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The Evening Record, June 08, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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fflim lire ww iw“ “L" "it.^
ORCMAMI woirr oivO
up puam
AT «IU0V»kL».
MmUM ta «a OaariAR OMdad
ao la aMa aa* dap Rr O «. wan.
, laowarakda far Raai Rl
ofTieiAL roMeART..
Fair and aaaawMad aaal «aa
MNH iT JM mm
m tTonii.
•«» f( un. MamiAa
OmM «MM •« MK
WW« %# IM tv9«liif
JLmf^murn, Kf, ^
viMi ^ ItAifMlI* ••I- •tMfwiM
«MW liMt Uii#1y Mvm Wirt Ittt An
IN tlM wm tt Ort^villt
Miitt untwn WM
iii4« 4imt i-ifttrti
#ffWf mm iOim
m^:f Nin
4» • iyitat wOMtii mmk ttet vMUvt
NtM tf tim Ob'b Wtbi 0#r Tbtif
Trutit tfid All Iltdttd M tbt
tlM^n it Entily ClMb*
td Up.
«f Vtr« l#«liiA#il.
PtMtOn. I»U WM tlM twt^ ^ •
Mitli #nmnti 4w»t but
iw llutt M.
Tbi #iHi it vtrfc •# ftr M bAM*v
Vt< #r« Htiiry
biM ib nfbbbtb
Mrt^ •uiin.
Pert lUrquetie pMMbgtr train
Na g was pMlb derallPd al 1:11 thlt
fieraoun. tba accident tbit tint oc
cunin* ntnr Henry, iblrty Ivt gtlltt
rtHitb of beta, wbert No. I vat nttent
ly parUally deraUed Tba cniiae of tbe
It tbougbi to bt a broken
4t PiiliMll mm U, Hm4 in JMtt addent
Tbt train pntttd hh, I ni THu»i»^
tWi^. Tbt f»«Wibnr injurtb it |OMnb
mvlllt nnd tberefore. no pntttngrr
TM ttninEt. tinitb tbt vUltn tmlic vaa Ued up tt thtt end of Ibe
ML Tbe eara and lEnk warn
all Qia biiMAId npC leave lb# Ut| air
veiv tbt truckt dauaged vblcb U to
be contldtred ver> lucky.
«ili^ Ityt t cycit
Hawker vaa In ckarge.
llili li^iL ARb. biUini ft
Tbe accident wat of tuck
I Mi WAprinil • mr% tf ttbt
tkal tke cart can be placed
rallt vUh coiuitarailve ento.
IlM Of mury OFvbnrd todny.TM »nr
4tt«r «M Mind If bt dl4i»t fftn up
|bi« tUMMi W >—iMitiA Ooftnior
CnmpUlMAt a nbn •pvMpw Ont ef
VMboiy nrut vticbtef bM
jrt*lL “Ko.- nnkt Ordwrd. -4
\%0 Crtppit Crerei to cut
o ktl» «•.**
A grtnl «o«d wti ni tbt court
of k|p
tlflcata if they are proven. E. A Srynty. to betng tried b<e
fort Ue board uf county examiners
Uls afternoon. Tke compUlni was
made by Jolla Bowdea a sch.ad ditkxt
of Summli City and was filed .May
Hrynni baa Juai ddaed bis sckuol^
year there
after leacbtog eight
months, during Ue greatej pan of
hlch. tl Is said, he was subyeCl to ae
era ciiUcam.
R U. Lad. at chairman of the board
pmdded and J J Twt^ddle a; tod for
Bryant. Oommiaaiouer Crisp r«wd thOF THE NORl
complatm which charged the deUnd
with writing Ue woid ‘Washing
ton“ on the blackboard and offertug
Firtwtrkt Will If Ut LaUPl an the cblldrco a prUe for the greaioai
Mat end Will Et WorU Cominp
number trf words made frtmi It 2\. \\
lustrate bs moaning, he stH-lU-d an tm
piuper Word. U U said aiul afteiwaid
admitted U alUough Ue at fltwl xtout
ly denied UTbt rbuitb to Traveito© City %h\*
The iaal* charge wwa that uf fro
year will be indeed glorloua and
home people and the vltUon* will ft-r l
that Bryant left u»wu e%
aailtiod ibat patrioUam U wbai
ery Sunday and came back blonday
should be In Nortberu
Michigan umnilug with an unusuiJJy had t*-m
Nothing will be lacking, not u dtjla per and he was kmmii t.. fix^ueut
omitted and tke committee to charge aaiopna. Mr. lk»ad.-u u-VOfMug that
baa arrnnfed and la ailll arranging ba bad seen him with a very gvsHl
pn«ram Uat will go abend of any- •*sUrt.“
vr underuken. That It will be
The school board of Summit City
AlrfteR. FFto. WkH>
was here en masse along with other
knnrtjthrobntaf mrow. RM. »W
^ihe pUiiH'. ail Tciy indlggayiOE M Ut lommUlee behind
l over the man s actions .nn.l hop
aro all ntperitnced and have n
that he will bo puniahcHl
bar Of auocwaaaa to Uelr credit
romithino ooino hirr tvcaiV
MINUTt THR fourth.
Far BOVS atot aiaLS
Tbt music will auirt early and will
laat late. Tbe beat braaa bandR pru
eill be secured and in add
Uon to this* that use inairumeuu of
braaa- then* will be file and drum
corps and iho music of the»Mj will art
JOHN HOLbIti HOUEE iUiNBi Ue fbet oT the ikmh»Io to ketplns
Ucii jncllnatlom.
Horaa Vacea.
Tba Travorirt- Oly Driving ISirk sr
Loti Will Eatetd E4.000. WMch
htdd a mettug Thursday
Only Partially C^vtrtd Ey intur
evening and decided to giva a race
tnce—Lett Practically Total.
prcMitun ^ tbe >VurU. Tbe small ad
mlaalon of 2S cents will be charged
there will be some exelUng,
The retidenci* uT John Holnee
OtibU. A uumbt-r of local korawnen
Id kitaatok vaa buiurd to Ike ground bivt Uair ttet^s m i raining and the
Mad# All Kindt of O.rt Threatt. But
Ittl evening, tke caute being
rtEk «M never in belter shape Uan
EHaritf Johnion Landed Then All
I la this spring. Some quiet speed
Safely in the Detroit Houee
Tkc'lamlJy kad poal returned when rials have been Indulged lu and the
of Correction,
tke Ere a
dUcov ei ed al the ra
Ue halves and quarters aiv made
CwirM W«»» AwarAM Olloiitrf An aileoipt vaa wad
to it decidedly low. Tbe aa^Uou
control tke flamet vkick «at ur
aiU also have aUlrtic cooteau. so
Shertg Johnson returncnl leM night
Lhe house, the bulk of the furnl Ut local lUhlciea bad better stay M
rr»»m .Detroit, where he toak the four
luiv. buggy abed and towe iwidewciUt
hobos a ho sen* w ntt noed to the Do
vert deairoyed.
FubHt Ekartltaa.
troll houee of eorrertlon by Judge
iome of tbe furniture was' carried
Tba publto exerciaea will bo full ol
building but tbe loea patrioUam from ntort to ftulsh an^ NerUagwr. Wednesday, Although‘the
win exceed «4.ufK». abich U partially win be of Ue old fashioned order quartetta had made vailous ihrcau
sbonl the trip, swearing that they
coteivd by inaumncer
with a flow of oratory. This feature
would never enter the prison dotirs.
• -Ana* K)l*«lMmith.
is oixm neglected but will be carried
qut»ln full lu Traveree City
down. It wsk diecovered
•^r n>H« P~H* eomiane.1
that the men are all sailbia and
««uM U (A* Rl. FVucu lU^ •rWwl Mm. CkgHta f. VMkMkll, Atad E2.
Tkeq* will be aporU and games of
at tbe
twl •tvnlui and cnuluataA vlth
0«td at tb# Hama ef Her Eep.
ail Idpda sad tke prtoM wiU bn yery 8oo bn acc-oum of trouble will, the
oaajr kiMKUa and «teal c^adtt. Tka ex
Victer. at MgpAa City.
A bast ball gime wUl be play
captain. William Ryan was second
llflirr laafc pUc« al tke Oimnd opara
Ike kMi laaau l» .rtki •«
mate of the vessel and Ur^ detS
I by a laiae SpeoAni to tba Srenlni Beoord.
kORtk ikd
Uo* of ib« kUte
hands, six in number, all followed him
niAAkdr o( paopla. Tka prognai
City. Mtckn. June t—Mr*
Fir. Wark*.
over the rail. They
asseUkkUl MBderad In a«ea daudi Cba^leg R. ViakooblU 8r.. died at ibe
Tke ooBmtllee k» nuuto • veo Ub^
• hum” and, unluckily for tbvmi. struck
Ika ttu kdanj. akoala, oantul buwe uf bcr ton VlM>r. of OiU
aral appropriation for fireworks ol
Ikdl^ aM pratwmUun and Ua abort at the age of kl yeara. 8ke was bom all ktoda. Tbo day wUl be opcortl. by Tiaveiae City.
Ryan holds first claae plk>t‘e papers
0<i«a «f OMnw Wcht»r k«lkc (»u in BObewlv. WW SOik. lUk. euUmUHl the flrtni of bomba sad Ue deiona
whlck extend fr«u Buffalo to Duluth
at IMabw •hX* akouM naraa at
America to the year toil ike
UOM WiU be heavy enough to brtiMl
lirami M|ni» to Ida >oaa« faopla In aided for aowe tlmt to Newark. K J baa reiBembraaod^ol Port Arthur and from DuluU to Chicago, besides
all iBlervenlng water* and wale is
tbvir lOBOMF rtn>u«k lUa.
where ake was jototd to
At touiTbia after Ueee have been ex
nmning into the great lake* The
Cbark* Rudolph ViahockU and wUh
. <QatlAkk*qkRaeaAd !■>«»■>
d,* there wUl be fireworkr
klB lemoM^ to Cbksaitk wbwe Uey throughout the day and ai ulgbL officers were at first skeptical
questioned hlm,as to namN of insj^^t
lived for only
wiU'be a display Uat wUl put
^ «bem corthey rnaoved to Nortk Unity. Uttton to ahame those made to Ue cities ai ors. etc., be answcrii*
feotly. The papers were taken out
OaNRb i.amtUh Wamndfd Wlh and
deyelawL ftkt uatad aU Ue bUter- Sverylkto gaew wtH be introduced AprU 7 of Uto year and are good tor
Triad ta OaaMM RaMda-R.
neea and privation togeUer wUb tbe sad Ue apeoucator diaptoy
L a.
R. * L deca^lve
dacMtlvi was on the
)oy Uat camoa of Ut frew
loag to Ue memory of Ue amgll boy.
and OmoEhi y re
todepMianoa of pIomm Ufe.
the medium alxed bog. and Ue oM
liM M ona c^Orand RapMs gang
Ska wlUtoiatd tbo obnniM ^ironikt boy.
UanRkW t(Hv kllM kin U-PW-old r ball a oanuuir, nnd now to Ue
teiiRkMr. mHouXt »«uaRk« kin nrllo. fuitotng of yenm pnaaod nwny. ponoe
■IfRie «RU«. nnd in OtR- »• fniiy. lonTtag four pom. eiM fo
On Monday. Jhm IEUl wo advanco
Onn UM to nRonl n konRnr.'kRV ton gmnd obUdrtn ber tliMl non bntrtoE
Ua prtco ol spool ooMon to ic Ue
, tarito* «wR wtM. TV* aamm to nn- pieytdpd btr into Ut fiwnt b
to the ^ to naked to ioia SPOOL Wo aiw foroed to taka Uto s(Hot rnntibl wm oondooiad by Ut to Uto WiU a Boat of some klad, evtkm Qw aoeownt of Ue raoMi advance
Hm. JoiMb Tremato from Ue borne
to €7c a doiM by Ue manufatourera.
ommrnm mmm m mem prnmm of btr, won Victor, on Wwdt
J. W. MiUikep
JnM Etb. a^ was very torgely at j
Fi ^
' :•'
Ha Waa« t
aa W MUf
H.1VINTM Yt4l»-»H0
; I
MWO ^ Ibt 4M
SRtbM lEMbL MldP %
nM mk 4ddM>ail«.
•t FwtoDf Ptotura
Waot toua# tohiok tor •oawtUag saHabfetogrietogndMtRe Weaiv W1 Mocked
MUMulcitha&mbMof eillBool(a,rWae|r
StsUoaary.Fogartalarwis aaS stker
aamrtele Novciticf.
City Book Store
• iRbt fit the K^et
E^oatEE nEimv inierulrti ibay
thoakl Hi.
Wc Have Siieli SiMkcs
Patrni Leather or G»m
Meta], liigh or low cut.
Lace or Buiion.
lor Ue newest siy lea to SumOMr tliik« .
shlru. kau or caps?. We mtIH tt PM
AMU with anyihlug you need to fumtobtogs from the ciwn of .vuU- bend to
Ue sole of your fool (n 4bf newtat
and be>l levies to be. found In tbe cUTk
Our stock of negUge shirta. llttL belto*\
socks, hnderwear. sulu abd cravanettta are worth hunting for to tba
saUafaitUm they will gtvc.
W« nak the opportuuily of
proving to you our nhilily to
fit chiwien’t (wt orrecUy,
A. V. Friedrich
Loion Si. Cloihieifl
Date Crackles
A pituM dnW •lutTrtl
with aliiiom)s and corrbi-aly cvwiWd with » bi*c9
Into. Dll wo urt'il U) flgy
Try uud
CSocolstc Coated
Are You?
. Ate you mtiiug youi moneys
w*uUi wh^r*. you atp Imying
your cli^nuw’ We belo ve we cau
give you your numey s worth or
tveji moiv. It you are a five<< nl cigar smoki r try our
A Havan.f fu;ar for five cents,
«u <mr .New iVefo Kao Cigar
W.. thliik ».■ hn.' It..- b<M t.-D
CfUl goo-l* oil thf m.tiKei In
Everything in the much
wanted O.xford. Not in
many yearn hai there
been such a demand for
these an wan promised
this season and NEVER
have we had such a
showing for ever>’lK>dy.
Wbtdtbtr f«u an
Building ar BtpaMng
We want to fi^iire wth you on the mater.ala,
Wp Have every-
thing in this bne.
We hot only have everything but what vtre have la just the kind
you will be sattefied with after your work ie compleUd and you will
find the pnee right whether it be for a single sfek of lumber or a
building oomplete,
Anothei-thing we a^^very parttcular about is glvmg our custo
mers work when it is p^mieed and delivering promptly.
i ’
BoeK*s Dob AbIobIo
In th.. u* w Ahui*. -* and si/es.
• Sap|K».^«- V4MI trv .-.onK' of
these.4 AT
Craoerse City IHfg. Co.
Cor. Lake Avcbmc
TcBth Sis.
Drug Store
InOIspeBsable to gopa
CooklBo. ,
IDEAL brand of flout. If you’re
toJ.J Ihu Kuch and-'a ich a flottr to
•just SH g(»od" donT you believe IL
No btfiier made Udn
and will stand say
Traverst City Milling Co.
Here is Recipe No. 2
Yoa wlU ttad tl EzecUcaL
These arc Our Strong Lines
Another big invoice of 'Hats
expected today, fresh from
the manufacturers.,
Flaky Pie Crust ,
- -T -a
S7.S0. SiO. SI2-. Si2.50
$15.00 and $18.00
please every time ia both fit,
style and pattern of cloth.
Hknnah & Lay Go.
GatiONOW. Oar Use
tha year a the latgeU «e
oave ever carried a *
’ piioea ere thcgbfwst.
W«hs*s SB exoeptiooaRv
UMI aMI m ,
Don’t fa3 to Me the Foldiag Go-Cart aith recHair
back aod adjtmahk foot rest
cat.... _________
VIMlh cacMT » teWR
wean lonfeM and c<n
most, it u the best paint
Made to paint buildings
SOU> »t
Frank Trude
Old P, O, BuiWing
reatrnlnt ytA would have hlgh idaate.
Those vrho have graduated
on Jau
ti rttooM m n
1. iWt.
4j .*:
I :
|%»niker M « PTMS4MIIU&
It evUlMlJr popuUr with the travel
ikal U at popular aa the
tWfUvtree 1. hen- When Jil. natnt
Vf. awiUoiiwl lu ibes^ajltoal cup
irfBlkNU Ike kuUhu of ihe grip greet
^ It wim g ttrlng of hlanet and wlmo>
ever It oocuied In the addree. thenafter, the aaiue alga waa maniliwled
The advicw given by BUhop Rlcht* r
to the t( FranrU fradualet laet ^vfx
log could la followed with prodt by
lu brief he advocated
Pfwcttalng aeJf rtaUralnl. diligence, re
/ uining high IdenU and being virluoua.
While the practiae of ihMe pUncipkw
tuay not brtui wealth, they will aure
iy brio* bapplntaa
Biol) pin. the ouitl hated man in
Ruaala! haa loot hti high pUoe and
the people of that lounlry are a^aiu
beUaving that they are facing a new
The depoaiiUm of Blolypiu b>
the rtai^ aavod the rerolutioutata the
in Mooor of
Miaa Roaict Kaiity.
Helen Htnui and liuogene
i'wnenKi gave au upum wliower fut
Blaa iOunUe Kelley at the home of
Mtaa Cameion. Hiate atrart. laM even
tng. the allaU being very pienaant
g\ie and a<% tluui am*
ladint prwnni laat evening ajid each
one gave hei un apron, alie haa plenty
to Itegln houiu^ketnbng with.
The evenUig waa vwy iMi^aaauily
paaaed In writing a “ixiein" to g«> mtth
each apron, njoalc and a Imrieaqur
\ wry dainty lunch aaa
eeived. the »er\lnK m-iug done by the
kliaaea KRUabeth and IahiUo Stnuilh
.aaite and Margaret Mtrffal
menu w aa , y
CreanuHl Hncken in TIuilde Cat
FoUlo Cbipa
Hi>l RolU
Btttffed Olirea.
Halted Almon
Knitt1 1Balad
Ice Cr^m
Property Owner* Meeting.^
AU the property owner* of Blghth
stropt are
to attend
merilng thla rnening at k <K» ocU»ok
thf* councU nrom to cuoaider
aharp In thr
4he paving Vnetion.
America. America. America.^t
ike conUaucMi. slar. of^ .uo.
the Lord gave a gift of iiisht
But alsbt iilw.jr. pMMi asd «V
lurna.' Jwl .3 U I. to , W*. Uto
ctouto ct «wrow .tol
<tothrr »re only
•DO brttod
tor (UB atornyi
ami m II ii nlto Ood. HU
praMBco alway. . Ilabton. a|I
»ven in tchool life, the day* that
e the happleti of all. there
clood.. but thete paan rerr looi
really amali Happineaa It only
rlchtif for being delayed.
The tpeakei then mantlooad
aatot who aaw the tunthina of Ood In
the huU of e»Uc. among the lad
end in far dUUnt laoda. ITaiigue.
gratitude. exhau*tlon were all made
iwauiiful by Ood t preeenoe. The pa
tience and faith rauti be amuleiad lu
aald Mia* Blvek fr»r. “There’a a
dUluUy that aUaywa our enda.**
A aolo by Ray Ferkett. ”Thf 8hli>
That I lAive.- with a chorua compoead
of thirty boya'wM the ueit number
and wa* well given Thl* waa followed
by tt drama
-Tht Pearl of Prlceleat Worth.The following t«j«k part In .the profceuUtlon of "Thf Pearl of Prlcelc**
Prlvwleaa. MU* Bc^tiice HuallmanFlora. MU* Htleu MKlarry.
Uiy. Miaa Ruth Daebn.
Violet. MUa Florence Fogarty.
Huku. MUa Margaiei Ormham.
Tereatrla. Mtaa K^a OAirlU
tveauii. Mi*h lx>uiae Mene*
rhr>»oline. Mlaii Balfr Brown
AerU. MUa Anna KUughMiulth.
Meioora. irfla* Sophia Bllaky.
tVlealla. Mlag Buate Wk**ler.
I^ayche, Mia* HalUe BUaky ..
ChrUUna. Ml*a Helen Sivek.
Ihiring the drama there ware two
dueti by Mia* Helen McGarry and
Mtaa 8alte Bmwn which w-ere thor
oughly >-uJ«yed by the luidtence. the
niece cloalng wiili the Mpging of the
• Te Daum •
-Sweet VluleU waa the Utle of a
pretty little wmk by a number of
amall gliia dreaaed to represent thU
modeat Howim. TbU number waa (ol
lowed by a piano duet by MUa Maud
Uifayette and MUa Margaret Huai
mantel which wa» given in u very catigbla manner. Mia* Lafayette played
all the ntompauimenu of the evenly
in a way which reflected much ^rodU on the young lady
Th* haa Main lu Paarlg.’'
-The Sea Hath lu PaarU. U ThVe
One for Me. waa tha title of a well
written and well delivered eaaay by
MUa Anna Kliagleamlth Miaa Klfogletmlth. In a'clear. dUtlnci voAea told
of the treaauiea that the sea held and
Tbc Day of Opportunity
A RE YOU SAYING fw the foj af mPW-
A tuaity? feeBebeoeau rich by rrasu*
lac enurtuittet. bat it always takes a
little meaey *ie handle the details.*’
Tbe myriad
telling ulea of gladnaM aiald the
tba k>w wind* cadencing
through the pinew. Ue tlngiiig of the
the heauUea of the hanvent
are aU treoaure* if they arg but ap
Ood gave tragauran to averyono kol
Ilka tha uocut dUBMmd the/ ara of
tan hlddan away.^t at the dlamood
hecomet beautiful by being poHthad.
may be developed. Tge
paarl u made a banbUful jewel by the
of a mollna^ Tha talaou of ov•ryone may be made loto beauUful
paarU by afforu. Meo riak thair ilvat
for paariu k&d we may be called to
(oU dayt fur our pcorta. MIet Kllngla
amith referred to tha Biblical tlory
of tha tan Uieoit In conclutlon and
urged her haareni not to bury their
talent in a napkin, but to strive,4o
increaaa it
The -Utile B*> IWp * drill and pan
tomime eAa very pretty, the girl* be
ing in shepherd ctwtumeaud carrying
Hhepherda* crook*. The following look
liart: MItiMa Helen Pyer. Kathleen
Slater, Etigenia Holme*. Marion Me
noakey. Nellie Hctollhan. Joaephlui*
KInnucan. Angela Schwalllei. Claia
r tutor. Amelia Ouibord. Celia Ulbb*.
-Woman. Inffoential.”
Thom te noth
ing in Hie that mnaiiu unchanged,
said tho apfdker.
Ail thfog* go
through UU trantilkin. they come,
they grow, they reach thair mask
mum and theo decay and: die. Thi
toetai Ih tha naamar te radolent ol
Aowacu. tha atraaa ftowt twUUy on
ward, but In the winter, tha flowera
and hlrdn ara gone and the ttreaxo
U tee locked Tha wind whuper* in^
toothing hrtaaa but Its velocity in
craatad. U baeomaa a dtettnicUve hur
rteana. Tha taa. tha Imea. the flow
art and even tha day* are example«
Man himtalf te not exempt, he ii
doomed to death. ThU irasuiUon i«
not tuddea. It U gradual and comet
by important ctoige*
Addressing the cla**. the *peukei
stated that they had reached one uj
thaaa mile alone*, the chapter wai
about to be cktead. Childhood wa* nc
more, llw ciatw had enjoy ed plea*
am companioanhip and now that thf
l»artlnR mutt come, there wa* **d
lu-M. • Tomorrow we. enter upon i
new <xmr*e,” he said. -The admoni
ilouk of our beloved pa»ti»r and teach
cra'wlll.noi be heard, we mu*t *»u«t*ir
<‘xpatlaied upon iht chim
Delicious REX
portnalty **knocks nabiddea tace at every
cate.” Have yea savedeaetchnatey-ta ‘
baadel the details?" If let we lavite yw
te e»ea an icceoat at this baak this
evealnf, C
The bishop explained that he did
not neceaaaiUy mean alUining wt^lh
when he spoke of tuccewa a* the
ord* of today ahow that there arc
many sad hearts tn palace*. Neither
do honor* satitfy. the only true hsp
pineaa being lu a vlrlnou* Ufe.
The congregalioci wa* then t-oogi tulaied on having such a scnool.
Sei'ular education alone U not enough,
'there must ta? reUgi<ma eduratiou alio
and this was what waa given at the
parxK-hial school. He said farther that
If the sister* w-eie prewenl. h» would
ih:ink tlum also as while their work
waa silent. It was a great one. the
educating of the young He cUshtsl
by hoping that foe tfaduauw would
a credit to thel^ teacher*
The last uumb4*r on the progiam
wa* a chorus. -The tlraduuUs' h'HTe
well "
E^^hth Grade GraduaUs.
The eighth grade gradiuiies wiM^e
George (Jn.ve*.
William .Shiehb,
Jacob V«>gi. Lewis Dion. Maude Lafay
ette. . Florence <\»uruule. Winifred
Straight. »\H Cum*
Method of Ruwinttt Writing.
Waller (»im«-fc. ('..sirge Gmoi-s. Wil
Haul Shields. I>*wlK riif.n. Loubtr
Mtrte*. li« bn C<*ve\. Mmid l,afuyette,
Nora Slater. Ruby Hucllmautel. Mar
gaiet Hueilmantel. Lillian Moblo. Nil
•Woman. toBueutlai- Bhn «aa al •rlea. how while the. *im ha* 4iou
tired in white and carried white carage*, the llowei> bioomiHl, th
natlona and her e**ay thowod that bird* sang ami nature,ha* punuK-J
she had
the cauvr
bad Mlowt-d .he
cai.vr of the
n of ,ho past very clow. ^
gr.*. women
♦•ailiekt dawn of <.'*hrltly fV.au (be ea.liea.
.-hrU,- ...
.... tool from the
... ......
of the
Iteally. wuiuena lufluvuce ha* been
ThI.-t life U but a prt-paraiiou toi
felt., aald Mtea HuciligauteJ. A* the aomelhiiig tn-tler. aomethlug lilKhtei
mother Ol <-DrU. .be .tatwl. out cb-arl
and dUtluct.
^n the day
day** of the apj.
ap^ ! There it one word that occun tn al
MUi. 1balric<- Huellniamol
^ that U fare
ikw the wa* a.iKUeot factor. In the!^
81t|*k. w**re graduates o!
arena .be ... toe Vlcum .d P.«.b p^’.^Te .Len «W™«od lather Baud
rial departuieut.
ih»* ciinmiercbr
Urn., on toe scaffold.
»ca*old. her lip. aave thanking
him for hU tBoria
for tlu
forth words of faltlr and the sptwker claa* and tuting that if It waa a J<n
Remembei the day and
then told of Ht. Ceclla who converted lo kuuvw that labor for bnv wa* noi
pla>. .\nierlra. June I'.th
the pagan* ar<»und her.
lu vaiu. be wUhod him u brimiuliu
Woman's true dcvelopmeui U tu measure. He bade larewell to the
giving counsel and support aald MU* teachers and advteed the class to kc
Hueilmantel. and the told of the the motto •'Veritas
taint, who had been cheered onward;
toward ht-aveu. by the Inflnence of
. Preienutlen of
faithful mother* and *1*101*. In the
The High achpol. eighth grade and
time of the cru*ade*. it was woman
mmanahlp graduate* were then a«who sent man forth-^. Woman gave
mbled 4nd the diploma* wer»‘ pre
Everybody who buy* BE.X
the world cblvalry a* the knlgtn* sented by the Right Rev. Henry JoCboooiatw pronounoot them
swon? to protect woman. Tight her »eph Richter, biabop of the diocese.
perfect. They are ibe obocowrmig* and succor her In dlsireas.'
Master M. Groves. Misses Nellie Hoolate* with the taste. When
Woman's influence may be ju*t a*
Shaue and FTwncl*
you buy-eaody toll the man
potent for evil but fortunately there* Sivek handed the diplomss to FTtther
yon want that made by
good women thanjuid one.J|^^‘
Bauer, who in turn passed them to
Wherever the task, there Is a woman
seated. Kneeling,
the bishop
UA—MT who was
there to do U.
graduate ktesed the bUhop’s slgThe woman of l»07
vantage that woman of bygone days!
did not possess and surely there I* ml
Advtes to Graduates,
grfot work for her The speaker ad-1 The Rev. Fr Bauer then Introduced
the bishop who spoke brieny confin
vised that Mary the Immaculat
ing his remarks to advice to the grad
taken a* in example in life.
• Revel of the Rosea.* a pretty pan nates. The bishop said that he was
tomime was ffiven by lllsaea Effle much pleased to be present' and wit
DeeluL Kate Hchnelder. WUuOfred nesa the successful graduatloa. Those
fltmlghi. Neiite Moblo. V^nr MoWo. who graduated from the High school
Pesri Curtis. FTorence Oourtsde. Ri^ hare now enter^ upon a different
line of work, be said. WhUe in school
gina Kllnkner. Mary Mlew.
A • F'lrecracJter Drill" by ten little they were ohllgml to study dlJIgenUy
boys, the youngest of whom wa* Ui and this habit of diligence te one of
eiemenu of success. The disci
clue OulbofC «»ly « y«tto old. met
with the approval of the spectatora. pline of the schotjl indheed seif rethe young men being dressed lo tep stAlnt ffolch U alto neceatoiT if »ucrfsent giant notee makert. The. drill cess Is to be attflned. In^pchool life,
was done by Maslen Jullu* bchwal thrre Mere ffleate and these must be
Uer. Oliver Perketl. Arthur Nelson. letalned in after Ufe as weU.
Paper a property owner car
Wilbur MobRk burl Homrich. Herman
Beyond' thU life there te soother
hold is an Abstract of Title
La Roche. Aloyrslti* Wicsler. Dominic and the btehem expreased the hope
^humsky. 'Newman Clancy . Lucian that all wo^practice dlilgencw. self becauflc it is a true xtcorc
Monument. Headstones and iifksrs
Call at the ^op and uve ageat’a comaiisaion,
vhethet you buy irom the tioahed vrork or detignt.
Finr« line of dj^igns evw shown.
Are lYou Widemke
tlnue the couna untU they too had
completed the High school oourae.
Educatloa thoukl be secured if possi
ble, t^iMX'lally uaUy when it jmeant
to much.
The will mum’ t*e educated a* lo
pracil.wA‘ virtue U the special object
ol the will Virtue akttie van bring
made from the books in tbf
Register of Deed’s office
It wiU show a clear title ii
ym are entitled to one, or t
[will show every defect o>
^fiaw if there is any.
Your land is too valuable,
whatever it cost,* for you tc
take chances. See me abou’
your Abstract of Title today
0. C. Moffat
Abstracu of Title
21» State Bank Building
Thiok of a Couch that has always sold Ihr
$lS.OO,now 19.85.
Kitchen Cupboards $5.85 up.
Your Reliable Fnmlture Store, - V , ., ^
Grand Rapids Furniture
127 S. South Union Street
Tltort it nothing nicer for a Graduating or Wodd^ Ptooent
an oloetric
Portable Lamp
Wo havo thorn in all otylea ohapoa, finish and cotero
J. 8. Paige Electric Co.
125 Cass St.
Phone 602-2
JowopK Slodwrdh Son
FIrsl-elaM Batchers. FaekersM Saosage Makers
furnlfched Uble* in the city, and we
keep nothing but the primest, choic
est aod bd*t beef, lamb., multon. pork,
vnal. poultry', gome and imokgd meat*
Too ean hny higk
grade. dellciouMy flavored nmnu dt
pay for Inferior
price* that you will
“meat* elsewhere, because we know
how to Judge and chooM the beat that
lo mioed. Don’t forget that we am
the largest Sausage makefo In the •
' city, made daily.
Two Markets:
*47 a *to *1.. m4 7» WmSHpll S*.
Are the two important thinsm to cOD,idcrinyl^jaff>
i such a hard thing to get and flo hard
to keep that it is folly to keep it where it is J
Tbewfofe the financial institutton which combioes
safetv and profit is a d e si r a bl e d e^p o $1 ton
Traverse City SItie Baidf
■ j:
Twe >isiais mm mm rnmm.
'f ) •
Vte. mmmrn mmm
Wsea Hw iktaarerew AaMa tare .-mmmvmmrn wm> mmm mrnt
Timmm* Vrnrnmm.
>4^ Ctay. mm •<
mm ikm^ to
Uf mem
mw m
MMlteK tlM
iw ibt gfl4l^g
^ Patterns and coiors conform lo fashion s latest demands
;ifcrc arc aU sIscslroaiMtoMlircast.
These have heea olaced os Mrst floor
y;#b- s?::s^*jrissrsrjn:r
‘ We will be ready for you this evening
Mdi« M h^n/L
I km MR tgM t» rttep ik» til» of
.tmait P«kt-^ tk» WHO.
i tk» fattar «i kmi 10 ikftv oa tkfe ut «c Jaak im ka« waa uca•Miod to Ual ItaMox. trko fetecoa
kna of
frtWi i%f rtiriir nr^Vn Oag^kcr kla to««olk,wtaola otniu«4 **«1U
o oUror coAfer aiwtai l
taoonrod tkt koaor, tar
tafooaioti. Tkoca^
gtkgalalMir. -rm. od.
oad moor otacort.
iko c«Uior. vko WM ckooiaojmoar. wko loot kfei arm
kack to fanmo feta
Mav HiMioo.
liAick aonaa, roffTtag coekoi oal
;oo€ Bojr aim J kooo om iMgig nm. oiaiai • gim «C
gariaa, gaiatlag aad dll as o amalj
Tka kaahes aw sif a *orjr ki« sikI Ao like a klg ooo.
dagfkdid tn». kalaf
ruof. ae:
A Fa.
act d feaataae starkade a ixaipir .»f fact
la 1»4 1 apialn lUUoi. who had bean
klfk. feat tke kam»4a. or aaetod kaasrs.
of wlilek eoefe rlllaie owns one, an- second la command at l4ike Erie under
mgfeL iMilated. caUlad ImtldtiKs wUh Ollvar PeiT3, exdted a violent politioal
tkfo Mf vladavt U tko ftUle mad and partisan demons trot ton by deeoratlaftj. aartav daora. apimreatUr aiattit tug at tke Boaion navy vatvl tba how
for tke admlmtomof TOfy klgk laotrad
^;of 4be OoaatitiiUfm with a ggarehaad
. wkkk tke i
•• of Preoideni Jatkaaa. Om^ stormy
MMSB. Thare art cartalii JesrUk
maiyajaaf aaioaf theia. 1 Ury kore sight ku exccUancj was dmitaiutad
Taiiriiiaiatkmo^iigfeoUTe of ladlo. aa aaatly and daftly as ir the baat
aad Uiey mafea amaualea aoi very la toola had with patloai labor eulistad
fartor to thorn of Egypt; ala>. they art tka brlghtmt auuahlne la tke deaeiracaaalkata. aad tfeey otag t'.retorUu flos. Martsaa and Miieiacketa wciw
rkaat or tu tiat cousin lo thrlr devil held aader dark auopk-las. akd tba
daaoaa. They worskip iho mso^r %r«r country serthad la a ferment of k^
kasrk. which hakU an eitraurdluorily cuulenliuo ' Uewards were offered, but
kigh plooo lo tkolr rcgUk>us Ueliefs. In vain, sud fur yesn» tbe secret was
sakl (lull a aeiimsu
Tkey eel ou almost soct.d vsl»u- on
mu fur any polliu-al
piga. and the red^ ob)e< t uf tbeii>idi»U
but bresuse uf a ekeriahed anur finages. wkW h are hideous, uu uioo
Ujiaih.v to ibc full length Image of j
Undlul.ber at tbe how wbUe throe dm.
of tnuiuiuies |
sailors were tx.mj»elled. with lundeloaie busis. to stmlle Kiimly at the
tka kataals ur temples of the h^aihen tern However, another bead was aecannibal vUUges and strau(«-rs art- m.t urod lo the trunk w iih cui'per Indts
ancoorog«4 to meddle
I bad iua<b u tremendous that for many ycaii>
dItaruUy In oaelng one myself. a« the could uol vv'uUer It nor cu*umi aisk
temples are most strutly liorr«Nl i.. \h.- uusUakeu f..tiimae with whUii Ok*.
women. .1 native womon would br Hitkorr deded Ihe bres*r.cs sud
inountlr kit lad If she so mu< b a- put brimker kead Inside, aad I do noi ibiuk it
prohabla that o white wuiusu woni.l
eacapa either If obe were oougbi doin*sylvnnia kcftt all Itir leii.-rs hU «ouditIK I woo however, lurky euutigb iu
uenlt wrote to lilni asWIug for favors
another port of Molekulo to find a tern
He bad sis.-ks of them when bis last
plo aaguordad save by a few old worn
flftit for ibe seuate «wme sioug Tlieu
en aqnottiag outside, oud, seUing the
1h» sorlssi out the leiler*. erttiimali
OPfiortoaHy. 1 entered.
!b«^ I roll! |«-ople who w ere #bwd. n
It was not a very good spev-tmen. be
log mile bettor than a abed, aiwl n was on the IkSt'L of cash kiier wrote.
Dear J..hT. o.xo,, rrni-ni
Tery dark Inside. Furiber. i th >uirltt It Whrn
>0.1 wro;r no- tills 1. ttrr aud d » '
well not to Slay very long. However.
1 saw a number of mummies, tuuuuted
on carved streubers and p.vluled nsl
and blue, hanging up anuiud ibt' su|»portlng l»arta of the roof, also a giasl
many skulls placed ou rough shflves
tholr faieo coveiwd by a mask of
ibewus stuff painted revi. sud some
mrloukly curvad apeara. aUw's and -killtag malleU hung smuod lUe v%allv I
falu tvlllioul In
afternoon by the moulUTv
last day of my
ateamar. It bdug
auy la Malekula
however, that 11
r M .tl^Vui.
«Aadbor UasttSae. tamriklus tkr
aaaferv «# tat tnT—‘“a kaam tamla
•« kmPd kow tfea mta Mrm f»JL^tas ^Botakiro. oiatJi; 5^'ktataai4dta22Ltad.Mtatr road. -How , amajr caaMaoDdmaats
Ajims iU fora, trfet* ^wrmiua
‘•tallr keaiM
keatta kr tke matMoas: kaa
^ jre, Jackr ^td tke
Aiat. *^Tta.•Ok. jaa aaida^ ttadfeta kka wi* i
tko aaal Afitada argm. \sim »ikr an aC ffea atraage aeta dam^e
kita taemtj taa wklta kut
•Atiamdlr 4ta|i«tad moairr auU tjr^ eaacted wlih
Ukd iMitaSas tide «a ranii kut
yoor goaa. mca! Back to your mai:
kawi gaduftag dosm oa He ptvf : aX
•eUed. Tkrro arc la the imj; throe tke stni stnuicer daaea perraratad hy
WkDd we llta w«ni ctowr And koelc
laaguofes, uo oae »r «UArh
moa weut aad taagkt Uke gamta.
auo. kai tka
r. vka rapmd Mgkttsr a
socks aattl relief cmma.-Mttak Naral
mtam of Cktaa ta far moca i
ta tke ageskVhi
arltfe a Ui«e aqaealiaf lire pig aa kla
. aad ita value to tke oaan
aaother. tad la tho root of tW isioaO
tfeaaa ate oi VM»t oarea ur aiakt other ter of the doaoiag ekoat. ao Ska Qre-
ThMc ore braheo Ms. omy a lewol eoeh.
Every Mil to these lots have iirovea good il:
sellers or-Hit Ms would not he broken. 'Vv TfeedoaUtyls Ihe best, while the styles
- : ~
;• ■ •»«
• >»« i o r e * o s !■ m a h e r s ;,
fma iwiaMimai nuH profe«wMat ja
VtrtM «ttk
so Men’s Suits
At Sttiarp Price Concessions
,• j
~:r~ ~TT~z:rrr.JT:rT.rrr ajw4 9md mm
w» «ir •■ qiptif<>tgr»
cawp* it >■>» "■
DifW ww m
Vltaor Vouml tataHi A k«i U>
•> iweeere tree tat BMiMtaCBAftamta.
eswt. feta «M a* staew iniini M<|^ tikM MaM* nmmni mm
•, -
' On another ocrssiou 1 su.»e«le«l in
aWing a idace Into whhb no while
peraoo had ever ventured before, a f«u eat cauulbal fortress, ais miles up In
the untraveled Intetiur. My hp.st tuld
want your balp wow In <uv figtu lor
SMistc. Can I have It?
The pom iris ns Iu IMiUsv hauls ^
those letters. insUed to the original
seadMs with t^usT-a re^pieat ou tbe
Ipek* of them. Usd as muth as any i
thing to do With guay's wiuulug
gght.-Hatuidsy Evening IVst.
Whtra It Ought to gs.
Cardinal .Mauumg omv while
Home sat to a cehd.ialeU svuiploi who
was au eviMTi lu phrcmdog.v. nial «ltirlug one of the «illm;{- they fell p
cusjiias Ihe xiilplor's lioliby. -Tell
me. taen. * said Cardlual .Maiiuit
last, -wbeiv U the seat «f
The sculptor strode a» row the s
and. iitdicaiiugu »>j»ot on the cardUiaI s
kead. -Thafs wh>re it ouxht to
be grimly Naid I.ou h.ii Ib-llmau
artwork of wtterwrmys. natural and at^
tlkcUl ao ixivera tat empire tk^t ab
rnm aa many paopfe lifo upoo taa wa
ter »t os tke Usd. Thm Qrast essal
that arosder of the warid. msa soctk
and aoatk from (Union to tke extremi
ty of the empire, end by this route tbe
I of aU sations are carrUd u> Pe
king, a dUUnce of 8» mtUa. Tkiscs.
sal U dfty tael wide: If ^aaaiw throsgk.
tarry-one UrgevcItlea: It baa
aerenty-ave tirge slukce Kv keep sp
taa water and baa thonaasda.of bHdgaa.
Wkal taa Naina Did.
or the salat of London atteeu oauaid
by the kaoksty coach Taylor, the oM
ar poet, wroie; -It makaa aurk a
MU nuakllag la tke atredta by
many cksirkm* dobra tl
eara are ato|^ with tae solaa. w here
by they are debarred of tbeir ediryiug
which makes tallk an fmtkaa. go«l
worka eo barraA and ekartty aa «wlU
at mliauismer ae If It weiw a graia
froat. By tbU meapa aooU m rat»b<wl
and atarred of tkelr kharaaiy manua.**
Quality Soda.
'ewHlk-fs tbe kiml ot Soda wo aww
Eacl> eyrap tuivcd at oor fouutaio ia
made from llie fro»h fruit or pure
Irnit jukwa. .\U other maWriaU are
,oltba4n«*t quality obtaioablo. Our bevoragoa are dietnotive (or Uiuir ddiioato, Mtitfy.
iac quality. Here are a few of our apooioltiut;
Honolulu Sundae. lUc
( The season V hit I
While aiy Sundae. 15c
Ocean Wave. iOe
t A new one 1
Imperial Banana Frappe. 15c
I Beats them alli
Buttalo fVappe. 15c
i A dandy 1-
Mlb Century Sundae. 10c
lee Cream Soda. Sc
(The lOc kind.
Wait’s Soda Founfaln
Fraak Paiac. ciqp^ in ckaroc.
tlie Hannah & Lay Mercantile Cbmpany
The Days of Picnics
Summer Dress Goods
_ up. You
And you want cooked goods
that can be easily packed
would be surprised to know how many things wo can supply You.
Look over this list; . Butter Thin Biscuit. Saratoga
Flakes. Sponge
_ Flakes,
^dy Fingers, Social Tea, Marshmallow Dainties,
Dainties. Lemon Snaps,
Zu Zu.
i Jinger Wafers.
packed in air-tight packages.
You win be delighted with our stock of Lii.'ht Dress Goods. .
I'ersian Lawns at 25c'30c, 35c, 40c, 50c and ttOc.
India Linens. Sc. 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c and :<0c.
Doued-Stvisses make such dainty gowns—I5c, 25c, 40c, 50c and 75c.
. French Lawns are warn vcry-Iargely. Sell at 18c, 20c and 25c._ '
Swiss Mulls—a nice Ibe to select from—ISc, 20c and 25c.
A fine line of Long Cloth and Nainsook. Long Cloth at 10c, 15c and
Nainsook at 10c/l5c, 25c, 30? and 45c.- ,,
Blair’s Celebrated ■ Writing Tablets
It Is Most Pleasant to Note
Inttory and that our pleased customers arc telling their friends, for these same
friends are coming to trade.
■ — ■
. .; ■ > V
We have the' goods and we ate giving the prices that cannot help but be sati,'.;
■ isfactory, and such Increased trade A most pleasint to us. We back every sute-;/
ment made with Prices, Stock and Values.
need a better one. See the line that we are ehowIhg. AWmann^^of fancjj^^
• •
20c; the*
It is the handiest form of writing paper and we. are now showing 40 different kinds of
■ so never be at a loss for sonvqUtlBg to write on.
More Interest in Base Ball than Ever
Vj-r Tshoe trade. It proves two things—that our prices arc entiraly satis-. ’ •
' ;
' ,
and tor that reason you want to hav^the very best of goods when you play. That
is the only kind we carry, and the goods we sell have given the best of satisfaction.
We have tfie celebrated "Victor," and that speaks for itself.
• Balls from5cto$1.25;
Masks fi-om 45cto $4
Bats from 10c to 75c
• ■
Mitu horn 25c to $8.
' 4 ;, • Gloves from 85c toil
Chest Protectors at $6
, to¥^aad Heel Plates
will give another concert from 8 until 9:30,
‘ CHI to
tto i4mi
«to fMtor toM tor«BM to»9 «»
«f |(»rf-rllM. C»k*to
0MV 9tmm iipMi
to if
M»r IMr 4rt«ltott to •ft. «rtor> to «<
eir* «i«HM00ri)mwsAv, mtm %
1^ fltotoc to ttotr UtmL-mirn Oinm
itotol Fa.
i«f Cmt.
trte «•*<• t* ktom tor« to <
*-Tiii toto to to»rr7 •
to II - wr^mlM ito
VtoM •rito
^ «Mlto iiltor
-■ Nf-iri
totolif *»tor Utod
w«ild wm
ut cnr fn*to to«* ^toto
totok T
Tbto U •U«l tto UBf •
«f llftii
-Uto I to 4 giM toigr
Tto gwtoi toi« to* km maato
itoif <*r ito •toac touia-V**
tod -f M«x J-«
tovtol -to- .a^ly
daaMtarad aa **«rm kopsw’* bautg to
Ttoaa fuaUllmia ara aa^Uy aaa
fatlad a¥afy day. Tka toaal taarkai
pHaaa ara aiidpHM ky laaal daalsra
Ttia antotoa padutiaiia ky wira, aat
. |*ulato
Uahl yt^lerds).
aoly taaiiiy Ihi»«r tiaidti fxaalag In
T*>da) Uif irtlcf U ii llUto toiit-r. to
|pt fM.U. 3»H to 4.H
Tto«» I-Msiu twsikH alll suuu to
ar»r wiilt. iho ««\craitt»u of soitif
aini»Uni. tiitsttiMi» What tba prlca
I U IlHlil lo toll
am to i»iSht<
, ksIHai rnaaa.
CtoarUrk pork, par khl.......... HI M
Claarbark park, par lb....................U
•koK rut of poik. par kkl.... II.M
I\»ra Biasl. prt l(Hl lbs.........
I ll
nout. II 1. A i%.‘s lle*l. bill 6.S0
fkad. H.4. A Oa.‘a toaat. par
mo lbs' .......................... ..
1 30
UldtUuM. pai 100 lUa,.......
liraw. |.o, lao lbs..................
Htr. par Ion ..........IIS 00 nnd 22 oO
CbkkoM. pw
................ If
b ■ -
■' ■
Kmb ......... ........... ...............
Hnni. iM-r lb . .,. .ii....
nutter, eruamery. per lb.... . .Boess
lluUer. ditry ...................... . 2IR30
Com, |»er bu . .......... ........... ..WRTO
Ost*. per tot.,..*........... ..fiiRiia
Oovir s«*ed
V...... .
Ciimstm clovnr........
10 bO
Alfalfa ..........................
Ttmotby . ........... ............. ,.
Y li
ttofwan «iUlrt........... .
... 1 M
Honiaiton mlttoi ......... .. 100
M4 tup .................. ............... 1 fl
Ombsrd fra».....
... 1 00
... .........
f r.- -
pto bs........................ .... .SI
Rpr bti,
Oolt. per bu
. ....-----. Wtooit. iwr bM .
Puttof ...v.b....................
' Itoit -r-
lar«d aorar I
a Ito aa»im abaal pUlns Tbla
Ito pnaa t»a« as a j|ar«i
laapuasa aas fatoofJ by
r« Idfma o/ Its adupttoa la taaay «ir
*lra la 4'kkao» 1 toa «^aplratofw
aalsiaff apoa ib«> atalaaas purtaad
Ito ralaadar. wiab-tod tka araftor fnto
puor TT* aad plaiad tto kaalto la tto
a ailing risas of tbs gwto bag.
For tboss abo would tnmlto to tbs
Innrr aigntfb aaro of tto riu^rnld but
sot Iks folioainc HsIairrUn tonaltkia aril bs utoful
OMPPN pril. n.-a ksutoff seold aaUr S0fst»i . s totus tlssa«i wikltor. oa«
aas pianrs ihs sdss frosR ssotatrs
Sto*I|Su s*^
Ihtss s psrkos St arlMhss spprtiscf. is*
•rs slarai U iMmrd is. oo* «hi. siumpis
-Nrrrr lulud Ikoss gim bufa“ ssM
a iJisklls strost bruksr In Okbwpo itas
oibsr Asy. lofrninf to persons wbu
wars datTflug t-arlsla sskurlilrs.
bend In ysr ibUiV a losaseagsr U.y
uatsids reuisrked lo s tompsnWju
tkmugk tbs toiUer of bis tiviuth not
orrupisd by s rlfsialts
'T'bsai grera bugs iiieU to rrsb m>
SCI an- loM tbs msasger i ksd gUe s
lot of abiskeisd aksess* s frr*U
sksre.- txiiaplslaml a Thespisii In |iesrl
bultua ahaes lo s fellow allh oorly
hstr at tnsrk sad Kandolph strsets. ths
t'bk sgo nssi KIsIto
Tbass sstuples givs you a akig of
tbs blsal tbsi Is lo rotae. Tbs bi s in
alarm. It Is f«are<l all! to uiers rarebug *ss wall as a t r».p peal,- said
Otorles t\iu)lskey. toil of the new
Kalgbia of tu« tisner. or suppoiiers
of Ito dug. Us ass gasiBf laournful
ly at ibe Atoerbsii league diamond,
whbh from IIS astei> eyed sspe.i ra
semblisl piste flsss Tbe skles'graw
yalloalab greeu sl ibis and suue«aed
a few lesrs
On tbs bos Id of irsOe uaa must
ksndia Ike aoi\U • green bug- with kid
tla%as. If you .lou t >uu ius.% hs%e lo
handle yuur to»e dsts Tbe tosi asv
to disrorsr aUatitei a man was -4oiia“
on whaat <>r If he «as langhl ‘ab«irt“
on Ibe rtsa Is bi oall bias a gram bug
Us will do ona of two ibings be will
drag you to Ibe nsaraal |Alr of wl. ker
foldlag doora or ba will drprwaa >our
If be doaa tba latter it Is Id to I
tkat be was baarlng ibs maihei If
to <k*es ihw former. Us s cartaiulf
tbai ka was bulling li nod imPt ii bog
plug' It
Tbe real grwan U\kg uiumpllea Itself
like IlghinlAg abd -fie staag nae will
kpiead Itself user Ibe msp w-ilh Ibe
::: ;{?
toviAPld* that l*enuayUanla dainty.
Is lo to •xpluiiad and mads known
to the rest nf itfis s.laiiplalanB world,
nava Ito 1‘hUadelphla RiNH»rd A num
tor of *(k farmars la the lower end
ml ftoupkla county. In BeunayUanIa ara
•mi* Mi MifNk lia in.. ' .w* eoaaldeiing
Ito ad visa Witty uf going
SwmM MultlT ...........
.U Into tto manu/aeture of w-rappU on a
Oklolw.. U«* *.101............ .)• laigr Si-ala for shipment all over the
-H»M .............................................. .»
A numbar of t'baaier aad
drrMc4................................. «* Inm-antar counry tarn ara ainrady In
U tha bualneaa of mauufavlurtng mc€%p
S^M aan. lit. waw*.... •* pie and Ikslr amsaaa baa suggaatad
tto at bams to tto IMuphla txHUilUto.
U(M a*»r« Mi bftr.M..... a
ton. ..........
bNMkUW ,...,.................... T# »
Otfi uiM ............... nauH
iTitmgii June a WYiral. to ^ lau u.
ble m\m (IH
Mieh. June' a—Wheat
HSc. loiu k7^r..o«U, ia\tc
f ALK-^miaaA(dd ( fuimume.
bodiwoin autUa, btotlng Vtovwa, gas
fMlIw. bill plate Ckairw. table
tuMm rug* ou
(VU gitar 4 p m
ug Anmrdgyw
Mr* Haws.
• **Nns--ihr»
Uwt iHmUo Vn. t A
itlK; (Ml to*, t*.
hMiditj .ad
tka rtaktfal ampaat af t|
aarttoa -bat I ts- last pot to pK ttoaa
npkCkmaP. 1 |«M hatUltor to ni*
lata • suira aa my aay to tto aUtkli
aadpn «octo
tatty itoasaa.
aad 1I laU tto
Ta Aaakttfildaat Cak.mas.
baud liaaauaara aud bla alstrr agsd
twenty yaara. wbo bava baao aiudytng
•Otaugrapby at Itomauak. aortb Oraaa
land bare *iatt«d for Amltk a sound to
•ad aa KakUim trtha ahh h la reputed
to kata »a%ar eomr lu roatavt with
flrtUtolbm HTmIr only atteadaut is an
Maklmn. to.tt a s|ia.-UI iwble dis|vatck
from (Wpanbagwh to Iha New York
•uu -Itoy wUI iraval la dag aladfw*
aad will depend fur food
lag Y'bny nim arwntwalt.f u» aaneb tba
Oaaadiavnwlblgnd to IM
raa aad • Rabbit:
A fok was seen iMMotag dawn a pass
in tbe blUafwltowaa by a rabhtt. wbub
vmma atom at a smart |mvw and seemcal
tmitoltod by an ateipocdrinf <^nrtoalty. iux and tabbit
ptotwd Into a paub uf i^oratt. aad ah
tuvist immadiawly tba lux
•maege wifb tto uatortuilala rabbit
dead to Ua
I'M wbula tabkaa
ana wlitowtod by jmiamia of
ibaoi a/TffF
tobto tanuiti. ana
cntwrul dbaanrar «f wUd bfe iVwaa
parfm^b arktoni to ibam that Iba fui
bad la aoasa wa.r.taaetoatad tba mb'
\oidiaf Its dvmm atoontry Ufa.
la the
tbe aooad.
aooad. Aoma f^ds
ity of tbelr o/n
twisi * Uraopotamla^- to
>doBMtioe«.ror alert
blent! apd nniform
rrsJB or ataatc. aoaps sad
aas mack «Uov«i uy tto Ito 1
prtaani maA Mr liba<
atoctkio'. Ramsrks
1 oa kla aJ
refreahoiMita were
to^akarpk. amr.
Ml refrcahoit
I *• tosPnaaas., ftmma Oto.Hsh ■
ball. Om COMM
a Uta ko
Lsre tndlvmxmot
thing bot a sJerpy, sun-klsaed UinL
Vim iwuld not. for taauiuf. endow
Ikoaa aoft rowel aotiode wliU tbe nif
gad tmallty of aaattor uumlsukalto
word. Kaskau^iewan!
Mas-kab b^ wan: Kpokru aa though
M .glnr Biwaya from Ibe full rtdged
ebaat of a tall rad man. thin In tto
dank, bard In the leg. s*,cA»u aa
Itoagb with tba exhalation of- lungs
full uf rugpbd oortiMru sir MVhsl
word In Ibe gloasary uf river* sur
passes Ibis In tto rtrllltv of Its sluwr
aouad> It reeks
ktnnlklnU ai»d
dried while ksb siiO suiukrd bretsis of
Wild geese aud srn bsj U rry ami |<‘ui
mbpn- You rauuul svold s*VltJg di»g
The production of “Auioricsi'‘ lo to
ghen ai the Grand opera houwe dal
urday Juoe i:>. under the auspice* uf
lbe-4kuujgniou Court Traverse City,
win iK^ one of tto UM home talent
enteilslntuoui* ever m-^-n In Tmverst*
Cltv Kei>ear*Ai» ure being held evwy
art-imH.ti *ml rveuing and they an*
prog leaking nicely. Thv main part of
Ito- -futNirani will be apoclacuUr. but
betwr-eii arts wHl be Introdured many
pleasing specUU^-s. It wouldn'l be
fair to riv»* them awwy now, biTl we
rei I k.>re lu NSVlng that all who ati.-nd uUI nut lH^lsap|s«luled
youug uighltogale* when they were
Eshibition Onll.
full^fl«Mge«l. seemed |»erfe4 lly wC botue
tiiv e'fiief Miiii.ii leturiuHl from
near the places wbi-iv they lirs( saw
the light, aud in Mrptemtoi. the usual m-iroit last night Hlu-i atleudtng he
On the way
period of mlgrallou. itoy de|»aiied But ftu-meu n C(*u\enimn
tto night toggles never reiurm\1 tu lw.ck. Mr Miiriav and vOU- weie de
lavi-d ihiv-e biuir* duiiag which Itiue.
the Jackson ihel gave an exhihiUou
. Ta Rtodr Raaiagr
tha Alp.
ttolley VStllis of tto I «Me.l Wi.vies .Oil (or their tonetit
gaulogiial soMey ha* toeu s»*Uv4rd tu
Diad of Pleurisy
vriall burvHH- under the a^ispl.v^.of the
The toHly id John tKlaiiu. who died
Rmithsunlau tnstitution 10 study tto
p«iUliar types of geolughwl structuie Thunulav night »»( ph trisy. was ship
In tto Ali». says a Waytnugiou dl* iH'd to l.udmmmi h> I inlcrtakei An
patch Us Will start aU
Ueisim tislav
A Visiaua Push
Nfwsdaya If two tYanchmen feel
that tto.T biva bMh tnanlted they ais
rangs toir a kind of picnic i»arty in tba
oarly momlng'wlOi aa a sort of aoixma
tboiLgbt a pair of raptors for tbe tufli( t-
ved la «bw bam
•he Threw Her Arms Around
Maybe* While Male
Hla P«
A M«»ry 'full of heart -iuterwst and
voiiM-dy U t4.Id 111 On the Bridge at
.Midiiiifhl. : slileh U to l*e seen tore
tor the ttrsi nine
A Wind motto r
nud tor only -i htld ate prominent
The child Is sloleti ud
the mother makes a lung, sad seaich
fralu fn.m noting tto to. it e The doiiigs ui ib-rmany the
blown Imtb of ineu niutiing In the pnde.^^ol. aio.o.*4s It.-quent juughtrr
mid. when .vou bear the mere usuie, aud^KisItly the ^V*^> brighten* the
wild, m.vsierloiil. of tbU nvcr. one of piky T.4«^ aud liiutbiei otu-u follow
tto Unlls of lUe youug mon. -UmMikoa in qiiu V -»ii,et.'**ioii aud une uf the
Uaugb tu Out log MsgsaUie
nt.iUi ineldenli^ luvulvt** the jack knlle
biidge which opens a* a ship |u
Urowulug Is s .pucker desib thai through the draw In lull view of the
moat p«H*b- suiMHiso luM-nslUtllty b
This ri'alisUc seltiug and
fatU to Itrgln lu Hlxtul oio' iniintte. nii<!
the aiili.i: id the *tn»'hg coni|»aii5
fatal iuii'..us« loUhi„.«k i;ciHMsll.v suimt
inaken ihi* atuui Tiun one of the
true* lu Ibe nelfbls.rti MHl of two luin
* Ion the ix»ei1
.M tire (-.rand i
**^jhou»M-, Thuisd.i) pUht. Jun I-. Vilc«‘*
l i^ generally faiul .*.• ;:G. :ki and TVini*. Se.»t
lie Slirfsee liMiger Wislmwrtav
than thsi
At \»v«i4ini wheiv llieiv
Wio I. Manager Ktne*i Shipinuii di*
■ re io«ii> «‘toert divers, who plunge
*nto the *i*s liner «.iHtuge». nut one was rover*^ la».l ..bmitot that the righlfc
round who otUld leuisln ninbf Avitier
- gMuii Hanloi
far two miuule* lu the Iteil seu Ibe
•nre ivMiid I
by his
Arsh divers generally nuumi tluvvn
d !•» iH^s ponc the pre
one uud a unsrter iuimile«. while «l
riie Dm Let* of IV-von
Ceyhn. the ihnuI flMher.
Slav toluw for eveu s uiimue Theiv
and/»IU uni It*
li.iHS* to delio
Is s case on r.vuul at Fslinouih wheiv A R»»u-mus a l.omui of |a.<
a diver Ivad deaeendml elgliiy (»n-l and ils puHlucilou till APIII Mrs"
on giving the signal vvs* drawn up d«y'iiii«Md and Insinivsl that Mi*a Km/u
slowly It was iwo luinuins tofure lie 04HMI her N4-asoii In CkiwactoHl tbe surfaiv llhs^! ran Horn ii.»* ii-d Mi Sbipinan then cast abmii
hla yars and uimm*. and la- v\as Insensi loi ain.llH i smulde M..i lo Interpivl
He dlr.1 wHhoul s,M.aklug
luseusihlllij. huwi-MU. diKH. not always the Ikaili pluy. and aeaouailous wt-iv
lUMohe death fufln many « asos 4 per o|H*u«h1 l.y his p-iM.Mal ^elMe?^elua
son iua.\ to resusertanxl by the vim* of live then in launloii. wttli Miss Ktleii
bsiunUy Terry Kllen Terry w.»* anxious 10 np
|H-ai m America in Aliri-811 by the
Fi.e* wo* nnatilo U» get Chaile* l-Toh
Ths Rods Oidn-t C«ma Rack.
A rruiury ago s pairtolU S.-0I Sir IU.4II i(» ivlenne hei (or an appeanimv
ih» lob- this Mvisufi At the Olaud
/nhii Hlin-lsit. iritdl to estatdish the
mgtillAguVi In IknilUiid Hr (ohiiios opera hoi M-. Moml.o Jnm- lu Viice*
cenie. H S.-«m now on sale
aiuiifnl S l4»uduu ileator to |niri base re, 5|*.
nigh ling alesat the litoral prliw 1‘bolie 4Ji;.
of a ahlllliu; ea« h Ibese ws-ie well
Fonerai Service
|ui. kinl in WcHd audm«nt to S( ..ilaiid lo
Tin- tuneial *e:vlc<' «•! Ji.M-ph Mil
mallioaeh A nuui tor of trust worthy
men had |.iwvhui*lv tsMen eiigagtsl t«* li-hai was held froifi the Utmie of ho
at 2 ocloik
take esiHs-lsI rare of all Kiidn*- nests In sUler 4*11 Secvmd
plsvto hberv the rgga v^utd he h.nt( bed tid* atunnsm On aiMsmut vd the uh
In safely The lohlns’ eggs w-sn' re
llev !l
moved aud ivpiaoed t‘.r tho*e of the
nigUlingalr, whuh weie halvlnnl uud
rrarssl-hy theii f»»siei im.lh.M* Tto rhiUKe
ai Jhe most
Impanant spui* iu Italy aud nwitserland Milt confer wiib a nuuitoi of tto
fneemoal geolv^eal vs|w-iu of bui\H»e
On bla iwlum WwiU tormuUir Ul* lu'
ywauigntloaa to a re)ioi« who h w ill to
publUbad by the binlih.wm.aa In.iiiu
toi to Ibe SaatotoR Raaan
ka Aaa. Mtob, Juaa
» M BUM «M
wo* n I~r»
Ud CM rtUd. TM (oMnl «4
0* will kr unDomnr.
Dn. KIM. BhUUdW .M
•IM «D Bn. C. M.BMeock (or «««y.
TM liu»t U acto* MJdJ. .
tw, exK»d b. I JoaasM Draa COw l b., the.
Matagk tkta nm» two plariag akto aorka
Ito #r«to« aad
-toi lai.
•apaaad to rtow. Wnk a topk oT
Ito ctod ratoc myB tto riiirar* Srw*
|.lto«rto» tto toafkiy toma •to«ri»tod
froai Ms #tottoa aatorr to^k u> ito tlabt tom aai of tto car window aad
rsat-totf for tto bos cwatslnliic tka new
rnilt aiaaJ a# ftoMsrt^ Afart fraia
Ckla tto jhamailaa was a psia sfatr.
-iSrrsi atcxhtir topasiir*
tad tto rasatonay prpftaaat^ alitooi Id kis parvkasa. Thai W4oi has cvaa
I liltrk Tto aaa aUaai^-k %b m pi^ ma tras. toUdraa’a alsar-I-kilattolphU
i*g» uf tto l'kkar> toard aC ttato. toil
N« tadaaara irtti aaw to r«H la asrry
WKsVs la a Namsf
pan ut tto I akad •utaa atoia ralto
IVrbsps you msy bate board of Ito
KMtM as ato to apato
latoliTBiad divlos who t-ould mote a
Itoi frn of Mg kaaartota Ikfrs .rs
«>««»» MhflijMi M k taanr
ilk«kn*.v a.liiWi«kn»lk*
. Eurwal fttwaa* of Things.
Tbe luivires* of the lu*u*<» i* a etiltl
vaU-d Ba.iuu;xn »'f
h nm.iea
taste, and the w.hi*tling of the foot
man. w hi* believed hims.-Jf aUvne in tto
house, frettjal her arlisiu aouL
•-.U-epk- sto (allml ul iusi^m l
head of the bo^ stairs, ‘ pK-a*.* dot
w bistto tbusc vulfsr ragtime things!
• \cv maui" returned Joseph mw
Iv. * 1 knew. mem, • be wntinucvl. d ith
- but .vim can t ei
poet a rbaivsody bi l-ls*» ^‘*l» vhmuiug
tto knivoa Ttol will lome Uier ^
I Tu ladishiito^to aUver - - touibr
Rpt to tto old days ducts were of n
muck atoftor uaiara. and ito most ter
Last Hia Namw
One may it seems, boss oto's. w|ta
rible one fought at any tima to Faria
was Ibat botwomi Cobmel U, an okl wtttoul altogetbec Kistog oto*
agd M de Q of Henri Meilbad. a V'fWh draotolk
tto lltMitda dtt Oorpa. a mere youth, but tbor. wbo always bad mmm ctover
or boreoliok itraagth Tto two meo. tbtog to aay. was iiuubtod to bto last
toabid tORitbar ao at to toaee their days by a aad tom of memory. Oim
tight trass fraa. were armed with short day to exclaimed to a-frteiMl wbo
koivea. plaoed la a hackney comb aad calledv
a toattog gal^ around tto -Hurrab. Eva loi my aama \
iCtoacnMe. TbayworatoUu You know Twaa fortoMou “
Mt of tba ootob dtoad. Tto coianol -.Wby. totoidy forgot ypw uaa
bM a%bim ktaba. tto youth an|y -Yea. I 4111 aud I aboukl aay ibat
fanr. bni «to or tbaaa bad fdorrod bit wax Quito euoufbr
Tblo wfoa lIwUbai a tool >toa. Ho
died w ithia a few daja
irUt. Micb,. 4uue k-\\T»lW vm
his way home ai 2 ociuck this moi
A H Mayhec was bold
hmw up by •
him hut
an While she Clung
o went through his
male cxmumnloo
pockets and took his watch and IMi
owMd In tbe cltv aad ev
ery ewaer to tovtted to tokc part to
this porUow cC the da> Tto«e wlU to
pitaoa for tbo beat deabnfiod buaxa
tbe winner of the raeoa, etc, A great
parade wUl to bold and ihv
gaily decorated water craft will to
a delight 10 tbe ev>
Care of Vlaltorw.
The haopitality of TravciM* City i«
tiM wvU known to need any civoiincnt
Every V toitur from far v>r uunr will to
given'the very best .treatment ami
leaving will go away with
lag but kind thoughtsI to
\a ib^r heart*
-Quiiu City of-^he North.*'
«1 rates on all
There will to I'educed
tallnud.^. the local hiUels aud res
iMurants will have pX iviy of grub and
there Will to Mumihlng doing every
roiiiute uf (he big day
Mis* Mary KtHtoi dell for Graiul
Uapid* this uiuriiing where she will
join her iMiviila
Mrs (V A Park* wvui to KingHley
thi* morning
Odd Kelos* l.uUe No. .’.o-l will I
nuemuutl seiveAss tU tlu-lr hall toi
luw afternoon at 2 o cluck. All '
l-elltiws aiid HvdK-kuhH -ate Invited
TmvorsM City tent N i :ti K. O
M h.id a very pleasaiit siVUI iiuvUug
l;iM evening An .-xt client pro
W.tv giv4-u toUuwi-il i.v 11 i*auqoei aqd
a dam *'
Mavui Kriedruli h.»" leiurn.-d
the couveniluii of the laMigue ol Mich
igan Miinlcl|iaiiU-?i at ivtiolt Tin- llii*tl(M». ju.st orgaiii/tHl.
4 UWS toiH with the (trawu U>a
Duck lake t.umuiow aHenu*»n
ri..,i i, s A ,*<k( U U(-i will sUm «
Hannah A laty MeirantiU- 4-4iiiip.uiyV
stole fituii ^ lo \*;:M this 4-V4-UIIJ.
ChtUfnu * day will Im ol.*4-ivid ai
he llaptiM chauich.ioinuriow it
ChrihlUrnty at^d Our Tongue wll W
he KuU.Ptt at the Anlmry M
huAh ioim»Ji4.w morning
The 8wedt*h KvaiikH-lical MlnsUm
.ill hold uuvting.^ eveiy Suudoy
ihe’jjtiue stivHi schiH.l hom* at 3
P m Evening service at 7-30 p
Humiav *ch<Kd at 2: iKi p. nr Uiffisviu
pM-aihers will tMliciate All Sranda
uaviau* c/.tdlsWr-luviUxl
A Schur* glory of Lincoln.
One 01 the many foreigner^ who
sought m.v iuten-Tfcsiuu was a yming
4Jcrn»tu oouut whose Identity
vouched foi- b.v a member of tbe
aiau legation. He bad a long ix
amestom w bom he lrni*ed tork for arV
eral huudred yeaiW. He visa gtva
Impressed with iheTiu4»ortau4e of.tl
fa«'t aud (bought It would weigh bear*
anuT If he ix>uld only have an ‘ atid
•OiV with tto prewident and Uy M
case before him, he believed the leault
ixvuld Did to doubtful. He pursued, me
ao arduously with the requeat
pmoonal lutrodocilon to Mi Uinvln
that at Ust I succumbed and promised
cimut spoke Engtiab moacmtel.v wef..
and to bbi lugenuous way be at <
explained to Mr. Uneoln bow dngb
uoblHty of bla family wWm and 1
they bad been couuta so-and so ni
ismtunea ' tVeU.- skid Mr. IJmoin
totermpting him. -That nCsxl not
bto 3i*u
That will not be lu your
way If you l«bi iCe youraolf as a
dier.- Tbo poor count looked puxxleti
tthc work o( toMOto> the Mho AM aa^
ijraten jrlU be h.cuu *M U • Ooit tMe. lb* lUe «UI
tw rcMr W boclom.
Tomorrow CvMln« by tbo *#», A. T.
F.rgown at City Opww Moon.
Tt.- twcrolauntr omnoo for tbe
cla>A of IP07 will to glviMt at the City
opera house tomorrow evening by.the
Rev. A T Fcrguooa, jKwaldluf eJdeY
« the Grand Traveiwe dlatrtec
Tba Knighu of Pjlhtoa mamortal
MUX ice will to' held ut 3 o-dbek Ub .
moiTosf .uitcrnoivu at the cemetery." T:
went to H Gilbert will siHsxk and the public;
is Invited
Bolton, ol Xe* s Cuy. who
w\wk w ith
l>r (4IV gory returned lurtiie today
John \Varr« u Oil retunuxl home fhl.-(
momiug frtmi Stanton. Vo-, where he
aieoded the StaiiiiHi milUarv urademy
lo spend hi* suuiuwr vacattuu
M..S lUiiiamood SUadek him ivlum
ed from IVHroit after spAHidtog. the
wlnlet with,be; sister. Mi> W I
Cl tiff
Misv Alux neiitoiih who baa
.•irtuling schoi'l in the cu».
to her htmie inw Hatcto* Cnjssiug
thi* mbrclnk
A E Wl'isoD and sAtn. totod
Hblon today
Mr and Mr*. Frt^ Wbrn
Key. who have btx*n visiting In tbe city
went lo Kingsley today where they
will viMt
John la'iang4 i W4-iu to Chehov gun
liKlay. where he win attend clrcuU
a .B. ». CUlr U eCMiMd 10 «iti
tone hr MMt iroOM oO h
AMERICA Ajmnica. Amciica
America. Satunlav . Jouc 1Mb.
^‘(emo Corsets
For Stout People
This Corset has a special
feature that commends it
self to stout figures. The
strap adjustment ' perma*
ncntly reduces the abdo
men without any discom
fort to the wearer, and
moulds the form into grace
ful lines. Givgs the figure
a stylish appearance yet
are so perfect fitting there
is comfort in wearing them. Gives the right support
to the bust. Gives the abdomen the right form.
Gives comfort to the ivearcr. Gives
more wear than any three corsets
you can bu>-' of any other kind, and
the price is
' $3M ::
Comes in all sires and w«; carry
two styles. We give fittingb it desired.
We Want You
To know that when you l»uy from the
CAMPHHLL CO. you arc getting
only such goods as we l^licve we can
offer our customers with the fullest
assurance that they are right both in
quality and price. Nothing else will
satisfy us and it should not
\Vc know you arc going
to buy
lawn mowers
(By the way, wc have a new thing in
gas stove* wc would like to show you 1
Gasallnc and OU Cook Stoves.
aaktd no what In the work! tto luwsi
damt could have meant by ao airauge a
ramart -Carl Schara In McC'luie'a.
It won’t take long for you
to find out about Ihal
(JUAUTY and BRICE idea of out*.
tor who mUI, I always iwto young
todtoo -Mra.* tos-auae tbe ,vouagec ttoy
We arc going to build ourbusineMon
these two pirnciplcs:
M tbo battor they Hkia It. amd Ito oMar todtoo 1 oalto ‘Mtoa’ hocauaa tb^^
ar tbay ara tba batter (toy
It.Ta Oufo a Cold to Ctoa Ogy
Watch u» grow.
Ywni^^CTgrrjg^^cooD^Two Stom m-ltt-41T UMm Mfocl
OR OAlt Wataa. «mM diMmr: an
mOMat Hi lamRjr mm CH akX
did. j. M. caopar.
|aaa Ml*.
Wbtf HWib bili
kaaaa aa ikTOMirtca daftiap*
at 111 Ma doam,^^ ^mma
MMfSS ff on TIMSa
FOR aAka-im<^aimf %wm i
•aatjr—T*s' ~i.“tstar»a rtoJx
uf drpo. a A ttofioo
Jmi. All
•SS'«'»"H.*3rS JK
mac a t CAN rouil
WAHTffMdt f«i
r<iuil ilrl mhI Uo
l»»imd (44P^« K*»k U^MU kMort.
iiHM Ml*
**JX 1U
WANTC»;4i«4«. MMUAMwit (ill fur
w^uA tfirt. MIMI wumWW u| Uiiimiim
.« lMiwWi»r;
mid M tif'
(M Mr*
won $AtC-ll»-m#oii room Vrick
RENT-Olflcaa la tka Will
luu Udkm ^ ^ FOR
kkaU M. Wilkidm.
amr 11 tf
9Aood UlA
Idrt WANT rour tolU dr«Mi or «a>
Iklo^ lo cloAA or d/d. PorliUi*. Sl»
FOR •Atl-Hoo4d AOd krt: mudmo
& Tiuot.
ow S& U
<hi&ioo1oaco4 fnvdyt kmtiuig; M^kl
Ujockd ffoiB poniufAGo; oMj lorow:
WANTWD-Yoor uidiolMono^ fur&i
mif^r4U cool, bbuuo iikl or oMl
clidlr ^uIm« w^l
djtr lAU
miuri pdcAUig.. 9, H TMmdrT^I &21 W. NluUi dirooi.
WANTW-VW opUoctkMi. ootdi mtd
<44 MOMti^ 4^ Fukorol IlMBlliuo
j^OT FOR AAti-^WiAi fek«iali M(«hi
,, iitv K4^uvm.
w a AkWiU.
Muir *U0v i
)uue 7 If
fOR Mta-lMl -Uu«o Mm room
kuUMi. Ur«d.kit kv<i4Udtt KUik
dOd Touik »iiooU uu IMiUroad «\oouf. MWtm luuudmiwo l^t wurlh
di Idddi .ood tkaumua dollar*
lioaftf tooUi luii im liutli for Wiot'ii*
koaarvd (Im1>4U. i'looo to. Iu*y
4orw». brtid I17U0. Wodd Biu« .
it? auuik CuUm itidok ^41- l^tmo
104/ IU
(POR RAUi-Ooud diivioB'korso dUd
koM/: lk«ulid kV
FOR MAtS ' McVkker gmaolliiQ «u
MtUi% ooir; aVk k. ir ii B. UuuU.
«i aocoraufMcd..
ONf ANO ONE HAUF Uuim. (.uon
Mi:U|im' ouofuo uuttkr uuJ kuaki
vtmuikav olib nUM>iuu» im»pillii.
10400^0 ttttd omui;. rvuOi i * lo
FOR RtNT-114 Laka avaaua. la
pulra 143 E. EigkU Bt
APr kkU
FOR RBNT-111 Call itrdM. laqulrd
141 Haal Etgktk.
mar »AU
TO RANT OR iitt-ll aiadd la Baal
BayMivaaklp. Bd. fWWa. ill WaA
star dirddt
mar lAliao
WM'^iP-iAt/l »i m Qt*» WimmI
pv4l Wood
km tUMik au. okoBo Itll.
FOR MAH-HTl-U oerm tvo milu
Muu Bdok kaildins; taml kumUos
lor 4ukurka« roMOoBOo Id ikU fF TRAVERAE CITY LOOOi. NO.71. B.
fioa Prkm |3.d0d. Wmld Brod* U1
of K. modt dvary TkuraOa/ tvam
tidkm tlrodt OMb dkOM lUI.
lug. Now Muruoa kkick.
C. O
‘pR Mki-MM-Motod room homk
ddw. Com at, tad korod; ftldd TRAViRdi WTY klOION. NO llAll.m. Wddd Bnm. 117
NaUuaM. Protdctlva Udfloa vUI
mddt la Woodmaa kMl oa tka tkird
Tueaday of oack aronik at 7:11 p; bbl
Akraiu Bmitk. preaidant; Oayld
.QrUwold. adcraUry; NatUd a Qraj,
100% FOR BAUE—WklU Wyandoildl,
It for XU, ainudr of Mlrdr cup at
pouUry ikow. J W. Zloimormaa 4
RAVERiE CITY tODOi. Na til. F.
Bon. SOS aoutk DlvUkm Prodt
d ▲. M . mddU on Uonday dvdalag
k or kolurd iko full of tkd moon.
at 7 Id p. m Carl C
M.; a B. 'WkUd. ddcraunr.
FOR RAtk-UPl-adVda room kouad.
Urge kit; oomdT a>yd 4ud Forn;
pricd It.too. W4da Bros.. 117 TRAVtRAE CITY tODOl. NO. 171.
K. a T. M. M.
Bouik Uakm at CIt pkoad 1111.
K O. T
M.. No, H71. lueoib every
Jaa «Aif Thuibday
nlgkl in Uto Odd -Fellow i
kail, over American Kamly EiUkeu
FOR •Ata-mi-Ond kundrad aad Mart Wilken*. IVunmauder: E M
Keeper; E. A. kMiu*.
Iklrl) flTd acra fmrm. dlgktj acrdi^
tuiprovoA tergd Imra and good Finance Keeper.
kuu4«. orckard. Urga amuuat of
iOiM aood. Ulukdr. tuna Ml fdapad
and no botlar doU lo kd fouad: atg
milud douikdjut ul city on amla
ru«d. Emu Bay tuu^aklp; ciodd lo
•ckurd and ckurck; all! »eU on aaty
term*, oaucx lu otkar kudladu:
prico |j (too. Wada Brut. 117 BouU
Vulon Mt at pkuud lllk
Mall lo Uuai. Ha* b«. u u*4 il too
*t'4*uii*. lu fln»i (tan* tHMiliiUiu.
blHo; ||0 UMfU: Bvii*OU Uu »llUui
44UI uuur iHUir to u»v Ui«l. lu FOR SALE
. gultr a W lUnUus*. MlaU lUuK
\Vv*i k»th
, Bidfi
/uuo MV
U\IUE^ mv welcome dr» pUy Uux
kail ut all liuu* kui e»pi«Ull> on
Tueaduy and kViday alUiuuuuti. ukUii
ka\e btvn wet apari i?*pccmll> for
ladiea. lUineiaUvr lUo knallon. 157
Fiuui atrtxel
junb I lf. won ikur.
Wc Kave purchased tKc dry clean
M.Mlaru rt^tdciuo
u UHiuis. kol aaler ing kusincaa of Oil A Hahncr. Wc
I fetl arc now in a pofciUon to do a«i of your
komi* in tliu cuy Wih take
luuy 21Mm(j •
ill E. Frunl^lreet
pjoitily 4* pall lavvmeul or
Will bvUl CM mu»> Uriuu
|a^lM». Wade Biu*.' 117 Buulh Cnkm^
8t. Cit pkuaa UU.
Maj Ufj Mr. E W Uoudlue; oX Ul 8L Umii
----at. Uflia*. Tvx . bay*
*iu Ike paU
kUoiOVM 4Ud lu g4Md lUOUoO. Ooud FOR
da- year I Law la
kecoine aegualu
aeguainted with
rd44uu» for MdUug Vil C. I'uluur.
livery uuTllt owner guiug away from IH. King a New Lifee Fllla. and uu laxw;
ko cfleetually
117 IS r<MUl. Bi . T«4v«r*ti City
I of uialarU and klliuusnebb
Wade .Ruaf • HIT Moutk- Cnlon 8l.
nt4> 20-U
Clu* idiune >2lit
JFPR BAVi - loll on Bulk uluut OoU
dukuMMi A Tuiodi'd lurduHio 4Uod.
aAtB-4b24-lU^t |iruiifit>- FOR AAtE^ acre farm digki milda
OttO ruilo cUy liiuilto: four uouyt,
aoiiU on west kayakuro.
two Uuutiird Uvl
(luul, Uigv
11.500. Inquli^ Ckiu. Bpencer at A.
koUd comidctcly turuu.Ued dr*v
W Hickeid * Mai kid Work*.
VmUI lurikcr nulico ikc use of water
cUud; kot 4UU CAJa 4 4Ur lu all
may lO-Hau* for lawn sprinkling U furkidden. TkU
room*. M4* UgUl^ lutuavo Luat. 4li»iJ
ikTdcr U made ueteaaary k/ <ke roOBO COUBFC* I'i^ 'uui. 111 Ui. trout ■OR SALE-I5U - Fully dcrd farm palr* to ike luiake pipe.
. .dtumin Ikniu&k giuaud*. Ulk kuum
one auii one half milea norU of
W U Caidvell. 8upt
WiUunukurg. llUceii acrep under
BBd Buo gnitu 4kiug koy fcUuni. TkU
cuUuatkfn. giKid k^'O and karn. may %0\i
pttHHTtjr U to Oral cUm eoudiltou
well wAliied. young orekaxd. d8
tur main nmU lo elt>. i>lkvd uil iko
gufid WidI Prioe 1700. Wado Eioa.’
•^/ to city; Vottld vtmi lu pul In
SI7 Bottlk' Vnloa St UU pkune SUU Bank ktillding. Special atUntleo
May LU
cuuatUon lu H U 41 proo^nl 4l kavt
Uoniy UlMumkd dulUrs; lady o*u
narvoua Aldddddd i
FOR lAtE-lilk-rOoo kundrad aad
, lag U UivalNL . kvB«d 04i rrBcd in
bUty acre farm. aUiut four mUdS
BiAX Almc
ordur lu didpodd of U . li kU omdlddr
from Acme. wiU M^d parUculani In
'RtitMl cU) prdiHsnj In port tmyjaoai;
will way in a general way. tkU la
pikk lU.uoa Wddo Btud.« S17
one df Ike Aucal iMiuipped (arma In
If any caaea of cruMty lo cklldrcn
Mickigau and dm kutter aU around
uey producer in any county. or aulinnia como under your obacnaIVioo I
Broa-117 Souik tioB cMl aty kouk atom, koik pkimes
May Uf No. 42.
FOR RAl^-isai-How oa I'ntoo Vulun 8t
Humane Society,
. HiwU tlD ^pol
«»T(U tuuai FOR aAti<-147l—nad aew Ua room may ISU
lu»u«. Bice ta.u; A No. 1 prw«l
Uoa; prxe U.tMC Wa<le Bna., tlT
SoutA VbIob 8V Cit. iikuBB 1U».
. ’
kouad. comer lot ooraer of Uaioa
aad 14U guattn.; arUl Ukd ItM
cUir. 4di^ aad |B guod aoll good
kaddamat kaia. good koam. akout
iwmir aeud koUom Ua^. duApkld
iBTf* lot. kouM
Wade Bitgg.’ M? Bowlb Tuiob at
Cia phuM mi.
(••d: ml BBUt* hoaikv
ra«M 4 •«» *r eoBBtiy :
loBaa. I kAT* acm (ood
t,Ji*t«d t» tom aai m
rNsm are tUB I
U Bit,* WddiOMw Md
BwidMM «h«M
«Ft tbit
FOR OUTtlOC <taan tit* C*lawui-«
C^c ap>r VirnO. •. K. Walt *
BaJOaC « g. W. BMliam d Soa
ttktr fWMb tmwMClu.lim.
m*j iia J
Kui Estm
eau of Ike cHy wWvmad^ a coa
aMttee to kmk alter ike advIeaklHt:
la Ue afleraooa a cualerven
.orkers waa kpld at ike Preakyt
Tkd meaning uf active Fnada/
ulB. H»»m M mt. Or. W. S. scAooi woikem of the city aad Ikoir
kaagimt lu the luwar partora of Ike
BapiUt church last eTraing, was BUed
to the krlm wlik eaikusiasm aad fnun girl te Ike Ikeater immig the evening
Ibe tttuvresl maulldated there, Ue •ke complained of not feehag weOl ami
Sunday -chuols kid fair to have an la
> aiiaiu
Ulikiu 4 very ne men eer nnna. aoa *rw
I mad algkt the glrl
girl was
*ras firwity
short tlaa^
Neat day tt-MBtwed out that ak# had
tables had
Tkea the vouag man began
partoTi aad fuUy ITS tat down to the te wwndar if ke wa* hooked
NOFFATT-AtatiVdB * OtR kanquet. doting which time ihe goo wrttk tke dMeair tou Ue calMAvou a
i^iegwihiaa) 8uuda> eckocJ orekeiMra pkyalclatt ke knew to aak about IL
TBe pkyaiciaa heard Ike young mtn'a
rvndored some very food uuaikera.
An exoolkjii UMmu had keen prepared tale. * WeU. ‘ «akl ke at Ike i'ouclualon
of It I tkiak your cAancea to cauA
and U was an kvHir koftuc Ike tebiee
the diaanae depeud on how you *akl
weiv lUTivaicd and Piwakldnt /Yank
t /. MoPHAit—Peatldt Over /oka* Hilm colled Ibe uuvitng to order.
aoa drug atom Bell pkone MAS
Hi Nywike i4 Ibe m«atiug as oae wrkdfd Then ka eald -Dootor. I'm muck ohUgnags; OIU. MSI Haga.
ludividualuy and iMaoaHuaUonaBdm eA If that • tke nae. I'm «oK In dan*
LESTER a WEtCH^AUomy at was left off and Ike memkors of var- per.''
^ law
CoUdcUoa work a apdclalty. ioa* Sunday school* and ckuicke* met .The young man went out .A minute
WUk UadaraooS A Bmlar. Suiker*
later ke atuck kH heed la tke door.
land block.
)aa SU
-Bid. doc,” k# aaki, diphtberia don't
Mi Helm sikAo of tkU age a* an ge eefjr hard with stroug. AfAltky
DR. F. /. MAO NSTT-PracUod Umlk age uf cotukiuob and how ti was arc* young men. doe* It* -Denver Foal.
ad lo KYB. EAR. N08B. THROAT vssai) to cooper-ate in Huuday sekooi
aad aTTlNO OF OLASaBB. Oliod work a* In any oUer kualiuMs. He
uienlKmed Ue numkor irf ckUdrtgt In
He Fired the EUclu
iho pakllc schools compared with
• I kavu fired the walklugslick I've
ihobt lu ikv- BaUkaU svkooL Ue Sg
uivb bkuwmg a deSiit fur ike lailet carried over 40 yeaiw, ou account ul a
more that rualstud every kind of Jlroal
, dogaar Fraal aad 0am
of aU*ui Too. whtU only aWui uoe ment. until 1 tried Bucklen* Arnica
Oflb Ue pupulalicwi of Ue vdly were Balve: that ka* keaiod tkt^ »oro and
L a. MARTIN-Pkjrakdaa aad Baa enruikd lu ike ckuix:t InstlluUun.
fdoa.' OSIca SOI Bast kYoat atraat "WV want to make that 2.1lM>. 3.- lecd fur Files. Huiua. ett.. by Hugbeo
ikw. he b.*id. and with lhal purpoac Drug IVo.. tYauk H. Meads. Haunak
lu View. .Ibis meellug ka* been call Drug Bloro. drugglaU. 2oc.
freight parodM and Uunka
ni CUy Book Siora.
Tkeie were iwo things that must
MRA E. L. aONNER'E kalr dreading ke acted upon, kc said, lhal of getting Miuiug (V par value of slvaA uue did
parloTA Ofdx City Book atom. Room the outsiders Into ikv sekoui and then Ur, W'e have for sale 3.M00 akaixvi at
2ic per share.
taking care of ihoui
-Teacher Tr^nlng.”
AMIL F. NERLINQER. LAWYERMoney w loan. 111 8UU Bank
Mibs JvuuU-. Barvun wa« Iku ffrwl
kailding Otiisdiit pkon# ME
speaker, her topic Uiug. "Toackcr
Mib* Baiuut s U)k wu* (uil of good Overtook tSc toettkstwe
Trayeiwa Land and Loan Oo,. F.
Tburlell. Manager . Office, too
Idia* and showed lhal she U a tkin Save tSe Scat Uae of tear
Hamilton A MUHken kldck
day schotd woj ker. heart sod soul. iaflatlScrlskt priec.
The Uochvr as a lundainenUl prlmi
ITS tke Aerteaaaa m4c
SARA T. CHASE. M. D.-Offl0d wltk l»K was the flrsl iioini she spoke on
IV. O. E. Cbasw. SUle Bank klock
wltk *WmUc tbal klaas.*
Both phones. 225 2r. Raaldencd U4 and in lhal she took up their uslui*
Wc flvcoactWtk. scale
W. Eighlk 8t aiL pkoad 711
si qusUficaUons first. ulUug how some
ptH>pk weie usiurs! loackers. while wltk every cask parckasc
oUuMK wen- uot. sud uyver i'ould U- •ItMorovcr.
The third class was also
Sec oar Uae ot raaa.
aosd nod tkmat Glnasdd Ittod.
Over Johnson drug itordi Both uieuiioned; those Who can kam lo koats aaS Orlvlafl karteach through careful tniiniug. 8ke
kclorc yaa kay.
bu;;geslcii lhal even Sunday school
DR. E. E. MINOR-Officd over AtnarF have a class of workers who should
can Drug Biora. apec/nl aUentlon
lo eye, ear. nosa and throat Qiaasda
ailed. Both phoned. Rdaldancdlll NuiK-tluU'uduii v^uuld he prepared lo
aixth atredt
fill any vacancy and fill il a ilk some
one wku w ould do tko schuiais some
Miss Barton spoke of love as the
Veals exiH lienee. CU
fiibi thing thui auy u^uher must be
kiock. Both phones.
Wo hkvo jaourwd ibe nHency
the pusbossoi uf. for wUhtml II. nolbol ibuno bec’AUM we Wiuvod
T. W. THIRLEY—DenlUt Ovgr Ba^ lug cau lie acc».uip!i-.hcd- with chil
them U> be ibe beet cur nuy
dicii She dibC'ouraged ihe Uacbei-i
lunn oould buj
Wbon you
iruluiug ciassos ou Sunday as il Ick>U
are tDeuainR |600 (oiu onr
up valuaklo time aud many classeh
you want il juti a* perfeoi iu
oonatruolion ns the uuiii who
clan mud Surgeon. Removed lo of- were uui capable of mastering II as
lu contlusluu. she summed up
pays $ii.0Q0, and you Hct ii
In I
three poluU Jhal every teacher sud
evorj itmu in ibo E'ord II
yon are inieiveied in aulo'n
Suuday .-.lUool woikcr must haCe:
k t’fi tilk it over.
First, love, secoud. confidence lu your
auility oiid third preparatiuu.
Horn# Dapartmant
The Rev. F. L. CuTTr^hf-Lausing.
MONEY TO LOAN-No Us clauna then spoke-on tke home depaixmeut.
. put In mortgages. Houses tor sale. hi* Ulk. boiled down, would ke but
Inquire of M McNamara. Park
ok. word—*
He first spoke of the leacklng of
he word a* somcihiug iu which ev
ryone should coH)peraie and ke
O. P. Canrer A Bro. BoU pkonaa^
Utod kis amUUon of the evening as
DR. E, L. THIRLEY-Bpdcinl nUem K?lng »uccessful In swinging ike work*
Uon to disease* of children. Room CIS all In line. He talked on the melk
401 BUU Bank kidg. BoU pkoaw. od Uml Chnsi look in spreading kU
work, merely telling HU discipkM^tu
spread ii to tke uuenuoal bounds of
the earth and of the modem idea koWl
by many ibhl people were going to
come to the church aud become coh*
And a company of unusual exec
verted. In speaking of Tivlvals. ke
advUud Ike workers nol le wait for BCENIC AND COMEDY TRIUMPH.
ike harvest alone, but to prepare their
ground and grow a crop ffrwt and that
tke woih he so divided that every <»e
would be confronted wUk a prokkm
Ike Oaly dally like Jor^ which iBey alone must iolve
He spoke uf. tke tact that idl rare
helping tkemselvee too muck which
teoda lo keep tke church wttkln'lUcll
while iki? home department la the
Four Orest AcU nf
Id^ insUialion tor drawing tke
church out of lueU and'keeping. U FLOT. HUMOA STAGE PlCTUREEl
from niprlng In a circle Mr. Cun aaM
that everr church must kave Ue mia*
aioaary aplrlt and that ike unsaved
Leave MAN18TBB daily nt I and f p. keigkhor daa ittst aa Inporiant as CUcacu * tomoBS
Radik tkd pall
Uam. our Otata Hum kiook.
. aU afMia la Ufd
^1141 F. F. kAWTOR M. 0.-OIBe* WUkOa
rpN «Ati-^lii7--M roMi AotMi.
BoU FhoRO.
l#r \M
PoU i»d »»4 dldolrtd IWAIa Good NOTiOf—Wd Maaa ^Mma«jrd aad tur>
Hra i«» WiVA.
WMpa^ aadaa aad alora dMwai ikroagk Ud OR. H. «. ORUORV—rUBleta ud
Bd•dt(Md. m OM* Mmt rhoMk
«u«a. woo Iifm Wt4d aioA
pair Oo. Ill W. n«at CIU. 1/7. •Moi^ m.*; mtd«a«R T«Mr.
UfMA HAldi ik Wha*
dtp Atf BdllMIr
rmldiw^. M«m>1 NIuU Mi y ckiiio in. FOR RENT—iKiuii room Wou»u at
oo«» Mia 4
iOoc^ fiom IVotiM
aH y/lik Mt*«ut Ku aiydciu oua
\timtu<>* Call J W lyuklu* of
mlHMl; dUiuiOo for roMdt^. room
•t4> or 411 IMlk
lu« or iMAtdMn; oai Uko ja«>d
oi trtuuhig*
Juud 7 it
oguKy lu moiiiuii of uimi UuituMid
MANTAS-MMMa^r fur traucli <ifdi^ dulinrd 44 |»Mt iNOiootit; |OHo
«• »ui Mi taml*
hi limvifTM.
UMtn* uifatalr*. at 14 par imm "
|?«MU. Wodo brini. 117 MmiU
Ciyy AAArvM$, »Ub n»fi?rMK». atio
lil E. Migktb atroi^^t
laay 'iU t
* I uluo m. ot lOiuofi mu.
Murri* Wl»4«Ma« Huoimc (Mbcliautl.
urnxmi Houaa TO RaNTOhio.
WANTifl^UlrU dl
RT TM* •RFTWT eMMRCH WM at tW koad af aaek. IM «M Uat Ike
aad aaaM ka Anam la uro kaaiiL A
twgwiar sard ayemm wiU ka aaad. a«d
(imEy wia ka recorded oa a
all ikeae «m he Bled la eae
a la ceaclMlca. he arged the
worker* to take deialte actUm at
^ iAkO rniMHm at ROakd
tkaaa iMldi aaalk al Mtjr oa m%H
woU; aU aadar dMafattog; pnad
MMOid; laiid atakard; aR klada
Pf fraH -»mt vkat M la ka IMrad
fm mat tarm aad poMur WUUaka
part pa/ Ik cUj prapait/- I
HHA Wada Broa. Ill RooU Pataa
•iradt Cil. pkoad UU.
may Atf
tici H^efiKQiik
C. Hopkins
JJLBMM* SBa w.iewsriT
Power for tour loat
Are yoa
aatlatted wttk year
kaatcaglacT It not.»
wonU oerSinly m 3^ W
iuvi«t>t{nk> tie
Walter M. Paw
Farmer*’ Supply Co.
Ford Automobiles
WM. WIHE. Agent
Order your
Soft Coal
E. A. Weston
Yutd auU office, Xonban
Mich^in dock.
BoMi Vliouvo ^
Grand Opera House
New Goods
Thursday. Jnne t3.
Line Steamers
On the Bridge
at Midnight
MUwawkec. '
m.; Baadny I p. m. oafy.
Lenee LVmNQTON daily ai Id p. bl
ArrlTC Mllwmukee • a. m. dally.
UFweMUwanked dally
Tke Uae wklek asaarea yoa Tkrae
iblng^-Eafety. Comfort and DiepatclC
tke savage In tke keen of Atrtop 4rko
had new heard Ua Word and’ Uat
Ike home dspertpent agnin akoved
IU power in that Unn
Jaci Knifo Draw Drldge
Th« R*v. G e Utekkan
4^ i i
Best assortment of comh* ©%ur
caiiiod by us.
Fiiu' a:»bortincnt of Bond
Uur uow lOc Tulk'i Soups aiw
moru aUracUvu Uan over. ,
Thu iudios aoem to know
.good things vk» they sou
tkim iudgihg by Ue WAT they
visit our lace nnd umkroidary
. Only a few garden aad Eowwr
seeds left Uu not debor If lu
nood of Uem, Rem<mi£ they
are all ifiOfi sueda, grown for
UU year’s pkanUng. gi 1 cent
per paper.
bMMB, i , !
ate wpipr I
Mite SePi
Ite ki^ a wateteteul pf ate, opp tor; Pte n
fokjpppptetoy o< poppteipd Ptete ^
mmm to ikp kpki pM mmrnt $mi
to tePte B to iteTo tip «l# «MkP
Iteka tekkoppPOto ktei tor POteml
«« •!
«f^«>r pPaptoa ote drop ky inyppPiU ko
to ktetog toL Pmra prick a IrpU aaaeo
U* tiull t|U • fWt ««*- ^
todPklt.BfAr la 090
lai itop. kto pitete
rite to PM toPM. flto Ukloteooalala
to ippar. yolte
two ofte koatoa to
OP# plkt of milk, k lltUo gaU. ^ kaka
akppipptkote. BPteMtowik^aC
ftetto aa« OP# w
Iteir teA* vte to PtefoaitopocWTksar.
totoa te pao
topma. ate aprate orar tka pteten;
wkaa 00I4 ptoop to tka ovaa apato ate
Wtat'a ib« «« •( »tWt ImHmm
«ri*k «r «tl of
. 0m^h>A*m
•kmm «ta INx tk.1 <Hm m« •»
of oapar. MU teoM Uktoapanni
J 4-Pi^ -
M ■onirtlMii to toi. ftoMteteiM Qf^oPraatofte atoaotk to a UUto sttk
, 1^ «««• Iqvw.m <!>•
Vmm tm
» W<Mm
Net umM «MHr <• >»»•»•
OnT« fMilu: Kr Iter Md w«
lU%d wk % MUk vmr lo
Te«rth«» eKb • UUte whm
%'t vU ^ ftUtmi Wklk •• ntt.
u io(«.
Wtet% ilM
u4 tomrt iU H U» tm
toii^ M tofvm to ite tiwutototen
W« CM «l«rmys tevc •»/ «iflk tepi
•vMi. teup tte tetur tm te4 trcak.
ate tecp iak: pouiuy wul meau |«a|
aa Irate aa a Imtcliar oouM Bui m
MU Uaa osa of pir tetokbon tea
aa ka kouae, ate oa ia afanipa 1
4oa*i tkite tos par cate af aU ikf
faraiara kaaa car ito, wkattotevilk
ooi toa la a aa telte oC artoaapraad Uv
Ijr aa tka praatet aaaliaki loo onp to naux
pad ate wttk tka pratad rtod of aae
laiBoa. Cook tka wkola UpeUer for
ite totoptate add tke vaUteatoB yolka
af ikroa fppp ate aUr .coaataaUy for
ire mtootte 600I sllpkUy^ate itraln
toto a dlak. Beat tke wklta of tkree
apia uaUl dry. ate tke. totoc of p
tomoa. and tpo rpuadtop taktooioaaa
u rM M« I
Tkf mala iteau to evuaktor to ite
UmUr a oonCori to warm wuaUior la
Ttajr »ill •« U? b«m Ifcen. *»•>• to kavc unto vator to drtok, to koe^
■ hato-te yw w4 OM)
ite milk awtteate ouai ate ika ItoUar
Bui liiM <id4 vigr»—«r fV4!U aaU maai» freak ate fate. It la por
atkla to do aU Ueao ihtoaa If ooc will
fo to Ua leoukle to do IL But It will
toTolvo ike aeomteU: of keia« able do
kotii aa abttteaat aupply vi Insak. cool
water ate to tevc a cellar tkat aU>a
umjI. ualca;» one la ao forluttau aa to
tew a aprtos kaiwb. witk a apitop
kuuac. Tkoao wko kave ikla oan »ti
akmg wail wlik Ueir milk aad baUcr
and can alab kocp freak meal loagor
Ikan wUkout It
Bui moat tormerk tew uo aprtoa
II ikay kavc a tea well Uey can mak
• « a # •••• & good aubaUiuto for Ue aprin* kouae
4 fioto naytoiktoa - by puutoa eoww okalva. to.ika well
>u moefe M vwd
aid on •limar iktt koltoiu. to wbicb Uty can
tower wUk ropoa. Imrkata of milk, but
ewrawHcat. Ul« l« tord lei
k meat and otker iktoia TkU
U a moat aoaUoat aukatttoU tor kotk
apjite kmmo ate loo konae. WUkout
' Kite aurda
aprtoc kopo ate wlik only a bored
I are endapeak, bul U^r
well, kuwefte. U tkero U 09 oellar un>
der Ike houae. t|e beat tktof to do U
to dig e pit •• <I««P o« clrcnmauncea
pwnlu pul an eaitk cower over It
dug down place tor a door, like maio
aUar temra. A <*to or pli keep«
cooler tkauftey pUca above gioond.
TM ^ «rfclfli haad. UOa colama By keeptai milk ate meat to deep
teM IN dPtoTfCiM*
pkpNk PiT Mto. ppr tetote m MitUt. hUtn Ua hwt «Mho «dy
tete. p« tePto to Ctortotei tote ktopir hoooMo uo laiMaa aad NhlU M alt
Si Pfib-^ pu plUtoBto tote m (h* hMtor Ur a trait «( A <i«
Ikppteto kte nnr tdPiPPi to^
te ptetop dteke not kteitap np. i
te ttoMi toito Pkkrt wt tknnli
r Into knlla ate m
Orenpe Cream—Take Ue Juke aad
pulp of UreeteWa; ete totoe of
knUa lemon; Uree enpe of cold water
•train. DUohre two UblespoonfuU
of eomaurek in a UtUe cold water
and ted H to Ue itmlnod JoVres. Ik.H
It for 16 mlonlee or uuUl Uo conr
•Urck cooks clOBr. Tkrn' eel on Icc
untU peHectly eold. Beat Ue whiles
of Urue epps to a aUP wkitc truU
Or ppt Uo cream
» ate make a merinpue
id Ue ji kltea ate kcap It un top U Uc
creern. placlnp a cauaicd ckcro on tup
of each.
CkarkiUe-Kusae—Une of Ue hlmpl
eat ways to make a cknrlotte-nuse u
Line Uu botium and
of a tkarkAlc pan wlik sponge
cake, fttovor one ptol of cream wlU
anllla. and ted a half pound of pul
crUed augar; whip U to a sUff frolh.
tore ready the well beaten whites of
twp appa and mix UphUy wlU Uc
whipped croum. KlU Ue churloUe pan
and place uvci Uc Uc lur the charlotto ^ kct.
Tapioca Ice-A cted Upluca pudding
to called toploca Ice. it to useful for
Ue almple' aummer' deasert. Four
oC uploca
akonl^d be puaked over nlpkt lu cted
lo U^ WMimlng spread a layc i
of acme frull^^errtea aumed. ban
or peachea, using the good can
in when fresh Is out to be had—
La Ue boiium of'the pudding dUh.
Loa thU to taste and cover with
uploca. adding a quart of
water, and bake slowly foi an hour.
When done set on loe uulU needed.
Bub) Tapioca—Half a pint of uplo^
ea. baU a pint of currant Jelly, one and
ooedulf ptoU to cold water, four oopes
of sugar end tke rind and Juice of.tee
ML Bonk Ue Upjoca orer ntpac
half pint of water, la Uu morainp
put wlU K Uc akin to a Icman (pereJ
Oke aa apple. In rings) ate add the
pint of water to make out the measure.
Ul U aliumer uaUl cliiar. Take out
Ue lemon peel, add Ue Juice to the
lemon and Uc Jelly and >ipar. Let
t almmer a few momenU. Taka It
rom tki ire ate wkea partly cool
penr It into a pUas disk and set away
rden . Wkaa ready lo aerre
Mmptete to tem pmto to temBte
tootetoMMite. total tedtente
. piiee to miilte ate iiPly to til
loopL knt wrtnp a ctopn toeU tet to
eototetor to wteto a iewdmp. toim
n teto keen ndded. ted emtetoly
wipe tke enrpec mattteperteegtowi
top ate rtntonp tke clote ted^kttptei
to kot water ate 4 water aa li pete dirty.
•Ol orer kot waur ontU molted. Boil Pew peoBlc. megeto untote ieree%
np ppte ite poor orer pennim wkkk
knee kPiP imtoPd. Berre rery koi.
•ptpack 4a Blue wiier aa poaeikto to tke ntem teem am earefnUy btened
akppid be nate to PPPitep iptoapk. ke- to Ue tinder akto of Ue mattrem with
omm Ue ptoat Ueekf eopiPtoa ap tooek aatoiyptea. Draw Ue ekem iipki ite
water, wklck to eeally drawn o«t by Ida U eacnrcly. It wlU kc a ttotoC to
•low keel. Tke Upnid wkkk citopa to
Ue leavea after Ue aptoack to wateed
to %U Uat to needed if Ue aaocepan
\ Treatment ef teralna.
U to plaoedop a cool part Be often hear u eaul Uat *w aprato
ft to keat alowly.
enoree than a br*aa."Jud aa far aa
pain and Ue time which tmnilly etopted cut iato tack placaa. dropplac lata •ea ktoore Ue tvotibto to twmtetoi
eraed. Ue atatement miy ka.eorcold waiar to piw?aai diaootoratioa.
Fm on to ktdilac water to wklck a rcct Wi tee YteU'i Oompin^
amaU piece e(t enU cedtek kaa been One preii klndmnce to tke apeddy
to' epreina Itoe In tee fact that not
added ate boU until toteer. Butter a
Dtont imporunoe to aitotei
baking disk ate place a layer of tke
aakdfy on UP botumi. Bprtokto orer Ue Injury at Ue time. Under tke Im
U aeme buuefwd omma. Uen ate more preealoB that It to *oab • sprain.’
saiilfy untU Ike disk to nearly full. course of active treaimtai to eni
Poor over a UtUe awnet milk and bake ed upon which to calculated to In
untU brown.
•erye Ice cold wkUe freak or ae eoon
aaa aaal iw Here* IVar, by ooe ot lu
<dd Irtndt, Him. lieu. Pomeroy freok w4t«r. In tke pit, tkey
■Utida. arbaia owo lareaa have kept rcry well.
hraosbi ■eeaigei at ckeet lo maay But Ue tote vny. if one am pet
roadere. The poea ttvea leiuy U Ucm. le to nse poroui enrtkenwnrc
takea Irw the llle ol Praacea WUlard tore, lo kuld Ue welcr lo wklck Ue
aad verteea the theofht ahkh ahouM totektee mn eto. Tkene ere In common
«a It aU aar
uee In troplcel emUtoa. Tke
maklat aa aa leader aud kind to Uom cvepuretlon gednp on from Uc eur
«e tora. evary du v* ear Uvea, aa «c tecc ol Ue i«r Wiw It and Ue wet
tmdd he. trorc ae .le kaoer that It Uulde cool and tkua oooU Ue milk and
tmdd he tW uvt ddir vUk V ot tUt meet U e draft of air can be kept
Atoo* iWe »iao Uuo at
bourtkeec tori Ury kppp tkinpe
Uuethi U the Udiualuc Iraai iky wry cool lntete.
Nurlkacetero AcrkuUuraUet
-im. y«a kae« whal U Uf o^eet Of ctoirae aU bouackoepei^ kuuv Uat
Ulat la >he ««rU to do? It retalrei uokc4 meali. protoctod from ilea,
M edacattoa. aa eaUare. aa kii^ i» keep muck belter Uan raw onea. Bo la
eltloa la aaalau-fia Ur ^Sertiaa, Ue caec of ponltry and kUer m^U to
tham eaalUmttoaa reUer dMraet
U wUk awnetened nte wklppte
faua lla haUlty.ol akacaitaa Aty
ttee of kPtf 4te pork manfatee cream, wlU tke vMto of epp beaten
ti|4 fteephody eaa da It. ytww aad
aa a ml* Ua aroro peart Ue plan of ftttop tke tewt dona. Uan wUk aupar. it to a raff omamenul
Cranberry Jelly can be used U
UedW^ eaUl. Uh Miaaat it ha la
preferred to currant.
Ua taUNMlUa. W4h aoma tt
Tkla wUI keep U tfPik a pond many Meonakinw-Beat tke wkttee of aU
«(Md A h|M to •*<«■( VkAi H tUna d4|o
to tTio kot BpaUer.
MB to a rery atll fitek. tben ate
ly wikemptm for tenaUy neven Uktomoonlnto of
tloa, aad nmMhaa UUair
Ice are araUobto. Tkere U noUtop aim powdered aupar. beating until aUB and
arhitt av lha 4m Um ^It a
bird; Uen beat In kalf
lalMto la (ha oatartaaato who hap
peneken ant U tiny toCa. Bet on lot
taaa lo wwMtor the todlvldaal.
tfkry tprmpr wko ppatotor «« to
loroupkly. Borre .wlik
^•Oa yire aaai Um aaaaat to Ul» mUerdtolto Ue propte
mote or knU4
bate akpfe
Bavored with extract
retMUdlMt ihi lau (aeai «htl la It te top
Md in It wlik bP:
Uhl aaalaat Ulag to do U la kolt Any port cl kPPm wtti da OPU BM Ike
-------Dropalarpe-.------The Mthar batiaa U alU lew pock It to w«U p mate te toiktottt ^
KTSpr. the lalhar kao»a tt aji •»* tookee nil ropte ppat lo fkp wills. an4 ed aponpo cake batter on a buttered
IM OeUUC aoaa aad dMthuta. Ua iU Uto w lU aewduat or oUpy aaltnbto •beet nt Uterrato, eo Ute Uey will
Ua alU tat Mka Ue PtePCtok nnd oovpr Utok on lop. tkU net tmAk la bakins. When bnkedand
haut A hpU aput aaru hr
will Binke Ike fkmUy oomfortAkle and
:Ued«ra Ukkonmbofpprkappy
on mm aide toto a form Uke
Illy ate laaien wtu a woode
(he laMhtn caa
are to be aenred
- ahack (ha wafn I aC (he Mat aa¥wlik benton ermm tkm bte been
IMa tatu. aad oelety aw uU l«e
termed, temore tke
ol lu moat lanaad
ntemrranpeenakandekme eklna pleie.
A, *tok. ikp^ter to u ito Iknt ktotote
itissz ■
oar aid two wpP
Baked Cabtopw—BoU a trm wklte
cabbage for ifteen mtoutaa. ckanplng
Ue wetor tken for fieek boilUp water.
Wken tke cabknpe to toteer. drain tud
set aaldc onUI pertecOy cold. Chop
iue ate add two well beaten eggs, a
Ubieapoon of melted butter, a Utile
pepj»er. a teaspoon to wall ate tkree
tsblcspoons of cresuf. BUr thoroughly
aud Uke U» a buttered Uklng pau
uulU brown.
•Bweel IVHsUkCroquo^ls—Bske swi>cl
IHiUtocs uoUl sofl; ^ (Mip <nil the ct»n
ter aud pul through h vcgcUble prchs
To each two cuu of lusshed poUlo ul
low a Ublcspouo to melted butu r. au
equal amount of sugar, a tcaapoou <if
•all. haU a sallspouu to iK-pper and the
yolks of two eggh. kllx well. Ueu
shape lnU» rolls, dip In beaten i'gg\
then lo bread crumbs and fry until
biosu lu hot deep fat
IWallojAed Turuips—Boil Ue
Dips lo salted water, out lulo cube«;
t:Ur a Ubieapoon to butter and out of
iour togelker. add half a pint of mUk
and aUr unlU It holla. Butter a bak
ing dish gpd put lu.a layer to turnips
altoroatlug wltho aato^ until the dlsi
alternating wHh sauce "uulU the dmh
U nearlr full. . U»t with builerte
udcrale ovtu.
iamc aeod Graham Raceipaa
A conulbutor to Good Cheer. Ui the
CterloUe Tribune, gives the following
practical recipes for the use of grq
ham flour, all of w hich she has tested
In her own cooking, and knows to be
Graham Bread-klske a sponge of
white flour. I like the spring wheat
ur best. B^hen nice and light, add
llUle sugar, a lltUc melted buuer.
and stir In gradually enough graham
Ol w hole w heal flour to make quite a
thick better and put 'Into baking
dtohes B’hen light bake from one
half lo three^fourths of an hour In a
moderate oven. It should be a nice
brown This is Very much Ukvd lor
from while broad by almost
anyone, and a part of the white bread
may be usod In ihU way on
baking day.
crease tke mischief and rcurd Ue re^
What happeus In a sprain to briefly
The Upamenu which bind Ue
Joint for it to about Joint sprains Uat
arc writtep. beoi>me preaUy
stretched. eapedaUy on Ue aide where
the fotre of the blow comes.
The rcauU of this condition
things |s obvknis. Au unnatural de
gree of (n'cdom.ts permtUed to the
workings of the Joint, and Uo part at
once bocowch iuflamod aud swollen
The acinc UK? to wkJeh the Jtdm U
put under ihc imprcaslon that Uerc
by the infUmmatloii will be kept dbwn
only scTvcb to aggravate the • i
The flrsi thing lo be done to to Imuirrsf the ^rt iu hot water. The wa
ter sbuuia in* as b«t as cau be borne,
aud should be kepi up to a cod
lompcralure by frequent addlUona. It
will be ueceasaiy to eontlnue Uto
irtialmcnt for a loog tlma. It may be
for hours or until «‘veiy trace of sore
ness Is practically dispelled.
The part to then to be llghUy strap
ped In a bandage In a position Just
short of absolute fUlty. l*he best ar
ilcle to use in huch a case U what to
callvd lu medical i^rtoncc. a 'Mar
tin s Bandage.” Tkto U a long, narrow
atrip of sheet rubber, of' suficlant
sucngih to wKhsuud consld<
strain, and fltted at one end with Upea
for lying. It Is easily seen Uat by Ue
use of this bandage the desired relief
caa b<' obtained without 'complete
What to do With fliu of •’teft-Over"
Btcry housewife has dozens of
of re-cooking meats and poUloes. but
at loo many tables the left-over vegeUblea appear Just as Uey left the dinner table, if. Indeed, they
thrown awgy'
useless; ami yet most
vegelsUes admit of so many ways of
re-cooklng. that they might help spiv
the vext-d question.
sUH wo
have for hupperT” If one would
one's wits lo work
Of all Uo canned vegeUblcs
and tomatoes allow of purUps the
greatest variety to cooking nnd warm
log over. Provided there 1s enough
left It ca^U rc<ookcd to
ws) given the cook books, but we
have to do with the small qusotlUea
Uat would many limes U thrown
away aa ”too little to fees with.” One
cupfol of aiewml corn erUI make
dlak of scalloped com aofietent ior
Graham Gtiun—Two teacups sour
milk two leverublespoons auger, vue
egg. (two If egga ere plenty) Iwp
Ubleapoona melted butter, ate enough
grakam or whole wheat flonr
to tmall family. Bultor a pnteliu dtok.
wklck two scent
‘^-*p«t to tiurnato Jayara ef brt
•oda have tmen weU tUrrod to makq
and cora. betef earetel
not too Ulok a Utter. More or leak
eoda wiU U nm»ded Molding to eourQOM ot milk . If two efpa are oaed U
will bear lees flour. Thto redpc may
lie varied to use whatever gtetortol
cno has oo hand. Firt serept ate
part sour milk will require a toiapoea
to hto^ng powder and leas soda. A
lltUo left-over sour cream may U used
teatoafl of holtor. I havo made dell
Uve Ue top and bottom toyeri
crumbi. Put a lltUe kuUer ate ealt
over each toyor of cork. Pour
eoongk milki to cover, ate ^o iwte
U yon kayo hardly eBoaik
kichor toyorn of on
and add a boaton efli to Ue mUk
A cupful of ntowed corn will make
•uficient corn eiystera for four peo
ple. Drain erell. Ueo ted a weil ktetfi
eflg ate a Ubleteecintelte mBk. iUr
in Jnat eneteh j^r> ktod IBflm to-
teteer. iddUte keif e teiateMol to
and Ue le^ will te
l of*te tefl hint era
der wheat to^U or
cUnoe to he toft over.
OimkamJitoete—One onp sour a
Uklng pewder tetU flm ttj
Otoe of Urge oyeiera to baiter
lard mixed.
iipvera to tkto TegoUbto will And
Tomato Toart—Heat a cupful ot. here. One of silk wtU vide torlpe at
•tewed to kaiors to
_ boiling point, add one end painted to deeign can be
butter, ^t and pepper. BUr In teroe
ed In a plain bag to it n cuahlon.
four beaten egka silniag one wag tke stripe covering part to one aide.
for two mlnuiea. lUU a cupful of boil U mlgklJUc tied wl^ a cold, m ing cream may
Serve on sewte and a vuru used to Ue UP. Uh*
upper’ corncm. A longer ' tkrow;**
A smaU quauUly of tomstoea can be of coJorte canvas, with silk stripes.
have ends si wed dor. with iki?
used to tomato sauw. added lo doup,
or strained and added to the gravy of fringe Inside untess U Is very pretty;
fold wUh UU sesm to Ue w-nler of
trite Uver. together wlU
one side and sew up one long.tege.
ful of pepper sauce.
lit Ue cushion to and acw up the
otker long od^.' ThU places U»ih
RuUs for Kaeping YoonB
borders on top. If too long for the
The woman w bo warns Jo ht'cp ker- cushion. »ew tucks of cflusl depth si
Klf )Ouug. aa$ra an exchauge. U moat each Add. If Ue borders are too tar
aywpalhellc wiU young women, nev trow ibe eud lor this. It wlU inske a
er permits herself lo bi*come dowdy belter bag oovei like Ue uw' aUi\e
to thought or dress, and makes herself suggested.
as totcrrstlng as possible, for she
BamiAk-s of Uce < uilaln AUids mskv
knows that ao totelllgcnt UkiW In the iKauUXul pillow \x»vers over colon.,
face Ukos away ten >eaih of her aj;c uud a heavy esctirlsl pattern, cut
and makes her seem twi-uly )cars cU»ee to the design, under Uld with
younger. Bhe gbew out Into life, and some delicate shade. ruSlte with the
geU thu sunshine and fresh air. and tume. aud the ruffle bordered with
because of her brightness, ike'thoughl Isce insertion, la yfry handaume. U
of pulling her “on the shelf.” never
Is prettier when Ike
curs to auylMMly. She niskcx herstif the M um on IWo sides, sud leaves tlW
socUl auu from which radUtes opposite eorueV showing the Invgular
mny bbams that delight Is given ouniue of the design,
to all Ue lesser pUoets. Bhe Is the
woman who. because of her knowing
The Fool BatK.
bow to keep young. InspUes to oUer
Asidt- from the regular bate, tec
women Uc satte desire and becomes
It et should be washed at toast onoc a
to this manner a pleasute and a bene day. This U a matter of a lew
dlciion. Bjmiebody once said that a
minutea. and toctires neatneaa. loat.
woman was as young as she kwkedi
and ciAmforl. If
tired shopgirl or
I do ndt think so. A woman U the age sah-Kwomsn. who has bM aUndlngy^
that other iH?ople believe her. and
for u-L houiw.'woukl dip her foot Into
U her ow il fauU If. at ftfi) . she docs oI
a bshln of c<dd water. tnaUad of curlImpress the world at Urge with the
lug her baogs. or doing UP kw' back
Idea that ut thirty she stcpp<-d into
hair. Che would kave a UgkUr step
Uc fououln of eternal youth and
aud feel moie like walking taono Uan
rludte never to grow any older. 1
woman’s ag<? U to her own haud«. and
Walking hc-ala the feel, standing
she makes It what It Is
causes them to swell, and boU are
tiresome when prolonged. There are
ua kinds
of fooibaUs.
Kvery household should have ila auUortlles differ as lo Uelr value.
wi-ll msrked Uixes and bags for Ue Hot water enlarges tbu feet by draw
proper sorting out of odds and cndl ing the blood to Uem: When used,
of allks and cloUs and linens, says an they should be rubbed and exercised
exchange. M%cry odd bit of slqS Uat before attempting to put on a tight
is of any size should be, saved—you boot. Mttslaid and hot water to a
ne.vcr know when you wlU need a bit
laU will ahtotrack a fever If taken
of silk to lino a collar or a strip of In tune, cure a nerv ous headache, aud
musUn forehands. A good plan wrlth
De sleep. • dJunkma. corns, and
dresses Bod auUk U lb go over the
usneaa are nalura a prOiocUoo
piece bag to which are kept Ue left
ast bad skoo leather.- Two hot
AsUa a week and a UtUe pedicur
overs even* UtUc while and get rid
of all that belong to garmenU you ing will .remove Ue cause of much
dliKairdte. Better still, to go to discomfort.
'theaq^ Ugs whenever you are passing
A warm baU wlU an ounce of »ea
a dress on to aomeone leas fortunate salt to It Is about as reaUul aa a nap.
than yduiwclf and send with It all thr Paddle to U uutU U ooola. dO' with a
pteoos that msub. Th»y help out rough towel, put oo fresh stockings,
woteorftdly wiU any fixing over
have a change of skoea, and the
If you want to empty Uoae boact
woman who was “rea# to'drop” wUl
time, theiw aro ilwaya homea and have a very good undontoteto^ to
sewing acAooU of which the managers tea minutes The gi^kegt relief from
are only too glad to get Just the, very fatigue la lo plunge the flMt to loe
Ihlnga you ire discarding
cold water and kee| it toUBoraod loite
there 1.. »
W «uSU|.
Aoothrr toolc tor (be aoto Is ■ beadU Itoitttomi rtriety caa be made (ul o( eloobol. Thtoile A e«re wb, ia.
from odds and enda of aU aor^ Tie dry the teirt after betof out lb UA
^terewa” of k few years ago Ite use etonn.
realty beiter when iU cooked eom
iteipM enda. a mUe salt: make 1
ter Ikoto tike enke ate Uke at cm
to i teaepoontul to aid, a ten-
A ttetek Utel
Vepttaklee la B^y Bnmmer.
Tkmw to always a between time, ilhm tlite. elpectoUir in aummer.
wken tke wtotor repeubtoa nre grow- ate WlU no time lo riat try UUini
to a tool plAW botoro'AfrvUd.
Odd Ummi nddUi-ptal W* top old end tteto«to4 ted It to etiU too tito ftee WlU dueled tetek kuel Beat Vlgoronely ter flvo teiiMe. IM
rottre at ats at>» aad add lira ttdal eteto Ite Ue litek nteimef Peteto
tetom kte kte n BmUtom p
(Mtdo «l M» suitib «M te
MoMh; UdihA Mta Md t4ud md Sirtei tetern to i ftei Imit ite
teimdkto ^ Tte >litottty «f
i^ite. toMm. teMi itto pp u
Up mk PtSte dr tte rl|iUlto ite
itete «ten lUiM ip itote
iitee old titom.' liken to Btiu It, M flow tt
pi^-wlU Urpilwirtke el a popte ol ite tetep up
kit wUitei Ote
MnntiNftiii tmkmm
___ Mt
Marry M. Vi
Ortat Wik i
art Per Mat
'iHiit wmE K ttMitiiiin
To aoeowma na ImproTamant la tka
foiM attoa in toe middto w«ian
ataua to oat af tka fantumt of tka
»dk nadirtnban ky Um kaitnn wf
plant todamiy. now tka ntoossM m
tka Vnlmd Saaiai dnpnrimaat of nr
mtjt tka Kaniaa tTty Star.
Hang u. Vinatt of WnaktogM
aa agent of tka bormu of ptont Indnw
try. wko kat botn t gnewt at tkt Sarap
hoMi to Kanaat city, it maktog tipmimanta In Atkanaaa, MtoMrt Kannaa
and Iowa to totiwdnco bettor fvcapt
M mm tm i
vMH»— r>»<w.ii^M'inMiiH
■'.Jf m$ ■
not 9V«kMt ymir totebM?
BwatM tt to Mtwtiui to* OQAI «r wood tto?a
BM*a** tt to th*
oO ttooo.
. fW ottMT fOMou ••* tlm «i yoar dMtor'%
or write our OMioit tignef. '
M*d> In
tom td fully wMTHted.
tka tofmam to plant Bngltob blow gOM
or *wm4ow toocua.** at It la mlM U
to mnek attoMr and i-otmar tkte tbt
Kantncky blto grata. It it now gnaCu
•akani iponmnikm.
konta on Saturday June
...................... ..............
Wo luf« knd diorlf tiri» ««»k« if In Ikn dgr
^ fM diUMi MtMt nni tlio UvnIM of tka
Frldn/a Vnto.
iiirw VMM te tk« kUtorr of oontoiU
Tka iantlaniaa had all tbo beat of
to UU totjr.
it to Ika Jtiday bniloitod. Tka ttar
M vtoii kit pMMd win bi but troto mow of tka day wat Harry
itolTt ptoj mnnrid to wbii It to Monroa of tka Knigku of Pytkina.
Ha pnttod Mr. fthuiar to tka mte and
kat tba konor of balng tka Artt can
iklmtoktoc^ (• tbout over now
didau to pnat tka If.OiO mark.
M# tkt Ml itol cjf ttrinfik it to
Mr. miutar and Mr. Joy« warn
wall ramambamd titk coopon fotaa
WkM Yito U iriU Ulto to wto ikd yoatofday. boi Prad W. Lehman of tka
ikt wtoMTt vm bi are dfMr U. C T. wko |a emjdoyad by too Mut^
■ijFiiiitoi tkan am.
tollman Oraeary oampanr tomd aac>
ond boat and glvat nMtnca of batog
kav« an oautl ckanoe and iktr Ml t daniarotn rlvtl for tba bonort. ^
Mditnt. Mllatof tkat no mot It
Mitt Sibyl Oldt of tba Y. U C. A.
won until tka ialtk..and no oaa to till hat tba tofimatl potlUon on too
wuttof to init unui tk«r know ladlot* litt. bar total now balng 11.
tontilYiir toti tbojr aro Uwtan. and I7».
Iktf ^won't knoW' tkat untU muck
Mitt Bdua Wllbelm of tM Fratamtl
latar In ikt muwi
Myttio OtixOc, and Mitt 4ankla V. Anrna«toa Will Htip Yio. /
i darton of tot inrtl M. K. ckurcb. are
Wkto rour fritudt voted for you bolding Ikalr own and tka Uttar raand kalped you ibty eiprctod you t« cflUTsl tba liatt vole among the ladirt.
««kl to tka daltk and to lyikald ibf on FrkUy.
Today la t*tir«*mum* day with the
Itonor af tka todga to tk« Uat
Tbry wlU luppun you »lron«er. m oandldatat for the kandamiM' opepa
your naad iw«u1m. and to gtie ui< gUttos wUl be awarded at I o’clock
nnlil foa kava
evtiT locticht and evaryune U buttling.
ratuuroe to win ibt arttt koourt tod
Sulaa aid RasiiUtlant.
Uroitolat of rirtory will be kicikad
Oandldatea mutt ba mambarn of a
na n faint btantd laadwr.
' Moat ever> caaildata bat btoo okmek. labor. Ilto^. buMneca or aourtaliU) aodomad and It It now op ctol organUitioa, keddtog maatlnga In
tp ypur lodcn, brpckart akd ttoiam. tn TrayoM City or aunoundlng lani.
flva you inatartai tttUuiirt to up tory.
bold tka konor of your organitaiUm
Tba voUag will be by baliou clipped
will not
from tot Bvtntog Heoord and by votand your fnltk In ‘
tog carUAcatat Ittued wito paymanu
found Urking. '
Many Kumara
Bvantog Rapord.
Back ballot clipped from tka paper
itrynsUi if toota wko am your com
• oaMtoi% but Rumibr waa ater a falat wSl count one vote for tka lady nnd
lada and aba M nt kar old trtoka avca aatvad at Ika ofAoa bafoiw tka date of
In tkl« blgk riatt. frtondly fpitaruiU gaaftoamn named Ueiwon when rw
expiration given on tka ballot
Back day tka dau of ika txplraUon.
l*ay no knod to her If you ara wlaa
|f you d# yon will rptrat It.
Ba on Ua kallou It changed.
OtTUgckim for BOTH n lady and
from Mlatouri-^wtka tktm uliow
toatlnmnn eontaitant will ba tommd
vRk Twoalpta for anbacrlpUon at flM
About tba only Iklua ulktd about tova:
mow it tkt dtaotood oontati. lit In
Sy Carrif r.
tka atr. Old and room, tick and
|Bor. am takiny aidot and dltoottinf One ynar IS to...........................7to votaa
Ika OfOlMkto ckanotn of tka anndi- BU montki |1S0................ito toCaa
.......-..lto fotaa
dntod tn iU tka talk tkafw ka^^ not
bann n iUnoordant nota about tba
tolmrtn of tbo contoti. Mrarybody
By Malt.
knowt tka Mranlnf Rooord could not Ona year |2 to........ ............ ^ fotoa
nford tor ka m party to anytklua but t 8U toonikt IIJI...^..... Mat
toif. opan nontapi.
Tke Kmnlni Ptoir montki |l-to...............Ill fotoa
WkUa anok payment of toll for n
Eaaord bat no fatrortta and no one
to any way with tka token roart anbarripUon waUtlaa tka koldnr
IM tonpiod la dliowad to Uka any of the rwoaipt to Ikto votaa. tkana
ba Mod tor one onndMnt^knt
«Mt «taM««r lb lb« MbKM. D«b1
tMlM tor mm mmmx- Umi ».m mart ba ognally dlvMad botwnen a
cabtoMto to (tottoc b •«»<• <to»l tody and gantiamaa.
TbU toto to bo «ll wdbtbtood ih*i No eertlAcau wlU ka tanned for n
II MPbyiiu tor Ik* wob4«<ii<l IbUCMi toaa pnymnni than I1.M.
OamMnatkmt inay bo formod kw
rvrrrobb to Iblllka |b U« ttrunto
twaan a tody aad ganUaman candktota
All tka
wko am nPsronQkad by wkick a tody ouar axokango kor
ganitoama’a votaa for a likw nnmbar
•pond to mcait nfery enaa. for Ikey of tody'a Mai^ and vice vnrmu Boi
opmblnnrtana kj •mj cnndMalan nf tka
tka Btrastog Beooid nnd tkat tkalr Me aax to dotoai gpotkor wlU sot
tttbaeripiion wlU kava to ba paid to
any nmnu and tk«r mnltoa tokt« U
aundt toam In knnd to pny nnw
wknn H nr|U do tonUr npetoty nnd
anndidatat too moat good. Many nm
kalping mora tkan oaa mndidato to
antaading toalr aukaerlptom or to
amidtag H ont of town to n mtoxitre
or frtond. So wtdanpmad an Intama
kU OfU fTM wm. It
Afvy tk« dMtr« for
tuoBC drink, nod kuUdi w tke run
down ajrtteBi. tinBOftkODA tke vonk*
nm«n dnd Moa re^«t
S7to to SnuJ oiii^
Mrfe. B. SUtaa
Prayer by tka Rar. a Fleming and
Aftaan mlnntaa with tka Word. Many
good tbtose warn Imprrmfd npoo u&.
Whaar tkera to a parSe dealgn. ikare
mutt ba a parAo daaigner. a perAc
•7ia.‘j-s.srK»». wm
rey. At U. Warren wtt not pretent.
mi In >Mln aaaind enreSopa.
Tkw price of Orrtea to ft a box. C. B. Bfiaa mapondad to tka adrrlna to told by J^aton Orwg Co.. drett of watooma.
• Child ConTnrtioa.* wat Ue Kubject
lU B. Pront atr
by Cbarlat IrUk
km. C. H. Btiet tad the
Report of tka forty taveaik convan
HeeJUtion by OladU Rrailbupt.
Uonofeka Umg Lake and OarAakl
Me Not,” wat tk^ tuug. Af
Sunday tckool attoclatlon keld at tka er•”Paat
dUmlaaal. by the Rev: B.. Flbnilng
cknmk at Naak May 21^. 1*07.
tba momtog aeation cloted.
Called to order by the
After dianar and toclal
Robert Samay.
10,. -o. to
Prayer by t
The Value o
aradltk. wat vary IniaMttog. . DUttand by Robt. Samay. tka Rev.
Maraditk and Mrt. Wilton.
RaciUtlon by fkrn Carmeto. axoel.
lent tong. Cloted for dinner and todal hour.
Hevotloatl exen Itet led by the Rev.
Raporto of the Superlntendanu of
Home Department and Primary DaparUneut
Secretary and tretaurert collection.
I1.&1. Amount to tMtury |X2d. BxpenMt $1.26.
Q. A. Shearer elected Supaflntendant of
School ErangolUatlon by
Mrt. 1». F. WUtem. The topic wat
tbly and cokTtoclagiy bandied.
solo to SMitt Mabel Oraeao. accom
Florance Page.
uintod by Mitt
tba Matter, wat
Our Best
Walter wat
rut to our Townwklpt; by C. H._____
Roll call of ackooU. Cadar Rim 2.
No. 4. IS; Neal. S; Howard. 4: C.uo
ae Tree. 4.
be held ^
No. 4. In Ai
CaplUl a. ........
Uedlvldad proAto.
SUtot. and Ult
kandgnarttrt from wbirb tka Indottry
It aacouragad. It It tktiw tbti tba
I wkkk am onad to
Tka grmaa M karrtttod Ilka ffton and tkratkad in aa
ordlnanr tkmtklag macblna. It to of
twrannSl growth.
Tbt bureau of plant Induttry bti
bean co optrtttog wTU a ftw farmart
to vartona aacSoaa af tka omnsy by
ftvtog tkfm anoogk taadt to new'aa
acre of ground lu the new foiwga
cropa, • Mr. Vlaall aald reiouily. Mr.
VlnaU la a gradnata of Ika Raomt Ag*
rlcttkural t-oUega. The BngUtb blue
gratt. alfalfa, dovar. tlmotbr, rodl4»
and other fOraga i-nipt am ittog to
trodocod all over tka oonntry. Tka old
matkad of piantiag tka aama rtwp of
com ar wheat or oati on a placa of
gronpd ♦^•ry year roba Ckt tall of tU
fertility, and fanning baoomm lata
proAuble The object of theta expert
niaou by tkt guvarntoent U to luirty
<luio mom modem metkodt of farming
to iireaaraa tke fartUlty of tka toil
*Tbt old maikod to to plant a nop
of com on a placa of land whare <om
bat bean grown for yaart. When tkt
«.oru It gatkared la tke ftll. tke mwt
, K«u
Use and CwiAtmction'of tha Marourial Baromatar..
The g«in.fietn«t af a Fall af tha OUn
Vtrim . Ctniidtrtbly Accardtng la
LaliUidn—riuctuttiant wf th* StrnmaUr In the Trapiat.
Iluw’i tba fltiul Ttli It a qneatton
wbicb U ntued dally by tbouiau(U of
p«>ple *11 over the world and fnhquemly for \cr.v trlvUl Mnc»t»*. ..To tka
uavigntor the fluctuatkmt of the bglomeler are alwty* of lutaraat tud not
ReMrU of tektSu and report, of
ITiat kind of farming dootu t pny.
tott Sivan?L wS?T
b7 toe tJ?'. Tb€ Und naadi a IM from tka ttma
raury Collection of |1.17 wtt re .old nop Theta fortgt cropt of ck>n record
%er. tlftlft. mdtop and tlmotto and tba reading at toatt every four koum
-vLei Me Lean Harder cm Thee.” ^ikar iklngt tkookl ba Inlrodoc-cd at a and lu ntormy weather at much aSbrter
wat tuug by Mrt. Siller. Alice Derby fcrUlUar at well at for proAt Tbara, Inlervthi. The tty la of ImromeUt
an^Hauto WUklaaoo.
, „
U monfsy to fomga cropa. If a farm* wkkk to tuppilad for ate la the navy
tke Suudty
once undanUnd. bow to
hU It that known to makora and phy«h Ult
hiMr. Tri*l. * I
WithoUl ImpalT- an tka ”t !*tcru” btmmelci . 1; .-.mnUU
8 nglnr by Mr. and .Mr*. jrUb. I ^ n, fertility, be baa dl*,t,v»-rad tka of a ghuit tuljc about thlrty thma
••Tha Ml«.iooarr' Idea In'h* Mela *^"1
profllaWt farming. ThU It locbet in length and tUml one-third
tlon to the «unda7School.*’ wa* ^tlven '^ktl tbt gorarnmenl It trying to toch totcmal dUmeU-r.
Any one who bat teen a haromeiar
by the Rev. R Fleming.
HeclUtlon. Benin W*iUlnRon
Tkt gov
of tkU type U aware that tka gUta
■GtKl be with You.” wtt kuuj? by on appUcatlon t
tuba ioutaln* a <%#luiun of luarrury
'cropa, bat It doat
r^tebtog within a *h«irt dUUu(w-vf (h#
The tftenuam xc*tlon wa* ibcu
hut U in not aa.plainly, apparent to
rUwad with player by ih». Rev. U
tUt ordinary nnd unluttnlciad obterver
why thh tall and narrow column thua
rcmalnt lu the luU-. The lwc» condltlant eatential to the couatructlon of
HviMriM Uy. It U a Pr.M'.Ury a tuaixartoV Uruiuetar am, Aral, that
What t Hatpin StvMitd.
ibam than ba at iwrfact a vacnjuui aa
A ^-arum Urge mUlloery «»ubU«h
to tbeunppar end oC^ tulw.
A reiwrter for tka Hoboken Oboenrer
utent mtkat t apivUUy of wx>iuan i
took % run down to Jertey City tke wkkk is c-loaed. and. aacondRy. tkat tha
irtoiuied btU at |& tud flU. It It cut
' other tven
(4tog to tee If ka
ting Uigeto totu tba trade of tba tm«ll
basin or cUtem of i
•r klgb pric-fHl detlert A thort TZ.
”• ^
. ,
rare luck, and tba Obterver reoanily cury.
ago t woman of fttblun
Tbeta ends are a( .-ompllthed lu a
e»UblUbu»tUt uientloaed «uu «ira un .
. u-rk T».ln
r*ed to nimpla fnahlon. Arat discovered by an
b..., UM. f..«od .u«.e .u .uU
w.i;;iS41u ,:fr.:
Italian wlentlrt named Torrlr-elll. at
Before going ooi the mitaed
Oment. fumUUrly far back as the year 10-lS. The tube la
tlutUe hatpin
A etreful tativb
tgbout tba world at “MtH held perpeudlcnlar. with the ckiced wod
bring U lo Wfb|. tud Itodlt
downward,, and mercury is pooiwd In
wppetuovw remtloed a mytteiy. A
until It la quite fnlL Then the Auger U
few Utyt later tbt cutlomer. tlUl look
way to bU ausmar ^ome placed over tba apaolng and &a tuba
lngTor.a tulUbW bat. vtoited ooe of
la turned orar, and tor and; tka wpan
the axpetulra Oillltoary tbupt to lb.< at Tuxedo and bad coma over fmin and la Immarwed In a cUicrn of mar
. Ity.* Among the btu tUbwn to her. MtuUtltou tu boor befom bit train enry. and tba Anger or atoppar Is ra
of which wtt prk-ed
mevad. Tba marcory then aloka a
abort dlaUuca la tba cube, toarliig u
uwa of tba ktU the bad
apace at tba top which mutt obvtonaly
be complataly devoid of air. Tba prwwhich tbe'^atmoapbare axarta opon
tba anrfaoa wf lk« toarcury to tke clatara mnlntalna tka colnmo In tba take,
and any varUtlona In the air pramnm
la Uto-ovar
will ba acirotupantod by a
,o bRu. but
L-\aw Yo
la tba
”Tou can never judge an American lariat or toll of tba^ mercury
city from a imUroad *UtW>n.**
Atked wbat ba thought of tba LrU
1,r.!i «
• *?“
Tito algalAraiica of a faU of tka bamaaatar. bowarar. vurtaa conaldarabll
according to the utliuda
In Uraat
BrlUto. anya a tvrller In tba N’avj
and Army, It baa failaa perbopa kplf
aa inch or ipom durttm the nlgkt. i|to
ytt tkam may bt aa vary atonaW
glia of wind, but aock a faU to M
tmpka would ba tbt atonal tor toa
navtoator to prepay* for a cyclone, tka
Aoctnatloaa of'th# glaaa tn tbaaa IgUtttdaa batog uanally cmAnad to a al||bt
and rngular Mat and faU St cartoto
houfm. la a recant cyclone la Jappk
tba faU dortog ona boUr waa tbipa*
lantha and tbe Mae during the ngst
boor no leaa than alx-tentba. or mara
than half an lock.
U U Indaad wltk mgard to tkiga
UrrlAc storma tkat tka hamattar It
uf tke ntmoat aan lca to tka ntvlgntoc.
A M.nur ItoMnc
Tb. RruUUo .-mpyl*™ i. • tug*.
WouUjr bum
IiomIm « tm(
walghtog 280 pound* with a huge kmd.
an upper lip * foul long ito»d cloaa aat
ayaa and one kaa au IdaaW tka kagiL
Ha U tka Uigeal^of tka Wt trto#
and kaa karik. eoawe.kalr, mom Ukg
4»rt*tlc* than fur. ThU kalr la xnltgd
hUck ami yellow, of
Ini kto
b native kaouU tka ctpykarm kaa
huge, fat atomac-b
b wh
drag* un the ground. He U a waUr
loving animal and can dlra and stay
under for eight or tan mtontas at a
time. Tbe jaguar of South Amerlta
preya upon tbe capybara. and tke ladUna kill kini for kU Aaak. wbick
whan amoked to aald to ka aa dtUclM
aa a Kentucky ham. altkiggk It kai g
certain musky Aavoc. Tba capybgfg
a pto**
grunt Ua waa once called tka hykrovboerua. or water kog. and Uvea on g
vagaUbla diet
Taatifig tha Inaana.
Sir Douglas gfraigbt told an amam
tog atory at tka dinner of tka Journey,
man Balrdraaoera* Trade aoctoty- Ba
mmambamd. wkan a yonng baniator.
going Into a Urbar abop to ba akavtd.
He waa a lltUa aUrttod to oaa tka wo.
man bablnd tka exHUter aUrtog at him
from ttma to time through tka glaaa
t ke got outtkSa tka akop a
aid. ”1 am very |Jad to
ont** explaintog
tkat kla anxiety waa due to tkg fgaC
tkat tka knrbar came out of a lunatic
nayluin tba prarlona wmk. and aa ka
kad bean acting queerly again kla rete-
will agutoPtd to giva afSciant
atrvtof to inaktoi nudlto and
aaaminattoiin nf tka kaaka nf
rnunlaipamiaa. nar^attoiito
undar tha
nf a
Cartlltod FubUc Acnnufitaid.
Ckoloa pinna of bottoant property
dr tnle. comer ^^nlon and Sixth
kUwnU. kaa a frontage of 171 feat on
Uxtb tiraet. TbU prof»arty It grow-
plgMa alive Into tka cage Jnat to m Japaauaa youth* to tkalr a
wM Umy wo^ dm^l ¥^a^Uww^ Tkay ara oonatructad of
ao baUcately polaad that
tkm acta them jingling. Yjba
bopped aioand tka klg kmtaa. even tinkling aarvaa to remind tkalr, owner
ko^ on tkalr bneka. tka lions mak of tke giver; hence tke pretty, fanciful
tog no altampt to dla^ tkam. even
aaamlng to enjoy MtoWpantonaklpTkatw la aomatotog/ ratkar aUmaga
about tkM wbick Iw4a diAtoult m ax
It akoBld ka natad that marcary to
oqoally waO.
wan. for toatonca. wltk watar.
kat tbla would ontoil kavtof a tube
•early forty f^to Im^ to^wly
■ ■ V IB BIB IB to B SF BBto.
water baromatar will stand at aboat
tklrty fonr IM. a combroos sort of toatmment for the. navigator to cany
about wltk him.
The glaaa tube and ctotem thus com^
^ lo^inlnm
opautogs to akow tbetopper part of
aad on tba cuae a •cale to^ewt
and tontka and
At tka clonn of tkn kaltottaf tto rw
Uma wlh kn naaraanad by a otult*
Mandtog in tka cnmmngity to nsgnanttoML
Tkn knilotlag Ml kngin wtti Ike
tatna W May ft md to«ll clonn at f
Ikmatom nsintni to •vwn fmm a widn oVtock WndiMay^vHMMk innn Id
nra^ wtik fkn rngnM alwnya for tka
Tbn pinna of koMtog tkn Anal nw
toting aartlicaiat
Bamambar tkat aoM will kn nsnonnond to s towr iw
ig#^ tkn BMtol BacM.
rina eottagi on Carp
drp ^jraititokad
AN akavafaf SMa.
tvwO-WTM tn Utrtr-«oe
lacfcgk tt». »•»«, tb. |»»ctkH Ham «t
Mm* vhM m'«Lm mm Mra to
UlcbM U to-«M to toiok
indicate to tka axparlancad aaaiaan lb#
poaltkm of tke dreaded vortex and fka
approxtoiata couma upon wklgk tka
Hat a dapartmnnt
.atiwtiona and Oadtolduala.
IttiiA «er
OiWaaMMi aM
lAMlft AHO own imad kaal OiftGH.loaml
Ml a gaed luwgii U li aa
ter fwa le pMck U ckMdaiw ti jrwa kaad wkiwla. H aad a|L 3U C. rmt
'Tlicadc ^ '
TkirVr*!^-f r iSTami*S
km km datted kir tka »aMki
Sunday Record-Berald
(kfor<M^ Tklali
eg. Wia tkm wklt
Lat ika wvaaeaattMH
. A JiU
The Chicago Sunday Record-Hejald^U acknowledged by hundreds
0< thousands d readers to be the best Sunday^paper in the West It
is a clean, live paper that prints all the news and many entertaining
features besidea To-morrow's issue is full of good things for every
member of the family.
H .n aa
■ la ehar««.
Mrrlw aaA trmm
UiMo'clocli la
tW rmjk ward kaA.
Sanrkw of prayer aad pralm
Tlmiadar arawiiif at Ua koiaaa vkara
U i« ooavaalawt. AU ara aanaaUy laI to auaad aad iota ia UeM iw-
A M*ecial verrlm for Ue cAlldrra
win be Aeld at Ua Fburtawnb ureei
U B. ebaixA. Baadaj akorataid. A eerUMIB tv »lM> cbOdrea win bejiraacbed
by ike pa^r. apcrlel muelc k>
** eardlaMy
jraaag for Ckrtat at Ike earkee* i
kit aeaieai aad Wad dm Idiwt
Him aad 10 Ule ckoirk Get
late Ble kmm aad kgr tke ma af
Ood kelp to keep
tkeai. tkat tkajr
8MJ aavar kaaw aajtkWg ekiMkia u»
love aad eerve Qod aad w dekikt te
wmkip ia Ule eaactaaiy.
But ckUdiea aad yoaag people kare
mumaaiWiltlee aa wen aa petm
Ikty akoald k>te aad ekey tkeir par*
eaia. reremw aad leml mir alA
eip aad aertee to fdeaea tkaae wW
glvlag Uaee aad oarr la ttaWlag i
ap la tke fear ef Ike Lord. *
iwU lor tka
pavlagar Oaaa
troas Vtaat
street to Mate wtreei. aad Ruia atiwat
aecrwad latar^ oh aU wngHld laataUtka aaaM to ba paM aa or kalosa tka SOck day of Jaae. IMT.
aiy Trwaaan
Orsea. vooai M Sutw M Bldg. .
aaa I to •• tHcdaalva,
Natka la AU
sx roll lor
Tka special ai
tka paviag of Case street ax.irtroHitka
south Uae of Rute streat to tke aortk
end of Casa straet bridge U aow
kaads for the enllactloa of tka i
wUk Itka a
lasUUasaat togatkar with
latataat OH aU aakaid
the same to ha paid da or kafora tka
Ikeir creator ta ike
daya of tkeir yoolk.x
aiaui aaADiava.
Ueui. V. lb;
xxx. 14; Brov
i 7 15 U
x\. l?i xxH. a; iAX't
xll. 1; l.uke xUlL 1M7; Kpk. vl. 14.'
me apacuu
wraat froHl atraat from
of Ualon atraat to ike
d. to aow in
want Baa ot 1
of tka tklrd
iaauUmaat togatkar wtU tka i
lalatwst oa aU aapHld tai
Ike same to ha paid oa pr
Ike doth of June. lEOT.
Offlee. room Utt 8Uta Bank Bldg
June 1 to EO laclualvH
June 1 to 30 tnduaive
Tkeie wlU ie preackiac eed
Alt the Ftltk ward kail loinoivw mom
aoo. 119. k: Twelfth street. Oil. phone
may 21
lag. tka IUty. Bdwta Aper oC hlaaUiee.
•mag ikw pttlpU.
CKriom Ctideever la
The Magic No, A
Thw Rev Uavld McAUleter ot IVHow akoQl i'krtetlau
lerwkuig. will proeck at tke Preibyur- j
for Oeo. H. Parris, of Cedar Grove.
* tomorrow
» cktuck
monili.* ,^1 u I'tautl.ii KwtMT«r UK»»lul- Me., acconllug to a k>tter which reads:
Prwinc M«nk^ w'll Al»o »k-4.«U »i M. 1b iA( \V«B>*jr«n cteivk ol l^i>- "After etorarlng much wHk Hvar aad
thr churrk tia \V«4BaB4ar
! loo tt B aorM.T which ri|Btor Ctak hs- kidney trouble, and hecoxalng gnuUly
- You can Eat Ruga asade froHi Old
^..rvbod, bcU-.....I BUWd ». w« dulo. . «o«1 ««V. dlscoursgt^ by the faUuic lo End re Carpd-ts in^ke "oidtoAiT*- way moat
lief. I tried nectiic RlUeni. and as a
________________ ____
I »«v«ir •»«»« «'* JBBokooo J
tcHlay.. Tke
Th. .COM of Ih* BBtth IB ao« hoUCT. BOCl.1, to fOOBd Boout the hol.l to.
Wa^ Me ikem oat of Ika •Nwdtaary.n) h> h* Bhou foOJ-Bt* mlto* thhh ph».v*«-of l-Bri.tob»l, Ur bob* bMUo
Guaranteed hast
UiuitoWtnrr Bt the looBt r4«» torul JoU ootolAr of Ilw aoUu vtif 9t remv^y for stomach. lUerj^^ Mdaky
This is la
Presbyteftao church.
Ur. KieUker U pastor
CHRISTiAN ENDEAVOR. ' doiled by Utss Juki
Bad <d«B^ .arrouBdlBAB to whatV
WltUAM E. CUBT18. the famous cor- MR. DOOICY, the great humorist
and a remarkahly
PrRy.r MeeLet Tspis Fer lbs Week rletj It Is. ivbsiatiiAg vf two Syrlaaa.
to HMtke^aSlppaiB^^ a*. Our
offersa whole page of his inimiuble
tespondentknd traveler, contributes
Raginn.ng Jon# t.
uSklet telle why. May wa wmll It.
three Ualians. out Hpaalard sad
an interesting article.
Ub iu:r. a n fovt e
Notice te #
fun and philosophy.
her of dauAskaus sad Bark
‘Ut lax I
The special
NjojUf -H«3b» Ui kelp thus* Wha sr«
Joal.s*r .tukii ourAT.vr* M*U. XtUi l-A
tka paving ol sdutk Itnlon 'str
Eufllshwomsii I heard of su
l Iho SAKUh end of eoolh I
" 1hr sttiiudf if tliv dUriidew of cau aocleiv at rulehrw. hut dU aot get
eluding the feature by Mme. Qui
of 12th
edited by a large sUff of experts,
I hrtM toward t hlldrcu iu Ihelr rde- imrtlcoUirm. Heverwl other societies are
street. Is now In my hands fur the col
Vive. IS full of bright, fresh hints on
li .11 u, Cbilsi wsa ihiti Ilr AUould no: projected. I»r. Kraacl. K Clerk. Dt lection of the second Installmen
fashions and other live subjects for
Iw AllsimlNrd t*.v Ibt-iu. It aiu»i llK*rw- ShTiblax Ills may la the t aual Heat.
athletic news of the world.
fore bate •rrai.Hi like the lit.u.v of fate
unpaid Inst allmenu.
when lo ihvit dls< umiU.u ul greatoeAM THEFT OF A RABBLE PAOOOA. ^d on or U-for| the I
In the klugiluui uf iieavru Ibr Vlasier
Ralph 8 Hastings
includinp the cable service of the
ahuuUt bav*> plarvAl u little rhlUl In
Palmer Cox's famous "Brownies"
City TTt^as
tbelr inldwt and haw -kl. Kxcdfpi .wel Kerwa’e Natieeal
New York Herald and World, a
and the "Little Nemo" pictures, in
OfEce. room 303 SUte Bank Bldg.
le iuuvrried and*be«^iaie as little ihllA theft iXMu^ahle alone to the eteaP June 1 to 30.Inclusive.
colors, make the little folks laugh.
drou >e ahail not cuU-r the Uuxdoui
, Ing of the Waeblngtoa ol?ellfk
1 br.\ had Uiouxlii « blUtrvii Ike capiul or ef Neleoo'e column
unworthy vf HU uoike He Or, uita. London has reLwnlly been committed
tbu; uuUsa tbi-y u-kvuie like . hlidr,.u by s Japanese nobleman la Seoul, ac
Notice to All Persons
Tbe tiiM
wABl ioa ia
ihcA i B.iild uui cuter. uiu« U It as ia*' cording to a .Nagasaki cornfiiKmdenl
The spivaal ussmisuACUl mil fur the
giv’a^. in the kluphiui rhiiAi a i'.-l.uk.- of the New York Posl. This liuUUinan
of Ibr dtedlples when they aliempled haa eplrited sway from Ike Kurvsu
to keep ihlldreu rr».m Him aud IIU capital one of the most audieni and
uae of s vhlW as su obje- i lesson a.u iarTedef iho nsilon’s aiH'eslral shrines,
tlon of.tbi
what a rbrUUan shA.olU l» should tke beautiful white marble pagoda ef mc^nt together with tke accrue*! Interest on all unpaKT tnstallmimU. tke
xlRHply Impress u« that we should AeeW . P’ong-duk.
, ., ^
on or before the 30ih
the proper sttliude n.wurd children. | Thls exquislXe.emhodUuenlufoWRoaud ibU U*«erislnl.Mii>e«f h.-lpfuiuesK rcan arvhltociure was Ideally slluat- day of June. 190T
Ralph a. Hasilngm.
y\e hhr.uld ever strive b* l*r « lielp|ed lu s suburb of Seoul where for
City Treasurer.
rather than a blodrauoe to thoiro w>. nearly 1.000 yeara It has been admired
8Utc Bank Bldg
Office, room1 2A2 8Utd
are vouuger tbau ounK-he-. ami « Ai*e
alghlet«creia and cltlsena as the
June I to ) inclusive
.Ully io the UcvasudgUlK with who... moet eudurlng monument of Koreae
B.ur Ihes iomu- in .a.hu. t s^ p.n. uts, | anclenl splendor. Since the recent MChTtottoo KBdoBVor. «;U p. W.
iea* heni oi Kudeavoi w oilers
, eumpUon of her prulectorsle over Ro^
. l;W p. m.. pvorv smad
n Ud- iauH.t iau e of belf.luK the young * tea. Japan haa wllneeaed tke irowtk
I. th, I. toOHroiicd by s uuuita-r <*f %erkiu« of a del
Netica to AU Persons InUrested.
i««k Urirai Aid socloty
dtto Mirlo* Wr
The special asanasmeul lax roU for
r test W« analresMoiis
the pavnng of 8UU? street from thu
7: 30 p m.ravery am ■fcgui hOhto, tooood Bhd foorth Wof. ihe\ are moat easily lufloem-eJ for lency
Vlecouut Tanaka,
OBdR^B IB Ub a»Bth Bt I: JR p. »
east Hue of Cass street to the west
w»*i k of miMiih C. W B .M. tut*» U
dlapatchPrayer meeilag Thursday efealai
line of Railroad avenue, to now la my
'Ihuruday. 7 SO p m.. ualon midtbe AtBge of foruiati«*n. iuhI a wonl or sd on a epei'lal mleeloo to re|i
t 7:30. Seats free. .
hands for tke collealnn of tka 3rd a09-2i0 state Baak BalUlaf.
AU are welcome to aU Ua miom on a. t u>«Y tl<N-F.Jv iiupresA iheui. rv.-u the emperor at tke marriage car
s-BOB, .Chao.
eXd-it au luflucu.v UIH.U them for life Of the Korean crown prlncv. U
Whah wav shall our aci. luBueoc-e that while at Ike court la
Feurtssnth Etreet M. C. Church.
them, upward or down ward! <2» Chll TlaoiMiBt ejtpreBoBd B d«Mre (hat
The Rev. R. H. PleiulUK. pastor.
dreu are naturally religloualy »u
You wiU need
Class aieeliOK.
». w
dined That tbev liiberit sinful «lis
Bubday bckool aud
PrtOA'hlag setAlce. 10:30 a. B.
posUiousAWimoi l*e rtr uk-d. I^ei the .k pan. hot the emperor pf Korea ream
>> A»cNirdtit iBvltatUm to all tk«-«h i
Rev Bemas t^ochila. pastor.
•Hunrta) RK'htH.l at 12 ni; Solomon casiou arUf mim! It U wonderful how lotely held out against Ike piwpoeaL
< hun k pkoae No. UM.
BusL'UiiT. suiH iiuli-ndeui
* ^ TitviL
uatursllv thev will dei-rlve end utter A- few weeks later Ckf pagoda vanOur chuixh t« a home for worakip
Rpworth Icairue at f:.”*© pm.
have ao church
Ob floor with BwUmr Oolhr
' toitiieatsof Jsiy.
KveiUng seruum. 7.30 p. m.
you are eara» to Traverse
■ BRnatRL
rkwreh of Ike ImwacuUio CNmnp •sUy luvlled lo come, get acGualu
,brlr f.l.h IB ..od ,ud <
Pr:^er lueelmg. Thursday evtulug
Older thoiii of tha
liim-Toruor WvUluo aud «Acuud mU work and worublp wiLt ua.
Urw .maM, i. high uulrw. lii ;io.. vs» veloome to all. Introduce your fiieada. at 7:30.
por« aad kraedlctluu, 7;so p tu.
Ireet the straagers. U a suaager. wait
l*e allowed to dilff away frt»m them. Occupying aboat eight dtya AS fM
HI. FraacU 'Ckurck-X’swnA r Tsatk tnd tneel the pastor.
for It I. ..n<u-u-h . <ll««uu uuner «o M
nod fumiab^ on abort noaud Oawi blrwal Huuday—Ia.w tuaaw
Kpecial services aaaoaaoed ta Ua
at 7: SO a n : blgk ma«« and
tioe. We are the only
rAutch brak'**ea
Captala and «ln tb«u h». k l». Th.. .hlldmi of to
at 10 SO a at ; %eajM*ra and U-ihmIu - '.^eguUr ser» -as as follows*
pabUc meet d«r Mill he the men «ud BOiueii of to
tum at 7 SO |) nt Wui L du>h H. t
mom..:. BDd the .»«. .ud hurden. of
Id 30 a IB., moralag worship aad lags every ulgkt excepl lload^.
in .your ofdera. Our casic^M at 7:30 u ni.
Uie world «iU re«t ui>oo them Who
paMtyifi 2.500 loavca daily.
bad goae oMo ka sat up ta
.t« the tomler. lu bh.lii*.. lo .Ut«
- ^
Wk tall ue ciY'am hy
12 m . SuDdsT school. M preveated.
.udlB.hwvhtodB..^ Thooe who hot .
frifada Chunth.
- O.P. CARVER 4 saa
lome dmnasaat. TgUoa for you.
few voar. »go (hour woBdetfuUy lew
BBtloB • protBrtor*^ M
quart or galloii. Gel bur
r<in»Pr Oak and V'iliU • iwdlaT
Rwoole s Seclkty
the.T Been.) were hoy. aud »trK with Tbs facto art that
11m Hrv.* VYaaWllu tiv
of Korea lefussd to acgatoaca 1^ M
th. luMti
frlToloo. BBd BoinetlBieo slinast drlv- proposal to prasent tka P’Hag-dok pa
Mtwtlng for iwurahlp Halibatti morn meeting asd evaugelUtlc eervlo
• p.
radI hot aalvatlOH i
parents. tea<kem and frtoods to de- goda to Vtsconnt Tana^ tkat fagOf
|ng. lu:M a. m
Choir under dltwcUon of Dr. Bmltk.
8ua4ay achoed IS oelook
•pair. But deal not too harshly with man got sums Korean aftclal ta ghrt
Thurvday. 7:S0 p. m-, prayar and
Ike perverse bp.v and tke frlvotoas gtri a tormal permtoatoa for tkt lamovat
Jualor r. E .d.SOp, lu
rontereace mee
In s few years, years that will seam
fYiday. 7 CO D
Btwior, C.
p. ut
UUkr-Day kalnU (Re-organized).
like dsya the burdens of Ufe may da- aadartlngs of the JapapeM aaikgrlA cordial lavluUoa to attoad aU
Ooapal mealVag. 7:Sd P u»
Regular avnicew are held at their ralop that boy Into ike most sUlwart ttoa. okvtooaJy roold kavf ao autkoiHy
•anrloes aad ika raayag
Prayer neellag Thursday 7:30 p in
mankoud. and a driep sorrow may touch to part with tks property of tka aa
chapet IW5. Randolph Vireet.
Prearhlng oa ttahbaih luorulug aad
the heart of that gUi which wUl In- tkm. y St U to rsportad ikfit ch ao mors
i^v•nlnI- AU are cordially luvucd aad
sianUy change her Into • woman of
Coiaer Ninth aud Wadswuith.
mt'lromod to i»nr aortlCA**
strength sod of htoaalng
r C Gihsoa. pastor.
10:10. Sunday achooJ.
Rot how may we uim our infioeiKa
HuutUy •eiMct's
Tks Koiwaaa are lateaaaly !
11:4.5, prayer service.
tor good toward those who are young
aad certala patriots k|YS awH
Class meeting. 10 00 a. m
7:30 p m .Veacklng
I have a number of good
' Tke UCT. George R. UK'kbarl, paa
tabs tke Ufa of tks traitor who a
INvwrhlnji. 10:30 a. la.
Eroeat Shipnaa
faurnu. aU the way from 40 to
away Koraa’s Ubaittoa to Japan
’“SioSf 04 oTSec. SOI Wllhcliu block
aciea. for ule. or If you
OltM phohO. l« <MU»cb».
Jualor Y. P, A . 3:30 TV m- .
Friday evepliig-~7:S0. Zlon s Reltglo^
MuraUig acrvlcp. IV .30 a. ta.
U to usually Cve. CkUdiwu tove to he
m^Uor Y. r. A, «:30 p-lu.
have any good property. I wUl ROSELLE KNgTT
pUHtry society
Huad^aebool. It.
loved, aud they cau aiqusttou uue af- ea at a gsme of foelkaU
PuYachlng. T:3V u. B
A welcome is extended to all.
Haraoa Blkle dam, II
asdsRWMiste ptapm' *dv
frtton and re^i^tojt. J^We M oast asks Ike Uermld of Htratlofd-oa Zake it in exchange and make
Mid week prayer weeilng Thursday
H Y. P V., « p. ».
Avon. J. *. Vincent the author of s you easy term*. 1 can tell you
Uttar S7
Kyeulag eervlce, 7.
In the Famous Criteria'.
7:30 p.WL
wWt^r book OB Bcrkaklre highways and byvkiklr«m.
BiWt* idudy, praypr aad pralae aak
a good farm for let* money
You are oordlally Invited to attend
(N. Y.) Suoceis,
waya found at .North Moreton la tki
^irr. Thursday PYeuluf at 7:10,
all of these services
Jualon uakm. Saturday, t;30 p. la.
KHtolsr tksee a>i entry of a mv4m than you can buy it of any
Buys’ juBlur Msclal vluU, Taasdaya
doae by uae Noald Ouator/' eaya tks body else. 1
Daamaaa Cannot ka Curwd
have farms
HenM. "Oald Ountog,-M aetnm. was
First M. C. Churek.
AU are cordially lavited lo tkmacx
a football ptoyer. or. at any rsto. his whicb are located from loui
Joseph Duuoa. pastor.
asHs wees ptoyersi for tpey and aocas to 80 miles from Traverse
Uurmlag aenrloe, 10:M.
fkUowe named Or««ortos “EMI together
Kuadny school. Boua.
IR tke years teaiwi st-tootkaa OoiE City. bU good Improved land
7 :30. kioa’a RaUglo^UteraiT aocIHy,
lOpwortk League. € p. m.
OHHtor drew kto dagfsr and licolto
If yoB bam goed ls«U farm*
Chapel leeated at SOS Randolph.
Kvealng evangeUsile smrtrlce. T.
hHMk tketr baa«^ ^ they dtod kaoCk
Tke iMiklle U weloomak
Prayer moellng, Thursday et>»alag.
toNklH a furtalgki fftor.” Havags oM
T%^ was bad ktoedi ei
SptoSidfywioiivM aM dMHd.
hgR oven tkoa. Tbta murder
A oordtel •oteoM ta oU.
of The Recofd HemJd is the only real magazine imued by a Chicago pagge^ It
contains the work of the best writers and artiatt in the country, an-d is itself
WOTth twice the cost of the whole paper.
Look out for FutreUe s new detecUve story. •'The Silver Box." to-moi^
row. Sherlock Holmes can’t beat it. "The Strenuous Ufe of a Counterfeiter ; is
true-and stranger than fiction. Also read "Forbes and the Hoodoo," a thriUIng Ule of love and heroism on the great lakea
Lou of other good things, both lor womgn and men. including a cover,
picture in colors-^ artistic gem.
Secrets of Rug
SkHM M Bei; GnI iHg
Petoskey Rug Mfg
II Carpet Co., Ltd.
The Time to $et a Hei Is
when a Hen WasU ti ^'n 1
The Chif^go Sunday Record-Herald
Firing Tu
lohn i. Santo
General InniraHct
Bread. Buns
and Cakes
Trimble Bakery.
Dr. W. J. Higgina
Porcelain Work
sir'Br,^v . _
Trimble s Bakery
Tin Tttsumicf
Grand Opera House
MoadsF Nlaht
Farms_for Sale June 10
Tuee^y^T:3• p
onttgga vnytt
aanUmia oh east and trail iMM ul
itofi|to'«asf^ tkae, to IM. a
MonlRR aanrlo„ 1»:M a. ■
• OSoe SOT Slata Bank Buildiiig
Thifd Floor
MO Wmhiagtee4.^pti |Som 1T4
rr^-^;:^.■■■:•^■^■'^ •••--; u.vH' -S ,.■■■': .
, ^ ^ .p-f V-^
^:The:; evening"-recordI:^^
- V,;-.
wiun <>vn,«AVh/ on m
to MEhp mun
; yy
ry--- J- y;, r■■■•■’*■'''•. .;.■'‘'
xajpit WmfT Jttm»^*isf«mi
IJfcRt M.4hr> *^H«X W.a iw. Ifcc ufc. »«*»<< Vi
•!>»«>» Wc ««
ad «<«< «rttohr4 lUVSiM dr;
cratr toe .emrthn^ that bad m it
Ok ddtf m pm to wkb «j> Mwed
The death to to7ancle. fcAmed cto««b k> that of hia^toi
Ptdm had kk Trevr^ the bead to oior to the eeo ptS^rkd
he hcUi
in cidra«l»
(««£. .
po» kr
hrU Kkk«
vekiag. ur««i^
rtr«»U «
aaroMb and
««1 mUrr
fto, >«». ir< fn», *»d r*AV itPb tt kpcii u^tk. hitt nr rr>*1^1
tuadr hmi
tk:. bro^ vmd>. be «im Amn au«. tbe
»dnd Avenur. k
» freat «ton> Kupk k»cm hui
pu4 tn woimg
tb*re*-^llV ff*» C^|fum 1
T"IbAi u C«rJ 1 rev or." he ouW ato
'Whf of UJttUC
V<»«r toitfnl ts
0iv avd%'»^n»
to be to ibt: irmy. and then rcsiguid an
I ton somg t/< drkr »%
«i»%cUisiiU« -d mj aium» r to tv the bs^d of ihc U»U> "
•me «ah»^e
k % vrt> ^>d ol >.4j u^ 1
I'cofAt or^d to hutu a;vd M.inc ,tc,.pcd *r>d vH«.4 hatoh mul.
<mr bar to €xpUm/he^t^t
I kne^ b-i% rJoaUe yoeir tm>t
fhi. to.tad toooKkfed yotuitf m-u in ^ bt*A
Terkr car
k, urr
Tso^t V drru 40 tlu: ftirb, juvd
vp(4r U» kuu. and he smiled
-All, Catoto*
Trtvnr. t ••ined v. *te*1*41 ktod M man, >nbx J
: tor K< km-ie boa urcai - catch he »a»- I he |Dcn »n toe
mtk\ bar «a^i W. and 1 «ai fi^avrd
,.rtc Vto. .re > Jub »«tokv«k hu icd -l-tu him
:v*h.' Utiru ^wcr^. -««
N>no*^ Jell'S
But I hue tbt 10*11 in * ciximd '
"So do 1." Tmor nuoued. “Bui >ia kno* wt ikoold t»-
^'CamforL*' uid Helen
Why. it mtiuld hr so uncomtortabk
tu be-lunthuu but an Aiacricau. Buu Carl. | hav^ oken ibub
dered any. alter serving in Caba,*»>u did not go i<» the riiiii|>
***^tbuij I viviuhi. if I ticK Jack;Kad wa aderd me not t«'‘
-IVi'r \’nclc .lack.* Hekn ^.tid fcvherlv.
*Acm." Ircvt.r auvnered. *and I Aait see to'n he held up
uiuk-T the vvetghi of all hi> resi-ms.lMlitors “V*iur rcspnnvibiljties tarn."
• \o, ntn yet
I am g.*miL to take a 1 nm»;ht -and thc«-—“
"Ptmv Carl." the girl cried. *%»n yH>4>V .-nv^ viai’’
-They dem't know
ftta to lum tu >oiu>t Jt Y»u havci t H ki
-t>h. mine -mmc, why—"
of Fortune
.She hv kcti at him. and scciitg some
-Ihai depends." v.ud the «irr
you mutto'i questioa
Otr tOk» ck>srly. A wrunan never will ull certain dungs
•■()b, I kiu.u;* Curl retort, a
M shetod think
did k^w
And vou muv: tell me ahrmt
>«mr affairs- afiei dinner; for vou nm-»t break ctiTy mgaj{etneia
y.m have. amk*Anc nilh tuc
rerkms'*—lo the coachman—
for thu evening it will he my home,* ! rrvor^^ ‘ de
•ptr cvcr> engagenwat yoti have or I have/ at which X!iv%
Itok-n Ihurstici caught herself Mushing, and began m ulh
r„i'trt-Tapidl> about the parade of
avenue at this point was tbronaed. and the girl
vrrv white
‘’Stivp. Perkhu*- she cried.
grew vd.
Pcrkim stupped. and she .was out .i;i 1
OK tin !«ix v.Hild reach her. T'len Carl. wlv. haM liern ten. much
.4b*..r)wi! in hU ctimrunioi, to nntu*e any tuher obiecl. saw tti;.- a
vg .Mian had been uin down, and that d*c was U-ing earned t*» i c
r.nnfi her in here—carctollv.’ Helen, who hml pushed lur
Wa.v thruugl). was crying
lbr:i ■f.rcvor was by hc^ side.
‘'Ves. ukc her in to M s%
IburvtooV’ he <*rJtre<l
I hank vt u. Cml
Help them."- Helen said
TerVim. i.rt
Hi Ibmon.L and then iv kamoid. and, if he » tun in. Hr.
ud ha
lice >a:geiMi arnveti, 1h f« 111 d a l-did *dd
# from ap.rtiurnt .11 Mr> n»ui»ton‘v
l-4 * nt.iul Icjo.d ;d-.ut liiT
rgv.in Saul
will take her.
Misk Ihuision’
•No. sh.i' is to rrmum here.* Helen said, dtc uledly. *1 know
•\es.***l w-ill.sa> 1 think u is." the voung surgeon confessed,
mkmg thi.s voung'todv t!tc im>st beautiful in tlic world
Tbt dmiHr wa-latf .-n *Mrs rhiust..ir* th.it iniihi
U l.eii. at
;ht oVl't^k. Car! rclurmil tropi h-> hot. I. it wav still w.*miiv.
J. in tVt. hr and Mrs I hursiou utnt in ' v thcjiiMrK.s
.u evil kr..iw such .01 irtipulsue girl‘" tha» l.uU 1cnu1k.1l
die iv .ilwass taking uoiibK -n her m If
She lias Hr llenton,
:eon m New York. thne. .md a iiuriie. and aJI over a
r. t km.VC a word .'-b-ul "
M nuke an a.ltiurabK oftictl." he aiowered
ir he.id in an enicrcrnev .'*
that its 4 good he.nd tliai wi/l put a woman
stretls imo one s U>t chamber.’ Mrs Ihuts
n^len ,Miteniig. overheard
Am t varc. ■ -dif i
•'I feel
wukid wickeiP
I never V
eh iKOcitv
SIu has Wn
•.udei iiig for ih<- lu
‘varies of hie. and she is no; .m imp<.stoi
llicre was live cem
tn her p«Kket-book . and that, she snvs, is
all sbe ha5--an old wonuin. born a ladv. left all alone,
ivecir.i ,0 be inrncd out; she told
*\’mI von hilicvcd hiri, of ( rnirse." Mtb Thur
'■ ■'Iv’
-your rcsjKinMbili
t ic %—V'imsself.
on ssel I—tt iiiKht-t-^nnt lo im.rrow
Jik of the tlmu
•.aiids d.-prmiem
m-the UuHuandv and
.\lier Itnncr Carl was alom with her. and hr said. "1 wiU
lughi. Helen -to nipKt—not after a forinqjhl "
rl crossed Uv him
‘I cr uM bne vou b.r that.*' .
And he saul. -I b.y vou. Hrlci. for all of namirv."
l.-Aiii at iiiiu. an.l then turned as if to <un; but he caught
•I ..! .ill of Ikimers. • he repeated
• riiv re IS no lYs.ivc s -imw.* ‘lie ,.od softiv
-Oil. let me go "
•1 m-vvr will, de.tr.• llu man an‘W*'red
TU h oighi he wr..u IhitioM .h.it he jnii‘* with.lraw his premise
. iKiiii voting hi‘ shaieviti the- fn.iti‘tnal uniiMn
itiMic ‘h.nibi
dioubi .see hnii
When Uv lu.l mushed lu Aalked to a window ami kKdi-ii
ni nut
uv. lli>w tmuh was thete-litV. ...d life was Work.
S death
l-..r ;he. u.i\iot| new iesiR..is|hil,ties for e
tesiH.nsihihties; for hinisel
himself an endic-s vista
. for ..HOIS,
d the famify.
f he m \t morning he entered Hatton s office
The gre
r-.se to meet him. "Ain I ha.l your note
\.»ii want to kn'*w
more alMiul i;
Well, yon shall—evervTliiiig
But >ou arc making.
Vours. If mor> trouble th.in youi uncle ever gave himself "
. "Oh. 1 know -1 know -it‘s nc4 mvessarv for my iiiieresl-hut i w.u:t to pu! my brain to bear r»n the things iheiiisclvcs.
iHc.mse tlu) mean s.I many other iiUcresis ^s.. much."
The older in.au lt».*ked al*> him out of w.irl.l we.ary ryes
wi‘h vou wepe a s.*n .«f mine.
1 don’t kimw whether you are
r.gl'i or wr..ng
I am tired -aul, hut-at vnur age I wn.s like vou.
.\i mine. >.m nv. will Iv lirrd out
V.4 I ant glad you have
cli.^‘iii as-y.‘U have ’
l-'..r it lus Uen wnitcn ihai for king or rich nun who is a true
•ItjvJutcl^ iiei--. Hi jwsc your
ina ge
• 1 in.iw, %it, I kiu.w , but 1 .mt Ti m»oi»sIM«
1 «ni going at It .Wn 1 a fotintght
. ••'nut IS voiif tmcU*‘ nk4.b«''‘ Casitaiu d re
hr Vm no was "
rbc,gre.l ban
•TU lepri om, J1 the I'omh
ht a btokkn siud.v 10. ibi nvnmul
’ '
^ A'es; IhU m.ni icpioenied a l-ove
Ilk, aspired
Und die lomlmiaiion of trading miriest
1.1 ^iic and to U.M III the hoik V of one migl.lv K.ml tin
uVmg and unmaking
inildic opiimm* shaping ilw
■ «boU wdild. nuking
uldmmi itl «.• tt.s ..wn tndk
And as
iv.Ihv of gc vtiitMuins. kul«lmiiK
101 Call, In. nmrevi U\ wHh tlul iMiwcr
\t.lvMmtv se
W.SS at ilu tiMinng of thi wa>.>. tike his nation. In he neb wa>
-to Ir .|H-i|ib \ssl. to W ftec' an end volnc few ot iht: modcial.lv
Will to A. and lb. nmucumUiet! nch nuv teach-was to Ik
hahlc to an abiisv of ftenkMU. t«> lie is.wrtfnl was to be a suli/nl
lu -llu Siuaiv he saw the pavsiiig ihiotw
‘Tlic) rnv> hk, I
I .brn't r
Urn what of qur
n 10 thtuk
iWl li .VC
awav dtoe
tlii atiihciah
.neef iiov
He p.iU‘ed for a mtiiiKr.i.
>1 >57Mhc l uvors-diis h.iuse
Its shut
ImAuig at lb
i.red from vl
lihlUd bun ill souiiLvv4>. Hi> atunmeni at the !ioU-l
*«:fo*i:.bb ^ \ml ibcu be hcaid a voice, and, lurumg.
lu *,;w .
• She was 1.0.
1. bok ai'uiU'i afl the wemen he had known, and
sh.r br.mgh; lea
UiylaHKl and h« cailici ry.nith.
Helen»" he-van!
I c,.nd.l no:/,
speaking to
Carl." .he said
MJ^cs vtHJ again
• 1 will take you alinii the luik
were whirling .m. and she never
1; arfd presenllv they
d filler to him than
11 s all ovei
the tuiKral and all that—1 am winderIt." he said
"The world ts wondermg hWu\ >ou. Carl
Ic couain' W lu't have vou been dmig all ilicsc
She was ;. far.remi.vcd 1
1 near oough for thehr^4 Cl lUc familv to feel 1: |irmnss,].;r TO •VoUki.i" her
rcmemUrcrl that he never had liked h.i;t v'ert. the.nun she wav
engaged to
HER HUSBAND’S WEAKNESS-By Myra Williams Ji^i-rell
‘WDl KS turned her lu..il ..wav from i
Ivic n she
rviiif. ihat her icaii might ti-.i lall uis.n n 'It was
luiicr. w.vKhng down i>..uf. Hm oidv a famt. tk
V which came 4rom eyes fremi whnh the luster
long since, liad faded
notclrd her bus
rcbk smile on hi* face, “don't taki
vluir with a led
Tt*uv thcHl«h w«I vs at Marvm*. You know.
that 1
ail c,\gft incmor ta hi* voke-vok-e^-‘‘ihai
i»q*’-wiih ai
weM really needed the nuwicy f.u f.vmH"
lone It il we
syefed vltvarjly.
--------wilh yvm.
you, Pa.*
ra. die
• TatU’t no Use aigvmg with
, and S4W Slum
••Vauae if vm'i liad some nK»re money to i
i thiHighl me or the
chiMren w..uUlI like, vou'd
Ihm' pretty at
did.A have iw *h<xs iJsir *UH.kmg» to^our
«ti it
Prrscully . 4he Uao.n ffw d to a crisp and the egft UJuling
;l.oKtt) again at her hu-sliatul. With hit rou
Bslv red hair, he lockrrd
Ins ruddy akin, and hi*
• a ch,M.
as If he w
vilgly ich
i, a. if h* V
ver about the weak
the weight .if lu t disai
c in the woman; and gomg
All the iiistnvi of 11
umWcr.aud said chcerfulU
over. »he laul-n kind hand
-NevcT mind. Pa. it U * handsome water service, and will k-Jv
real nkr
narUc topi*cd table *t mother give us wheu wv
abaurdly like
vhito ammg tlu-r, .
He btighuticd up hunKdiaieJy. “I knets 't you’d like.it, Mandy.
• hen Vou ism.'c goi over vuur lireiudure agin *wh ihiURs *’
She sighed •SghUy. and began diahiug up the *upper. ^aU
the chiklrvo, Pa." .he aaid.
Soon they cam troopMii to, a
heahhv, hapnv broo«! of five, all under twelve, with scarcely a
Me ganueik between ihwa «n4 what they had all palcted aud
lather to tha from room 1
•fivwr water pUtAtr with
^«»nginf aBvw
After IL^wvrk wa» tem and the children to bed. Mra. Sandrra aal down hy tha kilciiaii toUt with a Imp of littla ctothac
tben I II givc'the deacon that ? . .lu .
'1 s’p.isc. now.” she queried, "y.m saw the pitcher
»aw the deacon?**
• Well. ;Vt. Ma." he chinkkd: "but don’t v..u fret.
.m: all* right
The wheat cropll U good if we .Wi
muvh of a dr.'mght—and then I’ll buy you a piano/
• Now. Pa." vehcfuciitly. "don*l W sUlv . we lued all the iiKniey
we can •tt*ho)d of. ju*t to dreas and feed the ch:blren and to pay
"1 ati/tXrgoi. Mandy S^mders. if y.-u have, how k-vclv vou
uaed to play, the iiulodeon wlum yuu wa‘. a girl, and wr used to,
sii>g t.ygcthcr
X^b, believe me if all those endearing young
cb.inMs that ! ga/e on siv fomllv to dav"—
"I remember." *he put in viftly. “and 'taint a* ihough I .font
love musk. DOW. ior i do. but vt«u nm.stn't thmk of doing such a
ihina. Pa. really you musiiri "'
•iWt vim fret, Ma. just w^u trust ine. I aint never failed
yxHi yet. her 1? Hcvn i 1 been faithful
Pa.* slu assented, hut nwvlic 'twoald Ise more to the
.‘u d 'a' Uen less faithful at/mie an had had more cmi
sc. There. lhe*k I didii t tm.m to hurt vou, Ihi, but
.* when 1 think iTthem l.itU b-lkao* mine. I wish’i you’d
take better
car% of your money, and iHii be *0 indulgent "
er cart
"I'm sure ...........................
be»t I can fer all of
w.vrk hard.
please vou. and thai vou grumble that I
d. li t provide iliT
And he wem to bed in an ugly from^ of
l.mrrlv .^1 her v.
:c* and economy s
had alwav* l>een rtwa,rded by just such c
U wa* a go.^ farm, not hraviJv mortgaged: and *Ke knew it
The week* fn^wiin werej one* of depreaaioa
Everythhw detfcsreaaioa Everything
i tky renu
hhie and undouded. and
, icrer Mr*
looked at die aUver
pitcher, her *oul
: in revolt ag
a man who could apend
hU little all in t«di
to the kitdm d^ and looked off or« the boun^'
prairie t-wwrd ^westem hortooo, looking lor too
aiin. ifi
btoier than a man** hand
'iir iSii'.'Ss'i
ikiubrful the crop
so don't buy :my thing
Pv^ given .you, things we ju*t
>ut. and set IVaemi
Jjiucs ..nd a>k him .to lex the 1
run a little kmger;
hc’v so good and kind i I kn -w he
if yoa explain how
".Now don’t you fret. .M.i
1 guess 1 know how to mamage my
own inonev.’ and he drove off, leaving Mr> Sanders hi a dubious
»>aim of mind
\v evening drew on, the childfini g.vihrrc.d
K.iihrrc.d ^mn
^ihiiuI. ami thev all
in Uic diade/ f the Htlle hinisc waifing for hi
his aruval. Idle
nutev pasvect and still he did mn cime. Mr* ^Senders shaded
HKl up to sec
ward the sellhqj
bunt gradually enlarging,
-newed lmp<
he r.iad which led to town, and gavi
* wagon sk^wly, slowly crawling lo
at last," she, said lo the ch.ldreo
••iK»w PU go in aiT see alviut supiwT.
Id a few minutes the children callcvi
l?a; It*. Mr Bert .in’ Mr. Wilson. Ma
rhruvMi him
and that they had brought him home “Badly
of the men added; "seems
hurt' Tna’am,*;?t<nc
IT *
if hc..»fn’t goin'
Ftojm well/’
"Tenderly they lifted and carried him into the h/i«sc. and laid
him on
on the sofa m the front rtsmi, the awe-stricken children following
Dg tm tiptoe, and poshing each other to gel a hetur look at
t^ |Kor. bmp. white thing which had been Acir father.
/He opened his eyes, and looked around and *|piled feebly at
fhis family, then demanded of his neighbor*:
/ "Where’s ray package?"
One of them went oat to the wagon and relumed with m toitod.
crumtded paper hag.
Mr Sander* reached for it. and withdrew from k* .depth* a
very fiiimy, gaudy, moch-bedowered bonnet, whidi wotod have
suited a girl to sixteen, and said, a* he handed it to hi* wife:
"Here. Mandy, it* (or you; yoa allu* looked *0..putty to them
Kow dopY yop omny. Ma,
^ W eenimee wai arW tetohed. Hi* widow fell on her knees
totek the auia. wtetef
hiising his poor haiuU ju*4 a* the
llf«l7«Uhii th#to€hltoaof hb OWRlo«tllM,U«M](r
VkOs itq«M to >uA« tiM ptoia hdi« « p»di abd a kidlh;
AptKfl totbt CBOiCX OF ACARSKt.toi th«^
toto«toLC.S.CMfMi: tlmlto wHb which thtcoopoA toiT^
Oo wh«« irm wlU. 700 ted to high pototlou tott wto
hatortoMiftoalh«rMk>iototyh7ttehh^tothcl.C. tk| /
aeawltowm tortoiig hBtmd^bdcy; bmi with wtoii'
gDdchtldtoatepMdtogRpmtham; toM with bo •duMttoi,
hot the hhO^ to itod oBd wriu.
^ OowhtoByoB will, poB ted IhtotatoBtoAojuFicBaM,
tePttlatoBdwtB, lUBi«toB, £i«toMn,Cwrtn^
Their mteto toteo mmisurnaf ; esd pto te to att totefij
BBdontood once yoa kaow how lASY tte^L C ft. toitet
Work et whet you may. lire where you will, chooee whet
•ccupelloa you Uhe, the 1. ,C. S. can qualky you lor li, hy
Btoil, to your epare time it cotou oothtog to fill to, cat oto
and maU the
utotog bow You caB quality fir Um
perittoa hitat which you gurk X.
r Selling 30 Article*
A Genuine Indian Wig^vam
Tfief ehii at eight. ^
« W srs. vn'
W r«.
n©w »-tonr ;
TRUE BLUE CO., Dept. 292,-Boston. Mass.
Some- Perplexities
of Matting Calls
lIU. ..f rctuMaiiK fjll, fO
plcaiiig que.sihms m»i mfnijm inly ari‘..
bi tliu wive
A Uily. m rvtt.ruing a v-il!,
IS a. cwtiipamcd by a friend wnli wIkmh
‘he is driving and the iw-. g.. m t-.
•ether; neq .that thev both mrend^ ;•
•V4V a caU. imJy the one. .tinl t*;“
irnnKhicc* her friend.
N’..w> wi-. the
the aptocarahcc of this pcr*<m inir.d*j.<^l
should be regarded and treated as a n.,
mal call or not is a question tha; i
cathcr apt lo trouble the recijm .ii of n
Hie best inference seem* to Ik- that it
i* not a call, hut a chance ininxluctum
onlv. made as a matter of convin»«.-uce
•Another diftculty with regard t > caU
ing ix the doubt as to whrtl.cr when
relurmng a call, it 1* allowablr or eveti
isablq, to
10 b
be accomi«mcd bv a rd*
fricml who may hapjxm to I*
the Waller a dM.ri visit
On tni*
ay I’eed <
p«.jMt. however,
comp.m) the caller
:t «*i
Ihc Udv caUed upon as a
Hut in case the lady
ann..uticcd as
AS m*l
m.l at h'»ni
h-mn. ohI
up«.n is announced
c let!, the name of thi aco.m
ic cards, for. siricily sp
.. in no wise from her
A man tmi*t mn take :m..;hrr
to call upon larlics of b.s. Mit rv.
hi> friend’s acquaintance, vrithoui
asking and receivi
w n T -tig
A .vou»K K, nIIoiK... *1...
tni. ot tht i.ttvjrtjc of cllms apon »
secure for him this permission and in
tfoducc him to tire lady’s house. When
the ladv lias cAinvented to receive ‘him,
he is WH entitlerl to make his first call
ahvne. but must be acconypamed by the
man or woman who has secured for him
the pnvtlegc. But after that, he is cn
tiilcil to call ak.nc
removing to a
or departing
endure for a
year or more are call* paid lo bid fare
well l and then usually only one** near
est and most intmute friends are so
Ordinarily mte going on a
jtiumey merely leaves for,
her or hi* V
care to cohivaie. ctiqi>rtte demand* a vers prompt leavi^
aar.ls can 1»c left at long interVaU, until
•• i: c.-tm.ciit.n is dropped by common
infrequently happens that a tody
on driving to a house t-. calk finds her
iMfl Wat a retreat. tK.stjiomng the call
until another day
She will. douMtoss
iformed that her friend n at home,
U- uifoi
but IS going out driving at oocc;
c.tse. cards sWmld W left as
a if not
at home had been ihf ret*ly
To pot
off calling
On the either hand it of
ten* happens in the rountry ^ a tody
on callitqt Wilt nuxts .>ut driving the
friend towards wh.»se baa*e *hr i* go
When this is so tha tmended gall
should IK4 be paid.
Am I privileged t" call on ntjr Mtn^ .
while she is visiting in the hoiMe of one
with wh*m I have yo acgttaimaoce, or
come* to every man and woman to tone,
Vfthoot knowto4^-her bostcaa, liot the
caller mmt ask to ice. and leave a card
lor the oMatre** of the hoaac.
If acquainunce U claimed with the hooiess
a* wcU a* the vtoitar. the cafler ihotod
a*k to *e« both.
But it is tiever per
mitted to cbU upofi a visaior to fanrily
,• w
A princa, frock-*ooJd W wy hrcoount. mWml sluat
r^*vr4ir St
-”zt- n ,',TS!ffi ’t!.s."SEvirr„'
Convenient as Gas or Electricity
twk» #r iMl ap^rM^ *kovc iV W«
tVMO« *»..
I UB S (Ml « iackc. Ull. Wtf 24. mut H
■ndiM. wti«M no
M> rm «» W*»n; hiir li«ht
4 MV
%km. vrrm inth un of
i> a*l(.r au^ W Ao*€»
« ,SS... W»«» «Mi Wo*. M (TMO. Md .m
V Hindu tW riwt i. UMii. >W CT.W n»(4uir
Uitrt i« rrcUh
»TV«> IMM, Mo^lt Mudnl if n u |4e«lrd eithuut betne
\ gSiSi
a^r *•
inm Ar leifMH wtth « htiU- .%hii
■ VaA ol Ac braid m diff<-rcin erulA*. wrattna
Utter. ho«w. CM only W aouaicd
Will you pkiK adsite me how to make Aem'
A. I UW it. MU *iili » tHIornil .u.i (or i t«Kf*l .cm »id a
prrn.v froA f«*r ?v€oii«. For ihr walkinff »uit »nv o< the %oft
lOiiidt voiiki Wmf v<*r AiuWf 4ffure. «nplu>^ »
lutki aeifte
or ot>c of
ol the unan »ervi
kcrvkeaUc nwiJuir^.
»>c Am cm*l<l>r pk»ted inlo Ar acot«s Ime
A or «itli
ol brit<4hr
Mhff with atH kddft
hiAnij^ prevajbnf duA
in Af
At doth.
cktfh. IV Ml »o.
HI. couway
couvay ttylc.
Myk. doni.--«TT^AM-houdou.«
.1 to wy Miurt and Ac Inieel mo6^ aUhouJh Ac lairlv W»c
uukc M
Itoir’ pr^Jn'w
mir to Ihr other and can
ij^ev can rtadiJy be laid
iHc DlM hat iii entirely
«vcr Ar
WHKRK u a ihani. and faw
m bat
cKtut the
tbwt ii a|itiat«f»t »<*
It to A
gests summer dmpUdiy and is ahnfcther Asirahlc
touin wiA Ac appropriate costume and at the right lime Il
lustrated arc two of the prctlicat and best bked sivir. iVt the
amsoo has to otfer, hoA of vhiA mn so easiU and readily U
made at himie that M Hd^ Vsf a half a druen without mcr
It rati be iraaiad in variooa ways In place of the liiilc ftdl|
at the umkr brhn can be one wide 00c. Airrad material, plain
material ui. nidatA abnoto anytbim tVl one Aay like. Ihe
Idain liai m Ais inslanct it maAimm linm cmWoidcicd h>
liand. this spmial form of faiyn work bring a fad of the hour,
hot it tia» tan kp trmlad A a 'humbrr ol ways It ran he cut
from any all otrar embroidery or heavy lacc #id can quite easily
and rcadilv be taken MH and cleansed
^ The paiiefii constols of § fouuAiiuii Unm end Und. whkh
art the samr for hath halt, the AM errmn and the full btun
ftw tV shirred hat, the plain crown and the plain hum fur the
plain hat
IV yarioat purtmiu of the sAtred Vt are joined
NoSmoke^ NoOansor
&ie> walk on.
like st.mmthmg tVt
too idd for the suttt tame at his bruibtr
eyes, hthi hair and
fair, with red
raAer IcngAy, hut 1 thought perhapt >mi tpoold advV me.
1H Ah* •••» <x. IH» HMW *). Ntw Y*fe
be ihtrred
cords il liked BO that
dal and 1
scfurate from"X%riII**antr?” W
M.ltlv draped nblx.41. i.hicb tennmates
y\'x giujitit.s'of nutrrbi required for the Airrcd hal u \-2
yard A iinhcs wide lor Ac cromn, 1 l-i yards of cmhroiArv
f> I 4 luvhcs eidr^lor Ac frill and i yarA of r.lAm for thr
7 H vard of all-over nutrrul. 2 >aiti% of narrou late. 2 A 4
27 inchev aide ior cither loontU-
The paticn. 5.U0 iA cut
Hkrstand ysnir pride in your thildr
> s«e Acir oHsprmgs luok as nicely
and Alt it. I know, a problem, w
„ fql and mtuher s Am b>r tewin to imuted. In tke irit
place, simple styles are always best (or children*. garmeoU.
They are smarter really than
tng of Ac rcduciKHi of lauinJ
Is ioiiud to the Wit Wheu gathered the ch
t should he made
at the centre l>adu but when inverted plan
T used it can W
made eithi r at Alt point or Wneath the plait
the left siA.
'I he giuiiiit.v of materia! required lor 1
K .V4 yanis 27 S )(«fA 44 or V inches wide
aiA 44 i r varA S2 inches
of brawl
The patten. 5622 is cut m sues lor a 24. Jiv 2S. JD. X2. 34 and
.V. mch waist measurr ...
tilher pattern will W mailed U* apv address on receipt of
toi cems by Marjufu Dane. 44 bast Tv^enty third street. \ew
•WTo MS* StUy W *ur« U> Wat* liM of satWni wssted.
The Great Usoe Ipnked rather dugrumled over hrs part
-I don’t see.** he miwrked sulKmb, “whv. when Im IT. thoK
Collie ofbeers and Horatio and the Ghost are allow id to come on
the sage before I div T V audimer wdl V w.miNig to sec
Hamlet himsrU. ami ihto wiU maV thtm impatient Id fed
lerrihly if any body
Hi* **ul walked <mi Wfore I smme Av ‘
if.. .4
ike the ivrchestra hefurr the
*'WfIl. If tVl's It. said iW lialf »
km. -m
rdKwi Vs to wait ill I CiUWC
.And, anyway,
' " '*‘^
and stand it .Amb
h*s mw Ol tnm-h a eiyiini **
wipie V can .peak a word
**1 gweaa I am. uax of arcanm. wumreo tne re
tVfr was no Ghost there would V tiq play I tbaU 1
’ Vrkint w Vi I dn fpeak. I can wramite you “
-Wdk well* Hurry akn^. 1 want to get lo m> hru hwig
tIJsi* •irr .‘c?;;*
Uyftnom aad Vtirea. and I dual like Eat «et01 at^e To V or
[ ^f
kr'mi Itm a
V. caua c™*
Wck «SS thdr uik duwu.-
\ hero u no kirt more aati«
pUm tKirtii one
nutrriaU. it
« very great advantage of being alwavs 1
to flare gracefully at the lower porti’on.s while U u
plain over the hips and alUms a choice of inverted plaits or
gathcfi at the hack \U. it can be I rimmed in a v^u tv of
wavs As Ulostrated the ma lenal i> one of the prcti) light
A all bfi
each gore Hut it
suits and the
imalel IS admirable lor U.ih. while -uch maUiuU c.( \ht hr.*,dr4l
with Krcat siiaess and with a peculiar
MiuVttlrs*, the
braid being applied owr any urcutred
there can he piped hands of the niaieri.d
»traij|hl lines, exteiidmg round, or in separate ones termoui.
<>i w»de
* ‘braid* can0 he used after any
The Marjorie Dane Catalogue .
a A of Fashiona : :
: A A-
vvoh an icirh wid<- Wn
.uid of liiNertMtii i.or 1hu xhould W
rtebi m at the top of I
«nutr l>uuh. Iini.hai
ht. the uneven edges inromed with a hub lace (nil resting
upon the pretty plump nevk The sleeves will he puff, oontiml
w ith luiidx matchi^ the ncsk. fuiiA.
fuilA For Agted .Swiss no mudrl
ixaihl kkwsks well
A hax
llld Ol tine i(ainso».k cmbfuidtry. gisiiig the effect of the yoke
liemg .1 pnmukeil cbrnnMTlie.r. TW
ITic neck
t%. finished with a biat
strapping covered with a row of (eath
iher stiuhi
Lhing and a little lace
lull The fr.Kk fallx free from Ac I Ale t»kc and a deep hem
I* the finish for even day wear. Finer roaierialt may have
!viud of the iitocrtion outlined with a gro
.uvvex arc c*inhi>ed with h..;ids »d tlie insrrtu.n. edged with At
Ttve httic 3 ycar (4d o. IS just the rijihl age fur Buster tiruw&
or Russian suits, ma
with (ull kni^ers and ^the one piece
Moiixe At the same t
not we.ii 'ail'«r m»h»
I hcxc arc very little trouble to nuke
lux! kiu-c trmixerx and 4bt Peter I hoinp>^»n bkHisc. that slips
over I*', head and hax an cI..xIk run inp. the hem at the lower
1 leant seri^, with light blue collars and cuffv truunied
with white braid would be pmn for Wst wear, the
leld t.. W
vxhite pique aii.1 the tu- xofi Uack x,!k 1 heir hatx xho
honld W
large, ilaring straw xaikux. iMiiniie<l with a xhip'x
kill, A gvssl wiiiU Muiciul for general wear ix coltoij f»(»plin
It IS duraldc. and m*l requiring <t.irch. lexsens lauiidrv !ak*r
tboye aud gl^ wml lufkHla
lu Additiowtoilielha fhahion cuta iherr are
i«ro vwlWAble lllwairAitHl ariU tow. owe pertain
making of baby i lotbra.. Xbe niwatrwtloiie wc
garmenta as wall aa the variowa parta la arooeda
orcowakrwottow. wad tbe vartoaa kinda oratlich-
HAMLET—By Sarah Noble Ives
l.cartse.isc. Wto
ling to an cxirctuc, and she did her mad
xcciic with a s
thox tVt melted the beam
Hut. lUs? for the vanuy of water spanicB*
plcasi-d with her own perioniiance tVt she
drc'wiimg scciu
sloiu on the stage.
•\ MU sec,” she xMjil -I can float off down stream and nu teaUv
k dcad^i^aH- I 11 just kx4i deadand-the audk.ue wUl simply
T idiject.*’ xa:d HandeL the Great Dane. **Ophelia would get
most of tV applause, and I m tV
aU’’ "
IV star It won’t
won\ do at aU
• Besides.” XAAid the Setter, pi
pt rxiuxixcly.
rxiusixcly. “iloo’l you »ec.
>ec, Oph
cant bring a brook onto the :tage: and if we could.
there uimld V no
u.* wa^of
way of Jeuiqg
geuiug ^off^^^LMl^^wcmld
It off. and it would v'aaa^^^^
V aa awful
nuixaiuc III ilic grave xcciu. The cast might all full in and spud
iVir costume.*’
-Well. wh> couM..-, I drou..
a ,„1>-
MArJo^^IMB*. «4 Smi Twralj.lhltd Slmx.
Tasty Dishes From Korea
Impel ul .s-.iip Heal, ill a smal
of Imt
lialf a ublespooiiAl
ter, add half a mwbum sired 4.akm, two
ourWes of lean salt pork cut mto small
square*, and two hav Kavr» Stu well
with .( wtMHhni >}>oon and hr
light eoku lor right mini
dly slirriiqi
.\dd eight
peeled an.l slued raw pciUtors
with <4u and a Vlf quarts «d
hot waterr ami
and halt a pu.t of eolJ milk
Vavi*. with .1 Ul.h-s,s-mful of salt*, one
teavpoonful of pifiper and a wltxpi*4i
ful of grated nutmeg
Lighllv mix.
Cover Ac iMii and *lk.w to gently k.il
(or fort^ five minutes .Strain throwgli
, a fine sieve into another saucepan, ami
boil <or ttv. mhmtes Add four uhU! xpooii(uk of cream and half a taldc
spcxmiul of butter Avidrd into tmall
Mix vsrll for one m.nule and
\ xuit. »ireomii.g alike, lo kuh I
id .kuxsini hlouxr
1 he kmck
L hlo
x.ai. Woux* »x arrangviT Hat o
tlders and xhowmg
k»x plcatx d«»wu the front closuig l^is IS Cut awai in a V
at the neck and ix’hnixlied
lau sailor collar of a conIX-tiinxlied with a laigc
tr.ixting or sell. m.qen..I. trnninesl with tow* of hraid TV'tic
and the KH should he black or niauh nt color The skeses
are full regulation saUor sivle. and the Aield is of while viash
abU lAalertal
W hite mohair hav much lo recommend a fo
im too expeitxur. wears like iron, and u ewtih laundered
MniKsI gjatea ix miart for colUr andiTuffi!*
cuffs. Vt anvihmg (riJk .
4»rder should not be providctl
|wro%^ctl for kn’s wear. I
or on the pretty tArdcr
Cll^L5 KHD
V lai nustakf <m that teofe Tb* uitmbcrt had stuAcd till they
were letter perfect, bad reVaracd till Ibrk gestures were krauti
UA Ami appropnaif, ki»d sow came tbe Ust mcsi.ng (dr ^Irexs re
lead aa hdluws
The drsMlil
Haulier--------- ..A
........Water Jsjtaniel
. - w.,.,...,.
HIihhI. Ilound
». •,. ,M. -.,..,,.. - r.ostoii 1 er r it r
i'Atial ................. A
------- .St Ikfuard
UenoB. ...A...
Fox Terrier
I am tired
•econd ^iW IS a hoy. year, old It he M bw Ar Amw or Butter Brown sokU*
phrase tell me wkat to gft.
bat br.twn
brown hdir «»d
»Ae %od washable^ He Vt
"«» «»» Ttic uidca i» d ymnu aad I
hwu lo luduv him \otk n»cr.
k»r I Boppom >tm can
W .!la.*l lo <Uciik »Wl M^fUl
Marjorie Dane’s Latest Patterns
r of Aree RiA mM. M
advitt me m reward lo the dreBatng of
li^ftrl and ^ has '
Uri^ W evea TVv
»4to> r
Rtnal Miilud of Serving CodfiA —
1 akc Ihr^-c slkxs of fre^
fresh codfish
ih one
inch thick each These.
be a^-*
j lowed to hr in
for akHJi three
ware ktxin place ime
ed while
ihrrt ch..p|>c<
lev roots, half
Vound slued
two clove
.ptKinfvl <
sptKNiful of alltpur. three tablcxp<x«i
fuls of vinegar, a saltxjKvmfu) of t>rt»
per and one ouart of cold x atir Mix
well and lav the h^h in u
frtun the puklmg nuxiure ami boil
skwily n, a napkin fox thirty minutes
Peel three large raw potatoes and kul
m sailed water
rn minutes
Heat ill a tmall samej
one tahleUhlexpoon
of butter, add i
VI of flour and mix well with
hly heated
Df a cup of^hK
of hot
water. Season with two sahspismfuk
of salt and one salttpouAful of cayenne
peiycr. and add the volk of a raw egg
and the inice of a QUMntf of a Mund
lemon Set the pan on one comer of
the xtove and mix with a wooden tpoon
until well thickened, bcir^ careful not
;.m»tVr saucapan. Drain the
at^ add them to the sauce
j Heat lor three minutes, gently mixing
Drtxs tV fnh on u hot
dish, cover with the sauce and sprinkle
“Uh, well have u v^mr 4.,cti ygK waw’* xaul OiihcluL /’Anx way, I shall haJc well m the bwr siCiK.
siciu. If viHi
vmi pall Varert don’t
carrv me straight. TH cone
rqtht in the huddle of the
tsiou^TiooxC twelve line. gi>ods^tdmes Carefully roll them wit
i breaking in cracker dust crumbs.
<» » *^'«ble broiler and .broil
-Well said Hamlet. **wcll. I shall V gUd when OpheV it 1
g.cKl and huru<
Vrud ' I can SCI
see that
iVt sV
lu oxxiapy
iivxianv the Vtldle
mitldk .over a brisk Are tor
sk iiucnds to
foregnmnd untU sbe: it safely unde rgruimd. After that ITl Vvt
chance •« get un
shaU V just mad enough by tVt Ptetwre %ii
U«nea, two lardines 00 ea
Grave l^c^and al
mercy if 1 dmi’t gat bote
loj a iiiiiiutc and -me with xardinet.
Delirious I km Sax 01%
I’Ucc 111 a
chopping k-wl ihree ouikex of coxvktxi,
Iran ham «ud chop fi»r ten minutes
untJ It .X MiaMrih pulp. Then add half'
u tahlrspiMNiful of gtKHl butter, two
lablrspiHUifuU of Woaextrrshire sauce,
the wh^Oe well Kge her for ffve nimmca
tmut and pLut this jm-Ic .mi a pBlc.
1‘irpare six sMuU numd picvrs of t^st.
IhxKk the . h.im prejiaratKin evenly . <Ui
the hast and set's e imnu diltrly.
l ashuMi *Kem.oc Ihi
bxx Ml a tender two am! a half pewmd
iliKkcti and then cut into twelve ewn
Heat tw«. ublr%po..<nfult of
olive oil in a large irem saucepan and
ptp|*t r and fontly cook for i,fieeii min
uux Mf unliT a nice K<»ldxn
UrQueiitlx tossmir the clmkcu incanwhik
S1k« rather ^ ly tw . medium xi/ed
sound whhe onions, two s*nind gTOttt
pTfiperx lT*Mii which the seeds have kcu
r«n.*xed, and add kuh to iV chicki-ii:
Mix well with a fork 0.1 a steady f,rr
ii*T ten minutes.
MuisUm with half a
tup o( hot water and add foui
i/ed sound, ripe, pcxlcd
pwlcd and ^ie*l
nultoes cut mio small pkxex
add one leaspeamful of tnuK ck.p|KM
parsley. Cover tV \^u and allow i..
cook for fifteen ininuus more, when g
IB ready to terve.
Ham with TVklc Saiue^-Buy a fwirpound piece of tender raw ham Re
move the skm and neativ trim all nuinfl
Heat a ^blcsjaKmfuI of lard m a viiKepan. lay in the ham and lightly brotsn
for fue minutes on each side. Lift up
the ham and tdacc m. a pktr Put m
the saucepan two ounce* of larrhug
pork cot m xqiall pieces, cmc vinall
toirod sliewd Urrot, 4MIC small sV^
onion. <«*e branch thceil celery, two
branches of chopped parsley, rme bay
leaf, two cloves and xa.e saltspionfttl of
thyme. .Allow this inixture to hrowti for
live minutes, mixing occasionally, and
add the ham Moisten whh a cup of
hoc water, and. if handy, twt) ubJr
spoonfuls of tomato juice. -Season with
half a 'traspooiiful of pepper. Cover
the pan and let boil for five minutes
TVn place in the oven 10 hake ior thirt> tixe minutes. .Strain imo another
saucepan and add six \-inqgar pickles
troely chopped, one Uhleapoonful of.
chopped capers, half a tcaskuonful of
.■L“i3si5i?2 fBfi JBr.nsi'ci;-"
£:.■£ S3 ETi feiitssn sffiE ■“ ~
Thingt pengreased.
Hamkt trat on his path ci datntotiou
«WVl ahall We have for nmakr
T’ve be«i thjfhkini.'’ said tV Setter^ That if hB tV da«B Bit
are brog anti^ dead e<^ mnp a low ^ Vwl. wttboiN
movmg romh. n would make a fittmg reqmem.*
-It would.” said iV Gf««t Dane, *aad if
Uther^ Gboat
would wa^ on and iiii ii^ il voaU V graat HU voki k ao
a. s<Mf. -^thtpiv *mm Mt
Mid Ik* CtMt tWi>Wkaa*Dr
Brown In a tmaU iinnyan half t
when 1 WIU brat axreited. years ago»
I hadn't bMo doin* a bkaacd thmg.-
Wb^leatpoonhd ol tab. half a
rntnotes. Pour over the ham and serve.
This dtih requires careful preparation
■«* ‘‘•““rs
•V*m wno’t kdl roe
**No. not you.*' said tbe Great Dune. T
lUrr htfW mu<h t^m% h*« hccn takni uMb the
drubc, itt Hmm tiMiipklc it «{ip(airti t>* it!i uwucr at
^a«•u^ the rial viariii wcathri brmK«
oi the *curmr ^ai
perhap* fw*t juat the right
: tft very ntcrgciic
\aturaU). no
rial, light ami air>,
4a) > an4 ao a
ul i»o*iscript
l»c ^elntetl h*r thi» i
the caiiduc. ni
_____ thn (kuMml. iiianuiaitureu arc puttiug on thr iiurkcl
aoiiic %MQMlcrfui i>ffctiftj(k lit incffcri><cil nutcruU, and ch.dliv*
nbith do not lUggcrt tn aii,v nay thrir panK i^ca.l couiJiu.
hiiendeil (ur Htntcr ahirt %iauu, MTapperi and hou&c drca»c»
In Uu U»r> are tiive av Uiui or ImH^c ami fully ai n^-l. ntth
lojt »ttgge*lnm of ^ilkinr^k funnriig ihri.u^h the ^iniKa
The wvktM cnmhitutiom >h..H Iw.ih ngurck ami Miipci
Very loicly u a chry *.authrinum pattern in drluatc hliir on
a qturter of an imh in kiidih, rc*p<ctivcl>.
\ frenk u here
in thu thryaawhemum pattern.
The full gored akirt u
- :i?w:
unUr than the other.
niu kamc iui»crtK*n tk u^ed t«* form
Vkhal kUgKCkla a pepluiii at the ikai>i line. To give long lnu\
to the tigure. a *'V’ khaped nedi is ukcd and thik. outhued wuh
the Val inaeriuai'and edging, van U tilled in ^ith a chemiveuc
of tuvked mull or tiatikie, though in summer 'many young kumien
dikcaid the clicmtkettek and a«k»pt the .found, iquarc or *\‘*
ad hretellck of mvrriion ^nd lave over the vhallie arefrmk
14n, fahrie van be h<»ughi for .W
Ukcd for tiiiikhing the fr
ecnik a. yard and is an excellent Mihsiiiuter for mull; which is
apt to get a hh sleaM when real dog davs come.
The other hffurc khows a cotton sUiM chalHe that i% m<
unlike a very fine nudras. with a ll4^nv, deep pink primrose
kcattcred over ttk surface
1 ht skirt is inset with lace imerturn, and Uie lace yoke at the waikl 1^ gxgca .gluiiaki
ckk^cffcct to the costume. The kaiae la^ appears in the ywc of
Alnuiki all the little wraps klv»wn fvr kummer wear suggest
-V.IJH' hues, and the kwp.no sleeve is moie piH»uUr than. ever.
Over hiigiTic frisks, snutt women are weanng both hiicn and
silk ia|ic Ktmis, and aUwe all things, the all v»vcr lave or cm*,
btimkiv jacket
: and on the luffi
Uked alinitst exilukivcly in tniiuning thrae new kum
vhallick. ak ihc tigured -mi ktrund dcsigiik. they do m»t lend
themselves well t<‘ imks. folds tu Th.umcv
\ndI in fait tl
linty than Val lacc
for either
* m •thing more
ix^l ot -lr^lcd
iinkj of
tratPug and n will t< m-cii that alim.,. imaria
and l»gme* arc vonibmrd
those shown lu the
l-nstck at W icnik. a \arvl. which ma^
make m> into the v-d
and uu>>t tiicapcnsivr cjI kunimrr llIc»se^
One lu«s a piiik
nd while gr..u
ground, another h.is hJack nogs
I mg trti a satin ktnjKd
buds tn
m the hlacl
on the same ktripod kurfacc. with tiny msebuds
\gain. i hhu blue d 'is te|daic the rmgk on the striped
kurfaic. or black rings and dots some for hiilf im.urinng foAks
‘ .. .
tic Ul delivalc coJoimg
than three uKhev
width, and Ik nude of lawn,
at the Algc and ctlgevl with
kcwcr has the gift of embroidery. it V belter to w.allop the
edge, lunsh it with buiionholc strtchrrv and just lusulc the hem
• cnibroidcr kome fine dots, fkm «k lis t»r daisy dcsigus, Iheve
tiCV arc pointed, kvjuare or round m thdr Uiush. and are used
with while turnovers on white ooiumcs. especially white Itncn
Solo Accordion FRBE
TALU kL« Uec«at »*4
raal ••rU, mmd kn««li
UuU A# t« sl**p.
Ak« sr^.« •• t
hUwa* fr^t am 1A« UaM«A»« B»aa Ja«A«L S*r «tth
HAMa aa4 wklta •■kUiAlg*
•r,. ik. kAA.af.it, r
M. k.ll-k.p.4 Mil
AU lA a. IaMM
I.. AMkl
Big Maglo
Lte I m
wmtmv tup^tY CO..
IkMiom Mam.
Printing ProM and Outfit
rUlEND aVPPLT CO.. 0*n.}«s Be»ton. Maw.
rnsifo MPPiY ca.
fflim lire ww iw“ “L" "it.^
ORCMAMI woirr oivO
up puam
AT «IU0V»kL».
MmUM ta «a OaariAR OMdad
ao la aMa aa* dap Rr O «. wan.
, laowarakda far Raai Rl
ofTieiAL roMeART..
Fair and aaaawMad aaal «aa
MNH iT JM mm
m tTonii.
•«» f( un. MamiAa
OmM «MM •« MK
WW« %# IM tv9«liif
JLmf^murn, Kf, ^
viMi ^ ItAifMlI* ••I- •tMfwiM
«MW liMt Uii#1y Mvm Wirt Ittt An
IN tlM wm tt Ort^villt
Miitt untwn WM
iii4« 4imt i-ifttrti
#ffWf mm iOim
m^:f Nin
4» • iyitat wOMtii mmk ttet vMUvt
NtM tf tim Ob'b Wtbi 0#r Tbtif
Trutit tfid All Iltdttd M tbt
tlM^n it Entily ClMb*
td Up.
«f Vtr« l#«liiA#il.
PtMtOn. I»U WM tlM twt^ ^ •
Mitli #nmnti 4w»t but
iw llutt M.
Tbi #iHi it vtrfc •# ftr M bAM*v
Vt< #r« Htiiry
biM ib nfbbbtb
Mrt^ •uiin.
Pert lUrquetie pMMbgtr train
Na g was pMlb derallPd al 1:11 thlt
fieraoun. tba accident tbit tint oc
cunin* ntnr Henry, iblrty Ivt gtlltt
rtHitb of beta, wbert No. I vat nttent
ly parUally deraUed Tba cniiae of tbe
It tbougbi to bt a broken
4t PiiliMll mm U, Hm4 in JMtt addent
Tbt train pntttd hh, I ni THu»i»^
tWi^. Tbt f»«Wibnr injurtb it |OMnb
mvlllt nnd tberefore. no pntttngrr
TM ttninEt. tinitb tbt vUltn tmlic vaa Ued up tt thtt end of Ibe
ML Tbe eara and lEnk warn
all Qia biiMAId npC leave lb# Ut| air
veiv tbt truckt dauaged vblcb U to
be contldtred ver> lucky.
«ili^ Ityt t cycit
Hawker vaa In ckarge.
llili li^iL ARb. biUini ft
Tbe accident wat of tuck
I Mi WAprinil • mr% tf ttbt
tkal tke cart can be placed
rallt vUh coiuitarailve ento.
IlM Of mury OFvbnrd todny.TM »nr
4tt«r «M Mind If bt dl4i»t fftn up
|bi« tUMMi W >—iMitiA Ooftnior
CnmpUlMAt a nbn •pvMpw Ont ef
VMboiy nrut vticbtef bM
jrt*lL “Ko.- nnkt Ordwrd. -4
\%0 Crtppit Crerei to cut
o ktl» «•.**
A grtnl «o«d wti ni tbt court
of k|p
tlflcata if they are proven. E. A Srynty. to betng tried b<e
fort Ue board uf county examiners
Uls afternoon. Tke compUlni was
made by Jolla Bowdea a sch.ad ditkxt
of Summli City and was filed .May
Hrynni baa Juai ddaed bis sckuol^
year there
after leacbtog eight
months, during Ue greatej pan of
hlch. tl Is said, he was subyeCl to ae
era ciiUcam.
R U. Lad. at chairman of the board
pmdded and J J Twt^ddle a; tod for
Bryant. Oommiaaiouer Crisp r«wd thOF THE NORl
complatm which charged the deUnd
with writing Ue woid ‘Washing
ton“ on the blackboard and offertug
Firtwtrkt Will If Ut LaUPl an the cblldrco a prUe for the greaioai
Mat end Will Et WorU Cominp
number trf words made frtmi It 2\. \\
lustrate bs moaning, he stH-lU-d an tm
piuper Word. U U said aiul afteiwaid
admitted U alUough Ue at fltwl xtout
ly denied UTbt rbuitb to Traveito© City %h\*
The iaal* charge wwa that uf fro
year will be indeed glorloua and
home people and the vltUon* will ft-r l
that Bryant left u»wu e%
aailtiod ibat patrioUam U wbai
ery Sunday and came back blonday
should be In Nortberu
Michigan umnilug with an unusuiJJy had t*-m
Nothing will be lacking, not u dtjla per and he was kmmii t.. fix^ueut
omitted and tke committee to charge aaiopna. Mr. lk»ad.-u u-VOfMug that
baa arrnnfed and la ailll arranging ba bad seen him with a very gvsHl
pn«ram Uat will go abend of any- •*sUrt.“
vr underuken. That It will be
The school board of Summit City
AlrfteR. FFto. WkH>
was here en masse along with other
knnrtjthrobntaf mrow. RM. »W
^ihe pUiiH'. ail Tciy indlggayiOE M Ut lommUlee behind
l over the man s actions .nn.l hop
aro all ntperitnced and have n
that he will bo puniahcHl
bar Of auocwaaaa to Uelr credit
romithino ooino hirr tvcaiV
MINUTt THR fourth.
Far BOVS atot aiaLS
Tbt music will auirt early and will
laat late. Tbe beat braaa bandR pru
eill be secured and in add
Uon to this* that use inairumeuu of
braaa- then* will be file and drum
corps and iho music of the»Mj will art
JOHN HOLbIti HOUEE iUiNBi Ue fbet oT the ikmh»Io to ketplns
Ucii jncllnatlom.
Horaa Vacea.
Tba Travorirt- Oly Driving ISirk sr
Loti Will Eatetd E4.000. WMch
htdd a mettug Thursday
Only Partially C^vtrtd Ey intur
evening and decided to giva a race
tnce—Lett Practically Total.
prcMitun ^ tbe >VurU. Tbe small ad
mlaalon of 2S cents will be charged
there will be some exelUng,
The retidenci* uT John Holnee
OtibU. A uumbt-r of local korawnen
Id kitaatok vaa buiurd to Ike ground bivt Uair ttet^s m i raining and the
Mad# All Kindt of O.rt Threatt. But
Ittl evening, tke caute being
rtEk «M never in belter shape Uan
EHaritf Johnion Landed Then All
I la this spring. Some quiet speed
Safely in the Detroit Houee
Tkc'lamlJy kad poal returned when rials have been Indulged lu and the
of Correction,
tke Ere a
dUcov ei ed al the ra
Ue halves and quarters aiv made
CwirM W«»» AwarAM Olloiitrf An aileoipt vaa wad
to it decidedly low. Tbe aa^Uou
control tke flamet vkick «at ur
aiU also have aUlrtic cooteau. so
Shertg Johnson returncnl leM night
Lhe house, the bulk of the furnl Ut local lUhlciea bad better stay M
rr»»m .Detroit, where he toak the four
luiv. buggy abed and towe iwidewciUt
hobos a ho sen* w ntt noed to the Do
vert deairoyed.
FubHt Ekartltaa.
troll houee of eorrertlon by Judge
iome of tbe furniture was' carried
Tba publto exerciaea will bo full ol
building but tbe loea patrioUam from ntort to ftulsh an^ NerUagwr. Wednesday, Although‘the
win exceed «4.ufK». abich U partially win be of Ue old fashioned order quartetta had made vailous ihrcau
sbonl the trip, swearing that they
coteivd by inaumncer
with a flow of oratory. This feature
would never enter the prison dotirs.
• -Ana* K)l*«lMmith.
is oixm neglected but will be carried
qut»ln full lu Traveree City
down. It wsk diecovered
•^r n>H« P~H* eomiane.1
that the men are all sailbia and
««uM U (A* Rl. FVucu lU^ •rWwl Mm. CkgHta f. VMkMkll, Atad E2.
Tkeq* will be aporU and games of
at tbe
twl •tvnlui and cnuluataA vlth
0«td at tb# Hama ef Her Eep.
ail Idpda sad tke prtoM wiU bn yery 8oo bn acc-oum of trouble will, the
oaajr kiMKUa and «teal c^adtt. Tka ex
Victer. at MgpAa City.
A bast ball gime wUl be play
captain. William Ryan was second
llflirr laafc pUc« al tke Oimnd opara
Ike kMi laaau l» .rtki •«
mate of the vessel and Ur^ detS
I by a laiae SpeoAni to tba Srenlni Beoord.
kORtk ikd
Uo* of ib« kUte
hands, six in number, all followed him
niAAkdr o( paopla. Tka prognai
City. Mtckn. June t—Mr*
Fir. Wark*.
over the rail. They
asseUkkUl MBderad In a«ea daudi Cba^leg R. ViakooblU 8r.. died at ibe
Tke ooBmtllee k» nuuto • veo Ub^
• hum” and, unluckily for tbvmi. struck
Ika ttu kdanj. akoala, oantul buwe uf bcr ton VlM>r. of OiU
aral appropriation for fireworks ol
Ikdl^ aM pratwmUun and Ua abort at the age of kl yeara. 8ke was bom all ktoda. Tbo day wUl be opcortl. by Tiaveiae City.
Ryan holds first claae plk>t‘e papers
0<i«a «f OMnw Wcht»r k«lkc (»u in BObewlv. WW SOik. lUk. euUmUHl the flrtni of bomba sad Ue deiona
whlck extend fr«u Buffalo to Duluth
at IMabw •hX* akouM naraa at
America to the year toil ike
UOM WiU be heavy enough to brtiMl
lirami M|ni» to Ida >oaa« faopla In aided for aowe tlmt to Newark. K J baa reiBembraaod^ol Port Arthur and from DuluU to Chicago, besides
all iBlervenlng water* and wale is
tbvir lOBOMF rtn>u«k lUa.
where ake was jototd to
At touiTbia after Ueee have been ex
nmning into the great lake* The
Cbark* Rudolph ViahockU and wUh
. <QatlAkk*qkRaeaAd !■>«»■>
d,* there wUl be fireworkr
klB lemoM^ to Cbksaitk wbwe Uey throughout the day and ai ulgbL officers were at first skeptical
questioned hlm,as to namN of insj^^t
lived for only
wiU'be a display Uat wUl put
^ «bem corthey rnaoved to Nortk Unity. Uttton to ahame those made to Ue cities ai ors. etc., be answcrii*
feotly. The papers were taken out
OaNRb i.amtUh Wamndfd Wlh and
deyelawL ftkt uatad aU Ue bUter- Sverylkto gaew wtH be introduced AprU 7 of Uto year and are good tor
Triad ta OaaMM RaMda-R.
neea and privation togeUer wUb tbe sad Ue apeoucator diaptoy
L a.
R. * L deca^lve
dacMtlvi was on the
)oy Uat camoa of Ut frew
loag to Ue memory of Ue amgll boy.
and OmoEhi y re
todepMianoa of pIomm Ufe.
the medium alxed bog. and Ue oM
liM M ona c^Orand RapMs gang
Ska wlUtoiatd tbo obnniM ^ironikt boy.
UanRkW t(Hv kllM kin U-PW-old r ball a oanuuir, nnd now to Ue
teiiRkMr. mHouXt »«uaRk« kin nrllo. fuitotng of yenm pnaaod nwny. ponoe
■IfRie «RU«. nnd in OtR- »• fniiy. lonTtag four pom. eiM fo
On Monday. Jhm IEUl wo advanco
Onn UM to nRonl n konRnr.'kRV ton gmnd obUdrtn ber tliMl non bntrtoE
Ua prtco ol spool ooMon to ic Ue
, tarito* «wR wtM. TV* aamm to nn- pieytdpd btr into Ut fiwnt b
to the ^ to naked to ioia SPOOL Wo aiw foroed to taka Uto s(Hot rnntibl wm oondooiad by Ut to Uto WiU a Boat of some klad, evtkm Qw aoeownt of Ue raoMi advance
Hm. JoiMb Tremato from Ue borne
to €7c a doiM by Ue manufatourera.
ommrnm mmm m mem prnmm of btr, won Victor, on Wwdt
J. W. MiUikep
JnM Etb. a^ was very torgely at j
Fi ^
' :•'
Ha Waa« t
aa W MUf
H.1VINTM Yt4l»-»H0
; I
MWO ^ Ibt 4M
SRtbM lEMbL MldP %
nM mk 4ddM>ail«.
•t FwtoDf Ptotura
Waot toua# tohiok tor •oawtUag saHabfetogrietogndMtRe Weaiv W1 Mocked
MUMulcitha&mbMof eillBool(a,rWae|r
StsUoaary.Fogartalarwis aaS stker
aamrtele Novciticf.
City Book Store
• iRbt fit the K^et
E^oatEE nEimv inierulrti ibay
thoakl Hi.
Wc Have Siieli SiMkcs
Patrni Leather or G»m
Meta], liigh or low cut.
Lace or Buiion.
lor Ue newest siy lea to SumOMr tliik« .
shlru. kau or caps?. We mtIH tt PM
AMU with anyihlug you need to fumtobtogs from the ciwn of .vuU- bend to
Ue sole of your fool (n 4bf newtat
and be>l levies to be. found In tbe cUTk
Our stock of negUge shirta. llttL belto*\
socks, hnderwear. sulu abd cravanettta are worth hunting for to tba
saUafaitUm they will gtvc.
W« nak the opportuuily of
proving to you our nhilily to
fit chiwien’t (wt orrecUy,
A. V. Friedrich
Loion Si. Cloihieifl
Date Crackles
A pituM dnW •lutTrtl
with aliiiom)s and corrbi-aly cvwiWd with » bi*c9
Into. Dll wo urt'il U) flgy
Try uud
CSocolstc Coated
Are You?
. Ate you mtiiug youi moneys
w*uUi wh^r*. you atp Imying
your cli^nuw’ We belo ve we cau
give you your numey s worth or
tveji moiv. It you are a five<< nl cigar smoki r try our
A Havan.f fu;ar for five cents,
«u <mr .New iVefo Kao Cigar
W.. thliik ».■ hn.' It..- b<M t.-D
CfUl goo-l* oil thf m.tiKei In
Everything in the much
wanted O.xford. Not in
many yearn hai there
been such a demand for
these an wan promised
this season and NEVER
have we had such a
showing for ever>’lK>dy.
Wbtdtbtr f«u an
Building ar BtpaMng
We want to fi^iire wth you on the mater.ala,
Wp Have every-
thing in this bne.
We hot only have everything but what vtre have la just the kind
you will be sattefied with after your work ie compleUd and you will
find the pnee right whether it be for a single sfek of lumber or a
building oomplete,
Anothei-thing we a^^very parttcular about is glvmg our custo
mers work when it is p^mieed and delivering promptly.
i ’
BoeK*s Dob AbIobIo
In th.. u* w Ahui*. -* and si/es.
• Sap|K».^«- V4MI trv .-.onK' of
these.4 AT
Craoerse City IHfg. Co.
Cor. Lake Avcbmc
TcBth Sis.
Drug Store
InOIspeBsable to gopa
CooklBo. ,
IDEAL brand of flout. If you’re
toJ.J Ihu Kuch and-'a ich a flottr to
•just SH g(»od" donT you believe IL
No btfiier made Udn
and will stand say
Traverst City Milling Co.
Here is Recipe No. 2
Yoa wlU ttad tl EzecUcaL
These arc Our Strong Lines
Another big invoice of 'Hats
expected today, fresh from
the manufacturers.,
Flaky Pie Crust ,
- -T -a
S7.S0. SiO. SI2-. Si2.50
$15.00 and $18.00
please every time ia both fit,
style and pattern of cloth.
Hknnah & Lay Go.
GatiONOW. Oar Use
tha year a the latgeU «e
oave ever carried a *
’ piioea ere thcgbfwst.
W«hs*s SB exoeptiooaRv
UMI aMI m ,
Don’t fa3 to Me the Foldiag Go-Cart aith recHair
back aod adjtmahk foot rest
cat.... _________
VIMlh cacMT » teWR
wean lonfeM and c<n
most, it u the best paint
Made to paint buildings
SOU> »t
Frank Trude
Old P, O, BuiWing
reatrnlnt ytA would have hlgh idaate.
Those vrho have graduated
on Jau
ti rttooM m n
1. iWt.
4j .*:
I :
|%»niker M « PTMS4MIIU&
It evUlMlJr popuUr with the travel
ikal U at popular aa the
tWfUvtree 1. hen- When Jil. natnt
Vf. awiUoiiwl lu ibes^ajltoal cup
irfBlkNU Ike kuUhu of ihe grip greet
^ It wim g ttrlng of hlanet and wlmo>
ever It oocuied In the addree. thenafter, the aaiue alga waa maniliwled
The advicw given by BUhop Rlcht* r
to the t( FranrU fradualet laet ^vfx
log could la followed with prodt by
lu brief he advocated
Pfwcttalng aeJf rtaUralnl. diligence, re
/ uining high IdenU and being virluoua.
While the practiae of ihMe pUncipkw
tuay not brtui wealth, they will aure
iy brio* bapplntaa
Biol) pin. the ouitl hated man in
Ruaala! haa loot hti high pUoe and
the people of that lounlry are a^aiu
beUaving that they are facing a new
The depoaiiUm of Blolypiu b>
the rtai^ aavod the rerolutioutata the
in Mooor of
Miaa Roaict Kaiity.
Helen Htnui and liuogene
i'wnenKi gave au upum wliower fut
Blaa iOunUe Kelley at the home of
Mtaa Cameion. Hiate atrart. laM even
tng. the allaU being very pienaant
g\ie and a<% tluui am*
ladint prwnni laat evening ajid each
one gave hei un apron, alie haa plenty
to Itegln houiu^ketnbng with.
The evenUig waa vwy iMi^aaauily
paaaed In writing a “ixiein" to g«> mtth
each apron, njoalc and a Imrieaqur
\ wry dainty lunch aaa
eeived. the »er\lnK m-iug done by the
kliaaea KRUabeth and IahiUo Stnuilh
.aaite and Margaret Mtrffal
menu w aa , y
CreanuHl Hncken in TIuilde Cat
FoUlo Cbipa
Hi>l RolU
Btttffed Olirea.
Halted Almon
Knitt1 1Balad
Ice Cr^m
Property Owner* Meeting.^
AU the property owner* of Blghth
stropt are
to attend
merilng thla rnening at k <K» ocU»ok
thf* councU nrom to cuoaider
aharp In thr
4he paving Vnetion.
America. America. America.^t
ike conUaucMi. slar. of^ .uo.
the Lord gave a gift of iiisht
But alsbt iilw.jr. pMMi asd «V
lurna.' Jwl .3 U I. to , W*. Uto
ctouto ct «wrow .tol
<tothrr »re only
•DO brttod
tor (UB atornyi
ami m II ii nlto Ood. HU
praMBco alway. . Ilabton. a|I
»ven in tchool life, the day* that
e the happleti of all. there
clood.. but thete paan rerr looi
really amali Happineaa It only
rlchtif for being delayed.
The tpeakei then mantlooad
aatot who aaw the tunthina of Ood In
the huU of e»Uc. among the lad
end in far dUUnt laoda. ITaiigue.
gratitude. exhau*tlon were all made
iwauiiful by Ood t preeenoe. The pa
tience and faith rauti be amuleiad lu
aald Mia* Blvek fr»r. “There’a a
dUluUy that aUaywa our enda.**
A aolo by Ray Ferkett. ”Thf 8hli>
That I lAive.- with a chorua compoead
of thirty boya'wM the ueit number
and wa* well given Thl* waa followed
by tt drama
-Tht Pearl of Prlceleat Worth.The following t«j«k part In .the profceuUtlon of "Thf Pearl of Prlcelc**
Prlvwleaa. MU* Bc^tiice HuallmanFlora. MU* Htleu MKlarry.
Uiy. Miaa Ruth Daebn.
Violet. MUa Florence Fogarty.
Huku. MUa Margaiei Ormham.
Tereatrla. Mtaa K^a OAirlU
tveauii. Mi*h lx>uiae Mene*
rhr>»oline. Mlaii Balfr Brown
AerU. MUa Anna KUughMiulth.
Meioora. irfla* Sophia Bllaky.
tVlealla. Mlag Buate Wk**ler.
I^ayche, Mia* HalUe BUaky ..
ChrUUna. Ml*a Helen Sivek.
Ihiring the drama there ware two
dueti by Mia* Helen McGarry and
Mtaa 8alte Bmwn which w-ere thor
oughly >-uJ«yed by the luidtence. the
niece cloalng wiili the Mpging of the
• Te Daum •
-Sweet VluleU waa the Utle of a
pretty little wmk by a number of
amall gliia dreaaed to represent thU
modeat Howim. TbU number waa (ol
lowed by a piano duet by MUa Maud
Uifayette and MUa Margaret Huai
mantel which wa» given in u very catigbla manner. Mia* Lafayette played
all the ntompauimenu of the evenly
in a way which reflected much ^rodU on the young lady
Th* haa Main lu Paarlg.’'
-The Sea Hath lu PaarU. U ThVe
One for Me. waa tha title of a well
written and well delivered eaaay by
MUa Anna Kliagleamlth Miaa Klfogletmlth. In a'clear. dUtlnci voAea told
of the treaauiea that the sea held and
Tbc Day of Opportunity
A RE YOU SAYING fw the foj af mPW-
A tuaity? feeBebeoeau rich by rrasu*
lac enurtuittet. bat it always takes a
little meaey *ie handle the details.*’
Tbe myriad
telling ulea of gladnaM aiald the
tba k>w wind* cadencing
through the pinew. Ue tlngiiig of the
the heauUea of the hanvent
are aU treoaure* if they arg but ap
Ood gave tragauran to averyono kol
Ilka tha uocut dUBMmd the/ ara of
tan hlddan away.^t at the dlamood
hecomet beautiful by being poHthad.
may be developed. Tge
paarl u made a banbUful jewel by the
of a mollna^ Tha talaou of ov•ryone may be made loto beauUful
paarU by afforu. Meo riak thair ilvat
for paariu k&d we may be called to
(oU dayt fur our pcorta. MIet Kllngla
amith referred to tha Biblical tlory
of tha tan Uieoit In conclutlon and
urged her haareni not to bury their
talent in a napkin, but to strive,4o
increaaa it
The -Utile B*> IWp * drill and pan
tomime eAa very pretty, the girl* be
ing in shepherd ctwtumeaud carrying
Hhepherda* crook*. The following look
liart: MItiMa Helen Pyer. Kathleen
Slater, Etigenia Holme*. Marion Me
noakey. Nellie Hctollhan. Joaephlui*
KInnucan. Angela Schwalllei. Claia
r tutor. Amelia Ouibord. Celia Ulbb*.
-Woman. Inffoential.”
Thom te noth
ing in Hie that mnaiiu unchanged,
said tho apfdker.
Ail thfog* go
through UU trantilkin. they come,
they grow, they reach thair mask
mum and theo decay and: die. Thi
toetai Ih tha naamar te radolent ol
Aowacu. tha atraaa ftowt twUUy on
ward, but In the winter, tha flowera
and hlrdn ara gone and the ttreaxo
U tee locked Tha wind whuper* in^
toothing hrtaaa but Its velocity in
craatad. U baeomaa a dtettnicUve hur
rteana. Tha taa. tha Imea. the flow
art and even tha day* are example«
Man himtalf te not exempt, he ii
doomed to death. ThU irasuiUon i«
not tuddea. It U gradual and comet
by important ctoige*
Addressing the cla**. the *peukei
stated that they had reached one uj
thaaa mile alone*, the chapter wai
about to be cktead. Childhood wa* nc
more, llw ciatw had enjoy ed plea*
am companioanhip and now that thf
l»artlnR mutt come, there wa* **d
lu-M. • Tomorrow we. enter upon i
new <xmr*e,” he said. -The admoni
ilouk of our beloved pa»ti»r and teach
cra'wlll.noi be heard, we mu*t *»u«t*ir
<‘xpatlaied upon iht chim
Delicious REX
portnalty **knocks nabiddea tace at every
cate.” Have yea savedeaetchnatey-ta ‘
baadel the details?" If let we lavite yw
te e»ea an icceoat at this baak this
evealnf, C
The bishop explained that he did
not neceaaaiUy mean alUining wt^lh
when he spoke of tuccewa a* the
ord* of today ahow that there arc
many sad hearts tn palace*. Neither
do honor* satitfy. the only true hsp
pineaa being lu a vlrlnou* Ufe.
The congregalioci wa* then t-oogi tulaied on having such a scnool.
Sei'ular education alone U not enough,
'there must ta? reUgi<ma eduratiou alio
and this was what waa given at the
parxK-hial school. He said farther that
If the sister* w-eie prewenl. h» would
ih:ink tlum also as while their work
waa silent. It was a great one. the
educating of the young He cUshtsl
by hoping that foe tfaduauw would
a credit to thel^ teacher*
The last uumb4*r on the progiam
wa* a chorus. -The tlraduuUs' h'HTe
well "
E^^hth Grade GraduaUs.
The eighth grade gradiuiies wiM^e
George (Jn.ve*.
William .Shiehb,
Jacob V«>gi. Lewis Dion. Maude Lafay
ette. . Florence <\»uruule. Winifred
Straight. »\H Cum*
Method of Ruwinttt Writing.
Waller (»im«-fc. ('..sirge Gmoi-s. Wil
Haul Shields. I>*wlK riif.n. Loubtr
Mtrte*. li« bn C<*ve\. Mmid l,afuyette,
Nora Slater. Ruby Hucllmautel. Mar
gaiet Hueilmantel. Lillian Moblo. Nil
•Woman. toBueutlai- Bhn «aa al •rlea. how while the. *im ha* 4iou
tired in white and carried white carage*, the llowei> bioomiHl, th
natlona and her e**ay thowod that bird* sang ami nature,ha* punuK-J
she had
the cauvr
bad Mlowt-d .he
cai.vr of the
n of ,ho past very clow. ^
gr.*. women
♦•ailiekt dawn of <.'*hrltly fV.au (be ea.liea.
.-hrU,- ...
.... tool from the
... ......
of the
Iteally. wuiuena lufluvuce ha* been
ThI.-t life U but a prt-paraiiou toi
felt., aald Mtea HuciligauteJ. A* the aomelhiiig tn-tler. aomethlug lilKhtei
mother Ol <-DrU. .be .tatwl. out cb-arl
and dUtluct.
^n the day
day** of the apj.
ap^ ! There it one word that occun tn al
MUi. 1balric<- Huellniamol
^ that U fare
ikw the wa* a.iKUeot factor. In the!^
81t|*k. w**re graduates o!
arena .be ... toe Vlcum .d P.«.b p^’.^Te .Len «W™«od lather Baud
rial departuieut.
ih»* ciinmiercbr
Urn., on toe scaffold.
»ca*old. her lip. aave thanking
him for hU tBoria
for tlu
forth words of faltlr and the sptwker claa* and tuting that if It waa a J<n
Remembei the day and
then told of Ht. Ceclla who converted lo kuuvw that labor for bnv wa* noi
pla>. .\nierlra. June I'.th
the pagan* ar<»und her.
lu vaiu. be wUhod him u brimiuliu
Woman's true dcvelopmeui U tu measure. He bade larewell to the
giving counsel and support aald MU* teachers and advteed the class to kc
Hueilmantel. and the told of the the motto •'Veritas
taint, who had been cheered onward;
toward ht-aveu. by the Inflnence of
. Preienutlen of
faithful mother* and *1*101*. In the
The High achpol. eighth grade and
time of the cru*ade*. it was woman
mmanahlp graduate* were then a«who sent man forth-^. Woman gave
mbled 4nd the diploma* wer»‘ pre
Everybody who buy* BE.X
the world cblvalry a* the knlgtn* sented by the Right Rev. Henry JoCboooiatw pronounoot them
swon? to protect woman. Tight her »eph Richter, biabop of the diocese.
perfect. They are ibe obocowrmig* and succor her In dlsireas.'
Master M. Groves. Misses Nellie Hoolate* with the taste. When
Woman's influence may be ju*t a*
Shaue and FTwncl*
you buy-eaody toll the man
potent for evil but fortunately there* Sivek handed the diplomss to FTtther
yon want that made by
good women thanjuid one.J|^^‘
Bauer, who in turn passed them to
Wherever the task, there Is a woman
seated. Kneeling,
the bishop
UA—MT who was
there to do U.
graduate ktesed the bUhop’s slgThe woman of l»07
vantage that woman of bygone days!
did not possess and surely there I* ml
Advtes to Graduates,
grfot work for her The speaker ad-1 The Rev. Fr Bauer then Introduced
the bishop who spoke brieny confin
vised that Mary the Immaculat
ing his remarks to advice to the grad
taken a* in example in life.
• Revel of the Rosea.* a pretty pan nates. The bishop said that he was
tomime was ffiven by lllsaea Effle much pleased to be present' and wit
DeeluL Kate Hchnelder. WUuOfred nesa the successful graduatloa. Those
fltmlghi. Neiite Moblo. V^nr MoWo. who graduated from the High school
Pesri Curtis. FTorence Oourtsde. Ri^ hare now enter^ upon a different
line of work, be said. WhUe in school
gina Kllnkner. Mary Mlew.
A • F'lrecracJter Drill" by ten little they were ohllgml to study dlJIgenUy
boys, the youngest of whom wa* Ui and this habit of diligence te one of
eiemenu of success. The disci
clue OulbofC «»ly « y«tto old. met
with the approval of the spectatora. pline of the schotjl indheed seif rethe young men being dressed lo tep stAlnt ffolch U alto neceatoiT if »ucrfsent giant notee makert. The. drill cess Is to be attflned. In^pchool life,
was done by Maslen Jullu* bchwal thrre Mere ffleate and these must be
Uer. Oliver Perketl. Arthur Nelson. letalned in after Ufe as weU.
Paper a property owner car
Wilbur MobRk burl Homrich. Herman
Beyond' thU life there te soother
hold is an Abstract of Title
La Roche. Aloyrslti* Wicsler. Dominic and the btehem expreased the hope
^humsky. 'Newman Clancy . Lucian that all wo^practice dlilgencw. self becauflc it is a true xtcorc
Monument. Headstones and iifksrs
Call at the ^op and uve ageat’a comaiisaion,
vhethet you buy irom the tioahed vrork or detignt.
Finr« line of dj^igns evw shown.
Are lYou Widemke
tlnue the couna untU they too had
completed the High school oourae.
Educatloa thoukl be secured if possi
ble, t^iMX'lally uaUy when it jmeant
to much.
The will mum’ t*e educated a* lo
pracil.wA‘ virtue U the special object
ol the will Virtue akttie van bring
made from the books in tbf
Register of Deed’s office
It wiU show a clear title ii
ym are entitled to one, or t
[will show every defect o>
^fiaw if there is any.
Your land is too valuable,
whatever it cost,* for you tc
take chances. See me abou’
your Abstract of Title today
0. C. Moffat
Abstracu of Title
21» State Bank Building
Thiok of a Couch that has always sold Ihr
$lS.OO,now 19.85.
Kitchen Cupboards $5.85 up.
Your Reliable Fnmlture Store, - V , ., ^
Grand Rapids Furniture
127 S. South Union Street
Tltort it nothing nicer for a Graduating or Wodd^ Ptooent
an oloetric
Portable Lamp
Wo havo thorn in all otylea ohapoa, finish and cotero
J. 8. Paige Electric Co.
125 Cass St.
Phone 602-2
JowopK Slodwrdh Son
FIrsl-elaM Batchers. FaekersM Saosage Makers
furnlfched Uble* in the city, and we
keep nothing but the primest, choic
est aod bd*t beef, lamb., multon. pork,
vnal. poultry', gome and imokgd meat*
Too ean hny higk
grade. dellciouMy flavored nmnu dt
pay for Inferior
price* that you will
“meat* elsewhere, because we know
how to Judge and chooM the beat that
lo mioed. Don’t forget that we am
the largest Sausage makefo In the •
' city, made daily.
Two Markets:
*47 a *to *1.. m4 7» WmSHpll S*.
Are the two important thinsm to cOD,idcrinyl^jaff>
i such a hard thing to get and flo hard
to keep that it is folly to keep it where it is J
Tbewfofe the financial institutton which combioes
safetv and profit is a d e si r a bl e d e^p o $1 ton
Traverse City SItie Baidf
■ j:
Twe >isiais mm mm rnmm.
'f ) •
Vte. mmmrn mmm
Wsea Hw iktaarerew AaMa tare .-mmmvmmrn wm> mmm mrnt
Timmm* Vrnrnmm.
>4^ Ctay. mm •<
mm ikm^ to
Uf mem
mw m
MMlteK tlM
iw ibt gfl4l^g
^ Patterns and coiors conform lo fashion s latest demands
;ifcrc arc aU sIscslroaiMtoMlircast.
These have heea olaced os Mrst floor
y;#b- s?::s^*jrissrsrjn:r
‘ We will be ready for you this evening
Mdi« M h^n/L
I km MR tgM t» rttep ik» til» of
.tmait P«kt-^ tk» WHO.
i tk» fattar «i kmi 10 ikftv oa tkfe ut «c Jaak im ka« waa uca•Miod to Ual ItaMox. trko fetecoa
kna of
frtWi i%f rtiriir nr^Vn Oag^kcr kla to««olk,wtaola otniu«4 **«1U
o oUror coAfer aiwtai l
taoonrod tkt koaor, tar
tafooaioti. Tkoca^
gtkgalalMir. -rm. od.
oad moor otacort.
iko c«Uior. vko WM ckooiaojmoar. wko loot kfei arm
kack to fanmo feta
Mav HiMioo.
liAick aonaa, roffTtag coekoi oal
;oo€ Bojr aim J kooo om iMgig nm. oiaiai • gim «C
gariaa, gaiatlag aad dll as o amalj
Tka kaahes aw sif a *orjr ki« sikI Ao like a klg ooo.
dagfkdid tn». kalaf
ruof. ae:
A Fa.
act d feaataae starkade a ixaipir .»f fact
la 1»4 1 apialn lUUoi. who had bean
klfk. feat tke kam»4a. or aaetod kaasrs.
of wlilek eoefe rlllaie owns one, an- second la command at l4ike Erie under
mgfeL iMilated. caUlad ImtldtiKs wUh Ollvar PeiT3, exdted a violent politioal
tkfo Mf vladavt U tko ftUle mad and partisan demons trot ton by deeoratlaftj. aartav daora. apimreatUr aiattit tug at tke Boaion navy vatvl tba how
for tke admlmtomof TOfy klgk laotrad
^;of 4be OoaatitiiUfm with a ggarehaad
. wkkk tke i
•• of Preoideni Jatkaaa. Om^ stormy
MMSB. Thare art cartalii JesrUk
maiyajaaf aaioaf theia. 1 Ury kore sight ku exccUancj was dmitaiutad
Taiiriiiaiatkmo^iigfeoUTe of ladlo. aa aaatly and daftly as ir the baat
aad Uiey mafea amaualea aoi very la toola had with patloai labor eulistad
fartor to thorn of Egypt; ala>. they art tka brlghtmt auuahlne la tke deaeiracaaalkata. aad tfeey otag t'.retorUu flos. Martsaa and Miieiacketa wciw
rkaat or tu tiat cousin lo thrlr devil held aader dark auopk-las. akd tba
daaoaa. They worskip iho mso^r %r«r country serthad la a ferment of k^
kasrk. which hakU an eitraurdluorily cuulenliuo ' Uewards were offered, but
kigh plooo lo tkolr rcgUk>us Ueliefs. In vain, sud fur yesn» tbe secret was
sakl (lull a aeiimsu
Tkey eel ou almost soct.d vsl»u- on
mu fur any polliu-al
piga. and the red^ ob)e< t uf tbeii>idi»U
but bresuse uf a ekeriahed anur finages. wkW h are hideous, uu uioo
Ujiaih.v to ibc full length Image of j
Undlul.ber at tbe how wbUe throe dm.
of tnuiuiuies |
sailors were tx.mj»elled. with lundeloaie busis. to stmlle Kiimly at the
tka kataals ur temples of the h^aihen tern However, another bead was aecannibal vUUges and strau(«-rs art- m.t urod lo the trunk w iih cui'per Indts
ancoorog«4 to meddle
I bad iua<b u tremendous that for many ycaii>
dItaruUy In oaelng one myself. a« the could uol vv'uUer It nor cu*umi aisk
temples are most strutly liorr«Nl i.. \h.- uusUakeu f..tiimae with whUii Ok*.
women. .1 native womon would br Hitkorr deded Ihe bres*r.cs sud
inountlr kit lad If she so mu< b a- put brimker kead Inside, aad I do noi ibiuk it
prohabla that o white wuiusu woni.l
eacapa either If obe were oougbi doin*sylvnnia kcftt all Itir leii.-rs hU «ouditIK I woo however, lurky euutigb iu
uenlt wrote to lilni asWIug for favors
another port of Molekulo to find a tern
He bad sis.-ks of them when bis last
plo aaguordad save by a few old worn
flftit for ibe seuate «wme sioug Tlieu
en aqnottiag outside, oud, seUing the
1h» sorlssi out the leiler*. erttiimali
OPfiortoaHy. 1 entered.
!b«^ I roll! |«-ople who w ere #bwd. n
It was not a very good spev-tmen. be
log mile bettor than a abed, aiwl n was on the IkSt'L of cash kiier wrote.
Dear J..hT. o.xo,, rrni-ni
Tery dark Inside. Furiber. i th >uirltt It Whrn
>0.1 wro;r no- tills 1. ttrr aud d » '
well not to Slay very long. However.
1 saw a number of mummies, tuuuuted
on carved streubers and p.vluled nsl
and blue, hanging up anuiud ibt' su|»portlng l»arta of the roof, also a giasl
many skulls placed ou rough shflves
tholr faieo coveiwd by a mask of
ibewus stuff painted revi. sud some
mrloukly curvad apeara. aUw's and -killtag malleU hung smuod lUe v%allv I
falu tvlllioul In
afternoon by the moulUTv
last day of my
ateamar. It bdug
auy la Malekula
however, that 11
r M .tl^Vui.
«Aadbor UasttSae. tamriklus tkr
aaaferv «# tat tnT—‘“a kaam tamla
•« kmPd kow tfea mta Mrm f»JL^tas ^Botakiro. oiatJi; 5^'ktataai4dta22Ltad.Mtatr road. -How , amajr caaMaoDdmaats
Ajims iU fora, trfet* ^wrmiua
‘•tallr keaiM
keatta kr tke matMoas: kaa
^ jre, Jackr ^td tke
Aiat. *^Tta.•Ok. jaa aaida^ ttadfeta kka wi* i
tko aaal Afitada argm. \sim »ikr an aC ffea atraage aeta dam^e
kita taemtj taa wklta kut
•Atiamdlr 4ta|i«tad moairr auU tjr^ eaacted wlih
Ukd iMitaSas tide «a ranii kut
yoor goaa. mca! Back to your mai:
kawi gaduftag dosm oa He ptvf : aX
•eUed. Tkrro arc la the imj; throe tke stni stnuicer daaea perraratad hy
WkDd we llta w«ni ctowr And koelc
laaguofes, uo oae »r «UArh
moa weut aad taagkt Uke gamta.
auo. kai tka
r. vka rapmd Mgkttsr a
socks aattl relief cmma.-Mttak Naral
mtam of Cktaa ta far moca i
ta tke ageskVhi
arltfe a Ui«e aqaealiaf lire pig aa kla
. aad ita value to tke oaan
aaother. tad la tho root of tW isioaO
tfeaaa ate oi VM»t oarea ur aiakt other ter of the doaoiag ekoat. ao Ska Qre-
ThMc ore braheo Ms. omy a lewol eoeh.
Every Mil to these lots have iirovea good il:
sellers or-Hit Ms would not he broken. 'Vv TfeedoaUtyls Ihe best, while the styles
- : ~
;• ■ •»«
• >»« i o r e * o s !■ m a h e r s ;,
fma iwiaMimai nuH profe«wMat ja
VtrtM «ttk
so Men’s Suits
At Sttiarp Price Concessions
,• j
~:r~ ~TT~z:rrr.JT:rT.rrr ajw4 9md mm
w» «ir •■ qiptif<>tgr»
cawp* it >■>» "■
DifW ww m
Vltaor Vouml tataHi A k«i U>
•> iweeere tree tat BMiMtaCBAftamta.
eswt. feta «M a* staew iniini M<|^ tikM MaM* nmmni mm
•, -
' On another ocrssiou 1 su.»e«le«l in
aWing a idace Into whhb no while
peraoo had ever ventured before, a f«u eat cauulbal fortress, ais miles up In
the untraveled Intetiur. My hp.st tuld
want your balp wow In <uv figtu lor
SMistc. Can I have It?
The pom iris ns Iu IMiUsv hauls ^
those letters. insUed to the original
seadMs with t^usT-a re^pieat ou tbe
Ipek* of them. Usd as muth as any i
thing to do With guay's wiuulug
gght.-Hatuidsy Evening IVst.
Whtra It Ought to gs.
Cardinal .Mauumg omv while
Home sat to a cehd.ialeU svuiploi who
was au eviMTi lu phrcmdog.v. nial «ltirlug one of the «illm;{- they fell p
cusjiias Ihe xiilplor's lioliby. -Tell
me. taen. * said Cardlual .Maiiuit
last, -wbeiv U the seat «f
The sculptor strode a» row the s
and. iitdicaiiugu »>j»ot on the cardUiaI s
kead. -Thafs wh>re it ouxht to
be grimly Naid I.ou h.ii Ib-llmau
artwork of wtterwrmys. natural and at^
tlkcUl ao ixivera tat empire tk^t ab
rnm aa many paopfe lifo upoo taa wa
ter »t os tke Usd. Thm Qrast essal
that arosder of the warid. msa soctk
and aoatk from (Union to tke extremi
ty of the empire, end by this route tbe
I of aU sations are carrUd u> Pe
king, a dUUnce of 8» mtUa. Tkiscs.
sal U dfty tael wide: If ^aaaiw throsgk.
tarry-one UrgevcItlea: It baa
aerenty-ave tirge slukce Kv keep sp
taa water and baa thonaasda.of bHdgaa.
Wkal taa Naina Did.
or the salat of London atteeu oauaid
by the kaoksty coach Taylor, the oM
ar poet, wroie; -It makaa aurk a
MU nuakllag la tke atredta by
many cksirkm* dobra tl
eara are ato|^ with tae solaa. w here
by they are debarred of tbeir ediryiug
which makes tallk an fmtkaa. go«l
worka eo barraA and ekartty aa «wlU
at mliauismer ae If It weiw a graia
froat. By tbU meapa aooU m rat»b<wl
and atarred of tkelr kharaaiy manua.**
Quality Soda.
'ewHlk-fs tbe kiml ot Soda wo aww
Eacl> eyrap tuivcd at oor fouutaio ia
made from llie fro»h fruit or pure
Irnit jukwa. .\U other maWriaU are
,oltba4n«*t quality obtaioablo. Our bevoragoa are dietnotive (or Uiuir ddiioato, Mtitfy.
iac quality. Here are a few of our apooioltiut;
Honolulu Sundae. lUc
( The season V hit I
While aiy Sundae. 15c
Ocean Wave. iOe
t A new one 1
Imperial Banana Frappe. 15c
I Beats them alli
Buttalo fVappe. 15c
i A dandy 1-
Mlb Century Sundae. 10c
lee Cream Soda. Sc
(The lOc kind.
Wait’s Soda Founfaln
Fraak Paiac. ciqp^ in ckaroc.
tlie Hannah & Lay Mercantile Cbmpany
The Days of Picnics
Summer Dress Goods
_ up. You
And you want cooked goods
that can be easily packed
would be surprised to know how many things wo can supply You.
Look over this list; . Butter Thin Biscuit. Saratoga
Flakes. Sponge
_ Flakes,
^dy Fingers, Social Tea, Marshmallow Dainties,
Dainties. Lemon Snaps,
Zu Zu.
i Jinger Wafers.
packed in air-tight packages.
You win be delighted with our stock of Lii.'ht Dress Goods. .
I'ersian Lawns at 25c'30c, 35c, 40c, 50c and ttOc.
India Linens. Sc. 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c and :<0c.
Doued-Stvisses make such dainty gowns—I5c, 25c, 40c, 50c and 75c.
. French Lawns are warn vcry-Iargely. Sell at 18c, 20c and 25c._ '
Swiss Mulls—a nice Ibe to select from—ISc, 20c and 25c.
A fine line of Long Cloth and Nainsook. Long Cloth at 10c, 15c and
Nainsook at 10c/l5c, 25c, 30? and 45c.- ,,
Blair’s Celebrated ■ Writing Tablets
It Is Most Pleasant to Note
Inttory and that our pleased customers arc telling their friends, for these same
friends are coming to trade.
■ — ■
. .; ■ > V
We have the' goods and we ate giving the prices that cannot help but be sati,'.;
■ isfactory, and such Increased trade A most pleasint to us. We back every sute-;/
ment made with Prices, Stock and Values.
need a better one. See the line that we are ehowIhg. AWmann^^of fancjj^^
• •
20c; the*
It is the handiest form of writing paper and we. are now showing 40 different kinds of
■ so never be at a loss for sonvqUtlBg to write on.
More Interest in Base Ball than Ever
Vj-r Tshoe trade. It proves two things—that our prices arc entiraly satis-. ’ •
' ;
' ,
and tor that reason you want to hav^the very best of goods when you play. That
is the only kind we carry, and the goods we sell have given the best of satisfaction.
We have tfie celebrated "Victor," and that speaks for itself.
• Balls from5cto$1.25;
Masks fi-om 45cto $4
Bats from 10c to 75c
• ■
Mitu horn 25c to $8.
' 4 ;, • Gloves from 85c toil
Chest Protectors at $6
, to¥^aad Heel Plates
will give another concert from 8 until 9:30,
‘ CHI to
tto i4mi
«to fMtor toM tor«BM to»9 «»
«f |(»rf-rllM. C»k*to
0MV 9tmm iipMi
to if
M»r IMr 4rt«ltott to •ft. «rtor> to «<
eir* «i«HM00ri)mwsAv, mtm %
1^ fltotoc to ttotr UtmL-mirn Oinm
itotol Fa.
i«f Cmt.
trte «•*<• t* ktom tor« to <
*-Tiii toto to to»rr7 •
to II - wr^mlM ito
VtoM •rito
^ «Mlto iiltor
-■ Nf-iri
totolif *»tor Utod
w«ild wm
ut cnr fn*to to«* ^toto
totok T
Tbto U •U«l tto UBf •
«f llftii
-Uto I to 4 giM toigr
Tto gwtoi toi« to* km maato
itoif <*r ito •toac touia-V**
tod -f M«x J-«
tovtol -to- .a^ly
daaMtarad aa **«rm kopsw’* bautg to
Ttoaa fuaUllmia ara aa^Uy aaa
fatlad a¥afy day. Tka toaal taarkai
pHaaa ara aiidpHM ky laaal daalsra
Ttia antotoa padutiaiia ky wira, aat
. |*ulato
Uahl yt^lerds).
aoly taaiiiy Ihi»«r tiaidti fxaalag In
T*>da) Uif irtlcf U ii llUto toiit-r. to
|pt fM.U. 3»H to 4.H
Tto«» I-Msiu twsikH alll suuu to
ar»r wiilt. iho ««\craitt»u of soitif
aini»Uni. tiitsttiMi» What tba prlca
I U IlHlil lo toll
am to i»iSht<
, ksIHai rnaaa.
CtoarUrk pork, par khl.......... HI M
Claarbark park, par lb....................U
•koK rut of poik. par kkl.... II.M
I\»ra Biasl. prt l(Hl lbs.........
I ll
nout. II 1. A i%.‘s lle*l. bill 6.S0
fkad. H.4. A Oa.‘a toaat. par
mo lbs' .......................... ..
1 30
UldtUuM. pai 100 lUa,.......
liraw. |.o, lao lbs..................
Htr. par Ion ..........IIS 00 nnd 22 oO
CbkkoM. pw
................ If
b ■ -
■' ■
Kmb ......... ........... ...............
Hnni. iM-r lb . .,. .ii....
nutter, eruamery. per lb.... . .Boess
lluUer. ditry ...................... . 2IR30
Com, |»er bu . .......... ........... ..WRTO
Ost*. per tot.,..*........... ..fiiRiia
Oovir s«*ed
V...... .
Ciimstm clovnr........
10 bO
Alfalfa ..........................
Ttmotby . ........... ............. ,.
Y li
ttofwan «iUlrt........... .
... 1 M
Honiaiton mlttoi ......... .. 100
M4 tup .................. ............... 1 fl
Ombsrd fra».....
... 1 00
... .........
f r.- -
pto bs........................ .... .SI
Rpr bti,
Oolt. per bu
. ....-----. Wtooit. iwr bM .
Puttof ...v.b....................
' Itoit -r-
lar«d aorar I
a Ito aa»im abaal pUlns Tbla
Ito pnaa t»a« as a j|ar«i
laapuasa aas fatoofJ by
r« Idfma o/ Its adupttoa la taaay «ir
*lra la 4'kkao» 1 toa «^aplratofw
aalsiaff apoa ib«> atalaaas purtaad
Ito ralaadar. wiab-tod tka araftor fnto
puor TT* aad plaiad tto kaalto la tto
a ailing risas of tbs gwto bag.
For tboss abo would tnmlto to tbs
Innrr aigntfb aaro of tto riu^rnld but
sot Iks folioainc HsIairrUn tonaltkia aril bs utoful
OMPPN pril. n.-a ksutoff seold aaUr S0fst»i . s totus tlssa«i wikltor. oa«
aas pianrs ihs sdss frosR ssotatrs
Sto*I|Su s*^
Ihtss s psrkos St arlMhss spprtiscf. is*
•rs slarai U iMmrd is. oo* «hi. siumpis
-Nrrrr lulud Ikoss gim bufa“ ssM
a iJisklls strost bruksr In Okbwpo itas
oibsr Asy. lofrninf to persons wbu
wars datTflug t-arlsla sskurlilrs.
bend In ysr ibUiV a losaseagsr U.y
uatsids reuisrked lo s tompsnWju
tkmugk tbs toiUer of bis tiviuth not
orrupisd by s rlfsialts
'T'bsai grera bugs iiieU to rrsb m>
SCI an- loM tbs msasger i ksd gUe s
lot of abiskeisd aksess* s frr*U
sksre.- txiiaplslaml a Thespisii In |iesrl
bultua ahaes lo s fellow allh oorly
hstr at tnsrk sad Kandolph strsets. ths
t'bk sgo nssi KIsIto
Tbass sstuples givs you a akig of
tbs blsal tbsi Is lo rotae. Tbs bi s in
alarm. It Is f«are<l all! to uiers rarebug *ss wall as a t r».p peal,- said
Otorles t\iu)lskey. toil of the new
Kalgbia of tu« tisner. or suppoiiers
of Ito dug. Us ass gasiBf laournful
ly at ibe Atoerbsii league diamond,
whbh from IIS astei> eyed sspe.i ra
semblisl piste flsss Tbe skles'graw
yalloalab greeu sl ibis and suue«aed
a few lesrs
On tbs bos Id of irsOe uaa must
ksndia Ike aoi\U • green bug- with kid
tla%as. If you .lou t >uu ius.% hs%e lo
handle yuur to»e dsts Tbe tosi asv
to disrorsr aUatitei a man was -4oiia“
on whaat <>r If he «as langhl ‘ab«irt“
on Ibe rtsa Is bi oall bias a gram bug
Us will do ona of two ibings be will
drag you to Ibe nsaraal |Alr of wl. ker
foldlag doora or ba will drprwaa >our
If be doaa tba latter it Is Id to I
tkat be was baarlng ibs maihei If
to <k*es ihw former. Us s cartaiulf
tbai ka was bulling li nod imPt ii bog
plug' It
Tbe real grwan U\kg uiumpllea Itself
like IlghinlAg abd -fie staag nae will
kpiead Itself user Ibe msp w-ilh Ibe
::: ;{?
toviAPld* that l*enuayUanla dainty.
Is lo to •xpluiiad and mads known
to the rest nf itfis s.laiiplalanB world,
nava Ito 1‘hUadelphla RiNH»rd A num
tor of *(k farmars la the lower end
ml ftoupkla county. In BeunayUanIa ara
•mi* Mi MifNk lia in.. ' .w* eoaaldeiing
Ito ad visa Witty uf going
SwmM MultlT ...........
.U Into tto manu/aeture of w-rappU on a
Oklolw.. U«* *.101............ .)• laigr Si-ala for shipment all over the
-H»M .............................................. .»
A numbar of t'baaier aad
drrMc4................................. «* Inm-antar counry tarn ara ainrady In
U tha bualneaa of mauufavlurtng mc€%p
S^M aan. lit. waw*.... •* pie and Ikslr amsaaa baa suggaatad
tto at bams to tto IMuphla txHUilUto.
U(M a*»r« Mi bftr.M..... a
ton. ..........
bNMkUW ,...,.................... T# »
Otfi uiM ............... nauH
iTitmgii June a WYiral. to ^ lau u.
ble m\m (IH
Mieh. June' a—Wheat
HSc. loiu k7^r..o«U, ia\tc
f ALK-^miaaA(dd ( fuimume.
bodiwoin autUa, btotlng Vtovwa, gas
fMlIw. bill plate Ckairw. table
tuMm rug* ou
(VU gitar 4 p m
ug Anmrdgyw
Mr* Haws.
• **Nns--ihr»
Uwt iHmUo Vn. t A
itlK; (Ml to*, t*.
hMiditj .ad
tka rtaktfal ampaat af t|
aarttoa -bat I ts- last pot to pK ttoaa
npkCkmaP. 1 |«M hatUltor to ni*
lata • suira aa my aay to tto aUtkli
aadpn «octo
tatty itoasaa.
aad 1I laU tto
Ta Aaakttfildaat Cak.mas.
baud liaaauaara aud bla alstrr agsd
twenty yaara. wbo bava baao aiudytng
•Otaugrapby at Itomauak. aortb Oraaa
land bare *iatt«d for Amltk a sound to
•ad aa KakUim trtha ahh h la reputed
to kata »a%ar eomr lu roatavt with
flrtUtolbm HTmIr only atteadaut is an
Maklmn. to.tt a s|ia.-UI iwble dis|vatck
from (Wpanbagwh to Iha New York
•uu -Itoy wUI iraval la dag aladfw*
aad will depend fur food
lag Y'bny nim arwntwalt.f u» aaneb tba
Oaaadiavnwlblgnd to IM
raa aad • Rabbit:
A fok was seen iMMotag dawn a pass
in tbe blUafwltowaa by a rabhtt. wbub
vmma atom at a smart |mvw and seemcal
tmitoltod by an ateipocdrinf <^nrtoalty. iux and tabbit
ptotwd Into a paub uf i^oratt. aad ah
tuvist immadiawly tba lux
•maege wifb tto uatortuilala rabbit
dead to Ua
I'M wbula tabkaa
ana wlitowtod by jmiamia of
ibaoi a/TffF
tobto tanuiti. ana
cntwrul dbaanrar «f wUd bfe iVwaa
parfm^b arktoni to ibam that Iba fui
bad la aoasa wa.r.taaetoatad tba mb'
\oidiaf Its dvmm atoontry Ufa.
la the
tbe aooad.
aooad. Aoma f^ds
ity of tbelr o/n
twisi * Uraopotamla^- to
>doBMtioe«.ror alert
blent! apd nniform
rrsJB or ataatc. aoaps sad
aas mack «Uov«i uy tto Ito 1
prtaani maA Mr liba<
atoctkio'. Ramsrks
1 oa kla aJ
refreahoiMita were
to^akarpk. amr.
Ml refrcahoit
I *• tosPnaaas., ftmma Oto.Hsh ■
ball. Om COMM
a Uta ko
Lsre tndlvmxmot
thing bot a sJerpy, sun-klsaed UinL
Vim iwuld not. for taauiuf. endow
Ikoaa aoft rowel aotiode wliU tbe nif
gad tmallty of aaattor uumlsukalto
word. Kaskau^iewan!
Mas-kab b^ wan: Kpokru aa though
M .glnr Biwaya from Ibe full rtdged
ebaat of a tall rad man. thin In tto
dank, bard In the leg. s*,cA»u aa
Itoagb with tba exhalation of- lungs
full uf rugpbd oortiMru sir MVhsl
word In Ibe gloasary uf river* sur
passes Ibis In tto rtrllltv of Its sluwr
aouad> It reeks
ktnnlklnU ai»d
dried while ksb siiO suiukrd bretsis of
Wild geese aud srn bsj U rry ami |<‘ui
mbpn- You rauuul svold s*VltJg di»g
The production of “Auioricsi'‘ lo to
ghen ai the Grand opera houwe dal
urday Juoe i:>. under the auspice* uf
lbe-4kuujgniou Court Traverse City,
win iK^ one of tto UM home talent
enteilslntuoui* ever m-^-n In Tmverst*
Cltv Kei>ear*Ai» ure being held evwy
art-imH.ti *ml rveuing and they an*
prog leaking nicely. Thv main part of
Ito- -futNirani will be apoclacuUr. but
betwr-eii arts wHl be Introdured many
pleasing specUU^-s. It wouldn'l be
fair to riv»* them awwy now, biTl we
rei I k.>re lu NSVlng that all who ati.-nd uUI nut lH^lsap|s«luled
youug uighltogale* when they were
Eshibition Onll.
full^fl«Mge«l. seemed |»erfe4 lly wC botue
tiiv e'fiief Miiii.ii leturiuHl from
near the places wbi-iv they lirs( saw
the light, aud in Mrptemtoi. the usual m-iroit last night Hlu-i atleudtng he
On the way
period of mlgrallou. itoy de|»aiied But ftu-meu n C(*u\enimn
tto night toggles never reiurm\1 tu lw.ck. Mr Miiriav and vOU- weie de
lavi-d ihiv-e biuir* duiiag which Itiue.
the Jackson ihel gave an exhihiUou
. Ta Rtodr Raaiagr
tha Alp.
ttolley VStllis of tto I «Me.l Wi.vies .Oil (or their tonetit
gaulogiial soMey ha* toeu s»*Uv4rd tu
Diad of Pleurisy
vriall burvHH- under the a^ispl.v^.of the
The toHly id John tKlaiiu. who died
Rmithsunlau tnstitution 10 study tto
p«iUliar types of geolughwl structuie Thunulav night »»( ph trisy. was ship
In tto Ali». says a Waytnugiou dl* iH'd to l.udmmmi h> I inlcrtakei An
patch Us Will start aU
Ueisim tislav
A Visiaua Push
Nfwsdaya If two tYanchmen feel
that tto.T biva bMh tnanlted they ais
rangs toir a kind of picnic i»arty in tba
oarly momlng'wlOi aa a sort of aoixma
tboiLgbt a pair of raptors for tbe tufli( t-
ved la «bw bam
•he Threw Her Arms Around
Maybe* While Male
Hla P«
A M«»ry 'full of heart -iuterwst and
voiiM-dy U t4.Id 111 On the Bridge at
.Midiiiifhl. : slileh U to l*e seen tore
tor the ttrsi nine
A Wind motto r
nud tor only -i htld ate prominent
The child Is sloleti ud
the mother makes a lung, sad seaich
fralu fn.m noting tto to. it e The doiiigs ui ib-rmany the
blown Imtb of ineu niutiing In the pnde.^^ol. aio.o.*4s It.-quent juughtrr
mid. when .vou bear the mere usuie, aud^KisItly the ^V*^> brighten* the
wild, m.vsierloiil. of tbU nvcr. one of piky T.4«^ aud liiutbiei otu-u follow
tto Unlls of lUe youug mon. -UmMikoa in qiiu V -»ii,et.'**ioii aud une uf the
Uaugb tu Out log MsgsaUie
nt.iUi ineldenli^ luvulvt** the jack knlle
biidge which opens a* a ship |u
Urowulug Is s .pucker desib thai through the draw In lull view of the
moat p«H*b- suiMHiso luM-nslUtllty b
This ri'alisUc seltiug and
fatU to Itrgln lu Hlxtul oio' iniintte. nii<!
the aiili.i: id the *tn»'hg coni|»aii5
fatal iuii'..us« loUhi„.«k i;ciHMsll.v suimt
inaken ihi* atuui Tiun one of the
true* lu Ibe nelfbls.rti MHl of two luin
* Ion the ix»ei1
.M tire (-.rand i
**^jhou»M-, Thuisd.i) pUht. Jun I-. Vilc«‘*
l i^ generally faiul .*.• ;:G. :ki and TVini*. Se.»t
lie Slirfsee liMiger Wislmwrtav
than thsi
At \»v«i4ini wheiv llieiv
Wio I. Manager Ktne*i Shipinuii di*
■ re io«ii> «‘toert divers, who plunge
*nto the *i*s liner «.iHtuge». nut one was rover*^ la».l ..bmitot that the righlfc
round who otUld leuisln ninbf Avitier
- gMuii Hanloi
far two miuule* lu the Iteil seu Ibe
•nre ivMiid I
by his
Arsh divers generally nuumi tluvvn
d !•» iH^s ponc the pre
one uud a unsrter iuimile«. while «l
riie Dm Let* of IV-von
Ceyhn. the ihnuI flMher.
Slav toluw for eveu s uiimue Theiv
and/»IU uni It*
li.iHS* to delio
Is s case on r.vuul at Fslinouih wheiv A R»»u-mus a l.omui of |a.<
a diver Ivad deaeendml elgliiy (»n-l and ils puHlucilou till APIII Mrs"
on giving the signal vvs* drawn up d«y'iiii«Md and Insinivsl that Mi*a Km/u
slowly It was iwo luinuins tofure lie 04HMI her N4-asoii In CkiwactoHl tbe surfaiv llhs^! ran Horn ii.»* ii-d Mi Sbipinan then cast abmii
hla yars and uimm*. and la- v\as Insensi loi ain.llH i smulde M..i lo Interpivl
He dlr.1 wHhoul s,M.aklug
luseusihlllij. huwi-MU. diKH. not always the Ikaili pluy. and aeaouailous wt-iv
lUMohe death fufln many « asos 4 per o|H*u«h1 l.y his p-iM.Mal ^elMe?^elua
son iua.\ to resusertanxl by the vim* of live then in launloii. wttli Miss Ktleii
bsiunUy Terry Kllen Terry w.»* anxious 10 np
|H-ai m America in Aliri-811 by the
Fi.e* wo* nnatilo U» get Chaile* l-Toh
Ths Rods Oidn-t C«ma Rack.
A rruiury ago s pairtolU S.-0I Sir IU.4II i(» ivlenne hei (or an appeanimv
ih» lob- this Mvisufi At the Olaud
/nhii Hlin-lsit. iritdl to estatdish the
mgtillAguVi In IknilUiid Hr (ohiiios opera hoi M-. Moml.o Jnm- lu Viice*
cenie. H S.-«m now on sale
aiuiifnl S l4»uduu ileator to |niri base re, 5|*.
nigh ling alesat the litoral prliw 1‘bolie 4Ji;.
of a ahlllliu; ea« h Ibese ws-ie well
Fonerai Service
|ui. kinl in WcHd audm«nt to S( ..ilaiid lo
Tin- tuneial *e:vlc<' «•! Ji.M-ph Mil
mallioaeh A nuui tor of trust worthy
men had |.iwvhui*lv tsMen eiigagtsl t«* li-hai was held froifi the Utmie of ho
at 2 ocloik
take esiHs-lsI rare of all Kiidn*- nests In sUler 4*11 Secvmd
plsvto hberv the rgga v^utd he h.nt( bed tid* atunnsm On aiMsmut vd the uh
In safely The lohlns’ eggs w-sn' re
llev !l
moved aud ivpiaoed t‘.r tho*e of the
nigUlingalr, whuh weie halvlnnl uud
rrarssl-hy theii f»»siei im.lh.M* Tto rhiUKe
ai Jhe most
Impanant spui* iu Italy aud nwitserland Milt confer wiib a nuuitoi of tto
fneemoal geolv^eal vs|w-iu of bui\H»e
On bla iwlum WwiU tormuUir Ul* lu'
ywauigntloaa to a re)ioi« who h w ill to
publUbad by the binlih.wm.aa In.iiiu
toi to Ibe SaatotoR Raaan
ka Aaa. Mtob, Juaa
» M BUM «M
wo* n I~r»
Ud CM rtUd. TM (oMnl «4
0* will kr unDomnr.
Dn. KIM. BhUUdW .M
•IM «D Bn. C. M.BMeock (or «««y.
TM liu»t U acto* MJdJ. .
tw, exK»d b. I JoaasM Draa COw l b., the.
Matagk tkta nm» two plariag akto aorka
Ito #r«to« aad
-toi lai.
•apaaad to rtow. Wnk a topk oT
Ito ctod ratoc myB tto riiirar* Srw*
|.lto«rto» tto toafkiy toma •to«ri»tod
froai Ms #tottoa aatorr to^k u> ito tlabt tom aai of tto car window aad
rsat-totf for tto bos cwatslnliic tka new
rnilt aiaaJ a# ftoMsrt^ Afart fraia
Ckla tto jhamailaa was a psia sfatr.
-iSrrsi atcxhtir topasiir*
tad tto rasatonay prpftaaat^ alitooi Id kis parvkasa. Thai W4oi has cvaa
I liltrk Tto aaa aUaai^-k %b m pi^ ma tras. toUdraa’a alsar-I-kilattolphU
i*g» uf tto l'kkar> toard aC ttato. toil
N« tadaaara irtti aaw to r«H la asrry
WKsVs la a Namsf
pan ut tto I akad •utaa atoia ralto
IVrbsps you msy bate board of Ito
KMtM as ato to apato
latoliTBiad divlos who t-ould mote a
Itoi frn of Mg kaaartota Ikfrs .rs
«>««»» MhflijMi M k taanr
ilk«kn*.v a.liiWi«kn»lk*
. Eurwal fttwaa* of Things.
Tbe luivires* of the lu*u*<» i* a etiltl
vaU-d Ba.iuu;xn »'f
h nm.iea
taste, and the w.hi*tling of the foot
man. w hi* believed hims.-Jf aUvne in tto
house, frettjal her arlisiu aouL
•-.U-epk- sto (allml ul iusi^m l
head of the bo^ stairs, ‘ pK-a*.* dot
w bistto tbusc vulfsr ragtime things!
• \cv maui" returned Joseph mw
Iv. * 1 knew. mem, • be wntinucvl. d ith
- but .vim can t ei
poet a rbaivsody bi l-ls*» ^‘*l» vhmuiug
tto knivoa Ttol will lome Uier ^
I Tu ladishiito^to aUver - - touibr
Rpt to tto old days ducts were of n
muck atoftor uaiara. and ito most ter
Last Hia Namw
One may it seems, boss oto's. w|ta
rible one fought at any tima to Faria
was Ibat botwomi Cobmel U, an okl wtttoul altogetbec Kistog oto*
agd M de Q of Henri Meilbad. a V'fWh draotolk
tto lltMitda dtt Oorpa. a mere youth, but tbor. wbo always bad mmm ctover
or boreoliok itraagth Tto two meo. tbtog to aay. was iiuubtod to bto last
toabid tORitbar ao at to toaee their days by a aad tom of memory. Oim
tight trass fraa. were armed with short day to exclaimed to a-frteiMl wbo
koivea. plaoed la a hackney comb aad calledv
a toattog gal^ around tto -Hurrab. Eva loi my aama \
iCtoacnMe. TbayworatoUu You know Twaa fortoMou “
Mt of tba ootob dtoad. Tto coianol -.Wby. totoidy forgot ypw uaa
bM a%bim ktaba. tto youth an|y -Yea. I 4111 aud I aboukl aay ibat
fanr. bni «to or tbaaa bad fdorrod bit wax Quito euoufbr
Tblo wfoa lIwUbai a tool >toa. Ho
died w ithia a few daja
irUt. Micb,. 4uue k-\\T»lW vm
his way home ai 2 ociuck this moi
A H Mayhec was bold
hmw up by •
him hut
an While she Clung
o went through his
male cxmumnloo
pockets and took his watch and IMi
owMd In tbe cltv aad ev
ery ewaer to tovtted to tokc part to
this porUow cC the da> Tto«e wlU to
pitaoa for tbo beat deabnfiod buaxa
tbe winner of the raeoa, etc, A great
parade wUl to bold and ihv
gaily decorated water craft will to
a delight 10 tbe ev>
Care of Vlaltorw.
The haopitality of TravciM* City i«
tiM wvU known to need any civoiincnt
Every V toitur from far v>r uunr will to
given'the very best .treatment ami
leaving will go away with
lag but kind thoughtsI to
\a ib^r heart*
-Quiiu City of-^he North.*'
«1 rates on all
There will to I'educed
tallnud.^. the local hiUels aud res
iMurants will have pX iviy of grub and
there Will to Mumihlng doing every
roiiiute uf (he big day
Mis* Mary KtHtoi dell for Graiul
Uapid* this uiuriiing where she will
join her iMiviila
Mrs (V A Park* wvui to KingHley
thi* morning
Odd Kelos* l.uUe No. .’.o-l will I
nuemuutl seiveAss tU tlu-lr hall toi
luw afternoon at 2 o cluck. All '
l-elltiws aiid HvdK-kuhH -ate Invited
TmvorsM City tent N i :ti K. O
M h.id a very pleasaiit siVUI iiuvUug
l;iM evening An .-xt client pro
W.tv giv4-u toUuwi-il i.v 11 i*auqoei aqd
a dam *'
Mavui Kriedruli h.»" leiurn.-d
the couveniluii of the laMigue ol Mich
igan Miinlcl|iaiiU-?i at ivtiolt Tin- llii*tl(M». ju.st orgaiii/tHl.
4 UWS toiH with the (trawu U>a
Duck lake t.umuiow aHenu*»n
ri..,i i, s A ,*<k( U U(-i will sUm «
Hannah A laty MeirantiU- 4-4iiiip.uiyV
stole fituii ^ lo \*;:M this 4-V4-UIIJ.
ChtUfnu * day will Im ol.*4-ivid ai
he llaptiM chauich.ioinuriow it
ChrihlUrnty at^d Our Tongue wll W
he KuU.Ptt at the Anlmry M
huAh ioim»Ji4.w morning
The 8wedt*h KvaiikH-lical MlnsUm
.ill hold uuvting.^ eveiy Suudoy
ihe’jjtiue stivHi schiH.l hom* at 3
P m Evening service at 7-30 p
Humiav *ch<Kd at 2: iKi p. nr Uiffisviu
pM-aihers will tMliciate All Sranda
uaviau* c/.tdlsWr-luviUxl
A Schur* glory of Lincoln.
One 01 the many foreigner^ who
sought m.v iuten-Tfcsiuu was a yming
4Jcrn»tu oouut whose Identity
vouched foi- b.v a member of tbe
aiau legation. He bad a long ix
amestom w bom he lrni*ed tork for arV
eral huudred yeaiW. He visa gtva
Impressed with iheTiu4»ortau4e of.tl
fa«'t aud (bought It would weigh bear*
anuT If he ix>uld only have an ‘ atid
•OiV with tto prewident and Uy M
case before him, he believed the leault
ixvuld Did to doubtful. He pursued, me
ao arduously with the requeat
pmoonal lutrodocilon to Mi Uinvln
that at Ust I succumbed and promised
cimut spoke Engtiab moacmtel.v wef..
and to bbi lugenuous way be at <
explained to Mr. Uneoln bow dngb
uoblHty of bla family wWm and 1
they bad been couuta so-and so ni
ismtunea ' tVeU.- skid Mr. IJmoin
totermpting him. -That nCsxl not
bto 3i*u
That will not be lu your
way If you l«bi iCe youraolf as a
dier.- Tbo poor count looked puxxleti
tthc work o( toMOto> the Mho AM aa^
ijraten jrlU be h.cuu *M U • Ooit tMe. lb* lUe «UI
tw rcMr W boclom.
Tomorrow CvMln« by tbo *#», A. T.
F.rgown at City Opww Moon.
Tt.- twcrolauntr omnoo for tbe
cla>A of IP07 will to glviMt at the City
opera house tomorrow evening by.the
Rev. A T Fcrguooa, jKwaldluf eJdeY
« the Grand Traveiwe dlatrtec
Tba Knighu of Pjlhtoa mamortal
MUX ice will to' held ut 3 o-dbek Ub .
moiTosf .uitcrnoivu at the cemetery." T:
went to H Gilbert will siHsxk and the public;
is Invited
Bolton, ol Xe* s Cuy. who
w\wk w ith
l>r (4IV gory returned lurtiie today
John \Varr« u Oil retunuxl home fhl.-(
momiug frtmi Stanton. Vo-, where he
aieoded the StaiiiiHi milUarv urademy
lo spend hi* suuiuwr vacattuu
M..S lUiiiamood SUadek him ivlum
ed from IVHroit after spAHidtog. the
wlnlet with,be; sister. Mi> W I
Cl tiff
Misv Alux neiitoiih who baa
.•irtuling schoi'l in the cu».
to her htmie inw Hatcto* Cnjssiug
thi* mbrclnk
A E Wl'isoD and sAtn. totod
Hblon today
Mr and Mr*. Frt^ Wbrn
Key. who have btx*n visiting In tbe city
went lo Kingsley today where they
will viMt
John la'iang4 i W4-iu to Chehov gun
liKlay. where he win attend clrcuU
a .B. ». CUlr U eCMiMd 10 «iti
tone hr MMt iroOM oO h
AMERICA Ajmnica. Amciica
America. Satunlav . Jouc 1Mb.
^‘(emo Corsets
For Stout People
This Corset has a special
feature that commends it
self to stout figures. The
strap adjustment ' perma*
ncntly reduces the abdo
men without any discom
fort to the wearer, and
moulds the form into grace
ful lines. Givgs the figure
a stylish appearance yet
are so perfect fitting there
is comfort in wearing them. Gives the right support
to the bust. Gives the abdomen the right form.
Gives comfort to the ivearcr. Gives
more wear than any three corsets
you can bu>-' of any other kind, and
the price is
' $3M ::
Comes in all sires and w«; carry
two styles. We give fittingb it desired.
We Want You
To know that when you l»uy from the
CAMPHHLL CO. you arc getting
only such goods as we l^licve we can
offer our customers with the fullest
assurance that they are right both in
quality and price. Nothing else will
satisfy us and it should not
\Vc know you arc going
to buy
lawn mowers
(By the way, wc have a new thing in
gas stove* wc would like to show you 1
Gasallnc and OU Cook Stoves.
aaktd no what In the work! tto luwsi
damt could have meant by ao airauge a
ramart -Carl Schara In McC'luie'a.
It won’t take long for you
to find out about Ihal
(JUAUTY and BRICE idea of out*.
tor who mUI, I always iwto young
todtoo -Mra.* tos-auae tbe ,vouagec ttoy
We arc going to build ourbusineMon
these two pirnciplcs:
M tbo battor they Hkia It. amd Ito oMar todtoo 1 oalto ‘Mtoa’ hocauaa tb^^
ar tbay ara tba batter (toy
It.Ta Oufo a Cold to Ctoa Ogy
Watch u» grow.
Ywni^^CTgrrjg^^cooD^Two Stom m-ltt-41T UMm Mfocl
OR OAlt Wataa. «mM diMmr: an
mOMat Hi lamRjr mm CH akX
did. j. M. caopar.
|aaa Ml*.
Wbtf HWib bili
kaaaa aa ikTOMirtca daftiap*
at 111 Ma doam,^^ ^mma
MMfSS ff on TIMSa
FOR aAka-im<^aimf %wm i
•aatjr—T*s' ~i.“tstar»a rtoJx
uf drpo. a A ttofioo
Jmi. All
•SS'«'»"H.*3rS JK
mac a t CAN rouil
WAHTffMdt f«i
r<iuil ilrl mhI Uo
l»»imd (44P^« K*»k U^MU kMort.
iiHM Ml*
**JX 1U
WANTC»;4i«4«. MMUAMwit (ill fur
w^uA tfirt. MIMI wumWW u| Uiiimiim
.« lMiwWi»r;
mid M tif'
(M Mr*
won $AtC-ll»-m#oii room Vrick
RENT-Olflcaa la tka Will
luu Udkm ^ ^ FOR
kkaU M. Wilkidm.
amr 11 tf
9Aood UlA
Idrt WANT rour tolU dr«Mi or «a>
Iklo^ lo cloAA or d/d. PorliUi*. Sl»
FOR •Atl-Hoo4d AOd krt: mudmo
& Tiuot.
ow S& U
<hi&ioo1oaco4 fnvdyt kmtiuig; M^kl
Ujockd ffoiB poniufAGo; oMj lorow:
WANTWD-Yoor uidiolMono^ fur&i
mif^r4U cool, bbuuo iikl or oMl
clidlr ^uIm« w^l
djtr lAU
miuri pdcAUig.. 9, H TMmdrT^I &21 W. NluUi dirooi.
WANTW-VW opUoctkMi. ootdi mtd
<44 MOMti^ 4^ Fukorol IlMBlliuo
j^OT FOR AAti-^WiAi fek«iali M(«hi
,, iitv K4^uvm.
w a AkWiU.
Muir *U0v i
)uue 7 If
fOR Mta-lMl -Uu«o Mm room
kuUMi. Ur«d.kit kv<i4Udtt KUik
dOd Touik »iiooU uu IMiUroad «\oouf. MWtm luuudmiwo l^t wurlh
di Idddi .ood tkaumua dollar*
lioaftf tooUi luii im liutli for Wiot'ii*
koaarvd (Im1>4U. i'looo to. Iu*y
4orw». brtid I17U0. Wodd Biu« .
it? auuik CuUm itidok ^41- l^tmo
104/ IU
(POR RAUi-Ooud diivioB'korso dUd
koM/: lk«ulid kV
FOR MAtS ' McVkker gmaolliiQ «u
MtUi% ooir; aVk k. ir ii B. UuuU.
«i aocoraufMcd..
ONf ANO ONE HAUF Uuim. (.uon
Mi:U|im' ouofuo uuttkr uuJ kuaki
vtmuikav olib nUM>iuu» im»pillii.
10400^0 ttttd omui;. rvuOi i * lo
FOR RtNT-114 Laka avaaua. la
pulra 143 E. EigkU Bt
APr kkU
FOR RBNT-111 Call itrdM. laqulrd
141 Haal Etgktk.
mar »AU
TO RANT OR iitt-ll aiadd la Baal
BayMivaaklp. Bd. fWWa. ill WaA
star dirddt
mar lAliao
WM'^iP-iAt/l »i m Qt*» WimmI
pv4l Wood
km tUMik au. okoBo Itll.
FOR MAH-HTl-U oerm tvo milu
Muu Bdok kaildins; taml kumUos
lor 4ukurka« roMOoBOo Id ikU fF TRAVERAE CITY LOOOi. NO.71. B.
fioa Prkm |3.d0d. Wmld Brod* U1
of K. modt dvary TkuraOa/ tvam
tidkm tlrodt OMb dkOM lUI.
lug. Now Muruoa kkick.
C. O
‘pR Mki-MM-Motod room homk
ddw. Com at, tad korod; ftldd TRAViRdi WTY klOION. NO llAll.m. Wddd Bnm. 117
NaUuaM. Protdctlva Udfloa vUI
mddt la Woodmaa kMl oa tka tkird
Tueaday of oack aronik at 7:11 p; bbl
Akraiu Bmitk. preaidant; Oayld
.QrUwold. adcraUry; NatUd a Qraj,
100% FOR BAUE—WklU Wyandoildl,
It for XU, ainudr of Mlrdr cup at
pouUry ikow. J W. Zloimormaa 4
RAVERiE CITY tODOi. Na til. F.
Bon. SOS aoutk DlvUkm Prodt
d ▲. M . mddU on Uonday dvdalag
k or kolurd iko full of tkd moon.
at 7 Id p. m Carl C
M.; a B. 'WkUd. ddcraunr.
FOR RAtk-UPl-adVda room kouad.
Urge kit; oomdT a>yd 4ud Forn;
pricd It.too. W4da Bros.. 117 TRAVtRAE CITY tODOl. NO. 171.
K. a T. M. M.
Bouik Uakm at CIt pkoad 1111.
K O. T
M.. No, H71. lueoib every
Jaa «Aif Thuibday
nlgkl in Uto Odd -Fellow i
kail, over American Kamly EiUkeu
FOR •Ata-mi-Ond kundrad aad Mart Wilken*. IVunmauder: E M
Keeper; E. A. kMiu*.
Iklrl) flTd acra fmrm. dlgktj acrdi^
tuiprovoA tergd Imra and good Finance Keeper.
kuu4«. orckard. Urga amuuat of
iOiM aood. Ulukdr. tuna Ml fdapad
and no botlar doU lo kd fouad: atg
milud douikdjut ul city on amla
ru«d. Emu Bay tuu^aklp; ciodd lo
•ckurd and ckurck; all! »eU on aaty
term*, oaucx lu otkar kudladu:
prico |j (too. Wada Brut. 117 BouU
Vulon Mt at pkuud lllk
Mall lo Uuai. Ha* b«. u u*4 il too
*t'4*uii*. lu fln»i (tan* tHMiliiUiu.
blHo; ||0 UMfU: Bvii*OU Uu »llUui
44UI uuur iHUir to u»v Ui«l. lu FOR SALE
. gultr a W lUnUus*. MlaU lUuK
\Vv*i k»th
, Bidfi
/uuo MV
U\IUE^ mv welcome dr» pUy Uux
kail ut all liuu* kui e»pi«Ull> on
Tueaduy and kViday alUiuuuuti. ukUii
ka\e btvn wet apari i?*pccmll> for
ladiea. lUineiaUvr lUo knallon. 157
Fiuui atrtxel
junb I lf. won ikur.
Wc Kave purchased tKc dry clean
M.Mlaru rt^tdciuo
u UHiuis. kol aaler ing kusincaa of Oil A Hahncr. Wc
I fetl arc now in a pofciUon to do a«i of your
komi* in tliu cuy Wih take
luuy 21Mm(j •
ill E. Frunl^lreet
pjoitily 4* pall lavvmeul or
Will bvUl CM mu»> Uriuu
|a^lM». Wade Biu*.' 117 Buulh Cnkm^
8t. Cit pkuaa UU.
Maj Ufj Mr. E W Uoudlue; oX Ul 8L Umii
----at. Uflia*. Tvx . bay*
*iu Ike paU
kUoiOVM 4Ud lu g4Md lUOUoO. Ooud FOR
da- year I Law la
kecoine aegualu
aeguainted with
rd44uu» for MdUug Vil C. I'uluur.
livery uuTllt owner guiug away from IH. King a New Lifee Fllla. and uu laxw;
ko cfleetually
117 IS r<MUl. Bi . T«4v«r*ti City
I of uialarU and klliuusnebb
Wade .Ruaf • HIT Moutk- Cnlon 8l.
nt4> 20-U
Clu* idiune >2lit
JFPR BAVi - loll on Bulk uluut OoU
dukuMMi A Tuiodi'd lurduHio 4Uod.
aAtB-4b24-lU^t |iruiifit>- FOR AAtE^ acre farm digki milda
OttO ruilo cUy liiuilto: four uouyt,
aoiiU on west kayakuro.
two Uuutiird Uvl
(luul, Uigv
11.500. Inquli^ Ckiu. Bpencer at A.
koUd comidctcly turuu.Ued dr*v
W Hickeid * Mai kid Work*.
VmUI lurikcr nulico ikc use of water
cUud; kot 4UU CAJa 4 4Ur lu all
may lO-Hau* for lawn sprinkling U furkidden. TkU
room*. M4* UgUl^ lutuavo Luat. 4li»iJ
ikTdcr U made ueteaaary k/ <ke roOBO COUBFC* I'i^ 'uui. 111 Ui. trout ■OR SALE-I5U - Fully dcrd farm palr* to ike luiake pipe.
. .dtumin Ikniu&k giuaud*. Ulk kuum
one auii one half milea norU of
W U Caidvell. 8upt
WiUunukurg. llUceii acrep under
BBd Buo gnitu 4kiug koy fcUuni. TkU
cuUuatkfn. giKid k^'O and karn. may %0\i
pttHHTtjr U to Oral cUm eoudiltou
well wAliied. young orekaxd. d8
tur main nmU lo elt>. i>lkvd uil iko
gufid WidI Prioe 1700. Wado Eioa.’
•^/ to city; Vottld vtmi lu pul In
SI7 Bottlk' Vnloa St UU pkune SUU Bank ktillding. Special atUntleo
May LU
cuuatUon lu H U 41 proo^nl 4l kavt
Uoniy UlMumkd dulUrs; lady o*u
narvoua Aldddddd i
FOR lAtE-lilk-rOoo kundrad aad
, lag U UivalNL . kvB«d 04i rrBcd in
bUty acre farm. aUiut four mUdS
BiAX Almc
ordur lu didpodd of U . li kU omdlddr
from Acme. wiU M^d parUculani In
'RtitMl cU) prdiHsnj In port tmyjaoai;
will way in a general way. tkU la
pikk lU.uoa Wddo Btud.« S17
one df Ike Aucal iMiuipped (arma In
If any caaea of cruMty lo cklldrcn
Mickigau and dm kutter aU around
uey producer in any county. or aulinnia como under your obacnaIVioo I
Broa-117 Souik tioB cMl aty kouk atom, koik pkimes
May Uf No. 42.
FOR RAl^-isai-How oa I'ntoo Vulun 8t
Humane Society,
. HiwU tlD ^pol
«»T(U tuuai FOR aAti<-147l—nad aew Ua room may ISU
lu»u«. Bice ta.u; A No. 1 prw«l
Uoa; prxe U.tMC Wa<le Bna., tlT
SoutA VbIob 8V Cit. iikuBB 1U».
. ’
kouad. comer lot ooraer of Uaioa
aad 14U guattn.; arUl Ukd ItM
cUir. 4di^ aad |B guod aoll good
kaddamat kaia. good koam. akout
iwmir aeud koUom Ua^. duApkld
iBTf* lot. kouM
Wade Bitgg.’ M? Bowlb Tuiob at
Cia phuM mi.
(••d: ml BBUt* hoaikv
ra«M 4 •«» *r eoBBtiy :
loBaa. I kAT* acm (ood
t,Ji*t«d t» tom aai m
rNsm are tUB I
U Bit,* WddiOMw Md
BwidMM «h«M
«Ft tbit
FOR OUTtlOC <taan tit* C*lawui-«
C^c ap>r VirnO. •. K. Walt *
BaJOaC « g. W. BMliam d Soa
ttktr fWMb tmwMClu.lim.
m*j iia J
Kui Estm
eau of Ike cHy wWvmad^ a coa
aMttee to kmk alter ike advIeaklHt:
la Ue afleraooa a cualerven
.orkers waa kpld at ike Preakyt
Tkd meaning uf active Fnada/
ulB. H»»m M mt. Or. W. S. scAooi woikem of the city aad Ikoir
kaagimt lu the luwar partora of Ike
BapiUt church last eTraing, was BUed
to the krlm wlik eaikusiasm aad fnun girl te Ike Ikeater immig the evening
Ibe tttuvresl maulldated there, Ue •ke complained of not feehag weOl ami
Sunday -chuols kid fair to have an la
> aiiaiu
Ulikiu 4 very ne men eer nnna. aoa *rw
I mad algkt the glrl
girl was
*ras firwity
short tlaa^
Neat day tt-MBtwed out that ak# had
tables had
Tkea the vouag man began
partoTi aad fuUy ITS tat down to the te wwndar if ke wa* hooked
NOFFATT-AtatiVdB * OtR kanquet. doting which time ihe goo wrttk tke dMeair tou Ue calMAvou a
i^iegwihiaa) 8uuda> eckocJ orekeiMra pkyalclatt ke knew to aak about IL
TBe pkyaiciaa heard Ike young mtn'a
rvndored some very food uuaikera.
An exoolkjii UMmu had keen prepared tale. * WeU. ‘ «akl ke at Ike i'ouclualon
of It I tkiak your cAancea to cauA
and U was an kvHir koftuc Ike tebiee
the diaanae depeud on how you *akl
weiv lUTivaicd and Piwakldnt /Yank
t /. MoPHAit—Peatldt Over /oka* Hilm colled Ibe uuvitng to order.
aoa drug atom Bell pkone MAS
Hi Nywike i4 Ibe m«atiug as oae wrkdfd Then ka eald -Dootor. I'm muck ohUgnags; OIU. MSI Haga.
ludividualuy and iMaoaHuaUonaBdm eA If that • tke nae. I'm «oK In dan*
LESTER a WEtCH^AUomy at was left off and Ike memkors of var- per.''
^ law
CoUdcUoa work a apdclalty. ioa* Sunday school* and ckuicke* met .The young man went out .A minute
WUk UadaraooS A Bmlar. Suiker*
later ke atuck kH heed la tke door.
land block.
)aa SU
-Bid. doc,” k# aaki, diphtberia don't
Mi Helm sikAo of tkU age a* an ge eefjr hard with stroug. AfAltky
DR. F. /. MAO NSTT-PracUod Umlk age uf cotukiuob and how ti was arc* young men. doe* It* -Denver Foal.
ad lo KYB. EAR. N08B. THROAT vssai) to cooper-ate in Huuday sekooi
aad aTTlNO OF OLASaBB. Oliod work a* In any oUer kualiuMs. He
uienlKmed Ue numkor irf ckUdrtgt In
He Fired the EUclu
iho pakllc schools compared with
• I kavu fired the walklugslick I've
ihobt lu ikv- BaUkaU svkooL Ue Sg
uivb bkuwmg a deSiit fur ike lailet carried over 40 yeaiw, ou account ul a
more that rualstud every kind of Jlroal
, dogaar Fraal aad 0am
of aU*ui Too. whtU only aWui uoe ment. until 1 tried Bucklen* Arnica
Oflb Ue pupulalicwi of Ue vdly were Balve: that ka* keaiod tkt^ »oro and
L a. MARTIN-Pkjrakdaa aad Baa enruikd lu ike ckuix:t InstlluUun.
fdoa.' OSIca SOI Bast kYoat atraat "WV want to make that 2.1lM>. 3.- lecd fur Files. Huiua. ett.. by Hugbeo
ikw. he b.*id. and with lhal purpoac Drug IVo.. tYauk H. Meads. Haunak
lu View. .Ibis meellug ka* been call Drug Bloro. drugglaU. 2oc.
freight parodM and Uunka
ni CUy Book Siora.
Tkeie were iwo things that must
MRA E. L. aONNER'E kalr dreading ke acted upon, kc said, lhal of getting Miuiug (V par value of slvaA uue did
parloTA Ofdx City Book atom. Room the outsiders Into ikv sekoui and then Ur, W'e have for sale 3.M00 akaixvi at
2ic per share.
taking care of ihoui
-Teacher Tr^nlng.”
AMIL F. NERLINQER. LAWYERMoney w loan. 111 8UU Bank
Mibs JvuuU-. Barvun wa« Iku ffrwl
kailding Otiisdiit pkon# ME
speaker, her topic Uiug. "Toackcr
Mib* Baiuut s U)k wu* (uil of good Overtook tSc toettkstwe
Trayeiwa Land and Loan Oo,. F.
Tburlell. Manager . Office, too
Idia* and showed lhal she U a tkin Save tSe Scat Uae of tear
Hamilton A MUHken kldck
day schotd woj ker. heart sod soul. iaflatlScrlskt priec.
The Uochvr as a lundainenUl prlmi
ITS tke Aerteaaaa m4c
SARA T. CHASE. M. D.-Offl0d wltk l»K was the flrsl iioini she spoke on
IV. O. E. Cbasw. SUle Bank klock
wltk *WmUc tbal klaas.*
Both phones. 225 2r. Raaldencd U4 and in lhal she took up their uslui*
Wc flvcoactWtk. scale
W. Eighlk 8t aiL pkoad 711
si qusUficaUons first. ulUug how some
ptH>pk weie usiurs! loackers. while wltk every cask parckasc
oUuMK wen- uot. sud uyver i'ould U- •ItMorovcr.
The third class was also
Sec oar Uae ot raaa.
aosd nod tkmat Glnasdd Ittod.
Over Johnson drug itordi Both uieuiioned; those Who can kam lo koats aaS Orlvlafl karteach through careful tniiniug. 8ke
kclorc yaa kay.
bu;;geslcii lhal even Sunday school
DR. E. E. MINOR-Officd over AtnarF have a class of workers who should
can Drug Biora. apec/nl aUentlon
lo eye, ear. nosa and throat Qiaasda
ailed. Both phoned. Rdaldancdlll NuiK-tluU'uduii v^uuld he prepared lo
aixth atredt
fill any vacancy and fill il a ilk some
one wku w ould do tko schuiais some
Miss Barton spoke of love as the
Veals exiH lienee. CU
fiibi thing thui auy u^uher must be
kiock. Both phones.
Wo hkvo jaourwd ibe nHency
the pusbossoi uf. for wUhtml II. nolbol ibuno bec’AUM we Wiuvod
T. W. THIRLEY—DenlUt Ovgr Ba^ lug cau lie acc».uip!i-.hcd- with chil
them U> be ibe beet cur nuy
dicii She dibC'ouraged ihe Uacbei-i
lunn oould buj
Wbon you
iruluiug ciassos ou Sunday as il Ick>U
are tDeuainR |600 (oiu onr
up valuaklo time aud many classeh
you want il juti a* perfeoi iu
oonatruolion ns the uuiii who
clan mud Surgeon. Removed lo of- were uui capable of mastering II as
lu contlusluu. she summed up
pays $ii.0Q0, and you Hct ii
In I
three poluU Jhal every teacher sud
evorj itmu in ibo E'ord II
yon are inieiveied in aulo'n
Suuday .-.lUool woikcr must haCe:
k t’fi tilk it over.
First, love, secoud. confidence lu your
auility oiid third preparatiuu.
Horn# Dapartmant
The Rev. F. L. CuTTr^hf-Lausing.
MONEY TO LOAN-No Us clauna then spoke-on tke home depaixmeut.
. put In mortgages. Houses tor sale. hi* Ulk. boiled down, would ke but
Inquire of M McNamara. Park
ok. word—*
He first spoke of the leacklng of
he word a* somcihiug iu which ev
ryone should coH)peraie and ke
O. P. Canrer A Bro. BoU pkonaa^
Utod kis amUUon of the evening as
DR. E, L. THIRLEY-Bpdcinl nUem K?lng »uccessful In swinging ike work*
Uon to disease* of children. Room CIS all In line. He talked on the melk
401 BUU Bank kidg. BoU pkoaw. od Uml Chnsi look in spreading kU
work, merely telling HU discipkM^tu
spread ii to tke uuenuoal bounds of
the earth and of the modem idea koWl
by many ibhl people were going to
come to the church aud become coh*
And a company of unusual exec
verted. In speaking of Tivlvals. ke
advUud Ike workers nol le wait for BCENIC AND COMEDY TRIUMPH.
ike harvest alone, but to prepare their
ground and grow a crop ffrwt and that
tke woih he so divided that every <»e
would be confronted wUk a prokkm
Ike Oaly dally like Jor^ which iBey alone must iolve
He spoke uf. tke tact that idl rare
helping tkemselvee too muck which
teoda lo keep tke church wttkln'lUcll
while iki? home department la the
Four Orest AcU nf
Id^ insUialion tor drawing tke
church out of lueU and'keeping. U FLOT. HUMOA STAGE PlCTUREEl
from niprlng In a circle Mr. Cun aaM
that everr church must kave Ue mia*
aioaary aplrlt and that ike unsaved
Leave MAN18TBB daily nt I and f p. keigkhor daa ittst aa Inporiant as CUcacu * tomoBS
Radik tkd pall
Uam. our Otata Hum kiook.
. aU afMia la Ufd
^1141 F. F. kAWTOR M. 0.-OIBe* WUkOa
rpN «Ati-^lii7--M roMi AotMi.
BoU FhoRO.
l#r \M
PoU i»d »»4 dldolrtd IWAIa Good NOTiOf—Wd Maaa ^Mma«jrd aad tur>
Hra i«» WiVA.
WMpa^ aadaa aad alora dMwai ikroagk Ud OR. H. «. ORUORV—rUBleta ud
Bd•dt(Md. m OM* Mmt rhoMk
«u«a. woo Iifm Wt4d aioA
pair Oo. Ill W. n«at CIU. 1/7. •Moi^ m.*; mtd«a«R T«Mr.
UfMA HAldi ik Wha*
dtp Atf BdllMIr
rmldiw^. M«m>1 NIuU Mi y ckiiio in. FOR RENT—iKiuii room Wou»u at
oo«» Mia 4
iOoc^ fiom IVotiM
aH y/lik Mt*«ut Ku aiydciu oua
\timtu<>* Call J W lyuklu* of
mlHMl; dUiuiOo for roMdt^. room
•t4> or 411 IMlk
lu« or iMAtdMn; oai Uko ja«>d
oi trtuuhig*
Juud 7 it
oguKy lu moiiiuii of uimi UuituMid
MANTAS-MMMa^r fur traucli <ifdi^ dulinrd 44 |»Mt iNOiootit; |OHo
«• »ui Mi taml*
hi limvifTM.
UMtn* uifatalr*. at 14 par imm "
|?«MU. Wodo brini. 117 MmiU
Ciyy AAArvM$, »Ub n»fi?rMK». atio
lil E. Migktb atroi^^t
laay 'iU t
* I uluo m. ot lOiuofi mu.
Murri* Wl»4«Ma« Huoimc (Mbcliautl.
urnxmi Houaa TO RaNTOhio.
WANTifl^UlrU dl
RT TM* •RFTWT eMMRCH WM at tW koad af aaek. IM «M Uat Ike
aad aaaM ka Anam la uro kaaiiL A
twgwiar sard ayemm wiU ka aaad. a«d
(imEy wia ka recorded oa a
all ikeae «m he Bled la eae
a la ceaclMlca. he arged the
worker* to take deialte actUm at
^ iAkO rniMHm at ROakd
tkaaa iMldi aaalk al Mtjr oa m%H
woU; aU aadar dMafattog; pnad
MMOid; laiid atakard; aR klada
Pf fraH -»mt vkat M la ka IMrad
fm mat tarm aad poMur WUUaka
part pa/ Ik cUj prapait/- I
HHA Wada Broa. Ill RooU Pataa
•iradt Cil. pkoad UU.
may Atf
tici H^efiKQiik
C. Hopkins
JJLBMM* SBa w.iewsriT
Power for tour loat
Are yoa
aatlatted wttk year
kaatcaglacT It not.»
wonU oerSinly m 3^ W
iuvi«t>t{nk> tie
Walter M. Paw
Farmer*’ Supply Co.
Ford Automobiles
WM. WIHE. Agent
Order your
Soft Coal
E. A. Weston
Yutd auU office, Xonban
Mich^in dock.
BoMi Vliouvo ^
Grand Opera House
New Goods
Thursday. Jnne t3.
Line Steamers
On the Bridge
at Midnight
MUwawkec. '
m.; Baadny I p. m. oafy.
Lenee LVmNQTON daily ai Id p. bl
ArrlTC Mllwmukee • a. m. dally.
UFweMUwanked dally
Tke Uae wklek asaarea yoa Tkrae
iblng^-Eafety. Comfort and DiepatclC
tke savage In tke keen of Atrtop 4rko
had new heard Ua Word and’ Uat
Ike home dspertpent agnin akoved
IU power in that Unn
Jaci Knifo Draw Drldge
Th« R*v. G e Utekkan
4^ i i
Best assortment of comh* ©%ur
caiiiod by us.
Fiiu' a:»bortincnt of Bond
Uur uow lOc Tulk'i Soups aiw
moru aUracUvu Uan over. ,
Thu iudios aoem to know
.good things vk» they sou
tkim iudgihg by Ue WAT they
visit our lace nnd umkroidary
. Only a few garden aad Eowwr
seeds left Uu not debor If lu
nood of Uem, Rem<mi£ they
are all ifiOfi sueda, grown for
UU year’s pkanUng. gi 1 cent
per paper.
bMMB, i , !
ate wpipr I
Mite SePi
Ite ki^ a wateteteul pf ate, opp tor; Pte n
fokjpppptetoy o< poppteipd Ptete ^
mmm to ikp kpki pM mmrnt $mi
to tePte B to iteTo tip «l# «MkP
Iteka tekkoppPOto ktei tor POteml
«« •!
«f^«>r pPaptoa ote drop ky inyppPiU ko
to ktetog toL Pmra prick a IrpU aaaeo
U* tiull t|U • fWt ««*- ^
todPklt.BfAr la 090
lai itop. kto pitete
rite to PM toPM. flto Ukloteooalala
to ippar. yolte
two ofte koatoa to
OP# plkt of milk, k lltUo gaU. ^ kaka
akppipptkote. BPteMtowik^aC
ftetto aa« OP# w
Iteir teA* vte to PtefoaitopocWTksar.
totoa te pao
topma. ate aprate orar tka pteten;
wkaa 00I4 ptoop to tka ovaa apato ate
Wtat'a ib« «« •( »tWt ImHmm
«ri*k «r «tl of
. 0m^h>A*m
•kmm «ta INx tk.1 <Hm m« •»
of oapar. MU teoM Uktoapanni
J 4-Pi^ -
M ■onirtlMii to toi. ftoMteteiM Qf^oPraatofte atoaotk to a UUto sttk
, 1^ «««• Iqvw.m <!>•
Vmm tm
» W<Mm
Net umM «MHr <• >»»•»•
OnT« fMilu: Kr Iter Md w«
lU%d wk % MUk vmr lo
Te«rth«» eKb • UUte whm
%'t vU ^ ftUtmi Wklk •• ntt.
u io(«.
Wtet% ilM
u4 tomrt iU H U» tm
toii^ M tofvm to ite tiwutototen
W« CM «l«rmys tevc •»/ «iflk tepi
•vMi. teup tte tetur tm te4 trcak.
ate tecp iak: pouiuy wul meau |«a|
aa Irate aa a Imtcliar oouM Bui m
MU Uaa osa of pir tetokbon tea
aa ka kouae, ate oa ia afanipa 1
4oa*i tkite tos par cate af aU ikf
faraiara kaaa car ito, wkattotevilk
ooi toa la a aa telte oC artoaapraad Uv
Ijr aa tka praatet aaaliaki loo onp to naux
pad ate wttk tka pratad rtod of aae
laiBoa. Cook tka wkola UpeUer for
ite totoptate add tke vaUteatoB yolka
af ikroa fppp ate aUr .coaataaUy for
ire mtootte 600I sllpkUy^ate itraln
toto a dlak. Beat tke wklta of tkree
apia uaUl dry. ate tke. totoc of p
tomoa. and tpo rpuadtop taktooioaaa
u rM M« I
Tkf mala iteau to evuaktor to ite
UmUr a oonCori to warm wuaUior la
Ttajr »ill •« U? b«m Ifcen. *»•>• to kavc unto vator to drtok, to koe^
■ hato-te yw w4 OM)
ite milk awtteate ouai ate ika ItoUar
Bui liiM <id4 vigr»—«r fV4!U aaU maai» freak ate fate. It la por
atkla to do aU Ueao ihtoaa If ooc will
fo to Ua leoukle to do IL But It will
toTolvo ike aeomteU: of keia« able do
kotii aa abttteaat aupply vi Insak. cool
water ate to tevc a cellar tkat aU>a
umjI. ualca;» one la ao forluttau aa to
tew a aprtos kaiwb. witk a apitop
kuuac. Tkoao wko kave ikla oan »ti
akmg wail wlik Ueir milk aad baUcr
and can alab kocp freak meal loagor
Ikan wUkout It
Bui moat tormerk tew uo aprtoa
II ikay kavc a tea well Uey can mak
• « a # •••• & good aubaUiuto for Ue aprin* kouae
4 fioto naytoiktoa - by puutoa eoww okalva. to.ika well
>u moefe M vwd
aid on •limar iktt koltoiu. to wbicb Uty can
tower wUk ropoa. Imrkata of milk, but
ewrawHcat. Ul« l« tord lei
k meat and otker iktoia TkU
U a moat aoaUoat aukatttoU tor kotk
apjite kmmo ate loo konae. WUkout
' Kite aurda
aprtoc kopo ate wlik only a bored
I are endapeak, bul U^r
well, kuwefte. U tkero U 09 oellar un>
der Ike houae. t|e beat tktof to do U
to dig e pit •• <I««P o« clrcnmauncea
pwnlu pul an eaitk cower over It
dug down place tor a door, like maio
aUar temra. A <*to or pli keep«
cooler tkauftey pUca above gioond.
TM ^ «rfclfli haad. UOa colama By keeptai milk ate meat to deep
teM IN dPtoTfCiM*
pkpNk PiT Mto. ppr tetote m MitUt. hUtn Ua hwt «Mho «dy
tete. p« tePto to Ctortotei tote ktopir hoooMo uo laiMaa aad NhlU M alt
Si Pfib-^ pu plUtoBto tote m (h* hMtor Ur a trait «( A <i«
Ikppteto kte nnr tdPiPPi to^
te ptetop dteke not kteitap np. i
te ttoMi toito Pkkrt wt tknnli
r Into knlla ate m
Orenpe Cream—Take Ue Juke aad
pulp of UreeteWa; ete totoe of
knUa lemon; Uree enpe of cold water
•train. DUohre two UblespoonfuU
of eomaurek in a UtUe cold water
and ted H to Ue itmlnod JoVres. Ik.H
It for 16 mlonlee or uuUl Uo conr
•Urck cooks clOBr. Tkrn' eel on Icc
untU peHectly eold. Beat Ue whiles
of Urue epps to a aUP wkitc truU
Or ppt Uo cream
» ate make a merinpue
id Ue ji kltea ate kcap It un top U Uc
creern. placlnp a cauaicd ckcro on tup
of each.
CkarkiUe-Kusae—Une of Ue hlmpl
eat ways to make a cknrlotte-nuse u
Line Uu botium and
of a tkarkAlc pan wlik sponge
cake, fttovor one ptol of cream wlU
anllla. and ted a half pound of pul
crUed augar; whip U to a sUff frolh.
tore ready the well beaten whites of
twp appa and mix UphUy wlU Uc
whipped croum. KlU Ue churloUe pan
and place uvci Uc Uc lur the charlotto ^ kct.
Tapioca Ice-A cted Upluca pudding
to called toploca Ice. it to useful for
Ue almple' aummer' deasert. Four
oC uploca
akonl^d be puaked over nlpkt lu cted
lo U^ WMimlng spread a layc i
of acme frull^^errtea aumed. ban
or peachea, using the good can
in when fresh Is out to be had—
La Ue boiium of'the pudding dUh.
Loa thU to taste and cover with
uploca. adding a quart of
water, and bake slowly foi an hour.
When done set on loe uulU needed.
Bub) Tapioca—Half a pint of uplo^
ea. baU a pint of currant Jelly, one and
ooedulf ptoU to cold water, four oopes
of sugar end tke rind and Juice of.tee
ML Bonk Ue Upjoca orer ntpac
half pint of water, la Uu morainp
put wlU K Uc akin to a Icman (pereJ
Oke aa apple. In rings) ate add the
pint of water to make out the measure.
Ul U aliumer uaUl cliiar. Take out
Ue lemon peel, add Ue Juice to the
lemon and Uc Jelly and >ipar. Let
t almmer a few momenU. Taka It
rom tki ire ate wkea partly cool
penr It into a pUas disk and set away
rden . Wkaa ready lo aerre
Mmptete to tem pmto to temBte
tootetoMMite. total tedtente
. piiee to miilte ate iiPly to til
loopL knt wrtnp a ctopn toeU tet to
eototetor to wteto a iewdmp. toim
n teto keen ndded. ted emtetoly
wipe tke enrpec mattteperteegtowi
top ate rtntonp tke clote ted^kttptei
to kot water ate 4 water aa li pete dirty.
•Ol orer kot waur ontU molted. Boil Pew peoBlc. megeto untote ieree%
np ppte ite poor orer pennim wkkk
knee kPiP imtoPd. Berre rery koi.
•ptpack 4a Blue wiier aa poaeikto to tke ntem teem am earefnUy btened
akppid be nate to PPPitep iptoapk. ke- to Ue tinder akto of Ue mattrem with
omm Ue ptoat Ueekf eopiPtoa ap tooek aatoiyptea. Draw Ue ekem iipki ite
water, wklck to eeally drawn o«t by Ida U eacnrcly. It wlU kc a ttotoC to
•low keel. Tke Upnid wkkk citopa to
Ue leavea after Ue aptoack to wateed
to %U Uat to needed if Ue aaocepan
\ Treatment ef teralna.
U to plaoedop a cool part Be often hear u eaul Uat *w aprato
ft to keat alowly.
enoree than a br*aa."Jud aa far aa
pain and Ue time which tmnilly etopted cut iato tack placaa. dropplac lata •ea ktoore Ue tvotibto to twmtetoi
eraed. Ue atatement miy ka.eorcold waiar to piw?aai diaootoratioa.
Fm on to ktdilac water to wklck a rcct Wi tee YteU'i Oompin^
amaU piece e(t enU cedtek kaa been One preii klndmnce to tke apeddy
to' epreina Itoe In tee fact that not
added ate boU until toteer. Butter a
Dtont imporunoe to aitotei
baking disk ate place a layer of tke
aakdfy on UP botumi. Bprtokto orer Ue Injury at Ue time. Under tke Im
U aeme buuefwd omma. Uen ate more preealoB that It to *oab • sprain.’
saiilfy untU Ike disk to nearly full. course of active treaimtai to eni
Poor over a UtUe awnet milk and bake ed upon which to calculated to In
untU brown.
•erye Ice cold wkUe freak or ae eoon
aaa aaal iw Here* IVar, by ooe ot lu
<dd Irtndt, Him. lieu. Pomeroy freok w4t«r. In tke pit, tkey
■Utida. arbaia owo lareaa have kept rcry well.
hraosbi ■eeaigei at ckeet lo maay But Ue tote vny. if one am pet
roadere. The poea ttvea leiuy U Ucm. le to nse poroui enrtkenwnrc
takea Irw the llle ol Praacea WUlard tore, lo kuld Ue welcr lo wklck Ue
aad verteea the theofht ahkh ahouM totektee mn eto. Tkene ere In common
«a It aU aar
uee In troplcel emUtoa. Tke
maklat aa aa leader aud kind to Uom cvepuretlon gednp on from Uc eur
«e tora. evary du v* ear Uvea, aa «c tecc ol Ue i«r Wiw It and Ue wet
tmdd he. trorc ae .le kaoer that It Uulde cool and tkua oooU Ue milk and
tmdd he tW uvt ddir vUk V ot tUt meet U e draft of air can be kept
Atoo* iWe »iao Uuo at
bourtkeec tori Ury kppp tkinpe
Uuethi U the Udiualuc Iraai iky wry cool lntete.
Nurlkacetero AcrkuUuraUet
-im. y«a kae« whal U Uf o^eet Of ctoirae aU bouackoepei^ kuuv Uat
Ulat la >he ««rU to do? It retalrei uokc4 meali. protoctod from ilea,
M edacattoa. aa eaUare. aa kii^ i» keep muck belter Uan raw onea. Bo la
eltloa la aaalau-fia Ur ^Sertiaa, Ue caec of ponltry and kUer m^U to
tham eaalUmttoaa reUer dMraet
U wUk awnetened nte wklppte
faua lla haUlty.ol akacaitaa Aty
ttee of kPtf 4te pork manfatee cream, wlU tke vMto of epp beaten
ti|4 fteephody eaa da It. ytww aad
aa a ml* Ua aroro peart Ue plan of ftttop tke tewt dona. Uan wUk aupar. it to a raff omamenul
Cranberry Jelly can be used U
UedW^ eaUl. Uh Miaaat it ha la
preferred to currant.
Ua taUNMlUa. W4h aoma tt
Tkla wUI keep U tfPik a pond many Meonakinw-Beat tke wkttee of aU
«(Md A h|M to •*<«■( VkAi H tUna d4|o
to tTio kot BpaUer.
MB to a rery atll fitek. tben ate
ly wikemptm for tenaUy neven Uktomoonlnto of
tloa, aad nmMhaa UUair
Ice are araUobto. Tkere U noUtop aim powdered aupar. beating until aUB and
arhitt av lha 4m Um ^It a
bird; Uen beat In kalf
lalMto la (ha oatartaaato who hap
peneken ant U tiny toCa. Bet on lot
taaa lo wwMtor the todlvldaal.
tfkry tprmpr wko ppatotor «« to
loroupkly. Borre .wlik
^•Oa yire aaai Um aaaaat to Ul» mUerdtolto Ue propte
mote or knU4
bate akpfe
Bavored with extract
retMUdlMt ihi lau (aeai «htl la It te top
Md in It wlik bP:
Uhl aaalaat Ulag to do U la kolt Any port cl kPPm wtti da OPU BM Ike
-------Dropalarpe-.------The Mthar batiaa U alU lew pock It to w«U p mate te toiktottt ^
KTSpr. the lalhar kao»a tt aji •»* tookee nil ropte ppat lo fkp wills. an4 ed aponpo cake batter on a buttered
IM OeUUC aoaa aad dMthuta. Ua iU Uto w lU aewduat or oUpy aaltnbto •beet nt Uterrato, eo Ute Uey will
Ua alU tat Mka Ue PtePCtok nnd oovpr Utok on lop. tkU net tmAk la bakins. When bnkedand
haut A hpU aput aaru hr
will Binke Ike fkmUy oomfortAkle and
:Ued«ra Ukkonmbofpprkappy
on mm aide toto a form Uke
Illy ate laaien wtu a woode
(he laMhtn caa
are to be aenred
- ahack (ha wafn I aC (he Mat aa¥wlik benton ermm tkm bte been
IMa tatu. aad oelety aw uU l«e
termed, temore tke
ol lu moat lanaad
ntemrranpeenakandekme eklna pleie.
A, *tok. ikp^ter to u ito Iknt ktotote
itissz ■
oar aid two wpP
Baked Cabtopw—BoU a trm wklte
cabbage for ifteen mtoutaa. ckanplng
Ue wetor tken for fieek boilUp water.
Wken tke cabknpe to toteer. drain tud
set aaldc onUI pertecOy cold. Chop
iue ate add two well beaten eggs, a
Ubieapoon of melted butter, a Utile
pepj»er. a teaspoon to wall ate tkree
tsblcspoons of cresuf. BUr thoroughly
aud Uke U» a buttered Uklng pau
uulU brown.
•Bweel IVHsUkCroquo^ls—Bske swi>cl
IHiUtocs uoUl sofl; ^ (Mip <nil the ct»n
ter aud pul through h vcgcUble prchs
To each two cuu of lusshed poUlo ul
low a Ublcspouo to melted butu r. au
equal amount of sugar, a tcaapoou <if
•all. haU a sallspouu to iK-pper and the
yolks of two eggh. kllx well. Ueu
shape lnU» rolls, dip In beaten i'gg\
then lo bread crumbs and fry until
biosu lu hot deep fat
IWallojAed Turuips—Boil Ue
Dips lo salted water, out lulo cube«;
t:Ur a Ubieapoon to butter and out of
iour togelker. add half a pint of mUk
and aUr unlU It holla. Butter a bak
ing dish gpd put lu.a layer to turnips
altoroatlug wltho aato^ until the dlsi
alternating wHh sauce "uulU the dmh
U nearlr full. . U»t with builerte
udcrale ovtu.
iamc aeod Graham Raceipaa
A conulbutor to Good Cheer. Ui the
CterloUe Tribune, gives the following
practical recipes for the use of grq
ham flour, all of w hich she has tested
In her own cooking, and knows to be
Graham Bread-klske a sponge of
white flour. I like the spring wheat
ur best. B^hen nice and light, add
llUle sugar, a lltUc melted buuer.
and stir In gradually enough graham
Ol w hole w heal flour to make quite a
thick better and put 'Into baking
dtohes B’hen light bake from one
half lo three^fourths of an hour In a
moderate oven. It should be a nice
brown This is Very much Ukvd lor
from while broad by almost
anyone, and a part of the white bread
may be usod In ihU way on
baking day.
crease tke mischief and rcurd Ue re^
What happeus In a sprain to briefly
The Upamenu which bind Ue
Joint for it to about Joint sprains Uat
arc writtep. beoi>me preaUy
stretched. eapedaUy on Ue aide where
the fotre of the blow comes.
The rcauU of this condition
things |s obvknis. Au unnatural de
gree of (n'cdom.ts permtUed to the
workings of the Joint, and Uo part at
once bocowch iuflamod aud swollen
The acinc UK? to wkJeh the Jtdm U
put under ihc imprcaslon that Uerc
by the infUmmatloii will be kept dbwn
only scTvcb to aggravate the • i
The flrsi thing lo be done to to Imuirrsf the ^rt iu hot water. The wa
ter sbuuia in* as b«t as cau be borne,
aud should be kepi up to a cod
lompcralure by frequent addlUona. It
will be ueceasaiy to eontlnue Uto
irtialmcnt for a loog tlma. It may be
for hours or until «‘veiy trace of sore
ness Is practically dispelled.
The part to then to be llghUy strap
ped In a bandage In a position Just
short of absolute fUlty. l*he best ar
ilcle to use in huch a case U what to
callvd lu medical i^rtoncc. a 'Mar
tin s Bandage.” Tkto U a long, narrow
atrip of sheet rubber, of' suficlant
sucngih to wKhsuud consld<
strain, and fltted at one end with Upea
for lying. It Is easily seen Uat by Ue
use of this bandage the desired relief
caa b<' obtained without 'complete
What to do With fliu of •’teft-Over"
Btcry housewife has dozens of
of re-cooking meats and poUloes. but
at loo many tables the left-over vegeUblea appear Just as Uey left the dinner table, if. Indeed, they
thrown awgy'
useless; ami yet most
vegelsUes admit of so many ways of
re-cooklng. that they might help spiv
the vext-d question.
sUH wo
have for hupperT” If one would
one's wits lo work
Of all Uo canned vegeUblcs
and tomatoes allow of purUps the
greatest variety to cooking nnd warm
log over. Provided there 1s enough
left It ca^U rc<ookcd to
ws) given the cook books, but we
have to do with the small qusotlUea
Uat would many limes U thrown
away aa ”too little to fees with.” One
cupfol of aiewml corn erUI make
dlak of scalloped com aofietent ior
Graham Gtiun—Two teacups sour
milk two leverublespoons auger, vue
egg. (two If egga ere plenty) Iwp
Ubleapoona melted butter, ate enough
grakam or whole wheat flonr
to tmall family. Bultor a pnteliu dtok.
wklck two scent
‘^-*p«t to tiurnato Jayara ef brt
•oda have tmen weU tUrrod to makq
and cora. betef earetel
not too Ulok a Utter. More or leak
eoda wiU U nm»ded Molding to eourQOM ot milk . If two efpa are oaed U
will bear lees flour. Thto redpc may
lie varied to use whatever gtetortol
cno has oo hand. Firt serept ate
part sour milk will require a toiapoea
to hto^ng powder and leas soda. A
lltUo left-over sour cream may U used
teatoafl of holtor. I havo made dell
Uve Ue top and bottom toyeri
crumbi. Put a lltUe kuUer ate ealt
over each toyor of cork. Pour
eoongk milki to cover, ate ^o iwte
U yon kayo hardly eBoaik
kichor toyorn of on
and add a boaton efli to Ue mUk
A cupful of ntowed corn will make
•uficient corn eiystera for four peo
ple. Drain erell. Ueo ted a weil ktetfi
eflg ate a Ubleteecintelte mBk. iUr
in Jnat eneteh j^r> ktod IBflm to-
teteer. iddUte keif e teiateMol to
and Ue le^ will te
l of*te tefl hint era
der wheat to^U or
cUnoe to he toft over.
OimkamJitoete—One onp sour a
Uklng pewder tetU flm ttj
Otoe of Urge oyeiera to baiter
lard mixed.
iipvera to tkto TegoUbto will And
Tomato Toart—Heat a cupful ot. here. One of silk wtU vide torlpe at
•tewed to kaiors to
_ boiling point, add one end painted to deeign can be
butter, ^t and pepper. BUr In teroe
ed In a plain bag to it n cuahlon.
four beaten egka silniag one wag tke stripe covering part to one aide.
for two mlnuiea. lUU a cupful of boil U mlgklJUc tied wl^ a cold, m ing cream may
Serve on sewte and a vuru used to Ue UP. Uh*
upper’ corncm. A longer ' tkrow;**
A smaU quauUly of tomstoea can be of coJorte canvas, with silk stripes.
have ends si wed dor. with iki?
used to tomato sauw. added lo doup,
or strained and added to the gravy of fringe Inside untess U Is very pretty;
fold wUh UU sesm to Ue w-nler of
trite Uver. together wlU
one side and sew up one long.tege.
ful of pepper sauce.
lit Ue cushion to and acw up the
otker long od^.' ThU places U»ih
RuUs for Kaeping YoonB
borders on top. If too long for the
The woman w bo warns Jo ht'cp ker- cushion. »ew tucks of cflusl depth si
Klf )Ouug. aa$ra an exchauge. U moat each Add. If Ue borders are too tar
aywpalhellc wiU young women, nev trow ibe eud lor this. It wlU inske a
er permits herself lo bi*come dowdy belter bag oovei like Ue uw' aUi\e
to thought or dress, and makes herself suggested.
as totcrrstlng as possible, for she
BamiAk-s of Uce < uilaln AUids mskv
knows that ao totelllgcnt UkiW In the iKauUXul pillow \x»vers over colon.,
face Ukos away ten >eaih of her aj;c uud a heavy esctirlsl pattern, cut
and makes her seem twi-uly )cars cU»ee to the design, under Uld with
younger. Bhe gbew out Into life, and some delicate shade. ruSlte with the
geU thu sunshine and fresh air. and tume. aud the ruffle bordered with
because of her brightness, ike'thoughl Isce insertion, la yfry handaume. U
of pulling her “on the shelf.” never
Is prettier when Ike
curs to auylMMly. She niskcx herstif the M um on IWo sides, sud leaves tlW
socUl auu from which radUtes opposite eorueV showing the Invgular
mny bbams that delight Is given ouniue of the design,
to all Ue lesser pUoets. Bhe Is the
woman who. because of her knowing
The Fool BatK.
bow to keep young. InspUes to oUer
Asidt- from the regular bate, tec
women Uc satte desire and becomes
It et should be washed at toast onoc a
to this manner a pleasute and a bene day. This U a matter of a lew
dlciion. Bjmiebody once said that a
minutea. and toctires neatneaa. loat.
woman was as young as she kwkedi
and ciAmforl. If
tired shopgirl or
I do ndt think so. A woman U the age sah-Kwomsn. who has bM aUndlngy^
that other iH?ople believe her. and
for u-L houiw.'woukl dip her foot Into
U her ow il fauU If. at ftfi) . she docs oI
a bshln of c<dd water. tnaUad of curlImpress the world at Urge with the
lug her baogs. or doing UP kw' back
Idea that ut thirty she stcpp<-d into
hair. Che would kave a UgkUr step
Uc fououln of eternal youth and
aud feel moie like walking taono Uan
rludte never to grow any older. 1
woman’s ag<? U to her own haud«. and
Walking hc-ala the feel, standing
she makes It what It Is
causes them to swell, and boU are
tiresome when prolonged. There are
ua kinds
of fooibaUs.
Kvery household should have ila auUortlles differ as lo Uelr value.
wi-ll msrked Uixes and bags for Ue Hot water enlarges tbu feet by draw
proper sorting out of odds and cndl ing the blood to Uem: When used,
of allks and cloUs and linens, says an they should be rubbed and exercised
exchange. M%cry odd bit of slqS Uat before attempting to put on a tight
is of any size should be, saved—you boot. Mttslaid and hot water to a
ne.vcr know when you wlU need a bit
laU will ahtotrack a fever If taken
of silk to lino a collar or a strip of In tune, cure a nerv ous headache, aud
musUn forehands. A good plan wrlth
De sleep. • dJunkma. corns, and
dresses Bod auUk U lb go over the
usneaa are nalura a prOiocUoo
piece bag to which are kept Ue left
ast bad skoo leather.- Two hot
AsUa a week and a UtUe pedicur
overs even* UtUc while and get rid
of all that belong to garmenU you ing will .remove Ue cause of much
dliKairdte. Better still, to go to discomfort.
'theaq^ Ugs whenever you are passing
A warm baU wlU an ounce of »ea
a dress on to aomeone leas fortunate salt to It Is about as reaUul aa a nap.
than yduiwclf and send with It all thr Paddle to U uutU U ooola. dO' with a
pteoos that msub. Th»y help out rough towel, put oo fresh stockings,
woteorftdly wiU any fixing over
have a change of skoea, and the
If you want to empty Uoae boact
woman who was “rea# to'drop” wUl
time, theiw aro ilwaya homea and have a very good undontoteto^ to
sewing acAooU of which the managers tea minutes The gi^kegt relief from
are only too glad to get Just the, very fatigue la lo plunge the flMt to loe
Ihlnga you ire discarding
cold water and kee| it toUBoraod loite
there 1.. »
W «uSU|.
Aoothrr toolc tor (be aoto Is ■ beadU Itoitttomi rtriety caa be made (ul o( eloobol. Thtoile A e«re wb, ia.
from odds and enda of aU aor^ Tie dry the teirt after betof out lb UA
^terewa” of k few years ago Ite use etonn.
realty beiter when iU cooked eom
iteipM enda. a mUe salt: make 1
ter Ikoto tike enke ate Uke at cm
to i teaepoontul to aid, a ten-
A ttetek Utel
Vepttaklee la B^y Bnmmer.
Tkmw to always a between time, ilhm tlite. elpectoUir in aummer.
wken tke wtotor repeubtoa nre grow- ate WlU no time lo riat try UUini
to a tool plAW botoro'AfrvUd.
Odd Ummi nddUi-ptal W* top old end tteto«to4 ted It to etiU too tito ftee WlU dueled tetek kuel Beat Vlgoronely ter flvo teiiMe. IM
rottre at ats at>» aad add lira ttdal eteto Ite Ue litek nteimef Peteto
tetom kte kte n BmUtom p
(Mtdo «l M» suitib «M te
MoMh; UdihA Mta Md t4ud md Sirtei tetern to i ftei Imit ite
teimdkto ^ Tte >litottty «f
i^ite. toMm. teMi itto pp u
Up mk PtSte dr tte rl|iUlto ite
itete «ten lUiM ip itote
iitee old titom.' liken to Btiu It, M flow tt
pi^-wlU Urpilwirtke el a popte ol ite tetep up
kit wUitei Ote
MnntiNftiii tmkmm
___ Mt
Marry M. Vi
Ortat Wik i
art Per Mat
'iHiit wmE K ttMitiiiin
To aoeowma na ImproTamant la tka
foiM attoa in toe middto w«ian
ataua to oat af tka fantumt of tka
»dk nadirtnban ky Um kaitnn wf
plant todamiy. now tka ntoossM m
tka Vnlmd Saaiai dnpnrimaat of nr
mtjt tka Kaniaa tTty Star.
Hang u. Vinatt of WnaktogM
aa agent of tka bormu of ptont Indnw
try. wko kat botn t gnewt at tkt Sarap
hoMi to Kanaat city, it maktog tipmimanta In Atkanaaa, MtoMrt Kannaa
and Iowa to totiwdnco bettor fvcapt
M mm tm i
vMH»— r>»<w.ii^M'inMiiH
■'.Jf m$ ■
not 9V«kMt ymir totebM?
BwatM tt to Mtwtiui to* OQAI «r wood tto?a
BM*a** tt to th*
oO ttooo.
. fW ottMT fOMou ••* tlm «i yoar dMtor'%
or write our OMioit tignef. '
M*d> In
tom td fully wMTHted.
tka tofmam to plant Bngltob blow gOM
or *wm4ow toocua.** at It la mlM U
to mnek attoMr and i-otmar tkte tbt
Kantncky blto grata. It it now gnaCu
•akani iponmnikm.
konta on Saturday June
...................... ..............
Wo luf« knd diorlf tiri» ««»k« if In Ikn dgr
^ fM diUMi MtMt nni tlio UvnIM of tka
Frldn/a Vnto.
iiirw VMM te tk« kUtorr of oontoiU
Tka iantlaniaa had all tbo beat of
to UU totjr.
it to Ika Jtiday bniloitod. Tka ttar
M vtoii kit pMMd win bi but troto mow of tka day wat Harry
itolTt ptoj mnnrid to wbii It to Monroa of tka Knigku of Pytkina.
Ha pnttod Mr. fthuiar to tka mte and
kat tba konor of balng tka Artt can
iklmtoktoc^ (• tbout over now
didau to pnat tka If.OiO mark.
M# tkt Ml itol cjf ttrinfik it to
Mr. miutar and Mr. Joy« warn
wall ramambamd titk coopon fotaa
WkM Yito U iriU Ulto to wto ikd yoatofday. boi Prad W. Lehman of tka
ikt wtoMTt vm bi are dfMr U. C T. wko |a emjdoyad by too Mut^
■ijFiiiitoi tkan am.
tollman Oraeary oampanr tomd aac>
ond boat and glvat nMtnca of batog
kav« an oautl ckanoe and iktr Ml t daniarotn rlvtl for tba bonort. ^
Mditnt. Mllatof tkat no mot It
Mitt Sibyl Oldt of tba Y. U C. A.
won until tka ialtk..and no oaa to till hat tba tofimatl potlUon on too
wuttof to init unui tk«r know ladlot* litt. bar total now balng 11.
tontilYiir toti tbojr aro Uwtan. and I7».
Iktf ^won't knoW' tkat untU muck
Mitt Bdua Wllbelm of tM Fratamtl
latar In ikt muwi
Myttio OtixOc, and Mitt 4ankla V. Anrna«toa Will Htip Yio. /
i darton of tot inrtl M. K. ckurcb. are
Wkto rour fritudt voted for you bolding Ikalr own and tka Uttar raand kalped you ibty eiprctod you t« cflUTsl tba liatt vole among the ladirt.
««kl to tka daltk and to lyikald ibf on FrkUy.
Today la t*tir«*mum* day with the
Itonor af tka todga to tk« Uat
Tbry wlU luppun you »lron«er. m oandldatat for the kandamiM' opepa
your naad iw«u1m. and to gtie ui< gUttos wUl be awarded at I o’clock
nnlil foa kava
evtiT locticht and evaryune U buttling.
ratuuroe to win ibt arttt koourt tod
Sulaa aid RasiiUtlant.
Uroitolat of rirtory will be kicikad
Oandldatea mutt ba mambarn of a
na n faint btantd laadwr.
' Moat ever> caaildata bat btoo okmek. labor. Ilto^. buMneca or aourtaliU) aodomad and It It now op ctol organUitioa, keddtog maatlnga In
tp ypur lodcn, brpckart akd ttoiam. tn TrayoM City or aunoundlng lani.
flva you inatartai tttUuiirt to up tory.
bold tka konor of your organitaiUm
Tba voUag will be by baliou clipped
will not
from tot Bvtntog Heoord and by votand your fnltk In ‘
tog carUAcatat Ittued wito paymanu
found Urking. '
Many Kumara
Bvantog Rapord.
Back ballot clipped from tka paper
itrynsUi if toota wko am your com
• oaMtoi% but Rumibr waa ater a falat wSl count one vote for tka lady nnd
lada and aba M nt kar old trtoka avca aatvad at Ika ofAoa bafoiw tka date of
In tkl« blgk riatt. frtondly fpitaruiU gaaftoamn named Ueiwon when rw
expiration given on tka ballot
Back day tka dau of ika txplraUon.
l*ay no knod to her If you ara wlaa
|f you d# yon will rptrat It.
Ba on Ua kallou It changed.
OtTUgckim for BOTH n lady and
from Mlatouri-^wtka tktm uliow
toatlnmnn eontaitant will ba tommd
vRk Twoalpta for anbacrlpUon at flM
About tba only Iklua ulktd about tova:
mow it tkt dtaotood oontati. lit In
Sy Carrif r.
tka atr. Old and room, tick and
|Bor. am takiny aidot and dltoottinf One ynar IS to...........................7to votaa
Ika OfOlMkto ckanotn of tka anndi- BU montki |1S0................ito toCaa
.......-..lto fotaa
dntod tn iU tka talk tkafw ka^^ not
bann n iUnoordant nota about tba
tolmrtn of tbo contoti. Mrarybody
By Malt.
knowt tka Mranlnf Rooord could not Ona year |2 to........ ............ ^ fotoa
nford tor ka m party to anytklua but t 8U toonikt IIJI...^..... Mat
toif. opan nontapi.
Tke Kmnlni Ptoir montki |l-to...............Ill fotoa
WkUa anok payment of toll for n
Eaaord bat no fatrortta and no one
to any way with tka token roart anbarripUon waUtlaa tka koldnr
IM tonpiod la dliowad to Uka any of the rwoaipt to Ikto votaa. tkana
ba Mod tor one onndMnt^knt
«Mt «taM««r lb lb« MbKM. D«b1
tMlM tor mm mmmx- Umi ».m mart ba ognally dlvMad botwnen a
cabtoMto to (tottoc b •«»<• <to»l tody and gantiamaa.
TbU toto to bo «ll wdbtbtood ih*i No eertlAcau wlU ka tanned for n
II MPbyiiu tor Ik* wob4«<ii<l IbUCMi toaa pnymnni than I1.M.
OamMnatkmt inay bo formod kw
rvrrrobb to Iblllka |b U« ttrunto
twaan a tody aad ganUaman candktota
All tka
wko am nPsronQkad by wkick a tody ouar axokango kor
ganitoama’a votaa for a likw nnmbar
•pond to mcait nfery enaa. for Ikey of tody'a Mai^ and vice vnrmu Boi
opmblnnrtana kj •mj cnndMalan nf tka
tka Btrastog Beooid nnd tkat tkalr Me aax to dotoai gpotkor wlU sot
tttbaeripiion wlU kava to ba paid to
any nmnu and tk«r mnltoa tokt« U
aundt toam In knnd to pny nnw
wknn H nr|U do tonUr npetoty nnd
anndidatat too moat good. Many nm
kalping mora tkan oaa mndidato to
antaading toalr aukaerlptom or to
amidtag H ont of town to n mtoxitre
or frtond. So wtdanpmad an Intama
kU OfU fTM wm. It
Afvy tk« dMtr« for
tuoBC drink, nod kuUdi w tke run
down ajrtteBi. tinBOftkODA tke vonk*
nm«n dnd Moa re^«t
S7to to SnuJ oiii^
Mrfe. B. SUtaa
Prayer by tka Rar. a Fleming and
Aftaan mlnntaa with tka Word. Many
good tbtose warn Imprrmfd npoo u&.
Whaar tkera to a parSe dealgn. ikare
mutt ba a parAo daaigner. a perAc
•7ia.‘j-s.srK»». wm
rey. At U. Warren wtt not pretent.
mi In >Mln aaaind enreSopa.
Tkw price of Orrtea to ft a box. C. B. Bfiaa mapondad to tka adrrlna to told by J^aton Orwg Co.. drett of watooma.
• Child ConTnrtioa.* wat Ue Kubject
lU B. Pront atr
by Cbarlat IrUk
km. C. H. Btiet tad the
Report of tka forty taveaik convan
HeeJUtion by OladU Rrailbupt.
Uonofeka Umg Lake and OarAakl
Me Not,” wat tk^ tuug. Af
Sunday tckool attoclatlon keld at tka er•”Paat
dUmlaaal. by the Rev: B.. Flbnilng
cknmk at Naak May 21^. 1*07.
tba momtog aeation cloted.
Called to order by the
After dianar and toclal
Robert Samay.
10,. -o. to
Prayer by t
The Value o
aradltk. wat vary IniaMttog. . DUttand by Robt. Samay. tka Rev.
Maraditk and Mrt. Wilton.
RaciUtlon by fkrn Carmeto. axoel.
lent tong. Cloted for dinner and todal hour.
Hevotloatl exen Itet led by the Rev.
Raporto of the Superlntendanu of
Home Department and Primary DaparUneut
Secretary and tretaurert collection.
I1.&1. Amount to tMtury |X2d. BxpenMt $1.26.
Q. A. Shearer elected Supaflntendant of
School ErangolUatlon by
Mrt. 1». F. WUtem. The topic wat
tbly and cokTtoclagiy bandied.
solo to SMitt Mabel Oraeao. accom
Florance Page.
uintod by Mitt
tba Matter, wat
Our Best
Walter wat
rut to our Townwklpt; by C. H._____
Roll call of ackooU. Cadar Rim 2.
No. 4. IS; Neal. S; Howard. 4: C.uo
ae Tree. 4.
be held ^
No. 4. In Ai
CaplUl a. ........
Uedlvldad proAto.
SUtot. and Ult
kandgnarttrt from wbirb tka Indottry
It aacouragad. It It tktiw tbti tba
I wkkk am onad to
Tka grmaa M karrtttod Ilka ffton and tkratkad in aa
ordlnanr tkmtklag macblna. It to of
twrannSl growth.
Tbt bureau of plant Induttry bti
bean co optrtttog wTU a ftw farmart
to vartona aacSoaa af tka omnsy by
ftvtog tkfm anoogk taadt to new'aa
acre of ground lu the new foiwga
cropa, • Mr. Vlaall aald reiouily. Mr.
VlnaU la a gradnata of Ika Raomt Ag*
rlcttkural t-oUega. The BngUtb blue
gratt. alfalfa, dovar. tlmotbr, rodl4»
and other fOraga i-nipt am ittog to
trodocod all over tka oonntry. Tka old
matkad of piantiag tka aama rtwp of
com ar wheat or oati on a placa of
gronpd ♦^•ry year roba Ckt tall of tU
fertility, and fanning baoomm lata
proAuble The object of theta expert
niaou by tkt guvarntoent U to luirty
<luio mom modem metkodt of farming
to iireaaraa tke fartUlty of tka toil
*Tbt old maikod to to plant a nop
of com on a placa of land whare <om
bat bean grown for yaart. When tkt
«.oru It gatkared la tke ftll. tke mwt
, K«u
Use and CwiAtmction'of tha Marourial Baromatar..
The g«in.fietn«t af a Fall af tha OUn
Vtrim . Ctniidtrtbly Accardtng la
LaliUidn—riuctuttiant wf th* StrnmaUr In the Trapiat.
Iluw’i tba fltiul Ttli It a qneatton
wbicb U ntued dally by tbouiau(U of
p«>ple *11 over the world and fnhquemly for \cr.v trlvUl Mnc»t»*. ..To tka
uavigntor the fluctuatkmt of the bglomeler are alwty* of lutaraat tud not
ReMrU of tektSu and report, of
ITiat kind of farming dootu t pny.
tott Sivan?L wS?T
b7 toe tJ?'. Tb€ Und naadi a IM from tka ttma
raury Collection of |1.17 wtt re .old nop Theta fortgt cropt of ck>n record
%er. tlftlft. mdtop and tlmotto and tba reading at toatt every four koum
-vLei Me Lean Harder cm Thee.” ^ikar iklngt tkookl ba Inlrodoc-cd at a and lu ntormy weather at much aSbrter
wat tuug by Mrt. Siller. Alice Derby fcrUlUar at well at for proAt Tbara, Inlervthi. The tty la of ImromeUt
an^Hauto WUklaaoo.
, „
U monfsy to fomga cropa. If a farm* wkkk to tuppilad for ate la the navy
tke Suudty
once undanUnd. bow to
hU It that known to makora and phy«h Ult
hiMr. Tri*l. * I
WithoUl ImpalT- an tka ”t !*tcru” btmmelci . 1; .-.mnUU
8 nglnr by Mr. and .Mr*. jrUb. I ^ n, fertility, be baa dl*,t,v»-rad tka of a ghuit tuljc about thlrty thma
••Tha Ml«.iooarr' Idea In'h* Mela *^"1
profllaWt farming. ThU It locbet in length and tUml one-third
tlon to the «unda7School.*’ wa* ^tlven '^ktl tbt gorarnmenl It trying to toch totcmal dUmeU-r.
Any one who bat teen a haromeiar
by the Rev. R Fleming.
HeclUtlon. Benin W*iUlnRon
Tkt gov
of tkU type U aware that tka gUta
■GtKl be with You.” wtt kuuj? by on appUcatlon t
tuba ioutaln* a <%#luiun of luarrury
'cropa, bat It doat
r^tebtog within a *h«irt dUUu(w-vf (h#
The tftenuam xc*tlon wa* ibcu
hut U in not aa.plainly, apparent to
rUwad with player by ih». Rev. U
tUt ordinary nnd unluttnlciad obterver
why thh tall and narrow column thua
rcmalnt lu the luU-. The lwc» condltlant eatential to the couatructlon of
HviMriM Uy. It U a Pr.M'.Ury a tuaixartoV Uruiuetar am, Aral, that
What t Hatpin StvMitd.
ibam than ba at iwrfact a vacnjuui aa
A ^-arum Urge mUlloery «»ubU«h
to tbeunppar end oC^ tulw.
A reiwrter for tka Hoboken Oboenrer
utent mtkat t apivUUy of wx>iuan i
took % run down to Jertey City tke wkkk is c-loaed. and. aacondRy. tkat tha
irtoiuied btU at |& tud flU. It It cut
' other tven
(4tog to tee If ka
ting Uigeto totu tba trade of tba tm«ll
basin or cUtem of i
•r klgb pric-fHl detlert A thort TZ.
”• ^
. ,
rare luck, and tba Obterver reoanily cury.
ago t woman of fttblun
Tbeta ends are a( .-ompllthed lu a
e»UblUbu»tUt uientloaed «uu «ira un .
. u-rk T».ln
r*ed to nimpla fnahlon. Arat discovered by an
b..., UM. f..«od .u«.e .u .uU
w.i;;iS41u ,:fr.:
Italian wlentlrt named Torrlr-elll. at
Before going ooi the mitaed
Oment. fumUUrly far back as the year 10-lS. The tube la
tlutUe hatpin
A etreful tativb
tgbout tba world at “MtH held perpeudlcnlar. with the ckiced wod
bring U lo Wfb|. tud Itodlt
downward,, and mercury is pooiwd In
wppetuovw remtloed a mytteiy. A
until It la quite fnlL Then the Auger U
few Utyt later tbt cutlomer. tlUl look
way to bU ausmar ^ome placed over tba apaolng and &a tuba
lngTor.a tulUbW bat. vtoited ooe of
la turned orar, and tor and; tka wpan
the axpetulra Oillltoary tbupt to lb.< at Tuxedo and bad coma over fmin and la Immarwed In a cUicrn of mar
. Ity.* Among the btu tUbwn to her. MtuUtltou tu boor befom bit train enry. and tba Anger or atoppar Is ra
of which wtt prk-ed
mevad. Tba marcory then aloka a
abort dlaUuca la tba cube, toarliig u
uwa of tba ktU the bad
apace at tba top which mutt obvtonaly
be complataly devoid of air. Tba prwwhich tbe'^atmoapbare axarta opon
tba anrfaoa wf lk« toarcury to tke clatara mnlntalna tka colnmo In tba take,
and any varUtlona In the air pramnm
la Uto-ovar
will ba acirotupantod by a
,o bRu. but
L-\aw Yo
la tba
”Tou can never judge an American lariat or toll of tba^ mercury
city from a imUroad *UtW>n.**
Atked wbat ba thought of tba LrU
1,r.!i «
• *?“
Tito algalAraiica of a faU of tka bamaaatar. bowarar. vurtaa conaldarabll
according to the utliuda
In Uraat
BrlUto. anya a tvrller In tba N’avj
and Army, It baa failaa perbopa kplf
aa inch or ipom durttm the nlgkt. i|to
ytt tkam may bt aa vary atonaW
glia of wind, but aock a faU to M
tmpka would ba tbt atonal tor toa
navtoator to prepay* for a cyclone, tka
Aoctnatloaa of'th# glaaa tn tbaaa IgUtttdaa batog uanally cmAnad to a al||bt
and rngular Mat and faU St cartoto
houfm. la a recant cyclone la Jappk
tba faU dortog ona boUr waa tbipa*
lantha and tbe Mae during the ngst
boor no leaa than alx-tentba. or mara
than half an lock.
U U Indaad wltk mgard to tkiga
UrrlAc storma tkat tka hamattar It
uf tke ntmoat aan lca to tka ntvlgntoc.
A M.nur ItoMnc
Tb. RruUUo .-mpyl*™ i. • tug*.
WouUjr bum
IiomIm « tm(
walghtog 280 pound* with a huge kmd.
an upper lip * foul long ito»d cloaa aat
ayaa and one kaa au IdaaW tka kagiL
Ha U tka Uigeal^of tka Wt trto#
and kaa karik. eoawe.kalr, mom Ukg
4»rt*tlc* than fur. ThU kalr la xnltgd
hUck ami yellow, of
Ini kto
b native kaouU tka ctpykarm kaa
huge, fat atomac-b
b wh
drag* un the ground. He U a waUr
loving animal and can dlra and stay
under for eight or tan mtontas at a
time. Tbe jaguar of South Amerlta
preya upon tbe capybara. and tke ladUna kill kini for kU Aaak. wbick
whan amoked to aald to ka aa dtUclM
aa a Kentucky ham. altkiggk It kai g
certain musky Aavoc. Tba capybgfg
a pto**
grunt Ua waa once called tka hykrovboerua. or water kog. and Uvea on g
vagaUbla diet
Taatifig tha Inaana.
Sir Douglas gfraigbt told an amam
tog atory at tka dinner of tka Journey,
man Balrdraaoera* Trade aoctoty- Ba
mmambamd. wkan a yonng baniator.
going Into a Urbar abop to ba akavtd.
He waa a lltUa aUrttod to oaa tka wo.
man bablnd tka exHUter aUrtog at him
from ttma to time through tka glaaa
t ke got outtkSa tka akop a
aid. ”1 am very |Jad to
ont** explaintog
tkat kla anxiety waa due to tkg fgaC
tkat tka knrbar came out of a lunatic
nayluin tba prarlona wmk. and aa ka
kad bean acting queerly again kla rete-
will agutoPtd to giva afSciant
atrvtof to inaktoi nudlto and
aaaminattoiin nf tka kaaka nf
rnunlaipamiaa. nar^attoiito
undar tha
nf a
Cartlltod FubUc Acnnufitaid.
Ckoloa pinna of bottoant property
dr tnle. comer ^^nlon and Sixth
kUwnU. kaa a frontage of 171 feat on
Uxtb tiraet. TbU prof»arty It grow-
plgMa alive Into tka cage Jnat to m Japaauaa youth* to tkalr a
wM Umy wo^ dm^l ¥^a^Uww^ Tkay ara oonatructad of
ao baUcately polaad that
tkm acta them jingling. Yjba
bopped aioand tka klg kmtaa. even tinkling aarvaa to remind tkalr, owner
ko^ on tkalr bneka. tka lions mak of tke giver; hence tke pretty, fanciful
tog no altampt to dla^ tkam. even
aaamlng to enjoy MtoWpantonaklpTkatw la aomatotog/ ratkar aUmaga
about tkM wbick Iw4a diAtoult m ax
It akoBld ka natad that marcary to
oqoally waO.
wan. for toatonca. wltk watar.
kat tbla would ontoil kavtof a tube
•early forty f^to Im^ to^wly
■ ■ V IB BIB IB to B SF BBto.
water baromatar will stand at aboat
tklrty fonr IM. a combroos sort of toatmment for the. navigator to cany
about wltk him.
The glaaa tube and ctotem thus com^
^ lo^inlnm
opautogs to akow tbetopper part of
aad on tba cuae a •cale to^ewt
and tontka and
At tka clonn of tkn kaltottaf tto rw
Uma wlh kn naaraanad by a otult*
Mandtog in tka cnmmngity to nsgnanttoML
Tkn knilotlag Ml kngin wtti Ike
tatna W May ft md to«ll clonn at f
Ikmatom nsintni to •vwn fmm a widn oVtock WndiMay^vHMMk innn Id
nra^ wtik fkn rngnM alwnya for tka
Tbn pinna of koMtog tkn Anal nw
toting aartlicaiat
Bamambar tkat aoM will kn nsnonnond to s towr iw
ig#^ tkn BMtol BacM.
rina eottagi on Carp
drp ^jraititokad
AN akavafaf SMa.
tvwO-WTM tn Utrtr-«oe
lacfcgk tt». »•»«, tb. |»»ctkH Ham «t
Mm* vhM m'«Lm mm Mra to
UlcbM U to-«M to toiok
indicate to tka axparlancad aaaiaan lb#
poaltkm of tke dreaded vortex and fka
approxtoiata couma upon wklgk tka
Hat a dapartmnnt
.atiwtiona and Oadtolduala.
IttiiA «er
OiWaaMMi aM
lAMlft AHO own imad kaal OiftGH.loaml
Ml a gaed luwgii U li aa
ter fwa le pMck U ckMdaiw ti jrwa kaad wkiwla. H aad a|L 3U C. rmt
'Tlicadc ^ '
TkirVr*!^-f r iSTami*S
km km datted kir tka »aMki
Sunday Record-Berald
(kfor<M^ Tklali
eg. Wia tkm wklt
Lat ika wvaaeaattMH
. A JiU
The Chicago Sunday Record-Hejald^U acknowledged by hundreds
0< thousands d readers to be the best Sunday^paper in the West It
is a clean, live paper that prints all the news and many entertaining
features besidea To-morrow's issue is full of good things for every
member of the family.
H .n aa
■ la ehar««.
Mrrlw aaA trmm
UiMo'clocli la
tW rmjk ward kaA.
Sanrkw of prayer aad pralm
Tlmiadar arawiiif at Ua koiaaa vkara
U i« ooavaalawt. AU ara aanaaUy laI to auaad aad iota ia UeM iw-
A M*ecial verrlm for Ue cAlldrra
win be Aeld at Ua Fburtawnb ureei
U B. ebaixA. Baadaj akorataid. A eerUMIB tv »lM> cbOdrea win bejiraacbed
by ike pa^r. apcrlel muelc k>
** eardlaMy
jraaag for Ckrtat at Ike earkee* i
kit aeaieai aad Wad dm Idiwt
Him aad 10 Ule ckoirk Get
late Ble kmm aad kgr tke ma af
Ood kelp to keep
tkeai. tkat tkajr
8MJ aavar kaaw aajtkWg ekiMkia u»
love aad eerve Qod aad w dekikt te
wmkip ia Ule eaactaaiy.
But ckUdiea aad yoaag people kare
mumaaiWiltlee aa wen aa petm
Ikty akoald k>te aad ekey tkeir par*
eaia. reremw aad leml mir alA
eip aad aertee to fdeaea tkaae wW
glvlag Uaee aad oarr la ttaWlag i
ap la tke fear ef Ike Lord. *
iwU lor tka
pavlagar Oaaa
troas Vtaat
street to Mate wtreei. aad Ruia atiwat
aecrwad latar^ oh aU wngHld laataUtka aaaM to ba paM aa or kalosa tka SOck day of Jaae. IMT.
aiy Trwaaan
Orsea. vooai M Sutw M Bldg. .
aaa I to •• tHcdaalva,
Natka la AU
sx roll lor
Tka special ai
tka paviag of Case street ax.irtroHitka
south Uae of Rute streat to tke aortk
end of Casa straet bridge U aow
kaads for the enllactloa of tka i
wUk Itka a
lasUUasaat togatkar with
latataat OH aU aakaid
the same to ha paid da or kafora tka
Ikeir creator ta ike
daya of tkeir yoolk.x
aiaui aaADiava.
Ueui. V. lb;
xxx. 14; Brov
i 7 15 U
x\. l?i xxH. a; iAX't
xll. 1; l.uke xUlL 1M7; Kpk. vl. 14.'
me apacuu
wraat froHl atraat from
of Ualon atraat to ike
d. to aow in
want Baa ot 1
of tka tklrd
iaauUmaat togatkar wtU tka i
lalatwst oa aU aapHld tai
Ike same to ha paid oa pr
Ike doth of June. lEOT.
Offlee. room Utt 8Uta Bank Bldg
June 1 to EO laclualvH
June 1 to 30 tnduaive
Tkeie wlU ie preackiac eed
Alt the Ftltk ward kail loinoivw mom
aoo. 119. k: Twelfth street. Oil. phone
may 21
lag. tka IUty. Bdwta Aper oC hlaaUiee.
•mag ikw pttlpU.
CKriom Ctideever la
The Magic No, A
Thw Rev Uavld McAUleter ot IVHow akoQl i'krtetlau
lerwkuig. will proeck at tke Preibyur- j
for Oeo. H. Parris, of Cedar Grove.
* tomorrow
» cktuck
monili.* ,^1 u I'tautl.ii KwtMT«r UK»»lul- Me., acconllug to a k>tter which reads:
Prwinc M«nk^ w'll Al»o »k-4.«U »i M. 1b iA( \V«B>*jr«n cteivk ol l^i>- "After etorarlng much wHk Hvar aad
thr churrk tia \V«4BaB4ar
! loo tt B aorM.T which ri|Btor Ctak hs- kidney trouble, and hecoxalng gnuUly
- You can Eat Ruga asade froHi Old
^..rvbod, bcU-.....I BUWd ». w« dulo. . «o«1 ««V. dlscoursgt^ by the faUuic lo End re Carpd-ts in^ke "oidtoAiT*- way moat
lief. I tried nectiic RlUeni. and as a
________________ ____
I »«v«ir •»«»« «'* JBBokooo J
tcHlay.. Tke
Th. .COM of Ih* BBtth IB ao« hoUCT. BOCl.1, to fOOBd Boout the hol.l to.
Wa^ Me ikem oat of Ika •Nwdtaary.n) h> h* Bhou foOJ-Bt* mlto* thhh ph».v*«-of l-Bri.tob»l, Ur bob* bMUo
Guaranteed hast
UiuitoWtnrr Bt the looBt r4«» torul JoU ootolAr of Ilw aoUu vtif 9t remv^y for stomach. lUerj^^ Mdaky
This is la
Presbyteftao church.
Ur. KieUker U pastor
CHRISTiAN ENDEAVOR. ' doiled by Utss Juki
Bad <d«B^ .arrouBdlBAB to whatV
WltUAM E. CUBT18. the famous cor- MR. DOOICY, the great humorist
and a remarkahly
PrRy.r MeeLet Tspis Fer lbs Week rletj It Is. ivbsiatiiAg vf two Syrlaaa.
to HMtke^aSlppaiB^^ a*. Our
offersa whole page of his inimiuble
tespondentknd traveler, contributes
Raginn.ng Jon# t.
uSklet telle why. May wa wmll It.
three Ualians. out Hpaalard sad
an interesting article.
Ub iu:r. a n fovt e
Notice te #
fun and philosophy.
her of dauAskaus sad Bark
‘Ut lax I
The special
NjojUf -H«3b» Ui kelp thus* Wha sr«
Joal.s*r .tukii ourAT.vr* M*U. XtUi l-A
tka paving ol sdutk Itnlon 'str
Eufllshwomsii I heard of su
l Iho SAKUh end of eoolh I
" 1hr sttiiudf if tliv dUriidew of cau aocleiv at rulehrw. hut dU aot get
eluding the feature by Mme. Qui
of 12th
edited by a large sUff of experts,
I hrtM toward t hlldrcu iu Ihelr rde- imrtlcoUirm. Heverwl other societies are
street. Is now In my hands fur the col
Vive. IS full of bright, fresh hints on
li .11 u, Cbilsi wsa ihiti Ilr AUould no: projected. I»r. Kraacl. K Clerk. Dt lection of the second Installmen
fashions and other live subjects for
Iw AllsimlNrd t*.v Ibt-iu. It aiu»i llK*rw- ShTiblax Ills may la the t aual Heat.
athletic news of the world.
fore bate •rrai.Hi like the lit.u.v of fate
unpaid Inst allmenu.
when lo ihvit dls< umiU.u ul greatoeAM THEFT OF A RABBLE PAOOOA. ^d on or U-for| the I
In the klugiluui uf iieavru Ibr Vlasier
Ralph 8 Hastings
includinp the cable service of the
ahuuUt bav*> plarvAl u little rhlUl In
Palmer Cox's famous "Brownies"
City TTt^as
tbelr inldwt and haw -kl. Kxcdfpi .wel Kerwa’e Natieeal
New York Herald and World, a
and the "Little Nemo" pictures, in
OfEce. room 303 SUte Bank Bldg.
le iuuvrried and*be«^iaie as little ihllA theft iXMu^ahle alone to the eteaP June 1 to 30.Inclusive.
colors, make the little folks laugh.
drou >e ahail not cuU-r the Uuxdoui
, Ing of the Waeblngtoa ol?ellfk
1 br.\ had Uiouxlii « blUtrvii Ike capiul or ef Neleoo'e column
unworthy vf HU uoike He Or, uita. London has reLwnlly been committed
tbu; uuUsa tbi-y u-kvuie like . hlidr,.u by s Japanese nobleman la Seoul, ac
Notice to All Persons
Tbe tiiM
wABl ioa ia
ihcA i B.iild uui cuter. uiu« U It as ia*' cording to a .Nagasaki cornfiiKmdenl
The spivaal ussmisuACUl mil fur the
giv’a^. in the kluphiui rhiiAi a i'.-l.uk.- of the New York Posl. This liuUUinan
of Ibr dtedlples when they aliempled haa eplrited sway from Ike Kurvsu
to keep ihlldreu rr».m Him aud IIU capital one of the most audieni and
uae of s vhlW as su obje- i lesson a.u iarTedef iho nsilon’s aiH'eslral shrines,
tlon of.tbi
what a rbrUUan shA.olU l» should tke beautiful white marble pagoda ef mc^nt together with tke accrue*! Interest on all unpaKT tnstallmimU. tke
xlRHply Impress u« that we should AeeW . P’ong-duk.
, ., ^
on or before the 30ih
the proper sttliude n.wurd children. | Thls exquislXe.emhodUuenlufoWRoaud ibU U*«erislnl.Mii>e«f h.-lpfuiuesK rcan arvhltociure was Ideally slluat- day of June. 190T
Ralph a. Hasilngm.
y\e hhr.uld ever strive b* l*r « lielp|ed lu s suburb of Seoul where for
City Treasurer.
rather than a blodrauoe to thoiro w>. nearly 1.000 yeara It has been admired
8Utc Bank Bldg
Office, room1 2A2 8Utd
are vouuger tbau ounK-he-. ami « Ai*e
alghlet«creia and cltlsena as the
June I to ) inclusive
.Ully io the UcvasudgUlK with who... moet eudurlng monument of Koreae
B.ur Ihes iomu- in .a.hu. t s^ p.n. uts, | anclenl splendor. Since the recent MChTtottoo KBdoBVor. «;U p. W.
iea* heni oi Kudeavoi w oilers
, eumpUon of her prulectorsle over Ro^
. l;W p. m.. pvorv smad
n Ud- iauH.t iau e of belf.luK the young * tea. Japan haa wllneeaed tke irowtk
I. th, I. toOHroiicd by s uuuita-r <*f %erkiu« of a del
Netica to AU Persons InUrested.
i««k Urirai Aid socloty
dtto Mirlo* Wr
The special asanasmeul lax roU for
r test W« analresMoiis
the pavnng of 8UU? street from thu
7: 30 p m.ravery am ■fcgui hOhto, tooood Bhd foorth Wof. ihe\ are moat easily lufloem-eJ for lency
Vlecouut Tanaka,
OBdR^B IB Ub a»Bth Bt I: JR p. »
east Hue of Cass street to the west
w»*i k of miMiih C. W B .M. tut*» U
dlapatchPrayer meeilag Thursday efealai
line of Railroad avenue, to now la my
'Ihuruday. 7 SO p m.. ualon midtbe AtBge of foruiati«*n. iuhI a wonl or sd on a epei'lal mleeloo to re|i
t 7:30. Seats free. .
hands for tke collealnn of tka 3rd a09-2i0 state Baak BalUlaf.
AU are welcome to aU Ua miom on a. t u>«Y tl<N-F.Jv iiupresA iheui. rv.-u the emperor at tke marriage car
s-BOB, .Chao.
eXd-it au luflucu.v UIH.U them for life Of the Korean crown prlncv. U
Whah wav shall our aci. luBueoc-e that while at Ike court la
Feurtssnth Etreet M. C. Church.
them, upward or down ward! <2» Chll TlaoiMiBt ejtpreBoBd B d«Mre (hat
The Rev. R. H. PleiulUK. pastor.
dreu are naturally religloualy »u
You wiU need
Class aieeliOK.
». w
dined That tbev liiberit sinful «lis
Bubday bckool aud
PrtOA'hlag setAlce. 10:30 a. B.
posUiousAWimoi l*e rtr uk-d. I^ei the .k pan. hot the emperor pf Korea ream
>> A»cNirdtit iBvltatUm to all tk«-«h i
Rev Bemas t^ochila. pastor.
•Hunrta) RK'htH.l at 12 ni; Solomon casiou arUf mim! It U wonderful how lotely held out against Ike piwpoeaL
< hun k pkoae No. UM.
BusL'UiiT. suiH iiuli-ndeui
* ^ TitviL
uatursllv thev will dei-rlve end utter A- few weeks later Ckf pagoda vanOur chuixh t« a home for worakip
Rpworth Icairue at f:.”*© pm.
have ao church
Ob floor with BwUmr Oolhr
' toitiieatsof Jsiy.
KveiUng seruum. 7.30 p. m.
you are eara» to Traverse
■ BRnatRL
rkwreh of Ike ImwacuUio CNmnp •sUy luvlled lo come, get acGualu
,brlr f.l.h IB ..od ,ud <
Pr:^er lueelmg. Thursday evtulug
Older thoiii of tha
liim-Toruor WvUluo aud «Acuud mU work and worublp wiLt ua.
Urw .maM, i. high uulrw. lii ;io.. vs» veloome to all. Introduce your fiieada. at 7:30.
por« aad kraedlctluu, 7;so p tu.
Ireet the straagers. U a suaager. wait
l*e allowed to dilff away frt»m them. Occupying aboat eight dtya AS fM
HI. FraacU 'Ckurck-X’swnA r Tsatk tnd tneel the pastor.
for It I. ..n<u-u-h . <ll««uu uuner «o M
nod fumiab^ on abort noaud Oawi blrwal Huuday—Ia.w tuaaw
Kpecial services aaaoaaoed ta Ua
at 7: SO a n : blgk ma«« and
tioe. We are the only
rAutch brak'**ea
Captala and «ln tb«u h». k l». Th.. .hlldmi of to
at 10 SO a at ; %eajM*ra and U-ihmIu - '.^eguUr ser» -as as follows*
pabUc meet d«r Mill he the men «ud BOiueii of to
tum at 7 SO |) nt Wui L du>h H. t
mom..:. BDd the .»«. .ud hurden. of
Id 30 a IB., moralag worship aad lags every ulgkt excepl lload^.
in .your ofdera. Our casic^M at 7:30 u ni.
Uie world «iU re«t ui>oo them Who
paMtyifi 2.500 loavca daily.
bad goae oMo ka sat up ta
.t« the tomler. lu bh.lii*.. lo .Ut«
- ^
Wk tall ue ciY'am hy
12 m . SuDdsT school. M preveated.
.udlB.hwvhtodB..^ Thooe who hot .
frifada Chunth.
- O.P. CARVER 4 saa
lome dmnasaat. TgUoa for you.
few voar. »go (hour woBdetfuUy lew
BBtloB • protBrtor*^ M
quart or galloii. Gel bur
r<in»Pr Oak and V'iliU • iwdlaT
Rwoole s Seclkty
the.T Been.) were hoy. aud »trK with Tbs facto art that
11m Hrv.* VYaaWllu tiv
of Korea lefussd to acgatoaca 1^ M
th. luMti
frlToloo. BBd BoinetlBieo slinast drlv- proposal to prasent tka P’Hag-dok pa
Mtwtlng for iwurahlp Halibatti morn meeting asd evaugelUtlc eervlo
• p.
radI hot aalvatlOH i
parents. tea<kem and frtoods to de- goda to Vtsconnt Tana^ tkat fagOf
|ng. lu:M a. m
Choir under dltwcUon of Dr. Bmltk.
8ua4ay achoed IS oelook
•pair. But deal not too harshly with man got sums Korean aftclal ta ghrt
Thurvday. 7:S0 p. m-, prayar and
Ike perverse bp.v and tke frlvotoas gtri a tormal permtoatoa for tkt lamovat
Jualor r. E .d.SOp, lu
rontereace mee
In s few years, years that will seam
fYiday. 7 CO D
Btwior, C.
p. ut
UUkr-Day kalnU (Re-organized).
like dsya the burdens of Ufe may da- aadartlngs of the JapapeM aaikgrlA cordial lavluUoa to attoad aU
Ooapal mealVag. 7:Sd P u»
Regular avnicew are held at their ralop that boy Into ike most sUlwart ttoa. okvtooaJy roold kavf ao autkoiHy
•anrloes aad ika raayag
Prayer neellag Thursday 7:30 p in
mankoud. and a driep sorrow may touch to part with tks property of tka aa
chapet IW5. Randolph Vireet.
Prearhlng oa ttahbaih luorulug aad
the heart of that gUi which wUl In- tkm. y St U to rsportad ikfit ch ao mors
i^v•nlnI- AU are cordially luvucd aad
sianUy change her Into • woman of
Coiaer Ninth aud Wadswuith.
mt'lromod to i»nr aortlCA**
strength sod of htoaalng
r C Gihsoa. pastor.
10:10. Sunday achooJ.
Rot how may we uim our infioeiKa
HuutUy •eiMct's
Tks Koiwaaa are lateaaaly !
11:4.5, prayer service.
tor good toward those who are young
aad certala patriots k|YS awH
Class meeting. 10 00 a. m
7:30 p m .Veacklng
I have a number of good
' Tke UCT. George R. UK'kbarl, paa
tabs tke Ufa of tks traitor who a
INvwrhlnji. 10:30 a. la.
Eroeat Shipnaa
faurnu. aU the way from 40 to
away Koraa’s Ubaittoa to Japan
’“SioSf 04 oTSec. SOI Wllhcliu block
aciea. for ule. or If you
OltM phohO. l« <MU»cb».
Jualor Y. P, A . 3:30 TV m- .
Friday evepliig-~7:S0. Zlon s Reltglo^
MuraUig acrvlcp. IV .30 a. ta.
U to usually Cve. CkUdiwu tove to he
m^Uor Y. r. A, «:30 p-lu.
have any good property. I wUl ROSELLE KNgTT
pUHtry society
Huad^aebool. It.
loved, aud they cau aiqusttou uue af- ea at a gsme of foelkaU
PuYachlng. T:3V u. B
A welcome is extended to all.
Haraoa Blkle dam, II
asdsRWMiste ptapm' *dv
frtton and re^i^tojt. J^We M oast asks Ike Uermld of Htratlofd-oa Zake it in exchange and make
Mid week prayer weeilng Thursday
H Y. P V., « p. ».
Avon. J. *. Vincent the author of s you easy term*. 1 can tell you
Uttar S7
Kyeulag eervlce, 7.
In the Famous Criteria'.
7:30 p.WL
wWt^r book OB Bcrkaklre highways and byvkiklr«m.
BiWt* idudy, praypr aad pralae aak
a good farm for let* money
You are oordlally Invited to attend
(N. Y.) Suoceis,
waya found at .North Moreton la tki
^irr. Thursday PYeuluf at 7:10,
all of these services
Jualon uakm. Saturday, t;30 p. la.
KHtolsr tksee a>i entry of a mv4m than you can buy it of any
Buys’ juBlur Msclal vluU, Taasdaya
doae by uae Noald Ouator/' eaya tks body else. 1
Daamaaa Cannot ka Curwd
have farms
HenM. "Oald Ountog,-M aetnm. was
First M. C. Churek.
AU are cordially lavited lo tkmacx
a football ptoyer. or. at any rsto. his whicb are located from loui
Joseph Duuoa. pastor.
asHs wees ptoyersi for tpey and aocas to 80 miles from Traverse
Uurmlag aenrloe, 10:M.
fkUowe named Or««ortos “EMI together
Kuadny school. Boua.
IR tke years teaiwi st-tootkaa OoiE City. bU good Improved land
7 :30. kioa’a RaUglo^UteraiT aocIHy,
lOpwortk League. € p. m.
OHHtor drew kto dagfsr and licolto
If yoB bam goed ls«U farm*
Chapel leeated at SOS Randolph.
Kvealng evangeUsile smrtrlce. T.
hHMk tketr baa«^ ^ they dtod kaoCk
Tke iMiklle U weloomak
Prayer moellng, Thursday et>»alag.
toNklH a furtalgki fftor.” Havags oM
T%^ was bad ktoedi ei
SptoSidfywioiivM aM dMHd.
hgR oven tkoa. Tbta murder
A oordtel •oteoM ta oU.
of The Recofd HemJd is the only real magazine imued by a Chicago pagge^ It
contains the work of the best writers and artiatt in the country, an-d is itself
WOTth twice the cost of the whole paper.
Look out for FutreUe s new detecUve story. •'The Silver Box." to-moi^
row. Sherlock Holmes can’t beat it. "The Strenuous Ufe of a Counterfeiter ; is
true-and stranger than fiction. Also read "Forbes and the Hoodoo," a thriUIng Ule of love and heroism on the great lakea
Lou of other good things, both lor womgn and men. including a cover,
picture in colors-^ artistic gem.
Secrets of Rug
SkHM M Bei; GnI iHg
Petoskey Rug Mfg
II Carpet Co., Ltd.
The Time to $et a Hei Is
when a Hen WasU ti ^'n 1
The Chif^go Sunday Record-Herald
Firing Tu
lohn i. Santo
General InniraHct
Bread. Buns
and Cakes
Trimble Bakery.
Dr. W. J. Higgina
Porcelain Work
sir'Br,^v . _
Trimble s Bakery
Tin Tttsumicf
Grand Opera House
MoadsF Nlaht
Farms_for Sale June 10
Tuee^y^T:3• p
onttgga vnytt
aanUmia oh east and trail iMM ul
itofi|to'«asf^ tkae, to IM. a
MonlRR aanrlo„ 1»:M a. ■
• OSoe SOT Slata Bank Buildiiig
Thifd Floor
MO Wmhiagtee4.^pti |Som 1T4
rr^-^;:^.■■■:•^■^■'^ •••--; u.vH' -S ,.■■■': .
, ^ ^ .p-f V-^
^:The:; evening"-recordI:^^
- V,;-.
wiun <>vn,«AVh/ on m
to MEhp mun
; yy
ry--- J- y;, r■■■•■’*■'''•. .;.■'‘'
xajpit WmfT Jttm»^*isf«mi
IJfcRt M.4hr> *^H«X W.a iw. Ifcc ufc. »«*»<< Vi
•!>»«>» Wc ««
ad «<«< «rttohr4 lUVSiM dr;
cratr toe .emrthn^ that bad m it
Ok ddtf m pm to wkb «j> Mwed
The death to to7ancle. fcAmed cto««b k> that of hia^toi
Ptdm had kk Trevr^ the bead to oior to the eeo ptS^rkd
he hcUi
in cidra«l»
(««£. .
po» kr
hrU Kkk«
vekiag. ur««i^
rtr«»U «
aaroMb and
««1 mUrr
fto, >«». ir< fn», *»d r*AV itPb tt kpcii u^tk. hitt nr rr>*1^1
tuadr hmi
tk:. bro^ vmd>. be «im Amn au«. tbe
»dnd Avenur. k
» freat «ton> Kupk k»cm hui
pu4 tn woimg
tb*re*-^llV ff*» C^|fum 1
T"IbAi u C«rJ 1 rev or." he ouW ato
'Whf of UJttUC
V<»«r toitfnl ts
0iv avd%'»^n»
to be to ibt: irmy. and then rcsiguid an
I ton somg t/< drkr »%
«i»%cUisiiU« -d mj aium» r to tv the bs^d of ihc U»U> "
•me «ah»^e
k % vrt> ^>d ol >.4j u^ 1
I'cofAt or^d to hutu a;vd M.inc ,tc,.pcd *r>d vH«.4 hatoh mul.
<mr bar to €xpUm/he^t^t
I kne^ b-i% rJoaUe yoeir tm>t
fhi. to.tad toooKkfed yotuitf m-u in ^ bt*A
Terkr car
k, urr
Tso^t V drru 40 tlu: ftirb, juvd
vp(4r U» kuu. and he smiled
-All, Catoto*
Trtvnr. t ••ined v. *te*1*41 ktod M man, >nbx J
: tor K< km-ie boa urcai - catch he »a»- I he |Dcn »n toe
mtk\ bar «a^i W. and 1 «ai fi^avrd
,.rtc Vto. .re > Jub »«tokv«k hu icd -l-tu him
:v*h.' Utiru ^wcr^. -««
N>no*^ Jell'S
But I hue tbt 10*11 in * ciximd '
"So do 1." Tmor nuoued. “Bui >ia kno* wt ikoold t»-
^'CamforL*' uid Helen
Why. it mtiuld hr so uncomtortabk
tu be-lunthuu but an Aiacricau. Buu Carl. | hav^ oken ibub
dered any. alter serving in Caba,*»>u did not go i<» the riiiii|>
***^tbuij I viviuhi. if I ticK Jack;Kad wa aderd me not t«'‘
-IVi'r \’nclc .lack.* Hekn ^.tid fcvherlv.
*Acm." Ircvt.r auvnered. *and I Aait see to'n he held up
uiuk-T the vvetghi of all hi> resi-ms.lMlitors “V*iur rcspnnvibiljties tarn."
• \o, ntn yet
I am g.*miL to take a 1 nm»;ht -and thc«-—“
"Ptmv Carl." the girl cried. *%»n yH>4>V .-nv^ viai’’
-They dem't know
ftta to lum tu >oiu>t Jt Y»u havci t H ki
-t>h. mine -mmc, why—"
of Fortune
.She hv kcti at him. and scciitg some
-Ihai depends." v.ud the «irr
you mutto'i questioa
Otr tOk» ck>srly. A wrunan never will ull certain dungs
•■()b, I kiu.u;* Curl retort, a
M shetod think
did k^w
And vou muv: tell me ahrmt
>«mr affairs- afiei dinner; for vou nm-»t break ctiTy mgaj{etneia
y.m have. amk*Anc nilh tuc
rerkms'*—lo the coachman—
for thu evening it will he my home,* ! rrvor^^ ‘ de
•ptr cvcr> engagenwat yoti have or I have/ at which X!iv%
Itok-n Ihurstici caught herself Mushing, and began m ulh
r„i'trt-Tapidl> about the parade of
avenue at this point was tbronaed. and the girl
vrrv white
‘’Stivp. Perkhu*- she cried.
grew vd.
Pcrkim stupped. and she .was out .i;i 1
OK tin !«ix v.Hild reach her. T'len Carl. wlv. haM liern ten. much
.4b*..r)wi! in hU ctimrunioi, to nntu*e any tuher obiecl. saw tti;.- a
vg .Mian had been uin down, and that d*c was U-ing earned t*» i c
r.nnfi her in here—carctollv.’ Helen, who hml pushed lur
Wa.v thruugl). was crying
lbr:i ■f.rcvor was by hc^ side.
‘'Ves. ukc her in to M s%
IburvtooV’ he <*rJtre<l
I hank vt u. Cml
Help them."- Helen said
TerVim. i.rt
Hi Ibmon.L and then iv kamoid. and, if he » tun in. Hr.
ud ha
lice >a:geiMi arnveti, 1h f« 111 d a l-did *dd
# from ap.rtiurnt .11 Mr> n»ui»ton‘v
l-4 * nt.iul Icjo.d ;d-.ut liiT
rgv.in Saul
will take her.
Misk Ihuision’
•No. sh.i' is to rrmum here.* Helen said, dtc uledly. *1 know
•\es.***l w-ill.sa> 1 think u is." the voung surgeon confessed,
mkmg thi.s voung'todv t!tc im>st beautiful in tlic world
Tbt dmiHr wa-latf .-n *Mrs rhiust..ir* th.it iniihi
U l.eii. at
;ht oVl't^k. Car! rclurmil tropi h-> hot. I. it wav still w.*miiv.
J. in tVt. hr and Mrs I hursiou utnt in ' v thcjiiMrK.s
.u evil kr..iw such .01 irtipulsue girl‘" tha» l.uU 1cnu1k.1l
die iv .ilwass taking uoiibK -n her m If
She lias Hr llenton,
:eon m New York. thne. .md a iiuriie. and aJI over a
r. t km.VC a word .'-b-ul "
M nuke an a.ltiurabK oftictl." he aiowered
ir he.id in an enicrcrnev .'*
that its 4 good he.nd tliai wi/l put a woman
stretls imo one s U>t chamber.’ Mrs Ihuts
n^len ,Miteniig. overheard
Am t varc. ■ -dif i
•'I feel
wukid wickeiP
I never V
eh iKOcitv
SIu has Wn
•.udei iiig for ih<- lu
‘varies of hie. and she is no; .m imp<.stoi
llicre was live cem
tn her p«Kket-book . and that, she snvs, is
all sbe ha5--an old wonuin. born a ladv. left all alone,
ivecir.i ,0 be inrncd out; she told
*\’mI von hilicvcd hiri, of ( rnirse." Mtb Thur
'■ ■'Iv’
-your rcsjKinMbili
t ic %—V'imsself.
on ssel I—tt iiiKht-t-^nnt lo im.rrow
Jik of the tlmu
•.aiids d.-prmiem
m-the UuHuandv and
.\lier Itnncr Carl was alom with her. and hr said. "1 wiU
lughi. Helen -to nipKt—not after a forinqjhl "
rl crossed Uv him
‘I cr uM bne vou b.r that.*' .
And he saul. -I b.y vou. Hrlci. for all of namirv."
l.-Aiii at iiiiu. an.l then turned as if to <un; but he caught
•I ..! .ill of Ikimers. • he repeated
• riiv re IS no lYs.ivc s -imw.* ‘lie ,.od softiv
-Oil. let me go "
•1 m-vvr will, de.tr.• llu man an‘W*'red
TU h oighi he wr..u IhitioM .h.it he jnii‘* with.lraw his premise
. iKiiii voting hi‘ shaieviti the- fn.iti‘tnal uniiMn
itiMic ‘h.nibi
dioubi .see hnii
When Uv lu.l mushed lu Aalked to a window ami kKdi-ii
ni nut
uv. lli>w tmuh was thete-litV. ...d life was Work.
S death
l-..r ;he. u.i\iot| new iesiR..is|hil,ties for e
tesiH.nsihihties; for hinisel
himself an endic-s vista
. for ..HOIS,
d the famify.
f he m \t morning he entered Hatton s office
The gre
r-.se to meet him. "Ain I ha.l your note
\.»ii want to kn'*w
more alMiul i;
Well, yon shall—evervTliiiig
But >ou arc making.
Vours. If mor> trouble th.in youi uncle ever gave himself "
. "Oh. 1 know -1 know -it‘s nc4 mvessarv for my iiiieresl-hut i w.u:t to pu! my brain to bear r»n the things iheiiisclvcs.
iHc.mse tlu) mean s.I many other iiUcresis ^s.. much."
The older in.au lt».*ked al*> him out of w.irl.l we.ary ryes
wi‘h vou wepe a s.*n .«f mine.
1 don’t kimw whether you are
r.gl'i or wr..ng
I am tired -aul, hut-at vnur age I wn.s like vou.
.\i mine. >.m nv. will Iv lirrd out
V.4 I ant glad you have
cli.^‘iii as-y.‘U have ’
l-'..r it lus Uen wnitcn ihai for king or rich nun who is a true
•ItjvJutcl^ iiei--. Hi jwsc your
ina ge
• 1 in.iw, %it, I kiu.w , but 1 .mt Ti m»oi»sIM«
1 «ni going at It .Wn 1 a fotintght
. ••'nut IS voiif tmcU*‘ nk4.b«''‘ Casitaiu d re
hr Vm no was "
rbc,gre.l ban
•TU lepri om, J1 the I'omh
ht a btokkn siud.v 10. ibi nvnmul
’ '
^ A'es; IhU m.ni icpioenied a l-ove
Ilk, aspired
Und die lomlmiaiion of trading miriest
1.1 ^iic and to U.M III the hoik V of one migl.lv K.ml tin
uVmg and unmaking
inildic opiimm* shaping ilw
■ «boU wdild. nuking
uldmmi itl «.• tt.s ..wn tndk
And as
iv.Ihv of gc vtiitMuins. kul«lmiiK
101 Call, In. nmrevi U\ wHh tlul iMiwcr
\t.lvMmtv se
W.SS at ilu tiMinng of thi wa>.>. tike his nation. In he neb wa>
-to Ir .|H-i|ib \ssl. to W ftec' an end volnc few ot iht: modcial.lv
Will to A. and lb. nmucumUiet! nch nuv teach-was to Ik
hahlc to an abiisv of ftenkMU. t«> lie is.wrtfnl was to be a suli/nl
lu -llu Siuaiv he saw the pavsiiig ihiotw
‘Tlic) rnv> hk, I
I .brn't r
Urn what of qur
n 10 thtuk
iWl li .VC
awav dtoe
tlii atiihciah
.neef iiov
He p.iU‘ed for a mtiiiKr.i.
>1 >57Mhc l uvors-diis h.iuse
Its shut
ImAuig at lb
i.red from vl
lihlUd bun ill souiiLvv4>. Hi> atunmeni at the !ioU-l
*«:fo*i:.bb ^ \ml ibcu be hcaid a voice, and, lurumg.
lu *,;w .
• She was 1.0.
1. bok ai'uiU'i afl the wemen he had known, and
sh.r br.mgh; lea
UiylaHKl and h« cailici ry.nith.
Helen»" he-van!
I c,.nd.l no:/,
speaking to
Carl." .he said
MJ^cs vtHJ again
• 1 will take you alinii the luik
were whirling .m. and she never
1; arfd presenllv they
d filler to him than
11 s all ovei
the tuiKral and all that—1 am winderIt." he said
"The world ts wondermg hWu\ >ou. Carl
Ic couain' W lu't have vou been dmig all ilicsc
She was ;. far.remi.vcd 1
1 near oough for thehr^4 Cl lUc familv to feel 1: |irmnss,].;r TO •VoUki.i" her
rcmemUrcrl that he never had liked h.i;t v'ert. the.nun she wav
engaged to
HER HUSBAND’S WEAKNESS-By Myra Williams Ji^i-rell
‘WDl KS turned her lu..il ..wav from i
Ivic n she
rviiif. ihat her icaii might ti-.i lall uis.n n 'It was
luiicr. w.vKhng down i>..uf. Hm oidv a famt. tk
V which came 4rom eyes fremi whnh the luster
long since, liad faded
notclrd her bus
rcbk smile on hi* face, “don't taki
vluir with a led
Tt*uv thcHl«h w«I vs at Marvm*. You know.
that 1
ail c,\gft incmor ta hi* voke-vok-e^-‘‘ihai
i»q*’-wiih ai
weM really needed the nuwicy f.u f.vmH"
lone It il we
syefed vltvarjly.
--------wilh yvm.
you, Pa.*
ra. die
• TatU’t no Use aigvmg with
, and S4W Slum
••Vauae if vm'i liad some nK»re money to i
i thiHighl me or the
chiMren w..uUlI like, vou'd
Ihm' pretty at
did.A have iw *h<xs iJsir *UH.kmg» to^our
«ti it
Prrscully . 4he Uao.n ffw d to a crisp and the egft UJuling
;l.oKtt) again at her hu-sliatul. With hit rou
Bslv red hair, he lockrrd
Ins ruddy akin, and hi*
• a ch,M.
as If he w
vilgly ich
i, a. if h* V
ver about the weak
the weight .if lu t disai
c in the woman; and gomg
All the iiistnvi of 11
umWcr.aud said chcerfulU
over. »he laul-n kind hand
-NevcT mind. Pa. it U * handsome water service, and will k-Jv
real nkr
narUc topi*cd table *t mother give us wheu wv
abaurdly like
vhito ammg tlu-r, .
He btighuticd up hunKdiaieJy. “I knets 't you’d like.it, Mandy.
• hen Vou ism.'c goi over vuur lireiudure agin *wh ihiURs *’
She sighed •SghUy. and began diahiug up the *upper. ^aU
the chiklrvo, Pa." .he aaid.
Soon they cam troopMii to, a
heahhv, hapnv broo«! of five, all under twelve, with scarcely a
Me ganueik between ihwa «n4 what they had all palcted aud
lather to tha from room 1
•fivwr water pUtAtr with
^«»nginf aBvw
After IL^wvrk wa» tem and the children to bed. Mra. Sandrra aal down hy tha kilciiaii toUt with a Imp of littla ctothac
tben I II givc'the deacon that ? . .lu .
'1 s’p.isc. now.” she queried, "y.m saw the pitcher
»aw the deacon?**
• Well. ;Vt. Ma." he chinkkd: "but don’t v..u fret.
.m: all* right
The wheat cropll U good if we .Wi
muvh of a dr.'mght—and then I’ll buy you a piano/
• Now. Pa." vehcfuciitly. "don*l W sUlv . we lued all the iiKniey
we can •tt*ho)d of. ju*t to dreas and feed the ch:blren and to pay
"1 ati/tXrgoi. Mandy S^mders. if y.-u have, how k-vclv vou
uaed to play, the iiulodeon wlum yuu wa‘. a girl, and wr used to,
sii>g t.ygcthcr
X^b, believe me if all those endearing young
cb.inMs that ! ga/e on siv fomllv to dav"—
"I remember." *he put in viftly. “and 'taint a* ihough I .font
love musk. DOW. ior i do. but vt«u nm.stn't thmk of doing such a
ihina. Pa. really you musiiri "'
•iWt vim fret, Ma. just w^u trust ine. I aint never failed
yxHi yet. her 1? Hcvn i 1 been faithful
Pa.* slu assented, hut nwvlic 'twoald Ise more to the
.‘u d 'a' Uen less faithful at/mie an had had more cmi
sc. There. lhe*k I didii t tm.m to hurt vou, Ihi, but
.* when 1 think iTthem l.itU b-lkao* mine. I wish’i you’d
take better
car% of your money, and iHii be *0 indulgent "
er cart
"I'm sure ...........................
be»t I can fer all of
w.vrk hard.
please vou. and thai vou grumble that I
d. li t provide iliT
And he wem to bed in an ugly from^ of
l.mrrlv .^1 her v.
:c* and economy s
had alwav* l>een rtwa,rded by just such c
U wa* a go.^ farm, not hraviJv mortgaged: and *Ke knew it
The week* fn^wiin werej one* of depreaaioa
Everythhw detfcsreaaioa Everything
i tky renu
hhie and undouded. and
, icrer Mr*
looked at die aUver
pitcher, her *oul
: in revolt ag
a man who could apend
hU little all in t«di
to the kitdm d^ and looked off or« the boun^'
prairie t-wwrd ^westem hortooo, looking lor too
aiin. ifi
btoier than a man** hand
'iir iSii'.'Ss'i
ikiubrful the crop
so don't buy :my thing
Pv^ given .you, things we ju*t
>ut. and set IVaemi
Jjiucs ..nd a>k him .to lex the 1
run a little kmger;
hc’v so good and kind i I kn -w he
if yoa explain how
".Now don’t you fret. .M.i
1 guess 1 know how to mamage my
own inonev.’ and he drove off, leaving Mr> Sanders hi a dubious
»>aim of mind
\v evening drew on, the childfini g.vihrrc.d
K.iihrrc.d ^mn
^ihiiuI. ami thev all
in Uic diade/ f the Htlle hinisc waifing for hi
his aruval. Idle
nutev pasvect and still he did mn cime. Mr* ^Senders shaded
HKl up to sec
ward the sellhqj
bunt gradually enlarging,
-newed lmp<
he r.iad which led to town, and gavi
* wagon sk^wly, slowly crawling lo
at last," she, said lo the ch.ldreo
••iK»w PU go in aiT see alviut supiwT.
Id a few minutes the children callcvi
l?a; It*. Mr Bert .in’ Mr. Wilson. Ma
rhruvMi him
and that they had brought him home “Badly
of the men added; "seems
hurt' Tna’am,*;?t<nc
IT *
if hc..»fn’t goin'
Ftojm well/’
"Tenderly they lifted and carried him into the h/i«sc. and laid
him on
on the sofa m the front rtsmi, the awe-stricken children following
Dg tm tiptoe, and poshing each other to gel a hetur look at
t^ |Kor. bmp. white thing which had been Acir father.
/He opened his eyes, and looked around and *|piled feebly at
fhis family, then demanded of his neighbor*:
/ "Where’s ray package?"
One of them went oat to the wagon and relumed with m toitod.
crumtded paper hag.
Mr Sander* reached for it. and withdrew from k* .depth* a
very fiiimy, gaudy, moch-bedowered bonnet, whidi wotod have
suited a girl to sixteen, and said, a* he handed it to hi* wife:
"Here. Mandy, it* (or you; yoa allu* looked *0..putty to them
Kow dopY yop omny. Ma,
^ W eenimee wai arW tetohed. Hi* widow fell on her knees
totek the auia. wtetef
hiising his poor haiuU ju*4 a* the
llf«l7«Uhii th#to€hltoaof hb OWRlo«tllM,U«M](r
VkOs itq«M to >uA« tiM ptoia hdi« « p»di abd a kidlh;
AptKfl totbt CBOiCX OF ACARSKt.toi th«^
toto«toLC.S.CMfMi: tlmlto wHb which thtcoopoA toiT^
Oo wh«« irm wlU. 700 ted to high pototlou tott wto
hatortoMiftoalh«rMk>iototyh7ttehh^tothcl.C. tk| /
aeawltowm tortoiig hBtmd^bdcy; bmi with wtoii'
gDdchtldtoatepMdtogRpmtham; toM with bo •duMttoi,
hot the hhO^ to itod oBd wriu.
^ OowhtoByoB will, poB ted IhtotatoBtoAojuFicBaM,
tePttlatoBdwtB, lUBi«toB, £i«toMn,Cwrtn^
Their mteto toteo mmisurnaf ; esd pto te to att totefij
BBdontood once yoa kaow how lASY tte^L C ft. toitet
Work et whet you may. lire where you will, chooee whet
•ccupelloa you Uhe, the 1. ,C. S. can qualky you lor li, hy
Btoil, to your epare time it cotou oothtog to fill to, cat oto
and maU the
utotog bow You caB quality fir Um
perittoa hitat which you gurk X.
r Selling 30 Article*
A Genuine Indian Wig^vam
Tfief ehii at eight. ^
« W srs. vn'
W r«.
n©w »-tonr ;
TRUE BLUE CO., Dept. 292,-Boston. Mass.
Some- Perplexities
of Matting Calls
lIU. ..f rctuMaiiK fjll, fO
plcaiiig que.sihms m»i mfnijm inly ari‘..
bi tliu wive
A Uily. m rvtt.ruing a v-il!,
IS a. cwtiipamcd by a friend wnli wIkmh
‘he is driving and the iw-. g.. m t-.
•ether; neq .that thev both mrend^ ;•
•V4V a caU. imJy the one. .tinl t*;“
irnnKhicc* her friend.
N’..w> wi-. the
the aptocarahcc of this pcr*<m inir.d*j.<^l
should be regarded and treated as a n.,
mal call or not is a question tha; i
cathcr apt lo trouble the recijm .ii of n
Hie best inference seem* to Ik- that it
i* not a call, hut a chance ininxluctum
onlv. made as a matter of convin»«.-uce
•Another diftculty with regard t > caU
ing ix the doubt as to whrtl.cr when
relurmng a call, it 1* allowablr or eveti
isablq, to
10 b
be accomi«mcd bv a rd*
fricml who may hapjxm to I*
the Waller a dM.ri visit
On tni*
ay I’eed <
p«.jMt. however,
comp.m) the caller
:t «*i
Ihc Udv caUed upon as a
Hut in case the lady
ann..uticcd as
AS m*l
m.l at h'»ni
h-mn. ohI
up«.n is announced
c let!, the name of thi aco.m
ic cards, for. siricily sp
.. in no wise from her
A man tmi*t mn take :m..;hrr
to call upon larlics of b.s. Mit rv.
hi> friend’s acquaintance, vrithoui
asking and receivi
w n T -tig
A .vou»K K, nIIoiK... *1...
tni. ot tht i.ttvjrtjc of cllms apon »
secure for him this permission and in
tfoducc him to tire lady’s house. When
the ladv lias cAinvented to receive ‘him,
he is WH entitlerl to make his first call
ahvne. but must be acconypamed by the
man or woman who has secured for him
the pnvtlegc. But after that, he is cn
tiilcil to call ak.nc
removing to a
or departing
endure for a
year or more are call* paid lo bid fare
well l and then usually only one** near
est and most intmute friends are so
Ordinarily mte going on a
jtiumey merely leaves for,
her or hi* V
care to cohivaie. ctiqi>rtte demand* a vers prompt leavi^
aar.ls can 1»c left at long interVaU, until
•• i: c.-tm.ciit.n is dropped by common
infrequently happens that a tody
on driving to a house t-. calk finds her
iMfl Wat a retreat. tK.stjiomng the call
until another day
She will. douMtoss
iformed that her friend n at home,
U- uifoi
but IS going out driving at oocc;
c.tse. cards sWmld W left as
a if not
at home had been ihf ret*ly
To pot
off calling
On the either hand it of
ten* happens in the rountry ^ a tody
on callitqt Wilt nuxts .>ut driving the
friend towards wh.»se baa*e *hr i* go
When this is so tha tmended gall
should IK4 be paid.
Am I privileged t" call on ntjr Mtn^ .
while she is visiting in the hoiMe of one
with wh*m I have yo acgttaimaoce, or
come* to every man and woman to tone,
Vfthoot knowto4^-her bostcaa, liot the
caller mmt ask to ice. and leave a card
lor the oMatre** of the hoaac.
If acquainunce U claimed with the hooiess
a* wcU a* the vtoitar. the cafler ihotod
a*k to *e« both.
But it is tiever per
mitted to cbU upofi a visaior to fanrily
,• w
A princa, frock-*ooJd W wy hrcoount. mWml sluat
r^*vr4ir St
-”zt- n ,',TS!ffi ’t!.s."SEvirr„'
Convenient as Gas or Electricity
twk» #r iMl ap^rM^ *kovc iV W«
tVMO« *»..
I UB S (Ml « iackc. Ull. Wtf 24. mut H
■ndiM. wti«M no
M> rm «» W*»n; hiir li«ht
4 MV
%km. vrrm inth un of
i> a*l(.r au^ W Ao*€»
« ,SS... W»«» «Mi Wo*. M (TMO. Md .m
V Hindu tW riwt i. UMii. >W CT.W n»(4uir
Uitrt i« rrcUh
»TV«> IMM, Mo^lt Mudnl if n u |4e«lrd eithuut betne
\ gSiSi
a^r *•
inm Ar leifMH wtth « htiU- .%hii
■ VaA ol Ac braid m diff<-rcin erulA*. wrattna
Utter. ho«w. CM only W aouaicd
Will you pkiK adsite me how to make Aem'
A. I UW it. MU *iili » tHIornil .u.i (or i t«Kf*l .cm »id a
prrn.v froA f«*r ?v€oii«. For ihr walkinff »uit »nv o< the %oft
lOiiidt voiiki Wmf v<*r AiuWf 4ffure. «nplu>^ »
lutki aeifte
or ot>c of
ol the unan »ervi
kcrvkeaUc nwiJuir^.
»>c Am cm*l<l>r pk»ted inlo Ar acot«s Ime
A or «itli
ol brit<4hr
Mhff with atH kddft
hiAnij^ prevajbnf duA
in Af
At doth.
cktfh. IV Ml »o.
HI. couway
couvay ttylc.
Myk. doni.--«TT^AM-houdou.«
.1 to wy Miurt and Ac Inieel mo6^ aUhouJh Ac lairlv W»c
uukc M
Itoir’ pr^Jn'w
mir to Ihr other and can
ij^ev can rtadiJy be laid
iHc DlM hat iii entirely
«vcr Ar
WHKRK u a ihani. and faw
m bat
cKtut the
tbwt ii a|itiat«f»t »<*
It to A
gests summer dmpUdiy and is ahnfcther Asirahlc
touin wiA Ac appropriate costume and at the right lime Il
lustrated arc two of the prctlicat and best bked sivir. iVt the
amsoo has to otfer, hoA of vhiA mn so easiU and readily U
made at himie that M Hd^ Vsf a half a druen without mcr
It rati be iraaiad in variooa ways In place of the liiilc ftdl|
at the umkr brhn can be one wide 00c. Airrad material, plain
material ui. nidatA abnoto anytbim tVl one Aay like. Ihe
Idain liai m Ais inslanct it maAimm linm cmWoidcicd h>
liand. this spmial form of faiyn work bring a fad of the hour,
hot it tia» tan kp trmlad A a 'humbrr ol ways It ran he cut
from any all otrar embroidery or heavy lacc #id can quite easily
and rcadilv be taken MH and cleansed
^ The paiiefii constols of § fouuAiiuii Unm end Und. whkh
art the samr for hath halt, the AM errmn and the full btun
ftw tV shirred hat, the plain crown and the plain hum fur the
plain hat
IV yarioat purtmiu of the sAtred Vt are joined
NoSmoke^ NoOansor
&ie> walk on.
like st.mmthmg tVt
too idd for the suttt tame at his bruibtr
eyes, hthi hair and
fair, with red
raAer IcngAy, hut 1 thought perhapt >mi tpoold advV me.
1H Ah* •••» <x. IH» HMW *). Ntw Y*fe
be ihtrred
cords il liked BO that
dal and 1
scfurate from"X%riII**antr?” W
M.ltlv draped nblx.41. i.hicb tennmates
y\'x giujitit.s'of nutrrbi required for the Airrcd hal u \-2
yard A iinhcs wide lor Ac cromn, 1 l-i yards of cmhroiArv
f> I 4 luvhcs eidr^lor Ac frill and i yarA of r.lAm for thr
7 H vard of all-over nutrrul. 2 >aiti% of narrou late. 2 A 4
27 inchev aide ior cither loontU-
The paticn. 5.U0 iA cut
Hkrstand ysnir pride in your thildr
> s«e Acir oHsprmgs luok as nicely
and Alt it. I know, a problem, w
„ fql and mtuher s Am b>r tewin to imuted. In tke irit
place, simple styles are always best (or children*. garmeoU.
They are smarter really than
tng of Ac rcduciKHi of lauinJ
Is ioiiud to the Wit Wheu gathered the ch
t should he made
at the centre l>adu but when inverted plan
T used it can W
made eithi r at Alt point or Wneath the plait
the left siA.
'I he giuiiiit.v of materia! required lor 1
K .V4 yanis 27 S )(«fA 44 or V inches wide
aiA 44 i r varA S2 inches
of brawl
The patten. 5622 is cut m sues lor a 24. Jiv 2S. JD. X2. 34 and
.V. mch waist measurr ...
tilher pattern will W mailed U* apv address on receipt of
toi cems by Marjufu Dane. 44 bast Tv^enty third street. \ew
•WTo MS* StUy W *ur« U> Wat* liM of satWni wssted.
The Great Usoe Ipnked rather dugrumled over hrs part
-I don’t see.** he miwrked sulKmb, “whv. when Im IT. thoK
Collie ofbeers and Horatio and the Ghost are allow id to come on
the sage before I div T V audimer wdl V w.miNig to sec
Hamlet himsrU. ami ihto wiU maV thtm impatient Id fed
lerrihly if any body
Hi* **ul walked <mi Wfore I smme Av ‘
if.. .4
ike the ivrchestra hefurr the
*'WfIl. If tVl's It. said iW lialf »
km. -m
rdKwi Vs to wait ill I CiUWC
.And, anyway,
' " '*‘^
and stand it .Amb
h*s mw Ol tnm-h a eiyiini **
wipie V can .peak a word
**1 gweaa I am. uax of arcanm. wumreo tne re
tVfr was no Ghost there would V tiq play I tbaU 1
’ Vrkint w Vi I dn fpeak. I can wramite you “
-Wdk well* Hurry akn^. 1 want to get lo m> hru hwig
tIJsi* •irr .‘c?;;*
Uyftnom aad Vtirea. and I dual like Eat «et01 at^e To V or
[ ^f
kr'mi Itm a
V. caua c™*
Wck «SS thdr uik duwu.-
\ hero u no kirt more aati«
pUm tKirtii one
nutrriaU. it
« very great advantage of being alwavs 1
to flare gracefully at the lower porti’on.s while U u
plain over the hips and alUms a choice of inverted plaits or
gathcfi at the hack \U. it can be I rimmed in a v^u tv of
wavs As Ulostrated the ma lenal i> one of the prcti) light
A all bfi
each gore Hut it
suits and the
imalel IS admirable lor U.ih. while -uch maUiuU c.( \ht hr.*,dr4l
with Krcat siiaess and with a peculiar
MiuVttlrs*, the
braid being applied owr any urcutred
there can he piped hands of the niaieri.d
»traij|hl lines, exteiidmg round, or in separate ones termoui.
<>i w»de
* ‘braid* can0 he used after any
The Marjorie Dane Catalogue .
a A of Fashiona : :
: A A-
vvoh an icirh wid<- Wn
.uid of liiNertMtii i.or 1hu xhould W
rtebi m at the top of I
«nutr l>uuh. Iini.hai
ht. the uneven edges inromed with a hub lace (nil resting
upon the pretty plump nevk The sleeves will he puff, oontiml
w ith luiidx matchi^ the ncsk. fuiiA.
fuilA For Agted .Swiss no mudrl
ixaihl kkwsks well
A hax
llld Ol tine i(ainso».k cmbfuidtry. gisiiig the effect of the yoke
liemg .1 pnmukeil cbrnnMTlie.r. TW
ITic neck
t%. finished with a biat
strapping covered with a row of (eath
iher stiuhi
Lhing and a little lace
lull The fr.Kk fallx free from Ac I Ale t»kc and a deep hem
I* the finish for even day wear. Finer roaierialt may have
!viud of the iitocrtion outlined with a gro
.uvvex arc c*inhi>ed with h..;ids »d tlie insrrtu.n. edged with At
Ttve httic 3 ycar (4d o. IS just the rijihl age fur Buster tiruw&
or Russian suits, ma
with (ull kni^ers and ^the one piece
Moiixe At the same t
not we.ii 'ail'«r m»h»
I hcxc arc very little trouble to nuke
lux! kiu-c trmixerx and 4bt Peter I hoinp>^»n bkHisc. that slips
over I*', head and hax an cI..xIk run inp. the hem at the lower
1 leant seri^, with light blue collars and cuffv truunied
with white braid would be pmn for Wst wear, the
leld t.. W
vxhite pique aii.1 the tu- xofi Uack x,!k 1 heir hatx xho
honld W
large, ilaring straw xaikux. iMiiniie<l with a xhip'x
kill, A gvssl wiiiU Muiciul for general wear ix coltoij f»(»plin
It IS duraldc. and m*l requiring <t.irch. lexsens lauiidrv !ak*r
tboye aud gl^ wml lufkHla
lu Additiowtoilielha fhahion cuta iherr are
i«ro vwlWAble lllwairAitHl ariU tow. owe pertain
making of baby i lotbra.. Xbe niwatrwtloiie wc
garmenta as wall aa the variowa parta la arooeda
orcowakrwottow. wad tbe vartoaa kinda oratlich-
HAMLET—By Sarah Noble Ives
l.cartse.isc. Wto
ling to an cxirctuc, and she did her mad
xcciic with a s
thox tVt melted the beam
Hut. lUs? for the vanuy of water spanicB*
plcasi-d with her own perioniiance tVt she
drc'wiimg scciu
sloiu on the stage.
•\ MU sec,” she xMjil -I can float off down stream and nu teaUv
k dcad^i^aH- I 11 just kx4i deadand-the audk.ue wUl simply
T idiject.*’ xa:d HandeL the Great Dane. **Ophelia would get
most of tV applause, and I m tV
aU’’ "
IV star It won’t
won\ do at aU
• Besides.” XAAid the Setter, pi
pt rxiuxixcly.
rxiusixcly. “iloo’l you »ec.
>ec, Oph
cant bring a brook onto the :tage: and if we could.
there uimld V no
u.* wa^of
way of Jeuiqg
geuiug ^off^^^LMl^^wcmld
It off. and it would v'aaa^^^^
V aa awful
nuixaiuc III ilic grave xcciu. The cast might all full in and spud
iVir costume.*’
-Well. wh> couM..-, I drou..
a ,„1>-
MArJo^^IMB*. «4 Smi Twralj.lhltd Slmx.
Tasty Dishes From Korea
Impel ul .s-.iip Heal, ill a smal
of Imt
lialf a ublespooiiAl
ter, add half a mwbum sired 4.akm, two
ourWes of lean salt pork cut mto small
square*, and two hav Kavr» Stu well
with .( wtMHhni >}>oon and hr
light eoku lor right mini
dly slirriiqi
.\dd eight
peeled an.l slued raw pciUtors
with <4u and a Vlf quarts «d
hot waterr ami
and halt a pu.t of eolJ milk
Vavi*. with .1 Ul.h-s,s-mful of salt*, one
teavpoonful of pifiper and a wltxpi*4i
ful of grated nutmeg
Lighllv mix.
Cover Ac iMii and *lk.w to gently k.il
(or fort^ five minutes .Strain throwgli
, a fine sieve into another saucepan, ami
boil <or ttv. mhmtes Add four uhU! xpooii(uk of cream and half a taldc
spcxmiul of butter Avidrd into tmall
Mix vsrll for one m.nule and
\ xuit. »ireomii.g alike, lo kuh I
id .kuxsini hlouxr
1 he kmck
L hlo
x.ai. Woux* »x arrangviT Hat o
tlders and xhowmg
k»x plcatx d«»wu the front closuig l^is IS Cut awai in a V
at the neck and ix’hnixlied
lau sailor collar of a conIX-tiinxlied with a laigc
tr.ixting or sell. m.qen..I. trnninesl with tow* of hraid TV'tic
and the KH should he black or niauh nt color The skeses
are full regulation saUor sivle. and the Aield is of while viash
abU lAalertal
W hite mohair hav much lo recommend a fo
im too expeitxur. wears like iron, and u ewtih laundered
MniKsI gjatea ix miart for colUr andiTuffi!*
cuffs. Vt anvihmg (riJk .
4»rder should not be providctl
|wro%^ctl for kn’s wear. I
or on the pretty tArdcr
Cll^L5 KHD
V lai nustakf <m that teofe Tb* uitmbcrt had stuAcd till they
were letter perfect, bad reVaracd till Ibrk gestures were krauti
UA Ami appropnaif, ki»d sow came tbe Ust mcsi.ng (dr ^Irexs re
lead aa hdluws
The drsMlil
Haulier--------- ..A
........Water Jsjtaniel
. - w.,.,...,.
HIihhI. Ilound
». •,. ,M. -.,..,,.. - r.ostoii 1 er r it r
i'Atial ................. A
------- .St Ikfuard
UenoB. ...A...
Fox Terrier
I am tired
•econd ^iW IS a hoy. year, old It he M bw Ar Amw or Butter Brown sokU*
phrase tell me wkat to gft.
bat br.twn
brown hdir «»d
»Ae %od washable^ He Vt
"«» «»» Ttic uidca i» d ymnu aad I
hwu lo luduv him \otk n»cr.
k»r I Boppom >tm can
W .!la.*l lo <Uciik »Wl M^fUl
Marjorie Dane’s Latest Patterns
r of Aree RiA mM. M
advitt me m reward lo the dreBatng of
li^ftrl and ^ has '
Uri^ W evea TVv
»4to> r
Rtnal Miilud of Serving CodfiA —
1 akc Ihr^-c slkxs of fre^
fresh codfish
ih one
inch thick each These.
be a^-*
j lowed to hr in
for akHJi three
ware ktxin place ime
ed while
ihrrt ch..p|>c<
lev roots, half
Vound slued
two clove
.ptKinfvl <
sptKNiful of alltpur. three tablcxp<x«i
fuls of vinegar, a saltxjKvmfu) of t>rt»
per and one ouart of cold x atir Mix
well and lav the h^h in u
frtun the puklmg nuxiure ami boil
skwily n, a napkin fox thirty minutes
Peel three large raw potatoes and kul
m sailed water
rn minutes
Heat ill a tmall samej
one tahleUhlexpoon
of butter, add i
VI of flour and mix well with
hly heated
Df a cup of^hK
of hot
water. Season with two sahspismfuk
of salt and one salttpouAful of cayenne
peiycr. and add the volk of a raw egg
and the inice of a QUMntf of a Mund
lemon Set the pan on one comer of
the xtove and mix with a wooden tpoon
until well thickened, bcir^ careful not
;.m»tVr saucapan. Drain the
at^ add them to the sauce
j Heat lor three minutes, gently mixing
Drtxs tV fnh on u hot
dish, cover with the sauce and sprinkle
“Uh, well have u v^mr 4.,cti ygK waw’* xaul OiihcluL /’Anx way, I shall haJc well m the bwr siCiK.
siciu. If viHi
vmi pall Varert don’t
carrv me straight. TH cone
rqtht in the huddle of the
tsiou^TiooxC twelve line. gi>ods^tdmes Carefully roll them wit
i breaking in cracker dust crumbs.
<» » *^'«ble broiler and .broil
-Well said Hamlet. **wcll. I shall V gUd when OpheV it 1
g.cKl and huru<
Vrud ' I can SCI
see that
iVt sV
lu oxxiapy
iivxianv the Vtldle
mitldk .over a brisk Are tor
sk iiucnds to
foregnmnd untU sbe: it safely unde rgruimd. After that ITl Vvt
chance •« get un
shaU V just mad enough by tVt Ptetwre %ii
U«nea, two lardines 00 ea
Grave l^c^and al
mercy if 1 dmi’t gat bote
loj a iiiiiiutc and -me with xardinet.
Delirious I km Sax 01%
I’Ucc 111 a
chopping k-wl ihree ouikex of coxvktxi,
Iran ham «ud chop fi»r ten minutes
untJ It .X MiaMrih pulp. Then add half'
u tahlrspiMNiful of gtKHl butter, two
lablrspiHUifuU of Woaextrrshire sauce,
the wh^Oe well Kge her for ffve nimmca
tmut and pLut this jm-Ic .mi a pBlc.
1‘irpare six sMuU numd picvrs of t^st.
IhxKk the . h.im prejiaratKin evenly . <Ui
the hast and set's e imnu diltrly.
l ashuMi *Kem.oc Ihi
bxx Ml a tender two am! a half pewmd
iliKkcti and then cut into twelve ewn
Heat tw«. ublr%po..<nfult of
olive oil in a large irem saucepan and
ptp|*t r and fontly cook for i,fieeii min
uux Mf unliT a nice K<»ldxn
UrQueiitlx tossmir the clmkcu incanwhik
S1k« rather ^ ly tw . medium xi/ed
sound whhe onions, two s*nind gTOttt
pTfiperx lT*Mii which the seeds have kcu
r«n.*xed, and add kuh to iV chicki-ii:
Mix well with a fork 0.1 a steady f,rr
ii*T ten minutes.
MuisUm with half a
tup o( hot water and add foui
i/ed sound, ripe, pcxlcd
pwlcd and ^ie*l
nultoes cut mio small pkxex
add one leaspeamful of tnuK ck.p|KM
parsley. Cover tV \^u and allow i..
cook for fifteen ininuus more, when g
IB ready to terve.
Ham with TVklc Saiue^-Buy a fwirpound piece of tender raw ham Re
move the skm and neativ trim all nuinfl
Heat a ^blcsjaKmfuI of lard m a viiKepan. lay in the ham and lightly brotsn
for fue minutes on each side. Lift up
the ham and tdacc m. a pktr Put m
the saucepan two ounce* of larrhug
pork cot m xqiall pieces, cmc vinall
toirod sliewd Urrot, 4MIC small sV^
onion. <«*e branch thceil celery, two
branches of chopped parsley, rme bay
leaf, two cloves and xa.e saltspionfttl of
thyme. .Allow this inixture to hrowti for
live minutes, mixing occasionally, and
add the ham Moisten whh a cup of
hoc water, and. if handy, twt) ubJr
spoonfuls of tomato juice. -Season with
half a 'traspooiiful of pepper. Cover
the pan and let boil for five minutes
TVn place in the oven 10 hake ior thirt> tixe minutes. .Strain imo another
saucepan and add six \-inqgar pickles
troely chopped, one Uhleapoonful of.
chopped capers, half a tcaskuonful of
.■L“i3si5i?2 fBfi JBr.nsi'ci;-"
£:.■£ S3 ETi feiitssn sffiE ■“ ~
Thingt pengreased.
Hamkt trat on his path ci datntotiou
«WVl ahall We have for nmakr
T’ve be«i thjfhkini.'’ said tV Setter^ That if hB tV da«B Bit
are brog anti^ dead e<^ mnp a low ^ Vwl. wttboiN
movmg romh. n would make a fittmg reqmem.*
-It would.” said iV Gf««t Dane, *aad if
Uther^ Gboat
would wa^ on and iiii ii^ il voaU V graat HU voki k ao
a. s<Mf. -^thtpiv *mm Mt
Mid Ik* CtMt tWi>Wkaa*Dr
Brown In a tmaU iinnyan half t
when 1 WIU brat axreited. years ago»
I hadn't bMo doin* a bkaacd thmg.-
Wb^leatpoonhd ol tab. half a
rntnotes. Pour over the ham and serve.
This dtih requires careful preparation
■«* ‘‘•““rs
•V*m wno’t kdl roe
**No. not you.*' said tbe Great Dune. T
lUrr htfW mu<h t^m% h*« hccn takni uMb the
drubc, itt Hmm tiMiipklc it «{ip(airti t>* it!i uwucr at
^a«•u^ the rial viariii wcathri brmK«
oi the *curmr ^ai
perhap* fw*t juat the right
: tft very ntcrgciic
\aturaU). no
rial, light ami air>,
4a) > an4 ao a
ul i»o*iscript
l»c ^elntetl h*r thi» i
the caiiduc. ni
_____ thn (kuMml. iiianuiaitureu arc puttiug on thr iiurkcl
aoiiic %MQMlcrfui i>ffctiftj(k lit incffcri><cil nutcruU, and ch.dliv*
nbith do not lUggcrt tn aii,v nay thrir panK i^ca.l couiJiu.
hiiendeil (ur Htntcr ahirt %iauu, MTapperi and hou&c drca»c»
In Uu U»r> are tiive av Uiui or ImH^c ami fully ai n^-l. ntth
lojt »ttgge*lnm of ^ilkinr^k funnriig ihri.u^h the ^iniKa
The wvktM cnmhitutiom >h..H Iw.ih ngurck ami Miipci
Very loicly u a chry *.authrinum pattern in drluatc hliir on
a qturter of an imh in kiidih, rc*p<ctivcl>.
\ frenk u here
in thu thryaawhemum pattern.
The full gored akirt u
- :i?w:
unUr than the other.
niu kamc iui»crtK*n tk u^ed t«* form
Vkhal kUgKCkla a pepluiii at the ikai>i line. To give long lnu\
to the tigure. a *'V’ khaped nedi is ukcd and thik. outhued wuh
the Val inaeriuai'and edging, van U tilled in ^ith a chemiveuc
of tuvked mull or tiatikie, though in summer 'many young kumien
dikcaid the clicmtkettek and a«k»pt the .found, iquarc or *\‘*
ad hretellck of mvrriion ^nd lave over the vhallie arefrmk
14n, fahrie van be h<»ughi for .W
Ukcd for tiiiikhing the fr
ecnik a. yard and is an excellent Mihsiiiuter for mull; which is
apt to get a hh sleaM when real dog davs come.
The other hffurc khows a cotton sUiM chalHe that i% m<
unlike a very fine nudras. with a ll4^nv, deep pink primrose
kcattcred over ttk surface
1 ht skirt is inset with lace imerturn, and Uie lace yoke at the waikl 1^ gxgca .gluiiaki
ckk^cffcct to the costume. The kaiae la^ appears in the ywc of
Alnuiki all the little wraps klv»wn fvr kummer wear suggest
-V.IJH' hues, and the kwp.no sleeve is moie piH»uUr than. ever.
Over hiigiTic frisks, snutt women are weanng both hiicn and
silk ia|ic Ktmis, and aUwe all things, the all v»vcr lave or cm*,
btimkiv jacket
: and on the luffi
Uked alinitst exilukivcly in tniiuning thrae new kum
vhallick. ak ihc tigured -mi ktrund dcsigiik. they do m»t lend
themselves well t<‘ imks. folds tu Th.umcv
\ndI in fait tl
linty than Val lacc
for either
* m •thing more
ix^l ot -lr^lcd
iinkj of
tratPug and n will t< m-cii that alim.,. imaria
and l»gme* arc vonibmrd
those shown lu the
l-nstck at W icnik. a \arvl. which ma^
make m> into the v-d
and uu>>t tiicapcnsivr cjI kunimrr llIc»se^
One lu«s a piiik
nd while gr..u
ground, another h.is hJack nogs
I mg trti a satin ktnjKd
buds tn
m the hlacl
on the same ktripod kurfacc. with tiny msebuds
\gain. i hhu blue d 'is te|daic the rmgk on the striped
kurfaic. or black rings and dots some for hiilf im.urinng foAks
‘ .. .
tic Ul delivalc coJoimg
than three uKhev
width, and Ik nude of lawn,
at the Algc and ctlgevl with
kcwcr has the gift of embroidery. it V belter to w.allop the
edge, lunsh it with buiionholc strtchrrv and just lusulc the hem
• cnibroidcr kome fine dots, fkm «k lis t»r daisy dcsigus, Iheve
tiCV arc pointed, kvjuare or round m thdr Uiush. and are used
with while turnovers on white ooiumcs. especially white Itncn
Solo Accordion FRBE
TALU kL« Uec«at »*4
raal ••rU, mmd kn««li
UuU A# t« sl**p.
Ak« sr^.« •• t
hUwa* fr^t am 1A« UaM«A»« B»aa Ja«A«L S*r «tth
HAMa aa4 wklta •■kUiAlg*
•r,. ik. kAA.af.it, r
M. k.ll-k.p.4 Mil
AU lA a. IaMM
I.. AMkl
Big Maglo
Lte I m
wmtmv tup^tY CO..
IkMiom Mam.
Printing ProM and Outfit
rUlEND aVPPLT CO.. 0*n.}«s Be»ton. Maw.
rnsifo MPPiY ca.
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