The Evening Record, February 19, 1907

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The Evening Record, February 19, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



.i. ;-.,.




EVaYNMAIN j««««'Eo™'«™nilE8UII0R

FWMM <• th.


rtrtiD LcmM


> U aM* MCk
«)r «. K. t«*KTUESDAY. FEflL tf. tfS7.
far IBM 24



baura. 4X

tog Heme to to U.


ATUNEWMrrtAn uir


aaar. Gentle aouthwMt wind.


IS,OOONewSouvenir Postal Cards

The New
Spring Styles
in Shoes
and Oxfords

Jastrobmvsdbjoiand pAa^ on tole today.
This ma jto yoo bare bfiM nev atylea to cbooau fron, sb
We are the kfgest pualal canl dealers in tbe ixortbrfii pnrt
of ibr aUto. carrying aa ve do Uirty to forty stylea of esrda,
toeaning s stock of maay tbonasad.

Partly ctoutfy and prtoably aa
luertoa tonight ato Wedneto

WrIltM hr

U\4 U I

Hr Wlri to tJto rntmimg
Ttot, m. It-Mni BveJr»
TIUW tOto tto »ITIM
ihto motatot uMi
Mlert vrltlM bjr AcattlorU Wblir
aald Char var* to bit iMOd arritAbg.
Mn Thaw
i ahr
had 1kmamx^ Mtr
fm\. She
, Harrr Thaw to
Mar IM<
Mar MHCmlr U>14 h«^r that Si»
Whito aaM to apMOiIag of thrlr auir
Tto«f. -That iwf. wDDt laai loag aail
ba would hara Byaijrw bark In a imw
whilr " Spmktoc of l»ia artoad oprr
atloa aba bad 1a Januar*. ItoS. ab*>
aald II wa. paid lor by Mr. Thaw and
tba IdU wa« about |2A0n.
Cknttoutog bar trailmooy Mm. Tha
laaito aoma grar#- rhargra agalasi l»
rhararirr of tbr alalo arrhllfct.
tottor fma Harry K, Thaw to Autbor
€3toaatork waa offtrad In rvMrnct..
dfw'rtbrd tbr atadio of vntlxr \
wbirh br rlalBWHl WMnr rrlmra hi




City of ban A»aa Waa Atiacktd Yaatarday and tha Wlg/ht Waa C«mtifiwad UMII Dark.
By Wira to tha Ovwatot Itoaord.
flan Juui Oil Bur Nicaragua. FVb
If.—W’ar batwara tbia cmnit^ ou.l
llooduraa baa begua. TnHento% ib*
lluadnraa trnopa attacknd thU city
Aftar bourn of Bgbting they vtibdrra
at dark. Tba ranualttoa arc unknown

of here, tbia



Th,y ue Uie lint to be h*.l for tbe price. We .-.rry a fall
ime of biK'her priced oac diet are joit m kooiI value
NEW HATS-We are ebowiiiK th. new ehepee io (be
I^ogley, e h«t thet-e liRhl ine%-«5 d. t^
We alK> b.we tlieoortect thioK* io Mca’s Fandshlags.


Year. Ago They Wero Vastly Orflkrant Environment
But'What the Monve Mat Done
for Them Wat Shown.


Lrt at »I.oir (hem

Drive 06 Off the Earth

aaid that the riiy o|
Claim Could Net Agree.

Whether the buildinga of J. ( . Mor
lu 4 floo occupy a portion W Union
►tteei or whHbrr the survey made In
wa* merely n preMmlnatV wmI no
fiiilhrr aiep« wi-re taken to open tbe
I fhnmgh to the luiy and wheiber
■ae poaaeaakio for a term of yearn
given a title were the gnecUona up be­
fore the city conncll laat evening and
after a abort addreaa by George H.
Croaa. Mr. Morgan'* aitoroey. the
mailer waa referred to the hoard of
jMiblic works and the diy attorney.
The matter came up in the f.irm of
communlcatioo from J. C. Morgan d

police ofneer at the
waa no
Ihrmihl that
Bre la the build
aome of the nearby 1do« kaa were hunv
lament wotild
lag and that the Bre de|«m
paaa the o|»era honae in whUh

singing, but boy* who put

at the flr^t word, kept pev
nM TrsverM- ITty p*t.pb- in
City op* in



hllod two m.Mitl
rapidly and can n
and Urge ohject*
Tlje Utile girt had hAen
trecotnlng hllnd despite the f.ffoti* of
localI Phy.
physician* until friend* of tlw
Bnglnntnc with tomoinm nmrulnt;.
Mr Joynt ha* had the fmnchlae tor
Uy int
nil maiU. iiolh In and «.ui. will be
ime lime, having secured It from a matter.
The father
welghiMl at the local po«.lofflce ThU
wctgbing la done all o%fw In order to Big Rapid* man to whom It wa* grant- M-nd hi* child away I
(out ala month* agtv An exien a *uU*rrlptl<wi
Ipthwi pa|Hi raUetj a fund
make lip iba imir that the gm^rnmrni
ough to keep'her there until
of Match and It 1* (jonbiful U
•he will return until her (4g^l
riK^wered. ao Interested I
K!k Rapid* ha* neetied a pUnt for people become in her case
ume time and Mr. Juynt I* Ju*t the
Tbe money waa placed In
«wrlv to make the malla.
tan to lake hold of the matter and of County Superintendent <
Ive the villager* what they de»ln*.
V D Martin, who ha* W
after the chlur* welfare

irrthe** Zdl. Ar” wUI m^rK?


will *bow in thU I

J. B. Paige

lage bni aa there wa* no cduae ft
ny of the «wrce hut few pUde I
Ije audience knew anyililng af It. i
Tbe tonitur had abut the’damp#
on 8ept. IK. If0«. the lioani of puhUc
(Cooilniied on Fourth Page )

Tbe banquet enjoyed by the M«Hle*n
\Vo»Hlmen f»r Amcrlra U*t evening
wa* « very pb-awint affair ;.»H.ut f«ih
bundi.-d and llftoen roemlK‘i> of the
order/ l.elng present and two long
table* b«dng flllisl with the Itanqiieier*. Preceding the lumquet the r* gular hu*lne*a mevMing was held.
Dr. W E Moon pjealded :i* too*tmaster and «tuilng the evening addn*fc*e* for the g«K>d of the order wete
delivered by John .1 Stiaub. Joseph
Klaasen. Anton F 8tiwub. !>-on Risbiy
id Glen Arbor add other*
DeFoe. counwl of ^be camp, gave an
address and a ven pU'a*lng vocal
solo wa* rendered by H Coates, fol­
lowed by a very enjoyable cornet solo
by Herman Kirrhner.
The tanquet wa* a l.lnroln and
Waahirgton affair and In honor of the
orcakl(«n the hall was prettily decoraied a-lih flag* while Bowers .ndonied
the tablca.
Tbe local camp ha* U*en extende<I
an Invitation to atp-nd a joint in»tal
laikm and banquet given by the Suttons Bay camp on the evening of Fri­
day. Feb 2J. and the degiw work
be done by the local team
Tbe local camp, of Modern U
men haa 2Ku membera and the Modern

In larger assortment
and better valuei
than usually shown.
Our lines at

arc especially
strong value.
Ask to see

The Bre depart meal waa called out

of. the Third ward baa

^ In 0«|


Wii, .o ,h. B.r,ln*


By Wire to tbe Even
Evening RMord
Rome. Feb
Tbe Italian 1
In Detroit and ba^a $1,000
ment ha* Issued ln»tructloo«
check cashed In a Detroit lAnk ft J*
director* of KcbooU shall expUln
feared her mind has hm affected by
their puplU on Waablngton'a birthday

Electric Co

Logs, Logs

$2. $2.2$
and $2.50


Will pay Highest Cash prices for'

Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and


Let us show you.



Sherman 4 Hunter.

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cit. 32, Bell 1C9..



Were Closing out our line of : ^


' /


Thought Roof of floardman A
hool Waa on Fire^ it w
Only Wiro Sparka.


and all It* <dd meth<»d* nf lightIng and now with new idea* and
nd flxiuies. iM
put in all
uid have all the con

waa burning.
C 8 Cavia and F
Inveatigatinn of the laai
lower llnom while I

tar ihoviog

tlA* and taao.


ia tbe cxpntoaioo of

H. O. Joyat of ihla city baa aecured
e Ugbiing fianchlar for KIk Raplda
Id hr the flmi of June will have an
Buaioaaa Man Should Sta to It That
tUMlate plant In operation In that
Thalr Lattarn Ara'In CaMy to*
Mr. Jnynt U not ready u*
CaUh Tralna
to dlacna* bU plan* and haa not
ueclded whether he will um- water or

InaOoa, awd today he makra bU for^
nal anbonproMt a» a cundRatr.
Mr. AbboU baa been a very rfScleot
member of tbe coundl and haa aerred
on a namber of Importaat eammltteew
The fntereata of bU ronatltomta bare

The Hobart Co Plop

the M>«'» Tnnurra
iu our wimliiir at


MHjrcr of the^ amudge ««iU! I
mined, new* that the hh-'k
Or. OaunUett Aeba SUOOO Oamafek.
rrofbed the strewn


V /

Just Look at These

w toat rumor will aprrod waa
aud Uel wrenlag wbro the
I of tbe WUhel
helm! Ulc
> henti to I




They can’t be beat at the prices we are, making.

We have

Ask for

J. E. GreOlck & Co.



at tbe pilmarlea March If.


a Andy Hanmitb Laid Up aa tho fCoault
I Andy Hormntb ia laid up nt bU
Ihome OB Nlatb atmet am the iwmdt of
a fall Bnbday wroaOng to front of the
fltoto bank bulMtog. Mr Homutb
atlpped on tbe icy aMewalk and toll
Waa Damroyto.
backward .ruptortog a blood roaael oa By Wre to tbo Browtog Btoor
tbe toft aidu of hU aeoii. Had tbe
Nitoa. Feb. l» -TW NDro
rnptufd tokoB place blgber up U
nalgkt hare etouTted totally and aa It
Ik It wm be aome time before be to
•bto to be nbouL

and Door Htooa.;
By Wire to tbe Bvrolng Rheord.
Saolt Sto. Marie. Mlch..!Feh.
Tha game wardaw'a ttopu y baa -«aearthed wbotoaato rSoAatkW of the
and tomBaeated a akh>m«nt of


QUICK, THE TAILOR, toakaa gaad
lalliaAiSI BatoFtoto

Ninatamt Paapla Frosan.
By WIra to tha Evening Racofd.
London. fVb. i9.-.\*lneteen
were froxas to death ia varkwa places
la eaaiera and weatava PrnaaU to the)
past few days.
With Ahe
he mm np^tsdaf^ miU In
the Itoai No. 1 hard aprlng

that tooaey «aa






TW.» .O oluagiag rSua

Hainnah & Lay

• ..


TKAvsim crrv. i

ns iTBOR lECm
iPt^* baM^nSld?pMaHii with

Kr ••

expatlmem of doing away wHh “back
^ coitate of the
Uivr pnalafBcaa of tba cwnin

e A. Moiuaqm.....ctty a

aaued by adapttef tbte wmaure as hy
Mteg away wicb ibe atuapteg of tba
baeba «d teltara they eM ba distclb
ntwi aa aoon aa they come lato iha of
It U yary doubifal If this matbod
will ba a aaoDsaw If cammt be dMlid
that BMMb time win ba aarod but at
tba aame time the date and hour of
uarlual on the back of a letter a


and w« have a goo I stork to
aetert f rams.
Ov dmw cite Prttniar
ftbe-rte tetele of tool pt^
bawd forced, oil l«u.|u^id

flamagd Ssste Suh

the beat and atruiiveat haod
aboay made-joat the Ihiog
fur V iBua awd aiuaU ahrubi«ry.
Wo have aovoral diCeMi
kiodaof Pfuoiiiff Sawa. Ul
the heal ialho-Pwrte*0».-

A perunM) utTiUUon it extoodod %o 3*011 aad ywtr
fri.^to tritiloor ttorP. W« take |jliMo?e ia
•houifig tboM
luutt lie


I tek« tb* 1
ttOB Md tb* bnMdeslAg iaflWMK of
.tb« pngfe. b woukl MlMltr U
tlM«kl tlMl tb«M *traak Imt», would Mi bo borod for poMte loofMw^
thorn bol Oforjr y*or tbo crop cwotlonM
to floortdb. oot only to «oto t«|talo- a letter It would 1
I the blame for
tvroo but to tbe notteiiol capttol ai bee that w
the delay and explaaaiioBs wi
uaHma. It U very doubtful If
parimeni will be conducted for any
niwpit. oM of tWn bHog tbc ootl
great length of time and
If li
Upplac bin and tbo other gtrlng the
whether It will be satisfactory to
proiMoot U» right to oopproao oowapoporo that oCOwd bla Idaoa of p«k
Traverse City Is n<K mentioned In
Tho aotKIppthf blU. othor
tha Hat of oticaa where the new rule
than for lu ImpoMlbllitr of erer
will go Into effect and
mdiic a tew or batof Voforoed after
wall that It U not. M
U It a tew. la aot to bad aflrr an but
ever. U maMag efforts to have the
tho lattorblll la not worth dlacuaaloo
boeanao it would place la iha hand,
of a pTMldaot a pow«»r aqoal to that
of a caar and every paracraph not
plaaalaf to tha ehlef aawrotlve could
•wffaad hit Idaat of proprtaty and
tha papar ooold be anpprtaaad.
aoaa man wera la the


n mm of toe unm

One member of tbe Wlaconala legla-

oelpta amouni/to ftO.WK
California the business
and the San Francisco
said to have l>een imic
br nfl.
It has been
Ju.-;tlrr lh»l
cialaof t|^ deiwrtno
close to
n nnwth i» txken
in by the American agents
duras company.
rally cnor
The dividends

Waahlaglon. Feb l».—The fed<iral
1,. truth
government has oioved for the
ralnalloa of lottery sHllng In the Ignit­
ed Stales, and the things that are com
tu.ned np nt Mobile
At thlK-|Ndnl
Ing to llgbt In consequence m ill affor<
some sensathMis
Incidentally then
ting plant at l-|ocKwk
o'clock in thtlocal printing
will be criminal pnwoecutlons whlcl
diawing .
will Involve men of mealth and aorta
standing In many of tbe big cities O

pioTlded. always, that It would prop
erly be'eoforrtMl
But Mlaaourt would
tax bachelors, make itptHng libwal,
a«uanderlng Inherlianres and. wotil.1 the l’nlt»vl Suies
The government has •'got the goods'
prohibit all
adrenr words except
-dam IL ' Wl\y tbe latter recdvcxl an on the lottery at last. A national raid
immunity liatb la not ataied. but U U waa pulled off the other tUy uader
a well known fnct thnt - dam- la aim Jidnl auapkes of the federal apd a
ply n alrooger ad>-etlve en masquer aulhi»rin«*s and in a score «»f cities
^ ^
diagnet gathered In the
er tbe
guilt. Even In Washington, under
the 11
shadow of the capllol 1

for deaerllng their iwrenu.Maine hna on«\ at least, that may
coma uader the bead of -fnwk." a
measure to make It legal for any peraoo to kill a dog running at large. Ab
a promoter of civil war and Interne­
cine strife that should be awarded tbe

a>ic»90 Epidemic

people of tbe Cnited 8l^U-s.

Chlcaitii, FVb. 19.—A» » rrMilt o( uo
ricim dalrle«.Vllscwsctl cattle and load
equate iiup.-ctlon. Chicago now hM 4.(Ksi children, and even grawn people,
di>wn mlib scarlet fever. &.(KiU Dx>re
nr»rud mith o‘her Infectknis dlseaw-s,
and over 4o.4nm» residents of the clt.v
:ire l:i quar.intlnc. A heavy dally
d.ath IIM adds to the homn of .the


m-er tw»-c

money taken In..and the men who
have Isnn |H>cketliu: tho dividends SOP of Chlcagvi'a InliablUnts has scar­
have been tapping a gi.ld min-. In let fever as a reaull, of Infected milk
Not sln«* the packing house investl
most cases the soutc of their wealth
gatlon has Chlrago l,ecn so exerrised.
Tin- health dcmutm.-ni has Iwen at
They generally ptwa* as -msurance
its wiiN- fud i.ti ucExnini of a fi»rce
or -real estute" men: A«d their <-»mutterly incompeif-ni lu handle^ tbe
panlea will U- sh.M-k,\lj when they

With the Ooeda-^telg 1

yard and also to nlkiw onir one dog
to a family. In addition to these twn
bills there Is another one up that deaervea especial mentlan. that h«‘lng a

It Is the
offlrlal* to get at the men who anccnccaulon amounts tot little more] really Is-blhd rise lottery-the
than the privilege of doing bu-dmno- res|H-cuble and rich men %ho liavc
under the name and huvlnk the draw |lie«-n drawing profits from this so-irce
loga In Puerto Cortez.
The greater j for forty yvpirr.
part of the money-auKHMitlng to hun------------------------- -—
dreda of thousands of dollars ei
roGnth~tt drawn irom itm working

The pritem dls^rthuted n.ake[*"
«p a very aaiall ,K-r cx-ntU theaimnmt

vernwient Flatly Refuaar
womlaa. With Thoaa

them to iK married again
MlBooari baa a whole cn>i
tlrta," although at least on

Ontt ONom |>o«..
>m«er th^ )nirr.u««t «(
T-rm p«.|d.
nnr I W« <rf thf UK. «hlrh raaulatti U
wriUuU, .< ih.- IM^rr
< rl.u«-mikliut U IlltinUo «o»-to b.TIh* Ns [tmn8;s»ri«-d tn IntenUte commerce '
<arty-^verilsing luaiter or lottery

ong ‘hr r ““L ■ gufh.-tvd

^Th*. lH*giuiiing of the epidemic U
Imt ewn KW-h further InvestlKali‘ai a*
the meager fort-«‘ has tn-t-n able to
makt- has resulteil in exiK>Miiefi of the
rhlcag.r-K n.otm city dalrlcH are !nd«sc-tilkal'le unsanitary, and that Its l.noo
e.mniry dairies are possibly In even
worse ctmdiUon.

Aside from tlH* loose practice «»( the
ilairym.n. t'hicago Is faced with the
for anion In other places and thl.iet (hat her sanitary squad ia quite
government's agents nu»v.-d sirattltan
inadr-quate io4Wr*pe with tire situation.
ejwdy a^Neu
ay.Neu Orl.
OH. ans. Rist
F-ist St. lanil*.
J. F Hl. hu. h<-ad of the city laborator­
fVorty^Tnnrtnnatl, Indiana
ies. cannot begin wUh his force to
Cl. Sumnu-r
San Franclsc*.
kr-ep the city dairies Inspected, and
legal printing of lottery ticket*
i.lx r.uintrv inspectors have treen sup
Eiversef l.tMMi more or Hess
W. J. Demerest and M. O lKumell of
try’dalrlea. '
New Orleans and Joseph 11. Uyoas
When- own.'V* of unsanitary dairies
I lot Of iH*oplc Who gave
Mol.ile. lawyers for the lotteTy. haW'
have iH-en flni-d and their lieenae* re­
bh* in formation iii order t.» *«
ed to Waahtngloa and sought confer^
immunity for thcu^dvi'a. then voked, they have continued huslneas
ence with Asal.tant Aiiomey General
touthern PUpn^ss ^mpany sent without reform, secure In the knowHoyt and Mr. Cooley, and U Is said;
lonicy to the dc,uir1mcnt of juai- l«*dge t'-al Milts would l>e slow and
have offbred to wind up ili
» offer the rompan^^s aid and c«- pulicr nien negligent. One small dealeV
and go out of buslnew If the criminal
was caught tw«*nty-flve‘times, and now
actlODS were dropped.
has many suits filed against him. do
But there Is nothing doing with
layed bearitrg since last November.
a tremeliiduus b-.p.
the lotlKr who shlp- CUT Building Inspectors Bartzen tried
|)cd the tickets , were it| mo*t cases to help the sahltary department, an *4.
former employes of the exproas com through inspeclora reported numerous
panles and entirely fam|nar with ex­ cases of rotten and filthy floors, gener­
press business. They were careful to ally unaanltary condlUona. and the
see that there never wiu any record feeding of malt to cows. These dlffl
of their shipments at tke point of culUes in spite of a record of loo.ofro
origin. This was avoided by having gaUons of milk condemned last year
the parknge thrust Into; the express and 114 cows coodemned.
Now Chicago has awakened.
nt. iffter the local
Tbe aanltary forces to be Increased
A bmm made npL

Early Lessons Arc Easily Learned’
AM hart to tbreet. Tke Mbit of sarinr is
Teich your chiUrea to save 'wbQe they are



Dithft. Imiulaovie .Uignt. am! beautiful
Water S.vl,
nil fur.............‘.........

For tbe Parlor
At the crowdetl downto

have 5.piert» I'arlor Suib*.
I am* iiuvrlered oak tiuithj

Parlor Slam
ni l] J.we Parlor
for oLly..


Other r.onia will bo fuinitbed aconlingly.
LoU of urticlet tol l aclutUy below ooal.
-Gosh." exclaimed tbe wlntlow waaber. looking down on them from bla
perch tMi tbe narrow ledge of a flfteoB
alorv window. -I'm glad I alu't In that

we Need the Money and W
Need the Room.


From the pnKeed.

YoUr Reliable Furniture Store,

Ile's’jult raising I

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

TWKNTY-FIVE ss^-ei naval t»ranges twenty-five cents at Stickney's
gns-er>*. Crlon street. WcdueMlay.
feb 18 It


127 S. South Union Street

The Haimah & Lay Mercantile Co.
"THE BIG STORE"—Dealers]1n Everything

We Sate You Maim Mrs
wspaper or magaWc take subscriptions for any
zinc published in the U. S.aiispecial clubbing rates.
any combination offer made by any
ive will duplicate^it
duplicate it for you and
publisher and we
Send us the list of m^atines ybfl wish to take, or
-telephone us.and we will tell you al once how much
money wc can save you. Subjcriplions can begin
at any time.

Here Are

Few of Our Special Oil


Our Price ReselarOtaitoealor

Atueiicnn Maga^
Review of Rffriews 3,00
Woumti's Home
Coiniunion .... 1.00


WorW Today .... l.SO

Dal’neAtor ...........
McOluw’a............. ,
Home Absazine..



Rich Men In Net.
The proaeeutlons will b** conducted


It.OO Wtu start as accout
Three per cent Interest,

All thia w«.k we will offer Urgaint tbai aie aimply
natoiHahiPK Thia hl<»ck wat bought at a gratt
mloclino mml it will he toU tbe ume way. IXon’t
wait pnlil tome of tbe Iwtl bargaint are gone. .
Coa,e early atil oouviooe yourtelf that
ihii it the place lo buy.

well leguiateJ clock «r watch,
aiipareut solar tlmo Is that
\ liv a well euttsiruv-ted sun dial.

• -■'SS.i™:."-!


Banknipt Stock Soli

You Can’t Afford to Miss It.


every large and many
cities in the Cnlled Stales
The Chi
has ndmlft<-ll that his re^


OocMKitiabdluokoar alork
over before you bujr.

: tbe time of the arrlral

dated paople who were tired of their
anraamaa or wanted to alter them for
aarloat raaton* but this bni u unique
and takaa Its i»Uce amon* -fnwk
lawy for tha thnpla roaaon that while



m ww hte a fewjMmpteM
i imteam bat ibmr btetem
r ibat tba dny df rbunk I

J. W. JmokMn

A. W. J«hn.D>


J. a UaMon

irsz^ I

AfSfKitMn Dreg Store i

being widelr
jborelteteare ^


In the meanUme the praaent tocce
lof aanlu

strict^ enforced, and squads of offi
cera with wagons are passing from
cme mint <!epol to another gathering
up flUhj bottlea. Infected nRasarw



Brete MagaaiDO.






We nuke up any combmadoo yon wantsod save oou mon^.


j:- ^ ^

In Ae Name of Sense»
la«. fkU dartas
cC the
Mrti fib« caaada to Uu amtb. la tba
aaoMd waak la Octobar Ucta waa a»
nMoalteUoC timmntwim. MkfwH
by aamiail
laocM a 4aMk






TMi ^Ictwrt !• fr^ a anapahat Uktn. ahowlno Kdwartf and Jaaiah Thaw, brothera of Harry K. Thaw, at thay ^
attami tha tHaf af thalf iM^r at tha Criminat C««»rt building. Cdward Thaw la ahawn at the lefu

t leaving tha Haul Larraine to

tlU‘ is-

Lovely Narcissus
Enriches Scilty
Tblrly mllfs snulhwiat »if l^an.l s
Ebd the uattUsaus larmani u( I^tinaam' the l«lr of Scilly I heir wart* t*iRht vaam busy over the January ptoduc«- of rlrUcs «i( naralKMis.
tbalr floral hstncsi. Many a hoihouw
How lha»p floww*. aaiur tnlo iha 1»Is dll sglow with while and gold, and „„,i. is. so IKo.lrn-b'n.m.. lha popu
•local slaarorrs are WclnniiiK lo i.'sr i.r -Mnj; of Srtllt.* ha^. lohi ma, s
tbalr gmwlng aonslgnmonts .d fmd jmsti-r *.I s-u.m-oliarMniv tiiMy ihrvc
rant bom. tw.»r tha ,h*i1U of Ihr Wolf
lu.Hr., ,. „ W knowfi that
and tba Rundlastoae to the tlmai U..
» Kn ,Kh %a>* i which
Waslrm lailway larmlnua and atari-]m u,,. nwida praa«-atIng point at IVhtanca Bui beautlTul )|H iw« hull.., «.l tMrnipcjnuHl to John
I Is thU hivtlcultural Induato. »»«! H|t„
faarlnstlng as It U
of tha %ariaties of oarai&sus mt-nlloncd
With atormamari lUlh* Ulands. i^ngad may hav.- lK*.-n IniiTslurad by Banadicaround In tba hours of heavy gah-s ilne monkt . v»u> through long genera
wlU a girdle of foam from tha Mack tkioa o:^ujdad tha priory 61 St. Klcb
crags of l>nmula to U>a townaring jolav
rock maaa of Mlnavawr. tha atory of
its origin and gmwUt Is more romanUr still.

r so jaam ago wouM have
itly astonlslH-d If they had
how l.TPico an archiitrlaglc
would suffice to shell, r In this fash!
Fin mild ns the 8«-Uloijian wmter 1
the raro apiiariU«in of lo*** in a p
Jw-lng a sub>vl h»r axcit.-d gossl

A St. el*icn»burg dispatch am
e» tbat In several of the provlnr
Unamia the iH'gaanu, aa a result the
famine, have taken to their beds, lyIng m*.tinnlr5s for cUvs at a time in
ord«-r to wei^en the pangs of ht
This exlgencv may In* akin i*

otbara. Aa uaay oC tba btida. ,
tally tba Jaoooaa. wbicb aacall
ombara. caa aodara tba ooldaat Caaa.
dlaa wlalerm. It la arldaot tba Urdt
wora aot orarooaae by tba oald. It U
«>ra likely they ware brooght
by tba waUbi of tba aoov oo tbalr
artaga. aod It U poaalbla tbat tbay kwt
their baorlaga la tba dhrlag
aod faU to tba grouad fatlguad aad
peilabad la tba aaov.
Tba Qloba U of tba opbUga that tbi«
ddast edll be of adaMtaga to tba
iMtlaU by Uroarlag light «po
yaurtaa of blid algratkm aod mak
tag tba redbrd of tba aianoar aa

dud good common sense
cC udxkh sn of 08 hsvc a
ihsic^ how can you continue
to boy orinsry soda ctseken,
•tale and dusty as they must
H when for 5^ you can get

Unaeda Biscuit
ftedx from tile oven, prated
from dirt by a parage the
aery beauty of which mafcea .
you hungry.
MMhOMAL tiscurr eoHSAMV

■ ■ 'Th. MM..
The common potato wna at the time
of the dlaeorory of Amer^ In colUvatloa from ChBr. to whk^ It U In
digenoua. along the greater part of tbe
tha air * may be from tba aelc
Andes as far north as to New Grans
point of vlav. tbara U a aaotla
da: It was Introduced from Quito Into
Spain about KVk) under tbe name of
to tbasa air tragadlaa amoa
which In PiMinlsb It stlU beam.
mua trarelara which abould «lroogly
Prom Spain It found Ita way to luU
appeal to tba aanaa of bum
where It became known as "tartoffa
ana tblaka of tba tbouaond. upbonoa^ aad tans of tbou
^diopplag ont or tbalr allant

our song birds aod of the feotbarad
In gaoarsl. In vlaw of tba suterthey must endure In thHr annual
ioamtas and tba havoc worked among
by tba cmalty of tba elan
why abould they not ba prot
against hnman anemias, actuated by
lore of dlspUy oo tba one hand aod

outtlermsuy. Hecummended lu n
by t'suiMir Bsuhln, the culture of tbtuber rapidly extemled lu 1M»2 through
out Franrbe t'omle. tbe Vowrm and
Burgundy. But tl>e Iv^Ilef tioeomlng
prevalent that It rsnsed lef»roey and fe

•pint of ftnbndiu gtonm


AM Aibor Om4w«ar. Ghnrisn Van
U^oyuB. of Owonnn. bnd bte Mt arm
crushed ot^imnr tb^mbonldor
wroclr n^ CadlBne Atnpdny. Via
van bnd bami sgsndlngnAMal mi
on bU farm nnd only roenntli^ efl
te emfdoy of tba Ann Arbor, fit M
Aftltd nnd bns n f^..

AQ tba arbila. bowavar. nakaowa to
gi&M gf lla tabtMtgRtA tba mablagt
bf A 9mtam Iby.ftMwgirftag ta ailuiy
and gatdtSL
Mite bl«8A iii lA A AaIA AbAttJ

wM^ tbalr fiAglla nnd imgront Isma
wbleb atmggla from tba mbnUar *oC

Ni^t Cure

The Best Laxative

Fnnots should aaa to it that tba!r
cblldron have oaa wtanl uasy
moroaant of tbsbotsnlsaachday.
Do not doM tba child with salts
and griping pOM. which mo too

Hife ¥m a

l««Pk and boohda. tba w<
«K fkiwars running Into
vrir benvy the total bartnst of UaAim
ronchWI n prollglous ftgun*. 0«a of

able to read and It la dlffUult to
deratand him. He bad Wn iwnploycd In a ramp down the shore und
the other night tbe other ro<-n were
aroused by Norman ialklng. He was i
under a spell and his talk lasted for
some time. Bihre then he has Ik^hi'
St home and every night at ft o'elork
he goes Into what might * la* eall.xl
a trance while lying on a kMiuge and
It lasts for two or three hours WlitU*
In this condition be will *IHIver a
dlscrwirae. aomelimes In the Kw.nIIsI,
language and then In k^igllsh. II.« from the Bible and those who
have heard him say that he talks In
jcrent manner, bla afniniun

"Every skilor bs* o side line." hr
Mid. "Many an old stM-llback makes
ONE PUPIL IS WHOLE SCHOOL. • more out of his sld*- line tbsn out of
king sails snd cbewlng ropes,
b 'em come aboard for s long voy
Johnnie II. Fhlsom. a fourloen-yesrnightly by nelghljors and o
old boy living on hU uncle's farm near
l>eoph* wh.i havi-rbe<m
ince. Wyo.. has the unique dis
MX of being the only boy in the anything of interest that tnrus up. for
pictures sell lo msgaxlne« and
United States for whose sole benefit a
papers, and bell |»bolograph bis
public school U being maintained.
II at so auuch s b«-ad Herr s a
The school district Is thinly populat man with $5 worth of flue wool. Hell
cd and for various roasems aU the knit U all up into Udles' shawls during
part is denied l.y *>ur InforMai
other pupiU bad to remain away from the voyage. Wltb bis skillful work
.. Ustene.1 «.. the v*.ung man fschool this year. School taxes go on bell change It Into $50 worth of wool,
T two houn. -CbelK.yKan News.
Just the same, so the auUxortlle* de­ llxe tattooed -chap has a chunk of
cided lo hold school as long as John­ Ivory . Hell carve It Into little ablps.
ny wishes to attend. Mias Helen legged feller dams etoeklngs aod patch
Truax "wields the rod" for $40 per es cloibes. Tbe cross eyed ocie shares
month, snd school U lo last aU and hair cots. As for me. I run a lot- "from a consiltuent who askml nw lo
l«7.**-New Oricaus Tliaas DcmocraL
md him the rules and ngcuUilvfiir
In aome srays Johnny Is a lucky
congreas." "IMd you do llT' "Yes,
"kW." When It cornea lo being the
sent him a photograph of
Canteacher's pot be baa a cinch. If there
are any prises to be handed out he
does not have lo worry about getUng
pne to aew white
I sew
Six presidents. Washington. Madibis share E^ch night be can truth, g^a too.
► are Ison. Jackson.* Buchanan. <a
fully tell at home that he "stood at' most
IS'' But
McKinley-,eft no chi,tbe head «f bhf class today."
But •hf-pberd s I
Two-Joffen-ui and M.umK—
It aJao has lu disadvantages. You
... .brew Urk her bead In horror.
ran tell by his books that Johnny has
Bright red. w hen you sew It, In-^
*’ut »*«th died bethe ordinary number of pranks wrap•a your vision. It angers you. It
pod up in his system. And If "teacher"
slu down on a bent pin Johnny Is rea
out of your br.d
bead, the atitebas In
------' ' " .
-------soaably sure a whipping Is coming bis
e su bard to s^. Black Is s dewaj.
presKlng color tuo. Hut worwt of all
If a paper wad aaUs through the air >■ lhai>u»Waa!l«u of Black-and white
the tamper can mak. a safe guess

tied iiy Russian p» aaanu« in the north­
iiu lha sh.rrt* > ache«. flerre ern provlncaa. nouWy In tho Pakoy
t»m th*- motinUln bn*;ikot>. dlstilct. If such ih Uio case. Uic hard­
• e.rry nm.k i>r th** islands ships endured by the peaaanU
hea.y gale and play h.ivcv | w Inter oiav not
with lha dali.aie petal:, of a ful
opened narelssos.
geneTAl in Pskoy has resulted froci
Kow At this rooro«‘til the worke
throng tba Illy fields gathering the un­ the fact that
practice from
opened IlUas, and tba crisp sUlka
btdog laid In tha wicker ha-skets for |lma immcmmUl the peaaani|i have
conveyance to the safe abalter aad become ao^nntomad to hnlUte. the
in wjn
eyen warm temperature of the j
ter. antU now tha oimtMA U ra|^ad
hoosw. Whan fully open they
by tbnm na on. of tU
mada up In bundlaa of a donen
hamien. to fill
111, uup 00
laid aastUj alda by side in the rognla- tlons of human exiaicnee. They ftiare "Mdu“;iAA;
And If JobAAy happens
rotw «ras Ilk* Heine
n name for ibis wlbter sleep. It is grcAB Appto. the whole school has the
UoB banns. And In cart or lb I
ocu danro. loo." abe endS.*
called “louka/
Uay hara been broughCdown to
itunmlck" aoba and stays at bomA
Tbey polka; broro tbe iiame.*‘-New
----------------------- York Ptom.
of tba Utile steamers which ply
In the brief autumn the bouaifAtraa
Tba 8ha» Btoctric Crane wortts of
---------------------Panonnea. and than, tbalr forty mUa of Pskoy prepare a aufflcleai gnAnUty
IS Inst Aow busy on a Aa.
Tbs Ch.'WisK v«iss Tm Musb.
of hard, black bread to last unUl
M. I balba. As ba ssuntarod about hit do journey over, are taken poanaask
omtr tbat has rocmiUy been SMntnd' A good sttry l. told of Signor FMl.
warships and fleets or mar mlnWs bis esthetic eye was obaar
est tba fUnUy Ue down arond tha
eb^t vassals twin* fraguant tirltcTw
M^s Mngtng -lb. Baft
w.. b.
stove and go to mtnp. Odoa in tba M.*
to lU Wand aoclrclad roadatead Tha
twsmly-fmir'Mn Aatnr aAa irnkm np for UAde Ban. snd tba big derricks
Mealy piped In snd
to nibble at a pleoe of tbn blAok bmd. nriU ha far naa oa tbe Panama annai
export tbay might ba prbAtabla. At
The Amt crone bn. bee. ftnlMt fortanalMy the neStor of the mmg
which Is washed down wftb n drIAk of
ad And la being bokad fbr abippint vfbS: "Hsit! Wbat saabd Is flkat wileh
watn-. Then all a<> to sleep
Tba eroaaa am fO faai in laagth am broaks npoa i
This aa tickled
The mambers of the fsmUy Ul
tba ieets alwava cruising oft and syaa rewarded by raocdvlng a
tbe fancy of tbe groat voroflst tbat be
i nboot to keep the Am go^
Rraat and **tha Ulh." as Bittalb a rock chock foi a sovaialgn.
bam lain a baarty At of langbter and
bnfoflrtas at tba moulb of tba MrvUter
left tba pUlform. foUowad by tbe p<
Bcllly s tout aira la 3.«hfl acrea of
ranaan was farolllariy known lo tham. which rglher laaa than too arc. aua^
nnlat Tnlea they came bark and atVrtog. or npAM-of Oln nmi^
temptnfl tba nong. and AnaOp tbey bad
cepUhIa of proAUbla miRtvnUon. lo
Om^pInsAnu ink. up S k,
tn ftlva It as in da^air. maeb to tba
s vary short time avary avallahla acra
tasks nmdn and me busy «nU) tbdW
eredlng winlar. when
ba taken up Tba output I

Weak Women

John Norman, a young man who
resides with his parents near the rliy
IlmiU In tbe First ward has been at­
tracting the attention of the ptnipln
of the neighborhood, owing to a |¥>eulUr roodlUon which rsnu* *n**r
him within the past few dsyn Nor­
man Is about 25 yeam ..f age an.1 has
never had much a4-hoo||tig owiui; to
an Impediment In his speech His

inSAL on eagry aAck lb A gOArdlAtA
<d tim ftumy tbA ^sndiiM

- “iTfSSriS


•■■■ •

It.' -nuvmw CITY,



aAMraa tAat aro loft art Mrm.
Mary ioAaaoa of Uaeklaaar. Mia.
•araA B Mualay of lAla aity. Ftad ^
Araiy of Daoatar. Ia4^ aad Wahar
Arary of AAoraMa.
TAa Aadaropa Oadortaktef cMa-l
aaar Aaa ebana of tAa fuaoral ar |
Oa aeaonat of tte tapAllAyj
AtroMoai IOa
tta ta
tAf faaaratiaorTtea of Mra.
■araA Wllklaa. vAloA «aa to Aaro
Am Aold at Ofooa cAaioA tAla
aooa at S o'doek Aaa baaa pool
aatll toMToar afiMooe at tAa aaaM
Amir. TAa Rrr. A. B WWto will of

TAa roaara) aanrlca of CArlatlaa
UeAty waa Aald fnan tAa Oar^A
LolAaraa eAurcA at 3 o'ctoek yaatarday aruTBoon. tAo Mar. Mr. Locka of
Cadlllae ofAHaitac aad Mr. UcAtyA
foor aoaa aeUag aa pall Aaaron. TAora
waa a lana attaadaaaa A»d tAa
JoaapA FAwlar. apad 34. died yaaterday at tAa coualy houae at 3
odook. pariumtUa bnap tAa cai
Ate dwU. Ha waa ArmiMtt to tAo
ooMty Am tiBB OiBWa Boa. 43 Aot

^ Maay dray aad otAar vaAlcIa
Aaok oa wAaala today.
TAo aU|M7 coBdttloa of tbo wmika
waa poaalAly tAo amt thla no
tAat It Aaa btaa tAla wtatar.
Tooaorrciw alfAt lAa RatAAow
tara will fire tAatr daaca ta tAa K. P.
AaU. AU B. P.A iBvttod.
' TAo Aatartoaa laaoiaaca Ualoa will
Mi tonorrow oMtag at T:3t at
MoBtacBO AalL TAM la tAa laM Mt
lay Aalora Uo daaa lalUatloa Ma
loAa Allaa aad wtfa of Maot 8UtocBtA auoat are tAr prood paraota of
0 baby boy. '

tka to safe to any. could holy
but whMer at tbe aamaai d good
I'be Bmr.
B. Blaaeil iSaa su
Mr. BwtH Aaa doaa fbr ttr ttiee boya.
tiK. mamAera of tta Froaky
cAbstA at tto aenl aaaaal m
wAkA aeeara la April ttat Ao wiU Home aad ttoafAt of tte 14*0 boys
that Aari Afoa rcicoed aad yivca a
aurt la Itfe’ uader Its roof?
Mr. Mrm yare a abort talk Adde
It to
If It la ayraoablo lo tte memto
aamo talk Ibd^ yato^ High
tAo cAareh Ao wtB ireooat Als re

Uta ip Mtrad a«4 ftlad M Mr.
maaa oAfactad. atailac tAat Om-wmi


I ^ Wt Ww jMi MB pBMtaM
b4 W llfTtes W k0k
PBiM for * rfffTM M M IAb

MB tlMB tAo MM Aaa baaa
» of MliaiaBi. No atapo kavc
ihaa toaraid lAo Moral of tAa
M aad ao otapa to aafonw fba
I Mai to tta atioat. TA# tm


Mvm. Avaiy Aa4 Aa«i aa taraM far
a leai tiM aaMat flaw iiaAaUa.
aa4 t«a Mka a«o FtWay aAt la^
Uiaai freai a rltlt vttA laiathraa aaar
HaallaiA tAa 4laaaaa tAat aauaad Aar
4aatA Aartac sa4a ttaaU maliaai.
Mr. aad Mrm. Arary Aad baaa raal4aata of tAla dty for lAe part taro

waMBy fbr tto ooaacil to act.
Mr. Craao atatod ttat It waa tbo la
toalloa of tta owaan to lacM
rapadty of tto plaal
kl ao ttat at loaat
ror riaapjr t
bo aiaaafaeuirod la a yoar.
city o dalB coat a cloud oa Mr. Moryaa‘a Utio aad Ao eoolda i latnaol
eaplUL Ho ttOBddatad tAat It t
daaatloa wAottor tto aarvoy
BMioly a piBttBdaary BMaaan
wAottor Btapa Apd actaaUy Aooa l
"fUi aaaUiiao' to ain^ oa^ wAloA woaM «|ko a oti^ ttM
roilM ooory tfay. tAa laaol laarAal tto bay. If thla |Aad-Aoew4MM
^ art aaaallod Ay loeal Malafo.
TAo aaMi aaotatioiM Ay wUa,.fiai
tto anttar. Ho oMMtod ttat It be
raiorrod lo tta proper cooiaiHteo.

» oa Mr. Wluale a i
Oa Mr. lardte'a matloa. tto dty
paid tto $10 doeo for tte Laayoe of
IrAlpaa MaalclpalltlPa. of wAk
dcy baa boea a member for
Tbe A«bory M. B cAurcA aakml that
34 €3 taaea be rebaud lo tbenx wAIcA
wpa allowed oa Mr. OlUotiA aiotloa.
tte praperty Aday aaad for cAaroA
|Aa Mmktoo oa cbM aad ae^
eoaau prooealod a abort pay
* Mi.>AAttU
VAe timasler of fitJO fnm tt# com
Meat raad to tto oowoiow IAb
MAoilmd oa Mr. BAuterA malk
There waa ao aalalaAod Aai
)mod oa Mr. QlllettA moUoa altar
m of abiot forty-dre mlauUa.

Mr. Lardle a Mtloa oardatL



aBolAor/blf dax

lAiAt taadi of poutopa. twoaty-two
Ao«a. of aridoA • J. W. Mmmerm^M purebaoad twalr» aad SMtoel A Cary
4aa: Sararal Aaad of Hva stock, luy
oafB..oat|,dfd #AMA,«ada «
baliBea of tAa raoalpta.
Mbs iodA AArowtiM Malay. lAa
boylay j^rtaoa pro bow it aad tOe.
Poutoot iKhUty aiP BHAylay 3Sc.
.Oaofvo Lardle aapi a atrlay
iM oara lo OAkayo. U P. Pcrkpa
A*alrtaA olMAwta ow YotA laat alyht
aaaaa lAat
Lied aa tba

atteWioe of tte coaodL Tbe fliot to
OOBB ap waa ttat.of Dr. J. .W. Qaaatlou. prAo^ oa tto mlybi of Dec. M. fell
aad Aroko AU Mt ana. He alloyed ANTKAALOON
t^t tho aoddMt waa due to a defect
tvo aldewalk aid clahaed ttat be Aad
Area dataayod ll.OOO. He claimed that

Aott monilnt aad evening. The fd
t apeakara hare already been
Ml for Traverae City
YAeAMv.-J. be {Gear of Jncksoo. Pres^
ideot 8. Blocum of Kalamaaoo. Gran
m. autbo of tbe Hudaoa Bill;
Svpt. G. W. U
Field SocreU
P. W
W. U Monger and
Marsh of the A tlBakno league
lay |a tbe evading at.tlw City opera
teudent Morrow, while a'oiale qt
and an orcAoatra if stringed InalfumanU wUI aaatot la the exetotom
pdatora of the cUy and count
yMber with oao ddle«dte fitn ench
win hold
' at 3 p. m



Bd tbo claim of Mrs. Daisy MclacAlaa atatod that tto claim $ouM
selUod for 3700 and roeomasoat
that that bo done. The roport area
adopted oa Mr. Abbott's amtloa.
The committee oa claims aad acwas lajurod by faniay on the aMereportod that they did aot coa
aWor tte dty liable aad raooasm

TAla oadad tto damayo claim
»e oouacll tboa acted la the capacity;
ra board of redew. TAoro w
m.4Mraora of Mat loto wore aa-

TAa OD«paBl0B Sowtaf aocdily wlU
BMOt at lAa Aim of Hrw PyAaa
YMonMy aflarBooa. Bom wUi bp
at Mra^ wwra. IW WAAalor atnatM

itAar BMlAal tail tAk attarr tor Mow Tort lo MAa All apday

tkm to tte prmAytary.
Mr. Btaadi oame to ttto dty la Jam
sald.*1aA,Aoy. Aad the aast ireauot
aary. llR aad dare ttca Aaa Aaca
tblay oa earth la aaotber boy.- and
tnittfd aad oHMtolsmt laAerar. A
tbea apeaklay of mothetw. be said Ac
Irmly AeUered that every moCber
who raiaed a good boy. would go to
Acarmi. He apokr of the mUuadcr
itaadlny which many pareutn have of
frieada about tto dty aa be ta k
aad roopacted aot ^ la tto d
Ooaeoraiay tbo mdlor Mr. Maaoil
who And been forced to nttaad
Aad aatAtay to any fartAor ttyp w
pmyer meeting rayatorty with hU
be enproaeod la tte pulpit Baaday.
IpareaU One day he waa al
I to sec the myatrrtea of a rtreus
and when naked by hla grandmother
bow hellkod K aald. *t>h. grandma. If
play Witt Dr. J. B Martla.
oaM have aoaa that drrna you'd
want to go to prayer aMoUng
OAartso Caatofdw waa
la all your IM.) Aral number on tbe prayrum
reclutlou. rThe Vdue of n
fSrod Vance reUiwed to Ali
Nofaran today after daltlny frieoda Baby.” whIcA waa apokru by Burtyoc
oaa. a little boy who araa aeot
ia tto dtv.
Mtoa Floreaco Rice went to Inter to Mr. Bwlfl from Cuba. Three yoara
ago be knew not a word of BaytUb
cAaa tlito morminy.
a W. Fry aad daaybter. Mtoa U B but bU pronunciation saa of the beat
Fry. returaod to ttdr borne la Knl^ Id hla manner of dellvrry brought
»wn the bouae.
Fred Babcock, known at tbe jfi^rtn aa
Dadd Uchty returasd to AU home
Jeaney," was the next boy toV^psur
Manoeloiui this momlay after
gave In Dutch dialect-The
dialect “The Rlgbta
teadtny the funeral of hU totber
Isaac UeAty returned to hts Ao
Manedoaa thla monilny after
odtey the funeral of AU father.
Mra. 8. C. Deaptoa
reel baa leturaod
Cuban love song Although there waa
eeka' ytoU to Qimad
probably nut a peraoo In tte bouae
"BAUANCM-d-taSTstock-d wliter who could underatond more than a
at coat. Now to the time to buy
W. O. rWe,
feb IWt




WeJl. th. .lonr U . loa* ow. Ikt
e ream from a little aawed-oC «ou»
T boy to be the head of a depar
mat of music In a State Normal
:hool. and the director In ora
tot people so thirty adlea to
Of course Mr Maybee does not briny
a whole -Aallduiab chorus" with
to Traverse CJly. but Ac brings four
todies who are as sweet aa they con
be Mr Maybee's baas voice. «
up from tbe region of ibc fu
room may strike against the celHny of
tte cAurcb and <
there are any Ilooae pieces of paper
there. Ton Aad bettor come and see
It will coat you
cents If you have
reacAfd the age of accountoblUty,
otherwise IS conU. No extra charge
or the fifteenth n.w la
If you do not come Satun
will probably be a very unhapj
with you; If you do come ro
wear a smile tbe also of a com
Five hundred tk-keU are In the
of the Bunday school pupiU; li
any of the little folks gel ‘ that tired
feeling- and do not find you. Just step

J. W. mniiten


Ap pW IA«««»..»«.,««'*.4A7tttd*


ttat Ad


the malortty of lAbm Aad boon umlned
foF aumtAa uador pndiaalinisl eiocu
tloatoU. The laat
waa -The
Uttio Bird on tte Oow Shad Roar
the Cabaa youayator wAkA bmugAr
roars of UuyAter bops tto Inryo bodlI of tbe MwortA toayur of tbo


WANTtB-Lanailiy girt.


ftt ikit

FOB BALt—New mUcA cow; a good
fob I3 tf
one. B J. Morgaa.
nnm power engine,
mdltloa; baryaln If
C L Kelley, rit W.
CItx. pAoae 743.
feb 13-Ct'

About 20


^ce 2.
lew thu W Aod m will 6iid
niru intbalot taIoc flM asd*1*.



BALANCE of large stock of winter
goods at coat Now U the Hme to buy.
W.O. Foote."'
feb l»4t


THE -real thing- for bread aad
pastry. IDEAL BLENDED Bour.
feb 13-tt

Wait! Wait! Wait!


BAater'a mo&m. AMoi

Walkor Yaa loAatad 34.11 aa
Mf Mmdila*a Mhm.
B.Fdts waa aBoamd 37.n oa

CONSmilllia OF

tue best welmcnown makes, such as


NetflefoiL Pingre^ Ringe-Kalmbficti-Logfe & Co^ Ele.
By aU mcem psstome yow sboe Onytao aoMII we get Odt stock la Shape ana au.^ SBOE SAU. wmeh^taheplaestoqmm 1^

ad tta dty taxaa wore tta oak aaan
Mr. taidk moTod ttat taiemad aa
I Ay tta MflahAlii <

llie-^Ffobe Depl. Store



whIcA the chief of police of the tonu
aany -^Wattad. n. Boy.- Tim next
number waa -What a IVture Paper
Did.- rodtad by MdAw/* This Is tho
aekrtkm ttat Ybe boy woa a gold

Wc Ssve Isrt pweSased Uw cstlre Stock ud ttxtarcs •!
oa Mr.

ptolaly Mmwed

bis proper name, recited "Who Bid*

. S P m.. Friday. Feb 23
!. Flral M. E. church
Qse. to make you happy.
Price, one of

aad atz biBdiBd doUara fiBBi tbU city

TAa OottpaaloB of y>orootBra wtU
Bot AoM tAatr lapalor imoMbp toM
row alfAt OB aecouat of tAa Maataar


MattMaaf thoCH

abapo for two week, aad that tte dity
area .11^ ^ Ho waa karryiay oaat.
ward oa tbo alybt la piioaUoa aad fell
UtimyA tte bole with great vtolearo
aaata^ a Oollea fracture, a vloleat
abakiay up aad wraocAlay and a ponc^
turo In tbe palm of his left bead by a
Por are weoka. be waa laid up aad
unable^to attend to Ala practice
cept m tittle ofdce work aad rery little
outalda work. PAr tte loaa of Al»
ptactlea be naked di
d and phy sic
al auffer&y aad anyuliA he naked an
food. No cAaaya la price.
other 3500.
Aturhed to tbe oommnnlcoUc
By Wlro .to t^MroBlay Maoord.
an aWdavIt made before Amll F. Ncr
Mast ipitalo. PoA. ll.-KktUo-W linger, a notary public aad a coa
fairly acUva. BAaap aad Uaibocatloo from the doctor’a alton
W. PatdilB. roqueatlny that the mat
T.iS: waBtra. UdOBtnTawo.
ter be referred to a proper com
for a acttlemcat.
On Mr. GIlleUA moUoo It w
ferred to tbe committee on cUlma aad
aceponts and the city aUoruey.
Couldot Aprao.
The next claim ayalast the city was
that td Mra. BowhaU. widow of Carl
kilted la a aewer i
The committee report
ed that they were uaable to agree aad
asked to be dlscAargml. which
dooe oo Mr. Lardle s motloo.

HaaM U Maapan Aio AMd a Am for
diroroa atalMA Aor M4»Ad. Mift
U. OB tbo ^kdrte ot dtaaltldd. IdAb
W. PaUAIa la Aar attoniey.
Haroaaa U Mwtfl aad tbO B
HaM boya lift for Moyao Oty UOa

aboBt IlM froBi laat algAt'a oBto^

came oa and neitud -What it |a to
Ba a Boy- with a amnaae that made
ttaAouuenmr. "TAo Dutch Cat-was
-BMorar aaat uumhar aad this. too.


Mra. Aftrali B. Av^iy. vtf» of U A. te « vary Bitanala^i Mpar.'
Atwt. PMM4 mj ftl f:it Ute MB-

ttal tolMTAMMAI
4pm to Mfi fW Aar. YAa fmwal
aarvtoa vtO Aa Wnmar at 2:M fu ».
tM tAa MiiaiM, tAa Mar. W. a
trarla AaM« la cAatfa Mtfty YAara-

-■■. ^rv; ^

M MiM .W lA*

AWAY at t;|i TMit

Awvt** tt me%





mcmmah. tvumv. namiAiiY «

■ ■• • '=•• i...V •■• •' V'.f••■■,• W.-M 4}-Lift



fmrwtm CITY, piCHiftAW, TUMiH^v.^rfuv/^iyy

A L nnd Ftonblta aUppL Price
IMM. WMe Brea, SIT Bowk
ttotan slreiL ClL pAone. IJIA .
Feb. U tf


|| P»w««!lfflkl)iflan i|
lentbattreenieaf tbeMLOf^
m Baetrte Co. laat Oetabnr. paS
> need tor dammtm on tbe teat Par


nr SSJM.41SJS. nr. baaad «a Iba
inn. 4^
popab^ or lljm. a par eaplU of
Ibc ania abwre atated.- TMa bi batter
FOR BALE-Bpring wheat 8o«r. ad to ba tba baat reeled la tba aUte.
t nrtbatetiy. It 4* geiUiw
btended aprtag and wtstar Bear, greThe aggreite mn*siti cC the three
mePealga catboau tor tbe
ham. whole whret. rye and backMuik* am S4.11P.SM 14.
Roy a Broebanna. of CciKeee bomea o« tbe bay shore near tbio mty
•rmr City MUlIng Oo.
rouaty. ka» pambaaed aa ^eatenalre a moot taaacb for Daumt panim
timber tract la ISew Uaoooib. Oou aad a similar owe tor Saglaaw parties.
FOR SALE-tlOS-MoAere residence.
compaay ai*o has • number of
Went Teeth 8L; etattn beeL bath, and with bU tamtl) will more to that
rlretric llgbU and gna. laandry ta pl«e in the aprmg. The parebAe
fcttlag oei doKigns and pattoma
teph^t. tbr etpeodUurr of aereral
. number of other styles of saiaU
eont I1.M. large lot. one ^ Ibc tb<ituuiad* cd SoUara.
free and clear cHy property valne
at fnataw<dl, that the fast CTilcapo and 1 - ,
Grand Rap4d» Mlcbtgan Orniral aer Battle Creek, was raided at asldnlght
Unloe 8L Cit pbooe 1211.
«li'a wtll tic transleiTHl. aa far as Kal Sunday by the poHce and four men ar^
jaa JAlf
reatad fur gambliag They were play­
FOR SALi-HTl-ii ncega two mllee
ing -frecse^mt** and denied haring InTba labor unioo» of Sagiaan ha%c ^Iged ia any more serious pleasures.
tor anboriiaB resideiMe to Uta re­
gion. Prtre I3.S0S. Wade Broa, flT
Chief Farringlno ways, howerer. that
Union eiroeL Ctta.iwkano ItlS.
and be Is going
FOR SALE-14»-8eT«-room boose.



Owe fe monepi
Cmn yoa »fffm] U> tpeiKl your limo
jookiug for » rbaniee of rwult-jir.-. lioniOing
boo*., blip, or lh« nuiny oUkit wanU that
«mo^ when a waul ad will do it for you

Uoloe stroeL \


town of iJMO tobabljuta; repacliy

FOR SALB-lia—17 actaa nro and
^balf ailfta city »arfcaC; 1.000
Ion alraeu Cli*. pboaa XSlO.



every da> and enjoying a Soe busl
neas; frame and brick structure;
prit-e $4,000; locumbranre $1,000;
will trade equity for farm or city
propcii.v; what have youT Address
street: Kokomo, tod.

feb sm

pan of ttb atraat. Prlea IlkOO.
Wad* Broa, SIT Ualoa BU Ota.

aad ll«MMa Good chanoMor youni
man of cmergir. Apply «i oner.

» nr Ik I
J. Ibnle
WANTK^To buy borMw; wrl«ht
from 1.000 to 1.400 lb*. If you bava
any to aoU let nc know. B. J Mor­
fob k tr

It Is Not


Let US Mile that

tewdmt of tbe Blee Ledge mine, nan
GnrnU Paaa. Ore. Mr. Hama auule i


rety. Upbly of It. JaaMs T
eaabMr of tbe State Savlage
bank, of Laariom. U prealdeot of tbe ja-UMMS «B0. W. acWBTBT >
compaay. aad'^^aak J Koblhss..
alstaat enabler «f tbe Merrbsnt* and
Miners hank, of CalimiH. ta aeemtary
aaS tranaarer of tbe compaav. cala.
* Hecia Bterenis are alao Idcoii



•Wla yearn ego | Ir^wed a raiuaU*
leaaoa.- writs John Ptanaant of Mag
aolta. Ind. **l then began taking Dr
King's New Life PIU*. and the Umgt r
I take them tbe better I End them.They please ererTbody Gustanteed

PR. M. S. OREOORY-lltysIcian and
aufg»^, 117 Cans stivcl. Pbone.
7«0 ClU.

Dr.W. J. Hig^gflhs

Porcelain Work
On door with Ba«M« OoU<«-.


Tin Ttisunifn

brated la varkms way* the cooing
A general rommittae has O. C. MOFFATT-Abstracts of title
been appotatod to hare charge of the
^ building,
arrangemtyiU. ounalsting of three
from reeh of tbe bustaoss
5 p|„,t Kallo^ Bank Bldg,
organliatkins. the board of trade, the
Rctan Merchants* asimclaUon and the :
Mts. J. a B MAftT J.T1I^WJ00^
mno Manutadurers'
sianuucuirers naao*. ^ drug
silon. slw, throe member,I d
of the
ring.; CKm BSk 2
OMasPStaWtMVtat tarn mu
»m»on comKil. Tbe formal ushering
ushering*’---------BR O. WELCM-Attiwn.y
ta of the I
win take pUce April
II. the SlUelb aanivrrwiry
With Undciwood A Un
roeriitig of the oommon outtJtcil. and
land block.
an clalEnrsic program has been arOrder your
OR. F. C. MAC NETT-Pmriiro limit
.auRcd for the occahlon.
' It 15 Lbougbi that tbe many Muskr
and FITTING OF OLA88h:S. Offlrr
I gon factories ^nve n good season be
302 WiTboim block. Clttacna iibonc
The new Issue of Bessni
fore them and that nagen nil) U- lijbonds. |4k.«H) at 4 per cent tatreest. creased and manufacturing industries,
TUNINO-W. N Miltard. 30
were sold to Rudolph, Klcybolter A enlarged during the past year. As It FIAMO
yaara caperlenre. Wltb Giiniii-ll
Co,, of Chicago, nt a premium of |I. ta all tbe Institutions aro now operittBrqs.. comer Front and Casa 8ts.
I. O. Burns
lU besidea nil accrued Intarest and Ing with full crews of men and pianf
V«j' bihI oBiim Nortben
the cost Of printing tbe bonds.
s. are l>clng made for addltioos. The
HichiKBii dock.
Tbt Km* proposed iutcrurbsn clcci-> Htaudard Malleable Iron works
building an addition and
Both phooM HO.
Pleted one hundred more men wlU dARK CRAVFS DELtVERY-Ught
parcels and trunks. Off let*
be given empl
The lAoseckc^ -TrolgbL
at City Book Store.
l*nispcctlvrty interested parties ___ _______
_ Co..
g. The Heap

Ing Sre mllcn of walk, al
OL phone 12lfjaa MKf
mo.t erery street ta the town being
FOR SALE—1IS1—Seven-room booee. provided Uk the fall length. Now the
large lot. ooreer Boyd and Fern:
ta n I2t».wire •l.m
Wade Broa,. 117 000 water and W rage system and
Bontb Union BL Clt. fbonn.l21».
jen SO-it an elcrtric Ugbl plant Is already unde.

tloa. Call Cite, idiooo R :

WAWTFO TO lUY. -H«niiM«. tiMW
caali. Inqulrr J. \V. Andir. (Iriuui ll
(rb l& Ct*

The seniU-eoleonlal of !^oaw
I than dny other tosrn In

Xes€ktt the PHmlt,

WAMTIO—RKbt iMBd knot ta
FOar mtlis )olk a J. Mori
m. IS IT

ui up aecttiity for ihelr appoarance.

^Jaa 24^


----- r—


FOR BALK—14i7-BU room horea.
Marawaita. SSSCAl I. a. Sapaalt
Both SM Abd ntaeCrie IlShta. Good
h»re.Snetowa. ckiee to. Wnihtaston
tR'^praa banka af that etty bold la



\n A i4mt wonderful cure.
Jaa. U UaSerbRL^wUad. S
iaieM srttti 1% boulaa nt


price $l.k00. Wade Bros.. $17
South Union 8L OL pbony^21^^^

SALE—14iS-Seren room btmsej
I Braa.. SIT Uaioa FOR
Cass St. Satobnd In oak. walnut
sod cherry; Snc. new house; pricn
Wad* Bros, $17 South
FOR SALE—IOCS—Good. comforUbl*
Union St. Clt. phono i;i9.
jan StkU
Cil. pbone 1210.
laa 30 U
FOR SALE—1S(H—nne home, Wc«t
,w.^ ROOMS FOR RENT—Four large ftoof
rooms at 233 B. Frtmt 8t. for rent
phone 1210
Inquire at Stolnbcrs Broa.' store, j
feb ^tir


diking the ground over last wt-ek.
j MsmifacUiring Co., rent aved to Grand MNS. B. L. BONNCRW
parlors, over Oty Hook
James H Broughton, tbe young tad | Mnxen this week, bul the Gnrtaiid
F. NERLINGER. LAWYERey to loan. 212 Stale
llng.‘ Clilsens phone t:9G.

II general Hews

Travwx* l.aud and I^*an Co.
Thurtcll. Manager . Offlee. rtKiii
Hamilton A MllUkeo bloi k

-ca Trarersa C
arra* Improrad: alz aeres mnuiiHe
dee €41
for garden; good bulldlagn; all ta
SARA T. CHASE. M. D.-nfflre wltb
Sr*U>la»* condition; caab prlra
vtt 11. Barney.M mJllionniro.has (kaiser rcccivc-s nn annual aliowaurc
Dr O K Chase. Slate Bank I
M.OOO. Wada Broa.. SIT Unloa __
i a fortune to Springfleld Mass., of k«iU.O00. tbe king of Italy it well
Ibilh phones. 225 2r. lUsidenr
•IraaL ClU. pboaa lilt.
W. Dlghlh St. cm. phone 7N|
le purprwe of beautifying the provided for with
a yt'ar
LOST-Sunday. key. ring with lwl»
Ills principal bequest is his
j and King Alfonso of Sfiain ta given
FOR SALE-IOS—Modam algbL rooM
key*, on Front or Union betweeb
F. HOLOSWORTH-«|.ectal at
late at |•cco«sl^. constating of 173 i |i.4m.,(aN. . yeay to provide the st^Ic
rcaldenrr. Slstb atraat. All oontitkNi In diseases of the e)e ear
Wood Sisters' and corner Severn^
aad bis spb ndld city rcbiilcncc I that should surround a ktag.
>se and throat. c:taMo-H mt«-d
eenieoeea. A good bam. riaaa liil
and Unkm. Reward If .returned Id
ker JOlinson drug storo. Ikiib
The «HTer 1s made lo|
Price $3k00. Wada Bm*.. flT South
Record office.
Jeb 18 tf
and park system
WANTBD-^a tbouaaad bu*brU of
Daloo atreaL Cm*ana Phone 1210.
miles along tbe the very image of Andrew Itorncgic
corn la ear. ColumbU Tranefcr Co.
Jaa. «4f.
Oirirc »»vrr A inn I
StH-ctal atieiiilaii
Jaa. 1C U.
He is John C. Ooratalc. for many years
lo eve. *-ar. luse ind lliroal (llasM-K
Pruusylvanta nicmlH*r* of eungrona an undertaker. ImiL now rctlied. Mi.
Haw t* Enjay WhisL
fltled. Bolh phoi
WANTID-Wboat. rye. rora. oat*,
are beginning-19 take the-Knox presi­ Goodale has been >rkod and railed Mr.
Sixth street.
-now mn one lesru to enjoy tbt dent ini bojw M-rloublr The ^ena1or
iro.. m
bran*, hay and »trav: hUbrst raah
ir*meofsrhtat? *-Anplmnt •
prk» paid. Travrrao t'liy MllllnR
hlnuclf pays lluic.ot no attention to
or five yrers be has been ac >R. W. E.-MOON-SiKwlaltal-^;
d Into n gan
rn. k a
nrlnary. skin and bb-al dl«-*M
add when spoken to it^gardlng lhcjrus.Hl of being the double of tbe phil
ler tonomeone who helped Hoyta
vears exiK-rIrnee. Offbe Cllv
lUrr merely snys: -Tut tut." Thc|«Bthm|.tSt until now be 1s tiring of It.
» hta hook. Tbe
|iotii.e bl<»rk Phones—New.
WANTED TO •UV-O.wd. blorUj
most also be agperts. Start iu pleas
.vcnHWl npiH-ars to hare pnigressed j j. Pici“Pont Morgan rtw^cntly ha.'^
ol.l 252. Re.sldtuee. 7ln Wasbl
colta Cnna ona to four yoara old.
antly to enUren tbf game wltb a few
cnot^ to In.litair that th»- l‘enu- i»urcluiM ■d
neres of Adrlondsck
They must be aouad. Jan 3rd I
wall clKmea aneedaten. now and tbea syhanla deUpallon will be Instructed
mnkinf tbe wtong play. After yoor for him and that It will U- lor *‘Kuoa. laud for k33jmu. The property ta cm
Innm for Indiana and Ohio and will FOR SALE-RatubIrr automobile
pletely surrounded by tbe state forest
U*P. 20-boma pow
ta partocl
partner has slapped
eon. and
J4weli7 store* Ikrth
ba gnna tao vaaka. trying to brtag
ditloo. Dr. Sawy
prtnerve. It w«k foimcrly the prop
avom at yon and pot tbe black niTw* Brst. last and al llbo ttme.aoma fanaara up bare. U yon bava
Maric Bdmlna Rosalie Booth, daugb- criy of nnnleJ SlroU-I of Herklnjoi
Foo and aU yoor anceotiy ami called
nay good colU to aaB. vrita mo.
ri»f Junius Brutus and Harriet Mice This piirehn-se added to Mr, ^Morgan s ARTHUR HOLLIDAY. •
few times you will awake
Sltrlag pnatofSea addraaaa. vbat
and Surgeon. Re
Booth, a nbole of Bdwln Booth and a 1.351 ncros at laike Mohegan, gives
ly of the gentle i
South UDK. St-^TO*
In Munmm bU»c
you bare to nail aad reaaon for aalilectonl game. We have tried
counln of the richest wriman In him total biddings of 2.751 acres.
A Earl's. Clllrens 1
tag On my raUm will oHbar ball
tbe world. Hetty Grxwa. is orgauldng
Congri-ssman Fann. of Chicago, who
on yon or wrPa you. Harman Hy­ FOR SALE-No. 1 timothy bay and
knton a groat B*J.lh roviral. Kd has acqulnvl the Utle of the great Ob^ HARRY S. HARNER-Kipcrt rdaim
mta straw. Traiema CRy Milling
man. S4S Waabiagton atrwai. 11 SS-tf
lunrr aad action rogtitator. Sails
I BooU was lK>m In San Franriacu jeetor,*- was liunying toward
fartlou guarsnUM-il. With Kimball
was christened there. IWw1n Ftorlornlng when Mr. Watson
Music House. Clta phone 244.
and bta wife standing as her god-1 of
nis.' WTien a
40NEY TO LOAN-Ko tax ctau*«
she was me.'* laid Mr. Mann. “I'm
FOR SALE-Ital—ISUM fee. comar
pul In mortgagi-s. Houses for sale.
of Union and Serenih atraet; twolarge taL*bw wall Snlshad^an
"Thai's so.” was the letort. ‘•other­ Inquire
oC E. McNnmam. Park
•tofy frame tmlldiiig: centmtly )oone foundalioo; assy to
HiBOa. where ahe remained un- wise you might bare been on h
•Btad: Srat-claaa bariaaa* kmnrian:
IlkOO. Wada Bros, 117
object to the ohaplain'a prayer
p^K.SS0. Wada Bros.. SIT 8<ktth
au. pbona 11
In tbe care of the tenor. FatSry
and . Senator McABSTRACTS OF TITLE—C. O. Car
ttakm auwau
jan 2tWf
inn toF
ver: 1Pricre reasonable. Office wUh
met at m nenate elevator and
o. r. <carver A Bro. Both phone*
FCkR EAkE—147S—Plaa new tan room
the only member of the Fn
nde a aerood wsti-h. tlie Um latter stopped baok. siying with a
bonaa. eorwar lot. comer of Itakw
smile; "After you, Mr. President." chamber who has a place on Ob m DR. E, L. THMtLBY-Spectal stten
and 14th atfwata.; will take fi.noo
bousa. bars, windmill; all fe
to dinrenes of children. Room
ta good rahie free and elear of ea
pus. There are also members of i
Price 14000. Wada Broa.. BIT
4W Stale
bldg. Both phone*.
enmbranoae Tmraraa CUy prodnonomcwhnt premature, senate. I ment and of tbe academy, botbetreal. Clta. pboaa ml
not get vole* emmih.- "You can Oomte De Mun. tbe defender of or
FOR SALE—14tS-B«Tao-room bonae.
have mine.- deetatrsl Mr. McLaurta. thodojpr; M. Oenchane) of presIdenUal
new. Gaea SU Baa borne; price
tlAOO. Wade Bros.. SIT Booth
celcbrHy and Maurice Barros tbe dta^
FOR SALE—180S-Modera rosidence
Union 8L ClL phono 1111
on West Math street; eight rooms;
cptbi banter. The
hot water hast; hath. Ilghu. all
southerner answered: -Maybe you do
of P.. -enoet every Tburadav eve«FOR SALE—14SWRne reahh
know that when I want to I can
lot taaiko faet: propnity 1a netaaUy
a trick ta MleMrelppi repnbUcan , gh.ekl.
l o
worth |3.tao bnc owner 1a taartag
pollllcs.- and Mr. Tbll eaid: "!-|oB the
the nty hewee wa maba s banpta
During th^ It
that I would narer Jearc It nUrq:
iiarctlc. A novel feainre of the ' Nttloani PratoctJve Legloo wUJ
____ FOR I Lt—Light 11 ed
* price of I2.7M Wada Bran.. SIT AUTOMOBILE
but tWy got foolad. for thanks ba to 30. ISOS. M >e^ dbre
i will be the empkqniHNit df n
Qod. I was ladnoad to try Dr. KtagtS 40 injured W
Sutitb Union stmoL Ctt. pbpse 1111.
staui plant
car bum for Ice txavelliig.
New Dtecxnranr. It took Just towr mta
dollar bottles to oompleiely care the
were Uttad and U5 tajored.




John R Santo
General Idrarance

l*ew WOheiW Bit.

TrtTerat ctlT

I have a number of L'ood
farmn, all ihc way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any ^ood properly, 1 will
take it in exchanj^e and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
A Rood farm for less money
than you can buy it of any­
body else. I have farms
which arc located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
Ciiy. all eood improved land.
If you Ij-ivo good level farme
1 will hgy ihom.

*40 Wi^jiioKton.




• S *^ wi^ioTiS




Oroeartown. SUrti Oou. Ind.
King of noogb and cold earaa aad

tan Sltf
Largo, new bosme.


••<»"»» fO« .r il»e 10 wl»» I ow,
Mote, m Itat. ta eoaipirtaoa, tfce^
craaemed to braMu a caadl&tc
M.; B. *. White, reeretary.
Manda. Hannah dreg store. Me and aetui
U ». U.H. a.;,or,h,o«k*o».«o«.utr~«.«r.«.V
BIAS. Trial bottla fraa.
(T«t la tbe Vtm SUta. aa I. “>*
t. Ct n.»al dl«^n at cbar«r TBAVtllW^CITY^ljOW NO. Wt.
POOR FLOUR to to btame for ma^y
wnatod kmrea. DIterent a
"t TAK- adt owettut to
oaa tnB£L Bonr.

so and TSc Finger Rings
now ............................ ....dOe
J6c Finger Rtags. now.........tSc
One lot of Bngiish Flqw Bloe
Ware to Piste., Ont Meal
and MU, only............. 8s «mli

—bartiw Uck.1. <»
picure. triU
nA make umr .0««Um a. »,
> »Ot OpMt. tO -mtlbOT
Obnr. M
abort ttaM


V i;r'?'




, ilECOW*. T«AVtl»C CITY. MICMMiWi, TUtCOAY. rstaOAHY «i 1MT.

Me$Ick, Prosperous and[1*opiiteied Witti Publlel^inied People
l» thm Krrmimr r«*M.
| Mr Tnpp
MfCiiri.. MtaO.. YVi. S>. -WUli Un.
«f tbc Am Artwr
or tbe rjitegv


I vtitocr. WM» atiau ud <
*aV^i fo »alr Moakl: the tamer taO»]tfaJlc


ti i rnmi", I
M ^
nojil V dllver Is Its cashier
, K. A. SruCoed to the lawyer of the Ick. sit ymrs ago aad has hcea a uhidTn.ig-.' and nllte^^leatanglraeBUmad ithMt light In the hlgbwaru «hd ftotto
nsekrtone latrepretiUoas are sure lo with or tat rnugers and rtuml ml
irreict hl< best attcwtloo. Ur Is also dc«U ever aiwx and may Its elltar
IV legal advisor cf Car Kciick toaak alid hla ataet. temahi at thto TCiagn
fbr a kmg time to cpme.
aad c utHairy pnillc.
R. If. llarry Is the prop.-lelor of
Cullcfs hare! Is one of the Mcm*s
aaothar leading hardware and fn«llor tar* weary travrUci and hungry
tura store at this place, lie carries a
pedCTitraint.' It was rreraily refamcomplete line ot the aborc named
Ubci aad rcdc^ormied ami tuday is
I articles of gcacnil mcrchandl^Aiid by
Iral hostel


rk ••« K tafa; «md*> . .«,,!» it;.raSl- of ll*«.U!ii»««B»5,r;lw.teiHn* o
4rt<« pl«. 1. u.
.a V.«-.l« »<-to4««ie.. Il«k»
I Of WealorA

aODcr ctf
a trrr



rh,ee e.r, I d-au can f«l pttitid, aad mfr.
IgiaatrWo *ttat
i r<- » part oI
t bmi

m*ablNii».'ai», *-•’
• »««
a|i^o4aie’i»aa«e4 akaiT the rnirn eno*«crTaUTe

iwtaol kfauta »ar% the
line a* la
Mta or tta rUlar- f«m^. ea*lj Cmrr A SvIm€i nc lltr prr?rKtor.
«ko otnr Iwlrtr.l.'d vlih hiai |«r aatubn
oxaula luring
aa4 wtio arr atill rt:.IST ia!er**u-J la pi»ai
Thrir cenren waoufariuren
tar ifUa«e «retSai aad
rapi boyfca. ut5ck ><Ar« aad lomticrWlkra Meakk m 4i»i o-taWWbrd ni< nV iwppJirii
la tlia vrtaieral f»m><
ihU rirlaitr ,xjra and tarp emt VOO cast bocil: bind
‘ la file jraar of 1MJ. hjr tlw; iaie Hr»w |r» *». ry day arbro fa operBtloo. a*
,ard Meatch. tar oaly piacm uT laport J vrO a» a Ura^ aember of aesk yokea

Fott f fMtmal o;«lm x
this slUayc. i
and C;cy
a \rr.- la.^? memlej>[
«h!p and
canrs d.i;lry 'h
ai^c can
g^est drill «! ga V? work
Ulrd ffcl^ r•Pff- .r-Tt •irgiul-atl oa
k'rr. Lo«i!'- WarJ Is tbe
Ihe'HTi Aid sorie:, t
munltj tn6 M-p< rtr a gn*:
•o:cst IH U ?ng tal.«'n by


F. F. *»ICF.
EdMcr^ ihe Mesic

ibUI loca'if
am'ealon is tu the
^|lie every eoalmt'hU
T*:e p-:Ltir rcbo^dr of ..................— *;,nd la 1
am* la tar arnlh aa* Tranrae Cliy.I -j-wo l.lacl»rol(h ahopa hare l*ren «-*
making wimCi rtuI progK^ umler *he ^
»> lliel. orcftnUall.m
Maalaiae aad Bic lUpida
Uka laaay [uWULed here and both hare Minlppcd
A tun lioe piles' Utw I*n Meslck. t TleU at Ivadorahlp «f Frank Ciaig asl, *
other tmaa ia tae Oraad Trarrr*r
errir tool aeccimary
Sherman. Wexfr.rd and P ekiey. daily liMinclpIv and MU^a !lc!K*aVck. Gale I
to rcndttct a arocrai Uaekamlthlap
altncjccd Srnnky as icsrbers. Ad grades |
and tiir^ls all pai..«ic«f;er
baatoeta here They ahio hare wood
so car-'up to ibc eighth are Uugbt heu ami Eviiis ;
Ann Arbor dtt>ot. ThU 1
vorlU^ drpamziCB^r at their iilacea
of btialaeaa. They are txpon BMchan
ica and palaiuklnc wurl era. and tar
rfllagvra and rural rr«Ideiit» ran rt»i
aasurrd tb.ii when their w«irk Is left
lor r«i«lra and Ibrlr borrm left lo In
ahod at the idKipa of Walter MeaJek
rad K R. Wor..lniff. that It will W

done well and at prices that aro rce


ta* hast 1


tccloB. the tinaea a Am 1




W. Sidak.

, MAIN STREET OP ^'ESlCKw hotel U mil al
ami rep ,rt« ^viUiut one hundred nod OHy puplU
foui-rooiu {and hub evny e<jii Ipractil necessanIhe tiuvclllng frabou.-.r built. «nd taking Men-1 to thi eonifu
Two luiul mutes run out of this
arc Urge and well

tetiilty. The
illUne MHl ni- mta..!
Th.r W.- Ibl U* hard to find In a town wUh Ue^tiUhM and strictest attention U
uwn and l^nl. M-Tlish
:ou;e.. snl ii, p»pujatb*n r UHe. and mnrejpald by tbe hotel nunagcmcnl that
large p»«ron;ice .•?i tli
Inatliulloj j rmly e..mfort.ible lK*ds and palatable
freight nn.l l«i:R9P

-.uii'IrKlKlaibm ;
g^rtl to ral^^ns t


only niiitcly hug«cjited
who Journey t?i hia sh
i.t»sa hoars to have tl

ind at this pUce.
then Hint
Three i-huic|, in.stltuibms found !
The.Mcibi.dtKt. rpUropil., the ;
ing p:.|-|ir.’.^dv,*atisls ami F.e* M< ih.KlUtr.. All j
lily aiwl .Mr h:,\« Urgo coagn g.itnuri and arc* ar
Imrtier Is ro»miU‘blnp a great deal of good In
the mimlwrs tbi lu-aeeful and happy locality.
during lutslThe farmlnr. country In and around
r farla! and ‘ Mcsiek la alM> a very ctmmendablc

shi.igtiui ill II

jmals .uwait the patrons. The rates
.,ic pop-ilar nnd icastmable and
h,w.lrlry n:n niii along the harm* priK
gr.isive llm-s as thb. would bi
to any town many times Ur
the village of Meslck.
Cuban Standart Ik a.iother
ie:vT.llng n wldint of the towi
a high stepprr and occasloni

haltoTUMir wtacked

tierB. all of whom are making groat
MTorta to attain a great degree of pmKeioocy In the InKtrumcnlH they are
railed upon lo pUy In thU orRsnIta j
[loo and with their united action, their
[K*ralflrnt‘ and constant practice and j
ibe highly efflclcnl Inatructlon of tholr
louder they are becoming recognliod
xs one of the best musical oggrogalloDi found la Northern Michigan and
last year enjoyrd the dUtInctlou of
winning arooad place In the notable
tiand contest at Cadillac,
Dr. J. F. Grulwr l.v tbe phyaicUn
xnd surgeon of this vllUge and enjoys
s very extensive pmcUi'c at thU place.
U a graduate of the U. of M
aoctor la congenial and tver ready'lo
ilUevate the pains and wiffertnga of
Mealck*s unfortunate.
Ahaut tha LimlL
Willey A Jiuioph. deabU In general
A newly married eauple came lo a
tnerehandUe are also veh- |»owrerful
hotel whera we were rastlug oud asked
xnd Influenclal buslnesa/people at how much It would cost lu get two
Ibis VllUge, Kvery IlneXmecvhan bowls of holJrd rlcw and milk and
due usually found‘ In ( • abme^nnmed were* Informed that tbe price was 15 }
and at piires cents per portion. The groom pullrd a
Thrlr .ol. [ .«.ll
MBbltloo I. in plcU4. ttirlr m.liy pll-1 «**J»**^
ro.. .nd tmtn . .m.n bcplnnlnp h.v,j
grown until now. Iknir bu.lnM. pl.«-

• wblrh fn
by any other tn
Ing wedding Hr inquired I
awake and hustling vllUge.
Mrs. F. A. Btmgnot to the inllllner their own rb-e and n|Kin Iwing Inform
and dmar making paMor kee,>er
ihU vllll^r. She handle** a <'«mj|drle j




feature of Mosk-ks
businesi: life.
rough In the performance of his bead ap|»Ciranres Impnlved b> him.
lous duties aa >^tinaster. and U
imb^r U still found Acres uf*on nrres of well lillwl. fertile
ItUen and offlcttl\hc re^denta can in this vicinity and It b being manu lund Ciiii ,he fouml in every direction
rviUlvated iiy
fartnn*«l Into omimml r*«,
Mi-b otr. prarileal and upti>-duti* farmem.
d Kug he>- Wood and MrGuln are the livery,
alavoH. I«rre];
in urtter
feed and «»le-:tiib!r ownrn. of thvs
utlllte every particle
pltre. A* freir plarc of buslncsa can
be oMaiaed at anv rttne. nice warm
time U-. p»-i ib!**.
years of limber maniifiicture Ik
comf.HtabU vehirles of travel, with
cd in the v1lin::c mUkpwr.ers.
apeedy and
lelUbla hoi>-«.
lun a fr*e bus to the dc|>ot and also
lr.:orpo-aled ifi 18%.
a dray Pae in ^e vUUg.. aiw loth
hnstlers and tarorltca among the
In IMS the Milage wjas Inco
travelling publlr who reg*il*rly vlsli
id during that lime- a gre.
tblr vllUgipnhlle ImpmvemeniB bkvi* Ikw
yam. o^ cement walks
John A. M'ellK. formerly the proprie­
have been Uid. a nci
tor of Ihe Krill:, house, now known a*lage UiMlle* ms lu*eu LiUlt for tbe no Hotel Seminole by the ImvelUag puto
rwiy ami the f.tre< ts
U«c oRlcUJa arc now buhUy engaged
pcrfecUa* plans. Ind considering
Led by ^uulders for a
works system |for ihclr
and eomc Of the officials arc
also trying to gel the mill owners lu
install a lighting plaAl so that they
mlgih fnmUh lights tp the rlUagr at

f.tii-<ds graded. Tbe vll-

«fr bol lllnatralionsXi the the part
of the nilagr officUla to toaugnrate
every pnblic Improrcmienl necesaary
to making Meakrk one of the most
modem pUcca In this rtgloo.
oRlam of ta« rlUaca are F., Beognot.
preaWeal; F. E. Rice, clert^ and F. B.
Oliver. Treasurer. There in also Eve

Marva^r of tb^CwtUr MeUk
traciir of the vllUge. He Is a dealer
tn real estate and bollda bontes for
Meoick's r^enta. His plaa U a plan
popciar la tbe Urger clUes fa Mdilag
hla httlldlnps oa the iBStalltncnl pUn.
At a TMult of hla work. It la hartf to
find a penntoeet rmddeat W Mealck.

Vith looks of shame the rest alaal
nv.-CTiic-ago I>all| New a


It U not exactly
It. Forest and

Mndrm Wsrfker.
Tlie gr.*sl general donnevl-ttU most
brlliUnt uniform and made ready, for
the field.
WUh glittering swortl clanking at
llie bei*l of bl* Iiairnt leatliiT IhvoI* ba
•tarted for tbe «-eiie of action.
lie had advaiK-ed but a few imrea
when a tbougbt struck him.
For a
moment 1.1* brow clouded HalUng an
orderly who yras paaaloff that way ba
""-Orderly, (ire all the moylng plclnra
machines in nadlnessr
-They are. air." rrjdled Ibe orjl^.
touching Ilia cap.
With that tbe great general went
boldly into the fray.-Mllwaukee ttaa-


lish Udy has a ate
a woman who bad a little Japan
charm given her. Kerry time she w
generally fell III. Her son at UM t
tta'i^el to Iha keeper"of the Japt"
ncae enrios In tbe Parts maseom and
be Informed what the
«ted. Thla,- aeld the
. -la the emblem of sickexpert at <
Tbe womaa never

URcrs. He Is fclx years of age. and quite
Atmeat aa Goad iTArt.
imall BdMh waa rlaltlag la tbe coobtrip of cfinquest Is belnc inapiH*d
for the first tlmA
Mr him in th« spring along several 1
-What do yon think of our rural
rare tracks and .*ov prpular Ik he. thatj acenery. dearr aAad tar graodmotber.
‘X)h, It
twelve hundred eedd
e^dd dollars wm.
was made
hl3 InOuence and personage re
cenUy and unless Manager Cutler
wells him. he will be the admired borte
of Mcrlrk and loudly applauded by hla
aimlrers .v;i be doe.; hi* racing atunt
rn Kimie of the rare tracks In rither
Traverse City or Cadillac this boran-

nmtdllouK to get l^io fani aociety. >

laring season
M-sIck 8u".
M. >ki; has anoihrr io*tilolloo that
Is the pride of the village ahd localHy
and that I* the home of the Mealck
K ;n. the Vlll.vge newsy. up-tiMUU and
mode! newspaper.
Every Thnraday
makes lu appearance In the homes
1 Mcaick and ImpnrU
then* all the i ffalrs of heart and buol
of the village. It also
advrancea aignmeols for
growth and prosperity, aad Is a aheet
that any community can be proud oL
Its editor F. K Rice, waa asMclatad
prevloaaly with tap CoopnrarUl. Obserrer. olxtcen T^s and from tbara
went to Grand RaxdAa to
ther la the piindag trwffi
there be oililMlad the Bon. and by
hard work and ' streonoat
methods, obtained a very oompaci circnlatlon ta Wexford aad Maalatee
couaUeo. aad la


‘“"J®""* *

line of the aU.vr namc*d goodH and U
rather'than anbpoDKlantly studying out new bat creadealing and left the
tiona and dnvw making fraiures that
qt,o proprietor snld that the
are bound tu please the must exai llng j r------------------ ------------- - -----•*- *—»
drraanda of Mcalrk'r '

^^-iTllald the camel, "am tbe real
beast of bunlen. For days, tlirougb
torrid sand*. I carry twb*e my weight
of merctoandlae. "
-riiat mar ta." battened Ibe ele­
phant. -but I think I am entitled to
l*e called tl»e reel l»ea*t of burden. I
have carried enough tea and rice on
my bark to fill a warebou«e."
Iben up si»qke a |KK.r awayberk
' -Brolbera,! heard your exiierlences, but when It comes to the besst.
of liurden I ran eclipse .von all.1
-And what have you ever earriedr Ii
-Why. 1 carried BecreUry Taft g|

i if-. \

“„w IhJr tad

coDtaInf i

Kcllpard Ttoem AIL
And It came to pas* that all tbe anb
nals held a eanm* to fiud out wbleh
was really the most oterworked broth-

Mill. '
K R. fUles I
nii handle mill luaMrr heiv an

iiie paid on! I«r i p'ipbiyeH ev»*yy
two wrecks and iWaMani fret .d timber
la yearly rtmvcrtcd Into the -Wooub’s
wrraiKm.- paninly. Un*om handles aad
an? shipped to aU parts of the I!. .S



F. D. Winnie is the gc-unal manager
of Mealck s drug sioic. At hU place
of bnalDcaa can be found a well equip­
ped pharmaceutical department and a
MU line of patent medlclneji aa well
aa toilet apeclaUlea. Mr. Winnie U an
experienced drug atore man. and reporu a flourUhIng business at ibU
wrlUng. The telephone exchange Is
I' csted at hli tiore.

the pn -.rnt output j pUre, At hU place of bu.'llue^s can Iw
htwe men who head I found all popular reading joumaU

land a hi
high rUsa and extenshe line if
* publirland
tala pourl^'hlng InMnotion
lug tojsuUiinar
ndrited and
make thU the toreniost bu.da v* town j pencils
Mr. Gates U
if this lorallt: and they are to Ik* ] postmaster and U kept quite busysplendid jI otjring
dtjrlng man
mall Hme.
when tbe
im-ir spi»*mim
innr. »ni
te Hues up III l.veoT «nd atoix* pair
tbU time

eled swprtL who wt*s mIuiM at €*seh
landing hjybe magnificent bsllwwdlec
wlfh n taavt whack of the battle ns on
tbs marble pavement, Aa Mr I.owell
wmrr oo InalgwU of office. t»e re*Hvad

thgt[ ls|pleiilpolenilarr of Ibel uitad
InsUlUt Ion - Amarlca. the greaiesi ustUo
and if you don't wha«k tha i
credit 'to the village,
I paaa jron 1
Band maater Huffman It to be cooIfratnlated upon the splendid TesuUt
vf hit mufllcol aggregation known as
[he Mealck Oty Band. ThU musical

in who dU

flbUw" as will a« nells •‘good amokiw *
at his place of business. Also has a
Urge liparlmjs parlor and haa recently
ln«la>d-e-.^ costly and lnteit*allnc
arlf-<»peraUnR pUiio at hU place of
tmalnrss. Ilotli h< and his hel:«er are
ronrrnlal and ever n^ady to pleatw
and rerre ihcjr many putrcas.
Knapo & Schunk are the meat dual
rii: of thin ujiaRe. At their place of
hnnlni HV ran »M- f.*uod a ijiolre line
oT imsit,. and dairy pnalnrl.
niM, buy nnd sell bldejt. poultry and
d<-«troypd by On
livivi,t«el; in iinnecUon
with their
Aodlalrl) iM san the
bm.lneHS. Oystem arc aluo handled
erection of h larger MW aad pUulnul
irlU. aa w. || as a buiUlinit and
CM and their niottu U a "falrnc^ lo
pare lo the »(;Uleaient It. flr.ti moiranme InstUiiUon and p.Musanrn;r* an a
Itadlng pfdoi. Tfii«> miPIng indu:.try
wraoiK>n:trd Iron, flint tio.. uu by Mi
“ Me?lrw unUI bin*i and at lhli.|
lime In matiape.1 by hU w« Vi II. Mrs
Ul. and lintay emrl"-Vh .^lenl lUiceu
I . Hhrpird Ir. the haiwes*; and ah«drab r at thlx plRoO and
a veo
■ ■;
ors about l^d.oiw feci td Umber i-a b
1 xt* Iihlve and well absorted stuck of
the iilmvi nurcanllle goods.
Is on
' Mcatck Manufactunno Company.*
reports a
Aimtbcr very i.uliM;.iiUal ami la-nr tnnker and ivpalrer and
filial ra;inufarimlnR iiihtltutlon at OiIk rapidly RrowlOR biibine«s.
It. C. liniuiead Is another congen­
place U the Mridck Manufariorinr
ronpany. This. I'ompaity wan but n* ial and enIrrprihlOK general merchant
rently nMirgaabi d with L. J. Tilj.p an at this place and carries a compleUlU ptoaldeot and Ueo F. \Vimaiii> line of all kinds of giuteml inerchaii ;
and J. H. WllUams and L. U Wiird as disc and handles farm and dairy pro- j
rice p^c^Ul^*nl. UkCivtaiT "od trea^ did. *1 bl. I.lnc. of bu.lnott.
Ibuielly A Co. hamlbv^ general tner |
nrer, renp<rUvrl>
Thirty five men
And employnunl throughoal the yeai chamllwj at IdiU pUee.
R. K Turner U the
end nisitly elRht.'cu hundred dollars
one of Mcjlrk a
loaillng hardware
every month :.f*on.tKH) feet of stores. Complete lines of shelf-ware,
timber la annually u.Ktsi by ihU eon siioves. paints, wagons, buggies and
rem in the inatiulsriuie of barrel and rutlrrs as well as building supplies
ran be p.iirhaKeil bore and at i»rlces
nst.inlsbliiFlv low Theli undertaking
b'lslmih I- .ilM» eirnductod along
notlcrn and first eUss lines.
lb ubie Ibetr eepsidty
Floyd (Utes U the newspa|H*r. ma
and fhey are^extn-r
dealer In the
> Improve I gsrlne and stath
time In making the «

aueauog to htafness. Wu

Ulitelw laisren in tvlaln erenlng dnai^
«M preeadta
pntew' ntolrway
^1 •^^■^nlster fro«^t>ntml Ains^^

roe tbe fir
se^ of t


•rta t>nMm«’macomb:-t*Ayfwnt arv.


n«toAv, rxMUAm’ n. mr.

;iEllWB.i^ »!!!I ™««



m W--

. itHfvcMTAkut Mmeiii.noN>

w »• LMtr LMk nmi

(m r

MW la


*br te;tl«l
I4»4 Wr *|r. imcfe «M I
to «r»» 1
i9«l«tblaad arttb blaa. Pto gara bto
tto^y toaak and raOa away to
aatofhJHf arlib a bbtohH tad
«n>T r4^^.t*iooa ito amoatoad tto

• . - igykr


Tkai Ik* rtairn at thl. paf,.Laak; Tkat
pmetala adTicr whm mtarn la r><>i

oCttonama fact that oae wHMmcwn local pbardptar la Itel whp* darltaa ft from
«kd the * rrpauWe prwciip
tkm" many ttnm* witbta tto pam two

M LMa daTa-«teka-aa tk* Idanr


ittm at ko<B«. Tk* aaaaaa»ai*k<
tkM tba dak* of oar pkirlaa raiK. ir. d ihU daal*. karolaa* mlnci* bm^
1. lautatl« at lb* «ia« wr -nai.
r«i.iw- lb.**--* b«

, «M ttoto tW Mtotr trnrn^ totor tto
ito4m or tto flpMtoli pmlu, CoU«

tod cto ^ IT »rtUl *af ib

IM to tor «Mtotol« tandiMto. I
BtoTT CmBwmU of Bmimi tod iJMgItod
Ito A fwr to« ttot to «*• varjr piorli
to tov« irHb tor. 8to dklii i tort auj
■Mk fwitto f«r kto. dto dtoliM
•to trtf wtoM tore, tot tto ktd Join•d ttocMi^ to iMur* tto* to tklvk
tttr tto tod trrlrto ta Ato kin tmrj
It «to 10 •‘rkrk wtoa Mto QiMt
fiatoito tor ptox tot wUd pton tm
tt tto toto of a intlcla two lulto frooi
rup tto totdt tor.iugr down it tad
^tktottoa t Imtotot cfMk uuxtt tto

!• •

tto fMtotoMBfandklt ttot Ottmk
•to ktito to toatok tto artm wall ami
tto totfdtotoi tftto wte nto. tod
fMto t ^rntkm tJMM. It ft
totoC. tolMM altoiw •r«a Wifk
tottotof «r fto <vMk la kar fftra
Mtod far ta boor, forcttful
•liktto •#■ wtora tto wiat. Ttoa tktrv
cMM t-todito tto totrtnat latamii*^

Wldlt Mto OMflt «M totekltt tor
pMtoHti or t Ai^dtot iaw. wt» rutitto «to of tall mm <to tiM OMMiatahi
totU ttort ter to* Itoto awaj. Kite
■at, til niwtotoi. mtm upon him aa
to wta ttoUto to tto cttod apoa
hto to aaffttom. Ut xrUto took la
dtotaea. ato. toktot corar. to atooil
tham off for half aa Imur. aromidlut
tma ato katag Miaaiif gmato hr a
baUat Tima, ta tto aonrlrora togaii
ta mark araato to bit ratr. tto man
aaatoto hto broacto and Had dowa
tto taai at ftoJ tpato. ita tbiaa oa► aigbt Tto fin in tto forf

toraa caam arm- ito top of tba rUff
aboTo bar and craabad lata a trra «•
ty faat darru. Tbaaca ttojr dHto tad
lata tto top of a arcoad traa, thirty
faat towar. ato aa ato gaaad with wlda

lirttm mk •laamt'aftor^tollf' Pto
board tto toouta of amo aad tbr rial
tor of boiaaa* boofa abore. tint liotb
aooa paaaod oot of Imartof.
Tba gin aprauf from tto r«'k ato
baat urar tto UmIIm la tba mwk. Tto
Iraraa waa daad. but tto rklar lltcd.
bad drzigi
dnigffd him «ot
la a momaat aba» tod
of tto craak. and aa to
atarad at bar la
tluf ap aftar a t
'TIM I coma over tto cliff tbarar
-Vou did." waa tto aaawar. "and
your harm Ilea daad lo tto rtvek.
Tboaa traaa liroka your rail."
"klticb obllfvd to tto tratw. HM tto
abarUTa party heap obalowo tto tnur
"So tto rta riff waa nfirr ytmr aha
f Qcilad aa aba atappad bark a |mca.
"Yaa. but fUa ma a ctaanrr to tall
my alda of tba atury . 1 bad a ilalai
up oa tto mountata. and a bound of n
man Jumpad It. 1 triad to ahoot him
lu tbaaa porta.
oat. Tbafa tbe

IVhan tto girt ton tto parto «• ibla
ortodao H waa oadarataod that ato
^ra• aac to rrtant aast day^ bat mffy
aozi morataf ato atoto a bittto of Ital.
tto cook to put ap a laartmoa for tma

.^T^nlruUny rheumaiUm

rad <4orar waa opcc raABOtber wcH-knoaru drugglai aakz
potad ta te baaafal to wltcteg. aoA ua to continue the announc^OKUt of
of blik and law drgrra wort the praacflptlon.
It U doiay much
real gi«Kl here, hr crtitltiunk. that It

I« U au|e

poaad to hare toon

mania toUto affair. lirraTfalrt^



aad lalartoil^ Insada.




Frey of Ih. Oparrew Htteb.
Tto Oeed Little Car.L
Tbe s| arrow huwk aluio4 InTariably
zU." i A papaUr clergymau tod ju.t ckMd
I-. c* from the ; • smxwasful rellglooe t ampalgu.
A catchev a fly ing bird for La laaal. eteil
cic.. boa come
pwmle. had been pot la atriklug dwWD birds as large as tba
days of King Joan “Th- Balw. la tto | «»w
I. and hU aneuiloa a*aa wood ydgeou. though umaUy going no
Wood* datci fruuj the .'rn i
nlgbt be held up blgber than a blackbliA If It ilo*u adt.
tary. being fooud«l ujKia fa* ra. au wkd ,
t« this, us
c.»|Hier iteuuy :tiM czacuy swoop bkc tto larger batTka,
boose near Way izuu WumL .Norfolk. (•
W dollar and
tcM l:.k the iwu yet It must bate iMuJlti ms of chaao of
ttte re«l t>eul. yaui Its own choosing. TUst Is why tto
a iuantclpU>e
l^uU* Jack llorttcr. '
I'd smjll b'.rda usually mob it sHtb impu•iJiUe Mis-*' •%
aaldI Hie blc ally when liny arc numerous enough
• Mother
I'm not very big." reidled to towUder II. Once, uon'rver. I saw
**lJoose\. GojM*y *Jum’.cr."
*>rmury'. i
miuctrs by a iicffec: cloud
♦^ruMiy I'al. Pussy fat
eie lUte;*n«» * «*•« laiy a chM mau.v iblugs.'
Cuchcs dart atuonj th «m and
cant 1
You Uecn : ’ beJittg^ to
one day I bad one of
gama Nates en “Oriclita.

Introduced »“«<» lunbcr at.uu
Imnngjable cures w,
m mga of Queon EUxabebi
o prescriptU
. makinz a I
Tto tteray clorer <M«Mlcagu JtctplMi j
*o:*l to iktof ama. Ha waa a rlrtlm or la caUod Calrary clover on acttUint of
any petaoti can prepare .1
laJuatl.>H Ha tod imaaad threoah i
of Its poctlUarltloa. In tffe Unit well in a boiil.-: no id Rxir
gtaat |htU. Ha waa wtat ato had al
. tt must to wiwed tn tto ^»nuf. Hon. oor-half utinct
»c|a Mgtirrfr^l to toboM-n tolTL
day. [Aalto gon. one ounce; i'onipoond Syrup
mom any oa Good Friday.
Mim noaato liacarad fot ajt>oar tad
Saraaparilla. three ounctw. Any rtnntbaa W( tto tblaga ato bad brawM.
class drug store sill atII UiN musH «,^l
J lu . U..U1.- k..k> JUI...I “J
»«■.' •
amount of e-Hi Itiyndlcut, and the
laklny her dapartora to rrapprtr aazt blood. <m oorb of tbelr three dU
doa« for adults 1% oue lesutpounful lo
day and tto aazt and tto arzL la
which wtU Main for oonrn tlmeto
be taken after each tu<wl and .nzain at IU30. - Boys and Ctris t
brlof. tor ruita were mad# daffy for
Bg away. Tto tbnm laaflrtd *i
yon do anyway.bedtime There U .Murngli here to last Flay and ' 1-ucy |.okk-f
tto orzt aareu days, and aacb day ate
rt daring tto day with artaa
fur one week, it raketi orc<»idlna to Fok-kel" both toll fratu tbe |ierlud of
aafr that tor had man waa maklag au
lad. but al auoMt tto arms
Charles 11. And last of all. 'Cluderelimprorrmaot. Oa tto ato
What te Nairt Yau' Deg.
te." 'Ja«*k tbe tilaitt KlUcr." "Blue, 1 Itoic are *'ertam LuzUsh namro foe
M>wad over them a. If lu pn
beanr and Tom Thumb * weep
* “
I doge that bare meanings that might be
n a time a small yellow j flower
liahed by their autbar. Charles
appropriate Alvn mcens a
oan and Uter a ndpal P<M ^vrred
rault. lu tbe year lt£*7.-Loudou .
[|« lanianazs waa about foua. and tba
t hound; Aahur. black; -Bl.tnco. white;
k abont tboma. These tbocte inter
lip near Ilulto.u Me. ^gucriea.
I Crispin, curly; Ituucan, bniwu; Julius,
I with one aoottor as they
m few years ague mao by tbe uaiic *,r
round baalda bloi.
i soft baltXHi; l^tsmard. lloiUikC; Lloua.
form a globoUr head, which
waa ac'identally killed
Peler C
"My daar young lady." be began, “it
Itufus. reil: Vivian, livey matuiad may 4«e removcil from aodbte
waa left in ratber |>oor
MW without naming that my gratltnda
Wtou Juhti (
'onstnniv. loyal;
*jly; Clara.
unlaiuiidad. I»M I prumlaa not to Jta aplral coUa, add il»ai.aldk|te re
pr^'^ldent of tto I'ulted Bt
jjuyiv. apotllve. Hmh named at I
lance to a rrohti of thuniirii
oka rod a rwopunl of mairlagar
J Patter are siMrg*
in blood [.tnlued
"I-I doo i ratuamtor." prararirata«i
of a carpenter, dccldeil to make tlrln
ty lo call the ----------- -.
tba girl a. a rad flush rrooaad bar faca.
think 1 did. and t will atlrk to toad and tto day When Ito wfM was colBn and so cut down tto funeral
words apoken In detote. n- he n^sard
flrat planted to await IN rcaireillon peusea. He told the widow of his
ed rac-b serai tor as an umbassador from
hare rauard It to to «-brt«ln»cd t'rtl twtioo and also of
a s*.\vrelgir sUte Tto .-ttviuric John
tlaadolpb of Virginia to <k mlvantagc
lid. bw to sras filber worrUM when oMdT\'alto«ns"r^lTng to almi'
1 aziwptlon In yoar caao. bowarcr. '
be found that tbe age waa twenty
• to ran
"Plaaaa don't. That la-what aro you
dgbt yrara.
jlng witb iny aoddlar*
"I am awful aorry. Mrs. Urlinea." PrraUlcut of the toimtc a:id W.mid B.-namortag It to make room for mine, clorer. generally re|
i flmt toed by aald Joe. "buf I never could cut a II;- iTcshlcut of the rulPHl
bare wr hnro H. You aa«. 1 bora got blam of the Trinity.
8t. Patrtek to illustrate bow three a.-p. uraS."
God lu hla lutlulte mercy avert!"
to U»rrow your boraa. That will ato*
arolo ohjocta. such aa leavaa. t'ou'ld yet
"That'a too bad."
o lurliabd in tto romanca."
form ooa. Tbom? dceidy rerwM In lag OriiDM; then as a happy thought camo
"But I oUjact. It U not my boraa."
oodary lora. bowerer. claim that 8t. to tor ato naked him If to could cut a
“Sorry, my daar girl, but I can't grt
Patrick borrowed rather than ortgl- OguiwT.
away without him. and If I aboold bo
aatad tto sanctity of tbe atemrock
"Yaa. I can cut a flrat rate figure 7."
OUT llttW rtMnaaea would to
(lladlcago lupuUnai. held la tto toad
"Well. then, why not cut four TsT
For all yoar ktadaaaa 1 teaaW
of Hope among tto UrockA when to ETsrybody knowe four Ta are twenty
d aboold wa moat agala under
tbua lUwtrated tto Trtcliy In l^ threa eight."
t nrt umatancM"—
or found tbe crota lu It. four leaves
8o the following day Joe completed
<:n«la grabhad at tbe Woraa.
la tbe east aNo tto trefoil Ia[a3cr«i. the coffin as ato auggested.
t.ut thr iMd mail was too quick for tor. aa tto holy bookwof IVreia and Arabia
Tto day of tto funeral (wme and tbe
Ha rotacd hla bat and amlled aa ba taU. and tto MgmM of 8l Patrick driv­
late Her. T. II, Black of Hultoa was
away, and she i
ing tto maakea oat of IreUod to. a regding tto sendee over tbe body and
' and crtol. She '
bad arrtred at that part where to was
~ ir dearly beloved brutber. who d<^
It to was luvaoted with addirioaal Iiarted this life at tto age of"—
luotra. oDd tto oOlilal asked:
power to banlab tbeee Inradera. Hr.
re be gteoced at tto coffin lid for
"Voouf wiunan. bar. you aeaa any- Prior ea>. ttot thl. plant is rvgardod reference, and. bis eyes lighting on
ling of a around bera tbto moru- la IrelaadM the tme stomrock. It to. Joe's row of four Ts, be gave a gasp
with a startled look tu hla eyes
le rode off on my
aacleot religious symtol iad
hour ngo." replied tto g
I among tto Iaarlent TVutonlc nice tbe
"Good Lord, bowr did be
> to llred through I
I three gradee
Harold"But tto men had oo right to jump ' pbytoa Tto dnilds held the ctover lu
his claim wtou to was III." aald Mias great tooor aa a t-hann. Hope |was dclade In a s|drited way.
• plcted by tto aodeuN aa a child standjump bis claim!
IM you know lag on ttptne and bokllug a; clover
lo tlM« feller Nt"
| bloom la Ha toad.
tto severity of winter, and there
X-Dot ezoclly. but to was very I But It te la cooi^scUon with tto four
beings so degraded and ao but
e. He bad to Uke my bora# to get Warad dorcr that maolfold | myths
» seek tbelr deMruetton
*w.r fr.«u you.k»r* b*«. d«*l«I«l. **wln*! to It*'.--------------fouL A coTcy of quail
-H**r h*r ttlklnc.
TBit frtl** I* •<Arclty. It Bu ttwiUy b*»i. fc*U*v«l win aometlmes huddle as close togeth­
nob lim. tb* m»i utorloo. BlsBtriy '<>*1 « «<«« kcto, lu. k to tbi Buder. er as pomlbls In a circle; with thetr
trf In ibl* beads tunted ontwarvL l.have heard
of men who, discovering them In this
wtot I
sUnsUon. have fired upon them, kill­
atoll have to lioM you as acreoeory."
ing every ope at a single shot There
That evening It sraa bright ttooo*
And luck for any lovrr.
light, and Miss Gussle waa Attlng
tagu ooe guilty of this crime to prison
i term* can find two four leaved
Pto found tto atraitfar attff aad toam.
t|lbaiira fbao tto day toraca.

Uan't to afroM of me. You beloog to
aume camplflg out party. I aoppomr
"Yaa- and I wUI ride back and g«C
help for yon. "
IWnT do It. If you U bMp me a htt posal before lie gobbled tor faoroe i
I cau gel along torv ail right. Help rode asray>juat aaongh of a profM
me over against the wall. Thanks. to aaabte bar to brag about It am
Now. tbou. I'll want a hlankel and the other loddeuta of camping out
some food, and I shall dciwnd on you.
Yoa tavo tto soul of au artist and
ttoreface ideoty of romam^ We win
“No. count." healtated the b
atair at luiBaucs. It will be an Imident
“I cannot to your wife."
for you lo think of. and it will savo me
The count waa furious.
making long exptenatkms to tbe sber^
"You dare to talk that way
Iff. BbaU U he as I aay or will you
bHIty," he blasrsl. "when 1 have
Isavw me ta mato a dinner for tbe flnt
that your
ontbcKpaulsb main. ^ Yc
cBtferiaUo marry you. afu aiir
"Yea. rottOL lift why
leave out tto -after all.
IioilT News.



Ita llcTclug pnla and mlaery. cqwkrlally
It I among the older pcipulnilun. who ore

rrry Walt. 4>lra Iripi thtoa ar
four da>a and to waoM to raady to to
til. tray.

M. E. CNUBCH AT IfftfllCK.

i ll?. .!

.^1 - h. w'lill
rjsl. hjwI luoadita


Biht tocottor. and tto upjwr




Vwfc:r PrrcLonc
In: tl.-u liili.., .earned at
Ml^ool h.-,• ei'i!
eiMV.»VwrHl to np.ily In
■ and walk- V,tou bis m.
askcil hitf If one of hh
was an oul.r child Bob
s .id trluni: haut.
"lie's gut j!tst 4we sister." esM Bo»»
1^ . "He iHisi t, cuirt. me when to
lold me to had two hair ateters. hut I
gue a I kt.»v 4u..:.*h"rroitloua for
iliai!' Vori!iaC.i..iiaalju


Wc Offer You Somefiifiig Good

it teS /j?*"uilriS lUTk^al .«

- ;


What yoa c&n buy Children*5 Coats at the prices we are
nol» making on garments of exceptional quality, with a
possibility of scarrely any change in style another season,
where can you put your money where it Tpill pay yoa any
better interest than it will if you buy your daughter a ndtt>
W and ktep it until another winter?



By buylno now yoa save a haU on the price of any ChiM’s Coat
In the store and we still have an exceUent
assortment to chocss from.
IN value. A German proverb! oays of
i lucky man. "Kr bat eta vierbteetngas KlaeMatt gefimdoo" dUe baa
bond a four leaved clover").
Tte fact that IN four leavce arc ar*

detect tto presence of evU 1

WeoldnT Dance UpaMs Down.

Ages from 4 to 14, and the style* are *the best ihe market aff rd<*
^ ; garmept was new last fall. Not a coai but whai will be
just as good next winter ai i? is iTiiz.

clerk tow her they bad oo fl.K>r
wax. but had i

tB, f«i, i,.r.d CK.V*,««

r*.c^7!^rnM ^ r; ^ «*■»
roapeii to clovec leaves." for. imtwlth
•tandlag tba sioaderful virttwf every-1
whore amylhed to the four leaUl c!o^.

ttm tto two leaved dover is not
imregardod. hut has IN legsaW. and
tto lucky aald who aecarea ope ta by
Its taflaeaea*twabted to see bef futura
The lowteat UoaNMM tevaj always
calted forth tbe poors protean, god evan
■mkroptairo aUodaa to tto dover aa
haw rev d ta IN i


" ‘•■'T

m ■




We knozu for ^our own good you cannot
afford to miss this opportunity. ]■

$ 5.00 Coats now.
$ 7.50 epats now.
$ 8.00 Coats now.
$10.00 Coats now.
$12.00 Coats now.
$14.00 Coats now.



■ to tiw Awls «C Oi«>


tort Mir to r««it ir,«T* l£ It l»« jtto-f.ltoarto.lli
!<to* tolto«toK Um:



£)tvw W^s Law
Far Sunday *BaseM

that aarfol itrh. ^
» hare Wn cto» !


the »klli of the Aortor

ftil mtatofonaatlott:
ocher aecnaar
la. to the mat «MCi la 144 time* aa l«d aa juai urdh
the delicate irxiure of the
hmUhy aarr
ekia, rec» to the haae of
of It, attacka faahi mad hermit aon of a fattoir vbo
aad doatix.ya hoa

I Llkf to Moot Athlotica
«la4 aod'

virw* or tW|ft tt a tlmiito thla« wr a*^~01ve u«
a alnurw oT C. B, AfAt'r- ] tark o«r Iwll. Lrt'fi nil lio or thr«^
Hogo pmtowit. ttof ] gamn a Bunctor. aad one jl rive the
«4tor !»«• tto- foUotriar to iJwidBrttn free iMuan to the ffroond*.
from OoT
iJMMhe rmare of Bmpire; ifrom
Oor Waner tluao t^ tto

-Latokm C

>1M hr ihe<





*oe «VW w aa iBiwaai aewao.

roverv I. I>r Ileniur IV OeaaU. mho.
br cimbtolna nil of *iaie..ten la
|.roper pro|M»rt
AM Artot. Mlrli. FHi.
Oaly Tam to Offiaa.
er remedial a.
>r«» irai Mfig*v or ito* AlklilMii lA*^: *
lac aaah that did aaav «|ib .reaav j
It woaV* to- aa laju.tlre to I
oil tmito mutfM tto- Noiterf Bto , toi
a aad
for aa loMaat-ihat Kaipii^ U I
they mar tmla for the
I r»- all la-t »«iH. ■»«
-WoTe ahy oa plirhtof maiertair] Kmplie chaimra the troild
to :
aaaaajtemrat aever al- aad are aow aartatln. the matUT of raim upoa to i‘'e the K^fral public j .cmrelj roatala themaelte. vlth thefr
aato hr
llartla. trh« did aome t*«^
pn>l«rtaa, lojkirnd a .ame t« be playt^ may holdiac a tmrk meet o.» cm the
acquired rHvk- hmmr*. At Ud
imud tairllag taac aeaa««. amat to P0f»i1tlWai tboa ahe caa aboa
rhurel.a were dolnl baalae«a‘They am.M Ilk.-xn a.«x:i ito AihWIc; J; » Ai^o
oae of tha aamller ehlWreo aaUI t*. tha
Mlrhlcaa a malaeu,. I toltore hr »l«}*^»»»^«*^
"-l•ec^ab1e , Ileaidea, It
engreare. hmitve|
pboi. | ,«
make icoodI with
tonitae vtoHag
vlaHag evldmcr
RvhlbUA |a
|a a
a pbo.*hen a Saadav
with a veagreare.
now hot
hut w,-:t»fTa|d.
a.-^diaph of the ntlie^
miie^ pofHilathw
pofMclatioa with m-bool teacher Invited hto Vhole claahe to
to Wtolla.
wochtog o rt atoelr now.
over to are the game aftei
- nuar.l aah him to do all the work
An far. Waamund. who wav tot
More than that
It remi
flhle to Iftto henuae he had Juat rot
Empire hoM- lall uiam.gem
^__________ abt>vr gr«Mip .d pifturrv, l.n«ik It tori
muralii) .nud rouiit-*.) at
a crack twlil- r.’«hapv It will nrv.-r a|nln l>e i;lv.-u
games. Ilow U ibto foi B.
high whoul. mortal ryea to
a ^^.1e townrf f.»r Ihtrtdt Baat«
logT It to a circular l.s.
ned Wlllto W. a »ave ball garor.
The re to a aonih|iaw
flaUmafira. i The three «bo
Whlppk- aeahr deat. from Batomabra.

•To Rotdrrs and Fann:.
N T.. who to'tloiag acmir flr^i eJftaa Ktoph?
Well, ib.-y are the Cal
-The amaagenient m perifiill)
.-lirhtog to Ihe W O-, tto-vr 4hrta«H .he Methodtot »uM«m
ieqoe»t lha« you all. ai Kmpl.c
I Ihe ihl.d
«p|»ni to he the oaly a.H of fdtrhera ««ly
clil.M.n«. fchoa our vtolior that we
Twit of lbr»r

We raaai'have mtvrr.**

i w.a.ldn t



. Inb .n.u or an. other I.K-al eccre..
make* the f.m<;va U l». IV d.ta j !pjj^ ui^ttor*mdm
'll: -^JaBU. c
5ttoi^-.^aS^ irL
Nobadjr-. «m.tobh- but nS and
The Ca,va flg,:.e that they can fllr
A fra drop* stop
atop that
that a«tu;
aa^ul Itch
Uch nod
. Clolw.
quick cure for
cs-wpia. p^MiasU. salt rheum, rlnt
worm, dandruff, and all oiher dtotie...
would wo-jid to comparatively easy Ing d.M-av-s Id the Vkln. th-t a Untie
yira bawlin'
atom last nights
and the Wright eventV iHHild iH- pallibl
Wmii—\ry. wlien fiaw and me got
off In a Kanuetl
No jumpS. K Wait A i^mv.
home from Itohin' maw Uidn t bava
would to
supfier ready, and I wblmiwred about
scu.ld to OM. «.f Ih, queMi.Mi l.t.t with
They Look to Dtmaraai.
It. and paw Ueked me.
li.aht fdoiiiing ami the runn ovet a
nd be llcki^l you Jia* fer wbim|>erMiwtohl awov roojM- »ome r;o»Ml ton- the lnl».ie»i
ie»l in the coming amateur !u.-r
Wtiuld pieh.iM\ to made
I HIIard championship, the «.venrb an | -Naw; bc-auM* suin»er ws-u*t rvady.'



Haag, r atoo aaya more Inlh-ldrt- aad | ‘‘-v- toll
h hlg rrx.wd of gardeiM-fa of good rail !r^» 'W** '
la-f iHiiai mnae In.o tlo rage «, ,« If j
MlrtUgaa’a lto»7 Otoe to t... ,-qua! 1-Ion .d he r*4 the Imvto for n tiill Indore
cb.m- of IhOi and Ihog.
jlho legtoli lore. The tdll «t-em< lo be
The ><^'*rwn<( *wia*ne.1 for prartice'Wfitoflir'k itiieniiiMi. Uefoie Rmpire'a

^ W.llle liopiM- autonp ;.in%|ruis und has j
;>.-j two jfuiH Mil ibe siinuy side id hto




rpre in an!
stakeholder. follow«>d
After being close togHb^ for aeveruJ luUfW Sim Bnno upenH up a gap J
of about 75 feet, but several lime* Nsi.!»
IMIfunoa pulled up oa aliUt
tenus with the Woieester bbrse.

Play at N-w York.
New Have®. Coon., Feh. ; l».-Yale
«UI Princeton aHtled a three montlw'
fflapulo over the dfte for the Suul
get Hag into condition tofore the iMMhill game of the apauU serieu.
sinlag trlir ID OeorgU. Seven twlri- the Ttfera ugreeliig to Talei propoM* are la ttne mad they wtU he Joined Hou to play it oo Tueaday. June U.
Hot Bprtags at a Uter period hy
•me of the other ^layeti.
VK wain I0«AL pradum
erety household.
Your grbeur wRl
aoch about yoh before 1 sanied'yoo. furatoh yo^ir uot. we will, j feh lt4f
“WelL II was Jnsi my loch that you
idsX*-New York UXe.


Amos E. Bingham




The Ux roils for tha conectloa of
« tUta and county taxaa for lha
IfOC and for the Aallnquaiit
school aad city Uxea and tpoelsl as­
sessments for ssld^year
bars bSM
placed lu my bands for cv.neclloa.
I will ha In my olftce to recapo saU
luxe* from now unill F-b
Wi7. on
each wt-e^ day from 8 o'clock t^ll:30
o'clock in the forenoon and (rom 1
o’clock to 4 o’clock in tha sfiarnboR.
On all suta and county taxes paid
before January 10. tha regulai fee of
one per cent for collection will be
charged and on all taxes paid on or
after January
in. there will be
charged a fee of four per cent for col­
Penally on dellnqucut city
and school taxes sad hpecla! aaeaaaments. 4 cents oa each dollar of the
amonnt of said tax.
Office in room m StaU Bank
Dated. Dec. 4. 1»0C.
dec 4 to fetoJt
City Treasurer.
The qm-«'n of Hidlsnd hat .InlllutiHl
a daily religious M-ivlce at the fuilace
mentor of her

hmisehohl fitmi
\ to the buih-r.

asooiio WAMT AM. IfAY*


in the dining loom and In
leading a psalm, which to a
sting hy all present. She tb<-ii
chnpter (mm the scilpitiie
services closes with a hvmn.
I've lived
-d In California 2h qears.
I hiinllnr
niing for iro.ihle In the
wwy of hums sores, wounds,
cuts, sprain*, or u ease of piles
Bucklen s Ainlea Ralve won t quickly j

Frank H

Candidate for Republican
Nomination for

City Treasurer.
Successful business man. Sev­
eral years Alderman from
Second ward.

Ank thoac who ntUMKhil ibe

Automobile Shew
what tbe; tl.iuk ot Uio


Walter M. Paige

Me.«ds. Hannah

Best Gauntlet

Cil plioD.' :S72

Ktl Cats SL

One Ton





50c each

Is equal to

Two Tons

Tbfn© app home ffrown and
in fine thape^_____


osopK 3l«cl^r&




that you aiw supremely selfish If you


h—not the

steak-with another

slice, the

Where can yon

*et the quality and quantUy of beef
we offer for the money,
and will aay It again?

Coke it the ideal fnd.
No dual; no iinoke; very
liUle ashes.
We have r^l^tbe prioBiD

UtTB and Sausage Makers

Hoir?g ThlaT


l.n... kt‘d ,
Ib mstvM to the bo|K- id
I the wep^teitir.* and has been rsref.illy j NotUa lo the Taxpayer, of tha City of
Traverse City
t R 1 .die I < o.»fbml for Ihe


Would Matt M.
To fnlflU hto determination to d«s
fe Id hto title asainst ah cooes Honey
Jd-lhsly has offered to me«M
iTwla) SuUlTaa khonid the latter to
rictorluas Aa his laateh with Harry
l-eirts at Daavwr thla week, thus «lv



pli-iw of thi- present gmerhlng iKvdy in | ratlrm-a U the supiHirt of weaknaaa
the game, centers atom the young ioiiuiiieiM-e to the ruin of streoftk/I players Calvin iH-muresl. He to thr . ^’'®lton.

yreatrrday. .Among Ihem wen- Cap
by.*Ill mu
Kling Wants a Raiaa.
Ufa Tafl. 1^1. and
ca.Mo-ra: Taft and tomn. flrv. tove t Hml.lng ba«- Uil i..
vto meii
«JISM KAAM. lllf*
the (idcact* Nathmato. to a* us
•aoa: KrltV. anoad haw-maa: Fatter..Only vU du)s every wi-ek wt»n'| do sUsit al the jdaiio playei lie's doini; ' |j,„, hi/Miuum»i

ovii foi a iuIm- in salary und
aon. ahonaiop: IkTierk-r and Bulllrno. I‘»» Kmidr
>. »l’iiusl
MUl ' Marlin,
piu hei. j « Rundny
k days «gu. Hall I«'**o‘l«rtlng a issd
WUh them name the caw<1ldmlr< •ho?*m.'^- '
MnT halt
hlsky uifd eignrs and to d..;ng ^
e( a • e^ fwrlor lu Kansas, City and luis long
■Kiel tuna t«e!l<-re wilt abd the thlnl j / to-ehaJloss Bun.Uy to like robs Us n In extoumn- a* a flaf^spoi near
l<-en known a* the chaniplon pmU
MPk. Allea
Alien M fllddiagv
ciiitniags. junior IM and >!“*«••• r«.t. ii. F^tpire.
On three the shore, suitable for hurptm hablin ees-ifu: ei>:u:u<‘! t.Uil iiav«d»i
lU huni,«
N-‘i«'nal league.fiMdi lumllc. He was a fas! msn .m »lde* ste the bllK tm ime aide to the iion for 5t> years, or ever since old
Ytemg Cut to ll
the KalamavMi college nine two ycMrshourly e\|Miise td tjike Mich^an. and John IaRih- tnaih- u e'.eai|ing In the lo IVuvef lellicg
ago. and would have made the Mich !
the f«n* ilgbily atom to a [oiest half n ago.! It Wasn't Inipinvevl and what he vti.r do
ana toseitall
U» l.«m U.I .iHllii; .mb t-r ihr'nf
, M.-o
r«-. u.t> ,1... Ein|.l,i.-h=.1 nnv Ht-.nian whi-n they niee

]li«u knom lo asaomliU' at llio ball <-ili or otilninw lo iho arrilil. aavo
Curto-n quite a while to
TbecniiUlhaMroarh Will not hare If«Mtnito and Just lie there all day.
to mot end thto year with ‘'cc
ibeit liase Itall kus and sighed the
ii* a iisge and ,a ralln
play-m. Every
giMKl old ilays of ^nday gaiws Others
thrtHUtli safely. Insuring the nln<
have lK*en ashumtMl to nu-ct
leaM aU the reteians whim It d
fHi-uils on the stn*ei on Bumlay. when
triM gine^i
pk, ly lo civno-over again to secim- :
-------------------------------on iis aouthem trip at Raider
Ihetv was no game to laTk aUmt and I wo sahsms. a
Ixiai year aomr of the men mind
Harry C4»rb«l I. O.U.
tot on. Once a doren men purpoeely Shops and a^luii
ed wen- hcM «p
II 1« chtnlna IBto.h,.,,..
MnianV Ik^i Hatil
l.«Bhrr of Jarowi J..
hwt their ealendani and triiil to for prum.u^r^r « lyi.tloK (lol'll.
All.-ll lu p.luil.' lu lUIr < ll.«- ihr K. ll kni.wa 8au K«u««rr) apmt
gel the sequeai-es of days. Imi the
I1..1 th.-Eiui.mM.ra>.-tkulu.«-hall; yu,.
„,.i i„k |u,.nmt. i, .li.-d a. lit. hum.-Salur
storllf always lememtoreil.
CrU-u war
Will Quit Inffland.
Thto to the view up here: H's all II. ha».la.
«... of ri ««.«
New York. Feb IS-Word
.jrighi for Oelroli to be lesirhled to
. having toen cho»
i-omrs fniin I
that liniy N
, C.ram! Rapid* lo l.y aside mask. hall, \^*hj. Ihey’ve taken in us much uS f1««i
N.datm hare atgnifled
.t-.a Jt.M« . bat and glove im Sumlsy. and for the for one day * pls.r »SomHlmes the[
fa Ba
l-vcrythVrtg to |*eac»-rul again «m in ,
hall team of Jackson, etc., to real one Manistee fans,come over ui a charter «
• of th
day a rnrH-k-but Empire!
WTiy. It ed Pert* Marquette lioat. afid a battle i the I>enver <amp of Horiy l.t-wls.
j ei-u euru 4 llll llbrsi uisuug*^!
uiecrtiiimr Nolaa h»a been ento like pmclaiming a weekly fast to loyal to on. Empire will astonish the j a time a storm the veio. iiy »f w hich I Bmw tut for Vun der'Alie he UId over la
dearnring do make a sale of the
Iitoed to* IliiUdeliihla on his way tu his home
sporting world s»»me day by otganlr ! «'«»‘'l‘l «•*« ‘»e te< kon.-d promtoed
Nidaon aad Joe Oaiis fight pic
home- of up the slate, aiul while *n the Quaker
If the h-gl*lstuie win only lake pity Ing the Northern Michigan )eague. and |
thnmgh ihHire..
He to knani, to
Prunkfon.! the young Phlladelphlgn. hm according
. <'R.v he toW
<UI out forlorn Htste smi make u s|mt
offeriNl the films lo sn aimisr
! the Mouud t'liy club
vllh-. anti a few oiher places j to ;be • lavout
Itl provision lor us. w. that whih- the
mi-ai eonrem for |:.0b
y*." sakl I'luioihy. -t
rest of the state to »rain**Ml In Rah
. Kmpin- w HI 1k-| the main j l‘»vely a* a Jni
devoted to telling tto St. Ixtuis -IMC
hath quiet, our baU grounds may vy-ho
uKt the same.
edltum how 1 was gidag u. win
US why Enqdre ft-ejs the
4*enuant the u-xi yeor;
changed a little for |-wiped the rights ol R. W. Die
:bi* J luw ous
neftl. Why Miould 37b |H-r»uvmP[ aitti matchetl hto son
wejher ton
J... lian, „„ UM. Umi I lud .v.-r U1.<W »u} .u.-l.
l‘hi!..delphl. whlHi Mtaight-| ststemeuts. W«ilm-*daya 1 would to
be fotiildtlen their jovousi Himrt for down in l*hit.idelphla,
the suke of lw«i ch
Atih Aitor. Mich.. fVli
H-nr a victim of ‘ordd feet " liecauso weren't winning g
AUih dlscusMHl ptopositUm of Michi­
they r pudlated the match, he came would to fighting
gan's sltliilrawal Tiom the «i-stcru
all the
within I few Incites of losing his meal
• jjimfeii-nct- ho* , nut recelveil any
lowiey they had t-umlug to them. I'li
days 1 would generally to busy all day
However, nesumian has
hinteil strongly by leader* In the agigetting tto term* of plich«-rs Uist n.i
batter could hit."
latino for withdrawal that the whole
toiK-iK fuj Ills untimely 'hutt in.” as
**Aod on Battmlsysr*
atlalr will come up for decision In the
Worcr-ster. Mas*. Feh. 1?t-ln one|,|M.y pall It out where they manufsc“On Baturxlsys 1 wouU spend the
m«-<>llug of the hoard of regents heir
loci.. U.C lo.OM.r WCB.W1 l-hlllp. olh of the gituiewt long dtoiao e Usmessjujre real eoln. and Manager Dickerson day signing ptoyem that couldn’t bit
on ^^•hIualy 5«
bUig "-Duluth Herald
race, ever todd in thto ciuniry the, has announced that everrlhlng is as, unj kind of
high school chi
. forJl.c rw trotter. RIro nrino.*2:r:u. owm-d hy>asy as scoring a toseball game tf
cagv> scht¥>l at
U*t VkAix R«i#e of Worcster Rundav de-^raiher Jacob will lay down on the
ISt-Arruaivt- ipitng. Injuied himself sevet>-Iy Sun­ leat.s.1 Nan Paitet 4,.n. un , nnmatk<-<l. mauaglng Job foi keeps.
Veep from me.
ir the annual day in trying to clear u hurdICat (u|] mare hy Kremlin, owned l»y Joseph*
________________ __
coasln State j»q>ee«l in Waterman gymns-lum
Harper of Htchhurg. minniig a purm-,
Jo- WalcoM a Thespian,
Wife-Then I am determined I wlU
Jo<- Walmi
cd-Ihe great i„,ve none from you. eltlter.
Director Fli«|iairick. af:er an ex of 1300 la a Itkinlle race over the rand |
Ilnshsnd-You have sK rets, then?
eminatkai of lV»!lock'* lujuty. said It froui Greemlale to tto MFtropolUaii { est o( the. prire fighters '«iu now m;ed |
and I aui n-solveU
would keep him out of uihhUcs foi leservolr of Clinton. The time of ihe^ as a "has iHt'a.-: to galng to desert the !
f. Miv
nnuuwnf-t-e ,
isqu;:ied uit-na lu «tiler the ranksB of - to make a * leaii of It.
of the ytMi. Theacchltutlto tace was exactly S« ntl inter.
that the eoiHe* coaslsi ..f ii flvt-men P*^
Jm w ill* he a • fom :
Both horse* ate irm s-rs and aroord- j
severe Idow to the fir<hmeo truck
several da.vs I have had
datihles and 17« singles^* •
dk.wvHl. at no' mer • pUiyIng the imrt of I'n.'Ie Tom |
as Pollock's ninning wword* lag lo horaeinen who
lime during the race v us tUre more, In the famous play, gelling llcki-<l reg. ^
the ra^rs. M. T,, nlarlr Jn*( as in Ihe ring.
The toellgihle* received a new man than 75 feet beta
when Ray J. Coddeg. eapuin of Ust
spilng's team at Aihloo c^^k-ge. en­
tered the unlveiwlty. He hotds the
Michigan IntereojlegUte m-ords for
the mile and two miles, lie Is also
goml In football. Neither sport wil‘ to





Traverse Cily
Gas Co.

We aaM It


We pay top price s for corn

fed hog. and beef cattle.

Both PiMmes
SOI aad Fraaldla Streets

pt. ptione.
Feb Ulm


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