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The Evening Record, January 15, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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- Wll nmn*r*Mn|
CM Dmafk MM Rm M M
OtorahMl BkM Up at DattM
Crwk HRIf FMtfl.
hmirn. M,
By Wtra to Urn Brfml&g Roeord.
Mlalmwa. ,ttL
BrtGw Crtwiu Mich.. Un. U.~Htll
stsrrwd M pearly frosm. Chad Do»«.
aa ewcapfsl primer from the Mmimll
JRU. was fowpd bero Mat night, too ttl 1 Fair mmut anmw ta mtH ps««kM
to nm from the oficers. nnd oollaposd 1 MlgM; MMIy ssM:
when ptaoed Ip p cell. Doan has • 1 «sy fhir ns4 mntlmitd cnMir;
fever aad the break for liberty may
cost him his ttfS. ‘
TiamcE Mi Rm uws
Ubbvb jpour order .(or
, UB lA—Attamn
Ir. Ilaoir. M MWr l«
B Of tofpn-. AHA
tet M
f9i to
HmAmi &0wm la ofle*. Ii^
Am «tWm4 Mt iBiwtoi of «
tAat tAo f«r* ^ Mtl l« WroA up to
Ajr lAo MMlftifvrm of ilto eo«
H* Mt tiHU tbo InAlTidMl AMllb of WILL FOLLOW MltElUL OROCK
IAb pmtfAo of tAo IT»Mod SUtoo Is of
oquoilf M oiorA t»AorUBM» •* fho
(CooUoood OB VburtA Pw )
By Wire to The Breolng Record.
tenor Christemo Doe* Net Believe U
flarrishurg. Pa.. Jan. li.—At n
dependence Would Be a Blesaing
today Bilwin 8, Stewart was with
to the inhabitants
•tUngwceremonleii Inaugurated gover-
Manay Will Da Utad ta tai^ i«Mph
Pamaatl Waat Par DtaaDt at ^
given last even
ing tn the Second street hall fbr the
baaoflt of Joseph Pomsxsl who hss
III for some time end an eodeasor Is being made to raise enough
•end him west where It Is
le so b
About 1100 wss
I Inst evening.
music Isst evening was furnish
ed by the Queen City band and was
very good, the whole affair being
enjoyabla. During the evening. Alec
Hueiauatel was presented wl
very gne aad valuable watch,
watch being a testimonial of his mallitng
Pennypacker Uid halde tbe official
duties and Stewart look the oath oo a
finely dreorated pUtform In front o(
tbe capital. The streeu were gay with
bunting and marching clubs nnd band*
prasent from all parts of the
state. Tbe prayer was offered by the
Rev. J. Gray Bolton, of Philadelphia
and tbo oath was wltncaaed by the
chief Justice of the supreme court.
Trsverae CKy Tent and HIva Hald
Joint Ceromonlea Polipwsd by a
Supper Last Night.
Traverse City Tent, No. 15«. Macca
bees and companion hive held a Joltfl
Installation in their hall last etentng.
e was an umiHually Urge crowd
In ntjendance and the local degree
I went through the work in s
After the InatalUtlon. s large sup
per was serred In the Rtnfag room,
where over yno sat down to the UWei
before tbe serving stopped bMldea
many who did not eat. A dance fol
lowed nnd It was early thU momU|
before the last conplns left the hall.
•-0W Haa^Mada
This PaaaihH Hr Pi
With the slight amount of snow
has fallen since Saturds.v. the :x>sds
have Improved enough to make log
hauling a possIblUty. There has been
a thaw but what lltUe tmow there
was baa settled and fannem living
within n radius of s few miles are be
CbHdma Art Now of Aft and tlw Mat
ginning to haul to the city.
Ur is In Prabats Cawrt for
The low price of potatoes hal msdr
farmers who have standing timber
tery nnxiouB to begin bnuUng sod it
U probable that much timber wi
A petition was died Ulc yesteniny hnuled Into the city before spring
for the delermlnatloa of heirs In tbe
Charles K. Bouthwlck ertste. ' M
South wick died 21 years ago tearing
wife and two children. The latter Tbm teriaiialy injured in a Wrack on
hare become of age and the mother
the N^le PlaU This Morn
has married wlthoot the ratate erer
being artiled naUI now.
The property coatlsts of a farm in By Wife to tbe l^lng Record.
Grant toqmahlp one mile from
Butalo. Jan ll.-One man t
aouthwest coratc of the county aad Its killed nnd three aerioualy Injured In a
k nn tbe NlcUe PUte railroad at
Lakeside a vUlage four mllra beyond
Hamborg at s;%i this morning. The
dead: Jerry Mulcahy of Conneaut
WMaw nf a Veteran and a Pioneer Ohla The injured: R. M. Cousin, con
ductor of tbe Nlckle PUte freight ngrtl
Panaad Away at Her Heme at
44; C. F. Shaw, brakenma and Bert
Iner. greman -of tbe nagse trala.
iBSsted schooner Hunt, which left 0t.
Aaas, Cspc Bertoa. for this port sli
moaths a«o with s cargo of gysoin
rock, has jast put Hi st 8t. Josa. Porto
RICO. Thcahlp
nrom Bosloa lo Bt. Aaas a four
days TQoraga. 8hc
8hc had
had hbfwa blowa iOB
mtleatoaia. It la com
•'U , iwaArttablc caM of aa
lira. BmUr Hnat died ycotcfday
ofwahr bSYiiig loot
iwachlag port, bw owai
afiemoon at her bnuM la Acme vbere
Alren bar Up for loat.
•he has Uved many yenra. Pnra
wna the ennae of her daatb nnd abe
was tt yeara of age. Mrs. Host
tbe widow of PbUlp Host, a vett
Raid That a Wall Known RarWae Will
of tbe dvil war ^ a pkmedr well
Boon Jonmoy %• the Uppoc
kaown ta tbe city.
ro eblklraa are left. Cbartea TIV
By Wre lo The Rvenlug Record.
Manilla. Jan 16.—Senor Chrtstomo.
iBurer of Hiillran province,
speech Bt s banquet that
the liberal policy of the Philippine
comUlsaiou Is debauching the Phlll
pplnos. -More back bone Is needed
In insular administration.- he said,
•'God knows what wmild happen to the
Phifippines If they were given
pendenoe and tpontlmied to show
present cowardly spirit.”
tuniUea offered yon at
our gtore juat now
yon would not benitste
a moment before yon
deeide where to bny.
When we take* our Inventory.
St............................................. 3Tr
Pratt s Vet Liniment l2Sc>
at... ............. ;..............H-off
Many more bargains like
Leather Top Rubbers.
Men'« Lumbermen‘sv\rctics, worth $2,
Women’s Warm Juli
ettes, fur trimmed,
Good Warm Slipper*,
Men's Snndal Rubbers,
Women’s Storm Rubbers
Children’s Rubbers.
leetlnga Wilt be Held In the
MIS Rhope In the City of
New Yortc.
Will pay Highest Cash prices forf
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Tclephone-Cit 32. Bell 169.
Could be made of the host of
delighted hotisewifes and thmr
asstsunu who have used our
Their commendations would fill a col
umn of this Mper. If yon are not a^
user of Best Flour now, this is just a
hint to try a ungle sack. That will
- j:-
Can You
.(v ■'
Afford It.
Wait’s Dnig store.
ThitU not • poiilmgqitorttoii.
for wt- nre wUiuK »ooto loto
\-erj- chonp. Thw we do not
■wUb to carry ovw. • iW
■ rtrung numbm that kohl all
{the «eato>n for *1.25 and *1.35
are now being aold for SI.OO
Tbiwe are the beat gooili yon
have bad offered you at thii
price aud if you need under
wear tbU it your tiow.
Om vtoHwiU My yM
Men'tSin. and 10 in.
Until February I
Tbe Hobart Co. prop.
•at P^ All Ps-ts ef the tut
and the ttreeu of CaplUl
Were Gay With Ronting.
By Wire to The Dtrealaf Record.
WaahlBftoa. Jaa. lu.-*A gfwerti
tier win aooa be pi^Molgated by the
frtNa tho Ualisd BUiss dniioK tbr find departneat abollahlag tbe **dlTlaloa*’
. foor MBIhs of tbs pivsMit tacsl f90X
i geographical jdlTtHaa of Ibe
will bs 1T.HI7 as rofatarsd with
sebeme for mlUUr^ admUtratloa. The
la ihr aawo iiwiod of im hwwl yosr only dKlslon whfich
r«i«k will
be that of the Pblllpplnaa. and it Is
prapoaM to ohaage the assignment
maaads of prsctleally slI of the
ral oRlMfa Of the anay statloaed
ry. The major generals
------------------aed to the more Wport
sat dsfiartmeata. such as the diimrt
nt of The east, and the department
fPtUlfomla, and bitgsdler geaemls
will commaad the others. It U alsc
the tntenticm to assign brtgfdlA^ «en
ersls to commnnd the senrlce school*
■t Port bsnvaoworth. Phil Rfle^. Ihrt
nnd at Weal Point. If Col
'Bjr Wlw* to Tha BTMitiis Record.
R. D. Potts, artillery corps, it msd«
LAfiM. I«h. 11-A »«IM Of
brlgmller-geoersl he will be assigned
vioiaat aarlhqMka •bocks «ror hi
BfUalod the tHsiaacrapb si ApU for to the commnnd of tbe artillery acbool
at Pori Monroe
Brigadier General
Ibrtw bourse Th« Orrmaa arlcath
I statloe ssr Ihc William H. Carter, now In eomma
baacr Is la the the department of the lakea ms
M aoulh of Apis naalgaed to tbe command of tha.ln
l*sclAc I
fantry and ctralry acbool nt Port
l^ven worth.
City Bo^k Store
" *r WIr. »o TT,. Wimit lUewd.
OlUvA. Jw. lL-*r«.rtlu to tb*
CmwEIwi OfwnaMI or lb» I■t•l1l>r
tto total aaabar of a«r -hooMou
"on- to tbo OHto<toa aottboMt
tbo tow anal nar tna 4I.«»; «aa»
«a W ll.m ABWileaaa. 1J4T« <
Otoaa, Ijm ■aiHab. t.lM Aoalr
1.WT BeolHi. I.att Oalwaat aad (43
Irtab. Tb» loul anaton at InwItnaK
Ml Kn am up is uri
We taxeyon. the portage, the priee of the
money unler aodTUie trooUe of aemlioK. .
bcfo Aod it will 1
aac^ with the date t
which Ftorwaters* hall could be secured.
was a aieetlug of the eoter
and haaquet coanaincei last
erealag la the office of Prwal
Haatlags aad iaal details for the bsa
(Ooattaaed on Third Page.)
ftaM EMIW« LMF-to tlw
Magazine Subscriptions
Tbc date ftxcd for tbr anaual ■
lag aad haaquet of tbc Trarerwr City
Ukrd of trade. Is Thursday. Jam. 3lst.
Tbla date has bcea txed tmose of
To let the opportunity go by to
get such splendid '
Ghlldren’s Garments
at such small prices.
These gannenu are the best
the season’s offerings and we
offer them to you at just
nuvniM «TY. I
1. TbtOa
wal^ Remedy aeeaea. amed wl^ a I
. tJTllE"THiNG$
1 OP ihe atage today, aa
day. Jam A. at the Otppd opera
Onlr a f«w •# thMt
Uafpra «MT pMMt Ml. jr 3^
Piikc Fooa
MtarlrtiMla IM Dmmi tt
When «Tk»d Wgkr waa
It la a pnrullar thing that the Aomd
(•M IT yM Maa iM yat MonrW #m)
tho oerfop ad thp Oimtid la
eaa puUle muat be pruCected
yaa ara aatHM ta aaa frat af aaaL
I adttltermtrw] fuoda and guaakag
I CO} and
aad daring wU^ tiJ
deleterkma tiquida not oaly by towa NATIONAL •iirrilAQe AMOCIA.
I of the
!d for that parpoae. but alao by
TbJa hakit la not due to
fgaeraace aa for name time, theae mat
had Paid from A eeoU to a half
lera have been cummeuied upon
eirthday of the LaU kuaan B. An.___________
tatloa. Tkata vu a Ubh» yat wUhiu
wdy by the leading pubilea
theny Will Be Clebromd With
' Tho«
tba Bamory of Mran the yoaat^ eJii of the country and the national pure
the fight and port of them r
Mt whaa all tkat «aa ckaafkl a
food Aaw waa Ibe reauU.
aary for oottmUr foa«a via to aarapa
Howerer. thla law waa not enough
Ika 4trt and rapHabla laatlar op imio
aa not thought to be enough, eo By Wire to The Bvening Record.
mta. The foul
fka ontor and to tei It m» at that there haa aprnng -Into life, a national
Ckicaga Jan. 16.—The thlrty nlnlh
TarapUna vara vMad ky laada of league which will atten|8 to aee that annnal convimtloa of the HatJana)
atoaa katec dovpad lato tba koM and the law U enfnrred and the American Wuman-a Snlfrage aaaoeUUon will
atPdi markig plepiroa.
VM aM ataakad lato ahapa ky
le kape from tkM vkfeh la harm nu.ee Pidmiaiy 14th to i»th Inelnalre
ipdlppca wasted patienl
There are many prominent men In thla eliy.
theae aPd the tap mlavtas
IdMilled with thla league and Ita
There will be three neaakma dally that followad.
objfcu are entirely worthr.
held in the Hnc Arta building. ThH
-Reproducfloa of the Gnat
Now. road bulMiaf baa
If the people
thla country would will be the flrat csooventlon held with
was thrown oa
aaact aHaooa aad aa aodaai
take palna to famlUarize themaelvm out Ibe preaeoce of MUa Suaan B. An
screen and avery ^ort la Urn
laada to gat baok that
with what they oig and drink, the tony, and for her birthday. Frbruarjr
hfickad forward In his chair.
oooatry loat thfoddh lu a
league wouM not find much employ. I6th. an impreaalve memorial program
•TUp Beat Belecied Rounds," i
U Ika p»t TkU eouatry. by raai
If the public would not tolerate haa bfW^^pared. One neaalon wUl
ed aad everybody made a noUe I
of kad roadt. baa loot many m|1U<
adnltcrmnu. they would not be aaed. be devoted Uj a aympqplum of the fifty osnu.
that It could Juai aa wall hava had.
but ao long aa the people are h» (n Induatrial condition of womeo and
took j(ut eighteen minutes
Tba moaty tbrowii away oa Inpr . thla matter and manlfeat no Intereat. children In this country. ThU win be
>r road buUaiag la not all that baa law or no law. laam» or no leagnb. in Charge of Mm. Floreoce Kelley of run tea rounds off aad a portloo of
eaek tntermlssiau. When the Hghts
. kaea teat lAaaaucb aa tba torr
they will be Impoaed upon.
-'>* NsUoii.1 OaosoaM.rs- Kscuc.
were turned on at f :!• somebody gave
coat of marttatlag ctopa nmat at
Baboimts plus of ntcrtalBiMni for vept^ to their feetti^ ky yamng. "Rtrftakae into ooaaldpraUoo and chargad
lh» ihMisuda cf voBsn who wUI sito looi. Almoat arery farmer baa buil
iM>d STS bcins a»0s bx the womss’s " "Thief. Robber." came from different
wpefliaM with bad roada aad k
parts sf the house.
Juat vkat they m«ui.
Special rates from aU nectiona of
"Toss him s briric." yelled s bo>Good roada ar© alwaya trofltahle.
tb^ fcoualry have been granted by the In the gallery.
^nthoot them, ib'ero would be ao rural Special to the Breolng Recortl.
Mfroada and a Urge party will go
The wise, however, kept still, sneakcmlBh. Mich.; Jan W.-Mra. G.
frau delirary and lU conaaqoon
from'New York.
out of the door aad miiitered to
waatagea: without Ora. the aumb«r
H o other fellow, "BU b' gosh."
Mra. Willian OcK>k of Grant.
of teaBM that muat be kept would
and Mra. Henry Arnmtrong hare
^ lacrtMd; wlthoot^beia it would not
ba paaatbla to mvbet prodocU at any. returned from a vlalt with frienda at Swtn Oov.mm.nt Miking • Otfrthing like the profit that goad roada Trarerae aty.
mined EfTort to Soroe Uqyor
Mrs. David Bary la very alck.
krlag. WaU built roada aiw the beat
Fritn* «r W. H. Abbott of tho ThlfW
From the Country.
Ralph Simopa haa the pHafortane U
laVeatinefit aay towadlUp. cooaiy or
Wand Ar* Urgin« Him te Run
aUlo can make and their retuma are have five riba broken and olherwlai By Wire to the Evening Record.
quite badly hurt In a raaaway aodd
Geneva. Jan. 15.—The governit
It Wednemlay.
To n oommanlty. good roada are Joat
U making a campaign against the pee
It Is a little eariy'for ward csuur
aa aaoeaaary aa io a farm and there
of absinthe, the Intootion U ln
dates to nnaoonce themselves for the
fore the people of Traveraa City are Sheldoo am on the alck lUt.
drive all liquor oLthal character from spring clecUoa.-ku« neverthrlesa there
Mra. Alonro Chub la quite poorly.
aa TiUUly Intereated In the -jcood
Swiss territory. The secretary of the is already copslderabie interest msnlMiaa Leotu Noud la visiting frienda campaign commltlee said a short
roada liuUtufo- which will be held
rested In the matter and pros
here Jan. 25 lu charge of Horatio 8. In Maniateiv
ago that 80,202 signatures had already caadldate. are bring suggeated. One
Mra. Alba*Brimmer la taking care of l*een obtained for the pqtltlon as
Karl, atate hlglm-ay «>mmU«loner. aa
of the Biost oQospicuoos in this regard
tho fannera. ITiU Inatltnte ahonid little Beatrice Barry while her mother for a stringent federal Uw lo
Alderman W. H. Abbott While If r.
hare a lance attendaneve aa Mr. Bari la no sick.
above effect, and now there arw |
Abhou ha. not annopaeed hi.
Mlaa lAura Batabrook who la quite ably m«»re tlian HW.OOO signers.
baa ilren the aubject more Intellliceiit
docy. a great many tefiacptial ThliA
atudy than probably any other nu.n in alck ia lining cared for by Ulna Shell
ward people have urged him to become
the repoblleail candidste for
Tho ealDo of good roada la becoitf
tlQBthlaapriag. Mr. AbboU wlU
Ing more aad more rerr^fulred and
Eight Railways Endoavoring to-Tap hU apcood term this ppring am
^everyvhere aUtea art' Uklng up the
the Rich TsrrKory -ef the
been a oonsistMt and reliable____
natter. Il ahould be n matter of deep
Hudson ^ Roglon.
ber of the counftl. There is no doubt
. TaglWC that OoTeraor Warner In hla
but that be win agaia be a candidate
neaaage. ahould bate had to auie that
By Wire to the Riming Record.
to succeed himself., c
In Uln regard liichlRan. uHually Uo Ity Wire to the K^vnlng Record
Montfval. Jan. 1».—There are before
Mr. Abbott has, during his term of
«'veryaung. U laaaing be.'
New York. Jan. 16.—There la oow the proseut damUkm WUameot pot office, gained a valuable experience
U'lng plaf^ u|H»n the market a new lees than right bills for charters, of and become Iboroughly Informed upon
. MldOgaa tx^ple ttbimld iK'gin now type of conveiitble gaaolitie and kero- railways to the Hudson bay. The
the city*, affairs. Therefore he wlU
and aee tEal iio aubiteuufot memage
motor which la said to have piw three principal CanadUn traffic roads,
good candidate to go before the
will Imre to regret*^but rather will be od entirely aatlafactory. A «nmber of the Canadian Pacific, the Grand Traak P*K>pIe In his ward.
enahlM te point with prWe to tbet Ibeae tnotora have been ahipped no Pacific, aad the Canadian Northern,
Mlchlimn haa aceompllabed In building
are drienaloed to cover this northern
iln. and have d^e ao wHI that territory of the Quebec province, hut
led for«‘lgn oidera for thla type so are also the Teimshaming A Northnng Capuin Sealby qC thg Whita
have been rt'cHve^. In apiwwrance cni Oulario. Uie Canada Central, and Star liner Caltlc was talking about the
olor differs but little from the the Quebec A Lake 8l.. John railway. colored signal ilgk
raTyiu^ IthaaaoomplHegaao. Mr.-HllJ s road. The tJreat Northsen.
fA yovtM
Uoe attachment, and can be operated Is also fwshing to the Hudsoa Bay.
thn oeur
Scottisb sailor tc
ullh this fuel as well as the regular
colored nghtt wree nnknown.
marblni but has the added advantage
"As be stood St the wheel one night
By Wire to the Evening Record.
a kig steamer here la sighL POd tbs
If desired.
boy saw the great red su4 gcren JIgk
snd captMas of Industry are making for the first time.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
mmmad down
efforts toward saving f-Kptmwm by
long yeS. "Prvverre oa." be aboutrd.
ml of the mnny in- WVre goln' ri4it Inia
Wd^hni-etecorea anolhor lot
shop'St P^M s -
Qf Rockers.
I '
READ our adrertlsemeot for j
An Isr S* K ■« Mswh« IMj
J. W.JsiAaon
F. F. Akeis
Hist Nalioa kuk
A. W. Jshki
A. OoniOa '
J. H. Umw
Amariou Drug 8«en • ' •
Haanah Drag Stosw
■ \ Your Credit Is Oodd
. •
Your Reliable Furniture Store.
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Stiwr
Every Bdyil
of Aote little uvinp boxes
which pnn-od so popniar Ust
year. Anyone iMving name
and ai]<lroas with ns ewn
hare one free of chsiKe.
It ;6a wuit b SotAer,
NOW Is the Tine to Buy
TIib (finnak.^ Lay Mercaiirite Co.
“THE BIG^STOIIC-Hlwlers In Ereiytliing
jr e*ivAiVT Ms**
That Bring Quick Retunte
rrs TO YOUR advantage to InREAD our advertisement for boys* veoUgato the prices we are msk
And cjilldreos* goods. Hamilton Cloth- all trimmed hau. Miss C. P. I
Nr CP. —*
Jan. 16 tl
* DoiiTTbrget
W1«, .ki.T».* iiH.;,
her. pretty shade, pocket flathcr and
Portable table Larnpe.
make the very best kind of a present. We
have all
of them in stock, at the right prices, Come in
J. B. Paige 0ectric Co.
A few hundred dollars spent in our
Furniture Division. We guarantee
the best of returns for the mcnev
vested. If you haven’t the hundi
II take just
fust a lew
few plain doUars—
$7 t5 for a ijood dining table.
Some time Saturday, one good op
portunity to get one of the biggest
bargains in Ladies’ Shoes ever ofs^ed.
50 Gray Bros. Dongola
Cpmmon Sense Shoe for $l.4S.
Kitchen Girl Wanted
to look over our stock of tinware
and aluminum goods and tell her
mistress how many things are needed
to make the work easier. Flour
sifter, cookie cutter, dish cleaner,
stirring ^yoon and;a host of money
savers, '
TO ftCNT-For afteraocm teas and e?eaiDg
' ncfUiom, shfirbeC ghmses, punch bowl,
pm^n espsv sanoefs and {dates and
^iag ehaiia at very little
hWhHfc W»d cUr type, fitorat of
A few more families to get surted on
the best Mocha apd Java Coffee you
ever drank. The Yale at S6c a
pound, the Monarch at 40s.'
50 small women to
warm, serviceable coat for' ...
Biggest bargain ever offered.
An experienced
lenced nurse to tell her
patients th!iat our Dreg^^Dmi
vision has
the best
________ _
landages, rubber gopdt and all arti
cles needed in the tick room. .
^tween sunrise and dark, the best
place in the city to buy the purest of
breakfast foods, the best buckwheat
flour and maple syrup and the finest
sausage, bacon and ham. ,
• l^ tcholarato buyatabletapiece.
Bhm« ever soW for a nickle. Lots
of other good kinds./and pencili,
pens, inks and school books.
-6ix -dozen Ladies’ Ribbed Under
wear. Best-of . 50c values. Pricea
while they laat,S5c each, i
Tawear a bang upgood^overcoat
for $20, and the best of bargains in
for iiaed overcoats $fia $80aad f9ft
hUka the mom kSTcf » bam
m. -. -• 1 ' ■
« tto «
l-i stiff Twbwbebis* TOUArS MARKETS
Jofaifs? i
A vsmr iMPOTTAitr
taf bayMAMeaf po*
KM.M M I*, tool
do. o«t ar tto car. Both «C ftoae
mmm toao toaa aetlaa'lBL tto
tf lUrMa total cC trato far «
RexaH Rabbinir Dill will
limbertbem up and take
pain out.
If nte
t •« 111
Ow* • aartmrl*
» nn
—Hy k* av to Mto fto Mi atmr.
ffm M alsltt MO » tte iMfl—■ M aMtrr to« ta« to to. •vcpM
o«M IL
Uk» CM. to Ito am «r jMCto. M fa ftoaaa tito
laMCaa. Ttora )f a witortr !• aa^
It Mto ao btolr ttol to Otoatatto aai toMWkt to trial vltfOa
tflaaa raaia to aiajr m fr«« m tto
ATTBKD daaeteractoal ato m
aataMj at Hana’a«aaito«r Itoadar
ttoiMttotoijapitoMO afgto. Ma« elaaa»|aalrfaiM«._
itftor i«to «WU or tto
)4to «r
Size 16K to so inches sleUing
everywhere regularly at $1.50.
Were going to sell 12
of them this wtcIc at
; ■,
\ i
■ ivM|
On* Dollar aooh
Of coiirae you can l>uy Rubber h^ats nt $1 ’
; any time, and even at less than that, but a
salesman should hesitate when he calls
them robber—FOR THEY ARE NOT.
No house in the country is so welt equi|>ped to satisfy your net ds
in the lineoi Children s Obthing as i»e are. These prices that
we are making are on broken lines and lines that we do not wish
to carry into another season. If.you arc in need of children's
goods—and is there ever a lime when you are not—then for
your own sake investigate these prices.
ChUdren’s Ov^rcotis
LOT l-$4$0 to $6-Ages 4
A^ r A
to 10. now....................... ..........Z.OU
ChUdren’s Reefers
Children’s Russian
Ages 2X to 6, handsome, stylish goods,
Have sold this year from
9 PC
$6 to $880. DOW..........................O.Dd
One lot. 'ages 3 to 6. have sold for
One lot as above, with velvet collars,
emblem on slee\-e, ages 4 to 8,
sold for from
f |«fl
to $150. no#..............i.dU
cmidrai** Kntt Jackets
for ages 3 to 6 >’cars
Lot never sold for less than A C ^
60c. now.................................. Z3C
some filler*
DCS to
The Ladles’ Aid of Archie will meet
with Mrs. r. R. Grubb. Thursday. Jan.
17. All are cordially invited.
Frwd a. Walker. Jadfe aT
»u* runaway Is aal(l to have
orcurred on Biy street last evc-nlng.
No one was seriously Injured nor
could any particular^ Ik* learned tbla
Grace church guild will meet with
Mrs. George Blue tomorrow afternoon
at 2:30. All the ladles of the parish
are Invited.
UMrsof br gtoro 1
Division No. 2 of the Congregational
Ladiro’ Aid society will meet at the
home of Mrs. Votniba. 40t Sixth
street. Wc-dnesdsy afternobn of this
week. Come prepared for work,
picnic lunch will be served.
once rUlted bis sUbIro
Tbe Rathborne Sisters meet tor
croom carrying s
hive worked for
me a long Ume, haven’t yon. Samr
qneried tbe rich man. -Yes. alr^- re
Another of those ploaaant Eastern
plied tbe groom. “Me an! this bom
have wofked fnr yon aerenteen years.- 8Ur dances will to given this evening.
“Ab, and I bope yon have been well
The meeUng of the Men's club d
trotted. Sam.- said tbe employer. “Ob.
churoh will be held la
J ain’t rompUlnln- none.- aaW 8am.
tbe boas was sick at tbe Stewart’s academy this evening. A
in* I noticed that, while
yon hired a doctor for tbe boes. yea
Pere Marquette passenger No l was
docked my pay tor tbe ttme I lOBt"— aa hour late this noon owing to poor
conneetjons with other roads farther
down the line.
The Mother's Oub of the Oak Park
school win m<
at 3 o'clock. Mrs Oeo. Metcalf
to tbe loader. Subject
Between Parents and Children.
At the clone of tto InsUltatkm of
the G. A. R. and tto W. R. C. Mn. F.
D. Marvin, the retiring prealdBBt. waa
prqinated with a tony spoon and Bix
berry torka
Tto oast side crowd will h^ a
alelghrMo party to Saver lato to*
The ypoag tadina 4fib BM^ last
WANTKO-Tcmr npbolsteriiig. furiil- tag Md had a very Bneooatfal
ifBidera^lntore repaldng. chair caning aad Ttof* are aixteeB
fuiBitaro packing. R H. Tanner. 21C atrecUon of Mrs.
tnioB Bt.
Jan. 16tf preaoBt ttoy are arorkW « -I*
___ _
.wMecoUars. just
U r. PMtatt MM . Mltat M M(kt
toAMtoa Ml tte« la torOAi
BM MB la tto dtr Btotoaai
r Mb to to Mc of tto w
OMftotie aBd PBbto Blllitto dtlBM
of Grato ftarua. Hr to tto
OsMBd at ailutr IM at aibmr Ijato
of tto tUckisaa TraskMM, tto lemf.
UBtil Manilto UgM
tar tnulo paper to tto aUto
’niOnkhM af
Mr. MuaaelBUUi to tto toad of toe
MaaBalMi Qraaar Oo., wblch toa a $2-to and erery good eittoro to Inrlted
toaBto to tola city.
to attUiate blmaeif with tbe organlxaA party of young people bad two
tkm to help paab tbe beet tntercata of
ertto flaa Blto. ctof of tto Park Ptoer
m serious iajury
totot. to ptaiBtfe aad^torrr tto
Tto tmt Oddest was tbe
banqBet wiU be 11.00
towt. vkick wKI/1iel58gl ItodAwSTOua per ptoie. Tto matter of a lower price
of tbalr rig aad the sec*
of C S. Carte, vboae fame la prrpar- waa conaldmd. but urton It la taken 004 was tto VtoOBg of tto klag
tea tone baa^^ to ao wen kaoira. . Into eonalderaticn. that tbe BMertala aad tto IcBTtag of tto box sltUng disWblto tto prograin to aot coaiptot^ mnat be tranaferred-to tto ban after
tto aaow wblk
It toa toaa deddad to aacore Stovart’a cooktaf and iiindj of tto preparaUon party^ plowed atoad tor a aow <
oKtoatra aad jtoe Qoaea Ctiy qaartat. done omaide of tto ban. requlrtac ad* Tbe •’Slhretu buacb- with a few of
AddrtBaea win to drea to pnmOamt dlUonal lalifr. It urfll iMdily be eeen t. elr frieads. thirty ••be- In all drorr
oa TrareracL ati't to* that a banquet of tkto kind cannot be out to Stoto lake Ust night and apeat
daatrlea. folare derelopmeat. poblk* eerred for lean tbna fl.OO per pintc. the evening at silver Inn. They bad
achnola aod rartoiif otlier lotereeU to but It can to anld whb Use ntmoBt naportion of Hora;’* ontoalra with
/eUtioQ to tto cltr’a fDdoatrtol and amanc^ that Mr. Eller and Mr. Carl* them and danemg ua* tbe foatnre of
drto derelopment while the tobortos will aen
evening. In addllhm. they also
people a riew will to dlacuaaed by M. irrer spread in Trarerse City,
had a anbsUttttol lunch wh.ch was
E. Fuller, preatdeot of the Ootral
served In tbe dining room and rell*hed
Labor unloa of Trarerae City.
to the ntmost. Before and after lunch.
Mrs. Jamei^O Brien returaod to tor
After eadi ^reaa It la expetted
lag was enjoyed and at 12:M. one
that erery member of the board atoll home In Kingsley this monilag after load dfcided that they bad to go I
have an oppononlty lf .be ao dealrea, spending a few da>s In tbe city with BO tto start was nmdu. Tto rest.
to diacuaa tto queatUma treated. Jual relatlres.
at tbla time the anneal meectog of the
Mrs. B. R. BIUoil returned to her orcheetrs for fartbto lack of sleep and
board of trade will have a apodal borne in Mancelona this monilng.
stayed until 2:».
Mrs. W. J. Glorer of Centnslla.
alsnlflcanto. tnaamueb aa It to fuUr
Tto arst crowd to go. on tto way
recofniluMl that the Uroe to ripe for Wash., who has been risUlng friebds out bad been wrecked, tto wagon box
energetic and united work for the In In tbe city left for Grand Rapid* this turning over with great dignity, doing
duatrial dereloproent of the city. Cotn. mornlni:- She will then rlsii In Ohio tbe stuat ao slowly that tto aroat
plete propram and naroee of apeakera
serious thing that happened waa the
I wife of Kingsley, losing of some overahoes. Wbei
will to aBiKmneed later, after tto
were In the City orer night, returning second rig sUrted. they made good
this morning.
time and In order to gain still more
alpned that the adreaaea of dlacuaT. H Trega left for Detroit tbla cut scrota on a logging road which
aiona aball to odocatlooa! ao far aa morning on a buslocas trip.
saved them from going over <
Trarerae CUya material tatereaU are
The Rev. R. N. Holsaple left today hill. As they were jogging along, they
aad It to expected that the for Detroit where he will begin bit noticed a portion of a sleigh In the
moHlng will reaalt In mutual benefit duties In the sute AntlSaloon work. road and an examlnatloo dlscloaed the
and alre freab laaplration for the ex His frst aaalgnmeDt will to next Sun fact that it waa the remUna of the
erctoe of baaliliu'and united action for day when he will preach at Milan.
flntt rig.
nt to Rauld City This morning. It was learned
" Dr. J. L.
the benefit of tbe city.
The banquet to Intended for mem
first psrty that had been ao eager to
bera of tbe board of trade only, but
go home, had only beaten tbe m
this does not tor any buslnoea man or
Mr. W. H. BoldAs, of Trahtitp one In by abont half an hour
workina man who to a prorreaalre ?A, ttys Ws wiRhtimTcry bid they were burrylnf borne, they lost
clllren from becomliif a member of ctor^ Me boarht t bottle of Cbtm- their king bolt and the box altd off.
the board. Tbe annual doea are but bsntlt’s Otarb Remedy tid It *11160 five girls and throe hoys walked
worked like mific. TWs remedy a mile to a farmhouse^ awakened the
to meqaned as a care for coa|hs owner after much effort dud be bnllt
aad ctids and caa always be de- a fire, warmed.them up and then lent
pended apoa. For tale by AmcrI. them another rig. Three of the girl*
H045 In tbe sleigh didn’t have rubbers, so
they waited until the return was made
READ our rndvcrtlscmcnt for boys’ with tbe good rig.
and childrens’ goods. Hamilton Clolb
The last rig got home at 4 o'clock
Ing Co.
Jan. 15 tl
this morning without any nccldent
*WATCH Jackson’s Candy window.
Watch Onr Ads.
LOT a^Ages 10 to 16-$»
W Ar
to $12-now.................................. b.l)3
m mi m nr
Look iBlo ov lidaM LImI^d Oiler.
Boy’s Overcoats
ampi W wom
.mu •
MMk> M pouiMiL. tat ttar w« OH.
trou U. wiUu... N«n.» «H
FOR RENT—Fnrnlabet
Wnrxlmrf block. Mn.
rim was heM today la tto J.
er OBUte.
Ito ftmt ke war cut OB Bo
tiOB of
A, Col-
MO MMectod Mtue.
to the
Tl» OMMA »MMUM~ kgr »
Mippod fNM MMr
LOCAL MAmcrra.
»M ib......Tl............... i« r
.>/ .12
^Itry, per lb...130121$
United States Increased
1.0M.1C5 casro over lfi05.
loUl was '2.577.d02 canes, mining this
yaar’s total'United Statro pro^^ 4.577.767. a gain of 27 per cent over
1M6. This neems like a big gain and
indeed It is due to more favorable
crop cauUtlona thron^t the grow*
lug and packing periods ^tban to In-
Furs Butter WiU to Higli.
Soon we shall know, upon the au
thority 4of the sec^Urv of the depart
ment of agr^tnro. what will constltnte a atMdard pare butter. saUs^
factory to the natAonal pure food taw
paasad at t^e last aeasloo of ooogrom.
6oa»e wcateni dainmen have visited
Waahtogton tp give him the advantage
of their views. The secreury assured
Ihem that their represenUtlon should
have careful consideration and they
should have fair treatment. What the
people want is a rule for providing tbe
butter. The palate Is no longer to be
depended upon, so skillful are tbe
mmnufactureru of the artificial etuff.
Butter that is pure but poor product
of cream vrlll command a good price no
doubt, and butter that Is better than
pure, the xx.
wni be out of tbe reach of pc
who do not own a copper mine
When the |rore food law vras enacted
congress failed to provide an ap
proprtatiaa for Its enforcement.
roury Wilson and other officials of hi*
department | proceeded, howeverjm the
be proceeded, bawever. on the as
assumption that the necessary depart
moot force ultimately would be provid
ed by congress. Just before the holi
day recem, an appropriation of f25«.'000 was made by congress to
corps of rbexnlsfiB aqd Inspectors to
enforce tbe law,
The civil service commisaloa will
hold examl
country Ibis month to secure a list of
e to appointment. As noon
after the examlnatkma. the
oecesaaiy ^rsons will Jb# certified to
the agricttUnral department for
l^lnlmentj It may be two months'^Kv
fore tbe jforce Is organized and In
thorough ifrorklng order.
It will to the duty of the inspectors
to discover violations of the law. and
the chcmlstK will examine such food
products as may be submitted to them
Tor analysiB.
Appta* ................ .............
Cor*, per bn...... *..................... W
Sr— **«rJ
8pri.( U»b., IIT. wpubt
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the American Drug Co. for
the election of dlnectora will to bold
at 2I» K. Front St. at 2 o’clock In the
I. 24. lt07.
jan 14-lt
for boys*
READ our adverti
aod childrens’ goods, liamlll iCloUi.
ing Co.
w Jai 15 tl
DO NOT 0\T:RLOOK the cbaiito to
get hats at remarkably low pHc^.
Miss C. P. McQmI. 112 ProbL aUeel.
Jan. IS-U '
TUm is the store tot gives'BcSI
Vatacs. . . WclD
$10 values at $6.90
112 values at $8.M
$17 and 420 values at $11.$9
“See these valecs.** YoSwUl
not look farther.
Un.m. A. Wm
!■ Ttmv.
mm CHr amflil
^ Mk.
uruai of nboat two Bmf lato toe a
/ »fiL n. r Miir fc«»
bete. toen ptoesn tbe aat oo tot
mmomAti, rm mAMf pUmAM 4A
» rkit f hmmrnl^ti Mnittm
W. t. Etnrtit «f toior vM
tvte ImEv, W. r. IICT0M1.
Is t«v» M MlL
4oi €K Hmrntm CHf
Jm CAtboUc diorth
Wr« SmAm.
MIm Oral Jmtm U hoym CUj to
v^tlat l»r soai. Mm. W. H. MorrU
or tlito ptoat.
i mmd
Mto. lAgia BHiar or
into their aatnre and some degrse
uBttence to and from them It
I nnfair when writing or talking
m to tmaricam to refer to them
•IWr TMIU«tarmMU>M>tOl
■M vfik kto moUMT. ff« stIU «
wtIJi lb* old or crotebet, ibo roM
b«mair bto Iv bfobco mod hip dtolo-
Acbm ImI WodooMlar. wb«r* abe biul
bo« to help can. for hTT brother.
Cbarlee Kcddtrhoiuie. m4 oo Thai*
day aeondjic abe rmfrad «ord that
be had htod dor
paaled by Her I
to Ac«o oa the
’ toad the fuaeraJ. which was hold Bat•tday bi Trarerae^ty. The fatally of
<ba fxmng man hare the aympatby of
tboirmaay frieadabara.
Miaa Uilii flaakin baa mamed to
bcr acbool at Cadillac aftor apeadlfia
her raralbm at ber home bci
Peter Wagaer to working i
aow to a aiw bun.
The larper paplto of thr Empire
acbool bare orgcanUed a baeket ball
team and will practice dniing the win
ter moaU. la the K. O. T. M. li. hall.
MIm Mattie lUskln U rtolttog
frteadR and relatiree at Manton.
Mike Mtnnangh and Daniel rvoat*
aWeadtHl the cooaty meeting of the
A. 8. nf E. at Cedar hut Tueaday.
la the wHtenp oT toplte rill
Which wa. publlahad to the Breotog
Reoord toat week, the aame of Mra.
Ubble npnaldaoo. the leading
popular dranamaker. wa« left out;
thi^ name of Glen romwter. the buatItog agent for the Grand Raplda Prose
and Detroit journal.
N. P, Dailey haa l*ougl.l a
for the purpoae of cutting
growth timber, ami will soon
to Bmplrw where It will be «e
the old echooi bouee giounde on LaO«o areoue. The mUl wit] cut „
thing frtun tear Inchoa to one foot to
dUmHrr. and leagtha ae ehort ae four
feet A mUI of tbl. kind I. very much
nettled hero aa there ar«h nndrede of
acitw Of aocoud growth Umber here
that would oihvrwim^ bo worthleM.
Mrs. William Hartman, thing near
iVeH l.*ke. euffered a airoke of paralyaJa ooe week ago ftatarda^. She
had iHwe to her naual good h««Uh and
at the time waa betping to acrub the
kitchen floor. Tlu. rocn! organa are
enllrHy jmmlyted and her cyeali^l
to atob affected.
t and revengeful 1
Mr. UHl S" Bon* JMI h*te MonU, for Wn«>ler to b«r Ikeirtirtr ripptoa or tim Boaffly river a dimky
body, and «p tbe an^iof chain nimbly
Mia Botilo Wllkhwa. who hai aa a moqkey acimtobtoa a man. dad
hM wotUBs at Mr, Mefhrrai'i dor- only to a tola doth and hirtog a May.
IW ihMr lllhaa. If DOW ill tbore
tight rottod red bundle faatened at Cba
dlphthoria. j
back oC bit M <Krt of reach of tba
. Mn-aCLna to oo tho rtek lUt
IbtoWMk. 1
Tbt ima'i Brat adhm to to pick np
CUBoid WnaMo'D hohr. who bu from tba deck a ban <ff twine with
boeo sick Uto ua WMk. to Mid to be wblcb a tailor la actidlng a pawita
Era Taagtjay. who wlU be aoen here
In a new ibrecact play at the Grand
aprra bouaei Jan. 17. made her Ural
big New Yo<:k succcaa with the aong
• My Bambo.** at the New York Roof
ibeatrtoal nntertatomenU
makhdrama. comic opera,
lalcal comedlfw and even
the leglUmato. She haa played every
vaHety of parta. but haa always been
studying and working to perfect her
self to a unique line'of comedy that
abe haa made all her own. Gifted with
a magnetic imraooaUty. a piquant face
and wcll-moolded flgore. togeUier with
sympafhedc vocal organ Uxal beat
flnda lu for^ to the atogtog of synco
pated melod^. now so popular. Mlaa
Tanguay la today considered oha of
the most tainted comediennes on the
American aikge. Her new play. -A
Good rcllovi.*' la deacribed aa betog
IV bpat vf^le Mias Tanguay haa evhadA writifc
writifn for her. Thn^fun to xontm amUag com
laca antt Incldenu
othar to ra^ auccet
at rung logetoer with bright, snappy
dialogue. Manager Joseph M. Qaltea
strong supporting com
pany and ..a more than adctjualc pro
duction for hitoa Taugua>.
J J TwoddJe of Traverse city has
iTlumed.from Aatrland. Win., where
he haa lW*c« bKtking alter the Intereato
<»f Mm Mike NImnaugh to the matter
roimected with the shooting cd her aon
Delbert Reel, on Dec. fl. John Tuetoff.
the bartender who abot Reel, haa had
a prellmlnar) henring nnU la In lall
[ begloa to more bcoenth
and tmwtod tba string, wbldi gona
U growl in aise aa tbe
stnlglit «p to tba air to defiance of
aadtoace gases. There Is a
tba tow nr gr
havn tonltod It abmg tba <tock.
cbaltering monkey, while from the far
ther edge of the red rag a cobra pokes
who baa houEbt a cucoanot and la lu venomous bead and wiitbes Its bulk
cracking It open, he gently takas from
the man's hand half of the atUl fnll
shall, bolds It high Steve a ship s buck toriok and abuddfr. hot their feet seem
et. into which water strennw from tbe aplked to the deck. No ooe morea.
cucoanut unUl the bucket baa been though diiguat and horror gre mant
twelve Umm filled and emptied. Next feet on every face.
the juggtor aaka for a large earthen
A much Urger object hearea haneatb
dtob. poaiB Into It a galkm of watar. the c lolb-slowly. gracnfnlly. g Hindoo
entom It aloft to hto left haad-blq. girl rian to her feet, casta the red
right betog told agatnat bla Corehead. doth from ber ahoolden and amllea
Tba dish grows smaller by almost Impmptlhie d««rraa uif shrinkage until aghast as were tbe rovagiea to that
It completely dlaappaara. Then, after dread ship, the Mystery.”
a pause, a tiny brown speck la seen
Before aigrbody la able to stir Mia
In the juggler'a hand. It grows larger juggler daps bla bands, bis creatures
nod larger until the dish U visible aa \nulsb. be rolls upT»la colas to the rad
at Brat, Blled to the briia with water, doth, tm It around bis neck, leaps
which the juggler pours out and wtoch over the rail Into the stream and
nma down Into tbe dpek guttecs.
swims away.
A little aloof from gbe eager circle of
There con be no doubt as To these
spactatocB alts a young American wo
man. ber baby swinging In a ham- mystic i»erfonnanrcs lietog Illnslons.
toock. ber B%v-yeaiH)|d daughter on a for any attempt to photograph them rasults
In an empty plate.
doablonatberfeet ^ juggler irtanda
Hindoo jugglers simply have the pow
perfectly atlll. bis eyia fixed absently
upon the group, apparently •coocentrat- er to make not only one peiuon. but an
tag his foeree upon some fTPsh wonder.
Iha American ahrioks backward witli mml hear things which do not exist
orement of repulsion, which tbe To attribute this power 1
juggler crldcnUj nottcca. for be iuma does not detract from the i
most admit that the
hla gaaa upan an English miss of flftbe mystery U tba
Is to tbe Hindoo
n the power of
thought reaulUng from their totense
lore- of aoliury medlUtlon, ooe of tbe
for. tbe girl ntoope ower and takes up
the Infant. Then tbe girl riees from
the deck, higher and higher, until nba
to lost to the ctouda.
The mother to belptom to cry imt or
la mova. Bhe to to |a sQrt of waking
As she atarea she per-
see. mimmm
ciag aerw
The fletlow came over tbe ahlp a rail
dripptoi^wet after a long swim from
shore. Tbe liner hasI just dropped anr of several thouchoc after
009 fotu the BdMuw-
m «Beoot IM B» Bm ffuam^; At
■tedmi n^tha bowe^qd^Psclg^
xysnri of 4ff» 1 waa a prims teas
«f thu numety. ^*bea I had been put
to bad 00 niy return boom with my
fbthar and toother fiua the opml
1 to aabt euro tbit tbty and toie ft^*3nd^hto^«?*^ the
tutt of the itomlly wctu talasto nod of red doth, paaaes M to the ai
thso I wouU^out from beooathtbe ftrlaaperilot
tterpane iad fancy myself a ffroto on the deck
atriea, bowtog boCore tbe ptobilta
hdffe nudlouou. 1 admit my audlud. dHm
Ui»« UmM
wna n littia upatbsMc. but, nfter
iDd th. •qan^.hD^ thni.t. hi. tai.
an. that li nto to be wooBeced at. for
tb^ wort only a toW of doUa which 1
bad ranged oa chain bofoto me.
^ oaeb toito. ||d* by Mda. Tbabmt
teat oo the bitoa tsnm was ftvoa te
al^ as |Mt that btto untu-tonda on
r kl, bM« trai ttoMMk t W*
Tbe simple mlndfd, patient dodto
Indian of Mexico to not to this dam at
all. He Is aminentiy pencil. BoonUful nature and perpetual summer comtone to palllato hla Improrktooce. Ha
cannot nee tho noeemlty of laying up
nuyMitogforamtoyday. It rains half
the days In Mexico anyhow, but that
only makes tbe mangoes grow larger
and cheaper. If be has no tortlliaa today some of his neighbor have, and
Special to The INonlng RcM^>rd.
beat and tbe poorest aenranls in the
world. Their greatest charm from this
standpoint Is Jtbeir itcrfect appm-tatlon
of their position. Always ponte. never
presuming, with hat in band. It It al
ways -your servant" and ^th your
permlmlon.*' In tbe hooaehold they
ask a hair holiday once a fortnight,
with never a word of c-omplnlnt when
working teuxs last from daylight to
8u different are these people from
the northern Indian that It seems ao
Injustice, as has bean aald. to call them
by that name to those who know cmly
tbe Indian of the cold country. The
Mexican Indian doea not want to fight.
All be aaka la to be let alone. Hit polltenem and affectlooote nature nre liiboru. His love for ebUdreuTa particutorly niaiked.
It la a common slgli^ to see a laborer
In the street with but two piecas of
white cotton dolhlng to his back or hla
name atop a woman with a baby to ber
anna and. bolding the chlld a face be
tween lK>tti hla bauds, deliver a rvaoonding smack and t hotk it nnder tbe
chin. And in the same unconscious
and entirely unaffected manner will a
young man Uke bis aombmo from bis
bead and reverently klm tbe baud of
aome aacleat reUtlve lu a tattered
dresa when he enconuters her in the
crowded tbonmghfare.-”Moami Mex
____________ __
rgan A i
the Ncr
New York IJfe InKumnrc Co., haaienwted a senaatloo In this
city. This picture* is from a snsp?^oi of Mr. I*erklns nnd J. Plerpont Mor
gan. Jr., who liocamc his !M^u<lsnlRn; a*; they wvhc leaving tin* court. Mr. Perkina Is on the loft.
InteroHta. While the nltumc*y genera!
win mil relax h!» vigilance in Ihiprosecution of piratical cori
neverthclesa he will «*x<tc
vigor In advancing the pro\isl«m» of
the purr focsl hill.
That he Is seriously In c*anies! is
rvldcnced hy the fact that this w«-ek
Mr. Bonaparte was elected one of ihh
vice presidents of the lUlilIc Hc^iMh
Defense league.
This organlr.rillod.
modeled on the lines of tj?e Red Cnjsk
society, ihas Just Ihhui granted a char
ter hy the state of N. s York. It i.s to
bo national In Udminirtration.
Tho attorney gemraiV name in Inot the only pronilneiu one nn nilomil
In cunni-cUoD with thl« oigaiii
movemout fur the protection of pub
lic. since men and organlxations of
nolo from all i*hT1k of the <-ouulry have
hastened to ally thi‘*mwlve.s with the
league. Three of the pmmin«*nt InWeighing aenrrely leaa. if not mora. coriKirators who it Is announced will
than MJO pounds. Khafter had a pro serve with tbe attorney g»*neral as
found aversion for fat men. cither ma vice prc-sldents are Cardlual (IHiIhmis
of Baltimore. Uiihi*r Burbank, the
•Thay’re no acenami for soldiering." plant aiwclallst. and Charles C.^ach.
he wonid bluster in hla • tremendous
liasso. “They i»ant. they wheexe, they prealdeDt of the Alaliama Polyti-chnie
snort, theyduke, they grunt, they jlnatltute. Other vice prcHldents to
of eight will Ik* sel
groan, they waddla.
they stouch the total
toii^l numlM-r
the more proin:through the woild. Not a parUede nf ecled Uicr. A
aocb tlca ro<iiM rafIng in the
giKd oa earth, fat aoldlers--would not nenl societies
have one of ’em around if I could »*«U» fj^mdstlon of the league an-Ih*-Ammi
cnlm»er/” a veuturps*nne major ones
askfd tshafter after one of these oolbutsts.
• Slight 7 No!” Shsftcr thundered In
rejdy. ”0-11 no! I^e
a fat,
Mebby ehl utilyim-e ever slnee the day
ttpiied lbe iH-ain at oter ’J«a» jmunds.
and right then 1 ougi.t to
vc been
ronn-msrttol and «ai.Ulered for outrageous and malldou. adli.odly. sir—
for M«^ud.ilou- n.nmlenee to the
prejmlR>»- of military dls<d|dinc."
an was praising for hto
I and Bowb hto
hitimss. a tin- Isaming and uprlghtnesa the tote
Judge M.-KusseU ’Thayer.
He onoted the moving pasaage from
Jtidge Thayer’B rill:
ful souls know that tbe ritooemi" 1
"Owing to tbe fact that almoat my
#«tlro Ilfs hse Been passed In tbe publie service of the I’ulted Rtatiw and of
Olympus. DOi striding over the journey the stole of Pennsylvania. 1 hare but
erect wtH, ftrung jam Utoba, hut a amall estate to leave to my dear
toUtof M M hto
hto chlldmi and wife.” ^
iMMRh ^ hto bran water bottle for , "Judge Thayer.” he
aU the weary way.
First aa a tew.
Shoa does the "chosen" accomplish
hto ffliiprtmage. oeuer Ucklag fted cr
had dealings with
Bshik or alesptng mat. for aR Bwelton
ela the toad know that be to ^ Balr- after
had served \
hiMi to
ihb'world Bcnlt case. I femonatratrd with him
atea^ with tha ffwto. At Jaat. eyre about the amallneM of hto fee..
htoefaot, feet Mtoterad, he waalwa In
" *WelL* he said, amltlng. and luaeUtb,
p«iy jMi bDw. I. m lag tbe flower In hia bnUonbole. M. you
know, am not that type of lawyer
rUent once said:
"It to written npoh hto focebead.’
--1 never was -roMrely miaed but
twice. Dhce when 1 teat a tee
uow more than we huu.ln d yc-aro
old. the Nationaf aaaociailon for the
Study and Preventirm td TuUrculo,h^.ther with many other*. .
as its n.vme Iniidiea. the
Health Dr
purpoe.’s im
P«hllo health and mcnwla from medi
cal frauds. lUegal practices, adnltera
tiona r»f drugs and similar offences
utar effm
r<»rt la to he 1
«if n
riinlt^l ethlr.s
The- n.t
> Ik slmwn.^hy tho tort that tin*
en;hlp P-e Ik to U« oilIV gsA dol
aliho:».;h much support
.expected from voluntary
volunlaij coulributlona..
By placlnRj the |e<* ao tow
the organlxers of the league e|
thomianda|irf memU-ra in all parta of
the countfy.
Ak »w*t fprth in the charter, the pur!«rs<. of tiic Public IBwltb Dofettse
Icnguc -wili h
medlca] pruclireK and coodWIcroB of
every Mnd that arc dangerous to the^
public hc:.m, and morals and to work
fer tho oniluhiomiiciit of the public «»q
all mailer*
thcKc subjects,
and i:onoi.iHv to fmthor them* objocli:
l.y watching h«tolatlon and through
various lines as they aliall teOOme ^
avBlahle. in addition to namtering
among its , Inc-oiiKuatots ropfwaUti\*« men f rimi all |uirts of this ooemtry.
tin- putdlcj Ib-alth la-fcnae league to
ab^ nevirtng backing from ludlvlduals in nuiay foreign anintlea. IncludIng Jaion.: China. Switzerland. Eng
land. Australia and the PhlllpptoeaL
The complete organizatlou of the
league will l»e »>egun without delay. •
Austen (I Pox. of New York, la proaldent «if the organlzalton.
axing noinmtm-e vmo.
In the wncieaf cathedral of Ctoote
vaae of Iriimenae value bn to*wn preerv*4Hl for hriO years. It to cut from a
ingle smcnild. Its primal diameter
■ 11*^ infdics, AXMl its height 514
It 1« kept ohder fwv(-ral tocka.
ibc kr.vB nir which are In
hands, and It la randy exh
pnblic. tiH-e only by an
of the
ItMl It Is aiispeodrd
Dd Ihe^.ck
no one to ,allowed to f«ich It hut
him. It to claimed that this vase to
one rtf the gifts which was made to
Solomon by tb#* Queen of Khelrt.
Tha only form of food made
from wheat that is all nntri>
meat is the soda cradeer, and
yel^Hhe only soda cracker of
whidi this is really trne Is
Uneeda Biscuit
aoda cnclnr
ran^ there wm
pud the mao wnru BiMto to
the l /iv cr
Miat the HlngooB have'aoqnlrad mental
facultlm of whlcb the yoonger western
dvihsatloBB are altogether ignorant
na a matter of experience.
Tbe Uindoo^hoa attained marvelous
be has derfdopsd
hU mental powtv* by psrslstsnt exarrise and persistent effort—sa with ua,
athletes dsvelop and perfect the mus
cles of tbe body.
Tbe Hindoo conjuror to no unllcensod
fhartetan. &e la a men with a ”rocaAon." It may be while be works to
the rice Bold tost tbe Hindoo boy
twm the mysterious oaH of Brahma
nndtelto his parsnta:
-Koiml aoe JIhkba." ("It to writton
W l.i\ X c\ t ivo
kaowledgmeot of hla oocnlt power.
Aa coins fall he deftly ncoren tb«i
and biten aacb one to test Its genulaenoaa. At last be pUm the oontrlbatleoa
Ubakm the cloth aad
again apreoda It on tbe floor.
Again the juggler s eyes fix themaelvea to caUleptJc trance. Again be
paces around the red square, muttering
A Wo ep^tor on Web street, faired
far hU sm-ress. Aarluc sad forenoe. U
a metolwr of rV fTsMorf cutertr that
, “He Hmx ft OwnmiQr
ni tbto time. Elmllnr large
paid by the eompnny to Marqeette.
ting tor toe purchnae of the If. EL Gate WL EARL C. TYLEJ2-Di«teL
to ya BeldfV Wo beiH each
afMseen afisr the rnsrlsf ilesea
A few WaWs age be weat to s dmnrr party Tbc lad.T be teok out with
his dUbt'i know morh pbJui Wall
street, so ebe fnojtlif to
the U|«rttor atone the i«ths of mature.
-fie yen Wbe Rebec?** dto asked by
way ef ito otieoer.
1. those cc
If yw Wilt I knfrea lif
bo tMfemBfc.
writes C. O. Floyd.A wsafirmas d Kenbaw. si C. -|
Sown in wfdgbt to/iss
Mtmtnmha. Hie tea,,,
IhMtn tit^WeOwle
WANTtO-B«4l boy
..^affiaDt both by day
and by night. Finally 1 hegaa taklag
Dr. Etnrs New Dlacmery. and oontSaned this ter nbout ala ntonthm. whea
my eimgh and lung trouble were en
tirely gone and I wns retoorrd to my
normal weight. 170 pouads.:! Thou■adds of perwons are benled erery
yrnr. Ouamafeed at Bagb^ Drug Co..
at l»«rk
Cnred of Lnng Trepbla
WMTiO--W,t«^ M load,
«r vam. i®rry aiHiTBa.
14 if
WANTtD-TiMMi Out kM» am to
000 oor IDIBAL dairy fiM. boot aad
thmprn fa tbo BBOrliot. T. C. MUl*
WAWTtD-Wboot, ryo, eori|, aaU.
bma. bay aa4 otray. T. C. MItllait
WANTED-Yoa tbat koop cblckoao
to iioo oor IDAkL mlxod eblekoa
fao«^ Maao boUor. T. C. MUllag
WANTED TO DUY.-Oood. blocky
^to. fm m to fcwr yoara old
any to Soil oom«,aad ooo mtJ Ht^
mao Hymaa. S40 Waabioftaa otroet
doe VHS
-JTm bS-JS:
Tk. Bta<* UUM * Uimw Oa
Jan. ext
WANTED TO SUV—Good, blocky
colta from- om to four yaa» old.
Tbsy miwt b# aomid. Jaa Ird
tsara Tor Indiana and Ohio and will
bs goa# two wsska trying to 1
•oms farmsra np
If you hare
any good colU to sell, writs me.
Bivlai poatorSos' addrcaan. what
' pwo bPTo to atll and fsaaoa for aslltag. Oa my iwtara wJU sitbsr eall
sa yoa or writs yon. Harman Hy
ama. I4S Wmblagtoa atraoL 12 ll if
SiS**Q2b *^eir*nj^
^ tI7 Uolca atraet. Cits, pboao
boost, eoraar
Boyd sad Ppoat; Urfo lot; aaw
born; aaay toraM; pries fUSt.
Amos E. Bingham
rood. Call
iaa 14-Cf
rON SALE—An kinds of horse,
row and ehickrn feed. T. C. Mlllinc
Ian 1141
FrioaHIOO. Wade Broa.. tl7 South
Ualoa atiaat. Cltlsena Phono ms.
Jnn. 44f.
FOR SALE-Large. eighf.ionm b
comer Franklin
atfeets: at<me basement; fnmaes
bent electric light, city wnlrt'.sewar
conneetlooA an In flrst^laas ooadt
Han. Q. F. Murray.^
|aa lO^lmo
fOn SALE-1471-11 acrta two mUea
Elate Baak balldlag; Saeat locatloa
Itor sohurban realdenca la thla reglon. Price fl.ooo. Wade Broa, tlT
Uotoo atraet OU, phona IIIS
etreet OU. phone lilt.
NE HAVE hardware stocks at Omwn.
Hotel aad Bar Fnmlture stock and
mllUon feet of best hardwood, hemlock aad pine In Michigan; llrery
also a few choice locatlona In MStinl portion gf Tfarerse City. W’e
hire gold nnd tHrer mines In the
grehtest mining district m tbe worid
Orld Field District Nerada
^'IbiTe gold aad tlhrer mines hi
Colorado In fncU
bm IHlibor i
ty for sale almoet anywbehf youl
trarerse *
for aate.
. either to
purchaser or as eecurity for loan.
e h wHt odged aecurtty* toiTyour money nnd we ah
» hare the money for gUt edged
Noaiaation fot
Chy Traasurar.
Succe*rdlbi»lDMili»i. Pev
eral yean Aldennan^ fr^m
Second wa-d.
ro« «At«-ir7»-Fto. »od*n« ko»«*
MIWI. JM4 DM Ot Ik* >Mt OO
tk* atikM. nto* aikM U .pot oMk.
tMM. V*4* Bro^ «1T
at*, pbok* lJl».
treet ^^TeSe^^ty.
Ifleh.. CIta phona 1212. Can ne up
acre term two
post trfSca Trarerse Qty;
: sU acres suitable
FOR SALE-14«-One hundred and
Mgty am term 12 mOen aouU of
dty; nerenty neren Imprmrod; new
bouse, bam. wtedmin; all fenced;
Price |4Md. Wade Broa. 817 Union
street Cita phone 1212.
. ..
tbU year. Tbe^ twe yearn ago did
m ■■S^S’lLMriTkl.OOK
not prwrlde for the nae uC the toab Mntem. wbeiw the demumd tor toei to
on brwtnl buabanda natll the second acute. Move tbmi 822 cmn are mwmR LCETER D. WtLO^AUomey at
tag trmmeportotom at Amm Arbor ter^ tow. Oollectlan work a specialty.
With Underwood 4 Umlor, Sutbermhtols aad toe IlM
Jan »4f
S Mottoerm ear terry la eempaBed to bnd block.
amke extra trips la erdw tc
OR. F. 4. liAC NETT—PvwBitoa llmlb
toe bealaeaa comlag ha way.
2i to RTR. SAX. NOSa THROAT * On Soor viOi
The signs at Berrtmi Springs
and PmTMQ OF OUSEBE. Office
221 WDbMm MpHl emtene pbnne
meat of opemtloas teriy Ibis spring
3. p. CARvsea BRa ?
The inntor girts of the university ea the big dam that U to be erfcted
to toe member ef tozty held a doU by toe Berrieb Springs Power Co. of FIANO TUNINte-W. K. IMtertL M
party 1a toe gyameelian FMdny might which CW Cbapta fa toe fiaaadal yeera experience. With Grtnncll
btod. The e<»|iany has reccatly ae- Bros., corner Front and Cass. 8ta.
qgired right of way tor a spur that WlU
be ram from toe Pere liarquelte rail _
road to the alte of the dam shore ^
brldge - MUe Barak Detrlek redted Pardee tolaad aad a track win be laid
The Oobltoa WUlOet Ton." nnd Mtaa so that auppnda can be
toe ground. The site selected ter the
Henrtetu Cbrr enag "Mniy Had. a
little above the tolaad and 2IARK
Uttle Laato." while ttoma Jordan
tralib.L pwoel. and trtmkA OCfiee
gave a eelaeciom from -Alice to just east of the Interu
at ORy Book Etofw.
loL boaae M tniabeC on
stiwet. Pflea IldOd. Wado Broa
fl7 South Unloe 8L, Otiaoaa Phooe
Jaa 441
pwcaa: wm Tie; ikaaii *5e.
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
Tin Tiistinncf
€eo* Jl* 9ar9it
xei fvBBt strssi
Wednroday moralng. Jam. 2. at 4:20. T®*- the construction of the project
inripg this period of constnictton
was an btotorlc hcAir for the Diamond
v] Berrien Springs win be one of the
Orystnl fioH Co., of »t. CUIr. the i
^ Itrelleet i^nU to Berrien county. It
Into operation nt that time, the rest *
L E. L. BONNERWJtaIr driMtag 3mm«MewnMB»te t a. m. te n •
rtora, over City Bedk Etord. Room tele m f teiBvtegi Riimiin ^
AMtL F. NCRLINQBR. LAWYERMoney to loan, |12 EUtp Bank
bondiag. Ottoeaa phone C28. .
tnraed on toe eteam Into the aew part, j
The new part of toe plant opened up ' The Mchtgaii Central Railway Co.,
for work will he drroted to the man- ’ proposes making 8t. Joseph the gnsni- REAL EETATE AND LOANfi-Ormnd
Travertn Land nnd Loan Ob. F.
for fruit In
ufecture of dairy and Uble sell, nnd
Tbnrtan, Manager. Office, room I
will incronae the capdty of the plant j 1 Ichlgan. nnd th enter to make good
RamOUm A MlUlkea bteck.
by 400 barrels per day. Wh« the re-1 they are now erecting one of the largmalader of the ptant to placed te opIce houses that will be found to toe
eratlon the capacity will be atlll tor- eoulhera part of the state. During SARA T. CNAES, M. O-Olfiee wRb
Ion otrset, Cltt. ^boaa lilt.
Dr. a B. Cbaee. Etoto Bank block
ther incrwaaed.
1 the height of the peach
Both pboBsa. 22S-2r. RmMm 124
FON SALENot only to Norway to have n dxeese eml yenra pnai to has t
W. HtebtkEL atAfteneTtL
factory and creamery, but It to to have j «o get Ice from the Jocal dealera to
lAclortoa and Ipootortee; cootrmi
Pjn of ttb JtJaL Fries |1500.
mere were to attendance at the meet.- erery night. Just now the Central has
wad# Bros, fit uaioa St. Clu.
4 cents on each dbUnr of the lag called to consider the cbeeee-mak- * a force of carpenters at work eracttec
Ing propoeltloa. and thki portion of an Ice house 75x250 feet long the Mor«"
cc tb. u.t ------- tofealdtax.
the topital stock not aubacribed tor rtoon chapnel of tbe St. Joseph river,
“I”- » Ootor*lo. aot r pro^wet. Office to PDom 102 bUU Bank by them was taken hy local buatoem which they propose to fill with the
^ • Paylas mlas. on# la which ulldtof.
Now a contereace li to be held finest quality of river Ice aa soon as
retunu ar« ours, proflti Urfs; no Dated. Dec. 4.1208.
Jan. 20. to consider a proposal from they get cold enough weather. The OR. C. X MINOR-Otflce over Amori
-folcifleld faks- bat a subatantlal
can Drug Etore. 8po
Green Bay (Wls.l Intefeeta to erect Central also proposes to be able
City Treasurer.
Colorado InTssabsat Throw la dec 4 to feb-2t
to eye. oar. nose, aad throat 01
a canning oatobllshment In connection handle lOO cars of fruit out of Si
dfteea ddiara m get a bundrsd
flttnd. Bothphoaea. Raaldenc
with the cheese factory.’ In the mean- Joseph per day during the fruit seeabarea We are handling th^ for
iha beneSt of ibe amnll Inraetor.
If yon wlah to |Mke a good iUed
OR. W. E. MOON—Speclallst-Genllo.
‘ ot tab# Trareroe City
urinary, skin and blood diseaBCs; 15
rty or Traverae
years experience. Office City opera
te or call o4 na for
bouse block. Phones-New. 107
iRformatlof to roEard to inold 222. Residence. 710 WsshlngUm
FOR SALE-Msat market. Fraat
street Tools, stock, ditures. <
ery. good trsde. good location, easy
terms. Wads Bros.. gl7 South Union
Jan 14f
NoUe* totke T*zp*nn cl tk* Otr ot
Trarerac City
The tgi rolls for the eollecUon of
the stale and coungr taxes for the
year 1204 and for the
eebool and city tnxea an^ ■peclgl aaaeeamenU for said year | hare
placod in my bands for collection
I will bn In my office to focnlre anid
Utee from now until Feb. l 1207. on
ench week day from 2 od^ to 11:22
o'clock, to the forenoon
o'clock to 4 o'clock to the
Oa nil sute nnd coaBt]| tnzee paid
before Janttary 10. the r^nlar fee of
one per cent lor collecilon ▼!« be
oo.nll taxee paid on or
after January 10, theib wDl be
charged a fee of four per mt tor colPenalty on dellfqnent dty
aUTea and bending on a tone mle.
There Us Urge quaaUty of coal en
route fitss toe enatem coal field
II general ttews ||
la practically the la
as when it was naed by Its distinguish
ed owner, the sword of John Paul
Jones now rrots in the libiary of ihe
navy department at Washington.
Misa Victorio De Mahgny. who has
arrived In, New York. wUl lecture be
fore American univendties on Fr^cb
Uteralnre. She vfU be the first wo
man lecturer to appear at ygle.
Mayor Weaver of Philadelphia ha/
appointed Misa Margaret Forderer as
hto aecrvtarr. ton first woman to oc
cupy au^i a posllkte. Miae Forderer
was Mr. Weaver s ateapgrapher be^
ipre be became district nttoraey.
I. Al^ Eankey. eon of to# famoot
singing Teritaltot. to fpUowlag hto
faiher*8 footsteps aa a cooipooer and
some of Ala hymns are very popular
to New England revirai meetings, i.
Walue to the name ctf a worthy singIng evangelist who is helping the rerivallsts of all denominations down In
basfy jat Washlngtoj^ wtn^coounand
^m^lratlpn by her ylvacity. ^c^rm
and bl^ tDtelllgenc2. MriL .Bryce dis
likes poldlclty and has not oovMed dtotea ns boe of tbe **smarteet- eoI ef the aodeCy pa
by toei
pera*^ but ebe bns the oldtototeaed
haMt of maktog her goetea fool at
home and the faculty of drawing them
out by mcana of-her tact and roaaider‘"^^eodo're KrW. n healthy, pink.eeked. optimistic young man of Oorman birth Uvtog te New York etty, to
said to earn over 252JMM a year by
writing blood and Uipndor dramns.-He
I out three or tour of these playa
r year, gteantag^much of hto ma
tqrtal from iwosMteael apw^papeifi.
Mr. Wiemcr U a
of art and ma
Bk. No other diamigtot in the oooa
has to hto credlt>mh a kmg Mriag
inmoa nna. who Ima teat been aa
■tod mtatetor from Spain to tbie
atiy, vrill nrrtve to nboot four
ika. Be la an experieoced diplomat,
bavteg aenred aa tmdereecreUry of
state at Madrid, secretary of tbe tega-
..Telephone 1IM ringe.
T. W. TMIRLbV, Deirtlit
Romei aliio af ATgorlms. li w
the latter place that be so admirably
adjusted the affairs between I
and Mortxroo that he was promoted to
toe legation here. Senor Pina
bachelor, 47 years old.
The crown prince of Sweden.
regenL when a youth fell in love with
tbe daughter of a country t^rgymHe wanted to renounce his royw.
rights to order to marry the girl of hto
choice, but hto parents induced him
to give np any idea of an alliance. Tall,
alight, with a thoughtful, rather nar
row facu, and totelUgeot. aeni
eyes, tola doaoendant of a i
French provtoctol lawyer oh the one
Of a long line of qennsn
eorerelgna on the other K»ks ipore
like a civil eugliiM t^ a future
Senator AUtooa of Iowa met with
most fiattoring reception the other
iporning when, for toe first time thIA
seaaloh be appeg^ In hto peat. Dem
oermto and republlcana i^led frith each
other to eohgmtulating the dean ^of
tbe seagte on hto ifcovc^r. Tbe Iowa
etateaman wm mocih affected by the
warmth of hto ireeptJ^. Hto voice
trembled and he swallowed a Ion
hto throat several times. During
ator Alltoon's thirty-three years of cooip the seoste be has
ver missed Mbeing pre^t at ihe
aaeasloo unUl this ooe.
enlng of aaei
Mee.Ppesldenl Jtolrhpfks noprlj a1-
ttum A'Mari'e tewMry
pbonao 128.
cten and Bargeon. Removed to offieee to Munson block over Bai
4 Barra, attoene phone 228.
X HARNER—Xxpert ptono
MONEY TO LOAN—No tax clause
put to mortgaget. Houses for eala
Inquire of X' kcNamaim. Park
/fr.,,fricfs rfaaonabie, Often uUl
O.P. Carver 4. Dtp Both phones.
I. o.
raid-mud often
John R.( Santo
General Insaraace, ^
llfw WBbchB Blk.*
Farms for Sale
I have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 td
160 4crcfi.£or lalc. or if you
have any good property. I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any*
body else. I have farms
which are located from four
to 20 miles from Traveme
City, all gpod improved land*
If you have good level farms
I will boylheoL
420 ^MhinKton.''
dt phirie m
of P.. meet erery .Tbprsday crew
tag. N#v Menmni WbdL C X Wek
Icf. C. C.
ban on tbe third
Tneeday or seek Mtokt 7:22 p.
silif Overalls
We bare them in both
rbHe and Ntx- in good, gen
^rooB lix.-*, iiU at lowert
Abram Ec^ pr«eldept; Oayte
Oftewold, aeeretaiy; Nettle C, Gray,
One evening a rr4end niet bte ^ntfakked U be felt perfectly safe
out at am± as hour alone. 1># /Ice
P^eMdewt eamewhnt indl^ly' hs
4 X BU weeto en Moniiw creetag
•1 7:MT p. BL Oml C. 8mi«tey. W.
M.; XX White.Aetfetary.
^-niSoOw<1)8 at only
25 CIS.
iawouk nuvuNK errv. tucHiMH. tuomv. mmimiv « tar.
■ATKIBEIWUS lo*afi. fimitoG
MiituNilHH Utumiiw Ma^ Vp
: ; if Mm wti# rmr tM am
MmMpfe MV to hi fW iMMto «f
IM prMlir. Iwt tW stoiiif It to la
Wru to ItaM. It to smtlfjrto
to«fi| rnM a PM it iM Mm
tkii Mortoc Mow* a wntUfimp la
la IMif «^T2 Miw eam
C4< vaomr ryrtoa tortoa bM r*«l»
tPVi aM ttoMuM. vbllr la aMItJoa
vw »at oa
bookt. wl^ 2.443
Maaa. Tb^ itoil tor r<«totf«toi aa4
taktof oat ItoMaea amooatrd to |3t.•TJi iW itopartMt aprat $11^.
toartoc a liitoM of
fM fmr tW cMualailoo toMkai
froto a MOtofftai ataa4palBt..to the
brotoMatoMi var tM rommlmUm
liMtfHia tlia road ^naailoa. It ladit that
BMior eara are hamful it* the htabvajra, bttl tnatoad of coodmiiilBa thrai
for It. n»e laeiaWni or the board eooie
Mt haWr and dartorr that If the
htoi to Hem R» a mttek he- Jawaacae ibat tta aoatitaa of aaipfre!
i mm mAJm Tkoraaa. the aa, fomdayea blai by OMto aad that:
Mt ilkter.
UI Ft Bar Mem aad Toeopah ceptei as fiaal.^
M thto raaidi mml iumigtog
lamher oT tetograms rmcrived
A rr isiMSa
be pleety of rtralry shown
. The repoft aaxa:
'Perhapa the
feet opoa atcaie roada of the torae
namber of evirilr laorlBK motor care.
I’ractkallr all of the mala roade are
ibua afected. It has been noted that
the Mader to aaept fron the rqpd. the
Kii.l aloae~to4ach to iH lorti aUeto dhrtarhed la mmm taitaarea ataad
taa on the aarfaee aad to other caaee
toft la vtodiovs alMc the roadalde.
Tha aatobir oC Mar oara haa rapidlj
tocrtaaed dnrtof the year aad Ihia
. laoTMM wlU. in the optoloa of the
eomaeitaloa rodtlane ladHtottely. The
roaimtoaklh to aattoM that a mater
tol Htaage to the latthod of malntalaIna aloae roada Bhiat be made. UTille
,the old metbode have prored aatlefartorir la the paat. they fall under the
praaem ueajre. The motor ear appar
rally ha* come io aiay end It muet
he reckoned with. The commtoaloB
l»eltoTf« If the mads fall under the
changed traffic they mnat he ticated
to a different manner, even If the coat
nf malntatnaaca be torgely Incmaaed.
It must be borne to mind that this exceaalre wear of atone mad. by motor
care I. DPt confined to Maaaachuaeit.
Reports from the newapapera and
from the United Slate* office of pub
lic road, show that the same trouble
1. experienced to all parts of the Unit.
uHl Rtstes. The roada of Kagland.
France and other couatrle. of Europe
are alao ahowlag algna of deatructlon
hy the aaiae afienry.**
fa IMS there were 47 »2 mi^ addlilonal layouts of state maiT. bringing
the total to €70.27 mllea. Forty fift
miles of mad very finished, makini
CSS mllea of ftolahed state mad. Un
der the “small town- act tberommle
1^ has improved 1M.22 mllea of raa^
aloer IMfi.
Strong Team to Jamestown
-—- ‘
\of a coal miner
with a
meanoe-^ther Like Matters
aboui fir
fighter bad fmmd no opponcni. and
he cast about "the audience for a fit
New York. Jan. IS—^t 1
marl:. His eye. Hghted on Squlrrui:
inday that DIatrici
With a preroptory gesture he ordered
win go to Allsany to pre^e 1 squire,
Squire, to loe
the stage,
rfage. BUI
rejofned will)
pin reyoineu
the Percy-Grayj,
refusal. The-showman r.fu at.
gambling tow which aie deslgneil to
command with *-quall> 11mle
(Vlhge certsin sectlou* of tbt>
effect. Witoreupoa he lost bis t<-m
code relating to bookmaking and bet and dlreclctl a choice flood of hlUing*BAKER HAS RISEN FROM AN AMA ting on hone races. If the propo»ed gate at Squires.
ampBdmrata are adopted the dtotrtrt
“Ym. big stiff-** he woTiod up. hut
attoraqy beUeres it will not be so dtf- he got no further.
ilcqlt to prosecute violators of the
“Stop right there.- yeile.1 Squlies.
tinea Ha Oafaatad Frankie Nail the
leaping toward She stage.
Mr. Jerome s plan to to make U a
WIM Onaa Hava Pronovnead Him
He fumbled Awkwardly adjusting
a Count-.—FIgbt Jan.
10 accept bets on a borne the first pair of glove, be bad
race at race track*. In a poolroom or wonir but once the fighting I
at any other place. The efftn-t would menu were in position he luvwme
With the lightweights at rest for a l»e. It to darlarod. matertally to re
me. Inspired by rsge
time, the battle Iwiween the feather strict or entirely prohibit horse racing
hi* fists so cleverly
weights. Abe Atlell and Harry Bakar. to New York state.
that the visiting expert was groggv
Urn Angrtra. Cal.. Jan. 1*^ holds
Mr. Jerome will try to wipe out cer In the first round, and before the k-cboards. If Baker wins every ama taln sections of the Percy-Gray law. In ond had ended he was sleeping se.
in the fXMintry will he pulling off one bill be seeks to deliver a death reuely on the mat.
bouts in the back yard by day and blow to that section which says that
nurslag black e>es bv night. Fbrlthe oiity penalty for tsiokmaking at
t.nsk. h)ii SI
Baker has Jumped from amateur rank, the track shall be the
e turned to Bill Undsay.
by a civil
---------------------------- rr to a yeai .
«lH‘i bill be
Dan Creedon. Mike Dyau. Tim Mur
first'gO with a profeaaional was
phy. Tommy Flynn and Jim Fennacy
when he met Frankie Nell. Aug. 7.
Imokmaking ai^ihe
and not one of thfm %Uhm\ up to him
IMC. The odd. against Baker wero
*«> other place
lore than six round*.
heavy, as be was practically unknown.!
«f a feUmy. the
Peter Felix, a hulking negro of
while Nell was one i>f the beat lads iu i *x* not mewe than one year In the pen
iche* moTv than six feet, and nrallng
the wR-st, All Ibe aame Baker made 1 ItovHary or a fine of $300. or both,
le beam at upward of 200 pounds,
monkey of him and earntnl the de-j. Relatlug to these two bitto the
trtet nitorney has driiwu a bill to pnv isted seven nmntls with him .on
Thm followed his Aral fight wlj)i vide for the Income which agrlculiunil occasion, but injwo other meetings he
Attell. Ibe cfaampkm. Oct. 2d. Thejriae aocMtes throughout the Male receive snccumbed in the aecond. Bill Und
one. figured Baker had about aa much through the provIsioDH of the Percy. say. after 40 straight victoriea. meek
show aa a snowfiake In a hot house! Gray tow. instead of getting a certain ly went to the Itoards In the third
1. and Dan Creedon. who harl
But while they figured out the dope. peroentage of the receipt* of the rac
rated aroopg the best of them
he provide* that
Baker trained. And he did It Ju« ms ing naa
encountered the decisive Jolt when
earneaUy aa If he were being made a certaia fixed sum. not designau
session had progresKed juM
the bill aa drawn up. shall bo approwinner by the bettora.
The hout-waa a regnlar surpHae
party to Attell. Baker waa right
there from the first to the laat of the
2d roonda. and ihpugh ^
the derlsiofC. there were many who thonght
IgmlsTllle. Jan. U-In nn Interview he had the beat of It. The police had
hero yesterday Minrlp Hart pays his to qmet aome vtoo taatortid that Baker
respects to Tommy- Bum. as foltowB-. “I am Ignored by Burnt. It
doaan*i look as If be ever wU| m
»• to the ling. He 1s afraid. I am
dlspkwaed hafatiaa h« profeaaaa to he
Attell will he a favorite with the
champion. ton! 1 objact to the mnuncr
PUora again. eapMUUy In view of hto
In which he took the title from me.
abowing when be won over WaMh
ATI I ask to tor Bunu to mee*
a clean knockout, an asset that
and my propoahlan to one that
he was not supposed to have In‘very
koflTM cooaSMraiioo. I wilt box Hm
marked degree.
Mcordlng to am terma he name., raaktog only one roserrailon, l want an
honaat man to referee. If I do not stop
him In twenty round. Bums can have
Annapolia Team Will Meat the Beat to
aU the money.the Country.
Anaappito. Md. Jgg. l4.-.Mn
U H. Austin has arrangad tho
lor the Naval acniemy feneing
fortheoomlairaiOKm. AB of the final
konto will be heAd nt the ncnfiamy.'YV
NMnle la: Jam. fi, Fhttodetpkii
FeooMm* dtoh: Jaa. 11 Now Turk Turn
Vetnla: Mt. It. I|alroae Tara Varato
of N4W York: Itoh. tt, OolmMda nalravMty; m. tt, DMvanAty of Fn»
Matok tt
the Japanese on the ground that the
runner did not loiirh third haac.
“The umpire Imwever decided the
run was fair to accordance with the
latest American baseball rules. Thl*
the JapaneuK* players persisted to dlaallowing and finally, falling to ix-rsuade the umpire over to their view*
they took up the base* and broke up
Ke* Tort. Jaa. 15.-Cbarlf« Bor««« of tta Wroubeater Boat etob ha,
toted tta cdtiy of-lbe WMtebentrr dab to tba toteraatloDal t
race to BO bdd to Bactoad ant Aagaat for the cap r«»ntly ot___
abnad aad opee to tta coiapMtttoa ed
BostQn Ferns
Photii* lor priooB, Wb tWivor.
Arc Your Collccdoos Slow
Hm y»t ucMutt that
You Hare Given Up?
If yon have, let me collect
them for yon.
A. Pohoral, „
Atfenoy, over HmiIRm
Tr.Tem Oty. IMch, Bwpt 1*. ItM.
I biT, rlirad • aambCT « aeooaatt
with A. Pohorari a«tacr for eoUact.
km. oaar of tb«a ioag ootlavM; tat
Ju.t ib« uo» Mr. fobotal brooikt tta
deuogarau to UiM aad mmn latUtoMata.
Pr. B. L. Aihtoa, DwtUt.
the umpire ctc.ld
irTi""”— »~’~«*vewtaar«atr
Closing Om* Salo.
M„.. >
................ ,u.
MenTiBabbert include Chi...___ i bnckle Arctics. Lumber
;a. Leather T
om. Ston
_ _
Storm,, etc. Theee koo<1, are
all of the
U-atfluality-BMion. Ball Baud and Goodyear glore
Glovca and
Meo. Wpfk
One Ton
tv. 0. Foote
• Oatalsr Tradad Hr Fratsr.
Walter M. Paige
umpire declartnl the
game as having l>een won by the 8t.
John*, college team 'by a score of 9]
to 0 according i« American baseball' “IMfi Model K. Winion.** full learules governing such cases and that ***"
«'*»ra outer eaathi* scori would be duly recr»rded
*n first<la*i condition,
• At this the Japanese players and ’
appctaiors kicked up a rumpus and. Car.“ only used four months; to A-1
detaining the bicycle of the ump.rej condition.
on. 112
refused to let him defiart unless he j One “I90€ 1
reconsidered hi* decision snd altered I
prlated out of the stole trensur
agricultural purpoaea.
Mr. Jerome*, plan is to do away
with the speeoUilve Income from rac
lag aad have a fixed sum ^t apart by mini Will LOM Only Veteran on the
the state to cover approximate]]
Van Hook May Load.
amouat now received by the vartous
counilea tht^ugh raring.
Urhaaa. IIU Jan. 15 —As a rosnh of
the conference action the Unlveralty
Thay Lik*
of tninoi* must Meet a ^w football
Ann Arbor. Mich.. Jan. 12.—ThU
cajnala to Knmed W. R Bammwb*
the firat year that baaketball has to-en Of Bderarderme «bo eaaaot
enconraiEed here, but, as Yale and Colitmbto coattene to aend teMua tbitmsh
the wfot each araaon it may be that choice
rbedee win
Will fall on a player with but |
MSehlgaa ena develop aomethtog
oito yrar a experirace. Van Hook,
the lime of aa aaguawm with the em
big guard, who was <
eraera. The baakethall players are
rn caliber by many eritle* Is the
likely man. although Gardiner
hiso may be eooMdered.
OatMder OoMkT of tta Ckhmao
StWaal, (oto to ChMdaoatl to «im ter Pltetar naaar. tor «taa>
Ctafito Mtopta pnaMsM of ttaCaba.
taa ta<8 dbtoAag far ooM itoM. Tta
deal no praetkally aad, annal
tMriia aca. bat «a« sot ctoaed
Gsracr ol Csss tmA
«B» errulng from a
th-beu a r hla ladg«iiga he vaa
“WUl Kelly ftght Joe Tbomaa at 1S4 hnli«4 hr tw
poMd» at the rtogalder Moat dedd- htm up- m
wdlv Kelly
KolH- win not. aceordiag to Man-1
M.n. ! itoe of the
Che men
leaded tl^
ager Ferrettl. Thl. to the poini
7 - -which the men apllt If tbere I. to
a apllL BOly Boche of the Odma dub j
Of Ban Franeiaco waato the match for
the latter part of the ipootk. Manager ^
Riley of Tooopuh wmif, it for March
“It waan*t a graat uSral.- he aaH
20 a. a part of the big ftotic carnival
-but It wmi morw ihm, 1 Ukc to tosu.
1 think U . an outrage to tmi a
• If Thomaa to after the middle and
boy tbac way.**
weight titie let him allow hla oppo-^•hy dldu l you tell me oC Uils aooa<
OMta to go to at the prmeat middle err asked the pnwklent.
weight limit •• Ferret 11 Mid Sunday
night. *I will make the match at 134
da at C ocUick or 137 .tripped or
13S la fighting tog* at the ringside.
I'niler no other.circumstance, will we
conisider It. Kelly Is a gTKd fightet
whip all of these fHlow*. but If ho
T* suppose.- aald the wauhmaker.
to beuten It will not be beoatue I ask “you do uot know that watchra. like
him to make a low weight that will human being*, .ometime. dou l -gu* for
tbe very gmM reason rhat they arw
Hken him.
The fact that the athletic dub at llrtHl. Suuieilmes « wst.-h is bronght
to Uie which Is nU right, .\othlu0iboiis
Rhynllto, .Vcv, haa turned down the *t U 0*11 of order, and It 1* fairly clean.
Kelly.Ryan match iqgy possibly mean When It .l«ecouM-« sulky ond refuses to
the alsanromuent of Ibe bout.**
go ext-epl hy tiiM and starts the l»e»t
Ihlu;; to do is to D> It n-ii.lc and give It
a ivM. 'Hie ti.t* Iniuism la a tire-'*
JAP UMPIRE HAD TROUBLE. • natch seettis to !«• U) ii.-rft«ct < ns.liJtou.
hm it %»oa*t wi»rk The fa«* h that
Over in Japan they hsve taken to l .ug aud faithful s^ni.s- has thrown
;t Mijfhlly ,
of adjustuic t lu |NTha|Hi
iselMill extiwively. The Jain, have
ten diflen
rc roplug nml
alteadr learned how to go after the tle-inlug auil tvsiljnvtiug a fine wsirh
umpire when hU d<elslon* arc not is the w«r>»i thing Ihal ouild be done
to IL A looutir.. ri-M mil instead cause
IMow is no luteresiing account of a the works slowly to readjust themtee played recently la Japan. It Is selves, aud at the eud of that time
reprinted from the Nan Fang Pao. one aficr »-arvful olliug the watch will go
as cheerfully as^ver."-Washington ,
of the leading Japknese papers:
The liaseball game l»et»tM»n the
The Right Name.'
ims of the SI Johns college and ihe
Mr August Shcip.*. the pofuilar over
Tungwen Kuan (Japanese! which took
place laM Saturday afternoon on the seer of the poor, at Fort Madison, la
d near the Klangnan arse- sa>-s: -Dr. King s New Ufe Pills are
nal. furnetl out to he a most dtoagrec- rightly nametl. they act more agree
ahly. do nx.r.* g.KHi and make ou(
able affair.
*il appears that during the first In- better than any other laxative. * i
ng. while the St. John s ctillege boys ftn(«*etl to.run* hlllousnc** and o
a ere batting one of them came in on ration. 2:>c at Bugl>«- Dnig
hit. but Ibis nin was dlKallowcd hr Frank H. Meads: Hannah drug stc
. Ht«.: I(toctmoL
to ocMpme aa M *a A t«a a. the
MIerement. with the ahoi aad hamtoe of a aur aggrasaltoa aamaa likely, n^,.
to he faiytod to the totter^ MMy^ hi aihtotie dr^ Javl^tioat to tr^ of the prtre rtog—la both reaprcti
to Bfll Squler.-^ a viaHor ti
he dm^Ma the laaka of thoMvho
-----------aad a wiUiag atoger of Bauirea*
awde «Hh a goad toinvlBg at the A. i^nadaca. who jioa the lOA-ynrd daah pralaea. light la gMoRwa la hi. apA, r. chaaiploaahtp gamea at the Loirt^e Levto aM Clark eapoaitkm in-----of the atar hearywrtghl of
to aad emit eapnehlo. to Ptottoad. 4a
the aaclpodea. aad he declare.
O^.. to IM. aim to that ereat the .rrtoM. who
tmt place to the Btiulree haa J1 to hUrf to take up to
athletea of thto pert of the foontnr ghh-ynm nm ip the ..memeet to2 mJa- behalf of Anatrmlto the mantle whleh
ftod IheoMrea taard to the ui- «« - 54 *,cMda* Sam M.%^ ai
Bob FftzatoliDOaa laid down. The
If they trl^ to eerure the title
ore.. the wtoner of the tvo^mlle bulky mtoer. aceordiag to Blight.
for thU coael.
^ j,
minute. 2 1-S Meond>: M. A.
for iegertoa. and haa a r»l
e man whoi. .are to ue a mcm- Jame. and W. A. Baker.'of Portland, llaaoua punch that ought to uphold the
ber of the GdUtorato team i> Albert the ahoc-putier jind hammer Ihrover; fair name of AuatrmUa,
cording to Blight, who hold, the
Moan, who to ooaaidcted the bet all A. Johnwia. of Portland, who ha«
rur middleweight title < to
i High achohl athlece to the wet. thrown a dlacn« pn feet p inebe; Fred
land. Bciulrrw has not merely
who wUl probably wer jlie to- Burgee, of San Fr.nrlw.1. a 440^yard
tooch. lMi< two. One hand U a.
. of the OIrmple club, of Ban er. and A. A. Ggmer. a California
a. the other, and Squire, mil
Pnioetoco. Hunn l. psrtlrulaHy alroog mUer. Birorf. will alM lie made to noto the high lump, to which he haa a cure Sprtnter Krtley. who hold, the them up with deadly vematllity. When
mark of 2 feet h Inrhea, and la the world*, record of 9 2-3 amod. for the in battle formation be crtMtcbe* hiw.
pole vault, to which he haa eraaaed hundred. If he jotoa the coaiu Kquad boxing close in.
Firm Fight Impromptu. .
the bar over 11 feet from mother the tram win be one of the Mnmge.1
While hi. devotlou to the aquared
earth. He to alM a good mller aad the wealera aggregation, that ev« r comcircle during the but haU decade ha.
I. confident of hia abllHy toetaad peted to a big meet.
given him opportunity to acquire 1
than a .mattering of the aclen
of the art. the maiden
kinire* was entirely iin
ed. and the km»rk«rn which
iMi to track team tor thla year
—Capi. QarreAR. the greatest all.* DISTRICT A*ITORNEY WILL TRY j
round athletic In the country: Joe
Curtto. weight man; Ramey, cham
pion half mller: Btewart. dash man
and high hurdler.
Football for next fall—Capt; Ma
goffin. Quuid Graham. Knd Ham
mond and Tackle Fatrick.
Baseball for this year—Pitcher
Wendell and FleWer Carroibers.
Boughey Building
bHorw either aecurc. the match. Just ]
now there to a quemlou of weight that ^
Ih-Word high to the
If he Ml
haa mmm that the PhcMc eaaai to-' the hatdltog of iohaay Garreto. of
tMdatoMteraiinmgtMBla thean i Mkhlgaa aad the vHght throwteg of
nmad wartd a ttoamiMaahlp athtotic ^ Martin hherldaa. of the IrlatoAa
toec« whkh to^ht held at the iaaiea. A. C.
L0.T .TM.
wM. to to dtotoad ifobi aoW -TtHBy the umpAra m allowfi to|
vtot-HtotoOMarrtottarr. depart with hto bOorcto withoot farther j
It CHIME IK ROUS P«dficG>a«tWilScn<ia
ISC^Ml to
lamb chops for
Coke ia the ideal (naL
No dual; no ainoke; weey
moa paiMaOW.
Our oaie and entiinfr up of
We hare reduced the pru» fc, '
$£00 C
Traverse CMy
- Wll nmn*r*Mn|
CM Dmafk MM Rm M M
OtorahMl BkM Up at DattM
Crwk HRIf FMtfl.
hmirn. M,
By Wtra to Urn Brfml&g Roeord.
Mlalmwa. ,ttL
BrtGw Crtwiu Mich.. Un. U.~Htll
stsrrwd M pearly frosm. Chad Do»«.
aa ewcapfsl primer from the Mmimll
JRU. was fowpd bero Mat night, too ttl 1 Fair mmut anmw ta mtH ps««kM
to nm from the oficers. nnd oollaposd 1 MlgM; MMIy ssM:
when ptaoed Ip p cell. Doan has • 1 «sy fhir ns4 mntlmitd cnMir;
fever aad the break for liberty may
cost him his ttfS. ‘
TiamcE Mi Rm uws
Ubbvb jpour order .(or
, UB lA—Attamn
Ir. Ilaoir. M MWr l«
B Of tofpn-. AHA
tet M
f9i to
HmAmi &0wm la ofle*. Ii^
Am «tWm4 Mt iBiwtoi of «
tAat tAo f«r* ^ Mtl l« WroA up to
Ajr lAo MMlftifvrm of ilto eo«
H* Mt tiHU tbo InAlTidMl AMllb of WILL FOLLOW MltElUL OROCK
IAb pmtfAo of tAo IT»Mod SUtoo Is of
oquoilf M oiorA t»AorUBM» •* fho
(CooUoood OB VburtA Pw )
By Wire to The Breolng Record.
tenor Christemo Doe* Net Believe U
flarrishurg. Pa.. Jan. li.—At n
dependence Would Be a Blesaing
today Bilwin 8, Stewart was with
to the inhabitants
•tUngwceremonleii Inaugurated gover-
Manay Will Da Utad ta tai^ i«Mph
Pamaatl Waat Par DtaaDt at ^
given last even
ing tn the Second street hall fbr the
baaoflt of Joseph Pomsxsl who hss
III for some time end an eodeasor Is being made to raise enough
•end him west where It Is
le so b
About 1100 wss
I Inst evening.
music Isst evening was furnish
ed by the Queen City band and was
very good, the whole affair being
enjoyabla. During the evening. Alec
Hueiauatel was presented wl
very gne aad valuable watch,
watch being a testimonial of his mallitng
Pennypacker Uid halde tbe official
duties and Stewart look the oath oo a
finely dreorated pUtform In front o(
tbe capital. The streeu were gay with
bunting and marching clubs nnd band*
prasent from all parts of the
state. Tbe prayer was offered by the
Rev. J. Gray Bolton, of Philadelphia
and tbo oath was wltncaaed by the
chief Justice of the supreme court.
Trsverae CKy Tent and HIva Hald
Joint Ceromonlea Polipwsd by a
Supper Last Night.
Traverse City Tent, No. 15«. Macca
bees and companion hive held a Joltfl
Installation in their hall last etentng.
e was an umiHually Urge crowd
In ntjendance and the local degree
I went through the work in s
After the InatalUtlon. s large sup
per was serred In the Rtnfag room,
where over yno sat down to the UWei
before tbe serving stopped bMldea
many who did not eat. A dance fol
lowed nnd It was early thU momU|
before the last conplns left the hall.
•-0W Haa^Mada
This PaaaihH Hr Pi
With the slight amount of snow
has fallen since Saturds.v. the :x>sds
have Improved enough to make log
hauling a possIblUty. There has been
a thaw but what lltUe tmow there
was baa settled and fannem living
within n radius of s few miles are be
CbHdma Art Now of Aft and tlw Mat
ginning to haul to the city.
Ur is In Prabats Cawrt for
The low price of potatoes hal msdr
farmers who have standing timber
tery nnxiouB to begin bnuUng sod it
U probable that much timber wi
A petition was died Ulc yesteniny hnuled Into the city before spring
for the delermlnatloa of heirs In tbe
Charles K. Bouthwlck ertste. ' M
South wick died 21 years ago tearing
wife and two children. The latter Tbm teriaiialy injured in a Wrack on
hare become of age and the mother
the N^le PlaU This Morn
has married wlthoot the ratate erer
being artiled naUI now.
The property coatlsts of a farm in By Wife to tbe l^lng Record.
Grant toqmahlp one mile from
Butalo. Jan ll.-One man t
aouthwest coratc of the county aad Its killed nnd three aerioualy Injured In a
k nn tbe NlcUe PUte railroad at
Lakeside a vUlage four mllra beyond
Hamborg at s;%i this morning. The
dead: Jerry Mulcahy of Conneaut
WMaw nf a Veteran and a Pioneer Ohla The injured: R. M. Cousin, con
ductor of tbe Nlckle PUte freight ngrtl
Panaad Away at Her Heme at
44; C. F. Shaw, brakenma and Bert
Iner. greman -of tbe nagse trala.
iBSsted schooner Hunt, which left 0t.
Aaas, Cspc Bertoa. for this port sli
moaths a«o with s cargo of gysoin
rock, has jast put Hi st 8t. Josa. Porto
RICO. Thcahlp
nrom Bosloa lo Bt. Aaas a four
days TQoraga. 8hc
8hc had
had hbfwa blowa iOB
mtleatoaia. It la com
•'U , iwaArttablc caM of aa
lira. BmUr Hnat died ycotcfday
ofwahr bSYiiig loot
iwachlag port, bw owai
afiemoon at her bnuM la Acme vbere
Alren bar Up for loat.
•he has Uved many yenra. Pnra
wna the ennae of her daatb nnd abe
was tt yeara of age. Mrs. Host
tbe widow of PbUlp Host, a vett
Raid That a Wall Known RarWae Will
of tbe dvil war ^ a pkmedr well
Boon Jonmoy %• the Uppoc
kaown ta tbe city.
ro eblklraa are left. Cbartea TIV
By Wre lo The Rvenlug Record.
Manilla. Jan 16.—Senor Chrtstomo.
iBurer of Hiillran province,
speech Bt s banquet that
the liberal policy of the Philippine
comUlsaiou Is debauching the Phlll
pplnos. -More back bone Is needed
In insular administration.- he said,
•'God knows what wmild happen to the
Phifippines If they were given
pendenoe and tpontlmied to show
present cowardly spirit.”
tuniUea offered yon at
our gtore juat now
yon would not benitste
a moment before yon
deeide where to bny.
When we take* our Inventory.
St............................................. 3Tr
Pratt s Vet Liniment l2Sc>
at... ............. ;..............H-off
Many more bargains like
Leather Top Rubbers.
Men'« Lumbermen‘sv\rctics, worth $2,
Women’s Warm Juli
ettes, fur trimmed,
Good Warm Slipper*,
Men's Snndal Rubbers,
Women’s Storm Rubbers
Children’s Rubbers.
leetlnga Wilt be Held In the
MIS Rhope In the City of
New Yortc.
Will pay Highest Cash prices forf
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Tclephone-Cit 32. Bell 169.
Could be made of the host of
delighted hotisewifes and thmr
asstsunu who have used our
Their commendations would fill a col
umn of this Mper. If yon are not a^
user of Best Flour now, this is just a
hint to try a ungle sack. That will
- j:-
Can You
.(v ■'
Afford It.
Wait’s Dnig store.
ThitU not • poiilmgqitorttoii.
for wt- nre wUiuK »ooto loto
\-erj- chonp. Thw we do not
■wUb to carry ovw. • iW
■ rtrung numbm that kohl all
{the «eato>n for *1.25 and *1.35
are now being aold for SI.OO
Tbiwe are the beat gooili yon
have bad offered you at thii
price aud if you need under
wear tbU it your tiow.
Om vtoHwiU My yM
Men'tSin. and 10 in.
Until February I
Tbe Hobart Co. prop.
•at P^ All Ps-ts ef the tut
and the ttreeu of CaplUl
Were Gay With Ronting.
By Wire to The Dtrealaf Record.
WaahlBftoa. Jaa. lu.-*A gfwerti
tier win aooa be pi^Molgated by the
frtNa tho Ualisd BUiss dniioK tbr find departneat abollahlag tbe **dlTlaloa*’
. foor MBIhs of tbs pivsMit tacsl f90X
i geographical jdlTtHaa of Ibe
will bs 1T.HI7 as rofatarsd with
sebeme for mlUUr^ admUtratloa. The
la ihr aawo iiwiod of im hwwl yosr only dKlslon whfich
r«i«k will
be that of the Pblllpplnaa. and it Is
prapoaM to ohaage the assignment
maaads of prsctleally slI of the
ral oRlMfa Of the anay statloaed
ry. The major generals
------------------aed to the more Wport
sat dsfiartmeata. such as the diimrt
nt of The east, and the department
fPtUlfomla, and bitgsdler geaemls
will commaad the others. It U alsc
the tntenticm to assign brtgfdlA^ «en
ersls to commnnd the senrlce school*
■t Port bsnvaoworth. Phil Rfle^. Ihrt
nnd at Weal Point. If Col
'Bjr Wlw* to Tha BTMitiis Record.
R. D. Potts, artillery corps, it msd«
LAfiM. I«h. 11-A »«IM Of
brlgmller-geoersl he will be assigned
vioiaat aarlhqMka •bocks «ror hi
BfUalod the tHsiaacrapb si ApU for to the commnnd of tbe artillery acbool
at Pori Monroe
Brigadier General
Ibrtw bourse Th« Orrmaa arlcath
I statloe ssr Ihc William H. Carter, now In eomma
baacr Is la the the department of the lakea ms
M aoulh of Apis naalgaed to tbe command of tha.ln
l*sclAc I
fantry and ctralry acbool nt Port
l^ven worth.
City Bo^k Store
" *r WIr. »o TT,. Wimit lUewd.
OlUvA. Jw. lL-*r«.rtlu to tb*
CmwEIwi OfwnaMI or lb» I■t•l1l>r
tto total aaabar of a«r -hooMou
"on- to tbo OHto<toa aottboMt
tbo tow anal nar tna 4I.«»; «aa»
«a W ll.m ABWileaaa. 1J4T« <
Otoaa, Ijm ■aiHab. t.lM Aoalr
1.WT BeolHi. I.att Oalwaat aad (43
Irtab. Tb» loul anaton at InwItnaK
Ml Kn am up is uri
We taxeyon. the portage, the priee of the
money unler aodTUie trooUe of aemlioK. .
bcfo Aod it will 1
aac^ with the date t
which Ftorwaters* hall could be secured.
was a aieetlug of the eoter
and haaquet coanaincei last
erealag la the office of Prwal
Haatlags aad iaal details for the bsa
(Ooattaaed on Third Page.)
ftaM EMIW« LMF-to tlw
Magazine Subscriptions
Tbc date ftxcd for tbr anaual ■
lag aad haaquet of tbc Trarerwr City
Ukrd of trade. Is Thursday. Jam. 3lst.
Tbla date has bcea txed tmose of
To let the opportunity go by to
get such splendid '
Ghlldren’s Garments
at such small prices.
These gannenu are the best
the season’s offerings and we
offer them to you at just
nuvniM «TY. I
1. TbtOa
wal^ Remedy aeeaea. amed wl^ a I
. tJTllE"THiNG$
1 OP ihe atage today, aa
day. Jam A. at the Otppd opera
Onlr a f«w •# thMt
Uafpra «MT pMMt Ml. jr 3^
Piikc Fooa
MtarlrtiMla IM Dmmi tt
When «Tk»d Wgkr waa
It la a pnrullar thing that the Aomd
(•M IT yM Maa iM yat MonrW #m)
tho oerfop ad thp Oimtid la
eaa puUle muat be pruCected
yaa ara aatHM ta aaa frat af aaaL
I adttltermtrw] fuoda and guaakag
I CO} and
aad daring wU^ tiJ
deleterkma tiquida not oaly by towa NATIONAL •iirrilAQe AMOCIA.
I of the
!d for that parpoae. but alao by
TbJa hakit la not due to
fgaeraace aa for name time, theae mat
had Paid from A eeoU to a half
lera have been cummeuied upon
eirthday of the LaU kuaan B. An.___________
tatloa. Tkata vu a Ubh» yat wUhiu
wdy by the leading pubilea
theny Will Be Clebromd With
' Tho«
tba Bamory of Mran the yoaat^ eJii of the country and the national pure
the fight and port of them r
Mt whaa all tkat «aa ckaafkl a
food Aaw waa Ibe reauU.
aary for oottmUr foa«a via to aarapa
Howerer. thla law waa not enough
Ika 4trt and rapHabla laatlar op imio
aa not thought to be enough, eo By Wire to The Bvening Record.
mta. The foul
fka ontor and to tei It m» at that there haa aprnng -Into life, a national
Ckicaga Jan. 16.—The thlrty nlnlh
TarapUna vara vMad ky laada of league which will atten|8 to aee that annnal convimtloa of the HatJana)
atoaa katec dovpad lato tba koM and the law U enfnrred and the American Wuman-a Snlfrage aaaoeUUon will
atPdi markig plepiroa.
VM aM ataakad lato ahapa ky
le kape from tkM vkfeh la harm nu.ee Pidmiaiy 14th to i»th Inelnalre
ipdlppca wasted patienl
There are many prominent men In thla eliy.
theae aPd the tap mlavtas
IdMilled with thla league and Ita
There will be three neaakma dally that followad.
objfcu are entirely worthr.
held in the Hnc Arta building. ThH
-Reproducfloa of the Gnat
Now. road bulMiaf baa
If the people
thla country would will be the flrat csooventlon held with
was thrown oa
aaact aHaooa aad aa aodaai
take palna to famlUarize themaelvm out Ibe preaeoce of MUa Suaan B. An
screen and avery ^ort la Urn
laada to gat baok that
with what they oig and drink, the tony, and for her birthday. Frbruarjr
hfickad forward In his chair.
oooatry loat thfoddh lu a
league wouM not find much employ. I6th. an impreaalve memorial program
•TUp Beat Belecied Rounds," i
U Ika p»t TkU eouatry. by raai
If the public would not tolerate haa bfW^^pared. One neaalon wUl
ed aad everybody made a noUe I
of kad roadt. baa loot many m|1U<
adnltcrmnu. they would not be aaed. be devoted Uj a aympqplum of the fifty osnu.
that It could Juai aa wall hava had.
but ao long aa the people are h» (n Induatrial condition of womeo and
took j(ut eighteen minutes
Tba moaty tbrowii away oa Inpr . thla matter and manlfeat no Intereat. children In this country. ThU win be
>r road buUaiag la not all that baa law or no law. laam» or no leagnb. in Charge of Mm. Floreoce Kelley of run tea rounds off aad a portloo of
eaek tntermlssiau. When the Hghts
. kaea teat lAaaaucb aa tba torr
they will be Impoaed upon.
-'>* NsUoii.1 OaosoaM.rs- Kscuc.
were turned on at f :!• somebody gave
coat of marttatlag ctopa nmat at
Baboimts plus of ntcrtalBiMni for vept^ to their feetti^ ky yamng. "Rtrftakae into ooaaldpraUoo and chargad
lh» ihMisuda cf voBsn who wUI sito looi. Almoat arery farmer baa buil
iM>d STS bcins a»0s bx the womss’s " "Thief. Robber." came from different
wpefliaM with bad roada aad k
parts sf the house.
Juat vkat they m«ui.
Special rates from aU nectiona of
"Toss him s briric." yelled s bo>Good roada ar© alwaya trofltahle.
tb^ fcoualry have been granted by the In the gallery.
^nthoot them, ib'ero would be ao rural Special to the Breolng Recortl.
Mfroada and a Urge party will go
The wise, however, kept still, sneakcmlBh. Mich.; Jan W.-Mra. G.
frau delirary and lU conaaqoon
from'New York.
out of the door aad miiitered to
waatagea: without Ora. the aumb«r
H o other fellow, "BU b' gosh."
Mra. Willian OcK>k of Grant.
of teaBM that muat be kept would
and Mra. Henry Arnmtrong hare
^ lacrtMd; wlthoot^beia it would not
ba paaatbla to mvbet prodocU at any. returned from a vlalt with frienda at Swtn Oov.mm.nt Miking • Otfrthing like the profit that goad roada Trarerae aty.
mined EfTort to Soroe Uqyor
Mrs. David Bary la very alck.
krlag. WaU built roada aiw the beat
Fritn* «r W. H. Abbott of tho ThlfW
From the Country.
Ralph Simopa haa the pHafortane U
laVeatinefit aay towadlUp. cooaiy or
Wand Ar* Urgin« Him te Run
aUlo can make and their retuma are have five riba broken and olherwlai By Wire to the Evening Record.
quite badly hurt In a raaaway aodd
Geneva. Jan. 15.—The governit
It Wednemlay.
To n oommanlty. good roada are Joat
U making a campaign against the pee
It Is a little eariy'for ward csuur
aa aaoeaaary aa io a farm and there
of absinthe, the Intootion U ln
dates to nnaoonce themselves for the
fore the people of Traveraa City are Sheldoo am on the alck lUt.
drive all liquor oLthal character from spring clecUoa.-ku« neverthrlesa there
Mra. Alonro Chub la quite poorly.
aa TiUUly Intereated In the -jcood
Swiss territory. The secretary of the is already copslderabie interest msnlMiaa Leotu Noud la visiting frienda campaign commltlee said a short
roada liuUtufo- which will be held
rested In the matter and pros
here Jan. 25 lu charge of Horatio 8. In Maniateiv
ago that 80,202 signatures had already caadldate. are bring suggeated. One
Mra. Alba*Brimmer la taking care of l*een obtained for the pqtltlon as
Karl, atate hlglm-ay «>mmU«loner. aa
of the Biost oQospicuoos in this regard
tho fannera. ITiU Inatltnte ahonid little Beatrice Barry while her mother for a stringent federal Uw lo
Alderman W. H. Abbott While If r.
hare a lance attendaneve aa Mr. Bari la no sick.
above effect, and now there arw |
Abhou ha. not annopaeed hi.
Mlaa lAura Batabrook who la quite ably m«»re tlian HW.OOO signers.
baa ilren the aubject more Intellliceiit
docy. a great many tefiacptial ThliA
atudy than probably any other nu.n in alck ia lining cared for by Ulna Shell
ward people have urged him to become
the repoblleail candidste for
Tho ealDo of good roada la becoitf
tlQBthlaapriag. Mr. AbboU wlU
Ing more aad more rerr^fulred and
Eight Railways Endoavoring to-Tap hU apcood term this ppring am
^everyvhere aUtea art' Uklng up the
the Rich TsrrKory -ef the
been a oonsistMt and reliable____
natter. Il ahould be n matter of deep
Hudson ^ Roglon.
ber of the counftl. There is no doubt
. TaglWC that OoTeraor Warner In hla
but that be win agaia be a candidate
neaaage. ahould bate had to auie that
By Wire to the Riming Record.
to succeed himself., c
In Uln regard liichlRan. uHually Uo Ity Wire to the K^vnlng Record
Montfval. Jan. 1».—There are before
Mr. Abbott has, during his term of
«'veryaung. U laaaing be.'
New York. Jan. 16.—There la oow the proseut damUkm WUameot pot office, gained a valuable experience
U'lng plaf^ u|H»n the market a new lees than right bills for charters, of and become Iboroughly Informed upon
. MldOgaa tx^ple ttbimld iK'gin now type of conveiitble gaaolitie and kero- railways to the Hudson bay. The
the city*, affairs. Therefore he wlU
and aee tEal iio aubiteuufot memage
motor which la said to have piw three principal CanadUn traffic roads,
good candidate to go before the
will Imre to regret*^but rather will be od entirely aatlafactory. A «nmber of the Canadian Pacific, the Grand Traak P*K>pIe In his ward.
enahlM te point with prWe to tbet Ibeae tnotora have been ahipped no Pacific, aad the Canadian Northern,
Mlchlimn haa aceompllabed In building
are drienaloed to cover this northern
iln. and have d^e ao wHI that territory of the Quebec province, hut
led for«‘lgn oidera for thla type so are also the Teimshaming A Northnng Capuin Sealby qC thg Whita
have been rt'cHve^. In apiwwrance cni Oulario. Uie Canada Central, and Star liner Caltlc was talking about the
olor differs but little from the the Quebec A Lake 8l.. John railway. colored signal ilgk
raTyiu^ IthaaaoomplHegaao. Mr.-HllJ s road. The tJreat Northsen.
fA yovtM
Uoe attachment, and can be operated Is also fwshing to the Hudsoa Bay.
thn oeur
Scottisb sailor tc
ullh this fuel as well as the regular
colored nghtt wree nnknown.
marblni but has the added advantage
"As be stood St the wheel one night
By Wire to the Evening Record.
a kig steamer here la sighL POd tbs
If desired.
boy saw the great red su4 gcren JIgk
snd captMas of Industry are making for the first time.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
mmmad down
efforts toward saving f-Kptmwm by
long yeS. "Prvverre oa." be aboutrd.
ml of the mnny in- WVre goln' ri4it Inia
Wd^hni-etecorea anolhor lot
shop'St P^M s -
Qf Rockers.
I '
READ our adrertlsemeot for j
An Isr S* K ■« Mswh« IMj
J. W.JsiAaon
F. F. Akeis
Hist Nalioa kuk
A. W. Jshki
A. OoniOa '
J. H. Umw
Amariou Drug 8«en • ' •
Haanah Drag Stosw
■ \ Your Credit Is Oodd
. •
Your Reliable Furniture Store.
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Stiwr
Every Bdyil
of Aote little uvinp boxes
which pnn-od so popniar Ust
year. Anyone iMving name
and ai]<lroas with ns ewn
hare one free of chsiKe.
It ;6a wuit b SotAer,
NOW Is the Tine to Buy
TIib (finnak.^ Lay Mercaiirite Co.
“THE BIG^STOIIC-Hlwlers In Ereiytliing
jr e*ivAiVT Ms**
That Bring Quick Retunte
rrs TO YOUR advantage to InREAD our advertisement for boys* veoUgato the prices we are msk
And cjilldreos* goods. Hamilton Cloth- all trimmed hau. Miss C. P. I
Nr CP. —*
Jan. 16 tl
* DoiiTTbrget
W1«, .ki.T».* iiH.;,
her. pretty shade, pocket flathcr and
Portable table Larnpe.
make the very best kind of a present. We
have all
of them in stock, at the right prices, Come in
J. B. Paige 0ectric Co.
A few hundred dollars spent in our
Furniture Division. We guarantee
the best of returns for the mcnev
vested. If you haven’t the hundi
II take just
fust a lew
few plain doUars—
$7 t5 for a ijood dining table.
Some time Saturday, one good op
portunity to get one of the biggest
bargains in Ladies’ Shoes ever ofs^ed.
50 Gray Bros. Dongola
Cpmmon Sense Shoe for $l.4S.
Kitchen Girl Wanted
to look over our stock of tinware
and aluminum goods and tell her
mistress how many things are needed
to make the work easier. Flour
sifter, cookie cutter, dish cleaner,
stirring ^yoon and;a host of money
savers, '
TO ftCNT-For afteraocm teas and e?eaiDg
' ncfUiom, shfirbeC ghmses, punch bowl,
pm^n espsv sanoefs and {dates and
^iag ehaiia at very little
hWhHfc W»d cUr type, fitorat of
A few more families to get surted on
the best Mocha apd Java Coffee you
ever drank. The Yale at S6c a
pound, the Monarch at 40s.'
50 small women to
warm, serviceable coat for' ...
Biggest bargain ever offered.
An experienced
lenced nurse to tell her
patients th!iat our Dreg^^Dmi
vision has
the best
________ _
landages, rubber gopdt and all arti
cles needed in the tick room. .
^tween sunrise and dark, the best
place in the city to buy the purest of
breakfast foods, the best buckwheat
flour and maple syrup and the finest
sausage, bacon and ham. ,
• l^ tcholarato buyatabletapiece.
Bhm« ever soW for a nickle. Lots
of other good kinds./and pencili,
pens, inks and school books.
-6ix -dozen Ladies’ Ribbed Under
wear. Best-of . 50c values. Pricea
while they laat,S5c each, i
Tawear a bang upgood^overcoat
for $20, and the best of bargains in
for iiaed overcoats $fia $80aad f9ft
hUka the mom kSTcf » bam
m. -. -• 1 ' ■
« tto «
l-i stiff Twbwbebis* TOUArS MARKETS
Jofaifs? i
A vsmr iMPOTTAitr
taf bayMAMeaf po*
KM.M M I*, tool
do. o«t ar tto car. Both «C ftoae
mmm toao toaa aetlaa'lBL tto
tf lUrMa total cC trato far «
RexaH Rabbinir Dill will
limbertbem up and take
pain out.
If nte
t •« 111
Ow* • aartmrl*
» nn
—Hy k* av to Mto fto Mi atmr.
ffm M alsltt MO » tte iMfl—■ M aMtrr to« ta« to to. •vcpM
o«M IL
Uk» CM. to Ito am «r jMCto. M fa ftoaaa tito
laMCaa. Ttora )f a witortr !• aa^
It Mto ao btolr ttol to Otoatatto aai toMWkt to trial vltfOa
tflaaa raaia to aiajr m fr«« m tto
ATTBKD daaeteractoal ato m
aataMj at Hana’a«aaito«r Itoadar
ttoiMttotoijapitoMO afgto. Ma« elaaa»|aalrfaiM«._
itftor i«to «WU or tto
)4to «r
Size 16K to so inches sleUing
everywhere regularly at $1.50.
Were going to sell 12
of them this wtcIc at
; ■,
\ i
■ ivM|
On* Dollar aooh
Of coiirae you can l>uy Rubber h^ats nt $1 ’
; any time, and even at less than that, but a
salesman should hesitate when he calls
them robber—FOR THEY ARE NOT.
No house in the country is so welt equi|>ped to satisfy your net ds
in the lineoi Children s Obthing as i»e are. These prices that
we are making are on broken lines and lines that we do not wish
to carry into another season. If.you arc in need of children's
goods—and is there ever a lime when you are not—then for
your own sake investigate these prices.
ChUdren’s Ov^rcotis
LOT l-$4$0 to $6-Ages 4
A^ r A
to 10. now....................... ..........Z.OU
ChUdren’s Reefers
Children’s Russian
Ages 2X to 6, handsome, stylish goods,
Have sold this year from
9 PC
$6 to $880. DOW..........................O.Dd
One lot. 'ages 3 to 6. have sold for
One lot as above, with velvet collars,
emblem on slee\-e, ages 4 to 8,
sold for from
f |«fl
to $150. no#..............i.dU
cmidrai** Kntt Jackets
for ages 3 to 6 >’cars
Lot never sold for less than A C ^
60c. now.................................. Z3C
some filler*
DCS to
The Ladles’ Aid of Archie will meet
with Mrs. r. R. Grubb. Thursday. Jan.
17. All are cordially invited.
Frwd a. Walker. Jadfe aT
»u* runaway Is aal(l to have
orcurred on Biy street last evc-nlng.
No one was seriously Injured nor
could any particular^ Ik* learned tbla
Grace church guild will meet with
Mrs. George Blue tomorrow afternoon
at 2:30. All the ladles of the parish
are Invited.
UMrsof br gtoro 1
Division No. 2 of the Congregational
Ladiro’ Aid society will meet at the
home of Mrs. Votniba. 40t Sixth
street. Wc-dnesdsy afternobn of this
week. Come prepared for work,
picnic lunch will be served.
once rUlted bis sUbIro
Tbe Rathborne Sisters meet tor
croom carrying s
hive worked for
me a long Ume, haven’t yon. Samr
qneried tbe rich man. -Yes. alr^- re
Another of those ploaaant Eastern
plied tbe groom. “Me an! this bom
have wofked fnr yon aerenteen years.- 8Ur dances will to given this evening.
“Ab, and I bope yon have been well
The meeUng of the Men's club d
trotted. Sam.- said tbe employer. “Ob.
churoh will be held la
J ain’t rompUlnln- none.- aaW 8am.
tbe boas was sick at tbe Stewart’s academy this evening. A
in* I noticed that, while
yon hired a doctor for tbe boes. yea
Pere Marquette passenger No l was
docked my pay tor tbe ttme I lOBt"— aa hour late this noon owing to poor
conneetjons with other roads farther
down the line.
The Mother's Oub of the Oak Park
school win m<
at 3 o'clock. Mrs Oeo. Metcalf
to tbe loader. Subject
Between Parents and Children.
At the clone of tto InsUltatkm of
the G. A. R. and tto W. R. C. Mn. F.
D. Marvin, the retiring prealdBBt. waa
prqinated with a tony spoon and Bix
berry torka
Tto oast side crowd will h^ a
alelghrMo party to Saver lato to*
The ypoag tadina 4fib BM^ last
WANTKO-Tcmr npbolsteriiig. furiil- tag Md had a very Bneooatfal
ifBidera^lntore repaldng. chair caning aad Ttof* are aixteeB
fuiBitaro packing. R H. Tanner. 21C atrecUon of Mrs.
tnioB Bt.
Jan. 16tf preaoBt ttoy are arorkW « -I*
___ _
.wMecoUars. just
U r. PMtatt MM . Mltat M M(kt
toAMtoa Ml tte« la torOAi
BM MB la tto dtr Btotoaai
r Mb to to Mc of tto w
OMftotie aBd PBbto Blllitto dtlBM
of Grato ftarua. Hr to tto
OsMBd at ailutr IM at aibmr Ijato
of tto tUckisaa TraskMM, tto lemf.
UBtil Manilto UgM
tar tnulo paper to tto aUto
’niOnkhM af
Mr. MuaaelBUUi to tto toad of toe
MaaBalMi Qraaar Oo., wblch toa a $2-to and erery good eittoro to Inrlted
toaBto to tola city.
to attUiate blmaeif with tbe organlxaA party of young people bad two
tkm to help paab tbe beet tntercata of
ertto flaa Blto. ctof of tto Park Ptoer
m serious iajury
totot. to ptaiBtfe aad^torrr tto
Tto tmt Oddest was tbe
banqBet wiU be 11.00
towt. vkick wKI/1iel58gl ItodAwSTOua per ptoie. Tto matter of a lower price
of tbalr rig aad the sec*
of C S. Carte, vboae fame la prrpar- waa conaldmd. but urton It la taken 004 was tto VtoOBg of tto klag
tea tone baa^^ to ao wen kaoira. . Into eonalderaticn. that tbe BMertala aad tto IcBTtag of tto box sltUng disWblto tto prograin to aot coaiptot^ mnat be tranaferred-to tto ban after
tto aaow wblk
It toa toaa deddad to aacore Stovart’a cooktaf and iiindj of tto preparaUon party^ plowed atoad tor a aow <
oKtoatra aad jtoe Qoaea Ctiy qaartat. done omaide of tto ban. requlrtac ad* Tbe •’Slhretu buacb- with a few of
AddrtBaea win to drea to pnmOamt dlUonal lalifr. It urfll iMdily be eeen t. elr frieads. thirty ••be- In all drorr
oa TrareracL ati't to* that a banquet of tkto kind cannot be out to Stoto lake Ust night and apeat
daatrlea. folare derelopmeat. poblk* eerred for lean tbna fl.OO per pintc. the evening at silver Inn. They bad
achnola aod rartoiif otlier lotereeU to but It can to anld whb Use ntmoBt naportion of Hora;’* ontoalra with
/eUtioQ to tto cltr’a fDdoatrtol and amanc^ that Mr. Eller and Mr. Carl* them and danemg ua* tbe foatnre of
drto derelopment while the tobortos will aen
evening. In addllhm. they also
people a riew will to dlacuaaed by M. irrer spread in Trarerse City,
had a anbsUttttol lunch wh.ch was
E. Fuller, preatdeot of the Ootral
served In tbe dining room and rell*hed
Labor unloa of Trarerae City.
to the ntmost. Before and after lunch.
Mrs. Jamei^O Brien returaod to tor
After eadi ^reaa It la expetted
lag was enjoyed and at 12:M. one
that erery member of the board atoll home In Kingsley this monilag after load dfcided that they bad to go I
have an oppononlty lf .be ao dealrea, spending a few da>s In tbe city with BO tto start was nmdu. Tto rest.
to diacuaa tto queatUma treated. Jual relatlres.
at tbla time the anneal meectog of the
Mrs. B. R. BIUoil returned to her orcheetrs for fartbto lack of sleep and
board of trade will have a apodal borne in Mancelona this monilng.
stayed until 2:».
Mrs. W. J. Glorer of Centnslla.
alsnlflcanto. tnaamueb aa It to fuUr
Tto arst crowd to go. on tto way
recofniluMl that the Uroe to ripe for Wash., who has been risUlng friebds out bad been wrecked, tto wagon box
energetic and united work for the In In tbe city left for Grand Rapid* this turning over with great dignity, doing
duatrial dereloproent of the city. Cotn. mornlni:- She will then rlsii In Ohio tbe stuat ao slowly that tto aroat
plete propram and naroee of apeakera
serious thing that happened waa the
I wife of Kingsley, losing of some overahoes. Wbei
will to aBiKmneed later, after tto
were In the City orer night, returning second rig sUrted. they made good
this morning.
time and In order to gain still more
alpned that the adreaaea of dlacuaT. H Trega left for Detroit tbla cut scrota on a logging road which
aiona aball to odocatlooa! ao far aa morning on a buslocas trip.
saved them from going over <
Trarerae CUya material tatereaU are
The Rev. R. N. Holsaple left today hill. As they were jogging along, they
aad It to expected that the for Detroit where he will begin bit noticed a portion of a sleigh In the
moHlng will reaalt In mutual benefit duties In the sute AntlSaloon work. road and an examlnatloo dlscloaed the
and alre freab laaplration for the ex His frst aaalgnmeDt will to next Sun fact that it waa the remUna of the
erctoe of baaliliu'and united action for day when he will preach at Milan.
flntt rig.
nt to Rauld City This morning. It was learned
" Dr. J. L.
the benefit of tbe city.
The banquet to Intended for mem
first psrty that had been ao eager to
bera of tbe board of trade only, but
go home, had only beaten tbe m
this does not tor any buslnoea man or
Mr. W. H. BoldAs, of Trahtitp one In by abont half an hour
workina man who to a prorreaalre ?A, ttys Ws wiRhtimTcry bid they were burrylnf borne, they lost
clllren from becomliif a member of ctor^ Me boarht t bottle of Cbtm- their king bolt and the box altd off.
the board. Tbe annual doea are but bsntlt’s Otarb Remedy tid It *11160 five girls and throe hoys walked
worked like mific. TWs remedy a mile to a farmhouse^ awakened the
to meqaned as a care for coa|hs owner after much effort dud be bnllt
aad ctids and caa always be de- a fire, warmed.them up and then lent
pended apoa. For tale by AmcrI. them another rig. Three of the girl*
H045 In tbe sleigh didn’t have rubbers, so
they waited until the return was made
READ our rndvcrtlscmcnt for boys’ with tbe good rig.
and childrens’ goods. Hamilton Clolb
The last rig got home at 4 o'clock
Ing Co.
Jan. 15 tl
this morning without any nccldent
*WATCH Jackson’s Candy window.
Watch Onr Ads.
LOT a^Ages 10 to 16-$»
W Ar
to $12-now.................................. b.l)3
m mi m nr
Look iBlo ov lidaM LImI^d Oiler.
Boy’s Overcoats
ampi W wom
.mu •
MMk> M pouiMiL. tat ttar w« OH.
trou U. wiUu... N«n.» «H
FOR RENT—Fnrnlabet
Wnrxlmrf block. Mn.
rim was heM today la tto J.
er OBUte.
Ito ftmt ke war cut OB Bo
tiOB of
A, Col-
MO MMectod Mtue.
to the
Tl» OMMA »MMUM~ kgr »
Mippod fNM MMr
LOCAL MAmcrra.
»M ib......Tl............... i« r
.>/ .12
^Itry, per lb...130121$
United States Increased
1.0M.1C5 casro over lfi05.
loUl was '2.577.d02 canes, mining this
yaar’s total'United Statro pro^^ 4.577.767. a gain of 27 per cent over
1M6. This neems like a big gain and
indeed It is due to more favorable
crop cauUtlona thron^t the grow*
lug and packing periods ^tban to In-
Furs Butter WiU to Higli.
Soon we shall know, upon the au
thority 4of the sec^Urv of the depart
ment of agr^tnro. what will constltnte a atMdard pare butter. saUs^
factory to the natAonal pure food taw
paasad at t^e last aeasloo of ooogrom.
6oa»e wcateni dainmen have visited
Waahtogton tp give him the advantage
of their views. The secreury assured
Ihem that their represenUtlon should
have careful consideration and they
should have fair treatment. What the
people want is a rule for providing tbe
butter. The palate Is no longer to be
depended upon, so skillful are tbe
mmnufactureru of the artificial etuff.
Butter that is pure but poor product
of cream vrlll command a good price no
doubt, and butter that Is better than
pure, the xx.
wni be out of tbe reach of pc
who do not own a copper mine
When the |rore food law vras enacted
congress failed to provide an ap
proprtatiaa for Its enforcement.
roury Wilson and other officials of hi*
department | proceeded, howeverjm the
be proceeded, bawever. on the as
assumption that the necessary depart
moot force ultimately would be provid
ed by congress. Just before the holi
day recem, an appropriation of f25«.'000 was made by congress to
corps of rbexnlsfiB aqd Inspectors to
enforce tbe law,
The civil service commisaloa will
hold examl
country Ibis month to secure a list of
e to appointment. As noon
after the examlnatkma. the
oecesaaiy ^rsons will Jb# certified to
the agricttUnral department for
l^lnlmentj It may be two months'^Kv
fore tbe jforce Is organized and In
thorough ifrorklng order.
It will to the duty of the inspectors
to discover violations of the law. and
the chcmlstK will examine such food
products as may be submitted to them
Tor analysiB.
Appta* ................ .............
Cor*, per bn...... *..................... W
Sr— **«rJ
8pri.( U»b., IIT. wpubt
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the American Drug Co. for
the election of dlnectora will to bold
at 2I» K. Front St. at 2 o’clock In the
I. 24. lt07.
jan 14-lt
for boys*
READ our adverti
aod childrens’ goods, liamlll iCloUi.
ing Co.
w Jai 15 tl
DO NOT 0\T:RLOOK the cbaiito to
get hats at remarkably low pHc^.
Miss C. P. McQmI. 112 ProbL aUeel.
Jan. IS-U '
TUm is the store tot gives'BcSI
Vatacs. . . WclD
$10 values at $6.90
112 values at $8.M
$17 and 420 values at $11.$9
“See these valecs.** YoSwUl
not look farther.
Un.m. A. Wm
!■ Ttmv.
mm CHr amflil
^ Mk.
uruai of nboat two Bmf lato toe a
/ »fiL n. r Miir fc«»
bete. toen ptoesn tbe aat oo tot
mmomAti, rm mAMf pUmAM 4A
» rkit f hmmrnl^ti Mnittm
W. t. Etnrtit «f toior vM
tvte ImEv, W. r. IICT0M1.
Is t«v» M MlL
4oi €K Hmrntm CHf
Jm CAtboUc diorth
Wr« SmAm.
MIm Oral Jmtm U hoym CUj to
v^tlat l»r soai. Mm. W. H. MorrU
or tlito ptoat.
i mmd
Mto. lAgia BHiar or
into their aatnre and some degrse
uBttence to and from them It
I nnfair when writing or talking
m to tmaricam to refer to them
•IWr TMIU«tarmMU>M>tOl
■M vfik kto moUMT. ff« stIU «
wtIJi lb* old or crotebet, ibo roM
b«mair bto Iv bfobco mod hip dtolo-
Acbm ImI WodooMlar. wb«r* abe biul
bo« to help can. for hTT brother.
Cbarlee Kcddtrhoiuie. m4 oo Thai*
day aeondjic abe rmfrad «ord that
be had htod dor
paaled by Her I
to Ac«o oa the
’ toad the fuaeraJ. which was hold Bat•tday bi Trarerae^ty. The fatally of
<ba fxmng man hare the aympatby of
tboirmaay frieadabara.
Miaa Uilii flaakin baa mamed to
bcr acbool at Cadillac aftor apeadlfia
her raralbm at ber home bci
Peter Wagaer to working i
aow to a aiw bun.
The larper paplto of thr Empire
acbool bare orgcanUed a baeket ball
team and will practice dniing the win
ter moaU. la the K. O. T. M. li. hall.
MIm Mattie lUskln U rtolttog
frteadR and relatiree at Manton.
Mike Mtnnangh and Daniel rvoat*
aWeadtHl the cooaty meeting of the
A. 8. nf E. at Cedar hut Tueaday.
la the wHtenp oT toplte rill
Which wa. publlahad to the Breotog
Reoord toat week, the aame of Mra.
Ubble npnaldaoo. the leading
popular dranamaker. wa« left out;
thi^ name of Glen romwter. the buatItog agent for the Grand Raplda Prose
and Detroit journal.
N. P, Dailey haa l*ougl.l a
for the purpoae of cutting
growth timber, ami will soon
to Bmplrw where It will be «e
the old echooi bouee giounde on LaO«o areoue. The mUl wit] cut „
thing frtun tear Inchoa to one foot to
dUmHrr. and leagtha ae ehort ae four
feet A mUI of tbl. kind I. very much
nettled hero aa there ar«h nndrede of
acitw Of aocoud growth Umber here
that would oihvrwim^ bo worthleM.
Mrs. William Hartman, thing near
iVeH l.*ke. euffered a airoke of paralyaJa ooe week ago ftatarda^. She
had iHwe to her naual good h««Uh and
at the time waa betping to acrub the
kitchen floor. Tlu. rocn! organa are
enllrHy jmmlyted and her cyeali^l
to atob affected.
t and revengeful 1
Mr. UHl S" Bon* JMI h*te MonU, for Wn«>ler to b«r Ikeirtirtr ripptoa or tim Boaffly river a dimky
body, and «p tbe an^iof chain nimbly
Mia Botilo Wllkhwa. who hai aa a moqkey acimtobtoa a man. dad
hM wotUBs at Mr, Mefhrrai'i dor- only to a tola doth and hirtog a May.
IW ihMr lllhaa. If DOW ill tbore
tight rottod red bundle faatened at Cba
dlphthoria. j
back oC bit M <Krt of reach of tba
. Mn-aCLna to oo tho rtek lUt
IbtoWMk. 1
Tbt ima'i Brat adhm to to pick np
CUBoid WnaMo'D hohr. who bu from tba deck a ban <ff twine with
boeo sick Uto ua WMk. to Mid to be wblcb a tailor la actidlng a pawita
Era Taagtjay. who wlU be aoen here
In a new ibrecact play at the Grand
aprra bouaei Jan. 17. made her Ural
big New Yo<:k succcaa with the aong
• My Bambo.** at the New York Roof
ibeatrtoal nntertatomenU
makhdrama. comic opera,
lalcal comedlfw and even
the leglUmato. She haa played every
vaHety of parta. but haa always been
studying and working to perfect her
self to a unique line'of comedy that
abe haa made all her own. Gifted with
a magnetic imraooaUty. a piquant face
and wcll-moolded flgore. togeUier with
sympafhedc vocal organ Uxal beat
flnda lu for^ to the atogtog of synco
pated melod^. now so popular. Mlaa
Tanguay la today considered oha of
the most tainted comediennes on the
American aikge. Her new play. -A
Good rcllovi.*' la deacribed aa betog
IV bpat vf^le Mias Tanguay haa evhadA writifc
writifn for her. Thn^fun to xontm amUag com
laca antt Incldenu
othar to ra^ auccet
at rung logetoer with bright, snappy
dialogue. Manager Joseph M. Qaltea
strong supporting com
pany and ..a more than adctjualc pro
duction for hitoa Taugua>.
J J TwoddJe of Traverse city has
iTlumed.from Aatrland. Win., where
he haa lW*c« bKtking alter the Intereato
<»f Mm Mike NImnaugh to the matter
roimected with the shooting cd her aon
Delbert Reel, on Dec. fl. John Tuetoff.
the bartender who abot Reel, haa had
a prellmlnar) henring nnU la In lall
[ begloa to more bcoenth
and tmwtod tba string, wbldi gona
U growl in aise aa tbe
stnlglit «p to tba air to defiance of
aadtoace gases. There Is a
tba tow nr gr
havn tonltod It abmg tba <tock.
cbaltering monkey, while from the far
ther edge of the red rag a cobra pokes
who baa houEbt a cucoanot and la lu venomous bead and wiitbes Its bulk
cracking It open, he gently takas from
the man's hand half of the atUl fnll
shall, bolds It high Steve a ship s buck toriok and abuddfr. hot their feet seem
et. into which water strennw from tbe aplked to the deck. No ooe morea.
cucoanut unUl the bucket baa been though diiguat and horror gre mant
twelve Umm filled and emptied. Next feet on every face.
the juggtor aaka for a large earthen
A much Urger object hearea haneatb
dtob. poaiB Into It a galkm of watar. the c lolb-slowly. gracnfnlly. g Hindoo
entom It aloft to hto left haad-blq. girl rian to her feet, casta the red
right betog told agatnat bla Corehead. doth from ber ahoolden and amllea
Tba dish grows smaller by almost Impmptlhie d««rraa uif shrinkage until aghast as were tbe rovagiea to that
It completely dlaappaara. Then, after dread ship, the Mystery.”
a pause, a tiny brown speck la seen
Before aigrbody la able to stir Mia
In the juggler'a hand. It grows larger juggler daps bla bands, bis creatures
nod larger until the dish U visible aa \nulsb. be rolls upT»la colas to the rad
at Brat, Blled to the briia with water, doth, tm It around bis neck, leaps
which the juggler pours out and wtoch over the rail Into the stream and
nma down Into tbe dpek guttecs.
swims away.
A little aloof from gbe eager circle of
There con be no doubt as To these
spactatocB alts a young American wo
man. ber baby swinging In a ham- mystic i»erfonnanrcs lietog Illnslons.
toock. ber B%v-yeaiH)|d daughter on a for any attempt to photograph them rasults
In an empty plate.
doablonatberfeet ^ juggler irtanda
Hindoo jugglers simply have the pow
perfectly atlll. bis eyia fixed absently
upon the group, apparently •coocentrat- er to make not only one peiuon. but an
tag his foeree upon some fTPsh wonder.
Iha American ahrioks backward witli mml hear things which do not exist
orement of repulsion, which tbe To attribute this power 1
juggler crldcnUj nottcca. for be iuma does not detract from the i
most admit that the
hla gaaa upan an English miss of flftbe mystery U tba
Is to tbe Hindoo
n the power of
thought reaulUng from their totense
lore- of aoliury medlUtlon, ooe of tbe
for. tbe girl ntoope ower and takes up
the Infant. Then tbe girl riees from
the deck, higher and higher, until nba
to lost to the ctouda.
The mother to belptom to cry imt or
la mova. Bhe to to |a sQrt of waking
As she atarea she per-
see. mimmm
ciag aerw
The fletlow came over tbe ahlp a rail
dripptoi^wet after a long swim from
shore. Tbe liner hasI just dropped anr of several thouchoc after
009 fotu the BdMuw-
m «Beoot IM B» Bm ffuam^; At
■tedmi n^tha bowe^qd^Psclg^
xysnri of 4ff» 1 waa a prims teas
«f thu numety. ^*bea I had been put
to bad 00 niy return boom with my
fbthar and toother fiua the opml
1 to aabt euro tbit tbty and toie ft^*3nd^hto^«?*^ the
tutt of the itomlly wctu talasto nod of red doth, paaaes M to the ai
thso I wouU^out from beooathtbe ftrlaaperilot
tterpane iad fancy myself a ffroto on the deck
atriea, bowtog boCore tbe ptobilta
hdffe nudlouou. 1 admit my audlud. dHm
Ui»« UmM
wna n littia upatbsMc. but, nfter
iDd th. •qan^.hD^ thni.t. hi. tai.
an. that li nto to be wooBeced at. for
tb^ wort only a toW of doUa which 1
bad ranged oa chain bofoto me.
^ oaeb toito. ||d* by Mda. Tbabmt
teat oo the bitoa tsnm was ftvoa te
al^ as |Mt that btto untu-tonda on
r kl, bM« trai ttoMMk t W*
Tbe simple mlndfd, patient dodto
Indian of Mexico to not to this dam at
all. He Is aminentiy pencil. BoonUful nature and perpetual summer comtone to palllato hla Improrktooce. Ha
cannot nee tho noeemlty of laying up
nuyMitogforamtoyday. It rains half
the days In Mexico anyhow, but that
only makes tbe mangoes grow larger
and cheaper. If be has no tortlliaa today some of his neighbor have, and
Special to The INonlng RcM^>rd.
beat and tbe poorest aenranls in the
world. Their greatest charm from this
standpoint Is Jtbeir itcrfect appm-tatlon
of their position. Always ponte. never
presuming, with hat in band. It It al
ways -your servant" and ^th your
permlmlon.*' In tbe hooaehold they
ask a hair holiday once a fortnight,
with never a word of c-omplnlnt when
working teuxs last from daylight to
8u different are these people from
the northern Indian that It seems ao
Injustice, as has bean aald. to call them
by that name to those who know cmly
tbe Indian of the cold country. The
Mexican Indian doea not want to fight.
All be aaka la to be let alone. Hit polltenem and affectlooote nature nre liiboru. His love for ebUdreuTa particutorly niaiked.
It la a common slgli^ to see a laborer
In the street with but two piecas of
white cotton dolhlng to his back or hla
name atop a woman with a baby to ber
anna and. bolding the chlld a face be
tween lK>tti hla bauds, deliver a rvaoonding smack and t hotk it nnder tbe
chin. And in the same unconscious
and entirely unaffected manner will a
young man Uke bis aombmo from bis
bead and reverently klm tbe baud of
aome aacleat reUtlve lu a tattered
dresa when he enconuters her in the
crowded tbonmghfare.-”Moami Mex
____________ __
rgan A i
the Ncr
New York IJfe InKumnrc Co., haaienwted a senaatloo In this
city. This picture* is from a snsp?^oi of Mr. I*erklns nnd J. Plerpont Mor
gan. Jr., who liocamc his !M^u<lsnlRn; a*; they wvhc leaving tin* court. Mr. Perkina Is on the loft.
InteroHta. While the nltumc*y genera!
win mil relax h!» vigilance in Ihiprosecution of piratical cori
neverthclesa he will «*x<tc
vigor In advancing the pro\isl«m» of
the purr focsl hill.
That he Is seriously In c*anies! is
rvldcnced hy the fact that this w«-ek
Mr. Bonaparte was elected one of ihh
vice presidents of the lUlilIc Hc^iMh
Defense league.
This organlr.rillod.
modeled on the lines of tj?e Red Cnjsk
society, ihas Just Ihhui granted a char
ter hy the state of N. s York. It i.s to
bo national In Udminirtration.
Tho attorney gemraiV name in Inot the only pronilneiu one nn nilomil
In cunni-cUoD with thl« oigaiii
movemout fur the protection of pub
lic. since men and organlxations of
nolo from all i*hT1k of the <-ouulry have
hastened to ally thi‘*mwlve.s with the
league. Three of the pmmin«*nt InWeighing aenrrely leaa. if not mora. coriKirators who it Is announced will
than MJO pounds. Khafter had a pro serve with tbe attorney g»*neral as
found aversion for fat men. cither ma vice prc-sldents are Cardlual (IHiIhmis
of Baltimore. Uiihi*r Burbank, the
•Thay’re no acenami for soldiering." plant aiwclallst. and Charles C.^ach.
he wonid bluster in hla • tremendous
liasso. “They i»ant. they wheexe, they prealdeDt of the Alaliama Polyti-chnie
snort, theyduke, they grunt, they jlnatltute. Other vice prcHldents to
of eight will Ik* sel
groan, they waddla.
they stouch the total
toii^l numlM-r
the more proin:through the woild. Not a parUede nf ecled Uicr. A
aocb tlca ro<iiM rafIng in the
giKd oa earth, fat aoldlers--would not nenl societies
have one of ’em around if I could »*«U» fj^mdstlon of the league an-Ih*-Ammi
cnlm»er/” a veuturps*nne major ones
askfd tshafter after one of these oolbutsts.
• Slight 7 No!” Shsftcr thundered In
rejdy. ”0-11 no! I^e
a fat,
Mebby ehl utilyim-e ever slnee the day
ttpiied lbe iH-ain at oter ’J«a» jmunds.
and right then 1 ougi.t to
vc been
ronn-msrttol and «ai.Ulered for outrageous and malldou. adli.odly. sir—
for M«^ud.ilou- n.nmlenee to the
prejmlR>»- of military dls<d|dinc."
an was praising for hto
I and Bowb hto
hitimss. a tin- Isaming and uprlghtnesa the tote
Judge M.-KusseU ’Thayer.
He onoted the moving pasaage from
Jtidge Thayer’B rill:
ful souls know that tbe ritooemi" 1
"Owing to tbe fact that almoat my
#«tlro Ilfs hse Been passed In tbe publie service of the I’ulted Rtatiw and of
Olympus. DOi striding over the journey the stole of Pennsylvania. 1 hare but
erect wtH, ftrung jam Utoba, hut a amall estate to leave to my dear
toUtof M M hto
hto chlldmi and wife.” ^
iMMRh ^ hto bran water bottle for , "Judge Thayer.” he
aU the weary way.
First aa a tew.
Shoa does the "chosen" accomplish
hto ffliiprtmage. oeuer Ucklag fted cr
had dealings with
Bshik or alesptng mat. for aR Bwelton
ela the toad know that be to ^ Balr- after
had served \
hiMi to
ihb'world Bcnlt case. I femonatratrd with him
atea^ with tha ffwto. At Jaat. eyre about the amallneM of hto fee..
htoefaot, feet Mtoterad, he waalwa In
" *WelL* he said, amltlng. and luaeUtb,
p«iy jMi bDw. I. m lag tbe flower In hia bnUonbole. M. you
know, am not that type of lawyer
rUent once said:
"It to written npoh hto focebead.’
--1 never was -roMrely miaed but
twice. Dhce when 1 teat a tee
uow more than we huu.ln d yc-aro
old. the Nationaf aaaociailon for the
Study and Preventirm td TuUrculo,h^.ther with many other*. .
as its n.vme Iniidiea. the
Health Dr
purpoe.’s im
P«hllo health and mcnwla from medi
cal frauds. lUegal practices, adnltera
tiona r»f drugs and similar offences
utar effm
r<»rt la to he 1
«if n
riinlt^l ethlr.s
The- n.t
> Ik slmwn.^hy tho tort that tin*
en;hlp P-e Ik to U« oilIV gsA dol
aliho:».;h much support
.expected from voluntary
volunlaij coulributlona..
By placlnRj the |e<* ao tow
the organlxers of the league e|
thomianda|irf memU-ra in all parta of
the countfy.
Ak »w*t fprth in the charter, the pur!«rs<. of tiic Public IBwltb Dofettse
Icnguc -wili h
medlca] pruclireK and coodWIcroB of
every Mnd that arc dangerous to the^
public hc:.m, and morals and to work
fer tho oniluhiomiiciit of the public «»q
all mailer*
thcKc subjects,
and i:onoi.iHv to fmthor them* objocli:
l.y watching h«tolatlon and through
various lines as they aliall teOOme ^
avBlahle. in addition to namtering
among its , Inc-oiiKuatots ropfwaUti\*« men f rimi all |uirts of this ooemtry.
tin- putdlcj Ib-alth la-fcnae league to
ab^ nevirtng backing from ludlvlduals in nuiay foreign anintlea. IncludIng Jaion.: China. Switzerland. Eng
land. Australia and the PhlllpptoeaL
The complete organizatlou of the
league will l»e »>egun without delay. •
Austen (I Pox. of New York, la proaldent «if the organlzalton.
axing noinmtm-e vmo.
In the wncieaf cathedral of Ctoote
vaae of Iriimenae value bn to*wn preerv*4Hl for hriO years. It to cut from a
ingle smcnild. Its primal diameter
■ 11*^ infdics, AXMl its height 514
It 1« kept ohder fwv(-ral tocka.
ibc kr.vB nir which are In
hands, and It la randy exh
pnblic. tiH-e only by an
of the
ItMl It Is aiispeodrd
Dd Ihe^.ck
no one to ,allowed to f«ich It hut
him. It to claimed that this vase to
one rtf the gifts which was made to
Solomon by tb#* Queen of Khelrt.
Tha only form of food made
from wheat that is all nntri>
meat is the soda cradeer, and
yel^Hhe only soda cracker of
whidi this is really trne Is
Uneeda Biscuit
aoda cnclnr
ran^ there wm
pud the mao wnru BiMto to
the l /iv cr
Miat the HlngooB have'aoqnlrad mental
facultlm of whlcb the yoonger western
dvihsatloBB are altogether ignorant
na a matter of experience.
Tbe Uindoo^hoa attained marvelous
be has derfdopsd
hU mental powtv* by psrslstsnt exarrise and persistent effort—sa with ua,
athletes dsvelop and perfect the mus
cles of tbe body.
Tbe Hindoo conjuror to no unllcensod
fhartetan. &e la a men with a ”rocaAon." It may be while be works to
the rice Bold tost tbe Hindoo boy
twm the mysterious oaH of Brahma
nndtelto his parsnta:
-Koiml aoe JIhkba." ("It to writton
W l.i\ X c\ t ivo
kaowledgmeot of hla oocnlt power.
Aa coins fall he deftly ncoren tb«i
and biten aacb one to test Its genulaenoaa. At last be pUm the oontrlbatleoa
Ubakm the cloth aad
again apreoda It on tbe floor.
Again the juggler s eyes fix themaelvea to caUleptJc trance. Again be
paces around the red square, muttering
A Wo ep^tor on Web street, faired
far hU sm-ress. Aarluc sad forenoe. U
a metolwr of rV fTsMorf cutertr that
, “He Hmx ft OwnmiQr
ni tbto time. Elmllnr large
paid by the eompnny to Marqeette.
ting tor toe purchnae of the If. EL Gate WL EARL C. TYLEJ2-Di«teL
to ya BeldfV Wo beiH each
afMseen afisr the rnsrlsf ilesea
A few WaWs age be weat to s dmnrr party Tbc lad.T be teok out with
his dUbt'i know morh pbJui Wall
street, so ebe fnojtlif to
the U|«rttor atone the i«ths of mature.
-fie yen Wbe Rebec?** dto asked by
way ef ito otieoer.
1. those cc
If yw Wilt I knfrea lif
bo tMfemBfc.
writes C. O. Floyd.A wsafirmas d Kenbaw. si C. -|
Sown in wfdgbt to/iss
Mtmtnmha. Hie tea,,,
IhMtn tit^WeOwle
WANTtO-B«4l boy
..^affiaDt both by day
and by night. Finally 1 hegaa taklag
Dr. Etnrs New Dlacmery. and oontSaned this ter nbout ala ntonthm. whea
my eimgh and lung trouble were en
tirely gone and I wns retoorrd to my
normal weight. 170 pouads.:! Thou■adds of perwons are benled erery
yrnr. Ouamafeed at Bagb^ Drug Co..
at l»«rk
Cnred of Lnng Trepbla
WMTiO--W,t«^ M load,
«r vam. i®rry aiHiTBa.
14 if
WANTtD-TiMMi Out kM» am to
000 oor IDIBAL dairy fiM. boot aad
thmprn fa tbo BBOrliot. T. C. MUl*
WAWTtD-Wboot, ryo, eori|, aaU.
bma. bay aa4 otray. T. C. MItllait
WANTED-Yoa tbat koop cblckoao
to iioo oor IDAkL mlxod eblekoa
fao«^ Maao boUor. T. C. MUllag
WANTED TO DUY.-Oood. blocky
^to. fm m to fcwr yoara old
any to Soil oom«,aad ooo mtJ Ht^
mao Hymaa. S40 Waabioftaa otroet
doe VHS
-JTm bS-JS:
Tk. Bta<* UUM * Uimw Oa
Jan. ext
WANTED TO SUV—Good, blocky
colta from- om to four yaa» old.
Tbsy miwt b# aomid. Jaa Ird
tsara Tor Indiana and Ohio and will
bs goa# two wsska trying to 1
•oms farmsra np
If you hare
any good colU to sell, writs me.
Bivlai poatorSos' addrcaan. what
' pwo bPTo to atll and fsaaoa for aslltag. Oa my iwtara wJU sitbsr eall
sa yoa or writs yon. Harman Hy
ama. I4S Wmblagtoa atraoL 12 ll if
SiS**Q2b *^eir*nj^
^ tI7 Uolca atraet. Cits, pboao
boost, eoraar
Boyd sad Ppoat; Urfo lot; aaw
born; aaay toraM; pries fUSt.
Amos E. Bingham
rood. Call
iaa 14-Cf
rON SALE—An kinds of horse,
row and ehickrn feed. T. C. Mlllinc
Ian 1141
FrioaHIOO. Wade Broa.. tl7 South
Ualoa atiaat. Cltlsena Phono ms.
Jnn. 44f.
FOR SALE-Large. eighf.ionm b
comer Franklin
atfeets: at<me basement; fnmaes
bent electric light, city wnlrt'.sewar
conneetlooA an In flrst^laas ooadt
Han. Q. F. Murray.^
|aa lO^lmo
fOn SALE-1471-11 acrta two mUea
Elate Baak balldlag; Saeat locatloa
Itor sohurban realdenca la thla reglon. Price fl.ooo. Wade Broa, tlT
Uotoo atraet OU, phona IIIS
etreet OU. phone lilt.
NE HAVE hardware stocks at Omwn.
Hotel aad Bar Fnmlture stock and
mllUon feet of best hardwood, hemlock aad pine In Michigan; llrery
also a few choice locatlona In MStinl portion gf Tfarerse City. W’e
hire gold nnd tHrer mines In the
grehtest mining district m tbe worid
Orld Field District Nerada
^'IbiTe gold aad tlhrer mines hi
Colorado In fncU
bm IHlibor i
ty for sale almoet anywbehf youl
trarerse *
for aate.
. either to
purchaser or as eecurity for loan.
e h wHt odged aecurtty* toiTyour money nnd we ah
» hare the money for gUt edged
Noaiaation fot
Chy Traasurar.
Succe*rdlbi»lDMili»i. Pev
eral yean Aldennan^ fr^m
Second wa-d.
ro« «At«-ir7»-Fto. »od*n« ko»«*
MIWI. JM4 DM Ot Ik* >Mt OO
tk* atikM. nto* aikM U .pot oMk.
tMM. V*4* Bro^ «1T
at*, pbok* lJl».
treet ^^TeSe^^ty.
Ifleh.. CIta phona 1212. Can ne up
acre term two
post trfSca Trarerse Qty;
: sU acres suitable
FOR SALE-14«-One hundred and
Mgty am term 12 mOen aouU of
dty; nerenty neren Imprmrod; new
bouse, bam. wtedmin; all fenced;
Price |4Md. Wade Broa. 817 Union
street Cita phone 1212.
. ..
tbU year. Tbe^ twe yearn ago did
m ■■S^S’lLMriTkl.OOK
not prwrlde for the nae uC the toab Mntem. wbeiw the demumd tor toei to
on brwtnl buabanda natll the second acute. Move tbmi 822 cmn are mwmR LCETER D. WtLO^AUomey at
tag trmmeportotom at Amm Arbor ter^ tow. Oollectlan work a specialty.
With Underwood 4 Umlor, Sutbermhtols aad toe IlM
Jan »4f
S Mottoerm ear terry la eempaBed to bnd block.
amke extra trips la erdw tc
OR. F. 4. liAC NETT—PvwBitoa llmlb
toe bealaeaa comlag ha way.
2i to RTR. SAX. NOSa THROAT * On Soor viOi
The signs at Berrtmi Springs
and PmTMQ OF OUSEBE. Office
221 WDbMm MpHl emtene pbnne
meat of opemtloas teriy Ibis spring
3. p. CARvsea BRa ?
The inntor girts of the university ea the big dam that U to be erfcted
to toe member ef tozty held a doU by toe Berrieb Springs Power Co. of FIANO TUNINte-W. K. IMtertL M
party 1a toe gyameelian FMdny might which CW Cbapta fa toe fiaaadal yeera experience. With Grtnncll
btod. The e<»|iany has reccatly ae- Bros., corner Front and Cass. 8ta.
qgired right of way tor a spur that WlU
be ram from toe Pere liarquelte rail _
road to the alte of the dam shore ^
brldge - MUe Barak Detrlek redted Pardee tolaad aad a track win be laid
The Oobltoa WUlOet Ton." nnd Mtaa so that auppnda can be
toe ground. The site selected ter the
Henrtetu Cbrr enag "Mniy Had. a
little above the tolaad and 2IARK
Uttle Laato." while ttoma Jordan
tralib.L pwoel. and trtmkA OCfiee
gave a eelaeciom from -Alice to just east of the Interu
at ORy Book Etofw.
loL boaae M tniabeC on
stiwet. Pflea IldOd. Wado Broa
fl7 South Unloe 8L, Otiaoaa Phooe
Jaa 441
pwcaa: wm Tie; ikaaii *5e.
Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
Tin Tiistinncf
€eo* Jl* 9ar9it
xei fvBBt strssi
Wednroday moralng. Jam. 2. at 4:20. T®*- the construction of the project
inripg this period of constnictton
was an btotorlc hcAir for the Diamond
v] Berrien Springs win be one of the
Orystnl fioH Co., of »t. CUIr. the i
^ Itrelleet i^nU to Berrien county. It
Into operation nt that time, the rest *
L E. L. BONNERWJtaIr driMtag 3mm«MewnMB»te t a. m. te n •
rtora, over City Bedk Etord. Room tele m f teiBvtegi Riimiin ^
AMtL F. NCRLINQBR. LAWYERMoney to loan, |12 EUtp Bank
bondiag. Ottoeaa phone C28. .
tnraed on toe eteam Into the aew part, j
The new part of toe plant opened up ' The Mchtgaii Central Railway Co.,
for work will he drroted to the man- ’ proposes making 8t. Joseph the gnsni- REAL EETATE AND LOANfi-Ormnd
Travertn Land nnd Loan Ob. F.
for fruit In
ufecture of dairy and Uble sell, nnd
Tbnrtan, Manager. Office, room I
will incronae the capdty of the plant j 1 Ichlgan. nnd th enter to make good
RamOUm A MlUlkea bteck.
by 400 barrels per day. Wh« the re-1 they are now erecting one of the largmalader of the ptant to placed te opIce houses that will be found to toe
eratlon the capacity will be atlll tor- eoulhera part of the state. During SARA T. CNAES, M. O-Olfiee wRb
Ion otrset, Cltt. ^boaa lilt.
Dr. a B. Cbaee. Etoto Bank block
ther incrwaaed.
1 the height of the peach
Both pboBsa. 22S-2r. RmMm 124
FON SALENot only to Norway to have n dxeese eml yenra pnai to has t
W. HtebtkEL atAfteneTtL
factory and creamery, but It to to have j «o get Ice from the Jocal dealera to
lAclortoa and Ipootortee; cootrmi
Pjn of ttb JtJaL Fries |1500.
mere were to attendance at the meet.- erery night. Just now the Central has
wad# Bros, fit uaioa St. Clu.
4 cents on each dbUnr of the lag called to consider the cbeeee-mak- * a force of carpenters at work eracttec
Ing propoeltloa. and thki portion of an Ice house 75x250 feet long the Mor«"
cc tb. u.t ------- tofealdtax.
the topital stock not aubacribed tor rtoon chapnel of tbe St. Joseph river,
“I”- » Ootor*lo. aot r pro^wet. Office to PDom 102 bUU Bank by them was taken hy local buatoem which they propose to fill with the
^ • Paylas mlas. on# la which ulldtof.
Now a contereace li to be held finest quality of river Ice aa soon as
retunu ar« ours, proflti Urfs; no Dated. Dec. 4.1208.
Jan. 20. to consider a proposal from they get cold enough weather. The OR. C. X MINOR-Otflce over Amori
-folcifleld faks- bat a subatantlal
can Drug Etore. 8po
Green Bay (Wls.l Intefeeta to erect Central also proposes to be able
City Treasurer.
Colorado InTssabsat Throw la dec 4 to feb-2t
to eye. oar. nose, aad throat 01
a canning oatobllshment In connection handle lOO cars of fruit out of Si
dfteea ddiara m get a bundrsd
flttnd. Bothphoaea. Raaldenc
with the cheese factory.’ In the mean- Joseph per day during the fruit seeabarea We are handling th^ for
iha beneSt of ibe amnll Inraetor.
If yon wlah to |Mke a good iUed
OR. W. E. MOON—Speclallst-Genllo.
‘ ot tab# Trareroe City
urinary, skin and blood diseaBCs; 15
rty or Traverae
years experience. Office City opera
te or call o4 na for
bouse block. Phones-New. 107
iRformatlof to roEard to inold 222. Residence. 710 WsshlngUm
FOR SALE-Msat market. Fraat
street Tools, stock, ditures. <
ery. good trsde. good location, easy
terms. Wads Bros.. gl7 South Union
Jan 14f
NoUe* totke T*zp*nn cl tk* Otr ot
Trarerac City
The tgi rolls for the eollecUon of
the stale and coungr taxes for the
year 1204 and for the
eebool and city tnxea an^ ■peclgl aaaeeamenU for said year | hare
placod in my bands for collection
I will bn In my office to focnlre anid
Utee from now until Feb. l 1207. on
ench week day from 2 od^ to 11:22
o'clock, to the forenoon
o'clock to 4 o'clock to the
Oa nil sute nnd coaBt]| tnzee paid
before Janttary 10. the r^nlar fee of
one per cent lor collecilon ▼!« be
oo.nll taxee paid on or
after January 10, theib wDl be
charged a fee of four per mt tor colPenalty on dellfqnent dty
aUTea and bending on a tone mle.
There Us Urge quaaUty of coal en
route fitss toe enatem coal field
II general ttews ||
la practically the la
as when it was naed by Its distinguish
ed owner, the sword of John Paul
Jones now rrots in the libiary of ihe
navy department at Washington.
Misa Victorio De Mahgny. who has
arrived In, New York. wUl lecture be
fore American univendties on Fr^cb
Uteralnre. She vfU be the first wo
man lecturer to appear at ygle.
Mayor Weaver of Philadelphia ha/
appointed Misa Margaret Forderer as
hto aecrvtarr. ton first woman to oc
cupy au^i a posllkte. Miae Forderer
was Mr. Weaver s ateapgrapher be^
ipre be became district nttoraey.
I. Al^ Eankey. eon of to# famoot
singing Teritaltot. to fpUowlag hto
faiher*8 footsteps aa a cooipooer and
some of Ala hymns are very popular
to New England revirai meetings, i.
Walue to the name ctf a worthy singIng evangelist who is helping the rerivallsts of all denominations down In
basfy jat Washlngtoj^ wtn^coounand
^m^lratlpn by her ylvacity. ^c^rm
and bl^ tDtelllgenc2. MriL .Bryce dis
likes poldlclty and has not oovMed dtotea ns boe of tbe **smarteet- eoI ef the aodeCy pa
by toei
pera*^ but ebe bns the oldtototeaed
haMt of maktog her goetea fool at
home and the faculty of drawing them
out by mcana of-her tact and roaaider‘"^^eodo're KrW. n healthy, pink.eeked. optimistic young man of Oorman birth Uvtog te New York etty, to
said to earn over 252JMM a year by
writing blood and Uipndor dramns.-He
I out three or tour of these playa
r year, gteantag^much of hto ma
tqrtal from iwosMteael apw^papeifi.
Mr. Wiemcr U a
of art and ma
Bk. No other diamigtot in the oooa
has to hto credlt>mh a kmg Mriag
inmoa nna. who Ima teat been aa
■tod mtatetor from Spain to tbie
atiy, vrill nrrtve to nboot four
ika. Be la an experieoced diplomat,
bavteg aenred aa tmdereecreUry of
state at Madrid, secretary of tbe tega-
..Telephone 1IM ringe.
T. W. TMIRLbV, Deirtlit
Romei aliio af ATgorlms. li w
the latter place that be so admirably
adjusted the affairs between I
and Mortxroo that he was promoted to
toe legation here. Senor Pina
bachelor, 47 years old.
The crown prince of Sweden.
regenL when a youth fell in love with
tbe daughter of a country t^rgymHe wanted to renounce his royw.
rights to order to marry the girl of hto
choice, but hto parents induced him
to give np any idea of an alliance. Tall,
alight, with a thoughtful, rather nar
row facu, and totelUgeot. aeni
eyes, tola doaoendant of a i
French provtoctol lawyer oh the one
Of a long line of qennsn
eorerelgna on the other K»ks ipore
like a civil eugliiM t^ a future
Senator AUtooa of Iowa met with
most fiattoring reception the other
iporning when, for toe first time thIA
seaaloh be appeg^ In hto peat. Dem
oermto and republlcana i^led frith each
other to eohgmtulating the dean ^of
tbe seagte on hto ifcovc^r. Tbe Iowa
etateaman wm mocih affected by the
warmth of hto ireeptJ^. Hto voice
trembled and he swallowed a Ion
hto throat several times. During
ator Alltoon's thirty-three years of cooip the seoste be has
ver missed Mbeing pre^t at ihe
aaeasloo unUl this ooe.
enlng of aaei
Mee.Ppesldenl Jtolrhpfks noprlj a1-
ttum A'Mari'e tewMry
pbonao 128.
cten and Bargeon. Removed to offieee to Munson block over Bai
4 Barra, attoene phone 228.
X HARNER—Xxpert ptono
MONEY TO LOAN—No tax clause
put to mortgaget. Houses for eala
Inquire of X' kcNamaim. Park
/fr.,,fricfs rfaaonabie, Often uUl
O.P. Carver 4. Dtp Both phones.
I. o.
raid-mud often
John R.( Santo
General Insaraace, ^
llfw WBbchB Blk.*
Farms for Sale
I have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 td
160 4crcfi.£or lalc. or if you
have any good property. I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any*
body else. I have farms
which are located from four
to 20 miles from Traveme
City, all gpod improved land*
If you have good level farms
I will boylheoL
420 ^MhinKton.''
dt phirie m
of P.. meet erery .Tbprsday crew
tag. N#v Menmni WbdL C X Wek
Icf. C. C.
ban on tbe third
Tneeday or seek Mtokt 7:22 p.
silif Overalls
We bare them in both
rbHe and Ntx- in good, gen
^rooB lix.-*, iiU at lowert
Abram Ec^ pr«eldept; Oayte
Oftewold, aeeretaiy; Nettle C, Gray,
One evening a rr4end niet bte ^ntfakked U be felt perfectly safe
out at am± as hour alone. 1># /Ice
P^eMdewt eamewhnt indl^ly' hs
4 X BU weeto en Moniiw creetag
•1 7:MT p. BL Oml C. 8mi«tey. W.
M.; XX White.Aetfetary.
^-niSoOw<1)8 at only
25 CIS.
iawouk nuvuNK errv. tucHiMH. tuomv. mmimiv « tar.
■ATKIBEIWUS lo*afi. fimitoG
MiituNilHH Utumiiw Ma^ Vp
: ; if Mm wti# rmr tM am
MmMpfe MV to hi fW iMMto «f
IM prMlir. Iwt tW stoiiif It to la
Wru to ItaM. It to smtlfjrto
to«fi| rnM a PM it iM Mm
tkii Mortoc Mow* a wntUfimp la
la IMif «^T2 Miw eam
C4< vaomr ryrtoa tortoa bM r*«l»
tPVi aM ttoMuM. vbllr la aMItJoa
vw »at oa
bookt. wl^ 2.443
Maaa. Tb^ itoil tor r<«totf«toi aa4
taktof oat ItoMaea amooatrd to |3t.•TJi iW itopartMt aprat $11^.
toartoc a liitoM of
fM fmr tW cMualailoo toMkai
froto a MOtofftai ataa4palBt..to the
brotoMatoMi var tM rommlmUm
liMtfHia tlia road ^naailoa. It ladit that
BMior eara are hamful it* the htabvajra, bttl tnatoad of coodmiiilBa thrai
for It. n»e laeiaWni or the board eooie
Mt haWr and dartorr that If the
htoi to Hem R» a mttek he- Jawaacae ibat tta aoatitaa of aaipfre!
i mm mAJm Tkoraaa. the aa, fomdayea blai by OMto aad that:
Mt ilkter.
UI Ft Bar Mem aad Toeopah ceptei as fiaal.^
M thto raaidi mml iumigtog
lamher oT tetograms rmcrived
A rr isiMSa
be pleety of rtralry shown
. The repoft aaxa:
'Perhapa the
feet opoa atcaie roada of the torae
namber of evirilr laorlBK motor care.
I’ractkallr all of the mala roade are
ibua afected. It has been noted that
the Mader to aaept fron the rqpd. the
Kii.l aloae~to4ach to iH lorti aUeto dhrtarhed la mmm taitaarea ataad
taa on the aarfaee aad to other caaee
toft la vtodiovs alMc the roadalde.
Tha aatobir oC Mar oara haa rapidlj
tocrtaaed dnrtof the year aad Ihia
. laoTMM wlU. in the optoloa of the
eomaeitaloa rodtlane ladHtottely. The
roaimtoaklh to aattoM that a mater
tol Htaage to the latthod of malntalaIna aloae roada Bhiat be made. UTille
,the old metbode have prored aatlefartorir la the paat. they fall under the
praaem ueajre. The motor ear appar
rally ha* come io aiay end It muet
he reckoned with. The commtoaloB
l»eltoTf« If the mads fall under the
changed traffic they mnat he ticated
to a different manner, even If the coat
nf malntatnaaca be torgely Incmaaed.
It must be borne to mind that this exceaalre wear of atone mad. by motor
care I. DPt confined to Maaaachuaeit.
Reports from the newapapera and
from the United Slate* office of pub
lic road, show that the same trouble
1. experienced to all parts of the Unit.
uHl Rtstes. The roada of Kagland.
France and other couatrle. of Europe
are alao ahowlag algna of deatructlon
hy the aaiae afienry.**
fa IMS there were 47 »2 mi^ addlilonal layouts of state maiT. bringing
the total to €70.27 mllea. Forty fift
miles of mad very finished, makini
CSS mllea of ftolahed state mad. Un
der the “small town- act tberommle
1^ has improved 1M.22 mllea of raa^
aloer IMfi.
Strong Team to Jamestown
-—- ‘
\of a coal miner
with a
meanoe-^ther Like Matters
aboui fir
fighter bad fmmd no opponcni. and
he cast about "the audience for a fit
New York. Jan. IS—^t 1
marl:. His eye. Hghted on Squlrrui:
inday that DIatrici
With a preroptory gesture he ordered
win go to Allsany to pre^e 1 squire,
Squire, to loe
the stage,
rfage. BUI
rejofned will)
pin reyoineu
the Percy-Grayj,
refusal. The-showman r.fu at.
gambling tow which aie deslgneil to
command with *-quall> 11mle
(Vlhge certsin sectlou* of tbt>
effect. Witoreupoa he lost bis t<-m
code relating to bookmaking and bet and dlreclctl a choice flood of hlUing*BAKER HAS RISEN FROM AN AMA ting on hone races. If the propo»ed gate at Squires.
ampBdmrata are adopted the dtotrtrt
“Ym. big stiff-** he woTiod up. hut
attoraqy beUeres it will not be so dtf- he got no further.
ilcqlt to prosecute violators of the
“Stop right there.- yeile.1 Squlies.
tinea Ha Oafaatad Frankie Nail the
leaping toward She stage.
Mr. Jerome s plan to to make U a
WIM Onaa Hava Pronovnead Him
He fumbled Awkwardly adjusting
a Count-.—FIgbt Jan.
10 accept bets on a borne the first pair of glove, be bad
race at race track*. In a poolroom or wonir but once the fighting I
at any other place. The efftn-t would menu were in position he luvwme
With the lightweights at rest for a l»e. It to darlarod. matertally to re
me. Inspired by rsge
time, the battle Iwiween the feather strict or entirely prohibit horse racing
hi* fists so cleverly
weights. Abe Atlell and Harry Bakar. to New York state.
that the visiting expert was groggv
Urn Angrtra. Cal.. Jan. 1*^ holds
Mr. Jerome will try to wipe out cer In the first round, and before the k-cboards. If Baker wins every ama taln sections of the Percy-Gray law. In ond had ended he was sleeping se.
in the fXMintry will he pulling off one bill be seeks to deliver a death reuely on the mat.
bouts in the back yard by day and blow to that section which says that
nurslag black e>es bv night. Fbrlthe oiity penalty for tsiokmaking at
t.nsk. h)ii SI
Baker has Jumped from amateur rank, the track shall be the
e turned to Bill Undsay.
by a civil
---------------------------- rr to a yeai .
«lH‘i bill be
Dan Creedon. Mike Dyau. Tim Mur
first'gO with a profeaaional was
phy. Tommy Flynn and Jim Fennacy
when he met Frankie Nell. Aug. 7.
Imokmaking ai^ihe
and not one of thfm %Uhm\ up to him
IMC. The odd. against Baker wero
*«> other place
lore than six round*.
heavy, as be was practically unknown.!
«f a feUmy. the
Peter Felix, a hulking negro of
while Nell was one i>f the beat lads iu i *x* not mewe than one year In the pen
iche* moTv than six feet, and nrallng
the wR-st, All Ibe aame Baker made 1 ItovHary or a fine of $300. or both,
le beam at upward of 200 pounds,
monkey of him and earntnl the de-j. Relatlug to these two bitto the
trtet nitorney has driiwu a bill to pnv isted seven nmntls with him .on
Thm followed his Aral fight wlj)i vide for the Income which agrlculiunil occasion, but injwo other meetings he
Attell. Ibe cfaampkm. Oct. 2d. Thejriae aocMtes throughout the Male receive snccumbed in the aecond. Bill Und
one. figured Baker had about aa much through the provIsioDH of the Percy. say. after 40 straight victoriea. meek
show aa a snowfiake In a hot house! Gray tow. instead of getting a certain ly went to the Itoards In the third
1. and Dan Creedon. who harl
But while they figured out the dope. peroentage of the receipt* of the rac
rated aroopg the best of them
he provide* that
Baker trained. And he did It Ju« ms ing naa
encountered the decisive Jolt when
earneaUy aa If he were being made a certaia fixed sum. not designau
session had progresKed juM
the bill aa drawn up. shall bo approwinner by the bettora.
The hout-waa a regnlar surpHae
party to Attell. Baker waa right
there from the first to the laat of the
2d roonda. and ihpugh ^
the derlsiofC. there were many who thonght
IgmlsTllle. Jan. U-In nn Interview he had the beat of It. The police had
hero yesterday Minrlp Hart pays his to qmet aome vtoo taatortid that Baker
respects to Tommy- Bum. as foltowB-. “I am Ignored by Burnt. It
doaan*i look as If be ever wU| m
»• to the ling. He 1s afraid. I am
dlspkwaed hafatiaa h« profeaaaa to he
Attell will he a favorite with the
champion. ton! 1 objact to the mnuncr
PUora again. eapMUUy In view of hto
In which he took the title from me.
abowing when be won over WaMh
ATI I ask to tor Bunu to mee*
a clean knockout, an asset that
and my propoahlan to one that
he was not supposed to have In‘very
koflTM cooaSMraiioo. I wilt box Hm
marked degree.
Mcordlng to am terma he name., raaktog only one roserrailon, l want an
honaat man to referee. If I do not stop
him In twenty round. Bums can have
Annapolia Team Will Meat the Beat to
aU the money.the Country.
Anaappito. Md. Jgg. l4.-.Mn
U H. Austin has arrangad tho
lor the Naval acniemy feneing
fortheoomlairaiOKm. AB of the final
konto will be heAd nt the ncnfiamy.'YV
NMnle la: Jam. fi, Fhttodetpkii
FeooMm* dtoh: Jaa. 11 Now Turk Turn
Vetnla: Mt. It. I|alroae Tara Varato
of N4W York: Itoh. tt, OolmMda nalravMty; m. tt, DMvanAty of Fn»
Matok tt
the Japanese on the ground that the
runner did not loiirh third haac.
“The umpire Imwever decided the
run was fair to accordance with the
latest American baseball rules. Thl*
the JapaneuK* players persisted to dlaallowing and finally, falling to ix-rsuade the umpire over to their view*
they took up the base* and broke up
Ke* Tort. Jaa. 15.-Cbarlf« Bor««« of tta Wroubeater Boat etob ha,
toted tta cdtiy of-lbe WMtebentrr dab to tba toteraatloDal t
race to BO bdd to Bactoad ant Aagaat for the cap r«»ntly ot___
abnad aad opee to tta coiapMtttoa ed
BostQn Ferns
Photii* lor priooB, Wb tWivor.
Arc Your Collccdoos Slow
Hm y»t ucMutt that
You Hare Given Up?
If yon have, let me collect
them for yon.
A. Pohoral, „
Atfenoy, over HmiIRm
Tr.Tem Oty. IMch, Bwpt 1*. ItM.
I biT, rlirad • aambCT « aeooaatt
with A. Pohorari a«tacr for eoUact.
km. oaar of tb«a ioag ootlavM; tat
Ju.t ib« uo» Mr. fobotal brooikt tta
deuogarau to UiM aad mmn latUtoMata.
Pr. B. L. Aihtoa, DwtUt.
the umpire ctc.ld
irTi""”— »~’~«*vewtaar«atr
Closing Om* Salo.
M„.. >
................ ,u.
MenTiBabbert include Chi...___ i bnckle Arctics. Lumber
;a. Leather T
om. Ston
_ _
Storm,, etc. Theee koo<1, are
all of the
U-atfluality-BMion. Ball Baud and Goodyear glore
Glovca and
Meo. Wpfk
One Ton
tv. 0. Foote
• Oatalsr Tradad Hr Fratsr.
Walter M. Paige
umpire declartnl the
game as having l>een won by the 8t.
John*, college team 'by a score of 9]
to 0 according i« American baseball' “IMfi Model K. Winion.** full learules governing such cases and that ***"
«'*»ra outer eaathi* scori would be duly recr»rded
*n first<la*i condition,
• At this the Japanese players and ’
appctaiors kicked up a rumpus and. Car.“ only used four months; to A-1
detaining the bicycle of the ump.rej condition.
on. 112
refused to let him defiart unless he j One “I90€ 1
reconsidered hi* decision snd altered I
prlated out of the stole trensur
agricultural purpoaea.
Mr. Jerome*, plan is to do away
with the speeoUilve Income from rac
lag aad have a fixed sum ^t apart by mini Will LOM Only Veteran on the
the state to cover approximate]]
Van Hook May Load.
amouat now received by the vartous
counilea tht^ugh raring.
Urhaaa. IIU Jan. 15 —As a rosnh of
the conference action the Unlveralty
Thay Lik*
of tninoi* must Meet a ^w football
Ann Arbor. Mich.. Jan. 12.—ThU
cajnala to Knmed W. R Bammwb*
the firat year that baaketball has to-en Of Bderarderme «bo eaaaot
enconraiEed here, but, as Yale and Colitmbto coattene to aend teMua tbitmsh
the wfot each araaon it may be that choice
rbedee win
Will fall on a player with but |
MSehlgaa ena develop aomethtog
oito yrar a experirace. Van Hook,
the lime of aa aaguawm with the em
big guard, who was <
eraera. The baakethall players are
rn caliber by many eritle* Is the
likely man. although Gardiner
hiso may be eooMdered.
OatMder OoMkT of tta Ckhmao
StWaal, (oto to ChMdaoatl to «im ter Pltetar naaar. tor «taa>
Ctafito Mtopta pnaMsM of ttaCaba.
taa ta<8 dbtoAag far ooM itoM. Tta
deal no praetkally aad, annal
tMriia aca. bat «a« sot ctoaed
Gsracr ol Csss tmA
«B» errulng from a
th-beu a r hla ladg«iiga he vaa
“WUl Kelly ftght Joe Tbomaa at 1S4 hnli«4 hr tw
poMd» at the rtogalder Moat dedd- htm up- m
wdlv Kelly
KolH- win not. aceordiag to Man-1
M.n. ! itoe of the
Che men
leaded tl^
ager Ferrettl. Thl. to the poini
7 - -which the men apllt If tbere I. to
a apllL BOly Boche of the Odma dub j
Of Ban Franeiaco waato the match for
the latter part of the ipootk. Manager ^
Riley of Tooopuh wmif, it for March
“It waan*t a graat uSral.- he aaH
20 a. a part of the big ftotic carnival
-but It wmi morw ihm, 1 Ukc to tosu.
1 think U . an outrage to tmi a
• If Thomaa to after the middle and
boy tbac way.**
weight titie let him allow hla oppo-^•hy dldu l you tell me oC Uils aooa<
OMta to go to at the prmeat middle err asked the pnwklent.
weight limit •• Ferret 11 Mid Sunday
night. *I will make the match at 134
da at C ocUick or 137 .tripped or
13S la fighting tog* at the ringside.
I'niler no other.circumstance, will we
conisider It. Kelly Is a gTKd fightet
whip all of these fHlow*. but If ho
T* suppose.- aald the wauhmaker.
to beuten It will not be beoatue I ask “you do uot know that watchra. like
him to make a low weight that will human being*, .ometime. dou l -gu* for
tbe very gmM reason rhat they arw
Hken him.
The fact that the athletic dub at llrtHl. Suuieilmes « wst.-h is bronght
to Uie which Is nU right, .\othlu0iboiis
Rhynllto, .Vcv, haa turned down the *t U 0*11 of order, and It 1* fairly clean.
Kelly.Ryan match iqgy possibly mean When It .l«ecouM-« sulky ond refuses to
the alsanromuent of Ibe bout.**
go ext-epl hy tiiM and starts the l»e»t
Ihlu;; to do is to D> It n-ii.lc and give It
a ivM. 'Hie ti.t* Iniuism la a tire-'*
JAP UMPIRE HAD TROUBLE. • natch seettis to !«• U) ii.-rft«ct < ns.liJtou.
hm it %»oa*t wi»rk The fa«* h that
Over in Japan they hsve taken to l .ug aud faithful s^ni.s- has thrown
;t Mijfhlly ,
of adjustuic t lu |NTha|Hi
iselMill extiwively. The Jain, have
ten diflen
rc roplug nml
alteadr learned how to go after the tle-inlug auil tvsiljnvtiug a fine wsirh
umpire when hU d<elslon* arc not is the w«r>»i thing Ihal ouild be done
to IL A looutir.. ri-M mil instead cause
IMow is no luteresiing account of a the works slowly to readjust themtee played recently la Japan. It Is selves, aud at the eud of that time
reprinted from the Nan Fang Pao. one aficr »-arvful olliug the watch will go
as cheerfully as^ver."-Washington ,
of the leading Japknese papers:
The liaseball game l»et»tM»n the
The Right Name.'
ims of the SI Johns college and ihe
Mr August Shcip.*. the pofuilar over
Tungwen Kuan (Japanese! which took
place laM Saturday afternoon on the seer of the poor, at Fort Madison, la
d near the Klangnan arse- sa>-s: -Dr. King s New Ufe Pills are
nal. furnetl out to he a most dtoagrec- rightly nametl. they act more agree
ahly. do nx.r.* g.KHi and make ou(
able affair.
*il appears that during the first In- better than any other laxative. * i
ng. while the St. John s ctillege boys ftn(«*etl to.run* hlllousnc** and o
a ere batting one of them came in on ration. 2:>c at Bugl>«- Dnig
hit. but Ibis nin was dlKallowcd hr Frank H. Meads: Hannah drug stc
. Ht«.: I(toctmoL
to ocMpme aa M *a A t«a a. the
MIerement. with the ahoi aad hamtoe of a aur aggrasaltoa aamaa likely, n^,.
to he faiytod to the totter^ MMy^ hi aihtotie dr^ Javl^tioat to tr^ of the prtre rtog—la both reaprcti
to Bfll Squler.-^ a viaHor ti
he dm^Ma the laaka of thoMvho
-----------aad a wiUiag atoger of Bauirea*
awde «Hh a goad toinvlBg at the A. i^nadaca. who jioa the lOA-ynrd daah pralaea. light la gMoRwa la hi. apA, r. chaaiploaahtp gamea at the Loirt^e Levto aM Clark eapoaitkm in-----of the atar hearywrtghl of
to aad emit eapnehlo. to Ptottoad. 4a
the aaclpodea. aad he declare.
O^.. to IM. aim to that ereat the .rrtoM. who
tmt place to the Btiulree haa J1 to hUrf to take up to
athletea of thto pert of the foontnr ghh-ynm nm ip the ..memeet to2 mJa- behalf of Anatrmlto the mantle whleh
ftod IheoMrea taard to the ui- «« - 54 *,cMda* Sam M.%^ ai
Bob FftzatoliDOaa laid down. The
If they trl^ to eerure the title
ore.. the wtoner of the tvo^mlle bulky mtoer. aceordiag to Blight.
for thU coael.
^ j,
minute. 2 1-S Meond>: M. A.
for iegertoa. and haa a r»l
e man whoi. .are to ue a mcm- Jame. and W. A. Baker.'of Portland, llaaoua punch that ought to uphold the
ber of the GdUtorato team i> Albert the ahoc-putier jind hammer Ihrover; fair name of AuatrmUa,
cording to Blight, who hold, the
Moan, who to ooaaidcted the bet all A. Johnwia. of Portland, who ha«
rur middleweight title < to
i High achohl athlece to the wet. thrown a dlacn« pn feet p inebe; Fred
land. Bciulrrw has not merely
who wUl probably wer jlie to- Burgee, of San Fr.nrlw.1. a 440^yard
tooch. lMi< two. One hand U a.
. of the OIrmple club, of Ban er. and A. A. Ggmer. a California
a. the other, and Squire, mil
Pnioetoco. Hunn l. psrtlrulaHy alroog mUer. Birorf. will alM lie made to noto the high lump, to which he haa a cure Sprtnter Krtley. who hold, the them up with deadly vematllity. When
mark of 2 feet h Inrhea, and la the world*, record of 9 2-3 amod. for the in battle formation be crtMtcbe* hiw.
pole vault, to which he haa eraaaed hundred. If he jotoa the coaiu Kquad boxing close in.
Firm Fight Impromptu. .
the bar over 11 feet from mother the tram win be one of the Mnmge.1
While hi. devotlou to the aquared
earth. He to alM a good mller aad the wealera aggregation, that ev« r comcircle during the but haU decade ha.
I. confident of hia abllHy toetaad peted to a big meet.
given him opportunity to acquire 1
than a .mattering of the aclen
of the art. the maiden
kinire* was entirely iin
ed. and the km»rk«rn which
iMi to track team tor thla year
—Capi. QarreAR. the greatest all.* DISTRICT A*ITORNEY WILL TRY j
round athletic In the country: Joe
Curtto. weight man; Ramey, cham
pion half mller: Btewart. dash man
and high hurdler.
Football for next fall—Capt; Ma
goffin. Quuid Graham. Knd Ham
mond and Tackle Fatrick.
Baseball for this year—Pitcher
Wendell and FleWer Carroibers.
Boughey Building
bHorw either aecurc. the match. Just ]
now there to a quemlou of weight that ^
Ih-Word high to the
If he Ml
haa mmm that the PhcMc eaaai to-' the hatdltog of iohaay Garreto. of
tMdatoMteraiinmgtMBla thean i Mkhlgaa aad the vHght throwteg of
nmad wartd a ttoamiMaahlp athtotic ^ Martin hherldaa. of the IrlatoAa
toec« whkh to^ht held at the iaaiea. A. C.
L0.T .TM.
wM. to to dtotoad ifobi aoW -TtHBy the umpAra m allowfi to|
vtot-HtotoOMarrtottarr. depart with hto bOorcto withoot farther j
It CHIME IK ROUS P«dficG>a«tWilScn<ia
ISC^Ml to
lamb chops for
Coke ia the ideal (naL
No dual; no ainoke; weey
moa paiMaOW.
Our oaie and entiinfr up of
We hare reduced the pru» fc, '
$£00 C
Traverse CMy
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