘«a
kia «M pMMd t.
'pim gfape craun of tort«r. ««linv' I ^
ulMoltitoly Ine from lime,
tm*Yu4 DM^-^Ulex.
MU: Umu ;it^
alum and mnmonUk
mm m mm «iw •■* «• la k kod; IM^ OTMlac aaa iw«wal
M4 WMMar ««l «M «WI4
LiUrtkJper lfc^.aakaa%aaaa«aa«U ^4
Ikt pamed who broke Into my ware»*^*'*'^
L. 8. Froedmau. a t^ellug man.
kouae and aecunxl I guaotlty of valuslipped at tke Campbell akatlug iluk
able moUls.
may IbU
laat evealug and fell heavily on kls
Ous Goulick.
hu7 Washiug^ 81
Tkat duaday Uhutvr Luack at Ika
Uttlr Ta\ont la $B«. Tt^ U duada); . Tky Crasrfoid was home yesterday wrist.
Md- del vod Uvm \ $Ui X.
for a shoit Umo. rrlutulug to Grand
may Ikn itaplds this murulag.
Alfr^ Qtviihck capiuml a four
pouad Oenuau bfova in ike bay yee^
terday. This U tke targeai German
brown eaagkt tkl4 aenaon.
C K Murtmy
Uklug in the nuper
Tkt sUtk gm^c- of Ike Donrdmaa
avenue ackool fvui to Acme ikU
uM^alng. wkrro jiurj spent- Uo day
Tke cold wvwtker U kewpiug ikc
uioat devout anglers at home. Mveo
ikc small boy kas gone bach to bnarhdlL
Ko> Ferrla and Lk»y'd BkuiU W/i
tkU uioralng for 8llgbU. where they
will ajH ua tbe day (Uking.
iOunUnued from Firm Fngk)
irafoty of Ckildrdn.
Mrs. liwrtn, tke ioiMlcr for the after
noon «nvo n very «xceUcnt paper on
-Tko Soeloty of Our CkUdiun.** Bkc
said that every' person uriU knve so
ciety nnd tklB to neen to tke very
young child as well as older peopkv.
Mothers should recoguisr this Ucl
sad seek to gel the beat compaaloos
loi her children. 8kc saM. Make ikc
home me pksasanl for tke children.
IX> not let, them roam about the
at of freight.
There wwaw
Professor now: will loave the Sdth
of this mopth tor Cryaul Doaoh. K.
Y.. kboui
mBca ftAm BuRam.i
when; hv wUl haw a class duriug the
summer. Mr. dose wUI nduni to
Tmverse dly ta the fall and take up
the kork he ks% been putsalug the
............-5 ■
^ue*i OaldweU. with a
good-wUoil Awng will ivuauRtocc toy lug «hc water msius uu Washtagtpn
lorm ol amuscmonl make tke home
life attractive. •
Tk« topg faithers of a klM • vrtag
The roadiag matter of the chUdica am faatcBsd to the bone U Is thU
Mmtkpori u wkMng the atrdamu should kavc svipcrvtoloo.
vrkkh fives the wing streagth and surnmng the m. a K K. Unc today.
whsTSWlth lu beat Die air.
Nine Hours' Bleep.
W M. Goitloo gad aou made a $ak
Ur. eWaxe gave a very Interesting
lag tup to ibr kmd water of ike
chick-u. u.. weiii::;::::.
Boatdmaa tbU n^ralug and bruugbi
H«ca .........................................W
young people should receive between
Ike nges of It) mud li. Every ckUd la
school requires fully nine hours of
vpeadiog the day on tke Bonrdman.
skcp-lke formal child will go to
sleep Imuiedlaicly uixm going to bed—
and should arise immc'diately upon
She said that siUi boyw and girls
WTiwal. psrbu.......... J...............
the time when manual training Is
pany Frigliu[nad by Heoae.
must valuable is tMftwiM U Ike eighth
Hast Buffalo. May U-Callto-lOO;
grade aud High school Girls ahould
Frigbicuetl by a houxt* that is being
quiet Veal aud oaHrss-EtIO; ffilicl
tomp and play as well a„ boys aud
inured on Waskiagioa sirv'eU the eaHi
lower. Sheep and limRs I.NN;
uoLkiag Is belter lor Ike grow-lng girl
Bide team of ike Hraank 4 Lay Mcr
acute. Hogs-Hl.ttd; BRlEc hlgker.
than a share lu the houscw.ork, uot
caulUe company ^an away but even
(Tilcago. May ll.~RThest, »Mc;
tke llgklosl and easiest, but that rsetad tvsry Rgy. Tks toeal ssarfcst
lag ana caused irbubU* lor tkeuiselvts
com. 51\«c; tmls. 46Me.
which will really be exercise, jind de prtoss am mtppltod by tocal dsators.
aod those la the wagou.
DetioU. May ll.-^WlteaU tOc. corn.
mrnmumm hy wlr» m« 64Sc; osla. 4tc.
Tke kurses collided with a wagou
that was Mlaadlng In the road, break
>lcdo. May IT—Wksai. Elc; corn.
kl;ss Batiop gave a book Tvyiew
Ing the louguelaud turning their
6iSe. usia:«6Sc.
wagon on Its sldel l^:arl Jilc.Woy and and abort talk She aald iksl toas
Albert HiHuuirlek Were Inalde but both much aa different ages require differ
ent trt-aimetu it Is the duty of mothers
escaped without derloua injorr.
as wren as teachers to fUdy theie dUFifty toads of pcdaloes wert- markclferenl stages in order that the best
good may be accomplished. In dealing sd yesurduy. prices ranging from
wHk children one must be absolutely €.V. Ai this price It woujil stem us
Eenator Borah kk>d the Rrooom
truthful and tke <|UVStloos of even tk( If the Lurniers ought to haul. It U a
youngt^si child mu^l be answered with good prK-e. Ikrm woik Is Ule owing
the truth, no matter how-hard It may to the backward woatker and when U
docs come warm all their time will
be at tlmea.
By Wire to tke Evwuiag Record.
A social hour followed during which b« uoedi-d with spring crops
Holse. Idaho, j \lay 11--Senator
The hay quesUun Is troubling quite
strawberry punch aud assorted cakes
llorak, one of thl- attorneys for Ike
numlH-r Many faimers lhai s<
were served__.
slate, says Ikerri Is no truth lu the
last full and winter are now ha\iag
iteuu nt that Altiyer Is a former Chi
buy'and ihete Is not u nvh ta Ihr
cago bmglai. He sa>s the prorac
hands of UvaU-rs Ii js predlcttvl by FOR $AL£—MeVk-kea / gasoline «ulion luvcstigaled |he story long ago.
Mit>. Asa Hale went to Grin iiv lib souu-.lhal the mail i>
girie. new: 3V» k p. B. B. Dowell.
this luuming. where she will vihli u iJo pn
' At Record offlse.
ttotn arc higl^ the buyiug pile.; it
short time.
R. M. Henshaw of Dublin U in the now 4iiti I7f for the best slu< k
FOR RALE—1626—House on I uUw
Uuvi is aie shipping poUUs s quite
city on business.
street, ttfty-foot front, seven loom
Albert Hatch of Casnovla Is In the lively. L F. IVikell sent out 1» tar.,
house, nice lawn: A No. I proposlthis wtvk. lleorge LaitUe sent three . Uon: price ir.OOO. Wade Bros.. $17
city vlsiUuK Irlondv
John Morrison left this mxm for last ^ht and will send «me tuniglil
Bouth Union St C»l phono 171 s.
JackHtmvilU-. na , wlu-re he will visit SlevTi l,ardie sent one Um nighi and
may 11^
will i.nd*ably send t»m loi.lgkl The
with fil»*iiils
L. K. CU vrUnd Is at Tlioiiii..s..urtne boat will take qiilo a -..mksI man> lor FOR RENT-Offfees In the Wilhelm
11 If
on business
Miw. W. H. Vk-oll and .laughter left
this morning^ for Iowa. They will
visit friends at .Mt IMeasani eu rouU*.
Roy McKi*agv‘ of .May Held U In the
City .m buhioesa
John Allen and wife left this morn
tag for Kingsley. wberv.Uiry will at
tend the funeral of Mra. Allen's lather.
R W Carr
6Vank Frkxlrich ami daughU r went
to Touch this momlug'lo spend Sun
day at their ooUage.
Mrs- C. M. ^Woodward of Des
Moines, ia.. wko'is the guest of Mrs.
Haro' Monroe, left fur a lew days'
visit at Honor this momlng.
KeguUr lengths ip
Thomas Kartoon and Ray Parker,
both of thi, City.‘lea thS moralu* for
lUalslee. where thejr.eipoet to .hip
on one of the car ferries running out
BUck, WhU. ..d Colon
of that place. ,
Samuel Owen of Bellalrc passed
through Ue city this momlng on hto
way homo from Nonhporu where ho
UMdity rood UkHcior Damn of
^ ^ v.v.v.v...V.
'.V.V t# j
Potatoes. 50c is toe
Special ior To-night, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday
TaUor Made Suits
Styles, worlh tS5.ee and Me.## at
Lons RMS In bUck
LowoJaesla colora
The Biggest Bargain we’ve offered yet-ladies Uilor made
Bulte-theflnert we have had this seasbn-we place them
• • V ? -iall on sale-all our high grade Suite, worth $35.00 and
/V £ .
$40.00. your choice for this evening and Monday. Tues*
‘ 11 n.M,njsuMii4n.M r;
i i For jOnly $24.75
every lady who likes to dress well and would like an ex^ elusive high grade Suit at a saving of from ten to fifteen
dollars, should call and tee these Suits.
Mra W. L. ITsher of Blnghsm Is ta
tks city vlsiUog friends.
John' Rico of W’allta U visiting
friends ta tke clD.
Steinberg Bros.
Berlin, May U
ksve now koeo perfected for the open
ing of the new training school for
adtooanu and conatnictors of airnaay. The
have given
UMr odtotol approral cf the InaUtu
tkm and of lU ckrricMnm of studies.
The director, Herr Paul Rptoffsl. la a
man of eraepfhmnl akIUty and
krond espmlenoe tavevery pknn
ment. Me te mnde $Mtn thnn $•$ as^
SI iL2S, $1AA taTSsadfaM
^1 .-I
Visit this degntment (or the BEST in GIotos
E. Wilhelm
1 UnwalUkbifl^n ||
M* V.l
«lbSli.K BbMB
Dr.W.J. Htaina
Dr. Shoop’s
Porcelain Work Restorati^
Ok flp«r «itk BmIbm
lohn X StM.
Geaenl lasortiMt
UB8 Steamers
Good fresh Dry Batteries
launches & Automobiles
•• Witless •
SBlUtdlir) b |X B.
Monday, Nay 13
The Um vbioli M
fhwer for tour Boat
•ad Uscoawaay
Sipnw Maui
tl5.000 ioTuBed in
UluoiououdM«giod E^aipBtiit.
World's ForcsMsl
atok. te cams aim a bnmaa boM. aad
aooB mwoterad a nteitooB of aaaaaal
atoa. It la boOerte t4> te ttet cC «a
ladiaiL aa uadlUte tea It chat aa te
«aa bChrtog«roaad tea tocalte aoate
«tert la itet rfctete. Beaidoa ite
bMaa wm a teaobat ate a kalSo of
U mmns myrnn. Utr sete Amartoaa maaatooaew. ate o j/oU
kuMkmmd. wits w^ake M4 IIyw4 lor ^ioate to Bt wear llte tead fdTtte
Tte teaae baa
U ytm, dk4 joRi a wwek aco.
Obr of tSc woolOjr pspont of 8l bam built for SO yeara. aad-waa for
iotea. Is lo mm4 \omi i«s Udios lo merly tte DeWUl jalh tevtog been
two^ro ^oara ago. Tte
ite . aMssBWewi
oomitj tea teM
iBto four Sta. remalaa weiw but ato feet from Ue
Tte IpoRte «r teocBtlnB of R«jte
Uwjteu OMHKy. tea steod lor Ite
teUdlae wiU te of hhtk ate atoee
ate wui coat fis.euo or US.SW. It
will t# rotey tor oecuiAocy at tte
opefiinc of ite faU tcraa. It la oxTteoa uRteowa yoiiBS nte look
pw-aslne of aa RttUteoMlo o«^d by
Bobort U. WdteeiDaii. drivta* the aui
cklae froci Ii«oomii><* to iVahU«o.
On tte rvtum Iri^ wbllo (ryiax to
tRTB oot for a pRaalBc famor. itey
lBiite4 la s <UUb. teBasUig tte Bacteae. Oao of tte men vaa ae%enJy
lujufte, tel all naiuMtod to eaoapc.
A dUtiuct teraga of Lake NfIcbigaD
cookl pUial# te ae«o at Bi« RaplOa
Wcdo^aday. Tte water looked real
cooulb nod poopio croaiiins tte
alreot were aten aa if wading In It.
Thptr reSecOua could bo clearly aceo
to tte water, to hh tnvcried poaltkia.
TUa la tte ttinl. mirage aeea there for
yoara ate bnodreda of people tkrontte
ite aiiodd lo wltneaa Uv apecuclc.
waittog Vaaaar. at the borne
of her paronta for a letter from ter
huaband. who had al»o te-cn vUlitog
ter and had gooe home. Uru W. U
Adama. wife of Pnmocullng Atlomoy
Adama. of Ontonagon, rooilved wotl
In a apecial delivery letter that thflr
borne had bnmed. to the sronnd. The
realdeooo was one of the ftoeat Ux
Mra. Adanm had otw* of
the fluent colU^Uona of h.unl paluunl
ehioa Ui the state to the houac. which
waa totally doatrojrod,
l^lOie Jamcn Stalker of Su Johna.
doer, aad aome tbiak; that pertejm a
tiagody U toeehred to tte dkKovery.
Tte jaU. to Ua thne. harbored nmas
hard cUtoena.
Tte teiwaa of Dr. Wm TntUe, of Byroa Cmur. worn acaite by aa automobile aad i4a awajf. amaabiag tte
buggy and throwtog to© doctor*^over a
feacr. He caught tte boraea. took
them boftw. and wat bedding them
down in tte bam wheu one bocae
kicked him. atavtag to hi* riba. He
crawled out of the bkm to aummoa
help. When he lemibod the bam
door a hc^vy eatonaioa ladder ten.
atrlktog him on the koad. aud trat>
turtng hla akuU. He! was round ua
condoua. but may recover
Oov. Warner known beaus. Tte
governor was one of ill at. the i»urc
food ahow at Grand lUpids. who
tueaacd within four of the number of
Ijeans to a bottle. Tbe goreinur
pu»?aacd 2S.000. Ten olhera. all Grand
Rapids folks, gnesaed tte hamo. There
were 2S.004 beans to tte bottle. Lois
wiU be dniwn to ac^ who Keii» the
prize. consUilug of a iHi\er vhocvUU‘
set. The governor sent his regtvHs
that he c'oukto i be isesant to draw,
but a food ahow offlci|u will draw fur
in the Larder Lake distrlcl by Mur
dock McLood, a SuolmtoluK man. i«
Is chkimed. which wilgh r5 pound.
Nirb. TIk' ta4 ho* created totenae
me n. who claim
much more »oW *ill Ik- found to tho
t'ouDtry laat i»f the 8<^'.
ported that gold ha- U VU <li»*COV.Tk‘d
north of the !duo In
A HoiMtifi? Cemottmtioo of I
Woo<Ierfully Mytterioo.
UypoMii- Foroe.
Hirhest Claat VaiteTilk
Mltalto« wtUi yow
MMowtecT If oat. it
«onU OMtabljr toy you to
rboiw 372
Heat* oii Mie Saturday May 11,
at box
Ladiaa bee Monday niabt wbon
aoeomiiaBiad by a paid 35o ticket
MlMdte UkUsuidl
119 Park SL
One Month Free!
C.B. Taylor Coal Co.
|| general Pews |[
Soft Coal
from ^
E. A. Weston
, BotiiphooB. 36.
The County ConvenIhMi
teUfltog. OM
pteme fM.
— vUI pc beU in Traverw Cty. on —
Monday and Tuesday, May 13-14
toBtkm io fltoeimea'Bf tJte
On TucKlay morning »« »iU affain address the Con
vention. Subject; "Organization the Basis of
■ F.ffecuveWork"
On Tuesdayafiernooo Rev. C. W. Chadwick, of Fetds^.^opic: "Evangelistic Work in Sunday
On Monday afternoon Rev. D. Coebtin. of Traverse
City. Subject; “Teacher Training."
12, The Trayerx City Association
2;30 p. m.-Usual Opening Sers'ice.
3;00p. m.-Subjcct; "What a Sunday School Association should be.” ‘How can we make it so." Short
Talks by a dozen or more well posted active work
ers. followed by a Conference of Pastors. •Superin
tendents and new City Officers.
Sunday evening—Union Service at City Opera House.
Address by Frank Weltcn of Grand Rapids.
You are cordially invited to both of these' Conven
tions. More, you are urged to come. Lodging and
breakfrst FREE, this means Sunday and Monday
nights. Convention* closes Tuesday at 4 ::i0 p. m.
By Order of Ex. Committee.
J. W. MlLUKl N.
To the Owuera of Ometory Lota;
All labor perfotmed to the cemetery
to the future. Ulher for the care or for
the graJiug and flxing up of a c
lery lot. must hv paid for to advance
at the offleo of the city treasurer.
Board of Public Works.
By T. 11. GillU, Clerk,
Wonderful Ecaama Cure.
•Dur HtUe boy had eczema for flve
oara." writes N. A. Adams. HeuMvf
»a. -Two of our home doctors aajd I
C. W ,<noyd. a meivhanl. of Plunk.
Mo., had a narrow escape four years
ago. when he imu a Jimson bur Into
h\H thnmb. He says: “The tloclor
wanutl to ampiiUle It but I would not
consent, i 1 bought a box of Bncklen s
Arnica Salvo and that cuix-d the
Oit *. lb MiHOto-onco me AMH.
> eye. ear.
tiled. BoiL
8UU aireet.
nrtoary. aCto «b4 hiood dtotegiTtf
year* experience. City oteea Wmb
block. Both phones.
T. W. TNIRLBY-Dtettot Dw Ibi^
. I
'UOUM. ataabOMMA
MONIY TO LOAN-No tax «tan
■ K.^,,3s=ca
ABffTRACTt Off TITL1-<X a 0B9^
Dft c. L.
fiMiafli tetoo*
uoa to dtoeoMe of ehSteto Sm
40» State SBBk VMg. BoU pteS!
GrUwoldw Beoratonr: NeUto'l
on or before the fun of tte i
I Va LOHrOasral
UUhop Warren Cwndk r of Georgia
aeeBU to have had aome diaagreeable
experUuice while traveling in the land
of the mikada Writing of the Japan
eae. he aaya: “They ere a thieving,
robbing, mercenary and conisciiucAle-a
bet and the inilh I* not in them ‘
General John W. L>.*'Piv«ter. the
New York veterRn who luu died ui
the age of M. eniend the mllimry aeiVice of hia atale aa earlr lu \UH. In
the dvll war time he (wire offered.
Uucoln ihive regiroeuu. ^.uu eoodltiann pivv ruled the ncccpUuue of UkoAera. Thnn* of hla aooa Hvrved in
the war and were made coluuclb by
bievet4wCare coming of age.
U la clalmte that if half a teore of
aoclety women in WaHhlngtou wiU but
tbe word negt winter will aee the
liowing bowl, the lively corfc
the Brz abandoned at the dinnem and
n'CoptlunH of the rich. The Icadora of
thJa moTomcni profena eveiy conflduce in their ultimate hucivah Mra.
J 11 liouderaon m at the head of the
n uaade agaluat the ua^ of luiOAicnnU.
Wheu Ueuteuaut General Arthur
MacAithur. who already haa
virtually placed on the Inactive Hal.
ahall be retired te'-Ahe operation of
law within the ncil elghloeh montha
Major Genera! Leonard Wood will be
the rankiug officer of the army for
alateen yeara^rring accldcnla. He
jw the wenlor major general and
will not reach the age of letiremeot
until Ifri.
te C Spooner of Wlaoonsln be. a private cilUen mi Uc day flrat
dny of thla month, hla roalgnailon aa
Uaited Suitea aenalor having Ukon
» at itet time. He haa not yet
opened a tow office anywhere, nor baa
he appeared In fho courla. thotigh
since leaving Washington te ban been
very hoar with acvcrml Important lawIt U maid te will not enter Into
partnentoip #lth anyone, pryfentog
general pmctlce lo Ue tempOng oflera
te has noeived ftom varloiu oorpora-
teoay S«tmol Witons
The prince of Wales haa had one
ore added to hia long Hat of aca
demic honora. the Univerwily of Cloagow having conferred upon him the
degree of LL. U Tbe prince probably
'saca the ligte lo ww a larger
aaaortmeot of onlveralty hoods and
la than any other Bngtiahman of
Uaae. Apart from hlsYdlplomaa
from ite great aeau of leamtag to
BBgtond and Walea ite prtote to an
LU DUirf ItellMmnm. TtetoBBla. MontTOitmto and KtagsUm. te to aa
BUR of ite Indton unlverwltiea
and ohanoellur of the nnlvoreity to
ite prtoclpaltiy from which he iakca
hto tlUe.
CwUi. O.. hM aeUorwl a nm»atkm a»
I naturallMl w hich is ijol entirely
student of mjiur
urc. he is able
to dlatinguiah
iguiah through t
things misHzd by tbuke with sight
reoeuih be made a iock of marilus
comfoi table aud happJ bv i
them wltV his own hands a kind of
bird apanmem hoiiM-.iwhich haa
erected In hU yard ilt U a bui
with acvent
porUou couialnlug I
floors of four
rooms each. The
able plect» of anhiitriure aud
blrtlH aoom as proud iof li as Is Mi
The Justice of thej supreme court
and the Judges of Uib coUnti.v court
In nro*>ki.%u ai*pos!vd jim like bench
silk gowns the other tia.v This iui
vatlon eatue as a HuriMise. although H
was known that the.matkT of gt
had iM-en discussed by. the Judges
Ihv afteinouii Justice Mareaii reuiovtd
hia gown, hut tlie other justices wi»rv
their ail day
Juslioi' Mareaii re
marked that the gown was all right oi
gala or cen monUl occasions. 6m not
for the transaction of ordtoarv busl
ness. “I b4*Jlev e.'V said he. “ttet this
aticmpt to make Judges wear gowns
Is an attempt to add dignity to the
court in an unworthy manner.Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, the cclebiated
Philadelphia phyidclaii. was a guest
at a dinner of the naUunal board of
trade on one occasion. He Usicned
to one or two speeches and^hen slip
ped out of ihdrrooni. Later a friend
inquired as to iho cause of Jils dbotp
peaimnce. “I grew weary.- he said.
-Of bearing men talk about millions
and hlUlona aud not a word about
4-ducntlun or moral pmgress or litera
ture or potHry Why. has the natlo^
kbued w iih commerciaUsm
that men can talk of uoihtog but duloenis? Let me tell you. sir.
that thU country, could well afford to
P»> II.OIS.OOU.OOU lor OBolber ghoke*P«ire." -But Oortor." uM liU friend
Uamertnxly. -wc liave nor Dr. 8. Weir
Mlubell. .od fce did DOLcewt n. II.«M..O#0.000- "Wall.- be owwerdd.
and hla eytm tmlnkled. "Wall: you
have never gnt a Wll frum me jmC”
pw will be no oooastao for lt"M ym
Drug Co..
doctors but ua benefit icsvuUed By
chance we read about fcywtric Billers
bought a bottl»* arid suoii tiailccd ImWe continued this medlpruveinen
cine until sevcral bottles were used.
when <*ur boy was compbieUdy cared,
Ik-st of all blood medicines
building heullh tonics, quan
Bjgbi-c Dnig Co.. Fiauk Meads, Han
uah l>rug Store.
Elastic Spar Vamiah. S...E. Wail A
A J BROWN. City nev
light drayiug. Phone 47.
stand, for
may 7-Sl*
TSAVrC^CITV^tOO^ so. at
M. M. K
Riderless Bicycle
Village Wlleh
IWrcc Rcsdcsvoiis.
Prtday nlglit to Ite
WUkena. Oommandc
Record Keeper; K.
Soog. I’U be vitli you «tu-o tbe
ioeee.bloDui again.
Farms for Sals
TSese Arc AU Gosd Fltaas.
I have a number of .good
farms. aU the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sak or if yos
have any good property. I VrOi
take it in exekaage and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
DRS. J. 0. It MARY J. numtOD a good farm for less mon^'
OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS than you can buy it of any
»io tSs n body else. 1
have farms
I to i
L i».
p. la
7 lo B avMxlscs.
which are located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
A. 8. QOSaON-^ustlco of the THmcc.
City, all good improved land.
Hamilton A MlHlken block. Bonds,
If you have good 1ml farm
(k-eds. mortgagee and contnmU ac
knowledgcd; teal cslnie .bought, 1 will buy thMD.
m Front St.
. f)U pily RroUumnt Building.
^ bate Court for the Couwly of
Grand Tiaverse. At a session uf auid
court, held at the probate office, in
the city of Traverse City, in said
county, on the 2<Mh day nf April. A. D.
Pn-srul, Hon. Fied U Walker.
Judg.. of ITobate.
Ill the matter of the astute of
George Wilkins, late U said counljr.
dicoased. Oscar Simpson having fllocl
ill said court his pellUou praying Utai
he may be anthorized. empowered ami
•old or rooted In city or country ;
Uceiued ty sidl at public sale the in
money loaned. I bavo *omc r»od
tvresl of skid estate iu said roal estate
bargalna lUled In farm and city
therein describecL
property, lo office Wednesday and
It is order*^. Ibsl the Ulh day of
Saturday evenings. Residence phone
May. A D. liMl7. at 10 odock In the
Clt. 9ii2.
apr »-tf
forenoon, at said prohale office, be
Is hereby api»olnted for hearing
said petition
It U further ordered, that public no
Moon. CHy Opeza Houm block.
tice thereof be given by pubHcatkm of
copy of this order for^ three aucff. P. LAWTON. Ma 0—^
ssive weeks pieviovyi to said day of
block. Both phonos.
hiwirtog. In the Cii^utog Record, a
uews|lapcr printed and circulated to
DIt M. ff. QRKOORY-Pbyalcton sad
saW county.
»eon. 117 Csss ctreeL Phoito
ice, 7«0-2r: • rtMfideaoB. 7Bff4r.
true copy.
Judge of Probate,
apr 20-27 may 4 11
Shetland Pony
Btsie Bank boildlng.
Oii phooa vlt
Corset Covers, 17c, tfc.'dffto
LsdW PBtUooaU.wRh komatltoH tocte and deep tea
of aoUd embroidery, at ILSi.
Ottera with deep ffooBoe of f
roww Torchon tooe aad dust r«f.
f lu. ILIL
Ptotaer ones with todtod
00. good grate ousUa. B4 Ite.
Drawars. gohd Tffritey. from
Ite to ite
LEffTER a WKlwCH^Attonmy
tow. OoOecSoB vork a ipoeto]
With Uaderwood A Umlor. 8«tha^
tood hloeR.
Jaa fftf
Night Gowna. foil slses, Me
aud ^ esch.
Mtoaa Tucked Drawg. tooe
trimmed. Uc io tte
Children’ll Dravem, te io 2te
DR. ff. d. MAC NffTT-
H. H^AN ^ i
240 WaahinKtan.
‘I A SumM^Vign^ton
Stove tnd
kitekeoa The ^
ft «• «M» aft*
t» «NM» «M gfM ••tft*.
la ».««•. ,.
reMT Omk mad nfih rntrembm
Tho «»tr. iNaakHa Meredith.*
Rev . Mmtr Mooi Mwedlth. noetor
Meeting for wmnhtp SmbhmU i
•Mftkwi. n* —luivi ik| Ml M
Mtn^ IMMM IkMf* M* «• VM •»
»M iM iMft b«» kM Mm4* »•
a Ik* fttur .i
Ok. Ik* VMM amr frMr> *i n».
Mi r«f «irtu ur M uiik
■M *M Ml kMMM »U Ik* VMM «MMMiMbIM n* M*M IMMI Iktt
m m mrmill l44 m wmll*
fA4 ImOI 1 iMUVuomfol of modi 4ift<
UM VMft »**••«•«« MIkMf. iMy If fry. lUr Urto U» l^ttfr m
Tmemherm* iMeUag Tuomdmy mrenlmg
m W* »rt«M** lf*M«M* I* Ik. to
%oar: Butifr m
Te Keep ShlrU la Wmce.
Grayer mettag. T;30 p. a.
M grtdaw. mmd fry in «Aftll omiusf,
Prmechlag oa SmbbmU both mormlng
mklrt docto aot mlumym keep |tq
•miAf ml me lo Uf Uble. TliU fthmpe when ma oediamir hmager
U t
If maty mad food.
cooMd to our merrlccm.
) I* kM, *M lk*l* I* a kto M OmdBmmi ^lOmie»—Tw® cuptuif of
VMI* Mir MMI kcr ImM. to U aMiig tvo iViifoU fC iomr. one- ,e% aired the following mtaiple mm
aunt tor miooMmodatlmg m comml<
t *M »Mto*r*fl. Tkl. U Ik. hmlf mpNX of mufmr. oa
The Rev. Oeoigc E. Lockhmrt. pma^
ble number of mklrU in the mmmllewt
Mcrai a( • liM Ui* *M • kMvr *m. etvia) of ukortcalac. luei
>*fttbl« mpftco.
W4ff IMr mrft.:
^y mad ofice. kOl Wilhelm block.
buiuf. oaobmif cupful of wmna
yirml. mbe mcrewed In m few Imchem
Oftce phoae. 1«€ atlxeam.
om teaHKmful of ft^ll mad
Var to MaaMaai Ttoa,
fiom Ihe back of the clomet om earli
Momlag menrke. 10:Jd m. «l
AM mm m w iMIr Itwi.
h I. Msmad kjf Ika*. vka laok half lamiipoafuJ of modm flifti «ls well mlde m maimll brnm* book much mm U
Sunday echoed. 12.
Bmreca Bible cMma. It.
Oli-r kaillk aad lU laWrasu. Ikat lOfMbftr thft omtBMal. Aour. ftugai
•ed tm rhlmm cloeeU.
IV 9w i«0i.
B. V. F. V.. € p. m.
ftmit. MfU Urn mbortealni. mmd
The neat miep.wwm to get m piece of
Ik* gtolM Ik* TMlalT at
Bvealmg eerviee, 7
ammm mt^ ,
i Ihe mods ia the warm ft-mier mmd iroog but Bleudmr coed kiuf enough
load a*. Ml*. Ike kMBible etndy, prmyer mnd niw^ mer
pour lato the tour mlxtmre m» quickly to extend mcioem the cloeet froui hook vice. Tbnredmy evening mt 1:2k.
t«r. MT* Oa*d
tMlWe. TUrm U urn to the aokUmf
Jmalom unlop. Smtnrdmyt 2:»0 pj^
a. M vkal food
ton da *at aU I
I. ia« »Mjr boat. 0.natv klada *< hoerde mad toll miaooUilv oatil ebout
Oo thim cord mhe rntrumg m doxcu or. 4 22^*'
lamiter of ma lach la thlchaeaft; HOMB CUBBS-OAL 2
food tkal .all 0*0 **nav aar Md at
2:29 p. BL. chrirtlmm m prmMm mom,
Innted to theme mer.
^ AU aref cordially
all aMM *Uk aaoihw. Katore kaa oat up lato enmll cmhm* may mlie pro more lerge xafety plnm by running th;; vlcei.
^p. at., md hot amlvmUoa lamttmg
MMldad #0 llberaMr tkat okI> caa
cord through the opemlmg In the cU«p
muadmrd: HoUnmma mmto Urn
akaoa. la Mick a var. aat oaly that thin eud bake In imlhef m .loir heat of :hc ptm.
Chnmh ef ChrM (Dtecipimm.)
J. Allfoi Canby. mlmiater.
valata toll to* iMaaod. tout dl vmtll aell browned. Ucl them tUnd
She foldm her ehlfU exmcliy In hm f
•aalMi aldad a. vail The IM« wMo f B the brnktof pftn only m BManeot mf* mUckto the point of m p^u thrufgh the
Latlmr-Oay fimlnU (Reorgmiilmd).
If m v«7.
aataaal aa«* Ul* aao I* «Ukla Ike ter taklms tram ihe oven lUudlc mltU wftimtbend mt back. Uoai «md k^ vmy
Regular mervicoft mrc held at tbtli
kIMIr voNf |m«*U M4
MMury a( Ik* 'aMrt* lahabltaat.' emiT. mm they bremk rery mily while between thiwo two pointm. them ihe
chapel. Vo3. Randolph .treel. a* fol
2:20 p. m-. Junior C. VL
la naay part* a( our eMWlry It wa. hot. They will keep weU inI m tlgblb fftMteam the tomfcly plnm mad her mkUti.
h 20 p,
IntcrmedlaU C,
jer. If m hang lu their nmtuiwl foMm with Uttle
rec«4tr*d «IUi laotunMia pmlaaa. BMiy roreiwd Un emn or emitheo imr.
SundayB . eenlor C. B.
H to liD-«laM*t- Ik* ellair ooCee cap im UMd for the
mtraln and mway from the wall.
Snaday. 1 p. nu cvaagmUmtlc aerrlom.
lo:30. Sunday ac^.
afltt*. aad lo till, day la Bumbarhai mmd eaei for the Bhoftcalns. (hU rule
The pin* ullde-freeb up mud dow n
II;46. prayvu' aervlce. .
will mmke two pourndk mnd will
T^cftday. 7:3fi p.
cottage prayer
laarillw It la the prtoeipal diaa *
the cord mnd mkirU may be hung three
7:30 p. m..,^re»chlug service.
eetlnga on cast and woel sides of
mboui twelve cwoU, mmd wlU Umt-how d«-p and not yet cmahed or wrinkled
A oma who had baaa tor
• tlhl ham a* aiM .Mer
cvciflug—T JO.
ay yaan aaperlateiidaat a( loul?
abwi Ik* ratola la Ik* uaa; *
Wednesday. 1:30 p. m.. every second
A good Scotch woman U lamea for
IMS* baa worka. d«*lat*d-that h«
Heelth mad Oemfeit.
and fourth week Uurcaa Aid aodety
Friday evening-7:30. rion’m Rcllgio• *0b1 bam a* aiM vhaar ap!
hraakhnl ae MtHtplac. aad
If your baoilK permplre freely keep a
IM IM ahr *UI aoo* b«
Ulcrary boclrty.
m whiob he eoald make the long fora- wheiw mho live*, but lu mmny other jar of powdered mlnm on the t
A weU-oiut* ih exu-uUed to alt
aooa eo Otmlonable to blin->lf. aa a tow nm. whore- her ^1Klto^m hmvc cmirled table. Ooraalonally ume a little of tbi.\
lla Mn Ml at tk* load** aky,
Thurudjo. t
P. ».* umloa aid
her rocipc. mnd moulidcd h<-r pnilmc*. In the water with which the h
to ito la drear. *1 boal:
Latter 0»Sy Spinta.
lUguUi JM-rvu-e*; tif the laitter Day
aiv weahed. but do not use It every
kadMMdiUr all
OaUBoal bniakfairf puddlag. uiu.1-.
Bit in I (rt»-urgwnitc» arc a* follow*:
kb dH**lM*aaL
or porridfe. a. It la vartou.ly called
It U a aoaocnble fact that whi«
dm Omed Cmhm Reelpem.
lU:;;o. MH-tU Hcrvlce.
laadc la dWernit ways by lIBareM
Cremai Omke—H cup mweel rreftui the feci are oomlorUble the nwt of
’ll 46. Sunday school.
cook.. U la Blade altkar thick or Ibla
7.(*' p. m.. pitwchlng.
1 eup of eugmr. 5 egge. I cup of 0<*ur the body im In a almllar ooDdUloa.
aelea hot or oold. acoonllag lo ti. I temepoomful of bmktng powder. Put
Tueaday Kvening—
ec week* of the foHowtng trpel
io, prayer meeting- ^
dividual Uete. »y Ihoac w 1 o an f.a.d the ImgTwdlenU together tm the order meet will complcu-ly ewre me Ingrowriday Tveninj;-^
nC the aewly aad* poddluk •kk-h U wmBMui. bent thorougbly. mud bmke In ing toe Ball: Ope nwace of perfectly
1J20. Zion * UoUghi-Uterary norlety.
J. U HvMtif It m VOMO« IW touDd ua »liuo*l ereryhw Iv « »*•>•»■ ieUy
located at
Unm. Sprewd between the rmktw
plHI* WMIdf. gim m mcrH, i4 ttl^ Med O.IIUC.I. aad al-> oalanal ft Altiug
made of om«-hmi(^m cup of vtry dmehma of purm water heated allghtly.
IM m
-yitti voMm
griddle cake* are oftea very muck IhK'k cxenm. Into which humJiecu itlr Paint (he aoft part* twice a dmy.
ftkteft « tM <4oM«wl (U>ft. Ilf Wf: liked. The puddlag. which 1« Ihe loau
To cure a mlrk*headachc. Uke the
T;00. evening gu*pcl mmvica.
ml one cup of powdered mugmr FW
Rev. W. II Irwiu. pw*lor.
dellua ul ellher the fried oatmeal or vor both emke end dUIng with v»
juice of half a IcoKm In a cup of UUk k.
Chomi choir menu for rmha
rUMi im rliug al M l', a. lu.
griddle cakM. toold ko aadd. to day one half tcjmii|»oonrul In each ».biHild be
Morning service. 1U:3Q m. aw
Igriui* It I. M b* tilled. A good rule
The tiny warta that MiacUacn dim•ufftclenl. ’
Sunday acbool at 12 m.
llMi UM Hl«
to; ua* capful af aatmaal. aoe
figure the neck can be removed by
Epworth league. €; 20 p.m.
Cake. Uelldoum-ttme tho
• Mavf)
dklt'aad aae MUeri ut boll clpe for ciemm ceke till tho dlrectlooa painting with cotoiicaa Iodine.
BvH-olng M-rvlccto at 7:30 p. lu.
miM fm\QHur gtim gi-dof? lag yrater.U Boll
Pimyv meeUng Thurmdmj eveatoi
la a rioa holler, or - for filling are romched. thvn »premd
An easy exercise to jlcvelop tbo
um* mmnnr
paU aM la a beule of helUag water the layer* >rlth boiled Icing, mnd on chcHt and aruiH U to *und In an open
rrdlv gml MTlcf, IMi!' Tkc pliy Bllr BOW aad ibeo while bolliag 'Boll
door, place the hand* palm downward
M K U. Uial tM mUf •Ifckkrf^Mfr. hra* hour*, more or lee*. *i i* coo top of all but the immt layer pUee vfwry on the door ca*lng mt a level with the
nllcem of Imnanm. Do not by nny
tUtl fr«t «M ▼« «M fporrjr m 4o veobol. P'our or dr* duart. eili obt thin
mennm pot the banana on ihe Iced ■houldera. mnd walk back and forth home im Triverre City, you mm emru
IIMr wvit fo MfotiiftUy IMt »• m
loo much to cook at oact. la a
through ike door ma far a* poealble
tly Invited to ocmdc. get mequmlB
r* the luvUlug appea
9«| IkU am4 mil mUiftr mgmomUkni latM taiSilly.
d work mmd worahip wlU ni.
the maowy Icing, and makiw tbo w Uboui removing the handm.
to mlmrCnlmfftf, mtui look gluai ama Vot the Med oelmeal. lake fr-im the of
dcome to mil. Introduce your frlemd*.
When tho hand* arc veo dirty, a
cake uapieocotablo on the a«xmd day.
the itrmngera. If m ilrmnger. wait
pol *WMamr tkmrn m bomr.**
It paddlBg aa Bmrh aa *ni be h.»4
IbUled Icing—I cup td granulated very good wuy* of cleaning them la to Dd aieet t
rvM ft Ibla Moery mua ff
od. aad act away lo cool lu t Bat
ignr, H cup of water. 1 egg. white rub a mtlc lard well all over them wad
ptm M W inmltg l>> fm^imv:
tanaeu diUi. A hall-boor iwluro Ika
only. Boil the mugar and water
•*ffmVo prftUor mlum
finUo. you
kao waaled for to amal. put gether wHhont marring till a little onlluary way. If tbU t» done tn cold
l»po.oo the alov. a goodwlwd fiytag t«ta.
bt-r the hand* will not be
dropped lu cold water will hardoa.
flMltf A fmcU If mooic of it> k»fm lato which put u plere of tried .uei Add the while of ihe egg. and heat so likely
^ liVMfiiUr iHamdy
mrt vbam or haltae aa large as a hea’. . e«a till the (rutini
’^llV Soaday toaol. It p«
Img U cold, them mpremd
Whaa Ika (at baclas to .moke, put la
Lteadlac. tola to hoia. dap*
fro look104
over th» Sh*.
t;4( p. ai. Touej P***to'.
Milt »4 no wMi VO look ml Ika aatmaal ta ihl. way: Have ready
rnilt M»*r Cko-H oa* U butlir
at Chrtrito MdOBTor la th* p*
fkmr Oiii kogpi. wo
try lo
T:M Pl b.. evr.tac vorOlp.:
a( aaM aatmaal. Up vttk a allB apoov
fvmmo tko *mM0 Ikml VMH
rewn Wa^or Lata *(
at." Ud pa* *»M MIM* b*v a M*^ ■Md apoimlui.ef Ika poddHd. *M powder, whit*, at toor *». % PoaMi N. Oatontlfn
Tlmo-fttor* Hr’ took P*
Thondv. T:M p. H. ytdfM hhd
tr. dbtMT M<Md **•«» M torir m tt laMika «ik *f Mar. r*B wear ct rtoto I M 1» to*..Pto* t* iMt*.
H^ni|kdr^ M iMtlMtof rto «M apoaa aad drop lato ika fat
th* hottor utd aagar. add *»•
If Md k4rv m har. aha aaltaad Rapeai thto praatH tmlH tk* fry CraOB
Hf pamw tak. M «*U1 yon ka«a aa
Mrvlam mad tkm fimdiM nm.
Mk tkd idMt VMM* M«to
fi&mu tomkem m pomlUve mUtMMot
IM **vM kMdkW- hMd *r «a atsaa- _____ iliea aa yaa vaal. rry with whIM the bdUac po*Mr ha. hMs he wlU gamrmntme to enre the llfmor
sUiad. th«B ft* wUio* Id to MS*
if Orrlme la aamd im moeofdmBm
Pimi il* R. Otorrah.
iMto M M btovhMt ?»• Irtatod* imre. havwalaB otoMy aa hoik todt*. writ haditw. TM. a Hul* mom ikmm haut
^ixh .dlreetloaa or
h|M iiiMtat ftM tkM MkfM k*M
jmmt tmlU tm th# troat- Jomeph Dmtvm. pmMar.
a*»4Ut« *t thto hatto. thma mdd i« ahowi hte gmmt
L It ta la tlkMtmjr that Dfrtfie If Mormtog mMTioe. ifi:W.
a* M» a Sk* *liM Ptot Mk k~^ MtomilM Whaa dtma. aaad la tk*
to PM MM Hid totoMt TM lahb tm a hat dl*h or plaRer. It cMwM: pa«r till. hMHr tot* t«o mold by the lemdiBg dmggiat to mmhf^ Baadmy mekmol. aoda.
w aataa vtih ptaaty t< ***a>
Mpwoftk Lamjue. f p. m.
itoMd kHdM* ii kb kMMUai to
“AU^rin-rdlmUy Invited mad
JImmi IK
A Fepoom fioolal.
A very enjoywule churru »oclal U
ealk-d the -IWpoo^ Soctol. * At thU
the ladles yire pmmeated with necklaora of mining 4toPcom. tied with gay / ^
ribbon*, tbo genOomen with watchchain* In cormaiiaadlmg cx>lor». When
tho Utter find nochlmoo* to match the
wairhH-hain* the popcorn pairing l»
completed, and the man loadm him part^
ner to u pair of mcalo*. whore they
ere both wi-lKhed. tho tllffvreuoc lu
ftrlgbt Uoi ldlng what hi* attpiicr will
him. tlM- Mbwiule being to c-ent
lK i i«.mul Tho HUiHH-r vuii he made
to ttHich With the name of the eoten
Utomeiit by intruduclug aundr) dl*h*
em made of com.
Shrinklna Cloth.
Ttve qucMiim nf tuiw to fthiluk bravy
rUUU»i l» ufU-ii M tlirncull one to w»lvr.
Hang i1h‘ maU-tUl over the elotboi
line, ft nil tlif fold on the Hue, and
ftA-4 It ft nil till- garUou home. Allow
wUl be quite
it to liaiig uulil »lry.
uunn^-snary lo Iron U. aa the garment
ium«t be |ire*MMl when finUhed. Tblm
C.IU only bo dune with heavy clothem.
,1.4 u light loos© weave would rnimich
aud k»*o It* »hape.
Substance «»
jMHt MHMlfa’
r TMtoh BmMM tot to.lMl tMB
mt Vto* totM I*
lam Uto to* afUt ft* Ig. ««T
ftto. UM p^t • tom at to. om eaeb
U* of «Hh MUor. TM*
wtoUhmtormrnrik. dark, mad kaiA
Whem deae. vmt tke Imywra logtikmr
OiMdto OMM-O** oimMI a* M( Batteraat Cake-t{ cap of butter.
\% eapm «d tagar. I eapm a« •oar. M
of aoamt imllh. l agp
flliftar with o*h>oBfM-*l
of fbur ctiA S 4i
totr. l*» M |»Ah4 o»*f hlftrt; taisafoiOtm
kmktog-Boodmr. Pul the togrw
dtoato togalUr. acma#tog to dlmcxmo iv oihtf amhm, alto bdka me
leaf mhaal aa Jwar. lea wMh hoitod
latog. MM girm# thto thtohiy wHk hmt
9mt Ooohtim aitto C^iaav-I cup.
to a^r. 1 cup of butler. 1 cap ef tour
emma-Sfidia. 1 Immapoonfai O
Mto mU ictMtomc. add OMgh I
ma aai. Plmam amtoai wUe Ulokiy
ea mdoh omohAto dad bmtok.
Prito. WlU toBM» Itfl: ODoh. halTh
m hiNBto ft* If«|*M. «Mt Mt
miM IBU.
Sto tor toi
Uneeda Biscuit
is the only form in which soda
reach ymr
crackersV should ever
St tiiht. moisture
table. The dust
proof package
_ brio|iii| aU their
fo^cM to you mUct
tooM. hM lb* Jtoto 1
ito Mi toiM* kd Hdi » *Mto vto
4M ltd* Midi*. HM* h dM dt M*di
todM Vttk Id•k dMHidI
toMp dIMMMrv
iMIgWIdl. Md Rtl
«« iMA
There’s more real food substance
in ordinary soda aackers thm in
any other wheat food—which
means niore sustenance for the
me ImllB to mM m carA
Mmatog etmiigeUaUd atrtlm. T.
Pmjrar awmitog. Tharadmy «v#mUig.
A eatdtol vmieomm 40 alt
>t M. B. OlMWah. -
TM s*r. a. a rtofttoa *«tor.
Oaa hoMIih. * >- ^
|ThMI»> ***.10*. I»:M A to.
MhMr ««mbi hi U to.: art.
k HUB* «1«:M a to.
I plHtol. TsM to *■
\m/E AB* hB»«iag a TftX MM.
VV I»to Mm 0l •HtyiWai Wht
a>Mto Mkt tkeiUtMBWMV
onllai oonpMe. Tben <• ntr qMftiaa
m BMy.
Extraordinary Suit Selling
Prices Very Radically Reduced
I IHf ttSMon for such radical rtdadhns k easily understood* Manufacturers haiue not reaUaed as
ma/^ftordera^ as is usua^ the case at this time of the year which ledaes them with la^ stocks Oft
ha^ and in order to dispose of these stocks they ase Tattling to make very sharp price concessions.
in order that we may be in a position to to take advantage of some of these offers when our
p^sent stock is exhausted we are making these radical reductions on our present stock,
in order to move theM quickly we heve placed a price on them that must appeal to every economically minded woman. Rinht here
we'wqot to aav that NEVER have we had such vaiMi to offer, even at regular prices as this season. Increased facilities of manufacture.
bMMM of competition among manufacturers hat resulted in tetter garments for the price than has ever been sold before. Now. when
•e offer yen ^thete gai meats at such remarkably low prkes, can you resist buying ■' Note the reductioos^od act qnickly.
iiliiit 4 mm
IfcMFji ama.
mm. IsO
th ihwns
«3Sa Sv S
isWMv<fes40kho-«MMS. tfr wi9«l««kMd OMlfeM
dtamdfefewttrom s/ttrMsfertia aMnwAoTfeil^
army, aa fwa iM|kt any. * k|iai#l
its at gpnpo nmA <4BUi*r. tha
Utkipa SM VMS OIA of tWfe fefeSar
t Tk* sues vsa okMrO.
ll» vaUt gsM a»4 oa tkair iMta^
•Sta «• la ttlMipli plaMS tkecctea
sf ika T««siraaaMU Kfeklgaa. cape
tkiHac tta aaafna wlag vtUi Uraa
Wa war# kapila akRp mm IMfti
lastaa aattt aksat ika te si Mr
IW wkaa wa uaaa mmM m a«
tka aanriaaa al tka Pattad MM d
Aatarka aad wrau Ip aar amisi
aiMM aad vara ikara
vaot to oar koMaa. waeatt af
aoldlars of boU tka khia aa Iks SMI ^
to ka coata goa aa koaoraM# dtk
•aaa of caa tomatxf aa esa M
I kavaa ( lalata aay kalr kiasM
Durtac tka algkt tka ratlB»aat
oaad to tka Htkt cl tka ««fluiad
fort aa4 tki^ threw up kraaatvarita
cosaaeuai It witk tka fadarmi pickat
llaa aa4 oa April Srd at akoat S:SO a
pavkaps 1 kava aoaa to tatalts ah
tkoath I paaaad tkiougk aona of tka
haiSiat roufkt hauka of tka War of
to Appomaitoi 1 doa\ kagk wkdkir
I ewr WUrt s wsImW HMSw «
sot siib^ I sisd BMr units w
tfcWr dlTMtkp. I Mver iMSissd MW
voMds, acr «M I STW msMmS tw
Ik* Nh«U: VMkwa It «ss Wesw* I
waa a good raaaar aa paikapi M was
my lurk aoi lo ba oapUra kScaaai I
alwaya ka a draa of boMapHaemor
of war aa 1 ha acaa tkom oom kadk
from thoaa paaa of daatb aa 4mm
I had tha plaaaura of baloaglag to
oaa or tka Urea kuara igktUf ri0>
lacait: that la to aay. oaa df tko ff|lmaati wkoaa loaaoa la kattla MeM
kuadred or over. A cohmal IS Ud
army looka tkom ap aa fompUa|
tkom for rafereaoaa aa osM Mi
-Tka Tbrao HdOra nghUit Riik
•mitA* Oftkaaoinckigaakaatsar
Laa SofraOara
Thia waa oar la«t battia fought aa erait. eight iwgimasii, all iaiaatit
wa did aot gat up to tka frest atOi.
Loo t amy aarraadora to Ua ifih la tka atatai Tlta TMlr
Qanatal Orant oa April »th. lUt. I MToatb bora aa lu milt. aU told. OH
win navar forgot tha ncana oa that afficart aad maa aa loai aa kiUa
hit otlcers aa m aoMMa. Two
mamormbla day. A4>Ki ^
olftem aa algktymnr toldlara dia
ware on tba lUrab aout
haltad and raaitag by tba roa mlda Df woaadt reedra ta actloa: pt dUk
Ntoa. foar otleora aa IfO moa. guOt*
that wt army in fir aa yoa could
or 4t7 loat by Joatk
In an dircctlona aotblng but aoldioffs
and tbs ir tmiiu of kundrad« of wafoiui
I do not protaa to cay or would
of dlVaraat klnda. suck as tka army
for oac MMt ikni
aaad In tbewa days of war. Wo wari
OUksUy rcatlng and lounging amua Ik* TwMiw-wvMtk tn«kiisa.*ttt
on tka ground aw tka army uaualty Sows tk* iskatllaM. a* M Ut k*ttkr
did on foirh uccailoaJi. gatUag all tha Sshusc tkM M* o( olk*r wtfUrt
I«st tksa
rant wa could and I hoard a great Ik*i kU |0*MS tkst
commotion to tka front like tka ckaor- Min. I loM asMr «t*s* msss tseiu
•k** (k* l*MM *• ***SSlS»«
lug of tha army aa
feat I looka la tka dirfctkm of tka ts( tk* Ikert USM V* (*rr*4
CMBtnr la tkat fcleod/ «ara*lk*l*0>
oa. Tba aoMra ware all oa Ua4r B«w waa sMsuisS la t* atnle** a(
tk* UulM nutM OS ASril IS. tMt.
feaL^akontlng aa throwiag tklaga
Ua air anything they oouM gat bold •• jrw **• tk* Mr k*4 k*W «MMn
to** tia* k«toN Ik* Tvmtrfessisi
Of. capa. cantMfu. knapaackt. |
aad equipatanu of all klnsU wara fly V* ■iut*re4 I* to in t*rtltas;
ing In tka air at oaa time. Soon I
a horaaman rtdlng at fUU apaa
at fatt am hhi bonsa coaJd go. aboaUag
vonr oMiioA.
at Ua top of kU voice, **Laa kaa n«r.
leaded to Oiaat aa tba war U over.*'
H»ick a sight never met my ayaa before sail* tick, bat te b*U«r M tkli vttt*
oi kloce.
having withdrawa during
tka piwYloua night. Suck rajolcing k|
tka Tataran trooga of tka Army of tka
Potoamc 1 aartr tiaiaaa to kafoaa. ^
torgat tka amaao kafPra
ma oa that ooaailoa.
Tka Armr of VIrglaU aa tka
ilarata ariajr waa taUO. ka traaka from kaCWa tka Avpy of ta
Acfaao oaae wwra aa ^ aa tka
Afiiy of tka Poiomao coaaMaia tka
war aaaHy oaar. ^Wa waaw ordaaa to
in tka track of ooaaral
Lao's army, tka NIatk corpa batag oa
of our llaa aa tka aaamy
Mvlat by thair right, brought tka
Nialk eorpa la tko roar af iko piignilag anay for naca.
The War Wat Ovtr.
Brave old aoldleni who bad paaaa
through four yean of dreadful war
ware aeen bugging each other aa
eaplng like cbildran booauaa they
longht Ua war waa about over and
they ha been spared to go home to
iclr kived ones In peace aa kappi>
' jLmv OlMr*r aad Ul* iMhs wwts
tbogMU ot Mr. aad Mr*. SMltk ISM
Hear^ ftsmes aad Hit* K«td*rbo«aa
A number of young people ot tkla
Aa we bad nothing to do oaly to
atay wbare we were onlll fnilker
from headquarten. we laid mooUa He wav born la Haaevar.
I think Sve or aU daya. and then Oeimaay. lalttS. and caiao Ic Amiriatek caam from Waaklagtoa
Uat brought aadaaea to every aoldlcr yoan were aMt at Port Oacdla. Uc
in Uearmy of Ue Potomac; PrealdmU
imul la Ue garb cf a maa. Oar
reioiclag of a few daya bcfOcu waa
ckaaga into moaraiag beeaaaa every
aoldlcr in Uat army ka Icaiwa to
accept Uc pieaidoat aa a dear aa
lead. The aaat day. Uo MaU
bdag in Uc roar and acaroaf to
tID to 13.50 Suits, S0.75
»5 to 33.50 Suits, SiS.TO
S5 S35 Suits, S17.75, ■ S35 M 37.50 Suits, Sf5 «:
eca to Waabiagtoa aa aooa aa poadd.
bla. ao wc about face aa aurta back.
oa bat tiiampkaat army. Wo ^
maroka to Uc cHy poUt aa tkera
traaiworu by Uc way ot |kc
Jaiaec rtver. Ckcoapcako bay aa Ua
Focomac rtver to Waabiagtoa. Tkc
trip waa aerompMaka wlUoal a mtakap of any kind* only a Uttla caaalekacaa wkUa on Ua bay. When wc arrtva la Wkablavtoa wc wera placa
oa guard duty about Uc city aa Uc
dty waa aadcr martial law at that
aa an waa kept gulct for a IM
PMMM I* MM o« <
m %¥m «• <«—
Ukf ll ^Tmuo
^rnkormam W^m
AAf Aigkl ^ hA dMfVM «H
kmon vlUrii 00 witli tW rtrtonr. fW
VM ^ ioor milM «»d ft kotf
A Uar W« f«<M.
4. M 0*Mm
k* t> •• warn aU H m4 »ts It
MwMto Vir. • »«<*
w»*«* VM wMMtlir ofraU u lii ktaaK
«MML Ito a>M
"Mka Tof Is • IMM Mi for fMv4 oilM .0M4 U M
MUM «( i*^. SM I «S«>* osr UltloM r»» oboat .tM rtof vltk
««MtW «« tsks fiMs l> CM rrss- BttTM rIoM
MM* «r OrttaM. I «s« kM la Ass^
Mis. m»* ttm my osarufcU. sks
^rssS Is MITT M "
4 To n
RMOiiAt Ooly #
Vlas tWs »*«sf* skMs a WMSS
«l M lMt« » r**n. *Hk ao pmra
Lcm A««oIm. uor 11
* drsv>
lo« <*nl Uo icbt WtiMMUy nlglit
tmttu iku <km Is a CsBlMau ia« turMd out u» bo A dlM0poiuimoAt. tbo
■•dhsi a srklls »Sfa«B Mrrrlac a rvoWpU MMoaUAf Ui A trtno otror
Bwra. so ks »IU kats M fo auuMs m.WK). Tbw vrro torv* MW to »bo
Iks auu IS vs4
SilWry AOd DAor 0# Ibo hlgb priced
Mkaaoa «al(ks skoat no powks oMU m tbo grooAd floor wore not oc
aak Is la CM osaAiUoa- Hs •aaksa cupWi by Ml boldtaig coupon*
s kig kisaaak la kls asekUs saO
sBolkar oa t togsr rtag. aa« bis mlMat rlTSls that a( Mosoa la kls
Ml WltiOAdU bAf© itAltCd Ibo
vlUi tbo bUm.-Ai CTOvd |for
PON kALk-isn-au fMW ‘
fOtB lb# flibtAro oottld come to tormt.
Miw* Norlne Baird
AAd tbo Arsvmeni otrer the eeioctioA
of A ivlofve. ibAt flaally cnlmlAAtcd bmiber Tom. al Cedar last week
la MHoe beiap aamod. for « tUno
tuna Taylor, reiuriud to hi» I
ihreAleaed to br tbo oaum of break- In Monum laet Momlay after a
lap off aefptUtioAL Burnt t
dayk rlMt wilh hU Imolber 8am
At flret for Oeorpe «lb?r. To UU Rey;
Mm K. a l"mtt of Tiaveri.e C«»y
ttcdde oQccicd. He decUrod br kne
wa» enkoing the flfebinp
one day
AbAOintely aoihlnp erf Slier. Reynoldt Ust wxH-k
finally apreod to take Jeffrie*. It look
The big aheep and hay bam on the
over two bonr. to And the blp fellow,
dlobh's. farm U rtvelUiip a new loof
but vboA bo vat approoebed bo acufiU-r the din^tUiu «rf Iceman Orcot
eoptods noivUbtuadlnp bo baa prom
The driving horeb txionplnp t
Itod Croffroth be will flpbt Squlree U
iobu Boyd fell in iu box wtall lat
OAAO the Auttrallan wlnt.
Tu*-mIb> night in wo<b a way ae I
Jeffilet It to iwt'clve H.OOO fW the
break ti» U-p und wiU have to bo
)ob. That the flt;ht l>etwoen tbo mm
will be A contett to a flnUb. and that
The eiphih pmdi eaawlnalion ljej;ua
they want a di'ci-loo not cm polnta but
but;sday under the euiienikiou
cm Ability to punch It evidenced by the jj*[**“*^
School (YniimU»4Umer. Oeorpe
fict ibAt cAcb man aptwed to make u
He reptniN iwewty five n
a fnrty.flve NUind flpbt vUhuur the
tllpbleal brtiuilcm.
MfK K Stlteii optmi fcevcrul U»yA In
Truv« jsv nty law wi'Ck with her
daughter. Mr*. Will .Fray
J4M- Keith, the MHtbiU Uvik. m
WUil;:iupharp wixtioii ha« ujovihJ hi*
fumil.v from lia upjMiwi; «if
Ttu»rk«i houae into Mr^ Haiudey tJ
(• ill the non hern iiar: ot town
VlflTiROAVfl 0AMtfl.
8ahbaUi uchool baa licen orgiui
Irt-d In the HHnmIkcmhI ioraliiy h> Mr.
H Oieult and will meet
..s..€ U 2 ntteincK.il at u>.o o'ckxk. at the
•otk (M sad •Mettle nsku. Oeed
ksra. IBS U*B, eleee la. WMUacto*
FOR 8ALE—1884—Raaort property■tnssc Prte* IldW. Waka ~
<me mile cliy llmiU; four aMva;
tlT keaU Uatoa kC OMssaa t
WANTED—Competcnl ptH In imall
two buadred feet aboiv fnmt; torta
fstmlb : no waaiap.
W Tenth UlA
hotel complnely furnlMied Aral
may Pnt
ciaas; hot aud cold water la all
roomg. pa* llphi. furnace beaL al*o
8. DIvUloa BL
WANTtD-Modem benme for Bmall
one oouage. two Urpe bam*, troal
fwinUy. O. J- CarUon. State Bank
at ream through grouadi. hath bowse
hulldlag. Cit. pboac 71A may 7-tf
aad iflae gvore alovp bay aboia. TbU
PON iALt—1U2—K»H«» room brick
propeity Is la tm clam covdlUoa
m.ld< un-. West Nimh 81.. rtoss In
WANTtD-Four room* for lipht
0V mala road iv elty. piked all Urn
om- nod a halt block from CMitr.1
bcmaekeeivlOB near o*ylum. Inquire
way lo city: would com to put la
wh«.l; .uUablc for residence, i
Record office.
eooditioa a* U Is at presevt at kasi
lUli or bourdrr.; will lake good
twenly thousaad dollara; Udy own
i^uUy lo soiooni of one iho.
WANTEO-Boyt at the Oval Wood
Inp I. invalid, hence aacrtlice la 4
dollsrs SB part psTtmiit; price
lH*b C o.
apr 27 tl
order to dlspoae^lrf it; -vRI ^sider 5.
Wsde Dios.. SH South
pood city property la part pvygiient ;-^
I'uloii at., at. phoBc i:i»
price 115.000. Wide Broa, 817 >
WANTED-OlrU at Ibe Oral Wood
may ll tf
South Vnlon 8t CM. pboae 1219.
Ui*h Co.
apr 27 U
may IHf ^
PON kALt—M»k-8U room
Blgblb 81.: pries
have any for wale came and aec me ' Bros, »|- koulk Oak)*
pboos Itit.
or write tue and I wUl come and aeo
bocauMi ho wrnl dovo Ibo
mono, flibcd vKb A fnuoa lliio. caiui!
homo wlib A AjnAll cAUb. diilA i kirk
AAd Yovod be didn't om a flab orci
ten iDchoi long. Tbr rcmalnlnf Iwc
boro AtUlnod the honor. aodI down ic
Wolloo nod VAdoil ATOona In tbr onoo
Pbii DbtffNor.
foi A few bouro Altbout «von lotVoi
A Utr
them. H. J Murpan.
may 1 tf
Art WlnAlc U kopi Juot ouuido tbt
Aftbyr WlAAlo.
mAMmofct KAU% bcTAUho hc told About
ola accoiuiU. A. PiMorsI. lUnlUoa
A blA «»o IbAt pm Awny from bU
Horry Wonroo,
mar t&'lmo
lirolbor JuUuk. wbllo whlpplnp ihr
ftuArdman on tbo finit day of the *ii*v
Any MO b lJUdWo to tbc Roll vbo
Mm. Henry VU*clior U aImi put tn'ib*
bM WM opoBAd hlA or hor brod luid
•ooomi illvIkluA iMHAuko bc umdo bU
opOfltOd OOMOlblllf Obnut Ibo Htc KWb
Adv«-ni Into nortborn
TlumiTbAl Dot Avoy.
tUy AAd WBA lien AplUflrd. with thlr
' Tbooo OB ibo probAiion lui oro trim Pob. Ho aIou laid About Aomo
iu-h«Hil IioiimAll ihixM- in FOR SALE -M<xb m tfii room bmi*»MM vbo bAvo comwlilod mbuc »»* tbut pot Awny. t.ut aa U wAi. the flmi
1 lo! L. It
427 b'iflh 8t.
cojdWilly liulud to atCtffrnoo br will h«« lot off wilh A wain
may 2 if
l^ hoiMd that a achcMl
i«0Bgb lo bBT ibos from Ibo Roll biU Ini
lUiT) Monroe ttccomponieu Al
wilh a pvKHllv numiar of member*
riUl boopo tbom okH of Ibo timoUphi of Roak^ on tbo Aooood of May but
bou«*. now.
tfbrrMM vbo bOM a blgb rofAid for kicked on Ibo weather. Tbr wevthcr
Mia* lUlud McAribm left ye*i«-ida>
W Tonth HtriH-t Inqulff 12i ruloii
tbo trnib.
man It wcemnd oouhIh to Aun^b.r•InAr•
^ KHK for Ktni City, her old home, lo take
mu> «.ft
Any proUlloBcr vbo lobco a blko Hape of iKoak
New Ytirk ........................................... C 1
Igl.tb piade I'xaiuluntiou* thenup AlroAm AAd poll not w»rc ibon datipbU-r
Clerland ..........................IS :
FOR 8ALE-lMn -8Uiy arro (arm
fbiM Rib vm bo pitmuoiods prnvldoa
llcrt Winnie U forever btrii'd from
To Cure e Cold lo 0ns Day
thns- inlttH kouth of city »*u Staf’
ibAt bo doM iioi inAkc otruv-ft
tbr Rolls (lAlmUip tlmt big one Inti
road; all under rulilvathm; rvhkI
Al llooM*r l» c^ntldcrml
hnll.lingh; lai^o oivhard: III klnd».
of fniit-jast what I* to U* di*wlrixl
fur fruit farm nud |kOuUr>. Will laky
W.........4 ♦ 1
pan pay In tUy pioiH-ny. BrUo
Tl.e counrjl of llu- vlll*.:;** of Northkf.iiou. Wndc*
kl7 South fnhm
poll will tivd ivt^ bid* for l^e t«ale of
Mlrixt. Til phum- I2ll».
lUMMHi w;uler und Itgut IhuhIii u|i to
Baa flBi^leco. May
lit) t'iiv. May n —It Limtiup pelt
no p. lu, June ;V Itiind-i luu l«u *JU
JobBBMI, Ibo PObirml heavyweight, bat ou; of the Mlcblpan Hbort Ship rlrrult.
vr» aui| bear
iwr n'Ut liiu iot.
fViliiDad flBBi bto iatint to Auatralia tier plttv will tm takm by either Al
u u r.H*m
.Addievs WieAiKmdem« to village FOR SALE—The MioBtibir parpoar of bia trip to pent or Baft Hunm. tayt 8 O. UurKhou*<-. Urge lot. ImIwimu Ninth
elriK. NorihiKirt. Mich,
tbo Met vBi to Aocjiro a maicb with doiy. tecretary of the rlrrnli It the wemther
and ’IHnlh allooU ou Uudi'ad av
tue* ihum int may 2 3w k*
BUI Squlrea Tbo Auttrallaiucbamp dau-« fo lo IVin Huron, they will exmemir, Siom- foundation. U»t worth
ton. bawover. had hU plant laid out MUule the ti-cond iue»tlug lnfha\fli>.
HT'NTMY lUhiHT l.tmch ui Ulii
at bVHt oiu* lhou*and dollani
Ixvti Bern.
for Amcrteaa invatlcm aad left abort I > f'tkrt Huron. It U nmhMPt<Jod. It luivTavein in a ginid meal aeived Irom 12
House rould not he hulll fur flfoxn
Kew Tork
after jobaaem't afvltal.
lout to pel Ibf Uttet. but It U luil, >el
hundred dollar*! CUrse In. Eah)
JpbBeoB aald that br wat not entire eetlain wbetber the i*an bold up two ChiMPO s.
tt iins
Brice llTuu. \V«d« Btn*..
ty Idle dtkrlag bU abtoac< He t.nnekcd
M7 Soufh rnlou strcH. CH phone
Biiuburg ...
Ml BBlor Wli. a m imundi r, ti Sid
iu«y »
UuMcuf ........
Boy IP OBo muBd aad Bill Uiipe. eh“
Umrlpnutl . ........
tipped the baam at lU at Uelbuurm
OR SALE <iue «*sk wrlilng «U«k.
Ft. Uitl* ... ......4
in alae ronade Mo bed a niatib ni
one buioKome biMN* biHl. i.nt. bird s
Ilii*»kl)h ... ......I
raflsed vltb Malley 4ackt*m. but ralliM
vie tiiaidy* chiirrmlwr wUh Fivlic)i
off BOpotiatloat to return to Ameiira
hvu‘1 inli/or. onr bird * rrr luapU'
r»M ri,
IB obaat Squiree. He U wllilnR to
rtn’NsInp tnhle with French betel
Chlvugo ...
flplii Sptilr^
mliroi. one hnudscmie nmUagau)
. X71*
psst ||.«M ss S tonsil
Jtrk ikiid>.waln It the iatett Rnglhb
drc*».er wUh Isrpe Ttviirh bevel
Bhil*delphl. ....... .10
ethUte to iu*t bit ryek on Aiuertcan
oiie ImR iree *Hh Frebch
neveund ..
He U a liKbtweipbt and
bevel mlnar. one library table. c»uo
Detroit ........ a\....|0
tHAkk eAkk PON CUP NACt due here the Utt of May
dining table, rug*, cic.. one Idork
'noBtem ..a..
Thtrlman of the rU>\eUmd Ntiit bat Wasbinium’
walnut sldehoard.rcall al J. W. Mi!.37.3
Ns* Tork. Mss ll.-^rlsisuo
a deceUlnp thoulder motioa. cioecly
likens *iorc. carpel department.
81 Louis ...
koBI tlMWiSSao. ckslnoss ot >
akin to a tuUk It trequemly eaabira
ThifiR to do when buying
him to catch a runacr nupplng.
titp hoard baa maio public ihrouph
AbFOR flALl-Modera tvo-itory resb
’ In a ten luninp paine at San f'ram
BoefvUiT F. II BioU. Um facn that
denoe. lOU B. Front 8L Lot 80x160.
clacm Fred Brown, of the Saerainento
.343 kiract of Title before conclud
”.!! 4
h .
B. R. Tbomaa of BtifaW bad laadc* •
Price 1708. au*ev8 phone R261.
.533 ing the deal.
7 .
Evansville . .......... 8
Ineiial oatry of tbiBB 111 borte powei cltth. let Stockton dsmn without
Mar. 16-tf
run. and nerer alkmcsl a man to
M dBBdldalBa for placva ^
The itaportance of thii can
lo flr«t basrin tbo Amorktaa VaaflorbUi mp race
FOR 8ALE-9X12 BruaseU rug. Also
Bete O’Brien. ulHIty man with the
In maklAi bU entry for tbU ydar e
a »tep often saves much liti bm*a trimmed Irtm bed with spring*
coBlati Mr. Tbomaa did not pive the rieveiand Nape, baa beea flood l&O South Bead
and matires*. CUltens idwne 842.
gation later.
namao of tbd drUare of the raro. but end aupeadtd by Manager La)iUe. Ha ^prlnifleld .
wtrayokl fivan luriow path, aud l.am
wilt anaouace iboai later
Your interest will be care
foiiad it uot.
FOR 8ALE-Oood driving harm.and
fully looked after by me.
Bvauev H MUae,»Miti^ eon ii teaFHre pUgrew »n *he American
bugu'. Inquire at 834 Washington
aU Bbpaip. aggapfo la bava beea foor riftlob carry vorld'e rbamploaiblp
VbM fBOBitk With tb* OivM
flatklM vboa be §mfmw4 be voald meddU BMr of them arc the Mlb predp maaalbf act kaavlap Hu ag
Bel dofaad blA iiilo pMtflW Jm cioiiid imapDlia and at ike eUae of the aec saaiw U aimply oat vbo
rON kACt-l MU Vf kMBBB BSd kiV
ibevltipipy. Imok.Uke oad weak~"Mlsiifdpulit brid dova Mat fesav.** la aoBtradlBttigMB M Iko
lott WBbBitr,
w t »»'•
fliigtlB. irbt Hiuirt,'
lit tfba bmi
Meaaser Cbanca U aald to be
lap an aaotber left handed twiilrr for
Bi Urg* rBUl.
the I'aba. The new man le now pUeii
iMiulrr Mr* I'biw L. JoUbbob. Ill
tap for a voetem coHoge. Obance rw
fuoea to name him hot aaya boa a
aonihwrot of Traveree Cit
Call At the shop and 8ave ktem’i eommlMlon.
IcvH. nine or ten acres timber: good
A8 Ohio man M reported le be at the
orchard: spring wster: barn. Write
wbetber you buy from the finished work or designs.
Mnt of deaU from blood poMovtvg
C M. mover, traveroeatr
woatd by bsvperk. TbM to lather
Finest line of designs ever shown.
laeer. Tbrro are many men In mvd
FOR 8ALE-80 acre farm vigbi mOM
iroond MHd0s vbo am bevp^chod v
tboumvd ttawe a year. and. while U
worth oa ve*t Uyabore.
■akmi tba bbmd bolL VO petoovlbf M
lUrfid. inquire ^haa. Spencer at A
W. lUekvrd'q Marble Workv.
AprtltAlma •
l^lsl SMVISS IS lbs tvsalag ksesrs
«t«ai lbs sMkS •» Iks laimsfUl Ibis.
Tka JIUU la kats staaks:
C R OardDor of Keyittmo MbC
trot U the v«ek at tbo home
for DALS—1518-Om bndrad asd
EIV7B mu. eoOogrtAp tbo Rtblap.
tUty acra farm, about fovr aMM*
Tbo iseicUOA Ahmlap orrery
tw Acme. vlU sHa paitMara la
IBM vm
tbo ioM Wbkb erttfol term of tebool la tbo Blood
fare for or
WUl bo Mly#^tPiiBii or
lAAibi by Mlta
boaarktwptap la HiHotM home. Ad^
TroTfOte City, were bold
deem Loial. care R«cM
MIcMfiB aad aoJMktar all aiooad
loat Kriday rvoAlap. A crowd from
may IMf
mevay proivpar bi pay eoaaty.
tbU ptaee alteadod aad repor
PYicalAfllfl. Wade Broa.'817 Sontk
Urn AAffriOAs CaI . May ll.-Tvmmy crowdod bonec and a very plot
MSW WANTCO-Oood wagM Wylie
;^Paloa 8L
May Uf
BMt AAd DifMff RoyAAMAs foprv
Cooperage CVx. Inierlocbea. Mich.
FOR AAIst-i«H-VtS8 S9V lav mm
Mlag wa SiAlfM. bbYABbpWd Artl.
may HMd
Mra. W. H. Ayero who baa bem
M flpr A isbi botvAM tba CaBAiWa vlaltlnp her tUirr la the aoul
BBi ABBtipnAA bOAOyVBigblf. to take part of the ocato reieraed to bn I
M 0804 TvliiA fiw 8V4 e&ar «f avWANTBO-Yoor
plABB OB kbo AfRATBOBB «r DBOormlkm boro yeoterday.
ture lepalHap. chair caaiap aad fac MN kAt.I-:^^»tsWs ks* NUl *«U
.Ms Miser; ksllsr «>«• l»eksi: Alu
day At OpImA vBder tbo aanpl
ultam packiap. E II. Taaner. 4U
Bom. TocodBy. May 7. to Mr. and
rig.lBS kill. AU 0B—IS4S f**<
JlBUDy Coffrdib. There Ur one
Mra. JdbA Achrr. a plii.
ras. Win sirs sows «M s ks<
UoA. If Ibo otrvrt car airtko InloiMra. H U Hobba who bad bem
onthUmllL a J. *«.*«.
ferea vlU ibo May M daio Oroffrocb
WANTSD-Steady man tc
may lU
U ompovrr^l to poAtpooo ibo flpbt to vUitlBp her tick daughter. Mrt Albert
moBik aad board, t-ull Room
kieDrimoni. aoar Kalkatka. t
Ibo AfteiBooB Al July 4.
may Ifl-B*
n. IKTimag hotel
Tbrro vae pieply of dUciiAWOA be^ borne ^Vkla/’aecampaaicd by her m
Bonds for Sale
.'rf “T
0. CHolTat
Monuments. Headstones and Markers
Traverse City Granite and Marble Works
v. v aujby. eNpk
FOB 8ALE—Hou»e and lot: modern READER, do you wish to invent a Utronvenlcnpt'* exeopl healing;
Ik* money where It will make you
hUxks from pbauiffloe; easy U
Urp'r reiuruK t^o any Investment
imMbTule cost. Bbooe 492 or call
you ever msdi( with a poaltlve
guarantee that your tnveatBMnt to .
021 W. Klnlh *treet.
apr Ulf
aafe? If so. join me In the Oioa-/
FOR 8ALE-14I8-27 acraa two W
dian patent of the grealeet dlacovone half mlNv city market; 1.800
ery cil the 20th century. Thla is no
fmo ule to gel your awaey. With
in Kixty day* this discovery vUl be
Ion ptreet. ati. pbove lilt.
In practical cooditloo for practical
FOR •ALE-1471-18
purpones. and will prove oa lUi m* rBank building
tu *11 1 claim, ittoa A. Wade. 8U
■uburbanft redidenoe in
S.>utb Uuloa streat, Cit. pboae 1819.
|1.4>00. Wade Brov,
k»bove IXIE
finkin alreeL, CiU. bbove
may 9-6t.
new. Cass St..
St., flne
. Wade
8L CtL
LET U8 pbotovrapb your calcbea of
flsh. The RIectrk OaUery.
apr 18-lmo
FOR flALE-48 arte* ov penlnsuU. WE DYE and clean everything. Tba
BartNlan. 812 E. Front,
apr 884f
pood house, flve acrea apple orchard,
urn* acre pc-ars, four acrea Umber,
spring water. WUllam Bulver. city. CARPET
mar 20-lmo«
made to order from old girpMa at
E0G8 FOR SALE—White Wyandotlea,
Cbapla'a; 14 YBAR8 vapeHooeg pod
caroful atteottov paU to 8)1 M8Ht
12 for 13; winner of silver cup si
aeat bara. CfUM pboR8 XSIE
poultry show. J. W. EUnmerman A
iLuj. 2l»2 South DlvUlon street.
t;,flve yean guaiv
aprICmo ELAflTIC roof
V of palatlhg and
antce. For
palats eoqulro of IX & MarUa. oofiFOR flALE-lMI-Seven-room booea.
large loi. comer Boyd aad Fem;
tractor, 7t\ Waablaftov gtfvat*
price 11.200.
Wade Broa.. 817
Soulh Union 8L CiL phone 1219. ^
FOR tALE-UII-One bondrod and
thlrty-flve acre farm, algbly verod
Improved. Urge barn and good
booae. oirbard. large aabuat oC
good v(K>d. timber, farm all faaced
tad no lietter toll to be fotifld! tit
miles *!u)ihaabi of elty ofl MSlfl
road. F.aii Bay lowaablp; elOM to
ichrxd and church; vUl 88)1 08 aaiy
Urms. owner In other btmltooi;
000. Wada Broi.. 117 Moatb
UnloagL OL pbove 1819.
CONSULT Madam Hlaat. tba palmlat.
at 817 Unloa upoa aU affsliv la ItfA
SMT I84f
OET your bleyelta elaasad ivd im
paired at Colrnsat. 184 Daiov ML
mar 18-lmo
I 884 fur.
NOTICt-Wa eii88
aaeea and atori ■toea* lbrovg8
summer. -Trarorie City fllove Repair Co.. Ml W. riSSL otu. HT.
8881841 WK MAKI all klskt or pbMoB: davelop kodak Um. Baci^^fl^or.
FOR 8ALE—8EEO—Oau. corn, rye.
barley. buckwbeaL fleld peaa and
beanA Trmverea City MlUlng Ca
prarameata. Issulre Dr. NdBMtksI
FOR 8ALE-l316-Modcrn reaWence
TboapiM. 8t«d Bask bolMIss. TrtWrol lOtb 81.. ton rooms, hot water
broi. bath, lot aeventy-flve feel
ephoDB *03.
BSr Mt
front, good barn. One of the flnest
borne* to the exty. Will Uke emaller HOUSE TO NENT-4>r.
priced property a* part paymeai or
wi;i aell on easy terms. Price
I6.S00. Wade Broa* 817 South Union TO NEHT—Two ostSTBlaki* roOML
St.. Cli. phone 1219.
May lU
FOR SALE—1319—Bakery
livery outflu owner going
WB'dB^BvJ!!/ t“i‘'a.2u
CIU. Kkuw ins;
and de
Union SU
May lU
SON k*LK-4 soon *ork korseB.
•UBdard kiwi broMl swm ss«
driver. 1 flae aaddia borae vad
driver, 1 light brood msfe for Side
cheep laqulro J. W. itolH^ k
furwishlai etere or larti. may 741
WltUamsbnrg. - flfteev acfoa aader
cultlvathm, good bouse and barn,
well watered, yonag orchard, all
gnod SOIL Brice $700. Wade Broa.*
Ualtm Bt. CIU.
817 floutb
May Itf
WOOD FOR tAiat-lf you want fourcord load of miU wood for 88A0 caU
pbove 711. damea C. HopklM.
may 84t*
Btaan hasL alsetrie llsbta, «stpr:
tUid Soar. (rotL W. Pacplrt 1*ttnga Bask.
apr mt
TO NkHT—Two booaaa. •*• o*
■Hrastb BlrMt ssd bm «k **•»*.
IskuirB TombBii-B r*^ sMts.
8pf 8841
FOR RINT-184 Uka 8T8M8.
quirt 148 Mnibtbti
FOR MNT-881 0888 aHflil. IlidfR
TORIMT or mu-81 81888 Ml 98ML
BaytvwiblD |M.9M88ki8l^
t08T-Puppy. Mqilvb valM
white av titoa. fMar Mb
Mmvt & WMar. vMfl
m w. ngbih it
TNAVtMB «nv, mcill»»w. tATUHBAV, MAY 11,1««r,
f WILLIE Cilit
-—-ifcT-i 1^...
■■. •..;
McGLtJRE’S i v-m
9mrrSmam 9tees
Who Chooses McClure’s
Chooses Wisely
By George Madden Martin
hear the *iow. heatn* iixjt-
:i ./■"
^ I THERE we «lw«y» in McQuie’i. two or tliBBe giett tenab AffliicK
EL Mhb.'. U, oi Mr, Edd.. CulSdin'. iiiiil.
any o( Amaichn
Gooige Kibbe Tum«*» «iua> *e» ol ibe »■
whtfheu o( Aineiicu dbe*. 8<kk1 ot b^
izrJi S:’C*<rc2^:r.‘ss^i2t.T •-.r’;^
|o««rd Uft cl«*M. in iHr arocucc o( M»h» CU
r,r¥:-“;v'r .k'k '{i-'tSiAT
l otlowim thb. Fj»nn Urn «jii loM llul »h» had *|u»wd
U>c h*d
SSaaar’Jffl iss-’carA;;,v:.-;
get «#L
ihort rioiy u it i* \s-iitten in tlm cowrtiy i» ooe o( d*e b«it
euNeuiaiu ol American ble, M*d i* one of the iwMt entettoining
fomn of lOKiing.
McChue*. Mngume In* nlwy. been the
good ttoiie*. Among name* you will icfnembef and
will want to read again ate Rex ^ck. Viola Roteboro. Wilh SA>eit;;^s . i'
Catber. Perceval Gibbewt. Mrv WiUon Woodrow and Henry C Rowland’>- r ;
CX lA' Mcaure*. on the new. rtand. if you like to do it that way.
I A but the better way ii to lubKribe for it by the year, other gmng
^ your drJiar to the newtdealei or Knding it to lu. We do not
care how you get it. jurt «> you get it regularly.
Ai>4 how oM li vouf ik«V
M> di, « M otd »» I »m.
•od mtm fa“» ‘fc* n**l»c« oi the edhtt etaUten iM rt w.,
‘ '
I Emmy Lou ment
iWy afterward u»ld her it uaa Heaven, tn u«. ni«c
examine iurtlicr
Nuur qualification-* ior this graiU
\ow Kttunv l^u had no idea what.it meant-*VxAmmc ftirthrr mto‘ >mir qualification^ lor ibU grade “ It m«i;ht l*c the
lorm of puniidimem in vuaiic for the cha»tiicni«il id the niemtier* ol the I iri*i Reader. R14 May attcr .choor *hc did under
hand. and her heart tank, and hex little breavt heated.
It wai then fUM the lu-on recew In lhi.*e da>%. ui tlm^partieular cily.iacbool e^loicd at liall-Mvt out. At
lUMuihtal had rung The Ut« Lady, arms ndded a<Mo>r her
,Uauhaxine l*g^, had laced ihc cla*t. and witl. awcMUi^ m-I
ounit> had alreadv eimmiaud. “Attention; ami sixtt Uitlc
yW had sat up^raight. when the dia.r opened, and
^ At hi'r whixjiered coufidiuce. th'e lj.gt I.Adx Ich thf TO.H..
haaily. while the atrange teacher, t >nh a hurried ‘one—tm^three, march out quicily. childrcu. turued. and Icdkmed her
The Man-lhe Recew Man.
'fall>. andlg moment later s*he
the low, black-bearded, black______
brocMii ac^o^s^his ahouldcr, reach the lulluay. and nuke to
the open Idoorwav ol the Kurt Reader n*oni hmmv Lou
her breath, stifiened her .little body, and—waited. But The Man
ok. at Etiimv Ivou’s home the elders wondered “You
•w Kmmv Lou.** Aunt. Conlelia. round, plunq.. and
idMed to' the ladv visitor spending the dav; • Kmmy
Aunt K it.c, the prettiest auntie, cut off a thick round of inc^
e from the uWe. and put it m the retngcrator for
• h teeun a joke;* >hc remarkid. "Mich a Kxbv as
l-.mmy Ii*u going to scho(J.*anvhow ; but then she has onlv a
^jn.ire id go and
Hut Kmmv Lou did not come And by half P'i>l iwi
Louimt. tf-a- .voungesi auntie, started out to find Inr. Uui
sloppivl iL-ihe wav at ihr houses of all the neighbors to inquire,
and ran l-round the corner to Cousin Tom Macklni-* to see it
Lmmi^Li.u could be there, and then, being but a few dcK.rv yff.
■ ■
comer to Cousin .Amanda s ^he v. h.*i»)
the blinds
J^.u-Ti at Ucrv front window as if U had eWUu e>xs, and gone
ti* sUep.j I'ncle Michael had a way of deaiimg and kKrkmg the
ivont of:the buiUling first, aiid going in and out at the back
Hut .Aunt l.ouisc did m*i know this, and, anvhow
was sure lliai; sbe would find Kmmy Lou at home i vhen she got
at home, and it being now well 1
.Aiml L*nii>e
Liniise and the Ibdv v
thraftcriKHin. AuntaKatic and .Aunt
Charlie arrived—and it was past five o’ckick b>* then—^mic of
the children of the ncighlH.rhoi.J. having found a small Kn livmg some squares o!f who confessed to being in the birst Reader
sMth J'mmv Lou. arrived aUo. with the small boy in tow.
.She didnl know
from frog' when she saw ’em.” stated
iHr vmajl l*ov with the derisjon of superior abilitv. “an cachcr.
there in' her
.id her
her* to
1 si.iv after
. « iihc
was »cuin’
w hen school let out. Kmniy Lou w»' '’
a big girl of the mighborhood i*bjectcd “Her teacher
hotnc the minute schtx»l was oul.“ she dccl
“W'clC ter* daughter, Hau^
sick, mill her mother came up to our room a)
»nd she was
^AunOCwdilia. jSiTaiid'uartul. clutcjicd I'nclt CharHV,
•Thbu f>hc's i^re. Brother Charlie, locked up in that dre
c’s' locked up in that d?/adTul* ^ace-^wSi?‘shall
hahy. mv precious baby----- ”
Aunt* Katie was in tears. Aunt Louise m tears, the cool
loud Umeiiialton, Aunt Cordelia fast vxrgir^ upon hystorU
llic small K»y from the First Reader, legs apart, bands m
knickerbt<kcr p^cts. gazed at the crowd of irresolute elders
And bjnm\ Lou, kit itmg at her desk.
tears the line of Fir Headers wiiul an
J 4.f their departing 3
.*ui the door, the
bare corrkkirs and dow
after class fr^ above
knell to her sinking heart,
its clattering way.
marched past the Joor aod
from outside, shrill with the joy of release, c
faimrr. farther awgy. atane belated footsteps weirt echoing
lowerwl wi&tym
had ma^ n iMccaaary for
a livio*. «»» S»«sr »**
TWert WM McnDckm at home
for dmoer; she had, seen it
bc« a tear, kw* >rib»rim. iplaUicd dt«m »he l.ttle pink cheek
SUU rha.
kh S‘*this bi*. 1
up near the ceUing Th^ iorsakai
____ _ „
^ or
or' slau
slate kft here and there upon
On wle at all new $ stand. I Oc a copy. $1.00 # year. .'
The S. a McCLURE COMPANY. 44 E. 23d St.. New York
came in. a moment after, hroimi. lan. and fcather-du>t. r m hand,
the U.t 4«ueuug edge of a Imle pink drear war divap^ri^
into the fli-pdis of the big, emnly ccaLbo*. and lU alopwg bd
wak lowering uikui a flaxen hc-xd and cowering little
crouched'within Tiiclc .Muluel having pul the to m to rights,
'Wteping and ihiMiag, with many a rhcimutic ;roan m accumiMimnenlJ closed the wiiuk-wv and going oul drtw* Ihe door
alter himj and, a. was his cu>t.nn. U*cked it.
Alkv. : Tarat much outer my way,” coodcsci
vuu there.” .And meekly they followed m bis
' It wk* dark when a oftotley throng of unc
iafll.^ighbors. and^chiklren w«it chmhi^^tl
ing st^rwac-of the dark school building behm
oi the: skeptical Uncle Mkhacl lantern in hand
tteo person ol tmmr uoo. m her desk, awaiting, her miser
, • j'
Doctoring Poor Yard Soil
j-V'. SPAIR i, UK. uf^ the u A reason
why so many
bock aud
iiuny yafdr*-4M»th
v«dfrom-lcK.k rcnurkably like a de
serted brick yard or the flkX.r ol an
elephant’s ball room. Many of these all
too numcrims eye sores have had fer
vent thought, strenurms labor and k.vmg
care bestowed upon them durSg at least
ouc 4irmga only to be .followed by a
heart-breaking summer and a jugfciiiaut crush for a finbh m th< lalL
Cl.ny in V>o copious quantities is gen
cr.slly the trouble. Without a little sim
ple kimkrgarten treatment a heavy clay
is a idugh proiKisUkm for one who longs
for a link lawn, a few flowers, and per
haps just enough vcgcUUes to rra%s:.ken
the almost' forgotten taste of ually
fresh food -from the faun
Soil heasily loaded with day is a slip
perv, slunv mess in Udh spring and fall,
needing many weeks of w..rni sunshine
to bring it into cmlition to fork or
spade. When it i-s roUKlny br<*ken by,
dint of muscle and nerve-racking energy,
it presents a miscellaneous discourag
ing mc-ss of clods and lumps on winch
rake, hoc or even roller make little im
Seed pUnted in such a chaos will
strive hard to gel a fo<*thold. but Uiwccu mmiaiurc cave openings and flinthke surfaces, it can. make httlc hc;.d.
way. Feeding rootlets of y^.ung plants
set oul in it struggle a b:l and give it
up and human nature follows suit.
There is a way to remedy this state of
affairs and it is cheap. For a starter,
dump the a>hcs from the ftiruacc and
the cook-stove on the refractory soil
big cUiikers with the flafe/
___ ^___ then fork it over and see bow
much better things go.
When the street gutter is cleaned out.
abed the fcicly puK'erized stone, sand,
dead Waves and street washings in
aump tKat on and you have nude it
possRik for seeds and plams to get
There is a porous medium thus pros-ided to atopfb aod hold moisture iagtead ol kttag it run off as fast as h
fjJh. If oM manure is at band, um H
and yxmt deme may aU be gratified by
plant growth of direts kind.
In the fan throw the auiv
on >t«r rofl aud if the soil is still stiE,
more street daiL mixed in wiU work
Sandy eoaiiamu easily
qnkkiy wh«ped hdo shape. It
works too es^. It blows about ond
exposes root growth to sun and air;
moisturt goes through H like a aieve.
What it needs U somethiiig to hind to-
gtther the particles of sand and soil and
fonn a sort ol catch baMn for bolding
Here manure is needed. It will sup
ply the Ncty vital vegetable and other
*.rg.xnic matter to ab-airb, to rot a»d to
bind. Ami to frriili/e and improve in_
other ways, auttmni leases, grass cHpjungs ami even wct:ds wlien not carrying
vecds will all help to make a ami to
uw all sorts of plaiUs.
All the weeds that arc cut arocmd the
place sh.nild be chopped IV and buried
thiv Mul Only be sore to cut all the
seed |»tK and roots away and burn
them. If yim bury cither weed seeds
Toots, they will be almost sure to
me u^
Many anuiteur garelnifri kmg for
me of the rich black w.il that they see
, the wckkIv Well, the right kind
(dry. bK>sc. frubk black leaf mould) is
all right; but the muck or peat which is
found in K.gg>’ or swampy spots, and
which IchJcs niosl tempting, is unfit for
garden uve when fre-hly dug. excepting
for aquatic plants. It is tough, fibrous
and generally “sour.” It should, there
fore. be dug during the summer, thrown
in a heap and left for the winter frosts
work on it. However, it may be util-.
i/cd qiaringly for inimcdialc use if it is
put into deep holes in ific garden and
cxivered with three or five inches of dry
kam. It this top covering of loam is
frequenUy worked, it often produces excelkm results. After one season the
k>am may be spaded mto the muck, and
the result will be an exctplioaaUy rich
The Value of Tree*
W hen peupk move into a new boi»e
there n wmething that the>- generally
nealea, or at kau leave ul! the laA
That ia'the study ai»d eare ol the trees
that are pbntcd on the rtreet Ime. At
. „jtter oi iact. these should k attc^
ed to fcic The garden can'be andeand remade any nnpiber ol tinea. The
trees are there to suy. The trees on the
street have more to do with makitig or
marring the cfiect of a house than the
garden hns. in mmry eases. See that Ihe
tod aroiind the street tree* is
at least onoe a week.
tn at leul the
dtgfh of h*U the sgnrk. Prine than
every fall In the spring trim oC Ul
.Winer killed wood. Tie a hand of cot
ton aroond tndi one akoat 6vc feet ap
the trunk eariy ia thn spring, to prevent
calennikr. (ra> dUUng np. Watt*
for- boreriL Five minMes of attenrinn
a day may save yo« tseca And ia a
few years your hoMa wffl he moctb
from one to five per oak more kaa one
that ha. neglncted tnee ia front of h.
m i
RLW op fA5AIOH5 »
jjlj w/mm
r ^ -•
Mjm: Wai«Kbml38L
BMkt for tl)t CaMterAooikll
MoChii«y Link QonXc
arc tomes in hmltMil ^
them, toukti SHl be imppy.
“Pigs is Pi^s”
•or MIm MMMnttf 4i ttew npfcrmi «r ^
iW, HMtMTmmfyIMSM. NtvYwkQty.
Sl^tW «4W lm< Ld Ikca umm«t «ke Ml» «itli
"a mtU hlw *od «biu clwcb »oaU W akt. «1ul< th« >olkt
to allow your corsets to*1tt Wer than at pmem. agy to
the waiM mcmarc 36 instead of 24 taches This, then
«0b <o «M«di. YciJ CM Mr a thMlri <4 Uu«,
uvr. mh^ tlw >kn» cwdd W nibef raft uilwt uc the <Uk.
a* you Ikmk be»t. with tlMhed capc» <ir over ftlreves the e4jtf>
Umrn^ vruh Uttle frUU. ll« eown woold theo be a coobiiu
Uon 4i jumper and Prioceibt. U yon think an extra wrap i>
»ecc*iarjr. I thooM *u«x«t i rrarcoette made in long. lo«*c
fttyir Cream aergr auiu will anrcly, be worn, and are ever
You wdl need a nice hat and one ior kiK<k
feto, 1^ d»rk brovn. cm bbi* md cMpWmi Uir.
l4br«d WWilo
too «tr« Wora^<ner « pUmly
Uomc TW tkirt m4 grey «&
* ^"i^r mav be oC bbdt erm or Leghorn. Chm » nwe.
but u ape to catch the dual and hold it, making IbThtck k«4
gray. and. ta the bat mmt ace a good deal o( wear, k abould
U iomethini that can eaadv be wlord ofi and of light wetghi
on the h«ad Iran witb knou of x^hei and any preferred
dowert. The aecond hat ahooM be a neat toqne. my of hUk
brmd. ado^ whh a jauncyr pair of wu«t in anv demred
coloring. Include a nice chiffon veil. nrU biting gt..yo and
trim footWMr. and 1 am aare you will be amari^ and thor
V*«- *.. -.-.
^ ir-siHr.r
Marjorie Dane’s Latest Patterns
A iUtk voile Mrift IMP br orovidrd lor vrrar triib the cr««m
O KLDOM laa any favhion Uken ao hriti a hold upon fmuainc
^ fancy a^ has ihr <asc of the over waivt' Kjich new varutkm Mrmv a hit m.jic attractive than the last and there is
peMine enthonaam fell for each new design. Here is we tl.at
u hoih novel and charming and that u adapted U, almost evrrv
scnacmahk material In the iOurtration it is ma<le of old ai,rK<»:
l^hnly aatw inmnicd with velvet of the aamc color and hands
ui tht JMlaria! and hrifliant jrwrlkd buttwi. but %ckA h guile
Ic ffl Uli. linen and all the nretiy ctdt.m staffs are
10 made, while k would br sU^H to hud anv better
is dtttindly novel and effective, Init is iu4 oliligatory and anv
lWa?l!»I Dane: A» you have helped ao many. I would
appreciate your advice very much 1 am a girl of 17. with
dark eye. and dark brow., hair and dark dcin. My nua.
ready to U
Tbc waivt is made with fiimis and lacks ami Ocevrs. Ib-ih
the fronts and the U»cks arc luvked at Uk- shoulders ami tbe
rktsiitg is nude invisibK at thv lack 1 he froius are held t«r.
grlher by atrant w which the little bows ate arranxed and the
theyea art m WU. or kimono, chape^ In dm mstance the waiu
IS cut out in aecticms and velvet is applird under the etlKc'.ind i,
timshed with souuche braid within all edges.
1 he quantity of imtenal required for the mc«liuro si/c is 2*1
yards. .M Vi yards
<.r Vi vards 44 iiKhev wuk, wuh 5 yards
of velvet to make av illustrated
i ,12. M.
,V .vnd 40 pKh
SKVI-N (;ow:d ti cki
skirt .vj>
Ttuks make really ideal trimming ii,r the light wemTu gvH^lv
of warm weather and here is a skirt tlut shims wuk* mvrs al
the hem with tun vcrtK'al ones at tlve seams \s illustratesL. n a
nude s,f ring dotted cottw voile simplv stttcheil. but it is cqiluallv
well suited to all the Jong rang^ of kncK waOuhlc fabrics and
to the many beautiful silks and wools that are U> be woru
throughfoii K,|h the spring and summer. Marquissettc .lud chif*
fun voile arc charming so treated. jw,iigc< and iIk thin Mlks are
adiiMiahle when made after the design and the hst of .vvaiUbk
goods isahm,st as kuig as the wc of seasonable iK,vellicv
■I is nude in seven gores and there are two tucks of
raJuated lenRih
length laid
Laid at each seam At the lower edge is a hern
and above it are two tucks
tmks of njual
ojtial width, the
tbc efft*ct
etfs-ct of which u
give me«led
c«led weight to the kiwci
lower portion of the skirt as w
to maker satisfactory trinuumg
llie quantitv of nutcrial required fi*r the mctlmm sue is ID^
sards 21 «,r ^ or
y.,rdi 44 inches wide when nutcrul has
Kgure or nap; 9^ yards ,L> or 6L vard> 44 inches wide when it
The patu«m &JS is <u| in sues ft,r a 22. 24. y, 2? and A) inch
waivt measure
l.iihcr luturii will
mailed to am address on the receipt of
ten rrtus. Address hUrjorie Dam, 44 West Twenty third Sirs-et.
The Great American .
Pie Company
By blub pabkbb smsB
The Bgioo Anoievu who chortled o««
“Pig* it Pw” «« *aiin to «ccord il»detenw^
dium sue I and preLrably
in color or trimnung. Your
dresses shpuld reach ywr shoe tops Shghily wave your knir,
thru raise lit as much as po^ublr m tavmpatkvur effect, fie srhh
rtbb,«. tbeh braid all \hr hair together. k«op i« the nape of the
Dear ^ts« Dane Have heeu readilqe .w>ur vahuUe ad
^ vice to mqtttiies aKmi drevs and would ht' vrrv' glad to have
ywr idms aboot what I shall wCar this wnmuer for a thm
dress I do ik4 care hf white I am 1*^ years okk 5 feet
6 inchesj 3t. bust. M waist, hips ,\S. dark brcnsTi hair, gray
eyes vcjy gotnl
1 wiali seenething that will laimdry
weU. !la\< vyrs thk'k hair, but never can arrange it be
eomingl.V what kmd of hat shall I wear?-Miss M. C B.
fUMh vo^ir oT.nng and nnvpottmm are so
that success
ful dressing shivuld W a lUcidcdlv tasv matur All shatUs of
gray will \x wry hccomiiig to you Why not hasr one of the
prcily cherktd colum voiles? “Ihrsc wasli well and will suit
you brttt r than a plam material I he double skirt effect is the
very btvl |n>odcl vou can choose .4ml «,ne that lends itself well
to launder mg The upinf skirt is gathered iul*. the belt and
ends just PhKiw the kiu< in a hem ar>d a couple of fuAs The
deep flt,uiice Is sr.mlarly liuuhcd and u connected U» the upper
Mo Dane Your replies
Dear iM.ss
others have alwavs
mtcrrstdd II
•O I thtvught 1 WiHll
»uld ask vour advice also
I have fiioii
tiioiigh maurial
h>r a
t: It i> dark red Ih> you
' d bw-k grwttl
grwxl in a pleated skirt and pony
I would
ctal.> My proportKms arc. heqthi 5 feet
incbea bn*t »
iiKhcs. iaist 22 tiKhrs 1 am l.s sears old. have daA brown
hair, light
fht bre
brown eves I pale) light complexion, bwt good
cok.r T’lcavc
,f the cidorv 1 can wear 1
dark bhie
c skirt is ahenit 4
hate to thrr>w il
y\4i advise me how to lengthen
n it. if possible?
The reti pleateil skirt and tv.ny coat will uivb.ubicdJy Ucomc
you Th4 suit should be relieved a little. I fancy, as aff red
willI be rather warm locdring
lotting for sum
summer This <could Ur done
bv facing]ctdbr and cuffs with white. ------- and outlining
Mack and geJd
giJd soutache or. ^if y«,u wish, au added ccJlar
cuffs, while"pique, buttonhr.bd in shallow scallops on the cdg«
I he skirt if pleated, will nerd no trimming, bat tke coat may
have the scams from the shoublerH c..vcrcd with fancy IJock
braid Ihc sleeves may be three-quarter or full length, just as
you prefer.
« vouf Woe JeSrt w!U .How of bcin* droppxl, yom irnght
Icnsthcn V ».Uhi^ a hip yoVc. say r.i blue muiie lilk
seci4id saggeslum IS
is to 1lengthen it at the bottom with a band
rial a blue and white narrow striped g.KHh,
scallops and the
of faiKy {braid.
fwmi* pre<hc«B«t
A Good Samaritan
By Many R. 8. ABBBBWS
Do you ««1 McCLURES? Then you m.y mii» whet k
mevK when we c«ll ihi. probebiy the bert tbort itoiy that om
•p^^inlhemegeziiie. Diet'* why k wm reicued from cfibeiiieral
and iA.linto.book. h»ar.^uleoJ.^y«rth
Xhe Pots
M<Chire. Phillips & Ca.
44 E«st 23d St., New York
McQui*; Philkp. & Ca. 44 E«t 23d St. N. Y. Gty.
Enclo*ed find $.............. Plewe *ayi me portpud:
u oi the skirt and band
concealed by a 1
The Marjorie Dane Catalogue
a a of Fashions
t a a
Cnf^U5 KHP DOY.3
a a
sweet ir sang GJdni ITuoat, Tocking
C WITT, sweet, s.
a a
would be:no more song dreams for Child-Marjoric.
SpHngtinie c.ime. and something stirred in the heart of the
rosc-lrcc,| Then a tiny bod bowed its green button.
My tnre rt going to bloom/- sniDed pale Child-Marjorie, -^ut
^c;mi»t t water it myself any longer. 1 mint let Grandmother
Dawn jvroke on a limpid Aprfl day. and found Child Marjorie
vtill sleeping. Just av the sun crept round the cUimnev pc*iv
she awoke The soft rays fell on the rmptv little cage and
the soft hair of the white.faced child on the little bed. But it
chonc also on a yellow ro>e on the lop of the rti>e tree-GcJdcn Throat has come hack!” was Child-Marjorie's 6rsl
Then she linked again at the iioddmg glory of the
And GokleoThroat sang with his feathers all a quiver:
**A gardeiw fair as the flash of dawn, a rose garden ro jane.
that the hers know it from afar and the hive-march beginv with
the da>U«hU AU day kmg the bors plunge in among the rose
petals and ttaggrr out laden with honey tor the waxen comlw.
AU day bmf the libnviWM nod and whivpcr to the bees, and the
Isttle winds bustle about among the rose-trees and shake off
the pcUls that have had enough of blmviuing. Then the rose of
twdtgla apreads over the iky like a enrtam.—and ihai skx-p.
sleep r
Gividm-Tbroal't song ended in a drowvr twhter that nude
Child Mirjnrse tad and ruh her eyes then die locked up
Z ®?f
bbc «l nigtat whta Ih* aim mooo tide.
And \GQldefk-Throat
i-Thrcat sons:
Now the old world
wind, aid the grem
WKeu the weather tubs yoa not
I ry smihrxi
W-hen your coffee isn't hot.
When your n^hWs”^*t do right.
Or jAuir relatives all tight,
Sure, it's hard, bat then yon might
Dt*csn t chai^ l^^^i^s, of eourse^ j ■
But ft
.\nd h seems to help your case,
B^bt^op a gloomy plme
Then it sort o’ rests your iaew-
ipMiano, juicmgan.
-has voe s«nic tuviiuw com in nib
P<^ct and it ready to turn it over to the k>ser.^ A hundred
tunes since he found the coin he has bmn demi broke and did
not know where to pet the next meal bat he has refused to
part with the gold piece. There are some folks who think he
has been too honest If it’s your money ygn have to give the
date whp you lost it. and also the date on the coin.
k’ow tbc mist takes shape and beautiful faces flash oat
the City of Light. Oh. lisleu. Marjorie, Jisten^
SITRC* loa room tnc son was gowe.
nox\ oi son
snowftJces feU on the window silk Uttle GoMen Throat was
sikut Onld-Mar^ looked oil Helajreatheioorofliis
litlle c
dead Hu tipy heart bad broken with the sweetness
of his ow4 wild smging*1 I iaM hiuT bias in the jar where my rose-tree grows,*'
Mhhed ChidSatjoriib -VetMe he mff of the foeeaThei won no more Moffs foe the child w il|e Igy ea her
a a
\ “atnff me Oit Rom Eream. Golden Throat”
G<4dni Throat! Sing
a a
wJJirre^eTpl* f^l^cenuT Heu*d
Marjorie l>ane, 44 l^last Twentj-third Rtreef
New York iMy.i
*lxatres, leaves, Ihtle gmn leaves ercrirwherr,—a suU dark
csHKi^ overhead to diut out ty hoi son. Hclow, green uodcrS^drla*l<. wit.
Motaorca *ml *Ucr.
isMi and xwtvtlsm, dainty maidenhair and dusters of sinrd>
yogiV^b<«ch.^nmts Nev^r a sound bnt the caU of the kme-
raTlTloas In dre«l*f6r*CMeu,^mlL<^VhridM
aud girh
girlw and InlWnta
In addUloa i
ibtnn cuts there am
o valoabl
rtieivs, one pertainC IO tine u
jM-d In Ihe guKhlug
l5^i::nV:ua!r?t:g^%^e“a*u7.be other
of baby cluthcw.
clotbea. The llln»«ratloDs
pa iiy 1 ag thrae
hear t wo art It
U le**
lea nhour
t he ff nl«hed
rell as the vartons
various parts In prooe««
garuieiit» a* well
motion, nnd
and the vnriums
varlomi kinds of Mltob•ry employed.
The old frandmothcr did not know. She kru w nothing abont
the dreams Bat when she had folded the white handv and
straightened the folds of the httlc white night gown she plucked
the yeUow rose, and laid it on the breast of Chfld-Marjorie.
^It contains n^ar^ a.\0 paiiern ^IluMraUo^
kr Oh.
And CKvIden-Thraat S4ng :
^Md •
a a
Tbr. the spHng mud anmmev of IIK>7 l« now
ready for diatrilmilon. The catalogue Is au at.calve tMmk of ea page* In hand} reading
N-obodj but OuUI M»rjorw hc»r«J A Jow.
from out tht ytilow piuU \V« it.GoWtn Thiroat come again*
over each other, dunffiRff «*ape ana mehtng mto one another,
till thev roU up together like great white moumams in the
south and cast Jiad Utile white <aps rudi hither and thither,
peU mell over the Mue water. Rolling and b^hig into foam.
Sic lung waves chase each other eastward,--lostng and findmg
Ihegrselves again, but nertr catching np with each other.
^Ahcad of the Vloe>waves swings a white sail.-dippmg and
fawn* tan. dark green, cream, ivorv
could struggh through the nuie of ehimnev pois ami
brick walls ami peer tn through the window at the littk cage
where ik.kkiiU.r.cii lived A bwig ray reached in throughThc
leaves «,f a rose-tree and tenderly touched the yelknr hair of
a palc'faccvl girl who lay 00 a small bed near the wmdow, and
•he looked up
•iWtoM looe Ui^ iIm pMt^. -k't ke ImsiMi
■ wriw Ms KmJmh Bsiy. Do^'x
You arc a little
By Bun Manx amm
B0» WMWniiiBtTsi’ hyot Uw
tl»l • aim,
.Vhoul a dom> fairocr,' Uaa in Xc» Haavduc tumnl out
(WC Satit<Uy laU wiiacr to hunt down a iox that wai known to
have hit law in a hUI. Rrvward wa^ SnaUf tatwd OM. and
(hw. boti aintn^ to two boor, and that «« np. ,W>en t^
I nmt Bahink. bo did Sue:
With out fines preasely baited.
On the bonk wt sat and wailed.
But the ktih were %hf.
The little things of life are what caui#
ns the most trouble. It b easier to
do(%e an elephant than a microbe.
Sunday-school Teacher-\\*hy did the
Susan's MDhiwf che^s were glowing, Uwd command us to love our neigh
Susan's dflUpiM. Myly showing.
Provwd a prrt^snare;
UtiW UBiaiL-l guma k was *tauM
wi^can get 'aloof with most evetvh^ •
Fhho? WeX there wcK not «Miy:
»?v£t£t!rs,f5rai *>-
ike «H up to iUxc
home-aretMiakrr mhu umJcftaikft
frock mukt dr«w hrpub on hrr^ttock, of taiicncr. for
arpcnd ui*.u the muhipUriiv of tu miuU hut
eflpctiv* ind a*inlv tnmnitiigr A frm Mt* of Gcniuu Vul Ucr.
m«ialhon» m%rt Mud edged with
ilouhic eu even tripW
row* <4 Ucc rdgui*. in^ruoo luicriHuud
fr»nn a Kr<.mctncal
MUtro. tnd lor the )<ike pitd alcrvr*. Urc of one wemhl in*ct
Uto Utc of Miutber On *omr of the «marir«t drc^%e« of thii
'•ort, three *ort% *.f tfimnung api»e*r and vet tike effm u luH in^
c«^niout or inarti»tif. ai»d it i% the wkimul comhiiuUKui of
tiui teUft the hoiike M-werA talent and ivtluiKC. Many
i Ka%r crawl to attetnpi the taeV of maViiig elaliorale
\mmttit frockc. for factorie* are turmn* them 4m« in »uch pro*
and eoch lfuun|d.* uf
drecvinaker bought tuehe >ard% 4»f loiute at 45 cent> a vard
A% tlkc goun pa» to be made pruKcs> and vhe wa» *Hnder. *he
frelected bibc Irifch medalhoiie iii a good imtuiion at 75 cemc
each to fiarni her girdle The n%cdalHon>
l««». narrow
<*vaU. and it required eight to fonn the prnucev girdle effeii
Three Udie id licrman Val lace, at $1 W |k-t Udi. were required
fv#r niakina the getuiietiical ligure aU»ve ihe hem of the fckirt.
arrow the luict. oui\ming the \oke and linohmg tl*e alerve*. with
a bpU of narrow cr edging at 75 ccnt» for hnuhing U
ahe wz% too thin to wear a ik»w necked dre\*. her
of Inch alWover iiiW wiili inedallHm
inwrikai, pinked out wirti flat rudi
all -vrr cog her 75 ceiUc more Com
rciad from
r home drewinakcrik amhiiiovic i«» show their
Chiite the newest inmlcl i> the panel prmccsc gown which
roine^ 111 white. |ulc blue, pink and lavender inerceriretl lattstr.
riie juneU are of hue Imks U»rdfrcil b> l.erman Val lace in a
■ \uui luttern 1 he Mervo 'how me<lallii.ns of guipurc ycm>c
rdg*^ wiih fluting <.f Val. and live M*ke diown a comhinalion of
lialiMc ruchings with the Val Uc. flnidird wiih a guipure vvijinC
. Another om piece frmk in imrceri/cd laliNie offer, a prettv
decoratnui in Wall of I ro> design Intwcni the skirt 9
the niflW and aCTO.% the hodier afiovc the wai.>t line.
lercrriied latiMe ha*
fold, and land* of ihiu> lace, edged
lerii. Hic pointed yoke, rev errs and
am' .Icrve* are
made almost wdidly of haiiae guipure, cluny^aitd
gown nu^
Simpleid uf all, hut very effective, is
rimrcly of line Imking anil C»emun Va
medallKin hni'lics the deep yoke,
\m further inhoinalion about the>e frock* or any topics convider^ in thi> departnient will l*e cheerfullv .answered on receipt
Ko Auewakiwa. bowanswered in.these cohminik.
Livivlk UswitcgcE. »
\ TK« Unsweetened
“Baby»* Staff of Life'*
Why It Mdce. Hedthy, Slroiif Bdiie.
q Firtt ptace if. • whet food.
H Why? Aik the doctor: he wiU tell
^ you that all the elemenu needed to
make firm, rosy flea> end etronc muKkiL
bone* M>d teeth Me locked op in • ktrnel
of wheat-.nd in no other *rain. And
there’s no wjw in it. Why? Beceuse
sweet ibods nuke flabby fat end not sobd
I And there’s no pepsin or other medi' cine in It. Why? Because none is
necessary. It s own food properties make
it easily digestible. Babies so weak that
they can’t retain or di(est anythin* dae
thrive on it. It heljw and strengthens the
Uttle etomach-not only for the time bein*, but for aU time. In short, h’a an a*. .
> around, natural/oorf-one that all ba
bies need and crave-Oilrf HOthlUff
II Try it for tick babiea-it will make
^ themwclL Use it for wen babies, hi*
or little-just see how they will *rowl
i. Ai
How durdy. etron* and happy it wM
rJl” make them, what appetite* they wU
have, bow sound they win skepL
Rag Doll FREE
vw» w.-y«w^ni«*iefe name end address and tell ue if he
■TriJ^ ns ctsTof Imperial Oranum we wiU promptly
vou^BSokuTBLY FREE e cufe re* doU to cot opt for baby^e
JOliTcmE tfsJSbO^ 153 mr St. N«r
u. s. a.
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