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The Evening Record, March 23, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
. ..
IT totei to iO tto
mh, Mil IM 8M Ml
luew M u« iMir kM «f
0» MmH^. Mutk
A debate waa slt<« at the Central
Uf%. thmm midi^i
OM to srade papUa cd toe Roardmna nvwnne
Tr«««rM OUr M MMMt of to* AkJMM «l Mr IMtor. Mr*. Uitto
—. —____
be twrtoer raetrtetod In Amcuica.**
iu m'mU to mttM m
r* •***“ ‘!T
The debater* on the eftnaatlve aide
tonUan oT aakiaf that bars toelr fu were Hrlbcrt Brown. Bertha MUler.
TM HMor toMck *r to* M A N E
ItoMla* toartowalte and Rumtey Bny
r«ll«»)' feporto * »M <Mrk )«*t out
Tbe ffcMMir Rnactos ctob wtU gir0 der or toe Boerdaian acbool and
of toe mlto nm*.
toe tolrd oi ibelr aertaa of daaoea on
^TM republlee* ceucao w** held la Friday rrenlas. April 1. LMStoaH Vivlaa Onrdaer ^TU Voiruba. Mabel
Laatner and Ralph Vtecotchll of the
cnap. II N. A. wUl aenre Ice erm Oeatral.
and cake duriag toe cvenlos •
The prlnrliM.1 potnia In the arpu
Oeorse Webetor a aailltas
% U maekwdfl. .Mervbor
nance la aern on tbe aireeta OOM
Lm Stocejr. derk.
mow. Oeorse 1. bnXelmg on toe
»>mak Coaklto. tnmmnr.
Honor bmacb of the M. « K. B.
fiom toe aouthere and eaatem pacta
J. C. Vaa Blertcwa, moIw
Attnatkin. M. W. A.-AaeanaMt
eC rertov.
No 123 ta due and If bat pall on or aa toeee of prevkuia yearn ahon they
W. R. Covey, srbool luRpectnr
befoie March 31 you will ataad tua^
pcaded. March 31 doc« aot wieaa from
April 1 to April lu M. C Van Eteri
Tbeae htal made the sood. loyal
com. clerk, cnaip «tin.
Americaaa who aided In tarrylns fur
ward toe pitmiHMity aad enUl|*ri^4
ahkh made An»eii.a flf^iiionp the
iiatlooa of lb4 «urld
TM Montok CMCM %UI be beW
Monday. Mmnh 15
Krmak Klai for Wlni drunk and
received a bouquet at
twenty daya la toe coualy jail at
Juallce cl Pence Cuvry
dara be will baye pence and quietude
all ln.lu>lrUl
lelUpent and akllled work
than the illltcraie and
Tbla ebanse whichI haa taken plaeo
ralai*d the
in the cteaa of
per cent of Uilterarr fn»m about 3
per cent la former yeara to 25 ik t rent
dttrtas toe laal f« w yeara.
■ CMher ansuiueniM were.
aayluiita and aliiia h<Miaea were Urst'ly
flIJed with theae undealrable fmelsneni
and that many of the murdera and
other Crimea wete ccmimitied hy ihla
^imnbic all Uk* dellcacina ol the
aame claaa and that e«mld the edueai
aeai^^a brulHas ckIckeM. Jlprtas tonal, phyaleal and inoial teat la> iimir
tejab, ve^raal pork and boel of the Iborouchly Slven when they laJid lai
iM»r ahoiea. IhcM- evH> would Iw dl
very Uwt sradc. ‘ We alwaya keep oui
JototopH Sltodtor Jk Mon
nrte<laM Baldwra. radicr«:«iK Smum* Mafecn
«f Mfwa fMca Ttaa tw
Me ft t«iMh» taiMMto for • fM
The rrcwnt warn day* have put toe
ke in the bay to the had
Aloas Ok
whore there te opea water in ptecea
and whnt lor toem *te te vary fotlea.
A well knpva aatoority auufw that
toerw arc iwvw cnaea of kidney trouble bat badly honrycnimbed
here new
ever befoie. while n- river U natlas a Ms hole la toe Ire
more or leae than eaceaalve uric acid
flahwrmcw who had placed tbMr coop#
la tine with the current and left toem
Ihtwe Uio hms li»r neTeral of them
have broLi-a throush and all toat can
Ur •««« of them te the top floatins In
toe water There »re alao n namber
teavtns It to deoompoae nnd welUe of ict-htmte left 4« toe
mad tbe
about toe iolnts and muarlea. caualas owneia may have aome hard wotk
lutenee anPerlns; fiwqnenUy reaultlns
toJwlMinitr^oflew mnchlas toe Imart wavins them.
Ur *kldiS
I U wMoh an i
of Ttial mirsy aad aipiata vlu wtaaea ape move quickly toaa mea. They
explain to a terse exinat toa aerrona
proauatloa and fhtlsoe of which wornea ao odea comptete.
HI rroBtSt
Palaa acroaa
toe bark.
Railway Safety 'tnvfete
on th- B-n.-al Naffpur raUwaj. la la
dU. a uun.l.er of .wrrtasvw hive heerv
Stttxl with an rvpcHmrata! device fbr
ateq^ptoff the train
A paaaenner in
dancer can by tearini: the paper ewr-
other aymptoma of weak bladder arv
not the only alsas of kidney tivnble:
manv caaes of atomeeh dteeaae, head
ache, pain la toe bean, laertlve liver,
etc., are but aymptoma: the cwuae of
which can be traw-d to feebk*. clocited whkh whlln pri«e,l applleetbe brakna.
The pbyalciana fur the tnviiranre
eonipaalea alwaya cerelullv examine
aad repurt on the condition of toe
urine. Ii la a certain alfw of alckbca*
or health of the human body
A teat of the Urtne abould be made
by every maa and woman at Iraat
once each y«ear
A aintple teat la to
V4dd a amall quanUty of urme in «
iKdtto or Elaaa and ltd ft aland over
nlahl: ni-a. morulua. if th4 re l.s a nal
diHh brirk-du.l aedlmeni. or while.
fl4tvy aubaUuee pre*cHil, either (>>u
di W4.me reputable phy.lcUn <.r tako
a jrtaal verrtahle tuwtmeot
The ftd
lowinjc preac/tpthio te ti'cimniendtsl
hijshly in thiwe caaea. and If d4-aiiwtde
the auffeier can luU it at huuH\ Any
Kood preacrlpttoa pharmacy haa iho
iisr4ali4nia. which aie baj*ui»eaa and
Inexpi'nalve «<^•nl|HMlnd Kara«in. 4»ne
ounce; nuld Kxira<i Iteadclhm. oi.
half «ima- IVimiamud Svrup Kaiwap.1
Shake W4>11 and
o.-a-a after each
uiu< In le^v|Ni.w
When- any 4d
pUMiia 4 nuiuera».al. al-»ve angtjud reaulla ait» auie to ltd
.wliaiely the ua<- 4d Ihla aimplo
• ef tha Sacred Fw
iMaiicmcNTa.0F othrr faints.
Opera House
A Real Goaiaitcc
If the Lyman H.' Howe
.Moving Picture exhibition ia
not all that is claimed tor it. il
any patron does not And it to
be the roost elaborate and
satisfactoty entertainment oi
the kind he has ever seen, the
price of admission will be
'cheerfully refunded.
1 publicly make this guar
anty because 1 know that
the show will be a rare treat.
Mr. Felton writes me that a
pac:ked house at Bentcn Har
bor• was delighted with it.
The story of a wroman’t hoarl
wiU bq Uikl by **A Woman of Myttotrem, MU. OourteDiy MoiguL
in therole of-Aye.ha"
That the
increasing popular
tion of this city means an in
crease of Real Estate Values,
also increased complication of
Records, calling for a need on
your part of a CLEAR Ab
stract of Title to your prop
My facilities insure Accurate. Ettlcient sei^ice to all
orrow or
who buy. sell, borrow
o loan
money on Real Estate.
THE neatest little folding Go Carts sett from$l .Vito
"^ 00. The reed bick and seat from $11.00 to $-*7.00..
The big line are priced from $11.00 to $20.75. The
belter grades all have the automobile tires and remov
able wheels. You should sec the full buggy style—aa
fine as ^ere is on the market. fViced at $21.50.
$23 50 and $27.00.
The Knox Hat
Has been acknowledged for years to be
NO TROUBLE to show these goods and we want
you to sec them before placing pour order. (Furniiurc Division, second floor. ^
The King of Hats
iiA» ncnim for soc.
krkcR Wrniiiiv 4»l the Best AatlMira
ftt to looaln tbv* awnmi of kU Uln.1 and M novel on toe iteelUr
l oTv!vte**Afrlra. a regloo Sited wllk aan-eatlac wUA *i
M. telal fevaia, iraoUea*
ioUea* Janstei
Jnnsles aad
asd a mote id
and uuiMMUl Bitolltei firl. "Carirr.” toe rod-headed i
lurer. |ila>a a mute tmporUat part tonmfkuul Uite ni4jfct facii
AH the newest spring styles are here.. We never had
such a display, and il is attracting universal
attention. No matter if you arc tall or
short, have a full face or thin, wc
can til you perfei ily.
Absirsols of TiUe
210 State Bank Building.
In greatest profusion. All the newest novchics, many
only shown here Be sur^ and bring the children to
see these wonderful goods.
All these novelties are boxes that can be filled
with candy.
Easter Rabbits, Easier Chickens. Easier Eggs,
Easier Birds, all manner of curious creatures. Priced
-from lOcio50c.
A fine line of newly imported dainty Easier Book
lets and Easter Cards. Priced from 2c to 25c.
All kinds oi new ideas in Easter Postal Cards2 for 5c.
(Book Division, first floor,)
Money Made In jPoultry
We cerry a full Hue of the celebrated
Kteera and Poultry Bopplle*. What we don't have weB «can gel for
i In the ehotieet poeeible time and can save
vy. You can
•ec your good* before you make yoor purehaae.
The Rtllabit 100 Egg Incwbteer. one of toe heat after twenty five
Mcn’g nobby spriug attire is just complete if you wear a ‘ Knox.’* . Wc offer
you the greatest stock to select from, and the price, as you know, is FTVE
DOLLARS. There’s rt^n for it—they are fully worth it.
NA/m Arm
one of toe aeeleet and bekt c
can be taken i
(Clothing Division, first floor.second section from west entrance.)
old ahb young
•pleadid detocllve •loclee and tote aenmanea Ihtm all. toa ftoeat
^ myteery »iorj of Ita lorl ever wrlueo. •
v'leboli jn Briltak
V '^KBEANOV.*' Oartreda Atoertoe. Dr. Itoberuai NIeboli
^’vwkly aaye tba eUoat womaa writer ef SeUoe do
of akeor power toere ta RO womaa aovalete wko < [oUl^^aar'hJ!^-
De Meridor*s Gfeaseless Gold Cream
Reltebte Llee KMIlng IMahlee-U iloea toe work ta an bourjhal oiherwibe wouM take a ttel day. It ta tbe greateet InrenUoli for poultrymen ever made.
'DAN1BL BWMfTUkHD.*- Bdaa FMlpoU>t. who aUads In toe fro
rank of too great Bagltah aoveltapL No one hat vet aurpaaaod him
Tabw of Devooabtre. where tha aceeea of tola, hit teteat work, a
Aa ideal cream for chapped hands, ezcellent for the
complexion, a fine skin food and'message cream,
Galvanligd Irpn DHnktag FoMUln~U will not fiweao. cannot bo
Upped over and ia immt eeally cleaaed.
ReUa^Mam^Com EheltarwShelta any ktad of corn and ta a great
tota aeweaL moat hfOllML amre aUrtlteg
yonr poultry ta and amall siork out Vou
; ^
teklorSampteBox. ;
0. C MOFFATT v l
Hie Hannah & Lay MercantOe Company
Go Carts Are Here
THE greal«t stock that wc ver ecarried—Go Carts
that for construction, style and price cannot be
equalled • Many entirely new patented ideas.
to the dtyihoiiU WE ALSO CARRY A COMFLE^ :
boat over prenented here.
Mhiuger Grand OppraHouM
Pricet: ISCo SSC. SMc. Seal
sak> opens Tncnday. March HI
The Judsea w« iv Mia tamer While, print *• In a flat, cocky Im^-ln at the
he Rev A J. C'anh.v of the lU^lplea foot of tol l irMuintaln In atone aa hard
nud tlama that kquw sued meat know
anfdiie cninlie there te the perfect Imhurch and SuiHrlniendem Clthert
pitot of a gisantle human fi«d. H\e anti
At thiv aeaaon of the year wo
oue-balf feet Ions by two and om-half
ittealloo to uur Ham and
feet wide. The (Vyb.ne!*** Itrahmana
and voted la their favor two I
hare a le«end to tU effen that the Im
print waa made by Adam, tmr Smt
ent, but tU Buddbtete declare that It
I havw been made by do one but
meat, at the tcH* notch of oacclh-m-c.
CM Mgy.
Dr^^l RNtiNd
Kgt/%L vPowbcR
TW M to Somm mmj BMi
tta^BM^nrtac tkBat:
amTTj. Tayliir.
Tiaaaafwr. A. j. Ornmade..
JMcaaf tW peace. PTaak RHck.
tone «r lariew. WaHer Feiger.
dfmM yaa taha miythhii
I haat if ymi kaaw Hf '
. Ii
wefl Made.
WIMaa Irdaad ^ Bamm HMk
Mad. boU o( ikis couaty w«ee «»|t<d
M marrMBB y«Harday by JuaUce
be kaoira as Market No. 2. |uid enil be
ooe oC the best markets la the ctty. It
wlU he la charge of FVaak \V. Sleder.
the oMeat aoa of Joseph 8l«lcr. the
head of the hrm. who for aeveraJ
sears ha. been a^oclati'd with hU
father in lhn£a.t Bhfhlh street store.
ireJtno^ ihai
arc such iMf
rtstsf hujinc^
ytm ‘ast rea^iy io buy or
UAi, you are just a: wel
come. . ire skaif enjoY
y<m ihi
/klM£S MS mu(k
Witt seem
auc thertf.
irmc isyittrs.
M. jmi
and n«0
McGcc Patent Band
Oeoi^e L. Kisher erf El Paao. TnaK.
one of the best kmiwn mining expl^rts
la the eounuy. ha. Just comidelcd an
ekaminatlon of the p«T>peitk'. of tht'
Grand Traverse and Aritona Mining
txitnpany near Cave Creek, Artxoaa.
auJ the ortcers of thi oomiuny liaw
rweelvod notice that hi. rv|»ot will
be not only far»»rahlc but hu will n*r
omueod that two n»ore mine. |ie
«vcned by the rurnimuy im ilieir piop
crt^-. It M expt'cii'd that emmgh «»n*
Marry Wttters Left for That City To- from iheTTCNeiit mine can Ik* w.ld to
l*av the ex|K*UM«,s of th»>
day and When He Comes Back
Then' will Ik* a mecliug of ^he mem
He Won’t Be Alone.
iH-rs frf the (1 T 4 A .'ndlcatc in
lluirv WitU iM one «if thi- « ui|du>«<s rre.ldenl Smuithsalte's offlee at 1
of llm Jkhuyler MMufartiii lug earn
Has been improved and is the most practical of
any on the market. Skirts made of Moreen.
Hcaihcrbone,. Ncarsilk. etc. at
». U.50, t3. S3.50
We offer far y>or htspedhn during these opennig d&ys on^
of the best seeded^6cks of Dry Goods and Udits'
Wearina e^pperet ever assembled in this city
CDlFull.at = ;
age Market No :
4«»seph meder 4 tbars establUhM
the Klghth strtet inat^ t sereral years
aau and have built up\ reiy Urge bu.
Thl. iN om- U the find and
must iHmiplHf and uptrMlate markets
in the elty and It Is thuir purpose u.
make Market Nu. 2 enuaUy suoresafal
Do Not Forget Our Opening
; M<Mi^y and Ttiesday
bruwMM PSA extoiaWely mm4 hetr
purt^metA Xhe mft market of joha
Urtaa <m RmpOUph street. Tkey wtU
take »oa«MBlPB of ibe
day mocBlac: tke Im vtU hare the
pUee tied «
carri only
, Satliic or
who recently tnovod hen* fmin
riilcago with that contx-m. sill leave
toulKht for Oilcago. where be sill
tnariied to Mis. Tens Tatge. Mr
•IS srill retuni with hi. bride the
Hill I of next stx'k and they will
UiiH elty their fienaaiieut home.
Mi.. Tiitge U |m»mlncnt in Chirano
social dirles and she ha. M vetsI
brothers who are vniRmked Iti news^
l»a|Hr work in that citri Mr. Witters
I. ime of the seven eihploye. brtmgtit
hen* by the Schuyler Manufa<‘tun«K
romiwiiy and one of the exinri opci
atoib uf that in
BIG GR0m|m Torn
Both the Moving Picture Shows
Swamped by the fluah of Businei
Last Evening.
could H^i^eiiM-unv h.indle
hanillc tmlil l.uig
after ^0 o
the n-;;iil.r cUmiiig
Seventh and Eighth Grades Elmwood
Drama Presente'd.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Thl- Hannah 4IX Mi-rcaiiHle e
pany opening brought a great cn
of iKxipU* d«.wn town last evt-ulug
a. a result. Inilh tho Tisverse City
Moving Pictuie romimuy and the Ti<v
Manager Write had a new bill n-ady
f«»r the piv>|>ie iast c-vi-nlug and
Grand Traverse County Humane 8o^ Itarked them in so clowly that
of thorn* in front were projtvied
ciety Will Haikellaimna and Cloct
on the hcrtK-n iuii miiii the Icdiby was
Offtcora Tuesday.
full of iHxiple asuliing their tiiru.
lush cuntiuu«-d uiiiU closing time.
The Thealonim w.h Japiined al
U- hHd Tuesday evening at 7;30 in the times also. The bill changtM ihdrw
City llUraiV building There will U* a Thursday. Tuesdays and Thursdays
luxigraiu given, which will Ik* pub being the day. for changw Bus
wa« so good at all times that the
lished Monday, and the offleers
make their report, for their work
Ing the year. All members of ih
clely are urged to l>e present as
a. all w ho are InieresUxl In or f
Hj-mpalhy for humane work.
The following progiwm
was ten
dcnxl St the EluiwiKKl avenue .ch.sd
yesterday aftenuam. the eighth uud
seventh grades participating:
Bong, Eighth giade.
Debate. * Resolvr-d. Tliat Grant Was
a iMrfter gniieral than Ikx-:" affliuatlve,
John Kluxak.
l.oa Slaiilev. Garnet
Pleix-e: iH-gatIve. Ilo«- Neim-e. Nettle
Hartley. Charlie Filch.
Ki*cli«tUin. ”C«Jumbu*i.~ Itia Hogan.
Bong. Sevenlh grade.
Re<Halloii. -Old Glon."
Drama. -WTiile Brother Pl.ll
The fiarts In the drama wen> as fotwa: Mrs. Maniden. Elsie Ik-ardsley;
arlon Marsdt*u. V»Ta AlwarU; l»hll
Msi^den. Chat lea ntch; Jack Cresbaiu.foUu KluxuK.
ractad ovary day. Tht local market
pricat art soppllad by local dcalcra.
The ouUide ^uotamono by wire, not
dipped from other papers of the pro
F.dl«iwlug are the milk testa for the
past few days ss made by Milk IsSIM-Clor c. n. Iks Keniy;
veiv Ugbi ih.-M- days
Hoi Ida. ‘
the majtirlty of fiirniers can not lull
In a load.
Only threv* loads of potaltK>a and
nve of hay were bnnight In vest ei day
But fi-w dealers ate linvlng on the
market, as ilieix* ate so l
in It Lh left for, « few to take tip m '
The top prtce olTert-d Is ric.
George Lardle ha,, shipped
live cara this wc-ek and I. F. Peikelt
eight, going to various markets.
•Tlie l.uyiiig price of egg« drop|H-d Hi
SLUJie places thi.
aiv still is.ving Hkv The retail price
will probably broak in a few days
In little -pint** boxes, aliout Hu
iKix. strawberries pul In. their
iwaruiice this year In the local Inili
They are fn»iii
larulslaiia and Iik.K g<ioi| all bough the
price Is l.K- a Isix. Avpatagus is alni
la but the priet*
Other soiilbein vej^elable.s lisve l••uu
Wau-r usr-rs must jtay the water Us
lu:mRE APRIL 1st to secure db-.
c If uol paid iK-firre APRIL loth
the water will Ih- shut off without fUTnotice.
Potatoes. 2SC
22-1 f
W. R. Caldwell. Hupt.
1MP.H1 $1.
After Regular Meeting the Fratci
Mystic Circle Enjored a
Our Childr^n’s Clothing Dept.
Is a very interesting place for parents
Rnsslais. Peter Pai, Bislen, Two-piece,
C- •;' • BIflolls, StraWt
Panis, Knickerbockers,
■^wirx“vrss,."“^ •
Htoiiton Clothing Co.
-V...- .
A gtK*d gen ial time sa:, cnjoied
the memlK-rs irf the Krateuial MyMhCircle last evening
Af|er Ho- .egiilai
me<>iitig a short musical i*n*gram wai
given, after tshlch a flvi-lY.urse dlnnei
was keivm hy Mrs R. G Paulin. Mrs
F, D Golfar and Miss Poboral
Ebucr acted as loastma:>ter. The
rial gathering was given as>a farewei
sgulnrL itcckpicoe;
leave sf lu-coi^ office; mwrard,
WhlUwater Township,
mar a If
II. K. Beecham was nouilualed for
supervisor: Cpinil Hobbs for clerk and
Ayers for
George Stitos waa nominated for su
Isor on the derooeratlc ticket.
FDUND-Ladles* bandlaig
Call at
Bugbee’s drug store, prove property
and pay for this Dotlce.
idbr M-U
«e>. pw k........ „»«
buggy, about new. Apply
ply at Joa.
Kavan. &39 Randoi|i)i.
mar 23 iWk
----------- .........Y,.
WANTED—Single man or man asd
wife for genecwl farm work; bakt aC
wages for rlffbt party. Ingutre C.
W. Wheclock. CIU, telephoae o«oe.
FOR RENT^ouae til Wttba
Gdy OvLoog. OL pbooe f7S.
€ ^i
tAnmoAv. MAMCH ai
mn iV.
[ Proaol IBlcblaan || iSasiSSsS
BMglaM MMgrad aa4 toaud the
aierator «< J. WAtkkM MiA W. A.
roff %ALB-A%mrj
OA AALt-BH baiBcd' ■Mhar a
toato^ iPAator Oea Caraa. aaH ead
hardware .tore.
Mar fa-lwh*
fO^H. AMm »rHt«« w—-4
€*Um im\f to -O.- caiv BMwd «*f
•f». Tntrrm «if.
WAHTtO A ».»« In iHUkl a
Ml ..II um4»
tonuirt. 712
I oar Xi»^|.k«
rt«, «ll .M roralr .1 UO|»Hrlir*
W »1 SUla.
oar l» l.k
Ppn AALC-A aoatl s^*ulla« ftaaob
oa lllra lakr. rkmmp Apptj to Mre
A. W*. IMr. Maito cntjr. MIrli
FOA tALC CHCAF—»agij aoi Inii
Otl Waabtadou
loa i:^.
iMr Ik-lak*
FOA AAtC*1dtt-llr?«« riMM towae.
arw. C!aM AU tar iHMir; prka
Mar U ir
FOA SALC-Sboa alork. Atturaa aad
IraMi of t;«lldla| la «nod odAH
Iowa rtoa# to Trarrrae City. Wad.
firm.. ai7 Aoulli Ualoa Ht
lAoae J2lf
fab 22lf
hala. piMMM. Hr . for dir rIranlaJi
aad dirlai at {Hi a ll.torr. 411
OUiiM. fOaor *i«
' r
oar UJaka*
' ftowadatloa: aaay irroa. Prtca
I. Wada BrtM. U7 OaImi AU
Aboaa itll.
WAIfTCD--<llr1 (
■bHdat to do ro
aoall faaiiir: i;;
Mra. r. C. tiraiDoed. 4fi
prr «cvk.
WANTCO-Tvo dlalag rooM glrla at
. lha latoa Vlav houaa. Kth Kapida.
fab tf-tl
bile vnn t
« and Fr.mi
U»n Eatiiu.
mar 21 1
---------- T
lUY yirtir cliilhing gMaerlei.. iiulbmi
H A 4. Clarey a. -to K Hlgbtb
*Prieea toaaunable.
Mar 2n lwk<
oaa> pa)tiM-ula ZZ*J K FVnnt
mar 14 Iuhi*
pibt. rn.ui Cbarkw IH^b.
tor aabuihaa
aa rwldcaoa
faHdU^ to thia rawork ckmc at Hltvtrle Htudla. over
ftoM PrkA HAM. Wada Araa.. tl7
ruy Hook Hiutt'.
mar 13 line.
Ualoa Hraac Gtta. ahoao lilt.
FOA AALA OA AlNT-lkmac ua Itor- FUANITUAE f^CKINO AND Atftr iu A%r : aUo bouM la Oak Park
FAIAINQ a apcclalt)
Cbaa. Moul
tun. 2k« It b'ltmt.
mar l» 2wka
l^atrr 1). Weleb. with Ifodcrvood
A Uolor. Aulbartoad block.
WAWTl^-To bay
froM 1JM to MMI
AHOt AEFAIAINO acarlly eJone at
reaaaoabla price, A. DaZotHe. 4t»8 E.
Front HI.
Mar 12 Imo*
an )wur Mcycla repair
1 R. Kroat At.
mar 1
lor ca.b. Lrater V. Welch, with Un
derwuod A Umlor. Sulhcrlaad block.
nar 6 tot
CHIAF> :i f(
roaiHrr. Iwi ltf «ton|».
labir. and irfAcr dr.k
I3n |!«w*
l^lUrii tibcNio Ml
mmr Sa l«k*
FOA AACt CMAAF-Ooo »«.id work
/ hocac, wrlgUl I3i0 W. It Koulr.
; -
FOA AALt-UoaMairaM.
and •uaibrni
U l» A\J^. I'M W
FOA AALI—toll—Oaa buadrcd and
Ihini Ava acra Carat oigbUr aerolaiAnnad. tarfo Ura aad gw-l
iMaaa. orrbard. larga aaMuat of
goad Mood. flMbcr. fann all tonrod
. ,
HJllT iirSr'toi’athfp: hJTIo
acbool aad obarrb: wlU acdl ua eaay
tcrau. iraraar to olbar bualaM:
prtcatoJfA WadoKtoa^tlTItoaUi
UatoaAt atltoaaaMIt.
htim^ ill AiMth llaliia At at
ptoMaim.______________ toa3Atl
FOA AALC—HAI-totm for. ramar
ef ItakM^ Hevaatb HraH; iwo^
atory franM bmidlag: ccatrally bv
aalad: irwirtaaa baalaaaa toatmo;
to tot. Wada Draa, ill towith
FOA AALl-l4to-rto»rtowa
hmiM. ktb airwH. etoto to arbool.
tootortoa aad poaUrfArc: caairal
pan of IMb Hraai
Prb« llkag.
Wada Bitia^AlT Ualaa AC. OU.
FOA AAUA-14ATr-«i nm homm.
Bath gaa aad aigrtrte llgbu. Good
barm, toa 1awa.otoaa to. Waahlaftoa
otiaat Frtoa IlMi. Wada Broa.
AIT AoaU Ualoa At. aUaaaa Fhaaa
Jam. A4t
FIGA FOA AALt-to laH teR pW^;
wHl fed ku noae of tbem are alant
lagutre at 4 W. BUter a torM
Mar tl tf
FOA AALt-mabbor tired top baggy
aa pood aa aror. or wUl Mkc aa paH
. .UM Urrd bw- 0e»^
R BMRFt: iwMwkv. CU*. ftaii
«»:: ora*, ckr »h<» 3t*.
LOAT-WoodaMa watch charro wit
toHlala C. G O aad auMbar of cam
gtok. RHura to Record oTAoe aa
rwxive mward.
roar It tf
Mra. Carrie Aakey. CaMberiaad.
yoMlag. bad A aoia throat aad lick
■g to her tkroat that kept her
»^tag might after might She naed
Waiwer a White Wtoe of Tar aad ^
iwt teat a Digbfa aleep atoce- Write
laa AFU
fipMdg] alteotbm
■ Tlnr pisilce id the pence. fi»r a t
yeaiw rapcrieoaeJ OFlee City opera
Phonea—New. H»T:
old 222. RealdeMto. 710 Waahtogtua
'. W. THlALRY-DeaUst. Over Baintira 4 Rarl'a Jewelry atom. Btoh
pliottra 1IV2.
rlan and Rurgeoo,. Reimu ed to *4
Area In Mirnsoo bbsk over Bamntn
A Rarl'a. Clt
HARRY A. HARNER- Kxpert piano
inne-r and artbm ^utotor
faribm giiarantiW wllh KlvibaJl
Muair House. Cits, phone 244.
the peace,
Place hotel
in All varai
ach id the 111
lerr shall be cbMed.
One supervisor, for a term of one
O. P. Carver 4 Bro. BolH phnnoa.
One aldiMuian. for a teiro <d two
iniehcH Id w»df fur It wa* evident
OR. C. L- THIBLIY-Rpectol alien
three yearn.
rff«*-l. Tbett- wi-tc l.tiwi birth* In tile lytiK had mtiQuen^ lito
lion lo dlaeasea of rbildren. Room
c-oastable. for a term of »*uc
gaunt advetMirb'-«''^e iraeks ft the
Februaiy. HwT
402 8tate Hank bldg. Bidh phooMIhe Aie toddle* at lotito have hit wiilvt-*. ^lmwed Wliete they had Ae«rin '*^Ju me also aullfled llial llir f»l
«wM ft
M fi^hluir
faiuwll ta« MC-iH'Uir
wltsvtiva* ftutrti
Mhinli invy
tKl»% tumi
lowing slate ofAcers are ty br voirt
.M ihe Pr^-sloi« nan chuteli. In nini.
will go a long way to«*n] Aghtiii-<
this electlim: Two' JusIK-cs ft
4^* 11 tSAN'ft*' d4^11 I*4^4l ft I hr Hnpremn tVMrt. two Rt-gmta of
grew In liioto. A** it Ivr they gel aUim?* W*4 it TTf 'kdl ft
M-coud handed and bee v-lnabb- lime. *1 liking addn-o. on Hunda.v *elK*d the Fnlversily of Michigan.
of |\. ntrrt
r Thurailav even-riao alarm* tir..
f..laS.tuMinal III
i»r«* Ar&l
nr»i jeiepinmeu
m file
You nrr also wdlArd that a special
tog. New Mu
Wt»ck. c. a WVl
water work^ and ibenre to Ibe ivntial
rcibm will bi* held on Ibe above dale
Icr. c. r.
Ihf ft SfitUMl ^MAtt
Wftttl M.IWtl.falR
ftlftUftlB ance at the Bi>‘t nie<*(lng uf the Geti* at which time there to to to- Heeled
oM-i- Comity Sunday school nswin
ft the Stale Boaivl of Rd TAAVERtE CITY LEGION. No. 132Nalbmal
Pndcrtlvo l^egino will
\iiH4ig the other* at Hint Inriii neat Ion for the term ending December
meet In W.vKtraaa hall on I
lb tot
lb3t. 1910. vacancy cuuM-d by Ibe rrslg
givf the Grand Tinuk ratIriMd a to-ar
T.icsdny of eweb mouth at 7:30 p, m,
Datum «d laitbcr I. Wright.
Abram Smith.
lug till the mailer cd lh«- graUr- cne-v
Gtlawold. aeeraUry; NolUe C. Gray,
The aKHa lullon to Inierde
You are atoo notlAml that at said
itig id an eh-etrh railway ami a Grand Table
Heeilon a tomnly (Nmimb slmier of
8<hw»to for Gratyl TraverM^ county TRAVEAAE CITY LODGE. Na 222. f.
Trunk claim* that loaiunurh a* Id- In atteiidanee
win be votad for.
4 A M.. roeeto on Monday evening
on r»r to-foie the full id the mona.
You atv.alwi n.itllk^l tba‘ Ibr lol
at 7 .70 p. m
Corl C l4angley. W.
b>wlng pn.|M»m-d r'^.n-Utulloual anu-ml
M ; R. R. White, aocrelary.
menu; an- to to- suljinittrd U» the ipial
IBeU He* tor* at said elect Ion:
K. O. T. M. M.
• Amendment to Ibr constitution n-1
K. O. T M. M. No 7M ineel* every
ative to the teaching of a Mechanical
Friday night In the Br»»ach hb»clk Mtrt
trade to coovlyts to the stale prl;H»ii WUkcus. Coinmamler: R. M. Franklin.
ft this sialcReeoivl Keei>cr; E, A. Kvana. Jlnanre
••Ameudrocol to the ermslltulltm
M neiuele-r. ibe i-a iir«?nile-r and the e ve-ry
r or the Unned Statea
d of rtninly audit
gn-iitcM nulhorlij oo political llnanrecount b-s of toiy. Cbelmy
in n-uce-. iR about te. Mart an lui
rfi^neral Hews |
almoue-r. l>eUer.
dreel and re- te.tal e-,.ll;.l iirt-eied. ^hleb he- baa fla 1 Ui. T. Itotei.. Mr. Gatt-R wan forroeily
tuguMlnc. 3IK ed at ll.bKi.Mto
roar 12 Imo*
Aeihlln K 4e*ue-M ba> U-cn lK-nilni;fi Lf ihr manue-HMt lUiearil leu Hm«> iilio- ve-ars
llt-j4>r_.i iiiau of tli* ilotli. He-, la alwaya
me* e iapjicr oi \uv i*-ii in. u
Il-rvaril hall
all 3 t7:..toM Ilmen,
tlmt-a uud lialia-land
bb, uiaum-i be brisk and lucUlveand frtHu the- btdl io|h- In I
HINEA tb walked
palmUt. at 317 Vt\ou uiam all .1 iieati) ball a reQlufy :>Si.u3l lulb-a. He- Iba.rR e»f the- Hluudaiel OU btUldiug
U M ytarn i.ld and ban rung ur-ud Z*i Broadway , wlicu- be- alts fur a lan;«
fair* In liferoar 13-1 mo
tolUHl tint Hart ai d flve- uui«n rsit> iwii e»f the- day nt a Rre-at toll te»p
HAVE YOU even the Preueb roae-h
Clerks ami ste-nograptors
FOA AALt—IMI-AeveonioiB bmiae.
atallbm at Turnbull 4 <%a*k « live-tT
(b-m-.al Hugh ratm-M.n live-v In a eeiihln eall and i-verjthing
larga Jol. comer Boyd aad Fcm:
Wada Bm».. gl7
mar 13 2wkk*
uimr-R with'thii re’guUr1\^
lit on liU e iKhte-ur.i- fann near Ij»w
i-uei-. Kan
Hea h.-nnil In soim wmk
OET YOU A bb yrie. clraued and re
palml at l ulmau *. M.‘, rulem 8t
loe and In- bmkn
mar 13 liuo
boMa. tib atiafC. cloaa to
Homy <1. We.:\rr. piUate seervtaiy
Market aad charoA: aaay
illtle; yaunt of
riew-npn-. >’ M..
l.i Krvrvury Corli-lyou. U a-veriUbb
Prloa IIAAA.
ridu* Arbatea to Ills chief.
He has
uarf remedlra. 8e4d by all An.U
FOB AALt-*Kxrelleat ixdtage and
H-4-u with Mr. Cortelyou r-ver slucr
Mar 13 U
two b.ta at KetU Mok^a. ^i.t hm}
When 1:1^14101 a Hus«- wv-ut to nei- llm toiler bus b*M-n a memiHT of tin
IV-Maejiiassadt s mother the
lalt.-r eablm-l. Ilin! a-. ner r.-Ury id tlif tceus
Iherr. I.eater I). Welch, with IJudcrn-id to th. ,utr.-ss at lantiug an shn un. He ai^.nn.aiileK bis chief erery
d Idew-k
feb 27 IMO
he-bl her band: -My dt-ai. >t.n have- w h. u-.
Hsu-lly they ‘ lunch logethei
youth, be-aut). g.-nliiK
What can I -uU freuiiently at lunch ilu- private
FOA AALt-lairga. eightmota bmiae.
wIkU you? You nliewdy laenaesM e-ve-ryineelcio couvcalrncea. rkcept forihlog that a woman <-ovela mewt toa toa.kh and acrlbhle u|Kin It as hK chief
i»ar^. g«id barn; comer K Klghth TMAEE Bircly
light bouaekee
and t'aas.alreeu. !>}ater D. Welch,
talks In u low Kmu . It U believed that
with PnderwwnI A Umlor. Butbei
312 Park
Mr, tVirti lyou took fn.m President Meland block
leb 27 Ibki
Ebeo Apple ton of .Se w Ve.rk cHy has Klnb-y the blai .rf the value of having
TO AENT-Two nk^ly
In lUisaenslnn the * star sp.iugtrd lean- bis prBat*- se<«-lary always In easy
alodrra ttmvmHmeea. Mm. ne-r whi'b flow met Fiert McHeniy
reach When Mi tv.iielyou w.s M-crea. S3- Wakblngtem.
and whb b Inspired Fiaocin H«Jlt Ke*y tary {o Mr. McKinley (ht- prewldowl
mar li lmk*
to the cxHaiKadllon ft bla natbmal ode had u hsbli of taking f. him at leisure
Jubnaon d fVbt gnnety atorr.
It la falH iuteotkm at bU d«-atb to nii.menis imi siil.ji-cis u|K.n whk-h the
O AEMT-Hm4 Waahkngtoo Ureei,
prejiarlng a
eight rouma. barn, tin C. A. Ham- leave the lUg to either uip- c»f the chief magistrate was
naUemal muMmms at Waahingtem or aiier-cb or meKKOge ami by this inelbod
amad. IVopla'a ttovloga bank.
FOA AALt—Binlem twoatury real
the Maasaebuaetta HUlmbal iuuM.-uai the work t»f prviuiratlon was made lens
dencv. ItUl e. Krual HI. l.ajt
•t Boston
ITke I7W. OtUcaa phooe Rtol
AOOMA at l^taga
. e^
Ha. U4f
Geotffi;^’. Kaueb. the demo, rat wN|
suct-weJS^ red l-aadls as represeula
Aavad Her Aon’a Life,
live In cuttgresa from the eleventh
FOR RALt CMe»R-l»ft
Thr happiest ip<dber In the mtle
horae p*>aeT; good aa new
IndUna district, la mily 3ft year- old. town Id Ava. Mo. to Mra. 8 Rappee
Kne.wlng that be waa elected largely Hba writes: •‘Onw year ago my^aon
II HHtner. Route k. rtl>.
Mar 5H lae.*
by lepubllraa rotea—be overtureed a
plurality uf k.twa lor LaadU to im— trouble that our physletou was unable
pie aa It. hat tt miin
ptoMa IIIA
Th.;u..l. .4 .hr... tlml.u ...I..-,
ami iIm'im' *>f —li unimually torgr* l.'iiv
c-l wbirh w«'ie found bv C. W. Hall.
id Stalwari ClilpiM'wa tHinnly t>bow<*d
whe.e a lerrlAc batllr had r-nlm-d to-
AARA T. CHAIR. M. a-Offtot toWk ;
and Stale ef AHeblgan:
You are hereby. nctlAnd that at the
rrgnlar charter dly cbNiioa to be
Pfbl on the grst Monday of April.
1907. the fidVowtag named city ofO
ccea are to be eleeterl:
niy cieik. fer a Inta of two yc.vn.
M four jetix
l>ne nw-mber «d towrd »d pi
w.skis. foi a trim .d tbn-c yc-n-,
line luefuAei <d I hr towu.l td «*<]
awawlaal III
la* lUr
itia* n>uuv>
a^wilfttta lAiiiHMH
MUlwMlt inii
i pt 1 Ik* biidbei will bdu Iho kh-leig i—aui. tom. f.r a lemt ft Ihrro veaiw.
Our rchtiul Inspector, f.w a ten
Flint -Impoivemriii b-agite to In <ai ito- Tto- death .jf .Mr* JdeaJ'e UnaUnU
FOA AALt-Two boaar. aad two loU
tm (Urflrld arwiur LrHrr 11. Welch
pBlreel at W.
wHb Ladrrwood A Uuilor. Author.
Raal Freml 18.
Uod bloi k.
mar « tot
fhaaa llltr
FOA AAtA-ldU-MadotA aWhl foaai
raaidaaat. Atath AlfaaL AU
wMritooaa. A good bairn, otoM ta.
ritoattAAi. Wada Broa.. AIT Aoutb
OaiaA aiiato, Ctttoaaa PAoaa lilt.
Jao. 4 tr.
IHMlaut eiall} ne-aMWia r. inr wbirli be
has Eire udv ral-VHl fneMMaa. „ut e.f Uo- „
FOA AAtl-llay b«.M. 7
aafr drtrrr. iZit* wolghl. nlM. l.ai
acM and buggy: will to at Kblto.«
* Uant Muoitoy. J T.
oar 5r :i
Wlih * Itoal id .1331 drathn III Kcb
Mar i: if
WMfTCC-Toiir afMatorlag. farvl
taPA rafalrtoc. chair caalag aol
farmlfvTW forhlai. «. If. Taaacr.
tar - the «MMe
FtATHtA ibiic week. ago. wiU.aunn Ve ahk- loricwto. wvn romtog home un an later
1 iinan. - uvu
u«'eiu«-u m vaav mi
A large eartoinrir «*n tto- tork <d Ibe theater. The car w*< trarclllag
• to order frtiM uid rarpHa at
fsMtowt- lt%AU
ffK-afts II
rI4 fftwnsitwEal
stial in
In ftUKuT
ItHMimi. «DU
tola; 14 YtAAA ckprrleaee and Ml*. 4ohn C*tiapp*-t'a m-< k eaun"d her ! fftfllffM^
al mtlehHon paid to all work dvaifh and *bc wa* bHrtt*l at lindi-u jlng fell aad «irurk the pavi-.m'nl. rHl
jling ii bog gaFh over hto bdt rye
atlaCB pbimc
. Ihiii a brtortci .d Miu. t'hapm-l In
ehlUlreu fdltsl
dll'll ^lltl
.viid ItlUfiiuill>4 ^11II
lUdkttMl 4mi4ll4U
11 anriug 1* ►aid lo to- vciv b»w fn»m Inv4
WHEN YOU AAt AtADV to ha%<- the Kamr mlim-nt.
I llltir cltto a».d *-ni- to.» were iic|mnitn|
,T«ir ramar<^ and rhlnl4cy^ rlcane<l,
iiiAer to m««M*unitI n«>* In MtliliigiiMi.
rail «« Ito Tiai»*r>e nty Hfovr Rr- to making *t« cum ms effort. i«. c^iai* Tilt * -It- Mis Jam*-* Mead. Mr> A«
pair {'•r. C02 W tmiil. nUtm 1i*4i -• a^.iiaala* 1 «»l#««alBSaiia*
^11 wift
afft JfiTiti
*|4sll|l. %\t^
Ef« fit llslt 1
iAoo.* -17. toll kkrr
M-r ri Iwu by nir«l *utoH ilto-r* ran :alk to anv and Mi> Cba^ SUmhi. Olivet HU.
Att KEEFCAA ran aoc^tre
kPPAlNTlCC giria waatod at Ib-H*-! ’
AtoeBM'a aaara at l^betoad
In hopra that the might fuUr realaiy for the warwenL lUUe was aecover before ker parents would Icnra
Us4er ike uew rkartcc of the city of of ker nocklent. Mtos N^le Barton.
F1ML the woaww taxpayers wtU ksvc daughter of Ckarkea Barton of CadOrlawHI Brothera.
the rtgkt oC autrage »• .imalcipal Ulnc. who fell from a aeecMd story
winnow ui i paimnii vniwe ween. ago.
iaaaclal auealimu la tke fatwre.
C. 0- Wklu.'^vrko for 2ft years ka* kas hc«n accratlynnder a doctors can
1,jin MTwuaoa _4.w
•choMa to that Hty. Bat tke hrakra He ahr
sttleiTd d^ not konl r«|4diy. and
t. Opea aflemoou aad evening.
ftbc hna come kome.
' ’
Sharle* llaU. porter at the Trsnaftw I^urea chftMK Jd^iday and TbumII to glTca otri at the Bargeaa koapit nofcri
Kfit lyt fti n4>>fti
tldskml rktoL*
Uftk* ftUHrira A
m m€Twiv 4ay- -T^
the autu roannfaclorrr of Charlolte. taiudy to bto head wWle v totUng D.-^
Mali ...»
wn.l aik
Mmr td
lajHIVU Ml
-.V.-.-. . ..w...
ruary. 11**7. a n-ctud lia* been made
With the eiw-irtlon «»T ►Vliruaiy. IK99.
In which .1.77* deallitt occurivd, the
FLOWtAA recHr^l mouth Just paM-Ml ii>ct,rd.*l a greater
ly. Quetm City nural tUi.^SI8 mnrtaltiy Itot lor any ^Imllai unioth
Mar IMmu
WAWTACk-CNaap^f^U «M at thr
IVrr Ilania«4lr Bailag llmt.^. •
Uaali avary aare, harm aad
niM m MM fiK. It wM- Ml be
fan and 81. aalr ”
“Amendment to the fsinsliltubHi
rrlaUve to circuit rourln affcv-tlng only
the rouiillfw of Ingham and 4ackwon
uud the counties in the Judicial
cult In whlcJr the <-..un(y td Isabella to
or may to- situated
Bald election will be held In earli
of the Ave waida-of aaiU city In the
follow ing ptac«a. to wit :
nrst ward—In Grange hall, toi tton
Kewuid ward-at 8rcou?l waid city
hall i»n 8pniec at
Third ward-^lii
building, comer
Fourth warti—In the luiginr
on rasK street.
Klfih wanl—III the-Fifth war
opiMislic K J. llariH A Son's store,
cviriirr nf
The His of fhto eb-cthm will 1,
open from 7 nVIock In the formu-i
until 3 o-.bak In the afirrnooo.
In 1r-Mmony whereof I liaxe sel ra
hau.l this Hull day id March l*i07.
T. II. GIU.18.
Maich IK to 30 lur.
wts.j.air baryj
I havp 4 number of goo^
farma, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for Aale, or if you
have any good property. I will
lake it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can acII yop
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any
body cUe. I
have farms
which arc located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved landi
If you have good lersl faruya
1 wUI buy them.
210 Wa^inKtoD.
M. A. DBEOOAY—Physician and
surgeuD. 117 Casa atraoL Pbooa,
7S0 3r;
rraldeucc, 7W3r
RooMenec 213 Walnut
0. C. MOFFATT-AbatracU oC
2iU Btata Bank building.
OA. EARL C, TYLEA-Doaltot Room
6 First Natbmal Bank Bldg. CIti
sens phooe 2A3.
aag A If
New r
A 4. McFMAIL-DcnttoL Over ,
aoo drug atore.
Bril phoaa
rings; ata. AM 2 rings.
Rauch dorm mot totead to be a
New IHacorery. and I aooa aoHcwd
1 kept tbto treatmeiit
op for a lew week* when be waa perMerely .Imitate
fwlly wHI. He has worked ateadUy
[ of reprr- alnee at carpenter work. Dr. KInga
New IMacovery.saved bto life.” Ouaraoteod beat cough aad cold care by
Becretary Tall may visit
Bugbee Drag Co. Frank H. Maeda,
neat fall
dl .Hels
.He Is ^g
to leave ^
Hannah drag store.
30c and 1100.
Bept. Trial hotUc free.
1 aad It U very llkHy that hr
he will
Make a aide trip
trip to AUaU.
AUkU. fcalllag
meal U maklag the eEort to have the
aeereUry of war make the Alaska
OarAaM Caaetta Natlca.
vrtalL Mr. Taft would like to go rory
GarArld towaahip caacua wHI be
Mack and It to Merely ja aweatloa of hHd 00 Baturday. March 23. at 2
o'clock p. M.. at the Ouatoa achool
ttoar. When he haa aeea Alaska the
By Order of OoMMlttae.
eecrwtary of war win hare vtolted
tow; OollcirUaa work a apectolty.
ih Underwood A Umlor. SulberOA. F. C.
NETT—PracU^ limit
242 Wfiketoa tOock. OUmm pkem*
MAAK CAAYFE delivery—U^t
trMghl. pnroato and tronka. oSro
at ClLy Book Btora.
MRA. B. C BONNERS hair <
tfi know that within lb*e*'mSri
two week, we ahall
many new goods from Rastere
markrta that will greatly In
ereaae mir alork and eaabto ua
to supply many uf their waais
that vae have been able to auys
thank the public for thefr IHmral
>4 WtWM
wntoa M. PAKE
Why Do Comitfy Beys
M «o Big Cities?
Moit «aH UmM
As A rnU tferrt art
plenty of «ff«eaUe
i;ir]« vbo voiikl iu4 c4r
jecl to toatrimony;
tbara ara pl«rty of old
people and enaucb Ulitea to go around. But
tbe b<or—oh, wbm is
The boy. the young
man, has gone to the
city, where he iornginea
there are opporlunhice.
To him the old home
town is doll aod stupid.
He eeea no future for
himself there. Both for
social and financial confiderations he nsshca off
to the great city. Very •
fiVijuently ha finds that .
r tbrro than at home—nearly always to; 1
i.tlv lie f.iicl. tb.t ricb«. do not «rc.* 00 ] \
win lT7 aotiir of ike followlaf tkraegk a Hear) mted wifh tot lelaa
tier will and tkat tker kara of cme loM a»d a kair and takk
adde« abawiklef deeSMIj rakiabla freezias. Lrt ataad aa koor to Heee.
to tkHr list of aatablaa. kaaMra of- rralt Salad—Cot fear bammaa tiwa
ftoai akia and eoarao tktwsda la alleea
«M.-fe«nk of aa lecS iklek: cwt paelftaaaaas wtlk Oatmcwl. 9u^A64 a cd oraanea la tkU rlkca lao«to«iaa
ovaaae. Arraaso tke aHoaa of
teaanooafai of nil to a euan of raoUl
aad ormme la a shaaa dfek*
ly MUaa water aad spHakto ta iwo
ctvs af rolled
be t« In
rtfII mon.
( I
triratorr vill
Brr fnii.f/iii. i.oi s
l*u ■
to thk city.
In Ruing there tltr U»y simply folloaa hit daddy'a dob
For yearn hin «laiHy and his mother and his big sister
and hla An'nl Mary Aui.'hstr. l-vi, mailing their money to
the big city for Bail Ordvr4)srgsins.
Betult: Hoffis msrehantt don^
thrive, orats orowt in the ttreeU. no
lobe are to be had, no openino for a
new businets, and the young man
noet to the city becauM H it a plaoo
where people have traded at home
r . and built up their own community
and provided opportunitiet for outtidert as weH as for themtelvet.
Uklespooafol of
batter, let cook
about Sflaea mlaulea. or tmlU the U|e
loea boeoaiea traaaparaoL Add ooe^
third a cup of aacar and fold la tbe
whites of two eega beaten dry. Lei
cook a nomeet tboa remove from the
are. Have ready tbe palp of three
banaaaa aliood Into a aervlm* diah.
sprinkle them, while allclnc. whh lha
inkw of half a leamo. then pour the
upkwa over the baaaaaa. Serve at
oace with autar and erenm If prefer
red the hannaaas auy be Itsbtly Mir
red tbroufh tbe tapkica. or. the while*
of the eacB may be omitted from the
mlsture. sad after the addltloo of sts
la redd water, half amna tbe cup».
When cold, scoop .rat tbe ccatera sad
aparea with sDced baonulbe cupa onto a but
tered aaatr pan. fruli downward and
BTt Into a hoi oven to become ver)*
td Remove with a broad bladrd knife
t cereal dUbe« Serve at once with
mar and cream or milk,
rerral W ith Stlcfd Uananab -IN>ur
ft-over lirrakfoal rereal Into afterdinner c»a«ic eup* dlOMd in r.4d water
To make tho toerincue, tradually beat
Into the wkltee of two eggs, beaten
gar. then fold In two UbleapoonfuU
of sugar aad lu^ to cover tbe padding
Retimi to tbe ovew for about ten min
Naked llanaiiai. lMrt« Klran k'ui.hlon
ulCM. This deaaert may be served hot
-^selwi ralbei *iocu liananam. put
or rold. bat U best when hot
tkctti. without remoUns tbe akin**, in
Hanana Snow Cake FlUlng-Kree )«
to b«4 ahbe., or a very hoi ovon and
nan* pulps fn.m skin and roa.M*
hakf UDIII tbe ..kiut. buiwi o|-n 8end
to the table In a folded napkin Tbe
to ail <
* skina help hold In the heat, and are
add one eup of giwnulatrd
“j not to Ik. removed natil the moment
Juice and grated rind of a
!<*f eatluc Serve plenty of butter with
the unbeaten white of one
alili a perforated w.Hjden.
j Itanaua Hr.-ad ’iMildUu;- XIU on.
:.4>ild lo the boitotu of tfa
cup and u third .»f ciated
ntll lake Mbout twenty ml
jciumbM. one cup of alfied banana pulp,
crated rind and Juice
.a. OOMUU..H
and one cup of milk, and when
mixed polfr over the bn-aU and banana I
mixture. Dake In s biiitciv^ pudding
Urdlgeeibm. bead-1
An Irritating rough U not always
aihr. nruiwlgbr. void hands shd f.ot |
u. havlu* a cold; It Is very often
ran be qaiekly cured by dilokinK slow
,cqul«Hl during the period of
h*vel teaspoernfIlls of powdered sugar.
To make the meringue, beat tho
having .
and afteiwaid
IumsLLuiiu the throat.
whites drj‘. then U-at tn half the su
lent! action. Wbeu you
gar. gradnrily. then fold In the other
gening into the habit of
Kbi a simple .inigh * Uie fwst a :
half Uetum‘the iMJdding lo Ore oven
dry.' short for alKMii right mlnut.«. to biowu the
nudlunr slnM b-niMn. «b«<ti h.ttthrough \ t onUntuIiy
rnl and pnws iJm- JmIc« uihmi ihrtw j rongli - try to cIuhL the Inclination.
mmr<w ..f imlverU.'d ruga. Take a;and more .dleu than not the Icx^al ir
^inana let' l'rr*ara-8cald one quart
eioatirful wht-ner«i
U' liialbm In youi thrust will dlaapinwi
hin cream, dissolve in thla one eup
, ««d Ihr couah wilb i!
a half of sugar, when cold add a
For City Treasurer
J. Mt Hucllmantel
Best ReconI Ever Mede by e
treasurer of Traverse Bity in
Arnoviit of Taxes Collected.
To My Friends and Fellow ClttBens. Tke Voters of Traverse City:
H.inKon. ofll>.-.wi.lMl.Ui.U.f .roy.Mi|..ftli«..ffi«nf(My rr-*v,r..r. 1 l,..g U, »Ult. Ili«
ruMMi. npoo Whirl. I w»uU «Ul f,« V»“'»upp<>rt «l Ihwojoiiog
HkviD, .cwpln] the olfi.w of Oil, TM»uror by eppoiBlin«r.«t a UtIdr •ii~' doKoK the
Ueieet Muo.. ,rf the jre.r to liU . .hort vw.wooy. mH h»Ti.« •oou<..di,U, perfonned iU
bkd..tiM«MU.y unUrinK <«-v^ Bud due eoortety to the people Ure eiKM«led ia mekiDK
onsof tho btsl record* the office h«ie.w BwJe*./ herioK collsctsdthe hl»hest
psrcentsffsof Uxss(04.l percent) in the hUtcry oftheoily, l fee) thht 1 naooaw
hpore you with the eonfid«oe of ipy dotiec well parfanne.) un<l eeak your epptorel of the cuDe by
u^^UK your support lo wUiD me iu office for the comiu, tenn.
Ibna4{b«>Buri«ideatemooKttyo«forthe Utt 35 y<«V. of wbioh 25 ySSrt hSVS
been spent In active busineu with you. I come befoie you with tbe eipmioaoe guinod
lum»kiugmyowbBrture«eeucoM:uirf iutbeuSOieof tbedly.wbioheioeetyimpottunt, I
een tay tbut wilb tbe esppiimiee uirtudy geiued iu tbe TieeeuierV office, edited to my foruMr
bniisete trelning, I im tnre I wUl be ubie u> give eveo e brtter aocount of my future work.
, It <bfuerUimu.iuy tallow o«Sueot.uppeul to your aaoae of jnetioe. ami you heUere Uiut
twruMt .ffort umleffloiaut work an worthy of reoogoitkm. tbeu 1 am Sure tbut you are williug
to Kin. to me that support neoeMuty to retain mo iaoffiea lor tbu oomli« tana. And I leapect.
ful y aek you to dofO by giriw me your »olu tm deotiou day. MoMey. April X IWJ.
Very reapreUnlty youa.
- ...
•niuus M. miniMANra.
Creecat Oty tVraenrer.
. -*
Mhtsriala far CaakUvg Cheata
IV Ckecw has hat^uch lo »a>
Um psht jwar fr tmo. of ibe
bfeVMulU to ba obUlnaa from
the ua« of the arxalled flreleas cookeiw. If jrou have not tried one of thvwe
In your cooking, this In a good time
to experiment a little. Gel a box. and
line It as f^ugge^tyd Iu the following
jiiHcle. and according lo tho.“e wlei
have UKcd them, you mill find it lo Ik>
one of the greatcht aaveia of fuel and
work that has eve- been brought Into
>our kitchefi.
The following data eonremlng tho
use of three homcvmado eooklng-ehesla
IH taken frxvm the Woman s Home Com
panlon: The first -waa a -bay box. *
or a simple miKslon bo* fflled with
IcMise hay. the vcmh-Im containing tbe
^aM| to l.e tnroketl being ttackf-tl In
the hay. The cooking was fairly well
done, bat the Ik>x proved to be trouble
some and imi.anltary. the hay soon
becoming uusafe
The second was
made by lining a parking U»x with
Imhes of aamdust In the bottom The
sidert meie Ilmtl with thr«M- Inebei^ »f
exeelhlor. kepi In place with a m«*<iden
fabric fasyned with short mire nailIn Ihe »K)x wax plao
box and tbe eraiktog
placed in this, where any water mceb
dentally apllied could do no harm.
The rover w*a»^ formed by folding a
heavy bUaket over the top of the box,
a metgttc^ wooden rover being pikeed
over It. This < best was used In doing
a vortioa of the cvfeking of a family
two for aeveml weeke. and gave uni
formly excellent results
Critical ex
pcrimenlal Irjis were also made, both,
with hoi and cold water, lo teat the!
c'rtvwrmtkm of feral and
mail) honrs. and always with gtxMj
Iptaeikal reatilt*.
The third was a
‘ simple ^pnnt fmll crate, and lined
with heavy jiai»cr and one thlekoess
»*r a llhroos material known aa bnlldRO;* •quill.- Tbe cover was of fhe
»«m« material with n woolen blanket
for ont
The cooking In
Ihi. ihr-t ma.
fbpld and perfect
a.of I cMw^rtmcwta showed tbat
ri'U- ’ wakr* ma excellent ma
rur llul‘1- tkewe uaeful cooklng•riimentn with a cooktng-ckeat
that feiHi ckeaU give the beet
i? warmed op before using.
I Tu do this place a keUle of bolUog waj te: in the cheat half in hour before
It N to he nand In cooking. When tke
ifool • . be cooked b rnndy. Uk<
SMBey U*riM Moton.
1310m St„ ooiMr ot itete
w,«B..aa te.wii... mmmmmt
bhn g Santo
I fer Ike docaafeiL
•, luru fcini iko ihvb oh lo a butler
A fd 1^.1. aad make hot Id
(I To Brr»r aumiund w|!k ^ rllcrU ba
uuh «til|i|Hd cream, clotlrd rroau
i I,
if a baaaaa»»«-
Ukea. Put a apaoaful of Ue koc oat
asaa: orer tbe kaaaaaa la tka aanrta*
dtskea. Paaa at tke same tiaia aufar
cad Bilk or croaai. Otker oaraala amy
red with baaaaas in the safes
liTj Ii?*~
!TdUk cd*teiiulll
load rook I ?««««■( Let used la a cold aUco
. (double boiler)
eooklas |•!•bo^t aalf aa boor, loager la aam-
PTT. MICH)U^i»*Tu4)A
Etetin ItotiOB
I Generkl iBSUAMd
IHcvWBhdsBlk.. TOnmCIty
To the Electoni of \be County of
Grand Traverse:
Notice Is hereby given, that pursu
a02 W. Front SU
Order your
I. O.
Tar.1 anl office Nortiu-ro
MiohiBan .lock.
Both phoniw
This Incubator
mary building, comer Tenth and |
rulon aticeu In
Third ward; at |
the Fourth ward engine house In thp
Fourth ward; and jil the Fifth ward
hall In the Fifth maid of said city.
Dated this 2Clh day of Fehy. A. D.
Chairman Board <d Supervlsuni
Clerk Board of Supeivl.>ors.
mar 18tor.ulne
;jrcs;.rjji=r “*“*
«ii wiw wii.nni.w ULong
Faim for Sale
Charter EUis fferai
tromOld NOmon.
as noret. t, ncron wood lot
•< »I>ring« on (nnn.
10 nono pKwl apple orehnnl.
2 acres cherry nod |ionr orolinnl.
(iokid iMMxvy laud.
:2-ntory fimma houno. omi $2,000.
Strnefanrn, 2U48.
Umihed.knoloned tMvrnerib nod
oUinr boikliiiKP.
OnmninnnlloOld Minaioo.
Price, $4,000.
Eii iulre of
Chas. ElUs on Uac Fum.
Second waix<; at the South Side pri i Will
ja.M»nOB 0^. W. aeWBTBT
Our ItoM are. the boat
in tbe city tkaa can be gotten
we cnA buy. The prices wiU be
Said eInUi.ii mill be held ml the.
several piwn'-hlp hall- or other usual :
election ptaer-s in ihe i..mnsh!|>« 4d.j
said f-twmty. and at Grange hall. In the I
fliml ward in Ibe City td Tra%erse |
JMcyclcs Enameled and
(leaned for Spring
Or wearing /shoe can be ^nd
fbund aaUafactory.
ant to a resolution passed by tbe
Board of BupenrlMvw «»f the asM
tYmnty of Grand Traverse at a meet
ing beW tm the nib day of Januarr.
A. P.wlFi»7. I he IV mill le suhrultteJ to
tho elivlurs of said Cvuiify of Giatrd
Traveree. at a bpcrlal clwilon to lie
held in the several lomnsblpa anC
wards In said county <« the Ut day of |
April. A. 1) l»07. tlM. question of rals !
Ing TmvJve Thtmsand iHillaim (|I2. |
•Mini by Kmo for the pury¥»kc of pur i
chafing a faim «d Ko ,rr.w m moiv
and th.- enviioii of suitable buildlug> |
fur tbe stipiaiit of the |msii id sail}
county, at i\ eo.M noC to excee.1 tl2-|
(SN>; and that hfmdx of the said oonnty |
Iw Usms! therefor, maid laaid* to bear 1
Interest at the rate W n«t to exceed !
•ve prrenrF-per Auuniii. and be.lsaued |
in .b-nomiuailotiM of
t a. b, i«ay |
Uhlr as fulloms
Januaiy 1st. IIMijr. with a.
enu'd liitenht on all inniAr, leiu.ihilng
unp..ld. and iS.iaai with arerued Inter
esi on all iHUids leiualnlng unpaid on
the flrwt Id January of earh year thwafter until said lAinda are fully |uld;
and that tli.a-4- voting for sterh loan
shall V ^ - nrl l.M or r
.«i their
bAliot^ * l oi Ibe I.< au': and those vol-j
lug asalnst the le.in j.hall have prtnl- j
on theh
liallotN **A;;;tl«ist
the I
No Better
more tO
than anything else
Horses and Oxen
For Sale.
It will hatch a Kreater per
cent of
than any
other machine on*
the market.
PRICE IS LOW. TOO. One pair good working oxen,
• 5 >’ears old. Weight,
2,800 Iba.
Come in and let me tell you
about thii machine.
1 have 25 horses for salesome of all kinds. Mare in
foal, heavy work teams, driv
ers. light farm horses and sin
gle drivers.
EAST END HARDWARE Call and look my stock over.
B^ J. ^RGAN.
PAINTS- LMnUr, KU-mnhTil. NoUiing beltor:
Oils- For t v4»ry nm*. only tbe U*at kimla.
There ia n lot of differem-e.
We hive tbe
WHITE LEAD. We vill bnnk on our Whilp
qimlity every time.
BRUSHES. Kvery kind for ev.ryimrpone.
L«nd for
. ^
JAP-A-LAC No booaebold nhoubwbe without thfi. There
are a huodrcvl uaet.
22-j K. Front t>t.
Firm door wri
C.B. Taylor Coal Co.
Dr, W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
Ob floor with Uuiioan OoUeg.
Tin Insuranu
u L. A. BUlLbiNd
Are good, but in
strong harnem
nential to nafn
ebaoonn, but
that your money
Our enrriagoand wagon h&eng ia
the bent obteiuahle, and you vUl
find that it taken no more of your
it tbnn it does for
Queen City Imp. Co.
Five Tliousanil Tidking Macliini
Rwoin it M
j ke t‘ > •r i of the ckeaL and ptaca t
vc'Arl .v^ntatatof the mod U t
chevi and Hone It y tight
J. A. llanM of Mxainnm. Wnat
Va. ffiaja; *^At laat I knwa tani tke
Ufa WUa.-
Dmg Co., r, H Mcada.
^ HAMM » Mr.
Ml.4to ............... .
It !• im. ikM prick ite 9«ln ia4 IN
M 4tf krlMlat tM IN
caraaaclr AaNra. Wa <
taaaaMltf MMi<
> '
•Mr OK aMIM • MU* «|>M c
If IM Mfor la Mhad. t%ta tM rss
5or«ftMpoial4». Spr^lo kao e
Chocolate Bonbons
It oMald noo a IliHe aad
rovar lM l4)ff.
aton-PMl ala or olghl
» aM anM. M:ta
<«S. BaM«AABlittar. «takAhql|M
in IM eahtar 8BMT
msAt. tab. or oytaava eooMir% A
Low maan. •: high nmas. ifftJA: w
pars sM hen^erty. ?;>§ p. m.
Tnasdyr evewti^ ni
^^rMM^wSSff at
7:3A. narmna
taA8b with two tAhtaApAABtala 4rf
81. Pranda OMmA—Cmmer Trath
at id:to a. m.; esapafs aM hanedlctltm at 7:AA • m.
Weak daya-8er
cfOAM. two «t iiAMA aMoae. om '
apoDofiil of melted buttm^ AAd tbe beob
•nycdkaatMoefia: lAsUyfflirlAtM
wbltaA. whleh ATP ikiliy kMtas. >0a
on A plAtter. of^ldo fMlM cMdit j
T.ta A.
T:M A. au. Bocdnl nerrlet.
11:41 A. aa^ Boaday aohonl.
t:AA p. m, PvanahlAff hy.MWar W.
a GUIs of floutk BnardlA. AN Ata
walem to Atttad IM aarrlesA
om atjr wai AM*#
laic a«aa fi«i IM'MoM of Moke:
Oak AM Fifth
tkig ok. Npf. for tko »tglM Ic pMt.
A nmor nomet
-Uf »iN atell apt caura aaia «•
A»4 tto M OIM o%r Ow PNL
lev. Mary klocm
Mt «AaU ancna^lich IMt «Mf»
. AM Um kcpns or tko vorM Ic p ppif
FroskoM rmi w«,ght
oosor wlU aomo Mod ktalh aad aim
if Ipr#'
aatU tsMor km oabroksa. Drsla
aad plaro la a frylagMa with oas
Latter Day 8014111. *
r C.
S p. m.
ipooafal of hnttor; sol at tW
. Raftilar aecvlcea of tbe Latter Day
ocaar. ar tar laaiadf. Try tlit.
r C. B.. k:4S p. m.
r^. .
rHk WaLTUt U. LOWNtT Cg.
Ndo of tko ffre aad skako and turn
Ratals (re^rgaatae) are ad tatlowa:
I meeciag. 7 p. m.
.4 C«MS SS4
AM IM PNMtt if tM ipit
foki talilkfaUr. marnmWf. Ui la «aM
HffktU cotorM all orer. 8prlakl<
erw* meeting Tuesdy evening SundAy—
•M caaataara. wUhoat awatal
‘Mli tM trlMMf Mile.
7 P. m.
I aM attala. aM U»a raaalt crlll with nit. papper aM a loaspouaful of
11:4k. Sunday aebool.
asvar iM oonro In a kol disk.
FpUlooa and Oaloaa>-Payw sons
itkar ssnU potatoos. cut sack la kail •our. ooo scant teaspoooful of nil." All are eordlally Invited aad «alWkm VM tUM.
oae ssHspooatal of pci/per. a dash of
soda. Ilnmo tM watar ba^ to boll
thU world i
«« a iM if ilMPiii.
rsyeane. Scald tho oysters In their
pour it off at once aad put ihe beaaa
«.srn liquor uaiir plomu. Pul Imo s
in a colaader. Allow treah eold watar
to run through them, rttutaf them
AM tn IM Mirt WIIA I
I mellAl stir la .
TAM Uvea thMA the
i them froBB ffPb
tog orraMmally for ftftoen mto flour and/vok. but not brown. 8llr In
fW la auftcleat boiling water slowly the oyster jolre; when iHTfeclUf rover them, add nit and pep- ly smooth sdd the milk or cream and
Ijty a very thtn slice of aalt pork
In the bottom 4if the bean pot. Fat
cover again and rook sloisly for the sesBonlng Take It off the fire and
-siea a liule co.il add the lieaten
a whole small imlon on the port and
yolks pure again <m the gre and stir
of lemon Juice. Ism Into 1
pour In tbe beans. Take a half pound
ttnin thlrkesed; then pour It over ihe
of aalt pork, arare the rIM wvery hatt
, 8>iurdw. M» ► ■■
oysters ou a hot diah.
and press Into the bsApa. ajiowBOdal
Win vta IM ipr iM 9Mk MM 4
lag Just the Hbd 10 show. AM a taahat to do with Lenwa and Oranff*
All are cordially I
spoonful of aalt. unleaa tM port la
r goM rUtac alRWt IM fral
very salt. If It Is. only hAlf a ttal^Tien using oranges and lemuas re
catchup, salt, and caynne pepper,
move the peel neatly and Uy It to
Hard aad two .
J. Allen Canby. miolat
dry where It will neither namld nor
fuls of mtdassea-more. If tbs taWAA
block, open evnry AfUroi
Sunday, 9; SO a. m.. qu
plat of ty aslanios and serve with sny ftsh (tyer heat. Tie the dried peels up In
8uodayJ fram S to k.
are liked quite sweet. Cover wUk cold
Sunday. 10:30 a. m..
black bsaas over alckt la oaa quart
watar; aet In a slow ovea aad bake
Kedgeree-Warm could fUked tsh bags of thick ^per. Home day tn the
of watar. Ikaa aopk tUl taadar. 1
Free Methedlat CN
auiuma lake your coUectloa of peel,
tram eight to ten hoara. havlAg ar
John W. Boswell.
Aunday! l.SO p. m.. Jnnlor C.‘ B
tiMM iMoaCk a aalra. addtac atork sUffktIf o»cr hot water; and |u«t ta- presumably a Urge one. wash well In
Blow, alaidy heat. Aa tbe water bolla
Kast Fourteewlk atreN,
Sunday. i:30
i;30 p. m.. IntermedlaU t
^ M iorrow aM Mi« all Mva tMlf or ooaaoffuaa »ada Ooia kpaf aatrmcl. tars nerving atlr la oae effg. bnten two waters, thua put to holf in a Urge
off add mere, hut be aure that It ia
C, K.
kelth*. cover the peel with water aad
Sunday. 7 p. m. evangelUtk aervloe.
bolUag. aad do not add water withia
mada of ftacly choppM raal. Mnre
evening 7:30.
an hour of serving. They will be a
In a rtce border. Steam the rice, one sprinkle upon It a little salt; when
tka WiP wlili a taw Ufa alloaa of
beautiful brown, moist, taader and
capful, in two cupfuls of hUhly seas- about as soft as fresh peel, or In a
New Waya of •ervlnq FeUiese
oa aad of kard tlollaA a«s floi
state to Dll readily, drain the peel
with an indeaerthahly daltglitonod
oa top. Mrta also aqaaiws of (
from tbe wafer,
By no meana omit tM
vegetable, and U expected to take Uf fnl Aavor.
• •fmr* OM aM M rliiMrfalor cnNitoaa with ikU aottHskUiff aad
and fourth week Dorcas Aid society place at the family tnlM at
oeloo. It adds much to the Aae
«ak U Potato Boidoi-Wana the Ash save oneefplnt and1 throw aw
/ ■-■ ,
• ^faaaklF,
slightly lo a while sauce, au.1 put It In
Aavor. Serve hot or cold.
^ .
• OorMitaMdofaud.^akcili.
“Tildnesday. 7: SO p. m.. every Arat three humlred ami sixty-Ave tl
the center of a dUh with a liorder of
I have suhstiluiod bam for tbe aalt
week of month C. W. B. U. meets.'
year, mayhap nearly thrice that
Thursday. 7:30 p. m.. union mid- times, like many an old falihful friend pork with excellchi results.>They are
mashed potatoes Or. If you have
1 ^
IM gtfu
IM wofk pat •
r Of
gtfU aM
enough maierUl for a Urge platter,
both drllclons.
tiafura jroa.
Friday. 7:Sa^p. m.. Sunday school we are apt to forget or m
freshly washed
nary sltad onkms or leaks, four
luit lh« border oa the edge and a high
ptwHlbllilies, and fall Into t
« AM taOM. «ltMat faar. laava
rots, kale a plat of tomstoas aad
er amaad of potatoes In the. center,
‘Worship wlth^a^re ireutliiK It with scan\ Curtesy; that
tM raft
quarts of waur. Wh««a thorou
and All the space U lween tbe Ash auinr. one teaspouitful of gum arable at rangers, workingmen and
Is. iMi^lug It but one or two dlffe
rotked. press through s ssirr. aad Sprinkle buttered crurulm lighll) over and one quart of ^rdd water l,et It
eiii wa>K. day ufu r day. week In'an
ime has been long
Mwsoa with buttrr, pepper sad salt the whole and set lu the oven till boll while you cut The peel. Skim t»cfaaUng than
nfler n meal. It la
caslonally. When the synips and pe» l
to caste. Tkoae who ohiect to the brown
Oor. Nlntb^ WAAaworU ntiMli
pasato fkuip-Place oAe half fKiutid well, therefoiv, when going to aee a
Rev. R. N. Holaiplt. Pnaior.
are ready, put as much shredded peel
taste of lomalwsi may omit them
friend suffering from a disease of tb|a
10:00 a. nu Mvalns clnaa mMUaff
as the syrup will cover. Into the kHToaiato Blaqwe-Heat oae quart
10:30 a
moraiAf worablp. oar and a minced onion la a slewpan. kind, to eat a aubslantlal maal ftrat.
For the Moatha with the II.
tie and let it boll
milk ta a doable holler, and atew h
with one qiuirt of water, almroer gent N It her should one go Into nn Infected
the strliH. am “11:00. Bnnday aehooL
Old fashloaed fried oysters are what It does not bum. uptn
a ran of taouloes until they are s
ly for twenty minutes; add ooe pint area when very warm or nfler a loag,
may be styled a hcMoely dish, but they clear all through. Skim out ami put
It Me loag Mat MNUtM hj tMaa eaough to strain easily. Out of o
of sliced poutoea, simmer fo? two quick walk, when the pores of the
tn pint gloss Jarn. Oiling ilTem full lk.il
vbo Mra glvra tha mettar caraful third of a cap of butter, take one Uhlw am delicious when properly prep
7:00. evening gospel service.
iKiurs. rub Ihrcugh a sieve, return tn botly are all open.
alMr. iMt aat 01U7 do oar tMoglita apoooful aad cook it with a tahleapooc Drain the oysters. Roll each one Aral the Bvrup down thick aud fill up the
Cnoras choir meets for rehearapl the An*, add one plnt uf ervam aud
Charciwl. U U said, effectnally
ful of coraaurrh. by lettlag the but In cracker crumbs then In egg mUed Jir*.______________
aaert a ctroiig laSuaaca for pc
Thoradny at 4:00 n. m. In tae ehurek one tablespoonful of butler; let boll clears nnd Improves the complexIOA.
tor melt dfwt where li will not scorch with s little pepper, then again Ini
Midweek prayer meeUag TharMay up. and serve with crisp crackers.
mil Ml tkat rvaa ■vaaiar Uaa
A tars Cura for Arwhen Diahas.
j whitens the teeth and further acu as
cracker crumha. aa the egg will out
.tlmglit Ic tka powar of spokaa or
If tbe dUh to be mended can be *^Au"t5 all etanse; waMwna.
Potato Chowder—Cut enough salt a natural and timtnantly aafa cAlhaHle.
otherwise adhere well to the oysters. Ued together with a stout airing, then
•naiad word. Wa kcaa all fa^ tka
pork Into bits to make perhaps a scant It absotba tha lAjnrloas gaami which
lacpiiwiaa of IM Mlpfui aM aplin
placed in bolUng milk and left one
Icacnpful. Mince nn onion, place It collect In tha stomach aad bowels,
lac taouaaa «kk>k arc to M koaiAi and cook lor tea miuutes. Cut 4k« mairse tn smoking hot fat. As soon as hour you can never tell the dUh had
Rev. Deama Ootihlla. pMtor.
and disinfects tha mouth and throat
Church #hooa No. IIM.
tar a law caou ai,ibr book atoraa rest of the butler Into small ple<»s, they assume a light amber color drain Uwo broken, and It can afterwards be
Our church la a home Dor worahlp spoonful of butUT. nnd fry uuUI the from ptdsoQs of catarrh.
iMut era to ba foasd 00 tka wcIU or stir Into Ike milk unUl well mlaad aad serve immedUtely.
put In boiling water without the pieces .and service. If you have no eharrh onion Is a dHicate bmwn: add three
Ak to hot water, there la no end to
Wkew oysters are to be serve<l raw comlnng apart. This experlmejit has .home in Traverse City, yon are aero
thea add nit. pepper aad the strain
alaioat arenr ktaaa. to «rMj
large potatoes evenljr^'Snc53r>st5t
c good that may ba acquliM
ed tomatoaa. Half a salUpoooful ul the smaller varieties are best. 8U been tried tad proven and nmny are •stly lavlted to come. gaC aeqdhtated. with boiling water: nnd cotik until
ape wactam city ballara la tka 1
through thU almpM ramady. OoWlee powar of rkaary tkoufkt tkat It soda will correct, loo much acidity 1b oysters are usually allowed for each tbe broken dUhes which were thought and work and wocabtp with im. A lender; ndd one pint of hot milk, sea blooded people, who have mi|a thli^
wakaa uaa af
to he uaelent which are now aa good
son with aalt. pepper, aad celery salt, will do well to make a butlAsm 4tf
i*otato Tumorera—Add ooe boat cracked Ice. It should be remembered
prodaiHac aaatNMwa wklek land Is
and add *a scant tablespoonful of Aoar drinking a eartaln amoant^ hot wa*
ra egg to a ptai of hot maahsd poU
tkU diractloo. Tka
^ aniouibed In n little cold milk. Place ter . every day througbotit the wiatar
church hrwvtUea.
tar anuatad. but vlatlora lo tka city toes; sessuo to taste with salt aad
tussled crackers or hlu of toasted seaaoo. U laaanoa tha trodaocy to
popper. Hall la s little dour, then tbe Am the moment that the gilU
- aatooUhad.
^l**a,‘mT'waJni“w!^ and bread in tM tnreea. add tbe rbowder, take cold aad ImproTM the eireulatlao.
msM into ball*; pms or roll these are caried and they are plump. Oya
aermon. Choir jnader dlrwikm of Mia. and serve hot. If tbe bread Ik very dry Befura going to bed M w good tMpm
tecs panood In their own liquor are
liefore* lielng toasted. H is preferable for ihls^ as it warms up and relAges
mirory. Bgkieen large oyien. or
^11%!, gnnday aebool. If prwvataad
Upon the Bo««b
the ayatem. thus preparing the way Mr
attending. Joia tha homa department
00 the potato cake, oovorlac only owe^
Ccllerola of Potatoes 1s made by
k:4S p. m.. Tooag Peopla's Sociaty
aaok aroMs «s tkaiw: -amilo. piuh. half; fold orer and preaa the <
of Christian Smlmvor la tha parlora.
aM ka praM of It.** *’Wa-|| taka off tocether; placo Id a butterwd baking
7:00 p.m.. evening woraAlp, Ooapel
4«r ooa|s aM work for 1>----- acNa.- pan In tbs «»ren- until a aloe h
meeting and evaagaltstle tarvica.
Choir uader diractloo of Dr. Smith.
-Tha boMtarc faal haitrr. tiki baiiar •enre aith krowa or tomato aaoo
Thursday. 7:50 p. m, pfA|or iM
iMIr own liquor, and when they bull
U«a briiar tkaa aay otkar paopla oa
up add iwaaoniag. butter and rrumha.
aartk.** **Ufa is acore ikaa MWtk tkc
Mayfowor elah
Cook oae minute and serve on t4msL
Uria* U tkis fatorad laM af want
Broths Oysters-Hent tbe braOer
wkara w# walliP U tM'aaasklaa wrwell, and grease by robbing it with a
ary dey - Tka ckuraMc of Ika elty
Rrat M. C. Chuiah.
slice of salt pork or with auei. Dip tbe.
Mta caught tha spUrU. aM uaa Hka
Joaeph Dutton, pastor.
4iymerm lato melted butler, or IQ oO.
kill hoards for Uatr waakly aa-^
Momlag aenrloe. 10:50.
pad tay^ihem.on the broiler. BroU
WMiaoaaiaats. aad oa tha aaarhy'
tbem oa l^b aides for a few mlaates
Bpworth League. 0 p. m.
4»ver bright nmU or gas. Have ready
Bvealng evangelistic service. 7.
soma temst cut into uniform abapea
Prayer meeting. Thuraday evening.
aM moiatdned with oyster Juice. On
Mch piece of toast place three or foar
A eordlal wekoma to nil.
oysters and pour oker them a little
•fwee/wttk an moa. ^ koltaoaa. wifh
an man CM use IM Lord."
Mo cmwMa eeM suck worda as tkoae
*/ .
nrr. W*R?[r«liifv2!or^
atrnu m edMw'fPMr
Health Deptmds
A MtUi crMksr tbooU be tb* 1
tiMie ead wheleeesM ef «B feeSe
trm whett—
i m-
la tkla Mnftac.
!«ark«Aay w«HA
A tutairkihls taMMOi aatantnc tkc
ftpid a#oqd of Ik* kqlMff la IM fow
IM craat hMy of moa oompHNac Ike
L k;.
WM aro oMsMd with oumpMIt
IM taMk af iM tanaor •mrsrm
Maka ftaea tt Is wmslijasd iMd tM
ppsalloMdPtoa kadr W moa
But ecOiuiy eede cnckere ebeerb aeM.
sr^ ceOect doU and becMue atab sad
eeoy leaf betav they leseb ymr tmis
Then b bowem, oae
. aae tahlenpooatal of chopped
. C:W iL m.
n tperk «f cayenne, nalt. yolks of two
the bolter, and add lo It the parsley,
cayenne and salt aad the oysters, well
drained, kill together ilm Aoar and the
T mnlPt-T 4ff the hniler. oM aOr in
tM cMtavs whfa they hegta to cart.
Thea add ytdka. well beaten. aM take
Mmdisiety ftam IM Am. Bmre with
a garaM of fried bread aM parsley
Qymers a U Ponlefte~Tqmnly.ATe
otaa nf Mtae
tala of butter, taar
e ta tt* mnim.
eeds wi6km-«teaee w pan. N cbm.«
criep and sesriebtss AUb rtisdi ebse
is tte*^eaprase twilbnn-4b» amw b
Uneeda Bisoub
two bM-sMon.
; Y
U Yov Want lb Know
^ .why,21
tbr .Q. ft. « t.
We we mow: tmdblrds sf tie glssses lUtet Ii
* Trerme Qty TsSsy REAP sat l£ARR
vkat wrpitieitsi^absst su-udk
M im^a ftlacalrT party tbh am-
Ai tkU ptiat « Mr>l*x«l oiaatr
IM tkiir
alooc.^ He baarMat vltb the cheek,
aa be lipnartt la bU eoai poefcei. U
baftig bis IbMkai to aal it hook sa
•ooa aa be oQMkl saake oar a aiate
■m. Oa bM arrival la tbr rhy «»e
of Ibe Irst Iblasa be dU srma to look
for Ibe paper bat ao
of It «r tbr
earelape la ahirb It arax placed cootd
lecordei^^ MSnHTwH
hi IlH- afi«maa Mr* FrrrU i«lk*^ ImM or Artak. »ltbo«t Ibr patM'a
Icaovl^ao; No 1. ta jUi Inra for
la nrir ACslm.*'
tboao «bo wtiAi to br rHn4.
•sard Froai Flaar mm WMcb
ti44 of mW»tt% mU m>>r th* m>m> t«
Wklfil tk# «rr«nA>M‘a Hnl» vrrn
CV. for fi*^ Ijookfrt aaA i»««lutlaa<
mm4 k|HiU> M/«lr^rlr W »lK*lr
HTrM la lafluriMiar kiOnMimai M
Tba 4<^ra for muor l«
laht to ai!fi ftojl p»rjt la*j*^-Uua
al*o ihoti aiHk I# hrnMi«riat^Jiaj
— -U^- ...w hi. .,«,u
Uolaiog toiu
aad Ibe drtak will aor Iw lawyei. Tb« old cmn hmtse yi Uo
mi oa to taM «< hrr
<^n»aa H HiMailvr mailiirto an4
le be Jobaaoa DmaH"' *"
*“ ** *‘”'
fJrrtae U
frleod* «d birr tkddrn Mennsl ih.
r«. 1=1 R
rd few her.
A piece wa* (m off and |irrMwti>.| ta
««lll wn. Ikr iM>/.Ug.*ory>
K. n. Marvin of tbU city. li 1* uui> a
U <I&4 ii»r Mil ofairojuUtJiig •!»« ooa
Ml of pin** fl.mi lag hut man* p.-.utl •
|io iht^ U|ii* r houM- for IM- lorhM
nUmoa. Tliru
.If »one> for if Oti ar.>..uui..d ItH OA
jwrf oalv lo ilw
of i
. 1 bot.Ui ih«- % l»iiiir« a* i
>- W.a Umlor.
piaoEO eoiin
W. T. Bteteow
rtrtting at the.
of Ibrtf SOP. J U Riaaioa.
Frank tiodor Wat Ffti^ ft by Judge
Mr. and Mr*. Rubert Ilodd left tbU
Umlor lor Diotwrbiag th.
ortilag for Maaioa to vl.lt
t kMcnlcMMnc.
Held ihe office during the '•’••'
ii '
For Cilir Trasumr
■ ■.Vil.v.r
A> a fttlawia of Klafrtiey war^
I^altoa Iran.
Frank Hicler wa* an«il || !•> Jiulre
Cmlor for ilUiuiblng the fKdr. .urik.*
we*.t Aide Hiinla^.-. It I* rtalimMi by
bmmftrnM lb tbU city todo/.
Kail Y.mka that *otue
A. UpdortbOb ba. retamed to Cedar IbrnwloK a lw*ehall agatu-i uJ Iimmaa*
Rprtbg. after vt.lt!iig friend, la
Me kjiVA they have luH-u'd4.li»g It
brtwking window* «nd cat»-lng him
A. H. Sroti reioroed to bU bot
inueh tiouhle in gem-ial.
Wlu-n the
tun beann ««nd>ir be w>ctire,l the l«li
«fe Lako aftar apeadlag aooN*
and put if ia M« ktove.
8h*kt. hr
la thle rtty.
Mrs. Pbll Ortfta
abd famHi
Nortbport paeaed tbrmisb tbe city tkU e«t the Iwit hut an* told tliai It wu .
monOmM am tbelr way to Cadlll
hurwlag and the *lnve inH Oe.1 Ml If
Viidt with Mr. Ortfdn-* pbronte.
eotild *ee It. at which tbe Muer lu-sttii
Mm. W. A Chivanob aad dau
to woe load
langimge amt
Irfi ibU tnpntlng for Cedar Hprtait*. thr*wtk
Hleiler pleaded guilty
where Uey will rlrtl few u faw dgya
Owcor ftlmpatk weal to fUngaley <
look ofior Jllo bbsUieaa laiweat. toda
Mr. ibd Mra. D. TooipkUi* bare r
Ground Was Wbitt^l Nonjgpmrt To
iiirwed lo Orabd Rapid* after aitea
ddr-Vkiadoifs Broken Bouth of
tag the fimenil of Mrs. Tnmpkta.
tho VilUp^
^ ■ 1
Ralph S. Hastings
raBdidalc on Republican Ticket
Ralph t. Hsitlops wfss bora in Tr.vora. C.ly and Kaa lived la
Ttavars. City ail bU lift. Was odoeatod to th# pobilc achools. Is a
•narriod maa wr.th a family aad a homo hero, ho it thorrforo laUroolod 00 a citiaoa aad tampayor la the walfart of thia city. Ho hoa hod
tta yMib oapoflaaco la bookkoopine oad offtca leork ia foaorol. Woo
b moasbor of Compoay M. Thlrty^oorth Mich.poa voloatoor. iafaatry
Thot iho laboriag maa aad Iht afiacKaaic oa veoll ao tbo boaiataa
men bavo eoafbf^act la hi. ability aad that bo H well ««»oMflod to
fUl Ihi. important offKi. was shawm vary clearly at tbo Rrimarioo.
He now oaks foe-your toyal support on Tuooday. April lot. and
if olectod will give his satire time to the duties of this offlee and
guarantees satisfaction.
Vote For Hastings.
FVu^ year* 1 b:ive Uea Ituuhled
bad to -teav. Kcknnl on
|.leoiM>d to oaythat since wenrbag
PAHiaai, at Hr. tf.dl.-s ..Rlr
lly ««-.riin; a p«irof ..nr S|». i*l (ironii.l l. nM«
I have for yrai-. been troubhvl with lieadarh.*.
. Nei vmiattea. and l*oor Vision. l.a>.t Septeinh«M l (*on
sillied Hr. |>au)Mai. who I* lu charge of rH WolfeV
Traverse Cil> offliv
Hr Puulioni ftlleirwe wllli a
l»i«lr «< Klusve^ that bAve etmsl by. JbadarbeK and
^eivtui^tM-** aifl gl\e lue |ierf»‘cl vUioii lot lioih dlif
tani aud ch»*.- woik,
MKh RtU Fiost. Uing Ijike
Headaches and NervMsness Cored
luBt Iin.. la.i I have au«rrr,l «uk tmll.lo
e« and neivoti* itoublf^
Since wearlm*.
filled l.y Hr. l*aulMin iKrtb truuhh-* b:iVe en
BWediab tIapiUl rhurrb nenlce. will
be iMdd at a o*rlmk tiwootrow after
bOOd and T;3A In tb. evening. Tbe ar
ehclra from Mapleioo will Iw prtw
OwiPt to many complaints fiem ructomem wrbo cannot «oi atloallob Hi bvr Phooapraph Oopartmeat only ia day ifma. pad many
fogwoots for pppt^tmonU aftar tbo oowol lima of cioa.ab. wo bovo
dscldod lo ffviir tbo pobU by kotpiag opoa ovary ovomag from now
Thin will bo bppeociolod by our potroao ^atf fbpardbif o«r warwb
aa .owi. othorp do thoiaa a. -cooaary .rtiMot for plobMsrw oM am
fort. WO fool that a froat many will
I ta tho Otars, rothor than botag botborwd by aoloosma who
s to tb^ homos
and hoop them up atphto wbaa tho/ wooM prwfbr
» eaiii<M bavf to submit to tho o-dool ntlwr offoad thorn. Wo •
I not ^ -Slf^t-hawM*^ to batbor you aad prwfar la moot you la tho
rbtttvb wm bold a soctel Monday afiernoan nt 3:3« sk the borne of Mm. D. i
14oq^ bOk mate tdrert. AU are cor
dially hiTtied A .liver oollectloa will
be taken.
M. a HARNRK iMOft.
1 ajl^ak from pemud
k\»r two yeom
gla^ise* with bo Ustlng^
te*ulu. but after baring
1ng my eye
eyc« fltiod
fltied by Dr. Haultoih I had no trott
In doing clone work nod ka^
Hove bad one year to
llerlba Kbarfie. Ibmiab. Mich
Ifln Doubt, Write to the
Address Gin. Beav
For the pa*t two yearn my eyea hare given ibo a
gu^i deal of trouble. All last winter I was cnmpelbHl to have other* trwd to me. I am pleaaed to atate
that since wearing the glaaae. flued by l>r. Panlaob
•I I>r. Wolfe-s oltlre. I «*e perfectly and 11^ iHbdttchea and nervous trmible* bare entirely dlsappcare«l.
My mother abd sister hare also be#« tiled
with glasses by Hr. PaiiUm ami art* well pleased,
l.wlll IH- glad to answer «ny letter* frrtm tbnae In
Traverse dly,« Mcli.
DB. B. L. PAULSON. Optometrist
Uuaio orri.v!wil P4Mi»rr
at Ca.lil|M, Bteb.
New Suit
Seen the New
ir. the new sack lor the
Imil F. Nerlinpr
Caai eut ■rdtam lo^
wldecoUw.^^ lapek
We have the New Maieto.
AU Mcaas.
I miCertag from a rMapae
Wmind oa a Tmlau
"Wo —mr^^ and
Copyright 1907 by Hart.Sch«ffner W Mgi-
ye .luHUUsta.
Dr. Wolfe’s Branch Dffice
Wilhelm Block
Tm ifdt jMRr Mac aadMtr mm oa
Mm.-,|l«ry Rteren*. Old MiHakiii
Tbo tpdltw Aid aoclely of the Aa
bWTt M. R. ebnreb are fireparlao for
aa edtertatbsent to Iw given Toeaday
aigbl. Hpiwb Id.
idvlaloo N(k 1 of Ibe Oangregatlonal
Besdsches Csied
I bare w<wa a pair of glaaaewtor two ■umihs that
were mind by Dr. Paalacm at Dr. Wotfe'a Tiwyeroe
City office, and have not had a particle of beadarbo
*la*'e, I ua„,l to have It erenr day. .
Mis. O. n.
Be Dmw tor YOU.
I wttt Each Pair ttt Lewes
SU Spetki frm Exfcrlcftce
Headaches, Nervoesotss, Peer
VisiM Cored
Spe^al to
f R\*ening Record,
• .bon bustaes. trip oul of town
Mrti. Praak 'Hartlev of Cedar .t
afii rball *iQmi at
t* vUlilDg friooda at Qrawb
rorered the gn iiid an Inch oe
Mr*. Airhlo Mcraiyre baa reiunw^
The bail Slone w«>re front
to bt r bowo la Grown after .paadlng
r to onehalf It b thick Utt le.
a faw daya vlaitlag Mr. II. Hastoii of
tbl* rlty.
Houth of town, however, tin re'
WUllaiB MrCallUler. wbo U auead
a numlu^ of windows Irfoken and It l.s
tag eeboot at Ulg Rapid.. U Kpaading
bla raeatlob with bU brother In tbie
and a hair through
Tbe Mt**es Malml Ander*ao and
Kitty Wrtgbl. wbo ate otieodinf; the
RpeeUI to tbe Rvenlng Redird.“^
Yp*llentl Nonoal orhool. ore bora
Ncuibport. Mich . Maix h =5-^The
tbe .tiling vaeailob.
township caucus was hebi bere
4 A. Redding and wife left
urtermwQ. W. B. Johnson being nomlmottling for Loke f'lty. where they
noted for ntjM'r* bktr: C. A. II
will virtl.
cleik; VU\ Krt|l,.t^*asnrer; <>. H
Mr*. Bert Gonnei of Tbomp*a
ton. Justice iJTTbe p«we«' and II J,
l« In tbe city today.
man. bighwaf .cx.mnitsslooei.
J. II. Trowbridge of TlHunpsiw
two daugblei* lire in the city
Mrs J K. n.'cker left IbU mnmlm!
lew day** vUlt
for Monro.- ('enter, where Mr. Ihx'kei
Mr aad Mr* A. Glddtag. bar
has already btcaied.
turoad frma a few day* rUlt wbb
Mlsa Winifred Marvlu went lo Marl
frieada at Beulah.
Iwrough this afterunon lo wfa-nd Sun
Job! T. Manner uf Cbleago U In the
day with Miss Mlldn-d IkiekerMyc4t) vMilbg frieoda aad relative*. He
Loren Fulb r of Rapid City Is lit tin
miU probably twmala here for a wii k
ciir on hiislnesK.
and win tiMI go to
Results Talk.
Wtat Bm Bmb rnmmt tor
Ow Prices Arc L*«v. AWrlttoaOw
Left ScStol, Eyes Were S. Wert
Record^^AAi^nt Ads
... ,,,^
1‘ .:^-=v;
‘■-M.- \.,‘ -^-
fir::: ':
, aATINBAY. wumn t^lMT.
Willie Cvte helpv Dinah «ErSQVARB x
■V ■:'?
By William Allan, White
A CHANCE SHOT—By Henry Wallace PhUlips ^
'rmiv «4 I «tn ala* ■ At Ute taiL lb M ««-4>
iwrJ«»»i»M«nTS'Srtdbi, Ik. br** mmh
tM w« ■ ■ I mm, mmm iw ■
-He*, a par^r kind of
Sa-Jl&le c hi.
1 tbongte; -bareback
Tafciiv k a littk easier lor tbe next couple of mOcs. I gave
hJSL’s siSs”
^liicsdi,-**^^ *
***** ^ “***“ **” *
-.Sow you hold on a hit.-says he. *! donY know bni what
we d have done better to stick to tbe bones, and ran for k. but
It's loo late to think of that Jumpim him ta all fookabnem;
poL^M^ Tiihant aayii« aaythmg for a tpcil. wben
I kappwrd to notke that bis teeth were chaiteriag.
H T«. «u ri<fo(
asonnd thn nice cool night in yoor drawers, yoiw teeth *od rattle
temper, and watch me play cnahion carruma
T?^Siit I »u iMt «Mv Ikt colUr 4(mi1i fi«« FM Ikt riite
tbc Luc Eom «l &»»rr
^It UcOM ^S*thh iwatty kad kac« tkmdn4jm ol the third
> atcry cd Frwtch’a dance cMporwm by Bronc Tbooipaoii. wbidi
ChTTtr a fraal rcaacct lor our proicah into him. Comryrmly
h€ wa«i-C
wETn^^ ^rt. tea amwera -u^SKTaa
ceil jroa that old Froaitead and
#octy hnwm are awneVra between here and yonr ootte. with
their war »atnt on and blood w their eyes, cayoodhnf and
whoofia' ti to bant bell with the blower on. and if you get
united ap with them. 1 reckon they*U
jfon a hair-cirt a^
abampoa, to aay notbmf of ocher trtmnuufi. They eey they n
‘^'oC^T^^'nrM.hr.A >«l
toor uy. I. 'If h. M»r.
crw.>win(j« «y rntnui^ HI fckk hi. pMtikttc. oa u*
* -AU Hfht. pariteerr aayt he. 1t*« yoor own floral
wrdrra wu iu halt rhcry one gomf lhri«ih; ten I ain’t a whole
company, m. n»«. can bare it yoor way. Only, if your fnmda
have to take )oo borne in a opal-Kimle, don't blame me. Paia.
So 1 went ihm««h tbe ottcem* mrtert forty mile* an hour.
IrttifiC ont a Mring of yelU yon migbt have heard to the coaal.
all thing* that he roo*t wished be could
do; be could not, under any circumherent words to any girl under fifteen
and aver nine. He was invited, with
ncarh' all t^ bovs of his
to chihltfms parties
other U^y. whose only
on), wcompluhm.n'1
was turning a cart wheel, or skinnttiK
the cal liackward. H.r. at most, hanging
hat and
!**out of*the houK *when the companv broke up. He would comfort him-
si:*“rr r
he talked in monosyllables aU>ut a )i4ce
ch he and the Uiv knew, Imt w*hich
was alwa>-s a secret to the girl. Even
after school Piggy couM not join
•s who follow
•electt coterie of boys
girls down throi^h town to fhe portoffice
Old >4inny Hardlurk aockrd it to me. aame a» uaual
„wh a'might)
I he Imnor died in me ^fter a while, and I
a might) ?
1 a4eep iuJ tlie baddlr. and woke up with a jar—to
1 ttivkcJf na'l.i HI thr
ihr 1fimiaie of old Friwthead'a gang: the
drum. *
tipnu!.- and th..%e fart>HHlil red tiger* -hayhthat made my akm get up and walk all
o*rr me wiiii wOd Irei,
How in tOaiea J'd
managed to clip through thoM
wonderful piece
were of k
fcouting u
don't kmm. T
*1 would1 have been a wonOertuI
and shout them out for the crowd to
in a lovely mea»! That war »onf put a crimp into me that Jack
Frokt himadf couldn't take out.
It wai aa dark aa dark by thia time. The moon jmt atuck
he prairie, and tbe
one e>e over the edge of the
the reat of the
th aky
coveTJd^wiih cloud. A liiilr It^t came from the Injuna'
by. and, bcaidea. 1 didn't know
tp lire, but not enough to ride
wimh way 1 ot«hl to go
iuHn the country where ran leai n three feet long are curioaiInw. You aaaaed that pocir awatiy that wanted to keep you out
f.f thia. tooting yimr Uroo like a man pediUing aoap; but now
ii'ft up to you
Wliat are vou going to do about iU**>-wod 1
didn't get any an»wer. neither.
Well, it wa» m* u*e aaking myaelf conundruma out there in
the dark when lime wai *«> >carcr. So I wraps my hankercber
around UddyY now to keep him from talking horse to the
niun pootra. and prepared to sneak to where I'd rather be.
Uddy was the quickcat thing on legs in that pan of I
bred Kentucky hor»e~and I Imew if 4 could get to l
them Injuni wouldn't have much of a chance to take
atopprr and raaminr mv worka»cioi much. A halfami 1 could show tlic whole Sioux natioa how 1 wor
r back
I cut for the place where the Injnna teemed thimimt. lifting
mvacU up till 1 didn’tI ^weight fifteen pound, and breathing only
:r «“nd
hole, and walloped around there like a whale trying to climb a
Some dam run of an lajaa threw a handful of:hav on the
Sre. aiKl. ai it blared up. the whole gang spotted me.
to w*3k"^^*^ »«>
«**« irons into Uddy, and wc began
"widnS like to make (or the ranch, aa I knew the bo*e were
abon-handed. a<. 1 pointed north, praying to tl.e good Urd that
I’d hit some kiml of wnlement before I .truck the \onh Pok.
• Well. <wc left thewe Injun, so far behind that there wa.n'i any
fun in it. I alacke<l op. patting myself oh thciiack; and. as the
grouhle seemed all over. I was just about to turn for the ranch,
when 1 heard hor*ei galUYdng. and a. the m.vm came <nii a
titiU I sap a wh<4c raft of redskin, a hoilmg tip a draw not
half a i^c aw*,, lhat knocked me aUb-sided. It looked hke 1
l the wrong ticket every tone the wheel tnmed.
• H up again, awearing 1 wouldn't atop thii^^l
Teddy and I were alone at the Lake Beds*
coat, and bools on. tbe pants was missing. WcH. if k had been
the last act. Pd bas<e had to Uugh.
-Could'nt find 'em nohow,- says he; "hunted high andlow.jick.
Jack, and the game—ju.t comes to my mind now that I had ’em
rolled up and was sleeping on ’em. I d«m*t like to go around thia
way—1 fed aa if 1 was two men. and unc of ’em hardly resi>cct>
-Did yon briiv a gun with you?"
Hc gave me another stare. "Whv. pardner, von must think I've
got a light and frivolons dirt»o»ition." says he. and with that he
beaita up the great-grand-uncle of aU the six-shooters 1 ever did
see. It made my furty-five-long look like something for a kid
to cut tu teeth on. "Tbat’a tbe best gun in tins country.- he
-Looks aa If It might be," says 1. "Has the foundry that cart
^gone out of business? I'd like to have one like it. if it's as
“When 1 ha\-e any trouUe with a man." says he, "1 donY want
to go i^ing at him with a putty Mower, just irriuting him. and
giving hinva hide ^in complaint here and there; 1 w am some*
He bad it. for a broadside from that battery would scatter an
elrphani over a townahtp.
We loped along quiet and eaav until sun-up. The Grindstone
Puttr* lay about a mile ahead of us. Looking back, wc saw the
Injan* coming over a rise of ground 'way in the distance.
-Now." sa)S ray fnend, "I know a short cut through those bills
thatll bring us out at John^.n's I hcy'se got enough punchers
there to d<> the^^Unitrd Stales army up-surcheij and blued.
'**iys Y -I’m only wandering around this part of the
country because ibis part of the country u here—sf it was any
wheres else I'd be just .as gUd "
So in wc went. It was the steepest and narrowest kind of
canon, ksoking as if it had l<en cut out of the rock with one
crack of tbe axe
1 was just thinking; “tk- whix! bnt this
would be a poor place to get snagged in.” when l^ngl sav* a
nfW right in from of ua. and ro-e-arr! goe* the bullet over our
We were off them horses and behind a couple of chunks of
-Yon see that Mock of rtone Jnrt this aide of Mm wkh the
square face towards ua
Well, he's only covered in front, and
I'm a-going to shoot against that face and ketch him on the
“Great, if you c^d work it T aayv,I. "But LordT
“Well, watch!" says he. Ihen he aquinched down behind his
cover, so as not to give the Injun an opening, trained his cannon
and fmllrd the trigger. The old gnn opened her mouth and
roared like an earthquake, but 1 didn't see any dead Injun 1 hen
twice more she spit tire, and still there weren't any desirable
says I. -you wouldnY make many cigars at
this game!"
“Now. donY von get oncasv!" says he. -Just wratch;"
-itiff.'” says the old gun. and this time, sure enough, the Injun
was knocked clear off the rock. I felt all along that he wouldn't
be much of a comfort to his frknda afterward*, if that gun
did land on him.
Still, he wasn’t ao aw ful dead, for as we jumped for the horses
he kind of hitched himsrlf to the revk. and laving the rifle across
it. and^worki^^the lever with his left liand, he sent a bole plumb
‘“lSdly*bJy!- says I. 1 snapped at himl and smashed the lode
of his rifle to flinders. Then, of course, he was our meat.
As we rode up to him. my pard held dead on him. The Injun
stood up straight and mil. and |o».ked us square in the eye—#ay.
he was a man. I tell you. red sldn or no red skin. The courage
just stuck out on him as he stood there, waiting to pass in his
My pardner threw the muzzle of his gun'n^ *D-------n it?"
aays he. "1 canY do it—he’« game from the heart ont! But the
Lord have mercy on his sinful soul il be and 1 run fool of each
other on the-prairie againr
Thm we shacked akmg dowm to Johnson’s and had breakfait
“What became of Frosthead and his-gang?"
his -gang?" Oh. they sent
jnent or two. and gatJierrd him in—Ikju! twenty-tne
M.UIicrs to an Injun Ko. no harm wa* done. Me and my t*ard
(Copyright. S- S. McQure Co.)
t met at the c
valor in tbe •
nsnak and be worrfered greatly, for he reme^n^
a^co^er ^^nsuak
alous the "way in
whichUie two went no*whenerer thev met. vet here they were at
, .(irr V'hkh il .wniu imn line mn* the oOier.
rted barthey greelrd each other tn tbe
accord when there
cal loSte^siH m pi^ o^ld b^Vkw^-htW^ The ^va
au^qird sudil^v.b. amid a htas y otkv of flowers, the mu
dultns. the *wuh of taffeta and the sound «•( women's
nlwred the apartment sincevthe
llnrsirds had given un their return fronj their
: Sinp of tiled hall where tbe
magicians had been at w
Palms lined the waU
wall in frarlevaitk disembarked
aiscrobarkrd tU
iu passenger*
be windmg iron stair. A n
grant greennessV and waved aW
i the door ushering the gm
m red knee-breeches stood
od floral groctom lit dhnlv
into whst seemed to be a socc
The drawmg room, which
d like a fairyiand hong whh
ng trip, tea
idge was an Indian who never did tl>e right thmg Thev seemed
to be rematitng his presence, and Mrs Thorpe waved her fan to
him. but be boled stiffly and looked away. He couldii t help sermg. though, that Beveridge and she began to Uugh. evidnuly at
hmv in a way that made him wUd. He turned hi* back dclilveratrlv upon ibrtn and gave bis ct*at and hai haugbuly to tlie
Wt'te ^iSiior. and t^khed somehow that I^oHy had
given liim a hint that the ev^iing was to be oo.fuch an cUbomte
scale. It seet.*ed ndicnkwis to attempt anrthmg lie thu in a flat
And she had written; “Jmt a Uttle music and a little supper. 1
tr how >*<»« hale crowds" I
«st then Mrs. Thorpe tooched him on the arm gayly. “So
i to ace you r she cried; "ooe of those nnexpcct^ pleasnres!“
-Y«i?^hr!S‘'lSlV“ -Tk,»k.. .Wlrilyr Ana he mracd
th. boy. . ho r«lly didnV
are 1lor me*
lidnY care
things, and fought, or plaved
up." or wrestled his way leisurelv home
in time to get in his “night w<x*d " But
his heart was not in !hr*e paMimev It
1 with a red shawl of a peculiar shade.
that was wending its rav to the rv.stoffice and luck, to a 1 ne in one of the
few two-story h
i the In lie town.
Time and time j
*.ir;e„*'ri^.*''h::"7.i,:;«^ i:
known, but evrrs- time lie had failed.
Lying in wait for her at comers and
vuddenly’hrcaking upon her with a glory
of backward and forward somersaults
did not eonvrv the Mate of hi* heart.
unexpectedly, did no! tell the tender
tale (or which his lip*, could find no
words And the ne.nrert be could come
to an expression oT the longing in his
Hreast was to cut her initials in the ice
beside his own when ahe came wobbling
rhirogrmphy of his skates was so indisunct that it required a krv ; and.
everything put together, poor Piggy was
no nearer a declaration at the end of
the winter than he bad been at the be
ginning of antwnn.
One morning in the fate spring he
s,wnt half an hour before breakfast
among his mother's roves, which were
just in first bloom. He had taken out
there all the wire from an ohl broom
and all his kite string His mother had
to call three times before he would leave
his work. The youngster was the first
to leave the uble. and by eight o’clewk
he was at his taric again. Before the
first school-bcU had rung, Piggv Penningt.m was boand for t!.e school-house
with a strange-looking parcel under hU
arm. He tried to put his coat oyer it,
but il stuck out. and tbe newspaper that
was wrapped around it bulged into so
many comer* that it looked like a hometied bundle of Uundry.
Just before school was called, Piggv
^ACK ^INFY S horseless^ cab
other one
htag by his I
a flyuv trapeze; be could chin a pok ao
mans times that no ooe could count the
nnraW; he could turn a somersault in
the air from the level ground, both back
ward and forward; he could “tread"
water, and "Igy- his hair; he could hit
any uArMe in any ring from "Uw*" and
“knocks” down: and, better than all, he
could ctn his irntiaU in the kc on skates,
and whirl round and round *o many
times nhat he looked like an animated
shadow, when he would dart away up
the stream, hts red “effort" flapprag
behind him like a laugh of defence. In
the story-books such a hoy would be tbe
son of a widowed mother, and turn out
kept a grocer)- store, from which FYggy
to steal so many dates tha^**1E
boys said his father
must have cut up
the almanac to supply him .\s he iiever
gave the goodies to the other te*ys. W
kept them for his own use. hiS name of
•.«». out .l>»t .. lam •* • «UU yalkr do* « . bob^.'.
S*ww fellrr. can run in a rhinecahoo that
make the hair
aland up on a huffekr robe, and get away with it just like a
au >4inny Har(
TmW^ bifc U hii^Md m«. mk «»«*. «*0t he Iu4 bat.
1^ hon* AMd iw Mdc Ukc a chrM-rmfcd aTaM.
• gmn
"Tlmfa dbom Um yatac ol iMnd Td !■» to make yon a Wi
ttmt be does k. tofl^ if 1 thought Pd have a chisr to oolkrL*
-HLter! Wkafa«ntM«heyella.
wmM. ..... ...
Desirr-was uldng o«n of her desk a
wreath of roses tied to a shaky wire
There was a crowd of girls
Her eveUsbes dropped, and she leaned bade against the
wwll a* though she were famUng.
Tvnry didn’t formulate a thought, bat, yiridiog to aome commaml that seemed to strike the base of his brain, he pot bis
sh.MiMer against the back of the man next to him and wedged
Ibrougii the throng to her side. "Let roe take you to a window,"
he said
She pnt her hand in his. and he drew h thr«^ his
arm tighil). ami elbowed their way under an arch of daisies into
a dining-rof»m where the acrvznts were busy arranging supper cm
a buffet. A window opened on an iron balcony fdled with palms.
lYiev stepped out and stood together trader the sura. The au
tumn night had the softness of spring.
^“Thank vou-Jack!" she said. WYien he beard her speak his
name agaui he caught her hands in his, and. with that happy instim-t of youth and Iovt which needs no words in its telling, they
knew that the months that had passed had made no diffcrencecxcet»t to make their meeting happier.
“lo think." she said; “1 didn’t even Jenow you were coo
but to ihew she did
medicine card on
other* were to be given away, and ask
for one. Bnt the. hia Heart's Desire.
AikI still she came not. There was one
rose left, the moat bcnntiful of aU She
didn't belong to the achool. came up at
“W'hat’s your namer
-Puddm’ -II’ tame, ast me ag*ln an* PlI
Piggy ’s feelmgs one bit that be whipped
the new Un. for the new bov was small
er than Piggy. And he daied not tom
his flushed fare toward his Heart’s IVsire. It was almost four o’clork when
IHggy Pennington walked to the roas
ter's desk to' get him to w ork out a prv>hlem. and as he pavsrsl the dc*l
Ueer^.^rehean^aen^e^her“Arc sou madr
But he dared not look for an answer
as thev marched out that night. *o he
contented hiniself with punching the l*vv
ahead of him with a pm, and M<.|,j,mjon his heels when thev were in the baeV
part of the room, where the tearher
wcmld not see him. The King of Boy.
ville walked home alone that evet-mg
The courtiers *aw plainly that his majes
ty was troubled.
took from other youngsters who ran
across his pathway playing horse
his ham he sat listlessly on a nail-keg.
while Abe and the freckle-faced tew did
their deeds of daring on the rings and
the trapeze. Only when tbe new tew
came in did Piggy arouse himself to
mount the flying bar, and. swinging in
it tn the very rafters, drop and hang bv
hi* knees, and again drop from hts knee*,
catching his ankle to the angle of the
it was from the wreath lie had given her.
and so Fight was his boyish heart that
smUe* that day.
During the si
thev began, and every time she
a class, and every time he
paM him i
•es behind
her geography
rirald pry^hiTeyes
ir. a fUMhd of gladness
or her gr
swept over his soul
That mgfii Pn-gy
Pennington followcfl the girls fnxn t ie
school-honse to the fx-toffice. and iu a
burst of enthusiasm walked on his hands
in from of llic crowd for nearly half a
When his Heart's
ain’t vou afraid yw
doing thair Piggy .
hear her. and said to the l»ys:
"Aw, that ain’t nuthin’; come down
was too exulwrant to contain himnd when he Vft the girl* he rtarted
a stray i
m that happened along, and ran 1
t was out
breath He did not n
and he could do nothing
side her. For a block they were so em
barrassed that neither spoke.
It was Piggv tsbo broke the siknee.
His word* came from his heart.
M the flower* unt^ after the ttneing.
TT« be stole a sidewise glance that
hhn w«h ,hc -B- dm. in
geographv. and took a «eat directir in
him. where he could look at hqr
ail the tune, onoteerved by her. Once
th^^*nI^Tr inTr'l £L?'bVUll3*S
thm ha?a tefd in a tff*.
HU heart
“llfis dertiny,-he sakL -PoBy never maitiooed that you wen,
go oat ior recewv. the thrill amoonlcd
chantment of her cteldtsh eyes.
At thr end of the hall he a
in the summer, louldna tmrral against
dream. 1. hey
She srrtncd like a girl m a dream
________ about
aomc trivial mattev-oiic of those quarrels that are exaggerated in
when two >oung peupk are very moefa is knre and
Why he like^diers am not gay "
But a man on the sidewalk, pawing,
said: “Well, aon that’s pretty good; hut
wouldnY you just as lie! sing as to male
that noise?" So the King went to bed
with a heavy heart.
He took that heart to achool with him
the next morning, and dragged it over
the *cho»-»l-ground, plaving crack-thr-
-I bet you eraiY do this.- he added, as
pot him o«a if they had med a haiMl-
OUM IS.I i-ven see J-rr
Itet be did ace J4ts lliurpc aud Jlarvdd CcwrUUc u.niuk
________________ __ that ahe should be here to-night and that
Polly hadn t mrmkmed it Perhaps PoI1> had planned—and thro
the rirl looked across tbe space between the crush of stnUing
f V- V : id a wave *vf paik n- i- fn>ni the r-lge of her U^ice and
iLtpcttcd as a oupt v uuvicr Uic slr;*;^ ui pcails abooi Lcr
drifted in when I heard the mnsic. I thought h was Hpesied'a
flat. This IS awful! WtH vtm brbrre now that it is dertinyr
caine U-cY. in s wave. "Dertipy-and that stage
fa:ni of mine!" she said. "l>o you Uuak you cooU
me a
artonisbed hts fri^ by^miiw a teg
armfnl of rod and yellow and
white roacs to scfaooL He had never
unknown country.
(Ccnniihl, i & McCSw'CW
C«N»V«TS» »r
Dear Mioo D«r : I kmrt fcwwc/FSNk od Alicr btae c~
<k d»r. trtudi. with ytwr k»d aimtanc*. I ohookl tier to mJee
MO a me* dm* for «rrr best and nntabDe for a manber of occataoAi. as charrh. netpinmt, thratre aod ionnal Imtdwoos. It
■oL btmrw. Jie too rUbormlc. as my beat dress is •orn
Wh*M«««k)r ■Mllsimtriid
pack»ttMmCmUnk Gm$.
TV Abce bhie wtU make no into a charmme frock for soch
1 sboald V*e a
skin taken into tV Vh with
fattJe locks. tV front srsdth snmiUtinc a double box 4>lrat V
h>mc iKAh ed«rs in two aide ideats. and inmined on tV Ueu^
fonnsoE a deep round vokr. The loner portion of tV bodice
will V in Vb> stOe added In the ^«Ae under tV outer ruchtn(. the fullness taken into a shirred bell cither of tl
Have fall pull sleeves endinc just VUiw the elbow
ruching of ThT £rtV
cuffs inaichmc the wa.a
ide to merUy
merlay the a_______________________
aradude seam. »hen tl
should be made
mill he found to be ver> quaint and pretty
H not considered
and cuff-* couldI be made
madr^ ientirely
VHi rUlioralc the >oke a^
........-J on It----------- ------ • with
------------Tuffs being arranged to match
This _
rrruiidy merl the demands «.f practicalnlity and st>lc
^ ■ Book
Don’t Bo Fat.
k Altaoliiulr SiJo.
* V. ’
!•* » »f
i 1
r«-i-wi.*i u
i»«- r-r
Oilkrrr 11 Will !»• For %>•-
The Child With The
Copper Nails
^ except imr died, and the father and mother fell very Intirly.
One daj mhen they mere out fishing they saw a dead mhale fl.^ti
srs.-" •”
I»p4 «*tur«H> and t»x kidiM^. *«d l.r« U
k>» aad *nmtl 1«
r. J. Atno^Mia.. •»«• K*a«OT sus-
They found tVt the creature on the kick of the whale ma»
indeeil a chikk Vt unlike any tVt they Vd «er s^n Iwfore.
Itt linger nails were of copper and tt mas remarkably xtrong.,
W h^hex t.xik It home and set it to pUy mith their youngeit
and .ml) surviving Vy. the strange eSUd began to grow
rapidity that in a week’*Mime it Vd cVnged into r wicked kx Amg old womaih with heady little red eyes and such .trench that
slic cvmld go out and take a bear from the hear trap and tear it
lu pieces mith her sharp copper naih
TV whole family mas afraid of the strange creature, brt tW
didn’t like Id send her away, for they were generous people wV
liad been Vm in F.kxI-giving tumm
One xlax thr witch chffd hrxwighl in a salmon The hoy. whose
pfs^ITk urF\.^-ivtJi loti^n^^^
xTHi are so pale, neither -laxxnder or i»ale green
ou .You coiild m ear i -ram. ps»e i«nk or pair hliv
l»ut It «es mitnout xaxing that only maienal 1
tV result does not .justity t V ............. shouU \k di ed. oth. rm
isc the
moold lecomr
lecome vv.11.
vvxii. Frm-.u-d 'mith
e\iH-nditure. .A princess% frock miadd
rilly fu'hu alx.ni the Vsi .mttlittle frills at the U.tt.«u and a frilly
e full puff sleeves ukh tightFiimg a lace vvder
puff to the clU.m tied at inlitt mg tiiulrr mu->
tervals mrth nhho
The little frock is designed by a F'rench modiste who makes
a specialty of A'bildrm’s garments, and is \ery simple and effec
The fnek from mhich mir sketch is nude is of dull blue
linen, stitched mith mhilc and mom mith a mime leather l>cli ’
IV skirt ami blouse arc 9m together and the fulness of the skirt
is secured by releasing the plaits iVt are stitchnl m domn to the
bell line. .\ mide sailor collar gives a jauntv hnish'to mbit mill
lie found a very useful little garment Tliese heavtf dre.s l.n itx.
so |Mi|mlar this srasf»n. are excellent for such fr»<ms as they a:x
very durable
I‘»que. dock, cotton chrxiot. or .Madras are all
good, or Mime of the pretty French gmgliamv
IV pattern. No
is cut in sirrvfor children from 2 to 4
years.«.f age
The nntliuni sue xsill require
yarxD of nu
icrul .F» inches mide
The sailor suit aim ays combines ixunfort mith j/y/r iii a nunner most desirable
desirable. The blouse aud imusers arc Unh v h-»>e
that tVy
in any may
Navy hliu- is
, are not uncinufortalJr
almavs a good ctJor
these -uits and the nutciuil should te
A Is.y’s cl-thorg initsi W
of tlH- iM-sl quality—erge is ex rllrnt
With these suits a v.ft silk tie
Imilt on lines to stand service
is used, fndcr tV blouvr a plain, snug fitting mulermaixi t*
mom to mhich the trousers are fastmetl
Inis holds th.m mcnrely in place mithnut the U»lher of suspenders
The pattern. No. ihiti. is cut in sites fur hox> fr«»m 4 to .14
years of age. For a W K years old 3 yards of ituicrial 44 imhrs
mule mill Ik required, mith
yard of nuterial jh inclus .mide
fen cents, the nunilicr
Liid address
addre^ to .Marjnrie Dane.
and Mte desired ami your panu and
44 I-ast Tmcnly third Street. Ncm York City.
The man in the moon said he guessed he could iiunasc it. hut
mhat mtmld he do mith the house?
“Well.*' said Taxet. “let it \k for all tho<r mlm are kUhd in
battle and all those mho are tired and meary mith u'ork *
“All righC said the man in the imx.n.
Tliat night thr man in the mix«i made a strong vl«Ir of
nMxmlieartls and let it domn to eaith. It -.tnuk k-tuttn txvo
r.xk: just off the Ixach of Skidegat. Cttxk. l axt-i >lid d .mn
the incline and. came to his home .igam. mherc he lixvd ever after
and became a great chief.
The ptxxplc along the shores of the ererk soeak of Taxei’s
house to this iDxwhc Iluim- of skn»—and ju>i alK.ve Skid.gaic
village arc imo large n<ks. alm<»>t covered at higfi mater, phiih
ntark the place mherc l axrt c.nmc ttom-n on the mixmlxam sinkIV natives say that vxlun th«' m.mn is full and the tide high any
one who paddies his cantx- Ix-txxcn these tmo r«<k-* e.in k*^ up
and see the shining incline still extending domn from the sky, and
iVy call it “Taxet * traiL" .
WVn tV witch <hikl with tV copper finger ^s «me
^1,0 h."*nc»-cr h«rd «l .nvbod,
to this dayHhe,prople mho live on the v4e«fs of Skidcgate Creek,
sing tVi the much-child mas the first prrM.n m this morld mho
Dear Mi<s Dane: I Vvr nine varils like the xampJe of black
and mould like a suggestimi lor a skirt for ev.nutr mear. Aim
1 have six yards like mhite s.v-nplr. for a maist ami f.^r yards
of liandsome lare three indtrs wide f..r tnmmmg C.m y,<i give.
The sample* of Ukh the IJack and mhite leivade arc extremelv handsome, hut iVv mill not he a success as a skm ami
>aisl mom at the same time. Nine yards of sudi lieaxy goeds
will »« more than sufficient for a skirt. 1 sh-idd try ,-.nd get a
a skirt
sVvleton maist and puff sleeves outI of
.d it. ;J
plain, h n • and tl ,nnB. (
Id be made 1
ruhn l ke I -vers toH
gs of the K
l.r.M.leiunc .on ^
onning from the matst line Iwck. the foldv l.r.M.leiiM'y
shoulders imd taiwrin.: again as they Vseend - wot hue 1r..tit.
M.nkc a square y-okc of handvnnr hhiek Dee. t» 01- ..retu or lined
mith mhite. jmning to the I.mtr edge of voV- .«• mA- and fr.ml,
pleated black chiffon, so tliat the Vs are entirel; ccmplete Strap
llese domn mnth narrom black xelxet ciuftiex^iti ; the inner evDes
i*f the firhn. Thr sleeves mill l«e full |Ui!is « nu *n in Die . nff-.
If y.Hi mish a tnnmiing. let ii Ik- a luiinl of spa*, led j
to the iniier edge of the tiehu meting Vue V. the Nanu cominuiitg
domn thr front gore, midening a little in its cIcm*. at
Six vards of the rich mhite s-ni,, hnv.vde is nit i^lv li«. much
for a m-aist
I shmild feel inclined to conihinr it with.soft ixory
crepe de J’aris. or hriiricita and Iiaxe a mliolc gnx*vi. TIh skirt
e ndd le long and flaring, tilting the hips snuxulih -m1 the Urtloin finish, d mhh a couple uf self f.ddc. IV front w.d*h will V
slashed to display a panel of the hrteade. outlined m i:h lx.x ph ajs
of the materid *lV l-xlke will have a wjuare chei iisrtir of the
kice. mhde from the lomrr edge the hrvKadr mill take tq. the
skirt. lx,x pleats
ihr ».r.H^adr from the should, rs m ill imxt thr
I-.x plrats of the material on the -kirt. tiun xvdj come a ImiuI of
Dee ioined to Ihr.u.x pleats, the re: vonmg jc.n of the ’ .nficr to
fx of the hr.v.ide. the edges jilst oxrrlappiiu the bxe Iwnids. lliiis
liic maist mill shorn a chemfelle of Dee and vest of l.rrw. l- (laid
in jerfcctlx flatt loitlined In the Dx ph.,ts. hands of k <• being
added to these to give long lines fr.mi the sh.Hildrr. addiiu: as
mell to thr Uautx of the,-ta-ist
I he laee nuiv alvo D- taken
doxxn the iMck. laiKmiK tp tlie xxaist line, it preferred H.ivr full
imrt sleeves taken into Dee cuJs and ymir goxrn mill le a Ix-an'y,
• ^
. *
^ '
Jimmie's Uncle's
Jimmie’s- rnclc tom. the mighty hunter, mxs at home ooe
night, xisiting Jmimie’% nviilKr. mho mas IVlc Tom’s sister.
•T ilde lorn, lidl me a huiuing story.“ Ix-gced Jimmie
“I am kind of tired to nwhi. Jimm»e,“ ansm-cred I’ikIc Tom,
nd I’m afraid I cani stay long enough to tell you a gw^l long
One that’s not
••Killed a* rabbit miihout even moving^ repeated Jimmie, in
“Y<>.“ rrpliH liKlc Tom. “without moving, and srithom evxn imendmg to do it I-H tell yon the story. I was out shott
ing partrkl:4ts one day mhen 1 ftnmd I had come off without my
game bag. I had giHKl luck, ii«. and so 1 mas forced U« put
all tlie hinls 1 killed in my ciat pockets. Bv the time 1 started
home 1 mas loided domn mith every pocket stuffed full of dead
buds. Iliry made a heavy meighl and pulled dommSw me so
1 could scarcily malk
“On the max home I fieard something ct»me nmmng ifiNfairh •
the briar thicket just Ubind me^ and tunicd rtmn<rto >ee^at -
:.7Se^hem Li,hm iod 1 «. hi. child! N.w 1 ,iU pamd.
you for catmg my sahnon.
She ran at him fiercely with her copper tipped finger stretched
out to tear hV to pieces Taxet looked around. TVre was no
Tm so afraid that if vou go
Out in ytrnr Easter togs.
'Ere you get home again h wiU
Be ntning cats and dogs.
. -
bidder reacTOUg
w i-c
nocinc his bow in tV end ol tV chain of imows it became a
UddeT^ which V cHmbed as fast as V cimld to tV sky
t£« V^icktd the ladder away below him.
When'V locked
>•1 would not mind tV-cat* so much;
But think? Ha bull pup
Should vain on you. 1 fear, my dear.
TWV would cm you up.>
Jid dS25VSo A?
of a
the ruu mhile .ait sh.K.iing jiartridges.
Ihe funny part of tbe
story is that I kdkd llic rabbit miihoul firing a shot and without
“ '^At that moment a foU gromn raUiit Vest fn.m the il/fket
at full speed Just as he passed me the weight in mv pfAeis,
pulled the top button off my coat It flem out. struck the Vaiibit
JUST hchmd the car. and killed it stone dead The tahUt dnqqwd
right in his tracks. I picked it up and added it to my pUc o.
game. I Vd rabUi stew for supper tVt nghl."
. T
^*^lV*iTich-child was a little hit afraid of Taxei’s father and
mother, hot she matched for an <niportunltx to do the f'<»>
One day when Taxet mas out huniittg V sam the mnch-child
toward him.
miuung lowaro
“Ob. hor *V crirtl
“\’our fatVr and motVr Vve^been
dmmxSd by the upsetting of their canoe. It wa. the mhMe. tV
dead wVIe, from mrboae Vek they iot4 me. that did tt. He has
rw iwArTT^N^
•M* ICS^. «r TbU WvMd^rfMl Ul»*.U]r
IVar Mis* Dane: Will ytxi kindly advise me how to have a
dark red coidimn suit nxade up I am very dark and inchiKd to
V stiHit. 40 bust, have dark hair and e\x» and am 30 vrars of
W hat tnmming shall I use and mhat style coat' mill look
well on me? I should like an Kl.m if yxiu think it mould In
come me. as the suit is for early smumer and I think a hmger
.cost might Ussk too marm. as the m.iterial i. quite heavs.
W'i'.l a lOack hat mith |
ar Miss Dane: Will vxm please giix me a fern- snw^pi^ar
mr;.rdiiig a dress suitable for evening mcar on a short
rr s^acation? ! thought of laixmler or pale green eolienne,
IXthing that mill dxc later cn. I shall nse it for a theatre
,'in tV fall and m inter. Would some other material he
r? Ikxrs poiqrcc d>x well? .Am S feet tall, ve^slight
suggest something I could do with it. The skijt u arcular
with pleats down the frort. and jacket Vssdbom sleeves and
vest effect in front, pleats ftom shoolder to bottom both lock
Marjorie Dane Patterns
nrdrolw for such a
iiior made walking
and. if the coal is
su5 will V g«Kl. It should clear
cl« the .
IS an Kton. then an extra
mrap d
vers short as
It m-ear
both for Uiat
svear and m the tn-ninlains
ulster order will lie Vsl. A hT nise uf nun s vriling or cVlIie
is desirable for cr<»ssuig. nude simply in Uilor
‘ with a hit
of mhite at the neck; and a tmerd cap tied domn wuh a chrff.m
veil makes the Inr^t head ct.s-ermg perhaps Stnmg. hwse gloves
are better tVn tight fine ones, and the f.»i»tmear should he lowheeled and suhManUal
A omplr of white mashing maists. or
one of silk sbimld he pUced in the suit caac fur mear a» tlie
table tevenings) in case >ou feel able to make the clwnge and
to go to the taUe. Dressmg. as it ts understoiKl. is not expected
For sight seeing >^hi mill mant a light.frock. lK->ide* ymir tail
ored suit, and fur lies svni might gel a ehifT.m lalTcu or a fouUrd
in a snull design and becoming csik.rnu-. and make it up m a
dressy shirtmaist style mith lace alxKit tV neck- A hat much
as >^wi mimld wear f6r tnitmrs at h<Knr mill he suitaUe ftir
abroad, and for dinner you might base a nice black voile sldrt.
a prettv mouw of Uce t.r net and a dainty Iwll
People dress
sery quietly in the mountain. Iwth in the mmh of FmgUnd
and III Wales. If you are Vlicatc at all. you sFunild prunde
some warm underwear, for it is apt to V cold aud chilly there
even in summer. Thin French flannel hk«iscs,may pn.ve% o.mU^. although, of course, ynm will mant one or tmf. of lingerie
iVm’i 'make the misUke of taking ten* much clothing, as
It is Ofilr m iV may
I mould think sour cloth suit, the silk
frock, the ailk >-oile skirt and various himtset mould lie ample,
unless you like to add a lingerie frock and dainty nhhons for any
special iVcasion. .Again, a giH»d deal depends upon one’s age,
loung people requinng more changes than those'older, or. at
all rs-ents. ibev are more seimtisc aN.nt appearing before
strangers with what they consider so Itnimd a mardrobc
• ^ -
tkink tV coat draa
sufficiently up to <£e
You might like to make a chanjie hjr
adding c^lUr and cuffs, cither in lingerie or siune pretty luighl
material. .Again, yon might l.kr to make the little jacket into a
pinafore waist cut low in tV neck lor mrear with guirape straps
of the silk erwsing the shmilders, supporting thr waist. The
sleeves would V released from tV cuffs aad caught up to tV
ju'l below,
hdow. revealing pnff sleeves of the
KmlVr seam or ju^t
let. blit 1
Thi» makes a nice. cool, pretty
c tired of tlK coat 1 should let it remain I h is.
X>ear Miss Dane Will you kindly advise me as to a suitable
wardrobe for a European trip’ l.intrnd to go neat June^by a
slow sailing ses*el. ipend tmo weeks sight semig. then a month
at some qaiel mountain resort
I mould like particulvb* to
kmm mVt would he necessary for wear while op xhe t^l. I
intend taking only a dress sun case and a steamer ^irunk.^
An Eton emt is really the best style tl At you can choose.
Ha\x it rather cksse fitting in the bade, m*ith straight frontx
You could VsT a flat coiUr.of mhite broadcloth, strapped in
whh brswdckdi IV color of ynjor suit and trimmed miih rx>ms
of liUck s.mtacV
Hasx three-quarter sleevTS ending in cuffs
matching tV collar and make the skirt in sesxn gore, flaring, bi
ting tV hips sm.H^thl> and trimmrd oo tV bottom with a couple
cords on both edfes; ttttmg on in Vnlenient or Grc
lace, outlined mirti J
S-*-5kS,'5?K£ 3‘.uu^rb.‘i:J^ tur-** ‘--:
c4B kittrs
ia Acse cohamas at ky maiL
Add^ Marion Dam. 44 East
Kor* Qbf.
. *
Tsiet dd down tbe koOm
AH Winter we sleep dete in our grave*.
We reck not l.oR the ici^pr*i raxx*.
- • ii
■ ; ,
’ .^
’ v ^
^V ^
i '.
*7 -
A FTER « wtn;«r in Aiuch ll»c o»m|Jcit ix..tun»c h-. rcigiioi
A ftlmo»t «u|*rrmc und Unr inUcpcndrm blou%c h*k pUrrd «
iDiAt ummp»rtAm fwrt. Ihr home drr«ungkcr w ill welcome
the new* that the drr»»x »<paraie bodice and the *nurtl> udored
Ain waut pruciii*c ti> he ncie»*ar]r adjimru of aummer ward
rahaa. lncideniiil!>, tf it i» verv. very »cvcrel) taihirrd. it U called
a Ain. not a AinwaUt. And the lincerie blou>e mu»i not only
be waAable a* tit name implict. but roiui Aow auantiiiet of
handwork and mteit A ccruui etiquette or g«»d form, too,
win be obtervad in the wearing of thete two articlet 'ihc
uUorrd wain, ufwntng in the front with long alcevi* cm! a
c*TUt«‘manni»h look, will U reterved fur wear with tkmt
of linen or plain utlorrd cloth lire fancy iKnlice of Uwn,
IwtUte or other abecr fabric or of tilk may ha\c abort »|eeve>.
low nark, irantparent intett, etc. will open on the tide or in the
badt, and will be worn with fancy voile or aUk cottumea
A word aa to the hntah of the Uilored waitt. Be aure to wear
whh it aaparata cuff* and ctJlar* of matching material, either
vmbfoidared by hand, or trimmed with bands of machine em
hroidcf). or uny knife plated irUU which are uted alto to edge
the boa pleat down the from. (>n the beat built Aim. the»e
frilU are bniAed with a pUin or bcmatitched edge If trimming
ermd emhruidcry or turchou, not
and clutely wi>\cn at that •
to aet perfectly, use an intide waiat
band, an iik.li wide Stitch Ac gatbera in the back to iklt and
extend the >titclnng of the Utid to the under arm aeanu From
t!.at point let the band fly Kawe to that you can hook or pm it
III the from at you did the liUc band of your winter .bodice,
liien iiuide the undcr-ann piccct and the front piecet. adjutting
the gaihera of Ac Utter carefuU>. atitA anoAcr three-quarter
inch band to bract the waiat line Vi*u wilt Iw aurprurd to tee
how much more trig yuur waiat with Ait ImiA look* than when
fattened down on Ac outtidc with aaicty pint, a layte or
If your waiat ia of very thin, aheer gooda, mjte thia wain
band of material a trifle heavier, and u^c aUo a three quarter
inch colUr band of
heavier fabrK. Pipe or cord your arm *
rye when jtm put iiO«*r aleevea, and Aey will aet better.
The tailofed waiata may he hnuhed with Urge pcwrl buttoni
down the front, or the laatening may be hidden with a box
pleat. Some of Aemew waUta abow three, or fire rather broad
pleatt in ifie frtwt and two in the hack. One Urge boa pleat A
the middle of the fnmi. with broad tuck* on the Aooldcrt fond*
another jK*puUr model. Aa a rule the narrow
have found favor for tailored waiata
In the* fancy model*, handwork rules and fiimpcr styles arc
miarh seen, whh striking combination* of tucka, Ui'c and enr
brciidcry. If ycni have bnr material, auch aa batiatc, handker
chief linen, or aoft ailk. do not tur any machine at itching l ivery
tuck must be run by hand, every inaet muM he done with tmeat
Jicrdlework Ihia mark* the hliniac aa cuatom-made. aa Aatinct
from factory good*
If you cannot embroider, yr.u can aecurr one of the season's
most dcairahle effects by buying nam^iok or Swiaa all-oiTr em
hroidrr-v w hh a scattered pattern an<t inad it at reguUr intervaU
with Uce medallioiu. Inah crochet, cluny and hUi laces are moat
popoUr this acasofi. though point dt Paris and Val arc by no
mean* out of the runninfi
There seems to be a fancy for varying the mcr used vertical
tuck by croMing and crisscrossing it on the fronts of waist* Cht
one new waist alternate panels arc tucked horironially and ver
tically. On ahotlwr Ae side* of the front are tucked acroa* and
vup and^^wn. giving the desirable crossbar effect. Crewshar
dimitics^c kindly to thu treatment
Tucking pU\a a very important part in both tailored and fancy
waiat*. It i* used quite generally to simuUte yokes and jumper
effects. The bmg wauted girl can run these tucks horuontaUy .
Tf rr^j^iTiiia^^^^
pointed yoke of horizontal tucking.
The cloth below the
tucking I* Uid in seven U« pleats. Over Ac tuAcd yoke are
Uid seven strap* the same width of the pleats, stitched and
overlapping the pleats. These straps are graduated in lengA to
heighten the pointed yoke effect, with the longest strap in the
eenler i:ach strap is hnuhed with a pUin but highly poliabtd
*^.\nothcr plain hut effertive waut simulates a jumper effect
witi^an oval sliapcd strap, outlining the deep yoke of hoc tuck*
“l-ine cotton voile is much used lor the dressier Imgerie waists
and it lends itself to peiulur liuc combiiutkm*. One charmang
model showed a jumper effect of the voile, over a gutmpe wrlUi
elbow sleeves of Madeira embroidery. The latter was inset wBb
small medallions of Irivh crochet and the jumper was outlioad
with hands of Irish mseruun. edged with knife-pleatinff of laer.
This was fitted in jumper effect over a deep yoke and sleeves
made of two-inch ruffles of Vat Uce.
: F.*"*'-V'
ii'S! V 4
■iumYipa, ttfTwKiipsatM.
IT totei to iO tto
mh, Mil IM 8M Ml
luew M u« iMir kM «f
0» MmH^. Mutk
A debate waa slt<« at the Central
Uf%. thmm midi^i
OM to srade papUa cd toe Roardmna nvwnne
Tr«««rM OUr M MMMt of to* AkJMM «l Mr IMtor. Mr*. Uitto
—. —____
be twrtoer raetrtetod In Amcuica.**
iu m'mU to mttM m
r* •***“ ‘!T
The debater* on the eftnaatlve aide
tonUan oT aakiaf that bars toelr fu were Hrlbcrt Brown. Bertha MUler.
TM HMor toMck *r to* M A N E
ItoMla* toartowalte and Rumtey Bny
r«ll«»)' feporto * »M <Mrk )«*t out
Tbe ffcMMir Rnactos ctob wtU gir0 der or toe Boerdaian acbool and
of toe mlto nm*.
toe tolrd oi ibelr aertaa of daaoea on
^TM republlee* ceucao w** held la Friday rrenlas. April 1. LMStoaH Vivlaa Onrdaer ^TU Voiruba. Mabel
Laatner and Ralph Vtecotchll of the
cnap. II N. A. wUl aenre Ice erm Oeatral.
and cake duriag toe cvenlos •
The prlnrliM.1 potnia In the arpu
Oeorse Webetor a aailltas
% U maekwdfl. .Mervbor
nance la aern on tbe aireeta OOM
Lm Stocejr. derk.
mow. Oeorse 1. bnXelmg on toe
»>mak Coaklto. tnmmnr.
Honor bmacb of the M. « K. B.
fiom toe aouthere and eaatem pacta
J. C. Vaa Blertcwa, moIw
Attnatkin. M. W. A.-AaeanaMt
eC rertov.
No 123 ta due and If bat pall on or aa toeee of prevkuia yearn ahon they
W. R. Covey, srbool luRpectnr
befoie March 31 you will ataad tua^
pcaded. March 31 doc« aot wieaa from
April 1 to April lu M. C Van Eteri
Tbeae htal made the sood. loyal
com. clerk, cnaip «tin.
Americaaa who aided In tarrylns fur
ward toe pitmiHMity aad enUl|*ri^4
ahkh made An»eii.a flf^iiionp the
iiatlooa of lb4 «urld
TM Montok CMCM %UI be beW
Monday. Mmnh 15
Krmak Klai for Wlni drunk and
received a bouquet at
twenty daya la toe coualy jail at
Juallce cl Pence Cuvry
dara be will baye pence and quietude
all ln.lu>lrUl
lelUpent and akllled work
than the illltcraie and
Tbla ebanse whichI haa taken plaeo
ralai*d the
in the cteaa of
per cent of Uilterarr fn»m about 3
per cent la former yeara to 25 ik t rent
dttrtas toe laal f« w yeara.
■ CMher ansuiueniM were.
aayluiita and aliiia h<Miaea were Urst'ly
flIJed with theae undealrable fmelsneni
and that many of the murdera and
other Crimea wete ccmimitied hy ihla
^imnbic all Uk* dellcacina ol the
aame claaa and that e«mld the edueai
aeai^^a brulHas ckIckeM. Jlprtas tonal, phyaleal and inoial teat la> iimir
tejab, ve^raal pork and boel of the Iborouchly Slven when they laJid lai
iM»r ahoiea. IhcM- evH> would Iw dl
very Uwt sradc. ‘ We alwaya keep oui
JototopH Sltodtor Jk Mon
nrte<laM Baldwra. radicr«:«iK Smum* Mafecn
«f Mfwa fMca Ttaa tw
Me ft t«iMh» taiMMto for • fM
The rrcwnt warn day* have put toe
ke in the bay to the had
Aloas Ok
whore there te opea water in ptecea
and whnt lor toem *te te vary fotlea.
A well knpva aatoority auufw that
toerw arc iwvw cnaea of kidney trouble bat badly honrycnimbed
here new
ever befoie. while n- river U natlas a Ms hole la toe Ire
more or leae than eaceaalve uric acid
flahwrmcw who had placed tbMr coop#
la tine with the current and left toem
Ihtwe Uio hms li»r neTeral of them
have broLi-a throush and all toat can
Ur •««« of them te the top floatins In
toe water There »re alao n namber
teavtns It to deoompoae nnd welUe of ict-htmte left 4« toe
mad tbe
about toe iolnts and muarlea. caualas owneia may have aome hard wotk
lutenee anPerlns; fiwqnenUy reaultlns
toJwlMinitr^oflew mnchlas toe Imart wavins them.
Ur *kldiS
I U wMoh an i
of Ttial mirsy aad aipiata vlu wtaaea ape move quickly toaa mea. They
explain to a terse exinat toa aerrona
proauatloa and fhtlsoe of which wornea ao odea comptete.
HI rroBtSt
Palaa acroaa
toe bark.
Railway Safety 'tnvfete
on th- B-n.-al Naffpur raUwaj. la la
dU. a uun.l.er of .wrrtasvw hive heerv
Stttxl with an rvpcHmrata! device fbr
ateq^ptoff the train
A paaaenner in
dancer can by tearini: the paper ewr-
other aymptoma of weak bladder arv
not the only alsas of kidney tivnble:
manv caaes of atomeeh dteeaae, head
ache, pain la toe bean, laertlve liver,
etc., are but aymptoma: the cwuae of
which can be traw-d to feebk*. clocited whkh whlln pri«e,l applleetbe brakna.
The pbyalciana fur the tnviiranre
eonipaalea alwaya cerelullv examine
aad repurt on the condition of toe
urine. Ii la a certain alfw of alckbca*
or health of the human body
A teat of the Urtne abould be made
by every maa and woman at Iraat
once each y«ear
A aintple teat la to
V4dd a amall quanUty of urme in «
iKdtto or Elaaa and ltd ft aland over
nlahl: ni-a. morulua. if th4 re l.s a nal
diHh brirk-du.l aedlmeni. or while.
fl4tvy aubaUuee pre*cHil, either (>>u
di W4.me reputable phy.lcUn <.r tako
a jrtaal verrtahle tuwtmeot
The ftd
lowinjc preac/tpthio te ti'cimniendtsl
hijshly in thiwe caaea. and If d4-aiiwtde
the auffeier can luU it at huuH\ Any
Kood preacrlpttoa pharmacy haa iho
iisr4ali4nia. which aie baj*ui»eaa and
Inexpi'nalve «<^•nl|HMlnd Kara«in. 4»ne
ounce; nuld Kxira<i Iteadclhm. oi.
half «ima- IVimiamud Svrup Kaiwap.1
Shake W4>11 and
o.-a-a after each
uiu< In le^v|Ni.w
When- any 4d
pUMiia 4 nuiuera».al. al-»ve angtjud reaulla ait» auie to ltd
.wliaiely the ua<- 4d Ihla aimplo
• ef tha Sacred Fw
iMaiicmcNTa.0F othrr faints.
Opera House
A Real Goaiaitcc
If the Lyman H.' Howe
.Moving Picture exhibition ia
not all that is claimed tor it. il
any patron does not And it to
be the roost elaborate and
satisfactoty entertainment oi
the kind he has ever seen, the
price of admission will be
'cheerfully refunded.
1 publicly make this guar
anty because 1 know that
the show will be a rare treat.
Mr. Felton writes me that a
pac:ked house at Bentcn Har
bor• was delighted with it.
The story of a wroman’t hoarl
wiU bq Uikl by **A Woman of Myttotrem, MU. OourteDiy MoiguL
in therole of-Aye.ha"
That the
increasing popular
tion of this city means an in
crease of Real Estate Values,
also increased complication of
Records, calling for a need on
your part of a CLEAR Ab
stract of Title to your prop
My facilities insure Accurate. Ettlcient sei^ice to all
orrow or
who buy. sell, borrow
o loan
money on Real Estate.
THE neatest little folding Go Carts sett from$l .Vito
"^ 00. The reed bick and seat from $11.00 to $-*7.00..
The big line are priced from $11.00 to $20.75. The
belter grades all have the automobile tires and remov
able wheels. You should sec the full buggy style—aa
fine as ^ere is on the market. fViced at $21.50.
$23 50 and $27.00.
The Knox Hat
Has been acknowledged for years to be
NO TROUBLE to show these goods and we want
you to sec them before placing pour order. (Furniiurc Division, second floor. ^
The King of Hats
iiA» ncnim for soc.
krkcR Wrniiiiv 4»l the Best AatlMira
ftt to looaln tbv* awnmi of kU Uln.1 and M novel on toe iteelUr
l oTv!vte**Afrlra. a regloo Sited wllk aan-eatlac wUA *i
M. telal fevaia, iraoUea*
ioUea* Janstei
Jnnsles aad
asd a mote id
and uuiMMUl Bitolltei firl. "Carirr.” toe rod-headed i
lurer. |ila>a a mute tmporUat part tonmfkuul Uite ni4jfct facii
AH the newest spring styles are here.. We never had
such a display, and il is attracting universal
attention. No matter if you arc tall or
short, have a full face or thin, wc
can til you perfei ily.
Absirsols of TiUe
210 State Bank Building.
In greatest profusion. All the newest novchics, many
only shown here Be sur^ and bring the children to
see these wonderful goods.
All these novelties are boxes that can be filled
with candy.
Easter Rabbits, Easier Chickens. Easier Eggs,
Easier Birds, all manner of curious creatures. Priced
-from lOcio50c.
A fine line of newly imported dainty Easier Book
lets and Easter Cards. Priced from 2c to 25c.
All kinds oi new ideas in Easter Postal Cards2 for 5c.
(Book Division, first floor,)
Money Made In jPoultry
We cerry a full Hue of the celebrated
Kteera and Poultry Bopplle*. What we don't have weB «can gel for
i In the ehotieet poeeible time and can save
vy. You can
•ec your good* before you make yoor purehaae.
The Rtllabit 100 Egg Incwbteer. one of toe heat after twenty five
Mcn’g nobby spriug attire is just complete if you wear a ‘ Knox.’* . Wc offer
you the greatest stock to select from, and the price, as you know, is FTVE
DOLLARS. There’s rt^n for it—they are fully worth it.
NA/m Arm
one of toe aeeleet and bekt c
can be taken i
(Clothing Division, first floor.second section from west entrance.)
old ahb young
•pleadid detocllve •loclee and tote aenmanea Ihtm all. toa ftoeat
^ myteery »iorj of Ita lorl ever wrlueo. •
v'leboli jn Briltak
V '^KBEANOV.*' Oartreda Atoertoe. Dr. Itoberuai NIeboli
^’vwkly aaye tba eUoat womaa writer ef SeUoe do
of akeor power toere ta RO womaa aovalete wko < [oUl^^aar'hJ!^-
De Meridor*s Gfeaseless Gold Cream
Reltebte Llee KMIlng IMahlee-U iloea toe work ta an bourjhal oiherwibe wouM take a ttel day. It ta tbe greateet InrenUoli for poultrymen ever made.
'DAN1BL BWMfTUkHD.*- Bdaa FMlpoU>t. who aUads In toe fro
rank of too great Bagltah aoveltapL No one hat vet aurpaaaod him
Tabw of Devooabtre. where tha aceeea of tola, hit teteat work, a
Aa ideal cream for chapped hands, ezcellent for the
complexion, a fine skin food and'message cream,
Galvanligd Irpn DHnktag FoMUln~U will not fiweao. cannot bo
Upped over and ia immt eeally cleaaed.
ReUa^Mam^Com EheltarwShelta any ktad of corn and ta a great
tota aeweaL moat hfOllML amre aUrtlteg
yonr poultry ta and amall siork out Vou
; ^
teklorSampteBox. ;
0. C MOFFATT v l
Hie Hannah & Lay MercantOe Company
Go Carts Are Here
THE greal«t stock that wc ver ecarried—Go Carts
that for construction, style and price cannot be
equalled • Many entirely new patented ideas.
to the dtyihoiiU WE ALSO CARRY A COMFLE^ :
boat over prenented here.
Mhiuger Grand OppraHouM
Pricet: ISCo SSC. SMc. Seal
sak> opens Tncnday. March HI
The Judsea w« iv Mia tamer While, print *• In a flat, cocky Im^-ln at the
he Rev A J. C'anh.v of the lU^lplea foot of tol l irMuintaln In atone aa hard
nud tlama that kquw sued meat know
anfdiie cninlie there te the perfect Imhurch and SuiHrlniendem Clthert
pitot of a gisantle human fi«d. H\e anti
At thiv aeaaon of the year wo
oue-balf feet Ions by two and om-half
ittealloo to uur Ham and
feet wide. The (Vyb.ne!*** Itrahmana
and voted la their favor two I
hare a le«end to tU effen that the Im
print waa made by Adam, tmr Smt
ent, but tU Buddbtete declare that It
I havw been made by do one but
meat, at the tcH* notch of oacclh-m-c.
CM Mgy.
Dr^^l RNtiNd
Kgt/%L vPowbcR
TW M to Somm mmj BMi
tta^BM^nrtac tkBat:
amTTj. Tayliir.
Tiaaaafwr. A. j. Ornmade..
JMcaaf tW peace. PTaak RHck.
tone «r lariew. WaHer Feiger.
dfmM yaa taha miythhii
I haat if ymi kaaw Hf '
. Ii
wefl Made.
WIMaa Irdaad ^ Bamm HMk
Mad. boU o( ikis couaty w«ee «»|t<d
M marrMBB y«Harday by JuaUce
be kaoira as Market No. 2. |uid enil be
ooe oC the best markets la the ctty. It
wlU he la charge of FVaak \V. Sleder.
the oMeat aoa of Joseph 8l«lcr. the
head of the hrm. who for aeveraJ
sears ha. been a^oclati'd with hU
father in lhn£a.t Bhfhlh street store.
ireJtno^ ihai
arc such iMf
rtstsf hujinc^
ytm ‘ast rea^iy io buy or
UAi, you are just a: wel
come. . ire skaif enjoY
y<m ihi
/klM£S MS mu(k
Witt seem
auc thertf.
irmc isyittrs.
M. jmi
and n«0
McGcc Patent Band
Oeoi^e L. Kisher erf El Paao. TnaK.
one of the best kmiwn mining expl^rts
la the eounuy. ha. Just comidelcd an
ekaminatlon of the p«T>peitk'. of tht'
Grand Traverse and Aritona Mining
txitnpany near Cave Creek, Artxoaa.
auJ the ortcers of thi oomiuny liaw
rweelvod notice that hi. rv|»ot will
be not only far»»rahlc but hu will n*r
omueod that two n»ore mine. |ie
«vcned by the rurnimuy im ilieir piop
crt^-. It M expt'cii'd that emmgh «»n*
Marry Wttters Left for That City To- from iheTTCNeiit mine can Ik* w.ld to
l*av the ex|K*UM«,s of th»>
day and When He Comes Back
Then' will Ik* a mecliug of ^he mem
He Won’t Be Alone.
iH-rs frf the (1 T 4 A .'ndlcatc in
lluirv WitU iM one «if thi- « ui|du>«<s rre.ldenl Smuithsalte's offlee at 1
of llm Jkhuyler MMufartiii lug earn
Has been improved and is the most practical of
any on the market. Skirts made of Moreen.
Hcaihcrbone,. Ncarsilk. etc. at
». U.50, t3. S3.50
We offer far y>or htspedhn during these opennig d&ys on^
of the best seeded^6cks of Dry Goods and Udits'
Wearina e^pperet ever assembled in this city
CDlFull.at = ;
age Market No :
4«»seph meder 4 tbars establUhM
the Klghth strtet inat^ t sereral years
aau and have built up\ reiy Urge bu.
Thl. iN om- U the find and
must iHmiplHf and uptrMlate markets
in the elty and It Is thuir purpose u.
make Market Nu. 2 enuaUy suoresafal
Do Not Forget Our Opening
; M<Mi^y and Ttiesday
bruwMM PSA extoiaWely mm4 hetr
purt^metA Xhe mft market of joha
Urtaa <m RmpOUph street. Tkey wtU
take »oa«MBlPB of ibe
day mocBlac: tke Im vtU hare the
pUee tied «
carri only
, Satliic or
who recently tnovod hen* fmin
riilcago with that contx-m. sill leave
toulKht for Oilcago. where be sill
tnariied to Mis. Tens Tatge. Mr
•IS srill retuni with hi. bride the
Hill I of next stx'k and they will
UiiH elty their fienaaiieut home.
Mi.. Tiitge U |m»mlncnt in Chirano
social dirles and she ha. M vetsI
brothers who are vniRmked Iti news^
l»a|Hr work in that citri Mr. Witters
I. ime of the seven eihploye. brtmgtit
hen* by the Schuyler Manufa<‘tun«K
romiwiiy and one of the exinri opci
atoib uf that in
BIG GR0m|m Torn
Both the Moving Picture Shows
Swamped by the fluah of Businei
Last Evening.
could H^i^eiiM-unv h.indle
hanillc tmlil l.uig
after ^0 o
the n-;;iil.r cUmiiig
Seventh and Eighth Grades Elmwood
Drama Presente'd.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Thl- Hannah 4IX Mi-rcaiiHle e
pany opening brought a great cn
of iKxipU* d«.wn town last evt-ulug
a. a result. Inilh tho Tisverse City
Moving Pictuie romimuy and the Ti<v
Manager Write had a new bill n-ady
f«»r the piv>|>ie iast c-vi-nlug and
Grand Traverse County Humane 8o^ Itarked them in so clowly that
of thorn* in front were projtvied
ciety Will Haikellaimna and Cloct
on the hcrtK-n iuii miiii the Icdiby was
Offtcora Tuesday.
full of iHxiple asuliing their tiiru.
lush cuntiuu«-d uiiiU closing time.
The Thealonim w.h Japiined al
U- hHd Tuesday evening at 7;30 in the times also. The bill changtM ihdrw
City llUraiV building There will U* a Thursday. Tuesdays and Thursdays
luxigraiu given, which will Ik* pub being the day. for changw Bus
wa« so good at all times that the
lished Monday, and the offleers
make their report, for their work
Ing the year. All members of ih
clely are urged to l>e present as
a. all w ho are InieresUxl In or f
Hj-mpalhy for humane work.
The following progiwm
was ten
dcnxl St the EluiwiKKl avenue .ch.sd
yesterday aftenuam. the eighth uud
seventh grades participating:
Bong, Eighth giade.
Debate. * Resolvr-d. Tliat Grant Was
a iMrfter gniieral than Ikx-:" affliuatlve,
John Kluxak.
l.oa Slaiilev. Garnet
Pleix-e: iH-gatIve. Ilo«- Neim-e. Nettle
Hartley. Charlie Filch.
Ki*cli«tUin. ”C«Jumbu*i.~ Itia Hogan.
Bong. Sevenlh grade.
Re<Halloii. -Old Glon."
Drama. -WTiile Brother Pl.ll
The fiarts In the drama wen> as fotwa: Mrs. Maniden. Elsie Ik-ardsley;
arlon Marsdt*u. V»Ta AlwarU; l»hll
Msi^den. Chat lea ntch; Jack Cresbaiu.foUu KluxuK.
ractad ovary day. Tht local market
pricat art soppllad by local dcalcra.
The ouUide ^uotamono by wire, not
dipped from other papers of the pro
F.dl«iwlug are the milk testa for the
past few days ss made by Milk IsSIM-Clor c. n. Iks Keniy;
veiv Ugbi ih.-M- days
Hoi Ida. ‘
the majtirlty of fiirniers can not lull
In a load.
Only threv* loads of potaltK>a and
nve of hay were bnnight In vest ei day
But fi-w dealers ate linvlng on the
market, as ilieix* ate so l
in It Lh left for, « few to take tip m '
The top prtce olTert-d Is ric.
George Lardle ha,, shipped
live cara this wc-ek and I. F. Peikelt
eight, going to various markets.
•Tlie l.uyiiig price of egg« drop|H-d Hi
SLUJie places thi.
aiv still is.ving Hkv The retail price
will probably broak in a few days
In little -pint** boxes, aliout Hu
iKix. strawberries pul In. their
iwaruiice this year In the local Inili
They are fn»iii
larulslaiia and Iik.K g<ioi| all bough the
price Is l.K- a Isix. Avpatagus is alni
la but the priet*
Other soiilbein vej^elable.s lisve l••uu
Wau-r usr-rs must jtay the water Us
lu:mRE APRIL 1st to secure db-.
c If uol paid iK-firre APRIL loth
the water will Ih- shut off without fUTnotice.
Potatoes. 2SC
22-1 f
W. R. Caldwell. Hupt.
1MP.H1 $1.
After Regular Meeting the Fratci
Mystic Circle Enjored a
Our Childr^n’s Clothing Dept.
Is a very interesting place for parents
Rnsslais. Peter Pai, Bislen, Two-piece,
C- •;' • BIflolls, StraWt
Panis, Knickerbockers,
■^wirx“vrss,."“^ •
Htoiiton Clothing Co.
-V...- .
A gtK*d gen ial time sa:, cnjoied
the memlK-rs irf the Krateuial MyMhCircle last evening
Af|er Ho- .egiilai
me<>iitig a short musical i*n*gram wai
given, after tshlch a flvi-lY.urse dlnnei
was keivm hy Mrs R. G Paulin. Mrs
F, D Golfar and Miss Poboral
Ebucr acted as loastma:>ter. The
rial gathering was given as>a farewei
sgulnrL itcckpicoe;
leave sf lu-coi^ office; mwrard,
WhlUwater Township,
mar a If
II. K. Beecham was nouilualed for
supervisor: Cpinil Hobbs for clerk and
Ayers for
George Stitos waa nominated for su
Isor on the derooeratlc ticket.
FDUND-Ladles* bandlaig
Call at
Bugbee’s drug store, prove property
and pay for this Dotlce.
idbr M-U
«e>. pw k........ „»«
buggy, about new. Apply
ply at Joa.
Kavan. &39 Randoi|i)i.
mar 23 iWk
----------- .........Y,.
WANTED—Single man or man asd
wife for genecwl farm work; bakt aC
wages for rlffbt party. Ingutre C.
W. Wheclock. CIU, telephoae o«oe.
FOR RENT^ouae til Wttba
Gdy OvLoog. OL pbooe f7S.
€ ^i
tAnmoAv. MAMCH ai
mn iV.
[ Proaol IBlcblaan || iSasiSSsS
BMglaM MMgrad aa4 toaud the
aierator «< J. WAtkkM MiA W. A.
roff %ALB-A%mrj
OA AALt-BH baiBcd' ■Mhar a
toato^ iPAator Oea Caraa. aaH ead
hardware .tore.
Mar fa-lwh*
fO^H. AMm »rHt«« w—-4
€*Um im\f to -O.- caiv BMwd «*f
•f». Tntrrm «if.
WAHTtO A ».»« In iHUkl a
Ml ..II um4»
tonuirt. 712
I oar Xi»^|.k«
rt«, «ll .M roralr .1 UO|»Hrlir*
W »1 SUla.
oar l» l.k
Ppn AALC-A aoatl s^*ulla« ftaaob
oa lllra lakr. rkmmp Apptj to Mre
A. W*. IMr. Maito cntjr. MIrli
FOA tALC CHCAF—»agij aoi Inii
Otl Waabtadou
loa i:^.
iMr Ik-lak*
FOA AAtC*1dtt-llr?«« riMM towae.
arw. C!aM AU tar iHMir; prka
Mar U ir
FOA SALC-Sboa alork. Atturaa aad
IraMi of t;«lldla| la «nod odAH
Iowa rtoa# to Trarrrae City. Wad.
firm.. ai7 Aoulli Ualoa Ht
lAoae J2lf
fab 22lf
hala. piMMM. Hr . for dir rIranlaJi
aad dirlai at {Hi a ll.torr. 411
OUiiM. fOaor *i«
' r
oar UJaka*
' ftowadatloa: aaay irroa. Prtca
I. Wada BrtM. U7 OaImi AU
Aboaa itll.
WAIfTCD--<llr1 (
■bHdat to do ro
aoall faaiiir: i;;
Mra. r. C. tiraiDoed. 4fi
prr «cvk.
WANTCO-Tvo dlalag rooM glrla at
. lha latoa Vlav houaa. Kth Kapida.
fab tf-tl
bile vnn t
« and Fr.mi
U»n Eatiiu.
mar 21 1
---------- T
lUY yirtir cliilhing gMaerlei.. iiulbmi
H A 4. Clarey a. -to K Hlgbtb
*Prieea toaaunable.
Mar 2n lwk<
oaa> pa)tiM-ula ZZ*J K FVnnt
mar 14 Iuhi*
pibt. rn.ui Cbarkw IH^b.
tor aabuihaa
aa rwldcaoa
faHdU^ to thia rawork ckmc at Hltvtrle Htudla. over
ftoM PrkA HAM. Wada Araa.. tl7
ruy Hook Hiutt'.
mar 13 line.
Ualoa Hraac Gtta. ahoao lilt.
FOA AALA OA AlNT-lkmac ua Itor- FUANITUAE f^CKINO AND Atftr iu A%r : aUo bouM la Oak Park
FAIAINQ a apcclalt)
Cbaa. Moul
tun. 2k« It b'ltmt.
mar l» 2wka
l^atrr 1). Weleb. with Ifodcrvood
A Uolor. Aulbartoad block.
WAWTl^-To bay
froM 1JM to MMI
AHOt AEFAIAINO acarlly eJone at
reaaaoabla price, A. DaZotHe. 4t»8 E.
Front HI.
Mar 12 Imo*
an )wur Mcycla repair
1 R. Kroat At.
mar 1
lor ca.b. Lrater V. Welch, with Un
derwuod A Umlor. Sulhcrlaad block.
nar 6 tot
CHIAF> :i f(
roaiHrr. Iwi ltf «ton|».
labir. and irfAcr dr.k
I3n |!«w*
l^lUrii tibcNio Ml
mmr Sa l«k*
FOA AACt CMAAF-Ooo »«.id work
/ hocac, wrlgUl I3i0 W. It Koulr.
; -
FOA AALt-UoaMairaM.
and •uaibrni
U l» A\J^. I'M W
FOA AALI—toll—Oaa buadrcd and
Ihini Ava acra Carat oigbUr aerolaiAnnad. tarfo Ura aad gw-l
iMaaa. orrbard. larga aaMuat of
goad Mood. flMbcr. fann all tonrod
. ,
HJllT iirSr'toi’athfp: hJTIo
acbool aad obarrb: wlU acdl ua eaay
tcrau. iraraar to olbar bualaM:
prtcatoJfA WadoKtoa^tlTItoaUi
UatoaAt atltoaaaMIt.
htim^ ill AiMth llaliia At at
ptoMaim.______________ toa3Atl
FOA AALC—HAI-totm for. ramar
ef ItakM^ Hevaatb HraH; iwo^
atory franM bmidlag: ccatrally bv
aalad: irwirtaaa baalaaaa toatmo;
to tot. Wada Draa, ill towith
FOA AALl-l4to-rto»rtowa
hmiM. ktb airwH. etoto to arbool.
tootortoa aad poaUrfArc: caairal
pan of IMb Hraai
Prb« llkag.
Wada Bitia^AlT Ualaa AC. OU.
FOA AAUA-14ATr-«i nm homm.
Bath gaa aad aigrtrte llgbu. Good
barm, toa 1awa.otoaa to. Waahlaftoa
otiaat Frtoa IlMi. Wada Broa.
AIT AoaU Ualoa At. aUaaaa Fhaaa
Jam. A4t
FIGA FOA AALt-to laH teR pW^;
wHl fed ku noae of tbem are alant
lagutre at 4 W. BUter a torM
Mar tl tf
FOA AALt-mabbor tired top baggy
aa pood aa aror. or wUl Mkc aa paH
. .UM Urrd bw- 0e»^
R BMRFt: iwMwkv. CU*. ftaii
«»:: ora*, ckr »h<» 3t*.
LOAT-WoodaMa watch charro wit
toHlala C. G O aad auMbar of cam
gtok. RHura to Record oTAoe aa
rwxive mward.
roar It tf
Mra. Carrie Aakey. CaMberiaad.
yoMlag. bad A aoia throat aad lick
■g to her tkroat that kept her
»^tag might after might She naed
Waiwer a White Wtoe of Tar aad ^
iwt teat a Digbfa aleep atoce- Write
laa AFU
fipMdg] alteotbm
■ Tlnr pisilce id the pence. fi»r a t
yeaiw rapcrieoaeJ OFlee City opera
Phonea—New. H»T:
old 222. RealdeMto. 710 Waahtogtua
'. W. THlALRY-DeaUst. Over Baintira 4 Rarl'a Jewelry atom. Btoh
pliottra 1IV2.
rlan and Rurgeoo,. Reimu ed to *4
Area In Mirnsoo bbsk over Bamntn
A Rarl'a. Clt
HARRY A. HARNER- Kxpert piano
inne-r and artbm ^utotor
faribm giiarantiW wllh KlvibaJl
Muair House. Cits, phone 244.
the peace,
Place hotel
in All varai
ach id the 111
lerr shall be cbMed.
One supervisor, for a term of one
O. P. Carver 4 Bro. BolH phnnoa.
One aldiMuian. for a teiro <d two
iniehcH Id w»df fur It wa* evident
OR. C. L- THIBLIY-Rpectol alien
three yearn.
rff«*-l. Tbett- wi-tc l.tiwi birth* In tile lytiK had mtiQuen^ lito
lion lo dlaeasea of rbildren. Room
c-oastable. for a term of »*uc
gaunt advetMirb'-«''^e iraeks ft the
Februaiy. HwT
402 8tate Hank bldg. Bidh phooMIhe Aie toddle* at lotito have hit wiilvt-*. ^lmwed Wliete they had Ae«rin '*^Ju me also aullfled llial llir f»l
«wM ft
M fi^hluir
faiuwll ta« MC-iH'Uir
wltsvtiva* ftutrti
Mhinli invy
tKl»% tumi
lowing slate ofAcers are ty br voirt
.M ihe Pr^-sloi« nan chuteli. In nini.
will go a long way to«*n] Aghtiii-<
this electlim: Two' JusIK-cs ft
4^* 11 tSAN'ft*' d4^11 I*4^4l ft I hr Hnpremn tVMrt. two Rt-gmta of
grew In liioto. A** it Ivr they gel aUim?* W*4 it TTf 'kdl ft
M-coud handed and bee v-lnabb- lime. *1 liking addn-o. on Hunda.v *elK*d the Fnlversily of Michigan.
of |\. ntrrt
r Thurailav even-riao alarm* tir..
f..laS.tuMinal III
i»r«* Ar&l
nr»i jeiepinmeu
m file
You nrr also wdlArd that a special
tog. New Mu
Wt»ck. c. a WVl
water work^ and ibenre to Ibe ivntial
rcibm will bi* held on Ibe above dale
Icr. c. r.
Ihf ft SfitUMl ^MAtt
Wftttl M.IWtl.falR
ftlftUftlB ance at the Bi>‘t nie<*(lng uf the Geti* at which time there to to to- Heeled
oM-i- Comity Sunday school nswin
ft the Stale Boaivl of Rd TAAVERtE CITY LEGION. No. 132Nalbmal
Pndcrtlvo l^egino will
\iiH4ig the other* at Hint Inriii neat Ion for the term ending December
meet In W.vKtraaa hall on I
lb tot
lb3t. 1910. vacancy cuuM-d by Ibe rrslg
givf the Grand Tinuk ratIriMd a to-ar
T.icsdny of eweb mouth at 7:30 p, m,
Datum «d laitbcr I. Wright.
Abram Smith.
lug till the mailer cd lh«- graUr- cne-v
Gtlawold. aeeraUry; NolUe C. Gray,
The aKHa lullon to Inierde
You are atoo notlAml that at said
itig id an eh-etrh railway ami a Grand Table
Heeilon a tomnly (Nmimb slmier of
8<hw»to for Gratyl TraverM^ county TRAVEAAE CITY LODGE. Na 222. f.
Trunk claim* that loaiunurh a* Id- In atteiidanee
win be votad for.
4 A M.. roeeto on Monday evening
on r»r to-foie the full id the mona.
You atv.alwi n.itllk^l tba‘ Ibr lol
at 7 .70 p. m
Corl C l4angley. W.
b>wlng pn.|M»m-d r'^.n-Utulloual anu-ml
M ; R. R. White, aocrelary.
menu; an- to to- suljinittrd U» the ipial
IBeU He* tor* at said elect Ion:
K. O. T. M. M.
• Amendment to Ibr constitution n-1
K. O. T M. M. No 7M ineel* every
ative to the teaching of a Mechanical
Friday night In the Br»»ach hb»clk Mtrt
trade to coovlyts to the stale prl;H»ii WUkcus. Coinmamler: R. M. Franklin.
ft this sialcReeoivl Keei>cr; E, A. Kvana. Jlnanre
••Ameudrocol to the ermslltulltm
M neiuele-r. ibe i-a iir«?nile-r and the e ve-ry
r or the Unned Statea
d of rtninly audit
gn-iitcM nulhorlij oo political llnanrecount b-s of toiy. Cbelmy
in n-uce-. iR about te. Mart an lui
rfi^neral Hews |
almoue-r. l>eUer.
dreel and re- te.tal e-,.ll;.l iirt-eied. ^hleb he- baa fla 1 Ui. T. Itotei.. Mr. Gatt-R wan forroeily
tuguMlnc. 3IK ed at ll.bKi.Mto
roar 12 Imo*
Aeihlln K 4e*ue-M ba> U-cn lK-nilni;fi Lf ihr manue-HMt lUiearil leu Hm«> iilio- ve-ars
llt-j4>r_.i iiiau of tli* ilotli. He-, la alwaya
me* e iapjicr oi \uv i*-ii in. u
Il-rvaril hall
all 3 t7:..toM Ilmen,
tlmt-a uud lialia-land
bb, uiaum-i be brisk and lucUlveand frtHu the- btdl io|h- In I
HINEA tb walked
palmUt. at 317 Vt\ou uiam all .1 iieati) ball a reQlufy :>Si.u3l lulb-a. He- Iba.rR e»f the- Hluudaiel OU btUldiug
U M ytarn i.ld and ban rung ur-ud Z*i Broadway , wlicu- be- alts fur a lan;«
fair* In liferoar 13-1 mo
tolUHl tint Hart ai d flve- uui«n rsit> iwii e»f the- day nt a Rre-at toll te»p
HAVE YOU even the Preueb roae-h
Clerks ami ste-nograptors
FOA AALt—IMI-AeveonioiB bmiae.
atallbm at Turnbull 4 <%a*k « live-tT
(b-m-.al Hugh ratm-M.n live-v In a eeiihln eall and i-verjthing
larga Jol. comer Boyd aad Fcm:
Wada Bm».. gl7
mar 13 2wkk*
uimr-R with'thii re’guUr1\^
lit on liU e iKhte-ur.i- fann near Ij»w
i-uei-. Kan
Hea h.-nnil In soim wmk
OET YOU A bb yrie. clraued and re
palml at l ulmau *. M.‘, rulem 8t
loe and In- bmkn
mar 13 liuo
boMa. tib atiafC. cloaa to
Homy <1. We.:\rr. piUate seervtaiy
Market aad charoA: aaay
illtle; yaunt of
riew-npn-. >’ M..
l.i Krvrvury Corli-lyou. U a-veriUbb
Prloa IIAAA.
ridu* Arbatea to Ills chief.
He has
uarf remedlra. 8e4d by all An.U
FOB AALt-*Kxrelleat ixdtage and
H-4-u with Mr. Cortelyou r-ver slucr
Mar 13 U
two b.ta at KetU Mok^a. ^i.t hm}
When 1:1^14101 a Hus«- wv-ut to nei- llm toiler bus b*M-n a memiHT of tin
IV-Maejiiassadt s mother the
lalt.-r eablm-l. Ilin! a-. ner r.-Ury id tlif tceus
Iherr. I.eater I). Welch, with IJudcrn-id to th. ,utr.-ss at lantiug an shn un. He ai^.nn.aiileK bis chief erery
d Idew-k
feb 27 IMO
he-bl her band: -My dt-ai. >t.n have- w h. u-.
Hsu-lly they ‘ lunch logethei
youth, be-aut). g.-nliiK
What can I -uU freuiiently at lunch ilu- private
FOA AALt-lairga. eightmota bmiae.
wIkU you? You nliewdy laenaesM e-ve-ryineelcio couvcalrncea. rkcept forihlog that a woman <-ovela mewt toa toa.kh and acrlbhle u|Kin It as hK chief
i»ar^. g«id barn; comer K Klghth TMAEE Bircly
light bouaekee
and t'aas.alreeu. !>}ater D. Welch,
talks In u low Kmu . It U believed that
with PnderwwnI A Umlor. Butbei
312 Park
Mr, tVirti lyou took fn.m President Meland block
leb 27 Ibki
Ebeo Apple ton of .Se w Ve.rk cHy has Klnb-y the blai .rf the value of having
TO AENT-Two nk^ly
In lUisaenslnn the * star sp.iugtrd lean- bis prBat*- se<«-lary always In easy
alodrra ttmvmHmeea. Mm. ne-r whi'b flow met Fiert McHeniy
reach When Mi tv.iielyou w.s M-crea. S3- Wakblngtem.
and whb b Inspired Fiaocin H«Jlt Ke*y tary {o Mr. McKinley (ht- prewldowl
mar li lmk*
to the cxHaiKadllon ft bla natbmal ode had u hsbli of taking f. him at leisure
Jubnaon d fVbt gnnety atorr.
It la falH iuteotkm at bU d«-atb to nii.menis imi siil.ji-cis u|K.n whk-h the
O AEMT-Hm4 Waahkngtoo Ureei,
prejiarlng a
eight rouma. barn, tin C. A. Ham- leave the lUg to either uip- c»f the chief magistrate was
naUemal muMmms at Waahingtem or aiier-cb or meKKOge ami by this inelbod
amad. IVopla'a ttovloga bank.
FOA AALt—Binlem twoatury real
the Maasaebuaetta HUlmbal iuuM.-uai the work t»f prviuiratlon was made lens
dencv. ItUl e. Krual HI. l.ajt
•t Boston
ITke I7W. OtUcaa phooe Rtol
AOOMA at l^taga
. e^
Ha. U4f
Geotffi;^’. Kaueb. the demo, rat wN|
suct-weJS^ red l-aadls as represeula
Aavad Her Aon’a Life,
live In cuttgresa from the eleventh
FOR RALt CMe»R-l»ft
Thr happiest ip<dber In the mtle
horae p*>aeT; good aa new
IndUna district, la mily 3ft year- old. town Id Ava. Mo. to Mra. 8 Rappee
Kne.wlng that be waa elected largely Hba writes: •‘Onw year ago my^aon
II HHtner. Route k. rtl>.
Mar 5H lae.*
by lepubllraa rotea—be overtureed a
plurality uf k.twa lor LaadU to im— trouble that our physletou was unable
pie aa It. hat tt miin
ptoMa IIIA
Th.;u..l. .4 .hr... tlml.u ...I..-,
ami iIm'im' *>f —li unimually torgr* l.'iiv
c-l wbirh w«'ie found bv C. W. Hall.
id Stalwari ClilpiM'wa tHinnly t>bow<*d
whe.e a lerrlAc batllr had r-nlm-d to-
AARA T. CHAIR. M. a-Offtot toWk ;
and Stale ef AHeblgan:
You are hereby. nctlAnd that at the
rrgnlar charter dly cbNiioa to be
Pfbl on the grst Monday of April.
1907. the fidVowtag named city ofO
ccea are to be eleeterl:
niy cieik. fer a Inta of two yc.vn.
M four jetix
l>ne nw-mber «d towrd »d pi
w.skis. foi a trim .d tbn-c yc-n-,
line luefuAei <d I hr towu.l td «*<]
awawlaal III
la* lUr
itia* n>uuv>
a^wilfttta lAiiiHMH
MUlwMlt inii
i pt 1 Ik* biidbei will bdu Iho kh-leig i—aui. tom. f.r a lemt ft Ihrro veaiw.
Our rchtiul Inspector, f.w a ten
Flint -Impoivemriii b-agite to In <ai ito- Tto- death .jf .Mr* JdeaJ'e UnaUnU
FOA AALt-Two boaar. aad two loU
tm (Urflrld arwiur LrHrr 11. Welch
pBlreel at W.
wHb Ladrrwood A Uuilor. Author.
Raal Freml 18.
Uod bloi k.
mar « tot
fhaaa llltr
FOA AAtA-ldU-MadotA aWhl foaai
raaidaaat. Atath AlfaaL AU
wMritooaa. A good bairn, otoM ta.
ritoattAAi. Wada Broa.. AIT Aoutb
OaiaA aiiato, Ctttoaaa PAoaa lilt.
Jao. 4 tr.
IHMlaut eiall} ne-aMWia r. inr wbirli be
has Eire udv ral-VHl fneMMaa. „ut e.f Uo- „
FOA AAtl-llay b«.M. 7
aafr drtrrr. iZit* wolghl. nlM. l.ai
acM and buggy: will to at Kblto.«
* Uant Muoitoy. J T.
oar 5r :i
Wlih * Itoal id .1331 drathn III Kcb
Mar i: if
WMfTCC-Toiir afMatorlag. farvl
taPA rafalrtoc. chair caalag aol
farmlfvTW forhlai. «. If. Taaacr.
tar - the «MMe
FtATHtA ibiic week. ago. wiU.aunn Ve ahk- loricwto. wvn romtog home un an later
1 iinan. - uvu
u«'eiu«-u m vaav mi
A large eartoinrir «*n tto- tork <d Ibe theater. The car w*< trarclllag
• to order frtiM uid rarpHa at
fsMtowt- lt%AU
ffK-afts II
rI4 fftwnsitwEal
stial in
In ftUKuT
ItHMimi. «DU
tola; 14 YtAAA ckprrleaee and Ml*. 4ohn C*tiapp*-t'a m-< k eaun"d her ! fftfllffM^
al mtlehHon paid to all work dvaifh and *bc wa* bHrtt*l at lindi-u jlng fell aad «irurk the pavi-.m'nl. rHl
jling ii bog gaFh over hto bdt rye
atlaCB pbimc
. Ihiii a brtortci .d Miu. t'hapm-l In
ehlUlreu fdltsl
dll'll ^lltl
.viid ItlUfiiuill>4 ^11II
lUdkttMl 4mi4ll4U
11 anriug 1* ►aid lo to- vciv b»w fn»m Inv4
WHEN YOU AAt AtADV to ha%<- the Kamr mlim-nt.
I llltir cltto a».d *-ni- to.» were iic|mnitn|
,T«ir ramar<^ and rhlnl4cy^ rlcane<l,
iiiAer to m««M*unitI n«>* In MtliliigiiMi.
rail «« Ito Tiai»*r>e nty Hfovr Rr- to making *t« cum ms effort. i«. c^iai* Tilt * -It- Mis Jam*-* Mead. Mr> A«
pair {'•r. C02 W tmiil. nUtm 1i*4i -• a^.iiaala* 1 «»l#««alBSaiia*
^11 wift
afft JfiTiti
*|4sll|l. %\t^
Ef« fit llslt 1
iAoo.* -17. toll kkrr
M-r ri Iwu by nir«l *utoH ilto-r* ran :alk to anv and Mi> Cba^ SUmhi. Olivet HU.
Att KEEFCAA ran aoc^tre
kPPAlNTlCC giria waatod at Ib-H*-! ’
AtoeBM'a aaara at l^betoad
In hopra that the might fuUr realaiy for the warwenL lUUe was aecover before ker parents would Icnra
Us4er ike uew rkartcc of the city of of ker nocklent. Mtos N^le Barton.
F1ML the woaww taxpayers wtU ksvc daughter of Ckarkea Barton of CadOrlawHI Brothera.
the rtgkt oC autrage »• .imalcipal Ulnc. who fell from a aeecMd story
winnow ui i paimnii vniwe ween. ago.
iaaaclal auealimu la tke fatwre.
C. 0- Wklu.'^vrko for 2ft years ka* kas hc«n accratlynnder a doctors can
1,jin MTwuaoa _4.w
•choMa to that Hty. Bat tke hrakra He ahr
sttleiTd d^ not konl r«|4diy. and
t. Opea aflemoou aad evening.
ftbc hna come kome.
' ’
Sharle* llaU. porter at the Trsnaftw I^urea chftMK Jd^iday and TbumII to glTca otri at the Bargeaa koapit nofcri
Kfit lyt fti n4>>fti
tldskml rktoL*
Uftk* ftUHrira A
m m€Twiv 4ay- -T^
the autu roannfaclorrr of Charlolte. taiudy to bto head wWle v totUng D.-^
Mali ...»
wn.l aik
Mmr td
lajHIVU Ml
-.V.-.-. . ..w...
ruary. 11**7. a n-ctud lia* been made
With the eiw-irtlon «»T ►Vliruaiy. IK99.
In which .1.77* deallitt occurivd, the
FLOWtAA recHr^l mouth Just paM-Ml ii>ct,rd.*l a greater
ly. Quetm City nural tUi.^SI8 mnrtaltiy Itot lor any ^Imllai unioth
Mar IMmu
WAWTACk-CNaap^f^U «M at thr
IVrr Ilania«4lr Bailag llmt.^. •
Uaali avary aare, harm aad
niM m MM fiK. It wM- Ml be
fan and 81. aalr ”
“Amendment to the fsinsliltubHi
rrlaUve to circuit rourln affcv-tlng only
the rouiillfw of Ingham and 4ackwon
uud the counties in the Judicial
cult In whlcJr the <-..un(y td Isabella to
or may to- situated
Bald election will be held In earli
of the Ave waida-of aaiU city In the
follow ing ptac«a. to wit :
nrst ward—In Grange hall, toi tton
Kewuid ward-at 8rcou?l waid city
hall i»n 8pniec at
Third ward-^lii
building, comer
Fourth warti—In the luiginr
on rasK street.
Klfih wanl—III the-Fifth war
opiMislic K J. llariH A Son's store,
cviriirr nf
The His of fhto eb-cthm will 1,
open from 7 nVIock In the formu-i
until 3 o-.bak In the afirrnooo.
In 1r-Mmony whereof I liaxe sel ra
hau.l this Hull day id March l*i07.
T. II. GIU.18.
Maich IK to 30 lur.
wts.j.air baryj
I havp 4 number of goo^
farma, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for Aale, or if you
have any good property. I will
lake it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can acII yop
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of any
body cUe. I
have farms
which arc located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved landi
If you have good lersl faruya
1 wUI buy them.
210 Wa^inKtoD.
M. A. DBEOOAY—Physician and
surgeuD. 117 Casa atraoL Pbooa,
7S0 3r;
rraldeucc, 7W3r
RooMenec 213 Walnut
0. C. MOFFATT-AbatracU oC
2iU Btata Bank building.
OA. EARL C, TYLEA-Doaltot Room
6 First Natbmal Bank Bldg. CIti
sens phooe 2A3.
aag A If
New r
A 4. McFMAIL-DcnttoL Over ,
aoo drug atore.
Bril phoaa
rings; ata. AM 2 rings.
Rauch dorm mot totead to be a
New IHacorery. and I aooa aoHcwd
1 kept tbto treatmeiit
op for a lew week* when be waa perMerely .Imitate
fwlly wHI. He has worked ateadUy
[ of reprr- alnee at carpenter work. Dr. KInga
New IMacovery.saved bto life.” Ouaraoteod beat cough aad cold care by
Becretary Tall may visit
Bugbee Drag Co. Frank H. Maeda,
neat fall
dl .Hels
.He Is ^g
to leave ^
Hannah drag store.
30c and 1100.
Bept. Trial hotUc free.
1 aad It U very llkHy that hr
he will
Make a aide trip
trip to AUaU.
AUkU. fcalllag
meal U maklag the eEort to have the
aeereUry of war make the Alaska
OarAaM Caaetta Natlca.
vrtalL Mr. Taft would like to go rory
GarArld towaahip caacua wHI be
Mack and It to Merely ja aweatloa of hHd 00 Baturday. March 23. at 2
o'clock p. M.. at the Ouatoa achool
ttoar. When he haa aeea Alaska the
By Order of OoMMlttae.
eecrwtary of war win hare vtolted
tow; OollcirUaa work a apectolty.
ih Underwood A Umlor. SulberOA. F. C.
NETT—PracU^ limit
242 Wfiketoa tOock. OUmm pkem*
MAAK CAAYFE delivery—U^t
trMghl. pnroato and tronka. oSro
at ClLy Book Btora.
MRA. B. C BONNERS hair <
tfi know that within lb*e*'mSri
two week, we ahall
many new goods from Rastere
markrta that will greatly In
ereaae mir alork and eaabto ua
to supply many uf their waais
that vae have been able to auys
thank the public for thefr IHmral
>4 WtWM
wntoa M. PAKE
Why Do Comitfy Beys
M «o Big Cities?
Moit «aH UmM
As A rnU tferrt art
plenty of «ff«eaUe
i;ir]« vbo voiikl iu4 c4r
jecl to toatrimony;
tbara ara pl«rty of old
people and enaucb Ulitea to go around. But
tbe b<or—oh, wbm is
The boy. the young
man, has gone to the
city, where he iornginea
there are opporlunhice.
To him the old home
town is doll aod stupid.
He eeea no future for
himself there. Both for
social and financial confiderations he nsshca off
to the great city. Very •
fiVijuently ha finds that .
r tbrro than at home—nearly always to; 1
i.tlv lie f.iicl. tb.t ricb«. do not «rc.* 00 ] \
win lT7 aotiir of ike followlaf tkraegk a Hear) mted wifh tot lelaa
tier will and tkat tker kara of cme loM a»d a kair and takk
adde« abawiklef deeSMIj rakiabla freezias. Lrt ataad aa koor to Heee.
to tkHr list of aatablaa. kaaMra of- rralt Salad—Cot fear bammaa tiwa
ftoai akia and eoarao tktwsda la alleea
«M.-fe«nk of aa lecS iklek: cwt paelftaaaaas wtlk Oatmcwl. 9u^A64 a cd oraanea la tkU rlkca lao«to«iaa
ovaaae. Arraaso tke aHoaa of
teaanooafai of nil to a euan of raoUl
aad ormme la a shaaa dfek*
ly MUaa water aad spHakto ta iwo
ctvs af rolled
be t« In
rtfII mon.
( I
triratorr vill
Brr fnii.f/iii. i.oi s
l*u ■
to thk city.
In Ruing there tltr U»y simply folloaa hit daddy'a dob
For yearn hin «laiHy and his mother and his big sister
and hla An'nl Mary Aui.'hstr. l-vi, mailing their money to
the big city for Bail Ordvr4)srgsins.
Betult: Hoffis msrehantt don^
thrive, orats orowt in the ttreeU. no
lobe are to be had, no openino for a
new businets, and the young man
noet to the city becauM H it a plaoo
where people have traded at home
r . and built up their own community
and provided opportunitiet for outtidert as weH as for themtelvet.
Uklespooafol of
batter, let cook
about Sflaea mlaulea. or tmlU the U|e
loea boeoaiea traaaparaoL Add ooe^
third a cup of aacar and fold la tbe
whites of two eega beaten dry. Lei
cook a nomeet tboa remove from the
are. Have ready tbe palp of three
banaaaa aliood Into a aervlm* diah.
sprinkle them, while allclnc. whh lha
inkw of half a leamo. then pour the
upkwa over the baaaaaa. Serve at
oace with autar and erenm If prefer
red the hannaaas auy be Itsbtly Mir
red tbroufh tbe tapkica. or. the while*
of the eacB may be omitted from the
mlsture. sad after the addltloo of sts
la redd water, half amna tbe cup».
When cold, scoop .rat tbe ccatera sad
aparea with sDced baonulbe cupa onto a but
tered aaatr pan. fruli downward and
BTt Into a hoi oven to become ver)*
td Remove with a broad bladrd knife
t cereal dUbe« Serve at once with
mar and cream or milk,
rerral W ith Stlcfd Uananab -IN>ur
ft-over lirrakfoal rereal Into afterdinner c»a«ic eup* dlOMd in r.4d water
To make tho toerincue, tradually beat
Into the wkltee of two eggs, beaten
gar. then fold In two UbleapoonfuU
of sugar aad lu^ to cover tbe padding
Retimi to tbe ovew for about ten min
Naked llanaiiai. lMrt« Klran k'ui.hlon
ulCM. This deaaert may be served hot
-^selwi ralbei *iocu liananam. put
or rold. bat U best when hot
tkctti. without remoUns tbe akin**, in
Hanana Snow Cake FlUlng-Kree )«
to b«4 ahbe., or a very hoi ovon and
nan* pulps fn.m skin and roa.M*
hakf UDIII tbe ..kiut. buiwi o|-n 8end
to the table In a folded napkin Tbe
to ail <
* skina help hold In the heat, and are
add one eup of giwnulatrd
“j not to Ik. removed natil the moment
Juice and grated rind of a
!<*f eatluc Serve plenty of butter with
the unbeaten white of one
alili a perforated w.Hjden.
j Itanaua Hr.-ad ’iMildUu;- XIU on.
:.4>ild lo the boitotu of tfa
cup and u third .»f ciated
ntll lake Mbout twenty ml
jciumbM. one cup of alfied banana pulp,
crated rind and Juice
.a. OOMUU..H
and one cup of milk, and when
mixed polfr over the bn-aU and banana I
mixture. Dake In s biiitciv^ pudding
Urdlgeeibm. bead-1
An Irritating rough U not always
aihr. nruiwlgbr. void hands shd f.ot |
u. havlu* a cold; It Is very often
ran be qaiekly cured by dilokinK slow
,cqul«Hl during the period of
h*vel teaspoernfIlls of powdered sugar.
To make the meringue, beat tho
having .
and afteiwaid
IumsLLuiiu the throat.
whites drj‘. then U-at tn half the su
lent! action. Wbeu you
gar. gradnrily. then fold In the other
gening into the habit of
Kbi a simple .inigh * Uie fwst a :
half Uetum‘the iMJdding lo Ore oven
dry.' short for alKMii right mlnut.«. to biowu the
nudlunr slnM b-niMn. «b«<ti h.ttthrough \ t onUntuIiy
rnl and pnws iJm- JmIc« uihmi ihrtw j rongli - try to cIuhL the Inclination.
mmr<w ..f imlverU.'d ruga. Take a;and more .dleu than not the Icx^al ir
^inana let' l'rr*ara-8cald one quart
eioatirful wht-ner«i
U' liialbm In youi thrust will dlaapinwi
hin cream, dissolve in thla one eup
, ««d Ihr couah wilb i!
a half of sugar, when cold add a
For City Treasurer
J. Mt Hucllmantel
Best ReconI Ever Mede by e
treasurer of Traverse Bity in
Arnoviit of Taxes Collected.
To My Friends and Fellow ClttBens. Tke Voters of Traverse City:
H.inKon. ofll>.-.wi.lMl.Ui.U.f .roy.Mi|..ftli«..ffi«nf(My rr-*v,r..r. 1 l,..g U, »Ult. Ili«
ruMMi. npoo Whirl. I w»uU «Ul f,« V»“'»upp<>rt «l Ihwojoiiog
HkviD, .cwpln] the olfi.w of Oil, TM»uror by eppoiBlin«r.«t a UtIdr •ii~' doKoK the
Ueieet Muo.. ,rf the jre.r to liU . .hort vw.wooy. mH h»Ti.« •oou<..di,U, perfonned iU
bkd..tiM«MU.y unUrinK <«-v^ Bud due eoortety to the people Ure eiKM«led ia mekiDK
onsof tho btsl record* the office h«ie.w BwJe*./ herioK collsctsdthe hl»hest
psrcentsffsof Uxss(04.l percent) in the hUtcry oftheoily, l fee) thht 1 naooaw
hpore you with the eonfid«oe of ipy dotiec well parfanne.) un<l eeak your epptorel of the cuDe by
u^^UK your support lo wUiD me iu office for the comiu, tenn.
Ibna4{b«>Buri«ideatemooKttyo«forthe Utt 35 y<«V. of wbioh 25 ySSrt hSVS
been spent In active busineu with you. I come befoie you with tbe eipmioaoe guinod
lum»kiugmyowbBrture«eeucoM:uirf iutbeuSOieof tbedly.wbioheioeetyimpottunt, I
een tay tbut wilb tbe esppiimiee uirtudy geiued iu tbe TieeeuierV office, edited to my foruMr
bniisete trelning, I im tnre I wUl be ubie u> give eveo e brtter aocount of my future work.
, It <bfuerUimu.iuy tallow o«Sueot.uppeul to your aaoae of jnetioe. ami you heUere Uiut
twruMt .ffort umleffloiaut work an worthy of reoogoitkm. tbeu 1 am Sure tbut you are williug
to Kin. to me that support neoeMuty to retain mo iaoffiea lor tbu oomli« tana. And I leapect.
ful y aek you to dofO by giriw me your »olu tm deotiou day. MoMey. April X IWJ.
Very reapreUnlty youa.
- ...
•niuus M. miniMANra.
Creecat Oty tVraenrer.
. -*
Mhtsriala far CaakUvg Cheata
IV Ckecw has hat^uch lo »a>
Um psht jwar fr tmo. of ibe
bfeVMulU to ba obUlnaa from
the ua« of the arxalled flreleas cookeiw. If jrou have not tried one of thvwe
In your cooking, this In a good time
to experiment a little. Gel a box. and
line It as f^ugge^tyd Iu the following
jiiHcle. and according lo tho.“e wlei
have UKcd them, you mill find it lo Ik>
one of the greatcht aaveia of fuel and
work that has eve- been brought Into
>our kitchefi.
The following data eonremlng tho
use of three homcvmado eooklng-ehesla
IH taken frxvm the Woman s Home Com
panlon: The first -waa a -bay box. *
or a simple miKslon bo* fflled with
IcMise hay. the vcmh-Im containing tbe
^aM| to l.e tnroketl being ttackf-tl In
the hay. The cooking was fairly well
done, bat the Ik>x proved to be trouble
some and imi.anltary. the hay soon
becoming uusafe
The second was
made by lining a parking U»x with
Imhes of aamdust In the bottom The
sidert meie Ilmtl with thr«M- Inebei^ »f
exeelhlor. kepi In place with a m«*<iden
fabric fasyned with short mire nailIn Ihe »K)x wax plao
box and tbe eraiktog
placed in this, where any water mceb
dentally apllied could do no harm.
The rover w*a»^ formed by folding a
heavy bUaket over the top of the box,
a metgttc^ wooden rover being pikeed
over It. This < best was used In doing
a vortioa of the cvfeking of a family
two for aeveml weeke. and gave uni
formly excellent results
Critical ex
pcrimenlal Irjis were also made, both,
with hoi and cold water, lo teat the!
c'rtvwrmtkm of feral and
mail) honrs. and always with gtxMj
Iptaeikal reatilt*.
The third was a
‘ simple ^pnnt fmll crate, and lined
with heavy jiai»cr and one thlekoess
»*r a llhroos material known aa bnlldRO;* •quill.- Tbe cover was of fhe
»«m« material with n woolen blanket
for ont
The cooking In
Ihi. ihr-t ma.
fbpld and perfect
a.of I cMw^rtmcwta showed tbat
ri'U- ’ wakr* ma excellent ma
rur llul‘1- tkewe uaeful cooklng•riimentn with a cooktng-ckeat
that feiHi ckeaU give the beet
i? warmed op before using.
I Tu do this place a keUle of bolUog waj te: in the cheat half in hour before
It N to he nand In cooking. When tke
ifool • . be cooked b rnndy. Uk<
SMBey U*riM Moton.
1310m St„ ooiMr ot itete
w,«B..aa te.wii... mmmmmt
bhn g Santo
I fer Ike docaafeiL
•, luru fcini iko ihvb oh lo a butler
A fd 1^.1. aad make hot Id
(I To Brr»r aumiund w|!k ^ rllcrU ba
uuh «til|i|Hd cream, clotlrd rroau
i I,
if a baaaaa»»«-
Ukea. Put a apaoaful of Ue koc oat
asaa: orer tbe kaaaaaa la tka aanrta*
dtskea. Paaa at tke same tiaia aufar
cad Bilk or croaai. Otker oaraala amy
red with baaaaas in the safes
liTj Ii?*~
!TdUk cd*teiiulll
load rook I ?««««■( Let used la a cold aUco
. (double boiler)
eooklas |•!•bo^t aalf aa boor, loager la aam-
PTT. MICH)U^i»*Tu4)A
Etetin ItotiOB
I Generkl iBSUAMd
IHcvWBhdsBlk.. TOnmCIty
To the Electoni of \be County of
Grand Traverse:
Notice Is hereby given, that pursu
a02 W. Front SU
Order your
I. O.
Tar.1 anl office Nortiu-ro
MiohiBan .lock.
Both phoniw
This Incubator
mary building, comer Tenth and |
rulon aticeu In
Third ward; at |
the Fourth ward engine house In thp
Fourth ward; and jil the Fifth ward
hall In the Fifth maid of said city.
Dated this 2Clh day of Fehy. A. D.
Chairman Board <d Supervlsuni
Clerk Board of Supeivl.>ors.
mar 18tor.ulne
;jrcs;.rjji=r “*“*
«ii wiw wii.nni.w ULong
Faim for Sale
Charter EUis fferai
tromOld NOmon.
as noret. t, ncron wood lot
•< »I>ring« on (nnn.
10 nono pKwl apple orehnnl.
2 acres cherry nod |ionr orolinnl.
(iokid iMMxvy laud.
:2-ntory fimma houno. omi $2,000.
Strnefanrn, 2U48.
Umihed.knoloned tMvrnerib nod
oUinr boikliiiKP.
OnmninnnlloOld Minaioo.
Price, $4,000.
Eii iulre of
Chas. ElUs on Uac Fum.
Second waix<; at the South Side pri i Will
ja.M»nOB 0^. W. aeWBTBT
Our ItoM are. the boat
in tbe city tkaa can be gotten
we cnA buy. The prices wiU be
Said eInUi.ii mill be held ml the.
several piwn'-hlp hall- or other usual :
election ptaer-s in ihe i..mnsh!|>« 4d.j
said f-twmty. and at Grange hall. In the I
fliml ward in Ibe City td Tra%erse |
JMcyclcs Enameled and
(leaned for Spring
Or wearing /shoe can be ^nd
fbund aaUafactory.
ant to a resolution passed by tbe
Board of BupenrlMvw «»f the asM
tYmnty of Grand Traverse at a meet
ing beW tm the nib day of Januarr.
A. P.wlFi»7. I he IV mill le suhrultteJ to
tho elivlurs of said Cvuiify of Giatrd
Traveree. at a bpcrlal clwilon to lie
held in the several lomnsblpa anC
wards In said county <« the Ut day of |
April. A. 1) l»07. tlM. question of rals !
Ing TmvJve Thtmsand iHillaim (|I2. |
•Mini by Kmo for the pury¥»kc of pur i
chafing a faim «d Ko ,rr.w m moiv
and th.- enviioii of suitable buildlug> |
fur tbe stipiaiit of the |msii id sail}
county, at i\ eo.M noC to excee.1 tl2-|
(SN>; and that hfmdx of the said oonnty |
Iw Usms! therefor, maid laaid* to bear 1
Interest at the rate W n«t to exceed !
•ve prrenrF-per Auuniii. and be.lsaued |
in .b-nomiuailotiM of
t a. b, i«ay |
Uhlr as fulloms
Januaiy 1st. IIMijr. with a.
enu'd liitenht on all inniAr, leiu.ihilng
unp..ld. and iS.iaai with arerued Inter
esi on all iHUids leiualnlng unpaid on
the flrwt Id January of earh year thwafter until said lAinda are fully |uld;
and that tli.a-4- voting for sterh loan
shall V ^ - nrl l.M or r
.«i their
bAliot^ * l oi Ibe I.< au': and those vol-j
lug asalnst the le.in j.hall have prtnl- j
on theh
liallotN **A;;;tl«ist
the I
No Better
more tO
than anything else
Horses and Oxen
For Sale.
It will hatch a Kreater per
cent of
than any
other machine on*
the market.
PRICE IS LOW. TOO. One pair good working oxen,
• 5 >’ears old. Weight,
2,800 Iba.
Come in and let me tell you
about thii machine.
1 have 25 horses for salesome of all kinds. Mare in
foal, heavy work teams, driv
ers. light farm horses and sin
gle drivers.
EAST END HARDWARE Call and look my stock over.
B^ J. ^RGAN.
PAINTS- LMnUr, KU-mnhTil. NoUiing beltor:
Oils- For t v4»ry nm*. only tbe U*at kimla.
There ia n lot of differem-e.
We hive tbe
WHITE LEAD. We vill bnnk on our Whilp
qimlity every time.
BRUSHES. Kvery kind for ev.ryimrpone.
L«nd for
. ^
JAP-A-LAC No booaebold nhoubwbe without thfi. There
are a huodrcvl uaet.
22-j K. Front t>t.
Firm door wri
C.B. Taylor Coal Co.
Dr, W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work
Ob floor with Uuiioan OoUeg.
Tin Insuranu
u L. A. BUlLbiNd
Are good, but in
strong harnem
nential to nafn
ebaoonn, but
that your money
Our enrriagoand wagon h&eng ia
the bent obteiuahle, and you vUl
find that it taken no more of your
it tbnn it does for
Queen City Imp. Co.
Five Tliousanil Tidking Macliini
Rwoin it M
j ke t‘ > •r i of the ckeaL and ptaca t
vc'Arl .v^ntatatof the mod U t
chevi and Hone It y tight
J. A. llanM of Mxainnm. Wnat
Va. ffiaja; *^At laat I knwa tani tke
Ufa WUa.-
Dmg Co., r, H Mcada.
^ HAMM » Mr.
Ml.4to ............... .
It !• im. ikM prick ite 9«ln ia4 IN
M 4tf krlMlat tM IN
caraaaclr AaNra. Wa <
taaaaMltf MMi<
> '
•Mr OK aMIM • MU* «|>M c
If IM Mfor la Mhad. t%ta tM rss
5or«ftMpoial4». Spr^lo kao e
Chocolate Bonbons
It oMald noo a IliHe aad
rovar lM l4)ff.
aton-PMl ala or olghl
» aM anM. M:ta
<«S. BaM«AABlittar. «takAhql|M
in IM eahtar 8BMT
msAt. tab. or oytaava eooMir% A
Low maan. •: high nmas. ifftJA: w
pars sM hen^erty. ?;>§ p. m.
Tnasdyr evewti^ ni
^^rMM^wSSff at
7:3A. narmna
taA8b with two tAhtaApAABtala 4rf
81. Pranda OMmA—Cmmer Trath
at id:to a. m.; esapafs aM hanedlctltm at 7:AA • m.
Weak daya-8er
cfOAM. two «t iiAMA aMoae. om '
apoDofiil of melted buttm^ AAd tbe beob
•nycdkaatMoefia: lAsUyfflirlAtM
wbltaA. whleh ATP ikiliy kMtas. >0a
on A plAtter. of^ldo fMlM cMdit j
T.ta A.
T:M A. au. Bocdnl nerrlet.
11:41 A. aa^ Boaday aohonl.
t:AA p. m, PvanahlAff hy.MWar W.
a GUIs of floutk BnardlA. AN Ata
walem to Atttad IM aarrlesA
om atjr wai AM*#
laic a«aa fi«i IM'MoM of Moke:
Oak AM Fifth
tkig ok. Npf. for tko »tglM Ic pMt.
A nmor nomet
-Uf »iN atell apt caura aaia «•
A»4 tto M OIM o%r Ow PNL
lev. Mary klocm
Mt «AaU ancna^lich IMt «Mf»
. AM Um kcpns or tko vorM Ic p ppif
FroskoM rmi w«,ght
oosor wlU aomo Mod ktalh aad aim
if Ipr#'
aatU tsMor km oabroksa. Drsla
aad plaro la a frylagMa with oas
Latter Day 8014111. *
r C.
S p. m.
ipooafal of hnttor; sol at tW
. Raftilar aecvlcea of tbe Latter Day
ocaar. ar tar laaiadf. Try tlit.
r C. B.. k:4S p. m.
r^. .
rHk WaLTUt U. LOWNtT Cg.
Ndo of tko ffre aad skako and turn
Ratals (re^rgaatae) are ad tatlowa:
I meeciag. 7 p. m.
.4 C«MS SS4
AM IM PNMtt if tM ipit
foki talilkfaUr. marnmWf. Ui la «aM
HffktU cotorM all orer. 8prlakl<
erw* meeting Tuesdy evening SundAy—
•M caaataara. wUhoat awatal
‘Mli tM trlMMf Mile.
7 P. m.
I aM attala. aM U»a raaalt crlll with nit. papper aM a loaspouaful of
11:4k. Sunday aebool.
asvar iM oonro In a kol disk.
FpUlooa and Oaloaa>-Payw sons
itkar ssnU potatoos. cut sack la kail •our. ooo scant teaspoooful of nil." All are eordlally Invited aad «alWkm VM tUM.
oae ssHspooatal of pci/per. a dash of
soda. Ilnmo tM watar ba^ to boll
thU world i
«« a iM if ilMPiii.
rsyeane. Scald tho oysters In their
pour it off at once aad put ihe beaaa
«.srn liquor uaiir plomu. Pul Imo s
in a colaader. Allow treah eold watar
to run through them, rttutaf them
AM tn IM Mirt WIIA I
I mellAl stir la .
TAM Uvea thMA the
i them froBB ffPb
tog orraMmally for ftftoen mto flour and/vok. but not brown. 8llr In
fW la auftcleat boiling water slowly the oyster jolre; when iHTfeclUf rover them, add nit and pep- ly smooth sdd the milk or cream and
Ijty a very thtn slice of aalt pork
In the bottom 4if the bean pot. Fat
cover again and rook sloisly for the sesBonlng Take It off the fire and
-siea a liule co.il add the lieaten
a whole small imlon on the port and
yolks pure again <m the gre and stir
of lemon Juice. Ism Into 1
pour In tbe beans. Take a half pound
ttnin thlrkesed; then pour It over ihe
of aalt pork, arare the rIM wvery hatt
, 8>iurdw. M» ► ■■
oysters ou a hot diah.
and press Into the bsApa. ajiowBOdal
Win vta IM ipr iM 9Mk MM 4
lag Just the Hbd 10 show. AM a taahat to do with Lenwa and Oranff*
All are cordially I
spoonful of aalt. unleaa tM port la
r goM rUtac alRWt IM fral
very salt. If It Is. only hAlf a ttal^Tien using oranges and lemuas re
catchup, salt, and caynne pepper,
move the peel neatly and Uy It to
Hard aad two .
J. Allen Canby. miolat
dry where It will neither namld nor
fuls of mtdassea-more. If tbs taWAA
block, open evnry AfUroi
Sunday, 9; SO a. m.. qu
plat of ty aslanios and serve with sny ftsh (tyer heat. Tie the dried peels up In
8uodayJ fram S to k.
are liked quite sweet. Cover wUk cold
Sunday. 10:30 a. m..
black bsaas over alckt la oaa quart
watar; aet In a slow ovea aad bake
Kedgeree-Warm could fUked tsh bags of thick ^per. Home day tn the
of watar. Ikaa aopk tUl taadar. 1
Free Methedlat CN
auiuma lake your coUectloa of peel,
tram eight to ten hoara. havlAg ar
John W. Boswell.
Aunday! l.SO p. m.. Jnnlor C.‘ B
tiMM iMoaCk a aalra. addtac atork sUffktIf o»cr hot water; and |u«t ta- presumably a Urge one. wash well In
Blow, alaidy heat. Aa tbe water bolla
Kast Fourteewlk atreN,
Sunday. i:30
i;30 p. m.. IntermedlaU t
^ M iorrow aM Mi« all Mva tMlf or ooaaoffuaa »ada Ooia kpaf aatrmcl. tars nerving atlr la oae effg. bnten two waters, thua put to holf in a Urge
off add mere, hut be aure that It ia
C, K.
kelth*. cover the peel with water aad
Sunday. 7 p. m. evangelUtk aervloe.
bolUag. aad do not add water withia
mada of ftacly choppM raal. Mnre
evening 7:30.
an hour of serving. They will be a
In a rtce border. Steam the rice, one sprinkle upon It a little salt; when
tka WiP wlili a taw Ufa alloaa of
beautiful brown, moist, taader and
capful, in two cupfuls of hUhly seas- about as soft as fresh peel, or In a
New Waya of •ervlnq FeUiese
oa aad of kard tlollaA a«s floi
state to Dll readily, drain the peel
with an indeaerthahly daltglitonod
oa top. Mrta also aqaaiws of (
from tbe wafer,
By no meana omit tM
vegetable, and U expected to take Uf fnl Aavor.
• •fmr* OM aM M rliiMrfalor cnNitoaa with ikU aottHskUiff aad
and fourth week Dorcas Aid society place at the family tnlM at
oeloo. It adds much to the Aae
«ak U Potato Boidoi-Wana the Ash save oneefplnt and1 throw aw
/ ■-■ ,
• ^faaaklF,
slightly lo a while sauce, au.1 put It In
Aavor. Serve hot or cold.
^ .
• OorMitaMdofaud.^akcili.
“Tildnesday. 7: SO p. m.. every Arat three humlred ami sixty-Ave tl
the center of a dUh with a liorder of
I have suhstiluiod bam for tbe aalt
week of month C. W. B. U. meets.'
year, mayhap nearly thrice that
Thursday. 7:30 p. m.. union mid- times, like many an old falihful friend pork with excellchi results.>They are
mashed potatoes Or. If you have
1 ^
IM gtfu
IM wofk pat •
r Of
gtfU aM
enough maierUl for a Urge platter,
both drllclons.
tiafura jroa.
Friday. 7:Sa^p. m.. Sunday school we are apt to forget or m
freshly washed
nary sltad onkms or leaks, four
luit lh« border oa the edge and a high
ptwHlbllilies, and fall Into t
« AM taOM. «ltMat faar. laava
rots, kale a plat of tomstoas aad
er amaad of potatoes In the. center,
‘Worship wlth^a^re ireutliiK It with scan\ Curtesy; that
tM raft
quarts of waur. Wh««a thorou
and All the space U lween tbe Ash auinr. one teaspouitful of gum arable at rangers, workingmen and
Is. iMi^lug It but one or two dlffe
rotked. press through s ssirr. aad Sprinkle buttered crurulm lighll) over and one quart of ^rdd water l,et It
eiii wa>K. day ufu r day. week In'an
ime has been long
Mwsoa with buttrr, pepper sad salt the whole and set lu the oven till boll while you cut The peel. Skim t»cfaaUng than
nfler n meal. It la
caslonally. When the synips and pe» l
to caste. Tkoae who ohiect to the brown
Oor. Nlntb^ WAAaworU ntiMli
pasato fkuip-Place oAe half fKiutid well, therefoiv, when going to aee a
Rev. R. N. Holaiplt. Pnaior.
are ready, put as much shredded peel
taste of lomalwsi may omit them
friend suffering from a disease of tb|a
10:00 a. nu Mvalns clnaa mMUaff
as the syrup will cover. Into the kHToaiato Blaqwe-Heat oae quart
10:30 a
moraiAf worablp. oar and a minced onion la a slewpan. kind, to eat a aubslantlal maal ftrat.
For the Moatha with the II.
tie and let it boll
milk ta a doable holler, and atew h
with one qiuirt of water, almroer gent N It her should one go Into nn Infected
the strliH. am “11:00. Bnnday aehooL
Old fashloaed fried oysters are what It does not bum. uptn
a ran of taouloes until they are s
ly for twenty minutes; add ooe pint area when very warm or nfler a loag,
may be styled a hcMoely dish, but they clear all through. Skim out ami put
It Me loag Mat MNUtM hj tMaa eaough to strain easily. Out of o
of sliced poutoea, simmer fo? two quick walk, when the pores of the
tn pint gloss Jarn. Oiling ilTem full lk.il
vbo Mra glvra tha mettar caraful third of a cap of butter, take one Uhlw am delicious when properly prep
7:00. evening gospel service.
iKiurs. rub Ihrcugh a sieve, return tn botly are all open.
alMr. iMt aat 01U7 do oar tMoglita apoooful aad cook it with a tahleapooc Drain the oysters. Roll each one Aral the Bvrup down thick aud fill up the
Cnoras choir meets for rehearapl the An*, add one plnt uf ervam aud
Charciwl. U U said, effectnally
ful of coraaurrh. by lettlag the but In cracker crumbs then In egg mUed Jir*.______________
aaert a ctroiig laSuaaca for pc
Thoradny at 4:00 n. m. In tae ehurek one tablespoonful of butler; let boll clears nnd Improves the complexIOA.
tor melt dfwt where li will not scorch with s little pepper, then again Ini
Midweek prayer meeUag TharMay up. and serve with crisp crackers.
mil Ml tkat rvaa ■vaaiar Uaa
A tars Cura for Arwhen Diahas.
j whitens the teeth and further acu as
cracker crumha. aa the egg will out
.tlmglit Ic tka powar of spokaa or
If tbe dUh to be mended can be *^Au"t5 all etanse; waMwna.
Potato Chowder—Cut enough salt a natural and timtnantly aafa cAlhaHle.
otherwise adhere well to the oysters. Ued together with a stout airing, then
•naiad word. Wa kcaa all fa^ tka
pork Into bits to make perhaps a scant It absotba tha lAjnrloas gaami which
lacpiiwiaa of IM Mlpfui aM aplin
placed in bolUng milk and left one
Icacnpful. Mince nn onion, place It collect In tha stomach aad bowels,
lac taouaaa «kk>k arc to M koaiAi and cook lor tea miuutes. Cut 4k« mairse tn smoking hot fat. As soon as hour you can never tell the dUh had
Rev. Deama Ootihlla. pMtor.
and disinfects tha mouth and throat
Church #hooa No. IIM.
tar a law caou ai,ibr book atoraa rest of the butler Into small ple<»s, they assume a light amber color drain Uwo broken, and It can afterwards be
Our church la a home Dor worahlp spoonful of butUT. nnd fry uuUI the from ptdsoQs of catarrh.
iMut era to ba foasd 00 tka wcIU or stir Into Ike milk unUl well mlaad aad serve immedUtely.
put In boiling water without the pieces .and service. If you have no eharrh onion Is a dHicate bmwn: add three
Ak to hot water, there la no end to
Wkew oysters are to be serve<l raw comlnng apart. This experlmejit has .home in Traverse City, yon are aero
thea add nit. pepper aad the strain
alaioat arenr ktaaa. to «rMj
large potatoes evenljr^'Snc53r>st5t
c good that may ba acquliM
ed tomatoaa. Half a salUpoooful ul the smaller varieties are best. 8U been tried tad proven and nmny are •stly lavlted to come. gaC aeqdhtated. with boiling water: nnd cotik until
ape wactam city ballara la tka 1
through thU almpM ramady. OoWlee powar of rkaary tkoufkt tkat It soda will correct, loo much acidity 1b oysters are usually allowed for each tbe broken dUhes which were thought and work and wocabtp with im. A lender; ndd one pint of hot milk, sea blooded people, who have mi|a thli^
wakaa uaa af
to he uaelent which are now aa good
son with aalt. pepper, aad celery salt, will do well to make a butlAsm 4tf
i*otato Tumorera—Add ooe boat cracked Ice. It should be remembered
prodaiHac aaatNMwa wklek land Is
and add *a scant tablespoonful of Aoar drinking a eartaln amoant^ hot wa*
ra egg to a ptai of hot maahsd poU
tkU diractloo. Tka
^ aniouibed In n little cold milk. Place ter . every day througbotit the wiatar
church hrwvtUea.
tar anuatad. but vlatlora lo tka city toes; sessuo to taste with salt aad
tussled crackers or hlu of toasted seaaoo. U laaanoa tha trodaocy to
popper. Hall la s little dour, then tbe Am the moment that the gilU
- aatooUhad.
^l**a,‘mT'waJni“w!^ and bread in tM tnreea. add tbe rbowder, take cold aad ImproTM the eireulatlao.
msM into ball*; pms or roll these are caried and they are plump. Oya
aermon. Choir jnader dlrwikm of Mia. and serve hot. If tbe bread Ik very dry Befura going to bed M w good tMpm
tecs panood In their own liquor are
liefore* lielng toasted. H is preferable for ihls^ as it warms up and relAges
mirory. Bgkieen large oyien. or
^11%!, gnnday aebool. If prwvataad
Upon the Bo««b
the ayatem. thus preparing the way Mr
attending. Joia tha homa department
00 the potato cake, oovorlac only owe^
Ccllerola of Potatoes 1s made by
k:4S p. m.. Tooag Peopla's Sociaty
aaok aroMs «s tkaiw: -amilo. piuh. half; fold orer and preaa the <
of Christian Smlmvor la tha parlora.
aM ka praM of It.** *’Wa-|| taka off tocether; placo Id a butterwd baking
7:00 p.m.. evening woraAlp, Ooapel
4«r ooa|s aM work for 1>----- acNa.- pan In tbs «»ren- until a aloe h
meeting and evaagaltstle tarvica.
Choir uader diractloo of Dr. Smith.
-Tha boMtarc faal haitrr. tiki baiiar •enre aith krowa or tomato aaoo
Thursday. 7:50 p. m, pfA|or iM
iMIr own liquor, and when they bull
U«a briiar tkaa aay otkar paopla oa
up add iwaaoniag. butter and rrumha.
aartk.** **Ufa is acore ikaa MWtk tkc
Mayfowor elah
Cook oae minute and serve on t4msL
Uria* U tkis fatorad laM af want
Broths Oysters-Hent tbe braOer
wkara w# walliP U tM'aaasklaa wrwell, and grease by robbing it with a
ary dey - Tka ckuraMc of Ika elty
Rrat M. C. Chuiah.
slice of salt pork or with auei. Dip tbe.
Mta caught tha spUrU. aM uaa Hka
Joaeph Dutton, pastor.
4iymerm lato melted butler, or IQ oO.
kill hoards for Uatr waakly aa-^
Momlag aenrloe. 10:50.
pad tay^ihem.on the broiler. BroU
WMiaoaaiaats. aad oa tha aaarhy'
tbem oa l^b aides for a few mlaates
Bpworth League. 0 p. m.
4»ver bright nmU or gas. Have ready
Bvealng evangelistic service. 7.
soma temst cut into uniform abapea
Prayer meeting. Thuraday evening.
aM moiatdned with oyster Juice. On
Mch piece of toast place three or foar
A eordlal wekoma to nil.
oysters and pour oker them a little
•fwee/wttk an moa. ^ koltaoaa. wifh
an man CM use IM Lord."
Mo cmwMa eeM suck worda as tkoae
*/ .
nrr. W*R?[r«liifv2!or^
atrnu m edMw'fPMr
Health Deptmds
A MtUi crMksr tbooU be tb* 1
tiMie ead wheleeesM ef «B feeSe
trm whett—
i m-
la tkla Mnftac.
!«ark«Aay w«HA
A tutairkihls taMMOi aatantnc tkc
ftpid a#oqd of Ik* kqlMff la IM fow
IM craat hMy of moa oompHNac Ike
L k;.
WM aro oMsMd with oumpMIt
IM taMk af iM tanaor •mrsrm
Maka ftaea tt Is wmslijasd iMd tM
ppsalloMdPtoa kadr W moa
But ecOiuiy eede cnckere ebeerb aeM.
sr^ ceOect doU and becMue atab sad
eeoy leaf betav they leseb ymr tmis
Then b bowem, oae
. aae tahlenpooatal of chopped
. C:W iL m.
n tperk «f cayenne, nalt. yolks of two
the bolter, and add lo It the parsley,
cayenne and salt aad the oysters, well
drained, kill together ilm Aoar and the
T mnlPt-T 4ff the hniler. oM aOr in
tM cMtavs whfa they hegta to cart.
Thea add ytdka. well beaten. aM take
Mmdisiety ftam IM Am. Bmre with
a garaM of fried bread aM parsley
Qymers a U Ponlefte~Tqmnly.ATe
otaa nf Mtae
tala of butter, taar
e ta tt* mnim.
eeds wi6km-«teaee w pan. N cbm.«
criep and sesriebtss AUb rtisdi ebse
is tte*^eaprase twilbnn-4b» amw b
Uneeda Bisoub
two bM-sMon.
; Y
U Yov Want lb Know
^ .why,21
tbr .Q. ft. « t.
We we mow: tmdblrds sf tie glssses lUtet Ii
* Trerme Qty TsSsy REAP sat l£ARR
vkat wrpitieitsi^absst su-udk
M im^a ftlacalrT party tbh am-
Ai tkU ptiat « Mr>l*x«l oiaatr
IM tkiir
alooc.^ He baarMat vltb the cheek,
aa be lipnartt la bU eoai poefcei. U
baftig bis IbMkai to aal it hook sa
•ooa aa be oQMkl saake oar a aiate
■m. Oa bM arrival la tbr rhy «»e
of Ibe Irst Iblasa be dU srma to look
for Ibe paper bat ao
of It «r tbr
earelape la ahirb It arax placed cootd
lecordei^^ MSnHTwH
hi IlH- afi«maa Mr* FrrrU i«lk*^ ImM or Artak. »ltbo«t Ibr patM'a
Icaovl^ao; No 1. ta jUi Inra for
la nrir ACslm.*'
tboao «bo wtiAi to br rHn4.
•sard Froai Flaar mm WMcb
ti44 of mW»tt% mU m>>r th* m>m> t«
Wklfil tk# «rr«nA>M‘a Hnl» vrrn
CV. for fi*^ Ijookfrt aaA i»««lutlaa<
mm4 k|HiU> M/«lr^rlr W »lK*lr
HTrM la lafluriMiar kiOnMimai M
Tba 4<^ra for muor l«
laht to ai!fi ftojl p»rjt la*j*^-Uua
al*o ihoti aiHk I# hrnMi«riat^Jiaj
— -U^- ...w hi. .,«,u
Uolaiog toiu
aad Ibe drtak will aor Iw lawyei. Tb« old cmn hmtse yi Uo
mi oa to taM «< hrr
<^n»aa H HiMailvr mailiirto an4
le be Jobaaoa DmaH"' *"
*“ ** *‘”'
fJrrtae U
frleod* «d birr tkddrn Mennsl ih.
r«. 1=1 R
rd few her.
A piece wa* (m off and |irrMwti>.| ta
««lll wn. Ikr iM>/.Ug.*ory>
K. n. Marvin of tbU city. li 1* uui> a
U <I&4 ii»r Mil ofairojuUtJiig •!»« ooa
Ml of pin** fl.mi lag hut man* p.-.utl •
|io iht^ U|ii* r houM- for IM- lorhM
nUmoa. Tliru
.If »one> for if Oti ar.>..uui..d ItH OA
jwrf oalv lo ilw
of i
. 1 bot.Ui ih«- % l»iiiir« a* i
>- W.a Umlor.
piaoEO eoiin
W. T. Bteteow
rtrtting at the.
of Ibrtf SOP. J U Riaaioa.
Frank tiodor Wat Ffti^ ft by Judge
Mr. and Mr*. Rubert Ilodd left tbU
Umlor lor Diotwrbiag th.
ortilag for Maaioa to vl.lt
t kMcnlcMMnc.
Held ihe office during the '•’••'
ii '
For Cilir Trasumr
■ ■.Vil.v.r
A> a fttlawia of Klafrtiey war^
I^altoa Iran.
Frank Hicler wa* an«il || !•> Jiulre
Cmlor for ilUiuiblng the fKdr. .urik.*
we*.t Aide Hiinla^.-. It I* rtalimMi by
bmmftrnM lb tbU city todo/.
Kail Y.mka that *otue
A. UpdortbOb ba. retamed to Cedar IbrnwloK a lw*ehall agatu-i uJ Iimmaa*
Rprtbg. after vt.lt!iig friend, la
Me kjiVA they have luH-u'd4.li»g It
brtwking window* «nd cat»-lng him
A. H. Sroti reioroed to bU bot
inueh tiouhle in gem-ial.
Wlu-n the
tun beann ««nd>ir be w>ctire,l the l«li
«fe Lako aftar apeadlag aooN*
and put if ia M« ktove.
8h*kt. hr
la thle rtty.
Mrs. Pbll Ortfta
abd famHi
Nortbport paeaed tbrmisb tbe city tkU e«t the Iwit hut an* told tliai It wu .
monOmM am tbelr way to Cadlll
hurwlag and the *lnve inH Oe.1 Ml If
Viidt with Mr. Ortfdn-* pbronte.
eotild *ee It. at which tbe Muer lu-sttii
Mm. W. A Chivanob aad dau
to woe load
langimge amt
Irfi ibU tnpntlng for Cedar Hprtait*. thr*wtk
Hleiler pleaded guilty
where Uey will rlrtl few u faw dgya
Owcor ftlmpatk weal to fUngaley <
look ofior Jllo bbsUieaa laiweat. toda
Mr. ibd Mra. D. TooipkUi* bare r
Ground Was Wbitt^l Nonjgpmrt To
iiirwed lo Orabd Rapid* after aitea
ddr-Vkiadoifs Broken Bouth of
tag the fimenil of Mrs. Tnmpkta.
tho VilUp^
^ ■ 1
Ralph S. Hastings
raBdidalc on Republican Ticket
Ralph t. Hsitlops wfss bora in Tr.vora. C.ly and Kaa lived la
Ttavars. City ail bU lift. Was odoeatod to th# pobilc achools. Is a
•narriod maa wr.th a family aad a homo hero, ho it thorrforo laUroolod 00 a citiaoa aad tampayor la the walfart of thia city. Ho hoa hod
tta yMib oapoflaaco la bookkoopine oad offtca leork ia foaorol. Woo
b moasbor of Compoay M. Thlrty^oorth Mich.poa voloatoor. iafaatry
Thot iho laboriag maa aad Iht afiacKaaic oa veoll ao tbo boaiataa
men bavo eoafbf^act la hi. ability aad that bo H well ««»oMflod to
fUl Ihi. important offKi. was shawm vary clearly at tbo Rrimarioo.
He now oaks foe-your toyal support on Tuooday. April lot. and
if olectod will give his satire time to the duties of this offlee and
guarantees satisfaction.
Vote For Hastings.
FVu^ year* 1 b:ive Uea Ituuhled
bad to -teav. Kcknnl on
|.leoiM>d to oaythat since wenrbag
PAHiaai, at Hr. tf.dl.-s ..Rlr
lly ««-.riin; a p«irof ..nr S|». i*l (ironii.l l. nM«
I have for yrai-. been troubhvl with lieadarh.*.
. Nei vmiattea. and l*oor Vision. l.a>.t Septeinh«M l (*on
sillied Hr. |>au)Mai. who I* lu charge of rH WolfeV
Traverse Cil> offliv
Hr Puulioni ftlleirwe wllli a
l»i«lr «< Klusve^ that bAve etmsl by. JbadarbeK and
^eivtui^tM-** aifl gl\e lue |ierf»‘cl vUioii lot lioih dlif
tani aud ch»*.- woik,
MKh RtU Fiost. Uing Ijike
Headaches and NervMsness Cored
luBt Iin.. la.i I have au«rrr,l «uk tmll.lo
e« and neivoti* itoublf^
Since wearlm*.
filled l.y Hr. l*aulMin iKrtb truuhh-* b:iVe en
BWediab tIapiUl rhurrb nenlce. will
be iMdd at a o*rlmk tiwootrow after
bOOd and T;3A In tb. evening. Tbe ar
ehclra from Mapleioo will Iw prtw
OwiPt to many complaints fiem ructomem wrbo cannot «oi atloallob Hi bvr Phooapraph Oopartmeat only ia day ifma. pad many
fogwoots for pppt^tmonU aftar tbo oowol lima of cioa.ab. wo bovo
dscldod lo ffviir tbo pobU by kotpiag opoa ovary ovomag from now
Thin will bo bppeociolod by our potroao ^atf fbpardbif o«r warwb
aa .owi. othorp do thoiaa a. -cooaary .rtiMot for plobMsrw oM am
fort. WO fool that a froat many will
I ta tho Otars, rothor than botag botborwd by aoloosma who
s to tb^ homos
and hoop them up atphto wbaa tho/ wooM prwfbr
» eaiii<M bavf to submit to tho o-dool ntlwr offoad thorn. Wo •
I not ^ -Slf^t-hawM*^ to batbor you aad prwfar la moot you la tho
rbtttvb wm bold a soctel Monday afiernoan nt 3:3« sk the borne of Mm. D. i
14oq^ bOk mate tdrert. AU are cor
dially hiTtied A .liver oollectloa will
be taken.
M. a HARNRK iMOft.
1 ajl^ak from pemud
k\»r two yeom
gla^ise* with bo Ustlng^
te*ulu. but after baring
1ng my eye
eyc« fltiod
fltied by Dr. Haultoih I had no trott
In doing clone work nod ka^
Hove bad one year to
llerlba Kbarfie. Ibmiab. Mich
Ifln Doubt, Write to the
Address Gin. Beav
For the pa*t two yearn my eyea hare given ibo a
gu^i deal of trouble. All last winter I was cnmpelbHl to have other* trwd to me. I am pleaaed to atate
that since wearing the glaaae. flued by l>r. Panlaob
•I I>r. Wolfe-s oltlre. I «*e perfectly and 11^ iHbdttchea and nervous trmible* bare entirely dlsappcare«l.
My mother abd sister hare also be#« tiled
with glasses by Hr. PaiiUm ami art* well pleased,
l.wlll IH- glad to answer «ny letter* frrtm tbnae In
Traverse dly,« Mcli.
DB. B. L. PAULSON. Optometrist
Uuaio orri.v!wil P4Mi»rr
at Ca.lil|M, Bteb.
New Suit
Seen the New
ir. the new sack lor the
Imil F. Nerlinpr
Caai eut ■rdtam lo^
wldecoUw.^^ lapek
We have the New Maieto.
AU Mcaas.
I miCertag from a rMapae
Wmind oa a Tmlau
"Wo —mr^^ and
Copyright 1907 by Hart.Sch«ffner W Mgi-
ye .luHUUsta.
Dr. Wolfe’s Branch Dffice
Wilhelm Block
Tm ifdt jMRr Mac aadMtr mm oa
Mm.-,|l«ry Rteren*. Old MiHakiii
Tbo tpdltw Aid aoclely of the Aa
bWTt M. R. ebnreb are fireparlao for
aa edtertatbsent to Iw given Toeaday
aigbl. Hpiwb Id.
idvlaloo N(k 1 of Ibe Oangregatlonal
Besdsches Csied
I bare w<wa a pair of glaaaewtor two ■umihs that
were mind by Dr. Paalacm at Dr. Wotfe'a Tiwyeroe
City office, and have not had a particle of beadarbo
*la*'e, I ua„,l to have It erenr day. .
Mis. O. n.
Be Dmw tor YOU.
I wttt Each Pair ttt Lewes
SU Spetki frm Exfcrlcftce
Headaches, Nervoesotss, Peer
VisiM Cored
Spe^al to
f R\*ening Record,
• .bon bustaes. trip oul of town
Mrti. Praak 'Hartlev of Cedar .t
afii rball *iQmi at
t* vUlilDg friooda at Qrawb
rorered the gn iiid an Inch oe
Mr*. Airhlo Mcraiyre baa reiunw^
The bail Slone w«>re front
to bt r bowo la Grown after .paadlng
r to onehalf It b thick Utt le.
a faw daya vlaitlag Mr. II. Hastoii of
tbl* rlty.
Houth of town, however, tin re'
WUllaiB MrCallUler. wbo U auead
a numlu^ of windows Irfoken and It l.s
tag eeboot at Ulg Rapid.. U Kpaading
bla raeatlob with bU brother In tbie
and a hair through
Tbe Mt**es Malml Ander*ao and
Kitty Wrtgbl. wbo ate otieodinf; the
RpeeUI to tbe Rvenlng Redird.“^
Yp*llentl Nonoal orhool. ore bora
Ncuibport. Mich . Maix h =5-^The
tbe .tiling vaeailob.
township caucus was hebi bere
4 A. Redding and wife left
urtermwQ. W. B. Johnson being nomlmottling for Loke f'lty. where they
noted for ntjM'r* bktr: C. A. II
will virtl.
cleik; VU\ Krt|l,.t^*asnrer; <>. H
Mr*. Bert Gonnei of Tbomp*a
ton. Justice iJTTbe p«we«' and II J,
l« In tbe city today.
man. bighwaf .cx.mnitsslooei.
J. II. Trowbridge of TlHunpsiw
two daugblei* lire in the city
Mrs J K. n.'cker left IbU mnmlm!
lew day** vUlt
for Monro.- ('enter, where Mr. Ihx'kei
Mr aad Mr* A. Glddtag. bar
has already btcaied.
turoad frma a few day* rUlt wbb
Mlsa Winifred Marvlu went lo Marl
frieada at Beulah.
Iwrough this afterunon lo wfa-nd Sun
Job! T. Manner uf Cbleago U In the
day with Miss Mlldn-d IkiekerMyc4t) vMilbg frieoda aad relative*. He
Loren Fulb r of Rapid City Is lit tin
miU probably twmala here for a wii k
ciir on hiislnesK.
and win tiMI go to
Results Talk.
Wtat Bm Bmb rnmmt tor
Ow Prices Arc L*«v. AWrlttoaOw
Left ScStol, Eyes Were S. Wert
Record^^AAi^nt Ads
... ,,,^
1‘ .:^-=v;
‘■-M.- \.,‘ -^-
fir::: ':
, aATINBAY. wumn t^lMT.
Willie Cvte helpv Dinah «ErSQVARB x
■V ■:'?
By William Allan, White
A CHANCE SHOT—By Henry Wallace PhUlips ^
'rmiv «4 I «tn ala* ■ At Ute taiL lb M ««-4>
iwrJ«»»i»M«nTS'Srtdbi, Ik. br** mmh
tM w« ■ ■ I mm, mmm iw ■
-He*, a par^r kind of
Sa-Jl&le c hi.
1 tbongte; -bareback
Tafciiv k a littk easier lor tbe next couple of mOcs. I gave
hJSL’s siSs”
^liicsdi,-**^^ *
***** ^ “***“ **” *
-.Sow you hold on a hit.-says he. *! donY know bni what
we d have done better to stick to tbe bones, and ran for k. but
It's loo late to think of that Jumpim him ta all fookabnem;
poL^M^ Tiihant aayii« aaythmg for a tpcil. wben
I kappwrd to notke that bis teeth were chaiteriag.
H T«. «u ri<fo(
asonnd thn nice cool night in yoor drawers, yoiw teeth *od rattle
temper, and watch me play cnahion carruma
T?^Siit I »u iMt «Mv Ikt colUr 4(mi1i fi«« FM Ikt riite
tbc Luc Eom «l &»»rr
^It UcOM ^S*thh iwatty kad kac« tkmdn4jm ol the third
> atcry cd Frwtch’a dance cMporwm by Bronc Tbooipaoii. wbidi
ChTTtr a fraal rcaacct lor our proicah into him. Comryrmly
h€ wa«i-C
wETn^^ ^rt. tea amwera -u^SKTaa
ceil jroa that old Froaitead and
#octy hnwm are awneVra between here and yonr ootte. with
their war »atnt on and blood w their eyes, cayoodhnf and
whoofia' ti to bant bell with the blower on. and if you get
united ap with them. 1 reckon they*U
jfon a hair-cirt a^
abampoa, to aay notbmf of ocher trtmnuufi. They eey they n
‘^'oC^T^^'nrM.hr.A >«l
toor uy. I. 'If h. M»r.
crw.>win(j« «y rntnui^ HI fckk hi. pMtikttc. oa u*
* -AU Hfht. pariteerr aayt he. 1t*« yoor own floral
wrdrra wu iu halt rhcry one gomf lhri«ih; ten I ain’t a whole
company, m. n»«. can bare it yoor way. Only, if your fnmda
have to take )oo borne in a opal-Kimle, don't blame me. Paia.
So 1 went ihm««h tbe ottcem* mrtert forty mile* an hour.
IrttifiC ont a Mring of yelU yon migbt have heard to the coaal.
all thing* that he roo*t wished be could
do; be could not, under any circumherent words to any girl under fifteen
and aver nine. He was invited, with
ncarh' all t^ bovs of his
to chihltfms parties
other U^y. whose only
on), wcompluhm.n'1
was turning a cart wheel, or skinnttiK
the cal liackward. H.r. at most, hanging
hat and
!**out of*the houK *when the companv broke up. He would comfort him-
si:*“rr r
he talked in monosyllables aU>ut a )i4ce
ch he and the Uiv knew, Imt w*hich
was alwa>-s a secret to the girl. Even
after school Piggy couM not join
•s who follow
•electt coterie of boys
girls down throi^h town to fhe portoffice
Old >4inny Hardlurk aockrd it to me. aame a» uaual
„wh a'might)
I he Imnor died in me ^fter a while, and I
a might) ?
1 a4eep iuJ tlie baddlr. and woke up with a jar—to
1 ttivkcJf na'l.i HI thr
ihr 1fimiaie of old Friwthead'a gang: the
drum. *
tipnu!.- and th..%e fart>HHlil red tiger* -hayhthat made my akm get up and walk all
o*rr me wiiii wOd Irei,
How in tOaiea J'd
managed to clip through thoM
wonderful piece
were of k
fcouting u
don't kmm. T
*1 would1 have been a wonOertuI
and shout them out for the crowd to
in a lovely mea»! That war »onf put a crimp into me that Jack
Frokt himadf couldn't take out.
It wai aa dark aa dark by thia time. The moon jmt atuck
he prairie, and tbe
one e>e over the edge of the
the reat of the
th aky
coveTJd^wiih cloud. A liiilr It^t came from the Injuna'
by. and, bcaidea. 1 didn't know
tp lire, but not enough to ride
wimh way 1 ot«hl to go
iuHn the country where ran leai n three feet long are curioaiInw. You aaaaed that pocir awatiy that wanted to keep you out
f.f thia. tooting yimr Uroo like a man pediUing aoap; but now
ii'ft up to you
Wliat are vou going to do about iU**>-wod 1
didn't get any an»wer. neither.
Well, it wa» m* u*e aaking myaelf conundruma out there in
the dark when lime wai *«> >carcr. So I wraps my hankercber
around UddyY now to keep him from talking horse to the
niun pootra. and prepared to sneak to where I'd rather be.
Uddy was the quickcat thing on legs in that pan of I
bred Kentucky hor»e~and I Imew if 4 could get to l
them Injuni wouldn't have much of a chance to take
atopprr and raaminr mv worka»cioi much. A halfami 1 could show tlic whole Sioux natioa how 1 wor
r back
I cut for the place where the Injnna teemed thimimt. lifting
mvacU up till 1 didn’tI ^weight fifteen pound, and breathing only
:r «“nd
hole, and walloped around there like a whale trying to climb a
Some dam run of an lajaa threw a handful of:hav on the
Sre. aiKl. ai it blared up. the whole gang spotted me.
to w*3k"^^*^ »«>
«**« irons into Uddy, and wc began
"widnS like to make (or the ranch, aa I knew the bo*e were
abon-handed. a<. 1 pointed north, praying to tl.e good Urd that
I’d hit some kiml of wnlement before I .truck the \onh Pok.
• Well. <wc left thewe Injun, so far behind that there wa.n'i any
fun in it. I alacke<l op. patting myself oh thciiack; and. as the
grouhle seemed all over. I was just about to turn for the ranch,
when 1 heard hor*ei galUYdng. and a. the m.vm came <nii a
titiU I sap a wh<4c raft of redskin, a hoilmg tip a draw not
half a i^c aw*,, lhat knocked me aUb-sided. It looked hke 1
l the wrong ticket every tone the wheel tnmed.
• H up again, awearing 1 wouldn't atop thii^^l
Teddy and I were alone at the Lake Beds*
coat, and bools on. tbe pants was missing. WcH. if k had been
the last act. Pd bas<e had to Uugh.
-Could'nt find 'em nohow,- says he; "hunted high andlow.jick.
Jack, and the game—ju.t comes to my mind now that I had ’em
rolled up and was sleeping on ’em. I d«m*t like to go around thia
way—1 fed aa if 1 was two men. and unc of ’em hardly resi>cct>
-Did yon briiv a gun with you?"
Hc gave me another stare. "Whv. pardner, von must think I've
got a light and frivolons dirt»o»ition." says he. and with that he
beaita up the great-grand-uncle of aU the six-shooters 1 ever did
see. It made my furty-five-long look like something for a kid
to cut tu teeth on. "Tbat’a tbe best gun in tins country.- he
-Looks aa If It might be," says 1. "Has the foundry that cart
^gone out of business? I'd like to have one like it. if it's as
“When 1 ha\-e any trouUe with a man." says he, "1 donY want
to go i^ing at him with a putty Mower, just irriuting him. and
giving hinva hide ^in complaint here and there; 1 w am some*
He bad it. for a broadside from that battery would scatter an
elrphani over a townahtp.
We loped along quiet and eaav until sun-up. The Grindstone
Puttr* lay about a mile ahead of us. Looking back, wc saw the
Injan* coming over a rise of ground 'way in the distance.
-Now." sa)S ray fnend, "I know a short cut through those bills
thatll bring us out at John^.n's I hcy'se got enough punchers
there to d<> the^^Unitrd Stales army up-surcheij and blued.
'**iys Y -I’m only wandering around this part of the
country because ibis part of the country u here—sf it was any
wheres else I'd be just .as gUd "
So in wc went. It was the steepest and narrowest kind of
canon, ksoking as if it had l<en cut out of the rock with one
crack of tbe axe
1 was just thinking; “tk- whix! bnt this
would be a poor place to get snagged in.” when l^ngl sav* a
nfW right in from of ua. and ro-e-arr! goe* the bullet over our
We were off them horses and behind a couple of chunks of
-Yon see that Mock of rtone Jnrt this aide of Mm wkh the
square face towards ua
Well, he's only covered in front, and
I'm a-going to shoot against that face and ketch him on the
“Great, if you c^d work it T aayv,I. "But LordT
“Well, watch!" says he. Ihen he aquinched down behind his
cover, so as not to give the Injun an opening, trained his cannon
and fmllrd the trigger. The old gnn opened her mouth and
roared like an earthquake, but 1 didn't see any dead Injun 1 hen
twice more she spit tire, and still there weren't any desirable
says I. -you wouldnY make many cigars at
this game!"
“Now. donY von get oncasv!" says he. -Just wratch;"
-itiff.'” says the old gun. and this time, sure enough, the Injun
was knocked clear off the rock. I felt all along that he wouldn't
be much of a comfort to his frknda afterward*, if that gun
did land on him.
Still, he wasn’t ao aw ful dead, for as we jumped for the horses
he kind of hitched himsrlf to the revk. and laving the rifle across
it. and^worki^^the lever with his left liand, he sent a bole plumb
‘“lSdly*bJy!- says I. 1 snapped at himl and smashed the lode
of his rifle to flinders. Then, of course, he was our meat.
As we rode up to him. my pard held dead on him. The Injun
stood up straight and mil. and |o».ked us square in the eye—#ay.
he was a man. I tell you. red sldn or no red skin. The courage
just stuck out on him as he stood there, waiting to pass in his
My pardner threw the muzzle of his gun'n^ *D-------n it?"
aays he. "1 canY do it—he’« game from the heart ont! But the
Lord have mercy on his sinful soul il be and 1 run fool of each
other on the-prairie againr
Thm we shacked akmg dowm to Johnson’s and had breakfait
“What became of Frosthead and his-gang?"
his -gang?" Oh. they sent
jnent or two. and gatJierrd him in—Ikju! twenty-tne
M.UIicrs to an Injun Ko. no harm wa* done. Me and my t*ard
(Copyright. S- S. McQure Co.)
t met at the c
valor in tbe •
nsnak and be worrfered greatly, for he reme^n^
a^co^er ^^nsuak
alous the "way in
whichUie two went no*whenerer thev met. vet here they were at
, .(irr V'hkh il .wniu imn line mn* the oOier.
rted barthey greelrd each other tn tbe
accord when there
cal loSte^siH m pi^ o^ld b^Vkw^-htW^ The ^va
au^qird sudil^v.b. amid a htas y otkv of flowers, the mu
dultns. the *wuh of taffeta and the sound «•( women's
nlwred the apartment sincevthe
llnrsirds had given un their return fronj their
: Sinp of tiled hall where tbe
magicians had been at w
Palms lined the waU
wall in frarlevaitk disembarked
aiscrobarkrd tU
iu passenger*
be windmg iron stair. A n
grant greennessV and waved aW
i the door ushering the gm
m red knee-breeches stood
od floral groctom lit dhnlv
into whst seemed to be a socc
The drawmg room, which
d like a fairyiand hong whh
ng trip, tea
idge was an Indian who never did tl>e right thmg Thev seemed
to be rematitng his presence, and Mrs Thorpe waved her fan to
him. but be boled stiffly and looked away. He couldii t help sermg. though, that Beveridge and she began to Uugh. evidnuly at
hmv in a way that made him wUd. He turned hi* back dclilveratrlv upon ibrtn and gave bis ct*at and hai haugbuly to tlie
Wt'te ^iSiior. and t^khed somehow that I^oHy had
given liim a hint that the ev^iing was to be oo.fuch an cUbomte
scale. It seet.*ed ndicnkwis to attempt anrthmg lie thu in a flat
And she had written; “Jmt a Uttle music and a little supper. 1
tr how >*<»« hale crowds" I
«st then Mrs. Thorpe tooched him on the arm gayly. “So
i to ace you r she cried; "ooe of those nnexpcct^ pleasnres!“
-Y«i?^hr!S‘'lSlV“ -Tk,»k.. .Wlrilyr Ana he mracd
th. boy. . ho r«lly didnV
are 1lor me*
lidnY care
things, and fought, or plaved
up." or wrestled his way leisurelv home
in time to get in his “night w<x*d " But
his heart was not in !hr*e paMimev It
1 with a red shawl of a peculiar shade.
that was wending its rav to the rv.stoffice and luck, to a 1 ne in one of the
few two-story h
i the In lie town.
Time and time j
*.ir;e„*'ri^.*''h::"7.i,:;«^ i:
known, but evrrs- time lie had failed.
Lying in wait for her at comers and
vuddenly’hrcaking upon her with a glory
of backward and forward somersaults
did not eonvrv the Mate of hi* heart.
unexpectedly, did no! tell the tender
tale (or which his lip*, could find no
words And the ne.nrert be could come
to an expression oT the longing in his
Hreast was to cut her initials in the ice
beside his own when ahe came wobbling
rhirogrmphy of his skates was so indisunct that it required a krv ; and.
everything put together, poor Piggy was
no nearer a declaration at the end of
the winter than he bad been at the be
ginning of antwnn.
One morning in the fate spring he
s,wnt half an hour before breakfast
among his mother's roves, which were
just in first bloom. He had taken out
there all the wire from an ohl broom
and all his kite string His mother had
to call three times before he would leave
his work. The youngster was the first
to leave the uble. and by eight o’clewk
he was at his taric again. Before the
first school-bcU had rung, Piggv Penningt.m was boand for t!.e school-house
with a strange-looking parcel under hU
arm. He tried to put his coat oyer it,
but il stuck out. and tbe newspaper that
was wrapped around it bulged into so
many comer* that it looked like a hometied bundle of Uundry.
Just before school was called, Piggv
^ACK ^INFY S horseless^ cab
other one
htag by his I
a flyuv trapeze; be could chin a pok ao
mans times that no ooe could count the
nnraW; he could turn a somersault in
the air from the level ground, both back
ward and forward; he could “tread"
water, and "Igy- his hair; he could hit
any uArMe in any ring from "Uw*" and
“knocks” down: and, better than all, he
could ctn his irntiaU in the kc on skates,
and whirl round and round *o many
times nhat he looked like an animated
shadow, when he would dart away up
the stream, hts red “effort" flapprag
behind him like a laugh of defence. In
the story-books such a hoy would be tbe
son of a widowed mother, and turn out
kept a grocer)- store, from which FYggy
to steal so many dates tha^**1E
boys said his father
must have cut up
the almanac to supply him .\s he iiever
gave the goodies to the other te*ys. W
kept them for his own use. hiS name of
•.«». out .l>»t .. lam •* • «UU yalkr do* « . bob^.'.
S*ww fellrr. can run in a rhinecahoo that
make the hair
aland up on a huffekr robe, and get away with it just like a
au >4inny Har(
TmW^ bifc U hii^Md m«. mk «»«*. «*0t he Iu4 bat.
1^ hon* AMd iw Mdc Ukc a chrM-rmfcd aTaM.
• gmn
"Tlmfa dbom Um yatac ol iMnd Td !■» to make yon a Wi
ttmt be does k. tofl^ if 1 thought Pd have a chisr to oolkrL*
-HLter! Wkafa«ntM«heyella.
wmM. ..... ...
Desirr-was uldng o«n of her desk a
wreath of roses tied to a shaky wire
There was a crowd of girls
Her eveUsbes dropped, and she leaned bade against the
wwll a* though she were famUng.
Tvnry didn’t formulate a thought, bat, yiridiog to aome commaml that seemed to strike the base of his brain, he pot bis
sh.MiMer against the back of the man next to him and wedged
Ibrougii the throng to her side. "Let roe take you to a window,"
he said
She pnt her hand in his. and he drew h thr«^ his
arm tighil). ami elbowed their way under an arch of daisies into
a dining-rof»m where the acrvznts were busy arranging supper cm
a buffet. A window opened on an iron balcony fdled with palms.
lYiev stepped out and stood together trader the sura. The au
tumn night had the softness of spring.
^“Thank vou-Jack!" she said. WYien he beard her speak his
name agaui he caught her hands in his, and. with that happy instim-t of youth and Iovt which needs no words in its telling, they
knew that the months that had passed had made no diffcrencecxcet»t to make their meeting happier.
“lo think." she said; “1 didn’t even Jenow you were coo
but to ihew she did
medicine card on
other* were to be given away, and ask
for one. Bnt the. hia Heart's Desire.
AikI still she came not. There was one
rose left, the moat bcnntiful of aU She
didn't belong to the achool. came up at
“W'hat’s your namer
-Puddm’ -II’ tame, ast me ag*ln an* PlI
Piggy ’s feelmgs one bit that be whipped
the new Un. for the new bov was small
er than Piggy. And he daied not tom
his flushed fare toward his Heart’s IVsire. It was almost four o’clork when
IHggy Pennington walked to the roas
ter's desk to' get him to w ork out a prv>hlem. and as he pavsrsl the dc*l
Ueer^.^rehean^aen^e^her“Arc sou madr
But he dared not look for an answer
as thev marched out that night. *o he
contented hiniself with punching the l*vv
ahead of him with a pm, and M<.|,j,mjon his heels when thev were in the baeV
part of the room, where the tearher
wcmld not see him. The King of Boy.
ville walked home alone that evet-mg
The courtiers *aw plainly that his majes
ty was troubled.
took from other youngsters who ran
across his pathway playing horse
his ham he sat listlessly on a nail-keg.
while Abe and the freckle-faced tew did
their deeds of daring on the rings and
the trapeze. Only when tbe new tew
came in did Piggy arouse himself to
mount the flying bar, and. swinging in
it tn the very rafters, drop and hang bv
hi* knees, and again drop from hts knee*,
catching his ankle to the angle of the
it was from the wreath lie had given her.
and so Fight was his boyish heart that
smUe* that day.
During the si
thev began, and every time she
a class, and every time he
paM him i
•es behind
her geography
rirald pry^hiTeyes
ir. a fUMhd of gladness
or her gr
swept over his soul
That mgfii Pn-gy
Pennington followcfl the girls fnxn t ie
school-honse to the fx-toffice. and iu a
burst of enthusiasm walked on his hands
in from of llic crowd for nearly half a
When his Heart's
ain’t vou afraid yw
doing thair Piggy .
hear her. and said to the l»ys:
"Aw, that ain’t nuthin’; come down
was too exulwrant to contain himnd when he Vft the girl* he rtarted
a stray i
m that happened along, and ran 1
t was out
breath He did not n
and he could do nothing
side her. For a block they were so em
barrassed that neither spoke.
It was Piggv tsbo broke the siknee.
His word* came from his heart.
M the flower* unt^ after the ttneing.
TT« be stole a sidewise glance that
hhn w«h ,hc -B- dm. in
geographv. and took a «eat directir in
him. where he could look at hqr
ail the tune, onoteerved by her. Once
th^^*nI^Tr inTr'l £L?'bVUll3*S
thm ha?a tefd in a tff*.
HU heart
“llfis dertiny,-he sakL -PoBy never maitiooed that you wen,
go oat ior recewv. the thrill amoonlcd
chantment of her cteldtsh eyes.
At thr end of the hall he a
in the summer, louldna tmrral against
dream. 1. hey
She srrtncd like a girl m a dream
________ about
aomc trivial mattev-oiic of those quarrels that are exaggerated in
when two >oung peupk are very moefa is knre and
Why he like^diers am not gay "
But a man on the sidewalk, pawing,
said: “Well, aon that’s pretty good; hut
wouldnY you just as lie! sing as to male
that noise?" So the King went to bed
with a heavy heart.
He took that heart to achool with him
the next morning, and dragged it over
the *cho»-»l-ground, plaving crack-thr-
-I bet you eraiY do this.- he added, as
pot him o«a if they had med a haiMl-
OUM IS.I i-ven see J-rr
Itet be did ace J4ts lliurpc aud Jlarvdd CcwrUUc u.niuk
________________ __ that ahe should be here to-night and that
Polly hadn t mrmkmed it Perhaps PoI1> had planned—and thro
the rirl looked across tbe space between the crush of stnUing
f V- V : id a wave *vf paik n- i- fn>ni the r-lge of her U^ice and
iLtpcttcd as a oupt v uuvicr Uic slr;*;^ ui pcails abooi Lcr
drifted in when I heard the mnsic. I thought h was Hpesied'a
flat. This IS awful! WtH vtm brbrre now that it is dertinyr
caine U-cY. in s wave. "Dertipy-and that stage
fa:ni of mine!" she said. "l>o you Uuak you cooU
me a
artonisbed hts fri^ by^miiw a teg
armfnl of rod and yellow and
white roacs to scfaooL He had never
unknown country.
(Ccnniihl, i & McCSw'CW
C«N»V«TS» »r
Dear Mioo D«r : I kmrt fcwwc/FSNk od Alicr btae c~
<k d»r. trtudi. with ytwr k»d aimtanc*. I ohookl tier to mJee
MO a me* dm* for «rrr best and nntabDe for a manber of occataoAi. as charrh. netpinmt, thratre aod ionnal Imtdwoos. It
■oL btmrw. Jie too rUbormlc. as my beat dress is •orn
Wh*M«««k)r ■Mllsimtriid
pack»ttMmCmUnk Gm$.
TV Abce bhie wtU make no into a charmme frock for soch
1 sboald V*e a
skin taken into tV Vh with
fattJe locks. tV front srsdth snmiUtinc a double box 4>lrat V
h>mc iKAh ed«rs in two aide ideats. and inmined on tV Ueu^
fonnsoE a deep round vokr. The loner portion of tV bodice
will V in Vb> stOe added In the ^«Ae under tV outer ruchtn(. the fullness taken into a shirred bell cither of tl
Have fall pull sleeves endinc just VUiw the elbow
ruching of ThT £rtV
cuffs inaichmc the wa.a
ide to merUy
merlay the a_______________________
aradude seam. »hen tl
should be made
mill he found to be ver> quaint and pretty
H not considered
and cuff-* couldI be made
madr^ ientirely
VHi rUlioralc the >oke a^
........-J on It----------- ------ • with
------------Tuffs being arranged to match
This _
rrruiidy merl the demands «.f practicalnlity and st>lc
^ ■ Book
Don’t Bo Fat.
k Altaoliiulr SiJo.
* V. ’
!•* » »f
i 1
r«-i-wi.*i u
i»«- r-r
Oilkrrr 11 Will !»• For %>•-
The Child With The
Copper Nails
^ except imr died, and the father and mother fell very Intirly.
One daj mhen they mere out fishing they saw a dead mhale fl.^ti
srs.-" •”
I»p4 «*tur«H> and t»x kidiM^. *«d l.r« U
k>» aad *nmtl 1«
r. J. Atno^Mia.. •»«• K*a«OT sus-
They found tVt the creature on the kick of the whale ma»
indeeil a chikk Vt unlike any tVt they Vd «er s^n Iwfore.
Itt linger nails were of copper and tt mas remarkably xtrong.,
W h^hex t.xik It home and set it to pUy mith their youngeit
and .ml) surviving Vy. the strange eSUd began to grow
rapidity that in a week’*Mime it Vd cVnged into r wicked kx Amg old womaih with heady little red eyes and such .trench that
slic cvmld go out and take a bear from the hear trap and tear it
lu pieces mith her sharp copper naih
TV whole family mas afraid of the strange creature, brt tW
didn’t like Id send her away, for they were generous people wV
liad been Vm in F.kxI-giving tumm
One xlax thr witch chffd hrxwighl in a salmon The hoy. whose
pfs^ITk urF\.^-ivtJi loti^n^^^
xTHi are so pale, neither -laxxnder or i»ale green
ou .You coiild m ear i -ram. ps»e i«nk or pair hliv
l»ut It «es mitnout xaxing that only maienal 1
tV result does not .justity t V ............. shouU \k di ed. oth. rm
isc the
moold lecomr
lecome vv.11.
vvxii. Frm-.u-d 'mith
e\iH-nditure. .A princess% frock miadd
rilly fu'hu alx.ni the Vsi .mttlittle frills at the U.tt.«u and a frilly
e full puff sleeves ukh tightFiimg a lace vvder
puff to the clU.m tied at inlitt mg tiiulrr mu->
tervals mrth nhho
The little frock is designed by a F'rench modiste who makes
a specialty of A'bildrm’s garments, and is \ery simple and effec
The fnek from mhich mir sketch is nude is of dull blue
linen, stitched mith mhilc and mom mith a mime leather l>cli ’
IV skirt ami blouse arc 9m together and the fulness of the skirt
is secured by releasing the plaits iVt are stitchnl m domn to the
bell line. .\ mide sailor collar gives a jauntv hnish'to mbit mill
lie found a very useful little garment Tliese heavtf dre.s l.n itx.
so |Mi|mlar this srasf»n. are excellent for such fr»<ms as they a:x
very durable
I‘»que. dock, cotton chrxiot. or .Madras are all
good, or Mime of the pretty French gmgliamv
IV pattern. No
is cut in sirrvfor children from 2 to 4
years.«.f age
The nntliuni sue xsill require
yarxD of nu
icrul .F» inches mide
The sailor suit aim ays combines ixunfort mith j/y/r iii a nunner most desirable
desirable. The blouse aud imusers arc Unh v h-»>e
that tVy
in any may
Navy hliu- is
, are not uncinufortalJr
almavs a good ctJor
these -uits and the nutciuil should te
A Is.y’s cl-thorg initsi W
of tlH- iM-sl quality—erge is ex rllrnt
With these suits a v.ft silk tie
Imilt on lines to stand service
is used, fndcr tV blouvr a plain, snug fitting mulermaixi t*
mom to mhich the trousers are fastmetl
Inis holds th.m mcnrely in place mithnut the U»lher of suspenders
The pattern. No. ihiti. is cut in sites fur hox> fr«»m 4 to .14
years of age. For a W K years old 3 yards of ituicrial 44 imhrs
mule mill Ik required, mith
yard of nuterial jh inclus .mide
fen cents, the nunilicr
Liid address
addre^ to .Marjnrie Dane.
and Mte desired ami your panu and
44 I-ast Tmcnly third Street. Ncm York City.
The man in the moon said he guessed he could iiunasc it. hut
mhat mtmld he do mith the house?
“Well.*' said Taxet. “let it \k for all tho<r mlm are kUhd in
battle and all those mho are tired and meary mith u'ork *
“All righC said the man in the imx.n.
Tliat night thr man in the mix«i made a strong vl«Ir of
nMxmlieartls and let it domn to eaith. It -.tnuk k-tuttn txvo
r.xk: just off the Ixach of Skidegat. Cttxk. l axt-i >lid d .mn
the incline and. came to his home .igam. mherc he lixvd ever after
and became a great chief.
The ptxxplc along the shores of the ererk soeak of Taxei’s
house to this iDxwhc Iluim- of skn»—and ju>i alK.ve Skid.gaic
village arc imo large n<ks. alm<»>t covered at higfi mater, phiih
ntark the place mherc l axrt c.nmc ttom-n on the mixmlxam sinkIV natives say that vxlun th«' m.mn is full and the tide high any
one who paddies his cantx- Ix-txxcn these tmo r«<k-* e.in k*^ up
and see the shining incline still extending domn from the sky, and
iVy call it “Taxet * traiL" .
WVn tV witch <hikl with tV copper finger ^s «me
^1,0 h."*nc»-cr h«rd «l .nvbod,
to this dayHhe,prople mho live on the v4e«fs of Skidcgate Creek,
sing tVi the much-child mas the first prrM.n m this morld mho
Dear Mi<s Dane: I Vvr nine varils like the xampJe of black
and mould like a suggestimi lor a skirt for ev.nutr mear. Aim
1 have six yards like mhite s.v-nplr. for a maist ami f.^r yards
of liandsome lare three indtrs wide f..r tnmmmg C.m y,<i give.
The sample* of Ukh the IJack and mhite leivade arc extremelv handsome, hut iVv mill not he a success as a skm ami
>aisl mom at the same time. Nine yards of sudi lieaxy goeds
will »« more than sufficient for a skirt. 1 sh-idd try ,-.nd get a
a skirt
sVvleton maist and puff sleeves outI of
.d it. ;J
plain, h n • and tl ,nnB. (
Id be made 1
ruhn l ke I -vers toH
gs of the K
l.r.M.leiunc .on ^
onning from the matst line Iwck. the foldv l.r.M.leiiM'y
shoulders imd taiwrin.: again as they Vseend - wot hue 1r..tit.
M.nkc a square y-okc of handvnnr hhiek Dee. t» 01- ..retu or lined
mith mhite. jmning to the I.mtr edge of voV- .«• mA- and fr.ml,
pleated black chiffon, so tliat the Vs are entirel; ccmplete Strap
llese domn mnth narrom black xelxet ciuftiex^iti ; the inner evDes
i*f the firhn. Thr sleeves mill l«e full |Ui!is « nu *n in Die . nff-.
If y.Hi mish a tnnmiing. let ii Ik- a luiinl of spa*, led j
to the iniier edge of the tiehu meting Vue V. the Nanu cominuiitg
domn thr front gore, midening a little in its cIcm*. at
Six vards of the rich mhite s-ni,, hnv.vde is nit i^lv li«. much
for a m-aist
I shmild feel inclined to conihinr it with.soft ixory
crepe de J’aris. or hriiricita and Iiaxe a mliolc gnx*vi. TIh skirt
e ndd le long and flaring, tilting the hips snuxulih -m1 the Urtloin finish, d mhh a couple uf self f.ddc. IV front w.d*h will V
slashed to display a panel of the hrteade. outlined m i:h lx.x ph ajs
of the materid *lV l-xlke will have a wjuare chei iisrtir of the
kice. mhde from the lomrr edge the hrvKadr mill take tq. the
skirt. lx,x pleats
ihr ».r.H^adr from the should, rs m ill imxt thr
I-.x plrats of the material on the -kirt. tiun xvdj come a ImiuI of
Dee ioined to Ihr.u.x pleats, the re: vonmg jc.n of the ’ .nficr to
fx of the hr.v.ide. the edges jilst oxrrlappiiu the bxe Iwnids. lliiis
liic maist mill shorn a chemfelle of Dee and vest of l.rrw. l- (laid
in jerfcctlx flatt loitlined In the Dx ph.,ts. hands of k <• being
added to these to give long lines fr.mi the sh.Hildrr. addiiu: as
mell to thr Uautx of the,-ta-ist
I he laee nuiv alvo D- taken
doxxn the iMck. laiKmiK tp tlie xxaist line, it preferred H.ivr full
imrt sleeves taken into Dee cuJs and ymir goxrn mill le a Ix-an'y,
• ^
. *
^ '
Jimmie's Uncle's
Jimmie’s- rnclc tom. the mighty hunter, mxs at home ooe
night, xisiting Jmimie’% nviilKr. mho mas IVlc Tom’s sister.
•T ilde lorn, lidl me a huiuing story.“ Ix-gced Jimmie
“I am kind of tired to nwhi. Jimm»e,“ ansm-cred I’ikIc Tom,
nd I’m afraid I cani stay long enough to tell you a gw^l long
One that’s not
••Killed a* rabbit miihout even moving^ repeated Jimmie, in
“Y<>.“ rrpliH liKlc Tom. “without moving, and srithom evxn imendmg to do it I-H tell yon the story. I was out shott
ing partrkl:4ts one day mhen 1 ftnmd I had come off without my
game bag. I had giHKl luck, ii«. and so 1 mas forced U« put
all tlie hinls 1 killed in my ciat pockets. Bv the time 1 started
home 1 mas loided domn mith every pocket stuffed full of dead
buds. Iliry made a heavy meighl and pulled dommSw me so
1 could scarcily malk
“On the max home I fieard something ct»me nmmng ifiNfairh •
the briar thicket just Ubind me^ and tunicd rtmn<rto >ee^at -
:.7Se^hem Li,hm iod 1 «. hi. child! N.w 1 ,iU pamd.
you for catmg my sahnon.
She ran at him fiercely with her copper tipped finger stretched
out to tear hV to pieces Taxet looked around. TVre was no
Tm so afraid that if vou go
Out in ytrnr Easter togs.
'Ere you get home again h wiU
Be ntning cats and dogs.
. -
bidder reacTOUg
w i-c
nocinc his bow in tV end ol tV chain of imows it became a
UddeT^ which V cHmbed as fast as V cimld to tV sky
t£« V^icktd the ladder away below him.
When'V locked
>•1 would not mind tV-cat* so much;
But think? Ha bull pup
Should vain on you. 1 fear, my dear.
TWV would cm you up.>
Jid dS25VSo A?
of a
the ruu mhile .ait sh.K.iing jiartridges.
Ihe funny part of tbe
story is that I kdkd llic rabbit miihoul firing a shot and without
“ '^At that moment a foU gromn raUiit Vest fn.m the il/fket
at full speed Just as he passed me the weight in mv pfAeis,
pulled the top button off my coat It flem out. struck the Vaiibit
JUST hchmd the car. and killed it stone dead The tahUt dnqqwd
right in his tracks. I picked it up and added it to my pUc o.
game. I Vd rabUi stew for supper tVt nghl."
. T
^*^lV*iTich-child was a little hit afraid of Taxei’s father and
mother, hot she matched for an <niportunltx to do the f'<»>
One day when Taxet mas out huniittg V sam the mnch-child
toward him.
miuung lowaro
“Ob. hor *V crirtl
“\’our fatVr and motVr Vve^been
dmmxSd by the upsetting of their canoe. It wa. the mhMe. tV
dead wVIe, from mrboae Vek they iot4 me. that did tt. He has
rw iwArTT^N^
•M* ICS^. «r TbU WvMd^rfMl Ul»*.U]r
IVar Mis* Dane: Will ytxi kindly advise me how to have a
dark red coidimn suit nxade up I am very dark and inchiKd to
V stiHit. 40 bust, have dark hair and e\x» and am 30 vrars of
W hat tnmming shall I use and mhat style coat' mill look
well on me? I should like an Kl.m if yxiu think it mould In
come me. as the suit is for early smumer and I think a hmger
.cost might Ussk too marm. as the m.iterial i. quite heavs.
W'i'.l a lOack hat mith |
ar Miss Dane: Will vxm please giix me a fern- snw^pi^ar
mr;.rdiiig a dress suitable for evening mcar on a short
rr s^acation? ! thought of laixmler or pale green eolienne,
IXthing that mill dxc later cn. I shall nse it for a theatre
,'in tV fall and m inter. Would some other material he
r? Ikxrs poiqrcc d>x well? .Am S feet tall, ve^slight
suggest something I could do with it. The skijt u arcular
with pleats down the frort. and jacket Vssdbom sleeves and
vest effect in front, pleats ftom shoolder to bottom both lock
Marjorie Dane Patterns
nrdrolw for such a
iiior made walking
and. if the coal is
su5 will V g«Kl. It should clear
cl« the .
IS an Kton. then an extra
mrap d
vers short as
It m-ear
both for Uiat
svear and m the tn-ninlains
ulster order will lie Vsl. A hT nise uf nun s vriling or cVlIie
is desirable for cr<»ssuig. nude simply in Uilor
‘ with a hit
of mhite at the neck; and a tmerd cap tied domn wuh a chrff.m
veil makes the Inr^t head ct.s-ermg perhaps Stnmg. hwse gloves
are better tVn tight fine ones, and the f.»i»tmear should he lowheeled and suhManUal
A omplr of white mashing maists. or
one of silk sbimld he pUced in the suit caac fur mear a» tlie
table tevenings) in case >ou feel able to make the clwnge and
to go to the taUe. Dressmg. as it ts understoiKl. is not expected
For sight seeing >^hi mill mant a light.frock. lK->ide* ymir tail
ored suit, and fur lies svni might gel a ehifT.m lalTcu or a fouUrd
in a snull design and becoming csik.rnu-. and make it up m a
dressy shirtmaist style mith lace alxKit tV neck- A hat much
as >^wi mimld wear f6r tnitmrs at h<Knr mill he suitaUe ftir
abroad, and for dinner you might base a nice black voile sldrt.
a prettv mouw of Uce t.r net and a dainty Iwll
People dress
sery quietly in the mountain. Iwth in the mmh of FmgUnd
and III Wales. If you are Vlicatc at all. you sFunild prunde
some warm underwear, for it is apt to V cold aud chilly there
even in summer. Thin French flannel hk«iscs,may pn.ve% o.mU^. although, of course, ynm will mant one or tmf. of lingerie
iVm’i 'make the misUke of taking ten* much clothing, as
It is Ofilr m iV may
I mould think sour cloth suit, the silk
frock, the ailk >-oile skirt and various himtset mould lie ample,
unless you like to add a lingerie frock and dainty nhhons for any
special iVcasion. .Again, a giH»d deal depends upon one’s age,
loung people requinng more changes than those'older, or. at
all rs-ents. ibev are more seimtisc aN.nt appearing before
strangers with what they consider so Itnimd a mardrobc
• ^ -
tkink tV coat draa
sufficiently up to <£e
You might like to make a chanjie hjr
adding c^lUr and cuffs, cither in lingerie or siune pretty luighl
material. .Again, yon might l.kr to make the little jacket into a
pinafore waist cut low in tV neck lor mrear with guirape straps
of the silk erwsing the shmilders, supporting thr waist. The
sleeves would V released from tV cuffs aad caught up to tV
ju'l below,
hdow. revealing pnff sleeves of the
KmlVr seam or ju^t
let. blit 1
Thi» makes a nice. cool, pretty
c tired of tlK coat 1 should let it remain I h is.
X>ear Miss Dane Will you kindly advise me as to a suitable
wardrobe for a European trip’ l.intrnd to go neat June^by a
slow sailing ses*el. ipend tmo weeks sight semig. then a month
at some qaiel mountain resort
I mould like particulvb* to
kmm mVt would he necessary for wear while op xhe t^l. I
intend taking only a dress sun case and a steamer ^irunk.^
An Eton emt is really the best style tl At you can choose.
Ha\x it rather cksse fitting in the bade, m*ith straight frontx
You could VsT a flat coiUr.of mhite broadcloth, strapped in
whh brswdckdi IV color of ynjor suit and trimmed miih rx>ms
of liUck s.mtacV
Hasx three-quarter sleevTS ending in cuffs
matching tV collar and make the skirt in sesxn gore, flaring, bi
ting tV hips sm.H^thl> and trimmrd oo tV bottom with a couple
cords on both edfes; ttttmg on in Vnlenient or Grc
lace, outlined mirti J
S-*-5kS,'5?K£ 3‘.uu^rb.‘i:J^ tur-** ‘--:
c4B kittrs
ia Acse cohamas at ky maiL
Add^ Marion Dam. 44 East
Kor* Qbf.
. *
Tsiet dd down tbe koOm
AH Winter we sleep dete in our grave*.
We reck not l.oR the ici^pr*i raxx*.
- • ii
■ ; ,
’ .^
’ v ^
^V ^
i '.
*7 -
A FTER « wtn;«r in Aiuch ll»c o»m|Jcit ix..tun»c h-. rcigiioi
A ftlmo»t «u|*rrmc und Unr inUcpcndrm blou%c h*k pUrrd «
iDiAt ummp»rtAm fwrt. Ihr home drr«ungkcr w ill welcome
the new* that the drr»»x »<paraie bodice and the *nurtl> udored
Ain waut pruciii*c ti> he ncie»*ar]r adjimru of aummer ward
rahaa. lncideniiil!>, tf it i» verv. very »cvcrel) taihirrd. it U called
a Ain. not a AinwaUt. And the lincerie blou>e mu»i not only
be waAable a* tit name implict. but roiui Aow auantiiiet of
handwork and mteit A ccruui etiquette or g«»d form, too,
win be obtervad in the wearing of thete two articlet 'ihc
uUorrd wain, ufwntng in the front with long alcevi* cm! a
c*TUt«‘manni»h look, will U reterved fur wear with tkmt
of linen or plain utlorrd cloth lire fancy iKnlice of Uwn,
IwtUte or other abecr fabric or of tilk may ha\c abort »|eeve>.
low nark, irantparent intett, etc. will open on the tide or in the
badt, and will be worn with fancy voile or aUk cottumea
A word aa to the hntah of the Uilored waitt. Be aure to wear
whh it aaparata cuff* and ctJlar* of matching material, either
vmbfoidared by hand, or trimmed with bands of machine em
hroidcf). or uny knife plated irUU which are uted alto to edge
the boa pleat down the from. (>n the beat built Aim. the»e
frilU are bniAed with a pUin or bcmatitched edge If trimming
ermd emhruidcry or turchou, not
and clutely wi>\cn at that •
to aet perfectly, use an intide waiat
band, an iik.li wide Stitch Ac gatbera in the back to iklt and
extend the >titclnng of the Utid to the under arm aeanu From
t!.at point let the band fly Kawe to that you can hook or pm it
III the from at you did the liUc band of your winter .bodice,
liien iiuide the undcr-ann piccct and the front piecet. adjutting
the gaihera of Ac Utter carefuU>. atitA anoAcr three-quarter
inch band to bract the waiat line Vi*u wilt Iw aurprurd to tee
how much more trig yuur waiat with Ait ImiA look* than when
fattened down on Ac outtidc with aaicty pint, a layte or
If your waiat ia of very thin, aheer gooda, mjte thia wain
band of material a trifle heavier, and u^c aUo a three quarter
inch colUr band of
heavier fabrK. Pipe or cord your arm *
rye when jtm put iiO«*r aleevea, and Aey will aet better.
The tailofed waiata may he hnuhed with Urge pcwrl buttoni
down the front, or the laatening may be hidden with a box
pleat. Some of Aemew waUta abow three, or fire rather broad
pleatt in ifie frtwt and two in the hack. One Urge boa pleat A
the middle of the fnmi. with broad tuck* on the Aooldcrt fond*
another jK*puUr model. Aa a rule the narrow
have found favor for tailored waiata
In the* fancy model*, handwork rules and fiimpcr styles arc
miarh seen, whh striking combination* of tucka, Ui'c and enr
brciidcry. If ycni have bnr material, auch aa batiatc, handker
chief linen, or aoft ailk. do not tur any machine at itching l ivery
tuck must be run by hand, every inaet muM he done with tmeat
Jicrdlework Ihia mark* the hliniac aa cuatom-made. aa Aatinct
from factory good*
If you cannot embroider, yr.u can aecurr one of the season's
most dcairahle effects by buying nam^iok or Swiaa all-oiTr em
hroidrr-v w hh a scattered pattern an<t inad it at reguUr intervaU
with Uce medallioiu. Inah crochet, cluny and hUi laces are moat
popoUr this acasofi. though point dt Paris and Val arc by no
mean* out of the runninfi
There seems to be a fancy for varying the mcr used vertical
tuck by croMing and crisscrossing it on the fronts of waist* Cht
one new waist alternate panels arc tucked horironially and ver
tically. On ahotlwr Ae side* of the front are tucked acroa* and
vup and^^wn. giving the desirable crossbar effect. Crewshar
dimitics^c kindly to thu treatment
Tucking pU\a a very important part in both tailored and fancy
waiat*. It i* used quite generally to simuUte yokes and jumper
effects. The bmg wauted girl can run these tucks horuontaUy .
Tf rr^j^iTiiia^^^^
pointed yoke of horizontal tucking.
The cloth below the
tucking I* Uid in seven U« pleats. Over Ac tuAcd yoke are
Uid seven strap* the same width of the pleats, stitched and
overlapping the pleats. These straps are graduated in lengA to
heighten the pointed yoke effect, with the longest strap in the
eenler i:ach strap is hnuhed with a pUin but highly poliabtd
*^.\nothcr plain hut effertive waut simulates a jumper effect
witi^an oval sliapcd strap, outlining the deep yoke of hoc tuck*
“l-ine cotton voile is much used lor the dressier Imgerie waists
and it lends itself to peiulur liuc combiiutkm*. One charmang
model showed a jumper effect of the voile, over a gutmpe wrlUi
elbow sleeves of Madeira embroidery. The latter was inset wBb
small medallions of Irivh crochet and the jumper was outlioad
with hands of Irish mseruun. edged with knife-pleatinff of laer.
This was fitted in jumper effect over a deep yoke and sleeves
made of two-inch ruffles of Vat Uce.
: F.*"*'-V'
ii'S! V 4
■iumYipa, ttfTwKiipsatM.
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