The Evening Record, June 15, 1907

Dublin Core


The Evening Record, June 15, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






4kTM0g»M Mi DiM'T




■nMMad ta tka
V ta Ak aaak dgp kr



*YiradiialiiiS GUTV

■ iATUMOAY. JVNi Xi, tt07.

U a oocAtion easily settled by a visit to this MOfM.

anea at tka aflaa a# tka iwaikag
llaaard at 7:1a Maaday avaak^
Am I7tk. Md Ml iataraataa am m*



Ciaar, gaatie nartk ntad.
Fair tanlgkt and tuadky;

Books, poetkal prose
copyright, ^

Waterman Fountain Pens. Pictures. Fancy Box Sta^
tionery and Novelties in immense variety.

vartakM wiada

At Wim OlfAAMiwiy OmM* 1
Cii«ret# w— irMMa Vp OwM
^ ^
NM Ami Mtf Wm ivlMiMly
T*M|M • LMtM.

Th* **i«ck Cb« Fmtm.- «io
' km kolMrag «Mt iui* airMA mad
FtmUM amt rwMaaU
tia*. vaa eapiaiFd la tka act Uat
aifkt li> Ofiaaf ialaaakt aad CkM
Aaktoa aai altar Mag Maatlkad. va«
aUawod lu gai Uara Ulag
litalat Biada agtlaat klm. Tka aaa.
arko la galta arall known kara.
»arr mack knikaii up o*kr kU arraat
gad waa arl4«aUjr taagkl a laaaaa
tkat vUl iaai him tor am

I ta aatJfy J.
parade, are i
W. Maaaan ckamnaa af tka aan>
mtMaa. aa earty aa peniaia la ardar Ckai tka Faortk af daly ladwatrial panMa enay ka tka graataat
diaplay avar pieaa in nankara


A waak Afo laat olgki. an aaat aUla
taaUaat caogkt a man looking Into
aladowa oa Fraakiia aUwai and pur
«aad kin for a klock or ao, kwlag
kin Ik tka darkaaaa Laiar In
arkolkg. a nk». ikoogki to be tk«
aaan oaa. Idotad into U« window
of a ilala atrpal raaldaaca.
Tka nan vaa la tka kablt of paep>
lag Into raaldanpaa wkarc tkara waa Alleged Atao That iamaana TurtUd
Off a Hydrant tavarai Timaa Oura Ugkt tntmlag and In
lag tka Fire at tka Oval Weed
M Stata auan for ike paat two
Oiah Factory.
a lamp waa jiurpoaeijr le'
wklla OCtoar iaMkakl waa
gaarA lia caan Ufkrv again
some uue who tried
Cora laat and Ykaa kf> returned
cripple the work of the gre departrvaalag waa ukaa lat^i cuatodr. |ika
lent at tke Oval Wood Uah com
ofiowr leading kin aa ke waa "rui



. >ATUWa4Y. 4Km€


I ar tpmmUj



ivanr traienaal ar aifear anal
■Man af Trauaraa CKk ewanr

f:. lie at Ar*t atraauopalj denied ikal
^ k« had auippad tkara taoeik laat n|gl>t
W kut after a llttla gul^ng by Cklef
p Aakuia admltiad ka m guilty. Ulei
V ku adnllted tkat ka kad looked Into
a nauber of other iflndowa. % offarei gg gatnaa vkate^ar. alnpiy auttiig tkar ka kad nadA a fool odt of
ktmaelf but did aol kaopr why k«j kad
^ dona wkat ka did
Tke aan'e acO^ue ocraiaoutHl ^ueb
' tndlgaatloa la tke oeA^hborhood. jit la
tkottgkt tkat tke leaaoA given hlnj will
(j be euficicnt lo atop |lm from furtber
^ oarauadM.
oerapadaa. -naiiieularlv
MrUcuUr^ na
1^ koma an faaeilanl ttpi
lo ^e
clt) prevkmaly.
•Pia c^ara of thelyman
celleot plena ocrwotk^n tk
ike paril(
Ike Bpolice daparttnent a* ogvodeniuf
Ikal claae arp kard to locale.


By Wliw la the Bveutng Ri'cord
MolyheaA Welea. June Ik-Tke
lab aapraia alaampr AnpUa wdth SM
paaeaniara etruck a .aukmarpad rock
In a thick fag tbit morning. Tbt paaaengere ware taken afl wHbout laaa af

Clara Ward Will Make First Visit
Hers ginoe Her wedding ievsnteen Years Age.
By Wltif to the Kaenlug Record. ^
New York. Judr IS—Clara Waid.
foramri) Princ«M Oe Caratuan Chim
ay. Os capscied to arrive today on the
Hamburg-Americalt tliue stsnmship
Apieriks Thla will be her Erst vlalt
to bar kone country since ItM. wken
sk« martidd at 17 the highest member
of tke Beigtan royal family, excepting
ike king and civwn prince.

f apCCUd tkat tke First iiewr WIH Ba
•tnmk at Chicago Nsat
Br Wtiw to tke M-enUtg Rdoord.
Kew York. Jvac I^Valeaa plana
ate okangnd. tke tatagrapkeis expect
to strike tke trst klow against tke
Postal and W^estnra Bnloa Taleiiwpk
enmpnniea at Chicago, wken Ue union
t^rators ta Chicago will be cellud out
. heat Week.

iua^ ChiegiMmegen WIN Take en
inanrsien Temerrsw ivenlng.
Tke steamer Ckequamegcm will nia^
. mi fxcurakm anmnd the telaiad tamer '
; row eveolag at 7:M. Horstk onMUn
4 acoompeaylng tke boet and ae the
■ farrla kol M eenta^lt U ex|iected tkat
k kirB> «ro»d win bn aboard. Tke
Mtker predtattan fur taoKWtm
I aai .tkli onglii also to kelp.

pany'a plant Tkureday uUthu and tke
^rtlaa an; wanted ao badly that May­
or Friedrich ihla morning offered a
reward of |100 for their apprehentlon.
Tke moat grievoua uffenae la tkat
of alaaklng two langtka of tke new
koaa. A repreaaulaUve of. tke Mureka
Hoea oompaky woa In tka city today
and said tkat beyond doubt It waa A
aharp kuUe that did tke damage,
whlct^ doe* away with any burating
thvory. In tke middle of one length
wo cuta. one abdut two Inchea
king uud the other about twice the
site. Thla pk«ce of hoae waa ly ing ol
roat end of the factory, in a dark
apot. The other waa In a length atuchcd to the hydrant localed on Railroad
avenue at the ioteraacUdn ' with
Ughlh. and was atioul two inches
long, two or three feet from the coup­
This work was done auiuallme after
the main ou I'ranklln aireti burst
after the greater purllou i>f the crowd
bed left
Throughout tke tight with the fin.
the Hue laid to Railroad aveuue was
cpl off every Ullle while. Meu were
lo the hydiaui and found It turn­
ed off aereral^ CTilef Murray
the laat time to'aatUfy himself
tkat Ikere waa aometklng

a korraadar and the gaclalk
Memkare kay That They wm '
On F<rat.


by Wire to the iSvooina Record.
8t. Petorebura. June IS—Tke
ood Ruealan parliament dkll be dU LeavcP' Hoskand and U-Year-OW
eolvad Uiolghl by imperial edict which
Caughur-Cancer Waa the Cauee
wlU be promulgated a* aoun a* Uie j
lower kouae acta «n Premier »iol>- .
pla'e uiUmalun The du^ defle>^e|
fur OMriy i
ciar and troopa pack ibe tlfy ~
aurrender and
nay tkey will die first.



Leaped Off Steel Bridge on tha Grand
Trunk Railway This Morning,
gunk in fUpidv
By Wire to Ue Bveulug Record.
.Niagara I'klia. June IF—Three c
tko loaded wiU uOal and one wlU
merckandUe. left Ue track uu
Oraod Trunk railroad In the center of
the lower atotd arch'iif Ue brtdne
5 o'clock Uts morning ami leaping
Ue aide of the gnml arch, plung­
ed 350 feet Into the .Niagara river
. the entrance of the whlripuul tapa.
The gars and conteuU were lust I
Ue raplda. dlaappearlng from view.


Maniteu Will Run Into Lake guparier
->PuTXhase Price Was Almost

Twk Hundred Union kympathizara
ChlcaKO. June 15—Tke passenger
•Urtad Trouble in Detroit—One
steamer Maulluu. just acgulriMl ,by Ue
Patrolman Injurad.
Northem Michigan
C'o.. ■« ill he VmtiuuMl on Ue MackiBy Wire to the E\emug Record.
ruu. with a slop a> Milwaukee.
Uetrull. Mich.. June IS—A mob
The Northeru Michigau hue r»-o-uU>
iluu ny mpaihlaei>. JUO alruug. in<
extended Its service to Lake Btipe
1 attempt this luurutng to preveut and the Muullou aas built by the
ruo-unluu meu going uy work at
cago Shipbuilding (V. Just before the
Bterllug 4i Slauuec numulaciuriug World s lair in ISOr.. it cost over |
The police fought them off
The steamer, it ht said, has been
after a abort akirmlah. Patrolman said at-about the same - ggures. Jte
sepb Ueioizbeim. munsRer of the MauSteaiuship fo. will continue
the service of Ue new concern for


Second Peace Conference Wat Called
To Order Today by Head of the
Russian Delegation.

no supping at the keel oi ga^e
Ing at ike sides

Queen Quality Oxfords
are fa-^-laaUugl> pietl> on the
U will be a pleasure
■shoa iheuc
ELM. U-00 and E2.M.

le. at «
evening. Mrs Helms'aaa
na'waa -tn viara old
and has lived in Uis city Ue greatest
pan of her life In ^piember. lSio:l.
she waa manied to Albert Helms of
Uia city and in .Nu\e(uber. HM>5 ake.^
was taken sick and since that time
ha» spent much time lu sanilariuma at
Battle Clreek aad ludLauapolia and the
buapiUls of Ann Arbor, being couSoed
to hei bed all of thl.s time.
Beside her husband' she lea ten a
15 year-old daughter. Blanche, her par
cuts. Mr.* and Mrs A J. McHenry. ui
Hast Bighth street, and a brother of
Mooreatowu. She was a mt-mU-i of
the t'omtionlons of F\>reaieia and L
O. T M The funeral services will W
held fionx'Ue ruaideuce tumorrua af-1
ternoou%al 3:30 o'clock. Uo Rev. Jo­
seph Dutton ofgciuUog. The body wiii
lay in state at the house from taehe
until 1 o'clock tomorrow.



Complication Originating From Meav
By Wire lu (be B«i‘ulug HiKxtid.
lea. Was the Cauao—Leaves Wife
The Hague. June 15—When M Nell
and Two Sons.
dhuff. head .of the Kuasiau Ut-IegaUuu
called 'Ue second general axseiublt
Bluest McKean, aged 2b years, died
of oatldna to'order heie ttxlay. ic>i>re
Jiis home. VI7 Walnut aveuue this
aooutivea of forty-alx guvurnments
coreriDK the entire civiliced aurld le morning at lo:30 ju clock, Ou last Setiirdey he was at work as usuul but
Tony Canepa gnared Alpint Vagrant a ponded.
aas not feeling well The family phy­
Near Artealan Avanut and West
sician meask's but edmOhio itreeb—PHxe m doubt.
pllcations set in and caused bis death.
Fnaco'a Disgraced Mayor Appeared Mr: McKean la survived br hla wife
Cktoago, Juut.- li—Tony Cuticpa.
two SOBS and faUer and mother
While Motion to Admit to Bail
living near Artesian avenue, nod West
Benton Harbor. F\inerk7 arrange
Waa Being Made.
Ohio street, auai^ a wolf <m Mon
menis have not yet ben made.
ou the prarle near his hutue. ^y Wire to Ue Oshenlug Record.
Tkureday "Ae apidted to the county
GET ready for that vaudeviUa shew
Ban Francisco. June
15—At it
clerk for a bounty. The clerk found spending ttte night in a branch of the next Monday night
tkat the oouniy L>oard luul neglectud
ily Jail, located near Ingleelde.
EXCl'RBIO.N around Marlon UUud:
to prvflde a wolf bounty fund, ao Ca Mayor .Rckmldtx appeared lo court
-u^ waa advised lo give the animal agais thla morning while the motion steamer Cbequomegon: Hurst's.' or
to Uncoln park.
made tbnt be be admitted to bail chestra. ikkela. 21 cents; T:J0 vomur
pending an append


. This handsome "Mu«ru Quolily " Blucher Tie is priced at gL
'Tke aiylr spenks (or ibself. Ue
guniity. whick meoua wken npplied to --iiueen Quality ' akoeo.
Ike ckolc
choicest leathers: Ue St—


Tke contract for pegtag Waakiugtuo
street was algned tkla afternoon and
J. H. CramooA represenuure of Ike
Central Bitulltklc Paying oottpanyx
stated to tke Recewd tkat the ma­
chinery would be oklpped here tke
grst of Ue wMk nnd Ue whole ersw
would come wlU It. Work on Ue
street will be pusked to completion as
fast as possible.

•ekMl Teaehem Mads Faai II«mi Back
ta Btation Yestarday.
Four loeal school teackera sRarted
tor HetaforU a Cfuaalng for a llule
outing mterday aftaraooaL They got
ca Ue wroag train and got out toward
BoouvlUe befoca tkey laaliaed tke faot
and tkea nlawet kaimed Ue track np
■MMag ktek to Ue depet and making
tke NorUport ttmln.


V. Ffiedrich
Chop Suey
Ha> be« »Sr

Trsvwsr Cixy

■ ynii,

a man grawally go«« unt la kolUtar
alllre. and comfort domaada tke OOOleat and kaadaomcot ciotkiaf .vou esa
doo. whick you can tMiy at bed roelt
piKva at KuUwk a Hoyt's.
the handsome mtrtrthat we are s<lUng *1,

Lo(^ at

apveAty sulU
»12, III.

IlN aud.«e.


Union St. Clothiers.

JUST thesBoe for the boy
will need mxx.1. servi«'al»le
Boya from uo.w
ahoes to stand the hanl knocks during vacs
tion. We have just that kind of a sh*K-. Thia
is not just an ordinary shoe for boys, but is
something extra gooil. May we show you the
shoeand explain ita good p>iutsV

Don't Forgot the Place





Better Get Ready Now

Ouu tomettuae
awakeus with whut it
a "dark biwwu taate”
taate’ in the
mouth. Whether cauiited by
overeating or by tluggi
liver our

Solution Citrate
Will <iuickly sweeten the
breath and stomach ami
clesnae the bowels without
disagreeable resultt A pleas­
ant, sparkling draught and
prompt remx-dy ffor bilious
headache and eloaggwl liver.

Prioe Uc at

Drug Store


■itulithic Company's Machinery Will
Arrive for Work en Weshingtan
itreet—Centraet' iigned.

City Book Store

We are ready with the best line of Screen Door^
and Windows we ever had.
We have the advantage of the other fellow—if w
haven’t in stock what you want, wc make it.
Better save lime and come here first. Everything
delivered promptly.

City Manufacturing Co.
Comer Lake Avenue and Teatli Street


The Proof of Ideal Flour
Shows up in a bright light on
baking day. The -IDEAL
brand makes friends in every
kitchen, because of its light* .
ness, its whiteness, the way it
gots up in the pan once it[s in
the oven. For bread, c^e.
pics, pastry, puddings, etc-,
fills every bill.
Ask your grocer or call up the

Traverse City Milling Co.


lethea. .201 Cast Front atroet


Here is Recipe No. 4
^Mocha Cake

Oae-hklf cup of baiter, one large cap of eager, two cope
of eiftod BEST FLOUR, thieee^, one.balf cap. of tn^
two heeiung UbIeepooDgfad of bektitf powder, lu miznig mid
the fk>or ver}* ebwty. Bake in 6al une and itlbw Ulb beMer to
glead in the tine five ssiaalge before polliog in tke oven. Wbeo
cake it ooid cut iuto gqagree, cream together batter end pow.
dared sagBr uatil very stiff, thin with ereaia ontil the mixture
win epraBd eaeib: flavor to soil the taste, loe .the SQ^ree end
foH in blsaohcd steids or peannte chopped. ^v<
Hsves esre
not to got icing too
fXOUR tidff Iff fiAC.

Hannah & Iiay Co.



(>nr Suits at

S7.S0 to UHM
in tbe new plaids arerthe baest
showing in the city.




^3^ Ills
CrandOpenlndlgM MOIldlll June 17
A Oiritar** wwlS iw l«e aa4 Me.
HwryHolM^BkekFMeOaotoaiu; ludbe 8M«*,
Spuiidi Ducm; Tfc*0«lQvl«- Oontortioiiia; BdlUo™*
Del Bomb Hietea m Soagi aDd Dungm; IDiMfimted Bopg. c


, mAvnm «tv. ■winmt •atvimv.'juiib 4 mf.

liD muMT vm
to.. .1



If Tn

[ to «ka CHjr to ft Tkto

"iMCjr to Ben

Kwit ia de Xontc


I Utoktke



yaetorday. IMVtoap nito intofMd Ikto
depoffit in
moatoi nt k o’etoek. Ahoto aatamiy
tre Bcnlora and Crtonds took ndvna
tags of the heauUtol dny to vtoU the
reaort ctog. A mutkar of •tnffanto
from ftotoakey mat the local dalaito
Uon aad tka three echeto Vcfy mnek
enlivened .the tovn.
Otoe af the featnrsn of the kay was
a toU game batwem tka toeat
ackool aad Ckartevcto vktek rmi
to a vtotory lor tke totter; tke i
batog Iff to It. Naltkar team played
a atrtctly High ackool lenaa. Mctotjnn
balding ffowB third hnae lor Traverse
Ohy hkd B. Lewis twlrlli^fbyx:iiaJlevato. ruektog honors arera- eva^br
dlvMtod hdtwnen iVUnra of
and Lewis of Okartevoto.
A ptonanat foatnra ««s tke supper
at Ike Ntotoo. tke dtahm roam 1
turned over to tke TVnenaae Olty aad
Fetoekey paa«de. The tables
-AtotmCA- tofIffkTNTffO AT
very prettily deoorted with camatloos
and amUnx. After the anppar a dano
wae tandamd tke vtol^ra by tke Chat
levolx atadanu In tke dining room c
toach hotel. The boat left Ghariry wm toe Given Again This Evening
Under the Auaplcas of the Com
voU at 1 o'clock and arrived In the
city at 5 o'clock this morning. The
up there was gtoo aMtde In four
"America," nndCr
auspices of
nnd^ the
Ooptpaoloo Court traverse No. 6. at
the Grand last evening did not draw
Hearty tonal Killed Indlfmapelta Man* a large house but'well pleased thuac
who were prtocnt. The piece tells the
Cnroitar, tspacttng Peiaon. Found
story of Christopher CulumGus, his
tha Peal Cauaaaollclling sId from the Spanish court,
IndlaaaiKilts. Ind.. June 11—CUrl tbe queen's listening to his appeal,
Pciiuster. a young German ate heart­ his setting off on his long journey,
ily Thursday night and a few mt^ and his (tosl success. Interwbreu are
naml*er of speeialties. dances and
meats after he had rtoan from the toble complained td Intense ^palo In hit other features that are veo' lutereststomach. Ten minutes later he dleh. Ing. P. A. McCloake^' was the director
and Mrs. McClosk<>y was the pianist
The coroner held an autO|Miy u
the auppositlou that Schuster might The production will be given again
have eaten pulsoued food, but Instead this eveclug.
Mrs. Mary WilbeJm played tbe part
he found that he had eaten aunai
«»f the queen of Spain while GeorKc
that his stomach bad burst The
gan was not diseased, but appeared Boon, w» IlK- Mbs. 1«1. glvln* Ihlu a perfectly healthy oondlUun. There parts lu an 4>xc«dlej)t manner. Otis
a long rupture, which, the physi­ I.ayhui was Christopher t\dunil»uK.
cian- aald. was the result of the huarty while Joe Brett lug and Ed Smith were
the monks.
to the Erst act a very pltmsiag song.
•Tola" waa given by the Misses Elean­
or Harris and Uewsle Whiting. Anoth
er ideaslog number was the hornpipe
Arkansas toan, Liks CHtosn ef Ancient
by the 6t<‘cle sisters. In the stvond
•ybaris, Compiainsd Put Lest
act. Brelting and Smith's' specialty
His kulL
mado a big hit, as did also the dance
Uttlu Hock. Ark., June 1&—Police by'the Scotch lassies, the InleruutlouIII ballet and mareii. tbe Grr<rlan |khh-s
Judge Rat toms' haa dUmlssed a
pUlm tiled by Oiaiieh P. Haruwvll the wmg b>’ the "pinks of |H-rffx-tioa"
against Giu Gaits and others, who uud the drib by tlu« Usitblaeks.
The third act nimilM-rs were:
were ebargtyl with kts'plng erowlng
Sonl Not towauHe Ymrr Hair
ehk'kons In their yard Ibtrnwull askhat the dereiulant be enjidut'd Curly," I\«rl Little and Fruuer'S Put
(itim keeplUK the cblckena. as they
Scarf dancv‘.
disturbed liU slumlk'rs lu the i
Song. "MIsalssIppI Bubble." BreJlIng
mornlug. Jmlgt> RatterrM* denied the
injuuetlon. stating that tk^ other qual- and Smith.
HuCeh Wooden sho** dunce.
iUm poeacssed by tbu chkhena more
Violin and piano duet. Misses Iner.
than made up for their etorainff proand Nettle Moblo.
The man
reh of the Amaxons ctmrlud
ed the act.■



U mmAm parta of
will k» fOM4 »n artick skovtag
• trtwiklwn
tlM proklMD of
«ip»dto to tka U«ttc4 lutM imilf
to. Tkat tkU arueia to aatkwUc lk«re
la M aaaaltoB aad vkat tka atot«-


raacrtto gow wltkoai Mjrtas.
Nat «Uj «oaa tka tramp prakton
caafmt tka tallaaaii aad la a aoarw
if •attokoa aad loaa lo tkem. kat
totjr to ilraaUr ooaaeraed la Ua mattor taaamark aa tka nrampa * of tkto
aoaatty 4o IM tramp but um the rmU
vajra aa a maaaa at traval tram one
ftoea to aaatkar. Tkartoaerata tham
aalfaa aa lialaa. gat oo aad off tkeio
wklla tkor ara la motloa aad manasa
to pat Uh^pmalvaa klUad and cripplad
.to totVi aiimban. Thaaa crtpplaa
amto ha aaptwrlad and aoctotjr. either
wm tiffinilitoli or torpuffk urmuiUtfttoaa, miat core for them.
Tka rallroada complain that there
to aa (MKiparBUoo on the part of comjMBUtoa akwg tka Hmb. that trampa
ara mada to more oa. that they are
■aMoto tmpriaonad or puaUhed ba^
aauM of tka espenaa attendant upon
tka aama. Tha"monn* on- plan U a
dtottaet failure at aack cooimulty nn
aalaaa aaactly aa much rubblah aa U
ahovaron to tha next u^n.7 ‘
to Trar^ aiy an eih^lent be
' ftoataff haa been made ihla year, the
tm luaitet of aayfarera having bwu
tail to DeUtiil fur ninety day a. Tkat
maaaa that the trampa will be tmprtooaad practically all summer, a
Iktog dieUad graatly by theae ragrUU. Tkiy all! also be oompelled to
, tohor. aiethar thing not enjoyed. The
' fact that tkto vna dona kne aprend a
plant vajra by tkto time and travel lu
•tkto fflroatkm la at n minimum.
If erory city In Michigan wuuM
treat tbaaa vagrant» In the aamu way.
It would compel them to abandon the
mllwnya na means of travel, a thing
mudi tn be desired as lu cases of
crimes they cannot get away a., quick­
ly, they, are In l««s danger of life and
limb and are eaati r txiuirullid.
Tke number of vagaiiU in this
, country to too large—entirely so when
ike evil could be controlled comiVaratlvaly aafy._________________




CHIC160 own:

whit hoie


um Lackey. Moric Dunn
Estelle Smith, latura Seholield. nossie Griffith. Ruby Hurley. Bertha
lioode. Maivda llelges. Garnet IMeiee.
ClataU‘1 Murebie. Frances toil man.
Ikwtblacks: Albert Aibutskl. Er­
nest Shraette. V. Martin. F. Hayes.
y. Miller. C. Wares. H. Limprichl, E
DolLn. E. FV'rris C. t\11helm. C. An
dergon, J. Chervenka. W. Wilhelm.
M Braxlngtcm. R. Murchle. F. Smith.
R Lather. P. Sandera. R. Qroesser.
ffeotch lassies: Claribel Murchle.
Hattie Miner, Osa
Croahaa. Ullian SooAeld. Bessie peaae
Edna Holbert, Btoanor Harrlor
Ihitrh wooden shoe: Ira Dean. Er­
ma Groeaoer. Vkrie Croshan, Lucy BveretU Meldo Braxingum. Bmer Perris.
Prank Miller, i&dwto Lather. ^
Pinks of perfection: Jessie' Mahn.
May Alward. MUdred Larlou, Wllhelmlna Shane. Lottie Shane. Mareda

is a strong, conservative^ man. agsd banking huuss, which
meets the requirements of its
customers with a spirit of liber­
ality and fairnese. Its aim le to
build up Traverse City by siding
every worthy enterprise.




at a renooMMa piiah. VNfftNIona placed to tkn oHtamxf re'
frAgmator wU kcoome damp
aad so«i and wfll mould to n
akert Ume. Tk* "ffnnUniy" In
so oopstructed that the prorkw
ton ckamker Ass nlwnys cold and
• dry. You can keep matches la
the "Sanlury*' ^ stunmer with­
out tojart^ tksm. Ws kavo
kept milk aad ontomi to tke
some provisAan ckamber with ,
out the milk fssUng of the
oatons. They seU at $ aad
lU.OO. We seU them on the

Phil Shermer Mada Racord Whiia
Sass Fiahing YaaUfday.
Clirts Ross and Vhl\
krought arty pounds of flnc*baas rmn
•Ivor lake yesterday. Mr. Shermer
kad a peeullar vacperleace In catching
two good atoed fish at once.



Special to the Evening Record.
Bh Repids. June 14—A pretty home
wedding occurred Tueaday luuming.

bride's home. The conlrmcUng par
ties were Mias Nina Bwood Stone,
daughter of Mrs. Willis D. Stone, and
Mr. William R. Woolpert. head clerk
lu Itowers & Cole's giocery. Oul>
few relallves were present. The- boue<wte^
blossoms, and
and evergreen;
many was read by the Rev. H.
Thompson. The couple, left on
10:») train for the Jamestown exposi­
tion. and will visit Washington. D.
enruute. They will cooUnuo to
In TIk Rapids, and will be at bt*me
after July 24. Mrs. Woolpert bus been
a |»opular and successful teacher
tbe cast side and has a large circle
of friends, while no more genial, jolly
fellow can bo found than Mr. Word"
hursday was a gala ady hcK
'the buildings In ihe husiui-ss jKirtlon
ul the lowu floated Hugh and bunting
lu such profusion there was a blaze
of eoh>r. Owing to Ihe pleasant
weather the c<»uutry i*eople turned
out ell-muss while the trains and
ferry brought In fully twelve hnudred
more. All In honor of "Old SeUlers'
Day." Two hands eompt*«*'<I of boys',
• fttmi
t\>nsI Bayfrom SuttVi
led’ mluch and favurNurihport. altracle
able attention.
Ex-Uent. Governor A*'‘'hll«»Itl Hutten. ^nd Mrs. Butters of Charlevoix,
atteoded-tbe Old Settlers meeting
Tlie shingle mill started ’ Monday
with set eral men employed «ul mater
lal enough on hand to keep the wluvis
tunilng untH fall.
Tbe baud Iki>k ur«- gi-tlhig out
lugs and euliveuiug the town wUh
some excellent music. They show
knprovemeut afH-r their wititci's
L. .M Clapp, undeilaker for .1
Slater has nHiiovi^ to Kalkaska whenbe eiigag«-s in business for bimsi-l^
Oue buudred and HfUn-n excuisbiu
1st visited the village Sunday.
The ladles' aid MK-lety of the Pivs
bytwlan church will me«-i with Mi.
Arthur BhI next Wednesday.
is a n
band. has btH-u
the 2nd. V. 8. cavalry hand,
Is regiment
irausfenvd with his
Fort Asslnaboiue, Mont..
Moines. Iowa.
Editor and Mrs. Guun^of Sullous
Bay were Elk Rapids vUitora Thutw
Mrs. Firth of Grand Rapids is a
guest of Mrs. Bagat for the summer
C. D. Townc and wife went to Chi
cago, Monday evenlnff for a ten days
Mr. C. A. Why land, pn
general manager of the Cement Co.,
haa built a fine htutS«)o«r
on the polni qf land nortl
German picnic grounds and his family
will occupy It for the summer. They
ate expected today.
The young people's society of the
Presbyterian <Aurch aurprised
and Mrs. Emile Pfeiffer Tuesday even­
ing at their home. The affair
the uature of a"ahower." A number
of yiseful nnd valiaable presents
left as remtoderm of the occasion. 8ev-

i Vi

T*hto Origlnnl Homo Fumlnhtor



alleged .<boMage iu tbe aeoouuls of ex
Trvasuivr Dempsey i»f Milton town
Mrs Frt-d Tanu'ei of Ionia and Mrs,
C. niaekbiiu of Grand Eipbls are
quests at FTunk J. Veroleo’s.
Mrs C. <1. laiud of Muskegon Is
vlslliug her mother. Mrs
Bteiliiig. She ret unis bonie Safirday
Alie Woolpert Is sp<-Uiliug a two
W'-i-ks raeatiiHi lUi a trip to the Jatiirstowu exiKislUoii.
E J. Wagley aud wife aie visiting
old ft lends in town. Mr, Wagley. who
was fomietly with the Elk Rapids
Iron couipatiy. now holds a posltiuu
with tbe Iron company at Cadillac.

Beginning June 13th. our Oil Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thursdays.^n the South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side. Edgewood and
Eeist Bay resorts Wednesdays and Satur­
, .
Special attention given to all launch
owners. Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids Furniture Co. and same will have
prompt and careful attention.

Oitx F»Hon« mmm

Grand Rapids Fomiturc Co.
127 S. South Union Street

I Graduating or Wedding Rretont than

Portable Lamp
We have them In all styles ehapea, Rnleh and Odiare
at ten per cent off.

i. B. Paige Electric Re.
JototopH SltodreraeSon
Flrst-elM. BmeSen, Fwekcn m4 Sww» llaker.
A Hie RsESt of BedePM-k tiff Vetl
faoQi this meat markol ia a uu'at
Start towsrds a gwl dinner. Of
louree you folks will Uavc to atUmd
to the cooking, but you cAn wa^jur
on tbe meet that puMM through
our hkuds. ' If you have not seen
our pUoe from the ingkle, today’i a
fine time to call PUoe your ordeneniy.



Phone 502-2

125 Cass St.

Service at the Church of Christ Sun­
day at 10:30 A. M.
The memorial services of the K. O.
T. M M. wlW-h«Ljyeld at the Church
of Christ Sunday at 10:30 a. m. The
auditorium haa been decorated iu the
Macabeean colors. All members of the
order are requested to meet at their
reepecUve halls at 0:30 a. m. The
sermon will be preached by the Rev.
J. AUea Qanby. pastor of the church.

ISc St Wstrs

ggffU io gg^to

«tottko|toiaoc_ . _
ohkir ia tke iIom, to if ;
a few more loeken. this m yoor ckknon.
Yov oredit it i«kt eg good nt tkie Mk M nt nkj olkor time.

Frank Trude
rrai outside the young people's society
were Invited.
The evening
most happily spt-m by both hoet and
The Mabel, which has been out of
tbe water to U> re-caulked and gmierally repaired, was launched Monday
Wednesday afternoon CapU Hawiey
tiK>k tbe German ladles' aid soclety'on
the Ruth to and from their meeting at
Jacob Hirt's In South Milton.
Mat Eeary and family have moved
it Old MissUm
George Ihum of North MIUuu has
rompleied bis course in vleclrical en­
gineering at Waahlngtun. D. C.. aud
lust week returned home.
Miss Clara Hunt relunuid last week
from Detroit w here she* has flnlsbwl
her couTsv lu vocal music at the DetioU conservatoo'. She will return
this fall for .further lustrucDons. UkUig private lesstais.
Tlu- MaWi and Ruth will probaWy
start their summer srbedule on Ihiliilaiid lakt-s ulKMit tbe 2ith.
Mrs. Hattie lUudolph Goss of Portbind. lonhi txninty. was a guest of Mrs.
Gto. W Perry u few days last w»-ek
and Ibis.
The Young People's society of llio
iMesbyterlau' ehurch has voU-d to
stand tbe exiH-nse of wiring the ebureh
for electric lights.
MtKs Flo Asleit Is iu Y|iKllahtl at
lending eonimencenieiit. Her sisti-r
F:va is oue of tbe graduates.
Work was.ctimnu-neeil tlu- lirst of
this wi'i'k on the- pfece of road near
Keaadiu over which the township
e slate
Im-cIh to draw Itounty. from the
< 't^hlld
• Sunday will Ih< observ-ed
reu'K dsv by taUb the l*n-.sbytvriau
and M«-ttiodiKt ehun hes.
Mis. Waller Sterliiig leaves Satur­
day Id siiend the summer with lu-r
IMieutH III (’.Hiuidu.

^l« the (hop taS
wkttber you buy from tke finished work or; desiffns.
Finest line of designs ever shown.

Traverse City Granite and Mi^ Wnis

■, g. aUAV, Fn«l
■ VViiii.,, «■


^ inffktniatotorotorgxlni often
Mto Aad «k oar looking
dbM tikn
RMit of tke
looB oto oartoliotr.i^kkTo
dnoidid to ont owntodk down
cm tkem until w ona rear-

Two ilsriccts;
647 E Sth 8L, and 707 Randolph EL

OblecFIt is s common prsctioe for people Io lay asidtofl>oii|qr
for a apeoial object; to aatafy a partkadar akad; of
ta piovida agaioet a poaaibfe

Delicious REX


Monuments. Headstoim and Markors i

esf West Weal at



aesy payment pjan.

^COf A la.
€MMg to tkto

to. tto» only pMtni wfflatoff re’ to^mararnffs ttotojr tM ntoto

«a ee «• «a «s to to w to •» to to to to to w an

Wkoever cut the bnee at ibe Oval
Wood Dtok company's lire Thuraday
nwht to pnlUy of a crime that should
be severely punished. The dsmage
tie Um bone. alilKmgh It was a
ptacn. does not am^pt to luucJi. but
tbe cutting of the Um< while in ui
a fftw wight have led to ven sCrUius toayor of Cambridge. Mass. QIad
When He Oct kack-~k«w Electric
fumaopueneea. Thu offer of fimt
Car With glove in K.
wkrd skoara that the city Is in mrmwt
to this matter and that the miscreant
t'aiubriilKe. Mass.. June K»-Mayor
toll! be dealt with a« he dCM-rvca
Warden, of l^brldge reluiutHl^frmn
Thu "awuet girl gradualea.*'
Chicago today.
having abandooed tbe stage for thU
"I have Ciuue baek from Chicago.'
aaaaen. the "sweet June bride", will he said, "well aatlsfled with>
now receive top column poeliiua.
bridge and with Masaachusettes. Any
one who complains of the condition
of the atrueU of Cambridge need oniy
grf to Chicago, and he will return con­
1100 reward will be paid for the
tent with Cnmbridge. 1 was i
met nnd cbnvIcUon of the party
parttoa who cut the ftre hose at the impressed by the magnitude nnd bosl
tre at the Oval Wood piah Oa's t^lll ness ncUviiy of Chicaga
"The street ear service Is wretched
on thuraday night. June 1C. 1007.
1 saw an uiertric car there tkat bad
A. V. Friedrich.
Mwor. a (love In It tor heating purposes.


ior you.

lO' J!»
SanNary MHgffilor

Enirbody who b^o BEX
OhooiatMniaoaiioeo that
nrfnt. TEvuy Uwelioeo.
Cm with tke taste. Whan
you W cendy taU the man
yOB want tkat mada by



Oar luililM, for hiadling web IwMlnaoo u,
■ort aoUkbL Wb« wm. bw bew Ml
wSh n* tor a
OMIT obi Um drUiM of tbo aopaUlor.


Traverse CHy Sttle Aanlt


iwio tm iai M & naih iMro
«« to Mck ifMdas MOM
fitoiii iRRg.
Hm totol to^ «to «M ms «Mrl

ss f


Evtaiag «m><

—i imctr

An OrtMlt firitiniim tm Al^l iplrtt •!
■iwtiHAtirUNii mmmt naiw.
Tke MMrtes !• Ito voUfig in t p. m. VrtAMy. 3un*m*.
Htu PiMlA V. AMtemi. Pim M. 9. ekttrrli, r^h. Vrlt^nth than



..... ......Ill

J. Mdtotaim o. R S...........

||~ WWHI cmh. l. a t. m.....................
MU. OM Utmm. U O. T. M.............................




>u»T Jl«u. KM«u .< rrtkiu.......


tMUl l^}rtAC!ll, Tr»v«rM> 4*4tr ta»l. Ko. *TI K. O. T.

Jullw Mm. M»r.i


....... ^



II. A. 04MtM. 1. o. o. r........ ................... ............ ..... ...................................
A. H,VI«-IUA. P om.. ........... ...................... .................................. .
Ooorgo n<ioofv Kbr«>ki*‘ri.......... .....................................................
Am IUIo, r. ao4 A M........ .
.......................................... ..
PViink AtfaiBA. Clfor M»km* UatoA

..... .

Tbrr* U goi«r(hiiic MMiuiZlI
_ Hr jooubisd with an ulnioot ttalnful
Amrrlroa iB (bo lAoa of a- popular loaoe on ibo part at the candldatlb
rmtng coaiMi aad that U probablf (bomsolvea la leaving thr guraaora alt
one raatdu wbr (to Rroolni llooord
dlMMOd eoBlMt la progrokii baa
At about thia time In tbe ordinary
rroatod aor» dlaruaaloe and atfPartod
ronteet ,oo« esn gamtra^jr ngure out
RK»ro aitratloa among all rlasaea
fil itoopla 1B Tratrrao Otr iban a«rtblQg edao In rsara.
TbMporatilr. at toaat, ovm (be
droanaakrr la being loft sororoir
aloaa. while her
dloeaaB tbo beat motboda to aocuro

om voTt Pom



but If ail one heara on tbe atreeta la
true the Brenlng Record diamonds
w III be worn by nearly a deitu. i>eoplf.

Yoeterdar It waa -commoii Ulk that
one of the oandidatea baa from 26.(K>0
to SO.UOO votoa In reaer>e. nnd that
Ijiter tbo wintor nlll la all pn>tol>' antoher had pledgea (hat would
Ultf rtoiauli bbr aa to Juat what ahe Inauro CO.UOO votoa at the rloae and
that atlil another would win uud
oogbt to wear, blit ppr time baa
with rotem to spare—and ao It goes.
ret come Wtonea aa well ua toon
tim I mrnmMBi irii brnh aiw 4iU- All akmg the line the (rlenda of the'
|^^»dg«» loyalir ta'*s:voral caudidatea ate
brtug aniidr dmaohairaied tn the 1 ^'♦'•Ttblni In alght, islylng on the
frtt hdl) atruggle and all todgea are jwilTomo to give them the i told you
doing their abnre In an effort to re
wartt their cwndldalea for their ri- tbeniaehea are aa>hiK very little.
(on a.
Caution Mema to he the atm of
lire laat few daya iff (he trlendl) every raodidale and a ronteet "quiz
Struggle fui tbe Evening Recurd dla- ting" la gtdng on lu an effoit
monda bavn devek^ied Into a aitil'draw out wMne "Up*' aa to the actual
hum for virtt-a nti the'^pari of the Ulrenrih of (boar who are alnutallnK
at' ii'S
(viiiteeianta aod ibelr frlcoda. and . fw tlw htmuia.
Mune allshlly eaaggeraled eiaims
Hut tlu v uie alt f< ly ami lu m arly yeat a aul^rlptitw etttitlea the holder


Ibe MiMMto tmm tbs Arisean |to
HbEeto. pMbto M ItOtoti.
atob om to to MMtoto M:
“A stottaHm same tai'Cimm Oget
CrasE a Sttg «r ea apa oltb a pleoe to
asn ta hm istom that emtoW9 sitoaed tbe taamam to aU wba emr it
A Mli
told be
to eacnreE
•wm it (tom ome to tbe
I ATOMS wtor
to tba
4 Rrsto Traveree
TMT«ni A Ariaoto Bimgito.
la tbe cave Cimb dIstHet aaS tost
U waa a fair toiftoaa to tbe lateat
atrike la aa aM tad or isnaerty to
tabHabto atrike to tbal pitoeriy.
etbsr maeto tUe werbtat to mi a Sepoett where tbe vela matter to
Ww ot OfgMftssttoa
base forty feet wMe and tbta abaft
Vsto afiM tons tt.
to aboto tblriy Itoteatbe rcto.Ttom
bm always bsaa s toed ore sbosrtag
but this to a particalarly rtob atrsak
a epoBla ft feat wide ta tbe emiter.
tbe ore belag at a rough gtism. or an
of tto MosUA to lAto rotos. ttoo«
osBjiat to Stood for oso cssdidsta bat
easy aauy. about to par oaat copper.
Thougb it u only tbtr^ feet below
most be tossll/ AlsMed totaau a
Charlea Q. LkHtA, Permerty si
tbe BUrfbee It Is at water lerel tbU
City, New One to the Owners c
betog aolid fonaatloB and uader wa­
No esrtiicsu wUl to lanued tor n
AMIStoiw in Muskefea.
tom payment than ti.Ofi.
ter. Tbe pocket piece> b^iltot in 1
B. H. O. IBIiB in tU^^S^rtiluK^t«ud
chipped oC a ebuak to
ff tbe tome 1
to farmed bfr
dlauHiiii) ront<>i»t.
that would probably weigh IM pounds.
and gentlenasn cnBdJdnte
News will bo to interest here ss Mr.
■*TbU atrike la In the New Hope
and Mra Lund were former retodenu group which la about a mile and a haK
blch clearly demonat/atca the place ■entleama's
to ibla city:
ahe bulda lu the eeteem of thooe who of lady's votea. and viea earaa.
from the other and asore exteaaive
•With the
have hbr acquaintance.
comblnaUona by any caadMatea of the
workings of tbe company, where.the
r for Vanoauver Island.
Mina WUhelm rv^celved 7K votea same acx to defeat aaotber will not
same kind to ore. It la bettered, from
and MUs (Nda but 27C.
to permitted.
the same depoalL _
to foand
Connor Clotblng company Wll be
twaid'ito fwl
Harry Monroe waa the gentleman
Tbe Evening Record retenrea jbe
favorite, gtotlng lk» and Hr. Shuler
uken over by iw<^ firms, the Lund orsnd Traverse snfi Artsoaa to
right to reject tbe name of any V nothing company, which will manmanagemebl
waa reoreiuUered with 1.234.
The total vole for
«raa'lu.'i|.'i I lectlonable pereon.
age the clotblng and^m'a fumUb- BmurthwaUe. thongb tbe party bring­
There U g hot tobt on for tbe. tlO' At tbe cloee of tbe baUoUng tbe re- ing department and Trtell and Velt- log in tbe, apeclmen referind to bm
in gold arul wbt) will lead neat Man- tnras will to cnavaaeed by a oommit- enhelmer. who will ccmducl the shoo, nothing to do with the auuMgement of
day Is the tnirtilna uu^tbui of the tee of well-known bnaineea m«a wtone buaineaa.
the company, further than that he
standing tn the community la nnquee"Chartvs O. Lund, who 'will own ana aome stock in it."
sad manage (be clothing departmeoL
Rwlea nnd Rcsytotlona.
Tbe Repvbllean then devoiea a col­
balltotng will time at fi has been with the Conner firm for umn or more urging the people to In­
Cnndldaten muat to msmbern of n
organlaed lodge.. cluh. o'clock Wedneefiay evenlac. Jaae tt. the last five rears, having come here vest in the Maricopa county mines,
1M2 from MaaUtee. Mr. Lund atber 1than send their mooey to NeTbe place of bolding tbe Eaal neshnreh, labor, literarr. bualnoM or aoelal organization, holding meetinga In count will to annonaced In a later la- will take chane to hla pan to the ada.
buBineaa aa soon aa the old Conner
Transrae City or aurrounding terri­ aue of tbe Evening Record.
James McPartlsn<V whose name ta
No employe of tbe Evening Reeord stock la sold, he aUrtlng In bualnem
The voting will V by hallota clipped can 'become a candidate (or tbe boaor with an entirely new line to goods.
mentioned occasionally in the llay• A. E. Brteli and Cbarim Veltenfrom the Evening Record aod by vot­ and tbe dlamonda.
ood trial, la Bolae. to ersdlUd with
heimer will' be the propiietora to having brought about the first eoofm
ing certifleateo laaued with paytnenta
the shoe depanment, the laraHr be­ Bkm to Harry Orchard. JdcPartlaad
made on aubacriptimi account to the
ing the manager-to the company. He baa a national rdpuUtioa aa a detac
Evening Record.
will open hla bualnem shoot August tire. He first attraeied attantHw
Bach ballot clipped from,the paper
1 with an entirely new stock of foot­ through hla eapoaure to the MoUy
wlH count one vote (or the lady and
wear. Mr. Grtell has been manager Magulrm in Pennsylvania more than
ceived at the office before the date of
of . the ahoe department in the Con­ 30 years ago. la this task, in which
gentleman named thereon when reteailngs of June 13th’.
ner omnpany a store aln^ l M2, when he was th#*aapk>ye of FYnnklin ^
explrntlon given on tbe ballot
be came bete fren IHirolt, where he MeOowan. then the PennBach,day the dal© of the expiration
waa emnlayed in a similar position." aylvaaia A Reading Oosl A Iron Ca,
on the ballota la changed.
No. X. fata. 3; aollda. IX.6^
Certifleatea fur BOTH a lady and
McPartland first became a member
The Magic Na. S.
Naa. fbla.4.1; aollda. in. '
gentleman conteaunt will to laaued
Number tbrec la a wonderful mascot of tbe Molly Maguires, uader
No.4.fau.a.4. aoHda.U.5.
with receipt! for aubacrlptlon ns fnlfor Oea H. Parris, of Cedar Qrove, name of McKenaa, and thus gained
No. 6. fau. 3.«; aoUda. 1L8.
Me., neoording to a letter which rands: aoceaa to ita secrets and Its opera
•No. 7. faU. 4.3: aollda. 13.3.
"After suffering much with llvar tad tkWB. Aa a result to McPnrtlahd‘s
By Carrier.
kidney trouble, and becoming greatly
No. 8. fau. 3.3; solids. 13 7.
16 00............ ............. 750 votea
discouraged by the failure to fisd re­ Bubaequent dtocloaurea nine to -the
No. IL fata. 3: aollda, 12.3.
lief. I tried Electric Bitters, and as a Molllea" were hanged and scores
Six mnulha 12.50....4.......... SOO votee Cream—
result 1 am a wall man to-day. Hie were sent to the penitentiary, t
Ten weeka II.OO.100 votes
Na 4. 30.
first bottle'relieved and three botttoa long tune he has been manager to tbe
mpleti:ed the cure." Guaranteed Ibeat Pinkerton agency In the WOatem
No. 9. 32.
medy for atodueh. liver and kidney
iiouhlea. hr Bugbee Drug Co.. Prank states and operates from Denver.
H. Meads. Hannah Drug Store, drug-

to TNt tvaUMOl mtom CmmtL



ifMB iREBMua
9hS «Mto to Mis
AHSSto ElEESkff CflEM»




9mm to tbe RvMlaE
oybk, Mtob. Jane U—EnL
CEM^ ■MMiM^iwai to Tmvsrm Oft|
Via a fmm to bar dnobbttoMnr Tnmar. Eabiay.
Mr. n»d Mrs. DIek UfMa rialiod
(riaaia at ftwakiDn EffMoy.
HIM mw Marrow M so tke aEA
ttat tbM woak.
MMa Vlrs Eons to TlalUbg bar sMWr
Qiads gpd tobar fttopda at tkmer. ^
Mtta Ebsll kos amend Into bla no#
bmmoL V. A. Baboook km arovod tato
tbe one vaostsd by Mr. Sbell.
Mis. Rose HoUnnd sntertataad bad
broibto. Osorte Obok and lamtty oL
Eatplrs ovW Bmiday.
MMs Adab Wilson and Clyde Oaaaia
to Oraai vtaUed Mia. Joba Iferet at
a Barrys Enaday.
Mrs. Dr. McOMlt abd dangbtar
MUUa, wbo Tlslmd ta tova amrerol
days last weak, returned to tbilr '
boam at TbompaaovUle. Saturday.
Mrs. Alba Brimmer etoited tn Mania-

tee atibday.

grand time wm enjoyed by nU 3
■ fit for d
Tbs boatesa •aereed
king, to which all did ample juaUee.
Card af Thankn
Wa wish to thank onr friaada sad
aalghbora for their ktadaam durtag
tba sleknam and damk to oar aoa
liMmard: also tor tbe bsaatlfsl fiom
Mr and Mrs. John PuU
I famito.

June 15-lt.

Paper yam baa been spun and
woven at Verelera. in EalgtuBL lor It
years past. The paper eoTO ta large­
ly used for tying small packages.
Hs Plrsd tba ttiak.
*'I have fired tbe walking-stick Pvt
carried over 40 years, on account to a
sore that reatotad every/kind to tiaab
inant. until 1 tried BuMlen'a A(
8alva\ that has heuled the soro ___
made m© a happy man." srrltaa J«Ea
Oarreti. to North Mllla. N. C. OnaWA
teed (or PUea. Bums, ate., by Buffbm
Drug Oo.. Prank U. Mends. HaB^
Drug Store, druggtoU. 25c.

The Hannah & Lay Mo'canUle Company
KlU Potato Bugs Early

Eat the Sweete

We acU
Ue prepared (or any that may come.
you Paria Ciraen in any nize package at 40i: a pound.
Get a good Sprayer. The Automatic Compretaed air it contiderodthe bett on the market andnelU for
$5.00. Wff havA the Acme Atomizer in all aizen^ from
40c to $1.00.

That wc have in the Drug ghd Book division.
AmtAw stock of the finest box Candies that are made,
just what you went for your friends for a birthday, an
anniversary of* when you go availing. Sell at '25c, 30c,
40c, 50 and 60c a box. See the big case full of thesedainty ^oodfi.

-Doing Fasey Paper Work?

. ,

You will need some White Library* Paste, the
handiest tor all such purposes, comes in 5c and lOc'
tubes and in 5c, 10c, 25c and 75c glass jin's.

$1.30 tor a Ladies’ Dongola Kid Shoe
Beautiful Pasae Partout Pictures


'The greatei{ lot ot dainty Picturei put up in this
' ! popular way. Sell at 10c. 15c, 20c. 25c, 80c and the gilt
' ovals for 75c. The nicest thing to decorate the walls
\ that you can find.

' Taffeta Ribbons lor 10c '

Been HsUng Yet?

See the great countpr filled with all the dainty
•colors for fancy work, for the neck, for the hair and for

Yo^sbould. go. fully prepared, aod oo place in
the city can offer you such stock to select from. Flies,
Rods. Reels. Nets, Uncs, Bait Boxes, Fishing Jackets,
Waders and Fish Baskets. We help you all w;e can.

Largest Stack of Post Cards in ttc aty !?g .SE
Wo Take Subscriptions

SMte of the neweet book, that ore piAIiiked are io-

For aoy ooigA^^ihat it published and we can save

A »tylo that »lmo»t ewiyone b weMiag^ »nd «o«e

you money. No matter what combination you wan^

. j

we can give you good terms. Ask us all about them-^^

' ^^

,weaid you aUwe caa.

200 New Books 50c Each

Long Black Lisle Gloves 75c
' *

have been ogt of them. These are_ especially fine.

' Better get a pair new end have them,


r .

Dnra and AraoM Nolf took tn tbb
algbts at Prankftot EiuMltf.
Mtoa AlUe Morrow to ftaaasn Citp
to vtottlng ber parents ttara tbU week. *
Roy Bamea and family, to Mantota#
wers TtomBg tn town SatuidlR nnfT,'
Mr. ind Mrs. Dnvid Stuart to Poax#
na attended eburofc hers Buaisy.
Alvin Lewto and RaliA SUaoaa w^
are asray driving welto srere bOBDE
over Sunday.
Mrs. Eva Sprsgum, who baa baa#
vUiUng ber motbar. Mrs. A. An%. •
strong and other relaUvaa and frteada
the past two- waaka kaa returtmd to •
her hoaaa in Plarpori^
Mr. and Mrs. John Stanton to Yatoa
wars cnlUng on friaada bars Satur­
Several la town are enterialnlag tbf
maaalea. though they aie aU ftoriiiff
along fine.
The ladlm- to the R M. A

chided in this list. The othera are those that have
heretofore sold for $1.25 and $1.5(1. All handsomely
bound. Splendid for Sunday reading and veiy aiog
foragifu Get Afood Iptoh for Sunday reaiBag.


mmmm ■

fMuctffli»ini|| A Good

.rntmirnTT^mii, • •>«

fwnmf. mm mtrn
m Mi»rMik •• *• Cfir

TtotoUvto A Wtoftiiv *
vsmm I ■*«« »»•

L -m «M flMV ^

K« oMitrr ftbii Uftd to' Onrt

»i«aa«r utotuio to* Uft® ftftift^

Mu.«- BiMMU fto ftatol. iiaa
iMa »^ft—
ftMMl ftlacr l« tor Itoto '
Ttttot kttirltia. akA
watotlto. Mtiu
ftualiir Ift atoftiTft oexto. 0«r
•arvlce la Mod W« vwMI Uk«
'tol^a four 4ru« uorc itmOft.
{S^TSIMi i« to ftiraft* ft*«ry i


k (V ftiftwft RftMb
RV »vMy ftfttor RftrtVi
pait ftf toft to4y. baa U* p*«teite ai
Ml «r tt eeekd ftei teaic ymUnm im
faacW TV pertato «| raat nn
aft^rtat aaO uc.or mot* iiwcsUy tt
ttft oftftft of tto ftem Ibau «l •&} odUr
artfta Tto wcUeft «t ibe towt U. -%
bM'. ecvwpbrft aUmt
AcWIba of w
•ftMftd. «mI of tbU tour leulbv U rftftL
tba warL of txuilftptiioU uid| <«ec«pylut
bair of tbe time. Tba fttoauacb. f^atoto
ntdl aibar warklag pana have ftod
partoda of raat. ito brwin. wbicb realg

iVNMMunriftft to fttoiftc w tut urn
trtlft^ Ift Mr Iftrrr chka. ftiora toA
Wtftlii ef
ft«U«c AlMileft tWtala
to tto
ito torteft.
«v.WWftft> or AtetHrta. tove been ftbte
ID ffvwt lenrawHw of Itolr glftrteae •dttttac steap. toviat ito kMtn*4 wiad
for mm gWMee. ftftd rewMrfwbte i
teftat flWtibftaL
iMftfttt •Mry Mm. tv IftMl tttoVt
tove baw espendM te ron«nu
Tto wawltti of tto aaiacw of Maxteo
pHftftft ftOft wpplM V Ml MM.
la proverbial yei ibrre are oejtrlv aa
Kw ^ or ironftto. lu w bleb
auaiM ftd>boaalre* lu Mrrkla, Ibe .-ap. TV ftMftWft Mftftttttili t# tM Ml
V. awny vrf itom brtw
mimm M enter VM «t IV
tefft* atee. Umrted out of Ibe gtoter, Hal ..f VueSlau. a Mate with lOWilieal
wiw trftWMned tu tbe vb laity uf tto |y m. ftUBfttwl reammaw. aa tbera ara irteMM
Jr«tb|ueu. ur
I lMOM»rMalW.tiaf«ftft(MiJ|hb ■ etftnoto ftkr cuoroyoar* la mioruUy la all Mefti.w rou.blu.’d
aiaal bamii. ua It la aomeUmea kuowu
iwfrlfteniicd vaae or ewra to l..vuaa aud baa made .Met Ida aiwl ita t>oe|tte n. b
othor terftft i-lttee reoode fitou gie
Bveiy paaalftg day biiabUSBa the
Tto laoibml of blaettef wlib bia.b
pio*javt fur a big f»AiH cropiblft year.
liowder ao aa'U* atvbl Ito dlm^iw
The weather bpa beeft Mteal f«i toe
• j
aad aoUlftg of tbe hw aud tbe sUllly Orator* ftwd Travailftr* Accidftnl Com­
bkt**.uu* to Sniab tbelr work. Tbwv
pany Haft Eacallftnt Ruaiteftft Her*
Dftviaa le AdmH Freak Air WitHmit dteldayed by tto eugUw^rk l» rtva ilag
hate I»eeu, ao ralaa toftvy eiiotMi»» »o
—day Maaaniciv Omnet Mftnagftr.
Prtouaiwg OrafU.
aJltoa aud la providing auMileut ffto
p»ft»itotoit| to Twriw CHU
,wa*h the pollen away aud «o wind*
Kliaa Auftilft^ftftt I" MUton i^tlftl ' ftauw ftto Maarkrtl ftwiaMr
tea lu at..ld eft
Freak air rrai.ka bat e U«eu eudearur- tteft by aieaiMa tof
*tnmg einnigb to whip tbe treea. Tite
MV WIftb Urubla* MU for Cftto
to Mobftd l‘to ft Ufttuf
Fm jw*i about a y<wr. Jay
.g Ibr la>l few year* lu odueale tto eeaalt* apevtl lu tbe vk.wutvard Jour
•lltVlTlit, . '
Vfftrtr *l»rftftf W ftto -toArd ku Ito ftutdie lu Ito |>ro|u>r nae of freak air. ary of ihe b>e bkaka %b..w cmaider nicb ba* tw>on dictiu-t manager
frvwt* bate held oS WftU abd whal
tuc I
fttaaa. 'IVa to cauM> totA «aU aakU Ift
Ttwdeia aud Tiat.ileiv accideut rv»m theiv ha* b.'.’U, ha* not town heavy
Aa a rule, lUHipte are out aterae lo
IV W « O ftto rfttotototo to
Mfft A y HoiAlftC w#m to Maibw Oftftrfftrencugh to uiake any material dlffei-vm ft*r I hi A bkv a iraiui*. I plenty uf,freak air. I>pt Ite y are alrung ami liaitaiareul aiul wbkb baa many loiuy a'od uv lhi.1 ilnte. baa worked
•I IV toito* «>r Mr* A j Hrlftl to ftt to ««lar vtorft ato «UI irlalily i>i»pua«al to drafu. To proiwrly veu gualltira wbk b are greatly ai4»rr. Ut up au evcelleni brndaea# here and the
toV Ifcft fftJtoiBt W Ito to»«m»»- Tbft MIftftM (W ftftd Mlaalft WrI bfto«
fH tnio iratoi; ciolto* aad fv out ou tUale a rvourau tbal all Utafu will to ed by Ibe .t.uaumera, tviuimaiwU ft nunitor uf iHiliclek I* ruuatftuii.t geowTbe peach.w bmk »ood and a»)
MIM ftftU to fuftoiW^ «to Ito M«to dua itoarft«4 to ttoftr btoto la 8| IM Jftrbbu luruHke You lakr oar atmibtl la a ull |irubk<u. To »i
The (olUtwlng t» a tmrilal lUt Grand Travel *e farmer who toft pcttcb'
bigbea value Ibau that of Ihe uaoal klitd mg
tote of Ito blto aad 1 take ibe qibrr .’eakfiilly do ao Utvaiia tbe pUTckaae uf! ubtalued fr..m the lake* *iul lamda of the claim* that hate been |ta\d heio
IftoftOft i«j4ftr altftr «lftiilag la ito cU>
ytwr ha* money (a bto poctoL
' :
;• Trfttrf^ V) M»»* W<» 11 to
A aiitgular feaiiirtr lu .x>w
Mia. WUIlftfti tow I* rUIttoft In akte. aad ftc II .-all al Ito ba>A .luun ..fMilw aigMiralua
by Ml Maaenlfh
aouihem crop ta a Sat tatlureof tto |.teiborUwlly rub aW ite- fiuui
tftftfttof to oiftto ftt IM ft««w to Hi« CadllV
■k v.’iy aln.iile arraugeineiil toa re- tto |4e|4.ratk.u of Ibe k;e r the a.arMl* NVra M CioU
liuchea* apidea hid lair tu bring a
Wore uf tto fturiby |>uur. aad Ibr luau .WJ.IIy Ix-eu ]M..Mite.i by u lN'.iU*yl- ket la that It baa Uvu tuui
Hto» tatourruw ftfto.uui« •(
Mr» (’IftTft toaraaiar arat to MftU
Artbui Vl 01*.»u. 144 20.
Ktant price. a> tl«» the laler rtoe* CherItol ftrlalto Uftfteai bauiluui U nu.k
l.t alore It f.»r aoUH* .Uya lu *|a'« lal
f .m to ftllffMi'tor fttft*»ftl
ctotma Ualar
rtea will be lu-avy. from preaanF ta^Bain 1. He*. |42
warebuuaea built like our own lo*
I|l«. w A. Wk»i*toiA to KmI totoUi Mira ft^uraotr itibaMiB Itol foi for dlurura fui, cter.t
if ibal
Chaile* K.M’Ulg 5t2.
It'a a aura iblu«
caibm*. eapeclally the Muuttttonuicy.
bouae*. ibitae Wllb tbmble watlp with
ittMl Itol litto toomlftft ftto touk.^ Adilaa lodar, abar* abr baa aroftpiftd toadoiit
ftita Ibe iiMilrii Ibaftitao _
aawdtul U’lweeu itoiu. In «•
S K. Saltoid | ;rt
thft.pibe al*o ought to be gota)
>r rtftfci toft toiftr-rti tto kft« «
.Ire >4u u*»r
a lajaiilou aa taactoi la ibft (ilrte'
move a o.oiiluk' of frualed or nuiiuaua
Will A Helm. |2t
cmikldettag Ihe a.mtbeiu*’ Michigan
uib<ii aftAlu la
0* fell* Mat*
parent ke that lemU l.t f.utu ou tbe
Iftduairtftl aAtoul
n, ItCCk
Ai tbui J O 111 ten,
gl.Miiuy oulkKA.
leiilk-a Ibal to
TM ito«iu«r UllftHto wtu In |ft»rt
H 1. Ny* attai to Barton today.
tto.rgr W llidwiill. lit
j- ^
; i
aaa "ua ' KvenUHlr in tto nHnai
lU Hlfttofti luldolftki. ftirtvlbs toi«
Mim Bllaatolb Huub»r Irti for bar
Hay J HK.ckman |U
>ulued iu h tulftbl) about ..t ap|>rut ul
Tbe laitai.t niaik.i ba* untbuihledly'.'..
' J
Ifti^ttftrsfKiii Tto towi toll ft tors« Itiaar to Vutb tooa Ibka aaintluft.
Wilbur Kronim, lit
A .a.ujto of UlabaMabeia aUM>ltol Ito
uow aettled d.iwii u> end il* .tay* IlL V
ftHtoufti ut rwlftftl Aftd fttoo tojt
Prto Atur i tat la itol for hU boma piyiwr ratorut
lu«art> *“*d llawjer
A. F. Uw**er.
peatM’ Theiv aie not emtugb left In
toftfft^ftft ft»4 ft to*A«iu( • to %p«ui la Bcbuolcian Ibia niuraJaji vberr be ftul tbeuiM'ltea lutu lbr*e . bubra.
Harry A Ht*.piv*.
WiMtuikin ni *outbeiu kiifthlgan la
Hm «m*cA tiftto to Ito cur
rubbed euougb uf Mol ber tonb IJIln
Weed at Tr«#* OaaUayad by Flam*#
alll airnd tba auauaer
Vem A KtioAg |k
rur (toutou *to « Mitoii
Maka* Valuabl* Lumbar.
MIm BlbrJ Utbto arm lo Ovkall lu Ifteir facea aud baada i< ruui|ikM.' UhGeorge J llarvv.t. |- ket aud the price will' probably only
nakeuii and aaM they ttere ready. A
Tbe traveler wbu baa w..udeM*l wb>
la WuMdnaft Aft» day
dtop before the micuming unw crop
Utur.' poabea «>f ( • luagb Iliufton
aiOur uae t* u.>l made of ibe tiiutor
Tiifti^r rvftMtuft «i I »<*toaftft. A cIms
lyu lalaud:
Mlar Jrarir Vitlaa areal lo HarUoar
ba* U’en Bre kiiUM all otet Ibe

to M^ftftir Av» will to tatftrui-ito
*icauier Cbettuainegon; HitTwr* ortoday ftb*M0 rb.^ will rpoud a fnw
j tbe rear uf Ibe balel'lu I'ufta
Apple grower* wont hate to watt
1%* Itot itonfte riaamtif Murivilc data (M'lurf (oiaa lu Aau Arbor.
ihefctia; lit ket^ 2:> tvnu. 7 3ti tumor
tbe I nil«*l Stale
for barrels Ibi* tear The c.aHH>rw ,
WU. wlM
-‘ <
MUr Aftbea Tbuiu|wuo relumed lu
Arritftd at tto Jerk bo turui>lk.-. tbe
I uiteraiiv of W
Waabiugiuu. SealUe. baa tow evening.
it«Ute lire iKtoslblliile* of a C1141 and
FrpfttolftttoR rbuttA loniuriu*.
adteiilurna allgbiod 'I lu- real uf
ber bume lu (VatMauilne for ber rum
ate already at wotk Getuge, Latdie
' IV Mbtort to tto K«l A A
; to* targeiy
tba (larty vrolaed ui> ao.K<b>tt u iu ibe
whUb lu the
luai laculluu
of this etiy bu* two meu Imreaaing
liawyer. bN>klita trukt
iitoiu«A i«iiuuit Ml iA« nrtb »«
J wuaie
Mia iauaua Kehoa ftcut to tonaluft autuuiohibr.
I timtor-ltol tft,
foolaore aud weary, wlib a ooie ..f
au alieady iuige *luck aud a* moon na >
faiiug lire
tou luwoTfiiftr u»orulHi trill Im 'It^i luday
iru.twd or animal* ctmi* under your obaervft- the. demand lucieaav*. he will throw
baail rradiug a|ila’«l
alUa-al iu bla tul.-e.
Tm» Oiaai K«to«
Mra. Trutla rod ber dauabler. C’ora.
_ bU
.d fruu. dtair l*» d.H>r
iiuely llon can CU) btmk atorp, both phone* on a force tif ttvv mon* to F IVrkett
by a Ole uul aeteie en.mgb l.» eiili
Tto WuiuftB* BfiM ItoiA
lewire kkujt
today utn
foA •
a C4»ijila week’a vlalt At'lto .faruibouae uf Tbuiuaa Wi.-ka
\E\lii-aToJ( Ik Itaiirio.v.
eub*ume the ti.f aud which tell il No. 42
will al*o put out tonvia wbtto OM
ftlirft •
luth ruMia-t ftt
m «riu*d iUtoto.
to gol bliM nlla Mra Orln Tear- rauia ik'veoioi aud I* *bowu lu the ae- •lauJiug It ttak fouuil tu to tboiongb may Itof
Mt**iiu> ba* two fMagwr shopH iuber
lay Bigbi. at C o'.lork. All
Mr. Miui Min
gate bill, a baift U.ue. ai..l a lier- .tauiutuy lug lUuatrat.uu
'ibia veuti- b teuud aud lo all luituU
iKiini* thiodgliout Ihe etnniiy are alMm of Ibe boat. Ibtoi faodllea aud tbe
. family at bla third alup gate blut latoi wa* .U’Cgiied lo a.lmil Ito eu im»e* tboruugbl.t aeaM.u.-d luinli
la lb. rll)
SAVE doctor** bill*. Get th* vaudft- M» w.’H flvt*d
Ml to Ate layHed
Herbert • tluiltvan toa returued lu hU two allcea of rye bread mu.I bniier.
trauiv of uuy auiuui.l of feeab air. but
It a* deleriniutvl I but If *ucb lum
vill* habit. .City toftr* bouftft.
bU fourth, tirib. aUlb aud aev'.ut witbiu tbe nr*t year alter
Tbft Cblldrwj’a Hal Mftrtoaea of Ibe buiue lu t’tHlar, after
Ibe aame lime In pn'teul ibe air
tIaltlUA tub
putHrftI M M Iburtsb will oocui ai ibe fiieuda lu tbU city.
from lluwlug lb lu suata. When
Waieiiu.don* apiwantl today, white
that be waa eoiuiM’lled !<• al..|. tbe aulu wiinbiw la ralaed. Ibe w ii.U blow* di |Hi«e for w bl. b the original wo.*l I* *ai
Vvr iV lb* BiPibitoi aenUw luiuui
mukknii’lotiN liuve to-eii here H«j>ipe
Mra. M. (teniuielu and dauabtei uf aud aak bU frk’uda lo take .are
nvlly iuto ibe loom. Tb.* la iiuimm*.

Milwaukee are vlalllug vlib Mr. au.l
w.iC be sol
.i> teiildulor. lb* fr.iul *i’fv tiuil*’t check* *o iMidly lluii ll «auu.»l
Muiioa Kialuj. lot auuiu Utttr uiea Mih. M II Heintit.uf Kaal Fiuui
»biei^ All a.t t..U»l tome tie woik.-.! up lo’.* ill*., tavu dto K^cd t.y lute*tl
down lbi.iugl. lb.’ o|K’U .t..p, uu.v force
Mtw ('bailea Uuaiaf aud auu. Claud Ota puddlag. but tt wa* at
wbkb .1 nvay bate Uiug broken to gallon* uudeiiakeu. ttol go.»l railn.ft.1
fancy band*,
value, 29m-.
gackaoa lo ubt a pualUou. Aa to la a lu. of Oak Mill, ftlaaiatee. are vlalllug buuaa of (iiUitdo Tilu*. n
fuio it n*a.-be» tbe room.. Tb* veul. li«-* bate iM.’U mad.’ {u.m'limtor ibal
.Hamtllon Clothing Co. I rieailiack pork.
bteftiMim, oourifoua aud bard wuiktuv Mr aud Mra A Q. Pibe SS.1 Weal bury. lUfti bU ' bau.lmir' w.
btlor la hiipiKirted ou ft.a>ka ou Ibe out. tu aoiue iiiklauiVT'. wa* killed llfl.t yeuia
lit UhI.V aide of Ibe w mdoiv frame. Ito au.t.uul
Tliua baa a lUugbier ibai
iTeiliack ia>rk, per lb
Iny. to will wudoobledly make giaid
NIuib aired
. Ito 1*11 l.t agreed ougbl l> fc 'b-.tnu of vvulilali..n Ivlog regulated by raiaSboit cut of tM»rk. IHT
llvury Heyuulda uf pittaatleuia. Cal .
tg ..111 In Ibe «»r. buMl. "abe la au< b
iowenug Ibe tv.udow tbv
1.ftrd. vf tt.............. .■................1
Milk Pad! af Pap«r.
TK* CapUin Managad It
ftirtuerly of the |M*uiuaula. U vlalllug IwaiU " luateud abe waa bunging out lAU.'e de»»f
llutx>u. per Ik. .....................;.
lYr |eai>. a.u«i.y<vna l.oudfme uiUk frieud* In Ibla reglou
Some meu iu a puldlc bomm tvero invbithea when I'.A^fi.' .ante a'lou. long
i(\.rn meal, per too lb# ....’.ftWg*il baa Urrit blauatl by uiudk-al
vcnliug storte* lo tat** the lime away.
tbe yard Tor full flte tnlnniea
S. V. Keiaun aud wife weal lo toke
and bfubb oA^ia f.H M uivul deal of
by great nuttoiilie* tbal au old aallor, ttiio bad leBiainivl alkul
ittUftl ttiiiitaUir'. but ^«.ry «h>u Iu fa. V Auu yealeiday, where they a{M<ai the wbl.>wed inolb.‘r aud ibe eet.u llilb*
aud *el oI a |mt*ou .an I
ahWftt lu
luiuietllMitoi tto dairy .•otubft'' day dahlug.
all tbe time until pressed b.t itof olb
tblblrru lu ibe Hrouv who would
Middiilil.i*ei luoVto;:!.;;::* l.ll
Mra d Keibigs la vlaltlug lu Uf aiarve b. .leaib lu Hwlr .b.-.’ik-ea vr-nalu.’d b.v toe rale ..f ibe i>ul*e era tu «plu them.a tarn He began
ftioagrri I ilebver uiiik at Ibr du<gw uf
•T wa* otu’v III a dreadful *lorm. All
tooma If a.iiue klu.l lady woubln'l gite akme. lUbiea at' blub bate u pulae
Mlaa Ivva WilUid wbu baa been ai Ibe ouly a..p|*iin of Ibe futnUy li'. gai
tbft uroviiisKin* were wavbfvt overlaurd
Chickeaa. par lb.....At .
ery -ill aud ale notblug for for**
teodlug Ibe MIrkIgfto toniluary at ty . a pie.e of bleud a>. lual to aboUbl
FoluUd * ......................................’. .. .4l>
my*.. .Vt Ibe age of four or dtf
the eutl of that time I tog-au
Kelftiuauai. paaaeA ibriuigb ibe lity to'euougi. lo work, an.l^t am pul*v itaU will tove fullen io*|«*.
Bgga............................. ...................
to fvel hungry, aud tb.- steward gave
yeaUMxlay uu Iter way tu bar borne lu 1000*5 rtiougb .bopping m.mkI in get ly l.i iluaud lO*. -Maidvii* a.i.l youlb*
llam iur lb.......... ...... ..22
me iHiOf. cblck.’ii. i*ort wiue and egg*’’
faat-k I.. Ibe Hiouv and may to get a
pnlaea uterugv 1C. aud tai. Mnlure
• But you said all tbe j.rovUlon* were
job Ibar wtmid keep Ibe w.df from Ibe
Mra. J. A Uradey reluraed to tfei thH>r of Ito widowed yiioiber ..ud tbe meu and tv..UK':t ateruge tk» uud 7.'.. washed overlioard. Where did the beef
hume lu Uanl|ioe yeaierday,
BuUftr. creamery. 9pr lb.......... Wesi
■fvoa .’blldiviL. Iton Yliaa Tliua auk^ Kkb-rly u..u and wome.. bate ai
eome from’f’
enige .if .k. uud W. .Vn nid ttomun'a
"Fn.m tbe bulkHk#*' (bulwarkal. said WANTED—First ctosa ofttaTlenced
Prwftk Helm
IU ae
-1 .b.uT ibluk aayibing you aay U
> VaftooU !
pul*.’ rarely ll .-vet *ink* ."iW. the irl.l
Irtraui-e. ittelte |iiuu» itebu-r tbau tUr leiday.
dining t^um glil Wage* |4 a week.
irae. 1 betotr you driiik li.|..or and
i•ul au.oug ..Id .ueit .. pui*e i.eut totoW
Mdteftfy odU .eu, aid ate of very
t'.’H’ klurgueuv totilng Houhc
W U'MU and K.auk Cftrvw
al.oug iUMUUta. lute flulabed uV ftftlft
•i ron, tbe bai.-b ’
F.«i.rly rwb.ld Ihe *l..rr of bla aad .VI U <|iille •'.mimou
jam 15 21.
- Irtog WiAeled Wftleii.lta.f l.y bebu gfbtMl Ibe ItoU yva^rdat
yeaalogdiM.l lu u lurue.i- bealnl u|i lu SAai
•Well all light." tridbd MUa 1 itu*.
'Til gite you tbe aame aa I give all
Stella llniau uf tbia city,
Ctery |«d b.n» ■'rbuM* tilling gauginl
tto'iramiai that • uiue betv If youJI and estimate* Ibeie urr at left*t .Ml.tM'.taai acri’* of laud wbkb .-uu be dral
^ter. vto4b euu le .juLAlt adiualed. tfata murulug fur Ml Pleaaani where premlae I* eat ll ”
irmma millet....................

obeu lUid. eirtMituiUy muU tbe aby will vlail.wltb frleada
did." said the
►tCUdly. mum.- aald Foganv.
Tm aud ‘ma.te lit for furimug
Haugariaa millet .................
niiout $.'» au acre. Tbi.. u.mM .Increase
' Mdl^.fttgin -tuj otii.A.' Miftia«.t<a*
Mra WlllUni Hinattey uf tbU liiy. (tot aUrv.Ml 1 .oukl .-iit .log,"
the value .if the drainage .listrk’U more
left Ibla uiuintag for Shemiun
Orc^d graM...,...............
aiuT relOTurtl W Hb a plate . overe.1 wllb ttou $,'t,duu.w.a».ua« J«nd woukl uibl lo and bad lo ^vuiskter. -\t last be
tlali w U|i frieuda
tto’ .cop value* of tbl* great uatkai
• (lb. >«*. 1 did tove eggs. The cap
•oyliit IteieeftL
Uoa4' of Copeadab wbu baa a auowv napkin
T^l y.iur baud umbT Ibe uupklu. ' luaav milliou* auuuall.r* ll is imiroasi' tain ordered tbe ship to lay to. «ud to
been vUlUug fur Ibe | few ato eommamted. **lt w.»nV-Kiie t«>> tdf to treat of tbe sulOtk-t of tbe drwiu- gave me one.’’- loiudou gueeCRyft, per bn.................. ..
ug« of tbe wet ami overlldwed lamU of
daya. left ibla nuraing |ui Urtuui It Uu't d.«
Cora, vr b»...
F.^arly .implied and drew out--a
Mertea .'f eamTllu.-uH lluil n I'l.lHT wheiv abe will vlall. »
Odd Clock For Metorman.
tu miUkms aud billkto* viT dulUrs.
eolUlion of a-di.bate
.ate ^ Xniu
«Mra Hugh Murcble aud Mra C W. oi.r. *u.oolb, rouurt U-mou
.\ laig.’ ek’. trie «kt. k aboul lUive
Wbeu be goi out «.U Ibe i.-ad be
|dbi d‘1 tto rigbi il.un BO.I nmlei
SulUran bate inra vlalllug frleada
feel lu .Uanu’lei ba* Iweit lifted at the
%.An*r .tindlikuiaa wUI kill' lb.’. wlUI Biagbftiu
provcvl by'll that Sawy . r waa inoiv of
end of I’k .dittlly aUGou of
A fUbuff For Dr. Johnaom
WaU.eBitdol Chicago U vlalllug lo a tramp ibau be. ft.. Sawyer t limlH*d
T*r. J<.|.ti«.iu .-alk 1 one luorulug on Ibe l’t< eadlll.v tuto’. tomdou. Tbe dial
abuard.vwud they «H drove ba< t'^^o
.-Bythe clly
Benjauiiu West to .aiurena’ with him is divklid into twelve aevllous of ouc
J.I Lighi »te«r* and beifera-----^
Garden Cdy ami dio.d .m Huw yer.
with only one hautl. Its
ou Amerlcau uEalm. .\ftei some timb
Mra. A. Tyre uf Gkl Mu*lou w*m ta
. ...
Steer* and heifem llOO lbs ------ 4C5
•ACVHBIUK .aiuuug MatiuoUlaud,
Mr. West said that be bad a y..uog oujeti. say* the Itullwuy .\ew*. U to
the city lt»d*>,
ateamor'(lieguaibeAiiB. Hural a
Amerk-au ttaitort Stuart» living with sbvrw tbe moi.umuu bow long H te
Cblckeaa. Uve weUbt.............
Cbeatni. tickrta. IM reuta. •:*d lamui
bUn. from w bom be might derive aome slftivi tbe prevv-dlug train left tto stayeacblag Ui MveiwtU W'aab.. U borne i toe aea U ap,uw feet detp.
Heni. ..................................
iof.iruuiiion. and UiUvKlut-ftd StoarL ttea. .4# aooa as a traia lenvea tbe nu_ row jtydMftg
lot lb* ftumuier.
j Aft^ depib U vter liuui feet
‘The vviuversatkiii c\iuiiuue.l (Stuart be tlou the . kick atgru reciirdlug tto tlaej
_oiNew York...
Ruaaell WUson la ti.lUng at Jvtoga-j
Ing thu# luvtlWl tii take a part la iti. and i-ontlnuea uutll ibe uext train
abftftp. with wool » .......................V
Cime* lu Immediately ttol leave* the
' Feurtk Birthtoy.
»*(» iVrgftoi l)ig|iUy"Ngw >>Mr. and Mra W M Benaeli Mtj\ Ru**ell
Ralue. of 242 ii Kioto air.*. t tbwt Ibe .vuung mau »i>.>k« very girod
CMreft ...................
EnglUb aud. lUfulug Pi Stuart, rudbly
this aotm for Kalamaitjo. wbere Mr.l eoterUioed fourteen c< IMft liUlft
asked him wborv be tod learned ll.
ruder Auftijiceft of Lftdie*’ -\W Oorftd kidftft ........................
Bminetl baa aerpUM a paaitlun witb
biiuur ai bla fourth Stnaii ven promptly replied. "Sir, 1
aa loauranoe oampany.
can totter U*!! you where I did not
W U C> Gerufiuie baa it-iurued
Cbtcago. June U-tMieai.
Ifuim U.'ll wm* imi from yooriAlcUoU’
Hleiaberji Hioa
A OOtUAR ahow for 10 and 15
Iron, a atort buaia«*a irip io‘ toe
coru. 52V.C, uau. Ct^c.
Reaver tetanda
| canu. -Da you want Uf
U troll, June ' 15-Wheat,
r j
R. i. MuiSfta toa returaed fngin a|
corn. 55tftc; oau. 47\ftc.
bualueaa Hip lo CTlioagO.
Bast Buffalo. June la—CoUtft, MO.
NoMy Gaft ftf Vys' Weel HaU,
MV AneUa Voegeil of Bk Vpldk
I toft ear iiitft ef CMltow^ We«b {
TiokeU aow on tale Reftorvad quiet; veal calve*. 200, stow; fttoep •
fancy bfttidft. SOc value, 2Sc.
ftftd MV Vrab Ford of Fetoak«y
I toiu. ftraftt Hot. iitite ftiicaa.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
MftU ftt box office, Monday, by pay- aud lambs. :i>u0. 2ac lower; hogsX.400 ,
peift Ue ffteftu of Vt. and Mia. C A
actleve. 5 to 10c higher.
ing 10c extra
iCterli yeftterday.

pgmmt mmi §rmmm m cw mm
K« tt AVTOMOftiU WAlTl
wm Utm *r • »• w*im». «m
•H% li to Mi «i(r VUMIV «M
Vtoftft am. to V. Lftttoto. Vto
tor mtmam m uwtm^um^ m ^
VVmM m Ttoi»*TrMift Wto VI
MtoMw. HM iMtor tto lift OtoM
•.ft Um ><Nft Vi-Ttoft Awm
Mnt tM«r r^to «fi>. tfr Otoftftftft A »totol9ft t. '
PMifttoift t Hm Vrft A 111 to flprU Omw •I'Mftftc'ft ifttoftftft.
mmrnmk (2Mif«ir»to.
u m*
Vtotovtcft K «Wrr* »• taaMir-w*
MM »«m4
M< M»
» ft, CiftclftMU A (II to Mftlft ftto UtM tft tMitot. i'llj. N. Y.
•ftft towftY tore l« «twft WtrkA A.
tofirtii ••• lotoitoH, wto«rr u
yagtutf J» ivator iwu rmn MS ftb4
«M M^Msrto railM* to UmIm
M*m Ift
Yarft Mr frtoa Itol to
m4 m« to tototofM to •mm iM
ft toni tor • »wri •toa to «imu
4»toMitM ft fMn itto* Mtt. ft* rttofc tnm a fthon towlft—■ trip i« N«rU toM
V bJ* ftttIMiMtoIr «Ml nm* wni iw m*
Mtoto Ptotofw fiMiftMtoi ^ftft tto
WWTto.ftftTft tto New \«Kb Wvrhl
prtMMftl Itoftto tor «M totto »*jr
la Ito itorMtoftwt nwui trf tto rlaiv
Vftftto HMtoft ft fttofl MMft toft
•to4* ftto «*to»f iNiMii 4rto«i fttoto Ito »MiUtortto
CMJ toi4l Ito |i*‘r »rr »vur*torto
iiift u* Aftto AW tbU aftCfthto
•M ft( iifWSM*. Tb«r
In ibir*
•tof to Hftftft M*OrfH«* (^aillftft ftl-ift
rbft/toft toratoto to Kmwtck.-U Ito ftitor ftfttoftwii ftfito • tor ol ftrto4 HUrnm ftftf rtotttof iM frtot U»
Ift Kift«*l»r

^ wtoa yummnt
laubrU tto
Uttftft Ift
I'vcatty |*uri


Drug Store

OWMU M Hiteta Tlwy iUrt

Afttortilft Iftftpift

QUAMTwe auotai ito.'
Nm ll.lllij’ laMWiiM !»«•«>•
. ftiw Iftinfttoiw
'1 la »irw«ftoto ftW.'ft IV totofttoi^
to altcvic taUvftr* ft tow aaft

















2. ?%%'.^^;:;::;;:::::::: :\t




............ 12.


June 18
Song RecItallHi:rf^^


Miss Coro CF0SS( Dreftfted poultry

MarloBtolMid Flottl#lBc
at Wairs SttteFowBtaitt.


w ft .



the Palace
Fieture Show
TONIGHT Special iusic at Excellent
Bill Now Running
Electric Front


Wiv* C*nA


sgins^ 'af tto bsgi bloek fa Tmms
Cfar. bstwsM Gsar gad Part: ansak
.ad (be
L^umtsa fa^«. of

«r gkt
f miuk «t
i<MlM tBoukm ;
«ftt«i7 # u* lit pw w*di M<«*.
JMt AWua^er. Itt PtywiuU
|«M lyxf


». J. y<kMS. IMS Kl.

Ml. WAHTf^ AI «•« far peMT MILCH COWt POE »ALE~i.
tlimnuu. m f WrUl^*
Itf Ikmm* vork Mr» Tr»nr OUlU,
■sr *Ptf

. tm »u** «rm

}«M 1441


KwiLem Msfaigaar
^ thlt tw'spak , w •
weva.«. >
bbak bfa increased is taiun over
fasr hundred per cMt is arttw
years. E will di» hsucr ikss' that la
ito past seven year*. Knap ytormaa
SKmsyoiitoftbntaksOU.Oold. Oopr
par aad actor similar
and placs U la good
UBiM^draj. c
propeoy la tbs to« city la tto sUU
tone. Mdenoe ]
ubsrs all rinsssa W rest esute are
adraadag la pries^.wbere taciorie*'
have laexsaaed tbalr capadiy to tbe
exunt that tbey bare out stripped
HSmttan 4 iumkM block. Bt
tbs ifapaiaiioa. where tbsiw la two
deads mortgages and eosttscu scJobs far every aana. vonao Md
toowladgsd; rsSl ssuts ,_boughL
child s bare tbe local ooloasas <d tbe
sold or sastsd la city or oniairy;
local papers are glled with vaot
money loaned. 1 tovs some good
ada for mea. worasa. boys aad girl*,
bsrgsiss listed la farm Md city
where fanaera oo»e far mile* ui
propecty. U ofBce W'ednnaday and
diapoae of their prodoeu aad pur
Baturday evealaga. Bealdeace phone
chase tbelr auppUea, where all
CIL hll.
apr il U
elgM^r. of fruit, graio *ud vegetablew
can. M hMYeahfully gruwu. where MONEY TO LOAN—Heal eeUts lor
-I alurA ba» abundaaUy. yea lavUlily
sale. House* to renu Dr. W. K.
aupplkd tbe ayiortMaan. tbe acbol
Moon, aty Opera Uouae block.
er*. the artlwt aad the Invalid withe
ifvery thing they could desire, bay, F. P, LAWTON. M. O^-OffaJS Wilhelm
lalaad lakes, river*, aad creeks,
block. BoU pbnaas
sgr 1-U
clear, pure frtssb water, good clear
koaitby air, fish,' fruit, aad vegeu- 04 M. fa OEEOOEY—PkyalelM ssd
surgeas. 117 Csss strssL Pbosh
bits. Wlua mure could be desired.
otice. 4«02r; rsaldeses. tl04r.
Thtift are fact* we are atat^ and
can be verified Again we say plare
your money lo Traveras City or tbe
C. MOFFATT—Autrseu S( UUs.
Grand Traver*e region.
Wade a210
Bute Bank building.
Bros. aiT Colon atreet .GItUen*
phone nil.

• i^M THt kUVV—K*«vy nxaruUlBf POE EALE-S4R-PBSflSM
kSMS. KE SlrssC. SfaM fa
«i(k* ttiU opra lo UiU cUf frocu^ IfafarlM ssd paMsOes; cc^
Ja»ft Z1 to. lUMT 'fT. iMfl, »IUrf«.^ 1^ of Mk {trsM.
FrtM . flMIs
jrawif 9«a cjf gCMl (4MnM!Mr u
•Em# mi
tmtm If m4 Jl CM
MMIM. aMI VMClUMkca POE •ALE-ll»-riffaM roo* brick
oatkr »;
Mr Mi 'opportMl
rssliMoe. ’W«»t ^loU 8L. doss Is.
liM far prMDOtiM to UoM who
CMMI ssd s Mif block trtm Oestrsl
r Movr •Mcl«ai APplf «t V. 8
kbool; soluais lor rcsMesos, rotssIfar^teTuUlax QflM/MosUfu*
IM or bpsrfart; vlU tsks food
l»fack. <l»4 loori. m fTmt
ff jltr to ssMMist of oae tbooiasi
Tr<?«r»* CItf. MIM . for furtMr la
foliar* a* part psjBMt: prlct
toriMtfaa)ua* U l«tI2.00S. Wafo Bros.. S17 Boutb
Uskm fa. Olt pkoo# lilt.
' BS7 11^
^WrroII. «. UfPtil SO ifacord offlcc Ev POE EALE—Uouas Mf lot; SBodsra
MteM at kfMS. kl& Wad^vnrta
eoa>«al«oofc* c»rcpt hasUaf ; slfbt
■MS phone 4U.
aug EU
Lkjck* from poatufflee; oss> term*; FOE BALE—tiSS—Hunae omJ Union
street, ttty toot fronU seMu room A. J. McPHAIL—DmUsL Over John­
house, Dice lawn; A No 1 propesdson drug store. Belt phone 180-2
WANTEfa^lbdl koj. <44umku bou-i
rings; ClU. OU l rings.
Oon: price ll.OOO. Wade Broe., 817
Junv im
Boutb Uaioa St Cit. pboito 1212. '
a WELCH—Attonmy at
mar ii-a LBBTBE
law. CoUecUon work a specially.
MEM kPAMTEO-WaMS H ?&. Apply
~B'Uh Underwood A Uifilor. Bulherqr tafapkoM m. Tcsrcrin Citr
pries ISSPO. Wads Bros.,
FOE BALE—tot oa Bixtb streeL Call
tend block.
fan 8 tX
lui atrssL UU. pboss ISIE
apr 24tt -OR. F. J. MAC NETT—Proctioe llmlL
,E—1471—11 serss two mOss
ed fa BYB. BAR. N08B. THROAT
' Md nTTlNG OF GLA88BB. Office
lor MburUa
______ r*aid<
roaideaes la Uia rv
WUhsJm block. CUls«ns phone
1^ Pries ISM.
UM. Wad#
Wsds Bros.,
Bros., 117 EHINGLE aud meUl roof rvpaiilog
strssL Ctu pbsas UlE
and painting a *i>ccislty. Call at 721
Jpue 12 if PIANO TUNING—W'. N. Millard, 30
r years experience. WUb OrlooeU
POE BALE—14«-toven room boi^
Bros., corner Front Md Case 8u.
; also oos
cleaning hUMlue** of Oa A Hubiier.
W, are now in u p<»*llion lo do all J. fa MAETIN-Physlcfan Md Bar
ssouof Wfrk. Mrs> B. J. Horsao.
«M>n. Offloe 105 East Front sueet
VA Stats Btrvoi
Juas Itth
of your work, WM. AUGUSTINE,
.118 E. Front sUret, CiUxcnb |ihone MARK CEAW'S DELIVCRY-Ught
E008 POE EALE-Wblts W'yMdc
nCiy 25 1 mo.
WANTEO—CoatoBirT* for oil and
12 far 16; winner of allver cup si
treigbL parcels and trunks. Office
at aty Book SuvafsaoUae. IkctivcT sarvbcri; to tbr
poultry sbov. J. W. fammermaa 4
CONfiULT Madam Hlnea. tbe palmlsL
city, tirasf Eapif* Furaliurr Co.
Bos. f02 famU Uvlaloa strset
E- L. BONNER'S Vklr drMttog
at 617 Union upon all affairs In Ufa
parlors, over City Book Store. Room
mar 16-U
dEL WAWTEO-PVr s«»ohd bouse POE BALE—Utt-Oat huafrsd sad
NOTICE—^We clean cblmaejs and fur AMiL F. NEELtNGEE. LAWYERMKk wbo will ft> boms oiskta. Call
tbirtj tvs Acss tem. sifktj serw
Money to loan, 2I2 State Bank
aaces and store ctoves through the
at 411 W«>Eisstos atrosL Min
UaproTsf, Isrks bars bad good
huUdlng. dUzens phone 686.
summer. Traversa City.Stove Re­
bouas. orekard. largs aiaouat of
June n tf.
pair Co.. 602 W. FronL Clu. 617. RIAL ESTATE AND LOANB-Ormnd
good wood. Umbsr, farm all feaead
Bell M 2r.
apr 8 tf
Travene Land and Loan Co.. F.
WANTEO>~Olit for fMeral houai
aad no bettar' aoU to be found; alx
Tburtell, Manager . Office, room 3
voik lofulrs Mrs. T. A Ktlfor.
toUsa aoutbeast of city oo mala
Hamilton A Milllken block.
W. NlBlb; Cll. pboBu til June *tf
road. Bast Bay tova*blp; cloaa to
seboed Md eborcb; viU sail oo easy TO RENT—Pieasaut. furnit^bed front, BARA T. CHASE. M. 0.—Office vHtk
Dr. O. E. Cbeae, State Bank block.
WANTED—Girl tor fian
tanaa, ovosr lo olbar bualasss;
room iu family of two. Addiv**. X
Both phone*. 225 2r. Residence 224
. Teutl
work. PboBs Cll. »47. kOl
pHcs M.OOe. Wads Bros., Ilf fawth
llec«rtd i»fflro.
Juu»- 14 tf.
W. Bifhtb 8L CiU. pbone 721.
jaas Ilf.
Uakm 8t ett pkoss ml.
IsbIEtt TO EENT—Plt-a.saully funii*he.l front OR F. HOLDSWORTH—Special at
WANTEO—Msaafcr -far branrii i iflice
leniloo to diseases of the eye. ear.
ri«»ra; all mod«Tn cuiivi-ulenre*.
vs wish to locals b«rs 1a Traveras
nose and throat Glasses fitted.
22U .('asK.
June 10 if.
C4iy. Afdnisa. vltb referenoe. The FOE BALE—1616—Modern reifidSnos
Over Johnson drug- store. Roth
West lOU. 8t. ten room*, bot water
Morri* WbolsaaUr ^u»e. Ciitriouati.
b«VAt. bath, lot aeventy-lve feet FOE RENT—Three large unfurnished
riHiin*. upstairs, at |4 per month.
flout, good barn. Ous of tbe flueat
OR E- B. MINOR—Office over Amert618
bQDU'* In the mty.
ty. Will,take
esn Drug Store. Special attenUon
uperty ai
a« part payment
prPcil property
to eye, ear. nose and tbroatT Glasses
easy term*. Price HOUfiS TO EENT—Dr. Moon.
will sell OQ sai
fltUKl. Both phones. ■ ResldMcs 611
npr 2«4f
IL.S00. Wade Bros
ko« • 117 Boutb Union
BUth StreeL
81.. Cll. pbona 121!
FOR RENT—Offic(» In the Wilhelm DR W. E. MOON—SpeclsUst^Mlenita,
tors repalriof. Ehalr raolos and i
block. B. Wilhelm.
mar U-if
urinary, skin and blood diseases; IS
BituVe tbdktSA^ifc H. Tauorr,
cotUgc. loknown us tbe (iisvii
year* experionoe. City opera bouse
spr k l
quiic at Ciu Bute htrer'i.. Clt. pbon FOR EENT—134 Lake avenue. In­
block. Both phones.
junii 3 If.
quire 143 E. Eighth 8L
apr 28 tf
collsctloo, Dotos sad
T. W. THlRLkY-DentliL Over BarA. Poboral, lUmlltoo LOT FOE BALE—We*\ ICgblh alretl
FOE EENT-821 Cass elreeL Inquire
num A Earl’s fawelry store,. Both
lasr tt-lmo
fane 7 if
State Ktreet.
phones 102.
142 Bsst EUghth.
mar 26-tt
WE WANT cTsrpfaMlr to ksov tbai
va sra aiUl ib« aost apuxlata fry
elasiitsf aaUbllahOMBii la tk« cUy.
Tbs >si1slsa
Suae if tf.



POE 8ALE-McVlcksr faaolloe
fib*, aev: Slk b. j). B. a Do veil.
St Bsoord ofica.

FOE SALE—1324-Pann. cljrtity live TO RENT OR BELL—C2 arcM In East
urn *. <»oe and nue half mib-t> north
Bay township. Bd. Forton. 822 Web­
.«4 -Acniu on maiit road ifaveotystar sfaeoL
mar 12-lmo
flve acre* iiikUt cultivatum; all in­
to cn>|»h wheal, miix. oaU,
largo uiodeia .bouse, furnace, bath,
but aud ctAd water all ibruugb LOiT—ThuMolaj; afternoon,
watch ami fob. NcHlfy MU* Mabel
bout>e. W’ind mill and lank. Uotai
Uarager, N M A*ylum. June 14-tf.
bam. granary and
out byild
just bewi
Two prominent Chiuese from Shangas nearly perfect a* a farm could
ibal have paid a vUli fa Manila and
be. Qw ner'Wi^^ lo |
placed large ordeis with American
offeni at low figure for cash Price
firm* lor farm maebtuory to bt used
li.r.oo. IVade Bros, 6l« south Untn Manchuria.
iua airceL Clt. pbone 121».
June 12 tf.

POW SALE—1124—Resort property
oos mils city Umlu; four
ivo buodasd fast abona fnmi: Urge
' bolsl coinplstely furoUbed flntt
clsaa; tot and cold water U
rpoOHL fss llgbL furnacs beat,
oaa sotiaga. two Urge torn*. Croat
atrasm tbrougb ground*, batb bouas
* sad Eas gra
property U
po aaia road to cHy. piked all tbe
vsy to cliy: would coat to put la
ooadlUoa as it U at prea«at at least
FOE BALE—IklS-^ biMfred and
tvsoty tbouaaad dolUn;
five acre farm: four mile* from city:
tBf U Invalid. bsBca
aixty acre* under cultivation; forty
order to digpoas Of i^; wiU oonalder
acre* timber estimated I
food city gropartir la |ian payment
least three hundred ibousMd feet
pries •ISM Wade Broa. «1
of meorhanuble logs; about two
Booth Datol 8L CU. pkoaa lllk.
tbooaMd cords stove'wood; Im­
may ll-U
proved land, mostly ^el; ihK>ut
half pan be irtigsiM from the
POE BALE—1S21—U^B tan
creek that run* acroa* farm; large
houaa. Urgs loL boiveao Niatb
frame barn, stone basement room
Md Ttotb atrssU oa BaUrpsd svfor Bfty bead of stock: good stone
MiML Btooe fousdstka. tot worth
fouaAsUou; packing, bouse for (roll;
St least "oka ttoosMd doUsra
large otebard. dlterest variellea of
Hoosa oosM not b* built far gflass
peaches, peani. plum*, aprioou,
kasdrod doUsrg. Gloss la.
cBsrrlee aad applee. all cboloe
Uma. . Pries f IfSO. Wads Bros..
vartetie*: aleo large ria)*ard; cbolc•17 Eoatk Ualon suaot ClL pboss
grapes. flilB farm by utiUxlar
tbe Umber CM be aaade to pay out
POE BALE—Mast market doisg good
tbla year lap»«Eisg oomlag wlater,
bEMsaw sad Is good locsUoD . good
mad vbM paid for Is a steady eooroe
igpMBs lor aslUag. Vic a IWliBsr.
of vssltb MMt is bard to duplicate,
Uf M Ftoat Bt. Trsvans City
oaly reason it U for ssie is owner
may lEtf
Is wpil along la year* Md wtsbse to
reUre beace olers It at about oneHIM nm. Iiui<an> CMM «(«><».
bsir lu actual value. Price |4,g00.
E. W. Blcksrd*s amrbls works.
Wads Bras, fit South Uolos 8t..
CtUrsak phooe, 42IE
Juss 42 If

LADIES *r» -welcume to play box
baU at tu times but especUlly on
Tueaday and Friday afternoons, which
have been set apart especially for
tedles. Remember tbe location. *167
Front street.
june 6-tf. mon-thur*.
Tbe fact that no death by bydrophobte baa been recorded In England
since 1802 U cited a* an Ulunratlon
treaimenl of

cian and Surgeon. Removed to of­
fices in Munson block over Barnuffi
A Barl'a CiOzens pbone 326.
HARRY fa HARNER—Expert piano
tuner and action rec.iisfaf. Satin
faction guaranteed. With Kimball
Music House. CiU. pbone 264.
MONEY TO LOAN-No tax * danse
put In mortgagos. Houses for sale
Inquire of B. McNamara, Park
Place boteL
ver. Prices reasonable. Office with
0. P. Carver A Bfo. Both phones.
OR E. L. THIRLBY—Special atten­
tion to diseases of children. Room
408 State Bank bldg. Both pbonea.

of P„ meet every Thuradgy evening. New Munson block. C. a
Erickson, C. G.

TEAVEEES CitY LEGION* Na 12BNatloasl ProtecUve Legion wiU
meet in Woodman ball op the third
Tueaday of each month at 7:20 p. m.
A Fertunsts Texan.
Abram Smith, presidnat; Oayla
Mr E W\ Goodloe, of 107 8L touU
Ortawold. asciwuryi NelUa C. Gray.
8L. Dallas. T«*.. aaya: “la Ue past
year 1 have become acquainted with
Dr. King's New Life PiUa. and no laxa­
tive 1 ever before tried eo etectuaUy TEAVEM CITY LODGE. Na 224 ».
4 A.iumssu oo Monday evanlsg
dispoaee of malaria and bllloasnesa.'*
OB or before the full of the Moon,
Hannah Drug Btorea.
FOE OUT8IOE deora itae iDsimM's TEAVEEBE^ITY^40j^ Nfa fyi,
Elastic ipsr Varnish. B. E. WsH 4
K. O. Ti*M. 1E! No. 874. meeU every
Tbureday night In tbe Odd FVUow*
ball, tner American Kandy Kltcbea.
Mart wakens. Oommander: E. M.
FMokUa. Becord Kespar; B. A. Bvhnt,
FInaires Keeper.

ltariMi lslui4 nMlaltc
Ml Wffirfa


BM J. a 4 «4ftT X nvaiM

Phuli'p U.Oaadf of Fort Huron.
Ei^i-i. got a good U*U* of Bherig
Oaviikmg;* detcrmlnatfas to put a
euip to Euaday vtadatfans of tto ikqw
law Thuraday when to was tned |100
la the circuit apart for sack an of.
Tbe abfagic mUl at Boyas City bM
been irmnaformed Into a combiaaUoB
er and ahiagle mill Wton tbe
mUl la cutila gioga lu oapsdty wiU be
40.000 ftsK of lumber per day. This
Will give tb^ crew of 40 men steady
empluymeni tbe year around.'
"FWr the sake of Maud go E> John
Bums' bouse aud stop him from
breaking every slick of furniture in
the place.*' said ^ vafao over ibc telopboa« to puUce beadqiutrteiw at IHrrt
lluiun. Wedntwday nlgbL A otwv
(■•aud Jitbu doing thing* and arrested
bim as a drunk
Tbe dlifCtor* uf lb*- lki>ai- City 4
Stale l»atik have Increased the capital
stock from |> to 150.000. The
prewtsni Quarters have become too
ktuall for the bank * rapidly locreaslug buKlnesa. The dlrecturatn have
U l tbe (-oujract lor aa addlUoo lo the
tank block. The building will be of
liilck and 27x44 tn alie
Hiixm wood, agtid 45 year*, a
ma»ou empiayeil by tbe ‘ Michigan
Telephone Co., at Coldwaler. wa* aeri<» it not fatally Injurod We<inej;
sew'i-r be wa*
iluy Ity tbe cave
laying btick
ih«‘ noudioW- when, wlibdul wam*, a «“tt «'f brick cru*b« d in on biui.
e Is inatii«Hl jiud ha*
fuinlly «»f
Ira P. Clark, of Uuston. Mu**. .1*
vlslUng hi* stMer. Mi-* ChathUle WVb*t^. agt-d 82 years, of Dwjfleld. He
I* 7k year* old. hale and hearty and
Just leiuroed trom Denver. Colo.,
attended, a* a delegate, a
leunUm of the Sons uf the American
llevoliitiiin. There are only fourteen
Son* •d the Uevolution in ihu United
Sint'4‘ ^iiu. 1. four |iiomitH*ut Coldwai*‘f uilnlHtetK havu realgn*^ PlrHi.
I- Uet HerU-rl 8<twcrby. for U
ur» reet«‘u of St. Muik* church;
M the Hey M A. C.raybiel. luistor
of the Hrfct Baptist church; third, the
ilev Willi* E. Gelslou. lUistor of the
Pri**b> teiian, and now Dr. P. A. Chapi*tor of the MetbudlHt church.
Thl*. with the recent death of Dr.
WilUam Wilwm, take* from the church
lull* in U mouths^five a* able and
lu.jutlat mliiHei* Coldwaler
t\.uttai.v to the prevailing cuKtom

of pmktofti. old pataidPs. beiag high
prfaed St iBta >«MM of Ifa* joar.
tubem have uksn s decided drop in
tto riciatty of
oold weather baa preserved ttom tram
wtttlsg. rbttlag or sprouUag Md' farwto bsve bM tobWag esrlosda
of Umm la MUripatioa ef a tMcy
prtees. are fSlUag over ttomaelvee to
uBlosd because new poutoee are fast
poafag la.
John WhcNder. one of Branch
oousty's aaept prtBnlaeot toraetaen
aad stock breedeta. ta dead tram heart
tronblr. Mr. Wcliler was tbe breeder
of tbe aoteE ^re. Thelma,
kaowa as tbe "mllkwagna man^'^ that
made tbe most suocruafuT campatgu
test year uf any Michigan hors*-. U
lug drtveo tat a rural milk route up
w«wtk* befurr she w«iu tbo trot
ting rare at Kalamazoo tn
day for Allendale. OlUwa
When -the big cannon, aecunal by Stm*
WTUtem Aldeu Smith, was dedi
cated. Over 2.000 people gathered
from tar aud near. Md a dhole roa»i
soon melted away before the
kteugbl of 2.000 bMrty appelUe*.
gpeecbea meio made by Congresamau
Dfakoma. Senator . Burrow *. Seiiaiur
BiniEi. BenaioF Lttger*. Cteorge '
and George McBride, tbe tetter i wo of
Grand Haven.
Chsrle* P. Cbtirrh. aged 78 years, Ir
dead. He jtdnwi tbe Monouic fratern.
2 year* ago and aStliattHl there bt
*eiv»ng many year* a* i>ler tif
the.ltKai iadg(\ lie was maniid lu
famoufe • LlUle Chuich around the
Comer. ' .S'ttw York CUy. in 1855.
widow and three children survive. Mr.
Church wa* far year* a member of
the-old volunitser fire deitartipeui in
New York city. Md wa* a boyhood
chum of General McCelten of Ilow)
City. Hu came there lu 1872 T
resided In Grand Bapid* at one tii
Mayor Cbarle* C. Green and He
coder Tom Thorn of Uaiib* tVeelri
begun an extended i»vutmiau*hlp
tfluiil. not to their liking, but quite'
Miuvoidable. ThU year ILttUe Creek
l**ue«l •4t*.0<M) in sewt-r and paving
bunds and Kent them lu wUb ilibo
graphiHl biguature*.
Tbe Uuitdiug
cotupaiiy had boine '‘hlinwane" Inve*
tors, who InKlBled on real algnuiuios.
and the forty Umd* have U-eu re-|
(uni«-d. None have loba than sixty'
coutMtub and the mayor and rectirder
must wrilu their names 2,50b UmeH.|
They had it» lock iheiitbelves In a
room lo avohl Jestb from their lellciw

General news
'I hi- frock voat ha* ceasetl to be
worn by mean of (abhlnu in London.
;.ud ib repeated to bank clerk* and
(lit giMiil* flrMti walker*.
Kx itrebiili-m Morale*, of Sau Do­
mingo. who wa* virtually ftircwl otit
of iHiwei last year by Cacereii. i* now
a bomele** wanderer.
Pianrls-co J«»*e. who was bont in
1788. in him alive uml at work, and a
giKid bhut with tbe Vide, at Oporto.
The AgrfhorliculuMul bhow of the
Ptvletaied Malay Stale* will bt* held
thU yeai in Ktiula Kangsar early in
Iteiun Robt-n, the -Hu**uit ambasfcadth to Wabhiugum, i* one of the
htiebt tdauu player* In WaHhingtun.
King Calio*. of.Portugal. Is said lo
Muoke 4t> cigars u day. King AKoiiho.
<il Spain, take* an occasional cigarette.
Philudt Iphia rapilalibtb ate plan­
ning to erect a |l.r*iu.U«* hotel ItT
Ytikohutna, Japan
The nuidh. |ialhs and walka of Cential park. New York, are 4»; miit**
------ —
.N't arly half of the railroad mileage
(if the world te in the United Slates.
The flnehl grape* for the table are
grown under gtes* in Belgium.
Buiopc.bas 5u lauguagea. with 587
France ha* 2.&00.000. dogs.
Pro*. Berg, in Buenos Ayres,
|HMih that be Iras dl*covered a spider
Which practice* fibbing at times. In
ahallow phices it spin* betw uun sfanea
a twiyw iugi-d. conical uel. on which it
run* In tbe water and captures amall
fish, tadpole*, etc.
Count Tolbiol ueilber drinks, smokes
nor eatb menu. It 1* hte boast Chat
be does not poasess a single aOicl« to
could poasibly dlapeube with; and be
ha* even iefu»ed to receive a bicyde
as a present on tbe ground t)iat
was a luxury.
^James Bryce, Bogland's ambaaatopr
lo the United Sutes. i* om of fbe
very few mea who have scit teot «i
the top of Mount AraraL This was
nearly 30 years agtx The moonuic
te over 17.000 feel la height
fJoba (IbUls Bankhead, member of
coogresa ftxtfn the sixth Alahgma dis­
trict. alnoe 1887 Md Uviag ia nureUc.
who was chosen at a primary elecUoa
fa succeed the late BeBator -MorgM.
was born la Lamar. Aim. Bepi. U.

im HN-toTMte

(rw tofah


Carolina and he wa* educated In the
common schools, lie (mtered the con
federate senlce a* lieutenant of the
SlxteeSth Alabama Infantry. S4-rve«l
four years as cat>tuio and was wound
ed three Itmeii in buttle. He was a
member of the general assembly of
Alabama from 1805 to IM? and In l8ko
and 1881. llo bervi'd in'the *Uie senarte during 1876 and 1877. He ha*
boAn grand nmster of the Alabama
Grand Lodge of Mason* and warden
of the Alabama penitentiary. He i*
a Mfibodlst and a democrat aiyi in
|l'' a* a
ground* and rivers and harbor*. He
was married Kdv. 13. 18*^6. in Mont
gomery, to Tallulah J. Brockman,
Tlio French ganluer. who has to
rarry water lu i>aUb lo remote itarts
of the garden, has an ingenious device'
hi* Ut>k (•asier. He fustenb
for maklog
of hi* two pail* to a bar
tbo handlcH
rel hoop. SUndlng in the circle of
this he has no fear of either pail strik­
ing against him a* he walk*.
John R Do* Passo. a New York Uwyer. regarded as an authority on cor­
poration law and finance, is one of the
counselors oT the president in dealing
with the railroads.^ He has a country
estate down the Potomac. He is 6.1
yuart old and is of Portugueae-Amcii

can desert.
The government of Brasil i» author­
ized fa organize a regular aervice for
propaganda of tbe mineral wealth of
the country, especially as regards
profiiactlng, and can, if It ^eero* ex­
pedient. subsidize compsales cspable
of undertaking this service
' Msttressea of paper shavings ait<
supplied to the soldiers of the Ger­
man army. Tbey are said to be mote
comfortable than Jtbose of straw. One
filling will test three years. .
A measure has been introduced, and
will in all probability pass tbe logis
lature of Texas, requiring all loeomo
tives to be equipped with elecuir
A model maker who has been to
New York dty for 72 years, says that
tbere are at Jeafi^ 67 men in tbe city
who are worlbng qo perpetual motion
There Is to cootemplaUon aa Isaue
of BpMlsk'^ltoby ddlars.** to honor
of the advent of a son aiM heir
King AUbnso and Quen Bai.


tu Park street.

Ifjroa wanlbusl
top ADtl best ser.
vice tuVephoito

C. Hopkias
atpaosc 7n
Ua> ao K



Power for Your BoE


Arc yfMi tlMroiiflldy
saOsUed with yoor
boat engine? if uut, it
woiiU ourtsiuly jigy yoir to
iuveatiKSto ike


Walter M. Paige







Order your

Soft Coal

E. A. Weston
Yanl ami
idiebigan dockBoth phonft 3(5.


■nl Estm

I Pere
* Marquette
Line Steamers
Ike Only OMlyUa* tor



toll Nutt Watt
toave MAWSTBaC daily at •«# T fa /
m.; BuadMr 7 fa m. oaly.
LMve LUDINOTON dfiUy at Ifi. fa to



txtaTMtaic. pta

kiM u MmbI^u MVM

mm mm m rnmm


a*«Mr rnim m. Mtoi*

•*w«¥ "*n



Vtoint MPto (BUI Itat
•latdf rtta mm: aM |p
^ paa of
* t»i

.too waur aaddbiptam tti« iKta.
MkMBoc «■«#;. taps glila wov cnpsn lataa
totaa toMor
tamkisr ol
Mag gMM a
gnpo Mr CM win B(w u tta
IMi «|« «P « “iksso doMdii ooo oMiklr loo
mm u bp MM as a
M Ckitata tat Vat Baaiwtatap— ctM a kaantlfM rlotoi ndtorL Hare
to •• MM* «
Ml* «.«NM Sanaa, a mm tduaf af UMi la kor MM 1% Sik mm of a rnaot'readyaoapol htatadMMwkkk
«i« IM 0» tt* MW «• «w- inv aad a weaaU ai m Mr aid
dMrad: MM this to cool bat
s aat ngiMilUti. itta rwata mtakroetai. rtaBPaj tae. aad
kta tai#al af taoppsA Vtattta dak Ml kaMtoa. Uaa add tt slawlf U tta
a laeM aodnaL m kar Wwwa kair.
da. BmI
mo w^ pippar «cm mm
aoMk, kMat
hgMat oopfiaatly
*A tMk but A Mor la Ika
Wfkad plios; AM ddar.* foM Bar and aaR. ata taMa wUk iwdtod kuo nnOI Am aad UgM:^aek Immodtaleljr
towiwt W.«M*
Uto UdtMdaM panuboard born tiadi
kart. *tffoo tMaUM. aadksd csi^ Tut tka adaUrq
lo iter tk«a swi af roar arapA rao


WMnnt BaadPltaes-Bhell Bagttok
tak *
orory osWaapPoafM of anU altow a
good half tspvooaful of craam tasose.
Bob'wsU togeiker sad spraad on UU
silcas of crusuess wkUe or gnUam
Foaaat AsnAwlcbes-AbeU and skU
treskly rosMed psaants aad raU them
to Ape crumbs oa a pantry hoard.
Add sMt to taste and mil Ue pow­
dered nuU WlU enough freak cream
ckemm to make ^ paste (hat can bo
easily qptesd on oabutterad brasd.
Kesp U s oold damp place ontll

: -rju.v.rt"’":


^ tHM Proro Bualaaak

«t sugar ^aad two uaac^ of
W paraoax who raally
eormsteteh aad Mft a escoikA tlma wBk
tta uaa od whiskey or
mv caanoi do so
tta aUBly whipped whtocu ^ Are
____ help, yet they can
aad kata ter half aa hour. As roro aa
tta rime or perhaps the
tta fftaata Isaag is a tale' taowa.
np «f MM
«a tko gwaab
ovMg It Wita tta white traattag.
taro Atoeevered whlTO la to
tacoadiag It aasooUly wlU a kalle
d eoau Mta than
------ --------- ^-------dtapad ta cold water. Wbea hardcsted
r wUi aprot la. i
Tta -AaMoMlaa Bos.*
A aow Ikd aiMta mag Maty pow
OrrlM ttaro Is ahsMptaly
pto la Us -antampattoa kor “ This Is
X. ta tta Msdy Is Sold
Ptala Wedding Cake-Beat i
by tee toAaf draMta ta nearly
laaBr a iwnrml el us old cnstnm of
gtaadmousn tt 'coUscOng Ulags ctram My cups of butter aad tour ever^ city qta town. «r It ^ be

iwotM aad ksaattUl, tor Ue woddUw
I oi tagar addtag slxteea ogs^
tmtaaNii. or far tta asw kqam wklsk weO heatea MU^ogtaher aU cups of sBcctasrul ta M treatmeCi that in
box ta a rMteiwd guaraatee
to M aatldpaiod. Uto this k(n goss euiraats, three cups of seeded ratolus.
Uat eonw to a gUi tram two euta cf minced-eltran. two cups of _____enttUee yok to a refund of
mm m asw tkflir kaaatjr ao wali.'
rour moaey it Orrita taUs to etect
Fata u layors U a lanps tia lard pa|L BMP |o tliM aad wkick wui be appro bianohed' and skredded Mmonds. half
*XHl look. Marat Hsrs Isagrsai
a of chopped lemon peek and
Orrtae ta In two teM. *No. L a
aad bary la too aad rota salt Mr at pilau at tta ttaa of her
klf Martoaisd dswar! .mat laskr
apooii euch of eUmamou, etores. secret remedy. OthaiitaWto ^toless
toast tear boon baton serriag: aerre Pitaty kaadkerekiefs. klu of rareuee.
•ddd Mas. Mkic v^ ckorlM
surer Ptoesa, china, plcturea. Ane antmeg aad altopke. Toes this frnlt and Ddditato whfch caa be glved In
U Us bosaa
amkal npoB wbh* kar araa tad UgkL
food or drink, wUhotot the pstici
mixture to three pints of Auttr until
Orongs MargaeritAs—€nam tour
wledge; N<k I. ta plh form for
ad la tta Mf tat koM.
I tkfttlt.
& tte f
ibnridery. pieces of pretty Ungerta weU coated, ihea add Ml to the those
onncta of batter wlU sU ounoss of
wtah to ta^ cured.
*msk foa pat It u roar taper
rMMr Ml*
powdered avar. addiv Ua grMsd drawn wort, sofa plltow cmera. and creamed butter, sugar and eggs, add Price of either farm M ll a box. 6e^
*la Mj skoe? I asssr ksard of dofltf i« MIMH dl Hit WOk
> the Orrine Oo, Wixhtagtoa.
host of other tkiaga. And tkMr way half a pint of Ane brandy aad best
ilniLaf one orange, on# well baataa
ObiMUM Mmmt WorM. tat tkat*
, for fret' booklet aad consnluuoa
egg. bMf a cup of toe water §pA one Into Ue **antldpeUaa box.- At aU thoroughly for half an houi-. Put Into
*-Baan ran Kaov Us ta]r»spaper TToed pan. wHl buttered, and
cup or dour titled wlU n scant ten- tkeae things wUi doobUees cqsm into
The desire for Uqaoi: Is sc Ml de­
•*‘A BMid wUl oarsir aurrp
spoon of baking powder. Beat Blend- use some day, this U really a acnslblq hako to a very even, slow oven f«*r Biroyvd after Orrtae Urotm nt . Is .
Tks trot ana wtaMsaM karMsw.
seven hours. Irt» with tranv;i.Hreul cunmenced, and before tostg me pa­
lly for Mgbi mlnntes and turn Uto fad. afrer all.
tient la treta from the terrible ilriok
Wksa waUflag la tta atoadpw.
grassed crimped patty pans, bsklas
craving, and the drlak wUl aot be
A loordsafed elorsr tn ksr taos.' Hev^ te Preserve a Huaband.
about Afteen nUnutes. When cold dip
•mat fko.** iavkad oareas. tkc
Be careful to your ssisetkm. Do not
U wwu^
orange ii—iMii.
foMnt frosting and ona
Kstimated ta/ well
iUppsd tka laaf la kar lalau tapper.
Frpnt streeL
daisies <of blaaobsd slmoads choose too young and ^e only such
The uaiivea of the
* lfow. Barliara. if ws as* a alsa acanmiaoed candled as have been reared to. a good moral
lat in taal m orwi aatU you ass if
stmoephere. When once decided up­
f^l of Ue minced Iment s ubtoayotmful orange pesL
Chtoeae re<iuire
ks to posaikto. Oas naaaH ta too
of sMad oU. a t^spoonful of rtaegsr.
Rose Wnters-BIfi togeUer four on and selected, let that part remain formed fret and black teeth. A girl
raokloas la isatattot IkU.*a BsUspoonfbl df rrench msiUrdr sis otmoes of powderad sugar and eight forever settled und give your entire
. be uutcMH-d Kky blue and wear
Aad If 1 itosorar a poasibto aisn
oUm chopped Ane and a teaspoanful ounces of baetry Aour until perfectly tbongkt to prepsThtloo for domestic
MK* ring u* saiisfy s ,3*»nth M*a
tor yon. wkat to to ta iv townrdr
«omo Insist to keeping them to
of mlnoed panlyy. Work all lo a smooib: add a quarter of a pound of
islander. tVrtaIn Afilean priurcs re­ Sp<dal
*nroo skall otaelaks i
paste and apmd on thin slices of melied butler. Ue sUffty beaten whites
quire their brldCH to have their teeth
la tks eapacitf dC aaM
Mich.. Juno IB —D.
gelling them Into hot water. This
wWUe bread.
Injn the seniblanre of a iwta.
Uo longklog prtaatoo.
S. Mnw-stm is confined to the house^
Sandwtekes—Flavor spoon ol rdte extrsci sn(t.sufflcleui only makes them sour. bariL
IVireas Btomiy kotao to knu tks
this wcvk with the grip.
fresh unsaJied butter by parklv to s sweet cream to form a cake batter sometlmra bluer.
elotar ioat•^loniar Gingerbread.
Mrs. John Smith aad Mrs. John,
Bveu poor varieties may be made
ctoasd vessel surrounded wlU n Ulek tkat will nin easily from Us spoon.
'ttao IS fbr falU. aad one to for hope.
‘ Cokmtal" Qloge^^d is the name Kiineka‘retarnvd 48hturday frwn a'
toyer of sweeiMatod nm peUU Cook U bottseed wafer Irons, than sweet, lender and good by garnishing
> « »/♦ V < , ♦ f » • • *
Aad oM to lor to*k yn know.
thive wrek^ visit ai MootagnA and
Allow U to remain ove%nliht Spread dry oarefttlly on s solve or oake rack. them with paUence. well swqftoned of a delicious loaf cake which
Ood pat tta Ptkor opa oa ter inta:
with smiles snd Aavor^ with kisses aerved at a certain well known din- Qrand Rapids.
8M Plngert—Beat to a cream
tiun Bllcee of anndwUch bread wlU
It you soak yoo »ad And drkere
to taste. Then wrap them to . the tog reaoru to Southern j?allfordia.and Wni. UisanI Was vlvltlBx to Grand,
the bnUer. nnA pulling them In palra, kentilng tablrapoon of butter,
they-----Rapids last w«A
cut into dainty a^irlpe or circles. Place spoon of lard a senat cup of brow mantle, of charily. Keep warm with
which haa done much to make tbe
Chas. Gloaaencer'has moved, hlsi
Tka soof stopped suddealy. Tkc
sugar, adding a teaspoon of pnwdqred Buody Are of domestic devoUpn and place famous among epicures, says
i«M U tw ^Ik ol Ul Mlk* slafor chitdksd Bark|sra's am oOd oae or two fiwsk petals betwseo each
taU a teaspoon
each serve with peaches and cream. When the Delineator. To make this “cake.** (smlly to CadlUat- where he
vam M VkrovsQ lo ■ «auiMi aw ktd kkr fata OB ksr ^Idfr.
lo locate.
and ground thus prepared, they will keep
show, flandwlchea of angel cake may of grated
H«m OM iMw WW
Bora, to Dr Cummins a&d wife ls<
sllsptoe. a aMUpoion of gtnger. years."
maktM tkrtr k^m PM •"* t*** •Look qMck. Baitars^ I an<a •««U ta made to Ue same way.
w<<vk a (t.nughter.
lltM to tto ntr fcoM* M. M straw kki eomlng otar Ub tsnoe. Salad of Bkef Tongue-Sllces of U a cup of sour cream and a suAIMire Eva BUby of ftagtoaw Is
Ptssas tsU me who to under It.**
cold boiled tongue are cut very thin clent quantity of mlMd grsksm and
10 Ml iM w* «tM lorUif tM
gU4^t of her irotber BciL
Barbara took IntenUy. **1 nsrer and sprlnklW with s lltUe Anely cut white Aour to form a slack dough.
The practice of throwing rice should
The spctclal assessment tax rolU fur
M Ana 1^ tkAt tM M PAUU
John llvm-u of Bprlngvalc Is visit
i onion and pirsley. ThU to covered Turn out on s floured bread bcArd sad be strew before. no| thrown ov
the paving of the following streeu tox her psrvnls this week.
•ptBlAf Mbrf tlMB Bur ImM into aaar kta bafars.” ska dsdarsA
WlU a French dressing, to which s knead Uoroughly. mixing In two Ubto: bridal couple. The origin of the
Ulak. Ikough. I d toars Us Morer.are now to my. hands foi cullectlon.
Marrietl, at the home of the bride'
spoons of chopped seeded rslslns. tom was the superstition, ages ago.
South Union street from bridge lo parents on Wednesday morning. J<
A sfooed hat appeared. -Ob,*' erled very smsU prbiyrilon of vinegar to
three ublespoons of currnnU and
that a dock of doves dying over
Twelfth street, second installment
to MOV Md Vrd for m Uttto mf, m Doreas. csMtedlj. -It's WUl
5th. Miss Adeta Darlbeau and
ublespoon each of mlnoed citron and oewly-nmrried pair, was an emblem ol
Cuss strc4-t> from State strtH-t to Btockbill. by UH*)Rev. Mr. V'ulkerson^
Ml roods oecvtokoUr oi«.
&«s^ and kto oollsgs friend, who are eomlng
candled orange peel: Boll out as thin their futoIV peace and happiness.
biidgt', second iusialluiem.
ure vlU profeM Mmw a ttofo «l down for Us week sod. Do yoo tklhk gslsd—Have currant Jelly shaped In
Miss Bernice lUmm-tt and Kay Smltb^
tiny molds, or remove from a large | as possible, cutting Into stripe three
bridal party, once, to passing by tbv
Caaa street (rum i-Ytuil street, to attendui the bride and groom. Thij
bdooto. ttors art alvars ■ood.Uaaci Usy 000 usr
mold wlU a* teaspoon. • ..Dispose the inches long and a Anger In width, and feedlng-grtKtnd of the doves frightened Bute street and, 8i,^lv stn«t from
la Biors lusi ahsad. aad. Us ^road
happy couple left on tbe early trali|
Bootoa wnrod kto knt to tks glilr. Jelly on heart leavea of tender,| bake to a moderate oven ontll brown
them so that they- dew In an oppoaiis Cams strtjel to UnUifr slrvet.- fifth In- Tbarsday (or q abott trip to Qraod
im SMS roodl^
nod Uo two moa harrtod aeroso Ue bUnched
with and crisp.
direction. To avert the evil luck thU atallment
ttwas la a tM»l«f kM ond a word
RapMs and uhcr^gotota>mi>|i
Introdaottoas foUowad.
smMl cubes of ersAm cheese, and pour
todlcatvd. rice was soaitered to lore
Biae street from Care street to Ball- are at borne to ibMr mahT WtetaH
tkota suok a Uiag as lore at Arst Freaek Afasslng over the whole.
Laws far a Japen-s Bride.
them back. The after Hie-of this rood avenue, third installment
vklAvltoo vlUla tks poaMMUtlsa of tight? Mr. Raymond. Us young oolnow.
Upon her wedding *morutog Uc Ja^.
pair was so happy, that the rice Itaelf
East Front street from Park street
U ars iiTliif Hita. klUorto an Mflta of «lrltok
vary aurrlsd Ufa If boU
Mra. Miltoiv Chdasey ahd daugbtef
antoe girt la given twelve command
iwkrA MaMni charms only from a sale mtMOOo, cer> akrtmpa vrlU a foriu Then edd one menu by her mother. Theee twelve came to be regarded as the emblem of to WellingtoB street, third Install­ Gertlr. I04ik to ibe cxcuralun to Trav*
to do Udir full akars toirord
ment • •
tko Klapdon of Hons oos ol ui taloly fblt sonseUlni qtae akin to sulk of celery cut Into dice lengths, rules bnve been handed down from peace and plenty.
erse City Sunday.
•akoiks.of tks KUidMa o# Hoovko
Miss Lena Merrill returned Saturs
ton ns bk pseod at Oordas' flaming SMt sad pepper to taste and a kalf- moUer to daughtm’ In Japan tor cen­
Fruit Shower and Luncheon.
d.ny evening fron: her vl«U to l.ak«j
ebssks and marry o'sa. And Ooinr? teaspoontul of su|^. Mix well with turies, and no welbbrad glri disregards
A bride-to-be ha« Just Ueu given
sired' from Union fcirevt
. A okaro 'Of )or sod pain.
P°BMag If tben really owymumtoe dreaming. Tnke good aolld Uem. What would an American girl
fruit shower and luncheon by a douen Division Kirevt, fifth iuMtsUmt-nt.
o*or mod okd ssa,
Lou Arkeruon'is moving hi.s famUj(
could be someUtni lo charms.
, aad from Ue top of each say If her mother should give her Ue of her girl friends. Bach was asked
All the above InKtallmcntu togeUirr into tbe Smette^ place ^bls week. ‘
A MUfM. kropdiat
foilowdug directions:
Vaiu oionoir.
It was agMn the osaaon of ctorer AH wtoh the shrimp mixture. Serve
The moment you are married you
ing made to/i*reveot dupUc^Ucc. The paid installments to l>e |uUd
A aMsOtki od4 a partlnf.
aad daisies. In Ue Md s mec^ filled lomstoee cups on lettuce leaves
■e .no longer my daughter. Therefore,
Jara of fruit were conceded about tbe ofoit- the 3iHh day of June. 1M7.
A kaodrtosp-ra larovtt- .
crowd of young people gslkered cldt er WlU Uln brand and butter imnd>u must obey‘your parenU-ln-la
dining-room, and the bride-elect was
Kai|^ S. Hastings.
A lOflM ooarooos, grlfWlg tsars.
>u once obeyed your lather
A psaro-tin Ml to vsU.
-It seoms a shame to p&sa by the
btet wM Celery Salad—Waloota. mother.
toru of canned fruits. JelUes. marma­
Office R . “02 SlsU- bank buildtoK —Boston tiaascrtpt daletes - algkiid Barbara to WUl Ben*
Choice piece t»f business property;
When you ire married your hus­
butternau or peesna. mixed with ertop
lades and preserves were contributed.
Juov 15 34). for sale, comer Union and Slxtl|
ton -But Dams insists It sksU k«
cot oeisry aad n mvonnslae, make a band vvjll be your sole master,
Bach Jar was atinmtlvely wrapped to
streets: has a front ago of 171 feel o*
♦•Ak. koir akllUol
tko kaad
ctorer woddlng. '
Sixth strv<-t. This pnqierty Is grow;
deservedly popular salad. An old humble And polite. Strict obedience white ttasuo paper or put in a box.
Tkal oksfoU Lores coMaaad.
lug In \alu«.
"It's n pbeUy ^-espoolelly under frlcsid under a new name appears to to her husband to Ue noblest virtue The luncheon ronaisted of deviled
It Is tks hsort. sad not tks brmla.
wife can possesM.
the clreimtakacea." Benton eeturoed. the daisy aalad. On each individual
crabs ollvits. hot rolls, currant Jelly,
Tkat to Iks kldbsat doth atUla.
Always bo amiable to your moiherwe onn't find s leaf for plate arrange six small lettuce tosyes.
tomato salad, lettuce sandwiches and
And ko nko toUovttk tore's bokest
yon. Bsrbarn."
PTMS Ue yolks of hardbotled eggs In-law.
coffee. The Ice cream was served in
block boonded by Wsyne, Hill and
nr esosodeU Ml Ue rssl.”
not be Jealoua Jealousy kills
A closer wedding It wqs. “Around through a colander, mix lightly with
Madison streeu; conuios about 4<l
paper cases repreaeoUng slippers, and
bulldlug luU; high and dry; plenty ol
high choir
boiled enUd dressing to tenu your husband's aSscUon for you.
the Individual cakes were round, cov­
If tors were Mwa»s rosj
on premises.
stoadsr white caadles. aad between
ceoter tor each “Aower.
ered with Icing, and on the top of
And knew no MOrUI tUs.
wronr do not gut angry. Be patient,
and bebind Uem nodded blossoms of
Uto pul
each kiodS a tiny china doll dressed In
And nsser wont to pv Us root.
and when be haa calmed down speak
Pink Clover. Below Ue raU heavy of the whhes cut lengthwise
wiiUe saUn with a long tulle veil.
Or itonned M grocery bilto,
> him gently.
ropes of pink sod wblte clovsr were row strips.
After tbe grtesU had finished eating,
Fine cottage on Carp take; (uraUhsd
. Tben would Uo world go sladlag
Do not talk* too much. Sneak no
Poued palms and feres
Japanese Salad—Ltatuce. cherries,
they were asked blithe hostess to tw
complete sml ready ter tafmedlate poa
And bsovsw woMd kiss Ur klUs.
wars massed aroumd Us Mter. maklta oil. mayonnaise, cbefry Juice, pea- evil ol your nelghbora Never tell cite aloud their favorfle recipe and
session: good well water
'U tore'wore alwvo
All abovs fed- Sals. For particulars
a background of green to Ue sweet, nuu for Uto salad
cherry lies.
best wish. Tbe recipes were then oolAnd paid no groosir btttol
Consult no foctuno teller.
to place of
JecUMl and KlvwHto the bride-elect for
-AtlMjla Oonstmttoo. beafy-blosaoms.
Be a good madagress« and especially
As Us swset, ctoar notes of Ue and omit Ua mustard, to^d Ue cher­
future use.
'liiksngHn March'* sounded through ries (eiUer cannsd cberriee or MarasJu»
eM s«tli
Do not pride yourself on your
Wedding Cakca.
the dtasly lighted eburali, Ue bridM >Mno cherrtss may be used) and place
to know without doubt
WbA tot tortuae ta teM or IMr.
teUer's rank or fortunof If he to
Qood Housekeeping glYcs the follow
Wtty cams down Ue Mato.
The ja mnui ta Ue center vpf each to
Of wkstevsr may tame lo you.
rich man, never allude \o his riches Ing rec4|>es for gefintoe wedding cake, tha| your title to property I
Will’ ckawfully taar tar ahara;
dear l^fore some one makes
before your husband's relaUbnX.
taken from cook books dating back
Wbo ksa proved ata's a brave, trae wk^to ead ptok. name Mpwty dewa tta laa^ dalakUy on IndlrldoM salad
trouble for you because af
AlUough you may tairry young do
I the eighteenth century.
left Msto baaiiag e heavy ctovsr ehdln. itaPir plaetag Ue cherrlea Urough
' r
not frequent too youUful soctoOf- '
Eighteenth Century Wtadtog Cake gome unknown defect in your
■tta aad M Uls gaitoad was btatat ttataavea. Pour Ua mayonnaise
PetaaiA tar more than yon know.
Do not wear milored garmenU. —Work three pounds of fresh butter abstract.
It will llghua her ead ef Ue bordwt.
Always be neatly but modeaUy to s cream with the hand, then beat
At a very reasonable price
maid. sad Urown over bar ,toft a few ehbrrtas oa top.
bm c
U yon M Itor dad tell her aa
1 will make
ke an
Abstract • of
in three pounds of sngar. Whip
Biscuit Olace—Make a eustard of
shoulder to Ue third, nad ao on. The
Rise early, retire lata, ahd do not whites of twenty-four eggs'to a stiff your Title that can be dependby un right Msto. tta yolta Of tedr egga. a hMt pint of
Tta new llfb sprtaglv about nsBleep ta the s^e^lO(m. Drink llulc froth and'mix with the. sugar
but- ed upoiL
to which < pinch of baking
It Is writiea everywhera:
wine, snd naUl you ara after 50 take
Beat the yolks for half an boor
eatirs parte had reseksd tta Mter. ead soda has been ndded, and of n syrup
Have it done today.
In taa wladA mefa solifr btowlag.
no part to public assembUes upr min­ and add them, then Mft to three
tta toM nad giw had Ukca their wbVh has been previously made by
In tW ta*. MO bitgbOy glowing,
gle to crow ds. ,
pouada of Hour, beating the cake
in tta mrsnms. more fMy Sowing. plasiibHife Ue taatowr. Ue maids bdiltag s cup of granhlnted sugar with
steadily Ml the ttate while adding It
alippai tta gartoad troia Uetr aheuld n gm of water. .BUr ta a double boiler
in M i«d kods. loM
Mtalh Ur Mareytogand the foUowtag togrsdieau. which
sn^ aad aatars aad Mta cloMag until It UM ue apoML Let It get
In Holland tta girts prefer May.
la Ue Acids aad to tbe sklea.
Abstracts Of Title
Ufrsttar. aa bMi It as to statoae to s untiiMy odd sad b«4 bard for ten
About an Mgbte of Bootek mar­ must ta pot la slowly: Bta pounds
213 State Bank Building
riages aad ooeroventh of the Bwed of ctoened onrrsnts. two pounds of
Hnve n Baait Uta avwr tarAens. eemdeirato tta brtdst moam, sM ef
tag; totatoutlg beat ta a pint oTwella temper Ual aever tlrss M n toata hoMtr nad heat mad. As Ua
aaprrlagto ooenr ta “the month of chopped relstaa. one pquad of avrrot
pound of dti^ one pouhd of crystallwap cutalaAed. Us nalter aad maid WAtppsd cruam. Pack into btocult •^^asL**
ttal tavw kans.-Otarles Dtokaas.
to tta eatasr sf ita aamleirale latoed mm. tartakis wiu erusbed i
Oermany tav^ Api1L;rataMf It Ixed lemon peel, the same weight of
ctystaUtaed oragge pfstwuarter of aa
-tta gM eci to UvlBf taU otaeri Ue etala high to allow too Asar wttto roenft and traeae ter Ave hours.
as tta Arskof the aprtaf roaaths.
lUpie Mletasa B^ Ue yolks of
PVbruaiT ta the Arat choice la Italpr. m»ce of msro pot^tarsd and sifted,
Is to rM»k*r ^ T* «»Mves m to paes aadar. Tba uMa aid
quaitor of an ounoe.of grated natinro
mast be llvaA wtU. end Uat we meet ssataA la senpIsA Uaa ttala bshind. eight eggi and sUr into Unm a cop of espectaUy the period precadtag the heaad a half plat of fruit JMoe. Butter
At tta tanas Ue etoror ehetes pta had atorfa hyvbp. Four Ue mixtara glnatog of Lent
try nn tor as posaite to ta At Asr ItUto
domtasted ta Ue deoocattoi
Rtaslaw tatortte mhrriags moath ta a hoop, Uaa U with buttered paper,
pat ta the cahe. aad hake with a v«vy
wmeadt Uataaoa. BaaierofttuaUu
Alalig rntim they tang AM
-M VM to BPMk. aew 1
tow. atsady heat ter Aye honn.
ditar to Ue fear eosann of
tta Ara. altoir HtahoolaadaddaplatoC
to bear.
Browa AMsoad Iclag-Thta anderaqmuetahta. Tta paatetptase was dC UWi cream btotea stig. PlU a
par a BrMM BtauMrr
Mew loro te ghre aad teke:
tay ta a deeldsdiy aalqta feature. Beat
to Ue hriii WIU Ua talitura and At
WHotalte aew bmrtota I W bear
tha wkites of six eggs te a atlB trotk.
doM taartehnpsd amM. ' (Ttaas a pl*ee of aitad ydger over Ua top betWdv tor tova-e awepl eake.'
V*rk iwu pouata of Mmouds wktoh
fUrw ptaMag fta rover en. Pack Ue larga gUdeA vratortag-eaa.. Bata
UMd lA atail taaatttlaa of lee and graeMABjMiitabd M. Ai it with taro hero blsartad aad pounded ta a
VMS pramataA a dihMr bta «C wa*. kta and Mtab u l* M4 ter lour Boqwra. and aataa*d H hg the haadto. mortar^ wBk iMIDMlir te a stiS paato.
tkaMmoudgaato aadettwhha*
WAga ft wU ta roady te uerva. with toags of vklM aatia vihhoA. froai
dtag CM bM*g a Uv 1^ lov
eae a tawar Mta Bhaafslir. ao that tha teStkar sad Add by derroa tw*
Mated etoror patatad ta ota oorahf
aad bon Aro *taar Witt fMl jaat war tha tahto porota of pauadai loaf aagar (coubm



OrdlA IbjilM* to ta ta MB i
tak Mtaai MuMta or taro
Mr tao MPtata. ii«M
a taA Me adrew. oaitnaM Ip
iam. la tan takip taatra;^iM Mb
tn ItaMM aMdtaa
taadsB. aad ban tta Mtak Mad m
krsUta ^ mm oovw wtU a Uao or


Residence Property '



Jm Yov lBlcf€0l

0. C. Hoffiit

Eesort Pi^operly

caas.'Proehssica Jr. :

OverlookISe laettiurtive
Save the Scot Uac ^ fcaetastWerigM sriec.
ire OM ASrtaasad S
wlta -iSeUc that Mass.*
We stvcoBc IMIS, scale
ivHa every t eeS pwriSait
oi MS or over.
Sac oar Uae ot maaSoats aad drMBS hsr>
acaaca Sclore yoa hay.
FaraMts’Sapity Ca.


a Mta Whfi CtataT frato tta Mew
tail mmm Hataaita mm bo
Otailr aifvM tad kg ftailta
jaM tataw tta biMta





VMIM «RV. MMMNM mWmmv. MM « «W.

“ r«a


oto MTniSffiP WOMMI
mm m*i9 wa0 wm m mmt^

> Of tac oM laka snabott
mpew wiaea WM bent to
ISO. a»4 was.ees ef tb« tm tooe
vhbMto. hM b^a enaapm te fbe U.



It bw beea said than are two mgtp
to every story kd I thtak 1 am eatittod to at^toast a beaitos.
• Oa.May litb I bad a inewase from
ib« Stott state vbcMM aasto sbe aiU Meatoa. tostiwettos bm to w> to tbe
tow. TW Wsivcftos *UJ be W Har­ Aayloai aad s«i tbe bods of Mhb c.
bor Itolwi. MMl. fram Jses ti to Moonw. sad fto#are tt for ohlpoMai
«BS awe for Cbe mvjt. 1 telBidleeiid tbe Asytaai aad wm to
and Ttoluirs wUI be tormod by oae of tbe doctoni tbst tbe
body ess dove to Andweoe’s. 1 tab! • II. L. Caller.
btoi 1 bad am order for It.
TraveiM OUjr. MidL
lie said It vss s very bad ease aad
Osar air:—Oonanntos toy tola,
I to Oaeto 8am*» needed atteatloa aad Uuu tbay ooaM pbono ta you May Slat, asktaw yoa'to
grim. MT7. and oar vltor oM Irtoad not keep It tbere aay leaser so eeat U. set tbe body of Orto Oavto aad atop
tbe -Up'’ had better tblab aoato be­
aw at Porttoad. Mtob.. woaU aay.
fore BUkteg sp tbeir mlads to tachto
1 aabad. -Wbat eaa we do about UT" tetaftam aanouantoa Davlth deaU
I aaval oBoastar as tbto %e will He aald. 1 do aot kaow. It la out of
raotired at 7:SS p. na Tbe faaiMedls be a matob for tbe big our kaada. You aod Mr. Aaderaua
elepbooad ma la set tbe body at
Dims- win bare tonattle that betveeo yourL I tbea oaUoi you up by pboae
uaogbi oIsm: abe vlli be about •elvc^aad aabed yoa to prepare body aad
toaa. speed about M baota. tvlo
seat ny amn dowa to Ur. Aadrr- abip to OM at Poriiaad. Mtob.. tbe
e proooediaa not »»hti^ oMie
screws. wUl carry tbe bcarlest aitoor I stm s^to tafona blm Out wc bad

Clotti^ Co.
Wash Salt tfr
tte LiMe Ones i

Mm. aad Uiny bad aa to
debt k. BieBei et BtAlML WM mt
alas that body to a
Mic tbe taBi^ bete tbM WMb.
I the niftoe of Ma at- IW, C. W. Baaew bag reeMved Ibe
Ik ihsnai
tint k HiMt ha
mUMBti tkak be baa a
w mese erki Ms 1
Hla aoB Can 1^ ttvet ai
as to the .
taid tk ehwaas Mitoto tbe batr kwto M ik happy toibw. BoU Mb.
toU I and wmt mp awfliw hkbr kstoat. bad Mm. Bnaoe have mak tuMs
had aa cHm aw the bsdQr sf **40ek what he toftoed
kasai«y ptoea of
le tkW etoltt to tkir Mtottvoa.
Bavto wha itod at the kkHto «N
Mva. Ma, Cbiwa sad Miw WUIMBi
that U woa to be asal to Mtoad
I am ast SoaMk Tscr aaro see
(Mrty Ttolted oft Obwn. Tatars oatbi^
MIoh.. It oufto to bavu lattoisd am oatoosmcrmyrktovMMk. We kA way Bern mverae city to Btt Uk*.
sMto. who dU Mt wtoh to May aat- very Hide ttme to lodh ap tow. Bat MMeaday.
we euoDoodod to looaiaiik the hair
Ti» giwdBattog taerciM laM W'
Tk foUovliw letter wlu ahsv
Any •esMas at wMek IUbam Oriiw
WUL Bartba Orlatt. Balay Law aad
Mr. ItoadtriS to om af ear tok
Oraiy gradMfeed fboM tbe IMb
kabwa taaaral dlreetora.. Me has bem what Mr. AW
grade and a bn«r cMm from ^
tbe emee of both eaoreury
presb drar
deat of the auto Stomal Otiuctor People have adme rbokd to tbeat dablk grade was very «eU attaaiad^
aad maay wece naable to gM 4ato tbe


aad great fuaa. aad wliy rasutre a

mattera aad tbe Uw stv^i them that
ilkt Tkp ara MS lOI dytag to have
ABderaoa. bat fhto ravoitttoto
made a iieat deal of trouble, aot oaty
for the aadwiaksra I
pto wto> hava Meads
Only last Suaday a toaa Uvtos to
Grand BapMa. wboae wife 1^ to ihe
aajrluaL haviag saoa
write ap of tbla replerta caaa. seat
repreaeauUre here to arraase wllb
me to care for bar to case of doatbHe aald If abe dtod be did aot warn
to be (AUged to coam ap here aad b«o
ber body

_______ -u-Li-L-i,xrLi-LrL-L-.r,r


balL The address by prof. Wbedwlu
ol Albion coMege was very bajoyabto
aad InstnicClTe and tbe other auiabera
of the peapwm wrro eqaaUy pleostag
^pectoBy those by the atombers of
tbe claasea.
Both tbe leMbers have left for tbeir
snmamr vaeatlaaa, a M. Pewy for bla
borne near FUaL aad MIsa Floraaoe
Barkhead for her father's hoam la
Mlsa Haxcl Cooper of Eft Raidda.
visited retotlvcs here the diWt of the
Miles Atwood who has been vtolttag
bla dsughter. Mrs Clyde Bunoe, for
few days returned to his work at
Leetoud Tuesday.
Mrs. De Puy returned from Travt-iee City yesteittoy. aceoiapnaled by
Mrs. Hteth: who will mak»> « «|MMt

|l#‘ /
11■>:■'‘:■^'< !

Some of the tmarteHt itylet we have
fthown in years we are now displaying in
the Children's Department., New fab­
rics, new patterns made in the nattiest
styles you ever saw.
l^t the little fellows nlay in the sand
and make mud pies. It s healthful and
they enjoy it, and the suits are so cheap
you can afford them a (denty.
OoiDS in Russian and Blouse stylos frtni
ilk for a
suit ap to iho more olabor.
All sisM from
up to 10 jiwrs. Hploodid sasoria>eiit to o^ise from. You will fioil
it r.bmpor to buy these than to bother making

Snappy Tilings
in Men's Wear
fmmey Hose

to- go with Oxfords.
linet we ever had.

Fancy Vests


fWi i


• ——



Bom. r«! u»fa .t)h‘ «t
•nippr prioM.

you'll nesd;theae, and * that
meant- you need one of oars
•howina the bast line we have
evur offered.

iBloelsMitoA MW
fflnrg |obI mow.

Wlor Ml ««pw is toiU^IT

Ua Recmf Want to

cumplement of about tOO men to man'
ber—oearly a reatnieul of meo.
There to now a ebaoee fur youoa
neu to )oto tbe uavy Ih tbto city, and
Cijlff Yeoojuu lX»wu», advance a«cut.
will be at the uavy recruUluji ofArc
I the Hbutaaue blocb, daily.'unUl K
o|ieu* on tbe 2Ut InvUut. to give out
cirrutont paptotolng tbe requlreoienti
for luiniug tbe navy.
Chief Vruman Downs aays: "To tbe
young man full of life, energy und a
iW'tilre to iMM* and take part lu the
world's gnat eveuu and ytoll plam-a
of Interest, a tonn of service. In the
uavy to a pt'riial of roiuaiu^ and ex­
citement 111 bU life that tic never rt>gn<ts. To tbe nu-al bom young uian
I Icnu of naval acniev* aaukciiK IiIh
Ideal*, teacliea bliii to be imaU tidy
and manly, and to ob«*) bis superiiMi*
and makea a nal man of the rural
)*i«iightcr wben dlacbuigi-d.
• Appivutice M-ainen. y««ung men <
iMviily all trwlt'M. clerkH. and afeiiogn
idit rs. aiipiv*pilct> and idiai martots for
buaidlal coiito arc'wanted for tbe
Jukt now and g<>ud ludiircineuls
• offvretl fpr big pay aud quick promoUoo.
Tbe tcriii of ciiltolmem ^ Is four
yvwra: diachaige may U* purebaM-d afme >«'ar during And enlistment.
J iavid aliowaiUM! of 4 cciith iier mile
plarv of cnilbtiuent furulabcd at
tbe cx}iliMliou u( Milihtiucnl.
Kive doilarv |hi ni<Hilli uddiiUioal
Miy alk»wod oil Arat retUilUtuieiit, and
|;t iH*r mouib addllloaal for luicb ».ubM-quent wnlUtnicnl. Hliould a
ivenlUt wUblu four mmilh* frejm tlale
ut honorable dlscliarge. be will
It besides a bodus of four moullui
141) and iui addUion to bU muuibly
pay of |l.3f per m'untb for each i
Usiuient. and 75 cents per mouth addl-

than a half hour after uulire of death
wax recelvW.
• I do not see why the unseemlog
baste by the asylum people to dispose
of the btaly without watting to know
tbe wish of the friends of the deceased
to the matter.
"This man. Orln Davis, was nicknamed "Jack" and probably gave you
that name over the phone'for It was
by that name he uNually waa calUv).
I'pou luvchugation I found iiothlug
. regn*t that there abould have
bad been doin' to care for tbe -tt-malns i,,.*.,, uiHdt*aaantiie..K over this matter,
except Wlu)t the A«ylum alteudaul nauit*,! Jack* and 1 probably
liad done. 1 also leanie«l from the
"Youiw truly
docb»r's cerUn«ate of dcnlh that Ilje
"T. .1. HanA<<ld."
lierson 4iad dlt'd of a dlseaw- which
lu a b-ttei fnmi
S. liairiuglon
the 8ialo Hoard of Health dtH-UireM of Kalatua7.iM>, Midi, wbo is now
to be ".V DungeioiiH. ('ouiiniinicable pieBldenl «tf the. Slate Kunoral IWrIMmai**''' vU: TulM•rclllo^l.s.-. Pulmon­ <-n«iK aud Bmljaluu-rii aKMX-latiou aud
ary aud joint.
who tills year has the MHilruct fur tbe
'llii;* liudy. dead of a cuulagioUH dih[HMiul of 'unclaimed ImkIIck of the
dlseaxe, was run down from the Ary'; KalamaziHi asjliim. saja;
him liilo Vbe hcarl *»f the city after tt^
"1 will HtuU* that I huvi- all tho
w'as lu such a oondltitai that it could IhmIIi'B that g*i to Ann Arlxir The
nut be kept there any hiuger and then as)liim pe<»ple kcH-p the Utdlea a few
laid at the Anderson I'udeitaking days aud If not calUxI for I send them
Co's extablltihnieut from uoou until to tbe above plac«>. The other bodies
7 o'clock without having any care that are called for the periple select
whatever. , These are Un* coudllluus raiy of the undertakers to do their
I found Also i had paid Ave dollars work and about half of the lime bilna
($.5 tat) for common lalKir which a their own undertukef* from their home
drayman lias prt'vtously peiturtueil for town."
me for Ofly
The cerllAcute, of death shows that
On the evening of May .IlHt 4 wax that "Jack" Davis died 'at
p m.,
calh-d to tin- telephone by Mr. T. J .'iiui tw(* iHiniH Inter, the AnderMih
IlaiidAeid of lotilu and was lnstriicU>d Hiiih-i-taklitg Iki's. wagon wai; on tbe
to go to the As>lum aud get fbe Isidv mad tui^unl the HKyliim.
r ship
This style of thing has Im<cii going
ind on on for years, in one instance a
the 11:2a P. .M. train the next itimu- tame fitMU York Stale lor a 4>ody.
After sdt'cUng the casket uiul maklug
I tnuuvdlately telephoned the Asy­ his arrangements. I telephoned
lum'and learned that life body bud asylum to know If I could get the
been lent down to Anderson's. I Ualy that night, as the^^geutleman'x
then called phone No. 43 and the bus^n
affairs aPhome^ecessltated
president of the Anderson Uodertak- bis U
Immediate leturo.
medal be recelvtw; this all compute Iiqj^ company answered I asked for
The answer was. "The body
itigetbar with many other cash awards) Ralph Anderson and after conslder- down to Anderson's. That Is the
and allowances he may receive gives able dlUlcuUy to maktol myself under- plkce for him to ga" The gentlemau
SQPd pay In the navy.
derstood. learned that he was-out of said to me. "I do not know whether
".An ouiAi of clothing is furnished the city.
It is or nut 1 did not 'take that man
Tbe next morning 1 sent my man to to Anderson's Uadertaklng rooms
the Ulpejarketa and pettye ofAcers
frw'’alao board, mediclnea, medical at­ Inform Mr. Anderson that we had an and I am not going tbere after his
tendance. etc., are furnlabed gralto in order fur the body. of "Jack" Dsvts. body."
He was very airgry and coosultei
addltioa to pay. Privilege of retire­ Mr. Anderson said. "Thire are Are
ment after Afty years oerv Ice on three- dollars cJiarges against IL" He was an attorney wi\b the ioteation of Aght
quartets of tbe |>ay received at date naked If It had been embalmed aod lug the matter to a Antoh. Hla at­
of retirement. Bpc^al training to giv­ he replied, "No- that If. he bad em­ torney adytoed him tlwl as his huslen fret- as aitlOcci. i-loctrlcal. yeoman balmed It: the chargvw would be ten ueas demanded his attentluh at home
It would be cheaper' to pay charges
telerka). muaictou. aud hoapltal train­ dollara.
The pt'ople at Portland did not au­ agatoat the body. He aald he tele­
ing Mhooto for men enllsUid to these
branchea. Take It all to all the navy thorise me to pay Are dollars to have graphed the asylum ha arould be here
to a St«t class praBpaltkm for every the body drayed down town? but they lost as soon as the trato woold bring
youns mas to ounaider, and then the did tostroct me to ship the body on
ebaaoeto see and visit all parto of the the 11:11 a. m. train to order to
meet their funeral a|ranMmeato.
worid ta Forth saoethlns.*'
Tho tame df W.pS Andenon,
It. tht
Mr, Downs waa on the harkr de;
fanae ram “Katahrto" durtog the Hgan- gnat prasMaat of the AaderMm Undertaktng On., dow aot appp^ to tho
toh-Amerioaa war.
rdcr Tror the Uidy, but woul came
bark from W. 8. Anderson, president
of tbe company, tbat l would bavo to
sei lUlpb about It.
I then lelepbuoed Ralph, teUlng him
1 would pay him Ove dollars (|ouo,
for his sen Ices If be a>>uld turn Uic
body over to me. He said. "That will
tv alright" 1 sup(iUHod. of course be
bad embalmed the body and prepitriHl
It l«o .ihipmeut.


The Maskay Bohool of Mtoaa to the
aamn now givna to the toaisutiBaBt of
the UatveraRy of Nevada now betag
f«aMn»etod with funds suMikd hy
the pronident of the INmUl Teleartab
Cm BsnMm Anaattag tha.moaar for
the mtataM bnUdtog. Mr. MaSkair wUl
wtbltoh a fnad of IlSAbM. tho to-

tariit ol vtdk vtti k a4sd to gar tk
"miatot taoiuty.

era of U«
/—*• BaAOT the
presMii law of the ^to he dare not
embalm a body.^^ph Aaderaqa
was out of the city ap the only remedy
there aeemeii to bo was to replevy the
body, embnhn U and got
awar o*>
the trato to owst (k faaoral aitaar^
SMBU Bi fkUaad;
Hr. AnAma
toalstod tm gBotog my atttkttty M Ck
oasa ,
kMdttt sMkos hat aoi y«t.4taoor-


I have lu my possession a receipt
(or ten dollars which Vnderuker Cur­
tis paid the Anderson rndertaktog
Co., fur work <kme on an asylum body
under similar conditions which 1
Curtis or myself would do and t
doing for any body for Ave dollars.
Various reasons have been given
lor this method of handling the asy­
lum dead. One to that no plaov
provIdtMl there to keep IkmUcs. 1
deiMlaud the asylum authorities ask
ed ih«* legislature for au apii^ipriatluu for this puriKisv but it has not ;
tav-n grant<HL
It Is not an uot-ummou sight,
the Auderwou* Hndcitaking loomH.
s«-e ladles rutn|*elUHl to sluf* aud w
until the body from the asylum, di-od
from nio.'il any dlix'aM-, U carileil
across the side walk In a l»aKket. when
It would be mmh fuorv conv4<«ileut
and propt-r to take it the luck way to
a side door.
Thla iDteriering with Uh* right
the prxipic lu their'rhuloe'of a funeral
lilrt-ctor and lu tbrlr 'funeral arrangemenu and the burial of their dewd In
niy opinion is not very commendable.
H. L. Carter.

to tlo* K**-nlng llnctud..
,\VUllaiui*burg. Mleh.. June 15.—Miss
Kumui Whno wbu baa bd'O vlsUlug to
Traverse City returned home yealcrday. .
Two very pleasant little affairs were
enjoyed by the Ladies' Embroidery
club in the past week, when Mrs. Upsal Hobbs ^and Mr*. 8. B. Tayloi
teriained la honor of Mra. Harry
lor of MantoiH on Baturday and Mon­
day eventoga Mpncilvely. A very
pleasant time was enjoyed at both
houses and each lady was declared
an Ideal hostees..
Mrs. Rice of Kalkaska Visited with
Mrs Emma ScoAeld last Sunday.
Frank Hamlltoa. the phonBOctot
for 8. B. Tajrlor had au unpteetan
perienoe with the wrong .bottle hut.
Batttrday morutog. Getting up before
.Uajdlght to go Ashing, he proceeded to
take# a oonple of. swallows of i
medictoc (a very weak solution of
ammonia I whlho be was to the habit
of taking, but to aoaie vray the bottle
had become misplaced had iBstead be
look the faU stnhgth aauBOAla.
BoBee was hastUy automoaed aad Mr.
Haailltan was aooa relieved aad aside
tram a very sore tknonl bo Bertone
doBtoCe was doM. But hell be snm
nest time.
Mtos Hnaea Eaton left for Tiwveiwe
Cliy today for a week's visit with relaUvea oa Third MfMt.
Mra. Hobbs of Kalkaska vtotted wUk
mer k« llancbel at tkto pMco laat

. Obarlen WUL tr.. to la Gadinac tkto
Mtoa Oeocila SbMddra. wbo Bui
batb aifBbw Mn. Mm AMtor. letoM ta bat bftHa


Ford Motor Cars
Arc made for juii the
man that waoti the
BEST car for the
LEAST money.
They are meeting
with the greatest lucccis for juAtthatiea
Glad to talk FORI)
any time.

JimX the thisg for tho

Ice Cream
Get you^ ordera to
early, aa are are oroardctl.
Mail or phone onlen
hUiai prompt^.

521 Union St
Traverse Oty Hfck.
Both phooea.

Do You Care? We Do
What Looks Worse
than a

all ifiloIcBd up with thff

Old Style Gas Light


The National Automatic

domnot diaooler the


Wid be eoiiThn«d.

RtHf a Namaifl



^ im.

Idn I. Santo

fWM ar ktalMl af IMaa viM ka

A fMl« ft cred, ft hook
loiirt ft box ci

Zu Zu
lor ftnftckheI

tvecn Wtct. A
golden ginger
•nup with ft
•picy tftftte.

Mig HmslMli* yaar aMam
mgAs threagbaaf fhg aaagtty la em
M tnlroafti la M Mat the so ngewtlea ef ranwAa aftato
ha0A of eharttiA, Moal Mmrtiahls
wMstiM aafi laiivtgaals ka ohiakalag
» ■isgasfts veapaaa Mma. aad
ads, hffragifiiHy paid hr tha raUmndN
af tha lawa. Tha anmhar-af mfmfSmkn
the. bfllB, aad bnflal vagraau la am kaowa. hat It Is
to be.
nereaeary. Tha Chi- ahM vary Miga. “
U^ gewaml mmm klad e| watk lor
ttad AaMava a year in thU
the Oveat ktarthani hlUe •vea la IMgtaaC where the qaeatioa
•afs^g oacmgleyed ts no preeatag. It u
aad iBjarMe a larga aamher of
an aa^naSy. in fve yanra tha amiMhtofi by onaapmeat aathm
t9kom)k MMhlgaa Bonthen hap that am over 3 pareeat ef the way­
kUUd UI tie
and injured farers are himaat easiapioiyad worktm On tha alhar hand the WieconBln .Oanunl hllU only ten or tflaen
Irenpaaaere aanoally. of whom haU
ara vagranu.

Church SarvioH

Goatfil Imsmramce


00 Stove
the flspratwl
Oil Stove




Tkwc M« t«Q tkiog* a man
b noTer prepared for—twma.
Be prepared for hot weather
hy ordering ICE of


Redoew fuel cx«,

Mate. A woridagi
flgmc at tlM tovcli of the
tMck. n»«ePtoae-»aMjtliel!iQm^^
ptodoced WThe NevFerfactkn
^ auht TOUT Mode lifhtcr. Will not over*
Made in thieenei, with
oMb tvob
Brery aioTeMnr*
tinted. 11 not at your ddlerVw^ ^
aeami afcncy.

Dr.W. J. Higgins

Cast to Aactety.
The coat to soctoty or InJnrad
engranu U In tha and enonaona. bevigranu regneaUy ara rends red
Ob Boor vHh Bwiaan OoUage.
Oreea Ipiaeapat Cirereh.
Maapabla of dohig any fuitbar work,
Coraar Boardasaa aveaac aad Waah• ■.Vwnltk.
and to iwnsaiBaaei go to iremptaf or
tagtea street.
thalr tlma beiwaan
Moralag aervlce aad aerama. 10: M
van nod tha MU.
Buaday aohool and Bible daaa at
11 m.
A aordUl Uvltatloa to aU these aer
ly asalmad by imUronds. who unUI tha vioaa.
rad Of thalr Uvaa wUl ba Urgely de­
■mb a.. I. on OMaaMM
dent .upon the public, either
gad baatttyGU^ ^m^keltd.
Wfh IndlvhSttals or tnsUtuikms tor
enppoit of Ue Indigent Phw rell- tloa—Coraor UlrUloa aad gaeoad
l/>er amaa. t: kigb mass. 10:M: vandiniiiif-looB. parlce or badrooMfi. If not at
rands maintain a ayaM« td railroad pars aad baaodlctlon. t:20 p. m.
yoMrheakr'a, vritatooar acaieat afency.
POHetng. Tha PnnnayfvanU u proteb
8t i>'rancls Church—Comer Tenth
•trlklnf Paotf Rtg^rgling Railroad Vagrancy.
ly aa well poUced as aay Americna sod Csss street. Sunday—Low moss
road, hot nerertheleaa. U able to ar- at 7:30 a. m.: high maw
mat only a small «nmbar u^the tresW’ach days—SerkCfCUrt^ Weelem vagranu are s very coualdarAt Mm NftOonftl Ow
Ceagragaiienar Mlsatoh.
sni that
ihm ftft4 cennfttloiw »i Minftftftooiu. aWa ftulaanov. The tmehs ara Unad using tbe Fenasylvanla tracks. The
A. A .AlUugtoo. pastor in charge.
Comer Ninth aud Wadsworth.
o. r. uvm or imw vorti aftui uu with vagranu who refuse to teave Cfficago; BurUagton^ Quincy has
Beau^r Sunday morning devoUoual
FrUnAa Chureh.
C. C. Gibson, pastor.
rvMftjr. JftOft It that More Tftcrftiiu the cars; they aaaanU trala crevs aad
serv ices aud sermon at 10:30 o'clock In
raer Oak aad Fifth streets,
aland force.
The ChioagD A
Sunday , sen toes:
e Bev. Fraaklla Meredith, the
killed every rear on Aamrloeft atasl ooaalderalilc from
cars at North Whstorn malntalna cpecUl oltthe Fifth ward haU
Mary Moon Meredith, postors.
Class MUng. 10:00 a. m.
ranroftdft then the eoniMaed touu of auitopsTha expenaea auendant oers aad watchmen |n large clUea and
Service of prayer and praise on
ieetlng for worship Sabbath murhPreaching. 10:30 a. m.
pftftftftftjftri and UmlaaMtt killed. Ncu- upoa their arreet am conaldcmblr
Thuredoy evening at the homes where
at urmlnals.
tag, 10:30
0:30 a. m.
aunday school. 11:45 a. m.
«e theae aMOlaf iftoteft akev 9\gn*
The principal rseaoo for the large
tl Is convenient. A^ are earnestly toSunday school 12 o'clock.
Th* Orood SpsptMnlsr rrodnsttoa _
The Chksago, Rock Uland A^Padfic
Junior Y. P. A, 3:30 p. m.
of deeroftftlac fran year |o yMr. Bumber of vagranu la a lack of oo- has a reguUr poHce foroa and special
vitod to attend and Join In these serJunior C. £.. 8<S0 p. m.
Senior Y. P. A. «:30 p. m.
Thooaaadft of rafraau uae Amartcaa operatloa betaraan Iks raUroads aad oAloers and waUhmen at the large
Senior. C. B., 1:13 p. m.
rallModft aft aa oasy Mas of traa*- the towns aad clUaa aloag the rail­ sUUons. Oaa specUl agent 'does all
Gospel meeting. 7:20 p. m.
Ua«m 4k* Ansplwn of «k*
Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday
Chureh BrevltlesL
portatlue fruoi elty to olty or »tate to roads. In praaecutlug and oonrlcOng tha police work on the road for the
Prayer.meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m.
Thu Swedish BvangvUcAi Ml|istun
etftte. Aserleaa yagraBU aie not treapnaalng vngranu. lUUronda wish WUooaaln Central
Preaching on Sabbath morning aud 7:30 PL m.
You are cordially luvUcd to eitcud will bold meetings every Sunday In
pedeathaai. la tve yeani. fron Itei to put tha vagranu off at ui near Shore railroad it U i
evening. AU nre eordUlIy Invited and
ell of these scnlcos.
the State street school house at S;0^» Beautiful BaUeta
to IfM. MJdft treapaaftara were killed slaUons. while towns are genbmlly un
welcomed to our werrlcea.
p. m. ■ EN'cnlng aervlce at-7t30 p. m.
on imortftftft ffttlniadft In oonpartaon willing to stand the axpenae of proneSpeotacaWr Haiohot
Fisst M. E. Churah.
Sunday school at 2.00 p. m. l)iff<
•la ltdit aaployea aad only t,eoo cullon nod malnunance of vagranu.
. Boptlat
Kuat, Cutohy BpacialUaa
Joseph Dutton, pastor.
preachoiw will officiate. All S<anda
who have no cUlm upon the town.
posTha railroads make varied suggesSongaandDauooa
Morning sen-Ice, lOfSO.
uavions cordially Invited.
Many faUrenda In ike ccH^Wue The Chicago A North tVesiem has tluus looking to the reducUoo of the or.
Study and office. 301 WUhcIm block.
Sunday school, noon.
The Rev. M. 8. Bucklnghmu of Man
Mirth. Mono and Odditiea
are sraeUy aroMbled alu va«niou. practically ao <xH>pcmtlon with inwu tUagal use uf rallrbads by vagrauis.
Office phone. 1« CUlxeni.
Bpvorth League. 0 p. m.
IsUc will bold religious meetiugs at
Pfen iaa. J UUl of ae Oraai Norik police or other railroad companies. General Manager F. O. Melchei. of
Morning service. 10:30
Bvonlng evangellsUe service. 7.
Orange hall. Coos street. June 16.
era aaya: ‘iloadreda of Idle men ln> The Chicago, Rock Ulaud A Pacific tbe Chicago. Rock Island A Pacific,
Sunday sm^l. 12.
i : i tSemm^Ue
Prayer meeting. Thuradsy evonlng. 3 p. m. All are qordlaly invited.
Uaroca BlSle cUss, 11
feet enpty can on Ue Oreal Nortkem has oo-operattoa only exceptloDslIy. believes that
In gaacral the laws 'B Y. P. U.. ( p. m.
dorlnt the aoaiaMr monaa., Tramps TbU U also tha case with the l^linuU
too lax rogardlng trespasaers." lu
Evening service. 7.
eilMtpi a teeiola aeaamv«« on Central.
Bible study, prayer and praise sei
le Bnrupean countries It Is s crim
Piwaldent Hill of the Oreat Kortbom Inal offanse for a person to trespass Vice. Thursday evening at 7::i0.
vsrery Uata at any riah A ooosMer
Fbet I
JuuluD union. Saturday. 2:ao p. m.
able ftenaker of thefte ara kUled or reports that "with few eaceptlous the either upon train or track, and track
Oor. Was
Boys' Junior social club, Tuesdayi
taiured OftOh yaar. They get on or local oommunltlu do not assslst tha men and tralumeu arc ,vested with
Rev. L. B. Bissau. Pastor.
1 4iave a number of good
Morning aervloa. 10:30 a. m.
o€ traios while la laoUuu. and eome railroad companies in chackiug the police power, and It is made their
Bible aohool at am
aoMer In Ufa or Uab. CMken fall of
p nolaaaoe. In not n few caaes duty to unrest such persons and
farms, all the way from 40 to
Special to ttu’ Evening Record.
erhoo asleep. H would lie dIficoU to actual enoouragomenl U glvan to tkem over to the proper aatbnrtUes
Grew a. Mich.. June 15.—Mr.
160 acre*, for aaie. or If you
CHureti ef ChNm (Olaciplea.)
•atimr reUahle etatletloB on ais poloi. those who prey on mllroad property- for proaecuUoo. In eome of our sUU^
Mrs. Snow aiv vlslUng Jn Trayvrse have any good property, 1 will
J. Allen Canby, minister.
hacaMM a large paroenUge of ae in cases where tramps have broken In­ tbe tUtuUs really encourage the uto
City thU week.
Sunday, 0:30 a. m.. quiet hour.
(inmpa reported aa killed on ae rail­ to cars, and sere caught In the art of railroad tracks as footw^s. The
Mrs. Margaret Wtoxl uf Ctuclnall, take it in exchange and make
10 p. m.
Sunday. 10:30 a. m.. morning wor-^
roads ara really murdered. Men re- uf slesllug. the local aulhurUles have record of the Chicago. Rock' Island A ship, sermon.
Prayer meeting Thursday avaalai O.. is here vUlilug her parenU and you ea*y terms. 1 can tell you
at 7:30. Beats free.
ike karveat ftelds a liU declined to Uke action. They daclare Pacific In killing and injuring passeu
8uDdo.v. 12 m.. Sunday school.
a good farm for less money
Sunday. 3:30 p. m.. Junior C.
aalr wagaa are killed for their monry that It Is not iheir business to prose­ gers Is only an average. of the rail;
Mr. Weldon ».peul Sunday in Tniv
Sunday. 3:30 p. m.. Intermediate C.
than you can buy it of any­
hy their more vlclooft and crliulaftl cute for the railroad conpauy, and roads of this couuiiT- President Hill
Fourteenth fitrest M. E. Church.
we Cll). vUltlug her son. Arthus.
E. ; senior C. B.
fcUowft. Ike body Is dung from ae the tbief escapes.
else. 1 have farms
H. C. Burt aud sou George vent u body
Sundo)'. 7 p. m., evongelUtlc service,
tialn abOe to motion, and Ibr reporiAn ,cffoc(lve remedy must begin
Grand Rapids Monday. Mr. Burt go which are located from four
Tuevdsy. 7:30 p. m.. cottage prayer
ed daaa by railroad casually Is act- with cu^petstiou U'tween the rail­ redooe vagrancy Is enforced labor,
Lo the K. a A: bosplul for uie<il
miles from Traverse
nally a caae of bomlddn" Prualdeul roads and the suibortties uf every work la.more dreaded than'all the meetings uu east and west sides of
cal Ireutmeul, His coudltlon U
City, all good Improved land.
MeCnpft of a* PoftpsylvMirta railroad community thruufili which It passes. other tarrors of the taw.
The aelvetma Army.
If every
Wednesday. 1:.30 p. m.. every second

report* that tbo MIO ragrania arreilod There should be a prompt proeecuIf
have go|(>d bval fartni
TIu? ladles Aid sticlely of Grawii.
Ip was seoleuced. under penalty Olid fourth week Dorcas Aid society
street, neer Casa streeL Captain aad will bold an Ico crusm sviclal Salur 1 Fill boy them.
lor irmpaeslag In IbUti U only a small Hun of the uReuder ugstnst a railroad
diet of bread aud water, to work meets.
Wednesday. 7: 30 p m., every first Mrs, Bouters tn charge. Public meat
proportion of ae total numUor of
agatiist so ludlvldusl. There should hard before he was luused along, tbe
logs every night except Monday. 8ua day evening. All are eonllally invited
wtH'k of month C. W. U. M. meeU.
vaginnU constantly .irawlius ovor
uu more sus|M-u<ied seuleuci-s on end w'Ottld be in alght.
Thursday. 7:30 p. m.. union mid­ day. 11 a. m.. bolinesx meeting.
to attend.
that railroad On ibu Pent Marquette uccount of leaving
town There
2 p. m.. Junior meeting.
Mrs. Wm. Teal .weui to Traverse
Oenesal Manager F. U. Harrtman of week pnu cr meeting.
Friday. 7:30 p. m.. Sunday school
Our battle cry: Slaaar. Uere U aaJ
vagrania steal ildus to a coosldorable should he oooftuwmout at hard' labor the IlUbula Oeturai recommends the
J. Keuuody of Allegan has arrived Office 307 Stole Bank Building
vation tor you.
cstoot, aad nisny Injnrtes and somr ft»r a Used term for every tramp.
I spi*nd the summer with his daugb
prompt ~ enforoement of
Welcome to worship with us are
AU are wetoome.
Third Floor
. deaths raaolt annually. Ou the V. It.
It ts now the almusi universal cus- authorlxlag tbe arrest aud punishment strangers, workingmen and the poor.
1:80 p. m., chrlxtion’s praise meat ter, Miw. 8. J. Bracken.
240 Waahington,, CXi phone 7T4
A Q-. vagrants ride trelus. stop trains,
111! f»»r the oRIcv^is before whom va- of vagranu and persons impreperly
City Wednesdsy to visit Mrs. Jones.
^ p. m . red hot salvation maailng.
pilfer and hum ties aud car nuors. grauu aie brought In petty cases to upou trains. The railroad cannot com
Cbu.-. Palmer has the frame for his
This raUvoad'Is troubled by vagrants. order them to ^vc town within 24
now resldnnce up.
iwl the anforoemeot uT laws without
ftev. Demoi Cochlln. paitor.
' partiailarly on the main Hues at oer hours. Ilrls rple merely psasrw a
Derenda Crandall went to BuckU-y
Church phone No. 1180.
loourrlug much expense. The Iowa
Uin Um« uf tha year.
vtUsgo or town, Cqatri) believes that there Is already
Our church It n home tor worahit.
Wedtii-sday to play ball wUh
Lfttter-Day SainU (Re-erganix«d).
Are b Nusianca.
which re|»usts the command. When ample law reiarding vagrancy and and service. If you have no church
lU'gular services, arc held at Ihoir Buckley team.
horn* in Traverse City, you are earn
The Chicago.' Hock tmiuud A Pacific all Its neighbors are doing tbe same
Mr. Barnard drove to Tiaverde (
ireapass; but greater co-operallon estly Invited to come, get acqualniad. chapel, kOo. Uaodulph street, as
4s mure or less troubled, ss Is alto
thing tbe community receives exactly
Weduest^- to do some trading.
country and municipal authuri and work and worship with us. A lows:
leas OantmJ. Tho IliiuoU Central as much refuse as It geu rid of Moat
Dr. W. M. Boy Ian and wife have
ilea In enforcing present laws would
Greet the strangers, if a stranger, wait
tads 11 hard to detonalntt accurately of those orders to move ou Uke the
gone to Saginaw and Uelrcdt for
be of benefit to all concernod. The and meet the pastor.
Hi:.10. Sunday school.
’ Ike number vho steal tides, loiter railroad, which Is made tiu* chief sul
Chicago A North Western believes
visit ^
11:43, prayer service.
I «o. wu have them for solo and at
. niuund etatlona. and tramp atoug the terei by tbU pulley.
Mr. Cuuulugbam. who has had
that trespass laws should be entorcod
7:30 p. m.. preaching service.
.prices that w® know are right
' tracks. On .the kllcklgau Central
Along the Chicago. Uurliugtuu A
Regular ser. nea ss folk)vs:
lor the. benefit of co^pdiatlooK as
prayer barber shop lu Orawu. tbe post wlnU*r
Lou 6 and 7. Blk 6. Perry Hanuoli's
10:30 e. m., mornthg worship and
irampa open cars, atoal rides aad also Quiucy tbe town ufftcers tu small
bos moved back to Traverse CUy.
stilcUy as for ihe benefit of Individ- sermon Choir under direoUoo of Mrs mettftog.
3rd Add.. West HEbt street.
ataal goods from thv .cars.
The clUes sometimes even pul vagrauU on
Friday evening—7:30. Zion's HoUgio.Titus.
Lots 27 and 28, Blk. F. H. DJI Co.k
liiprrthara Faelfo U mhie or lose passing freight trains. On the Big
m, Sunday
The Delewsre A Hudson makes the
Litcrary society.
7lh Add.. 66 n. front each ou
frooWed The Wlaconstn Central
Four Hue some town sulhorllies wi
valuable suggestion that the cost of atteniidiog. pdn t ha home department
A we]come-is-«xteuded to all.
WashlngJoD street.
pasta leea trouble thaa lormerty. when vagranu not to get off trains Init
proanculkm and
________ Endeavor In the parlors.
Lou 9 and 10. Blk 2. H.' U k Oo. s
■evaiftl yeara ago durlag the harvest kcep^moTlng.
Latter Day fiainto.
vagrgnu should be a sute chavge iu7:00 p. m.. evening worship. Gospel
Add.. East Eighth street
sea soft thgra acre nlgraUoos of
Regular verv icos uf the Latter Day
CaaVU Graat.
ataad of a toam charge. Many of the meeting nnd eraagallsUc aerrloe.
East 50ft Lot k. Blk 1. R L. 4 Oo.'s
Salats (re-orgonlze) are os toUowc:
. trampa. On the Chtcifu A North
The oust lu railroads uf vagrants railroads recommend that vagranu Choir under direction of Dr.
7ih Add.. Washington street
Thursday. 7.30 !>. at. prajw ui Sunday—
tnlured U crippled varies every much. be put la chain gangs ou the public
10:30, ooclal service.
Lotk 16. 17. and 18. Adolfs Add.
The general claim agent of the Cbf- roads. Tbe Michigan Central heUeves oonference meeting.
11:43. Sunday school.
Webster street. 5<J ft. each.
Frtday. 7:00 p. m.. Maytower elok
7:00 p. m.. preechlng.
Cago A North Western reporU that &0 there should be more adequate tiesA cordial InvluGoa to attaad ak
Lou 21 and 22. Blk 1. H. L. * Co's
Tuesday Bvenlng—
Pftfceut of people killed oo railroads ,paas laws.
aarvleea aad Ua readlag roosa.
7U Add.. Webster sUeet 64 ft
7:30. prayer meeting.
In thU oounlry are irespaascrs. B\ery
The fhCU preaenied by Mr. Lewis,
Friday Tvenlng—
claim aganu of any experience will which he has gathered by correspond
ChildTM'a Handkercbiafa. I
7:80. Zion's Religio-Uterary society.
Lot 142. Oak HoigbU Add.. Bartow
Chapel located at 103 Roadolph.
say that geoerally the tiUurto4 an
eaoe from laadlag oSlciils of the dlffor 5c,
The public Is welcoiae.
a serious nature; aad result in the
fareat railroads, show coBclualvely
Oanvaa Gkivea, 6c pair and
Lot 107. Oak HeigbU Add^ Hannah,
Jured poreon bedumlag s charge eli
that the vagrancy question Is a
, M. a. 1
ou his Irlenda or oo the public, lu loaa oaa, aot akwe to the railroads
Rev. W. H. Irwin, pastor.
Lou 40. 41. 42 and 43. Blk 1. Oak
MnA. MlfU.
6fwing Mi^ohine Oil, 4c botUe
aumy iaatanow unfoitunstely. these hot to aoctety. Because tha coat to
Park Add.. Washington atreet
Sawing Maohina Banda, Oo
ireapasaert are* children.
society is ao ladlract aad cot gener­
Lot 13. Blk .3, Goodriohl Add.. MoaOn the Ohlcagu. Rock Island A ally obaarvad by tha pabllc, people In
roe street
PadAc In IbOA 124 trespasaers
general have been la dlAereat to the
B^eniag services
p. m.
Ink, 4c-bottle..
Lou 20 and 21. Btoeda ft apaacar*a
kUUd aad 243 Injured Moat of the
Preyar mesUag Thofadaj avaalag
•urptunAdd.; 17th street want of Oaaa.
Machine Needlea, 3c paper
trespasaers were killed and Injured _ Daafaaae Qgnnot be Curatf
23 and 23. Orlfla ft Wtoale'e
Undivided prdAli....... ffTMM
Pine, lo paper.
while oti tbe tracks. Oenniml Manager
Add. 25 ft each. •
r. B. HntTlman of the tUiiiole Oeotral
Hm a dipihM
. Lot 17. Grover Park Add. oomer
reported that hU rend had killed
Whipe, 5c each and vpmdi.
Roee nnd Mato atraato. 10 ft aach.
WIN ftgeipped te glvt eftcient
Woodmaa haU«
114 peraoaa aad UMurnd bO per
Ladiaa' 25c Oollare going at
23 ft Boot Vreafi hatweaa Pack aad
•arviftd la mftbUif audiu and
tons whUft they were wnlktag on the
We each.
mseftng at t:M
afftMilimeni nf the beaks e«
7 packagaa Flower and Gar.
Central county and municipal anlhort
Jaat a taw cC thaaa Eapfifi uxa taft
dan Saadi, ooljr 5e.
Uas almost Invartahly refvaa to care






Porcelain Work


Tirt Tttsuniia


HMay and Saturday Hirhts.
Jane Kasd IS

CaaitilMi Ciirt. Ttpinm au


Farmsjir Sale


Going to Build
This Year?

WtttaGoodlotto BuIM Ob

Which Do You Need?



Weak Women


etitoUona aad Iftdividnftift
nndec Mm

It la

managamaM ef a

for tha lajurad and crippled, natos
the same be a rsMdMit of the conat]
«r mnntelpallty. A aumbm of nalu
have been
agatam the UUaMa Oeatml by ires

Dr. t$hoQp*s

SoQthaaat ua OaiftM road.*

Ni|(ht Cure

Far Ffloa and vTanaa Eafalre a#

E. w. Basdifs ft s«
WnakAay• prayer'mretlftg
-------------------svemtag 7:50.

state Bfik BMf,


= rn^



v-.::.^i-■;/« ?■

. ,;i-fi;

maqa^imit i/^&cviom





1WiiiM»4WTEt WmWmmM!UMynk^oK<^HA§i

cmr. mcHiM*, •fcTwwoAY, jvm 1HW.








. -'i
1 ToETTr^
0(^R WAY*














^ ':j'-



-•:-■ ■


bM^ taJ^4MT






in court—By Marion




,) p ilB

4tm\ VOQ


«o and

*Vincc«.- ctkd EW®.
jpoo U3T Kkck a Aait’"

mg wcomplHftaMMs.
Always iaebaed
to tbc MBCcaatvaL tbc bad baeg neatly



mxw to pwrcbaic mme of the bmvks
wbk^ gave ber tbe right, to ask queatioos by mad

*T« ui^ fott^ ioM> vorU what
CckMe hai been b«tii« Sor tbc
W im rntnotc*.' be cried.

Once or twice sawe theq the bad
cooadted thr orack and now ibr wa*
writmg for advice as |o tbc wbereabcMtts of tbe ring.
It was wdi for
her faith that she was not pwaem at
the answenog of ber qweetiou.

*Vckste -maj
— remarks,' wi»d JeJm Noauks
*W -ahe meant ootbinK of

that aort*
VuKtat ChesJer bunbcd. Ew since
Miss Celeste \'oa*e» descended upon
her br».Hhcr‘s biMis^pId at The death
of hi» wife, she bad ioudW Vajceul

mh ’


lucbcr ideas of autnmoRjr
sxrr attractive meet.




"Here's another whole book to he
anvwered," he laughed as be stk Open
the cover. ~Twelrc pages.** be gasped
a* he turned over tbe ckwcly written

Tbis evening the two Had been exammutg a tmm and *.-«iKhow. nune
knew \u*m. h bad
h»d disaivearcvJ
unted all over f**r »l but
iW be found and it was to be expected
that Mias Cek-Htet acid tongue uvuild
but thmly veil her su^pioouv ihouguts.


. "1



Two yooag amn sat before a. labk m
a cheap ^atrical boardmg boom wImb
a mesMWgcr ealered with a-package of
keters to add M tbe mk on tbe table.
One of them caught the thick blue cnvxiope up.

"She 1

my l.
to you for *«1
ve never failed
me Now.
of mmd.
advice as^ to a nng w^

Vincent turned Uv Mr Koailes. -Will
roe. sir ** he asked.



m with i


He patted Kivu's shoulder meaningly




The ^reader scnbWrd on the pad *'f
paper Before him and *lq,ped it in the
berr a nroroent a«o and now it is gont-Anain*!
iH»r a dav



old Xcijnles came as to swear­
ing at a wiHiian as he ever ikw>e
m h;s life, but he checked his tcmiwr
and v.kmn!y ^warned h^yf the f^

• \\v;i. if v.«i «.
hrisklv. 'i’ll-have (

w.mld cmvim. lu-i .4 Vincent's uinpcriioe S.VVC the finding nf the ring.

Kapidlv he tunnd nut the o*nt< ii!> ot

Gr aduallv it became rvMsed about the

wv;';w/o„'‘.:';:r.“ ,w. vlii .'

■■■ r:,'''li«i,;--:. ■








was moved to a few frienda
r.lvia vat ajMit from the rest tt'iog

mid vitisfy you.





when suddruly
her chair.

rest mil a
the question
- ..........
yoyir .......
-id of-

Miss CcksU sat up to

miserable ki” n has brought a

It with S4I small a iierfoimer. whf guided a tmy bow- writh the

plf.2 z.

WM a lofetfIter It is not an evid
wh> the ^
and soknui eyed bifam tboukl have been
iletetl of enough
licipal govert
iatponaoM to ti«aj|e tb« attention of t
maw; hoi be was. Tutto, five year-old. was artestiled fi>r Twing
j was nuiri
alao a financial
firubetai horror,
fur I'mio
inaome already miseraUy iiuutbiirnt
n^fous as to number*
In aiMitioii i
Luis, and Tinto'i nuilher. Tessa,
as frdiows:

was, vet haml ni hand u went with pain, for what

time hiUlle. until


U'"-Nciu‘^W ^ ir,.„

*'• ihunilrred his Honor, not more to l esva than tiv the

leste was not satisfied and were fearful
nf her next opibreak

’A'Zr^Uh.d'n::.'7r.:»"'iv,;;:s.. ;.?r

lino a pa*t

...iKf, .


Wliiili. "nunj K.-pk.'- imniribHi Iv privWHlcJ 1*. do.


*w*Md live turns t.H. uiiKh. am] were iroed lor delingurncy

OS to the n. Hv t'u> Hall, ami l.a.l the H.Mr.1 of llralth vac
them.'rrkuhmg^timii which their arms svselird out ami

lowed him to. the doi»r.

via puume.1 up.»ii it

V able to tell v,.u ilien^here wc f uml
the ring.’
* T am afraid d
c.nnm.t gel


thenCaat all day making f|ueer marks upon slates. w'<osletl ilsrkly
at an utwotuptehended. uiKcmiprehrmliiig Irachtl. and ncvei he
ai». chance katnrd an>lhing
, '
Tuuo was Uh> ;fOung to suflrr at the hands of any .Schi<
Bosid, to Zanardi exercised ipccialI ingenuitv and hurt him
i child's t



s: “vj-,EVV“'S?''=

Kw.,r.:;ri'',"^ i a’::':”-?

Hut at last tlic music stopped, and the Muall id.tyer m
quiringly at tbe judge.

t...... *


ml .1


himself. Fie tspresved a wish that s mie Jew i.iiglu spu on the
grave of Zaiiartirs grandimahi r. ami proini*td that he. Luix
wviuld ere Img smash m Zanardi'* face.MTicrc is an excu*c for

m her room Miss
a^Vr wnting^u

• ru v.iM him." vi.lunlt'rcd Klvia.


dutch ot’a gloved hand.
When fortitied to meet the cxaminaiuvu of these sharp feroi

s: .hl*:s%r..V»‘'’‘>’‘“^

the ju.lge. and would e.une shortly to a

mlhe demanded m disgust.


.tnvthing It he wdl oyinr over.

which *he attached *o
f.Tc slipping H into nn


"*"• Tlffn thru sr’fhnig Tinto




A vear before, whik vi*irv : rb.vcj . f
•he had Iv-cn temw-Hl t-. v’.- • a vaWilr j
viMc theater at which a nnu ma i and

: that ring 1

Great American Crowds .
iiumU-red 2l7.S2fi.

do f.T V

till you grow aids to apprsv


ba^ to where wc surud
I resun
When, in answer to the charge, tbev all iilc.1 mt.v a
e Tre
•I the .Vrw Citv Hall on that f«>gg.v IkvemUr morniii
viaga presemed anetbiru bill an engaging xppe.
aUBe. and thrv lotvked Kke an a**a*%ius‘ ch.
Zaii ardi. lui the contrarv. *kcir .is a iwinther. was the
wbe^he smilnl
^*Tbe Trevinos, as they shiver^ m court, horo- in their gkvuny
a blMory of paiiv—grief for thdr lost South, suffering for
iMr presem predicament, and fear for the hungry, disgraced,
. and bcimekss to-nnwrow. . Smali wemder that tin historv ex. pressed itself in scowls and slinking ferocity.
Ibe • Trevinoa
iuled evcrythiiif th«» saw.
Koi the Trevutoe alone ti^ffcrcd from a depressing inffuence;
all Uu ebon elkatek. Chriatnus not » lortnijdit off. was in nn
u--------- dis


t" *

frequent tveurrihee of his nanic, was e\i
terrsi a glav# paper weight uis*n the judg.

began Isv search tbeir lockets for small con

j up ,
Wik rather

said something in lulian.


loed back with <bc oomplacency of
minstrels. Tbc judge had an
assaned with the straiu of a p mular

owing for) diildish

. . -

M wretebee

K’swl m die advent ol _
wbr t iDust
soared bis Honor
was tbs presence In the coart-room of s
a Urac
Urge mtmber
number of medical
••oAenH ■ yodbg nun nf prevailing ssJlor of complcxiiui. most of
tb«n goo*
to heard, and all smclln^ of antiseptic soats
whkb, Ibongbdmnly enough in itscU. has anpkasam sitte*
lions ns the bnchgroond. T\ss« yoong men bad just com* liw
•a enamhurinn of some diacas* eorposeks. bpbnUfnlly moantod

fiSiMi oU'‘£n5S5S«rtrn‘n,.t. rfr

|b» gtl lkpoom M b tOMM bf

bow tbc cabals iMstis of

crvwtal haohk wKi
unattainable irkkac
deeply, and then took root*
like, golden, vibrating notes


raamcrei.”- the

______ __ -- looked further than qhc bh of glass, and saw in
his pathetic day'drram those other glittcriiM shanu for which, in
tbe coining years, be woold bartar ^ nmsic of bis nun's soul—
tbt woman's smik. (he crown of fame, the shine of gvJd, ibe
hearts of bis frtnidx Whatever it wav it spi'k^ 's>th a nioving
vwreinr**, ;.nd lUe t^airt was fi^bd with imi*ic of MK'h
awful toidcruesa aud sucogtb (bat tl swnicU absurd to cxuuuxt

rlaw t.
thousand persons'
each of the gates
gates, and those who flocked hairward
after that hour brought the attenilanee
up to seven hundred ihouyand, round

Topping a yelk.

***But*lhe'^“‘t do n<< ojrn themst hrs
What-they have be­
longs to the hr.vd of the family, that he may make a hotter fight
against tbe wolf of poverty. Tintu, without even ka.king at it.
wearilv carried the money to Luis, and gave it all up. It was no
eunrerti «>f his
HLs duty was just to work and to hand over
what hr made like any workhouse drudge. His childbood never
knew the delight <>f spending money.
."tdi, tbc p*H>r little tbiitf r erwd a teacher. Her eyes moist­
ened and her hand fumbled in her purse.
Tbc “rutetiews" of
Tiiuo ct.oM not tui^ tbe teachers, Imt his oochildtshnest ^went
straight to their womanly beans, and this time tbdr mooey freely
As the Trevinos eagerly watched the shower of silver, they
correvtl* estimated it as sufficient to pay off tbe latt penRy ow ing
upsm the boose, and figured a residnom.
They were shrewd
realixe also tbi^ this public tide-taming would make of
..It of genteel distinction |o their neighbors, and the
faces were as bright.^vitb eyes and teeth.aran altar with
^nardi was sensibly endeavoring to weak outside, wkick sug­
gested a ffnafe h^r ibe judge.
-Get out. everybody T be ordci
wasted miucly Uw. much thnr s'ver it. Clear miL*
AC o» right, S. S. McOure Ca)

it collected at
iiade famous hy
■ilion '

wicked Katy Did.

a half dollar





up a light cane ami p>.krd under the

iri^^turther con
\Iu?!r^« a that, ;

BompuWe to J M * /
K niusic
caniuH Iw
1*. wiii of the
muuc whxTi
ttht.-* came
eanw from
Ineti Tinm
So> much caiuuK
ce. of \inn«»vanc'v t*» the i-iiritu, for
vfQltn. That uni
.!. <
I< ,


lam there 'iiK'e it* lo'V

Ireviutiv. as iicighhorsiicighhors ;■ h.vw
hi>w uLUit^.
unclean}^. giveti
givet> tu met
l.c.i»is«.me diseases, luiw unpatriutic and umduratumal. imt e,pec-lls nKonsiiUrat. u. the ,Kr:vi*tmc> with wlmh they inciird
luu.i If Untiujcly practice c4 m-1* mie nines ujs*n a iIiscoTilaiit
1he\ prsved m»t onlv for aliatrmenl. hut ho- ah-wdulc

vmaldv III the mind




.h„ h.. ...h
him wrU.’^nifuViird Zaiu.rdi. ‘ whf have been h*s fneml (r.HU

. .n the CO

V i


' >«•** *iirk* ul turniiure, Zanardi set the


f.vrever plav

• .W.m t V4.0 .-nror .'.w r '*
plr.vK d
Klvia. but ViiH-ent *h»...k his head. He

:„%r..:cre.:;r^..t s'huil ebd^""

He*w'a* really ckvri in his enmitv. and kept

I 4<1 galHercsl t«y«it’«*


uiukr the iow .x-mng
pursuit (of his plav thing


And *he-h.s wTfe. not; the xtatel>
name and showed t*ff his wealth, hi
used to bring ber violm and pla> to
and the hrclight d*'Hcd over the ixirc r.H.hi that was h.,me
she in her hopes and pr.iphecies forr .him
him been
be-tl> plots!.
l!u''dtc'MU.i«f .*• - thii .^u'tgiir •». »ltat 'he


tviiiputifin |u bun

np.m their ear*.
mg wnh Umes-

Klvia sprang toward her sunt Th*
kiticn wa* <*ic \ UK lit! had given her
and for that rravoii didiked .by Miss
ln*t IS thrv rapied
t eievte
bravv Cl

.rl, the
After a hr*t shiv-er. a* from an u> dutch at his heart
la<k ami denied lex* to lixtcn t«>





Na’iglitv K.if. ,itr an awful

l old an aw inriK
But her unck MrpjKd with arge*.

He said. ' Kaiy did. .


IJule child^n. learn a

-haps the
, - two men ol this
•owd who attracted the greatcat at-------------Pokaron and Chiel
were. Sitmm
iwatomie Indiaii*.
John Youne.
Chief John A’oung. facing a sea of up
turned paleface*. toW bow bis father,
of the same name, had mven Chicago
its name, and with true abongtnal can
dor be uiterpreted it to mean “where'
tbe sktrak dwell*.Simon Pokaron
•tood by Chief John Young's side be
he wa* bom on that September
27. *ixP-thre« year* before, when hi*
father deeded to Ciovemment agents the
ivnd on which Chicago has been buih.
The Chicago World's Fair was nota­
ble for its great crowds
lUinoi* day
brought out nearlv 244.000 persons; In

Her Concluston.


Prior to Chicago
the greatest
crowd ever at an «xpo«tk« iiumbmcd




BOY.' °„“J',V!,‘iFRI5E



W& «»d fraot.
ioocokd ttDdkr a Kuk
ckifPB. I tkonVl reJ«.____ _____

•» “5ii nic)ui« dovo

d«B. wdtt*f » fk«
fTilkS^a ittb f*fcoT^
tewn, UKk Wtiaac And kbek docM S«i« ai« aa

TRUE BLUE «0.. bcpt.


.r,!r'.sri^£ri5?i« yyijT
es&i\=a£ESL-^.--»*^ ™

_____«km b»



.^s^vr.5 «5S«rf

v£t i^js^TySs^jrtS^iS
Lmk uik
tkp Wrtlu TIm ftkavet
wMd k«n4 and ioMked
llK ulk AixrU
rrtd, «f of

%mA HM«t

!%* Jsfl sSiiS eS'ff'iirv!?;* :is?nSi 'z t.

^•Ntid* ourriT

•riOi « fcdd of ufctt ending m • lioW kow in iht fnM and

Th% MarJoH# Umnm Catalogue
<A M of Fatohlono : t i i : : : : il M

Marjorie Dane’s. Latest Patterns

With the yolM. the »ktvM

tW ar


- 533. flK«‘i7,«‘jj.'r«4’£u:":dr’ oir,;! st

td \ct a very
the yoke, the
ir<mid l«ecoiiK as
■'Vi—'•” '"'T''. '*!*'*
*'“» au»te a different eilrct
There it a body Uiunf and tkia body limiM u laevd to form
>x4e at the arint^eyea whm to dcaired. The waiti iitelf it

£- >'S3ii anrhJT'i.i:





il M


il il


fray ma, frrckk*.




edge* at^ uwis^ to the armt-evea teams The tkirt it dec
gored ^»d It laid m a tuoreaaion of backward turnmg nlaitt that
are tiitched (U« fv a abort dtPance below the waitt Ime. The
tw.» are jomed and the clotinf u made mviaibly at the back.


('ompanylng iheMlweartlolewahowthr AuUhed
garment• wa well aa the vartows tsaeia in pnH^<s••
of cuual^e^tt. and the vartows kludsofetltch

il il
Ne*w YSfh^ty.

■^. “ouii«,;.S



Jj? u!!Li!I!.

The team* arc «iv-

“arrow *orc»» The «ai»t it tucked uo
trimined arouird with trim-

.Mu'S ::,'b r.*;! i:;te .sLiis
^ ■ i?2rfW'iTv.
•>, at 1 am Wuii ImiUl and need J.4» «.( frillt to look well
imiurnuur. to
m> it
il tuutt
la- all bUck'
;tatt|g in lujurmug.
mutt W




H:SnL=Ha jS-rlSI-S


)eart ok^5 feii h’mehS
Use aulMiro hair, bjt.wn eves
m> mutt hcoumiug uilort?—



iHg mid combuMd with thkld iid^colla^ of whiu. klt^dlrk*j£
oostumai of tW tort and tome of the thapbefd't
checks alto are
*•“» »»*<« they are umuually pretty
iwl youthfu. ... ...
The drett it nmade^imtb ajrooothly fiM
a form the
shieH the skirt and tS bh!S
o arc closed to...... .runts and hack.
finished With a tailor collar, and it closed
at the
the front while it
•sed at
It drawTi up at the sraia line bv iner-----of' clastic
- mserted in the
Ihe tirever are canforiablv full, tu.kcd at their lower
,...1 c..;.i.-.. ...r.^ •
5»,t ^ff


* F»‘*> kttle modgl that can be utilized in a varietv of

“!« a* » »* treated*^(ieT™ic*‘faSVAnTr"ailother“

on. -But It can be nude to take still
king the slcevet and the fachiK to nuich
---------------- —«1 “‘rt are of contrasting material or
agam the arms eye .facings pan be done away with altogether
and the dIresi nude with a prettv contrasting voke while the
sleeves aree ....»
stitched to waivt and lining together Iti any case it
is a very ch.irw
ch.irmmg little frock and will he found a very eaceJtrill model1 fur
bir the many pretty materials of the ooming tea-

S^h^sard of comrattnig nuterial



A Korean Supper
Egft. Corean Style.—Boil twelve fresh
eggs fur right minutes. Remove from
Ihe fire, plunge in colif water for a
minute, lift and thcll them. Cut a piece
off the thicker end of each so they will
stand lip. and cut a quaitcr of the
white from the xnp so as to enaUe the
}cdks to be easily sccxipcd out .\\rw re­
move the yolks and place them m ^
bowl with a tahlespoonful
ham. a saltcjvtoiiful of chopped parsle.i

•irTo avoid deUy be iui« td *Utc sizg of patUrn detired.

the company blushed from center to circunifer



Fool Sail, with a college swagger


Just then, the Moon chipped in.
**l m a kill. Uki! How «nild you seet nights
nights w
without me?"
lere would
1 and all?

2S 3^


. "And after all." sang a far-away Star, "what is the whole
umicrae but a great s.vsicmatic Game of Ball» '

said Ihe
‘but wlieii Tall ctwnes ><*u

as just at full






grabUpg ipr )ou "
f!'* ”
^ ■» «*“>» »**>'•
b« f*ed his
Crtvat a hub atratghter. \nvt me a select httle parts of fs,urtwo man and two gitl», and them when 1 go spmimig 4wick and
forth om
aal jtui watch tbote young folks Theres giacc

aSeTSu's: c


t^viU *”

"Moutei before

d l^al


lor twx> r ■
sen e.

Old North Pole Job


to >oii They track nw wer the bead with a wkIch suck,
t^y track thru knuckles Uytug to‘ caicn
catch me on tiu
the tl\.
ff\. an<I
chatiim me au.uml a lag
m thot^ like mad. Thev
call n fim. too l'n\ a pretty unpoaant
UU all-aiound fdlow. 1 Aat-

w-taMespoouful of good butler and two
tablespoon full of cream, or butter work'
ed soft with milk. SeaKm with lialf a
teaapoonful of sah. a talt^mfi
iful nf
. ..
and hah
_ ____
ea.venne pepper
haM a taltspcHinful
of grated nutmeg. Mix the whole to-

The pattern SS97 h cut in tires Uh girU of Ml 10 and 12
srart of age.
Either pattern will he nuiled to am address on receiiii of
York^CiIv^' ^'»norie l>ane, 44 East Twentv third street. .New

A A The Balls Discuss Themselves—By Sarah Noble Ives
<iC‘‘EKS art auMx thmgt.*' taUl the
»< “ , as
- i-he sat
tkiwn M
of tW cwrj. and *-'•*— •••••iself ■ 1 hcv
, the edge
ceruuiJy arc goer. Thes have

Acayrra waktku



Tw“ty.tktrd Atr«Yi,


The pattern 5.W it ctit in tires for girls of 8. la 12 and 14
vear« of age.
hJoute equine it greatly in demand and esery
Ti.- simple y
girl liket to include at least one in ker wardrobe It makes the
moat corufurUblc
ruble poas
poasikle schooi.
whool frock,
h is prettv __
and gii
and alupelher attractive. while
___ it it m'comtembJe'that
1 move about t
cate Tbit one it made
of one material throughout or
w^rattn^coj^at 1^ At

I r«d your departmentcadt week with inter-

aam don im4 fu dmii under the Autiuoc.

^ '*^'* •“*

il il

'*** score,'’* said the lioJf

.bc.V‘4:" s:: :,s



E^OR a11 who Aie gifted with a speculAtive inutgiiution, no rcAd*
I * ing could be moic fAsetnatmg than WaIicj WclkiAn’i account
of KU preparation for a vo\ age to the Pole in a flying machine
to be made next July. juH co^dve it a vast cigar shaped hai200 feet long, nivKizzing through the air faster than a
trolly car. suspended from h by threads that look floer than spun
>dk is a steel car afanost mfiiute)>' long in proportion to its width.
On it, as it hovers hundreds of feet above the earth, you can see
four tiny flgures the crew pushing this lever and that, dropping
the lead, taking ohser^ abons. arid shifting ballast, doing the hundred
things the complicated machine requires. From the stem of the
boat trails a “serpent" which dkags along the ground in the wake
of the strange craft Another great serpent hangs from the bow,
to be used as a drag anchor if the winds arc contrary'.
Franklim Kare. Nansen, Abruzzi, Peary *- all that'heroism
can inspire brute force to accomplish seems to have been done by
these heroes of Arctic explotation. WellmAn kimself, an old
at the heart-breaking methods of Arctic sled|^ is mExHKuim
science for force, while the herornn remains ronstant. The idea
catches the unagination kke a vision of the far disUnt future. The
world s l^ory shows not a parallel undi»rtalrir^

,h. number a«4^

**foUn ATI quaar thisci^** laid Um Bam




as a mean thing to -- ---------said Ihe^w
•■She i»o*t tos kdamc
„ she was nude afie )o
blame because
^vc he«i tbc origuial and >i«_____
__ _____
yiwi the sutvcssot.**
----- -----------“Well
I don'tcare
care |uiuheheipe
gpe^n of in the same dasi «hh
that nursery toy Tm hmoriai


ftm lapg aaceatry. ought to he above it. too

*NVho> t^l?

th» Moth
Mrtifi Ball Whew!
Oh. the

Well He mav


m pleasaiucr company.*’*
1 he Foot Ball ddisvrad
rrmarks]and then posted, hiim
vlf tu the windward of
sastiry Moth Ball while the
Base Ball said
the cab haBs>"
s ii
«««««<» *be TenaU Ball "There arc

"A bir.l m tbc hand is worth two in the bush,**
At hast, so the adage doth i
Bugg and his girl ha\e a diff
‘TheyThey- say ibcj
they can t sec it Uu
Mr. Bugg he 1
On a toadstric
A hs bird of prey (a moBstroos hhie iay>

Like aU the grent McQurc features,
this story is profusely illustrated
tkOan's UkgMint—fO ctnh a co^
fi.OO 4 y€»r—MU nnus stands




4«.«» Xut ijd StiMV /

have holm bitten
at 1 am really a


taoured th^ he if there were no people td maVe vou.
where would the peepk he withoat thelSAr




~ *-*-. VA '» • ■• • •

:• • k'9x^ r* ,\ isr^gMMiiBtfiwait


&015.T6 Of* ^t^oyORi^

I- ■■ •.


ir^E #*r







UM-a rx<
^>•1 tnt liUlll
the correct thiHC
The (k-nuud h>r tatkirrd \
but none uiuitcr
than the uiu: here jKmn




;r.r'Hntd''d*'^lj;Ji; r,V,
:i:t :*;i"^;;K;rv±-‘-"'' "-•’'•■• -‘■ *
% htut 1

liMWI i/iwiiw«»w»«l»

i: .£'


lull the m..ttrul will d«. a* ucll This de*igi, would he
ny «tt\th
nude up- in hfcurrd
•”"’'> artl»
;!i?t";^crd'^^sriid'-hr^c eiRhth*

"■'-■• •*'•

uKle v*iU he re>

and 4J^ hK-hc? bu•rn* h

4 ten cents
strcft. New York Cay

V.. SI7. Si/t. (<» .U .^. ii. w. «

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