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The Evening Record, August 30, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
MM •# «l«#i
Mmh mM TM
MIM M tM #««MWr ^ IMikMWI..
Vf M NA MHy NMir
la^ ^MUy »MIm M Imm rm
•4. ▼!•• iMHfIt 4m^ «l tiM <
TitffilAi OvI 110 OMon Uoeko Wooicly VoMiiciM In Toocliln® AUlf Fillod.
1»tMl i4«Mtll0
Toni »ooko DittHkiAotf and tho
iul WU( OMN ^ Owl 400 OofOA
%mUm tniM fiMf •mfii#4 tN# N
VorMM •uildln9o Fmlionod.
—FONMry WiU Follow Utor.
IM «r MMy ff M
M»M. •M rt »•
lilM m tnVMlIfMillf l»M MUM M ftx otock Iran ItIjOOO to PO^ for Uw
- raoB ttMiifMtiAUc com
tN« ftipMil^my.
imiy hM bom OMooooful. Loool ImU
A iHMMilvt «M MMfAl
Mvo booo Mxloot to fot
MTi iM#N W>tN MM<
Iho tuck aod Iko orurk wtll H. •»
UtnpU from oo» tm uoUl Um» co|Mu;Uy
IM Mtli#M. tnftNMr
ol^t lrti»lod
0MIMIIM fMAl *• U mo
At iirroonl. IM pUnl to lurnJn« out
MlilM. m4 mm
Ufi *00 fool WIfw tlio M«|l|0. ivl Nit flfomon. Do oUmt 150 dm«i lock* wcwkly but U
Mpnct*^ Ihol with Ibo locrraoi
Who hum tha armreia.
piMW dfUr k hMly M» mi nation loot moot 400 dujLon on the market
IhMn 4n food Mndl- which will help U» anin'ly the Urge de^
II. A foundry will Mlow later but
tmn. Tho OMOI fMMrairMlura i* mi#
at proamt ibore U loH enough work l<»
Brorylklof U now in rMdlncoo for
lo ourt of onoiher school yonr Tuew
day. oYea to iho imxi booM whtch
ora dUlrthutod yoolordoy.
Tbo pootitont In tko oUff of noMh
ora loft YOOMt hy Into roidsnnUons
I 401 hoM flUod by cnooblo peo^
plo. Tho Oonlral ochool bulldlni hm«
i onHcirfUnod Ihroughout and the
dookk U Iho Hl|h ochiKa rclIuCtbi-d
Tho Bonrdinan ovtuuc buildluK hn«
hoM brightoniHl ui» with n new
Whnt mlihi hOYo raoultcd In o oo^
rlouo rtoi and raofh handMoc for Jo
aoph Onlth of orawa oraa avntod hy
Bhorlff Johaaoa brtaitM iho nan to
this dty and pUctns him U |all Uai
oYoolag. Tho maa Jt U said, had mixiraatad a daushtor of William Riley
by |wU|as hor bodily rrom
fraat of brr homo and othorwiao
Tooahly JortiUii her about. Tho thoiUf
had no paponi for Smith but whoa bo
aaw what aa aaocnuit of fooltas tho af
fair hai oUnod up. ho look Smith at
a iirocauliouary BMMurr. Whoa drtt
Ini away. >o waa aanurod that If ho
had loft tho man. Orawa
would havo bramhl lilm la.
Rlloy. It U aaid. raou a houao from
Smlth’a dlvorood wife, which haa
rauood many oompUcatluua and much
Tho Rllo) ohildraa wore play
ina In front of the pro|icny and had
aand on tho walk Smith U
alloici’d^ havo aUrtod to chaaUac
Id wan tc4d U* atop by tho
roman who waa titling on ibo
l««Th. Ho turuod on bor. »o1i«y1 hor
rm attd iorkod hor to tho around,
boro aho fell on hor aldo. Ho thon
iorkod hor to hor f«l and uUu rw
thook hor up. Tho woman 4a nt< wolf
her body fCalnly
donee of the man a actloiu
Nockcr. a tinmt tuwnablp Ikv
> la In a unglo of irouUo. all
4iooauao ho haa a bad temper and Mra
ThoRMuT Bgaa^t chicken, ran In hu:
Noekor ahwt adtoo of the chick 1
I In tho no<'k. kllUni; them, and
n lh<»ughl Uial Iholr owner ahowtHl
» mm h no< k a hen aho warned him
atop. Ho pointed tho
U ttUoavd. and mwhIU irtal In >U
for It
Oaorga S. l4cCl#llan, at Dt
wire AM© ©ROTMCN Fiox wtne
AT Hie Moeioc.
By Wlra to the Droning Rocord
* Nww LMidon. (Vmn . Aug M—Rich
ar« llaaaiold. actor, died unlay at hU
i|um»or homo n«ar here
hMlth fur many
hoc ea
Q-h.: WMUI4. th^Mthtal
ri-Y. ^ IMTIWI u Iw,k*4 a|i»Mr<
I > iho iaat few dank hut laal night bw
} ]• ' ffxB %0 ctnk and i
1 r
away vlthKhla wifa had braihor FalU
I 'l
al hi# bodakle
^ j
tho osd waa peoooittl. ho being ooa
aejotia of hU aarniundHi
few ohaarfni vofda lha
liarh oa hB had trom a rociiatag pow
' : .
t ut a aad%aapod hla iaat
n 'j
wMltnowB to hu”#ocialM, Ha had
liitefTy hMhoa down aador Uo atraia
pf hU taWOM iopFHo>w» and at UmM
ana aaahAo^to go oa aiUi hia porta.
Bovotmi amolAm a«a ho waa tool to
Baglaad tor a MHpAoIr rant hat rw
fooad t# romola away fram AiMfks
and rataraad aovoral waoka ago gad
iFoa takaa in ih# Adiraadaoka whara
By Wire to Ihr i^tag fUoord. aachai. Aug *6--Ah npMtMic «f
Yoag Tao U apreadlug Ahooi
hundiwd death, wpr dally ia
prorincaa of Ngau Haol and Klang
lefMod to
OaU S#>
for# t#Ml<n9
New York. Aug lb-Five
of # commlaaloo appolBted by Oov.
Hanley of Indiana to tnapoct inbeieu
tewia hoapltala throughout tho country
and to ooloct a alte of tve
acroa and aup^atehd the on
bulidlaga la that auto tor
have arrtYod boro from Saramc They
rtaltod Iho ouia and pdtrete InaUl
ikwi# at ^araaa#. nUu hae #t RuUaad.
The mombeni of tha oommlulun
ara Dr Hoary Moora. praaMoni : J N.
Babooek. tranaurar; 1 R. StmuM. atO'
raun. Md Judgoa W. s. Holmaa and
B r. Boaaott Th«y will go to Phi
dolphU and thoaca to-AuevlUa, il. C.
h« coatiatmd to ImproY# until h# wa*
ahi# to po to hta aammar hoara hero.
The dMUof MMgrd M#aai#id
dMortoa'# hMt kaotra aotor waa di Rdanday. SopL t Lahar Ogy Maalag.
tMtiy 4m to a dtamiM of th# Uv#r,
Mprivatod by oompUMtUma. Hr
liSHS a «14p« aad # aoa acad $• Thi
IVMfhl vttl hr fASh Uw Mfv Yark m TNB WBW BROWN ohaMa I
wiHtiid at BidMtX W CMk iRML
Franch Schoenar gunk In tKa English
Channel and Nobody Waa gavad
—No OeUlla.'
By Wliv‘ to the B^eiilng Record
Grevelinea. FTanbe. Aug. .10—The
Frenrii achiHUirr VIcilettu aunk in the
Biigllah rhanml with eighteen men
©ken> aavtxl IKMalla lire not yK
Thill <MaiwS#M Waa
Dooinod #a Hi HiMf Srolion Down
0Mipl#|#ly yn#or Ilia Strain
•f Hi# Stportolei.
Mud# Rich and Thailw
Committao Wdl Inapoot Hooft of All hare roradved a n tier fr^.m
McClAlUn. Ck»uvcrikeur. N Y.. where
Animato in Woraaolar Labor '
Mr. MoOlcAUn haa brvni In the hoapllal
Day Farad#.
{ time. He haa Uh;u very near
Wurceater, UxmTlkug, *<V-To mik* tlM« ladnt of tt^lh. but by (xmaUnt
aure that no borao In Ibo Labor day nurwlng baa ao far rocmorwl aa to
patwdo here ahall woar nhorn not cetee tho promlat* that he will be «
nailed on by unkw Journeymen, a com to be on hU feet In a abort Uuie. Mr
mlttee of Jl«e from ibo boruoahtau a airlTellan haa a gnwt many friend.
union, will make an exafolnatloo of In Travi»rao CUy who will be glad to
almaW the morning of Iho parad.* now that be te Improving. In the
and any'hot haUng the labol on nta ter ho mcoliuiu acTeral of hla frienda
lh.» uoo of hla farm
ahooo will W aoni bock to tho oUble whom ho
henmo In tho country for their
fort ahd convenlerue during tho hunt
ihKMi. Mr MK'lHIan will n
Ahoart too DmIM Ooour Dgily AiwMe la llottvemeur fur apuie wrvka but
I afior a while to bo able to «
III# CKIn#a# in th# U»w#r Yang'
Too Vall#y.
hla frioiMla In TraYorao aiy asaln
Coapl. Who
to Anowar Qu#atM
Worroater, Maa» . Aug 30 -Hecauar*
George C Rice, a wealthy reilrci
that bla wealth ponaltted him to ban
dy words with the |.anK»n whom be
aocarod.to marrr him to hli h*
ir/ Miaa Clara VuMe Woml bo
«i,of tb^
waa #howa out of ho
Rev. Dr. O, W. Hulchliu
Dvorylhlng want along amooihly un
•Ih) you uko ihH woman to be your
Uwful wedded wife?- and Rioo aaid
• Til take a chance.”
That <sdod It The mlnlator abowod
od the coaplo to tho door. They are
atm uamaiTtod
wlU Srie ©«• leMou. Is i«Uidl« U
Ultweut kisd* el SMtrH. mt tSe Hu
sak a Uur M««UBtUe. Co.'* rcM room.
T*k«-s4«uuse « IWI S«»t Ofportuoitr.
Sooion FollM With^gearch ,;M/arrai«t
Unaarth'ad YdJMow Hoard. Cla.r
by the Chlafa W.fe.
Boston. S\a/., Aug *b-nfly tho jy
uj dolfaiw III goTd wna found by Ihe
Dedhain iKdlce.y^w hen. arTntxJ with
aearrh warrant/ they deaornded u|<m
gyiaiy ramp In the wca>ds between
Dedham and Wei.t Roxbury
Th. .
placed the rhlef of the tribe. I
da. under dejentlon untU he bed
turned over to hU wife. LUa. the
bulging iw of gold, which she
cd aa her properly.
gcWalo Obaliak Wi'l Ba Drlicnted on
^luEalo. Aug 1b-E H Uuili r. chair
m.M) >»f the McKlulc/ lu
r..taalon. has anoounrcvi ih»* p.cgraai
tn Niagara square. 8-pt
Oov Hughes will lie the corauu of
Ih. day. Civil. mlllUT.. poiStlral nr d
Jiit^icIrU Btinora will b- y. li to the
mu»irrad pixaldent aui nn Inl^roatlnn
il cl.:*^c!er win lK‘ xlv^n
cukloa by the presence *'f
Cai .xdimn lro|«.
rnmtif, LAkw o*r.
IM 0«* eWMC
M» 1S«.
can show you some- of the best
propositions in City property that
there is on the market—propositions
that will interest you as an invest*
meni or as a home of your own.
you are looking for a home and can
only make a small payment down,
wp are certainly the people for you
to see.
We have not fil«l with the
8ecn*taiy of AKricullurt' a
guaranttv,jMCwejMe not doim* an iutenUte ImtineM,
Smith Realty Co.
0«.M) Oor Lake Ave. and 10th
AlwayS ready to show you
but we
that our goorl# conform to tho
lc;;al atandarda and that our
prtwcripiiont are ditpeoiod
liy oompotent Ki^'iBtored
Drug Store
Officr Stationery
You may want Mmetliim; in a hurry, rMbsps you may want
something new in printed fonus.
For flood Prinllna Quick
NerakI $ Record Co.
We arc now located in oor
;^cw Store
To male it isr you to mtke ns a csU. for thirty days.' we i
going to H-U five electric lamps or eight gM msutlM for
New Fall
See our
rnreoMOy M ecalB
gITHER one of these ^mlemen
& Hunter
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
126 Cass St.
Phone 502-2
Through an error In our advertisement
of yesterday’s Issue, customers were
asked to bring In tickets Saturday and
Monday, but It should have read SAT
Monday being Labor Day,
store will be closed all day.
Steinberg Br^s.
dt^arOotogpar Ooof^a W.
iapi» photohM CM mU hi.
Hw MO UMa. 9i4 apioyo hia hia^
and ooi
to admit uf thr ofltinivo taoi^
r addllfcouU nanh and ddaohlof ood
pomhrr of aw« ■portaltiaa. U |a h*f^
Pneoa. tt. U and U <od|a. lloal aalo
Thor* la an noch rwaJ aorrow te
rrliudf^ da.iy lUi tM m *ny rtfona
to ottond ^ diMullr
mo miw taanl tlMdora nnd arlthaoa
ftoa iplMlo pvtef and ottdoi^ and
it In a iraml maaaiMw oMUda fo tW
opulnHtf «.l tha Ug v,.p ooin of pU
h«wo fW pprpono
N4h Mdhor and
aoM U mo^Mdy ac moih oaoua
liar aa pooaiMo. *itta ta Kiv
York- U annoonood for Thur^
dopt t and U la uul wnrU .whlh*
luff lato dolall
ia Uo aaao
pdly piaiath4 'dla" and oho h
nvHfm |4wi. hot any of h«r Indiana foamiakt ra uu
WiO i
tvr tlifi prinks of allow Iho trip to llK^ inolroiolhi Prtotw it*.
th c #^iU
img-mm to nitti tiM» Hw«» of otluw
Mooto <V^ U lUo UttUiolV9H4
^ voAlUi apd faaklpa
gillM'f Um fr Md^Upro pro fow of U»c
hjr. kol mor
Mgk wiBwtIiiiHa 4^.twottt|r a 4a)r. yrt
tlM> Ugliu glltlrr «nor>
au4 rv«*u
ktr 4a> tlM» cn«t raalnu fo cruwdod
Mtarla fWk* roqulivo « piirato mnoM*it Io raro for ttir- doad wbp turnBO fiiooda to tlairo thorn Man) a luau
haa ataM hU W d<dUr. hnu mn u tl
awi^m lulo tUo volTi'iw irf tho iaoprlo
lora. and I to a n»»« Uy oivpj*^<r tail
Irtdo ai.4 dro,!
bulh i |mo hU Uialii.
tliaildo Iho itnuido of rlunM^o. lUv abol
paa fOaUiUr b<«rd aoii-lU tuiaulus
driu im4 mUUiaa. hut Uuiao at tbf
juhlok w phtiHa
tt U(A.
' Ifuoir <?ark» ha* oiauy murdom ju
I ho heal of play hut tho ttmrUorAr U
plri*a rrrty «HX>itui4ity 4o Cwca|a».
and tho affair la kapt aa.«p|rt &a poaafhio horaiiao It hum hualiM>aa Thw
«Wpao la dIapMod of awlfUy I.) ihu
•ttoodanla and m-w pUyvtm Hplaro
thoM who havo vaoaUMi lh< h ao^ta.
And all IhU foi a paltry IhUMaHi <
rmr! OainUUiMt at lionto t%rlo la a*
iHid M lamUHait in any oUn^r |4ar»;
Md Unmld ho givco huu-aa um
•omt i» te.it ,b,
41V tel rt. wf-i. tat Ik*
tac 4.,
^ ,„fc .i, M,•tatecTAta* BH« »wkj |4»t«ta.*a|crow« H vw ttanckt tet to Un
>«i>*ila*. tta am *4Ute tatrlx taw' tek.
Utaiwta *ta*« w M*. M H Mil te
Htaate teivta tar*
Ita wnv A*«»^**tteta*tae.,|iul
*ta ItaM pout*..'*ta
*ta*n4 -Tta tateu *i« ■*t*.|ta« mvta lor Iki*. tau*.
Ita ruter*. ul*. tar, Tta Vak. Mte*l *( lU. pUc* I.
IM taw Bta. Uk* ud Ital teUv .ten
mod It ta ,mt,
Ita atac ta brUd MX Ifte tta At achuol will I
ki*(fe u tta rtaUe *«d copta'luvr The Hex.
tar. tax xM lor turn tb; giwt pastor of at
thmklog It
put tha atory of. a
Into vrma. hUle
pruvo au lalwrtat
, a grtwt kwer of
mr and tnr rtwnll has been tuld.
ih* many bare wahUHl to knemr monr
of the dmalts m the «.tun that Mr
Wooiward »ay* In n-tUy to cheag:
**Joha Waterman, euglnaer of Old
lifty NInr. gave hla life fur idheia
hut ha la am tha only man who Upm
dona oneh a iMag aa to jday a pr t
uf a haoD on the iiua home^ With the
luva of homa on one aide and tho oaM
to duly ua tha other, he rcMOd only
leapcind to duty Fc*r Ihtrty-aU hennw
he had atmid hy hk engloa In <«e of
the hrorat alorm* of tha aeaaou and
then to turn around and maka tht; run
of l&a Biikw. wa* inon* than hutuau
euduiauc e 4<ould utaud ’
Roller Corpt Will Sc Well Ropmoank
l—Eacort of Twenty Mounte
Men .n Parade.
AIJ the C4*mmlUe*w Uait
rii4iae of |Im< iP iaii* Im the Holdier*
I ditnur» r« union am woiking hard
pie^nt |K.it,MTtluj; the pUn*
the IdK vviiit pronihu* to|he
‘*»ful ever In id ,-fu NoniK^rn
It I* liu.iigUt that there will U- at
lf.a»t I.IHHI old fciddii li. in eaiup lien*
It i* l.ii.hahlt ilmi the relk'f
eolV* alU 1^ hetur u picwrnled than
ha* in aeteral year*. All the yioau
uc» nut r»»»iiouU hy Mler although
*onie haVe done *o already. Ba*t Jor*
dan wrltiuH that they acuild have
Uilit> tfvf In thcir iKMly
The iHvgram will he eonipleled
within tha next few daya. X)^e feat lire
ol the hig parade will bo'an tUHcrt of
twenty luountid men
Families Can gocum Dinner on
Qrounds—Llboral Prixsa for tl
Various Contest*.
^Ula*ral |Hi*r* will tie ciffcred at*the
l^^k* charity picnic on Labor Ikty in
***** r*rcw and vstious contuata. ^be
lopa that are gohiR on. pixuu
«if hi* anesi putyliKH' fraternal
evmts that Trp\er*o City
s« n While It U a iMsket picnic fam
tiles who da not c.4re lo^ take the
tionble of putUng up a ImicluHai. will
not go hungry on the groumlM Theie
will be UMiths for
mewts. incluiilug I
ages and wuiidwichtw of various kinds
hX< ry laviuratUm Is Ulng made to
make It pleasant.for ail -of Ike visit
or* on the grounds, and the LIk* them
wives, will each of them, exert every
effort to make the day one of pKui
uiv fur their friend* No pains will I
sji.ir.Hl to make It pleatasut
tl.e little roll*, who im maU, prep
ai.itious tor the blggMwt line A lh* lr
lives Alkof the chlUtu wu/lH- giv
tn livv* tickets for ctmfecikms. pop
ci»rn. peanuts, pop. etc,, and
will he eveuu which will be ospecially
tnteiestiug to the chlldron,
spi'cikl features will i*e extremely enunaiuln'g.
The folkrwinii Is the
I. B. Gilbert, Su^.
l5eR wocto nd Mk fhney prioen
bot noU thU gifido of Koodnnt thagnmeper-
OW Post Ottice BuiWiog
Delicious REX
KTorybcaly who huya RKX
ChocohtUw pionoiinocw them
pt»rfiH*i. They nro the chocx>Uten willt tho tnate. Whon
you hay caticfy tell the nm&
you wnuL that uuuh hy
Monday, Sept. 2
For 21 Yoara Crowdod Housoa
Evorywhtrw bavo Pronoonood
HlMclal tu the Kvenlug IIikSoixI.
* buy Aiut'ripan k^«uI»
tkduM. Mh'h-. .\ug :b*—Ulacklienbw
'Ka%# a wupplalni Tiny aay that iba
atv iikuitlful In this vicinity
doaiara of tho l’ull«<d duto. iut<
William Good. *r . has Just return
Ihtdr ptOdiicU i^trhoaly. rvaultli.K
Reported that Game Lawt am Reing
I (|xim a trip to WtscHMistn to vUlt
dainago and dtlay
I'lU* \n aurh
Violalad Tvery Night in the Vicinhi* grafm son l-'i*k llanua^e-d, who U
. alinph* thiug to ovrmmu. that It U
Ity of Keyotone.
with rheumatUm.
Wftndrr thi> Annrtcar.* haw tail l**'<
Miw. Y. W. Harrington and ilangln'er
Lajoal »|H»rt*me-u am aroom d oi-wr
atd^ |o
thta for tl.< tuM lvtw ln.t.<^
ibe Morlcw cHuiilug liuni the \lc4nlty Rachel, left IhU nufrning for IVtroil.
o(^attltlu« lur uilura to ix.lut ti u
vLit fib lid* and the state fair.
i.r Keyatone regardittK »hi dynamiting
‘ to thi iu
Tile Rei A. A. AlUngton of Ttav
Id U*h: It I* *aid that the work foe*
C D 4mhatuiu H«d evei r ew niug at the else toty valkHl ou hU sister.'Mrs
W. GiHid. uu his way htune from
hor^f *hcM‘ tend, whtcv many Mg.
I'd K40IU* Ilf Ir
tUMit lie Tbe*h.H k kill* the >ui^| Mai.k* rHy. wh4iu he was called to
' K « ma<'h(i>f that would make
perfonu a marriugt' cw'iviiHmy. Th«
fl*h and *!hii».
the cilder
i ha lftr Ua U r mo luiokwaid and U The an, U puMbhalde Uy |i
(uirties wm Mis* Uittie FYsher-and
liall game Ik-Iwimmi
non in iail lUd ho iuvioiU-d an
Mr. Umv p( Ouieiia
idlancd to tuukf U run larwuid laKtir.
Hiw MU tbwHl and little daughtei
___ ,
hr mtfilu Uavn had hto Iritalutu and
F>thet are now living at t^eir hous<>.
IS; s4Voud |»rize,
The rural tele,4ione which was pul glps*
in by the liell ioni|.ai» tUk spring
Marr/isl ladUw* iwc<‘ lirsJ prite,
On# W.ll •« Meld""tn Grand Rapid I* much V»Jo>'d. iK.th ior pleasure
sewhrg ribcker: sets*nd pi*-. five
Tit# Ann Aihor lamltadUw havr ad
for the Championship of Wostem
and prott.
vanud Uu luivt ot l«ard So c^uu*. »
IMmmU ibf coffw.
Mich.gan-h.lver <lup.
Alter the reslgnaltou and acc«i»l
Horae rsmt-Theie will bo two of
wwk. Thu iniMako waa mado. tu do
auiv of the 8uJuu piwl masbv. the
lug th|a ncloro tho atudi'uU artlr.Hl
AUbut the middle uf tbptei
way kmk* clear for a fm* delivery, The foliowini; prite* will
Ihoy ahnuld havf waitinl iiutU thty gut
llwtv will be held in Urand Hapldi..
tIuTo and then iofurnuMl ihixm «if the
One years’ suhscriplloo for the Uell
under the aS*plcr s of tii« physical iK'
Metis are befog taken for the rmile.
tele|diomv lox of clgar*. scd. i»f new
chance and In that in an net Ut»i tionv
fiatltueut of the Young Menu Chtl*
G. W White and wife of Ik tn.lt hlus H. lH»x of cigar*, bag of oat*,
of thC'ih
tian aumvlaiioii a \Vetalr*rn MUhigiu
and Mr*. MclXiwell of Peloskey urvGirls’ nice, for Ihone under IG—first
tennU lournaiui nl for the tllb*«
lit^itlhg relatives of the former. '
p.itv. box of candy; erromi prl/.c, boiWomen are uaiekir loaniliiR
Il.iop of Wr.vMi Mtrhiyan. In both
Th.‘ Oaibi Snn.Uy schiHiJ eonvi-n
maya dl the loah niiatu n rH.Miita n lu thf hiir;;le and »Kiul«b« event*.
Iton which met with Gtimaii Zion
Tlie boys- r»oc and a lhri«<'legged
Frankfort, thf
i aounii
A Wes^.u MKhtgan ehalk'tige cup
siliisd. which cK-i'd ye*ie4day lenin.
u> bo pulksl off with the
c*iin^.lBe*l and noa rh an diwU
will CvTmt up. to Ik* held Uu one y«or
was well aUendtHl. U. li Allen of Gw
offt n^ ps are fur
liiiifo thna they did of )<\iV The
i*y the winuer ol the iouruani
wit. MkA. stato Ui^uix'r, ^nd
nailed (rateriaty tu>« have another who wiU tw» caUed opun to d« kmd the
daughter. Mrs. VYed Washbuiu, state
lor Bik* tmly—
• next year. Tbi* cup will bo
priouiiy suimrintendont. were prewtil.
the iiornianoDt prnprrty tt anryooe
who g^ve Inlereatlng and insin)
lag it ilree toot ^cicoaatily con
in Attofican In Vienna (ort:<*t
talks throogbuut the wrwlon*. The
mall a letter gtrvn him *hy hk aih- eKvuilvet yoaiw First, runner up and Hiilou band In their’ new uniforms dus
to the grounds will
dauun piixei. will be awaidekl.
and imnupU) rald.al it h*«uf at a
>i»rsod miislc Monday'cvening. whUh be ”5 cenu for I famMy and Invln
. 4d 1111 Ho prohaldy hsunxl that It The rotikd^bitkur to l*e oiw*n to iiU pUy
as much eny.yeil
lUmm muot b.' proMobnl at the gate.
deOvtl. d in their liiwi match act
noa woith It to twnapo the kvturv
A IKH- at the cemetery last Wedne* Biwse* will lea\e the club rvKmi ever.v
ually phivtwl
ihnl «aa tofthooinind.
fifteen minutes and Uv fare will be
Tbla i4.uiriuimint U'^ipeu Ui nny
lU oenla.
One of iheae km« dUtaace torn amateur tepnl* pUyvr. Pur tunimr
The Rev. Mr. Pamyeker of K«w
CMlein, am Uicka. ^ 9tv^umb^r partlc4lUra. additwa C U kiui
York, who luu been knew two w
am hf a planaam month with ploot) Physioal diroclor, Y. M. C. A-. Orwnd
aocwpiod n call , from the Oedar
cf bpt aeaiber to ripen the com. to Ra|4Ua. Mkhand Mapio City churchea.
Chitoflo and Fhiiadalphla Vary Oblige
^ng foraard the apple* and niakn
ingly Loat Loavmg tho Tigarw High
Pnd Max
the ‘kUieaUc chef/
wlah they hadn't gune
at tho Top.
will gibe
baaomi In ewAtng S3
different Undo ol pnglrlos mt Ue UnnDetroit was McM hy 8k Locla op
iiah h Lay MercanUk Cjo.*s root rotwi.
until the ^nth taming re^Mday hot to
Twkn advnnugk of this grant ogporthat toalar DeCrott mado aa old Ume
hamg len my home, all
rtMiktk wftid aPB to diitor
/totah and wreated victorr from tho
minlaa are hrrrh) noUM that I arUl
sckdolBtortlmtogttlmw, boo brewer* hy one potoi, the acore being
•m ha uiwpootlMe tor any debu con
to t.
faac^ hy her or dmighler.
ogmtoBd to moot tot ouporin
vor in our ods. of yoolordny^ to
Cievedaad very ohll|fiaghr Uolkto
W . a Mnria.
dont ThBRUBy. FSridgjf or Saturday ed Chlcaito to the tone of 4 to 1 and
png. 1MI*>
aftornan at Central biMlng.
New Yoto wiped ap MMelphto 5
2. giving Detroit coaSdmhio Te}to the top of tho heapk Dtoroll
Monday. Sapt I. tabor Day Mniag.
.nil x»« wttb X tkrt tt I*
tta bxt rax* »•«*.
oeally placad a now Xdtver typo^tor
In at. MkhaMa achool and thu'gtroa
tho chUdren the opporlunlty ol oompleUag foe camnietrlal c«Hjruf in Ha Ir
hcano arbool .
Mrm K K andmdli nnd hrr daogh^
ter Moltie rtHwMd this momlag tfom
thoir trip to dricaga
Mrs. Jibhn. achaub of Pi
died «l her home tm the 27th
J A l^mnai A t>». formally
place and now *of Trav
aty. am[
movlag their bolta to I
new fac-i
tory by rail There were mvvm,y catkwda uf there brdt* *av«Hl at the time
of the Are
The Jau lanan oonnly fair dalek fur
Ihl* y^r are *aepl-ml,er 24. 55. S€
lb- abre and dual forget tu take U In j
C I> atauley and wife left fur the
ao«nht«rn part of the aUte a wtvk ago
ilurday IS tho Lam Day That Thsy*
Can gs Worn, as gsptember
an Arctic fdonth.
in-wafv. you tu.ui wtih a red and
jelkiw Und arumid your Puuaiua cu
if you are seen on the street
ur ry»w» tu the Imek yard with your
straw hat i>n after the lout day* ol Au
lutt which U tkituiday. your social
I raw hat scss^ cltmea
K.^turda> nixht anc chua-s Jiut a*
tUhtly aa the tr^uit <uaMm. lot the
Ite put a luiii un htrawr- aftm. AuKa^t
> c ouH- out w ith yirui^now fait- foil or
en your last year * bat. In heft any
thing but a altaw.
tf yoa nio toMf to hoy n
range, emno «n «hd M no show
yoa tho woy 4ha MalkwWf
lo oonstructnd nnd Ita many
4<Mid IKdoU .ad •• brlte* TO*
Hair DfessHig Parlor
SliMH|K>oini*, njnnictirmp, hail
ilrvHsiuy;, fAi inl ami aoalp iiinxBa^o
hair bmira, ahaui|xio liqu'ula aiul
aoapa. Ulcum ix.vuUt, i-omphitiuB
auap, fttoe {.owtlcr, fivckle lotion.
cUntlraff cufty h«r hriiahea, . oinlit.
wool. ueU. amiU lut, puffs, |ioni|ia
tlourt oU*.
-Mrs. A. f. Nerlinger
On Mtmday evening iho VentonB
orch» Mra w ill oim-h* at llw TiMMior um.
Thl^ Oivh.tatru handles piano, vlcdlu
and trap drums wml Mr. Venom Is a
well known iMiitone. He wi]l »lng the
llluslratvd songs aJid llils fealurt' will
be grtwtiy enjoyed hj the many pat
A new eloctrie hIbu haw Just lawn
added to the Jronl of the Theatonro
which adds much to tnt upiiearancr' of
the place and the ^lHutnlu.ilU.u
Fionl striM t.
A sih-cihI aid wa* held at the hmne
of Anu»s imx last Wetlm-sd.i>. AU»ut
l.'» were prt fc*>nt and enjoyivl W4»me de
Uckius ii^ nwiu and asHrgted cake*
Mr*, tr A. Wall \isUixl itUative* In
Fife laike and Walton last wa'< k
The Rev. W II llevhert preachiMl a
very iustriR'tlxi* and Jrlghly applet Ut
ed aennon Sunday, which will be bi.<last in UieVhoul house.
Myron Tayhtf i* p;icking
Ibirhess iiKde*. *he ex|M'<'in to ship
them to Ulroli. thnaigh the Gleioi
*. They »-xi*<a lo hiad a car in
Jininll Tuesilav
1‘Hrtiew si-i'm to la* the (»rd.-r of rhe
day Jwl at presiUl. There wi-i.
aUml r.n of Hemy Ikigart * friend s
surprlMvl him Tnc*dav hvi-niiic. the
occ.-islon letiig hi.s birthday unni\t t
wOi» Wi^ ftsday the v<mi ng ♦*
I Tavl,
Ml)« .V'ttie
Hith bliinday. A ukre
many <»ther Uautiful
left to show th<
uf her friends.
Also Friday night
Mrs. t'Aa*. Hk»urer*s
Uirs calk'd u> remind her that tcuoiber
yw had ruled by and she must add
one to her number The pet»ple left
at a late hour, wishing their howtesii
me FoMtest «r ,U ISree Conic4le*
ne Brlcbtcit Urnlt •rUnrUcr
Haau N*turf$ Grette»t Pf*Uc
Ituitaln|d« «r I*b‘v«airwi tkr
Most Oriclul Fr*4«ctloi E*er Slacc4
A KoHiokiiiK (\micily of Kurn]
loiliaua with tfu> ^
Hoosler Las:
In the Hill Part ihc hat
lihd in umny Boahona
v -fc i
THEY'LL ALL BE HERE “NoKsly aitil i ver Lroko th(|
iiCH’k Iry’iim to i^ive im^ iho lipgt t
Prices. 2S. as. SO
Boat twle H*turday aftcrncic
1‘hoiu' l'J7.
Seat tah' W ulnetiiay at I p, ui.
Tb«t which II nicrcliiyrt tviIUXi* baigaio or romoaut couu.
Icr. wc imiiic cur -Ihill Pen.” in tbi* wo h«w ODD 1X)()KH,.
«-c ; etc.
AIL<^>.«1 »lr--k. drtihlUo W new
roi*ir work
rricc* low tojclxo up
U will pay yon to look it onr.
Will Be Held at Popular Point on La j Ro^sUnd DougUss Has Put m Tw
bor Day—Large Crowd and Good
Mschinea, Making One Man AbleV
Tima Expected.
lo Do Belter Work Than Thro# ' .
The Tr;.v« i*c OAty ihU\
b- isld lelk.ws ludtsd. If Ihev d-Hit
have a pmmI lime at the Odd 4Y IW»*s
Picok at l»oimUr 1*01111 on Hoard
lake. rneparBlIcni* baxo Ikh-u
i‘ for a Lto time and tlu' day will
il»eul to a numlK-r of enJbyabJe
ways, I he tbfd FVJIows and the Odd
Fellows- wl%« bringing their) luisku*
and Kis'Tidlng l4il>or l*ay Ih various
F*:e|utragomi are all eompkded and
the affair will be a Urge one. the
launch Elf and busses hetog Ue
O. Lucw and family called on War means of getting to tho grounds
Taylor Sunday.
ha*. Chappie and wife w ere to the which are but a abort dlatanoe from
the city and Ideally situated for a picdihurhood yeoterday.
tUinherg Broa* olor« will be cloaod
all day Monday* Labor Day.
New Yorl
Will Op*n at Thcatorum Monday Even
ing—Attractive Electric Sign on
the Front.
Rowland IkMiglaas has mode ae^ri
addlUmjK lo his shoe shop, no Out
he mn uttv truthfully saw' with u
guessing, that tie has one of the nmi
up UMlate ni«or sbopo to non her
Michigan. A few we^dis ngr> Mr Doui
Uss Installed a complete lluUblng oul‘
fit and a opoplo weeks ago he ato| *
imt tai a Chamidon shoe imuhtoo faj
■ewlng solea Both machim-s are not
III ffne numlug onder and the power i
furnished by a one boriK' P*»wer el«<
trie motor. Mr. Douglaas alatoi thg
with the eqnliMueni h< ’iiow hm.
than eas turn ont more and hett.e{
work than thix« men could wUhmil M
James Pekeiwk Did Net Cato to
the Charge of Aaeautt and Battory.
I'poo the comi^t of Adalph 2ak
Jamee Fekerek of Green Lake was
brought before Jmetloo Oegrge W. Cito
Us charged wHB aavuK asd .battery
UU morning. WhDe Pekerok did woi
seem entliely to ktarnM
ly waa ggBty of toe arntge and to hs^
did mot cm to light toe cm he m as
Itoad to ana coBU.
PbxtMtehy. BxWixX
Round Trip iDc
« w».
ftxia U)M T
Nte *ki«» W ^ ^«at • unto ftrtfeOT lui «««mlM «kM
=: ”-=
^^4»q>rtik M ^ iSUc ataM h<t. Cir Cl*ctM.U. OMo, irtott^.. ^ vMeU w a Irf-M.
IHi» e^itto
flf Ckk)t«» In tte
•MU fi# Wr itaur. M» A tflOor, fcc
8m. »w
,1, T<
T, ». Ey
E. lA
Bmey Anda^ffA m4 «tf« loProkop
lot 2. blQClL 4. H. U 8 <ep.’n
parcel t.
. HeaMMjr !• Z. T.
IS. T. rt. E u. lu-w.
Maka to Mary Curtin, par
L T. n. It
Toe are aka* a A* boMe
Yo« cMuso* bate a
Si =r“5«^t
whMjroe waataaS w* will
d«>iw it al oaoe witboat m-
MUtet CAP kn foittd of M7 or Mk
furoMor*. and Um adn dalau
Utea ikaa rt«kUalljr bo1o Ua wonaa.
School Books
u TheLineOIOin theComplete
WUIMb U. aiBord and
It wan a Woak Agow
Wllltaiu Ciaacy
U loi
block 1; H,
Tko 80% Jonnpk Bnanc roturaod
Inadom laai evealaa and to tbr
llMOfd »ut«d today that jU»efv U ab^
ntluiei) aoUilac new
*« lu the
ti« ttrmata
st»w t iJ„‘-^£;^iSitS'iockrt..
a— OC tiMw M«t. TW. U uo Clu.
j, h. u * C
ahausicr ahkoupii' nhe haa bM kuim$1100.
•"iriTlkb^ comma appaam tka «»
boa aod wife
David W.
deuMd ntaUMat of tka Trayatae
Hyde RobUuoo. tot 74* aad 7S. hi
City Stale Baok as made to Ike State
2. oak Park. |14<M>.
rivrrnr Oily.
Durin* this moQtb the Stale Bank
Mra U
U K. OoudapMd of Battle
eaamlnern have made a very tbor
In til
T ougb rxamlaatlon of the bnak a affalnt
|C. Garduer. ae^ 9C a%^4.
UutAxIaa U
ulfe to
eveiyihlnp to be la excel
Harry Roaou*> ban rviumed iTvm
►rfte A. IkuToaa aad
1 Mlniiis nebooi abero be |lEara
__ __W Huble aikl wife. k»U II a^ Be-at coodUloa. This kUftemeol folk>u
la« bo clunely on Ibe examlnaUoa
12. block 14. H. L A Co. a'1©. |12O0.
•tadyini for nome Uuir.
to be In vlruncer 000
KmHka »bi> baa bm ap
diUon than ever before In lu hlntory.
YU8A. *
liif the aiAtunter tu the noulb bai
|b.Tlu|c * cioul .lurk of tiOO.UOO.OD
Sunday ncbodl look
tomi-d U> bU booia lu tbla city
•n nalt
«h< l-t .urplu. .ad
Ht«*%ubrt (Jaint** alu> haa U^n
rlalt ride to BIk Kapidn ooe ni«bt
re *Mk to net* ihe Iroa furuace and
>K bla paivuta lu thl» city
Th<*y xalled
and total
I tba-weai.
MUb .Maude Kilbride kan nturned
Iwn foea to bcbooj at Klk
to her ko,ne..t Howard Oty.
Mm. Pusey who
bpendluf several woekn In tbU cUy.
In the advertl«»eiit of Stuteberg
her bi other. C. T. Mfe, for aeveral
JYancls M<x»iv of_lbU city left for aeeks Itavea today lo^ her borne In Hndhers yesterday, a upeclal sale was
Grand RajdiU where be wlU spend tlefinaiitoan. Penn.
aiinouni^d Tor Saturday and Monday.
~ jltb and aon Heon This
Frank Wade Smith
the wlnlAT
a mUUke. as it aboold have
at A W. Smith s
over-------- ,y ------Chhivko Hammond and T. C. Aikliu visited
One more sermon by our pastor, the r»;ul Saiutilay and Tuewday. the store
oj l-ttua». 111., are la ih. city lor ib. Re%. Mr Tbompnon. before j^fer being. t:owed all 4*y Mobday. being
race. We hope to see brother T^iv Labor Day
n back for another year.
•*^Mr' 'an'.l Mr. A T Uadormwi of
The Cbequamegoo took out-a big
IVte Shenanituet took In the cam|v
thU city IWt ihU Bo..a (or Detroit, ineetln* at Northpori last week
load of fruit luiakeu ibU morning.
mhere th.y »lll vl.lt fiicnd..
Every one U ulkln« railtoud. \N«
All three banks wlU be dom^ La
Mr. aad Mr. U. K. Aldorehotl ol hope to see' It come soon
bor Day
Aug. 26.
Kret are vlaitlog, their »ou lu iHU
The V\>url««tb street M. E. Sun
day school will give a picnic at Popu
.1 T. Carroo of Cedar Kapids. la .
lar Pivint. Monday. Labor IMf Traua
Mrs Win Johnson U vUlting I
who baa bpeni the summer in ihl^ dty ivarenu Mr. and Mrs. JUckeid of Tr,
poriiAtion either by land or water.
felumi«d home Ibis ODoo.
Ik..-n. to Mr and Mm. CUrenco Mar
Win Emory has j»urcbased a n
l.loyd sml Guy Walter Of Flfb I^ke
til. of Barlo* ►tuw-l. a sou. Aug. 30.
Lake are vUUIuk ibclr hrolher Rob*
The populanty td the Island trip on
vit B.. Walu r. They wUI tiolb %'nler Run sp^nt
to Increase
ay with Mr. and Mm.
;125 making the
Hl«b school here.
k Kro
r. Mumer. mi“
Miss Tina Holdsworlh lett last
evnalap for^ M. A. C. called by tbe 111*
It Will lX)hn
nobs of hi^ biollKT Pn.f. WiUlain
a. Frank Krtun>a U entertaining <j At the en.l of tbc fifth Inning, the
parents,‘Mr and Mrn Kastner: >coi^
stood U to k In favor of
her sUler. MUa Luc>“ Ka^tnc^ of , .ifdaare tint, .d Oh* lUnnah A
Mm. rmskk tK>odrich. Mrs. tmo:»;..
Thompson and Mrs. W, H. AbUnt Straliojd. Ont
Mr and Mm. Henry Eckstein re | NUnanlllo com;wxly who playtM the
uc TV tbv gm-su of Mm. H. O. Joyne
Bed to Chicago this mon. 11:: aft.-rj gux'ATy dlvi
at Klk UapldK yealerday.
w»-ek visiUng friends and J K,„iiiids this aft**mc»«
this place.
t wixlal held at Frank|
------ T
Kroma's Wedne.Mlav evening h»r iheL ..jut*-. yi»un : mnu.-/sald tb*. old
an srmr in our adv. of yesUrcUy's
in her eye. •l %e brung
benefit of the Caibolic church wa.s
suo. customem wwre asked to bring .n dtTcidiHl slKd•s<^. Net ptxxi-vds wereMj^^,^
.umeter yc suld me.”
tickets Saturday and Monday, but it
_____ _ .
_____ Fii>l
“Whafs the luatter with llV* de
Frances E. Griffin to TrLUvU
iauud«*d the rUTk.
« 44. block 7. Bay
Monday being Labor Day. atore w.U M T church,
• It ahi’t n SUme. One time ye look
al U it k;l.vn one thing, and the next
aide. $100.
be cloaed all day.
tlu.e It says auLtber:*’
Aug 27:
Tkb sun net last evwnteB on a vniy
bMQr Any nt tke c4ty markM. Ton loads
taioM* nine lends of bay and
y-tkine kand of live stock cna»e
'“Lou of compJuon In aten amons , 'ft
tke apple buyers aad It taken biM k
- /r
akoft Umf to laa a load of Dockem
ap to IS pec banwL One load went
ycntenlay at |3A4.
Uece ate a tew ipaclaln wkick yoa
can get
^poor teble toAiky. of poar
grocer or frvdt man.
Qrapea. Ml to S6c a pound.
Peackea. 20. 2S and 30 ceou a bask-
MMr Mwy al taadm i« •* U>«» •* . Mrwwy »
aWtermelona. S;i to M^ceoU each.
Sweet applaa, U ennte a peck. ’
Mnskmekma. K !•* W. and M cenU
^%weec poutote, $ cnaia or two for
: "
Hlair i “LMaue” WritioK Tablet, a
tco cent tablet for
with all High School text book*.
The Biggest Bargains
Summer squash. S eanu 4
Cabbage. 3 cenU a pbond
Radlskca. G cenu per bui
Chicago. Aug. SO-Wheat.
coin. 60^0; oaU. Gin.
6Nf etttsce For Mmiig Sttcl
For a limited time only we will of
fer a limlUHl amount of slock at 40
cenu per abate. This quouUon sub
)ecl to withdrawal wtlboul notice.
Applications may be filed and further
maUon furnUhixl al the office of
the company. 12$ East Front street
Tboa, Smurlbwalte. Prm..
Grand Traveme and ArUona Mining
. 2C^L
Tliaaa gnolatlaiw ate
teotad ovary day. Tka
prfbaa am ouppiMd ky
srtalda taoiatioaa
Boys’Clothing at Prices that will Save you Money
We excell in our line of School Shoes, both in Quality and Price
Worthflte. for
lUsses* PuL Lesther. Vid tOd aud
Sattu CaU In the newest style
r,:- Full lino of all the Newest Styles in Bills’Caps and Hats at
wounds^or pilte It has no equal. Guarauleed by Boglxv Drug Vo.. Hanna
i>rug S4<»re. and F. H. Mteds. dro,
gisu. 2ucl*
/ •'i
........................ ..
FOR BALE—Mod*?rn rteldcnco, . 43!
SUlh. lOQulrt- at preml^,- '
Butter, cteamaiy. per ]k...
^re. pw ba ..9 ......
German Millet ................ ............ t»
.... IM
BDfi top ..............................
Otekard smaa..................
.... ...
canning coniuany 4r in r pound and
crat«, back.fyravers^ City Canning
ciute belwoen 51
Fifth and E E. Mllltrs drug »tbr%
Uavv a\ R«xord office*
aug 30-2t
In the line will be .found a great variety of Do'iible Breasted Knee Pants Suits. Norfolk Suits for all ages.
Sailor Suits
Values lor $!.»
$4.54 Values for S1.47
$6.M Values for $SA»
«LM Values lor tl.W
BOY^i^ SHOES. Double Sole.
antetwky mah
loaM danH>M
By wdf% Ml
6c, 10c, 13c, 15c, 24c
25c, 3Sc, 49c
The Globe Department Store
The Touch That Mssla
U ibe^ touch of Bucklen s Arnica
xlve, <i s the happiest comblnatloo
of arnica flowers and healing balsams
eter cemponnded Nr nmtier bow old
the sore or ulcer Is. ibU salve will
Extra Values and Special Prices that we are offering in full line of Stockings for the Girls and boys
WANTEO-C.ivi for g* n«-ml bouwrk Mrs B. i Morgan, aug
we can save you on your purchases.
Tottatoea. 10 canm a pound.
Bwaal corn. 10 add 15 cenU a dog.
City Btwk Store
pickiA n»d 0« kto wU* klr«4 a dmjr
rMU, act^ •■ iMt/am* aima
... .*»»
FOR SALE-1S32-ODP hundred acres
adloinlng city in ea*t: level; close
to Bfst Bay : gboal fifty rods ahore
Oats, per bushel ... ................
•front; con.‘«id<*rahle timber,
iveauiif^l KJiuatloD for rei-ori. in fart
rvjHX-t lou adjoining are lu lling for
When Huteee Had Fiagerk *
one thousand dollam per acre. Price
Tke earliert foiaila fenm wkick w
$3300. Wade Bhwl. klT South
derire oor kaowledgi of the pewhlelorte
loo alreel. Clu. phone 1219.
•bow that tke aoden aakaa]
aug. 3Atf,
FOR SALE-1S33i-Xlnety-five
timber. eatimate to cut eight hundred
thousand feel marketable k>ga. One
mile of loading point on P. M R..RPrtce $4300. Wade Broa„ $17 Sooth
Vnkm street; Cite, phone 1219.
aug. Mktf
for lease-1531—Fifty feet front
on Bay atruet. adjoining water
works OB west. Run* to abore line.
iOxceptloanlly good Icalioa for cold
storage or wkdeanle pUnL WUI
Icwae ibr term ol yoa» ni rteaoo^
able fate, wade Broa.. W7 Bon
Uakm ateeet. Cite, phone 1219.
aug. WKt
five fiafted I
wo laiBnty
1 the widte fdil
an adraatega. Aa
aad the gnmad kah
.nad tka
aC tke hone became
evolved tale tka
*14 yakK high
FOR SALE—1530-Ntotey actea farm
I to moet^ eapt
twHvw aUlea oat on peals
dent Tkwteday* Friday er I
•ood orcharda: two good
afternaa at Central kwlMiaB.
eighty rode on akore;
L aCBinty wodakHHdtedt
B. Bilbert, Supl.
m -nAyrntm «n«
mkmn prH» to
itaCriN tv tiM GiiiinMt Sir YmSm TIm limMk Hi^
I>r nur r^«Kr tw»uk
IDEAL Kprinc.Ptueat Floar.
That* U BoUtiDX Uke whitr>. *wt«t
mh) ixHuMiieK biOMl.
It i* tb«•taffol III. ud yo« o«.
bk«. it wiKO uaiiiK IDEAL flour.
Aak r>mi ,100a otmUup
____ ,
1 ant sure'if you see
my Baking ycu will
Sleder & Sons
'Butchers, Packers, Sausage Makera.
More of ttioso
Delitious. Coffee
Cakes >< Fancy
Baking To-day
W ft. im ate 707 ftandolph tU.
ate )flmt aJwHT. Had our choir*? nusata
taaite, julr> aad d< llciuua. Wv kuow
lioar to cbouao our aioata fnaia tl»*?
boat, and ho^io irlm boae ate |»rtI«rc It for tlw tablea,or Ite
criticaj ate daiaty.
roteta. chopa. lamb aad lamlirjr make
Call in whether you
buy or not. The
same courteous
treatment to all at
AkK for
Choice Meats
Other flotm come and flourish for a
shon lime and pretty soon your grocer
has somclhiog else to offer. BEST flour
is here EVERY' DAV and EVERY
YEAR and it’s always the same old
standby. The Flour with All the Good
of the \Vhc“at,
Fn*h White Kisli and 1V.ut,
AU Iduds of Uomq-niade
n.TS‘‘ 1U« Mlwno UUm te TteTwdj
it arccUte a mice aew
teM fteb te* «te at OM Mteiia ;
Tte frowt la te
tbi mottkwmt. teil
tea! Bln Inrac Jaqate
la vtsiiia*
I drove to TraTeraa
rante vb«at to 9> te tter emta a Bwiba Sharte
Mr ate Tin. Jute Suicklar att«te- i
IT or
Oreo l*rW aad lit
at Maatua
wmmlinateteptieoaaiteinciuB.!e<l campiterfJte
'“"''Traveraa t’Hy. aiw apeadte aoan
pttlal u» « srvat atecta^c.
here while he la
Mui. Hanrry Martla ot fiaar HmsL
k ^
ksrahea arm.
who waa quit*
U ua the *ain.
Ihivld PtoToactef. who U min-.
• *i^hi at Ekuptre. u vUltla< for a
SpJcktHl .boot Imo teabeb oT Utehfew dayit with hla faa.Uy.
jlate *Thuraday.
». .od Mr«. Adslorr
M» MamarW
Kooaa aad mile aoai *’^*^^**» ***
louadatloo UW
Kaplda are maU&x iliTuTr 1 fur"a ucw ho««‘. tin.
The caiveateiw will
Kmau a vialt.
lay ol Me. ate Mm. lla%ldl^ni.| Mlaa K\a
Charleeolx Satiuday
i»ns W, rwwm. part «r tut wk.
vtalt with her Mr^o.t*^h^re
The R,r
IVopW. |
^ —
r MichUaa. Prvachte at!
rnuik Itet r. mho r«
urch beta. ^mU> after
Barioo farm. receUte
Mra. Wiiauu
mteKsrl.1 window for Mra. Ketiuedy;
Cwrp*'ni»T han btH-ri
tu Harm: treasurer.
to he a. «jccc«s if we .uppjr
had a «N0d. we* *prio« aad dry mum- the .M E. church here aud dedkwilun
vith the meat Xo-maUcrwhal
aerclccw will be h*dd next Sundav.
The fruit
U a total fi
All arv cordially Invited
>«.r c.uV«
.. .
The Ice erswm social given la the
uvttiaic j««t «bht yoj »ua U^Tu . And be «anu to km.w
fruit taMHueni of Ijl. a ReyiKad n bam
iX>** Slellu Halley ,d Tiwveroe Oty.
rrank wrote Friday evening waa quite aiKWisarul haa been vl»itlag at Ur. J. Rtiegaf«tme u. UA If .v«, U.O..10 i«^w- 00
in wplie oX the ralny*%eaiber
old at
a klb Koaat. -a L. k lH LariiD. a ftuit aud i>ota
waa rlearte and u i:»Ksd tlnw waa en
RuetpM'^er Brua. are putUag tip a
joyed by all. A pie aucUl will be windmill uhUv for J. W Hlawtert.
roatil' of auvoty- teal ur a tviidt-r. de
Kl\en at the aame place m vt k'liday
Mr ate Mra. Hiram CoK after
Mlaa Ethel/ Rinehart eaperM lo go
Chkkeu. let ik*
you. Our is-*W.-fu^
tu-s* of imo
Bring >our piee *lfU. ate
half yeara it night
to Poullac. l|lch. to ap*te Abe winter
bo.v» don't foiipvt your i-K ke* tsoolm.
e alttle of Waa
wilh^Mf*. D H. Power*.
lu-loca will pleaa<\
Aui:. rti.
iiued to make Ka^t Ibiy their
lelr 1htuw
Several «d the vcsnmr people j#«mt
frc»m here to Glen Huvea lm»t I'hura*
The blackherr>- pickem are rather
day to Kes the ditll of thee Ufe SavGOOD Harbor.
iur theIlUkCl
Ittkciisua U-riUw. 1 would cau
Mbot Anpa Bufka went i. Ohlcago ing civw.
tlou the few who las>t ys-ar repaid the thU morning.
Ukcwr Amab-lmchler.. loira H«a'kfanoerw' kiudneiv who Ux them plch
Jtshn Tbikch la visiting at * Mll- alead and E»ra Winteiw .»f Traveine
weie gueaUi at Wm. Hrtghr*
A. Hutserftmn fresm Ijuuoug s-ullte Sunday Mr Wmtera wU! leave MM&
here Ust Fndac aiid pul a new wind for Otiicauo whs-rs- hi
Marker on M.«,e Kltw.c'a y.ain «M-par- a tHMltlon with Alfre
will al»o continue bl% 1
Mr. ate Miw. Kins
j F Br«>wn haa returned fmm an rx- Chiraao. ate Vidting here at pixweUt. at A J. Thmnbury #
Miaa Minnie Tobac of Gbicago. wh*s
tei,d«*d A Uit in Waiihingum aud la at
;th*‘ home of hla duurhU*r. Mra. haa been vi.dtlng he.e for
rHumetl ihU morning
Mra. Sarah Gilsisoti of
Mra. Becker had the uiinfurtuoe (n
break b«i idiuulder l-'idday. She la vUiting with li«M laothsu-. Mr>. .Mary ntum to Truverwe Glte todav uud
fusm there will go to Mackinaw tu
reisilnic uuUe ewbily today. Dr. Boy- Kilwy
McMe Kilwy U going lo atari on hU tearh the exstuinj? year;
lau ib rTtedlUK her.
Mr. a'te Mtk. Ilavld Boroughf vlalt-'
That afl*3rnu*>o teatou
l.*lla Smith and Mina AlU lhrt,*hli,g t«.i;r t.Klay.
ed at E S Ibickard'a Sunday
V'lKhinum un- vIh'Uuk their alaier.
Aug. 2.;.
planning will'nut
MlKa c-.race Mahu has been thes
Miv F. M. Hamlin.
AUg. 2*:.
to daPi without a iiack.
gueist of her remain. MMa Ada Bright,
“ Mra. M.-H. Gilbert vUUed
Mr. and
ai;e of o*ir fancy crackeri.
idiice t>idav She will ixtum to Iht
\er Su
Sunday at Mewlck with the fwm
bisme in TruveiW l lty UstiHUTow.
ll> of Fred Mal«ir>
We have ihvonly com.
Har\s»-fiDg is matlv over 1
Mr and Mw Cla
plote ftaaortment of the
h.ivs* l.een w«*iktng in
dtlUK at the home Gra*Kho{ip.-rs
the oata quite badly
National Hiacuit Com.
Mi-«.H Jem)i<
Little ('hx, Hroteway is very HI
pony's crackere in iho
Wii] iK* nine months of Kho/d.
of Kalama/sa
1 of, Suof.onriish, Wa«h ."vinlUHl <me daC
gtieal of hi* ^jKler. MfW. -Wi
hant w»-*k at the hitue of Mr.'aud the
Call aud aCe oti.- diaplay of fancy crackera
and imported chci'te.
boat and Found.
who art Ao enter the
()ur uotali art* always
Loaf, belwtei) «» 2<» p. in., -yeater
tdhoola for the first time, and thoat
freah and clean.
lay knd mH>n.t<sday. u bitloua attack,
e fiivlGd and hoiw* lo have a good ailh uauMW niid sirk headache This •ntering tht first year ' high ochool
arc requeated to meet the auperinttnMr. and MrK. .Minton \Vins.he, Mr. IH,S WK cx-raHhu.s*,! by finding at Bug- dent Thursday. Friday or Saturday
and Mr«. MiKu Gilmore and Mrn. Urrle .M<‘Clu>k> are vJ.-muK at Willow
.ox <.f I),'-. Klfig'a New Ufe Pllla
148 E. Front )
Mr. X'haHe hsiK n bnuher vlBiliug luaraiiGsHi for blli«*i»ije'iK. malaria:
him and he atlembil church at thia
ind jaundice. 2'k-. •
pluoe Sunda.r.
!;.■? r»s=rs: ^s;!2,“3s'
41X Soatb Union SL
• j Cit. phone 3!*7
^\rk»T •
Hendricks Bros.
Best Flour
yoBa« pr<i|de fiENB gpwny
«>o lukTioc Oofty thae ot the Imkm 9m
•rtrr%l 4mj%. Kvd Hovmrtf Md teltte oubrUk panr yr«t«c^
an luiv.
o2l SOI TH ("NION 8T
da«> aud aaumiitite piirr.
ABlrmkhMM Md tto
Bell phone 2:i;t j
j. B. Gilbert, Supt.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
Bis./ ^uWlity /
Never put off anything until tomorrow. If you'have not established your shopping
headqiiauiers at our store, do 50 today—it is to your interest. We know that
we can Interest you in any line that you have any trading to do.
Beantifid Obrary Furniture
Mlsses School Hafs,
Invest In a Waterman
Make this room as attractive as possible. Library Tables
from $25.60 down to $6 5a Small Tables from $12.50 down to
$1.60. Couches from $54 00 down to $7.50. Leather Chairs
from $45.00 down to $5.50. Ubrary Cases from $22 60 dpwn to
$.S 50. Combination Cases from $2S.50 down to $12.5a Gunn
Sectional Bookcases are priced according to the number of
Just what'you want for every day use. They are all colors,
and they sell for i)Sc, $1.25 and $1 50.
and save time and worry, for when you have such a pen as
the Waterman that we sell, you have as good as you can (ind
anywhere in the world, we have them with the fine, medium
and stub pens, all styles to fit all hands, no matter how you
write. They sell for $2.50, $300, $3.60. $4.00, $5.00 and $4.00
and they are worth every cent. Always good, always ready.
Dandy Candy
just take a box of Fancy Candy along with you no matter
where vou ^ and see what the people will say. The Drug and
Book Division have some of the beu candy that is made, all put
up in fanc>’ boxes, and they also sell the fancy Chocolates by
the pound. They have S. B. and A s the lluyler's.and the ‘ Rex":
The Jewish New Year’s Cards
Are the handsomest cards that we have had this year, and
they seli for 5c. 10c, 15c, 15c and 50c.
.Awy Idad ihal yow want
The regular style sell from 15c to $2.25. This latter is the
best on the market it registers the maximum and the minimum
heat. The fineWor style selU for 75c and the little ones for .
fan«S> work at iDc. The bath room styles come in two sizes
both at 25c and the dairy sells for 20c.
Free Shine Tickets
Remember that we give free Shine Ttekets wk|i all tales
of Shoes, and we tell you extra Shoe Laces. Corn Files, Bunion
Protectors, Corn Cure, Foot Ease, and tell you how to take
care of your feet. .
Mr. ate Bra Lm Bnl^ nl Travrtue Mr. w<an i^teia $f Mr. aad llrv
, gamaiHp; Wittto C. Owp. ^0 who
vbp taaR
tasR part In tte egtartote
________ itoent tor tea bensBt nf Bt Jdaapli
Horn aa lot }$24 Bejrd nrani
Brtok blork. .waat Ptogi ilrait.
Biora wrtb tainraa. Uvtng raonm
WAirrto-Toluic Iiuly i» «ovt ta
0O to mM. Mm KftMiii^
ML ui s. amai «trMi, m« mi.
tag tl^d
miftmt Omi Vbd
mtimlty to
tor term «»d
rOR aALt-totoot iMMb. rawm. 4
b. ^ Brllm toPtor.
j A.
Battry. Ot gteo* 1».
Mg, tet
WANTSO-YMg »n nf 11 viuiU
pitkcm to work tor tem4l. m4 go to
•eteot at item nr.
Mg mf
' WAMTCD-Oin for
wotk. Hofi Mih. OOl ofAcr. CIt
ftkmm St.
MC X3tf.
r now.
WANTRD--liaa or boy vltb borar to
. haul aOJk froai cmmlry. Qu«ra
City Dator. te^a $72.
aug 7 U
1WANTK0-41H1. at tte mady la<
lory Buaub Broa. R Amlolto.
aug. ri if.
WAimB-OiMtQiggrt tor gU aad
gtooUag Mirar aayvter^ la tte
aity. Otaad Raglda numttara Oo.
juaa 11^.
WANTBto-OIrla; dtalag room.-kltcb
gg^ laggdv.
cbto. taamatera. Uborara,
KmtUoymaat olftoa. ClUtro a pbooa
4to. m Baat Froat
July t it
.WANTgO-^Hy tbrao aflulU. lumUh
ad aparuamu or b<Hiaai_ modrro
ronranl«*ar<« and Ar«t^4aaa nHgb. borbood rmulrrd. Addrraa. giving
' toll InformalioA B, rara Itocord.
____ ____ _J«
FOR RALt—ao acrr.
ItttilU: S7C fruil traaa Jii t>*<aTiiiK.
paarb««. rk« rrtoa; vir««JU iil
bargain. Call 332 W. »tk. aug
214 Went Wgbtb airwl
aug 27-61*
M*'-ar. row. buggy and
«.Toalra at 131$ Randolpb
aog. 2$h;i.
FOR RAL*-14W-Maa.foo« booaa.
gov. OMi ML, taa boam; grtea
WUT Bran. IIT tomU
WL Ot gtega 1211.
FOR * RALI-U27Hualnaat pm|w^
ty. roraar oC Blitb and Union atraat.
lATga balldlag. two atortaa. Bttad
tor atom teknr and amHromU aacs
ond atory; rmtg tor Bfiy dcOlaft
par Bontb. ^Prioe. U.oao. Wada
Brag, tIT ftnitb Unlog atraet.
; nn RALB^IISR-Brwwg
gomar «f Pragt aad Dlrlatog; Rial
Pftea 92.$$$. A’ada Froa., $17 a
OntoR BU atVuMia m».
FOR RAL«-Ul$-llfidarn raatdaaaa
WPal lOtb BU tag rooma. hot watar
teat batb. lot aaraaty iTa toat
froai good bam Ooa of tba tnaat
teBta to tte city. Will take amallar
prlcad aroparly aa part paymant er
will aeR og aaay tar*a Prica
. at pteaa 121$.
FpB^LB-72 atetaa Trararae Oty
Btata Dank atock. Apply Chat. Pro^
terggbuRte rggMogoa tatblara-
FOR RAUR-lteto-RlM and onahalf
tony ll4f
rntog Bt. at pboaa 121$.
of M. R N. R. . track. «»atiod
township: to* than one mile
frrun city tlmlta. This property
will make a good market garden,
as It to mostly mock ground, and
has creek crooaiag tot.
10$ acres UmU-r land. Bcmde 4
ly. 1 % mlUw from a^dsr Run. MS. J. a R MART J. TMEBLBOD
a«et. Timber Is mnstly hsrdwoud OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS
Rohm- pine. homUvek and cc4j
nm~«sT » wiib.-hB PMc
• >0 u s. »
\ (PsKi land for farm
Wjsku^asl cetiamsIuHMiST.
j. K. (;iu-:iut'K CO
\ Aug.»tf^^
arn-a. tornar of Wayna and Madlmn
itraatwlll plat Into $0 loU, worth
at laaat one bundnid aad Afty dol- FOR RALB^1S24-Fsrm. eighty Ave
acres, ooa and ana half mllea north
lara par tot. Prlrr. fS.SOO. Wade
Broa. $17 Boatk Unloa atreat CUa.
Ava acres under culUvattoa; all In
pbogp im.
July 2 tf
to crops, wheat, eora.^oata. bay; MONEY TO LOAN—Rem esuta tor
large modcni houan, fumaosL bath, 'sale llousee to rent Dr. W. R
FOR BALe-IAIA-Blityali tool
Moon, aty Opera lloosa block.
hoc aad o>ld watar all thi
Blata atraat; large frame bouaa aad
housA Wind mill and tank. Quod
good barn; thla proparty U In the
F. F. LAWTON. M. D.-OfAcs Wilhelm
bam. granary and all aten
eantrr o( the baat block In Trai
block. Doth phoaaa.
apr i tX
out holhllnga; good young orchard.
nty. telwam Qtm and Path atraet
Just bearing: about all level and OR, M. A. GREGORY—117 Cass slrxH-t
and tba onmlng baalaeaa block of
as nearly perfect aa a farm could
Northern Hlcblgan: property In tbla
Binx^sl altcnttun paid to dUeasciT
be Owner wtohes to go south, heuca
bloek bna Incraaaed in rain# orar
of the Uvf nnd N« rt ous 8ys
offera at low Agure tor cash, mca
tour hnadrcd par oent ta aerea
Ulssscs Attcd.
$4,900. Wsda Broa. $17 aontb Un
yeara. It wiU do bettor tten Uat la
ion atraat. at pbon# 121$.
the neat raren yeara. Keep ytMirmaa
inuoeyoutoftbafakaOU.Oold. Cop
per and other aiatUar propoM
and place U In good gjroapeatWa
ooa mile city llmlu; tour aerea;
prtnx rty in the beet city In tba aU$a
Iwo buaurad feet ahora front; large
where all cl asm of real eaUteare.
hotel completely fuihtohed Arat LESTER
advanclnt In price, where factoiiaa
class: hot and cold water la all
have Increased their capacity to tte
R Umlor. Suiherrooma. gas light, furuaoa heat alw
eitant* that tficy bare out strtpped
one ootUge. two large bama, trout
the population, where there U two
atraam through groumto. bath house OIL F. J. MAC NETT—Practice UmltJobi for every maa. wamaa ,and
ate Ane grove along bay aborp. This
child where the local columna <4 tte
property to In Aret cUia condition
local papera are Ailed with
902 Wilhelm block. aUseaa p
00 main road to city, piked all Ua
adi fur man. women, boya and glrla.
way to city: would cost to put In
nera come ior ndlea to
condition as It 1^ at preacat at least PIANO TUN1N(*-\V. N .VlllUrU.
tbeir prodttcu and pui^
twenty thousand dollara; tody own
years experlenoa. With
chase Ibelr auppUea, wbera
tog to Invalid, hence aacrlAce In
Bra, oora« Fret ud
classes^ fruit, grain and vegeU
order to dlipoee of tt; will consider
can be auccessfully grown, where
good city property la part payment;
rsture has abundantly, yea lartahly
price tlS.OOa Wade Bros. 117
•upplled the aportaman. the acbob
South Union Bt aL phone 121$,
am. the nrtlst aad tte taralld with
-may 11-tf AAik hlikW^- bELivtTY:^5iM
every thing they eould dealra. hay.
freight parcels and trunks Office
at City Book Btora.
Inland lakea. Haam and or
Cloar. pure frete water, good clear OTT A HAHNER, Pry (tanw.
_ ,
n. «i- •»«'*
nwsNEWA>air dressing
ht'alihy air, Aah. fruit, aad aagetn- . ryrr. llnvc nm K.W mit but
hlea. What more ooaM ha daalrad.
doing huBiuoss at 129 Cass st
These are facto wa ara aUTUng nnd
Phone »39aug. 19 If
cam be rerlAed. Again wa any pla
GOOD Plano to trade for driving
Money^to loan. 112 Bute Bank
yoa^ money In Trararaa aty ar tba
horse. Call 317 Wellington, aug. i ll
building. /Cltuena phone $$$.
Orand Tmraraa raglDg.
Bros. $17 Uatoo atiaat. OUm CONAULT Madam RUaa, tte palmist
at 917 OntoR upon aU affairs la Ufa.
phoue 1:11.
Juna toll
Thurtell, Manager . Office foom 2
mar l$4f
I R Mtlllkea block.
FOR BALt~1$2A-Oaa bu#i^ and
Are acre farm; four miles from city; FOR RENT—Resia«-nc4-t., $04 TUstc
Chase, SUte
aixty acm under cnlUratlog; forty
Both pbonea. 229 2r. Realdencn 924
stix'cl and 213 Franklin strct l. All
BghtbBL au.
— ] ^onattL ■
acres Umber aatlmatod to cut at
modern Improvtuncnls. central loraleast.three hondiad tbogaand teat
tlon. Apply $m State alieet or U l DR. F, HOLORWORTH-Bpnjlal af
of mcrchanuble logs; About two
ephone No 77K atx.
aug. 244it
tvmtton to dtaeaaea uf tte eye. ear.
tiKMwand. cordt atora wood;
nose and throat Qlaaaee Atted
FOR RENT—Residences. ' $14 Stale
Over Johnson drug Btora.
ni;prad land, mostly level; abpot
street and 213 Franklin street All
one half can te Inigatod from tbe
mtsJern Improveroenu. central !«•«•
creak that^cuaa acraas farm; Urga
B. B. MINOR-Office over i
Mon, Apply O. P. Carver R Bros.
frame-barn, atone boaement
can Drug Btora..
aug. 24at.
to eye. ear. noen aad
for Afty bead of atock; good atone
Atted. Both pbonea.
touadaUon; packing bouaa tor fruit
Btxtb etraeL
aug. i3lf.
torga orchard, dllaregt vmrtaflaa of
peacbea, peara, plama. aprl
FOR RENT—House. U rairable loca DR. W. E. MOON-BpectollM-ai
nrlaary. akin and blood dteeaaw
aberrtaa and applam, all d
tUm. Right place for right people.
yeart experience, aty opera boeea
▼^tles; also Urge vlayard; cboleJ W. Power. 90$ Bute Bank or SIS
btodk. Doth pbonea.
aat grapea. This farm by utllUlag
Welllngtcm street
Aug. 94-tf.
tte Umber can
made to pay out
T. W. TMIRLBY-Denttot. Over Bae
UU^yoar Including coming wl
Bum^ tort*e Jeiralry Mara
phone 1212. Gas and hath.
aad wbeo paM fur U a atendy m
aug. 24. U.
af waaltb that to bard to duplIcaU.
ooly "reaaon It Is tor aale to .ownar FOR RENt—Five rooms for light
to well along In years and wlsbaa to
housekeeping on Itolon street In
ratlrs banes offers it at about
quire of John Furtsch. 40$ Union
half tu actnal vslna. Prtca $$.000.
•treet upstairs.
aug 27-5t
Wade Broa. $17 Boutb Vatan Bt.,
atisana ptena. 121$.
Inna U tf
acetylene auto lamp,
au. phone tii.
I her- between Kalkaska and
FOR RALl-1$ii-Onn kiudrad ted
aty. Reward If retnnked MONEY TO LOAN—No
. rand. Maat Bay townablp: atom 1$
oebaol ate ebnrab: wm $eU te tegy
glop lawg; A N$i 1 proi
tormt owter In otter kHif;
tom; totoPHiPR WbitBraA. tlT frto$ $$.$$$. WteABratatlTBaMR
toHtb Oglog Bt
Bt OR.
OR. yRcwa
yteaa Itlt.
Untoa at CM. phone 191$.
lag or^boardmu; will taka
equity to amonat of on# Uo
tairtHNn acre $arai. MgRty acras
tmpraved. large bara and food
teteA AtoterA. large amount $C
tete wood. Mmb«r7tom all fenced
and no better soil to be toote: Mi
ate labto. 113 Blxtb aUtwt
■t aide
and Bay atvaato.
FOR BALt-Phrm. $0 acres, good sail,
Two forty^anr toot tou. west aide
good wamr. toved ate aH under ewb
Bpraea atraet. betwaag Wayaa
Bofanty foot tot noth aide of Bay
sag. 17^
atraet Phage flA.
atraet. oppoalto Darrow s stnra.
toot toC.
FOR BAtR-im-
and atoadr ribpl(»rm<*ui fur Ite rlgtit
pteMui. Cbai ito Ptno <ir phooo ClU
ait. Mra. Ftaak 8boU^. Aug. 12 If
FOR BACB—Cnrpela. curUtaa. bad
raaldagcw Weat Ntoth Bt. ckp Ig.
on# ate g half block from OmUrml
FOR aALE«»Utl—Larga tag frai
teaaa. targa kH, batwaaa NtgCb
ate Tmtb atreato oa RaUroad ar«
mma moot toaadatloa. Lot worU
aug. Iktf.
at laato aaa tteaaate telUrm.
WAMTt»-T«o aiaii
•nm girta at
Houaa eouM got ba teilt tog ifu«
l^too VteV llOMM
Bk RapMa.
baadtot teUara. Cloaa Ia Maty
aug 17 a.
WagM to b wmk.
tarva. PHea lITto. Wad# Brag.
IIT Booth Uuloo atmat Clt pboaa
WANTilt>-OiH or mMdl^«god U4j
ttU. .
girt at
FOR.BAtR OHBAF-Ogt good tte
tter. top bnoy and nmaU enok
m. inolra raom $. over Oty
fi—ifa. tot S DlrlrlMi at.
tel. toff
WAMTV»..^rM <41/ loto to
- Iteate.
to 340 Bute, Mra R B. Knceland.
aug. mt
market and receive lewvd. Name
Annie Mack In back.
aug. 2$tf..
LORT-Fox bound, pepper# and salt
color, bna collar on with ux ug
on. T. B. Morgan’s name 00 coltor.
Reward for Informslloo. D. J. Mor
arg. ;*U.
toRTMf ^ guA
day. Aug. M. for tBa Brat; nn Bapt oa board the boat stod a ^wy pleasant
Ray\wws agrat.
Bra W, a JcAastoa ate
teenrnte Sanday eveu-.ag from ^atr
2. for tte aneand ate nn BapC 12. tos
tte third: next regilnr Bept 1$. C
C. Langley. W. II. M B. White,
wecrctary.____________ _______
TRAVBIlBt^^^l^l^ na m,
to Tmrerue City this after
noon. aflor bavtiig
week with reiadves.
Beta Dame ate fimtty aad Mrs. R
r Itone ara kpandlng tbe week
csmplng at the point
Mr. UTtBlir aad family are
r; B. i
la tbe nwldagpv prrvtonaly owned by
M. a OR.
Tte Rev. P. R WTiUmsn returned
to bto borne in Harbor Rpriags Bat
urday. , Mra Whlimaa and daughter
returned today.
Brbool begins Tuesday. Rept. l$th.
To wmtam Hapklas. Chaikm Vpa
Mra R, M CWmpbrll and daagbirr
derllp. May K<4derkoime. Oile
MaKwIe returned Thursday from
Mra. 15smi»bcll unCarry. Gt^ Rorat J. a Arnold. HX
a serious openuuui. Mrs.
\MUtlng. Henry Btrabm. A. Q. fhlr
I Is much Improved la braltb.
WUbelm. J. W. mmken. Mrs D. H. l»ower
,wer left this moraln
Peter Wursburg,'
on the cArferryr for ManlsUqui' -to)
days. Mr Power and
s da
Oval Wood tteb cn.. Bdwaid Hacb.
went to Traverse
CTty this
Bda J.McUonald.$>ank Bbamaky. Mrs.
is|ie Id s .ew dsyw.,
scm. Petor Swmnwn. CbrU Itokhardt
daughter Oirrle of
o. of Ind.. Mrs.
Ohas Krone. Peter Olraoo. Jidin Yen- Chkmgo. Mra, Wlo.
Uh. Okel Nurdstrum. Barnewt Itoy. BlsUlsne of Ohio, and MUs
R. Schombtwger. Jidin itopktna. Clias. Haiold oT W J«y Spangle.
r. SI
Nortlsimm. Wr L. Stlger. Wm. Hop
uit daughter of Mr, snd Mm,
Btviig Is very ill at this
kins. A NVtoon. Max Ooplan. Mra L.
Mc(^.>. lUnry Rtmky. Ulram Rusky.
Ml snd Mr*. Gimj. MciYay.
J. M< li>ns1d. Prank Sbumsky. Mrs.
Aug. 25.
$;r«-4>nw<KMl. James r, Itopklas. Threse
tif ivuvcr. t’kilo. Is
Johnson, iv CoyiH*. W«*dad Vlultm. vidUng rt-lathis lu U»wu.
iitul Miw. L K. I*«x-W s|ient the
Minnie iltkoll. W- 11. Kuirtr. W, II.
l^.v. Und. L ltoUr>. Mrw. V. M. West. *'i'vau* Th«SB?L and family left this
lluellmpnb l. Jos Shallln. V C.
lug for Ft*tw)ihc.
where he has kcr*idt*d a jwisllltm as
cm the N^irthera
ErUm. telegraphIt. t»j»eralor
R. TteFiwIll to- gixcatly
Max Stosol. IVler UnquUt l»«srd of l*4Minc
l^sc-d hy their many fiic-nUs hc-re.
i:duo.tltm. H. A. Drown. Riley IVlnd
a Venn* Ulty,
ka. Mi> r. J. yi»h. IV Whltkop. liouls
Miw. IV*h I lowed! aud sons are
l.iu.-ul. Mis. M^nokfll. A. Cold siM-ndlug the WAwk In town with reU
i1 Mra Howell «-xpc;rt
fail., lYank Pulrnsn. lUll Klsrk. Jell
•LartetAT .
.lat k>..m. Crand UspidH R Indliiiiu
ItsilHMd t'o.. and all idlur i»enmus
Hurltuit and wife^ay
Mr. llurlbul spent his
V<m SIX* lieK hy 001101x1 Ihst the roll
of upecUi asiMSMim^f herrUifare mad
rs Carl Garthc of Travguewta of^Mi. aud Mrs.
by the lH*rd of si^wlal sssessora fpr erae Oty'* a
1. tiarthe
Mr*i. ,Hurwx*od and son. who have
toVn the gmwln iH Mrs. A. H. Millh.xld totcral s^-sxu- I* locat«*d and ihw- ken. h-fl this morning for her lumce
Lcplds. •
l4:nuttd «H follows:' Dcglmilug at th«________Kehl and son Ixa ix tunied
liiiorarctlou of Front str«x.i aud Hall-luwt Thursday cm the- MIcohiuiI from
;»\x nm* and mnnlnK tlM-ruo vnsi Yaiikfort, whe re thi'y sjwiit a couple
on Fn*i.t Mic«*t , to Dai low hIixh*!
.dra. Arthur Dordc-aux nnd stotcr
Tlu ntx- MKifE^i'nr ltorU*w h!r*x l to thi
alU y lartamni lYonl sln*rt aud State t'hrollna Dewey .s|H-nl Mcmday lu
Mrccl. Ihttnci* cast un aaid alley
and Mra. Gcnv Helnforth of
lUmA> stiXM t. In Traverse City. Mich- llcdnforth’a rnwslng are guc-sis of
laan to now* on Hie lu my ufflese foi
«m -«r
puldlc Inspection.
gon. arrlvc-d Saturday ^or^a^^ ^-c-kK
Ktdloe la h<*reby given that
Slay with lh«-lr aunt. Mrs D h »coic.
council and board of asseasora of the
Mra. H. Ryan’and chlldten ami
Gladyw ikeme s|*-nt last wt*4*k lu
rity of Traverse aty will meet ■
council rooms In said city on the Mh
<lay of S*-pt4 mto-r. 11M»7. at 8 o’clock
p. m.. to review said ^assessmei
home in Maple City,
brother to
which time and platH* tqijiortunliy will
Most of
rami»meetlng rkmed today. M
g1v« n to all |M*rsomi Interested to
the Indians left cm Ui«; carfeny
U heard.
Oco. Magdon of Tnaerse City
-T. H. GlldJS. aty Clerk spent Sunday tbe gUesi of Oeo. Dam»and family.
Dated. Apg. 2$. 1907.
MtoH ihjrothy Power
aug 21. 22. 23. 24. 36. 27. 9$, 29. 80.
ns Hay this morning.
21. sent 2. 3. 4.
Aug 26.
(t 4 t altMl
Notice U Taxpayers.
The tax rolls for ^e oolleclion of
sohtHd and city taxea and special ass/>iiMn(Mits f<n the Ave wards of tbe
cHy Id TraveriK' aty. Mtrh., have been
placed In my tends for collection.
will U> In my ofllce for iho pun
* <.f rxdlecUng said taxes every
week day from now until Nov. I,l$e7,
from 8 odcKk' unUl 11:30 o’clock In
the forenesm and from 1 o’ch»ck until
4 o’clock In the' afu^nof each . day.
AU taxes paid befora Bept Ut will
to' recf-lved without
snd (m all taxes remaining unpaid on
Sept. 1st and antll Oct. 1st. a penalty
of one iierceBt for collection wUl be
harm'd. On all Uxra remaining uhlald on Oct. Ul and until Nov. 1st.
.-wnatiy of two percent for oollectlod
will to charged.
Offlee. n«m 2$2. State Bank Wdg.
U. 8. lUsllnga City
nattxl July 22. 1$07.
Tcmi Prav
to Trav.-iv;c'' 'aty Ic*
City to Iday
visited at K
Miss Eva Droonil
Fray’s last wee k
t-s Watson and family dm\«-
Hal 8t
pray, and
ty Sunday.
t to lak lv»pld^
Blk Raidds Suh
' drove to Trav
his wheel to EIL
Is visiting at James
Altort Dolsmlor has to-<-n horn- cn
“ R^b^a ITay vlsltod at Geo ITay
resort last wc-el.
Aug. 26.
The •Rev. C. Parmeter of Oswe-g.
l Y.. expc'cts to move bto family t
We r1$o )uve finer
ones in imitation Silk,
made 9! Heathcrbloom
Rod Da^odiU goodf.
On all these we give a
PER CEhT for next itrn
As usu; first buyers
haik’e hat
Cook With
lib ohiminq'. ol mtr
cooler iban wood,
you very little to uao it.
you have to pxy ft»r is
stove, on napy iiaYoaenta.
Uriotw $10 00 up. llcvt Platra
SI-J'iVi $1.00.
1K» it now.
Traversp City
Gas Co.
Petoskey «mi
Harbor Springs
SI.OO Round Trip
Leave Traverse City at 8 a
Returning, arrive at
Traverse City at 10 p. m.
Farmsjor Sals
1 have a number of good
farms, all she way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or If you
have any Rood property, I wHI
take it in exchanj^ and make
you easy (fcrms. 1 can sell you
a good (arm for less money
than you can buy it of any
body else. I have farms
which are located from four,
to 20 miles from Travene
1 will bay tW
Offioo 307 Htato Bank Building
Thiril Floor
S40 Wtehington
Q|t phoiiR774 .
ihelr iiarenU.
" Mra. Dr. Burke to home agaln^
A nmnto-r from here Sri* ca^iplng
n Oleu lake- for a short 1
very quiet wt^dli
jrdmy at about 1
If nay c«»aea of cruelty to cklldrea
te of Mr. aud Mrs. ]
or animals come under your ohi
oldest di
united in
Uon caU aty book etora. hoU pi
>meoa. T
AccxmnrGTA!’ R. NsUonal Bno
roent ^ Soratofcm Springs. New York.
have llcketT will be sold at low ratoa tor
round trip. TlckeU good going on
I and £lt
Beptember 6. 7. and 8. with raturn limIt October C. l$07. Ask agtnU for deUlto of poinu which inaar bp cov
on this trip ate coat oTUckeCs.
H. r. MocUer. 0. P.*A.
aog. 24 2940.
i era to pater
achools for the first time, ate 1
enurtog the ArM year high tchael
Health la the.Canal Iona.
The high wages paid make
mighty umputlon to our young arUaans to Join tbe force of aktlled workipeo Rteded to ooitotruct tte Pa
canaL Many are raatralMd h<r
by tte toar of fevers ate malai
to tte knowing oosa—tboaa who have
used Etoctric BItUra-who go ttera
Bftboot U4s fear. wMl knowing they
c k
ara safe tram malaiioas tot
tlod^fo dtoaaaaa af akUdien. Room with bactrte BIttora cp bate. Oaras dent Tburteay. Frttey or
40$ BUU Bank k|da Rntb Pbonea. blood pMMm. UP. blMimapaai.
afiartefi at Central telMMR
ixae aad all atomacb. Rver ate kid
FINCM^::tbrBontb Bide pau
ney trooblM. OnarantMid by Bugtee
nan. Btorclea to
Drag Co.. Itaaaab Drag Store.
41$ ft. Unton a
Jely 3Mm. Frank li. ktcpRi. draggtoCk $$c.
PleaM ootk^ our Bbck
Mercerized Petiicoatsin
oor wt window at ^
*••2 30
Ooaa Pv**rSi!
Roen MnniciKn Co.. St LonK Ma
5. 1905.
Bar Sirs Jr-ll M a source of ptoMure lor mo to permit you to nm my ptetnre
and alter cured by "ZEMO." aad to tell »hat "ZEMO ’ did for me. 1
»d this case of (Acee) pimples lor sU years and spent •everal
1 laod. the
and tpecialuta The mpre afUveaj^ cr
M my face k
bottlea entirely c
d-me. and 1 honestly
he world lor any
very truly.
ooa. Mvreblo. Md
lator aad Wtoola
at Mi:
. H. M;bt;.;ii.*co;i;:;::v
Mnrchle that toe tecommMdattoa of
toe Board of Public Works be nooept.. .113.000.00 ed aad adopted.
Yeas:-Alderman Abboj^ l^le.
2.500.00 Moon. Mnrchlc. Palmer, ^uter and
878 92
Morod by Rlckrrd aad aapportod
bbott toot too roport of too coi
bo acoopted aad
—AJIdoraion Abb
173 21
836 34
877 84
48 75
150 88
1 00
MliaM? ot^MoM ttshUr eloMd
City OouncU:
«■ UM MMt kOOMt 4V1. IkMbr Ultd—0«BUciDeo:->We
dlM to oor iBoooTaitMoc
818 80
M dMpIto aU this too dun and too on streoto and volko reopo^lly
that we rfranmood that toe
of tho propooed Barlow Farm AdooaaoO to ottbor dofray too oai
twHre foot alleyo bo mado twenty Seaton'e Pay Roll,
l5a. $22.20;
feet wide;
117.50; care* of lota.
Roopoctfully oubmittod.
^ of dower b«U. |2.00.:8
Malcolm Wlnalo.
Mk ton koMraM* ha«r to kirt •
%ni to «o tk* wock tor me
Ood W. Lardla
W. K. Moon.
A. W. Rickerd,
by Abbott and oupportod by
toaUoa aad hoptog to Imot troai you Rfckerd that the report of toe com
Mored by Abbott and aoppprted by
tomtoy to too aoar toiare. 1 bog to mlUeo bo aojjepted and adopted.
Sbuter that the report of toe com
Abbott, lordle.
be accepted and adopted and
McCormick. Rlckerd,
city clerk be inatnicted to draw
Shutor and Wlaale.
•ra in faror of the several parties
as iwunmended by the city clerk.
■r i. T.
a»d that toe mayor and clerk be In-
to tb« in—m.« oa van kX tooue
by toe city treaaurer to the
aereral parUea named la toe city
Travorto Oty. Hlcb^ Aug If.-ltOT.
report tboa to clerk's report as boldlpc orders on toe
To too HoMwabto Mayor aad OoaaoU to^
of Trawoo City:
S9M—1 boreby kindly a»k year
boaofmblo body to bavo laspoctod too
ooi-boooo boloogUig to ObM, 81ad^
D. Paige ttlw:. Co. rent of'
«C Third otroot 8ano U localod SO
t 00
The report of the apeclal asaeasors
tiowdblo for at to atay la aald
relatlre to the aMemroent of lateral
I baoo aokod Mr. toadtoar klaoiy lo
aewer Na 2. district Na 8. was prebaro aaiBO Morod a lltUo tuitorr from
sentwl tngelbfr with the aaseesmenl
mr boooa. wbka ho hai poaltlroly
lafaadA to da I bolloro ft to agalaot
too bfoHh Uan to baro aa oot boooo
8 00
ao aoar the Itvlag lootao. and as 1
city Bo^ mw
Abbott. Lardle.
Moon. Murohle. McCormick. Rickerd,
Shuler and Winnie.
‘ 1 W
Paj' Roll, nrat Ward.
Pay Roll. Booond W.
Pay Roll, Third W’ard, elee-
22 00
24 00
Pay RoilVi^mi Wi^* eii;
24 00
Pay”*Roll nah Ward. ol«h
24 00
od aad took aart to too proooadtogs.
Trmoofoo Ato. Mlto.
hu7 .V.V.V.Vi.V.V.’.'.V.V.V. 488jS
15 4t
2 80
f M
Ka m «. Flrdat otroot Tfaoaiao aty.
Mtoblgaa, la bo aaod for an offtoa tor
toHSto; d^fttocat of yoar dcy. tor Walter C Beoloo. Utott, oIoo>
too a« of aoToa doltoia (IT-W) per
4 00
of Paralysis
J^JL Mnmiis Aiasaaaa are alow lx
221 U
Ooa K- Wtoato.
W l^ardle aad anyoocM by
lat too oomaaleatloa bo ro
AbboU toot
toe snetim eften dees not reallae his
deager until neefta
4H a
Timverse CH>. Michigan on
. Augual 13. A. D. 1807. for the
of voting for the nomlnnUoo
of candidates for three delegatee to
meet In convention for the purpose of
making a general rerlalon of toe Cooa|tuilon of the sUte of Michigan In aocJwdance with act number 272 Public
2883—71^1^^1?* toTipeclal assess-j AcU~of 18077h^'d at" the several vot-^
meat made and prepared by the board} tng places In aald city aa jhown by the
of aaaeaaom of said city, under the cerllflcalea of election of each of the
direction of the oodnclE for defraying j aeveral wards of tho city, the followtDg]
the eapense of oonslrncting a lateral, determination was presented and passa follows. Tlx:
Ud. -u i, hereby declared and delerm^ ined by the city council of Traverse
^d i city. Mlchlgan..^toal at the primary
election held In aald city on«Uie 13th
to Barlow atreeE thence south on. day of August. X. D. 1807. the followBarlow street to the alley between} ing named persons received the num
Front and State atreeU, thence eMt. her of vi>tea set opiKjaUo their nainea
aald alley to Rose street. In Trav-j (;<^rge K. Cross. 541; Clinton L. Day
e City. Michigan, has been reported; ton. 375; I^eonard F. Knowles. 498;
lo and la now.before this ^ooclb ^
k. LouUell. 278; Eugone F.
THERKPORB BE IT RESOLVED, gawyer. 216; CIa>ton U Bailey. 186.”
That the same be fHed in toe oit^
j,,’,.ed by Shuter and supported by
of the city clerk and that the cl y
that this declaration and de^
Traverse City. Mich . Aug
council loom on the 5th day of 8ep- To the Honorable, the Majw
teiiber. 1807. at 8 ©clock p. m, to
mon Council of the City
review aald aaaeaaaienL
erse aty:
Moved by Mnrchlc and supported ^ 2886—Gentlemen;—Having
Rlckc^ that the
>?^by Palmer and supported by
Rckerd that oouncU adJo«ni.
aty Clerk.
Of the City Council o: the City of
T,.;.,.. City. Mlchlaeru
Recall nie^uns of the dty cotmell
held in toe coundl room* August 20,
Tnfmt Itoj Trtmspdrt’B Co.
CHAS. A. WEU. Hrr.
1 A I C. wr
>r tho c
Q twit* court foj
Tisverae. in the matter
uf Hilda J. Palme
that ft*or
NUlce ils benuliy
he first day of August
ths from the
been allowed for cred
A D 1907. ha
iKim lo pnwenl th«4r claims against
said court for examl
mvnt. and it
that all
uatUm and adJuMmvnt.
cr«Hlltor« of said dece«uiod are
ed lo pre»M*nl their claims to said
cdMirt. at the prchlw
prchlwte office, lu Umcity of Traverse City. In
ou or ta'fore the second day <
1st. a. D. UM»7. an«l that said cla
wlM l»e dnwrd bv said «»urt on M<m
day. the 2nd day of l»eri*ml>er. A. I>
1Jm»7. at ten ocl«»ck In the fc»remK.n.
Dated August 1st. A. I». 1807.
Judge of ProlMle
aug 2 9 16 23 .-Ul.
I 4M 88
Dr. A. W. Cbaeeh Nerre FOte eto]
aty. MldL, Aug. 28. 1807.
aatoig prooMi by which toe iimwe To the Homwuble. toe Mayor uud Com
eeUs nrs being deetreyed. and by 1
tng new. rich ble^ hnd ersnttag new
4 IS
By T. H. Quito.
Moved by Mopn and
T/re Jttsuranct
lohn R. Santo
General Insorance
2W.210 State Saak SaMiar:
TraTcrae Otr, Mlchyaa
IIS Park Street
T. H. cmis. aty aerk.
md supported by **^8eSloo
*°**”*' . .___
report of toe commlt- oSeeoft
5 of the toed owner or opcmlw of
adopted and le- __
railway shall be In Tmverao aty.
aad the aald toeii ownor or
operator than designato .
resident of Traverse Oty. ns ngsnt,
upon whom proenss of court and no
tice under this ordlaanoe may bo
ored br Fhuter und unpported by
mer that the loan to hereby
, leST^e.
uter and
mended by tho city clerk, and that the Wlnnla
mayor and clerk be Instructed to draw
an order ou the city depository for Carried.
11.035.78 to be disbursed by the dty
treasurer to the several parties named Be It 0,rdalned by the CouncH of Trav
erse aty:
jftdh—That section 30 of an
granUng permission und nt
John B. Carter and Charles A- Denneen, of Indlanapolto. Indiana, and
their nasoclates. nneoeasors and n»elgna. as tndlrldnals or aa a body oorporate^r lU sooeeaaors and nssigna to
.be organlxed under the towi o^e
State of Michigan, under the provis
ion of Act 35 of the Public Acts. Ses
,o»r o—alt- sion Uws of 1867. nnd the several acts
! OD Uceotes. retpectfully reopm- amendstory thereof nnd wpplemetary
nd that DO ortlDDDC* be drafted »• thereto: to contrnot. own. hold, malnthtod^l
Uln nnd opemte n tingle truck street
ranway system la Tmverne Oty.
Michigan, and deflnlng their rights du\nc PALMKR. ’
tim and privileges, passed August 18.
1907. be and the same to hereby nmen-
J laptcgfliny
~ lllbtlng. iusptmttony
toJ^eifS idSuSii^
To^L^ lfr>n»*rablc. fhe Mayor and dir
X^jiS-Cenllcmen —It wffl be ue^
aary at this meeting to make atomJoSry loan amounllng to 81.188, to be
placed to the credit of the ooutlngenl
fund- *
Yours respectfully.
^• fSTSsla. preMd.stP~t-.ta th.L,j5^
—dL Aldermea Abboa Lar*«.
». Munhie. Patoer. SbaM aad
Absent. Mayor PHerdrkh tm
M Estiti
supported by
ibhott and suppot
d by Abbott
Palmer that the report of the i
20. 1807. lee be accepted and adopted.
and Com
of Trav\nnnle.
. Yeaa7Aldermen
Abbott I-ardle. be allowed out of the several funds us
Moon. Murchle, McCormick, palmer. here stated.
Rickerd. Shutcr and Winnie.
John Monroe, addliional pll:.
F. W. Canrlrr. supenrlsor of the Plrat
ward, appeared in behalf of C. M.
agalxmt whom theye was ao
^ Committee.
erroneous 4»rtsonal
Moved by Murchle and supported by
It Tss rec<
Palmer that the reiK,rt of the oomltlee
.JoT«>d by i___________
Palmer ihat^tbe council and city
dais as far aa posalble. attend the
funeral of the late C. E. Murray to
be held Tuesday afternoon at two
Special ExcarslOMte
IterloelsIaBd ResoH
FMe. Ouly Me
Moved by Moon and
McC4.rralck that
loans be made.
uon. ]
aimer now appeared
the piw-cdiiigs.
hereby U Inrtructed to procure and
send some flowers to tho family of
the hitu C. E. Murray.’
1 80
aty. Mlob. Aug. It. im.
To too Hoaorabla too Mayor aad
'toot too
tnOa^aa aaibit to do Ut atcwtoiy
Dally Excursions
UnlM aad BUdhto torooU bo ac
eoptod. la lalatkm to too portag of
u> agr rttia—ot.
Morml by Lardlo aad oopporlod by
Rirkord toot too roport of too oam<
Lfnve liAKlSTGB ralU at 5 and 7
m.; Sunday. 7 p: m. oofcii,;
Leave LVDINOTON dally at 10 fklo.
Arlve Milwaukee 6 a. m. dally.
Lmve Milwaukee dally t p. m.
The line which asaurea you Three
thingn—Oatity. Comfoit and DlepaU*».
Ifwndil* Pi
T. B. oniia atr o-t.
If jem wnnt besl
ioeandbeit ter.
James C. Hookins
Tttoober-«af a ton of Iob noate
$SS0. what doflg a ton 4)1 Goal
come tor
Bot did it eewr occur to woo
th^ a tco of ^ ia^Mlgad h/£
aahea, fathaaSMo tlia vmiaa it
Mmh mM TM
MIM M tM #««MWr ^ IMikMWI..
Vf M NA MHy NMir
la^ ^MUy »MIm M Imm rm
•4. ▼!•• iMHfIt 4m^ «l tiM <
TitffilAi OvI 110 OMon Uoeko Wooicly VoMiiciM In Toocliln® AUlf Fillod.
1»tMl i4«Mtll0
Toni »ooko DittHkiAotf and tho
iul WU( OMN ^ Owl 400 OofOA
%mUm tniM fiMf •mfii#4 tN# N
VorMM •uildln9o Fmlionod.
—FONMry WiU Follow Utor.
IM «r MMy ff M
M»M. •M rt »•
lilM m tnVMlIfMillf l»M MUM M ftx otock Iran ItIjOOO to PO^ for Uw
- raoB ttMiifMtiAUc com
tN« ftipMil^my.
imiy hM bom OMooooful. Loool ImU
A iHMMilvt «M MMfAl
Mvo booo Mxloot to fot
MTi iM#N W>tN MM<
Iho tuck aod Iko orurk wtll H. •»
UtnpU from oo» tm uoUl Um» co|Mu;Uy
IM Mtli#M. tnftNMr
ol^t lrti»lod
0MIMIIM fMAl *• U mo
At iirroonl. IM pUnl to lurnJn« out
MlilM. m4 mm
Ufi *00 fool WIfw tlio M«|l|0. ivl Nit flfomon. Do oUmt 150 dm«i lock* wcwkly but U
Mpnct*^ Ihol with Ibo locrraoi
Who hum tha armreia.
piMW dfUr k hMly M» mi nation loot moot 400 dujLon on the market
IhMn 4n food Mndl- which will help U» anin'ly the Urge de^
II. A foundry will Mlow later but
tmn. Tho OMOI fMMrairMlura i* mi#
at proamt ibore U loH enough work l<»
Brorylklof U now in rMdlncoo for
lo ourt of onoiher school yonr Tuew
day. oYea to iho imxi booM whtch
ora dUlrthutod yoolordoy.
Tbo pootitont In tko oUff of noMh
ora loft YOOMt hy Into roidsnnUons
I 401 hoM flUod by cnooblo peo^
plo. Tho Oonlral ochool bulldlni hm«
i onHcirfUnod Ihroughout and the
dookk U Iho Hl|h ochiKa rclIuCtbi-d
Tho Bonrdinan ovtuuc buildluK hn«
hoM brightoniHl ui» with n new
Whnt mlihi hOYo raoultcd In o oo^
rlouo rtoi and raofh handMoc for Jo
aoph Onlth of orawa oraa avntod hy
Bhorlff Johaaoa brtaitM iho nan to
this dty and pUctns him U |all Uai
oYoolag. Tho maa Jt U said, had mixiraatad a daushtor of William Riley
by |wU|as hor bodily rrom
fraat of brr homo and othorwiao
Tooahly JortiUii her about. Tho thoiUf
had no paponi for Smith but whoa bo
aaw what aa aaocnuit of fooltas tho af
fair hai oUnod up. ho look Smith at
a iirocauliouary BMMurr. Whoa drtt
Ini away. >o waa aanurod that If ho
had loft tho man. Orawa
would havo bramhl lilm la.
Rlloy. It U aaid. raou a houao from
Smlth’a dlvorood wife, which haa
rauood many oompUcatluua and much
Tho Rllo) ohildraa wore play
ina In front of the pro|icny and had
aand on tho walk Smith U
alloici’d^ havo aUrtod to chaaUac
Id wan tc4d U* atop by tho
roman who waa titling on ibo
l««Th. Ho turuod on bor. »o1i«y1 hor
rm attd iorkod hor to tho around,
boro aho fell on hor aldo. Ho thon
iorkod hor to hor f«l and uUu rw
thook hor up. Tho woman 4a nt< wolf
her body fCalnly
donee of the man a actloiu
Nockcr. a tinmt tuwnablp Ikv
> la In a unglo of irouUo. all
4iooauao ho haa a bad temper and Mra
ThoRMuT Bgaa^t chicken, ran In hu:
Noekor ahwt adtoo of the chick 1
I In tho no<'k. kllUni; them, and
n lh<»ughl Uial Iholr owner ahowtHl
» mm h no< k a hen aho warned him
atop. Ho pointed tho
U ttUoavd. and mwhIU irtal In >U
for It
Oaorga S. l4cCl#llan, at Dt
wire AM© ©ROTMCN Fiox wtne
AT Hie Moeioc.
By Wlra to the Droning Rocord
* Nww LMidon. (Vmn . Aug M—Rich
ar« llaaaiold. actor, died unlay at hU
i|um»or homo n«ar here
hMlth fur many
hoc ea
Q-h.: WMUI4. th^Mthtal
ri-Y. ^ IMTIWI u Iw,k*4 a|i»Mr<
I > iho iaat few dank hut laal night bw
} ]• ' ffxB %0 ctnk and i
1 r
away vlthKhla wifa had braihor FalU
I 'l
al hi# bodakle
^ j
tho osd waa peoooittl. ho being ooa
aejotia of hU aarniundHi
few ohaarfni vofda lha
liarh oa hB had trom a rociiatag pow
' : .
t ut a aad%aapod hla iaat
n 'j
wMltnowB to hu”#ocialM, Ha had
liitefTy hMhoa down aador Uo atraia
pf hU taWOM iopFHo>w» and at UmM
ana aaahAo^to go oa aiUi hia porta.
Bovotmi amolAm a«a ho waa tool to
Baglaad tor a MHpAoIr rant hat rw
fooad t# romola away fram AiMfks
and rataraad aovoral waoka ago gad
iFoa takaa in ih# Adiraadaoka whara
By Wire to Ihr i^tag fUoord. aachai. Aug *6--Ah npMtMic «f
Yoag Tao U apreadlug Ahooi
hundiwd death, wpr dally ia
prorincaa of Ngau Haol and Klang
lefMod to
OaU S#>
for# t#Ml<n9
New York. Aug lb-Five
of # commlaaloo appolBted by Oov.
Hanley of Indiana to tnapoct inbeieu
tewia hoapltala throughout tho country
and to ooloct a alte of tve
acroa and aup^atehd the on
bulidlaga la that auto tor
have arrtYod boro from Saramc They
rtaltod Iho ouia and pdtrete InaUl
ikwi# at ^araaa#. nUu hae #t RuUaad.
The mombeni of tha oommlulun
ara Dr Hoary Moora. praaMoni : J N.
Babooek. tranaurar; 1 R. StmuM. atO'
raun. Md Judgoa W. s. Holmaa and
B r. Boaaott Th«y will go to Phi
dolphU and thoaca to-AuevlUa, il. C.
h« coatiatmd to ImproY# until h# wa*
ahi# to po to hta aammar hoara hero.
The dMUof MMgrd M#aai#id
dMortoa'# hMt kaotra aotor waa di Rdanday. SopL t Lahar Ogy Maalag.
tMtiy 4m to a dtamiM of th# Uv#r,
Mprivatod by oompUMtUma. Hr
liSHS a «14p« aad # aoa acad $• Thi
IVMfhl vttl hr fASh Uw Mfv Yark m TNB WBW BROWN ohaMa I
wiHtiid at BidMtX W CMk iRML
Franch Schoenar gunk In tKa English
Channel and Nobody Waa gavad
—No OeUlla.'
By Wliv‘ to the B^eiilng Record
Grevelinea. FTanbe. Aug. .10—The
Frenrii achiHUirr VIcilettu aunk in the
Biigllah rhanml with eighteen men
©ken> aavtxl IKMalla lire not yK
Thill <MaiwS#M Waa
Dooinod #a Hi HiMf Srolion Down
0Mipl#|#ly yn#or Ilia Strain
•f Hi# Stportolei.
Mud# Rich and Thailw
Committao Wdl Inapoot Hooft of All hare roradved a n tier fr^.m
McClAlUn. Ck»uvcrikeur. N Y.. where
Animato in Woraaolar Labor '
Mr. MoOlcAUn haa brvni In the hoapllal
Day Farad#.
{ time. He haa Uh;u very near
Wurceater, UxmTlkug, *<V-To mik* tlM« ladnt of tt^lh. but by (xmaUnt
aure that no borao In Ibo Labor day nurwlng baa ao far rocmorwl aa to
patwdo here ahall woar nhorn not cetee tho promlat* that he will be «
nailed on by unkw Journeymen, a com to be on hU feet In a abort Uuie. Mr
mlttee of Jl«e from ibo boruoahtau a airlTellan haa a gnwt many friend.
union, will make an exafolnatloo of In Travi»rao CUy who will be glad to
almaW the morning of Iho parad.* now that be te Improving. In the
and any'hot haUng the labol on nta ter ho mcoliuiu acTeral of hla frienda
lh.» uoo of hla farm
ahooo will W aoni bock to tho oUble whom ho
henmo In tho country for their
fort ahd convenlerue during tho hunt
ihKMi. Mr MK'lHIan will n
Ahoart too DmIM Ooour Dgily AiwMe la llottvemeur fur apuie wrvka but
I afior a while to bo able to «
III# CKIn#a# in th# U»w#r Yang'
Too Vall#y.
hla frioiMla In TraYorao aiy asaln
Coapl. Who
to Anowar Qu#atM
Worroater, Maa» . Aug 30 -Hecauar*
George C Rice, a wealthy reilrci
that bla wealth ponaltted him to ban
dy words with the |.anK»n whom be
aocarod.to marrr him to hli h*
ir/ Miaa Clara VuMe Woml bo
«i,of tb^
waa #howa out of ho
Rev. Dr. O, W. Hulchliu
Dvorylhlng want along amooihly un
•Ih) you uko ihH woman to be your
Uwful wedded wife?- and Rioo aaid
• Til take a chance.”
That <sdod It The mlnlator abowod
od the coaplo to tho door. They are
atm uamaiTtod
wlU Srie ©«• leMou. Is i«Uidl« U
Ultweut kisd* el SMtrH. mt tSe Hu
sak a Uur M««UBtUe. Co.'* rcM room.
T*k«-s4«uuse « IWI S«»t Ofportuoitr.
Sooion FollM With^gearch ,;M/arrai«t
Unaarth'ad YdJMow Hoard. Cla.r
by the Chlafa W.fe.
Boston. S\a/., Aug *b-nfly tho jy
uj dolfaiw III goTd wna found by Ihe
Dedhain iKdlce.y^w hen. arTntxJ with
aearrh warrant/ they deaornded u|<m
gyiaiy ramp In the wca>ds between
Dedham and Wei.t Roxbury
Th. .
placed the rhlef of the tribe. I
da. under dejentlon untU he bed
turned over to hU wife. LUa. the
bulging iw of gold, which she
cd aa her properly.
gcWalo Obaliak Wi'l Ba Drlicnted on
^luEalo. Aug 1b-E H Uuili r. chair
m.M) >»f the McKlulc/ lu
r..taalon. has anoounrcvi ih»* p.cgraai
tn Niagara square. 8-pt
Oov Hughes will lie the corauu of
Ih. day. Civil. mlllUT.. poiStlral nr d
Jiit^icIrU Btinora will b- y. li to the
mu»irrad pixaldent aui nn Inl^roatlnn
il cl.:*^c!er win lK‘ xlv^n
cukloa by the presence *'f
Cai .xdimn lro|«.
rnmtif, LAkw o*r.
IM 0«* eWMC
M» 1S«.
can show you some- of the best
propositions in City property that
there is on the market—propositions
that will interest you as an invest*
meni or as a home of your own.
you are looking for a home and can
only make a small payment down,
wp are certainly the people for you
to see.
We have not fil«l with the
8ecn*taiy of AKricullurt' a
guaranttv,jMCwejMe not doim* an iutenUte ImtineM,
Smith Realty Co.
0«.M) Oor Lake Ave. and 10th
AlwayS ready to show you
but we
that our goorl# conform to tho
lc;;al atandarda and that our
prtwcripiiont are ditpeoiod
liy oompotent Ki^'iBtored
Drug Store
Officr Stationery
You may want Mmetliim; in a hurry, rMbsps you may want
something new in printed fonus.
For flood Prinllna Quick
NerakI $ Record Co.
We arc now located in oor
;^cw Store
To male it isr you to mtke ns a csU. for thirty days.' we i
going to H-U five electric lamps or eight gM msutlM for
New Fall
See our
rnreoMOy M ecalB
gITHER one of these ^mlemen
& Hunter
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
126 Cass St.
Phone 502-2
Through an error In our advertisement
of yesterday’s Issue, customers were
asked to bring In tickets Saturday and
Monday, but It should have read SAT
Monday being Labor Day,
store will be closed all day.
Steinberg Br^s.
dt^arOotogpar Ooof^a W.
iapi» photohM CM mU hi.
Hw MO UMa. 9i4 apioyo hia hia^
and ooi
to admit uf thr ofltinivo taoi^
r addllfcouU nanh and ddaohlof ood
pomhrr of aw« ■portaltiaa. U |a h*f^
Pneoa. tt. U and U <od|a. lloal aalo
Thor* la an noch rwaJ aorrow te
rrliudf^ da.iy lUi tM m *ny rtfona
to ottond ^ diMullr
mo miw taanl tlMdora nnd arlthaoa
ftoa iplMlo pvtef and ottdoi^ and
it In a iraml maaaiMw oMUda fo tW
opulnHtf «.l tha Ug v,.p ooin of pU
h«wo fW pprpono
N4h Mdhor and
aoM U mo^Mdy ac moih oaoua
liar aa pooaiMo. *itta ta Kiv
York- U annoonood for Thur^
dopt t and U la uul wnrU .whlh*
luff lato dolall
ia Uo aaao
pdly piaiath4 'dla" and oho h
nvHfm |4wi. hot any of h«r Indiana foamiakt ra uu
WiO i
tvr tlifi prinks of allow Iho trip to llK^ inolroiolhi Prtotw it*.
th c #^iU
img-mm to nitti tiM» Hw«» of otluw
Mooto <V^ U lUo UttUiolV9H4
^ voAlUi apd faaklpa
gillM'f Um fr Md^Upro pro fow of U»c
hjr. kol mor
Mgk wiBwtIiiiHa 4^.twottt|r a 4a)r. yrt
tlM> Ugliu glltlrr «nor>
au4 rv«*u
ktr 4a> tlM» cn«t raalnu fo cruwdod
Mtarla fWk* roqulivo « piirato mnoM*it Io raro for ttir- doad wbp turnBO fiiooda to tlairo thorn Man) a luau
haa ataM hU W d<dUr. hnu mn u tl
awi^m lulo tUo volTi'iw irf tho iaoprlo
lora. and I to a n»»« Uy oivpj*^<r tail
Irtdo ai.4 dro,!
bulh i |mo hU Uialii.
tliaildo Iho itnuido of rlunM^o. lUv abol
paa fOaUiUr b<«rd aoii-lU tuiaulus
driu im4 mUUiaa. hut Uuiao at tbf
juhlok w phtiHa
tt U(A.
' Ifuoir <?ark» ha* oiauy murdom ju
I ho heal of play hut tho ttmrUorAr U
plri*a rrrty «HX>itui4ity 4o Cwca|a».
and tho affair la kapt aa.«p|rt &a poaafhio horaiiao It hum hualiM>aa Thw
«Wpao la dIapMod of awlfUy I.) ihu
•ttoodanla and m-w pUyvtm Hplaro
thoM who havo vaoaUMi lh< h ao^ta.
And all IhU foi a paltry IhUMaHi <
rmr! OainUUiMt at lionto t%rlo la a*
iHid M lamUHait in any oUn^r |4ar»;
Md Unmld ho givco huu-aa um
•omt i» te.it ,b,
41V tel rt. wf-i. tat Ik*
tac 4.,
^ ,„fc .i, M,•tatecTAta* BH« »wkj |4»t«ta.*a|crow« H vw ttanckt tet to Un
>«i>*ila*. tta am *4Ute tatrlx taw' tek.
Utaiwta *ta*« w M*. M H Mil te
Htaate teivta tar*
Ita wnv A*«»^**tteta*tae.,|iul
*ta ItaM pout*..'*ta
*ta*n4 -Tta tateu *i« ■*t*.|ta« mvta lor Iki*. tau*.
Ita ruter*. ul*. tar, Tta Vak. Mte*l *( lU. pUc* I.
IM taw Bta. Uk* ud Ital teUv .ten
mod It ta ,mt,
Ita atac ta brUd MX Ifte tta At achuol will I
ki*(fe u tta rtaUe *«d copta'luvr The Hex.
tar. tax xM lor turn tb; giwt pastor of at
thmklog It
put tha atory of. a
Into vrma. hUle
pruvo au lalwrtat
, a grtwt kwer of
mr and tnr rtwnll has been tuld.
ih* many bare wahUHl to knemr monr
of the dmalts m the «.tun that Mr
Wooiward »ay* In n-tUy to cheag:
**Joha Waterman, euglnaer of Old
lifty NInr. gave hla life fur idheia
hut ha la am tha only man who Upm
dona oneh a iMag aa to jday a pr t
uf a haoD on the iiua home^ With the
luva of homa on one aide and tho oaM
to duly ua tha other, he rcMOd only
leapcind to duty Fc*r Ihtrty-aU hennw
he had atmid hy hk engloa In <«e of
the hrorat alorm* of tha aeaaou and
then to turn around and maka tht; run
of l&a Biikw. wa* inon* than hutuau
euduiauc e 4<ould utaud ’
Roller Corpt Will Sc Well Ropmoank
l—Eacort of Twenty Mounte
Men .n Parade.
AIJ the C4*mmlUe*w Uait
rii4iae of |Im< iP iaii* Im the Holdier*
I ditnur» r« union am woiking hard
pie^nt |K.it,MTtluj; the pUn*
the IdK vviiit pronihu* to|he
‘*»ful ever In id ,-fu NoniK^rn
It I* liu.iigUt that there will U- at
lf.a»t I.IHHI old fciddii li. in eaiup lien*
It i* l.ii.hahlt ilmi the relk'f
eolV* alU 1^ hetur u picwrnled than
ha* in aeteral year*. All the yioau
uc» nut r»»»iiouU hy Mler although
*onie haVe done *o already. Ba*t Jor*
dan wrltiuH that they acuild have
Uilit> tfvf In thcir iKMly
The iHvgram will he eonipleled
within tha next few daya. X)^e feat lire
ol the hig parade will bo'an tUHcrt of
twenty luountid men
Families Can gocum Dinner on
Qrounds—Llboral Prixsa for tl
Various Contest*.
^Ula*ral |Hi*r* will tie ciffcred at*the
l^^k* charity picnic on Labor Ikty in
***** r*rcw and vstious contuata. ^be
lopa that are gohiR on. pixuu
«if hi* anesi putyliKH' fraternal
evmts that Trp\er*o City
s« n While It U a iMsket picnic fam
tiles who da not c.4re lo^ take the
tionble of putUng up a ImicluHai. will
not go hungry on the groumlM Theie
will be UMiths for
mewts. incluiilug I
ages and wuiidwichtw of various kinds
hX< ry laviuratUm Is Ulng made to
make It pleasant.for ail -of Ike visit
or* on the grounds, and the LIk* them
wives, will each of them, exert every
effort to make the day one of pKui
uiv fur their friend* No pains will I
sji.ir.Hl to make It pleatasut
tl.e little roll*, who im maU, prep
ai.itious tor the blggMwt line A lh* lr
lives Alkof the chlUtu wu/lH- giv
tn livv* tickets for ctmfecikms. pop
ci»rn. peanuts, pop. etc,, and
will he eveuu which will be ospecially
tnteiestiug to the chlldron,
spi'cikl features will i*e extremely enunaiuln'g.
The folkrwinii Is the
I. B. Gilbert, Su^.
l5eR wocto nd Mk fhney prioen
bot noU thU gifido of Koodnnt thagnmeper-
OW Post Ottice BuiWiog
Delicious REX
KTorybcaly who huya RKX
ChocohtUw pionoiinocw them
pt»rfiH*i. They nro the chocx>Uten willt tho tnate. Whon
you hay caticfy tell the nm&
you wnuL that uuuh hy
Monday, Sept. 2
For 21 Yoara Crowdod Housoa
Evorywhtrw bavo Pronoonood
HlMclal tu the Kvenlug IIikSoixI.
* buy Aiut'ripan k^«uI»
tkduM. Mh'h-. .\ug :b*—Ulacklienbw
'Ka%# a wupplalni Tiny aay that iba
atv iikuitlful In this vicinity
doaiara of tho l’ull«<d duto. iut<
William Good. *r . has Just return
Ihtdr ptOdiicU i^trhoaly. rvaultli.K
Reported that Game Lawt am Reing
I (|xim a trip to WtscHMistn to vUlt
dainago and dtlay
I'lU* \n aurh
Violalad Tvery Night in the Vicinhi* grafm son l-'i*k llanua^e-d, who U
. alinph* thiug to ovrmmu. that It U
Ity of Keyotone.
with rheumatUm.
Wftndrr thi> Annrtcar.* haw tail l**'<
Miw. Y. W. Harrington and ilangln'er
Lajoal »|H»rt*me-u am aroom d oi-wr
atd^ |o
thta for tl.< tuM lvtw ln.t.<^
ibe Morlcw cHuiilug liuni the \lc4nlty Rachel, left IhU nufrning for IVtroil.
o(^attltlu« lur uilura to ix.lut ti u
vLit fib lid* and the state fair.
i.r Keyatone regardittK »hi dynamiting
‘ to thi iu
Tile Rei A. A. AlUngton of Ttav
Id U*h: It I* *aid that the work foe*
C D 4mhatuiu H«d evei r ew niug at the else toty valkHl ou hU sister.'Mrs
W. GiHid. uu his way htune from
hor^f *hcM‘ tend, whtcv many Mg.
I'd K40IU* Ilf Ir
tUMit lie Tbe*h.H k kill* the >ui^| Mai.k* rHy. wh4iu he was called to
' K « ma<'h(i>f that would make
perfonu a marriugt' cw'iviiHmy. Th«
fl*h and *!hii».
the cilder
i ha lftr Ua U r mo luiokwaid and U The an, U puMbhalde Uy |i
(uirties wm Mis* Uittie FYsher-and
liall game Ik-Iwimmi
non in iail lUd ho iuvioiU-d an
Mr. Umv p( Ouieiia
idlancd to tuukf U run larwuid laKtir.
Hiw MU tbwHl and little daughtei
___ ,
hr mtfilu Uavn had hto Iritalutu and
F>thet are now living at t^eir hous<>.
IS; s4Voud |»rize,
The rural tele,4ione which was pul glps*
in by the liell ioni|.ai» tUk spring
Marr/isl ladUw* iwc<‘ lirsJ prite,
On# W.ll •« Meld""tn Grand Rapid I* much V»Jo>'d. iK.th ior pleasure
sewhrg ribcker: sets*nd pi*-. five
Tit# Ann Aihor lamltadUw havr ad
for the Championship of Wostem
and prott.
vanud Uu luivt ot l«ard So c^uu*. »
IMmmU ibf coffw.
Mich.gan-h.lver <lup.
Alter the reslgnaltou and acc«i»l
Horae rsmt-Theie will bo two of
wwk. Thu iniMako waa mado. tu do
auiv of the 8uJuu piwl masbv. the
lug th|a ncloro tho atudi'uU artlr.Hl
AUbut the middle uf tbptei
way kmk* clear for a fm* delivery, The foliowini; prite* will
Ihoy ahnuld havf waitinl iiutU thty gut
llwtv will be held in Urand Hapldi..
tIuTo and then iofurnuMl ihixm «if the
One years’ suhscriplloo for the Uell
under the aS*plcr s of tii« physical iK'
Metis are befog taken for the rmile.
tele|diomv lox of clgar*. scd. i»f new
chance and In that in an net Ut»i tionv
fiatltueut of the Young Menu Chtl*
G. W White and wife of Ik tn.lt hlus H. lH»x of cigar*, bag of oat*,
of thC'ih
tian aumvlaiioii a \Vetalr*rn MUhigiu
and Mr*. MclXiwell of Peloskey urvGirls’ nice, for Ihone under IG—first
tennU lournaiui nl for the tllb*«
lit^itlhg relatives of the former. '
p.itv. box of candy; erromi prl/.c, boiWomen are uaiekir loaniliiR
Il.iop of Wr.vMi Mtrhiyan. In both
Th.‘ Oaibi Snn.Uy schiHiJ eonvi-n
maya dl the loah niiatu n rH.Miita n lu thf hiir;;le and »Kiul«b« event*.
Iton which met with Gtimaii Zion
Tlie boys- r»oc and a lhri«<'legged
Frankfort, thf
i aounii
A Wes^.u MKhtgan ehalk'tige cup
siliisd. which cK-i'd ye*ie4day lenin.
u> bo pulksl off with the
c*iin^.lBe*l and noa rh an diwU
will CvTmt up. to Ik* held Uu one y«or
was well aUendtHl. U. li Allen of Gw
offt n^ ps are fur
liiiifo thna they did of )<\iV The
i*y the winuer ol the iouruani
wit. MkA. stato Ui^uix'r, ^nd
nailed (rateriaty tu>« have another who wiU tw» caUed opun to d« kmd the
daughter. Mrs. VYed Washbuiu, state
lor Bik* tmly—
• next year. Tbi* cup will bo
priouiiy suimrintendont. were prewtil.
the iiornianoDt prnprrty tt anryooe
who g^ve Inlereatlng and insin)
lag it ilree toot ^cicoaatily con
in Attofican In Vienna (ort:<*t
talks throogbuut the wrwlon*. The
mall a letter gtrvn him *hy hk aih- eKvuilvet yoaiw First, runner up and Hiilou band In their’ new uniforms dus
to the grounds will
dauun piixei. will be awaidekl.
and imnupU) rald.al it h*«uf at a
>i»rsod miislc Monday'cvening. whUh be ”5 cenu for I famMy and Invln
. 4d 1111 Ho prohaldy hsunxl that It The rotikd^bitkur to l*e oiw*n to iiU pUy
as much eny.yeil
lUmm muot b.' proMobnl at the gate.
deOvtl. d in their liiwi match act
noa woith It to twnapo the kvturv
A IKH- at the cemetery last Wedne* Biwse* will lea\e the club rvKmi ever.v
ually phivtwl
ihnl «aa tofthooinind.
fifteen minutes and Uv fare will be
Tbla i4.uiriuimint U'^ipeu Ui nny
lU oenla.
One of iheae km« dUtaace torn amateur tepnl* pUyvr. Pur tunimr
The Rev. Mr. Pamyeker of K«w
CMlein, am Uicka. ^ 9tv^umb^r partlc4lUra. additwa C U kiui
York, who luu been knew two w
am hf a planaam month with ploot) Physioal diroclor, Y. M. C. A-. Orwnd
aocwpiod n call , from the Oedar
cf bpt aeaiber to ripen the com. to Ra|4Ua. Mkhand Mapio City churchea.
Chitoflo and Fhiiadalphla Vary Oblige
^ng foraard the apple* and niakn
ingly Loat Loavmg tho Tigarw High
Pnd Max
the ‘kUieaUc chef/
wlah they hadn't gune
at tho Top.
will gibe
baaomi In ewAtng S3
different Undo ol pnglrlos mt Ue UnnDetroit was McM hy 8k Locla op
iiah h Lay MercanUk Cjo.*s root rotwi.
until the ^nth taming re^Mday hot to
Twkn advnnugk of this grant ogporthat toalar DeCrott mado aa old Ume
hamg len my home, all
rtMiktk wftid aPB to diitor
/totah and wreated victorr from tho
minlaa are hrrrh) noUM that I arUl
sckdolBtortlmtogttlmw, boo brewer* hy one potoi, the acore being
•m ha uiwpootlMe tor any debu con
to t.
faac^ hy her or dmighler.
ogmtoBd to moot tot ouporin
vor in our ods. of yoolordny^ to
Cievedaad very ohll|fiaghr Uolkto
W . a Mnria.
dont ThBRUBy. FSridgjf or Saturday ed Chlcaito to the tone of 4 to 1 and
png. 1MI*>
aftornan at Central biMlng.
New Yoto wiped ap MMelphto 5
2. giving Detroit coaSdmhio Te}to the top of tho heapk Dtoroll
Monday. Sapt I. tabor Day Mniag.
.nil x»« wttb X tkrt tt I*
tta bxt rax* »•«*.
oeally placad a now Xdtver typo^tor
In at. MkhaMa achool and thu'gtroa
tho chUdren the opporlunlty ol oompleUag foe camnietrlal c«Hjruf in Ha Ir
hcano arbool .
Mrm K K andmdli nnd hrr daogh^
ter Moltie rtHwMd this momlag tfom
thoir trip to dricaga
Mrs. Jibhn. achaub of Pi
died «l her home tm the 27th
J A l^mnai A t>». formally
place and now *of Trav
aty. am[
movlag their bolta to I
new fac-i
tory by rail There were mvvm,y catkwda uf there brdt* *av«Hl at the time
of the Are
The Jau lanan oonnly fair dalek fur
Ihl* y^r are *aepl-ml,er 24. 55. S€
lb- abre and dual forget tu take U In j
C I> atauley and wife left fur the
ao«nht«rn part of the aUte a wtvk ago
ilurday IS tho Lam Day That Thsy*
Can gs Worn, as gsptember
an Arctic fdonth.
in-wafv. you tu.ui wtih a red and
jelkiw Und arumid your Puuaiua cu
if you are seen on the street
ur ry»w» tu the Imek yard with your
straw hat i>n after the lout day* ol Au
lutt which U tkituiday. your social
I raw hat scss^ cltmea
K.^turda> nixht anc chua-s Jiut a*
tUhtly aa the tr^uit <uaMm. lot the
Ite put a luiii un htrawr- aftm. AuKa^t
> c ouH- out w ith yirui^now fait- foil or
en your last year * bat. In heft any
thing but a altaw.
tf yoa nio toMf to hoy n
range, emno «n «hd M no show
yoa tho woy 4ha MalkwWf
lo oonstructnd nnd Ita many
4<Mid IKdoU .ad •• brlte* TO*
Hair DfessHig Parlor
SliMH|K>oini*, njnnictirmp, hail
ilrvHsiuy;, fAi inl ami aoalp iiinxBa^o
hair bmira, ahaui|xio liqu'ula aiul
aoapa. Ulcum ix.vuUt, i-omphitiuB
auap, fttoe {.owtlcr, fivckle lotion.
cUntlraff cufty h«r hriiahea, . oinlit.
wool. ueU. amiU lut, puffs, |ioni|ia
tlourt oU*.
-Mrs. A. f. Nerlinger
On Mtmday evening iho VentonB
orch» Mra w ill oim-h* at llw TiMMior um.
Thl^ Oivh.tatru handles piano, vlcdlu
and trap drums wml Mr. Venom Is a
well known iMiitone. He wi]l »lng the
llluslratvd songs aJid llils fealurt' will
be grtwtiy enjoyed hj the many pat
A new eloctrie hIbu haw Just lawn
added to the Jronl of the Theatonro
which adds much to tnt upiiearancr' of
the place and the ^lHutnlu.ilU.u
Fionl striM t.
A sih-cihI aid wa* held at the hmne
of Anu»s imx last Wetlm-sd.i>. AU»ut
l.'» were prt fc*>nt and enjoyivl W4»me de
Uckius ii^ nwiu and asHrgted cake*
Mr*, tr A. Wall \isUixl itUative* In
Fife laike and Walton last wa'< k
The Rev. W II llevhert preachiMl a
very iustriR'tlxi* and Jrlghly applet Ut
ed aennon Sunday, which will be bi.<last in UieVhoul house.
Myron Tayhtf i* p;icking
Ibirhess iiKde*. *he ex|M'<'in to ship
them to Ulroli. thnaigh the Gleioi
*. They »-xi*<a lo hiad a car in
Jininll Tuesilav
1‘Hrtiew si-i'm to la* the (»rd.-r of rhe
day Jwl at presiUl. There wi-i.
aUml r.n of Hemy Ikigart * friend s
surprlMvl him Tnc*dav hvi-niiic. the
occ.-islon letiig hi.s birthday unni\t t
wOi» Wi^ ftsday the v<mi ng ♦*
I Tavl,
Ml)« .V'ttie
Hith bliinday. A ukre
many <»ther Uautiful
left to show th<
uf her friends.
Also Friday night
Mrs. t'Aa*. Hk»urer*s
Uirs calk'd u> remind her that tcuoiber
yw had ruled by and she must add
one to her number The pet»ple left
at a late hour, wishing their howtesii
me FoMtest «r ,U ISree Conic4le*
ne Brlcbtcit Urnlt •rUnrUcr
Haau N*turf$ Grette»t Pf*Uc
Ituitaln|d« «r I*b‘v«airwi tkr
Most Oriclul Fr*4«ctloi E*er Slacc4
A KoHiokiiiK (\micily of Kurn]
loiliaua with tfu> ^
Hoosler Las:
In the Hill Part ihc hat
lihd in umny Boahona
v -fc i
THEY'LL ALL BE HERE “NoKsly aitil i ver Lroko th(|
iiCH’k Iry’iim to i^ive im^ iho lipgt t
Prices. 2S. as. SO
Boat twle H*turday aftcrncic
1‘hoiu' l'J7.
Seat tah' W ulnetiiay at I p, ui.
Tb«t which II nicrcliiyrt tviIUXi* baigaio or romoaut couu.
Icr. wc imiiic cur -Ihill Pen.” in tbi* wo h«w ODD 1X)()KH,.
«-c ; etc.
AIL<^>.«1 »lr--k. drtihlUo W new
roi*ir work
rricc* low tojclxo up
U will pay yon to look it onr.
Will Be Held at Popular Point on La j Ro^sUnd DougUss Has Put m Tw
bor Day—Large Crowd and Good
Mschinea, Making One Man AbleV
Tima Expected.
lo Do Belter Work Than Thro# ' .
The Tr;.v« i*c OAty ihU\
b- isld lelk.ws ludtsd. If Ihev d-Hit
have a pmmI lime at the Odd 4Y IW»*s
Picok at l»oimUr 1*01111 on Hoard
lake. rneparBlIcni* baxo Ikh-u
i‘ for a Lto time and tlu' day will
il»eul to a numlK-r of enJbyabJe
ways, I he tbfd FVJIows and the Odd
Fellows- wl%« bringing their) luisku*
and Kis'Tidlng l4il>or l*ay Ih various
F*:e|utragomi are all eompkded and
the affair will be a Urge one. the
launch Elf and busses hetog Ue
O. Lucw and family called on War means of getting to tho grounds
Taylor Sunday.
ha*. Chappie and wife w ere to the which are but a abort dlatanoe from
the city and Ideally situated for a picdihurhood yeoterday.
tUinherg Broa* olor« will be cloaod
all day Monday* Labor Day.
New Yorl
Will Op*n at Thcatorum Monday Even
ing—Attractive Electric Sign on
the Front.
Rowland IkMiglaas has mode ae^ri
addlUmjK lo his shoe shop, no Out
he mn uttv truthfully saw' with u
guessing, that tie has one of the nmi
up UMlate ni«or sbopo to non her
Michigan. A few we^dis ngr> Mr Doui
Uss Installed a complete lluUblng oul‘
fit and a opoplo weeks ago he ato| *
imt tai a Chamidon shoe imuhtoo faj
■ewlng solea Both machim-s are not
III ffne numlug onder and the power i
furnished by a one boriK' P*»wer el«<
trie motor. Mr. Douglaas alatoi thg
with the eqnliMueni h< ’iiow hm.
than eas turn ont more and hett.e{
work than thix« men could wUhmil M
James Pekeiwk Did Net Cato to
the Charge of Aaeautt and Battory.
I'poo the comi^t of Adalph 2ak
Jamee Fekerek of Green Lake was
brought before Jmetloo Oegrge W. Cito
Us charged wHB aavuK asd .battery
UU morning. WhDe Pekerok did woi
seem entliely to ktarnM
ly waa ggBty of toe arntge and to hs^
did mot cm to light toe cm he m as
Itoad to ana coBU.
PbxtMtehy. BxWixX
Round Trip iDc
« w».
ftxia U)M T
Nte *ki«» W ^ ^«at • unto ftrtfeOT lui «««mlM «kM
=: ”-=
^^4»q>rtik M ^ iSUc ataM h<t. Cir Cl*ctM.U. OMo, irtott^.. ^ vMeU w a Irf-M.
IHi» e^itto
flf Ckk)t«» In tte
•MU fi# Wr itaur. M» A tflOor, fcc
8m. »w
,1, T<
T, ». Ey
E. lA
Bmey Anda^ffA m4 «tf« loProkop
lot 2. blQClL 4. H. U 8 <ep.’n
parcel t.
. HeaMMjr !• Z. T.
IS. T. rt. E u. lu-w.
Maka to Mary Curtin, par
L T. n. It
Toe are aka* a A* boMe
Yo« cMuso* bate a
Si =r“5«^t
whMjroe waataaS w* will
d«>iw it al oaoe witboat m-
MUtet CAP kn foittd of M7 or Mk
furoMor*. and Um adn dalau
Utea ikaa rt«kUalljr bo1o Ua wonaa.
School Books
u TheLineOIOin theComplete
WUIMb U. aiBord and
It wan a Woak Agow
Wllltaiu Ciaacy
U loi
block 1; H,
Tko 80% Jonnpk Bnanc roturaod
Inadom laai evealaa and to tbr
llMOfd »ut«d today that jU»efv U ab^
ntluiei) aoUilac new
*« lu the
ti« ttrmata
st»w t iJ„‘-^£;^iSitS'iockrt..
a— OC tiMw M«t. TW. U uo Clu.
j, h. u * C
ahausicr ahkoupii' nhe haa bM kuim$1100.
•"iriTlkb^ comma appaam tka «»
boa aod wife
David W.
deuMd ntaUMat of tka Trayatae
Hyde RobUuoo. tot 74* aad 7S. hi
City Stale Baok as made to Ike State
2. oak Park. |14<M>.
rivrrnr Oily.
Durin* this moQtb the Stale Bank
Mra U
U K. OoudapMd of Battle
eaamlnern have made a very tbor
In til
T ougb rxamlaatlon of the bnak a affalnt
|C. Garduer. ae^ 9C a%^4.
UutAxIaa U
ulfe to
eveiyihlnp to be la excel
Harry Roaou*> ban rviumed iTvm
►rfte A. IkuToaa aad
1 Mlniiis nebooi abero be |lEara
__ __W Huble aikl wife. k»U II a^ Be-at coodUloa. This kUftemeol folk>u
la« bo clunely on Ibe examlnaUoa
12. block 14. H. L A Co. a'1©. |12O0.
•tadyini for nome Uuir.
to be In vlruncer 000
KmHka »bi> baa bm ap
diUon than ever before In lu hlntory.
YU8A. *
liif the aiAtunter tu the noulb bai
|b.Tlu|c * cioul .lurk of tiOO.UOO.OD
Sunday ncbodl look
tomi-d U> bU booia lu tbla city
•n nalt
«h< l-t .urplu. .ad
Ht«*%ubrt (Jaint** alu> haa U^n
rlalt ride to BIk Kapidn ooe ni«bt
re *Mk to net* ihe Iroa furuace and
>K bla paivuta lu thl» city
Th<*y xalled
and total
I tba-weai.
MUb .Maude Kilbride kan nturned
Iwn foea to bcbooj at Klk
to her ko,ne..t Howard Oty.
Mm. Pusey who
bpendluf several woekn In tbU cUy.
In the advertl«»eiit of Stuteberg
her bi other. C. T. Mfe, for aeveral
JYancls M<x»iv of_lbU city left for aeeks Itavea today lo^ her borne In Hndhers yesterday, a upeclal sale was
Grand RajdiU where be wlU spend tlefinaiitoan. Penn.
aiinouni^d Tor Saturday and Monday.
~ jltb and aon Heon This
Frank Wade Smith
the wlnlAT
a mUUke. as it aboold have
at A W. Smith s
over-------- ,y ------Chhivko Hammond and T. C. Aikliu visited
One more sermon by our pastor, the r»;ul Saiutilay and Tuewday. the store
oj l-ttua». 111., are la ih. city lor ib. Re%. Mr Tbompnon. before j^fer being. t:owed all 4*y Mobday. being
race. We hope to see brother T^iv Labor Day
n back for another year.
•*^Mr' 'an'.l Mr. A T Uadormwi of
The Cbequamegoo took out-a big
IVte Shenanituet took In the cam|v
thU city IWt ihU Bo..a (or Detroit, ineetln* at Northpori last week
load of fruit luiakeu ibU morning.
mhere th.y »lll vl.lt fiicnd..
Every one U ulkln« railtoud. \N«
All three banks wlU be dom^ La
Mr. aad Mr. U. K. Aldorehotl ol hope to see' It come soon
bor Day
Aug. 26.
Kret are vlaitlog, their »ou lu iHU
The V\>url««tb street M. E. Sun
day school will give a picnic at Popu
.1 T. Carroo of Cedar Kapids. la .
lar Pivint. Monday. Labor IMf Traua
Mrs Win Johnson U vUlting I
who baa bpeni the summer in ihl^ dty ivarenu Mr. and Mrs. JUckeid of Tr,
poriiAtion either by land or water.
felumi«d home Ibis ODoo.
Ik..-n. to Mr and Mm. CUrenco Mar
Win Emory has j»urcbased a n
l.loyd sml Guy Walter Of Flfb I^ke
til. of Barlo* ►tuw-l. a sou. Aug. 30.
Lake are vUUIuk ibclr hrolher Rob*
The populanty td the Island trip on
vit B.. Walu r. They wUI tiolb %'nler Run sp^nt
to Increase
ay with Mr. and Mm.
;125 making the
Hl«b school here.
k Kro
r. Mumer. mi“
Miss Tina Holdsworlh lett last
evnalap for^ M. A. C. called by tbe 111*
It Will lX)hn
nobs of hi^ biollKT Pn.f. WiUlain
a. Frank Krtun>a U entertaining <j At the en.l of tbc fifth Inning, the
parents,‘Mr and Mrn Kastner: >coi^
stood U to k In favor of
her sUler. MUa Luc>“ Ka^tnc^ of , .ifdaare tint, .d Oh* lUnnah A
Mm. rmskk tK>odrich. Mrs. tmo:»;..
Thompson and Mrs. W, H. AbUnt Straliojd. Ont
Mr and Mm. Henry Eckstein re | NUnanlllo com;wxly who playtM the
uc TV tbv gm-su of Mm. H. O. Joyne
Bed to Chicago this mon. 11:: aft.-rj gux'ATy dlvi
at Klk UapldK yealerday.
w»-ek visiUng friends and J K,„iiiids this aft**mc»«
this place.
t wixlal held at Frank|
------ T
Kroma's Wedne.Mlav evening h»r iheL ..jut*-. yi»un : mnu.-/sald tb*. old
an srmr in our adv. of yesUrcUy's
in her eye. •l %e brung
benefit of the Caibolic church wa.s
suo. customem wwre asked to bring .n dtTcidiHl slKd•s<^. Net ptxxi-vds wereMj^^,^
.umeter yc suld me.”
tickets Saturday and Monday, but it
_____ _ .
_____ Fii>l
“Whafs the luatter with llV* de
Frances E. Griffin to TrLUvU
iauud«*d the rUTk.
« 44. block 7. Bay
Monday being Labor Day. atore w.U M T church,
• It ahi’t n SUme. One time ye look
al U it k;l.vn one thing, and the next
aide. $100.
be cloaed all day.
tlu.e It says auLtber:*’
Aug 27:
Tkb sun net last evwnteB on a vniy
bMQr Any nt tke c4ty markM. Ton loads
taioM* nine lends of bay and
y-tkine kand of live stock cna»e
'“Lou of compJuon In aten amons , 'ft
tke apple buyers aad It taken biM k
- /r
akoft Umf to laa a load of Dockem
ap to IS pec banwL One load went
ycntenlay at |3A4.
Uece ate a tew ipaclaln wkick yoa
can get
^poor teble toAiky. of poar
grocer or frvdt man.
Qrapea. Ml to S6c a pound.
Peackea. 20. 2S and 30 ceou a bask-
MMr Mwy al taadm i« •* U>«» •* . Mrwwy »
aWtermelona. S;i to M^ceoU each.
Sweet applaa, U ennte a peck. ’
Mnskmekma. K !•* W. and M cenU
^%weec poutote, $ cnaia or two for
: "
Hlair i “LMaue” WritioK Tablet, a
tco cent tablet for
with all High School text book*.
The Biggest Bargains
Summer squash. S eanu 4
Cabbage. 3 cenU a pbond
Radlskca. G cenu per bui
Chicago. Aug. SO-Wheat.
coin. 60^0; oaU. Gin.
6Nf etttsce For Mmiig Sttcl
For a limited time only we will of
fer a limlUHl amount of slock at 40
cenu per abate. This quouUon sub
)ecl to withdrawal wtlboul notice.
Applications may be filed and further
maUon furnUhixl al the office of
the company. 12$ East Front street
Tboa, Smurlbwalte. Prm..
Grand Traveme and ArUona Mining
. 2C^L
Tliaaa gnolatlaiw ate
teotad ovary day. Tka
prfbaa am ouppiMd ky
srtalda taoiatioaa
Boys’Clothing at Prices that will Save you Money
We excell in our line of School Shoes, both in Quality and Price
Worthflte. for
lUsses* PuL Lesther. Vid tOd aud
Sattu CaU In the newest style
r,:- Full lino of all the Newest Styles in Bills’Caps and Hats at
wounds^or pilte It has no equal. Guarauleed by Boglxv Drug Vo.. Hanna
i>rug S4<»re. and F. H. Mteds. dro,
gisu. 2ucl*
/ •'i
........................ ..
FOR BALE—Mod*?rn rteldcnco, . 43!
SUlh. lOQulrt- at preml^,- '
Butter, cteamaiy. per ]k...
^re. pw ba ..9 ......
German Millet ................ ............ t»
.... IM
BDfi top ..............................
Otekard smaa..................
.... ...
canning coniuany 4r in r pound and
crat«, back.fyravers^ City Canning
ciute belwoen 51
Fifth and E E. Mllltrs drug »tbr%
Uavv a\ R«xord office*
aug 30-2t
In the line will be .found a great variety of Do'iible Breasted Knee Pants Suits. Norfolk Suits for all ages.
Sailor Suits
Values lor $!.»
$4.54 Values for S1.47
$6.M Values for $SA»
«LM Values lor tl.W
BOY^i^ SHOES. Double Sole.
antetwky mah
loaM danH>M
By wdf% Ml
6c, 10c, 13c, 15c, 24c
25c, 3Sc, 49c
The Globe Department Store
The Touch That Mssla
U ibe^ touch of Bucklen s Arnica
xlve, <i s the happiest comblnatloo
of arnica flowers and healing balsams
eter cemponnded Nr nmtier bow old
the sore or ulcer Is. ibU salve will
Extra Values and Special Prices that we are offering in full line of Stockings for the Girls and boys
WANTEO-C.ivi for g* n«-ml bouwrk Mrs B. i Morgan, aug
we can save you on your purchases.
Tottatoea. 10 canm a pound.
Bwaal corn. 10 add 15 cenU a dog.
City Btwk Store
pickiA n»d 0« kto wU* klr«4 a dmjr
rMU, act^ •■ iMt/am* aima
... .*»»
FOR SALE-1S32-ODP hundred acres
adloinlng city in ea*t: level; close
to Bfst Bay : gboal fifty rods ahore
Oats, per bushel ... ................
•front; con.‘«id<*rahle timber,
iveauiif^l KJiuatloD for rei-ori. in fart
rvjHX-t lou adjoining are lu lling for
When Huteee Had Fiagerk *
one thousand dollam per acre. Price
Tke earliert foiaila fenm wkick w
$3300. Wade Bhwl. klT South
derire oor kaowledgi of the pewhlelorte
loo alreel. Clu. phone 1219.
•bow that tke aoden aakaa]
aug. 3Atf,
FOR SALE-1S33i-Xlnety-five
timber. eatimate to cut eight hundred
thousand feel marketable k>ga. One
mile of loading point on P. M R..RPrtce $4300. Wade Broa„ $17 Sooth
Vnkm street; Cite, phone 1219.
aug. Mktf
for lease-1531—Fifty feet front
on Bay atruet. adjoining water
works OB west. Run* to abore line.
iOxceptloanlly good Icalioa for cold
storage or wkdeanle pUnL WUI
Icwae ibr term ol yoa» ni rteaoo^
able fate, wade Broa.. W7 Bon
Uakm ateeet. Cite, phone 1219.
aug. WKt
five fiafted I
wo laiBnty
1 the widte fdil
an adraatega. Aa
aad the gnmad kah
.nad tka
aC tke hone became
evolved tale tka
*14 yakK high
FOR SALE—1530-Ntotey actea farm
I to moet^ eapt
twHvw aUlea oat on peals
dent Tkwteday* Friday er I
•ood orcharda: two good
afternaa at Central kwlMiaB.
eighty rode on akore;
L aCBinty wodakHHdtedt
B. Bilbert, Supl.
m -nAyrntm «n«
mkmn prH» to
itaCriN tv tiM GiiiinMt Sir YmSm TIm limMk Hi^
I>r nur r^«Kr tw»uk
IDEAL Kprinc.Ptueat Floar.
That* U BoUtiDX Uke whitr>. *wt«t
mh) ixHuMiieK biOMl.
It i* tb«•taffol III. ud yo« o«.
bk«. it wiKO uaiiiK IDEAL flour.
Aak r>mi ,100a otmUup
____ ,
1 ant sure'if you see
my Baking ycu will
Sleder & Sons
'Butchers, Packers, Sausage Makera.
More of ttioso
Delitious. Coffee
Cakes >< Fancy
Baking To-day
W ft. im ate 707 ftandolph tU.
ate )flmt aJwHT. Had our choir*? nusata
taaite, julr> aad d< llciuua. Wv kuow
lioar to cbouao our aioata fnaia tl»*?
boat, and ho^io irlm boae ate |»rtI«rc It for tlw tablea,or Ite
criticaj ate daiaty.
roteta. chopa. lamb aad lamlirjr make
Call in whether you
buy or not. The
same courteous
treatment to all at
AkK for
Choice Meats
Other flotm come and flourish for a
shon lime and pretty soon your grocer
has somclhiog else to offer. BEST flour
is here EVERY' DAV and EVERY
YEAR and it’s always the same old
standby. The Flour with All the Good
of the \Vhc“at,
Fn*h White Kisli and 1V.ut,
AU Iduds of Uomq-niade
n.TS‘‘ 1U« Mlwno UUm te TteTwdj
it arccUte a mice aew
teM fteb te* «te at OM Mteiia ;
Tte frowt la te
tbi mottkwmt. teil
tea! Bln Inrac Jaqate
la vtsiiia*
I drove to TraTeraa
rante vb«at to 9> te tter emta a Bwiba Sharte
Mr ate Tin. Jute Suicklar att«te- i
IT or
Oreo l*rW aad lit
at Maatua
wmmlinateteptieoaaiteinciuB.!e<l campiterfJte
'“"''Traveraa t’Hy. aiw apeadte aoan
pttlal u» « srvat atecta^c.
here while he la
Mui. Hanrry Martla ot fiaar HmsL
k ^
ksrahea arm.
who waa quit*
U ua the *ain.
Ihivld PtoToactef. who U min-.
• *i^hi at Ekuptre. u vUltla< for a
SpJcktHl .boot Imo teabeb oT Utehfew dayit with hla faa.Uy.
jlate *Thuraday.
». .od Mr«. Adslorr
M» MamarW
Kooaa aad mile aoai *’^*^^**» ***
louadatloo UW
Kaplda are maU&x iliTuTr 1 fur"a ucw ho««‘. tin.
The caiveateiw will
Kmau a vialt.
lay ol Me. ate Mm. lla%ldl^ni.| Mlaa K\a
Charleeolx Satiuday
i»ns W, rwwm. part «r tut wk.
vtalt with her Mr^o.t*^h^re
The R,r
IVopW. |
^ —
r MichUaa. Prvachte at!
rnuik Itet r. mho r«
urch beta. ^mU> after
Barioo farm. receUte
Mra. Wiiauu
mteKsrl.1 window for Mra. Ketiuedy;
Cwrp*'ni»T han btH-ri
tu Harm: treasurer.
to he a. «jccc«s if we .uppjr
had a «N0d. we* *prio« aad dry mum- the .M E. church here aud dedkwilun
vith the meat Xo-maUcrwhal
aerclccw will be h*dd next Sundav.
The fruit
U a total fi
All arv cordially Invited
>«.r c.uV«
.. .
The Ice erswm social given la the
uvttiaic j««t «bht yoj »ua U^Tu . And be «anu to km.w
fruit taMHueni of Ijl. a ReyiKad n bam
iX>** Slellu Halley ,d Tiwveroe Oty.
rrank wrote Friday evening waa quite aiKWisarul haa been vl»itlag at Ur. J. Rtiegaf«tme u. UA If .v«, U.O..10 i«^w- 00
in wplie oX the ralny*%eaiber
old at
a klb Koaat. -a L. k lH LariiD. a ftuit aud i>ota
waa rlearte and u i:»Ksd tlnw waa en
RuetpM'^er Brua. are putUag tip a
joyed by all. A pie aucUl will be windmill uhUv for J. W Hlawtert.
roatil' of auvoty- teal ur a tviidt-r. de
Kl\en at the aame place m vt k'liday
Mr ate Mra. Hiram CoK after
Mlaa Ethel/ Rinehart eaperM lo go
Chkkeu. let ik*
you. Our is-*W.-fu^
tu-s* of imo
Bring >our piee *lfU. ate
half yeara it night
to Poullac. l|lch. to ap*te Abe winter
bo.v» don't foiipvt your i-K ke* tsoolm.
e alttle of Waa
wilh^Mf*. D H. Power*.
lu-loca will pleaa<\
Aui:. rti.
iiued to make Ka^t Ibiy their
lelr 1htuw
Several «d the vcsnmr people j#«mt
frc»m here to Glen Huvea lm»t I'hura*
The blackherr>- pickem are rather
day to Kes the ditll of thee Ufe SavGOOD Harbor.
iur theIlUkCl
Ittkciisua U-riUw. 1 would cau
Mbot Anpa Bufka went i. Ohlcago ing civw.
tlou the few who las>t ys-ar repaid the thU morning.
Ukcwr Amab-lmchler.. loira H«a'kfanoerw' kiudneiv who Ux them plch
Jtshn Tbikch la visiting at * Mll- alead and E»ra Winteiw .»f Traveine
weie gueaUi at Wm. Hrtghr*
A. Hutserftmn fresm Ijuuoug s-ullte Sunday Mr Wmtera wU! leave MM&
here Ust Fndac aiid pul a new wind for Otiicauo whs-rs- hi
Marker on M.«,e Kltw.c'a y.ain «M-par- a tHMltlon with Alfre
will al»o continue bl% 1
Mr. ate Miw. Kins
j F Br«>wn haa returned fmm an rx- Chiraao. ate Vidting here at pixweUt. at A J. Thmnbury #
Miaa Minnie Tobac of Gbicago. wh*s
tei,d«*d A Uit in Waiihingum aud la at
;th*‘ home of hla duurhU*r. Mra. haa been vi.dtlng he.e for
rHumetl ihU morning
Mra. Sarah Gilsisoti of
Mra. Becker had the uiinfurtuoe (n
break b«i idiuulder l-'idday. She la vUiting with li«M laothsu-. Mr>. .Mary ntum to Truverwe Glte todav uud
fusm there will go to Mackinaw tu
reisilnic uuUe ewbily today. Dr. Boy- Kilwy
McMe Kilwy U going lo atari on hU tearh the exstuinj? year;
lau ib rTtedlUK her.
Mr. a'te Mtk. Ilavld Boroughf vlalt-'
That afl*3rnu*>o teatou
l.*lla Smith and Mina AlU lhrt,*hli,g t«.i;r t.Klay.
ed at E S Ibickard'a Sunday
V'lKhinum un- vIh'Uuk their alaier.
Aug. 2.;.
planning will'nut
MlKa c-.race Mahu has been thes
Miv F. M. Hamlin.
AUg. 2*:.
to daPi without a iiack.
gueist of her remain. MMa Ada Bright,
“ Mra. M.-H. Gilbert vUUed
Mr. and
ai;e of o*ir fancy crackeri.
idiice t>idav She will ixtum to Iht
\er Su
Sunday at Mewlck with the fwm
bisme in TruveiW l lty UstiHUTow.
ll> of Fred Mal«ir>
We have ihvonly com.
Har\s»-fiDg is matlv over 1
Mr and Mw Cla
plote ftaaortment of the
h.ivs* l.een w«*iktng in
dtlUK at the home Gra*Kho{ip.-rs
the oata quite badly
National Hiacuit Com.
Mi-«.H Jem)i<
Little ('hx, Hroteway is very HI
pony's crackere in iho
Wii] iK* nine months of Kho/d.
of Kalama/sa
1 of, Suof.onriish, Wa«h ."vinlUHl <me daC
gtieal of hi* ^jKler. MfW. -Wi
hant w»-*k at the hitue of Mr.'aud the
Call aud aCe oti.- diaplay of fancy crackera
and imported chci'te.
boat and Found.
who art Ao enter the
()ur uotali art* always
Loaf, belwtei) «» 2<» p. in., -yeater
tdhoola for the first time, and thoat
freah and clean.
lay knd mH>n.t<sday. u bitloua attack,
e fiivlGd and hoiw* lo have a good ailh uauMW niid sirk headache This •ntering tht first year ' high ochool
arc requeated to meet the auperinttnMr. and MrK. .Minton \Vins.he, Mr. IH,S WK cx-raHhu.s*,! by finding at Bug- dent Thursday. Friday or Saturday
and Mr«. MiKu Gilmore and Mrn. Urrle .M<‘Clu>k> are vJ.-muK at Willow
.ox <.f I),'-. Klfig'a New Ufe Pllla
148 E. Front )
Mr. X'haHe hsiK n bnuher vlBiliug luaraiiGsHi for blli«*i»ije'iK. malaria:
him and he atlembil church at thia
ind jaundice. 2'k-. •
pluoe Sunda.r.
!;.■? r»s=rs: ^s;!2,“3s'
41X Soatb Union SL
• j Cit. phone 3!*7
^\rk»T •
Hendricks Bros.
Best Flour
yoBa« pr<i|de fiENB gpwny
«>o lukTioc Oofty thae ot the Imkm 9m
•rtrr%l 4mj%. Kvd Hovmrtf Md teltte oubrUk panr yr«t«c^
an luiv.
o2l SOI TH ("NION 8T
da«> aud aaumiitite piirr.
ABlrmkhMM Md tto
Bell phone 2:i;t j
j. B. Gilbert, Supt.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
Bis./ ^uWlity /
Never put off anything until tomorrow. If you'have not established your shopping
headqiiauiers at our store, do 50 today—it is to your interest. We know that
we can Interest you in any line that you have any trading to do.
Beantifid Obrary Furniture
Mlsses School Hafs,
Invest In a Waterman
Make this room as attractive as possible. Library Tables
from $25.60 down to $6 5a Small Tables from $12.50 down to
$1.60. Couches from $54 00 down to $7.50. Leather Chairs
from $45.00 down to $5.50. Ubrary Cases from $22 60 dpwn to
$.S 50. Combination Cases from $2S.50 down to $12.5a Gunn
Sectional Bookcases are priced according to the number of
Just what'you want for every day use. They are all colors,
and they sell for i)Sc, $1.25 and $1 50.
and save time and worry, for when you have such a pen as
the Waterman that we sell, you have as good as you can (ind
anywhere in the world, we have them with the fine, medium
and stub pens, all styles to fit all hands, no matter how you
write. They sell for $2.50, $300, $3.60. $4.00, $5.00 and $4.00
and they are worth every cent. Always good, always ready.
Dandy Candy
just take a box of Fancy Candy along with you no matter
where vou ^ and see what the people will say. The Drug and
Book Division have some of the beu candy that is made, all put
up in fanc>’ boxes, and they also sell the fancy Chocolates by
the pound. They have S. B. and A s the lluyler's.and the ‘ Rex":
The Jewish New Year’s Cards
Are the handsomest cards that we have had this year, and
they seli for 5c. 10c, 15c, 15c and 50c.
.Awy Idad ihal yow want
The regular style sell from 15c to $2.25. This latter is the
best on the market it registers the maximum and the minimum
heat. The fineWor style selU for 75c and the little ones for .
fan«S> work at iDc. The bath room styles come in two sizes
both at 25c and the dairy sells for 20c.
Free Shine Tickets
Remember that we give free Shine Ttekets wk|i all tales
of Shoes, and we tell you extra Shoe Laces. Corn Files, Bunion
Protectors, Corn Cure, Foot Ease, and tell you how to take
care of your feet. .
Mr. ate Bra Lm Bnl^ nl Travrtue Mr. w<an i^teia $f Mr. aad llrv
, gamaiHp; Wittto C. Owp. ^0 who
vbp taaR
tasR part In tte egtartote
________ itoent tor tea bensBt nf Bt Jdaapli
Horn aa lot }$24 Bejrd nrani
Brtok blork. .waat Ptogi ilrait.
Biora wrtb tainraa. Uvtng raonm
WAirrto-Toluic Iiuly i» «ovt ta
0O to mM. Mm KftMiii^
ML ui s. amai «trMi, m« mi.
tag tl^d
miftmt Omi Vbd
mtimlty to
tor term «»d
rOR aALt-totoot iMMb. rawm. 4
b. ^ Brllm toPtor.
j A.
Battry. Ot gteo* 1».
Mg, tet
WANTSO-YMg »n nf 11 viuiU
pitkcm to work tor tem4l. m4 go to
•eteot at item nr.
Mg mf
' WAMTCD-Oin for
wotk. Hofi Mih. OOl ofAcr. CIt
ftkmm St.
MC X3tf.
r now.
WANTRD--liaa or boy vltb borar to
. haul aOJk froai cmmlry. Qu«ra
City Dator. te^a $72.
aug 7 U
1WANTK0-41H1. at tte mady la<
lory Buaub Broa. R Amlolto.
aug. ri if.
WAimB-OiMtQiggrt tor gU aad
gtooUag Mirar aayvter^ la tte
aity. Otaad Raglda numttara Oo.
juaa 11^.
WANTBto-OIrla; dtalag room.-kltcb
gg^ laggdv.
cbto. taamatera. Uborara,
KmtUoymaat olftoa. ClUtro a pbooa
4to. m Baat Froat
July t it
.WANTgO-^Hy tbrao aflulU. lumUh
ad aparuamu or b<Hiaai_ modrro
ronranl«*ar<« and Ar«t^4aaa nHgb. borbood rmulrrd. Addrraa. giving
' toll InformalioA B, rara Itocord.
____ ____ _J«
FOR RALt—ao acrr.
ItttilU: S7C fruil traaa Jii t>*<aTiiiK.
paarb««. rk« rrtoa; vir««JU iil
bargain. Call 332 W. »tk. aug
214 Went Wgbtb airwl
aug 27-61*
M*'-ar. row. buggy and
«.Toalra at 131$ Randolpb
aog. 2$h;i.
FOR RAL*-14W-Maa.foo« booaa.
gov. OMi ML, taa boam; grtea
WUT Bran. IIT tomU
WL Ot gtega 1211.
FOR * RALI-U27Hualnaat pm|w^
ty. roraar oC Blitb and Union atraat.
lATga balldlag. two atortaa. Bttad
tor atom teknr and amHromU aacs
ond atory; rmtg tor Bfiy dcOlaft
par Bontb. ^Prioe. U.oao. Wada
Brag, tIT ftnitb Unlog atraet.
; nn RALB^IISR-Brwwg
gomar «f Pragt aad Dlrlatog; Rial
Pftea 92.$$$. A’ada Froa., $17 a
OntoR BU atVuMia m».
FOR RAL«-Ul$-llfidarn raatdaaaa
WPal lOtb BU tag rooma. hot watar
teat batb. lot aaraaty iTa toat
froai good bam Ooa of tba tnaat
teBta to tte city. Will take amallar
prlcad aroparly aa part paymant er
will aeR og aaay tar*a Prica
. at pteaa 121$.
FpB^LB-72 atetaa Trararae Oty
Btata Dank atock. Apply Chat. Pro^
terggbuRte rggMogoa tatblara-
FOR RAUR-lteto-RlM and onahalf
tony ll4f
rntog Bt. at pboaa 121$.
of M. R N. R. . track. «»atiod
township: to* than one mile
frrun city tlmlta. This property
will make a good market garden,
as It to mostly mock ground, and
has creek crooaiag tot.
10$ acres UmU-r land. Bcmde 4
ly. 1 % mlUw from a^dsr Run. MS. J. a R MART J. TMEBLBOD
a«et. Timber Is mnstly hsrdwoud OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS
Rohm- pine. homUvek and cc4j
nm~«sT » wiib.-hB PMc
• >0 u s. »
\ (PsKi land for farm
Wjsku^asl cetiamsIuHMiST.
j. K. (;iu-:iut'K CO
\ Aug.»tf^^
arn-a. tornar of Wayna and Madlmn
itraatwlll plat Into $0 loU, worth
at laaat one bundnid aad Afty dol- FOR RALB^1S24-Fsrm. eighty Ave
acres, ooa and ana half mllea north
lara par tot. Prlrr. fS.SOO. Wade
Broa. $17 Boatk Unloa atreat CUa.
Ava acres under culUvattoa; all In
pbogp im.
July 2 tf
to crops, wheat, eora.^oata. bay; MONEY TO LOAN—Rem esuta tor
large modcni houan, fumaosL bath, 'sale llousee to rent Dr. W. R
FOR BALe-IAIA-Blityali tool
Moon, aty Opera lloosa block.
hoc aad o>ld watar all thi
Blata atraat; large frame bouaa aad
housA Wind mill and tank. Quod
good barn; thla proparty U In the
F. F. LAWTON. M. D.-OfAcs Wilhelm
bam. granary and all aten
eantrr o( the baat block In Trai
block. Doth phoaaa.
apr i tX
out holhllnga; good young orchard.
nty. telwam Qtm and Path atraet
Just bearing: about all level and OR, M. A. GREGORY—117 Cass slrxH-t
and tba onmlng baalaeaa block of
as nearly perfect aa a farm could
Northern Hlcblgan: property In tbla
Binx^sl altcnttun paid to dUeasciT
be Owner wtohes to go south, heuca
bloek bna Incraaaed in rain# orar
of the Uvf nnd N« rt ous 8ys
offera at low Agure tor cash, mca
tour hnadrcd par oent ta aerea
Ulssscs Attcd.
$4,900. Wsda Broa. $17 aontb Un
yeara. It wiU do bettor tten Uat la
ion atraat. at pbon# 121$.
the neat raren yeara. Keep ytMirmaa
inuoeyoutoftbafakaOU.Oold. Cop
per and other aiatUar propoM
and place U In good gjroapeatWa
ooa mile city llmlu; tour aerea;
prtnx rty in the beet city In tba aU$a
Iwo buaurad feet ahora front; large
where all cl asm of real eaUteare.
hotel completely fuihtohed Arat LESTER
advanclnt In price, where factoiiaa
class: hot and cold water la all
have Increased their capacity to tte
R Umlor. Suiherrooma. gas light, furuaoa heat alw
eitant* that tficy bare out strtpped
one ootUge. two large bama, trout
the population, where there U two
atraam through groumto. bath house OIL F. J. MAC NETT—Practice UmltJobi for every maa. wamaa ,and
ate Ane grove along bay aborp. This
child where the local columna <4 tte
property to In Aret cUia condition
local papera are Ailed with
902 Wilhelm block. aUseaa p
00 main road to city, piked all Ua
adi fur man. women, boya and glrla.
way to city: would cost to put In
nera come ior ndlea to
condition as It 1^ at preacat at least PIANO TUN1N(*-\V. N .VlllUrU.
tbeir prodttcu and pui^
twenty thousand dollara; tody own
years experlenoa. With
chase Ibelr auppUea, wbera
tog to Invalid, hence aacrlAce In
Bra, oora« Fret ud
classes^ fruit, grain and vegeU
order to dlipoee of tt; will consider
can be auccessfully grown, where
good city property la part payment;
rsture has abundantly, yea lartahly
price tlS.OOa Wade Bros. 117
•upplled the aportaman. the acbob
South Union Bt aL phone 121$,
am. the nrtlst aad tte taralld with
-may 11-tf AAik hlikW^- bELivtTY:^5iM
every thing they eould dealra. hay.
freight parcels and trunks Office
at City Book Btora.
Inland lakea. Haam and or
Cloar. pure frete water, good clear OTT A HAHNER, Pry (tanw.
_ ,
n. «i- •»«'*
nwsNEWA>air dressing
ht'alihy air, Aah. fruit, aad aagetn- . ryrr. llnvc nm K.W mit but
hlea. What more ooaM ha daalrad.
doing huBiuoss at 129 Cass st
These are facto wa ara aUTUng nnd
Phone »39aug. 19 If
cam be rerlAed. Again wa any pla
GOOD Plano to trade for driving
Money^to loan. 112 Bute Bank
yoa^ money In Trararaa aty ar tba
horse. Call 317 Wellington, aug. i ll
building. /Cltuena phone $$$.
Orand Tmraraa raglDg.
Bros. $17 Uatoo atiaat. OUm CONAULT Madam RUaa, tte palmist
at 917 OntoR upon aU affairs la Ufa.
phoue 1:11.
Juna toll
Thurtell, Manager . Office foom 2
mar l$4f
I R Mtlllkea block.
FOR BALt~1$2A-Oaa bu#i^ and
Are acre farm; four miles from city; FOR RENT—Resia«-nc4-t., $04 TUstc
Chase, SUte
aixty acm under cnlUratlog; forty
Both pbonea. 229 2r. Realdencn 924
stix'cl and 213 Franklin strct l. All
BghtbBL au.
— ] ^onattL ■
acres Umber aatlmatod to cut at
modern Improvtuncnls. central loraleast.three hondiad tbogaand teat
tlon. Apply $m State alieet or U l DR. F, HOLORWORTH-Bpnjlal af
of mcrchanuble logs; About two
ephone No 77K atx.
aug. 244it
tvmtton to dtaeaaea uf tte eye. ear.
tiKMwand. cordt atora wood;
nose and throat Qlaaaee Atted
FOR RENT—Residences. ' $14 Stale
Over Johnson drug Btora.
ni;prad land, mostly level; abpot
street and 213 Franklin street All
one half can te Inigatod from tbe
mtsJern Improveroenu. central !«•«•
creak that^cuaa acraas farm; Urga
B. B. MINOR-Office over i
Mon, Apply O. P. Carver R Bros.
frame-barn, atone boaement
can Drug Btora..
aug. 24at.
to eye. ear. noen aad
for Afty bead of atock; good atone
Atted. Both pbonea.
touadaUon; packing bouaa tor fruit
Btxtb etraeL
aug. i3lf.
torga orchard, dllaregt vmrtaflaa of
peacbea, peara, plama. aprl
FOR RENT—House. U rairable loca DR. W. E. MOON-BpectollM-ai
nrlaary. akin and blood dteeaaw
aberrtaa and applam, all d
tUm. Right place for right people.
yeart experience, aty opera boeea
▼^tles; also Urge vlayard; cboleJ W. Power. 90$ Bute Bank or SIS
btodk. Doth pbonea.
aat grapea. This farm by utllUlag
Welllngtcm street
Aug. 94-tf.
tte Umber can
made to pay out
T. W. TMIRLBY-Denttot. Over Bae
UU^yoar Including coming wl
Bum^ tort*e Jeiralry Mara
phone 1212. Gas and hath.
aad wbeo paM fur U a atendy m
aug. 24. U.
af waaltb that to bard to duplIcaU.
ooly "reaaon It Is tor aale to .ownar FOR RENt—Five rooms for light
to well along In years and wlsbaa to
housekeeping on Itolon street In
ratlrs banes offers it at about
quire of John Furtsch. 40$ Union
half tu actnal vslna. Prtca $$.000.
•treet upstairs.
aug 27-5t
Wade Broa. $17 Boutb Vatan Bt.,
atisana ptena. 121$.
Inna U tf
acetylene auto lamp,
au. phone tii.
I her- between Kalkaska and
FOR RALl-1$ii-Onn kiudrad ted
aty. Reward If retnnked MONEY TO LOAN—No
. rand. Maat Bay townablp: atom 1$
oebaol ate ebnrab: wm $eU te tegy
glop lawg; A N$i 1 proi
tormt owter In otter kHif;
tom; totoPHiPR WbitBraA. tlT frto$ $$.$$$. WteABratatlTBaMR
toHtb Oglog Bt
Bt OR.
OR. yRcwa
yteaa Itlt.
Untoa at CM. phone 191$.
lag or^boardmu; will taka
equity to amonat of on# Uo
tairtHNn acre $arai. MgRty acras
tmpraved. large bara and food
teteA AtoterA. large amount $C
tete wood. Mmb«r7tom all fenced
and no better soil to be toote: Mi
ate labto. 113 Blxtb aUtwt
■t aide
and Bay atvaato.
FOR BALt-Phrm. $0 acres, good sail,
Two forty^anr toot tou. west aide
good wamr. toved ate aH under ewb
Bpraea atraet. betwaag Wayaa
Bofanty foot tot noth aide of Bay
sag. 17^
atraet Phage flA.
atraet. oppoalto Darrow s stnra.
toot toC.
FOR BAtR-im-
and atoadr ribpl(»rm<*ui fur Ite rlgtit
pteMui. Cbai ito Ptno <ir phooo ClU
ait. Mra. Ftaak 8boU^. Aug. 12 If
FOR BACB—Cnrpela. curUtaa. bad
raaldagcw Weat Ntoth Bt. ckp Ig.
on# ate g half block from OmUrml
FOR aALE«»Utl—Larga tag frai
teaaa. targa kH, batwaaa NtgCb
ate Tmtb atreato oa RaUroad ar«
mma moot toaadatloa. Lot worU
aug. Iktf.
at laato aaa tteaaate telUrm.
WAMTt»-T«o aiaii
•nm girta at
Houaa eouM got ba teilt tog ifu«
l^too VteV llOMM
Bk RapMa.
baadtot teUara. Cloaa Ia Maty
aug 17 a.
WagM to b wmk.
tarva. PHea lITto. Wad# Brag.
IIT Booth Uuloo atmat Clt pboaa
WANTilt>-OiH or mMdl^«god U4j
ttU. .
girt at
FOR.BAtR OHBAF-Ogt good tte
tter. top bnoy and nmaU enok
m. inolra raom $. over Oty
fi—ifa. tot S DlrlrlMi at.
tel. toff
WAMTV»..^rM <41/ loto to
- Iteate.
to 340 Bute, Mra R B. Knceland.
aug. mt
market and receive lewvd. Name
Annie Mack In back.
aug. 2$tf..
LORT-Fox bound, pepper# and salt
color, bna collar on with ux ug
on. T. B. Morgan’s name 00 coltor.
Reward for Informslloo. D. J. Mor
arg. ;*U.
toRTMf ^ guA
day. Aug. M. for tBa Brat; nn Bapt oa board the boat stod a ^wy pleasant
Ray\wws agrat.
Bra W, a JcAastoa ate
teenrnte Sanday eveu-.ag from ^atr
2. for tte aneand ate nn BapC 12. tos
tte third: next regilnr Bept 1$. C
C. Langley. W. II. M B. White,
wecrctary.____________ _______
TRAVBIlBt^^^l^l^ na m,
to Tmrerue City this after
noon. aflor bavtiig
week with reiadves.
Beta Dame ate fimtty aad Mrs. R
r Itone ara kpandlng tbe week
csmplng at the point
Mr. UTtBlir aad family are
r; B. i
la tbe nwldagpv prrvtonaly owned by
M. a OR.
Tte Rev. P. R WTiUmsn returned
to bto borne in Harbor Rpriags Bat
urday. , Mra Whlimaa and daughter
returned today.
Brbool begins Tuesday. Rept. l$th.
To wmtam Hapklas. Chaikm Vpa
Mra R, M CWmpbrll and daagbirr
derllp. May K<4derkoime. Oile
MaKwIe returned Thursday from
Mra. 15smi»bcll unCarry. Gt^ Rorat J. a Arnold. HX
a serious openuuui. Mrs.
\MUtlng. Henry Btrabm. A. Q. fhlr
I Is much Improved la braltb.
WUbelm. J. W. mmken. Mrs D. H. l»ower
,wer left this moraln
Peter Wursburg,'
on the cArferryr for ManlsUqui' -to)
days. Mr Power and
s da
Oval Wood tteb cn.. Bdwaid Hacb.
went to Traverse
CTty this
Bda J.McUonald.$>ank Bbamaky. Mrs.
is|ie Id s .ew dsyw.,
scm. Petor Swmnwn. CbrU Itokhardt
daughter Oirrle of
o. of Ind.. Mrs.
Ohas Krone. Peter Olraoo. Jidin Yen- Chkmgo. Mra, Wlo.
Uh. Okel Nurdstrum. Barnewt Itoy. BlsUlsne of Ohio, and MUs
R. Schombtwger. Jidin itopktna. Clias. Haiold oT W J«y Spangle.
r. SI
Nortlsimm. Wr L. Stlger. Wm. Hop
uit daughter of Mr, snd Mm,
Btviig Is very ill at this
kins. A NVtoon. Max Ooplan. Mra L.
Mc(^.>. lUnry Rtmky. Ulram Rusky.
Ml snd Mr*. Gimj. MciYay.
J. M< li>ns1d. Prank Sbumsky. Mrs.
Aug. 25.
$;r«-4>nw<KMl. James r, Itopklas. Threse
tif ivuvcr. t’kilo. Is
Johnson, iv CoyiH*. W«*dad Vlultm. vidUng rt-lathis lu U»wu.
iitul Miw. L K. I*«x-W s|ient the
Minnie iltkoll. W- 11. Kuirtr. W, II.
l^.v. Und. L ltoUr>. Mrw. V. M. West. *'i'vau* Th«SB?L and family left this
lluellmpnb l. Jos Shallln. V C.
lug for Ft*tw)ihc.
where he has kcr*idt*d a jwisllltm as
cm the N^irthera
ErUm. telegraphIt. t»j»eralor
R. TteFiwIll to- gixcatly
Max Stosol. IVler UnquUt l»«srd of l*4Minc
l^sc-d hy their many fiic-nUs hc-re.
i:duo.tltm. H. A. Drown. Riley IVlnd
a Venn* Ulty,
ka. Mi> r. J. yi»h. IV Whltkop. liouls
Miw. IV*h I lowed! aud sons are
l.iu.-ul. Mis. M^nokfll. A. Cold siM-ndlug the WAwk In town with reU
i1 Mra Howell «-xpc;rt
fail., lYank Pulrnsn. lUll Klsrk. Jell
•LartetAT .
.lat k>..m. Crand UspidH R Indliiiiu
ItsilHMd t'o.. and all idlur i»enmus
Hurltuit and wife^ay
Mr. llurlbul spent his
V<m SIX* lieK hy 001101x1 Ihst the roll
of upecUi asiMSMim^f herrUifare mad
rs Carl Garthc of Travguewta of^Mi. aud Mrs.
by the lH*rd of si^wlal sssessora fpr erae Oty'* a
1. tiarthe
Mr*i. ,Hurwx*od and son. who have
toVn the gmwln iH Mrs. A. H. Millh.xld totcral s^-sxu- I* locat«*d and ihw- ken. h-fl this morning for her lumce
Lcplds. •
l4:nuttd «H follows:' Dcglmilug at th«________Kehl and son Ixa ix tunied
liiiorarctlou of Front str«x.i aud Hall-luwt Thursday cm the- MIcohiuiI from
;»\x nm* and mnnlnK tlM-ruo vnsi Yaiikfort, whe re thi'y sjwiit a couple
on Fn*i.t Mic«*t , to Dai low hIixh*!
.dra. Arthur Dordc-aux nnd stotcr
Tlu ntx- MKifE^i'nr ltorU*w h!r*x l to thi
alU y lartamni lYonl sln*rt aud State t'hrollna Dewey .s|H-nl Mcmday lu
Mrccl. Ihttnci* cast un aaid alley
and Mra. Gcnv Helnforth of
lUmA> stiXM t. In Traverse City. Mich- llcdnforth’a rnwslng are guc-sis of
laan to now* on Hie lu my ufflese foi
«m -«r
puldlc Inspection.
gon. arrlvc-d Saturday ^or^a^^ ^-c-kK
Ktdloe la h<*reby given that
Slay with lh«-lr aunt. Mrs D h »coic.
council and board of asseasora of the
Mra. H. Ryan’and chlldten ami
Gladyw ikeme s|*-nt last wt*4*k lu
rity of Traverse aty will meet ■
council rooms In said city on the Mh
<lay of S*-pt4 mto-r. 11M»7. at 8 o’clock
p. m.. to review said ^assessmei
home in Maple City,
brother to
which time and platH* tqijiortunliy will
Most of
rami»meetlng rkmed today. M
g1v« n to all |M*rsomi Interested to
the Indians left cm Ui«; carfeny
U heard.
Oco. Magdon of Tnaerse City
-T. H. GlldJS. aty Clerk spent Sunday tbe gUesi of Oeo. Dam»and family.
Dated. Apg. 2$. 1907.
MtoH ihjrothy Power
aug 21. 22. 23. 24. 36. 27. 9$, 29. 80.
ns Hay this morning.
21. sent 2. 3. 4.
Aug 26.
(t 4 t altMl
Notice U Taxpayers.
The tax rolls for ^e oolleclion of
sohtHd and city taxea and special ass/>iiMn(Mits f<n the Ave wards of tbe
cHy Id TraveriK' aty. Mtrh., have been
placed In my tends for collection.
will U> In my ofllce for iho pun
* <.f rxdlecUng said taxes every
week day from now until Nov. I,l$e7,
from 8 odcKk' unUl 11:30 o’clock In
the forenesm and from 1 o’ch»ck until
4 o’clock In the' afu^nof each . day.
AU taxes paid befora Bept Ut will
to' recf-lved without
snd (m all taxes remaining unpaid on
Sept. 1st and antll Oct. 1st. a penalty
of one iierceBt for collection wUl be
harm'd. On all Uxra remaining uhlald on Oct. Ul and until Nov. 1st.
.-wnatiy of two percent for oollectlod
will to charged.
Offlee. n«m 2$2. State Bank Wdg.
U. 8. lUsllnga City
nattxl July 22. 1$07.
Tcmi Prav
to Trav.-iv;c'' 'aty Ic*
City to Iday
visited at K
Miss Eva Droonil
Fray’s last wee k
t-s Watson and family dm\«-
Hal 8t
pray, and
ty Sunday.
t to lak lv»pld^
Blk Raidds Suh
' drove to Trav
his wheel to EIL
Is visiting at James
Altort Dolsmlor has to-<-n horn- cn
“ R^b^a ITay vlsltod at Geo ITay
resort last wc-el.
Aug. 26.
The •Rev. C. Parmeter of Oswe-g.
l Y.. expc'cts to move bto family t
We r1$o )uve finer
ones in imitation Silk,
made 9! Heathcrbloom
Rod Da^odiU goodf.
On all these we give a
PER CEhT for next itrn
As usu; first buyers
haik’e hat
Cook With
lib ohiminq'. ol mtr
cooler iban wood,
you very little to uao it.
you have to pxy ft»r is
stove, on napy iiaYoaenta.
Uriotw $10 00 up. llcvt Platra
SI-J'iVi $1.00.
1K» it now.
Traversp City
Gas Co.
Petoskey «mi
Harbor Springs
SI.OO Round Trip
Leave Traverse City at 8 a
Returning, arrive at
Traverse City at 10 p. m.
Farmsjor Sals
1 have a number of good
farms, all she way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or If you
have any Rood property, I wHI
take it in exchanj^ and make
you easy (fcrms. 1 can sell you
a good (arm for less money
than you can buy it of any
body else. I have farms
which are located from four,
to 20 miles from Travene
1 will bay tW
Offioo 307 Htato Bank Building
Thiril Floor
S40 Wtehington
Q|t phoiiR774 .
ihelr iiarenU.
" Mra. Dr. Burke to home agaln^
A nmnto-r from here Sri* ca^iplng
n Oleu lake- for a short 1
very quiet wt^dli
jrdmy at about 1
If nay c«»aea of cruelty to cklldrea
te of Mr. aud Mrs. ]
or animals come under your ohi
oldest di
united in
Uon caU aty book etora. hoU pi
>meoa. T
AccxmnrGTA!’ R. NsUonal Bno
roent ^ Soratofcm Springs. New York.
have llcketT will be sold at low ratoa tor
round trip. TlckeU good going on
I and £lt
Beptember 6. 7. and 8. with raturn limIt October C. l$07. Ask agtnU for deUlto of poinu which inaar bp cov
on this trip ate coat oTUckeCs.
H. r. MocUer. 0. P.*A.
aog. 24 2940.
i era to pater
achools for the first time, ate 1
enurtog the ArM year high tchael
Health la the.Canal Iona.
The high wages paid make
mighty umputlon to our young arUaans to Join tbe force of aktlled workipeo Rteded to ooitotruct tte Pa
canaL Many are raatralMd h<r
by tte toar of fevers ate malai
to tte knowing oosa—tboaa who have
used Etoctric BItUra-who go ttera
Bftboot U4s fear. wMl knowing they
c k
ara safe tram malaiioas tot
tlod^fo dtoaaaaa af akUdien. Room with bactrte BIttora cp bate. Oaras dent Tburteay. Frttey or
40$ BUU Bank k|da Rntb Pbonea. blood pMMm. UP. blMimapaai.
afiartefi at Central telMMR
ixae aad all atomacb. Rver ate kid
FINCM^::tbrBontb Bide pau
ney trooblM. OnarantMid by Bugtee
nan. Btorclea to
Drag Co.. Itaaaab Drag Store.
41$ ft. Unton a
Jely 3Mm. Frank li. ktcpRi. draggtoCk $$c.
PleaM ootk^ our Bbck
Mercerized Petiicoatsin
oor wt window at ^
*••2 30
Ooaa Pv**rSi!
Roen MnniciKn Co.. St LonK Ma
5. 1905.
Bar Sirs Jr-ll M a source of ptoMure lor mo to permit you to nm my ptetnre
and alter cured by "ZEMO." aad to tell »hat "ZEMO ’ did for me. 1
»d this case of (Acee) pimples lor sU years and spent •everal
1 laod. the
and tpecialuta The mpre afUveaj^ cr
M my face k
bottlea entirely c
d-me. and 1 honestly
he world lor any
very truly.
ooa. Mvreblo. Md
lator aad Wtoola
at Mi:
. H. M;bt;.;ii.*co;i;:;::v
Mnrchle that toe tecommMdattoa of
toe Board of Public Works be nooept.. .113.000.00 ed aad adopted.
Yeas:-Alderman Abboj^ l^le.
2.500.00 Moon. Mnrchlc. Palmer, ^uter and
878 92
Morod by Rlckrrd aad aapportod
bbott toot too roport of too coi
bo acoopted aad
—AJIdoraion Abb
173 21
836 34
877 84
48 75
150 88
1 00
MliaM? ot^MoM ttshUr eloMd
City OouncU:
«■ UM MMt kOOMt 4V1. IkMbr Ultd—0«BUciDeo:->We
dlM to oor iBoooTaitMoc
818 80
M dMpIto aU this too dun and too on streoto and volko reopo^lly
that we rfranmood that toe
of tho propooed Barlow Farm AdooaaoO to ottbor dofray too oai
twHre foot alleyo bo mado twenty Seaton'e Pay Roll,
l5a. $22.20;
feet wide;
117.50; care* of lota.
Roopoctfully oubmittod.
^ of dower b«U. |2.00.:8
Malcolm Wlnalo.
Mk ton koMraM* ha«r to kirt •
%ni to «o tk* wock tor me
Ood W. Lardla
W. K. Moon.
A. W. Rickerd,
by Abbott and oupportod by
toaUoa aad hoptog to Imot troai you Rfckerd that the report of toe com
Mored by Abbott and aoppprted by
tomtoy to too aoar toiare. 1 bog to mlUeo bo aojjepted and adopted.
Sbuter that the report of toe com
Abbott, lordle.
be accepted and adopted and
McCormick. Rlckerd,
city clerk be inatnicted to draw
Shutor and Wlaale.
•ra in faror of the several parties
as iwunmended by the city clerk.
■r i. T.
a»d that toe mayor and clerk be In-
to tb« in—m.« oa van kX tooue
by toe city treaaurer to the
aereral parUea named la toe city
Travorto Oty. Hlcb^ Aug If.-ltOT.
report tboa to clerk's report as boldlpc orders on toe
To too HoMwabto Mayor aad OoaaoU to^
of Trawoo City:
S9M—1 boreby kindly a»k year
boaofmblo body to bavo laspoctod too
ooi-boooo boloogUig to ObM, 81ad^
D. Paige ttlw:. Co. rent of'
«C Third otroot 8ano U localod SO
t 00
The report of the apeclal asaeasors
tiowdblo for at to atay la aald
relatlre to the aMemroent of lateral
I baoo aokod Mr. toadtoar klaoiy lo
aewer Na 2. district Na 8. was prebaro aaiBO Morod a lltUo tuitorr from
sentwl tngelbfr with the aaseesmenl
mr boooa. wbka ho hai poaltlroly
lafaadA to da I bolloro ft to agalaot
too bfoHh Uan to baro aa oot boooo
8 00
ao aoar the Itvlag lootao. and as 1
city Bo^ mw
Abbott. Lardle.
Moon. Murohle. McCormick. Rickerd,
Shuler and Winnie.
‘ 1 W
Paj' Roll, nrat Ward.
Pay Roll. Booond W.
Pay Roll, Third W’ard, elee-
22 00
24 00
Pay RoilVi^mi Wi^* eii;
24 00
Pay”*Roll nah Ward. ol«h
24 00
od aad took aart to too proooadtogs.
Trmoofoo Ato. Mlto.
hu7 .V.V.V.Vi.V.V.’.'.V.V.V. 488jS
15 4t
2 80
f M
Ka m «. Flrdat otroot Tfaoaiao aty.
Mtoblgaa, la bo aaod for an offtoa tor
toHSto; d^fttocat of yoar dcy. tor Walter C Beoloo. Utott, oIoo>
too a« of aoToa doltoia (IT-W) per
4 00
of Paralysis
J^JL Mnmiis Aiasaaaa are alow lx
221 U
Ooa K- Wtoato.
W l^ardle aad anyoocM by
lat too oomaaleatloa bo ro
AbboU toot
toe snetim eften dees not reallae his
deager until neefta
4H a
Timverse CH>. Michigan on
. Augual 13. A. D. 1807. for the
of voting for the nomlnnUoo
of candidates for three delegatee to
meet In convention for the purpose of
making a general rerlalon of toe Cooa|tuilon of the sUte of Michigan In aocJwdance with act number 272 Public
2883—71^1^^1?* toTipeclal assess-j AcU~of 18077h^'d at" the several vot-^
meat made and prepared by the board} tng places In aald city aa jhown by the
of aaaeaaom of said city, under the cerllflcalea of election of each of the
direction of the oodnclE for defraying j aeveral wards of tho city, the followtDg]
the eapense of oonslrncting a lateral, determination was presented and passa follows. Tlx:
Ud. -u i, hereby declared and delerm^ ined by the city council of Traverse
^d i city. Mlchlgan..^toal at the primary
election held In aald city on«Uie 13th
to Barlow atreeE thence south on. day of August. X. D. 1807. the followBarlow street to the alley between} ing named persons received the num
Front and State atreeU, thence eMt. her of vi>tea set opiKjaUo their nainea
aald alley to Rose street. In Trav-j (;<^rge K. Cross. 541; Clinton L. Day
e City. Michigan, has been reported; ton. 375; I^eonard F. Knowles. 498;
lo and la now.before this ^ooclb ^
k. LouUell. 278; Eugone F.
THERKPORB BE IT RESOLVED, gawyer. 216; CIa>ton U Bailey. 186.”
That the same be fHed in toe oit^
j,,’,.ed by Shuter and supported by
of the city clerk and that the cl y
that this declaration and de^
Traverse City. Mich . Aug
council loom on the 5th day of 8ep- To the Honorable, the Majw
teiiber. 1807. at 8 ©clock p. m, to
mon Council of the City
review aald aaaeaaaienL
erse aty:
Moved by Mnrchlc and supported ^ 2886—Gentlemen;—Having
Rlckc^ that the
>?^by Palmer and supported by
Rckerd that oouncU adJo«ni.
aty Clerk.
Of the City Council o: the City of
T,.;.,.. City. Mlchlaeru
Recall nie^uns of the dty cotmell
held in toe coundl room* August 20,
Tnfmt Itoj Trtmspdrt’B Co.
CHAS. A. WEU. Hrr.
1 A I C. wr
>r tho c
Q twit* court foj
Tisverae. in the matter
uf Hilda J. Palme
that ft*or
NUlce ils benuliy
he first day of August
ths from the
been allowed for cred
A D 1907. ha
iKim lo pnwenl th«4r claims against
said court for examl
mvnt. and it
that all
uatUm and adJuMmvnt.
cr«Hlltor« of said dece«uiod are
ed lo pre»M*nl their claims to said
cdMirt. at the prchlw
prchlwte office, lu Umcity of Traverse City. In
ou or ta'fore the second day <
1st. a. D. UM»7. an«l that said cla
wlM l»e dnwrd bv said «»urt on M<m
day. the 2nd day of l»eri*ml>er. A. I>
1Jm»7. at ten ocl«»ck In the fc»remK.n.
Dated August 1st. A. I». 1807.
Judge of ProlMle
aug 2 9 16 23 .-Ul.
I 4M 88
Dr. A. W. Cbaeeh Nerre FOte eto]
aty. MldL, Aug. 28. 1807.
aatoig prooMi by which toe iimwe To the Homwuble. toe Mayor uud Com
eeUs nrs being deetreyed. and by 1
tng new. rich ble^ hnd ersnttag new
4 IS
By T. H. Quito.
Moved by Mopn and
T/re Jttsuranct
lohn R. Santo
General Insorance
2W.210 State Saak SaMiar:
TraTcrae Otr, Mlchyaa
IIS Park Street
T. H. cmis. aty aerk.
md supported by **^8eSloo
*°**”*' . .___
report of toe commlt- oSeeoft
5 of the toed owner or opcmlw of
adopted and le- __
railway shall be In Tmverao aty.
aad the aald toeii ownor or
operator than designato .
resident of Traverse Oty. ns ngsnt,
upon whom proenss of court and no
tice under this ordlaanoe may bo
ored br Fhuter und unpported by
mer that the loan to hereby
, leST^e.
uter and
mended by tho city clerk, and that the Wlnnla
mayor and clerk be Instructed to draw
an order ou the city depository for Carried.
11.035.78 to be disbursed by the dty
treasurer to the several parties named Be It 0,rdalned by the CouncH of Trav
erse aty:
jftdh—That section 30 of an
granUng permission und nt
John B. Carter and Charles A- Denneen, of Indlanapolto. Indiana, and
their nasoclates. nneoeasors and n»elgna. as tndlrldnals or aa a body oorporate^r lU sooeeaaors and nssigna to
.be organlxed under the towi o^e
State of Michigan, under the provis
ion of Act 35 of the Public Acts. Ses
,o»r o—alt- sion Uws of 1867. nnd the several acts
! OD Uceotes. retpectfully reopm- amendstory thereof nnd wpplemetary
nd that DO ortlDDDC* be drafted »• thereto: to contrnot. own. hold, malnthtod^l
Uln nnd opemte n tingle truck street
ranway system la Tmverne Oty.
Michigan, and deflnlng their rights du\nc PALMKR. ’
tim and privileges, passed August 18.
1907. be and the same to hereby nmen-
J laptcgfliny
~ lllbtlng. iusptmttony
toJ^eifS idSuSii^
To^L^ lfr>n»*rablc. fhe Mayor and dir
X^jiS-Cenllcmen —It wffl be ue^
aary at this meeting to make atomJoSry loan amounllng to 81.188, to be
placed to the credit of the ooutlngenl
fund- *
Yours respectfully.
^• fSTSsla. preMd.stP~t-.ta th.L,j5^
—dL Aldermea Abboa Lar*«.
». Munhie. Patoer. SbaM aad
Absent. Mayor PHerdrkh tm
M Estiti
supported by
ibhott and suppot
d by Abbott
Palmer that the report of the i
20. 1807. lee be accepted and adopted.
and Com
of Trav\nnnle.
. Yeaa7Aldermen
Abbott I-ardle. be allowed out of the several funds us
Moon. Murchle, McCormick, palmer. here stated.
Rickerd. Shutcr and Winnie.
John Monroe, addliional pll:.
F. W. Canrlrr. supenrlsor of the Plrat
ward, appeared in behalf of C. M.
agalxmt whom theye was ao
^ Committee.
erroneous 4»rtsonal
Moved by Murchle and supported by
It Tss rec<
Palmer that the reiK,rt of the oomltlee
.JoT«>d by i___________
Palmer ihat^tbe council and city
dais as far aa posalble. attend the
funeral of the late C. E. Murray to
be held Tuesday afternoon at two
Special ExcarslOMte
IterloelsIaBd ResoH
FMe. Ouly Me
Moved by Moon and
McC4.rralck that
loans be made.
uon. ]
aimer now appeared
the piw-cdiiigs.
hereby U Inrtructed to procure and
send some flowers to tho family of
the hitu C. E. Murray.’
1 80
aty. Mlob. Aug. It. im.
To too Hoaorabla too Mayor aad
'toot too
tnOa^aa aaibit to do Ut atcwtoiy
Dally Excursions
UnlM aad BUdhto torooU bo ac
eoptod. la lalatkm to too portag of
u> agr rttia—ot.
Morml by Lardlo aad oopporlod by
Rirkord toot too roport of too oam<
Lfnve liAKlSTGB ralU at 5 and 7
m.; Sunday. 7 p: m. oofcii,;
Leave LVDINOTON dally at 10 fklo.
Arlve Milwaukee 6 a. m. dally.
Lmve Milwaukee dally t p. m.
The line which asaurea you Three
thingn—Oatity. Comfoit and DlepaU*».
Ifwndil* Pi
T. B. oniia atr o-t.
If jem wnnt besl
ioeandbeit ter.
James C. Hookins
Tttoober-«af a ton of Iob noate
$SS0. what doflg a ton 4)1 Goal
come tor
Bot did it eewr occur to woo
th^ a tco of ^ ia^Mlgad h/£
aahea, fathaaSMo tlia vmiaa it
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